1953 Petrean

Page 1

In honor of the parents of Prepsters past and present. . .

St. P e t e r ’ s P reparatory J e r s e y C ity N ew Jersey

Here are the Hands of Prep. They stand for the Spirit o f Prep, reflected in the daily round of study, prayer and play which today, no less than seventy-five years ago, has sought to mold men dear to the Heart of God and Country. We hope that behind the Hands of Prep you will find the Spirit of Prep caught and touched to life again in these pages of . . .


1953 P


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Rev. Francis J. Shalloe, S.J. GUIDANCE, COUNSELLOR Religion 8

m u m 1piwiiimiiiiniiiin mini

Rev. Leonard V. A bbott, S.J. F r e s h m a n g u id a n c e c o u n s e l l o r Religion, Problems of American Democracy, Speech

Rev. M aurice J. M iller, S J . DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Latin

Ferdinand A. O rthen, M.A., Litt.D. REGISTRAR 9

BE v ; JA |fE § . '. . ^ ^ejigion/Latm *


jREV. GEORGE G .sB U tLER , S.J.' Religion, Latin, English


J. CAULFIELD, A.B, riatics, Speech

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»CATHEM NE<JOLtINS, B.S. LiHrariarf}'feibrary Sconce1 '

MR. THOMAS J. CURRAN, S.J. “ L atln .^ n g l^ h

REV; FRANCIS K. DROLET, S.J. Religion, Latin, French



MR. JOHN F. DUFFY, A.B. Latin, Mathematics

REV. JOSEPH a S A l^ N E R ^ S .f. Latin, E n g lish , s

REVi KRNKStr P. IlAftTXETT, * ? . Religion, Latiui, “English

MR. ROBERT P. HOWARD, A.B. Mathematics

^ l^ M ^ C T ^ tp C E lU L D jjS .J .

f^SSkt4 lialwft®*®®*'- jSi vs»


•MatheinS'lio, (-ermao, * Problems o? American Demacriicy

MR. WALTER J. ILLY, A.B. Latin, German

S fK ^ X ^ A J ^ ^ p b lie iittH E jft,-^ . Ejyjlish, V. i> .


MR. JO H N ?. X. IRYING, A.B Speech

REV. JAMES J. KENNEDY, SJ . ■■ French * .


MR. JOSEPH F. LUPARDO.B.S ^ Seerfetary1

MR. ROBERT A. McGLLNNESS, A.B Mathematics, Speech When a teacher’s not engaged m his employment . . . '

MR. ROY H. LEEMG Physical'Training Instructor:

MR. WILLIAM E. McGINN, M.A. V. S. History '

MR. EDWARD G. McNALLY, M.A. .'Z,'-■ - English


REV. EDWARD N. MAY, S.J, Mathematics-,

MR. ROBERT F. MULVIHILL, B.S, Problems of American Democracy

MR. JAMES P. MARR Coach of Dramatics ’

REV. AUGUSTINE W. MKACHKR, S.J. Religion, English

REV. THOMAS P. MURRAY, S.J, Religion, Latin

Aus dentscher Vergangenheit.

MR. FREDERICK )■MILLER, M.S. Chemistry, Physics


T t e CLEMENT C. O'SULLIVAN, A.B., LL.B ' French. History, Speech

REV. RAYMOND I. PURCELL, S.J. Religion jj£atin,Etiglish

MRvWlLWAM B, O'TOOLE, A.B, ■;>• English

REV. FRANCIS M. REDMOND, S.J. Latin, English

MR. CHARLES J. ROONEY, M.A, Mathematics, Speech

Life is Grand at Warren.


REV. WILLIAM A. RIORDAN, S.J. Religion, Latin, Creek

MR, ALFRED J. SCHMIDT, B.S, Mathematics

At the post

MR. JOHN J. SCULLY, S.J. Latin, English

MR. JOSEPH W. SINNOTT, A.B., LL.B. . English, Speech

MR. JAMES E. WHALEN, S.J, Latin, English, French

MR. JOSEPH ^ . SHARKEY, M.A, Problems of American Pemdcifacy

REV. JAMES V. SMITH, S.J. Religion, U. S. History

REV. RAYMOND YORK, S.J. Religion, Latin, Greek


MR. EDWARD fieE© O M lN I Band Director*

MR. JOSEPH G. ZUCCONI Physicat Training InStWictor


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M c H u ^ 'R o Id re '^ F a y ^ ”WHson'


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f t ’ Papa'

Second Row:

Burke> <*“« *


Row- Leeh'an Richvalskv Re lit C hI Mal*fsI" ’ ? reIh> Ja. ? K Kwiatkowski, McLaughlin, Flanagan. Fourtl ’ KichvaUky, Reilly, Sothlaro, Kent, Servas. Fifdi Row: Gellene, Brozek, Fromm, Sartori, Porowski. Back Row: Conway, Egan, Bate, Father Murray, S.J., Binkowski, Norrell.

Hofmann w S f n . ’ b

Henderson, Father Redmond, S.J., Elvin, Smith, Kaiser. Second Row: Troiano, Algie, Hogan, S S r S ’ De**os‘l> ®a^ °: Third Row: Mclnemey, Brennan, Keating, Marshall, Benigno, CaraseUi, Burakevich, Iacobelli. Fourth Row: Moskal, Balasso Corbett, Hesterhagen, Augelli, Lally, Roach. Back Row: Huebner, Pennell, Mastromonaco, Boyle, Allaire, Miller Numann, Suruda. Not Pictured: Miko.

Front Row: Desmond, LaForgia, White, Roach, Pierce, Quaglia, Hogan, Mr. Parisi. Second Row: Mavroudis, Skinner, Amot, McCarthy, Sherlock, Criscito, O’Connel. Third Row: Giliick, Woodcock, Haggerty, Gallagher, Galvin, Andrews, Comunale. Fourth Row: Calabrese, Bellot, Guiliana, Andrews, O’Brien, Vagg. Fifth Row: Cogan, Dunstan, Buckman, Fanner, Arendt, Burke, Wagner. Back Row: Krum, Voorhees.


Front Row: Kouvel, Graham, Mendles, Barker, Venezia, Magielnicki, Censullo. Second Row: Kratz, Keelty Neff Fordi Rosettar, Momot. Third Row: Johnson, Delaney, Woods, Ludwig, Stemmle, Meyers, McRae. Fourth Row: Condon Yates’ I Rocchio, Vidovich, Siciliano, Takacs. Fifth Row:: Driscoll, Sullivan, Quaremba, Curley, Kieman. Back Row: Wagner, O’Brien, Cassidy, Somers, McGIue, McGrath.



Front Row: Langoski, Potyrala, Connolly, Haiber, McDermott, Nelan, Zdanowicz, Forrester. Second Row: Velice, Kip, Hannan, Sharlow, O’Brien, Baer, Askew. Third Row: Welgos, Gaynor, Mahon, Lepis, Geison, Beirne. Fourth Row: Schiereck, Murray, Sinnott, Bamitt, Gargiles, Donnelly. Fifth Row: Fiederer, Timney, Clougher, Bogdan, Binninger, O’Mara. Back Row: Ringle, Colbert, Nash.


Front Row: Diduryk, Pozzi, Cassala, Sullivan, Barry, Kaptain, Mizen, Mr. Curran, S.J. Second Row: Estevez, Conroy, Charles, Stapienski, Quinn, Forgione. Third Row: DeFuccio, Flynn, McCann, Swetits, Crotty, Maher, Caruso. Fourth Row: Plastine, Pflug, Koslowski, Von Thaden, McMenniman, Higgins. Fifth Row: Gregory, Zircher, O'Toole, Herkert, Burke. Back Row: Murry, Novak, Kelly, Browne, Carr.

Front Row: Bejgrowicz, Colombo, Gallene, Cozine, Pozzi, Finn. Second Row: Bogen, Hughes, Barabas, Cunningham, Beiter, Brady, Father Purcell, S.J. Third Row: Fay, O’Connor, McBreen, Kubis, Quaglia, Kimmerle. Fourth Row: Donovan, Dittrich, Struzynski, Pissano, Kemple, Sullivan. Fifth Row: Saebo, Havemeyer, Keohane, Walsh, Lepis. Back Row: Nissen, Biriben, Montague, McBride, Hertz. Not Pictured: Manley.

fa th er

Front Row: Balestrieri, Kerwin, Allecci. Second Row: Evans, Ried, Burke; Finn igan, Scudder Banko Klink Third Row- TJorrzaDh Macchi Bello, Cash, LaTeano, Burke. Fourth Row: Rosone, Spendley, Magarelli, Anderson, Rjta'son^ Fifth Row* SomCTland, Mikulka, Scanlon, Ronan, Gentile, Koeppe Sixth Row: D Amico, Fitzpatnck, Wright, Fiedorowicz. Back Row: Mahoney, Vernovage, DiAngelo, Rowland.

Row: Alfano, Carpinelli, Cassidy, Ferraro, McAleer, Sullivan. Se®°"^ j^° skawinski, McNamara Matthews, Mydosh, Rossi. Third Row: Shanahan, M y n u t t i ^ f ^ e w s a , r ow: Galella Fourth Row: Malley, Comprelli, Carucc.o, M a fo p .e ro ,K U e n jC o m g n ^ Carey, Acinapura, Lattoz, O’Donnell, J e n n i n g s . Back Row. Bielitz, ivane, Not Pictured: Halter.



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Front Row: Breslin, Wallace, Ebrahim, Brady, Bernard. Second Row: Doran, Hintelmann, Mullen, Drake, Davis, Molinari. Third Row: Duffy, Brow, Doyle, Scozzafava, Lamb. Fourth Row: Corke, Case, Maragni, Novak, Maresca, Shalhoub. Fifth Row: Lund, Williams, Mason, Kennedy, Bolger. Back Row: Kosiba, Clutterbuck, Mr. Novak, S.J., Zircher, Riani.

Front Row: Vayda, Rustia, O’Hare, Nies, Allison. Second Row: Father Faulkner, S.J., Steffich, Kwiatkowski,

Front Row: Chabot, Burke, Ackerman, Centocati, Yard. Second Row: Foley, Platt, Barry, Lau Seymour Note. Third Row: Caluori, Feehan, Piantanida, Keating, Bradley. Fourth Row: Unger, Brauner, Kenna, Woronecld, Maus, Scanlon. Fifth Row: O Grady, Butler, Connolly, Fordi, Dugan, Reidy. Back Row: Keller, Collins, Brennen, Esti, Warwick.

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„ , <J T Cunnane Sebold. Second Row: Stephens, Doherty, ont Row: Ashe, McTaggart Touhy ^ Nest Keegan, Guerra, Meehan. Fourth Row: me, Hariland, Pinto Third Row. Hunt McJLn y ^ ^ ^ sJ Bvan v Hook, Gross., Degnan, slnemey, Stanton^ K.leoyne Woerner y Not p .ctured; Conley, Riccardi.

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S™::r^'\£“ UHB111Be-^u rahir^ra » ,sHHN h-h h Wilson, Rolicke. Not Pictured: Canavan.



Front Row: Waterbury, Merz, Kallman, Lubanski. Second Row: Mertz, Barry Miele, Couto, Meloro. Third Row: Carducci, Calzaretta, Brady, Weiss, Fennely Lynch. Fourth Bow: Keene, Brady, Quinn, Collins, Fell. Back Bow: Fallon! Wolferse, Salmon, Colas. Not Pictured: Lynch.


Front Row: Fiocco, Kraft, Kiely, Bergen, Shipley, Buss. Second Row: Carducci, Farrell, Bozzo, Williamson, Weibel. Third R ow Potocnie, Schmitt, Brunn, McConville, Boyle, Murphy. Fourth Row: Kobylinski, Ferrante, Porzio, Moran, Bammer Kraemer. Fifth Row: Gioia, DeCarlo, Lane, Doherty, Gresdo. Back Row: Stefan, Papp, Bonner, Freeman, Chmielewski, Monnone.

_ „ „ ___Jj Row O’Leary, Giglio, Lieneck, Robeson, Ryan, Front Row: White, Grather, Father Malone, S' \ Do" " ef e i W a r n e r Oleyar. Fourth Row: Kunz, Bochis, Tropila, Flannery, Gereeke, McGovern, Schmitt. Third Row: Lee, .Bran , J . clarke, Kontje. Back Row: Pryor, Brothers, Kotsopulos, Peterson, Contey. Fifth Row: Clune, Chu" k^ h^ 0 Iem be, Kolakowski.

*«■ * B»»: L - * Ownoll,, Fourth R „„, O'Connor, M orocco, £ R , D . g Kunzman, Sofio. Back Bow: Sullivan, Byrne, Reilly.

Front Row: Courtney, Ralaz, Koch, Rarnum, York, Matthews. Second Row: Staffa, Rotts, DeMattia Cashman, Mattiace Hedge. Third Row: Tenten, O’Rourke, Soltis, Mr. Illy, Miles, Linder, Ziobro. Fourth Row Donnelly, Sullivan, Volenski, Non, Shwarze, Schmidt. Hack Row: Whyte, Hurley, Sorbera Ghelli Kane Not Pictured: Miller.

Front Row: Nolan, Harwood, Hamey, Fath, Ferrillo, Murray. Second Row: Mangelli, Lee, Cunnane, Fitzpatrick Coyle. Third Row: McManus, Latour, Taylor, Godfrey, Orzechowski, Rozgonyi. Fourth Row: Lucarelli, Quirk, Lenahan, McKillop, Hunt. Back Row: Criscito, Freda, Rosenbower, O’Connor, Tubridy, Morrissey.



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r, • M/.r'rvsf:)1 Reilly. Second Row: Downes, Beyer, Front Row: Sorokach, McKeon, Bobcwicz, M yDo^ ,ing payne, Kazenski, Coem, Rusman, O’Shea, McCarthy, Forker, She™ ^ - tlT^ l DeFino, Duschka. Fifth Row: Wickens, Blunda, ‘

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Student Council

K. B. S. S e r v e r s

Arata, Burke,

Bozzo, F. Fallon, W. Fallon. Heller, Heinzmann.

Knights and Cyjsaders

Holv Hour: First Friday and First Saturday of each month. FATHER SHALLOE, S.J. Moderator

Se nior Sodality

Sophomore Sodality

Marian Committee.

SODALITY OFFICERS Sitting: Molinari, Father Purcell, S.J. Standing: Quaglia, Cozine, Kubis, Columba, Brady, Mullin, Gellene. MR. WHALEN, S.J.

Freshman Sodality

CONSULTORS Sitting: Vidovich, Sherlock, Swetits, DeVries, Father Drolet, S.J., Rocchio, O’Mara, O’Neill, Paradine. Standing: Hallinan, Beirae, Quinn, Doherty.

Eucharistic Chairman F. Rocchio plots out with R. O’Neill and D. Sherlock the p lan w hereby all Freshman Sodalists are represented at the daily Mass at the school.

Some of the twenty Sodality members who work their apostolate at St. Joseph’s Orphanage, helping the Nuns to prepare their Magazine. Left to Right: Vidovich, Sister Lawrence, C.S.J., Beime, O’Neill, Quinn.

SODALITY OFFICERS DeVries, Prefect; Rocchio, Vice Prefect; Beime, Marian Committee Chairman; Quinn, Apostolic Committee Chairman.

Master Whaler Moore with senior editors McCarthy, Pardo, Towle, Rothman, Spendle,y, Q’Keefe,

Bus, Mgrs. L ubranski, Kail man, Taliafero

Cozine, Connelly anÂŽ Bums


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t o p p e r s


Lynch, Calzaretta, Wolferse, Father Yerk, S.J Salmon, Mertz

mut GtO'5*

Sj$fc^g*^tTKeefe, Lynch, Mertz, Colas, O’Connor, S p rag u e/^^ ^ Eng: Mr. Whalen, S.J,, Cerecke, MacKay, Rothman, Buss, Pardo.

St. Peter’s receives SECOND place awards at Father Cannon Invitational Debate Tournament for Eastern Catholic High Schools (29) (March 7, 1953): Left to Right: Francis Mertz, Mr. James E. Whalen, S.J., Moderator of Beaudevin Debating Society; Leslie Rothman; Rev. Eugene T. Culhane, S.J., Dean of Freshmen at Fordham University; Dering Sprague.

G l e e Club Front Row: Porzio, Brauner, McAleer, DeRosa.

Co l l i n s D e b a t i n g S o c i e t y

Biribin, Struzynski, Balestrieri, Mr. Curran, S.J., O’Connor, Keating.

Sitting: Salmon, Mertz, O’Connell. Standing: Doyle, Maragni, Mason, Merz Lund, Novak, Riani, Mullen, Gellene, Cozine, Struzynski. MR. NOVAK, S.J., Moderator

W inners of Oratorical Contests (1952-53) JOSEPH MacKAY, ’53 Second Place: City Finals of American Legion Oratorical Contest STAN PARDO, '53 First Place: Sectional Finals of Extemporaneous Speaking Contest STAN PARDO, ’53 and FRANCIS MERTZ, ’54 First Place: Affirmative Team Award at Jesuit Debate Tournament STAN PARDO, ’53, FRANCIS MERTZ, ’54, LESLIE ROTHMAN, ’53 and DERING SPRAGUE, ’53 Second Place: Jesuit Debate Tournament Second Place: Father Gannon Debate Tournament ROBERT BUSS, ’54 First Place: Sectional Finals of Original Oratory Contest PETER GOLAS, ’54 Best Speaker Award- in the House of Student Congress, Newark, New Jersey Second Place: Hudson County Holy Name Oratorical Contest First Place: Sectional Finals of the Oratorical Declamation Contest WILLIAM LYNCH, ’54 First Place: Sectional and State Finals of the Dramatic Declamation Contest First Place: City and State Finals of the Journal-American National Oratorical Contest FRANCIS KELLY, ’56 Second Place: Sectional Finals of the Humorous Declamation Contest RICHARD BIRIBIN, ’55, THOMAS MARESCA, ’55, PAUL DeVRIES ’56 JOSEPH KEATING, ’56 First Place: Freshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament at Passaic

O ratory

Mr. Whalen, S.J.

Rothman, Buss, Pardo, Mr. Marr, Lynch, Golas, MacKay.

J. MacKay

McAleer, Farraro, Flannery, Klein, Gereeki, Co­ lombo, O’Connor, Struzynski, Cozine, Mr. Illy, Stefan, DiAngelo, Biribin, Sommerlad.

gggm 55IiiiwSi£v

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LskARIt .

i i l l ! 5 1 ifo S ift

W' Front Row: ffilirs, Sorokach. "Second Row: Wly-, Lacy, Schreck. ack Row: CalvetK, Heinzmann, Cuem.

Canzonicr, S e A w j f Collins, PresiclnKwi Bausch, Vice President



ty o u & eut t

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Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman Faculty Moderators Mr, G. J. Fitzgerald, S.J.

Mr. John J. Scully Mr. James J. Marr, Director

Business Staff and Reception Committee Norris Harding '53 Joseph Brady ’54 James Bausch ’53 Joseph Fahey ’53 Robert Kraemer ’5 Walter Canzonier ’53 William Smith ’53 Stage Crew William Moser ’53 George Sehaible '53 Daniel Doherty ’56 Paul Lacy ’53 Francis Downes '53 Joseph McHugh ’53 Francis Fallon ’53 Robert Roleke ’55 William Gill 'S3 Edward Stevens '55 Michael Kwiatkowski '55 Ronald Witkowski ’53

C a st o f C h a ra cters

“The Kirby’s are coming for dinner tonight.”

(In the order of their appearance) Laurence Young '53 Uncle C h a rlie .................................... Lefty Sycamore f ......................... Louis Mastro ’53 R astus.........................................................................Peter Mills ’53 Paul Sycamore ................................................ Stanley Pardo ’53 Mr.D e P in n a ................................................. Joseph Thomas '53 Jd C arm ichael.....................................................Richard Scott '53 D o n a l d ............................................................ Andrew Milone '53 V anderhof.........................................Robert Harkins '53 S y cam o re.........................................Kevin O’Keefe ’53 . H enderson.................................................. Charles Collins ’53 K i r b y ................................................. Brian Collins ’53 K olen k h o v.................................................James Moore ’53 W e llin g to n .......................................... DavidHeller’53 Ir. Anthony K i r b y ...................................... Dering Sprague '53 f James Mideaker '53 H Justice Department M e n .................... •/ Gaeton Molinari ’53 H [ Joseph O’Brien ’53 » Grand Duke V lad am ir................................Robert Casulli ’53

‘Does a Mr. Martin Vanderhof live here?”

“I don’t like going up there anyhow. It breaks up my whole week.”

Intramural Council

Brady, Lund, Mr. Novak, S.J., Case, Not Pictured: Breslin, Hintelman, Doran.

Game time.

Between the .

Collins and Kallman do business as usual.


is Grouped According to the Number of (RerV^aUr M Electrons


in the <


j na a oe i End _*•of the.


1-orbit ten


= End of the 2-orbit <eri

End of the 3-orbit *er

Band Managers: Kenna, McLaughlin, Riani, Klein. Mr. Hofmann, S.J.,


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C & ijc e ri.

Reilly, Rowland, Mastro, Mault, Tenten. Not Pictured: Nash.

Concert Band 60

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Satne Tbtrr Vicedoi Somerlad.

Swing oulf Sitting: Quinn, Robertory, Corcoran, Wagner, Mason, Kazenski -j Standing: Prisendorf, Pomper, Cozine. j |T T Iil111 I'ml I Platt, B. Andrews.


Off he goes . . .

Cheerleaders “Now, number . .

. . . into the . . .

Andrews Lech Kiani Andrews, B. McCarthy Robertory Bednar Magarclli Rowland Corcoran > Maragni Scott Cozine Mason Sommerlad Cuzzo Mastro Swetits ,G e n t i l e , i s i a u l t Tcntcri Heinzmann O'Hare Vidovieh Kazenski ,Plgft Wagner Kenna Pomper Waiblc Frisendorf Walsh Lau Reilly Young Moderator: Mr. Hofmann, S.J. Directors Mr. Vicedomini


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H I T O W ^ W m r r r ^ ^W ^ t o T I t h s «


^H » K | SSHHHBh H

Manager Harz, Assistant Managers Davis, Kallman, Hanlon. Not Pictured: Assistant Manager Harvey. Front Row: Hanlon, Daab, O’Neill, Harbace, Wilhelm, Herlihy, DiDomenico, Zegler, McHugh, Schwarze, Waddleton. Second Row: Purcell, King, Maclsaac, Scheuermann, Kunt, Pasternack, Kennedy, McMahon, Siegelski, Van Kessel, Dowling.

'jÂŁ S U A & IjtM X

Marooned Marauders

Wall meets Walz WHjHELHCaptain

Ferris foiled by McHugh

George ambles over.

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Xavier falls for Schwarze.

Schwarze stops; helmet hops.


Knee-action brace for Ilarbace.

Racing form.

VaiS'ty P tag‘

Seam an. Reca>uÂŁ PREP


St. Michael Dickinson . St, Aloysius Bayonne..... Lincoln on. C atholic

{Jfeiiif Tomney) .. Fojdljam (JespikTonrrney) (J'-S'iif Tourney i

Mgr. Malley


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.. St.

36 26

DicKiasoa 5 S Ferris ■ 38*4 ' Lincoln


— 42M "" 29%

^ : ; N '. Yvl3Cr;f0f8ST i .» KTHST PLACE IN ONE MILE RELAY Relay Team: Costello, FiiwvS'earsou, Jlednat ' G Y .O W p X FIRST PLAG EJN OH e m Tl e t Te IAY Relay Team: CostelB;'!PHnnS'Sednar) QTj^|ijrke

CITY BELAYS FIRST PLM3E IN TWO MIX.E RELAY Relay X£8jn P * * < Conno]IyjTItenvKo^®frj’€psteIW*'**

Front Row: Wagner, Mavroudis Forrester, Felise. Second Rowi ^sharlow, Voorhees, McManus L rim eny. Back Row: Ringle, Gregory, Trainor. Harbace hoists.

Galvin crossing the bar.


Dickinson Lincoln ... 40 39*4 38^


L incoln... /> • jr:.* ,4gfl 'F o rd h am ... 26] | Ferris :__ *.... 27

| | CITY MEET -✓ DeCarlo: City Breaststroke SSmgSu ,Freeitylf^Belay; Second Place * *, Medley Rejliy; Third Place '

B jA S E B A L L

•..' s ' . \


Francis Xavier Alerine


KBS K a, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; B adio W orkshop 2, 3; G reek C lu b ' 2, 3 , 4 j D ram atics 2; T ra ck 1, 2, 3 ; Cross C ountry 1; Intram urals: S oftball 1, 2, 3 , 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor P in 1, 2 ; M edals: M athem atics 1.

Patrick Boy Amabile KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; C rusaders 4; S tu d en t Council 4 ; G erm an C lu b 2 : Chem istry C lub 3s Intram urals: Softball I , 2 , 3 , 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

KBS 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; KBS Servers 3» 4 ; K nights 3, 4; S odality 1, 1 J , 4> Consultor I , 2; French C lub 4 ; , C am era Cliib 1; T rack 1, & 3, . 4; Cross C ountry 1, 2; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2* 3» 4# V olleyball 4$ H onor Pin 2; M edals: Religion 2,

Anthony Clifford Aluotto X’ 4; Sodality 1; Intram urals: Softball 4, Basketball I , 2, 3.

11 11 i| 11

Louis Joseph Bachand KBS 1; C lub 3; T rack 1, Softball

Sodality 1, 2 ; G lee C lub 3; C hem istry V arsity F ootball 3;. J. V. F o o tb all 3j 2, 3, 4 ; Cross C ountry 1, 2; Intram urals: 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4; H onor Pin


Robert Victor Baldowski KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Chem istry C lub 3; Stage Crew 2; Intram ural Council 1; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, Basketball 1, 2; H onor Fin 1.

Michael Keith Ball KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; D ebating 1 2; T rack 1; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4.

James John Bausch KBS 1, 2, 3, 4} Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights 4 / French Club 3, 4, Vice President 4; Camera Club 2, 3; Honor Pin 3; Clast Vice President 1.

J<ls$pfe- Bieie<jkc . v^ So'^^v. Jtj^.iQumemjS&uIr-•'4>

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2 , 3, 4, Basketball J Z 2 .

1 | A(dff;Claudw> B<jt(l6gna • .>*■* p * S « K % t J ^ 4 : K nights D eb atin g 1 3 % ^ W orkshop ^./^fernN in1 ,.3$. T rack 1; In tram u rals: Snftball 1, 2 , 3, 4, B a s k e t'

Peter Bernard Boyi% *’*' 0jrato»y 3f. G erm an C lub 2 j CnemijBry .CS2|k^' ... ^^S ittan ^ B dfotf P e tre p t ^ ^ ^ H B B ^ 2 . . xfluraU: S o ftti'ttlF i, 3, 4 , BSsiKftfeaH v.. -•4$onor:P irt J,,|2 ^ 3 i M edals:. Bronze 3; G h^;3S p* : P resident 2. ' -:- • ' '■: \

..., C harles J o fe iiiio j^ .

4 - _1

K I b S '^ 2, French Club^tf; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4. Bwkot* b a ll 1, 2 V 3, 4 , V olleyball 4. g p S P

- -- Cornelius Albert Breitenbach „ ; KBS 1* 2, 3, 4$ Sodality C rusaders 4.


3* 4 r Consultor 2;

Robert D onald B u $ e

» ’ ■.IJBSv.li; % ' 3, *4j Softalrty 'T j Intra m u ral Council "Ss S'B :• Team 3; % esb n ian InfcirainuraU: Softball 1, 2>v$j£'^s Basfc^tl^JI'1^ 2«» 3 ^ 4 -

’; j voHe^Bail 4j' Class vtce President 1; j^lass jS&£

*P%MjBS&W& r Class'.- ^i^wrer^^v-


W tHlarnMichaelBurke g j ’KB S •1, i&ff 3,; 4 ; KBS S e r v e r ^ 2 , 3 , 4 ; S o d a lity 1, 2 , 3 , .4, C o n su l to r 8 ; G m s ^ d e rs 3 , ^ j 3 ? ie e O w & Jtj,. F r e n c h -C 3 W ' :f ‘- Cross.. C o u n try 3 ; lA tra n ii^ a U : S 6 ftb « ll 1» 2 , . % ■■>t/:.‘Bas*

William James Buttervvorth I £ £ * & * & 1 , 2, 3 , ■•4 ; S o d a lity ,I|.' G e rm a n C lu b 2 ; | u C h e m is |5y .-$ 3 * b ' 3^1ptttTOnv»ifal^ S o ftb a ll 1 , 2 , d>, B a sk e tb a ll 2 , 3 , 4 ; l i d n o r P in 1.

' > W alter D avid Byrne KBS 1 2 , 3 , S ; Sociality 1, 8* Crojadcrs Sf ’Glee Club 1, a, 4; French C lub 4 ; Intram ural*: SoUball 3, Basketball %, jJ^ o lle jrtia U 4. .

W alter Jude Canzonier K B S l , 2 , 3, 4; S o d ility 1, 2 , 3, 4; f r e n c h Cluts S i 4 , S ecretary 4 j C am era C ln b . 2, 3 ) Class Presid e n t 4 j M edals: R eligion 3. -

Joseph Anthony Calvetto KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; S odality 1; K nights 4; C rusaders 3; F ren ch C lu b 4; Intram urals: S oftball 3, 4, B asketball 4; H onor P in 2. ■:

^Walter John Coleman


% 4 j C rusaders 3; Chem­ istry C lub 3; In tram u rals: Softball 2, 3, Basket­ b all I r -2*- 3 , 4 f H o n o r P in 1 , 2 , 3.

B ernard H e n ry d ie p lic k L . KBS- 1, i , 3, 4$»-'kmghf;$ 4 ; S tu d en t C ouncil 2 » V arsity B asketball 4 ‘ J. V .B a s k e t6 a I l 3 ; Fresh* m an B asketball; In tram u rals: S o f t b a l l 3* 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3* 4 j V ol^ybaH,';4f Class 'T r e a s ­ u re r 1 , 3 ; Class Vice. Pres ideiit 2 ; Class Secretary 4;

Robert Patrick Casulli KBS 1, 2 , 3, 4j K nights 4y R adio W orkshop 2j C hem istry C lub 3; T rack 1, 2, 3 ,4 } Intram urals: Softball 2, 3 , 4 , B asketball 4 ; H o n o r P in 2; Class S ecretary 2.

Brian Joseph Collins G lee CliiJ^ 3} F ren ch C lub 3, 4, P resident ' 4; A cadem y of- C lassical Musk^ 3 ; D ram atics 1, 4; Intram urals: Softball- 2, 3, 4} H onor P in 2, 3; M edals: Religion 8, •

Charles Michael Collins KBS i , 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K nights 4; C rusaders 3; C hem istry C jub 3; D ram atics 4; P etrean 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 1> 2 , 3, 4 , Basket足 b a ll 1, 2, 3, 4; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3.

John M artin Corcoran KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; K nights French C lub 4; C am era C lub 3; P etre an M arching B and 2, 3, 4 ; C oncert B and' 2, 3, Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, V olleyball 4 ; H onor P in 2.

4 4 4 4.

Thomas Patrick Costello KBS 4; Sodality 4; Crusaders 4 ; Freshm an Basketball; Chem istry Club 3; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 | H o n o r P in 2.

Cornelius Joseph Crowley 2r, 3, 4j Sodality J j Honor Pin 1, 2.

Strange intierlude.

Francis Joseph Daly KBS 1, S i-S p ilality 1, 2 f K nights 4 ; F re n c h C lu b 4s Intram u rals: S offljall H , 2 , 3> 4 , B asketball


Malcoljn Andrew Daniels-

vJKfiS 2* 3, 4 j In tram u rals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , ! B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H onor Pin 1.

Sandwich man.

Arnold Paul DeRosa S o d ality t PgBg 3, 4} K nights 3 , 4; G lee Club 1> 2, 3 ; G reek C lub 2, 3, 4; D eb atin g 2 ; Dramatics 1 ; In tram u rals; S oftball 4; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3.

v ; Ronald Albert DeFuseft KBS 1 , % 3* 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4? G reek C luh IS sfe * * 4 ’ D eb atin g 1, 2* L ibrary Staff 0 , 4; H onor P in A* 2, 3} M edals: Bronze K Rehgion ^ M a t t e n ^ t i c s i ^ ...vifV,

Williani Ckegoty Davi$ ? 8 S U .2, ^3, 4 ^ S o d a lity 4 j Crusaders 4 ; G henj■istry C lub 3; P etrean 4f 'Tntrain,»irai "Council X, 2; • Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball 24 3, 4 j V olleyball 4 ; ij^ n o r P in 2.

^ James Michael Deveney KBS 1, 2, 3, 4} Sodality 1, 2; K nights 4 ; S tu d en t 4 ; .Stage G rew 3 ; In tram ural C o u n c il’ k* S* 3 » Varsity Basketball 3, 4 ; J. V. Basketball 2, 3; Freshm an Basketball; B aseball 2 , 3* 4; I n ­ tram urals: Softball. 1, 2 , 3, 4, B asketball 1 , 2, LM 4, V olleyball 4; Class T reasurer 2 : Glass Vice P resident 3j Class P resident 4.

Robert Johrt Doles KBS l i 2 , 0 , 4;- Sodality \ \ 2 ; In tram u rals: Sdftb il l i , % % 4 , B asketball 1, C 3 , 4 , Volleyball | j Class V k c j^iesideht !>' 2; p a s s T reasurer 3.

^..yiiicent Bernard DiDomenico KBS 1, 2, 3, 4} K nights 3, 4 ; G erm an C lub SC 3; “V arsity F o o tb all 3 , 4} V . Football 2; In tra - m urals: Softball 1? 2, B asketball I*. 2- 3 , 4; H onor Pin 1 , 2 .

CLAIRE de Kne.

William Victor Doll KBS I , 2 , 8> 4; S p g d tty .P , 2 ; Knifehte 4s P etrean 4; In tram u ral Council I> 2; Intram urals: Softball I , 2 , 3, 4 , Basketball 1^ 2 ^ , A , V olleyball 4 ; Viee P resident 1$ *^Jass Secfetary 2,. 9K

James John Donohue KBS L 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; French C lub 4 j. Track 2, 3 , 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 4, Basketball 2, 3, 4. .

Robert Timothy Drennan KBS X, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, B asketball 1, 2 , 3, 4; Honor Pin X, 2. - f t

James Joseph D ugan KBS 1 2, 3, 4: Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, Basketball L S ? 3, 4 ; H onor Pin 1, 2.

« W illiam Francis l£dwards £


S odality 1, 2 . 3j G erm an C lu b 2; C am era O f l f 1; C hem istry C lub 3; H o n o r Pin 2.

S 3 M c g M i B e s i S fc ff Wt>P

4, Baske*®" , B S B BS E •' s'"••s Q *» BStt



Dominic Dennis Fabio KBS 1, 2 ; G erm an C lub 2 ; C hem istry Club 3: In tram u rals: Softball I , 2, 3, 4 , Basketball 1, 2, * 4 » H onor P m I , 3s M edals: Religion 2, 3, G erm an 2.

'Thom as Aloyshrs Egan i» §j® % 4 f ^ f i 3 a % , L 2, 3, 4 , C onsultor I , % D e b a t i n g C a m « ^ a d a b l j G reek ,:.€Hup 2 , 3 , vij; In tram u rals: Softball '1, 2 , 3, 4, BasketbaU 1, ^ 3» 4 , V o lte jfralf 4 | H o n o r P in

No points!

Joseph Michael Fahey KBS 1, -2, j , 4j Sodality 1, 2, 3 , Consultor 1; | K nights 4 ; P etroc 1, 2 ; P etreati Business M anager" I I 4 ; In tram u rals: Softball 1, %. 3, 4 i Basketball ? , 2, 3, 4, V olleyball 4.


Francis Aloysius Fallon KBS X, 2, 3, 4 ; KBS Servers 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; K nights 3 , 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 , C onsultor 1, 2 , 3, 4 , A ssistant P refect 2; <*Teek Glwb 2, 3, 4} C am era C lub 3 ; S tage Crew 3, 4 ; P etre an 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 2j 3, 4 , V olleyball 4.

John Leo Fitzgerald KBS 1, 2, 3, 4} Sodality 1, 2j G erm an C lub 2; H onor Pin, 1, 2.

D onald Jude Flinn K BS-1. 2 , 3 ,'4 ; Sodality 1, 2 , a. 4, C am u lto r U. Knights 4 j d e b a tin g I , 1*. R adio W orkshop 2; D ram atics 2; T rack 1, 2, 3, 4 , Cross-Country 1, 2 , 3, 4; Intram urals: Softball 3, 4, Basketball 2, 3, 4 , V olleyball 4; H onor Pin 1, 2.

William Oswin Forster KBS 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

W alter Albert Gadomski 'H * ? ’ 3 , W l l R 8 R ad io W orkshop 2; C hem istry C lu b 3j In tram u rals: Softball 1 2

H B K S t t z * *****Pin % *>

* Kalman Joseph Forfejlapzki 5 1; Cbeujishty Ctafc 3} G erm an C lub 4;

| " ' E d w i n John Qeils G e m ia n G lu b 2 ; C hem istry C lub 3; Petrean 4: H onor f m 1* 2, 3 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4,


Genera! Excellence $.




That’s a good question,

Aiithony Salvator Gerbino KBS 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Sodality 2j H onor Pin is In tra ­ mural.s; Basketball 3 , 4...

James George Giesenhaus KjBS I , 2 , 3> 4s S odality 1? -Intram urals: S oftball 1, 2, 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Donald Francis. Gordon jc iis 1, 2, 3, 4} Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Volleyball 4.

Joseph Michael Greene I


1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Sodality 1, 2 , 3 , 4 j K nights 3; Radio W orkshop 2 ; G reek C lub 2 , 3r . j | ; In tra v m urals: Softball 1* 2 , 4 , V olleyball J i . H onor Pin 1, 2, 3. r . v.

Carl Joseph Gutt KBS 1* 2 , 3, 4 ; Sodality 4> K nights 3 t-Ifit* am ural -Council I , i?; Intram urals; Softball I , Z, 8, 4, Bfisketball 2> 3 ; 4.

Edward James Halligan KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 : y arsity Basketball 4; J. V, Basket­ b all 2, 3; Freshm an Basketball; Intram urals: Soft­ b all l! 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4, Volleyball 4} Class Treasurer 1; Class Vice President 4.

Y O U ,.jia m e it! J o h n J o s e p h H a n lo n KBS 1, % 3, 4 ; KBS S e r v e r e 2 , S; Sodality l i Kniehts 3 , 4 : Varsity Football 2 , 3 , 4 ; J« -V* 2* T rack 2 , 3 , 4 : Baseball 2 } Io traS 3 ? M I A | 1, 2, a , 4; Honor Fin 3 j Class P resident 3 .

Kenit^tH Jo h n H arbace KBS 1, m l | Sodality 1} K nights 4 ; S tu d en t C o o n ci| 4 i y arsity F o o tb all 2 , 3 , 4 ; T r a c k # , 4; In tra m u r ajs: S o ft b a ll 1, J 2 ,B a s k e tb a ll 1, 2. 3 4 , V olleyball 4i-

<P *w i

JohnM om s Hardihgj5»gJ KBS !> 2 » 3 , 4 ; Sodality 1, 2 , 3, 4 ;F ren c h 'ca M b .j ■ ’ 4;_'©r«ek C inb 2, 8, 4} S tage Crew 4 ( In trarm » r« ls! S o ftb all 1, a , 3 , 4, B asketball 1, %,"3, 4 . V olleyball 4 ; H o n o r P in 1, 2, .

Timothy Finbar Harvey *■*•> KBS l f ''2 j 3 , 3>, 4 ; G erm an C ountry 1, 2, H onor Pin 1,

M ortimer Joseph Harvfey KBS 1, 2, 4 j S o d ality 1: IC nightr 4 ; S tu d en t Council 4* V arsity F o o tb all 3. 4 j J. V. F o o tb all :Vv B asketball 3; -Freshman B asketball; Track 1>.2,' 3,. 4; CrosS' C o u n try Ij In tram u rals: Soft* b all j J 2» 3,; 4v B asketball I , 2, 3r 4 ; Class Presjfc d en t Class V ice President. . 4 ......

Robert William Harkins KBS 1, 2, 3 , 4} Sodality i,..2» 4j Crusaders 3 ,-4 ; C am era Club 3; L ibrary Staff f ; Chem istry C lub 3; D ram atics 4; J . V FootbaU 2, 3; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H onor 1 *2 2j Glass P resident 3; Class Vice P resident

Claude John Harz KBS 1, 2, 3 , 4} Sodality ! , 2 ; Student C o u iii# 4 } D ebating 1; C am era C lub 1; Intram urals: Softb all 1, 2, 3, 4> Basketball I , 2, 3 , 4$ Football M anager 2 , 3, 4.

4: Sodality. I , 2 , 3 , 4 j : Crusaders C lub 2 ; T ra c k i* 2 S 3 * « C n ss 3» 4; Intram urals: Basketball 1} 2 ; M edals: Bronze 1, Religion J . 1

Joseph Charles Heinzmann Edw ard Francis H eer KBS 1, 2, 4 ; G lee C lub 2; G erm an C lub 2; C am ­ era C lub 1: P hoto L ab I ; C hem istry C lub 3; Honor Pin 1, 2 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, B asket­ ball 1, 2.

KBS 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; KBS Servers 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2 , 3, 4 , A ssistant P refect 2, Secretary 4 ; G lee C lub 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; F ren ch C lub 3, 4 j D ram atics 2? P etrean 4; M arching B and 1, 2, 3, 4 ; C oncert B and 2 , 3, 4 : Intram urals: Softball 3, 4, B asketb a ll 1, 2, 3.

$ ‘ J *

Senior smoker.

David Michael Heller KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; KBS Servers 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1> 4; C rusaders 4; C hem istry C lub 3; D ram atics 4 ; J. V. Football 1; F reshm an B asketball; Track 4; Class S ecretary 1; Class T reasurer 2 ; H onor •Pin 1, 2; Intram urals: - Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3 , 4 , V olleyball 4.

Joseph Patrick Herlihy KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Vice P resident 1; Class Secretary 4 ; I . V. Football 2; Varsity Football 3, 4} Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 , Volley­ ball 4.

James Francis Hill KBS 1; Sodality 1, 2; Intram urals: Basketball 1, 2, 3.

Joseph Richard Hrabinski KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Chemist™ Club Vice President 3j H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Medals: Bronze 1, 3.

Softball 1;

Lester-johfn Jackson JJ In tram u rals:

>&» 4}


a g



S oftball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball I , 2,

g S t i s r le H S !1

Valerian John Kaniewski C hem istry C lu b

S oftball m l %

^ tio rP h f ^ S , 3j_Me4als:. i p ^ w l W W

3, ^ ' German Ou^-;2i

Chemistry ^Club

3; M arching B and i y i n n t r p n w ^ l $ : I; H d n o r P i« 1^2$ M edals: M athem atics 2 , B ronze .2,

John Patrick Kelaher «8|H>jP KBS Jj: 2» 3*;4| S o d ality I f Knights J In tram u ral Council I f M arching Band Football *3£, iR ^ljiiurB lsi .S fliftb aR lL 2, 8* 4, Basketball 1, S } , . ^ 4 , V olW b,al| 4; G f e s i '^ s i - : dent 3; Class Vice P resident 2; Class SecrefafiO *

Edward Thomas Kea^el: A ? 2 ; 3, 4j Sodatity ,1; K nights 3 ; fehem istiy C lub 3 ; Intram urals: Softball 2J 3 , 4 , Basketball M 2 , 3, 4 ; H onor Pin Class X re ^ jire r 4.

Robert William Kelber KBS 1, 2 , 3, 4; F ren ch C lub 4 ; C am era C hib 4; In tram urals: S o ftb ril 2 , 3 , 4," B asketball 1 . 2 , 4 , V olleyball 4 5 H onor Pin, 1: TTeanis X, 2.

p n M L ■*


Bernard Melvin Kiernan KBS 4 ; Sodality X, 2 , 3, 4 , A ssistant p r e f e c t i f rrgnch Cltm 4? G re^k'^C lub: 2j‘ 3, 4 ; f to n w P in 1, z , ‘3 ; M edals; .G£n£ral E ^c^llence l i iVfatheunities ly 2.

Tliomas Joseph King " ' , KBS X, 2, 3, 4}i;^6ij^Jity X?^Chemistry 'Blub •fotrafhwFal C ouncu'T ^ Varsity F ootball 4 ; J,/V , F ootball 3 ;, Freshm an, BaslpeVball; Intram urals Softball I ; .2, 3,. ;4~B a& etball 1 , 2> 3,, 4^; Volley-, .ball 4:; Ilo n o r P m 1

Cfiez nous.

Richard John Klimek KBS X, 2, 3, 4; Sodality I , 2, 3, 4 , Consultor2, 3, Assistant P refect 1, 4; P etroc 1; G erman Club 2; C hem istry C lub 3; P etrean 4; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; M edals: Bronze X, G eneral Excellence 2.

Kenneth Robert Kohrs , Petroc 4 ; French Club 4; Intram urals: 1, 2, 3, 4 , Volleyball 4.


W illiam Thpift&s Koxii^fe


K 8S ,1, 2 , 3, 4 r^h traftm ra l$ ? S o ftb all £ , Basketb a ll | j 2 , 4 , V cilfeyj^^t 4'.fv -i


Leo K o rz e liu s **>". .** 1. 2, 3*Hk*1i?rencb Chib 4; Intrannirals: Soft-

baJI ,1»,2> %*4,

3 , 4 , \ ^ H 6 y M l 4.

George Baymoiid Kunfz 3? *> Crusadfcrs 3, 4 ; Chem istry Club 3 j ; j a * f t y F o o tb all 3, 4 ; T r a lk 4; tn tram u rals: S t f t o W M 2* 3, 4 , B asketball 1, 2 , 3j 4 , Volley* .ball 4 j H o n o r P in I .

v?^Cjx^X% Patil Ktftjn 2V CheinTstry CUyb 3} T rack I , 2 ,\3 , -4; H onor P in a • ...-. J

^ jC jh a Andrew K&bicai KBS 1^2, 3, 4 ^ F r e n c h C lu b 4v " '

The balcony scene.

P aul M ichael Lacy jfe KBS l j 2 , 3, 4} Freneb" €5|ub 4 ; Stage' ( i c w 4? Intram urals: Softball L. 2? 35 4 , 'Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ? VojlleybalT 4.

Raymond H arold Lester KBS 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Sodality 1; .D ebating 1$ F rench C lub 4* Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basket­ b all 1, 2, 3, 4 , V olleyball 4.

William Joseph Lucey KBS I , 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; D ebating 2; French Club 3, 4 ; Stage Crew 4; P etrean 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 2, 3, 4 , Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4 , Volleyball 4; Class' Treasurer 1.

James V^alter M aclsaac KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; K nights 4; Class P resident 1, 2; Freshm an Basketball; J. V,. F ootball 2} V arsity Football 3»- 4 ; Intram urals: S oftball 1, 2 , 3, 4 , -Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 .

Joseph Alan MacKay KBS 2 , 3, 4 ; SodaBty I , 2 , 3, 4, P refect I , 4, Secretary 2, Conisultor 3£ C rusaders 4 ; O ratory 2, 3 , 4 ; D ebating 1, 2* 3> 4 ; R adio W orkshop 2? F rench C lub 3, 4 ; A cadem y of Classical M usic 3; P etrean 4 ; G reek C lub 2, 3, 4; H onor Pin 1, 2 , 3; 'M edals: G eneral Excellence I , 2, 3, Religion 2 ,.3 j Class P resid en t 3 j Class V ice P resident 2.

Robert Thomas Mahon KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H onor Pin 1.

‘The Mikado” by Sullivan and

Eugene Francis Mainzer KBS 1, 2, 3,' 4; Sodality 1* 2 ; Freneh Club 3; G reek C lub 2 , 3, 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 , Volleyball 4; H onor P in 1.


David, Charles M arkey ' KBS 1 , 2 , 3 , 4s KBS Servers 1, 2 , 3; Sodality 4 £ x 2*- - l i g h t s 45 -^ 'u d e n t .Council 4j V arsity B asketball 2 , a , 4s; h Vi B asketball 1, 2 ; Fi-eshanan B asketball; B aseball 3, 4 ; In tra m u rals: S o f t- . b a ll % 2j- Ba^kejtbtfU 1, 2; H o n o r Pin 3 ; M edals: Religion ^ Class. P resid en t 1, 2; Class Vice P re sid e n t 4.

James R ichard M arren ... .*£1 KBS J , 2 , 3 , 4 ; 1 4 j In tram u rals: Soft'b a l l 1, 2? Basketball 1, 2, ®, 4 .


John Peter McBride

/ ,a

KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1 C rusaders 4 ; Glee j C lub 1; G erm an d u b 2; C hem istry "Club 3; Stage « Crew I ; H onor P in 1, 2 ;. Intram urals: Softball | 1, 2, 3» 4 , B ask etb all 1, 2, 3, 4. ;

• Louis Anthony Mastro ItBS 1, 2, 3, "4; S o d ality 1, 2; F ren ch C lub 4; 'C a m e ra .. C lu b ' .3& D ram atics 4j- M arching Band 3, 4 ; C oncert B and -3,. 4 ; In tram u rals: Softball 1 , 2, 3 , 4, B asketball 3, 4, V olleyball 4.

Cerald John Maseuch KBS 1, 2 , 'C i;> S odality 2; F ren ch C lub 4 ; E d i­ tor Pe.trean 4 ; Intramurals-! Softball 1, 2, 3', 4 , Basketball 1* 2*. 3* 4» V olleyball 4 ; Class Presi-

v<!en{ 1, 2. ..

• fegMX

Michael John McCarthy KBS l , 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Crusaders 3, 4 ; P etroc 3, 4 ; Glee Club 3, 4; Greek Club 2, 3, 4; D ram atics 2; H onor Pin X, 2, 3; M edalsi Bronze 1, Religion 1; intram urals: Softball I ,v 2, 3, Basketball 2 , 3, 4.

Robert Paul McGrath KBS L 2; C rusaders 4 j S tu d e n t.. (Doymcll 4;’ G er­ m an C lub - 2;C. Intram u rals: Softball 1, 2, 3 , 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3^ 4 ; H onor Pin 1.

James Joseph McDonough KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality I j D ram atics 2; H onor Pin 1, 2 ; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2 , 3, 4 , Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thomas Joseph McGrath KBS 1, 2, 3; Sodality 1, 3, 4; S tudent Council 4 ; Greek Club 2, 3, 4 ; J. V. Basketball' 2; F reshm an Basketball; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Volleyball 4 , Basketball I , 2, 3, 4 ; H onor Pin 1, 2 , 3; M edals: G eneral Excellence 1; P etroc 4.

Terence James McGurn KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; G erm an Club 3; Chem istry Club 3; D ram atics 2; Stage Crew 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Crossr Country 3; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2; H onor P in I , 2, 3; M edals: G eneral Excellence 1, 2, 3, M athem atics 2.

John Daniel McHugh KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; S tudent Council # 'V a m ty Foot­ ball 2. 3, 4 ; Freshm an Basketball; Track 2, 3» 4» i V. Basketball 1, 2 ; Greek Club 2, 3, 4 ; Class P resident 2; Class Vice President 3. ■

Joseph John McHugh KBS 1, 2, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, C onsultor 2s Knichts 3, 4; Radio W orkshop 2; French Club 4, Cam era Club 2; Track 2, 3; Intram urals: Soft­ ball I, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2.

, Edw ard John M cQuade 'XB& J . 2 ^ K n ig h t 4$ In tram u rals: S oftball | | 4 , BasketbaU v l , 2 , 3 , 4< Volley ball 4.

K , 1 1 p y il P

Titiiep iDanad^ et dona ferentes.



v& A



l N

l! H H l G lee 2 ; G erm an C lu b 2 S G n n w m f f l 1, 2 , 8, m Basket-

b a il i , 2, 3, 4 ; H o n o r P in 1, X

T ^ m iT ,;■,

Carmine Ralph Messano *“B§ t 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1; Intram urals: So 1» 2, 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 j H onor Pin

James jFraneis M ideaker KBS 1» 2, 3, 4} Sodality 1; K nights 4 ; D ebating 1 ; t)ran»4tics 2, 4; .Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; H onor P in 1, 2$ Class 'Vice. P resident i ; v '

h g '° ° I



■W S& &

Andrew Salvatore Milone KBS U a , 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 3j? 4 ; K nights 3i Glee cSub“ 2, "8, 45 -Radio W orkshop 2} e r a ® Club 2 , 8* 4;> f> ench d u b # ; D ram atics 2 , 3, 4j Track 1{ Cross C oontry 1; Intram urals: Softball 1, 3, 4 , Basketball 2 , 3 , 4 , V olleyball 4j H o n o r : Pin 1, 2, 3. *

Gaeton Anthony Molinari KBS 1, 2: Sodality I, 2, 3, 4: Radio W orkshop 2 | G reek C lub 2. 3, 4; French C lub 3 ; Cam era Club 1; 2 ; D ram atics 2; M arching B and 1, 2, In tra­ murals: Softball 2, 3, 4, Basketball 2, 3, 4; H onor Pin I, 2, 3; M edals: Bronze 1.

Mark Robert Molloy KBS 2, 3, 4; G erm an Club 4j Chem istry C lub 3j Intram urals: Softball 3, 4, Basketball 3, 4 ; H onor Pin 1, 2 , 3.

James M ichael Moore KBS 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 1, 3, Vice Prefect 4; Student Council Vice P resid en t 4; Petroo 2, 3, E ditor 4; Glee Club 2, 3, 4 ; D ra­ matics 2, 3, 4 ;. I V. Football 2, 3; Track li Intram urals: Softball 13 2 ; Honor Pin 1> 2, M edals; Bronze 1, 2, 3, Religion 2, German 2; Class Vice President 2.

Jammed session.

Christopher Francis Morgan KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; H o n o r P in 1, 2 j In tram u rals: S oftball 1, 2 , 3, 4} B ask etb all 1, 2, 3, 4 . ^

^ !j® V jo sep h M o ran o 1 /2 , §.,.4j-Sodality H e i g h t s 4 jC Ia ss VaCe esident J ^ p j p n m n Basketball; j. V. Basfceti >4 .m J lW b ? BasketballyfoSlfiIntram urals: Etball 1, 3» 4 * Basketball 1, ;a ^ 4- : Vd^ey-

Joseph John Murphy -1’ 2 v 9 ’“ „Clu, b !> 2 , 3, 4 j G erman Club C hem istry C lu b 3 ; H onor Pin 1, 2 , 3. * 3 #

Jam es Henry M uller KBS_1, 2, 3 , 4; S odality 1, 2, 3; C hem istry C lub H onor P in I , 3 , ^5 lB tram urals[*Softban 1, 2,

William Robert Moser KBS , t s Q M i Sodality 'I//2>:>--$, 4 j • Cru s a d e rs ;3y 4 f, Q reek ^Ctelr 2* ' 3 ^ 4} T*£ji,ch C ltib 3$ *Radi.o W otksftbp 2j Cam era C lub 2>i, D ram atics .2^. S$a&e* 'Oeyir 2j, 3, 4> H onor f i n 1* S ? 3j Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 : Basketball l r '2 , 3 '4 i VoUeyb* ll 4 .

Charles Thomas Murray KBS.1> 2, 3 ,,4 ; S odality 1, 2? Stage Crew 1, 2; H pnor Pin 1, 2; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 0, 4, -Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

you believe me?

' George Edson M yer 4 KBS $ , 9;' 4^'l5bdalfty 1, 2> S f y i ? Crusaders 3* 4$ G reek C lu b 2, 3, 4 ; 'F re n c h t5lub 4) C am era C lub 2 ; R adio W orkshop 2; H onor P in 1, 2, 3; In tram u rals: Softball 1, 2 , 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; .. ■ ; 7 ;;..

j*2p 1,

8gjge M

B T m giengast« •

4f Sodallx %- 2$ Glee. CluK 1;

j%Sni(3l; d n b 4 ; D ram atics 3 ; Sta£e Crew 3j P e % a ^ 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 3, 4.

D onald John Ndone

KBS 1, 2, 3 , 3 ; Sodality 1 , 3» 4 ; S tu d en t C ouncil 4; German C lu b 2; ,• C hem istry C lub 3? Class President 1; H onor Pin 1, 2; Intram urals: Soft­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball 1, 2 , 3 / ;4, .Jo lle y * ball 4.

: Josepli M artin p ^ r i e n KBS K nighb 1>ramatics. 4 ; Inbcamural Com icti 1, 2,-'3, % Freshtnan B ^ ^ t b j B j J- v\;. B asketball 2 :v V arsity : Basketball 4 r '4 T Basebali 3*^4; In t^ u n jra ls: Softball Xj 2 , 3 , 4 , Basketball 1 , 2 , 3,.;4, VolleybSH 4 .

Going or coming’

Jtflfh PaulO ehJ k b s I , •«. « . % jto tia ift* is K S f g f i f s ' ^ m urals: Softball L j,.,3 » '4 , B asketball 1, 2,

Qtisf'TfeasiSv« Jj. .

John Kevin O’Keefe JKBS- I , 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; K nights 3; Crosaders I t *»B » !•’•*. 4 i J> eb atin 'g , 2 , 3, 4 ; Radio W orkshop 2 ; C a m e ra C lub 3 , 4,‘ Photo Lab 3, 4; C h e m i ^ x C3db 3} .-Dramatic? 2 , 3; 4; Petrean 3y 4 ^ In tra m u ra ls : S oftball l& g j 3, 4 , Basketball ; •25->«Onor P ia 1 *>£5 M edals: R eligion I , M ath­ em atics 1^. Bronze 1.



Thomas Joseph O’Rourke K B i'5! , 2 , 3 , 4 ; K nights 4 ; Track 4; Baseball 3, 4; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, Basketball 2, 3, 4, V olleyball 4.

SJ8Thomas Patrick O’Neill -K0S .3*1 4?-''Sodality 1; Knights 4; Varsity F o o tb a ^ 3?; % Jbm V.-, F o otball a , 2 ; f Yeshman Basketball} T rack B aseball 1, 2‘, 3* . m urals: Softball T, 2> 3, 4 , B asketball %. C ltss P resid en t 2;

John Robert O'Leary KBS i s ® i;'; Ji> V.' Football 3; Intramurals: SoftbaH i v 2 , 3, 4 , Basketball 1, 2 , 3V 4, Volleyball '4j Class Secretary 2.

■ Stanley Thomas Pardo Knights 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; O ratory 3, 4 ; D ebating 3, 4; Radio W orkshop 4; Chem istry C lub Treas­ u re r. 3} D ram atics 3, 4 ; Intram urals: Softball 2, 3, Basketball 1, 2; . H onor P in 1, 2, 3 ;' £lass T reasurer 3.

Grego^pVanCil Pearson

s. Alexander Joseph Pasternack

KBS 'lv 2> 3 , ^ j^S m la lit^ 4j\ K nights 3»'4j" istry £ lu |j' 3? T raefc 1, 2, 3, 4j: Cross Goj 1}, 4 ; I^jhfftinurals! S oftball r . '2» 3> .4*, b a ll 3 , ^ i t b n o r Phi I , 2; B asketball M ai

l^gL 3 , 4 ; S o dality h 2* K nights 4 £ ;,^ rs» % v; ^ ^ r o tb a ll 3, 4& J . V. B asketball % , 3|:;, F reshm an ^ fe sk e tb a il; ,lntrauiurals%_ Softball J i ; 2» 3» 4 , „ Basketball i , 4 ; v ■’■

Jfidwin Leonard Pienkojsski J1® S Ij.-. 2, ;3v' 4 j/k n ig h ts 4? G erm an ^Glub 3 f ij Chemistry C l n b 3 j Intram urals*;. Softball l,v^Z» 3? 4, Basketball 1, 4;. H o p o r .P in 1, J2» 3» -

Thomas Leo Purcell KBS 1, 2, 3 , 4; KBS Servers. 3,* Spdality 1, 2i 3, 4 : Knights 3, 4; Varsity FootbalL 3, 4} J., V. Foot­ ball 2; J. V. BaS%tfe$|L.2> Freshm an Basketball; Baseball 2, 4 y Infram ujals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Gerard Thomas Rauh KBS 3, 4 ; Sodality 1; K nights 4 J Intramurals: Basketball I , 2j Glass Vice President

Joseph Francis JRiegler KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; Crusaders 4 ; Class Vice President 3; Honor Pin l j Freshm an Basket­ ball; B Team .3; J. V. Basketball S F y a rsfty Bas­ ketball 4; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basket­ ball 1, 2 / 3, 4.

„ RicBard BenjaintoTEiiclialski^J K J^Svl, ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ S o d a lity 1, ConsM ltc^lr*Ou®ei Cheriiiirtry C lu b ,3j ..Honor Pirt'T, 2; 8.

? Leslie Aaron Rotlwman W^teh th& b irdie!


4; Oratory f* 2, 3^;. ^ Betillhg 4^*lBeisn»#n-fcwli' 2>. $*•H S U w ^ Ji SF®

George Joseph-Schaible SJ K M " v £ 3 , 4 * Sodality % % 3, 8 C rusaders 4 | G j«ek CIu)) $ , 3, 4? R adio Woifamo; '2 j Staife...Cr6w-2, 3, 4 : H onor Ptn 1* 2, 3* Jiitw m urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, Basketball i i 2, 3 , ‘ Volleyball 4 t . ■

Lawrence. Francis Sarno KBS 2 , 3, 4 ; Knights 4 ; Chem istry C lub S§c« retary 3;^ H onor P m 1, 2; T radk U ,4 ; .B aseb all 2 3 4 K»tra»«ittals: Softball I , 2 , Basketball I ,

] . j •

Franz Peter Scheuermann KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2; 3; 4, C onsultor 1, 3- file® C lu h 3; S te n c h C lub 4 ; D ram atics 2; Varsity F p o tb g li 3j T rack 1> 2, 3; Cross C o u n try ' 1; Class T re asu re r 1; Glass S ecretary 2 ; M edals! M athem atics 2 ; In tra m u rals; S o ftb all 1, 2 , % 4 , B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4 , V olleyball 4.

> Gustav Gregory Schmidt KBS 1- 2, 3 , 4; Sodality 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; C rusaders 3, 4; "Chemistry C lu b 3 , 4 ; H onor P m 1, 2- -

.Albert Lawrence Sehrader


KBS t , 2* 0, 4? Sodality 1, S , 3y 4, C onsultor 2; TfoiizhtS 3 ; C h^saden 4? R adio W orkshop 2 ; G reek r h i b 2 3, 4 ; J- V; FOotball 1; Intram urals: Spftball 1,?2, 3» 4 , Basketball >2>: 3jv4,^V ofleyball-•■4}, H onor P in 1*

David Louis Schreck ball 2


ills ij ®

4, V olleyball 4 ; H onor P m 1, 2.

Richard Oliver Scptt KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4s P etro c D ebating 2; Cam era C lub 1, 2; Chem istry Club D ram atics 4; P etrean 4 ; M arching B ^n d -2 , 3, Concert Band 2,^3, 4; Intram urals: Softball 1, .3 , 4, Volleyball 4; Hpno* Pin lj 2.

1| 3; 4; 2,

Anthony Maurice Scozzafava KBS 1, .2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 3, 4; C rusaders 4} C hem ­ istry C lub 3; P etrean 4 j HbiiOr P in 1, 2.

-William George Smith KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2, 4, Consultor I ; KnigKts 4 ; C am era C lub 2; C hem istry Club 3, 4; In tram u rals: V olleyball 4 j H onor Pin 2; Class T reasu rer l j Class P resid en t 2.

DojiaM M ark Smith KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2 , C rusaders 3, 4 ; Gettii&ii C lu b •2; C hem istry C lub 3, 4 ; Pgtrean 4; p o rte r P in I , 2.

Stanley Thomas Siegelski KBS 1, 2; Sodality 3j Varsdt^' F ootball 3, 4 ; V; F o o tb all 2; Intram urals: Softball r , 2, 3, 4j Class Vice. P resident 3.-:

George Lawrence Sommers


KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; M arching Band 1, 2, 3 j In tra­ m urals: Softball 1, 2. Basketball 1: Class’^Treas­ u re r 2.


W illiam John Spendley KBS 1 , 3 , 4j Sodality 1, 2j P etroc 2, 3, 4; F ren ch C lub 3} G reek C lub 2, 3, 4j B T eam 3; F reshm an Basketball; Intram urals: S oftball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 , V olleyball 4 ; H onor P in 1, 3; M edals: G eneral Excellence 1, Re­ ligion 1.

Dering John Sprague KBS 2, 4 ; O ratory 2j D ebating 1, 2, 3, m an C lub 2, 3; D ram atics 4; H onor Pin

Robert Francis Stahley KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodality 1, 2; C hem istry C lub 3; ‘D ramatics -2, 3; H onor P in 1*. 2.

John Joseph Stevens KBS 1, 2, 3 , 4j Sodality 1; Intram urals: Softball I, 2, 3, 4, Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4j H onor Pin 1, 2,

Chester John Strzalkowski KBS 1; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Chemistry Club Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H onor Pm 1

Haec olim meroinisse juvabit.

Thomas James Sullivan

Thomas John Sullivan x:KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sodali ty 1 ,• 2j:' 8^-^4;. C r o s a ^ r s 3? ' 0 » e n iistry -C h ib 3 j B Tgainj % F reshm an B asket­ b all; In tram u rals: S oftball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B asketball Jt> | .H onor P in JU-2, 3 j'M e d a j« ija th e * m anes r , 2 , R eligion '3,. 3rpjiS:e 2 ,.. - -

RobestGeorge Sumenljlu 1,» 2, 3 , 4 ; S o d ality 1; C am era C lu b ' S In tram u rals: S oftball 1, 2, $ , 4,

. 3» 4*v.,.


Jilen oLdistinctioil,

Joseph D arst Thomas KBS

i s S « d a i( ty i, 8 j Radio W o iid io p 2t

«’ 2’ ?s

4t intramural®:

Softball 1, 2 , 3, Basketball Jl, 2, 3, 4, Volleyball

Raymond Joseph Taliafero KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; K nights 3 , 4: Pctroc 3, 4; Greelf C lub 2, 3, 4) G lee C lub 3, 4 ; A cadem y o f Classical Music 3; Stage Crew 3; P etreari 4.

William Donald Surdovel KBS 1, 2, 3, 4; K nights 4; Germ an C lub 2 ; Stage C rew 2; Intram urals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4 , Basket­ ball 2, 4 ; H onor P in 1, 2; Class T reasurer 2, 4.

Joseph John Toohey KBS 1, 2, 3, 4 j Sodality I , 2 ; F ren ch C lub 3, 4j. Stage Crew 3; Cam era C lub. I ; T rack 1} In tramurals: Softball 1, %, 3, 4, B asketball-1, 2 , 8 , 4, V olleyball 4} Class T reasurer 1, 3, 4. . V

Ronald John VanKessel Joseph Charles Towle

KBS 1, 2 , 3, 4 j Varsity F oo tb all 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; Intram urals: Softball 1> 2, 3, 4, Basket足 ball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H onor P in 1.

CBS 1* 2 , 3, 4 ; S tu d en t Council 4 ; K nights 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3,. 4 ; P etro c 3, 4? G lee C lub 1, 2, 1, 4; R adio W orkshop 2$ G reek C lub 2, 3 , 4 ; French C lub 3} A cadem y of Classical M usic 3; Dramatics 2 j In tram urals: S oftball 1, 2,. 3, 4 , Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4; H onor P in 1, 2, 3j M edals: general Excellence 1, G reek 2, B ronze 2.

More Camels smoke doctors.

Robert Thomas Walsh S 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram urals: Basketball 1, 2, 3j H onor Pin 1, 3.

Jobn Joseph W andell ■s-ii' y s«;: KBS I f


* i Knights* 3, 4;

Club.3 .} ^cisiift’y Chib


B an d 1,*g|^InUanf»|»aJs: S oftball 1, 2, Basketball 1 , ^ ; (mo ir!Pfii Bronze em atics I , •-•■,, " •’, ' to ^"<1,

^T R ob^ S



a ffilJ S I fig s | E r l ;

flayftiond Gregory W'6e k r ^ ^ i C hem istry C lub 3; Prep D an ce B and 3 ; Academy o f C lassical M&sie 3; M arching B and 0 , 3: H onor

8. ak

^ :"•*

Cut off at tfeeiteiees!

XoltusJ^tltliiojjy W «ber ;' JUJ£L 1, Z, B> 4 ; S u d a H ty l, 2 , ^ .^ ^ r u s i u l t r r s 4; Radio W otksKop j!$ ©reek- £hrti> 2, '%? in tra ju m a fa Softball 1', 2 ^ 3 K;4 > B ask etb all 1 , 2 , 3 , 4* H onor _ |3 y |^ r ''G # ^ '; H i ^ c e U e n c i . J', iy M a th e w ^ w ^

Edm und Anthony Wilhelm ►KBS I , 2, S, 4 ; Student Council 4 i Glee Club ft C hem istry C lu b 8} Varsity F o o tb a ll^ , 3, 4; J . Y Football 1; H onor Pjft J , 2^; f t ,,_

Ronald Anthony: Witkowski KJBC l» 2j 3 r ^ 5 G en»& i Clufe 4* C hem istry G rab' 3 r $ ta g e G rew 4 ; M archittC B an d 2» 3»,.4} Cotf& B an d 2*. 3j' 4 ; ^ n tia m u M s : S&ftbaU 1, 4 , Basketball 1', 1l,'4? Hoitftf P i» 1, 2 , 3,

Kfls j - 2, f ceJo?i?ph Yn, i° w n g r9 % m S f » x, 2\ s- i H i


v w n k it

' ‘‘C h estecjd lep h Zeglefs,:' f «8 1*

8,' ^ O


f K a » § » C lub 3; O ttfe a tic l

i r f c R M k i f w W w f c J i i * ^wfiwssw** M U M k I S & lS S Baste^tbaH 2 ; H onor Pl* » * Sj ». ■

Of books and m fii

r .- ..

Alfred Heftry Zywicki

KBS I.“ 2 , & £ 3 f S $ ^ « j k C lub- 4 ; Intram urals! S 6 ftb att-1 _ 3 , 3 7 ^ B a s k c tb 4 l l f 2 , 3 , 4 , VaHey"MA1 Sj H onor Fiji 1.

ftfT MAt Al 'ON/ACA

SENIOR RETREATS Gonzaga Retreat House Monroe, New York



i i i

U K !

Im m M M m


%m m w ,


S ir


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FEderal 9-1256

Led von Schaumburg



M en^|e^||a^onne Board of Rea||>r$|


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Jersey- City, N. J.


A A of N .J. DEIaware 3-9877


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Bayonne, N. J.

JOurnal Square $*9746

Res. HEnderson 4-6962

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70 Jackson Avenue—HEnderson 4-1155 Jersey City, New Jersey


Bernard M. Jackson

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DEIaware 3-4400


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BErgen 4-1261





HEmlock 6-5373

journal Square 2-9205


Bill Macchi, Prop.


We Have aFull Line of Italian Foods ,343 First Street


Jersey Clt^ N' *’


We extend our very sincere congratulations to The G raduating Class of 1953 and to St. P eters on the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee

HUDSON COUmy NATIONAL BANK 1851 — “Over a Century of Banking” — 1953

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1300 Summit Avenue

Union City, N. J.

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102 West 55th Street

Bayonne, N. J.




545 Broadway

Bayonne, N. J.

Compliments of

LEE’S LIQUOR STORE aI f r i e n d 45 Congress Street

Jersey City 7, N. J.

Compliments of



Broad Street


Elizabeth Avenue

Elizabeth, New Jersey


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DE law are 3-8734

Compliments of


FEderal 9-2232

LINCOLN SUPPLY CO. Dennis Campbell,



892 Broadway


Bayonne, N. J.

750-752-754 Broadway

Compliments of

L o ts o f l u c k t o


Bayonne, N. J.




ELizabeth 2-5439

Walter A. Gadomski



M. KOCHANSKY, Proprietor


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1 Newark Avenue

808 Elizabeth Avenue

Jersey City, N. J.

Elizabeth, N. J.

JOurnal Square 3-1555 - 6 JOurnal Square 2-2440, 2441, 2442


Diamond Setting —Watch and Jewelry Repairing R, C. A. and Admiral Television, Appliances


378-380 Central Avenue


Jersey City 7, N. J.

HEnderson 4-7833

J. W. HARRISON COMMERCIAL STATIONERY - OFFICE SUPPLIES 54-56 Washburn Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Jersey City 2, N. J.

9 Exchange Place

Congratulations and best Wishes to the Class of *53


B O N D ED SHEET METAL & ROOFING CO. S. Magarelli, Proprietor

Clothing for the Family and Furnishings for the Home on Easy Credit Terms . . .





556 Broadway

336 Jackson Avenue

Bayonne, N. J.

Jersey City, N, J.

UNion 3-7946


H udson C ounty U N ion 3-6 5 8 6

B ergen Coun{ifi|§ CLiffside,. .6-2 661

D J & p r e 3-2213


*mkmmsxMg r r e t a i l

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lliliffr WiblfiV J.

369 Montgomery ^ o c t

>Jersey pity, ISM.

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129 York Street

Jersey City, N. J

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JOurnal Square 4-2800

Compliments of




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117AiJ5owers Street

N E W :;;




Home Phones FEderal 9-1919 FEderal 9-5010

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Bayonne, N i j .



Jersey City, N. J*

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Jforflham flnitierBitj) NEW YORK 58, N. Y.

Founded in 1841

Conducted by the Jesuits

FORDHAM CAMPUS DIVISION, Fordham Road, New York 58, N. Y, Fordham College of Arts and Sciences; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; College of Pharmacy; School of Business CITY H ALL DIVISION, 302 Broadway, New York 7JN- Y. | | School of Education; School of General Studies; School of Law; School of Business SOCIAL SERVICE DIVISION, 134 East 39th Street, New York 16, N. Y. P School of Social Service SUMMER SESSIONS

City Hall Division (Evenings);

June 22 - August 13 Campus Division: July 6 - August 14 CATALOGUES OF EACH SCHOOL SENT ON REQUEST



je rs e y

t u q c ,


i l

Co., Inc.

Made by § S. LINO


' , President

“Your Official Jeweler"




Journal Square 2-2666


UNion 7-2400 PROOlJcSO BY!

SARONY, INC. Official Photographer for the 1953 Petrean

362 Fifth Avenue

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802 - 806 Sip Street

U®°* City’ N' '

Senior Directory


F R A N C iS -X ; A i i E R I ^ j g ^ ; '

4^< 3entr«t Ayen'oe « ' j. ; ANTHONY f^ A H IO T T O jj* P A m ii3 K R. AMABlLE | | p l

E l ^ j ajflakjywafte T fp sef1City,, S-’-I-. V ^ I ^ ^ i 'A I ^ A : ■ !■&■,4|f'Sheifeaft Place

; BERN ARD H. « I E » L R 5 » ' ; * iJ iif? “■. ■lJ>j^\Crtf.’g i?i j . W A L T E R J. COLE%fAN

" : sSi~ JiltitesAvOTije

i 1 Biigdta.'N. J. | BRIAN J. G O fciliiS .-1 sa, s s 5 ^ ^ S H g j Wpstfigld, ^ i 5 ''L e e ^ a |^ f e e e |^ ^ ^ | |



teg g :A I^ i& ;K # O O K fe.f't' ;•• 50! M.''Mat4cV Ave*Sie>;}'< J% i^y’C ig , J. ;. •• Westfield, N. J. ROBERT y r :l A |i S ( l w l |l f S ‘ . ^ 5 0 1 1 ^ . CfWCORAN; '■ ;1 6 Wafner Avenue K ^ ' JerseyX)it>>, ;N. J. ^ ; AA&'-srr■■--;>i ■ THOMAS'- P T J E o S t ^ ^ ^ 1 Id f Ariingtun Ayeruia ^ S’^ Q S en ex i.S fe^ '':<■ Teatieckj-N, J , , *’“* .i > Plainfield, N . J . 5 ^ J A J & S ^ A U SCH AVtemie .s . «;. | fffc!i« g i^ ^ A v A u |; C-» " iS: , ‘ •'^iSfejpfeftmswicfc^NCt.... .

1 .



144, W oXkHhwii Avemie



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Aycnilfe^B :' ^

■ Ba^pnate, 2s>, J.


' :A , :W4!.

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DOM1NIC D. FA15IO - 170 Virginia Avenue ; :. Jersey Gity, X. J. JOSEPH M. EAIiEY . ilO Sunset Avenue' North Arlington, N. J. . FRANCIS'A. FALLON ^Newark Avenue ‘ ^ 'Jte e y 'G ity j N;. J.- , * fA M E f . ^ © N ^ P R f Y 23 Wayne Street . i . Jersey-City, N. J. -- J J ^ & £ ^ l t ? S & i |A L D ■ “ ;B 5 ^i|eS ^v eh ^g ;f . ,:' I&fsey City; N: j, DONALD j! F L I^S f^ \ 210 Henry Street Xfasbrouck Hqights, N!. J. -WILLIAM O : FORSTER * S2$23(ict Street ■Ufiion City, N. J. : SALMAN J. FORTOLOCZ kT R .D „ 2 '3S^E!epili|feSi,''Pf. J . WALTER A. GADOMSKI $ §08 First Avenue

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^ M te s '|l:o Q N Q H ll® ,^ ' -.; - iSs.i' LH iisoln'^eet ' ^ J e r s e y ' ' City, N, j. • '4 V lf t.lX if i B U IT e RW QRTH'. ^-ROfiERT T. BRENNAN , t . -Z^ landlord Pkice * - ^ 25''West-4!?tb Street, Bii>OH!«‘, N- J. ' WALTER;!}. BYRNE ffA iw ^ l j i ?u <;a n ' .loBrdw ell A-ve*uie. v - 10] \Vest 8tll Street” ' ■_ \Bayonne, N. J. I jor;«*yGity,N,:jt..,, .^ « Q E N E J. DfcSSICS! ' ■■ 89] LJfiden Avcmit::|. 5 .3 1 0 60tb Street ^ J ,W?3P?Co.5iV'»York, X. 'J. •aa*is<teM,jCTf«. * WAf.Tftli J. CXN'ZONIER. ‘ WILLIAM K. EDWARDS ~ ., 3513 Sumiint AVf'ime ^ ',*~lUi8-y<S w oa3^w eet-;, ' New Brunswick'/IN'. j'. * -Union City; N: J. JUJBERTilV GASy LLX ' THOMAS A. HC«\,\ h 7 v388:JphnstptS: Avenue. ' S6 Bidwell Avf’rm cv'' ' ., ' Jo r's^ Qity, N. J. . '. ; Jersey-Oit^ JMij , ' ;‘'" 2i*fc^ leariA y :£ n « ^''

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Trh Street . ?* .^ w e ^ ^ y v ’M'.‘| . •'.-. ;S | I :4 S & # 'Street 5y I '-X k'J^' ■ Gsgeranotint Avetnij;. ” ^"^tjliffside Park, N, J. ■ > J 6 |A ^ c r f e ii^ l% H A M '^ ,s;' -® Beividere A-venue" S| : Jter|!eys.iCit^, X. J. »<SONALD F. GORDON . C ||^k Str(^et ■ .JOSEPH; M.-GREBXE f id r^ effield S treet«/; I G i i y , - ; N . , | . , ;' ""teARL j i c u r r ' Ave rtue > I 9 e d Wa Rd j . h a l l ig a n 47 Sl|gdfeF.Street r s ^rgefifield, N. J. J<H1X. J. HANLON 95 KtfnsirigT6fi Avenue - jersey f 3 t » X . J. KE.VNETH J. IIARBACE' .2 I lerbferf Plat e v> .. Jersey City, X. J. JOHN Xi HARDING • 392 Easton' Avenufe ' New Brunswick, X. J. CLAUDE j. HARZ ", 459 Garfield Avenue * S Jersey City, Xi J. TIMOTHY- F. HARVfY, 15 l-’Ieet Street Jersey City, X. J. MORTIMER J. HARVEY 15 Fleet Street Jersey City, N, J.

ROBERT W. HARKINS 169 BelnK)nt Avenue Jerspy City, X. J. EDWARD. F. I1EER 85 Booraem Avenue ‘ ^ Jgjsey City, X. J. JOSEPH C. HEINZMANN 523 41st Street tTnion City, N. J. DAVID M. IIELLER 193H Shemian Avenue Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH P. IIERLIHY 1235 Park Avenue *Hoboken, X. J. s JAMES F. HILI, - 67 EljsiaM8f Avenue East Paterson, N. J. JOSEPH R. HRABINSKI •*_, 187^4111 Street . Jersey City, N. J. VINCENT E. HULL 226 Tfiird Street Clifton, N. J. 1 L E S T J^ J. JACKSON 158 Thoma Avenue S Maywood, N. J. VINCENT F. JOYCE 60] 4 Bergenline Avenue -WSSt Xew Yorfc; N. J. VAIjERIAX j. k a n i e w s k i 374 South Parkway . Clifton, N. J. ' 'EDWARD T. KEANE 15:Wade* S treet. SBBMpMBBrtit. N. J. JOW J P. KELAHER 79 Celia Terrace ' • Belleville,”K. J. . ROBERT W. KEI.BER ,.. 65 Parker Road ■ Elizabeth, N. J. EUGENE T. KEXXEDY 413 Wanaque Avenue Pompton Lakes, X. J. f BERNARD. M. KIERXAN , 825 Hudson Street ■ Hoboken, X, J. THOMAS J. KING 409 76th Street . Nortfi "Bergen, N. J, | *! . RICHARD I. KLIMEK 2 | 92 West 30th Street Bayonne, N. J. KENNETH R. KOHRS 1529 9 1st Street . S North Bergen, N. J. JOHN L. KORZELIUS i 925 Jersey Avenue Elizabeth, N. J-.’ WILLIAM T. KOZUCII 256% 9th Street Jersey City, N. J. JOHN A. KUBI^A 23S,Halladay9tre.e.t Jersey C5ty;N. J. CHARLES P. KUHN 729'Chestnut Street ■ Sce.menf,, N. j. (JKORGK R. KUXTZ •» jg- Tcrlninf* A^'eTTtie . Jersev City, N. J.

PAUL M. LACY H 2 26?iOiudson Boulevard Jersey City, N. J. -■ RAYMOND H; L8STEK 1 2693 Bancroft AVeirae !*.; ../Union, N.“J. | XvlLLlAM J. LUCEY | io West iOOi Jtreei


Bayonne, *N,J.

JAMES W . MacISAAC ' ^ ' , 3 JJ ,125 West 24th Street Bayonrie, N. J. JOSEPH A.: MhcKAY | - ,33» Ridge Road Rutherford, N. J. JOIIN P. MeBRIDE '849 Armstrotig Avenue .7 Jersey City, N. J. MICHAEI. -J. MCCARTHY 4 : 239 Beacon -Avenue Jersey City, N, J. j a m e s j. McD o n o u g h 203 Harrison Avenue Jer%gFCitys N. J. ROBERT P. McCRATH " 144 Mallory Atfgrrae JeiSey CftjJ "5 Van Iloulfe'n Avenue Jg Passaic, N, J. TERENCE J. McGURN # . 100 Glenwood Avenue J . Jersey City,.N. J. JOHN D. McHUGH 104 Linden Street RidgewoodpN; j. JOSEPH J. McHUGH 60 South Burngt Street . East Orange, N. J. PETER P, McMAHOE76 W&t StJi ,Street Bayonne, N. J. f EDWARD J. McQUA’DE | 29 d e a n Avenue | : jicsey Cito', K .'J; »' MICHAEL McTIGliE 235 Washington Ave'ftvtf^ ROBERT T: MAHON' 104 West 47th Sweet :51'J ' Bayonne, N. J. EUGENE F. MAlV/ER : * 230 West Milton jSppfei Ralujuiy, N. J. DAVID C. MARKEY 6 ll0 "Fillmore Place West New York, N. J. JAMES R. MARREN ? , 779 Montgomery Street Jersey City, N: J. GERALD J. MASCUCIl 7 4 Henry Street v. , , Passaic, N. J. LOUIS A. MASTRO 98 Randolph Avenue * Jersey Gity,N. J. MORGAN G. MEANEY 12 Wesley Court Bayonne,.N. J. MICHAEL J. MEEHAN 238 Grant Avenue Jersey City; N. J. CARMINE R. MESSANO' 167 Audubbn Avenue Jersey City, N. J.

JAMES F. M1DEAKER V 1§25 Palisade'^verni^*'-*’'* Union City, N\ J. PF.TER K. MILLS 101 o Riseling Avenue , Eli&a|jeth, N .J. ANDREW S. MILONE 320 Third Street Jersey City, N. J. GAETON 4 MOL1NARI 96 Sheridan Avenue Paterson, N. J. MARK R. MOLLOY' 126 Lexington Avenue Bayoune., N. J. JAMES M. .ViOORE 105 Gregory'Ayenue ' ",; <■.w: ? JOHN J. gO R-A SO ^' E ' .$O T ^e«te3- Avenue < >• 17# Manhattan Aveirue . Jerse£ City, N; J. ; <■W l t L l ^ t f K.iMQ||:R: | .. 28 Rygjeyelt Avenue '• Jeissy City, Nl.J. ‘' J A ^ s i l . MULLER • 11 Ayenue.... ~ * North Arlington, N. J. JOSEPH J. MURPHY - & ... 366Vi 5th Street i .Jersey Gity, N .J. CHARLES I . MURRAY ' 76|> Aveiitfe C Bayonne, Ne J. GEORGE E. MYEll 142 Bostwick Avenue J8 >:: :• Jersey City, N. J * | 51GEORCE J. NAGENGAST ;■ 92..Weft - Bayonne, N, .J. • , DONALD J. NOONE ' ,50 Lnion Street \ p J:e*sfe;y C rtSiS- J.' JOSEPH M. o ;b iu e n , ■- 78 West 45th Stfeet 4 Bayonne, N. J. WILLtAM S. O ’BRffiN ' 134 West 1 lth Street SXkSiqI Bayonne ,N . J . MTHOMAS J. O'CONNELL • 21 Clinton Av?nue ' Jersey City^N. J.


JOHN I’. OEHL 8 Gautier Avenue Jersey City; N. J,...

GREGORY F. PEARSON ; 54 Magnolia. Avenue Jersey City, N. J. EDW IN L: PIEN'ROWSKI ,121 Bentley Avenue • Jersey-City, N. J. THOMAS L. PURCELL 167 Oakwood Avenue Bogota, N. J. GERARD T. RAUH 198 James Street » Bogota, N. J. ■JOSEPH F. RJpGLER 5 Vre.eland Terrace . Jersey. City, N. J. TIMOTHY J. RfORDAN IS Magnolia Avenue . Jersey''C ^, N. J. CABRitX T. RIZZI ' • 8601 Fourth Avenue • ! North Bergen, N. J. ■ LESLIE A. ROTHMAN 2421 Hudson Boulevard. North Bergen, N. J. MCWARD'B. RUCHALSKI ,C‘ 1268 Boulevard y . 7 " 'Bayonne, N- J- '. LAWRENCE F-.SAKNO ' 42 Courthouse Place . Jersey City, N. J. ":. GEORGE J. sx;1!a!& K ' 1 1^7 DeKalb Avcbluo • Jersey City, N. J. FRANZ P. SCHEUERMANN 1/531 Rsihway Avenue •' WestfieMpN. J.. WILLIAM J. SCHEURER '■ 37 Dales Avenue .Jersey ('ity, N. J. GUS t'AV SCHMIDT 91 5th Street VVood-Ridge. N. J. I ALBERT;!.; SCHRADER P5S Bowers Street Jersey City, N. J. DAVID r^'SCIIRKCK , 402 MorningsWR Avenue 7 Kairview, N. J. S RICHARD O: SC()tT ■" ' 37.0PiSnc^on Avenue v ZJ% '' . ..Jersey City, N- J■ ANTHONY M. SC07.ZAFAVA J 140 Meieer Street Jersey City, NT J. -.:s. ■THOMAS-J. SHEEHAN ■TaO Ege Avenue ''jersey .'City, J■ STANLEY A. STl'XJELSKI 32 Carlton Avenue . Jer^^C ity; N .J.

“jOH^I K. O’KKEFE 9k 83 Stanley. Avenue g Nutley, J. DONALD M. SMITH JOHN R. O'LEARY . ■168. Avenue C . .. ' 812 Avenue C . Bayonne, N. J. f BayQj^^,.N. J. WU.LIAM G. SMITH rflOMAS P. O’NEILL . T68 Nlilltown Road TiTrospec t Place : 1 Millto*n, N .J. Arlington, Nv: Jv “ GEORGE L. SOMMERS THOMAS J. O’ROURKE 148.New York Avenue 112 Van Reypen Street Jersey City, N. J. Jersey City. N. J. WILLIAM J. SPENDLEY - STANLEY T. PARDO 241-72. Street ■=■-185 Montgomery Street North Bergen, N. J. Jersey City, N. J. ALEXANDER J. PASTERNACK. .DERING J. S P R A G U E ' 953 A n n a S tree t . 1^3 Bright St.reet' . . Elizabeth, N. J. ^'CjgfUey J.


ROBERT F. STAHLEY " 74 Bergen Avenue. Jersey City^N. J, JO HN J. STEVENS | 148 Randolph A^ritie Jersey. City, N. J. CHESTER J. STRZALKOWSKI 359 Fulton Aveiiue ■ Jersey City, N. J. THOMAS JAMES SULLIVAN 48 Fleet Street Jersey City, N. J. THOMAS JOHN SULLIVAN 37 West 14th Street Bayonne, N. J. ROBERT G. SUMENEK 124 Sussex Street Jersey City, N. J. WILLIAM D. SURDOVEL 105 Brown Place Jersey City, N. J. RAYMO.^b J. TALIAFERO ■2301 Lemoine Avenue Coytesyille, N. J. JOSEPH D. THOMAS 169.Grand Avenue Englewood, N. J. JOSEPH J. TOOHEY .. 105 Tenth Street v»; Hoboken, N. J. JOSEPH C.-TOW LE 765 DcC'-rnw Avi'nue "Newark, N, J. ... r o n a l d j, v a n k e s s e l ■ '42 Prospect Street, JerSpy City, N. J. JOHN P. WADAS 242 Broadway Bayonne, N. J. GEORGE J. WADDLETON 243 16th Street , Jersey City, N- JMICHAEL L. WAGNER 638 Avenue C Bayonne, N. J. ROBERT T. WALSH 159 Princeton Road • Elizabeth, N. J. ROBERT X. WALSH . 169 Randolph Avenue Jersey City, N. J. JOHN J. WANDEI.I. 82 Beach Street '' Jersey City, N. J. LOUIS A. WEBER 102 Davis-Avenue Harrison, N. J. RAYMOND C. WEEKS 126 Cottage Street Jersey City, N.. J. ' EDMUND A. WILHELM "315 74th Street . North Bergen, N. J. RONALD A. WITKOWSKI 126 Jewett Avenue Jersey City, N. J. LAWRENCE J. YOUNG 96 Danforth Avenue Jersey City, N. J. CHESTER J. ZEGLER . 411 Grove Street . Jersey City, N. J. EUGENE J. ZINDEL 45 Broadway Bayonne, N.-J. A L F R E D II. Z Y W 1C K I

127 West Hit 1.1.Street

Bayimne, N. J.


W ith th e p ra y e rfu l h o p e th a t they m ay in th e light o f th e lessons lea rn e d a t P re p advance in w isdom , age an d grace b efo re God and m en . . .

the Seniors dim the spotlight on

St. P e t e r ’ s


A le rin e , F rancis A rata, W illiam Burke, W illiam Cooke, Francis DeFusco, Ronald DeRosa, Arnold Egan, Thomas F a llo n , Francis F lin n , Donald Gordon, Donald Greene, Joseph Hanlon, John Harding, John H ull, Vincent K iem an, Bernard McCarthy, Michael McGrath, Thomas McHugh, John MacKay, Joseph Mainzer, Eugene Milone, Andrew M olinari, Gaeton Moser, William Myer, George 0 'B rien, Joseph S chaible, George Schrader, A lbert Spendley, William T a lia fe ro , Raymond Thomas, Joseph Towle, Joseph Weber, Louis Young, Laurence

Greek I I I French I I


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