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I am Sandro Gherbassi. I was born in La Spezia, Liguria 55 years ago, where I currently reside. I have had a passion for photography since I was a boy.

I love to trace the beginning of my shooting back to watching the famous movie Blade Runner by Ridley Scott.


Seeing Jordan Cronenweth's photography on the big screen electrocuted me. Seeing the creative use of artificial light marked me in my stylistic choices always directed toward the search for somewhat creative lighting. Later, the discovery of Steve McCurry's portfolio marked another milestone in my photography with a sharp turn to portraiture, also preeminent in my travel photography. New technologies related to lighting, see new external flashes that are increasingly powerful and portable, have allowed me to combine these my two passions, the creative use of light and portraiture, allowing me to create sets with many lighting points even outdoors. As a lifelong Nikon enthusiast, perhaps thanks to McCurry , I went from cameras completely manual like the never forgotten FM2, loaded with the beloved Fuji Velvia, to the new mirrorless. While achieving much personal satisfaction in portraiture, one of my photos was judged the best in a well-known national award, with a photo to be considered landscape, which depicted a mussel farm at work set in the context of the Gulf of La Spezia.

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