Barbados Property News Aug Sep 2016

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Altman Real Estate - Page 2

Massy Realty - Page 23

Ron Karp Realty - Page 56

Endorsed by the Barbados Estate Agents and Valuers Association Inc.


NEWS • August - September 2016 • Issue 106

Capri - Page 6

BREATHE IT ALL IN ‌ Imagine, owning an exclusive oceanfront home in Barbados with all the amenities of a luxury boutique four star resort. Welcome to Ocean Two Resort & Residences. This unique Four Diamond Luxury Condominium Resort is quietly nestled into a secluded corner on Dover Beach, but is just a stroll away from the restaurants, bars and nightly entertainment in the St. Lawrence Gap. With the resort combining exceptional personal and friendly service with chic and stylish suites, the fabulous resort services, as well as a great location, Ocean Two Resort & Residences really introduces a new way of experiencing luxury in Barbados.


LUXURY ONE BEDROOM SUITES Starting at US$400 000 LUXURY TWO BEDROOM SUITES Starting at US$600 000 PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB Starting at US$13,000 for one week

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Editor’s Comments I hope everyone had a fun and safe Crop Over! Once again our island was alive with colour, music and partying. Tourists are here in their droves to enjoy all that we have to offer. I am confident many of them will fall in love with Barbados and not only be back, but decide to have a property here. There are loads to choose from in the BPN August September issue – also on line at! On a serious note, remember, it’s Hurricane Season time. We may not have seen much activity yet but it doesn’t take long to suddenly have a system approach and panic ensues. Don’t delay Pamela Hiles, Editor with your preparations or adequate insurance coverage and read our hurricane tips and editorial. Better to BE PREPARED! CGM Gallagher has exciting insurance news for condo owners so don’t miss that article! Enjoy these glorious summer months when the sea is warm and the sun relentless! Best Pamela

Publisher – Hiltop Publications Ltd, 11 Cottage Ridge, St George, Barbados, BB19071 Tel (246) 228-9122, Fax (246) 228-0243 Email: Editor/Advertising – Pamela L Hiles Design and Art Direction – 809 Distribution – Hiltop Publications Ltd, Brian’s Print Brokerage Printing – Coles Printery The Material and editorial contained in this publication have been deemed accurate at the time of going to print. The views expressed as editorial are those of the Editor unless stated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the permission of Hiltop Publications Ltd.

On the Cover: Capri - Terra Caribbean

If you would like to advertise in Barbados Property News call Pam at 228-9122 or 232-0692

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MALTA - Cattlewash, St. Joseph A 3 bedroom, beachfront villa located on Cattlewash Beach. Property also has an additional 1 bedroom cottage. This truly is the perfect spot to experience the cooling Atlantic tradewinds and relaxing pace of life found on the east coast of Barbados.

Lot Size: 26,698 sq. ft. • Asking Price: USD$2.195 million

APES HILL ECO-VILLA - 28 Holders Meadow, Apes Hill, St. James This revolutionary 4 bedroom home has not sacrificed luxury in the pursuit of sustainability. A combination of luxury, quality and sustainablility that sets the standard for eco-luxury in Barbados.

Lot Size: 25,000 sq. ft. • Asking Price: USD$3.3 million

SECRET SPOT For those seeking privacy and nature, this plot of land offers lagoon and ocean views with miles of beautiful, pristine beach close by to stroll on. The perfect place to build an off grid eco-home and enjoy outdoor activities.

Lot Size: 6.71 acres • Asking Price: USD$975,000

APES HILL LOT J49 - Apes Hill, St. James Overlooking the 6th green on the fabulous Apes Hill course, this lot is in the perfect location for building your own custom eco-villa. With its stunning unobstructed views of the west coast, island living truly can be achieved.

Lot Size: 15,120 sq. ft. • Asking Price: USD$395,ooo

Good news for our Real Estate Partners from CGM Gallagher!


Condominiums & Homeowners Policies

What are the major benefits provided ?

Condominium properties have always been insured under a Homeowner’s policies. This is partially because condominiums are residential properties, but the main reason was that Insurance companies allowed a lower rate percent on the sum insured for a homeowner’s policy compared to the higher rate on a commercial policy. Ironically a hotel could have a stand-alone block of rooms that were identical in risk to a condominium block next door but the condominium paid 30% less in premium. Due to this “ cheaper“ policy, condominiums were insured under a modified Homeowner’s policy but we have always been concerned that a Homeowner’s policy wording is really not appropriate for the mid size and larger condominium properties, some of which are quasi-hotel operations. Fortunately we now have a solution!

Wider Coverage • The policy follows the requirements & definitions of the ‘Condominium Act 224A’ Laws of Barbados which is very important. • This is an ‘All Risks’ policy which covers any sudden accidental physical damage except for universal insurance exclusions such as terrorism, war , nuclear radiation, gradual losses such as corrosion. • The Homeowner’s policy is restricted to specific perils such as fire, flood, and hurricane. • If the cause of the damage is not on the list, then no cover is in place. • The policy covers machinery & electrical breakdown insurance (elevators, sewerage plant etc.) which is excluded under a Homeowner’s policy.

CGM Gallagher’s New Condominium Policy

Significantly Improved Deductible • The cost of deductibles becomes a common expense for all owners no matter where the loss occurred within the Condo property. • Due to the Condominium model and law, Condominium properties are usually one physical block and must be insured for the total replacement cost of the whole block. • Units cannot be separately insured with their own value. • The Homeowner’s policy deductible for storm, hurricane, flood, sea wave, storm surge, tsunami and earthquake is 2% of the total sum insured of the Condo property. This ends up to be a very large amount to retain in a claim and creates issues when there is a partial loss since the deductible may exceed the incurred loss. • This could happen if the roof alone was damaged by wind or the ground floor units were the only ones damaged by a storm surge. • Our new policy calculates the 2% deductible on an allocated value of the area damaged by the event (subject to a reasonable minimum) and not on the total sum insured of the Condo block. This is a unique and greatly improved approach for Condos. • We will not release the formula of this calculation until a client has appointed us as their broker but suffice it to say it will result in a deductible for partial losses that will be a small percentage of the high deductible calculation used in a Homeowner’s policy

CGM Gallagher has been negotiating with a select number of Insurance companies for some time to approve a much more appropriate wording and yet price the policy as they did for the Homeowner’s policy. We are very pleased that a number of insurers have agreed to this and our new policy was effected for a number of Condominium properties from 1st June 2016. One of the significant improvements involves the treatment of the very high deductible for hurricane, earthquake, flood and sea wave losses.

Can we convert to the new policy now ? Condominium Bodies Corporate may wish to convert immediately to our wider policy rather than wait for their next renewal which could be 11 months away especially in light of the approaching hurricane season. For any Bodies Corporate that are not existing CGM Gallagher clients and the insurance is already in place , we can provide an option for changing to the wider policy which will not cost you any more . We will need to see more details on your current placement to assess this but we should be immediately appointed as your broker to effect the change.

Is the Policy Exclusive to CGM Gallagher ? CGM Gallagher’s new policy wording and the key formula for calculating the hurricane deductible has been developed by CGM Gallagher and this product is exclusive to our customers.


Good news for our Real Estate Partners from CGM Gallagher! Other Deductibles • Some condo properties in Barbados have incurred frequent internal water damage losses (burst pipes, solar panel leakage etc.) and Insurers have applied a relatively high deductible across the board for water damage. • Our new wording has a minimal deductible for this type of loss but it will increase for each subsequent claim so those Condos that do not experience frequent problems will not be affected by the high deductible applied currently. • There is a minimal deductible for fire losses.


PUP has insured for at least 90% of that valuation amount. This is a major benefit and removes any uncertainty of the amount to be recovered in a loss. Pre-Approved Loss Adjuster • Our policy establishes a pre-approved Loss Adjuster to respond to claims immediately. This is especially important in an island wide disaster. The adjuster will visit the property and be aware of the policy coverage before the loss.

LIABILITY RISKS Replacement Value Insurance • The Condominium Act requires the PUP Board to insure the Condominium at replacement value. • Failure to do so could have serious consequences for the Board. • Unfortunately there is no clear definition of what is meant by replacement value. • A Homeowner’s policy focuses on the replacement value of a private residence rather than a Condo Block with all its infrastructure and common property. • Our policy has a clear definition of the appropriate replacement value for Condo properties to avoid any disagreements at the time of a claim. The Average Clause or the Underinsurance Penalty explanation Assume condo block insured for $15M

• Condominium properties have very complex issues in relation to common law liability and negligence. • Homeowner’s policies include a section for public liability coverage but it is designed for the risks faced by a residential private home and not a large condominium complex especially when it is operated as a quasi-hotel. • The Boards of PUPs and unit owners must appreciate that if there is a serious liability claim made against the PUP, and the insurance proves inadequate, the shortfall in the settlement against the PUP becomes a common expense for all owners • CGM Gallagher’s customised condominium liability policy will address all these risks but every condo complex is not operated the same and therefore one premium cannot fit all. • CGM Gallagher will assess the liability risks faced by each Condo to see whether it is totally long term residential or a quasi–hotel operation and effect the appropriate cover.

Quantity Surveyors confirmed replacement cost



Underinsurance PUP is responsible for 25% of any loss


Cost of repairing fire damage


Payment by insurance company


• Very few people understand the insurance risks faced by a condo unit owner and the need to insure individually but many of these issues are clearly addressed by the Condominium Act. • It was assumed that all these risks would be protected under the PUP’s Homeowner’s policy wordings. • We have been concerned over this exposure for some time. • It is now clear that in the event of fire etc. the loss of rent or the cost of alternative accommodation incurred by unit owners of the complex will not be paid for by the PUP policy since the PUP legally has no insurable interest in the loss of rent incurred by the Owner even if the section in the PUP Homeowner’s policy remained. • It is clear that unit owners do have a legal responsibility for any resulting damage or injury caused by their own negligence and they need to protect against this even though the PUP will carry public liability insurance. • Owners are clearly responsible for the incremental value of improvements made to a unit and not the PUP. • CGM Gallagher has designed a program that insures these risks for unit owners and clearly defines their responsibilities.

Shortfall $1.250M Shortfall to be shared among all owners as common expense Professional Valuations & Underinsurance Penalties • Many Bodies Corporate of Condominiums periodically obtain a replacement valuation to meet the requirement of the Condominium Act, but the underinsurance penalty is still in force and claim disputes can always arise on what the replacement value should have been. • The underinsurance penalty can arise even if a valuation was obtained because the valuation did not reflect the uplift needed in the coverage • Our policy waives the underinsurance penalty/average clause for a period of three years on receipt of a replacement valuation that follows the definition and on condition that the 30


The Hon. Donville Inniss, M.P. Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development was very impressed with the new CGM Gallagher Condominium policy.

Customised Condominium Insurance



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Being Properly prepared for a Hurricane! We have all heard the sayings – God is a Bajan! We blessed! The morning of Tomas a few years ago in late October showed suddenly God seemed to have deserted us! This year they are predicting a more challenging hurricane season with more hurricane activity than the last three years. It can happen to us Barbados and we need to be prepared. Following are some points that may seem mundane but judging by the rush to the supermarkets and hardware stores – many people ignore them and are NOT PREPARED! 1. Is your property properly insured? Have you added your latest computer, jewelry, flat screen TV to the policy? Check if flood damage is on your policy. Do it NOW! Investigate some of the Hurricane safety shutters that are out there. Many Insurance companies will give you something off your policy if you have these things in place. 2. How are the trees and bushes around your house? Now is the time to take a proper look and see if branches are over power or phone lines. Trim those trees and you won’t have a problem in high winds. 3. How about objects around your house that could fly around in high winds? Pots, dust bins, old bits of wood, tools, - all of these things become weapons in a hurricane. Get them tidied up now as you won’t have time when the sirens blast. 4. Don’t forget your pets or animals in a hurricane. They can often be traumatized. If they are domestic pets, keep them safely with you and if they are cattle, horses etc make sure they are in a covered, sheltered area. If you have to leave your home to go to a shelter,



make sure your pets are left food and water and are in a safe room. 5. Medication – if you are a diabetic, have a heart condition etc, your medication is crucial. Keep it safe in a water tight container and make sure you have at least a month’s supply. You don’t know how much damage may be done in a hurricane and how long it will take to clear roads etc so stock up. 6. Water and food! Lots of bottled water, tinned food, biscuits, granola bars – things that won’t spoil. 7. Garbage bags! Buy the jumbo size ones and put all your precious pictures, important documents and keep sakes in them. Leaks spring from nowhere in a hurricane. Water often gushes through windows that used to be watertight due to the force of the wind. Get those precious things in the bin bags – we know it’s a hassle but better be safe than sorry! 8. Prepare a First Ad Box and Tool Box with batteries, flash lights, a small gas camping stove. These things will all make sense in a disaster. 9. Get a Generator if you can afford it. Many people lost hundreds of dollars in frozen food when the electricity was off for over a week in Tomas. In the long run, Generators will save you money and give you security. They might also save your sanity by charging the ipads and games for the kids to keep them happy when there is no power, no TV and nowhere to go! 10. Listen to your radio and keep take all warnings seriously. BE PREPARED!

Frequently Asked Questions on Storm Readiness for your Roof! Q: Does having Hurricane Straps on your roof REALLY make a difference? Why? A: Hurricane straps are a selection of galvanized or stainless steel metal plates that can greatly strengthen your roofing structure. The traditional method of joining wood is with nails and screws alone. BRC hurricane straps work by: 1) positively securing your rafters into the block or wall structure of the building 2) joining members in a manner where fasteners are in shear rather than tension which is far stronger 3) interconnecting the structural members and main structure so that wind loads are shared, making the roof more hurricane resistant. The beauty of hurricane straps is that they are amazingly cheap, and add the strength of steel to wood. Your roof could be the weakest part of your building in a storm, and should it fail, would have the greatest impact. With that as the end result, adding hurricane straps to improve strength provides maximum benefits at little extra cost. Even retrofitting makes the structure stronger. Q: Can ALL roofs blow off in a strong hurricane? What makes BRC roofs better? A: Any type of roof (other than solid concrete) will fail under the intensity of a severe hurricane, if the circumstances are right. The Saffir-Simpson scale states that a level five hurricane will result in “…complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings. Some complete building failures, with small utility buildings blown over, or blown away” BRC roofing materials and our installation system were recently tested at the Cyclone Testing Station ( James Cook University Australia ) and were found likely to withstand wind speeds of 165MPH, with no sign of failing. While the quality of the metal roofing material is very important, it is also the size and quality of the fasteners, and the methods used for installation that creates strength. A BRC roof is not just sheets and screws, it is a roofing system that has been designed to fit together in a particular way, and should be installed in that same way. The testing undertaken validates both the materials, and the roofing install process. Q: Can guarantees be offered by vendors on the strength of their roofing? A: Not without clarifying other factors. For any vendor to assure a guarantee of strength, an extensive engineering and house design survey would have to be undertaken, taking into consideration a number of factors: • The method by which the property was built, and how the roofing structure was constructed. • How rafters and other components are anchored and secured. • Whether the wind can get under the roof and lift from below, i.e. large covered patios, or extended eves ). 48


• The angle and intensity at which the wind or storm forces strike the property. • The individuality of the buildings design, and location (local topography, as well as surrounding buildings) can have significant effect on wind loading and wind speeds. BRC provides the service of roof sheeting. No matter how strong our material is, or how well it was tested, it has to fit to a roofing structure. If that structure has not been secured correctly, nor made with the correct materials, nor joined in the correct manner, the sheets may stay but the structure may fail. Q: Can shutters really help me – don’t they rip off too? A: As with our roofing, shutters are tested in extreme conditions that replicate as closely as possible, the effect of a hurricane at different magnitudes. The testing regime is highly regulated and is a very expensive process. The most common of the United States certifications is the Florida Building and/or Dade County Codes. It is these approvals that are often stated by the supplier of shutter components. These approvals also extend to the manner in which these shutters are secured to the building, since all the testing has included these factors. The type of securing screws, the length of these screws, the spacing of the screws, all need to conform to manufacturers specifications. Just as with roofing, there can be no ultimate guarantee. The vendor can only speak of the strength of the shutter, and the data determined by testing. For any vendor to guarantee a shutter, extensive engineering review would have to be undertaken. Houses are constructed of different materials- wood frame, wood and metal siding, concrete blocks, precast, composite materials- and so the strength of material anchoring the shutter may change significantly between structures. Block holes around windows should be filled with concrete and reinforced with rebar, but this is not as common as it should be. These solid concrete columns provide a very solid anchor for shutters around windows. Coral stone is a different story, since it is known to be quite soft. The greater the span of the shutter, the greater the overall loading and forces resisted. In the case of roller shutters, 40mm slats, which form the curtain, can be used for small aperture windows and can be a little cheaper. For larger windows we generally recommend the stronger 55mm slats. In the case of still larger spans, end retention slats are used. These slats do not merely travel inside a channel at each side of the window aperture, they are keyed into the side tracks and cannot be pulled, or forced out. Shutters provide a primary function of preventing damage to windows and doors from flying debris and the resulting ingress of weather and rain. They can also effectively seal off areas open to the weather (covered terraces and patios) and prevent wind entering into a roofed area, and damaging the structure from below.

What can a Roller Shutter do for your property this hurricane season? Roller shutters provide a complete solution for protection against the threat of hurricanes and intrusions, without compromising the aesthetics of your home or business. A roller shutter is ideal for large glass areas for added protection or for open spaces that need enclosing. However, they can also be used to enclose garages, patios, or open living spaces. The security they offer is second to none, and serves as an effective deterrent against forced entry. Furthermore, these products are designed and certified to meet Florida Building Code standards for high level wind zones, which is noted as the gold standard certification for hurricane protection products. Roller shutters are made up of three main components: an overhead housing which extends horizontally over the opening and hides in mechanisms of the shutter, a hanging curtain made up of a series of interlocking aluminum slats, and the guide rails which are fixed vertically to the sides of the opening. When the shutter is operated the hanging curtain rolls downward from the housing and along the guiderails until it reaches the floor or any desired point along the vertical plane. The special “end retention� system ensures that slats fit securely in the guiderails, preventing the curtain from being dislodged by the positive and negative pressures associated with hurricanes. The shutters may be operated by either using an electric motor or a manually operated crank handle. Shutters may also be customized using: key switches, remotes, back up crank



devices, or locks for either ease of use or added security. Furthermore these products are built to order, allowing them to be customized to fit any application and the requirements of any customer. Why would you choose the roller shutter over a sectional or tilt garage door? One of the biggest advantages is the absence of an overhead track system. This improves the overall aesthetic of the product and allows for the overhead housing to be hidden using a bulk head or camouflaged using a paint finish that blends in with the structure. The absence of the overhead track system, which is typical of most garage doors, also allows the roller shutter to be customized to fit large spans and heights. Other advantages include a quiet and smooth operation and the custom nature of the system, allowing it to meet the needs and budget of any customer. Regardless of their intended use, Oran’s customizable roller shutters present a solution to fit the application. Our teams of technical project supervisors provide a free service to measure and quote you for the best solution to fit your specific needs. Furthermore, we offer a complete service package inclusive of: measuring, quoting, design, manufacturing, and installation. Call Oran Ltd. today at 436-6863 to see if the roller shutter is the right product for you. We offer free quotes, evaluations, and special pricing to ensure that our products can meet all of your needs this hurricane season.

The Barbados Estate Agents & Valuers Association News Benefits of Choosing a Member of The Barbados Estate Agents and Valuers Association Inc. When you are looking to buy, rent or sell a property in Barbados, it is a wise decision to go with an Agent, Property Manager or Valuer who is associated with a Professional Association. The Barbados Estate Agents and Valuers Association Inc. (BEAVA), is the Professional Association in Barbados and below are a few of the many reasons why we encourage clients to choose a member of the association: • The Association is committed to ensuring that their members practice a clear code of ethics and a high standard of excellence for their customers. We have a code of ethics and standards of Practice, Rules and Regulations that are strictly adhered to. Severe consequences are dealt to those brought before the Disciplinary Board. • BEAVA members are constantly updating their knowledge of business and trade basics, and acquire new skills and professional development through seminars, workshops and conferences. BEAVA provides many of these for its members

and also advises them of other courses and seminars both locally, in the Caribbean and World Wide that would be beneficial to their professional development. • BEAVA keeps members up to date with new laws being implemented with regards to The Real Estate Industry. • BEAVA provides an Administrative Assistant who is available 7 days a week, not only for its members, but for the public who may need assistance in making sure that their questions are being answered. Some Banks and Credit Unions tell their clients to first check with the Association to ensure the professional they have chosen, is a member of BEAVA. • BEAVA also provides a Real Estate and Home Expo, biannually, for the public, its members and stake holders. The Expo is open to exhibitors with any product that compliments Real Estate. • All the Professional Agents and Valuers belong to BEAVA, regardless of the size of their company or years of experience. We encourage friendships and net-working and host several social gatherings throughout the year for our membership. • BEAVA is in the process of revamping its Web-site, When completed will give the clients a full list of its members and properties that they represent, together with a data base for the use of its members to assist with comparables. Please do not hesitate to give us a call: 624-1811, 836-0650


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