Company Information
Benefits in using LED lights products
Ledlight Group AS was founded in May of 2005
Energy savings of 60-90% compared to traditional old technology fixtures
LEDlight Danmark agency started in September 2009
Ledlight CrystalLED Series is the first LED product on the marked to pass the magic level of 100 Lumen/Watt system efficiency
Ledlight Group representing more than 50 employees in more than 10 countries. Turnover 2010 14 million. Turnover 2011 30 million.
Certified as the most powerful LED product on the market Hugh maintenance savings Long product lifetime. 7 years garanti on CrystalLED Series. 5 years on Linces and LEDS.
Projecting Long-Term Lumen Maintenance The ASSIST method of projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance is not known throughout the industry to be inaccurate as it significantly underestimates actual long term lumen maintenance. As lamps are left on test for longer and longer periods of time, the L70 values project out to longer and longer times when using an exponential curve fit to the date. For example - this is actual test data for Cree’s white Xlamp:
Examples on Projects ROI - Pruduction Hall
24 LED 29 Watt 2950 lm IP 65/67
48 LED 57 Watt 5800 lm IP 65/67
Lamp and driver Built in recessed luminaire
72 LED 86 Watt 8750 lm IP 65/67
Built in driver (ballast) in brakett
Indoors Products. Nordea AS
Sports Facilities Kjenn Idrettshall, Lørenskog
Cold Storage Mossporten Environmental of Energy
Sydpole Norwegian Polar Institue
AmagerforbrÌndingen Project for Rambøll Denmark A/S
Simulation of light
Torben Jensen
Morten Bitsch Jensen
LEDlight Danmark Kalundborgvej 77 A DK-4300 Holbæk Direkte: +45 40 15 53 00 Mail: toj@ledlightdanmark.dk
LEDlight Danmark Kalundborgvej 77 A DK-4300 Holbæk Direkte: +45 23 95 62 24 Mail: mobj@ledlightdanmark.dk