National Club Golfer September 2013 Issue

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NCG Cover September 13 23/07/2013 12:29 Page 3


2013 PGA

PREVIEW In association with

Starring Micheel and Harrington

Eyes wide


Why Phil took 20 years to grasp links golf



launch iT longer, sTraighTer Thinner face delivers higher ball speeds for more disTance.

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08/07/2013 13:07

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08/07/2013 13:07

NCG pp 6 Contents 23/07/2013 11:14 Page 6














Callaway spring surprise by launching awesome new driver

It’s one of golf’s most difficult situations. But fear it no more...

Readers tested several different models in a long-term test

Gullane is the heart of this brilliant golfing coastline









The year was 1995, the man was ‘JD’, the event was the Open

Why flight and roll are so crucial to hitting it close

Our team of varying handicaps run the rule over 15 models

Our intrepid correspondent heads to Portugal’s top spots






Tales from the tour with one of golf’s most charismatic players


The weights you should be lifting to play better golf


There is a bewildering array of gadgets, so which ones work?


The perfect base for your golf break in Surrey





Let Thomas Aitken – the man who beat Poulter – help you

Travel to this Lincolnshire HQ for 36 holes of quality golf




How Phil Mickelson finally got the grips with links golf


54 56 62

in association with

WHAT TO EXPECT AT OAK HILL We set the scene by predicting the themes of the week

PADRAIG HARRINGTON EXCLUSIVE We speak to the former champion at his career crossroads

SHAUN MICHEEL: MY STORY The 2003 champion reflects on his shock triumph



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15/07/2013 15:30

NCG pp 8 Ed Comm 23/07/2013 12:33 Page 8


2013 PGA

PREVIEW In association with

Starring Micheel and Harrington

Eyes wide


Why Phil took 20 years to grasp links golf

EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Dan Murphy DEPUTY EDITOR Mark Townsend STAFF WRITERS Joe Harrison James Tompkinson Joe Whitley CONTRIBUTORS Chris Bertram Colin Callander PHOTOGRAPHY Getty Images Thinkstock CHIEF DESIGNER Andrew Kenworthy DESIGNER & WEBMASTER Daniel Cooper PUBLISHER Tom Irwin SALES EXECUTIVES Neil Braddish Tom Lenton Jamie Miles DIGITAL MARKETING EXECUTIVE Eve Burton FINANCE & OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Will Shucksmith (ACA) ACCOUNTS Emma Abbott CHAIRMAN Peter Burgess PRINT/REPRO Precision Colour Printing, Telford SUBSCRIPTIONS Tel: 0113 289 3979 12 issues including P&P: UK £42; Europe £48; World £58 SPORTS PUBLICATIONS LTD Unit 2, Arena Park, Tarn Lane, Scarcroft, West Yorkshire LS17 9BF, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 113 289 3979 e-mail: ISSN 1354 2532 Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but the publishers cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. Readers are advised to check pricing and details of availability before making any journeys. All material in this publication is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. The views expressed in National Club Golfer do not necessarily represent the views of the company or the editor. Every care is taken in compiling the contents but the publishers assume no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury arising from participation in any offer, competition or advertising contained within National Club Golfer.

Editor’s comment E are told that links golf is an art form. We like to think that your average young tour pro, especially if he is an American, can’t just turn up and expect to bring an Open Championship venue to its knees. It was therefore highly inconvenient when Ben Curtis turned up at Sandwich a decade ago having never even been to Britian before let alone seen a links course and promptly won the Claret Jug. The story of how Phil Mickelson came to embrace the challenges of seaside golf and was rewarded by winning a quite magnificent Open Championship at Muirfield last month is much more rewarding. In the kind of conditions that are, in truth, more rarely seen than you might believe, there genuinely was a need to understand ball flight and angles; to land approaches 40 or 50 yards short; to realise that a bunker 400 yards from the tee could be in play; to accept bogey gladly on the basis that one mistake on this kind of course can so easily lead to another. It has taken Mickelson longer than most of the greats to come to terms with the Open. But at Muirfield, exactly 50 years since the only previous left-handed victory, that of Bob Charles at Royal Lytham in 1963, it all suddenly made sense. His glorious Sunday 66 was the fitting end to a week that we wished would never end. For all the talk of giant-headed drivers and balls that fly too far and too straight, a baked Muirfield asked questions that technology had no answers for. There was the odd complaint – there always will be, and generally borne out of ignorance – but the only one I had any sympathy for was a couple of pin positions on Thursday that were unnecessarily harsh given how fiery the course became in such hot and dry conditions. That apart, I would contend Muirfield’s presentation was close to perfection.


I personally do not enjoy watching the pros struggle for the sake of it, but I NCG is a month ly magazine distri do love seeing them buted to the go lf clubs of Grea being tested to the t Britain. Written specific absolute limit. It’s ally for you, the serious golfe r, we aim to what separates the provide an insigh tful best from the rest. and trustworthy guide to all Muirfield did that – aspects of the game again. Its list of champions just grew even more impressive: Congratulations, Phil, I think you will be a fantastic Open champion and ambassador for the rest of your career. LUN Evans is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to the Majors and I’m sure you enjoyed his piece in last month’s NCG on Muirfield’s Open champions. It’s rare you find someone with his obvious love of facts combined with an eye for the really fascinating details that you might well not have picked up on before. The latest version of his 2010 book, ‘From Old Tom to the Tiger’, is called Alun Evans’ Golf Majors Book 2013 and is available at Amazon. It comes highly recommended not just as a journalistic resource but as an invaluable companion for any golf history enthusiast.


TWO HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE... P56: PADRAIG NEVER LETS US DOWN There are lots of bland tour pros around, and I’m not the only one who has often struggled to produce interesting interviews with them. That is never the case when you speak to the cerebral, fascinating Padraig Harrington.

P120: BRITAIN’S BEST NINE-HOLERS Anyone who knows me knows that I have an affection for golf courses which is almost slightly worrying. So when the idea for a Top 100 of nine-hole courses was mooted, I was only too keen to pick it up and run with it...

in association with

GB&I | Top 100











Welcome to the first-ever guide

why he believes Major opportunities and The Dubliner on his future tally of three he can add to to his current BY DAN MURPHY |



eternal is over. And the day this ADRAIG ends, his quest for improvement HARRINGTON has career will be over. got an answer to So far, so good. The only everything. Whether now problem being that it is starting his most he's cultivating facial hair, exactly five years since as they are is also his to use a long putter just recent Major win, which on Tour about to banned or working last PGA Tour and European on his title he deliberately putting weight victory. In fact, the only you can the 2010 stomach, the one thing can claim since then is will be a guarantee is that there Johor Open in Malaysia. now ready explanation. All of which means he And to Harrington's lively, With a faces an unpalatable fact. hovering inquisitive and above all currently world ranking all make independent mind, it will in the 60s, and the five-year be come perfect sense. He will never blanket exemptions that is everything and theory, a of having now short from winning a Major done for a reason. expired, as things stand has he an At no point in his career Harrington will not receive So to would stopped trying to get better. invitation to Augusta and to US Open. him it made perfect sense need to qualify for the won 41deconstruct the swing which So is this the end of the him back-to-back Open year-old's career as a Major He blip in his Championships and a PGA. contender, or merely a his top? will be trying to improve long period at the very his career technique until the day



HIS has never, to the We were genuinely surprised best of our not just by the quality as their big cousins. knowledge, been of nine-holers across Britain What we cannot done before. So but also the quality. say with as we hope you enjoy much confidence Specifically, we the inaugural is that we will are talking Top about 100 9-hole courses not have omitted Scotland, which your favourite feature. seems to take nine-holers 9-holer. If nothing else, more seriously we hope that the following than elsewhere As pioneers in pages will make in Britain. the field, this you realise that Scottish courses feature can be thought of as 9-holers have make up over a much to offer. half of the list voyage of exploration. We think and every one We do not of are too often patronised 9-holers them, we can claim that what say with real follows is perfect and then dismissed when confidence, is – but rather the a beauty. discussing the beginning of a best layouts. long discussion. These are 18-hole courses in miniature, with Compiling this Do let us know every bit as much feature has your views been an education care and attention either by emailing to us as well. lavished on the design, layout and conditioning via Twitter @NCGmag k or azine

The sacred nine. Those were the words of Bernard Darwin, the doyen of golf writers. As a Cambridge man, his was hardly an impartial opinion. Yet when he talks about Royal Worlington and Newmarket, just a few miles from the Suffolk border, it pays to listen. Its charm is not immediately apparent. But most gradually come to realise that the seemingly open expanses lead to devilish green complexes at a course which is all about angles. This is how Darwin described the famous 5th: “Mr Everyman made quite a good shot – that is admitted. He was unlucky when the ball kicked down into the left-hand valley but that was no reason why he should get so cross and bang the next across the green into the right-hand valley. He took five. Mr Tiger was rather strong and nearly in the fir trees. He could not get his downhill putt dead – four. Mr Rabbit halftopped his drive straight and short. He ran up in two and got a three. ‘Discretion is the better part of valour’, said Mr Rabbit. A good hole if you know how to play it.”


A TRUE TEST Not in the sense of needing to be championship-le ngth, rather in terms of being the most thorough possible examination of your game. Heavenly The famous 5th at Royal Worlington & Newmarket


2013 | www.nationalc

ARCHITECTURA L VALUE Many of the courses in our list were shaped by the great names of architecture – like James Braid, Dr Alister MacKenzie, Harry Colt and JH Taylor. We wanted to show that ninehole courses have just as rich a heritage as their 18-hole counterparts. ENJOYMENT If for no other reason than logistics, most nine-holers are not many championships. going to host So, even more than full-size courses, they are about fun, convenience and accessibility.


8 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

WHY ROYAL WORLINGTON NEWMARKET & THE SACRED IS NINE Dan Murphy pays tribute to the spiritual home of 9-holers with Bernard Darwin’s help


2013 121



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15/07/2013 15:38

NCG pp 10-11 MOTM 23/07/2013 11:15 Page 10

ON THE TEE Your essential guide to the world of golf – including competitions, quick tips, interviews and new gear

10 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp 10-11 MOTM 23/07/2013 11:15 Page 11



WEEK which began with diatribes against the oldfashioned nature of the host club ended in celebration of the most traditional elements of The Open. A fast-running, scorched links – the like of which we had seen only once in the previous decade – produced a stellar leaderboard of, almost without exception, pure ball strikers. From this elite group, we were treated to the kind of thrilling charge we often excitedly predict but which is usually merely a brief sideshow. And when the scores were added up, the Champion Golfer of the Year was entirely worthy of the grand title. The global television audience must surely have been captivated by both the look of the links and the action itself; we simply don’t see these scenes very often, and thus Muirfield’s burnt fairways and glass greens created a unique examination and great fascination. If this East Lothian venue is lost to the Open rota owing to the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers’ membership policy, it will be a significant loss. Phil Mickelson would be far from the only player to rue its absence but he would be certainly feel it more acutely than most. Muirfield will forever be special to him. He stopped short of stating his Open triumph was more special than victory in the Masters or PGA – or the prospect of claiming his own national championship – but in his words and his body language there was no mistaking the pride he felt in claiming the Claret Jug. In turn, he is an Open champion of which we can be proud. From the ‘choker’ who flailed around without a Major as Tiger scooped them up with clinical ease, he now has five – as do Seve Ballesteros and Byron Nelson. It’s now conceivable he could emulate Trevino and Faldo on six and even Palmer, Snead, Sarazen and Jones on seven. A US Open would complete a career Slam, although it may be it is that one which escapes his slightly desperate clutches rather in the way it did another allAmerican hero, Nancy Lopez. If that is the case, he will simply cherish Muirfield 2013 even more. | SEPTEMBER 2013 11

NCG pp 12-13 WRBP Dunbar 19/07/2013 14:47 Page 12






DUNBAR The simple pleasures of a traditional Scottish links

Pure strikes Expect nothing but the finest turf

12 SEPTEMBER 2013 |




NCG pp 12-13 WRBP Dunbar 19/07/2013 14:47 Page 13


uch attention has been trained on Gullane in the past few weeks, with the Open being staged at Muirfield, which sits on the edge of this tiny, golf-mad town – and one which has arguably more charm than St Andrews. A few miles further down the A198 from this hotbed of golf is the gorgeous links of Dunbar, which sits very comfortably alongside East Lothian’s celebrated courses such as Gullane No.1, Lufness and North Berwick. THE HISTORY There is way too much to do justice to Dunbar’s heritage in this space, but to summarise: the Dunbar Golfing Society played on the western side of the town in 1794 before in 1856 the east links became home to Dunbar Golf Club. Prime minister Arthur Balfour joined the club in 1884 and became captain. THE COURSE Since first being plotted in 1856, Dunbar has been tweaked down the years by Old Tom Morris, Ben Sayers and James Braid. It begins fairly modestly – although some enjoy the fact the low-key start allows them chance to ease into the round – but the tempo soon significantly increases. The holes are threaded along a narrow strip of land between the old red sandstone deer park wall and the rocky shoreline. It is no monster at just over 6,500 yards but many holes have no protection from the sea breezes and few go really low here. Finally, the linksy turf is some of the best in Scotland.


There are lo ts of terrifi c East Lothian co urses to en joy – visit golfea stloth more details for on where to play and st ay.

THE DEAL A weekday round here is £65 (£85 at weekends) but you can play at Dunbar all day for just £85. The twilight rate of £40 after 3pm (£50 weekends) is also very tempting – you could tee off here at 5pm and comfortably be round before dusk in the summer. Finally, we like the Championship Tour; a round at Dunbar, Goswick and The Roxburghe for £120. THE DETAILS Call 01368 862 317, email or visit | SEPTEMBER 2013 13

NCG pp 14-15 Change Your Game 19/07/2013 14:48 Page 14




| GEAR |




CALLAWAY FT OPTIFORCE This mid-season release is the first Callaway driver that lets you adjust loft ALL-NE



Key facts and figures Adjustable in every way The new OptiFit hosel allows you independently to change loft and face angle on the FT Optiforce – it’s the first Callaway driver to boast such technology and comes, according to them, with no sacrifice in performance.

Weight and see With a total weight of less than 300g – which is less than a can of Coke – the FT Optiforce allows you swing the club faster. As a result, it creates more ball speed and greater distance. The standard shaft weighs just 43g.

14 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

Seriously speedy face Callaway have combined two of their most popular face technologies to create a club that feels explosive at impact. Both Hyperbolic Face Technology and Variable Face Thickness are used and the resulting power is impressive.

SRP: £329 Available: Now Lofts: 9.5 (440cc) & 10.5˚(460) Shaft: Project X Velocity or Diamana S+

NCG pp 14-15 Change Your Game 19/07/2013 14:48 Page 15



THE MOULD Joe Whitley on the latesummer timing of this new launch

ALSO IN THE RANGE FT Optiforce fairway woods Designed on the same premise as the driver, the fairways aim to achieve distance through light components and fast faces. Powerful steel heads are present, as is a weighting system that has been optimised to promote a high launch and a spin rate that maximises carry. A Progressive Roll Radius increases launch angle further and also improves forgiveness on strikes out of the bottom. One thing not present, though, is adjustability. Dr Alan Hocknell said there was too much of a trade-off in performance. He also explained how they fit into the Callaway range. “The FT Optiforce fairway woods are a powerful mix of the ball speeds of our X Hot Fairway woods and the trajectory of our RAZR Fit Xtreme fairway wood,” he said.

Callaway have shocked us all by releasing a new premium driver in the middle of the season. The FT Optiforce is both adjustable and lightweight. Indeed, it’s the first Callaway driver that can change its loft and the overall weight is less than 300g. Launches like this are usually reserved for the start or end of the year, when club players typically tend to strengthen their line-ups, but Callaway are breaking the mould. “We want to be less predictable... More news, more often,” said Dr Alan Hocknell, the brand’s English-born head of research and development. The FT Optiforce was borne from an early prototype design called the Falcon, which was more aerodynamic than any other driver the brand has made over 400cc. Callaway say you can expect 23 per cent less drag, which reduces energy loss and improves clubhead speed. “It was just too good a project not to turn into a product,” added Hocknell. But just where does it fit in the Callaway line? Does it replace the X Hot or the Razr Fit Xtreme? Or does it slot in the middle? “Of course, we have other mainline driver products doing their thing in the market at the moment, but because of the range of benefits FT Optiforce can give to a wide spectrum of golfers is so compelling, we could not leave it behind,” said Hocknell. In addition to the light weight, the FT Optiforce has a unique clubface that features both Variable Face Technology and Hyberbolic Face Technology. The result, on paper at least, should be more ball speed from having the ability to swing the club faster, and more ‘pop’ from the trampoline-like face. | SEPTEMBER 2013 15

NCG pp 16-17 Captured On Film 19/07/2013 14:50 Page 16






JULY 23, 1995 John Daly blasts and finesses his way to his second Major title

16 SEPTEMBER 2013 |



NCG pp 16-17 Captured On Film 19/07/2013 14:50 Page 17

THE BACKGROUND Four years earlier, an unknown John Daly had driven through the night to be an ‘alternate’ for the PGA at Crooked Stick. Ridiculously, he won. In so doing he introduced the sport to a gameplan based solely around hitting the ball enormous distances. If indeed the word ‘gameplan’ has ever entered Daly’s vocabulary. His form since winning in Indiana was, as it has always proved to be, random. Of course the talent was always there (not least in an under-rated short game) but he had divorced more wives than he had won tournaments during that period. The home of golf and of the R&A did not seem like a place for this Southern boy to prove his Major win was a fluke. Would it?

THE ACTION When John Daly met the Old Course, it was love at first sight. He began with a 67 and while the course did a little bemuse him, why he liked it so much did. “I don’t know,” he said. “There’s just something about this course I love.” Seve gave us a clue. “There are no par 5s for him,” said the 1984 champion. “Well, there are no par 4s for him either.” Indeed, Daly was able to drive six par 4s – yet couldn’t do better than 71, 73 and 71 in his remaining rounds. Even so, sitting on the bank around 18 after he’d finished, he knew Costantino Rocca needed to get up and down to force a play-off. The Italian flubbed it into the Valley of Sin, 65 feet from the hole. No one holes from down there, and some of Daly’s entourage began to celebrate. Rocca holed. He had got himself into the play-off, but it was clear he was spent; he bogeyed the first extra hole (15th). Daly birdied 16 then Rocca, pushing for a birdie, found sand and took three to get out. Daly was the Champion Golfer of the Year, and moved level with Greg Norman, Bernhard Langer and Ben Crenshaw on two Majors.

THE QUOTE “I ain’t joinin’ if there’s rules and crap,” said Daly, on the prospect of becoming an R&A member. “I hate them rules and crap.” | SEPTEMBER 2013 17

NCG Subs Offer 22/07/2013 16:18 Page 18





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NCG pp 20 Amateur Five Things 19/07/2013 14:51 Page 20









James Tompkinson on the Amateur Championship, Brabazon Trophy and Walker Cup selection

CRUNCH TIME FOR WALKER CUP SELECTION Nigel Edwards will announce his 10-man Great Britain & Ireland team for the upcoming Walker Cup on August 19. With the Home Internationals and European, Scottish and English Amateurs still to be played in the next few weeks, the selection panel could yet be swayed as they prepare to make their final choices for the New York match.





Garrick Porteous ended England’s decade-long wait for an Amateur Championship winner after securing victory at Royal Cinque Ports. The Bamburgh Castle player beat Finland’s Toni Hakula 6&5 in the 36-hole final in Kent to become the first English winner of the event since Gary Wolstenholme won at Royal Troon in 2003. The win secures the 23-yearold from Northumberland a spot in next year’s Masters and US Open – providing he does not turn professional before then. Fellow home hopefuls Neil Raymond and Nick Marsh were knocked out in the last eight, while Max Orrin reached the semi-final stage but lost 4&2 to Hakula.

England’s Jordan Smith won the prestigious Brabazon Trophy title at Formby. The 20-year-old carded the only under-par score of the tournament to win by four shots from Ireland’s Brian Casey during a week of heavy rain and strong winds in Lancashire. The win proved to be the perfect response for Smith after he was left out of the England squad for the European Championships. Reflecting on the win, Smith said: “This is great for my career. I was disappointed not to make the team for the Europeans but I suppose it was a difficult choice.” He now joins an esteemed list of Brabazon Trophy winners which includes Sandy Lyle, Peter Hanson and Charl Schwartzel.

The USA secured a comprehensive victory over their European counterparts in the annual Palmer Cup match. The tournament sees the best collegiate players from either side of the Atlantic compete in a Ryder Cup-style event. The European team, led by Andrew Coltart, succumbed to a heavy 20.5-9.5 defeat at Wilmington Country Club in Delaware. The visiting side struggled in the singles matches, with Ireland’s Kevin Phelan the only player to gain a full point for Europe. However, the US team featured four of the current top 10 in the World Amateur Golf Rankings, whereas the European side had just one top-10 player.

In the ladies’ game, Continental Europe beat Great Britain and Ireland in the 2013 Vagliano Trophy in Paris. Europe secured a 16.5-7.5 win, with an inexperienced GB&I team winning just one session at Chantilly. GB&I captain Tegwen Matthews only had three of last year’s victorious Curtis Cup team available for selection. The European victory continued to illustrate their dominance in the event, which has not been won by a GB&I team since 2005. Commenting on the defeat, Matthews said: “In the end, we were simply outplayed – our short games were not in the same class as those of the Continentals.”

20 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp 22 OTT Torrance 19/07/2013 14:52 Page 22








“IN 1986 MY PUTTING WENT. I HAD THE TWITCHES. I COULDN’T GET IT IN FROM A FOOT. SIMPLE AS THAT.” Sam Torrance tells Mark Townsend how he rebuilt his putting stroke after developing the yips I’m glad I played when I did – absolutely. I had a great time, the money is all relative. In the 80s we had six golfers in Europe who were as good as anyone. They helped all of us to raise our games. Seve was the king and we got on fantastically. I miss him a lot.

In 1983 I played in the Southern Open as a warm-up for the Ryder Cup which was the following week. I lost in the play-off and, had I won it, I would have had a three-year exemption for the PGA Tour and I would have gone for it. I never went to PGA Tour Q School, only for the Senior Tour. I came back in 1984, won three times and was second on the Money List so maybe it was meant to be. It was maybe in 1986 when my putting went; I had the twitches, I couldn’t get it in from a foot. Simple as that.

In 1972 I was going from the 9th green to the 10th tee at the Open Championship and there was a guy putting called Mr Lu and he had finished second the year before. He hit this putt from about six feet and, honestly, I thought he had this live snake in his hands. It was the worst looking thing I had ever seen. I don’t know if that was when the seed was planted and it took 15 years to realise itself. I’m a very positive person, it’s nothing to do with that. I can’t explain it. I tried everything before building my own long putter. I finished fifth in my first event with the long putter in Jersey and birdied the last five holes with it after one week’s practice. I have taken a normal putter out twice since 1986, once in a

WESSELINGH CONQUERS MOTTRAM We spoke to Sam at De Vere Mottram Hall where he was competing in the ISPS Handa PGA Seniors Championship. He eventually finished in a share of 10th. England’s Paul Wesselingh won the tournament by four shots after closing with a 64.

22 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

tournament at the Lancome. I holed a 15-footer at the 1st, a 10-footer at the next, 12-footer at the 3rd and then a 20-footer. And I thought ‘what have I been doing with this bloody long thing?’ Then I got round to 15 and I had a two footer. It was a horrible twitch and didn’t even get close to the hole, I just thought I can’t contend with a normal putter, it could come at any point and you just build it up in your mind to do it. There’s no such thing as ‘should have’ but if an American had had the same career as I’ve had then it would be different in terms of playing in more Majors. I played in 31 consecutive Opens, four Masters, three US Opens and six PGAs and he would have played in them all. I’m not bitter about it, I never came close to winning a Major and I put too much emphasis on the Open as it’s the only one you’re playing in. I just wasn’t good enough at the time and wasn’t playing well enough. Maybe I would have got closer had I played in more. I don’t know if Tom Watson is going to be good or bad as the Ryder Cup captain, there is no question that he is a legend and they need to do something different. To me I’m not sure if it’s the right or wrong thing, he could almost intimidate the players as he is that big a man and that big a legend.

I PLAY BENROSS. Tim Clark / Handicap 6 Club Champion / Burhill Golf Club

YOU’RE OUR TOUR PRO Benross_I_Play_Ads_AW.indd 1

02/04/2013 11:06

NCG pp 24 OTT PGA Cup 22/07/2013 15:57 Page 24








PGA CUP: GB&I ROOKIES READY FOR US CHALLENGE James Tompkinson profiles the GB&I team charged with the responsibility of regaining the PGA Cup

PGA Cup pros The GB&I team with captain Russell Weir


team of rookies has been picked to represent Great Britain and Ireland at the PGA Cup. The 10 players will compete against PGA professionals from the USA in a Ryder Cup-style event at Slaley Hall in Northumberland. Since its inception in 1973, GB&I have only won the PGA Cup on five occasions, the last of which was in 2005 at The K Club. In the last two tournaments, the USA have inflicted heavy 17.5-8.5 defeats on their GB&I opponents. The GB&I team will be led by Russell Weir with Jon Bevan as his vice-captain.

head to the team having played in over 300 European and Challenge Tour events. He won the 2001 NCC Open and the 2005 Open Mahou de Madrid on the Challenge Tour. He qualified following a third at the Glenmuir PGA Championship.

DAN GREENWOOD Club: Forest Pines Greenwood qualified after winning the Glenmiur PGA Championship at Slaley Hall. A 68 secured both the victory and Greenwood’s PGA Cup place. “It should be a long, intense and enjoyable week, and a rookie team should bring a fresh attitude to our side,” he said.

DAVID CALLAWAY Club: Milford Second at the Glenmiur PGA Championship saw Callaway qualify for the team. “It’s very much an honour to be selected to play in the PGA Cup,” he said. “We definitely have a chance, particularly if the conditions work in our favour and it’s wet and windy”.

BENN BARHAM Club: Kings Hill Barham brings an experienced

NICHOLAS BRENNAN Club: Bowood Although a native of Dublin,

GRAHAM FOX Club: Rowallan Castle Fox also qualified through the Glenmuir following a fourth-placed finish. Fox held a European Tour card in 2012 and won the 2012 Scottish PGA Championship at Gleneagles. He has focused heavily on Pro-Ams in 2013, winning the Pollok event in June.

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Brennan played the vast majority of his amateur golf in Africa, and still returns regularly to compete in the Kenya Open on the Challenge Tour. Closer to home, he is a regular competitor in the West Region PGA and on the Titleist Footjoy Leagues. JON BARNES Club: Ampfield Barnes is an eight-time winner of the Hampshire PGA Order of Merit and holds the course record at his club. Like the majority of the team, he qualified through the Glenmuir. “Professionals don’t get many opportunities to play team golf, so I’m looking forward to it,”he said. RICHARD WALLIS Club: Walmer & Kingsdown Wallis’ victory in the Titleist PGA Play-offs earned him a place on the team, and the experienced player has over 100 professional wins to his name. Earned a 2013 card on the EuroPro Tour after a successful season last year on the PGA South Region Order of Merit. SCOTT HENDERSON Club: Kings Links

Henderson claimed his first professional European Tour card in 1996, and earned the Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year award the following season. Henderson currently plays on the Challenge Tour and the Tartan Tour. He qualified for the team through the Titleist PGA Play-offs. GARETH WRIGHT Club: West Linton Edinburgh-based Welshman Wright will enter the PGA Cup on the back of playing in his first Open Championship after he progressed through Local Final Qualifying. Was drafted into the squad as a replacement for David Higgins, who withdrew due to European Tour commitments. GREIG HUTCHEON Club: Banchory Hutcheon has European and Challenge Tour experience and was the highest-placed PGA professional at Wentworth. However, he had to rely on a captain’s pick to make the team, with Weir stating: “Greig has been a top player for a long time and will bring vast experience.”

I PLAY BENROSS. Chris McLaren / Handicap 12 Artisan Member / St George’s Hill Golf Club

YOU’RE OUR TOUR PRO Benross_I_Play_Ads_AW.indd 2

02/04/2013 11:06

NCG pp 26 Jon Finn How To 22/07/2013 12:10 Page 26









the inve ique Jon Finn is mme, a un ng ni progra ai rs tr t lfe ho go S s Prech help proach whi d it in pe lo training ap ve de scores. He tant shoot lower logy consul olf Psycho G as ars. ye ne his role ni st over the pa ed to the PGA be access aining can tr t ho al ic Pre-S ys ph , hone apps through iP ps. d worksho products an uk o. .c ot Visit pre-sh

Under ground

How good are you from close range?

Jon Finn continues his series designed to help you cope with the kind of challenging situations we all face on the course


OU have been playing great golf all day. You’ve driven the ball well, your iron play has been immense and your short game has been solid. All you need to do now is hole this simple three-foot putt and your name will be placed on a board in the clubhouse. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? However we all know that it is not. This simple challenge has overcome golfers ranging from 28 handicaps to some of the best in the game’s history. Here are some simple steps that you can take to give yourself the best chance of holing the putt.


SLOW YOUR BREATHING DOWN When you are taking a putt

notice how you are breathing. Is it fast or slow? Because there is a lot at stake, if you miss these kinds of putts your body’s fight-or-flight response can kick in without you even noticing it. This will cause you to breathe faster and as a result THE NEUROSCIENCE BEHIND MY TIPS Your brain has a very sophisticated coordination system which has been developing for millions of years. Our ancestors used it to hunt, whereas we use it to try and play golf! Putting a ball into a hole from a short distance should be a very simple task for our co-ordination system. However our limbic system – monkey brain – can make it difficult for the co-ordination centre to do its job. Worrying about the consequences of missing, and thinking too much about technique will mean it is more likely that you will miss.

26 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

your muscles will tighten up. This will make it difficult for you to make a nice smooth stroke. Notice the manner of your breathing. To slow your breathing down, stop breathing in through your mouth, and start breathing in through your nose. Take nice deep breaths, exhaling through your mouth and relaxing your shoulders as you do so.


SEE THE WHITE LINE When you are lining the putt up, picture it rolling into the hole, and hear it dropping into the cup. Try to imagine a white line on the surface of the putting green along the route that your ball needs to take to get into the hole. Picture your ball rolling into the hole along a white line. Hear the

sound of the ball dropping into the cup.


NICE AND SMOOTH When the pressure is on we can over-complicate our putting stroke. Don’t focus on the mechanical details of your stroke. Instead think of your putting stroke like a pendulum swinging back and forth. To help the rhythm of the swing use the phrase nice and smooth. Say ‘nice’ to yourself to initiate the backswing. Say ‘and’ to yourself to signal the end of the backswing. And ‘smooth’ to yourself to initiate the downswing and strike the ball. Think of your putting stroke as a pendulum, swinging to the rhythm of ‘nice and smooth’.

I PLAY BENROSS. Ian Yates / Handicap 18 Guildford Golf Club

YOU’RE OUR TOUR PRO Benross_I_Play_Ads_AW.indd 3

02/04/2013 11:06

NCG pp 28 OTT Stromberg Comp 19/07/2013 14:54 Page 28







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28 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

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NCG pp 30-31 Hull & Lloyd, TTS 22/07/2013 15:58 Page 30









CHARLEY HULL The 17-year-old from Woburn’s pro career began with five straight runnersup finishes. She discusses a Solheim Cup debut and a very old 1 iron

How focused are you on the Solheim Cup? It’s definitely a focus but I’ve got quite a few events before then so I’ll just be concentrating on them. It was on the radar at the start of the year and now, after the five runners-up, it is more on the radar. I always think the better player always shines through in strokeplay but we won’t get to play much matchplay as professionals so it would be fun if I got in. Have you played much in the States? I won a matchplay event in America when I was 14 and also the Harder Hall, which was the first time a Brit had won it since Catriona Matthew. Lexi Thompson won it the year before. I played in the Kraft Nabisco last year. Describe your attitude on the golf course? Hit it, find it, then hit it again. I said at the beginning of the year that I don’t want to have to worry about club deals or anything like that, I just want to go out and play golf. I have to prove

30 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

myself before any of that and I think I’ve done that now. It has also helped to take the pressure off me. Who would you most like to play in a Solheim Cup singles? I would like to take on any of them and it would be pretty cool to take on Paula Creamer. I’ve not met any of them yet. Did you anticipate making such a great start on the LET? I wouldn’t say I was surprised but there are so many good players on the LET. I really enjoyed playing with Lee-Anne Pace and Carlota Ciganda, I learnt a lot from LeeAnne in Morocco. I played with Laura Davies for the first time and shot a 64 which was amazing. Who were your heroes growing up? Seve, I grew up watching his short-game videos with my dad and whenever I’m behind a tree always think ‘what would Seve do?’ I practise with a Mizuno 1 iron from years ago which is like a butter knife. I sometimes use it on the course and somehow manage to hit it well out of the rough. I have always used blades.

NCG pp 30-31 Hull & Lloyd, TTS 22/07/2013 15:59 Page 31

CHRIS LLOYD Why I have fallen in love with Paris





Ryan Moore holds the 2013 PGA Tour record for consecutive number of fairways hit. Dustin Johnson is bottom of the list with five. Tiger Woods has 12.

STEFANI’S PUTTING Following the Greenbrier Classic in July, American Shawn Stefani led the PGA Tour in three-putt avoidance with a streak of 164 holes without one.

Seventeen Immaculate Golf National


E Golf National in Paris has been the best course of the year by an absolute mile. The set-up was excellent; if you hit a good shot you would prosper, if you didn’t you would be punished. The greens were brilliant, the condition of the course was immaculate and I would love more courses to be set up like this. If you shot two under par each day you would have a sniff of winning and that’s how it should be. The finish is unbelievable and, for a Ryder Cup, it will be perfect. The 15th, 16th and 18th are all incredible holes and, given that most matches will get here, it will be very dramatic in 2018. I think I was one over playing the 18th for the four days so that was an improvement on the field. France was the middle of three straight cuts I have made now so things are progressing nicely. I missed Open Qualifying at Sunningdale with an injury but the prospect of playing 36 holes with a dodgy back, and then maybe missing some big weeks, was too damaging. I hurt my back in Austria so have spent a lot of time in the physio truck and now it is starting to feel a lot better. Playing at home in recent weeks was great,

the crowds in Ireland were amazing given the weather and it was the same at Castle Stuart. There is a bit of a difference playing over here and the fans seem to understand the game a lot more. In Europe it is a case of being spectators rather than fans but they are very vocal and the 2018 matches will be very lively and very loud. The putting has improved. At the start of the season when I made the cut I chipped and putted quite well but struggled from tee to green. And then in the last six weeks when I have played well I haven’t putted so well – maybe because I have hit more greens. Fingers crossed when it does all come together I should be right up there. Coming up it is Russia, then a few weeks off and then back to Scotland for the Johnnie Walker. After that it is Celtic Manor, which I have been looking forward to the most all season. Coming from nearby Bristol, hopefully a few of the boys will be there to support me. With six or seven starts left I can’t wait to keep the good form going.

• Chris Lloyd is from Bristol and is a rookie on the European Tour having come through Qualifying School

In total, there have been 17 drives of 400 yards and over on the PGA Tour in 2013. Phil Mickelson’s 450-yard bomb at Doral leads.

TOP10 WORLD RANKINGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tiger Woods Phil Mickelson Rory McIlroy Adam Scott Justin Rose Matt Kuchar Brandt Snedeker Graeme McDowell Luke Donald Lee Westwood


AV. PTS 12.64 8.63 8.61 7.72 7.71 6.54 6.08 6.07 5.55 5.21


BRILLIANT BIRDIE STREAK Matt Jones holds the 2013 PGA Tour record for most consecutive under par scores. At the Greenbrier – he finished 2nd – he made seven birdies in a row

August 1-4 WGC-Bridgestone August 8-11 PGA Championship



NCG pp 32 OTT Di Meets...Will Greenwood 22/07/2013 15:59 Page 32








How long have you been playing golf and who introduced you to the game? I started playing golf when I was 10 as my parents are keen golfers. Mum and Dad first took me out on to the fairways. The whole family is obsessed with the game! I grew up in Lancashire and played Stonyhurst Golf Course a lot in my youth. My mum taught at the prep school there and she’d often take us out for nine holes. Golf continued throughout my time at Sedbergh and Durham University. How is your golf at the moment and what is your handicap? My handicap is 12 and my game is particularly average at the moment. I’ve changed my grip, which is hurting my control. I used to have a snap hook, now I have a power slice! Mentally I’m in all sorts of trouble as I often have no idea where my driver is going! Where do you play? Sunningdale. You’ve just returned from commentating on the Lions tour Down Under, did you manage to play golf? I had the privilege of playing Royal Melbourne when I was in Australia with friends. What an awesome test of golf and great to see Ernie Els’ name on the board in the clubhouse with a round of 60! Which presenters at Sky Sports have you played with and who is the best golfer? Well, Di, you are pretty handy around the greens and we have played in a few mixed foursomes together over the years. What about those family holidays we’ve enjoyed in North Wales? Yes, we’ve played golf in North Wales quite a bit, haven’t we? Our families have holiday houses next door to each other and they both back on to a golf course so every family get together involves golf competitions. What are your strengths? I am a fighter on the course! Never give in and scrap for every point and go for every pin.


“AFTER WATCHING THE US OPEN IN 2008 WE CALLED OUR YOUNGEST ROCCO – WHAT A GREAT NAME” Di chats to former England rugby player Will Greenwood – who happens to be her cousin! Do you prefer inland or seaside courses. What’s your favourite? I prefer seaside courses and one of my favourites is Hunstanton, Norfolk. My wife and I got married round the corner from there. As my cousin I know you follow the golf closely – but who is your favourite player? Rocco Mediate is actually one of my favourites! After watching him in the US Open in 2008 we decided to call our youngest son Rocco. What a great name! But also what a great, fun, charismatic guy Mediate is. Who is the best-dressed golfer in your opinion? I think Adam Scott always looks like a class act. Sharp clothing that suits him down to the ground. I

32 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

think the girls also appreciate the way he dresses! Why is golf such a great game? Golf for me is about having a great time with friends and family and reconnecting with those I’ve not seen in a while. Also I love the competitiveness, even if it’s just nine holes on a night with a mate; we always play for something! Do you get nervous playing? No, but I was nervous teeing off in front of John Daly. He was so laid back though! A great guy to chat to and what a life in golf he’s had. Will Europe win the 2014 Ryder Cup at Gleneagles? Of course. Paul McGinley will do a cracking job and I can’t wait to watch it up in Scotland.

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NCG pp 34-35 Aiken Matchplay 19/07/2013 15:20 Page 34







MY MATCHPLAY TIPS By Thomas Aiken How to gain an edge over your opponent this summer from the man who has gone head to head with Ian Poulter – and beaten him RELISH THE CHALLENGE When the draw came out at the World Match Play in Bulgaria most people smiled and said good luck but I took it as a challenge. Poulter is a fighter, I was two up with four holes to play and when he needed to produce he did and got back to level. I was applying the pressure by hitting the fairways and greens but he produced and got back to level. The last two holes were really tough and I won at the last.

The best/worst bit of gamesmanship was when playing in an amateur event in the States. I hit my ball in some trees and my opponent was down the middle. I was waiting for the green to clear and he walked all the way over to

playing. Against Poulter I had a two-footer early on and he didn’t give it to me and I just thought OK, we’re putting two-footers today. I made him putt one at 13 and 17 which was maybe less than that. I wasn’t going to give him putts

die, it’s only a game and it’s a great game. It’s more of an anxiousness than a nervousness. We are excited to play. Breathing is very important; if you are feeling anxious, deep, long, slow breaths will calm you down. Other times when you are a bit flat and need to pump yourself up, you need to hyperventilate. If I am on a par 5 and I can’t quite reach then I will hyperventilate to get my heart rate going.

ACCEPTANCE Bad shots are gone straightaway, the biggest thing in golf is acceptance. Prepare for the shot, execute it and accept the result. That is easier said than done but the biggest thing is to forget about what has happened, you are always trying to bring yourself to right now. The only thing you have control of is the present.

STRATEGY I like competing and I find matchplay more competitive as you are playing against an opponent rather than the course. The last time I played it was as an amateur in 2001. You need to think a lot more, you need to change your strategy in an instant. The first thing you do is look the guy straight in the eye. If a guy likes to play fast, you walk slow and vice versa. I like to walk slow but play quickly. In matchplay what you like is not important, it’s what the opponent dislikes.

GAMESMANSHIP There isn’t as much gamesmanship as there was in the amateur days. If you know your opponent quite well you can say what you like and almost chirp him a little bit.

me, looked at my lie and said ‘what are you waiting for’ and walked back to his ball. On tour the guys are quite respectful of each other and that’s good as it’s a gentleman’s game.

GIMMES Gimmes depend on who you are

34 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

because he was Ian Poulter.

NERVES If you’re not nervous on the 1st tee then you shouldn’t be playing but it should only be on the 1st tee. If it continues after that then you have got a problem. Accept the nerves and breathe; you’re not going to

European Tour golfer Thomas Aiken is a full staff Dunlop player who has won twice on tour including this year’s Avantha Masters. Dunlop’s 2013 golf range is available to buy now from

NCG pp 34-35 Aiken Matchplay 19/07/2013 15:20 Page 35 | SEPTEMBER 2013 35

NCG Academies 22/07/2013 16:22 Page 36






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NCG pp 38-39 Open Review 23/07/2013 10:45 Page 38



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| TOUR |

NCG pp 38-39 Open Review 23/07/2013 10:45 Page 39


JOURNEY’S END Phil Mickelson finally emerged from a world-class leaderboard at Muirfield to take his place among the game’s greats


N the Friday afternoon of the Open Championship at Carnoustie in 2007, Phil Mickelson faced up to a handful of journalists next to the putting green following his second round.


Mickelson looked non-plussed and bedraggled on a chilly, breezy, overcast Angus day. Having opened with a promising 71, his second-round was one long struggle, culminating with a double-bogey six at the 18th. As expected, a few hours later it was confirmed that he had missed the cut by one. Another Open campaign had ended barely without beginning and by the following day Mickelson was back home in California in the comfort of the kind of conditions he knows and loves. He looked like a man who could not get home quick enough and was happy to compartmentalise the game’s oldest and most venerable championship as a relic, a curiosity, and frankly a slightly silly

challenge. In short, he remained every inch the stereotypical American tour pro – happy with the sun on his back and when the ball stops where it lands; unwilling or unable to broaden his horizons. At the time it seemed he had learned nothing since making his Open debut at Birkdale back in 1991. Even more frustratingly, once and only once did the penny seem to dropped. That was at Royal Troon in 2004 when he arrived as Masters champion and finished third behind Ernie Els and Todd Hamilton. On a dry and breezy week on the Ayrshire coast he had displayed a new control over his trajectory and an abbreviated swing that was designed to keep his ball in play and ensure his famed short game could be brought to bear. ➤ | SEPTEMBER 2013 39



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NCG pp 41-42 Open Review 23/07/2013 10:46 Page 41

Yet in the following three years, he’d been unable to replicate that kind of performance and at Carnoustie he could hardly have looked less like an Open champion of the future. Muirfield last month represented his 20th attempt to win the Claret Jug. Mickelson’s journey from beach bum to master of the links, then, was almost a quarter of a century long. Over time, he has come to realise, just like his fellow greats before him – and as the owner of five Majors he must now be thought of as a great – that links golf represents the supreme challenge. That it might not come naturally, but the same skills that are irresistible at Augusta, Torrey Pines and Oakmont are, when developed, also good enough for St Andrews, Birkdale and Carnoustie. He may not have known it at the time, but the 43-year-old American has always had

everything he needed to contend in Open championships. And how he brought it to bear last month in an Open that above all others in recent memory required what may be summed up as links-craft. Actually, he surpassed himself because he did not believe he could shoot 66 in the final round, declaring that his target was 68, to leave him under par for the championship. His final round was one of the best ever to win a Major and, coupled with Lee Westwood’s 75, saw a nine-shot swing between the two on a dramatic Sunday, the best since the one Mickelson played no part in at Carnoustie six years ago. Never far off the pace all week, the popular American did not hit the front until a few holes from the end. Half an hour later and victory was assured, albeit Westwood and co still had several holes to play. Mickelson’s strategy was pretty simple – find fairways at all costs and from there clock up the greens in regulation and two-putt pars. If

AMATEUR HOUR LEE WESTWOOD may have failed in bid for glory but England dominated the race for low amateur honours. Sheffield's Matthew Fitzpatrick secured the Silver Medal after the youngest player in the field shot a closing 72 to finish on +10, four clear of his nearest competitor, Jimmy Mullen from Royal North Devon. He said: "I'm really proud. What it showed me is I can sort of compete with these guys. The highlight was on 16 – holing the long putt with everyone surrounding the green was just great. It's just a great feeling when you do something like that. Walking down 18 was pretty nice, as was holing from 10ft.”

the occasional putt dropped, so much the better. On a course where judging distance was so difficult, and there was just a fraction between the front edge and bounding through the back, it was a recipe for success. Yet no-one else could keep it going on a final day when three other men also held the lead. At one point, Westwood held a three-shot lead. Yet as so often seems to happen to Worksop’s finest in this situation, he spent the final day going slowly backwards. Encouragingly from his perspective, his putting was way, way better than we have seen for years. Depressingly, it still didn’t make any difference. This was the second time he had held a 54-hole lead in a Major. Just as in 2010 at Augusta, Mickelson was the man who denied him. For Colin Montgomerie it was Ernie Els, for Westwood it seems to be Mickelson. The 40 year old looks back on a final round in Georgia that day of 71 and shrugs his ➤ | SEPTEMBER 2013 41

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| TOUR |



EXCLUSIVE By Ian Poulter shoulders as Mickelson’s stellar back nine. This time, the final round from Mickelson might have been even better but Westwood will know that a closing 74 is just not good enough to get the job done. Frankly, had his putting being of the standard we have come to expect, he would have struggled to break 80. For Tiger Woods, it was a similar story – he got himself into perfect position and then precisely nothing happened on the final day. He will surely be pleased with his game and he was only rarely in trouble all week. Nevertheless, this was another reminder of his mortality and his rivals know they can out-sprint him on the final day when he plays with such caution. Nor will Adam Scott look back on the final stretch with any great happiness. At Lytham last year he closed with four consecutive bogeys to let Els win his second Claret Jug. Here he led deep into the back nine again, only to drop shots at the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th, only rallying with an irrelevant birdie at the last. That left the rejuvenated Henrik Stenson free to slip into second, with the fast-finishing Ian Poulter spared the agony of wondering what might have been by Mickelson’s sprint finish of four birdies in the closing six holes to finish clear on three under. And so Mickelson is three-

“Mickelson’s career resembles that of his illustrious compatriot Snead” quarters of the way to a career Grand Slam. Somehow, the only one missing from his collection is his own national championship, the US Open, an event in which he has been runner-up six times. His career now bears more than a passing resemblance to that of his illustrious compatriot Sam Snead. Also a stylish fans’ favourite, Slammin’ Sam earned seven Majors, including three Masters and three PGAs. Yet the US Open eluded him, despite four times finishing second. Somehow you suspect that Mickelson would quite happily settle for one Major fewer than Snead, just as long as the sixth completed his Major collection. That is for the future – what we do know is that he has safely collected the one that many thought would always elude him. Always a hugely popular visitor, Mickelson will be a wonderful Open champion and one who will continue to give pleasure to fans for the next 20 years. The locals might even make him an honorary Scotsman – how does Phil McMickelson sound? ◆

42 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

The Englishman reflects on a week which at 5pm on Sunday threatened to have an incredible climax Ian Poulter enjoyed one of his finest weeks in Major championship golf at the 2013 Open. The Englishman ended up in a tie for third place – just his seventh top-ten finish in 43 Major starts. But for a while, it looked like it could have been even better as the leaders were faltering. After spening much of the week of complaining about the difficulty of the greens – and especially the severity of a few of the first-day pin positions – he came out and tore through the course in four-underpar on the final day, rocketing himself into contention at one-overpar. A birdie at the par-5 5th and eagle at the par-5 9th – he really profited at the par-fives, playing them in seven-under over his four rounds – were followed by birdies at the 10th, 11th and 12th. If not for a bogey at 16 – which he carded on three of the four days – Poulter would have made it into the clubhouse at level par, a score which for much of the afternoon looked like it might just be good enough. All in all, not a bad week for the Englishman. “I will look back at holes like 7 and 8 where I hit great shots and didn’t make birdie. Then I went eagle, birdie, birdie, birdie.

“I hit a fantastic shot into 13 and missed the putt. I also left a putt in the middle at the 15th, bogeyed 16 and had another 15-footer at 17 so I could have bettered my score by a good number of shots. “Momentum is momentum and I was pressing really hard. The drive at the 15th would have finished on the green but these are the fractions. “I thought I had a chance when I came off the last but then you look at the scoreboard and the guys coming in are really good golfers. You would expect them to finish ahead but I’m not disappointed. I had my chances coming in but I didn’t take them coming in, had I done things might have been a little different. “You can’t set scores; there are wind directions and pin positions to consider and you can‘t look a pin sheet and say I need a 67. I had two bogeys and six realistic chances so you think what could you have shot? There are ifs and buts but I knew I had a low round in me. “It was a good week; I have played really well and have holed some good putts to get into contention. I am now really looking forward to Akron and the PGA.”



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19.06.13 09:56

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2014 MASTERS Enjoy a week at Augusta that you will never forget

Ever fancied going to the Masters at Augusta but didn't think it was possible? Well, think again. We can arrange the whole trip for you – from flights and accommodation to those all-important entry badges. This trip of a lifetime could be the perfect way to celebrate everything from a 50th birthday to your wedding anniversary. It could even be the stag do to end all stag dos, and all you have to do is make your way to the airport. We have devised a selection of superb Masters hospitality packages for 2014 that are brilliant value for money. With prices starting at just £2,295 per person, you could watch Adam Scott defend his Green Jacket for less money than five nights in a posh London hotel.

Where will I stay? Columbia – a town an hour away from Augusta. At the event, your base will be the 1018 Club, 400 yards from Magnolia Lane. Are flights included? No, due to the diverse needs of our guests. We can book your flights if you need us to. Which airports can I fly from? The two most popular are Manchester and Heathrow. How long is the flight? From Manchester, the flight to Philadelphia is eight hours. Then there is a 70-minute hop to Columbia.

How much golf can I watch? The decision is yours - our packages range from one day at the course to four but we can accommodate any request. Can I play golf when I'm there? Of course - let us know at the time of booking and we’ll organise it for you. How much is it going to cost me? Prices start from £2,295 per person. We require half of the money up front. How much spending money will I need? Once you are out there, drinks and food are free in the hospitality area so, in theory, you don’t have to spend a penny more.

Call 01132 893 979 email or visit 44 AUGUST 2013 |

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THE JUNIPER TOUR £2,295per person*

Arriving on Friday this tour includes viewing of the alwaysexciting final round, transport to and from the course, three nights' accommodation in the Marriott Hotel, and full hospitality at our exclusive venue at Northwood. What the price includes: • A pass to see the final round of the 2014 Masters • Transport to and from Augusta • Three nights four-star hotel accommodation • Hospitality at the 1018 Club • Golf on Saturday can be arranged • Full itinerary and event documentation *based on twin sharing, flights not included

THE MAGNOLIA TOUR £3,695per person*

You will arrive on Thursday for the first of your four nights' accommodation at the Marriott Hotel, Columbia. The Magnolia package includes viewing of the tournament on Friday and Sunday with the option of playing golf on the Saturday. What the price includes: • Live action Friday and Sunday at the Masters • Transport to and from Augusta • Four nights four-star hotel accommodation • Hospitality at the 1018 Club • Golf on Saturday can be arranged • Full itinerary and event documentation *based on twin sharing, flights not included

THE REDBUD TOUR £4,995per person*

THE HOLLY TOUR £6,695per person*

You will arrive on the Tuesday April for six nights' accommodation and three days at Augusta. Golf on Thursday and Saturday at top quality local courses is included. What the price includes: • Live golf on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday at the Masters • Transport to and from Augusta • Six nights of four-star hotel accommodation • Hospitality at the 1018 Club • Golf on Thursday at Woodcreek GC with transfers • Golf on Saturday at Hounds Lake with transfers • Full itinerary and event documentation *based on twin sharing, flights not included

The golf enthusiast's dream package. You will arrive on the Monday and stay at the Sheraton Hotel for seven nights, viewing the golf on four days and playing on Tuesday where many of the players live and practice during Masters week. What the price includes: • Live golf on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday • Transport to and from Augusta • Seven nights of four-star hotel accommodation • Hospitality at the 1018 Club • Golf on Tuesday and Thursday, with transfers • Full itinerary and event documentation *based on twin sharing, flights not included | AUGUST 2013 45

NCG pp 46 Columnist RR 19/07/2013 15:26 Page 46

ROBERT ROCK Getting by with a little (putting) help from my friends T has been a bit of a topsy-turvy season so it was great to finish second in Ireland at Carton House and be involved again at the right end of the leaderboard. I was really pleased with some of my ball striking which was the best I have had for a while and I holed a lot of putts on each of the first two days. Unfortunately they dried up a bit over the weekend but it was still a big step forward for me. I have been following the coach Jonathan Yarwood on Twitter for a while and I played with someone he teaches who suggested sending him a message. So I sent a video of my putting and he came back with some suggestions. I have been trying a lot of new things with my putting which you tend to do when you’re struggling and Jontahan didn’t like my set-up and suggested a new one which really helped. I have also bought a SAM PuttLab at my academy which is an incredible bit of kit and gives you very precise readings on your stroke. Now that I have one, I can’t believe I haven’t done it before. I also had a bunker lesson from Jose Maria Olazabal which proved to be a great help. I had a shot at Open Qualifying at Sunningdale which I didn’t really know how to play. My ball finished in a little wave of sand where the bunker had been raked so Olly showed me how he plays his bunker shots, which is more of a short, crisper technique, and to make sure the clubhead swings quickly. So I practised that for a couple of hours and it saved me quite a few shots. I really thought I was going to win in Ireland but Paul was superb on the final day. I lost my focus a little bit in the bad weather in the middle of the round and Paul cruised through that period and I then pushed hard and dropped the odd shot. He hasn’t been up there for a while and you got a bit of a sense that he was nervous but he closed it out in grand style in the end with the closing eagle. We played some boys’ golf which is quite a long time ago now. We haven’t played too much together as he has been in the States but we always have a decent chat and it will be

Good reads


46 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

I saw the lines of my putts a lot better in Ireland – I was second to Paul Casey

interesting to see how he kicks on from here. Since then I frustratingly missed the cuts in both France and Scotland which is down to my putting again. If I’m not making any putts there is a good chance I will miss the cut, if I make all the short putts I should make the cut and, if I hole a few, I should be up there. It sounds simple but it tends to sum up my golf. You can be talking just three putts a round and it can change everything. The difference between the cut and the leaders is quite tight these days and you can’t expect to have 34 putts too often. I don’t pay too much attention to the statistics but I have now started keeping an eye on the Strokes Gained putting stat which is based on the PGA Tour average from certain differences. If you have a three-foot putt it will be 0.1, so if you miss you are losing out on the field by 0.9.

For mor e details on Robe rt’s academ y , e m a il robertro ckacade my@ yahoo.c or c all 01543 4 11130

Likewise if you have a 60-footer and two putt you will gain on the field. There is a chart where you can gauge how you do against the field and I think it is a better reflection of your putting. Finally, good luck to two of my academy members, Amy Boulden and Kelsey MacDonald, in trying to qualify for a place at the Ricoh Women’s British Open at St Andrews. They will be at Kingsbarns on the Monday and it would be something else if they could play in a Major at the Old Course at such a young age.

• Sponsors: Emirates Palace, BlackStar and BBT For more follow on Twitter @RobRockAcademy and

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16.07.13 11:31

NCG pp 48 Columnist CC 19/07/2013 15:27 Page 48

COLIN CALLANDER Qualification to make McGinley’s team will be keen – and the skipper is astute


Safe hands His Ryder Cup record is perfect

ORMER Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson once described himself as an optimist who carried a raincoat and I think I know what

he meant. I have often found myself hoping for the best but fearing the worst and that is exactly how I felt as the European Tour Tournament Players’ Committee, chaired by Thomas Björn, convened in Abu Dhabi in January for the meeting to decide our next Ryder Cup captain. The good news is that my anxieties proved to be unfounded and that in Paul McGinley the committee picked the right man for the job. The 46-year-old Irishman might not have the profile of his opposite number Tom Watson. His four European Tour titles certainly pale into insignificance alongside Watson’s haul of eight Majors and 39 PGA Tour titles but what is more relevant in this context is that his CV in team golf is second to none. The simple fact of the matter is that over the years the Dubliner has built a 100 per cent record in Ryder Cup competition (winning three times as a player in 2002, ’04 and ’06 and twice as a vice-captain in 2010 and ’12). That, in itself, is impressive but, in addition, he has also secured a rare Walker Cup win (in his sole appearance in that match in 1991), partnered Padraig Harrington to victory in the World Cup (in 1997) and won the Seve Trophy twice as a player (in 2002 and ’05) and twice as GB&I’s captain (in 2009 and 2011). McGinley will probably always be best remembered for holing the winning putt at The Belfry in 2002 but it is his performances as the winning captain at the 2009 and 2011 Seve Trophies that stand out as he prepares to lead Europe’s team against the Americans at Gleneagles in 18 months’ time. When Seve established that match, he envisaged it, at least in part, as a stepping stone to the Ryder Cup and on both occasions McGinley passed the test with flying colours. Rory McIlroy is not prone to lavishing excessive praise on fellow professionals but in the lead up to the Irishman’s selection he labelled McGinley “the best captain I’ve played under” (at the 2009 Seve Trophy). That is a testimonial members of the current Tournament Players Committee must have found exceedingly hard to ignore and it was all-

48 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

‘His foursomes and fourballs ideas were fascinating’ the-more powerful because it was backed by tributes from many of the other leading players, many of whom cited both the Irishman’s tactical acumen and manmanagement skills. The appointment of McGinley means that, perhaps for the first time in history, player power rather than politics played a decisive role in the selection of the new Ryder Cup captain. While that might not necessarily have pleased the aforementioned man in a raincoat, it must surely auger well for team spirit come Gleneagles in the autumn of 2014. McIlroy, Ian Poulter, Luke Donald, Justin Rose and others all queued up to support McGinley’s candidature but it was former US Open champion, Graeme McDowell, who encapsulated the qualities the Irishman will bring to the table when he tweeted: “He will be a thoughtful, articulate, prepared, motivated, fair and respected captain.”

Sixteen months ago I got a first-hand glimpse of most of those qualities when I spoke to McGinley just after he had teamed up with his wife, Allison, a former tournament professional herself, to win their first-round match at the prestigious Sunningdale Foursomes. We started by talking about that victory but, little by little, the conversation changed into a more general discussion about foursomes and fourballs and what was required to play both formats well. I can confirm that McGinley’s ideas on the subject were fascinating and clearly well thought through. Indeed, they would have made the basis for an interesting column but for the fact that some moments after we split up he came back and asked me politely not to spill his secrets. It was clear then that he had high hopes of using them on the ultimate stage and I, like his senior players, could not be more pleased that his chance is about to come.

• Colin Callander is a former editor of Golf Monthly and this year celebrates his 30th anniversary working as a golf writer


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NCG pp 50 Letters 22/07/2013 10:19 Page 50






LETTERS I did however find it slightly ironic that you should use your July issue to air the debate over whether England’s ‘golden generation’ had in fact blown their chance of winning a Major championship. Still, it was nice to see Mark Townsend somewhat eat his own words in the August issue and pay tribute to Rose as a deserving and worthy Major championship winner. It would be wonderful to see Rose nominated for the various sporting awards and I firmly believe we are overdue a golfing winner of Sports

Personality of the Year – although it now seems unlikely given Andy Murray’s achievements. The European Ryder Cup team were unlucky to miss out on the Team of the Year award in 2012 but surely Rose should have a chance of

Letters Unit 2, Arena Park, Tarn Lane Scarcroft, West Yorkshire LS17 9BF or email:

winning the award this time around? The grace and class with which he conducts himself both on and off the course is the hallmark of a true, deserving champion. Jack Winter, via email

IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE Dear Sir, History takes the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers back to 1744, and in 1891 they purchased Muirfield which has remained their home to the present day. However, why is it that the Honourable Company must continue to live in a bygone era? Can they not appreciate that men and women have equal rights in our wonderful game? Peter Hughes, Buckinghamshire

and as we moved to the 7th, my playing partners joked that so far I had 1, 2, 6, 8 and 9 on the card, and how funny it would be if I were to make the set from 1-9. I proceeded to make a seven on the 7th and a five at the 15th, meaning that I needed a four on the par-3 last to complete the set.

I had taken three shots to get within five feet of the hole, and felt extremely nervous as I stood over the putt. Fortunately, I made it, and my playing partners and I celebrated like I’d just won the Open! David Richmond, via email


I wanted to update you on how the Cleveland 58 irons that I won through your competition are going. The wedges, especially, are fantastic and I’m getting the ball to stop. Thanks NCG!

Dear Sir, Anyone like me who suffers from sore feet in hard conditions will know how difficult it is to concentrate on playing well when your feet are suffering. Here is something worth a try that has certainly helped me. Get a large jiffy bag lined with bubble wrap, leave the paper on to

50 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

The writer of the star letter each month wins a special Ping stand bag featuring NCG’s logo. This is a prize that money cannot buy and you will be able to show your support for Britain’s leading magazine for the club golfer every time you play.



Paul Morris, email


For more details on Ping’s outstanding range of bags, visit

GETTING FROM ONE TO NINE IN 18 HOLES Dear Sir, After scoring an eight on the 1st and a nine on the 5th, I assumed that my June medal at Harbourne GC was over. Little did I know that I was about to complete a unique feat. After a nine on the 5th, I scored my first ever ace on the 6th,



LETTER OF THE MONTH: A MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH ROSE Dear Sir, I MUST congratulate Justin Rose on winning his first ever Major championship at the recent US Open. His performance over the four days at Merion proved that at least one Englishman can display the mental temperament and skill levels required to win a Major championship. I was particularly impressed with the way Rose held things together on the 18th, emulating Ben Hogan’s heroics on the same hole in 1950 and playing an almost perfect 4-iron right at the pin.


make it easier to cut and make insoles. A quick, easy and cheap option for more comfortable shoes! Terry Butcher, Merlin GC

Dear Sir, Why is it that people frequently offer advice on a stranger’s swing despite having no teaching experience? Last month, I was offered terrible ‘advice’ on my swing by a gentleman playing behind us, who I later found to be a normal club member. My tip? Get help from a pro and don’t listen to those who don’t know what they are talking about! Megan Birdsey, via email

EYEMOUTH IS AN OPEN OPTION Dear Sir, I enjoyed your ‘Where to play while at the Open’ feature in the July issue, but you missed out a championship clifftop links just two minutes from the A1. Eyemouth has one of Scotland’s longest par 5s and boasts amazing views of the Berwickshire coastline. A terrific links test not to be missed. Bob Holmes, via email

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NCG pp 53 Lead to PGA Preview 22/07/2013 16:56 Page 53

THE 95th PGA CHAMPIONSHIP Oak Hill Country Club, Rochester, New York. August 8-11

IN OUR PREVIEW 54 Themes of the week 56 Inside Padraig’s mind 62 Shaun Micheel reflects 68 A Major mind guru PGA preview in association with

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A RETURN TO OAK HILL The last time Oak Hill saw top-quality action was 10 years ago in the same championship. Shaun Micheel was the unlikely winner and he completed one of the more unexpected, some would say undistinguished, line-up of Major winners in recent history. Since then none of Mike Weir (Masters), Jim Furyk (US Open), Ben Curtis (Open) or Micheel have added a second Major win. But on that Sunday in Rochester, New York, the unheralded Micheel sealed his moment in the sun with an approach to the final hole of rare quality.

This will be the third PGA to be played here, to match the three US Opens. Not to mention two US Amateurs, and the small matter of a Ryder Cup...


THE 1995 RYDER CUP While the final hole more recently saw Micheel stiff his approach shot, for those of a European persuasion it will always be the place where Nick Faldo completed his comeback of comebacks against Curtis Strange before collapsing into the arms of Seve Ballesteros. Faldo had been one down with two to play, but a par was good enough to level the match on the 18th tee. With the honour, he

54 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

“Form is very much temporary and class very much permanent for Rory” made the cardinal mistake of missing the fairway, handing the initiative back to his opponent, who duly found the short grass. Where others would have taken a lash at the green, Faldo swallowed his medicine and hacked out to preferred wedge distance. From there an approach into six feet or so left him with a horrible putt – fast and breaking to the right for the match. Faldo drained it.


MEMORIES OF RORY AT KIAWAH It was only 12 months ago, but somehow it seems like longer, when Rory McIlroy took apart a Major field for the second time (see right). Eight shots was the eventual victory margin at Kiawah Island, just as it had been at Congressional in the previous year’s US Open. Two more PGA Tour wins followed within a month – and they remain his most recent successes in the States. With McIlroy, form is very much temporary and class very much permanent – so a return to his breathtaking best is surely not far away. The American Majors clearly represent the Northern

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in association with

GLORY’S LAST SHOT What to expect from the final Major of the season


The 95th PGA Championship Oak Hill, Rochester, New York TV coverage: Live on Sky Sports, all four days

Irishman’s best chance of adding to his tally, and if the sun shines at Oak Hill then no one bar Tiger Woods has a better chance.


LAST CHANCE TO DANCE It’s the same story every year – so many begin the season at Augusta envisaging Major glory but come August and the often sultry PGA the mood has turned from hope to desperation at the prospect of another year slipping by. Top of the list this year are Tiger Woods, whose Majorless run is poised to stretch into a sixth year, and Phil Mickelson. Another is Lee Westwood. His move to America last winter is yet to pay

RORY’S PROCESSION Last year’s leaderboard 1 Rory McIlroy -13 2 David Lynn -5 T3 Justin Rose -4 T3 Keegan Bradley T3 Ian Poulter T3 Carl Pettersson T7 Blake Adams -3 T7 Jamie Donaldson T7 Peter Hanson T7 Steve Stricker

dividends. Even though he has extended his career at the top by improving his fitness beyond recognition, so few players win Majors beyond their mid-40s. The 40-year-old can now count the number of realistic chances he has left on his fingers and toes.


A STERN EXAMINATION Shaun Micheel’s winning score was four under, and only two others finished under par that year. Oak Hill is not especially long, at 7,160 yards, but a par of 70 ensures that the birdie chances are reduced. In truth, the challenge of a PGA is not all that far removed from a US Open, albeit without quite the same

obsession with protecting par. Based on level 70s (280) being considered par, the winning score is normally a couple under. David Toms posted the lowest total in the event’s history – 265 at Atlanta.


A QUALITY CHAMPION The perception is that the PGA produces the weakest champion but while it is undoubtedly behind the other three in terms of prestige, it continues to attract arguably the strongest field. This is borne out by the recent winners who include the likes of Tiger (twice), Phil Mickelson, Padraig Harrington, Rory McIlroy, Vijay Singh, Martin Kaymer and Keegan Bradley. | SEPTEMBER 2013 55

NCG pp 56-60 Padraig Harrington 22/07/2013 17:19 Page 56





HARRINGTON The Dubliner on his future Major opportunities and why he believes he can add to to his current tally of three BY DAN MURPHY | PHOTOGRAPHY BY GETTY IMAGES

ADRAIG HARRINGTON has got an answer to everything. Whether he's cultivating facial hair, starting to use a long putter just as they are about to banned or working on deliberately putting weight on his stomach, the one thing you can guarantee is that there will be a ready explanation. And to Harrington's lively, inquisitive and above all independent mind, it will all make perfect sense. He will never be short of a theory, and everything is done for a reason. At no point in his career has he stopped trying to get better. So to him it made perfect sense to deconstruct the swing which won him back-to-back Open Championships and a PGA. He will be trying to improve his technique until the day his career


is over. And the day this eternal quest for improvement ends, his career will be over. So far, so good. The only problem being that it is now exactly five years since his most recent Major win, which is also his last PGA Tour and European Tour victory. In fact, the only title he can claim since then is the 2010 Johor Open in Malaysia. All of which means he now faces an unpalatable fact. With a world ranking currently hovering in the 60s, and the five-year blanket exemptions that come from winning a Major now having expired, as things stand Harrington will not receive an invitation to Augusta and would need to qualify for the US Open. So is this the end of the 41year-old's career as a Major contender, or merely a blip in his long period at the very top? ➤

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in association with

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How would it feel if we get to April and you don’t have a place in the Masters? “At this very moment I’m not even entertaining that. I know that it’s a possibility. It would be a big disappointment. I think this year I had three different qualifications and I did think with a wry smile that I wish I could have kept one of those back for next year. I thought the same at the US Open where I’d qualified three or four different ways, so you’re kind of thinking 'could I not keep one of those?' “My job is to play well this week, next week and keep going and think that it will look after itself. The Masters gives plenty of opportunities and if I don’t make it I won’t have played well enough.” The last time you weren’t

exempt from a Major championship was 1999. If you are in that position next year how will you react? “I last qualified for a Major at Panmure in 1999 for Carnoustie. I

US Open then I will try to do so. “Thankfully I’m in the Open until I’m 65 and the PGA until I’m 60 or whatever – so I don’t have to worry about those at the moment, but the main goal at the moment is

“That’s always been my career – one step back and hopefully two steps forward. I’m very confident about where I am.” wasn’t have been in the US Majors that year because I changed coach at the end of 1998 and obviously that would have taken a step back in the rankings before things started moving forward again. “That’s always been my career – one step back and hopefully two steps forward. I’m very confident about my game and where I am. If I have to qualify next year for the

58 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

to get into the top 50 – because that gets me into the events that I need to make the Ryder Cup team. That would be more of a priority. I missed out on the last one because I wasn’t top 50 and missed out on the seven easiest events to get world ranking points in. “But I’m comfortable with my game and I’m confident and I’m trying to stay patient.”

It's five years since your PGA win – does it feel that long ago? “No, it’s gone really quickly, especially the first couple of years, maybe the first, second and third years, where it just felt like yesterday. I haven’t won now in five years so it’s starting to feel like it’s been a while now and it makes you desperate to win another one.” Where would you say your career is in terms of your time at the top? “There’s no doubt that there are many parts of my game that I feel better with, but I’m certainly not as good without the box grooves, that’s for sure. That’s a big difference for me and it has made a big difference to my short game.” You’re 42 in a few weeks and we know that statistically very few

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in association with


Box clever A struggle with the grooves

players win Majors after their mid-40s. How conscious are you of the passing of time? “I think the physical nature of the game has changed, so players are now fitter and stronger as they get older. I’m certainly fitter and stronger now than I was 10 years ago and I’m hitting the ball further now than I was five or 10 years ago, so there’s no physical restraint. “I don’t think I’m burned out and I am certainly enthusiastic. I still practise morning, noon and night, but there’s no doubt that I find the mental side of it harder. Now is that age? I don’t like to think that it’s age, and with experience it should be easier. But there’s no doubt that my ability to focus is changing. I’m trying to focus rather than just focusing and that’s a strange concept. Is that an


age thing? I don’t like to think so but I guess other people would like to say so. I like to believe that I’m different, and I’m sure we all do, but I believe the best is still to come and that I’m going to win more Majors. You always looked as if you relished being one of the main favourites. Is that still the case and when it comes to the Majors do you feel that you are step above the rest of the field? “I definitely believe that the Majors are easier to win because a lot of the field get mixed up in their preparation and haven’t found the right formula to bring to the competition. “Then there are certain players who will play well but if they haven’t won a Major before then the pressure can get too much ➤

Harrington has been using Wilson Staff clubs since 1998 – and his three Major wins have contributed to the company's record total of 61 victories. “I think Wilson have been doing a great job for a number of years,” says Harrington. “They have made great-looking clubs at the higher end of the market for years. “They are the original wedge-makers and they continue to this day to make phenomenally good wedges. “I think what they have really done is broaden the range. “I used the Ci range once and won – and never used them again. They just went too far. They were too strong for me. “They've slowly made inroads into making the clubs quality right through the set and there's something there for everybody. “They're back to where you'd expect Wilson to be. You're guaranteed solid, dependable equipment with Wilson. You're not getting a gimmick. That's what Wilson stands for. “Good functional equipment that looks the part as well.” Tim Clarke, general manager of Wilson Golf, said: “Padraig is a great ambassador for Wilson Golf and the game itself and we look forward to working with him to deliver more success in the coming years.”

“It gives me encouragement that it took Ernie 20 years to win his fourth Major.” ONLY Ernie Els, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson have won more Majors than Harrington in the modern era. And a fourth Major win would take him into the all-time top 20 most prolific Major winners. “I try not to look at that and I’m far more likely to look at current terms, for example that there are only three people playing the game at the moment who have won more Majors – and two of those have been playing substantially longer,” says Harrington.” “It gives me encouragement that it took Ernie 20 years to win his fourth Major, and a lot of people will look at Ernie and say that he’s had an incredible career and that he’s won four Majors. But it didn’t all happen as easily as people think. In 20 or 30 years time everyone will look at his wins and say they were seamless but it doesn’t work like that. Even Tiger’s wins weren’t seamless, Jack Nicklaus’ wins weren’t seamless, Faldo’s wins weren’t seamless. It’s not like they all won a Major every year. It takes time to gather them up and yes you may get a period like I did where I won two in a year which is an incredible bonus, but over time you’ll have some barren years and some good years. I watch other players and I can see players having a great run and I try to work out why they are doing that, but the one thing about golf is that it doesn’t last forever and it comes and goes.” So you agree that you couldn't possibly have kept going on forever winning Majors at that rate you were? “No, it wouldn’t have been possible – even Tiger didn’t do that! He’s won 14 and been on tour for 17 years – it’s not one a year and yet he had four at one stage. So if you take that out then it suggests it’s even less.” | SEPTEMBER 2013 59

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come the end of the week and they won’t get over the line. “I wish every week was like the US Open, because that is a great challenge and one in which I feel I could be competitive in. A regular event feels like a 100m sprint to me, whereas a Major feels like a marathon. “In a Major you feel like you can pace yourself and be patient, whereas in a regular event if you’re not four under after nine holes then you’re probably gone and you get anxious because you’re not in it. I have a formula which I know has worked in the past and will work again.” What did you take away from last year's US Open at Olympic, which was the last time that you were genuinely in contention? “I try to work to the principle with Majors that if I have three or four of those chances then I would succeed once, and if I got lucky then I might get two. “But you have to create opportunities in order to win. If you think you’re going to win a Major every time you get into contention then it isn’t going to happen. “It’s creating a good number of chances to win that will get you across the line. That’s the great thing about professional golfers – we only need to get across the line once every so often to be deemed as completely outstanding in our career. “The ideal scenario would be to get into contention twice a year, and then every two years win one.” If you could go back to the end of 2008 and you could have your time again, would you do anything differently? “No, not at all. You look at what makes you win the Majors and you think ‘my mental game was really strong, let's make it even stronger’, and there’s no doubt I’ve been trying too hard – believing that makes the sole difference. “I’ve been too focused on trying too hard. “With hindsight, the mental game may have won it for me but my trying harder to make it perfect has made it tougher for me, and I’m only coming to terms with that in recent times.” ◆

60 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

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NCG pp 62-63 PGA Preview Shaun Micheel 22/07/2013 17:21 Page 62


NCG pp 62-63 PGA Preview Shaun Micheel 22/07/2013 17:22 Page 63

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HAUN Micheel’s victory at the 2003 PGA Championship completed the most unlikely quartet of Major winners in recent memory. While Mike Weir and Jim Furyk were well established and fancied to break through at some point, Ben Curtis and Micheel were pretty much unheard of. For Curtis, the Open Championship at Sandwich was his first Major appearance, for Micheel he had just two US Opens to fall back on. Otherwise there were two victories; one in Singapore on the Asian Tour and the other on the Nike Tour (now the He was ranked 169th in the world. After day one he was three back, he led after the second and third rounds and, after mixing two birdies with two bogeys from the 14th, he played the most precise approach to the 72nd hole, a 7iron from 175 yards to a couple of inches. The win might have been from nowhere but, against the best field in any Major and on a course where he was the only player not to have a round over par, it was certainly well deserved.


SHOT IN A MILLION Shaun Micheel reflects on his remarkable 2003 PGA victory and the most adjacent approach in Major history BY MARK TOWNSEND | PHOTOGRAPHY BY GETTY IMAGES

What did you think of Oak Hill when you first saw it? I was ‘in’ the PGA a month before Oak Hill and then missed a couple of cuts so then I was on my way out. I then had a good finish at Hartford to solidify my position. I didn’t know anything about the course other than the type of course it was having watched the ‘95 Ryder Cup so when I got there I was pleasantly surprised. I’m kind of a traditionalist so I’m not a fan of the wide-open TPC desert-style courses and Oak Hill looked really good to my eye. You were involved at the top of the leaderboard after the first round, how did you cope with the nerves? That was difficult. This was my third Major so it was tough. I would get up and watch the TV coverage and see some of the hole locations. I was playing so well that I was also confident. It wasn’t until the Sunday that I became more ➤

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nervous. My wife was with me so we had breakfast but I didn’t eat too much. I think it would have been a lot different had I been by myself. I was excited so maybe I wasn’t as anxious as I could have been. How much did it help to play with Billy Andrade during the third round? It was the Tiger era and it helped to be playing with Billy Andrade and Chad Campbell on the weekend. The pairing always helps; there are guys who you like to play with and guys who you don’t want to play with. Billy had won numerous tournaments but had never really been in that sort of position so we had some nice conversations. Chad and I did too for a lot of it. Most of the guys get on pretty well out there and it is something you have to handle. Obviously two well-known players recently admitted that they don’t but that exists whatever you do. The only time you are together is on the tee box and putting green, otherwise you can walk as slow or as fast as you want to.

Is it true you are sometimes mistaken for Chad Campbell? I think both of us have had it and it even happens to this day! I don’t know if it’s the hat. I’m hoping he gets more Shaun Micheels that I get Chad Campbells! Everybody has got a twin, maybe he’s mine. How aware were you of what was going on in the last round? I didn’t look too much at the leaderboards until the last day. I’m not afraid to look at them and at a certain point you have to look at

chance and, if you want to win, you have to do that. If you are playing for the money then you can stick to the game plan. What were you thinking over the approach to the 18th? I was in that first cut of rough and that tee ball could have gone in the rough. I will maybe be remembered for that shot and the win but I was proud of how well I had played and all the great up and downs I had made. On the Tuesday I had the same shot and I hit the same club and

Last rites All that was left for Micheel at the 18th

NO HIDDEN SECRETS The greens are very flat and there were no greens that had any ledges. If you are on the green then you pretty much had a good opportunity. There are some subtle breaks but you’re not worried about chipping up to ledges or putting off greens. It is just an old-style course. It is not an overly long course; you would hit maybe six drivers altogether. At 17 and 18 you will hit driver. The 17th is an extremely tough and hole. There are a group of trees at maybe 280-290 yards and, if you are not past those, then you are chipping out sideways. If you are a big hitter then you are fine but I was in that area where I had to be down the middle or left half to have a shot. The course is right in front of you from the 1st which is Stroke Index 1 for the members. You really have to focus on every shot.

I didn’t know. I have a DVD which I watch quite often and there is a camera shooting from me to Chad and you can read my lips asking the cameraman twice ‘how close is that ball?’ and he never told me. It could have been four feet short or four feet long. It was a reaction that said it could have gone in but it could still have been a few feet away. You can only cheer so loudly and we knew it hadn’t gone in. When I walked up there and saw I had a two-inch putt I felt pretty good about it.


ONE FOR THE SHOTMAKER As the week went on I fell in love with the place and the rolling hills, doglegs – and also the shade... it was so hot that week. We don’t see these types of courses enough as I guess it’s easier these days to clear all the land and put lots of water hazards in there which is unfortunate. It is very similar to last year’s Ryder Cup venue Medinah. I get a better feel for the shotmaking on these type of places. When I go to the driving range and I see a huge wideopen field I don’t hit the ball that well. Hitting fairways is a premium at pretty much every course but the rough was so deep in 2003 and it was so penal. You get that in the US Open and Mike Davis has done a lot with the graduated rough but Kerry Haigh hasn’t done that with the PGA. If you missed the fairway just outside the first cut then you are paying the price.


them. Everybody has a certain plan of attack but you may have to throw that out the window. I knew that Tim Clark was playing well and you wonder if somebody is making a big charge. But you know that nobody is going to shoot five or six under. I had a look towards the end of the front nine after bogeying seven and eight. Some people say they never look at them but I’m not sure you are getting the full truth. Sometimes you have to take a

64 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

we discussed that. There was not a breath of wind and I had a yardage where I wasn’t going to go long. It was almost so simple, I had a full out 7-iron and I appreciated that. I had never seen a sports psychologist. You can visualise the shot but you don’t want to overthink these things and I think I did that pretty well back then. I could do with being more like that these days. Did you know quite how close your approach was?

Did you have a history of clutch shots previously? I have never thought of myself like that. I would have to go back to the Q School in December 1993 and my father was caddying for me at the Nicklaus course in Palm Springs. After six days it came down to the last few holes and I made about a 40-footer on the 17th hole. There weren’t any scoreboards so I got to the 90th and the hole was front left. My dad wanted me to play right but I hit a 6-iron in to about six feet and, as I walked around, somebody yelled that I ➤

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No pressure Victory at the third time of Major asking

needed a par to get my tour card. So I lagged it up there. On your first year on tour, you said you were a ‘wreck’ and that you struggled to be comfortable playing in front of so many people? When you first get out here there is a huge spotlight on you and you are playing against the best players in the world like Nick Price and Greg Norman. But you soon realise that these guys also hit bad shots so you begin to not worry about what people will say if you hit it in the crowd. It took me a little while to learn that some of the best hit some of the worst shots and, at the end of the day, you are doing your best. I have topped one from the middle of the fairway with Phil Mickelson and you wonder how these things happen, but they do. You have said that you were often playing for your mum who died in 2010. How impressed were you by what Justin Rose did at the US Open? I think a lot of Justin, I played a

“I have topped one from the middle of the fairway with Phil Mickelson and you wonder how these things happen” little bit with him last year at Kiawah and he really impressed me. I played with him in Dubai in 1999 when he was in the middle of his missed cuts and I can’t believe the amount of pressure he was going through then. Your parents are the ones who probably got you started in the game. When my father was flying (he worked for FedEx) my mum would take me to tournaments so I have all these memories of getting lost in places like Texas. You are never completely over it but it’s nice to know that there is someone you can play for in the back of your mind. How is your game now? I have played seven tournaments this year. I have played six events and I haven’t been to Europe, which I’d like to do in August. I think I’m going to have to

66 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

resign my membership of the There are certain things that I need to do to keep my membership active and I’m struggling to do that. I’m working hard on it but

The leaderboard from the 85th PGA Championship 1 S Micheel 2 C Campbell 3 T Clark 4 A Cejka 5 E Els 5 J Haas 7 F Funk 7 L Roberts 7 M Weir 23 P Mickelson 39 T Woods

276 278 279 280 282 282 284 284 284 288 292

there is no replacement for competition. I’m not saying that the tournament directors don’t want to give me an invite, players like Rich Beem are also on the same list, but it is extremely political. Some people don’t even write back to you and the lack of professionalism is overwhelming. The tour needs to look into who is running these events and sit them down in the classroom to give them a lesson in respect. I don’t want to play the Tour, I’m so jaded by some of the things that have happened this year. But this isn’t some sort of ‘woe is me’ outburst, all of these things can be rectified by some good play. I have enjoyed being home, it’s the longest I’ve been home since high school and I have enjoyed going to the swim meets and soccer games. My son is nine and all he wants to do is move to Spain and play for Real Madrid. As much as I hate not being on tour, I love seeing some of these things. My wife maybe thinks it’s time to get back out there. ◆





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NCG pp 68 PGA Preview Psychology 22/07/2013 17:27 Page 68


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“You’ve got to throw yesterday away whether you’ve shot five under or five over.” Sports psychologist Dr Mo Pickens works with many top American players. This is how he helps them during Major championships to-left putt. That’s physically what they’re going to face. But, emotionally – and this happens very fast – the way they think about it is: “this is eight feet for birdie, to shoot even par and make the cut so I can move up in the world rankings”. It just happens like that. That guy’s five times more emotional than another guy.

Will all your players want to see you on a Major day? I’ll station myself around the putting green and see them there, and then I might go with them on the range if I have time. But usually I’m on the putting green just hanging out. Maybe reiterating a couple of things we said earlier in the week, or maybe something that came up on the previous day. Is it important that you see them before every round? Yes, we may not say much. A lot of it’s “what did you do last night?”, just keeping it light. If someone’s played poorly or if they’ve had a bad finish, you just remind them that every day you’re just trying to play the course as well as you can. The only time you need to worry about the “tournament” is if there are three or four holes to go. Then you might change strategy. How difficult is it to keep things fresh – obviously you know your

players very well and often have a long-standing relationship? I kind of have a system that I work within. But it depends on the course, how they’re playing, where they may or not be in relation to the cut or the tournament. Basically, there are three key areas: 1) on the course – course management, your routines, how you handle your emotions and distractions 2) practice and preparation – what you’re doing, how you set it up, what we do in the practice rounds, what you do in your warm up, and 3) what’s going on off the course that could impact on the other two – distractions, scheduling, making sure you do some mental preparation before you come out. All my players have two or three things they’d be focusing on. Either in the shower in morning, or on a walk - somewhere where they can be alone – they’ll try to visualise and think about the attitude and mindset they want to have out there.

68 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

How difficult is it to keep players grounded? It definitely takes a lot out of you. When you’re playing well I believe you should value rest over preparation. You can study the course until you’re blue in the face, but you’ve got to get some rest, because it takes it out of you being in contention. You’ve got to throw yesterday away whether you’ve shot five-under or five-over. How do you get players to stop thinking about the day before? I would just say that the pins are going to be in different places and the wind’s probably going to go a different direction. You go out and say, “it’s a new day, and I’m going to try to play this course better than I did yesterday, and let’s just go see”. It’s hard to do, but the example I give people is keeping it physical. We talk about keeping it physical, which is the opposite of emotion. Somebody on the 18th hole today is going to have an eight-foot, slightly downhill, right-

If one of your players gets to a play-off, what would you say? I’d say “this is what you’ve practised for, to put yourself in this position”. If it’s a two-man play-off, then you might need to know what the other guy’s doing. There’s definitely a difference between guys that look at an eightfoot putt, or a four-hole play-off or a Friday. You’re either going to look at that as an opportunity to have fun and succeed, and try to show off or you’re going to look at that as a burden, like “I’ve gotta get it done and if I don’t, I’m a failure”.

ABOUT DR MO Dr Morris M. Pickens received his PhD in sports psychology from the University of Virginia in 1995. He studied under Dr. Bob Rotella and focused his consulting interests in the area of golf psychology, specifically the acquisition of putting confidence. Dr Mo currently works with Lucas Glover, Jonathan Byrd, Zach Johnson and Stewart Cink, among others. Books: Learn To Win: One Shot at a Time & Learn To Win: A Major can be found on


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7/18/13 11:58 AM

NCG pp 70-71 AP Poulter 22/07/2013 10:23 Page 70

PERFECT PRECISION Mark Townsend spends the day with Audemars Piguet ambassador Ian Poulter S MEETING places go it couldn’t have been more idyllic. The 13th tee on Sunningdale’s magnificent Old Course with Ryder Cup giant Ian Poulter and all courtesy of luxury watchmakers Audemars Piguet. Here was the perfect chance to pick the brains of the most positive person ever to take hold of a golf club. “I really struggle with my chipping,” I hear myself say, by way of an introduction. “There’s a very good chance I might shank this,” I hear my (1handicap) playing partner blurt out over my shoulder.


We haven’t hit a shot yet. The man who has won his last eight straight Ryder matches looks a little stunned but, unperturbed, fires his tee shot over the pin. We all miss the green though my playing partner doesn’t find the hosel and I manage to chip one on to the putting surface. The positivity is rubbing off. Our captain leaves his putt short in the jaws. Maybe our timidness has rubbed off and I raise an eyebrow in his direction. And then miss from four feet. But Poulter’s brilliance isn’t built on just his assuredness, it is based on an incredible attention to detail as we found out.

70 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

THE CLUBS “If you’re not carrying a 4-iron hybrid then you are missing out. I spin mine the same as my 6 iron. I also carry a 3 iron hybrid. “My 5 iron flies 202 yards, my 4 iron 215 and the 3 230 so I am nicely covered for the long par 4s and par 3s. I have a 3 iron but it has still got bubble wrap on it. “At the other end I have a 48, 52, 56 and 62 lobber. I am looking at being more aggressive from certain yardages and I added the 62 at the 2012 Masters. “The 56 flies 108 yards, gap wedge (52) flies 123 yards. That might sound silly but we need to be more specific than around 120

or 125. I have an 18-club option so I can take out something like the lob wedge or 5 wood. “I don’t like to change any of my equipment, if I’m honest, but you have to do it as technology is always changing. “I have changed the shafts from the clubs I used at the Ryder Cup to ones that get the ball a fraction higher. I like to see a two-yard draw but I’m comfortable with any sort of situation.” THE 1ST TEE AT MEDINAH “I wouldn’t want to do it on every hole. Bubba was going to do it to me so I thought, I’ll do it to him. He did it the day before so I knew

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Who’s first? No prizes for guessing nearest the pin

Right club But never even threatening to find the green

it was coming and it was quite intimidating. It was enjoyable for 30 seconds and then I had to get my heart rate down. “When I’m training at the gym I know what my heart rate is; on a normal 1st tee it would be 95-100, at a Ryder Cup it would be around 125, then it would have been 175. It was borderline silly. “It was two minutes so I really had to control my breathing to get it down. It honestly felt like I was sprinting on a treadmill and you can’t play golf like that.” THE FIVE WINS “I loved beating all of them. I beat Tiger in the first match and that is always nice. “Steve Stricker said in the paper that they wanted to take me down, he is a lovely guy but I have beaten him a few times and he wanted some revenge.

“But it doesn’t matter who you are playing, every take down is really enjoyable and they are all just worth a point.” THE FOCUS “I will visualise exactly what shot I want to hit. The more people, the more focus I have, so it is actually easier to concentrate. “If I’m on the driving range does it really matter if I miss one? No. If there are 50,000 people and millions on TV wanting me to hit the fairway then it is easier to concentrate.” THE SWING “I haven’t seen a coach for three years, I have a camera and my caddy videos it and I have a look at it. “My swing hasn’t changed an awful lot, the changes have been very subtle. When it goes wrong I

like to know how I can get it back on the straight and narrow.”

AUDEMARS PIGUET The Swiss company, established in 1875, is still the oldest fine watch-making manufacturer never to have left the hands of its founding families. Its golfing ambassadors include Ian Poulter, Lee Westwood, Graeme McDowell and Keegan Bradley. Lionel Messi, Novak Djokovic, LeBron James and Sachin Tendulkar are all part of the brand.

THE MINDSET “I played with some of the best ball strikers when I joined the tour and they struggled to keep their card. Then there are players who don’t hit the ball that well but win every single season. “The first ones are a little weak in the mind – they have everything but can’t quite apply it. The others have that drive, ruthlessness and arrogance in a good way to think I’m going to go out there and crush you. In matchplay, I think I’m going to take you down.” THE ANCHOR BAN “Broom handles? They’re rubbish. If you’re using one then it means you can’t putt. The second you cross that line it means you are struggling.” | SEPTEMBER 2013 71

t r a p g n i k a t e h t t o n s ’ t I

g n i n n i w e h t It’s year after year after year after year after year after year








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NCG pp 73 Equipment Lead 23/07/2013 11:19 Page 73

EQUIPMENT Comprehensive and objective gear tests | The latest releases | Competitions | Fashion | Accessories

ODYSSEY’S FORGED FLATSTICKS Odyssey’s new super-premium, putters aimed at the better player include adjustability. The ProType iX line is forged then milled and features a classy black PVD finish that eliminates glare and improves durability. A White Hot insert provides

consistency across the face as well as a pleasing sound and feel. It comes with three sets of customisable weights (10, 15 & 20g) that allow you to adjust the putter’s mass and fine-tune performance. For example, you can suit the putter to the speed of the greens you


are playing – or to your stroke, if it changes. Only three head shapes are available, all of which have had heavy input from both Phil Mickelson and Ryo Ishikawa. Odyssey say it is their most advanced range for the better player.

#4HT NEED TO KNOW SRP: £279 SHAPES: #1 (classic blade with heeltoe weighting, crank-neck hosel and full-shaft offset), #4HT (high-toed blade with scooped back), #9HT (hightoed flanged blade with long hosel) LENGTHS: 33, 34 or 35” FINISH: PVD INSERT: White Hot LH OPTION? No IN SHOPS: Now



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FEEL “It feels great with the driver and putter, but really excels when chipping – it might sound strange, but the ball is both light and solid at the same time. I have already switched from the Pro V1 and bought another dozen of these balls.” Glenn Yuill “Lovely soft feel with good spin control.” Mark Caldwell “Very responsive around the greens. The Z-Star landed nice and soft and did not spin too much on landing. Good consistency and flight from 100-120 yards.” Justin Quint “I prefer the feel of current Z-Star, which is my second ball and often used in the winter. It’s not bad but feels too hard to me.” Ian Williams “Good feel off this new ball, less of a ‘click’ off the putter and softer chips than with the old Z-Star ball. Very nice round the greens, however the ball doesn’t check in quite the same way as the V1.” Kent Nicholson “When holding the Srixon you’d think it would be harder/firmer, but around the greens I found it great; plenty of check spin and lots of feedback.” Dave Morris

“Lovely soft feel and sound. Lovely feel when chipping. Confident to hit crisply and get stop.” Willie Wilson “Feels harder than last version, but didn’t feel like you were gaining anything from this firmness. When chipping/pitching, it’s firmer off the face with less spin. If anything, took an extra hop before stopping.” Clay Turvey “I really liked the characteristics of Z-Star for the short game. Nice solid feel and consistent spin. I didn’t think the spin rate was as high as the Pro V1 but it felt more consistent to me. With wedges it would stop pretty quickly but with just the right amount of run out. The Pro V1 spins more for me but is difficult to get it to travel a consistent distance.” Ian O’Connor

DISTANCE “Exceptional – it increased my driving distance by 10 to 15 yards.” Geoff Miller “Didn’t lose out at all when comparing to the Bridgestone I have been using or the Pro V1s used in the past. Good carry and control.” Justin Quint “There was no loss of distance against the Pro V1x. It had a slightly higher

76 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

launch, so in windier conditions I lost a little. I was able to shape the ball if required and was up there on distance with the other leading brands.” Gary Owen “Very good. I gained a few extra yards on all well-struck shots.” Mark Caldwell

“Driver distance is good. Slightly better than the Pro V1. Carry was about the same but the Z Star seemed to run fractionally further, giving a slight overall gain in distance. The strange thing was it seemed to fly a little higher than the Pro V1 too.” Ian O’Connor

PUTTING “The ball flies straight with no lack of distance.” William Dyker “Distance was comparable with other top of range balls. It tends to fly higher on average, but holds its line well.” David Blunsden “Distance was good, comfortably on a par with the Pro V1.” Dave Morris “This ball is as long for me as anything else on the market – with the driver, you get a solid feel and a satisfying sound.” Clay Turvey “Distance was good, about the same as current ball. It seems to fly slightly higher but great carry and no loss of distance.” Willie Wilson “In terms of distance, slightly longer than the Pro V1x.” James McMurdo

“It may sound simple but it was easy to line up on the green for putting as well due to the markings printed on the ball.” Gary Owen

Ian Perkins Club: Mendip Handicap: 3 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1

“I liked the feel off the putter. Consistency and distance control was better than the Pro V1. I holed more putts with it as a result. Great!” Ian O’Connor

with nice flight and super feel on all shots. I would recommend anyone to try this ball regardless of handicap. Mark Caldwell


“I would use it again. A real nice ball and I could not really find fault with it. Very good control and trajectory with both irons and driver, which gave me good consistency with most shots. I haven’t got a bad word to say about this ball as it performed really well, especially in blustery conditions.” Justin Quint

“A slightly firmer feel than what I am used to, but it still had the right level of desired spin for control. A good thing to point out is that it didn’t cut up during the round. Very durable.” Gary Owen

“Buttery soft using my Scotty Cameron putter.” Mark Caldwell

“I played 36 holes with one and it still looks almost new. Best durabilty I’ve seen from a ball and stays nice and white.” Barry Keenan

“I did not like it on the putter, it felt too soft and I was often short of the hole.” William Dyker

“I was most impressed as the ball is very similar to the Titleist and seems to remain whiter for longer.” Ian Perkins

“Feels soft off putter face, design allows lining up of ball to target which I use on short putts.” David Blunsden “With the putter, it stays nicely on the face.” Ian Williams “Very good off the putter with a true roll. The sound off the putter face is excellent and gives the impression of a soft ball.” Kent Nicholson

CONVERTED TO Z-STAR? “The ball was as good as the ProV1 and it is difficult to tell the difference!” Gerald Smith “If I had to find an alternative to the Pro V1x then the Z-Star would be it.” Gary Owen “The Z-Star will be my ball of choice for the coming season without doubt. A fantastic new offering. A great-feeling ball

“Yes, excellent performance and more durable, better value than the competition. I will now be teeing this up on all but the windiest days.” David Blunsden “I have actually moved over to the Z-Star. It has actually been an eye-opener. I was someone who had always used Titleist since the balata days, so it has been a good learning curve. I must admit I was dubious of the ball when I took it out of the packet, as it seemed to feel firmer than a Pro V1, but after chipping with it – it came as quite a shock to find it spun well and felt good off the club. I guess it is a lot between the ears as to how you feel, but this was quite eye opening. An excellent ball.” Dave Morris

“A great ball. I have tried other balls to help my increasing years but have always gone back to the Pro V1 until now. I would be happy to stick with the Z-Star.” Willie Wilson “Great feeling ball on all clubs. Would happily put it in play but there isn’t enough difference between current ball to justify switching.” Matt Palmer “I really liked the Z Star and will definitely consider it as an alternative to the Pro V1. In the past I have never really considered any other ball but the Z Star is a real competitor. I felt it was better in the short game and in particular with putting. It opened my eyes to a viable alternative to my regular ball.” Ian O’Connor “As expected this is a great ball. I have been using Z-Stars for the past year and I will definitely not be moving away. I will be using a brand new one tomorrow in the medal without a doubt!” Barry Keenan “This new version of Z-Star is the best ball I have used. I had tried the previous Z-Star, but for me it did not perform as well as the Pro V1 in either feel, distance or durability, but this new one improves in every area.” Glenn Yuill

Kent Nicholson Club: West End Handicap: 6 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Dave Morris Club: Tenby Handicap: 2 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Willie Wilson Club: Shotts Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Clay Turvey Club: Atherstone Handicap: 2 Current ball: Srixon Z-Star XV Matt Palmer Club: Chest Handicap: 7 Current ball: Callaway HEX Chrome+ James McMurdo Club: Ballochmyle Handicap: 3 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1x Ian O’Connor Club: West Lancs Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Barry Keenan Club: Eastwood Handicap: 6 Current ball: Srixon Z-Star Glenn Yuill Club: Mitcham Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 | SEPTEMBER 2013 77


79 Golfer |TESTS... NATIONAL


WEDGES Our team have been busy trying out 15 of the best new models on the market...


TRAINING AIDS Does your game need a boost? One of these gadgets could be the answer…

GOLF121: PRO ADVICE TO YOUR PHONE Golf121 is a new cutting-edge mobile app that provides golfers with a personalised video lesson from a PGA professional direct to their smart phone. A player uses the app to send in a short film of their swing, and then they receive targeted feedback and personalised video analysis froml. With each lesson that is purchased, the player receives a set of practise drills and skills games to help aid their development. The app also gives players access to scorecards for 34,000 courses worldwide, and to a GPS enabled range finding device which assists on distance to target and other key reference points. The free app is available to download on iTunes.



NCG pp 74-75 Lasers 23/07/2013 12:34 Page 74



LASERS Give your game the accuracy you need to find the target more often



Very quick responses and incredibly clear graphics. The Tour Z6 is easy to use and picks up targets with ease even if they are a good 200 yards or more away.

Small, light and compact‚ so a great choice if you carry your bag and space (and weight) are at a premium. Plus Nikon are a name you can trust.


+ –

Hard to fault but in our experience these very small units can be slightly harder to hold in a steady fashion for easy zapping. SRP: £269.99

Some people find a larger laser, like Bushnell’s Pro 1M, easier to zap with because it’s more stable. SRP: £329

WHY THE PROFESSIONALS TRUST LASERS Dion Stevens produces yardage charts for use on the European Tour by players and caddies. He exclusively uses Nikon lasers How has your job changed since the advent of lasers? It’s certainly made things a lot easier for me. I used to use a trundle wheel and have to walk everything out. A laser allows me to take more measurements on each hole to give tour pros the most information possible and saves me hours. What proportion of tour pros use a laser in their practice rounds? I would say about 95 per cent are using lasers every week on tour. These guys are playing to such fine margins that it’s crucial to them to know the exact elevations on each hole and the only way to be sure of those numbers is to use a laser. What sets Nikon lasers apart from the competition? The big thing for me is the clarity, ease of use and the accuracy, especially on the slope readings. They are

74 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

also waterproof so I can stay out on the course working even in bad conditions. Do you believe lasers are superior to GPS devices and if so why? Definitely. Lasers give you an exact number, so they are far superior, there’s no downloads for courses or subscriptions and with a laser you take the reading yourself so there’s no doubting the number. What advice would you give to someone who has never previously used a laser and is worried about not being able to make it work? Nikon lasers have a First Target Priority mode so it’s pretty hard to not be able to pick up the flag. It operates with one click of a button and the 6x Zoom lense means you can see the flag easily even from over 300 yards.

What’s the best method of holding a laser so you can keep it steady and zap with ease? The beauty of the Nikon Coolshot is that you don’t need to be the steadiest hand. The eight-second scanning function allows you to pick up the flag with ease. What else can you do with a laser apart from measure your distance to the flag? To get the most out of your laser you want to be using it to calculate as much as possible. Use it to find out the carry of any hazards whether that’s bunkers or water. It makes club selection out on the course so much easier and can help eliminate mistakes. Tour pros will also use it to work out the fairway carries and run out areas when preparing for a tournament. Ultimately you want to know as much as possible about the different yardages you need to know to negotiate the hole to make the lowest score possible.

NCG pp 74-75 Lasers 23/07/2013 12:34 Page 75


NCG VERDICT ON LASERS The great thing about lasers is that they are all perfectly accurate. So it’s not like you’re ever likely to get a different reading from one to the next. And we can’t say one brand or model is that much more accurate than the next.

The unit vibrates when it finds the flag so you know that the target has been identified. To get a new Bushnell model for well under £300 is a result.

+ –

Experienced laser users probably don’t need the Jolt feature as they know when they have successfully zapped their target so they might be as well sticking with their current Bushnell for the time being. SRP: £279



Sensational value for a laser – well under £200 – which makes this category much more affordable than it used to be. Available in two colour options – black and white.

Maybe not quite as easy to zap with as the Bushnell and Nikon models – but like all lasers, you do get used to it pretty quickly. SRP: £179.99

The reason so many of us rust Bushnell and Nikon is because of their reputation – in what is a specialist sector you want a brand you can rely on. What matters most is that you can use your laser with confidence and ease, and we don’t think you’ll have any problems with the models featured here. No matter how good GPS devices are, and how whizzy the graphics, it is a fact that the pros (like Ian Poulter, above, who endorses Nikon) and better players generally still tend to lean towards laser devices. That’s because it gives them the one piece of information that counts the most – namely how far away the flag is.

THE ADVANTAGES OF USING A LASER We asked Andrew Grose, Bushnell’s managing director in the UK & Ireland, why their lasers are trusted by the best Which tour pros use Bushnell lasers in their practice rounds? More than 90 per cent of tour pros use Bushnell* including Lee Westwood and Rickie Fowler. *Official Data from Darrell What is it about the technology and design that sets Bushnell lasers apart? We pioneered the laser rangefinder for golf and we continue to develop breakthrough technologies like PinSeeker Technology, Vivid Display Technology, Extreme Speed Precision & Jolt Technology to name but four. The ergonomic designs of our lasers make them extremely comfortable to hold and combined with colour & attention to detail make them

aesthetically pleasing while our premium optics enhance vision. We continually receive praise for the look, feel, quality and, above all, accuracy of our lasers. Do you believe lasers are superior to GPS devices? In terms of accuracy to a specific target then, yes, 100 per cent they are superior. Our lasers are accurate to within +/-1 yard and our Tour Z6 features Extreme Speed Precision providing half-yard accuracy from five to 125 yards. They can be used anywhere on the course and also give the flexibility of being used on the practice range. Another benefit is that you actually see your target. Unlike GPS devices they

don’t rely on satellites. Lasers can be used right out of the box anywhere in the world. And one very important point to mention is that you don’t see tour pros using GPS devices. What advice would you give to someone who has never previously used a laser? Relax! It’s a very simple measuring device to use. Distance at the press of a button and you can rely on our PinSeeker Technology to isolate your target, shutting out background objects such as trees. You can also fine tune the diopter setting, similar to focusing a binocular to ensure the best vision.

What’s the best method of holding a laser so you can keep it steady and zap with ease? We have two configurations, horizontal (Pro 1M) which you hold with both hands or vertical which can be used with one or both hands. Hold it at a comfortable distance from the eye so you can see the full read out and don’t squint while looking through it. What else can you do with a laser apart from measure distance to the flag? You can use it to measure any distance out on the course, for example to carry the water, lip of a bunker, how far to the trees on the dogleg etc. There are no limits. | SEPTEMBER 2013 75

NCG pp 76-77 Srixon Feature 22/07/2013 10:25 Page 76

The Z-Star revolution

SRIXON Z -STAR AN D Z-STAR XV SRP: £48 per dozen Colours: P ure White, Tour Yellow Learn more : .uk

FEEL “It feels great with the driver and putter, but really excels when chipping – it might sound strange, but the ball is both light and solid at the same time. I have already switched from the Pro V1 and bought another dozen of these balls.” Glenn Yuill “Lovely soft feel with good spin control.” Mark Caldwell “Very responsive around the greens. The Z-Star landed nice and soft and did not spin too much on landing. Good consistency and flight from 100-120 yards.” Justin Quint “I prefer the feel of current Z-Star, which is my second ball and often used in the winter. It’s not bad but feels too hard to me.” Ian Williams “Good feel off this new ball, less of a ‘click’ off the putter and softer chips than with the old Z-Star ball. Very nice round the greens, however the ball doesn’t check in quite the same way as the V1.” Kent Nicholson “When holding the Srixon you’d think it would be harder/firmer, but around the greens I found it great; plenty of check spin and lots of feedback.” Dave Morris

“Lovely soft feel and sound. Lovely feel when chipping. Confident to hit crisply and get stop.” Willie Wilson “Feels harder than last version, but didn’t feel like you were gaining anything from this firmness. When chipping/pitching, it’s firmer off the face with less spin. If anything, took an extra hop before stopping.” Clay Turvey “I really liked the characteristics of Z-Star for the short game. Nice solid feel and consistent spin. I didn’t think the spin rate was as high as the Pro V1 but it felt more consistent to me. With wedges it would stop pretty quickly but with just the right amount of run out. The Pro V1 spins more for me but is difficult to get it to travel a consistent distance.” Ian O’Connor

DISTANCE “Exceptional – it increased my driving distance by 10 to 15 yards.” Geoff Miller “Didn’t lose out at all when comparing to the Bridgestone I have been using or the Pro V1s used in the past. Good carry and control.” Justin Quint “There was no loss of distance against the Pro V1x. It had a slightly higher

76 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

launch, so in windier conditions I lost a little. I was able to shape the ball if required and was up there on distance with the other leading brands.” Gary Owen “Very good. I gained a few extra yards on all well-struck shots.” Mark Caldwell

“Driver distance is good. Slightly better than the Pro V1. Carry was about the same but the Z Star seemed to run fractionally further, giving a slight overall gain in distance. The strange thing was it seemed to fly a little higher than the Pro V1 too.” Ian O’Connor

PUTTING “The ball flies straight with no lack of distance.” William Dyker “Distance was comparable with other top of range balls. It tends to fly higher on average, but holds its line well.” David Blunsden “Distance was good, comfortably on a par with the Pro V1.” Dave Morris “This ball is as long for me as anything else on the market – with the driver, you get a solid feel and a satisfying sound.” Clay Turvey “Distance was good, about the same as current ball. It seems to fly slightly higher but great carry and no loss of distance.” Willie Wilson “In terms of distance, slightly longer than the Pro V1x.” James McMurdo

“It may sound simple but it was easy to line up on the green for putting as well due to the markings printed on the ball.” Gary Owen “Buttery soft using my Scotty Cameron putter.” Mark Caldwell “I did not like it on the putter, it felt too soft and I was often short of the hole.” William Dyker “Feels soft off putter face, design allows lining up of ball to target which I use on short putts.” David Blunsden “With the putter, it stays nicely on the face.” Ian Williams “Very good off the putter with a true roll. The sound off the putter face is excellent and gives the impression of a soft ball.” Kent Nicholson

NCG pp 76-77 Srixon Feature 22/07/2013 10:26 Page 77

We sent a box of premium Srixon balls to a selection of low-handicap readers. This is what they thought of them...

THE TESTERS Geoff Miller Club: Kedleston Park Handicap: 10 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Gary Owen Club: City of Newcastle Handicap: 5 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1x Gerald Smith Club: Hawkstone Park Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist ProV1 Mark Caldwell Club: Wharton Park Handicap: 6 Justin Quint Club: Ulverston Handicap: 6 Current ball: Bridgestone Tour B-330S David Blunsden Club: West Lancs Handicap: 4 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1x Ian Williams Club: Walmley Handicap: 9 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 or Srixon Z-Star Ian Perkins Club: Mendip Handicap: 3 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1

“I liked the feel off the putter. Consistency and distance control was better than the Pro V1. I holed more putts with it as a result. Great!” Ian O’Connor

with nice flight and super feel on all shots. I would recommend anyone to try this ball regardless of handicap. Mark Caldwell


“I would use it again. A real nice ball and I could not really find fault with it. Very good control and trajectory with both irons and driver, which gave me good consistency with most shots. I haven’t got a bad word to say about this ball as it performed really well, especially in blustery conditions.” Justin Quint

“A slightly firmer feel than what I am used to, but it still had the right level of desired spin for control. A good thing to point out is that it didn’t cut up during the round. Very durable.” Gary Owen “I played 36 holes with one and it still looks almost new. Best durabilty I’ve seen from a ball and stays nice and white.” Barry Keenan “I was most impressed as the ball is very similar to the Titleist and seems to remain whiter for longer.” Ian Perkins

CONVERTED TO Z-STAR? “The ball was as good as the ProV1 and it is difficult to tell the difference!” Gerald Smith “If I had to find an alternative to the Pro V1x then the Z-Star would be it.” Gary Owen “The Z-Star will be my ball of choice for the coming season without doubt. A fantastic new offering. A great-feeling ball

“Yes, excellent performance and more durable, better value than the competition. I will now be teeing this up on all but the windiest days.” David Blunsden “I have actually moved over to the Z-Star. It has actually been an eye-opener. I was someone who had always used Titleist since the balata days, so it has been a good learning curve. I must admit I was dubious of the ball when I took it out of the packet, as it seemed to feel firmer than a Pro V1, but after chipping with it – it came as quite a shock to find it spun well and felt good off the club. I guess it is a lot between the ears as to how you feel, but this was quite eye opening. An excellent ball.” Dave Morris

“A great ball. I have tried other balls to help my increasing years but have always gone back to the Pro V1 until now. I would be happy to stick with the Z-Star.” Willie Wilson “Great feeling ball on all clubs. Would happily put it in play but there isn’t enough difference between current ball to justify switching.” Matt Palmer “I really liked the Z Star and will definitely consider it as an alternative to the Pro V1. In the past I have never really considered any other ball but the Z Star is a real competitor. I felt it was better in the short game and in particular with putting. It opened my eyes to a viable alternative to my regular ball.” Ian O’Connor “As expected this is a great ball. I have been using Z-Stars for the past year and I will definitely not be moving away. I will be using a brand new one tomorrow in the medal without a doubt!” Barry Keenan “This new version of Z-Star is the best ball I have used. I had tried the previous Z-Star, but for me it did not perform as well as the Pro V1 in either feel, distance or durability, but this new one improves in every area.” Glenn Yuill

Kent Nicholson Club: West End Handicap: 6 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Dave Morris Club: Tenby Handicap: 2 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Willie Wilson Club: Shotts Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Clay Turvey Club: Atherstone Handicap: 2 Current ball: Srixon Z-Star XV Matt Palmer Club: Chest Handicap: 7 Current ball: Callaway HEX Chrome+ James McMurdo Club: Ballochmyle Handicap: 3 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1x Ian O’Connor Club: West Lancs Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 Barry Keenan Club: Eastwood Handicap: 6 Current ball: Srixon Z-Star Glenn Yuill Club: Mitcham Handicap: 7 Current ball: Titleist Pro V1 | SEPTEMBER 2013 77

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NCG pp 79-81 Wedges Test Intro 22/07/2013 16:09 Page 79



WEDGES Our team have been busy trying out 15 of the best new models on the market...

NCG pp 79-81 Wedges Test Intro 22/07/2013 16:10 Page 80


Splash out Bunker performance was key


JAMES WHITAKER Moor Allerton head pro Uses: Nike VR Forged (50, 56 & 62˚) He says: For me, it’s all about control. I want to be able to rely on a club to deliver consistent distance and spin so I can attack pins.


DAN MURPHY Handicap: 3 Uses: Ping Tour Gorge (52, 56 & 60˚) He says: Half shots are a weakness so carrying four wedges helps me. I aspire to competence rather than brilliance with my wedges so finesse is not my primary concern.

Full swings Dan gives the strong lofts a hit

GOOD WITH THE LOB WEDGE Handicap: 7 Uses: Mizuno MP-R (2009) (52 & 58˚) He says: Although I understand bounce is your friend, I like to see as little of it as possible. I feel that when the leading edge is flush to the floor, it is all on me and if I make a proper swing everything will go to plan. STEADY MID-HANDICAPPER

PETE CHIPPINDALE Handicap: 12 Uses: Snake Eyes 685BX (50, 56 & 60˚) He says: I need to be comfortable with a wedge so I can be confident and aggressive. Spin is a big plus point for me as it improves control. I’ve used these wedges for years now because they give me all that.


MICHAEL VRSKA WILSON STAFF Michael Vrska is the global director of golf R&D for Wilson Staff. He is based in Chicago, Illinois.

THE NCG PROMISE We pride ourselves on offering unbiased, independent reviews

Photography by Joe Whitley





METHODOLOGY AND AIMS Our aim was to identify a selection of wedges that we could recommend with maximum confidence to the club golfer. We invited all the top manufacturers to send in 52˚, 56˚ and 60˚ wedges and offered them the opportunity of providing specifications to suit our testers. We hit them out of bunkers; from tight lies; from the long grass and off fairways. We hit chip shots, flop shots, pitch shots, bump-and-runs and everything in between. Most important was how each wedge felt to the individual player. No matter who the manufacturer is, the most important thing is how a wedge performs. Key factors included: • Sound and feel • Consistency • Looks • Playability • Head shape • Shelf appeal • Flight

Do you believe forged wedges are inherently superior to cast? Michael Vrska: No, not necessarily. Most of the popular wedges in the game today, including most of those played on Tour, are cast. If we get the centre of gravity right, if we get the topline and the thickness in key areas right, the wedge will feel great – be it cast or forged.

How do wedges today compare to a classic Wilson sand wedge from, say, 50 years ago? Michael Vrska: We are very proud of the great Wilson Staff heritage – the fact that we have won more Majors than any other brand – and there are certainly old school design and shaping elements that we want to keep. But technology has changed significantly in 50 years and it is critical that we stay in front of the technology and performance curves. As one example, there was no such thing as box or square grooves half a century ago. The FG Tour TC Wedges have our heritage built in, but more importantly, they have the latest technology that will help you play better golf today. We are proud of our history, but our R&D team is always looking forward.

80 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

Does the modern ball react differently off the face? Michael Vrska: Absolutely. In fact, you don’t need to go back that far, maybe 10 or 15 years, to see that the ball has changed in a meaningful way. It has really affected how clubs are designed. The big difference is in spin and creating wedges that can spin for all shots, not just full swings, which is why our Traction Control technology is so important.

NCG pp 79-81 Wedges Test Intro 22/07/2013 16:10 Page 81


Just rough Testing from the longer grass

THE BOUNCE EFFECT What's the biggest misconception about wedges? Michael Vrska: That is easy: bounce. Most amateur players don’t understand exactly what it is or what it does or how to use it to better their game. I think there is a stereotype that all good players use low bounce and all higher handicap players need high bounce, which just isn’t true. Even on tour there are players who use low bounce, medium bounce and high bounce wedges. It is really player dependent, with course conditions also a factor. For many amateur players, bounce is absolutely their friend. It prevents the sole digging into the ground. Bounce helps in long grass, in sand and, when used properly, around the greens as well. You will hear pros talk about “using the bounce” on chip and pitch shots a lot.



Tight lies Chipping on short grass off the green

WILSON STAFF’S NEW FG TOUR TC WEDGES What will set the new wedges apart from what is currently on the market? Michael Vrska: The main improvements are spin, especially on partial shots, along with the ability for players to get wedges that truly fit their swing and the courses they play. The FG Tour TC Wedges incorporate Tour-proven world class technology and players will see that from the first shot.

WEDGE COMBOS How many wedges do you recommend for an average club player and which lofts? Michael Vrska: Most players should be playing four wedges. A PW, that usually comes with their set, a GW, which comes standard (at least in the US) in more and more sets these days and most players should be considering adding a SW and a LW. Having said that, what is most critical is having consistent distance gaps between the wedges on full swings and being able to hit all of the shots around the green. Some players will benefit from more loft in their lob wedge. If their swing is more shallow, some call it a ‘sweep type’ swing, they typically can handle a wedge with more loft. Also, if a player’s home course forces a lot of short pitches around the green or over bunkers, the additional loft will help them.




NCG pp 82 Wedges Test 22/07/2013 16:12 Page 82




SRP: £99

SRP: £150

SRP: £79.99

JoW: I’d love to see this head with a silver shaft and a normal grip. I really like the narrower bottom groove, which works like an alignment aid. JaW: It felt very light. I think Cobra are trying to do too much with the looks. DM: There’s quite a lot going on at address and I found it a bit distracting. The lob wedge delivered the best results for me. PC: I am a huge fan of Cobra but I didn’t fall in love with these. They went a bit too far for me.

JoW: A lovely shape and feel but I don’t see any performance benefit over the Tour Gorges. PC: This wasn’t for me, the shape didn’t suit my eye for some reason. JaW: Nice looking head, I just struggle to justify spending the money when the Tour Gorge is as strong as it is. DM: Very sophisticated head shapes and looks. But Ping’s forged wedges are expensive.




SRP: £59.99

SRP: £59.99

SRP: £119

JaW: A little bit hot off the face and slightly offset. The shape is good though - an excellent budget club. PC: They’re definitely on the large side but they feel good and are easy to hit. Brilliant for a high handicapper. JoW: I found these to be very forgiving and they gave me so much confidence. I couldn’t help feeling that one or two delicate shots came out quite fast, though. DM: I really liked the gap wedge but found the lob wedge less appealing.

JoW: Quite large in the head but I liked that. It spins and is extremely easy to hit. DM: I like this as a mid-range, easy-to-use wedge. The looks and colours are on the bright side but the head shape and performance are deadly serious. JaW: The head doesn’t look bad at all. It felt a tiny bit tinny off the face but was still pretty good. PC: Slightly big for my liking, the sole especially. Heavy, too, but good results.

PC: The grooves really work! JoW: The sole grind does seem to help with versatility and the grooves really cut into the ball to grab it. DM: On the shelf, I love the look of these – they really are classics. At address, the head shapes are not my favourites, though, despite them being the choice of tour pros for decades. It is obviously just me!

82 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

DM: Impressive. I like the shapes a lot and the shiny, dark finish is certainly distinctive. JoW: These come with a classy black finish on both the shaft and the head, which I love the look of. Very versatile, too. PC: I like how this looks and the flight was excellent. One of my favourites. JaW: Performed very well for me. A bit too much going on for my liking in terms of the finish.

B R I TA I N ’ S N O . 1 D I S C O U N T G O L F S P E C I A L I S T







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READING Superstore ROMFORD Driving Range SANDOWN PARK Driving Range SOLIHULL Driving Range TEESSIDE Driving Range WALSALL Driving Range WIRRAL Driving Range

01189 871 318 0208 599 0298 01372 468 093 01564 826 276 01642 765 000 01922 613 675 0151 677 6606

NCG pp 84 Wedges Test 23/07/2013 13:56 Page 84





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SRP: £109

SRP: £49.99

SRP: £99

DM: I really liked these. You get the reassurance of the cavity backs but at address I couldn’t tell the difference between these and the regular RTXs. Brilliant wedges for a wide range of abilities. PC: Nice feel and spin and I felt like I got away with a couple of mis-hits. JaW: Very forgiving – there’s definitely a market for these. JoW: I agree that you didn’t lose anything with these in terms of finesse, even though they are slightly larger.

JaW: These were good. A different look, but on the shelf they are very strong. A nice head shape and feel. DM: A welcome return to form – this was close to getting a medal vote for me. Very nice head shape and the black finish works well. JoW: A lovely shape and the feel is good. For the price, you can’t go wrong. PC: I thought this was on the large side but couldn’t argue with the results it produced.

PC: They look and feel very good. I’m impressed. JaW: The grooves look very aggressive. They feel quite heavy. They sit nicely and I felt I could play a variety of shots. DM: Very soft and they feel like they are generating loads of spin, which does a lot for your confidence. The heads are heavy. JoW: They seem to be very versatile, as you’d expect. I like the feel of the grooves as it really allows you to get aggressive.







SRP: £100

SRP: £99

SRP: £102

JaW: A really good wedge – the head shape is superb. It looks very simple and clean. DM: So pretty, whether in Black Nickel or the more durable White Satin. Mizuno really do make the classiest-looking wedges. I thought the feel was a touch ‘clicky’, but that’s probably my ball-striking. JoW: Great spin and feel but the shape isn’t for me. I prefer Mizuno’s R range for looks. PC: Exceptional feel and looks. I can’t help thinking they’re not the most forgiving though.

PC: One of my favourites. They look amazing, feel good, and spin really well. JaW: A nice-looking, traditional head. Not the most eye-catching on the down side. JoW: Not the best for me lookswise but the rounded sole certainly seems to let you open the face up easily. DM: Slightly oval and eggshaped – feel off the face is nice though. Others think the head is perfect so that’s obviously just me.

DM: Overwhelmingly the most popular wedges on tour, and never far from the prizes on any wedge test. On the shelf, I love the Oil Can finish. When hitting shots, the Tour Chrome is the classiest. JaW: As strong as ever. They look solid and offer good spin. JoW: Impossible to fault performance-wise. The sound and consistent speed off the club face is brilliant. PC: In the Oil Can finish these look amazing. I think I prefer the Satin at address though.


01925 791790 84 SEPTEMBER 2013 |


NCG pp 85 Wedges Test Medals 23/07/2013 13:54 Page 85





SRP: £79

JaW: Fantastic head shape and felt great. Very classy and traditional. The leading edge and hosel area looks very good. So does the toe. The grooves make you think you’ll spin it a lot. Nice bounce selection, too. DM: Just sensationally good head shapes – better than anything else we tested in my view. Lots of bounce options as well, which shows they are serious about this category and want to appeal to the serious (and probably also better) player. The clearest evidence yet that Wilson Staff are on their way to returning as a top-class brand in golf. Welcome back. JoW: I fell in love with these. I’ve never seen a lob wedge that looked this good and the performance backs it up. The spin was decent and the feel good. PC: Good looks and good results. Hard to say anything bad about these.



JoW: The best Ping wedges I’ve ever used. They remind me a bit of the old Tour-W model and sit behind the ball really nicely. PC: This was decent but nothing spectacular for me. I have never really got on with Ping wedges. JaW: I really like these. The head shape is great, the leading edge is good. Lots of control and a solid strike. Good for a variety of golfers thanks to the decent forgiveness. DM: Very hard to say anything bad about these. They look really good but at the same time are playable. The ideal combination. Go back a few years and Ping simply didn’t make wedges that looked this classy. These are wedges that you can rely on – sleek enough to satisfy the better player yet not intimidating. I don’t think you can go wrong with these.





PC: I loved the spin and looks at address but the sole seemed slightly wide to my eye. JoW: One of the best shapes on test for me. There are lots of grooves, which is slightly odd initially, but you quickly get used to it. DM: I personally prefer the chrome finish. The groove pattern takes a little getting used to. The head shape is excellent. If anyone is still in doubt about the craftmanship of Nike clubs then take a look at these – they are proper wedges. JaW: I use these and I like the new finish, it’s very smart. The head shape and leading edge look good. Very solid.




THE NEW FACE OF SPIN Cleveland Golf, the leaders in wedge innovation, introduce the new 588 RTX Rotex Wedges: 16% larger grooves for increased contact and friction at impact Enhanced laser-milling for improved durability and surface roughness Unique directionally-optimized Rotex face pattern for maximum spin •

588 RTX Blade

588 RTX CB Cavity Back

Trade in any old wedge for any brand new 588 Wedge and get

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A maximum of three wedges can be traded in saving you £75 off three new 588 Wedges

Offer closes 30/09/13 – for terms and conditions, go to *Available in participating stores only.

NCG pp 87 Wedges WWL 22/07/2013 16:20 Page 87




WHAT WE LEARNED PGA pro James Whitaker offers some advice on wedges

@ Moor Allerton Golf Club, Leeds

For the best in


52˚ WEDGES ARE A DEAD ANIMAL Most current iron sets – especially towards the game-improvement end – have pitching wedges with much stronger lofts than you’d expect. The average wedge used to be around 48˚, which gave a great gap with the 52˚. However, some sets on the market right now have wedges with 45˚ and less. My advice is to invest in a 50˚ – it gives a much better gap and will help with your consistency. NOT A BAD WEDGE IN THE BUNCH Usually when we do group tests there is at least one club that fails to win over at least one tester. Not one wedge in our test received unanimous negativity – in fact only a few had any bad comments at all. What this tells us is that with wedges being so personal, every one will appeal to someone. LONGER HITTERS CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MORE WEDGES The main reason most people are recommended to carry just two

specialist wedges (usually 52˚ & 58˚) is so they can add in another club at the top end of the set – another hybrid or a longer iron to give them more options in their long game. If you are a long hitter, though, think about adding in an extra wedge instead of that long iron. As Phil Mickelson proves, the extra options are invaluable. SORT OUT YOUR GAPS In the average iron set, the gap in loft between clubs is usually around 4˚. Most club players I see, do not continue this into their wedges. Tighten up the gaps in your wedges to no more than 5˚ and watch your distance control improve. NEVER HIT A WEDGE AT FULL TILT I see this a lot of with players at my club and it is usually down to having gaps that are too big in the wedges. Hitting a wedge at full pelt is not conducive to getting consistent distances so aim to swing no more than 90 per cent.

IRON SET PITCHING WEDGES GO MUCH FURTHER Pitching wedges from iron sets are stronger in loft than they used to be and they therefore go a lot further. But loft isn’t the only reason – if you were to get a cavity-back pitching wedge and a specialist wedge, both with the same loft, length and shaft, you would see a considerable difference in ball speed and spin. I conducted a test on TrackMan and it was clear that the iron-set wedges imparted less spin and more speed. FLAIR FINISHES LOOK BETTER ON SHELF THAN BEHIND BALL Everyone in our test team loved how the exotic finishes looked on the shelf – the oil can and black nickel varieties in particular. However, at address it was a different story. Almost exclusively, classic satin or chrome was judged to look considerably better next to the ball. Think about this before buying what looks good.

We use Trackman for the ultimate in accuracy Authorised fitting centre for

0113 266 5209 QUOTE ‘NCG’ for a free fitting | SEPTEMBER 2013 87


“The SwingSmart truly is a game changer” ~ Peter Kostis..

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Get INSTANT feedback on your iPad, iPhone or Android device for every swing! See four critical statistics – Tempo, Attack Angle, Swing Speed and Face Angle – and a unique 3-D view that shows the path of your golf swing from any angle.

Save your “Best” swing and COMPARE stats to any other swing to learn what’s different and how you can improve. Even e-mail your swing to an instructor for additional feedback!



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20/03/2013 09:44

NCG pp 89 Fashion 22/07/2013 10:27 Page 89



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Tyrant Fototec ATG Lens £69.99 | SEPTEMBER 2013 89

NCG pp 91 Fitting Centres 23/07/2013 12:46 Page 91




Location: Hampshire

Location: West Yorkshire

Location: East Sussex

- Fully equipped FlightScope fitting centre. - Custom fittings are conducted by club professional Steven Hunter and his team using the outdoor driving range facility. - Allows a player to find out their ‘club DNA’ - We don’t sell a set of clubs without our customer going through a full custom fitting session. - Our fitters will fit a set of clubs which suits your own swing. - We stock Callaway, Mizuno, Ping, Titleist and Wilson. 01962 852462 •

J Whitaker Golf deal with all the major suppliers including Nike, TaylorMade, Titleist, Ping, Callaway, Mizuno and Bridgestone, and provides an unbiased fitting without brand loyalties. We have access to specialised shafts to suit every swing, strength and ability. Customers benefit from access to indoor and outdoor facilities. Your shots with all test clubs will be analysed with the top of the range TrackMan radar system, so you can have confidence that you will receive the ultimate fitting experience. • 01132665209

Home to two swing studios equipped with FlightScope X2 launch monitors and a team of six PGA Club fitting experts, Mid Sussex always ensures that you get a first class fitting experience. They stock all the most popular brands, including Callaway, TaylorMade, Titleist, Ping, Mizuno, Yonex, Cleveland and PGA. They are also one of only three Scotty Cameron Putter fitting centres in the UK. During August and September 2013 fitting is free with a purchase - quote code MSNGC1 to receive a £30 refund on your fitting. 01273 846 567 •

CELTIC MANOR GOLF CLUB Location: South Wales Home to the Titleist National Fitting Centre and TaylorMade Performance Centre in Wales. We have two fantastic new additions - both Ping and Nike are now on board in our brand new custom fitting suite. Optimise your launch angle, swing speed, and spin rate using our TrackMan Pro Launch Monitor or FlightScope and Ping's very own N-flight technology. Experience the SAM Putting Lab for the ultimate in putter fitting. Free custom fitting by a trained and accredited PGA fitting team, terms and conditions apply. 01633 410 312 •

TRUE FIT GOLF CENTRE Location: Warrington - Experience the fitters’ knowledge with the most accurate launch monitor available. - Flightscope fittings on a 22-bay driving range with private custom fitting area. - Fittings only £25 per session. - Free range balls on the day of your fitting. - Reshafts, re-gripping and loft and lie adjustments while you wait. - Free round of golf after your Flightscope fitting. - All major suppliers catered for, including TaylorMade, Ping, Callaway, Mizuno, Titleist & Yonex. 01925 791 790 •


FITTING CENTRES To get the most from your gear, you need a proper fitting. Here are 8 top options from across the land...

When it comes to custom fitting, many of us are in the dark. Indeed, many average players think they are not good enough for a shaft change to make any difference. The opposite is most definitely true, and by visiting one of these fantastic facilities you will be investing in a set that will revolutionise your game. MIA Sports Technology are one of the leaders of innovation when it comes to the technology behind both instructional and club fitting computers. The company design, develop and install state of the art golf teaching and club fitting solutions across the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Australasia. Their mission is to bring state of the art facilities to golfers, whatever their level, creating the opportunity for them to experience technology that

historically has been only available to the world’s leading Tour professionals. Whether its club fitting, video coaching or putting analysis the technology available from leading brands FlightScope, V1 Pro, the number 1 video analysis software in golf, or Science and Motion Sports, ensure customers can enjoy and benefit from the most advanced technology available in the world today.




Location: North London

Location: Bromsgrove Golf Centre

Birthplace of the Open Championship

This great facility is equipped with the latest FlightScope X2 launch monitor and Gasp video teaching analysis, meaning no matter what you need - a lesson or some new clubs - they are expertly positioned to offer you the best package. They stock all the top brands, including Callaway, Ping and Titleist, and analyse all parts of your swing - club head speed, flight, spin and launch angle - to improve everything they can. Get in touch with Robin Turner using the below contact details to book. 02083 405 467

- FlightScope technology for precise club fitting. Optimise ball flight from driver to wedge. - Dedicated fitting suite, hitting out onto a range. - Highly experienced custom fit specialists Gary Stafford and Tony Coghlan are both authorised fitters for Taylormade, Ping, Mizuno, Titleist, Cobra, Wilson, Nike and Cleveland. - Honest advice, professional service and competitive prices guaranteed. - Here at Midlands Golf we are genuinely interested in your improvement. 01527 575885 •

Location: Prestwick, Scotland Club Professional David Fleming provides on-course or practice-area custom fitting with the latest FlightScope X2 equipment and V1 coaching. Along with his PGA Professionals, David will analyse every aspect of your game to select the best equipment for you at competitive prices. We fit the latest clubs from the leading manufacturers, including TaylorMade, Ping and Titleist. Ideally located on the west coast of Scotland, fitting appointments are available every day bookable in advance. 01292 479 483 • | SEPTEMBER 2013 91

Golf 121 19/07/2013 13:29 Page 1

NCG pp 93-95 Training Aids 23/07/2013 13:57 Page 93

TRAINING AIDS Does your game need a boost? One of these gadgets could be the answer‌

GOLF121: PRO ADVICE TO YOUR PHONE Golf121 is a new cutting-edge mobile app that provides golfers with a personalised video lesson from a PGA professional direct to their smart phone. A player uses the app to send in a short film of their swing, and then they receive targeted feedback and personalised video analysis froml. With each lesson that is purchased, the player receives a set of practise drills and skills games to help aid their development. The app also gives players access to scorecards for 34,000 courses worldwide, and to a GPS enabled range finding device which assists on distance to target and other key reference points. The free app is available to download on iTunes.

NCG pp 93-95 Training Aids 23/07/2013 13:57 Page 94

T-STROKE PUTTING: USED BY THE PROS The T-Stroke putting aid was designed by European Tour putting coach Andy Gorman and is endorsed by 2012 HSBC Abu Dhabi Champion Robert Rock and two-time Solheim Cup captain Alison Nicholas.

GROOVEFIX: RIGHT ANGLE PUTTING AID The Right Angle putting aid from GrooveFix allows for precision putting accuracy, helping players to create perfect alignment for a more consistent putting stroke.

The device attaches to the top of the putter and rests on the forearms, ensuring that the forearms and shoulders are aligned with the target line. The aid allows for the clubface to stay squarer during the putting stroke.

The first step is to use the LineFix 360 to draw an accurate line around the equator of the ball. Then place the Right Angle putting aid on the practice green. Balance the ball in the locator and align the line on the ball with the line on the device. The ball is then perfectly aligned for your putt.



SwingSmart provides instant and detailed feedback on four key components of your golf swing - tempo, swing speed, face angle and the angle of attack.

PlaneSWING is the True Swing Plane Trainer, designed to give you an instant feel for the perfect golf swing and to create a repetitive motion for swinging a golf club.

The small bluetooth enabled sensor clips onto the underside of the club’s shaft, and instantly transmits key information about your golf swing to the free SwingSmart app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device. The data is also available to send to any instructor who has the app downloaded.

The multi-adjustable steel hoop allows players to train a correct swing into their muscle patterning, also aiding in the development of the muscles used when playing golf. The hoop is set to an individual’s ideal swing plan, and using various other aids that fit the product, a correct swing is achievable.

94 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp 93-95 Training Aids 23/07/2013 13:57 Page 95




The iPing putting app is a free, wireless putting improvement and fitting tool that helps improve consistency and establish your putting handicap.

This training aid helps to develop the consistency of your golf swing by accelerating neuromuscular development for those muscles used through the swing.

SkyPro is the new product from SkyGolf, who produce trusted rangefinder SkyCaddie. It allows players to gain detailed insight into their swing patterns.

The app works in conjunction with a Ping cradle, which attached onto the shaft of the putter. It analyzes and displays your consistency using three criteria: stroke type, impact angle and tempo. The app also matches a player with appropriate Ping putters based on the data.

The product consists of a belt which has leg harnesses attached. A resistance band attaches to the belt and the player’s wrist, allowing for a mechanically repetitive swing pattern to be created. The MySp is small, lightweight and a cost effective solution to swing problems.

The device is around the size of a USB stick and weighs less than 30g. It attaches to the shaft of any golf club and syncs information to the SkyPro app which can be installed on mobile phones. Thousands of critical data points about your swing become available for analysis.




This aid is endorsed by three time major champion Padraig Harrington and is designed to help you develop a connected golf swing which in turn will improve ball striking.

Most club golfers have ball striking problems which stem from the position of the hands and body at the point where the club makes contact with the ball.

This miniature club head attached to a full shaft provides an excellent way for players to practise hitting the ball from the sweet spot more consistently.

Both arms go through the single sleeve on the shirt, which is designed to leave the correct amount of width between the two. By swinging the club with both arms through the single sleeve, correct shoulder rotation and consistency is improved.

This simple tool is designed to correct impact issues and keep your hands and body in position through the swing. The impact ball is placed between the arms through the swing, preventing movement of the wrists and keeping your weight on the front side of your body.

The design draws on inspiration from other sports such as cricket and baseball, where professionals practise with smaller, narrower bats. By increasing the difficulty of hitting the ball with the smaller club, it becomes easier to find the sweet spot when full clubs are used. | SEPTEMBER 2013 95

NCG pp 96-98 Equipment Directory Ads 23/07/2013 12:08 Page 96


Universal Sky Pictures Ltd Microdrone Aerial & Specialist Photography Attract vital new business with TEE-TO-GREEN ‘ Drone’ helicopter photography! Qualified & award winning photographers produce a video for your website that will showcase your principle fairways with ‘ fly through’ videography and more Full day’ s Photography of your site with both ground and aerial photographs and video. Under £1000 complete. To see samples Visit (Golf Club Photography page)

Nationwide service. Call John Hollidge 07890 448 805 for more info


NCG pp 96-98 Equipment Directory Ads 23/07/2013 12:08 Page 97


Shown with optional arm rests The TRIO Golf Cart and the Eventer help you enjoy a full 18 holes of golf a day. Sit back and relax in the sprung seat, as you drive between holes, conserving your energy for when you really need it - playing your shot. Forward and reverse gears give manoeuvrability. TRIO is stable, virtually maintenance free, and assembled in under two minutes. So, if you need that extra help, and are interested in extending the enjoyment of your golfing life, phone us today!


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Tel: 01932 570016/Fax: 01932 570084 | SEPTEMBER 2013 97

NCG pp 96-98 Equipment Directory Ads 23/07/2013 12:08 Page 98


Golfer CLUB




@NCGmagazine Putting and Short Game Specialist Andy Gorman, a PGA Professional since 1990, and Putting and Short Game Specialist for nearly a decade can provide you with the TRUE answers for your putting and short game woes. Andy has designed the T-Stroke – Putting Training System, a training aid that assists players to perfect their putting skills by practising their set-up and putting stroke perfectly! T-Stroke is used by all of Andy’s clients and endorsed by 2012 Abu Dhabi HSBC Champion Robert Rock and 2011 Solheim Cup Captain & 1997 US Open Champion Alison Nicholas.

PAST & PRESENT TOUR PLAYERS: European Tour Rob Rock | Steve Webster | Peter Lawrie | Steven O’Hara Ladies European Tour Charley Hull | Alison Nicholas | Felicity Johnson

For more information call 0845 370 0422

98 SEPTEMBER 2013 |



NCG pp 99 Instruction Lead 22/07/2013 16:47 Page 99

Instruction section in association with

The UK’s Largest Golf Retail Group

YOUR GAME Hit it further and straighter | Hole more putts | Sharpen your short game | Golf psychology | Fitness tips

BETTER BALL STRIKING... IN AN INSTANT I have many players come to see me who really struggle with consistency in striking the ball and also the direction that they start the ball. A common cause of this is the position that they get the club at the top of the backswing. The following drill will help you to set the club in a good position and allow you to start the downswing on the correct plane. It also encourages a better takeaway position and prevents you from being under plane on the backswing.

QUICK TIP When performing the drill we place a club or alignment stick pointing out at 45˚ and try to set the club halfway back in a direct line over the club on the ground. Then complete the turn of the shoulders in order to get the club in position at the top. Repeat this four or five times before introducing a ball in order to train the muscles to make this new move. Then hit the shot.

James Whitaker is head pro at Moor Allerton. 0113 266 5209






How to tackle the downhill bunker shot with confidence HESE awkward lies in bunkers cause golfers of all abilities to stress out – but this doesn’t have to be the case.


The resilience muscle – how does yours measure up?

With a few simple rules of thumb on setting yourself before taking the club away, you can be well on your way to executing perfect shots in no time. Set your body perpendicular to that of the slope to ensure that your swing follows the angle of the slope and not fight against it.



FOCUS ON A SPOT A great way to focus on your desired landing spot and not ‘over focus’ on your technique is

to practise landing a ball on a towel placed on the putting surface.

FOCUS ON FLIGHT You should focus on the flight element (the bit you control) and not the overall outcome of

the shot, trusting the chosen club will do its job of getting the ball nestled up to the flag.

How to focus on the controllable

strike down on the ball. And keep the club moving – mirroring the takeaway with the length of your through swing. LOW AND RUNNING

The ball flight will be greatly affected due to the angle of the slope. On a downhill lie the ball flight will be lower with less spin

Shot on location at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club

100 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NE of the keys to unlock a great short game is a good understanding of what you want to achieve in terms of flight and roll. As a basic rule of thumb, try to land the ball two yards onto the putting surface and the club you choose will dictate the overall roll out. A rough guide: SW is 75% flight, 25% roll; 9-iron is 50% flight, 50% roll; 7-iron is 25%flight, 75% roll.


and therefore will increase the distance that it runs out. Complete your followthrough with full commitment to the shot.

Guy Wills is head professional at Fulford in York. He is one of over 1,000 Foremost pros from all over the UK to give tuition. For more | SEPTEMBER 2013 101

Hardy GMac Win came after three missed cuts


In simple terms, set your weight on your lower foot and move the ball position towards the higher foot. EARLY HINGE

This will encourage the club to follow the slope and not dig. Hinge your wrists early to put the club on a steep arc so you can

HERE were you when Andy Murray won Wimbledon? After 70-plus years of waiting, Britain finally has a men’s singles champion at the world’s biggest tennis event. In the same weekend Warren Gatland leads his British and Irish Lions to a historic triumph over the Wallabies in Australia and even the sun shone brightly in the British summer sky! For any non-British readers of this article apologies for this patriotic slant but that weekend did get me thinking about perhaps the most valuable of all mental skills. We are all told about confidence, belief and focus which are, of course, important skills but maybe the factor that we all need to build more of in this chaotic world is the skill of resilience. The ability to carry on and focus on what we believe to be the right processes to achieve our goals; the commitment to keep going despite the doubts. Murray must have had some doubts walking onto the same court on which 12 months previously he had suffered defeat in the final to Roger Federer. Lions coach Warren Gatland received a torrent of abuse for his team selection and had narrowly lost the second Test the week before – but both men had the resilience to keep going and believing that they could achieve. Long time Mind Factor client Graeme McDowell won the French Open in Paris coming into the tournament on the back of three missed cuts but he still believed that his process was in the end going to see him through. We are sold the idea by the gurus that if we ‘think’ the right thoughts, if we embrace the universe and ‘ask’ for success then all things will fall into place, that we can be positive and the world will bend to our will. The fact of the matter is that most of the time things will be less than perfect. We won’t win the tournament, we will be less than our best, we will have some bad luck, the economy will be poor, people will let us down... but have we got the resilience to keep going? One of the key skills that we develop and work on in the Mind Factor certification course are the skills of resilience as I believe that when you understand the process of being resilient

102 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NON-TECHNICAL VIEW Both shots I am playing have a landing spot six yards in front of me but one is a 6 iron – a ‘long’ chip – and the other is a sand wedge, a ‘short’ chip.

If you tend to get bogged down with your short-game technique, with poor consequences, then this should give you a fresh outlook around the greens.

Shot on location at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club

Simon Harrison is head professional at Lilley Brook in Gloucestershire. He is one of over 1,000 Foremost pros from all over the UK to give tuition. | SEPTEMBER 2013 103

108 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

‘Most of the time things will be less than perfect’ you give yourself the best possible chance of success. It is not an ‘airy fairy’, ‘sit under a tree and hope for the best’ mindset – but one of commitment to routines under pressure that see you through the doubt and the setbacks. The game of golf is full of imperfection. What felt great yesterday in your swing can feel completely alien on the course today. The game will always come and go, tempt us and test us but despite all the chaos we have the choice as to how we respond to what the game throws at us. That is where we can be consistent. Unfortunately a lot of people choose to be

negative and petulant and give up for the day. It sounds counterintuitive but when we accept the fact that results will be unpredictable and undesirable we set ourselves free from the burden of unrealistic expectation and perfectionism. Results will come and go, up and down but in the long term if you can build your own rock-solid resilience you will be a tough opponent and when life throws the inevitable curve ball at you there is a part of you that accepts it and knows deep down that you will bounce back and keep going. It may not result in a French Open or a Wimbledon win but you will know that you are winning the most important battle that we all face: the battle against ourselves. n Come and experience an extraordinary three days at the Mind Factor Certification course for coaches and players with Karl. The course will be held in Manchester on November 16–18.

ALSO INSIDE n DOWNHILL LIES P100 Perfect this bunker escape n LANDING ZONE 102 Plan your chipping distances n BE RESILIENT P108 How to forget all about the less-than-perfect rounds

NCG pp100-101 Wills Foremost 22/07/2013 10:28 Page 100

THE LOW DOWN How to tackle the downhill bunker shot with confidence HESE awkward lies in bunkers cause golfers of all abilities to stress out – but this doesn’t have to be the case.


With a few simple rules of thumb on setting yourself before taking the club away, you can be well on your way to executing perfect shots in no time.

100 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp100-101 Wills Foremost 22/07/2013 10:29 Page 101


Set your body perpendicular to that of the slope to ensure that your swing follows the angle of the slope and not fight against it.

In simple terms, set your weight on your lower foot and move the ball position towards the higher foot. EARLY HINGE

This will encourage the club to follow the slope and not dig. Hinge your wrists early to put the club on a steep arc so you can

strike down on the ball. And keep the club moving – mirroring the takeaway with the length of your through swing. LOW AND RUNNING

The ball flight will be greatly affected due to the angle of the slope. On a downhill lie the ball flight will be lower with less spin

Shot on location at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club

and therefore will increase the distance that it runs out. Complete your followthrough with full commitment to the shot.

Guy Wills is head professional at Fulford in York. He is one of over 1,000 Foremost pros from all over the UK to give tuition. For more | SEPTEMBER 2013 101

NCG pp102-103 Harrison Foremost 22/07/2013 10:36 Page 102


ROLL How to focus on the controllable

NE of the keys to unlock a great short game is a good understanding of what you want to achieve in terms of flight and roll. As a basic rule of thumb, try to land the ball two yards onto the putting surface and the club you choose will dictate the overall roll out. A rough guide: SW is 75% flight, 25% roll; 9-iron is 50% flight, 50% roll; 7-iron is 25%flight, 75% roll.


102 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp102-103 Harrison Foremost 22/07/2013 10:36 Page 103


FOCUS ON A SPOT A great way to focus on your desired landing spot and not ‘over focus’ on your technique is

to practise landing a ball on a towel placed on the putting surface.

NON-TECHNICAL VIEW Both shots I am playing have a landing spot six yards in front of me but one is a 6 iron – a ‘long’ chip – and the other is a sand wedge, a ‘short’ chip.

If you tend to get bogged down with your short-game technique, with poor consequences, then this should give you a fresh outlook around the greens.

FOCUS ON FLIGHT You should focus on the flight element (the bit you control) and not the overall outcome of

Shot on location at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club

the shot, trusting the chosen club will do its job of getting the ball nestled up to the flag.

Simon Harrison is head professional at Lilley Brook in Gloucestershire. He is one of over 1,000 Foremost pros from all over the UK to give tuition. | SEPTEMBER 2013 103

walk 18, feel like you played 9 Crocs hybrid golf shoes combine legendary Crocs comfort with the stability and traction of a modern golf shoe. The patented one-piece technology not only dramatically reduces the weight of the shoe, but also increases player comfort and improves traction and stability. All this makes Crocs the first truly hybrid golf shoe. And it delivers on performance, comfort and style. - -

NCG pp105 Shimmons Foremost 22/07/2013 10:37 Page 105


READING UP Treat short chips like you would a putt

HEN you have a chip from the edge of the green, you should take as much care over the line and pace of the shot as you do with a putt. Club selection is the key, to give you the correct amount of carry and roll needed for the shot. On the majority of chip shots, your aim should be to get the ball on the green as soon as possible and running like a putt, so you have to take the same factors into account as if you were putting. If you stand at the point you want to land the ball, then look at the following factors: • The primary slope of the green. If there is water next to the green it will generally slope that way. Then look for any different angles and elevations. • The cut of the green, or grain. Look at the direction of the cut – grass bent towards you slows the ball. Grass bent away from you allows the ball to carry its speed longer. • The firmness of the green. Always have a few practice chips before you play to get a feel for the firmness and speed of the greens.


Follow these tips and, with practice, you should be chipping in more and putting less!

Shot on location at Hacienda Del Alamo in Murcia. Visit

Jon Shimmons is head pro at Ashley Wood in Dorset. He is one of over 1,000 Foremost pros from all over the UK to give tuition. Contact Jon on 01258 480 379 or visit

NCG pp106-107 Sheahy Fitness 22/07/2013 16:26 Page 106



GET YOUR MUSCLES PRIMED FOR GOLF Why a few minutes lifting weights can be beneficial

106 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

In the series so far we have stayed away from lifting any weights. It requires equipment... and it is some people’s idea of hell! That said, resistance training on a regular basis is hugely beneficial to golfers of any level. We’re not looking to turn you into a bodybuilder – in fact, too much muscle mass is restrictive to the golf swing – all we are striving to achieve is to add a little more strength, stability, co-ordination and control to your game. Lifting weights is also good for your ligaments, tendons and bone

density – in fact, it strengthens and tones everything. You needn’t take out a gym membership or work out with huge weights – just 3 x per week for 15 minutes with small weights is beneficial. John Sheehy is a personal trainer and Herbalife coach, based in Leeds. He is also a golf professional. Call 07988 449936 for further details.

NCG pp106-107 Sheahy Fitness 22/07/2013 16:27 Page 107

THE START POSITION (core) Sit on a bench or the floor – anywhere which is stable and flat basically – and grip the medicine ball (or weighted object) with your back at a 45˚ angle and your feet raised slightly and knees bent.

THE START POSITION (balance and co-ordination) Grab two dumbells – the size/weight of them is irrelevant really. Take a press up position and you are ready to go.



Now twist your upper body to the right so that the ball ends up hovering outside your right hip. This really fires your core and works your back muscles. When you complete the turn, hold it for a few seconds...

...after turning to your right, the next move is simply to repeat on the other side. This might seem easy reading it now, but if you try it I guarantee you will feel the burn a lot more quickly than you expected. A great exercise for golfers.

THE FIRST MOVE (balance and co-ordination)

THE NEXT POSITION (balance and co-ordination)

With your weight evenly distributed between your feet and arms, lift the right dumbell off the floor and lift it towards your chest.

Replace the right-hand dumbell on the floor and lift the opposite one. Alternate until you feel you can do no more.


MID WAY POSITION (shoulders)

THE END POSITION (shoulders)

Now take the dumbells in each hand and turn them so that your palms are facing inwards and opposite each other. You will only need light weights for this exercise.

Leading with your elbows, with your palms facing the floor, lift the dumbells to shoulder height. Remember to keep your elbows bent.

Now raise both of the dumbells so that your palms end up facing forward. Keep everything else nice and solid without being overly tense. Return to the start position and repeat.

THE FIRST MOVE (forearms)

THE NEXT MOVE (forearms)


Now turn your hands so your palms are facing the ceiling. You will feel this in your forearms and although one turn with these light weights is easy, after 10 you will feel the fatigue...

From there, turn your palms so that they face the floor. These exercises are really working your forearms, which are key in helping you to hit solid, powerful golf shots.

Doing this routine 3 x per week for 15 minutes will make a huge impact on the results you see when on the golf course. Good luck! | SEPTEMBER 2013 107

NCG pp108 Columnist KM 22/07/2013 10:38 Page 108


KARL MORRIS The resilience muscle – how does yours measure up? HERE were you when Andy Murray won Wimbledon? After 70-plus years of waiting, Britain finally has a men’s singles champion at the world’s biggest tennis event. In the same weekend Warren Gatland leads his British and Irish Lions to a historic triumph over the Wallabies in Australia and even the sun shone brightly in the British summer sky! For any non-British readers of this article apologies for this patriotic slant but that weekend did get me thinking about perhaps the most valuable of all mental skills. We are all told about confidence, belief and focus which are, of course, important skills but maybe the factor that we all need to build more of in this chaotic world is the skill of resilience. The ability to carry on and focus on what we believe to be the right processes to achieve our goals; the commitment to keep going despite the doubts. Murray must have had some doubts walking onto the same court on which 12 months previously he had suffered defeat in the final to Roger Federer. Lions coach Warren Gatland received a torrent of abuse for his team selection and had narrowly lost the second Test the week before – but both men had the resilience to keep going and believing that they could achieve. Long time Mind Factor client Graeme McDowell won the French Open in Paris coming into the tournament on the back of three missed cuts but he still believed that his process was in the end going to see him through. We are sold the idea by the gurus that if we ‘think’ the right thoughts, if we embrace the universe and ‘ask’ for success then all things will fall into place, that we can be positive and the world will bend to our will. The fact of the matter is that most of the time things will be less than perfect. We won’t win the tournament, we will be less than our best, we will have some bad luck, the economy will be poor, people will let us down... but have we got the resilience to keep going? One of the key skills that we develop and work on in the Mind Factor certification course are the skills of resilience as I believe that when you understand the process of being resilient

Hardy GMac Win came after three missed cuts


108 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

‘Most of the time things will be less than perfect’ you give yourself the best possible chance of success. It is not an ‘airy fairy’, ‘sit under a tree and hope for the best’ mindset – but one of commitment to routines under pressure that see you through the doubt and the setbacks. The game of golf is full of imperfection. What felt great yesterday in your swing can feel completely alien on the course today. The game will always come and go, tempt us and test us but despite all the chaos we have the choice as to how we respond to what the game throws at us. That is where we can be consistent. Unfortunately a lot of people choose to be

negative and petulant and give up for the day. It sounds counterintuitive but when we accept the fact that results will be unpredictable and undesirable we set ourselves free from the burden of unrealistic expectation and perfectionism. Results will come and go, up and down but in the long term if you can build your own rock-solid resilience you will be a tough opponent and when life throws the inevitable curve ball at you there is a part of you that accepts it and knows deep down that you will bounce back and keep going. It may not result in a French Open or a Wimbledon win but you will know that you are winning the most important battle that we all face: the battle against ourselves. n Come and experience an extraordinary three days at the Mind Factor Certification course for coaches and players with Karl. The course will be held in Manchester on November 16–18.

WILL YOU WIN THE MACH DUNES MILLION? Play Mach Dunes This Summer and Get a Chance to Swing for $1,000,000!

t he se S ee w hat ha pp en ed w he n pl ay er s t oo k t he ir sh ot


15 October 2013, anyone who plays an 18-hole round at Machrihanish Dunes can register to be entered in a drawing to return to the course and swing away for $1 million!*

Four lucky golfers will be chosen to come back to “the world’s most natural golf course” and take a shot at a hole-in-one on our picturesque 14th hole. Sink the shot and you’re a winner!

Visit to see what happened when “Old Tom” Morris challenged tournament players earlier this summer to take a swing at winning $1 million. Your shot could be next!

It’s that easy—so book your golf getaway to Mach Dunes today! tel: 01586 810 000 | e-mail: | Machrihanish, Scotland

To enter, register at the Machrihanish Dunes Golf House before you play an 18-hole round between 15 July and 15 October 2013. Four (4) players will be randomly chosen to participate in the $1,000,000 hole-in-one contest at Machrihanish Dunes on 26 October 2013. $1,000,000 USD prize consists of a 20-year annuity of approximately $50,000 USD per year before taxes. Prize value when converted to other currencies may vary and fluctuate with exchange rates. Winning entrants will be notified within 48 hours of drawing by phone or email and will need to travel to Mach Dunes on 26 October at entrant’s expense to participate. Entries limited to one per person. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. For full contest terms and conditions, please visit


NCG pp111 Lead to Travel 22/07/2013 10:40 Page 111

PLAY AWAY Exotic destinations | Latest deals & offers | Connoisseur Clive | Travel hints and tips | Competitions


Gullane, East Lothian N some people’s eyes, this is a more charming golf town than St Andrews. There are three courses at the Gullane club and all have their own attractions. No 1 is regarded as the most outstanding, climbing up to the crest of Gullane Hill before a succession of outstanding holes tumble downhill. The course then rises gently again for the final drop from the 17th tee while the walk towards the town up the last fairway is one of the definitive experiences in golf. No 2 is a fine track in its own right without quite the drama of its more famous sister while No 3 is great fun – ideal for beginners, juniors and those seeking a quick round on a summer evening., 01620 842 255


NCG pp112-113 Connoisseur Clive Portugal 22/07/2013 10:42 Page 112



SHORT HAUL | Portugal


Once our man attunes to the pace of play – or lack thereof – he concludes that Penha Longa is his new favourite Portuguese course

Clive is our undercover roving reporter, who tells it like it is. NCG’s bon viveur plays off 13, always finds the best places to go and is an expert in enjoying himself, on and off the course You probably didn’t know that Luis Phillipe of Portugal was only King of his country for 20 minutes. That is about as long as it takes to play a hole when you are forced to stick to a cart path. I always find that whichever side of the fairway the cart path is on my ball is always on the opposite side of it. So I set off with an armful of clubs yet somehow manage to leave the one club I really need. So give us a chance architects and design courses where you don’t have to be Mo Farah to get from tee to green. Oh, and poor Luis Phillipe was attacked in 1908 whilst travelling with his father Carlos I. Both were shot and Luis lived 20 minutes longer than his dad.

Clive’s Cigarometer Lisbon scores...

112 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp112-113 Connoisseur Clive Portugal 22/07/2013 10:43 Page 113

T is a disturbing fact that my knowledge of Portuguese geography is quite dreadful. Despite the numerous times I have been there with pals to play golf I am still struggling to name more than four major centres and I only know two of those because I fly into Lisbon and Faro. On arrival my party invariably gets into a minibus and off we pop to the nearest course where a hotel is located conveniently near the 1st tee. Our latest trip took us down to Lisbon and then onto the courtesy bus into Cascais where we were driven direct to the Onyria Marinha hotel to check in and play its Quinta da Marinha course. We really should set aside more time to explore local towns and villages but with us it is all about the golf due to the time constraints that a five-hour round can place on you, but let’s take a look at that shortly. First though, the Onyria is a luxurious and immaculate hotel, with superbly appointed bedrooms



Sea view No shortage of sights at Palmares

and a good deep ensuite bath to ease away those post-round aches. It is far from the most atmospheric place in the world and those looking for a lively aprèsgolf scene may do well to look elsewhere, but the service is excellent and it is only stumbling distance from both the 1st tee and a most welcoming clubhouse which serves some terrific local dishes as well as traditional golfing staples. The Robert Trent Jones Snrdesigned, par-71 course is particularly tough for a resort course with lots of tight drives along tree-lined fairways. The setting is beautiful with the mountains of Sintra on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other although the configuration is odd, especially on the front nine, where there are four par 3s and three par 5s. The back nine is far more interesting with the glorious 370yard, par-4 13th hole sweeping you | SEPTEMBER 2013 113 23/07/2013 12:10 Page 1

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NCG pp115 Connoisseur Clive Portugal 22/07/2013 10:44 Page 115



Spa time Expect to relax at Quinta da Marinha QUINTA DA MARINHA

downhill before turning sharp right to the Atlantic coast. Big hitters will be tempted to go for the green here and a wellstruck ball can get very close. The next hole is quirky to the point of madness with a 163-yard tee shot needed to land on a sloping, right-to-left, two-tier green over a massive chasm. The pair in front of us took forever, pinging balls into oblivion like some lunatic tribute to the closing scene of ‘Tin Cup’. Certainly do not expect a quick round at Quinta da Marinha – fourball is by far the best format as singles could be waiting an age on the tee, or else holding you up! The following morning, after an excellent breakfast, we set off to play what I can comfortably declare, in all my numerous golf travels here, to be the finest course I have played in Portugal. The Atlantico course at Penha Longa is not only stunning it is also a joy to play and the nearby

hotel, and one my group sadly did not stay in, is the Ritz Carlton in all its five-star luxury. Set amongst the Sintra foothills, the course snakes its way through wooded valleys and up to tee boxes set on rocky outcrops. It was in 1992 that Robert Trent Jones Jnr brought all his skills to bear, creating what is quite simply a golfer’s delight. This is no place for the novice, even with five tee-box positions, and the best will struggle when the wind whips in from the ocean. Atlantico is like a switchback, climbing to the spectacular par-3 5th which drops 25 metres down to the green before sweeping down onto the par-5 6th with an ancient viaduct bordering the back of the green and a lake to the front. There is not a poor hole on the course and looking back down the sweeping 18th from the sunsplashed balcony of a contemporary and friendly clubhouse with a cold Super Bock

beer in hand makes one realise why Portugal is still rightly popular with golfing visitors. If you only have time to play one course in the region make sure it is at Penha Longa. Our group then had a long and tiring bus journey to the Algarve and the old port of Lagos on the bay of Sagres. If time allows we can visit the oldest church in the region built in 1174, but our group

FACTFILE Clive stayed with Onyria Golf Resorts ( flying from Heathrow to Lisbon with TAP Portugal ( For further information on Penha Longa resort go to

was dashing to get 18 holes in on Onyria Palmares, the sister course to the one we played in Cascais. The facilities here, especially the changing rooms, are basic – possibly because the residential plots on offer around the course are proving tricky to shift. But the course is hugely enjoyable. Palmares lacks the fine manicuring of Penha Longa but with three nines is still a true and fair test. Play the Lagos and the Praia, where parkland openings lead onto wild, rolling dunes and holes down by the coast. The four coastal holes on the Praia with the railway on one side and dunes surrounding it could easily be on the west coast of Scotland, were it not for the glorious sunshine we enjoyed. And if you do want to take in historic Lagos as well as Sintra and Cascais then check out flights from Lisbon to Faro airport, and do not allow anyone to suggest the bus. | SEPTEMBER 2013 115

NCG pp116 SFTW Coworth 22/07/2013 10:46 Page 116

GB&I | Surrey And relax The perfect retreat after a tough 18 holes

Light & airy One of the 70 stylish bedrooms on offer



This stunning Surrey retreat is within easy reach of Wentworth and Sunningdale wing a driver at Coworth Park and chances are you’ll hit a tour pro. Despite being home to pursuits including horse riding, shooting, fishing and croquet, Coworth is without a golf course to call its own but cosies up to such prestigious neighbours as Sunningdale, The Berkshire and


the European Tour HQ at Wentworth, where the concierge will even book you a tee time. In fact, guests at Coworth can choose to play any of Wentworth’s three championship courses. Not enough for you? How about a shuttle service to the course, a forecourt welcome, access to the clubhouse, personal caddy and

116 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

buggy hire? They’ll even clean your shoes for you. So what else is on offer? Only one of the UK’s finest countryhouse retreats, which is both coolly traditional and classically contemporary – an edgy aristocrat if you like. Revamped and re-opened by the Dorchester Collection in 2010,

the hotel sits in 240 acres of scenic parkland bordering Windsor Great Park. There is a state-ofthe-art spa to unwind in after your golf while dining options range from a relaxed pint in the Barn to a nine-course tasting menu in Restaurant Coworth Park – shined shoes are a must.

NCG pp117 Display Ads 23/07/2013 13:17 Page 117 | SEPTEMBER | MAY 2013 117

NCG pp118-119 ATOC Woodhall Spa 22/07/2013 16:29 Page 118

oodhall Spa is the home of England Golf, and playing here is not only great value, but also much easier to arrange than at perhaps any other course of a comparable stature. Certainly within the top handful of inland courses in Britain, the star attraction is the Hotchkin, named after the man who did most to shape it. This fast-running and severely bunkered layout has also been shaped by Harry Vardon and Harry Colt. For all its qualities, the Hotchkin is not a spectacular course. Nor does it treat you to any cheap birdies, or flattering elevated tee shots. But the more you play here the more you realise what a superlative and fair test it is. Stretching to almost 7,100 yards from the championship tees (and a SSS of 75) this is the real deal, with additional protection coming from heather, gorse and, most of all, Woodhall Spa’s special brand of bunkering. Generally speaking, if you are in a greenside bunker you will be unable to see the bottom of the flag. For an early idea of what the Hotchkin has to offer, take the 3rd, where a blind drive leads to a generous fairway and an inviting approach to a green. And just to show that Woodhall Spa is not all about long holes, the 15th, at little over 300 yards but with a sunken green in a ring of bunkers, is a wonderful short par four which must be treated with due respect. Singling out holes, though, is not what the Hotchkin is all about. Rather, it is the collective weight of 18 strong holes that make it the best inland course in the whole of the British Isles in the opinion of many well-respected judges. Furthermore, the considerably newer Bracken course here, designed by Donald Steel, is also very good in its own right and allows you to justify spending an evening in charming, sleepy Woodhall Spa. Without a dual carriageway in sight it certainly does take a while to get here, so don’t be in a hurry to get away – instead unwind, relax and enjoy the scenery and the 36 holes of world-class golf.


GB&I | Lincolnshire A TOUCH OF CLASS


An oasis of heathland in the middle of rural Lincolnshire

118 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp118-119 ATOC Woodhall Spa 22/07/2013 16:29 Page 119


odhall Green Spa, Lin fees: F colnshir rom ÂŁ1 e on both 05 for a courses round if you a re a me of an E mber nglish g olf club Contac t: 0152 6 352 5 woodha 11 llspago lfgolf.c om | SEPTEMBER 2013 119

NCG pp120-121 Nine-holers Intro 22/07/2013 10:54 Page 120

GB&I | Top 100 9-holers


100 9-HOLE COURSES 2013 Welcome to the first-ever guide

Heavenly The famous 5th at Royal Worlington & Newmarket

120 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

NCG pp120-121 Nine-holers Intro 22/07/2013 10:54 Page 121

HIS has never, to the best of our knowledge, been done before. So we hope you enjoy the inaugural Top 100 9-hole courses feature. If nothing else, we hope that the following pages will make you realise that 9-holers have much to offer. We think 9-holers are too often patronised and then dismissed when discussing the best layouts. Compiling this feature has been an education to us as well.


We were genuinely surprised not just by the quality of nine-holers across Britain but also the quality. Specifically, we are talking about Scotland, which seems to take nine-holers more seriously than elsewhere in Britain. Scottish courses make up over half of the list and every one of them, we can say with real confidence, is a beauty. These are 18-hole courses in miniature, with every bit as much care and attention lavished on the design, layout and conditioning

as their big cousins. What we cannot say with as much confidence is that we will not have omitted your favourite 9-holer. As pioneers in the field, this feature can be thought of as a voyage of exploration. We do not claim that what follows is perfect – but rather the beginning of a long discussion. Do let us know your views either by emailing or via Twitter @NCGmagazine

WHY ROYAL WORLINGTON & NEWMARKET IS THE SACRED NINE Dan Murphy pays tribute to the spiritual home of 9-holers with Bernard Darwin’s help The sacred nine. Those were the words of Bernard Darwin, the doyen of golf writers. As a Cambridge man, his was hardly an impartial opinion. Yet when he talks about Royal Worlington and Newmarket, just a few miles from the Suffolk border, it pays to listen. Its charm is not immediately apparent. But most gradually come to realise that the seemingly open expanses lead to devilish green complexes at a course which is all about angles. This is how Darwin described the famous 5th: “Mr Everyman made quite a good shot – that is admitted. He was unlucky when the ball kicked down into the left-hand valley but that was no reason why he should get so cross and bang the next across the green into the right-hand valley. He took five. Mr Tiger was rather strong and nearly in the fir trees. He could not get his downhill putt dead – four. Mr Rabbit halftopped his drive straight and short. He ran up in two and got a three. ‘Discretion is the better part of valour’, said Mr Rabbit. A good hole if you know how to play it.”

WHAT WE WERE LOOKING FOR A TRUE TEST Not in the sense of needing to be championship-length, rather in terms of being the most thorough possible examination of your game. ARCHITECTURAL VALUE Many of the courses in our list were shaped by the great names of architecture – like James Braid, Dr Alister MacKenzie, Harry Colt and JH Taylor. We wanted to show that ninehole courses have just as rich a heritage as their 18-hole counterparts. ENJOYMENT If for no other reason than logistics, most nine-holers are not going to host many championships. So, even more than full-size courses, they are about fun, convenience and accessibility. | SEPTEMBER 2013 121

NCG pp122 Nine-holer Ads 22/07/2013 11:12 Page 122

TOP 100 9-HOLERS Between Glencoe and Ben Nevis romantic scenery, spectacular setting, wonderful golf.

Lumphanan Golf Club Village golf at its very best A challenging hillside course offering spectacular scenery in the heart of Royal Deeside.

SPECIAL READER OFFER Simply bring this ad with you

Have a magical day on the West Coast for just £25pp Enjoy memorable golf, fresh bacon roll, ground coffee and homemade soup

See our website for a full tour of the course and details of our facilities Tel: 01855 413 202

A testing 9 hole that challenges all standards of golfers

9 holes - £9 | 18 holes - £15 Driving Range and Short-Game practice facilities available


122 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

Or e-mail the Secretary to find out what arrangements can be made for your visiting party

NCG pp123 Why I Love 9-holers 22/07/2013 11:15 Page 123

GB&I | Top 100 9-holers

Double time Rawdon’s 4th (and 13th!) green

WHY I LOVE 9-HOLERS... Editor Dan Murphy grew up playing at Rawdon (yes, it does get in the 100!), a 9-hole course in Leeds – so it’s no wonder he is such a huge fan of the shorter form of the game


YOU ARE NEVER FAR FROM THE CLUBHOUSE There were endless loops to be played at Rawdon. You could start at the 1st, 4th or 8th, which created any number of permutations when you had a spare 20 minutes or three-quarters of an hour. It also meant that you could venture out safely without your waterproofs because even if you were caught in a shower it was only ever a five-minute walk to the clubhouse. An additional benefit was the situation of the pro shop above the 4th tee – allowing any refreshments and extra balls required to be lobbed down.


IT’S MORE SOCIABLE At Rawdon, you cross the 1st fairway when walking from

the 3rd to the 4th and again from the 4th to the 5th. Going down the 5th, you cross the 3rd, 9th and 6th fairways. Unlike at a big 18-hole course, it’s harder to avoid other golfers than to spot them. So if anyone else is out there, you will almost certainly see them, probably on a few occasions. I liked the feeling of a shared experience and I think it helped the members get to know each other.


YOU GET THE CHANCE TO MAKE AMENDS There is a sense of unfinished business when a hole gets the better of you but at a nine-holer you need only wait for an an hour and a half or so before you get the chance of revenge. Stand on the 10th tee and there

is real optimism that the second half will be better than the first.

be round quicker and with less energy exerted.


...THERE’S JUST ONE DOWNSIDE The club championships involved four laps of the track in a single day. Apart from feeling dizzy by the end, you knew full well that if you made a mess of a hole on your first nine it would play on your mind all day. In my case, Rawdon begins with a par 5 followed by a par 3. Time after time after time, I would open up with a morale-boosting birdie only to consolidate with a double bogey. On a hole a third of the length, I would depressingly write down ‘5’ to follow my ‘4’. It still makes me shake my head now.

YOU KNOW EVERY PUTT Once you get to know a nine-hole course, reading the greens becomes second nature. You quickly get to know about every green’s subtlety. That leads to more putts holed. Or at least you would think so, wouldn’t you?


NO LONG WALKS Generally speaking, the layout of nine-holers is a triumph of planning over space constraints. You rarely have to walk very far from one green to the next tee, or from the final green back to the clubhouse. You also tend to get an extra short hole or two. All of which means you can | SEPTEMBER 2013 123

NCG pp124-125 Nine-holers 22/07/2013 11:16 Page 124

GB&I | Top 100 9-holers Image courtesy of Donald Ford


excellent motorway links and a testing course, this is an ideal stopoff point on a golf break.

ANSTRUTHER Located nine miles south of St Andrews is this links layout at Anstruther, which stretches along the shoreline to Pittenweem. The course was founded in 1890 and boasts a series of challenging short holes, with the 5th particularly demanding. It forms the start of the course’s own Amen Corner. It has spectacular views over Anstruther Harbour, the Isle of May, Bass Rock and Edinburgh.

BUTE This historic course is now 125 years old and offers a blend of seaside and inland golf, with around half of the holes laid out on the coastline and the other half set back for a more inland feel. The club has an unmanned clubhouse which dates back to 1910 and is very much a golfer’s golf club. A terrific getaway destination for those looking for historic golf and something different.

BALLINDALLOCH CASTLE This Donald Steel and Tom Mackenzie championship design is set on the banks of the River Avon among 150-year-old birch trees, and boasts wonderful views of the surrounding heather-clad hills. These renowned designers also created the course at Skibo Castle. Michael Parkinson says this is “the perfect place to find escape from an imperfect world”.



BARRA Visitors come from all over the world to sample the natural delights that the course at Barra has to offer. Located in the Western Isles, the links boasts wonderful views to the Atlantic coast and offer players a true sense of historic golf, with the fairways and rough naturally maintained by roaming sheep and cows. The course is the most Westerly in the United Kingdom.

BLAIR ATHOLL The James Braid-designed course at Blair Atholl was founded in 1896 and makes clever use of natural contours over the parkland to create a pleasant place to play. The course works around a plateau, meaning raised tees and greens are a prominent feature. The par 3s are particularly varied, ranging from requiring clubs as short as a wedge to a full long iron in order to reach the green.

BLAIRGOWRIE WEE This set of nine originally formed part of Alistair MacKenzie’s initial design at Blairgowrie, and its series of par 3s and par 4s provide a

Nestled in the south-east suburbs of Glasgow, under five minutes’ drive from junction 2A on the M74, Cambuslang is set out in a sparsely wooded area and is packed with hazards and features. The layout is made up of five par 4s, two par 3s and two par 5s and has several raised greens. The lowest score shot by a professional here is 68, so it is no pushover.


wonderful contrast to the bigger Lansdowne and Rosemount courses. The layout is a combination of both heathland and woodland, with pine, silver and birch trees lining the fairways. The Wee course maintains the high standard of the Lansdowne and Rosemount courses and contains two wonderful dogleg par 4s.

BLAIRMORE AND STRONE A James Braid design set above the River Clyde, Blairmore and Strone offers stunning views over Loch Long, Holy Loch and the Firth of Clyde. Although the course is not particularly long, measuring a shade over 2,100 yards, the parkland is hilly and therefore presents strategic challenges. This course has a great sense of history and is now 117 years old.

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BONAR BRIDGE Described by Peter Alliss as ‘a mini Gleneagles’, Bonar Bridge is one of Scotland’s most picturesque nine-hole courses. Set in Sutherland scenery surrounded by rolling hills, purple heather and Scots pine, the club dates back to 1904 and the current layout opened in 1998. The course is north of Inverness and offers views over Loch Migale to Sutherland’s ‘Million Dollar View’.

BONNYBRIDGE The fairways at Bonnybridge have a sandy texture to their surface, which is a delight to strike the ball from. Featuring two long par 5s and heavily-guarded greens, this links and heathland hybrid is located in Scotland’s central region and is almost equidistant from Edinburgh and Glasgow. With

Comrie is located amid the Perthshire hills, just 30 minutes’ drive away from Gleneagles. The James Braid design measures over 6,000 yards when played as 18 holes, and is kept in excellent condition throughout the year. The signature hole is the long par5 6th, which features a large twotiered green and a tree-lined fairway. The course is in excellent condition throughout the year.

COVESEA LINKS This course sits in a cove on the coastline between Lossiemouth and Hopeman, offering a natural links layout which follows the contours of the cove. The club offers a pay-and-play approach, so anyone can turn up and play at any time. Like any good links, Covesea features sea grass, gorse, deep bunkers and greens which are tough to hit. This is an excellent place for links novices to try their hand over a different course style.

CRUDEN BAY ST OLAF’S Located 20 miles north of Aberdeen, Cruden Bay is a quirky

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BETWS-Y-COED This club is located on the edge of the popular tourist village which bears the same name, and is within easy reach of the whole of North Wales along with the Midlands and north west of England. The club is especially welcoming to visitors, staging open events throughout the year. The scenic parkland course offers stunning views of the Conwy Valley and Snowdonia mountain range.



This picturesque course is set in a beautiful secluded valley near the coastal village of Llangrannog, and is surrounded by gently rolling hills and bordered by several streams. The layout was designed by the course owner and the par-31 course sets up well for the beginner and more established player alike. It is not uncommon to see a great deal of wildlife on the course, including red kite, buzzards, rabbits as well as native small birds.


KNIGHTON little golfing haven. Partnering the truly outstanding old-fashioned championship course is the smaller St Olaf’s. Smaller does not mean the course is any less enjoyable when compared to its bigger and more established neighbour. Blind shots, vast dunes and the North Sea wind must all be negotiated around this charming links layout.

CRICHTON This woodland course is laid out on a hillside and offers nice views of the town of Dumfries and the River Nith which flows through it. It has several exacting holes, with none tougher than the 2nd, which has trees and out of bounds down the right and a fairway that slopes from that side steeply to the left. So it requires nerve and ability to thread your tee shot onto the short stuff and from there onto the small putting surface.

CUPAR Cupar is acknowledged as the oldest 9-hole club in the world and boasts a compact, picturesque course located in the heart of Fife. The club is situated approximately 10 miles from St Andrews and within driving range of Carnoustie, Kingsbarns and Crail. It is therefore an ideal place to visit should you be planning a trip to play some of the most famous

courses in the area. It is versatile enough to cater for all.

DALMALLY Located within easy reach of both Edinburgh and Glasgow, this is a fine parkland course meanders around the River Orchy through a rich wildlife habitat. The layout is flat, making it perfect for easy walking, and the addition of extra tees on five of the nine holes makes for a more varied round. This is a terrific option for those looking for a par-3 and par-4 course with tricky, shorter holes, but also sets up extremely well for beginners and juniors.

DALMUNZIE Originally designed for the personal use of Sir Archibald Birkmyre and his family, this course is one of Britain’s highest and was designed by Alastair MacKenzie then re-worked by James Braid. As such, MacKenzie’s trademark tiered greens and Braid’s famous doglegs feature extensively throughout. The height of the course ensures spectacular views, with stunning mountain scenery to witness on every hole.

DRAGON’S TOOTH Set on an undulating, tree-lined estate which marks the entrance to

Glencoe just south of Fort William, Dragon’s Tooth is widely regarded as one of Scotland’s best nine-hole courses. The course is a parkland layout which is overshadowed by two munros – Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Domhnuill. The outstanding greens are built to USGA standard, and although the course is short, its wonderful features and setting make it a must play.

Established in 1912 and laid out by sixtime Open Championship winner Harry Vardon, the course at Knighton is steeped in history. The club originally came into existence in 1906 as a sixhole course, but was transformed by Vardon into the layout which exists today. The parkland course features sloping fairways and a series of short to mid-length par 4s and par 3s. The holes are well protected, particularly the signature 4th, which has a tight fairway and thick rough.


DURNESS Set out around the coastline and Balnkeil Bay, Durness is the most north-westerly course on mainland Britain. Although only 25 years old, the course has a mature, established feel – largely thanks to the fact is it located in in a serene Highlands setting. Each hole has two distinct sets of tees, providing a different feel should you wish to play two loops of the nine.

FALKLAND Situated 20 miles west of St Andrews and close to Fife’s other famous championship courses, this nine-hole layout is set deep in the farmland area known as the ‘Howe of Fife’. Turn over for more Scottish nine-holers, plus those from the remainder of Great Britain

Constructed in 1910, the course is surrounded by breathtaking scenery, with three mountains providing the backdrop and the coastline in front. The parkland layout provides an enjoyable test, with dry stone walls dissecting certain fairways and coming into play from the tee on the 2nd and 7th holes. Several of the greens are elevated and most are sloping, running away towards the sea.

ST MELYD Nestled below a wooded hillside above the town of Pretatyn is St Melyd. The club was founded in 1922 and has 18 tees on the nine-hole layout. The club, reachable from Manchester and Liverpool inside an hour, caters well for visitors. The fairways are lined with mature trees and there are several elevated greens. The club is renowned for its outstanding condition throughout the year. The fairways boast views over the Clwydian Range and Snowdonia. | SEPTEMBER 2013 125

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126 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

Described as one of the most picturesque 9-hole courses in the world, the Isle of Harris golf club was first set up in 1930 and through hard work and dedication it is now considered to be a first class links course.

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GB&I | Top 100 9-holers experience golf without bunkers with deer and other wildlife roaming the fairways. This course is set on a hill above Kames and boasts views out to the island of Bute and across Loch Fyne to the Mull of Kintyre. The course contains burns, patches of heather and thick gorse, with many of the tee shots played blind.



The undulating parkland course was originally laid out in 1902 but was then re-built in 1975. The club is welcoming and is easily accessible from Perth, Edinburgh and the east coast of Scotland.

FORT AUGUSTUS This is a tight course with heatherlined fairways which place a premium on accuracy and appropriate shot selection. The club is located in the town with which it shares its name on the banks of the Caledonian Canal near Loch Ness, and is considered to be one of the hardest nine-hole courses in Scotland. The par-3 7th is a terrific hole which underlines the toughness of the course – playing 229 yards uphill.

GAIRLOCH Set among rolling dunes above a long sandy beach, Gairloch occupies an unrivalled location in the Scottish Highlands. The tight links layout hugs the coastline and contains six par 3s, two par 4s and one par 5. Out to the west are the islands of Skye, Harris and Lewis, with the mountains of Torridon providing a sharp viewing contrast to the south. The club recently hosted the Duke of York when he visited the area.

GALASHIELS Located 33 miles south of Edinburgh in the rolling Border hills is the James Braid layout at Galashiels. The club is located a matter of minutes from its bigger 18-hole neighbour at Torwoodlee but more than holds its own as a wonderful course to play. The course features all the trademark

Braid characteristics and is perfectly located for a Scottish golf trip stop whether heading north or south.

GIFFORD This is the only nine-hole course on East Lothian’s ‘golf coast’ which incorporates the likes of Muirfield, Musselburgh, Gullane, North Berwick and Dunbar. The course was laid out in 1904 and only had four greenkeepers in its first hundred years of existence – meaning it has steadily evolved without drastic changes. The course is a parkland layout which is bounded by mature woods and farmland.

INNELLAN Located above the village which shares its name, this course offers panoramic views over the Firth of Clyde. The layout was established in 1891 and has now developed into a par-64 course when played over 18 holes. The signature hole is the par-4 6th, which plays over the Rubicon burn and must be carefully negotiated. If you try and hit driver from the tee here and you will more than likely find trouble.

Situated on the A7 just a few miles over the border, the scenic parkland course at Langholm is perfectly located for visitors from either side of the border. The course was founded in 1892 but has undergone several re-designs throughout its 121-year history. The par-4 7th forms the signature hole, which plays up to an island green cut off by a ravine to the front and the right.

LINKS AT ERISKA This links layout was designed in 1994 by Howard Swan, who was given the task of developing the existing course so it was suitable to accompany the newly built, on-site five-star hotel. Offering views to the Isle of Mull, the course which stands today is a terrific links test and provides an excellent option for stay and play with the outstanding hotel and spa on site.

glen towards the head of the sea loch, with four fairways crossing the mountain burn. The local Isle of Arran whisky distillery is also worth visiting on a trip here.

LUMPHANAN Set amid spectacular Aberdeenshire scenery on Royal Deeside, Lumphanan is a hillside course which features tricky runaway greens and narrow sloping fairways. The course also boasts a vast array of wildlife, with deer and pheasants frequently seen on the fairways and in the longer grass. The course is also currently in terrific shape thanks to a new greenkeeping team. This is a club with true family values and a tight, demanding golf course.

LYBSTER This is one of the shortest courses in Scotland, measuring just 3,858 yards when played as a full 18 holes, and is laid out in just 15 acres of land. The course has a heathland feel and attracts a wide range of visitors to its Highlands setting. The club is located on the east coast of Caithness, around 95 miles north of Inverness, and its quaint facility should not be ignored when visiting the area. ISLE OF HARRIS

ISLE OF HARRIS With breathtaking natural scenery and a vast array of wildlife, the Isle of Harris is a terrific nine-hole links located in the Outer Hebrides. Bordered by white sands and the Sound of Taransay which leads down to the Atlantic coastline, it offers typical Hebrides fare, its location providing a feel which you struggle to experience elsewhere.

KYLES OF BUTE Take a step back in time and



Set on the north end of the Isle of Arran, the course at Lochranza lies in a national scenic area and therefore boasts outstanding surrounding scenery and an array of wildlife which includes red squirrels and red deer. The parkland layout stretches across the

Located on the Isle of Arran, one of Scotland’s most southerly isles situated between Kintyre and Ayrshire, Machrie Bay is a Turn over for more Scottish 9holers, plus those from the remainder of Great Britain | SEPTEMBER 2013 127

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GB&I | Top 100 9-holers NORTH WEST CASTERTON Located on the Lancashire-Yorkshire border just inside Cumbria, golf has been played at Casterton for 50 years. The course was re-designed in 1993 and is maintained to an excellent standard by a former Forest of Arden and Loch Lomond greenkeeper.


MUSSELBURGH OLD a flat seaside layout which is ideal for families, juniors and beginners who want to experience playing by the sea. The course has improved immeasurably in recent years and is an excellent edition to Arran’s other terrific courses. The course offers stunning views over the Kilbrannan Sound towards the Kintyre Peninsula.

hosted the event between 1874 and 1889. Therefore to play a round at Musselburgh Old really is to experience a piece of golfing history. Located on the edge of many of East Lothian’s top courses, it is a ‘must visit’ for any golfing aficionado on a visit to the area. The club even hires out hickory clubs to visitors to offer a true historic golf experience.


MACHRIHANISH (PANS) Home to a most natural and quintessentially Scottish links, Machrihansih is located near the tip of the Kintyre peninsula. It is home to a famous, world-class championship course but also to the smaller nine-hole Pans layout, which is slightly less demanding than its neighbour yet upholds the quality with which Machrihanish is renowned. Set up for the day and play both – you are highly unlikely to be disappointed.

This rural course is a mix of both heathland and moorland terrain which offers views of Loch Ken, the Rhinns O’Kells and the English Lake District. The natural greens are excellent, and the course also boasts a wide variety of hazards throughout. The club is located in the south west corner of Scotland on the edge of the scenic Galloway Forest Park.

With a history spanning 130 years, Melrose is one of the oldest British clubs in existence, having been created before 1880. What awaits visitors to the historic border town today is a charming nine-hole course nestled in the foot of the Eildon Hills and offering wonderful views over the surrounding countryside. The course is a 5,545-yard par 70 and comprises tree-lined fairways, firm greens and a lovely clubhouse.

Portpatrick boasts two outstanding courses, with the nine-hole Dinvin course forming the perfect partner to the 18-hole Dunskey layout. The Dinvin is maintained to the same standard as its bigger neighbour, and is perfect for families, juniors or more established players wishing to hone their short game. The course is made up entirely of par-3 holes and caters for holiday golfers and serious players alike.

ROTHES This young course was opened in 1990 and is located in the heart of the Spey Valley on the famous Whisky Trail. The course is an attractive parkland layout which features well-manicured greens and tree-lined fairways. The club is well located in an area blessed with outstanding golf courses, and is a perfect stopping point on a golf break visit to Scotland.

SALINE This course celebrated its centenary last year and is ideally located, being equidistance from St Andrews and Edinburgh, around a 20-minute drive

RAVELSTON MUSSELBURGH OLD This is the oldest club in the world and an original Open Championship venue, having

Located in a heavily-wooded area between Ravelston and Murrayfield, this course offers panoramic views over the Firth of

course is laid out over a southfacing hillside, allowing for views FLIXTON out to Stirling and the two Forth Nestled in south-west Manchester, this bridges. and layouts greens is one ofElevated the longesttees nine-hole region. Indeed, there areand no pararein athepresent throughout, the 4s on the course measuring course is far trickier thanunder the 350 yards, withmay two of the nine with playing over scorecard suggest, 400 yards. Established in 1893, the undulating fairways and subtle parkland course moved to its current borrows on the green. location in 1903.




Forth on one side and Edinburgh Castle on the other. The course is ideal for those looking for a golf escape on an Edinburgh break, or as an additional option for those heading to East Lothian’s championship courses. The layout is thought to be one of James Braid’s earliest designs, having been created in 1912.

Established in 1885, Cheadle is the second oldest club in Cheshire, with only Royal Hoylake boasting a longer history. The charming parkland layout boasts a wide range of par 3s and par 4s, with some holes modest in length and others, like the 437-yard 6th, from the Forth Road Bridge. The playing much longer.

Turn over for more Scottish 9holers, plus those from the remainder of Great Britain

Golf beenparkland playedis at Selkirk Thishas beautiful nestled in the since 1883, theTatton course which National Trustand owned Park, so stands today location was laid has a serene for out golf. by Settled on the highest part of the Park park, the Musselburgh’s Willie in 1924. course viewsholes of Only theboasts thirdwonderful and fourth mature trees, rolling countryside play similarly on the course,and with theremaining park’s lake. holes having a the distinct feel about them. The 8th SILECROFT is known as ‘the long hole’ and is This charming course is set among renowned as being one of the spectacular scenery in the heart of trickiest the Borders Cumbria,holes close in to Windermere and the region. Lake District. Views from the 1st tee stretch out to the Irish Sea and the Isle

ST ANDREWS of Man, with Barrow-in-Furness set away to the south and the imposing (BALGOVE) viewBalgove of the Black Combeistothe the north. The Course only nine-hole layout at the Home of SOUTHPORT OLD Golf and caters primarily for Overshadowed by illustrious names families, juniors and beginners. nearby but the Old Links course is a Nevertheless, there is a true links terrific layout which should not be feel to the layout and the course is missed on a visit to the area. The linksprepared to the quality thata would parkland combination provides bewonderful expected from any course at St feel over its 6,641 yards. Andrews. The Balgove is an WHALLEY excellent warm up option before A parkland with mature trees playing onecourse of the venue’s and wonderful views of thebut Ribble championship layouts, is also The fairways andthat greens are anValley. accessible course allows pristine and there are many strategic everyone to experience playing at bunkers and water hazards. The the Home of Golf. clubhouse dates back to 1751 and was originally a barn which has now been ST fullyBOSWELLS restored.

Located in the Scottish Borders on | SEPTEMBER 2013 129

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GB&I | Top 100 9-holers

ST BOSWELLS the south bank of the River Tweed, this friendly club boasts over 110 years of history, having celebrated its centenary in 1999. The parkland course contains three par 3s, five par 4s and a solitary par 5, which at 425 yards is the signature hole. Many holes are set up around the river, which forms a prominent feature of the layout.

ST MEDAN This course is the most southerly in Scotland and is laid out on the shores of Luce Bay. It is possible to take the boat to Ireland from the nearby port of Cairnryan. There are 18 tees on the nine holes, which allows for a different feel on the second loop. The club is extremely family orientated and the course welcomes beginners and more experienced players alike. A picturesque gem of a course.

STRATHENDRICK Situated on the banks of the River Endrick within Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, this course is easily accessed from Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The parkland layout was originally laid out in 1901 and was lengthened in 1905, but there have been few changes since then and the course relies on protection from well-placed natural obstacles rather than man-made hazards.

STRATHTAY The course at Strathtay is located close to Pitlochry and around 40 minutes drive from Perth. It is just a short distance from the A9 and is an ideal stop-off point for golfers heading north towards Inverness and the Highlands. The layout was created in 1909 and remained unmodified for almost 100 years until an additional set of tees were added to the nine holes in 2008.

TARLAND The parkland course at Tarland was designed by Tom Morris in 1908 in an area which is famous for a rich variety of wildlife. Soaring buzzards and roaming deer are not uncommon sights here, in its location close to Aberdeen and the Glenmore Forest Park. The course is 5,900 yards in length so provides a proper test, especially when you consider that it does not contain any par 5s.

TAYNUILT This parkland is relatively new, having been created in 1987. Nestled in the base of Ben Cruachan and offering views up to Loch Etive, the location of Taynuilt’s course is unrivalled and boasts majestic panoramic scenery. The club sits on the A85 in the west of Scotland, around two

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hours’ drive from Glasgow and 12 miles from Oban, which is known as ‘The Gateway to the Isles’.

AMPLEFORTH The modern layout at Ampleforth offers nine holes of sloping parkland golf set within the grounds of Gilling Castle and offering panoramic views over the North Yorkshire Moors. Ampleforth is a robust walk, with several holes running along the sides of the valley. The wind plays a significant role on many of the holes, particularly the 1st and the 10th.

CROW NEST PARK Established in 1995, Crow Nest Park is a teenage course which has a mature feel thanks to many old trees which are present throughout the nine holes. The fast-draining greens are built to USGA spec, and the course is 450m above sea level so is playable all year round. Most holes have alternative tees.

RAWDON Located six miles north of Leeds in the heart of West Yorkshire, this parkland has a mix of holes which includes two good length par 5s. The club was originally a tennis and croquet club which dates back to the 1870s, and the clubhouse sits atop of Buckstone Rock and offers splendid views over the Aire Valley. To this day, lawn tennis and golf are played side by side. The main challenge of this wellpresented course comes in the form of the small and firm greens. Get out of position and you are sure to pay the price.

TILLICOULTRY Featuring a mix of very short par 3s and long par 4s, Tillicoultry is an outstanding course close to Stirling, around an hour’s drive from St Andrews. Lying at the foot of the Ochil hills, the surrounding scenery is more readily associated with France or Switzerland as opposed to central Scotland. The club is extremely friendly and the course is set up well for all standards of golfer.

TOBERMORY Tobermory is a clifftop course set above Tobermory Bay on the Isle of Mull. The layout winds around the natural hills, providing undulating fairways and greens on almost every hole. Noteworthy is the visitor’s book, which contains comments from former Open champion and 2014 US Ryder Cup captain Tom Watson. The small and homely clubhouse is also a perfect place to relax following a round and take in the scenery.

TORPHINS Situated in Royal Deeside just over 20 miles from Aberdeen, Torphins has an unusual layout in that there are nine holes, 13 tees and 10

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greens. From the highest tees there are excellent views out to the Deeside countryside. The course plays to a par of 64 and measures a shade under 4,500 yards from the yellow tees and just over 4,700 yards from the back tees.

played as a full set of 18 holes, the course is a stern test for even the best club players. The layout is maintained to a high standard and the course offers panoramic views of London to the north and the Sussex Downs to the south.



Golf has been played at Traigh since the turn of the 20th Century, but the layout was re-designed by former R&A captain and renowned architect John Salvesen between 1993 and 1995. The course is undulating and is built around a line of grassy hills which feature on nearly every hole. This is a quintessentially Scottish course which boasts stunning views of the Hebridean islands and the Cuillins of Skye.

This traditional parkland was established in 1897 and boasts tree-lined fairways and undulating, well maintained greens. Although it is just a shade over 5,100 yards, Dorking reminds players length off the tee does not guarantee automatic success on a course. Short-game skills and good putting are placed at a premium if you wish to score well here.

ULLAPOOL Laid out from the northern boundaries of Ullapool down to the shores of Loch Broom. There is a rich variety through the nine holes, with some fairways tight – and lined with gorse – while others are more open and grassy. The course was opened in 1998 by HRH Prince Andrew, and has matured quickly. It is a charming and serene place to play golf. Alternative tees are also in place on all nine holes.

SOUTH EAST CHORLEYWOOD Founded in 1980 and set in the heart of Chorleywood Common, this picturesque undulating course is home to the oldest club in Hertfordshire. Chorleywood occupies a superb location, lying just five minutes away from Junction 18 on the M25, close to the heart of London and beautiful Hertfordshire countryside. The club also boasts a modern clubhouse which serves excellent food and drink, and visitors are welcome throughout the year.

DEWLANDS MANOR Designed and built in 1989, the course covers the land that surrounds Dewlands Manor. Playing to a par of 72 and measuring 6,372 yards, when

ELTHAM WARREN The quality at Eltham Warren is underlined by the fact that it is the only nine-hole course in Kent to have hosted county championship matches. Combine that with the relatively short yardage of just over 5,800 yards and you can understand why we think this appeals to more than just the long hitter. The James Braid design was established in 1890 and is one of England’s oldest nine-hole courses.

HAMPSTEAD Founded in 1893, Hampstead is the closest course to the centre of London and is just five underground stops away from Kings Cross. The course is a classic parkland designed by Tom Dunn, and its clever design makes it hard to believe you are playing golf in the bustling suburb of Camden. The layout contains raised tees and ELTHAM WARREN

WEST MIDLANDS CADMORE This parkland course forms part of the extensive on-site sport and leisure facilities at Cadmore Lodge Hotel and Country Club. Undulating fairways, streams and lakes are ever present throughout a round, and the course offers wonderful views of Clee Hill. In addition to the course, the site also boasts hotel accommodation, a restaurant and both course and game fishing facilities. Residents and visitors can both access the course.

nine which complements its bigger brother and sister perfectly. The 2,784-yard, par-35 layout has tight tree-lined fairways, beautifullypresented water hazards, strategically-placed bunkers and slick greens. The course is maintained to the standard of the Kings and Queens layouts, and therefore provides high quality golf.


Built at the turn of the millennium, this is one of the newest nine-holers in the UK. It sits on undulating parkland and features many water hazards and bunkers. From tee to green, this course has all the qualities of a championship course and is maintained to a high standard. Marston Lakes was designed by local architect Mark Jones and features an on site hotel and spa.

Originally designed in 1994 by Donald Steel, Homelands is a traditional nine-hole, 18-tee parkland course set in tranquil Kent countryside. The layout was renovated in 2007 and re-opened by European Tour pro Benn Barham. This revision created a new 1st hole and extended the 9th into a challenging, uphill 518yard par 5.Many new bunkers and water hazards were also added to the course.




Former Open and US Open champion Tony Jacklin described Nailcote Hall has “a true test of short game ability” and “a gem of a course”. It hosts the British Par-3 Championship and contains nine of the best par 3s to be found anywhere in the country. The holes contain all the hazards expected on a full course, including water, ditches, elevated greens and 23 bunkers.

greens and the fairways are flanked by high trees.


This charming course was built in the grounds of the castle which shares its name, and as such occupies a wonderful setting for golf on a pristine piece of land. The course was built in 1924, so has a mature feel throughout and boasts panoramic views over the castle and out to the surrounding area. The par-3 2,681-yard layout is about as traditional as nine hole courses come, so is a ‘must play’ if you are in the area.


Although Hever Castle is best known for the quality of its Kings and Queens courses, the Princes course is an excellent third loop of

Situated in the beautiful Weald of Kent countryside, close to Tenterden and within easy reach of Ashford and Cranbrook, alongside the excellent full course is a nine hole par-3 championship pitching course and a beautifully maintained putting green. So if you are looking to improve your short game then this is an excellent facility at which to do so. There is also an on-site hotel complete with full spa facilities.

PLAYGOLF LONDON (NORTHWICK PARK) If you have ever wanted to Turn over for more South East 9-holers, plus those from the remainder of Great Britain | SEPTEMBER 2013 131

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GB&I | Top 100 9-holers NORTHWICK PARK

EAST MIDLANDS BAKEWELL Set in the thriving market town of Bakewell in the heart of the Peak District, this undulating parkland was built in 1899 by feted designer George Lowe. Featuring nine holes and 18 tees, the compact layout runs along the hillside to the east of the town and features small, fast greens with deceptive contours.

CAMBRIDGE LAKES This young course was established in the late 1990s but already feels mature beyond its years. It features tree-lined fairways, two lakes and raised greens. The club is located close to the championship course at Gog Magog and club strikes the perfect balance between a relaxed approach whilst maintaining a ‘proper club’ feel.

The oldest club in Leicestershire and a terrific James Braid heathland which boasts rocks, heather, gorse and stone walls. There are no bunkers, with Braid instead using the natural contours of the land to create hazards. Although the course has undergone many changes since its inception in 1890, the basic Braid principles have been maintained throughout.

experience what it is like to tackle the 12th at Augusta or the famous ‘postage stamp’ 8th at Royal Troon but don’t have either the time or the money to do so, then PlayGolf London might provide the answer. Each of the nine holes is modelled on a different iconic hole from courses ranging from Ganton to Oak Hill and including Augusta National, Royal Birkdale and famous PGA Tour venue Riviera.




Designed by five-time Open champion JH Taylor, who declared “this is one of the most sporting golf courses in Great Britain”. Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty and one of the most picturesque venues in the area, offering views over the North Norfolk coast.

PASTURES This is a tight, challenging layout with densely tree-lined fairways. There are four par 3s, three of which measure over 200 yards and have greens which are guarded by small pot bunkers. The greens are fast and firm and the course measures just under 6,000 yards when played as a full 18 holes.

POTTERGATE Situated five miles from Lincoln, this charming course boasts rolling fairways, many water hazards and large greens. The course contains a mix of par-3s and par-4s of varying length, with one par-5 which plays at over 500 yards from the back tees.


This outstanding heathland layout is set on the Surrey heathland belt and boasts over 100 years of history and pedigree. In fact, this course is so good Peter Alliss described it as “a little gem” during his 1980s television series. With different tees for the second nine there is not only a change of distance, but a variation of angle, making some holes dramatically different.

TUNBRIDGE WELLS Built by the Victorians, this club is located in the heart of Kent and minutes from the charming town of Royal Tunbridge Wells. Each hole contains two separate tees, creating a slightly different feel on each should you play the full 18. Water and well-placed bunkers feature throughout – especially on the signature 2nd hole which plays over a pond to a heavily-

See introduction to the feature for more details on this historic course.

132 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

SOUTH WEST ISLE OF PURBECK (DENE) The Dene course is an additional nine holes which complements the championship course at Purbeck. Aimed at providing a more relaxed experience to higher handicap players, the real beauty of this layout is it is kept to the standard of its more established championship neighbour. The heathland holes boast wonderful views over Poole, Swanage and the surrounding countryside, and should not be overlooked on a visit to the club.

WOODBURY PARK (ACORNS) This addition to the championship Oaks course measures 2,297 yards and has a charm all of its own. Featuring greenside bunkers, large rolling greens and a tricky second hole, it takes in the attractive views across the Exe Valley. There is a luxury hotel on site which complements the two courses.

IVYLEAF Situated between Bude and Kilkhampton, just off the A39, this course boasts some of the finest views to be seen on a course in Cornwall. Its hilltop location combined with the surrounding areas of natural beauty across the North Cornish coastline from Trevose Head to Dartmoor combine to create stunning panoramas. At 2,300 yards, this

course is ideal for beginners, and the club also has an on-site floodlit driving range.

ST KEW Located on the edge of St Kew Highway, approximately three miles north of Wadebridge, the layout at St Kew is noted for the length of some of its par 3s. Three of the short holes measure 191, 200 and 216 yards, illustrating that this course is an exacting test. The club is family run and its flat land makes for an easy-walking round.

WHITLEY This course opened in 1993 with the aim of providing a relaxed and affordable way of getting into the game. It is located between Melksham and Corsham and is renowned for having a friendly and welcoming atmosphere to all ages and standards of golfer. The course requires more than just a long drive off each tee and places emphasis on course management.

WINCANTON The compact layout at Wincanton is set within the grounds of the racecourse which shares the same name, and offers a compact layout which is accessible to all. Alongside the golf course and the racecourse is the Kingwell Lodge, which offers excellent accommodation should you wish to take a golf break in the area or explore the surrounding Somerset countryside.

NCG pp133-134 Club Golf Ads 23/07/2013 13:35 Page 133



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NCG pp135 Lead to Club Golf 23/07/2013 11:18 Page 135

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THIS MONTH’S TOP STORY PM asked to investigate club tax PRIME MINISTER David Cameron has been called to investigate the tax affairs of a club he is an honorary member of. In an open letter to the PM, former British women’s golf champion and golf club owner Vivien Saunders OBE claims that Ellesborough in Buckinghamshire may have avoided paying the correct tax for many years on membership and guest fees. The letter is the latest in an ongoing debate about the payable VAT difference between privately owned and public golf courses. Ellesborough guests do not pay VAT on their green fees as they are treated as ‘temporary members’ – a move which was described as ‘evasion’ in Saunders’ letter.

Under pressure Cameron called on to clarify VAT rules for private members’ clubs

News | Personalities | Club focus |Greenkeeping | Secret Secretary | Must Plays | Area guides



Course The jewel in the crown at St Mellion is the Jack Nicklaus

Signature course. Featuring a number of tiered greens, the layout also boasts plenty of bunkers and water hazards. The neighbouring Kernow course is perfect for those hoping to play 36 holes. Redesigned in 2008, the course now features strategic bunkers and will test each aspect of your game. Top Hole The 11th on the Nicklaus layout is

regarded as the signature hole. Measuring 203 yards, you must carry a winding river to find the green at this par 3. Card Wrecker Watch out for the 6th on the Kernow layout. Featuring an approach over a Cornish hedge, the stroke index one par 4 requires two of your most accurate shots to find the putting surface.

Manor House honours Rose

Wiltshire ace claims the Brabazon Trophy

US Open champion Justin Rose made an appearance at a Wiltshire club last month. Rose celebrated his daughter’s christening at the Manor House Hotel, where he also wedded wife Kate back in 2006. The club marked the occasion by offering the world number three - who brought the US Open trophy with him an honorary life membership.

Boyd shines on England debut A Truro golfer was England’s stand-out performer at the European Ladies’ Team Championship last month. Sarah-Jane Boyd won a dramatic play-off to send England to the semi-finals of the event at Fulford. “I have never felt so much pressure,” said the 21year-old star.

136 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

“It’s for the team and you know everyone is wanting it so much. “It was the best feeling I have ever had when that putt went in.” “She did really well to hold her nerve,” said captain Emma Brown. “There was some great golf over the last few holes.”

Brennan makes team for the 2013 PGA Cup A Wiltshire pro has earned a call up to the GB&I PGA Cup squad. Bowood professional Nick Brennan is one of 10 players selected to take on the Americans later this summer. “It feels fantastic as it wasn’t even on my radar,” said Brennan.

Wiltshire golfer Jordan Smith battled stormy conditions to win the prestigious Brabazon Trophy at Formby. The 20 year old went into the final day level with Irishman Brian Casey, but carded a closing round of 70 to finish on two under par, four clear at the top of the leaderboard. “This is great for my career,” said Smith. “I was disappointed not to make the team for the Europeans. I think not being picked urged me on to prove a point.” The title has been won previously by the likes of Sandy Lyle and Peter Hanson.

South West: St Mellion’s our County Champion

WEST If you’re heading south for the summer then here is a collection of great courses to make your trip an unforgettable one

Area Guide: We head to England’s south-west

TREVOSE Originally designed by Harry Colt, Cornich classic Trevose enjoyed the national spotlight in 2008 when it hosted the Brabazon Trophy. The par-72, 6,967yard course features large greens and generous fairways as well as penal rough and firm seaside turf. The club also offers a 9-hole course and par-3 layout on site, as well as a variety of fantastic accommodation options. Nearest town: Padstow

139 AUGUST 2013 |

139 | AUGUST 2013 139

News & Reviews

in association with

SOUTH EAST Beds | Berks | Bucks | Essex | Hants | Herts | Kent | Middx | Surrey | Sussex

Trainor wins regional Ireland’s Barrie Trainor won the PGA East Region Championship at Essendon. The Sussex based 32 year old carded a sixunder-par 66 to claim the title and pick up the £2,000 first prize.

Accolade for O’Connell Hoebridge’s Mike O’Connell has become the first manager of a pay-and-play facility to be awarded the Certified Club Manager qualification, joining an elite group of just 28 managers across Europe.

County Champion: Tudor Park, Kent About Tudor Park is a championshipstandard course with a Marriott Hotel and Country Club attached set in the heart of Kent’s rolling countryside. It has been recognised as one of the top three courses in the country for juniors, beginners, and players with special needs, and recently scooped a national award for the ‘best presented and tastiest food in golf’.

The Course Designed by Donald Steel, Tudor Park’s 18-hole championship course takes advantage of the natural features of an ancestral deer park. The par-70 track winds around ancient pines, a charming fly fishery and historic Milgate House. The course has hosted various national and international events, including the PGA EuroPro Tour and the Kent PGA Pro-Am.

Card Wrecker The par-4 16th measures 468 yards and is rightly ranked as the toughest hole on the course. A four on this hole will feel like a birdie!

New launch at Silvermere

Mid Sussex raise funds for Macmillan

Silvermere is preparing for a new online launch in the second week of August. The former European Tour qualifying venue is undoubtedly one of the most challenging pay and play courses in Surrey, and the 18-hole course is open to everyone throughout the week. For more information about the course or the launch visit or call 01932 584 300.

Bedford player wins English Mid-Am Caddies at The Grove A Hertfordshire club has introduced an innovative new caddy programme. Visitors will now be able to walk the fairways at The Grove while taking advantage of expertly-trained caddies and their invaluable local knowledge.

Top Hole The signature hole at Tudor Park is the picturesque 4th. Playing from an elevated tee, the 183-yard par 3 will test both your accuracy and distance control.

A Bedfordshire player finally secured the English Men’s Mid Amateur Championship at Worcestershire GC after finishing runner-up on two previous occasions. Seasoned campaigner John Kemp earned the victory by a single stroke, and having already won three British Mid Amateur

142 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

trophies he was delighted to add the English title to his collection. “I’m chuffed to bits,” said Kemp on recieving the trophy. “I made hard work of it with a bogey at 16, which put me under pressure because I needed a birdie at the last. Fortunately I managed it,” he added.

Raising cash from dawn ‘til dusk at Tudor Park Two golfers raised £1,000 for charity after playing from dawn until dusk at Marriott Tudor Park in Maidstone. Greg Owen and Fraser Liston completed five rounds and 12 holes in 17 hours and raised the money for the local branch of Parkinson’s UK.

An annual golf day at a Sussex club raised £6,500 for cancer charity Macmillan. Nineteen fourball teams took part in the event at Mid Sussex while club members sold raffle tickets and hosted a ‘beat the pro’ challenge on the 8th hole. An auction then followed in the evening, boosting the total amount raised to just over £6,500. The club has now raised £23,500 for the charity in two years, with the donations helping to support the new cancer wing at Brighton Hospital.

142 South East: Focus on Tudor Park in Kent

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

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NORTH EAST Cleveland | Durham | North’land | Tyne & Wear | Yorkshire

Celebrities help out at Close House event A collection of famous faces lined up at a Northumberland course to raise money for a local hospital. The likes of Alan Shearer and Lee Westwood appeared at the Close House resort.

O N • CO



Consolation for Penge Sussex youngster Marco Penge was beaten in a three hole play-off at the Irish Boys Open, but had the consolation of winning the Under-16 title at Lisburn, NI. Penge lost out to Ireland’s Robin Dawson after they both shot 282 to tie for first place.



O N • CO

M Two Cotswold Hills juniors helped Gloucestershire claim a first National Schools Team title. Thomas Hage and Alex Robinson steered St Edward’s school in Cheltenham to victory at Woodhall Spa (pictured) – the home of England Golf.


Gloucestershire claim Schools crown



Goodall’s junior success A Selby golfer tasted victory at the Yorkshire Ladies’ Junior Championship. Ellie Goodall carded rounds of 69 and 72 to finish two shots clear of the field at York (pictured above).


Headingley reinvest Headingley have appointed a new greenkeeper as part of a course investment programme. The Leeds club hopes to build on recent success in attracting new members by steady improvement.

Kirkpatrick lifts trophy Ramside golfer John Kirkpatrick triumphed at the Durham County Championship at Seaton Carew (pictured above). It was not the first significant triumph for the 50 year old – but his last county success came 32 years ago, when he won the Cumbrian title.




t: 01484 426203 huddersfield -golf p: HD2 2EP

O N • CO

About Located just off the A388 on the Cornwall-Devon border, St Mellion boasts a four-star hotel as well as two 18-hole golf courses. The venue also offers an indoor leisure club and a wide range of catering options.

Dorset duo shine Two Dorset youngsters placed well at the South West Boys’ Championship. Parkstone players George Long and Tom Atkins finished fourth and fifth respectively at Weston-Super-Mare.



O N • CO



t: 01579 351351 st-mellion.c p: PL12 6SD

County Champion: St Mellion, Cornwall

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Jersey pair retain titles Two Royal Jersey players have retained their Channel Islands titles. Matthew Parkman and Aimeé Ponte both secured victory at Grouville having won at L’Ancresse last year.



Channel Is | Cornwall | Devon | Dorset | Glos | Somerset | Wilts




News & Reviews

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Stow wins at Open LFQ Rushmore’s Ben Stow won the Local Final Qualifying at Gullane (below) to earn a place at the Open Championship. The Wiltshire player was one of four English amateurs to qualify.

County Champion: Huddersfield, Yorkshire About Home to the Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs, Huddersfield is home to one of the top courses in the region as well as Fixby Hall – its Grade-II listed clubhouse and which gives the course its affectionate nickname Fixby. The club hosts society and corporate days as well as weddings and a range of other functions. It recently staged the Yorkshire Amateur.

The Course Measuring 6,506 yards, the Tom Dunn-designed course starts and ends at the handsome clubhouse. It also features a range of USGA-standard greens and quickdrying fairways which mean that the course is seldom closed for bad weather. On those rare days, players can make use of the indoor teaching and video facilities.

Top Hole Known as ‘Panorama’, the par-5 18th is a brilliant end to your round. Beware of the two bunkers on the front of the green. Card Wrecker Watch out for the par-5 5th hole. This 512-yard, uphill, stroke-one test features out of bounds right as well as four fairway bunkers. The green is also well protected.

Fulford proves perfect host

Stressholme muni is now home for Grange

Fulford made a successful return to hosting tournament golf with the European Ladies’ Amateur Team Championship. An impressive number of fans flocked to the famous York club to watch the event, which was eventually won by Spain. “In all the tournaments I've been to, apart from The Open, I've never seen crowds as big as this,” said England Golf press officer Lyndsey Hewison.

‘Amateur’ gives Garrick dream ticket

Fitzpatrick makes Open

Northumberland golfer Garrick Porteous will play in three Majors after winning the Amateur Championship at Royal Cinque Ports. The Bamburgh Castle member won a final played in inclement conditions 6&5 to gain entry into the Open Championship as well as

A Sheffield teenager lined up at the Open at Muirfield. Matthew Fitzpatrick finished ahead of former Ryder Cup captains Colin Montgomerie and Mark James at the Gullane qualifier. The 18-year-old Hallamshire member won the Boys’ Amateur last year.

144 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

next year's Masters and US Open. He is also set to feature in the GB&I Walker Cup squad. “It feels just unbelievable, I can't quite get to grips with it,” said Porteous. “Growing up on links golf, it’s second nature to me. I knew it was going to be a grind and wasn’t intimidated.”

A former municipal course in Darlington has reopened as a private members’ club. Council-run Stressholme faced being axed due to budget cuts but will now operate as Blackwell Grange. Blackwell had been on its previous site for over 100 years, but had to move due to poor membership figures. The clubs will now combine memberships. “This is a wonderful opportunity and I do not mean that exclusively for Blackwell members,” said club secretary Doug Christie. The old site is likely to be used for housing development.

144 Fixby, in Huddersfield, is a must-play

NCG pp136 Club Golf SW 22/07/2013 11:26 Page 136

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

SOUTH WEST Channel Is | Cornwall | Devon | Dorset | Glos | Somerset | Wilts

O N • CO


County Champion: St Mellion, Cornwall About Located just off the A388 on the Cornwall-Devon border, St Mellion boasts a four-star hotel as well as two 18-hole golf courses. The venue also offers an indoor leisure club and a wide range of catering options.

Dorset duo shine Two Dorset youngsters placed well at the South West Boys’ Championship. Parkstone players George Long and Tom Atkins finished fourth and fifth respectively at Weston-Super-Mare.

Gloucestershire claim Schools crown Two Cotswold Hills juniors helped Gloucestershire claim a first National Schools Team title. Thomas Hage and Alex Robinson steered St Edward’s school in Cheltenham to victory at Woodhall Spa (pictured) – the home of England Golf.


Two Royal Jersey players have retained their Channel Islands titles. Matthew Parkman and Aimeé Ponte both secured victory at Grouville having won at L’Ancresse last year.




t: 01579 3 51351 st-mellion p: PL12 6S D

O N • CO

Jersey pair retain titles






Stow wins at Open LFQ Rushmore’s Ben Stow won the Local Final Qualifying at Gullane (below) to earn a place at the Open Championship. The Wiltshire player was one of four English amateurs to qualify.

Course The jewel in the crown at St Mellion is the Jack Nicklaus

Signature course. Featuring a number of tiered greens, the layout also boasts plenty of bunkers and water hazards. The neighbouring Kernow course is perfect for those hoping to play 36 holes. Redesigned in 2008, the course now features strategic bunkers and will test each aspect of your game. Top Hole The 11th on the Nicklaus layout is

regarded as the signature hole. Measuring 203 yards, you must carry a winding river to find the green at this par 3. Card Wrecker Watch out for the 6th on the Kernow layout. Featuring an approach over a Cornish hedge, the stroke index one par 4 requires two of your most accurate shots to find the putting surface.

Wiltshire ace claims the Brabazon Trophy

Manor House honours Rose US Open champion Justin Rose made an appearance at a Wiltshire club last month. Rose celebrated his daughter’s christening at the Manor House Hotel, where he also wedded wife Kate back in 2006. The club marked the occasion by offering the world number three - who brought the US Open trophy with him an honorary life membership.

Boyd shines on England debut A Truro golfer was England’s stand-out performer at the European Ladies’ Team Championship last month. Sarah-Jane Boyd won a dramatic play-off to send England to the semi-finals of the event at Fulford. “I have never felt so much pressure,” said the 21year-old star.

136 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

“It’s for the team and you know everyone is wanting it so much. “It was the best feeling I have ever had when that putt went in.” “She did really well to hold her nerve,” said captain Emma Brown. “There was some great golf over the last few holes.”

Brennan makes team for the 2013 PGA Cup A Wiltshire pro has earned a call up to the GB&I PGA Cup squad. Bowood professional Nick Brennan is one of 10 players selected to take on the Americans later this summer. “It feels fantastic as it wasn’t even on my radar,” said Brennan.

Wiltshire golfer Jordan Smith battled stormy conditions to win the prestigious Brabazon Trophy at Formby. The 20 year old went into the final day level with Irishman Brian Casey, but carded a closing round of 70 to finish on two under par, four clear at the top of the leaderboard. “This is great for my career,” said Smith. “I was disappointed not to make the team for the Europeans. I think not being picked urged me on to prove a point.” The title has been won previously by the likes of Sandy Lyle and Peter Hanson.

NCG pp137 Club Golf SW Ads 19/07/2013 13:24 Page 137


NCG pp138 Club Golf SW Ads 22/07/2013 14:53 Page 138


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138 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

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NCG pp139-140 SW Area Guide 23/07/2013 11:15 Page 139


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WEST If you’re heading south for the summer then here is a collection of great courses to make your trip an unforgettable one

TREVOSE Originally designed by Harry Colt, Cornich classic Trevose enjoyed the national spotlight in 2008 when it hosted the Brabazon Trophy. The par-72, 6,967yard course features large greens and generous fairways as well as penal rough and firm seaside turf. The club also offers a 9-hole course and par-3 layout on site, as well as a variety of fantastic accommodation options. Nearest town: Padstow

139 AUGUST 2013 | | AUGUST 2013 139

NCG pp139-140 SW Area Guide 23/07/2013 11:16 Page 140


The finest British knitwear

Area Guide


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MANOR HOUSE AND ASHBURY Nestled in the foothills of the Dartmoor National Park are the Manor House and Ashbury Hotels. With free golf on offer over four 18-hole courses along with a wide range of sport, leisure and craft facilities, this is a unique place for a holiday or short break. All breaks are full board, with a range of offers available throughout the year. The golf courses occupy a light woodland and parkland setting with many natural and strategically placed hazards. Nearest town: Okehampton

BOWOOD PARK Set in the heart of North Cornwall in 230 acres of rolling hills and woodland is Bowood Park, home to a 31-room hotel, award winning restaurant and a well-manicured

18-hole parkland course. The par-72 layout measures 6,735-yards from the back tees and features superb greens, all built to USGA standards, and an excellent drainage system which means the course rarely falls foul of even the most extreme weather conditions. It is also ideally situated for lots of nearby activities, including water sports, cycling and sightseeing – so Bowood Park should be top of your list when planning your next trip away. Nearest town: Camelford

LAUNCESTON A well-established course which offers stunning views over both Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor, Launceston provides an excellent venue for both members and visitors alike. Located just off the A30 and close to both North and South coasts, the venue is the first club you find upon crossing the

140 AUGUST 2013 |

Cornish border. The course is a 6385-yard par 70, reduced to a 5682-yard par 73 for ladies, and the club has several excellent visitor packages available along with outstanding catering facilities. Nearest town: Launceston

the course, the clubhouse and accommodation have been recently upgraded, and the restaurant has an excellent reputation for serving hearty, home-cooked locally sourced food. Nearest town: Launceston



Trethorne is set in the picturesque Cornish countryside on the border between Devon and Cornwall, conveniently located just off the A30 and just half an hour’s drive away from both the north and south coast. The course is a challenging par-71 which incorporates numerous water hazards and tree lined fairways into the design. The layout has been continually subjected to careful redesign and outstanding greenkeeping, and the club also boasts a vibrant sports bar, restaurant and clubhouse. Along with extensive work to

Offering 27 holes of challenging golf and a large leisure complex, Dorset is one of the finest clubs in the region. The three nine-hole loops – Woodland, Lakeland and Parkland – were designed by renowned architect Martin Hawtree and conform to full USGA specifications. They are also extremely well maintained. The Lakeland and Parkland combination, played to a par of 72, is the most popular 18-hole choice, but the par-33 Woodland course should not be ignored. Nearest town: Bere Regis

NCG pp141 Club Golf SE Ads 22/07/2013 16:54 Page 141


Tylney Park Golf Club

An example of the very best inland golf available in Britain The championship course was redesigned in 2005 by Donald Steel and Tom Mac Kenzie 4 for 3 offer on green fees £40 Mon-Fri • £50 weekend Membership Availabilities joining fee being suspended in all categories at the moment Tel: 01256 762079 or email Rotherwick, Hook Hampshire RG27 9AY | SEPTEMBER 2013 141

NCG pp142 Club Golf SE 22/07/2013 11:27 Page 142

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

SOUTH EAST Beds | Berks | Bucks | Essex | Hants | Herts | Kent | Middx | Surrey | Sussex

Consolation for Penge Sussex youngster Marco Penge was beaten in a three hole play-off at the Irish Boys Open, but had the consolation of winning the Under-16 title at Lisburn, NI. Penge lost out to Ireland’s Robin Dawson after they both shot 282 to tie for first place.

Trainor wins regional Ireland’s Barrie Trainor won the PGA East Region Championship at Essendon. The Sussex based 32 year old carded a sixunder-par 66 to claim the title and pick up the £2,000 first prize.

Accolade for O’Connell Hoebridge’s Mike O’Connell has become the first manager of a pay-and-play facility to be awarded the Certified Club Manager qualification, joining an elite group of just 28 managers across Europe.

County Champion: Tudor Park, Kent About Tudor Park is a championshipstandard course with a Marriott Hotel and Country Club attached set in the heart of Kent’s rolling countryside. It has been recognised as one of the top three courses in the country for juniors, beginners, and players with special needs, and recently scooped a national award for the ‘best presented and tastiest food in golf’.

The Course Designed by Donald Steel, Tudor Park’s 18-hole championship course takes advantage of the natural features of an ancestral deer park. The par-70 track winds around ancient pines, a charming fly fishery and historic Milgate House. The course has hosted various national and international events, including the PGA EuroPro Tour and the Kent PGA Pro-Am.

A Hertfordshire club has introduced an innovative new caddy programme. Visitors will now be able to walk the fairways at The Grove while taking advantage of expertly-trained caddies and their invaluable local knowledge.

Card Wrecker The par-4 16th measures 468 yards and is rightly ranked as the toughest hole on the course. A four on this hole will feel like a birdie!

Mid Sussex raise funds for Macmillan

New launch at Silvermere Silvermere is preparing for a new online launch in the second week of August. The former European Tour qualifying venue is undoubtedly one of the most challenging pay and play courses in Surrey, and the 18-hole course is open to everyone throughout the week. For more information about the course or the launch visit or call 01932 584 300.

Bedford player wins English Mid-Am Caddies at The Grove

Top Hole The signature hole at Tudor Park is the picturesque 4th. Playing from an elevated tee, the 183-yard par 3 will test both your accuracy and distance control.

A Bedfordshire player finally secured the English Men’s Mid Amateur Championship at Worcestershire GC after finishing runner-up on two previous occasions. Seasoned campaigner John Kemp earned the victory by a single stroke, and having already won three British Mid Amateur

142 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

trophies he was delighted to add the English title to his collection. “I’m chuffed to bits,” said Kemp on recieving the trophy. “I made hard work of it with a bogey at 16, which put me under pressure because I needed a birdie at the last. Fortunately I managed it,” he added.

Raising cash from dawn ‘til dusk at Tudor Park Two golfers raised £1,000 for charity after playing from dawn until dusk at Marriott Tudor Park in Maidstone. Greg Owen and Fraser Liston completed five rounds and 12 holes in 17 hours and raised the money for the local branch of Parkinson’s UK.

An annual golf day at a Sussex club raised £6,500 for cancer charity Macmillan. Nineteen fourball teams took part in the event at Mid Sussex while club members sold raffle tickets and hosted a ‘beat the pro’ challenge on the 8th hole. An auction then followed in the evening, boosting the total amount raised to just over £6,500. The club has now raised £23,500 for the charity in two years, with the donations helping to support the new cancer wing at Brighton Hospital.

NCG pp143 Club Golf SE Ads 19/07/2013 13:26 Page 143




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SPECIAL SUNDAY DRIVER £85.00 per person including: Dinner, Bed & Breakfast with 2 rounds of Golf | SEPTEMBER 2013 143

NCG pp144 Club Golf NE 22/07/2013 11:28 Page 144

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

NORTH EAST Cleveland | Durham | North’land | Tyne & Wear | Yorkshire

Celebrities help out at Close House event

M Headingley have appointed a new greenkeeper as part of a course investment programme. The Leeds club hopes to build on recent success in attracting new members by steady improvement.

Kirkpatrick lifts trophy Ramside golfer John Kirkpatrick triumphed at the Durham County Championship at Seaton Carew (pictured above). It was not the first significant triumph for the 50 year old – but his last county success came 32 years ago, when he won the Cumbrian title.


Headingley reinvest


t: 01484 4 26203 huddersfie ld-golf p: HD2 2E P


Goodall’s junior success A Selby golfer tasted victory at the Yorkshire Ladies’ Junior Championship. Ellie Goodall carded rounds of 69 and 72 to finish two shots clear of the field at York (pictured above).



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A collection of famous faces lined up at a Northumberland course to raise money for a local hospital. The likes of Alan Shearer and Lee Westwood appeared at the Close House resort.

County Champion: Huddersfield, Yorkshire About Home to the Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs, Huddersfield is home to one of the top courses in the region as well as Fixby Hall – its Grade-II listed clubhouse and which gives the course its affectionate nickname Fixby. The club hosts society and corporate days as well as weddings and a range of other functions. It recently staged the Yorkshire Amateur.

The Course Measuring 6,506 yards, the Tom Dunn-designed course starts and ends at the handsome clubhouse. It also features a range of USGA-standard greens and quickdrying fairways which mean that the course is seldom closed for bad weather. On those rare days, players can make use of the indoor teaching and video facilities.

Top Hole Known as ‘Panorama’, the par-5 18th is a brilliant end to your round. Beware of the two bunkers on the front of the green. Card Wrecker Watch out for the par-5 5th hole. This 512-yard, uphill, stroke-one test features out of bounds right as well as four fairway bunkers. The green is also well protected.

Stressholme muni is now home for Grange

Fulford proves perfect host Fulford made a successful return to hosting tournament golf with the European Ladies’ Amateur Team Championship. An impressive number of fans flocked to the famous York club to watch the event, which was eventually won by Spain. “In all the tournaments I've been to, apart from The Open, I've never seen crowds as big as this,” said England Golf press officer Lyndsey Hewison.

‘Amateur’ gives Garrick dream ticket

Fitzpatrick makes Open

Northumberland golfer Garrick Porteous will play in three Majors after winning the Amateur Championship at Royal Cinque Ports. The Bamburgh Castle member won a final played in inclement conditions 6&5 to gain entry into the Open Championship as well as

A Sheffield teenager lined up at the Open at Muirfield. Matthew Fitzpatrick finished ahead of former Ryder Cup captains Colin Montgomerie and Mark James at the Gullane qualifier. The 18-year-old Hallamshire member won the Boys’ Amateur last year.

144 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

next year's Masters and US Open. He is also set to feature in the GB&I Walker Cup squad. “It feels just unbelievable, I can't quite get to grips with it,” said Porteous. “Growing up on links golf, it’s second nature to me. I knew it was going to be a grind and wasn’t intimidated.”

A former municipal course in Darlington has reopened as a private members’ club. Council-run Stressholme faced being axed due to budget cuts but will now operate as Blackwell Grange. Blackwell had been on its previous site for over 100 years, but had to move due to poor membership figures. The clubs will now combine memberships. “This is a wonderful opportunity and I do not mean that exclusively for Blackwell members,” said club secretary Doug Christie. The old site is likely to be used for housing development.

NCG pp145 Club Golf NE Ads 23/07/2013 11:05 Page 145


Huddersfield Golf Club The home of Yorkshire golf

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NCG pp146 Club Golf NW 22/07/2013 11:30 Page 146

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

NORTH WEST Cheshire | Cumbria | Lancashire | Merseyside

Dominant Lancashire



M Expensive Silverdale trophies stolen A Lancashire club lost nine trophies worth nearly £1,000 during a burglary. The cups were taken from two separate cabinets at Silverdale.

Manchester offers tips Manchester Golf Club hosted an educational workshop for greenkeepers last month. The free session offered advice on how to achieve healthy, smooth greens.


A Merseyside club raised over £3,000 in memory of Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams. Huyton and Prescott staged a golfing day to help with funeral costs. Hillsborough survivors and campaigners, 40 in number, contested the event.


Huyton’s Williams event



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Lancashire youngsters dominated the English Schools’ National Championships at Hollinwell. Lancaster’s Adam Stone won the event, while Formby’s Oliver Clarke secured a thirdplace finish.

County Champion: Lytham Green Drive About Located less than four miles from 2012 Open host Royal Lytham, Lytham Green Drive is one of the region’s finest inland layouts. The club is a regular Open qualifying host and is easily accessible from both Preston and Blackpool. Away from the course, the club is a popular function venue and can seat up to 120 guests.

The Course Measuring just over 6,300 yards, the course is renowned for its narrow but pristine fairways as well as the dense trees which line the holes. The par-70 layout also boasts a collection of small greens which run fast and true. Top Hole The signature 14th will live long in the memory. Measuring 444 yards,

you must hit over a stream on both your tee shot and the approach to the green. What’s more, the green is also heavily guarded. Card Wrecker Watch out for the 406-yard 9th. Known as ‘Lancaster Corner’, the stroke index one hole features a sharp dogleg fairway and is statistically the toughest on the parkland course.

Latecomer Parish claims Grand Medal

Hoylake plans on track Wirral Council has backed plans to build a luxury golf resort close to Royal Liverpool. The 285-acre Hoylake site would feature a golf course, five-star hotel and conference facilities. “This has the potential to make Hoylake a first-class golf centre of international renown,” said councillor Phil Davies. “There has been significant interest in this development.”

Stockport starlet shines for England

McIntyre’s magic

Stockport youngster Bronte Law enjoyed a successful comeback to competition following her A-Level exams. The Bramhall player lined up for England at the European Ladies’ Team Championship at Fulford. While she lost her semi-final match, she was in superb form on the

A Cheshire youngster achieved a rare double at a local club. Kirsty McIntyre became the first female in Poulton’s 35-year history to win a junior event. The 12-year-old starlet then went on to triumph in her first senior women’s competition less than a week later.

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first day, carding a threeunder round of 69. “Overall, I was pleased,”said Law. “I hadn’t played stroke play for a while so it was really important for me to play well. “But was not about individuals that week, it wa about getting the best score for the team.”

Lancashire’s Gina Parish secured her biggest win to date in the England Golf Grand Medal Final at Northamptonshire County course. The win sees the 41year-old Lancaster member receive the accolade of being the best female club medal player in the country. Parish’s triumph is all the more remarkable considering she only started playing competitive golf two years ago. “When I set out I wanted to win, but I had no real expectations,” Parish reflected. “I am just totally made up!”

NCG pp147 Club Golf NW Ads 23/07/2013 10:03 Page 147



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Call the Golf Shop on 01625 575626 to book or email Follow us on Twitter - @shrigleygolf • | SEPTEMBER 2013 147

NCG pp148 Club Golf EM 23/07/2013 13:39 Page 148

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

EAST MIDLANDS Derb | N’ants | Notts | Leics | Lincs | Cambs | N’folk | Suffolk

Derbyshire get into golf




M Barmaid wins claim A diabetic barmaid at Gorleston has been awarded damages after her boss refused to help after she collapsed into a diabetic coma. Michelle Polidano was working at the Great Yarmouth club when she fell.

Summer breaks by the sea at North Shore The North Shore Hotel and Golf Club is currently offering an outstanding summer break package. Book three nights or more at the Skegness venue and stay for just £85 per night. Call 01754 763298 for more details.


Liam Taylor and Isaac Walker secured victory in the Nottinghamshire County Foursomes at Sherwood Forest. The pair carded an excellent final round of 70 to take the title by three shots.


Victory for Notts pair



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Clubs across Derbyshire are making it easier for beginners and juniors to play golf this summer. Derbyshire’s ‘Get Into Golf’ campaign saw many clubs organise events to coincide with The Open in July.

County Champion: Barnham Broom, Norfolk About Located in the tranquil countryside of Norfolk, Barnham Broom Hotel, Golf and Spa is home to two 18hole championship courses. Just seven years after opening, the course began hosting European PGA Satellite Tour events and is a regular Norfolk Open host. The Course The Valley layout was designed by

renowned architect Frank Pennink and is a stern test even for the most experienced of players. The Donald Steel-designed Hill course is slightly more forgiving and is perfectly suited for less experienced players. However, the links flavour of the course keeps the more accomplished golfer happy, as the strong breezes and carefully-placed bunkers ensure it is no pushover.

Top Hole Water is in play throughout your round on the Valley course, and is particular in your mind at the 2nd hole, where a wayward approach shot will find trouble and ruin a scorecard before you have really settled. A nice challenge, though. Card wrecker Make par at the tough par-4 3rd on the Valley and you have done well.

Rising star Evans nets Berkshire Trophy win

Latham secures third senior title Woodhall Spa’s general manager Richard Latham secured his third seniors title in less than a month following victory in the Scottish Seniors Open Strokeplay Championship at Ellie. The win added to previous victories in the English Men’s Seniors and the Seniors County Championships last month. Latham only became available for senior events in May after he turned 55.

WPGA Challenge set for Stoke by Nayland Stoke by Nayland will host England's leading female amateurs this autumn. As many as 120 players will contest the WPGA International Challenge, a 54-hole event with a prize fund of over £20,000. “We feel honoured and privileged to have been selected as the first venue

148 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

in the UK to hold this prestigious event,” said managing director Susanna Rendall. n Meanwhile David Ridley, who helped Lee Westwood reach the top, has earned PGA Advanced Fellow Professional status. He has served Coxmoor in Nottinghamshire for the last 27 years.

Waldringfield for sale Waldringfield GC in Suffolk has been put up for sale with a guide price of £1.25million. Its current owner, James Morrella, said: “I purchased Waldringfield in 2003 and have spent the last 10 years improving the course. It is now time to pass on the baton.”

Northamptonshire’s Ryan Evans has won the Berkshire Trophy at The Berkshire. The Wellingborough-based player put the disappointment of not qualifying for the Amateur Championship behind him by winning the tournament by a single shot. Evans, a member of the England A squad, won the South of England Amateur Championship at Walton Heath last year and has been in good form this season, finishing tied second in the St Andrews Links Trophy and joint third in the French Open.

NCG pp149 Club Golf EM Ads 23/07/2013 09:48 Page 149


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E-mail: Website: | SEPTEMBER 2013 149

NCG pp150 Club Golf WM 23/07/2013 11:14 Page 150

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

WEST MIDLANDS Staffs | Shrops | Herefords | Worcs | West Mids | Warks | Oxon

Cleobury clubs together


M Spa splash out The owners of a Droitwich spa and leisure facility have invested £1million to improve the club. The renovation at Gaudet Luce has resulted in a new-look clubhouse, state-of-theart driving range and a new par-3 course.

Worcs junior’s Faldo joy Worcestershire junior Oliver Farrell tasted victory in the Faldo Series event at Trentham. The 16 year old carded a final round of 73 to retain the title he won at the Staffordshire venue last year.


A Wolverhampton golfer shot a rare holein-one at a tough hole in a local tournament. Adam Williams, a 25 year old, made the ace on the 269-yard 12th at Dudley.




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Adam’s brilliant ace


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Members at Cleobury Mortimer clubbed together to raise money for a cancer charity. The annual golf day at the Kidderminster venue has raised nearly £6,000 over the last three years.

County Champion: Gay Hill, Birmingham About Founded in 1913, Gay Hill is located just south of Birmingham off the M42. The club has been at its present site for 93 years and will mark its centenary year by hosting the Midland Amateur Open. Several innovative memberships and visitor packages are available to take advantage of and the club is renowned for its friendly welcome.

The Course The 6,406-yard parkland is laid out in a valley with gently sloping sides and boasts a stream that impacts on several holes. Tight fairways and fast greens are a feature and make Gay Hill one of the more challenging layouts in the region. To make matters more difficult, the fairways are also tree-lined and test more than length off the tee.

Top Hole The jewel in the crown at Gay Hill is the 12th, a par 3 of 120 yards which is played from an elevated tee through a dell ringed by hawthorn bush. Card wrecker The 17th is an old-school test. Watch out for the ridge-and-furrow fairways which make approach shots difficult.

Pype Hayes finally reopens clubhouse

Stay and play at Draycote A range of weekend golf breaks are currently available at Draycote Hotel. The Warwickshire hotel, which lies close to the 18-hole course at Whitefields, is offering bed and breakfast plus two rounds of golf for just £69pp. Luxury breaks are also available throughout the week, offering unlimited golf, use of the practise facilities as well as a three-course dinner for £175pp.

Edgbaston invests in new facilities

Fulford Heath’s big heart

A Birmingham club has spent £150,000 on new facilities in order to attract more corporate golfers. Edgbaston has introduced a state-of-theart swing suite to go with its updated clubhouse and practice facilities. The venue is now capable of catering for weddings and functions as well as

Golfers at Fulford Heath have raised £14,000 for a children’s charity which exists to provide help for those suffering with terminal or life threatening illnesses. Over 100 players took part in a golf day followed by a charity auction and meal, raising the funds for Molly Olly’s Wishes.

150 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

corporate golf days. “Modernising and upgrading the clubhouse is a key part of our strategy to attract more players and social members,” said general manager Adam Grint. “The quality of the course continues to fuel interest in the club from a membership perspective.”

A municipal course in Birmingham has reopened its newlyrenovated clubhouse. The new building at Pype Hayes features changing and function facilities as well as a cafe, restaurant and bar. Members had used a portable cabin after the original clubhouse was destroyed in 2009. “This not only provides an excellent, long overdue facility for golfers and the local community but will herald the start of an investment plan that will transform the golfing experience in Birmingham,” said local councillor Ian Ward.







CALL: 01788 521800 Bed, Breakfast & Two Rounds Golf. Please quote ref: NCG1 to receive free range balls on your stay. Draycote Hotel & Whitefields Golf Course and Club, London Road, Thurlaston, Nr. Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 9LF Tel: 01788 521800 Fax: 01788 521695 Email: Terms & conditions apply. Subject to availability.

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14/05/2013 08:37

NCG pp152 Club Golf Scotland 22/07/2013 11:33 Page 152

CLUB GOLF News & Reviews

in association with

SCOTLAND News and course reviews from the Home of Golf

McDonald breaks duck




M Kids receive Challenge Tour coaching clinics Over 130 Highlands schoolchildren took part in professional coaching clinics at Spey Valley as part of the Scottish Hydro Challenge. The children received tips from Challenge Tour pros and then watched the rising stars in action.

County Champion: Whitekirk, East Lothian About Set on the top of Whitekirk Hill just two miles from the sea, Whitekirk is an inland gem with a distinctive links feel. Despite only opening in 1995, it has already hosted PGA and EuroPro Tour events. Paul Lawrie is overseeing some tweaks to the design. It also offers a leisure centre which is stocked with an array of health and fitness facilities.

The Course The 6,526-yard, par-72 course features plenty of water hazards and an undulating landscape which makes it difficult to score well. The layout also boasts thick gorse, lush fairways and attractive views of the surrounding East Lothian and Fife countryside. Top Hole The spectacular 10th is the

The Scottish Golf Union will strengthen its ties with South Africa through a new initiative. The union will host two teenage amateurs from the Rainbow Nation for a three-week trip encompassing golf and a cultural exchange.

highlight of the round. Offering great views from the elevated tee, the 360-yard par 4 also features a large patch of gorse to the left and a pond to the right. Card Wrecker The par-4 5th is a real test, especially for the shorter hitters. Measuring 420 yards, the hole features an awkward gully just short of the green.

Monty and Murray plan Stirling golftennis centre

New clubhouse at Aviemore A new £1million clubhouse is soon to open on the Spey Valley course at the Macdonald Aviemore resort – the host of the Scottish Hydro Challenge. The new clubhouse is finished in wood and local natural stone and will offer sweeping views over the course and Cairngorn Mountain Range along with new changing areas, a retail outlet, lounge bar and restaurant.

Scottish pro qualifies for 2013 PGA SGU’s South African link


Cawder’s Jamie Savage won the East of Scotland Championship on the SGU Order of Merit. The 18 year old prevailed over Scott Crichton in a play-off at the links of Lundin .


SGU success for Savage



t: 01620 8 70300 whitekirk.c om/golf p: EH39 5P R

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Kilmarnock’s Jack McDonald won his first 72-hole strokeplay event, the Tennant Cup, on the SGU Men’s Order of Merit. The University of Stirling student and 2012 Scottish Amateur of the Year won by a shot at Glasgow GC.

Former Scottish Boys Stroke Play champion Lee Rhind is set for his first Major appearance after qualifying for the PGA Championship at Oak Hill, New York. Rhind, a pro at Midland GC, Texas, competed in the PGA Professional National Championship and

152 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

secured the top-20 spot required for Oak Hill qualification. Although orginally hailing from Livingston, Rhind moved to America to further his career. “I’ve no clue how I feel about playing the US PGA but I’ve never played in a Major so it will be great fun,” he said.

Practice facility adds to Pitlochry excellence Pitlochry has opened a new golf academy and practice range. The facility represents stage one of an acclaimed Centre of Excellence blueprint which, when completed, will provide some of the finest golfing facilities in the Scottish Highlands.

Colin Montgomerie and Judy Murray, mother of new Wimbledon champion Andy Murray, have annouced their intention to build a tennis and golf centre in Stirling. The centre will form part of the Stirling Sports Campus and should add weight to the city’s bid to become Scotland’s National Performance Centre for Sport. It will incorporate 12 tennis courts, a ninehole course with full practice range, minigolf, changing facilities and coaching suites for both sports.

NCG pp153 Club Golf Scotland Ads 23/07/2013 13:40 Page 153


Torwoodlee Golf Course Edinburgh Road, Galashiels, Scottish Borders TD1 2NE

A challenging 18 hole, 6021 yds SSS 69/70 parkland course set adjacent to the River Gala, 2 miles North of Galashiels on the A7 & 30 miles South of Edinburgh.

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NCG pp154 Columnist MT 22/07/2013 11:34 Page 154

MARK TOWNSEND The joy of searching for balls and the people I meet in the rough VERY week it happens, the blur of hands and arms followed by the sickening picture of your brand new shiny ball careering off-line and into the deep stuff. And this is just the start of the heartache...

Pro V1? I think I saw it bounce twice


The Disciple This particular character has no idea what has just gone on. He hasn’t watched your shot so will then spend the allotted five (more like 10) minutes following your every move. He will trudge up and down your exact path which a) reduces your chances of finding it by 50 per cent and b) reduces his responsibility. Likely to ask ‘what club did you hit?’ quickly followed by ‘And how did you hit it?’ (I hit it really well, I’ve been working really hard on compressing it and upping my Smash Factor by 0.06 and it felt great coming off the face. That’s why we’re now in knee-high bund 30 yards right of the right edge of the fairway in a pointless search for what was basically a shank.) ‘Yeah, I didn’t get all of it. Come on let’s leave it.’ The Adventurer This is exactly what you want; if there is any chance of locating your ball he will do it. Bear Grylls likes these challenges as much as playing. As soon as your dimpled friend is pointed in the wrong direction he is off, keeping a constant line between him, the tee and his suspicions of where your Pro V1 now resides. Nothing will get between him and success and, whether he has to machete the new flora and fauna behind the 6th green or sink to his elbows and knees to get a better purchase on entry, he will sniff it out. When Operation Acushnet is complete he will then, calmly and precisely, announce your options on where to take your drop. The Talker If I was to fall squarely into one category it would be this one. Whoever’s ball has been mislaid I will give an annoying and unhelpful running commentary with no substance to back up my ramblings. If it’s my ball I will try and desperately paint a picture of ‘actually quite a good shot and it

154 SEPTEMBER 2013 |

‘I’ve been working hard on upping my Smash Factor by 0.06’ bounced a couple of times’. After a couple of minutes I will add something along the lines of ‘well, that is strange’ before, three minutes later, waving my arms around in mock disbelief that my quick sniping hook appears to be lost. If it is a playing partner’s ball then I will use the excuse of seeking out my ball in the same rough to ‘give us an idea for distance’ when, as we all know, it is merely a selfish move to ease my similar concerns. Knowing full well he is playing a Srixon 2 (with two dots) I then alert him that I have since found a couple of range balls and a Bridgestone just so he knows I’m trying. Mr Blinkers There is very little chance of him deviating

from his arrow-straight drive to help you in another futile rummage around the undergrowth. You cough and splutter to raise the signal (again) that things are not going well but he has his rangefinder out and only has thoughts of feathering a 9 iron to the fat part of the green. (Meanwhile you want to wrestle him to the ground. He might have given you a minute of his time at the 3rd but he is a selfish, egotistical scumbag who doesn’t deserve to be five up on you.) ‘Any luck mate?’ (Mate, mate! Yes I did find it and had a clear shot in but just decided to pick up and give you the hole. You didn’t even try. You couldn’t even be bothered to try and help me. And, as soon as you get in your car, I’ll be telling anyone and everyone quite what a deviant you are.) ‘No mate, didn’t deserve to find that one. Six up yeah? Why don’t you have a go for the birdie. Good putt.’

• Mark Townsend is NCG’s deputy editor. He now plays off 8 after a slow start to the season



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