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Hybrid car HYBRID CAR VS ELECTRIC CAR Traditionally, there were only gas and diesel vehicles on the road, but just as the times have changed, so has the automotive industry. The main difference between gas and hybrid cars is the way the engine functions. A hybrid car combines a gasoline-powered engine with an electric motor; a traditional vehicle gets its power from the engine only. In a hybrid, a complex system of electronic and mechanical controls manages the engine and motor to obtain the best efficiency for different driving conditions. A vehicle is a hybrid if it utilizes more than one form of onboard energy to achieve propulsion. In practice, that means a hybrid will have a traditional internal-combustion engine and a fuel tank, as well as one or more electric motors and a battery pack. Hybrid cars are sometimes mistakenly confused with electric vehicles. Hybrids are most often gasoline-burning machines that utilize their electric bits to collect and reuse energy that normally goes to waste in standard cars. Theoretically, diesel-electric hybrids would be even more fuelefficient, but hybrid systems and diesel engines both represent extra cost.
Honda Jazz Hybrid Car Top speed: 100mph (claimed); 0-60mph:10secs (claimed); Economy: 84mpg (claimed); CO2: 104g/km; Kerb weight:1130 kg; Engine: 4-cyls, 1339cc, hybrid; Power: 86bhp at 5800rpm; Torque: 89lb/ft at 4500rpm; Gearbox: CVT
Advantages 1. Environmentally Friendly: The biggest advantage of hybrid car over gasoline powered car is that it runs cleaner and has better gas mileage which makes it environmentally friendly. 2. Financial Benefits: Are supported by many credits and incentives that help to make them affordable. 3. Less dependence on Fossil Fuels: Is much cleaner and requires less fuel to run which means less emissions and less dependence on fossil fuels. 4. Regenerative Braking System: Each time you apply brake while driving a hybrid vehicle helps you to recharge your battery a little which in turn eliminates the amount of time and need for battery recharging. 5. Built From Light Materials: This means less energy is required to run. The engine is also smaller and lighter which also saves much energy. 6. Higher Resale Value: With continuous increase in price of gasoline, more people are turning towards hybrid cars thus commanding higher than average resale values. Disadvantages 1. Less Power: They’re twin powered engine. The gasoline engine which is primary source of power is much smaller as compared to what you get in single engine powered car and electric motor is low power. 2. Can be Expensive:Hybrid cars are comparatively expensive than a regular petrol car and can cost $5000 to $10000 more than a standard version. 3. Higher Maintenance Costs: The presence of dual engine, continuous improvement in technology, and higher maintenance cost can make it difficult for mechanics to repair the car. 4. Presence of High Voltage in Batteries: In case of an accident, the high voltage present inside the batteries can prove lethal for you. There is a high chance of you getting electrocuted in such cases which can also make the task difficult for rescuers to get other passengers and driver out of the car. 5
Electric car
An electric car is powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine. The electric motor gets energy from a controller, which regulates the amount of power—based on the driver’s use of an accelerator pedal. The electric car (also known as electric vehicle or EV) uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are recharged by common household electricity. Unlike a hybrid car—which is fueled by gasoline and uses a battery and motor to improve efficiency—an electric car is powered exclusively by electricity. Historically, EVs have not been widely adopted because of limited driving range before needing to be recharged, long recharging times, and a lack of commitment by automakers to produce and market electric cars that have all the creature comforts of gas-powered cars. That has changed. As battery technology improved—simultaneously increasing energy storage and reducing cost—major automakers introduced a new generation of electric cars. Electric motors develop their highest torque from zero rpms—meaning fast (and silent) zero-to-60 acceleration times.
Nissan2017-leaf-electric-car 30 kWh Lithium (Li-Ion) battery with up to 107-mile range 80 kW AC Syncroniuos electric motor Zero tallpipe emissions Nissan Intelligent Key with push button start Bluetooth Hands-free phone system
Advantages 1. No Gas Required: Electric cars are entirely charged by the electricity you provide, meaning you don’t need to buy any gas ever again as prices of fuel have gone all time high. 2. Savings: These cars can be fuelled for very cheap prices, and many new cars will offer great incentives for you to get money back from the government for going green. 3. No Emissions: Electric cars are 100 percent eco-friendly as they run on electrically powered engines. It does not emit toxic gases or smoke in the environment as it runs on clean energy source. 4. Popularity: EV’s are growing in popularity. With popularity comes all new types of cars being put on the market that are each unique, providing you with a wealth of choices moving forward. 5. Safe to Drive: They undergo same fitness and testing procedures test as other fuel powered cars.In case an accident occurs, one can expect airbags to open up and electricity supply to cut from battery. This can prevent you and other passengers in the car from serious injuries. 6. Cost Effective: with more technological advancements, both cost and maintenance have gone down. 7. Low Maintenance: They run on electrically powered engines and hence there is no need to lubricate the engines.Therefore, the maintenance cost of these cars has come down.
Disadvantages 1. Recharge Points: Electric fueling stations are still in the development stages. Not a lot of places you go to on a daily basis will have electric fuelling stations for your vehicle. 2. Electricity isn’t Free: Electric cars can also be a hassle on your energy bill if you’re not considering the options carefully. 3. Short Driving Range and Speed: They are limited by range and speed. Most of these cars have range about 50-100 miles and need to be recharged again. You just can’t use them for long journeys as of now, although it is expected to improve in future. 4. Longer Recharge Time: While it takes couple of minutes to fuel your gasoline powered car, an 5lectric car take about 4-6 hours to get fully charged. Therefore, you need dedicated power stations as the time taken to recharge them is quite long. 5. Not Suitable for Cities Facing Shortage of Power: Cities already facing acute power shortage are not suitable for electric cars. By Dan Edmunds and Brad Berman
By: Kevin Mathews Everyone knows water and sunlight are essential to gardening, but what’s a farmer in a droughtstruck area to do? Amazingly, some farmers have found a way to grow crops without the H2O and the results are remarkably tasty. As NPR reports, the technique is known as dry farming. Dry farmers intentionally limit the amount of water they provide to their crops. Though some water is needed in the first few weeks to get the plants going, after that, the farmers cut the supply off entirely. The drought can’t last forever, but farmers are still trying to find ways to outlast any dry spell. Almond growers have reduced their water usage by more than a third over the past 20 years. Irrigation is so targeted on some orchards that the grass or other cover usually used between rows simply won’t grow anymore, as the water doesn’t stray from the trunks of the trees. Some dairy ranchers are experimenting with dry- and hot-weather-loving sorghum as an alternative to corn silage for feed. The grain can’t be farmed without irrigation altogether, but it can be grown with a third to a half as much water (and less fertilizer) without sacrificing yields. With farmers applying less water thanks to conservation efforts, “they’ll be recharging less groundwater,” Runsten explained, “which means that we’ll have to do that consciously.” That may mean selectively flooding fields with surface water during the winter or in wet years, allowing more to filter down into the underground reservoirs. Such “inefficiency” in irrigation is a key means of increasing groundwater stores. But there’s no viral stat for replenishing aquifers. A single almond takes a gallon of water to grow , and that is that.“Food is water incarnate,” Runsten said. “That’s what it is. You’re shipping water around when you’re shipping food around.” Surprisingly, withholding the water doesn’t kill the produce. Instead, it forces the baby plants to grow vines that go incredibly deep into the soil. These vines are searching for a water source, and soil tends to retain moisture throughout the year. Consumers in the know have been flocking to dry farmed products and not just because they enjoy the conservation aspect. They find the food grown in this manner to be sweeter and have more flavor than their traditionally watered counterparts. One downside to dry farming is the crops’ limited harvest. Though the un-watered plants may prove more flavorful, their production is drastically reduced. Farmers estimate that, per acre, they grow anywhere between 3 to 10 times less food than they would if they watered their crops instead.Moreover, dry farming also requires a lot of upkeep. While farmers may save time by not watering, they generally till the top of the soil throughout the year until it reaches a dusty consistency. In doing so, the farmers prevent the moisture from escaping through the surface. For these reasons, dry farming is currently more of a labor of love than a road to profits. Nonetheless, it shows that even places with limited water resources can grow crops. Perhaps with more experimentation, dry farmers can find ways to yield more of their sweet-tasting produce, while simultaneously tackling the problem of many across the world going without food and water. 7 18
Scientific Name – Daucus carota subsp. sativus Native – Europe and South West Asia Other Names – Gajar (Hindi), Gajjari (Kannada), Sheema mullangi (Malayalam), Kerat (Tamil)
Many believe drinking carrot juice is one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals. The health benefits of drinking carrot juice are thought to be good prenatal health, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair as well as helping in cancer prevention. Drinking carrot juice daily is a habit that everyone shouldinculcate as it is both healthy and tasty. Carrots are full of biotin, molybdenum, dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins K, B1, B6, B2, C, and E,manganese,niacin, panthothenic acid, folate, phosphorus, and copper. Benefits Of Carrot Juice Health Benefits Improves Immunity And Controls Heart Diseases Reduces Cholesterol Aids Clotting Of Blood Heals External Wounds Prevents Cancer Improves Bone Health Cleanses The Liver Cures Infections Relieves Abdominal Gas Promotes Urination Regularizes Menses Treats Macular Degeneration Enhances Oral Health Beauty Benefits
Weight Loss Benefits Aids Muscle Growth Increases Metabolism Increases Oxygen Carrying Capacity Provides Instant Energy Controls Sugar Levels Aids Digestion Cleanses The Body Prenatal Care Good For Lactation Prevents Infections In Unborn Children Provides Calcium Boosts Immunity In Kids
Reduces Dryness And Scars Prevents Acne Source Of Vitamins Needed For Skin Controls Sun Damage Fights Aging Aids Hair Growth Strengthens Nails Is Used For Skin Whitening
When I was in college, everyone had a laptop at his/her desk instead of a pad of paper. My reasons were that it was just easier and sometimes, reading my own handwriting became an issue. Also, organization was important and being able to read the PowerPoints that the professors had posted was crucial to my success. One of the other factors was that once I was home, just like at school, I could easily connect to my Internet, work away, do research, and chat with other students in the convenience of my own home middle school and high Like many students, during my time in middle school and high school, it was a different story. I didn’t have the fancy smartphone (wait, did they even have them then?), or a computer in my home, or Internet access. Not because we didn’t have the money (well sometimes we didn’t) but just because I didn’t grow up with the latest and greatest in technology. That has since changed but looking back, things would have been a lot easier had I had a computer and Internet in the home. I didn’t have to deal with dial-up though so I guess that was a plus. During my senior year in high school and then in college I used the money that I worked for and got a laptop and convinced my grandmother that we needed the Internet. Source file
BEAUTY TIPS Look ten years younger Proper diet What you eat will always reflect on your skin. proper diet is the key to a beautiful and radiant skin. Ensure you diet is full of ‘natural food’ this includes; vegetables, fruits and plenty consuption of water (atleast 8 glasses a day) this keeps your skin hydrated and sapple. Right Skin Care Products products such as serum containing antioxidants like vitamin C will help brighten your skin.Add retinoids, which increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen renewal, to your routine start using an alpha hydroxy acid exfoliator to remove the top layer of dead skin cells Wear SPF Every Day Whether it’s humid and 90 degrees outside or chilly and rainy, sunscreen is a must no matter what. So add it to your daily routine if you haven’t already, since sun damage not only causes wrinkles, but can leave you vulnerable to skin cancer. Take It Easy on the Foundation “Heavy foundation tends to settle on the rough patches or into the lines of the face.What is needed as we age is a good transparent moisturizing foundation or tinted moisturizer. Avoid anything with a powder base. Step Away From the Glitter Bright, bold eye shadow and products with shimmer and glitter will make wrinkles more noticeable. And skip liquid liner, which emphasizes the delicate and fine skin surrounding your eyes and opt for a soft pencil line Pick the Right Brow Shape Droopy eyes can be changed by slightly arching the brows and extending them toward the temples (rather than having the tail curve down around the eye) Neck As you age, the neck loses elasticity faster than anywhere else on your body. Moisturize every morning and night, exfoliate once or twice a week with a gentle scrub, and apply sunscreen daily. Hands Remember to always wear gloves while washing dishes and to moisturize frequently. Chemicals and hot water can strip away the protective lipid barrier on your skin, making it susceptible to irritation and drynes 10
GLOBAL WARMING With glaciers melting, the sea levels rising, cloud forests dying we have wildlife in trouble trying to survive the situation. Human activities over and over that tend to have negative effect to the environment are to be blamed global warming. These activities include; by releasing heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere known as greenhouse gases which continues to increase over the years.
We call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. As the Earth spins each day, the new heat swirls with it, picking up moisture over the oceans, rising here, settling there. It's changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely upon. What will we do to slow this warming? How will we cope with the changes we've already set into motion? While we struggle to figure it all out, the face of the Earth as we know it—coasts, forests, farms and snow-capped mountains—hangs in the balance. Greenhouse effect The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse. First, sunlight shines onto the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, “greenhouse” gases trap some of this heat, and the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped. Scientists have known about the greenhouse effect since 1824, when Joseph Fourier calculated that the Earth would be much colder if it had no atmosphere. This greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth's climate livable. Without it, the Earth's surface would be an average of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit cooler. In 1895, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius discovered that humans could enhance the greenhouse effect by making carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. He kicked off 100 years of climate research that has given us a sophisticated understanding of global warming. Levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) have gone up and down over the Earth's history, but they have been fairly constant for the past few thousand years. Global average temperatures have stayed fairly constant over that time as well, until recently. Through the burning of fossil fuels and other GHG emissions, humans are enhancing the greenhouse effect and warming Earth. Scientists often use the term "climate change" instead of global warming. This is because as the Earth's average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas, warm others, and change the amount of rain and snow falling. As a result, the climate changes differently in different areas. Aren't temperature changes natural?
Courtesy: National Geographic report.
The average global temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide (one of the major greenhouse gases) have fluctuated on a cycle of hundreds of thousands of years as the Earth's position relative to the sun has varied. As a result, ice ages have come and gone. However, for thousands of years now, emissions of GHGs to the atmosphere have been balanced out by GHGs that are naturally absorbed. As a result, GHG concentrations and temperature have been fairly stable. This stability has allowed human civilization to develop within a consistent climate. Occasionally, other factors briefly influence global temperatures. Volcanic eruptions, for example, emit particles that temporarily cool the Earth's surface. But these have no lasting effect beyond a few years. Other cycles, such as El Niño, also work on fairly short and predictable cycles. Now, humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by more than a third since the industrial revolution. Changes this large have historically taken thousands of years, but are now happening over the course of decades. Why is this a concern? The rapid rise in greenhouse gases is a problem because it is changing the climate faster than some living things may be able to adapt. Also, a new and more unpredictable climate poses unique challenges to all life. Historically, Earth's climate has regularly shifted back and forth between temperatures like those we see today and temperatures cold enough that large sheets of ice covered much of North America and Europe. The difference between average global temperatures today and during those ice ages is only about 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), and these swings happen slowly, over hundreds of thousands of years. Now, with concentrations of greenhouse gases rising, Earth's remaining ice sheets (such as Greenland and Antarctica) are starting to melt too. The extra water could potentially raise sea levels significantly. As the mercury rises, the climate can change in unexpected ways. In addition to sea levels rising, weather can become more extreme. This means more intense major storms, more rain followed by longer and drier droughts (a challenge for growing crops), changes in the ranges in which plants and animals can live, and loss of water supplies that have historically come from glaciers. 12
Courtesy: National Geographic report.
*Different view* There must be places, On a back where laden backs are carried, Where laden backs are eased of agony, Where laden backs are massaged in oil, A place where laden backs speak in whispers, And see tomorrow in a different view. There must be places, In channels where tears form rivers, Draining in vast blue oceans, Where the tributaries running down the crying cheeks meet, Where tears form ripples stained in blood, Where reddened eyes meet a clear sky, And see tomorrow in a different view!
There must be places, Where broken hearts are sewn together, Where separated lovers love again, Where love lost is found, Where dreams come true, Places where lovers are butterflies by day, And fireflies by night, Places where lone lovers watch the horizon, And see tomorrow in a different view. 13
Wanyiri, 2016.
Village Market
Well known for its delicious Italian homemade pasta, pizza, ďŹ sh, seafood, ice-cream and other Italian delicacies, it is a classy elegant restaurant with a kitchen, store, laundry, ample parking, terrace and a ďŹ replace, truly a perfect dining venue. To add an icing on the cake, meet the charming warm welcome by Nico Cerone and his hospitable team always ready at your service. Osteria Village Market, you will always want to come back!
THE STANDARD GAUGE RAILWAY FINALLY HERE SGR construction has been surounded by a couple of constant controversies and opposition from both within the country and East Africa partnerships. After all these challenges of some East Africa brothers withdrawing and others going slow on the project, finally, the delivery of the new railway is now in the homestretch. Pic: launch of the 60 locomotives of the Kenya’s standard Gauge Railway
By: Diaspora Messager, The three types of standard gauge diesel locomotives for Kenya Railways were presented at in Qishuyan, Jiangsu, China. The locomotives are manufactured by CRRC Qishuyan Co., and they will be put into operation on Mombasa – Nairobi standard gauge railway. February, 2017 has marked another watershed moment in the history of the railway transport sector in Kenya. The successful implementation of the Standard Gauge Railway project has witnessed the union of the Standard Gauge Railway line with the trains that are set to run on it for years to come. The Corporation received 60 wagons on February 13 and 14, 2017. This is the first batch of the one thousand six hundred and twenty wagons which will be used for movement of cargo between Mombasa and Nairobi. The fleet of wagons procured includes the Gondola Wagon, the Container Flat wagon, the covered wagon and the general flat wagon. The wagons can load 70 tons and are designed for loading and transporting commodities such as rolled steel products, coal, ore, building materials, mechanical
Under the contract, CRRC Qishuyan delivered 60 locomotives to Kenya, including 43 DF8B freight locomotives, 5 DF11 passenger locomotives and 8 DF7G shunting locomotives equipped with 16V280ZJA diesel engine. In his communiqué to Media Houses, Kenya Railways Managing Director Mr. A. K. Maina said that the project is now in its final phase of construction and will soon be ready for operations. He stated that the delivery of the locomotives and rolling stock is an important component for the SGR project implementation and that the Corporation is right on track in all factors that pertain to the project implementation, even as subsequent operations are set to commence in earnest. He clarified that during operation stage; there will be freight and passenger train services with the passenger operating two types of trains. The Intercity passenger train will offer an express service between the two main destinations of Mombasa and Nairobi stopping only at Mtito Andei to allow passage of the passenger train going in the same or opposite direction. The second type of train is the County train which will make a stop at each of the seven intermediate stations at Mariakani, Miaseny, Voi, Mtito Andei, Kibwezi, Emali and Athi River on its way to either destination to allow residents of the said areas access train transport services. Mr. Maina further clarified that passenger trains will be given priority on the line whereby Freight trains will be stopped at the crossing stations to enable passenger trains to pass which is a common practice all over the World.
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On the extreme right: Mwaniki Mageria (host of Riverwood Ensemble) poses after the event with actors
The 4th edition of the Riverwood Academy Awards, which aims to celebrate the best of low-budget local film, went down in a red carpet event at the Kenya national theater.The Academy focuses on cinema by Africans for Africans while promoting language, culture and talent.
The 2017 Riverwood Academy Awards winners pose at a gala that feted Kenya’s finest actors in television and film at the Kenya Cultural Centre, Nairobi.
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1. Best Film – Kizingo. 2. Lifetime Achievement Award – Raymond Ofula. 3. Best TV Series – Mama Duka 4. Best Leading Actor In A Tv Series – John Oron. 5. Best Overal Actor – Anubhav Ghard. 6. Best Supporting Actor – Peter Mweu ((Cama Wa Ruo)) 7. Best Supporting Actress – Sally Atieno (Zililala) 8. Best Original Score – Spensa 9. Best Sound Mixing – Kunjan Dholokai (Once Upon A Time) 10. Best Cinematography – Zilizala. 11. Best Editing In A TV Series – Fred Odhiambo (Sumu La Penzi). 12. Best Script Writer In A Tv Series – Lol Awat (Mama Duka). 13. Best Vernacular Tv Series –Haiyaiya 14. Best Vernacular Movie – Cama Wa Ruo 15. Best Documentary 0 Structures Of Hope 16. Best Animation – Elimu Tales 17. Best TV Commercial – Bonyea *699# 18. Best Invisible Cuffs – Invisible Cuffs 19. Best Short Film – Seed 20
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Varieties of African Cusines in mama’s Kitchen On the barbecue in Mamas Kitchen, Grilled Goat meat, chicken with it’s popular accompaniments.
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IN THE CINEMA PG-13 Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy release date: November 03, 2017 Director:Taika Waititi Written by: Christopher Yost, Craig Kyle, Stephany Folsom Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Cate Blanchett, Chris Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo, Tessa Thompson, Tom Hiddleston
Synopsis Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok – the destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization – at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first he must survive a deadly gladatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger – the Incredible Hulk!
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Once upon a time Shree Krishna and Arjun went for a short stroll around the city. They saw a poor looking priest begging. Arjun felt pity at him and he gave him a bag full of 100 gold coins. The priest became very happy and thanked Arjun. He left for his home. On way, he saw another person who needed help. The priest could have spared a coin or two to help that person. however, he chose to ignore it. But on way to his home, one thief robbed him of his bag of coins and ran away. The priest became dejected and went back again for begging. Next day again when Arjun saw the same priest begging and he was surprised that after getting a bag full of coins which can last a lifetime, the priest was still begging! He called the priest and asked him the reason for this. The priest told him about the whole incident and Arjun again felt pity at him. So, this time he gave him a diamond. The priest became very happy and left for home and he again saw someone who needed help but he chose to ignore again. Upon reaching home, he safely put the diamond in an empty pot of water with a plan to cash it out later and live a wealthy life. His wife was not at home. He was very tired so he decided to take a nap. In between, his wife came home and picked up that empty pot of water, walked towards the river close by to fill up the water. She had not noticed the diamond in the pot. Upon arriving at the river, she put the whole pot into the running river water to fill it up. She filled up the pot but the diamond was gone with the water flow! When the priest woke up, he went to see the pot and asked his wife about the diamond. She told him, she had not noticed it and it must have been lost in the river. The priest couldn’t believe his bad luck and again started begging. Again Arjun and Shree Krishna saw him begging and Arjun inquired about it. Arjun felt bad and started thinking if this priest will ever have a happy life. Shree Krishna who is an incarnation of God smiled. Shree Krishna gave that priest one coin which was not even enough for buying a lunch or dinner for one person. Arjun asked Shree Krishna, “Lord, I gave him gold coins and diamond, which could have given him a wealthy life, yet it didn’t help him. How will just one coin help this poor guy?” Shree Krishna smiled and told Arjun to follow that priest and find out. On the way, the priest was thinking that one coin Shree Krishna gave him, he can’t even buy a lunch for one person. Why would he give so little? He saw a fisherman who was getting a fish out of his net. Fish was struggling. The priest felt pity at fish. He thought that this one coin won’t solve my problem, why not I save that fish. So the priest paid the fisherman and took the fish. He put the fish in his small pot of water which he always carried with him. The fish was struggling in a small pot of water, ended up throwing out a diamond from the mouth! The priest screamed with a joy, “I got it, I got it”. At that same point, the thief who had robbed the priest’s bag of 100 gold coins, was passing through there. He thought that the priest recognized him and may get him punished. He got nervous and ran to the priest. He apologized to the priest and returned his bag full of 100 gold coins. The priest couldn’t believe what just happened. Arjun saw all this and said, “Oh Lord, Now I understand your play”. Moral: When you have enough to help others, don’t let that chance go. Your good deeds will always be repaid to you. 29
Source file
Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun (born 16 July 1990) better known by his stage name Wizkid (sometimes stylised as WizKid), is a Nigerian singer and songwriter. He started recording music at age 11 and managed to release a collaborative album with the Glorious Five, a group he and a couple of his church friends formed. In 2009, he signed a record deal with Banky W.'s record label Empire Mates Entertainment (E.M.E). He rose to prominence in 2010 with the release of the song "Holla at Your Boy" from his debut studio album, Superstar (2011). "Tease Me/Bad Guys", "Don't Dull", "Love My Baby", "Pakurumo" and "Oluwa Lo Ni" were also released as singles from the Superstar album. Wizkid's self-titled second studio album, Ayo, was released in September 2014 and was preceded by six singles: "Jaiye Jaiye", "On Top Your Matter", "One Question", "Joy", "Bombay" and "Show You the Money". n 2016, Wizkid achieved international recognition following his collaboration with Drake on the global hit, "One Dance", which reached number one in 15 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
Wizkid Performing live on stage
Iin addition to his solo work, Wizkid has collaborated with several other artists and was featured on the hits "Girl" (with Bracket), "Fine Lady" (with Lynxxx), "Sexy Mama" (with Iyanya), "Slow Down" (with R2Bees), "The Matter" (with Maleek Berry), "Pull Over" (with KCee) and "Bad Girl" (with Jesse Jagz). Following the release of his second studio album and expiration of his 5-year recording contract, Wizkid left E.M.E. On 1 March 2017, it was reported that Wizkid signed a multi-album deal with RCA Records. The chairman and CEO of RCA Records, Peter Edge,conďŹ rmed the signing while speaking to Music Business Worldwide in January 2017
NigeriaCountry The Federal Republic of Nigeria, commonly referred to as Nigeria, is a federal republic in West Africa, bordering Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Capital: Abuja Currency: Nigerian naira (NGN) Population: 188 million Area: 923768.00 km² GDP: $1,166 billion (2016) Government Type: Federation HDI: 152 (2015) National Anthem: Arise, O Compatriots
MEDITATION TO BREAK FROM STRESS Meditatonis the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. meditation means turning your attention away from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present moment. Awareness is important because it is the nature of wisdom. You may meditate because you want peace. It is a common practice among Budhists and people tend to associate it with religion. This is because the practice originated from the East or at least became popular first in that region. It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to meditate. Meditation stills anxiety, and is generally beneficial. This is scientifically proven. So there are many reasons to meditate. There is no doubt that it can help stress, depression, and anxiety. It is helpful for the emotional problems of daily life, when things go wrong It opens the heart and makes you more aware. And when awareness rises, so does wisdom, and the wisdom that rises from meditation is very powerful. During a meditation session, intruding worries or thoughts should be ignored or dismissed to the best of your ability by focusing on the sound, word or phrase . Choose a conducive environment. Find a nice, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for fifteen minutes or longer. Sit down, relax and rest your hands on your lap. You can sit on the floor cross-legged with the support of a meditation cushion, or on any chair with your feet resting on the ground. It is not necessary to force yourself into a lotus position if you are not used to it. Regardless of how you sit, it is important to maintain the natural curve of your back. That means no slouching. People with chronic back problems who cannot sit for a prolonged period of time can explore other meditation positions. Breathe slowly and deeply. Close your eyes softly. Direct your soft, unfocused gaze downwards. Begin by taking a few slow and deep breaths — inhaling with your nose and exhaling from your mouth. Don’t force your breathing; let it come naturally. The first few intakes of air are likely to be shallow, but as you allow more air to fill your lungs each time, your breaths will gradually become deeper and fuller. Take as long as you need to breathe slowly and deeply. Be aware. When you are breathing deeply, you will begin to feel calmer and more relaxed. That is a good sign. Now, focus your attention on your breathing. Be aware of each breath that you take in through your nose. Be mindful of each breath that you exhale with your mouth. Continue focusing onyour breaths for as long as you like. If you find your attention straying away from your breaths, just gently bring it back. It may happen many times. Don’t be disheartened. What’s important is to realize that you have wandered and bring your attention back to where it should be. As you develop greater focus power, you will find it easier to concentrate. Ending the session. When you are ready to end the session, open your eyes and stand up slowly. Stretch yourself and extend your increased awareness to your next activities. Well done! You have done it! Courtesy: The conscious life 31
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TAKING CARE OF YOUR LUNGS Chronic kidney disease occurs as a result of having some type of kidney abnormality, or "marker", such as protein in the urine and having decreased kidney func on for three months or longer. Chronic kidneys may be as a
By Doctor Dennis
result of kidneys being affected by diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Some kidney condi ons are inherited. Others are congenital; that is, individuals may be born with an abnormality that can affect their kidneys. Some examples of these diseases are: Glomerulonephri s - a disease that causes inflamma on of the kidney's ny filtering units called the glomeruli. Glomerulonephri s may happen suddenly, for example, a er a strep throat, and the individual may get well again. However, the disease may develop slowly over several years and it may cause progressive loss of kidney func on.
Another example is, Polycys c kidney disease – an inherited kidney disease characterized by the forma on of kidney cysts that enlarge over me and may cause serious kidney damage and even kidney failure.
Kidney stones - very common and are known to cause severe pain in your back and side. There are many possible causes of kidney stones including an inherited disorder that causes too much calcium to be absorbed from foods and urinary tract infec ons or obstruc ons. It is also important to note that drugs and toxins can also cause kidney problems. Using large numbers of over-the-counter pain relievers for a long me may be harmful to the kidneys.
Although many forms of kidney disease do not produce symptoms un l late in the course of the disease, some of the common warning signs of kidney disease are; high blood pressure, blood and/or protein in the urine and more frequent urina on, par cularly at night; difficult or painfulurina on, puffiness around eyes and swelling of hands and feet. Some of the simple tests that can be done to detect early kidney disease are; A test for protein in the urine known as Albumin to Crea nine Ra o (ACR) and a test for blood crea nine . Kidney failure may be treated with hemodialysis,peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplanta on. Kidney transplants have high success rates. The kidney may come from someone who died or from a living donor who may be a rela ve, friend or possibly a stranger, who donates a kidney to anyone in need of a transplant. Diet For a healthy Kidney Some of the foods that help to maintain a healthy and well-func oning kidney are fish, egg whites,red grapes, beans, garlic, strawberries, raspberries, apples and onions. Always make it a rou ne to consume eight glasses of waterper day. It will help clean your system and mantain a balanced condi on for op mum func oning of your organs Diet for already damaged kidney kidney disease can be slowed down with proper dietary and lifestyle changes. Choosing and preparing foods with less sodium is essen al, with a daily sodium intake of 2,300 milligrams or less, recommended by the NKDEP. Include fresh herbs, spices and seasonings without sodium for flavoring foods. Avoid processed foods to keep sodium intake to a minimum. Avoid foods withhigh phosphorus levels such as meat, dairy, beans, nuts, len ls and colas. Foods low in phosphorus include fresh vegetables, fruits, breads, rice, pasta and corn. If you must drink bevarages such as soda go for light-colored varie es, and consump on of grape, apple and orange juices should be limited. Cranberry juice can be subs tuted for these juices. alcohol should be avoided or if you must make sure it in very small amount, according to the NKDEP.
Top 4 of all time books of Africa Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiographical work written by South African President Nelson Mandela, and first published in 1994 by Little Brown & Co.The book profiles his early life, coming of age, education and 27 years in prison. Under the apartheid government, Mandela was regarded as a terrorist and jailed on the infamous Robben Island for his role as a leader of the thenoutlawed ANC. He later achieved international recognition for his leadership as president in rebuilding the country's once segregated society.The last chapters of the book describe his political ascension, and his belief that the struggle still continued against apartheid in South Africa.
A Man of the People (1966) is the fourth novel by Chinua Achebe. This satirical novel is a story told by the young and educated narrator, Odili, on his conflict with Chief Nanga, his former teacher who enters a career in politics in an unnamed modern African country. Odili represents the changing younger generation; Nanga represents the traditional customs of Nigeria. The book ends with a military coup, similar to the real-life coups of Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu and Yakubu Gowon.
Things Fall Apart is a novel written in English by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. The novel depicts the life of Okonkwo, a leader and local wrestling champion in Umuofia one of a fictional group of nine villages in Nigeria inhabited by the Igbo people. It focuses on his family and personal history, the customs and society of the Igbo and the influence of British colonialism and Christian missionaries on the Igbo community during the late nineteenth century.
Heart of Darkness (1899) is a novella by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad, about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa, by the story's narrator Marlow. Marlow tells his story to friends aboard a boat anchored on the River Thames, London, England. This setting provides the frame for Marlow's story of his obsession with the ivory trader Kurtz, between London and Africa as places of which enables Conrad to create a parallel darkness.
Top 4 2017 books of the world Lincoln in the Bardo A 2017 novel by American writer George Saunders and became a New York Times bestseller the week of March 5, 2017.
Originally published: February 14, 2017 Author: George Saunders Page count: 368 Genre: Historical Fiction Country: United States of America
An unforgettable cast of small-town characters copes with love and loss from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling Recalling Olive Kitteridge in its richness, structure, and complexity, Anything Is Possible explores the whole range of human emotion through the intimate dramas of people struggling to understand themselves and others.
Exit West is a novel published in 2017, written by Pakistani author Mohsin Hamid. This is Hamid's fourth novel. The main themes of the novel are imigration and refugee problems. Originally published: 2017 Author: Mohsin Hamid
Title This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare Author Gabourey Sidibe Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017 She is an award-winning actress who is best known for the title role of Precious based on the novel Push by Sapphire. She has since starred as Queenie in FX’s American Horror Story: Coven and Denise in Difficult People, and can currently be seen as Becky on Fox's smash hit sensation Empire. This Is Just My Face is her first book.
BOOST YOUR MORNING WITH A CUP OF COFFEE Cut the Pain after workout Two cups of coffee can cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%. Increase your fiber intake A cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 grams of fiber of the recommended intake of 20-38 grams.
Protection against cirrhosis of the liver A recent study published in the Hepatology showed that both coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the liver enzyme levels of coffee drinkers. Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes A recent review of research conducted by Harvard’s Dr. Frank Hu Archives on Internal Medicine showed that the risk of type II diabetes decreases by 9% for each daily cup of coffee consumed. Lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease There is considerable evidence that caffeine may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Reduces suicide risk and Depression From the Archives of Internal Medicine a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee were 20% less likely to suffer from depression. Protection against Parkinson’s Research out of Sweden revealed that drinking coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s even when genetic factors come into play. People with Parkinson’s disease are less likely to be smokers and coffee drinkers than their healthy siblings. less risk of heart disease. Korean researchers found that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. The study. Other dietary factors should also be noted as Koreans typically have a different diet than do Westerners. stronger DNA. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition showed that coffee drinkers have DNA with stronger integrity since the white blood cells of coffee drinkers had far less instance of spontaneous DNA strand breakage. Lower Risk of Multiple Sclerosis. Recent research showed that at least 4 cups of coffee a day may help protect against the development and reoccurrence of MS. It’s believed that coffee prevents the neural inflammation that possibly leads to the disease developing. The study was published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. Coffee reduces colorectal cancer risk. Even moderate consumption of coffee can reduce the odds of developing colorectal cancer by 26%. This protective benefit increases with more consumption. The study is described in detail here. Recent research has also shown that coffee may boost a woman’s sex drive, but the fact that it’s only been tested on rats somehow takes the shine off.
IN SEARCH FOR PEACE By: Gerard O'Connell
n a powerful speech to an international
conference for peace in Cairo on April 28, Pope Francis pulled no punches as he called on Christian and Muslim religious leaders in Egypt and throughout the Middle East to join in building “a new civilization of peace” by declaring together “a firm and clear ‘no’ to every form of violence, vengeance and hatred carried out in the name of religion and in the name of God” and to “affirm the incompatibility of violence and faith, belief and hatred.” His words drew applause. They applauded again when he told them that “what is needed are peacemakers, not fomenters of conflict; firefighters not arsonists; preachers of reconciliation and not instigators of destruction.” Pope Francis pulled no punches as he called on Christian and Muslim religious leaders to join in building “a new civilization of peace.” Pope Francis embraces Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb in Egypt
Speaking in the conference hall of Al Azhar, the most prestigious center of learning in the Sunni Muslim world, at the invitation of its grand imam, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, to an audience of some 300 religious leaders, professors and scholars from Egypt and several other countries in the region, Francis reminded them that “religion is not meant only to unmask evil, it has an intrinsic vocation to promote peace, today perhaps more than ever before.” After his plane touched down at Cairo International Airport at 2 p.m., Francis drove straight to the presidential palace for a formal welcome and then drove to the Al Azhar conference center in this city of 10 million people in a normal car, under extraordinary security measures and fears for his safety. He was welcomed at Al Azhar by the grand imam, whom he had met in the Vatican last November. The two leaders conversed together in private for 20 minutes before addressing the conference. Pope Francis: “Religion is not meant only to unmask evil, it has an intrinsic vocation to promote peace. The grand imam spoke first and after warmly welcoming the pope, he asked all present to stand in silence for one minute for Christians and Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks. He also recalled those Christian and Muslim faithful who were killed in places of worship. He called for an alliance of all organizations that work for peace. He affirmed that “no religion” can be classified as “terrorist”—neither Christianity, Judaism or Islam. He said Islam cannot be said to be “terrorist” because “a small minority misinterpret some of its sayings and killed people and terrorize the innocent.” He accused “some parties,” whom he did not name, “of financing these persons and groups” and denounced the arms trade “as the principal cause of our problems today.” When he finished speaking, Francis embraced him, drawing applause. 37
KENYA’S EDUCATION REVOLUTION Functions of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology The ministry of education of education, science and technology works with a vision of creation a globally competitive education, training, research and innovation system for sustainable development. The ministry carries the following functions as outlined by the Executive Order No. 2 of May 2013 in order to achieve its vision; -Management of the Education Policy -Curriculum development -Management of national examination and certification, through Kenya National Examination -Council (KNEC) -Management of education status -Administration of Early Childhood Education, standards and norms -Management of continuing education -Quality Assurance in Education -Management of primary and secondary education institutions -Teacher education and management -School administration and programs -Registration of basic education and training institutions -Management of special needs education -Representation of Kenya in UNESCO -Management of adult education -Management of university education policy -Management of university education Dr. Fred O. Matiang’i -Management of national commission for Cabinet Secretary, ministry of science, technology and innovation. Education,Science and Technology -National polytechnics management -Management of institutes for science and technology -Management of public universities and tertiary learning institutions -Development and management science technical and innovation policy -Management of technical training institutes including youth polytechnics The ministry of education, science and technology is mandated by the constitution of Kenya. Articles 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 59 of chapter 4 of the Kenyan constitution have the following provisions that the ministry works towards; Every child has a right to free and compulsory basic education, Provision of a quality education and access to education institutions and facilities for persons with disabilities that are integrated in to the society to an extent compatible with the interests of the person. This entails use of sign language, braille and other acceptable and appropriate means of communication and access to material and devices to overcome constraints presented by their disability. The youths should have access to relevant education, training and access to employment opportunities There should be participation and representation of minorities and marginalized groups in governance and other areas Over the years, the parliament has enacted other subsidiary acts that have seen all the function of the ministry of education, science and technology run smoothly. The two state departments in the ministry of education had 11 directorates, with each directorate having specific functions to carry out in order to realize the vision of the ministry. Courtesy Kenyannex
top four excursions you must do, in kenya
Kisumu city, Mothersland to Lake victoria For seafood lovers, come and enjoy fresh and tasty sea food on the lakeside! experience the beautiful sunset moments that you will never forget. Location: Kisumu Kenya
Kenya National Park, This is the wild brought to the city!! Drive in the wild park, tour around the animal orphanage within the park, dine within the park and experience the taste of African nature that is nowhere else in the universe. Location: Nairobi Kenya
Lake Nakuru Mothersland to Lake Nakuru and Rift valley. For nature lovers, come and enjoy beautiful and many magical places that will take your breath away. Incredible sites , Watch ock of Flamingos play and feed in their natural habitat.
Kenya National Park, This is the wild brought to the city!! Drive in the wild park, tour around the animal orphanage within the park, dine within the park and experience the taste of African nature that is nowhere else in the universe. Location: Nairobi Kenya
Extra Home use for Baking Powder
Home Tips & Tricks
1. Clean your fridge. The USDA recommends wiping down the insides with a mixture of hot water and baking soda to get rid of any pesky germs and odors.
2. Keep your fridge fresh. All it takes to keep odors out is a box of baking soda. Just open it up and stash it on a shelf—because no one wants to smell the leftovers from Taco Tuesday. 3. Get rid of grease. So you cooked up a storm, and your kitchen has seen better days. Clean up your counters and stovetop with three things: baking soda, vinegar, and a little elbow grease. Start by applying white vinegar to the greasy surface. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then scrub it with a damp sponge or cloth that has baking soda sprinkled on it. 4. Wipe walls. Whether you’ve scuffed up your walls or they’ve fallen victim to crayon-carrying tots, rest easy—you don’t need a fresh coat of paint. Just put baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub away. 5. Clear the air. When a room smells more funky than fresh, you know you’ve got a problem. Luckily there’s an easy fix—as far as stamping out the smell goes. Just squeeze 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into a box of baking soda, and the bad odors will be gone in a few hours. 6. Stop carpet stains. Few things are better than a glass of red wine after a long day, except of course when that vino spills on your carpet. In that case, quickly grab vinegar and baking soda. Pour the vinegar over the stained area and then sprinkle baking soda on top. The two work together to soak up the stain so that spill can stay a secret. 7. Clean produce. Once you’ve gotten your fruits and veggies home, clean ‘em! Add two to three tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl of cool water, then throw your produce in. See you never, dirt and pesticides. 8. Just about everything else. Experts call baking soda an all-purpose cleaner for good reason: It works on just about every surface. Simply mix it with water or combine with liquid soap and essential oils for a cleaning paste that’ll tackle everything from toilets to grimy surfaces. 9. Keep steel and silver shiny. You don't want those surfaces to lose their luster. To keep them bright, you'll need an aluminum pan (or a pan lined with aluminum foil), boiling water, and (you guessed it!) baking soda. Place the tarnished silver or steel in the pan, then pour in the boiling water and baking soda—use a quarter cup for every four cups of boiling water. It'll start bubbling, and after a few minutes, most silver and steel will look good as new. 41
by alexandra duron
Farm Security Irrigates the farms by itself and give moisture Contents Results. Monitoring the farm day and night Smart Home security To Control Lights at home using your mobile phone Provide Security in homes by alerting the you of an intruder Soma System To alert school/ institution administration incase of ďŹ re outbreak and later send the signal to the police. SMART HOME SECURITY FARM SECURITY SYSTEM
Smart Home You are connected via GSM
water Temperature Water Level Light Intensity Motion Detector Locks
Switch Pump
ON Water Heater
Door Lights
Tank Outlet Tap Open Close
Living Room OFF
Television Switch Television
Kitchen ON
Switch Alarm
Bedroom ON
System Operation Modes
Choose System Mode
Security Lights ON
OFF +254705700011
Deactivate Hello
Pop superstar Beyonce dominate Grammy Awards 2017 by Evan Real
7 Manifesting the pageantry of her Lemonade album into a full-blown Grammys spectacle, Beyoncé has made her first public and stage debut since announcing her twin pregnancy. The “Formation” singer, 35 — who was nominated for nine awards in total at Sunday night’s ceremony — slipped into the dazzling number after wowing the crowd with a showstopping medley of “Love Drought” and “Sandcastles,” two songs from her hit album Lemonade, released back in April. For the stunning set, the Destiny’s Child alum showed off her burgeoning belly in a shimmering gold dress paired with an intricate headpiece. Queen Bey, clad in her long-sleeved ruby-hue frock, posed for photos with her husband, Jay Z, who looked dapper in a navy suit for the event. This year, the Grammys were a family affair for the Carters, who took in the festivities with their adorable daughter, Blue. As viewers saw, the 5-year-old — rocking a pink Gucci suit reminiscent of the late Prince’s “Purple Rain” tuxedo — stole the show several times throughout music’s biggest night.
43 33
Beyoncé and her husband rapper Jay Z during the 59th Grammy Awards on Feb. 12, 2017, in Los Angeles.
Source Files Two Rivers is a the newest mall in kenya and apparently the biggest in east africa, Set on 100 acres within Nairobi’s diplomatic blue Zone,14 Km from Central Business District, 29 Km from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and just 5 Km from the UN Complex. The Sh10 billion ($10 million) shopping mall is partly owned by Nairobi Securities Exchangelisted investment company Centum. President Uhuru Kenyatta ofďŹ cially launched the Tow Rivers Mall on 18th Feb. 2017 where he commended Centum for the development saying the government is committed to reforms that ease doing business in the country 44
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County Watch
MACHAKOS COUNTY Dr. Alfred Mutua Gorvernor Machakos County Year: 2013-2017
Machakos County is a county of Kenya,capital city Machakos. Its largest town is Machakos, the country's first administrative headquarters. With a population of 1,098,584. The county borders Nairobi and Kiambu counties to the West, Embu to the North, Kitui to the East, Makueni to the South, Kajiado to the South West, and Muranga and Kirinyaga to the North West.
Machakos People’s Park
Demographics Local people are mostly of the Akamba ethnicity, although the presence of other communities is highly felt in this county. Dr. Alfred Mutua has unveiled a fleet of 120
Education police cars. This is part of an ongoing security There are very many Primary Schools in Machakos program created by the governor to boost security in his county. County such as Machakos Primary School, Machakos Academy, etc.Has giant secondary schools such as Machakos School (Boys), Machakos Girls' School, Mumbuni Boys' etc. This castle is now a museum. Kwa Nthanze Secondary School, which is also found in Machakos County, is famous for its football championship in the country. Universities and colleges within Machakos County include Machakos University, Scott Theological University, South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU), St. Paul's University, African Training Center for Research and Technology, Century Park College, Machakos Institute of Technology, Machakos Technical Training Institute for the blind bulldozers that have been purchased by the Government of Machakos County to be used in Climate construction of dams and roads within the county. The local climate is semi arid with hilly terrain with an altitude of 1000 to 2100 metres above sea level.. Tourist related activities such as camping, hiking safaris, ecotourism and cultural tourism, dance and music festivals among many more are more excitingly done due to the hilly terrain.
Economy Subsistence agriculture is mostly practiced with maize and drought-resistant crops such as sorghum and millet being grown due to the areas semi-arid state. Fruits, vegetables and other food stuffs like maize and beans are sold in these markets. 47
County Watch
Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua unveils the statue of the late Ukambani politician Hon. Mulu Mutisya. He is flanked by his widow Ms Elizabeth Nthanze Mulu at the Mulu Mutisya gardens in Machakos town. The statue of the late nominated MP and long serving Machakos Kanu branch chairman is among two others erected at various spots in the county to celebrate Mashujaa day. Photo/Stanley Njenga The Makutano Ma Mwala-Kithimani
Unveiled State of the art Machakos people park The park has a mini golf course, water fountains, children’s play ground and a swimming pool under construction in the 40-acre piece of land overlooking Maruba dam. With floodlights and CCTV cameras, the Machakos government said the park is safe and will be opening from 10am to 8pm daily. The Machakos people’s park is also home to Africa’s first outdoor amphitheatre Launched Machawood and funds film makers Governor Mutua has always been known for his love of the arts and entertainment. His reign as governor was bound to result in a project related to it. The launch of Machawood and saw birth of Machahood. Machawood The center’s main mandate will be to make Machakos county the premiere location for entertainment in Kenya and the continent as a whole. Water Harvesting project Under the new governor, a clean water piping project for every home in Machakos has started.
bulldozers that have been purchased by the Government of Machakos County to be used in construction of dams and roads within the county.
County Bursaries project The Ksh.80M fund is going to benefit orphans, bright and talented students and vulnerable children in the County. Each of the 40 County Wards will receive Ksh.2M. The county also provides 20 million for women in every ward. Some of the strengths in the county are: Closeness to Nairobi County which is the capital city of the country Availability of massive Arable Land Strong Gender Supporting NGOs Well endowed with natural capital including livestock, minerals, wild game, tourists attraction sites, rangeland and space A resilient local community with developed mechanism of survival
Source Files Machakos county governor, Dr Alfred Mutua has unveiled 120 ambulances for his county in the Machakos County Comprehensive Health Care Program.
Aries (March 21 - April 19) You may take a step back this spring, however, when the love planet Venus retrogrades in your area of individuality during March and April, let your defenses down a little. Take a risk and give up all the ways in the past you’ve been guarded against intimacy. The only way out is through.
Work hard and play hard, then you’re rewarded as the largest planet Jupiter expands your area of personal possessions and money most of this year. You may experience some unexpected income stream this spring. The planet of love and money moves retrograde through your area of intimacy and inheritance March and April.
. This month, a new level of momentum is working in your favor in some way. What you might have envisaged would take a considerable amount of time could surprise you. Be prepared to adjust a plan accordingly.
This month, a delightful surprise awaits in terms of what you're capable of achieving in some way. To discover it, you need only take the brave step you've delayed taking for too long.
This month, there's much excitement on offer if you're willing to accept you don't have to maintain control over certain situations. Let them take you to where they want to take you. You're protected in more than one way and ought to trust that your keenness to seize control is only hampering the ride experience.
This month, as you become freed from a hampering and draining situation, you might be oblivious to control within your grasp. That's all the more reason to use it sparingly and wisely. Where you've grown used to having to invest a certain level of effort, you could discover, to your delight, nowhere near as much is needed now.
-January 20) We know our eyes to be the gateway to our soul and what's needed this month is willingness on your part to look past what a certain person is conveying or wants you to see to the reality behind what they're really thinking or feeling. Someone is comfortable hiding behind a defensive barrier of their creation but you can see its weaknesses. Look them in the eye, tell them what you want them to know from the depth of your heart and then be prepared for a very swift resolution to an ongoing, tense saga.
In an area of your world, a situation, arrangement or connection that has been integral to your world for some time is coming to an end.This, as you'll soon see, is cause for celebration, not consolation and offers a new level of freedom where you've grown very used to a certain restriction.
This month, as you become freed from a hampering and draining situation, you might be oblivious to control within your grasp. That's all the more reason to use it sparingly and wisely. Where you've grown used to having to invest a certain level of effort, you could discover, to your delight, nowhere near as much is needed now.
This month, save yourself time and stress by asking someone what you need them to do. There's no need to beat around the bush or try to be overly clever.
Wonderful news for you Pisces. You are being watched by the souls of others that can feel your true hearts call and yes, it is nice to be watched from afar and even though you may not be aware, just know that your heart is seen by others and it is beautiful Pisces.
What others might deem as offering ego-inflating praise, we regard as essential information if we're to make progress and grow as individuals. In an area of your world, you might have long given up on ever receiving certain praise or recognition you deserve. This month, you look set to receive it – and more!
Twenty-four SportPesa Premier League players will be up for selection on Sunday when Harambee Stars face Democratic Republic of Congo in an international friendly match from 3pm at Kenyatta Stadium Machakos, 66km to the east of the capital city Nairobi. last year’s Golden Boot winner John Makwatta and on-form Ulinzi Stars midfielder Samuel Onyango are among those angling for a start in coach Stanley Okumbi’s squad having impressed against Uganda on Thursday. Gor Mahia defender Musa Mohammed is, however, likely to miss this match, as he limped on Thursday with an ankle injury. Though a friendly, this will be one of Okumbi’s tougher test as he rides on the crest of nine consecutive matches unbeaten.Captain Victor Wanyama of Tottenham Hotspur, his assistant David Owino and Gor Mahia goalkeeper Boniface Oluoch are primed to start after sitting out the Uganda match. China-based striker Michael Olunga scored a brace to guide Harambee Stars to a 2-1 win Democratic Republic of Congo in a thrilling international friendly match played at Kenyatta Stadium in Machakos. Olunga, popularly known as Engineer, gave Stars the lead in the fifth minute, only for DR Congo to restore parity via Gael Kakuta earlier in the second half. Olunga, a former Kenyan Premier League MVP, doubled his accounts to secure an encouraging victory while extending Stars unbeaten run to 10 games. Olunga’s first goal was a beauty, as he collected a cross delivered from the midfield by South Africa-based defender Brian Mandela and drove forward before beating DRC goalkeeper Joel Kiassumbua on his near post.He got himself in good position three times afterwards, but Kiassumbua was equal to the challenge. Full name Dustin Hunter Johnson (DJ) Born June 22, 1984 (age 32) Columbia, South Carolina Height 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) Weight 190 lb (86 kg; 14 st) Nationality United States Residence Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Dustin Johnson solidified his status at the top of golf's world rankings, holding off a late challenge at the WGC-Mexico Championship to clinch a second successive PGA Tour victory.
The American, 32, closed with a round of 68 to finish 14-under par, one shot clear of England's Tommy Fleetwood. Johnson only secured top spot from Jason Day two weeks ago, strolling to a five-shot victory at California's Genesis Open. Now he has a fourth WGC title more than anyone other than Tiger Woods (18) and becomes just the fifth player in history to win his first tournament as world No. 1. The only other players to do so are Ian Woosnam, David Duval, Vijay Singh and Adam Scott. "It means a lot because it's a tough spot to be in," said Johnson, alluding to the "pressure" of his new berth. "I played just well enough I guess because I won by one." He said simply. The game's perennial nearly man is making up for lost time. Without a major win until last year's US Open Johnson could easily have faltered here after lashing his first drive of the tournament out-of-bounds.Instead, final-round birdies at the eighth and ninth holes gave him a four-shot lead that would be reduced but not relinquished. 50
Cardiovascular Exercise
Health & Fitness
Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise. Cardio. For some it's a dreaded word and for others it's a passion they can't get enough of. Either way you look at it though, cardiovascular exercise is one of the key components that should never be left out of a fitness plan. Cardio for short cardiovascular exercise is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the body. There are various forms and methods of performing cardio exercise - all which will have specific benefits and guidelines. Most individuals performing cardio are using it as a way to burn off excess calories and since you are moving the body, it is going to increase the need for energy. Some forms are slightly better when strictly speaking of fat loss but all cardio, regardless of form will burn off calories. Since fat loss does depend on calories burned versus calories consumed it is a step in the right direction. KEY BENEFITS OF PERFORMING CARDIO IMPROVED HEART HEALTH The first one is an improved condition of your heart. Your heart is a muscle just like any other and in order for it to become strong it must be worked. If you fail to work it, it will weaken over time and this can cause a variety of negative health effects. By getting the heart pumping at a faster rate on a regular basis you will keep it in shape and healthy. Too many people are getting winded just performing simple exercises such as walking up the stairs and the primary reason for this is because they are neglecting to work their heart muscle. INCREASED METABOLISM Another reason to perform cardio is for its effects on the metabolism along with speeding up your heart rate, cardiovascular exercise also increases the rate of various other processes in the body, also known as your metabolism. Generally speaking, the more intense the cardio session, the more noticeable increase you will see with regards to your metabolic rate. Intense interval sprints (also known HIIT) increase the metabolism; the highest with a process called EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption). An increased metabolism means an easier time maintaining your weight (or losing weight as the case may be). By Shannon Clark
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nairobi night life
Note: Night clubs only open from 5 pm on weekdays and 2 pm on weekends by law, and Alco-blow cops will teach you not to drink and drive, if the cautions on the liquor bottles don't stop you. Do not leave your drink unattended. Nairobi bars and clubs invest heavily on decor, : furnishings and sound systems in a bid to beat the competition and keep their customers loyal. It is always wise to ďŹ nd out what crowd a club targets beforehand or you risk hating to music or not affording enough drinks. Here are 10 of the best nightlife spots in Nairobi: 1. Brew Bistro - Piedmont Plaza, Ngong Road 2. Havana Bar and Restaurant - Westlands. 3. Mercury Lounge - off Waiyaki way, ABC place. 4. Gallileo Lounge - Waiyaki Way 5. Klub House (K1) - Parklands, along Ojijo road 6. Choices Pub - Industrial Area, Baricho road 7. Bacchus - Woodvale Grove next to Havana. 8. Gypsy - Westlands 9. OffRoad - Lang'ata Carnivore branch 10.Black Diamond - Mpaka road Westlands Source Files 52
Best of the March edition e best nature’s beauty voted by you among the top ten images
Bird:Rare White Peacock Courtesy: Furrytalk
53 Source File
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