SpotlightVU Magazine Nov/Dec 2020

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NOV/DEC 2020 VOL 1




LÉLÉICONICS ICONICS UNCOVERED UNCOVERED A heart-warming interview with GoddessD0, ElliD0, & LizzD0

L e tt e r f r o m t h e E d i t o r Welcome to the first issue of SpotlightVU Magazine. This brand new IMVU Lifestyle Magazine will be seeking to acknowledge and celebrate those who are exceptionally talented, inspiring, and creative contributors to our virtual community. We are excited about interviews with Lé Iconics Streaming Agency, featuring GoddessD0, ElliD0, and LizzD0; and 10 Factory Visuals, featuring Furr and Lexx Dayz. This issue we shine a spotlight on talented streaming artist RedFury, who shares her inspiring story with our readers. Lé Iconics male and female models are wearing looks from agency creators in our first Iconics Style Lookbook. Click on the models or the shop names on the sides of the pages to go directly to the creators’ shops and the models’ VU profiles are accessible by clicking on their names. Another passion of ours is to become the best place to locate all kinds of events that are happening across IMVU. If you are having an event of any kind, allow us to become one of your media stops to advertise it, for free! Advertising events with us will always be free. Please read details on advertising in general at the end of the issue. We are hiring writers but not on a mass scale, very selectively. Details will appear on our website,; once it re-opens. Please bear with the construction dust as we get prepared to serve you in multiple ways. Take a moment to hug a caregiver you know in the month of November! Happy Holidays upcoming from SpotlightVU, however you enjoy celebrating in your part of the world!

GoddessAuraNova CEO & Editor-in-Chief


08 28 52

ARTISTIC STREAMING Talented streaming artist, RedFury, shares her inspiring story.

LÉ ICONICS UNCOVERED A heart-warming interview with GoddessD0, ElliD0, and LizzD0.

y r to S Cover

RRCR : ~ THE ZOO ~ Random Really Cool Room for animal lovers with a picturesque setting.

22 36 54

10 FACTORY VISUALS Meet the owners of the 10 Factory Visuals music label, known on Instagram as Furr and Lexx Dayz.

ICONICS STYLE LOOKBOOK Lé Iconics male and female models style for agency creators in clickable photos.

WINTER FASHION TRENDS Tips for men and women to be seen in this Winter according to real-life fashion experts.



Artistic Streaming


Interview by GoddessAuraNova Photographs by GoddessAuraNova Location : Outdoor Artsy Home of RedFury

I have been a fan of RedFury’s stream since the moment I laid eyes on it and was delighted when she granted me permission to get to know the warm, cultured lady behind the avatar better. RedFury’s home loaded in front of my eyes a lot like I was expecting it might. It has the look of a not-so-blank canvas where anything is possible and one of those landscapes that you inherently know constantly evolves. Expansive sands with bursts of color here or there and specifically chosen, decidedly artistic pieces. Much like how it is on RedFury’s stream, you become intrigued and pensive landing in her space; in the mood to explore your thoughts and what your own place in the world is. AURA : I’m excited to finally have a chance to sit down and chat with you. Of course, I have to ask what originally brought you to IMVU? REDFURY : Originally, two years ago, my real-life best friend asked me to come on here because she thought it would be a good social outlet. I live in a very rural area




and it was a great way for us to spend time together since we live about an hour away. I have to thank her for doing that as I have learned a new art form and have met many intriguing people during my time with IMVU.

and a more united, cohesive and spiritu ening. I want to be an inspiration to othe positive, be more loving, and to expand t sciousness, raising vibrations and to sha am learning and experiencing.

AURA : I find your stream to be one of the most creative I’ve seen. Every image you post is like looking at art on the wall of a museum. Where does your inspiration come from?

AURA : I can assure you that your efforts ing as your work is most definitely positiv spiring. What do you think keeps you ducing such thought-provoking images

REDFURY : My images are often very personal. They stem from what I may be feeling, something I am reading or listening to, a relationship, a poem or a song or even a memory. Most often lately, I am trying to communicate more about sacred wisdom. I aim to facilitate love, understanding

REDFURY : Every day I strive to learn s new, and figure out how to integrate ne sions, emotions, or ideas into my image find new ways to make the client work fo find new ways to use it as an art medi proficiently. What keeps me here is cre

Loving, Determined, Sarcastic, Creative, and Insightful

ual awakers to think their conare what I

ages I would enjoy looking at and finding like a treasure. My work has evolved greatly over the course of the last year, as that is how long I have been editing. I want to see what limits I can stretch and push beyond creatively.

are workve and inhere pros?

I have a close friend in here who inspired me and taught me initially a great deal. He taught me how to see the art in here, showed me possibilities and gave me great ideas on how to use light, dimension, and how to look closely and how to zoom out. I owe a lot to him and the others who have shown me what kinds of tools are available and who have spent their time to show me the boundless creations the imagination can expand upon and what kinds of styles can be created in a scene, room, persona, or outfit. Now days, I spend

something ew dimenes. I like to or me and ium more eating im-


One of my favorite paintings is by John William Waterhouse entitled, My Sweet Rose.

Image by John William Waterhouse - Unknown source, Public Domain,

my time focusing on the art and what I can bring to life in a picture. AURA : Who are three of your favorite real-life artists? REDFURY : That is a hard question. I was an art history major in college till my last two semesters and I wanted to teach art history because I loved so many aspects of art; the history, and how it impacted society, beliefs, and vice versa. I have to say I have way too many who inspire me to just name three. Back in high school and college I was mesmerized by Ansel Adams’ photograpy and Maya paintings/ prints, an artist out of Colorado. One of my favorite paintings is by John William Waterhouse entitled “My Sweet Rose”. I wake every morning to that print for the last twenty years. It reminds me to stop and smell the roses and I have been told numerous times that it reminds friends of me. Of course I love Dali, Davinci, Cassat, Picasso, just to name a few. I also look at music as a huge artistic influence. What’s better than to find a song that says what you are feeling perfectly? I love all kinds of music. Then there is architecture, I love the classic Greek styles and want to live in an old Victorian or farm house and sleep in a classic pyramid. 12


Then there is Mesopotamian and Egyptian art, the religious/spiritual elements therein, and don’t even get me started on literature....hahaha. AURA : Your responses validate my reasons for wanting to interview you. In a prior game I used to play, I had an interest in opening a virtual musem but I never got around to it. Your work inspires me to want to try that here in IMVU. I’m curious, Would you allow your work to be put on display in a credible, classy museum? REDFURY : I think it is important to be able to find, see and be exposed to a myriad of art in general and especially on IMVU. I struggle to find quality artists on the game, but have now found quite a few brilliantly creative souls, mostly through Instagram of late. I would love to see more diverse art styles stem from IMVU; to see it used as a medium like I use it and to have an area where artists can view each others work and come together as a collective. I am apart of a family who does a weekly competition which brings people together and taught me a great deal about shooting good images without any edits, with the limited IMVU capacities. I love this weekly camaraderie, but I


would like to see a museum showcasing and bringing together different styles, ideas, themes and other types of digital art that stems from the IMVU digital platform. I would be honored to be apart of a virtual museum. That would be phenomenal. AURA : What gives you the most incentive to share your art in the picture contests? I have a feeling it isn’t the size of the award. REDFURY : I simply want to improve and hone my skills. In competition and daily, I strive to be different from the masses. I want to present the theme from an unexpected perspective or vantage point. I am always grateful to place in competition, but even when I don’t, I know I gave it my all and made it unique. Rarely do I get to collab, but when I do, that makes some fun memories. I do love that too. AURA : Is your mind filled with ideas and then you look for the products to fit them or do you see the products first and become inspired to turn them into parts of your art? REDFURY : I often use what I have, but sometimes a product will inspire too. I will go get what I need if I can figure out

where to go get it. I create the desired scene with an idea of what kind of story I want to tell or emotion I want to convey. The pictures kind of have a life of their own sometimes. They tell me what they want to be. Each picture is different. It may start with one intention, but when I am done editing it is something completely different. In any case, one must start with a great base picture and then build from there. AURA : What gives you the most incentive to share your art in a picture contest? I have a feeling it isn’t the size of the award. REDFURY : I simply want to improve and hone my skills. In competition and daily, I strive to be different from the masses. I want to present the theme from an unexpected perspective or vantage point. I am always grateful to place in competition, but even when I don’t, I know I gave it my all and made it unique. Rarely do I get to colab, but when I do, that makes some fun memories. I do love that too. AURA : Aside from creating artistic pictures, what other activities do you enjoy in IMVU?


REDFURY : I enjoy spending time with true friends, scrolling through other peoples creations, creating new combinations of outfits, learning how to use new tools, lights, filters and learning how to set up rooms. I absolutely deplore shopping. I hate to shop and hunt for what I am looking for. Things are not easily found for me in the shop. I was looking for hair made of daisies the other day, I spent hours looking for something I never found. AURA : You have so many amazing pieces, if you had to narrow it down to your very favorite of your own work, could you? REDFURY : Some of my favorites are the most simple because of the memories associated with the special peo-

ple I was with when I took them. I couldn’t possibly choose otherwise. Many are special for different reasons. AURA : I’m going to try and choose three of my favorites that you’ve done. Do I have your permission to surprise you with which ones they are and publish them with the interview? REDFURY : Of course, I would be honored to see what you choose. I love to see what people pick as their favorites and love even more their explanation of why. I always think it is interesting because what I have as favorites are always so different from what others like. Even in competition, the ones I think are far better are not the ones the judges like. It all comes down to personal preference and perspec-



tive. Everyone is different and sees it from a different set of experiences and expectations. AURA’S FAVORITES: After the interview, I did attempt to find my three favorites. I could immediately see why Red couldn’t possibly choose just one. I chose three that stood out to me. In the first one, Red is wearing baby blue hair which caught my eye because it’s different from her norm. In my explanation of the piece, I seperated Red herself from what I think it means and looked at her as playing a role, like in a play to help me see what I see. The “blue-haired lady” is idealistic, extremely optimistic and also formerly heartbroken, possibly many times. However, she doesn’t give up on looking and seeks to find a type of love that matches her uniqueness. She is strong and diverse with her thoughts on the many different paths that are available to her. She

is aware that her greatest love is out there to be found. In the second one, I see a time traveler without bounds. A classic beauty who enters the dreams of those who need her wisdom. She always leaves the soul more peaceful than before she came, where there is light at the end of their personal tunnels and a positive shift in thinking. The third one caught my eye because it’s just so beautiful, the reds and pinks in different tones, roses surrounding the most feminine of entities. She seems to be merged with the flowers, all of the color pulled from her skin to add to the vibrancy of the world around her. The hand pointing up isn’t her own hand, but it is like her guardian reminding her to keep focused on what her life’s purpose is. What would these roses become without her keeping chaos away? •


Contact MrsAngelisaLevia

KILLEM WIT CONTENT The 10 Factory Visuals Music Label is owned by NICASO and MrsDayz; more commonly known as Furr and Lexx Dayz on Instagram. Written by GoddessAuraNova

Furr and Lexx Dayz met via another online game two years

ago and are now a thriving musical power couple in IMVU

running popular music label, 10

Factory Visuals. They are also

happily together in real life with a fun, bustling household that

I had the pleasure of briefly listening in on during our recent Instagram voice chat.

10 Factory Visuals is comprised

of people who love to entertain by creating motion video clips

inside IMVU and sharing them with the IMVU Instagram community. There is a combination of musicians who present their

own real life music as well as those who enjoy dressing up

Photo by Lexx Dayz


and performing to other artists’ music. The label holds concerts bringing every one together for a good time.

If you ask who’s the boss you might get different answers depending on the reason you’re asking. Furr frequently refers people to talk to his wife when it comes to the business side of things. But you equally hear Mrs. Dayz refer people to her husband because he is CEO and calls the shots. Either way, both bosses have a team first mentality. There is no tolerance for drama inside the label; instead there is an upbeat family feel where every one is supportive of each others’ video projects. Though there might be instances that come up with those outside the label seeking to cause trouble, inside it is a fun safe haven. Lexx Dayz gives free classes on how to create motion video edits for those who are part of 10 Factory Visuals; and the label is always on the look out for musicians and/or performers that they can help mold into successful IMVU celebrities. Always wanted to be a rap star? This may be your place!


In addition to the classes, th tainers wanting music vide like what to wear in the vid in becoming part of the 10 Lexx.Dayz.VU on Instagram

Lexx is also Head Founder which goes by the motto “M terhood is another way tha ership skills. Looking to ste Sigma Phi is starting a new

In future issues of Spotlight ing entertainers from the l 10-Factory-Family Fun! •


he label offers support to entereos made and help with things deos and staging. If interested 0 Factory Visuals family, contact m or MrsDayz in IMVU.

r of IMVU Sorority Eta Sigma Phi Many Hearts One Purpose”. Sisat Lexx shows her dynamic leadep into Greek Life in IMVU? Eta w chapter soon.

tVU Magazine we’ll be spotlightlabel. Be sure to tune in for the

Art Work by Furr Dayz

Motion Edits by Furr Dayz

A heart-warming interview GoddessD0, ElliD0, and L



with LizzD0


I first met GoddessD0, I was secretly wondering what the catch was. I had just begun my journey into learning to create and here was this really sweet lady who kept buying my stuff. She was buying it for no other reason than to help me succeed. If any one wonders why Lé Iconics Streaming Agency came on the scene and suddenly jumped straight to the top in popularity a little over 2 months ago, one of the main reasons is because of the type of person GoddessD0 is. She is passionate, caring, trustworthy, loyal, and has a huge heart. She’s also very competitive and works hard, though not without personal sacrifices and consequences. The success of this particular agency is not because of luck, nor is it happenstance. 29

Lé Iconics has expanded to include Sexy Nightmares for AP & Lé Littlez for kids. During our chat, I asked GoddessD0 if she ever gets burned out with the amount of work there is to be done for the agency and she said, “The agency gives me alot of purpose. I have been on IMVU now 11 years and saw so many great creators leave. I wanted to help make a difference for creators since some can actually use this as a way to support their families in life. There is already so much negativity in the world. So if I can be the one person to stand out and make a difference in another person’s life, I’m willing to give it my all.” She does give it her all, I can vouch for that. But not without help, thankfully. There is a full, very active team that works with Owner GoddessD0, and they can be visibly seen turning the agency and sub agencies into well-oiled machines via a very busy Discord server, multiple Instagrams groups, and an IMVU group for those who don’t want to use the social media outlets. Two of those team members are her daughters, Co-owner ElliD0, and Instagram Review Manager, LizzD0. At the time of this interview, there were 7 more of her children working in the agency in various capacities. 30


Not only does she work hard to

aging a large team to her work for

with the models who are part of

is a hard worker, diligent, and a

help creators, she does the same the agency. She instructs them on

how to improve their streams so

that every one involved is working towards being “iconic”.

Co-owner ElliD0 is a fun, caring

person who takes her work for the agency seriously. Her Mom can count on her to help make decisions as well as be available to the

models for questions and encouragement.

Elli shared that work-

great motivator.

As with any team or family, there

are at times misunderstandings but they get through those with love and every one caring about what




er. LizzD0 said, “I love the fun and

motivation we give each other.

We help each each other to grow as models or creators.”

ing with her Mom is challenging,

GoddessD0 also pulls from her

ty. “What I love the most is that

the reason for how structured the

fun, and motivates her creativiI can contribute for the growth of

the agency, creators, models and

myself also. Also, by my work I can talk to people and make friends.

Overall my work in Lé Iconics is a key for me to help others and to grow as a model and as a person.”

LizzD0 loves her role as Instagram

Review and Model Manager. She brings real life experience man32

Lé Iconics and says that her Mom

real-life work experience and it is

agency runs. “In real life, I’m all about fashion. I have been a re-

tail manager since I was 19 years old.” She went on to explain that

she’s run high-fashion retail stores significantly increasing their bottoms lines and also won customer service awards. “Just with the

economy and now coronavirus retailers are having a hard time. So that’s why I want to help keep

the creators alive on IMVU. By ei-

“My go



` Godd

oal is for everyone to be iconic in the

world. Meaning stand out, make a

ence in other peoples lives.�

dessD0 33

Generosity of Spirit

ther supporting their shops personally or by them join-

ing my agency. I believe we all can make a difference tion, and am Pudandae dolenecta accaepudi

ness that the together. Keep the negativity and give dolorem quis away eaquunt fugaa hand quunto when needed.” viducil

other, but you lanient volora niatus, tion the daug solenderia quodit volorepedi debit lovingly but fi What I’ve observed in my time el knowing GoddessD0 quam simpeles im que non cones and now getting to mod know her andaniatur Lizz, family and th doles quedaughters, landus, Elli sum is a certain generosity of spirit that isn’t commonly

and Lé Littlez

the D0 ladies who run Lé Iconics are teamwork, com-

The agency i

found. Keywords that I take away from chatting with 34

passion, coo

operation, support, sincerity, determina-

mbition. There is a heartwarming playful-

ey display in their interactions with each

u can clearly see the respect and admira-

ghters have for their mother. GoddessD0 is

firmly in control of what’s going on with her

hat includes Lé Iconics, Sexy Nightmares,

ized. Creators and models who join can trust

that theirbbest interests will be looked after, problems that come up will be efficiently dealt with, and that GoddessD0 and her team will be on the look out for what will keep the agency flourishing. The Sexy Nightmares AP Division is actively

looking to help out more Creators with exposure and those who enjoy creating outfits and items

for child avatars can now increase exposure for their products through Lé Littlez. Contact GoddessD0 for more information on how to get involved. •

ADD & FOLLOW GoddessD0 ElliD0 LizzD0 ICONICMODELING @mrszougheib @ellid0_vu


is upbeat, fun to be a part of, and organ35

SHOP @ AMICAT EverlyDeVille

SHOP @ AMICAT VenusJeanne EverlyDeVille





















SHOP @ WELSHVIXEN SombraNegro Parys22



RANDOM REALLY COOL ROOM NAME OF CHAT ROOM: ~ THE ZOO ~ OWNER: MRSTRICIAROMANO AMENITIES: Large collection of Interactive animals, cuddles and kissing poses, juke-

box, dance spots, picturesque, some hidden

areas with surprises, typically populated for possible social interaction

WHY IS THIS ROOM REALLY COOL? Sometimes we come to IMVU simply to escape

real life stresses. If you’re an animal lover and find interacting with animals virtually to be relaxing this is the perfect room. It’s lush and has lots of space to explore. It’s a lovely

space for a gathering with friends or to hang out in when you’re alone. There are less visible surprises to discover! Check it out to see if you agree! •

Wardrobe Tips for Men from Trendspotter Leather Jackets Trench Coats Pea Coats Wool Overcoats Black Jeans Selvedge Denim Jeans Scarves Beanies Boots Leather Gloves NOT SHOWN

Wool Blazers Wool Suits Cable Knit Crew Necks Zip Up Sweaters Oversized Jumpers Cardigans Turtlenecks Flannel Shirts



Sir Auron

Trends according t

to real-life fashion experts done IMVU-style








Wardrobe Tips for Women Glam, Forbes, Cosmo, & Elle Bright Turtleneck Sweaters Pleated Pants Oversized Coats Patterned Tights Plaid Coats Snakeskin Boots Turtleneck Sweater Dresses Pearl Chain Drop Earrings Circular Earrings Micro Bags Double Buns Two-tone Hair Flipped Up Ponytails Sleek Hairstyles Half Up Hairstyles Dramatic Eyes Cat Eyeliner Fluffy Eyebrows



H y p p a H N & a Aur

! s y a d i l o H a v o N a i N CEO & COO OF SPOTLIGHTVU MAGAZINE

ADVERTISING Advertisements should be submitted to before the deadline for the issue it needs to appear in. SpotlightVU Magazine is published bimonthly. You will receive confirmation that your ad has been received. If you do not receive confirmation

within 3 days please send again or contact GoddessAuraNova in IMVU, or on Instagram.

Next Issue : January / February 2021

Deadline for Ads : December 25, 2020

All advertisements for IMVU events, of any kind, are always FREE. We would like to be one of your media stops for advertising events that are planned for future dates. Over time, SpotlightVU

would like to build a robust events calendar for the IMVU community so that it is easier to see where and when the fun is happening. At times there will be free advertising for companies.

For events that accept sponsors, we ask that the SpotlightVU Magazine banner be displayed in return for free advertisement and possible coverage of the event.

Ads should be submitted 1:1 for one page and 2:1 for a two-page spread, at least 1024px by 1024px or 2048px by 1024px in size minimum. Resolution 150 dpi preferred, but 72 dpi accepted.

RATES (subject to change)

1 or 2-page ads (2nd and 3rd issues)


1 -page ad (4th issue and after)

2500 Credits

2-page ad (4th issue and after)

5000 Credits

Credits should be sent to GoddessAuraNova for companies that want to advertise. We ask that owners wait to send credits until after the ad has been confirmed accepted. 60

THE FINE PRINT SpotlightVU Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. This magazine caters to the IMVU community but is not in any way affiliated or associated with IMVU, Inc. itself. Though we will try to be objective in our coverages of facts, we do not claim full objectivity nor to be fully unbiased when sharing topics of an editorial nature. We enjoy sharing our own opinions and the opinions of those who agree to be featured in the magazine. But SpotlightVU will not be held accountable for the opinions or actions of those we feature. Opinions are shared as opinions only and will remain within IMVU’s Terms of Service requirements at all times. We are accepting of it if you disagree with our opinions and are willing to listen to your feedback. We ask that our readers inform us if we get any information that should be fact incorrect so that we may make corrections. In agreeing to be featured in SpotlightVU Magazine in any capacity, you agree that pictures of your avatar and/or the words you specifically give us access to may be visible on our website, spotlightvuproductions. com, and any of our other accounts that we currently own or may own in the future (IMVU Classic or NEXT, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) If you believe there is a misrepresentation or there is an error published in the magazine, we will make every effort to re-publish corrections. You can contact GoddessAuraNova in multiple ways if needed. We hold your privacy to be extremely important, just like we hold our own. Email addresses shared with us will never be sent to any third parties. We will also never use your email addresses to send you spam or offers. They are specifically for exchanging information with us that you want to exchange, like advertisements for the magazine, or interview questions, or modeling pictures, etc. This page will be at the end of every issue and may contain changes from one issue to the next, at our discretion. As the magazine grows, we will update this page to include any new wordage needed based on what we experience as we work to entertain our readers.



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