17 minute read

Nikola Marjanovic



Photographer: @ryanmartis15 Brand: @nykaafashion Stylist: @kookookra Assistant stylist: @shrreyaraane Art direction @jheeltanwani Hmu @ishbeautyish DOP @sanket _ dop

I a m , Nikola Marjanovic

I' m 21 years old international model, born in Belgrade, Serbia. I started modeling since 2016. But my true journey started maybe around 3 years ago, when i decided that i want to work abroad. I just wanted to show the World my talent and my work. Because i believe that I' m on the right path and that this is just a beginning for my big worldwide career. I prefer to watch movies rather than web shows or series. But if I would have to choose, maybe it would be "Daredevil" and "Sense8" . These are the one that I' m currently watching. I' m Serbian nationality, and I speak English, Serbian and a little bit of a Russian and Ukrainian language. I don 't have any phobias. But let' s say that I don 't like some type of insects. I have a talent for art, music, painting, editing and taking pictures, designing things etc. At this time I mostly workout at my home where my family built a little gym for me. But when I' m abroad I go to the local gym. Currently I' m not a member of any charity group. But I always like to help everyone and do good things for people around me and this World. At the youngest age I always watched TV shows about modeling, and I always had some kind of interest in fashion and modeling industry.

As I grew up, my mother, family and friends always told me that I have a model face and that I should try modeling. But it was really hard for me, because at the beginning I didn 't have any confidence to try it. So after some time I decided that those things should not stop me for living my dream. And over the time I got more and more confident about myself. I worked mostly in Europe, but last year I' ve decided that I should try something new. And that was the moment I decided that I' m gonna come to India. I enjoy to work with people, and I' m really happy when I' m surrounded with kindness and attention. So that would be one of the things that I enjoy the most. Let' s say that my biggest and most favorite projects would be magazine covers for "Body double " and "BAZZAR" . And commercials for energy drink "Wake up 247" and car brands such as "Maruti Suzuki" and "Hyundai" . My motto would be :

Never give up, even if something doesn ' t go as planned, always believe in yourself" and Always be yourself" "

My hobbies are painting, editing photos and experimenting with music. Because they relax me and they help me to make a little break from all the work. I hope to achieve a big career, to be very successful and to work with bigger brands such as ,,VERSACE" ,,GUCCI" ,,LOUIS VUITTON" etc. My goals are to be seen one day on big screens and to make my family proud. I' m mostly active on my Instagram profile @nycola_x . But I' m planning to get on some other social media platforms too in near future. Most of the things i do in life i do them spontaneously but there are some things that need to be planned as well. There are a lot of things that interests me me in Life. But let' s say meeting new people, traveling, making new connections, working and making money. In 5 years i see myself completing 80% of my goals and living my best life. I relax listening to music, drawing and painting, or sometimes even talking with my close friends. I like to laugh to some good jokes, and when i speak with my friends about our crazy and very good times that we spent together. No matter what, you always need to believe in yourself and

don 't give up. Because even after the worst storms, the Sun will shine again. I see my perfect vacation on some nice beach, drinking some cocktails, listening to the sound of waves and spending my whole day and night on the sea. If i could change something in the Word, that would definitely be end of global warming, crime, war, racism, homophobia etc. This place would be much better for everyone, if we would start caring about our nature, animals and people around us. I' m always open for a good party and good time with right people. It doesn 't matter what day it is. My favorite animal is dog. People say that " a dog is a man ' s best friend" is absolutely true because they are extremely loyal and intelligent animals. I' m very kind and relaxed person, who likes to meet new people, build good connections etc. My dream is to be a well known personality, to live my best life, to get rich one day and make everyone proud and happy. My biggest aspiration on life is to make all my dreams come true. To travel the world to live my best life.

Manzur Fahim


Model : @swarnatanisha

I a m , Manzur Fahim

A photographer from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Photography is not my only profession; I am also a Network Security Engineer. Photography has been a part of my life since 2010. I was a student back then, and in my free time, I used to photograph anything and everything using my friend’ s camera. I was learning, and trying out different things. And before long, I developed this interest where I was actively trying to learn and practice different aspects of it. I used to hike a lot, and photographing the treks and forest and mountains had a calming effect on me. I also found out that other than landscape and travel photos, one other aspect of photography that really interests me: and that is portrait photography. I managed to purchase a camera and lens for finance, being an international student in the UK and working part-time didn ’t leave me much, if at all, any freedom of purchasing whatever gear I need. I bought my first interchangeable lens camera in 2011 – A Panasonic G1 and a kit lens. I started taking photos of my friends and people I know around me, and started doing some small workshops with other photographers. Those helped me along the way.


Model : @samuraya.doch

I also started working with some models, who were also looking for photographers to build up their portfolio. I started some collaborating shoots, but those weren ’t as helpful. I realized that I needed to work with professional models, and so I arranged a shoot with a professional model. It was expensive, the cost of the studio, and the modeling fees etc. was costly, and I could not do it regularly. But I learned from the studio, the model and it was worth it. By 2013, I was doing more collaboration and was getting better at shooting fashion and portraits. I kept my practice and learned about the techniques, gears, light conditions and all that. I was able to work with other semi-professionals / professionals who wouldn ’t work with me two years ago. I have changed my gears again, regularly doing shoots and slowly improving myself. I realized that in order to work with someone I want, I need to show them a decent portfolio. With that in mind, I started working on my website. Social media pages or accounts are internationally acceptable everywhere, so it had to be my own website. It was difficult to design and have a presentable website, but at least I had something. This is how I slowly improved myself. I used to be turned down by other professionals who wouldn ’t collaborate with me, or would do it for a fee, which I couldn ’t afford then. And now, most are often interested in collaborating with me, and it only shows me that I have improved. I am better than I was before, but I still believe that there is a long way to go. Aside from being a fashion and portrait photographer, I am also a reviewer of camera gears. I often receive products from manufacturers to try out, use them and see how it fits in my workflow, and write a review or talk about it in my social media. Before COVID happened, I used to travel to other countries, and work with different people from many countries. This is one of the best ways to communicate, and get to know people from different cultures, how they work, what they think and their general way of life. It is interesting, and photography made this happen for me. I am normally a semi-introvert person, so this is surely one of the major benefits of photography for me. I have worked with people from many different countries, and I wish to be able to publish an album with portraits of the world, and have photos of people from different places on earth. This is one of my projects that I am working on, whenever I get the chance. I have some portrait projects going on, and am hoping to have some great outcome from them. I am also planning some traveling as soon as Omicron subsides, and hoping to work with some professionals from Thailand, Philippines and Australia. Projects have been piling on but I have very limited resources to do them, and COVID is restricting my movement. I hope the world gets better

Model : @sadiegrayheart @manzurfahim Model : @samuraya.doch

Model : @sadiegrayheart

Krista Nicole

My whole life I wanted to model but god made me too short so I became print model. I love being published for the hard work I put into every shoot. I started getting serious about modeling back in 2014. I started with a bad agency they took advantage of upcoming models but I learned the industry quickly. I started shooting with photographers that wanted to help me grow. I then took my best photos and auditioned for playboy. I was flown out to LA to shoot for playboy plus no longer than a month after my audition that’ s when I realized modeling is something I love to do! I have been shooting ever since! I grew my following up on IG and continue to produce great photos and meet wonderful people along the way! My favorite part of shooting is when the photographer gets excited about our photos. I love shooting with creative people the ideas are endless and when you ’ re really having fun you don ’t even realized hours have gone by and now you have thousands of photos to go through.

(The hard part) only picking a few photos out of thousands. I love inspiring young models to grow and just have fun with it! My experience over all has been a blast and I can ’t wait to see what’ s next!!


I started modeling in 2015 with local photographers and started building my portfolio. By the end of 2016 I built up the courage to attend a playboy audition in Montreal Canada and within a month I was getting flown out to LA to shoot for playboy plus it was a dream come true! Now I’ ve been published over two dozen times and continue to grow my brand and work with new people. I’ ve been an New England Model for years and now I am relocating down to Florida in hopes to work with all new photographers.

Clicked by : Rahul Beri @rahulberi Retouched by: Ritesh Dhaulakhandi @lights.tales

MUA: @khushipal.mua9033

In association with Anurag @ag_thephotographer

From the house of @lntpro (Lights & Tales Production)

The Image Artistes

Clicked & Retouched by: Ritesh Dhaulakhandi @lights.tales MUA: @khushipal.mua9033 In association with Anurag @ag_

thephotographer & Rahul Beri @rahulberi From the house of @lntpro (Lights & Tales Production)

The MorningS H E W A K E S U P A N D S T I L L I N H E R H E R O W N W O R L D . T H I S G I R L I S P O W E R F U L , R E A D Y T O T A K E N E W Saga O W N D R E A M S , C O N F I D E N T , C H A L L E N G E S H E A D O N . T H E G O L D E N R A Y S F L A S H I N G O N H E R B O D Y H I G H L I G H T S H E R G E N T L E L O O K S A N D H E R S E N S U A L I T Y .

ABOUT Lights and Tales Productions We are groups of individuals who cover the entire cycle of creative expression. We start with conceptualisation, lighting, makeup, camera operations, retouching and end with creative tags. We have learned all these aspects through on the ground workshops, individual photoshoots and in collaboration. While we have experienced all genre and respect each of them, but lifestyle photography is one of our key offerings. Our photography journey gave us experience of various gears and capability to evaluate the performance of equipment from various manufacturers. We have also been passing that wisdom to our fellow photographers. We strongly believe such enables a two-way enrichment.

Ritesh Dhaulakhandi – Lighting Director, also having forte in – Concept Shoots, Photo Retouch, Portrait & Fine Art Photography. Rahul Beri – Portrait Photographer, also having forte in –Product & Food Photography, Concept Shoots, Location Logistics Anurag Goswami – Portrait Photographer, also having forte in – Photo Retouch, Model Identification, Location Identification & Logistics Khushi - Make Up Artist, handles the vital aspect of the shoots i.e., the makeup, and this girl comes with various concepts of make-up and additionally mastering the body paint art, glitter makeup, etc. Diganta Debabhuti – Boudoir & Fine Art Photography Director, also having forte in – Monochrome Shoots, Model Identification All individuals coming from the Information Technology Background, and now working relentlessly under the banner of Lights & Tales Production. We are coming up with some concepts to gain visibility in this arena.

Sense & Serene

T H A T M O M E N T O F T R U T H I S H E R W I N E G L A S S , A N D S H E W I L L I N G L Y W A N T S T O S L U M P H E R S E L F D O W N O N T H E C O U C H T O L E T T H E S T R E S S

T H A T H A S B E E N B U I L D I N G U P A L L D A Y R O L L I N G O F F H E R S H O U L D E R S .

M A Y B E S H E M U S T G O B A C K T O W O R K T O M O R R O W , B U T F O R R I G H T N O W , T H A T ’ S N O T I M P O R T A N T . T H E G I R L N O T H A V I N G A N Y D I M E N S I O N S I S B E I N G C O M P A R E D W I T H T H E B L U E C O L O R A S P O R T R A Y E D I N T H E S H O T .

Clicked by : Anurag @ag_thephotographer Retouched by: Ritesh Dhaulakhandi @lights.tales

MUA: @khushipal.mua9033

In association with Rahul Beri @rahulberi

From the house of @lntpro (Lights & Tales Production)

Dora Stellavatecascio

I a m , Dora Stellavatecascio

born on 12/24/1992 in Battipaglia. At 20, I started to take up the world of fashion because I was fascinated by it since I was a child, I have done various jobs such as model: shooting, magazine, miaical videos, and various works always in the field. I have always had my head on my shoulders remembering smerpe what are the true values and not both too much in a world where I don 't want to be part of it. At the same time I study psychology, another great passion of mine. I am a positive person and I love the little things that life offers us because simple things are the most beautiful, I love helping others and being on the side of the weakest. I hope to have a family and to give all the love I have to give this is one of my great goals. And while continuing to scope and learn new things to do the most disparate things.




I a m ,

Navneet Kaur

My fitness journey started 13 years back when I was diagnosed with thyroid due to which my weight started increasing rapidly which led to respiratory problems. At that time I was working as a choreographer and a model. My bodybuilding and powerlifting career started in 2017. In January, 2017, I went to a bodybuilding competition where my friend was participating, there i saw few girls on stage competing and that became fantasy for me. I changed my workout pattern, food pattern and in 2017 end, I stepped on stage. I must tell you, stage is a drug, once you are there you want to compete again and again. I didn 't knew that during preparation I have gained so much power that I can lift weights so easily. In 2018, I competed in powerlifting and became the national champion. In 2018 and 2019, I won almost all titles and in the year 2021, I became a gold medalist in Amateur Olympia, which is a world renowned title. Now, I have major bodybuilding plans for the year 2022. Yes , diseases are bad but that is life , changing worst things into best, that' s why athletes are the best. I look even better now , get great modelling assignments and now a title has also been added fitness model which keeps me going.


2021 : gold medal amature olympia 2019 : silver amature olympia 2019 : gold fit factor india 2019 : avon fitness

2019 : gold boss classic 2019 : miami pro card holder 2019 : gold sangram classic 2019 : gold gold classic 2018 : national champion powerlifting 2018 : gold muscle mania

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