May/June 1990 - Vol 4 Num 3 (Second Look)

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Soccer Is Serious Business EW OTHER EVENTS in the world-except perhaps global warfare or natural disasters- have so captured the attention of the modem world as has the FIFA World Cup of Soccer. The 13 previous World Cup championships have been the most highly soughtafter titles in sports history, though we in the United States have heard little about them. Now that the U.S. has qualified a team for the 1990 fi nals in Italy, and as we look forward to hosting the 1994 competition, American interest in the World Cup is beginni ng to catch up with the rest of the world. And so we devote this special international issue of Second Look to focus on this most-popular sporting event. Our examination of the international world of sports also goes beyond soccer to include tennis, and track and field. We'll visit with the youthfu l 1989 French Open champion, Michael Chang,


and with veteran world class sprinter Evelyn Ashford. Through Kyle Rote's interv iew, we are privileged to meet two "soccer ambassadors," Jorginho and Silas, who play for the prestigious Brazilian national team, yet compete professionally in Europe. We'll also examine the history of the World Cup and an overview of this year's competition. The World Cup is the ultimate competition between the best teams in the one sport that can be called universal, for soccer is truly an international language. Although it is played with different national styles, teams from virtually every country can compete against one another by using universal rules established by FIFA, the international governing body of soccer. Also, since the game is universal, the title of "world champion" takes on great prestige and value. Since the stakes of the competition are so high, so also is the potential for excesses in its winning. Witness the concern expressed by Joah Havelange, president of FIFA, in his introduction to the ltalia '90 information book. "I would like to remind everyone concerned that, however high the stakes may be, football is only a game and that the basic rule of the game is fair play.... Our ¡ greatest hope is that the 24 national delegations will, in the name of the sport, honor their reputations by giving a display of both their ski lls and their sense of responsibility." In soccer, respect for "the name of the game" is called for in order to assure fair play. Players, coach-

es, officials, and fans must exercise a "sense of responsibility" if such a competition is to be successful. l can't help but ponder that an appeal to the higher standard of God's Word, the Bible, isn't in the same way called for, in order to lessen the excesses of human behavior not only on the soccer field but in every area of life. Left to his own devices, man has shown time and again his uncontrollable desire to win at all costs. This does not mean that competition is bad or wrong. Rather it points out that apart from an ability to adhere to God's perfect standard, man's true nature will express itself. The Bible describes God's solution to man's nature, that being a proper relationship to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. I would encourage you to consider carefu lly the discussion of these matters offered in the perspectives a11icle on page 20, as together we take a second look at the World Cup.


The Boys From Brazil Jorginho and Silas bring their "happy feet" to Europe With Kyle Rote Jr.

Dave Burnham is chairman emeritus of the International Sports Coalition, an association of sports ministries from around the world. He also appears regularly as a teacher on the television program Day of Discovery. • P.S. If this is the first copy of Second Look you have read, we would appreciate hearing from you. Please write and share with us any comments or questions you may have. Thank you.

PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: COVER, DAVID CANNON/ALLSPORT; p. 2 (upper left) Michael Forrest; p. 2 (upper right), pp. 4-5, p. 6 (top), Abri lmages/Ari Gomes; p. 2 (tower right), p. 8 (right), p. 9, VandystadVAJ1sport; p. 3 (lower left), p. t4, Steve PowetVAIIsport; p. 3 (top), p. 6 (bonom), pp. 20-2t , p. 24, David Cannon/AIIsport; p. 3 (center), pp. 16-18, Simon Bruty/AIIsport; p. 7, Abril Images/Pedro MMinelli; p. 8 (left), David Lean/AIIsport; p. 10 (upper left), lim DefriscoiAIIsport; p. 10 (upper right), p. 15, Mike PoweiVAIIsport; p. 10 (boHom), Allsport; p. 19, Rick StewarVAIIsport. ERRATA: The photo of Glenn Davis on p. 15 of the March/April issue should have been credited to Allen Dean Steele/AIIsport.


Goal Wars The international soccer summit puts world events on hold By John Polis

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Training Tip Putting Your Best Foot Forward By Willie Bell

International Pastime

World Cup

Tournament Guide

Is the game out of contro l? By Dave Egner


Courting Success Michael Chang hit the sweet spot in tennis early on By Paul Hoemann

11 For Athletes

Higher Goals By Kyle Rote Jr.


Endurance Sprinter

Trivia Quiz

Evelyn Ashford is still speedy after all these years By Rick Wattman

Get a kick from soccer esoterica By Rick York

Volume 4, Number 3 SECOND LOOK MAGAZINE A DISCOVERY HOUSE PUBLICATION PUBLISHER Martin R. De Haan II; EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dave Burnham; CONSULTING EDITOR Ralph Drollinger; MANAGING EDITOR Rick Waltman; ART DIRECTOR Sieve Gier; PRODUCTION Craig Grinde; PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Lauren Pedroza; MARKETING DIRECTOR Craig Finkel; PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom Fehen; COVER PHOTO David Cannon/AIIsport SECOND LOOK is published six times a year by Discovery House Publishers. Discovery House Publishers is alhliated with Radio Bible Class, a nondenominational Christian organization whose purpose is to lead people of all natioos to faith and maturity in Jesus Christ by teaching principles from the Bible. Printed in USA. Copyrigh! ICI 1990 by Discovery House Publishers. Grand Rapids, Mk:higan. Brble quotations, unless otheiW~e noted, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright1C1 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permis· sian of Zondervan Bible Publishers. SECOND LOOK is produced by New Focus, Inc., Vanlr Tower, Second Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92401 . Subscriptions are ava~lable for $15/year or $19.50 outside the U.S.A. (In U.S. funds) by writing to SECOND LOOK subscriptions, Discovery House, BoK 3566, Grand Rapids, Ml49501·3566. or by calling toll free, 1·800·283·8333.

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TM From No translation is necessary as Jorginho and Silas bring their lively Brazilian style to Europe Brazil has captured more victories and scored more goals than any other country in World Cup histOJ)'. With its exciting style of play, there is little wonder that Brazilian soccer is so popular, or that the Brazilian players are asked to join leagues around the world. Two such "soccer ambassadors" are Jorginho and Silas. As members of the Brazilian national team, they represent their country in international competition, but play professionally in Europe. Jmginho Amorim is a 26-year-old fullback from Rio de Janeiro who now plays in Langfeld, West Germany. Pereira Silas is a 24-year-old midfielder from Sao Paulo, now playing in Lisbon, Portugal. In this interview--made possible by gracious translators and an international phone connection bridging three collfinellls- Kyle Rote discusses the worldwide appeal of soccer with two truly international players.

Kyle: Brazil has been so dominant throughout the history of the World Cup. What is it about the Brazilian game that makes it so appealing to watch as well as successful on the field? Jorginho: Brazil 's reputation for football comes from a highly technical, more involved game. Some of the maneuvers on the field make people very enthusiastic about how easily the players can handle the ball. It is also a happier way to play football- it's livelier. and more animated. On top of that, there is the presence of Pele, an outstanding, world-renowned soccer player, which makes Brazilian football more famous. Silas: Yes, I think Pele has a lot to do with it, and also because Brazil has captured three World Cups, two of them in a row. Because Brazil has won so many World Cups, when opponents play us, they tend to feel a little bit shaky, so there may be a psychological advantage. Kyle: Since football is so important in Brazil, does that put a lot of pressure on you to do well for the national team? Jorginho: In Braz il, there is a big responsibility because being first is the only thing that matters. There is no difference between second and last place in the world championship. This puts a lot of pressure on me, but I've learned how to play with it,





and I try to put the pressure in the hands of God. Whatever res ult s come, I end up prai sing God. (Laughing) Of course, I prefer to win. Silas: When I played the first time with the shirt of the Brazilian national team, I felt a big pressure since the crowds expect a lot from the players. Being a Christian helps me, though, because I know that whenever I come onto the field, God is with me. No matter if I am playing for the Brazilian team or in the second or third division, or playing for the World Cup. Wherever I go, I know God is with me. Kyle: Except for Brazil's victory in Sweden in 1958, a nation from the home hemisphere has won every World Cup. What are some of the reasons for that? Jorginho: There is no logical reason for it, unless it is a psychological factor. Because you're playing on a different continent you may think it will be harder for you. Also, as players we are very aware of the people in the stands when we are playing the game, so there could be sort of a home field advantage. But there is no experience like the World Cup. Kyle: There are literally millions of boys and girls in Brazil and around the world who follow the World Cup, and who look up to the players as heroes. What do you think of the fact that people may be patterning their lives after you simply because you are a great soccer player? Silas: Whenever the boys come to me to ask for an autograph, I am very pleased to help them because l have learned that the world is lacking good role models. lt is full of bad heroes. Being a Christian, having good behavior, and selling a good example for the youngsters makes me very happy. I view it as a great responsibility and also a privilege. Kyle: In the last I0 years we have seen an absolute explosion in the number of athletes who have spoken publicly abo ut their Christian fa ith. What has that meant to you? Jorginho: I feel very happy to be a part of this explosion. Immediately after I gave my heart to God, I got in touch with At/etas de Cristo [a fellowship group, meaning "Christ's athletes"]. It motivated me tremendously when I discovered that when I do an interview 6



Jorginho (above) has served the Brazilian national team for 3 years, including his 1988 Olympic experience in Seoul. Both he and Silas (below), are looking forward to their first World Cup experience.


for Brazilian national television, I can talk about Christ to 60 million Brazilian people, half of our population. Kyle: How does the general public react to the stand you've taken for Christ? Are you considered crazy, or just deeply commilled? Jorginho: Some people think we are fanatics, but other people react in a positive way. Some people like our behavior in action, and some even say very good words about the way we are promoting good fellowship and good companionship within the team. Pete said on TV in Brazil that he believes in the national team because of their unit y- a sense of togetherness he hasn't seen in any other Brazilian national team, which he said he credits to the influence of At/etas de Cristo. Silas: And the peop le are discoverin g that Christians are not square. As few as 15 years ago, many Christians in my count ry considered it a sin for a guy to be a soccer player. But now these things are changing. Kyle: Going into the World Cup competition, the athletic challenge is clear as Brazil tries to gain its first title since 1970. But what is the greatest spiritual challenge in your life right now? Silas: The greatest challenge for me is to make the most of the opportunity I will have by playing in the World Cup. The whole world will be focused on the players in Italy. I will have a responsibility to proclaim the gospel, and an opportunit y to do it in a very fast way, with great credibility for the people who will be watc hing us. Thi s is a fantastic opportuni ty and a tremendous challenge. Kyle: Coming from Brazil and growing up with a different style of football, was it difficult to fit into a new style of play in Europe? Jorginho: At the beginning it was very hard, and I even considered going back to Brazil. The Gennans use a lot more physical power. European football is a lot quicker, and they foll ow tactical instruct ions more strictly. But thanks to God, my ability to adapt was a lot quicker than I expected. A friend of mine commented that most of the press think I am the best player at my position in Germany at the moment. Silas: Football in Portugal is also faster than in Brazil because the fields are beller. In Brazil I had to kick the ball two or three times before I got any gains. In Portugal you only have to kick it once, a small cut, and the ball rolls more. The game is quicker, which makes things more difficult if you don't have good technique. Kyle: How are your relationships with your teammates? And have the fans accepted you? Jorginho: Due to my difficu lty with the language (I am still taking classes), there is still a big barrier with my teammates. The communication is not easy, but they seem to like me, (laughing) at least according to their smiles. As far as the crowd is concerned, they cheer me on and respond very much. They are less strict than the Brazi lian crowd. If you don't play well in Brazil, the crowd will charge you for not playing well. The German crowd is more forgiving. Silas: I didn't have the same problems coming here because the language is the same, although the accent is slightl y different in Portu gal. Also the food is very good. It was very easy for me, especially because I am playing all the time and I'm very busy with my sport life. It was more difficult for my wife to adjust because

she is at home and has to adjust to other th ings. Kyle: What were the factors in your decision to leave Brazil to play in Europe? Jorginho: (Laughing) Money. When they wrote me to ask me to go to Germany, another team in Brazil offered me a lot of money, which was a very good offer- almost the same amount that they were going to pay me in Germ any, which was very unu sual for a Brazilian team. But at that point I was praying and asking God for guidance, and I felt a very strong guidance to go to Germany. Silas: I was ready to renew my contract with my team in Sao Paulo, and suddenly I was sold to Italy. Then I was sold to Portugal, even before I played one single game in Italy. But to play in Europe means to progress in your career in sport. And what I earn in I year in Europe I would have to work for about 12 years in Brazil to make. Kyle: Have you sensed any resentment or disappointment from the Brazilian people for tak ing your skills overseas? Or are the fans proud to have you represent Brazilian football around the world? Jorginho: The Flamengo crowd in Rio [his former team] didn 't li ke it at all. They never like it when a player leaves. Silas: The reaction of the people who cheer for each team is different. I hear stories that they miss me very much in Brazil and would like to have me back, but they are not upset with me. They know that I am progressing in my career and doing a better job for myself and ultimately for the Brazilian team. Kyle: Will you be welcomed back to the national team or will there be some re-adjustment? Jorginho: No, 1don't think there will be any problem. When it comes to the World Cup, the whole country is united. They are really favorable. From a technical point of view, there won't be a big difference, because every month the Brazilian team gets together for a game to keep in practice and to keep the team together. The most difficult part about going back


Although a fullback, Jorginho covers the length of the field with his exceptional speed, and helps the attack with his ability to cross the ball onto the feet of the center forward. A street player until the age of 13, Jorginho says he always wanted to be a soccer great.

to Brazil will be the climate. In Germany we play in temperatures between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius, and in Brazil we play in 40 degrees Celsius weather. On the other hand, I am learning a lot with the technical and physical preparations of the Germans, which is making me physically a much stronger soccer player. Kyle: With virtually everybody growing up playing soccer in Brazil , how are the great players discovered and recruited for the national and professional teams in Brazil? Jorginho: Brazilians are born to play football. If you' re born a boy, the first thing a father gives the child is a soccer ball. It is much li ke in America, where you have a basketball hoop over every garage door. The kids play footba ll on the street. When they become good enough on the street, someone sees the talent, or if they have the ambition to play more seriously they go to one of the clubs. If a guy is good, he goes to a better club. Eventually, if he is playing for a great club, he can be spotted and invited to play for the national team. Kyle: Obviously no athlete can play forever. When your career is all over, what do you want to be most remembered for? Silas: When most players retire, in one year's time people have already forgotten them because all they had to offer was to play football. But I like to think of the verse where Jesus said, "The world will pass away, but My words will never pass away" [Matthew 24:35]. I want to be remembered as a guy who talked about things that never pass away. That is, the words of the Bible. Jorglnho: Yes, I would like to be remembered as a good soccer player, but above all I would like to be remembered as a Christian who used his sport to proclaim the gospel to millions of people. •

A former pro soccer player and three-time winner of ABC-TV's "Superstars" competition, Kyle is also a TV sports commentator and speaker from Memphis, Tennessee. His interviews with sports personalities appear in each issue of Second Look.

TRAINING TIP • BY WILLIE BELL Willie Bell is the head soccer coach at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. His professional career spanned 22 years as a player and coach in England's first division, and for Scotland's national team, including the 1966 World Cup.

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OVER THE COURSE of my career as a player, I took every opportunity I could to learn how to be the best possible athlete. For example, when we faced Brazil in the World Cup, I was playing against the best in the world. I watched Pele compete and I asked myself, "What has he got that others don't have?" Even when brutally fouled, his greatest concern was not blaming his opponent, but getting a good pass from his teammate so he could do his best to outplay the defender. Here are some other things I've learned which can help you in developing your game: • Ball Control- Each player should learn how to handle the ball against a defender. It may be quicker to go down field with a long pass, but it's also easier to defend against and harder to score with the long ball. e Mental Game-A player coming off the field of play must be mentally tired as well as physically tired. You have to be thinking

about what's going on, and be aware of your opponent's skills. For example, does he receive the ball standing still, so you can mark him very closely? Or does he run before he gets the ball, so you need to give him a couple of yards? Strikers should likewise observe and adjust to how their defender plays them. Remember, a little concentration can save you miles of running. • Receiving a Throw-In-One of the most difficult things for a fullback is receiving a throw-in from his midfielder inside his own half under pressure. Of necessity, many leftbacks are right-footed, and this tip is helpful when you're playing on your opposite side. Stand well away from the thrower with your left foot (opposite foot) on the touch line and your right foot (good foot) just inside the field of play. Direct the thrower to toss the ball just ahead of your good foot, 2 yards inside the touch line. From this position, you can step up and set up the ball immediately with your good foot. If you stand with both feet in the field, you may have to work the ball over to your good foot as it comes to you. Teams will come at you, and unless you can play the ball quickly, you'll have to kick the ball out of touch to keep it from them. • S E C OND




The Cold War may have ended, but the struggle for soccer supremacy rages on in the World Cup BY JOHN POLIS HE WORLD CUP is the world's largest sporting event , involving national all-star teams from every corner of the globe- the quintessential festival of a sport known in the United States as soccer. The world calls it football. In its 60 years of existence the World Cup has become so thoroughly woven into the social fabric of the world community that it has brought wars to a halt, created national • • • • • holidays, and calmed normally turbulent world affairs with unceremonious ease. Among international sporting events, none compares with the World Cup as a source of passionate, national loyalty. In terms of its television viewing audience, the World Cup is almost six times more popular than America's Super Bowl. Approximately 13 percent of the world's population- more than 650 million viewers-were glued to their TV sets when Argentina defeated West Germany in the 1986 final game, dwarfing the '90 Super Bowl viewing audience of 109 million. OAvoocEANJ•uSPORT Thi s summer, the wo rld championship of football will be contested from 1une 8 through July 8 in Italy. Twentyfour teams will play 52 games and, in the process, capture the undivided attent ion of planet ea rth as a fourteenth world champion is crowned. And this year, for the first time in 40 years, the United States will be one of the competing teams. The event is master-minded by FIFA, the world governing body of footba ll. The name FIFA comes from a French acronym which stand s for Federation lntemationa/e de Football Association. It could best be called in English "the Intern ational Federation of Association Football ," wit h "association football" being the ori ginal name give n to the

game when the ru les were first set down by th e Engli sh in the 1800s. While the rest of the world goes crazy over the World Cup every 4 yea rs (it is held betwee n 4-year Olympic cycles), the 30-day football festival has gone virtuall y unn oticed in the United States, a country which didn't even begin to develop youth soccer on a nat ional level unti l the earl y 1970s. Very little of any previous World Cu p actio n has been shown on conventional American telev ision. For the previous four World Cups, aficionados of the tournament have tumed to foreign cable networks for cove rage. And while soccer is consistently the largest drawing sport in the In 1986, more than two-and-a-quarter million people attended World Cup matches in Olympic Games, with Mexico (left). Fiery Diego Maradona (above) huge crowds packing who has scored 7 goals in his two World Cup stad iums during each appearances, celebrated above the crowd Olympiad, the after leading Argentina to victory in 1986. American te levis ion networks have virtually ignored it. This year, 24 matches will be available for American viewing on the TNT cable network, from the first

round to the championship game. World Cup History The idea for a world championshi p of football was first proposed in 1920 during a FIFA Congress meeting in Antwerp, Belgi um . It was further discussed at the 1924 Olympiad held in Paris. Football was al ready a part of the Olympic Games, ha ving become an official Olympic event in 1908. (Ex hibit ion matches bega n with the 1896 Games.) Profe ss ionali sm began to emerge in the sport of football in the mid-1 920s. Indeed, it was thi s developing professionalism which eventu all y brought about the formation of a new world championship event. With Olympic football comvmo=•oTIALLSPOAT petiti on limit ed to amateur players, there was a desire to hold a championship event for the world's best players, whether or not they were paid for playing. In 1929, the first World Cup tournament was awarded to Uruguay. This tiny South American nation of only two million people, nestled between the Atlantic coasts of Argentina and Brazil, dominated the sport during the '20s by winning back-to-back Olympic titles in 1924 and 1928. Uruguay offered to pay all transportation costs and lodging

for all competing teams in the initial World Cup games, and was chosen from among five candidates, including Italy, Holl and, Spain, and Sweden. So passionate were the feelings about playing host to the tournament that the four other nations refused to compete in Uruguay. The inaugural tournament opened in 1930, the year Uruguay celebrated 100 years of independence. Thirteen nations competed Argentine goalie Pumpido tested his strength hoisting the FIFA and, ironica lly, the United World Cup In 1986 after holding States-which as early as 1913 off West Germany in a dramatic became onl y the fo urth non- 3·2 victory to capture Argentina's European nat ion to JOin second World Cup title. FIFA- took part. The American side, made up primarily of immigrants from Great Britain, defeated Belgium 3-0 and Paraguay 3-0, before losing to Argentina 6-1 in the semifinals. The tournament had a stormy ending, however, immediately demonstrating the passion of the game and the prestige of the bearers of the title "World Champions of Football." After Uruguay captured this firstever World Cup by defeating Argentina 4-2, angry Argentineans stormed the Uruguayan embassy in Buenos Aires and pelted it with rocks and bottles. The two countries subsequently broke off diplomatic relations for a period. There have been 13 World Cups to date, all of them exciting. The United States has played in only three. After the 1930 tournament, the U.S. fielded a team again in 1934, losing its only game 7-1 to Italy. The last appearance for the United States team was in 1950 in Brazil, producing perhaps the most dramatic victory in American history, a 1-0 first-round triumph over European powerhouse England. At the final whistle, jubilant Brazilians swarmed the field and carried American Joe Gaetjens, who had scored the winning goal, from the field on their shoulders. Several newspapers around the world refused to print the score that came across the wire services until it could be confirmed. And one even assumed a typographical error had been made and S E CON D



Forward Bruce Murray, who helped the U.S. defeat Trinidad & Tobago to clinch a berth In the finals (above), says of the prospect of appearing In the World Cup, " I think the players would be kidding themselves If they say they won't be nervous In Italy. But we won't be In awe."


During his 12 years playIng for the U.S. National team, Ricky Davis appeared In more matches (43) and scored more goals (9) than any other American player.



declared that England had games for each finalist. won 10-1! Following the round robin Other World Cup highschedule, the top two teams lights have produced signifiin each of the six groups, cantly different reactions. So plus the four best third-place bitter was Hunga ry's 4-2 teams move into the 16-team defeat of Brazil in the 1954 final bracket. From that point quarterfina ls that it has on , the compet it ion is a become known as the "Battle straight knockout, singleof Bern " (Sw it ze rland) . elimination tournament. (See Three players were ejected bracket on pages 12, 13.) during the game, and the vioHow the United States Made lence continued after th e It In 1990 game when the Brazilians, The United States was one further incensed because one of 20 nations from the CONof their players was struck by CACAF region which a thrown bottle, actuall y entered the Preli minary attacked the Hungarians in Compet iti on for the 1990 their locker room. World Cup. The Americans Brazil's victories in 1958, received a bye in the first 1962, and 1970 set off counround of play before defeatMIKE POWELLIAL.LSPOAT try-wide celebrations. So did Born in Hungary in 1941, U.S. head coach Bob ing Jamaica in a two-game, second -round qua lifying Argentina's triumph as host Gansler came to America from West Germany in 1978 ; after beating when he was 11 . As a player he captained the U.S. series in the summer of Olympic teams in 1964 and 1968, and played on the Holland 2- 1 in overtime to national team in 1968-69. 1988. That moved the USA capture the title, an estimatint o the third round, an ed eight million people jammed the streets of Buenos eight-game qualifying series which began in April 1989. Aires, paralyzing all acti vity except celebration. The The Americans finished with a 4-1-3 (W-L-T) record and earned the 24th and last World Cup spot November party lasted for days. At the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, Ricky Davis, a 19 with a dramat ic 1-0 victory over Trinidad and former international player for the United States, was Tobago in front of 35,000 partisan fans in Trinidad's working as a TV commentator for NBC. After Mexico National Stadium. defeated Bulgaria to reach the quarterfinals, the streets "Obviously, playing in the world's most visible sportwere so crowded with cars and people that it took ing event is the opportunity of a lifetime for all of us who Davis' taxi more than 4 hours to travel the 7 miles from are involved," said U.S. coach Bob Gansler. "As a player Azteca Stadium to the Mexico City airport. "I would and coach, I've always harbored thoughts of participating have gotten out and walked," he said, "but there wasn't in a World Cup. Now that it is a reality, the time I put into any room to walk either." three other qualifying nms-one as a player and two as How the Competition Works an assistant coach- has been rewarded as well." Twenty-four nations compete every 4 years in the Expectations aren't high for the Americans, though World Cup finals. To make the elite finalist group is an the players hope to play up to the challenge. "Being an accomplishment in itself. More than 160 countries begin underdog will help us," said forward Bruce Murray, competing in regional qualifying events 2 years in from Germantown, Maryland. "When your back is up advance for each of the two dozen tournament berths. against the wall, you rise up and play above your potenThe number of World Cup finalists has changed through tial. Hey, upsets happen all the time. I'm not saying one the years. From 1954 through 1978, the finals featured will happen, but then I'm not saying one won't either." 16 nations before the current lineup was adopted in 1982. Regardless of the outcome, the U.S. team's appearThe 166 national associations that belong to FIFA are ance in the World Cup tournament in Italy will set the divided into six world regions: Africa (CAF), South stage for 1994, when FlFA brings the championshi p America (CONMEBOL), Oceania (lands of the central event to the United States for the first time ever. As the and southern Pacific area), the As ia zone, Europe host country, the American side will automaticall y (UEFA), and the North and Central American, and receive a tournament be11h. And armed with their expeCaribbean nations (CONCACAF), including the United rience in the 1990 tournament, who knows what they' ll States. Each region is granted a va rying number of be able to accomplish on their home turf in 1994. • World Cup finalist positions, based on the caliber and popularity of soccer played in the area. When the John Polis is the director of public relations for the United States qualified for the 1990 World Cup in United States Soccer Federation in Colorado Springs, November 1989, it captured one of onl y two spots Colorado. A native of the Pacific Northwest, John reserved for CONCACAF nations. began his association with soccer as a newspaper For the 1990 World Cup final s, the 24 nations are reporter covering the Portland Timbers inl975 . divided into six groups of four teams. For example, Thanks to Ridge Mahoney, associate editor of Soccer the United States will compete in Group A, along America magazine, who contributed editorial assistance with Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. Each group to this story. A resident of the San Francisco Bay area, plays a round robin schedule, assuring at least three Ridge will be covering the 1990 World Cup in Italy.

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HIGHER GOALS There's more to soccer than . scorzng


Kyle Rote Jr. is the only American-born player to ever win a major professional soccer league scoring championship. From 1973-76, he represented the United States in intemationa/ competition, and is the alltime leading scorer in Dallas Tomado hist01y. Now as a sportscastet; motivational speaket; and auth01; he actively promotes the continued growth of interest and participation in soccer in the U.S. INCE THb formal rules of soccer were first adopted back in 19th century England, sportsmanship has been an integral part of the game. So it is distressing to note how many players and fans spend a lifetime devoting time and energy to the game without stopping to think what it is all about. The ultimate purpose is not winning or shouting or building up your ego by making a fool out of your opponent. Rather, it is to make you a better human being. The sooner you realize that, the more exalting your experience will be. Sportsmanship means obeying both the letter and the spirit of the laws of the game. At the root of these laws you will find respect for your opponent, so that taking an unfair advantage over him or her (by pushing, tripping, or fouling when the referee is not looking) becomes unthinkable. The

goal becomes marshalling all your energy and talent in order to play your best game. At the end of the match, you can shake hands with each member of the team and with the referee, and walk off the field with a clean feel ing of satisfaction and your head held high. For example, when you see a player on the ground who seems

to be seriously injured, don't wait for the referee to whistle. Kick the ball into touch so play can be stopped automatically. If your opponents have any sense of sportsmanship, they will purposely direct the throw-in back to your team. That kind of gesture always receives applause from the spectators and injects the ki nd of spirit into the game

that is beneficial to all concerned. Other gestures are less meaningful. How often do you see a player deliberately foul an opponent and then extend his hand to apologize? This gesture has its place only when the foul was truly an accident. And if your coach tells you to deliberately hurt another player, find yourself another team. You are a soccer player, not an assassin. A young player quite naturally looks for models to emulate, and this places a great responsibility on top-level and professional players. But the young player is not to be a blind imitator. He can easily tell the difference between a dignified sportsman and a dirty player. Is scoring or preventing a goal in an unsportsmanlike manner really worth giving up your human dignity? I am reminded of a saying known as the Golden Rule: "Do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7: 12). It is the same principle the Bible gives by instructing us to love our neighbor as ourselves (see Romans 13:9,10). This is both the source and the fulfillment of true sportsmanship. A sportsman plays the game to the hilt, always giving his best, encouraging his teammates, respecting his opponents, and accepting the decisions of the referee. A soccer player practicing these principles can look forward to coming out of the crucible of competition a better human being, regardless of the final score. • SECO ND L OO K


• Group A

Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, United States The host nation holds a tremendous advantage: 5 of the 13 World Cups have been won by the home team. This should be good news for Italy, but Italian crowds are ruthlessly critical as well as fanatically supportive, so the team will be under excruciating pressure. Their success hinges on whether midfielder Roberto Donadoni can set up scoring chances and forwards Gianluca Vialli, Andrea Carnevale, and Roberto Baggio can put them away. Look for ITALY to finish on top of Group A, with CZECHOSLOVAKIA and/or AUSTRIA also advancing. The U.S. will need every break, but at its strongest will certainly have a chance.

• Group B

Argentina, Cameroon, Romania, USSR Defending champion ARGENTINA still has the brilliant and blustery Diego Maradona: dribbler, passer, and scorer extraordinaire. But the supporting cast is weaker than in '86. The SOVIET UNION is loaded with talent and will be formidable if it can avoid upsets like the '86 loss to Belgium in the second round. Midfielders Sergei Aleinikov and Alexander Zavarov play for Italian giant Juventus, Alexei Mikhailichenko and Igor Dobrolovsky starred at the '88 Olympics, and goalie Rinat Dasayev is one of the world's best. ARGENTINA and the USSR will advance, with CAMEROON holding a slight edge over ROMANIA for a third-place spot.

• Group C Brazil, Costa Rica, Scotland, Sweden Big things are again expected from BRAZIL, the purists' delight who have not reached a World Cup final since winning their third title in 1970. Many Brazilian players compete for European clubs, which hinders team cohesiveness but breeds individual toughness. Striker Careca is one of the world's deadliest goal scorers, and midfielder Dunga keys a new emphasis on defense. BRAZIL is the clear favorite from Group C, while SCOTLAND has qualified for five straight World Cups, but hasn't advanced past the first round. SWEDEN has a tough defense, but needs consistent scoring to make an impact. COSTA RICA is just happy to be here.

•••••••••• YOURW TOUR

G Phase 1 Group Play (Teams play each team in their • 2 points for win • 1 point for draw • 0 points for defeat Phase 2 Bracket Teams finishing first and second in

Group A, 1st Place

Group C, D, or E, 3rd Place

Group F, 2nd Place

Group B, 2nd Place

Group E, 1st Place

.~ ........ ~ .. .... ...


Group D, 2nd Place

\ \ \



Group A, B, or F, 3rd Place

Group C, 1st Place




............................ . . 'RLD CUP aMENT


r:k by Ridge Mahoney ·tea magazme Rules each group, as well as the four best teams in third place qualify for Phase 2 based on : a) Number of points b) Goal difference c) Number of goals scored d) Drawing of lots

• Group D

• Group E

• Group F

Colombia, United Arab Emirates, West Germany, Yugoslavia WEST GERMANY has played in five World Cup finals. This year the Germans might not fall at the final hurdle as they did in 1982 and 1986. Three of their starsLothar Matthaeus, Andreas Brehm e. and Juergen Klinsmannplay for Italian club Inter Milan, in the stadium that will be the site of the Germans' first-round match. Goalie Rene Higuita, who routinely races outside his penalty area and also takes penalty kicks, and forward Carlos Valderamma give COLOMBIA some marquee value. YUGOSLAVIA boasts brilliant ball handlers, but tends to disintegrate under pressure. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES fills out the quartet.

Belgium, South Korea, Spain, Uruguay BELGIUM has outstanding players in midfielders Enzo Scifo and Jan Cuelemanns, and defender Eric Gerets, but won't repeat their surprising fourth-place finish of 1986. The Belgians are in a wide-open Group E with SPAIN, URUGUAY, and SOUTH KOREA. Expect BELGIUM and SPAIN to advance, but watch for a surprise from the SOUTH KOREANS.

Egypt, England, Ireland, The Netherlands Current European champions THE NETHERLANDS might win their first World Cup, especially if super hero Ruud Gulli! is healthy. Marco Van Basten is the most lethal goal scorer in the world, and defenders Frank Rijkaard and Ronald Koeman can pass and blast away at goal as well as tackle. Captain Bryan Robson leads ENGLAND, which relies too much on goalkeeper Peter Shilton and striker Gary Lineker, but should still follow the Dutch in Group F. IRELAND is a troublesome opponent with an excellent shot to reach the second round, and EGYPT plays a rigid defensive style more talented teams might flounder against.

Group 0, 1st Place

Group B, E, or F, 3rd Place

Group C, 2nd Place

----..e ~

,, , ,,



Group A, 2nd Place

Group F, 1st Place


~ ·' ·-----

Group E, 2nd Place


Group A, C, or 0, 3rd Place

Group B, 1st Place





VELYN ASHFORD'S CAREER as a sprinter has been more Before Ashford gets to Barcelona, however, there are some intermedilike a marathon. Although Wilma Rudolph captured the ate challenges she is addressing. "This year we have the Goodwill American imagination in 1960- as did Florence Griffith Games, and I'm the defending champion at 100 meters, so I'd like to Joyner with her three-Olympic-gold-medal performance in defend my title," she says. "For me, though, '9 1 is the most important, 1988- Ashford 's sustained excellence over the last decade- because we have the World Championships. I've never won at the World Championships-I've never been healthy!" (Although she led the race in and-a-half is unequaled. In fact, she has been ranked number one in the world four Helsinki in 1983, a hamstring injury prevented her from finishing.) In the pursuit of her goals, times-more than any • SPECIAL ISSUE • FEATURE Evelyn finds herself in the unique other woman. Also a position of having outlasted her former world record holder and multiple Olympic gold medal winmajor opponents. She is now facing a new generation of sprinters, ner, she was honored by her teammany of whom grew up idolizing mates at the 1988 Games by being selected to carry the American flag her. But she's not exactly looking over her shoulder with concern during the opening ceremonies. for her younger competitors. "As Fans of this enduring sprintfar as the new generation of runer-who began her running career by pacing her high ners is concerned, I don't really focu s on that. I know there are school's boys football team and seven other people out there on didn't enter a race until the year before her Olympic debut-don't the track, but I try to keep tunnel vision," she says, then pauses have to concern themselves over thoughtfully and laughs. " But her retirement just yet. Although she first came to international when you talk about runnin g against people who grew up prominence back in 1976 as a watching me run, I guess I feel member of the U.S. Olympic team, she plans to continue her old. I am running against some youngsters. I guess I'm sort of the career at least long enough to last guard, one of the last of the compete at the 1992 Olympiad in Mohicans." Barcelona, Spain. Evelyn says she is up to the "Here 's what sprinting is all about," said Griffith Joyner in challenge of reclaiming the title 1988. "It's Evelyn Ashford chasof world's fastest woman, even ing records set by Marita Koch though Florence Griffith Joyner BY RICK WAITMAN and Marlies Gtihr. It 's Heike virtually redefined sprinting in 1988 with world and Olympic Drechsler chasing the records set by Ashford . It' s me cha sing records. "You might say I'm records set by Drechsler. It's the redefining longevity for sprinters," she adds confidently. "Most wanting and the hard work that go into the chase."' Ashford's runners retire in their mid-20s, but at 33 years old I'm still findworld record in the I 00 stood ing what my limit s are. Who from 1983-though she herself knows, l might not have even rees tabli shed the mark in 1984-until Flo-Jo broke it at the reached my full potential yet. We'll see." Olympic trials in 1988.

ON SPIINTBI •••••••••••

Already among the legends of American track and field, Evelyn Ashford has yet to call it a career

After capturing the gold at 100 meters, Ashford rose above a nagging hamstring pull and sped to her second gold medal at the 1984 Olympic Games In Los Angeles, by besting the field in the 4 x 100-meter relay.



But don't for a minute think that without a record Ashford's going to has a relaxed and ready laugh, and obviously enjoys talking about her ~··························································· retire to a rocking chair and watch younger sprinters pass her by. "''m a family. The demands of a career involving global travel stretch the goal-oriented person. Some people-broadcasters and reporters-say I'm past my prime. But my times are still the same," she points out patiently. "For the next 3 years, I'm challenged to see how fast I can go now as an older runner." And this "older runner" knows what it means to come back. In 1985, she took a year off so that she and husband Ray Washington could start their family. Raina Ashley Washington was born on May 30, and Evelyn began training almost immediately for her return to the track at age 29. After some ups and downs, and some recurring injuries, her reward for persistelice was the 1988 Olympic silver medal at l 00 meters. Yet as a wife and moth er, Ashford also recognizes the significance of rewards other than medals and record s- rewards like watching Raina grow up. "My family is very important to me. The glory of the medals and records fades quickly, but having a family is different," she notes. "They're here for me every day. Running is my job- it's no diffe rent fr om anybod y else's job-but my family is definitely first, always." She and hu sband Ray Washington plan to expand their family, but are content to wait until Evelyn finishes her running career. "I'd like to have at least two more children-to give our daughter some company," she giggles. "Of course, we' ll see what she thinks of that. She's been the king of the hill fo r almost 5 years now." This 5-foot-5 sprinter, originally from Shreveport, Louisiana, Although she finished second to teammate Florence Griffith Joyner at 100 meters In Seoul, Ashford took the baton from Flo-Jo on the anchor leg In the 4 x 100-meter relay and overcame long-time rival Marlles Gohr (In blue), to garner another Olympic gold.

"normal" routines of home, but ever-motivated by a challenge, Ashford takes it all in stride. And somehow it doesn't sound like a cliche when she says sincerely, "I enjoy all the traveling I do, and I get to see the world and meet new people all the time." For Evelyn and Ray, career and family and intercontinental travel blend together in a rich tapestry of constant change. "My husband and I travel together. Ray coaches me, and deals with meet promoters when they get a little feisty," she quips. "But Raina doesn't usually travel, unless it's not a big meet. She requires a lot of attention, which can be a distraction when I'm preparing for a race." Thus Evelyn Ashford-world class sprinter and mom-will continue to pursue her goals and the quest to add her name to the record book again. She looks to the future with the qu iet confidence of a runner whose training is ri ght on schedule, poised to extend her already remarkable career. " 1992 will be my las t Olympics, though I may run for a while past the Olympics. I st ill have a lot of competitive drive, and I enjoy running. It's a Godgiven gift and I want to continue as long as I can- as long as my times j usti fy stay ing wit h it." Then she adds, "My husband kids me that I'll know it's time to stop running when all I see are the backs of the runners in front of me." And for the skeptics who wonder aloud if the last finish line isn't already in sight, she scolds (almost seriously), "After '92, I'll start talking about retirement. But not until then." • I. "A Special Fire," Sports Illustrated, October 10, 1988, p. 47.



F ABC-TV sportscaster AI Michaels had been coverin g the 1989 French Open men's singles fina l, he mi ght ha ve screamed, "Do you sti ll believe in miracles? Yes !"- as he did when the U.S. hockey team upset the Soviets at the

1 980Wii~terOI~mpics.


After a miracle victory at the 1989 French On en and a season-ending injury, Michael Chang hopes to make net gains in 1990

Other JOurnalists have, lJ 1 in fact, dubbed _the 1989 outcome of this famed tennis championship "the miracle in Paris." The miracle man in this case is quiet, humble Michael Chang. Having reached the ripe old age of 17 yea rs and 3 months, Michael stunned the tennis world in June 1989 with a spectacular, 2week stretch of play that resulted in his capturing the French Open. With his victory over Sweden's Stefan Edberg in the final s, he not only became the youngest male ever to win a Grand Slam singles title, but he also became the new hero of American tennis. Chang ended a 34-year drought when he became the first U.S. citizen since 1955-McEnroe and Connors included-to win on the clay courts of Roland Garros Stadium. Afterward, one of his statements to the international media turned almost as many heads as his biggest upset of the tournament-a fou rth-round, come-from-behind , five-set dec ision over Ivan LendI, the number one ranked player in the world. "This is really a dream come true," Chang said. "I didn't believe at all that I could win coming into this tournament. Particularly, I'd like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ, because without Him, I'd be nothing." 1 Chang often credits his Christian faith for his oncourt success. The 5-foot-8, 135-pound native of Hoboken, New Jersey, realizes such a profession of faith may irritate some, but to him it 's truth, the only way to handle the pressures of life-especially BY PAUL life as a youngster on the




professional tennis tour. Chang regularly attends the tour Bible study and often carries his Bible with him to read between matches. "God has an idea for me, I think, to spread His Word through tennis," he says. "I real ized God gave me talent at this young age. It is what enab les me to make contact with the world. Evangelist with a Y racket, that 's prett y much it."z And in spite of criticism fro m his peers and the inevitable ques tions rai sed by sponsors and tour promoters- not to mention the often-cynical treatment he has received from the media- he has not backed down from his highly visible expression of faith. But his Bible is not all Michael Chang brings to the tennis court. He is the undeniable possessor of a wealth of talent. Considered one of the fastest players on the circuit, Michael carries an all-court game, thou gh he prefers playi ng baseline with rocket speed and deep, powerful groundstrokes. Observers say his footwork, quickness, and mental toughness are the keys to his game. A witness to the Chang-Lendl French Open battle, part-time coach Jose Higueras said, "I've been in tennis for years, and th is is truly the most incredible match I've ever seen." After losing the first two sets to Lend l, Chang won the next two, and was up, four games to three, in the fifth set. But he had more on his mind than beating Lendl in front of an international television audience. There was a small matter of trying to stay on his feet. The match was in its fifth hour, and Chang's leg muscles began to let him know it was getting late. Gulping water and chunks of banana didn't relieve his cramps much, so Michael used his head and played with his opponent's mind. First an underh and serve fro m Chang HOEMANN threw Lendl for a loop.






Later, as the three-time French Open champ prepared to hit his second serve at match point, Chang crowded the service box . The already-exasperated Lend! doublefaulted, and Chang advanced. His efforts to break Lendl's concentration had paid off and kept him alive in the tournament. For his next set of tricks, he whipped Haitian Ronald Agenor, Soviet Andrei Chesnokov, and finally Edberg in the finals, to complete the miracle in Paris. "These 2 weeks, regardless of what happened today, are going to stay with me my whole life," Chang told the crowd at the awards ceremony following the final.l Riding the tide of victory, Chang ascended to the number five ranking in the world last August-a position he held at year's end- to become the youngest player ever to break into the top five. Also in 1989, he won the London Indoor tournament, qualified for one of eight spots in the prestigious Nabisco Masters Tournament, and represented the United States in the Davis Cup. But Chang's string of success literally snapped during a December 6 practice session in Florida, when he suffered a fracture in his left hip. Dr. Robert Kerlan, the noted sports physician who treated Chang, said the injury was severe, and almost unique among athletic injuries he had seen. "I've seen something like it before in non-athletes," he said, "after automobile accidents."4 Following Kerlan's prescription of rest and a gradual increase of exercises to strengthen his hip muscles, Chang returned to action in February at the Volvo Indoor Tournament in Memphis. Although seeded number two, he lost to Glenn Layendecker in the first round- a signal to some that he had attempted to come back too soon. Before his injury, many had already elevated young Chang to the throne as America's next tennis king. Hi~ resume is, after all, impressive. In 1987, at 15, Michael became the youngest player ever to win a main draw match in the U.S. Open. In 1988, at 16, he turned pro, signed several endorsement contrac ts, became the youngest ever to play on Wimbledon's Center Court, won his first professional tournament, climbed to a number 30 wo rld ranking, and was named tour "Newcomer of the Year." And for his encore? Winning the French Open and $682,130 in prize money in 1989. No matter what fame and fortune his tennis career brings, Chang can count on the support of his parents, Betty and Joe Chang. His father taught him how to play tennis when Michael was 6, and later moved the family to Placentia, California, so that Michael and his older brother, Carl, could compete year-round. The Changs didn 't follow the normal route into youth tennis via camps and coaches, however. Instead, they played among themselves, round-robin games in hour-and-a-half sessions on weekdays and non-family competition on weekends.s Through the years, his father has hired a number of coaches for Michael, but Joe, a research chemist, remains Michael's number one mentor. He monitors his son's progress with intricate graphs and flow charts. His mother, also a chemist, provides him with homecooked meals and moral support as they travel. During the French Open last year, she provided a bit of home by making him noodles in their hotel room. The Chang family is a close-knit bunch. Mom, Dad, 18



After enduring 2 weeks of grueling play on the clay, Michael was happy to have enough strength to holst the French Open cup after his 1989 victory.

Chang has his sights set on being one ····················································· of the game's ····················································· all·time greats

Carl- currently a tenn is player at the University of California at Berkeley- and Michael often take family votes on major decisions. For example, that's how Michael decides which tournaments he will enter and which interview requests he will grant.6 The decision to let his son turn pro, Joe says, was an easy one. " It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And even if he wasn't mature enough, the money and the opportunity they were giving us were too good," he says. With Michael's numerous endorsement contracts, he rakes in more than $1 million a year- without even stepping onto the court.7 But suddenly being th rust into the spotlight hasn't seemed to change Michael. An avid fisherman, he likes to exchange his tennis racket for a fishing rod whenever possible and get away from the pressures of the game with other touring pros. It is because of these pressures that some have questioned Michael's choice to turn pro at 16, thereby passing up such joys of teenage life as driving, dating, and just hanging out. Although he completed high school through correspondence courses, he says he doesn 't plan to attend college until his tennis career is finished. Some have predicted that Chang's career will be a flash in the tennis pan, and that he will eventually burn out. But Jim Loehr, director of sports science for the U.S. Tennis Association, disagrees. "When you take a young player and catapult him into stardom, in tennis particularly," Loehr says, "he goes from childhood directly into adulthood. There are many adolescents who are not ready for that. Michael is truly the exception. From a psychological perspective, I see him as a great role model for young kids, perhaps one of the best. "s As for Chang, he has his sights set on being one of the game's all-time great players. But his calling as a Christian helps him to keep his competitive drive and tennis success in perspective. "I think there wi ll be times when maybe I won't be doing so well," says Chang, "and I'm sure people will be sayi ng, ' Now where is your Jesus Christ?' As a Christian, I have a job to do on this earth, and that's my first priority. You can't win all the time. You can only do as much as you are made to do."9 Obviously, Michael Chang was made to play tennis. Yet the miracle man of Paris wants to be remembered as more than a great tennis player. "I'd rather be remembered as a great Christian. I'm hoping that it will be a combination of both, in a way. I want people to think, Not only was he a great tennis player but also a great Christian. And because he was a great Christian, he became a great tennis player."1o • Paul Hoemann is a ji'ee/ance writer living in River Forest, 11/inois, where he is director of comnumications at Concordia Uni11ersity. I. "Chang Rewriles Tennis Records," Sowh Chino Morning Post, June 12, 1989, p. I.

2. "Boy Wonder," Los Angeles Times Magazine, Augusl 27, 1989, p. 14. 1 3. "Chang Rallies 10 Be<ll Edberg," International Herald Tribune, June 12, 1989, p. 19. 4. "The Road Back Begins in Memphis," Los Angeles Times, February 27, 1990, p. Cl. 5. "Boy Wonder," p. 14. 6. "Tennis Is Chcmislry." Sports lll11strated, Oclober 17, 1989, p. 66. 7, 8, 9. " Boy Wonder," p. 16. 10. ''Michael Chang: World Class al 17," lnswm Replay, December 1989, p. 32.


Who proposed the first Cup competition in 1870? A. James Kennedy B. Roderick Waltman C. Stephen J. Gier D. Charles Alcock


The U.S. Soccer Federation has been a member of FIFA since: A. 1910 B. 1913 C. 1920 D. 1927


The first World Cup was held in 1930 in the country that had won the Olympic title in 1924 and 1928. Name this count ry. A. Spain B. Rumania C. Uruguay D. West Germany

2. How many children under the age of 19 are playing soccer in the U.S. today? A. Over I million B. Over 3 million C. Over 5 million D. Over 8 million


Which was the last host country to win the World Cup? A. Argent ina B. Italy C. Mexico D. Spain

3. Gerd Mliller of West Gem1any is the most prolific individual scorer in World Cup history. How many goals did he score? A. 13 B. 14 c. 15 D. 16


Which country was the last to win back-to-back World Cup titles? A. Brazil B. Italy C. Uruguay D. West Germany

4. Pele scored 12 goals in his four World Cup appearances for Brazil. Which player holds the record for the most goals in a single World Cup tournament? A. Eusebio (Portugal) B. Just Fontaine (France) C. Gary Lineker (England) 11. Gerd Mi.iller (West Germany)

5. Brazil and Italy have each captured three World Cups. Three other countries have won two. Which of these former champions has won a single title? A. Argentina B. England C. Uruguay D. West Germany

G. How many games does a Major Indoor Soccer League team play duting its winter season in the U.S.? A. 48 B. 50 c. 52 D. 56

7. Who scored the I,OOOth World Cup goal? A. Gregorz Lato (Poland) B. Gerd Miiller (West Germany) C. Rob Rensenbri nk (Netherl ands) D. Paolo Rossi (Italy)

8. Attendance for the 1986 World Cup in Mexico was 2,285,498, an average of 43,952

20. Which cou ntry has been the host for two World Cups? A. Argent ina B. England C. Mexico D. West Germany How many games does the MISL launch per season?

at each of the 52 matches. The highest average match attendance was in which year? A. 1950 (Brazil) B. 1966 (England) C. 1970 (Mexico) D. 1974 (West Germany)


What is the name of the U.S. Soccer Federation's premier club. championship event?


Who won the above-mentioned event in 1914, its first year? A. Brooklyn Celtic B. Brooklyn Dodgers C. Brooklyn Field Club D. Brooklyn Soccer Clu b

11. When did the U.S. last appear in the World Cup? A. 1930 B. 1934 c. 1950 D. 1954


True or False? Teams from the National Baseball League organized the first professional soccer league in the U.S. in 1894.


True or False? Soccer outdrew baseball duri ng the 1984 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles?


Who won the 1989 U.S. Open Cup? A. New York Greek-Americans B. St. Petersburg Data Graphic C. San Diego Nomads D. San Francisco GreekAmericans


At which school did students draft formal rules for soccer in 1848, including the offside rule? A. Dartmouth College B. Cambridge University C. Harvard University D. Yale Uni versity


1. B. 191 3; 2. D. Over 8 million; 3. B. Mliller scored 14 goals (1970, 1974); 4. B. Just Fontaine scored 13 goals as France finished third in 1958; 5. B. England won its only title in 1966; 6. C. 52; 7. C. Rob Rensenbrink, June I I , 1978, on a penalty kick in a 3-2 1oss to Scotland; 8. A. 1950, average attendance was 60,772 at 22 matches in Brazil; 9. The U.S. Open Cup; 10. C. Brooklyn Field Club, defeated Brooklyn Celtic, 21; 11. C. 1950; 12. True; 13. True, 1.4 million spectators watched soccer at the 1984 games; 14. B. St. Petersburg Data Graphic, over N.Y. Greek-Americans by 2-1 ; 15. B. Cambridge University; 16. D. Charles Alcock, a player and secretary of the Football Association. The cup was purchased for ÂŁ20; 17. C. Uruguay; 18. A. Argentina (1978); 19. A. Brazil (1958, 1962); 20. C. Mexico ( 1970, 1986). Italy hosts its second World Cup this year. SECON D LOOK




ORLD CUP soccer is seri ous business! Although these are extreme and tragic cases, they point Most Americans don't have any idea how to an important principle: Whenever people from differavid soccer fans around the world are, or ent parts of the world get together for sporting competition, there must be a clearly defined set of mles applied • • • • • • how intensely they get involved in the sport known everywhere but the United States as "football." fairly to all. If not, things can too easily get out of control. Soccer fans have idolized the great players from There are also lessons in this about life and God. World Cup history. One such "immortal" is a Brazilian Just as the ru les es tab lished by the Federation named Pete, who played in four World Cu p tourna- lntemationale de Football Association govern World Cup soccer no matt er ments, winning three, and where it is played, so the was heavily recru ited to moral laws of God set play in a fifth. He is to soccer wha t Magi c forth in the Bible apply equa ll y to everyone in Johnson, Joe Montana , the world. and Wayne Gretzky are to American sports, all rolled The rules are into one. for everyone But international soccer Soccer is one of the teams play for more than athletic superi ority. They few trul y "world also represent their counsports"-it is played try's pride and sometimes everyw here. The World its political ideology. And Cup brings together the zeal of loyal fans who teams from around the travel the world to cheer world to compete for a single prize. They reprefor their teams occasionall y interferes with the sent countries with different languages, cultures, ga me. Such fervo r ha s political systems, and valcaused riots and clashes wit h fans from ri val ues. Strategies have been teams. And in the U.S. , formulated, and players these are often the only recruited and developed to vie for this single, allsoccer stories to make the national news. Consider important piece of hardthese examples from the ware: the World Cup. It is the ga me itself past few years: BY DAVE EGNER that brings these teams • In Dusse ldo rf, West German y, 300 local togethe r, and the same fans attacked about 300 rules must apply equall y to all. If each team were British fans in a pitched battle that resul ted in to play by different rules, 130 arrests and hunchaos would result. So dreds of injuries. the FIFA rules are agreed e In Brussels, Belgium , a ri ot between British and to be the standard, and every team must submit to them. Italian supporters left 39 people dead on the streets. It's like that with God's ru les for mankind. Although • In Sheffield, England, 94 soccer fans were crushed to we live in different pa11s of the world, have different ethdeath agai nst a steel fence when police opened a gate nic backgrounds, and speak different languages, we are to admit late arrivals to a standing-room-onl y area. all equally responsible to obey the moral law of God. No • In Lima, Peru, in 1964, soccer's worst disaster left one is privileged, and no one is at a disadvantage. As far nearl y 300 people dead after a riot at a Peru- as God is concerned, we are all playing by the same rules. Argentina match. Wi llful, premeditated murder, for example, is legally

In soccer and in life, things can get out of hand unless universal rules prevail



2 1

wrong in every country. It is not wrong just because the laws of the land say it is, however, but because God Himself said in Exodus 20:13, "You shall not murder." God is the moral Lawgiver and Judge. He gives the ru les, and He enforces them equally for everyone. When the rules are broken Soccer's reputation has suffered during the past few decades from serious departures from the rul es. Consider these facts: • An official in South America was dragged off the field and killed when the fans thought he was not calling a game fairly. • Officials at major matches in many countries are given armed escorts onto and off the playing field. • Players have been severely hurt, some crippled for life, when intentionally fouled by opponents. e Teams discovered deliberately violating the rules have been disqualified. The game simply cannot be played when teams and individuals try to push the rules beyond the limit, and the consequences can be severe. Teams, referees, fans, nations, and even the game itself suffer from these violations. It's the same with us and God. An individual choosing to break the rules-to go against the moral laws of God- brings harm both to himself and to others. The Bible repeatedly teaches the principle that you either play by the rules or pay the price. A person who chooses to break God's laws will pay the consequences for his choice. It can be no other way. A liar lives to regret his lies, and a thief does his time. An adulterer spends sleepless nights, and he may lose his family. And we all must one day stand before a holy Gael. The principle is set forth in this verse: "Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:7). God will not let a person get away with breaking His rules. He will hold up the red card; He will throw the flag; He will blow the whistle. The rules are for our good


No rules-no World Cup. It 's as simple as that. Without international rules there is no way teams from all parts of the world could come together to compete. Before formal rules were agreed upon in the 1800s, many colleges in England could not compete against one another simply because they were playing by different rules. Playing accord(ng to universally accepted rules is for the good of the teams, players, and fans. Rules do not exist to limit players; rather they eliminate chaos and allow for orderly play. They ensure fair competition and a true way to determine the best team on the field. God's rules are for our benefit as well. The Lord did not give them to us because He is mean-spirited, is against good times, or enjoys making us jump through hoops. Not at all! He gave them to us because following them gives us our best chance at happiness in a world that is frightfully out of control. He gave them to us because He knows what's good for us. And God's moral laws are true and absolutely trustworthy because He is truth and He is the Faithful One. He is holy (Isaiah 6:3). There is no hint, no taint, no shadow of imperfection in Him. Therefore, His laws 22



f r PLAYING BY THE RULES doesn't guarantee success in soccer or in any other sport. In the same way, obeying God's laws does not save us from God's judgment. Some people think it does, but they are wrong. God saves us, says Titus 3:5, "not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy." Salvation is not something we earn by obeying the rules. We play by God's rules to acknowledge His authority as God to tell us how to live and because we love Him and want to please Him. Only by accepting God's gift of mercy can we enter into a loving relationship with God. Since we have all broken God's moral law-and many times-we cannot have fellowship with Him unless our sin has been dealt with. "There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:22,23). We are all in the same boat, but God offered to rescue us through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. To begin experiencing this right relationship with God through His gracious gift, pray something like this: God, I know You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to this world to die so that my sins could be forgiven. Thank You for this wonderful act of forgiveness and love that allows me to become acceptable to You. /love You and give my whole heart and life to You. The Second Look staff is interested in helping you answer any questions about God and your spiritual life. Write to us at Second Look, Box 3566, Grand Rapids, Ml49501-3566, USA. •

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[] No rules- no World Cup. It's as simple as that

are right- a holy God could not do otherwise. The author of Psalm 19 used a series of wonderful phrases to extol God 's moral law (verses 7- 11 ). Let's take a look at them. "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul" (v.7). There are no mistakes in God's law. It is mat ure, complete. The person who obeys it finds fresh life pouring into his soul. "The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple" (v.7). God's moral laws can be trusted: they work! Even the most humble person who is sincerely seeking God's direction is wise because he is willing to obey the Lord. "The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart" (v.8). When a person li ves by the righteous laws of God, he will have a deep and satisfying joy, which comes from knowing that what he has done is right. No sleepless nights. No haunted conscience. No fear of getting caught. "The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes" (v.8). Truth brings radiance, light. In this case, two kinds of light: (I) the light of understanding and knowledge, and (2) the light of holiness in contrast to the darkness. The way of the light becomes known through God's law. 'The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous" (v.9). God's law is certain and flawless. It is a foundation on which we can build a life of joy and the sure hope of eternal blessing. God gave us laws for our good. He knew we needed them. The Psalm writer went on to say that they are worth more than fine gold and sweeter than honey right out of the honeycomb (v. l 0). The benefits and blessings of living according to God 's rules are enjoyable and satisfying, and they will last forever.



So what?

Here is how the writer of Psalm 19 finished his song: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, 0 Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" (v.l4). He wanted his thoughts and his deeds- his whole life- to be acceptable to God. "Wait a minute," you say. "I'm a pretty independent person. I' ll make my own rules. Besides, how do I know that laws written for the Hebrews apply to me? Who said the Bible is true anyway? What makes you think it applies to me?" Two reasons. First, there's all kinds of evidence in the Bible that it is God's book for man. Let me sketch some items out for you. - The Bible itself claims to be the inspired, authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3: 16; 2 Peter I:20,21 ). - Ful filled prophecy gives witness to its authenticity. Specific prediction s such as the city where the Messiah would be born (Micah 5:2) and the exact price for His betrayal (Zechariah II : 13) are two of hundreds of fu lfilled prophecies proving the Bible to be more than just the figment of some active Jewish imaginations. - It has tremendous unity amid great diversity. It proclaims one message, even though it was written in two major languages (Hebrew and Greek) by 40 different authors from many different walks of life over a period of about 1500 years. Yet the Bible is free from contradictions. - Its accuracy in matters of history, science, and human nat ure also shows it to be the Book that came from the One who made us- from God. Second, the Bible works. Throughout the history of mankind, it has brought satisfaction and peace to those whu al:l:t:ptecl its message by faith. Over and over again it has proven to be consistent with the actual needs of men and women. It has been tested in life- and it works! It will work for you as well. Here is what the Psalm writer said: "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your Word" (Psalm 11 9:9). He also wrote, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119: I05). We have to have rules. But whose rules are we going to follow? The guy who can shout the loudest? The kid who threatens to quit and go home with the ball if he can 't have his own way? Of course not. Neither are we going to follow rules that are obviously flawed, or that were made by someone who wants to gai n an advantage from them. In life, God alone makes the rules. He has the right because He is the perfect, sovereign Lord. He made His moral laws known in the Bible. They are for our good. In fact, we can't get along without them. And the best of happiness and peace are ours when we are playing by the rules of God. •

Dave Egner is Senior Staff Writer for Radio Bible Class in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as an avid fisherman and woodsman. In Europe in 1970, Dave teamed firsthand that World Cup soccer truly is the sport of nations as he joined a group of West German, Italian, French, British, and Dutch fans watching the game together on Tv, cheering and booing in vain for Italy to defeat Pete and the Brazilians in the finals.


As far back as the ancient Olympic games in Greece, and as recently as the 1990 World Cup, sports have attracted a worldwide audience. In a similar way, the good news ofJesus Christ also holds universal appeal. The following Bible study examines the far-reaching impact of the gospel message. 1. According to Acts I:4,12 and 2:5, where did the church begin? 2. Where did the gospel spread next, according to: • Acts 8:5,25 • Acts 8:40 • Acts 9:3 1 • Acts 11:19 eActs 13: 1-5 3. What group of people first heard the gospel? Look up Acts 2:36-38. 4. What group of people eventually wound up receiving the gospel? Look up Acts 28:28-31. 5. Why did Paul go to Rome, according to Romans 16:23-27? 6. From what you have learned, what do you think Paul was trying to do? (See also Romans 15: 17- 19.) 7. Do you think the actions detailed in the book of Acts are consistent with Jesus' command given earlier, as recorded in Matthew 28: 19,20? 8. Do you think the gospel of Jesus Christ is intended for all people, in every nation? Why or why not? Look up I Timothy 2:3-6 and Acts 4: 12 to help with your answer. 9. What do you think are the implications of these truths for your own life?

-Ralph K. Drollinger

Is the Suspense Killing You?

- Kurt De Haan

HAVE YOU EV ER WATCHED a tape-delayed broadcast of a sporting event when you already knew who won? Did you find yourself tensing up anyway-chewing your nails and getting deeply involved in the action? Your brain may have told you to relax because you knew the outcome, but your emotions went nuts because they were wrapped up in the moment-bymoment action. Like a penalty kick shootout in overtime, world history is going to end in a way that will·surprise a lot of people. Those who are Christians know from reading the Bible who is going to win the great spiritual battle between God and Satan. Yet many still get caught up in the emotion of the day-to-day battles. Paul offered some encouraging words in 1 Thessalonians 5. He was writing to a first-century church, but his advice is just as good for the 20th-century. Notice how up-to-date his advice is: "Let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled" (v.6). And "He died for us so that ... we may live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another" (vv.10, 11 ). That sounds like advice for the winning side, don't you think? As problems come our way, we may sometimes sweat the details. But we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that God is in control. And if we know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we already know we're on the winning side. • Adapted by permission from Our Daily Bread Campus Journal, C 1990. This helpful devo6onal series Is available tree ol charge from RacfJO Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan, or ca/1 1·800·722·3398.




Who 111akes the rules? INSOCCER, FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) determines the rules that will be used in international play. Each member nation agrees to abide by these regulations. The referees are trained in how to apply the rules fairly to all teams in every match. In life, however, it isn't so simple. We each must decide what rules we wi ll live by. But how do we know what the right rules are? Aren 't they different depending on which country you live in?

Second Look magazine addresses a variety of life's difficult questions- like these-with a fresh approach.



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