SportsNation Issue 4 2022

Page 24




A shared theme


he past few weeks have been a busy time. In mid-May, BASIS held its annual conference, welcoming nearly 130 sustainability and sport

professionals to the Principality Stadium, Cardiff. The following week, I and BASIS Board Chair Chris Whitaker, spoke at the SAPCA Conference. And a little over a week after that, the nation and the Commonwealth


celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. What linked these three events together? A

Specifically, environmental sustainability in

shared theme of environmental sustainability.

this context relates to better design, better

In the middle of the great Jubilee Concert

maintenance and better end-of-life treatment

held in London – I loved The Queen (the

of sport and play facilities. Fundamentally,

monarch) starting Queen’s (the band’s)

sustainability should sit at the heart of

iconic “We Will Rock You” beat with her

everything that you do as a business – ask

teaspoon and tea cup – Prince William spoke.

yourself what impact will this have, and how

And, no doubt, with his grandmother’s

can I reduce it? Our sister organisation in

blessing, he spoke of the work of “visionary

Australia (the Sports Environment Alliance)

environmentalists” around the world. He

uses the strapline “No Planet, No Play”.

acknowledged the benefits of “unimaginable

It’s true on this side of the world too.

technological developments and scientific

It is now unthinkable for any organisation

breakthroughs” that have happened during his

to operate without due care and attention

grandmother’s remarkable reign, but also the

to health and safety (once considered to

impacts that human activities have had and

be excessively burdensome) and, more

that “the pressing need to protect and restore

recently, to equality, diversity and inclusion.

our planet has never been more urgent”.

Legislation requires that businesses comply

Just a week or so before, SAPCA chair Jason Douglass’ speech at the association’s

with H&S and EDI standards and this will It is now

be increasingly true for sustainability

Conference revealed environmental

unthinkable for

issues – including environmental, social

sustainability as one of the “important global

any business to

and economic - moving forwards.

and national subject matters” that he wants

operate without a

the association to address during his tenure.

sustainability plan

Jason went on to outline an initiative for SAPCA to introduce minimum standards and thresholds, certification, incentives and awards for SAPCA members working on their environmental impacts. As a partner organisation BASIS stands ready and willing to assist in every way we can. Many things are going badly wrong with the environment at the moment, but I’ll leave the final words to Prince William: “There is hope. If we harness the very best of humankind,


and restore our planet, we’ll protect it for our children, for our grandchildren and for future generations to come.” ●



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