Northern A r i z o na
Prescott and Surrounding Areas Including Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties
Featuring Jackson White Elder Law Attorneys See pages 7, 8 and 9
Summer/Fall 2014
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Table of Contents Section One SPOTLIGHT™ SENIOR SERVICES • Senior Services by Topic
Section Two SPOTLIGHT™ SENIOR LIVING OPTIONS • Retirement Communities Retirement Communities are specifically designed for seniors who are independent. These communities provide a variety of activities, services and programs for active seniors.
• Assisted Living Centers Assisted Living Centers are facilities that provide services to 11 or more residents. Licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services for one of three levels of care: Supervisory, Personal or Directed.
• Skilled Nursing Facilities Skilled Nursing Facilities are those that provide 24-hour, skilled nursing services and are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services.
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Providing information and resources for Arizona senior adults and their families, focusing on Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties.
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Section One
SPOTLIGHT™ Senior Services Services
Adult Day Health Care Centers........................................................................ 23 Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Centers ..........................................................23 ALTCS/Medicaid Planning Jackson White Attorneys at Law......................................... 7, 8, 9, 30 & IBC Alternative Health and Wellness SWC Prescott.........................................................................................27 Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Association...........................................................................46 Associations and Agencies............................................................................... 10 ALFA – Arizona Assisted Living Federation of America................................12 AZNHA Arizona In Home Care Association..............................................12 Behavioral Health Services Haven Senior Horizons............................................................................26 Elder Law Attorneys Jackson White Attorneys at Law......................................... 7, 8, 9, 30 & IBC Home Care Services ABRiO Care...........................................................................................15 Dementia Care Plus.................................................................................17 Home Care Non-medical Companies List – Yavapai County.............................. 16 Home Health Agencies List............................................................................... 18 Bayada Home Health Care......................................................................15 Home Medical and Safety Equipment Comfort Plus...........................................................................................28 MedAssure, lnc.......................................................................................29 Hospice Companies List................................................................................... 20 Hospice Services Beacon of Hope Hospice................................................................ 22 & BC Hospice of the Pines................................................................................21 Hospitals List................................................................................................... 24 Haven Senior Horizons............................................................................26 Incontinence Products Comfort Plus...........................................................................................28 Meal Services CASA Meals on Wheels..........................................................................14 Prescott Meals on Wheels........................................................................14 Moving/Organizing/Decluttering In Your Space Consulting.........................................................................17 Pharmacy Services Saliba’s Extended Care Pharmacy............................................................19 Wheelchair Accessable Vehicles Ability Center.........................................................................................13 Please mention “SPOTLIGHT” when you call our advertisers.
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Frequently Asked Questions
By Richard A. White, Esq. Member, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
In Arizona, the Medicaid program providing financial assistance for long-term care is known as Arizona Long Term Care System, or ALTCS. While ALTCS can ease the financial burden for longterm care, many are hesitant to apply for ALTCS benefits because they are misinformed as to how the program works. As Elder Law Attorneys, we encounter many individuals who have misconceptions about the program and have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions below. We want to help you be eligible, not tell you why you are ineligible. For additional questions, please call (800) 243-1160.
Do we have to be destitute to qualify for ALTCS? ALTCS is a needs based program—you must meet certain financial and medical requirements to be eligible for benefits. However, applicants may keep exempt assets, such as the home. In addition, planning can be done to protect many, if not all, of the non-exempt assets. If the applicant is married, there are regulations which allow the spouse to keep certain exempt assets as well as a portion of the non-exempt assets. The rules allow the well-spouse to be protected. Do you have to reside in a skilled nursing facility/nursing home to receive ALTCS benefits? The applicant must meet medical criteria that is equal to the care received in a nursing home, but the applicant does not have to be in a nursing home to receive benefits. Are those receiving ALTCS benefits forced to live in a county home? Arizona does not have “county homes”. Most skilled nursing facilities are willing to accept ALTCS residents and many group homes and assisted living facilities accept ALTCS residents as well. Can I give away all of my assets and then qualify for ALTCS? ALTCS rules are different from the federal and state tax codes. Under the ALTCS rules, if an individual attempts to give away resources, or even sell them for less than a fair value, that individual will be subject to penalties which could result in disqualification from the program. This same principle applies to the sale or transfer
of a home - if an ALTCS applicant deeds his or her home to another for less than fair market value, penalties will be assessed. Beware, failure to disclose such gifts or transfers is illegal and can result in not only penalties, but criminal charges as well. The good news is that under specific rules and regulations and with proper planning, ALTCS benefits can still be obtained. It is important to consult with an Elder Law Attorney who understands Arizona Medicaid laws and who works on ALTCS cases on a daily basis. Do you have to be a resident of Arizona to apply for ALTCS? It is true that ALTCS requires that the applicant be a resident of the state of Arizona. Because Arizona considers the intent of the individual to relocate to Arizona with respect to residency requirements, an individual may still apply for ALTCS while residing in another state. Simply put, if an individual intends to be a permanent resident of Arizona and moves to Arizona, he or she could be eligible to receive benefits. What happens if all of our assets are in a revocable trust? Even though the assets are no longer in the applicant’s name, all assets placed in a Revocable Living Trust are counted and deemed as available resources under ALTCS rules. However, do not revoke your trust until speaking to an Elder Law attorney.
What if our income exceeds the allowed limit? Even when an applicant’s income exceeds the allowed limit, it is still possible to qualify for benefits. This is often accomplished by creating an Income Only (Miller) Trust. My mother is already in a nursing home, is it too late to apply for ALTCS? Generally speaking, it is never too late to apply for ALTCS. In fact, ALTCS will even make retroactive payments in many cases, meaning that they will repay the applicant for care that is received beginning at the date of the applicant’s qualification, even if it takes a while to get on the benefit. When should I start planning to apply for ALTCS? We can never be sure what the future holds in store, so it is always a good idea to be prepared for any circumstance that may arise. There are many benefits to beginning longterm care planning sooner rather than later. First of all, thorough planning can ensure that if needed, proper care will be provided. Additionally, planning can make it possible to protect your income as well as your assets. Equally important, if a crisis should arise, planning can ensure that payment will be made for the services rendered. Do not wait until all assets are down to $2,000 to apply. If I get approved to receive ALTCS benefits, will I be expected to pay anything each month? In most circumstances, there is a share of cost that the applicant is responsible to pay which is used to help pay for the applicant’s room and board. The general rule requires the applicant to allocate their monthly income to this share of cost. If the applicant is married, however, this rule may not apply. There are many circumstances where the spouse is able to keep a portion, if not all of the applicant’s income.
Do you have questions about long-term care benefits? For a free initial phone consultation with a JacksonWhite Elder Care Advisor on Medicaid/ ALTCS and other Elder Law questions, please call: 800.243.1160 or visit
How does an Elder Law Attorney help when applying for ALTCS? Every individual’s situation is unique and the need for assistance varies greatly. It is important to seek advice from a qualified professional who can make sure that all rights are protected and resources are not wasted. Oftentimes, legal issues arise that go unnoticed or are handled incorrectly because the individual may not be qualified to handle such matters. This is true even for an attorney who is not well-versed in Medicaid/ALTCS planning. An Elder Law Attorney should consider the possible legal issues which may arise during the ALTCS qualification process and plan accordingly. This requires not only a thorough knowledge of the ALTCS rules, policies, and procedures, but also the ability and authority to represent individuals at fair hearings or in court, if necessary. It is also important to make sure that the person whom you entrust with your finances is licensed, authorized to give legal advice, and is held accountable to a regulatory agency regarding the advice they give. This protects you as a consumer. Unfortunately, there are individuals who provide legal advice but are not licensed to do so and there is little, if any, recourse to the consumer should the individual provide the wrong advice. To protect consumers, the Supreme Court of Arizona has ordered that such individuals are prohibited by law from providing specific advice, opinions, or recommendations to a consumer about possible legal rights, options, or strategies. JacksonWhite Elder Law Attorneys offer consultation to individuals to help explain the program and determine if planning can be done to preserve assets. A consultation with a licensed professional benefits a family in crisis by easing tension, protecting rights, preserving resources and preventing unnecessary costs/losses for the family.
Serving seniors and families throughout Arizona.
Associations and Agencies 800-272-3900 Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral 800-438-4380
ADVANCED DIRECTIVES CPCC – Community Partnership for Comfort Care 928-776-8457
AGING AARP American Associations of Retired Persons 888-687-2277 Area Agency on Aging Region III (Yavapai, Coconino, Apache and Navajo Counties) 928-774-1894 Region IV (Mohave, La Paz and Yuma Counties) 928-782-1886 Region V (Gila and Pinal Counties) 520-836-2758 Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging 602-542-4710 National Council on Aging 800-424-9046 National Institute on Aging Information 800-222-2225
ALCOHOL ADDICITON Alcoholics Anonymous (212)870-3400 American Council on Alcoholism 800-527-5344 National Council on Alcoholism 800-622-2255
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Alzheimer’s Association 928-771-9257 10
Arthritis Foundation 800-283-7800
ASSISTED LIVING Arizona ALFA Assisted Living Federation of America 602-322-0100
CANCER American Cancer Society 800-227-2345 American Institute for Cancer Research 800-843-8114 National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service 800-422-6237
CHRONIC PAIN American Chronic Pain Association 916-632-0922
DIABETES American Diabetes Association 800-342-2383
ELDER ABUSE Adult Protective Services 877-767-2385 Attorney General’s Office/ Elder Affairs 602-542-2124 National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233
FIBROMYALGIA Fibromyalgia Network 800-853-2929 Visit us online at
Associations and Agencies HEALTH SERVICES Arizona Department of Health Services 602-542-1025
HEARING IMPAIRMENT Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 602-364-0007 (Relay Service 711) Caption Call 801-287-9427 National Institute on Deafness 800-241-1044
HEART DISEASE American Heart Association 800-242-8721
HOSPICE American Hospice Foundation 202-223-0204
INSURANCE State Health Insurance Assistance Program of Arizona (SHIP) 800-432-4040
MEDICAID ALTCS Arizona Long-Term Care System Chinle 928-674-5439 888-800-3804 Flagstaff 928-527-4104 800-540-5042 Kingman 928-453-2828 888-300-8348 Lake Havasu 928-453-5100 800-654-2076 Prescott 928-778-3968 888-778-5600
(cont.) Showlow 928-537-1515 877-537-1515
MEDICARE Medicare Hotline 800-633-4227 Medicare Rights Center 212-869-3850
MENTAL HEALTH Mental Health America of Arizona 480-994-4407 National Institute of Mental Health 866-615-6464
OSTEOPOROSIS National Osteoporosis Foundation 800-223-9994
SOCIAL SECURITY Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
STROKE National Stroke Association 800-852-787-6537 American Stroke Association 800-553-6321
VETERANS Arizona Department of Veterans Services 800-852-8387
VISION Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library 602-255-5578 Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired 602-273-7411 Lighthouse International 800-334-5497
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The Voice of Assisted Living Questions regarding how to find the most suitable care and services for a loved one? Questions pertaining to the licensure or regulation of Assisted Living?
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Yavapai County Non-Medical In-Home Care Companies Helping Hands In Home Care 1040 Whipple St., Suite 312 Prescott, AZ 86305 928-717-1776 or 1-866-917-1776
ABRiO Care 2485 N. Great Western Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-8866 See ad on page 15 AccentCare Inc. 8521 E. Florentine Rd. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-632-5219
Home Instead Senior Care 240 S. Montezuma, Suite 206 Prescott, AZ 86303 928-708-9960 – Prescott & Quad-Cities 928-649-3316- Verde Valley/Sedona
Angels On Duty 8652 E. Eastridge Dr., Ste. 203 Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-759-7145
Kin Care, L.L.C. 3050 N. Navajo Dr., Suite 108 Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-775-2057
Caring Hearts of Sedona, LLC 100 Verde Valley School Rd., Ste. #104 Sedona, AZ 86351 928-284-1948
Nurses Network, Inc. 3085 N. Windsong, Ste. #A Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-8707
Caring Presence, The 1024 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-771-0701
ResCare Home Care 3001 Main Street Ste. #1B Prescott Valley, 86314 928-717-9981
Dementia Care Plus PO Box 3478 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 928-899-0647 See ad on page 17
ResCare Home Care 709 E. Mingus Ave. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-634-5448
Granite Mountain Private Duty 3107 Clearwater Dr. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-445-2522 Harmony Homecare P.O. Box 3896 Sedona, AZ 86340 928-282-1901
Right at Home 518 E. Gurley St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-515-2445 Tender Hearts Senior Care 3170 Stillwater Dr. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-227-2707
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Dementia Care Plus provides specialized non-medical in-home care for people OLYLQJ ZLWK $O]KHLPHU¡V GLVHDVH RU DQRWKHU IRUP RI GHPHQWLD :H SURYLGH WKH IROORZLQJ IRU D VLQJOH KRXUO\ UDWH Fully trained, specialized caregivers who we call Dignity 'HPHQWLD &KDPSLRQV ''&¡V Support with personal care Specialized therapy including Montessori Therapy, MaRTiS Therapy (Music and Reminiscence Therapy incorporating 6WRU\WHOOLQJ UHOD[DWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV SHUVRQ FHQWHUHG and Rogerian counseling Full support from Dr Daniel Nightingale, a Clinical 'HPHQWLD 6SHFLDOLVW 'HPHQWLD 'RFWRU ZKR LV DYDLODEOH for crisis intervention Call us now, and discover why Dementia Care Plus has the solution to meet your care needs.
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Home Health Agencies Apismellis Homecare 3003 Hwy. 95, Unit 39 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-704-1302
COCONINO COUNTY Angels Care Home Health 1300 S. Milton, Suite 224 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-773-7570 Horizon Home Health, LLC 32 N. 10th Ave., Suite #6 Page, AZ 86040 928-645-9110
Desert Trails Home Health 2771 Silver Creek Rd., Suite #107 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-444-1010 Hualapai Home Health Care, Inc. 2535 Hualapai Mtn. Rd., Ste. B, Kingman, AZ 86401 928-753-9015
Northern Arizona Homecare Flagstaff 107 E. Oak Ave., Suite #102A Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-773-2238
Havasu Regional Medical Center Home Health Agency 1851 Mesquite Blvd., Suite 206 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-680-1209
Nurses Network, Inc. Home Care Service 624 N. Humphreys, Suite A Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-556-0755
Kingman Regional Medical Center Home Health 2202 Stockton Hill Rd., Suite 200 Kingman, AZ 86401 928-757-0630
Zion’s Way Home Health 47 6th Ave. Page, AZ 85040 928-645-0366
GILA COUNTY Arizona Senior Home Care, LLC 146 E. Radium Dr. Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-4663 Payson Regional Home Health Agency 708 E. Route 260 Payson, AZ 85541 928-472-5245
LA PAZ COUNTY Apismellis Homecare 1713 Kofa Ave., Suite G Parker, AZ 85344 928-669-0010
MOHAVE COUNTY Apismellis Homecare, LLC 500 N. Lake Havasu Ave., Suite #D102 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 928-505-6473
Mohave Home Health 2755 Silver Creek Rd., Suite #127 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-6979 Valley View Home Health 1520 Hammer Ln., Suite #102 Fort Mohave, AZ 86426 928-788-4140
NAVAJO COUNTY Summit Healthcare Home Health 2200 Show Low Lake Rd. Show Low, AZ 85901 928-537-6900
YAVAPAI COUNTY Angels Care Home Health 301 S. Willard Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-649-8890 Angels Care Home Health 8652 E. Eastnage Dr., #202 Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-775-6811 Visit us online at
Home Health Agencies
Bayada Home Health Care, Inc. 2971 Willow Creek Rd., Bldg. #1, Suite A Prescott, AZ 86301 928-759-5900 See ad on page 15
Good Samaritan Society – Legacy Home Care 3636 Crossings Dr., Suite C Prescott, AZ 86305 928-443-9331
Nurses Network Inc. 3085 N. Windsong, Suite #A Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-8707
Good Samaritan Society – Prescott Home Health 1065 Ruth St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-778-5655
Northern Arizona Homecare Cottonwood 203 S. Candy Ln., Suite 10 B Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-639-6674
Nurses Network, Inc. 2155 W. Highway 89A, Ste. 206 Sedona, AZ 86336 928-204-2255
Granite Mountain Home Care 3107 Clearwater Dr., Suite A Prescott, AZ 86305
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Hospice Services COCONINO COUNTY Northland Hospice & Palliative Care 452 N. Switzer Canyon Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-779-1227 Zion’s Way Hospice, Inc. 608 Elm Street, Suite #C Page, Arizona 86040 928-645-0366
GILA COUNTY Copper Communities Hospice 136 S. Broad St. Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-5400 Hospice Compassus – Payson 511 S. Mudspring Rd., Suite #1 & 2 Payson, AZ 85541 928-472-6340 Hospice of Payson, LLC 900 N. Beeline Hwy., Suite #B Payson, AZ 85541 928-474-2415 The Crossing Hospice Care, Inc. 2123 Sunset Pointe Dr., Suite #B3 Miami, AZ 85539 928-425-8330
MOHAVE COUNTY Beacon of Hope Hospice 3550 N. Lane St., Suite #102 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-444-8122 See ad on page 22 Beacon of Hope Hospice 500 N. Lake Havasu Rd., Suite #B106 Lake Havasu, AZ 86403 928-854-4200 See ad on page 22 Hospice Compassus – Bullhead City 1225 Hancock Rd., Suite 200 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-6433 Hospice of Havasu, Inc. 365 South Lake Havasu Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-453-2111 20
Joan and Diana Hospice Home 812 Airway Ave. Kingman, AZ 86409 928-692-4680 Kingman Regional Medical Center Hospice 2202 Stockton Hill Road, Suite #200 Kingman, AZ 86409 928-692-4680 Living Waters Hospice 3711 Hwy 68 Golden Valley, AZ 86413 928-565-9000 Mohave Hospice 2755 Silver Creek Rd., Suite #127 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-6979 Polidori House 1970 Bahama Ave. Lake Havasu, AZ 86405 928-854-6232
NAVAJO COUNTY Accord Hospice of the White Mountains 5658 Hwy. 260, Suite #9 Lakeside, AZ 85929 928-221-7990 Hospice Compassus White Mountain 1789 W. Commerce Dr., Suite #A Lakeside, AZ 85929 928-368-4400
YAVAPAI COUNTY Good Samaritan Society – Prescott Hospice 1065 Ruth St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-778-5655 Good Samaritan Society – Marley House Community Hospice House 1063 Ruth St. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-443-5400 Granite Mountain Home Care & Hospice 3107 Clearwater Dr., Suite B Prescott, AZ 86305 928-445-2522
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Hospice Services
Hospice Family Care, Inc. – Chino Valley 448 N. Hwy. 89, Suite #G&H Chino Valley, AZ 86323 928-277-8384
Hospice of the Pines 13175 East Highway 169 Dewey, AZ 86327 928-632-0111 See ad on page 21
Hospice Compassus – Prescott Valley 3033 N. Windsong Dr., Suite 205 Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-775-0130
Maggie’s Hospice 8056 E. Valley Road, Ste. #A1 Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 602-889-4400
Hospice Compassus – Sedona/Flagstaff 70 Bell Rock Plaza, Suite A Sedona, AZ 86351 928-284-0180
Northern Arizona Hospice/Cottonwood 203 South Candy Ln., Suite 10A Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-639-6674
Hospice Family Care – Prescott 100 East Sheldon, Suite 100 Prescott, AZ 86301 928-541-1740
Verde Valley Community Hospice, LLC 859 S. Cove Pkwy., Suite #103 Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-634-1073
Hospice Family Care – Prescott Inpatient Unit 3195 Stillwater Dr., #B Prescott, AZ 86301 928-541-1740
Yavapai Communities Hospice 2050 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, AZ 86301 602-507-6718
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Adult Day Health Care Centers COTTONWOOD The Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Center 636 N. Main Street Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-771-2335
PRESCOTT The Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Center 826 Sunset Ave. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-445-6384
PRESCOTT VALLEY The Susan J. Rheem Adult Day Center 3407 N. Windsong Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-775-3563
WICKENBURG R & R Respite Care 246 N. Washington Street Wickenburg, AZ 85390 928-684-3480
Susan J. Rheem Centers
Adult Day Services in Prescott, Prescott Valley and Cottonwood
Margaret T. Morris Center Assisted living dedicated to memory care
928-771-2335 Please mention “SPOTLIGHT” when you call our advertisers.
Hospitals APACHE COUNTY Ganado
Sage Memorial Hospital State Route 264 South 191 P.O. Box 457 Ganado, AZ 86505 928-755-4500
La Paz Regional Hospital 1200 W. Mohave Rd. Parker, AZ 85344 928-669-9201 Parker Indian Health Center 12033 Agency Rd. Parker, AZ 85344 928-669-2137
Springerville White Mountain Regional Medical Center 118 S. Mountain Ave. Springerville, AZ 85938 928-333-4368
MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City Western Arizona Regional Medical Center 2735 Silver Creek Rd. Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-2273
COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Flagstaff Medical Center 1200 N. Beaver St. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-779-3366
Fort Mohave Valley View Medical Center 5330 South Highway 95 Fort Mohave, AZ 86426 928-788-2273
The Guidance Center 2187 N. Vickey St. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 928-527-1899
Kingman Regional Medical Center 3269 Stockton Hill Rd. Kingman, AZ 86409 928-757-2101 Kingman Regional Medical Center Hualapai Mountain 3801 Santa Rosa Kingman, AZ 86409 928-757-2101
Page Hospital 501 N. Navajo Dr. Page, AZ 86040 928-645-2424
Tuba City Tuba City Regional Healthcare P.O. Box 600 Tuba City, AZ 86045 928-283-2501
Lake Havasu City
GILA COUNTY Globe Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center 5880 S. Hospital Dr. Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-3261
Payson Payson Regional Medical Center 807 S. Ponderosa Dr. Payson, AZ 85541 928-474-3222 24
Havasu Regional Medical Center 101 Civic Center Ln. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-8185
NAVAJO COUNTY Lakeside Community Counseling Centers Inc. at Pineview Hospital 1920 W. Commerce Dr. Lakeside, AZ 85929 928-368-4110
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Hopi Health Care Center P.O. Box 6000 Polacca, AZ 86042 928-737-6000
Northern Arizona VA HCS 500 N. Highway 89N Prescott, AZ 86313 928-445-4860
Show Low Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center 2200 Show Low Lake Rd. Show Low, AZ 85901 928-537-4375
Whiteriver PHS Whiteriver Indian Hospital P.O. Box 860 Whiteriver, AZ 85941 928-338-4911
Winslow Little Colorado Medical Center 1501 N. Williamson Ave. Winslow, AZ 86047 928-289-4691
YAVAPAI COUNTY Cottonwood Verde Valley Medical Center 269 S. Candy Ln. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-639-6000
Yavapai Regional Medical Center 1003 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-445-2700
Prescott Valley Mountain Valley Regional Rehabilitation Hospital 3700 N. Windsong Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-759-8800 Windhaven Psychiatric Hospital 3347 N. Windsong Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-445-5211 Yavapai Regional Medical Center - East 7700 E. Florentine Rd. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-445-2700
Sedona Verde Valley Medical Center Sedona Campus 3700 W. Highway 89A Sedona, AZ 86336 928-204-4000
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Section Two
SPOTLIGHT™ Senior Living Options Adult Foster Homes Northern Arizona VA Medical Foster Home Program.......................................................39 PAULDEN Rutledge Ranch Retreat, LLC.................................................................39
Assisted Living Centers & Retirement Communities Facility
Available Care
Camp Verde Rainbow Acres...................................... AL .........................................38 COTTONWOOD Austin House Assisted Living.................... AL ...... MC ................. BC . .......34 Cottonwood Village...................... RL ...... AL .........................................34 Flagstaff The Peaks.................................... RL ...... AL ...... MC ...... SNF . .................37 Payson Powell Place.......................................... AL .........................................35 prescott Margaret T. Morris Center................................ MC ...... . ......................35 prescott valley Glassford Place..................................... AL .........................................35 RL Retirement Living AL Assisted Living MC Memory Care SNF Skilled Nursing Facility BC Behavioral Care
Skilled Nursing Facilities flagstaff The Peaks...........................................................................................37 PRESCOTT Las Fuentes Care Center......................................................................36
Skilled Nursing Facilities List...................................................... 42 Skilled Nursing Facilities are those that provide 24-hour, skilled services and are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services.
Assisted Living Centers List......................................................... 40 Assisted Living Centers are facilities that provide services to 11 or more residents. Licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services for one of three levels of care: Supervisory, Personal or Directed.
Assisted Living Homes List.......................................................... 43 Assisted Living Homes are residential facilities that provide care for 10 or fewer residents. Licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services for one of three levels of care: Supervisory, Personal or Directed.
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How to Select an Assisted Living Home / Center The following is a consumer checklist of important services, amenities and accommodations in assisted living communities. Every community is unique. We recommend making several visits, at various times of day, to each residence you are considering.
Consider the following as you assess an assisted living residence: Atmosphere As you arrive at the residence, do you like its location and outward appearance?
Are doorways, hallways and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers?
Did you receive a warm greeting from staff welcoming you to the residence?
Are elevators available for those unable to use stairways?
Does the administrator/staff call residents by name and interact warmly with them as you tour the residence?
Are hand rails available to aid in walking?
Do residents socialize with each other and appear happy and comfortable?
Does the residence meet local and/or state licensing requirements?
Are you able to talk with residents about how they like the residence and staff?
Does the residence have a means of security if a resident wanders?
Do the residents seem to be appropriate housemates for you or your loved one? Are staff appropriately dressed, personable and outgoing? Do the staff members treat each other in a professional manner?
Is the residence clean, free of odors and appropriately heated/cooled?
Needs Assessments, Contracts, Costs & Finances Is a contractual agreement available that discloses healthcare and supportive services, all fees, as well as admission and discharge provisions?
Are the staff members that you pass during your tour friendly to you?
Does this process include the resident, their family and facility staff along with the potential resident’s physician.
Are visits with the resident welcome at any time?
When may a contract be terminated and what are refund policies?
Physical Features Is the community well-designed for resident’s needs?
Are there any government, private or corporate programs available to help cover the cost of services to the resident?
Is the floor plan easy to follow? 32
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Needs Assessments, Contracts, Costs & Finances (cont.) Is a contractual agreement available to include accommodations, personal care, health care and supportive services? Are additional services available if the resident’s needs change? Is there a procedure to pay for additional services like nursing care when the services are needed on a temporary basis? Are there different costs for various levels or categories of services? Are residents required to purchase renters’ insurance for personal property in their units? Is staff available to meet scheduled and unscheduled needs? When may a contract be terminated? What are the policies for refunds and transfers? Is there an appeals process for dissatisfied residents?
Medication & Health Care Does the residence have specific policies regarding storage of medication, assistance with medications, training and supervision of staff and record keeping? Is self-administration of medication allowed? Are staff available to assist residents who experience memory, orientation, of judgment losses? To what extent are medical services available, and how are these services provided?
Services Can the residence provide a list of services available?
Does the residence provide transportation to doctors’ offices, the hairdresser, shopping and other activities desired by residents? Can residents arrange for transportation on fairly short notice?
Individual Unit Features Do dining room menus vary from day to day and meal to meal? Are different sized and types of units available? Are units for single and double occupancy available? Do all units have a telephone and cable TV and how is billing handled? Is a kitchen area/unit provided with a refrigerator, sink and cooking element?
Social & Recreational Activities Is there evidence of an organized activities program, such as a posted daily schedule, events in progress, reading materials, visitors, etc.? Are residents’ pets allowed in the residence? Who is responsible for their care? Does the residence have its own pets?
Food Service Does the residence provide three nutritionally balanced meals a day, seven days a week? Are snacks available? May a resident request special foods? Are common dining areas available? May residents eat meals in their units? May meals be provided at a time a resident would like or are there set times for meals?
Does the residence provide housekeeping services in residents’ units?
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Offering the following specialized programs: • Alzheimer’s and related dementia, mixed acuity behavioral program in a secure environment • Non-dementia, mixed acuity behavioral program in a secure environment • Traditional Assisted Living • Pre-Admission Assessment and Screening • ALTCS provider • call 928-634-4278 195 S. Willard St., Cottonwood, AZ 86326 • fax 928-649-3583
COTTONWOOD VILLAGE INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING “We Wanted an Affordable Retirement Lifestyle ... Where we wouldn’t be bothered with responsibilities of home maintenance. We wanted a comfortable apartment where we could relax or enjoy fun activities with our new found friends. We wanted a community where we could invite our family to join us for meals and outings. “We found everything we wanted at Cottonwood Village. Our family even celebrated our birthdays in the private dining room. Best of all, our pet is welcome here.”
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Susan J. Rheem Centers
Adult Day Services in Prescott, Prescott Valley and Cottonwood
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he Peaks offers exceptional senior living, in a breathtaking location. Come see our difference: Independent bungalow homes Assisted Living and Memory Care in our El Tovar-inspired Lodge Medicare-certified skilled care and rehabilitation Heated pool, chef-prepared meals, cultural programs, and more… Call Barene for a tour. 928-774-7106. Or, visit
3150 North Winding Brook Road Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 (Across from the Museum of Northern Arizona) 928-774-7106 A Platinum Service® Community managed by The Goodman Group.
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Craig creates a stepping stone design at Rainbow Acres
Homes with Heart ~ Lives of Purpose
Craig’s mother was aging and could no longer live on her own, but she worried: What would become of her son, who could not live successfully without assistance? She looked at the entire U.S. and found Rainbow Acres, a Christian residential community for adults with developmental disabilities. She now enjoys peace of mind, knowing that Craig has a beautiful home, a job, friends, a fulfilling life, and all the help and care he needs for success. 2120 W Reservation Loop Rd Camp Verde AZ 86322 928.567.5231
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Assisted Living Centers
Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties APACHE COUNTY Eagar
Beehive Homes 324 E. 1st St. Eagar, AZ 85925 928-245-4594
St. Johns
Hinkson Assisted Living Center 725 N. 13th West St. Johns, AZ 85936 928-337-3501
Bannon Springs Assisted Living, #1, #2, #3, #4 Country Road 3398 Lot 20 Vernon, AZ 85940 928-532-0206
Emeritus at Flagstaff 2100 S. Woodlands Village Blvd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-779-7045 Peaks, The – A Senior Living Community 3150 N. Winding Brook Rd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-774-7106 See ad on page 37
Beehive Home of Page 95 Elk Rd. Page, AZ 86040 928-608-6000
Sedona Winds 475 Jacks Canyon Rd. Sedona, AZ 86351 928-284-9077
Powell Place 806 W. Longhorn Rd. Payson, AZ 85541 928-474-6249 See ad on page 35
Prestige Assisted Living at Claremont 1221 Claremont Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-855-4843 Prestige Assisted Living at Lake Havasu 90 Smoketree Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-680-1818
Davis House 2943 Desert Sky Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-4570
Sun Haven 2731 S. Jamaica Blvd. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-855-5558
Silver Creek Leisure Living 1670 Highway 95 Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-704-7000
Sun Haven Assisted Living 2845 Havasupai Blvd. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 928-302-1974
Sunridge Village 839 Landon Dr. Bullhead City, AZ 86429 928-754-0700
Cerbat Guest Home 2364 Carver Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 928-757-3989 Gardens at Kingman, The 1031 Detroit Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 928-753-2273
Lake Havasu City
Flower’s Assisted Living Home 3301 Osborne Dr., Suites #101 & 102 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-846-3221 Jasmine House 3076 Shoshone Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-680-1701 L ake View Terrace Memory Care Residence 320 N. Lake Havasu Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-8099
Holbrook Senior Center Extended Care 216 Joy Nevin Holbrook, AZ 86025 928-524-2344
Solterra at White Mountains 5408 AZ Hwy. 260, Bldg.1 & 2 Lakeside, AZ 85929 928-532-4600
Carriage House on W. Garden Lane 395 W. Garden Lane Snowflake, AZ 85937 928-536-7935 Webb’s Adult Care Home, Inc. 48 E. 1st St. Snowflake, AZ 85937 928-536-2726
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Assisted Living Centers
Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties YAVAPAI COUNTY Camp Verde
Rainbow Acres 2120 W. Reservation Loop Rd. Camp Verde, AZ 86322 928-567-5231 See ad on page 38
Austin House Assisted Living 195 S. Willard .St. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-634-4278 See ad on page 34 Carefree Assisted Living Center 22 South 7th St. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-649-9624 Cottonwood Village 201 E. Mingus Ave. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-634-2956 See ad on page 34
Granite Gate Senior Living Community 3850 N. Highway 89 Prescott, AZ 86301 928-771-8200 Highgate Senior Living 1600 Petroglyph Pointe Dr. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-541-1400 Las Fuentes Resort Village 1035 Scott Dr. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-445-9300 Margaret T. Morris Center 878 Sunset Ave. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-445-6633 See ad on page 35
Glassford Place 7509 E. Long Look Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-772-3690 See ad on page 35
The Olive Branch, New Beginnings I Rimrock, AZ 86335 928-567-4759
Skull Valley
Sterling Ranch 5200 S. Old Skull Valley Rd. Skull Valley, AZ 86338 928-442-3289
Peridot Assisted Living Community, The 211 E. Bradshaw Dr. Prescott, AZ 86303 928-777-5511
Please say,
Alta Vista Retirement Community 916 Canterbury Ln. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-772-6000
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Boulder Gardens Assisted Living 860 Dougherty St. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-778-9777 Good Samaritan Society – Willow Wind Residence 3191 Aster Dr. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-443-9999
Prescott Valley
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Skilled Nursing Facilities
Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties APACHE COUNTY Chinle
Chinle Nursing Home P.O. Box 910 Chinle, AZ 86503 928-674-5216
Haven of Flagstaff, LLC 800 W. University Ave. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-779-6931 Peaks, The – A Senior Living Community 3150 N. Winding Brook Rd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-774-7106 See ad on page 37
Kachina Point Rehabilitation Hospital, LLC 505 Jacks Canyon Rd. Sedona, AZ 86351 928-284-1000
Copper Mountain Inn 1100 Monroe St. Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-5721 Heritage Health Care Center 1300 South St. Globe, AZ 85501 928-425-3118
Payson Care Center 107 E. Lone Pine Dr. Payson, AZ 85541 928-474-6896 Rim Country Health & Retirement Community 807 W. Longhorn Rd. Payson, AZ 85541 928-474-1120
The Legacy Rehabilitation & Care Center 2812 Silver Creek Rd. Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-1404 The River Gardens Rehab and Care Center 2150 Silver Creek Rd. Bullhead City, AZ 86442 928-763-8700
Desert Highlands Care Center 1081 Kathleen Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 928-753-5580 Gardens Care Center 3131 Western Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 928-718-0718 The Lingenfelter Center 1099 Sunrise Ave. Kingman, AZ 86401 928-718-0718
Lake Havasu City
Havasu Nursing Center 3576 Kearsage Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-453-1500 Havasu Regional Medical Center, LLC 1811 E. Mesquite Ave. Lake Havasu, 86403 928-505-5793 Lake Hills Inn 2781 Osborn Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 928-505-5552
Sierra Blanca Rehabilitation 3401 N. Lockwood Dr. Lakeside, AZ 85929 928-368-2060
Show Low
Haven of Show Low, LLC 2401 E. Hunt St. 42
Show Low, AZ 85901 928-537-5333
Winslow Campus of Care 826 W. Desmond St. Winslow, AZ 86047 928-289-4678
Haven of Camp Verde, LLC 86 W. Salt Mine Rd. Camp Verde, AZ 86322 928-567-5253
Haven of Cottonwood, LLC 197 S. Willard St. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928-634-5548
Arizona Pioneers’ Home 300 S. McCormick St. Prescott, AZ 86303 928-445-2181 Good Samaritan Society Prescott Village 1030 Scott Dr. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-778-2450 Las Fuentes Care Center 1045 Scott Dr. Prescott, AZ 86301 928-778-9603 See ad on page 36 Mountain View Manor 1045 Sandretto Dr. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-778-4837 Prescott Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 864 Dougherty St. Prescott, AZ 86305 928-778-9667
Prescott Valley
Good Samaritan Society Prescott Valley 3380 N. Windsong Dr. Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 928-775-0045
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State Licensed Assisted Living Homes
Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties COCONINO COUNTY Flagstaff Comfort Care Aspen House AL8881H (520) 975-0714 Comfort Care Rose Arbor House AL8884H (520) 975-0714 Eldercare Springs AL8422H (928) 635-6750
Golden Valley Bal-Tip Assisted Living AL5425H (928) 565-5066 Golden Valley Christian Care AL7150H (928) 565-3934
Kingman Desert Song AL8751H (623) 459-7890
Heritage Assisted Living, LLC AL8610H (928) 526-7966
Helen’s Place Assisted Living Home AL4377H (928) 718-2021
Pine Meadows Ranch AL8132H (928) 522-8622
La Bella Assisted Living AL6204H (928) 757-2736
The Olivia White Hospice Home AL3300H (928) 226-1915
Lake Havasu City
The Pines AL8133H (928) 635-6750
Willams Comfort Care Ponderosa House AL8885H (520) 975-0714
MOHAVE COUNTY Bullhead City River View Assisted Living Home AL8146H (928) 763-8718
Fort Mohave Angel’s Touch Care Home AL3262H (928) 788-3990
Casa Grande Assisted Living Home AL3027H (928) 854-8787 Gems Assisted Living AL8971H (928)486-6945 Global Care AL7619H (928) 855-0237 Heritage House Care Home AL6758H (928) 453-4530 Home Is Where The Heart Is AL8413H (928) 412-2364 Home Sweet Home AL8931H (928) 230-2020 House on the Riviera AL8084H (928) 855-1133
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Mountain Shadows Assisted Living Facility AL8919H (928) 854-4664 Scotts Place Assisted Living Home, LLC AL7513H (928) 854-3765 Serenity Assisted Living AL5209H (928) 505-3908 Serenity Assisted Living III AL8439H (928) 208-7278
Mohave Valley Lazy Acre Adult Residential Homes, Inc. AL2877H (928) 768-2494
YAVAPAI COUNTY Camp Verde Effusion Living AL7621H (928) 567-3565 El Dorado Residential Care Home AL7600H (928) 567-3304
Chino Valley New Horizons Adult Care Home #3 AL4778H (928) 636-0651
Cornville Page Springs Living AL8262H (928) 649-0588
Cottonwood Best of Europe Adult Home, LLC AL4862H (928) 634-2856
State Licensed Assisted Living Homes
Yavapai, Coconino, Mohave, La Paz, Apache, Navajo and Gila Counties Country Cottage AL4165H (928) 274-0702 Country Manor AL6694H (928) 649-0434 Country Ranch AL2859H (928) 646-0201 Gracious Granny’s, LLC AL7343H (928) 282-3656 Mingus Manor Assisted Living Home AL7101H (928) 649-1351 Mingus Terrace Assisted Living Home AL5777H (928) 649-0275 Quail Spring Adult Care Home, LLC AL7466H (928) 821-1377 The Hillsman House AL9185H (928) 634-9609
Prescott Pinecrest Adult Care Home AL1470H (928) 541-7803 Pineview Adult Care Home AL5698H (928) 778-3555
Granite View Adult Care Home AL8343H (928) 533-4472
Golden Leaf Care Home, LLC AL5450H (928) 772-4964
Peaceful Valley Adult Care Home, Inc. AL5234H (928) 717-1514
Hidden Oasis, LLC AL8450H (928) 420-4713
Pleasant Valley Care Home AL2269H (928) 778-3128
JB Care Home of Prescott Valley AL7341H (928) 776-4037
Rolling Hills Manor AL2053H (928) 717-4487
New Horizons Adult Care Home #2 AL4802H (928) 775-2087
Rose Lane Adult Care Home AL4929H (928) 771-8417
New Horizons Adult Care Homes AL2755H (928) 759-7276
Prescott Valley A Little Bit of Heaven AL2325H (928) 775-4437
North Star Adult Care Home AL6884H (928) 775-2409
Adam’s House AL4280H (928) 772-6301
Santa Fe House AL2452H (928) 759-2539
Aspen Creek Care Home, LLC AL8699H (928) -772-1344
Shiloh Adult Care, LLC AL5345H (928) 775-5152
Autumn Seasons Assisted Living Home AL7325H (928) 925-3263 Camelot Adult Care Home AL7650H (928) 759-7094
Westfield Assisted Living, LLC AL6710H (928) 775-4336
Rimrock Alicia’s Secret Assisted Living Home, LLC AL8628H (928) 567-4518
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A dv e r t is e r I nd e x ABRiO Care................................................................................ 15 Ability Center....................................................................... ......13 Adult Care Services............................................................23 & 35 Alzheimer’s Association.............................................................. 46 Arizona ALFA............................................................................. 12 Austin House.............................................................................. 34 6 AZNHA Arizona In Home Care Association................................. 12 Bayada Home Health Care......................................................... 15 Beacon of Hope Hospice.....................................................22 & BC CASA Meals on Wheels.............................................................. 14 Comfort Plus............................................................................... 28 Cottonwood Village.................................................................... 34 Dementia Care Plus.................................................................... 17 Enlivant – Glassford Place & Powell Place................................... 35 Haven Senior Horizons............................................................... 26 Hospice of the Pines................................................................... 21 In Your Space Consulting...................................................... ......17 Jackson White Elder Law Attorneys....................... 7, 8, 9, 30 & IBC Las Fuentes Care Center.................................. ............................36 MedAssure, Inc. ........................................................................ 29 Prescott Meals on Wheels...................................... .....................14 Rainbow Acres........................................................................... 38 Rutledge Ranch Retreat............................................................... 39 Saliba’s Extended Care Pharmacy............................................... 19 SWC Prescott.............................................................................. 27 The Peaks.................................................................................. 37 VA Medical Foster Home Program.............................................. 39 Please mention “SPOTLIGHT” when you call our advertisers.
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