Spot'less Fashion Magazine - January 2023

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S P O T L E S S FASHION MAGAZINE January 2023 | Issue 61 K n o w A b o u t O G J E X I L L U S T R A T I O N ' Fashion Stylist : Nazgul Preetham FASHION ARTISTS MODEL MODERN CELEBRITY LIFESTYLE TRENDS

Editor’s Note


WelcometotheJanuary month'sissueofour magazine.Beginningwiththe interviewsofourcover articles-OgjexIllustration (Photographer)andHarsh Rajput(IndianActor).Inthis issue,youwillbeabletosee amazingconceptshooton 'WhiteonWhite'.Alongwith this,youcanalsoreadthe articlesofIonutDragoi (Photographer),Nazgul (FashionStylist)andPam Chhatwal(Fashion Designer).Don'tforgetto readthewholemagazinefor moreworksoftalented models,actors, photographersand designersfromalloverthe world. Wishingallthe readersaveryHappyand ProsperousNewYear! Founder/OwnerDCTModel Managementand Owner/PublisherSpot'less FashionMagazine)

Tapas Das
Publication Team SPOT'LESSFASHIONMAGAZINE Spot'less Fashion Magazine and DCT Model Management has all the rights Materials (Pictures and artworks) contained in this magazine are subject to copyright and other propertary right No material from this magazine can be reproduced, adapted, distributed or stored in a retrievable system or transmission without a prior written consent from Tapas Das Spot'less Fashion Magazine does not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artworks, or other materials The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily of the publisher or editor All the errors herein are purely unintentional and we assume responsibility for the effects arising thereof The pictures being published in our magazine which are shoot by other photographers, production company, are solely their copyrights but publishing right in our magazine is being given to Spot'less Fashion Magazine, by the person/model/anchor/editor/artist or category in human in return does not attain any liability for services or products advertised herein. All disputes, differences, claims, and Spot'less Fashion Magazine proceedings are subjected to Delhi jurisdiction. DISCLAIMER TAPAS DAS ( Founder/Owner DCT Model Management, Owner/Publisher Spot'less Fashion Magazine, Co-Organizer of Spot'less Face of India, and Model Mentor ) RAKHI DAS ( Creative Head and Designer) Contact Spot'less Fashion Magazine (DCT Model Management) to get featured in the magazine +91 9650192813 @tapasdas.dct @spotlessfashionmagazine @spotless.faceofindia
OGJEX ILLUSTRATION @OGJEX.ILLUSTRATION Page 1 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine PHOTOGRAPHER

For me, photography is a great way to draw everyone's attention to how we perceive the world from its different angles and how we bring out our personality through our works.

I am KAPOU Apélété Bernardin Gilles alias OGJEX ILLUSTRATION

Photography for me has been a passion since high school where I had fun showing off my art of camouflage and creativity to my classmates I immediately took a liking to it, starting with computer graphics and just after my Master's degree in Banking Finance, I tested new perspectives, varied my exposure times and my knowhow.

A bit back, in 2009, my first camera was bought in Ghana through my maternal uncle and it was the Canon 650D

Between 2015-2020 I changed my camera quite a bit, going from the Canon 650D to the Canon 5DMark2 then to the Nikon d5300 and then the Nikon d800.

In 2020 I won the Best Photographer of the Year award at the gnadoe magazine awards

From 2021 to the present day, I evolve with the Nikon d750

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In real life, photography, which at the beginning was a passion for me, has now become my fulltime job.

Any creation has its share of creativity and the OGJEX Structure, composed of my two collaborators and me, does its best to bring out this aspect.

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B o r n a n d b r o u g h t u p i n a l a n d w h e r e n a t u r e h a s l a v i s h l y b e s t o w e d w i t h h e r b e l o n g i n g s H e l l o , I a m V I O L I N A D A S f r o m G u w a h a t i , A s s a m M y f a t h e r i s a n a r d e n t f a n o f V i o l i n a a n d I a m t h e f i r s t b o r n c h i l d i n t h e f a m i l y s o h e n a m e d m e V i o l i n a . I s t a r t e d m y j o u r n e y a s a m o d e l b a c k i n S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6 a n d t h i s a l l u r i n g j o u r n e y s i n c e t h e n h a s i n d e e d t r a n s f o r m e d m e w i t h i n f r o m w i t h i n I w a s s k i n n y a n d b e c a u s e o f t h a t I f a c e d s o m a n y r e j e c t i o n s i n m y e a r l y d a y s B u t I n e v e r s t o p p e d b e l i e v i n g i n m y s e l f a n d I d o n ’ t h a v e a h a b i t o f g i v i n g u p e a s i l y . I a l w a y s b e l i e v e d t h a t o n e d a y m y h a r d w o r k w i l l p a y o f f a n d I w i l l b e s e e n . T o b e h o n e s t I s t e p p e d i n t o t h e w o r l d o f m o d e l i n g t o f o l l o w m y p a s s i o n t o w a r d s f a s h i o n s h o o t s I b e l i e v e i n t h e t e r m “ g r a t i t u d e ” a n d t h a t i s t h e r e a s o n i l o v e t o a c c e p t t h i n g s c o m i n g i n t o m y l i f e w i t h g r a c e . T h e r e i s a l w a y s a r i g h t t i m e f o r e v e r y t h i n g . E i t h e r i t s S u n o r M o o n , i t s h i n e s w h e n i t ’ s t h e i r t i m e T h e j o u r n e y i n t h e f i e l d o f m o d e l i n g h a s a l w a y s b e e n a n e x i s t i n g o n e f o r m e , w h e r e i h a v e n o t o n l y l e a r n e d b u t a l s o g a i n e d e x p e r i e n c e

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I w o n t h e p r e s t i g i o u s V i r u s M i s s I n d i a U n i v e r s e 2 0 2 1

A s s a m t a l k s C a l e n d a r g i r l 2 0 1 8 T r e n d s T 2 c a l e n d a r m o d e l 2 0 1 8

A r i e s c o r p s N o r t h e a s t c a l e n d a r m o d e l 2 0 1 7


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i f e i s l i k e a b o o k f o r m e t h a t u n f o l d s n e w m y s t e r y w i t h e v e r y p a g e t h a t w e f l i p . H e n c e , I c o n c l u d e t h a t I a m a l e a r n e r a n d s h a l l k e e p l e a r n i n g t i l l m y l a s t b r e a t h .
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New models often ask themselves whether they have what it takes to become a model You are likely to hear that to be a model you need to be beautiful, tall and slender with perfect proportions. Now this is certainly true for high fashion models, where designers want one type of model that they feel shows off their designs in the best way However, if you do not fit this criteria, don’t despair as there are many other areas that you can work in successfully and lucratively as a model The modeling industry needs all different shapes and sizes It ranges from the models who are required for the runways of Paris and Milan to those being seen in the background of TV commercials. You need to find the right fit for you and your place in the industry To help you with this we have listed the different types of modeling work that’s available and the criteria for each, and as with most things in life there are always exceptions

High Fashion

Spot'less Fashion Magazine Spot'less Face of India

When you see the incredibly tall and lean figures that grace the runways and editorials for the leading fashion houses and designers, these are the High Fashion models They are generally required to be between 172cm to 180cm (5”8 to 5”11), with a dress size of 4-6 US (6-8 UK), with a typical bust size of 34 The age range can be from 14 to 25 For guys the age range is more flexible and they can start from the age of 16 until their late 40’s. They need to be between 180cm to 188cm (5”11 to 6”2), with an excellent physique and a chest size of 94cm to 106cm (37” to 42”) and 76cm to 81cm (30” to 32”) waist. Guys tend to have longer careers if they look after themselves.

Tapas Das (+91)9650192813 Mentor, Guide & Groomer Owner – Dreams Come True – DCT Model Management
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Editorial Print

This is modeling for magazine editorials and covers such as Vogue, Elle etc The standard requirements for these models are similar to those in High Fashion and you must be very photogenic Quite often the same models will work in both Editorial Print and High Fashion These editorials provide great exposure for models even though the fees earned are sometimes relatively low. This is normal and it can take a few years to gain the experience needed to get the bigger paying jobs

Commercial Print

A huge market that encompasses every kind of print advertising. This can range from advertising in magazines to products on supermarket shelves to billboards The benefit of working in Commercial Print as a model is that the target audience of the advertisers varies considerably. Naturally the brands want to attract and represent the people that will buy their products, so there are many opportunities here if you are not the High Fashion type

Catalogue Modeling

Companies create catalogues (print or online) to sell their latest clothing lines or various others products, and it’s the models job to make them look good Here you will find many great opportunities for different model types, as the model is chosen to represent the target audience of the different companies With the increasing number of websites that require models to promote their goods online, this is very lucrative for many models.

Plus Size Modeling

Modeling for the larger body type, this type of modeling is on the increase and a relatively new phenomenon If you’re confident, with great attributes and you are between the sizes of 12-16 US (14-18 UK) then this could be for you More and more advertisers are using Plus Size Models to promote their products in a bid to appeal to a broader demographic. As a Plus Size model you will still need to have great skin, teeth and hair and have that something special about you For High Fashion Plus Sized Models the height requirements remain at a minimum of 172cm (5”8).

Glamour Modeling

Is modeling that emphasises a models sexuality. Glamour Modeling can range from lingerie and swimwear shoots, to artistic and nude photography to men’s magazines You will need to be beautiful, sexy and confident, with an extremely outgoing personality. Height restrictions tend not to apply, which is the great attraction to many models If you are considering this area of modeling, take care as there are many dishonest people that take advantage of young models who are eager to get into modeling. If you are interested in Glamour Modeling it’s advisable to have a reputable agency looking out for your best interests

Body Parts Models

An area not usually thought about for newcomers, but it is a very relevant sector of the industry. The most common body parts tend to be hair, eyes, lips, hands, legs and feet, which are used to promote many products in print and TV You will need to have exceptionally well proportioned body parts and know how to look after them. This is definitely an area within modeling that’s worth considering as it can prove to be surprisingly profitable

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TV Commercials

Modeling in TV commercials does not have any overall criteria for height, size and age, as each commercial requires someone different and specific to that job. It is usually necessary to have some acting ability, but this can be natural ability or learned There are many different types of TV commercials, ranging from the highly stylised photographic, to the performance led reality style. The great advantage in TV commercials for a model is that brands are continuously seeking models, which the general public can easily identify with This opens up the doors to almost everyone, who feels that they have what it takes to work in this sector. Typically those represented by a model or actors agency have a better chance of appearing in TV commercials.

Real Life Models (People Models) and TV/Film Extras

f you like the idea of modeling, but do not fit into the above categories, then this could be for you Real life models are used in advertising or corporate campaigns, when companies are looking to represent the everyday person As a TV/Film Extra you will generally be non-featured (no speaking parts) and in the background of a scene This can be fun and interesting to be part of, but it can also be long hours with lots of waiting around The benefits are that if you are flexible with your days, it can be a good way to supplement your income

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MANDAL MAKEUP ARTIST @OFFICIAL KRISHAN82 Page 12 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine

My name is Krishan Mandal. I am a makeup artist. I like creative makeup very much. My idols in this industry are @Mua Mamta, who taught me makeup, and@debarghyamukharjee.

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RAMLING PHOTOGRAPHER @LIBRASTUDIO Page 15 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine Model @yoursniyatiii Mua @khushbupatel1210 Concept and style by @Khushbu patel1012 Photography @librastudio



Hi , I am Rahul Ramling from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I am working as Photographer since 2 years. I have worked for some brands, make up artist, product and some creative conceptual shoot. I worked hard and still doing. In fashion industry, there is one special guy who's name is @dominicchristianphotography who motivates me to reach at my best level, I will always be thankfull to him.

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For more information n Details Pls contact :7838 555 663 @nirvana groupdelhihi Page 17 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
The efforts put by the
were crystal clear in making the
grand and full of energy and enthusiasm. Each performance depicted by the special needs children prooved, they are not only special but extraordinary talente
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Besides Devotional singing & dancing by Nirvanians, Special devotees from ISKCON and Ehsaas Charitable foundation added the energy charm and grace to the wonderful event Mr O P Rajpurohit from Doordarshan, Mr & Mrs Ranjeet Singh , founders of Ehsaas Foundation, MrTapas Das, Renowned Model Mentor, Simmi vasu, Principal ORANe Kids, Noida to name a few graced the occasion with their presence. Each participant was honored with a 'Vaijayantimala' by the founder of Nirvana and guests Nirvana has an expertise of showcasing and uplifting the talents of Differently Abled integrated with Society and this show was a Perfect example of Humanity and Divinity

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GEE MODEL @MRSBETTYGEE Page 20 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine Photographer @herrrschwartz

Somehow, I discovered the style of the 40ies and 50ies – I embraced the look, the designs, the music and with it my femininity The vintage look can do wonderful things for every kind of woman You can look stylish and fabulous, seductive but still classy and tasteful, no matter your size or shape Think of adorable pin-ups as Betty Grable, Veronika Lake or Jane Russell Or let yourself inspire from paintings of famous artists like Gil Elvgren and Alberto Vargas

Thankfully I live in a wonderful country where women can do as they please – at least regarding the laws (I mentioned some of the other obstacles before) When I want to show my body, I can do it without being punished When I express my opinion, I don't need to fear any repercussions I try to not take this for granted and deeply hope, that one day every girl and woman in this world can have the same freedom

At the tender age of 29 I experienced my first professional photo shoot, which was a revelation for me! I learned that I have a natural talent for posing After a couple of shoots, I got confident enough to create my own Facebook Page and when I had my first 100 followers, I felt so proud I know, this sounds not like much, but as I mentioned before, I never thought that I could become a model, not even as a hobby So, for me this was a big encouragement Wow, people seemed to like what I did The combination of social media and my retro pin-up inspired look made it much easier to get noticed and to connect with people from all over the world I was having a great time!


My name is Betty and I am a 43 years old Swiss amateur model I started modeling about 13 years ago Well, yes, I am a late bloomer in more than one aspect

As a teenager I was a typical wallflower, the strange little girl with no curves, ugly haircut, retainer and her nose always in a book A perfect victim for the bullies at school Well, somehow, I got through these years, my body finally developed some curves and in my early twenties I started to feel more and more confident in my own skin Still, at these times I had never imagined I could be a model eventually Insecurities are a lifelong companion of most girls and women We struggle with ourselves about our wrinkles, our weight, our blemished skin, scars, too big or too small breasts and so on We envy each other and set ambitious goals because we want to be seen and fear to be neglected if we don't have the perfect appearance It's even harder if you have experienced bullying, which happens to so many of us. We'd rather respect and support each other because united we are strong

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Photographer @jamorasol MUA @visagistinbertoni Photographer @people fotografie

I love being a mom and I love having my own business – but I also love being a model. When my kids grew older, I picked up my modeling career again. To me modeling is a crucial part of feeling free and liberated. But just being the vintage pin-up girl started getting a little boring and so I opened up for different styles and looks. I am eager to express other shades of my personality, to try out new things and surprise (sometimes myself as well). My recent work is more modern and commercial. Despite my age I have no problems finding commissions. The model business underwent some important developments in the past 10-15 years. Commercial models became quite popular and make the modeling world so much more diverse and more beautiful in my eyes.

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For myself, I'm looking forward to the next 10 years of modeling. Whatever may wait for me, I am ready!
Photographer @t dold Photographer @lensphoto ch
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JOCKSCH FITNESS TRAINER @SARAHJOCKSCH Page 24 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
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The32-year-oldfitnesstrainerSarahJocksch fromhanover,Germanyhasturnedherhobby intoaprofessionandhasbeenafreelance fitnesstrainerforelevenyearsandamodelfor fiveyearsandhasalsoacquiredthetitleof QueenoftheBestBody Regularlyaroundtheworldandgivesevents forRobinsonClubsintheirfavoritestepaerobic
AfterherlastmissioninThailandshehada seriousaccidentafterlanding1hourin Germany Inadditiontonumeroushematomas andbruisesonherbody,herfacesufferedall brokenbonesfromhernosetohercheekbone toherjaw,itwasalmostshatteredandhadto beoperatedon. Contrarytotheopinionofthedoctors,sheis alreadytakingupthemodelagainandpartly hermainjobasatrainer
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I started my modelling career couple of years back. After doing lot of struggles I have started getting project from various brands. I have received many accolades including aspirational model by Nithyosova social & culture organisation. I have collaborated with many brands on Instagram. I have gained nearly 50 k followers on Instagram because of my digital content and I wish to continue this journey. I am very focused on my fitness. I do regular workouts to maintain my health. My hobby is to explore new places. My aspiration is to become brand ambassador of at least few recognised brands.

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Photographer : @portraitbybhardwaj
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ACTOR @RAJPUTHARSHJAYESH Page 30 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine

Harsh Rajput

Harsh Rajput is an Indian television actor who is best known as Ansh Rathod in Nazar and now notably as Rocky in Pishachini.

Rajput hails from Navsari He faced a hard time when he came to Mumbai. He had language problem and was difficult for him to adopt to that culture. Slowly, he got adapted.

Harsh Rajput made his television debut with Dharti Ka Veer Yodha Prithviraj Chauhan on StarPlus He also starred in shows like Dharm Veer, Hitler Didi and Crazy Stupid Ishq where he landed his first lead role.

Harsh has also acted in several episodic shows such as Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya and Yeh Hai Aashiqui. He also played a role in Most Popular Serial Saath Nibhaana Saathiya. Harsh was seen playing the lead role of Ansh Rathod in StarPlus' supernatural show Nazar, produced by 4 Lions Films and opposite with Niyati Fatnani. He also played the lead role in Colors TV's show Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein which is a spin-off to the Naagin 5.

Since August 2022, he is playing the role of Rakshit "Rocky" opposite Jiya Shankar and Nyra Banerjee in Colors TV show Pishachini

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MODEL @M SMILES2 Page 33 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine

WellI’vealwayshadadreamtomodelsinceIwashiredby aChicagobasedagencywhenIwas13butmyfamily wasn’tabletoaffordthetravelingbacknforthatthetime Mymodelingjourneybeganalmost2yearsagoafterIhad beenworkingoutforayearstraight,beingnewlydivorced withtwoamazingdaughterstoraise,Iusedswimmingand weightresistancestrengthtrainingtoreleasestressand getmyselfintothebestshapeofmylife.OnedayIjustso happenedtohavefriendedanupandcoming photographerwhowasalsointhebeginningofhisown modelingcareeraswellanddecidedwhynotgiveitatry,if ithappensithappens Wedidtwoshootstogetherand thenIwentontotryafewotherupandcoming photographersinmyfirstyear.

FoundoutthatitwasnotonlyeasyformebutIalso absolutelylovedmodeling.Itwasoneofonlyacouple waysthatIwasabletojustbemeandnotthe24/7 mom Ihadtotakethebetterpartofthisyearoff becauseIneededtofocusonselling,purchasingand remodelinganewhomeandfocusongettingmy amazinglytalenteddaughterssettled Afewmonthsago Ireconnectedwiththatfirstphotographerwho’dchange mydreamofmodelingintoapassionategoal Hehas continuedtogrowasanamazinglytalented photographerwhileIwastakingabreakandwasso

excitedtoseewhatwecoulddotogether Atthelast minutewedecidedtothrowashoottogetherandmake magichappenagain BesidesbeingastayathomemomIsufferwitha debilitatingdiseaseknownassevereFibromyalgiaand haveforoversevenyearsnow.Fibromyalgiaisan incurablediseasethataffectsthewayourbrain perceivespainsignals Itcauseswidespreadmuscleand nervepainthroughoutthewholebody24/7whichinturn affectstheabilitytogetrestfulsleep,cognitivefunction andmuscleweaknesstoonlynameafew Normaltasks takefibromyalgiasufferstentimestheeffortto completethansomeonewhodoesnothavethis disease Mygoalistoraisehealthychildrenineveryway possibleandbeingapositiverolemodelshowingthem thatnomatterwhatlifethrowsatyou,youcanalways makeyourdreamscometrue I’msoexcitedtoseewherethisjourneytakesmeand theamazingpeopleImetalongtheway! Page 34 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
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IONUT DRAGOI PHOTOGRAPHER @ionutdragoi13 Page 36 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine


My name is Ionut Dragoi I am based in Romania I started photography in the late year 2011 I started doing others vision mostly and now I go a lot to do mine which is based on fantasy mistic dramatic, gothic, sensual I don’t have a good story on how I started doing photography it just happen and it sticked with me since then I shoot mostly on locations which is nature and sometimes in studio



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PHOTOGRAPHER @S24PHOTOGRAPHY Page 40 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine

I'm Pranav Venkatesh and I would like to share my photography with you I approach photography with a romantic, fine art sensibility My imagery is understated yet evocative, resulting from clear and polished creative direction that elicits light-filled, painterly portraits My use of fresh and simple composition allows me to create variety in my work that makes it timeless and universal

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Model: Peat: Brinda Acharya user ID: brinda acharya Actress in Kannada and Tamil film Industry. Fashion Stylist: Deepika G Fashion designer & stylist. user ID: stylefiles bydeepikareddy and Hair Artist: Malathi Rao Makeup and hair artist for celebrities Instagram user ID: malathi rao78
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Photography: Pranav Venkatesh Instagram user ID: s24photography
LADA LUCKY BOLLYWOOD ACTRESS AND LINE PRODUCER IN HOLLYWOOD COMPANY @LADOOLUCKY Page 43 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine


First movie ”Warpath beyond the life“ got 11 awards in international Film Festivals. She got Best Actress Award for this film

Her next projects movie ”Banaras Vanilla" director Sumit Mishra, ”Lethal trip" by Barry John Studio Ltd will release very soon. She played lead role in all movies

Now she working in new projects for International Hollywood films And as a line producer she working in Hollywood company based in LA This company works with big celebrities in USA and India

Conpany makes biggest business and education, creativity forum in Delhi in January

Lucky Bollywood actress and line producer in Hollywood company
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NAZGUL FASHION STYLIST @STYLIST.NAZGUL Page 46 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
Photographer: @daria dunich
Stylist: @stylist.nazgul Model: @dianakadievamakeup


My name is Nazgul, I am 42 years old. I am a fashion stylist from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

I have an economics degree and have been working in a bank for the last 4 years until 2019 All these years I dreamed of mastering the profession of a stylist and overcoming my fears, I still stood on the path of fashion, style, photography and beauty While I'm still a beginner and I'm learning a lot, but I really believe in myself, in my creativity and in my successful and bright future

My big dream is to become a sought-after and highly paid stylist, and plunge into the atmosphere of fashion weeks taking place in Milan, Paris and New York

Photographer: @daria dunich Stylist: @stylist.nazgul Model: @dianakadievamakeup
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Photo by @altai photo 75 Style @stylist.nazgul Model @dianakadievamakeup Styling @aurika hair Make-up @alta make up
Photographer @daria dunich Makeup @adelita s Hairstyle @julia kurilova Style @stylist nazgul Model: @pokrov90
@nazgul dzhusupova Photographer: @photolol x Stylist: @stylist.nazgul
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Model @nazgul dzhusupova Photographer: @photolol x
@stylist nazgul
PREETHAM FILMMAKER @STORIESBYPREETHAM Page 49 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
: @iswaryamenon Styling : @priyaakaran MUA : @ramya mua Hairstylist : @sabjtha seenu hairstylist

How would you define your style of photography?

I don’t follow any particular style, my photography depends on the concept of the shoot I always like my photos to have a certain punch in them

What are the things which attract you towards glamour reels and how do you feel it's different from other genres?

I don’t want my reels to just be a clip shot in 120 frames I want them to have a connect with the viewers For me, it depends on the planning of the shoot and the mindset towards the shoot Regarding fashion shoots, your imagination is the limit. I prefer to approach all my shoot with ideas that excites both me and everyone involved in the project

What are tips you would like to give to aspiring photographers who want to get into glamour/boudoir photography?

Simple : Inspiration from Pinterest, Learn from Youtube, Grow in Instagram

Hi, Preetham here I’m a Film Maker from Chennai I do fashion shoots and commercial vertical reels

What inspired you or what was the trigger that got you into photography?

Photography has been a tool for me to express my thoughts in pixels Photography has the power to turn the morning sun rays into something magical

Please describe your journey in brief as a photographer? When you started and how you evolved doing different genres of photography and how you see yourself 5 years from now?

It started with taking DP for friends in Facebook It slowly developed into planning and shooting with concepts I want Stories by Preetham to be more than just a platform for photoshoots, with more conceptual creativity flowing through it

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: @iswaryamenon Styling : @priyaa.karan MUA : @ramya mua Hairstylist : @sabjtha seenu hairstylist
: @jananihere Styling : @indu ig MUA : @kalwon beauty Hairstylist
@ganesh hair architect
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Artist : @iswaryamenon Styling : @priyaakaran MUA : @ramya mua Hairstylist : @sabjtha seenu hairstylist Model : @ayrakrishna MUA : @marysbridalstudio Model : @ayrakrishna MUA : @marysbridalstudio
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I believe everyone have their own struggle stories but only people who have been through knows the pain I never wanted to be a model at first, because I wanted to be a psychologist and that's why I studied psychology too, but I always admired for my style and personality that's why I entered to modeling field. But i didn't knew that i have to face a lot of criticism and body shaming Career was not going well that's why I started focusing on job and left modeling But the spark of modeling line always attracted me and I decided to comeback in 2019, i had a photoshoot with Mitu photography where Andy was makeup artist, it was a black themed concept and it got lots of appreciation This made me realise I'm born for this and I never should step back, from then I continued my journey and with learner spirit I'm here with out any fear without any hesitation I walked in fashion shows even though when people said i can't walk, I became a boudoir model even when people criticized my body, I think this shows how much I'm passionate about modeling and breaking the stereotype. When people says age is just a number, I want to prove that age doesn't matter when you want to achieve something I also entered to pageant field and crowned as Miss India charming face 2021, it was a slap to those faces who tried to pull my confidence down I did all these myself with out any back support because my parents never supported me but thanks to God that I have few friends who stood up for me and treated me like a family I'm always grateful to them I believe It doesn't matter how much you achieve, you should be always humble and grateful Lastly I want to say this journey was tough but "never give up" was my all time mantra, which lead me here.

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PRIYANKA VISHU @IAMPRIYANKAVISHU Page 55 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine ACTRESS, MODEL, PERFORMER AND DIGITAL CREATOR

I am Priyanka Vishu, I am 27 years old. I am from Mumbai and my home town is kanpur {Uttar Pradesh}.

I am an Actress, Model, Performer and Digital Creator.

I always believe in GOD, I am spiritual person, I am positive and strong and I am free bird .


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In this industry struggle is the journey, I have so many things to talk about my journey and struggle in this industry in a simple way, I am self dependent person, I belong to middle class, I never took money from my family in my struggle journey, there are so huddles, ups and downs in my struggle and journey like everyone who working in this industry, I had no connection and contact in this industry so I faced so much difficulties but I never loose hope and follow the path which shown by GOD, I always inspire by my Mom. My mom and my BFF are my support system and my Ideal too. In my journey my two angel person always with me and I am blessed

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I have done print shoots, catalogues and ramp show for the brand SATYAPAL and I have done Hyderabad fashion week, I walked for Satyapal

I have done Ramp show of Brand THE BOMBAY STORE

I have done 7 songs in south language of Telugu, Tamil and Kannada

I have done south Brand KALA Ethnic catalogue, and i have Vanita calendar ethnic shoot

I have done movie with Famous south Actor Posani Krishna Murli .

I got coverage in Tito”s calendar shoot

I got 2 times coverage in Abraxas lifestyle magazine shoot

I have done work as digital creator to promote products like Pepsi, Big Bazaar, My Glamm, MIVI and many more .

I got good coverage in all these work.

I got INFLUENCERQUIPO AWARD for most creative creator

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Page 59 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine BUDDING FITNESS AND FASHION MODEL
IhavebeenactiveasaRunwaymodelforDesignerAlleSharma PraticipatedinLucknowFashionWeek MysoreFashionWeekthisyear Recently done a fitness shoot with Ace Advertising photographer Chinmay Dhayalkar, which reflects my duskilicious beauty and the theme emphasis the celebration of male sensuality Having a dusky skin tone and sharp features i am PersuecareeroverseasasaFashionModel My daily routine includes power training in gym, apart from that I am sportsman I amalsotraininginMMA MyfuturegoalistogoInternationalandmakeIndiaproudonGlobalplatform Page 60 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine
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Model:@mimi desuka

This time I am going to present some white onwhitepictures Iamfascinatedbythe subtle changes in contrast and brightness Thisisalsopossibletophotographwithother colours,butwhiteisaspecialone Physically, white is not a colour because it is not a spectral colour White reflects all colours at thesametime

White light and everything that appears whitethereforedoesnotabsorbcolour

White light is emitted by the sun It therefore also contains all the colours. When the human eye sees white, all colour-seeing receptors are activated equally. Furthermore white is associated with a variety of attributes. It is the color of infinity and signifiesarealmofhigherfeeling,anutopian world of pure form. It stands for purity, virginity,neutralityandperfection.

Atthesametimeitispossibletochangethemoodof whitewithjustalittlehue.Infashionandbeauty photographyyoucancreateanimageeithergetting aclearseparationbetweenthemodelandthe background,ortryingtomergethewhiteclotheson onepointoranotherwiththebackground. Whiteonwhiteimagingworkswithblackandwhite photographyaswellaswithcolourphotography.

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true love
SANA SHAIKH @SANASHAIKH.OFFICIAL Page 65 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine FASHION MODEL AND INFLUENCER

I am Sana and for the last 5 years I worked as a Fashion Model and Influencer I have a huge passion for acting, and I love being in front of the camera I mainly shoot fashion, but I also enjoy creative projects like dressing up I am from Pune but I am available to travel to other destinations in India

I am tall with long hair and natural skin which makes me a good model for photos I enjoy working with photographers and agencies that have a creative approach I bring my energy and passion for modeling to every project I work on

SANA SHAIKH Photographer : @amolpardeshiphotography @faisal ansari photography @being faisal786
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Makeup artist : @saritakabade

Current favorite TV/web show/series?

All-time favorite is manifest Other than that, I also like watching Big Boss

What is your ethnicity, and what languages do you speak?

About my ethnicity I'm an Indian (caste), I basically belong to Pune and I can understand and speak English Hindi Marathi

Phobias or things that freak you out?

The thing that freaks me out is watching horrific movies or hearing stories it triggers unwanted thoughts and feelings and increased levels of anxiety or panic

Did you have any hidden talents?

Talking about my hidden talent, I am not really sure, but I do think as I'm very good at helping people in need

Where is your workout routine for this fabulous figure?

I walk daily for around 10000+ steps Also, I do follow my diet routine, and plus I practice yoga and zumba too

Do you volunteer or work with any charaties?

Haven't worked yet for any charities, but have volunteered for society's missing old dog It would be my honor to work with a charity

What do you enjoy most about modeling and blogging?

Modeling is diverse and allows you to channel what style you prefer Giving modeling as a hobby a go might inspire you to pursue it further The various styles available keep the job interesting and inspiring , and your passion will grow in a diverse high-energy environment

Ever since I started blogging most of my free time has either spent reading on things that I enjoy watching videos on self-development, listening to podcasts or learning how to become a better writer Blogging really empowered me to build overall better habits because I am so focused on learning more content on self-growth and becoming a better person through blogging

Your motto or mantra in life?

Live every day like it's your last

Your hobbies and why are they special to you?

My hobbies are to travel, I love to visit a new place, Beach vacations are my favorite Also, I love watching Travel vlogs These are special because I enjoy them the most

What do you hope to achieve in your modeling career? What are your goals?

My biggest goal as a model, is to land a big campaign with great designer I practice my walk on a regular basis, keep my body in shape, and work on my posing every day

Where are you most active?

Being a model I am mostly active on all the platforms

Last spontaneous thing you did?

I ran out of the office where I was working without informing anyone

How do you relax?

I relax by stepping away from something stressful for a few minutes or taking time away from my normal routines and thoughts

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Everyone has a story. Tell yours?

I had never thought of modeling But while working in an organization, one of my friends discussed modeling and acting

I loved the thought about it and then started working towards it I joined classes of acting too

But it was of no use They themselves didn't know about acting My family and friends supported that I wanted to be a model Today I'm an influencer, a model, and a brand ambassador of small brands I struggled and struggling now too I am looking for the biggest break in my career, which will be able to give my best

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I want to have gained experience in leading projects for major clients I will be looking for opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal Also, I want to do successful traveling vlogs

What makes you laugh the most?

There are some hilarious memes out there The ones that really get me laughing out loud are the more brutal, straight to the point memes

Original quote by you?

Do good to others, and it will surely come back

Favorite animal and why?

I love every animal on the planet, but my favorite one is a cat Not only are they adorable, but they're also fiercely independent, curious, and loyal and can make amazing lifelong companions for you or your family

The perfect vacation?

A day at the beach is fun and relaxing The minute you step out of your vehicle, you can hear the waves crashing on the shore You will smell salt as it drifts through the air Feel the wind blow in your hair, or the mist of water from the waves crashing, or the sand on your feet

The world is listening, you can say anything, what do you say?

Be kind to yourself and everyone around you We’re living in a difficult world as it is and a little kindness goes a long way Take good care of your mental and physical health; be kind to others by giving them the benefit of doubt and a chance to redeem themselves when they are wrong

If you could change something in the world, what would it be?

If I Could Change the World If I could change the world I would get rid of cancer‚ drugs/alcohol‚ and cheaters

What would most people be surprised to find about you?

I'm probably one of the most innocent you'll meet at first That's the impression that I give to everyone when they first meet me, but they're always surprised when they find out that I like drinking and partying

What are your dreams and goals in life?

I want to successfull in whatever I'm doing, want to be independent Even after marriage I don't want to be dependent on anyone I want to be one of the best and most successful influencers and bloggers

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PAM CHHATWAL @PAMCHHATWAL Page 70 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine


Pam Chhatwal, established in 2020 during tough and Challenging times An ordinary woman stepped into fashion industry with a zeal to support the women of today and with the idea to promote #madeinindia. Says Pam, “As a brand I have started with two members and in just two years have expanded my business and now we are team of 20 Members Along with the expansion of brand Pam Chhatwal, I have also done ramp walks for social cause and always ready to support and stand for the women of today I was awarded by Indian Council for Human relations. Also did a ramp walk for DRW twice to support and spread cancer awareness In 2021and 2022, I was called as a styling partner and as judge for Miss, Mrs & Mr India by Beauty & Best Magazine. Our idea is to support women empowerment and stand for good

Recently through our designing and styling we spread out the message to stop war and stand up for humanity and Peace ☮. The event was covered by News X

Pam has always been passionate about fashion She loves to experiment with new styles therefore always introduces diverse and unique clothes in the market Chhatwal has always been a trendsetter when it comes to fashion. Instead of sticking with the trends she tries to make her collection diverse which sets her apart from other designers

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Talking about some of the major projects she has completed Pam has done calendar shoots with Seema Gumber (Dilli darling fame) and Mrs India of beauty and best magazine


Driven with creativity, hardwork and passion to climb stairs of success every day, Pam keeps on gaining more and more recognition in the world of fashion and style

has also designed outfits for known celebrities including, Aditi Govitrikar, Ridhima Tiwari, Sara Khan, Pooja Bhasin, Maryam Zakaria, Shibani Kashyap, Liza Malik, Meenakshi Dutt, Seema Gumber, and Sonam Chabra
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@JANASCHUESSLER Page 74 Spot'less Fashion Magazine| January 2023 | Issue 61 @spotlessfashionmagazine

It all started with my big interested in fashion and wanting to become a fashion designer, but there would have been no way I could draw something that people would recognize because I’m really bad at drawing. So, I always tried to express ‘my art’ with photos, but I actually never thought about becoming a photographer till one day in art class when my teacher told me I had a really good eye for capturing things with the camera.

So after I finished school that year, I applied for a photography apprenticeship, which I got and after 3 years successfully completed.

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In the next years I would move around a lot, getting my first taste of NYC while being and au pair and photographing my first magazine publications then working on set for Heidi Klums “germanys next top model” in Los Angeles for 3 months and moving to Switzerland and Berlin afterwards. I got the chance to work with some amazing fashion photographers in my life, having amazing mentors who taught me a lot and kept motivating me to never give up. I’m not gonna lie, this business is tough and I also have some “down” days. It’s a lot about against instead of with each other. I had to realize that when I eventually moved back to NY for good in 2018. There is just sooooo much competition and its all about surviving the expensive city. But even when there are days you are not feeling like you’re making any process and then you check your social media and you seeing other people getting the jobs you wanted, its very important to not get demotivated. Grab the camera and keep shooting. Hard work always gets rewarded and I stand by this. Many people give up but the ones who will be successful keep going!!

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I’ve been living in NY for almost five years now and I got the chance to connect and work with incredible people and publications as Grazia, Harpers Bazaar, Lofficiel etc What I love the most about this that everyone is so professional and amazing in what they are doing and that inspires me a lot

I’m so happy to see what and who I’ve become and I know there is always so much more room for growth but I it is also very important to be grateful and appreciate for what you ’ ve got so far I think thats my little secret I would advise anyone Work hard and be grateful!

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