1956 Petrean

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The 1956 Petrean Commemorates

The 400th Anniversary of the Death of St. Ignatius Loyola


St. Peter’s Prep arato ry

Jersey C ity, Neu/ Jersey

The Monastery o f Montserrat in Spain.

There Ignatius spent the night in vigil before our Lady’s altar. This was the initial step on his way to God.

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Reverend John B. Morris, S.J. In 1491 Ignatius L oyola was bo rn in the fam ily castle


at Azpeitia in the Basque provin ce o f Spain.

H e was

the youngest o f thirteen children. Ignatius’ early education went no fu rth er than the art o f reading and writing.

P rin cip al Reverend Cornelius

J. Carr, S.J

REV. JOHN A. MURRAY, S.J. Prefect of Discipline



Moderator of Athletics, Latin, History


Guidance Counselor, Religion

■ ■ 3 8 E 9 I ffiliB ppiiiiiii


ifglS jl

Guidance Counselor




L itt.D .




I n his early years Ignatius was a soldier at court, dis­ ord erly and vain. V e r y careful o f his p e r s o n a l a p p e a ra n c e , anxious to please the fair sex, daring in affairs o f gallantry, punctilious about his honor, he 7

feared nothing.

Ignatius and His First Followers.

While still a student in Paris, Ignatius gathered a group of disciples. They were trained in the spiritual life by him, and became the first mem足 bers of the Society of Jesus.


Joseph Charles Andrews Sodality 1; Mass Servers 2; French Club 4; Poster Club 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Religion Medal 1.

Bernard Francis Andrews Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Daniel Martin Algie Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Dramatics 1; Honor Pin 1, 2; Crusaders 3, 4.

Arthur William Askew Sodality 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Honor Pin 1,

Robert Anthony Augelli Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Crusaders 4.

Rev. Leonard V. Abbott, S.J. Religion

A s a soldier, Ignatius fought against the F r e m jS E ff N ava rre.

H fgfiea dersh ip

was recognized w h en he q u e lle d ekm utiny am ong


B a squ e

s o ld ie r m iu t


seem ed to have grow n cold dud in d if足 feren t virtue.

to\ t h ^ - ^ ^ c t i c e ^ i ^ S ^ i o n


Anthony Andrew Balasso Sodality 1; Chemistry Club 3; Football 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2.

Rev. George G. Butler, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

William Anthony Babo Intramurals 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 3.

Richard Paul Barnitt Robert Matthew Barker Mass Servers I. 4; Glee Club 3; French Club 3, 4; Basketball 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Honor Pin 1; Class Officer 1.

Stephen Thomas Barry

Patrick Aloysius Barry

Sodality 1, 2, 3; Petroc 1, 3 4; Poster Club 1; Intramural Council 1; Intramurals 1, A 3, 4.

Debating 2, 3; Poster Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 3; Student Council 3.


German Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Basket足 ball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pm 1, 2 3: Religion Medal X; Silver Medal 2, J.




at the Jbattle o f t*afriplona,

Ignatius jivas struck

b y a cann on


w h ich w o u n d e d o n e leg and bfofte the other. \Wurn. his fall, the garrison lost heart and su rren d ered to the F ren ch .

Patrick J. Caulfield, M .A . Mathematics

Raymond King Bate Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; In足 tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2,. 3; Re足 ligion Medal 2, 3; Gold Medal 1, 2; Silver Medal 3; Crusaders 3, 4.

Charles Joseph Beirne Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Prefect 2; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 3, 4; Student Council 4.

Moritz Otto Bergmeyer Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; P E T R E A N 4; Debating 2, 3; Glee Club 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; As足 tronomy Club 4* Honor Pin 1, 2; Religion Medal 1; Crusader 4.

Joseph Carl Bogdan German Club 4; Camera Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Swimming 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 2.

William Philip Black Radio Club 3, 4; French Club 4; Camera Club 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2; Crusaders 4.

Joseph Anthony Bonanno Debating 1, 2; German Club 3; Chemistry Football 1. 2, 3, 4; Track 1; In­ tramurals .1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 1.

Joseph F. X . Brennan

Eugene Clement Boyle

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Poster Club 2; Dramatics 1; Cheerleaders 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1.

German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Cur­ rent Events Club 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; In­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pm 1; Crusaders 4.

Robert John Brozek German Club 4; Baseball 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Class O fficer 2; Crusaders 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pm 1, 2, v3.

Francis Xavier Browne Sodality 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pm 1, 3; Class Officer 3.

Catherine J. Collins, M . L. S. Librarian, Library Science

V %




Joseph Vincent Burakevich Sodality 1; Chemistry Club 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.


■Bi John F. Duffy, A . B Latin, Mathematics

John Barry Burke Mass Servers 1, 4; Debating 3; French Club 4; Camera Club 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1; Crusaders 3.

John C. Dwyer, S. J. Latin, Greek

Charles Edward Burke Sodality 1; Radio Club 3; French Club 4: Poster Club 4; Dramatics 4; Intramural Council 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cru­ saders 3.

Thomas William Burke Sodality 1, 2; Mass Servers 3; Football Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer

JL.L Fred, Anthony Calabrese Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

James Kevin Callaghan Petroc 3; Debating 3; French Club 4; Cur­ rent Events Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Ph ilip Richard Caroselli Sodality 4; Glee Club 4; French Club 4; Camera Club 3; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin X, 2, 3; Crusaders 2, 3, 4.

Hugh Joseph Carr, Jr. Glee Club 4; Radio Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Band 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Track 2.

R obert Michael Caruso German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; In 足 tramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Cru足 saders 4.

Anthony Bernard Cashman Mass Servers 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 3, 4.

Gerard V. Egan, S. J. Latin, English

Daniel Joseph Censullo Sodality 2; Debating 1; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

T h e chivalrous F re n c h cou ld n o t hold captive so gallant a f o e and a ftefta d m in isteringifirst raid, they sent IgpMma-s back to his h om e in a litter.

Thomas Francis Charles Radio Club 4; French Club 3, 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 3; Religion Medal 2.

Eugene M . Feeney, S. J. Latin, English

Gerard Scanlon Cogan Sodality 1; French Club 4; Poster Club 4; Football 3; Intramurals 3.

Michael Francis Cocca P E T R E A N 4; Sodality 1; Petroc 2, 3; Ger­ man Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Intramurals 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

Thomas Charles Colbert

John William Coleman

T if-prama 4- Glee Club 4: German Club 4; Chemistrv Club 3; Dramatics 4; Football 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4. ’ ’

French Club 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming3, 4; Astronomy Club 4;Religion Medal 2, 3; Class Officer 1, 3.

John Gerald Condran Petroc 3; Radio Club 3; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

B a ck at the castle o f L o y o la , a

secon d

o p era tio n


p er足

fo r m e d o n h is b r o k e n l e ^ J n spite o f the b u tc h ery h e gave n o sign o f pain ex cep t to clen ch his fists.

William James Connolly German Club 4; Camera Club 4; Chemistry Club 3, Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 1; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 4.

Walter John Connolly Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, Oratory 1; Debating 1; French Club Poster Club 2; Dramatics 1; Track 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 3,

4; 3; 3, 4.

Paul Timothy Conway Robert Vincent Corbett

German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Basket足 ball 2; Baseball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

Sodality 1; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

John Joseph Corcoran

Edward L. Guth, S. J.

Sodality 1; Camera Club 3; Cheerleaders 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2.

Physics, Mathematics


Mario Angelo Criscito R obert Patrick Crane

German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Poster Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin l j Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3; Foot足 ball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2.

Frank Peter Corvino Sodality 1; Mass Servers 1; Debating 4; Glee Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Library Staff 1, 3; Crusaders 3.

John Francis Crotty Mass 3, 4; 3, 4; 2, 3,

Servers 4; Glee Club 4; German Club Chemistry Club 3; Intramural Council Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramurals 1, 4; Honor Pin 1.

1 Joseph John Crowley Mass Servers 4; Debating 2, 3; Intramural Council 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Coun足 cil 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.

John J. Halligan, S.J. Latin, English

David Edward Cuozzo Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3; Petroc 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Band 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.




Charles Martin DeFuccio P E T R E A N 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Debating 1, 2, 3; Current Events Club 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class O fficer 1, 2, 3; Crusaders

Edward J. Heavey, S. J. Latin, English

Michael Joseph Daly Sodality 1, 2; Classical Academy 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3; Debating 1; French Club 4; Intra足 mural Council 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin l j Student Council 3; Class Officer 3.

Peter Joseph DeRosa Sodality 1; Glee Club 1, 2; Poster Club 4 Cheerleaders 1, 2; Astronomy Club 4; Dra matics 1, 2; Baseball 3, 4; Football 3, 4

Arthur John Delaney Glee Club 4; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Library Staff 1; Intramurals 2, 3; Honor Pin 1.

T h e b ro k en leg was still d e足

Thomas Aquinas Desmond Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2.

form ed .

T o gratify his vanity,


had the



fo r

hea vy


bone a


w ere

sawed time,


stretch the shortened leg.


Rev. Peter F. Hes, S. J. Latin, Religion, German

Paul Thomas D e Vries Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Prefect 1; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Oratory 2; Debating 1, 2; Chem­ istry 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Gold Medal 1; ” 'T’ 0n Medal 1; Crusaders 3, 4: Class Of, 3.

Richard Hollender, B. S. History

M yron George Diduryk Glee Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Chem­ istry Club 3; Library Staff 2, 3, 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

Daniel Anthony Doherty Sodality 1; Dramatics 1, 2; Cheerleaders 1, 2: Football 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

David Patrick Donnelly Sodality 1; P E T R E A N 4; Glee Club 3; B.isketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 2.

Vincent Richard Driscoll Chemistry Club 3; Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

Daniel Francis Dwyer Petroc 3, 4; Debating 2; Poster Club 2; Basketball 2 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

William Patrick Dunstan Sodality 1; Intramural Council 3, 4; Basket­ ball 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cru­ saders 3.

Victor Francis Estevez Debating 1, 2; German Club 3, 4; Chem­ istry Club 3; Current Events _ Club 2, 3; Astronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

John Aloysius Fay Sodality ‘1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Robert P. Howard, A . B. Mathematics

Frank Henry Felice French Club 3; Debating 1; Oratory 1; Track 1, 2, 3; Swimming 1, 2; Class O f­ ficer 2.

D u r in g

his c o n v a le s c e n c e Ig n a tiu s

asked fo r/b o o k s o f chivalry, bu t the life o f Christ and o f the Saints w ere the o n ly reading material available.


Edward Joseph Flynn P E T R E A N 4; Debating 1; French Club 3, 4.

R obert John Finnerty John Joseph Ferrara

Sodality 1; Radio Club 3; French Club 4; Camera Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Class Officer I , 2.

German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Astronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Class O fficer 2.

James Eugene Flynn Petroc 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 1.

William Edward For an Sodality 1, 2; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3; Chem足 istry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Crusaders 4.

John W. Hyatt, B. S. Mathematics, French 22

Charles Andrew Forrestor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Walter J. Illy, A . B. Latin, German

Anthony Vincent Forgione Sodality 1; Debating 1; French Club 4; Track 1; Astronomy Club 4; Crusaders 4.

William Victor Gargiles

Norman James Francis P E T R E A N 4; Radio Club 3; German Club 3, 4; Camera Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

Albert Gregory Gellene Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3; French Club 3, 4; Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.

Paul Brian Gaynor Oratory 3; Debating 1; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Dramatics 3; Honor Pin 1; Class Officer 3, 4; Literama 4.

Sodality 1; Mass Server 3; French Club 3; Band 1; Intramural Council I, 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2.

O n e night, as h e lay awake, Ignatius clea rly saw a likeness o f the B lessed V i r ­ gin w ith th$ In fa n t Jesus. F r o m this there cam e a loathing fo r his pa st sins and a co m p lete change o f life.

John F. X . Irving, A . B. German, Speech

Richard Joseph Gelson Sodality 1; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Clvb 3; Current Events Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Astronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Gold Medal 1; Bronze Medal 2: Religion Medal 2; Class O fficer 1.

Robert Charles Gmuer Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2. 3, 4; P E T R E A N 4; German Club 3, 4; Current Events Club 2; Chemistry Club 3; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3: Class Officer 3.

Walter Patrick Goodman Sodality 1, 2, 4; P E T R E A N 4; Radio Club 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; In ­ tramurals 1; Astronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Religion Medal 1; Crusaders 4.

% Franklin Delano Gregory

Thomas Edwin Graham Glee Club 4; Library Staff 1; Intramurals 1. 2 . 3. 4.

Sodality 3, 4; Classical Academy 4; De­ bating 1, 2; Football 2, 3; Track 1; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Stu­ dent Council, President 4.

Lewis Edward Grolemund Sodality 1, 2; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; In 足 tramurals 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

Joseph Vincent Guiliana Ralph Louis Guenther

German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Poster Club 2; Football 2; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 3, 4.

Sodality 1; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.

James Edward Hackett Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating 1; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officers 3, 4.

Gerard James Guterl Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 3; Chem足 istry Club 3; Dramatics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4.

Rev. Blaise Jaschko, S. J. Latin, French

William John Haggerty German Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 3; Crusaders 4.

Vincent J. Kennedy, A . B. English

Donald John Haiber Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4.

Joseph F. Lupardo, B. S. Physics

Paul George Halligan Chemistry Club 3; Basketball 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Class Officers 2.

Richard Joseph Hallinan Sodality 1, 2; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4.

James John Hannan Basketball 1* 2, 3; Baseball 3, 4; Intra足 murals I , 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Class O f足 ficer 1, 2.

John Joseph Hennessy


Chemistry Club 3; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1; Class Officer 2.


Em il Christopher Herket Glee Club 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Radio Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Band 4; D e足 bating 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

George Geoffrey Hermes Sodality 1; Mass Servers 3; P E T R E A N 4; Petroc 2, 3; Debating 1, 3; Dramatics 3; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.



Joseph H enry Herold Glee Club 2, 4; German Club 3, 4; Chem足 istry 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Crusaders 4.

Michael John Higgins Sodality 1; Petroc 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 4; Track 1, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Crusaders 3, 4.

Joseph A. McCaffrey Assistant Prefect of Discipline

Thomas Patrick Higgins German Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Religion Medal 3; Crusaders 4.

Ignatius left L o y o la in 1522 fo r the M o n a stery at M on serra t. H e m ade a gen 足 eral confession w h ich lasted three days.

Thomas Anthony Hogan Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 1; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 3: Class Officer 1.

Rev. William C. McCusker, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

Michael Daniel Hurley Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; Debating 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 4.

Allen Louis Huebner Radio Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Band 3, 4.

Francis Charles Iacobelli Cheerleaders 1, 2, 3; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Class Officer 1, 2.

John William Jamba Poster Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; As­ tronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1; Glee Club 4.





James Thomas Johnson Sodality 1; Glee Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Astronomy Club 4; • ■ Crusaders 4.


Theodore Joseph Kaiser

A f t e r his con fession, h e p u t

German Club 4; Camera Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

o n the pen iten tia l clothes o f a p ilg rim and spent the night in a v ig il o f arms b e fo r e the altar o f O u r Lad y.

H enry Edward Kawalek Petroc 1, 2; Debating 1; Chemistry Club 3; Band 1, 2; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 3, 4.

Joseph Michael Keating Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Server 4; Petroc 4; Oratory 3, 4; Debating 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Dramatics 4; Intramural Council 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Religion Medal 2; Class Officer 3, 4.

Leonard Joseph Keilp Mass Servers 4; Oratory 4; Debating 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; As­ tronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 2; Crusaders 4.


Richard Robert K elly Sodality 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4.

John F. McFadden, A . B. Mathematics, English

James M elvin Kiernan Terence Joseph Kennedy Joseph Charles Kennedy Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4, Editor 4; Oratory 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Gold M edal 1, 2, 3; Religion M edal 2, 3; Classical Academy 4; Student Council 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Honor Pin 3.

Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Dra足 matics 3; Intramural Council 3; Football 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Cru足 saders 2, 3.

Car/ Everett Kierney German Club 3, 4; Camera Club 4; Chem足 istry Club 3; Honor Pin 1, 2.

John Prentis K ip Sodality 1; Debating 1; Track 2, 3, 4; In足 tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 4.

William E. McGinn, M . A. History, Problems of American Democracy

John Harry Kouvel Sodality 1; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4.

Harry Peter Kouveliotes German Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Intra足 murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Gold Medal 1; Silver Medal 2; Class Officer 2, 3.

R obert A . McGuinness, A . B. Mathematics

Hans Lewis Kratz Sodality 3, 4; Glee Club 3, 4; Radio Club 3; French Club 4; Library Staff 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

jk Salvatore Francis LaForgia Debating 3; Swimming 4; Crusaders 3, 4; Track 1; Class Officer 3.

Robert Francis Kwiatkowski French Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

O n the n ext day Ignatius set out fo r a cave at M anresa.


re m a in e d th ere fo r a y ea r, p r a y in g a n d p r a c t ic in g r ig id a u s t e r itie s . Gerald Patrick Lally Classical Academy 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; French Club 4; Track 1; Intra足 murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Re足 ligion Medal 1: Class Officer 4; Crusaders 2, 3, 4.

H e s le p t o n th e

ground, w ore a hair shirt and lived o n a glass o f water and o n e piece o f black bread a day.


Rev. John J. McGrail, S. J. Latin, English, Religion

Walter Charles Langoski Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thomas J. McKenna, S. J. Latin, Greek, English

Vincent Cornelius LeFante Sodality 1; Debating 2, 3; Football 3; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.

Raymond Lawrence Leonard Sodality 1, 2, 3; French Club 4; Crusaders 4.

Carl Romano Lepi$ Glee Club 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 1, 3; Honor Pin 2; Religion 2.

John Paul Letinski Sodality 2, 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

* R obert Em m et Logan

ftt mm

Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 3; Class O fficer 4.

Francis Charles MacPherson Camera Club 4; Library Staff 2, 3, 4; Intramural Council I, 2, 3; Track 1.

Robert Michael McCarthy Sodality 1; German Club 3; Camera Club 1; Chemistry Club 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Foot­ ball 3; Track 2, 3.

James Edward McDonald Sodality i f Debating 1; German Club 4; Intramural Council 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Class Officer 1.

Edward G. McNally, M . A. English

Patrick Michael McGrath Sodality 1; Poster Club 4; Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1.

In the cave at M a nresa Ignatius’ spir­ itual infan cy came to an end. fa vored w rote

w ith

d iv in e


illum inations,


the book o f Spiritual Exercises,

the Sou rce B o o k O f Jesuit Spirituality.


James Joseph M cKeever Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Francis Michael Mclnerney John Hugh M cG uire Petroc 3, 4; Oratory 2 ; Debating 1, 2, 3; Dramatics 3.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Camera Club 3; Dramatics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Gold Medal 2, 3; Silver Medal 1; Crusaders 3, 4.

Robert Francis McLaughlin Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4: P E T R E A N 4; Literama 3, 4; French Club 3; Current Events Club 2, 3; Intramural Council 3; Track 1; Class Officers 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Hugh Justin McManus Mass Servers 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Stu足 dent Council 4.

Rev. Edward. N . May, S. J. Mathematics

In 1523 ? Ignatius, the P ilgrim , set out fo r Jerusalem .

O n his way, he spent al足

m ost a year at R o m e, begging alms and helping the poor. E v e n his precious pas足 sage m o n ey fo u n d its way to the needy.

Michael Thomas Mahon French Club 4; Poster Club 4; Current Events Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cru足 saders 4.

Theodore V. Meisse, S.J. Latin, English

John Michael McNamara P E T R E A N Editor 4; Debating 2; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Basketball I t Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Honor g L l 1, 2, 3.

Francis James Manziano Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

Edmund Lawrence Mangan Sodality 1; P E T R E A N 4; Debating 1; Radio Club 3; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3- Poster Club 2; Current Events Club 2; Library Staff 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 3, 4.

Neil Francis Marcen

John Joseph Marshall

Glee Club 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1.

French Club 3, 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

D u rin g l the m on tjh in tfie B b t y ’ Land, he visited the scenes o f O u r L o r d ’s life. T o gaiji entrance to the M o u n t o f th e A s ­


cen sio n ^ he liad to b r ib e T u rh ish guards w ith a p o ck et knife.

Frederick J. Miller, M . S. German, Chemistry

Vito Joseph Mastromonaco French Club 4; Poster Club 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Leo Douglas Mault Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

James Thomas Mavroudis German Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4: Track 1, 2; Honor Pin 1.

Raymond Edward Miko French Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 4; Honor Pin 3.

Richard Joseph Mendles Chemistry Club 3; German Club 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Current Events Club 2; Honor Pin 1.


Lance Raymond M iller Petroc 1, 2, 3, 4; Radio Club 4; French Club 4; Camera Club 1. 2. 3; Current Events Club 2, 3; Band 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 3, 4.

Joseph Francis M om ot Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 1; Oratory 2, 3, 4; Debating 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Gold Medal 1.

Ronald Joseph Mizen Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Library Staff 3; Astron足 omy Club 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4.

Brian Michael Moriarty Chemistry Club 3; Football 4; Baseball 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 2.

Edward James Moran Intramurals 1, 2, 3; French Club 3; Honor Pin I.

Robert F. Mulvihill, B. S. English Problems of American Democracy

Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S. J. Latin, Religion

Alfred Louis Nasif Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 4; Mass Servers 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4: Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 3, 4.

Clement C. O ’Sullivan, A . B., L L . B. French, Speech

Herman Alton Neff Sodality 3, 4; French Club 4; Dramatics 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

% Allen Joseph Norrell German Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2j Class Officer 4; Crusaders 3, 4.

Raymond David Novak Sodality 1; Debating 1; French Club 4; Cheerleaders 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1.

Thomas John Numann Glee Club 4; Poster Club 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Astronomy Club 4.


John Daniel O ’Brien Sodality 1: German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Library Staff 3: Astronomy Club 4; Honor Pin 1, 2 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Class O fficer 1, 3.



R obert Em m et O ’Brien French Club 4; Poster Club 4; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 4; Class Officer 1, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Robert Hugh O ’Donnell Sodality Is French Club 4; Poster Club 2; Current Events Club 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders

John Walter O ’Mara Sodality 1; P E T R E A N 4; Petroc 2 3 4; Debating 1; Chemistry Club 3; Track 1, In ­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3 4, Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming Team 1, ■

Louis J. Parisi, M . A. Latin, English

Richard Patrick O ’Neill Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2 3, 4; Oratory 1, 2; Glee Club 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 2, 3, 4.

F rom in

1524 to 1526, Ignatius studied



m an


th irty-th ree

yea rs, h e b e g a n w ith L a t in g ra m m a r am ong school boys.




Thomas William O ’Toole Sodality 1; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Religion Medal 3: Crusaders 3, 4: Class Officer 1, 3.

R ev. Raym ond T. Purcell, S. J.


Latin English, Religion

Michael Paul Pedone Ma?s Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Council , Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2.

Edward Robert Paradine Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; Debating 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2.

William Peter Pflug Joseph Robert Piccolo P E T R E A N Editor 4; Chemistry Club 3; In­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Honor Pin 1, 2, 3: Class Officer 4.

Sodality 3, 4; Mass Servers 3, 4; French Club 4; Library Staff 2; Football 3, 4; In­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Fin 1, 2, 3: Gold Medal 1; Silver Medal 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

William John Plastine Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


I n l S M ^ t J i e student started o f f fo r Alcala.

H e r e h e u n d er-

'w W

took \a u n iversity course.J^W ecaus4 o f m&. e ^ a n g 0 e a l w ork, h e icas im p riso n ed and q u es足 t io n e d o n 1

th ough

| j

His t h e o lo g y . |









A lnot

p e r m it t q d t o co n tin u e hj& apos足

Francis Joseph Pom per


tolic w ork.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 3; French Club 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Honor Pin b

Edward Robert Plotnikiewicz German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intra足 murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1.



Robert Francis Porowski Sodality 1, 2; Glee Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3? 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4.

Richard Arthur Porawski Debating 2, 3; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2; Swimming 2.

Rev. Francis M . Redmond, S. J. Latin

Charles Theodore Potyrala Oratory 1; Debating 1; German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Basketball 1, 3, 4; In足 tramurals 1, 2, 3; Gold Medal 1; Silver Medal 2.


m Anthony Paul Prisendorf French Club 4; Band K

Ernest Peter Pozzi

Henry George Quense


Sodality 1. 2; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; Swim足 ming 1; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 2; Stu足 dent Council 2.

2, 3, 4; Intra-

murals f 2'

Cheerleaders 1: Intramurals 4.

Peter Joseph Quinn Sodality 1, 4; Mass Servers 4; Oratory 4; Debating 4; French Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Honor Pin 2; Religion Medals 2.

Peter Matthew Reavey Sodality 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Rev. William A. Riordan, S.J. Latin

James Matthew Reilly French Club Medal 2.



Honor Pin






William Francis Richardson


Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Crusaders 3.

Charles J. Rooney, B. S., M . A. Mathematics, Speech

James Patrick Reilly Classical Academy 4; Glee Club 2, 4; Ger足 man Club 3, 4; Chemistry 3; Current Events Club 2; Dramatics 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pm I , 2, 3; Crusaders 4. Literama 4.

Harold Edward Ridley Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; German Club 3; Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1; Honor Pin 2; Crusaders 3, 4; Student Council 4.

George Michael Richvalsky German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intra足 mural Council 4; Basketball 1. 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Crusaders 4; Student Council 3.

I n 1528, Ignatius a rrived in P a ris and en rolled in the col足 lege o f Ste. B a rb e. William Edward Ringle P E T R E A N 4; Dramatics 3; Track 1, 2, 3; Swimming 2; Honor Pin 1, 2; Religion Medal 3; Class Officer 3.

T h e next

seven years w ere spent in study, prayer and teaching.


William P. Sampson, S. J. Latin, English, French

Martin Vincent Roach Sodality 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4: Honor Pin I, 2, 3.

Johann Scheffer, M .A . History, German

Frank Henry Rocchio Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 1; French Club 4; Library Staff 1; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 3.

Richard Bradley Roleke Glee Club 2; French Club 3; Cheerleaders 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Michael Thomas Rosettar Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4.

Christian William Schiereck Chemistry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Intramural Council 1. 2, 3, 4.

t Pasquale Nicholas Sciancale pore Sodality 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Nicholas Raymond Servas Poster Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Stu足 dent Council 4; Class O fficer 4.

Robert Arthur Sharlow Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra足 murals 1; Honor Pin 1, 2; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.

Daniel Joseph Sherlock Henry F. Sedorovitz, A . B .

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2.

English, Problems of American Democracy

William Eugene Shiber Sodality 1; Debating 1; Glee Club 4; Ger足 man Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Football 1 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3; Intramurals I , 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 4.

T h rm % h

th e

S p ir it u a l

Ig t g r c is e s ,

Ignatius fa th ered a g r o u p o f com p an ions: P e t e r F a ber, Francis X a vier, James L a y nez,

A lp h o n s o

Salm eron,

S im on


riqu ez, ''N ich ola s B oba d illa , C laude L e Jay,

Pasch al B ro e t




C od u re.

H ill

Id IP Charles George Sova Richard Patrick Sottilaro French Club 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4.

Patrick John Smith Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 2, 3, Classical Academy 4; French Club 3, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, Gold Medal 1; Class Officer 3; Crusaders 3, 4.

Sodality 1; French 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

4 4 3 2

John Eugene Squeo Sodality 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

D John Andrew Stapienski Glee Club 4; French Club 4; Football 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Crusiders 3, 4.

Joseph W. Sinnott, A. B., LL. B. Latin, English

I n 1532, Ignatius becam e a B a ch elor o f A r ts ; in 1533 and 1534 he received the degrees o f Licentiate and M a ster o f Arts.

Bernard Peter Sullivan Sodality 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Rev. James V. Smith, S. J. Religion

Joseph Francis Struzynski French Club 4; Poster Club 4; Football 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, Z, J, f j Honor Pin 3; Crusaders 4; Student Council 4; Class Officer 3, 4.

Stephen Raymond Swetits

John Peter Suruda Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

William Joseph Timney

Charles Joseph Trainor

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass Servers 1, 2, 3, 4; Oratory 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating 1; Glee Club 1, 3, 4; Dramatics 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1; Crusaders 3, 4.

Sodality 3, 4 ;’ Debating 4; French Club 4; Basketball 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I , 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 4; Crusaders 4.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Classical Academy 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1 ,2, 3; Religion Medal 1, 3.

O n A u gu st 15, 1534, Ignatius and six com panions,

F a b er,

X a vier,


Rodriqu& z, L a y n e z and Salm eron, p r o 足 n o u n ced the vow s o f P o v e r ty , Chastity and S ervice in Palestine.

Edward F. Wall, A . B. English

Raymond Anthony Troiano German Club 3, 4; Chemistry Club 3; Band 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3;

Edward Michael Ulicki German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intramuials 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Re足 ligion Medal 1, 3; Officer 2, 3; Classical Academy 4.

Richard Sylvester Urso German Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Intra足 murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.

% Richard Frederick Von Thaden French Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 3, 4.

Albert Joseph Vidovich Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 3, 4.


Charles Francis Voorhees Sodality Is Debating 1: Intramural Council 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 4: Astronomy Club 4; Crusaders 3, 4.

Marcel Eugene Wagner

David Warren Wagner

Sodality l j Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4; Class Officer 3, Religion Medal 1.

Sodality 1; Radio Club 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2; Religion Medal 1.

Thomas Francis Walsh Band 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

George Francis Wallace Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Classical Academy 3, 4 Petroc 2; Debating I ; Glee Club 1, 4 French Club 3, 4; Intramural Council 3. Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Crusaders 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2

Rev. Raymond York, S.J. Religion, Latin, Greek

John Anthony Weglinski Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 4; Chem足 istry Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 1; Gold Medal 3; Class Officer 4.

1gnatius^pknt^ th ree M o n t h s in A z p e itia, liv in g & p e n it e n t ia l life a$ dibeggar. He

spem K h is tim e preaching, tea ch in g

Catechi^m jjiHd servin g the p oor.

Joseph G. Zucconi Physical Training Instructor

John Edward Woodcock Mass Servers 3; Camera Club 1; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Crusaders 4.

R obert John Welgos Debating 1; Chemistry Club 3; Current Events Club 2; Basketball 1: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin X, 2; Class Officer 2; Crusaders 4.

Gerard Arthur Yates Debating 1; French Club 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4.

William Edward Zircher Sodality 1; Mass Servers 1; Track 3, 4; In足 tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

Robert Christopher Zdanowicz Sodality 1, 2; Track 3; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 4.

before a board of Professors in Paris.

The Doctors of the University of Paris fre足 quently questioned Ignatius on his ascetical prin足

ciples, andfinallygavefull approval.





CLASSMEN - - -V----------------------- :------------------ -------------------—

•, f lf c - g ^ a L . .

-V ^ ..

B^j^^ L om b aS rd i^ ^o fs Jfc iai^ de l,i,H oeais gh ,m Sa irn o,tn azke,rw B eastk tyi,,N Tie om kw ieic w ici,z,Ca O rraetrio . Sfy a iC M la T fr lfJ R ic r d L C in d z k b a . rreencn n,G :H ,M cHu no ,lo Rgoyb,erS tu os,nS leoyr,deTn a,nM nearllo ,M tetz,B G ca tfg ua teu rsl,erD uffy ^g ^h d.pH doi,gaK japrean ,d B n.urray!

Bottom Row: Second Row: b&a, Third RowyMeyghs, Top Hfo0^S

M an ten ri,naV ,eE tdto on re,,K H alo rn eiy y,,B lo yn daeri% H Ju ^oyift,% 'a fli^ ,rW ^n g errff,A rtThird oUo. Row: Second Row: G r e e n e , B o n g io v a r o d C a n o z z iT m n , jJ J if is T G n yreat,, M a c ls a a c , B o v a s s o , M c G o v e r n , M o s e r , F a r b e r . Fourth RowSGh^fiausser, K o lo k o w s k y , V e r g a W right, Tuttle, O’Brien,M cCarthy. Top Row: Sinnott,’Olszewski, Daly, Bell, M olito. Bottom Row:

Bottom Row: W a ls hK ,uP aic gakci,h,Sk M cn C arr,th ym ,itK elly ,zoH orh nfa ,te C iccsarj^ elli. Second Row: M ica cn a,, F la n a g a n , D o b r e n s k i, lv in e S h , P iz v J m rf R o w : C o llin s , B r a u m LeekB ,rH ay em m sznyi,nsA ki,bd Veey d oavld ece ,n^^S^S^yWwSgrlier’ Do M cgD esrsm ott, ad L yedrole n,,LPeeotn erasr,d,SeS ru ra r h u la , Bastek, ”


Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

C0 C /> I? l> pajUl®©*8 ri« F in k,laB u rn ss ,arB e,rn ah rie dldsS an t.a n n a, M an gb u m . G a ffS S w ^ fc ’ S t r u «a ’ M a s o S , 0 N e ill, A m a ile . KvrjM l i l a ^ Ao m a,,JS o sw n ow sikiCa C u m m in g.s,Top Deck er BaldaB ss arn e., Hogan, Fa k u s a s m s k p p a d o n a Row. O r ie rrell,W alsh,Chm iel,Piscal, Downes.

Row: M cGro eu evvye,lioG ilc h,FeM a rrin oW ,M aec.­ rBottom a e . Second Row: K t e s , r r a a , h it Third Row: B ra os \s v*id n,y,FB ola gan cecyi,, P Rie egra n ,i.R ea. Fourth Row: C o n Top Row: P lonski, Sharkey,Petrie. Bottom Row: G riffith, D on no o,van ,otN etocw hsek rti,, K n o x . Second Row: M a n W a n D utd eli.k. Fourth Third Row: R alp h,S kein ne,r,W M u rin ragy-, B a a Row: B r ill, R illy e t t feld.Top Row: M urphy,Poplasky,Fitzpatrick.

D a lenye,ri,Cu llu m ,O C alp in ,erV aThird llaga. C a la T a lt y , ’ C o n n . M cGrathC ,zaG ao nrn ow ns,ki,Em m on,s,Ke Aalle n .. c h o K e lly r n s Schadewald,Rogers,Sheyker.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Row: Fourth Row: Top Row:

Row: G roesbeu ck ,k,S tacn tlin on,den S,ab in o-, C o n t e y . Second Row: Q ir M A M in otn to .nn Third Row: C am isa,M cin Go v,erR n ,aK ro pM ke , A t o u c c i. Fourth Row: R g o c h , e M enam an. Top Row: Corcoran, Cook, Orr. Bottom

B ilo ta li,ro,W rS ig hlic t,h K a r,atW y,isL aon g a n ., S e c o n d S o n t c h e r n v s k y S h ezraa,nD .eFonce. Fourth Row: S tevensu ,nrM aD rrw ocyceor,, C oen Row: M o , Devine. Top Row: M ilitello, Pollock.

Bottom Row: Row: Third

Ignatius’ S o ciety sing the

o ffice,




this was the ru le M o n a stic orders.

in the

T h u s he

B orzyz,aW ,C em b o rH ,eW a tte,rM s,cM M u n izs.. B a r a lla c e , ia r a n u Ju da y,nsFeu c,hsO ,’N DeeC arloF ,loO d ula k . T y ill, r ia n i, Catanzaro. Top Row: Spalaro,Barrone.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: F o u r th R ow :

fre e d his priests fr o m the

B rn ah da ym ,m G ig lio ,odD yn esC ,on Sn in is i.. B e r e r , R in o , o r s Cashm an ,iaO ’C ou nb neerll,buh M orn to n er-, Z id k , Z le , H e Urcinoli, Hicks, Bush.

Bottom Row: Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Top Row:

econd IS ea dn ack [F m e.

long hours o f chanting in the




m o re

tim e fo r w o rk a m ong the

Ru n ia in ,,RC ica cp i,ozV eorli,donH ,aM eh yk ee r.. R o y e k z s c M achlerK ,eB on den eyr,,P Aa gtoesyt,inD e,oh B rru n ­ n d e t y . Slattery, Braun.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Top Row:


B u otn cifjfft ore,lo Rrea dm inog,,JM cH Ecfltkjr e",M M atgta h,ew se,nW ed rn och ,o Sla ch ilp ,tetM an n npThird elli, BaRow: rrett. F y t e ^ e i, e le K n e y , S ic , S s o . Geier,Kozm oiytosgrP oie ve an etetla ,L ta hV ero,ll,CoD rroan dn in ,,BP rela ss cs ia tr,uW szitkjm OD y,asA ,ns Pth ne»a X eo lly e.. Top Row: Donato,

Bottom Row: Second Row:

FeO lic itoo ,no D e,SC teilib phaen ,ti,BrB au dlfo y,n D o,hC erot^ *n K in g^,| Sa en geM t,a 2sd zoia rs,H fa Zcie lin ski. Second W a lla c e , ’C n r r e n ^ ^ M r l, t r lia M k . Third Row: Connell, M aresca,H atra tn tto,,C pre,ll,ST otis t,,H u erto ,vP n,azS zcnajo .lttT-tip Row: M on, S iaen La em vie zerig D eb lis icah rg a,Ale ssi. ustello,Salm

Bottom Row: Row:

is l

'\.V SK'SV vv w N

mm >mmimrnmmmm smrnrnmmm m m m

IF ■ It^



A f t e r sending representatives to R o m e to of f er their services to the P o p e , Ignatius and his com panions agreed to the name, T H E S O C IE T Y O F JESUS.

Bottom Row: H an loin n,gh H a y,ei C u n n a m Hartanowicz,1

Petrozzi,W D oS nu olliv van ,n,M a sR cic arcin , . a L o o , ,nH ea ym ,p G b.ons. W efing,Fin Ben n etet,an C aib na

Pipchick, Armbruster, Ford, Machewirth, Donges, BegRezzonico, Meola, Tuttle. Neusch, Comizzoli, G. Sullivan.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Top Row:

Fahy. gans.

Charles,AD eSF aa nztio is,, M CcoS nh neerlly ,, W h a le n . li, r y T ocm .iBello. M uscisS ,ekJ u sk ierw ien z,, Ch oc as ,on D e l, B o w Foullois, Sadlack.

Bottom Row: Donnelly, McGovern, Curtin, Safka. Second Row: O’Connell, Sippel, Teuwen, Cantino. Third Row: O’Neill, York, Feehan, Joyce. Fourth Row: Good, Jordan, Alderman, Boyle.

Broa nd ifa B len y.ti.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Top Row:

R Bottom Row: T re z,, B a rrdyy,,D eaS ep vo ,n.Cn stini. Second Row: B a lik B r a C m io Third Row : B arorrertis t,sW an dr,itR izzTop i,M cRow: Hugh.R Fourth Row: M eyie ,gG a r y . epka, Reilly.


Borrelli,M Ph eo lle tie r,KC ah laab rie o,w G il­ b e r t . a n e y , o c n ic z,, B ia n c ie lla , T a y lo r . Third Row: T s a o , M a s lo Zuorick,Gladysz.Fourth Row: T uzzo,M eDonm m .11










m em bers o f the n ew S oci­ ety con tin u ed their train­ ing

Bottom Row: Second Row:

Row: B urke, G ray b,leS r,avaD o,uW gh etrety ,. S c h o lla n d . Second Row: C o ffe g e is r Third Row: M agrum ,Ganesrlou sllo er,,M cD on oru geh ,, BaraG n.alvin Fourth Row: P M c ln e n y . Top Row: Powers, M essano.



servin g



T h e next step was to b e a pilgrim age to Jerusalem .

Row: K elly, Hoern an ne ,dyK roC m en h o eck ,, C lo s s e y . Second Row: K , o n s t a n e N o rn tozn ,aC rosD ta .lia Third Row: L anni,Aco kd eram alli, n, G la m n , ’E . Fourth Row: M r e M urphy, W irtz. Top Row: Spadora, Freitag.



L a n clg i^#S gn S ou cin i,JM e6ix j^B r,R otosn eM ye,eh D en lo ,StM eb z,eyC ,ru H ep ve rM i,uG h er.arThird di. Second C o n s id in e ,^ M r R t im a ^ r fl% u h , a , a u m , r r a y Row: Downes,D Loew sk c ^ B r a u n , F a b ia n ^ fr a n e , D e C e g li& K M u lI ig a n , E m m ic h . Top Row: S a n t a n ,Ross, Heidelberg1 ^; M urphy,R^^^ci, DeFusco,Feldm an,Podchaski. iello,

Bottom Row: Row:

/X L

\ h


i f ..

G iln erye,seD eS uh tsacrh ,eyG aM lla grh erre,lli, ScK heft^ S e^i-g f^e^ ^ ^rl^ si> ff^ ^tta kia ,oD om aro an dn sk y . C a la b , k , a t o lIfe h H te y r ^ n e »a lin , O ’C o r , D alin . os. Lynch ,ah Koon rz,eS nla eskk i,, K e n nn e,dy ,row o S J sS ^y ,lliv Pa an ijjfe tlia k,,C la rekls ,.M cConville, P eu td ro M ie Q u in K p k e , u , R e illy A b Top Row: Turnier,Tierney,M cCort,Giaquim o.

Bottom. Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:


R y a n,,S O u tw atee,r,PaM ea sslli,inaK ,irC u llu m ,rrig Isra^ ek y— ^S an G ies oen,l,R oebd efe rts ,,D oo la n .. S a c c o e lin s k s c k , H a iH B S G ^ ^ R r n H r n M cK G an de in ,rV in c,en LockH ha asrk t,inija o. ertatteh r,erC ,oLra ,eE w in Ptr,zeD koon pa ,to, s.m

Bottom Row: Second Row: Third Row: Top Row:

0 C oS nen em ll,anS au eu rterC ieE sla ,rh Ju d y,. R Second M acBurnie, iH^^^SSg Riordan,B o o h is , K e ? n e ^ , y . ’ a ; G l, b e a r d ussell. u n n e , M o d a r e lli, F ly n n , H a n r a h a n , S m it h . Top Row. Reid,O’Dea,M cINallyTFeeney,Jordan,W alsh,W agner, 0Leary, Scerbo.

Bottom Row: Row: Third Row: W

A lb e r q u e ,

in te r s .

G ra a,haP m ,scE ifr ied ,oC ao rrw o,ll,K S uk esla ,n N o.laS nu ,lliv Raa bn b.ia,Third Powand a.SecondavlitRow: J,oh na sn on , O ’K e e fe , D e L a u r a a le . P r s k ir d Row: P s c h k o K e , M gle ,,C b§azrfc ^o^,-^ ivyJ ri^ i^rytH. Fourth ned,erF soogn ch ,s,KeW na nsek dis y., R oid sw ecyh Sh ieib m a S^ aE la& wa TH ’KoSrfn .iS Top RotlK^ L evineRow: , YignoA n a,rtF y,letM arecro

Bottom Row:


U L -B B L r ^ W

p lI H

Bottom Row: C urF rv ,yd O ’B rie nw ,sF ai,hyR ,ab H u m m ell, H art,,S R o ^ «k ,;K S tafk am ,.Sm ith. Second Row: J a c k s o n , I m p e r ia l, lo , O r lo k e n s t e in , K e lly e g r ic b G r h a Third Row: H am p ­ tD oiD n,iaM e n d it t o , P io t r o w s k i, P e n n e ll, M c C o r m ic k , B o d in o . M it c h e ll. Fourth Row: C a n d in o , ,Pisano,Flach,M urphy,Stom ber,Tyne. Top Row: Dorgan,Dailey,Herrm ann,Zolnowski.

Kllo ea,rnS ea ym ,m M itrcth eoll,. G D es ku s ,erM aP na n an ,aS chH roaen dle ery,,M u rw pa hryd .,G lvle ny n,, B usr-k er.. H Second Russon ie a in a lla g h , n s , H o O G o e ab eortp. M a te r o w s M M Âťg % W ID e n ic k . W h ip p le , C o z z i, S t e v e n s , N o w ic k i, F a y . T Carcich,LaGratta,Kahrar,M eAuH%,Flahive,Ruszkowski,M oscinski,Taffaro,Zanowski.

Bottom Row: R ow Third Row: R ow

Se cy uelly ,,C Bru om np crto isn tia noa,rin Ro o,erC ty ,de,CIiStK^^^^^^elmanR "s svois :oM or"* ?n; M r s a , M ly , D a n . Third. n eraam s,pio Bn a,rkM o,asB om m au nn da torH ea ,rp Beyrr,nR ^eC M r.ayTop fM cG uinness.ittreoru rcth /eiin Row. UlrC icoh ,trC sraard o,y,F LrC illis , K z , t t in o Row: W s , ancke,Ruane,Gill,Gronda.

Bottom Row: Second Row: Row:


Ignatius in the Cave at Manresa.

After thevigil of arm sat M ontserrat, Loyola spentayearinthecaveatM anresa. Duringthese penitential days, he wasfavoredwithfrequent visionsbyGod.



s s l. J

a c t


Student Council

Contreras, Brzenk, Kennedy, M eola, Feldm an, K ropke, Hayes, Campbell, Murphy, Whalen, Dougherty, Toffaro, Imperial, Brady.

K ecn n edy ,tu R id leky ,C oellin se,, F u h s , S z y n s i, G lle n W ettinS gefe ,,G u ,oB rvld as M oyreetn .eirne,

FrankFG ee grorB y,utle Prre.sident; atrh

C ru s a d e rs

Prom oters Father Shalloe, Paradine, Barry, DeFuccio, Cashman Ridley, Daly, Gaynor.




m m

' JA F


M sH M M

I n Mayd l5 3 9 , the com panions decided to take a v o w o f o b ed i足 ence to the P o p e , to go w h ere he sent them/* and to teach Christian doctrine.


E N I O R Vice Prefect Keating, Prefect Pflug, Secretary Beirne, Father Butler.

SODALITY Father McCusker, Prefect Fuchs, Secretary Daley.

I n 1540, the Papal B u ll, R eg im in i Ecclesiae M ilita n tis, was signed, a pproving the new Society.

5 O



O. M O R

E Father Purcell, Assistant Prefects Bonifanti and Repka, Prefect Machler,

OFFICERS Cane, Kropke, Glanzman, Donato, Mr. Egan, S.J

5 H M




T h e m em bers o f t h e Soci足 ety, afte r t h r e e dqys of prayer, unanim ously elected Ignatius su p erior in 1541. H e f i r s t d e c lin e d , b u t s u b s e 足 qu en tly accepted the post at the advice o f r U s confessor.


No Concern.

:gC oc;ca ,Bergm eyer;Center ner, M an an Right Ladder: F lynn,Ladder: Ringle. Gm

Left Ladder

JOHNO’MARA,BusinessM anager Winter — Desolation H M H


F r o m 1541 to 1556, Ig n a t iu s l e f t R o m e o n ly tw ice— each tim e by H is

Papal C om m and. apostolic


was spen t at his desk, d irectin g th e Society.

m es,,D G dcm an M cLaH negrh lin eo Fou cio ., Donnelly, JOEPICCOLO,EditorandFATHERM cCUSKER. May — Joy

Left to Right:



c o m p o s i t io n

o f th e

S o c i e t y ’ s C o n s t it u t io n s was left to Ignatius. H e w rote th em slow ly


-—■w ith

in fin ite

la b o r m editation and prayer. T h ese he placed o n the altar d u rin g thh H o l y Sacrifice, o f ­ fe rin g t h e m j w r , t h e D iv in e approval.

volunteers: Petroc

F ir e

C o m p a n y

Battl. Chief Dwyer Chief Kennedy Dept. Chief Keati:

Cuozzo,M cGuire,Barry,Keating. A lg ie , O ’K e e fe , F ly nn ,ally Ve rd oid nle ,yV in gw ery,er,Daley, Glashauser, Arlotto , Z a m a r a , L , R , D ChiefKennedy.

Foreground: On Engine:



. 1

■ ■ ■ H

g » j » M

■ a



W BM k iii

M ill

W M ?l


B ill!

Hi gjSI BjM


m M M m m M SM





■ WHi ■ H i


w sm m K k





Arlotto, Ilaria, Cannarozzi, Mr. McKeiina, J . Reilly, Gansloser.



Senior Editors:

Griffith, Colbert, M om ot, Porowski.

BuffirigG toarri,ritH se lla y,au M orlr,uD tseiy j. Torre,



M r. Dws yu err,veS anp droM re .cM y.Jt.,he sp tsc .Fadden f T Ig n a tiu s

o b e d ie n w ^ fO

th e

Popes, P a u l III, and

J e s u it G e n e r a l,

J u liu s


n & K op s.

n ecess^ y

H o ly

P a u l IV ? show ed

d e lic a te


e m P ^ M £ * M jL

F ittf a p r .

III, g re a t

M to J k llu s jjjM



F o u r II,


th e

e m p l o y s u i t s


Momot, Kielp


d alligan ,


W alsD h,ella Arlo totror,e,DK ale ylp ,,Gla soh au s,er, T ie M m o t Olszewski, Hauser.

Sitting: Standing:

Fored ,ga B u ffin gton,SullivcaL na,n S a,vaPgeet,ro Kzezei,- H HH g n s . Sitting: M e WH nan, FallFazioB , Arm bruster, Klossy, Keane.





(BBBp SBHBBHs Sullivan,Scheirech,Keenan,Klossy. I

f W H jf



' :

O n 4 j> r i l 1.5, 1&,41, t h e Fathers o f the ueiv Society m ade tk^iv s d ie m r i profession in this group. -

Pres. FordandM r. Dwyer, S.J.


Front Row: A lg ie ,eS ercerseid taern yt;.H erkert, Sova,a Srtra, p ien s k i, K ie lp , V ic P Back Row: C Lepis, Treasurer;G Q inn ne,.Yates, Prisendorf, eu lle

FRENCH CLUB President Augelli andM r. Sam pson,

C oo rvcin oio ,,D id u ry,kK ,rC a r,asPeolli, C h,arF le s-. R ch L a lly a t z m p e r in M c an,Huebner, Sln weetritn se.y,Colem

Front Row: Second Row: Back Row:


O fficers'^ Nasif, Good­ man, Lombardi.

M izlly en ,B C rgis cn ito ,FK aris ear,, K H elo rohld ,sC eyn su llo ,ba C odn n o , o d e , e r a r o o w k , L o m r i P lo t n ik ie w ic z , H a g g e r t y , M e n d le s , G e ls o n , M a v rouH dis C w y,ertM a n gyale n,,B B ezrg m eR yeicr,livaK iekryney, ig,gin so,nC oalb , B o r o e k , ls Nasif, O’Brien.

M R.ILLY,M oderator


Ignatiwt* sOtii were not to aspire tmMigmities Within or without the S ociety^ ior to accept therm unless-, drdered by the H oly f'qther.





had sent F ra n cis J a v 足 ier to In d ia . guez

w as

R o d r i足

fo u n d in g

Sem in a ries in P o r t u 足 gal, and F a b e r was p r e a c h i n g in G e r 足 m any.

A nila den rsto n,G Q u inn ,M Jc oC ycoer,m V ak n,C iem so n , M c G r e e v y , S q u e , ig lio , ic J a b a , Vu in crekn t.CaSecond Row: J oh n sro n ,heD id ia,Co C a,rr,M D i-d y , r e s e lli, C o r v in o , B o s c d e l, le a r s eenr,old W ilcR zyen sk,i,C M cllin Casrt,hy ,aC locses,eyC .oThird Row: H , illy o W lla lb e r t . Back Row: D e la n e y , L e p is , T im n e y , C u o z z o , N e w m a n, HerkertP,orG is o n d i, B e r g m e y e r , M o m o t , K r a t z , owski, M clnerney, Brennan. Front Row:

Christinas Concert at Newark Airport.

M r- B j g g f '

M oderator.


Kulvicki, M r. Sam pson,S.J

Kierney, Connolly,

Selinski, Borshadel, M cGovern,



Ba errb gm eyO er’Brien F e r , M otseerrn ,aF rM .H eesn,Goodm an M a , iz DeRosa

S ca rep itm ta F e t t r a n K u lv ic k i D eS teep han K o r n t Celetrrih P ozezw i

Pa tffin ezgton B u G on lu b iewski B e o r r Bier

I n 1548, w h ile Francis X a v ie r was in the East, Ig ­ natius started missions in the C on go and in Abyssinia.


Huebner, Keane, Savage, Strugala, McDermott, Keenan, Wagner.

Black, Mr. McCaffrey,


B eSecond ggans, S ofka, Zra m m arF aly ,n D e, S a n t is , G r a h a m . Row: C u m p , n Mid go lyd,m S o,m b r.pan Back Row: B gm ezy.er, Go atn C aem na,Borkowski,erK un Front Row:



ulack Officers Amabile, C u m n un gs,

M r.

M iller.

Ignatius had another vastc, the planning o f the S ociety &^educa足 tional work. T M ^ r r h p n C ollege was estaM i^ved in \R ty fe f o edu足 cate priests fo r w ork in G erm any.

K araty, M angan


M r.Heavey,S.J.,Kozm or,King, Schilp,M eola,Salm on,Kennedy.

T h e M o th e r o f m any o f the c o l l e l i t , the w orld lege.

J p g im

C o l­ it b e ­

came the M o d e l o f Jesuit C o l l e g e ^ S ix t e e n nat i o ns w ere r e p i^ ^ t jim ^ f fi its two h u n d red dents.

a fttr^fw en ty

s tu ­

K roap ,u d L,an , rW h,peC an tO re’K raese,feF,eld m nk ,eM ru phy Teoyffa o,als Im ria l.-



<7 &e S t.

S o c ie t y

jjS§Pt S c h o o l

by Donald Bevan and Ed -n an d T ndnsK




s ‘ osh

^ W y


In U a rd





r o / /n*an I J K

, . .



S s t ■ apP e a r _ O O VJV, ’57

l0 » * ? u 0 e

**£>».' ’5ff ’56

^ e.

’5 ?

J°ey !





w ere sent to B ra zil. W ith in fo u r years, tw o missionaries w ere m ar­

* « r ko fr P o r a l

Seh ‘tie-

*K e e dV

tyred b y the fie r c e cannibals.

r etr>l°n Co °°n d r



0fif* r * L ^ c « • >


4 iV


saw JEi ’59

Scenes frorv

B y 1555, Ignatius had re足 c r u i t e r * m any n ew n otable sons. T w o fu tu re Saints, Francis B org ia and P e te r Canisius% had jo in ed the C om pa n y.

Ignatius at the Beige of Pamplona.

Ignatius, CaptainintheSpanishArm y, was woundeddefendingtheCastleofPam plonaagainst theFrench. Theenem ysparedthegallantofficer andsenthimhom einalittertorecoveratLoyola.






c o ^

M r. Piscal Freshm anCoach

M r.Hyatt AssistantCoach




Ignatius constantly ^inculcated the necessity o f p overty. H is m en m ust b e ^ p o o r and freely offer their services w ithout hny recom ­ pense.


o f'

f£ ?

p v e ?


H p re ?


M r. Zucconi AssistantCoach



M r. Flannagan AssistantCoach

’ Downs,Cassidy,M acNam ara,Bordon,M aclsaac,Floram .

a t®

FatherSnyder M oderatorof Athletic





W ishingandwaiting.

Skinnerscam persintoDickinsonsecondary,

m m m m

Farrell throughFerrii BMW



M em sm enaceAm abile.

Squeo,M .V.P.receivesTom m yM yer’sTrophy,



W hat’sthescoop Richierom psfortwo

IM anagers: Bush,Fedak,DeRosa, Doherty, DeSevo, Dunne, Gibney,

BASK St.Peter’s 71 St.Aloysius........ 67 TrentonCatholic.... 82 Snyder........... 83 Xavier........... 52 Bayonne.......... 62 Regis............ 87 Lincoln........... 96 St.M ichael’s(JC) .... 67 Ferris ........... 67 Dickinson......... 92 Snyder ...........

M r. Halligan Coach \

,* le r v



VarD situn y,sta Kneeling: O ’Connor, Sc h ie rre cla k,,PL e voie r,,H N on rn to n ,, n,H a llig a n . Standing: P o r t y a e d n e a a n Richvalsky, Blaney, Crotty, Crowley.

Opp. 61 78 58 62 47 56 71 83 62 56 65

ETBALL Opp. St.Peter’s 9 77 Bayonne........ ... 68 103 Lincoln......... ... 6 ichael’s(JC) ... 61 63 St.M 79 72Ferris ......... ... 49 84 Dickinson ...... ... 79 83 St.Aloysius..... ... ... 6 em orial ....... .... 4 47 M 5 6 S t . M ic h a e l’s (U C ) 72 76 80 SetonHall ...... .... ... '48 65 St.Peter’s(NB) .... 67 57 AllHallows..... 75 M a n h a t t a n P r e p .. 70

I n 1550 and 1551 L a y n ez and N o d a l served as chap­ lains w ith the Spanish troops, the first o f a lon g lin e o f A r m e d F o rce s’ chaplains.

M ixedem otions.

Call ’emnam estoo, Im is!

^ z o - T 3



- 4 - c w m



M acm akesit70.



Blaneybom bs.

M ikeleavesLionslooking,


< H —o

Pedoneleaps—M ichaelskeeps!

Centerof attraction, A f t e r 1£51, Im a tiu s could n o longer recite the office bu t haa to pra y the beads in­ stead. T h e doctors w ou ld let him say M ass bu t r ife ly , b e ­ cause his great lo ve o f G o d excited unconffrolable tears.


J.V.TEAM M a sssk ei,ro,G K in gn ,sK eM nenle ed y., M c C a r t h y , O r lo w ib b o , g a Back Row: W rvig h t,PN osrsteo,nC ,aM c Ln azu gro h,­ lin,W alsh,LA eb ie r , la n t a a derhalden.

Front Row :

■ < m lf\ 7 3m


H U D S o N C O U N â– V

FRESHMANBASKETBALL E rn w in ,,ReF ttoin or,ty S,ulliv am n-, G r o n d a , S a n t a ie llo g a H a m eo rle ,,ZD an o w sn k,i.M Back Row: M aactcth ia , R ss o r g a c N a lly , L a g r o , Dailey,M assaro,M artorelli. Front Row:

M r. Heavey, SJ Coach






0 >

t H 0

r 0 I n R o m e , D o n G io va n n i da T o r ano d en ou n ced the Society to P a u l I I I as a collection o f hypocrites and heretics.

Ignatius w elcom ed

these attacks and persecutions as a sign o f the success o f his sons’ labors.

Top :

CBottom: orol,W ithF errs M ille halen. ieh tie agn ,,H ocaC go ,n Svip pe,l.W

Collin sc,HC oh rc,orB aon K ,h D M ug r,sh ao dlo el,gyW itaely .,

T op : Bottom:

SWIMMING Guterl, Iocobelli, LaForgia, VonThaden.

K,an nec.lnerney. M eola Neo,wV icig kn i,oM

Top : Bottom:

Ignatius, trouble ^ jv ith stomach ailments since the days of M anresa, begatuto fail in health about 1548. B ^ th is tiMe h% had fin足 ished wriffliig the Constitutions of the Order.^^SBgM/ff1 ^


Sla tW terile y,y,RB ilery ,dle Syc,arD pritu ta .m Second Row: C o n n o lly , a m oen d,L D iB esllo , Bonifanti,M g n D e lo . Front: A u g lli, e t in k i, Cunningham , Netchert. Top :

F IR S '1 ’ th e b u r i e s T r a in 01



I n the su m m er o f 1556, Igna­ tius fe ll seriously ill. T h e doctors p red icted a quick recovery, hut the sick m an thought otherwise.

Karhar,M cG ea rn agner, Jo orvd n,.D.W

B o ynle ,FM orreia ritB ye,ll,ScPh ie rla ec k ,i,A m a b ile ,,B H an n o nW R ich htv,als k yr., M Styu zry.nsThird lu. Second M g r . D u n e , a r ll, o p s k B r e n n e n la n e y r ig M g e Row. Skinner, M arino, M elega, Philarom o, TM yn e , C o n r o y . Back Row: S z e ig is , M a r t e r e lli, B a rone, assiaro,Lever.

Front Row: Row:


A L Bye


O n Ju ly 31, 15&& at day足 break, Ignatius d ied alone, w ithout tii&reme U n ctio n or Viaticunutor P a p a l Blessing.

. limHannon-

H is last fvords, the night b e 足 fore, concern ed the buying o f a new house m R o m e.


SENIOR DIRECTORY D A N IE L M. A L G IE 307 James St., Teaneck BE R N AR D F. AN D R E W S 67 W est 38th St., Bayonne JOSEPH C. AN D R E W S 67 W . 38th St., Bayonne AR TH U R W . ASKEW 18 W illo w Terrace, Hoboken R OBERT A. A U G E L L I 104 Kensington Ave., Jersey City W IL L IA M A. BABO 765 Hartwell St., Teaneck A N T H O N Y A. BALASSO 107 Sylvan Ave., Newark ROBERT M. BARKER 37 Hamilton St., Paterson R IC H A R D P. B A R N IT T 336 Fulton Ave., Jersey City P A T R IC K A. BARRY 28 Olean Ave., Jersey City S TE PH EN T . BARRY 226 W estfield Ave., Elizabeth

M eetingof theM asters.

R A YM O N D K. BATE 130 Park Slope, Clifton CHARLES J. BEIRNE 99 Mercer St., Jersey City M O R IT Z O. BERGMEXER 6500 Palisade Ave., W est N ew York W IL L IA M P. B LA C K 105 Sherman Place, Jersey City JOSEPH C. BO G D AN 43 Wegman Parkway, Jersey City JOSEPH A. BO N A N N O 40 Bogle Ave., North Arlington E UGENE C. BO YLE 97 West 37th St., Bayonne JOSEPH F. X. BR EN N AN 8 Baldwin Ave., Jersey City FR ANC IS X. BRO W NE 114 Wayne St., Jersey City ROBERT JOSEPH BROZEK 34 East 38th St., Bayonne JOSEPH V. B U RAKE V ICH 20 Fairview Place, Arlington CHARLES D. BURKE 255 Boulevard, Bayonne JOHN B. BURKE 3279 Boulevard, Jersey City TH O M AS W . BURKE 42 Condict St., Jersey City FR ED M. CALABRESE 300 Paterson Plk. Rd., Union City K E V IN B. C A L L A G H A N 145 Seaview Ave., Jersey City P H IL IP R. C A R O S E LLI 714 Elizabeth Ave., Lyndhurst H U G H J. CARR 1309-79th St., North Bergen ROBERT N. CARUSO 450 Edgewater Rd., Fairview A N T H O N Y B. CASH M AN 30 Poole Ave., Avon D A N IE L J. CE NSU LLO 414-16th St., Union City THOM AS F. CHARLES 29 East 38th St., Bayonne M IC H A E L F. COCCA 335 Fulton Ave., Jersey City G ERARD S. COGAN 30 W est 35th St., Bayonne T H O M AS C. CO LBERT 63 Danforth Ave., Jersey City JOHN W . CO LE M AN 100 Glenwood Ave., Jersey City

4M assoftheHolyGhost.

SENIOR DIRECTORY JOHN G. C O N D R A N 529 Burnham Rd., Elizabeth W A L T E R J. C O N N O L L Y 2199 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City W IL L IA M J. C O N N O L L Y 638 Avenue C, Bayonne PAU L T. CO NW AY 118 Jewett Ave., Jersey City R OBERT V. C O R BE TT 205 3rd St., Hoboken


At the embalming, the doctors found Ig­ n a tiu s * in testin e s empty and dried up, the liver shrunken and hardened. It was amazing that a man could liv e in such conditions

JOHN J. C O R CO R AN 64 Boyd Ave., Jersey City FR AN C IS P. C O R V IN O 677 Ave. C, Bayonne ROBERT P. C R ANE 55 Bradford St., N ew Providence M A R IO A. C R IS C ITO 35 Clerk St., Jersey City JOHN F. C R O T T Y 125 W . 57th St., Bayonne JOSEPH J. C R O W LE Y 98 W est 10th St., Bayonne D A V ID E. CUOZZO 499 Innes Road, W ood Ridge M IC H A E L J. D A L Y 337 Franklin St., Elizabeth C H ARLE S M. D eFU CC IO 12 Duncan Ave., Jersey City A R T H U R J. D E L A N E Y 570 Alden St., W ood-Ridge P E T E R G. DeROSA 20 Bentley Ave., Jersey City T H O M A S A. D ESM OND 44 East 50th St., Bayonne P A U L T . DeVRIES 150 Marietta Ave., Passaic M YR O N G. D ID U R YK 93 Maple St., Jersey City D A N IE L A. D O H E R TY 84 Humphreys Ave., Bayonne D A V ID P. D O N N E L L Y 106 Kensington Ave., Jersey City V IN C E N T R. D R ISC O LL 121 Magnolia Ave., Jersey City W IL L IA M P. D U N STAN 7 Pavonia Court, Bayonne D A N IE L F. D W YE R 2815 Boulevard, Jersey City

FatherSm ith’sTherm atorium ,

V IC T O R A. ESTEVEZ 570 Avenue E, Bayonne JOHN A. F A Y 635 Jersey Ave., Jersey City FR ANC IS H. FE LIC E 766 W est Side Ave., Jersey City JOHN J. FE RR ARA 347 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City R OBERT J. F IN N E R T Y 48 East 40th St., Bayonne E D W A R D J. F L Y N N 422 Broad Ave., Ridgefield JAMES E. F L Y N N 806 Bloomfield St., Hoboken W IL L IA M E. FO R AN 20 Adams St., Clifton CHARLES A. FORRESTER 25 Lembeck Ave., Jersey City A N T H O N Y V. FORGIONE 85 Cottage St., Bayonne NO R M A N J. FRANCIS 9423 Railroad Ave., North Bergen W IL L IA M V. GARGILES 120 W est 8th St., Bayonne P A U L B. G AYNOR 215 10th St., Hoboken

Kings and Pawns.

SENIOR DIRECTORY A L B E R T G. G E L L E N E 70 Buffalo Ave., Paterson R IC H A R D J. G E LSO N 34 Locust Drive, Summit R O BER T C. GM UER 74 Susquehanna Ave., Rochelle Park W A L T E R P. G O O D M A N 604 85th St., North Bergen TH O M A S E. G R A H A M 726 Bergen Ave, Jersey City F R A N K L IN D. GREGORY 133 Grand St., Jersey City L E W IS E. G R O LE M U N D 86A Boyd Ave., Jersey City R A L P H L . G U E N TH E R 1603-81st St., North Bergen JOSEPH V. G U IL IA N A 292 Avenue B, Bayonne G E RARD R. G U T E R L 17 Virginia Terrace, Jersey City JAMES E. H A C K E T T 227 Grant Ave., Jersey City


W IL L IA M J. H A G G E R TY 451 W est Side Ave., Jersey City D O N A L D C. H A IB E R 36 W est 48th St., Bayonne P A U L B. H A L L IG A N 1005-80th St., North Bergen R IC H A R D J. H A L L IN A N 126 Bartholdi Ave., Jersey City JAMES J. H A N N A N 321 Webster Ave., Jersey City JOHN J. H ENNESSY 21 Condict St., Jersey City E M IL F. H E RK ER T 430-67th St., W est N ew York GEORGE G. HERMES 171 Belmont Ave., Jersey City JOSEPH E. H E R O LD 73 Sanford Place, Jersey City M IC H A E L J. H IG G INS 161 Delaware Ave., Jersey City TH O M A S P. H IG G INS 10-77th St., North Bergen TH O M AS A. H O G AN 606 Undercliff Ave., Edgewater A L L E N L . HUEBNER 40 Main St., Garfield


M IC H A E L D. H U R LE Y 2787 Boulevard, Jersey City FR ANC IS C. IA C O B E L L I 871 Main St., Paterson JOHN W . JAMBA 15 Laidlaw Ave., Jersey City JAMES T. JOHNSON 624 Park Ave, Hoboken TH EO D O R E J. KAISER 315 Lilac Lane, Carlstadt H E N RY E. K A W A L E K 728 Avenue A, Bayonne JOSEPH M. K E A TIN G 110 Passaic Ave., Passaic L E O N A R D J. K E IL P 1322 Paterson Plk. Rd., Secaucus R ICH AR D R. K E L L Y 118A West Side Ave., Jersey City JOSEPH C. KEN N ED Y 258 Kenilworth Rd., Ridgewood T EREN CE J. K ENN ED Y 90 Bostwick Ave., Jersey City JAMES M. K IE R N A N 825 Hudson St., Hoboken C A R L E. K IERNEY 210 Lembeck Ave., Jersey City

Prepbecom esCo-ed.

SENIOR DIRECTORY JOHN P. K IP 2787 Blvd., Jersey City JOHN H. K O U V E L 225 Pearsall Ave., Jersey City H AR R Y P. K O U V E LIO TE S 136 Pearsall Ave., Jersey City H AN S L. K R A T Z 11 Oak St., Ridgefield Park R O BER T F. K W lA T K O W S K I 264-13th St., Jersey City

At the

Ignatius’ death S o c ie ty ' was


v id e d in to tw elve p r o ­ vinces, w ith o n e h u n ­ dred


ho use& q n d


and th o u -

sand m em oers.

OfftoM onroe.

S A LV A T O R E F. LaF O R G IA 505 Park Ave., Hoboken G E R A LD P. L A L L Y 105-13th St., Hoboken W A L T E R C. L A N G O S K I 189 Rose Ave., Jersey City V IN C E N T C. L E F A N T E 338 Hudson Blvd., Bayonne R A YM O N D L . L E O N A R D 91 Bergen Ave., Jersey City C A R L R. LE PIS 39 Bentley Ave., Jersey City JOHN S. L E T IN S K I 19 Claremont Ave., Jersey City ROBERT E. L O G A N 185 Garfield Ave., Jersey City FR AN C IS C. MacPHERSON 982 Broadway, Bayonne ROBERT M. M cC a r t h y 739 Highland Ave., Newark JAMES E. M cD O N A LD 1419 83rd St., North Bergen P A T R IC K M. M cG R ATH 880 Blvd., Bayonne JOHN A. M cGUIRE 727 Park Ave., Hoboken FR AN C IS M. M cIN E R N E Y 282 Claremont Ave., Jersey City JAMES J. M cKEEVER 155 14th St., Hoboken ROBERT F. M cL A U G H L IN 28 Jasper Ave., Teaneck H U G H J. M cM ANUS 2 Pershing Ct., Ridgefield Park JOHN M. M cN A M A R A 77 Van Houton Ave., Passaic M IC H A E L J. M AH O N 104 W est 47th St., Bayonne


E D M U N D L. M A N G A N 211 Hillside Ave., Teaneck ERANCIS J. M A N Z IA N O 113 Wegman Parkway, Jersey City N E IL F. M AR CEN 1500 38th St., North Bergen JOHN J. M A R S H A LL 830 Ocean Ave., Jersey City V IT O J. M ASTRO M O NACO 790 Ave. C, Bayonne DOUGLAS J. M A U L T 124 Jasper St., Paterson JAMES T. M AVROUDIS 218 Academy St., Jersey City R IC H AR D J. M END LES 1211 Summit Ave., Jersey City RAYM O N D E. M IKO 293 Woodlawn Ave., Jersey City LA N C E R. M IL L E R 537 Vose Ave., South Orange R O N A LD J. MEZEN 716 E. 25th St., Paterson JOSEPH F. M O M O T 168 W . 32nd St., Bayonne E D W A R D J. M ORAN 359 Crooks Ave., Paterson

TheShineof Shines.

SENIOR DIRECTORY B R IA N M O R IA R IT Y 3 Branch Brook Dr., Belleville JOHN F. M U R R A Y 3152 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City A L F R E D L . N A S IF 522 19th St., Union City H E R M A N A. N E F F 817 15th St., Union City A L L E N J. N O R R E L L 218 Jaroloman St., Belleville R A YM O N D D. N O V A K 63 Clarke Ave., Jersey City TH O M A S H. N U M A N N 65 Summit Ave., Jersey City JOHN D. O ’B R IE N 974 Broadway, Bayonne ROBERT E. O ’BR IE N 134 W est 11th St., Bayonne R OBERT H. O’D O N N E L L 93 W . 52nd St., Bayonne JOHN W . O ’M A R A 50 Glenwood Ave., Jersey City R IC H A R D P. O’ N E IL L 36 E. 12th St., Bayonne T H O M A S W . O ’T O O L E 138 Duncan Ave., Jersey City E D W A R D M. P A R A D IN E 11A East 30th St., Bayonne W IL L IA M P. P F L U G 3 Phillip St., Cranford M IC H A E L P. PED O N E 145 Grand St., Jersey City JOSEPH R. PIC C O L O 212 Main St., Ridgefield Park W IL L IA M J. P L A S T IN E 24 W arner Ave., Jersey City E D W A R D R. P L O T N IK IE W IC Z 273 - 5th St., Jersey City FR ANC IS J. PO M PER 29 Harrison Place, Clifton R IC H A R D A. P O R A W S K I 12 E. 49th St., Bayonne ROBERT F. P O RO W SKI 187 McAdoo Ave., Jersey City CHARLES T. P O T Y R A L A 278 Manhattan Ave., Jersey City E RNE ST P. P O Z Z I 719 - 12th St., Union City A N T H O N Y P. PRISEND O RF 92 W . Edsall Blvd., Palisades Park H E N R Y G. QUENSE 3365 Boulevard, Jersey City P E TE R J. Q U IN N 320 Belleville Ave., Bloomfield P E T E R M. R E A V E Y 1 Fairmount Terrace, Jersey City JAMES M. R E IL L Y 68 Congress St., Jersey City JAMES P. R E IL L Y 138 New York Ave., Jersey City JOHN J. R E IL L Y 235 Prospect Ave., Bayonne GEORGE M. R IC H V ALS K Y 44 W est 42nd St., Bayonne W IL L IA M F. R ICH ARD SON 552 West Side Ave., Jersey City H A R O LD E. R ID L E Y $223 Boulevard, Jersey City W IL L IA M E. IU N G LE 286 Fulton Ave., Jersey City M A R T IN V IN C E N T RO ACH 610 15th St., Union City

SENIOR DIRECTORY FR A N C IS H. R O C C H IO 310 W . Henry St., Linden R IC H A R D B. R O LE K E 537 East Grant Ave., Roselle Park M IC H A E L T . R O SE TTE R 60 Rose Ave., Jersey City C H R IS T IA N W . SCH IERECK 225 Bowers St., Jersey City P A S Q U A LE N. S C IA N C A LE P O R E 1402 Bergenline Ave., Union City N IC H O LA S R. SERVAS 656 Boulevard, Bayonne RO BER T J. S H A R L O W 41 Pamrapo Ave., Jersey City D A N IE L J. SHERLOCK 10 Savoie St., Lodi W IL L IA M E. SHIBER 9 Bayview Ave., Jersey City


P A T R IC K J. S M ITH 202 Keats Ave., Elizabeth R IC H A R D J. S O T T IL A R O 1921 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City C H ARLES J. SOVA 118 Dwight St., Jersey City JOHN E. SQUEO 24 Stegman Place, Jersey City JOHN A. S TA PIE N S K I 142 Reldyes Ave., Leonia JOSEPH F. STU ZYNSKI 44 W est 36th St., Bayonne BE RN AR D J. S U L L IV A N 425 Ave. E, Bayonne JOHN P. SURUDA 867 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City STE PH E N R. S W E TITS 183 Colfax Ave., Clifton W IL L IA M J. T IM N E Y 1906 Boulevard, Jersey City CHARLES J. T R A IN O R 11 St. Paul's Ave., Jersey City R A YM O N D A. T R O IA N O 111 Sanford Place, Jersey City E D W A R D M. U L IC K I 83 Columbia St., W ood-Ridge

W hat part of thecurriculumisthis?

R IC H A R D S. URSO 2021 N ew York Ave., Union City A LB E R T J. V ID O V IC H 215 Angelique St., Weehawken R IC H A R D F. V O N T H A D E N 272A Ogden Ave., Jersey City CHARLES F. VOORHEES 334 Whiton St., Jersey City D A V ID W . W A G N E R 638 Avenue C, Bayonne M A R C E L E. W A G N E R 22 Condict St., Jersey City GEORGE W A L L A C E 878 ■Queen Anne Rd., Teaneck THOM AS F. W A LS H 51 Laurel Ave., East Orange JOHN A. W E G LIN S K I 10 Western Ave., Jersey City ROBERT J. W ELGOS 24 Albany St., Rochelle Park JOHN B. W OODCOCK 9011 New York Ave., Hudson Heights G E RA LD A. YATES 307 Stegman Parkway, Jersey City

rem em ber,

Ignatius was beati­ fied in 1609 by Paul IV. He was canonized in 1622 by Gregory XV.

ROBERT F. ZD A N O W IC Z 251 5th St., Jersey City W IL L IA M B. ZIRCHER 106 Astor Place, Jersey City

PATRONS A M r. and M rs. A . A b rah o w icz M r. and M rs. N . A b itan te M r. and M rs. Joseph A lb e rt M r. and M rs. H . A lg ie Harold and M aureen A lg ie Joseph A p ice lla M r. and M rs. Geo. A rm b ru ster M r. and M rs. A n th o n y T . A u g e lli M r. and M rs. C h arles A u g e lli B Jam es J . Baer ( In M em oriam ) M rs. M adeline Balasso M r. and M rs. M arsh all J . Balasso M r. and M rs. R. B arn itt M iss H elen A . Barry M r. and M rs. R ich ard S. Barry T . J . B. M r. and M rs. J . Beattie M r. and M rs. W a lte r F. Beck M r. and M rs. C h arles Beirne M r. and M rs. A le xa n d e r A . Bennett D r. Edward H . B ier M rs. John B lih ar M r. and M rs. E. A . Bloinnquist M r. and M rs. Joseph Bloyder M r. Joseph Bohn M r. and M rs. Fra n k P. Bozza M r. and M rs. Joseph J . Brady M r. W illia m Bradley M r. Robert C . Braun M r. and M rs: Jo s . F. X . Brennan A n n and M argaret Brennan Jam es T . Brennan M r. S. B ro zek M r. and M rs. F . B rze n k M r. and M rs. A . D. Bulfone M r. and M rs. Joh n T . Bu rke M rs. J . M . Burke M r. and M rs. Joh n Bush C M r. and M rs. Cabrera M r. and M rs. Joseph T . Callaghan K evin C allaghan M iss M ary C arey M r. and Mrs. H arry M . C arro ll M r. John C arroll M r. A n th o n y B. Cashm an M rs. A n th o n y B. Cashm an Joan F . Cashm an Sam Castagna M rs. A n n a Cerrato C o l. Fra n k B. Chapm an Hugh C . C la rk Thom as C la rk C lass 2 -C C lass 3 - A M r. and M rs. M ichael A . Cocca T h e Cogan Brothers M r. and M rs. W illia m M . Cogan Dr. and M rs. John Colem an M rs. W a lte r J . Colem an C . C o llin s M r. and M rs. Em anuel A . Comandatore M r. and M rs. John A . Condran Dr. and M rs. Jam es Connolly John D . Constance, P .E . M r. A n th o n y Constantino Jam es A . Coradine T h e Corbett Fam ily Joh n J . Corcoran, J r . Dr. C orliss D r. Coyne

M r. and M rs. Robert D. Crane J a c k C ran e , ’2 8 Dante P. Crisom im o M r. and M rs. Joh n C ro nin D r. and M rs. A . J . Crosta Dr. and Leo J . C zacho ro w ski W illia m C ze ru rn ski

M iss Helen Godsil D r. J| Goldstein A n th o n y Grande M r. and M rs. G erard W . Guterl M r. Gerard R . G uterl M r. Robert E. Guterl M r. and M rs. Joh n C . G uyet H

D T h e C ath o lic D eaf of New Jersey T h e C ath o lic Deaf of N ew Y o rk M r. and M rs. Jo h n M . Deegan M r. and M rs. Louis D ella To rre George D ’ Elia M r. and M rs. Louis J . D’ Elia D r. S. V . DeM arco Dr. Louis DeRosa M r. and M rs. A le x R . DeSevo M r. and M rs. M ik e Deutsch M r. and M rs. Paul D eVries M r. and M rs. J . DiDia M r. and M rs. Harold Doherty M r. T im o th y Donovan C ath erine Downey J . F. Downey John J . Downey T . J . Downey M rs. Jam es P. D riscoll M r. and M rs. Fran k G. Drumm ond John Dugan M rs. Rose M . Dundon M r. and M rs. P h ilip M . Dunne M r. and M rs. A . Dunst B illy Dunstan M r. and M rs. W illia m P. Dunstan

M r. Otto H afen , Sr. M rs. Beatrice Haggerty M rs. Stefania H alychyn M rs. Irene Hannan D r. I . R. H arris Bernard M . H artnett Hauptvogel Fam ily M iss A n na V . Hayden M r. W illia m C . Heidelberger M rs. J . Hennessy M r. and M rs. E. H e rkert M r. M au rice P. H erlihy M r. and M rs. G. C . Herm es M r. and M rs. John Herold M r. and M rs. E. D. Hessman M r. C h ris H icks M r. and M rs. M atthew A . H iggins M r. T . H iggins M r. and M rs. A rth u r Hoag G. Hoebulebat John J . Hogan M r. and M rs. Thom as J . Hogan Thom as and John Hogan M r. and M rs. R . J . Horne M rs. Rose A n n Hughes I

E John Esposito M r. and M rs. Robert Evans F M r. and M rs. Joseph J . Fay D r. Joh n P. Fenton M r. and M rs. A le xa n d er Fergason Robert F ia lk V in c e n t Fiasconaro M r. and M rs. J . C . Fink T h e Finn erty Fam ily M r. and M rs. John Fin n e rty, J r . M r. and M rs. J . B. Finn in L u c y Fiori and Fam ily M r. John Fitzg erald T h e 5 Boys T h e 5 Helpers M r. and M rs. Flahive M r. and M rs. E. J . Fogarty M r. and M rs. John P. Ford A Friend A Friend M r. and M rs. Fran k Fuchs Rudy Fuchs G M r. and M rs. J . E. Gallagher M r. and M rs. J . F. Galvin Thom as G arrity Elizabeth M . Gaven M r. and M rs. Joseph Gavin M r. and M rs. T . Geiger M r. and M rs. J . Norbert Gelson M iss M ary E. Geraghty Saverio Giardina M r. and M rs. Raymond A . Gibney M r. and M rs. Geo. G eier


Fra n k V . Introcaso M r. and M rs. George Ivovich J M iss A im ee Jacod Ralph Jacodine A n n Jew u sia k M r. Stephen Johnson K Dr. and M rs. A ndrew A . Katko Leo K eilp and Fam ily Lenny Keilp M rs. A . Kenny Jam es F. Kennedy ’ 37 M r. Jam es Kennedy In M em oriam — Joseph P. Kennedy ’2 4 M artin J . Kennedy, J r . ’67 M artin J . Kennedy ’2 9 Thom as M . Kenny M r. and M rs. B. M. Kiernan M iss M ary Kiernan Edward H . K ip K . of C . G reenville Chapter K . o f C . G reen ville C ouncil No. 3 9 8 8 Robert Koeppe ’5 5 M r. and M rs. Paul S. Kology M r. and M rs. W m . Koprowski Dr. V in cen t P. Krasnica M r. C harles Krueger M r. and M rs. M . K ru k ar L M r. and M rs. G . E. Lally Joseph M . L a lly ’4 0 M r. John Lauro M r. M ichael Lauro M iss L . Law ler

PATRONS M r. and M rs. S. Lem pa M r. D aniel Lenahan M r. R . J . Leo nard , Sr. D r. and M rs. A lb e rt Lep is C arl R . Lep is M r. and M rs. M elto n Lew is M rs. A . W . L ittle M r. Jo h n L iz z a n o J . M . Lo c k h a rt M r. and M rs. J . Logan Robert E . Logan M r. R ay Lom bardi M r. and M rs. J . Lo R icco D r. Ja m e s F . Lyn ch

M D r. and M rs. B . J . M acchia M r. and M rs. Jam e s M acrae M r. and M rs. G . M . M agrum M r. Tho m as M ahon M r. and M rs. Edward M aksym o w icz M r. and M rs. Fra n cis M angan M r. A n th o n y M artin o M rs. A . M a rz u llo C ath erin e M aterow ski Stan ley M atu le w icz M r. and M rs. Leo A . M au lt Donald and Robert M au lt M r. and M rs. Jo h n M enditto D r. A lfo n s M eyer M r. and M rs. Joseph R . M ezey H elen D. M ize n S. M o lin ari and L . G uarinello C h arles M o lin ari M r. and M rs. G . M o lyn eu x M r. and M rs. Jo h n M om ot A ng elo M o ng iello Joseph M o ritz , Counselor A t Law M r. and M rs. Joseph M o scin ski M r. and M rs. Fred M oser M r. and M rs. Edward A . M u lvey M rs. M ary M u rp hy Ed J . M u rph y M rs. M ary M u rray M rs. L . C . M c A u liffe M r. Thom as A . M c A u liffe Dr. and M rs. V in c e n t M c A u liffe M rs. Edward M cC arth y M iss Ethel M cC a rth y W illia m A . M cD onald M r! and M rs. Joseph F . M cG overn P a trick J . M e G overn, M .D . ’ 3 4 Danny M cH u g h Brian M cLau g h lin ’ 5 4 M r. and M rs. B. J . M cLau g h lin M iss M ary M cLau g h lin M r. and M rs. Jo s. J . M cM enam an Edward G. M cN a lly M r. Joh n M . M cN am ara M iss Lau ra E . M cN am ara M r. and M rs. L . I. M cN am ara M r. J . A . M c N u lty ’ 15 M rs. L u k e M cRedm ond

N M rs. F . N a sif Fred N asif M r. and M rs. C . J . Neusch Geraldine Nolan M r. Edward Nolan M r. and M rs. Daniel A . Norton M r. and M rs. W illia m Nurge


A rth u r O ’ B rien D r. Tho m as F . O ’ Brien D r. and M rs. R ich a rd J . O ’ Brien A rth u r J . O ’Connor Fra n k Oddo D aniel O ’ Hara F ra n k O lco ck R obert A . O liv ie r Oneal C orp. M r. and M rs. M . A . O ratio T ho m as O ’ Rourke ’ 53 M r. V in c e n t J . O ’ Shea M r. and M rs. C h arles O ’Toole P M r. N icho las Pag nozzi M r. and M rs. W a lte r Paradine M iss C ath erin e Paradine Tho m as Pascale Fra n k Patte M r. and M rs. A . Pedone M r. and M rs. A dam E. Pejko w ski M r. Joseph Pelikan V in c e n t P e z z u ti N ic k P in d u lick Jo h n P is tilli M r. and M rs. C . W m . Plastine M r. and M rs. F. Pomper R ussell P o rzelt M ich ael Powanda W atso n Powlokowski M r. Pressburger M rs. Pressburger Q

M iss C ath erin e A . Shea Steve Shecm an J . Silverm an Fra n k and Neal S lattery M r. A n th o n y Slevin D r. C lin to n L- Sm ith H azel A . Sm ith M r. and M rs. Josh u a M . Sm ith Tho m as Sm ith Hon. Joseph A . Soriero Dr. Joseph J . So ttilaro C h arles Sova, J r . M r. and M rs. C h arles Sova M r. and M rs. J . Squeo M r. and M rs. Jam e s J . Stanton M r. and M rs. J . Stapienski Jo h n Stellato M r. and M rs. J . Stom ber Jo s. A . S tu zy n sk i M r. John S u lliva n M r. Robert S u lliva n M r. and M rs. P. S u lliva n T M iss H elen T a rra n t C h arles and T h eresa T en ten M r. Joseph T aran to , Sr. M r. and M rs. Joseph J . Top oleski Joh n and Hugo Tonon D r. and M rs. T ra in e r Jo h n J . T reu sch M rs. R . T ro n co P h ilip T u m u lty M r. and M rs. W . T uo hey John T yn an U

P atricia Quense H en ry Quense Jam es Q uinn D r. Joh n J . Q uinn M r. and M rs. Peter J . Q u inn , J r . R

M r. and M rs. C . Rauh M r. and M rs. O. J . Reavey F ra n k J . Redfern M r. and M rs. Reding M r. and M rs. J . R e illy M r. W a lte r Reim erdes John M . Reuterson M r. Joshua Ringle M r. and M rs. A . R in k M r. Fra n k G . Rocchio M rs. Fra n k G . Rocchio Fra n k H . Rocchio M r. H erbert J . Rose M r. and M rs. Edward Rum ain M r. and M rs. C . Ryan S D r. and M rs. Ed. F . Salmon M r. and M rs. Joh n Sandy M r. and M rs. Stephen Sauerzopf M r. and M rs. W illia m F. Savage V in c e n t Scaram azza George S ch affe r M r. and M rs. Joseph Schm alzl M r. and M rs. John Sciancalepore E. Schw artz M r. and M rs. W illia m Selinske M r. W . Sem czyk M r. and M rs. Bernard G: Senger M r. and M rs. P. Seyka J . Lee Shanephy


Dr. M orris U rich V A n na M . V e tte r M r. and M rs. Ettore Vignone M r. and M rs. Fran cis A . V in ce n t M r. and M rs. Joseph V ita M r. and M rs. Howard Vo nThaden S tuart D. V alen tie n W M r. and M rs. John A . W allace Dr. M arc J . W allace M iss H elen G. W alsh W a lte r and Fran kie Robert J . W ard M r. and M rs. H enry O. W e fin g M r. and M rs. Fran k J . W heelan M r. and M rs. Jam es F. W helan Edward R . W h it e '5 5 (In M e m o ria m ) Hon. Law rence A . W h ip p le M rs. V irg in ia C . W h ip p le M iss N ancy W ise M rs. J . E. W oodcock M rs. M artha W ondolow ski Y Y a te s Fam ily Z David Z ah n M rs. L. Z irch e r M r. Louis A . Z irch e r Rev. Louis A . Z irc h e r, N .S .J. M r. Peter Z it z A . Z o ln ie r M r. and M rs. H . Z u lerb u h ler

P ATRON ADVERTISERS Abco Office Machines 4 3 0 C en tral A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J .

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2 2 2 W ashing to n St. Hoboken, N . J . Leo Gottlieb

8 4 4 Bergen A v e .

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Je rse y C ity , N . J .

Beismar’s 2 2 2 W ash ing to n St. Hoboken, N . J .

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2 7 8 Jackso n A v e .

1 7 1 -1 7 3 Sterling A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J .

Je rse y C ity , N . J . Jackson Pharmacy Bob’s Delicatessen 171 Old Bergen Road

2 1 0 Jackso n A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J .

Je rse y C ity , N . J . Jacobson Tailor & Cleaner Braverman’s Bedding Center 7 7 0 W e st Side A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J .

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2 9 2 Jackso n A v e . Jersey C ity , N . J .

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T e a n e ck , N . J .

3 7 1 6 Bergenline A v e . W e st New Y o rk , N . J . Scerbo Aloi Floral Shop 5 4 3 N ew ark A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J . Schreck & Waelty 2 7 Hague St. Jersey C ity 7 , N . J . Semignani Pharmacy 3 4 7 Palisade A v e . C liffs id e Park, N . J . Sophie’s Catering 150 W e st Side A v e . Jersey C ity , N . J . Spot Service Station A m boy and M ain St. M etuchen, N . J . Stan’s Restaurant 169 Sterling A v e . Jersey C ity , N . J . Texas Coffee Pot 31 M ontgomery St. Jersey C ity , N . J .

Netchert Realty. Co. 5 8 7 Sum m it A v e . Jersey C ity , N . J .

Anthony J. Fusciello 121 B ru nsw ick St.

Reinhardt Pharmacy

Nat’s Barber Shop

Dan James Furs


172 W e st St. New Y o rk , N . Y .

M illers for Men

6 1 9 W e stfie ld A v e . Elizab eth , N. J . 3 6 5 C en tral A v e . Je rse y C ity , N . J .

Pastera Cafe

Samuel Schlesinger Imperial Dry Cleaners

Bell Jewelry Store

120 Coles St. Je rse y C ity , N . J .

New Jersey Driving School, North Bergen 8 5 0 5 Bergenline A v e . North Bergen, N . J . Norman’s Pharmacy 501 Jersey A v e . Jersey C ity , N . J . Palmera Pharm acy

791 Bergen A ve . Jersey C ity , N . J .


Stuart D. Valentien Confectionery Store 9 4 5 Sum m it A ve . Je rse y C ity , N . J . Veterans Cleaners 165 T h ird St. Hoboken, N . J . W aldstein’s “ House of Style” 106 N ew ark A ve . Jersey C ity , N. J . Walter J. Coleman Co. 5 4 W ashburn St. Jersey C ity , N . J .

The following advertisements, all bear THE PETREAN


FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Founded 1841 ■ — • Conducted by the Je su its M any Students from

C A M PU S D IV ISIO N Fordham Road, New Yo rk 58, N. Y . Fordham College - Graduate School of A rts and Sciences School of Business College of Pharm acy Fordham Preparatory School School of General Studies

St. Peter’s Prep have availed them selves of the educational advantages which Fordham U n ive rsity offers.

C IT Y H A L L D IV ISIO N 302 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y . School of Law School of Education (G raduate and U nder­ graduate) School of Business School of General Studies

Fordham is proud to have had them in its halls of study and to claim them among its successful alum ni

S O C IA L S E R V IC E D IV ISIO N 134 East 39th St., New York 16, N. Y . School of Social Service A ll C o -Edu cation al Excep t Fordham College and the Preparatory School A p p ly to School Registrar fo r Catalogs and Sum m er School Bulletins


C ongratulations to the C lass o f 1 9 5 6



“ M IL K IS N A T U R E ’ S M O S T P E R F E C T FO O D ”

Order Tod ay — UN ion 4 - 0 0 5 0 1 3 6 N ew ark A ven ue Jersey C ity , N ew Je rse y

8 0 7 7 4 th Street

North Bergen, N . J .





1 N ew ark A ven u e

Je rse y C ity N . J .

9 4 Broadway

Jersey C ity , N . J .


HEnderson 4 - 8 6 1 4


129 Y o rk Stret


Jersey C ity , N . J .

Bigelow 3 - 5 9 9 4

7 2 9 N ew ark A ven u e

E Lizab e th 3 - 6 8 6 8




16 Floral A ven u e

Jersey C ity , N. J .

N ew ark 5 , N . J .



C o m p lim en ts of



103 P a rk A ven u e

2 5 2 9 Boulevard

N ew Y o rk , N . Y .

Je rse y C ity , N . J .

H Enderson 4 - 3 5 3 4

R A Y ’S



2 1 6 W ash ing to n A ven u e


Je rse y C ity , N . J .

JO u rn al Square 3 - 5 9 0 0



JOB CO U N SELO RS Excellent Positions

2 6 Jou rnal Square

Jersey C ity 6 , N . J .

D EIaw are 2 -1 2 0 1

F ree D elivery

Com plim ents of





5 9 8 Ocean A venue


Jersey C ity , N . J .

N 1 D 1S C 0 E L E C T R O N IC



D istrib utors of Radio, T . V „ Electronic Parts and Equipment

Je rse y C ity

7 5 M ontgom ery Stret

H acken sack

C liffs id e

Je rse y C ity , N . J .


Tren to n

ROBERT TAILORS 131 Erie Street


Jersey C ity , N . J .


S h irts La u n d ered to Please Y o u Try Us and Be Satisfied





Ridgewood, N . J .

“ The House of Pure Altar Wines”

East Coast Branch

2 -4 B A R C L A Y STR EET



B A rclay 7 - 7 9 5 4





“ E very th in g in S p o rts”






B R O W N . President


137 M O N T IC E L L O A V E N U E

J E R S E Y C I T Y , N . J.

DEIaw are 3 - 6 0 4 0

HUDSON CITY SAVINGS BANK Main Office 5 8 7 S U M M IT A V E N U E A t Five C orn ers Boulevard Branch

Bayview Branch

2 5 3 0 Hudson Boulevard A t Je w e tt A ven u e

5 3 2 Ocean A venue A t Bayview A ven u e


JE R S E Y C IT Y , N. J.


W e A re C u rren tly Paying D ividends at the Rate o f 2 Per C e n t Per A nnum on Savings D eposits FO O T OF H O W E L L S T R E E T

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


E Liza b e th 4 - 8 7 6 7





C O R N E R C H E R R Y and W E S T G R A N D S T R E E T S

5 7 -5 9 FR O N T S TR EET

E L IZ A B E T H , N E W J E R S E Y

N EW Y O R K , N. Y .




of New Jersey




M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


DEIaw are 3 - 2 8 2 0

easy to use

4 volume


McC o n n e l l COAL AND FUEL OIL CO.

• each volume complete for a Church season • light weight and easy to hold IDEAL GIFT for a treas­ ured friend. Easy to slip into pocket or handbag. Simplified arrangement, improved type.


I O-page illustrated folder on the 4volume Saint A n ­ drew Daily Missal, the Regular and Large Editions.

87 V A N HO RN E S T R E E T



For Sale at All Catholic Church Goods and Book Stores



FU T U R E T O T H E C LA S S OF 1956





2 1 2 M A IN S T R E E T





W O R C E S T E R 3, M A S S A C H U S E TT S 1 8 4 3 -1 9 5 6 C o n d u c te d b y th e Je su its Degrees: A .B ., B.S. Bachelo r of A rts Bachelor of Science in Biology, C h em istry Ph ysics, M ath em atics, Business A d m inistratio n


H isto ry, Social Science and Education NRO TC



B u lletin o f Info rm atio n on R eq u est E n tra n ce by Exam ination Address:

125 B R O A D S T R E E T




FEd eral 9 - 2 0 0 0

C O rtland 7 - 2 0 5 2 FO UN DED BY




B A Y O N N E, N EW JER S E Y IN 1853




Compliments of

■tyAfc 0ANG6P 5 / £


^ £ °& & L E R

B ra n ch e s

NEW YORK 1612 B ro a d w a y

BOSTON 59 T em p le P lace

CHICAGO 15 E . W ash in gto n St.

LOS ANGELES 411 W . 7th a t H ill

HOLLYWOOD 5619 S u n se t B lvd.

SAN FRANCISCO 988 M a rk e t S treet

SAN MATEO 72 E. Th ird A v en u e

MONTREAL 2 0 6 7 U n iv ersity S t ., Que., C a nad a

TORONTO 1174 Bay S t ., O n t., C a nad a


S lN .C ^


D IN N E E N H A L L , N ew St. Pete r’s College cam pus b u ildin g , w ill provide 13 classroom s, a large au d itoriu m , a D ining H a ll, and a modern languge laboratory.


SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE 3 4 2 Prep A lu m n i are enrolled at Saint Peter’s College in pre-m edical, pre­ dental,

pre-law, pre-engineering, social

science, pure sciences,

business ad m in istration , R O T C . S A IN T P E T E R ’S C O L L E G E has had five Fulb rig ht Award w inners. A L L O F T H E M A R E PR EP A L U M N I. Prep A lu m n i are leaders in Saint Peter’s College co-curricu lar activities— the captain of the basketball te a m ; president of the senior class, editor-in-chief of the P A U W -W O W , day college paper; editor-in -ch ief of T H E L A M P , Evening School paper, are Prep A lu m n i.

Address the Director of Admissions 2641 B O U L E V A R D

J E R S E Y C I T Y 6, N. J .


St. Ignatius and early members of the Society of Jesus.

9 * «n


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