Polo Barbados 2016

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Like many places all over the world Barbados has its economic challenges in current times, but if there’s one place where you can still get away from doom and gloom, it is at the polo field. Every year Barbados polo puts on a show of equestrian sporting excellence over several months that is unmatched anywhere in the world. We have beautiful polo grounds, an exquisite social ambience, and thrilling action from end to end in virtually every match. We have pomp and ceremony for the big games, witty and informative commentary during play, and our followers read like a Who’s Who of the rich and famous, local and visiting. No sport in Barbados boasts as many cameras or paparazzi on the perimeter, and posh drinks, Bajan food and lively camaraderie come aplenty. We have a wonderful bustling sporting environment that is much to be admired and enjoyed. Above all, we welcome everyone to polo, especially our visitors from overseas. There’s no shortage of glamour in and around Barbados polo, and our ladies dress to kill. And it’s not just on the sidelines where the ladies are making their mark, because this is the year of the ladies in polo. All over the globe big strides are being made to attract more women into polo and Barbados is no exception. When the Battle of the Sexes Series was introduced by Jacob Hassid and Monique

Archer 13 years ago, it was to promote the game amongst the fair sex. Over the ensuing years it has done its work beautifully and the series continues to be the most popular event on the Fixture List. Now in 2016 the bar has been raised, and Apes Hill Polo Club will add another dimension to women’s polo in Barbados with their Ladies Tour in April. It will feature four ladies teams and exclusive competitive ladies versus ladies polo for the first time. What an exciting prospect! This year’s magazine has a wide variety of features and stories that capture the unique ambience of Barbados Polo. The publication comes free to you as a polo guest and for that we sincerely thank our advertisers, sponsors and supporters. Without them it would not happen. We also thank the people who have contributed to the editorial and especially Julie at 809 Design for her perceptive appreciation of the game in print design. It all adds up to thrills, spills and frills and hopefully another fabulous polo season in Barbados. Enjoy!

Pamela Hiles Editor

hiltop publications ltd. 11 cottage ridge, st. george, barbados bb19071 email:sportingb@caribsurf.com • www.sportingbarbados.com www.barbadospropertynews.com • www.caribbeanpropertymag.com


welcome the culture of barbados polo 2016 polo season schedule players handicaps speaking to the president mango bay wins kenya series ends all square a quick guide to the exciting game of polo polo moves into the twilight zone the history of barbados polo 20 questions - christansia evelyn women’s polo on the rise barbados edge out cheshire sponsors in action polo news people at polo living the polo dream polo people out and about big hat polo party are we missing a trick 24 questions for marc atwell and the winner is... a big impression, casimir gross our friends at the turf club and the winner is... understanding polo talk sponsoring polo danny seals it for team icbl the polo saddle maps, club information & getting there gatsby 40 years for best of barbados experiencing the body holiday

6 10 16 18 20 26 32 36 40 44 46 50 56 62 66 68 70 74 78 80 82 84 88 90 94 98 100 102 106 110 112 114 120 124


scotia bank rotary west 2015 buzo osteria italia what’s in this polo season river cruising in europe memorable moments behind the scene

126 128 130 132 134 138

Polo Barbados 2016 is published by Hiltop Publications Ltd. Production - Hiltop Publications Ltd, 11 Cottage Ridge, St George, Barbados Tel (246) 228-9122, Email - sportingb@caribsurf.com, Editorial - Clarence Hiles Advertising - Pamela Hiles Photography - Lisa Davis, Apes Hill - Andre Williams, Julie Ray, Pam & Clarence Hiles. Design - 809 Design Thanks - The Editors would like to thank advertisers, the polo members and everyone who helped to produce this publication. Unless specifically detailed, all the editorial is attributed to the editors and accuracy was deemed correct when going to print. No part of this publication should be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. Copyright Polo Barbados 2016 COVER: - Lisa Davis

Read Polo Barbados online at: www.sportingbarbados.com




The Culture of BARBADOS POLO If you are new to Barbados polo you may ask yourself what is this sport all about? After all, it is not the most accessible sport anywhere in the world, and in numbers it could be accurately described as a minority interest. Outside big polo countries like Argentina, it exists in niche areas, more often than not well away from the big urban centres. Perhaps that’s what makes Barbados polo so different? It is easily accessible and so welcoming. Many visitors attend their first polo match during their stay on the island and most don’t watch polo anywhere else. Barbados is a small island so getting to a polo field isn’t too difficult, and the cost to attend is minimal. Everyone is welcome, and you can take a seat anywhere in the ground, including the clubhouse, or in the quaint little stand on the Holder’s Hill clubhouse roof. The culture of Barbados polo is as much social as it is sporting, and the atmosphere around the clubhouse is convivial, lively and friendly. It will not be as laidback on the pitch as this is a fast-moving all action sport where the slightest mishap could have serious consequences. Thankfully accidents are rare, but the danger element is always present and must never be underestimated. These are

big heavy ponies so spectators must keep their distance and the players must observe certain codes of safety in the way they play the game. This may not be obvious to the spectators on the boundary, but polo rules have an inherent safety element and this is widely accepted in the way the game is played. Polo throughout the world is essentially elitist and Barbados is no exception. This has nothing to do with colour, class or creed, but basically economics. You need horses to play polo, and they are expensive to buy and to keep. If you don’t have a wealthy patron to provide mounts you have to own your own, and that eliminates most mortals. There are several polo fields, but the three main centres are at Holder’s Hill, Apes Hill and Lion Castle, all situated within a short distance from each other on the Western side of the




island. Holder’s Hill is the headquarters of the Barbados Polo Club, the governing body of the sport in Barbados. All polo players are members of the Barbados Polo Club, and the club committee sets their handicaps. The club is affiliated internationally to the famous Hurlingham Club in England, and although most of the playing members are male, the ladies game has been slowly growing in the past decade, mainly from the female side of established polo families. Holder’s Hill has been the headquarters of the Barbados Polo Club for over 50 years after it moved from the Garrison Savannah. Although established in the 1880s, polo never developed much outside a small enthusiastic equestrian community until just after 2000. This was at the height of boom times on the island and several successful businessmen set up their own polo centres. The emergence of Clifton, Lion Castle and Apes Hill polo fields lifted the sport to another level, and the visionary development enticed more players into the sport, and inevitably attracted visiting teams and top class players. The Barbados Open was inaugurated in 2004

by Bruce Bayley at Clifton Polo Field and for the first time high-goal polo was played in competition. The series continues today and over the past decade it has been one of the major highlights of the season. The drive and enthusiasm of the new generation of polo visionaries not only established new polo fields and tournaments, it attracted quality sponsors and visiting teams. The players also invested in new ponies from overseas, especially Argentina, and experienced and knowledgeable grooms came to live and work in Barbados. The transformation was phenomenal, and Barbados polo established a small, but significant foothold on the international polo map as the word spread that this was a great place to visit. The island was already on the radar of regular visitors the Villages Polo Club from Florida and the Cheshire Club from England, two of the long-established relationships that date back several decades. The Barbados polo season starts before Christmas with local chukkas involving the club members and visiting friends. It enables the younger players to get more competitive polo and

Holder’s Hill has been the headquarters of the Barbados Polo Club for over 50 years...



the seasoned players and ponies time to get fit before the busy International season. The International season starts in midJanuary and runs to early May. Teams from all over the world have been cordially welcomed, and a number of local players have travelled overseas in the other direction. Polo throughout the world owes much to generous patrons, who have invested heavily to follow their sporting passion. Barbados has been fortunate to have a small group of polo visionaries, but one name stands out. Sir Charles Williams has been the sport’s biggest benefactor. Not only is he the oldest player in competitive polo according to the Guinness Book of Records, his Apes Hill Polo Complex offers a complete range of equestrian facilities and by far, the largest stock of polo ponies and stables in the Caribbean. Sir Charles is one of the great characters in local sport and business, but Barbados polo is not short of colourful personalities. For 39 years the affable Keith Melville was President of the Barbados Polo Club, and his successor Wayne Archer may have

a quiet persona, but he has been a major driving force in keeping polo buoyant in more challenging times. Club Captain Richard Deane is also one of the most successful trainers on the island and is just as much at home at the Garrison Race Track as at Holder’s Hill. Polo was first introduced to Barbados by the British cavalry who discovered it in India around 1865, and over several decades carried the sport all over the British Empire. It appealed to the local plantation owners, and interest was strong enough in 1884 to establish the Barbados Polo Club. Ex racehorses were used and matches were played inside the racetrack at the Garrison. The club didn’t grow much and for over a decade in the 1930s was disbanded. It got going again after World War II and received a huge boost in 1965 when the Kidd family offered it a new home at idyllic Holder’s Hill. This remains the recognised centre of polo on the island, although the growth and expansion of Apes Hill polo has added another dimension to the sport.

Sir Charles Williams has been the sport’s biggest benefactor.




Last year Apes Hill promoted night polo for the first time, it was a visionary initiative that showed another side of polo. This season the club will stage their first all ladies tournament, and this will boost the island’s polo image worldwide and add more status to our sports tourism product. Despite the changed economic climate, Barbados polo continues to thrive and expand. Above all, it has retained its friendly social ambience and welcoming culture at every ground. Everyone will have their favourite ground, but visiting teams and spectators all agree it is a wonderful place to play and watch polo. That’s the highest compliment that can be given.





Barbados International Polo Season DATES



JANUARY Wednesday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Sunday

20 24 26 30 31

January January January January January

FEBRUARY Thursday 4 February Sunday 7 February Tuesday 9 February Thursday 11 February Saturday 13 February


Mount Gay Regatta Day Australian Tour Australian Tour Australian Tour FINAL BPC Diamonds Intl. Battle of the Sexes

Holders Lion Castle Apes Hill Apes Hill Holders

BPC Diamonds Intl. Battle of the Sexes BPC Diamonds Intl. Battle of the Sexes FINAL Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal

Holders Holders Apes Hill Holders Apes Hill

DATES FEBRUARY Tuesday 16 February Thursday 18 February Saturday 20 February Sunday 28 February MARCH Thursday 3 March Sunday 6 March Tuesday 8 March Thursday 10 March Sunday 13 March Tuesday 15 March Thursday 17 March Sunday 20 March Saturday 26 March Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal Roger Gooding Memorial - 6 Goal-FINAL BPC Cheshire Tour

Lion Castle Apes Hill Apes Hill Holders

BPC Cheshire Tour BPC Cheshire Tour FINAL BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal Tournament BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal Tournament BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal Tournament BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal Tournament BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal SEMI FINALS BPC Barbados Open 8 Goal FINAL BPC Canadian Tour Polo Under The Stars John Bunn Tour BPC Canadian Tour John Bunn Tour

Holders Holders Apes Hill Holders Holders Lion Castle Apes Hill Holders Holders Apes Hill Apes Hill Holders Apes Hill

April April April April April

John Bunn Tour FINAL BPC Canadian Tour FINAL International Ladies Tour International Ladies Tour International Ladies Tour

Apes Hill Holders Apes Hill Apes Hill Apes Hill

9 April

HORSE Charity Fundraiser


29 March 30 March 31 March

APRIL 2 Saturday 3 Sunday 5 Tuesday 7 Thursday 9 Saturday Saturday





Players’ Handicaps


Cristian Chaves 4

Danny Atwell 3

Pablo Crespin 3

Adam Deane 3

Jamie Dickson 3

Lucas Nicolao 3

Teddy Williams 3

Wayne Archer 2

Marc Atwell 2

Salvador Duggan 2

Jeff Evelyn 2

Richard Gooding 2

Philip Tempro 2

Alex Cole 2

Ramon Alvarez 1

Bruce Bayley (1)

Luis Clerici (1)

Harry Manning 1

Rhys Odle 1

Oliver Williams 1

Stephen Williams 1

Joshua Archer 0

Philip Atwell 0

Jake Bayley 0

Roddy Davis 0



Players’ Handicaps

Richard Deane 0

Stewart Gill 0

Damian Luke 0

Sir Charles Williams 0

Christansia Evelyn -1

Vicki Gonzalez -1

Camilla Williams -1

Linda Williams -1

Zoe Archer -2

Ashleigh Deane -2

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Speaking to the PRESIDENT Barbados Polo Club President Wayne Archer hit the road running when he took over from his long-serving predecessor Keith Melville two years ago. Now firmly entrenched in the role, he can look back with pride at what has been achieved on his Watch, but nothing sits still with Wayne. He is a visionary who wants to take polo to another level going forward. Polo Barbados caught up with the busy President and got an informative insight into what is happening around the club entering 2016‌


You are now in your third year as Barbados Polo Club president, do you feel more at ease with the job and are you looking forward to another busy season? Yes, definitely. This is a full time job in itself. Polo has become an even bigger part of my life since I took on this role as hardly a day passes without having to deal with some aspect of Polo. There is never a dull moment! We certainly have another busy season ahead. This year our Club Captain, Richard Deane, made the decision to revert to starting polo in mid-October. This was to give both the younger players and those players with young or green horses an opportunity to play in a more relaxed environment. As we all know, it gets very hectic from January onwards with match after match. The early start has been very successful and a great deal of fun so far! We also played an exhibition game for the Food, Wine and Rum Festival, which was held at Holders and from all reports was a big success. After Christmas we swing into the International Season with non-stop action from mid-January to mid-May. Everyone is looking forward to another exciting season.


What do you feel you have personally achieved in your first two terms? One of my goals every polo day is to make sure we offer a top-class product both on and off the field. Richard Deane does a great job ensuring this happens on the field, and we work together with our team of Julie and Ina from 809 with events off the field. Last season we made some small, but effective changes, in an effort to encourage crowds to attend polo and of course, once they are there, to enjoy themselves. Overall these changes were met with a positive response. In general, a successful and enjoyable afternoon at polo gives me a great sense of achievement. Is polo in Barbados holding its own in these tough economic times or continuing to grow? I am extremely happy to say that we are definitely holding our own. We are delighted with the crowds we attract because it confirms they enjoy what we have to offer. There has also been a renewed interest from all of our sponsors and partners


Have you set any personal targets for your third term in office? There are always ideas running through my head on various ways to improve our club. However, most of them take both a lot of time and money. Setting targets is a good thing, but it presents the Officers of the club with some serious time management challenges. I know from experience, as I have to fit the duties of President into a daily schedule that already has a busy workload. What are the highlights you want spectators to enjoy this season? We plan to continue from where we left off last year by inviting vendors to share our big days, along with other various types of entertainment, off the field. On the field the ever-popular Ladies Tour will be a major attraction and it promises to be tightly contested as the Ladies are fielding a strong team. We also have the Canadians returning after a few years off, and then of course, the famous Cheshire Club. All of these visiting teams usually bring very competitive players, which of course, leads to great afternoons of polo. Our biggest tournament, The Barbados Open, kicks off in mid-March. Over the years this tournament has always been extremely competitive and it continues to offer exciting competitive polo. All in all, we have a very good year ahead of us. Polo is an integral part of the Barbados sports tourism product-are we doing enough to promote the sport with visitors? We are trying our best. We have been working the hotel concierges for a number of years now, and have also recently collaborated with two overseas magazines, in the UK and in Canada. Last season we worked with a couple of the smaller tour operators and of course, we greatly value the role of Polo Barbados in promoting the sport for us locally, and in electronic copies all over the world. Beach polo looks like a lot of fun -is this something on the horizon in Barbados? RICHARD GOODING IN CONTROL

and we value this endorsement tremendously. Although there are many diehard polo fans, we are delighted to attract new people to the sport. After all, an afternoon at polo is all about social interaction. It's a great opportunity to meet up with friends, to relax, have some drinks, and enjoy one of the most dynamic sports in the world. On the field, we continue to maintain our player membership, but we would still love to see some new players at the club. Although things might look the same from year to year, there have been some noticeable changes. For example, the importation of ponies to the island is not as regular as it used to be because players are either breeding locally, or schooling more ex-racehorses for polo. Overall polo continues to be of a very good standard and this is as a result of the commitment and dedication of the players and the staff involved.


We have had brief discussions about this in the past, but one problem is finding a beach area large enough to host this type of event. The beach pitch is considered as "dead sand," which can be very hard on the horses’ legs. Because of this, the response from players was not too favourable, but the jury is still out on this possibility. Personally, I would love to attend the one held in South Beach, Miami, to witness it for myself. Once I see it in action it may build my enthusiasm, but right now we have certainly enough on our plate. I hope everyone enjoys the 2016 polo season and on behalf of the Barbados Polo Club I thank you for your support.




MANGO BAY WINS THE ARCHER’S HALL / DIAMONDS INTERNATIONAL 2015 BARBADOS OPEN Mango Bay Hotel owner Peter Odle could not hide his delight and rightly so after his team emphatically won the Barbados Open with his son Rhys the Captain. The Archer’s Hall / Diamonds International 8-Goal Barbados Open was thrown wide open in the early exchanges when favourites ICBL and Apes Hill dropped out of the running after surprise defeats in the second series of matches. 29



The early fixtures were wiped out by rain, which gave the second set of matches much more importance and little room for error. The ICBL team featured the strong line-up of Danny Atwell, Teddy Williams, Jamie Dickson and the promising young Josh Archer, but they fell heavily to the eventual winners Mango Bay 7-4 at Apes Hill polo field. The Apes Hill team came a lot closer on their home turf and with Pablo Crespin in good form and they were expected to win over Team Rubis, but Stewart Gill’s team hung on gamely until the end of the final chukka and when the score was locked at 2-2 the match went to an extra chukka. It could have gone either way in the dying minutes, but it was Jamie Le Hardy who broke the deadlock with the decisive goal. In the other game CGI Clifton defeated Range Rover 4-3 with the talented Christian Chavez scoring twice for the winners. The semi-finals produced two convincing wins and one outstanding performance that is surely up there with the best in the 12-year history of this prestigious tournament. Top Kenyan player Casimir Gross had already shown his goal-scoring prowess for Mango Bay in the previous round, but his ten goals in the 11-6 trouncing of CGI Clifton was exceptional. In the other semi-final Ollie Taylor was the star performer for Team Rubis with five goals as they upset the favourites ICBL 7-4 to reach the final. The results left Mango Bay and Team Rubis to contest the final and CGI Clifton and ICBL to play-off for third. The 3rd place play-off match preceded the final and once again produced a surprise result as CGI won 6-3 with the rampant Chavez scoring four of their goals. The final was expected to be a close affair with 4-Goal players Oliver Taylor and Jamie Le Hardy leading the charge for Team Rubis and Casimir Gross the man to watch on the Mango Bay team. However, the form book was quickly cast aside in the first chukka as Mango Bay ravaged the Team Rubis defence and raced to a 3-0 lead. They continued in the same vein in the second chukka to run up a convincing 5-1 lead by the halfway break. The dashing Gross was unstoppable and followed up his three goals in the first two chukkas with two more in the final two chukkas. Luis Clerici, Lucas Nicolao and skipper Rhys Odle were also on the score-sheet as Mango Bay raced to a 7-1 lead and effectively buried the opposition. Stewart Gill added a consolation goal, but the final 8-2 scoreline was emphatic and a huge disappointment for the spectators and neutrals, who were expecting a much closer exchange. However, there was nothing but delight for Mango Bay owner Peter Odle, his son and Captain Rhys, Most Valuable Player (MVP) Casimir Gross, Lucas Nicolao and Luis Clerici. Their victory was well deserved


The results left Mango Bay and Team Rubis to contest the final and CGI Clifton and ICBL to play-off for third.






and based on good all-round performances from every member of the team as each player scored at least one goal in the final, but of course they had an exceptional goal scorer in Casimir Gross. The Barbados Open was first started in 2004 as a 14-Goal tournament thanks to a Bruce Bayley initiative at Clifton Polo Field. It was inaugurated to help promote Barbados polo to an


international audience and to raise the standard of local players with more overseas players participating. Over the years the inclusion of top overseas players has been an important factor in maintaining its status and popularity and although the 2015 Open was played at 8-Goal there was still a healthy participation of quality overseas players.

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KENYA series

ends all square A team from Kenya travelled to Barbados last January to add another new name to the growing list of overseas visiting teams that want to experience the unique ambience of polo in the Caribbean.








The three matches were played Clifton, Lion Castle and Holder’s and played at 4-Goal. It was a thrilling closely-fought series and although the Barbados team came out on top in the final match it only enabled the home team to level the series after an opening tie and then a narrow defeat in the Thursday game. In as much as the final game was a comfortable victory for Barbados the opening two matches were high scoring and end-to-end close thrillers. The 5-5 tie at Clifton set the tone for the Thursday match at Lion Castle and although the crowd was light they were not disappointed by the action. Kenya fielded brother and sister Casimir and Tiva Gross and it was Casimir who had the final say in this enthralling exchange that went to the wire. He was the thorn in the flesh for Barbados throughout the game and although Phillip Tempro and Teddy Williams looked to have brought Barbados to the brink of victory in the final two chukkas after being 5-2 down at one stage, the doughty Kenyans were not to be


denied and when the hooter sounded both teams were locked 5-5 and the game went into 30 seconds of extra time. Only the best players in sport handle the pressure situations well and in the dying seconds Kenya were awarded a crucial 40-yard penalty. Up stepped Casimir again to hammer home the winning goal and give the visitors an important victory that ensured they would at least share the series. It was his fourth goal of the match and left nobody in any doubt as to who was the Man-of-the-Match. Sponsors ICBL entertained their guests to excellent hospitality and were delighted the series went a decider at Holder’s three days later. Unfortunately for Kenya Barbados was not to be denied in the final fixture and a comfortable win for the home team levelled the series and for many people was a fair result of the friendly and enjoyable encounters.




2 3 4

There are four players in each team.

Matches are broken into seven-minute chukkas. In Barbados we normally play four chukkas each match. The clock stops when umpires blow the whistle because of an infringement and restarts the same way.

Players normally change their pony at the end of each chukka, but sometimes during a chukka.

6 7 8

The two mounted policemen in the middle dressed in black and white are the umpires. When they don’t agree on a ruling they refer to a third umpire in the clubhouse for the final decision.

9 5

Matches are decided on goals scored and when a team scores they turn around and play in the opposite direction. A goal is scored when the ball goes through the posts at any height.



The players have numbers on their shirts 1-4. Generally number 1 plays up front and number 4 at the back, while numbers 2 and 3 do most of the chasing and are generally the attacking players.

In the big matches the teams are presented to the clubhouse before games and return after the match for the presentation ceremony.

The commentator is a key part of polo and keeps everyone abreast about what’s happening on and off the polo field. A good commentator is the key to spectator enjoyment.

Each player has a handicap, which is indicative of his/her ability. Handicaps start at -2 and go to 10. When teams are being selected the matchmaker will try and get the team aggregates equal to ensure a fair game. If there is a difference it will be given to the weaker team.

The game is played within the boards and spectators should not get too close as the players are allowed to go over the boards if necessary to get closer to the ball.


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Polo moves into the twilight zone It was as much social as sporting, but at the end of the day, or in this case the night, everyone went home happy and therein lies the stamp of approval on a successful event. Billed as the biggest event in the 2015 polo season the inaugural “Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial Polo Under the Stars” at Apes Hill Polo Club lived up to expectations and was certainly something different for polo people in Barbados. The pre-tournament hype boasted live entertainment, VIP dining, and two categories of ‘socialize and watch,’ which just about catered for everyone. The off-field activities certainly overshadowed the on-field action with the VIPs entertained by Space Ibiza Spanish DJ Camilo Franco and the delightful British trio Blake, while in the party lounge local DJ Just Jay provided the musical selections. Catering was in the very capable hands of Relish Epicurea and apart from one heavy shower the weather held. Night polo is not new in this fast and pulsating global sport, but it is rare. Not surprisingly the showpiece for night polo is in United Arab Emirates where the Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club boasts eight polo fields, three of which are floodlit. However, the rest of the polo world can’t compete on the level of this grandiose complex, but Apes Hill Polo Club has set its own benchmark with the first of its kind in the Caribbean. It is another first for the visionary Apes Hill Polo Club that continues to blossom as a major polo community with not only the impressive equestrian facilities, but also as a polo vacation destination with their holiday packages


in superb villas on the golf course a few minutes from the polo field. You could almost be forgiven if you ignored the polo action at Polo Under the Stars because of the party atmosphere and although some of the guests looked inquisitively across the impressive Apes Hill polo field it was difficult to distinguish who’s who when play moved away from the clubhouse. That didn’t deter the revellers as they came to party and most were happy to soak up the ambience and enjoy drinks, food and the lively entertainment. There were two matches and perhaps appropriately they both ended with honours even as most of the players were happy to do their bit for the sport and then join their friends at the party. The first match pitched the Williams Electrical team against the Apes Hill team and ended at four goals apiece with the dashing Pablo Crespin in dazzling form scoring the equalizer in the final seconds. Next up were the stronger Digicel and Virgin Atlantic teams, who gave no quarter in the challenging light, but were probably happy to share the spoils at three goals each at the end of the final chukka. Great credit to the players and the ponies as the conditions were new to everyone and not helped by the heavy downpour that made the surface slippery. This tournament took a lot of planning and in addition to arranging the entertainment, food and off-field facilities,



the players and the ponies had to adapt to polo under the stars in a real sense. The floodlights were seconded from the Williams Construction Company and understandably not ideal for top class sport, so the players and ponies had several practice sessions to ensure everything worked. In the final analysis it was a huge undertaking that came off superbly and


great credit to everyone, including the patrons and sponsors, who had a night to remember. Everyone in Barbados loves a party and Polo Under the Stars produced a spectacular evening that raised the benchmark another notch in local polo.





The game was brought to the island by the British Army and was first played at the Garrison close to St. Ann’s Fort, the main army barracks around 1880.

Polo was played at the Garrison until the mid-1960s when the club moved to Holder’s Hill.

2 The Barbados Polo Club was founded in 1884 and the founding members were Army cavalry officers, plantation owners and several prominent businessmen.

3 The Garrison was the centre of many sporting activities in the 1800s and had been drained by the Royal Engineers to make it flat and dry. Horse racing was very popular and racing days were society occasions that attracted large crowds.


5 The Barbados Polo Club was established at Holder’s Hill thanks to the generosity of the Kidd family who provided the ground and gave the club such a beautiful home.

6 Until modern times the polo ponies were generally ex-racehorses. Today some racehorses still come to polo, but most of the modern polo horses are bred exclusively as polo ponies or imported from polo strongholds like Argentina.

andy moran from the villages receiving trophy from keith melville

7 Polo plodded passively along for many years, but 15 years ago it was transformed when a new generation of affluent young Barbados businessmen joined the club and raised its profile to another level. This led to new polo fields, high profile polo events, more sponsors, more spectators, and more polo people coming into the sport.

8 Barbados has four main polo fields at Holder’s Hill, Apes Hill, Lion Castle and Clifton. Apes Hill is the largest equestrian centre on the island with extensive stables, polo tuition and polo holiday packages on offer from the Apes Hill Resort.

9 richard gooding, alex cole, teddy williams & danny atwell

The Barbados Polo Club is based at Holder’s Hill and is the governing body of the sport on the island. It handles the players’ handicaps and is administered through an elected committee, which includes representatives from all the polo fields. The current President is Wayne Archer, who succeeded the loyal Keith Melville, who had held the office for 39 years. Club Captain is well-known Barbados horse trainer Richard Deane.

10 Polo in Barbados has an international awareness within the sport and many clubs, their friends and supporters come to the island every year because of polo. Some have been coming for over 50 Years. The sport is an important part of the Barbados sports tourism product and polo days at all the clubs are popular events where spectators are always welcome.

gaston moore



with one of the island’s up and coming young lady players

CHRISTANSIA EVELYN When did you start playing polo and with whom? My dad introduced me to polo. I started playing at home when I was 13 and then at Holder’s Hill when I was 15.

Do you play other sports? Does watching Netflix avidly count?

Who’s your favourite polo player and why? Nina Clarkin. I watched her play in the Battle of the Sexes when I was younger and have admired her ever since.

What’s your favourite restaurant in Barbados? Anywhere that has good sushi!

Have you a favourite polo ground? No. I'd say all our polo fields are good, but in different ways. Some are better for a running game and others are better for a more technical game.

Have you played polo overseas? I played for the first time overseas in the Villages last year.

Where do you like to hang out when you are chillin’ with friends? No specific place really, but we always have a good time at the Mill.


Any dislikes about polo or the polo scene? I think sometimes we lose sight that it's just a game and that it should be for fun.

Do you think you will marry a polo player? You know what thought made a man do…

What’s your favourite music and who do you like to listen to most? I like music that I can sing along to in the car. I love to listen to George Ezra.

What’s your favourite meal? I love breakfast foods. So I'd say breakfast

Have you played with and against your dad? What’s was that like? Yes, I have played with and against my Dad. In the nicest way possible I much prefer to play on his team. He's crazy fit and energetic, and playing against him is exhausting! (Plus he tends to enjoy picking on me when he's on the other team)

What is your career path right now? Are you a ‘home girl?’ Currently I'm in my 3rd year at UWI studying law. Yes, I would say I am a 'home body.' I love doing university in the comfort of my home environment.

Have you a favourite polo pony? Yes, my little mare Karina

How often do you play in the polo season? Not nearly as often as I would like, but 'school has to come first' - at least that’s what my parents say!

Will ladies polo grow in Barbados in the next decade? I really hope so. Worldwide it's becoming huge and there are steps in place to make it more prominent in Barbados, so yes I think it will grow.

Do you like playing against the men? I guess if I didn't I would only play once a year!

If you could change one thing in Barbados polo with the flick of a switch what would it be? Make more time for club polo. I know that it doesn't help to pay the bills, but in my opinion, it's what creates the camaraderie environment.

Do you dress up or dress down at weekends? Depends on what we are doing that weekend and how much effort needs to be made.

Where will Christansia be in 10 years time? Hopefully with a degree, a good job, a nice life and enjoying being 30 (Wow 30!)




Women’s Polo ON THE RISE The decision of the Hurlingham Polo Association (HPA), the governing body of polo in Britain, to set up a separate handicap structure for female polo players is a commendable effort to try and boost women’s polo.

harry manning trying to steal the ball from tiva gross


Team Virgin Atlantic ladies - vicki gonzalez, tiva gross, hazel jackson & Sarah wiseman

Under the new structure women who play in men’s polo will impact Twenty20 cricket made in traditional cricket, but retain their existing handicap, but when they play women’s although well-meaning, it was difficult to break down polo they will have a separate handicap as defined and traditional barriers. regulated by the HPA. This will help boost the women’s game The changes in the handicap structure will affect some and help alleviate the congestion in the traditional handicap well-known women overseas payers, who have visited structure that has resulted in too many players caught with Barbados in recent years. Big favourites like Marianela similar handicaps when there is an obvious difference in their Castagnola from Argentina plays off a 2-Goal handicap in the ability. By creating a more realistic structure within the men’s game, but will now play off an 8-Goal handicap when women’s game the HPA hopes to boost and develop the sport playing against other ladies. Emma Tomlinson will move up with the fair sex. In addition to the new structure a women’s to 5-Goal and Hazel Jackson to 7-Goal. Kenya’s Tiva Gross polo league is being set up in England in 2016. made her first visit to Barbados last year and was a very The new handicap structure will bring English polo and the popular visitor. She also plays out of Knepp Castle Polo Club other countries affiliated to the HPA, up to par with existing and now has a 5-Goal Handicap. The highest women’s rating arrangements already in place was given to Nina Clarkin from in United States, France and the Cirencester Polo Club, who Argentina. was awarded the magical 10-Goal Hurlingham has a special status by the HPA. place in the history of polo and The changes will also affect huge influence. In 1875 the local women players when they Hurlingham Polo Committee play against other ladies. was founded and assumed However, with limited numbers responsibility for setting out the this may have limited impact, rules. It was widely accepted as but as the game grows and more Polo Headquarters and in 1903 ladies come into polo it will it changed its name to the certainly help improve the game. Hurlingham Club Polo In the short-term it will not affect Committee and 22 years later to the popular annual Battle Hurlingham Polo Association. of the Sexes Series as it is ladies tiva gross getting the better of bruce bayley By that time it had considerably against men, and all the extended its membership both in Britain and across the handicaps will be based on the men’s structure. However, world. The Barbados Polo Club is affiliated and Hurlingham this will not be the case when Apes Hill Polo Club hosts its to polo is like Lord’s to cricket and Wembley to football. inaugural Ladies Tour in April. The move to expand the women’s game is an extension This exciting initiative is the brainchild of Camilla Williams of other initiatives that have attempted to broaden the and will feature four teams. The visiting players will come membership base and get more people playing polo. Several from the UK, Kenya, USA, Argentina plus, a local Apes Hill years ago former Supermodel Jodie Kidd and her brother Jack Club team. The new tournament will boost the ladies helped promote an attempt to take the sport to the populous calendar, which has essentially been the Battle of the Sexes with a big exhibition match in Hurlingham Park. The Series for over a decade. promotion was an attempt to remove some of the elitist image Camilla’s aim is to establish a regular Ladies tour and make of polo by playing in popular areas, smaller pitches, cameras this an annual event with more overseas players coming to and microphones on the players and a sin bin for rule the island. She feels Barbados has as much to offer as any breakers and offenders. The idea was to capitalize on the international polo destination, and it could get bigger in the


hazel jackson rides off marc atwell


bruce bayley

POLOBARBADOS years to come. It will be organized like any other polo tournament with an entry fee and horse rentals, fully supported by quality sponsors. Exciting times for the ladies! The annual Men versus Ladies tournament has moved into its 13th year. The Series has by far exceeded its expectations and seems to be going from strength to strength judging by last year’s series, which ended in a gripping tie at two matches each. The men still hold a slight advantage in the overall stats, but everyone lives in the present and the tied 2015 series sets everything up for this year. Top players Sarah Wiseman, Clare Broughan (nee Donnelly and Hazel Jackson will be back to boost the ladies teams, backed by our local stars. sarah wiseman, monique archer, tiva gross & hazel jackson

Diamonds International and Virgin Atlantic are two of local polo’s most generous sponsors and their continued involvement has ensured a high standard of players participate and the tournament retains its status as the ‘one not to miss.’ Diamonds International and their visionary CEO Jacob Hassid have been associated with the event since it was inaugurated in 2003, while Virgin Atlantic’s Regional Commercial Manager Andre Bello makes no secret of his enthusiasm, as the airline uses it to entertain its Flying Club Members. Happy days all round. All in all, it promises to be an exciting and lively season for ladies polo in Barbados. hazel jackson

diamonds international bvlgari mens - roddy davis, marc atwell, adam deane, bruce bayley with Michal hassid of diamonds international and Virgin Atlantic ladies team vicki gonzalez, tiva gross, hazel jackson & Sarah wiseman




edge out Cheshire

The 2015 Annual Cheshire visit lived up to expectations as once again the English club travelled in strength and gave a good account of themselves on and off the field.

philip tempro & ollie taylor

teddy williams

charlie walton

The Cheshire members, with their conspicuous bright red shirts, make a big impact when they visit Barbados every March and the polo is always fiercely contested. The series dates back over three decades and despite the competitive rivalry on the polo fields many long lasting friendships have resulted. Three matches were played at Holder’s and the Thursday game at Lion Castle with joint sponsorship from UNNA Luxury Resorts and Residences and Insurance Company ICBL. One of the features of the Cheshire visit is the club culture and although the visitors were strong enough to put out a 12-Goal team their tour involves other club players and this allows mid-week matches to involve lesser mortals on both sides. Oliver Taylor, son of Cheshire polo Doyen Howard Taylor, captained the club on the tour and was the most prominent Cheshire player in the series. A regular visitor to the island for many years 4-Goal Ollie leads from the front, but unfortunately for the visitors he couldn’t find his scoring touch in the important opening match at Holders and although he scored their only goal, two Jamie


Team ICBL barbados - stewart gill, marc atwell, pablo crespin, alex cole with Alex Tasker from ICBL and Team Cheshire - howard taylor, stephen jones, charlie walton & Johnny coddington

luis clerici

Dickson strikes won the day for Barbados. This was a low scoring match by polo standards, but it set the tone for a close series and was well received by the large crowd. Cheshire bounced back with a win at Holders two days later in the first of the two midweek games, but Barbados regained the lead with a resounding 9-4 win at Lion Castle on the Thursday. Hero on the day was Pablo Crespin, who was in tremendous form with five goals helped by a brace each from Alex Cole and Marc Atwell. However, the biggest cheer of the day probably went to the evergreen Howard Taylor when he got his name on the score-sheet for the visitors. The series was therefore still in the balance when the two teams met for the final chukkas at Holders on the last day of the tour. Once again another big crowd gathered in sunshine and with the match played at 12-Goal a tied result was eliminated as the local team was allowed a half goal advantage on handicap. Barbados fielded a strong line-up in Danny Atwell, Jamie Dickson, Teddy Williams and Phillip Tempro, while Cheshire paraded their strongest team of Ollie Taylor, Charlie Walton, Johnny Coddington and James Fielding. The first two chukkas were keenly contested and missed opportunities by both sides kept the match in the balance and


Sir Charles Williams with the 2015 Banks Calendar Girl, Tia Best, Roddy Davis & Richard gooding

at the half way stage goals from Jamie Dickson and Teddy Williams, with a reply from Charlie Walton, allowed the locals a slender one and a half goal advantage. Nothing could separate the teams in the third chukka with a Danny Atwell goal cancelled out by another Charlie Walton strike, so the outcome of the match and the series went into the final chukka. The vociferous Cheshire supporters are at their best in the final stages of tightly-contested games and this was no exception. There were plenty of cheers and gasps as the action bounced to and fro, but the all-important next goal came from Man-of-the-Match Jamie Dickson to seal the game at 4 ½ to 2. It was a thrilling end to another fine series and although the visitors might feel they deserved a share of the spoils over the four games it was Barbados who added another notch to their record in this long and popular series. Well done Cheshire and their supporters in not only adding to the enjoyment of the Barbados polo season, but in showing how polo is such an important clog in the Barbados sports tourism product The club travelled in strength and took full advantage of all the social amenities our island has to offer, including the Big Hat Polo Party hosted by the Barbados Polo Club members.


Sponsors ‘in Action’ The 2015 Barbados Polo Club season saw the club welcome back some old sponsors and develop some relationships with new sponsors.




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Polo News THE 2016 BARBADOS POLO CLUB COMMITTEE PRESIDENT - Wayne Archer VICE-PRESIDENT - Bruce Bayley CLUB CAPTAIN - Richard Deane VICE CAPTAIN - Danny Atwell SECRETARY - Stewart Gill TREASURER - Harry Manning COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Alex Cole, Richard Gooding Philip Tempro, Danny Atwell, Roddy Davis & Adam Deane

CELEBRATING 50 YEARS The Barbados Polo Club is celebrating 50 years since they moved from playing polo at the Garrison to their current home at Holders, St. James.

FOR SALE At the time of going to press, Stewart Gill had placed his string of Polo Ponies for sale. Already two have gone to Richard Deane’s stables and have been played by his daughter Ashleigh and son Adam. Stewart will continue to play this season but we hope this is not the end of Stewart’s polo days.

CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATS to Stewart Gill and his wife Anoushka on the birth of their baby boy Luca. Luca was born on April 7, 2015 weighing 6 lbs 14 oz. We wish them all the best.

CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATS to Salvador Duggan ‘Chulo’ and his wife Emma on the birth of their baby boy. Lucas Salvador was born on December 21st weighing a healthy 9lbs 3oz.



SPIRIT OF POLO For the start of the Polo Season, The Barbados Polo Club played host to the Wine, Food and Rum Festival at Holders Polo Field on Nov 16th. From all accounts the afternoon was a successful one with patrons being treated to delicious food, cocktails and a fun afternoon of polo. Teams were presented with beautiful glass trophies made by Torchworxx

CONDOLENCES Barbados Polo offers our condolences to the Moran Family on the passing of Dick Moran. Dick was one of the members that was instrumental in forming the long relationship between The Barbados Club and the Villages USA.

VILLAGES MISSING A SEASON The Villages USA team will not be making the annual trek to Barbados this year due to conflicting schedules, but the Team will be back for the 2017 Season. This has given the Barbados Polo Club the opportunity to invite a Canadian Team to come for the 2016 Season, which we hope will be an exciting Tour.

RECORD BREAKING Congratulations are in order to Sir Charles Williams on his record breaking match where he achieved the accolade from The Guinness Book of Records for being the oldest playing polo player in the world what an accomplishment! To achieve this record he had to play the entire four chukka match, which he did with his two sons and grandson to share with him this momentous occasion.



PEOPLE AT POLO Joe and Marilil Troulan Joe and Marilil Troulan work together for their own company Barbados Villa Services, which is a property management, maintenance and rental company, family operated since 2001. They are the rental and management specialists at Glitter Bay having 18 units and growing. They also have 16 properties in The Falls, Sandy Lane, Royal Westmoreland and Holder’s Hill areas. Joe takes care of all the maintenance and remodelling /refurbishment works while Marilil take care of the administration. They are a good team. They are also staunch supporters of Barbados sport, charity events and good causes. They are loyal supporters of Barbados polo, so we asked a few questions why! When and why did you start going to watch polo? We started going to polo when Joe came over to live in Barbados and several months later he started working for Sir Charles Williams. When our two youngest girls were babies they were always with us at polo and that is going back at least 18 years! Have you a favourite polo ground and why? Simply for its history, it has to be Holder’s Hill. Do you go for the polo or the social scene or a bit of both? Definitely a bit of both. The social scene is always a good one! What are your polo likes and dislikes? We love the excitement and the action of the game. However, it is very difficult to watch when a player or a horse is injured. That’s the only downside. Do you watch polo during the week or just Sunday afternoons? We try to get out during the week especially for the international matches. However, Sunday afternoons are the biggest draw even if there is work to do the next day! Do you bring friends or entertain business clients? Very much so. Polo is a great venue to meet up with friends and over the years running our own companies we have taken many clients to watch the games. Is there anything you’d like to change in the polo scene? We think they should consider allowing back coolers with a ‘cooler fee’ if necessary - it was always great to see everyone enjoying the game ‘al fresco’ with their picnics spread out or in the back of the pickups. Not everyone enjoys sitting in the clubhouse or hanging around the bar to watch the game. This added to the overall atmosphere. What is your favourite polo match of the season? The one and only Cheshire Series – it is a great time had by players and spectators on and off the field! Thank you Mr and Mrs Troulan.



living the POLO DREAM Lifestyle living embraces many tastes with beachfront, marina, and fairway probably the most popular. But if you are a polo player then there’s only one lifestyle that you will want to align with and fortunately Barbados has the answer. There are four major polo fields on the island, and three offer the opportunity to buy a property close to the action. Admittedly very few properties come on the market in the established Polo Ridge residential area alongside Holder’s Hill, but Apes Hill and Lion Castle are two developments that are strategically placed to make the most of a polo ambience and some stunning scenery. For those who enjoy polo and an equestrian ambience then these two developments are sure to capture your imagination. Apes Hill offers the most complete polo lifestyle package because in addition to its superb equestrian facilities, it has a spectacular golf course, new clubhouse under construction, tennis facilities and a well-managed rental program. The lots and properties around the golf course followed the Waterhall townhouse development, which overlooks the Elliott Williams Polo Field. These properties were quickly sold when they hit


Apes Hill Polo Field, St. James

Lion Castle Polo Field, St. Thomas

the market six years ago, but the whole Apes Hill development has matured since then and will ultimately become one of the most prestigious lifestyle communities in the Caribbean. The range of real estate is wide with the bigger lots and larger properties along the immaculate fairways dream homes for the rich and famous. Townhouses have also been popular, especially for investment and personal use because the rental program has been very successful and continues to grow as the development matures. Another of the features of the Apes Hill community is the adoption of a green culture and the conservation and preservation of the environment not only in the real estate development, but also throughout the golf course. The Lion Castle real estate product is a much more discerning offering as the lots are large and the development is more private and as yet, less community oriented. This will change in due course as more properties are built on the elevated slopes with magnificent panoramic views all the way

down to the South Coast. The central feature of the Lion Castle project remains its splendid clubhouse, which is an ideal place to watch a polo match or be entertained, unless of course, you own a property close-by! Polo lovers are fortunate to have two attractive lifestyle options in Barbados so close to their sporting passion. They are unique in the Caribbean although the concept is not new as there is a small number of prestigious polo real estate communities scattered across the polo world. Everyone of them is special, including the Villages Community in Florida, which sends a team to play Barbados every year and where many locals have enjoyed their hospitality in reverse. The Villages is a massive retirement community with four polo fields and a huge grandstand and clubhouse, 30 golf courses, 25,000 inhabitants, restaurants, cinemas, hospitals et al. Apes Hill and Lion Castle are much more private in comparison, but just as impressive in terms of quality lifestyle and polo ambience.



Polo People 1








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1. Danny Atwell with his daughter Ila 2. Liz & Bruce Bayley 3. Keith Melville 4. Jennifer Deane 5. Adam Deane, Philip Atwell & Richard Deane 6. Roddy Davis & Casimir Gross 7. Taylor Coddington 8. Sir Charles Williams with 2015 Banks Calender Girl, Tia Best 9. Richard Deane 10. Tina Taylor 11. TJ Davis, Casimir Gross & Luis Clerici 12 Lilly Williams 13. Jeff Evelyn 14. Jason O’Selmo.





Out & About 81

BIG HAT Polo Party



Are we missing a trick? Given the spread of beach polo across the world in the last decade are we missing a trick not having beach polo in Barbados? After all, we have an ideal climate, some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and a vibrant polo scene, all the ingredients to stage this innovative brand of polo. Beach polo like many other variations of the game, takes its origins from the traditional game, albeit with some important adjustments. The game is played on a beach, ideally with a playing area of 90 x 45 metres. The sides of the playing area are enclosed with 4’ high sideboards so that the ball comes back into play ensuring the action flows fast and furious. There are three players rather than four, and the ball is an inflated ball of approx. 12.5” in circumference making it easier to hit. With these adjustments most of the other rules are the same, although the two umpires sit outside the playing arena in an elevated position to view the action. Goals are scored in the normal way, fouls are awarded as normal, chukkas are seven minutes each, and the ponies and the gear are much the same. Spectators sit on the sides, ideally in elevated seating areas to ensure they get a good view of the action and depending on how close the playing area is to the water’s edge, some of the action might involve a few splashes. It seems ideal for Barbados and hopefully some innovative and visionary polo group will take up the challenge. However, the biggest challenge may be locating an area big enough to host the playing area and the spectators, plus the polo ponies and their entourage. Barbados is rich in beautiful beaches, but they are mostly narrow and subject to tidal erosion. Locating a suitable area might not be that straightforward, although where there’s a will there’s a way. As one of our leading construction companies proudly boasts- “We move the earth to please,” then by extension could they also move or extend a beach to please? Dubai is credited with the introduction of competitive beach polo although it has been played in impromptu local gatherings all over the world for many years. The passionate Dubai polo community launched it in style and today the Beach Polo Cup Dubai is one of the most prestigious beach polo tournaments on the globe. Within a year of Dubai’s initiative, beach polo was introduced in United States by the Miami Beach Polo Club and in 2008 the International Beach Polo Association was created to regulate the sport, which by that time was


being played in over 20 countries. The following year the Miami Beach Polo Club inaugurated a Ladies World Cup Beach Polo Tournament and Matias Maguini from Argentina became the first woman to be awarded a 10-goal handicap in beach polo. One of the most popular beach polo tournaments in recent times is the Asahi British Polo Championships held at Sandbanks Beach at Poole in South England. The two-day event features four teams, three from England Scotland and Wales, plus a Barbarians trio renowned for their bustling flamboyant attacking style. The current champions are the Clogau Wales team led by the dashing Ricky Cooper, who was introduced to beach polo the first year he rode a horse in 2004. The Welsh trio of Cooper, Roddy Matthews and Richard Blake-Thomas have won the tournament twice in the last three years, but the festival offers much more than just beach polo. It is a lively fun weekend with night entertainment, beach volleyball, a university challenge match to promote youth polo and a “Machine versus Beast” challenge race between a polo rider and an Audi SQ5 for Variety, the Children’s Charity. The organizers claim the Saturday evening closing party is the party of all polo parties so if you are in the UK on 27-29 May this year head down to Poole for some lively entertainment. If you are a little more adventurous the Beach Polo Cup Dubai 2016 tournament is being held in April and who knows, maybe the 2017 Barbados polo season will feature a beach polo match? Watch this space!



24 questions for MARC ATWELL


Who is your favourite polo player? Cambiaso Who is the player you like playing with most? Adam Deane, we grew up playing together and have a good understanding. Who is the player you like playing against least? My Brother Danny-firstly because of how good he is, and secondly because we always end up in an argument. Who is the best polo player in Barbados in your opinion? Adam "The Pro" Deane. Your favourite polo field in Barbados? Holders. Do you like playing against lady polo players? They are polo players male, female, so it does not matter.


What’s your favourite polo pony? Skins, the big grey I play in the last chukka of a match. Who is the best Atwell polo Player? Danny! Is polo too expensive to play? For young people wanting to get into the game, yes. What is your favourite tournament every year? I always look forward to the Barbados Open. What other sports do you play? Anything really, but nothing too seriously-tennis, golf, football, surf. Have you ever wanted to be a racing jockey? No. Are the umpires fair? I would hope as fair as they can be. Can you hear what Jonathan Simpson is saying when you are playing? Yes, at times. Do you care what Jonathan Simpson is saying when you are playing? No!


What do you eat before a polo match? Nothing specific, whatever is in the fridge. What do you drink after a polo match? Water or Gatorade. Are polo players superstitious? I think everyone is a little superstitious so yes. Do you sulk when you lose? I don't think so. Do you gloat when you win? Only if I beat my brother! Do you want to win some matches real bad? I suppose most players would want to. Do you get enough polo games every season? More than enough matches, but not enough practice chukkas. Who is the most promising up and coming polo player in Barbados? Josh and Jake are both playing well. What do you dislike most about polo? How rough it can get at times. What is you dream team with you as Captain? Myself, my father and my two brothers. Unfortunately we have only ever played together once.

and the WINNER IS... Kenya Tour- Match One Barbados Winning Team - Rhys Odle, Jamie Dickson, Peter Odle (Managing Director of Mango Bay), Teddy Williams, Danny Atwell

KENYA TOUR - Holders Match - Barbados Winning Team Pablo Crespin, Stephen Williams, Richard Gooding & Philip Atwell

BPC VILLAGES TOUR - three of the Winning Barbados Team with Digicel Representatives

BPC Diamonds Intl. Battle of The Sexes - Day 1 - Marc Atwell, Beverly Layne (Virgin Atlantic) Richard Gooding, Jason O’Selmo, Harry Manning, Camilla Williams, Tiva Gross, Hazel Jackson & Sarah Wiseman

HICKSTEAD TOUR - Linda Williams of team Hickstead receiving her prize from her daughter Camilla Williams

ICBL ROGER GOODING MEMORIAL TROPHY - Winning Team ICBL Linda Williams, Richard Gooding, Teddy Williams, Danny Atwell, Annika Povey, Alex Tasker (ICBL) Team JCB - Joshua Archer, Cristian Chaves, Lucas Nicolao, Bruce Bayley


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A big impression

Man of the Match - Casimir Gross

CASIMIR GROSS Last year when the Kenya Polo Association made their first visit to Barbados their leading player Casimir Gross made such a big impression he was invited back. The invitation came from Mango Bay owner Peter Odle and his son Rhys, the captain of the Mango Bay Polo Team in the Barbados Open. The invitation was readily accepted and it proved inspirational, as not only did Casimir make a major contribution to the team, but they also won for the first time. Casimir had a good tour with the Kenya Polo Association in the drawn series, but he was on another level in the Barbados Open. He revelled in the competitive atmosphere and his keen eye for a goal proved decisive throughout the tournament. In the final Mango Bay beat team Rubis 8-2 in a shock result, but there was no surprise when the young Kenyan was awarded the Most Valuable Player (MTV) prize. Casimir’s cameos into Barbados polo last year prompted Polo Barbados Magazine to find out more about this dashing young player. Casimir grew up in Kenya and was introduced to the sport at the tender age of eight. Perhaps it was inevitable, given his parents and grandparents were all polo players, but it was a tradition warmly accepted by the next generation as Casimir, his older brother and two sisters all play polo. Indeed he lists as one of his greatest polo achievements as winning the prestigious Mugs Mug Tournament in Kenya with a family team of two brothers and two sisters. Polo in Kenya has many similarities to Barbados according


Casimir Gross

Winning the Barbados Open was a huge bonus and he pays tribute to his teammates because they made it such fun...

Casimir Gross

widely to play polo, but lists Barbados up there with the best to Casimir, but also some significant differences. The social and a “Must Visit” for any overseas polo player. Winning the atmosphere and friendliness are much the same and the demographics and handicaps are similar. But the big Barbados Open was a huge bonus and he pays a handsome difference is the quality of the polo fields in Barbados and tribute to his teammates because they made it such fun, the regular high level matches played throughout the season. despite the competitive atmosphere. He was also delighted to However, he feels the future of stay at the beautiful Mango Bay polo in Kenya is bright as the Hotel and get time to enjoy Casimir’s lasting impressions level is rising and a number of some of the ‘sights’ on offer. of polo in Barbados will always talented young players are They included golf at Apes Hill, be the friendliness and kindness emerging. dining at 2nd Street, relaxing on Casimir loves his sport and also some beautiful West Coast shown to him and his friends and beaches, the sun, and the rum! enjoys rugby, cricket and golf. feels Barbados has something Casimir’s lasting impressions He graduated from Newcastle special when it comes to hospitality. of polo in Barbados will University in North always be the friendliness and England and is currently kindness shown to him and engaged in a new career with his friends and feels Barbados has something special when London law firm Farrer and Co. Unfortunately that may it comes to hospitality. He can’t wait to get back, but much decurtail his sporting activities in the foreseeable future, pends on work commitments and timing. He’s also an although he’s hoping to play some cricket next summer and important part of the Kenya polo scene and has a family he fit in polo as and when. He has yet to join a polo club in the will miss while working in London. He’s got a few time London area, but much depends on work commitments and the time available for leisure. Long gone are those endless management challenges on the horizon, but still harbours weeks called university breaks. ambitions to play polo around the world and ultimately to By his own admission last year’s visits to Barbados were have his own polo string of ponies in Kenya. special highlights for the 5-Goal player. He has travelled Let’s hope he still finds time to return to Barbados.



Our friends at the TURF CLUB Many polo people are also racegoers as the equestrian interest embraces both sporting disciplines.


This is not surprising as racing appeared on the island long before polo and even in the days before organized racing there were many private and impromptu races on the plantations. The horse has made a huge contribution to the development and economy of Barbados and in the old days prior to motor engines it was the principal mode of transport and agricultural work. A good horse was also a status symbol amongst the plantation owners and the horsemen and horsewomen within their families and when they had a fine athletic horse there was plenty of bragging rights and a few wagers to be won testing it against allcomers. Consequently it was almost inevitable the competition would extend to duals with the British Cavalry and

And so the bond between both equestrian interests still remains strong today over 130 years later, albeit with two distinct sporting cultures. In much the same way as in 1880, there are still horse people who operate in both disciplines and over the years this has been a feature of equestrian sport on the island. A Day at the Races is just as entertaining as a Day at Polo and for many spectators it is a great opportunity to enjoy both. You are just as likely to see racing people at polo as you are to see polo people at racing and it all adds to a unique island equestrian culture unlikely to be found anywhere else in the world. Barbados is really a small horse community where equestrian people work

when the Royal Engineers drained the Garrison Savannah for drilling and military training it wasn’t long before the horsemen were also using it for recreation purposes. Polo entered the scene around 1880 when new regiments arrived from India where the game was rapidly developing. In those embryonic years there were no polo ponies so the same horses that were used for racing had to adapt to polo and if they weren’t up for racing then polo was their only recreational alternative. This remains part of Barbados horse racing culture and several polo stables are very proud of the work they do to re-train horses and convert them to polo ponies when their appetite for racing has either dwindled or was never there in the first place. The Second Chance culture lives on with prominent polo players like Luis Clerici doing sterling work.

together and this has helped to make it special. Polo personalities like Sir Charles Williams, Richard Deane, Adam Dean, Jonathan Simpson and Bruce Bayley have been more involved than most at the Turf Club in recent years. The distinctive COW Williams blue and yellow colours are omnipresent in the parade ring on race days and often very prominent in the winners’ enclosure. Sir Charles is by far the major patron of both sports and the Williams stables make a huge contribution to the development and welfare of both. As an owner and breeder he continues to boost the horse racing industry and the development of the Apes Hill equestrian facilities owes much to his drive, vision and enthusiasm. Barbados Polo Club Captain Richard Deane is one of the island’s leading trainers and now his son Adam is following


in his father’s footsteps. Both continue to play polo at every opportunity in addition to their racing commitments, although Bruce has toned down his involvement a notch in recent times after a decade when he was one of the major driving forces in both sports. Jonathan Simpson is a coming young trainer on Saturdays and the chirpy commentator at Holder’s Hill on Sundays, who adds much to the enjoyment of every polo match. Jonathan continues to increase his winners total every year and has gained a lot of kudos from being double Sandy Lane Gold Cup winner Ken Ramsay’s local trainer. It is also worth noting that sponsors also embrace both sports and in particular, Jacob Hassid and Diamonds International have been and continues to be one of horse racing’s biggest supporters. Diamonds International and some of their leading international brands are prominent sponsors in the annual horse racing calendar. The Sandy Lane Gold Cup in March continues to be the jewel in the horse racing crown and the biggest event in the first race season. There are three racing seasons with the first two spanning January to August and the final season in November and December. All the meetings are on Saturdays and a seat in the grandstand for a day’s entertaining is a mere US$10. With polo similarly priced where else in the world would you get such value for money? Last year American owner Ken Ramsay kindly brought the Sandy Lane Gold Cup he won the previous day with Sayler’s Creek to polo at Holder’s Hill and he was given pride of place in the clubhouse. He was also the most photographed personality at the polo until our leading jockey Patrick Husbands arrived and usurped him! Polo and horse racing continue to have a unique bond after all these years. It is something special and long may it continue.



and the WINNER IS... Sir Charles Williams of Team UNNA receiving prize from Bjorn Bjerkhamn

DIGICEL / ICBL The Villages Tour - First Match Team UNNA - Gary Shepherd, Joshua Archer, Pablo Crespin, Alistair Brown (UNNA), Ingrid Innes (ICBL) Team ICBL - Jeff Evelyn, Marc Atwell, Jason O’Selmo & Stewart Gill

Archers Hall / Diamonds Intl. Barbados Open winning team captain Rhys Odle receiving prize from Monique Archer and Terri Archer of Archers Hall

Archers Hall / Diamonds International Barbados Open - Second place winners - Team Rubis - Stewart Gill, Ollie Taylor, Jamie LeHardy & Damian Luke

Diamonds Intl. Battle of the Sexes - Mens Team with Diamonds Intl. Sponsors - Michal Hassid, Marc Atwell, Adeline Lister, Roddy Davis, Julie Murphy, Adam Deane, Jade Greggory & Bruce Bayley

ICBL ROGER GOODING MEMORIAL - Third and fourth place winners - Team Silverpoint Oliver Taylor, Marc Atwell, Damian Luke, Stewart Gill, Alex Tasker (ICBL) Annika Povey THE VILLAGES TOUR - Team Barbados - Luis Clerici, Richard Team Apes Hill Black - Philip Atwell, Jeff Evelyn, Stephen Williams & Pablo Crespin Deane, Adam Deane & Roddy Davis



UNDERSTANDING POLO TALK Coming new into polo you could be forgiven for not understanding some of the common expressions used in the game. Here are a few definitions that will help the Rookie to understand ‘polo speak.’

Ride off


This happens when a player leans against the opponent and veers them away from the ball instead of chasing it. It’s legal, but it always looks unsporting.

The two ‘mounted police’ in black and white, who amble slowly behind the play. In addition the Referee or third man is polo’s answer to the TV referee. He sits in the stand and only adjudicates when the two umpires disagree.

Hook This happens when a player uses his mallet from behind to hook or stop another player hitting the ball. It is a skilful manoeuvre and must not be done in a robust or unsafe manner. However, many spectators feel it is unfair!

Chukka Is a period of play, usually seven minutes with an additional 30 seconds after the sounding of the bell. Most matches are 4-8 chukkas.

Mallet That’s the long stick the players use to hit the ball.

Out of Bounds Happens when the ball is hit over the boards and the play is then re-started with a ‘Throw-in’. The Throw-in is also used to start a match or re-start after a goal has been scored. In these situations it takes place in the centre of the field.

Penalty Hit A free hit after an infringement. The distance is determined by the severity of the foul.

Near-side Left side of the pony.

Off-side Right side of the pony. All players must play right-handed.

Line of Ball This is the most misunderstood and abused rule. Basically it is the imaginary line the ball is moving on and an opponent should not cross it if a player is following that line and has the right of way. But, it is open to interpretation and quite often, disagreement.

Back Shot A strike in the opposite direction in which a player is moving. It is usually performed when a player is racing back to defend and plays a reverse shot to switch the ball back upfield.


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sponsoring POLO


Alex Tasker

ICBL is one of several new polo sponsors in recent times. Polo Barbados asked their experienced Senior Vice President of Business Development & Marketing, Alex Tasker what has attracted the company to the sport and some general questions on their marketing strategy‌ You are new polo sponsors. What has attracted you to the sport as a sponsor? Our decision to get involved in polo was driven by the same reason we undertake any sponsorship activity. We want to give back to and keep connected with our customers, whether through sport, education, culture, or some other avenue. ICBL would not be a success without its customers, therefore we ensure that we always put ourselves in a position to interact with them, giving them the opportunity to give us feedback about their experience with our service, as well as their views about our product offerings. It also gives us the opportunity to enquire about their personal and business needs, which is information we can then use to build products and further enhance our services. You had some great promotions last season-what was the feedback from your customers and clients? The feedback from our clients was tremendous. They were very happy to interact with the ICBL brand in this forum. As mentioned before, it gave them the opportunity to share their opinions about the services we provide and how we can further develop these to better meet their needs.


roger gooding memorial trophy winners team ICBL - Linda Williams, richard gooding, alex tasker,teddy williams and danny atwell

clients, the backbone of ICBL, within their various communities and activities, our objective here is to do the same within the various communities and activities of these markets, which we are expanding in to. Are you doing anything different with your sponsorship this season? Last year was quite successful for us in terms of brand visibility, while the return on investment has been ongoing. So this year we will again be focusing on getting close to the customers and getting to know them better. Can you tell the readers in a few sentences something about ICBL?

teddy williams

Polo promotions and marketing is very different from a lot of your other marketing. Have you a particular target audience or marketing objective? ICBL has always been known as a true Barbadian company, serving the needs of the average Barbadian. Over the years however, we have expanded our reach significantly, becoming more visible in the commercial, offshore and villa markets for example. Just as we interact with our average Barbadian


“Always there when you need us most.” This encapsulates everything we stand for. Do you do other sports marketing? Most certainly! We are the major sponsors of the Empire Cricket Club, while each year we renew our commitment to the Barbados Secondary Schools Association Athletic Championships. For the last few years we have also been a part of the Run Barbados series, which after the 2015 edition we are hopeful is well on its way to being one of the island’s premier sporting events.



seals it for TEAM ICBL

marc atwell & Salvador Duggan

the roger gooding memorial trophy

Carlos san roman

Danny Atwell was the hero at last year’s Roger Gooding Memorial Final with a last minute goal that gave the ICBL team a narrow victory over Clifton. Seven teams contested this exciting 6-Goal tournament held in memory of one of the most popular figures in local polo who, sadly died a few years ago. Roger was not only a stalwart polo enthusiast over many years, he was also a long-serving employee of the Williams companies and it is fitting that this Annual Memorial Tournament is held at the Apes Hill Club. It was also fitting that his son Richard was a member of the winning team. The other members of the winning team were Linda Williams and Teddy Williams. The final was a lively affair with some heated exchanges and a few contested umpiring decisions that didn’t please everyone. None were more crucial than the penalty decision in the last minute, which gave Danny Atwell the chance to score in the dying seconds. Victory was at stake with the scores level at 4-4, but the ICBL player held his nerve to secure the win. The Clifton team was Bruce Bayley, Christian Chavez, Lucas Nicolao and Josh Archer. There was an added bonus for the organizers when ICBL announced further sponsorship of the event from 2016-18.


luis clerici & stewart gill

richard gooding

carlos san roman

teddy williams & Lucas Nicolao

presentation of trophy to winning team ICBL from Annika Povey daughter of Roger gooding - L to R - Sir charles williams, linda williams, richard gooding, annika povey, teddy williams, danny atwell & alex tasker






A typical saddle includes a base frame or "tree"; a seat for the rider; skirts, panels, and flaps that protect the horse from the rider's legs and vice versa; a girth that fits around the stomach of the horse and keeps the saddle stable; and stirrups for the rider's feet. The saddle tree is the frame on which the saddle is built. Its shape determines the shape of the saddle, which varies from the flat-race tree weighing only a few ounces to the modern dip-seated spring tree. Ideally, the tree should be built to fit the back of the horse for which the saddle is intended. Most of the time, however, saddles are manufactured for certain sizes and shapes and will fit most horses of equivalent sizes and shapes. Trees are usually made in three width fittings: narrow, medium, and broad, and four lengths: 15 inches, 16 inches, 16 1/2 inches and 17 1/2 inches Although to the untrained eye all saddles of a similar design look alike, the "tree" that underlies the saddle is usually one of the defining features of saddle quality. Traditionally, the tree of an English saddle is built of laminated layers of high quality wood reinforced with spring steel along its length, with a riveted gullet plate. These trees are semi-adjustable and are considered "spring trees." They have some give,

but a minimum amount of flexibility. More recently, saddle manufacturers are using various materials to replace wood and create a synthetic molded tree, (some with the integrated spring steel and gullet plate, some without). Synthetic materials vary widely in quality. Polyurethane trees are often very well-made, but some cheap saddles are made with fiberglass trees with limited durability. Synthetic trees are often lighter, more durable, and easier to customize. Some designs are intended to be more flexible and move with the horse. Several companies offer flexible trees or adjustable gullets that allow the same saddle to be used on different sizes of horses.



Club Captain Richard Deane gives us an insight into the polo saddle and how it fits into the polo scene‌ Are all polo saddles much the same? They are similar, but not necessarily the same because some are leather and some are suede, and of course, some are more expensive than others.

What makes a polo saddle different? The main difference is that polo saddles don’t have a knee roll and have a flat seat, which allows more flexibility and movement in the saddle. What’s the best material for a saddle? Leather and suede are the most popular materials. Who makes the best saddles in the world? It all comes down to preference. Currently a lot of the saddles used in Barbados come out of Argentina and Miami. Of course, the English polo players will have their own preferences so perhaps it depends where you play your polo. Some of the top polo players have their own line of saddles that they have endorsed. How much does a polo saddle cost? This is an open-ended question because it depends on how much you are willing to spend. The price range could start around US$600 and rise to well over a thousand, depending on the material and the brand. How long does a saddle last? Assuming normal usage you should get at least 10 years, but very active polo players may not get as long. Do players carry their own saddles around or can anyone use the same saddle? Most players can adapt to other saddles because they are similar. Visiting players will be kitted out in Barbados and vice-versa when we travel.

A well-made saddle gives the horse rider the necessary support, security, and control over the animal. The saddle makes it possible for the rider to keep in balance with the horse by allowing him or her to sit over the horse's point of balance. Where are saddles usually kept when not in use? They are kept at the stables close to the horses. They are essential gear, so they are part of the baggage that we assemble before a polo match. Do ladies and men use the same types of saddle? Similar types, but ladies tend to have smaller saddles. Can a good saddle give a player an advantage? Not really. They may give more comfort, but a great saddle won’t make a great polo player on its own. Are there polo saddle safety regulations? The saddle has built-in safety features, which have been fine-tuned in the design over many years. Are there different colours and does colour matter? Most of the colours are associated with the material, so they tend to be variations of brown, black and beige as leather and suede are the most popular materials.



Getting there and important information

Holders Polo Field

Holders Polo Field Telephone: 432 1802 (Landline with recorded updates) Should you not receive the information that you require from this recording please Email: Clubmanager@barbadospoloclub.com

Lion Castle Polo Field

Lion Castle Polo Field Telephone: 622 POLO or 622 7656. (Landline with recorded updates) Should you have any further queries related to Lion Castle Clubhouse such as rental information for Weddings, private parties etc. Email: Clubhouse@Lioncastlepoloestate.com

Apes Hill Polo Field

Apes Hill Polo Field Telephone: 432 9550 or 262 3282 Should you have any further queries related to Apes Hill Polo Clubhouse such as rental information for weddings, private parties etc. Email: info@apeshillpolo.com


Gatsby Celebrating Thirty Years of Impeccable Fashion By Lynne-Marie Simmons


It is often said that there is some truth behind the jest. What may have started out as an ‘inside family joke’ between spouses has actually materialised into a successful franchise of multi-brand retail boutiques in Barbados. The year was 1985 and Karen Hopkin, the brand’s matriarch, was expecting with her second child. Her husband Gerald, recognizing that his wife possessed a keen eye for style and who had effortlessly mastered the “Art of Shopping” jokingly said: “Karen, if you keep bringing home so many exquisite garments, we’ll have to open a store!” Somewhere amongst the hysterical laughter, Gerald had unwittingly planted the seed. The months that followed found Karen preparing not only for the arrival of her daughter Gaël, but developing the concept for a women’s boutique. As the proprietress of the successful Java Flair boutique, Karen was no stranger to the high-fashion retail industry. She was also viewed by many as a local style icon and her opinion regarding fashion was often sought by clients and friends alike. They actively encouraged her to branch out and open a high-end boutique catering to stylish women with discerning tastes. Gerald and Karen opened the doors to Gatsby Boutique on 23rd December 1986 at the five-star Sandy Lane hotel on the platinum coast of Barbados. Over the three decades that followed, the franchise grew – from one boutique with three employees, up to as many as nine locations with three dozen employees during the height of Barbados’ economic boom. Despite the global recession which hit in 2008 and a local economy which continues to flounder, Gatsby still maintains five links in its retail stores chain:- its flagship store at the Sandy Lane Hotel and other boutiques located at The Hilton Barbados Resort, the Royal Pavilion hotel, the Tamarind Hotel and Limegrove Life Style Centre, complemented with a staff of 25 well-trained and knowledgeable employees. All of the stores have duty-free status. Gatsby is truly a retail anomaly. In an industry where many

Left: Karen Hopkin; Right: Gaël Hopkin

Gatsby’s flagship store at the Sandy Lane Hotel

proprietors struggle to keep their doors open, the Gatsby chain has not only survived but continues to flourish. When asked about the secret to their enduring success, Karen gives credit to the ethos behind the brand: “From inception, we have always approached this venture as a business. The Gatsby brand has been built on a foundation of tried and tested systems, policies and procedures. Our tailor-made business model and internal structuring have contributed to the survival and longevity of the business. The retail sector is heavily reliant on but complements the tourism industry. In order to survive, businesses must be able to deal with and adapt to changes in the tourism industry in general and the economy as a whole.” On entering any of Gatsby’s five locations, it is immediately clear that a tremendous amount of effort has been spent on creating a welcoming environment which is conducive to shopping. Clients are warmly greeted by staff who are stylishly attired in Gatsby’s corporate uniforms which have been specifically designed with a colourful fashion edge. The range of merchandise carried by the stores has now expanded to encompass both men and women’s designer fashion, from clothing to accessories, to jewelry, to footwear, for every occasion, at varying price points. The majority of Gatsby’s clientele are tourists, and, given the location of the stores, sales are heavily reliant on the tourist traffic. However, most of their clients are repeat visitors and customers whose holiday would not be complete without a visit (or two) to one of the Gatsby Boutiques. I asked Karen why she thought Gatsby had become so adept in attracting clients from Europe, the US and Canada, who chose not to shop in their home countries, but here. She said: “We are meticulous in choosing our stock, ensuring that we align ourselves with high-quality, high-fashion brands that consistently deliver exquisite merchandise. Because we are a multi-brand retail store, we are able to cater to a wider range of clientele who come in search of the latest in fashion at the best price without compromising on quality.”

Karen has overall responsibility for the back-of-house operations of Gatsby, which also includes purchasing. The stores have buying offices located in London and New York which source fashion lines that enhance Gatsby’s unique brand of Caribbean chic. She is often accompanied by Gaël, their Operations Manager, and many hours are spent with their buyers racing from private viewings, to runway shows, to client previews, where they both take a hands-on approach in selecting the merchandise. Retailers provide a linkage between the manufacturer and the consumer. Over the years, the leading ladies of Gatsby have forged relationships with some of the world’s most luxurious brands. The boutiques’ shelves are stocked with beautifully tailored pieces by Roberto Cavalli, Versace, ETRO, Robert Graham (Limited Edition collection) and Jean Paul Gaultier, to mention a few. Alexis Bittar, Ciner, Angelique de Paris and Echo the Dreamer provide bespoke, one-of a kind pieces of jewelry made exclusively for Gatsby. With stores located just steps away from some of the island’s best beaches, they also carry swimwear by Zeki, Norma Kamali and Roidal. And yes, they also stock fabulous shoes from Giuseppe Zanotti, Sophia Webster and Stuart Weitzman. There is something for everyone at Gatsby! This year the brand will be celebrating 30 years of continued success. I asked Gaël how she envisaged the development of the brand and the boutiques over the next 10 to 20 years. She was pragmatic in her response and said: “Given the nature of our business, any plans for expansion or diversification would be dependent on the economic climate in Barbados. Long-term, I would like to expand the look and feel of the store to include different divisions all housed under the Gatsby umbrella. Expanding the regional footprint of the brand to include retail boutiques in neighbouring islands is not without possibility. Whatever we decide to do, at the forefront of our thoughts would be brand preservation - maintaining, the look and feel of the brand without compromising our high standards”.

The finest Designer Clothing and Accessories for Men and Women Gatsby Boutiques Exclusively Duty-Free at Sandy Lane Hotel Limegrove Lifestyle Centre Royal Pavilion Hotel Hilton Barbados Resort Tamarind Hotel For further information telephone: (246) 444 2111


It is with a great sense of pride that our family looks back over the last forty years and remembers the early beginnings of our chain of unique gifts shops. It was the vision of my parents, Jill and Jimmy Walker who, with no retail experience, decided to try a new concept - a shop that would sell items all made in Barbados.

limited by what could be produced on the island, so they expanded the range to be ‘made or designed in Barbados.’ This opened the doors to a much wider line of gifts, which were still unique to the island. All three of us daughters were encouraged to get involved, helping in any way we could by changing shop window displays on weekends or packaging t-shirts on the dining table. Looking back on it we were all caught up in a buzz of activity and amazing creativity seven days a week as my parents determined to succeed and excel. Weren’t everyone’s lives like this? My father was turning fifty and decided on a change of My Dad dreamt of having the second generation all working direction. He resigned from Robertson Ward Associates, the in the business and so it has turned out, though maybe not firm of architects in which he’d been a partner for seventeen quite as he planned. My sister Charlotte came back from art years, deciding to join his business acumen with my mother’s college in the early 1980s to join our mother and she set up artistic talents. Their friends Budge and Cynthia O’Hara of the screen printing studio that we still use extensively today. Coral Reef Club, had Sarah returned soon after to work mainly on the financial offered them a shop at the side. She also opened Sandpiper Inn. It was there Walkers World, an in November 1975 that the additional business that doors first opened to what sold things for the home was to become a hugely from around the world. successful family business, It was a busy time! important to both the Their paths eventually island’s many visitors and led them elsewhere and talented craft persons. In it was then, in February Barbados at that time, local 1990, that my husband handicraft was very limited Chris and I were invited and unemployment high, by my parents to join the so their plan was to business and we came encourage local craft and back to ‘give it a go’. We bring about employment all worked well together, while doing something managing what had that they loved. become a large and Some advised them thriving business with against it. How could you up to fourteen locations stock a whole shop with plus wholesale and Recently the family got together for Jimmy’s 90th birthday items all made in Barbados export. Looking back, and make a success of it? As they found, it wasn’t easy and it I can’t believe how we did it! Of course our staff have been took a lot of hard work, but today we are delighted they were amazing, working hard to keep up the standards set - all of not dissuaded. us being adamant that we are the ‘Best of Barbados’ not the My parents were a little surprised - but of course delighted ‘Second Best of Barbados’! by the success of their first shop and soon began to expand When my parents retired in 1997 - and in the interest of into other locations. One of the main attractions for visitors sanity - Chris and I gradually changed the business to was the wall of Jill Walker pen and wash prints. Mum had incorporate the five key locations we have today. We continue a way of capturing the people and the architecture of her to market Barbados, inviting our customers to ‘shop for adopted homeland that was unique. They sold by the sunshine’ by buying art and gifts for their home to remind thousands! These prints continue to be taken all over the them of our magic isle until they come back again. Happily, world, advertising Barbados wherever they go and in many we often meet customers who say their homes are “filled with cases are now a record of the changes that have taken place Jill Walker!” on the island in the past forty years. More recently I’ve started painting - much to the delight of Designing busily in her studio every day, my Mum soon my parents - taking my love of turtles and the environment realised that her popular Jill Walker designs were being onto canvas and into children’s books. Swimming with turtles


40 years for the Best of Barbados!


Screen printing turtle pillowcases by Sue Trew

Jill in her early 20s

Sue and Chris Trew

One of Sue Trew’s paintings of turtles called Clear Waters

has become a holiday highlight for many visitors and they love our large selection of turtle art and giftware. I’ve taken over the development of designs, but my Mum is still painting and we often use her most recent works on new gift ideas. She still asks me, “What would our customers like this year?” Our oldest daughter Holly has also found she has the Walker genes so she’s proudly representing the third generation. Now a postgraduate of marine biology at the University of the West Indies, she naturally has a passion for painting marine life. Her and her younger sister, Georgie, get roped into helping when things get busy, posting on our active company facebook page, making promotional videos or packaging products like I used to. What will the future hold? Who knows exactly, but we do know that Best of Barbados Gift Shops has played an


important part in Barbados these past 40 years, something that was recognized in the year 2000 when my Mum was one of 100 persons awarded the Barbados Centennial Honour (BCH) for her contribution to art and business. She was very honoured to be recognised in this way by her adopted country. It has been a long and varied journey filled with both hard work and fun. Our loyal customers, staff and suppliers have travelled with us, making it all worthwhile and we’d like to say thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you.

Sue Trew

Bring Barbados Home...

with our sunny range of quality merchandise created by many talented Barbadians.

A family run business, featuring three generations of art! The Chattel Village, Holetown Quayside Centre, Rockley Southern Palms Hotel, The Gap Airport Departure Lounge Bridgetown Cruise Terminal

Experiencing the bodyholiday, Saint Lucia - BY CLARE HILES No description can prepare you for what to expect when you arrive at this world leading, wellness and luxury resort, The BodyHoliday Saint Lucia. Perhaps that is why the 5-star destination has chosen to distinguish itself with such a simple name that inherently explains exactly what it aims to do- give your body a holiday. Their mantra is simple, ‘give us your body for a week and we’ll give you your mind’ and from the second you cross onto its serene landscape, they begin to fulfill their promise. The BodyHoliday is located at the most Northern point of the island meaning you must travel upwards through the mountains to reach the all-inclusive resort, allowing you to experience all the tropical beauty St. Lucia has to offer on your way. The BodyHoliday’s rooms benefit from ocean-view and are located close to the resort’s many amenities - swimming pools, restaurants and even the beach is only a stone’s throw from your door. The rooms themselves are decorated in a modern, stylish comfortable manner and feature relaxing balconies for visitors to enjoy soaking up the Caribbean sun in their own privacy. With The BodyHoliday’s extensive activity schedule any visitor will be hard-pressed to find time to spend relaxing indoors. Each guest is gifted with a ‘Weekly Activity Booklet’ with over 40 daily treatments on arrival, which details everything they can experience in the resort on an hourly basis. For example, if you wish to embark on a grueling early morning spin class in a tree-house, or beach boot camp led by an Olympian athlete, the opportunity is there. Meanwhile, if sunset yoga is more your speed they offer a range of courses from beginner to yogi expert. From aqua aerobics to scuba diving lessons, wilderness hikes to personal kayaking trips, The BodyHoliday’s fitness offering is vast and complex, sure to entice even the most reluctant of fitness newbies. An unmissable part of The BodyHoliday, and arguably its most famous characteristic, is its award-winning Wellness Centre. Perched atop a hill, guests walk up to the tranquil temple but on arrival the journey becomes immediately worthwhile. Modeled on an Indian temple, the wellness centre prides itself on restorative beauty and relaxation, and with over 40 treatment rooms any beauty enthusiast can easily be catered for with a menu of over 100 different

treatment and consultations. Also located within the wellness centre complex is the resort’s fitness studio, where guests can work up a sweat before easing the pain away with a rejuvenating massage. The BodyHoliday’s policy includes one spa treatment per day during your stay, so there is no excuse not to experience what has made the resort globally known as the ultimate holiday of wellbeing. They also recently launched a BodyScience Programme a combination of the preventative Eastern approach to wellbeing via a healthy lifestyle, with cutting edge Western technologies to fine tune and enhance the personalisation for each guest. All healthy meals and refreshments are included to allow guests to appreciate the serenity and be worry-free during their stay. With an abundance of restaurants on the premises the diverse array of exciting dishes is endless. Venture to TAO for a clever mix of Eastern and Western cuisine in a stylish location overlooking the water, or relax in the Cariblue where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served everyday. Beachfront dining includes The Deli, where diners can taste freshly squeezed juices, crisp salads, or arguably the best homemade fudge on the island. All dietary requirements are catered for at The BodyHoliday, meaning gluten-free, dairy-sensitive and diabetics can rest assured they will be well looked after by the nutrition-focused resort. Meanwhile, for more ‘refreshing’ tipples, talented cocktail artists are always on hand to concoct a fresh tropical drink, or if sophistication is the order of the day then venture to the resort’s Wine Saloon to experience the carefully chosen wine list and its array of grape varieties. End a day at the Piano Bar where guests are encouraged to dress with a little glitter and glam to dance the night away to live piano music every night of the week. The BodyHoliday gives guests an experience like no other, and part of how they achieve this momentous feat is by their commitment to bringing new and exciting offerings to their constantly rotating schedule. In 2015 alone, world famous Olympians Jamie Baulch, Leon Taylor, Gail Emms and Steve Williams all visited The BodyHoliday to lead Bootcamp-style fitness classes, give motivational speeches and mingle with guests, a simple touch not many other resorts across the world will offer. As the list of inspiring individuals brought to The BodyHoliday continues to grow, they continue to prove their dedication to providing an experience like no other. From the beginning of your stay to the end, The Body Holiday makes it their mission to combine the charm of a tropical retreat with an immersive health-conscious experience. The resort can be anything you need it to be. A meditative break from the stress of the working world, or an active fitness spree designed to bring out your fittest persona. You can choose, but one thing is sure. The Body Holiday spare no expense in making sure they hold strong to the promise guests are made on arrival.

Give us your body for a week and we’ll give you back your mind. 126

Give us your body for a week and we’ll give you back your mind.

Of all the great beach vacations and spas in the world,

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BUZO OSTERIA ITALIANA Peter Sheppard ~ Artist Buzo Osteria Italiana has quickly established itself on the restaurant scene in Barbados after only a few months of its opening. Helmed by Chef du Patron, Cristian Grini who hails from Urbino, Italy, the beauty of Buzo largely rests on Chef Grini’s passion for food and design. This second Buzo location has further advanced Grini’s dream of bringing his family’s culinary traditions to the Caribbean. (The first Buzo opened six years ago in Port of Spain, Trinidad). Buzo Barbados opened its doors after a major upgrade of the former TGIF restaurant situated at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Hastings. The restaurant was designed by Chef Grini whose creative flair and attention to detail touches every aspect of the space, from the decor to the food. Even the selection process of the Buzo team was meticulous rendering a welcoming staff that seamlessly works together and serves customers like one “big Italian family.” The restaurant features an outdoor patio for alfresco dining, a pizza bar, Martini Bar and an expansive dining room, which offers a view of the open concept kitchen. Lunch and dinner are served six days a week with occasional special seatings for Mother's Day, New Year's Eve and other holidays. On the menu, you’ll find freshly made pastas, salads, pizzas, entrees and desserts, many of which are dishes from Chef Grini’s family table in Urbino. Inside the restaurant, high ceilings and large windows are the perfect backdrop for its contemporary décor, which is accented by a spectacular flower arrangement at the entrance, art, books, and Italian delicacies and other goodies from the restaurant's gift shop. Guests looking to witness the sounds and sights of the kitchen can request seating near the


restaurant’s open concept kitchen. And, this kitchen turns out fantastic food. Some of my favourites include the "Mele, Noci e Gorgonzola," Gala and Royal apples, sweet Gorgonzola, walnuts, romaine lettuce and grapes, all dressed with lemon olive oil. Buzo’s antipasti are equally enchanting with the Polentina cotta al forno con fusa do Gorgonzola dolce al Miele al Tartufo and the Soufflé antico di barbietola al parmigiano e crema di caprino croccante as my must-trys. One of things I enjoy most about dining out is the immediate "oohs & ahs" from guests when the food is presented and you’’ll see that Buzo delivers on the “wow” factor for presentation. Portion sizes are very reasonable making it easy to explore the menu with the side dish intended for sharing. Buzo makes its pasta in-house including the Pappardelle fresche al tartufo Bianco e Nero di Aqualagne con panna e funghi (fresh pappardelle pasta with black and white truffle,cream and wild mushrooms). Dolce?....at least one of the restaurant’s classic Italian desserts like the housemate gelato, pannacotta or the decadent Soufflé al cioccolato. Guests celebrating special occasions at Buzo get the royal treatment with Chef Grini and his team going out of their way to ensure that your occasion is a memorable one. Look out for him greeting guests and personally bringing treats to tables celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other occasion. As I reflect on all the amazing meals that I've enjoyed at Buzo Osteria Italiano in Barbados, I realize that I’m as passionate about the restaurant and its food, service and ambiance as the chef who created it. Here’s to hoping you make it to Buzo soon to celebrate life with good food and wine.

What’s IN This Polo Season Picnicking at polo is a wonderful opportunity to uncork something new and different. With the help of the team at Wine World, we’ve picked out the season’s latest wine selections for polo. Tempt your taste buds to try something new! Meiomi Pinot Noir Meiomi is a high style Pinot Noir that is shaped, more than anything else, by the fruit courses that lay the foundation of the blend. A pure bred enjoyment wine, built to accommodate any pairing from food to friends. Unifying California’s most noteworthy coastal areas opens the door for a dynamic and opulent wine that is ready to enjoy whenever you are.

Le Petit Chat Malin Le Petit Chat wines are made in the sunny climes of the south of France think sun, sea and sardines! The vines are carefully nurtured until the grapes are harvested at their optimum ripeness - sun ripened grapes packed with juicy flavours.

Les Combes St. Sauveur Côtes du Rhône This wine displays notes of black cherry, minerality, licorice, and wild herbs. Earthy and rich, it is a full-bodied fleshy wine fashioned in a supple open style.

Château de L’Aumérade Cuvée Marie-Christine Côtes de Provence Cru Classé A delicious blend of Grenache, Cinsault and Syrah, this delicate, dry rosé is the taste of summer in Provence. Considered the flagship rosé of cru classé estate Château l’Aumérade Cuvée, Marie-Christine is produced entirely from high quality fruit sourced entirely from the estate’s own 89 ha of vineyards. The distinctive bottle shape was patented in 1956, inspired by the famous Art Nouveau artist Emilie Galle.


Domaine de Vedilhan Serica Viognier The nose suggests a rich, round wine with super ripe peaches, hints of honey and pineapple developing into a palate of matching flavours. The wine is smooth and weighty, quite mouth filling. A beautifully balanced wine with fresh, fruity flavours.

Mud House Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Pure aromas of crushed citrus, snow pea and ripe grapefruit are delivered with elegant structure and balanced acidity. A perfect wine to share with friends and BBQ seared scallops.

Nobilo Icon Marlborough Pinot Noir Rich aromas of berry fruits, spice, and hints of dark chocolate. Flavours of dark berry fruits such as cherry, black current and blackberry with cocoa and spicy oak undertones. The tannins are soft and well rounded; the palate is well structure and balanced with excellent length.

Attitude Sauvignon Blanc Attitude has a beautiful freshness in mouth, a frank attack, delicate green and lemon flavours, citrus fruits, green apple and kiwi aromas. The minerality gives a long finish to the wine, a smoothness and elegance characteristics of all of Pascal Jolivet’s wines.

Connect with Wine World: www.wineworldinc.com. • info@wineworldinc.com Store locations: • Rockley, Christ Church 435-8523 • Holetown, St. James 432-7472 • Warrens 421-9571 • Carter’s Complex, Wildey 427-8067 • Spring Garden Hwy. 434-4301 Wine World delivers island-wide. Come in or call today to place your order.


river cruising in EUROPE River cruising has become very popular as travellers discover a new way to see Europe. One of the reasons for the increased popularity is that river cruise lines have been building larger, more modern ships to include more dining venues, spacious staterooms, spa facilities and even WiFi. The demand is such that Viking River Cruises alone launched 38 new ships in the last three years! Another reason for the growth is that travellers appreciate the all-inclusive nature of the river cruises. Shore excursions, gratuities and wine with lunch and dinner are included. Uniworld takes it a step further and includes all beverages. The waterways of Europe used to be the dual carriageways of the past so they run through the heart of the historic towns and cities. There are many rivers to explore including the Elbe, Rhine, Seine, Rh么ne, Sa么ne and the Danube. Choosing a river depends on which countries you would like to visit. The Danube holds a special place in my heart as I had the opportunity to visit the region several years ago and would love to return to explore in more depth. The Wachau, an area of the Danube Valley between Melk and Krems in Austria, is a UNESCO cultural heritage site. Most of the


towns in this area date back to the 11th and 12th centuries with incredible monasteries and abbeys overlooking the river. The Benedictine Melk Abbey in the town of Melk, dates back to 1089 and is certainly worth a visit. The abbey is Austria’s largest Baroque structure with stunning interiors including ceiling frescoes and ornate gold decor. Not far from Melk is Dürnstein where you will find the Ruin and Abbey Church of Dürnstein which is famous for the imprisonment of the English King Richard Lion Heart in 1193. In the same town, the Dürnstein Parish Church from the fifteenth century, is a landmark in the area with its blue and white tower and unique artwork. Just east of Melk is Linz, another popular stop on a Danube

river cruise and a good place to set off for an all day excursion to eský Krumlov in the Czech Republic. This fairy-tale town is another UNESCO World Heritage Site and is famous for its Renaissance and baroque buildings. One of the main attractions is the castle which became home to the noble Rožmberk family in 1302 and where they resided for 300 years. These towns and villages are only a sample of what awaits you on a European river cruise. For those of you who feel like you have seen the best sights in Europe, try a river cruise in more exotic places like China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Egypt or Russia. Going Places Travel is the representative for all major river cruise lines and as a member of the Virtuoso travel network, is able to offer exclusive amenities to their clients on select river cruise and ocean cruise sailings. Give any of our travel advisors a call at 431-2430 for the best offers and assistance when planning your next vacation. ALANA GRAY Sales & Marketing Manager Going Places Travel






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