1969 Petrean

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St. Peter’s Preparatory School Jersey City, New Jersey

Four short years ago a new journey began. September 1965 brought the class of 1969 to Grand and Warren. We left grammar school with clouded thoughts and a new encounter. 3

It was the beginning of a search — the search for God, for the world, for identity....

God is d ead — dead to those who ignore Him. In our age God seems to be slipping from our grasp. Yet is He really?


Prep: here in the heart of a great city, near the wharves and the river. Here we learn to take an active part: to become involved.

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By now our goals are set; all that is left to see them through.

Life is a collection of segments; and to each segment there’s an end. This journey has now ended> and we look forward to a new beginning.

Reverend Francis J. Shalloe, S.J.


This year, we dedicate the Petrean to one of the warmest men on the Prep scene, Father Francis J. Shalloe, S.J. A Jesuit for fifty years, he has spent thirtytwo of those years here at St. Peter’s as principal, guidance counselor, alumni director, and vice-president. All the men of Prep, both past and present, have come to know and love him. In tribute to him we echo the legend on the program for his anniversary dinner: ", . . and may he so remain with us forever and ever."

John J. Scully, S.J. Rector — President Moderator of the Fathers’ Club


Rev. Edward C. Lynch, S.f. Assistant Principal Moderator of Athletics

Rev. Francis J. Shalloe, S.J. Vice President for Alumni Affairs; Student Counselor III

Rev. Francis J. McNamara, S.J. Chairman of the Guidance Department, Student Counsellor IV; Director of the Apostleship of Prayer; Senior Prom; Liturgical Committee 21

Rev. Charles F. Dolan, S.J. Vice-President for Development

Mr. Walter J. Illy, A.B.

Mr. Richard Hollender, B.S. Assistant to the Principal; Director of College Placement and Scholarships

Registrar; Director of Testing; Bowling Coach

Mr. Joseph A. McCaffrey Assistant to the Prefect of Discipline; Moderator of the Radio Club


Secretarial Staff

Mrs. Mary Belinski Receptionist

Miss Mary Dunne Secretary to Treasurer

Mrs. Helen Dailey Secretary to Father Shalloe


Mrs. Mary Murray Secretary to Father Registrar

Mrs. Mary Riordan Miss Thomasina Naylor Secretary to Father Principal

Secretary to Father Treasurer

Departmental Chairmen

Mr. Vincent J. Kennedy, M S.


English III; Chairman— English Department

Mr. Robert A. McGuiness, M S. Math III, IV ; Chairman—Math Department

Mr. Lawrence W. Levine, A.B. German I, II, III; Chairman—Modern Language Department 26

Rev. Harold F. X . O’Donnell, S.J. Religion III; Latin I, III; Director of Christian Life Communities; Chairman—Classics Department

Rev. Thomas V. O’Connor, S.J. Chemistry; Chairman—Science Department

Rev. J. Francis Stroud, S.J. Religion II, III; Chairman of the Liturgical Committee; Student Counsellor III; Golf Coach; Chairman—Religion Department

Mr. Richard A. Riccio, B.S. U.S. History I, II; Basic Economics; Director of the Cultural Committee; Chairman—History Department


Mr. Michael A. Berkowitz, B.S.

Mr. Milton Berkowitz

W orld History; Non-European Cultures; Psychology of Learning; Intramurals

Physical Education; Health & Safety; Gymnastics Coach; Gymnasium Coordinator

Rev. Mr. James H. Breininger, S.J.

Mr. Charles Carey, M.A.

German II, III; Student Counsellor II; Student Council Advisor; Moderator of Dance Committtee; Director of Freshman and Sophomore Oratorical Contests

Math I, IV


Mr. Michael J. Calderaro, A.B. French I, II

Miss Catherine J. Collins, M.L.S.

Mr. John J. Casey, M.A. English II

Rev. Mr. Gerald J. Chojnacki, S.J.

Library; Moderator of the Library Club

Spanish I, II, III; Moderator of the Debating Society; Assistant Director of the Mission Drive; Assistant Moderator of the Dance Committee

Rev. Mr. Nicholas J. Connolly, S.J. Religion IV; Classical Literature III; Psychology of Learning; Moderator of the Band; Director of the Mission Drive; Liturgical Committee

Rev. Daniel F. X. Corbett, S.J. Latin I, III


Rev. James A. Daly, S.J.

Mr. John F. Duffy, A.B.

Religion I; English I; Moderator of the Petroc

Math II


Rev. Edward I. Dolan, S.J. Religion II; Latin IV ; Greek I, II; Moderator of the Oratorical Society


Rev. Francis X . Elsinghorst, S.J.

Rev. Joseph F. Fitzpatrick, S.J.

Religion I, III; Assistant Director of Christian Life Communities

Religion II; Student Counsellor I; Liturgical Committee

Rev. Mr. D. Michael Flynn, S.J.

Rev. James S. Foley, S.J.

Religion III, IV; W orld History; Moderator o f the Film Forum; Student Counsellor II;

Religion II; Latin I; Director of the Christian Action Program

Rev. Peter F. Hess, S.J.

Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro, A.B. Latin II; Greek II


Mr. Michael S. Gray, M.A. History I, III



Rev. Henry A. Hoffen, S.J.

Mr. Robert P. Howard, M.S.

Religion IV; Latin I; English I; Father-Son Communion Breakfast

Math II, IV

Rev. Blaise M. Jaschko, S.J.

Rev. Mr. John A. Kernaghan, S.J

French II, III; Coordinator of Instructional Materials; Director of the Riding, Ski and Chess Clubs

English I, II; Psychology of Learning; Moderator of Inscape; Assistant Football Coach

Mr. Richard L. Kennedy, A.B. English IV

Mr. Joseph F. Lupardo, B.S.

Mr. Robert K. Kibbler, A.B. German II, III; Director of Dramatics


Mrs. Florence Lipari Driver Education

Rev. Mr. Joseph L. Lynch, S.J. W orld History II; Political Theory; European History; Moderator of the Student Political Forum and Dramatics

Rev. Mr. Patrick J. Lynch, S.J. Latin III; World History; Moderator of the School Spirit Committee; Assistant Moderator of the Dance Committee

Rev. Mr. Dennis E. McNally, S.J.

Mr. Anthony R. Mendolla, B.S.

U.S. History II; Art; Moderator o f the Art and Poster Club; Assistant Moderator of the School Spirit Committee

Math III, IV

Rev. Augustine N . Meagher, S.J. French I, II; Mothers’ Club

Mr. Frederick Miller, M.S.

Mr. Robert F. Mulvihill, M.A.


English I

Mr. Clement O’Sullivan, A.B.; J.D.; Litt.D.

Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S.J. Latin I; English I

Religion III; English III

Rev. Joseph A. Persich, S.J.

Mr. Edgar G. Overstreet, A.B.

Math III, IV


Mr. Louis J. Parisi, M.A. Latin II


Mr. Michael J. Reilly, A.B.

Mr. Frank P. Rezzonico, B.S.

English IV Freshman Basketball Coach

Physical Education, Health

Mr. Charles Rooney, M.A.

Mr. John P. Scanlon

Math I

U.S. History I, II

Mr. Eugene J. Sanzo, A.B. Latin I; Psychology of Learning

Rev. James V. Smith, S.J.

Rev. Richard F. Timone, S.J.

W orld History Book Store

Religion I; Student Counsellor II

Mr. Joseph D. Taffaro, B.S. Biology; Moderator of the Biology Club

Rev. John F. Yates, S.J. Religion I, IV; Moderator of the Petrean

Rev. Raymond York, S.J. Religion IV


Remember what happened i n . . . Freshman Year l-C starts with 38, finishes with 23 . . . Nam ias constantly in trouble. . . . Mr. Burns shocks students with his language. . . . Fresh­ man basketball goes 25 and 0. . . . D id I hear money jingling?. . . . Fr. Hoffen’s class wins mission drive again. . . . There will be a heat holiday tomorrow.

Sophomore Year B ird ! . . . Mr. Lauritano doesn’t last lo n g .. . . A ll right, step outside. . . . Thank you, sir, may I have another? . . . Good Joe, your printing’s improved. . . . Thanks, Mr. Verdoni. . . . Giebas, Serra & Company liven up Religion classes. . . .

Junior Year


Marty doesn’t do well in Math. . . . studies Religion too much. . . . Teachers will dismiss classes at final bell . . . however there will be no bells today. . . . Bring back Jack. . . . Sayme-no-ba-ba. . . . Tough football season. . . . W ild bloc periods as Pius Aeneas makes the scene.


Senior Year Vito returns . . . but only with his band . . . Red arm bands don’t last lo n g .. . . Marty P. returns and receives a standing ovation from seniors. . . . Retreat food a topic of conversa­ tion. . . . False alarm: fire department arrives in seven minutes . . . from a block away. . . . Holy Michael. . . . Doc Downfield creates a stir. . . . the Class of ’69 repaints the entire basement of Hogan Hall.


Senior Retreat

The screaming confusion o f daily life was well broken up once again this year with the annual Senior Retreat. Prep’s lively set o f 220 seniors boarded their buses and headed toward the muchawaited retreat houses for three days of solitude. The stay at the various houses was one o f great peace and introspection. A s usual, Prep’s seniors found a warm welcome and an inspirational week of recollection.

Joseph M. DePascale Of all the members o f the Council, the member who kept everyone laughing was Joe D e­ Pascale. One of our better im­ ports from Hoboken, Joe comes from a long line of politicians (two of his brothers have also served on the Executive Coun­ cil). As a co-chairman o f the Rally Committee he was the em­ bodiment of school spirit, and through his work on the Rally Committee he did his best to transfer his spirit to us. W e feel that Joe has succeeded.

Executive Dennis M. Reznick

Alfred A. LaGratta As an underclassman, A1 served as class president for three years in a row. Because of this fact and on account of his friendly character, his classmates felt that he would be a hard worker on the Executive Coun­ cil. A1 has proved himself an able and dedicated worker this year by his performance as cochairman of the Rally Commit­ tee. Al’s leadership abilities will insure his future success.

Whenever the word 'dedi­ cated’ is tossed about, chances are that you will also hear Den­ ny’s name mentioned. For the past four years he has shown his dedication to the Student Coun­ cil not only by serving on St. Peter’s Council, but also by be­ ing elected Vice-President of the New Jersey Association of High School Councils. But Denny is not a one-sided student. He has also been the co-editor of this year’s PETROC, and he has served on numerous other activi­ ties. It was Denny’s dedication that helped make this Council a success.

Kenneth ]. Mahon Kenny Mahon has been a val­ uable member of our Student Council for three years. When­ ever something had to be done, Kenny Mahon could always be depended on to make it a great success. Along with his ardent council work, Kenny was active in a great number of other school activities . . . including the work as co-editor of the 1969 PETREAN.

]acek M . Herchold On the Student Council front, as well as on the gridiron, Prep’s big gains this year were made by Jack Herchold. Jack was the overseer of all school operations and was responsible for their smooth running. Jack qualifies as the leader on this Coun­ cil. H is high-spirited campaign helped to point out the type of leadership he would supply. It w ill be hard for the next Student Council President to surpass Jack’s achievements.


John V- Chiola Probably the happiest of the six officers was John Chiola. He was faced with two difficult jobs this year as Chairman of the Dance Committee and Chairman of the Prom Committee. Yet even while he was performing these duties John always re­ mained cool — and he always kept his image of the man in charge. At a job where many bigger men might have failed, John did a great job.



Thomas P. Bovaiso



Wmmmi %.

Robert P. Broderick


Gerald R. Brennan


Joseph F. Brower, III

R. John Brockmann

mmm Anthony F. Cantisano

I h K


Joseph T. Cervalli


Marc J. Cozzetta

c Joseph A. Creazzo


Raymond E. Curran

PI i I

V I 1 F

Michael P. D’Andrea, Jr. Mark J. Dailey

Joseph DellaFave


Joseph V. Egan


Michael P. Durney Thomas F. Dorigatti

Charles P. Doyle


Thomas J. Elliott





William J. Engel Thomas Fabyanski

Michael J. Faccone

Steven R. Fava

James T. Fay

Kenneth M. Fedunieivicz

Pat J. Ferro

â– H H H n H



Alexander G. Forsythe Nicholas S. Fusco

Jose M. Gener


i mmm

Joseph J. Gallombardo

Thomas D. Gallo

Robert M. Genthon

Robert D. Heer Robert M. Hansen

Edward G. Hinte

Patrick M. Haughey

Michael J. Holy Edward F. Hrinewski


William Kachur, Jr

Jerome T. Kacprowicz

Thaddeus Jan Kawecki


Harry J. Kegelman HHRM

Ernest W. Kemp

Martin J. Kennedy

H fi

William B. Koleba


Gary P. Konvit

Martin E. Ketterer


' m A

Wmm- I IK I

bmwi .M B f

Richard M. Kopacz


Patrick J. Lamparello

Kenneth D. Kuzmiak

Alan J. LaQuaglia

Patrick J. Larkin

Edward J. Larsen

John E. Leoncavallo Michael C. Lauber

John L. Lenahan


Andrzej J. Lichnowski

William M. Lisa Eli F. Lizza

Edward R. Mackiewicz

David P. Madison

Hugh K. McDonald

William T. Madsen

N eil J. Marchese

Henry B. McFarland

James G. McGuinness

Francis A. McGuire

Thomas M. McHugh

Carmine A. Meluso


Thomas J. Nesgoda

— JH

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11 I i Jt / Thomas J. Murray

Thomas J. Nimbley

Michael Neale

Thomas P. Myers

Daniel J. Nodes Kevin P. O’Brien

Patrick J. O’Connell

Thomas J. O’Brien

Martin P. O’Connor

Kevin R. O’Donnell


Donald E. Pacholec Edward C. Paschik

Gregory f. Plunges Christopher A. Phalon


Fredrick J. Paternoster

Stanley R. Plust


Michael R. Sabatino


Michael K. Sawicz

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George A. Schwenk

Gregory A. Schneider Robert S. Scher

Vincent f. Serra

Thomas Schmidt

Walter Seweryn Robert A. Seyfried


Christopher J. Simpson

Robert J. Szewczyk Ronald R. Szmerda

Raymond J. Szpakowski


Dennis V. Todaro Vincent J. Tavormina

Stephen I. Totaro


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Thomas B. Vanderbeck

Dean H. Vassil

David P. Vergaretti


Francis J. Von Tersch

Nicholas A. Vernese

John J. Waldron

Michael P. Wilenta

Ronald K. Willenborg



Richard Agresta Gerald Ake Peter Borghesi James Bulzis Thomas Campion Thomas Crappse John Elefthrow John Fencik Robert Gerbino James Giaccio Michael Gratale Brian Hannon George Hawriluk Leo Hurley Albert Knight Walter Kowal Gerald LaForgia John Lamb William LoVerme Arthur Lutz Kenneth Marion Anthony Materek Kevin Meade Aidan Mitchell Timothy Murray Robert Newton David Ockay Jeffrey Olynick Dennis O’Sullivan Joseph Pona William Plunkett Carl Pilla Richard Pompliano Keith Reardon John Rogers Joseph Scerbo Philip Szymanski Paul Trescott John Viggiano John Wische

CLASS OFFICERS President: Thomas Crappse Vice-President: Leo Hurley Secretary-T;reasurer: Gerald Ake Representative: Richard Pompliano 101

Gary Amato John Auginbaugh Walter Avery Michael Baranski Thomas Burke Sam Costantino David Cybulski John D’Agostino Michael DeSimone

William Dowd John Dunne James Gallo Vito Germinario Michael Giannechini James Horan Fred Kerber Lawrence Lewis Joseph Louma

Robert Manzi Richard McMahon Andrew Mortenson Michael Nemeth

Neil O’Connor Louis Parisi Mark Polo Almerindo Portfolio

Harvey Rubinstein Brian Salisbury Michael Sciarra Mark Settembre

Frank Sidoti Michael Thomas John Tryneski Walter Wilkes

CLASS OFFICERS President: James Gallo Vice-President: Fred Kerber Secretary-Treasurer: Neil O'Connor Representative: Louis Parisi 102

3C Lawrence Antonucci Frank Bolha John Byram

John Callahan Michael Caulfield Ralph Citarella

John Dudsak George Flimlin Richard Healy

Lawrence Hill Allen Hmielewski Raymond Kirkeby

Harold Lachnight Joel Lafrano Michael Lynch

Robert Mastellone Jeffrey Michalski Michael Milano

Philip Newman Richard Newton Michael Podolak

Thomas Wicks Edward Wolf Jeffrey Zak

CLASS OFFICERS President: Edward Wolf Vice-President: Jeffrey Michalski Secretary-Treasurer: John Byram Representative: John Callahan 103

3D Andrew Abbott Anthony Alosco James Audet Nelson Cadalzo Edward Camilo Angelo Caprio Thomas Chiccone Thomas Cowan Kevin Crociani

Dominick DiGiorgio Joseph DiTuro Andrew Filak Michael C. Fitzpatrick

Dominick Gadaleta Louis Giusto Damien Graham Jay Kiessling

Mark Kokosinski Ralph Lamparello Robert Maclsaac Raymond Marszalowicz

John Martinowich Matthew McCue William McGovern Raymond Monico

Robert Padlowski Robert Shefsky John Skvir Mark Swiney

Paul Tomaszeski Koenraad Vandegaer Donald Willenborg Thomas Zappia Harry Zayes

CLASS OFFICERS President: Paul Tomaszeski Vice-'President: Edward Camilo Secretary-Treasurer: Ralph Lamparello Representative: Thomas Chiccone 104

Vincent Catanzaro August Daquila Peter DeRosa

Michael Donahue William England Anthony Fazio

Thomas Green James Ippolito Wayne Judy

John Lavin Joseph Licata Thomas Hanley

Edward McGee Edward Meagher John Meyers

Daniel Mullin Thomas Sasso Nicholas Scarpa

Frank Short Gary Sommers Nicholas St. George

George Sucato Thomas Valentine John Wolozen

CLASS OFFICERS President: James Ippolito Vice-President: Thomas Sasso Secretary-Treasurer: John Meyers Representative: Michael Donahue 105

3F Lawrence Adams Alan Bartolozzi John Bellini Roger Boyle

Michael Campbell Robert Corcoran Kevin Daly

Martin Downey Edward Florio Joseph Goscienski

Gaetano Gregory Richard Hastings Robert Kozar

John Kunka Michael Liguori Brian Lowe

James Murphy Peter Nickerson Louis Orlando

William Philhowet Louis Prontnicki Dennis Reilly

Michael Ryan Edward Suczewski Thomas Viceconte Wayne Zimnoch

CLASS OFFICERS President: William Philhower Vice-President: Gaetano Gregory Secretary-Treasurer: Lawrence Adams Representative: Dennis Reilly 106

4H Gary Barlettano

Andrew Balinski Robert Bauer

Thomas Biondo John Bogdanski

Daniel Longo James Connell Michael P. Fitzpatrick

Francis Manziano

William Garrone

Robert Glanzman

James McDonald Frank Rizzo Lawrence Ruziecki

Gary Pollifrone

Michael Spadoro Robert Wall

Randolph Walther George Wirt Frederick Stevens

CLASS OFFICERS President: Robert Glanzman Vice-President: George Wirt Secretary-Treasurer: Andrew Balinski Representative: James Connell

3H Gregory Arnold George Aviles Stanley Baker Stephen Baker Thomas Booth Martin Brack Edward Burns Fred Censullo Edward Clark Michael Devaney Thomas Dougherty John Fallon Anthony Farina Val Fiorillo George Gajewski

Louis Giele Anthony Giordano George Gurdak Kevin Helinski

Dale Hochstein William Horan Edward Hunter Robert Knox Edward Kowal Gerald Kut>ica Thomas Laird Frank Lamartine Michael Marano James McCarthy John McConville William Morton Kevin O’Connell Robert Polakoski Samuel Polino Alexander Santora John Staab Frank Tallarida Robert Tatulli Michael Whelarf

CLASS OFFICERS President: Dale Hochstein Vice-President: Michael Whelan Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Knox Representative: Alexander Santora

2A Robert Argyelan Michael Blaney Donald Blumenfeld Charles Booth

John Brewer Marc Buzzio Thomas Caputo Richard Chalmers

Brian Church Lawrence Cione Edward Connell Philip Connelly

Peter deMoose Kevin Duffy George Emme Dennis Hall

Michadl Healy Adam Herchold Robert Kelly Mark Kennedy

Patrick Lenahan Patrick Lipka Harold Livera Richard Malavarca

Stephen Pingree Drew Portfolio Philip Quagliari John Wilkes

CLASS OFFICERS President: Patrick Lenahan Vice-President: Adam Herchold Secretary-Treasurer: John Wilkes Representative: Harold Livera

2B Joseph Amoroso Paul Antinori Gerard Burke Thomas Butler John Caulfield

Gary Cocco Paul Colford Thomas Compeau Mark Connolly

Kevin Dailey William Donan Michael Fudali Ronald Garilli

Thomas Gentile Christopher Gross Stanley Hreniuk Eugene Hunter

Thomas Hynes Robert James Richard Karwoski Clifford Keenan

Chester Keller Thomas Kilduff Matthew Krautheim Alfonse Mannato

Michael Marlowe Michael Mascone Jeffrey Nesnay Robert Pagano John Paulovich Joseph Pini Robert Warner Henry Wawroski John Wisnisewski

CLASS OFFICERS President: Paul Antinori Vice-President: Chester KellerSecretary-Treasurer: John Caulfield Representative: Paul Colford

2C Richard Baker Peter Begans

Martin Bodtmann John Bradley Donald Brady

Joseph Cascio Vincent Egizi' John Fallock

Thomas Findlay John Foley Charles Loelius

Thomas Malloy William Marshall John McGourty

Robert McGrath Stanley Ostapski Joseph Scalo

Paul Schaelzle Richard Sheils Lawrence Sutton

Theodore Witomski Howard Wuefling

CLASS OFFICERS President: Joseph Cascio Vice-President: Vincent Egizi Secretury-Treetsurer: John Bradley Representative: Peter Begans

Louis Antoniazzi John Bellacosa Michael Besante Richard Celestino Gerard Cerchio

Gary F. Colletti Dominic Condo William Conrad Gerard DeMan

Peter Dimatteo Theodore Dylewski James Fitzpatrick Michael Gannon

Michael Giannotto Robert Gruchacz Michael Guasconi Daniel Harrington

George Holowchak Edward Howlett Bruce Johnson Edward Lennon

Paul Marino David McCarthy John McCoy Robert McGovern

Robert McMahon James O'Halloran Edward Parlock Andre Pelagalli Vincent Pickett Robert Qualiano Michael Venditti Michael Vincitore David Walther

CLASS OFFICERS President: James Fitzpatrick Vice-President: Robert McMahon Secretary-Treasurer: Richard Celestino Representative: David McCarthy 112

2E Paul Audet George Brdlik John Cangemi

Gerard Chiara Thomas Cutillo

John Czeterko Mark Diverio Michael Giantini

Richard Hanlon Thomas Hansen

Paul Junice Joel Kelly

Joseph Labattaglia William Litterer Michael Lysak

Kenneth Miller Paul Murdaco

William Pecherski Yaroslav Semegen Robert Shea

CLASS OFFICERS President: William Litterer Vice-President: Robert Shea Secretary-Treasurer: Joel Kelly Representative: Paul Murdaco 113

2F Michael Albers Mark Bender Arthur Blood Dominick Calabria

David Canavan Emil Cannarozzi Gregory Cannarozzi

Joseph Cioffi John Ciuppa Anthony D’Amore Michael DiGeronimo

Gary Filak Nicholas Fiore John Fisher William Hamill

Sullivan Johnson Brennan Lyons Michael McGaughran Thomas McGinty

James Mortenson John Murray Philip Pfleger Peter Scalia

Brian Schack Thomas Scott William Sewell

Glenn Spies Richard Sweeney Steven Turner John Watson

CLASS OFFICERS President: John Fisher Vice-President: William Hamill Secretary-Treasurer: Michael DiGeronimo Representative: Glenn Spies

2G Carl Calantone Michael Caulfield Gary A. Colletti

Robert Devaney Robert Eckstein Nicholas Golubow Kim Greene

John Hawriluk Anthony Herenda Anthony Intromasso

John Jablonski Robert Lenahan Paul LoPresto

Paul Magarelli Douglas Noonan Kenneth Parkington

Joseph Petri Kevin Regan Christopher Robinson

Robert Romano Charles Russell Eugene Sassone John Stine

John Steinbacher Michael VonTersch David Watkins

CLASS OFFICERS President: John Stine Vice-President: John Steinbacher Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Lenahan Representative: David Watkins 115

2H George Ambrosio Andrew Capozzi Rocco Conti Anthony Gaita

Gary Kosc Joseph LaPilusa Mark Mahar

Gregory Mauriello William McGowan Ronald Mitchell

Robert Mongiello Salvatore Moni Paul Pankewicz

Robert Parzych Richard Reid Patrick Sprouls

Michael Stabile James Sweeney John Tavormina

Joseph Vallerini James Vargas Thomas Wojiechowski

Gary Wondolowski Kenneth Yacavino Jerry Zakrzewski Robert Zito

CLASS OFFICERS President: James Sweeney Vice-President: Ronald Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer: James Vargas Representative: Michael Stabile

lA Anthony Aceti Curtis Aitken Gregory Alberque Robert Alvarez William Amoroso

John Arace Peter Avery Norberto Aviles Mark Aymar

Mark Badach Ernest Badaraccho Peter Baratta William Baxmeyer

David Bellizzi Edward Bergen Robert Bewinghouse Michael Biondo

Tony Bivins Gary Bogdanski Whiting Bolan James Bordino

Rafael Bou Robert Boyko William Bracey Joseph Brescia

Fred Brown Gerald Buccafusco Joseph Bucco John Buckley Raymond Bucko Kazuya Burns Daniel Burton Philip Cafasso John Cafiero

CLASS OFFICERS President: Rafael Bou Vice-President: Kazuya Burns Secretary: William Bracey Treasurer: Joseph Bucco Representative: Daniel Burton 117

IB John Calandriello Paul Callahan Stefano Calogero Francis Campion

Joseph Cannarella Donald Cannavale John Cardell Robert Carroll

Steven Carvana Steven Cimprich Lawrence Citarella Michael Clark

William Clark John Collins Gary Colombo

Vincent Connors John Corsentino William Coscarelli Robert Costa

John Costello John Crosby Kevin Cummings Daniel Cunning

Richard Cuprys Nicholas Della Valle Jeffrey DeMuro Joseph DePasquale

David Descalzi Nicholas DeTura George DeWan Ramon Diaz

CLASS OFFICERS President: Nicholas DeTura Vice-President: Paul Callahan Secretary-Treasurer: William Coscarelli Representative: Ramon Diaz 118

1C John DiGioia Bert Disoteo Richard Dispoto John Doolan

Daniel Downey Craig Dudsak Paul Dully William Duncan

Michael Dunn Peter Durak Walter Emerson Gregory Erianne

George Faherty Stephen Fallon Paul Famular John Feczko -

John Feduniewicz Bruce Fen$ke Robert Ferguson John Ferrara

Thomas Ferrera Paul Ferreri Michael Filak Cornelius Finn

Richard Fiore James Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzpatrick Thomas Florczak

Victor Font John Forchecz John Furka Bruce Galamb

CLASS OFFICERS President: George Faherty Vice-President: Walter Emerson Secretary: Richard Dispoto Treasurer: Michael Dunn Representative: Paul Ferreri 119

ID John D. Gallagher John E. Gallagher Thomas Galvin Gregory Giaimo

Kevin Glennon Marc Gloriande Bernard Gordon Michael Granahan

John Gray Robert Grillo Roy Groething Robert Grunwald

Kenneth Halpin Richard Hayes William Hayes Gary Helminski

Alan Hernandez Peter Hickey Thomas Higgins Michael Hogan

Eugene Hojnowski Thomas Hopkins Gerald Iervolino Joseph Ilvento

Nicholas Introcaso Anthony Italiano Thomas Jennings Wayne Jimmerson Anthony Johnstone Terence Jordan Martin Kearney Brian Kegelman John Keilp

CLASS OFFICERS President: Joseph Ilvento Vice-President: Robert Grillo Secretary: Alan Hernandez Treasurer: Michael Granahan Representative: Gary Helminski 120

IE John Kemp Thomas Kennedy Robert Kessler Thomas Kielty Martin Kiely

Gregory Kizma Richard Krai Bruno Krausse John Laffan

Nicholas LaForgia Joseph Lally Donald Landry Edward Lanier

'Dennis LaRusso Nicholas Lilli Denis Loughman Edmund Lubera

John Lynch Matthew Mahar James Manos James Mataras

Marcello Martore John Mazurana John McAdam Lawrence McCabe

Michael McCann Michael McGeough Patrick McGovern Joseph McLoughlin

Robert Mercier Robert Mernar Frank Meyer Donald Michalowski

CLASS OFFICERS President: Edward Lanier Vice-President: Frank Meyer Secretary: Marcello Martore Treasurer: Donald Michalowski Representative: Donald Landry 121

IF Joel Milano Daniel Miller Mark Morchel Charles Moschel James Mullin

Anthony Murray Patrick Murtagh Michael Muti Edward Mycek

Michael Neilan Glenn Nerbak Gene Noce Paul Nowicki

Thomas Nugent Dennis Obrycki Denis O’Connell John O’Connor

Thomas O’Connor William Olizarowicz Bernard Ozarowski Robert Parks

Thomas Peletier Anthony Pellegrino Robert Peterkin Mark Philhower

Stephen Piccolo Thomas Pini Joseph Pisano Anthony Piszel

John Pohlig Gary Porter Donald Pounds Robert Puzio

CLASS OFFICERS President: Mark Philhower Vice-President: Anthony Piszel Secretary: Robert Parks Treasurer: Michael Muti Representative: John Pohlig 122

1G Walter Quirk Richard Quosig Donald Rasmusson John Regna

Bartholomew Reilly John Reilly John Riepe Mark Rizzo

Richard Roche Joseph Rodriguez Neil Ronan Frank Rosselli

George Rossovich Mark Roszkowski Richard Ryan Bruce Sabatini

Philippe Salomon Smith Samuel Richard Sa'porito Richard Scarpa

Gerald Schilp James Schmidt August Schwarz John Sejeck

John Serpico Daniel Sharkey Thomas Short James Sidoti

Michael Simko Robert Simko Michael Skero Kevin Smith

CLASS OFFICERS President: Robert Simko Vice-President: George Rossovich Secretary: Walter Quirk Treasurer: Richard Roche Representative: John Serpico 123

1H Kenneth Stabile James Sullivan Thomas Sweeney Mark Syp

Ihor Sypko Martin Szymialowicz Nicholas Tagliareni Anthony Tanski

Edward Tomaszewski John Tomaszewski Ronald Tomczyk Michael Tozzi

John Tracy Mark Tyrrell Frank Varela James Vaughan

Michael Vitelli Glenn Wacyra Michael Wagner Anthony Waleski

Michael Walter James Webber Roger Weber Mark Westphal

Gregory Winberry Robert Wissmann Robert Wojcik Layne Wonica

Brian Wright John Zaccaria Blase Ziemian Francis Zolli

CLASS OFFICERS President: John Tracey Vice-President: Michael Tozzi Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Wojcik Representative: Mark Syp 124



Mass of the Holy Spirit A lthough the timeless ritual o f the M ass o f the H oly Spirit was alm ost an exact duplicate o f last year’s, it provided a new enlightenment fo r all the students and faculty members. Led by Rector, Fr. Scully, S .J., as chief celebrant, we invoked the help o f the H oly Spirit for the coming year. The M ass was o f the m ost modernistic style, including offertory procession, gui­ tars, and communion under both species. T ak in g a larger p art in the celebration, the Prep fam ily’s faith and vigor was re­ newed.

The procession begins . . .

The music, supplied by Mr. Connolly, S.J. and Mr. K ib b ler. . .

The celebrants entering the sanctuary . . .


Fr. Shalloe, S.J., delivers the homily . . .

The offering of the gifts . . .

The Body of C h rist. . .

Faculty members receive communion . .. 127

Everyone feels secure on level ground.

Ski trip or no ski trip ! N o one leaves the bus till the sideburns g o !


It looks so nice! Too bad the snow isn’t real.

What a time to lose your contacts!

Ski troop poses while still intact.

St. Peter’s Ski Club has grown to be one of the largest activities due to the in­ creased participation o f the girl’s acad­ emies and our own students’ interest. The total o f 7 trips included an overnight at Camelback Ski Area. The club broadened its scope by including in its itinerary Great G orge ana Milton-Snow Bowl Ski Areas, besides the all time favorite Davos. Under the direction o f Father Jaschko, S.J., moderator, and Mr. Calderaro, this year’s Ski Club proved to be the best yet.

There must be an easier way!



"D id you say these were drums?”

In the 1968-1969 school year at Prep, the student body witnessed at the assemblies many spectacles and some phenomena. A new concept in this year’s assemblies was a stage review o f "T O T E L L T H E T R U T H ,” with such famous stars as Mathhew McCue and a few others. D uring the Christmas Assembly, in m aking the spirit jollier, pine scent was sprayed throughout the auditorium. The hall was also gaily decorated for the Christmas season by the D ance Committee. In addition to the skits put on by some of the stu­ dents a concert was given by the school band, di­ rected by Mr. John Martel.


"W ell, you see it’s like this 130

"Boy do I have an Excedrin Headache.”

"G oodie Two Shoes and the Hairy Beast.”


'They said it would only take a few minutes I can prove I’m Matthew McCue, wanna see?”

Art and Poster Club â–

An Art Club Masterpiece.

Members display their favorite piece.

Moderator Mr. McNally, S.J., discusses art with Pres. Brian Dischler.

Yellow Submarine invades the Art room.

T h e A rt and Poster Club is a littleknown activity, but is one o f the most im portant on the Prep scene. The mem足 bers publicize our various social events with posters which are distributed among the local academies. They also make post足 ers for athletic events, which play a big j p art in boosting school spirit. T h e club, moderated by Mr. M cNally, S.J., also does art work for their own pleasure, but we salute them here for being the integral part o f Prep life that we are.

Art members become advertising agents for all Prep events.


John Jablonski, Jo e Ilvento, Tony Italiano, Greg Errianne, and Paul Schatzle.

Radio Club T he R adio Club under the F.C.C. call o f K 2 0 Q J operates under the supervision o f m oderator M r. J. McCaffrey and officers Jo e Licata, Chris D aly, Steve T otaro and Bob W all. W hile operating stations in all continents, 120 countries, and in all 50 states, the club attained one o f the highest scores in N orthern N ew Jersey in a recent nationwide contest. T h e club also teaches incoming members R adio Theory and code classes fo r an ultimate goal o f becoming a licensed amateur radio operator. N o t shown in the pictures are Ron Soriano, our chief technician for 4 years, Brian Sharkey, an operator for 4 years, and Pete Borghesi, also an operator.

Joe Licata and Ron Soriano at work.


Experts Chris Daly, Bob Wall, Steve Totaro, Joe Licata, Mike Walter, and Dennis Todaro flank moderator, Mr. McCaffrey.

Science Club Th e Science Club consists o f sm all but dedicated groups o f students interested in furthering their careers in science. T h e Chemistry section, led by Fr. O ’Connor, gives each participant an alm ost free hand, in that they can perform any experiment they wish. The m oderated Ramsey Y oung Experim ent for testing vapor pressures, a perennial favor­ ite, w as again undertaken by the club. A new section, deal­ in g with the theory o f rockets, was added which attempted to launch a cockroach. T h e Biology section, under the leadership o f M r. Taffaro, perform ed such varied experiments as the genetic code of flies and the theory of thermodynamics. Though not always successful, such undertaking gave these students a valuable insight into the world o f science.

Debating and T h e D ebating Team has always been one o f the more distinguished institutions at St. Peter’s, and it has lived up to its ex­ pectations this year. U nder the stalwart leadership o f Reverend M r. G erald Chojnacki, S.J., the V arsity team o f Ed Mackiewicz, Den Reznick, Joh n Brockman, Tom W ilson, and M ike N eale put in excellent perform ances at many interstate tourna­ ments. Som e o f them included those held at H orace M ann, Seton H all, Bishop Reilley, and the N ation al Catholic Foren­ sic League Tournam ent held at Hudson Catholic. Thanks to an overwhelming turnout by the freshmen, the J.V . and Freshman teams were able to debate the issues at Teaneck, U nion Catholic, Bergen Catholic, and Essex Catholic. It will be up to these dedi­ cated men to carry on the tradition o f the Beaudevin and Collins D ebating Team s of St. Peter’s Prep.

Tim Wilson

Top to bottom: Dennis Reznick, Mike Neal, John Brockmann.

Ed Mackiewicz

Oratory Even though the season is not yet over the Oratory Society has already had satisfying results. U nder the guidance o f Father Edw ard D olan, S.J. Seniors Jack H erchold and Jo e Lynyak upheld Prep’s winning tradi­ tion. W orking in O riginal Oratory, Jack H erchold won a fourth place trophy at the Roselle Catholic Speech Festival, while Jo e Lynyak won a tie for first place in the Am erican Legion contest. Jun iors D om G adaleta, in Extem poraneous speaking, and T om Chiccone and Ed Suczewski, w orking in D ecla­ mation, received fine scores in all of their Tournam ents, and they are looking forw ard to a successful Senior year. Sophom ore Jim O ’H alloran represented the Prep at several tournaments and he also did a fine job.

Moderator Fr. Dolan, S.J., and his "charge” Joe Lynyak.

Left to right: Tom Chiccone, Dom Gadaleta, Nick St. George, George Suczewski.

Back Row, L-R: O’Halloran, J. Caulfield, Colford, Marlowe, Lenahan.


St. Peter’s Presents

"H a ha ha ha ha.” 138


The Would Be Gentleman


"Ha la ba, man when we groove ..

FA LL PLAY D uring the somber months o f November, Saint Peter’s D ram atic Society presented M oliere’s com­ edy, "T h e W ould-Be Gentlem an.” They utilized the gram m ar school’s auditorium and turned it into a theatre acoustically perfect and adequately lighted. T h e story takes place in Europe where Mr. Jourdan, ably played by W illiam Garrone, strives to become a gentleman. In his blundering escapades, he hires a music master, dancing master, fencing master, philosopher, and tailor. H is attempts to learn these intricate arts kept the audience laugh­ ing throughout the play. The final scene finds Mr. Jourdan fooled by his daughter and her lover so that he consents to their marriage. Special thanks must go to N atalie Ciolko (M rs. Jou rd an ), John H am ill (C leonte), Kevin Bennett (C ovielle), and Patricia K elly (Lucille) for adding their own special touches to make the play suc­ cessful. O f course, there would never have been a play without the efforts o f the indefatigable stage crew led by Dennis McMahon. Through the many tire­ less hours of practice, Mr. Kibbler managed to direct another successful play. Our thanks to him and the entire Dramatics Society for giving Prep another memorable performance.

N o one under 16 will be permitted

Mr. Kibbler takes his bows.

The Cast M r. Jourdan M rs. Jo u r d a n .................... Lucile .................................. N icole ............................... Cleonte ............................. D orant ............................... Covielle ............................. Dorimene ........................ M usic M a ste r.................... D ancing M aster ............. Fencing M a s t e r ............... Philosopher ...................... Music Pupil .................... T ailor ............................... Singers ...............................

W illiam Garrone, ’70 N atalie Ciolko, A .S.A. Patricia Kelly, S.A.H .S.

Servants, Turks, Dancers

Dominick Gadaleta, ’70, Dennis Todaro, ’69, Karen Sherry (A S A ), Jane Tomney (S D A ) Robert Quagliano, ’71, John Bellacosa, ’71, John Gallagher, ’72 Mr. Robert K. Kibbler Mr. Joseph Lynch, S.J. Dennis McMahon, ’69 Dean V assil, ’69 Gerald LaForgia, ’70

Produced and Directed by M oderator ........................... Stage M anager ........................... Art Director ............................... Business M a n a g e r......................

Susan Caprio, H.R.A. John Hamill, ’69 Dean Vassil, ’69 Kevin Bennett, ’69 Doreen Goldbrown, S.D.A. Richard Giannotto, ’69 Daniel Longo, ’70 Mark Polo, ’70 Michael Caulfield, ’70 Mark Swiney, ’70 Dennis Reilly, ’70 Erika Nadir (HRA), Marcia Sanchez (HRA) Linda Von Atzingen (ASA)

Library Club T h e members o f the Library Club, under the direction o f M iss Collins, perform the task of m aintaining our large library. A lthough this may not seem to be a big job, it must be kept in mind that our library is one o f the largest high school libraries in the state. W e hereby thank the club members fo r a job well done.

Henry McFarland at work.

The Club. Left to right: Fitzpatrick, Miss Collins, Connell, McCue, Cerchio, K. Smith, Blumenfeld, McFarland. 142

. . . MacDonald, too.

A. Filak, Calandriello, Nesgoda.

Saxophonists Kozakewich, Engel, Waldron, Lizza.


Back row, left to right: Pankiewicz, Sawicz, Cybulski, Lafrano. Front: Jimmerson, Fencik, Schilp, Barlettano.

L-R: Kunka, Miceli, Compeau, M. Filak. 145

Left to right: Short, D ’Amore, Alvarez, Nugent.

L-R: Pingree, Pickett, Hrinewski, O’Connell.


Band managers: Vassil, Cozzetta, Mr. Connolly, S.J., Creazzo, Soriano.

One o f the most popular activities here at the Prep is the band. M oderated by Mr. Connolly, S.J. and led by Mr. M artel, the band provides enter­ tainment at rallies, football games, and assemblies. T h e band also runs their own spring concert, a highlight o f the cultural year at St. Peter’s. Our hearty congratulations for another fine year go out to the band.


National Honor Left to right: W illenborg, Nesgoda, Totaro, Zaremba, Giannotto, McFarland, Benedetti, Hickey, W illms, Gener, Tavormina, Curry, Forhecz, Cozzetta, Creazzo, Gurtatowski.

Kopacz, Leoncavallo, Kovatch, Micelli, Zelinski, Reznick, McDonald, O’Brien, Broderick, Szapkowski.

Mackiewicz, Barkovitz, Bovasso, Fava, O’Connor, Herchold, Domaleski, Williams, Hanly, Vernese, McGuire, Plust, Pacholec.



A lthough Prep has always been recognized as an out­ standing all-round school, the academic quality o f its stu­ dents still remains the principal feature o f its excellence. T h is is proven by the fact that 68 seniors are members of the M cNally-Sinnot Chapter o f the N ational H onor Society. A n even more significant testimony to this scholastic excellence is the fine showing o f Prep students on the N a ­ tional M erit Q ualifying Test administered to Juniors throughout the country. Only the top students in the coun­ try earn recognition as Semi-Finalists in this intense com­ petition. T h is year both Tom D origatti and Ed Zaleski emerged as semi-finalists. Seventeen other students were awarded Letters o f Commendation for their performances. Such achievements give evidence o f the academic stand­ ards which are a trademark o f St. Peter’s Prep.



Co-Editor Ken­ ny Mahon.


N Business Man­ ager Don Pacholec, Co-Editor Bob Broderick, P h o to g r a p h y E d ito r M ik e Coletti.

In the production of the 1969 Petrean, the primary ingredients were leadership, hard work, anxiety, and cooperation. The leadership came from Fr. Yates, S.J., Mr. Burns, S.J., and the co-editors Bob Brod­ erick and Kenny Mahon. Mike Colletti, pho­ tography editor, and his staff worked hard to produce the pictures for the book. The business manager, Don Pacholec, provided the anxiety when the yearbook just reached its anticipated financial goal. The actual amount equalled the needed funds and a successful yearbook was turned out. Finally, the remaining components, hard work and cooperation, were supplied in a Herculean manner by the rest of the staff. The entire student body cooperated greatly in bringing in their patrons. Before you is the result of our efforts and the remembrance of them for years to come.


B u sin e ss S ta ff: V in n y S ab ato , B u sin e ss M an ­ a g e r D o n P ach olec, Jo h n L eo n cav allo .

A ce Editorial Staff: Sports Editor Joh n Bogdanski U nderclassm an Editor, D om G adaleta Senior Editor T ony Kovatch Faculty E ditor T o m Sasso

O ur H um ble Staff: D ean V assil Y in Sabato Joh n Tavorm ina H arry K egelm an Randy W alther

M ore Editors: Sports Editor John Bogdanski W riting Editor V in Tavorm ina Senior Editor Tony Kovatch Infallible T yping Staff: M ike Healy Bob Polakowski Bob Heer A lex Santora M ike Ryan

Student A dvocating a greater student voice in the laws o f the adm inistra足 tion, the Student Council did much to help Prep students. A fter much debate, a new dress code was initiated which gave Prepsters a greater freedom in choosing their clothes. Led by Jack H erchold, the Executive Council increased student responsibility and participation in school functions. Dennis Reznick and his Publicity Committee provided both the Jersey Council and the H udson D ispatch with periodic articles on Prep Life. T h e Rally Committee, under co-chairmen A1 LaG ratta and Jo e DePascale, gave each senior class a chance to produce a rally. The Cultural Committee, with K en M ahon at the helm, kept Prep abreast o f the current events both at M adison Square G arden and our own social functions. Finally, Joh n Chiola and his Dance Committee worked hard to give Prep the best dances in our history. Our thanks to these six people and the council behind them for m aking this year a memorable one.

Jack Herchold, President of the Student Council.

The Executive Council (left to righ t): Dennis Reznick, Jack Herchold, Ken Mahon, A1 LaGratta, Joe DePascale. N ot Pictured: John Chiola.

Mr. Breininger, S.J., moderator.


Junior Representatives: 1st row (I. to r.) J. Connell, M. Donahue, T. Chiccone, A. Santora; 2nd row, J. Callahan, L. Parisi, D. Reilly. N ot Pic足 tured: R. Pompliano.

Sophomore Representatives: 1st row (1. to r.) P. Colford, P. Begans, D. McCarthy; 2nd row (1. to r.) H. Livera, M. Stabile, P. Murdaco. N ot Pic足 tured: G. Spies, D. Watkins.

Freshman Representatives: (1. to r.) D. Landry, D. Burton, P. Ferrari. N ot Pictured: R. Diaz, G. Helminski, Pohlig, Serpico, M. Syp.



Senior Representatives: 1st row (1. to r.) S. Fava, T. Grillo, J. Brower; 2nd row: R. Regan, J. Connolly, F. Paternoster, V. Tavormina. N ot Pictured: J. Brockmann.


Holy, M.


W illiams, K.


Hansen, R.


McGuinness, J.


Benedetti, R.


O’Donnell, K.


Johnson, C.


Hickey, J.


Crappse, T.


Gallo, J.


W olf, P.


Tomaszeski, P.


Ippolito, J.


Philhower, W.


Granzman, R.


Hochstein, D.


Lenahan, P.


Antinori, P.


Cascio, J.


Fitzpatrick, J.


Litterer, W.


Fischer, J.


Stine, J.


Sweeney, J.


Bou, R.


DeTura, N.


Faherty, G.


Ilvento, J.


Lanier, E.


Philhower, M.


Simko, M.


Tracey, J.

The Rally


Co-chairmen of the Rally Committee A1 LaGratta


Joe DePascale

The Rally Committee, with Mr. Patrick Lynch, S.J., as moderator, has certainly helped to boost Prep’s school spirit. Thanks to co-chairmen A1 LaGratta, the organizer, and Joe DePascale, the showman, the rallies proved better than ever. Through the efforts of Jay Brower and Brian Dischler, clever buttons and colorful posters appeared throughout the school before many of our most im­ portant football and basketball games. Experimenting for the first time, this committee had each senior class sponsor one rally. Class 4-G produced the best rally and so its members were presented with trophies. The tremendous school spirit shown at Prep athletic contests was due to the hard working rally com­ mittee. They have given Prep that valuable spirit — let’s hope that next year’s committee will continue this tradition.



(Kneeling) J. DellaFave, T. Nimbley, M. Holy, T. Myers; (2nd row, L to r.) A1 La足 Gratta, Donahue, Soriano, Schmidt, Caprio, DePascale, Herchold; (3rd row) Mr. Lynch, Liberatore, Gleason, Doolan, Hansen, Grillo, Nickerson, Nemeth.

157 I

Cultural Committee Under the chairmanship o f Ken Mahon the motto of the Cultural Committee has been, "T o make it easier for students to get to the var­ ious other activities.” The Commit­ tee, comprised of Seniors and Juniors, also attempts to bring an awareness of cultural "happenings” to the stu­ dent body. A way of doing this has been the sale of discount tickets to Broadway plays and events at M adi­ son Square Garden. Schedules of events in St. Peter’s, activities at the academies and the Student Council Newsette are all products of the Cul­ tural Committee. The Cultural Committee deserves our congratulations for keeping the average Prepster aware of social functions' both at Prep and at the more popular girls’ academies.

ill HHH Ken Mahon, Chairman of the Cul­ tural Committee and SecretaryTreasurer.

(Seated) Pat Bergamo, (1. to r.) Dean Vassil, Kenny Williams, Chuck Doyle, Jay Hamill, Alan Forsythe, John Anderson.

(L. to r.) Tom Cowan, Harry Kegelman, Michael Baranski, Bob Glanzman, Paul Tomaszewski, Dom Gada­ leta, Dan Reilly, Mike Ryan.


Publicity Committee

Dennis Reznick, Chairman of the Publicity Committee.

This year’s Publicity Committee has followed its idea of "publicizing” to the letter. For the first time ever St. Peter’s Prep had a column of school news in the Jersey Journal and Hud­ son Dispatch. Much of the success of the Public­ ity Committee is due to its Chairman, Dennis Reznick. W orking with him has been an eager group o f Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores. The Pub­ licity Committee could be called Prep’s link with the outside world, since they handle all public relations as well as publicizing achievements. Together with the Cultural Commit­ tee, they published directions to the various stadiums, which many a har­ ried Prepster found invaluable. We can only hope that this record will be continued in future years.

First row (1. to r .) : Bob Glanzman, Larry Sutton, Lou Parisi, Tom Zappia, Andy Filak, Dominic Condo. Second row: Tom Molloy, Jack Meyers, Paul Tomaszzeski, Tom Cowan, John Wolozen, Mike Ryan.

(L. to r.) Frank Balboa, Vin Tavormina, A1 LaGratta, Bob Szewczyk, John Lenahan, Dennis Reznick.


Mother’s Club

Mrs. Longo; Mrs. Andriola; Fr. Meagher; Mrs. Pacholec; Mrs. Strohoefer; Mrs. Vallerini.

Mother’s Club presents

Broadway’s Best

Since its founding 29 years ago, the M other’s Club has con­ tributed greatly to the financial support o f St. Peter’s. N ow in his 24th year at the helm, Father Meagher has made many eve­ nings enjoyable and educational for the mothers o f the hard working students. The club provides social programs enabling the mothers to get acquainted with life at the Prep. W e wish to salute Father Meagher and all the mothers for their devotion o f time and effort to St. Peter’s.

The Mothers

Officers o f Century Club (from left to righ t): Lou Argyelan, Vice-President; Fr. Scully, Rector and M oderator; Tom Crappse, President; Steve Gruchacz, Treasurer; Frank Longo, Sgt.-at-Arms. M issing: Marty Kennedy, Secretary.

Fr. Shalloe addresses the Communion Breakfast.

W oe

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School Spirits!?!?!?

St. Peter’s Fathers’ Club was organized in June, 1968, under the guidance o f Rector Father Scully, S.J. It has, since that time, accumulated practically 200 members. The purpose o f the club is threefold: first, it helps to defray some of the ever-increasing ex­ penses o f the Prep. Secondly, it shows the stu­ dents o f Prep that their fathers have a sincere interest in their school. Last of all, the Fathers Club enables fathers and their sons to meet and socialize. St. Peter’s is proud of its Fathers’ Club and thanks them for their devotion and support.



Chess Club

Did you hear about Judy’s baby?

Good move D on!

Left to right: H. McFarland, G. Noce, J. * Feduniewicz, J. DiGioia, J. Stewart, B. Gruhacz, J. Kiesling, M. Vitale.

Over the past ten years, Prep’s dynamic chess team has left much to be desired. This year saw a revolutionary change. The team practices daily in Seminar II. Such sessions have finally paid off. For, they stand un­ defeated. Their main squad, consisting o f eight men, called the M etropolitan Squad, ranked as the top team in Hudson County. The chess club is moderated by Fr. Blaise Jaschko, S.J., and captained by Phil Newman. Senior Henry M cFarland serves as president. Let’s II hope this winning combination will continue in I I the future.


I 162

Concentration personified.

Circulation Manager Tom Sasso, Editors-in-Chief Vin Tavormina and Den Reznick, Photography Editor George Wirt.

Petroc U nder the able leadership o f editors Vin Tavormina and Den Reznick, the Petroc has advanced many strides in its 26th year fo publication. The articles were as diversified as ahe editors them­ selves, ranging from complex ones such as "T h e Electoral College” and "Transportation U nlim ited” to light and humorous ones such as "Bointon Freeb” and “T h e Crazy W orld o f the Frosh.” A new aspect o f the Petroc has been a "letters to the editor” column in which students have a free hand in expressing their feelings on social life. A note of thanks must also be given to Father James D aly for his able guidance. W e feel this has been a great year for Petroc.

'Sure, I’ll autograph it.’

Co-editor Vin Tavormina and Father James A. Daley plan strategy.

Senior Staff Members—Seated: Ron W illenborg, Ken Feduniewicz, Frank Balboa, John Pron. Standing: A1 LaGratta, Mike Coletti, Jack Lenahan, George Schwenk, Editors-in-Chief Vin Tavormina and Dennis Reznick, Ray Szpakowski.

Energetic Junior Staff—Seated: Tom Sasso, Nick St. George, John Fencik, Randy Walther, Tom Crappse, Gus D ’Aquila. Standing: Mike Devaney, Jim Audet, Alex Santora, Tom Cowan, Joe Goscienski, Fred Kerber, Tom Zappia, Jack Bogdanski, Bob Maclsaac.

Sophomore Apprentices—Seated: Bob Zito, Bob Argelyn, John Tavormina, Frosh Bill Bracey. Standing: Martin Kennedy, Tom Scott, Jim O’Halloran, Marlowe, Mark Buzzio.

C a r to o n ists a n d P h o to g ra p h e rs— S e a te d : P h o to g ra p h y E d ito r G e o r g e , J o h n F en cik . B a c k R o w : M ik e C o lle tti, M a rk B u zzio , G e o r g e H a w rilu k , N ic k L a F o r g ia , Jim G ia c c io , K e n F ed u n iew icz.

D uring the ’68-’69 school year, Inscape has pub­ lished two well prepared issues. These publications were highlighted by selections submitted by any student, whether on the staff or not. D espite the fact that the year was split up between two mod­ erators, M r. Kernaghan and Mr. Burns, M ike Sabatino and his able staff worked hard to meet the deadlines for the magazine. T h e men o f Inscape are worthy o f the thanks o f the whole Student Body.

Ed Mackiewicz, Associate Editor, and Jack Bogdanski, Layout Editor, take a moment out.

Sitting: Tony Luppino, Art Editor; Ed Zaleski, Associate Editor; Mike Sabatino, Editor-in-Chief; Richard Lusinski, Managing Editor; Jack Bog足 danski, Layout Editor. Standing: Brian Corrigan; Tim Grzelak, Asso足 ciate Editor.

Staff Members: Mark Kennedy, Ron Willenborg, Mike Sawicz, Vin Egizi.

S ta ff M e m b e rs: M ik e B a ra n sk i, D a v e S y b u lsk i, M a rk P o lo , A u g u st D A q u i l a


Anthony Tanski, Robert Puzio, Brian Kegelman, Norberto Aviles, Philip Cafasso, V al Fiorillo, Bill Lisa, Brian Wright, Fr. Jaschko, S.J., Moderator, Marc Buzzio, Bill Koleba, Rich Gianotto, Ed Tomaszewski, Den Todaro, Mike O’N eill, Mr. McNally, S.J., Stephen Kozakewich.

Saddle and Bridle Club

The Lone Ranger strikes again!

P rep’s future jockeys are incorporated in the Saddle and B ridle Club. T h is joy­ ous contingent leaves St. Peter’s every Friday afternoon, weather perm itting, and travels to the Clove Lake Stables in Staten Island. A t Clove Lake the members under the guidance o f Father Jaschko, S.J., are taught the rudiments o f horseback riding. Special attention is given to the new mem­ bers. These rides are given added enjoy­ ment because o f the beautiful scenery sur­ rounding Clove Lake and the general at­ m osphere o f the group. M embership this year has increased over that o f last year; however, if girls were allow ed to go, there w ould be a much greater increase.

"Gee, what would Ma say!”

"For my next trick

"W ho said I wanted to play follow the leader?”


Y ou should see her when she’s dressed,

U nhand me, you silly savage.

Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo-Choo?

She is pretty, isn’t she, Kenny? K en n y!?!

Would you believi



's tying his shoe? I don’t know about you two, but I can’t cross mine.

Jim my, keep your hands to yourself.

I’m suave, chic, and debonair. But you can call me JT L 3 . N o, Denny, you can’t go bathroomy.

But I told you, you’re not my type.

D arn those pigeons.

Fred Astaire and Gypsy Rose Frog. H |

Intramural Council

Once again the Intramural Council turned to the task of getting Prep men involved in non-varsity athletics. This year’s group, headed by Senior Chris Forhecz, sponsored contests between classes in football, basket­ ball, and volleyball, as well as a three-man intramural tournament. Our thanks go to Chris and his men for helping Prep men to become physically as well as mentally cul­ tured gentlemen.

(L. to r.) Dick Tracey, Bump Elliot, Dondi W illis, Wimpy Colford, Brutus Forhecz, Mandrake Parisi.

(L. to r.) Louie (the Boozer) Prontnicki, Toothy Tim Murray, Highjack Jose Gener, Tuffy Tom Biondo, Rollo Ryan, Bang-Bang Bill Dowd, Punk Mike Whelan, Sweetheart Mike Faccone, Mahatma Michalski, Ravioli Ray Szpakowski, Bungalow Bob Scewczyk, Vivacious Vin Tavormina, Simple Simon Strohofer, Battling Bob Barkovitz, and the lively Kevin O’Donnell.

Community Action With the end of its fifth year as a major activity at Prep, the Community Action Pro­ gram has done much to aid the educational development of many underprivileged stu­ dents. Led by Mr. Flynn, who took the helm during Father Browning’s absence, the stu­ dent members agree to tutor either the chil­ dren at the grammar school or one of their immediate underclassmen. This teaching ac­ tually benefits both parties. For not only does the struggling student learn his subject, but the teacher also gets to review the subject. These "scholarly” tutors deserve their class­ mates’ thanks for helping out their friends.


(Standing, 1. to r.) Rossovich Rubenstein, Fuzzy-Wuzzy Buzzio, Chief Colleti, Ramrod Rizzo, Valley LaForgia, (seated) Mighty Mite Fencik, Father James Daly, and the four-letter Dirty Wirt.

Camera Club

St. Peter’s Dramatic Society Presents It’s Spring Production

Dachau lineup. 177

i l l

C A ST (B O Y S) Tom Jones John Hamill P artrid g e......................................... Richard Giannotto Mr. P. Western Mark Swiney Squire All worthy Edward Suczewski Blifil Michael Caulfield Fitzpatrick Dennis Todaro Highwayman Daniel Longo Justice Dowling John Bogdanski Captain Blifil Kevin Bennett Thwackum ...................................... . Richard Andriola Square Dean Vassil Doctor David Cybulski C on stab le......................................... Tohn Bellacosa Extras .................... Ray Domnik, Dominic Godeleta, Robert Qualiano, and Daniel Longo.

jr .



That’s a "no-no.”

Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.

CAST (G IR LS) Sophia Western .................................... Patricia Kelly Miss W estern....................................Marybeth Penrose Jenny Jones (Mrs. Waters) ..................... Erika Nadir Harriet Fitzpatrick.............................. Harriet Welch H o n o u r.................................................... Susan Caprio Mrs. Whitfield .................................... Edythe Garvey Lady Bellaston ............................ Doreen Goldbrown Deborah ...................................... Deborah Rounsville Susan ............................................ Michelle DiMartini N an cy ............................................Bernadette Connolly Bridget Allworthy............................. Donna Warnock Extras ................................................... Judi Sucholbiak Script ................... Jayne Tomney, Michele Doheny, Mary Hennessey, Celestine Chapoutot.


Scope, once in the morning . . .

See the clock. See the clock run.

I ’d rath e r fig h t than sw itch.


All she said was, "Fifty cents.” I wonder if Cecil B. DeM ille started out this way.

This year, the Prep Drama Club put on a play that may prove to be one of its greatest successes. The play, Tom Jones, is a farce based on the novel by Henry Fielding. The story deals with a foundling who grows up to fall in love with the daughter of nobility. Many obstacles are presented to their love, which provide the play with the hilarity which has made it so popular. Special credit is due to John Hamill, Rich­ ard Giannotto, and Pat Kelly, who play the leads. Their excellent portrayal of the roles, backed up by the rest of the cast and the stage crew have kept the play at the high standard that has been the previous hallmark of a Prep presentation.

Don’t you think we should stick to the script?

I’ll take the high road. You take low road.

Dance Committee

At the beginning of this year, there was some ap­ prehension as to whether the new Dance Committee could match the dances of years past. These fears were soon set at ease as Lil’ John Chiola, new Chair­ man, worked hard and long to make the dances the equal of other years. New innovations such as light shows, more girls and the greater variety of bands helped John towards this goal. One of the high points of the whole social season at Prep was the Gridiron H op which brightened an other-wise dis­ mal Thanksgiving Day. The Steering Committee which John chose to help him aided greatly in this year’s Thanksgiving Eve Ball. They are Dennis Madej, Tommy Myers, Jose Gener, Tony Lupino, Jim Gallo, Paul Tomaszewski and Ron Soriano. T o­ gether with the regular diligent members of the committee, they combined to make it a successful year.

Steering Committee: Highjack Jose, Poopsie Paul Tomaszewski, John "Little K in g” Chiola, Ernest N . Julio Gallo, and Happy

The Nichol Bag—speaks for itself.

l r ie e L ls t g


4cctch<k% %,X#UL 150 icctc llJltg k lall % t t r (BPttlES) tfiaiok (sa t* i t s )

S e t lt-p iH clklts 2 l . t i i e j O f S 9 i.a


te e c u \

Lunch Hour— 12 o’clock high.

W ould you like to see my enchanted walnetto?

H ig h ja c k J o s e a n d th e little K in g ? — W h o a re they?

I can’t take him anywhere.

Tipsy Tom Connolly, Bill "3 Stripe” Engel, Brutus Forhecz, Bar-B-Q Grillo, Musclehead Gleason, Jack S. Holy, Battling Bob Barkovitz, Tiny Tim Grzelak, and the Lively Joe Cervalli.



Top row, left to right: Tony Giordano, Lou Parisi, Ralph Lamparella, Mike Guasconi, Ed Hunter, Robert Corcoran, Nick Scarpa, Jim Ippolito, Kim Green, John Wilkes, Mike Vendetti, Rich Agresta, Bert Knox, Mike Adamo, Ed Kowal, Guy Gregory, Mike Whelan. Second row, left to right: Coaches Dick Flanagan, Bill Cochrane, Frank Rezzonico, Ron DiM iglio and Ed Lewis. Team members Top Biondo, Gerry Chiara, Dom DiGiorgio, Bruce Johnson, George Sucato, John Cal­ lahan, Bill Philhower, Bob Newton, Larry Lewis, Steve Turner, Mickey DiGeronimo, Joel Kelly, Mike McGaughran, John D ’Agostino, Mike Liguori, Ralph Citarello. Third row, kneeling, left to right: Eugene Vallerini, Bob Simons, Fred Paternoster, Pete DePascale, Jack Herchold, Pat Haughey, Casey Dono­ van, Rich Regan, Mike Holy, Curtis Johnson, Wally Seweryn, Joe DellaFave, Ray Curran, Joe DiGeronimo, Pat Lamparello, Mark Strohoefer, Tim Murray, Tom Wickes, Chris Robinson, Sean McConville.

One thing was evident by the end of the season; namely, St. Peter’s Prep had potentially one o f the best teams in the area. However, if one just looked at the scores it would seem that the Maroon Marauders indeed had a losing season. The scoresheet tallied three wins and five losses. But foot­ ball teams cannot always be judged by their numerical achievements, but rather by their enthusiastic perseverance. Indeed, if this team had anything, it was endurance and a season full of surprises. If one went to Roosevelt Stadium on those brisk afternoons and eve­ nings, overall the team seemed to play at its worst at the superficially "easy” games. The team on the other hand then took measure of itself and stood up to the demands o f the crowd when it won over overwhelm­ ing odds (e.g., North Bergen, Lincoln). In the Bayonne game, the football team combined a balanced offense with an amazingly powerful defense to gain a slight lead over the Bees which was held until the last three seconds. Then a quick Bayonne touch­ down pass by Gerry Castaldo dashed all hopes of a fantastic upset. After such a loss most teams might give up and succumb to the medioc­ rity o f a losing season. However, the Marauders, a newly-inspired and fired-up team, scored one of the greatest upsets in Prep history over North Bergen. On a touchdown pass from Casey Donovan to Ray Curran, the Prep gained a lead which the defense stubbornly refused to give up. An example of the greatness of this game and of the potential of this team was shown in the last two minutes of this game. Faced with a punting situation, Casey Donovan called the play of the year, perhaps the decade. Faking the punt he threw a first-down pass to Tom Biondo which gave Prep the ball and a stunning victory. If nothing else such a game can express the true potential and desire of a team which may not have reached such a plateau in its record. Though we didn’t capture the county title, the Peter’s team was an example of the spirit that pervades the Prep. W’lth their backs to the wall they came out fighting and all told they added more glory to the Prep’s football history. For this we give them our sincerest thanks.

Ray Curran sweeps. Pre-game prayer.

Pat Haughey after a long run.

Jacek Herchold in action.

Casey Donovan rolls out behind the forward wall. Over the middle.


A long bomb by Casey. 191

J.V . Football Squad

Frosh Football Squad


Gridiron Hop Something had to go right on Thanksgiving Day this year. First of all, the day dawned cold and dreary. Then, we not only lost the game, but the Tommy Myers trophy, too. Add to that the usual stuffed feeling after Thanksgiving dinner, and you know how we felt in the closing hours of light. But something did turn out right after all, and it capped our day better than we dared to hope. We went to the Gridiron Hop. Once again, the A1 McCormick Quintet entertained, our dates looked lovelier than ever, and the day didn’t seem a perfect mess after all. By the wee small hours* everything was coming up roses. Well, maybe next year . . .



N o place to go


Varsity Basketball Team : 1st row (1. to r.) B ill D owd, Bob Barkovitz, Bob Murphy, Chris Forhecz, Kevin D ailey, Casey Donovan. Standing: Kevin O ’Donnell (m an­ ager), M arty Ketterer, Bob Broderick, Bob Hansen, Leo Spaccavento, M ike Boylan, George Schwenk, Jo e Gallom bardo, Jerry Kacprowicz. N o t pictured: B ill Kachur.


Prep 94 82 82 95 39 61 70 95 80 52 68

V A R S IT Y R EC O R D Prep O pponent 69 Bayonne .................. St. M ichael’s (J.C .) ... 52 68 M arist ...................... R egis .......................... ... 55 77 S n y d e r...................... 84 Lincoln ..................... 37 Hudson Catholic St. A lo y siu s............... ... 57 67 Dickinson ............... W eequahic .............. ... 33 Lincoln .................. 62 65 Bayonne ................... 99 F e r r is ........................ 66 St. Benedict’s .......... 71 Bayonne .................. 50 St. Jo e ’s (M ontvale) 69 M arist ...................... H udson Catholic .... .... 60 ‘ 71 Snyder ...................... 56 Dickinson ................ 96 Red Bank Catholic Ferris ........................ ... 74 W O N 15 - - L O S T 7

Opponent 58 ... 49 .... 79 .... 35 .... 58 .... 64 .... 74 .... 78 .... 64 .... 67 68


Leo makes a pass at JBill.

G am es............... Points Fouls taken Fouls scored Foul Average Total points Average

Hansen—up and over.

LEO SP A C C A V E N T O Games Points Fouls taken Fouls scored Foul Average Total points Average

20 212 88 74 84% 286 16.2

Casey tickles the twine.

20 280 63 53 84% 333 20.1

JO E G A L L O M B A R D O Games




Fouls taken


Fouls scored


Foul Average


Total points




The Blond Bomber—he can even fly!

Joe with the yo-yo.

hm h h


The statue of "B ill.”

Games Points Fouls taken Fouls scored Foul average Total points Average

19 86 32 25 78% ill 5.8 201

Everything’s up in the air.

B IL L K A C H U R G am es..................... 20 Points 102 Fouls taken ....... 14 Fouls scored 10 Foul Average .... 71% Total points 112 Average 5.6

JE R R Y K A C P R O W IC Z G am es..............................




Fouls taken


Fouls scored


Foul Average


Total points .................... 104 Average .............................


T op Row: Stabile, Hochstein, Biondo, Begans. Middle Row: Bradley, Herenda, Cioffi, Baker. Bottom Row: Lyons, Cangemi, Petrie, Blaney, and Mauriello.

J.V . Basketball

Record 19-6

Ricky Baker . . .

ancj Dale Hochstein show their driving skills.

Mike Skiro drives past a Friar.

Bruce Sabatini sets up the offense.

Freshman Basketball


T op Row, left to right: Ann Dietz, Nancy Ruane, Barbara Amato, Renata Rivellini, Karen Sherry, Fran Probo. Bottom Row, kneeling left to right: Carol Dietz, Kathy Ognisanti, Debbie Szatkiewicz. N ot pictured are Karen Jacobowski and Anne Simone.


Captains Kathy Ognisanti, Carol Dietz, and Debbie Szatkiewicz. BŠ SR S

Hardwood Hop March dawned on Jersey City in its usual dismal manner. There seemed to be nothing to do but look forward to the end of the first of March. N ot a bad aim, for the evening brought the Hard­ wood Hop to Burke Hall. Our ordinary cafeteria became a scarlet symphony of colors with travel as the theme of the design. The A1 McCormick Quintet provided the "Travelin’ Music,” which apparently was well-received, since the dance floor was always crowded. We had a memorable evening— and the perfect end to our regular basketball season.



This season, the St. Peter’s Prep Track Team, under the coaching charm o f Mr. James Sullivan, attacked their most ambitious schedule in the history of the school. W e faced strong opposition in fourteen dual meets, and came out with an even record: seven wins and seven losses. O f those seven losses, three o f them were against top-rated teams in the state. There were consolations, however, to assuage the sting of our losses. For the first time in our annals, the Prep Wolfpack streaked through to win the Jersey City Championship, the Hudson County Championship, the Hudson County Catholic Championship, and the Ferris Invitational Cham­ pionship, Hudson County Division. T o make our joy com­ plete: all four o f the championships were one-sided. Team and individual trophies abounded; we brought home four trophies for permanent residence in our trophycase, and individual members of the team added to their personal collection over seventy individual trophies and medals. In the course o f the season, Marty Downey broke three course records, Mike Gianechini smashed two, and Frank McGuire downed one. Our prospects for the coming season look as good, since of the seven starting men on the team, five are returning next year. The regular outdoor team this year had added strength in field events which appeared for the first time at Prep. Mr. Patrick Lynch, S.J., drove this new squad under a fine coaching hand to a fine season. The events included Javelin, High Jump, Discus, and Pole Vault. As a growing sport at Prep, the Track and Field team looks ahead to a bright future.

A ll set.

All going.

All gone.

F t

n s

h n g Mike Gianecchini thrusts through.


Frank McGuire feels for his tender heart.

The strain of challenge on Jim Horan’s face.

Mike Thomas is docked at Mercurian speed.

Cross County Champs TOP RO W : Louis Giusto, Donald Landry, Brian Salisbury. SECOND ROW : Bob Beterkin, Nick Lily, Jack Pohly, Jim Sidoti, Jim Vaughan. TH IR D ROW : Paul Pankewitz, Thomas Dorigatti, Patrick O ’Connell, Anthony Alosco, Thomas Cowan, Bob Pagano. FR O N T ROW: Mike Giannechini, Jim Horan, Ed Hinte, Frank McGuire, Marty Downey, Hike Thomas, Ray Monico. N ot Pictured: Tom Elliott, Jim Webber.



Ricky and Jimmy cavorting.

Track Merits W IN S


Snyder High School

Christian Brothers Academy

Fairfield Prep (Conn.)

Roselle Catholic

St. Aloysius High School

Brick Township

Bayonne High School

Eseex Catholic

Marist High School

St. Benedict’s

Xavier High School

Union Catholic

St. Joseph High School (Metuchen)

Lafayette College Freshmen

The Bowling Team consists of Brady, Zito, Faccone, Pecherski, Brack, Scarpa, Plust, and Haughey.

Bowling Team

Sporting one o f the best varsity records at Prep, the bow ling team o f St. Peter’s Prep again out struck most o f their oppo­ nents. The squad led in both the CYO and city leagues this year and posed a big threat in the State Tourney. Led by Mr. Illy, the fourteen prepsters who comprised the varsity and J V Bowl­ ing Team worked together throughout the year. Their teamwork paid off, for they produced a five man starting lineup which consistently bowled a composite score of 2500. The Varsity itself consisted o f Captain M ike Faccone, Stan Plust, and Pat Haugh­ ey o f senior year; Juniors Marty Brack, A rt Luty, and N ick Scarpa; and Sopho­ mores Bill Peckerecki and Don Brady. W ith the loss o f only three seniors, next year’s Bow ling Team will undoubt­ edly equal its excellent record attained this year.


Tense Moment?

Pat Haughey . . .

Stan P l u s t . . .

Marty Brack . . .

and Mike Faccone show their styles. 217

T op Row: Charles Donan, Marty O ’Connor, Jack Oswald, Pete W olfe, Chris McClave, John Willms. Bottom Row: Tom Campion, Bill LoVerme, Tony Petraglia, T ad Pole, Bob Shea, Brian Dischler.


Marty O’Connor butterflies to victory.

Losing only to St. Benedict’s, the Swimming team once again led the Hudson County by a wide margin. Under the coaching ability of Mr. Hartnett and his assistant, Mr. Hanly, the team captured the sixth straight Hudson County title. Special credit goes to Joe DePascale, anchor man Kevin Hanly, Jack Oswald in the backstroke, and Rick Hanlon, a standout in individual med­ ley. Also on the squad is ace diver Joe DiTuro, who currently holds the Hudson County Championship in Diving. Such a team has added many tro­ phies to St. Peter’s already crowded shelves. The team promises to con­ tinue this outstanding record next year when "the veterans of the sea” shall return to more challenges.

Shea sure shwims shuperbly.

Donan bangs off to a good start.

Pete "A qua� W olfe plows his way to victory.

N o, Marty, you are not a periscope.


D iving for sponges and nickels also helps the team.

S W IM M IN G R EC O R D S 200 Medley Relay

200 Freestyle 50 Freestyle

J- Oswald J- D iTuro J. McCoy B. Donan ........................................................ (1:58.2) R- Hanlon


P• W o lf .............................................................(23-4)

200 Individual Medley 100 Butterfly

K. Hanly J- McCoy

(2:24) (1:09-8)

100 Freestyle 100 Backstroke 400 Freestyle

P- W olf J- Oswald R- Hanlon

(54.8) (1.08.9) (4:28.6)

100 Breastroke


400 Freestyle Relay

J- Oswald B - Donan B. Shea B. Dischler



Rick Ross shows his form with an iron shot to the green.

Golf Team li


Bill Hyrnkiewicz watches a perfect putt.


Bottom Row: Tom Laird, John Fencik. Standing (left to right): Frank Sidoti, Louis Giele, Alan Bartolozzi, Fred Stevens, Mike Caulfield. All are juniors. N ot shown—Chris Phalon, Jeff Zak, John Callahan.

Tennis Team

This year, the tennis team played the role of the spoiler. With Dickinson coming strong after two years off, Prep’s work was cut out for them. The Prep team relied mostly upon veterans Chris Phalon, Jeff Zak, and Fred Stevens. The Podesta brothers, two of the best tennis players the county has ever pro­ duced, served as coaches this year. Tom is a graduate of Prep, and his brother comes from archrival Dickinson. Together they hope to provide the county with the champs of the future.

Coach Tom Podesta and Ace Fred Stevens.

Karate Club Baranski, Benedetti, Bucco, Cuprys, Cunning, Gajewski, Lysak, Pankewicz, Pona, Suczewski, Sypko, Warner, Wolozen, Weulfing, Marfin, and Little


Varsity: 1st row 1. to r.: Jim M or足 ton, Jo e Egan, Larry Adam s, Paul Antinori. 2nd row 1. to r.: Mr. M ilton Berkowitz (coach), Jerry LaForgia, Kazayu Burns, Kevin Duffy, Gene Hunter, Mr. Michael Berkowitz (asst, coach). 3rd row 1. to r.: Gerry Burke (m anager), Chris Gross, Pat Sprouls, Jack Crosby, Steve Cimprich, Tom But足 ler (m anager). N o t pictured: Mickey DiGeronimo.


Junior Varsity: Front row 1. to r.: Jeff Dem uro, Bob G rillo, Rick Roche, Rich Cuprys. 2nd row 1. to r.: Bob Bewighouse, Tom Pini, M ark Roszkowski, John Collins, Bill Cosarelli, M ike Granahan, Mr. Michael Berkowitz (coach).


Larry Adams in a back lever.

Jack Crosby doing a cut off.


"You had better jump when I call.”

Chris Gross doing a moore ("ouch”).

Gym nastics coach, M r. M ilton Berkowitz, with the able and en­ thusiastic assistance o f Mr. M ike Berkowitz m olded a team of which Prepsters can be very proud. H andicapped by the grad ­ uation o f eleven seniors who were the city champions, the gymnastics team defeated 6 teams in 9 meets. A lthough this year w as sup­ posedly a rebuilding year, the St. Peter squad scored w ell above expectations against such power ful teams as N orthern H ighlands, Snyder and East Brunswick. T h e seniors bid farew ell to a prom ising young team whose goal o f state champions is in reach.

Jerry LaForgia doing a back-flip.

Jim Morton doing an English

Paul Antonori going into a handstand

Jeff Olynick in a handstand


("mission impossible” ).

("got a match?” ).


Larry Adams doing a back somersault.

"Twinkle, twinkle little bar.”

Gene Hunter in a front lever. "D o you have iron poor blood?” 228

Mickey DiGeronimo in an "L .”

Joe Egan in a sole circle dismount. ("N o w what do I do?” ).

Jack Crosby doing a handstand.

Joe Egan in double leg circles.

"Up, up and away.”

What would my mother say?

Chateau Gallo ’69.

May D ay!!!

The Man from A.U.N.T.

Aren’t you glad you used Dial?


Then the big bad wolf said to Red Riding Hood . . .

No thank you, I’d rather pick it myself.

Florida, here I come! Poof! There goes Duke.

Yeah, fellas! She’s got a blue one today!

bser he gets, the better he looks!

My hand has five fingers. Imagine that! 'Casey went to a burlesque show

Constipated Rhythm.

I That’s all right, my son. As long as you’re sorry,

PATRONS Connie and Ray Abate

Mr. & Mrs. W alter T. Avery

Mr. & Mrs. George R. Blaney

Adams Sales

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Axt

Mr. Arthur F. Blood

Augustus Adziguous

The Badach’s

Mr. & Mrs. D. Blumenfeld

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Agresta

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Baker

Mr. Andrew Bobal

Mr. & Mrs. H. W . Ake

Claire Anne Baker, R.D.H.

Mr. & Mrs. D. Bodtmann

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Alberque

Louis Balboa— General Contr.

Gary Bogdanski ’72

Diane Albrecht

Mr. & Mrs. J. Bambrick

John Bogdanski ’70

Mrs. Rita Aide

Judith Bannon

Frank J. Bolha

Aloi’s Jeweler’s

Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Baranski

Mrs. E. Balinski

Alosco Family

Gary J. Barlettano

Rita Booth

Alosco Pastry Shop

Red Baron

Mr. H. Bordone

A l’s Diner

David J. Barry

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Botti

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alvarez

Miss Dorothy B^ssani

Boulevard Agency Inc.

Amato, Gary

Albert G. Bartolozzi

Mary C. Boyle

In Memory of John Amendolia

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Baxmeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Boyle

Andre Agency—Real Estate

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bellacosa

Martin Brack

Andros Contr. Co.


Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Antoniazzi

Mary-Grace Belloti

Mrs. Marian Brady

John Arace

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bender

Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Brewer

Nicholas J. Arace

Mr. Edward Bergen

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brown

Robert David Argyelar

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Besante

Mr. & Mrs. S. Buccafusco

Mrs. Harry J. Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. R. Bewighouse

Mr. & Mrs. H. Buechse

Mr. J. Paul Audet

Vincent Biondo ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bulzis


PATRONS Mrs. George J. Burke

Dominick Carrazza

Joseph J. Cohen

Edward Burns ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Cascio

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colford Jr.

Frederick F. Burns

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Caso

Mr. Samuel CoIIetti

Kiyoko Burns

Michael Caulfield

Gerald M. Compeau, Sr.

Busy Bee Liquors

Frank J. Cawley

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Condo

Busy Bee Liquors

Mr. & Mrs. J. Celestino

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Connell

Thomas Butler Jr. ’71

Cerbone’s Food Market

Philip Connelly

Mr. & Mrs. U go Buzzio

John T. Cesarczyk

Mark Connolly

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Byram

George Chalmers

Mr. & Mrs. V. Connors

Nelson Cadalzo

Mr. & Mrs. G. Chiccone

Constar Roofing Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Calantone

Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Church

Mrs. A. Conti

Mrs. A. Caldaraio

Jeanine Cimprich

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Corcoran

Theresa Caldaraio

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cioffi & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corrigan

Mrs. Mary Calvanico

Dominick M. Cione

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Corsentino

Mr. & Mrs. Jose Camilo

Cirelli’s Shoe Service

Mr. & Mrs. John Cosgrove

Richard Cancro

Dorothy Citarella

Salvatore J. Cozzetta

Cancro Family

Class I-D

Mr. & Mrs. T. Crappse

Dr. & Mrs. Vito F. Cangemi

Kevin E. Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Crociani

Emil Cannarozzi

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Clemens

Michael Crouchelli

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Capone

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Clossey

Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Cruz & Family

The Capozzi Family

The Coach and Carriage


Thomas Caputo

Mr. Anthony Cocco

Chris Curtis

Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Cardell & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Coffey

Custom Cleaners

Mr. Peter Cogelia

C. Cuprys

PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cutillo

Brian Dischler

Mr. C. A. Enright Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Cybulski

Mrs. A. Disoteo

Anthony Erianne

Mr. John F. Czeterko

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Diverio

John Evancik

Mr. & Mrs. I. D ’Agostino

Dobke Typewriter Exchange

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Faherty Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank D ’Aloisio

Dom’s G ift Shop

Alfred V. Failla

Anthony M. D ’Amore

Holland R. Donan

Fairsex Beauty Salon

Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. D aquila

Grace Donohue

John T. Fallock

W. A. D avis ’43

Patricia Dougherty

Fallon Family

Mr. & Mrs. James DeCarlo

Mr. Daniel Downey

Eugene G. Famular

Patrick J. D ’EIia

Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Downey

Mr. & Mrs. E. Farrell

Mrs. Rose D ella Fave

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Drago

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fava Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. DeM aio

Mr. & Mrs. John Dudsak

Vic & Faye

Louis J. DelMonte

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Duffy

Mrs. Mildred Feduniewicz

Rocco & Julia DePasquale

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Dully

Theodore Feduniewicz

Mr. P. DeRosa

Duncan Hardware

Bruce E. Fenske

Desco Heating & Cooling

Mrs. C. Dunleavy

Mr. & Mrs. John Fencik

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. D eTura

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Dunn

Mr. & Mrs. L. Ferdinando

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Devaney

Dunn Typewriter

Mr. & Mrs. F. Ferreri

Thomas R. Devaney ’66

Dylewski Family

Mr. & Mrs. Fiano

Michael Digeronimo

Robert Eckstein

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Filak

Mr. J. DiGiacinto

Vincent Egizi

Mary M. Findlay

Dom DiGiorgio

Zeke Embry

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dischler

George E. Emme

Finn’s Travel Agency Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fiore


PATRONS Fino’s Superette & Sol’s Stationery

Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Giele

Mr. George Grillo

Mrs. W. Fisher

Tony Giordano

Stephen Gruchacz

Mr. & Mrs. J. Fitzgerald

Mrs. Mary Girer

The Gruttadauria’s

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Florio

Mrs. Grace Girvan

Gus The Florist

Marilyn Forhecz

Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Giusto Sr. Mrs. Michael J. Hallahan

Frederick J. Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Giusto

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halpin

A Friend

Louis Giusto III

W illiam Hamill

A Friend

Dennis J. Glanzman

Mr. William J. Hanlon


Jim Gleason ’69

Mr. I. Hansen

Frueauff, Farrell, Sullivan & Bryan

Mr. & Mrs. P. Gloriande

Mr. John A. Hansen

Furka Family

Mr. Patrick T. Goode

Silke Hansen

Joseph Gaita

Goodman Furniture Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hartnett J

Mr. & Mrs. S. Gajewski

Goody’s Meat Market

Mrs. F. D. Hawkins

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gallagher

Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon

Mr. & Mrs. George Hawriluk

Gallo Family

J. Goscienski

Mr. & Mrs. F. Heer

Thomas Gangemi Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gratale

Robert Heer

Gantner’s Hardware Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Gray

Herchold Family

Gburczyk Family

Grazio Pallet Repair

Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Herenda

Mrs. Rosina Geisslar

Greenville Memorial Home

Mario Hernandez

The Ghezzi’s

Miss Josan Gregonnell

Mrs. Edith Higgins

Anthony J. Giannantonio

Mr. & Mrs. J. Gregory

Ed Hinte

Mrs. Adeline Giantini

Mr. & Mrs. Albert T. Grillo

Mr. William Hladic

Mr. John Giantini

Mr. A. V. Grillo

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hmielewski

PATRONS Keller Family

Mr. J. Laffan

Frederick Hochstein


Mrs. Theresa H olland

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Kennedy

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony LaForgia

Arthur Horlich

Mr. & Mrs. William Kerber

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred LaGratta, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hojnowski

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kessler

Roger LaGratta, M.D.

James M. Houghton

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore E. Kessler

The Laird Family

John S. Hudacko R.P.

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kiely

The Lamparello Family

John S. Hudacko R.P.

J. J. Kiessling

Rose Lanay

Hudson Typewriter Exchange

John E. Kirkeby

Mrs. LaPilusa

Mickey Hurley

R. E. Kizma & Family

Msgr. Edward J. Larkin

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Iervolino

Stanley Klimowicz

F. V. Larkin

Joseph Ilvento

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kosc

Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Larkin

D. A. Introcaso, M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kowal

Warren Lehman

Anthony Intromasso Sr.

W alter S. Kowal & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lenahan

Marie Ippolito

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kozar

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lenahan

Mr. & Mrs. W alter Jablonski

K rai’s Market

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lennon

J. A. Fancy Grocery Store

Dr. Gary M. Kramer, D.D.S.

Mrs. Blanche Leppard

Mr. Joseph J. James

Mr. Bruno Krausse

Lawrence Lewis

Mrs. Theresa Jimmerson

Mr. Andrew Kubica, Jr.

Joseph Licata

Mr. John Johnstone

Miss Eileen M. Kuhn

Mr. & Mrs. Sal Liotta

William Junice

The Kunka Family

Anthony Lipari

Richard Karwoski

Kenneth F. Kunzman ’54

Mr. & Mrs. P. Lipka

Kathy’s and Bill’s Deli

Stanley Kyc

Mr. Francis A. Lipsett

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Kearney

The Labattaglia Family

The Loelius Family


PATRONS Frank J. Longo

Mr. & Mrs. G. Manos

Dr. & Mrs. P. J. McGovern

Long Pond Inn Discoteque

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Manzi

W illiam McGowan

Mrs. Mary LoPresto

Antonia Marengo

Mr. & Mrs. E. McGrath

Mary Lou

Orvin T. Marion

Mrs. Robert McGrath

Denis Loughman

Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Marlowe

Joseph McLoughlin

Mr. & Mrs. J. Louma

Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Marszalowicz

Richard F. McMahon, Jr.

Bill LoVerme

Martin’s Luncheonette

Kathleen McNamara

Edmund Lubera

Joseph Martin, Realtor

James A. M cTague Jr.

Mr. Andrew Lukac

Frank Martucci

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Meade

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luke


Stanley Medaska

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Luppino

Dr. A. Massarsky, D.D.S.

Anthony N . Meloro

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lutz

Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Mastellone

Mernar Family

Michael F. Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. T. Materek

Meyer Family

Mr. William Lynch

Lawrence A. Materia

Dr. John W. Meyers D.D.S.

Pola Lyons

Mr. John Mazurana

Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Michalowski

Mr. & Mrs. B. Lysak

Dr. Gus J. Mazzola

Mid-City American

Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Maclsaac

Mr. & Mrs. Charles McAdam

James Mielo

O lga Madsen

Mrs. Anne McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. J. Milano

Jeanne Maglietta

Thomas McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Militello

Mr. & Mrs. James Mahar

Mr. & Mrs. J. V. McCarthy

Ceil Milkowska

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Malavarca

James McCoy ’68

Bernard Miller

Mr. & Mrs. William Malloy

Mr. & Mrs. J. McCoy

Mr. & Mrs. E. Miller

Mrs. Maury Mangieri

Mrs. J. McGinty

Arby Mintz (Mintz Drugs)

PATRONS Aidan Mitchell

Mr. & Mrs. M. Neilan

Padlowski Family

Daniel F. Mitchell

Neptune Deli & Liquors

Mr. & Mrs. L. Pagano

W alter Mitty

Mr. George Nerbak

Palace Drugs


Mrs. George Nerbak

Mr. & Mrs. R. Panebianco

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Mongiello

Richard Newton

Margaret Pankewicz

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Monico

Robert Newton

Robert E. Parks

Monmouth Cleaners

Peter Nickerson ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Parow

Robert G. Monroe

Arthur Nimbley

Sigmund Parzych

Mr. & Mrs. H. Moritz

W illiam M. Noonan

Mrs. S. Parzych

W illiam C. Mortenson

N ora Construction Co., Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Pellegrino

Mrs. W illiam C. Mortenson

Jerome J. Norton

Mrs. R. E. Peterkin, Sr.

W illiam F. X . Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. O’Connell

James C. Petri

M uller’s Delicatessen

Mrs. James J. O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. J. Pfleger

Mrs. Vera Mundt

N eil O ’Connor

William Philhower

Mr. & Mrs. F. Murdaco

Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius O’Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. S. Piccolo

Mrs. F. Murphy

Kevin O’Donnell ’69

Mr. Vincent B. Pickett & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Murphy

Mr. James T. O’Halloran

Piero’s School of Music

Murray Family

Anthony Olizarowicz

Stephen Pilewicz

Mr. James F. Murray Jr.

Olson Electric

Mr. & Mrs. S. Muti

Mr. & Mrs. L. J. Olynick

Mrs. Edward J. Mycek

Mr. & Mrs. L J. O’Neill

Mr. & Mrs. V. Pisano

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. N eglia

Mr. & Mrs. B. Ozarowski

John Pohlig

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pilla Stephen Pingree



Anthony Pollifrone

Rev. Matthew A. Rooney, S.J., ’31

Mr. & Mrs. Sewell

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pona

Matthew ’67—Charles ’69 Rooney

Sidoti Family

Gary Porter

N adica Rossovich

Anthony J. Signorelli

Powers Service Co.

Rubinstein Family

Edith & Antoinette Signorelli

Angela Prontnicki

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan

John A. Simko

Quaglieri Family

Anna Sacco

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Simko

Mr. & Mrs. R. Quosig

M argaret Sacco

Rev. Michael S. Simko

Keith Reardon

St. Ann’s Church—Hoboken

Mr. Michael Skero

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Redling

Mrs. Jean D. St. George

P. P. Slapshid

Mr. Jerry Regan

Salem Sportswear Ltd.

A1 Smith

Mr. & Mrs. John Regna

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Smith

Edward Reid

Alexander Santora ’70

Alex Sotirellis

William Reid

Mr. & Mrs. Saporito

Glenn Spies

Mrs. Lena Reilly

Joseph J. Scalia

Pat Sprouls

Red Reilly

Mr. Clem Scalo

George S. Staab

Mr. & Mrs. George Riepe

Phyllis R. Scerbo

Jerome G. Stabile


Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schack & Family

Mr. & Mrs. A. Steinbacher

Frank J. Rizzo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schaetzle & Family

Fritz Stevens

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roche

Dr. B. H. Schanbam

Richard Stoltenborg

Manny Rodas

Thomas J. Schmidt, Sr.

Mark ’69 & MaryAnn Strohoefer

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Romano

Cheryl & Jay Scott

Mr. & Mrs. E. Suczewski

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Rooney

Mrs. John Scott

PATRONS Superior Meat Mkt., Inc.

C. C. Trotwood

Weierstall Family

Mr. & Mrs. John Sutton

Two Guys Inn

Wenton Shoe Store

Sweeney Funeral Home

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Tyrrell

White’s Liquor Store

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sweeney

Mr. & Mrs. H. Untereiner

Mr. & Mrs. H. Willenborg

Dr. & Mrs. Merrill Swiney

Attilio Vallerini

Rose Willms

Mr. & Mrs. J. Sypko

Eugene Vallerini ’69

Mr. & Mrs. V. Wissmann

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Szewczyk

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Varela

Mr. & Mrs. T. Witomski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Szpakowski

James Vaughan

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wojciechowski

Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Szymanski

Vee & Sal

Franklin H. W olf

Tanski Family

Mr. & Mrs. Q. Viceconte

Mr. & Mrs. T. Wondolowski

Robert Tatulli

Mr. & Mrs. F. Viggiano

Ann Wuelfing

Mr. & Mrs. W illiam Tatulli

Ezio Vitelli

Wurdemann Family

The Tavormina Family

Mr. & Mrs. William Vogt

John B. Wyatt

Three Friends

Robert J. VonTersch

Jeff Zak

Mrs. Florence Tomaszewski

Mr. Stanley Wacyra

Mr. & Mrs. Zakrzewski

Mr. & Mrs. Tomczyk

Allen J. W age

Angela Zappia

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Torra

Mr. S. W all

Mr. & Mrs. S. Zayes

Anthony M. Tozzi

Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Walther

Jill Zelinski

Rose Tozzi

Mr. & Mrs. William G. Waters

Joan Zelinski

Mr. & Mrs. John Tracy

Mr. & Mrs. H. Wawroski

John Zelinski

Mrs. A. M. Trescott

Mr. & Mrs. G. Webber

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ziemian

SPECIAL PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. John L. Costello

Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Aughinbaugh

Continental Machine Works, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Badaracco, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curtin

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bannon

W alter L. Curtis

Mr. & Mrs. Chas. E. Barry

Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Daly

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Begans

Mr. & Mrs. J. Dimatteo

Benmore Lanes

Mr. & Mrs. W alter Dischler

Judge & Mrs. B. Beronio

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Domnik

Bill’s Jewelers

Joan Dunleavy

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Booth

Mr. & Mrs. William J. England

James J. Bordino, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Fallock

Rose M. Boyce

Miss Barbara Fiorillo

Broadway National Bank

Fieseler’s Jewelers

Gerard Brunnquell

Mr. Val Fiorillo

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Callahan

Fiesta—W edding Receptions

Mrs. Frances Capo

Mrs. C. Fitzpatrick

Edmund J. Caulfield

Gloria & Dom Forte

Chemline Corp.

A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cleary, Sr.

A Friend

Clerici Funeral Home

Mr. & Mrs. S. Galamb, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Conrad, Jr.

The Gleason Family

SPECIAL PATRONS Edna & Emil Guasconi

Obrycki Family

Art Haby

Ostapski Family

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Hamill

Palermo Supply Co.

Healy Family

Paris Jewelers

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hinte

Mr. & Mrs. Piccolo

Mrs. Sybil Holy

Raymond Polakoski

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Horan, Sr.

Donald & Patricia Rasmusson

Ilvento’s Bar & Restaurant, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Rudloph Sabatino

Mr. F. Italiano

Emil Schmidt

Mr. & Mrs. Horace F. Knox

Simons Family

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kopacz

Mr. Stanley J. Spakowski

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Krautheim

Jerome G. Stabile

Lor-Rayis Beauty Salon

Stanton Garage

Thomas J. Lynch

Memory of Cpl. James J. Strangeway ’61

McConnell Fuel Oil Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Strohoefer

Rev. Lester A. McGuinness

Frank Suplee

Mrs. Betty R. Meagher

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Szymialowicz

Tim & Bob Mercier

John Winberry

Morena & Sons Inc.

Woodpecker Inn

Mr. & Mrs. J. Nesnay

John Zeller

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nimbley

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Zito

SPONSORS Academy Delicatessen Inc. 242 Warren Street Jersey City, N .J.

Black Harbor Inn Inc. 136 Morris Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cantisano 814 Albermarle Street WyckofJ, N .J.

Madeline, Lynn & Pat Alberque 170 Park Street Ridgefield Park, N .J.

Herman Blochlinger 169 Danforth Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Catanzaro 110 Rutherford Boulevard Clifton, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andriola 3166 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bovasso 50 Neptune Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. T. Cervalli 71 West 30th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. V. Baginski 165 Jackson Street Passaic, N .J.

Mrs. Marie Brady 14 Highland Avenue Kearny, N .J.

V. W. Chiola 19 Fairmount Terrace Jersey City, N .J.

Barcelona’s Lumber Mart, Inc. 30 Midland Avenue Wallington, N .J.

Mr. Joseph M. Bredehoft 74 Greenville Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Collins 192 Virginia Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Barkovitz Family 281 Hagan Place Secaucus, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. N . Bronnan 34 Luisser Street Clifton, N .J.

Thomas J. Connolly ’69 288 Sherman Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Barrett’s 861 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Brockmann 456 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge, N .J.

Conti Roofing Co. 583 Anderson Avenue Cliffside Park, N .J.

E. J. Batchelar & Son, Inc. 82 Montgomery Street Jersey City, N.J.

Joseph L. F. Brower 519 Anderson Avenue Wood-Ridge, N .J.

Coutros Pharmacy 100 Montgomery Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. R. Bennek 112 Harrington Road Clifton, N .J.

Robert Bunce 3703 Kennedy Boulevard Union City, N.J.

The Creazzo Family 201 Congress Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Wm, H. Bennett 333 Fairmount Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

Burn’s and O’Connell Inc. Garden State Plaza Paramus, N.J.

Crescent Mfg. Co. 217 River Drive Passaic, N.J.

SPONSORS Mr. & Mrs. Donald Curry 14 W est 15th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Electrical Insulation Sales Co. 1435 W est 51st Street North Bergen, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Genthon 59 Luddington Avenue Clifton, N .J.

Dailey Family 704 Jersey Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Engel 165 W est First Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. N . Giannotto & Family 409 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge, N .J.

D ell’s Awnings 85 Irving Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. C. Fabyanski 49 Cottage Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Gieser 13 Charles Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. E. Dobies 134 W est 25th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Fay 42 Bowers Street Jersey City, N .J.

Goodtimer’s Assn. 68 DeKalb Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Donato Mill Supplies Inc. 15-17 Brook Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Patsy Ferro 173 Nelson Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Grimes 278 Fourth Street Jersey City, N .J.

Francis Dorigatti 184 Harding Avenue Clifton, N .J.

Mrs. Julia Fiorillo 821 Twelfth Street Union City, N .J.

The Grzelaks 25 Van Reypen Street Jersey City, N .J.

Charles Doyle 169 Halladay Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander G. Forsythe 272 Old Bergen Road Jersey City, N .J.

Ronald E. Gurtatowski 1157 Summit Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Durney Jr. 12 Sunset Drive North Caldwell, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Gallombardo 54 Hudson Place Weehawken, N .J.

James Hamill 839 Montgomery Street Jersey City, N.J.

East Coast Finishing Corp. 101 Broad Avenue Fairview, N .J.

Gane’s Chemical Works, Inc. 611-641 Broad Street Carlstadt, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. William Haughey 110 Terhune Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

Efficiency Heating & Appliance Co. 555 Tonnelle Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

The Gener Family 31 High Street Jersey City, N.J.

Mr. Thomas L. Hickey 52 Edgewood Avenue Nutley, N.J.




Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Hrynkiewicz 221 North 23rd Street Kenilworth, N .J.

Ketterer Family 354 Ogden Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Lisa 445 Ogden Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Insulating Fabricators Inc. 150 Union Avenue East Rutherford, N .J.

Teodozyjia Koleba 604 Palisade Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Henry, Connie, Eli, & Joseph Lizza 64 Monroe Street Hoboken, N .J.

Mr. Wasyl Iwanyk 364 Communipaw Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Konvit 57 Ridgewood Road Clifton, N .J.

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen LoVerme 333 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge, N .J.

Jersey City W elding & Machine Works, Inc. "O ur 50th Year” 400 Grand Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kovatch 22 Conover Court Clifton, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ludwiczak 49 Washburn Street Jersey City, N .J.

Jersey Pictures 846 Newark Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Kowalchyk Funeral Home 129 Grand Street Jersey City, N .J.

Richard J. Lusinski 118 Tonnelle Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Jim ’s Service Station, Inc. 329 Newark Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Kozakewich 303 DeSoto Place Fairview, N .J.

M & M Boys Centre 428 Broadway Bayonne, N .J.

The Jordan Family 14 Edward’s Court Bayonne, N .J.

Joseph J. Lafrano 37 Pulaski Drive North Arlington, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. E. Mackiewicz 233 Eighth Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. William Kachur 287 Terhune Avenue Passaic, N .J.

The Lauber Family 15 Duryea Road Montclair, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Madej 241 Henderson Street Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. J. Kacprowicz & Family 413 Union Street Jersey City, N.J.

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Leoncavallo 215 Fourth Street Fairview, N .J.

The Mannequin 854 East 24th Street Paterson, N .J.

Harry J. Kegelman 26 Greenville Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

T. G. Lichnowski 244 Harrison Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

Marzoccz Family 614 Garden Street Hoboken, N .J.

SPONSORS Hugh McDonald 15 Broadway Bayonne, N .J.

Myers Family, Jack ’65—Tom ’69 82l/2 Erie Street Jersey City, N .J.

The Pron Family 38 Linden Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Henry B. McFarland 161 Fairview Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mrs. Caroline M. Nodes 2554 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Pulichino 440 Stillwell Avenue Fort Lee, N .J.

David McGuire 260 Harrison Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. J. O’Brien 813 Washington Street Hoboken, N .J.

Rand Pistol Club 9501 Fairview Avenue North Bergen, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. J. McGuire 174 Kilburn Place South Orange, N .J.

Mr. L. J. O’Brien 25 Duryea Road Montclair, N .J.

Ritz Thrift Shop Inc. 107 West 57th Street New York, N.Y.

Thomas McHugh 223 Eighth Street Palisades Park, N .J.

Ocean Breeze Restaurant 320 Clendenny Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Rogers Furniture Co. 2 Ferncliff Road Jersey City, N .J.

John J. McLaughlin 41 West 8th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mrs. Rita P. O’Connell 49 East 18th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Sabato World Travel, Inc. 266 Newark Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

R. Mernar & Family 8 East 41 st Street Bayonne, N .J.

John S. Osaben 74 West 45th Street Bayonne, N .J.

St. Anne’s R. C. Church 3545 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, N.J.

Michalski Funeral Home, Inc. 463 Monmouth Street Jersey City, N .J.

Parts Unlimited of Jersey City 841 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Salisbury 417 Fairview Avenue Fairview, N .J.

Adele Moschel 107 Reservoir Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. William Plunges 152 West 9th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sawicz 771 Sixth Street Lyndhurst, N.J.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mruz Jr. 100 West 35th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Plust 205 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Robert Scher 20 Broughton Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

Mr. Harold Murphy 743 Grand Street Jersey City, N .J.

Point Restaurant 160 Bergen Boulevard Fairview, N .J.

Schiavo’s Bar & Restaurant 297 Monticello Avenue Jersey City, N.J.


SPONSORS Wm. Schlemm Inc. 539 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, N .J. Schlesinger’s 58th Street & Bergenline Avenue West New York, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Schneider 122 Mortimer Avenue Rutherford, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Serra 59 Suburbia Court Jersey City, N .J. R. Seyfried 716 Eighth Street Secaucus, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Sharkey Old Mill Road North Caldwell, N .J. Shorty & Son Valve Station 134 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, N .J. Sidoroffs’ Liquors 265 Eighth Street Jersey City, N .J. Dr. & Mrs. R. J. Simpson 819 Avenue C Bayonne, N .J.


Leo Spaccavento 214 Jane Street Weehawken, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. H. Vassil & Son 40 Boyd Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Statile 195 Belvidere Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Vernese’s Poultry Market 383 Monmouth Street Jersey City, N .J.

John Stine 43 Corbin Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Szmerda 96 West 47th Street Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Taormino 26 Northview Terrace Garfield, N .J.

Henry M. Todaro 54 Cleveland Terrace Bloomfield, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Totaro 434 Gregory Avenue Weehawken, N .J.

Attilio Vallerini 288 Avenue B Bayonne, N .J.

Mr. & Mrs. E. V. Siwek 13 Towers Street Jersey City, N.J.

Val’s Pharmacy 597 Valley Road Upper Montclair

Mr. & Mrs. Soriano 83 Linden Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

James J. Vanderbeck, M.D. 112 Prospect Street Ridgewood, N .J.

Vornado, Inc. 174 Passaic Street Garfield, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. John Waldron 57 Warner Avenue Jersey City, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilenta 699 Minnie Place Secaucus, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Williams, Sr. 317 Sixteenth Street Union City, N .J. Dr. & Mrs. Jean T. Wilson 24 Glenridge Parkway Montclair, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. H. Wische 215 Myrtle Avenue Jersey City, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik 74 West 10th Street Bayonne, N .J. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Zaleski 273 Boulevard Bayonne, N.J. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Zaremba 222 Lynn Drive Franklin Lakes, N .J.

BENEFACTORS A CA D EM Y OF SA IN T A LO Y SIU S 2495 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, N .J.

SA IN T D O M IN IC A CAD EM Y 2572 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, N .J.


MR. & MRS. JO H N J. CLARK 128 Tennyson Drive Short Hills, N .J.

A B C M O TO RS IN C. 508 Anderson Avenue Cliffside Park, N .J.

LOUIS DePASCALE & FAM ILY 1233 Garden Street Hoboken, N .J.

A N T IN O R I BRO TH ERS 1305 Sixth Street North Bergen, N .J.

JO H N J. DiGIOIA, M.D. 31 Emory Street Jersey City, N .J.

MR. & MRS. CHARLES A N TO N U C C I 37 Belmont Road Glen Rock, N .J.

MRS. JU LIU S M. FORHECZ 55 Nevins Street Rutherford, N .J.

A RTK O W R EC K IN G & LUM BER CO., INC. 117 Prospect Avenue Bayonne, N .J.

G & J COM PANY, INC. 12 Fleming Avenue Newark, N .J.

A V O N K N IT T IN G M ILLS 688 West Prospect Avenue Fairview, N .J.

MR. & MRS. H EN RY GRETEN 208 New York Avenue Union City, N.J.

GUGGENH EIM IN TERN ATIO N AL BO B’S PREMIER T.V. 7310 Bergenline Avenue North Bergen, N .J.

CORP. 578 Summit Avenue Jersey City, N.J.

BENEFACTORS H ARBO RSID E T ER M IN A L CO., INC. 34 Exchange Place Jersey City, N .J.

O TTO M ACK 1245 Paterson Plank Road Secaucus, N .J.

JO H N J. H OLT, REAL ESTA TE 164 Danforth Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

C. J. M U RPH Y FUEL 222 Avenue E Bayonne, N .J.

H O LTH A U SEN ’S Bergenline & 36th Street Union City, N .J.

JO E H OLSEY JR. & JIM M A N N Kennedy Blvd. & Communipaw Ave. Jersey City, N .J.

H U D SO N BUS T R A N SPO R TA T IO N CO., INC. 437 Tonnelle Avenue Jersey City, N .J.

A. K. M AC A G N A FUNERAL HOME 495 Anderson Avenue Cliffside Park, N .J.

McCORRY BROTHERS 780 Anderson Avenue Cliffside Park, N .J.

H E N R Y N IE B A N C K SO NS 170 Coles Street Jersey City, N .J.

O N Y X CHEM ICAL CO M PA NY 190 Warren Street Jersey City, N .J.

MR. & MRS. ROMEO POLO 7101 Newkirk Avenue North Bergen, N .J.

BA R N E T T D. SIN G ER, ARCH ITECT 549 Broadway Bayonne, N .J.

TR O D Y N E CORP. 39 Industrial Avenue Teterboro, N .J.

VIBRA SCREW INCORPORATED 755 Union Boulevard Totowa, N .J.




to the




EST. 1913



Represented by E. Badaracco, Jr.



C la ss o f 1 9 6 9 FROM



Michael A. Berkowitz ’61

John F. Duffy

Robert F. Mulvihill

Milton J. Berkowitz

Richard L. Kennedy

Michael J. Reilly

Michael J. Calderaro

Robert K. Kibbler ’59

Charles J. Rooney

Charles A. Carey ’55

Lawrence W. Levine ’59

Eugene J. Sanzo

John J. Casey, III

Fred J. Miller

John P. Scanlon



CLASS 1B Wishes To Congratulate This Year’s


"Black, white stop the fight. Does one of these colors ever bother you?" D ave M ason


The Provident Institution for Savings in Jersey City


"THE OLD BEEHIVE” Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


C la ss o f ’6 9 from


<£> 'h £ /t‘



T o The

CLASS OF ’69 In Future Years From



C L A S S O F ’6 9 From



L O C A L N o .2 L L ..A -





921 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey


ILA LOCAL 1247 80 M ONTGOM ERY STREET JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY Frank Murray, President Hank Rostick, Financial Secretary


"The Theme Is Team”


T h e G r a d u a te s o f 1 9 6 9





L .F C r /O /v '



S C .!Q

h /?M f

A. Ambrosio A. Capiozzi R. Conti A. Gaita G. Kosc J. La Pilusa M. Mahar

G. Mauriello W. McGowan R. Mitchell R. Mogiello S. Moni P. Pankewicz

R. Parzych R. Reid P. Sprouls M. Stabile J. Sweeney J. Tavormina

J. Vallerini J. Vargas T. Wojciechowski G. Wondolowski K. Yacavino J. Zakrzewski R. Zito

C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S and B E S T W IS H E S T o The



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C la ss o f ’6 9 From



" C la ss o f

1969 ”

From the

PR E P C R O SS C O U N T R Y T E A M Tony Alosco Rick Baker Mike Caulfield Tom Cowan Tom Dorigatti Marty Downey Tom Elliott Jim Fitzpatrick Mike Giannechini Bob Glanzman Ken Halpin Bill Hamill Ed Hinte Jim Horan Nick Introcaso Gene Iwanyk Brian Kegelman Don Landry Frank McGuire (Capt.) Bob McMahon


Ray Monico Dennis Obrycki Dennis O ’Connell Pat O’Connell Dennis O’Sullivan Bob Pagano Paul Pankiewicz Bob Peterkin Jack Pohlig Don Pounds Brian Salisbury Rich Saporito Frank Short Jim Sidoti Chris Simpson Mike Thomas Koenraad Vandegaer Jim Vaughan Jim Webber Mr. Sullivan (Coach)

SENIOR ACTIVITIES JO H N F. A N D E R S O N 33 Glenfield R oad, Bloom field, N .J. Sodality 3; H igher Achievement 2; Cam era Club 1; C ul­ tural Com m ittee 4 R IC H A R D A. A N D R IO L A 3166 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N .J. Inscape 2; D ram atics 4; H igher Achievement 1,2,3; Saddle and B ridle Club 4; Science Club 3,4; Chess Club 2 R IC H A R D A N D R Y S Z E W S K I 17 W estern Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. JO S E P H A T K A C H U N A S 260 N ew Y o rk Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. C lass Officer 1; Sodality 2,3; Community A ction 2; G er­ man Club 2; Football Team 2 S T A N L E Y V . B A G IN S K I 165 Jackson Street, Passaic, N .J. H on or Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; R eligion M edal 1; Sodality 2; Petroc 4; Community A ction 2 ; German Club 2,3; T rack Team 3 FR A N K BA LBO A 601 T h ird Avenue, Elizabeth, N .J. H on or Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 4 ; Petroc 4; Community A c­ tion 3; Intram ural Council 3; Track Team 1,2 JO S E P H E. B A N N O N 67 Gautier Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2; League Leaders 1; Inscape 2,3, Business M anager 3; H igher Achievement 2 ; Gym 'Team 1 R O B E R T B A R K O V IT Z 281 H agan Place, Secaucus, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 2; League Leaders 1,2; Petroc 1,2,3,4; D ance Committee 3,4; Prom Committee 4; H igher Achievement 2,4; Intram ural Council 2,3,4; Basket­ ball Team 2,4 D A V ID J . B A R R Y 140 T h ird Street, W ood R idge, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Community Action 2; Film Forum 3,4; Germ an Club 2 ROBERT BEN ED ETTI 775 Ravenhill Place, Ridgefield, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 4; Petrean 3,4; H igher Achievement 2; Film Forum 3,4; Soccer Team 2,3 R IC H A R D B E N N E K 112 H arrington R oad, Clifton, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2; D ram atics 4 ; Radio Club 1, 2; Germ an Club 2,3; Tennis Team 3; N ation al H onor So­ ciety 3 K E V IN B E N N E T T 333 Fairm ount Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Sodality 2,3; Dram atics 3,4; Film Forum 3,4; Intram ural Council 4; Track Team 1,2,3 P A T R IC K BER G A M O 54 U nion Street, Emerson, N .J. Community Action 2; G o lf Team 1,2,3; Soccer Team 2; Cultural Committee 4. C H A R LES J. B E R N H A R D T 1132 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; H igher Achievement 2 T H O M A S P. BO V A SSO 50 Neptune Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 3; German Club 2; N ationa H onor Society 3

M IC H A E L F. X . B O Y L A N 82A Bowers Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2,3; Prom Committee 4; A rt and Poster Club 2, 3; Intram ural Council 1,2,3,4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4 G L E N N A. B R A D Y 14 H ighland Avenue, Kearny, N .J. Petrean 4; Dram atics 3 JO SE P H M . B R E D E H O F T 74 Greenville Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2; Track Team 1; Ski Club 3,4 G ERA LD BR EN N A N 34 Luisser Street, Clifton, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; Second Honors M edal 3; Religion M edal 1,3; Sodality 3; N ational Honor Society 3 R. JO H N B R O C K M A N N JR . 456 Ridgew ood Avenue, Glen Ridge, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Class Officer 1,4; Student Council 4; So­ dality 3; D ebating 1,2,3,4; Dram atics 3; H igher Achieve­ ment 1,4; Chess Club 4; Ski Club 3 R O B E R T P. B R O D E R IC K 230 N inth Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 1; Sodality 3; Petrean 2,3,4, Underclassm an Editor 3, Co-Editor 4; Basket­ ball Team 4; N ational H onor Society 3 JO SE P H F. BR O W ER III 519 Anderson Avenue, W ood-Ridge, N .J. Class Officer 4; Student Council 4; Sodality 2,3; D ra­ matics 2,3; Dance Committee 3,4; Rally Committee 2 3,4 Steering Committee 3,4; A rt and Poster Club 2,3; Ski Club 3; Cultural Committee 2,3,4 A N T H O N Y F. C A N T ISA N O 814 Albermarle Street, W ykoff, N .J. Class Officer 2; Sodality 3; Rally Committee 3,4; Com­ munity Action 1 ,2 ,3,4; Science Club 2; A rt and Poster Club 1,3; Track Team 3; Ski Club 2,4 JO SE P H T . CERV A LLI 71 W est 30th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Sodality 3; Dance Committee 4; Rally Committee 3,4; Community Action 3,4; A rt and Poster Club 3,4 JO H N V. C H IO LA 19 Fairmount Terrace, Jersey City, N .J. Tlass Officer 1 2 ,3 ; Student Council 4, Executive Coun­ cil 4 Sodality 2 League Leaders 1,2; Dance Committee 1, 2 3,1; C h a irm L 4, Steering Committee 3; Prom Committee 4 Chairman 4; Rally Committee 2,3, Steering Committee 2- H igher Achievement 2; Science Club 3; A(rt an<* Postter Club 1 2 ; Intramural Council 1,2,3; Football ea , , , M anager; Basketball Team 1,2,3, Manager; Film Forum 2, 3,4; Cultural Committee 2,3 K E V IN E. CLEA RY 93 Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, N .J. Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 1; Community Act.on 3,4, Cultural Committee 4 TH O M A S J. CO FFEY 16 East 25th Street, Bayonne, N .J.

M ICH A EL C. CO LLETTI 205 Fifth Street, Fairview, N .J. n ? * 4- Photoeraphy Editor 4; Petroc 4; Inscape C ,„b 2,5,4; C .mera Club 3,4; Bowling Team 4; Ski Club 3

JA M E S C O N N O L L Y 100 O verlook R oad, M ontclair, N .J. H onor Pin 2; C lass Officer 4 ; Student Council 4; Inscape 4; Community Action 1,2,3,4; Intram ural Council 1,2,3,4; Track Team 3,4 TH O M A S J. C O N N O LLY 288 Sherman Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 1; D ance Committee 4; Saddle and Bridle Club 2; Glee Club 3; Track Team 3; Ski Club 4 T H O M A S F. C O R C O R A N 290 Ege Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2,3; Community Action 2; Football Team 1, M anager; Gym Team 1; Ski Club 3,4

BRIAN M. CORRIGAN 112 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. Sodality 2,3; Petroc 1,2,3; Inscape 3,4; D ance Committee 3,4; Prom Committee 4; Rally Committee 3; G lee Club 3; Ski Club 2,3 A N T H O N Y P. C O S T A N T IN O 276 F ifth Street, Jersey City, N .J. Intram ural Council 3 M ARC COZZETTA 109 Clarke Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2; Dram atics 4; A rt and Poster Club 4; N ational H onor Society 3 JO S E P H C R EA Z Z O 201 Congress Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; League Leaders 1; Band 3,4, Senior M anager;' Film Forum 3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 RAYM OND CURRAN 356 W ebster Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Class Officer 4; Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Football 1, 2,3,4 D O N A LD CURRY 14 W est 15 Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3,4; Excellence M edal 1,2,3; H igher Achievement 4; German Club 2,3; Tennis Team 2 M A R K D A IL E Y 704 Jeysey Avenue, Jersey Citv, N.T. Sodality 2,3 M IC H A EL D ’A N D R E A 358 8th Street, Jersey City, N ..J Class Officer 2,4; Rally Committee 2,4; Community Ac­ tion 1; German Club 2; Football 1; Track 3; Ski Club 4 JO SE P H D E L L A FA Y E 460 8th Street, Hoboken, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Second Honors M edal 2; Class Officer 1, 2,3,4; Sodality 2; League Leaders 1; Rally Committee 3,4; Higher Achievement 1,2,3,4; Community Action 1,2; Foot­ ball 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3; Track Team 3 R O B ER T D eM AIO 115 Cole Street, Jersey City, N .J. A rt and Poster Club 4; School Spirit Committee 4 JO SEPH D ePASCALE 1233 Garden Street, Hoboken, N .J. Class Officer 3; Executive Council 4; Sodality 3; Rally Committee 3,4, Chairman 4; A rt and Poster Club 1,2; In­ tramural Council 3; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3 PETER DePASCALE 39 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; League Leaders 1; Football Team 3,4; Intramurals 1,2

JO S E P H J. D iG E R O N IM O 569 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Class Officer 2,3,4; Student Council 2; Sodality 2; H igher Achievement 2; Science Club 3; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Ski C lub 4 B R IA N G. D ISC H L E R 40 H utton Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2,3; D ance Committee 4 ; Rally Committee 4; H igher Achievement 2; A rt and Poster Club, President 4; Swim m ing 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,4 JO S E P H D O B IE S 134 W est 25th Street, Bayonne, N .J. D ance Committee 3,4; H igher Achievement 3; Radio Club 1; Ski Club 2,3,4 BERNARD DO H ERTY 56 N ew kirk Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Science Club 3; Track Team 3 R O B E R T D O M A L E SK I 666 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 1; C lass Officer 4; Sodality 2,3; Germ an Club 2; Track Team 3,4; Film Forum 3,4; Cultural Committee 4 R A Y M O N D C. D O M N IK 14 W illis R oad, N orth A rlington, N .J. Sodality 2; Dram atics 3,4; Community Action 2 C H A R LES D O N O V A N C lay Court, Locust, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1; Band 1; Community Action 1; Film Forum 1; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Basketball Team 3,4; Track Team 3,4; Tennis Team 1,2 JA M E S D O O L A N 1A M arion Court, Bayonne, N .J. C lass Officer 4; Sodality 3, President; Rally Committee 4; Film Forum 3,4; A rt and Poster Club 3; Swimm ing Team



T H O M A S D O R IG A T T I 184 H arding Avenue, Clifton, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 2; Second Honors M edal 1; Sodality 3; Track Team 3,4; N ational H onor Society 3; N ational M erit Semi-Finalist 4 C H A R LES P. D O Y LE 169 H alladay Street, Jersey City, N .J. • A rt and Poster Club 4; Ski Club 4; Cultural Committee 4 M IC H A EL P. D U R N E Y 12 Sunset Drive, N orth Caldwell, N .J. H onor Pin 2,3 JO SE P H V. E G A N 59 Bartlett Street, N ew Brunswick, N .J. Class Officer 2; Track Team 3,4; Gym Team 1,2,3,4 T H O M A S J. E L L IO T T 400 Jerom e Avenue, Oakhurst, N .J. Class Officer 2; Student Council 2; Sodality 2; Petrean 2; Inscape 3; Prom Committee 4; Rally Committee 3,4; Higher Achievement 2,4; Intramural Council 3,4, Co-Chairman 4; Track Team 2,3,4 W ILLIA M J. E N G E L 165 W est First Street, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 3; League Leaders 1; Dance Committee 4; Band 1,2,3,4; Higher Achievement 1; Track Team 3; Ski Club 2,3

TH O M AS FA BY A N SK I 49 C ottage Street, Bayonne, N .J. D ram atics 3,4; D ance Com m ittee 2,3,4; Community A c­ tion 3; R adio Club 1,2; Film Forum 3,4; Cam era Club 4; Ski Club 2,3,4 M IC H A E L F A C C O N E 22 F ox Place, Jersey City, N .J. Intram ural Council 2; F ootball T eam 1; Baseball Team 2,3,4; B ow lin g T eam 2,3,4, Captain 4 ST E V E N R. FA V A 4308 C ottage Avenue, N orth Bergen, N .J. H onor Pin 3; Excellence M edal 3; R eligion M edal 3; Class Officer 4; Student Council 4; League Leaders 1; Com ­ munity A ction 3,4; H igher Achievement 3,4 JA M E S F A Y 42 Bow ers Street, Jersey City, N .J. C lass Officer 1; Community A ction 1,2; Football Team 1,2 K E N N E T H M . F E D U N IE W IC Z 9 M adison Street, N orth A rlington, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; Petroc 2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Rally Committee 3; Germ an Club 2,3; Chess Club 1; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; N ation al H onor Society 3 P A T J. FER R O 173 N elson Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H igher Achievement 2,3; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; C ul­ tural Committee 4 JO S E P H F IA N O 121 East H arrie Avenue, Palisades Park, N .J. Second H onors M edal 2; ;Football Team 1,2 W IL L IA M F O R A N 97 W est 33rd Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1; H igher Achievement 2 JU L IU S C. F O R H EC Z 55 N evins Street, Rutherford, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1,3,4; D ance Committee 4; Intram ural Council 3, Chairman 4 ; Football Team 1,2; Basketball Team 1,3,4; Track Team 1; N ational H onor So­ ciety 3 A L E X A N D E R G . F O R SY T H E 139 Lembeck Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 3; Petroc 1,2,3,4; D ance Committee 3; Com ­ munity Action 2,3,4; H igher Achievement 1,2; Intramural Council 3,4; Football Team 1; Swimm ing Team 2,3; Ski Club 4, Vice-President; Cultural Committee 4; Film Forum 3.4 N IC H O L A S S. FU SCO 322 4th Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Rally Committee 4; A rt and Poster Club 3.4 T H O M A S D . G A LLO 2305 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4 ; Community Action 2,3; H igher Achievement 3 JO SE P H G A LLO M B A R D O 54 H udson Place, Weehawken, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Petrean 4; Rally Committee 4; A rt and Poster Club 4; Intramural Council 4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4

JO S E G E N E R 31 H igh Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; Second Honors M edal 3; Religion M edal 1; Class Officer 1; Sodality 2; Petrean 4 ; Dance Committee 3, Steering Committee 4; Prom Committee 4; Community Action 4; Science Club 3; Cultural Committee 4 RO BERT G EN TH O N 59 Luddington Avenue, Clifton, N .J. Sodality 3; Community Action 2; Intramural Council 4 R IC H A R D P. G IA N N O T T O 409 Ridgew ood Avenue, Glen R idge, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Dram atics 2, 4; D ebating 1; H igher Achievement 1,2,3; Saddle and B ridle Club 4; Science Club 2,3; Glee Club 3; Bookstore 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 D A N IE L G IESE R 13 Charles Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2; D ebating 1,2 JA M E S E. G L E A SO N 161 Humphrey Avenue, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 2; Class Officer 2,3; Dance Committee 4; Science Club 2; Film Forum 2,3 G L E N N G. G R E T E N 208 N ew Y ork Avenue, Union City, N .J. H onor Pin 3; Dram atics 4; H igher Achievement 2; Sci­ ence Club 2,3; Library Club 1,2,3,4; Book Store 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4 T H O M A S G R IL LO 27 Broadway, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 2,3,4; Student Council 4; Dance Committee 4; Community Action 2,4; Track Team 2,3; Film Forum 3,4 JA M E S J. GR IM ES 278 Fourth Street, Jersey City, N .J. Petrean 2; H igher Achievement 1,2; Community Action 1; Library Club 1,2,3,4; Chess 1,2; Camera Club 2; Book­ store 3,4 W M . T IM O T H Y G R Z E LA K 25 Van Reypen Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2; League Leaders 2; Inscape 2,3,4; Dance Com­ mittee 4; H igher Achievement 3,4; Saddle and Bridle Club 2; Film Forum 2,3,4; A rt and Poster Club 1,4; Ski Club 4 R O N A L D E. G U R TA TO W SK I 1157 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; Sodality 3; Higher Achievement 4 jA M E S A. H A M ILL 839 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Class Officer 1,3,4; Sodality 2; Dance Committee 3,4; Higher Achievement 2; Intramural Council 2; Basketball Team 1; Ski Club 4 JO H N F. H A M ILL 280 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2; Sodality 3; League Leaders 3; Petrean 4; Dramatics 3,4; Band 1 K E V IN W. H A N LY 105 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; Religion Medal 1; Class Officer 4; Sodality 2,3; Film Forum 3,4; German Club 2; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3 291

RO BER T H A N SEN 117 47th Street, U nion City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 3,4; Student Council 3; Sodality 2; Dance Committee 3,4; Rally Committee 2,3,4; German Club 2; Intram ural Council 4; Football 1; Basket­ ball 1,2,3,4; Track 3 P A T R IC K H A U G H E Y 110 Terhune Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Football Team 1,2,3,4; Bow ling Team 2,3,4 R O B E R T H EER 85 Booraem Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Religion M edal 2; Petrean 3,4; Rally Committee 2,3 4 ; Community Action 2,4; H igher Achieve­ ment 3 JA C E K H E R C H O L D 9126 N ew kirk Avenue, N orth Bergen, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,4, President 4; Sodality 3; Petroc 2,3,4; Oratory 2,3,4; Rally Committee 2,3,4; H igher Achievement 2; Football Team 3,4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 JA M E S K . H IC K E Y 52 Edgew ood Avenue, Nutley, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 1; C lass Officer 1,4; Student Council 3; Sodality 3; League Leaders 1; Com­ munity Action 2,4; H igher Achievement 1; Film Forum 3, 4; Glee Club 3; N ational H onor Society 3 E D W A R D H IN T E 134 Charles Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Track Team 1,2,3,4 M IC H A EL J . H O L Y 607 Adam s Street, Hoboken, N .J. Class Officer 2,3,4; Sodality 1,2,3; Dance Committee 2,3, 4; Rally Committee 3,4; Community Action 1,2,4; Film Forum 3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 3; Swim­ m ing Team 1,2; Ski Club 2,3,4; Student Council 3 ED W A R D H R IN E W SK I 91 W est 15th Street, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion M edal 2; Band 2,3,4; Radio Club 1; German Club 2; Chess 2 W IL LIA M F. H R Y N K IE W IC Z 221 N orth 23rd Street, Kenilworth, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Class Officer 1,2; Sodality 3; Community Action 3; Football Team 1,2,3; Track Team 1,2; Swim­ m ing Team 1; G o lf Team 1,2,3,4 P A U L H U M M EL 420 Sherman Place, Fairview, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Community Action 2,3 E U G E N E J. IW A N Y K 364 Communipaw Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2; Community Action 1,2,3; Track Team 1,2,3,4

W IL L IA M K A C H U R JR . 287 Terhune Avenue, Passaic, N .J. C lass Officer 2,4; Intram ural Council 1,2,3,4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4 JE R O M E T . K A C P R O W IC Z 413 U nion Street, Jersey City, N .J. C lass Officer 4; Sodality 3; Film Forum 4 ; G lee Club 1; A rt and Poster Club 1; Intram ural Council 1,2,3,4; Basket­ ball Team 1,2,3,4 TH A D D EU S JA N KAW ECKI 651 Elm Avenue, Ridgefield, N .J. Dram atics 4; Ski Club 4, K arate Club 3,4 H A R R Y J. K EG E LM A N 26 G reenville Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 3; Petrean 4; D ram atics 3,4; Germ an Club 2; Intram ural Council 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Film Forum 3,4; Cul­ tural Committee 4 ER N E ST W. KEM P 106 Sherman Place, Jersey City, N .J. Community Action 4; H igher Achievement 2,3,4; Film Forum 3,4 M A R T IN J . K E N N E D Y 86 Sussex Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Community Action 4 M A R T IN K E T T E R E R 354 O gden Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 4 ; Sodality 2; Basketball Team 2,3,4 PA U L K O K O S IN S K I 43 Belm ont Avenue, N orth Arlington, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Track Team 3,4; N ational Honor Society 3 W IL L IA M K O L E B A 604 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Community Action 2; Radio Club 1; Saddle and Bridle Club 4; Bookstore 3 G A R Y K O N V IT 57 Ridgew ood Road, Clifton, N .J. C lass Officer 4; Glee Club 1; A rt and Poster Club 1,2; Basketball Team 1 R IC H A R D M. K O PA C Z 291 Union Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Community Action 2,3; H igher Achievement 2; Glee Club 2; Ski Club 4; Cultural Committee 4; Student Chairman o f Mission D rive 3,4 K EN N ETH KO PEC 34 W est 9th Street, Bayonne, N .J. Band 2,3,4; German Club 2,3; Tennis Team 3; Ski Club 3,4

C U R TIS A. JO H N S O N JR . 1011/2 Belmont Avenue, Jedsey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2; Class Officer 1,2,4; Community Action 2; Higher Achievement 1,2,3; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1,3,4

A N T H O N Y L. K O V A T C H 22 Conover Court, Clifton, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1,2; Second Honors M edal 2,3; Religion M edal 1,3; Sodality 2,3; Petrean 3,4, Senior Editor 4; Petroc 4; Inscape 2,3; Community Action 2,3; H igher Achievement 2,3,4; Track Team 3; Ski Club 3, 4; N ational H onor Society 3

PA U L JO R D A N 14 Edward’s Court,-Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Second Honors Medal 3; Class Officer 1; Football Team 1; Track Team 2,3,4

STE P H E N P. K O Z A K EW IC H 303 DeSoto Place, Fairview, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3,4, President 4; Saddle and Bridle Club 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Film Forum 4

K E N N E T H K U Z M IA K 244 Pulaski Avenue, W allington, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Sodality 2,3; R ally Com m ittee 4; Swim­ ming T eam 1,2,3; Ski C lub 2,3; Cultural Committee 2,3 A L F R E D A. L a G R A T T A 4211 Palisade Avenue, U nion City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1,2,3; Student Council 1, 2,3,4, Executive Com m ittee 4; Sodality 2,3; Petroc 4; Prom Committee 4; R ally Com m ittee 3, Co-Chairman 4; Com ­ munity A ction 1,2,3; H igher Achievement 1,2; German Club 2; G lee Club 2; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; Basketball Team 1; Assem bly Committee 4 P A T R IC K J . LA M P A R E L L O 1185 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1,2,3; Student Council 2; League Leaders 1; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 1,2,3,4; Foot­ ball Team 1,2,3,4; T rack T eam 1,2,3,4; N ation al H onor So­ ciety 3 A L A N L aQ U A G L IA 280 Berkeley Avenue, N ew ark, N .J. H onor Pin. 1,2,3; Sodality 2; Football Team Jj; Gym Team 1 P A T R IC K L A R K IN 104 H ighland Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Sodality 2,3; Basketball Team M anager 1 E D W A R D J. L A R S E N 159 Colum bia Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. D ance Committee 4; Community Action 4; Saddle and Bridle 3; Ski Club 2,3,4 R O B E R T C. L aSA L L E 854 East 24 Street, Paterson, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 2; Petroc 3, 4; Community Action 2,3; Science Club 2,3; German Club 2; Football Team 2 M IC H A E L LA U B E R 15 D uryea R oad, M ontclair, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Football T eam 1,2; Basketball Team 3; Track Team 3,4 JO H N L E N A H A N 208 Am ity Street, Elizabeth, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 3; Petroc 4; H igher Achieve­ ment 2; Football Team 1 JO H N E. LE O N C A V A L L O 215 4th Street, Fairview, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; D ance Committee 4 ; Prom Committee 4; Tennis Team 3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 L O U IS J. LIB E R A T O R E 412 V an N ostrano Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Community Action 2,3; A rt and Poster Club 4; Soccer Team 2 A N D R Z E J J. LIC H N O W SK I 244 Harrison, Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Saddle and Bridle Club 4; Science Club 2,5,4- German Club 2,3; Swimming Team 1; Tennis Team 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4 W IL LIA M LISA 445 Ogden Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H igher Achievement 2; Saddle and Bridle Club 1,2,3,4, Secretary-Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4; Science Club 2,3,4, German Club 3; Bookstore 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4

ELI F. L IZ Z A 64 M onroe Street, Hoboken, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; Film Forum 3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 V IN C E N T J. L O B B A T O 39 Glenw ood Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Community Action 2; A rt and Poster Club 2; G o lf Team 1,2 P A U L J. LoV ERM E 333 Ridgew ood Avenue, Glen Ridge, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; League Leaders 2; Football Team 2,3; Track Team 1; Swimming 1; Ski Club 3 A N T H O N Y LU P PIN O 859 M ontgom ery Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2; Inscape 2,3,4; A ssistant A rt Editor 3; A rt Editor 4; Dance Committee 4, Steering Com­ mittee 4; Prom Committee 4; Band 2; Community Action 1,2; H igher Achievement 1,2; Saddle and Bridle Club 2,3; A rt and Poster Club 1,2,3; Gym Team 1,2; Ski Club 4 R IC H A R D J. L U S IN S K I 118 Tonnele Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 2,3; Inscape 2,3,4; Community Action 2; Sci­ ence Club 3; A rt and Poster 1; Intramural Council 3; G o lf Team 1 JO SE P H T . L Y N Y A K III 349 M ontross Avenue, Rutherford, N .J. Sodality 1,2,3; League Leaders 1,2; D ebating 1,2,3,4; Oratory 1,2,3,4; Rally Committee 1,4; Community Action 1,2; H igher Achievement 1,2; Intramural Council 2,3 ED W A R D M A C K IEW IC Z 233 Eighth Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1,2,3; Religion M edal 1 2- Inscape 4, Associate Editor 4; Debating 2,3,4; Com­ munity Action 2,3,4; Higher Achievement 2,3,4; Book­ store 2; N ational H onor Society 3 D E N N IS M acM A H O N 17 Augusta Avenue, Edison, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Second Honors M edal 2 ; Dramatics 2,3, 4, M anager 4; Higher Achievement 2,3; Film Forum 3,4; Chess 1,2 D E N N IS M A D EJ 241 Henderson Street, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 3; Dance Committee 3,4; Prom Committee 4; Rally Committee 4; Higher Achievement 2,3, Science Club 3; Football Team 2; Track Team 1,2 D A V ID M A D ISO N 25 Bentley Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 3; Sodality 2,3; Community Action 3; Track Team 1,2 W ILLIA M M A D SEN 620 21st Street, Union City, N .J. Sodality 3 KEN N ETH MAHON 12 Eighth Avenue, Hawthorne, N .J. r l a „ officer 273; Student Council 2,3,4, Executive Council 4 ^ o d * ty President 2; t a . man Editor 3, Co-Editor 4; Inscape 2,3; Debating 1, D ra­ matics 3; Dance Committee 3,4; Cultural Committee 3, N E IL M ARCH ESE 141 Hutton Street, Jersey City, N .J.

Honor Pin 1,3; League Leaders 1; Community Action 1,2; Track Team 1

C H R IST O P H E R M cC LA V E 180 Renshaw Avenue, East O range, N .J. Swimm ing Team 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4 H U G H K . M cD O N A L D 15 Broadway, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Community A ction 3,4; H igher Achievement 4; Germ an Club 2; N ation al H onor Society 3 H E N R Y B. M cF A R L A N D 161 Fairview Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Petrean 2; D ebating 1; Community A c­ tion 2,3,4; Library Club 3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4, Vice-President 3, President 4; A rt and Poster Club 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 JA M E S G. M cG U IN N E SS 262 G rant Avenue, N utley, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 4; Sodality 3; Petroc 2,3,4; Community Action 2; T rack Team 3,4 D A V ID M . M cG U IR E 260 H arrison Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Sodality 2; H igher Achievement 2; B as­ ketball Team 1; Track Team 1; Ski Club 4; N ational H on ­ or Society 3 F R A N C IS M cG U IR E 174 Kilburn Place, South O range, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1,2; Sodality 3; Commu­ nity Action 2; German Club 2; Track Team 1,2,3,4, C ap­ tain 4; N ational H onor Society 3; Intram ural Council T H O M A S M cH U G H 223 8th Street, Palisades Park, N .J. Sodality 3; Dance Committee 4 ; Community Action 3: Ski Club 3,4 C A R M IN E A. M E LU SO 378 Second Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 3; Rally Committee 4; Community Action 1,2 G R E G O R Y F. M IC ELI 199 Seaview Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Religion M edal 3; Band 1,2,3,4; G er­ man Club 2 JA M E S M. M O R T O N 489 Jauncey Avenue, Lyndhurst, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Sodality 3; Dance Committee 4; Commu­ nity Action 2,3,4; Film Forum 4; Intramural Council 3; Gym Team 1,2,3,4 T H O M A S S. M R U Z 100 W est 35th Street, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2; Sodality 2, Inscape 2,3; Dance Com­ mittee 4; Rally Committee 3; Higher Achievement 3; Sci­ ence Club 3; Track Team 1,2; G o lf Team 3; Ski Club 2, 3,4 PA TR IC K M U L LE N 2039 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N .J. Cultural Committee 4 R O B ER T M U R PH Y 175 Belmont Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2; Class Officer 2,3,4; Sodality 3; Rally Committee 3; Community Action 2; Basketball Team 1,2,4 T H O M A S J. M U R PH Y 743 Grand Street, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Religion Medal 2; Class Officer 2; Football Team 1,2,3 T H O M A S J. M U R RA Y 12 Hearthstone Terrace, Livingston, N .J. Class Officer 1; Dance Committee 3,4; Saddle and Bridle Club 2 294

T H O M A S P. M Y E R S 821/2 Erie Street, Jersey City, N .J. C lass Officer 2; Sodality 3; D ance Committee 4, Steering Committee 4; Prom Committee 4; Rally Committee 4; Com­ munity Action 3; Science Club 3; German Club 2; A rt and Poster Club 2,3; Intram ural Council 3,4; Football Team 3; T rack Team 1,2,3 M IC H A E L S. N E A L E 459 Richm ond Avenue, M aplew ood, N .J. Sodality 3; Poster Committee 3; D ebating 3,4; Dance Committee 3 TH O M A S J. N ESG O D A 17A Erie Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Religion M edal 2; Band 1,2,3,4, Vice-President 4 ; Science Club 2,3,4 T H O M A S J. N IM B L E Y 41 N ew Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 2,3; Sodality 3; Rally Committee 4; Com­ munity Action 3; Science Club 3; A rt and Poster Club 2,3; Intram ural Council 3,4 D A N IE L J . N O D E S 2554 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Class Officer 2,3; Sodality 3; H igher Achievement 3; Science Club 2; Baseball Team 3,4; G o lf Team 2 K E V IN O ’B R IE N 25 Duryea R oad, U pper M ontclair, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; League Leaders 1; G o lf Team 2,3,4 T H O M A S O ’B R IE N 813 W ashington Street, H oboken, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Saddle & Bridle Club 2; Science Club 2; A rt and Poster Club 4; Ski Club 3,4 P A T R IC K O ’C O N N E L L 49 East 18th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Track Team 3,4; Soccer Team 2 M A R T IN P. O ’C O N N O R 284 Fourth Street, South Amboy, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; Sodality 2,3; G er­ man Club 2; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor So­ ciety 3 K E V IN O ’D O N N E L L 79 W est 34th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 4; Sodality 2; Community Action 2; H igher Achievement 2,3; Basketball M anager 3, 4; N ational H onor Society 3 C H A R LES O L SE N 272 Fifth Street, Jersey City, N .J. Class Officer 2; Dramatics 4; Science Club 2,3,4; Chess 1; Glee Club 2,3; A rt and Poster Club 1,4 M IC H A EL O ’N E IL L 311 Fourth Street, Union City, N .J. Band 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4 JO H N S. O SA B E N 74 W est 45th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Sodality 2; Science Club 2; Baseball M an­ ager 2,3,4 JO H N E. O SW A LD 436 W astena Terrace, Ridgewood, N .J. Class Officer 2; Sodality 1,2,3; Dance Committee 2; Rally Committee 2; Community Action 2; A rt and Poster Club 2, 3; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 4; Tennis Team 1; Ski Club 3,4

D O N A L D E. P A C H O L E C 413 U nion Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Petrean 2,3,4, Business M anager 4; D ance Com m ittee 4; Film Forum 3,4; Glee Club 3; Cam era C lub 1,2; A rt and Poster Club 1; B ook­ store 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4, President 3,4; Frosh T u torin g 2, 3A E D W A R D P A S C H IK 239 Linden Avenue, Irvington, N .J. H onor Pin 1; H igher Achievement 1,2,3,4 F R E D E R IC K J. P A T E R N O S T E R 51 Lincoln Avenue, C lifton, N .J. H on or Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Sodality 3; League Leaders l;»F o o tb all Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 3 S T A N L E Y P. P A Z D E N 60 Paterson Avenue, C lifton, N .J. H onor Pin 1; C lass Officer 3; Student Council 3; Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 1; Inscape 2; Germ an Club 2; Football T eam 2,3," M anager C H R IST O P H E R P H A L O N 25 H arrington Street, Bergenfield, N .J. Tennis T eam 2,3,4 GREGO RY PLUNGES 152 W est 9th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 2; Germ an Club 2,3 S T A N L E Y R. P L U ST 205 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; Second H onors M edal 2; Sodality 2,3; Petrean 2,3,4; Bow ling Team 3,4; N ation al H onor Society 3 JO H N P R O N JR . 38 Linden Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; C lass Officer 2 ; Student Council 2; League Leaders 1; Petroc 4 JO S E P H P U L IC H IN O 440 Stillw ell Avenue, F ort Lee, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 1; Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 1,2; D ebating 1; H igher Achievement 2,4; Soccer Team 2,3; Film Forum 4 W IL L IA M R. R A N D , III 492 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Football Team 2. R IC H A R D F. X . R E G A N 377 Charlton Avenue, South O range, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Class Officer 3,4; Sodality 3; Prom Com ­ mittee 4; Rally Committee 3,4; Film Forum 3,4; Intramu­ ral Council 2,3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1,2, 3,4 D E N N IS M. R E Z N IC K 370 South Parkway, Clifton, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Student Council 1, 2 3 4 Vice-President 4; Sodality 2,3, Vice-President 2, Petroc 2,3,4, Editor 4; D ebating 4; Rally Committee 2; Community Action 1,2,3; Intarmural Council 3; Publicity Committee 2,3,4, Chairman 4; N ational Honor Society 3 C H A R LES J. R O O N E Y 16 Condict Street, Jersey City, N .J.

H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 2; Sodality 2; Higher Achievement 2; Intramural Council 4; Track Team , ,3, Soccer Team 2,3; Ski Club 4; N ational H onor Society 3

R IC H A R D J. RO SS 35 Cresthill Avenue, Clifton, N .J. Sodality 3; G o lf Team 1,2,3,4 JO SE P H R O W A N 11 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. German Club 2; Intram ural Council 4 M IC H A E L SA B A T IN O 12 G ail Place, Secaucus, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Religion M edal 1; Sodality 2,3; League Leaders 1; Inscape 2,3,4, Editor 3,4; Community Action 1; Glee Club 1 V IN C E N T E. SA BA T O 266 N ew ark Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 3; Petrean 4; Dance Commit­ tee 4; A rt and Poster Club 1,4 M IC H A E L K . SA W ICZ 771 6th Street, Lyndhurst, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Inscape 3,4; Rally Com­ mittee 3; Band 1,2,3,4; Film Forum 4; German Club 2; Glee Club 3,4; Football Team 4; Ski Club 3,4 R O B E R T SCH ER 20 Broughton Avenue, Bloomfield, N .J. Student Council 2; Community Action 3; Achievement 4; Football Team 1; Track Team 3


T H O M A S SC H M ID T 28 Grace Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Class Officer 3; Sodality 2,3; Rally Com­ mittee 4; H igher Achievement 2,3; Glee Club 3; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; Intramural Council 3; Track Team 2,3 G R E G O R Y A. SC H N EID E R 122 M ortim er Avenue,- Rutherford, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2; Sodality 2,3; Rally Committee 4; Com­ munity Action 2 G E O R G E SC H W E N K 3106 Central Avenue, Union City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 3,4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4 V IN C E N T SERRA 59 Suburbia Court, Jersey City, N .J. Rally Committee 4 ; Football Team 1,2,3; Track Team 2 W A L T E R SEW E R Y N 200 Neptune Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4; Rally Committee 4- H igher Achievement 1,2,3,4; Football Team 3,4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; Gym Team 1; Soccer Team 2; Ski Club 2; N ational H onor Society 3 R O B ER T A. SEY FRIED 716 8th Street, Secaucus, N .J. Ski Club 3,4 B R IA N SH A R K EY O ld M ill Road, N orth Caldwell, N .J. Honro Pin 1; Class Officer 1; League Leaders 1; Radio Club 1 ,2 ,3,4; A rt and Poster Club 1; Track Team 3 R O B ER T SIM O N S 40 Essie Drive, Matawan, N .J. Higher Achievement 2; Football Team 2,3,4; Track Team 3 C H R ISTO PH ER J. SIM PSO N 819 Avenue C, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 4; Dance Committee 4; Community Action 2,3; Higher Achievement 2,3; Art and Poster Club 3; Intramural Council 2,3,4; Track Team 2,3, 4- G o lf Team 2; Ski Club 2,3


S T E P H E N SIW E K 13 Tow ers Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 2; C lass Officer 2,3,4; Sodality 2,3; Inscape 1, 2,3,4; A ssistant Editor 3,4; Soccer Team 2,3; Ski Club 3,4 R O N A L D SO R IA N O 83 Linden Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. League Leaders 2; Dance Committee 4, Steering Com ­ mittee 4; Rally Committee 3,4; Band 4, M anager; H igher Achievement 2,3; Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Film Forum 2,3,4, President 3,4 LE O SP A C C A V E N T O 214 Jane Street, W eehawken, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1; Student Council 1,2,3; Sodality 2,3; Intram ural Council 2; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4 JO S E P H A. S T A T IL E 195 Belvidere Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2,3; Inscape 2,3, M anaging Editor 3; Dance Committee 4; Rally Committee3, Steering Committee 3; Higher Achievement 2; Ski Club 2,3 M A R K H. STR O H O E FE R 91 W est 30th Street, Bayonne, N .J. Class Officer 1,2; Student Council 1,2; Sodality 3; League Leaders 1,2; Rally Committee 1,4; A rt and Poster Club 1,2; Intramural Council 3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; T rack Team 3,4; Swimming Team 1; Film Forum 3 R O B E R T J. SZ E W C Z Y K 273 Springfield Avenue, Hasbrouck H eights, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 4; Sodality 2,3; Dance Committee 4; Community Action 2; Intram ral Council 3,4; Baseball Team 3,4; Swimming Team 1,2 R O N A L D SZ M E R D A 96 W est 47th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 2; Sodality 2; Science Club 1,2,3,4; A rt and Poster Club 2; Baseball Team 3; K arate Club 3 R A Y M O N D J. SZ P A K O W SK I 58 Neptune Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Petroc 3,4; Intramural Council 3; Base­ ball Team 2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 R O B ER T T A O R M IN O 26 Northview Terrace, Garfield, N .J. Sodality 3; Community Action 3 V IN C E N T J. T A V O R M IN A 232 Stiles Street, Elizabeth, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 4 ; Student Council 3,4; Sodality 2; League Leaders 1; Petrean 2,3,4, W riting Editor 4; Petroc 1,2,3,4, Editor 4; D ebating 1; Community Action 1,2,3,4; H igher Achievement 2; German Club 2,3; Intra­ mural Council 3,4; N ational Honor Society 3 D E N N IS V. TO D A R O 54 Cleveland Terrace, Bloomfield, N .J. Debating 1; Dramatics 4; H igher Achievement 4; Radio Club 3,4; Saddle and Bridle Club 4; Chess Club 3; Book­ store 1,2 STE PH E N I. T O T A R O 434 Gregory Avenue, Weehawken, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Radio Club 3,4; Chess Club 3; N a ­ tional Honor Society 3 EU G EN E V A LLE R IN I 288 Avenue B, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Higher Achievement 2; Football Team 3,4; Track Team 3; Swimming Team 1

THOM AS V A N D ERBECK 112 Prospect Street, Ridgew ood, N .J. Sodality 3; Germ an Club 3; Gym Team 1 D E A N H . V A SS IL 40 Boyd Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Petrean 4; Dram atics 3,4; Band 3,4; H igher Achievement 2; A rt and Poster Club 4; Cultural Commit­ tee 4 D A V ID V E R G A R E T T I 92 W est 36th Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1; C lass Officer 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1 N IC H O L A S V E R N E SE 383 M onm outh Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; R eligion M edal 3; Prom Committee 4; Band 1; H igher Achievement 2; Saddle and Bridle Club 4 ; Ski Club 2,3,4; N ation al H onor Society

F R A N C IS V O N T E R SC H 940 W oodland Avenue, Plainfield, N .J. Sodality 2,3; Yearbook 2,3; Camera Club 1,2,3; N ew s­ paper 2,3 JO H N T . W A L D R O N 57 W arner Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 2; League Leaders 2; Band 1,2,3,4; H igher Achievement 2; Football Team 3 M IC H E L W IL E N T A M innie Palace, Secaucus, N .J. Sodality 3; League Leaders 1; Higher Achievement 2,3; Intramural Council 4; Ski Club 4; Cultural Committee 4 R O N A L D W IL L E N B O R G 285 G rove Street, Teaneck, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 4; Inscape 2,3,4; Dram atics 3,4; H igher Achievement 2,3; Chess Club 2 K E N N E T H A. W IL LIA M S 317 16 Street, U nion City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Class Officer 1,3,4; Sodality 2,3; Petroc 2,3,4; Rally Committee 3; Band 1,2,3,4; H igher Achieve­ ment 2; Saddle and Bridle Club 4; German Club 2; Cul­ tural Committee 4 JO H N W ILLM S 355 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 T H O M A S W IL SO N 24 Glenridge Parkway, M ontclair, N .J. Class Officer 1,2,3; Sodality 3; Petroc 3,4; Inscape 3,4; D ebating 3,4; Community Action 4; H igher Achievement 4; Film Forum 4; Basketball Team 1, M anager; Track Team 3,4; Ski Club 3,4 M A R K Z A R EM BA 222 Lynn Drive, Franklin Lakes, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 2,3; Second Honors M edal 1,2; Religion M edal 2,3; Science Club 2; Track Team 2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 ED W A R D Z A L E SK I 273 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 2,3; Sodality 2,3; Inscape 2,3, Associate Editor 4; Debating 1,2,3,4; Soccer Team 2,3; N ational Merit Semi-Finalist JA Y Z E L IN SK I 76 W est 14th Street, Bayonne, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; Religion M edal 3

We would like to express our gratitude to. . . Rev. Father Scully, S.J., and Father Snyder, S.J., for the opportunity to work out our yearbook once again. . . . the students who supported our financial drive. Photography by Lou for his diligent efforts once again in putting up with our quirks. Mr. W alter Keane of the O ’Toole Printing Company for making a mountain out of a molehill. Mr. Dom Graziano of Smithcraft Covers for our splendid binding. Father John Yates for his patience and untiring work, mostly in putting up with us. He did a good thing. A ll of our advertisers who made our publication possible. . . . God, for simply being. Peter and Paul Candy Company, for making Walnettos.

... ... ... ...

to W MCA, for the headaches it provided the moderator. to the Chess Team for winning the Eastern Seaboard Championship. to both of our basketball teams. Joe DiGeronimo, Tom Biondo, and Jack Herschold for being named to the All-County Team. , Mike Boylan, Leo Spaccavento, and Bob Hansen for being named to the All-County Basketball Team. to Uncle Sam, for removing Mr. Rezzoznico from our midst. . to Father Lynch, for teaching Mata Hari a thing or two. to the Career Testing Program for its sense of humor. . . . to Mr. Hollender and Father McNamara, for getting so many square pegs into so many round holes in college. . . . to Mr. DeMenna, whoever he was. . . . to God, who gave us two snow holidays in a row. . . . to Addie and her ten typing fingers.

Student Index Abbott, A. 104 Aceti, A . 117 Adams, L. 106 A gresta, R. 101, 186 Aitken, C. 117 Ake, G. 101 A lberque, G . 117 Albers, M . 114 Alosco, A . 104, 214 Alvarez, R. 117 Am ato, G . 102 Am brosio, G. 116 A m oroso, J . 119 A m orso, W . 117 Anderson, J . 46 Andriola, R. 46 Andryszewski, R. 46 Antonori, P. 110 Antoniazzi, L. 112 Antonucci, L. 103 Arace, J. 117 Argyelan, R. 109 Arnold, G . 108 Atkachunas, J. 46 Audet, J. 104 Audet, P. 113 Aughinbaugh, J. 102 Avery, P. 117 Avery, W . 102 Aviles, G. 108 Aviles, N . 117 Aymar, M. 117 Badach, M. 117 Badaraccho, E. 117 Baginski, S. 46 Baker, R. I l l , 204 Baker, Stanley i08 Baker, Stephen 108 Balboa, F. 47 Balinski, A. 107 Bannon, J. 47 Baranski, M. 102 Baratta, P. 117 Barkovitz, R. 47, 198, 183 Barlettano, G. 107 Barry, D . 48 Bartolozzi, A. 106 Bauer, R. 107 Baxmeyer, W. 117 Begans, P. I l l , 204 Bellacosa, J. .112 Bellini, J . 106 Bellizzi, D . 117

Bender, M . 114 Benedetti, R. 48 Bennek, R. 48 Bennett, K. 49 Bergam o, P. 49 Bergen, E. 117 Bernhardt, C. 49 Besante, M . 112 Bewighouse, R. 117 Biondo, M . 117 Biondo, T. 107, 186, 204 Bivins, T. 117 Blaney, M. 109, 204 Blood, A . 114 Blum enfeld, D . 109 Bodtmann, M . I l l Bogdanski, G. 117 Bogdanski, J. 107 Bolan, W . 117 Bolha, F. 103 Booth, C. 109 Booth, T. 108 Bordino, J. 117 Borghesi, P. 101 Bou, R. 117 Bovasso, T. 49 Boyko, R. 117 Boylan, M. 49, 198, 200 Boyle, R. 105 Bracey, W . 117 Brack, M . 108 Bradley, J. I l l , 204 Brady, D . I l l Brady, P. 50 Brdlik, G. 113 Bredehoft, J. 50 Brennan, G . 51 Brescia, J. 117 Brewer, J. 109 Brockman, R. 51 Broderick, R. 51, 198, 149 Brower, J. 51 Brown, F. 117 Buccafusco, G. 117 Bucco, J. 117 Buckley, J. 117 Bucko, R. 117 Bulzis, J. 101 Burke, G. 110 Burke, T. 102 Burns, E. 108 Burns, K. 117 Burton, D . 117

Butler, T. 110 Buzzio, M . 109, 158 Byram , J. 103 Cadalzo, N . 104 C afasso, P. 117 Cafiero, J . 117 Calabria, D . 114 Calandriello, J . 118 Calantone, C. 115 C allahan, J. 103, 186 C allahan, P. 118 C alogero, S .118 Cam ilo, E. 104 Cam pbell, M . 106 Cam pion, F. 118 Cam pion, T. 101, 218 Canavan, D . 114 Cangemi, J . 113, 204 Cannarella, J . 118 Cannarozzi, E. 114 Cannarozzi, G. 114 Cannavale, D . 118 Cantisano, A . 51 Caprio, A. 104 Caprozzi, A . 116 Caputo, T. 109 C ardell, J. 118 C arroll, R. 118 Carvana, S. 118 Cascio, J. I l l Catanzaro, V. 105 Caulfield, J . 110 Caulfield, Michael C. 103 Caulfield, M ichael P. 115 Celestino, R. 112 Censullo, F. 108 Cerchio, G. 112 Cervalli, J. 51, 183 Chalmers, R. 109 Chiara, G. 113, 186 Chiola, J. 45, 183 Chiccone, T. 104 Church, B. 109 Cimprich, S. 118 Cioffi, J. 114, 204 Cione, L. 109 Citarella, L. 118 Citarella, R. 103, 186 Ciuppa, J. 114 Clark, E. 108 Clark, M. 118 Clark, W. 118 Cleary, K. 52

Student Index Cocco, G . 110 Coffey, T . 52 C olford, P. 110 Colletti, G ary A. 115 C olletti, G ary F. 112 C olletti, M . 52, 158 C ollins, J. 118 Colom bo, G . 118 Com peau, T . 110 Condo, D . 112 Connell, E. 109 Connell, J. 107 Connelly, P. 109 Connolly, J . 52 Connolly, M . 110 Connolly, T . 52, 183 Connors, V . 118 C onrad, W . 112 Conti, R. 116 Corcoran, R. 106, 186 Corcoran, T . 53 C orrigan, B. 53 Corsentino, J. 118 Coscarelli, W . 118 Costa, R . 118 Costantino, A. 53 Costantino, S. 102 Costello, J . 118 Cowan, T . 104, 214 Cozzetta, M . 54 C rappse, T . 101 Creazzo, J . 54 Crociani, K . 104 Crosby, J . 118 Cumm ings, K . 118 Cunning, D . 118 Cuprys, R. 118 Curran, R. 54, 186 Curry, D . 54 Cutillo, T . 113 Cybulski, D . 103 Czeterko, J. 113 D ’A gostino, J. 102, 186 Dailey, K . 110, 198 D ailey, M . 54 Daly, C. 106 D ’Amore, A. 114 D ’Andrea, M . 54 D aquila, A. 105 D ella Fave, J. 55, 186 D ella V alle, N . 118 D e M aio, R. 55 D e Man, G. 112

de M oose, P. 109 D e M uro, J. 118 D e Pascale, J. 44 D e Pascale, P. 56, 186 D e Pasquale, J. 118 D e Rosa, P. 105 Descalzi, D . 118 D e Simone, M. 102 D e T ura, N . 118 Devaney, M . 108 Devaney, R. 115 D e W an, G . 118 D iaz, R. 118 D i Geronim o, J. 56, 186 D i Geronim o, M . 114, 186 D i Gioia, J. 119 D i G iorgio, D . 104, 186 D i M atteo, P. 112 Dischler, B. 56, 218 D isoteo, B. 119 D ispoto, R. 119 D i Turo, J. 104 D iverio, M. 113 Dobies, J. 57 Doherty, B. 57 D om aleski, R. 57 Dom nik, R. 57 D onan, W . 110, 218 Donohue, M.‘ 105 D onovan, C. 57, 186, 198 D oolan, Jam es 58 D oolan, John 119 D origatti, T . 58, 214 Dougherty, T . 108 Dowd, W . 102, 198 Downey, D . 119 Downey, M . 106, 214 Doyle, C. 59 Dudsak, C. 119 D udsak, J. 103 Duffy, K . 109 Dully, P. 119 Duncan, W . 119 Dunn, M. 119 Dunne, J. 102 Durak, P. 59 Durney, M . 59 Dylewski, T . 112 Eckstein, R. 115 Egan, J. 59 Egizi, V. I l l Elefthrow, J. 101 Elliott, T . 59

Emerson, W . 119 Emme, G . 109 Engel, W . 59, 183 England, W . 105 Erianne, G. 119 Fabyanski, T . 59 Faccone, M. 60 Faherty, G . 119 Fallock, J. I l l Fallon, J. 108 Fallon, S. 119 Fam ular, P. 119 Farina, A. 108 Fava, S. 60 Fay, J. 60 Fazio, A. 105 Feczko, J. 119 Feduniewicz, J. 119 Feduniewicz, K . 60 Fencik, J. 101, 158 Fenske, B. 119 Ferguson, R. 119 Ferrara, J. 119 Ferrera, T . 119 Ferreri, P. 119 Ferro, P. 60 Fiano, J. 61 Filak, A. 104 Filak, G. 114 Filak, M. 119 Findlay, T . i l l Finn, C. 119 Fiore, N . 114 Fiore, R. 119 Fiorillo, V. 108 Fisher, J. 114 Fitzgerald, J. 119 Fitzpatrick, J. 112 Fitzpatrick, Michael C. 104 Fitzpatrick, Michael P. 107 Fitzpatrick, T. 119 Flimlin, G. 103 Florczak, T. 119 Florio, E. 106 Foley, J. I l l Font, V. 119 Foran, W . 61 Forhecz, John 119 Forhecz, Julius 61, 198, 183 Forsythe, A. 62 Fudali, M. 110 Furka, J. 119 Fusco, N . 62

Student Index G adaleta, D . 104 G aita, A . 116 Gajew ski, G eorge 108 Galam b, B. 119 G allagher, John E. 120 Gallagher, John P. 120 G allo, J. 102, 230, 183 G allo, T . 62 Gallom bardo, J. 62, 198, 201 Galvin, T . 120 Gannon, M . 112 G arilli, R. 110 Garrone, W . 107 Gener, J. 62, 183 Genthon, R. 62 Gentile, T . 110 Gerbino, R. 101 Germinario, V . 102 Giaccio, J . 101 Giam io, G. 120 Giannechini, M. 102, 212, 214 Giannotto, M . 112 Giannotto, R. 63 Giantini, M. 113 Giele, L. 108 Gieser, D . 63 Giordano, A. 108, 186 Giusto, L. 104, 214 Glanzman, R. 107 Glazer, R. 120 Gleason, J. 64, 183 Glennon, K . 120 Gloriande, M . 120 Golubow, N . 115 Gordon, B. 120 Goscienski, J. 106 Graham, D . 104 Granahan, M . 120 Gratale, M. 101 Gray, J. 120 Green, T . 105 Greene, K . 115, 186 Gregory, G. 106, 186 Greten, G. 64 Grillo, R. 120 Grillo, T. 64, 183 Grimes, J. 65 Groething, R. 120 Gross, C. 110 Gruchacz, R. 112 Grunwald, R. 120 Grzelak, W . 65, 183

Guasconi, M . 112, 186 Gurdak, G . 108 G urtalow ski, R. 65 H all, D . 109 H alpin, K . 120 H am ill, Jam es 65 H am ill, John 65 H am ill, W . 114 H anley, T . 105 H anlon, R. 113 H anly, K . 66 Hannon, B. 101 Hansen, R. 66, 198, 203 Hansen, T . 113 H arrington, D . 112 H astings, R. 106 H aughey, P. 68, 186 H awriluk, G . 101 Hawriluk, J . 115 Hayes, R. 120 Hayes, W . 120 Healy, M. 109 Healy, R. 103 Heer, R. 67 Helinski, K . 108 Helminski, G. 120 Herchold, A. 109 Herchold, J. 44, 186 Herenda, A. 115, 204 Hernandez, A. 120 Hickey, J . 67 Hickey, P. 120 H iggins, P. 120 H iggins, T. 120 H ill, L. 103 Hinte, E. 67, 214 Hmielewski, A. 103 Hochstein, D . 108, 204 H ogan, M. 120 Hojnow ski, E. 120 Holowchak, G. 112 Holy, M . 67, 186, 183 Hopkins, T . 120 Horan, J. 102, 213, 214 Horan, W . 108 Howlett, E. 112 Hreniuk, S. 110 Hrinewski, E. 67 Hrynkiewcz, W . 68 Hummel, P. 68 Hunter, Edward 108, 186 Hunter, Eugene 110

Hurley, L. 101 Hynes, T . 110 Iervolino, G . 120 Ilvento, J . 120 Introcaso, N . 120 Introm asso, A . 115 Ippolito, J . 105, 186 Italiano, A . 120 Iwanyk, E. 68 Jablonski, J. 115 Jam es, R. 110 Jennings, T . 120 Jim m erson, W . 120 Johnson, B. 112, 186 Johnson, C. 68, 186 Johnson, S. 114 Johnstone, A . 120 Jordan, P. 68 Jordan, T . 120 Judy, W . 105 Junice, P. 113 Kachur, W . 68, 198, 202 Kacprowicz, J . 69, 198, 203 Karw oski, R. 110 Kawecki, J . 69 Kearney, M . 120 Keenan, C. 110 Kegelm an, B. 120 Kegelm an, H. 70 K eilp, J . 120 K eller, C. 110 Kelly, J. 113, 186 Kelly, R. 109 Kemp, E. 70 Kem p, J. 121 Kennedy, M ark 109 Kennedy, M artin 70 Kennedy, T. 121 Kerber, F. 102 Kessler, R. 121 Ketterer, M . 70, 198 Kielty, T . 121 Kiely, M. 121 Kiessling, J . 104 Kilduff, T. 110 Kirkeby, R. 103 Kizma, G. 121 Knight, A. 101 Knox, R. 108, 186 Kokosinski, M . 104 Kokosinski, P. 70 Koleba, W . 70

Student Index K onvit, G . 71 K opacz, R . 71 K opec, K . 72 K osc, G . 116 K ovatch, A . 72 K ow al, E. 108, 186 K ow al, W . 101 Kozakewich, S. 72 K ozar, R. 106 K rai, R. 121 K rausse, B. 121 Krautheim , M . 110, Kubica, G . 108 K unka, J. 106 K uzm iak, K . 73 Labattaglia, J. 113 Lachnicht, H . 103 Laffan, J . 121 La F orgia, G . 101 L a F orgia, N . 121, 158 Lafrano, J . 103 L a G ratta, A . 44 Laird, T . 108 Lally, J. 121 Lam artine, F. 108 Lam b, J . 101 Lam parello, P. 73, 186 Lam parello, R. 104, 186 Landry, D . 121, 214 Lanier, E. 121 La Pilusa, J. 116 La Q uaglia, A. 73 Larkin, P. 73 Larsen, E. 73 La Russo, D . 121 La Salle, R . 74 Lauber, M . 74 Lavin, J . 105 Lenahan, J . 75 Lenahan, P. 109 Lenahan, R. 115 Lennon, E. 112 Leoncavello, J. 75 Lewis, L. 102, 186, 230 Liberatore, L. 75 Licata, J. 105 Lichnowski, A. 75 Liguori, M. 106, 186 Lilli, N . 121, 214 Lipka, P. 109 Lisa, W . 75 Litterer, W . 113

Livera, H. 109 Lizza, E. 75 Lobbato, V . 76 Loelius, C. I l l Longo, D . 107 L o Presto, P. 115 Loughm an, D . 121 Louma, J. 102 Lo Verme, P. 76 L o Verme, W . 101, 218 Lowe, B. 106 Lubera, E. 121 Luppino, A . 76 Lusinski, R. 76 Lutz, A . 101 Lynch, J . 121 Lynch, M . 103 Lynyak, J. 76 Lyons, B. 114, 204 Lysak, M. 113 M ac Isaac, R. 104 Mackiewicz, E. 77 Mac M ahon, D . 77 M adej, D . 77 M adison, D . IS M adsden, W . 78 M agarelli, P. 115 M ahar, M ark 116 M ahar, Matthiew 121 M ahon, K . 45, 149,152, 158 M alavarca, R . 109 M alloy, T . I l l M annato, A. 110 M anos, J. 121 Manzi, R. 102 M anziano, F. 107 M arano, M. 108 Marchese, N . 78 M arino, P. 112 M arion, K . 101 M arlowe, M. 110 M arshall, W . I l l Marszalowicz, R. 104 Masone, M. 110 Mastellone, R. 103 Mataras, J. 121 Materek, A. 101 Matore, M. 121 M auriello, G. 116 , 204 Mazurana, J. 121 Me Adam, J. 121 Me Cabe, L. 121

Me Cann, M. 121 Me Carthy, J. 108 Me Carthy, J. 108 Me Clave, C. 78, 218 Me Conville, J. 108, 186 Me Coy, J. 112 Me Cue, M. 104 Me D onald, H. 78 Me D onald, J. 107 Me Farland, H. 78 Me Gaughran, M. 114, 186 Me Gee, E. 105 Me Geogh, M. 121 Me Ginty, T . 114 Me Gourty, J. I l l Me Govern, P. 121 Me Govern, R. 112 Me Govern, W . 104 Me Gowan, W . 116 Me Grath, R. I l l Me Guinness, J . 79 Me Guire, D . 79 Me Guire, F. 80, 212, 214 Me Hugh, T . 80 Me Loughlin, J. 121 Me Mahon, Richard 102 Me Mahon, Robert 112 Meade, K . 101 Meagher, E. 105 Meluso, C. 80 Mercier, R. 121 Mernar, R. 121 Meyer, F. 121 Meyers, T. 105, 183 Miceli, G. 81 Michalowski, D . 121 Michalowski, J. 103 Milano, J. 122 Milano, M. 103 M iller, D . 122 Miller, K. 113 Mitchell, A. 101 Mitchell, R. 116 Mongiello, R. 116 Moni, S. 116 Monico, R. 104, 214 Morchel, M. 122 Mortenson, A. 102 Mortenson, J. 114 Morton, J. 81 Morton, W . 108 Moschel, C. 122

Student Index M ruz, T . 81 M ullin, D . 105 M ullin, J. 122 M urdaco, P. 113 Murphy, J . 106 Murphy, R. 81, 198 Murphy, T . 82 Murray, A . 122 Murray, J. 114 M urray, Thom as 82 Murray, Tim othy 186 M urtagh, P. 122 M uti, M . 122 Mycek, E. 122 Myers, T . 83 N eale, M . 83 N eilan, M . 122 Nemeth, M . 102 Nerbak, G . 122 N esgoda, T . 83 Nesnay, J . 110 Newman, P. 103 Newton, Richard 103 Newton, Robert 101, 186 Nickerson, P. 106 Nim bley, T . 83 N oce, G . 122 N odes, D . 83 Noonan, D . 115 Nowicki, P. 122 Nugent, T . 122 O ’Brien, K . 83 O ’Brien, T. 84 Obrycki, D . 122 Ockay, D . 101 O ’Connell, D . 122 O ’Connell, K . 108 O ’Connor, J . 122 O ’Connor, M. 84, 218 O ’Connor, N . 102 O ’Connor, T . 122 O ’Donnell, K . 84 O ’H alloran, J. 112 Olizarowicz, W. 122 Olsen, C. 84 Olynick, J. 101 O ’N eill, M. 85 Orlando, L. 106 Osaben, J. 85 Ostapski, S. I l l O ’Sullivan, D . 101 Oswald, J. 85, 218


Ozarowski, B. 122 Pacholec, D . 86 Padlow ski, R . 104 Pagano, R. 110, 214 Pankewicz, P. 116, 214 Parisi, L. 102, 186 Parkington, K . 115 Parks, R. 122 Parlock, E. 112 Parzych, R. 116 Paschik, E. 86 Paternoster, F. 86, 186 Paulovich, J. 110 Pazden, S. 86 Pecherski, W . 113 Pelagalli, A . 112 Peletier, T . 122 Pellegrino, A. 122 Peterkin, R. 122 Petri, J. 115, 204 Pfleger, P. 114 Phalon, C. 86 Philhower, M . 122 Philhower, W . 106, 186 Piccolo, S. 122 Pickett, V. 112 Pilla, C. 101 Pingree, S. 109 Pini, J. 110 Pini, T . 122 Pisano, J. 122 Piszel, A. 122 Plunges, G. 86 Plunkett, W . 101 Plust, S. 87 Podolak, M. 103 Pohlig, J . 122, 214 Polakoski, R. 108 Polino, S. 108 Pollifrone, G. 107 Polo, M ark 102 Pompliano, R. 101 Pona, J. 101 Porter, G. 122 Portofolio, A. 102 Portfolio, D . 109 Pounds, D . 122 Pron, J. 87 Prontnicki, L. 106 Pulichino, J. 88 Puzio, R. 122 Quaglieri, P. 109

Q ualiano, R. 112 Q uirk, W . 123 Q uosig, R. 123 Rand, W . 88 Rasm usson, D . 123 Reardon, K . 101 R egan ,'K . 115 R egan, R . 88, 186 R egna, J . 123 Reid, R. 116 Reilly, B. 123 Reilly, D . 106 Reilly, J . 123 Reznick, D . 45 Riepe, J . 123 Rizzo, F. 107, 158 Rizzo, M . 123 Robinson, C. 115, 186 Roche, R. 123 Rodriguez, J. 123 Rogers, J. 101 Rom ano, R . 115 Ronan, N . 123 Rooney, C. 89 Roselli, F. 123 Ross, R. 89 Rossovich, G . 123 Roszowski, M . 123 Rowan, J. 89 Rubinstein, H . 102, 158 Russell, C. 115 Ruziecki, L. 107 Ryan, M . 106 Ryan, R. 123 Sabatini, B. 123 Sabatino, M . 89 Sabato, V. 89 Salisbury, B. 102, 214 Salomon, P. 123 Samuel, S. 123 Santora, A. 108 Saporito, R. 123 Sasso, T. 105 Sassone, E. 115 Sawicz, M. 90 Scalia, P. 114 Scalo, J. I l l Scarpa, N . 105, 186 Scarpa, R. 123 Scerbo, J. 101 Schack, B. 114 Schaetzle, P. I l l

Student Schilp, G . 123 Scher, R. 90 Schmidt, J . 123 Schmidt, T . 90 Schneider, G . 90 Schwarz, A . 123 Schwenk, G. 90, 198, 201 Sciarra, M . 102 Scott, T . 114 Sejeck, J . 123 Semegen, Y . 113 Serpico, J. 123 Serra, V . 91 Settembre, M . 102 Sewell, W . 114 Seweryn, W . 91, 186 Seyfried, R. 91 Sharkey, B. 92 Sharkey, D . 123 Shea, R. 113, 218 Shefsky, R . 104 Sheils, R . I l l Short, F. 105 Short, T . 123 Sidoti, F. 102 Sidoti, J . 123, 214 Simko, M . 123 Simko, R. 123 Simons, R. 92, 186 Sim pson, C. 92 Siwek, S. 92, 198 Skero, M . 123 Skvir, J . 104 Smith, K . 123 Sommers, G . 105 Soriano, R . 92 Spaccavento, L. 93, 198, 200 Spadora, M. 107 Spies, G . 114 Sprouls, P. 116 Staab, J. 108 Stabile, K . 124 Stabile, M. 116, 204 Statile, J. 93 Steinbacher, J. 115 Stevens, F. 107 St. George, N . 105 Stine, J. 115 Strohoefer, M . 93, 186 Surcato, G. 105, 186 Suczewski, E. 106


Sullivan, J. 124 Sutton, L. I l l Sweeney, J. 116 Sweeney, R. 114 Sweeney, T . 124 Swiney, M . 104 Syp, M . 124 Sypko, I. 124 Szewczyk, R . 94 Szmerda, R. 94 Szapkowski, R. 94 Szymanski, P. 101 Szymialowicz, M. 124 Tagliaren i, N . 124 T allarida, F. 108 Tanski, A. 124 Taorm ino, R. 94 Tatulli, R. 108 Tavorm ina, J. 116 Tavorm ina, V . 94 Thom as, M . 102, 213, 214 Todaro, D . 94 Tom aszeski, E. 124 Tomaszeski, P. 104, 183 Tomaszewski, J. 124 Tomczyk, R. 124 Totaro, S. 95 Tozzi, M . 124 Tracy, J . 124 Trescott, P. 101 Tryneski, J. 102 Turner, S. 114, 186 Tyrrell, M. 124 Valentine, T . 105 Vallerini, E. 95, 186 V allerini, J. 116 V andegaer, K . 104 Vanderbeck, T. 96 Varela, F. 124 Vargas, J. 116 V assil, D . 96 Vaughan, J. 124, 214 Venditti, M . 112, 186 Vergaretti, D . 96 Vernese, N . 97 Viceconte, T. 106 V iggiano, J. 101 Vincitore, M. 112 Vitelli, M. 124 Von Tersch, M. 115 Wacyra, G. 124 W agner, M. 124

W aldron, J. 97 W aleski, A. 124 W all, R. 107 W alter, M . 124 W alther, D . 112 W alther, R. 107 W arner, R. 110 W atkins, D . 115 W atson, J. 114 W awroski, H. 110 W eber, R. 124 W ebber, J. 124 W estphal, M. 124 W helan, M . 108, 186 W icks, T. 103, 186 W ilenta, M. 97 W ilkes, J. 109, 186 W ilkes, W . 102 W illenborg, D . 104 W illenborg, R. 97 W illiam s, K . 98 W illms, J. 98, 218 W ilson, T . 98, 230 Winberry, G. 124 W irt, G . 107, 158 Wische, J. 101 Wisniewski, J. 110 W issman, P. 124 W itomski, T. I l l Wojciechowski, T. 116 W ojcik, R. 124 W olf, E. 103, 218 Wolniewicz, L. 124 W olozen, J. 105 W ondolowski, G. 116 W onica, L. 124 W right, B. 124 Wuelfing, H. I l l Yacavino, K. 116 Zaccaria, J. 124 Zak, J. 103 Zakrzewski, J. 116 Zaleski, E. 99 Zaremba, M. 99 Zappia, T. 104 Zayes, H. 104 Zelinski, J. 99 Ziemian, B. 124 Zimnoch, W. 106 Zito, R. 116 Zolli, F. 124

We, the editors of the 1969 Petrean, would like to express cmr gratitude to the following two men. Father Yates played a great part in helping us get our feet off the ground and was our only comfort during the mediocre business drive. When Father Yates was hospitalized during the year, the Administration supplied us with Mr. Burns, without whose help we would not have made our last and most important deadline. We thank them sincerely. Robert Broderick Kenneth Mahon

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