Las Vegas SPOTLIGHT Senior Services & Living Options Digital Edition

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Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance Nevada 'LYLVLRQ RI 3XEOLF DQG %HKDYLRUDO +HDOWK Nevada 'LYLVLRQ RI 3XEOLF DQG %HKDYLRUDO +HDOWK Bureau of Health Bureau Care Quality and Compliance of Health Care Quality and Compliance

What is Adult Day Care (ADC)

What is Adult Day Care (ADC) What is Adult Day Care (ADC) W If you are a caregiver of a person are a caregiver of a person with Ifa you chronic condition, you know with a chronic condition, you know If you are a caregiver of a person that you wear many hats: problemwiththat a chronic condition, youproblemknow If y you wear many hats: solver, therapist, and time manager thatsolver, you wear many hats: problemtherapist, and time manager tosolver, name just a just few.aand Many times alltimes allwi therapist, manager to name few.time Many ortosome combination theseof times name justcombination a few.of Many or some these all tha or some combination of these qualities is required when your qualities is required when your so qualities isfamily required immediate needswhen you, oryour immediate family needs you, or to immediate needs you, or Adult AdultDay DayCare Care in in Nevada Nevada there becommitments other commitments there mightmight befamily other Adult Day Care in Nevada there might be other commitments conflict withobligation. your obligation. or that that conflict with your Adult day care facility is defined definedbyby NRS 449 as an thatYou conflict with your obligation. Adult day care facility is NRS 449 as an find yourself stretched the qu Adult day care facility is defined NRS 449 astoan You yourself stretched to theto to establishment operated andby maintained Youfind find yourself stretched the establishment operated and maintained to max, overwhelmed, and frustrated. establishment operated and maintained to max, andand frustrated. provide temporary or permanent care during the max,overwhelmed, overwhelmed, frustrated. im temporary or permanent care duringthe the provide provide temporary or permanent care during You may already have a team that day for aged or infirm persons butin does not You may already have a team that thatthe You may already have a team Adult Day Care Nevada day foror aged or infirm persons does day for aged infirm persons but but does notnot includes, doctors, pharmacists, and include halfway houses for recovering alcoholics includes, doctors, pharmacists, includes, doctors, pharmacists, and and include halfway houses for recovering alcoholics include halfway houses for recovering alcoholics home health professionals. Adult Day Care in Nevada home or drug abusers. tha health professionals. or drug abusers. health professionals. or drugAdult abusers. day care facility is defined home by NRS 449 as an Coordinating Adult Day Care with a Coordinating Adult aYo Coordinating Adult DayDay CareCare with awith are approximately 20 licensed Adult Care team can give help you establishment operated and maintained to There There are approximately 20day licensed Adult Day Day Care team can give youyou thethe help you Adult care facility is defined by NRS 449 as an There are approximately 20 licensed Adult Day Care teamneed can give you unique the helpsituation. you facilities in Nevada, serving clients. ma in your facilities in Nevada, serving over over 11001100 clients. need in during your unique situation. provide temporary or permanent care the establishment and need maintained to facilities in Nevada, serving over 1100operated clients. in your unique situation. Yo

day care services are comprised day for aged or infirm butWhat does not Adult Adult day care services are comprised of ofpersons provide temporary or permanent care during the What ADC you? Have cancan ADC dodo forfor you? Have community-based group programs designed to inc Adult day care services are comprised of tofor community-based group programs designed include halfway houses recovering alcoholics you reached the point in your careday for aged or infirm persons but does not What can ADC do forpoint you? in Have you reached the your carethe needs of functionally and/or cognitively meet meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively community-based group programs designed to giving experience daysho giving experience thethe days orthrough drug abusers. you reached the pointwhere in where your careinclude halfway houses alcoholics impaired through individual plans of care.for recovering impaired adults individual plans of care. meet theadults needs of functionally and/or cognitively are long, the nights short, and your are long, the nights short, and your These structured, comprehensive programs provide giving experience where the days Co These structured, comprehensive programs or through drug individual abusers. impaired adults plans ofprovide care. nerves are frayed? Maybe you find nerves are frayed? Maybe you find related support services in a protective setting related support services in a protective setting are long, the nights short, and your There are approximately 20 licensed Adult Day Care tea These structured, comprehensive programs provide yourself in the middle of of a storm with yourself in the middle a storm with duringduring any part a day, 24-hour care. anyof part of a but day,less butthan less than 24-hour care.

nerves are frayed? Maybe you find

relatedfacilities support services in a protective setting inare Nevada, serving over 1100 clients. There approximately 20 licensed Adult Day Care littlelittle help to be found. Perhaps a a ne help to be found. Perhaps Trained Staff any Trained Staffpart of a day, but less than 24-hour care. yourself in the middle ofyou ayou storm with during friend has advised of of the care friend has advised the care facilities in Nevada, serving over 1100 clients. A client must be supervised by anbyemployee of the A client must be supervised an employee of the little help to found. Perhaps a options that adult day care options adult day care Adult day services comprised ofbethat Trained Staff facilityfacility at all times during thecare operating hourshours of are the at all times during the operating of the friend has advised you of the care provides, or you’re just curious. provides, or you’re just curious. Wh facilityfacility at one employee trained to group administer community-based programs designed tocare at least one employee trained to administer A least client must be supervised bycare an employee of the Adult day services are comprised ofday options that adult yo first aid and resuscitation (CPR) first aidcardiopulmonary and resuscitation (CPR) facility at allcardiopulmonary times during the operating hours of the meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively Adult Day Care is an affordable community-based group designed to provides, or you’re just Adult Day Care iscurious. an affordable must be onbe premises at all at times. Average ratio of of programs must on premises all times. Average ratio giv facility at least one employee trained to administer in the field of long term care, directdirect care worker to participant 1:6 through (MetLife impaired adults individualoption plans of care. option in cognitively the field of long term care, meet the needs of (CPR) functionally and/or care worker to participant 1:6 (MetLife first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation oneone thatthat provides many benefits for National Study 2010) are many benefits for National Study 2010) These structured, comprehensive programs Adult Day Careprovides isprovide an affordable impaired adults through plans of care. must be on premises at all times. Average ratio of individual caregivers, and their loved ones. caregivers, and their loved ones. ne option in the of long term care, related support services setting Employees and volunteers must receive training in at a protective direct care worker to participant 1:6 (MetLife These structured, programs provide Let’s take afield closer look and see how Employees and volunteers must receivecomprehensive training at Let’s take a closer look and see how the facility on a regular basis, but not less than 12 one that provides many benefits for Study yo Adult Day might help you. during anybasis, part ofnot aservices day, than 24-hour care. support a protective setting theNational facility onrelated a 2010) regular but less thanbut 12inless Adult Day might help you. hours per year (NAC 449.40725). All providers and caregivers, and their loved ones. hours per year (NAC 449.40725). All providers and litt during any part a day, but less than 24-hour care. their employees are trained in Elder Abuseof Employees and volunteers must receive training at Trained Staff Let’s take a closer look and see how their employees are trained in Elder Abuse Prevention and are mandated reporters. frie the facilityand on aare regular basis, butreporters. Prevention mandated Adult Day might help you. Trained Staffnot less than 12

A year client beAllsupervised hours per (NACmust 449.40725). providers and by an employee of the facility attrained all times during the operating hours of the Bureau of Care and Compliance their employees are inQuality Elderbe Abuse AHealth client must supervised by an employee of the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance Prevention and areat mandated reporters. facility least employee trained to administer 86 facility at allone times during the operating hours of the Visit us online at first facility aid and resuscitation atcardiopulmonary least one employee trained to(CPR) administer must be onand premises at Compliance all times. Average ratio(CPR) of Bureau ofaid Health Carecardiopulmonary Quality and first resuscitation

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