Spot'less Fashion Magazine - February 2023

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FASHION MAGAZINE February 2023 | Issue 62 K
n o w A b o u t D R . L O K E S H C H A W L A
' Photographer : Vadim Boichenko Cossu

E d i t o r ’ s N o t e

WelcometotheFebruary month'sissueofour magazine.Beginningwith theinterviewsofourcover articles-Dr.LokeshChawla (OrthopaedicSurgeon, PrivatePilotandArtist) and AmeerMerchant (Entrepreneur) Inthisissue, youwillbeabletoread articlesofsomeamazing photographerslikeIwona Podlasinska,Abhishek Goswami,ShantanuDubey, JayantMandal,etc.Don't forgettoreadthewhole magazineformoreworksof talentedmodels,actors, photographersand designersfromalloverthe world

Tapas Das

Founder/OwnerDCTModel Managementand Owner/PublisherSpot'less FashionMagazine)

S P O T ' L E S S F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E

Publication Team


TAPAS DAS ( Founder/Owner DCT Model Management, Owner/Publisher Spot'less Fashion Magazine, Co-Organizer of Spot'less Face of India, and Model Mentor )

RAKHI DAS ( Creative Head and Designer)

Contact Spot'less Fashion Magazine (DCT Model Management) to get featured in the magazine

+91 9650192813

@tapasdas.dct @spotlessfashionmagazine @spotless.faceofindia


Spot'less Fashion Magazine and DCT Model Management has all the rights Materials (Pictures and artworks) contained in this magazine are subject to copyright and other propertary right No material from this magazine can be reproduced, adapted, distributed or stored in a retrievable system or transmission without a prior written consent from Tapas Das Spot'less Fashion Magazine does not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artworks, or other materials The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily of the publisher or editor All the errors herein are purely unintentional and we assume responsibility for the effects arising thereof The pictures being published in our magazine which are shoot by other photographers, production company, are solely their copyrights but publishing right in our magazine is being given to Spot'less Fashion Magazine, by the person/model/anchor/editor/artist or category in human in return does not attain any liability for services or products advertised herein. All disputes, differences, claims, and Spot'less Fashion Magazine proceedings are subjected to Delhi jurisdiction.






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Dr Lokesh Chawla loved creative professions as a child dreamed of becoming an artist But his great love for his father ultimately determined his choice of profession For Lokesh his father has always been an example and support And when the moment of the final choice of profession came, Lokesh chose the profession of a doctor to fulfill his father's unrealized dream

For more than ten years Lokesh has been working as an orthopedic surgeon and does not regret the choice he made He considers it as the biggest passion of his life and says he feels privileged that he has the opportunity to make a difference in people s lives

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How was your father able to persuade you to opt for the profession of a doctor? What did he interest you in?

I've always wanted to benefit people, to do something tangible and meaningful at the same time Thanks to my father's stories, I knew about the importance of the medical profession and could imagine my future job He seemed to me just as everyday-"heroic" as I had dreamed of, since childhood I like helping others and I am glad if my help is beneficial Through the All India Entrance examination I enrolled in a medical college at Goa Although being a surgeon gives me a great sense of authority and responsibility being polite and kind goes a long way in any sphere of life In spite of hustles in personal life space, I always stay calm, and my first priority is always dealing with patients’ problems Being in a medical profession I have learnt empathy

How did your career develop after graduating from Goa Medical College?

Working at Goa Medical College was the best decision in my life I attribute my success journey to my teachers and professors who had been constantly involved in providing inspiration in achieving my long term career goals I worked there as a surgeon for 5 years, obtaining my Masters degree in Orthopaedic Surgery Under the guidance of my mentors, I received the State Gold medal for the best performance

Why did you move to the UK?

Working at the same place can sometimes stagnate the opportunity to learn new things I think that everyone should take all possibilities for improving himself I wanted to gain international experience in the surgical field and I wanted to understand the difference in health care systems across the world With all due respect to my seniors in the field in my home country, who have achieved major milestones in their field I decided to take the opportunity of working in the UK as a full-time surgeon and enhancing my knowledge

Have you worked in several hospitals? What were all those years like?

My vocation is to be a doctor Every hospital I have worked in, has helped me to improve my professional qualities and skills Therefore I am sincerely glad that every year I am becoming more professional and can help more patients In addition every new year of working as a doctor allows me to understand, how important it is to do what you love

How does the profession of a doctor differ from other professions?

There are many differences in medicine: responsibility for the lives of other people the need to make difficult decisions quickly and understand that you are responsible for everything, but not everything depends on you The main thing is to update yourself everyday But that's not enough You need to attend all available courses and trainings because something new is constantly appearing, treatment methods are being adjusted And the doctor needs to be aware of all latest advances in technologies in order to provide the best patient care

What do you think it means to be a good doctor?

A doctor should always be a professional otherwise he is not a doctor And being a doctor means having a special character A person should be stress-resistant know "what is good and what is bad" from a moral point of view A doctor is a vocation You can't take off your robe and stop being a doctor My opinion: a bad personality cannot be a good doctor Sooner or later all his negativity will inevitably manifest itself in his work, in his attitude towards patients colleagues A good doctor is competent and sensitive, cultured and careful in everything

What do you have to tell patients most often?

Lifestyle is the cause of all diseases

Patients often come and complain about health problems When I ask them about the daily routine, they answer: "I sleep two hours a day, eat once a day - in fast food drink and smoke " How can the body function normally in such conditions? When I recommend them to change a lifestyle not all patients agree But, unfortunately, instant pills for all diseases have not yet been invented First of all we need to love ourselves and understand that the quality of life depends first on ourselves

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How do you manage to abstract yourself from unpleasant moments?

I want to tell you about my serious hobby I got my private pilot's license one year ago So now I'm trying to conquer the sky And I like how I manage to fly an airplane Being a pilot is very responsible and risky, but at the same time it gives me emotional and mental peace In my time after work I like to sing And I also like to travel Unfortunately, there is not enough time for other hobbies But I have an enthusiastic nature I like to try everything new, to get acquainted with the unknown facets of being

Trying anything new, how do you understand that new activity can be your future hobby?

Just one special indicator helps me to understand that new activity deserves to get my time It s unusual inner feeling If I feel extremely impressive beating of my heart trying anything new this is the right indicator to be sure that I’m doing something that will be my future passion Just this! It means that I listen to my heart Taking decisions following the heart can be useful in many cases

Are there emotions in the sky or should they be left on the ground?

When a person sitting inside the cockpit controls the plane as part of his body this is a real pilot On the plane you should keep your mind clean and your passion inside touching your heart

But at the same time I can point on one important thing: any pilot should not to be led to any provocations For the pilot, there is a rule –it s necessarily to make decisions a little faster than an ordinary person This is one of the most important dimensions of being a pilot

What is about fear?

It's not fear, it's charm

A very thin line

Therefore, if you are afraid, then either raise or just leave That's all

There is no place in the sky for fear, because fear has always interfered

The same goes to all professional spheres of life

And finally, a few words of wishes for our readers.

Develop as a person improve yourself professionally Learn something new every day Turn your life into an exciting journey! Love and be loved And of course be healthy!

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FOUNDER OF SPOT'LESS FASHION MAGAZINE AND DCT MODEL MANAGEMENT @TAPASDAS.DCT Page 5 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine
Tapas Das (+91) 9650192813 Model Mentor, Guide & Groomer Owner - Dreams Come True - DCT Model Management & Spot'less Fashion Magazine Co-Organiser of Spot'less Face of India
Establishing a modeling career requires time and discipline If you’re an aspiring model looking for full-time modeling work, check out the following tips: Page 6 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Recognize your strengths Being a model involves hyperfocus around your appearance. However, beauty is subjective, and you never know what someone will find beautiful about you. You can reflect confidence in your body language, which can affect how other people perceive you The modeling world is full of rejection, and it can be easy to take that rejection personally. You need to keep in mind that you have something unique to offer Presenting yourself as a confident person can play a big role in becoming a successful model.

1. Understand the duties of the job. Modeling requires hard work, determination, and the ability to follow directions quickly and efficiently, posing in particular ways or recreating looks for hours at a time. You will need to have a variety of poses in your arsenal for the type of modeling you are pursuing You’ll also need to know how to angle your face and body for the camera to convey the right image If you want to become a runway model, you will need to establish and practice your signature walk.

2. Take care of your appearance. Modeling is all about aesthetics, but being attractive isn’t the most necessary part Taking care of your body is a big part of modeling While there are now more modeling opportunities for various body types and clothing sizes, you still have to take care of your skin, hair, and nails especially if you’re a parts model


3. Get headshots To get a modeling job, you’ll need a variety of headshots and full body shots to submit to potential agencies and employers. Hire a photographer with experience to shoot you in natural light and plain clothes to highlight your features Ensure that your pictures closely resemble how you look in real life, so modeling agents can see what you bring to the table. Avoid submitting filtered photos from social media.

5. Find a modeling agency that fits your brand Most models need an agency to help them find work Research the top modeling agencies and find a few who seem legitimate and who represent the type of model you wish to become If you find a model agency that seems like a good fit, submit polaroids (also known as digitals) along with any relevant modeling experience.

Create a portfolio. A modeling portfolio is an important tool that many potential clients will look at before deciding to work with you These photos are more highly styled and edited than your headshots. Gather your best, high-quality professional photos, and organize them into a portfolio or on a website that advertises your abilities and range. A website can also make it easier for potential agencies to find you and see your work

Try a modeling school. Enrolling in a modeling school or taking modeling classes can help aspiring models better understand the basics of what the career entails, like how to compose their photo portfolios, how to pose or runway walk, how to work with photographers, and personal image development

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Look for open casting calls. Sometimes, the best way to get into modeling is to go to an open casting call. While you can’t just walk into any agency and be seen, open calls (or go-sees) are a period of time an agency sets aside to see new models without prior contact or appointment As a new talent, use these go-sees for self-promotion, further increasing your chances of becoming a top model.


Consider moving If you are serious about becoming a model, you may want to move a major city with more opportunities New York and Los Angeles are major modeling hubs, and the best places to find editorial, runway, and commercial work.

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@BOICHENKO VADIM Page 9 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine Model קוינונוק הנילא (@alinochka0820)


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My name is Vadim Boichenko Photography is my hobby I havebeendoingstudioportraitphotographyfor5years Ilike to work with ordinary ladies, who have no experience in portrait photography at all My task is to show that a woman atanyageisfeminineandbeautiful ModelStanislavaPankratyeva(@stasyartnet)
Makeup@annasemsem ModelМОСКВА|ИЗРАИЛЬНАИЗНАНКУ (@goldshteyn o)
Makeup@jannagelfgat ModelНаращиваниересниц(@resimisrael )
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Makeup@annasemsem Model ������������������•������������ •������������ (@nata yanouskaya)



@ROBERTAGHIROTTO Page 12 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

My adventure in photography began when I was little my mother had been made proposals for advertising and photo books but unfortunately at the time my mother was only twenty and having two jobs she couldn't take me to Milan every day.. So fate at the age of 16 wanted to bring me back to this world. I started for fun initially to take some pictures as an image girl for some disco to then make my first photo book from a photographer and from there a world opened up to me I started collaborating with various influencers, shooting with many photographers, doing fashion shows and working with companies and brands, allowing me today to be able to say that this is also my second job. Then as far as the social world is concerned, unfortunately my old profile where I had all my works was hacked, in fact this thing was very bad for me precisely because by now instagram profiles in the world of photography are now seen as portfolios or in any case also for companies I am your showcase and what's more I had a good following which in this world this too can be useful. Then I did a year where I took my mind off this world and concentrated on other things without ever forgetting that one day I would go back to doing what is my absolute passion for me and I am doing it.

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@JULIASTANISZEWSKA Page 15 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

I remember that I always was into sport I started attending to dance classes when I was six years old, I also started swimming then I used to dance hip-hop, ballroom dancing, now I dance high-heels I also do home workouts with Pamela Reif or Monika Kołakowska since middle school, every two days I’m so proud of myself, every time I finish workout and everytime I look in the mirror and I see the results I started photomodeling few years ago I really enjoy being a model, but I’m also a photographer, that helps me a lot during the photosessions I even started having tfp sessions recently, since some photographers found my profile on instagram. I try to live healthy as much as I can, but it’s so hard when you are attending the university, especially medical. Being accepted to medical university and having opportunity of being a doctor in the future is my biggest achievement, but you have so little time to make healthy meals. I struggle a lot with time management nowadays, sometimes I do workout at 11 PM, that’s something I need to correct. But I have my goals and I do small steps every single day, no excuses, that’s something I like the most about myself. That I never give up until I make it.

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MODEL @SIMONE MISS @shesaidyesstuido,@bridenightphotography,@top portraitss Page 18 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine


2022 has been a roller coaster for me Between my relationships, family members and myself, I have lost a lot In the beginning of the year, I lost my grandmother, a woman who my family and I loved dearly She was a selfless human being, who would always putothersbeforeherself Growingup,Iwouldalwaysenjoylistening to her stories in bed with her at night about how she grew up in Guyana She would tell me that she would do anything for us because that is how big her heart was She was the glue to our family and my muse to my non-profit organization, “The Shirley Foundation” A foundation that helps my community through donation drives, charity events etc It still hurts knowing that this year is going to end and I am leaving her behind. Losing my grandmotherwasthehardestthingIhaveeverexperienced There isalotofregretfornotseeingherenoughwhenillinthehospital I amstilldisappointedinmyselffornotmakingabiggerefforttosee her more It was challenging for me to see her the conditions she was in the hospital, helpless and struggling to survive everyday It wasnotamemorythatIwantedtorememberherbyespeciallymy lastmemoryofher IstillgetemotionaleverytimeIdothinkofher for,Iamstillgrievingandmissingherpresenceeverydaysincemy grandmotherandIwouldtalkeverydayandIwouldleanonherfor wisdomandadvice Forexample;therewasatimeshortlyafterher passingthatIwasinthemallandIwouldalwayscallhertoaskif she needed anything but to my realization at that moment that I could no longer contact her It was that moment that I finally realizedandacceptedshewasgoneandIcouldnotstandtobein the mall no more that day I find peace now knowing she is watchingovermeandherlovedones Knowingthatapartofheris withmeinmyheart,Istrivetodomybesttocontinuehavingher beproudofme

Half-waythroughtheyear,Iwasinalong-termedrelationshipthat throughout the year, I was losing myself and depressed I believed thatbeinginlove,youwoulddoanythingforthatperson,butatthe cost,Iwaslosingmyselfandhappinessintheprocess Ilearneda lot from that relationship as I was blinded by love and had pure intentionsandbestinterestformypartner,butunfortunatelyitwas notreciprocated Iwoulddescribemyex-boyfriendasanarcissist EverythingthathimandIhavebeenthroughtogether,Icansaythat he was not a supportive or genuine loving boyfriend towards me Forhimtoputmedownconstantlymakingyoufeelpowerlessand hopeless, can really break your self-esteem down To have someonecontrolwhattosayandactcanmakeyousecondguess yourself IfeltlikeIwaswalkingonthiniceinthatrelationshipdueto thefacthewouldgetupsetifIsaidthewrongthingandvoicedmy concerns to him a negative manner. He always had me second guesshowIwouldcommunicatetohim,forIwasfearedhewould reactnegativelytowardsmycommentsandconcernsIhaveabout therelationshipandanythingingeneral.Ourrelationshiphasgrown so sore to the point that he would not even let me grieve for my grandmother’s passing because I was not giving my attention to him and he was so selfish to just think about himself and not me andwhatIwasgoingthrough

@shesaidyesstuido @bridenightphotography @top portraitss
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He had severe trust issues also as he did not trust me and was always concerned with my friends that I would hang around He hadmesecondguessthefriendshipsIhadandmylovedones My mind was convinced to leave that relationship, but my unconditional love I had for him convinced me to stay which he wasawareofandtookadvantageoftheloveIhadforhim Iwas too scared to leave I stayed until it was too late and I ended up gettinghurtintheend Ifeltlikenothingmatteranymoretomeand thatwassomethingthatneededtobechangedinmylife Ididnot wantamantocontrolthewayIfeelbecausethatwasgivingthem thepowerovermyownfeelings,somethingthatIcancontroland they cannot I decided to work on myself to regain back my confidence Findingmyselfhasgottentobethebiggestjourneyto beonandcontinuing.

Thegrowthworkingwithchildrenhavegivenmetheopportunityto test myself. I have been working with school-agers for about 4 yearsnow,personallyitwasthebestjobIcouldhavedreamedof because this is my passion But I also felt like I needed to explore otheroptionsbecausethisisthetimeinmylifewhereIhadtolook atwhereItrulyneededtobeformyfuture Istartedtoexplorethe different sections working in childcare and needed to figure out whereIfitintheindustry 7monthslaterIfinallyfoundajobwhereI canbemyselfandcomfortable Ibecameapreschoolteacherto mynewgroupofchildrenthatIlovedearly

I did not realize that I develop a whole new confidence this year When I am not working, I have worked on another passion of mine which is modelling to help regain my self-esteem and self love journey. This year I started to get out of my comfort zone and began to experience other themes of photoshoots It was a differentpointofviewthatIhad.EventhoughIhavebeen in the modelling industry for about 5-6 years now, I still struggle with body image I understand that today, especially on social media, we expect to look a certain way This honestly was a challenge for me, my body image really affected me in a way where I would obsessivelycheckmyweighteverydaytomakesurethat Ididnotgain IhadacertainweightthatIlikestayingat andformetoconstantlycheckwhatmyweightwasvery unhealthytome Iwouldbarelyeatthroughouttheday because I either wanted to lose the weight or I thought that if I ate, I would gain It is something that I am still workingonslowlybutgettingbettereveryday

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@shesaidyesstuido,@bridenightphotography,@top portraitss Page 21 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine
VITALLI VERKHOTUROV PHOTOGRAPHER @VERHOTUROV PHOTO @shesaidyesstuido,@bridenightphotography,@top portraitss Page 22 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Favorite directions in wedding photos fashion. I shot in Germany, Italy, Greece 2 years ago I moved to Spain for living (which of course is very happy) Now i have regular customers, but I can not stand still I must always develop!

Yesterday, by the way I held the first live broadcast on Instagram on the drawing) in the new year in the plan to shoot in Italy, Morocco, France also finish writing a course on photography and start to teaching those who wish) I always approach the shooting seriously preparing in advance: inspiration, weather, script, equipment as it gives confidence in action, but! In 70% of cases it is improvisation

Believe in yourself, love what youvare doung and you will succeed

In 2008, i took the camera in my hands first time And for a long time, it was a hobby. Parallelly engaged in other businesses Time passed, I received grateful feedback. Periodically something from the technique changed something I bought by the way I started with the Canon 350 d and the lens 24-85 35f, now I use Canon r6 with different lens, technology has stepped strongly into the forward I.m from the Siberian small town in Russia and where we have almost 8 months of winter in a couple the temperature dropped to -52

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I started my fitness career 10 years ago and evolved in the industry ever since. Educated to ba hons degree in business & psychology, personal training and level 3 Diploma in make up artistry.

Won many awards and trophies in my bikini bodybuilding. Published model with fitglam, daily sport & other magazines.

I love to encourage women to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin.

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PHOTOGRAPHER LENSCUFFED PHOTOGRAPHY @LENSCUFFED PHOTOGRAPHY Page 28 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

I was in my college when I discovered the knack of clicking pictures Back then photography was an unexplored path for me But I was always up for clicking pictures of my friends surroundings food shopping malls and what not with my then Samsung Metro’s 2MP camera From starting a free Google blog in 2011 showcasing my amateur mobile photography to getting published in several magazines, it has been quite a journey for me

Through these years, more than photography I have explored myself – my real interests towards clicking pictures Earlier my genre was undiscovered and I went on clicking anything and everything around me, with my first DSLR Canon 1500D I started with wildlife photography, visiting zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, lakes and had made quite a good collection of photographs of animals and birds Learning new techniques like freezing wing-flaps at high shutter speeds, kept me interested for months

Despite that, I somewhere felt empty and kept exploring subjects around me I upgraded my DSLR to Nikon D7200 Started a photography blog on a website of my own domain Uploading my photographs and writing articles on those kept me engrossed for some time I didn t leave a single opportunity to take out my DSLR and shoot

Meanwhile some of my friends approached me for small photography assignments I was flattered however the results were not satisfactory due to immense lack of knowledge then Then after planned many trips just for the sake of clicking pictures and enhancing my creative skills However I wasn t headed to a particular direction

I discovered my true genre into photography after I got married I started clicking pictures of my beautiful wife, who still happens to be my main model and has many pictures on my Instagram page That’s when I genuinely felt my interest growing towards photography I had found what was missing all these times!

I felt the urge to learn more into shooting portraits, retouching full-length pictures of models, learning creative angles, using props, shoot in low-light conditions, long exposures, the choice of right lenses, etc I started exploring my camera more into what all additional wonders it could do! I even started learning to use Adobe Photoshop to edit my pictures I received a tripod as a gift!

My main sources of motivation were my wife and all those amazing photographers who used to upload behind-thescenes videos of their work and at the same time teach the art of photography and lights

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Post years of learning, experiments and realizations, I have been able to set up a home studio with appropriate lighting and related equipment for photoshoots I don’t use super-expensive products but don’t settle down for the cheapest ones either Presently, my lighting set up, backdrops and flash are of premium brands like Godox and Hiffin however, not the high end ones Based on my experience so far, I believe if we know the right techniques, even the mid-range equipment can drive outstanding results We should focus more on learning basics, practicing and experimenting in different lighting conditions

So, that s me and here I am still continuing my journey as a beauty & portrait photographer, learning every day with a Nikon Z5 Getting my work published on many magazines has somewhere boosted my confidence to keep growing and enhancing my photography skills

Learning to use the right kinds of lighting and flash was always the main issue for me as it took me months to understand the basics of how lights impact my results Initially I was totally unaware of the causes of extreme noise creeping in my pictures and it used to drive frustration due to lack of knowing some real basics of work By then I had realized that shooting portraits was more difficult than clicking pictures of a tiger lazily walking in a zoo!

I never used to shoot in auto settings It was only because of this that I realized the importance and impacts of focal lengths, ISO, shutter-speeds, etc Since I am a self-taught photographer, I lacked knowledge I have spent close to 1 5 years learning how and when to manually tune my camera to produce desired results

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In todays time when everyone is running behind Reels

Videos etc there are still admirers of still photography

Photography is a way to rediscover life: to make better photos you need to read new books, talk to new people, travel to different places and understand how much and how many images can change and compose your best memories of life Specializing in Portrait, Lifestyle and Boudoir photography I draw my inspiration from European style of photography My photography journey was like an adventure I fell in love with this passion when I was 10 years old My dad brought a camera with the roll Yashika FX7 and I took so ugly and blurry pictures but I still have them in an album In the beginning, I didn’t know all the stuff like the technique, the exposure or the iso and I have never taken a course but I’ve always tried to document things on my own though

Ive seen that its not enough Frustration learning realisation, acceptance and then more learning leading to joy Then go through the cycle again, it’s a tough process but worth it It has been a fantastic journey so far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds Printing out my photography and seeing the transition of my photos from when I started to now has been very helpful and great to see Being a professional photographer doesn’t happen overnight I have learned so much about lighting, posing, composition and post-editing I continue to learn something new every day and I soak up all the knowledge that I can Each photo that I can capture is a priceless moment in time cause that’s a moment that you can’t get back and to be able to capture something like that is truly special

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INFLUENCER PERSONAL BRAND GLEIDYGRAM Page 34 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Therealgleidygram represents an Influencer personal brand which combines travel, fashion and sport within a time horizon between 2017 and the present day. He began by moving into the world of travel almost for fun, visiting more than 20 countries and subsequently obtaining various collaborations with hotels, restaurants and summer attractions.

In the post-Covid19 period, Therealgleidygram's brand identity focused more on the fashion discourse, acquiring new collaborations and becoming a sponsor of the Giobeachwear swimwear brand.

Therealgleidygram boasted collaborations with top Madrid photographers including Javier Galue, Javier Moyano and José Juan De Miguel; in the past she posed for Pignatelli collaborating with the make-up artist Ascensión Santos and the costume designer Ángeles Castro. In 2009 she was elected Miss Bavaro in Dominican Republic and in 2011 she was Miss Moda Mare Italia in collaboration with MSC Cruises.

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Today she is the FIfth Influencer of Naples City (Italy) by number of followers and engagement and collaborates with various magazines, including Ottiche Parallele, Inside Magazine, DirettaNapoliandNapolifans

She is the sexy number 1 fan of theNapoliFootballTeam,SerieA, also attracting the attention of someplayersworldwide

Of Brazilian origin, raised between Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic and United Kingdom, Therealgleidygramrepresentsthe next door girl with an exotic beauty inundated by European culture reached by 3 degrees, 9 masters and 62 specializations and Italian elegance, the girl desiredbymanyfans.

Today,withher104000followers on Instagram and dizzying growth on TikTok, she has officially entered the rankings amongthetopItalianInfluencers and among women of unique beauty

Next goal? Reaching the 1000000 followers? Who knows

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My name is Kanchan Choudhary born and brought up in Mumbai - City of dreams. My native origin is Rajasthan. I started my journey with dancing in school and then acting in theatres. As time passed and coming from a middle class family i felt i should start working for myself and my family to support my family financially. I started doing odd jobs such as promotions and events. Though i was not in a happy place but still i was stretching myself hard to work because of society pressure, which lead me towards depression and anxiety. Life was difficult but I am someone who never gives up. Then one fine day i just got a random call from my mam(Ashleysha mam). She called me to participate in a fashion show. I was not ready for it because lot of things were running in my mind. But i decided to go because internally i was going through depression and coming out of the house and doing a fashion show made me realise that this is my happy place is. And there when I met one more person he is a photographer (Mannshindephotography) and he groomed n helped me in such a way that I believed in myself and stand out bold and confident and started doing my work and i clearly got the vision that what i want to be in my future. This helped me in getting all the unexpected projects too. Which helped me financially but more than that i was in my happy place. And today i proudly say I am an artist.

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Credits - Ashleysha yesugade Photographer - Mannshinde, Ankush gupta Makeup - krantidevrukhkar, makeup artist sandy10 Designer - Rajankumarofficial


PHOTOGRAPHER @TEOPORTRAIT Page 40 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Hi, I'm Matteo, 35 years old, from Italy, passionate about portraits, I've been shooting models and aspiring models for about 4 years I love shooting outdoors, where I live there is everything, sea, river, hills, mountains, small towns and each photo shoot is different from the others I also love elegance beautiful clothes, the expressiveness of the face and to best capture the beauty and talent of those who willingly pose for me Photography is my passion in my spare time, I'm a simple worker but I still manage to take many photos of many models Serena is one of my absolute favorites and with many models I have a good friendly relationship, when they are comfortable they give their best respect kindness fun and professionalism never fail when I shoot and what makes me really happy is the enthusiasm of the girls when they are published in social media and magazines

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CHOWDHURY Page 43 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

This is Stuti Chowdhury. I'm a freelancer model and an influencer. I've been working in this field since a year now. I never thought of being a model, I used to click Self-Portraits during the time of lockdown. In 2022, I did my first shoot and fell in love. I love being infront of the camera. I really think it's a great way of playing different characters and feeling their roles.

This journey as well the year of 2022 has been incredible for me. I kept working hard and never looked back.

I hope I get more opportunities to work with more respected brands in the coming years and leave a footprint behind.

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@IWONAPODLASINSKA Page 46 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine


I started taking photos of my kids at the beginning of 2014, and it has been a fantastic adventure since then. I began with taking pictures of my kids and then slowly moved to take photos of other children. I could describe my work as something between reality and a dream. I love deep tones and glorious light, pay a lot of attention to composition and mood in my work I search for breathtaking childhood moments and sweet cozy scenes. I carry a camera everywhere I go and take lots of photos to capture that one perfect moment.

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I love sharing my knowledge and passion with other photographers worldwide I started traveling with workshops in 2016 and have already visited 10 European countries, the USA, Brazil, and China. I also share my editing techniques online. M goal is to share my passion and show other mothers and photographers how to see the magic in everyday life.

I have been awarded in many international contests and became the most famous photographer on Flickr in 2017.

I shoot with Sony A7IIIR and Sony 85mm 1.4GM, Sigma 135mm 1.8, and Sigma 50mm 1.4, and I edit mainly in Lightroom and sometimes Photoshop.

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@THEVIKTORIAMODEL2 Page 51 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine Pau keeet @paulkeet

MynameisVikTory.Iamaninternationaltravel modelwithover11yearsofexperience.Asaformer proballerinadancingonallofthestagesin Europe,Turkey,NYC,China,BrazilandmoreI specializeindanceposes,superflexibleposesand Iamalsoknownformycreativityandexpressional art!

IstartedmodelingbeforeInstagramandtraveling modelingwasathingreally.ButIcametoNYCin 2010allbymyselfandwithadreamtobea dancerinNYC.Afterworkingasasoloistonthe othersideoftheworld.Iputmywholeeffortintoit andeventuallygotmygreencardasanartist.Still oneofmyproudestachievements.Allduetothe factthatIgotincrediblejobsasadancemodelin theStates.

IlovemyjobbecauseIwantedtodomyown thing.Iwantedtocreateartanddon’tdothe samethingoverandoveragain,butatthesame timeIhadthedesiretostillutilizemydanceskills andflexibility,skillsIworkedtoohardandlongfor. Oftenmadefunof,myflexibilityandcreativityis nowwhatpeoplepaymefor!

Ihadtolearnhowtoliveonanewcontinent, speakanewlanguage,learnanewculture, startfrom0andbemyownbusiness!A challengingway,thatmademewhoIam Igottoknowsomanypeoplefromalloverthe worldandallcornersoflife Ilovehowartand creatingconnectsindividualsdeeply,andfast Weopenupquicklyandleavethesmalltalk behind Sorefreshing Italsofunctionasaformoftherapyformany Notjustforthemodelbutalsofor photographers SinceIamsuperinterestedin thepsychologyofpeopleItrulylovethispartof modelingaswell

Ialsohavethepleasuretodomyown schedule.IcanworklikecrazyifIwanttoand taketimeoffifIdonotwantto.Icanarrange tourstocitiesIwanttoseeandworkand createatthesametime. SinceIgetboredeasilyIlovethevarietyof shootsIgetbookedfor:portraitsuptofineart nudes,butalsodance,fashion,concept,music videosandsomuchmore!

Steven Vandervelden @vandyphotography
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Anke sturhahn @anke 1313

Over the years I grew as a person and learned to be more self-confident. Not just “on stage” but also as a person! Something being a model and traveling all over the world by myself "taught me, as well as the fact that you as a model have to stand up for yourself." Since we all know, like in all businesses, there are also dangerous“blacksheep”inthisone!Butnotjustthat,Ilearnedsomuchovertheyearsandalwayshavenew ideas and luckily the industry and time is slowly changing and actually appreciates the input from models anditbecamewaymoreofacollaboration.SomethingItrulyenjoy!

I am proud to say that I worked on some amazing photo shoots. My most popular one: Beingthecovermodelas well as the model for the 10 page fashion dance editorial for 432 park avenueluxuryapartment building in NYC shot by dboxcreativecom I also worked for sculpture artists like Richard McDonald, incredible photographers like Lindsay Adler I appear in numerous books, art books, magazine, produced my own calendars, websites and teach private model classesaswellasstretch classes incl for the dancersoftheMetOpera in NYC and Model coachingworkshop

It truly has been a journey so far I just moved to LA late last yearstilltravelingheavily intheUSAandEurope!

ThisyearIliketofocuson bigger project I enjoy diving deep into the creation process and putting more time and afford into a bigger project! We shall see what this new year brings!

Niel Galen @nielgalen
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Make up Diamond Kholusi @diamondkthemua
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Niel Galen @nielgalen Make up Diamond Kholusi @diamondkthemua
AMEER MERCHANT ENTREPRENEUR @I.AMEERMERCHANT Page 55 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Ameer Merchant was born in Bhavnagar, Gujarat

Ameer has the inborn entrepreneurial skills embedded in him Having an MBA degree added an extra advantage to his business skills

Ameer Merchant is a self-made success story who emphasizes on the same as he believes that every individual in this world has the capability to attain their goals and visions if they work with resilience and passion

The astute entrepreneur has a deep understanding of diversified cultures as he lived in various cities and countries like Mumbai, Dubai, Iran

His venture, Marine Enterprise is one of the leading exporters of refurbished ship machinery and spares in the country Through his brand Euphoria, Ameer introduced a revolutionary kitchen staple - fried onion flakes Merchant’s Al Reza Foods has been a big player in the game for more than a decade

Ameer Merchant has many other high Ventures

Ameer has established himself as one of the emerging businessmen of the country. He is still working hard to reach new heights of success and we all know that his zeal to be better will drive him to success.

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reputation and management Shimmer Entertainment


PHOTOGRAPHER @PAWELZIEBAPHOTO Page 57 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine (Paulina

How did it start?

From a hand injury that I contracted during Brazilian jujitsu training As a result of the fall, I tore the triceps in my left hand and this event forever excluded me from further pursuit of my passion, which I had great hopes for the future. I already had a silver medal from the Polish Championships and a gold medal from the tournament in Cracow.

(Kamila Prusak): @kamczix.x Page 58 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine

In photography, I am attracted to the fact that I have the opportunity to meet many great people who are happy to tell me their interesting life stories.

I love taking pictures in the studio and in the city, especially in some streets or, for example, in an underground car park.

My goal in life is to prove to people the possibilities of this world I would like everyone to be aware that we can do the impossible.

For a long time I have been looking for something that will move me as much as what I have lost forever... Something that will consume my time, soul and allow for continuous development. Two years after injury, my girlfriend gave me a camera and it was a bull's-eye From that moment on, I stayed up many nights, soaking up the knowledge of camera operation and photography. It has become my obsession I decided to drop everything and focus solely on photography, I left my full-time job and moved to Cracow

Currently, I run a professional photo studio, which is visited by many clients every day I am conducting women's and business sessions there.

(Kamila Prusak): kamczix x
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(Paulina Grabska): @grabskapa
When I informed people close to me that I wanted to become a photographer, most people were convinced that it was too late, that nothing would come out of it. despite everything, I managed to become very successful and popular photographer in Cracow, I have a base of regular clients, and my photos are viewed by thousands of people every day on social networks.
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(Kamila Prusak): kamczix x
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(Paulina Grabska): @grabskapa




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Hazel started exotic dancing in May 2021 to help build experience on stage and indulge in the entertainment lifestyle She has been dancing since she was 6; training in ballet, jazz, hip hop, HS dance team, and exotic pole She was accepted as a Twisted Angel's Model in April 2022 and started modeling part time in July 2022 November 2022 she was accepted as an aspiring model/entertainer onto The Winning Team with We Do Entertainment Since Hazel started modeling she has been published up to 20x

Hazel's positive dedication, drive, and keep-going mentality inspire others by utilizing her diverse background, experiences, and ability to adapt in an ever-changing society


Hazel Maze is an aspiring artist, entertainer, and model of Chicago, IL She is an inked, USMC veteran, and single mom of 4 that exemplifies a strong sense of self through body neutrality, self-love, and the darker arts Hazel has overcome the challenges life has thrown at her; losing her mother to breast cancer at 10, surviving a violent relationship, and other life changing events She has used her life experiences to help herself, other women, and men become comfortable and confident, in the skin they’re in

In 2014, Hazel set off on her mission of self discovery and spiritual journey It wasn’t until 2020 when it became more clear on her life mission She has the dedication, desire, and drive to help others, but needed to help herself before indulging in the depths of others. In April of 2021, her dance sister and her set off on creating a sensual dance fitness program to help other women who’ve experienced relational traumas This program is designed to help learn healthy intimate relationship behaviors and unlearn toxic conditioning With the combination of sensual knowledge and dance fitness, they put their life’s work into developing the SenFit program With this, it is Hazel’s dream and goal to have her own dance studio

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Model: @hazelmaze Itd31

Photographer: @photographybyericp

HMUAs: @subtlefleximaging @ tylachanell

Manager: @iamronbee

@wedoentertainment2020 ‘The Winning Team’

Model Coach: @lizthedirector

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As always we had a delightful experience to be a part in the concept shoot “Seeing Perfection In Imperfections” created by Abhishek Goswami. In our magazine we have the grace to work very frequently with “The Vision Master” who believes in creating original concepts for every shoot. The pictures that he designs always has a deep understanding of philosophy to exhibit in all of his artworks be it painting, photography or film making. He is a very talented artist and he has an in-depth knowledge and skills to visually portray any subject. The photographic techniques that he uses in creating an eye & soul pleasing outcome are awesome.

As always we had a delightful experience to be a part in the concept shoot “Seeing Perfection In Imperfections” created by Abhishek Goswami. In our magazine we have the grace to work very frequently with “The Vision Master” who believes in creating original concepts for every shoot. The pictures that he designs always has a deep understanding of philosophy to exhibit in all of his artworks be it painting, photography or film making. He is a very talented artist and he has an in-depth knowledge and skills to visually portray any subject. The photographic techniques that he uses in creating an eye & soul pleasing outcome are awesome.

I’m really blessed to see, talk and understand about the story boards that he created for this concept shoot. It was a learning and life changing experience for me. This shows his dedication involved in creating the best possible outcome in his artwork. All of his artworks are like a package of knowledge and wisdom. We can really learn so much about Philosophy and The Art of Living from his creations. I have seen and worked with a lot of photographers but working with Abhishek has always been the best experience. His artworks always focus on the understanding of The Art of Living, always guides us to grow and become a better version of ourselves. Hope that you will feel the same after reading the following conversation with Abhishek Goswami.

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As per our readers I would like to understand the pre-production process that you go through to create the best outcome in your photographs.

When this whole idea came into my mind, I created few storyboards to represent it or let say to record it immediately in visual form randomly I was focused on the very subject and planned a way to capture the relevant images via photography techniques

As per the storyboards , I decided to hire the required models and searched for the appropriate ones The art direction started from creating storyboards and deciding the applicability of props, outfits and makeup.

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Model : @fed_malik MUA : @fashion_style_abhishek Mentor : @tapasdas.dct

What are the technical aspects involved to showcase two different possible perceptions of someone for the same subject in a still visual?

Method and technique we used today was Long exposure with two time firing of flashes and using two different focal lengths each time with in the given exposure time range While models had to perform two different poses and expression as per the theme and composition with in the given same exposure time range We were using zoom lenses and multiple synced flashes for appropriate lighting as per the requirement for the specific theme of the given image

In all your photographs I have experienced that a deep philosophy is involved. How do you visualize to represent such deep thoughts and create such beautiful pictures ? And how will you explain the title for this concept “seeing perfection in IMPERFECTIONS “ ?

I always try to represent a set of philosophy in my captures, to express more and more out of an image Concept was to represent two possible contrasting perceptions of Someone for a same subject.Here subject is a person of course. It’s all about the way of love and acceptance one can pursue in his or her life An ability to perceive things in a positive and progressive way

And all of it depends upon the viewer that what he or she wants to see Here the philosophical idea is that everyone have same divine energy or we can say a pure soul with in, no matter how imperfect the outer presence they have; but the key is to develop the ability to see things in such perfect way.

That’s why , I termed the concept as “ seeing perfection in IMPERFECTIONS “ It’s all about the Awakened inner eye

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Model : @im_.malvika MUA : @fashion_style_abhishek Mentor : @tapasdas.dct Model : @stella_tessa MUA : @fashion_style_abhishek Mentor : @tapasdas.dct

Was their any difficulty involved to get the best outcome in this concept shoot?

Lights have to be precisely placed and directed perfectly as the two different postures . The models had to perform precisely as per the location spot , changes in posture & expression with in the given exposure time range.

Precise change in focal length using zoom lenses as per the desired composition with in the given exposure time range

Page 69 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| February 2023 | Issue 62 @spotlessfashionmagazine Model : Mohit

n o w A b o u t A M E E R M E R C H A N T

FASHION MAGAZINE February 2023 | Issue 62 K
' Seeing
Perfection in Imperfections : Abhishek Goswami Iwona

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