To one whose recent advent has boomed us to higher ideals with his crisp spirit and explicit confidence in our ability to come through riding the crest, to one xvho by edifying example has inspired us to act the same toward others, to one whose evident 'Faith is the toughest and most enduring sort of flame, a constant, flickerless glow, to him whom we think, the sort of man few ever become apud gentes humanas, to Reverend Dennis J. Comey, S.J., we graduates of 1938 dedicate this present issue of the
P e tre a n .
REV. DENNIS J. COMEY, S J . President
C O N T E N T S : Faculty » Seniors» j Classes » Activities » Advertisements
R e v . F r a n c is J . S h a l l o e , S .J .
A parting word to the Graduates: May the parents who inspired, the Sisters who encouraged, and the Pastors who guided your boyhood, share the happiness o f the Prep in hoping that now our ideals have been realized. May you persevere in believing what you believe, sincerely; in doing w hat you do, nobly; because you are w hat you are, really; cultured Catholic gentlemen. “Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ.� ( P h i l . 1 - 2 .)
If you have wondered w hy there has been such an upsurge in all branches o f athletics at the Prep, Fr. W alter is the answer.
A man who at football
practice w ill "go out fo r a fo rw ard ” just like any fellow on the team, a teacher who remembers his own school days and so understands all the light hearted humor and enthusiastic loyalty that is Youth, a priest who almost im perceptibly plants in his boys a love fo r the good and clean in life, this is the sort o f prefect who can inspire in the boys whom he directs that spirit o f cooperation and selflessness which is necessary fo r success in athletics. J. W a l t e r , S.J. P r e fe c t o f D iscip lin e M od era to r o f A th letics
R ev . W illia m
The position of student counselor is both im portant and difficult.
In order
to successfully fu lfill this post, a priest must be able to inspire in young men an ardent spirituality;
he must so
teach them to be Christ-like that they w ill bring to others the true spirit of Christ; he must be able to check the imprudent zeal o f his charges without destroying their enthusiasm.
W e wish
to simply say th at Father Butler has been eminently successful. For his tire less efforts in our behalf, we are sin cerely grateful.
R ev.
J o h n T. B u t l e r , S.J. S tu d en t C o u n selor
R e v . T h o m a s P . M u r r a y , S . J ...........................................................................Instructor, First Year
R e v . R a y m o n d I. P u r c e l l , S.J.
Instructor, Second Year
R e v . M a r t i n A . S c h m i t t , S .J .
Instructor, Fourth Year
R ic h a r d M . C o o l a h a n , S.J.
. Instructor, First Year
R o b e r t J. F l a h e r t y , S.J.
. Instructor, First Year
J o h n A . G o r m l e y , S.J.
. Instructor, Third Year
J o s e p h D . H a s s e t t , S .J .
Instructor, Fourth Year
Ed m o n d F. X . I v e r s , S.J.
Instructor, Third Year
T o p t o B o tto m : M r. H a s s e t t , S.J. M r. I v e r s , S.J.
G e o r g e D . M c A n a n e y , S .J ,
Instructor, First Year
J o s e p h J. M c E v o y , S.J,
D o n a l d P . O ’ H a l e , S .J ,
Instrtictor, Second Year
S a m u e l R . P it t s , S .J .
Instructor, Fourth Year
A r t h u r C . B r o m i r s k i , B .S
C a r l o W . C o r r a r in o , B .S,
E d w a r d J . C u l l e n , A .B ,
Instructor, Tbird Year
J o h n F . D u f f y , A .B
Instructor, Third Year
M r. M c A n a n e y , M r. M cE voy,
M r . O ’H a l e ,
M r. P itts ,
M r . B r o m ir s k i M r . C o r r a r in o
x ^ x.
T h o m a s J . Egan
. , ............................
Assistant Prefect o f Discipline
T h o m a s L . F i t z m a u r i c e , A .B ..................................................Instructor, Fourth Year
F r e d e r ic k J . J a c q u e s , M .S ...............................................................Instm ctor, Chemistry
A l f r e d J . K e l t y , A .M .................................................................Instructor, Second Year
R o b e r t R . K l e i n , A .B ..................................................................Instructor, Second Year
J a m e s J . M c C a b e , A .B ..................................................................... Instructor, First Year
J o h n J . M c G i l l , M .S .............................................................................Instructor, Biology
V i n c e n t P. M c I n e r n e y , A .B .................................................... Instructor, Second Year
T op t o B o tto m : M r. M c G ill M r. M c I n e rn e y
W i l l i a m F . M c V a n n , A .B .............................
A r t h u r G. M a d d e n , A .M ..........................................
....................... Instructor, Third Year
J o h n J. M u l l e n , A .B .......................................
T h o m a s J. M y e r s , A.B., LL.B..........................
C l e m e n t C . O ’S u l l i v a n , A.B.
. . . .
M a r t i n A. R o o n e y , A. B..................................
. Instructor, Fourth Year
....................... Instructor, Tbird Year
P h i l i p J. O ’F a r r e l l , A. B.................................
F e r d in a n d A . O r t h e n , A .M ..................................
R igh t to Lef t : M r. M c V an n M r. M ad d en M r. M u lle n M r. M y ers M r . O ’S u l l i v a n M r. R o o n ey
APPRECIATION through our high school career, our parents have sacrificed themselves that we m ight have the inestimable advantage of a Catholic education. D enying themselves m any pleasures and, very often, real necessities, they have sent us to a Jesuit school that we m ight benefit by that scholarship and teaching skill for which the Society of Jesus has become world-famous. Above all else, they have provided us w ith an opportunity to live and breathe Catholicism and Catholic Doctrine, to move in the clean, invigorating atmosphere of virile sanctity. A ll
On the eve of our graduation, we realise in some small degree, how valuable this training w ill be to us. W e can in part xinderstand how deep and untiring our parents’ love has been. And so, that we m ay in our poor fashion pro claim our realization of all they have done in our behalf, that, inadequate though it be, we m ay express the thanks which wells up in our hearts, that we m ay extend to them a token that their love has not been expended in vain, W E, THE CLASS OF 1938 PAUSE HERE TO EXPRESS O U R SINCERE GRATITU DE TO O U R D EAR MOTHERS A N D FATHERS.
INSTRUCTORS M r . B r o m ir s k i F a t h e r B u t l e r , S .J . M r . P i t t s , S .J . M r . F it z m o r r is M r . C u llen
P resid en t V ice-P resid en t R. F o r d , T rea su rer W . S e x t o n , S ecreta ry J. M c C a rth y , L. C r o w le y ,
Burke, G. O’Brien, Ford, M cC arthy, Casalino, M iller, Nolan. Florio, Mahler, Coughlin, Dougan, Vetter, Crowley, J. O’Brien. Sexton, T u lly, Davis, Mr. Bromirski, Baker, Balas, Herrmann.
SENIOR M ^ .AIETY and laughter prevailed on the day of our graduation, as they should on such a momentous occasion. But through the manifestations of m errim ent, ran something deeper, something in explicable. W e had finished our prescribed course of studies and had every reason to celebrate but nevertheless our spirits were at an ebb. W ith clouded eyes we gazed upon the aged pile which has and always w ill be our heritage. Four years ago, a score of excited young gram m ar school graduates scampered up the stairs of the Junior Building to a first year class room. W e sat in awe as our teachers expounded to us the basic ideas of our high school education. The studies were much more difficult than those to which we had been accustomed but w ith youthful ambition we strove and finally overcame them. Fortified w ith a little knowledge of Latin and mathematics, we looked forward to the next three years. In second year we were accepted into the higher society of the school and we prided ourselves on the fact that we had risen above the lowly Freshmen. Our exuberance was short-lived, however, when the labors of m aintaining our lo fty position beset us. W ork became the prim ary issue in our adolescent careers and we soon mourned rather than gloried in our new found dignity. Here we began our battle w ith the sciences
and made our feeble attem pts to emulate Pasteur, Leuwenhock and Koch. Some of our classmates found that they were not called to be scientists, being unable to keep the pace. W e mourned friends who left us and worried much about our own careers. Soon again the province exam inations were upon us and we found ourselves entwined in the toils of Latin and mathematics. W e passed these tests w ith fewer casualties and once more stepped up a rung in the ladder of our education. Our Junior year brought w ith it certain privileges which hitherto had not been accorded us. But we were soon brought to the realization that we were still subordinates. Chem istry was still to be mastered and huge ogres in the shape of retorts and test tubes and gas bottles disturbed our slumbers during the first few weeks of third year. W ith this ad vance along intellectual lines, our social position was bettered. W e were perm itted to attend the Prom and we were among the elite on the annual outing. As we sit here thinking back over our careers at St. Peter’s, there are m any things which we remember w ith joy; there are others that bring tears to our eyes. But whether we laugh or cry, there w ill always be a lum p in our throats when we remember that our days at the Prep are over. Never again shall we roam through the old corridors im agining that we own the school and that it is still ours. Even now, a new class is rising to usurp our place. But let us return to the beaten path from w hich we have excusably strayed. Junior year passed q uickly and we were spurred on by the thought that we would soon be Seniors. W e finally realized that dream after successfully wending our w ay through the maze of undergraduate ac complishments. If we tended to slacken m om entarily now that gradu ation was in sight, we were soon jolted out of our state of contented selfsatisfaction by the difficulties of the fourth year m atter. However, Mr. Pitts, S.J., settled our difficulties in Latin and French, M r. D uffy suc cessfully instructed us in English and M r. Bromirski clarified the princi ples of Physics, i W e would like to enlarge this sketch so that we might be able to in clude all the happy recollections that crowd upon our memories, but that is impossible. M any w ill last so that there is really no need to record them. Others w ill perhaps fade but certainly the intim acv of friendships formed here w ill not decrease, the memory of our m any happy contacts w ith teachers w ill remain vivid. In closing, we feel sure that our teachers w ill derive some measure of gratification from the knowledge that we appreciate all of their efforts in our behalf and we sincerely hope that they w ill forgive us for the w orry that we m ay have unthinkingly caused them.
H U F ifteen
INSTRUCTORS F r. S c h m itt, F r. B u t le r ,
S.J. S.J.
M r . F it z m o r r is M r. C u llen M r . K elty
E. M o n a h a n , P resid en t D. F o r m o s a , V ice-P resid en t M . R u m m e l , T rea su rer L. N u t z e l , S ecreta ry
Gillen, Parsons, McAvoy, Garner. Roe, W hite, W est, M ullin, Colford, McKenna. H arrington, O’N eill, Fitzpatrick, Hamm, J. Kelly, Beronio, Dunne. B. Kelly, M asterly, Reddington, Burns, Egan, Conniff, Cahill. Stulz, Rummel, Monahan, Fr. Schm itt, S.J., Formosa, Nutzel, Dwyer.
The final leg of our four years’ flight looms ahead. A jagged mountain peak, piercing the heavens and rushing toward us every second, is the last but greatest obstacle to beset our path. Graduation, "W ings”, the crowning success of our course, awaits our safe passage beyond that summit. Let us ease the throttle and return for a few moments to the early stages of our education at the Prep. W hen we first entered the Prep, the surroundings and customs were a complete novelty. W e were like young birds that are incapable of flying until we learned the rudiments of Latin, Algebra and History under the guiding tutelage of our teachers. W e embarked upon our initial flight in late September after we had grown accustomed to our new environment. W e easily glided through our first year under the expert guidance and assistance of Mr. Doyle, S.J., who diligently taught us the principles of the Latin language. The strain of our first year was also eased a great deal by Mr. M ullen who led us through the intricacies of Algebra. Another excellent professor, Mr. Mahlmeister, S.J., carried us back w ith him to the ancient palaces of the Roman emperors and to the battle-fields of Ancient History. Toward the end of this year we met a difficulty in the form of Province examinations. W e are happy to
E E N Sixteen
state that only a few had to leave our midst after the results had been published. A fter a respite of three months, we once again entered the portals of Saint Peter’s. W ith w hat proud glances did we look down upon the low ly Freshmen! However, we soon lost most of our arrogance in our tangles w ith the Juniors. D uring our second flight, a jovial, inspiring Jesuit, Mr. M cH ugh, guided us above the battlefields of Gaul and across the Rhine behind Caesar’s arm y. W e witnessed that general’s bloody encounters w ith the Germans and his invasion of Britain. Our first knowledge of Greek was im parted by Mr. M ullen who showed us the same consideration as in first year. The capable M r. Me Vann w ith his interesting discussions interm ingled w ith Advanced Algebra made our second year one of the best. However, everything must come to an end and our happy second year, ending w ith another set of Province examinations, closed w ith all the hustle and bustle of the final days of the school year. W hen we returned for our third flight along the course of higher educa tion, we discovered a new leader in Mr. Madden. W ith the aid of his rich experience and deep knowledge of the classics, we explored the riches of Cicero and Xenophon. M r. Guterl successfully expounded the treatises of Plane Geometry, Mr. Boyle, S.J., taught Shakespeare and other English masters. W ith all of this work upon our hands it was necessary to keep a steady pace until we had passed the final examinations in these subjects as well as in French which we learned so well under the direction of M r. O’Sullivan. Our fourth and final journey started last September. The "Spirit of 4 -A ” soared smoothly toward the upper reaches of higher learning and we had nothing to fear for the controls were in the capable hands of Father Schm itt. Under hw guidance, Cicero and V ergil and Homer were rapidly explored and as the reward of our efforts we caught an insight of the beauties of classic poetry. M r. K elty w ith his keen w it and deep knowledge helped us to further our acquaintance w ith French. The masterpieces of English literature were placed under the care of Mr. Fitzmorris. D uring all the time that we have so hastily covered w ith this sketch, we had been enjoying m any other things. W e should mention, in par ticular, the spirit of good-fellowship which is so prevalent at the Prep; the fun and the generosity and the consideration for one another that has helped us over so m any difficult times; the Prep spirit that unites us into one though we are m any; the enthusiasm for the better things of life that has so inspired us to perform m any a dry task. Now we are hurrying along to our final destination. W hat has the horizon in store for us? If our future years are as happy and successful as those we have spent at Saint Peter’s, we can rest assured not only of a high position in our material life but also in our spiritual life because of w hat we have gained in learning and in character.
H Seventeen
INSTRUCTORS M r. H a s s e tt,
M r . F it z m o r r is F r. B u t le r ,
S.J. S.J.
M r. M cE voy, M r. K e lty
P resid en t V ice P resid en t G . T o z z o l i , T rea su rer F. D o n n e l l y ,
J. W a te rs,
H urley, Marino, O’Neill, Riordan, Dolan, M urtha, Neale. Rackley, Roemke, Mangine, Kelly, Zajac, Hogan, Romanaowicz. Pienkoski, McCusker, Ruschman, Kane, C rotty, Morschauser, Carmody. Griffin, Lisky, Zindel, D arcy, Lavin, Cannon, Kennedy. Hoffman, W aters, Mr. Hassett, S.J., Donnelly, Tozzoli.
SENIOR B ■|\TOW our course at the Prep is run and the palm is in sight. It has been a long run and much of it uphill, but we look back upon it w ith a sense of real accomplishment and a feeling of confidence. "No palm without dust”, says the ancient proverb and we have raised plenty of it. It is only when we sit quietly and run over the events of these four years that we fu lly realize and appreciate the change that our career at Saint Peter’s has wrought in our lives and characters. W hen we summon to the tribunal of our memory the recollections of freshman year, we behold ourselves, beknickered, wide-eyed, and, as we look back from the sophisticated heights of seniorhood, thoroughly ingenuous fledglings. W e leaned against the fence, horribly lonely, w atching the upperclassmen greeting old friends. W e shuddered when we recalled the direful predictions of the good nun who had taught us in the much lamented Eighth Grade days, "You’ll have to study when you’re in high school, boy” ; or, "The Jesuit Fathers won’t tolerate any of your nonsense, young m an”. To us the sun that smiled down with charming im partiality upon Senior and Freshman alike, was a mockery and we waited w ith impatience the clamor of the bell by which in the four years to come, we were to live and to die a thousand deaths, so that we might
E T E E N Eighteen
flee into the gloomy shades of the school hall. There, before all the school and the facu lty serried on the stage like a Roman Senate, Father Dineen threw back his head, raised the index finger of his right hand, cleared his throat and kin dly greeted us, "M y dear young men of Saint Peter’s”. Presto! W e were Petreans! Our life at the Prep began quietly enough and very industriously too. W e learned that there are other languages besides English and that M athem atics included branches other than arithm etic. The football team, the basketball squad, and the several societies all unfolded before our glazed eyes as we ran the course of our first year. Finally the spring rolled around and we became candidates for the honor of being called Sophomores. W e did become Sophomores after the big guns of the province exam ina tions had made m any casualties in our ranks. Then we felt ever so dignified as we lorded it over those poor Freshmen until, in a burst of confidence, we pushed a pryin g nose into the Senior Room. Our studies advanced too and we learned to translate the Journals of Caesar (modestly w ritten in the third person), which informed us that Julius Caesar was undoubtedly the greatest general that ever led the Roman legions against a disordered mob of unsuspecting barbarians. Before we were fu lly aware of it, time had passed and we were Juniors. Here came our introduction to Cicero, as well as the modern languages. There came a time when we boasted of a Parisian accent and impressed our friends by reciting some Greek. It was in this year that we lost Father D w yer to Fordham University. By now the wheat had been p retty well separated from the chaff and the semi-annual examinations took less toll of our numbers so that we passed into Senior year more or less in a body. And so we passed into the care of Mr. Hassett, S.J., Father Butler, Mr. O’Sullivan, M r. K elty and Mr. Fitzmorris. A ll around the world seemed brighter now. Our Senior Council was organized and proved a big success. W e had our Senior Dance, something of an innovation. The annual play was a great success, histrionically and socially. W e made a retreat to prepare our-, selves for our debut to the world. Toward the end of M ay, the annual Saint Peter’s O uting took place, a happy day at sea for the Prepsters; and this year, w ith a refreshing disregard for precedent, we went to Rye Beach instead of Bear Mountain. Thus passed our fourth and last year at the Prep, too rapidly because filled to overflowing. Now that the time for separation has finally come, we try to be un emotional. But when the time comes upon us and we realize that we are to leave Saint Peter’s Prep for good and all, a lump comes up to our throat and a tear to our eye. W e beat them back and nonchalantly re m ark, "W ell, that is that.” But we do not really mean it and we know that we are not in earnest.
N in eteen
INSTRUCTORS M r. P itts , F a th e r
B u tle r ,
M r . B r o m ir s k i M r . O ’S u l l i v a n M r . F it z m o r r is
G. BiLLiNGSj P resid en t K. M u r p h y , V ice P resid en t H . Z e n o r i n i , T rea su rer
Smedley, Pidgeon, Fleming, Murphy,
Sheehy, Guglielmo, Boyce, Kendall, Emme. Mackin, Rand, Bodenmann, Cox, W allace. W alsh, Wuensch, Doane, Dattoli, Keating, Miller. Billings, Mr. Pitts, S.J., Norton, Zenorini.
SENIOR C A sunny day in September, 1934, a beknickered group of shy Freshmen was ushered out of the school hall into what was to be the class, 1-A. W ithout any delay and w ith astonishing patience, Father Purcell proceeded to instil in them a love for the Latin tongue and a greater appreciation of their own language. Mr. Sinnott began to im part great quantities of interesting inform ation about Ancient H istory and M r. Me Vann tentatively declared that Algebra was not difficult. So the year progressed. Friendships were quickly formed, some of them to be most permanent. A ll the mysteries of Prep life were duly investigated. Prep rivalries became our rivalries and Prep interests our interests. Thus rapidly were we inured to the mode of life at the Prep and almost before we knew what had happened there came the rush of final examinations. Then we were granted surcease in the form of vacation. Another September found a somewhat diminished but still determined array of Sophomores casting haughty glances at the Freshmen who now occupied their recently vacated positions. A t assembly, it was found that some classmates had fallen by the scholastic wayside while a few new faces made their appearance in the class that now became 2-C. H aving learned more of the language of the Romans, we proceeded to examine Caesar’s expert use of it under the experienced direction of Mr. Kelty,
to delve deeper into Algebra w ith Mr. Ball, S.J., to acquire greater facility in our native tongue w ith M r. M clnerney, and to discover the wonders of Biology w ith M r. M cGill as our guide. Our former class mates chose to struggle w ith Greek. Time having sped its course and some of us having realized w hat we once had considered as the ideal of higher education, nam ely, the dis section of a frog, we evolved after some few alterations into the class of 3-C. M r. Orthen prom ptly helped us to follow Cicero’s fight w ith Catiline and like loyal Romans, we learned to despise that traitor to his country. M r. Jacques led us through the maze of formulas that is called the science of chem istry, while M r. Carey, S.J., taught us the beauties of English. Some of us began to study French under Mr. O’Sullivan, others German under Father Schm itt. The versatile M r. M cVann reappeared w ith a Geometry book under his arm and a word of encouragement on his lips. W hen at last we had acquired a sizeable vocabulary of conti nental phraseology, had impressed our younger brothers w ith our know l edge of the constitution of the world and felt equipped to argue w ith Pythagoras, we found ourselves p ractically Seniors. Now we felt that we were on top of the world. O ur final year was ushered in by M r. Pitts, S.J., and brought w ith it several new arrivals from the other classes. M eanwhile the Greek students of the 3-C class had joined their Hellenic comrades to form the class of 4-B. M r. Pitts soon introduced us to other speeches of the expansive Cicero and then led on our faltering footsteps to the beauties of Vergilian verse. English was fu lly attended to by Mr. Fitzmorris and further knowledge of German and French was com petently imparted by Father Schm itt and Mr. O’Sullivan respectively. Mr. Morris expounded the. principles of Sociology during the first term, while in the second, we had to choose between Mr. C ullen’s Trigonom etry course and Mr. O’Sullivan’s Public Speaking course. M r. Bromirski, meanwhile, clari fied that intricate science Physics. Thus we passed our four years at the Prep—four years filled with happy memories. This is but an outline of what we did during that tim e; we would not have space to put down all the happy times and gay events that are impressed upon our memories. As for what we have gained from our years at Saint Peter’s, although we are quite certain of the great value of our training, still it is the du ty of Time and the Future to prove that point. However, we w ill never be able to forget the valian tly fought battles of the Prep-Dickinson gridiron feud, the brilliant finesse which this year’s quintet displayed on the basketball court, the everlasting good humor that prevails at the Prep, the wide choice of activities that provides opportunity for the exercise of every kind of talent, the in spiring zeal that is so characteristic of the great Order whose members have fostered learning through the past four centuries. These memories and the intim ate friendships we have formed w ith tru ly worth while comrades are some of the things for which we are particularly grateful.
T w en ty -on e
Y |
M r. H a s s e tt, F r. B u tle r ,
M r . B r o m ir s k i M r . F it z m o r r is M r . O ’S u l l i v a n
J . M c N a m a r a , P resid en t R. K e l l y , V ice-P resid en t C. M a r t i n , T rea su rer
Porter, Kraszewski, M artin, Byron, W . McDonald, Moore. Gallagher, Quinn, Ridge, Hammell, Connors, Zeller, Torpey, Sandford, M arkstein, Mooney, Hoffman, H arty, C urtin, Thompson. J. McDonald, Kirk, Kiely, Mr. Fitzmorris, McNamara, Kelly, Corballis.
SENIOR D TCOUR years on parade! It would hardly be possible to list our ad ventures at Saint Peter’s in any semblance of chronological order in conform ity w ith the definition of a history. Out of the thousand tangled recollections, a few scenes flash clearly on the kaleidoscope of our memory. Our first gathering in the school hall when Father Dineen’s message "N unc coepi” was deeply impressed upon our minds, the excitement of our first Latin tests, the unearthing of m athematical talent, the chatter and noise of the locker room, all of these combined, as if by a chemical formula, to temper and mould us knickered wonders into true Petreans, Catholic gentlemen. This gradual metamorphosis continued when we returned from our first summer vacation, stockier now and well tanned by the summer sun. Most of us preferred the scientific course and a friendly rivalry sprang up between us and our brothers who chose to study Greek. As products of the Ratio Studiorum, we were little aware that our destinies were being carefully guided by teachers who protected our interests as their own. By this time, individual personalities had begun to develop and the talent of 4-D -to-be was being scattered far and wide over the forensic, histrionic and athletic fields of endeavour. A t this stage, we did not merely go to the Prep but we were integral parts of it and memorable Petrean events be-
Tw en ty-tw o
cameas intim ate w ith each one of us as they were to the school as a body. It was in this second year that we became fu lly acquainted w ith the language of mathematics, Algebra. R eturning in September to begin our third term , we were frightened a bit by the w arning that third year is the most difficult. R elying upon the experience that we had already acquired, we took up the interesting study of chem istry and plunged deeper into the difficult precepts of English. M any of us were wise enough to take advantage of the excellent lib rary facilities and spent m any an enjoyable hour in this restful fountain of knowledge. W e were well represented in the Sodality, the hub of all Petrean activities. G radually one of the most im portant, yet most u n conscious processes of school life was taking place: the formation of intim ate friendships. L ittle realizing the importance these associations have on us later in life, we began to know each other and the knowledge was tru ly a happy acquisition. As a rancher’s face lights up at the sight of home at the end of a long trail, our faces beamed w ith satisfaction and a touch of justifiable pride as fourth year, our biggest, most memorable and most fleeting year was stretched before us like a long road, paved w ith hope and encouragement. Knowing full well by now, the value of our training and the pricelessness of our youth, we pledged our efforts to our ultim ate goal, graduation. No task was too large, no assignment too difficult. The mistakes we made in the past we tried to ameliorate by doing our allotted work "ad maiorem Dei gloriam ” In physics class, under the able direction of M r. Bromirski, we became fam iliar w ith the precepts of that most difficult science. Mr. Fitzm orris swept us back to Roman history w ith “Julius Caesar.” Our French training was polished by Mr. McEvoy, S.J., and Mr. Pitts, S.J., while Mr. Hassett, S.J., made the Latin period most instructive and enjoy able by teaching us to appreciate the beauties of V irgil. W e were guided through the intricacies of trigonom etry by Mr. Cullen, while Mr. Morris and Mr. O’Sullivan instructed us in Sociology and public speaking, respectively. The class of 4D is endowed w ith an unusual array of comedians who have done their best to make school life most entertaining. No less im posing is its number of scholars and athletes. But there is one quality that is universal, that binds all of us into a protective, fraternal unit: all are true Petreans, endowed w ith Petrean principles and ambitions, bent upon carrying aloft the Maroon and W hite banner. Reading back into Petrean history, we are thrilled by tales of conquest and songs of praise. Yet we feel quite sure that we can add our class to the glorious and m ighty tradi tion of St. Peter’s men and w ill be able to look back in future years with a touch of pride and regret. As we leave the Prep, we all realize that our training was the most perfect and the most prized gift that could be offered us. W e wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to our parents and teachers for affording us the opportunity of securing such an education. W e join our voices in the aspiration that it w ill be adm irably reflected in our future efforts.
T w en ty -th ree
Er n e st J . B aker
Sodality 1-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 T rack 2 Class Vice President 4
J ohn
G. Balas
Class Basketball 3-4 Class Baseball 1-3-4 Football 3 Class Vice President 2
J o h n P . B e r o n io
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1-2-3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
1 ? VERYONE knows the likable, fun loving Prepster named "Bake” whose quips and puns kept the class alive. W e, the class of 1938, dub him the typical Prep graduate because of his scholastic standing, his interest in school activities, and his general good-fellowship.
ttjp R I E N D ” is the best word in the English language and it exactly describes John Balas. W hy? Because of his winning personality, his pleasant and unassuming manner. W e cannot well express our admiration or gratitude to John for all that he has given us during the past four happy years.
N ’S m any friends have always found him JO Hgenerous and amusing. The mysteries of Homer and Cicero have only spurred him on to greater efforts. These items, John, are but a small part of the reason w hy we are proud to call you a fellow classmate.
N I N E T E E N T w enty-jou r
TH E basketball court, Buck has proved himself to be a top ranking athlete and an all around good sport. In class, he has shown an equal ab ility to meet and conquer all. H is friends w ill alw ays remember him as very generous and understanding. A ll his fine qualities m ark him as a w orthy member of 4C "in aeternum ”.
G eorge E . B il l in g s
Debating 4 Dramatics 4 P e tre a n 4 Basketball 3-4 Tennis 4 Class President 3-4
T J A R K brown eyes, shining w hite teeth, pleasing smile— that was our first impression of Dick. A master on the dance floor, D ick has been the hit of every prep affair. In class he has always m aintained a fine balance between study and sport. In a word, here is a real man, long to be remem bered as a true Petrean.
R ic h a r d E . B o d e n m a n n
Basketball J.V . 2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4
Jo sep h
'■ 'H E ability to solve intricate problems shows the intellectual stature of a man. Joe has proved himself more than capable by the manner in which he has conquered in the field of physics. His classmates w ill long remember his outstanding generosity and sportsmanship. Good luck to you, Joe!
T u / en ty-five
F. B o y c e
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 4 P e tre a n 4 Track 4 Slide Rule Club 4
Jo h n J.
E. B u r k e
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Football 3 T rack 3-4 Camera Club 4 P e tre a n 4 Class Vice-President 3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
T hom as A . Burns
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Secretary 1-2 Dramatics 1-2-3 Class President 1-2-3 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2 Class Baseball 1-2
J am e s R . B yro n
Sodality 2-3 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 4 Dramatics 3 Track 1 Manager 3 Chess Club 2-4 Slide Rule Club 4 Class Baseball 3
TACK is an unusual combination of sound mind ** and sound body. His scholastic record is an enviable one and his athletic talent is varied. Skill w ith a candid camera has made him a valuable asset to the P e t r e a n staff and his practical work as a catechist has made his school career most worth while. Most sensible, most friendly, Jack w ill be long remembered by his classmates.
' | fHE only memory we have of Tom as a freshman is the N ewark accent which at that time twanged through his speech. But now as we are leaving St. Peter’s, we w ill remember him for a great m any reasons: class president, successful actor, debater, sodalist and, of course, honor man. A n y one who can do so m any things well, must be ex ceptional. Tom has astounded us w ith hi? energy and varied ability and it is safe to say we w ill be just as proud of Tom ten years from now.
' p NTERPRISING and earnest in all his en deavours, Jim w ill leave a vivid impression of himself upon our memories. The ordinary obstacles and trials of school life have not been able to block his path and we are sure that all future difficulties w ill yield to his perseverance. His gentle cynicism has been an outlet for a constant fund of good humor that has often lightened the w ay for some more sober comrade.
N I N E T E E N T wenty-six
JJE M E M B E R how those circles and angles of geom etry used to puzzle you? Then gaze in awe at a m an who has no difficulty in tw isting his thoughts along the tortuous path of altitudes, sectors and cosines. Frank is also noted for proficiency in other branches as well as in debating. Is it not logical to conclude that such a man w ill be heard from hereafter?
TACK is an example of St. Peter’s best. From the ** beginning of his course, he showed proof of the m any talents that lie beneath his quiet, unassuming exterior. Both in the classroom and out, Jack stands out for his confidence and self-reliance. W ith Ja c k ’s ab ility and character, he can w rite a check on the Bank of Success and, whatever career he chooses, his signature w ill be honored.
^ H E N next September renews school life, the Prep w ill have lost one of its best known and most popular students. Everyone w ill recall his intellectual, forensic and musical ability, his sodality activities and his vigor in cheerleading. He m ay tru ly be called the plague and pride of the faculty, for although he has tried the patience of teachers, on Prize N ight he is right there to receive the highest rewards.
T wenty-seven
F r a n c is E. C a h il l
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-3 Class Secretary 1 Bowling Club 4 French Club 4
Jo h n
A. C a n n o n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 P e tre a n 4 French Club 3-4 Classical Club 3 -4 Bowling 4
J am e s M . P. C arm ody
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Orchestra 1-2-3 Chess 2-3-4 French Club 3-4 Classical Club 2-3-4 Cheerleader 1-2 -4
P e t e r L . C a sa l in o
K. B. S. 1-2 T rack 3-4 Class Vice-President 2 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
CASS one can easily discern those qualities which are essential to one who is going to suc ceed. His everlasting good humor and his frequent flashes of brilliancy, not only kept him high in the esteem of his class but have marked him as a man to whom success w ill come quite naturally. Good luck to you! No one deserves it more than you.
J o se p h E . C o lfo rd
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1 Debating 1-2-3 Class Basketball 1-2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
J a m e s C . G . C o n n if f
Sodality 2-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 P e tre a n 4 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 3-4 Chess 2-3-4 Bowling 4 Library 1-2-3
HT'HERE has lived and studied w ith us for four years now, a very tall, rhythm ic-jointed Catholic book-seller and friend, all of whose ac quaintances were forced from w ithin to remark that this real gentleman was one of those few who can bite his lips when he had nothing to say. Con sequently we all hushed and listened when Joe had a comment to offer or a compliment to give. We knew it was the real thing.
THErecord of Greg’s H igh
School career is a far more valuable proof of his character than any encomium that might be w ritten. It is a register of deeds well done through skill and perseverance, a catalogue of achievement as a classical scholar. Yet his true merit cannot be measured merely by his erudition nor the high position he holds as a well bred young man, but by this that he is well grounded in true hum ility.
E N T iv en ty -eig b t
JOE we can say that he possesses the qualities of a true gentlem an and that he has faith fu lly adhered to the standards he set for himself. He was popular from the start and his circle of friends in 足 creased as the years w ent by. A lw ays admired by his teachers, he often rose to acquit himself ad足 m irably. It has been a pleasure to know him and we sincerely hope that his future wLl be bright with happiness and success.
RAYS mere presence gives one
the impression of sincere friendliness and carries w ith it the welcome air of a gentleman. He has always been on hand to volunteer his efforts when the interests of the school could be furthered. Three factors in particular w ill speed R ay on his journey to suc足 cess: his meticulousness, his cheerfulness and his u n足 w avering ambition to make the best of his talents.
J-JE R E a difficulty arises. It is not always possible to put on paper those feelings which are deeply imbedded in our hearts. W e can, however, correctly say this: by his unfailing w it, keen application to studies, ability in athletics and firm friendship, Jim has won for himself a place in the heart of each and every one of us. W e are proud to know you, Jim .
T w enty-nine
J o se ph T . C o n n o rs
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-4 Football 2-3 Baseball 1 Class Basketball 1-2-3 Bowling 4 Class Vice-President 2
R a y m o n d J . C o r b a l l is
Sodality 1-2 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Debating 1 Basketball 3-4 Football 3 T rack 2 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
Jam es
F. C o u g h l i n
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Basketball 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Captain 2 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Captain 4
Jo h n
F. C r o t t y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1-4 French Club 3-4 Bowling 4 Library 2-3 Class Basketball 3Class Baseball 3-4
F. C r o w l e y
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S, 2-3-4 Basketball, Manager 4 Baseball, Manager 4 Stamp Club 4 Class Vice-President 4
D a n ie l
F. X. C u r t i n
of the finest things about the Prep is the splendid friendships that one forms there. Each man must separate the chaff from the wheat for himself. Frank is found w ith the wheat on p ractically every list. Everyone knows Frank to be above all a good sport and a true friend. His teachers know him as a fine student and a w illing cooperator. ne
DANhas been a most faithful sodalist which is the highest praise that can be given any Prepster. Dan’s eminent practicality w ill serve him in good stead when he sallies forth to prove his worth to the world and in such a world as ours, this trait, coupled with his spiritual background, w ill furnish an indomitable stimulus to his life.
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Stamp Club 3 Bowling 4
TACK is rather reserved but for those fortunate ones who have won their w ay in to the circle of his friends, the real Jack stands out. His w illing ness to help and his consideration for all m ark him a gentleman. His intelligence and his persistence single him out as a scholar and his staunch ad herence to the right as it is given him to see it, pro claim him a real Catholic. It is w ith great regret that we bid Jack a fond farewell.
E N T h irty
TOE D A R C Y , the little man w ith the big ambi- J o s e p h t . D a r c y tions, plays "D ’A rtagn an ” to those three ^°rd^ ty 4 Musketeers, D onnelly, C ro tty and Tozzoli. He is class Baseball 2 one of those rare fellows who makes the most u n expected rem arks w ith supreme indifference and not a trace of a smile. The good humor that enjoys a joke best when it is played on himself has en deared Joe to his classmates and has made him one of the best liked men of his class.
" Joe"
jC R A N C IS D ATTO LI is a name that w ill one day enhance the doorplate of a renowned architect. D at has a great passion for the fascinating realms of planes and angles. He has built himself into the innermost sanctum of our hearts; he w ill always be a part of the life whose foundation we laid here at the Prep. W e wish to express the sincere wish of all your friends that your dream buildings m ay all be a success.
VER hurrying, never w orrying, W illiam Davis has distinguished himself at the Prep ever since his enrollment four years ago. W e w ill remember him as a member of our very successful basketball team and as a comrade whose open friendliness engaged the hearts of all. W e are sure that his en viable record here is a certain index of his future.
H U N D R E D T h ir ty - o n e
- E
F r a n c is
P. D a t t o l i
Sodality 1-2 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Debating 4 Track 4 Slide Rule Club 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2
W illia m
F. D a v is
K. B. S. 1-2-3 -4 Basketball 3-4 Football, Ass’t Manager 1-2 Class President 3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Vice-President 2
H. T " T in y ”
W illia m
H. D o a n e
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 3 Class Baseball 3
Jam e s
F. D o l a n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 2-3-4 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 3-4 Bowling 4 Chess Club 1-2
F r a n c is
H. D o n n e l l y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Class President 2-4 Senior Council Classical Club 2-4 French Club 3-4 Bowling 4
■^TILL is the small man of our class in stature, but the giant in his good humor, his generosity, and in all the qualities that make a real friend. For help w ith some dull task, for advice on some doubt ful m atter, or for wholesome companionship, every one turns to W ill. His interest and enthusiasm for everything and everybody has never been known to lag. In the classroom as well as everywhere else, he has been a center of action and he has stamped a fond memory on the heart of each of us.
^ A C T O R , singer, scholar and punster extra ordinary: that is Jim Dolan. W e who have been enthralled by his rich barytone or superb character portrayals, predict a brilliant future for him. His unselfish work for the school and the success he has shown in studies have convinced us that he goes forth protected by a buckler of talent and grit from which the blows of the world w ill harmlessly bound.
PRESENT here a top-flight Petrean. De spite his happy-go-lucky manner, Frank is a fine scholar and can boast many an honor pin. He is a member of every class team, an all around man and a well balanced individual whose worth we have come to appreciate during the course of the past four years. His talent and his perseverance w ill certainly carry him far.
T h irty-tw o
*T*HE fame and glory of St. Peter’s has ever been upheld by certain men whom she has given to the world. This year, she sends forth one who w ill surely uphold her dignity. His originality and his keenness in m athem atics has been lauded by his professors. If fame is any friend to justice, they w ill surely unite to crown D uke’s efforts in later life w ith the greatest success.
D o ug las S. D o ug an
Debating 1-2 P e tre a n
Senior Council 4 Track 2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4
*J*H IS good-hearted, hard-playing, generous Irish man can count every man of us his friend. He smiles as w ell when he loses as when he wins. A ll of us owe him much for his leadership and for his fine example of courage. His earnestness we con sider his outstanding trait. Good luck to you, Johnny, on the greater playing fields of life.
JJA SE B A L L is Donald’s first love and as soon as spring rolls around, he starts arguing about the current edition of the Jersey Giants. This adherence to the Jerseys has developed in him a characteristic which we all envy, namely, his disinterested loyalty to any cause in which he believes, and, what is more, a loyalty that only glows more fervently as the out look darkens. His m any other m anly qualities w ill make us long remember Don.
■QQHD T h ir ty - th r e e
J o h n E. D u n n e
Football 1-2-3-4 Captain 4 Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 2-3
D o n a ld W . D w yer
Sodality 1-2-3-4 Debating 2-3-4 Tennis 2 Track 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 2-3-4
C h a rles M . Egan
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Track 3 Bowling 4 Swimming 4
Edw ard J . E m m e
Class Secretary 3 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 3 Class Basketball 3
W illia m
J. F i t z p a t r i c k
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 French Club 4 Slide Rule Club 4 Class, Baseball 1-2-3 Class Basketball 1-2
J^ O B O D Y can tell us anything about these handsome fellows who bring forth premature gray hairs on the brows of their less fortunate brethren. A fter four years w ith Charlie we know all about such things. But w e’ve got to admit that there’s one service which he’s already rendered to m ankind. He has disproved the old adage that "B eauty and brains don’t m ix.” For behind that noble forehead is an alert brain. And he’s given us no reason to believe that it w ill ever become rusty.
are cast with sublime EDconfidence ’S w eighty andopinions composure on the most per plexing problems. His analytical and synthetical powers of reasoning are astounding, and stand him in good stead in the sciences, where clear thinking is essential to success. In order to understand why he is so popular w ith his classmates, one has but to w atch him hard at work on his car and to note w ith what gaiety and good humor he takes their sarcastic comments as to the merits of that famed machine.
f tJ 7 I T Z ” comes from Clifton, out in the wilds of New Jersey. Every day he treks forth to the city and brings to St. Peter’s a heart as big as his body. How big that is you can guess when we tell you that he is one of the most healthily respected linemen on the class football team. And the French is afraid of him too! For when "F itz” gets started on a French translation, all difficulties fade away. Let’s hope he’ll put the fear of God into all the trials that lie along life’s road.
Jp O U R years ago there came among us a man who would soon find a place deep in the heart of each of us. And now we are saying goodby to a tru ly Catholic gentlem an, an athlete and a scholar. For Joe has constantly shown himself to be not only a fine sportsman but also a diligent student. A lways a source of good humor, he has been a sheer asset to any group of Prepsters.
Jo sep h
/'"\UIETLY and w ith assurance, Bob has worked diligently and successfully, as his record w ill testify. Ever friendly, ever cheerful, he has im pressed all by his never-failing dependability. His popularity is attested by his presence in the Senior Council and while he is not a great athlete, he has shown himself to be a good sport.
R o b e rt
M A Y B E it is the cu rly hair, but whatever the cause, Dan certainly has a w ay w ith the chil dren when he is teaching Sunday school. And that circumstance is repeated all along the line: com panions, classmates, teachers are all his close friends. But when a man has a laugh in his eye and a cheerful word on his lips, that is to be expected. That is the reason for D an’s attractiveness.
H U N D R E D T h ir ty - fiv e
G. F l e m i n g
Sodality 2 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2 Dramatics 4 P e tre a n 4 Basketball 4 Baseball 2-3-4 Class Vice-President 1
E. F o r d
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Track 1-2 Senior Council Baseball 2 Class Basketball 1-2 Class Secretary 4
D a n i e l J . F o r m o sa
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
R o b ert
F. G a r n e r
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Class Baseball 1*3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4
E d w ard
B. G i l l e n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 1-2-3-4 P e tre a n 4 French Club 3-4 Classical Club 4 Bowling 4
Ed w ard J . G r if f in
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 3-4 Tennis 4 French Club 4 Slide Rule Club 4 Bowling 4
'T 'A L L , lan ky, likeable; a heart fu ll of friendliness and a head fu ll of Latin and French; a plague to his man in basketball: that is the Bob we are going to miss in m any respects. For after you have worked and played w ith a man for four years, you come to depend on him for help. And when you finally realize that you must part w ith him, it brings you up w ith a start and makes you understand how m uch you owe him.
T T IS only at graduation that we realize that some of the most valuable benefits of school are the friendships we form there. It is for this reason above all that we w ill remember Gil. Although he was ever in the foremost rank in scholastic achieve ment, yet the characteristic which w ill always stand out in our minds w ill be his influence for good. Surely, one who can boast such a character, and never does, need not fear for the future.
' p D IS the type so essential to the balance of every class, calm and efficient. Four years ago, he quietly entered St. Peter’s and he now bids us farewell just as tranquilly. His departure w ill be regretted by the faculty because of his consistently fine scholarship, by Father Butler because of his zeal and by us, his classmates, because we shall miss his cheerful, loyal companionship.
*T*HIS m an is most renowned for his constant smile and his mellow violin. W e must also tell you that he has mastered the French language so well that he can speak it fluently. The Aeneid has been a vehicle for his poetical style of transla tion and the principles of physics have readily acknowledged his dominion over them. Ever the genial, obliging gentlem an, "G ug” has left an im pression on us that w ill be slow to fade.
S a b in o
W f l T H the physique of a Launcelot, the voice like that w hich must have winged from Demosthenian lips, the perfect manners of a polished cos mopolitan, the tru ly quick mind conquering pin nacle grades, the lack of gu llib ility combined w ith unquestioning generosity and universal kindness, w ith these things Joe can go out and commercialize the galaxies. And Christianize them. And we expect him to.
Jo se p h
A L W A Y S friendly and good-natured, H arry has been one of the most popular men of his class. He has always given time and efforts to those who have needed help. His teachers admire him for his dependability. A ready smile is the assurance of his constant cheerfulness and his record here is proof enough of his studiousness. In saying good bye to H arry we add our sincere wishes for happi ness and success.
H en ry
T b ir ty -s e v e n
D, G u g l i e l m o
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Orchestra 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-3 Class Baseball 1
E. H a m m
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3 Dramatics 3 T rack 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2 Class Baseball 1-2
E. H a m m e l l
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 French Club 3 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 4
R o b e r t J . H a r r in g t o n
Sodality 3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Treasurer 1-2 President, Bowling Club 4
K e v in
D. H a r t y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K . B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 4 P e tre a n 4 French Club 3 Bowling Club 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
JgA Y O N N E gave the Prep a good man when it gave us Bob. H is fluency in the unexpected translation, his fine short-notice compositions have brought him respect and envy. In bowling, few can better his form or equal his score. His pitch ing has saved class teams from m any defeats. The time has finally come, Bob, when we must say, "Classmates once, but close friends forever!”
£ )U R I N G his years at the Prep, Kevin has earned for himself m any a comfortable m ark but we w ill especially remember him because he has in stilled in us a warm feeling of gratification for showing us the sunny side of life. He emerges from the Prep a splendid example of Catholic training and a gentleman according to the formula of Cardinal N ewm an: he never inflicted pain.
H enry J. H errm an n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Track 1 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
J_ JE N R Y ’S jovial disposition has brightened many a class. His interest and ability in the chem istry laboratory m ay be an index of his future work. But whatever he does, we are sure that Bing’s determination and powers of application w ill bring him success. The rest of us m ay look askance at your interest in chemistry, Bing, but you can certainly count us as your friends.
. N I N E T E E N T hirty-eight
'T 'H IS energetic quarterback has carved a niche for himself in the P e t r e a n hall of fame. Vivacious and fun loving, Bud’s repartees have often saved a dull period from the valley of bore dom. He is capable in an unobtrusive w ay and the first tim e that you hear of Bud’s activities is when he scores a smashing trium ph. W e are confi dent of George’s success and we say this out of a sense of conviction, not m erely as an optimistic cliche.
JO H N ’S quiet nature only gives evidence of his J studious thoughts. Endowed w ith good humor and good sense, John has proved himself a w orthy Prepster. M any a new ligh t has been shed upon present day topics by his lucid arguments and clear logic. He has always appreciated a good joke. These ingredients, when tempered w ith experience, w ill have but one result: success in all his under takings.
T N freshman and sophomore years, Bill achieved considerable distinction for his characterizations in the plays. D uring the last two years, he has de veloped into one of the finest debaters of the school. This year his faithful attendance at Sodality has been rewarded by election as prefect. And throughout the four years, he has consistently earned testimonials and has been conspicuous for the honors heaped upon him on Prize N ight. The admiring friendship of your class is as great as your attainm ent at the Prep, Bill. H U N T hirty-nin e
A. H o f f m a n
G eo rg e
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Debating 1-2 Football 3-4 Baseball, Manager 4 Track 3 Bowling 4
J ohn H . H o ffm an n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 French Club 3 Bowling 4
W illia m
F. H o g a n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 1-2 Debating 1-2-3-4 P e tre a n 4 Senior Council 4 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 3-4 Class Vice-President 2-3
J o h n T . H urley
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1.3-4
V in c e n t
F. K a n e
Sodality 3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Bowling 4 Basketball 3 T rack 3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-4
t t J X E R C ” is the strong, silent type. Bayonne’s Jack fits his name to the wth degree of exactitude, for "H ere” stands for Hercules and Ja c k ’s feats of strength are legendary throughout the school. For all that, Jack is not one of those fellows w ith a strong back and a weak mind, for the honor rolls list his name month after month and it is a wide-awake teacher who can catch Jack napping. Good luck, Jack, you are headed for big things and the word "defeat” is not in your vocabulary.
**KIL LER”Kane is the best quarter-m iler Prep has seen in m any a day. His attainments come, not from his excellent form alone, but as a result of his indomitable spirit, an inner urge that w ill not let him give up whether it be on the track or in the classroom. He is a conscientious and in dustrious student and a cheerful and pleasant com panion. "K iller’s” determination has carried him to great heights already, and if he retains this trait, he cannot help but succeed.
F r a n c i s R . K e a t in g
Sodality 1 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3 Class Basketball 2-3
TCRANK’S dynamic nature and personality are always exploding in the form of witticisms, ^ and his cheery grin has brightened many a dreary v 1] day. When things in class grow dull and students begin to stare and dream, the wise teacher calls on Frank. And from his funereally solemn features come the most comical bits of humor ever to en liven a dull period. But Frank is no idle jester, and the tributaries of Rome are as fam iliar to him as the streets of his home town.
J U S T I N KELLY is one of those popular lads, member of the senior council and a host of other organizations. A n honor man, A ustin reaches the heights w ithout extraordinary effort and has plen ty of tim e left for his social obligations. Kel is w ell fitted to bask in the smiles of fortune and we leave him w ith little fear that he w ill ever be mediocre.
YO U, orator, w riter, thinker, classmate, scholar, friend, prudent and kind and active, an unemotional "Atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale”. Tem poral whiskbrooms sweep fau ltily on brilliant images like yours. Hence, have no fears of oblivion w ith us, Bernard. And when your "heart has a stone in its shoe” think of us and pray for us as we w ill for you.
C OFT-voiced Aloysian, crack speaker when he wants to be, otherwise the unostentatious gentleman you have to admire, even envy; steady student, level-headed, excellent dancer but a real Ignatian man, thinker solitary along the highroads of Catholic truth, glowing adorant at the feet of M ary . . . of John Kelly you can say much more, but we, his classmates, are too aware of John’s strong and Christian modesty.
F orty -on e
A u s t in W . K e l l y
Sodality 3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 2-3-4 Class Vice-President 2-3 Senior Council 4 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 4 Slide Rule Club 4 Bowling 4
B ern ard
F. K e l l y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 Secretary 4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Pres. 1, V.-P. 2, Sec. 4 Dramatics 3 P e t r e a n , Editor Classical Club 3-4 Senior Council 4 French Club 3-4
Jo h n
A. K e l l y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 President 1 Track 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 3-4 Class Baseball 2-3-4
R o b ert
E. K e l l y
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-4 Dramatics 4 Class President 2 Class Secretary 3-4 Class Baseball 3 -4 Bowling 4
Jo h n
E. K e n d a l l
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K . B. S. 1-2-3-4 P e tre a n 4 Senior Council Orchestra 1-2-3 Band 4 Class Baseball 1
G eo rge J . K e n n e d y
Sodality 1-2 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 • Class Vice-President 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 2-3-4
[^A ST of all the Kellys, we come to Bob. Although he laid no claim to recognition as a w it, his humorous chuckle often started the ball of m irth rolling. As "K el” sat quietly in the class room, taking in all the proceedings, one often won dered what thoughts were being held in check by that impassive countenance. Through his four years he has maintained a position of trust with his classmates, being held in high esteem by all w ith out exception.
TA C K ’S rendition of "Sugar Blues” on his edu*■' cated trum pet is the masterpiece of a true "sw ing” artist. But his accomplishments are not lim ited to the musical world, for he translates and speaks Latin like a born Roman and writes with the free-flowing style of a Sabatini. But in spite of his literary skill he is quiet and retiring by nature. W e w ill not speak of the sagacity of his mind, nor even of his well-known mechanical skill, but we will m erely say, as we know he would have us, "So long, J a c k !”
^^.EORGE is a fellow who likes to hide his light under a bushel. But we who know him are well aware of his good parts. An active promoter in anything that is for the good of the class, George has more than once carried the standard and shown his fellows the way. You take with you the best wishes of the class, George, and we shall watch your career with interest. M ay it be one of joy and prosperity and great success.
N I N E T E E N fo r t y - t w o
all the savoire faire of a successful master of ceremonies. As a follower of "Sw ing and Sw ay”, he has no equal and all of us w ill re member his flashing repartee, his clever imitations, his fine perform ance as Bob W illiam s in “Penrod.” It is a foregone conclusion that Dan w ill meet w ith success for he hurdled all obstacles at the Prep like a veteran.
^ H E N there was serious work to be done, Ted could be as serious as a judge. But oftentimes, a flash of his w it would startle the class out of its lethargy and animate it to laughter. O ut of class, Ted’s presence stim ulated the crowd and wiped aw ay all shadow of gloom, even at examination time. W e are sure that his accomplishments in life w ill reflect honor and dignity upon his Alma M ater.
JLTENRY is a man of strong and independent opinions, political, religious- and social, and possesses the courage to act according to his opinions, regardless of criticism . He has m any of the qualities so essential for success in this modern age: self-confidence, courage, industriousness. His talents have been displayed in m any different fields and have marked him an outstanding member of our class.
D a n i e l E . K ir k
Sodality 3 Debating 1-2 Dramatics 4 Basketball 4 Baseball 4 Orchestra 1-2-3-4 Bowling 4 Class Treasurer 3-4
T h a d d eu s J . K r a sz e w sk i
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-4
H e n r y S t.
C. L a v i n
Sodality 2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 3-4 Classical Club 4 French Club 4 Bowling 4 Library 2-3
A n d r e w J . L is k y
Sodality 1 Basketball 3-4 Baseball 3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Captain 1-2 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Football, Manager 3
H a r r y W . M c A vo y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 President 4 Dramatics 3 -4 P e tre a n 4 Football 3 T rack 3 French Club 3-4 Bowling 4
J ohn J. M cC arthy
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Senior Council P e tre a n 4 Football 3-4 Library 2 Class President 1-4
J 7 VERYONE in the Prep recognizes A ndy as an athlete and a scholar and his classmates know him also as a friend. A conspicuous basketball star, he has been in no small measure responsible for the Prep’s remarkable record during the last season. He has always been a fair and upright sportsman. He always fights w ith all his skill and strength and, w in or lose, he comes smiling through. To say more would be in the nature of an anti climax.
VOICE that echoes to the boom of jovial banter and ruptures forensic ceilings; a face clean and open, an assiduous head complete w ith grave levity and light gravity, a heart that vigorously drives healthy blood through one of the finest physiques in the school; a generosity and tact and constant consideration for all: all these things we find in this one man so Christ-like that Christ H im self must have taken pleasure in animating H arry McAvoy.
B i P >ES possessing a fine football talent, John is also an earnest scholar. For four years he has been consistently awarded the highest honors in his class. As he carries on in the great game of life, we are certain that John w ill overcome all obstacles and w ill finally cross that last white marker to success. A ll his classmates w ill certainly be cheer ing for him.
E E N F orty -fou r
J^ IL L is that pleasant young man from the Oil C ity. A standard bearer in the religious life of the Prep, Bill has answered for himself the allim portant question, "W hat doth it profit a m an?” His serious earnestness is combined w ith a jovial, good natured m anner that makes him liked by all. His studiousness is attested by his m any testimonials, yet he always had time for the social activities of the Prep. Good luck to you, Bill.
W illia m c . M cC usker
|od*lit:cy 1‘2' 3\4 Debating 1-2-4 French Club 4 Classical Club 2-4 Slide Rule Club 4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 4
TF EVER we were in doubt as to an experiment or a difficult translation, Mac was the one to whom we turned. T hat he is a tru ly Catholic gentleman is proved by his consideration for all and his unquestioning generosity. He has studied hard and the results of his w ork are apparent. The modern world undoubtedly has need of his kind.
James t. McDonald ?°d’Ilty K.. B. o. 1-2-3 Debating 2- 3 class Basketball 1 - 3
class Baseba11 1-2
W illia m
GAY, light-hearted greeting, a dash of loud color, mellow voice, the latest joke: that is Bill McDonald. Bill takes pride in his high scholas tic standing for he has learned that there is no short cut to knowledge. But he has acquired the secret of good sportsmanship, affability, and a kind word, the worthwhile short cuts to enduring friendships. Your record is a credit to you, Bill.
H U N F o r ty -fiv e
L. M c D o n a l d
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 3 P e tre a n 4 Senior Council Cheerl eader 4 Class President 3
E d w ard
H. M c K e n n a
Sodality 1-2-3 -4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 T rack 3-4 French Club 3-4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball
Ja m e s
V. M c N a m a r a
K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Football 1-2-3-4 Senior Council Class President 1-2-3 Swimming 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 3-4
Jo sep h
R. M a c k i n
K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 2 Dramatics 4 Basketball 4 Baseball 2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3
H A ST Y critic, glancing at Ed, would charac terize him as the scholarly type. But four happy years of prayer, life and laughter have shown him owner of a tip-top personality, a whip-lash interest in Sodality. Though he himself would never tell this, Ed is one of our foremost track men and m any’s the time that he’s left us far behind on the cinders. But his good-natured humor pre cludes any feeling of jealousy from a defeat at his hands. So Ed, now that you have split the tape way ahead of Homer and V irgil, m ay you leg it over all obstacles w ith like success.
f ONG after the mists have cleared from the Senior Room w ill the form of "M ac” be re membered by his classmates. His ability to wave an im aginary cigar and smile brightly at his com panions lends credence to the theory that "M ac” w ill in later life be a politician. And if this actually comes to pass, he w ill be a successful one. For he has the sort of personality that w ill make him popular everywhere, and a contagious enthusiasm which he has often displayed in tryin g to raise aloft the Maroon and W hite banner.
Q N THE basketball court or the baseball dia mond, this jovial jester literally shines. The finesse w ith which Joe sinks that ball or sends a sizzling hook over the outside corner are equalled only by the m erry quips with which he cheers up his comrades. The best indication of Joe’s charac ter, however, is the foremost place he holds in the hearts of his classmates. And although his dignified class demeanor m ay at any time break down, Joe has, mixed with this spirit of fun, good common sense that w ill reflect as well on any gathering as it has on his Alma Mater. O F
N I N E T E E N Forty-six
TJ OB is a pleasant young fellow w ith an attractive personality. H is quiet m anner conceals a w ealth of good natured humor. The steady efficiency that has characterized all his work at the Prep w ill most certain ly carry him through life successfully, no m atter w hat course he m ay chart for himself.
R o b ert
e. M a h le r
Sodality ! -2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating i
'j^ fHIS smiling Petrean from Bayonne is right up in the front ranks when it comes to school spirit and the class teams owe m uch to his prowess. W hen he entered the Prep four years ago, we recognized in him a fine character and the value of his friendship has grown w ith the passing of time. M ay your future be em inently successful, Tony, and your attainm ents many.
A n th o n y
; I fONY did not come into our midst until sopho more year but so well has he moulded himself to the standards of a Petrean that we have all but forgotten that fact. T ony’s greatest asset is his boundless exuberance. The pompous self-esteem of Cicero, the boring epitaphs of Homer melt away before his warm , spontaneous smile. Come what m ay, Tony w ill always come out on top, smiling.
A n th o n y
t h
J. M a n g i n e
Baseball 4 Class Basketball 3-4 Class Baseball 3-4 Class Football 3-4 Bowling 4
N. M a r i n o
Sodality 3 K. B. S. 3-4 Football 3-4 Class Basketball 3-4 Class Baseball 4 French Club 4
A d o l p h J . M a r k st e in
Sodality 1-3-4 K. B. S. 1 Debating 4 Baseball 2-3-4 Orchestra 1-3 Band 4 Class Baseball 3-4
C h a r le s
E. M a r t i n
Sodality 4 K. B. S. 4 Class Vice-President 3 Class Baseball 1-3 Class Basketball 3-4 Senior Council
G erard J . M a st e r ly
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 3 Track 3-4 French Club 4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
^ O L P H is a man of such varied talent that he has won the admiration and respect of all his friends. He displayed remarkable ability on the diamond, the rink, the tennis court, and especially in the classroom. But Dolph’s nature is not charac terized by the sophistry that is peculiar to other men of his ability. In the span of his high school life he has proved to us his worth. Now it is up to him to go forth and prove it to the world.
A S TIME rolls on, and we look through the pages of this book, we w ill not have to cudgel our brains when we come to Charlie’s picture. For we w ill always remember his ready smile, his w illing ness to help a friend, his whole-hearted zeal in everything he undertook. He refused to be de pressed by anything, and his humor was of the most infectious type. M ay he ever remain that w ay!
fC C T R IK E ! . . . Set ’em up in the other alley!” Here comes Rod, the scourge of the pin boys. Yes, he has received recognition as an accomplished bowler. But Rod certainly has more than this to be proud of. Although quiet and reserved, his ready w it has contributed much to his popularity. The four years course, happy to say, has never fazed him in the least. Rod is not so very tall, but he has the courage to face obstacles. And the strength to conquer them.
N I N E T E E N F o r ty -eig h t
J7 U T U R E basketball games are sure to whip up in our minds the picture of one m an: Ernie M iller. His v ersatility in the classroom, among us, his fellows, and p articu larly on the basketball courts in this section of the country, is so brilliant, so w ellknown, and so admired as far to transcend the usual weak-kneed words of praise. W ith swelling pride and just in having been associated w ith him, we hover breathless on the temporal brink to applaud Ernie’s victories sure to come.
TOURIN G our twice two years on the shore of the Hudson, we have watched Frank w in fame for his constant hard work in both studies and athletics. Prowess on track and gridiron have won him personal glory and adorned the Prep as well. W e expect big things of you, Frank. Go to it.
J F EVER you read this, Ed, when you have scaled your surgical Eigerwand, your effervescent heart w ill drub w ithin you proudly to know that even in 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 J l i T high school we regarded you most deeply tor m any good traits, but especially for your inflexible adherence to right, your ingrained decency and fairness. Thank God and your parents for it, Ed, and stay that w ay. And never lose sight of what must have guided you among us: "Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King. . . .”
F orty-n in e
E r n e s t R . M il l e r
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 P e tre a n 4 Basketball 3-4 Captain 4 V arsity Baseball 3 Class President 1 Bowling 4
F r a n c i s W . M il l e r
Sodality 2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Class Secretary 3 Class Treasurer 4 Track 2-3-4 Football 3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1
E dw ard
Mo n a h a n
!t!j Debating 1-2 -3 -4
Vice-President 2
French club
3 -4
x r™ k ,A Manager 4 cheerleader 1-2 -3 -4
M a la c h y
J. M o o n e y
Sodality 1-3 K. B. S. 1-2 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
Jo h n
P. M o o r e
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Football 2 T rack 3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
H a r o ld
E. M o r s c h a u s e r
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 4 Football 4 Track 3 Orchestra 1-2-3 Bowling 4 Slide Rule Club 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Secretary 1-2
never seems to have a moment for worry. His spontaneous laugh and carefree banter have always been as dependable as the sun. He is our most ardent hockey fan. Some day Mai will perhaps be sitting in the Rangers’ penalty box, w aving his stick at the umpire. This m ay not be your goal, Mai, but whatever it be, your classmates wish you success and Godspeed.
E W ILL always remember John for his en viable quiet manner, his ready w it and keen intellect. The briefest contact w ith him left us w ith a feeling of good fellowship and admiration. His unfailing steadiness in class work brought him to the highest rank and his talent has been recog nized generally by student and teacher alike. We feel certain that his cornucopia w ill always be full of the choicest of life’s offerings.
w ill to win and determined efforts, Mush has won our respect and admiration. A football player of no mean ability, his tongue is quick as he plunges through the line, he has an answer for every quip. Were we to attempt even a partial list of his attainments, pages would be needed. So, we shall content ourselves with say ing, "He is our Mush and we a r: sorry to lose him.”
#T ,HE really neat trick of being able to whip up a smile no m atter how m any sand-grits get into your eyes is not so m uch a mask as a real attitude which few people can swing w ith skill. And if you have a supple thew or two in your arm and some good people in your head and an easy flex to your feet and a solid blush of Christ in your heart, you can ride a sm iling crest over any jolt. Ju st such a fellow we know and call friend: Je rry M ullin.
T -JE A R T Y laugh and joyous greeting, footballfamous and student strict, fu ll of humor and fun as the back-woods in K entucky, successful in studies and all other activities that drew his diligence and enthusiasm, deserving of the conquests we can足 not see how he can fail in later life to attain, we say what-ho, M urph, old man, and m ay we meet m any times again before the Judgm ent.
TACK is one of those rare chaps whose capabilities cover a rip-roaringly wide field. W ith burning thirst for knowledge (and we mean i t ) , and a keen eye out for essentials, he is a good athlete, a faithful Sodalist, and has established a firm foundation, and the structure of his life has by him been made as unshakable as his self-reliance and confidence in others.
F ifty -o n e
G erald
F. M u l l i n
Sodality 1-2-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-3-4 Dramatics 4 Track 4 French 4 Bowling
Ken n eth J. M u rph y
Sodality 2-3-4 K. B. S. 2-3-4 Debating 1 Football 3 -4 Class Vice-President 4 Class Treasurer 1 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-3-4
J ohn
F. M u r t h a
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 3 French Club 4 Orchestra 2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Manager and Captain 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4
F r a n c is
B. N e a l e
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S .'1-2-3-4 Petrean 4 T rack 3-4 Captain 4 Baseball 1-2-3 Class Basketball 2-3
A. N o l a n
J o se ph
Sodality Ass’t K. B. S. Football
1-2 Prefect 1-2-3-4 3 P etreat^ 4 Class Baseball 3 Class Treasurer 3
H arry
DeS. N o r t o n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Football 2-3-4 T rack 3-4 Senior Council Class Treasurer 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
Jg R E N T is a track star w ith a distinguished career. A capable, personable and well bred young man is Brent. He is proud of the fact that he can trace his descent from the passenger lists of the " A rk ” and the "Dove” and even beyond. But we are proud of Brent’s career at the Prep which his h u m ility w ill constantly minimize. W ell, did that famous speed come from dodging the Indians, Brent?
; J^H ERE is scarcely a Prepster who does not know Joe as a friend. His keen sensibility, good humor, pleasant singing, and unquestioning gen erosity have made him popular w ith the whole school. These same priceless possessions w ill doubt lessly enable Joe to drink of the cup of success in the near future. Good fortune should be with him for he deserves it.
^ T H E N we speak of great athletes, our thoughts naturally turn to H arry Norton. He has attained great esteem with everyone associated with St. Peter’s. H arry can laugh in the face of disaster and graciously accept success. The recollection of his intellectual attainments makes us certain that he need not fear for the future. We hope that graduation w ill strengthen rather than sever our friendship.
M U S C U L A R shoulders and arms make for power and speed in swim ming. T hat is w h y Leon is captain of the swim m ing team. But there is a rule at the Prep that no one can be a captain unless he is an active sodalist and a good student. Leon lived up to both requirements. Sodalist, honor man, athlete: that is the combination that works smoothly every time. And that describes Leon.
oN E
of the most studious of his class, yet always affable and friendly, staff artist of the year book, conspicuous in intram ural athletics: such is our own George O’Brien. A lw ays ready to play the role of helper, his classmates owe George much for w hat he has done for them. In return, they offer him a hearty "Thank you” and m any a prayer for his success.
of the "m ile square c ity ” came a man who was destined from the first to make his m ark at the Prep. And now we bid goodby to John w ith a firm assurance that we w ill not forget his quiet friendliness, the loyalty of his school spirit, the infectiousness of his good humor. His work here is held in high esteem and his departure w ill be keenly felt. ut
F ifty -th ree
L eon P. N utzel
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3 Vice-President 2 T rack 3 French Club 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Secretary 4 Swimming, Captain 4
G e o r g e J . O ’B r i e n
K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Petrean 4 Debating 1 T rack 2-3 Class Basketball 1-2 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Vice-President 2
J o h n L . O ’B r i e n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1-2 Basketball 2 Baseball 2-3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
F r a n c i s J . O ’N e i l l
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 2
J a m e s D . O ’N e i l l
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 T rack 4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 3-4
P a u l J . P a rso n s
Sodality 1-2 K. B. S. 1 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2
J7 R A N K is one of those hardy pioneers who. every m orning for the past four years, has treked across the N ew ark meadows and beaten a path to St. Peter’s. Another trek that Frank has regularly made is the m onthly parade up for testimonials. And this in spite of all the obstacles that Homer and V irgil could throw in his w ay. W e’re going to miss Frank, for when he takes his contagious good humor back to N ew ark w ith him, there w ill be a cloud over the Prep. Goodby, Frank, and good luck.
W A V Y hair, dancing feet, sparkling eyes, smiling lips. The key to popularity. And does Jay know how to turn that key! A fter four years of constant companionship, I can’t remember what J a y ’s frown looks like. Probably because he’s done it so seldom. Yes, he rarely frowns. On the con trary, you can always find him by looking for a I bunch of fellows who are laughing and happy. Two to one, Ja y w ill be in the center of the crowd. Let’s hope he retains that characteristic. It will be in valuable to him.
'Y 'O U should hear Paul swing "Satan Takes a Holi day” ! He certainly can make that old piano talk. And when he picks up a trum pet! This artistic skill is one of Paul’s outstanding traits. And it is for this above all else that we will remember him. A fter all, who could forget his splendid per formance on Senior N ight? Or at the Fathers and Sons Smoker? We have no doubt that, if he wished to do so, Paul could equal that other Paul and be the W hiteman of tomorrow.
W I T H q.uiet assurance, Jock has won his w ay into our hearts and into the Prep’s athletic hall of fame. Essentially a "team m an”, his suc cess w ith regard to both items has been due to his constant cooperation and selflessness. This is the man who is ready to handle any situation, par ticu larly the problem of his own future. W e always cheer the "team m an”, John, and we w ill be cheering for you.
jy j A N Y future recollections of the Prep w ill most certainly center around Peter’s per petual good humor and his skill on the basketball court. He has the happy facu lty of being both a hard w orking student and a prominent socialite. If there were a dancing club, he would surely be President. Our most sincere wish for Pidge’s future is that he m ay develop still further those delightful characteristics that have endeared him to all of us.
p I N K Y needs no introduction to the Prepsters. In his four years w ith us, we have come to know and appreciate his cheerful bearing and spirit of determination. He knows when to work and when to play. His assiduity around ex amination time is something that amazes us all. W e do not know what vocation you are going to follow, Pinky, but no m atter what it is, we know you w ill go far.
F ifty -fiv e
J ohn
D. P id g e o n
K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Basketball 3-4 Class President 3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Captain 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Captain 3-4
P eter
B. P id g e o n
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 3 Basketball 3-4 Track 3 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Vice-President 3 Class Secretary 1 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Captain 2
R a y m o n d J . P ie n k o s k i
Sodality 1 K. B. S. 1 Debating 2-3 Class Football 3 Class Basketball 2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3
J a m e s J . Q u in n
Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3--
A rthur
L. R a c k l e y
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 2-3-4 Class Treasurer 1 French Club 3-4 Bowling Catechist
TOUGH, well-threaded physique and a mind of similar flawless texture; a w ill strong and indomitable, like a m ilitary searchlight on a dark field of battle; a rich slice of humor and a bushel of g rit; such is the Jim inchoate. But the Jim we have known is a strict marshalling of all these fine qualities into a Petrean gentleman and Christian man. H it the road under full power, Jim . You’re all there.
AYONNE has been lavish in her gifts to the Class of ’38, not the least whereof is her son, A rthur Rackley. He is a gentleman in the fullest sense, as well by example and practice as by name. Welcome and desirable in any gathering, he cannot but ride to the spiritual and temporal top. We take that for granted. Que le bon Dieu vous benisse.
V erno n
G. R a n d
Sodality 1-2 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Bowling Class Basketball 1-2-3 Class Baseball 1-2-3
M AN and his traits: Bernie—sincere, a ready listener with an Euboean pocket, a sweater of a student and trotless most of the time, conserva tive and the sort of gentleman you like to keep track of, one more well-nigh perfect Petrean. It is one of life’s major disappointments that you seldom run into many real men like Bernie.
E T E E N F ifty-six
J F EVER the world runs a grater across your heart, you would do well to look up "R ed” and beg him or bribe him to smile for you. N othing more. It is a tonic, and when he dies—deus iam vetet!—Frank has a moral obligation to see to it that the Louvre gets his teeth. T hey are beyond a doubt fine art. Stick likewise to the path you are now following after Christ, "R ed”. W e are w atching.
J-JE R E is one of the quietest men who ever graced the halls of St. Peter’s. But this quiet of his has never signified lack of interest, for Cole con stitutes an integral part of class life. Just to feel that he is there, ready to rise calm ly and give a clear recitation lends a satisfied atmosphere to the classroom. W hen in future years we look at Cole’s picture, we w ill instantly visualize the image of a friend, a student and a gentleman.
F r a n c i s X . R e d d in g t o n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3 Senior Council T rack 3 Bowling 4 French Club 4 Class Basketball 2-3-4
C o l e m a n F . R idge
Sodality 2-3-4 Debating 2 Baseball 3-4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2 Class Basketball 1-2
^ ^ F JO H N we can say this: "No one has for him JOHN J- Riordan anything but the highest regard.” H b teach- Basketball* 2*3 4 ers respect him as a consistent, hard-working stu- Football 2 - 3-4 dent. Mr. Myers values him as an all-round athlete, a rock at center in football and a fighting basketballer. W e students admire him as an unselfish and loyal companion. John, when you leave St. Peter’s you take w ith you the very best wishes of the Class of ’3 8.
F ifty -s e v en
N I)
W il l ia m
J . R oe
Sodality 1-2-3 -4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3 T rack 1-4 Orchestra 4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2
Edw ard R . R o e m k e
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1 Class President 1 Orchestra 1-2-3-4 Tennis 4 Bowling 4 Band 4
J o se ph
B. R o m a n o w ic z
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 French 3 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 4
T A LL fellow sitting in the back of the room and reeling off a translation for Fr. Schmitt; a h efty arm swinging a bowling ball; a thoughtful head bent over a violin. Indeed, Bill has m any in terests in his life at the Prep. And the enthusiasm which he evidences in pursuing them has made him outstanding in them all. Hold on to that en thusiastic spirit, Bill. It w ill win m any friends for you in the future, just as it has done here at St. Peter’s.
EDIS a tranquil fellow whose cheery smile has never been known to fade. Of course we should expect this, for his scholastic standing is not conducive to gloom. He is also a musician of note and here a compliment rather than a pun is in tended. Ten years hence, when Eddie is blowing his trum pet into the microphones of NBC, we of ’38 w ill be able to smile reminiscently as we vaunt, "Yes indeed, Ed and I were old classmates back in . St. Peter’s.”
OE is the perennial freshman in that he has never lost his love of activity. Thus he is the friend of every man in the school and is heartily greeted by undergraduates and Seniors alike. But besides being an athlete, he is a student and an honor man. And so, wherever you meet Joe, whether it be in the classroom or in the yard, he is always dis tinguished by his sportsmanship, enthusiasm, sin cerity and smiling good nature.
YJWrE’RE certain ly going to miss those colorful combinations in coats and pants w ith which Mel used to brighten up 4A. And the socks! Yes, in clothes, speech and character, Mel is nothing if not bright and cheerful. Perhaps it’s because he has hit upon that "golden mean” which Shakespeare makes so much of. For he can boast of effortless grace on the dance floor, rare skill on the athletic field, and proficiency in the classroom.
is not the most conspicuous member of * * R U SH ” our class and on this is based his popularity, for conspicuous people are irritatin g and annoying as often as they are amusing. But he who wings a middle course is more likely to reach his goal. He is an earnest student, a true friend, and a representa tive Petrean. As "Rush” goes forth w ith the stamp of the Prep upon him, we are fu lly confident that he w ill bring nothing but honor upon his Alma Mater.
*J*H IS quiet chap from Harrison unobtrusively entered the Prep four years ago w ith the wholesome recommendation of a friendly smile. His marks in class are always above reproach, and in sports "Sandy” plays hard and clean. And he is ever ready to trade a joke w ith a classmate, for beneath his calm demeanor lurks the mischief of Pan. Our best wishes go w ith you, "Sandy”. M ay success accompany you along whatever path you tread.
H U N D R E D F ifty -n in e
M e l v il l e
S. R u m m e l
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 1-2-3 T rack 3-4 Bowling 4 French Club 3-4 Class Treasurer 4
F red J . R u s c h m a n
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-4 Baseball 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 2-4
J ohn
A. S a n d f o r d
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 4 Debating 4 Camera Club 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4
T H I R T Y - E I G II T "Sandy”
W il l ia m
T. S e x t o n
Sodality 3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Class Treasurer 1-2 Class Secretary 3 Class Basketball 1-2 T rack 2-3-4
D a n ie l P . S h e e h y
Sodality 1-2-3 Football 3-4 T rack 3-4 Class Treasurer 1 Bowling 4
D a v id
E. S m e d l e y
Debating 1-2-3-4 Petrean 4 T rack 3 Class Secretary 1-2 Classical Club 3 -4 Orchestra 1-2 -3 -4 French Club 3 Slide Rule Club 4
this gentleman is as fast as he is because there’s so little of him to carry along. Be that as it m ay, "W ee W illie” Sexton is C ounty Champion of the half-m ilers. His winged feet have led St. Peter’s to m any a trium ph on the cinders. And just as he has gained m any victories over his op ponents on the track, so has he secured m any vic tories in w inning the hearts of his classmates. Our best wishes go w ith you, W illie. M ay you hurdle all the difficulties of life w ith this same ease. aybe
^ E R E you to ask us for an incorporate example of optimism, we should readily answer, "Daniel Sheehy.” "R ed’s” sunny smile and jovial disposition have indeed helped to make our years at St. Peter’s a pleasant memory. His specialty is mathematics and rarely has he failed to propound for our enlightenment the most difficult proposi tions.' His popularity is attested to by the vast number of Prepsters who, after June, w ill look in vain for his cheery greeting.
IN U R IN G moments of contention with the loquacious Cicero, Dave exhibited as much dexterity and ability as he has so often displayed when sliding out a solo on his trombone. We fear we w ill miss his geniality and general good-fellow ship, his cheery smile beaming down from his six feet two upon some favored comrade. But we are sure that that same smile w ill flash through what ever difficulties m ay beset him in life.
J N FIR ST and second years, H arry was a bashful fellow. Even so, as he advanced through St. Peter’s he enjoyed m uch success in both studies and sports. In this w ay he developed poise and that sense of sureness so necessary to the polished gentle man. But every now and then we catch a flicker from the depths of H a rry’s heart, where he still has the embers of that freshman bashfulness. For, try as you m ay, you cannot get him to speak of his achievements. W e like him all the more for his modesty.
H arry J . Stulz
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Debating 3-4 T rack 4 Chess 4 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 4 Class Basketball 4
T T IS indeed a pleasure to present to you John Joseph Torpey, better-know n at the Prep as "T orp”. His vigorous, enthusiastic work on the gridiron has been constant proof of his do-or-die nature, and it labels him the real Prep product. W e w ill remember "T orp” not only for his football ability, but also for his unstinted generosity. God and men welcome that sort of fellow.
J o h n J . T o rpey
' I THROUGHOUT the four years that we have known him, "T ozz” has done m any things, and done them all well. His reports have always brought him first honors, and French is his forte. No class team has ever lacked his support and participation. Add to this the fact that he is a pre eminent Sodality man, and in the first rank of any social gathering at the school, and you can readily understand w hy the Prep wears a deep black at his going.
G u y T . T o z z o li
S ixty-one
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2 Football 3-4 Baseball 1-2 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Secretary 2 Class Treasurer 1 Bowling 4
Sodality 1-2-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-3 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 3-4 Secretary Class Vice-President 2 Class Secretary 1 Class Treasurer 3-4
J o h n P. T u lly
K. B. S. 1-2 Petrean 4 Sodality 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 3-4
R aym o n d O . V etter
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Class Secretary 4 Class Treasurer 2 Class Football 4
J am es
M. W
Sodality 2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-4 Vice-President 4 Track 4 Baseball 3-4 Senior Council Chairman Camera Club 4 Slide Rule Club 4
ITH a ready joke and a quick smile, John m ight well be called the good-will ambassador of 4M. M any w ill miss him at the Prep for it will be hard to replace his spontaneous generosity and consideration for all. His constant industry is at tested by an admirable scholastic record. May future success and happiness supplant his achieve ments at St. Peter’s.
j^ A Y M O N D VETTER w ill remain in our fondest memories as a happy, carefree young man whose clever imitations were the source of many laughs among his companions. But R ay can be serious when there is serious work to be done and intim acy w ith him is tru ly meaningful. His crowd of friends hereby combine to wish him well and to assure him of their lasting admiration.
JJE S IP E S being a mainstay of the baseball team, consultor of the Sodality, and chairman of the senior council, Jim found time to gain such a knowledge of the classics that he could collect monthly honor cards. But his forte is science and mathematics. According to universal opinion, he is a man one would cherish as a friend, a man whose friendship w ill certainly grow more valuable with time. M ay fortune smile on you, Jim .
R. W
JC VER true to his ideals, calm and smiling, H arry strode sedately through his years at the Prep. Strong of character, w ith an analytical mind, in capable of confusion, he is in the truest sense of the word a gentlem an. His presence has always played a conspicuous part in activities aimed at the better ment of the class and the benefit of his comrades. Goodby to you, H arry, and a fond farewell.
H arry
M U D D Y ’S quick w it and droll manner of expres sion have added much to the gaiety of his class. He is a fine student, a litterateur of decided cynical bend, an original thinker who conforms to his motto, "Probitas laudatur et alget”, in his philosophy of living. Jim has chosen a career w ith the pen and talent and enthusiasm can spell only success. W hen your star has reached its zenith, M uddy, we w ill take pride in the memory of these four years.
J am es J . W aters
p E R S O N A L IT Y plus is the word for Tom. He is full of laughter and song and if you have never seen him "tru c k ”, you have missed a re m arkable sight. But not all of his ability lies in his feet for he can boast an enviable scholastic record. W ith such a unique combination of brains, w it and personality, it is hard to imagine Tom not m aking his w ay through life a successful journey.
T h o m a s J . W e st
S ix ty -th ree
a lsh
Sodality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 4 P etrean 4 Bowling 4 Class President 1 Class Secretary 3 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1 Debating 2 Petrean 4 Classical Club 2-3-4 French Club 4 Bowling 4 Class Secretary 2-3-4
Sodality 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Dramatics 3-4 P etrean 4 Track 2 Senior Council Library 4 French Club 3 Class Basketball 1- 2-3-4
t---------------------------------Y - E I G H T
R ic h a r d A . W h it e
Sodality 3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-2 P etrean 4
T rack 3-4 Class Basketball 3-4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4
J ohn
H. W
u en sch
K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1 Band 4 Orchestra 4 Class Basketball 1-2 Class Baseball 1
C z e sl a u s
F. Z a j a c
So.dality 1-2-3 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4
^ U L T U R E D mildness w ith plenty of rippling m irth and w it underneath; a steel-grip control over both; you would not have to know Dick long to see that the culture and hum anity are sunk deep into the grain and that the w it lives am icably with both. The ribs, well muscle-padded are there. So is the brain, hum m ing-taut. Your case, Dick: ffMens sana in corpore sano”. T urn in a good report* on such splendid equipment, Dick, at the Last Judgm ent.
T O H N ’S fine qualities are as m any as the smiles ** which he bestows on his host of friends. His generosity, his w it, his engaging friendliness are attested by all. Because of his musical ability, he has been almost a necessary member of the band. Space permits no more, but with the characteristics which we know he possesses, Dutch w ill most cer tain ly carve his name on the tablets of fame.
^ H E S T Y revealed himself from the start as a man of quiet readiness to cooperate and genial am iability. Four years at the Prep have left Chesty’s character strengthened but unchanged. His smile is as ready and his aid as quickly forthcoming. W ander wherever you will, Chesty, your ability and disposition w ill win you welcome and friend ship from all you meet.
E E N Sixty-fou r
W f l T H his pleasant smile and his everlasting w ill ingness to do anyone a favor, "Zen” won for himself a w arm spot in our hearts early in his career at the Prep. W hen called upon to serve the general good, he has always done more than his share. He bears his knowledge and exercises his talents with the sincere hum ility that characterizes genuine ability. There are none but the most pleasant memories to retain of "Zen” so that we m ay toast him as a true friend.
t t g E A D J JE, open the door.” "Beadle, bring this to the office.” “Beadle, get a box of chalk.” That is all in a d ay’s work for the cheerful beadle of 4B. This rare fellow is one of those infrequent individuals who knows when and how far to carry a joke and he never goes beyond the bounds of amusement. Zin grinned his w ay into the Prep, joked his w ay to the top and now smiles his w ay out into the world. W e are sure that he is ordained for only the best of things.
S ixty-five
H e n r y J . Z e n o r in i
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Petrean 4 Camera Club 4 Bowling 4 Class Basketball 1-2-3-4 Class Secretary 4
E d w a r d J . Z in d e l
Sodality 1-2-3-4 K. B. S. 1-2-3-4 Debating 1-3 Bowling 4 Class Baseball 1-2-3-4 Class Basketball 3
PLAYLAND OR BUST Blasted near eleven o’clock in the morn and all sharp blue skies with a few cloud puffs therein, but also a touch of the old hot and the "A m ericana” riding to the scuppers w ith a belly full of steam and a-w riggle w ith people from the good old Prep. Whomamidst likewise m uch plume and strut. So up he in command and flips the boat out into the channel w ith a deal of flushing and plashing and what-not. Finally we hit the billow y bosom of the bay. So up the creek east of M anhattan and Tom West hot-footing himself on the dance floor before we are under the Brooklyn Bridge. Top deck, everybody else though; but before you can get up there, Bill McDonald comes whisking down the stairs thence mule-fashion and do his slacks require diligent brushing! But he most cheery in regard thereto and all savoir-faire until Brent Neale comes sweeping by with, "Sorry, fellows, but I’m training for the m ile.” On the extensive elevation up on the second deck, squat Ja y O’Neill and Bob H arrington gibbering at each other like some men and you are indeed dumb and not in the know if you do not grasp the import as O’N eill drools, "Y ou’ve got only about a month and a half, Bob, not m uch tim e”. H arrington drawls in response, "I can take any exam on just the sight, Ja y , just the sight.” And H arrington is suddenly not interested in exams of any sort but is having a stroke tryin g to look nonchalant for some passing reason or other. Perched w ith much decorum on the same deck but out in the bow are Frank O’N eill, H arry Hammel, Tom m y Burns and Tommy Burns. And of course, Tom m y looking trim and crisp like smooth sheets of cello phane or a shiny new-shaven jaw and as usual he is instructing someone how to get to N ew ark! Likewise Frank O’N eill and he notoriously moaning to H arry Hammell about the trouncings they took in basketball during the w inter but H arry deep in contemplation w ith chin on the rail w atching the running spray below and does not smile. So Frank rather worried as H arry is always there w ith a face-splitter and they all pounce upon him and beat a smile out of him and as there is nothing in all Prep like H a rry’s smile, the sun bounds up a bit in joyous salute. By this time the "Am ericana” carving the Sound m any miles north by north-east and swinging west a trifle and as it is by no means chilly up there, the mob starts dripping down through the steamer. Some get lost on the very next deck and Jim Carmody and Bill Hogan take themselves apart to fight over some dried-up bone Carmody has roached up in an Homer that he has trotted along and unexpectedly you sneak up and
E E N Sixty-six
they are not talkin g Greek at all but Carm ody is m uttering to Hogan, " I’m telling you, Bill, I’ve got too m uch to sweat over in this cursed stuff. I don’t, I can’t, 1 won’t go to any p arty.” And Hogan is torturing his coat lapel w ith angry fingers and sighing w ith phoney resignation: "W ell, you can bet I don’t take her again !” Carm ody suddenly switches to something nearer the Greek and fading aw ay you can hear much m um bling about "M yrm idons” and a lot of similar Thessalian topics. There is a swarm around the N ew ark contingent and the deck is practically w alking w ith plutocratic fashion-plates like Mel Rum m el and Frank Reddington and Bill F itzpatrick and Duke Dougan and Eddie Monahan while Rum m el is bemoaning w ith papier-mache rage the slow going steamboat, and sighing ever more to Monahan about his baby blue roadster. To which Ed waves w ith that pooh-poohing downward motion of the hand and lets go w ith winged words; "Cowboys can go more than 45, Mel, more than 45.” And in such clever fashion w ily Monahan settles the debate, w ith Rum m el at his throat, losing an argum ent and w inning a war. W hereat the handsome peace-maker Reddington is at once between them to postpone homicide. But Rummel is rebuking him for this intrusion, and strolls off arm in arm w ith Monahan. R ight where port joins starboard rail B illy Doane is thinking heavy thoughts and berating all and sundry w ith such m utterings, as "W ater, w ater every where, and think of the poor w ater boy.” Duke Dougan tries to give him the outlook optimistic by rem arking too frequently for anybody’s good, "W hat do you w ant, egg in your beer?” and finally Doane leaves the group in fu ry, as Bill F itzpatrick murmers to impress a passerby, "Boy did I study m y French!” On the dance deck you get down on your hands and knees and snarl fiercely like a mad dog and this enables any veteran Prepster to get out on to the dance floor through the crowd th ickly fringing same. Whereon you see Jack Cannon stumbling by and if you listen closely enough, you can hear him striving w ith all his might to shine as a star for all eternity by telling his partner, "N ow turning to the penny catechism for a minute . . . ” and you w alk off as you know Jack. Big John Torpey M ack-trucks by right behind an unusual clot of last-letter-of-the-alphabet men, such as and for example Johnny Wuensch, good at the trum pet that summons the pigskin warriors to the fray, and Jim W aters, known as "M uddy” by choice and for no good reason but euphomy, and Ed Zindel, self-possessed, and flashing the orb that unnerves the novice steppers, and H arry Zenorini, on whose brow, even as he whirls around and about, you can discern nicked signs of character and poise, and R ay V etter lost in the intricate perfection of his creative steps, to the confusion of a partner who follows wide openeyed and unafraid.
S ixty-seven
Downstairs on the deck that just keeps you out of the w ater you find everyone from Prep who did not get snared on the deck that just keeps you aw ay from the sky, answering the very first call for dinner. W illie Roe and Joe H am m and Paul Parsons and Tom W est are conversing furiously and dining the while, and w hat w ith food pouring in and wise cracks rebounding, Tom gets himself involved in the traffic. A ll of which gives Paul a chance to cut in and point out the beauties of Long Island, and B ill and Joe are applying their knowledge of Greek to the repair of W illie’s car, and him concluding w ith science less than somewhat, "But you can’t wash the face of a clutch, Joe.” Romanowicz would rather p lay punch ball than eat, and is very downcast indeed, as he missed his nine innings this A .M ., and he w ill not be consoled by the genial Pienkoski no m atter what. And this is strange success for such a smiling gloom chaser as Raym ond. Griffin and R ackley and Gillen and Stulz; and H arry looks all bewildered, w hat w ith time wasting in idle converse and so many citizens w aiting a turn at the tables. But R ackley and Griff are all for holding the fort and w orrying through to the bitter end, while Gillen orates on the w h y and wherefore of tables and chairs taking up such valuable cafeteria space anyw ay. Not far aw ay are M cC arthy and A ndy Lisky and Billings, not to mention m any others and every so often A ndy w ill deny to a group of adm iring friends that the Smithsonian has requested him for a donation to their collection of testimonial cards. Perched atop the rail until some smooth-water gob deposes them are Bill F itzpatrick and H arry M cA voy.and Bill McCusker w ith healthy features beaded by the nearby spray. M cCusker has to remark several times that he has dug up a perpetual novena before M cAvoy lifts his briny face from his hooker of m ilk to drip, "Yeah” and then he replunges in and Bill Fitzpatrick has nothing whatsoever to say as he recalls the fact there are people in the know aboard. And weaving woeful wan amid the tables and people goes a mournful Joe Boyce and if you w ill only let him tell you, he w ill give you a short, sad tale which goes like this: "Gee! Did I do lousy in that test!” and then he w ill wander on and you w ill run into Jim McDonald somewhere in the hold and he w ill remark that Joe Boyce is indeed slipping and got only ninety-nine in the last tw en ty physics tests. Then the polite thing to do is to ask Jim how he did in the exam and all you w ill get is a look that means a jovial "Skip it ” and you do not have to ask further as you know that Jim and Joe are two of a kind. Jim Dolan stops at a table where some of the faculty are m unching sandwiches and drops a remark which crackles with the brittle ness of senility and then walks off humming, "There’s a gold mine in the sky”. Everyone gives Jim a full-throated disapproval but he does not
N I N E T E E N Sixty-eight
mind since he is now used to such lack of appreciation. A w aiter is on guard at the table where sit D onnelly and Joe D arcy for after Joe has shouted, ''I ’ll kick your brains o u t!” there is a slight hostility toward them on the part of the peace-lovers and it is clear they do not understand this. Ernie Baker and Ernie M iller whom ordinarily you never see together are ram bling hither and yon and every now and then Baker w ill m urm ur, "Tw o seats on the aisle” whereupon M iller w ill snap back at him, "N inetynine, ninety-nine.” Obviously they are happy about the whole thing. Jim Byron and Charlie Egan and Joe Colford are learning and leaning over the engines and Jim Byron, after listening to the chief engineer’s palaver at great length on physical aspects of the engines, is protesting, "Gee, I don’t get that at all.” Colford is draw ling quite irrevelantly to Egan, "But I can’t take the car out” and there is no doubt at all in C harley’s mind that he alone of all m undaneity is entirely w ell-fixed in the belfry. And standing sturdy-legged at the sandwich counter w ith tough Black-Forest sinews flexing fair and frequent in his right arm, Georgie Hoffman is telling Mush Morschauser and Frank Cahill how Jack Dempsey waved to him one night over on Fiftieth and Eighth, Mush merely remarks, "I’m in the cafeteria business m yself.” But John K elly is deep in disdain of such goings-on and stalking railward and when he finishes salaaming over the side he bends up and bumps into Joe M ackin and forthw ith the respective merits of track and baseball teams receive a nice thrashing. But the tw o really good friends; and when Sandford slides in and twists the subject to the International League and says in his Harrisonian w ay how he feels so aw fu lly sorry for Jersey C ity, Johnny and Joe look pained in concert. So "Sandy” moves off properly squelched and the erstwhile contenders eye the waters pensively. Likewise and if you do not know them well you are very apt to imagine that they are fighting, for Bernard Kelly and Jim Conniff are strolling scholarwise along the deck toward the stern and Kelly is jaw ing aw ay at Conniff’s face in a unique w ay all his own, at once gentle and vicious, and every so often Conniff w ill w earily haul off and give K elly a terrific bashing but actually they are the best of good friends and this is only their imported concept of exterior manifestation thereof and you would grovel in awe if you could hear the topics profound they discuss. Their con versation w ill of course go on and on and on . . . provided one or the other is not flung over the stern beforehand. So up to the dance floor once more and D anny Kirk is poised too gracefully on the rail and is tryin g to take it all aw ay from Leon Van Gelder with crooned "Sw ing and sway, the Dan Kirk w ay,” but no one is too sure just what D anny’s system is so Joe Fleming embraces the Kirk
H U N D R E D Sixty-nine
■ E
ankles and hands him head first to H arry W alsh and this later whispers to D anny of the well-washed ear, " It’s better to carry around fifteen bucks whenever you go any place, just in case something happens, you know,” and forthw ith the K irk features undergo a good-natured massage. And to this the gentle Johnny Hoffman who is indeed a power for good any where has m ild objections, so in deference to him H arry releases the Kirk whereat A ustin K elly of the healthy mein and good at the w ar-cry erupts "D on’t cry, Dan, I’ll take care of the Court Charge”, and John and Bob K elly have heard this jocular quote before and thus two ordinarily silent men are folded in four and tucked into tw in envelopes of m irth. Strolling by swagger Dan Formosa and John C ro tty and Dan is observing sort of offhand, "N ow if you pay for the gas . . . ” and plainly is Johnny’s noble dom e-front starched w ith disapproval and that C ro tty jaw seems to have made up its mind about something for he quotes to Formosa, "A fool and his money are some p arty.” Straightw ay he sunders for elsewhere. While more than somewhat further on are Ed Roemke and Dave Smedley and H arry Stulz and Leon N utzel and doubtless here you have the Rom anticist School as Ed Roemke is breathing earnestly to the rest, "M erely to look into her eyes, fellows, is like being in church” and H arry Stulz looks suddenly red and says, "A w , she’s too conceited . . . ” and looks likewise all feathers ruffled and shines his shoe on his trouser leg and Leon swears up and down and also laterally, "Honest, gang, I don’t even know her” but this is of no avail as Leon is quite a fine fellow but also wellknown and he is fooling no one and of course the sage Dave Smedley m erely curdles his spicy features and bestirs the Bessemer in his classic pipe as he wanders off to hunt for people who are still in debt to the P e tre a n .
Breeze-buffeted and w ith a sharp eye out for Playland are Adolph M arkstein every now and then swigging down a pill and Beronio who whispers sadly into every free ear that nothing ever happens in Hoboken. D ick W hite is as usual saying nothing in a rem arkably cultured way. Jim W allace is sprawled along the lockers on the sun deck watching Burke putting the candid camera on big-boy Billings in his best Bogota haber dashery, while Johnny Dunne is busy signing copies of the P e t r e a n for the adm iring freshmen. Corballis, R ay the deific, w ith Pete Casalino and Jim Quinn and Pete and Johnny Pidgeon and H arry Norton—strange company here—is telling Vernon Rand, "W ell I wouldn’t call him a liar exactly, but. . . . ” Down by the stern where the breezes are more zephyrish, sits enthroned Balas the Jon telling tales of "gim m e” pigs he has know to bright chaps like Rod M asterly who keeps putting in, "I don’t get it, ha, h a!” and if he
does not cut this out soon it is easy to see that he w ill whether he likes it or not for he evidently revolts Bodenmann and this latter cuts poor Rod w ith the cruel fin ality of a dropped egg and listens w ith snubbish atten tion to Kennedy and Kraszewski telling how the musicians who invented swing ought to and it is like daylight that these two are invincibly mis anthropic. So right off the whole group of Connors and Coughlin of the radio audience and Mahler known also as the Bob turn one and all to hear Jim M cN am ara sing out loudly how a Semitic concept of the Christian is one who pays retail prices, but Ed McKenna is right back at him w ith a shot from Chesterton and it runs, "The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.” A t this M cN am ara is real w roth and M urtha thinks out loud how odd it is that McKenna should know this about Chesterton and it is all the combined m ight of M artin, Frank M iller, Ken M urphy and Johnny Moore can do to keep McKenna from m urdering M urtha. A t the hub of several spokes sits H arry Lavin blandly letting the world in on how he has it figured out that the movies have indeed solved the problem of perpetual emotion. T ony M arino and simili nomine Mangine are wondering about all this and Mooney of the famed "M iracle” is wondering how Lavin can remember all these quotations from the Reader’s D ig est and Je rry M ullin keeps repeating to himself "Guess I’ll have to go in train ing” and anyone w atching him would have great fears indeed as when he says this Je rry is very moody but suddenly shatters his face w ith bull-ape roars of laughter and this is a wonderful case for study. Likewise is Gate Tozzoli having a rip-roarer tryin g to argue w ith some intellectual about some difficulty in V ergil as Toz is something like Carm ody but even so can get nowhere. D attoli is incessantly motioning him to lay off and Zajac and T u lly finally join in and what can you do w ith such opposition so Gate retires but just w ait until the next quiz. The conservative Ford (who prefers Cadillacs) is seriously conducting ah experiment all his own deflating a rubber life-boat. And off to the left, D w yer, Donald please and none other, and Sugar Kane are stuffing Kendall into another life-boat for some unknown reason or other and you can imagine where they would have ended up w ith him if they are not rapped by a gob and sternly admonished. Down on the deck where you get the sandwiches, Bob Garner is dis turbing people w ith his constant queries as to where he can find T illy. No one seems to know but finally Kevin H arty proves to be the solution and you can always depend upon Kevin for an answer. Up trots H enny Herrm ann w ith some Nassau Street cut plug and he offers Eddie Emme a
H U S n en ty -on e
Y -
cut. Emme is not at all hesitant and this is very strange but so are lots of other things. Seated around and about are the snappy passer of for wards, H urley, and K eating and Guglielmo of the silver bow and all ears are flapping toward Griffin who is spinning silver narrative threads about his adventures in the W hits Castle near Madison Square Garden and none of his listeners has aught to say in interruption because when Ed Griffin starts to tell high old stories of hamburgers, even the noisy and most noticeable Coleman Ridge pauses to listen and listen and listen. Johnny Riordan and the tw ain O’Brien, George and John, are roaming here and there about the boat, saying nothing, for they are like the lordly Achaeans, men of deeds, not words. And right behind them treads Bill Sexton, arm -in-arm w ith Joe Nolan and alone they stroll about the deck. But then Bill and Joe always did take their time except when Bill is pacing the cinders and Joe is behind the wheel of that brown sedan. But Fred Ruschmann is of an entirely different stamp so when something on Dan Sheehy’s arm brushes against him lightly, he looks back and you can see that there is nothing Fred would more like to be than a football player like Dan, just for a day. Even an hour would do. Bill Davis and Dan C u rtin while strolling around and about discover that Leo Crowley, prepared as usual for any event, has toted along a fishscale to weigh anchor, as he explains it. Around the deck trots an anxious chap at a lope in search of a quarter and now it becomes clear w h y he cannot find any friends so along stroll Jim Conniff and Bernie Big-Chief Kelly and Conniff is still pummeling K elly w ith his puny fist but K elly ignores him as he sees this loper sidle up to him w ith that look in his eye and Kelly starts to snarl and mouth about quarters and dollars and last year’s outing'and this loper is at once blanketed. So off he rolls on a mournful tear as he sees the man shutting down the candy counter because just then the boat splinters the pier at R ye. So up the whole school and jams itself into the lower companionways and you are wise to w ait awhile because the parboiling down by the engine room is free but not worth it and besides the day is still infantile and somewhat hefty as it stretches out ahead of you and if you keep your teeth tight on the bit you stand a really good chance of coming home w ith the fillings all in.
Seventy-tw o
INSTRUCTORS M r . R o o ney F ather
Bu tler,
M r . J acques M r. D u ffy M r . M c E v o y , S .J . R o b e r t O ’N e i l ,
P resid en t
L a w r e n c e L a v a g n in o , V . John
M c T ig u e ,
P res
T rea su rer
JU N IO R M Higgins, Grimley, McDermott, McGee, Cunningham, Murphy, Norton. McGinn, Corcoran, Cullen, Leucht, Cordo, Donnelly, Gorman. Goldrick, McGlynn, Arechi, Byrne, Keenan, Cahill, Healy. Scholle, Walsh, O’Neil, Mr. Rooney, Lavagnino, McTigue, Schmidt.
JU N IO R A McKenna, Byrnes, Hennessy, Lodge, Loftus, Hoffen. Koerner, Smith, Dolan, Gartland, Morley, Sullivan. Murner, Riviere, Ottalina, McGrail, W illiam s, M cCarthy, Hannon. Burke, O’Mealia, Reddy, Mr. Madden, Beronio, Keane, McCarthy.
INSTRUCTORS M r . M ad d en M r . G o r m l e y , S .J . M r . M cV a n n Fa th e r Jo h n
B u t l e r , S .J.
President Vice Pres. B e r o n i o , Treasurer
R eddy,
H a r r y O ’M e a l i a , P e te r
S e v en ty -fo u r
INSTRUCTORS M r . Go rm ley,
M r . M ad den M r . M cV a n n M r . O ’S u l l i v a n Father G erard
B eck,
JU N IO R B Schm itt, Conlin, McGivern, McKenna, Coughlin, Beck, Borton. Januzska, McGough, W alsh, McDonough, O’Donnell, Donahue. Fahy, Mahan, Casey, M allard, Roddy, Schumacher, M cCarthy. Lahiff, Risden, M r. Gormley, S.J., Kennedy, Terrafranca.
JU N IO R C Sokol, Ertle, Joseph, Somers, Kingston, Gorman. C lark, Raleigh, Fleckenstein, Leonard, G. M cCarthy, Hynes, Torpey. Schmidt, Ford, Jordon, Ganzkow, Caponegro, Maroney. Henson, F. M cCarthy, Mr. Orthen, Tkac, Ruane.
INSTRUCTORS M r. Orthen M r . J acq ues M r . D u ffy F a t h e r K i e h n e , S .J . M r . M c E v o y , S .J . Fath er
B u t l e r , S .J .
President Vice President M c C a r t h y , Treasurer G o r m a n , Secretary
T hom as T o rp ey, W a r r e n F o rd , F r a n c is E d w ard
Seven ty-five
INSTRUCTORS M r . I v e r s,
M r. J acques M r . G o r m l e y , S .J . M r. C u llen Father
B u t l e r , S .J .
President Vice President L o t o w y c z , Treasurer
R o b e rt M a tu r i, Ja m e s E scU de, Leo
JU N IO R D Untereiner, Glaviano, Hampton, Frank. Somers, Albert, Taraskiewicz, Mulle. Henkel, Maloney, Kerwin, Gennaro, Sweeney. Cookson, Gannon, Connolly, Belgam, Ehrig, W illiams, Kuhn. Clausing, M aturi, Mr. Ivers, S.J., Lotowycz, Escude.
SOPHOMORE M M ayer, Portfolio, Bloom, McEntee, Giordano. Stohl, Montagne, M iller, Ptszynski. M cLaughlin, Keegan, Mr. O’Hale, S.J., Lynch, Bruder.
INSTRUCTORS M r . O ’H a l e , Father
B u t l e r , S .J .
M r . M c Gil l M r . D u ffy M r . I v e r s, E ugene
B ru d er,
M a u r ic e M c L a u g h lin ,
Jam e s M o n ta g n e , A i .m e r i n d o
Secretary Treas.
P o r tf o lio ,
INSTRUCTO RS F ather Pu rcell,
M r. M ullen M r . M cI n e r n e y M r . M cV an n M r . O ’S u l l i v a n Fath er W alter, W illia m Jo h n
President Vice-Pres. Treasurer
Sw eeney,
S h e r id a n ,
Jam e s M a h o n ,
SOPHOMORE A Giella, Kendall, Neale, Schlitt, Cuddihy. Curristine, L ally, Meaney, Turro, Toth, W alsh, Halleron. R . Sheridan, Hayes, H ill, Lafrano, Galiani, Nicholson, O’Connor. Marrone, W ilkos, McGovern, Balinski, M cLaughlin, W hite, Marks, Murphy. Kearney, Mahon, Sweeney, Father Purcell, S.J., J. Sheridan, Johnson, Zajac.
SOPHOMORE B Kelshaw, O’Malley, Manning, Driscoll, O’Regan, Doherty, Farrell, Molloy. R yan, O’Leary, Lyons, Baggot, McGuire, Furlong, Loughlin. Day, Egan, Gilligan, Fay, M yer, Golding, Lohr, Monahan. Jazowski, Delfino, K raynik, Mr. Kelty, W alsh, Dates, Lynch.
INSTRUCTORS M r . K elty Father W alter,
M r. M u llen M r . M cI n e r n e y M r . I v e r s,
President reasurer
E d w ard F a r r e l l, Jo h n
F ay, T
INSTRUCTORS M r . M c Evo y,
M r . M c G il l M r . K l e in M r . C o r r a r in o M r . O ’F a r r e l l Father W alter. T hom as L a lly , A n th o n y
President Vice-
A b it a n t e ,
A n d re P o n to n e ,
SOPHOMORE C Ceran, McCarron, O’Neil, Carey, Kane, Jahn, Lynch. Coyle, Orth, Murphy, Roebuck, O brien, Wishbow, Holmes, Brady. George, Romano, Clossey, Sheehan, Lamb, Lacey, R. Pontone, Sharp. A. Pontone, L ally, Mr. McEvoy, S.J., Abitante, Galvin.
SOPHOMORE D Lambert, Keefe, Palomba, Gallagher, Dattoli, Thaler. Marnell, Van Bemmel, Costello, W . Murphy, J. M urphy, Donovan. Lynch, Crosby, Bayardi, M cN ulty, Kelly, Senec, Donnelly, Hayes, Enright, Cregg, Fleming, Sweeney, Markey. Elmiger, O’Day, Mr. Mclnerney, Swarts, Lauerman.
INSTRUCTORS M r . M cI n e rn e y M r . M cG il l M r. C u llen M r . K l e in F a t h e r W a l t e r , S .J .
President Vice-President J o s e p h S w e e n e y , Secretary F r a n c i s M a r n e l l , Treasurer R aym o nd T h a le r ,
Ja m e s H a y e s,
INSTRUCTORS M r . K l e in M r . M c G il l M r . C u llen M r . Gorm ley,
F ath e r W alter
P resid en t V ice-P resid en t
W a l t e r C o r r ig a n , Fr a n c i s M a r a ,
SOPHOMORE E Pierce, Mullen, McArdle, Judge. T racy, Lydon, Mara, Flaherty. Folger, Corrigan, DeBello, Schmiedeberg, W alter, W alty, Borys. Fleckenstein, Wade, Enright, W ilderman, Botti, Trainor. W alsh, Costigan, Viskovitch, Mr. Klein, Moskal, Duffy, Calley.
FRESHMAN A Rafferty, Tiernan, Kaltenbach, Brennan, H arrington, Dunstan. Bee, Doody, Grabler, McGovern, Simpson, Jachera, Gannon, Ford. Beachner, Hufnagel, Prezioso, Allegretta, Deegan, Bruder, Norton. Faraci, DeBaun, Corhart, C urley, Cacioli, Aderenti, Keating, O’Dea. Ford, Steinmetz, Fr. M urray, S.J., Mangieri, Rojeski.
INSTRUCTORS Father M u rray,
M r. M cV a n n M r . R ooney
President Secretary D e B a u n , Treasurer
C a s im ir R o je s k i, C h a r le s F o rd , R o b ert
INSTRUCTORS M r . M cA n a n e y , S
M r . C o r r a r in o M r . R ooney Fath er M urray, Jo h n
President Vice-Pres. S i s t i , Treasurer
H a r r is ,
A n th o n y S e b a s tia n
T o z z o li,
FRESHMAN B Nolan, W olfe, M artin, Shannon, M urray, Condon. Stapleton, Kinney, Roche, Connell, Cereghino, McGuinness, Grady. Kane, Denboski, Forsythe, Gallagher, Clohessy, W alter, McCahill, Downing. Buckley, Ganzkow, Huegel, Lacy, Simmons, Cronin, Quigley, Mooney. H elly, H arris, Mr. McAnaney, S.J., Tozzoli, Sisti.
FRESHM AN C Donaghue, Arasimowicz, Hughes, McDermott, M cCarthy, Lyden, Hanley. Cusick, Rusin, Lewis, McKenna, Haskins, Givens, Regan, Connolly. Coyle, Dini, C rotty, Mastrolia, Kaufman, Treanor, Boylan. W alsh, Badois, McAvoy, Lavendar, Howard, Dwyer. Strangio, Nelson, Mr. Coolahan, S.J., Greene, Morton.
INSTRUCTORS M r . C o o l a h a n , S .J . M r . J acques Fa t h e r B u t le r , S J . M r . M c A n a n e y , S .J . F d w ard B o y la n ,
A l e x a n d e r A r a s im o w ic z ,
INSTRUCTO RS M r . F l a h e r t y , S .J . M r . M cC abe M r . B r o m ir s k i Fath e r B u t le r , Ja m e s D r is c o ll,
President Vice-Pres. Treasurer
T h e o d o r e M o s k a l, Jo h n C onw ay,
FRESHM AN D Gelston, Izsa, Couchman, Castagnetti, Kozar, Hogue, Lynch. McDonald, Stulz, R eilly, Keale, Meehan, M ulligan, Alexander, McGovern. Migliore, Jacobson, Paulicka, Nelson, Sheridan, M cC arthy, Walsh. Brand, Driscoll, Mr. Flaherty, S.J., Moskal, Conway.
FRESHMAN E Flynn, V arley, Keller, Mokrzycki. Cookson, Barry, Laud, Stankiewicz, Donnelly, Polito, Burns. Corcoran, Carroll, D aly, Maloney, Tymon, Gallagher, Menge. Guariello, Gennaro, Nestor, Fitzpatrick, Holmes, Tarrant, Kelly, Killen. McEntee, McDonough, Mr. McCabe, Crawford, Sillery.
INSTRUCTORS M r . M cC abe M r . Flah erty,
M r . M u llen M r . C o r r a r in o F ather P u rcell,
Pres. V ice-P res.
W il l ia m M cD o n o u g h , F r a n c is M c E n t e e ,
Z ^ h ty -c m
INSTRUCTORS M r . D u ffy M r . Fla h e rty ,
M r. M ullen M r . C o r r a r in o Father P urcell,
President Vice-Pres.
E u g e n e S t e in h ilb e r , C li f f o r d Q u in n ,
FRESHMAN F Jacks, Cogan, Lewis, Hughes, O’Connor, Cox, Heyligher. Carluccio, Caulfield, Latacz, Dolan, Driscoll, Fee, Davis. R uthkowski, Carroll, Moran, Lee, Keene, Bertotti, Allegretta. Barret, Smith, Norz, Dalton, Nolden, Rinaldi, Sheehan. W alsh, Steinhilber, Mr. Duffy, Quinn, Fellmer.
FRESHM AN G Kelly, Moore, O’Brien. Eagen, Garone, M urphy, Farley. Halsey, Flacksenhauer, Mr. McGill, Zabicki, Fallon.
INSTRUCTORS M r . O ’H a l e ,
M r . M c G il l M r . O ’F a r r e l l M r. D u ffy
E ighty-tw o
Thanksgiving eve, at a luncheon meeting in the Carteret Club, was inaugurated the rule of a new organization at the Prep. For the first tim e in the sixty years of existence of St. Peter’s, a Senior Council was formed to plan and direct Senior social activities. Thoroughly representative, the Council is composed of fifteen mem bers, the men of each Senior Class electing three of their classmates. The Councilors act under direction of their class, looking out for their interests as well as for those of the Senior Class as a whole. The Councilors are: 4M, Douglas Dougan, Robert Ford, and John M cC arthy; 4A, Bernard Kelly, Francis Reddington, and Thomas W est; 4B, Frank Donnelly, W illiam Flogan, and Austin K elly; 4C, John Kendall, H arry N orton, and James W allace; 4D, Charles M artin, James M cNamara, and W illiam McDonald; 4M, Raymond Keenan, Joseph Walsh, and Francis Donnelly. The first of the activities sponsored by the Senior Council was Senior N ight. Held in York H all and patronized by practically all of the Seniors, the affair was a huge success. Several of our musicians got together and formed a swing band. There were sketches, one-act plays, monologues, songs, impersonations, com m unity singing, and movies. And to top it all, refreshments were served in the cafeteria. The success of this first venture into the entertainment field inspired the Council to broaden its scope. As a result, its next feature was in the form of a Father and Son Smoker for the members of Third and Fourth Years. W e strongly suspect that, in promoting such an affair as this, the Councilors were motivated by ghostly memories of Parent-Teacher Meetings in bygone years. Perhaps they wished to bring their fathers together in a social gathering at which there would be no discussions of marks and from which teachers would be religiously excluded. Be that as it m ay, it is certain that the affair was not at all business-like in that respect. There were more songs and plays and funny jokes. The Sons E ig h ty -fou r
A r t h u r G . M adden
F aculty Adviser
entertained the Fathers and the Fathers, not to be outdone, reciprocated by providing a bit of m irth for their Sons. The Senior Swing Band made its second public appearance and tickled the feet of the audience with the latest snappy tunes. The Council thought that the serving of re freshments would end the party, but we hear that this was not at all the case. For some of our Seniors, emboldened by the festivities, challenged their Fathers to a duel on the nearby bowling alleys. "H a h a !” laughed they. "W on’t we have fun, w atching the gutter balls roll b y.” But alas and alack! Rum or has it that the Seniors w ill have to practice just a little more before they can take Pop over the hurdles. And now the Council showed just how big it had become. It sponsored an inform al dance for the Seniors. And in the Collins Gym, no less. Need we say that it was well attended by the Seniors? And by certain particular friends of the Seniors? W hat a God-send that dance was! Coming as it did on the term holiday, it offered a vacation from the long period of plugging which im m ediately preceded it, and a rest for the hard grind just ahead. Buoyed up by music and song and carefree laughter, and gladdened by the plentiful refreshments, the dancers "tripped the light fantastic” to their hearts’ content. And once more the Senior Council had run an affair which was enjoyed by all. But we must not forget still another activ ity w ith which the Council has had much to do. This is the Bowling Club. Suggested by the Seniors themselves, the Council gave the initial push and started the ball rolling. It organized into a club the Seniors who wished to bowl regularly and decided upon the days best suited for the matches. Then, when those who were new to the game had learned how to bowl properly, the Council directed the formation of a league, till now the Bowling Club is on its own feet and is recognized as a regular Senior activity. These are the activities in which the Senior Council has thus far engaged. And from this we see how useful such an organization is. This is the first year the members of the Senior Class have been so privileged as to have such an organization of their own to run their activities. Let us hope the idea w ill continue and become an institution at the Prep. This is one of the proudest possessions which the Senior Class bequeaths to those who w ill come after them. M ay it be ever thus! E ig h ty -fiv e
SENIOR SODALITY W i l l i a m H o g a n , Prefect
J a m e s C a r m o d y , Sub-Prefect
B e r n a r d K e l l y , Secretary
E d w a r d G r i f f i n , Sacristan
R e v . F r . D a n i e l J. L o r d , S.J., the national director of the Sodality of the Immacu late Conception, in a recent visit to Jersey C ity declared: “The Catholic youth of today are the most glorious body o f young people in the world. I say this— not from mere hearsay— but from personal association w ith Sodalists from Seattle to Squedunk! The average Sodalist is a good, clean, clear-eyed, enthusiastic youth ready to fight— and FIGH T H A R D to spread the glory of Christ his King and Mary his Queen. The Catholic Church in America has gone through several stages of progress since it first brought the true word of God to these shores! First we had to establish ourselves in strategic centers, then the word had to be propagated, and finally came the era of necessary Parochial building. But now that work is finished. W e are come at last to the era of our great EMERGENCE. Now is the time when we shall rise and go fo rth in a united body and show the world what CATH O LICITY really is. N o ardent fascist Nazi, or Socialist has ever been imbued w ith the great enthusiasm o f the Catholic youth o f today. No other embroiled youth has the fine set up and personality of our Sodalists! No great cause has ever had such an inspiring leader as we have in Christ, no cause such a guiding inspiration as Mary, no cause such rock bound tru th to stand upon! W ith their genuine Christian charm, modern well mannered poise, and honest to goodness strength of conviction the Sodalists will bring light to the darkest hearts
and most stubborn intellects. In a word— the time of our great EMERGENCE is at hand— the burden of its success rests in the hearts and wills of our present generation o f Sodalists! Had Fr. Lord had the time to visit the Prep and meet the inspired band of Sodalists
who gather together every week under the paternal guidance of Fr. his heart, like the heart o f M ary would have overflowed w ith pride and Here at the Prep Father would have found the typical zealous Sodalist overflowing w ith the charm o f Mary. The Sodality at St. Peter’s is the very heart o f all school activities— at
Butler, S.J., satisfaction. filled to the all times the
cynosure o f attention. The Sodalists are a most progressive group— always cooperating w ith the splendid plans so carefully prepared by Fr. Butler— always seeking new fields to conquer— always conquering! The sunrise o f our great emergence began in September when a most heartening number o f Prepsters joined in weekly Mass and communion under the banner of the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament. Then in sw ift succession followed the overwhelm ing sale and distribution of Catholic Literature— the bulwark against the darkling waters of foreign "ism”. W ith in a few weeks Fr. Butler w ith the fe rvo r of a Xaxier had more than th irty young men teaching Catechism. Then came the annual Mission raffle which totalled more than a 1,0 00 dollars. Popping up, amidst all this splendid activity, like a Jack in the box— came the Christmas season. W ith characteristic zeal the Sodalists spurred on by the Hospital Band, prepared g ift packages and w ith them spread the maternal love of M ary in the spirit o f Christ-like C harity. A fte r Christmas the multiple works o f the Sodality were carried to yet higher degrees o f success by Fr. Butler’s skill and leadership. Then w ith the suddenness o f a flash o f lightning— the Lenten season— and the memory o f the world stirring Passion of Christ gripped the hearts o f the Sodalists. H aving imposed self penances varying w ith the individuals but all w ith the one motive— the Sodalists took on the Purple. The Mite Box drive stands in silent tribute to the zeal and generosity o f the students.
R ev. Jo h n
T . B u t l e r , S .J .
E ighty-seven
THE CATECHISTS A soft cooling breeze gently caresses the verdant tree tops, the blossoming reds and blues and violets of the wild flowers become steeped in shadow, the whole mountainside becomes a vast silent masterpiece of nature. The Sun in obeisance hastily rests her golden head deep in the fleecy fluffs of cloud pillows, as the world there on M t. Carmel becomes as still and reverent as a K night’s vigil. O ver this earthly calm there comes the sweet tones of a beautiful voice "Yes, my little ones— m y Son died fo r you”— it is Mary— the Mother of God who speaks! "Go and teach . . . He said.” Sheltered by the patriarchal oak M ary sits surrounded by several little children— the beloved of His heart— she is pouring fo rth the cherished memories of a Mother. Each angelic little countenance lights as mute admiration and love overflows from their bosoms. They are speechless w ith wonder and delight! W h at a noble woman this M ary is— how brave she is to carry on her little Boy’s w ork— how beautifully she speaks of Him! In imitation o f her th irty members o f her Sodality— the kin o f that first group— go fo rth each week to carry on her work. Thus the inspiration of M ary the first Catechist has spread! Each man can tru ly say "My heart has uttered a good word, I speak m y works to the King, my tongue is the pen o f a scrivener th at w riteth sw iftly .”
E ighty-eight
PENROD ; J fHIS year the boards creaked twice. U sually they creak but once, and leave you w ith a heavy longing for more. This year, though, the boards creaked twice. For w ith hot enthusiasm, tw in nights split the roof of York Flail, and hailed w ith roaring palms the D ram atic Society’s annual. On two consecutive evenings the w it, the zeal, the real ability of the still boyish-hearted actors spiced the memorial stage w ith the boyish-hearted story of T arkington’s "Penrod”. Through several months the fellows who tossed the dram atic apple this year, knew the meaning of diligent application. They did take a mental beating. But you would never have guessed it from the tip-top fashion in which they handled the full-bloomed fruit. R ivalry for the leading role was keen, keen as a "H arlem up-the-sleeve” ; and yet, when the right man landed the job of "M r. Schofield”—and the right man d id land it, anyone w ill tell you—the whole group swung right into it. And on the seventeenth and eighteenth of December, they let us have it. W e could stand another lusty bite or so.
E ighty-n in e
For so young an actor, the star of the play—and this his first year at St. Peter’s—was an im m ature A lfred Lunt. A John Gielgud in knickers. To the dignified Achaeans, Homer felt to give one or two lines was sufficient. Theirs was too august a nature for long and wordy descrip tions. Thus too w ith our Penrod. His portrayal of the impish younger Schofield marked him "Achaean” of the footlights. Ave neque vale, Finian Greene! Aside w ith reticence about singling out members of the cast, just this once! No one who saw the play could be jealous of this fellow. And his cigar-sm oking role paternal as "M r. Schofield” was of the sort you sim ply cannot skim over w ith a word. It was real: "D ad” was never more himself than the star of the play wrought him those nights in ’37. It was n atural: not a single slip-up, and "M r. Schofield” knew how to smoke a cigar long beforehand. It was pungent: not a word of the original stage adaptation was deleted, as anyone w ill tell you w ith a grin. Give them more of your talent in college, H arry M cA voy; nice work! Each and every one of the supporting cast was born for his niche. To the freshmen storm-clouds, Herman and Verman, plaudits to you, Sirrah
N in ety
J o h n A . G o r m l e y , S .J .
Director of Dramatics
W alsh and Monsieur Migliore. For Tim , you, Mr. Thomas W est, were better than even T arkington’s conception of the lan ky character. D anny K irk, a w arm and hearty raz-pah-taz for the brilliant picture you gave to us in the first thw arted, then successful young beau, Bob W illiams. D anny K irk was all there. To Penrod’s sister, Jim Gannon, after you, fair one, always after you. To the rest of the players, would that you could have tasted, rather than have given the apple. Still, we are glad you could not. Even though you missed a lot. For M r. Gormley, S.J., moderator, and for all others connected w ith the direction and production of "Penrod�, a bone-crushing handshake of sincere congratulations! Who remains behind the scenes, seldom feels the beat of panegyrics on flushed and happy brow. Mr. Gormley and his assistants were ever in the background; but w ithout their knowledge, criticism , and drive, the annual could never have been the rip-roaring success it was. For this reason does the cast take this method of rending the curtain that hides their labors and of thanking them, heartily. M ay the coming years of the D ram atic Society under Mr. Gormley, S.J., find never-ending the league-long roller of applause and appreciation that thunders on their anctorial reef!
JU N IO R SO D ALITY FIRST SEMESTER O n t h e Feast of the Seven Dolors, the First
and Second Year students assembled in the Lower C hurch fo r the form al reorganization of the Junior Sodality. The Moderator Father Purcell, S.J., in his opening talk suggested that the boys visit our Lady often during the school year and earnestly petition her to aid them in all their problems. He enumerated the several duties of Sodalists and detailed the various works that would be continued in accordance w ith the traditions o f the organization, i.e., stamp collecting fo r the Missions, visiting patients in hospitals, spreading Catholic Litera ture and defending the Faith. In this last connection, the Vigilance Committee, a group o f Second Year Sodalists, headed by W alter W hite of 2A , whose assignment was to w rite to the daily papers in defense o f things Catholic, came in fo r special mention. The weekly addresses were made by the Moderator and the Assistant Moderator Father M urray, S.J., alternating. The purpose was to instruct and at the same time to stimulate the piety and zeal of the members. The lessons drawn were easily applicable to the lives of the Sodalists. A t the mid-point of the semester a choir was formed by James Ryan, the organist. This group sang at the regular weekly meetings. They functioned also on the occasion o f the Christmas Bundle distribution. Garbed in cassocks and surplices, and transported in private cars to St. M ary’s and St. Francis’ Hospitals they sang Christmas carols while other Sodalists, gave gifts to the poor sick.
R ev. R aym o n d
I. P u r c e l l , S.J.
D a n ie l
O ’R e g a n
A n th o n y A b ita n te
Assistant Prefect F r a n c is M a r a
Assistant Prefect A u g u s tin e G ie lla
E u gen e Jo h n so n
Jam es R y a n
N in ety-tw o
JU N IO R SO D ALITY SECOND SEMESTER T h e second semester was opened by Father Shalloe, S.J., our Principal, who explained the merits o f the zone defense in basketball. The policy o f waiting fo r the opponent to approach you was compared to "passive resistance” to the .temptations of the devil. Father W alter, S.J., our Assistant Principal spoke at the fo l lowing meeting on a kindred subject showing the need of sporting spirit in one’s supernatural, life.
A marked improvement was noted in the sale o f Catholic Literature. The record fo r sales in this respect was broken a number of times by different First Year classes.
R ev.
T hom as
P. M u r r a y , S .J .
W illia m
Sw eeney
R o b e rt
Assistant Prefect A le x a n d e r
W is h b o w
Assistant Prefect Jo sep h
L a lly
E r n e s t B a lin s k i
A sad note was injected into the hum of Sodality life by the fa c t that Joseph Lally contracted double pneumonia and fo r quite some time was on the danger list. His place as Secretary was taken by the Prefect who read the notices in his absence. There was inaugurated during this semester a campaign of prayer against Atheistic Com munism in the United States. A class or tw o was assigned to this spiritual work each week. The individuals were asked to pray fo r five minutes each day before the Blessed Sacrament fo r this intention. W e o f the Junior Sodality have profited greatly from our membership in this organiza tion, both in the sense that we have learned to love our Blessed Mother more fervently, and that we have advanced as typically Am er ican Catholic boys.
J o s e p h J . M c E v o y , S.J. . H a r r y M c A voy
J am es W allace
Bernard Ke lly
. .
. .
. Moderator
President Vice-President
N o w a d a y s it is hard fo r a person to get along without an adequate knowledge of
public affairs, a mind trained to analyse and judge the values of events, and the ability to express his convictions clearly and forcefully. It is to foster development of these qualities and to lay at least the groundwork upon which they can later be more firmly reared that we have a Debating Society at St. Peter’s. And the record of the Beaudevin shows how through the untiring efforts of the Moderator as well as the hard work of the members, we have come to the fulfillm ent of these high ideals. In spite of many difficulties and obstacles, such as the illness of the Moderator and the consequent delay in getting started, the society has enjoyed one of the most active seasons in recent years. A t the very first regular meeting, the members elected their first-term officers: H arry M cAvoy, President; W illiam McDonald, Vice-President, N in ety -fou r
and Bernard K elly, Secretary. Immediately afterw ard everybody got down to w ork and intra-society debates came thick and fast. In these were debated topics o f all sorts— railroad fares, the m erchant marine, the relief question, the naval bill, the unemployment situation. As a result of all these debates and discussions, the officers, H arry M cA voy, W illiam McDonald, and Bernard K elly, were chosen to represent the society in an inter scholastic debate w ith Canisius High School o f Buffalo during the Christmas holidays. This team, w ith James Carm ody as alternate, journeyed to Buffalo to present our side of the case, the negative. The topic of this debate was, "Resolved: that the several States should adopt a system of unicameral legislatures.” A fte r a nip-and-tuck battle, the verdict went against our debaters by a close decision. Following the usual cessation of ac tivity during repetitions, the members elected their second-term officers. The successful candidates fo r this honor were H arry M cA voy, Pres.dent; James W allace, Vice-President, and Bernard K elly, Secretary. The Beaudevin enjoyed the presence of the Regis debating team in a private debate before the society, and then, continuing right on w ith the schedule o f interscholastic debates, eliminations were conducted to determine which members would represent the Beaudevin against St. Joseph’s Prep of Philadelphia. The team of W illiam Hogan, James V arley and Bernard K elly was chosen, and in a debate on the unicameral ques tion, carried off the laurel, winning a unanimous decision from the St. Joseph’s debaters. D uring the Easter holidays, the Canisius team paid a return visit to Jersey C ity, and, sad to say, won again from our team of W illiam Hogan, Edward Monahan, and Bernard K elly, who defended the negative side of the question, "Resolved: That extension o f consumer cooperatives would be beneficial to the public welfare.” A nd now, galled by this defeat, and w ith fires of rage burning in our souls, we are eagerly awaiting our next debate, which w ill be held w ith Loyola High School o f N ew York. In this debate W illiam Hogan, James Varley and Bernard K elly w ill uphold the negative of the proposition, "Resolved: T hat the United States should increase its naval armaments.” This, we think, is a question of great moment and intriguing interest to all. And, even though we m ay have the unpopular side of the question, we are convinced of its tru th , and so are determined to present our case so clearly that we cannot help but win. The peak of the forensic year at St. Peter’s is now only a few weeks hence. W e refer to the prize debate. This year’s topic for. the traditional contest is the naval bill. The members of the Beaudevin who have won places in this debate are: the Affirm a tive, H arry M cAvoy, James Carmody and James Conniff, and the Negative, W illiam Hogan, and Bernard K elly. W e cannot close this account w ithout extending our heartiest gratitude and thanks to our Moderator, Mr. Joseph J. McEvoy, S.J., who all year long has worked fo r our advantage. W eek in and week out, he has striven to instil into the members o f the society that poise and sincerity which makes fo r interesting and entertaining speakers.
Public Speakers: J a m e s C arm ody W il l ia m
H ogan
Bernard K elly Ed w a r d
M onahan
N in ety -fiv e
Standing: M urth a M cN a lly J. K e n d a l l M il l e r
Seated: D o lan R. G . M c C a r t h y H ealy Lynch
N inety-six
G e o r g e D . M c A n a n e y , S.J.
P h i l i p J . O ’F a r r e l l
Q V E R six thousand books borrowed this year. And this in a school of only seven hundred students. No better indication of the measure of popularity which the lib rary enjoys among the student body can be given. A n y noon hour there can be seen on the little platform in the alcove a crowd of students m illing about the magazine rack. Across from the magazine rack stands another innovation in the library, a huge glass trophy case. In this, demonstrating the pardonable pride which Prepsters take in the achievements of their schoolmates, are housed all the trophies the school has gained up ’till the present. And already it is filled to over flowing. But the book shelves seem rather em pty. And yet this year brought to the lib rary six hundred and fifty new volumes on widely diversified subjects—hobbies, sports, fiction, biography, poetry, and reference material. How then can we explain these em pty shelves? This seemingly inexplicable barrenness is not so puzzling after all when we think once more of the number of withdrawals. Books rarely get dusty in this library. A new idea was introduced this year in that frequent expositions were sponsored by the library. The largest of these, set up by the courtesy of the Port of N ew York A uthority, dealt w ith the construction of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels and the George W ashington Bridge. In this was explained the action of the carbon monoxide detectors used in the tunnels, and a great number of pictorial displays, as well as a cross section of a compression chamber, were shown. Other smaller ex positions were also set up. The efficient staff, which contributed greatly to the successful operation of the library, is headed by Mr. M cAnaney, S.J., Moderator, and Mr. O’Farrell, Librarian. Misused books have been nursed back to health by the capable care of the staff, composed of Messers. Dolan, Kendall, M arkstein, M urtha, H ealy, Lodge, Lynch, M cCarthy, M cN ally, M aturi, M iller and Moskel, to whom, without forgetting Messers. M cAnaney, S.J., and O’Farrell, we extend our hearty thanks and appreciation for their cooperation and patience. N in ety-seven
G. M ad d en ,
*TfH A T the labor of our teachers to instil in us a love of the ancient classics was not all wasted effort, is evidenced by the flourishing existence of the Classical Academy. A t our informal and infrequent meetings, we lent attentive ear to Mr. Madden as he expounded the literary excellences of Horace, Cicero, L ivy and other of the Latin masters. The members were not lim ited to a passive part in the meetings but entered into lively discussions on the style and thoughts expressed by the ancient writers. In the second term, although meetings were curtailed by numerous other Senior activities, the entire oration, Pro Archias, was translated and studied both from a literary and grammatical point of view. The extra efforts expended in our extra study m ay not mean any higher marks in the Province Examinations but, having a little more than scratched the surface of the rich store of ancient litera ture, we w ill not be satisfied w ith the cursory acquaintance gained thus far but w ill spur ourselves on to explore privately the inexhaustible treasures of the classic languages. It m ay be that in future years we m ight even spurn the Sunday W alter W inchell column, pick a volume of Horace or V ergil and say, "O et praesidium et dulce decus meum�.
N in ety-eight
SLIDE RULE CLUB J NDER the able direction of Mr. Cullen, the Slide Rule Club has spent many an interest足 ing afternoon in the library conference room. The C lub is made up of Seniors and Juniors, the form er constituting the nucleus of the trig 足 onometry class.
A t the initial session, Mr.
Cullen advised his potential Pythagoreans to procure a slide rule of medium calibre.
explained the fundam ental functions of the instrument and elucidated its various benefits. Soon all the members were equipped and could be seen bending and squinting over their rules. Putting .their knowledge to practical use,
Edw ard J . C u l l e n
M od era tor
some of the Seniors brought their rules to trigonom etry class to their own great advantage.
A nd as time went on, the club
members became more and more adept at handling the rule, while the marvels of that instrument never seemed to cease.
The club owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Cullen
whose straightforw ard teaching has left an indelible mark on the minds of all its members.
N in ety-n in e
SENIOR FRENCH CLUB J am es C arm ody
G a e t a n o T o zzo li
Senior French Club under the capable direction of Mr. A lfred K elty meets twice monthly. Through the reading of French newspapers and books, and short talks given in French by the members, the academy pur足 poses to give a keener knowledge o f the language than can be offered in the examhaunted course and to nurture a finer under足 standing and a deeper appreciation of ths tongue than is likely to be engendered in the formal atmosphere of the class room. The
A l f r e d J. K e l t y
Membership in this club gives a command of the Parisienne parlance that would astound a Frenchman. Aside from the consciousness of a certain intellectual bien etre and academic sang-froid, one is aware of a definite cultural savoir-faire so to speak. During the year much progress has been made and the academy is not only an interesting extra-curricula activity but also a very concrete and helpful extension to the regular French course. The Prep owes congratulations to the members fo r their ambition and thanks to Mr. K elty fo r his unselfish labors in the interest o f the prganization. O ne hu ndred
E d m o n d F. X. I v e r s , S.J.
R o b e r t F. H e n s o n
T h o m a s F. C o o k so n
T h o s e peculiar sounds emanating from the library conference room every Monday
afternoon were the sign that the French club was in session. The Parisian accent was being cultivated by those Juniors who are particularly interested in the great language of diplomacy. Besides the oral training, an attem pt was made to arouse interest in contemporary French w riting and in composing pieces other than class themes. Some of the members gained a great advantage by reading French maga足 zines and newspapers and by attending w orth while French films. A typew ritten bulletin devoted to Prep Life and Prep activities has also been planned.
O ne h u n dred one
' J^'HIS is the inauguration of a new activ ity at the Prep. A bowling club has long been the dream of some of the fellows. Under the guidance of M r. Madden and Father Shalloe this dream became a reality. A t the beginning, m any were poor bowlers, but the more experienced men spent m uch of their time (and m oney!) teaching the newcomers. Progress was rapid and soon we were able to organize a league among the fourth year bowlers. W hile the students were bowling in this league, their scores were recorded and their averages compiled. W ith the averages thus obtained, a tournam ent was begun. Twelve four-men teams were to compete for prizes. Examinations encroached upon our time, how ever, and this idea proved impracticable. In spite of the brevity of the season, m any days at the alleys w ill be long remembered, especially the day when Ed Monahan bowled 25 5 and the day that the students beat the teachers’ team. Another time was the night that the sons, in the hope of showing their fathers how well they could bowl, took them to the alleys for a game. They won only a good night’s fun. The Prep’s Bowling H all of Fame: Father Shalloe, Mr. Orthen, E. Monahan, R. H arrington, M. Rummel, G. M asterly, A. Mangine, J. O’Neill.
O ne hu n dred tw o
THE BAND O n a n early October afternoon o f last year, inmates of the Jug were startled by a weird cacophony of sound apparently proceeding from the library. Someone was obviously beating a pair of cymbals together w ith enthusiasm; a slide trombone moaned and chattered; clarinets and trumpets wailed and blared, while a brace of horns maintained a more or less regular tempo. Upon investigating, they found a m otley group of musicians, ranging from the rankest amateurs, who could not distinguish 3- from 4-quarter time, to a few veterans who had wooed the Muse fo r years. From this heterogeneous gathering, Mr. W alters, by dint of patience, practice, and an occasional lesson here and there, pro ceeded to build his band. A fte r a few practices, the walls o f the old schoolyard echoed to their brassy strains and resounded to the tramp o f feet. So, day by day, varied styles of playing were made to conform w ith Mr. W alters’ high ideal, until the band appeared at the Lincoln game, resplendent in white ducks and maroon sweaters and caps. W h at m atter if the team was defeated? The band gave them noble support in the form of stirring marches and eye-filling maneuvers, and overnight became an object of pride rather than idle banter to the student body. The Bayonne game marked their next performance, and the team somewhat enlivened by the spirited music, lost but by one point. The details of the final game w ith Dickinson are only too well remembered, but suffice it to say that the band, as well as the team, gave an excellent account of itself. There followed an equally successful appearance at the dress rehearsal of the play and the uniforms were then regretfully packed away to await another football season.
O ne h u n dred three
R e v . R o b e r t P a r s o n s , S .J . F r a n c is M c N a lly
Moderator President
'■'H E Stamp Club opened its nineteen hundred and th irtyseven term w ith a large group of students appearing in the library conference room. Father Parsons, S.J., presided. Later in the year, we received a letter from the Lincoln H igh H igh School inviting us to participate in a display to be presented in that school. W e w illingly co operated and the club was well represented. A t our meetings during the year, stamps were sold or exchanged. W e must also mention the fact that several members gave their collections to various w orthy causes. The group of freshmen who joined our ranks this year was larger than that of last year and bids well for the future.
O ne hu n dred jo u r
J o s e p h J . M c E v o y , S .J . Jam es C arm o d y
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
'■ ‘HE Chess Club was not organized until late in the season this year because of the m any other extracurricular activities that occupied our time. However, when the first meeting was held, a large number attended. Under the guidance of our moderator, a tournament was held. A team was chosen from the first five of the tournam ent: Billings, C ar mody, Byron, Nicholson, and Rojeski. James Carmody was elected captain. A t the weekly meetings, Mr. McEvoy gave us inform al instruc tions and helpful pointers to improve our skill, and after several weeks of practice, we engaged in several inter-scholastic matches w ith local high schools and w ith the Saint Peter’s College Freshman team. W ith the schedule not yet complete, the Prep team has won one m atch and lost one. A t the final meeting of the club, George Billings was voted "most valuable player.”
O ne hu n d red fiv e
METROPOLITAN JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA T P O R some time past, a rather nebulous plan of organizing an orchestra from all the Jesuit Schools in the m etropolitan area had lingered in the minds of several facu lty members o f the several schools. The dream of such an orchestra was realized this year. In October, a call fo r candidates was sent out and from the applicants were chosen those who were best fitted to make up this Metropolitan Jesuit High School Orchestra. Am ong the successful contestants fo r places were students from Saint Peter’s, Regis, Fordham Prep, and X avier. The Prep representatives were James Carmody, Vincent Cordo, Robert Gannon, Sabino Guglielmo, W illiam Roe, John Rudkoski (vio lin s); Thaddeus Ptaszynski (c e llo ); Joseph Januska (bass v io l) ; Francis Scholle (p ian o ); Ernest Balinski (flu te ); Edward Roemke (co rn e t); David Smedley (trom bone); Robert Henson (d ru m s). The moderator, Mr. Kavanagh, S.J., o f Fordham Prep, arranged a schedule of ap pearances and under the tutelage of Mr. AngelcJ Del Busto, the conductor, the group of fo rty musicians was transform ed into one harmonious whole. A ll those who were con nected w ith the orchestra are to be greatly commended fo r their zeal and sacrifice in making this enterprise the great success it was. Those who were at the rehearsals say that it was amazing to witness the vast improvement in each o f the seven or eight practices. The fa ct that some fo r ty boys who had never played together before, should in so few rehearsals become so proficient speaks volumes fo r both their directors and their own ability and enthusiasm. The first public appearance of the orchestra was in the Regis auditorium at a concert presented fo r the benefit of the Jesuit Missions in the Philippines. On this occasion, our own James Carmody impressed the audience w ith an excellent solo rendition of "Ave Maria”. Prepsters had an opportunity of hearing the orchestra and viewing it close at hand when it provided the musical setting at the tw o performances of the school play, "Penrod”. Perhaps it was the delightful strains that inspired the actors to such heights. To end the season, a final concert was given in the Collins Theatre of the Fordham University. Besides the benefit gained from such an organization by the players themselves, this orchestra serves another praiseworthy end. It helps to unite the student bodies of the Jesuit Schools in this area and fosters a spirit of friendly rivalry in other spheres than those of athletic activity. W e hope that the future will bring a larger and more perfect Metropolitan Orchestra.
One hu ndred
THE PETREAN STAFF E ditor-in-Chief B e rn a rd K e lly
Associate Editors James Conniff, John Kendall, Joseph Boyce, Gaetano Tozzoli, W illiam Hogan Edward Monahan, Thomas W est, H arry M cA voy, John Cannon, James Carmody. Business Manager D a v id S m e d l e y
Assistant Managers W illiam McDonald, Douglas Dougan, Edward Gillen. A r t Editors James W aters, H enry Zenorini, Francis Neale, George O ’Brien. Photographic Editor John Burke
S a m u e l R. P i t t s , S.J.
E dm ond
F. I v e r s , S.J.
Ass’t Moderator
O ne hu n dred seven
CAMERA CLUB A r t h u r C. B r o m i r s k i
Moderator President
Jo h n J. B u rk e
T h i s year marked the second anniversary of
the Camera Club.
Although the first pur
pose o f the club, to arouse interest in photog raphy as a hobby, had been successfully at tained, the club continued to encourage the art of the lens and film at Saint Peter’s.
the first few weekly meetings, Mr. Bromirski devoted his time to explaining the fundamen tals o f photography to the crowd of newcomers. His lectures covered the construction o f a camera, the composition o f a picture, developing and printing. W ith in a few weeks there was a great migration of cameras to the school.
a victim was caught unaware in some ridiculous position and many w orth while action shots were taken.
The same dark-room w ith a few alterations was used.
It was entrusted on various days of the week to the care and supervision of the more experienced members. Many active members have also displayed their technique outside of the school and during the second term, the P e t r e a n sponsored a camera contest in which the club was well represented.
MULRY DEBATING SOCIETY T h e business of the year was undertaken after
a few brief talks by the moderator on the art of public speaking, and due to the interest and efforts o f all, numerous questions of the day were thoroughly studied and successfully debated. In the early part o f March, a form al debate was scheduled w ith a team representing Regis High School of N ew York. To Richard M ur phy, John Roebuck, and James Cuddihy fell the burden o f proving to our opponents that "The N aval Arm am ent Bill would prove detri mental to the cause of peace”. A fte r a heated discussion, the Regis debaters were proclaimed the winners but to James Cuddihy w ent the honor of being the best speaker. Shortly after, another debate was held w ith the junior de bating team o f Fordham Prep. As this was a non-decision debate, we cannot say which side better presented their cause, but we can say that Augustine Giella and W illiam Furlong were a credit to the M ulry Debating Society and showed talent which we hope to see further perfected. For the many enjoyable afternoons and fo r much practical experience, the society wishes to express its thanks to Mr. Coolahan, S.J., to the officers and to all the faith fu l members who contributed so much of their time and effort .to make the society a success. O ne h u n dred nine
F r a n c is H a y e s
F r a n c is N ic h o ls o n
Vice President
Jo h n
G illig a n
T reasurer
J o h n G o ld in g
R ic h a r d M . C o o la h a n ,
M oderator
A d A ltare Dei
O ne hu n dred ten
Rev. Joseph P. Lynch, S.J., Rev. John R. O’Mara, S.J. Rev. James P. McGrail, S.J., Rev. J. Edward W asil, S.J., Rev. Thomas J. Doyle, S.J,
"1 beseech you therefore, brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christy and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that you help me in your prayers fo r vie to God.” R o m . x v , 3 0 .
Rev. Edward J. Larkin, Rev. Joseph O’Connor, Rev. Joseph R. Brested. Rev. Edward F. W ojtycha, Rev. James J. Daly. O ne h u n d red eleven
Fr. W alter, S.J., McCarren, M urphy, W alsh, Gorman, W illiam s, Thaler, Mr. Myers, S'mp'on. McLoughlin, Morschauser, Hoffman, B. Gallagher, Fleckenstein, John Cox, Albert. Thompson, Mr. King, M iller, Riordan, O’Neill, Norton, Higgins, Mr. Cannella. M cC arthy, M urphy, Ziobro, J. Gallagher, Dunne, Joseph Cox, Sheehy, Jam in.
J. M y e r s C o a ch
T homas
J ohn C an n ella R ic h a r d K in g . J ohn D unne . R a ym o n d T h o m pso n H ans A lbert .
R ev . W illia m
J. W a l t e r , S.J.
Director of A thletics
Asst. Coach . Asst. Coach . Captain . Manager Asst. Manager O ne hu n dred tw elve
PREP: 0—UNION HILL: 0 P i c t u r e a noisy crowd o f loyal Prep rooters pouring into Miller Stadium to witness
the first game o f the 19 3 7 season. Imagine the roar that goes up as our vest-pocket captain, Johnny Dunne, 14 0 pounds o f dynamite, leads his teammates out onto the field to vie w ith Union Hill fo r the honor o f winning the opening game. W h at tum ultuous thoughts crowd through the minds o f players and spectators alike! Through all that vast assemblage one question is uppermost in everyone’s thoughts. H ow w ill Prep fare in this season’s football wars? W ill the Maroon and W h ite be able to overcome the reputedly pow erful machines that are Bayonne and Lincoln? Most im portant of all, w hat w ill be the outcome of the "big game” , the Thanksgiving Day classic w ith Dickinson? O nly Father Time can answer these queries. W e must be patient and w ait fo r Saturday after Saturday to add its contribu tion to Prep football history. But the shrill call o f the referee’s whistle relegates Dickinson to the background and focuses all attention on Union Hill.— How do you like your football? Do you pant fo r one-sided, overwhelming scores, or do you th rill to a close fight, one that keeps you in suspense right to the final gun? T hat’s the sort of game this was. Close, bitter, hard-fought. A t no point did either team penetrate deeper into enemy territo ry than the tw en tyfou r yard line. The nature of the game is well brought out by the fa ct that only one ball-carrier was consistently able to get into the secondary. That one was the Prep halfback, A r t Jamin. A r t also accounted fo r the longest run o f the game when he took the ball around le ft end on a double reverse and could not be stopped until he had put tw en ty-five yards between himself and the scrimmage line. A lthough the score denotes a tie, St. Peter’s clearly had the edge, fo r the Maroon boasted eight first downs to Union H ill’s four. The strong Petrean defense allowed Union H ill to cross the center stripe only three times during the game, while St. Peter’s moved to the H iller’s thirty-one yard line in the first period, to their tw en tynine in the second, and was encamped in enemy territo ry fo r the greater part o f the second half.
Just before Riordan brought him down.
O n e hu n dred thirteen
Joe Cox rounds the end fo r fifteen yards.
PREP: 12—FERRIS: 7 It L o o k e d bad fo r St. Peter’s as the teams lined up fo r the last quarter. The Maroon was on the tail-end o f a 7 -0 score. E arly in the second period, Ferris had recovered a fum ble on the St. Peter’s 36-yard line, thus placing it in position fo r the pass and touchdown run which followed. Since then the game had been very even. Now worried frow ns creased the brows of the Prep rooters as grave doubts assailed them. Could St. Peter’s overcome that disadvantage? Could Captain Johnny Dunne lead his teammates to vic to ry in spite o f these odds? The stands hoped against hope. A n d then, in the dying minutes of the game, Joe Cox brought the stands to their feet w ith his brilliant passing. On the strength of those tosses, Prep, in three plays, moved from Ferris’ 46-yard line deep into enemy territory. And, in the fourth play, Joe threw another o f those perfect forwards into the eagerly waiting arms of Bernie Gallagher and nothing could have stopped Bernie as he plowed thru the remaining yards fo r the first touchdown of the season. Now .the fans watched with bated breath as St. Peter’s prepared to try fo r the extra point. Again Joe Cox attempted to pass to Gallagher, but this time the pass was incomplete. Seven-six! W h at a groan rose to the skies as the assembled Petreans realized their predicament! Was the Maroon to go down to defeat because o f one measly little point? H orrifying even to think of it! Y et it certainly seemed as if it could not be otherwise. O nly a few minutes remained. W ho could be so sanguine as to predict a Prep victory? But St. Peter’s teams are famous fo r their dogged perseverance when the odds are against them. And today was to show how well deserved that fame is. A n exchange o f punts gave Prep the ball on their own 29-yard line. Seventy-one yards to go fo r a touchdown! Passing was the only w ay anyone could even hope to cover that awe-inspiring stretch o f ground. So Cox again faded back and sent the ball on a long, long pass th at fell among a group o f players on the Ferris 4 5-yard marker. Up from the midst o f these jumped a Ferris defender to bat the ball aside, but instead he hit it right into the arms o f our end, Johnny Torpey, and Johnny set out fo r the goal-line. He went 4 1 yards before he could be brought down, as he finally was on the 4-yard line. A r t Jam in bucked the line fo r a yard. And then, as the Prep rooters went wild, red-headed Dick Higgins took that old pigskin thru right tackle fo r the winning touchdown. It would not be fair to close this account w ithout mentioning the less spectacular, but fu lly as efficacious w ork performed by many of the players on the line. There’s Johnny Dunne, small, but extremely capable. And H arry N orton who’s always in there piling up the opposition’s plays. And big Bob O ’Neill, always efficient, always to be depended on. And of course at center Johnny Riordan. Johnny is not pne of those "off and on” players. Rather he has a consistently fine record. O ne hu n dred fou rteen
N ot m uch to gain herel
PREP: 27—EMERSON: 0 F i v e years ago, in 1 9 3 3 , St. Peter’s football team, State Champions that year, defeated
Bayonne by a score o f 3 1-0. N ot since that time has a Petrean eleven rolled up a higher score than it did this year in drubbing Emerson, 27-0. This was the first game fo r St. Peter’s in the magnificent new Roosevelt Stadium, and those gentlemen in the Maroon and W hite certainly w ent to tow n to celebrate the occasion. That the afternoon was no tea party fo r Emerson is easily discernible from a glance at the statistics. Prep traversed 133 yards by rushing and 9 7 more by passing in accounting fo r 11 first downs. Those 97 yards were gained on 5 passes completed out of 10 tries, and 3 of those 5 passes were good fo r touchdowns. The parade to the Emerson goal-line started as soon as St. Peter’s got possession of the ball. In fact, it was on the tenth play of the game that Johnny Cox, who likes to keep it in the fam ily, threw a 23 yard pass to his brother Joe in the end zone fo r the initial score. Johnny’s placement fo r the extra point was blocked, but subsequent events proved this of little moment. For in the third period our boys went to w ork in earnest. Prep took possession of the ball on Emerson’s 49 yard line, but Joe Cox changed that to the 38 on a double reverse. Dick Higgins then gained 11 yards on 2 successive plays. And Joe came back into the picture w ith a 30 yard pass to Bernie Gallagher who chalked up another touchdown fo r the Prep. Johnny Cox then made up fo r his previous ill luck by splitting the uprights w ith his placement. This period ended in a punting duel, and, early in the last stanza St. Peter’s recov ered an Emerson fumble on our own 37, and in three plays gained a first down. A fte r advancing five yards on an Emerson offside, Johnny Cox brought Prep another first down w ith an 11 yard gain. Just to show his versatility, Johnny again passed to brother Joe who was brought down on the fou r yard line. A fte r tw o running plays on which nothing was gained, Joe Cox passed to Bernie Gallagher in the end zone, thus repeating their third period success. As before, John Cox made his placement pay. Three minutes after the resumption of play, Dan Sheehy covered himself w ith glory by intercepting a pass on the Petrean 3 8 yard mark. He paused skillfully while a teammate demolished an Emerson hopeful, and then galloped 62 yards along the sideline fo r Prep’s fo u rth touchdown. And Johnny Cox showed it was becoming a habit by nonchalantly ringing up his third successful placement. In this game, even more so than in the Ferris struggle, St. Peter’s uncorked a sparkling passing attack which accounted fo r three of the four touchdowns. This sharpshooting, combined w ith its good running offense, spelled disaster fo r the heavier Emerson team. O ne h u n dred fifte en
Joe Cox dives fo r the first goal.
PREP: 12—MEMORIAL: 0 T h e Memorial game was the annual "Guest D ay” game to which St. Peter’s invites the eighth grade pupils o f the c ity ’s parochial schools. And just to make up fo r the depressing mist that drizzled down upon the guests, our team put on a good show in spite of the fa ct that the mud, and the wet, slippery ball precluded any attempt at an aerial attack. But the running attack was enough to turn the trick. It was in the second period that the Prep began a series of off-tackle slants and plunges. On the strength o f these, St. Peter’s made three successful first downs, the brothers Cox bringing the ball along to Memorial’s one yard line. Then Joe Cox climaxed the drive by a line-buck th at chalked up the first 6 points of the game. N ow, once the Prep gets started, i t ’s a p retty hard school to stop. Consequently, when, after an exchange of punts following the first score, the Maroon and W hite found itself on its own 3 8, the boys immediately set about correcting the situa tion. The remedy took the form of a line drive in which Dick Higgins carried the ball through a hole opened up in Memorial’s right side by our line. Two tacklers came in on Dick and it looked as if he was caught, but by a thrilling exhibition of skill in dodging, Dick escaped, leaving only his helmet w ith the tw o disappointed W est N ew Yorkers. Quicker than it takes to tell it, Dick started
Gallagher steals a forw ard.
Bloom is after another one.
down the side-lines, was relieved o f tw o more enemies by his interference at mid field and raised the score to 12 -0, standing up. Special praise must be given to Johnny and Joe Cox, as well as to the ends, Stan Ziobro and Bernie Gallagher, who were the outstanding players o f the game.
G etting around right end is Joe C ox’s spec:
PREP: 0—LINCOLN: 7 G o d help the poor fellow wiho incurs the displeasure of a woman! And it’s ■tough to keep in their good graces because you can’t tell w hat’s going to rile them. Even after they get sore, you can’t discover w hat you did to make them that way.
This was exactly the predicament o f St. Peter’s football team during the Lincoln game. Lady Luck wore a brow like a thundercloud as fa r as the Prepsters were concerned. W e complained to Captain Johnny Dunne, but Johnny was as much in the dark about it as we were. He said the team did everything humanly possible to placate her, but to no avail. Y ou’re right, Johnny. Our defeat certainly cannot be charged to a lack o f skill or courage. W hich just goes to show you that you can’.t reason w ith a woman. The Lincoln touchdown came early in the first period when they recovered a Prep fumble on our 24-yard line. The successful placement added the extra point to make the score 7-0. And th at ended Lincoln’s offensive w ork fo r the afternoon. From that time on, the game consisted of splendid, thrilling Petrean drives that fell just short of a touchdown. For example, early in the third period, a punt gave the Prep the ball on our own 9. In three plays Prep ripped off as many first downs and moved the ball to mid field! Continuing its tactics of smashing off tackle and through guard, St. Peter’s drove on fo r tw o more first downs to the Lincoln 26. In all, a 65 yard O ne h u n d red seventeen
Higgins gets into the secondary.
march! But here Lady Luck took a hand once more and Lincoln in tercepted a Prep pass to end the rally. Again in the fo u rth stanza, the Maroon took the ball on its own 34. W ith Joe Cox and Dick Hig gins taking turns at the ball carry ing duties, Prep drove ahead fo r three first downs to the Lincoln 26. But again that old girl threw a monkey wrench in the engine, and the Prep lost the ball on downs. Notwithstanding the final result, the Maroon and W hite did yeoman service. Joe Cox was our principal ground-gainer and his fine running was a big factor in the rolling up of the Prep’s advantage in yardage gained and first downs accounted for. Captain Johnny Dunne, H arry Norton, and Johnny Riordan were the big guns up on the fro n t line.
The Cox brothers on guard.
O ne hu n dred eighteen
PREP: 6—BAYONNE: 7 O n N o v e m b e r 1 1 , Arm istice Day, the Prep engaged battle w ith its next opponent, Bayonne High. Five thousand chilled spectators looked on at Roosevelt Stadium. This game was a crucial one fo r both teams since the loser would have to give up all hope o f winning the county championship. The game was featured by excellent line play, w ith the forwards overshadowing the backs. In the second period, Duckman, Bayonne halfback and spearhead o f the enemies offense, whipped a forw ard to Bayroff who caught it in the end zone. The Oil C ity team then made the extra point by w ay o f another pass from Duckm an to Szycher. Fighting a hard but steady battle against Bayonne’s greater man power throughout the third and most of the fo u rth periods, the Prep staged a comeback in the second half in tru ly dramatic fashion. A long punt by Cox placed Bayonne deep in its own territo ry and Szycher’s punt from the end zone went out o f bounds on the tw en tynine yard line. S w iftly the Grand Streeters rode the skylanes. A pass from Joe Cox to Ziobro netted tw en ty yards and a first down on the nine yard stripe. Johnny Cox w ent off tackle fo r seven yards. The stage was set. Joe Gallagher charged the re maining distance over the line and the Petrean hopes soared anew. The pass back from center was a bit high and before Johnny Cox could get off his placement kick, a flood of Bayonne men pounced upon him, ruining the Prep’s hopes for at least a deadlock. The Prep’s playing was featured by the stellar performances of its tw o all-county men, Joe Cox and Captain Johnny Dunne. The form er was a constant source of annoyance to the Bayonne team by virtue o f his talent as a triple threat man. He ran w ith the ball, kicked it out of danger, and passed admirably. Captain Dunne was a tow er o f strength on the line, and time and time again, he was " fifth man” in the opponents’ backfield.
Bernie Gallagher catches a pass in the secondary.
O ne h u n dred nineteen
ST. PETER’S: 0—DICKINSON: 39 ask us w hat happened to St. Peter’s on Thanksgiving Day. W h at A score! Dickinson 39, St. Peter’s 0. Ouch! But here’s the story in a nutshell— Dickinson did everything right and St. Peter’s did everything wrong. Sorry to say, Prep was never in thegame at all. As a result, Dickinson got its first six points on only the seventh play of the game. A n d th at gives you an idea of w hat it was like. It was the second period that spelled the doom of St. Peter’s. Two plays after the start of the quarter the Hilltoppers gained their second touchdown. A few plays later they added six more points to their score, and tw o plays after the next kick-off, they intercepted a Prep aerial to widen the gap once more. And, dag-nab it, before the half had ended, our final chalkmark had whitened the pants o f yet another Dickinson player. Hand us the aspirin, please. In the third quarter Prep showed a little o f the old fire that hadcharacterized our team all season. A nd because of this Dickinson got nowhere near our goalline all that quarter. W eight told, however, and in the fou rth quarter the H ill toppers broke through fo r another six-pointer. But in spite o f the score, credit must still be given to the team fo r the fight they put up. And this is especially true of Johnny Cox. Johnny was in there every minute, fighting his heart out to stem the flood. But Johnny couldn’t do it all, and the combined effort of the team was not enough to offset Dickinson’s great advantage in weight.
D o n ’t
O ne hu n dred tw en ty
SWIMMING D u r in g the w inter, Father W alter, S.J., saw to it that an indoor swimming pool be
available to those Prepsters who like to swim the year around. So m any used the pool and so much enthusiasm fo r acquatic exercise was shown that the D irector o f Athletics decided to form a swimming team. This was an entirely new ac tivity at Saint Peter’s so that much time was devoted to all the preliminaries and the newly-form ed team engaged in only one meet— that w ith the Regis High School team. Even though our team’s initial encounter ended in defeat, we have high hopes fo r the fu ture when we consider that a great deal of talent has been uncovered and that the team did creditably well when one considers the difficulties it had to overcome. The Prepsters were especially good in the relays. Belgam, Flynn, Egan and N utzel finished the one hundred and sixty free-style event out in front. Another relay team, Kerwin, Keefe and Loftus, won the one hundred and tw en ty yard event in the excellent time o f one minute, tw enty-seven and one half seconds. Cerreghino showed fine form in winning the dive. The other events provide no spectacular news, but at least our men gained much valuable experience and showed they could lose w ith a smile.
RESULTS OF THE PREP-REGIS MEET Heckscher Foundation, February 15, 193 8 4 0 yard freestyle: 1st, Horan (R -); 2nd, Little (R -); N utzel (S t.P .).
Time: 22.7.
40 yard breaststroke: 1st, W alsh ( R .) ; 2nd, Sannsen ( R .) ; Keefe (S t.P .). Time: 28.6. 12 0 yard medley relay: 1st, St. Peter’s (Kerwin, Keefe, L o ftu s ); 2nd, Regis (F itz gerald, Culhane, H eckel). Time: 1:2 7.5. 16 0 yard freestyle relay: 1st, St. Peter’s (Belgam, Egan, Flynn, N u tz e l); 2nd, Regis (Boudoux, Jones, W ood, Griffin) . D ive: 1st, Cerreghino (S t.P .); 2nd, Lee ( R ) ; 3rd, McKenna (R .).
yard freestyle: 1st, McWilliams ( R .) ; 2nd, Gallagher ( R ) ; 3rd, McNamara (S t.P .). Time: 1:0 4.9.
40 yard backstroke: 1st, Gilmore ( R .) ; 2nd, Borchory ( R .) ; 3rd, Kerwin (St.P .). Time: 25.9. Score: Regis 51, St. Peter’s 24.
O ne h u n dred tw en ty-on e
Enright, Corballis, Riordan, P. Pidgeon, Crowley, Mackin, Billings, Ertle, Lahiff. Kirk, Lisky, J. Pidgeon, Mr. Myers, M iller, Father W alter, S.J., Cox, Fleming, Senec.
T h o m a s J . M yers
E r n e s t M il l e r
L eo C r o w l e y E u g e n e E n r ig h t
Assistant Manager
T h o m a s L a h if f
Assistant Manager
THE RECORD ST. p e t e r ’ s
37 37 31 55 34 15 18 23 31 34 28 41 29
St. Aloysius Regis H oly Family (Bay.) Loyola School Loyola School X avier H oly Family St. Michael’s Regis Harrison St. Michael’s Harrison St. Aloysius
34 27
21 30
H oly T rinity X avier H oly Family (U .C .) H oly Family (U .C .)
22 21 28 19
21 10 10 12 17 9 27
22 22
16 23
Regis Fordham Prep STATE TOURNAM EN T
15 24
ST. p e t e r ’ s
24 26
Don Bosco Newark Academy
18 39
O ne hu n dred tw en ty-tw o
A l t h o u g h Coach Myers had lost a few good men through graduation, nevertheless
he was able to put a veteran aggregation into action when the Prep opened its basket ball season against Saint Aloysius in the Collins Gymnasium.
The Prep team, favored
from the start, was made up o f A n d y Lisky and Ernie Miller, a pair of sharp-shooting and experienced players, at the forw ard posts, Pete Pidgeon, a veteran center, and L arry Florio and Johnny Pidgeon, tw o experienced guards.
A large crowd from both
schools witnessed the Prep’s first trium ph fo r at the end of the game, the scoreboard read: St. Peter’s 37, St. Aloysius 20.
Gallagher and Mackin, who had been substituted
in the starting line-up, played conspicuously well. This convincing trium ph was fu lly justified by the Prep’s next attempt.
A strong
Regis team which had already given proof of its ability, only to be thwarted after four thrilling periods.
In this game, M iller and Lisky began to build their reputation as
stars, the pair accounted fo r seventeen points.
It was about this time that Prep
adherents were m urm uring about form er great teams, particularly the one composed o f Benny Geragherty, Bob Hanlon, Johnny Donnelly, Buddy Brown and A n dy Andrews.
Could this team equal the great record of these past stars?
The m urm ur rose to a roar as the Prep registered its third consecutive vic to ry w ith H oly Family o f Bayonne playing the part of the victim .
The tw o-two-one zone
defense worked so perfectly that the opposition did not make a point during the first fourteen minutes o f play.
A fte r this game the Prep team was recognized as one of
the strongest combinations in the vicinity.
This opinion was strengthened when the
Prep beat a game but fu tile Loyola School team. a prominent part in the victo ry.
This time Mackin and Ertle played
Frequent substitutions showed that Coach Meyers
had more than five good men on hand.
A nd getting along into the 193 8 bracket of
games, Prep’s stride was unbroken as it easily defeated the Loyola five again, this time at N ew Y ork.
Mackin and Pete Pidgeon gave the Loyola men too much trouble.
Backed now by throngs of enthusiastic students, the team sought its sixth straight trium ph when the X avier cadets came to Collins Gym.
The unblemished record was
in jeopardy but by dint o f strong defensive play and Miller-Lisky baskets, the Prep, won a hard earned vic to ry by a narrow margin.
O ne h u n d red tw en ty -th ree
Prep adherents heaved a long sigh of relief as A n dy Lisky dramatically saved the next game fo r his team.
A strong and spirited Holy Family team put up a fighting
game that was thrilling from start to finish.
The lead changed hands many times
and if Lisky had not made three points in the last minute or so, the Oil C ity team would have broken the Prep’s winning streak. unbeaten quintet.
Now the team was the C ounty’s only
The next victo ry was won from Saint Michael’s at Collins Gym,
each man contributing his part to the scoring.
A review o f the record shows that up
to this point an average of only fifteen points had been scored against the Prep in each game.
The zone defense, as worked out by Mr. Myers, was certainly working
smoothly. Once again the Prep’s string of victories was jeopardized whan Mr. Meyers took his charges across the Hudson to meet Regis on its own court.
The Star of Saint
Peter’s began to dim as the Regians launched a successful attack to avenge their form er defeat.
Aided by Larry Florio’s fine floor work and by the accuracy of Miller
and Lisky under the basket, the Prep was able to stage a comeback, however, that stunned the New Yorkers and registered the ninth straight victory.
Once again,
excellent team w ork showed that the team had been welded into a strong defensive and offensive unit.
O ne hu n dred tw en ty -fou r
Mackin adding a point fo r Prep.
Jesuit High School Tournament The list o f entries in the titular competition included Regis, Xavier, Fordham Prep, Brooklyn Prep, and Saint Peter’s Prep. bye, met Regis in the Semi-finals.
The Prep, having drawn a first round
The team showed brilliant form , sparked by the
splendid shooting o f Ernie Miller who accounted fo r seven field goals.
A fte r having
beaten Harrison High School fo r its eleventh consecutive win, the team was groomed fo r the finals against Fordham Prep.
The Prep entered the game as favorites, but
an inspired Fordham team won out by tw o points in the Collins Gym, crowded to the rafters.
As a result, the Prepsters failed to carry off the third and final leg on the
tourney trophy. and W hite.
Prep laurels go to Larry Florio, playing his last game fo r the Maroon
Bernie Gallagher, also playing fo r the last time, played remarkably well.
Back to its usual schedule, Prep defeated Saint Michael’s. accounted fo r fourteen points in a well played game.
Captain Ernie Miller
A nd at about this time, the
local sport pages began to suggest that Saint Peter’s enter the State Tournament because the Prep would be Jersey C ity ’s best representative in championship competi tion.
A t their home court, the team easily won over Harrison High School in a game
that featured A n dy Lisky’s shooting.
O ne h u n dred tw en ty -fiv e
He garnered sixteen points.
Continuing its terrific pace, the Prep defeated in tu rn Saint Aloysius, H oly T rinity and X avier, w ith Lisky, Miller and Mackin starring fo r the Maroon and W hite.
this point a cloud was cast over Petrean aspirations when the team received its second defeat of the season at the hands o f H oly Family School o f Union C ity.
the Prepsters came back w ithin a few days to defeat their conquerors w ith matchless precision.
In this game both the defense and offense worked remarkably smoothly
and the opposition was forced to depend on long shots almost exclusively.
shooting consistently well, Miller and Lisky and Pete Pidgeon showed skill in stealing the ball before their opponents could form a play.
State Tournament W ith a record of 17 triumphs in 19 starts, the Prep launched its bid fo r New Jersey Prep School supremacy at Dickinson Gymnasium on March tenth.
The team
that entered the tournam ent enjoyed the best record of any Prep team since 1929-3 0. Scheduled to meet the highly publicized Don Bosco team from Ramsey, the Prepsters played an inspired brand of ball.
Although it had not been favored to win, the team
carried away a decisive victory.
Once again, the work of Miller and Lisky were out
standing and the teamwork of all the players was a noticeable factor in the victory. A few nights later, the Prep met a strong and favored Newark Academy team. A lthough every man on the team fought valiantly to stem the tide of defeat, Newark Academy proved to be too strong and the Prep went down in honorable defeat.
exciting game was cleanly played and the crowd that packed the gym acclaimed both the conquerors and the conquered. Later in the season, Ernie Miller and A ndy Lisky capped their high school careers by winning the forw ard positions on the Jersey Journal’s all-star Bayonne and Jersey C ity scholastic team.
That was a fitting climax to the Prep’s season on the basketball
O ne hu n dred tw enty-six
^ t—i <*> h-j
Crosby, Garland, Lodge, Sweeney. T arrant, Sheridan, Bloom, Belgam, Portfolio, Mr. McCabe, Enright. Beronio, McGrail, Senec, Clossey, Galiani, Bruder.
St. Aloysius
H oly Fam ily (Bay.)
X avier
H oly Family (Bay.)
St. Michael’s
St. Michael’s
St. Aloysius
X avier
H oly Family (U .C .)
H oly Family (U .C .)
O n e hu n dred tw en ty-seven
Ta m e s J . M c C a b e
C oa ch
Ganzkow, Sokol, Dolan, Grimley, Frank, Torpey, M cCarthy, Kelly, Rummel, M ullin, Monahan. McKenna, Masterley, McGough, Neale, Kane, Maloney, Dwyer. Meaney, Mahan, Bruder, Sweeney.
D o n a l d P. O ’H a l e , S.J.
Asst. D irector o f Athletics V ic to r B u rk e F r a n c is N e a l e
. .
E d w ard M o n a h a n .
. .
. .
. .
W h e n the track team assembled in the fall, the outlook fo r the season was splendid.
Six veterans remained as a nucleus of this year’s team. Besides these, an abundant and promising supply of new material reported. A ll Prep expected that w ith a team like this, Coach Burke would surely better last year’s record. That would be a difficult task of course fo r the 19 37 team finished third in the State Championships.
O ne hu n dred tw en ty-eight
Brent Neale wins w ith ease.
B u t alas and alack!
Before the time o f the first meet rolled around, the squad was riddled by injuries. A ll at one stroke, fo u r o f the veterans were laid up. Neale was found on the sidelines nursing a bad knee; McKenna was limping w ith a bruised leg muscle; Kane was home suffering from a fractured ankle. A nd McGough was out o f competition w ith an injured leg. The result was that the team we had dreamed of was p re tty well broken up. In spite o f this, however, the rest of the team, all o f whom were novices except fo r Miller, entered the Dickinson meet. Because o f the stiff com petition and the experience o f our men, the Prep did not fare very well. This, coupled w ith the loss o f Sexton and Miller by w ay of the February graduating class, rather discouraged the squad and our entries in the rest of the indoor meets were canceled. W hen the outdoor season arrived, the outlook was brighter. In the first dual meet of the season, Prep beat H oly Family by the score of 34 to 11. A ll the 19 3 7 veterans who had been laid up w ith injuries got back into practice and at this time the coach is very optimistic about the rest o f the schedule. Ed Lynch who took second place in the tw o -tw en ty and third place in the one hundred yard dashes in both the State and C ounty Championship meets o f last year, seems bound to move up this year. Vinnie Kane is expected to improve on his performances o f last year and we w ill be surprised if Brent Neale does not successfully defend the tw o titles he won last year by taking both mile runs in the tw o championship meets. On the strength of his showing in the H oly Family meet, we are prepared to watch Don D w yer set the pace in the dashes and the same holds true fo r Grimley, Masterly, D arcy, K elly, Sweeney, McKenna, Rummel and McGough in the middle distance runs. As fo r field events, we can always rely on Dick Higgins and H arry Norton. The team is entered in the Penn Relays and the Prep representatives, Neale, Kane, McGough, McKenna, Rummel and Sweeney are plugging hard to better the moderate success Saint Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s has enjoyed in Philadelphia in the last tw o years.
O ne h u n d red tw en ty-n in e
Gallagher, W alsh, Griffin, Lavin, McKenna, W. Cookson, R eilly, Downing. T. Cookson, Sillery, Kingston, Roemke, Connolly,
F o r the first time in several years, the students o f the Prep are showing a great deal
of interest in tennis.
A t the first call fo r candidates, about tw enty men reported.
Under the observant eye o f Mr. McEvoy, S.J., the squad practiced daily fo r a month and gradually the most promising men were selected to form a team. these are veterans from the 19 3 7 squad. Roemke and Sweeney.
O nly tw o of
The others are Connolly, Cookson, Kingston,
A lthough a great part o f the team is inexperienced in inter足
scholastic competition, it evidences a satisfying amount of ability.
The zeal with
which they have practiced shows that they are inspired by the true Petrean spirit. A t the present time, the tennis season has not yet opened but at least we can list here the ambitious schedule that has been undertaken: May 2, Regis; May 9, Woodrow W ilson; May 16, Ferris; May 18, X avier; May 21, Emerson; May 23, Saint Aloysius; May 28, Emerson; June 1, Snyder.
O ne hu n dred th irty
Mayer, Hannon, Leonard, Coughlin, John Cox, Bloom, Lee, Cereghino, W olfe, Hoffman. M arkstein, K irk, Lisky, Dunne, Joseph Cox, Fleming, McLaughlin. T hom as G eo rg e
M y ers
A. H o f e m a n
. .
. .
Coach Manager
W. M a y e r A. M c L a u g h l i n
B a rre tt Jo sep h
. .
Asst. M gr. A sst. M gr.
1J fH O UGH the baseball team got off to a shaky start, there is still room for optimism. The team has shown plenty of promise and even more enthusiasm. A little more experience on the playing field w ill give the Prepsters all the necessary confidence. A veteran battery of Joe Cox and John Dunne, the seasoned pitching of Joe M ackin, the ab ility shown by the recruits, ought to bring the Prep into the w inning column frequently. A ndy Lisky at short, Fleming at third have been doing a fine job in the infield. Ruschman promises to be a great fielder. M arkstein and K irk are dependable picket men. Lee, John Cox and McDonough have performed creditably as beginners and form a nucleus for future Prep teams. If the boys find their batting eyes, start teeing off and exploding base hits to all corners of the diamond (and we predict as we go to press that the big guns will begin booming) the Prep w ill be the equal of any team in the county. The schedule lists games w ith the following schools: N utley, H oly Fam ily, Emerson, Snyder, Lincoln, St. Aloysius, Bayonne, Ferris, D ickin足 son. Most of these w ill be played twice, at home and away. O ne h u n d red th irty -on e
19 3 7 BASEBALL LETTER MEN Edward R. Brinski
George E. Lohr
Edmund J. Caulfield
Michael A . Lynch
James J. Cox
Joseph R. Mackin
John E. Dunne
Adolph J. Markstein
Lawrence E. Florio
George A . Smith
A ndrew J. Lisky
John J. Wilson
19 3 7 FOOTBALL LETTER MEN John E. Dunne (Captain)
Kenneth J. M urphy
Stephen E. Bloom
W illiam J. M cCarthy
James J. Cox
H arry DeS. N orton
John P. Cox
Robert J. O ’Neill
James J. Gallagher
John J. Riordan
Richard T. Higgins
Daniel P. Sheehy
Franics X . Leucht
John J. Torpey
Francis W . Miller
Raymond J. Thompson (Manager)
19 3 7 -19 3 8 BASKETBALL LETTER MEN Ernest R. Miller (Captain)
Joseph R. Mackin
Lawrence E. Florio
John D. Pidgeon
Bernard F. Gallagher
Peter B. Pidgeon
A ndrew J. Lisky
John J. Riordan Leo F. Crowley (Manager)
O ne hu n dred th irty -tw o
PATRONS AND PATRONESSES R e v . D e n n i s J . C o m e y , S .J .
R e v . W i l l i a m J. W a l t e r , S.J.
R e v . F r a n c i s J . S h a l l o e , S .J .
R e v . J o h n T. B u t l e r , S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. P. Balas Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beronio Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Billings Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bodenmann Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Royal J. Byron Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. John A . Cannon Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody Mrs D. Casalino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Colford Mr. and Mrs. John A . Conniff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Connors M r. and Mrs. John Corballis Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. John F. C ro tty Dr. and Mrs. Leo Crowley Mrs. D. C urtin Mrs. P. D arcy Mr. and Mrs. J. D attoli Mrs. A nna Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doane Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. H. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dougan Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. W illiam C. D wyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Egan Mr. and Mrs. George Emms Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Formosa Mrs. M ary Garner Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Gillen
O ne hu n dred th irty -th re e
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. A . R. Guglielmo Mr. and Mrs. W illiam A . Hamm Mr. and Mrs. H enry A . Hammell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. H arrington M r. and Mrs. Dennis F. H arty Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. A n th o n y W . Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hogan Mrs. Rose H urley
Mr. and Mrs. V incent W . Kane Mrs. Edith Keating Mr. and Mrs. Austin W . K elly Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. K elly Mr. and Mrs. J. J. K elly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendall Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James J. K irk Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Kraszewski Mr. and Mrs. H enry St. C. Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew L. Lisky Mr. and Mrs. H arry M. M cAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Michael M cCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A . McCusker Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. W illiam L. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKenna Mr. and Mrs. James L. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mackin Mrs. N. Mahler Mr. and Mrs. Michael A . Mangine
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Marino Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Markstein Mr. and Mrs. L. V . Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Masterly Mrs. R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Francis Miller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mooney Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Morschauser Mrs. Elizabeth Mullin
O ne hu n dred th irty -fo u r
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M urphy Mrs. Catherine M urtha Mr. and Mrs. George B. Neale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan Mr. and Mrs. H arry N orton Mr. and Mrs. W illiam N utzel M r. and Mrs. Vincent O ’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John J. O ’Brien Mr. and Mrs. F. J. O ’Neill Mr. and Mrs. James J. O ’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Pidgeon Miss Bertha Pidgeon Mrs. S. Pienkoski Mr. and Mrs. Terence Quinn Mrs. A rth u r L. Rackley Mrs. M. Rand Mr. and Mrs. F. Reddington Mr. and Mrs. Coleman H. Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Roe Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Roemke
Mr. and Mrs. M. Romanowicz Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Rummel Mrs. F. A , Ruschman Mr. and Mrs. John A . Sandford Mr. and Mrs. George M. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. H enry B. Smedley Mr. and Mrs. H arry Stulz Mr. and Mrs. John J. Torpey Mr. and Mrs. S. Tozzoli
Mr. and Mrs. James J. T ully Mr. and Mrs. O tto V etter Mr. Daniel Wallace Mr. and Mrs. H arry W . Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James J. W aters Mr. and Mrs. George A . W est Mr. and Mrs. Richard A . W hite Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wuensch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zajac Mr. and Mrs. H enry Zenorini Mr. and Mrs. George P. Zindel
O ne h u n dred
th irty -fiv e
ADDRESSES Baker, Ernest Joseph............. Balas, John George................. Beronio, John P a trick .......... Billings, George E dw ard. . . . Bodenmann, Richard Ernest Boyce, Joseph Francis............. Burke, John Jam es . Burns, Thomas A loysius. . . Byron, James R o ya l...............
781 Montgomery Street, Jersey C ity 60 Lafayette Street, Jersey C ity 515 Park Avenue, Hoboken, N. J. 167 R iver Road, Bogota, N. J. 630— 12 Street, West New York, N. J. 14 W aterbury Road, Montclair, N. J. 7 Crescent Avenue, Jersey C ity 88 Rose Terrace, Newark, N. J. 278 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey C ity
C ahill, Francis E dw ard. . . . Cannon, John A loysius. . . . Carmody, James M a tth e w .. Casalino, Peter Lawrence. . . Colford, Joseph E dw ard. . . Conniff, James Gregory. . . . Connors, Joseph Thomas. . . Corballis, Raymond Joseph. Coughlin, James F ra n c is ... C rotty, John Francis............ Crowley, Leo F rancis............ C urtin, Daniel Francis. . . . .
167 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey C ity 242 Seventh Street, Jersey C ity 36 Union Street, Jersey C ity 931 DeMott Street, North Bergen, N. J. 277 Ege Avenue, Jersey C ity 505 Bergen Avenue, Jersey C ity 69 Bright Street, Jersey C ity 167 Grand Street, Jersey C ity 832 W yoming Avenue, Elizabeth, N J. 270 Arlington Avenue, Jersey C ity 148 Belmont Avenue, Jersey C ity 7 Gray Street, Jersey C ity
D arcy, Joseph Thomas.......... D attoli, Francis P au l............ Davis, W illiam Francis. . . . Doane, W illiam H ow ard. . Dolan, James Francis.......... Donnelly, Francis H u g h . . . Dougan, Douglas Stanley. . . Dunne, John E dw ard............ Dwyer, Donald W illiam . . .
319 V arick Street, Jersey C ity 620 Washington Street, West New York, N. J. 45 Hudson Street, Jersey C ity 19 Erie Street, Jersey C ity 222 Clerk Street, Jersey C ity 12 Webster Avenue, Jersey C ity 52 Beacon Avenue, Jersey C ity 11 Ocean Avenue, Jersey C ity 220 Danforth Avenue, Jersey C ity
Egan, Charles M ichael.......... Emme, Edward Jtfhn............
74 Bentley Avenue, Jersey C ity 175 Neptune Avenue, Jersey C ity
Fitzpatrick, W illiam Joseph Fleming, Joseph G abriel. . . . Ford, Robert E dw ard.......... Formosa, Daniel Joseph. . . .
201 Clinton Avenue, Clifton, N. J. 215 Freeman Avenue, Jersey C ity 12 Stegman Terrace, Jersey C ity 210 Central Avenue, Union C ity, N. J.
Garner, Robert Francis. . . . Gillen, Edward Bernard. . . . Griffin, Edward Joseph. . . . Guglielmo, Sabino Dominic.
67 Union Street, Jersey C ity 36 Boyd Avenue, Jersey C ity 25 0 Fulton Avenue, Jersey C ity 592—21 Street, West New York, N. J.
Hamm, Joseph E dw ard. . . . Hammell, H enry E ym ard. . H arrington, Robert Jam es. H arty, Kevin Dennis............ Herrmann, H enry Joseph. . Hoffman, George A nthony. Hoffmann, John H enry. . . . Hogan, W illiam Francis. . . . H urley, John Thomas..........
781 Madison Street, Patterson, N. J. 8 Millington Avenue, Newark, N. J. 248 Fowler Avenue,’ Jersey C ity 270 Claremont Avenue, Jersey C ity 236 Jewett Avenue, Jersey C ity 881 Summit Avenue, Jersey C ity 30 Linden Avenue, Jersey C ity 192 Clerk Street, Jersey C ity 119 West 4 Street, Bayonne, N. J.
Kane, Vincent F rancis.......... Keating, Francis R obert. . . Kelly, Austin We s t . . . . . . . Kelly, Bernard Francis.......... Kelly, John Aloysius............ Kelly, Robert Emmet.......... Kendall, John E arl................. Kennedy, George Joseph. . . Kirk, Daniel Edw ard............ Kraszewski, Thaddeus John
295 801 500 433 206 500 206 115 205 326
Lavin, H enry St. C la ir.......... Lisky, Andrew Joseph..........
West H ill Road, Colonia, N. J. 144 Morris Street, Jersey C ity
O ne h u n dred thirty-six
Grant Avenue, N utley, N. J. Ocean Avenue, Jersey C ity Summit Avenue, Westfield, N. J. St. Pauls Avenue, Jersey C ity Belvidere Avenue, Jersey C ity Summit Avenue, Westfield, N. J. Ogden Avenue, Jersey C ity Brown Place, Jersey C ity Freeman Avenue, Jersey C ity Avenue A, Bayonne, N. J.
McAvoy, H arry W illia m ................................ . .. .................41 Sheffield Street, Jersey C ity M cC arthy, John Joseph............................................................205 St. Paul’s Avenue, Jersey C ity McCusker, W illiam C harles..................................................... 67 W est 45 Street, Bayonne, N. J. McDonald, James Thom as...................................................... 192 Kensington Avenue, Jersey C ity McDonald, W illiam . L a w ........................................................758— 34 Street, North Bergen, N. J. McKenna, Edward H u g h ..........................................................222 Arlington Avenue, Jersey C ity McNamara, James V in cen t....................................................... 179 C lerk Street, Jersey C ity M ackin, Joseph R aym ond....................................................... 103 North Street, Bayonne, N. J. Mahler, Robert Benedict............................................... 184 Bayview Avenue, Jersey C ity Mangine, Anthony Joseph....................................................... 110 West 42 Street, Bayonne, N. J. Marino, Anthony N icholas.................................................... 3 32 Third Street, Jersey C ity M arkstein, Adolph Jam es...................................................... . . 8 6 M anhattan Avenue, Jersey C ity M artin, Charles E dw ard...................................................... ; . 6 4 6 Westside Avenue, Jersey C ity M asterly, Gerard Jo h n .................................................................105 Cator Avenue, Jersey C ity M iller, Ernest R aym ond............................................................323 Henderson Street, Jersey C ity M iller, Francis W illia m .............................................................. 515 Mercer Street, Jersey C ity Monahan, Edward Jo h n .............................................................. 223 Clerk Street, Jersey C ity Mooney, M alachy Bernard.....................................................103 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey C ity Moore, John P a tric k .................................................................108 Booraem Avenue, Jersey C ity Morschauser, H arold E dw ard..................................................100 Ferry Street, Jersey C ity M ullin, Gerald Francis.............................................................. 12 W averly Street, Jersey C ity M urphy, Kenneth Jam es......................................................... 34 Stegman Place, Jersey C ity M urtha, John F rancis.............................................................. 88 Prospect Street, Jersey C ity Neale, Francis B ren t.................................................................150 Belmont Avenue, Jersey C ity Nolan, Joseph A n d rew .............................................................. 43 Van Reipen Avenue, Jersey C ity Norton, H arry deSales.............................................................. 60 Kensington Avenue, Jersey C ity N utzel, Leon P h ilip ................................................................... 81 Glendale Street, N utley, N. J. O’Brien, O’Brien, O’N eill, O’Neill,
George Joseph............................................................ 21 Columbia Avenue, Jersey C ity John L in us................................................................... 914 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N. J. Francis Joseph............................................................116 Shanley Avenue, Newark, N. J. James D aniel..............................................................65 West 49 Street, Bayonne, N. J.
Parsons, Paul Jam es.................................................................. 114-46— 178 Street, St. Albans, N. Y. Pidgeon, John D avid................................................................ 103 5 First Place, Woodcliff, N. J. Pidgeon, Peter B ernard .............................................331—30 Street, Woodcliff, N. J. Pienkoski, Raymond Joseph. . . ..........................................226 Linden Avenue, Jersey C ity Quinn, James Joseph.
...............................................679 Summit Avenue, Jersey C ity
R ackley, A rthur Louis...........................' ................................. 186 Avenue C, Bayonne, N. J. Rand, Vernon G eorge............................................................. 255 Eighth Street, Jersey C ity Reddington, Francis X avier................................................. 239 Jackson Avenue, Jersey C ity Ridge, Coleman F rancis........................................................... 73 Condict Street, Jersey C ity Riordan, John Joseph.................................................... ............ 250 York Street, Jersey C ity Roe, W illiam Joseph.................................................................910 East 19 Street, Bayonne, N. J. Roemke, Edward R obert................. .............. ................ .. . .65 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey C ity Romanowicz, Joseph A n tho n y.............................................83 West 17 Street Bayonne, N. J. Rummel, Melville Strong. . i ..................................................232 Wegman Parkw ay, Jersey C ity Ruschman, Frederick Joseph..................................................12 Gautier Avenue, Jersey C ity Sandford, John A loysius......................................................... 413 Central Avenue, Harrison, N. J. Sexton, W illiam Thomas......................................................... 154 Van Reipen Street, Jersey C ity Sheehy, Daniel P a tric k ..............................................................80 Van Wagenen Avenue, Jersey C ity Smedley, David Eckerson.........................................................124 Booraem Avenue, Jersey C ity Stulz, H arry Joseph...................................................................158 Fairview Avenue, Jersey C ity Torpey, John Joseph................................................................4 Stegman Place, Jersey C ity Tozzoli, Gaetano Thomas ....................................... 36 Grant Avenue, Grant wood, N. J. T u lly, John P a u l........................................................................151 Highland Avenue, Jersey C ity Vetter, Raymond O tto ........................................................... 37 Terrace Avenue, Jersey C ity W allace, James M iron............................................................. 1218 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N. J. W alsh, H arry R obert............................................................. 25 Gifford Avenue, Jersey C ity W aters, James Joseph............................................................. 244— 13 Street, ejrsey C ity West, Thomas Joseph............................................................. 2833 Boulevard, Jersey C ity W hite, Richard Anselm.........................................................5 Elliott Road, Great Neck, N. Y. Wuensch, John H enry. .........................................................47 Manhattan Avenue, Jersey C ity Zajac, Czeslaus F rancis...........................................................W Prospect Avenue, Bayonne, N. J. Zenorini, H enry Jo h n ............................................................. 325— 30 Street, Woodcliff, N. J. Zindel, Edward Jo h n ................................................................13 West 30 Street, Bayonne, N. J.
O ne h u n dred thirty-seven
ACKNOWLEDGMENT W e are greatly indebted to all who have helped in the publication of this volume of the P e t r e a n . A special debt of gratitude we owe to: The Principal and the Faculty whose help and advice have been practical and tim ely. A ll those students who have been so generous in aiding both the editorial staff and the business manager. Our Patrons and Advertisers without whose financial assistance this book would be an impossible dream. Mr. Neil T. Heffernan of the Heffernan Press whose cooperation has been invaluable. M r. Keneally of the Chemical Photo Engraving Company who has kin d ly helped us in m any Ways. The Lincoln Studios, especially Mr. Kleimvax, the Manager, whose courteous cooperation has been unfailing and Mr. Hu-ghes whose technical skill is apparent in this book. As a parting word, m ay we please ask you to patronize our advertisers?
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Lake Spofford
N ew H am pshire
$ 1 2 5 per season of 10 weeks $ 15 per week
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Saint Dominic Academy 20 B entley Ave. JERSEY CITY , N . J.
Day School For Girls
H o n . A le x a n d e r F . O rm sby, L L .D ., D ean 40 Jo u rn a l Square
Jersey C it y , N . J.
A C o -E d u c a tio n a l In stitu tio n C h a rte re d and A ppro ved by the State of N e w Jersey CO LLEGE DEPARTM ENT years’ lib e ra l arts course, preparing the stud ent fo r entrance to the L a w D epartm ent LAW D EPA RTM EN T T h re e years’ stand ard law school c u rric u lu m lead in g to the degree of B achelor of Law s GRAD U A TE DEPARTM ENT A course of stu d y leading to the degree of M aster o f Law s N E X T SC H O O L Y E A R O PENS S E P T E M B E R 26th , 19 3 8 Tw o
D ay and Evening Divisions Scholarships A vailab le R egistration Now Open S E C R E T A R IA L
September and F eb ru ary Classes
Courses in Shorthand, T y p e w ritin g , Book keeping, Business En g lish , Com m ercial L a w and Office T r a in in g
Registration open any Monday throughout the year SEND FOR CATALOGUE FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS
Complete Line of Latest Tuxedos, Cutaways, Full Dress Suits, Silk Hats and Complete Outfits to Hire and For Sale Ready-to-W ear High Grade Clothing NO ORDER TOO SMALL — NO ORDER TOO LARGE
THE H O B O K E N V A L E T EMANUEL LEWIS, Owner. 106 Seventh St., near Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N . J. Established in H o bo ken 19 0 2
Phone Hoboken 3 -2 5 79
SUPERIOR WINES Phone: B arc lay 7-7954
A tlan tic Branch: 42 W est B roadw ay N ear P ark Place N ew York C ity
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pietrzykotvski
Dale Ice Cream Co. 953 W est Side Avenue
„ , ( 3-6900 D elaw are { 3_6901 W ebster 4-7977
D elaw are 3 -5 1 5 9
Joseph W. Delaney
Mallard Trucking Company
Funeral Home
295 Van Horne Street
33 8 Y o rk St. N e a r V a r ic k St.
Wm. McCarren W holesale and R etail
W a tk in s 9 -7 7 3 3
Cunningham Bros., Inc. Wholesale
Fruits and Vegetables
Meats, Provisions and Poultry 163 W est Street N ear M u rray Street
5 1 9 - 5 2 1 W est 16 t h St.
wBusiness goes where it is invited Phones: B A r c la y ^ 2 7 2 6
And stays where it is appreciated99
Serving the People of Hudson County for Over Forty Years
McConnell Coal & Fuel Oil Co.
The Trust Company of New Jersey Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
JERSEY CITY Jersey C ity Van Horne St.
& C. R. R. of N. J.
Union C ity Hoboken
W eehawken
W est N ew York
Joseph E. Colford
A Friend
August Cattaneo REALTOR
Est. 18 89
Classes 3C 410 16th St. Union C ity, N. J. U nion 7 -1 3 7 8
Palisade Av. Grantwood, N. J.
"The Old Bee Hive Bankâ&#x20AC;?
The Provident Institution for Savings in Jersey City MAIN OFFICE 239-241 W ashington St.
BERGEN AVENUE OFFICE Bergen and H arrison Avenues
A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Baker Paint & Varnish Company MANUFACTURERS OF
Let us clean and press for you
THE BETTER PIE CALIFORNIA PIE & BAKING CO., Inc. 6 19 -6 2 3 D e g raw Street
BROOKLYN, N. Y. Represented by H a rry T u rn e r
Phones: T ria n g le 5 -2 1 3 7 5 -2 1 3 8
Alfred Canova, Inc. General Insurance Service (In c lu d in g L ife )
REAL ESTATE SERVICE S E L L I N G - R E N T I N G - L E A S IN G Properties M anaged - In d u s tria l Sites M ortgage Loans - Business Brokers Appraisals
724 T hirteenth St., Union C ity, N. J. T e l. U nio n 7 -8 0 7 1
Frank P. Nicholson, M.D.
Wallace Burton
Davis Co.
Supreme Brand Food 'Products
BUN BREAD 3 7 6 -3 7 8
G reenw ich Street
"The Loaf in the Green Wrapper”
W a lk e r 5-0 4 2 3
George Hauenstein General Insurance Agency 3 70 C e n tra l A venue
JERSEY CITY, N. J. 2 M adison Avenue W ebster 4 -4 4 7 8
D e law are 3 -9 4 7 8
WARREN MEAT MARKET W illia m O tto, Prop.
Choice Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb and Poultry 244 W A R R E N S T R E E T Phone B Ergen 4 -4 9 5 1
Luncheon 11:30 A .M .
3:00 P.M .
Phone Jo u rn a l Square 2 -19 3 9
OYSTER BAY, Inc. 901 B E R G E N A V E .
JERSEY CITY AIR CONDITIONED R e g u lar D in n e r: 5 to 9 P .M .
Sundays and H o lidays 1 1 : 3 0 A .M . to 9 :0 0 P .M .
Adding Machines
Check W riters
Hudson Typewriter Exchange M. Kochansky, Prop.
RIBBONS, CARBON PAPER, STATIONERY Monthly Inspection Service 99 M ontgom ery Street JERSEY CITY , N . J. Bergen 4-8353
16 W . 40 th Street BAYONNE, N . J. Bayonne 3-2027
COAL FUEL OIL Telephone Bayonne 3-0006, 3-0007, 3-0931
Printing Plates that Satisfy
Fifteen years experience in the production of Designs and Printing Plates for College and High School Annuals A L L P L A T E W O R K IN T H I S Y E A R B O O K E X E C U T E D BY
T 9 1 5 MVIRRPkY S T R ^ T Y ^RK
Lincolru Studios St. Peter’s College High School "OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS”
We Are Proud of This Title Because of Our Affiliation With Your Fine School
2824 Boulevard
JERSEY CITY, N. J. Phone: Jo u rn al Square 2-6452
the printed message like . . .
the spoken message may be convincing or not. If the spoken message lacks the necessary "punch” ; if it is not pleasant ly and skillfully dressed in language that is ap propriate and expressive, then the speaker fails to "put across” to his audience that which is in tended. Just as true are these facts in relation to the printed message. It too must have "punch” and "appeal” and should be "dressed” in a w ay that is pleasing to the senses. Our printing is "dressed” in taste that has that "appeal.” "Can we help you?” We can.
THE HEFFERNAN PRESS 150 Fremont Street WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS Printers to T h e Petrean
and other good books.