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GRAM REVIEW: Back to the Gram

Back to the Gram

The Best of the Brits


by Emma Lattey

Carrying on from my Aussie Instagram picks last bulletin, this edition is the best of the Brits. Three big personalities in the social media world showcase the passion there is out there in sports physiotherapy and sports medicine insta space. Whether or not you always agree with what some of them say, they sure get you thinking…


Adam Meakins aka The Sports Physio is a Physiotherapist, a strength and conditioning specialist, and an extended scope practitioner in both the National Health Service and private practice in Hertfordshire, England. Throughout his career Adam has worked in many roles including professional sport and has been fortunate to work with and learn from some of the world’s leading shoulder authorities and experts. Adam’s instagram account conveys his beliefs of a no-nonsense, simple, practical and evidence-based approach to therapy and the physiotherapy profession. His updates are very regular (every 12 days usually), always inciteful, and very honest.


“You can’t go wrong getting strong.” “100 body weight squats per day.”

“Classification of Loose shoulder injuries by Adam Meakins”

1. Torn Loose – most common, Traumatic Injury 2. Worn Loose – no history of trauma in the background 3. Born Loose

• running.physio

Tom Goom is known in the sport and exercise medicine community as the “Running Physio”. Tom has a slightly different social media approach compared to Adam, but has very good educational content –mostly running focused - on his regular (every 1-2 weeks) postings. Tom specialises in running injuries and is based in Brighton, England. He is the clinical lead at The Physio Rooms and has over 15 years of clinical experience. He has previously worked in semi-professional sport, lower-limb and spinal rehab, and has run chronic pain programmes. In 2012, Tom started his website www.runningphysio.com to share his knowledge and offer free advice to clinicians and runners on injury prevention and treatment. His specialist areas of interest include running gait analysis and managing tendinopathy. Below is a podcast interviewing Tom from BJSM from last month :-

https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/bjsm/ id330966919?i=1000462926230

• bjsm_bmj

Speaking of the BJSM, my last choice is the official British Journal of Sports Medicine Instagram account. The BJSM is a twice-monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering sports science and sports medicine by the BMJ Group. It was established in 1964 and the editor-in-chief from 2008-2020 was Professor Karim Kahn. This Insta account is a must follow with educational content every 2-3 days with links to “hot off the press” research plus excellent infographics.

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