From 2000, year of the market launch, SH+ has developed ski and snowboard helmets, goggles and sport glasses with the objective to reach the higher possible results. Technology esists essentially for the protection against the elements and it is combined with a constant research of the raw materials and the production optimising, having as a goal the high quality research. Create and innovate are the beginning point in the SH+ system. We are never satisďŹ ed: this is why the real exigencies of our athletes are at the ďŹ rst place, where each of their conďŹ rmation is for us a success and in the same time a starting point to make better.
Marc Oliveras
L’utilizzo del casco è un’abitudine in forte crescita, tenuto conto delle misure di sicurezza che i Governi stanno mettendo in atto a livello europeo in materia di obbligatorietà e SH+ nella sua linea di caschi mette la sicurezza in primo piano nella loro concezione. Costruiti grazie alle conoscenze acquisite sulle piste, i caschi SH+ offrono una protezione ottimale, senza per questo sacrificarne l’estetica ed il comfort. I modelli della collezione SH+ sono studiati per le discipline più diverse, dallo sci alpino allo snowboard al freestyle al boarder cross. La sicurezza è per SH+ un fattore chiave: tutti i caschi della collezione sono conformi alla norma europea EN1077 e portano il marchio CE. Questa filosofia viene applicata sui modelli adatti a consumatori di tutte le età: anche nei caschi per bambino, contrariamente ad alcuni concorrenti, vengono mantenute le stesse caratteristiche costruttive e di materiali, poiché la qualità deve essere sempre al top in tutti i prodotti. Tutte queste caratteristiche, così come un’ampia gamma colori e un’estetica accattivante fanno dei caschi SH+ il partner ideale per tutti i tipi di discesa nella massima sicurezza.
The use of the helmet is a habitude in great expansion, considering the safety garments that the European governments are putting into execution as obligatory matters and the SH+ helmets line puts safety as the first level in their studying. Produced thanks to the knowledge acquired from the racers, the SH+ helmets offer an optimum protection, without loosing look and comfort. The SH+ models are studied for the different disciplines, from the alpine ski to the snowboard to the freestyle to the boarder cross. Safety is for SH+ the key success: all the helmets of the collection are conceived according to the European rule EN1077 and have the marking CE.
the homologation tests I caschi SH+ vengono prodotti solamente dopo aver passato tutti i test di verifica previsti dalla normativa europea EN 1077 presso gli enti omologativi di controllo preposti. L’omologazione concerne la tenuta dei materiali e dei componenti funzionali sottomessi a delle sollecitazioni esterne. Vengono inoltre effettuati i controlli dimensionali che certificano la perfetta adattabilità del casco alla testa: devono essere garantiti dei punti minimi di copertura e un angolo di visibilità ottimale. The SH+ helmets are produced only after the positive results of the verifying tests previewed by the European rule EN 1077 in the laboratories of the homologation centres. The homologation concerns the tenacity of the raw materials and of the functional components submitted to external solicitations. We make also controls on the dimensions, which certify the perfect adaptability of the helmet to the human head: the minimum covering points and an optimum view angle must be granted.
production process Color injection Processo produttivo realizzato stampando direttamente l’ABS già colorato. Production process realised by printed coloured ABS. Painting Processo produttivo realizzato attraverso l’applicazione sulla calotta esterna di strati di vernici resistenti con procedimento UV o soft touch. Production process realised by application on the outer shell of resistant lacquer layers with UV or soft touch process.
material and components 1° level: OUTER SHELL
2° level: MEDIUM SHELL
Fiberglass and carbon fibers Processo produttivo manuale attraverso la stratificazione di fogli di fibra di carbonio e fibra di vetro. Offre prestazioni eccezionali in termini di resistenza ed assorbimento dell’energia d’urto. Manual production process through protective coating of carbon fibres and fibreglass. It offers the best performances as strong resistance and shock absorption.
EPS high density Processo produttivo attraverso stampaggio di granuli di polistirolo a densità controllata. Eccezionale capacità di assorbimento dell’energia in caso di impatto. Production process through EPS controlled density small spheres printing. Great potential of energy absorption in case of an impact.
Polycarbonate/ABS Processo produttivo automatico attraverso stampaggio ad iniezione. Automatic production process through injection printing.
EPS high density with air channels Processo produttivo attraverso stampaggio di granuli di polistirolo a densità controllata con stampi che prevedono canalizzazioni e fori interni per la circolazione dell’aria. Production process through EPS controlled density small spheres printing with channels and interior air vents for the air circulation.
Polycarbonate Offre ottime prestazioni in termini di resistenza ed assorbimento dell’energia d’urto. It offers the best performances as strong resistance and shock absorption. ABS Offre ottime prestazioni in termini di resistenza ed assorbimento dell’energia d’urto. It offers the best performances as strong resistance and shock absorption. Decal Processo produttivo realizzato attraverso l’applicazione di un sottilissimo film grafico su calotta precedentemente verniciata a conseguente fissaggio con tecnica UV o soft touch. Production process realised by application of a very thin graphic film on a shell previously painted and with a further fixation with UV or soft touch technique. PVC stickers Processo produttivo realizzato attraverso l’applicazione di pellicole grafiche in PVC sulla calotta esterna. Production process realised by application of PVC films on the outer shell.
3° level: LINER Anatomic liner Elemento a profilo e spessore variabili, con forma anatomica, posizionato all’altezza della nuca, morbido e resistente all’usura all’esterno. Grazie a questo speciale dispositivo, il casco resta fermo sul capo, impedendo pericolosi spostamenti. Fabric liner with different profile and thickness, with anatomic shape, positioned in the back part of the head. It is soft and resistant to the external usage. Thanks to this special element, the helmet stays fixed on the head, avoiding dangerous movements.
Retention systems Micro-metric buckle Fibbia a sgancio rapido con regolazione micrometrica. Automatic buckle with micro-metric regulation. Steel buckle Fibbia a sgancio rapido, realizzata in un composto di metallo e plastica. Automatic buckle, realised by a composite of steel and plastic materials. Nylon buckle Fibbia realizzata in materiale termoplastico. Automatic buckle realised with plastic materials.
ventilation system HVS – High Ventilation System Dispositivo di aerazione superiore a scorrimento, che consente di regolare perfettamente il flusso d’aria all’interno del casco. Grazie a questo speciale aeratore ed ai canali interni ricavati nel polistirolo, è possibile ottenere un vero e proprio ricircolo d’aria all’interno della calotta. L’aria calda prodotta dalla testa viene espulsa attraverso i fori posteriori della calotta stessa, a garanzia di un eccezionale comfort termico anche per chi indossa il casco molte ore al giorno. Superior adjustable airflow, which allows the proper adjustment of the airflow inside the helmet. Thanks to this special air vent and to the internal channels of the EPS, it is possible to obtain a real air flow inside the helmet. The hot air produced by the head goes out through the back vents of the outer shell. This grants a good termic comfort, also for the long time users.
SGP – Steel Grid Protection Dispositivi di aerazione della calotta con reti protettive in acciaio. Air vents with protective steel grids. Open-close system Aeratore laterale regolabile in due posizioni per consentire l’ingresso dell’aria all’interno del casco. Adjustable lateral air flow. It can be adjusted in two positions to let the air come inside the helmet. Integrated air flow Dispositivo di aerazione fisso, posizionato all’altezza dell’orecchio. Integrated air-flow at the ear level.
king racer evo III performing goggle
trinity cx pack
acid line
P-C polycarbonate outer shel l
green fluo
brilliant red
black soft
yellow fluo
brilliant white
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
brilliant black
available sizes: 56 (S) – 58 (M) – 60 (L) – 61plus (XL)
pink fluo
JET STREAM evo III performing goggle
shadow pack
ABS ABS outer shel l
acid line
brilliant red
flag yellow fluo
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
brilliant white
brilliant black
available sizes: 50 (XXXS) - 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S)
race pro performing goggle
trinity pack
ABS ABS outer shel l
certiďŹ cation: CE
available sizes: 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
chinguard sets MRS04
universal fixing kit
Max Zipser
tomkat performing goggle
landscape cx
triple shell
400g. (S) 450g. (M) 500g. (L )
P-C polycarbonate outer shel l
Available shell sizes
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 61 (L)
tecnologia In-Mold In-Mold technology Technologie In-Mold In-Mold-Technologie
7 11
tank wp performing goggle
llandscape d cx
P-C polycarbonate outer shel l
black soft
white soft
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 55/58 (S-M) - 59/61 (L-XL)
silver soft
solid black
tecnologia In-Mold In-Mold technology Technologie In-Mold In-Mold-Technologie
pongy performing goggle
triple shell
P-C polycarbonate outer shel l
tecnologia In-Mold -Mold In-Mold technology nology Technologie In-Mold In-Mold-Technologie hnologie
white soft
350g. (S) 400g. (M) 450g. (L )
Available shell sizes
black soft
violet soft
red soft
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
7 13
ph. by Dino Bonelli
h10 scrape performing goggle
trinity cx scrape
ABS ABS outer shel l
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
fashion sport
7 15
H10 air performing goggle
landscape sx
ABS ABS outer shel l
brilliant black
burgundy soft
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
brilliant white
black soft
brown soft
green soft
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
fashion sport
j10 air performing goggle
landscape cx
ABS ABS outer shel l
brilliant silver/black
brilliant black
black soft
brilliant white
brown soft
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
fashion sport
7 17
special edition comics performing goggle
trinity cx comics
ABS ABS outer shel l
2 double shell
bubble blue
certiďŹ cation: CE – EN 1077 - B
bubble white
available sizes: 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M) (jr.) 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL) (reg.)
fashion sport
performing goggle
shadow comics
hump white/black
hump white/red
hump white/blue
7 19
Gianluca Grigoletto
H10 custom performing goggle
trinity cx custom
ABS ABS outer shel l
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
black/light blue
white/light blue
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
fashion sport
H10 exclusive custom performing goggle
trinity cx custom
ABS ABS outer shel l
black/light blue
white/light blue
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M)
7 23
H10 EXCLUSIVE performing goggle
ABS ABS outer shel l
green soft
black soft
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
venus pink
available sizes: 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M)
J10 EXCLUSIVE performing goggle
ABS ABS outer shel l
black soft
brown soft
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M)
7 25
MORPHEUS PAINTED performing goggle
ABS ABS outer shel l
matt black
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
matt white
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
matt gun metal
IRON PAINTED performing goggle
ABS ABS outer shel l
matt black
matt brown
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
matt gun metal
matt white
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
7 27
RUNNING AIR-LIGHT performing goggle
trinity cx
ABS ABS outer shel l
brilliant white
certification: CE – EN 1077
black soft
available sizes: 56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL)
brilliant silver/black
RUNNING X-FIBER performing goggle
landscape sx
carbon fiber outer shell
titanium soft
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
black soft
available sizes: 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 62 (XL) - 63plus (XXL)
7 29
steel x performing goggle
t-rex s
carbon fiber outer shell
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
black soft
available sizes: 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 62 (XL) - 63plus (XXL)
pads performing goggle
take off
500 g.
ABS ABS outer shel l
2 Available shell sizes
double shell
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 54 (XS) -56 (S) - 58 (M) (jr)
56 (S) - 58 (M) - 60 (L) - 61plus (XL) (reg.)
STEEL EVO II ADJUSTABLE performing goggle
530 g.
ABS ABS outer shel l
2 double shell
Available shell sizes
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
yellow fluo
available sizes: 53-56 (jr) 55-58 59-61plus (reg.)
7 33
590 g. 550 g.
ABS ABS outer shel l
Available shell sizes
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 53-56 (jr)
55-58 - 59-61plus (reg.)
flash performing goggle
520 g.
ABS ABS outer shel l
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M)
7 35
EX1 evo iii performing goggle
450 g.
ABS ABS outer shel l
certification: CE – EN 1077 - B
available sizes: 50 (XXXS) - 52 (XXS) - 54 (XS) - 56 (S) - 58 (M)
Massimiliano Ferraro
Roger Vidosa Andorra Ski Federation
Roger Vidosa Andorra Ski Federation
X-Long strap La larghezza dell’elastico è stata aumentata per dare una sensazione di maggior sicurezza e comfort. We put on some extra width to give a more comfortable, more secure fit.
ACS – ADJUSTABLE CLIPS SYSTEM ACS è la nuova evoluzione delle nostre caratteristiche tecniche per la compatibilità tra casco e maschera. Posizionato strategicamente sul frame esterno, ACS è in grado di formare un sigillo perfetto con il viso. Quando usato con un casco, l’articolazione dell’elastico dona un ottimo comfort alla maschera. Senza casco, ACS mantiene il suo design accattivante. ACS offre la soluzione più efficace e versatile per le vostre performance. ACS is the newest evolution of our technically advanced features for goggle/helmet compatibility. Strategically positioned on the outside frame, ACS is able to form a perfect seal with the face. When used with a helmet, the strap articulation provides a comfortable and consistent goggle fit. Without a helmet, ACS maintains its aggressive design. ACS offers the most effective and versatile solution for your performance needs.
OTG SYSTEM Le maschere con predisposizione OTG sono state sviluppate specificatamente per permettere un comfort ottimale per chi utilizza gli occhiali da vista mentre scia. Sul lato interno della maschera è previsto un incavo che prevede l’alloggiamento della stanghetta dell’occhiale da vista, senza compromettere il comfort generale della maschera stessa. The ski goggles provided with OTG system have been specifically developed to allow a better comfort for the prescription glasses users. In the inside goggles frame there is a temple lodgement which doesn’t compromise the global goggle comfort.
Multi-layers foam Morbido, antiallergico, multistrato con micropile a contatto con il viso. Disegnato per formare un perfetto sigillo intorno al viso. Soft, hypoallergenic, multi-layer with micro-pile in contact with the face. Designed to form a complete seal around the face.
Elastic Polyurethane Frame SH+ utilizza un composto unico di Poliuretano che permette al frame esterno di conformarsi alle caratteristiche del viso mantenendo la propria elasticità in condizioni di temperatura estreme. SH+ uses a unique Polyurethane composite, which allows the outside frame to conform to individual facial features while maintaining its exibility in extreme cold temperatures.
Nose adaption Il frame esterno è tagliato all’altezza del naso per permettere alla maschera di adattarsi perfettamente alla conformazione del viso. The outside frame is cut on the nose level to allow a perfect adaptability to the face form.
precise optics
anti-fog technology
Due sono gli elementi essenziali per un’ottima visibilità: l’abilità di cogliere i dettagli e la sensibilità ai contrasti, ossia la possibilità di percepire le differenze nei colori e riconoscere la distanza tra gli oggetti, vicino e lontano.
anti-fog coating
Two essential elements to good vision are the ability to pick out details and contrast sensitivity, the ability to judge differences in color and recognize the distance between objects, near and far.
Un trattamento idroffillico applicato alla lente interna assorbe l’umidità prima che l’appannamento possa formarsi. Questo è il miglior trattamento antifog esistente. A hydrophillic coating bonded to the inner lens absorbs moisture before fog can form. This is the most effective anti-fog tretament available.
single lens Realizzata in acetato, è provvista di trattamento anti-fog. Realised by Acetate, is provided with a anti-fog treatment.
double vented double vented spherical lens lens
foam performances Tutte le maschere SH+ utilizzano una membrana di foam traspirante che permette all’aria di circolare all’interno della camera delle lenti lasciando all’esterno umidità e particelle di neve.
1. LENTE ESTERNA IN POLICARBONATO La lente esterna in policarbonato sviluppata da SH+ è anti-scratch, altamente resistente e molto leggera. Come già utilizzato nella tecnologia degli occhiali sportivi, le lenti esterne sono decentrate per evitare ogni possibile distorsione visiva. 2. LENTE INTERNA IN ACETATO L’acetato è utilizzato per realizzare delle lenti resistenti e d’alta qualità per la correzione visiva. Questo materiale dispone di buone proprietà anti-fog. Un trattamento speciale viene applicato sulla lente per migliorare ulteriormente le proprietà naturali dell’acetato. 1. POLYCARBONATE OUTER LENS The outer Polycarbonate lens developed by SH+ is antiscratch, high impact resistant and light-weight. Transferring the technology used for sunglasses, the external lens is decentred to avoid any optical distortion which could occur in a wrap around the frame. 2. ACETATE INNER LENS Acetate is a material used to make top-quality, resistant lenses for vision correction with great anti-fog properties. A special anti-fogging treatment is done to improve these natural properties.
All SH+ goggles use a breathable foam membrane which allows air to circulate through the lens chamber while filtering out moisture and snow particles.
ventilation Abbassando il livello di umidità all’interno delle maschere si ottiene una visibilità fog-free e questo è possibile attraverso lo scambio di aria umida con aria secca. Alcune serie delle maschere SH+ utilizzano differenti sistemi di ventilazione per regolare i livelli di ventilazione all’interno, attraverso anche le prese d’aria sulle lenti stesse. Lowering the humidity level inside goggles is key to enhanced fog-free vision and is best done by exchanging moist air for dry air. Certain series of SH+ goggles employ their own distinct feature for regulating the ventilation level, also through the air flows in the lenses themselves.
ski goggles lenses
double cylindrical lenses
Per poter scegliere la lente più adatta occorre familiarizzare con gli aspetti tecnici di ciascun gruppo di lenti. Tenendo in considerazione una serie di fattori ambientali, è possibile selezionare una lente specifica, adatta a rendere al meglio in diverse condizioni.
polarized photocromic
To be able choose the lens you need, it is necessary to become familiar with the technical features of each lenses group. Keeping into consideration the weather factors, it is possible to select a specific lens, perfect to enhance its best performance in different conditions.
single lenses
cat. 2 visible light: 22%
cat. 3 visible light: 12,62%
cat. 1 visible light: 59%
mirror + orange
cat. 1 visible light: 59%
cat. 4 visible light: 5%
light rose
burnt orange
cat. 1 visible light: 60%
cat. 2 visible light: 30%
double spherical lenses
blue flash mirror
cat. 3 visible light: 17%
cat. 2 visible light: 25%
smoke flash mirror
rubis flash mirror
cat. 2 visible light: 23%
cat. 2 visible light: 29%
trinity CX pack
light rose cat. 1
acid line
orange cat. 1 interchangeable anti-fog single lenses frame: yellow/black lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: black/white lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: italian ag lenses: mirror cat.3
42 42
frame: red/white lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: white/black lenses: mirror cat.3
racing goggles
frame: pink uo/black lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: green uo/black lenses: mirror cat.3
shadow pack
orange cat. 1
light rose cat. 1 interchangeable anti-fog single lenses frame: yellow uo lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.3
racing goggles
trinity cx (available lenses: polarized phorocromic)
frame: black soft lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2, yellow cat.1)
frame: green soft lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: titanium soft lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: white soft lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
snow goggles
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
scrape line
frame: black/white lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: brown/silver lenses: mirror cat.4
comics line
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: bubble white/black lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: skull lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump white/black lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump white/red lenses: mirror cat.4
custom line
frame: black/orange lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump titanium/black lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: black/silver lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black/orange lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black/light blue lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black/beige lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black/yellow lenses: mirror cat.4
snow goggles
7 45
landscape cx
adjustable clip system
frame: black soft lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2, yellow cat.1)
frame: light blue soft lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
snow goggles
frame: silver/black lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
kosmik (available lenses: polarized phorocromic)
frame: black soft lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: titanium soft lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2, yellow cat.1)
frame: brilliant blue lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: brilliant white lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
snow goggles
7 47
frame: venus pink lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: burgundy lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: titanium lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
snow goggles
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
comics line
frame: bubble blue lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: bubble white lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump white/blue lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump white/black lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: hump white/red lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2, yellow cat.1)
snow goggles
7 49
frame: brilliant black lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: black soft lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: violet lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
snow goggles
adjustable clips system
frame: venus pink lenses: mirror cat.4
(available l bl llenses: orange cat.2)
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4
(available l bl llenses: orange cat.2)
foldable frame interchangeable lenses
frame: titanium soft lenses: rose cat.2
frame: brown soft lenses: brown gold mirror cat.3
frame: black soft lenses: brown gold mirror cat.3
frame: silver soft lenses: smoke cat.3
7 51
landscape sx
OTG over the glass
frame: black soft lenses: smoke flash mirror cat.2
frame: burgundy soft lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2
frame: military green soft lenses: orange cat.2
frame: white lenses: blue flash mirror cat.2
frame: titanium lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2
OTG over the glass
frame: titanium soft lenses: smoke flash mirror cat.2 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: black soft lenses: smoke flash mirror cat.2 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: burgundy soft lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2
frame: military green soft lenses: orange flash mirror cat.3
frame: white lenses: blue flash mirror cat.2
7 53
sphinx sx
OTG over the glass
frame: venus pink lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2
((available il bl llenses: smoke flash mirror cat.2)
( il bl llenses: (available smoke flash mirror cat.2)
frame: violet lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2
frame: white lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2 ((available il bl llenses: smoke flash mirror cat.2)
frame: black soft lenses: rubis flash mirror cat.2 2
( il bl llenses: (available smoke flash mirror cat.2)
7 55
OTG over the glass
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: silver lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
tyen OTG over the glass
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: pink lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: silver lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
7 57
OTG over the glass
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: silver lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: pink lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
take off
frame: silver lenses: mirror cat.4
frame: red lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: white lenses: mirror cat.4 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.4
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
7 59
frame: crystal red lenses: orange cat.2
frame: crystal blue lenses: orange cat.2
frame: black lenses: orange cat.2
frame: orange lenses: orange cat.2
frame: silver lenses: orange cat.2
frame: pink lenses: orange cat.2
frame: black lenses: mirror cat.3 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: pink lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: orange lenses: mirror cat.3 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
frame: crystal red lenses: mirror cat.3
frame: silver lenses: mirror cat.3 (available lenses: orange cat.2)
(available lenses: orange cat.2)
7 61
frame: black lenses: orange cat.2
frame: silver lenses: orange cat.2
frame: pink lenses: orange cat.2
frame: red lenses: orange cat.2
frame: white lenses: orange cat.2
Daniele Bernardi
apparel racing pro sweaters Material: 100% cotton sizes: S; M; L; XL
full zip sweater
Material: 100% cotton sizes: S; M; L; XL
windy colours: black, blue, red material: 100% polyester dimensions: 24x50cm.
grey white
racing cap
lady sweaters Material: 100% cotton sizes: S; M; L
colours: - red - white - black - italian ag
bags zeta 110 h2o
zeta 140 - Weight: 400 Gr.
- Color: black/blue
- Material: 100% Polyamid
- Volume: 20 Litre
- Color: black/blue
- Material: 100% polyamid
- Volume: 5 Litre
- Weight: 550 g
business bag - Color: black - Material: 100% Polyester
zeta 200 - Color: black/blue - Volume: 35 Litre
trolley bag zeta 500 - Color: black - Volume: 162 Litre - Weight: 5000 Gr.
sport bag
- Material: 100% Polyester
- Color: black/blue - Volume: 40 Litre - Weight: 1100 Gr. - Material: 100% Polyester
zeta 300 - Color: black/blue - Volume: 115 Litre - Weight: 2800 Gr. - Material: 100% Polyester
7 65
displays 1
oscar 52 x 52 x 52 cm.
cuboss 52 x 52 x 52 cm.
plastic helmet holder
blossom 205 x 48 x 48 cm.
totem 10 h. 195 cm.
cube 6 200 x 50 x 50 cm.
7 3
x-legs 110 x 42 x 32 cm.
tower 190 x 56 x 45 cm.
8 5
merchandising outdoor tent
h. 550 cm
3 x 3 m.
210 cm
h. 220 cm
outdoor flag
80 cm
single roll-up
210 cm
indoor flag
80 cm
corner roll-up
banner 300 x 80 cm
7 67
our international partners SH+ Austria WALTER LANGER SPORTAGENTUR Innsbruck AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 664 3070157 Fax: +43 512 936288
SH+ Chile INMOBILIARIA Y COMERCIAL Santiago CHILE Tel.: +56 2-2016842 Fax: +56 2-6792742
SH+ Czech Republik SPORT KONCEPT s.r.o. Praha 9 CZECH REPUBLIK Tel.: +420 2 84 84 03 10 Fax: +420 2 84 84 03 14
SH+ Hungary BIESSE SPORT KFT BUDAPEST Tel.: +36 1 217 5179 Fax: +36 1 217 5179
SH+ Kazakhstan LIMPOPO SPORTS Almaty City KAZAKHSTAN Tel.: +7 32 72 62 76 25 Fax: +7 32 72 42 96 72
SH+ Kroatia KEINDL SPORT ZAGREB KROATIA Tel.: +385 13708323 Fax: +385 13708324
SH+ Romania EXPLOSIV GROUP Gheorgheni ROMANIA Tel.: +40 266/364-217 Fax: +40 266-364-217
SH+ Spain CARVING SPORT, SL CASTIELLO DE JACA (HUESCA) SPAIN Tel.: +34 974 363 490 Fax: +34 974 364 565
SH+ Sweden HÄNDELSERIKET Sverige AB KRISTIANSTAD Tel.: +46 708 247687 Fax: +46 210 292
SH+ Denmark STM SPORT A/S Viby J. DENMARK Tel.: +45 86 14 14 00 Fax: +45 86 11 63 13
SH+ Iceland Gleraugnasmidjan Reykjavík ICELAND Tel.: +354 588 9988 Fax: +354 568 3877
SH+ Switzerland ROWI SPORTS Sàrl Vallorbe SWITZERLAND Tel.: +41 793536345 Fax: +41 218433778
SH+ France MA.RO GROUP SRL Bonemerse ITALY Tel. : +39 0372 496222 Fax : +33 0372 494916
SH+ Netherlands DN Sports B.V. i.o. AC ’s Gravenmoer NETHERLANDS Tel.: +31 162 32 32 74 Fax: +31 162 31 88 80
SH+ U.K. MYCOAL-SKICARE Southampton U.K. Tel.: +44 23 80 51 33 00 Fax: +44 23 80 51 33 13
SH+ Germany IHJ LORENZ GmbH Geretsried GERMANY Tel.: +49 8171 38 09 80 Fax: +49 8171 38 09 82
SH+ Poland Greenland Group Sp. z o.o. Mikolów POLAND Tel.: +48 32 326 08 35 Fax: +48 32 326 08 37