Sports International Magazine Issue 4

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The Pro Sports Magazine June 2013




Lucy Shuker

Paralympic tennis player

Women in Sport

The current state of affairs - By Katie Halliday

Jenny Tinmouth, Anita North , Esther Tang, Nigel Francis... Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

June 2013 1 Photo Papaya Photography

2 June 2013





Dragons invitational TM rugby 7’s team supported by Sports International Magazine

WELCOME Little did I know that between issues there would be so much going on aside from putting together the next issue! We have seen regular reports coming in from our Football pundit Adam Barlow in the UK, had exclusive access to the Australian Rugby 7’s team for our cover shoot and story for next issue. We have spent the weekend with the New Zealand Rugby 7’s team in Amsterdam for the final leg of the World Series (that they won!), again to be covered in another issue. We covered London 7’s Rugby which saw record crowds, watched over two days. This all aside from regular interviews and photoshoots! But what I am really excited about is that as part of our desire to support female athletes we have


been able to connect two athletes with sponsors and a third is on the way, as well as organising some support for the South African Womens Rugby 7’s team from Under Armour UK. On top of this we also have a partner agreement now with Dragon’s Rugby 7’s invitational team that will be seeing some exciting players wear their colours over the summer in the UK, and as part of this deal they will be wearing our logo on their shirt. More details on this in the magazine. I’m very proud of this humble start and look forward to telling about more and more stories of this nature in the future. What is equally pleasing is the feedback I am now getting from people who have appeared in the magazine and the impact it is having on their lives and careers. This is so exciting and an aspect I had never even thought of at the start.

This issue is full of great stories, interviews, information and photos, and I hope that you will enjoy it and pass it on to everyone that you know - and don’t forget to enter the various competitions we have going on! ‘Like’ our Facebook page or ‘RT’ the Twitter feeds to enter the Hockey competition to see 8 International teams play in London in June. Or if you prefer cricket, then the Pakistan and Australian cricket teams will be touring and we will be having tickets for these events to win as well. Keep your eyes on our blog, Facebook and Twitter as they are released. All the best and thank you for your continued support.

Myak-Paul Homberger - Editor

June 2013 Issue No 004

June 2013 3




4 June 2013



International Contents


Contributors 6 Lucy Shuker - Paralympic Tennis Player



Women in Sport 12 Esther Tang - Black Belt BJJ


Sports International Magazines Outstanding Athlete


Anita North - Team GB Olympic trap shooter


Sports International Magazines Unsung Hero


So what does it take to be a male coach in the female game?


Jenny Tinmouth - Motorcycle Racer



Getting up to speed 44 What Comes First: The Chicken or the Professional?


Getting Technical - Sporttape 48 Recipes and Tips 50 Thankyou 52

June 2013 Issue No 004

June 2013 5

Contributors Myak-Paul Homberger Aside from being a huge sports nut and champion of women’s sport, has numerous qualifications including being a BAWLA qualified weight training coach, two martial arts black belts alongside his instructor level in Urban Krav Maga. He is also an NLP practitioner and sociologist with an HND in RAB. Photography is his main passion and he has been published internationally. Myak has worked with men’s and women’s national teams, as well as with premiership teams and individual players.

Natalie Germanos Sports commentator and the only female ball-by-ball cricket commentator in South Africa. At the age of 17 walking down the stairs of the tunnel that leads onto the Wanderers field was pretty daunting and yet in many ways it felt like home. As part of a Sports Management course, I was undergoing a tour of the stadium in Johannesburg and upon reaching the fourth floor I found myself lingering in the commentary boxes. I also caught myself visualising what it would be like broadcasting cricket from the Charles Fortune Media Centre. Now, 13 years later I find myself working amidst some of best sports broadcasters in the world covering cricket, tennis, netball and football. I have had the privilege of calling cricket on radio for almost eight years. My proudest moment came when I called Jacques Kallis’s first double Century during a Test against India at Centurion in 2010. It was an iconic moment in South Africa’s sporting history and it was incredible to be a part of it. Commentating on sport has always been a passion of mine and I hope it always will be. My first assignment was during the Women’s World Cup semi finals which was held in Potchefstroom in South Africa. Since then I have covered over

6 June 2013

100 international matches for 2000fm and SAfm involving the Proteas, matches that included the magical 438 game played in 2006 which has been declared the best ODI match ever. Before I started commentating most of my time was spent coaching and cricket was a major part of that. In 2001 I travelled to Argentina to coach and play with the Women’s national team and in the end spent six months in Buenos Aires coaching the ladies and the under 13 and under 15 boys teams. It was a wonderful experience and at the same time eye-opening. Cricket in Argentina will always be put behind sports like football and hockey but everyone involved in cricket there has an amazing passion for the game and they help keep it running. Being the only female ball-by-ball cricket commentator in South Africa I do hope to pave the way for other women who would endeavour to conquer what is essentially still a man’s world.

Geoff Squibb Photographer I was born and brought up in the most southerly village in the UK, “The Lizard”, which is a stunning part of the country and spoilt with fantastic seascapes. After leaving school I went to college to train as a chef and gained my City and Guilds in general catering. I worked in several hotels across the county including some time on the Scilly Isles. In 1990 at the age of 19 I had a motorcycle accident which left me paralysed from the chest down and spent 7 months in The Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre in Salisbury rehabilitating. After leaving hospital I tried to keep my hand in with the catering side of things doing wedding cakes, but I soon realised this was not really working so I concentrated on a then hobby, photography. I went on to get my GCSE and A level in photography and also did several multimedia courses as the digital era grew and grew.

Shortly after 2000 I started to work voluntarily for a local charity “Disability Cornwall” ( doing the photography for their magazine “Discover”. I also do a lot of voluntary photography for my local lifeboat station and recently published a book “Kilcobben’s Rose” where I documented the re-build of the station and raised £7,300 with the sales of the book. I’ve recently photographed Lucy along with many other people with a varying range of disabilities which will be used to hopefully challenge peoples views of disability, as well as inspire. Lucy is a classic example of what can really be achieved if the mind is put to the test. My website www. has been set up to sell my work and will hopefully continue to fund my equipment so I can keep doing the voluntary work for Disability Cornwall and the RNLI.

Louise Poynton Louise Poynton is an awardwinning sports journalist with more than 30 years’ experience on regional and national newspapers. She has been a sports editor for the past 16 years and is now working as a freelance. Louise is a regular mountain biker and interested in sports psychology. She is keen to see newspapers, radio and television dedicate more pages and programmes to the ambitions and achievements of women in sport. Visit her website: www. or follow her on Twitter @louisepoynton

I had many trips back over the years to Salisbury for follow up treatment and in 2000 I met Lucy when she was freshly injured in a similar accident to mine. We immediately hit it off and had many a laugh, usually at the nurses expense, I hasten to add...... We’ve always stayed in contact with each other ever since. June 2013 7

Photo Geoff Squibb

8 June 2013


Shuker Paralympic Tennis Player Interviews and article by Myak Homberger Paralympic Sport has shot to fame over last summer as London hosted the Olympic Games and a Paralympic Games like no one has ever seen before. This propelled not just the event but also the athletes into the spotlight and showed the world something completely unique - an event that captured the imagination as never before. Lucy Shuker, England’s number 1 Paralympic tennis player and a veteran of the Beijing Paralympics won bronze in London along with her tennis partner in the doubles. Despite numerous attempts to meet up with Lucy it just didn’t work and in the end she invited us into her home to do the interview and as it turned out, just ‘hang out’. This would become a mark of the relaxed and gracious person I would come to know over the next few times we met. As with most sports, wheelchair tennis isn’t just ‘wheelchair tennis,’ as I learned talking with Lucy. “There is mens’, women’s and quadriplegic. Within this

then you have single amputees, Spina bifida etc. and then you have me!” Lucy laughs as she explains the complexity of Paralympic classifications. On the surface of it, it all makes sense - until you realise that you are talking about people and their injuries, disabilities etc. and you can’t help but be in awe of how people play sports, train and compete at this high level - when as an able bodied person I fall far short of this. Talking further with Lucy she explained why she is unique. “I have no stomach muscles, I’m strapped into my chair. I have my arms and that’s it. As you can appreciate my theoretical mobility is therefore a lot less and this massively affects your game.” Unlike the other top athletes competing in wheelchair tennis Lucy is alone in the level of injury and limitations and yet she is competing at the highest level internationally. She was told that given her injuries (as a result of a car accident) she would be unable to compete at the top levels. She has defied June 2013 9

and continues to defy the general sport and medical opinion as to how she can perform at this level. I ask slightly puzzled as to why she is so relaxed about such a feat? Once again she is disarming and casual about it: “I’m a paraplegic, I’m just me, I love playing tennis.”

“I have challenged the restrictions and what people see - and love it!” But there has to be more to it than that and over the course of time it becomes clear that she does truly love playing and training but there is a drive and an amusement at proving others wrong - it’s almost that she enjoys doing things that she has been told she can’t do. This comes across in all aspects that we talk about. She is driven to improve and better herself over her last match, tournament etc. just like any athlete, but she does it with a sense that she has been given a talent and that talent alone will not provide success. Lucy does it knowing that if she trains hard and plays hard then it will enhance the natural talent that she has been given. By her own admission she wants to make sure that she fully grasps what she has and doesn’t take talent alone for granted, as she did prior to her accident. “My life had a major direction change due to the accident and I have accepted that I am in a wheelchair. If you don’t then you will have constant conflict. I have challenged the restrictions and what people see - and love it!” says Lucy, summing up a difficult part of the conversation about her life changing experience and how she coped with it and moved forward. Out of this we see someone truly unique and amazing - not just technically in terms of confounding medical theory, but as an athlete, as an inspiration to those she meets on her trips around schools etc., but also (and in many ways most importantly) as a person, a friend and someone who, on reflection, you don’t realise is in a 10 June 2013

wheel chair. Why? Because Lucy has this amazing tranquillity to her as she moves effortlessly around chatting and doing: she wants to be seen as a person, as an athlete and she does this in such a disarming way. It is her personal set of values that has created this. Lucy holds everything lightly and in so doing is very aware of maintaining her health and living each day - which comes over in her interactions with people everywhere. She says “I want to see disabled people for what they are and for what they can do, not that they are in a wheelchair.” It is this desire to connect with ‘real’ people rather than looking at the obvious, that has given her an ability to pass on inspiration not only to disabled, but able bodied people as well, and everyone who comes into contact with her. People can’t help but be positively affected by her, because she has a genuineness that is humbling. At no point in all the time I have spent with Lucy has she made a comment or done something to tell me that she is in a wheelchair - but what I have seen, heard and taken away is an athlete who is aware of a talent that has been given to her. A talent that she is making the most of, doing as much as she can, so that she has no regrets. Not regrets that I may think of, but no regrets of not training enough, not succeeding enough. “I’m not greedy, I want more, I want to win Gold in Rio and this comes with training, not just talent, but I know it’s achievable,” says Lucy of her desire to keep pushing herself and to not simply accept what she has already achieved. Having said all I have said, it’s a sobering thought and one that only further highlights what an amazing and unique woman Lucy is, that in a ‘by-the-way’ comment, late on in our various conversations Lucy says, “only a quarter of my body works,” as a side comment about her previous surgery that saw her out of action for 9 months out of the last two years and how she needs to ensure she has regular check-ups. Yet the serenity and warmth coming from her is remarkable. I wish that everyone could meet Lucy and appreciate what a lovely individual she is and experience what I have seen. Editors note: we will be spending time with Lucy at Wimbledon this year and will bring you further update and stories.

Photo Papaya Photography

June 2013 11

The current state of affairs The success of British female Olympians

at London 2012 has propelled women’s sport to centre stage in the UK. Jess

Ennis, Nicola Adams, Rebecca Adlington, Kate Walsh and Victoria Pendleton were

amongst the host of female GB athletes

thrust into the limelight, encouraging more young women into sport. Article by Katie Halliday

12 June 2013


Despite the positive impact of London 2012, the sporting industry acknowledges there is still much work to be done. At present, 33 of 57 National Governing Bodies of sport do not have the minimum expectation of 25 per cent of female directors. But it’s not all about the numbers, explains Sue Tibbals, Chief Executive of the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation: “We don’t want women on the boards simply to make things fairer, but for practical reasons. The lack of diversity makes it harder for NGBs to give elite sportswomen the support they need as well as damaging participation at grassroots level.”

to the next level. Interestingly the Secretary of State at Department of Culture Media & Sport and the CEOs of both UK Sport and Sport England are all women. Here, Kate Burt, CEO of British Rowing, Sally Munday, CEO of the England Hockey Board, and Alison Howard, CEO of Rounders England share their experiences of sport, plans to get more women active and predictions about the future of women’s sport.

However, this is not the case in all sports. In fact, there are some fantastic examples of women in key positions taking women’s sport Photo courtesy of England Cricket Board

June 2013 13

KATE BURT CEO of British Rowing ( Kate joined the team at British Rowing in 2012 from Right to Play, a charity dedicated to bringing sporting opportunities to the developing world. A keen rower herself, Kate’s fondest childhood memories are from her primary school days, where her first PE teacher was a former Commonwealth medallist swimmer. Kate said: “I played many different sports at school and learnt the invaluable lesson that both boys and girls can excel across the board. The highlight of my university career was winning varsity rowing races. That’s where I learnt that rowing is the ultimate team sport.

The benefits of participating in sport are immeasurable, including health, wellbeing and confidence.

“Rowing is a very inclusive sport and the growing numbers of women participating shows that we are getting the message across that you do not have to have a Public School or Oxbridge background to be a rower. Currently out of 32,148 British Rowing members, 13,447 are women, an increase of a

Photo: courtesy of Promote

14 June 2013

staggering 40% since 2009. “The amazing accomplishments of the GB Rowing team last summer introduced exceptional role models for women coming into rowing. As a result there is more media coverage of women’s sport, but still far more could be done. In order to sustain the success of the women’s squad we must continue to

attract more women into the sport.” The Explore Rowing Programme is designed to attract new rowers to the sport at a grassroots level, and to provide a pathway for development. You can find out more at

SALLY MUNDAY CEO of The England Hockey Board

Sally started out as a multi-sports coach and progressed into Sports Development in her early 20’s. In 2002, Sally joined the England Hockey Board as a Development Manager, progressing to Chief Executive Officer in 2009. “I was hooked on sport from a very young age and at school I would take part in every activity possible. I feel lucky to have built a core fitness level as a child as sport is still an integral part of my lifestyle now. Sport has also provided me with a confidence – to try new things, take on different challenges, build relationships with a range of personalities and overcome obstacles, in both professional and personal circumstances.

“Ultimately, the desire to inspire women and girls to want to pick up a stick is at the heart of our work as National Governing Body. Our Hockey Nation grassroots initiatives, with programmes including Back to Hockey and Rush Hockey, are breaking down the barriers to participation within sport. “Monthly participation amongst females over 16 years of age has grown by 13% from 2011 to 2012, with 70,000 females regularly taking part in hockey. We have experienced a 16% increase in girls under 16 playing in hockey clubs in England over the past 12 months also, as well as a 6% increase in participation with the more mature female bracket. Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

June 2013 15

“Providing programmes that are centralised around socialising and having a go in a relaxed environment have been key to getting more women into sport. Our senior women’s squad are a strong example of women who look physically strong and beautiful. They show that hockey is open to women of any size or shape, from any background. There is however, still a huge amount of work to be done by the media industry in replacing thin models and celebrities with healthy and aspirational figures.” You can find out how to get into hockey at Photo: courtesy of Promote

ALISON HOWARD CEO of Rounders England Alison worked as an accountant and volunteered for the National Rounders Association as Treasurer for 19 years before joining the team in 1999 working as the National Development Officer. She was appointed CEO of Rounders England in 2009. Alison comes from a keen sporting family and on was introduced to sport from an early age: “My Dad played cricket, and I spent my days on the side-lines practicing my catching. At primary school I was introduced to Rounders and was very proud to be selected as part of the team. Rounders holds a special place in many people’s hearts – it is a sport they remember fondly from school. “At Rounders England, we are working hard to create welcoming opportunities for women at whatever level they feel comfortable. This could include offering Rounders to an existing sporting group such as runners or to a group of young mums at the school gate. Rounders is fun, sociable, simple and cheap to get started! “I believe the key to getting more women into sport is making it as accessible as possible. This means making it more flexible, from making childcare available to giving 16 June 2013

Photo: courtesy of Promote

opportunities at a time to suit. We have created an online toolkit called Smile! to help people set up their own Rounders activities.”

You can download the Rounders toolkit and get

started at

THE ROAD AHEAD… It’s clear that women holding key positions in the sports industry are passionate about getting the female population more active. This process is self-perpetuating; with more women taking part, there will be more female role models, leading to more media coverage which increases participation and begins the cycle again. It is positive to see that National Governing Bodies are focussed on creating welcoming and sociable programmes that are accessible and flexible, for women of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. It is also encouraging to see that they are working to promote the positive benefits, to both mind and body that sport provides.

public awareness campaigns and support anything else that will enable the progression of women’s sport in the UK. WST grants panel chair, Olympian medallist and GB Hockey Captain Kate Walsh says: “One of the initial goals will be to generate 1 million positive actions to promote women’s sport. We have been amazed and delighted by the remarkable response we have already had to the Trust. People are clearly thrilled to have an opportunity to make a difference to women’s sport.” As the next Olympic cycle begins, the industry is optimistic that it will build on the momentum of London 2012 and see more women than ever participating in sport.

This spring sees the launch of the Women’s Sport Trust, a grass-roots movement of ordinary people and progressive organisations supporting women in sport. With Olympic Rowing Gold Medallist, Anna Watkins MBE, as patron, the Women’s Sport Trust will provide scholarships and grants to aspiring sportswomen, fund research and

June 2013 17

Feel great. Play tough. Sportswear designed for the female athlete

Rebecca Smith


NZ Football Fern captain 2012 Olympics

I really enjoy pulling on my Emvale gear either to train in or for recovery because I like how it is different from the main stream. It has a story behind it and I know that the gear is made with the thought of what is best for each athlete in mind. While I feel sporty wearing it, I also like that it is feminine and made for women.

18 June 2013

w w w. e m v a l e . c o m

“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured” - Gordon B Hinckley




June 2013 19

Photo: Papaya Photography

20 June 2013

Esther Tang Black Belt BJJ

Interview and article by Myak Homberger

Esther Tang is only the second woman in the

looked to do something else whilst she recovered

UK to be awarded a Black Belt in the martial art

and took up BJJ as a fill in. Fast forward 6 very

of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). That sentence in its

short years, a ridiculous amount of training - and

self - along with some photos of Esther - should

to her surprise, she was presented with her Black

be enough for a feature. It is a truly remarkable

Belt by her instructor during a class that she was

achievement in an art that prides its self on

teaching. I know people who have worked for

lineage (I will explain this later) and as the only

years and achieved less, as well as those who

art other than Krav Maga that does not have a

have achieved the heady highest of black belt in

standard time or test format by which to achieve

BJJ - and it has taken time: so this achievement

each belt. Instead, you have to prove and show

should in no way be underestimated. I can’t stress

in a controlled and consistent way that you have

the level of achievement it takes as an athlete to

learnt the techniques: you need to earn the right

get here, let alone to be only the second woman

to the belt.

in the UK to do this.

Having said that, of course we need to

Yet Esther’s reply is typical of her humility: “Once

understand more about Esther! I met with Esther

I got my black belt I realised I only knew a drop. I

at her training academy to chat as well as do a

watch Lucio train and other top BJJ athletes and

photo-shoot and for her to show me some of her

realise I have so far to go.” Her grace and desire

techniques. There is a serenity and unassuming

to learn and improve is genuine and very matter

presence that she brings with her that is disarming

of fact. Herein lies one of her secrets: that she is

and perplexing given what she has achieved.

willing to learn, has no ego and respects those

Having been injured doing powerlifting, Esther

teaching her. This is compounded by her desire June 2013 21

22 June 2013

Photo: Papaya Photography

to constantly improve herself and make herself a

belt awarded by someone who got theirs from

better person.

a Gracie is a HUGE thing and provides a lot of credibility.

Martial art prides its self on lineage (i.e. who taught you and gave you your black belt) and

When I ask, as I do with most athletes about their

BJJ is at the very top of the pile when it comes

nutritional system, she answers “I try not to be

to lineage. Why is this? Because its roots are

obsessive about nutrition, just eat good food.”

very clear - as in when and who founded it

It’s this simplicity delivered without any axe to

(Carlos Gracie Snr.) - and each subsequent family

grind or any ego that sets her apart and gives

member who has in turn taught and passed on

the impression that everything is effortless - and

their knowledge. So for someone to have a black

this is why it’s so obvious that she is a black belt. June 2013 23

Her conduct off and on the mat is admirable.

the better she has become. Her humility is remarkable and born out of an acknowledgment

The question is, is it effortless, how does someone

that it is a journey and she has a peace in this.

achieve such levels? Esther trains 5 times a week

So what is her secret then? “Don’t spar with crazy

as well as teach, and does 2-3 weight sessions

people!” Esther laughed with a matter-of-fact

alongside her full-time job. So maybe not so

grin. “No - the secret is to never give up and to

effortless - but she makes it seem so! However,

have no ego, to not push till it hurts, and when

she has learnt the hard way. “I injured myself

you are injured, to be sensible.” A great summary

when I was a purple belt and couldn’t grip or

of an amazing and genuinely humble athlete who

hold for 1 ½ years so I had a choice: quit or adapt

has achieved so much.

and BJJ taught me to adapt, so I did. It’s the best thing that could have happened to me, really.” Esther says this without drama or a desire to be theatrical or seek attention - and she has used it to become the athlete that she is now.

Esther’s new academy has just opened in Knightsbridge, London, where she wants to

give back and train - but more importantly impart what she has learnt. Please visit the website

She acknowledges that the experience has really

for more information.

grounded her. “I used to be obsessive over

“the secret is to never give up and to have no ego..” training and researching how I can improve. But since then I have changed”. Injury can, in a very small number of athletes and occasions (according to a leading psychologist) create a fundamental shift in someone’s life, training and outlook and this would be true for Esther. Someone who acknowledges and accepts the injury and is better for it. “I try not to take it too seriously, to enjoy the journey. It didn’t work before when I was a purple belt before the injury.” The thing is - and it is a shift in common thinking - that the more relaxed she has become, and the more she has enjoyed it and seen it as a journey, 24 June 2013

June 2013 25 Photo: Papaya Photography





AT H L E T E Zara Williams Lifesaving and swimming by Myak Homberger Each issue we like to feature an athlete who showcases something extraordinary. Zara is not the outstanding athlete in this issue because she has chosen a little known sport, BUT because she has chosen a sport that requires the same dedication with very little of the recognition that many other sports enjoy. Zara has been swimming competitively since the age of 10, swimming 18 hours a week. She added water polo to her swimming, but this wasn’t enough for Zara and when Gary Lee, water-polo coach, suggested that she try lifesaving as a sport, she did so - and hasn’t looked back. Fast forward a couple of short years and she has travelled to many places, including Copenhagen (team GB, European Juniors), Spain (GB senior team, South Africa (Commonwealth Championships), Australia and Japan, competing and representing the UK. Zara typically will have five or six swimming sessions with the Swimming Club, which in total is about 10 hours alongside training in the pool with the Lifesaving Club, have three sessions in the gym and three sessions on an exercise bike at home. In total she trains for about 20-22 hours per week. Representing Team GB, in 2 ½ years Zara has already won medal upon medal, including Gold at Commonwealth 26 June 2013

Championships (she also won the overall female title in the Commonwealth Championships in 2011) and a silver medal at Rescue 2012 in Adelaide. She also holds two British records: one in the 50m Manikin Carry and one in the 100m Rescue Medley. (To provide some context to a competition, at Rescue 2012 this year Zara had 13 races in two days). This is an athlete who trains hard in a sport that needs an increased profile and for this Zara we salute you. Well done and good luck for the future! This is indeed an athlete to watch going forward. Zara’s training and pool time are critical to her and it’s due to the Freedom Leisure Trusts talented athlete scheme that she has all the time she needs. This scheme provides Zara and 29 other athletes’ free access to all of the Freedom Leisure facilities around the country. Without this kind of support Zara and the other athletes in the talented athlete scheme would be unable to put in the training they need to pursue their dreams. To find out more and to apply, visit for full details and application forms.

Photo courtesy Action PR

June 2013 27

Anita North Team GB Olympic trap shooter

Photo: Papaya Photography

28 June 2013

By Myak Homberger

Part of the desire of this magazine is to profile different sports from around the world that may not be seen as mainstream. In so doing, it highlights other sports and athletes and what they do and achieve, and opens readers to the potential of new sports to try or watch. Anita North, Team GB Olympic trap shooter was kind enough to spend time with the team and show us the ins and outs of shooting and all the obvious questions around it. I have set out to focus on the Olympic shooting scene and on Anita in particular for this article. Therefore, leaving any potential gun debate aside for the moment, let’s talk about the athlete. I did not expect to see what I saw when the team (the SIM office all went to hang out) arrived at the shooting ground to spend the day. No tweed, no ‘members only’ parking, no dress code and definitely no sense that we were not welcome, having walked into a ‘private club’. A flash of bright pink hair and a casual bubbly “hello, nice to meet you, glad you found it,” met us as Anita greeted us. This was followed by a chat about basic shooting, Anita’s sporting life etc., whilst we waited for our turn to go out and be shown around. June 2013 29

The coffee shop was buzzing with friendly

changed. “ ‘Cool, I have an England badge’,

people who all seemed to know each

I thought - but I then discovered that this

other and all done with a relaxed and laid

wasn’t enough, and that I was actually more

back approach. Claudio (the owner of A1

competitive than I thought. I was one of the

shooting) introduced himself and we chatted

girls who had to participate at school for

about our varied experience of shooting

sport, it wasn’t my thing really.”

so as to ascertain the level of coaching we would require….a lot, as it turns out.

Now that she was hooked, her focus saw her shooting 5 times a week, then training in the gym every day. Anita was on a mission to see

“I realised that after my 4 shots for £1 go at a local county fair that I enjoyed shooting, but more importantly I was good. I realised I had finally found a sport,”

the world and be the best she could be. Four years from when she took her first shot she was invited onto Team GB to go to Barcelona and from there on competed through until Dehli on a ‘full-time’ basis. The thing that I found interesting was that for an athlete who has won so many medals and championships, Anita is very ‘by the way’ about them all - to the point that I had to ask her to look into what and how many medals she had won and

Spending the day with Anita was entertaining

to e-mail me later.

and enlightening. Here is an athlete who fell into shooting by chance and ended up with

She didn’t know off the top of her head

15 medals, four World Championships, First

and she was more interested in telling me

woman to make English shooting team for

about the places she had been to and the

Olympic Trap and English Champion. Not

experiences, not the medals. “I won gold….

bad for falling into something, so what is

it was a nice feeling, such a nice place,” and

someone like this like?

then continued to talk about where she had been when she won gold and the build-up to

“I realised that after my 4 shots for £1 go at a

the competition. Very little about medals or

local county fair that I enjoyed shooting, but

the wins.

more importantly I was good. I realised I had finally found a sport,” says Anita, recalling

What came out from all of our conversations

how it all started. Within two years of this

was that it was about bettering herself and

realisation she was in the England team

about how she felt she was shooting at any

shooting, having tried various disciplines.

given event. Anita was doing this for herself

But once she got that England badge it all

and not for a medal, she wants to be the best

30 June 2013

Photo: Papaya Photography

she can be. “It’s you stood there shooting, no

not assuming that people are interested,

one else,” she says, taking her responsibility

but grateful for the attention being given to

of representing her country seriously. She is

the sport and reluctant to take the limelight.

very hard on her own abilities and is always

She is keen to encourage others to try clay

striving to be better: she is her own worst

shooting - this is the message she wants to

critic. This drives her to achieve the things

leave me with, not one of her and her success.

so many strive for. Her infectious smile, chat

“The lovely thing is you can do clay shooting

and ethos allow her to enjoy her sport and

for fun - it doesn’t have to be competitive.

everything that goes with it, allowing her to

Just try it, it’s fun and different,” she says as

not get overwhelmed by the occasion. It’s

we go to leave.

great to see athletes who so enjoy their sport and are so relaxed in what they do.

Anita has achieved and seen a lot, doing what she really enjoys and you can’t help but

As we leave, Anita thanks us for spending

be affected by her cheeriness.

time with her….it should be the other way round - but this just highlights how she is,

Thanks to Anita and Claudio for their time. June 2013 31

32 June 2013





HERO Gemma Crowley Ireland Manager

By Myak Homberger

Gemma has an ability to make everyone feel relaxed, at home and important - which is remarkable given the challenges faced when flying a team around the globe. Not only does she look after the Irish Rugby 7’s team (the team that set the world alight last season by starting up and instantly winning silverware and qualifying for the World cup!), but to add to what is already enough of a challenge, she looked after the 15’s team that again created history by beating England in the 6 Nations (England earlier beat NZ, current world champions, convincingly in a 3 test series) and winning the 6 Nations. This is a person who is BUSY and yet she has time for you, for

everyone. Gemma ensures that all the things that managers are there to do, are done with incredible efficiency - but this is just the logistics of the job to her, the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the job. What she really focuses on is the individuals, ‘the girls’. She is protective, caring and incredibly good at ensuring that each person is in a good place and that all those problems and niggles are fixed without making that person think they are a problem.

There is a wonderful atmosphere in the Irish team and Gemma personifies this - but as any manager, she is in the background - and she deserves recognition for who she is and how she conducts herself. I defy anyone to meet her and not be won over by that smile, banter, chat and genuineness. Gemma is a true star.

To finish it all off, to those external to the team she is effortless, understanding and genuinely interested in what they have to say and trying to help as much as possible, whilst protecting her ‘girls’. June 2013 33

“The second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser.� - Lou Holtz


International 34 June 2013


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So what does it take to be a male coach in the female game?

Nigel Francis, Coach of the Dragons Invitation 7s Team Photos courtesy Nigel Francis

In this interview Nigel Francis, coach of the Dragons Invitation 7s team discusses how he got involved with women’s rugby, what keeps him going back week after week and why he decided to invest his own money to establish an invitation 7s side in the first place. So how did you get involved in women’s rugby?

How does the women’s game differ from the men’s?

Entirely by accident if truth be told! I was considering hanging up my playing boots after one injury too many and a former coach heard about this. He’d been asked to help out with Cardiff Quins but couldn’t commit the time so asked me if I was interested. I went along to the first session, survived the Spanish Inquisition from the players and three years later I still find myself there!

A lot of people I know are quite dismissive of women’s rugby until they actually come to watch a game. The skill levels and commitment shown by the top players is outstanding. In fact I think this comes about largely because in the women’s game they don’t have the option to hoof the ball half the way down the field to relieve pressure, they have to be more skillful to get out of their half. I’ve certainly never seen a game of aerial

36 June 2013

Ping-Pong that seems so prevalent in the men’s game these days. The women’s game in Wales is completely amateur, but the time and effort that a lot of these players invest is akin to professionalism and I think this is what people fail to realise until they get involved in the sport. In terms of coaching I think there is a very big difference, you need to adopt a different approach with women allowing them to explore options within game scenarios rather than just telling them how to play.

What keeps you going back week after week? I assume from what you’ve just said that you don’t get paid for coaching? Not at all, in fact I probably pay to coach with all the travelling I do to sessions and games, especially in the summer to the 7s tournaments! I suppose the main motivation is watching the improvements from season to season that the team as a whole and individuals are making, which is what coaching is all about. Watching players join the team, progress to regional and international honours is immensely gratifying. I’m not saying it has all been plain sailing, there have obviously been ups and downs, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. I’m also incredibly lucky to be supported by a fantastic team of coaches, who have all become friends, a couple of whom now have a strong involvement with the Dragons.

So who are the Dragons and how did the team come about? The Dragons are an invitation 7s team that started in 2010 when Non Evans and I both received invitations to enter teams into the same

competition. We both tried to recruit the same players so in the end we decided to enter one team and the Dragons were born. I got in touch with Akuma Sports and they very kindly agreed to provide kit for the team. In the first season we had a number of Welsh internationals playing for us and competed at Rugby Rocks, West Country 7s and Aberaeron, reaching at least the semifinal at each tournament.

How has the team developed since that first year? Last season we worked hard to start expanding the player base after a number of players retired. We developed a good link with the WRU, which meant access to a larger player base and use of the fantastic training facilities at the National Centre of Excellence. The result of this was a larger training squad and the ability to enter more tournaments, including debuts at Manchester, Bournemouth and Newquay.

What are the plans for this year? As a team we’ve always wanted to be seen as an invitation side, however last year we almost became a development tool for the WRU and I’m keen to try and ensure that the invitational aspect of the side is more evident this year. As the Dragons name has started to become more widely known it has allowed me to approach other unions and I’m hoping that after some very positive conversations that we might be represented by players from the other home unions this year. In terms of the rugby side of things we want to continue to be competitive at every tournament we enter and to expose as many young players to the excitement of 7s as possible. June 2013 37

Dragons Invitation 7s Team kit. Photos courtesy Nigel Francis

38 June 2013

Photos courtesy Nigel Francis

I’m also delighted that Sports International Magazine is coming on board as a partner to promote the side and hopefully we’ll help spread the word about this magazine and the growing interest in women’s sport.

goal of competing on the continent next year. Longer term I would like to be able to take the team to Dubai. I guess the ultimate goal is to see a player that has progressed from the Dragons pull on a GB shirt and play in the Olympics.

What do you look for in players when they come into training and how do you help progress them?

Any final thoughts?

Attitude more than anything, players that are willing to go the extra yard on fitness tests or push themselves just that little bit harder when they are shattered. Players like that are invaluable when it comes to the latter stages of tournaments and you need the squad to dig deep. It was this attitude that really helped when we won the Manchester 7s, we’d lost to Storm in the group stage but the desire to play for each other was really strong in the final and we managed to win a very tight final against a very strong team. In terms of development we have already established a good link with the WRU and we’re starting to develop links with other unions. I think the benefit of girls playing 7s for invitational sides is clear, last year a number of players that ended up playing for Wales in the World Cup qualifier in Moscow had previously played for the Dragons. For a country like Wales with a small player base it means more women playing the sport and this is invaluable for development. With rugby 7s being an Olympic sport in Rio I think the invitation sides will play an important role in exposing players and hopefully uncovering some rough diamonds!

Really just to thank everyone that has helped to get the team to where they are now. We’ve been lucky over the past 2 years to have had support a number of sponsors including J Newman Photography, Akuma, Dawnus, Dragon CrossFit and WDS Green Energy, which has provided the team with kit and funds to enter tournaments. Obviously need to also thank the players and coaches who give up their time to play and help out. Finally Myak at Sports International Magazine, who has become a good friend and supporter of the team, thank you for your help and the opportunity to help promote the squad. If any companies are interested in sponsoring the side or potential players would like to get in touch then Nigel can be contacted at nigel@ Editors note: As part of our commitment to women’s sport we have agreed support for the Dragon’s this season that will see our logo on their shirt fronts as part of the deal.

So what does the future hold for the Dragons? Well hopefully this year we’ll cement our spot on the UK invitational circuit and start to get the team better known in Europe with a short term June 2013 39

Photo: John Broom, JB Sports Photography

Jenny Tinmouth Motorcycle Racer

40 June 2013

Article by Louise Poynton

Donington Park, all fuelled Jenny’s passion for motorsport. Her favourite toy when growing up

The occasional moments when she has time on

was a pedal go-kart, a present from an uncle

her hands, Jenny Tinmouth allows herself to

which, when stolen soon afterwards, left her in

dream what it would be like to be the first woman


to win a British Superbike Championship race. “That would be the most amazing achievement

Jenny grew up surrounded by fast bikes – her

for me. I know I am good and I could do it. I don’t

parents both rode motorbikes – visiting Oulton

think about being a history-maker, I just want to

Park a stone’s throw from the family home and


then racing in club championships alongside riders who are now with works-supported

That may sound like arrogance from someone

superbike championship teams. They have come

recently recognised as a real woman of substance,

up through the system together and, like her

but quite simply it is the confidence of a woman

racing rivals, she has had her fair share of injuries

who at school was the only sixth form student

– broken wrists, ankle, collarbone – all which she

arriving on a motorcycle while everyone else rode

describes as an “inconvenience”.

in on their bicycle. She regrets never developing her passion for graphic design and, instead of going to university took a year out working as a shop assistant, and in the evenings collecting glasses in a working men’s club. Every penny went towards her racing. The desire to race, and be accepted as a first

“I am just me and when I am at one with my bike it is a wonderful feeling.”

among equals, was always there. So she would know how to repair her bike, Jenny borrowed library







She started racing with some 1950s leathers

motorcycle mechanics while working for free at

bought for £50 from a friend, her first helmet

a motorcycle dealership, qualified as an MOT

set her back £40 and she had some “dodgy”

inspector, and spent weekends racing. “When

boots. Jenny scored her first victory in a 125cc

racing I would tuck my long hair up into my

race at Anglesey in 1999, holds the Guinness

helmet. I never wanted the men to do me any

World Record as the fastest woman round the

favours just because I am a woman. I can mix it

37.73 mile Isle of Man TT course clocking a shade

with the best of them.”

under 120mph, has stood on the podium almost 50 times, and is the only woman competing in the

Watching the A Team and Knight Rider on

British Superbike Championship where speeds

television, her cousin race a classic TVR at

can reach 180mph. June 2013 41

Her ambition has always been to ride with a team

Showcase for her courage and dedication in

working alongside people who can help achieve

the documentary film Closer to the Edge which

her ambition, and she has also considered

followed riders who risk all in the TT, the greatest

endurance racing, revealing she would love to

motorcycle road race in the world.

be part of the Honda TT Legends team which competes in the World Endurance Championship

“The ceremony was in Los Angeles but I could

and selected road racing events including the TT.

not afford the £500 flight to attend,” sighed

Jenny, 34, has the model looks which make

Jenny, who as a privateer on the grid admits she

her not only a star of track and now film, but a

struggles to finance the £100,000 budget to race

sponsor’s dream. She is as tough as nails, admits

every season. “It would have been lovely to have

she perhaps needs to be a bit more “forceful”

been there, but I needed the money for racing.”

when promoting herself, but accepts she is a

A broken gearbox at Brands Hatch at the start

role-model for would-be women bike racers. “I

of this season meant, at £5,000, she could not

am just me and when I am at one with my bike it

afford a second one, and was forced to watch the

is a wonderful feeling.”

entire weekend from the pits. With a £2,000 tyre bill for each of the 12 race weekends at circuits

Last December she was recognised by the

from Brands Hatch in the south to Knockhill in


Scotland and across to Assen in Holland, the


42 June 2013




Photo: Louise Poynton

budget can be huge.

all races this season. I really need that lucky break

“I really want to be at the front of the grid, mixing

with a race-winning team, but I would need to

with the best and proving myself. I do understand

take twice my current budget with me to have a

what it takes to be there but I don’t have the


resources. We are a small team, have very little money, but I know with the right investment to

“I spend every bike-waking moment thinking

allow for more bike preparation I could be there.

about my bike, analysing data, making travel

For now I am the underdog and that spurs me

arrangements, planning for the race weekend. With a full-time job as well, I have little time at

“We are a small team, have very little money, but I know with the right investment to allow for more bike preparation I could be there. “

the end of the day to think about myself.” A legion of loyal fans think about her though, enough to have contributed towards her racing budget this season. A suggestion started on Twitter in the close season with a small donation has snowballed with hundreds of fans donating to the RacewithJenny fund. “That has been just brilliant and honestly every penny helps and it’s so nice to know so many people are standing by

on. When racing I do occasionally imagine I am

you. I help to put on a show for them and wish I

Valentino Rossi [seven times world champion] or

had the extra money to give the fans something

Casey Stoner [double MotoGP world champion].

back, such as posters and stickers as my “thank

“The amount of time and effort we put into


just getting the bike onto the grid is really hard alongside a full-time job. If I was relieved

You can follow Jenny’s racing by visiting her

of that burden of responsibility I know I could


achieve great things,” insisted Jenny, who runs

Donate to her fund:

Two Wheel Workshop in Ellesmere Port with her

Follow her on Twitter @jennytinmouth

business partner Steve Bradley, who is also her chief (and only) mechanic.

2013 British Superbike Championship dates June 14-16 Knockhill, Fife, Scotland

“Racing is the easy part but when you have a

July 5-7 Snetterton, Norfolk

small budget, you can only do so much with the

July 19-21 Brands Hatch GP, Kent

bike. If I had £60-70,000 I would be able to afford

August 9-11 Oulton Park, Cheshire

to employ data and suspension experts and we

August 24-26 Cadwell Park, Lincolnshire

could find that extra speed to push me further

September 6-8 Assen, Holland

up the grid,” she explained. “I pray I don’t have

October 4-6 Silverstone, Northants

a huge crash, and as it is I may not be able to do

October 18-20 Brands Hatch GP, Kent June 2013 43

Getting up to

Speed Strength and Conditioning is the physical development of athletes for sport performance. To play any sport we need to be physically fit, more importantly so for rugby as the demands of the game require all energy and physiological systems. This document will allow you to apply conditioning into your session. This section will look at Speed: This is a key component and should be implemented into each training session in oneway or another. Speed in sport could be the difference between winning and losing and is a key component. Implementing Speed Training into your session. Speed sessions should be done at the beginning of each session to get maximum benefits. You need the players/athletes fresh and running at 100% all the time, any less then we are not achieving speed.

44 June 2013

Warm Up Dynamic movements – Creating rugby specific movements – Keep stretches moving

can also supply a trainer to come and work at a club for a few sessions for you to carry on into the season.

Glute Activation Quad and hip Flexor High Knee Runs

Top Tip: Players/Athletes must have full recovery before completing next sprint. We need 100% maximal efforts each time.

Speed Drills: 4 x 60 meter Sprints – 3/4 mins recovery after each sprint HAVE 10 MINUTES RECOVERY: 3 x 100 meter sprints – 5mins recovery after each sprint By implementing the session pre-training allows your players/ athletes to get maximal physiological benefits. The session above has been designed for anyone 18+, if your players/ athletes are younger scale the training down. Try and encourage your players/athletes to attend a local athletics club for sprint training for about a month to learn correct technique. Exerformance

Want more service, advice and guidance? Follow us on Twitter @exerformance Like us on Facebook: https://www. Exerformance/412216802166810 Contact us: info@exerformance

What Comes First: The Chicken or the Professional? by Natalie Germanos

According to the old adage, “cricket is a gentlemen’s game”. However that statement is fundamentally flawed. The fairer sex are just as much a part of the game. While almost accidental, a woman’s influence on the game dates back to the beginning of the 1800’s when a piece of clothing permanently altered the action of all future bowlers. During practice with her brother Christina Willes found it difficult to bowl underarm as her hooped skirt constantly impeded her action. So, instead of bowling underarm which was customary at the time, she bowled with a more round arm action. John chose to adopt the same style and that was the start of the overarm bowling action that is used exclusively by all bowlers today. Almost 200 years later women were still having a powerful effect on the game. In 1997 Australian batter, Belinda Clark became the first player, man or woman, to score a one-day international double century - her unbeaten 229 at the World Cup remains the highest ODI score by either sex. It was the women who staged the first World Cup when they staged the inaugural tournament in England in 1973, preceding the men by two years. Despite the fact that female cricketers have made some significant contributions and the women’s game has been around for many years it still lags behind the men’s. A major concern for the men’s game is the fact that Test matches are beginning to take a backseat to the shorter formats, in particular Twenty20. In the women’s game this has become a way of life. For women the longest form of cricket has all but faded away and nowadays the only Tests are those contested between England and Australia for the coveted Ashes, and even that has been reduced to a once-off match. June 2013 45

The hope is that T20’s will raise the profile of the women’s game. From a financial and logistical standpoint the shorter format is a better fit. On the other hand the problem administrators are going to face is that the gap may widen too much and the road back to playing Test cricket may be somewhat futile. Since 2009 the women’s T20 World Cup has run concurrently with the men’s tournament and in many ways this has given the game some muchneeded exposure. The improvement in the skill level of the players is certainly evident and it has also seen the rise of the West Indies team which just a few short years ago were the whipping girls of international cricket. While the purists, male or female, will never let up about how the format of the T20s are ruining the traditions of the game, the irony is that it is actually having a positive effect on Test cricket. Since the advent of cricket’s shortest format more runs are being scored in the five-day arena and, while bowling averages are on the increase as a result, the strike rates are relatively similar. Therefore bowlers are taking wickets at similar intervals but are conceding more runs per wicket. And who wouldn’t want to see more runs scored and at a quicker rate? Women face very different challenges to the men when it comes to playing cricket at the highest level. On average women stop playing cricket around the age of 25. The reason for this is unmistakable - life gets in the way. For men playing professionally means making a career out of the game, and for the privileged few, it means an extremely lucrative livelihood. At best women can expect a semi-professional career which means being paid accordingly. As a result elite level women have to juggle a profession and their sport, never an easy task. A major obstacle facing the women’s game is the fact that they are expected to play like professionals in order to attract the crowds needed to increase its popularity and in so doing reel in sponsors and the big fish - broadcasting rights. Unfortunately it is not possible for the players to play like professionals if they are not being paid accordingly. This is where the proverbial double-edged sword rears its ugly head. To improve skills and increase the standard of play women need to play more cricket in order for their skills in match conditions to improve. However this requires money, a commodity that is not forthcoming. Subsequently there has been the move towards T20 cricket. Despite the impediments, the women are endeavouring to move forward with the introduction of more support staff and conditioning experts to support the head coach. Nowadays batting, bowling, fielding coaches, physiotherapists and fitness coaches are becoming the norm for the leading elite teams. The question that pops up here though is what will come next? For many years there has been a large gap between the best teams - Australia, New Zealand and England - and the remainder of the international nations that play the game. 46 June 2013

Since 2009 the

women’s T20

World Cup has run


with the men’s


The lack of competition is also a major obstacle and this makes a return to Test cricket even more tricky. There is a light on the horizon and it’s coming from the Caribbean. The improvement seen in the West Indies team certainly gives hope that other teams will follow and that the mix of strong contenders to break into the top-three will start to broaden. An increase in competition will see interest in the game grow and in so doing the profile of the players will be enhanced. This should result in young girls elevating these players to role models, if not star status. In keeping with the world today, popularity spawns money. And money for the women’s game means the shift towards professionalism. They have to attempt to move with the times but, in some cases, it is just not moving fast enough and conversely the world is not adapting to it either. At present the women are often used as a curtain raiser to the men’s game but there needs to come a time when they stand on their own two feet and forge their own identity. Editors Note: We will be giving away tickets for the Ashes tour so watch our social media for news. As well as this we will be going behind the scenes with the Australia team for the next issue of the magazine.

Papaya P h o t o g r a p h y

Covering Womens sport around the World : Beach 7’s Rugby Ibiza 2012 June 2013 47




Getting Technical SPORTS



With the brighter evenings and longer days, the football season may be finished for now but there’s no shortage of sporting action to choose from. But one thing that’s catching our eye is the coloured tape that more and more sports people are

wearing. Whether its snowboarding supremo







hand Holly

Bleasdale’s colour co-ordinated black, we want to know more so





investigative work… We spoke to our friends at SPORTTAPE to get the low down on why so many players are now wearing it. According


the guys at SPORTTAPE, it’s



sports women as unlike traditional strapping their tape 48 June 2013


is flexible and allows for movement of the joints whilst still offering a good level of support. Due to its simplicity it has a multitude of uses including; pain relief, swelling and inflammation reduction, providing structural support to joints and muscles, and enhancing athletic performance. SPORTTAPE is widely used by professional athletes and advocates; however it’s now becoming a common sight on players throughout the country. As with most

The most common sports injuries include

products, the early adopters are usually

shoulder pain, hamstring pulls, sprained

the professionals. This is probably because

ankle, groins strains and bruising.

they are partial to all the latest and best treatments. However, the tape is suitable

No doubt you may have noticed Venus

for sports women at all levels and it can

William’s taped shoulder or Beth Tweddle’s

be applied easily without any associated

calf and if you suffer from any similar niggles

risks and is an inexpensive form of treatment.

or strains, then the tape may be just the support you need. Rob Madden Senior Physiotherapist at The

Centre for Health & Human Performance (CHHP), 76 Harley Street is a big advocate of the tape: “I use loads of SPORTTAPE both within my clinic and with elite level athletes, it’s a perfect adjunct to treating many injuries and niggles by optimising the way people move and often significantly reduces their pain’’ For further information about SPORTTAPE please visit their website at

June 2013 49

Recipes and Tips CARROT CAKE Good-for-you ingredients Carrots are high in beta-carotene (Vitamin A): important for healthy eyesight, especially night vision; healthy skin, mucous membranes and respiratory system. Carrots also contain anti-oxidants (for fighting free radicals). Wholemeal flour contains fibre (important for the digestive system) and B vitamins (for a healthy nervous system and the release of energy from food).

Rapeseed oil adds Omega 3 (vital for good health). Cinnamon can help lower LDL cholestrol, may help regulate blood sugar, aid circulation and digestion. Orange juice contains Vitamin C. Sultanas add fibre and some antioxidants. Hints Leaving out the customary cream cheese topping or icing reduces both the calorie and fat content of the cake. Sultanas are sweeter and plumper than raisins, making the cake deliciously moist. By Isa du Toit


&Carrot cake easy

50 June 2013

Photo Credit: Zac Peatling

Delicious and easy Carrot Cake Recipe 230g/8 oz wholemeal self raising flour 140g/5oz dark moscuvado sugar 125ml/4 fl oz sunflower or rapeseed oil 1t bicarbonate of soda 1t cinnamon (rounded) 1 medium orange 110-140g/4-5 oz sultanas (or raisins) 280g grated carrots 2 large eggs

Method Heat oven to 160C/fan 140C Oil and line the base of a 20cm square cake tin. Finely grate orange zest and squeeze out the juice. Put the sultanas in a small bowl, add 3T of the orange juice and the zest, stir and leave to soak. Mix the flour, cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda. Whisk the sugar, eggs and oil together for about 2-3 mins. Add the flour mix to the egg mixture one third at a time, gently folding it in. Fold the carrot, sultanas and orange juice into the flour mixture. Pour into the baking tin, level and bake for 45 - 60 mins. or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack. Cool completely and cut into squares. Though nice on the day, the cake is best eaten the following day.

June 2013 51

Thank you’s There are more and more people with each issue that I wish to thank, some for the longstanding support, some for a particular thing and some

because they are priceless. But I need to keep things simple as well, so here goes….

Thanks to Sporttape for being such a supportive

company that sees the vision, to Julie for a long list of things, Under Armour UK for being so cool and supportive of women’s sport, to my ever patient

proof reader who spends hours in the background making things look good! To Lucy for all her time, such a star, to Isa Du Toit words fail me! to Anita,

Claudio and Teresa Capaldifor and all at A1 Shooting Ground for showing the team how to shoot and

then more worryingly allowing us to use shotguns!

To Esther for your time and lessons, Kevin for your

generosity and support, Emvale for your support of

athletes on our radar, Roger at Digital Forest you are a legend!! Louise for being on the same page as us and being so supportive, Natalie for giving us your time to write especially for us, thank you. Nigel for

your vision and openness to do things differently, we look forward to an exciting first season!

For those that I have missed I’m sorry, it’s a mistake and to all the readers the biggest thanks because it would be fairly pointless writing a magazine for myself! Thank you and keep reading and sharing.

52 June 2013




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International The Pro Sports Magazine October 2012




The Pro Sports Magazine January 2013




The Pro Sports Magazine April 2013




The Pro Sports Magazine June 2013

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Lucy Shuker

Captain Team GB Hockey

Paralympic tennis player

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Women in Sport

At 15yres old - The youngest ever Test Cricketer in England

The current state of affairs - By Katie Halliday

Non Evans, New Zealand Rugby, Serita Stone, Crossfit...

Jenny Tinmouth, Anita North , Esther Tang, Nigel Francis... Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...

Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...

Photo courtesy of Team GB

Photo Papaya Photography

June 2013 53

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