THE 1966 PETREAN Presented By The
Contents Dedication ^ Theme ........................................................ 6-27 Faculty ..................................................... 28-61 U nderclassm en .... 66-73, 113-121, 159-165 Seniors ................................................. 202-265 A dvertisin g
Attended St. Peter’s Prep 1915-19 Teacher at St. Peter’s Prep 1924-1966 Director of College Placement 1965-66
Dedication The C hurch in her liturgy does much the same for us as O ur Lord did in H is life for H is apostles: it helps us face the sorrow and the sepa ration which we su ffer today. We — E d ’s relatives, his fellow faculty members, his friends, his present and form er pupils — all of us have learned a great lesson from a great teacher. M any o f us recall the lessons that he spoke. A ll of us recall the lesson that he was: a Christian gentle m an whose life teaches us how to live. "H e that followeth me says the Lord, "w alketh not in darkness, but shall have the light of life eternal.’ A ll o f us offer the H oly Sacrifice of the Mass today for Ed M cN ally. M any o f us will take strength today by receiving H oly Communion in this Mass, as the Apostles did to prepare for their sorrows that would precede H is glorious resurrection. T oday is one of the few days in many, m any years that E d will not receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ; the pledge o f im m ortality. The pledge is unim portant when the fu lfill m ent is at hand. from the homily delivered by Rev. Francis J . Shalloe, S.J., at the funeral Mass of Mr. M cN ally in St. Peter’s Church
'Prep is not just a place you go to, but a life into which you are grafted — some thing far bigger than yourself — the world o f Grand and Warren.
It Is A Rugged hand On a corner in downtown Jersey C ity, the Prep first began almost a century ago. W hat started as a rowboat mission named St. Peter’s in 1830, became a church in 1837. B y 1872, the Jesuits had taken over the parish with the prom  ise that they would soon begin a school here. In 1878, in what is now the faculty residence alone, the first classes of students descended on Prep to begin a long tradition. Other buildings were added gradually: M ulry H all after the First ^X^orld war, the Freshman Building is 1924, in 1940, we added H ogan H all and in 1948, the gymnasium came into existence on York Street. Ju st last year, we completed our new science building.
H appy the man whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air In his own ground.
Alexander Pope
But A Good Breeder Of Men
B u t Prep is more than buildings; as was said of Ithaca of old, " I t is a rugged land, but a good breeder o f m en !” A t least, throughout our history, we have found that this is so. D ow ntow n Jersey C ity has its drawbacks, the buildings have their peculiar corners, and the education offered has its ragged edges, We would be blind, optim istic fools if we thought other wise. B u t we have found this corner o f the world to be m uch more than its faults; in fact, when we think back on it, the inadequacies seem minute and insignif icant. W hat we do know is that something happens here: nervous, grammar-school boys enter our doors, and young, Christian, cultured gentlemen leave. We offer here three things: tradition, challenge, and change. We would not have it any other way.
Some seed the birds devour, A nd some the season mars, B ut here and there will flower The solitary stars.
A. E. Housman
For we, which now behold these present days, H ave eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.
W. Shakespeare
The fundam ental fa ct on which all edu cational programs are based is this: "E v ery boy is a latecomer into the w orld.” T o know your human tradition is a w onderful thing for a man. A t Prep, you slowly begin to learn that your fam ily is the whole hu man race, that the human tradition is your own tradition. This represents quite an ex panding view, an opening o f the mind, heart, and soul to include thousands of years. A fter all, the human race is a wonderful race to belong to; it’s a far better life than that o f an angel. I t’s G od’s own race; H e made it, and H is Son became one o f us. I f we grow in knowledge o f this with wisdom and grace, we too will be pleasing to God and men.
O nly where love and need are one, A nd the w ork is play for m ortal stakes, Is the deed ever really done For heaven and the fu tu re’s sakes.
Robert Frost
A World Of Challenge
The world o f challenge starts the m oment your name is called and you take your place alphabeti cally in your freshman class. Your challenges du r ing the ensuing four years will be many, and they will come from all sides. The enemy is always present, stroking a satanic chin and trying his best to lead you o ff target. Y our studies, your activities, and your social life are his weapons. They are also the tools by which you will mold yourselves into the Christian men o f tomorrow. I f you skimp and cut coners, people will realize that you don’t really know what the score is, that you are some thing o f a phony. The world of the future wants more than a phony: it wants men who know the answers, men who are capable of handling them selves in all situations. In your struggles is formed the know-how and the courage with which you will adapt yourself to your later life.
A World Of Growing Men Christian education is a life-long process. For Education (fro m its L atin roots: educo) means to bring fo rth all the noble energies which G od has im planted in the soul and heart o f man. T he first law o f life and the first lesson at G rand and W arren m ust be the age-old com m and spoken by God to the first m an and wom an in the Garden, " Increase . . . G row ” . Buildings change, courses change; far more im por tantly, the youth who entered our door has changed. H e has suddenly grow n conscious o f his roots, grow n conscious o f his capa bilities, grow n conscious o f his dreams. A f ter fou r years, you will leave the Prep, but the Prep will not leave you. It has become a part o f you, its spirit is yours. T he most sensible w ay we know o f building men for the world o f tom orrow is to have them take part in the world o f G rand and W arren today.
Som ething we were witholding made us weak U n til we found out that it was ourselves W e were witholding from our land o f living, A nd forthw ith found salvation in surrender.
Robert Frost
Gawd bless this world! Whatever she ’ath done — Excep’ when aw ful long — I’ve found it good. So write, before I die, " 'E liked it all! K udyard Kipling
We’ll Never Forget O n February 1, 1966, a fam iliar face left the confines o f the Prep campus. Father Leo D aly, S .J., Prefect o f Discipline since September 1963, was transferred to Loyola Seminary. In his short career at Prep, Father D aly m an aged the almost impossible balance o f keeping the disci pline and m aintaining himself as a "goo d gu y .” Loyola Sem inary’s gain will be our loss. Besides guiding the school in its discipline, Father made time to moderate the activities o f the Student Council, and those o f us who worked with him in this capacity will never quite be able to remember him with anything but admiration and respect. In addition to his above activities, none o f us will ever be able to forget him for his w ork as Principal when it became necessary for him to assume that role in January of last year when Father Snyder was hos pitalized. Perhaps the best tribute to Father D aly came recently from a certain frequenter o f the ju g room, when he said: "Gee, I never knew what a great guy he w as!” Father D aly has a fixed and permanent place in the history and heart o f St. Peter’s Prep.
Father Leo D aly, S.J.
Very Reverend Emmet J . Norton, S,J. Rector
M r. Jo se p h A . M cC affrey Assistant to Prefect of Discipline; Moderator of Radio Club
M r. E d w a r d G . M c N a lly , M .A . Director of College Placement and Scholarships
R e v . Jo h n J . S c u lly , S .J . Student Counselor III, IV; Director of Apostleship of Prayer; Moderator of League of the Sacred Heart
M iss C a th e r in e J . C o llin s, M .L .S . Librarian; Library Science; Moderator of Library Club
M r. M ilton B e rk o w itz Physical Education Instructor; Gymnastics Coach
M rs. F lo ren c e L ip a r t Director of Driver Education
R e v . E d w a r d J . D o la n , S .J . Latin IV, Religion IV, Greek III; Chairman of Classics Department, Oratory
In a world of constant change, the Classics alone stand immutable. The words of Caesar and Cicero, Vergil and Homer are as pertinent today as they were thousands of years ago. The task of the teacher is to find their pertinence, making them meaningful in the modern world. The classics will always be worth study because they are basically and pre-eminently concerned with man: his hopes, his aspirations, his achievements, and his failures. The scientific theories of the ancients have long been replaced, but their understanding of human nature can never be discarded. Although relatively few modern students relish Latin class, all benefit from it. No student who has achieved some mastery of Latin fails to gain a better knowledge of the structure of language. The contact with another culture deepens his knowledge of man and awakens him to the contributions of the Graeco-Roman civilization to our own. Finally, despite attacks from some ultra-modern educators, we remain convinced that the study of Latin and Greek is one of the best mind-trainers in the world. The student can grapple with a new situation, solve a problem; in short, he can think for himself. In accomplishing this, the Classics make their contribution.
R e v . M r. T h o m as A . B u se r, S .J. Greek I, French I, Art; Moderator of School Spirit Committee, Art and Poster Club, Glee Club
R e v . H a r r y A . H o ffe n , S. / . Religion IV, Latin I, English I; Coordinator of Father-Son Communion Breakfast
R e v . M r. D o n a ld J . S u lliv a n , S .J . Latin II, English II; Moderator of Debating
M r. V in c e n t J . K e n n e d y , M .S. English III, U.S. History III; Chairman of English Department
"A word is the symbol of an idea.” Starting from that premise, the English courses at St. Peter’s have developed a new emphasis in the past few years. A word is meant to be understood in two aspects: written and spoken. The aim of our English depart ment is to engender an appreciation of both aspects of verbal communication. Literature is studied for insight and appreciation. Accomplishing this, we hope to produce men capable of listening and reading perfectly,' writing and speaking effectively. What better preparation could we offer for the full life?
M r. A n th o n y J . A z z a r t o S .J . English III, Religion III; Assistant Director Apostolate, Moderator of Dance Committee
M r. R o b e r t F. M u lv ih ill, M .A . English I
M r. C le m e n t C . O ’S u lliv a n , A .B ., L L .B ., L it t .D . English III
R e v . M r. Jo h n P. S u r u d a , S .J . English IV; Moderator of Petroc
M r. R ic h a r d H o lle n d e r , B .S. History II, III, IV Chairman of History Department
Our society is undergoing a social revolution un dreamt by our founding fathers. Our air is rife with the voices of change. The historical question therefore, is a question of vision. It is hoped that after his careful introduction to the problems and solutions of the past, the student will be able to see clearly both the positive and negative aspects of the problems in contemporary society. Our history program is an honest endeavor to explore that which is right and just in a framework of Christian morality. According to His Eminence, Richard Cardinal Cushing, "We are all members of a democratic so ciety, living in freedom and equality for all under the law. We must know how these ideals are con ceived, with what difficulty and devotion they were given form and effect, and with what fidelity they have been maintained.” It is our intent to explore through dialogue and research how we may affirm leadership through the understanding and appreciation of man’s past experi ence and present status.
M r. T h o m a s J . G o rm a n , B .S. World History, Health
M r. R ic h a r d A . R ic c io , B. S. History II, III, IV
M r. M ich ael S. G r a y , M .A . History II, III, IV
R e v . Ja m e s V . Sm ith , S .J. World History; Moderator of Bookstore
The science of Mathematics plays a decisive role in Jesuit education. This science, with its origins lost in time, establishes a basic idea of analysis and comprehension in the student. At Prep, the trend is not towards a static, com足 plete, and finished conception of Mathematics. Rather, the relatively new S.M.S.G. Mathematics Program introduces students to the logical structure exhibited by number systems and the use of this structure as the basis for the techniques of the differ足 ent fields of mathematical exploration. We culminate our study in senior year with Matrix Algebra, Ele足 mentary Functions, Calculus, Probability and Statistics. That Mathematics, a construct of the human mind, should serve so effectively for the description and understanding of the physical world, reiterates the expanding role of this science in the modem world.
M r. R o b e r t A . M c G u in e ss, A .B . Math III, IV; Chairman of Math Department
M r. C h a rle s A . C a r e y , M .A . Math I, IV
M r. Jo h n F . D u ffy , A .B . Math II
M r. A n th o n y R . M endola, B .S. Math III, IV
The aim of the Modern Language Department is to open up a new road towards an international exchange of culture. Through an introduction into the way people speak, the student of Modern Lan guage is able to gain insight into the concerns and cultural differences of Modern Europe. Thanks to the technical discoveries and intensi fied research in the method of assimilating foreign languages, an entirely new experience can be given to the learner. He is surrounded in class by native speakers; he is taught how to express himself as a native; in short, he will be able to communicate with other-than-English-speaking people with ease and with deep understanding. Prep initiated the latest audio-visual approach in its Modern Language courses with tapes, filmstrips and records. With this approach, we can impart a "use” of a language. Our three year program in cludes an ability to transform structural patterns at will for communication, with attention given to the content.
R e v . B laise M . Ja s c h k o , S .J . Chairman of Modem Language Department French II; Moderator of Riding Club, Chess Club;
M r. M ich ael W. F a r r e ll, B .A . German I; Moderator of German Club 51
M r. L a w r e n c e W . L e v in e , A .B . German II
R e v . A u g u stin e W . M eagh er, S . J French I; Moderator of Mothers* Club
Unlike the other subjects in the curriculum, Religion is not simply an academic discipline. In the words of Fr. Vincent Novak, S.J., the general editor of the Lord and King series, "We are not concerned merely to impart knowledge for the sake of knowledge. We aim to prepare our students for the fullness of Christian living.” The Novak series was introduced into St. Peter’s in 1962. The goal of the new program is not passive reception of doc trine, but an active search for the revelation of what God asks of man and the discovery of His Truth from its four sources: Scripture, Liturgy, Doctrine, and Witness. Emphasis is placed upon the exercise of correct religious attitudes in our daily encounter with the world and its problems, and for this purpose the Bible occupies the in the classroom. The teacher’s task is to make clear to the students the divine revelation and to elicit from them a mean ingful response in the form of a personal commit ment to Christian ideals.
R e v . Jo h n E . B r o w n in g , S .J . Chairman of Religion Department Religion I, II, III; Student Counselor II, Assistant Director of Apostolate,
R e v . Ja m e s S. F o ley , S .J . Religion II, Latin I; Director of Apostolate
Mr. E d w ard D . Schroeder, A.B. Religion II, Latin II
Rev. H aro ld F. X . O ’Donnell, S .J. Religion III, Latin III; Moderator of Sodality III, Student Counselor II
Mr. P aul C. Schw arz, B.A. Religion II, Latin II; Assistant Freshman B.asketball Coach
Rev. J . Francis Stroud, S .J. Religion I, III, IV; Student Counselor III, Coordinator of Sodality, Moderator of Sodality IV, Moderator of Golf Team
Rev. Mr. M artin T. Walsh, S .J. Religion I, II, IV; Moderator of Intramurals, Freshman Basketball Coach, Assistant Director of Apostolate
Rev. Thomas P. Green, S .J. Physics, Religion II, IV; Chairman of Science Department
'cce#c& (Sot
The role of science in society becomes more important with each passing day. No longer can we afford to be ignorant of basic scientific principles and procedure. The St. Peter’s cur riculum now provides three years of science for all. The new approaches in Biology, Chem istry, and Physics stress the scientific method and encourage students to perform experiments, solve problems and thus discover the underly ing principles. Science has always been of growing impor tance at Prep. With new science facilities elegantly housed in our new building, we now have the means whereby only student capabili ties will limit what we can do.
R e v . P e te r F. H ess, S .J. Physical Science I, II
Hi Mr. Jam es D . T affaro, B.S. Biology
r m
Rev. Mr. Ronald J . Mizen, S.J. Physics, Math III, IV; Moderator of Petrean
Rev. Thomas V. O’Connor, S.J. Chemistry, Math III
Mrs. M ary Belinski Receptionist
Miss M ary Dunne Secretary to Father Treasurer
Mrs. Angela Grossi Alumni Secretary
Mrs. Helen Maloney Secretary to Father Rector
Mrs. M ary M urray Secretary to Registrar
Miss Thomasina N ay lor Secretary to Father Principal
Mrs. Mary Riordan Secretary to Father Treasurer
The Class of ’69 starts off with a good meal under its belt.
The eternal cycle of life at Prep begins anew each Sep tember. The confused crowd of freshmen is herded into the gym and get the first taste of what their next four years will be like. This year’s Frosh were the first to en counter a new Prep with its science building and seven period day. Yet much of the story remained the same as ever. The Frosh were welcomed by representatives of the faculty and student body. Fr. Snyder and Fr. Daly ex plained to them the meaning and heritage of St. Peter’s and what would be required of them to become a real part of it. For three days they were familiarized with the range of their day-to-day surroundings: activities, classes, tests, spiritual opportunities. The keynote of the program, as always, was the exhortation to become Prepsters with a capital "P ” .
Upperclassmen give freshmen the basic principles of Prep.
"Through Him, with Him, and in Him.” The Mass of the Holy Spirit is the tradi tional way in which Prep starts the new school year. The Mass is offered by Jesuits, Lay teach ers and students alike for the intention o f suc cess in the coming school year. This year, we innovated a new practice at St. Peter’s: the concelebration of this Mass by nine priests with Father Rector as the principal celebrant. Father Shalloe delivers the homily.
Faculty and celebrants proceed to the church.
Our Mass of the Holy Spirit was one of the first concelebrated Masses in the area. The idea of this new concept in the liturgy is that each of the priests celebrates Mass at the same time. The idea held the interest and attention of all who attended.
The sermon was delivered by Father Shalloe. He reminded all of us that dedication to our studies is our present way of exercising our love for God and our duty in our Christian mission. The meaning of the entire ceremony was of prime importance to each of us: we start the new year with the recognition of our inability to do anything without Him and our sure knowledge that we can do all things in Him who strengthens us. Concelebration enforces in us the realization of togetherness in our en足 deavor.
Concelebrants entering the church.
The Spirit of the Lord fills the whole earth.
New School Year Begins Returning from their summers at the mountains and the shore, or at summer schools, the intrepid men of Prep took up the standard once more to do battle on the fields of knowledge. The watchword this September was new. New teachers — six teen, to be exact — new courses, and a spanking new science building. Yet even in these new surroundings, the old spirit of Prep was still apparent in the eager faces of both the students and the faculty.
The end of summer.
Fight for survival.
Finishing touches.
Eager face? 66
u John Anderson
Robert Barkovitz
Patrick Bergamo
Michael Boylan
i U Mark Dailey
Brian Dischler
Joseph DellaFave
Terrence Cleary
Brian Corrigan
Thomas Dorigatti
Patrick Ferro
Alexander Forsythe
TEACHERS A lg e b ra : M R. C A R E Y E nglish & L a tin : F R . M U R R A Y , S .J. H isto ry : FR. SM IT H , S .J. R eligion : F R . B R O W N IN G , S .J.
Robert Genthon
Paul Kokosinski
Thomas Green
Stephen Kozakewich
James Hamill
Jacek Herchold
Paul Hummel
Jan Kawecki
Patrick Larkin
Andrzej Lichnowski
Joseph Lynyak
Peter Mango
James McGuinness
David McGuire
CLA SS O FFIC ER S Presiden t: JA C E K H E R C H O L D Vice P residen t: D A V ID V E R G A R E T T I S ecre ta ry : JO SE P H D ELLA FAVE T re a su re r: JA M ES H A M ILL B eadle: R O B E R T BA R K O V ITZ James Morton
John Namias
James O ’Connell
John Osaben
Stanley Plust
Charles Rooney
Robert Simons
Run Spot, run. See Dick jump.
Richard Regan
Michael Sabatino
Edmund Schrobak
Dennis Todaro
David Vergaretti
Richard Andriola
Anthony Costantino
David Barry
Paul Berman
Peter Brady
Carmen Catrillo
Thomas Coffey
Glenn Greten
Joseph Dobies
Charles Doyle
Steven Fava
Joseph Fiano
Nicholas Fusco
Richard Giannotto
James Hickey
Eugene Iwanyk
Gregory Keenan
William Koleba
Robert K raft
Robert LaSalle
William Lisa
Thomas Mruz
Patrick O’Connell
TEA CH ERS A lg e b r a : M R. C A R E Y E n g lish : F R . D A L Y , S .J. H isto ry : F R . SM IT H , S .J . L a tin : M R. SA N Z O R eligio n : F R . B R O W N IN G , S .J.
Edward Mackiewicz
Neil Marchese
Francis McGuire
C LA SS O FFIC E R S P resid en t: D E N N IS R E Z N IC K Vice P resid en t: K E N N E T H W ILLIA M S S ec re ta ry : JA M E S H IC K E Y T r e a su r e r : G R E G O R Y K E E N A N B eadle: R IC H A R D A N D R IO L A Donald Pacholec
Martin Polakowski
Dennis Reznick
Vincent Sabato
George Schwenk
Chris Simpson
Nicholas Vernese
We’re really messing up this place, ain’t we!
Joseph Statile
Richard Andryszewski
Henry Becker
Charles Bernhardt
Joseph Bredehoft
Anthony Cantisano
Joseph Egan
James Fay
Robert Fitzgerald
Thomas Grillo
Kevin Hanly
John Higgins
Michael Colletti
James Coyle
C L A S S O F F IC E R S P re sid e n t: M A R K S T R O H O E F E R Vice P re sid e n t: JA M E S F A Y S e c r e ta r y : T H O M A S W IL S O N T r e a s u r e r : JA M E S C O Y L E B ead le: H E N R Y B E C K E R
Robert DeMaio
Joseph Gallombardo
Bernard Doherty
Thomas Nesgoda
Gregory Rhodes
Harry Kegelman
Vito Mazza
John McHarg
Edward Paschik
John Pron
David Giebas
Michael Lauber
Gary Konvit
Edward Jaronczyk
Eli Lizza
Dennis MacMahon
Kenneth Kuziak
Martin O ’Connor
Michael Sawicz
Vincent Serra
Stephen Siwek
John Waldron
Thomas Wilson
Believe it or not, we make more than the teachers do.
TEA CH ERS A lg e b ra : English H isto ry : R eligion: Stephen Totaro
MR. C A R EY L atin : F R . H O F FE N , S .J. MR. B U R N S, S .J. MR. FO R D I, S .J.
Joseph Atkachunas
Thomas Bencivenga
John Bintz
H arry Collis
Marc Cozzetta
Lawrence D ’Andrea
Gerald Brennan
Joseph DePascale
Robert Domaleski
Thomas Elliott
Joseph Cervalli
Kenneth Fecteau
James Flaherty
TEA CH ER S A lg e b r a : M R. R O O N E Y E n g lish : M R. M U L V IH IL L H isto r y : M R. B U R N S , S .J. L a tin : F R . F O L E Y , S .J. R e lig io n : M R. F O R D I, S .J.
Thomas Gallo
Daniel Gieser
Richard Kopacz
Alfred LaGratta
Dennis Madej
Christopher McClave
Robert Hansen
Edward Hinte
Curtis Johnson
William Kellner
Mark Layendecker
Vincent Lobbato
Thomas McHugh
Gregory Mueller
Kevin O ’Donnell
Frederick Paternoster
That cafeteria food!
Robert Murphy
Thomas Nimbley
Robert Skowronski Raymond Szpakowski Vincent Tavormina C LA SS O FFIC ER S
Joseph Pulichino
Walter Seweryn
P residen t: A L F R E D L aG R A T T A Vice P residen t: JO SE P H P U L IC H IN O S e c re ta ry : K E N N E T H F E C T E A U T re a su re r: JO SE P H A T K A C H U N A S Beadle: G E R A L D B R E N N A N
Harry Western
Edward Zal eski
Stanley Baginski
Michael D ’Andrea
Peter DePascale
Robert Benedetti
Raymond Domnik
Joseph Bobowicz
William Engel
Robert Brockman
Kenneth Feduniewicz
John Chiola
John Fleischer
James Connolly
John Garibaldi
James Gleason
C L A SS O F FIC E R S P resid en t: P A U L JO R D A N Vice P re sid e n t: P A T R IC K LA M P A R E L L O T r e a s u r e r : JO H N C H IO L A B eadle: JA M E S C O N N O L L Y
James Grimes
Paul H arnett
Michael Holy
Paul Jordan
Ernest Kemp
Kenneth Kopec
Patrick Lamparello
John Lenahan
Paul Lo Verme
David Madison
William McCabe
Carmine Meluso
Thomas Murphy
Daniel Nodes
Mother, what should I do now? Brian O ’Grady
Stanley Pazden
Robert Scher
Richard Ross
Michael Wilenta
Robert Szewczyk
Robert Seyfried
John Slawsky
A lg e b ra: MR. R OON EY English: MR. M U LV IH ILL H isto ry : MR. GORM AN L atin : FR. FO LEY , S .J. R eligion: FR. D A LY , S .J.
Eugene Vallerini
Mark Zaremba
Frank Balboa
Richard Bennek
Thomas Bovasso
Robert Broderick
Dusan Chrustic
Thomas J. Connolly
Raymond Curran
Dennis DeFilippo
u Charles Donovan
Thomas Fabyanski
Dennis Felice
William Foran
Jose Gener
William Grzelak
Patrick Haughey
Martin Kennedy
Michael Korba
Alan La Quaglia
TEA CH ERS A lg e b r a : M R. R O O N E Y E n g lish : M R. M U L V IH IL L H isto ry : M R. G O R M A N L a tin : M R. S A N Z O R elig io n : M R. W A L SH , S .J.
Edward Hrinewski
William Kachur
John Leoncavello
Anthony Luppino
Christopher Phalon
William Rand
William Madsen
Hugh McDonald
Gregory Miceli
Thomas Murray
Kevin O ’Brien
Charles Olsen
Joseph Rowan
Thomas Schmidt
Brian Sharkey
Ronald Soriano
C LA SS O FFIC E R S P residen t: C H A R L E S D O N O V A N Vice P residen t: JO S E G E N E R S ecre ta ry : B R IA N SH A R K E Y T re asu re r: TH O M A S M U R RA Y B eadle: R O B E R T B R O D E R IC K
Ronald Szmerda
Thomas Vanderbeck
And stay out of the Inscape office!
Ronald Willenborg
Jay Zelinski
Joseph Bannon
sph DiGeronimo
Kevin W. Bennett
James Doolan
William Boyd
Joseph Brower
Michael Faccone
Tho mas Corcoran
Julius Forhecz
Donald Curry
Ronald Gurtatowski
Robert Heer
William Hrynkiewicz
C L A SS O F FIC E R S P resid en t: LE O S P A C C A V E N T O V ice P re sid e n t: M IC H A E L F A C C O N E S e c r e ta r y : J O H N R U SSE L L O T r e a s u r e r : JU L IU S F O R H E C Z B e a d le : JO S E P H B A N N O N
Jerome Kacprowicz
Martin Ketterer
Kenneth Mahon
Henry McFarland
Martin Moritz
Thomas Myers
Thomas O ’Brien
Michael O ’Neill
Gregory Plunges
Donald Reed
Gregory Schneider
Joseph Siciliano
John Russello
Anthony Kovatch
Edward Larsen
Louis Liberatore
Higher Education???
Richard Lusinski
Leo Spaccavento
TEACH ERS A lg e b ra : MR. R O O N EY E nglish : MR. M U LV IH IL L H isto ry : MR. G O R M A N L atin : MR. SA N ZO R eligion: FR. ST R O U D , S .J. Robert Taormina
Dean Vassil
James Williams
John Willms
The aim of a sodality, as enunciated in the apostolic constitution Bis Saeculari, is the development of a fully Christian way of life. The sodalist expresses this in the growth of his own spirituality, his efforts on behalf of his fellow man, and his service to the Church and its teachings. This year at St. Peter’s, each sodality implemented its ob jectives in varying ways. The Sophomores continued their instruction and formation, and presented a series of pertinent films. The Juniors concentrated on the apostolate, and the Seniors discussed their spirit ual future and conducted an active ecumenical program.
Jerry Aquino Bob Cimprich Charles Collins Walt Coppinger Rich Dietz Tom DiMatteo Ken Dirsa Charles Gallagher Steve Gorbos Bob Jaugstetter John Jennings Joe Leone Bill Mangan Ron Marcheski Jerry Meehan John Milsop John Monahan Pat Montesano John Nelson Ron Pacholec Pete Pizzuto Bill Podurgiel Tony Policastro John Powers Kenny Quinn Bill Rocowicz Steve Sekel Demmon Van Tyle Stan Wasowski Ray Yanuzzi Tom Zito
JUNIOR SODALISTS Mike Anthony Bob Armistead Greg Bachand Walter Barr Bob Brennan John Carmody John Casale M att Caulfield Dan Cook Bill Cummings Paul Deibel Rich Drozd John Duffy Tom Dwyer Jim Friend Bill Granville Mike Green Ray Greene Joe Grillo John Grish Vin Gurzo Hank Hamilton Bob Hayes
Jim Healy Bob Howard Paul Hughes Andy Jaz John Kozarich Bob Lembo Wayne Lopresti Marty Mackin Jim McCaffery Paul Mottola Dan Murawinski Jim O ’Connor Joe Page Sebbie Palmeri George Pepe Tom Podesta Ed Riedlinger Matt Rooney Tom Schmidt Dick Schreiner Mike Steinbacher Ed Truskowski Ben Vyzas Iggy Vyzas Al Zolli
c 5
Ed campaigns.
Pete practices politics.
Wanted: Student Council President
Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?
Fr. Earle Markey, S.J. New Student Council Moderator.
To the victor belongs the spoils.
Tom Di Matteo, Student Council President.
Despite a slow start and the confusion of relocation, the enthusiasm and dedication of the Student Council remained undampened, and the Council enjoyed a measure of relative success. Under the leadership of Tim DiMatteo and the Executive Committee, rallies were revitalized, the Forum was continued, and there was a marked increase in school spirit. Among the new programs introduced were the Voice of the People Committee, the Student Council Newsletter, and the ticket agency for purchasing group tickets to cultural and athletic events. The council also provided the long-promised music for the new cafe teria and continued the various service programs of previous years. Fr. Leo Daly, S.J., Student Council Moderator.
Executive Committee, Seated— left to right— Peter Pizzuto, Tom DiMatteo. Standing— left to right— Ed DeP'ascale, Ed Garvey, Tom DeAngelis, Sam DiFeo.
FRESHMAN CLASS PRESIDENTS: Jack Herchold, Dennis Reznick, Charles Dono足 van, Paul Jordan, Mark Strohefer. Not pictured: Alfred LaGratta, Leo Spaccavento.
SOPHOMORE CLASS PRESIDENTS: Ron LeGrand, Maurice Piergrossi, Jeff Vitale, Mitchell Syp, Lou Erhardt. Not pictured: Bill Catalano, David Hanlon, Steve Staubach, Roger Vergaretti.
JUNIO R CLASS PRESIDENTS: Back row: Greg Riley, Glenn Williams, Walter Greenhalgh. Front row: Bob Lembo, Ed Milne, Paul DePascale, Don Badger.
SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENTS: Bob Kropke, Vin cent Arecchi, Ron Brzenk, Jim Blaney. Not pic tured: John Mercun, Jim Daurio, Steve Sekel, Tom DeLuca.
James Wilson of the Essex County Urban League lectures on the problems of modern housing.
Greg Riley trying for a degree in "D . J .”
THE VOICE OF TH E PEOPLE COMMITTEE: Pete Pizzuto, Greg Riley, Paul DePascale, Don Badger, Ron LeGrand, Tom Zito. 79
It takes more than
Essex goes up in smoke.
Part of the world at Grand and Warren.
Faculty Rally Choir — they tried hard.
a team to win a gam e
And away we go!
Spirit of '66.
this any way to run a illy?
Autumn means
Home of Prep’s football stars in the making.
Our "inexperienced” team preps against Englewood.
In their late August football predictions, sports columnists across the county bemoaned the plight of St. Peter s and Coach Bill Coch rane. For the first time in three years, all-star halfback Tim Hawkes would be missing, as would the mighty mammoths who once anchored the line. The team themselves admitted the lack of speed and a superstar, but they didn’t turn tail and run. Instead, they gained a 5-3-1 log, including a major upset of Essex Catholic and a hard fought tie with North Bergen. Despite several individual county and parochial awards, Father Snyder felt it would be unfitting to single out any individual player for a school award. Rather, the entire team receives our warm-hearted congratulations, for it was their effort in every game which brought honor to themselves and to the school. Individual Honors 1965 BOB KROPKE 1st Team All-County, 2nd Team All-Parochial BOB BUCKLEY 1st Team All-County, 1st Team All-Parochial BILL SKORUPSKI 2nd Team All Parochial, Hon. Mention All-County TONY POLICASTRO 3rd Team All-County MIKE GUGLIELMELLI Honorable Mention All-County JOE McCABE Honorable Mention All-County 82
Front row, left to right: Urban, Manna, Garvey, Pilla, DiMatteo, Mulvihill, Greenhalgh, DeLuca, Kropke, Ryan, Buckley, Lembo, Torpey, Tsucalas, DeAngelis, Daurio. Second row: McCabe, Luick, Murdaco, Marsella, G. Smith, Guglielmelli, D. Williams, Ryglicki, Policastro, Tyne, G. Williams, J. Mahoney, Spillane, Booth, Walukiewicz, Drobny. Third row: Gurzo, Rindos, Wilson, Sammarco, O’Connor, Diehl, Iannini, Erhardt, Mercun, Skorupski, Osnato, Peregrin, Dolan, Leppard, Colacchio, Burke, Powers, T. Smith.
, , Our quarterback talks it over with the coach.
The opening tilt with the Grey Bees raised a lot of eyebrows 6a the Prep side. Our team was reportedly weak, yet we had a rela-j I tively easy time defeating the strong Newark squad. We scorlSj I ail our points in the first half as we moved almost at will. Bolj Kropke, easily the outstanding player, ran over and around defendj ers, hitting paydirt on runs of fifty-one and seven yards. Told DeAngelis connected with flanker Glenn 'Williams for a beautiful fifty-yard aerial T.D. Spillane’s toe was perfect all three times, aM the half saw us in the lead at 21-0. The second half of the game was sluggish, and the only score j was Foncera’s 12-yard run for St. Benedict’s. However, just to lejl them know that Prep was still out there, Kropke blocked the PAT J All was not golden in the final analysis. Top defensive end, Bil I Skorupski and linebacker Wally Ryglicki were both sidelined for ad j indefinite time, and this factor didn’t bode well for our next gamf with Essex Catholic.
| The Eagles swooped into Jersey City, already smelling the State |afachial "A ” Championship. A funny thing happened on their Ipy to the title: Prep won 13-7. This was easily the most inspired ■rep team in recent years as they completely thwarted the Essex juggernaut offensive. Defense proved the big factor and it forced Highly-touted All State Halfback Larry Schumacher to leave Jersey Bity with only his reputation intact. In addition, All-County Wuarterback Craig Courter took home a 1-11 passing record, as Ed Bowers led the way with two interceptions that broke the back of lie Eagle offense. H We didn’t sleep on offense either; DeAngelis, Kropke, Luick, and Ijarvey ground out the yardage, always controlling the ball. It I as a good game from many standpoints, perhaps the best gauge is I lat there was not a single recorded penalty throughout the game. Ipsex Catholic departed with their eight bus-loads of rooters, but I jinus their "title.”
Daurio breaks away against the Mems Kropke dances against Dickinson
The picture of the year captures the play of the year.
Prep 0
Snyder 6
Twenty-five years does not an eternity make, and in this game, Synder finally broke their record by beating Prep 6-0. The defense again dominated the game, as neither team could mount much of an attack. Prep had a few chances, but always blew the big play. Bob Buckley led the defensive corps with two fumble recoveries and numerous tackles, as the Tigers seemed unable to hold onto the ball. They did cash in on the final breakthrough as Daniels intercepted a pass with six minutes left. He later scored on a pass as the gun sounded. It had to happen sometime; too bad it was this year and this way.
Luick up the middle.
Garvey turns up field.
Prep 13
Scratch one scrambling quarterback.
So you’re a monster.
St. Joe’s 7
Trying to bounce back after the 6-0 loss to Snyder, Prep hungrily sought a win over a St. Joe’s squad which we had never defeated. Both teams hit hard in the first quarter, but neither could mount a serious threat. Jim Ryan provided the big breakthrough when he recovered a fumble by the Blue Jay’s Stevens after a big gain. Sparked by the explosive running of Kropke, Ryan, and Daurio, Prep moved all the way to the 17. At this point, DeAngelis hit Kropke on a roll-out pattern for the T.D. With Spillane’s PAT blocked, the score remained 6-0 as the half ended. St. Joe’s started quickly after intermission and moved to the 14 before an incomplete pass halted their drive. However, they quickly recovered and rolled to the 2 as the third quarter ended. On the first play of the last period, fullback Spano scored from the 2. Haumiller’s kick was good and we were down 7-6. Ed Garvey ran the kickoff back to the 31, and from there, Kropke took off for 67 yards and a score on a beautifully executed draw. The center snap for the PAT was fum bled, but John Manna scooped up the loose ball, and ran for the all important point and the 13-7 lead. The game was another fine team effort, but Kropke had to be singled out again for the spark he lent on the key plays.
St. Peter’s 12
— —
Bayonne 7
Fresh from its first win in history over St. Joe’s, the Prep team was raring to add the much-feared Bees to its list of upset victims. Frank Murdaco and Kev. Wilson, both subbing for ailing starters, quickly turned the first half into a 12-0 lead for Prep. Frank, who was con stantly ripping up yardage throughout the game, scored on an 18 yard pass from Quarterback DeAngelis. The second touchdown came about when Kev Wilson, subbing as quarterback for DeAngelis, threw a 34 yard pass to Sammarco. Despite a few errors in the second half, Prep managed to hold on to their lead, due mainly to the tough line players. Frank Murdaco was named outstanding player because of his forceful running jaunts and his scoring catch.
Anatomy of a pass play.
Manna in action.
Coach Cochrane’s ingenuity at work.
PREP 7 — LIN C O LN 19 A highly spirited Lincoln Lion stalked the field of Roosevelt sta dium to feast upon old city rival, St. Peter’s. Lincoln, besides bringing their usually enthusiastic flock of fans, carried with them the 1965 "curse of the city rivals.” On Prep’s second offensive play, Ed Garvey was taken out of action by a freak accident and this seemed to de moralize Prep’s attack as Lincoln completely dominated the rest of the game. The first half ended with a scoreless deadlock, but the sec ond half was to be far from that. Jim Mac Donald of Lincoln caught two touchdown passes which put the game out of reach. Bob Kropke’s touchdown and extra point proved to be too little as Lincoln added another touchdown to end the game 19-7. Bob having been the leading ground gainer for Prep and scoring its only touchdown, gets the nod as the best Prep player of the Lincoln-Prep game.
PREP 7 — MEMORIAL 6 Memorial’s Tiger roared into Roosevelt stadium for its tradi tional tiff with its old rival, St. Peter’s, before an unusually small crowd this year. The first quarter saw a great deal of action, but none in the end zone. In the second quarter, John Manna intercepted a Memorial pass at mid-field, and it looked as though we were on the march. Somehow, Prep could not cash in on this one, and Memorial took over. A few minutes later, Maznec crashed over for a one-yard T.D. and the Tigers drew first blood. Their victory was short-lived; immediately after it, Bob Kropke scampered 37 yards to bring the ball to the Mem’s 17 and set up the 15 yard pass to Daurio for a touchdown. At the half, Prep led 7-6. A scoreless second half followed. It was a hard-fought battle, but Prep eked out its final victory. Not only his ground-gaining jaunts, but his fine, game-winning block of the extra point, rated Bob Kropke as the outstanding player of the game. 92
O, say can you see.
MVP Kropke receives his trophy from Mayor Whelan.
PREP 6 — NO RTH BERGEN 6 On a cold November night, the long awaited showdown between dark horse St. Peter’s and undefeated North Ber gen got under way. From the opening kick-off it was Prep’s game but not to be recorded so in the books. Al though scoreless Prep made a shambles of the Bruin line and gave the confident Coviello something to think about. At the beginning of the second half, Squillante ran 54 yards to catch Prep’s defense off guard and put 6 points on their side. Cassanova, North Bergen’s renowned place ment man, missed his second kick of the year to keep the score 6-0. A few minutes later, Jim Daurio, already giving the Bruin line troubles with his jaunts off left tackle, scrambled 18 yards to paydirt for Prep. Spillane’s place ment went wide and knotted the game 6-6. Although having many occasions to score, Prep could not cash in and a relieved North Bergen and a disappointed St. Peter’s left the field in a 6-6 tie. For his 114 yards in 10 carries, and his constant off-tackle jaunts that spearheaded Prep’s attack, Jim Daurio rates as the best Prep player of the North Bergen game. I l l lay you four-to-onc he gets no further. t season
r The annual revival of the Turkey Bowl figured to be a ■ pushover for the Prep. The Rams’ season log was pitiful, ■ while we had been playing solid ball for the last few games. I ^ e were in for quite a shock, though, as Dickinson took I advantage of every break we gave them to pu,ll out a 7-6 I win. Repeatedly, Prep charged downfield only to throw I iway our chance to score. The half ended in a disappointI ng 0-0 tie. Prep finally broke the ice in the third quarter when I Siopke scored from eight yards out. But even two tries ■ it the PAT couldn’t help and we stayed with the score at ■p-0. Dickinson’s Stanton took advantage of a lapse in the Kefensive secondary to snag a long scoring pass. Their ■extra point was perfect, and the final score stood 7-6 the ■prong way. I Though futility was the word for the day, Bob Kropke ■had to be congratulated as he copped a fine season by ■lifting 225 yards and winning the Tommy Myers MeIpOrial Trophy unanimously.
VARSITY PREP 21 12 0 13 12 7 7 6 6
St. Benedict’s Essex Catholic Snyder .......... St. Joseph’s . Bayonne ....... Lincoln ...... Memorial ..... North Bergen Dickinson .. . WON 5 LOST 3
J. V. FOOTBALL TEAM Kneeling: Tsucalas, Zolli, Stine, DeSocio, Floccari, Baum, Gerbino. Standing: Mecca, Colford, Sokolik, Torpey, Lechonczak, Burke, D ’Alessandro, Polisin, Biondo, Feury, Trapmann, Nickerson, Filko, Leppard, Miller, O’Connor, Hanlon, Leier, Telep, Coach Dick Skinner.
OPP Essex Catholic ....................................... 26 St. Joseph’s ............................................ 7 Bayonne .................................................. 7 Essex Catholic ....................................... 27 Memorial .................................................. 0 WON 1 LOST 3 TIED 1
FRESHMEN f o o t b a l l t e a m Front Row: Fiano, Johnson, Mueller, Vergaretti, Chiola. Second Row: Scher, Haughey, Hanly, D ’Andrea, Della, Fave. Third Row: DiGeronimo, Curran, Regan, Lamparello. Fourth Row: Lauber, Serra, Faccone, Forsythe, Paternoster, Forhecz, Murphy, Hansen. Fifth Row: Fay, Donovan, Schroback, Williams, Hrynkiewicz. Not Pictured: Lenahan.
34 6
40 14
Mr. Paul Lempa, Freshman Coach
Essex Catholic ..................................... St. Benedict’s ....................................... Bayonne ................................................ St. Joseph’s ......................................... Memorial .............................................. North Bergen ....................................... WON 4 LOST 2
OPP ® * ' ' “ j®
You wouldn’t dare.
. . . hope they don’t throw another one.
It’s not so bad . . . now.
They should have danced all night . . .
If that cymbal hits me once more . . .
HU. 4 SAT.
fJO V .
1 9
2 0
" * * * * “ •
In the Prep Gymnasium - York Street
fo r opening night
Echoing Hamlet, we suppose every actor in a Prep Drama Club Production might readily cry out: "The director doth protest too much, methinks.” Perhaps he does. But when that curtain rises on Friday and Saturday night, every member of the audience and the casts knows that it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears. This year, The Man 'Who Came to Dinner was our finest effort to date, and several of the performances will be memorable for years to come. Eight weeks of practice and building sets may seem a little long and tedious, but the results are well worth it. We innovated a bit this year, and for the first time, real live girls trod across the squeaky planks of the Prep stage. Credit for the individual performances must go, of course, to the actors. And credit for the play as a whole rests luxuriantly on the should ers of our co-moderators. Producer-of-the-Year awards go to Mr. Charles Burns, S.J., and the Drama Circle’s Best Director award to Mr. Robert Kibbler. Congratulations are due to everyone who helped to make this year’s production our very finest. Banjo and Miss Preen
Ellen Gallagher "Maggie”
m Frannie Saliski "Lorraine Sheldon”
Phil Campanella "Sheridan Whiteside” Mitch Syp "D r. Bradley”
Marty Dolan, Michele Pagano "Mr. and Mrs. Stanley”
Definitely guaranteed to remove wrinkles and lines from the face.
"Regard not the gift, but the giver who gives”
Mrs. Ernest W. Stanley ...................................... Michele Pagano, St. Dominic’s Academy Miss Preen ........................ . Joan Hopper, Sacred Heart Academy Richard Stanley .............. ........................................ Thomas Green June Stanley .................... .... Solange Demontreux, Sacred Heart .................................... Gregory Bachand John Sarah .................................. ...... Barbara Zoltowski, St. Dominic’s Jo Ann Kalinowski, St. Dominic’s Mrs. Dexter ...................... Mrs. McCutcheon ........... ................. Donna Wall, St. Dominic’s Mr. Stanley ..................... .......................................... Martin Dolan Maggie Cutler ................. ........... Ellen Gallagher, St. Dominic’s Docotor Bradley ........................................................... Mitchel Syp Sheridan Whiteside ........ ..................................... Phil Campanella Harriet Stanley ............... ........ Margaret Forrester, Holy Family Bert Jefferson ................. ........................................... John Collins Professor Metz ................. ........................................ Pat Montesano Mr. Baker ......................... .......................................... John Bowens Expressman ..................... ..................................... Michael Dedicos Lorraine Sheldon ............. ............... Frannie Saliski, Holy Family .................. Donald Beirne Sandy ................................ Beverly Carlton .............. ................................... Daniel Berkowitz Westcott .......................... .................................. Stephen Pilewicz ...................... Brian McGovern Radio Technician ............ ............................ Joe Warzenski Banjo ................................ Deputies ........................... .................... Jim Stuart, Bill Hilliard Plainclothesman ......... .............................................. Carl Menk
See what Elizabeth Arden did for me! A little traveling music, please.
For two years in a row now, the Petrean has received dual honors in national competition. It was named a publication of distinction by the Catholic School Press Association, and awarded first place by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. In the latter evaluation, the Petrean won first place with a rating of 920 out of a possible 1000. This year, with our four first-place awards hanging on the wall of our new office to inspire us, we set out courageously to produce still another monumental work. With Rod Proto as our energetic editor and an experienced, clever staff moderated by Mr. Ronald J. Mizen, S.J., we saw no reason why we could not succeed once again. Our staff was expert, our hopes were high, and our goals were set. The yearbook drive was successful, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the student body. With money in our pockets, we detert mined to give the students all they had worked so hard for. We for mulated a new approach to theme-making, innovated in our lay-out, and used a great deal of color — all in an effort to improve our book and make it a production to be proud of for years to come. The result is in your hands. We think it was well worth the effort.
m\ i v
Editor-in-Chief, Rod Proto
Managing Editor, Pete Pizzuto
Business Manager, Joe Ferrara 102
Sports Editor, John Janasie and staffmember, John Dondero
Our Moderator, Mr. Mizen, S.J.
John Grish working hard after school.
Jim I iealy and Joe Grillo, Underclassmen Editor
Tony DeMizio, Faculty Editor
Vol. 23, No. 2
Brian Corrigan, Rick Bradshaw, Tom DiMatteo, Paul Diebel, and Joe Hartnett putting up a good front.
Ed Wallace, Joe Reid, and John Mikolay dispjfoy that Freebish look.
November 17, 1965
FactuaLj reporting and analysis of Prep life were the goals of this year’s editions of the Petroc, under the,mod eration of Mr. John SurudaAS.J. The Editor-in-Chief, Ray Yanuzzi, analyzed school discipline and attitudes in his! editorials; Tom DiMatteo explained the needs^of the student body; and Assistant Editor Joe Tavormina pro duced an interesting Frosh Poll. The sports reporting and editorial assistance was handled by Joe Harnett, Assistant Editor^..-' Although some unenlightened freshmen may still be waiting for the Christmas issue of the Petroc, we recog nize that the newsmagazine has evolved into a healthy, sprightly account of Prep Life. Our sensitive appetites’ were whetted constantly with literary gems (Bointon
rreeB), insigmfur arHcfSs '(*A" VisT^o M anci'T^Sd
interesting trivia ("Keenichiwa” and "Vendo Visi-Vend, # 507-7722” ). All in all, a good record for the Petroc.
i i i i u
Fred Bachman destroying his image under the instruction of Joe Hartnett,
Joe Tavormina, John Monahan, and Steve Sekel doing nothing.
display more of Petroc’s advertis-
Editor, and ,r<%B\y '.Andlfe; ,&Eter%iii.^£2itcf Fred Bachman, SHpil itanr .. , v l , v f 1 J tft ' P U lrt *^fr fjfcrfsw > .
jppfiwtne jrte^t «!s|k o: Ilnscape.
Ted Kirby and' roc for Inscape'
Ok ■
2 S*EE
, •
But listen Chris, we just can’t print a picture of you on the cover Seated: A1 Romano, A1 Zolli, Walter Greenhalgh, Frank Quaglieri. Standing: Paul Kulkosky, John Duffy, Dennis Murphy, James Mull, Richard Henion, Vincent Giracello, James Clossey, Paul Hughes
Under the capable direction and moderation of Mr. Peter Fordi, S.J., Inscape, our school magazine, reached new heights of literary endeavor this year. The widened horizon of the mag azine included intriguing articles on such contemporary phe nomena as Folk-Rock and Batman, while continuing its regu lar, high-quality content of fiction, avant-garde poetry, and liberal prose. Covers by Henion and Photography by Hughes increased both the style and imagination of our magazine. With a limited amount of issues, the Inscape has consistently sought quality in each issue. Editor Ray Andro and Mr. Peter Fordi, S.J., are to be congratulated.
Paul Hughes, Paul Kulkosky, Al Romano, and Richard Henion
Love potion #9.
A pound of fudge.
Having moved, after eleven years, from their former eyrie on the fourth floor of Hogan Hall, the radio club now transmits to foreign lands from the ac tivities floor of the new science building. The code lessons for beginners continue, and the amateur radio station, K2QOJ, remains on the air, contacting more than forty states and over fifty countries, including Rhodesia, Czechslovakia, and Russia. As a member of the American Relay Radio League, we participated in a sweepstakes against almost 100,000 other U. S. “ Hams” , “ working” 300 stations in 24 hours. Next year, we hope to be even more successful in our new surroundings. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
First Row: Graziano, Chorney, Sharkey, Flaherty, Fabyanski. Second Row: DiSoteo, Benneck, Soriano, Zaleski, Frees. Third Row: Zawacki, Gorbos, Mr. McCaffrey, Wasowski.
Listen louder.
Monroe Retreat House
Life at Grand and Warren often runs at a hectic pace. It is good, therefore, to take a little time out from our hurly-burly whirl of studies in order to define and sharpen our goals. Each year, our Seniors and Juniors take off for the local retreat houses for three days of prayer and meditation. During these days, we are given the opportunity to shape our daily lives around the central moment of Christ and His Incarnation. We return re freshed and a little wistful, murmuring, in the words of the apostles on Tabor, "Lord, it is good for us to be here.â&#x20AC;?
Mt. Manresa Retreat House
Thomas Alario
Kevin Boland
Kenneth Brack
Lawrence Brudnicki
Kevin Burke
Robert Chrzanowski
John Corrado
Edmund Dillon
B iology : M R. T A F F A R O E n g lish : M R. B U R N S , S .J. G eo m etry : M R. D U F F Y L a tin : M R. S U L L IV A N , S .J. R elig ion : M R . S C H W A R Z Span ish: M R. H E IT Z M A N
P residen t: L O U IS E R H A R D T Vice P resid en t: R O B E R T M U R PH Y S e c re ta ry : K E V IN B U R K E T r e a su r e r : JO S E P H M U LV IH IL L B eadle: JO H N K IN G Lawrence Dlugolencki
Michael Donatacci
Michael Fehr John Dooley
Edward D u ffy
Bruce Jurcisin
Andrea Ferrulo
Francis Gajewski
Robert Kay
Thomas Kenny
Joseph Jaugstetter
Thomas Greenan
Louis Erhardt
Jerome Kent
John King
Frank Lynch
Bart Mazzei
Ernest Miller
James McGee
Joseph Mulvihill Donald Moore
Good-bye, Father Daly!
Robert Murphy
Ronald Nicolai
• ^ Dennis O’Connor
ru Thomas Pagel
Wavne Perrotta Wayne ierro
Ronald Rinn
Robert Wojtasczyk
Kevin Avery
Stephen Bloom
John Bonner
Fred Bowen
Dennis Boxeur
Richard Bradshaw
Joseph Butti
In my estimation, it should fall down in six months.
Vincent Corasio
Michael Donohue
Thomas Ducca
Michael Cantoli
William Catalano
Thomas Carro
Robert Connelly
Raymond Favocci
Joseph Fiore
Peter Gerbino
Robert Giovenco
William Hammann
Glenn Hoffman
Frank Joerss
Stanley Klotz
Philip Lamprecht
Bernard Meehan
CLA SS O F FIC E R S P resid en t: W ILLIA M C A T A L A N O Vice P residen t: W ILLIA M O ’R E IL L Y S e cre ta ry : S T A N L E Y K L O T Z T r e a su r e r : TH O M A S D U C C A B eadle: K E V IN A V E R Y
TEA CH ERS B iology: M R. TA FFA R O E nglish : M R. FO R D I, S .J. F ren ch: MR. H E IT Z M A N ' G eom etry: MR. D U FFY L a tin : MR. S U L L IV A N , S .J. R eligion: MR. SC H R O E D E R William O ’Reilly
Thomas Pastier
John Pagano
Joseph J. Romano
Guy Peregrin
Joseph Paluscio
John Spanton
John Rumain
Alan Torres
Nicholas Staniewicz
Henry Wybolt
Leonard Allaire
Dennis Barry
Joseph Flocarri
Albert Beaudet
John Galvin
Kevin Cavalini
Vincent Costa
Robert Glowacky
Gregory Duch
C. William Dzilowski
Raymond Flamm
Jonathan Hammer
William Heaney
Lawrence Horn
Kenneth Janesk
Daniel Kinahan
Vincent Langan
John Lipinski
Come into my parlor said the spider . . .
C LA SS O FFICER S P residen t: M A U R IC E P IERG R O SSI Vice P residen t: A L B E R T B E A U D E T S ecre ta ry : JO N A T H A N HAM MER T re asu re r: L E O N A R D A L L A IR E Beadle: JO H N K E V IN R Y A N
TEA CH ERS B iology: M R. TA FF A R O E n glish : MR. M ILLU S, S .J. fr e n c h : M R. H E IT Z M A N G eom etry: F R . P E R SIC H , S .J. L atin : MR. SC H W A R Z R eligion: F R . G R E E N , S .J. Joseph Lobo
Michael Louf
Anthony Orlowski Kevin McCarthy
Douglas Raska
Glenn Mullane
Steven Ribaudo
James Mancino
James Ortizian
Maurice Piergrossi James Plaza
Paul Mullin
John Kevin Ryan
Francis Samuels
David Scully
Michael Tsucalas
Raymond Walsh
Michael Buryk
Gerald Barton
John Bender
Vincent Biondo
Joseph Buzzerio
George Chipko
William Byrnes
y /en d o
Anthony Colasurdo
TEA CH ERS E n glish : M R. C A SE Y fr e n c h : F R . M E A G H E R , S .J. G eom etry: M R. H O W A R D G ree k : M R. B U SE R , S .J. L a tin : M R. SA N Z O R elig ion : F R . F O L EY , S .J. Gerald Compeau
Joseph Colford
Abandon hope all ye who enter here!
C L A SS O F FIC E R S P resid en t: R O N A L D L eG R A N D V ice P resid en t: A N T H O N Y C O L A SU R D O S e c re ta ry : JO H N W IN B E R R Y T r e a su r e r : JO S E P H C O LFO R D B eadle: G E R A L D CO M PEA U
Robert Dunham
Michael D ’Arienzo
Francis Coyle
John Dailey
Michael Garito Peter Iannarella Henry Krauze
John Horan
Kenneth Lampe
Ronald LeGrand
Leonard Reck
John O ’Donnell
Thomas Ruane
Thomas Sienkiewicz Robert Ruggieri
Walter Sinopoli John Winberry
Anthony Annunziato
James Caporrino
Tim othy Chorney
Gary Ciniello
Robert Czochansky
C LA SS O FFIC E R S P resid en t: D A V ID H A N L O N Vice P resid en t: G A R Y M O U CH A S e c re ta ry : D E N N IS W O N IC A T r e a s u r e r : B R IA N R Y D W IN B ead le: R U S SE L P IC C O L I
Edward Domaleski
Patrick Evans
George Fleck
Robert Finnigan
Stephen Janiszewski
John Grzyb
Peter Gallagher
Leonard Kiczek
David Hanlon
John Golashesky
John McCue Daniel McCarthy
Anthony Lipnicki Christopher Lyons
Joseph Lillis
Stephen Orzynski
Michael Moskal
Anthony Panariello
Gary Moucha
Steven Miller
So this is the new office.
TEACH ERS Joseph P. Romano Russel Piccoli
English : M R. FO R D I, S .J. G eom etry: MR. H O W A R D G erm an : M R. K IB B L E R L atin : M R. P A R ISI R eligion: M R. W A L SH , S .J. Science: FR . H E SS, S .J.
David Scian James Shields
Brian Rydwin
Dennis Wonica
Joseph Sprouls Thomas Wickiewicz
William Trapmann Ronald Weglinski
( f t i
j i mm Stephen Abate
Michael Argyelan
Bernard Bagdzinski
Jay Brennan
John Campbell
Stephen DiPaolo
Gary DiSoteo
Garret Ferguson
Paul Fischer
Richard Grumbach
Robert Conroy
William Delaney
TEACHERS E n glish : M R. C A SE Y G eo m etry : M R. H O W A R D G e rm an : M R. K IB B L E R L a tin : M R. S C H R O E D E R R elig io n : M R. W A L SH , S .J. Scien ce: F R . H E SS, S .J. Albert Leier
Stanley Lenc
Louis Mercun
Christopher Nickerson
Robert Pontone
Mark Selander
ru vn Tom Simpson
Eugene Speicher
Stephen Staubach
Speak to us, Father Rector
CLA SS O FFIC ER S Paul Szymialowicz
Brian Torpey
Paul Tyrrell
Presiden t: S T E P H E N ST A U B A C H Vice P residen t: TOM SIM PSON S ec re ta ry : D E N N IS SH E R ID A N T re asu re r: P A U L FISC H E R Beadle: B R IA N TO RPEY Robert Volpe
Robert Vukas
Raymond Zaleski
Kenneth Arestia
Alexander Barbito
John Bobowicz
William Belinski
Thomas Carola
Jack Cavari
Ernest Clerihew
TEA CH ERS E n g lish : M R. B U R N S, S .J. G eo m etry : M R. H O W A R D G e rm an : M R. K IB B L E R L atin & R elig io n : MR. S C H R O E D E R S cien ce: F R . H E SS, S .J. Joseph Cooney
Robert Finnerty
Richard Damico
Michael Flannery
Peter Glushko
Thomas Lanigan
Michael DiPietro
Martin Dolan
Stanley Lanskey
Steven LaViola
Nicholas Matin
John Obremski
John Mojkowski
Robert Musella
Joseph O ’Connor
Gregory Panfile
You mean he’s nQt the student counselor?
Donald Sandaal
Thaddeus Paprocki C LA SS O FFIC E R S P residen t: M IT C H E L L SYP Vice P residen t: S T E V E N TO M A SZESK I S e c re ta ry : W ILLIA M B E L IN S K I T r e a su r e r : M A R T IN D O LA N B eadle: R O B E R T SM IT H
George Sydlar
Robert Smith
Paul White
Ronald Zingaro
Mitchell Syp
John Tochko
Steven Tomaszeski
John Donovan
George Barnes
Allen Baum
Robert Finn
Brian Fitzgibbons
James Boylan
Paul Foddai
James Carroll
Frank Covello
Stephen Galbraith
Michael DeSocio
John Hannon
TEA CH ERS B iology : M R. T A F F A R O E n glish : M R. S U L L IV A N , S .J. F ren ch: M R. H E IT Z M A N G eom etry: M R. D U F F Y L a tin : M R. SC H R O E D E R R elig ion : M R. S C H W A R Z Joseph Keenan
Patrick Lisa
John Mahan
Robert Mallory
Thomas Kelly
Joseph Marsella
Thomas Kiely
Patrick McGovern
Clifford Kinley
Mauro Mecca
Michael Lechonzak
Michael Morale
John Leppard
Nicholas Moritz
C LA SS O FFIC ER S P residen t: R O G E R V ER G A R E T T I Vice P resid en t: TH O M A S SM ITH S e c re ta ry : JA M E S C A R R O L L T r e a su r e r : TH O M A S P O U R B eadle: P A T R IC K M cGO VERN Thomas Pour
Michael Reilly
Philip Russillo
Patrick Ryan
Donald Shalhoub
Francis Sokolik
Thomas Smith
Joseph Stine
James Tomney
William Styles
Kevin Williams
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll put 2-A over there.
Gilbert Bland
Carmine Caruso
Patrick Caulfield
Thomas Connelly
Robert Czaykowski
Joseph D'Amico
Siegfried Feury
Leonard Filipkowski
TEA CH ERS B io logy : M R. T A F F A R O E n g lish : M R. S U L L IV A N , S .J. G eom etry: M R .‘ D U F F Y G e rm an : M R. K IB B L E R L a tin & R elig io n : M R. S C H W A R Z
Robert Fuirita
Thomas Gallagher
John Garibaldi
Douglas Hollywood
George Mahoney
Brian McGovern
Michael Missagia
Anthony Natelli
James Polisin
Gregory Polonica
Ronald Prezioso
Joseph T . Romano
Eugene Greenan
John Joyce
Matthew Jusinski
Kenneth Katelus
William Halsey
Michael Lania
Michael Hartnett
Thomas Lisa
"From Russia with love”
Matthew Ruggiero
David Salzman
Douglas Smith
Richard Smutek
Philip Spooner
CLASS O FFICERS P resident: JE F F R E Y V ITA LE Vice P resident: R O N A LD PREZIOSO Secretary: PH ILIP SPOO NER T re asu re r: P A T R IC K CA U LFIELD B eadle: M A TTH EW JU S IN S K I
Dennis Stinziano ■
John Tangeman
Stephen Thomsen
John Troskey
Jeffrey Vitale
Joseph Weiss
December 12, 1965 was the date. The occasion was the Father-Son Communion breakfast, one of the favorite of Prep’s annual activities. This year, the breakfast was held in Prep’s new cafeteria. Tom DiMatteo, the president of the Student Council, acted as Master of Ceremonies. The greetings of the sons to their fathers was given by Robert Davis ’67. The fathers greetings to their sons was given by Mr. George Davis ’38, Bob’s father. He delivered a truly inspiring speech on his own military experi ence; when he finished, we all appreciated more deeply the value of rosaries in our pockets. The principal speaker of the morning was Rev. James Dolan, S.J., a military chaplain from the Class of 1938. The closeness to the holiday season inspired Father to speak to us on the different ways of cele brating Christmas in foreign lands. There was something nice about having our own communion breakfast in our own building this year for the first time. We all left with a renewed dedi cation to our Alma Mater, past and present.
Fr. James Dolan, S.J., delivers the main address.
Fr. Rector blesses the congregation.
Before . . .
Prep sets
Champagne Music? Gym Class is never this exhilarating.
the beat Are you sure Bruce Wayne started this way?
And when you plug it in, it lights . . . maybe! The transformation begins.
Mixed singles,
The dance goes on and on . . .
Next year I’ll have my black belt.
I got them from Captain Marvel.
Some got it — some don’t.
No. I said first position, not second!
20 points for a kid, 10 for the circle, and 5 I just for throwing it in the right direction.
Who left the bubble gum on the basket?
Joe Floccari performs an improper bicker
Larry Brudnicki doiiig a handstand on the parallel bars
Mr. Berkowitz and the members of the Gymnastics team started this year with high hopes and good promise. Our sidehorse team forbade well, and there was no reason why we could not have taken first place in the State competition in high-bar. Mr. Berkowitz was gratified with his best team record at the end of the year. Losing only to the big South Jersey teams, we won the city and county championships. All in all, a good year.
Flipping for Mr. Berkowitz
John Powers hangs magnificently from the still rings
Greg Mueller doing a handstand on Pete Malecki.
Back row: Greg Louf, Pete Malecki, Larry Brudnicki, John Leonard, Bob Cimprich, Al Beaudet. Middle row: Joe Floccari, Mike Coar, John Powers, Demmon Van Tyle, Tom Kusen, Dan Morales, Greg Rossi. Front row: Bob Donovan, Jim Ryan, John Monahan, Tom Smith, Bob McGuinness. Kneeling: Greg Mueller. Not Pictured: Cliff Kinley, Joe Reid, Mike Reilly, Joe Stine.
Bob Cimprich gyrates a la Anthony Newley on the still rings
Tom Kusen starting a back flip
Demmon Van Tyle finishes his regulars
Dan Morales caught in a basket-cateh
Jim Ryan doing doubles in the middle on the side horse 134
Tom Smith swings on the side horse
Open the door, it’s me, Superman
shouldn’t have said that to Bill
Let’s drive past Liss,
Five dollars across the boa mean unsmooth?
Who needs a chair?
Do I really look like Hercules??
3 lemons again!
Batman’s utility belt,
The Women???? If this rain keeps up, it wouldn’t come down,
new machines?
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kind of cramped for sleeping.
What did you say about karate?
Us Tareyton smokers
Send them to Atlanta, j Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mess with Bill
The Intellectuals???? p you picture him in an Esso tank? w
John Milsop
Edward J. Milne
Fr. Edward Dolan, S.J., Moderator
Robert Howard and Peter Pizzuto 138
John Milsop and Ed Milne discuss plans for better speeches.
Daniel Berkowitz
Christopher Herchold
Chris Herchold, John Milsop, Dan Berkowitz, Ed Milne.
Another year of hard work is coming to a close for the members of the Oratorical Society at St. Peter’s. No one will ever know the hours that were sacrificed in preparation for tournaments throughout the year. The final judgment cannot be made in senior year; that can only come with the years, and the speakers’ increasing ability to express them selves on their feet. These were some of the highlights of the year: In one of the fall tournaments of the Newark-Paterson Catholic League, Chris Herchold and Dan Berkowitz finished onetwo in the Declamation division. John Milsop reached the finals of the Extemporaneous Speech division at the Saint John’s University Contest. At the District Finals of the National Forensic League, Pete Pizzuto placed third in Extemporaneous Speech, Chris Herchold finished fifth in Original Oratory, and Phil Campanella placed third in Dramatic Interpretation. As the *66 Petrean goes to press, the Orators are busy preparing for the Grand Tournament of the Catholic League and a chance to represent the school and the Newark-Paterson League in the National Finals in Miami.
Front row: Ryan, Janesk, Ruggerio, Colasurdo, Sienkiewicz, Brack. Back row: Donahue, Kabrt, Pagel, Giovenco, Bradshaw, Mickolay, Wojaszczyk
Miss Collins, Librarian
Juchnewicz, Pagel, Sokolnicki
Sienkewicz, Colasurdo 140
Art Club
The "Camp-ersâ&#x20AC;?
Will the virtuous moderator be framed??
The man in the middle. Since the "Comeback Kids” and the jolly giants who once stalked the Prep evm have departed for better things, Coach Jerry Halligan could only dream this year of a squad sporting both height and depth. The only returning lettermen were senior guards Jim Blaney (5-11), Jack Curley (5-10), and forward Ken Hoinowski (6-2). Ex-JV stars John "Spider” Russell (5-11) and junior Sergio DeBari (6-2) completed the starting five. These five formed the nucleus of a unit with which Mr. Halligan planned to run, fast-break, press, and force opponents into numerous mistakes. All through the exhibition games and the first halt ot the regular schedule, our highest hopes were fulfilled. The Prep squad played a game marked by teamwork and tenacity, and as a result came through with startling victories over taller and heavily-favored opponents. Some die-hards even dubbed the team the best Prep ever put out on a court. Unfortunately, injuries and illness hit most of the key players, and so we dropped the last six out of seven games on the regular slate. In the State Tournament, Prep rebounded to surprise Roselle Catholic in the opening round, but fell before the superior height of Don Bosco in the semi-finals, finishing with a disappointing and undeserved 12-11 record. Since the accent was on teamwork this year, all five regulars experienced star performances both in scoring and other aspects of the game. Bolstered by the surprising reserve strength added by Tim Mercier, Cliff Jacobson Brian Stanton, and Mike Scott, the team could always count on an extra lift in clutch situations. By far the brightest spot in the campaign, though, was the attainment of Mr. Halligan’s 20th victory at Prep in the 61-60 squeaker over Dickinson. However, this was only one honor in a list of tributes garnered by one of the greatest coaches St. Peter’s and scholastic basketball in New Jersey has ever seen.
vood Heroes
J.V. in action.
VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM. Kneeling: Curley, Russel Catanzaro, Hojnowski, Mercier, Blaney. Standing: Jacobson. Kirkowski, DeBari, Stanton, Nodine, Ward, Calantone.
Hodge muscles in on his man.
Russel on the move.
To the surprise of its fans and contrary to pre-season expecta tions, Prep’s scrappy basketball team opened the ’6 5-’66 season with a pair of wins. In meetings with inter-city rivals, Prep, spearheaded by Jim Blaney’s 26 points, posted an easy 75-56 vic tory over St. Al’s five. In the next city meet Serg DeBari hit for 25 as Prep coasted to a 77-68 conquest of St. Michael’s (J.C .). Due to illness on the parts of some of the key players on the team, Prep next dropped one of its many heartbreaking losses of the season by falling before Marist 52-50. Two out-of-county games were up next, and Prep found no difficulty in getting past Roselle Catholic 75-61, and Essex Catholic 66-5 5. The calendar read Christmas Day, and two days until Prep was to meet its first rival in the Jesuit Christmas Tournament held in Fordham’s gym. In the initial contest of the go-round Prep, led by Serg DeBari’s 27 points, breezed past Brooklyn Prep 68-36. Previ ously unbeaten McQuade next fell victim to the Prep attack 72-54. The final buzzer of the championship game found the score Prep 47, Fordham 50.
Four against one.
The Spider overpowers. Action in the Snyder game. 146
Blaney on the move.
Stanton shows his form.
Blaney directs traffic.
Basketball, the non-contact sport.
First down, ten to go.
Hodge pops one in.
Russell breaks through against Essex.
Curley strikes against Marist. 148
Prep gets the jump.
DeBari serges from the corner.
Mr. Jerry Halligan, Head Coach
Twisting for two.
The new year found Prep starting on the right foot with a stunning victory over highly touted Bayonne 80-67. Ferris was the next prey for the hungry five as they conquered them, 72-65. In the next game Prep suffered its third loss of the season at the hands of Snyder 82-67. In one of the most disputed games of the season, Prep, in the final minute, whistled the ball past Dickinson to post a 61-60 victory. Keeping its fans on edge in the close games, the Prep Five eeked out a 70-67 victory over Regis. Prep next dropped a big loss to Lincoln 90-71. For the second time in the season Prep dropped a squeaker to Fordham Prep 56-54. The next game proved to be the next to the last victory for Prep as they avenged an earlier loss to Marist 61-60. Prep now began one of its longest losing streaks in its basket ball history. Five games in a row were dropped and the scores of the battles read like this; 90-65 Bayonne, 68-67 Ferris, 52-47 Snyder, 71-53 Dickinson, and 70-64 Lincoln. In the New Jersey Catholic Parochial "A ” tournament, Prep found victory at long last by beating Roselle Catholic 67-58. In the final game of the campaign Prep lost a heartbreaking game to Don Bosco in the last minute 68-65. If there had been a few more lucky bounces Prep could have found itself with a much more impressive record.
VARSITY RECORD St. Peter’s 75 77 50 75 66 68 72 47 80 72 67 61 70 71 54 61 65 67 47 53 64 67 65
St. Aloysius (J.C .) St. Michael’s J.C .) Marist Roselle Catholic Essex Catholic Brooklyn Prep McQuade Fordham Prep Bayonne Ferris Snyder Dickinson Regis Lincoln Fordham Prep Marist Bayonne Ferris Snyder Dickinson Lincoln Roselle Catholic Don Bosco
W on 12 — L o st 11
Opponent 56 68 52 61 55 36 54 50 67 65 82 60 67 90 56 60 90 68 52 71 70 58 68
JV Captures County Crown...
An even jump.
Cantoli gets his shot in.
Lanktree tries to intercept.
H U D SO N ’S FIN EST Although gray hairs crowned the hallowed head of Coach Halligan this sea son, he can look forward to directing a tall, talented, .and experienced unit next year. This year’s JV squad must go down in Prep annals as one of the greatest we have ever had. Led by Tony Catanzaro, Mike Cantoli, Charlie Lanktree, and Steve Tomaszeski, they breezed through a 21-game schedule, losing only to Roselle Catholic and Fordham Prep in overtime. In the process, they captured the Hudson County Championship and carried another trophy home to our sacred halls. The team completely dominated its county foes, defeating powerful Bayonne and Lincoln fives twice apiece. With the frosh also compiling a championship record, it looks as if rich years lie ahead for the Prep in scholastic basketball circles. 152
Front Row: Lanktree, Finn, Cooney, Pour, Lyons, Belinski. Back Row: Catanzaro, Cantoli, Tomaszeski, Peregin, Delaney, Shields, Biondo, Smith, Lampe, Bloom.
Watch Out! It’s alive.
St. Peter’s 74 82 88 39 68 95 82 88 82 79 72 75 50 75 61 92 87 65 61 *5 2 75
St. Aloysius St. Michael’s (J.C .) Marist Roselle Catholic Essex Catholic Hudson Catholic Bayonne Ferris Snyder Dickinson Regis Lincoln Fordham Prep (overtime) Marist (overtime) Bayonne Ferris Snyder Dickinson Lincoln St. Michael’s (U.C.) Hudson Catholic Won 19 — Lost 2
Opponent 70 56 67 79 64 66 75 36 57 62 58 74 54 74 59 53 56 49 39 48 66
* Hudson County J.V. Tournament
" I ’ve got it?” 153
and Ditto fo r the Frosh
FRESHMEN RECORD JERSEY CITY & HUDSON COUNTY FRESHMAN CHAMPIONS St. Peter’s 63 64 58 62 79 88 84 91 93 64 92 67 97 77 49 91 77 83 73 *60 83 *58 72 *53 74 * Hudson County
St. Aloysius St. Michael’s U.C.) St. Mary’s Marist Roselle Catholic Essex Catholic Hudson Catholic Xavier Holy Family St. Anthony’s St. Michael’s (J.C .) St. Aloysius St. Mary’s Bayonne Marist St. Michael’s (J.C .) Bayonne Esex Catholic Loyola (N .Y .) Marist Woodrow Wilson St. Anthony’s St. Anthony’s North Bergen Hudson Catholic Freshmen Tournament
Opponent 31 44 48 30 53 64 63 54 30 58 36 21 40 43 36 38 43 56 70 40 80 53 53 36 43
Won 25 — Lost 0
Hanson puts one in.
Where’s the ball? Kachur gets the jump.
FRESHMEN BASKETBALL TEAM. First row: McGuire, Curran, Murphy, LaGratta, Konvit. Second row: Schroback, Hammil, Forhecz, Galambardo, Boylan. Third row: Mr. Walsh, S.J.; Larkin, Hanson, Kapowicz, Schwenk, Spaccavento, Kachur, Wilson.
The freshmen team, under the direction of Mr. Martin Walsh, S.J., and Mr. Paul Schwarz, produced not only the right combination to win both the Jersey City and Hudson County titles but also to finish the season with an unblemished 2 5-0 record. Outstanding on the team were Hanson, Kachur, Kaprowicz, Schwenk, and Curran, although the whole team proved they were a match for any team in Hudson County. The caliber of each individual player is exemplified in the fact that Mr. Walsh was once over heard saying that in some games the starting five were not even needed. Outscoring their opponents by an impressive 1,852 to 1,163 they proved that they will be remembered not only as one of the best freshmen teams in Prepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history but one that is to be feared in the years to come.
Curran out, jumps a tall opponent.
Equites Petri
Frank Monterisi; President "I still think I â&#x20AC;&#x2122;m stronger than dirt.â&#x20AC;? Marlboro Country
n i l
uamctO' CueS
Paul Hughes, Peter Humen, John Meagher
James McNerney, Mr. J. Wrynn, S.J., Moderator
James McNerney, Frank Cordiello
John Joyce, Gregory Hammer, President
John Anderson, Steve Janiszewski. Not Pictured: Ed Dillon
"We are now going through The Square for the first time . . . check left . . . on the brake . . . turn.” With these words, Mrs. Florence Lipari, Driver Education Instructor at Prep, guides another of her pupils through the hazards of Journal Square. Prep’s Driver Ed Program, since its outset, has been highly successful. Every student who completes the course emerges with a good training in the basic skills of the road, and a healthy respect for the hazards of driving. Mrs. Lipari has never had a poor student yet, and her train ing program is designed to instill both competence and confidence. Not a bad gain for a few hours of work.
id.m K . i.... J f ST. PETERS PREP N
Student drivers gain experience on the road . . .
Mrs. Lipari, Driver Education Teacher
. . . and are instructed in the fundamentals of driv ing in the classroom.
Thomas Belton
Hugh Brady
Robert Dineen
Wayne Gilch
James Burke
Frank Cardiello
Richard Compa
Daniel D'Alessandro
Vincent Giracelli
Walter Greenhalgh
Joseph Hearns
Donald Inserra
Thomas Juchnewicz
Conrad Kratky
Christopher Lamb
James Mull
Dennis Murphy
Thomas Newton
Michael Pluchta
Frank Ragazzo
Walter Ryglicki
And with a wave of my magic wand . . .
Edward McKenna
*G ary Monteforte
C LA SS O FFIC E R S P residen t: W A L T E R G R E E N H A L G H Vice P resid en t: D A N IE L D ’A L E SA N D R O S ec re ta ry : W ILLIA M O’N E IL L T r e a su r e r : R O B E R T D IN E E N B eadle: JA M E S B U R K E
Thomas Plaza TEACHERS Jacek Orlowski
Joseph Page Chem istry: MR. LeB LA N C E nglish: MR. O ’SU LLIV A N G erm an: MR. FA R R ELL H isto ry : MR. H O LLEN D E R L atin : MR. W R Y N N , S.J. M ath: FR. O’C O N N O R , S .J. R eligion: MR. A ZZ A R TO , S.J,
Brian Sullivan
Robert Tuohy
mu Edward Costello
John Casale
Joseph Amejka
'President: P A U L D ePA SC A LE Vice P resid en t: V IN C E N T FU SC O T reasu rer: GREG O RY BA CH A N D B eadle: V IN C E N T D R O B N Y
Robert Fabio
Vincent Drobny
Paul DePascale
Robert Clark
Gregory Bachand
James Dronzek
Thomas Donahue
TEA CH ERS C h em istry: M R. L eB L A N C E n glish : M R. O ’S U L L IV A N tr e n c h : F R . M E A G H E R , S .J . L a tin : M R. P A R ISI M ath: M R. M IZ E N , S .J. R eligion : F R . S T R O U D , S .J .
Richard Henion Paul Hughes
George Gorecki
Edward Finn
Vincent Fusco
George Luick Louis Madison
Gregory Loftus
Thomas Kusen Mark Iannini Brian LaForgia
Stanislav Kabrt
Stephen Pilewicz Michael O ’Leary
Daniel Morales John Malejko Timothy Mercier
I wonder what he meant by that? 160
Louis Natelli
Peter Regenye
Michael Anthony
Arthur Beaudet
Eugene Colacchio
Michael Gurney
Robert Brennan
Emilio Crincoli
Peter Humen
Thomas Cahill
William Cummings
John Damato
James Clossey
Michael Coar
Carl DeLorenzo
John Engel
John Korek
Gennaro Iaccarino
TEACHERS C h em istry: M R. L eB L A N C E nglish : M R. A Z Z A R T O , S .J . French: M R. B U SE R , S .J. H isto ry : M R. G R A Y L atin : M R. P A R ISI M ath: M R. M cG U IN N E S S R eligion : F R . O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D O N N E L L , S .J . Robert Lewis
Thomas Kowalak
Gee, it works!
homas Longendyke
Peter Marino
James McCaffery Daniel McColgan James Mottershead
John Meagher
Robert Nodine
Thomas Murphy
Stanley Ostreyko
CLA SS O FFIC E R S President: G L E N N W ILLIA M S Vice Presiden t: D O N A L D W H IT E T re asu re r: JA M E S S T U A R T Secretary: TH O M A S C A H IL L Beadle: JA M E S M cC A FFER Y
Thomas Schmidt
James Ransom
Michael Shea
William Reilly
James Stuart
Gregory Rossi
Donald White
Leonard SafFord
Glenn Williams
Walter Barr
Gerald Blaszczak
Daniel Cook
Anthony DeMizio
William Granville
Raymond Greene
Richard Drozd
C L A SS O F FIC E R S P resid en t: E D W A R D M IL N E Vice "President: JA M E S R U A N E T r e a s u r e r : JO S E P H G R IL L O S e c r e ta r y : H A R O L D M cK E N N A B ead le: T H O M A S D W Y ER
Thomas Dwyer
James Friend
TEA CH ERS C h em istry: M R. M IL L E R E n glish : M R. K E N N E D Y & M R. A Z Z A R T O , S .J. fr e n c h : F R . M E A G H E R , S .J . G ree k : M R. G A L IA S T R O L atin & R eligion : F R . O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D O N N E L L , S .J. M ath: M R. M E N D O L L A John Grish
James Kowalik
Robert Howard
Harold McKenna
Wayne LoPresti
Edward Milne
Francis Quaglieri
Joseph Lepis
James Ruane
Sebastian Palmeri
Holy Ravioli!
Richard Moran
Michael Steinbacher
Bonaventuras Vyzas
Ksaveras Vyzas
Alexander Zolli
W iiv
\ it i
dtM gftk d h
Sim X k
Richard Alberque
Ernest Baker
Robert Barker
Anthony Catanzaro
Nick Colchie
John Garbarino
Frank Germinario
John Duffy
TEA CH ERS C h e m istry : M R. M IL L E R E n glish : M R. O ’S U L L IV A N G e rm a n : M R. F A R R E L L H isto ry : M R. R IC C IO L a tin : FR . O ’D O N N E L L , S .J. M ath : M R. M cG U IN N E S S R e lig io n : F R . S T R O U D , S .J. Ernest Field
iik Vincent Gurzo
Edward Larkin
Daniel Murawinski
Robert Hohnecker
Arthur Mancino
Robert Nolan
Clifford Jacobson
Walter Jaronski
Thomas Kessler
John Kozarich
Paul Kulkosky
Joseph McCabe
James O’Connor
W hat do you mean turn in m y broom? George Pepe
Edward Pinto
C LA SS O FFIC E R S Presiden t: G R E G O R Y R ILE Y Vice P residen t: M A T T H E W R O O N E Y Sec re ta ry : M IC H A E L R IN A L D I T re asu re r: A N T H O N Y C A T A N Z A R O Beadle: E R N E S T BA K E R Michael Rinaldi
Albert Romano
Matthew Rooney
Robert Smith
iti tr* dm Arthur Armistead
Donald Badger
James Capparelli
Matthew Caulfield
Glenn Colacurci
TEA CH ERS C h em istry: F R . O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;C O N N O R , S .J. E n glish : M R. K E N N E D Y G e rm an : M R. F A R R E L L H isto ry : M R. G R A Y L a tin : M R. W R Y N N , S .J. M ath : F R . P E R S IC H , S .J. R eligion : F R . B R O W N IN G , S .J.
Robert Datzko
Joseph Filko
Michael Fallon
David Galbraith
Ronald Goppold
Vernon Jimmerson
Next, drill a hole in the removed brain.
Joseph Kilian
Benjamin Messina
John Mackin
Henry Hamilton
Paul Pecoraro
James Regna
CLA SS O FFIC ER S Presiden t: D O N A L D B A D G E R Vice P residen t: G L E N N C O L A C U R C I T re a su re r: D A V ID G A L B R A IT H S ecre ta ry : P A U L PECO R A R O B eadle: V E R N O N JIM M ERSO N
Paul Simonetti Joseph Scerbo George Sant Edward Riedlinger
Joseph Warzenski
James Bedell
John Carmody
Neil Catapano
Sergio DeBari
Paul Deibel
Robert Diehl
C L A SS O F FIC E R S P re sid e n t: R O B E R T LEM BO Vice P re sid e n t: C H A R L E S L A N K T R E E S e c r e ta r y : JA M E S V A N E C E C K T r e a s u r e r : JO H N M A N N A B e a d le : S E R G IO D eB A R I
James Flood
Martin Golden
3 Fred Jaeger
Andrew Jaz
Albert. JCenhedy
Michael Hanlon
Richard Kirkeby
TEA CH ER S C h em istry: F R . O 'C O N N O R , S .J . E nglish : M R. K E N N E D Y & M R. A Z Z A R T O , S .J. G erm an : M R. F A R R E L L H isto ry : M R. W R Y N N , S .J. L atin : M R. P A R ISI M ath: M R. M E N D O L L A R elieion : M R. A Z Z A R T O , S .J . Pascal Kruse
John MacIntyre
Arthur Weiser
Robert Lembo
John Manna
Paul Mottola Daniel Osnato
William Vanderputten
Charles Lanktree
Thomas Podesta
Michael Regan
Richard Schreiner
Joseph Wraga
Subtract 40 and th atâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your mark.
Gregory Sherry
The Varsity Bowling Team
Carl Kaminski, Captain, Average 180
Under the direction of Mr. Walter Illy, the Prep Varsity Bowling Team had an excellent season. Led by Carl Kaminski, the team won forty-four games and were forced to bow in only ten. The team compiled an impressive overall average of 171. High scorers included Bob Smith, John Garbarino, Paul Pecararo and Carl Kaminski. Ray Kilkenny, Joe Jaeger and Pat Shannon completed this winning combination over such opponents as Dickinson, Lincoln, Ferris, Jersey Academy, Snyder and Saint Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The team was undefeated in tournament competition and ended the season with the City and South Hudson Championships.
J. V. Bowling Team; Front row, Joe Paluscio, Tony Colasurdo, Gary Ciniello Back row, Bob Horan, Bob Kay, Joe Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Amico
I :L
Joe Jaeger, Average 172
John Garbarino, Average 180
Mr. Walter Illy, Moderator
Ray Kilkenny, Average 165
Paul Pecoraro, Average 180
Bob Smith, Average 180
John Garbaririo hopes for a strike.
Pat Shannon, Average 160
New Faces o f 1966 The end of January saw the start of the second semester. It also heralded the arrival at Prep of two new men. Taking over the job of Prefect of Discipline came Father Earl Markey, S.J., with a Prep Men and Manners tucked securely beneath his arm. A Prep graduate, Father Markey is continuing the job of making "Christian, Cultured Gentlemenâ&#x20AC;? of all of us. Mr. Thomas Glavey, S.J., also arrived at the end of January and soon started in teaching Sophomore Latin and Religion. Having received his Masters Degree in Philosophy, Mr. Glavey is a welcome addition to our staff of well-rounded teachers.
Jim Daurio — Senior sprinter
VARSITY TRACK TEAM. Back row: Glenn Williams, Bob Pontone, Ron LeGrand, Bud Minello, Joe Filko, John Bobowicz, Ernie Field, Jim Ranga, Jim Daurio, John Mottershead, Greg Rossi, Rich Dietz, Paul Diebel, Mike Green, Gary Schreck, Coach Gene Maliff. Front row: James Luce, Steve LaVioli, Joe Romano, Jim Pilla, Matt Caul field, Nick Matin.
FRESHMAN TRA CK TEAM. Back row: Frank Baboa, Dave Madi son, Kevin Bennett, Frank McGuire, Lou Mruz, Jack Herchold, Paul LoVerne, Bob Kraft, Rich Regan, Coach Gene Maliff.
Ernie Field — Quarter-mile Star
The track coach, Mr. Gene Maliff, produced another state championship relay team in his second year at Prep. Composed of Glenn Williams, Jim Daurio, Ernie Field, and Greg Rossi, the team won the Parochial A Four-Boy Relay. Distance runners, including Seniors John Dough erty and Richard Dietz, Junior Paul Diebel, and Sopho mores John Bobowicz and Bob Pontone, have done well in individual performances. Any four of these tracksters can make up a strong two-mile relay. Our biggest hopes in the city championships are fourfold: the mile relay squad of Glenn Williams, Ernie Fields, Gary Schreck, and John Dougherty; Jim Daurio in the sixty-yard dash; John Bobowicz and Richard Dietz in the mile; and Bob Pontone in the half-mile. After the City meet, the Prep Team moves outdoors for further competition. Then we cop the season with a mile relay and a sprint relay in the Pennsylvania trials. With the medal from this trial, the Prep Team will once again end a successful season.
Debators Kevin Harrington, James Brennan, Brian Rydwin and Tom Schmidt.
Juniors Jack Morris and John MacIntyre.
1965-1966 turned out to be the best year for Prep’s debators in a long time. After practicing in tournaments in Buffalo and Poughkeepsie, the team of Dan Berkowitz and Joe Tavormina traveled to Boston College, where they bested all competitors until the semi-final round. Prep finished third, and Dan Berkowitz took home the third place speaker’s trophy. In addition to Dan and Joe, the varsity squad with Joe Hartnett and Walter Barr brought home the First Place Award from the University of Pennsylvania, Fifth Place at the Brooklyn Invitational, and an octa-finalist trophy from Georgetown University. In addition to these, John Milsop garnered a speaker’s trophy at Metuchen, New Jersey. There were not the only trophies, but they are the significant ones. The JV Team of Pat Caulfield, Marty Dolan, Kevin Harrington, John MacIntyre, Bob Brennan, John Morris, Brian Rydwin, and Tom Schmidt were also active, gathering both trophies and experience for the future.
Joe Hartnett
Patrick Caulfield and Martin Dolan. 173
Volunteers deliver food during Christmas Food Drive.
Tom Donahue helping out at St. Joe’s.
Community Action, continuing its annual work, began the ‘65- 66 I year by- providing a Christmas dinner for underprivileged families. I The continuation of tutorial sessions, primarily in Math and English, I helped more students. Especially successful and praiseworthy was the work done at St. Joseph’s Home for the Blind. Under the newly organized system of Fr. O’Donnell, S.J., volunteers were assigned certain days, thus making it possible that sufficient help be available throughout the week.
Prep students teach Grammar School students in daily afternoon classes.
Students apply "patterning” — a corrective position for children at St. Joe’s.
"Santa” Sekel
Action Ron Marczewski teaches in neighborhood tutorial program.
John Nelson, President; Pat Shannon, Vice-President; Mr. J. F. Wrynn, S.J., Moderator; Ed Kidney, Secretary and Treasurer; E. Truskowski, Drum Major.
Mr. John Martel, Director
The Prep Concert Band
BRASS SECTION. Front Row: Kazakowitz, Michalowski, Killian, Miceli, Kidney, Jaugstetter, Gualtieri, Truskowski. Back Row: Jaeger, Jimmerson, Buzzerio, Rakowitz, Nelson, Sienkowitz, Vitale, Gionenco, McCoy. CLARINET SECTION. Front Row: Compeau, Engel, Datzko. Back Row: Scian, Ruggeri, Negoda.
DRUM SECTION. Kelly, Lewendewski, Ianarella, Dzika, Ryan, Flannery.
SAXOPHONE SECTION. Waldron, Kozakowitz, McGovern, Valitudo, Shannon, Buryk.
BAND MANAGERS: J. Kennedy, J. Kowalik, F. Qerminario, K. Spiegel. Mr. Martel instructs in afternoon practice.
Another function of the Prep Band is to entertain at half-time at football games.
Afternoon practices are appreciated when the Prep Band plays at Assembly. 178
NATIONAL MERIT LETTER OF COMMENDATION W INNERS. Top row: Ray Yannuzzi, George Moran, Bob Kolock, Michael Devaney, Steve Gorbos. Bottom row: Tom Zito, Jim Mann, Gerald Meehan, Kevin Wilson. Not pictured: Daniel Berkowitz, Robert Jaugstetter, Joseph Tavormina.
National Merit Finalists
Each spring, the National Merit Scholarship CorI poration administers its qualifying test to high school | juniors throughout the country. In the fall, anI nouncement is made of those who have become | Semi-Finalists and qualified for consideration for I some 2,000 National Merit Scholarships. Others who j finished high in the competition are awarded letters I] of commendation. This year four Prep Seniors, j Raymond Andro, Peter Pizzuto, Thomas Viggiano, j and Stanley Wasowski were named Semi-Finalists and j| went on to become Finalists. Letters of commendaijj tion were presented to twelve. The 1966 Petrean | wishes to extend its congratulations to these scholars I who have demonstrated the scholastic excellence of ( St. Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS. Stan Wasowski, Thomas Viggiano, Peter Pizzuto. Not pictured: Ray Andro.
Coaches Bernie Kelly, and Barry Higgins.
Top row: Art Beaudet, Pat Kane, Mike Dedico, co-captain; Joe Hanrahan, Bob Armistead, Mike Reilly. Middle Row: George Wroclowski, Bill Byrne, Vinny Arrechi, Dave Hanlon, Kevin Hanly, Ron Rinn, Frank McElroy, co-captain. Bottom Row: Joe DePascale, Joe Hayes, Ken Kusmisck, John Willms, Mike DePietro, Bob Szew.czyk. 180
N E W R E C O R D S H E L D B Y 1966 SW IM M IN G T E A M
200 Freestyle
McElroy ( l : 5 9 . 4 ) 5i
McElroy (1 :5 7 .6 )
McElroy (1:52.2) Dedicos (23.9)
50 Freestyle
McElroy (58.2)
100 Butterfly Dedicos (1 :0 1 .4 )
McElroy (53.6)
100 Freestyle 400 Freestyle
Dedicos (4 :3 8 .5 )
McElroy (4:04.1)
Hanly (1 :1 2 .8 )
Hanly (1:12.8)
100 Breast
stroke 400 Freestyle
McElroy (52.8)
Wasowski W roclawski (4 :0 2 ) H anlon
Kane , . n, Armistead W roclawski (4 :0 3 -2) Hanlon H anlon Dedicos
n^, ( 3 ’42‘8)
* time
Undefeated in Hudson County Competition Won C ity Championship with 69 points. — runnerup, Snyder with 36 points Won County Competition with 62 points runnerup, St. Joseph s with 25 points 4th in Metropolitan Catholic Swim Champion ship with 24 points 6th in New Jersey State Championships, " A ’ Division 9 Wins
The tail end.
3 Losses
Frank McElroy finishes the 400 yard free style.
Ron Rinn, 100 yard Butterfly. Pat Kane confers with Coach Kelly.
Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the wise guy who greased the ledge? 182
Joe Hanrahan breaststrokes to victory.
How much longer do I have to stay like this?
Help, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m stuck up here!
This year in county competition, seniors Mike Dedicos and Frank McElroy stayed in the background. Coach Bernie Kelly’s idea was to buid the team for the coming years — and the idea turned out to be a success for the present year. In the City Championships, and the County Championships, the underclassmen were the main source of strength and depth. Although Dedicos and McElroy will not be with us next year, the swimming team should have no trouble in capturing both champion ships, perhaps even for several years to come. ‘ Next year’s team will be headed by these men: Juniors Mike Reilly, Bob Armistead, George Wroclawski; Sophs — Dave Hanlon, Ron Rinn, Mike DiPetro; Frosh — Kevin Hanly, Marty O’Connor.
Bill Rellner prepares to split the surface.
Dave Hanlon, 200 yard Butterfly.
Practicing hard.
BLURP r protection
Well, scratch my back,
Wilkes, bail out!
Do you really think a cape would help
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF INTRAM URAL COU NCIL Seated: Mr. M. Walsh, S.J., moderator. Left to right: Ed Finn, Joe Harnett, co-presidents; Sergio De Bari, John Janisie, Bob Lembo, Pat Kane, Mike Tomambe.
No. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mine.
Noontime refs.
The Terrible Trophy Taker meets the Caped Crusader.
Bishop Costello, guest speaker at Mother’s Club meeting.
March 6th saw us once again celebrating the annual Mother’s Club St. Patrick’s Day Social at Prep. The entertainment centered itself on the merry accordian of Mr. Carl Restivo and the traditional group of young Irish dancers. Fr. Rector entertained the mothers with a few Irish ditties and the characteristic of the day proved to be enjoy ment for the parents who attended. The party was held for the first time in the new Prep cafeteria. The Prep Mothers’ Club is in its twenty-sixth year of existence. It has served the Prep long and well. Its main aim has been to foster a closer relationship between parent and teacher. But it has also contributed to the financial assets of the Prep with its annual card party. Father Meagher, S.J., would like to personally thank the mothers of Prep for their wondeful devotion to the Prep throughout his twentyone years as moderator.
Father Meagher, S.J., Moderator of Prep’s Mother’s Club.
"^°m TorPey entertains, accompanied by Mr. Carl Restivo.
Bishop Costello, Fr. Meagher, S.J., Mrs. George Davis.
The makings o f a perfect evening OFFICERS Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
George Davis ........................................................... President Edward Garvey .............................................. Vice-President James Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor..................................... Recording Secretary Louis Simonetti ............................. Corresponding Secretary Walter Coppinger .................................................. Treasurer
Two of the "Absurds” entertaining.
Prep’s annual fun frolic, Mission Night, took place, aptly enough, on April Fool’s Day. The highlight of the evening was the Faculty-Senior Basketball Game. The faculty con tinued its winning streak of the past few years by downing the Senior All-Stars 75-59. Fr. Earle Markey, Mr. Mulvihill, and Mr. Schwarz provided the faculty with scoring punch, while Fr. Stroud supplied the comic relief. The faculty com pleted their sweep by defeating the Juniors in the traditional volleyball game. Here, as in past years, the fans thrilled to a startling exhibition of play by Mr. Gorman. The Varsity Basketball Team overcame tremendous opposi tion in order to defeat the Varsity Football Team 24-22. Other featured events were the pie-eating contest, tug of war, pajama race, three-legged race, and the Absurds, a group of aspiring Prep musicians, who supplied entertainment during one of the interludes. Mission Night caps a lenten-long fund-raising drive for Jesuit missionaries. This year the drive and mission night gathered more than $6,400, with individual classes 4G, 3B, 2G and 1C leading their respective years. Fr. Hoffen was crowned "King of the Comics” when his homeroom, 1C, brought in $850. Freshman classes again led the school, garnering 40% of the school total. By the time Mission Night was ended, all were happy and pleased while the faculty reached for Ben-Gay and Ace Bandages.
VARSITY GOLF TEAM. Pat Bergamo, Andy Ferullo, Danny Cook, Bernie Meehan, Sebie Palmeri, Father Stroud, S.J., moderator; Tony Bryk, Jerry Kent, Bob Smith, Kevin Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Jim Connolly.
Tony Bryk, Fr. Stroud, S.J., and Sebie Palmeri.
Jim Connolly prepares to blast out of a sand-trap.
TRA CK TEAM. First Row: Charley Rooney, Nicky Matin, Jim Pilla, Matt Caulfield, Joe Romano, Jim Luce, Jack Herchold. Second row: Curt Johnson, Tom Meyers, Walt Seweran, Paul Lovern, Bob Fabio, Ed Hinte, Marty Dolan, John Bobowitz. Third row: Coach Gene Maliff, Jim Williams, Bob Kraft, Tom Mruz, Kevin Bennet, Frank McGuire, John Dougherty, Earnie Baker, Mike Green, Earnie Field, Glen Williams, Jim ^Regna, Bob Pontone, Paul Diebel, Ron LeGrand, Jim Mottershead.
Mile relayers â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ernie Field, John Bobowitz, Glen Williams, John Dougherty. 198
Matt Caulfield and Jim Regna.
John Bobowitz and John Dougherty.
VARSITY TEN N IS TEAM: first row, Quaglieri, Hatha足 way, Podesta, Ruane. Second row, Drozd, McGuinness, Dirsa, Wasowski.
7ese/c&' Senior squad with Mr. Millus, S.J., moderator.
Second Doubles
First Doubles 200
s '- ■3 w
&g siS
i M
Bill Cummings takes a swing.
VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM. Front row: Ed Costello, Don White, Paul Simonetti, Tim Mercier, Bill Skorupski, Tony Catan zaro. Second row:. Mike Fallon, Frank Spillane, Bob Fee, Bill Cummings, Tom Kessler, Bob Diehl. Third row: Paul White, John Bender, Kevin Wilson, Bill Reilly, Len Allaire, A1 Baum. Top row: Mike Garito, Tom DeAngelis, Bob Lembo, Pete Antonini, Joe Nardini.
Tony Catanzaro belts one out.
Pre-game warm -up.
Remember what happened in . . .
"Hey, bus driver, are you sure this is the place?” . . . The young and innocent meet Mr. Cross, who insists that homework be done . . . "Put that table down or you’ll be out for a month.” . . . "O n your knees, brother.” . . . Three-fourths of 1-C flunks the Algebra exam . . . "In credible” . . . The Mulvihill Orphan Fund flourishes . . . "And after he gets married he’s gonna be a mailman” . . . Mr. Gorman thinks we’re honest . . . Beadle, take down his name” . . . "We’ll have a seventh period today.” . . . Whale on Wheels comes to Prep . . . Whale on Wheels goes from Prep . . . "Who hung the bananas from the lights?” . . . Father Snyder, S.J., is cheered in as principal because Father Brown, S.J., thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the state border.
Fr. Daly, S.J., takes over as Prefect after Father Snyder’s promotion to Principal . . . Fr. Stroud, S.J., takes the prep by storm . . . "N o extra tuition.** . . . Prepsters spend many happy hours at ‘pila practice* after school in the library . . . “ Be spe cific.** . . . Mr. Smith, S.J., continues to put it into the con crete . . . Fr. Hess, S.J., becomes a WMCA "Good Guy” . . . Schtinkerr! . . . What’s the matter, don’t you remember your gazintas? . . . Mr. Howard gets jug for throwing snowballs in class . . . “ Move out smartly, boys.” . . . "Let him give his own stupid answer.” . . . Who’s the centurion in this row? . . . History teachers are getting younger and younger . . . "Step out into the hall, son.” . . . "I don’t believe in jug.” . . . Mr. Berkowitz breaks his arm while demonstrating the ‘proper’ way to get onto the side horse . . . "What homework?” . . .. "Look, Ducky, who are you calling Pancho?” . . . Prep and civil rights, in that order, march on Trenton . . . Prep has its first hootenany . . . Prep has its last hootenany . . . Year ends with the return of the boat ride to Rye Beach . . . It was also the last Boat ride to Rye Beach.
New building gets under way . . . Fr. Browning’s "Fellow ship in Action” . . . "H ave you ever been on a cattle drive?” . . . Q.E.D. . . . General Motors comes to Prep . . . "But Mister, General Lee is dead” . . . Prep goes cultural with performance in ballet, opera, and classical music . . . "Don’t shout without raising your hand” . . . "B ut Mister, I did have my hand up” . . . Forum enlightens Prepsters to word problems . . . "Did you hear the one about the jockey who was assassinated?” . . . "I t’s just a trick of the trade” . . . "D on’t be a dumb dumb; be a smart smart” . . . "A ll right, COOL IT !” . . . "I do have a heart; it may be mechanical, but I do have a heart” . . . Cynthia Kumquat gets a ticket for speeding on the Waxahatchie Skyway . . . And whatever became of J-G . . . "Listen fellows, please pray for a guy who just went off the deep end” . . . Distinguished Prep Teacher award goes to real-estate salesman, Mr. Chris Lane.
Except for loose ceilings, cracked walls, and doors that do not open, the new wing is almost finished . . . the cackle of the phantom is heard throughout the new building . . . "Hail to the Chief” becomes one senior classes’ theme song . . . "What is this, a mass stall?” . . . "now when I used to play football” . . . "By the way, do you study much?” . . . "Hey, ya wanna stay inna class?” . . . "Could the advanced students read ahead in Latin?” . . . "Ju st because I have an accent like Zsa Zsa Gabor "C a mon, quiett!” . . . He’s such a Cassanova . . . "There will be no intermission in the reading of honors at this assembly because . . . ”
. . . the last four years.
Jo h n F . A c k e r m a n 809 First Street, Secaucus Honor Pin 1,2,3; Science Club 2; Radio Club 1; Community Action 3.
D o n a ld J . A d a m c z y k 3 5 West 29th Street, Bayonne Bowling 1; Art Club 1; Glee Club 4.
P e te r P. A n to n in i 57 Shaler Avenue, Fairview Sodality 1,2; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2; Baseball 3,4; Basketball 1.
R a y m o n d F . A n d ro 13 6 Roosevelt Avenue, Clifton Honor Pin 1,2; Petroc 2,4; Inscape 2,3,4, Assistant Editor 3, Editor-inChief 4; Band 2; Saddle & Bridle 1.
V in c e n t V . A i*ecchi 15 McKinley Place, Bergenfield Sodality 2,3; Student Council 2,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Football 1,3; Track Team 3.
J e r r y J . A q u in o SSI Mercer Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion Medal 1; Debating 1,2; Com足 munity Action 2,3; Art Club 1,2; League Leaders 1,2,4.
R o b e r t C . A u g h in b a u g h 126 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2,3; Art Club 2,4.
F re d e ric k E . B ach m an n 300 John Street, Harrison Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 3,4; Inscape 3,4, Poetry Editor 4; Community Action 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2.
R ic h a r d S. B a r r y 165 Sycamore Road, Jersey City Class Officer 3; German Club 4; Dance Committee 2; Saddle & Bridle 2; Community Action 3; League Leaders 2.
R ic h a r d C . B a y n a r d 245 Eighth Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; Science Club 4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; League Leaders 2,4.
D o n a ld P . B e irn e, J r . 43 5 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange Class Officer 1,2; Dramatics 4; Petroc 2,3,4; Rally Committee 2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Intramural Council 4; Track Team 1,2,3; Glee Club 3,4.
D a n ie l F . B e rk o w itz 271 Union Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Re足 ligion Medal 1; Debating 1,2,3,4, Sec足 retary 3, President 4; Oratory 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,4; Petroc 3; Inscape 3,4; German Club 4; Community Action 1,2; Art Club 1. 206
A le x a n d e r G . B la h itk a 131 Lafayette Street, Jersey City Class Officer 3; Honor Pin 2; Library Club 2,3; Community Action 3.
Ja m e s M . B la n e y 100 Bartholdi Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Student Council 4; Class Officer 2,3,4; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1.
Jo h n J . Booth 80 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City Intramural Council 2,3,4; Football 3,4.
Jo h n M. Bow ens 278 Winfield Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 3; Petroc 2,3,4; Dramatics 4; Library Club 2; Community Ac足 tion 3; Bowling 2,3; Football 1; Higher Achievement Program 3.
R ic h a r d C . B o yle 43 Neptune Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2; Science Club 4; Community Action 2.
A r t h u r C . P . B ro m irsk i, J r . 5 Berwyn Place, Glen Rock Dramatics 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; Bowling 2.
A n th o n y S. B r y k 706 Terhune Drive, Wayne German Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Radio Club 1; Community Action 3; Bowling 2,3; Basketball 1; Golf 2,3,4.
R o n a ld M. B rz e n k 203 Washington Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4, Prefect 3; Student Council 1,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excel足 lence Medal 1; Religion Medal 1,2,3; Football 1,2; Community Action 2,3; Higher Achievement Program 3.
F r a n c is A . B u lz is 625 Willow Avenue, Hoboken Sodality 2; Honor Pin 2,3; Petrean 4; German Club 4; Cheerleaders 2,3; Community Action 2; League Lead足 ers 2,4.
R o b e r t M . B u c k le y 11 Milton Court, Rutherford Class Officer 2,4; Rally Committee 4; Dance Committee 3; Intramural Coun足 cil 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 1.
W illiam J . B y rn e 3 Deerfield Drive, Florham Park Rally Committee 4; Community Ac足 tion 3; Band 2; Swimming 3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 4.
R o n a ld E . B u r b e lla 13 5 West 24th Street, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Science Club 2; Community Action 3; Art Club 1; Track 3,4; League Leaders 4.
C a r lo s M . C a d a lz o 241 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Dance Committee 1,2,3; Football 1; Basketball 1,2; Art Club 1; Higher Achievement Program 2; Community Action 3.
R o g e r J . C a la n to n e 8 5 Lafayette Avenue, Passaic Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Excel lence Medal 2; Radio Club 1,2; Intra mural Council 4; Basketball 3.
P h ilip A . C a m p a n e lla 17 College Drive, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Class Officer 1; Dra matics Medal 2,3; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Inscape 2,3; Dance Com mittee 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1; Art Club 1,2; Glee Club 2; Higher Achievement Program 2.
Jo se p h P. C am p b e ll 311 Forest Street, Kearny Honor Pin 1,2; German Club 4; Intra mural Council 3,4; Community Ac tion 3; League Leaders 1,2,4.
M ich ae l A . C a n n a v a le 522 Kearney Avenue, Cliffside Park Sodality i | Honor Pin 1.
Jo h n F . C a sp e r 25 Preston Street, Ridgefield Park Honor Pin 2; Excellent Medal 2; Rally Committee 4; Intramural Council 4; Art Club 1.
L o u is F . C a ste lli 229 Feronia Way, Rutherford Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Petrean 3,4; Football 1,2; Community Action 3.
R o b e r t J . C im p ric h 7823 Bergenline Avenue, North Bergen Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Science Club 4; Community Action 2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,3,4; Higher Achievement Pro足 gram 4.
Jo h n J . C o llin s 133 Carlyle Court, Carlstadt Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3,4; Dance Committee 2; Gymnastics 2.
C h a rle s M . C o llin s 19 East 2Sth Street, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1.
Ja m e s F . C u r le y 160 Boyd Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1; Art Club 1; Track Team 2,3; Folksinging Club 2; League Leaders 3,4.
W a lte r C o p p in g e r 329 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ex足 cellence Medal 3; German Club 4; Library Club 3; Community Action 2,3; Higher Achievement Program 4.
J o h n J . C u r le y 51 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2; Intra mural Council 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2, 3,4; Track Team 3,4.
W illiam T . C u r r a n 3 56 Webster Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1; Intramural Council 2; Baseball 2,3,4; Community Action 3.
E u g e n e P . C y b u lsk i 58 St. Paul’s Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1; Community Action 3; League Leaders 1,2,4.
Roman Czujko 2 5 Baldwin Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Ger man Club 4; Library Club 3; Com munity Action 3; Band 1,2,3; Higher Achievement Program 4; League Leaders 1,2,4.
P e te r F . D a ly 2 Timber Hill Drive, Livingston Honor Pin 1,2,3.
G a r y A . D a m ia n i 287 Virginia Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 2,3; Excel足 lence Medal 2; Track Team 1,2; League Leaders 2.
Ja m e s A . D a u rio 50 Jordan Avenue, Jersey City Student Council 1,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 4; Dance Committee 3; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4; Art Club 1; Track Team 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 4; Weight Lifting 3,4.
B r itte n G . D a v is 9 Sisson Court, Bayonne Honor Pin 1; Dance Committee 2; Swimming Team 1,2; Glee Club 2,3.
T h o m a s A d a m D eA n g elis 148 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City
R o b e r t J . D a v is 121 Garrison Avenue, Jersey City
Sodality 1,2; Student Council 2,4; Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Pin 2; Religion Medal 3; Dance Committee 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3; Track Team 1.
Honor Pin 2; Inscape 4; Football 1,2,3; Track Team 2; League Lead足 ers 2.
J . M ich ael D edicos 131 W. Hazelwood Avenue, Rahway Dramatics 4; Intramural Council 3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4.
G a r y J . D e cin a 1669 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Higher Achievement Program 3. 215
T hom as M. D eL u ca SO Western Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Rally Committee 4; Dance Committee 2,3; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3,4; Football 3,4; League Leaders 4.
E d w a r d J . D e P a sc a le 1233 Garden St., Hoboken
Student Council 3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3; Dance Committee 3,4; Com足 munity Action 3; Golf 4.
M ich ael J . D e v a n e y 483 Fairview Avenue, Orange Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Com足 munity Action 3.
TLugene A . D e rm o d y 726 Sixth Street, Carlstadt Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion Medal 2; Higher Achievement Program 3.
R ic h a r d F . D ie tz 525 Park Place, Lyndhurst Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 2; Excellent Medal 2; Community Action 2; Track 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 1,2,4.
T hom as R . D evan ey 1 Marion Court, Bayonne Honor Pin 2; Art Club 1; Science Club 2,4; Glee Club 3,4.
S a m u e l F. X . D iF eo 92 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Student Council 3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Pin 2,3; Intra足 mural Council 2,3,4; Golf 3,4; League Leaders 1,4.
T h o m as E . D iM atteo 124 Broadway, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4, Student Council President 4; Class Officer 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2; Petroc 3,4; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3,4.
K e n n e th J . D ir s a 480 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Community Action 2; Art Club 1; Tennis 3,4; League Leaders 2,4.
K e n n e th D . D o m b ro w sk i 272 Third Street, Jersey City Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3,4; Art Club 1; Track Team 1.
Ja m e s J . D o n d ero 130 Ogden Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Community Action 1,2.
W illiam J . D on oh ue 344 Armstrong Avenue, Jersey City Science Club 4; League Leaders 2,4.
R o b e rt B. D on ovan 269 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Dramatics 4; Rally Committe 4; Intramural Council 1,2, 3,4; Community Action 3; Gymnas足 tics 2,3,4; League Leaders 1,2,4.
Jo h n M . D o u g h e r ty 706 73rd Street, North Bergen Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Radio Club 2,3,4; Community Action 3; Camera Club 1; Track Team. 1,2,3,4.
Joseph G. Dunn 138 Erie Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Re足 ligion Medal 2; Community Action 4; Art Club i | League Leaders 1.
Richard A. Dwyer 4601 Liberty Avenue, North Bergen Dramatics 2; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 3; Chess Club 2; Art Club 1.
Ja m e s C . E a g e n 15 West 46th Street, Bayonne Community Action 2,3; Swimming 1,2,3; Glee Club 3.
R ic h a r d J . E n g lish 400 Belgrove Drive, Kearny Honor Pin 1,2,3.
D en n is J . E n r ig h t 15 8 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey City Intramural Council 2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; Basketball 2; Golf 4.
Jo h n B. F a m ig lie tti 26 Rose Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Community Action 2,3; Bowling 2; League Leaders 2.
Jo se p h F . F e r r a r a 48 Broadman Parkway, Jersey City Honor Pin 3; Petrean 3,4; German Club 4; League Leaders 2,4.
T h o m a s J . F een ey 4 Lincoln Avenue, Chatham Sodality 1; Honor Pin 2; Debating 1; Art Club 1.
P e te r C . F in n 8 Canterbury Lane, Suffern Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 2; Intra足 mural Council 4; Community Action 3: Art Club 1.
R ic h a r d T . F ilo ram o 949 Summit Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; Science Club 2; Community Action 3.
R o b e r t J . F isc h e r 108 Clearview Drive, New Shrewsbury Sodality 2,3; Library Club 1,2; Com足 munity Action 2,3; Bookstore 2,3,4; League Leaders 2.
B r ia n G . F it z p a t r ic k 1 Seaview Court, Bayonne Honor Pin 3; Dramatics 1; Science Club 4; Bowling 2,3; Art Club 1.
R ic h a r d C . F leisch er 179 West Third Street, Clifton Petroc 2; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 2; Baseball 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Art Club 1; Glee Club 3.
R o b e r t J . F rees 19 Paterson Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Radio Club 2,3,4; Community Action 2,3; Higher Achievement Program 4. 222
R ic h a r d A . F riste n sk y 193 Academy Street, Jersey City Class Officer 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ex cellence Medal 3; Petrean 3,4; German Club 4; Science Club 2; Radio Club 3; Community Action 3; Camera Club £| Art Club 1; Track Team 1.
L o u is A . F u c ito 614 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Art Club 1,2.
C h a rle s P . G a lla g h e r 153 E. Lincoln Avenue, Roselle Park Sodality 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 2; Religion Medal 2; Science Club 4; Community Action 2,3.
P a u l A . G am are llo 173 Sherman Avenue, Jersey City Art Club 1; League Leaders 4. 223
D o n a ld R . G in ty 51 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Intramural Council 2,4; Community Action 3; Basketball 2; League Leaders 4.
E d w a rd F. G arv ey 148 Glenwood Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Student Council 1,2,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Dramatics 4; Rally Committee 1; Dance Committee 3; Gymnastics 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track Team 3,4.
R o b e r t J . G o rm ley 9 West 28th Street, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 2,3; Religion Medal 2; Art Club 1.
S tep h en T . G o rb o s, J r . 29 E. 31st Street, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; Debating 1; Dramatics 3,4; German Club 4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Community Action 2,3; Chess Club 1,2,3; League Leaders 4. 224
E ugene J. G ough 89 S Montgomery Street, Jersey City Track Team 3; League Leaders 2,4.
R o n a ld M . G ru zian o 89 Poplar Street, Jersey City Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1.
K e v in O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;C . G reen 919 Mountain View Circle, Westfield Saddle & Bridle Club 2,3,4.
E d w a r d E. G reen e, J r . 221 Beacon Avenue, Jersey City Dance Committee 4; Art Club 1,4.
D w igh t M. Greten 208 New York Avenue, Union City Honor Pin 1; Community Action 3; League Leaders 4.
R obert A. G ualtieri 8609 Third Avenue, North Bergen Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 3; German Club 4; Band 1,2,3,4.
Michael A. Guglielmelli 411 Jefferson Street, Hoboken Class Officer 2,3; Rally Committee 4; Dance Committee 4; Radio Club 1; Intramural Council 2,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1.
John D. Gumina 22 Brewster Place, Bergenfield Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3,4.
Joseph P. H anrahan 815 Hudson Street, Hoboken
G regory J . H am m er
Honor Pin 1,2; Science Club 4; Community Action 4; Band 1; Swimming 1,2,3,4;. Poster Committee 3,4.
136 Beach Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 4; Radio Club 1; Camera Club 3,4.
Jam es K. H athaw ay 1006 Palisade Avenue, Union City Tennis 3,4.
Joseph M. H artn ett 67 Maple Avenue, Rahway Sodality 1; Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Debating 1,2,3,4; Oratory 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Inscape 4; German Club 4; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Com足 munity Action 3.
Joseph F. H ayes 19 Olean Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3; Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 2; Community Action 2,3; Swimmin 1,2,3,4; Bookstore 3,4; League Leaders 1.
John D . Heffernan 59 Beechwood Drive, Wayne Radio Club 3,4; Community Action 3,4; Gymnastics 2,3.
William T. H illiard 215 Byrd Avenue, Scotch Plains Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3,4.
Christopher R. Herchold 9126 Newkirk Avenue, North Bergen Sodality 1,2; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion Medal 1; Debating 2; Oratory 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Inscape 3,4; Higher Achievement Program 3; League Leaders 1,2.
Kenneth H . H ojnow ski 373 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne Sodality 1,2; Student Council 1,2; Class Officer 1,2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4.
Michael C. lppolito 130 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Petroc 3; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Gymnastics 3; Art Club 1,2.
Joseph R . Jae g e r 264 Terrace Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1; Community Action 3; Bowling 2,3,4.
E dw ard S. Jaku bo w ski 354 Broadway, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; German Club 4; Art Club 1.
John J . Janasie 700 Madison Avenue, Elizabeth Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; De足 bating 1; Oratory 2; Petrean 3,4; In足 tramural Council 3,4; Community Action 2,3.
Paul J . Jan zer 107 Chestnut Street, Nutley Sodality 1,2; German Club 4; Radio Club 2. 230
R obert C. Ja u g ste tte r Bldg. 5 S5, Apt. A-2, Governor’s Island Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Band 2,3,4; Art Club 1.
John J . Jennings 2148 Briarwood Avenue, Sea Girt Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Re ligion Medal 3; Debating 2; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 4; Dance Committee 3; Community Action 3; Glee Club 3,4.
John A. Jordan 14 Edwards Court, Bayonne Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excel lence Medal 1; Petrean 4; Community Action 3; Chess Club 4.
C arl M. Kaminski 28 Boyd Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2,3; Bowling 1,2,3,4.
P atrick F. Kane 278 DeWitt Avenue, Belleville Sodality 1; Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 2,3,4; Rally Committee 3,4; Cheer leaders 2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Poster Com mittee 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 1,2.
■ I
Charles F. Kenny 22 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Radio Club 3; Intramural Council 4; Higher Achievement Program 3.
J . Michael K erw an 123 West Third Street, Bayonne Class .Officer 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Sci ence Club 2; Intramural Council 4; Art Club 1; Glee Club 3,4.
E dw ard D. Kidney 89 Storms Avenue, Jersey City Intramural Council 4; Band 2,3,4; League Leaders 4.
Raym ond V. Kilkenny 1323 14th Street, North Bergen Honor Pin 2,3; Bowling 1,2,3,4.
P au l M. Kierney 210 Lembeck Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3.
John M. King 19 Storms Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 1; Baseball 2,3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 4.
Francis X . K ing 1015 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken Honor Pin 1,3; Radio Club 3,4; Intra足 mural Council 4; Community Action 3.
M ichael F. K irkow ski 290 Delaware Avenue, Paterson Sodality K| Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gymnas足 tics 2; Basketball 2,3,4.
Stephen A. Kohl 25 Wade Street, Jersey City Religion Medal 2.
R obert A. Kolock 92 West Fourth Street, Bayonne Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ex足 cellence Medal 1; Religion Medal 1; Petrean 4; Science Club 1,2,4; Com足 munity Action 3; Chess Club 1; Camera Club 1; Art Club 1.
Jeffrey M. Kow alski 7 Grant Street, Sewaren Community Action 2; Chess Club 1, 2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; Glee Club 3. 234
M ario E. K rav a n ja 452 5 Broadway, Union City Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Community Action 3.
R obert T. Kropke 177 Bleecker Street, Jersey City Sodality 1; Student Council 4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Dance Committee 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1; Higher Achievement Pro足 gram 3.
Charles A. K uch ar 17 Terrace Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3,4; Art Club 1,2; Poster Club 4.
Theodore E, Ktviatkow ski 130 Carteret Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2. 235
P au l P. Lam b 46 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City German Club 4; Science Club 4; Dance Committee 4; Community Ac足 tion 2,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 3,4; League Leaders 2,3; Poster Club 2,3,4.
Joseph P. L ak ata 4 Bayview Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2,3; Radio Club 1.
Louis G. Lenzi 138 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3.
Joseph M. Lee 70 Trask Avenue, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2; Art Club 1.
Joseph M. Leone 12 Stevens Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 3; Art Club 1; Higher Achievement Program 4.
George W. Leppert 306 Clerk Street, Jersey City Community Action 2; Football _3; Art Club 1; Track Team 4; League Lead足 ers 4.
Andrew M. Lew andow ski 278 Princeton Avenue, Jersey City Science Club 4; Band 1,2,3,4.
Robert A. Logan 324 Duncan Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2,3; Gymnastics 2.
Jerem iah G. Mahony 107 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2; Intramural Council 3,4; Community Action 3; Football 2,3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 4.
SHR 1 R obert E. M aitner 28 Avenue C, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 3,4.
V eter P. M aleck i 384 Princeton Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 2; Cheerlead足 ers 4; Community Action 2; Gymnas足 tics 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2.
William F. Mangan 171 Delaware Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4 Honor Pin 1,2; Petroc 4; Rally Com mittee 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4 Community Action 2; Gymnastics 2 League Leaders 1,2,3,4; Football 4.
Ronald J . M arczewski 622 Sherman Avenue, Roselle Park
V. Jam es Mann 41 Woodcrest Drive, Livingston
Sodality 1,2,3,4; Sodality Council 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion Medal 3; Petrean 4; Science Club 2; Com足 munity Action 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; Higher Achievement Program 4.
Honor Pin 3; Excellence Medal 3.
Fran k J . McElroy 175 Boulevard, Glen Rock
Joseph A. M are sea
Sodality 1,2; Class Officer 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 2; Re足 ligion Medal 3; Community Action 3; Swimming 1,2,3,4.
33 Bleecker Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 2,3; Glee Club 2.
R obert J . McGuinness 82 Lexington Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 3; Community Action 3; Gymnastics 3,4; Art Club 1; Tennis 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 3,4.
Jam es E. M cN erney, J r . 9 Towers Street, Jersey City Science Club 2,3,4; Library Club 2,3; Chess Club 2; Camera Club 1,3,4; Glee Club 3,4.
C arl W. Menk 23 Victor Avenue, Glen Ridge Class Officer 2,3; Dramatics 4; Foot足 ball 3; Track 2,4.
G erald J . Meehan 1186 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3 ; Petrean 4, Writing Editor 4; Rally Committee 4; Com足 munity Action 1,3; Glee Club 2.
John D. M ikolay 151 Jewett Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; Petroc 4; Rally Com mittee 4; Library Club 2,3,4; Com munity Action 3; Art Club 1,4; Glee Club 3,4; League Leaders 2,4.
John J . M ercun 7 11 Sixth Street, Union City Student Council■i 4; Class Officer 2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Dance Committee 4; Intramural Council 2,4; Football 2,3,4.
John P. Milsop 3 801 Kennedy Boulevard, Union City Sodality 1,2,3,4, Sodality Union Presi dent 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Debating 1,2; Oratory 1,2,3,4; Community Action 3.
D a n ie l T . M itch ell 86 Prospect Street, Jersey City Student Council 2,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Gym nastics 1,2; Swimming 1.
George N . Mitchels 795 Broadway, Bayonne Honor Pin 1; German Club 4; Band 1,2 .
John J . Monahan 75 Broadway, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dramatics 4; Petroc 3,4; Dance Com足 mittee 3; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4.
Cosmo A. Mongiello 285 Woodlawn Avenue, Jersey City Art Club 1.
fr a n k N . Monterisi 74 Ninth Street, Woodbridge Science Club 2; Saddle & Bridle 1,2, 3,4, President 4. 242
P atrick J . Montesano 1304 44th Street, North Bergen Sodality 1,2,3,4; Sodality Council 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; Dramatics Medal 2; Dramatics 1,2, 3,4; Petrean 3,4, Senior Editor 4; Community Action 2,3,4; Art Club 1.
George F. Moran 315 Van Nostrand Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4.
Donald T. Morello 2 50 Oriental Place, Lyndhurst Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3; Band 1,2,3; Art Club 1,2.
John H. Moreno 803 Albermarle Street, Wyckoff Sodality 1,2,3; Class Officer 1,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Com足 munity Action 2; Baseball 2,3; League Leaders 2.
John A. M uller 796 Lancaster Road, Ridgefield
Francis J . M urdaco 512 Edgewater Avenue, Ridgefield Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Rally Committee 4; Football 1,2,3,4.
Jam es M. M urphy 743 Grand Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4.
Joseph C. N ardini 29 Sherman Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Class Officer 3; Com足 munity Action 3; Baseball 2,3,4.
Thomas M. N ovella 38 5 Cator Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 2; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 2; Debating 1; German Club 4; Sci足 ence Club 1; Community Action 2; Band 2,3; Art Club 1; Glee Club 2,3; League Leaders 1.
John A. Nelson 131 Fulton Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Debating 1; Oratory 1,2, 3,4; Rally Committee 4; Band 2,3,4, President 4; Higher Achievement Program 3,4.
A ndrew M. Orsen 42 Romaine Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Com足 munity Action 3.
John J . O ckay 10 East 24th Street, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Science Club 4.
R onald E. Pacholec 413 Union Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; De足 bating 1,2,3; German Club 4; Science Club 4; Community Action 2; Art Club L
Bruce M. Paolini 631 38th Street, Union City Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 4.
Joseph R. Peisecki 80 Coles Street, Jersey City Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Com足 munity Action 3; Chess Club 1; Track Team 1,2.
Stephen G. Velio 207 Bartholdi Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Glee Club 4. 246
G eorge A. Peterson 60 Glenwood Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; Community Action 1>2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; League Leaders 1,2,3,4.
R obert R. Petrie 3 5 Harmon Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 2.
Kenneth M. Pisano 157 Charlotte Place, Englewood Cliffs Gymnastics 2,3; League Leaders 4.
Thomas A. Piserchia 164 McAdoo Avenue, Jersey City Gymnastics 2; Art Club 1. 247
W illiam C. Podurgiel 261 Second Street, Jersey City Sodality 2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Radio Club 1; Community Action 2,3.
Peter D. Pizzuto 38 6 Fifth Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4, Vice-President 4; Class Officer 1,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1,2; Debating 2,3,4; Petrean 3,4, Managing Editor 4; Rally Committee 4; Cheerleaders 4; Community Ac足 tion 2,3; Chess Club 1; League Lead足 ers 2.
E dw ard H . Powers 131 Brill Street, Newark Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 3; Football 2,3,4; Baseball 3,4.
Anthony J . Policastro 409 Jefferson Street, Hoboken Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Rally Committee 4; Science Club 2; Intra足 mural Council 4; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 4.
John J . Pow ers 175 West 27th Street, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 2; Cheerleaders 1,2; Community Action 2,3; Gymnas足 tics 2,3,4, Captain 4; League Leaders 2,4.
Fran k J . Prohammer 2 Alice Lane, Clark Baseball 2,3,4; Glee Club 3.
Rodney R . Proto 310 Spencer Street, Elizabeth Honor Pin 1,2; Dramatics 3,4; Petrean 2,3,4; Photography Editor 3, Editor-in- Chief 4; German Club 4; Rally Committee 4; Science Club 2; Cheerleaders 2,4; Community Action 3; Art Club 1; League Leaders 1,2,4.
Timothy T. Purcell 134 Ogden Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 1,2,3; Dance Committee 2,3; Community Action 3; Football 1, 2 .
Kenneth J . Q uinn 48 Beach Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,3,4; Student Council 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4; Community Ac足 tion 2,3; Basketball 1.
W illiam J . Rahow icz 1916 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City Sodality 2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Com足 munity Action 2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; Higher Achievement Program, 3,4; League Leaders 2,4.
Gene V. Rapcienski 122 West 22nd Street, Bayonne Science Club 1,2,3; Radio Club 1; Intramural Council 4; Chess Club 1; Art Club 1.
John J . Regan 377 Charlton Avenue, South Orange Gymnastics 2,3; Art Club 1; Glee Club.
Jam es M. Richard 89 Hobart Avenue, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3; Art Club 1.
Joseph L. Reid 68 Avenue C, Bayonne Petroc 4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4.
A lfred J . Rinn 16 Norcroft Road, Jersey City Honor Pin 1; Community Action 3; Art Club 1.
Thomas G. Rindos 198 Princeton Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 2; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Track Team 2.
Dennis F. Rizzo 41 Zabriskie Street, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3.
George A. R u ggeri 287A Webster Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 3.
Stephen A. R utkow ski 22 O’Brien Court, Bayonne Art Club 1; Glee Club 2; League Leaders 4.
John A. Russell 94 Summit Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Dance Committee 3; Intra mural Council 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 4.
M athew E. Saccente 117 Nelson Avenue, Jersey City Community Action 2,4.
Jam es F. R yan 27 Nunda Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Student Council 3; Honor Pin 1,2; Rally Committee 4; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Commun足 ity Action 3; Gymnastics 2,3,4; Foot足 ball 2,3,4; League Leaders 2,4.
John P. Sakow ski 20 West 22nd Street, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2,3; Community Ac tion 3.
Peter G. Sassone 341 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 2; Debating 3,4; German Club 4; Science Club 1,2,4; Community Action 3; Chess Club 1; Camera Club 3; Art Club 1.
A lfred P. Sattelberger 822 Allwood Road, Clifton Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Community Action 3; Band, 3,4; Art Club 1.
Michael S. Scaglione 546 Olympia Avenue, Cliffside Park Sodality 1; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1.
D onald E. Schnur 201 Gates Avenue, Jersey City Art Club 1; Track Team 4.
G ary F. Schreck 31 Shelley Court, Bergenfield Sodality 3; Class Officer 2,4; Art Club 1; Track Team 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 4. 254
Peter D. Scivoletti 303 Third Street, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excel lence Medal, 1; Bowling.2.
M ichael I. Scott 167 Hadley Avenue, Clifton Sodality 1,2; Class Officer 2,4; Intra足 mural Council 2; Community Action 3; Gymnastics 1,2; Baseball 3,4; Bas足 ketball 2,4; Art Club 1; Higher Achievement Program 3.
Joseph J. Scura 3 58 Stegman Parkway, Jersey City Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 2; Petroc 3; Dance Committee 4; Football 1; League Leaders 2.
Stephen J . Sekel 99 Garrison Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 3,4; Sodality Council 3,4; Student Council 4; Class Officer 1,4: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Inscape 4; Commu足 nity Action 3,4; Higher Achievement Program 4; Petroc 4.
Leonard P. Sepanak 127 Oak Ridge Road, Clifton Dramatics 1; Band 3,4.
W illiam F. Sexton 193 Farretson Avenue, Bayonne Community Action 4; Art Club 1.
P atrick J . Shannon 25 5 Fifth Street, Jersey City Science Club 4; Band 1,2,3,4, VicePresident 4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1; League Leaders 2,4.
William J . Skorupski 252 Cator Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Re足 ligion Medal 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Base足 ball 2,3,4.
Kenneth P, Spiegel 205 Willow Avenue, Hoboken Sodality 2; Honor Pin 1,3; Oratory 1,2; Cheerleaders 2; Dance Committee 4; Community Action 1,3,4; Band 3,4; Glee Club 4; League Leaders 2.
G eorge J . Smith 145 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 3; Football 2,3,4; League Leaders 4.
Joseph P. Stancati 717 13 th Street, Union City Honor Pin 1; Football 3.
Francis X . Spillane 14 Perrine Avenue, Jersey City Sodality 2,3; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Rally Committee 4; Intra足 mural Council 4; Community Action 3,4; Football 4; Baseball 3,4.
E d w ard B . Stanton 487 Union Avenue, Rutherford Class Officer 4; Intramural Council 3,4; Basketball 1,2,4.
Thaddeus E . Sucholbiak 13 5 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne Community Action 2; Art Club 1; Glee Club 4.
Francis C. Su tu la 1703 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen Sodality 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1; Science Club 4; Dance Committee 4; Com足 munity Action 2; Band 1; Gymnas足 tics 1,2,3,4; Football 3,4.
Anthony Szpak 48 Lienau Place, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; German Club 4; Band 1,2,3. 258
Jo se p h B. T a v o r m in a 232 Stiles Street, Elizabeth Sodality 1,2,3; Class Officer 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1,2,3; Religion Medal 1,2,3; Debating 2.3.4, President 4; Oratory 2; Petrean 3.4, Writing Editor 4; Petroc 3,4; German Club 4; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 3,4.
Raym ond P. Testa 3410 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 1,3; Bowl足 ing 2.
Michael F. Tornam be 413 Redcliffe Street, Elizabeth Sodality 1,2,3; Student Council 3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Intramural Council 4; Baseball 2,3,4.
Jam es E. Troche 30 Mackay Avenue, Waldwick Sodality 2; Class Officer 2; Honor Pin 1,2; German Club 4; Gymnastics 2; Track Team 1,3,4. 259
R obert M. U rban M7 Market Street, Newark Football
Intramural Council 3,4; 1,2,3; Track Team 2.
G erald P. Tyne 60 Brookview Terrace, Bergenfield Class Officer 4; Intramural Council 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2; League Leaders 2,3.
E dw ard F. V alitutto 84B Suburbia Drive, Jersey City Class Officer 3; Honor Pin 1,3; Ger足 man Club 4; Science Club 4; Band 1,2,3,4.
Frank M. Vaccarino 3657 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City Student Council 2; Class Officer 2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Dance Committee 3; Intramural Council 3,4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; League Leaders 2,4.
Dem mon E. V an Tyle 916 18 th Street, Union City Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Ger足 man Club 4; Science Club 4; Dance Committee 4; Gymnastics 2,3,4, Co足 captain 4; Track Team 3,4; Higher Achievement Program 4.
Thomas J . Viggiano 108 Pamrapo Avetlue, Jersey City Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4; Community Action 3; League Lead足 ers 2.
C h a rle s P . V o g el 41 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City Art Club 1.
E d w a r d R . W allace 72 Poplar Street, Ridgefield Park Student Council 3; Dramatics 2,3; Petroc 3,4; Intramural Council 1,2,3; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 3.
Robert J . Walsh 409 25th Street, Union City Class Officer 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Community Action 3.
K e v in J . W a rd 62 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3; Art Club 1; Track Team 2.
Stanley F. Wasoxvski 28 Hiram Place, Harrison Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ex足 cellence Medal 1; Religion Medal 1; Debating 1; Petroc 1; German Club 4; Rally Committee 4; Cheerleaders 4; Radio Club 1,2,3,4, Manager 2, Vice-President 3; Intramural Council 4; Community Action 3,4; Swimming 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 3. 262
M artin J . Ward 36 Bidwell Avenue, Jersey City Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 2,3; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; League Leaders 4.
P aul L. Wiggin 13 Lienan Place, Jersey City Dance Committee 4; Art Club 1,2; League Leaders 2,3.
Stephen L. W eigert 3388 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City Class Officer 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ex足 cellence Medal 2; Petroc 3,4; Band 1,2; Bowling 2,3.
Kevin G. Wilson 46 Hastings Avenue, Rutherford
D avid R . Williams
Honor Pin 1,2,3; Science Club 4; Radio Club 3,4; Community Action 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3,4.
14 Bayside Place, Jersey City Sodality 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4; Football 1,2,3,4. 263
Raym ond A. Y an uzzi 98 Elm Avenue, Fairview Sodality 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellent Medal 1,2,3; Religion Medal 1; Oratory 4; Petroc 2,3,4; Inscape 2,3,4; Band 1,2; Higher Achievement Program 4.
Fred R . W raga 270 Born Street, Secaucus Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Radio Club 2; Baseball 3,4; Art Club 2,3.
V ictor T. Z arrilli 35 George Street, Montclair Sodality 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2 Honor Pin 2,3; Excellence Medal 2 Religion Medal 3; Rally Committee 4 Community Action 2,3,4; Ban3 1,2,3
George S. Zakrzew ski 23 9 Ferry Street, Newark Honor Pin 2; Track Team 1; League Leaders 4.
Robert E. Zeman 507 Walnut Street, Ridgefield Honor Pin 1,2,3; German Club 4.
Ronald J . A. T aw acki 34A East Street, Bayonne Honor Pin 1,2; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 2; Com足 munity Action 2; Chess Club 1; Camera Club 1,2.
Thomas W. "Zito, Jr. 38 West 32nd Street, Bayonne Sodality 1,2,3,4, Officer 2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 2.3.4, Photography Editor 4; German Club 4; Rally Committee 2,3,4; Cheerleaders 2,3,4; Community Ac足 tion 2,3,4; Higher Achievement Pro足 gram 4; Glee Club 2; League Leaders 1.2.4.
The Administration and Faculty for keeping the wheels of education turning. The student body for their whole-hearted effort in making the Christmas food drive a tremendous success again for the poor people in our area. The students who helped in our tutoring program and at St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home for the Blind. Mr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J. and his crew for their vast successes in running the Mission Drive and dances. The members of the cast and stage crew, the erstwhile producer and director, all of whom made The Man Who Came to Dinner our greatest success to date. Father Earle Markey, S.J., for a job well done in succeeding Father Leo Daly, S.J., as Prefect of Discipline and Assistant Principal. Tom DiMatteo and the Student Council for their efforts toward school unity and spirit. The National Merit Finalists: Ray Andro, Pete Pizzuto, Tom Viggiano, and Stan Wasowski. Mr. Thomas Buser, S.J., for an outstanding season o f rallies and posters with eclat and grace. Bob Kropke and Bob Buckley for their performance on the gridiron and for being named to the AllCounty Team. Mr. Berkowitz for running the gym, having the gymnastics team win in the city, and for guiding us on to our best record so far in the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Tests. The weatherman, who provided rain for the day o f the Holy Name Parade. Daniel Berkowitz for his successful oratorical endeavors. The Bowling team for capturing the South Hudson Crown. The National Merit Letter of Commendation Winners. Mr. Edward McNally for his work in helping so many of us to get scholarships. Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, without whose guise and witticisms, Prep would hardly have been the same this year. The yearbook staff, whose hard work, ingenuity, and dedication made Mr. Mizen, S.J. rest more assured this year.
DI FED BUICK 919 Communipaw Ave. Jersey City, N. J. Samuel C. Di Feo, Pres.
U| n
.MR. B U ; 5 E R ' S \ / 'I R .
M lliu n
M R M U L V IH ILL1 V M A U S D L F U fl
avk . n oovey's
Compliments of
• Meetings
* All Social Functions
STEPHEN PILEWICZ 180 Ocean Ave., Jersey City 5, N. J.
HE 3-1642
This is not a Volkswagen advertisem ent
ou were exoec
Rabbits - Turkeys - Pigeons - Geese - Squabs Pullets - Capons - City Cut Parts A N IM A L FEEDS - LABORATORY AN IM ALS
383 M O NM O U TH ST.
JERSEY CITY, N. J. Phone OL 3-1908
im im iH iim m in "
McGUINNESS GMC Trucks Inc. Route No. 1 and Duncan Ave. Jersey City, N. J.
Jersey City, N. J.
ALLEGROS Formal Wear Rentals Always A Student Discount EVERY STYLE, EVERY COLOR 180 Monticello Ave.
Jersey City, N. J. HE 4-4949
Best wishes from
Compliments of
MR. & MRS. WALLACE P. BERKOWITZ Wallace, Jr. ’60
Daniel ’66
Congratulations to the Class of 1966
BEN HALPERN Photographers for the 1966 Peteran
Compliments of
DE 3-4398
CO. HE 4-9809
Automotive Parts & Equipment Service Specialists WILLIAM GORMLEY 667-669 Communipaw Ave.
Jersey City 4, N. J.
Union City
North Bergen
Deposits Insured Up To $10,000 By The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
E d w a rd Sr., Helen, Robert, a n d Edw ard ’66
Best Wishes
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COMPLIMENTS OF The Friends & Family of Carmen Catrillo Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Catrillo Nickey Masters Gabriel Masters Cliff Giles Rocco Chiaro Philip Carbonaro Joe Reiner Alphonse Jones Pavonia Steel Teddy Barnun Andy Paris lacobucci family John Padergo Joe Cavuoto William Nese Pat Carlomagno Roger Valvano Louise Catrillo Black Mike Jerry Gig Iio
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
218 West 40th Street
New York City
LUIGI ANTONINI, General Secretary
Frank E. Rodgers, Mayor
O. John DiSalvo
A. Cifelli
Edward I. Galligher
E. Gorski
Thomas G. Doyle
F. Taft
John F. O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley, Jr.
Cornelius W. Fallon
Charles A. Farley, Town Clerk
SWarthmore 2-3737 JOHN M. DEEGAN, County Supervisor WILLIAM A. STERNKOPF, JR., Clerk
Aaimsworthey, Hournblower & Goodefinque
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bachand
John Bobowicz
Bernard Bagdzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bobal
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Baginski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boland
Ernest J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bovasso
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bannon
Dennis Boxeur '68
Miss Judith Bannon
Jam e s Boylan
Walter and Pearl Barkovitz
Mrs. N. Brack
Helen Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradshaw
Barnickel Hardware
Mrs. Marie Brady
Barone’s Food Market
Brandt's Groceries
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bredehoft
Mr. an d Mrs. Jam e s P. Barton Jr.
William J. Bremmer
Robert Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es T. Brennan
Fifth Ward Savings Bank
M argaret Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes
Nicholas Brennan
Arthur J. Beaudet
Rita Brennan
Mrs. L. Belinski
Thomas Broderick
Thomas Bellucci
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Bromirsk
Mr. John F. Belton
Miss Gertrude Bromirski
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bender
Mrs. Frances Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bennek
Dr. Kenneth Brophy
Mrs. Robert Armistead
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Berman
Michael Bros
Arrow Cleaners
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bernardo
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Byrne
Gilbert Ashe
Thomas A. Biondi
Greg Byrne '64
Avenue Liquor Store
Gerald Blaszcak
Bill Byrne ’66
Jam es Ackerman John Ackerman Theresa Ackerman Adam Lanes Bowling Alley Mr. Joseph Afflerbach A dam s Sales & Service Mr. John Adie Mr. and Mrs. Edward Alberque Sr. John W. Alescot Aloi's Cleaners Ambrozy Pharmacy Paul Amico Ampol Calendar & Novelty Co. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Angel's House of Hair Fashion John Arace Mr. and Mrs. S. Arestia Mr. and Mrs. Louis Argyelan The Andriola Family John Andryszewski
Mr. and Mrs. J . Arthur Brudnicki
Mr. Nick Carola
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Compa
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brzenk
Mrs. Florence Cassriel
Gerald M. Compeau
Ernest Buonocorf
Mr. and Mrs. A. Catanzaro
Mrs. S. J. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Burke
Charles Catrillo
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Connolly
Howard Burns
Cattani Wines and Liquors
Mrs. W. H. Connolly
David Burr Prep Shop
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cavallini
Tony Conti
Mr. and Mrs. H. Buryk
Alice Cavari
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cook
Busby's Confectionary
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cavari
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney
Busy Bee Delicatessen & Liquors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cervalli
The Copper Kettle
Harold J. Butler
John T. Cesarczyk
Mrs. Alberta Corasio
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buzzerio
Mr. Morris Chesen
Mr. and Mrs. B. Camione Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Cantoli Joseph Cardiello Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C asale Mr. Frank Capperelli Frank Cappola Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Carey B.
Carling Sons, Inc.
Carmine's Market Mrs. J. Carmody Mrs. Emily C asale Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Catalanp Mr. and Mrs. N. Catapano Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Catrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corascio
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Chrzanowski
Mr. and Mrs. B. Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ciemiecki
R. J. Cornelius Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ciniello
Mrs. Doris Corrado
Chorney Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cleary Alec Clerihew '57 Clinton Pharmacy Jam es Clossey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coffey Joseph J. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. E. Colacchio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colford Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colletti Columbia Park Lanes
G. Correale & Sons The Brian Corrigan Family Anthony Costantino Mrs. Helen Couch Angelo Cozzetta Mrs. E. Crowley William D. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Donald Curry Mr. and Mrs. Peter Curti Mrs. Catherine Curtin Custom Carpet Center Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Czochanski
Jam es J. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Drobny Sr.
Dalton Tumulty & Co.
Joseph Digeronimo
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducca
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daly
Miss G. Ducca
Mr. John Damato
Rae DiGiorgio
Mr. John F. Duffy
Mr. Al Damiani
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dillon
Duncan Hardware Inc.
Mrs. Marie Damiani
Mr. Robert Dineen
Robert Durgham
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D'Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Disoteo
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dwyer
Honor Damico
Dizzy and Skip
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Dwyer
Jam es P. Damico
D-Jâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Submarine Shop
Richard Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. B. Dlugolencki
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Dzbenski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Datzko
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobies
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dzikowski
Mr. Robert F. Davis
Lt. Col. Theodore R. Donahue
George Eggers
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davison
The J. A. Dolan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. J. DeBari
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Domnik
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Engel and Fami
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Delaney
Michael Donohue
E. J. I.
Rose Della Fave
Charles J. Donovan
Electrical Industrial Sales
Louis E. Della Torre
Mrs. Mary Donovan
Erhardt Family
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeMaio
Miss Mary E. Donovan
Fabio Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. DeMizio Sr.
Robert Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fabyanski
The Gene Dermody Family
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Donovan
John E. Farrell
Peter C. DePascale
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. Doolan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fava
Mary DeRosa
Agnes Dooley
Dorothy Field
Mr. and Mrs. S. De Socio
Mr. Francis Dorigatti
Francis A. Fee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Devaney
Mr. and Mrs. C. Doyle
Ernest Fehr
Thomas R. Devaney
Mae V. Doyle
Donald Ferguson
Mrs. M. Ferrante
A Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Germinario
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ferro
A Friend
Ben Ginsburg
Mr. John Filipkowski
A Friend
G ladstone's Inc.
Mr. Josep h Filipkowski
A Friend
Mrs. E. Gleason
Mr. Leo Filipkowski
A Friend
Mr. and Mrs. F. Glowacky
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Filosa
A Friend
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glushko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finigan
Mr. Gilbert Friend
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gloashesky
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Finn
Mrs. Helen Furita
John Golashesky
Harry H. Finn
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fusco
Goodm an’s Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Dom Fiore
Nicholas Leo Fusco Sr.
Charley Goombash
Mrs. Edmund J. Flaherty Sr.
George Gaccione
V\r. and Mrs. William Goppold
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Flaherty
Mr. John Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallom bardo
Grand Millwork & Lumber
George Foerst Inc.
G ane's Chemical Works, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Granville
J. M. Fields Dept. Store
John Garbarino
Mr. and Mrs. W. Greenlalch
Anthony M. Foddai
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garbis
Mrs. Mary T. Greenan
Foosies Restaurant
Garden Bake Shop
Greenville Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Foran
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Garibaldi
George Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Forsythe
Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Garibaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forsythe
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Garito
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grish
Robert Foth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gearhart
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gross
Frank and Ted’s
Gene’s Food Market
M. R. Grouls Inc. Insurance
Vincent J. Frees
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Genthon
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Grumbach
Fried’s Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gerbino
Timothy Grzelak
Friends from O.L.S.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gorman
Helen Gualtieri
& J. Floor Waxing Service
Esseelle Guskind
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollywood
Theresa Jimmerson
Mrs. Lillian Hackett
Dr. A. A. Holstein
Jo e 's Luncheonette
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Haggerty
Holy Rosary CYO
Jerry Lusinski
Mrs. Edward F. Hamill
Sybil Holy
Gary Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hojnowski
M argaret Jones
Jan e Hammer
Arthur Horlick
John J. Jordan '39
Richard Hammer
Mrs. Mary E. Horn
Jam es M. Joyce
William Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. B. Hrynkiewicz
Charles Juelke '58
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hanly
John S. Hudacko
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jurcisin
The Hartnetts
John J. Hughes Class of '63
Just-Rite Barber Shop
Joseph M. Hartnett
Joseph Hughes
Stanley Kabrt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartnett
Mr. and Mrs. Serge Hughes
Mrs. Louise Kaker
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Healy
Hummel Family
Mr. C. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. William Hearey
Mrs. Arthur G. Humphrey
Karen Industries
Mr. and Mrs. F. Heer
Sister Mary Immaculata
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kay
W. H. Hefferman
Anthony lannini
Mrs. Frank Kearney
Max Heir
Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Iwanyk
Mary and Brian Kegelman
Mrs. Peter Henderson
Frederick J. Jae g e r Jr.
Elizabeth C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. R. Henion
Samuel Jacob s
Kennedy Family
Dr. Jan Herchold and Family
The Janesk Family
Margaret E. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hickey
Stephen T. Janiszewski
Joseph H. Kenny
Edward R. Hinte
Mrs. J. P. Jaugstetter
Mrs. Bernard J. Kent
Margaret Hinte
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Ja z
Mrs. John Kent
Mrs. Catherine Hohmann
Jersey City Bagel Baking Co.
Michael Kerwan
Hohneker's Dairy
Jersey Bisons S&A Club
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Kessler
Kruse Family
Mr. and Mrs. A. La Viola
Laraine and Carole Kiely
Mr. William Kruse
Mrs. Vera Leek
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kierney
Mrs. Rose Kulkosky
Jam e s Lawrence
Mrs. Dorothy F. Kilkenny
Mr. and Mrs. John Kushnir
Mark Layendecker
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Kinahan
Mr. Myron Kushnir
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leier
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kuimiak
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lembo
Joseph Kyle
Mr. Robert Lenahan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred La Gratta
Dorothy Lenc
Lakeview Savings & Loan Assn.
John Lenc
Lakewood Tavern
Mr. and Mrs. Leoncavallo
Mr. and Mrs. P. Lamparello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lepis
Cheryl M. Lampe
Mr. and Mrs. John Leppard
Edward Lanigan
Mr. and Mrs. George Leppert
Tom Lanigan
William Lewis
Lancia Jew elers
Miss Frances Liguori R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lania
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lillis
Mr. and Mrs. Francis King Kingsley Mr. Theodore Kirby John Kirkeby Stanley Klotz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koch Hans Kohler Mrs. S. Kolock Mr. and Mrs. Matey Konwit Michael Korba Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Korbelak Kors and Ostrow Realtors Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kosakoros Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kovatch
Charles and Rita Lanktree Lautenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Flowers Dr. and Mrs. Anthony LaForgia
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kowalik
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Kozakewich
Stanley Lanskey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kozarich
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lanskey
Kramer's Jew elers
Robert Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Kratky and Son
Larsen's Restaurant
Kriegel Furs
Chas and Jam es Lauria
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lizza Mrs. B. Logan Mrs. Olga Lopresti Dr. A. R. Lombardi Thomas W. Lombardie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Los Rev. John Livner O.F.M. Mr. and Mrs. J. Luce Mrs. Lyons
Mr. Andrew Lukac
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M ango
David McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Luppino
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Manna
Joseph A. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mackiewicz
The Mannequin
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McKenna
Dr. Edward Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin
John M eagher
John and Martin Mackin
Daniel J. M assarelli
Gerald Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mackin
John Marchese
Mrs. Julia Meloro
Macâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auto Service
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M aresca
Timothy Mercier
Mr. and Mrs. John Murrwinski Mary and Jack Mackintosh
Marilyn Liquors Rusty Martin's Cosmetic Salon
Meyers Luncheonette Mrs. Mary Miele
Aurther B. MacMahon
Anthony G. Mastrolia
R. J. Madej
Mrs. Nicholas Matin
Madison Cleaners
M attano Flower Center
C. Milkowska
Madison Center Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzei
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller
Alfred Madonna
Joseph McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Miller
Mrs. Grace Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. McCaffry
Ed Milne '67
John Mahon
McCarthy Cleaners
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milne
Mrs. Catherine Mahoney
Mrs. Kenneth McClave Jr.
Miss Anne Minnissale
Mr. Edward Mahoney
Charles D. McColgan
Arby Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McCoy and Family
Louis M issaggia
Mrs. Emil Maitner
Mrs. Rita McDonnell
George and Marion Molinelli
Ralph's Fruit Market
Philip J. McGee
Gary Monteforte
Frank Malone
Frank and Bill McGovern
Mortiz Family
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mancino
Mary McGraw
Doris Mortedo
Mr. and Mrs. P. Mancino
Rev. Lester McGuiness
Jam es Morton
Regina Ann Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuiness
Edward Mottershead
Atzingen Milk Atzingen Milk
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Mottola
Mrs. Nick Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Page
Mr. and Mrs. J. Moucha
George O'Brien
Palace Drug Store
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mull
Rev. William O'Brien
Vincent Panariello
Frank Muller
Ocean Breeze Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. David Payne '54
Mr. an d Mrs. Walter Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. E. O'Connell
Mrs. Nellie Pappas
Lt. Walter Mueller '60
Mrs. F. J. O'Connell
Mrs. B. Paprocki
Esther Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jam e s J. O'Connor
Parente’s Chatterbox
Nellie Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O ’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paschik
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy
Mrs. M. O'Connor
Paris Pastry
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John Pastier
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Murray
O'Donnell Family
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Paternoster
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Musella
Helen O'Donnell
Mrs. Jean Pazik
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O'Leary
Peckman's Pharmacy
John P. O'Leary
Mr. Paul Pecoraro
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es B. Ommundsen
Mr. and Mrs. S. Pecoraro
Mr. and Mrs. L J. O'Neill
Joseph Peisecki
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. O'Neill
The Pepe Family
Mr. and Mrs. John O Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. George Peregrin
New Music Box Cafe
Paul Orlowski
Louis Perry
N. Y. Catholic Supply House Inc.
Stanley O. Kronski
Bruno and Mary Nicolai
Joseph Ostreyko
Mary V. Murphy
Mustello Bros. Auto Repairs Myers Family Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Natelli Miss Anne Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Neal P. Nelson Mrs. Selma Nelson
Mrs. Clara Nies Mrs. Caroline Nodes Mr. and Mrs. R. Nodine Jr. Mrs. Ann Nowicki
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ortzian Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orzynski John Osaben Mr. A. Pagano
The Peterson Family Vincent Pezzuti Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phalon Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Piccoli Julius Piergrossi
Piero's School Of Music
Mrs. Lucy Rand
Mr. and Mrs. William Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pilla
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Reck
Abraham D. Rudd
Edward Pinto
Mr. J. M. Regan
George Ruggeri
Florence Pisano
Rose Steinger and Louise Regan
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruggeri
Frank Pisano
Pat and Bill Regan
John R. Ruocco
Kenneth Pisano
Mr. and Mrs. T. Reilly
Vincent J. Runain Family
Vincent Pisano
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore P. Renga
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell
Mr. and Mrs. W. Plunges
Rex T.V. Service and Record Shop
The Russello Family
Thomas Podesta '67
Gregory Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Russillo
Mr. and Mrs. W. Podurgiel
Mrs. Ralph Ribaudo
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ryan
Andrew Preputin
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Rinaldi and Son
In Honor of St. John of the Cross
Mr. George Podurgiel '57
The Rindos Family
Rudolph Sabatino
William Podurgiel '66
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ring Jr.
Anna Sacco
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Polakowski
Randolph A. Riotto
M argaret Sacco
Mrs. Ann Polonica
The Rizzi Family
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Safford
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pontone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rocca
St. Joseph 's P.T.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Romano
Mrs. Janice Sammarco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Romano
J. P. Sand M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohammer
Joseph Romano
J. J. Sanger
Mr. and Mrs. John Pron
Rosemary Romano
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sant
John and Agnes Pulichino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Romano Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sawicz
Dr. C. L. Quaglieri
The Rooney Family
Anthony Scerbo
Felix Radleigh
Matt '67 and Charles '69 Rooney
J. Schimenti & Sons
Louis Raino
Milliam J. Ruane
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scerbo
The Ranch Restaurant
Dr. P. W. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scerbo
Mrs. M. Bour
Schaefers Restaurant
Mrs. Ross J. Simpson
Richard T. Sullivan
Scher Family
Mrs. Eugene V. Siwek
Frank E. Suplee
Emil Schmidt
Mrs. Rose Skowronski
Surplus Army & Navy
Seymore Schneider
Miss Ann Smerda
Mr. and Mrs. P. Sullivan Sr.
Katherine Schnur
Mrs. Francis A. Smith
Ja y Sweeney '46
Josep h P. Stuart B.S. C.P.A.
Grace Smith
M. A. Swiney M.D.
Kenneth Schnur
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Sydlar
Harry Schwartz Counselor at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sokolik
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel F. Syp
George Schwenk
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sokolnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szewczwy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scudese
Mr. and Mrs. A. Soncha
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szpakowski
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scully
Antonio Soriano
Stanley Szpakowski
Scutro Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. P. Soriano
Mary Szymanski
Mark Selander
S p ad a Grocery
Sophie B. Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. D. Serra
Specialty Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tavormina
Mr. and Mrs. Seweryn
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Speicher
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tavormina
Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharkey
Mr. and Mrs. T. Srokosz
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tavormina
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. D. Stancati
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tavormina
Shelley Foods
Joseph A. Stanley '41
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shields
Stan's Sport Center
Ted's Delicatessen
Len and Marion Sienko
Americus C. Stabile
Frank and Ted's
Mr. Dominic Statile
Jam es and Anna Telip
Paul Simonetti '67
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stine
Harry Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simonetti
Dr. F. K. Strohoefer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Simons Jr.
Suburban Press
Dr. Ross J. Simpson
John J. Sullivan
Tony Silewaski
John S. Tochko Henry M. Todaro Stephen Thomsen 68
Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Tomoszwski
Mildred Vallerini
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Willenborg
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tomeszeski
Dr. Jam es J. Vanderbeck
Glenn Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Tomney
Mr. A. Vandenburg
Mr. and Mrs. K. Williams
Tony's Groceries
P. Vanderberg Family
George and Rose Willms
The Torpey Family
Variety Club of Bayonne
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson
Alan Torres
Mr. Henry Vassil
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Winberry
Lyons Trading Company
Mr. and Mrs. Vergaretti
Lockwood Winnant
Mr. and Mrs. William Trapmann
Edward Vernikas
Mr. and Mrs. S. Truskowski
Bonaventuras Vyzas
Mr. and Mrs. B. Donald Woloshynâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mark and John
John Trosky, Sr.
Donna Vyzas
Amelia Wroclawski
Tsucalas Family
Roman Valaszek
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Wybolt
Dennis and Helen Tuohy and Family
John Waldron, Sr.
Anthony Yannotti
Henry Tylenda
The W allace Family
Yogi the Cat
Mr. Samuel L. Tyrrell
Mrs. Paul W araksa
Young Fashions, Inc.
Underwood Pharmacy
Mrs. Anna Warlikowski Mr. Joseph Warzenski
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zaleski
West Side Pharmacy West Side Wine and Liquor Wilenta Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zingaro
Nick Uricole Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ushay Joseph Valenti
Zientek Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zolli Zorro
SPECIAL PATRONS Gift of $10.00
S. M. Adamczyk
Mr. and Mrs. R. Deecken
Mrs. William F. Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Josep h S. Adamowicz
Jerry DeRosa
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hardiman
Mayor and Mrs. Paul Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. DiPaolo
Paul F. X. Hearns Family
The Aquino Family
Domenico Bus Service, Inc.
William T. Hilliard
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Aughinbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dondero
Mr. Alexander Hojnowski
Mrs. Helen M. Bachmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. John Horan
Barrell Tavern
Mr. Francis Evans
House of Greetings
Bayonne Barrel & Drum Co.
Ferrara Drugs
Hudson County National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. C. Baynard
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fiano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Humen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bencivenga
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Jan asie
Stephanie Bintz
Mr. and Mrs. George Filko
Jan ie ’s Beauty Salon
Dr. Urban R. Finnerty
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jordan
Biondo Family W anda Bishow Rose M. Boyce
Lucy E. Fossetta Galvin & French
Mr. and Mrs. R. Byrnes
A Friend
Cirillo & Sons, Inc.
A Friend
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Coar
A Friend
John Corigliano
A Friend
Arthur F. Couch Joseph P. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. G. Cybuski Mr. and Mrs. A. Czaykowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Czechowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Arienzo
The Garvey Family Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilch Hugh Greenan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greten Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Gurzo William F. Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jusinski Mr. and Mrs. J. Kacprowicz and Fa Kearney's Meat Market Councilman Jack Kelaher Rev. John A. Kelly Ernest Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M. Kerwan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kilian Peter N. King Maurice M. Krivit Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kuchar
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kusen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Plaza
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kwiatkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Plu$t
“ The La”
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohammer
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lauber
Mrs. Dorothy Rand
Mrs. Dorothy LeGrand
Mr. and Mrs. A. Raska
Joseph A. Leone Family
Mr. J. M. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lobo and Sons
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. William Lonergan Jr.
Randolph A. Riotto Funeral Home
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen LoVerme
Peter Sassone
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ludwizak
Dr. P. Savoy Optometrist
William A. Macchi
Mrs. Mildred Schnur
M arsella Realty Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scivoletti
Miss Mildred G. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Scura
Henry B. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sekel
McLaughlin Funeral Home
Sexton's Dairy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meehan
Shelley Provision Co.
Millbank Chemicals Inc.
Mrs. S. Sienkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moscati
Sofia Jewelers
M. D. Mullin
The Spooms Family
One Hour Martinizing
Jam es Stiso
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paluscio
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Szymialowicz
Paris Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tangeman
Pebbles and Chris
Trodyne Corp.
Councilman Anthony P. Peduto
Union City Finance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wasowski
A. Peplowski
Frdnk J. Pezzolla
Paul G. White
The Pinto Family
Bob Zeman
Mr. and Mrs. G. Pisano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Zito
SPONSORS Gift of $15.00
A c a d e m y Delicatessen, inc.
242 Warren Street Jersey City A . C. Chevrolet Co.
3085 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City
Best of Luck From Five Former Frie Birk Paint Co., Inc.
230-236 Kearney Avenue Jersey City Mr. and M rs. George R. Blaney
100 Bartholdi Avenue Jersey City
A li B u ildin g Construction Co.
319 Spencer Street Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle
43 Neptune Avenue Jersey City Frank Briamonte
23 Dupont Street Jersey City
A rrow Iron W orks, Inc.
408-414 Whiton Street Jersey City Barrett's
861 Bergen Avenue Jersey City M rs. Kathleen Barry
165 Sycamore Road Jersey City Bayonne Block C om pany, Inc.
40 West 56th Street Bayonne Bayonne Exterminating C om pany
93 West 35th Street Bayonne
H arry L. Beckman
Electrical Contractor Lighting and Power Bel Fuse, Inc.
198 Van Vorst Street Jersey City
7823 Bergenline Avenue North Bergen John J. Collins
133 Carlyle Street Carlstadt
534 Ellison Street Paterson Mrs. W alter Coppinger
Mr. an d M rs. V. Arecchi
15 Me. Kinley Place Bergenfield
Mrs. J. Cimprich
Continental Baking Com pany, Inc.
Alvens Pharm acy
458 Central Avenue Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Catrillo 4 8 D w ig h t Street Jersey City
Mr. and M rs. Stanley J. Bryk
706 Terhune Avenue Wayne
329 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City Mrs. Helen Creehowski
Mr. and M rs. Frank D. Brzenk
203 Washington Street Jersey City
242 South 21st Street Irvington Mr. and Mrs. W illiam J. Curley
Bush Brothers Inc.
101 West Palisade Avenue Englewood
51 Kensington Avenue Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. W illiam J. Curran
Mr. an d Mrs. Philip Bulzis
625 Willow Avenue Hoboken Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Calantone
85 Lafayette Avenue Passaic The Cam panella Family
17 College Drive Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Cam pbell
31 1 Forest Street Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cannavale
522 Kearney Avenue Cliffside Park
356 Webster Avenue Jersey City Stephen Czujko
25 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Daly
2 T im be rh ill D rive L ivin gsto n
James Daurio
50 Jordan Avenue Jersey City Joseph P. Dedicos
131 W. H a z le w o o d A v e n u e Rahw ay
SPONSORS DeDom inicis Fam ily
137 Prospect Street Jersey City Mr. an d Mrs. Louis DePascale
1233 Garden Street Hoboken Mr. and M rs. W alter De V an ey
483 Fairview Avenue Orange Mr. and Mrs. Carm ine DiM atteo
124 Broadway Jersey City Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Dirsa
480 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne
Mr. an d Mrs. Benjam ine Famiglietti
26 Rose Avenue Jersey City Farrier Plbg. Co. Inc.
33 Westervelt Place Jersey City Mr. an d M rs. T. J. Feeney
4 Lincoln Avenue Chatham Joseph Filoramo
949 Summit Avenue Jersey City Mr. and M rs. Thom as J. Finn
8 Canterbury Lane Suffern
Kenneth Dom brow ski
272 Third Street Jersey City
City of Bayonne Bayonne
179 West Third Street Clifton
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dunn
138a Erie Street Jersey City Em bassy M illw ork Co.
1557 Springfield Avenue Maplewood Mr, and Mrs. John English
400 Belgrove Drive Kearney
M r. an d M rs. Stephen G orbos & Fam ily
29 E. 31 st Street Bayonne Mr. an d M rs. Eugene C. G ou gh
895 Montgomery Street Jersey City The Guglielm elli Fam ily
411 Jefferson Street Hoboken
22 Brewster Place Bergenfield
815 Hudson Street Hoboken Mr. and M rs. Joseph Hayes
Mr. a n d Mrs. W illiam Frees
19 Paterson Street Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. M . J. Dougherty
706 73rd Street North Bergen
850 West Side Avenue Jersey City
Joseph P. H anrahan Mr. and M rs. A. R. Fleischer
Donato M ills Supplies
15 Brook Street Jersey City
G lenw ood Restaurant
Mr. John G um in a M a y o r Francis G. Fitzpatrick
Saint Dom inic A cadem y
2572 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City
Victor Gatto 5 7 0 N e w a rk A v e n u e Jersey City
19 Olean Avenue Jersey City Mr. and M rs. John D. Heffernan
A Friend
A. J. Fusciello
121 Brunswick Street Jersey City The G a llagh er Family
153 E. Lincoln Avenue Roselle Park P. Gam arello
173 Sherman Avenue Jersey City
59 Beechwood Drive Wayne Hom estead Plum bing and Heating
710 Summit Avenue Jersey City Hudson City Savin gs Bank
587 Summit Avenue Jersey City Hudson Tailoring Co. Inc.
44th Street and New York Avenue Union City
Lt. Col. J. P. Jaugstetter
H.Q. 2nd U.S. Army Fort M eade, Md. M rs. T. Jennings an d Fam ily
2148 Briarwood Avenue Sea Girt M r. Carl K am inski
28 Boyd Avenue Jersey City K ane Fam ily
278 DeWitt Avenue Belleville M r. an d M rs. H. J. Kegelm an
26 Greenville Avenue Jersey City C. J. K irkow ski Fam ily
Mr. and M rs. A. Lew andow ski
278 Princeton Avenue Jersey City Mr. a n d M rs. Ray R. Louf
233 Jew ett Avenue Jersey City Mr. an d M rs. Jeremiah G. M a h o n y
107 Kensington Avenue Jersey City M r. an d Mrs. Joseph M ah on ey
3 Preston Street Ridgefield Park The M alecki Fam ily
384 Princeton Avenue Jersey City The M a n g a n Fam ily
290 Delaware Avenue Paterson
171 Delaware Avenue Jersey City
M r. an d M rs. Stephen A. Kohl
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Marczew ski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Mercun 711 Sixth Street Union City
Metro Formal W ear
219 Old Bergen Road Jersey City M ichalski Funeral Home
463 Monmouth Street Jersey City Mitchell’s Anchor Inn
256 Warren Street Jersey City Mitchel’s T.V. Co., Inc.
795 Broadway Bayonne M iss Audrey Jo Mocco
601 Grand Avenue North Bergen Mr. and Mrs. P. J. M onahan
25 W ade Street Jersey City
622 Sherman Avenue Roselle Park
75 Broadway Bayonne Mr. Frank Monterisi
M r. Peter Koleba
143 H alladay Street Jersey City
The M arzah l Chemical Co.
3rd St. and Hackensack Avenue Kearney
74 Ninth Street Wood Ridge Gertrude Morello
The Kulnis Fam ily
245 Avenue E Bayonne
W illiam A. and H ugh F. M cDonald
Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McElory
Joseph G. Lakata
4 Bayview Avenue Jersey City J. A. La Rocca Bros. Inc.
63 Zabriskie Street Jersey City Mr. John F. Lee
70 Trask Avenue Bayonne
175 Boulevard Glen Rock Dr. and Mrs. P. J. McGovern
3284 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Mr. Carl W . M enk
23 Victor Avenue Glen Ridge
250 Oriental Place Lyndhurst Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Moreno
803 Aibemarle Street Wycoff Motor Club of America
2335 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Mr. Frank J. Murdaco
512 E d g e w a te r A v e n u e R id g e fie ld
SPONSORS Mr. Joseph A. Nardini
29 Sherman Avenue Jersey City Mr. an d M rs. John W . Nickerson
117 Green Street Lynn, M ass. Mrs. J. Norton a n d M iss N. F. M ah er
138a Erie Street Jersey City Mr. Thom as N ovella
385 Cator Avenue Jersey City Mr. and M rs. W . J. K. O ’Brien
1034 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne Mr. and Mrs. John O ckay
10 E. 24th Street Bayonne O ’Donnell & Kohansky Plbg. & Heating Co.
288 Avenue C Bayonne
Mr. Stephen G. Pello
207 Bartholdi Avenue Jersey City Mr. a n d M rs. R. J. Petrie
35 Harmon Street Jersey City Mr. and M rs. P. Policastro
409 Jefferson Street Hoboken Posnak & Turkish Inc.
Kellogg Street Jersey City Mr. a n d M rs. H. Powers
131 Brill Street Newark Mr. a n d M rs. Jam es Pircell
134 Ogden Avenue Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Jam es P. Quinn
48 Beech Street Jersey City Mrs. Lawrence Quinn
Stefan and Janina Orsen
42 Romaine Avenue Jersey City O ’M elia Outdoor Advertising Corp.
94 Broadway Jersey City Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmeri
692 All wood Road Clifton The Paoloni Family
631 38th Street Union City Paramount Food Stores
85 Journal Square Jersey City
96 Gifford Avenue Jersey City Mr. Joseph Raim o
11 Bloomfield Avenue North Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. V. Rapcienski
122 W. 22nd Street Bayonne Rick’s Auto Sales
1558 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. A. Riedlinger 61 C olum bia A ve n u e Jersey City
Rieman Funeral Hom e
1914 New York Avenue Union City Mr. Alfred J. Rinn
16 Norcroft Road Jersey City Russo Bros. Auto Wreckers
73 S. Front Street Elizabeth Mr. an d M rs. J. F. Ryari an d Famil
27 Nunda Avenue Jersey City Dr. an d M rs. C. Rydwin
137 Grand Street Jersey City Mr. John Ryglicki
1707 81 st Street North Bergen Mr. M atthew E. Saccente
117 Nelson Avenue Jersey City The S a n d a a l Fam ily
24 Stegman Street Jersey City Mr. F. Sapone and Mr. V. Edesden Arena Bow ling
Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. A. Sattelberger
822 Allwood Road Clifton Scatuorchio’s Funeral Home
160 Brunswick Street Jersey City Schlesinger’s
58th St. & Bergenline Avenue West New York
Scho n ing's City H all Bake Shop
95 W ashington Street Hoboken Scudder’s Sea Food M arket
494 Avenue C Bayonne Serge Elevator Co. Inc.
1001 Brook Avenue New York M r. P. J. Shannon & Son
255 Fifth Street Jersey City
Steve's Shop-Rite M arket
110-2 Avenue C Bayonne M r. Frank Suplee Mr. Anthony Szpak
48 Licrav Place Jersey City M rs. Frank Testa
3410 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Toker O il Co.
727 Livingston Street Elizabeth
Sier-Bath G ear Co. Inc.
9252 Kennedy Boulevard North Bergen
Mr. and M rs. Edw ard Troche
30 M ackay Avenue Waldwick
Barnett D. Singer - Architect
549 Broadway Bayonne
Union Business M achines
4812 Bergenline Avenue Union City
Mr. Chester Skowronski
16 W. 34th Street Bayonne
Mr. and Mrs. M ichael Urban
647 Market Street Newark
Mr. an d M rs. Smutek
159 Bergen Avenue Jersey City Mrs. M a ry Spiegel
205 Willow Avenue Hoboken
Rose Vaccarino
3637 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Edw ard and M arie Valitutto
84 b Suburbia Drive Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. L. W alsh 4 0 9 25th Street Union City Mr. and Mrs. E. J. W ard
36 Bidwell Avenue Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. E. W eigert
3388 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wermert
3514 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City Mr. Paul W ig g in ’66
13 Cienau Place Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Paul W ilson
46b Hastings Avenue Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. W ra ga
270 Born Street Secaucus The Yannuzzi Family
98 Elm Avenue Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Zakrzewski
239 Ferry Street Newa rk Mr. Michael Zarrilli
Estelle A. Spillane
14 Perrine Avenue Jersey City Mrs. K ay Stanton
487 Union Avenue Rutherford Stavalo Bros. Inc.
114 Colden Street Jersey City
Valleyview Service Station
Route 46 Fort Lee The V a n Tyle Family
916 - 18th Street Union City Mr. and Mrs. F. V ig g ia n o 108 Pa m rapo A venue Jersey City
35 George Street Montclair Mr. and Mrs. A. Zaw acki
34a E. 31st Street Bayonne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zisa
25 Fa irm o u n t A v e n u e H a c k e n sa c k
BENEFACTORS Gift of $25.00 Allwood Agency of New Jersey, Inc.
84 Market Street Clifton
George J. Costa M.D.
241 Second Street Jersey City
Anthony L. Almonte
83 Corbin Avenue Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Deibel
430 Bedford Road Ridgewood
E. J. Batchelar and Son
82 Montgomery Avenue Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Donovan
42 East Fourth Street Bayonne
Bay City Oil Service Inc.
1401 Harrison Tpk. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. R. Favocci and Family, Ray â&#x20AC;&#x2122;68
974 E. 27th Street Paterson
Beach Concrete Co.
Newark Dr. and Mrs. D. Beirne
435 N. Arlington Avenue East Orange Blue Comet Express Co.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McFarland, Sr.
6 Romaine Avenue Jersey City
Ferrara Drugs
2533 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City
16th and Henderson Streets Jersey City Mrs. Julius M. Forhecz Brookdale Beverage Co.
55 Nevins Street Rutherford
955 Bloomfield Avenue Clifton A Friend Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burbella and John R. Jr. - Ronald E. '66
135 West 24th Street Bayonne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green
357 Verona Avenue Elizabeth
Carlomagno Brothers
447 Johnston Avenue Jersey City
Herk Elevator Maintenance, Inc.
670 Grand Concourse Bronx, N. Y.
Cathedral Lace Company
1419 Summit Avenue Union City
Hideaway Tavern
BENEFACTORS Holthausen’s
Bergenline Ave. & 36th Street Union City Hudson City Savings Bank
7533 Bergenline Avenue North Bergen
Prof. and Mrs. R. J. Nickerson
237 Turrell Avenue South Orange
Lawrence J. O ’Brien
25 Duryea Road Upper Montclair
Hudson City Savings Bank
587 Summit Avenue Jersey City
Onyx Chemical Co.
Warren Street Jersey City
Jersey Contracting Corp.
P.O. Box 5148 Jersey City
Petruccelli Funeral Home
232 Christine Street Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lisa
445 Ogden Avenue Jersey City
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Pizzuto
386 Fifth Street Jersey City
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Lobbato
39 Glenwood Avenue Jersey City Vincent J. Mann, Jr.
41 Woodcrest Drive Livingston Mr. and Mrs. James E. McNerney and James
Richmond Routh Funeral Home
202 Old Bergan Road Jersey City
Sabato Travel Agency
266 Newark Avenue Jersey City
9 Towers Street Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schreck Mr. Herb Jordan
General Tire Co. East Rutherford and North Bergen
31 Shelly Court Bergenfield
Tube Bar Monticello Plumbing Co.
233 Spencer Street Elizabeth Mr. Frank Murray 32 3 N e w York Avenue Jersey City
Tube Concourse Jersey City
Wearever Pens and Pencils
David Kahn, Inc. North Bergen
Acknowledgem ents ...................................... Ads ..................................................................... A rt and Poster Club .................................... Assemblies ......................................................... Band ................................................................... Baseball .............................................................. Basketball ......................................................... Benefactors ....................................................... Bowling ............................................................ Cam era C lub .................................................. Chess C lub ....................................................... Com m union Breakfast .................................. C om m unity A ction ...................................... Contents ........................................................... Dance Com m ittee ......................................... Dances .............................................................. D ebate .............................................................. Dedication ....................................................... D ram atics ......................................................... D river’s Education ......................................... Faculty ............................................................. Football ........................................................... Freshmen ......................................................... Freshmen Orientation .................................. Glee C lub G olf .................................................................. G ym Team ...................................................... Incidentals ......................................................
331 268-309 142-143 190-191 176-178 201 144-155 328-329 166-168 157 141 122-123 174-175 3 124 125-126 172-173 4-5 98-101 158 30-61 82-97 67-73 62-63 127 196-197 130-135 136-137 186-187 Inscape ............................................................. 106-107
Intram urals ..................................................... Juniors ............................................................... Library C lub ................................................... Mission N ig h t ................................................. M other’s Club ................................................. N ational M erit W inners .............................. O ratory ............................................................. Patrons ............................................................... Petrean ............................................................... Petroc ................................................................. Physical Fitness .............................................. Radio C lub ........................................................ Rallies ................................................................. Retreats ............................................................ Saddle and Bridle C lub ................................ Spirit .................................................................... Science Club ................................................... Senior H istory ................................................. Seniors ............................................................... Sodalities ............................................................ Sophomores ...................................................... Special Patrons ................................................. Sponsors .................... Student Council .............................................. Sw im m ing ........................................................ Tennis ................................................................. T rack (Indoor) .............................................. T rack (O utdoor) .......................................... Tributes ...........................................................
Rev. Father N orton and Rev. Father Snyder for perm itting us to print this book, the Administration and faculty for their support and encouragement, all our advertisers and patrons who made this book possible, Vinodd Studios for their fine photographic work and assistance, Photography by Lou for supplying color photographs of our football team, the representatives and members o f the O ’ Toole Printing Com pany for their hard work and time graciously spent in counseling and advising us in the production of this book. Rev. Mr. Charles Burns, S.J., for his efforts and dedicated help throughout the year, Jim Daurio for his generosity in helping us to meet our final deadline, Rev. Mr. Ronald Mizen, S.J., for his untiring efforts for the Petrean and his unlimited patience with its staff.
188-189 159-165 140 194-195 192-193 179
138-139 310-320 102-103 104-105 128-129 109 80-81 110-112 IS6 6-27 108 202-203 204-265 74-75 113-121 321-322 323-327 76-79 180-185 200-201 170-171 198-199 266
(5e/u&z/ Abate 118 Ackerman 204 Adamczyk 204 Alario 113 Alberque 163 Alfano 120 Allaire 115 Amejka 160 Anderson 157, 67 Andriola 6 8 Andro 204, 106, 109 Andryszewski 69 Annunziato 117 Anthony 161 Antonini 204 Aquino 205 Arecchi 205, 79, 180 Arestia 119 Argyelan 118 Armistead 163, 180, 181 Atkachunas 7 0 Aughinbaugh 205 Avery 114 Mr. Azzarto, S.J. 42 Bachand 160, 100 Bachmann 105, 106, 107, 205 Bad6er 164, 78, 79 Bagdzinski 118 Baginski 71 Baker 163 Balboa 72 Bannon 7 3 Barbito 119 Barker 163, 108 Barkovitz 67 Barnes 120 Barr 162, 172 Barry, Day. 68 Barry, Den. 115 Barry, R. 206 Barton, G 116 Barton, J. 159 Baum 120 Baynard 206 Beaudet, Alb. 115, *.31, 133 Beaudet, Art. 161, 180 Becker 69 Bedell 165 Beirne 206, 180 Mrs. Belinski 60 Belinski 119, 153 Belton 165 Bencivenga 7 0 Bender 116 Benedetti 71 Bennek 7 2 Bennett 73, 109 Bergamo 67 Berkowitz 101, 206, 139, 172 Mr. Berkowitz 37, 128, 131 Berman 6 8 Bernhardt 69 Bintz 70 Biondo 116, 153 Blahitka 207 Bland 121 Blaney 207, 79, 146, 151, 145
Blaszczak 162, 175 Bloom 114, 153 Bobowicz, John 119, 170 Bobowicz, Joseph 71 Boland 113 Booth 207, 84 Bovasso 72 Bowen 114 Bowens 207 Boxeur 114 Boyd 7 3 Boylan, J. 120 Boylan, M. 67, 15 5 Boyle 114, 208 Brack 113, 140 Bradshaw 140, 104 Brady, H. 159 Brady, P. 68 Bredehoft 69 Brennan, G. 70 Brennan, J. 118, 172 Brennan, R. 161 Brockmann 71 Broderick 72 Bromirski 208 Fr. Browning, S.J. 54 Brower 73 Brudnicki 113,131 Bryk 208 Brzenk 79, 208, 126 Buckley 209, 84 Bulzis 209 3urbella 209 Burke, J. 159 Burke, K. 113, 84 Mr. Burns, S.J. 43, 101 Burvk 116, 177Mr. Buser, S.J. 3 8 ,8 0 ,1 2 7 ,1 4 2 ,1 4 3 Butti 114 Buzzerio 116, 177 Byrne 209, 180 Byrnes 116 Cadalzo 210 Cahill 161 Calantone 210, 145 Campanella 101, 100, 210 Campbell, John 118 Campbell, J. 210 Carnevale 211 Cantisano 69 Cantoli 114, 152, 15 3 Caporrino 117 Capparelli 164 Cardiello 147, 159 Mr. Carey 48 Carmody 165 Carola 119 Carro 114 Carroll 120 Caruso 121 Casale 160, 141 Mr. Casey 43 Casper 211 Castelli 211 Catalano 114
Catanzaro 163, 153, 145 Catapano 165 Catrillo 68 Caulfield, M. 164,170 Caulfield, P. 121, 173 Cavallini 115 Cavari 119 Cervalli 70 Chiola 113 Chipko 71 Chorney 116, 109 Chrustic 117 Chrzanowski 72 Cimprich 211, 133, 131 Ciniello 117 Clark 160 Cleary, R. 70 Cleary, T. 67 Clerihew, A. 114 Clerihew, E. 119 Clossey 161, 107 Coar 161, 131 Mr. Cochrane 84 Coffey 68 Colacchio 161 Colacurci 164 Colasurdo 116, 140 Colchie 163 Colford 116 Colletti 69 Miss Collins 140 Collins, C. 74, 212 Collins, J. 101, 212 Collis 70 Compa 159 Compeau 116 Connelly, R. 114 Connelly, T. 121 Connolly, J. 71 Connolly, T. 72 Conroy 118 Cook 162 Cooney 114, 153 Coppinger 212 Corasio 114 Corcoran 73, 141 Corrado 113 Corrigan 67, 104 Costa 115 Costantino 68 Costello 160 Covello 120 Coyle, F. 116 Coyle, J. 69 Cozzetta 70 Creazzo 71 Crincoli 161 Cummings 161 Curley, James 212 Curley, John 213, 148, 151, 148 Curran, R. 72, 155 Curran, W. 213 Curry 73 Cybulaki 213 Czaykowski 121
Czochanski 117, 170 Czujko 213 Dailey, J . 116 Daiiey, M. 67 D ’Aiessandro 159, 96 Fr. J. Daly, S.J. 32 Fr. L. Daly, S.J. 32, 77 Daly, P. 214 Daly, T. 68 Damato 161 Damiani 214 D ’Amico 1 2 1 , 166 Damico, P. 69 Damico, R. 119 D ’Andrea, L. 70, 96 D ’Andrea, M. 71 D ’Arienzo 116 Datzko 164 Daurio 87, 80, 84, 85, 214, 170, 171 Davis, B. 214 Davis R. F. 159 Davis, R. J. 215 DeAngelis 77, 84, 215, 90, 87 DeBari 165, 188, 149, 148, 145 Decina 215 Dedicos 215, 180 DeFilippo 72 Deibel 165 Delaney 118, 153 Della Fave 67, 96 DeLorenzo 161 DeLuca 84, 216 DeMaio 69 DeMizio 103, 162 DePascale, E. 76, 216 DePascale, J. 70, 77, 78, 180 DePascale, Paul 160 DePascale, Peter 71 Dermody 216 DeSocio 1 2 0 Devaney, M. 216 Devaney, T. 217 Diebel 104, 170 Diehl 84, 165 Dietz 217, 170 DiFeo 76, 77, 217 DiGeronimo 73 Dillon 113 DiMatteo 77, 84, 104, 217 Dineen 159 DiPoolo 118 DiPietro 119, 180 Dirsa 218 D^'-Ver 67 D'^nreo 109. 118 D'noolencki 113 DnWes 68 DnViprfv 69 Fr. E. Dnlan, S.T. 38, 138 Fr. F. Dolan. S.T. 3 9 , Dolan. M. 84, 98, 119, 173, 99 Doma'eski, E. 117 Domaleski, R. 70 Dombrowski 218 Domnik 71
Donahue 160, 174 Donatacci 113 Dondero 103, 218 Donohue, M. 114, 141 Donohue, W. 218 Donovan, C. 72, 78 Donovan, J. 120 Donovan, R. 135, 219 Doolan 7 3 Dooley 113 Dorigatti 67 Dougherty 219 Doyle 6 8 Dronby 84, 160 Dronzek 160 Drozd 162 Ducca 114 Duch 115 Duffy, E. 107, 113 Mr. D uffy 49 Duffy, J. 163 Dunham 116 Dunn, J. 219 Miss Dunne 60 Dwyer, R. 219 Dwyer, T. Dzikowski
162 115
Eagen 220 Egan 69 Elliot 70 Engel, J. 161 Engel, W. 71 English 220 Enright 220 Erhardt 78, 84, 113 Evans 117 Fabio 160 Fabyanski 72, 109 Faccone 73, 96 Fallow 164 Famiglietti 2 2 0 Mr. Farrell 51 Fava 68 Favocci 114 Fay 69, 96 Fecteau 70 Feduniewicz 71 Fee 163 Feeney 2 2 1 Fehr 113 Felice 72 Ferguson 118 Ferrante 165 Ferrara 1 0 2 , 2 2 1 Ferro 67 Ferullo 113 Feury 1 2 1 , 96 Fiano 6 8 , 96 Field 163, 170, 171 Filipkowski 121 Filko 96, 164, 170 Filoramo 221
Finigan 117 Finn, E. 160, 188, 153 Finn, P. 2 2 1 Finn, R. 120 Finnerty 119 Fiore 114 Fischer, P. 118 Fischer, R. 2 2 2 Fitzgerald 69 Fitzgibbons 120 Fitzpatrick 222 Flaherty 70, 109 Flamm 115 Flannery 119 Fleck 117 Fleischer, J. 71 Fleischer, R. 222 Floccari 115, 132, 131, 96 Flood 168 Foddai 120 Fr. Foley, S.J. 54 Foran 72 Mr. Fordi, S.J. 43, 107 Forhecz 73, 155 Forsythe 67 Frees, R. 109, 222 Frees, Y. 164 Friend 162 Fristensky 223 Fucito 223 Fuirita 121 Fusco, N. 68 Fusco, V. 160
Gaiewski 113 Galbraith, D. S. 164 Galbraith, S. 1 2 0 Mr. Galiastro 39 Gallagher, C. 223 Gallagher, P. 117 Gallagher, T. 121 Gallo 70 Gallombaro 69, 15 5 Galvin 115 Gamarello 223 Garbarino 163, 166 Mr. Gardulo 89, 92 Garibaldi, J. 121 Garibaldi, P. 71 Garito 116 Garvey 77, 84, 8 6 , 89, 224 Gener 72 Genthon 67 Gerbino 96, 114 Germinario 163, 178 Giannoto 6 8 Giebas 69 Gieser 70 Gilch 159 Ginty 224 Giovenco 114, 140, 177 Giracello 107, 159 Mr. Glavey, S.J. 169 Gleason 71 Glowacky 115 Glushko 119 Golashesky 117
O & e & ts
165 164 Gorbos 109, 224 Gorecki 160 Mr. Gorman 46 Gormley 224 Gough 225 Granville 162 Graul 73 Mr. Gray 47 Graziano 109, 225 Green, K. 225 Green, M. 165, 170 Fr. T. Green, S.J. 57 Green, T. 67, 100 Greenan, E. 121 Greenan, T. 113 Greene, E. 225 Greene, R. 162 Greenhalgh 78, 84, 107, 159 Greten, D. 226 Greten, G. 68 Grillo, J. 127, 162, 103 Grillo, T. 69 Grimes 71 Grish 103, 162 Mr' Grossi 60 Grumbach 118 Grzelak 72 Grzyb 117 Gualtieri 226 Guglielmelli 84, 226 Gumi-a 226 Guri.ey 161 Gurtatowski 73 Gurzo 84, 93, 108, 163
Mr. Halligan 144, 149 Halsey 121 Hamill, James 67, 155 Hamill, John 6 8 Hamilton 164 Hammann 114 Hammer, G. 157, 227 Hammer, J. 115 Hanlon, D. 117,184,180 Hanlon, M. 96, 165 Hanly 69, 96, 182, 180 Hannon 120 Hanrahan 183, 180, 227 Hansen 70, 96, 155, 154 Harnett 71, 173 H arrin gto n H a rtn e tt, J .
118, 172 104, 105, 227
Hartnett, M. 121, 188 Hathaway 227 Haughey 72, 96 Hayes, J. 228, 180 Hayes, R. 164 Healy 165, 103 Heaney 115 Hearns 159 Heer 73 Heffernan 228 Mr. Heitzman 52 Henion 107, 160 Herchold, C. 105, 107, 139, 228 Herchold, J. 67, 78, 171
Fr. Hess, S.J. 57 Hickey 6 8 Higgins 69, 180 Hilliard 228 Hinte 70 Br. Hoey, S.J. 36 Fr. Hoffen, S.J. 39 Hoffman 114 Hohnecker 163 Hojnowski 229, 148, 145 Mr. Hollander 46 Hollywood, D. 121 Hollywood, J. 229 Holy 71 Horan 116 Horn 115 Mr. Howard 49 Howard, R. 162, 138 Hrinewski 7 2 Hrynkiewicz 73, 96 Hughes, Patrick 137, 159 Hughes, Paul 107, 160, 175 Humen 137, 161 Hummel 67 Iaccarino 161 Iannarella 116, 177 Iannini 160, 84 Mr. Illy 33, 167 Inserra 159 Ippolito 229 Iwanyk 6 8 Jacobson 163, 145 Jacques 229 Jaeger, F. 165, 177 Jaeger, J. 166, 230 Jakubowski 230. Janasie 103, 188, 230 Janesk 115 Janiszewski 117, 157 Janzer 230 Jaronczyk 69 Jaronski 108 Fr. Jaschko, S.J. 51 Jaugstetter, J. 113 Jaugstetter, R. 231 Jaz 165 Jennings 74, 231 Jimmerson 164, 177 Joerss 114 Johnson 70, 96, 171 Jordan, J. 231 Jordan, P. 71, 78 Joyce 121, 157 Juchnewicz 141, 159 Jurcisin 113 Jusinski 121 Kabrt 141, 160 Kachur 72, 15 5 Kacprowicz 73, 155 Kaminski 231 Kane 188, 180, 232 Katelus 121 Kaufman 114 Kawecki 67 Kay 113
Keenan, G. 68 Keenan, J. 120 Kegelman 69 Ketterer 73 Kellner 70, 184 Mr. B. Kelly 182, 180 Kelly 118 Kemp 71 Kennedy, A. 165, 178 Kennedy, M. 72 Mr. Kennedy 42 Kenny, C. 232 Kenny, T. 113 Kent 113 Kerwan 232 Kessler 163 Mr. Kibbler 52, 101 Kiczek 117 Kidney 176, 232 Kiely 120 Kierney 233 Kilian 164 Kilkenny 166, 233 Kinahan 115 King, F. 233 King, J. F. 113 King, J. M. 233 Kirby 107,159 Kinley 120 Kirkeby 165 Kirkowski 234, 145 Klotz 114 Kohl 234 Kokosinski 67 Koleba 6 8 Kolock 234 Konvit 69, 155 Kopacz 70 Kopec 71 Korba 72 Korek 161 Kovatch 73 Kowalak, T. 161, 178 Kowalik, J. 162 Kowalski 234 Kozakewich 67, 177 Kozarich 163 Kraft 68 Krafty 159 Kauze 116 Kravanja 235 Kropke 79, 86, 88, 92, 94, 9 5, 97 184, 235 Kruse, P. 165 Kruse, W . 118 Kuchar 23 5 K ulkosky 107, 163 Kusen 60, 131, 134 Kuzmiak 69, 180 K wiatkowski 23 5
Mr. LaBlanc 58 LaForgia 125, 160 LaGratta 70, 15 5 Lakata 236 Lally 116 Lamb, C. 159 Lamb, P. 236
Lamparello 71 Lampe 116, 153 Lamprecht 114 Langan 115 Lania 121 Lanigan 119 Lanktree 165, 154, 153, 152 Lanskey 119 LaQuaglia 72 Larkin, E. 163 Larkin, P. 67, 15 5 Larsen 73 LaSalle 68 Lauber 69 Lauria 113 LaViola 119, 170 Layendecker 7 0 Lechonczak 96, 120 Lee 236 LeGrand 78, 79, 170 Leier 96, 118 Lembo 84, 78, 165, 188 Mr. Lempa 96 Lenahan 71 Lenc 118 Lenzi 236 Leonard 118, 131 Leoncavallo 72 Leone 74, 237 Lepis 162 Leppard 96, 120 Leppert 84, 237 Mr. Levine 53 Lewandowski 177, 237 Lewis 161 Liberatore 7 3 Lichnowski 67 Lillis 117 Lipinski 115 Lipnicki 117 Lisa, P. 120 Lisa, T. 121 Lisa, W. 68 Lizza 69, 141 Lobbato 70 Lobo 115 Loftus 160 Logan 2 37 Longendyke 161 Lopresti 162 Los 159 Louf 115 LoVerme 71 Luce 118, 170 Luick 84, 88, 160 Mr. Lupardo 5 8 Mrs. Lupari 37, 158 Luppino 72 Lusinski 69 Lynch 73, 113 Lynyak 67 Lyons 117, 153 MacIntyre 165, 173 Mackiewicz 68 Mackin, J. 164 Mackin, M. 162 MacMahon 69
Madej 70, 171 Madison, D. 71, 171 Madison, L. 160 Madsen 72 Mahan 120 Mahon 73 Mahoney 121 Mahony 84, 238 Maitner 238 Malecki 131, 133, 238 Malejko 160 Mr. Gene Maliff 170, 171 Malloory 120 Mancino, A. 163 Mancino, J. 115 Mangan 238 Mango 67 Mann 124, 239 Manna 165, 184 Marchese 68 Marczewski 239, 175 Maresca 239 Marino 161 Fr. Markey, S.J. 76, 169 Marsella 84, 120 Mr. Martel 176 Martelli 118 Martin 164 Matin 119, 171, 170 Mazza 69 Mazzei 113 McCabe, J. 84, 163 McCabe, W. 71 Mr. McCaffery 83, 109 McCaffery 161 McCarthy, D. 117 McCarthy, K. 115 McClave 70 McColgan 161 McCoy 116, 177 McCue 117 McDonald 72 McElroy 239, 182, 180 McFarland 73, 122, 141 McGee 113 McGovern, B. 121, 177 Fr. McGovern, S.J. 3 5 McGovern, P. 120 Fr. McGrail, S.J. 36 McGuinness, J. 67 Mr. R. McGuinness 48 McGuinness, R. 131, 135, 139, 240 McGuire, D. 67, 171, 155 McGuire, F. 68 McHarg 69 McHugh 70 McKenna, E. 159 McKenna, H. 162 Mr. McNally 34 McNerney 147, 157, 240 Fr. A. Meagher, S.J. 40 Meagher, J. 157, 161 Mecca 96, 120 Meehan, B. 114 Meehan, G. 240 Meluso 71 Mr. Mendola 49 Menk 240
Mercier 160, 145 Mercun, J. 84, 89, 241 Mercun, L. 118 Messina 164 Miceli 72 Michalowski 116 Mikolay 104, 141, 241 Miller, E. 113 Mr. F. Miller 58 Miller, S. 96, 117 Mr. Millus, S.J. 44, 80 Milne 78, 138, 139, 162 Milsop 138, 139, 241 Missaggia 121 Mitchell 241 Mitchels 242 Mr. Mizen, S.J. 59, 80, 103 Mojknowski 119 Mrs. Molney 60 Monahan 105, 132, 242 Mongiello 242 Monteforte 159 Monterisi 156, 242 Montesano 100, 243 Moore 113 Morale 120 Morales 134, 160 Moran, G. 243 Moran, R. 162 Morello 243 Moreno 243 Moritz, M. 73 Moritz, N. 120 Morris 159, 173 Morton 67 Moskal 117 Mottershead 161, 170 Mottola 165 Moucha 117 Mruz 68 Mueller 70, 131 Mull 107, 159 Mullane 115 Muller 96, 244 Mullin 115 Mulvihill, J. 84,113 Mr. R. Mulvihill 44 Mura winski 163 Murdaco 84, 244 Murphy, D. 107, 159 Murphy, J. 244 Murphy, Robert Paul 113 Murphy, Robert Peter 70 Murphy, Thomas 161 Murphy, Thomas J. 71 Mrs. M. Murry 61 Fr. T. Murry, S.J. 61 Murray 72 Musella 119 Myers 7 3 Namias 67 Nardini 244 Natelli, A. 121 Natelli, L. 160 Miss Naylor 61 Nesgoda 69, 177 Nelson 245, 176, 177
Newton 159 Nickerson 118 Nicolai 113 Nimbley 70 Nodes 71 Nodine 161, 153, 145 Nolan 163 Norris 114 Fr. Norton, S.J. 30, 64, 95, 101, 123 Novella 245 Obremski 119 O’Brien, K. 72 O’Brien, T. 73 Ockay 245 O’Connell, J. 67 O’Connell, P. 68 O’Connor, D. 96, 113 O’Connor, James 84, 163 O’Connor, Joseph O’Connor, M. 69, 182 Fr. T. O’Connor, S.J. 59, 108 Fr. O’Donnell, S.J. 5 5 O’Donnell, J. 116 O’Donnell, K. 70 O’Grady 71 O leary 160 Olsen 72 O’Neill, M. 73 O’Neill, W. 159 O’Reilly 114 Orlowsl i, A. 115 Orlowski, J. 159 Orsen 245 Ortzian 115 Orzynski 117 Osaben 67 Osnato 84, 165 Ostreyko 161 Mr. O’Sullivan 45 Pacholec, D. 68 Pacholec, R. 246 Pagano 114 Page 159 Pagel 113, 141 Palmeri 162 Paluscio 114, 166 Panariello 117 Panfile 119 Paoloni 246 Paprocki 119 Mr. Parisi 40 Paschik 69 Pastier 114 Paternoster 70, 96 Pazden 71 Pecoraro 164, 166 Peisecki 246 Pello 246 Pepe 163 Peregrin 84, 114, 153 Perrotto 113 Fr. J. Persich, S.J. 50 Peterson 247 Petrie 247 Phalon 72 Piccoli 117
Piergrossi 78, 115 Pilewicz 160 Pilla 84, 164, 170 Pinto 163 Pisano 247 Piserchia 247 Pizzuto 74, 76, 77, 79, 120, 248, 138, 102 Plaza, J. 115 Plaza, T. 159 Pluchta 159 Plurges 73 Plust 67 Podesta 165 Podurgiel 248 Polakowski 68 Policastro 80, 84, 248 Polisin 115, 96 Polonica 121 Pontone 118, 170 Pour 120, 153 Powers, E. 84, 248 Powers, J. 131, 249 Prezioso 121 Prohammer 249 P-on 69 Proto 102, 111, 249 Pulichino 70 Purcell 249 Quaglieri 107, 162 Quinn 124, 250 Ragazzo 159 Rakowicz 250, 177 Rand 72 Ransom 161 Rapcienski 250 Raska 115 Reck 116 Reed 73, 104 Regan, J. 2 50 Regan, M. 165 Regan, R. 67, 96, 171 Regenye 160 Reid 104, 251 Reilly, M. P. 120 Reilly, M. T. 160 Reilly, W. 161 Renga 164, 170 Reznick 68, 78 Rhodes 69 Ribaudo 115 Mr. Riccio 47 Richard 251 Riedlinger 164 Rieman 160 Riley 78, 163, 181, 79, 180 Rinaldi 108, 163 Rindos 84, 251 Rinn, A. 251 Rinn, R. 113, 183, 182, 18C Mrs. Riordan 61 Rizzo 251 Romano, A. 107, 163 Romano, J. J. iwt Romano, J. P. 117, 170 Romano, J. T. 121
Mr. C. Rooney 50 Rooney, C. 67, 171 Rooney, M. 163 Ross 71 Rossi 131, 161, 170, 171 Rowan 7 2 Ruane, J. 162 Ruane, T. 116 Ruggeri 252 Ruggieri 116, 177 Ruggiero 140, 121 Rumain 114 Russell 252, 147, 148, 145 Russello 73 Russillo 120 Rutkowski 252 Ryan, James 84, 89, 131, 134, 25 Ryan, John 115 Ryan, P. 120, 140, 177 Rydwin 117, 172 Ryglicki 84, 159 Sabatino 67 Sabato 68 Saccente 253 Safford 161 Sakowski 253 Salzmann 121 Sammarco 84, 161 Samuels 115 Sandaal 119 Sant 164 Mr. Sanzo 41 Sassone 253 Sattelberger 254, 178 Sawicz 69 Scaglione 254 Scerbo 164 Scher 71, 96 Schmidt, R. 118 Schmidt, T. 72, 172 Schmidt, T. J. 161 Schneider 73 Schnur 254 Schreck 254, 170 Schreiner 165 Schroback 67, 96, 15 5 Mr. Schroeder 55 Mr. Schwarz 55 Schwenk 68, 15 5 Scian 117, 177 Scivoletti 25 5 Scott 25 5 Scully, D. 115 Fr. J. Scully, S.J. 34 Scura 25 5 Sekel 74, 105, 255, 175 Selander 118 Sepanak 250 Serra 69, 96 Seweryn 7 0 Sexton 256 Seyfried 71 Shalhoub 120 Fr. Shalloe, S.J. 3 5, 64, 79, 123 Shannon 166, 176, 177, 256 Sharkey 72, 109 Shea 161
Sheridan | 118 Sherry 165 Shields 117, 153 Siciliano 173 Sienkiewiijz 140, 116, 177 Simonetti 164 Simons 67 Simpson, C. 68 . Simpson, T. 118 Sinopoli 116 Siwek 69 Mr. Skinner 96 SkoriJpski 84, 86, 256 Skowronski 70 Slawsky ' 7 1 , . Smith, D. 121 Smith, G . ' 84, 257 Fr. J . Smith, S.J. 47 Smith, R. K. 166, 163 Smith, R. W. 119 Smith, T. ^4, 120, 135 Smutek, R. 121 Fr. Snyder, S.J. 31, 62, 6 V''" Sokolik • 96, 120 Sokolnicki 141, 159 Soriano 72, 109 Spacca vento 73, 155 x 9 Spanton 114 Spe&ier 118 Spiegel 257, 178 Spillane 84, 257. Spponer ’ 121 S^lfeli^ 117 3; 25.7 S h Staniewicz 114"—; Stanton 258, 146, 145 Sratile 6 8 Staubach 118 Bro. Stehr, S.J. 36 Steinbacher 162 Stine 96, 120 Srinziano 121 Strohoefer 69, 78 Fr. Stroud, S.J. 56, 74 Stuart 161 Styles 120 SucnoiD^K 25 8 Sullivan, B. 159 : Mr. D. Sullivan, S.J. 41, 17* Sullivan, i p 116 Mr. Suruda, S.J. 45, 80, 105 Sutula 12?' 258 Syplar ’ 119 Syfc 78, 101, 99, 119
Szewczyk 71, 180 Szmerda 72 Szpak 258 Szpakowski 70 Szymialowicz 118 Mr. Taffaro 59 Tangeman 121 Taormino 73 Tavormina, J . 105. 259, 172 Tavormina, V. ’ 70 Telep 160 Testa 2 Thomsen 121 Tochko 119 Todaro 67 if'l Tomaszeski 1J9 Tomaszewski 160, 153 Tomney 120 Tornambe 188, 259 ■ Torpey 84, 115» 96 Torres 114 Totaro 69 Trapmann 117 Troche 2 59 j|§ P Trosky 121 T ru ^ te s^ »;: 164, 176 Tsriicilas 84, 115 Tuohy 159 Tyne 84, 260 Tyrrell 118 Urban
84, 260
Vaccarino 260 Valitutto 260, 177 Vallerini Vanderbcck, J. 163 Vandcrbeck, T. . 72 Vanderputten 165 Vaneck 165 Van Tyle 1)1, 134 Vassil 73 Vergaretti, D. 67 Vergaietti, R. . 120 Vernese , 68 Viggiano 261 Vitale 78, 121, 177 Vogel 261 Volpe 118 Vukas 418 Vyzas, B. ?162 s Vyzas, K,. 162 •
Waldron 69, 177 Wallace 104, ? 6 1 Mr. M. Walsh, S.J- 56, 80, 157, 188, US Waf*h, R.C. 115 v/ajsh, R .J. 262 ■Walukjewicz 84, 115 Ward, K. 262 Ward, M. 262, 145 War/enski 99, 163 Waspwski 109, 18 5, 262 Wegliapki 117 "Weigert 263 Weiser 165 M&k Weiss 121":^.^^ Wermcrt 160 Western 70 White. White, P. 119 Wickiewicz 117 Wiggin 76, 263 Wilenta 71 Willenborg 72 Williams, D. 84, 263 Williams, G. 78, 84, 161, 170, 171 Williams, J. 7 3 Williams, K. A. 96 Williams, K. M. 120 Willms 73, 180 Wilson, K. 84, 263, 93 Wilson, T. 69, 155 Winberry 116 Wojtaszczyk 113, 141 Wonka, D. 117v Wraga, f . 264 Wraga. J. 165 Wroclawski, 105, 159, 180 Mr. Wrynn, S.J. 176 Wvbolt 114 Yannuzzi> R.
62, 105, 264
261 Zakrzewski 2 64 Zalcski, E. 76 Zaleski, R. 109, 118 Zarefnba 71 Zarrilli 264 ZawAcki ' 26 5 Zelinski 72 Zeman 2o5 Zingaro 119 Zito 265 Zolli 96, 107, 128, 16? '