1970 Petrean

Page 1

St. Peter’s Prep ersey City, New Jersey

Change is the

strongest characteristic of adolescence. 3

M itri ourselues; changes that are more than physical. And m like the feeling,

for change is the surest sign of life.

We see a world in dire need of change. And we see a world that needs us to help it change.

The dream of mankind is peace on earth and good will towards men. We want to help mankind achieve its life long dream of harmony and peace; man to man and between man and his world.

To that dream and our own part in it, we dedicate the pages of this book and the striving of our Hues.

Introduction one to seven Administration and Faculty ten to thirty-nine

Other Section one hundred and fifty-eight to one hundred and seventy-one Sports one hundred and fifty-eight to two hundred and seven Advertisements two hundred and thirty-four to two hundred and ninety-six

Activities one hundred and eight to one hundred and fifty-seven and seven two hundred and thirty-three


9/table of content


Rev. John J. Scully, S.J. Rector - President

Rev. Edward C. Lynch, S.J. Assistant Principal

Mr. Joseph A. McCaffery Assistant to the Prefect of Discipline, Moderator of Radio Club


Mr. Walter J. Illy, A.B. Registrar

Rev. Francis J. Shalloe, S.J. I Vice-President for Alumni Affairs

1 5 / Administration

Rev. Charles F. Dolan, S.J. Vice-President for Development

Rev. George C. McGovern, S.J. Treasurer

Administration /16

Mr. Richard Hollender, B.S. Assistant to the Principal Director of College Placements and Scholarships

Rev. Francis J. McNamara, S.J. Chairman— Guidance Department


Mary Murray Secretary to the Registrar

Mary Balinski Switchboard Operator

Mary Dunne Treasurer’s Office

Helen Daly Secretary to Father Shalloe

Department Chairmen Our society is undergoing a social revolution un­ dreamt of by our founding fathers. Our air is rife with the voices of change. The historical question, therefore, is a question of vision. It is hoped that after his careful introduction to the problems and solutions of the past, the student will be able to see clearly both the positive and negative aspects of the problems in contemporary society. Ouh history program is an honest endeavor to explore that which is right and just in a framework of Christian Morality. According to His Eminence, Richard Cardinal Cushing, “ We are all members of a democratic so­ ciety, living in freedom and equality for all under the law. We must know how these ideals are con­ ceived, with what difficulty and devotion they were given form and effect, and with what fidelity they have been maintained.” It is our intent to explore through dialogue and research how we may affirm leadership through the understanding and appreciation of man’s past ex­ perience and present status.

Mr. Michael S. Gray U.S. History I, II Chairman: History Department


“ A word is the symbol of an idea.” Starting from that premise, the English courses at St. Peter's have developed a new emphasis in the past few years. A word is meant to be understood in two as­ pects: written and spoken. The aim of our English Department is to engender an appreciation of both aspects of verbal communication. Literature is studied for insight and appreciation. Accomplish­ ing this, we hope to produce men capable of listen­ ing and reading perfectly, writing and speaking effectively. What better preparation could we offer for the full life?

Mr. Vincent J. Kennedy English III: Chairman: English Department


Mr .Lawrence W. Levine, A.B. Ed. M German II, III


The aim of the Modern Language Department is to open up a new road towards an international exchange of culture. Through introduction to the way people speak, the student of Modern Language is able to gain insights into the concerns and cultural differences of Modern Europe. Thanks to the technical discoveries and intensified research in the method of assimilating foreign lan­ guages, an entirely new experience can be given to the learner. He is surrounded in class by native speakers; he is taught how to express as a native; in short, he will be able to communicate with other-than-Englishspeaking people with ease and with deep understand­ ing. Prep initiated the latest audio-visual approach in its Modern Language course with tapes, filmstrips, and records. With this approach we can impart a “ use” of a language. Our three-year program includes an ability to transform structural patterns at will for communica­ tion, with attention given to the content.

Problems, problems, problems. Who does not have problems? Life is one big problem, strewn with little ones. The Math Department has problems too. Essentially it strives to impart to Prepsters the courage to attack difficult problems in ad orderly manner. To sift the essentials from what's not. To de­ fine the problem precisely, and then to apply logical methods to its solution, using techniques learned in the Algebra or Geometry class. Some problems can be solved only with much hard work after little thought. This requires the perseverance of a well-trained mathematical athlete bulging with quadratic muscles and trigonometric biceps. Other problems are solvable only after much thought, and then at some point an insight to the heart of the matter strikes like a bolt of lightening, and the solution is evident with few calculations. It’s so easy we wonder why we did not see it from the start. The Prep student prac­ tices with both types. As a long distance runner jogs daily, the prep man in all four years jog daily with their training through algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and calculus. Their second wind comes when they find learning science is easier with the disciplined mathematical muscles. Hopefully the muscles will retain their tone through college, and be improved constantly by exercise. Then the problems of life will not appear so insurmountable and the prepster will attack the man sized problems of Poverty, Ignorance and Disease.

Robert A. McGuiness, M.S. Math III, IV Chairman— Math Department

Rev. Thomas V. O'Connor, S.J. Chemistry III, IV Chairman— Science Department

The role of science in society becomes more important with each passing day. No longer can we afford to be ignorant of basic scientific prin­ ciples and procedure. The St. Peter’s curricu­ lum now provides three years of science fo r all. The new approaches in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics stress the scientific method and en­ courage students to perform experiments, solve problems and thus discover the underlying principles. Science has always been of growing impor­ tance at Prep. With new science facilities ele­ gantly housed in our new building, we now have the means whereby only student capabilities will lim it what we can do.


Rev. Harold F. X. O’Donnell, S. J. Latin III Chairman— Classics Department

stMsstsirSSSaairstfwws ra th e r th a n a n a lyze a ll p o s s ib le p hases o s j Bnno sts o f c o n s tru c tio n , like f o r c lu e s s u p p lie d b y th e w o rd rea| s a nd rere a d s passages u n til c o n ju n c tio n s and r e l a t e L a tin , th e L a tin w o rd o rd e r b e co m e s tfte S & tW * c o m m u n jca te a m a ste ry o f th e T h e te a c h e rs o f ^ D e p a rtm e n t s triv e » c J h a t ? w h y th e d a i|y q u iz is la n g u a g e w ith in p re s c rib e d goa S o m e tim e s d u rin g every class, prefso im p o r ta n t in te a c h in g q u iz is th e o rd e r o f e ra b ly a t th e v e ry b e g in n in g o f th e P®n ° ° e| tio n s o r a sente n ce, o r q u e stio n s th e day, in w h ic h is e ith e r v o c a b u la ry ^ a ss|gned on th e p re vio u s day. a b o u t a p re p a re d e m p lo ye d by te a ch e rs to e xam ine A lso w e e k ly o r b iw e e k ly te s ts ? +h t r ia | C0Vered w ith in th a t tim e , th e s tu d e n t’s c o m p re h n s io n o f th m a te n a l . t R c u ltu re and m

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I h a k S L J l s o f L a ,In and G reek, V a rg il a nd H d m .r.

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25/ Faculty

Rev. J. Francis Stroud, S.J. Religion III, IV Chairman— Religion Department Liturgical Committee Student Counciller III Golf Coach

Unlike the other subjects in the curriculum, Re­ ligion is not simply an academic discipline. In the words of Fr. Vincent Novak, S.J., the general editor of the Lord and king Series, “ We are not concerned merely to impart knowledge for the sake of knowl­ edge. We aim to prepare our students for the fu ll­ ness of Christian Living.” The Novak series was in­ troduced into St. Peter’s in 1962. The goal of the new program is not passive reception of doctrine, but an active search for the revelation of what God asks of man and the discovery of His Truth from its four sources: Scripture, Liturgy, Doctrine, and Witness. Emphasis is placed upon the exercise of correct religious attitudes in our daily encounter with the world and its problems, and for this pur­ pose the Bible occupies the pre-eminent place in the classroom. The teacher’s task is to make clear to the students the devine revelation and to elicit from them a meaningful response in the form of a personal commitment to Christian ideals.

2 6 / Faculty

Rev. John L. Amandolare, S.J. Religion II, III Student Counselor I

Mr. Milton J. Berkowitz Physical Education Chairman— Athletic Director Mr. Michael A. Berkowitz, B.S. World History Psychology of Learning Gymnastics Coach

Rev. Mr. James H. Breininger, S.J. German I, III Student Counselor II Moderator of Dance Committee


Rev. John E. Browning, S.J. Religion I, II Student Counselor II Assistant Chairman Liturgical Committee

Rev. Charles R. Burns, S.J. Religion III, IV Moderator of Petrean Chairman Liturgical Committee

Mr. Michael J. Calderaro, A.B. French I, II Chairman Culture Committee

Miss Catherine J. Collins, M.L.S. Library, Library Club

Mr. John J. Casey, M.A. English II Moderator Publicity Committee Mr. Charles R. Carey, M.A. Math III, IV

Rev. Edward E Dolan, S.J. Latin I, IV; Greek I, III

Rev. Daniel F. X. Corbert, S.J. Latin I, III Rev. Mr. Edward J. Coughlin, S.J. Latin II, III Moderator of Debating

Mr. John F. Duffy, A.B. Math II

Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro, A.B. Latin II, Greek II, Classical Literature

Mr. Leonard Fordellone, B.S. Spanish I, II, III Rev. James A. Foley, S.J. Latin I, Religion II

Rev. Peter F. Hess, S.J. Physics

Rev. Mr. James C. Gould, S.J. Math I, Moderator of Band Rev. Francis J. Hamill, S.J. Religion | II


Rev. Henry A. Hoffen, S.J. English I; Religion IV; Latin I Father-Son Communion Breakfast Mr. Robert Howard, M.S Math I, II

Rev. Mr. James F. Joyce, S.J. U.S. History I, II Assistant Coach of Football and Track Teams Assistant Moderator of School Spirit and Dance Committees

Faculty /32

Rev. Blaise M. Jaschko, S.J. French 1,11 Director of Riding, Ski, and Chess Clubs

Mr. Richard L. Kennedy, A.B English IV

Mrs. Florence Lipari Driver Education

Mr. Robert K. Kibbler, A.B. German L II, III Director of Dramatics


Rev. Augustine W. Meagher, S.J. French II, III; Mothers Club

Mr. Joseph Lupardo, B.S. Physics Rev Mr. Dennis E. McNally, S.J. Art; U.S. History II Moderator of School Spirit Committee; Moderator of the Art and Poster Club

3 3/Faculty

Mr. Frederick J. Miller, M.S. Chemistry

Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S.J. Latin I; English I Mr. Robert F. Mulvihill, M.A. English I

Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Nervegna, S.J. English II Moderator of Inscape 1r. Clement C. O’Sullivan, A.B., J.D., Litt. D. Religion III; English III

F acuity/34

d L. Kennedy, A.B. nglish IV


Rev. Joseph A. Persich, S.J. Math III, IV

Rev. James J. Reilly, S.J. Religion II, III Freshman Basketball Coach

Mr. Charles J. Rooney, M.A. Mr. Henry Rogers, M.A. English I

Mr. John P. Scanlon, M.A. World History I, II Psychology of Learning Moderator of Political Forum

Mr. Francis Venutolo Latin I, English I Co-Moderator, Inscape

Rev. James V. Smith, S.J. World History, Bookstore Rev. Richard F. Timone, S.J. Religion I, II Student Counselor I

Rev. Mr. Dennis P. Wood, S.J. U.S.History I, II Psychology of Learning Moderator of the Petroc and Camera Club

Rev. Raymond York, S.J. Religion IV Rev. John F. Yates, S.J. Religion I


One of the things that shocks us so much about death is, I suppose,: the fact that we know so little about it. All that we really know is life. And only one Man has returned from the land to tell us about it: Jesus Christ, and fo r some reason his language was always in the words of life. Maybe, after all, that is where the secret lies. Maybe we are saddened by death because we are so overjoyed by life. And so maybe today is not meant to be a dismal regret over the death of Jim Taffaro. Instead, we celebrate the wonder of the man, the life that he had communicated to others, and the presence that he was among us. For we have, all of us, in one way*or another been touched in our lives by the presence of Jim. His death has touched us more, and has bound us even more deeply together. We mourn Jim ’s passing, yes, but we cannot help but be grateful fo r his vital, personal touch in our lives. Father, the hour has c o m # Glorify your son, Jim, as his life has glorified you. His eternal life will be a continuation of his earthly life, fo r both consist in this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you hafe sent. Jim glorified you on earth, and has finished the work that you gave him to do. Now, Father, it is time for you to glorify Jim with the glory you always had in store fo r him. He made your name known to those you gave him in this world — and they know that all he had came from you. Take care of us now, Father, fo r Jim was given to us in your name. We pray that nothing of Jim ’s life will be lost but that it will be of benefit to this world. May his touch go on living in us, in our hearts and minds, our courage and our consciences. May all that he held sacred be respected by us— and may everything in which he was great continue to mean greatly to us. Jime came, as did your Son, that we might have life and have it more abun­ dantly; for that is the job of every parent and teacher: to develop fuller life and greater living. Let us carry Jim's life, his style, his wonderful touch through­ out our lives. May we all, family, friends and students, carry on the life he was in all the things that we do. Thanks, God, for Jim, and may the angels rejoice in Jim ’s presence as much as we did.

Mr. James D.Taffaro


1st Row: Nathan Anderson, Rob­ e rt Alfonse, Michael Agro, Jerry Barone, Ralph Cadalzo, Michael Bodayle, Michael Bruscino. 2nd Row: Ronald Arestia, Michael Baccile, Bob Boganowitz, Floyd Andrews, Peter Brewer, Paul Aurigemm a, Brian Banasiak, Frank Blagdan. 3rd Row: Ken

Art D’Agostini, Bob Cutillo, Tom De Pascale, Mike Delaney, Ed Di Mike De Salvo, Howard Flannely, Ed De Maio.


Albers, Pat Burke, Darrel An­ derson, Bob Bredehoft, Don Boreson, Kevin Brown, Ed Belich. 4th Row: Carlos Calderson, John Acerra, Andrew Ballerini, Tom Brodowski, Rene Bardel, Larry Bernet, Nick Berardi, Dan Andriola.

a ra s g s n s K

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narozzi. Homeroom Teacher: Michael Berkowitz.

James Croghan, Will Frascha, Car, Fuardo, Bid Dane,a, Bob Dziko* Mike Dobrzlecki.

43 /Underclassmen

Standing: Kevin Ginty, Emmet Hill, Tony Gil, Zigman Dtasinski, Bill Heagen, John Hobgood, Bob Gerrity, John Howard. Bending Over: Bob Heuss, Pete Goodwin, Alfred Gileo, John Grant, Dick Hammer. Sitting: Tom Granahan, Mike Grapkowski. Kneeling: M arshet Hantenberg, Tom Jago, Paul Grywalski, Ed Janz, John Gilch.

Bob Lalli, Joe Kulveicki, Mike Kucher, Steve Lawaich, Frank Kleid, Tom Lazaro. Steve Lenehan Robert Kelly, Joe Lisa Charles Lisa, Michael Lopez, Carmen Ligato, Eugene Lenahan, Charles Kilroy Mark Krautheim, Dan Lenehan Pete Larocco, Alan Kowal Mark Lonergan, Steve Kimmish, Jim Lisa, Joe Laudatli, James Joyce, Ray Lecki

U nderdassm en /


Dick Manjetti Bill Mueller Ken Nahler Mike McGuinness Leo McCabe Sam Lo Presti

MIDDLE Dave Mack Mike Magnifico Joe Moran Dave Miller Tom Moore Frank Marchese

TOP Rich Mills Chris McGrath

Gene McLaughlin, Mark McLaughlin, Lou L. Re, Kevin Mulrain, Nick Meyers, Blaise Mattiaccio. TOP: George McGowan, Tony Marsh, Brian M ur足 phy, Tom Minigiello, Tony Mecca, Bill Morrison, Phil Massa, Steve Malavarca.

Edward Ricchiuto, John O’Connor, Robert Ranieri, Joseph O’Connor, Louis Napolitano, Scott Riley, Robert Nowicki, James Pietranico, John Petrosino, (bottom ) Ireneuse Nietubyc, Brian Pepati, An th o ny Pilla.

Michael Panayi, Leonard Pasculli, Richard Piotrowitz, Mr. F. Venutolo (teacher), Patrick Pace, Thomas O'Brien, Anthony O'Gorman, Ralph Quaglia.


Who is the phantom in the white.robe and scarf roaming the deserted halls of the Freshman Building? Hey, look at that History teacher, he’s one of us. For the first time in the history of Prep, the bookstore stocked up on gym suits in junior petite sizes. Why not ask your parents for a trip to Washington for Christ­ mas? What is this, High Chairs instead of desks. Fresh­ man orientation was like an acid-trip to Munchkinland very small and freaky. The reason not too many freshmen are buying yearbooks this year is because not oo many of them could carry them home. There is no more to say obout them— in their own highpitched way they speak for themselves.

47 /Underclassmen

Mr. Scanlon, Mr. Jim Gould.

John Shar, Kevin Sprouls, Mike Styraneak, Harry Rubenstein, George Taylor, Ken Slavin, Dave S m itt, Dan Stuart.

Charlie Rowe, Tony Romano, Frank Sardoni, Pat Saulino, Steve Smith, Anthony Talarico, John Sogliuzzo, Ray Schultz, Zenon Smtrycz.

Bill Ruane, Joe Sullivan, Bob Skoblar, Lou Rod足 riguez, Marlen Samuel, Ray Rogniski, Vincent Slagnitto, John Russo, Ralphael Sarkisan, Peter Sullivan, Bill Swellick, Tom Ryan, George Taite, James Russo, Cataldo Stoffa, Mark Tansey, Rich足 ard Szpakowski, Richard Smolwcha.


Ham ilton Thompson W rociaw sk'^ J eff°Wisfnewski^ Dan W

j£ £ Witkowski. Paul Wisnieeski, Mark Weulfmg.

4 9 / Underclassmen

Blaise Ziemian, Gary Colombo, Mark Gloriande, Peter Bolan, Ed Tomaszewski, John Regna, Philippe Salomon, Ralph Bou, Tom Fitzpatrick, Greg Alberque, Bill Duncan, Tom Kennedy, Gene Noce, Paul Dully.

John Laffin, M arty Szymalowitz, Larry McCabe, George Faherty, Mike McCann, Nick Detura, Jim Bordino, John Lynch, Joe Pisano, Pat McGovern, Bob Puzio, John Zachariah, Rick Quosig, Don Michalowski, John Gray, Bill Bracey, John Costello, Bob Wojick, Bob Costa, Ramon Diaz, Tom Ferrera, Mike V ite lli, Anthony Johnstone, John Kielp, Don Lan足 dry, Ken Halpin, Bob Mercier, James Vaughan, Brian Wright.

Bruce Galamb, Gary Porter Ray Bob Alvarez, Ray Bucko, Nick W r a A J ^ )


M l Jimerson, Bellizzi, Mark Syp.

Greg Erianne, Peter Avery, Bill

m ss

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Charles Moschel, Tom Tomczyk, John Ferrara, Tony Pellagrino, Dennis Obrycki, George Tyrrell, John O'Connor. (Top Row) John Ryan, Bob Simko, Mr. Overstreet, Richard Di Spoto, Steve Fallon, John Tracy. (M iddle Row) Bob Bewighouse, Bob Wissmann Roger Webber, John Arace, John Pohlig (Bottom Row).

irst Row: Gerry Schilp, Jim Schmidt, Greg Giamo, Gene Hojowski, Rich Saporito, Dan Sharkey, Buddy Pizell, George Rosovich, Mike Clark, John Cafiero, Ernie Bodaracco. J R H IM ;ow: Tom O’Connor, Bob Grunwald, Mr. Lou Pans;. Pau' No ,icki, John Collins, Bert Aviles, Bruce Fenski. Third Row. ick Font, John Kemp, Bob Grillo, Bruce Sabatim, Mike Sim o, Greg Windbury, John Doolen, Jim Sidoti, Bert Di Soteo, irian Kegelman.

Tom Jennings, Mike Filak, Denis O’Connell, Tom Kielty, Frank Meyer, Pat Murtagh, Dave Descalzi, Matthew M a h a r r J nIv zi, Bill Bouregy, Jim Sullivan, Joe De Pasquale, John Reilly, Richard Krai, Bernie Gordon, Walter Emerson, Kenneth Stabile, Joe llvento, Mark Aymar Marcello Matore, Mr. BurbelUa Seated: Tom Pini, Rich Roche, John Di Gioia, J. P. Gallagher, Bill Clark.

The following “ awards” have been decided upon for the members of the faculty and the students for sophomore year: 1. “ The best sayings award” goes to Father Reilly for coining such goodies as “ Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of the th ing ” and “ Let’s have a little feed­ back on th is ” and “ Cut the chatter” , plus the all-time favorite “ Let’ s have calibrated-gut reaction on th is .” 2. The “ loud award” goes to Mr. Maresca, nicknamed Boom-Boom. 3. The “ quiet award” goes to Mr. Coughlin, thanks to his hush puppies. 4. the “ best chef” awrd goes to Mr. Overstreet for his ability to make pizzas, just like mom used to. 5. The “ Spanish” award goes to none other than Mr. Louis Fordellone for his adept phrasing, such as “ Que passa?!” 6. The “ sweet disposition award” goes to Mr. Howard for obvious reasons. 7. The “ gumba or pisano award” goes to Mr. Nervegna for being a son of the sod. 8 The “ opposites” award goes to Mr. Duffy thanks to his unique pronuncia­ tion of vicey versey. 9. The “ peek-a-boo” award goes to Fr. Amandolare because of his unique position on the desk. 10. The “ religion award” goes to Big Dick Dispoto for his nickname “ Bud­ dha” . 11. The “ Jack Armstrong” award goes to Danny Sharkey and George Rossovich, two clean cut types. 12. The “ Alexander’s Ragtime Band” award goes to Ray Bucko and Ray Diaz for their ability to break up monotonous classes with a tuneful twang. 13. The “ Boxer” award goes to John Arace for being a punching bag to Mr. Duffy. 14. The “ Jug” award goes to Tommy Fitzpatrick. It’s a rare day when he’s out of jug. 15. The “ crew-cut” award goes to Bert Disoteo for obvious reasons. 16. The “ Card Shark” award goes to Harry Corleso, an ace card player.

Jim Fitzpatrick, Mark Mahar, John Bellacosa, Mickey Keller, Rocky Gentile, Paul Cloford, Tom Compeau, John Foley, Lou Antoniazzi, Ron Garli, George Emme.

Adam Herchold, Mike Giantini, Mickey, Di Geronimo, Rich Karkowski, John Ciuppa, Gene Hunter, Mike Guasconi, Rich Chalmers, Gary Cocco, Dennis Hall.

Gerard Cerchio, John Hawriluk, Thom Hansen, Paul Junice, George Holochak, Dan Harrington, Bill Donan, Gary Wondolowski.

Jim O’ Halloran Vin Egizi Stan Ostapski Bill James Bill James Marc Bender John Fallock Mike Albers Yaroslav Semegen Joe Scallo Tom Findlay Bill Conrad Mike Marbowe Bill McGrath Jack McGourty Pete Begans Mark Kennedy Joe Cashio Tony Intromosso Mike Stabile Bob Devaney Rick Shiels Joe Vallerini Jerry Zakrewski Larry Sutton Ricky Bakee

Gary Kosc, Howard, Wuelfing, Mark Cutillo, Tom Wojciechowski, Rocco Warner, Paul Murdaco, Dom Condo, van, Ed Connell, Paul Lo Presto, Joe

Lysak, Tom Conti, Bob Dave CanaLabattaglia,

Bob Mongiello Drew Portfolio Tom Hynes Tom Scott Al Mannato John Wilkes Artie Blood Stan Hreniuk Brian Church Ted Witomski Pat Sprouls

Underclassmen /5 8

I I] I

Marty Bodtman, John Wisienski, Doug Noonan, Bill Littera, Mike Besante, Mike Giannotto, Gerry De Man, Mr. McGuinness, Mike Fudali.

s k i) C lw H e L o e H u s ^ T o m ^ u fle r ^ G ^ r r y ^ u r ^ e ^ J a ckVCaulf?eld,^Bob G r u c h i'SC


J. Valdes Steve Pingree Vinnie Pickett Paul Pankewicz Charlie Smith Steve Turner Rich Sweeney Rich Reec Charlie Booth Bob Zito John Bradley Nick Golubow Peter Di Matteo Paul Magarelli Jim Mortenson Jim Sweeney Andre Pelagali Kim Greene Phil Connely Bob Eckstien Tom Caputo Dave Watkins Sully Johnson John Czeterko

Bill Hamill, Greg Cannarozzi, Bill Marshall, Char足 lie Russell, Bob Parszych, Bob Pagano, Marc Buzzio, Joe Coiffi, John Cangemi, Dave McCarthy, Bob Lenahan, M att Krauthein, Mike Healy, Joe


Father O’Connor, Sal Moni, John Fischer, Ed Lennon, Bob Ro­ mano, Mike Blaney, Phil Quaglieri, Paul Schaetzle, Brian Schack Bob Qualiani, C liff Keenan, Mike McGauchran, Jeff Nesnay, Chris Robinson, Carl Calantone, Gene Sassone, Greg Mauriello, Kevin Daily, Henry Wowrowoski, Mark Di Verio John Watson, Tom McGinty, Brennon Lyons, Larry Clone, Bill recherski, Ted Dilewski.

Lapilusa, Bob Argyelan, Mike MaEc^e. Gary Filak, Joe Amoroso, Tom Kilduff, Kevin Duffi, Rich Celestino, Rich Malavarca, Tony D’Amore, John Brewer, E. J-. Howlett, Pat Lipka.



You say you wonder why older people seem so cold, and how heartless everybody seems. D id you ever wonder how they got that way? I have and I know why. It’s just simple, little, insignifi­ cant things like when the girl you love says, "Can’t we just he friends?”

Andrew James Abbott

Taken from the Original Doodlebook R F M III

Antinio Alosco

Seniors / 6 4



Laurence Quency Adams

Richard William Agresta

Law rence C harles A n to nu cci

W. Gerard Ake

M atthew Thom as A rm istead

Gary Donald Amato

65/ Seniors

James R. Audet

John W. Aughinbaugh

/ Gregory Arnold

The future is something That everyone reaches at the Kate of sixty minutes an Hour, whatever he does whoever he is. C. S. Lewis

Andrew Balinski

I i1 Michael J. Baranski

S e m o rs /6 6

Gary John Barlettano

Stephen A. Baker

John Andrew Bogdanski

Frank J. Bolha

ii Thomas J. Booth


That is where they should be. N ow Put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau

John G. Bryam James T. Bulzis

Thomas Burke





Jack P. Bellini

i .

i —

i l

Thomas Richard Biondo

Robert Bauer

If you have built Castles in the air Your work need not be lost

Peter J. Borghesi Roger F. Boyle

Seniors / 6 8

Martin R. Brack

Moons and Junes and ferris wheels The dizzy, dancing way you feel When every fairy tale comes real I’ve looked at love that way. But now it’s just another show Leave them laughing when you go And if you care, don’t let them know D on’t give yourself away.

Nelson Cadalzo

I’ve looked at love from both sides now From give and take and still somehow It’s love’s illusions I recall I really don’t know love at all. Joni Mitchell

Angelo Anthony Caprio

Seniors/ 70

John P. Callahan

S. Vincent Catanzaro

Edward G. Camilo

lich a e l C h ris to p h e r C aulfield

Thomas William Campion

Thom as G. Chiccone


Edward F. Clark

James F. Connell

Ralph C. Citarella

Eggshells are sometimes so thin you may see out of one

Thomas J. Crappse Kevin M. Crosiani

72/ Seniors

David D. Cybulski

Robert Thomas Corcoran

Sam B. Costantino Thomas F. Cowan

for a hundred years and never know you were inside. Pintauro

Christopher Daly


Peter J. DeRosa

Michael A. DeSimone



August J. Daquila

I I don’t know who — or what — put the question. 1 don’t know when it was put. I don’t even remem­ ber when answering. But at some moment I did answer yes to someone — or something — and from

Michael J. Donohue Thomas Dougherty

7 4/Seniors

Martin P. Downey


Michael K. Devaney

Dominick J. DiGiorgio Joseph W. DiTuro

that hour 1 was certain that existence is meaningful and that, herefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal. D ag H am m erskj old Markings

John Erich Dwane Elefthrow

John J. Dusak

John D. Dunne

75/ Seniors

",Does the road lead uphill all the way?�

C. Rossetti

Seniors/ 76

Andrew Thomas Filak

Anthony J. Farina

Val Vincent Fiorillo

Anthony J. Fazio

George Edward Flimlin

John Peter Fencik, Jr.

Edward Joseph Florio


George Edward Gajewski

James Patrick Gallo

Dominick C. Gadaleta

Michael Giannechini Louis James Giele


Anthony Francis Giordano

Vito John Germinario James E. Giaccio

I have finally found a way to live Just like I never lived before I know I have not much to give But I can open any door. I have finally found a way to live In the presence of the Lord. Eric Clapton/Steve Winwood


Joseph T. Goscienski

D. Patrick Graham

Robert I. Glanzman

Sometimes I’m sorry jor love once known It doesn t justify the years you spend remembering For maybe six months of love Is worth the lifetime you spend looking.

George P. Gurdak Tom Hanley


Brian Daniel Hannon

Michael R. Gratale

Tommy M. Green Guy Thomas Gregory

So it is with me Undiscovered and alone Till someone says the magic word. Rod McKuen

Richard C. Healy

Richard F. Hastings, III

George Walter Paul Hawriluk


To me you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thou足 sand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world. The Little Prince Antoine de Saint Exupery


iK lI H :

ItflH H f


1 1

Kevin Joseph Helinski

William Robert Horan

Seniors/ 82

Allen Hmielewski

Edward Minor Hunter

Dale Frederick Hochstein

Leo J. Hurley

James C. Horan

James F. Ippolito

83 /Seniors —

Jay Jerome Kiessling

Raymond A. Kirkeby

Frederick Vincent Kerber

Edward Martin Kowal Walter Steven Kowal, Jr.

Robert J. Kozar

Seniors/84 m

Albert M. Knight

Robert Alan Knox

Mark E. Kokosinski

"Love seeketh not itself to please, N or for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a Heaven in Hells despair.” So sung a little clod of clay, Trodden with the cattle’s feet, But a pebble of the brook Warbled out these meters meet. f(Love seeketh only self to please, To bind another to its delight, Joys in another’s loss of ease, And builds a Hell in Heaven’s despite. The Clod And The Pebble W illiam Blake Gerard Kubica

8 5 /Seniors

Harold Joseph Lachnicht

Jerry La Forgia

John Michael Kunka

The anatomical juxtaposition of two orbicularis

John Lamb Ralph James Lamparello


John J. Lavin

Joel I. Lafrano

Thomas Edward Laird Frank Thomas Lamartine

oris muscles in contraction. Dr. Henry Gibbons Definition of kiss

Michael D. Liquori

Lawrence James Lewis

Joseph G. Licata


There is an appointed time for everything, and a time jor every affair under the heavens. A time to he horn, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embraces. A time to seek, and a time to love; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes, 1:1-8

Daniel Robert Longo


Arthur Thomas Lutz


Joseph M. Louma

Michael T. Lynch

William E. LoVerme

Robert T. Maclsaac

Brian James Lowe

Robert A. Manzi

8 9 / Seniors

Kenneth 0. Marion

Raymond John Marszalowicz

Michael G. Marano

James F. X. McCarthy m

Sean J. McConville

Seniors/9 0

Matthew C. McCue

Robert James Mastellone Anthony J. Materek

There be three things which are too won足 derful for me, yea, four which 1 know not: The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a sergent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a mind. Proverbs, 30:18


Richard F. McMahon, III

Kevin H. Meade

William J. McGovern

Oh my friend, we’re older but no wiser

Michael R. Milano Aiden James Mitchell

Seniors/ 92

Raymond P. Monico

Edward W. Meagher

John William Myers, III Jeffrey Edward Michalski

for in our hearts our dreams are still the same. John Lennon/Paul McCartney

Daniel Charles M ullin

Andrew J. Mortenson

William X. Morton


James E. Murphy

"The opposite of love is not hate hut indifference Berrigan

Richard Matthew Newton

Seniors/ 94

Timothy M. Murray

Robert Allen Newton

Michael L. Nemeth

Peter Hilary Nickerson

Philip Jude Newman

Kevin T. O’Connell


i m Jeffrey L. Olynick

Louis D. Orlando, II

Neil E. O’Connor

We all like love,

Carl J. Pilla

William D. Plunkett


Michael J. Podolak


I £ Denis J. O’Sullivan

Robert J. Padlowski Louis A. Parisi

that Saturday-morning-'when-youdon’t-have-to-get-up-andao-to-school kind of love.

Jim McQuinn

n - im



Robert J. P olakow ski


Gary Anthony Pollifrone

Mark A. Polo

w m

Sam J. Polino

It is such a secret place, the land of tears. A de S. Exupery

Louis J. Prontnicki Keith Reardow


Frank Rizzo

Richard J. Pompliano

Joseph S. Pona Almerinda G. Portfolio, Jr.

love is more thicker then forget. e. e. cummings

M ichael Gerard Ryan

John R. Rogers

H arvey M arshall R ubinstein


There are people who give, and people who take. There are people who create, people who destroy, and people who don’t do anything and drive the other two kinds crazy. It’s born in you, whether you give or take, and that’s the way you are. Ravens bring things to people. W e’re like that. It’s our nature. We don’t like it. W e’d much rather be eagleSj or swans, or even one of those moronic robins, but we’re ravens, and there you are. Ravens don’t feel right without somebody to bring things to, and when we do find somebody, we realize what a silly busi­ ness it was in the first place. Ravens are pretty neurotic birds, they’re closer to people than any other bird, and we’re bound to them all our lives but we don’t have to like them. You think they brought Elijah food because we liked him? He was a dirty old man with a beard.

Brian George Salisbury

Peter S. Beagle

Michael John Sciarra

S e n io r s /10 0

Alexander Michael Santora

Mark Settembre

Thomas Sasso

Robert Shefsky

Nicholas Peter Scarpa

Frank R. Short

101/Seniors -

John Skvir

John Leslie Staab

Frank G. Sidoti

Mark D. Swiney Philip J. Szymanski

Seniors/ 102

Frank Anthony Tallarida

Frederick William Stevens

Nicholas J. St. George Edward Joseph Suczewski

when god decided to invent and small everything he took one hreath bigger than a circustent and everything began when man determined to destroy himself he picked the was of shall and finding only why he smashed it into because e. e. cummings

Robert John Tatulli

103 /Seniors -

Paul Michael Tomaszeski

Paul A. Trescott

Michael Steven Thomas

I don’t go much on religion But I’ve got a middlin’ tight grip, Sir.

John F. Viggiano Robert Joseph Wall


Randolph Alan Walther



John Tryneski

Thomas A. Valentine Thomas Viceconte

I never ain’t had no show: on the handful of things I know

Walter Joseph Wilkes

Michael Paul Whelan

Thomas Edward Wicks

Donald Carl Willenborg

Thomas Michael Zappia Harry R. Zayes

S e n io rs /10 6

E. Peter Wolf

John Joseph Wolozen, Jr. Jeffery C. Zak

You are beautiful but you are empty. One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you — the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than aU the hundreds of you other roses; because it is she that I have watered, be­ cause it is she that 1 have put under the glass globe; because it is she that have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that 1 have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose. The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

107 /Seniors


Actiuities 1

H w T ^ li 0 M***1


( S u - C (J>S a J / * / £ a w t -tL» ^f^fa *.•«»; s»* • • * *


* p


Cheerleaders / 1970

Carol Dietz SDA Shelly De Palma ASH Marcia Di Nardo ASH Bernice Gallombardo ASH Karen Jakubowski ASA Pam M ontelli SDA

at Murphy SDA Noreen O'Reilly ASA Renata Revilline SDA Mary Weaver ASA

II9 /Cheerleaders

The Gridiron November 27, 1969




Intramural Champions

Neil O’Connor

Juniors Paul Colford

Sophomores John Forhecz John Tracy Rich Hayes

Frosh Tom Lazaro Len Pasculli

Volleyball Senior 4E Junior 3d

Basketball IE 2D 3F 4F

Ping-Pong Senior Doubles: Tony Farini, Gary Amato Junior Doubles: Pete Scalia, Joe Scalo Sophomore Doubles: Ralph Bou, Gary Bogdanski Frosh Doubles: Rich Forte, Tom Emerson

127/ Intramurals

Ju n io r Bob Zito, Editor, is m iddle row, th ird from right. The rest go forever unidentified.

Maroon Spirit

Left to Right: Bob Warner, Don Blumenfeld, Gary Barlettano, Bob Gerbino, Mike Devaney, Gary Por足 ter.

j Activities /128

Language Club

Left to Right: Ted Witkomski, John McCoy, Larry Sutton, Tom Wojiechowski, Bob D e v a n e y Henry Wawrowski, Nick Detura, Tom Mal'oy Howard Wuelfing, Don Michalowski, John Czeterko, Gary Colletti.

/larty Brack

Adam Herchold and Mr. Ned Coughlin, S.J.

Staff Charles R. Burns, S.J. Tom Sasso Larry Antonucci Rick Agresta Rod Portfolio Jack Bogdanski John Tavormina Keith Reardon Peter Nickerson John Callahan Brian Hannon Marty Brack Fred Kerber Jeff Zak Fred Stevens Don Gadaleta Arties Blood Tom Scott Adam Herchold Mark Mahar Jim Mortonson I Marc Buzzio Harold Livera

Faculty Advisor Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Sports Editor Advertising Editor Instigator Underclassmen Editor

Charles R. Burns Faculty Advisor

The Petrean


Tom Sasso Editor-in-Chief Petrean/132

~ . --Vi

Peter Hilary Nickerson

Keith Reardon


“ Boggo” does his famous “ hand-on-hisown-shoulder trick. He edits the paper.

James Audit, Editor, firs t semester.

Photographer Fred Stevens in deep thought. TOP ROW: Left to Right: McCoy, Hreniuk, Ham m ill, Jablonski, Filak, Reagan, llvento, IN THE MIDDLE: Devaney, Buzzio, Cangemi, Fisher, ON THE BOTTOM: Bertucci, Moran, Witomski.

Petro c /138

A papal visit warmly re­ ceived at the Petroc of­ fice.

Mr. Wood, S.J., Faculty Advisor

Editorial Board meet­ ing: The Cub, “ Flip” George Wirt, Jim Audet, and Danski.

On-again-off-again Petroc s ta ff members: Top Row: Jim O’ Halloran, M arty Bodtm ann, Tom Wojciechowski, Mark Kennedy, Howard W uelfing (Editor: Music Section), Larry Sutton (Docum entary and Comment), Jack McGourty, Chris Robinson (Opinion), Mike Mar­ lowe. All are Juniors. Bottom Row: Paul Audet, Tony Bertucci, Chuck Booth, Pete Dimatteo, Pete Begans. Bertucci is a sophomore; the rest are Juniors.


Senior Staffers: Top: Georgie Porgie “ Oink" Hawriluk, John “ Warp-oh" Trypeski, Lou “ Flash" Giust'o, Toothy Tim Murray, Everexciting Tom Zappia, Joe “ Fingers" Louma, Joe GJbscienski, Jim Horan, Joel “ North Arlington" Lafrano, The Cub (Fred Kerber of “ Kerber’s Korner), and Frank “ Ratso" Rizzo. Down below: Mike Devaney, Harvery Rubenstein, Revolu­ tionary George Wirt, John Dudsak, Jungle Jim Bulzis, and Typist and Part-time Goalie Phil Szymanski.

Poster Club

Radio Club

Along with the daily functions of the radio club such as contacting foreign stations, handling private and m ilitary radiograms, operating contests and so forth, the club goes out annually on a Field Day on some local mountain top to test their emergency preparedness. These pictures show scenes from a recently held test in South Mountain Reservation in Essex County. The Club, operating under a Federal Communication Call Sign of K20QJ, has achieved many awards including Worked All States, Worked All Continents and DXCC (issued for contacting 100 different countries). The club has won many contests including the novice round-up New Jersey QSO Party and others. Under the leadership of Chris Daly and Joe Licata, the club has progressed to a great degree and will hopefully continue to do so un­ der next year’s leaders Paul Schaetzie and Bernie Gordon.

CLUB MEMBERS Chris Daly, Chairman; Joe Licata, Scyltreas; Mike Walter, Robert Wall, Paul Schaetzie, Tom Caputo, Tom Jennings, Bernie Gordon, Brian W right, Bill Dun­ can, Pete Bocan.

Radio Club/144



145/ Radio Club

Saddle and Bridle Club

Saddle and Bridle/ 146

Science Club

147/Science Club

Ski Club

Sfei Club/148

9 / Ski Club


Student Council

Student Council/ 150

Tom Biondo

Intramural Council

School Spirit Committee

School Spirit Committee Moderator: Mr. Dennis McNally, S.J. Chairmen: Dale Hochstein Tom Biondo

157/School Spirit Committee

Doodle here to your heart's content.

The Benefit Show October 2$, 1969

Jerry Vale, Sam Lombardi, Pete lllvento

Benefit Show/162

The Happenings

Very funny comedian Sam Lombardi

Very funny singer Jerry Vale

Which is the Rector laughing at;



165/ Rallies

3 trÂŤ

L-R: Mrs. Syp, Mrs. Faherty, Mrs. Liguori, Mrs. Longo, Fr. Meagher, Mrs. Hochstein, Mrs. Arqyelan, Mrs. Biondo.

The Mothers Club

Mothers' Club/168

Mothers’ Club/170

October 13, 1969.











St. M ary's






St. A l’s






M arist







Hudson Catholic









St. M ary's






(ot) Dickinson






(o t) M arist



Hudson Catholic



Roselle Catholic



St. Joe’s (Met)




Average Attempts





Dale Hochstein ...................







Pete Beggans.......................







Kevin Daily ..........................











37 66



Ricky Baker ........................






Joe Cioffi .............................





31 1

75% 56%



Joe Petri ...............................





Rich Reid .............................




Leo Hurley ..........................



1.9 2.0

Tom Biondo ........................




Bill Donan ..........................



23 0





Bruce Johnson ...................











2 1

Vito Germinario .................






331/3% 0%

Tony Herenda







Murray ........................


4 6

57% 66 %% 57%

Junior Varsity

Ju n io r Varsity

Bill Dorian Greg Mauriello Rich Hayes Ron Samuels Bruce Sabatini Tom Kielty Kevin Cummings Bob Mercier Paul Dully Don Cannavale Jim Sweeney Marty Szmialowicz Jack Tracy Bob Parks Tom Higgins Mike Biondo Pat Lenahan Kim Greene Mark Syp

Team Record 14-6


F re s h m e n

Kevin Muirain Frank Cioffi John Gaddis Pat Corcoran Paul Grywalski Joe Moran Kevin Collins Jim Cochrane Peter Goodwin Tony DeRario Tom Brodowski Steve Jugan Mike Zahn Greg Giarrantana Chris Colford, Mgr.

Team Record: 14*11 Won 9 of last 13 games




Rich Pomliano .........


Nick Scarpa


Bill England


A rt Lutz ..........


Mike Liguori ..............


M arty Brack .....................................


Bill Pecherski ..................................






'N i

CATEGORY Rusher Passing Scoring Receptions Tackles Interceptions Dropping Passer

Individual Honors DiGiorgio—

1st Team— Daily News 1st Team— Hudson Dispatch 2nd Team— Fifth Quarter Club 2nd Team— Jersey Journal

Robinson— 2nd Team— All State Parochial 2nd Team— Fifth Quarter Club 3rd Team— Jersey Journal Giordano—

Tommy Myers Memorial Trophy 3rd Team— Jersey Journal Honorable Mention— Daijy News Honorable Mention— All-State Parochial

Kowal —

Team Co-Captain Honorable Mention— Hudson Dispatch

Biondo —

Co-Captain Honorable Mention— Jersey Journal Honorable Mention— Hudson Dispatch

Honorable M e n tio n -D a ily News

Comeback of the Year (Coaches Award) Lewis —

Honorable Mention— Jersey Journal

Johnson —

Honorable Mention— Jersey Journal Honorable Mention— Daily News



Giordano Herenda

752 yds. 407 yds. 30 Points

Robinson Giordano Robinson Hochstein Florio Digiorgio

15 61 5 13

TD'S 5 •SjKE \ 5 5 0 1 0

Senior Prom

Westmont Country Club May 6, 1970


•U r.

Karate C lu b /199

SiDi'm Team

Team Roster Ernest Badaracco

Bill LoVerne

Rene Bardell

John McCoy

Peter Bolan

Vin Pickett

Bill DiTuro

Bob Polakowski

Joe DiTuro

Phil Quaglieri

Tom Florczak Rich Hanlon

John Sharp Pete Wolf

Dan Lanahan

Greg Wroclawski

Swim Team / 200

1970 Swim Team City Championship — First Runnerup

County Championship ~ First Runnerup

200 yd. Medley Relay—

(1:54.6) County Record (Wroclawski, Wolf, Hanlon, DiTuro)

200 yd. Freestyle— Greg Wroclawski (2:03) Won County Championship, Bill LoVerne 200 yd. Individual Medley— Rich Hanlon (2:19) County Record, Won City Championship 50 yd. Freestyle— Pete Wolf (23:9) County Record, Won County and City Championship Diving— Joe DiTuro, City and County Championship; Rene Bardell 100 yd. Freestyle— Pete Wolf (52.2) Won City and County Championship 100 yd. Butterfly— Greg Wroclawski (1:03) Won County Championship 100 yd. Backstroke— Phil Quaglieri, Ernie Badaracco 100 yd. Breaststroke— Joe DiTuro (1:15), D. J. Lenahan (1:19) 400 yd. Freestyle— Rich Hanlon (4:37) County Record, Won City and County Champion­ ship; Bill Loverne (4:53)

T ri-C a p ta in s : J o e D iT u ro , Pete W o lf, B ill LoV erne

201/Sioim Team


Cross Country

3rd place— 3rd place— 2nd place— 4th place—

City Championships CYO Invitational Meet Jesuit Championships County Championships

3rd place— Marist Polar Bear Meet 3rd place— Northern New Jersey Interscholastic Champion­ ships Sponsored by the CYO 2nd place— City Championships

Most of these high place finishes were due to the tremen­ dous efforts of the shot put field team of DiGiorgio, Chiara, and Miller. Dom DiGiorgio set a new school and county shot put record in the CYO sponsored Meet of 'b l'W n ".




207/W eightlifting

The following men are not pictured with their respective classes in the undergraduate section of this yearbook: 1A Peter Bonner Brendon Bull 1C Dan Cruoglio Brendon Cunniny Tom Carry George Dawybida Bill Debric Joe De Costa Al De Nola Tony De Rurio Paul Diverio Bill Dituro John Donahue Ray Dowe Tony Dramis Giles Durante Bob Du Casse Tom Emerso n Rich Forte Ray Freed John Gaddis 1D Glen Geathers Ed Gilibons Sigmund Gudyinski Jeff Gross Gordon Hahn Frank Hamill Frank Hayes

2D Nick La Forgia Tom Galvin Tom Sweeney Jim Weber Ed Tomasyewski Mark Rosykowski John Riepe Tom Nugent John Lally Marty Kearney Nick Introcasso Gary Helminski Jack Gallagher John Furka Dan Cunning Kevin Cummings Phil Cafosso Kag Burns 2F Nick Lilly Mick Wagner Gerry Involino Steve Carbriano Mike Hogan Tony Woleski John Serpico 2G Bill Baxmeyer Ed Bergen Brian Hill Bill Hill 1F Sal Marabondo Mark Lynch Mark Millen 208

1G Frank Murphy Tom O’ Donnell Mike Panya George Pitchford John Podolak 1H Billy Ruane Zennon Smtrycz

1I John Thomas Tom Toussaint Mark Trap Gerry Verpent John Walter Joe Ward Herman Webber Ed Wilker Mike Wintjen Mike Yasyemski Fred Yalewski Rich Zimnock

Fred Brown Joe Beicco Steve Cologero John Cardell Bob Corshy John Downy Pete Hickey Ed Lubero John Mayuranh Joel Milano Glen Nerbank Bob O’Callaghan Bob Oland 3A Paul Audet Emil Cannarozzi Tony Gaita George Wyville Joe Petri Bruce Johnson 3 B Tom Mallox Pat Lenahan Joel Kelly 3C Don Blumenfeld Pete De Moose Harry Livera Bob McMahon Jack Murry 2A Tony Bivins Bob Carroll Larry Citorella John Corsentino John Feduniewicz Tom Florczak Mike Granahan Tom Hopkins Tony Italiano Dan Miller Tony Murray Don Rasmusson Frank Roselli Kevin Smith Frank Zolli

2B Bill Bracy John Costello Bob Wojick Bob Costa Ramon Diaz Tom Ferrera Kevin Glenin Mike Vitelli Anthony Johnstone John Kielp Don Landry Ken Halpin Bob Mercier James Vaughan Brian Wright

3 D Don Brady Paul Antinori Rick Hanlin Dave Canavan Gerry Chiara Tony Herenda Joe Pini Kev Reagan Jack Stienbacher 3 E George Ambrosio Ken Miller Jim Vargas Ken Yacavino 3 F John McCoy Mike Vendetti 3G Dom Calabria John Caulfield Mike Cannon Bill Marshall Bill McGowan Ed Parlock John Pavlovich Pete Scalia

The M aturity Award is given to Kevin Helinski, for he is now too old to be called “ Da.” An Honorary Seat in the County Jail is most bestowed upon Mark Settembre, who has never been there. Three Four Year Athletic Scholarships to the University of Alabama are pre­ sented to Tom Wicks, Mike Thomas, and Larry Adams. All they have to do is catch javelins. The Bottomless Pit 8 Oz. Bronze Cup is given to Jack Meyers for his incredible capacity. The Imitation Alexander Mundy Citation goes to Gary Amato. May you always prosper, Gary. The American Agricultural Association Nice-Try Award is bestowed upon Roger Boyle fo r his attempt to grow some nutritious and stim ulating plants. The Charles Atlas Body of the Year Award is jointly presented to Marty Downey and Wayne Zimnoch for their fantastic physiques. The Tom Dewey Losers Award goes to Jim Gallo. Period. The Better Business Bureau Seal of Approval is given to BobCorcoran for his continually high quality goods. The Peter Prep Loving Cup goes to Al Santora— congratulations, Smiling Al. A Set of agle Wings is presented to Bob Knox and Junior Airman rating goes to Bob Polakowski. The Dirty Old Man Award goes to Jack “ Boggo” Bogdanski for his unbeliev­ able abilities in this field. (Don't let his size fool you!). The Horatio Hornblower Trophy is given to Bob Tatulli for his ever quietand subtle mouth, with a loving cup going to Angelo Caprio for a close second place. The Racket Squad Recognition Citation is presented jointly to Rich Pompliano and Jack Meyers. This award is to be as news matter only. The Peter Prep Plaque is most humbly presented to Steve Baker and Mike Spadoro fo r their undying love fo r “ The Prep” and what it stands for. An Oscar goe’s to Matt McCue for the best performance in a continuous role for the past four years.

The Numero Uno Plaque is bestowed on Jeff Olynick for his brilliant stand against an ever changing Dennis O'Sullivan. A Junior G-Man Badge goes to an anonymous senior class member. The Incognito Cup is presented to Damien Graham for his uncanny ability to remain unknown for the past four years. The Patience Plaque is given to Kevin O'Connell for his uncomplaining attU tude despite all odds. The Communist Manifesto is presented to either Jim Connell or George Wirt, depending on who leads the first successful revolution. The Frank Rizzo Award is bestowed upon Frank Rizzo because only Frank Rizzo is Frank Rizo. An 8 " x l0 " Glossy of Mr. McGuinness is given to Bob Newton and a Mr. McGuinness Memorial Award is established in memory of Bill Dowd and Dennis Reilly. The Puliter Prize is presented to Rich McMahon for his “ Doodling Notebook" and other attempts at writing. The Lou Groza Golden Toe Award goes to Bob Manzi for his unprecedented feat of missing 33 straight P.A.T.'s. The Acquaman Award is thrown at Pete Wolf because we’re sure he's proud of it. A Gold Record: or, rather, tape goes to Tom Valentine for almost $1,000,000.00 in sales. The Mr. Pat Lynch, S.J., “ Prep Forever” Award is proudly presented to Walt Avery for his unbelievable devotion to “ The Prep,” his one and only love. A Ku Klux Klan Honorary Membership is awarded to Tommy Green with a conditional membership to Paul Trescott. (Better shape up, Paul). The Sally Sunshine Award goes to Rich McMahon for his ever bright and cheery outlook on life. And finally, our illustrious editor, Tom Sasso, is presented the Editor-of-the Year Award sponsored by Dell Comics, with the Sisyphus Memorial Award going to the staff for their heroic endeavors in putting up with Tom.

ANDY ABBOT 299 Alps Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Community Action Program 3; Dramatics 4 ; Golf 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1 , 2 , 3, 4; National Honor Sociel 3, 4. “ Let him not to the marriage of true minds admit in pediments." after Shakespeare.

LARRY ADAMS 81 Jackson Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Gymnastics 1, 2 , 3, 4 . “ Athletes as a rule are stronger than their backen yet the weaker presses the stronger, and the strong< put forth all their efforts.” St. Jerome.

JIM AUDET 138 Mountain Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901 Dance Committee 3, 4; Football 3, 4 (manager); Hone Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Petroc 2, 3, (Editor); Student Council 4; Swimming 2. “ Hooowdy folks! My name is JJJim Auuudet. I’r eeddditor of the PPPetroc.”

GERRY AKE 11 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1 ; Class Officer 1 , 2, 3; Higher Achievement 1 , 3, 4; Honor Pin 1 , 2 ,; Intramural Higher Achievement 1 , 3, 4,; Honor Pin 1 , 2,; Intramurs ls jl, 2 , 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Prom Commit­ tee 4; Religion Medal 1, 2; Speakers Bureau 4; Student Council 2. “ Every great discovery I ever made, I gambled that the truth was there, and then I acted on it in faith until I could prove its existence.” Arthur H. Compton (Nobel Prize Physicist). RICK AGRESTA 163 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Assembly Committee 4; Class Officer 1 , 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Petrean (Sports Editor) 4; Rally Committee 4; Speakers Bureau 4; Track 1 , 2 . “ The hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. Rick puts up with more than most; of course, he has to. TONY ALOSCO 1305 83rd Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 Higher Achievement 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Publicity Committee 4; Rally Committee 2; Saddle and Bridle 1; Ski Club 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. A young rowdy is loud, uncontrollable, and dangerous — Tony was none of these.

MATT ARMISTEAD 348 Owen Avenue, Fairlawn, New Jersey 07410 Football 4. Matt made more of an impression in one year than most did in four. "Here’s a dime . . . ” GARY AMATO 15 Linden Avenue, Jercity City, New Jersey 07305 Higher Achievement 1; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 3, 4.

Born and raised in Jersey City— and it shows. Thrown out of more than his share of classes, he somehow man­ ages to come back every time. Gary had lots of friends in school, but none of them were teachers. For a laugh in later years, ask him about Mr. Connolly. LARRY ANTONUCCI 37 Belmont Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452 Art Club 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 4; Community Action 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 'Stage Crew) 3, 4; Film Forum 2, 3; Higher Achievement 3; Inscape 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3, Managing editor 4; Rally Committee 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Track 1, 2. Some people tend to put things off until the last day; others until the last minute; and even others until the very last second. Larry is a charter member of the last category.

GEORGE AVILES 30 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 07306 Community Action 1, 2, 3, 4; Film Forum 4; Higher Achievement 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 4. Thank-you George, for letting us barge in on your territory. You never minded as long as we used the back door. STAN BAKER 1631 Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, N. J. 07047 “ With all the infinite possibilities of life before you, do not settle down on a little patch of dusty ground at the mountain’s foot in restful content. Be not content until you reach the mountain’s summit.” J. R. Miller STEVE BAKER 15 Rockledge Road, Montclair, N. J. 07042 Only a few things in this world really matter, and even those few things don’t really matter very much.

GREG ARNOLD 7 Duryea, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043 Class Officer 4; Dance Committee 4; Golf 2, 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 2; Speakers Bureau 4; Tennis 1, 2. Bartender: “ What’ l j t be. kid?" Greg: “ Scotch and wa-wa.” WALT AVERY 91 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield Park, N. J. 07560 Art Club 1, 2; Community Action Program 3, 4; Class Officer 4; Higher Achievement Program 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Student Council 4; Track 1, 2. “ Who builds a church within his heart/And takes it with him everywhere/ls holier farthan he whose church/ Is but a one-day house of prayer.’ ’ Morris Abel Beer. JOHN AUGHINBAUGH 126 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 07305 Cultural Committee 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Religion Medal 2. “ Freedom is a way of living/A song, a mighty cry/ Freedom is the brea dwe eat/Let it be the way we die.” J. West.


B H U iN o m

44 Hopkins Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. 07306 Art Club 4; Bowling 2, 4; Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Com­ munity Action Program 2; Higher Achievement Program 1' Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Language Club 4 ‘ Newsette 4; Rally Committee 4; Speakers Bu­ reau 4; Student Council 2; Tennis 3 4. impriran “ If anyone attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him in the spot.” John A. Dix MIKE BARANSKI 178 Pershing Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey 07008 Community Action Program 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2, Cultural Committee 3, 4; Honor Pin 2, 3, Inscape J, Karatp Club 2 3 4; Speakers Bureau 4. To me, every hoSr of the day and night is an un­ speakably perfect miracle.” Walt Whitman GARY BARLETTANO 14 V a n R i p e r P l a c e , N u t l e y , N . J. 07110 Probably will room with Ralph at College, and wi work for a B.S. in Public Speaking.

AL BARTOLOZZI 832 First Street, Secaucus, N. J. 07094 Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3; National Honor Society 4; Saddle and Bridle 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4. "The price of wisdom is above rubies." BOB BAUER 9 Varsity Court, Newark, New Jersey Class Officer 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Com­ mittee 4; Track 3. Came in from Newark every day to a first period Greek Class. And if he didn’t show up on a quiz day, the entire class average fell. Not only was he loved, but he was needed. JACK BELLINI 276 Third Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Art Club 2; Bowling 3, 4; Dance Committee 4; Honor Pin 2; Prom Committee 4; Liturgical Committee 1; Track 2. “ I'm wasted and I can’t find my way home.” Blind Faith, Steve Winwood

Senior s / 2 1 4

TOM BIONDO 36 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Art Club 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2; Com­ munity Action Program 2, 3, 4; Film Forum 2, 3; Foot­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4; Student Coun­ cil 4; Executive Committee; Track 1. "Let parents bequeathe to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence.” Plato JACK BOGDANSKI 34 Cortlandt Street, Newark, New Jersey 07105 Basketball (manager) 2, 3; Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Excellence Medal 3; Film Forum 3; German Consulate Award 3; Higher Achievement Pro­ gram 4; Inscape 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Man of the Year 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; National Merit Letter of Commendation 4; Newsette 4; Outstanding Teen 4; Petrean 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3; Editor 4; Political Forum 3; Religion Medal 2, 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4; Student Announcer 4; Student-Faculty Advisory Board 3 ,4 . “ Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do.” Gian-Carlo Menotti

ROGER BOYLE 62 Maple Place, Clifton, New Jersey 07011 Community Action Program 1; Cultural Committee 3; Higher Achievement Program 2; Intramurals 3, 4. “ Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.” James M. Barrie MARTY BRACK 985 Seventh Street, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Publicity Committee 4; Tennis 1; Unfinished Homework 1, 2, 3,4. “ All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quiet in a room alone.” Blaise Pascal JIM BULZIS 1202 Park Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Chess Club 2, 3, 4; Community Action Program 2, 3, 4; Cultural Committee 4; Higher Achievement Program 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 4. “ God offers to every mind its choice between truth and respose.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. TOM BURKE 134 Clifton Place, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Higher Achievement Program 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. “ Stand! You've been sitting much too long. There’s a permanent crease in your and wrong.” Sly Stone JOHN BYRAM 97 Magnolia Place, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Class Officer 3; Golf 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intra­ murals 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4. 99 ,4 4 % Pure. (It’s that other .56% that gets ’em).

FRANK BOLHA 110 Bright Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 “ Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situation of experience its own full and unique meaning.” John Dewey TOM BOOTH 704 Cleveland Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. 07208 Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Linguistics Workshop 4; Political Forum 3, 4; Religion Medal. “ If there were three people left in the world, two of them would unite to suppress the third.” With Tom’s luck, he’d be that third person. PETE BORGHESI 48 Sherman Avenue, East Newark, New Jersey 07029 L ib r a r y C lu b 2 ; R a d io C lu b 2 , 3 , 4 ; Track 3 . “ The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportune ty; the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty. L. P. Jacks

NELSON CADALZO 80 Van Wagenen Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4. Nelson was the only person at Prep who needed an in­ terpreter so that others might understand what he said. What came out was funny and true to life— just like Nel­ son. JOHN CALLAHAN 40 Bowers Road, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 Honor Pin 1, 2; Student Council 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Class Officer 2, 3, 4. I'm sorry if I don’t conform to your world, if I don t play the game by your rules . . .but I feel even more sor­ ry for you. EDWARD CAMILO 514 ’5th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 Bookstore 1; Camera Club 2; Class Officer 2, 3; Com­ munity Action Program 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Honor Pin 1 2, 3; Inscape 1; Intramurals 3; Language Club 4, National Honor Society 3, 4; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 1; Saddle and Bridle Club 4; Science Club 1, 2. Born to success he seemed. With grace to win, with heart to hold, with shining gifts that took all eyes. TOM CAMPION 410 Paxton Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07503 “ ‘Jacques’ was one who had a built-in smile, but it was sincere.” ANGELO CAPRIO 285 Grace Street, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Band 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Rally Commit­ tee 3 ; Sodality 2; Tennis 2, 3. I aPiiarrlia “ Ticker Tape ain’t spaghetti. Fiorello H. LaGuardia VINNY CATANZARO 110 Rutherford Boulevard, Clifton New Jersey 07014 Class Officer 2; Community Action Program t J t a g e Committee 2; Dramatics 3; Honor Pin 1, 2 PubtoJ Y Committee 3, 4; Rally Committee 2, 3; Speakers Bureau ' “ Do I dare disturb the universe?” T. S. Eliot


MIKE CAUFIELD 255 Fairmount Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey 07061 Class Officer 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Inscape 4; Petroc 4; Religion Medal 2; Science Club 2; Tennis 2, 3, 4. “ Am I united with my friend in heart? What matters if our place be far apart?” Anwar-ISuheili TOM CHICCONE 262 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Cafeteria Committee 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Com­ munity Action Program 2, 3, 4; Constitution Commi|ttee 4; Cultural Committee 4; Excellence Medal 2; Higher Achievement Program 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Man of the Year 2; National Honor Society 3; Oratory 2, 3; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Executive Committee 4. “ The tradedy of the world is that men have given firs t class loyalty to second class causes and these causes have betrayed them .” Lynn Hough ED CLARK 76 West 46th Street, Bayone, New Jersey 07002 “ Yesterday don’t matter if it’s gone.” Mick Jagger/ Keith Richards RALPH CITARELLA 93 West 35th Street, Bayone, New Jersey 07002 Football 1, 2, 3, 4. As leaves blow along the beach And the bleached starfish are washed upon the shore, I wait Anticipating nothing. Rod McKuen JIM CONNELL 3171 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. 07306 Community Action Program 1; Excellence Medal 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Newsette Editor 4; Political Forum 2; Pub­ licity Committee 4; Religion Medal 3; Speakers Bureau 4. “ My brethren, I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.” 0. Crom­ well BOB CORCORAN 821 Mapl eAvenue, Ridgefield, New Jersey 07657 Film Forum 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Karate Club 2, 3; So­ dality 2 . "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” William James

SAM CONSTANTINO 402 Union Avenue, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075 Art Club 1; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 4 Rally Committee 3, 4. One of Prep’s Chem scholars from Mr. M iller’s 3rd Period Class. Sold many a button in his day. Easy come easy go. Please go, Sam. TOM COWAN 122 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Cultural Committee 3, 4; Dance Committee 2, 3, 4 ; Higher Achievement Program 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intra­ murals 2 , 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Newsette 4 ; Petroc 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3, 4; Science Club 2; Speakers Bureau 4; Track 1, 2, 3. “ Ther are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.” Shakespeare TOM CRAPPSE 36 Lentz Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07105 Band3, Class Officer 2, 3; Dance Committee 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 1; Honor Pin 2; Inscape 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; Track 2, 4. Tom’s thoughts are deep, heavy, and profane. KEV CROCIANI 13 Henrietta Street, Garfield, New Jersey 07026 Cultural Committee 4; Dramatics 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Petrean 2, 3; Publicity Com­ mittee 4; Saddle and Bridle Club 2, 4; Science Club 2 (Treasurer). “ Be good and you will be lonesome.” Mark Twain

DAVE CYBULSKI 58 St. Paul’s Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Art Club 1; Band 2, 3; Dance Committee 3, 4; Drama­ tics 3; Bebating 2; Glee Club 1 , 2, 3; Honor Pin 2; In­ scape 2, 3, 4; Political Forum 2 , 3; Publicity Committee 2; Speakers Bureau 4. “ The great use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.” William James CHRIS DALY 2 Timber Hill Drive, Livingston, New Jersey 07039 Audio-Visual 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Band 1; Camera Club 4 ; Cul­ tural Committee 4; Dramatics 3; Film Forum 2 , 3, 4 ; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2; Radio Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; “ There’s something going on here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?” Bob Dylan

AUGUST DAQUILA 282 Van Nostrand Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. 07305 Community Action Program 1; Honor Pin 2, 3, 4; In­ scape 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3; Rally Com­ mittee 3. “ I have nothingto offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” Winston Churchill PETE DEROSA Freshman Tutor 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Honor Pin 2,3. "W ill is wish and liberty is power.” Voltaire MIKE DESIMONE 8 Eighth Street, Fairview, New Jersey 07022 Baseball 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 1. “ Blessings on him who first invented sleep.” Cervan­ tes. MIKE DEVANEY 1 Marion Court, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Art Club 4; Community Action Program 2; Dramatics 1; Higher Achievement Program 4; Language Club 4; Petroc 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4. Look like the innocent flow er/But be the serpent under’t.” Shakespeare DOM DIGIORGIO 214 Avenue B, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Class Officer 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting 1, 2 ,3 ,4 . Usually seen around the school involved in something. Took the Drivers Test four times. His prowess as # 6 0 on the grid and throwing the discus, shot, and javelin brought many honors to Prep. JOE DITURO 454 Highland Avenue, Woodridge, N. J. 07075 Art Club 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 3; Saddle and Bridle 1, 2; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4. “ And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.” MIKE DONOHUE 16 Carteret Street, Upper Montclair, N. J. 07043 Community Action Program 4; Class Officer 1, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Political Forum 4; Religion Medal 3; Student Council 1, 3. “ I am troubled, I am dissatisfied, I am Irish.” Mari­ anne Moore TOM DOUGHERTY 39 Broadway, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Football 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4. Track 1. “ I don’t have it, but if you really want it, I’ll get it for you by Tuesday.”

MARTY DOWNEY 19 Colonial Terrace, Nutley, New Jersey 07042 Community Action Program 2; Chess Team 1; Higher Achievement Program 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Inscape 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Council 3, 4; Petrean 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. “ So long as we love, we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.” Robert Louis Stevenson JOHN DUDSAK 237-70th Street, Guttenberg, New Jersey 07093 Community Action Program 2, 3; Cultural Committee 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Karate Club 4; Petroc 4; Saddle and Bridle 4. Nature made him, and then broke the mold. JOHN DUNNE 297 Woodlawn Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Publicity Committee 4; Science Club 2. “ Success is to be measured not so much by the posi­ tion that one has achieved in life as by the obsta£les which he has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. Washington JOHN ELEFTHROW 365 First Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Assembly Committee 1; Community Action Program 1, 2; Class Officer 4; High School Set 4; Inscape 4; Jun­ ior Date Dance Committee; Chairman, Liturgical Com­ mittee; Publicity Committee 4; Stage Crew 3; Summer Job Committee 3. “ The funniest thing about leprosy is that your hair goes first.” Christopher Long BILL ENGLAND 547 Anderson Avenue, Cliffside Park, New Jersey 07010 "There is a kind of release that comes directly to those who have undergone an ordeal and who know, having survived it, that they are equal to all of life s occasions.” L. Mumford JOHN FALLON 46 Highview Drive, West Paterson, New Jersey Dramatics 3 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 3; Swimming 1,2. Loves the Prep so much, he even comes here during the summer. TONY FARINA 81 West Fifth Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Class Officer 4; Community Action Program 4; IntramUnderneath that crazy veneer was a heart of gold. One of the Prep’s biggest trivia nuts. Idealized Joe Lynch. Just missed the National Honor Society— claims it was due to politics.

TONY FAZIO 614 Garden Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Film Forum 2, 3; Football 3; Honor Pin i 3; Saddle and Bridle 1, 2; Ski Club 2; Track. “ The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem as last year.” John Foster Dulles JOHN FENCIK 282 Pacific Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Petrean 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4. “ Why don't you speak for yourself, John?” Priscilla Alden ANDY FILAK 156 Van Reipen Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Band 1, 2, 3; President 4; Community Action Program 1; Dance Committee 4; Higher Achievement Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Publicity Committee 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 1, 2; Science Club 2, 4; Speakers Bureau 4. “ To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” Thomas Campbell VAL FIORILLO 821 12th Street, Union City, New Jersey 07087 Cultural Committee 4; Band 2; Petroc 4; Poster Club 4; Saddle and Bridle 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Ski Club 3, 4; Swimming 1 ; Tennis 3. Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice and Val. MIKE FITZPATRICK 54 Garrison Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Class Officer 1; Community Action Program 3; Full Scholarship 1; Honor Pin 1, 2; Library Club 2, 3, 4; Re­ ligion Medal 2. “ To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three-parts dead.” Berthand Russell GEORGE FLIMLIN 28Greendale Road, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 Cultural Committee 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 3, 4; Track 3. “ Would you have your songs endure? Build on the human heart.” Robert Browning ED FLORIO 314 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Assembly Committee 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3 ,4 ; Basketball 1; Class Officer 1; Football 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Nose picking 1, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee; Saddle and Bridle 1; School Spirit Committee 3. “ The moon in monotonous, I guess; it's lost its pull. Lady, you can’t stay here long, the parking lot is fu ll.” Rod McKuen

DOM GADALETA 74 Paroubek Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey 07643 Class Officer 1 2; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3; Cultural Committee 2, 3; Dramatics 3; Gym Team 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Oratory 2, 3, 4; Petrean 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 2; Science Club’ 2;’ Sodality President 2; Speakers Bureau 4. Prep’s pseudo-hippie— more pseudo than hippie. GEORGE GAJEWSKI 257 Eighth Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Karate Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Political Forum 2, 3,4. “ If you don’t say anything, you won’t be called on to repeat it.” Calvin Coolidge JIM GALLO 1145 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 2 3, 4; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3; Cultural ’ Art Club 1, 2; Basketball manager 4; Class Officer !, Committee 3, 4; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating H Dramatics 2, 3, 4 (stage crew); Film Forum 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Date Dance Commitee; Publicity Committee 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4; Weight Lifting 2, 3, 4. ^ “ I only own myself, but all of mine is me. Rod McKuen BOB GERBINO 315 Fourth Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Audio-Visual Club 3; Chess Team 1, 2; Community Action Program 4; Higher Achievement 4; Honor Pin 2, 3- Karate 3, 4; Language Club 4 (secretary) ; Publicity Committee 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3 (vice president), don’t go a-hunting/For fear of little men. William Allingham. VITO GERMINARIO 321 Harrison Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Basketball 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 2; Dance Committee 2 3 4' Higher Achievement Program 2; Honor Pin 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee; Speakers Bu­ reau 4. , I !_■ He really is good in basketball— just ask him. JIM GIACCIO 108 Sycamore Road, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Community Action 2; Dance Committee 3 4 Film Forum 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, Petroc ; Prom Committee; Tutoring Program 1. , As Jim himself has said: “ 1 am really very happy. I have nothing to complain about.” MIKE GIANNECHINI 18 Country Club Drive, Coloma, New Jersey 07607


“ Fa'miMarity with nature never breeds contempt. The more one learns, the more he expects surprises and the more he becomes aware of the inscrutable. Archibald Rutledge

LOU GIELE 956 Seventh Street, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Community Action Program 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4. “ The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it,” John Ruskin TOM GIORDANO 64 Williams Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Baseball 3; Class Officer 1, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; In­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 4; Tommy Myers Trophy 4; Track 1. Did you ever get the feeling that you have been coast­ ing along for years and have absolutely no idea what you’re going into? LOU GIUSTO 921 Hudson Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Cultural Committee 4; Higher Achievement Program 2 ,4 ; Honor Pin 2; Petroc 4; Track 2, 3. "The man who fights for his fellow-man is a better man than the one who fights for himself.” Clarence Darrow BOB GLANZMAN 20 Nevins Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Class Officer 3; Cultural Committee 2, 3; Dance Com­ mittee 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 3; German Award 2; Honor Pin 1 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Excellence Medal 1 2 - 'Junior Date Dance Committee; National Honor Society; Partial Scholarship Winner 1; Prom Committee, Publicity Committee 2, 3, 4; Ski Club; Speakers Bureau 4 - Track 2 , 3; Religion Medal. ’ As Jonas was in the belly of a whale, so too will, you get an ulcer. “ Daddy, what’s an ulcer? JOE GOSCIENSKI 2 Hampton Court, Jersey City, New Jersey 07303 Band 1, 2; Honor Pin 2; Karate Club 3, 4, Petroc 2, 3, 4 - Ski Club 2; Track 2. . ... ’ “ A perfectly normal person is rare in our civilization. Karen Horney DAMIEN GRAHAM 8 1Webster Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Community Action Program 2; Higher Achievement: Program 2; Honor Pin 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, Petroc 4, PU“ I' never0saId that ail Democrats were salocn-keepers. What I said was that all saloon-keepers were Demo­ crats.” H. Greely MIKE GRATALE 1223 78th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey Higher Achievement Program 4; Honor Pm 1, 2, bci eP Words'3can't describe him, but his summer job can: selling Kool-Ade at lynchmgs. ^

TOM GREEN 99 Belmont Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Class Officer 1; Football 1; Higher Achievement Pro­ gram 1, 2; Inscape 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1. “ Aw, come back, Mr. Gorman, don’t be mad.” “ Mr. McGuinness, I do believe someone took my crackers.” “ I don’t think I'm gonna be here, so don’t wait around too long, Mr. Connolly.” GUY GREGORY 241 G riffith Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Class Officer 3; Dance Committee 3, 4; Football L 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Speakers Bureau 4; Student Council 1; Track 2. "Storms make oaks take deeper root.” George Her­ bert GEORGE GURDAK 9 Gould Street, Clifton, New Jersey 07012 “ The greatest object in the universe, say a certain philosopher, is a good man struggling with adversity; yet there is a greater still, which is the good man that comes to relieve it.” Oliver Goldsmith TOM HANLEY 124 Columbia Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Art Club 1; Baseball 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 3, 4; Cultural Committee 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 2, 3, 4. “ When he finally starts saying what he’s been th ink­ ing about all these years, people will listen and be glad they did. One of the best, without equal.” BRIAN HANNON

66 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Art Club 3, 4; Community Action Program 1, 3, 4; Debating 2; Glee Club 3; Higher Achievement Program 3, 4; Inscape 4; Petrean 4; Petroc 4; Oratory 2; Rally Committee 2; Ski Club. A g irl’s best friend is her dog. Ever hear Brian bark? One of the most warm-hearted and generous people to be found anywhere. Would always stop what he was do­ ing to help or listen. Those who met him will never forget him. RICH HASTINGS 615 Sketch Place South, Ridgefield, New Jersey 07657 Intramurals 2, 3; Liturgical Committee 2, 3; Track 1; Woodchopping 3, 4. “ I don’t know; I don’t want to know, and I don’t care.” GEORGE HAWRILUK 138 Boorheem Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Community Action Program 2, 3; Dance Committee 3, 4; Gardening 1; Inscape 3, 4; Intramurals 3; Poster Club 3, 4 (President); Petroc 3, 4; Science Club 2. “ Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learn­ ing the instrument as one goes on.” Samuel Butler RICH HEALY 26 Jefferson Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 'council); Publicity Committee 4; Rally Committee 4. Adaptable to any situation, he laughs and the whole world laughs with him. We've seen some four-year ro­ mances, but “ It was Mary, Mary, plain as any name could be . . . " DA HELINSKI 9 Elizabeth Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Intramurals 3, 4; Petrean 3; Publicity Committee 3; The most lovable guy this side of the Atlantic— easy come, easy go, but always easy. Upon graduation, heard to say he’s too old to be called “ Da.” LARRY HILL 85 West 13th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 “ A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” AL HMIELEWSKI 134 Mercer Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 “ I have no yesterdays/Time took them away;/Tomorrow may not be— /B u t I have today.” Pearl Yeadon Mc­ Ginnis

Seniors/22 0

DALE HOCHSTEIN 911 73rd Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 Basketball i , 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Needlework 2, 3, 4; Mission Committee 4; Student Council 4. “ Man does not live by bread alone.” JIM HORAN 2302 Palisade Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersey 07087 Petroc 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. One of the fastest kids in Prep . . . one way or an­ other. Often gets lost on Ogden Drive. Hard on hard rock. BILL HORAN 218 Ege Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Bowling 3; Dramatics 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Track 4. “ You can do anything with a bayonet except sit on it.” Camillo di Cavour ED HUNTER 362 Princeton Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07303 Would give you the shirt off his back— for a price. Also, his shoes, pants, records, little brother, pet d o g ... LEO HURLEY 143 Newman Avenue, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Basketball 1, 2, 4; Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3; Cynics Anonymous 1, 2, 3, 4 (president); Intramural Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Com­ mittee 2, 4. “ I think it’s gonna be alright, yeah, the worst is over now. The morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball.” Paul Simon JIM IPPOLITO 130 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Class Officer 3, 4; Community Action Program 1; Football 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4; Rally Committee 3; Ski Club 2. Jim has been late more times, owes more money, and has done less work than many to attend Prep. “ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke FRED KERBER

6 Bayside Park Drive, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305

Art and Poster Club 3; Assembly Committee 4; Class Officer 3, 4; Community Action Program 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Film Forum 3; Higher Achievement Program 1, 2; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mission Night Com­ mittee 4; Petroc 3, 4; Petrean 4; School Spirit Committee 3,4; Royal Jester of Bayside Park 1, 2 ,3,4. Fred drowns your troubles in his laughter, and his own elsewhere. He did a lot for Prep, but few realize how much. JAY KIESLING 63 Sleepy Hollow Drive, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Chess Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievemnt Program 1 2 3- Honor Pin 2, 3; Intramurals 3; National Honor Society; Saddle and Briddle 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis4. ,, . . .. . “ To persevere in one’s duty and be silent is the best answer to calumny.” George Washington RAY KIRKEBY 6 Hugo Street, Clifton, New Jersey 07012 Community Action Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2 3 4 ’ Nerves of steel. Some say he’d give you the shirt off his back, but probably wouldn’t give you the right time of day. MICKEY KNIGHT 276 North Street, Jersey City New Jersey °7307 Honor Pin 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4, Speakers BUTheUorily Prepster in history to see the NIT games from under his seat. The kind of person you d love to have for a roommate in college.


BOB KNOX 256 Forest Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028 Class Officer 3; Football 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4. Sorry to have heard about your library burning down, Bob. It’s a shame both books were burned, especially since one wasn’t even colored yet. MARK KOKOSINSKI 43 Belmont Avenue, North Arlington, New Jersey 07032 Community Action Program 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; In­ tramurals 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Science Club 2; Track 2, 3, 4. “ Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today . . ." ED KOWAL 60 Lake Drive East, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intra­ murals 3, 4; Knitting 3, 4; National Honor Society. Ed’s whole career was summed up on Thanksgiving Day, 1969, when he played his last game for his favorite coach. All-American-Ed, wherever you’re bound, remem­ ber who loves you. WALTER KOWAL 25 Esther Street, Newark, New Jersey 07105 Community Action Program 2; Intramurals 2, 3; Radio Club 1 ; Rally Committee 1 , 3; Saddle and Bridle L “ Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.” W. Hazlitt BOB KOZAR 67 Greene Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Community Action Program 2; Honor Pin 2, 3; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Saddle and Bridle 1; Track 2. Easily excited, emotional— would prefer to watch a fire rather than put it out. GERRY KUBICA 101 Hickory Street, Carteret, New Jersey 07008 Art Club 4; Audio Visual Association 3; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1 , 2 , 3, 4. “ He is not an honest man who has burned his tongue and does not tell the company that the soup is hot.” Yugoslav Proverb JOHN KUNKA 513 Emerson Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 Band 1, 2, 3, 4, vice-president 4; Basketball mana­ ger 3; Dance Committee 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. John was noted for his many impersonations, notably Fr. Lynch and Leo Gorcey; one was very good, the other very bad. The funniest was John Kunka’s impersonation of John Kunka, which received rave reviews.

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HAROLD LACHNICHT 100 Waldo Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Community Action Program 1, 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Publicity Committee 4; Newsette 4. Born to be wild. Tried everything once. Usually got caught. Can put an entire audience to sleep in no time. Dirwood Kirby fan. JERRY LAFORGIA 203 Satterthwaite Avenue, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Chairman, Bear Mountain Outing 4; Community Ac­ tion Program 2; Dance Committee 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Prom Committee 4. When Jerry goes to college, the Mets will lose their biggest fan, but people will forget the Mets long before they forget Jerry. TOM LAIRD 57 Second Avenue, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Intramuarls 1, 2; Religion Medal 2; Science Club 1, 2; Stage Crew 3 ,4 ; Tennis 1, 2 ,3 ,4 . “ Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know howto lie well.” Samuel Butler JOEL LAFRANO 37 Pulaski Drive, North Harrington, New Jersey 07032 Art Club 1, 2; Band 3, 4; Petroc 4; Petrean 1, 2; Sci­ ence Club 2. “ Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann FRANK LAMARTINE

88 Montgomery Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07108 Community Action Program 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Council 4; Rally Committee 4; Track 2, 3, 4. Hails from Newark and is a bit more honest than the city. "Call me by my right name or don't call me at all. JOHN LAMB 46 Kensington Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 “ Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.” Schopenhauer RALPH LAMPARELLO 1185 Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Baseball 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Rally Committee 2, 3, 4; Student Coun­ cil 1, 2; Track 1, 2; Weightlifting Club 2, 3, 4. “ Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you.” Philip Brooks JOHN LAVIN 53 Third Place, Bogota, New Jersey 07603 Class Officer 4; Cultural Committee 4; FootbaM 1, 2 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society; NMSQT Letter ofCommendationPetroc 3, 4; Prep Scholarship Winner; Religion Medal 3, iracK 2'Athletically and scholastically, always on top. Notre Dame will welcome this addition to their line, with open arms. Needed (mostly on test days) and liked by all. JOE LICATA 710 Tenth Street, Union City, New Jersey'07087 Audio-Visual Association 3, 4; Dramatics (Stag Crew) 3, 4; Film Forum 3, 4; Radio Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Ski CIU‘‘Revoiutions are not made with rose-water.” Edward George MIKE LIGUORI 118 35th Street, Union City, New Jersey 070_ g|| Bowling 4; Community Action Program 2, , k V 2 w 5 ? S 2 d ' . » * ~,ised and edited." « *



DAN LONGO 10 Crossgate Road, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Art Clup 1; Dramatics 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Honor Pin 2; Language Club 4; Library Club 2, 3; Newsette 4; Political Forum 4; Publicity Committee 4; National Honor Society; Ski Club 3. "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.” Mohammed JOE LOUMA 263 Whiton Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Petroc 4; Radio Club 1, 2; Speakers Bureau 4; Track 2. Hard as nails, but made of cotton stuffing. Would smoke on judgement day, and ask God for a match. BILL LOVERME 333 Ridgewood Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028 Dramatics 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program; Honor Pin 2, 3; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Swim­ ming 1, 2, 3, 4 (captain). Flies along on the wings of chance— but don't look up to watch him. BRIAN LOWE 145 Ludington Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07011 Football 1; Golf 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 1; Honor Pin 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Doesn’t say much, but when he does, no one listens. "I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm.” Calvin Coolidge ARTIE LUTZ 225 Hagan Place, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Baseball 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Orienta­ tion Program 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Track 2. “ Better a witty fool, than a foolish w it.” Shakespeare MIKE LYNCH 376 Edwards Terrace, Ridgefield, New Jersey 07657 Golf 3; Honor Pin 2, 3; Inscape 4; Religion Medal 3; Track 3. "M ichael’s words ring rig ht/H e ’s learned there is a world of grays/even in the dead of night.” Rod McKuen BOB MAC ISAAC

8 Wegman Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 S o S t v3, ! !4,ap J ’ \ 3,4;„H° nor PinClub 1' 2’23, ’4National Honor bociety Petroc 4; Science . ha+o+l? wor? t ,si'n ^w ards our fellow creatures is not to ™ them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the es­ sence of inhumanity.” George Bernard Shaw

11 o o ^ AY m a rs z a lo w ic z RanH ^weet Briar Drive, Clark, New Jersey 07066 Band 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Chess Team 2, 3, 4 ; Community Ac­ tion Program 1 ; Glee Club 1 ; Honor Pin 1 , 2 3- Lan­ guage Club 2 ; National Honor Society 3 ; Rel’igion Medal is diseaspH^i'f'T State °J the world and the who|e of life I' ffh n i i ?reo ctor and were asked for my ad­ vice, I should reply: Create silence.” Soren Kierkegaard

JOHN MARTINOWICH 248 Rowland Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07012 “ The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity— and that’s just not fair!” Konrad Adenauer BOB MASTELLONE 401 Stegman Parkway, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Baseball 4; Community Action Program 4; Cultural Committee 4; Dance Committee 4; Honor Pin 1; Intra­ murals 2, 3; Science Club 2. Executive Director of the Stegman Street Gang: pro­ prietor of the Sin Bin; likes to hit all the high spots. TONY MATEREK 49 Prospect Terrace, East Rutherford, N. J. 07073 Art luCb 1, 2, 3, 4; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Cultural Committee 4; Dance Committee 4; Drama­ tics 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Inscape 3, 4; Junior Date Dance 3; Newsette 4; Petroc 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3, 4; Rally Committee 1, 2, 3 ,4; Saddle and Bridle4. “ The world is beautiful but has a disease called Man.” Nietzsche BOB MANZI 542 Lloyd Street, Ridgefield, New Jersey 07697 Community Action Program 1, 2; Class Officer 1; Foot­ ball 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 1; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society; Track 1, 2; Ski Club 4. Finest extra-point kicker ever to set foot in Prep. Holds the award for extra points: missed 26 out of 27. His toe can be found in the Prep Hall of Fame, along with the cockroaches. MIKE MARANO 508 Fourth Street, Union City, New Jersey 07087 “ The whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail, unwillingly to school. Shakespeare KEN MARION 15 Keith Court, Hawthorne, New Jersey Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Language Club 2; Ski Club 4. “ There's no success like failure/And failure s no suc­ cess at all.” Bob Dylan RICH MCMAHON 69 Windsor Place, Glen Ridge, New Jersey Community Action Program 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4, Petrean 4; Petroc 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3; Track 2. "I live alone. It hasn’t always been that way. II: s_nice sometimes to open up the heart a 'tt'e ^ n d 'e ts o m e hurt come in. It proves you re still alive. Rod McKuen BILL MCGOVERN 29 Windy Bush Lane, Sparta, New Jersey 07871 Debating 1; Higher Achievement Program 4; Honor Pin“ SixSS w o C lhe is cool; He'll walk across your swim­ ming pool.” _



94 West 15th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 d- Df n5e _c ° ,T!m ittee 2 ; Debating 1 ; Dramatics 1 ; Honor Pin 1 , 2 3; Intramurals 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Rally Committee 3 I

Student Council 1 ,2 . nee * 4 * 0 Lord— ifthere is a lord; save my soul— if I have a soul. Amen.” Ernest Renan SEAN MCCONVILLE 278 Carmita Avenue, Rutherford, New Jersey 07070 Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Intramurals 1 2 3, 4; Petrean 4; Prom Committee 4 . P rophet'S

name; ^ emPerance is my game.” 4D’s

MATT MCCUE 701 Wyoming Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 Class Officer 2; Community Action Program 3 4 Honor Pin 1 , 2 3; Library Club 2, 3, 4; First Place in Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, 1969; National Honor Society; Religion Medal 1 , 3 . Fewer cavities Senior year than any other. Psyched everyone out with his pipe. Maybe th a t’s why he's so content. Makes the daily haul from Elizabeth with his travelling library. JIM MCDONALD 206 Nunda Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Art Club 1 , 2; Band (Major) 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Camera Club 4; Chess Team 1 ; Glee Club 1 , 2; Political Forum 2 ’ Ral­ ly Committee 2 ; Ski Club (President) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . “ ,B®tter to have a bad reputation than’ none at alt I Mark Twain KEVIN MEADE 145 Elmwood Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Dance Committee 2 ; Dramatics 3, 4; Football 2 ; High­ er Achievement Program 4; Honor Pin 1 , 2, 3 4 ■’ Intra­ murals 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3; Rally Committee 3 Speakers Bureau 4. ‘I said, ‘Obie, did you think I’d hang myself for litter­ ing ?’ ” from Alice’s Restaurant 4 EDDIE MEAGHER ( 521 Essex Avenue, Boonton, New Jersey 07005 "For he that lives more lives than one, more deaths than one must die.” Oscar Wilde JEFF MICHALSKI 10 Briarwood Road, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Basketball 2; Chess Team 1, 2; Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1 , 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Rally Committee 4; Religion Medal 2; Speakers Bureau 4. “ The Mad Pole” won fame in Prep with his fantastic display at Basketball know-how during his brilliant stint on J. V. and on Mission Night. The biggest little kid in Senior year was probably the smartest clown the Prep has ever known. MIKE MILANO 12 Casper Court, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Comunity Action Program 1 ; Honor Pin 1 , 2. "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.” Thoreau AIDAN MITCHELL 23 Morton Place, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Community Action Program 2, 3, 4; Inscape 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1 , 2 , 3, 4. "Let be be finale of seem/The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream.” Wallace Stevens RAY MONICO 6206 Meadowview, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 Class Officer 2, 4; Dance Committee 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Prom Committee 4; Publicity Com­ mittee 4; Steering Committee 4; Track 1 , 2, 3, 4 . "Intellectual activity is a danger to the building of character.” Joseph Goebbels

ANDY MORTENSON 165 Wildwood Avenue, Upper Montclair, N. J. 07043 Class Officer 1; Golf 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intra­ murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2. Was not exactly thrilled with his glorious years at Prep, but you’d never know it. An avid hockey fan, he is the only man in Prep history to miss a prom to go to a hockey game. BILL MORTON 489 Jauncey Avenue, Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071 Art Club 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 1; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3; Dance Committee 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Basketweaving 3, 4; Film Forum 2, 3; Gym Team 1, 2; Inscape 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rally Committee 1, 2. “ Why don't you go outside and play on the white line.” “ The Devil made me write this.” Flip Wilson DAN MULLIN 132 Prospect Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Baseball 2, 3, 4 Football 1. Contrary to a prevalent rumor, this organ is proud to announce that Dan is alive and well, only we don't know where. JIM MURPHY 2684 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. 07305 Dance Committee 3 ,4 ; Honor Pin 1, 2; Track 1. A fine person. Real fine. You can find him after school daily, playing behind the third bush on the right in Lin­ coln Park. TIM MURRAY 323 New York Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Art Club 1; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 4; Community Action Program 1; Dance Committee 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1; Honor Pin 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 4; Rally Committee 1, 2; Speakers Bu­ reau 4. “ What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and movement, how like a God!” Shakespeare JOHN MYERS 916 79th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07087 “ Old 8 oz.” Made a name for himself early in Prep, and has not been able to live it down. Not enough has been said about Jack that hasn’t been said about some­ one else. MIKE NEMETH 499 Highland Avenue, Upper Montclair, N. J. 07043 Classics Club 4; Community Action Program 2; Cul­ tural Committee 4; Dramatics 3; Film Forum 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Inscape 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Newsette 4; Political Forum 3; Rally Committee 3; Sci­ ence Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3,4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4. “ The great end of life is not knowledge, but action. Thomas Henry Huxley PHIL NEWMAN 115 Avenue E, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Chess Club 4; Classics Club 4; Language Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Most valuable asset to the Chess Team. “ The course of human history is determined, not by what happens in the skies, but by what takes place in the hearts of men.” Sir Arthur Keith RICH NEWTON 172 Madison Street, Wood Ridge, New Jersey 07075 Football 1, 2, 3, 4. "Known affectionately as 'Pudgy, he hasn t yet strayed from the main, except for an occasional Friday night.” “ The road to hell is paved with good intentions.' Karl Marx BOB NEWTON 780 24th Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07087 Debating 1; Higher Achievement Program 2; Honor Pin 2; Petrean 4; Swimming. When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary come to me, speaking words of wisdom, “ Let it be. Let it be.” Lennon, McCartney

PETE NICKERSON 418 Enos Place, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey 07423 Higher Achievement Program 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Inscape 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4. If he sometimes shows a superiority complex, it’s be­ cause he actually is very superior. Hilary began his life with Jayne and ended it with Maureen. This is deeper than it sounds. DAVE OCKAY 45 East 18th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Honor Pin 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4. “ The human heart has hidden treasures/ln secret kept, in silence seale.” Charlotte Bronte KEVIN O’CONNELL 27 Waterbury Street, Montclair, New Jersey 07042 Class Officer 4; Community Action 4; Dramatics 3; Honor Pin 2; Inscape 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Swimming 2 ,3 . “ Saints should always be judged guilty until proven innocent." George Orwell NEIL O’CONNOR 284 Fourth Street, South Amboy, New Jersey 08879 Basketball 1, 2; Class Officer 2, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4 (Chairman). Remember those two chicks in the car asking for d i­ rections? You blew it, Neil! JEFF OLYNICK 24 Waverly Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 “ Where's Jeff?" “ Up in his room, thinking of intelli­ gent and witty things to say.” "Good. That takes care of him for four years at least.” LOU ORLANDO 151 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Community Action Program 1; Dance Committee 4; Student Announcer 4; Track 1, 2 (Manager), 4. He was voted outstanding teenager with the initials L. 0. DENIS JOHN O’SULLIVAN 636 Chestnut Place, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Basketball 1; Bowling 2; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1 ; Track 3. The following are two of his jokes. They are enough. “ Hear about the chicken kamikaze pilot who flew 50 mis­ sions? “ Hear about the water? No? Well, you’ ll have to faucet.” BOB PADLOWSKI 15 Meadow Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 “ Man is, at bottom a wild, terrific animal. We know him only in connection with the taming and training, which is called civilization.” Arthur Schopenhauer LOU PARISI 293 Bayview Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Class Officer 2 , 3; Dance Committee 3; Film Forum 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Knitting 1 , 2; Band 1, 2; Intramurals 2, 3; Publicity Committee 3; Student Council 2, 3; Track

1, 2 .

Loved by everyone, including himself. “ Is there any girl who doesn’t live me? CARL PILLA 1116 Avenue C, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Football 1. “ Don’t put no restrictions on da people. Leave ’em ta hell alone.” Jimmy Durante BILL PLUNKETT 34 East 3rd Street, Beyonne, New Jersey 07002 Honor Pin 2, 3. If this Sherman had marched through Georgia, we’d be living in the Confederate States of America. BOB POLAKOSKI 266 Hutton Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Art Club 1; Band 1; Petrean 3; Publicity Committee 3; Rally Committee 1; Swimming 2, 3, 4. Wrapping up a four-year vacation from the home.


8 Eastview Court, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 equal. There are only two exceptions to this rule of na­ turalistic equality: geniuses and idiots.” Makhail Baku­ nin. Meet one. SAM POLINO 32 Danforth Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Community Action Program 4; Dance Committee 4; Dramatics 3; Gym Team 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 1; Saddle and Bridle 1. “ Here he comes again, head high and smiling/Shaking down the world, playing it cool. He sm iles/as though he’s never been hunted by the crowd,/beaten by all the fools.” Rod McKuen GARY POLLIFRONE 145 Shaler Avenue, Fairview, New Jersey 07022 Class Officer 3 ,4 ; Intramurals 2, 3 ,4 . Overcome with satisfaction, our little Midnight Cow­ boy introduced some unique features to Prep; ask him if he cares. MARK POLO 7101 Newkirk Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 Art Club 4; Community Action Program 2; Dramatics 3; Football 1; Inscape 3; Language Club 4; Saddle and Bridle 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Zither playing 1, 2, 3, 4. “ Ignorance is the night of the mind, a night without moon or star.” Confucius RICH POMPLIANO 163 12th Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Art Club 1; Bookstore 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 4; Dance Committee 2; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 2, 3; Publicity Cimmittee 2; Rally Committee 3; Student Council 3. “ How many a year has passed and gone/and many a gamble lost and won/and many a road taken by many a frie n d / and each one I’ve never see again.” Bob Dylan JOE PONA 40 West 34th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Art Club l i Bookstore 1, 2, 3; Community Action Program 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Honor Pin 3; Karate Club 3; Publicity Committee 3; Rally Committee 2; Ski Club 4.“ I remember your name perfectly, but I can’t place your face.” William Spooner ROD PORTFOLIO Class Officer 1; Community Action Program 1; Dramatics 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2; Petrean 4; Ski Club 3; Tennis 1, 2, 3. “ Man is nothing else but what he purposes; he exists only so far as he realizes himself; he is, therefore, nothing else but the sum of his actions, nothing less but what his life is.” Jean-Paul Sartre

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LOU PRONTNICKI 1DeGraw Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07013 Art Club 3; Community Action Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Excellence Medal £ 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Newsette 4; Publicity Committee 4; Religion Medal 1, 2. Wherever Lou goes, people follow him. With bricks, knives, and guns.. . . KEITH REARDON 137 Irving Place, Rutherford, New Jersey 07070 Art Club 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Knitting 3, 4; Petrean Sports Editor 4; Special Assistant to Disci­ pline Office; Track 1. “ Drunkenness is the ruin of reason. It is premature old age. It is temporary death.” St. Basil FRANK RIZZO 882 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Only Frank can say anything about Frank— and he usually does. “ Of all treasons against humanity, there is no one worse than his who employs intellectual force to keep down the intellect of his less favored brothers. William Ellery Channing JOHN ROGERS 2 Ferncliff Road, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Jug 1,2, 3 , 4 , ........ “ When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism!” David Starr Jordan MIKE RYAN 27 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Art Club 3; Audio Visual Association 3; Citizens’ Ad­ visory Council 4; Community Action Program 2, 3; Cul­ tural Committee 4; Dance Committee 3, 4; Excellence Medal 3; Film Forum 3, 4; Freshman Tutoring 2, 3; Ger­ man Consulate Award 3; Higher Achievement Program 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Junior Date Dance Committee; National Honor Society 3, 4; Newsette 4- Outstanding Teenager Nomination 4; Parent' Council 4- Petrean 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3, 4; Rally Com­ mittee 4; Saddle and Bridle 2; Ski Club 3; Speakers Bu­ reau 4; Student Council President 4. “ I think the American public wants a solemn ass as a president. And I think I'll go along with them.” Cal­ vin Coolidge HARVEY RUBINSTEIN 913 20th Street, Union City, New Jersey 07087 Camera Club 3, 4; Chess Club 2; Coordinator of PA 4; Higher Achievement Program 3, 4; Honor Pin 1 ,2 , 3, Intramurals 2; Linguistic Workshop 4; National Honor Society Petroc 3, 4; Political Forum 3, 4; Tennis 2, JMr and Mrs. Sidney Rubenstein would like to an­ nounce the birth of their son^ Doctor Harvey M. Ruben­ stein.

BRIAN SALISBURY 417 Fairview Avenue, Fairview, New Jersey 07022 "The man who never alters his opinion is like stand­ ing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.” William Blake. AL SANTORA 27 Magnolia Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Audio Visual Association 3; Class Officer 2, 3; Com­ munity Action Program 1, 2, 3; Excellence Medal 2, 3; Film Forum 3, 4; Man of the Year, 1969; National Honor Society 3, 4; Newsette 4; Outstanding Teenager, 1969; Petrean 3, Petroc 3; Publicity Committee Chairman 4; Rally Committee 4; Religion Medal 2, 3; Ski Club 3; Speakers Bureau 4; Student Council 3, Vice-President 4. Will probably send his sons to Prep, and with the con­ tacts he has been building up, his daughters too— all this on the assumption that he doesn’t become a priest or nun. TOM SASSO 1387 Hill Street, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Community Action Program 3, 4; Freshman Orientation Program 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4, Mission Night Follies 3; Petrean 2, Faculty Editor, Edi­ tor in Chief 4; Petroc 2, Circulation Manager 3, Associ­ ated Editor 4; Prom Committee; Father Burns’ Nemesis 3, 4; Generally inefficient 1, 2, 3, 4. Only three things stop Tom from geeting his own way: a fist, a chain, and a blonde. And sometimes himself. Has the nicest bellybutton in Senior Year. If his activi­ ties seem plentiful, his actions and words were more so: “ Don’t tell Fran about Donna or Donna about Jayne or Javne about Norine or Mary about any of them. Tom is the kind of kid you can reach, but can’t touch. Enjpys the Epicurean delights of wine, women, and song. I rou­ ble is, he doesn’t sing. Two out of three ain t bad. NICK SCARPA 15 Giles Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey07306 Football 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting 2, 3, Honor pfn 1, 2 , 3; School Spirit 3, 4; Community Action Prosram 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3. ,, Comes from the “ toughest section of Jersey City. (His own words) Resident hard-guy who sees his way around the wheel of a ’70 Charger. “ Woman may be said to be an inferior man.” Aristotle MIKE SCIARRA i r i rvKalh Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 “ Go1 Melt back into the night. Bathe everything in­ s id e It'is made of stone. There’s nothing in here moving. And anyway, I’m not alone.” Bob Dylan


MARK SETTEMBRE 602 Jefferson Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Higher Achievement Program 2; Intramurals 1, 2; Petrean 4; Rally Committee 4; Saddle and Bridle 1. “ There are three kinds of despots. There is the des­ pot who tyrranizes over the body. There is the despot who tyrranizes over the soul. There is the despot who Prince. The second is called Pope. The third is called the People.’ ’ Oscar Wilde BOB SHEFSKY 5 Riedel Court, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Engaged to his GTO. "Champagne tastes on a beer budget.” Mae West FRANK SHORT 197 Fairview Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Community Action Program 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Oratory Semi-Finalist 1, 2; Ski Club 4; Tennis 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Tutoring 1, 2. “ What's the use of w orrying?/lt never was w orth­ while,/So pack up your troubles in an old kit-bag,/and smile, smile, smile. George M. Cohen

FRED STEVENS 40 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Camera Club 1; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1; Oratory 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean Sometimes Photography Editor 4. No one can sum up Fritz better than himself, “ Lots of times I've wished for the qualities of someone else, but I've never wished that myself as a person were some­ one else.” NICK ST. GEORGE 282 Fourth Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Class Officer 1; Community Action Program 2; Christ­ mas Food Drive Chairman4; Dance Committee 4; Film Forum 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 3, 4; Junior Date Dance Committee; Library Club 3; Petroc 3, 4; Pub­ licity Committee 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4. Some people are born nice; others have to work at it all their lives. Nick is one of those born nice. ED SUCZEWSKI 21 West 17th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Team 1, 2, 3; Community Ac­ tion Program 3; Dramatics 3, 4; Freshman Oratory Med­ alist; Golf 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Oratory 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Speakers Bureau 4. Ed has a way of knowing he’s doing his best. It’s called Mark Swiney.

FRANK SIDOTI 147 Marks Place, North Berfien, New Jersey 07047 Higher Achievement Program 2; Honor Pin 1, 2; In­ scape 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Associate Editor of Inscape 3, 4;Pe’troc 2, 3, 3; Tennis 2, 3, 4. "So if you see a silly nonconformist, surrounded by girls, sm ellin’ of gin, com m ittin’ sin, yoc can bet your butt, it isn’t him .” Wisdom of the Ages JOHN SKVIR 109 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Library Club 1; National Honor Society 3, 4. Born to raise Hell— in his father’s church. JOHN STAAB 650 Kenwood Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450 Class Officer 2, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Stage Crew 3, 4 ; Student Council 2, 4. Spent two years in Prep’s air-conditionsd summer school— hates the heat. Entire career summed up by Mr. Fred Miller: “ I don’t know how you intend to pass this course, but you sure seem to be having a good tim e.”

MARK SWINEY 16 Jewett Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Audio Visual 3, 4; Class Officer 1 , 3; Dramatics 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Inscape 4; Petroc 4. “ Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should've had beer and hot dogs.” A man with var­ ied interests: loves old Doris Day movies, digs Patti Page records, and psychs himself up on Tootsie Rolls. PHIL SZYMANSKI 28 Marne Street, Newark, New Jersey 07105 Community Action Program 1, 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2 ,3 ; Petroc 4; Radio Club 1. Perp’s answer to Ed Giacomin; aspires to be in the nets for Manhattan College Hockey Team, and probably will. Well liked and admired by those who knew him. FRANK TALLARIDA 74 Lexington Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 “ Not the action to the word, the word to the action.” Shakespeare

BOB TATULLI 475 West End Avenue, North Plainfield, N. J. 07053 Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Intramural Council 4; Junior Date Dance Commit­ tee; Rally ommittee 4; Speakers Bureau 4; Steering Com­ mittee 4; Swimming. "N o one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” H. L. Mencken MIKE THOMAS 141 Claremont Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Cross Country 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Football managsr 1; Higher Achievement Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; National Merit Negro Scholarship 4; Track 1, 2, 3, co-captain 4. “ On the whole, I am on the side of the unregenerate who affirm the worth of life as an end in itself, as against the saints who deny it.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

PAUL TOMASZESKI 240 Jewett Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Benefit Show Co-Chairman 4; Class Officer 2, 3; Com­ munity Action Program 3; Cultural Committee 3; Dance Committee 2, 3, Chairman 4; Film Forum 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Nntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Date Dance Co-Chairman; National Honor Society 3, 4; Petroc 3; Publicity Committee 3; Science Club 2 ; Senior Prom Committee Chairman; Soccer 1; Speakers Bureau 4; Stu­ dent Council Executive Committee 4; Student Life Com­ mittee Chairman 4. ....... Has the nicest grunt in Senior year. Hi. Paul “ Grunt." Atrue marauder, a real whale. PAUL TRESCOTT 179 Carteret Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Basketball 1; Class Officer 2, 4; Community Action Program 1, 2; Film Forum 3; Football 1; Higher Achieve­ ment Program 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean (honorary) 4. . The big, baddest man of Senior Year. He could get worse, and, chances are, he probably will. We can t wait for Paul's moustache to finish growing uninterruptedly. JOHN TRYNESKI 108 Markowitz Street, Carteret, New Jersey 07008 Camera Club 3, 4; Chess Team 2, 3; Community Ac­ tion Program 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Merit 3, Province Writing Contest Winner 1, 2; Religion Medal 1. “ Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal and equals that they may- be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions.” Aristotle

KOENRAAD VANDEGAER 46 Ingraham Terrace, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 The type of kid you’d like your mother to meet. Comp­ arable to wet dynamite. Doesn't always play with a full deck. “ Every Law is an infraction of liberty.” Jeremy Bentham TOM VALENTINE 21 Gray Street, West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 Art Club 1; Class Officer 4; Honor Pin 1 , 2; Intram ur­ als 2, 3 ,4 . At this writing, we still can’t figure out who does a better imitation: Tom of Fr. Meagher or Fr. Meagher of Tom. TOM VICECONTE 334 Fourth Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 “ It ain't no use in tu rn in ’ on your light, babe: that light I never knowed. I’m on the wrong side of the road.” Bob Dylan JOHN VIGGIANO 108 Pamrapo Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Community Action Program 2 ; Cultural Committee 4; Higher Achievement Program 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Intra­ murals 2 ; Language Club 4; National Honor Society 3. “ Mr. Excitement.” Always found where the action was. Puts all of himself into all he does, and that is a helluva lot. RANDY WALTHER 32 West Hamilton Place, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 Cultural Committee 3; Higher Achievement Program 1; Honor Pin 1, 2; Intramurals 2; Petrean 3, 4: Petroc 1 2, 3. “ Wanna see my Lassie imitation, Randy? You be the tree. I’d do my Mr. Ed imitation, but, you know.” BOB WALL 24 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 “ If I don’t get some shelter, I’m going to fade away.” Mike Jagger MIKE WHELAN

66 Bevan Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 What you are speaks so much louder than what you say, I can't hear you. TOM WICKS 463 Pacific Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Football 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 1 , 2 3; Honor Pin 2, 3; Track 2 , 3, 4 . He’s reading a book on World War II. He runs home each day to see how it ends. Well, at least Mr. McNally is proud of him. WALTER WILKES 15 West 43rd Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Band 1 ; Baseball 3; Community Action Program 2, 3; Football 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society “ Force always attracts men of low morality, and I be­ lieve it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.” Albert Einstein


DON WILLENBORG 285 Grove Street, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 Don did many a crazy thing at the Prep: actually left at 3:01 one day, talked in Mr. Gray's class, and didn't hold the door for Miss Collins. GEORGE WIRT 269 Dwight Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 His favorite two words are: “ Burn America.” This is perfectly alright with us, so long as he's in the country at the time. JOHN WISCHE 215 Myrtle Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 “ You've got to make your own kind of music, sing your own special song, and make your own kind of mu­ sic, even if nobody else sings along.” PETE WOLF 23 Marion Road, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043 Community Action Project 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Higher Achievement Program 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; In­ tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Tennis 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain of Swimming Team 4. Upper Montclair's finest contribution to Prep. A sin­ cere, dedicated, and hard worker. Pete was needed by all he associated with. Never looked for acclaim, but always received it. JOHN WOLOZEN 329 Seventh Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Dance Committee; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Excellence Med­ al 3; Karate Club 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Publicity Committee 2, 3, 4. “ What is it? Is man only a blunder of God, or is God only a blunder of man? Nietzsche JEFF ZAK 105 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Art Club 1; Class Officer 1; Community Action Pro­ gram 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Committee 3; Dramatics 3; High­ er Achievement Program 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4; Rally Committee 2; Science Club 2; Tennis 1, 2, 3 ,4 ; Track 2. Jeff is cool. Rolls out of bed into class and it shows. “ They talk of dignity of work. Bosh. The dignity is in leisure.” Herman Melville TOM ZAPPIA 112 51st Street, West New York, New Jersey 07093 Class Officer 4; Excellence Medal 1; Higher Achieve­ ment Program 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3; Science Club 2; Ski Club 3. “ Hell is an outrage on humanity. Victor Hugo HARRY ZAYES 310 24th Street, Union City, New Jersey 07087 Chess Team 1; Community Action Program 1 ; Higher Achievement Program 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 2: Tennis 4. “ How glorious it is— and also how painful— to be an exception.” Oscar Wilde WAYNE ZIMNOCH 20 Willow Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 A real sporthead. Celtics are best. Commonly called “ earthquake.”

2 3 7 /Seniors


PATRONS Spiro Agnew

Mr. & Mrs. G. Chiccone

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amato

Chester’s Bar and Grill

Amato Seafoods

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Chupko

First Lt. James R. Arnold, U.S.A.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colaneri

Greg Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Cosgrove

In Memory of Mrs. Bertha Asti 11

Edward V. Collins

Mr. Joseph Barbieri

Mr. and Mrs. John Connell

Patricia Bauer

Tommy Corcoran

The Bellizzi Family

Mildred Coriell

Mr. & Mrs. V. J. Biondo

David Cybulski

Donald Blumenfield

De Carlo Family

Peter Borghesi

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeToro

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Bouregy

Donato Di Paola's Pharmacy

Donald Brady 71

Tom Dougherty '70

Thomas Brady ’65

Drugs, Women, and Tickets, Local 69

Peter and Mary Jane Byram

W. J. Duffy, Inc.

Sid Chassen-Ann Schneider Bakery

W. H. Edmonds

Dom Calabria, Alvin’s Liquor Store

Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Enright, Jr.

Ronald Chiarello

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Flaherty, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. George Faherty, Jr.

Carol Holland

Fair Wine and Liquor

Holland Cleaners

John T. Fallock

Mr. Howard

Andrew Filak ’70 Mr. & Mrs. James G. V. Fitzgerald

Mr. & Mrs. Peter lacovelli

Frederick J. Fox, Esq.

D. A. Introcaso, M.D. Johnny’s Prime Meat Market

From a friend

H. B. Kaplan

Adeline Giantini

Kathy Mr. & Mrs. William Keller Miss Nurjehan Khalique

Peggy Genovese Dennis J. Glanzman Goodman Furniture, Inc. Granoff Glass Company Anne Gregory M. R. Groul’s, Inc. In Memory of Joseph Gruttadauria Guido Alosco Healy Family Helen B’s Beauty Salon Richard Hofstadter

Bob Kozar ’70 L & G Market Lackawanna Terminal Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Lamartine Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lapinski Leo’s Grandevous Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lettieri Daniel Longo '70 Love and Peace

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lutz

Mr. & Mrs. R. Panebianco

Marcella Mansino

John and Anthony Parachini

Kenneth 0. Marion 70

Park Bakery, Central Avenue

Orvin T. Marion

Ed Parlock ’71

Mary Markich, R.N.

Petersen’s Bakery

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marzitello

Piero's School of Music

Marzocca Family

Mrs. Michael Pierro and Family

Mr. & Mrs. T. Materek

Mr. & Mrs. F. Pietrusiewicz

Max Heirs Men Shop

Mr. & Mrs. E. Piotrowicz

Mazurek Family

Mr. & Mrs. V. Pisano

Meadsie 70

Sam Polino '70

Meagen and ?

Joseph Pona, Jr.

New Post Office Restaurant

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds

Robert Niehaus

Rocket Furniture Co.

Charles K. Norton

Louise Roderick

Mr. Jerome Norton

Mark Roszkowski '72

Ron and Mae Ochner

The Rubinstein Family

Jeffrey Olynick 70

Mrs. Louise Ryan

Lawrence J. Olynick Mrs. Lea O’Neil

Mrs. Jean St. George St. Jude Florist

Brian G. Salisbury

Patrick Tremonte

Anthony J. Saltalamaacchia

Joseph Valenti

Mrs. Eleanor Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Viggiano, Sr.

Jay and Cheryl Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Viggiano, Jr.

Bernard Scrivani

John Viggiano ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Serafin

Tom Viggiano ’66

Seifert’s Pharmacy

Miss Angela Viceconte

Mr. & Mrs. John Simko

Maria and Madelyn Viceconte

Sinco ’72

Mr. & Mrs. George Vorrath

Al Smith Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Statile

Waldstein, Inc. Robert Waldron and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Straley

Sheila M. Walsh Good Luckfrom Mrs. Wicks and son

Sophie B. Szymanski Philip J. Szymanski ’70 Joseph M. Talamo Stasi’s Delicatessen Mr. & Mrs. L. Terrible Mrs. Amelia Tomaszewski Edward Tomaszewski ’72 Compliments of theToussaint Family

Mr. & Mrs. J. Wisnieski Franklin H. Wolf John J. Wolozen, Jr. Mrs. Louise Zabrowsky Mr. & Mrs. Sidney V. Zayes Mrs. Katherine Zdziarski Zeke

SPECIAL PATRONS A-l Auto School 60 Sip Avenue, Jersey City Adams Sales & Service Plumbing and Heating Supply Antinori Bros. Masons and General Contractors

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Boyle Raymond Bucko 72 Thomas Butler 71 Mr. & Mrs. Ugo Buzzie and Family Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Calantone

Arena Lanes 309 Baldwin Avenue, Jersey City

Frank Calou

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Avery

Emanuel Calvanico

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Baker

Dr. & Mrs. V. F. Cangemi

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bartolozzi

Emil Cannarozzi 71

Lee Bartolozzi

Mr. & Mrs. A. Caprio and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bauer

Caputo’s Liquor Corp.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Begans

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Caulfield

The Bellacosa Family

Frederick G. Chiccone, D.D.S.

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bender

Roger Chillingworth

Michael Blaney 71

Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Church

Herman Blochlinger

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cioffi and Family

Arthur Blood 71

Larry Citarella 72

Michael and Rose Besante

Mr. & Mrs. John Clark

Blumenfeld Family

Thomas J. Cleary 73

Mr. & Mrs. D. Bodtmann

Joseph Cocciardi 73

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bordeno, Jr.

Mr. Anthony Cocco

James and Lucille Borghesi The Bradley Family

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Colletti

Monsignor J. Brestel

David Canavan 71

Mr. & Mrs. John Collins

Mrs. R. T. Fisher

Mr. & Mrs. Conde

Foodtown, North Bergen

Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Connell

Furka Family

Philip Connelly

Mr. & Mrs. P. Garilli

Mr. & Mrs. Costello 72

William Garrone

Richard Cuprys

Gemignani Pharmacy, West New York

Mr. John F. Czeterko 71

Mr. Raymond Gillespie

Anthony M. D'Amore

William P. Glanzman

Mr. & Mrs. Della Valle

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gloriande

Dr. John J. DiGoria

Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon

Mr. & Mrs. J. DiMatteo

Mr. & Mrs. T. Granahan

Holland R. Donan

Mr. & Brs. Emil Guasconi Kenneth Halpin 72

Donato Mill Supplies Daniel Downey 72 Mr. & Mrs. John Dudsak Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Dully Duncan Hardware, Jersey City Mr. & Mrs. William F. Duncan & Family Philip Dyrante 73 Vincent Egizi 71 Walter Emerson Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Enright, Sr. Anthony Erianne Jerry Esposito Painting and Fabric Installation Mr. & Mrs. John T. Fallock

Mrs. D. Introscaso Dr. & Mrs. John F. Hamill Mr. & Mrs. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. R. Hastings Congratulations Class of 70 Hero Haven, Inc. Michael Hogan 72 Humbug Thomas Hynes’s Parents Mr. Andrew lervolino I love you, Donna Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Intromusso

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jablonski

Mrs. Anne McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Kearney

Best Wishes fro mthe McGeoughs

Fr. Justin Kerber, C.P.

Bill McGown 71

Mr. & Mrs. William Kerber

Mrs. James McKenna

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kosc

Joseph McLoughlin 72

Kowalchyk Funeral Home, Inc.

The Mernar Family

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Krai

Michael and NurJan

Mr. Bruno Krausse

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Milano

The M. Krautheim Family

Michael R. Milano 70

Kwik-Lunch, Inc.

House of Greetings, Jersey City

The Labattaglia Family

William L. Mortenson

Rose Landy

Mrs. Adele Moschel

Mr. & Mrs. J. Lenahan

Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Mueller, Sr.

The Lennon Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lisa

Com plim ents-Tony Neglia and Orch. Glenn J. Nerbak 72

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Livera

Mr. & Mrs. John Nesnay and Children

Mrs. Mary LoPresto

Peter Peyote and M. J. Superweed

Thomas J. Lynch Insurance Agency Mr. & Mrs. Gene Macri

The Obrycki Family

In Memory of Frank J. Mack

Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Connor

Louis Malavarca

James T. O'Halloran

Mr. & Mrs. Al Mannato, Sr.

Mr. William O’Neil

Joseph Martorana Mr. & Mrs. C. W. McAdam

Packaged Industrial Power, Inc. Paul Pankiewicz ’71

Mr. & Mrs. J. D. O'Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Parks

The Piccolo Family Success and Good Luck, Class of ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sweeney

Stephen Pingree ’71

Szymialowicz Family

Edward Rebbert '73

George Taite Good Luck to Class of ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Reid

Mr. & Mrs. J. Sypko

Commissioner Joseph A. Riccardi Jersey City, Parking Authy.

The Tides of North Haledon

Ristaino Pharmacy 455 West Side Ave., Jersey City

John Tracy ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Tyrrell Mr. & Mrs. Otto Venino, Jr.

Frank Rizzo ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roche Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. A. Saporito Patrick J. Saulino Plumbing Mr. & Mrs. J. Schaetzle Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sidoti and Family Mr. &Mrs. John R. Simko Rev. & Mrs. John Skvir Sogliuzzo Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bryan Sprouls, III Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Stine Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sutton Jay Sweeney and Family Sweeney Funeral Home, Bayonne Thomas Sweeney ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tomczyk

Mr. & Mrs. 0. Viceconte The Von Tersch Family Voo Doo Xterminator Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Webber Thomas Wicks ’70 Best of Luck Prepsters Mr. & Mrs. J. Wissmann Mr. & Mrs. T. Witomski Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik Mr. & Mrs. M. Wroclawski Mr. Howard Wvelfing John E. Dowden, Vice President Yardley of London, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zito

SPONSORS Academy Delicatessen, Inc. 242 Warren Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daly 2 Tim ber Hill Drive Livingston, New Jersey

GOOD LUCK GRADS The Agresta Family M ik e ’62, Bill, R ic k ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Devaney Thomas '66 Michael ’70 Robert '71

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Audet 138 Mountain Avenue Summit, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Baranski 178 Pershing Avenue Carteret, New Jersey Bellini Family Third Street Jersey City, New Jersey

The Dougherty’s 39 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey Dropkick Book Company Basement 144 Grand Street Jersey City, New Jersey Failla Funeral Home 5827 Hudson Boulevard North Bergen, New Jersey

Burnett Electric Company Electrical Contractor 72 West 9th Street Bayonne, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Filak 156 Van Reipen Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. John Byram 97 Magnolia Place Wayne, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gregory 241 G riffith Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Catanzaro 110 Rutherford Boulevard Clifton, New Jersey

Hudson Camera 122 Newark Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Conti Roofing Company 583 Anderson Avenue Cliffside, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Peter llvento 4 Whitman Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent G. Corcoran 821 Maple Avenue Ridgefield, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Horace F. Knox 256 Forest Avenue Glen Ridge, New Jersey

Crescent M anufacturing Company 217 River Drive Passaic, New Jersey

Mrs. Michael Kozar 67 Greene Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Joseph P. Curtin General Insurance 59 Magnolia Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Joe Lally 460 Eighth Street Hoboken, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. G. Cybulski 59 St. Paul’s Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Newark, Inc. Frank “ Francis" Lamartine Bob “ Tenacius” Bauer Tom “ Head” Crappse Fieseler’s Jewelers 335 Grove Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Leo’s Boy’s & Men’s Shop 537 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pona 40 West 39 Street Bayonne, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Longo 1 Crossgate Road Jersey City, New Jersey

Ted Prontnicki Family 1 DeGraw Avenue Clifton, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. J. Louma 263 Whiton Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander F. Santora 27 Magnolia Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen LoVerme 333 Ridgewood Avenue Glenridge, New Jersey

Schlesinger’s Bergenline Avenue at 58 Street West New York, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Meade 145 Elmwood Avenue Passaic, New Jersey Mrs. Betty Meagher 521 Essex Avenue Boonton, New Jersey

Barnett D. Singer Architect A.I.A.A.R.A. 549 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey

Frank &AI Meloro 338 Seventh Street Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Merelo 4 Sunset Court Carteret, New Jersey The Mortenson Family 165 Wildwood Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey John J. O’Connor Realtor - Insuror 617 Summit Avenue Union City, New Jersey Denis O’Sullivan '70 636 Chestnut Court Secaucus, New Jersey Ostapski Family 229 Lembeck Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. James C. Petri 321 Irving Avenue South Orange, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Szymanski 28 Marne Street Newark, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Tatulli 475 West End Avenue North Plainfield, New Jersey Vais Montclair Drug Co., Inc. 597 Valley Road Upper Montclair, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. H. Wische 215 Myrtle Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wolozen 329 Seventh Street Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Sidney U. Zayes Union City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. T. Zimnoch Bayonne, New Jersey

BENEFACTORS Aviation Charter Corporation Charter Specialists 224 East 38th Street New York, New York 10016 (212) YUkon 6-5080

Good Luck (You’ ll need it) and thanks for four wonderful years Love from the Dirty Dozen Saint Dominic Academy 2572 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey

Congratulations to the Class of 1970 Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Balinski and Family 44 Hopkins Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Doolan’s Auto Service Avenue E at 42nd Street Bayonn, New Jersey

The Burke Family 135 Montgomery Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. William J. England & Son 547 Anderson Avenue Cliffside Park, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Callahan 40 Bowers Road Caldwell, New Jersey

Excell Restaurant 87 Sip Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Coutros Pharmacy G. Coutros - A. Coutros Registered Pharmacists 100 Montgomery Street Jersey City, New Jersey Phones: HE 2-2122-3 We Deliver

Mr. & Mrs. John Fencik, Sr. 282 Pacific Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Mr. & Mrs. Michael De Simone 8 - 8th Street Fairview, New Jersey

A Friend BEST WISHES Dr. & Mrs. Carl P. Fuardo 272 Barrow Street Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. P. Gallo & Son 1145 Summit Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Holsey Chevrolet Joseph R. Holsey, Jr. and James R. Mann Kennedy Blvd at Communipaw Ave. Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goscienski 2 Hampton Court JrseyCity, New Jersey Gregory Park Smoke & Variety Shop 280 Henderson Street Jersey City, New Jersey Safe Drug Company 1 Anderson Avenue Fairview, New Jersey Mr. Frederick P. Hochstein Registered Pharmacist Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Horan Ege Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. S. W. Kagan 1.79 Newark Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Lafrano 37 Pulaski Drive North Arlington, New Jersey McGovern and Roseman Counsellors at Law Newton, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Maclsaac 8 Wegman Court Jersey City, New Jersey

Milbank Chemicals, Inc. Industrial Finishes 44 Arnot Street Lodi, New Jersey (201)772-4511 New Jersey Service Stations 726 Jersey Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey A. George Nicolini Plumbing and Heating Union City, New Jersey Congratulations to Father Edward J. Snyder upon graduating another clss of Peter’s men Paul VI Bishop of Rome Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Polo 7101 Newkirk Avenue North Bergen, New Jersey Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Portfolio 330 Algonquin Road Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Thompson Printing Company 880 Bloomfield Avenue Clifton, New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Salisbury 417 Fairview Avenue Fairview, New Jersey Vibra Screw, Inc. 755 Union Boulevard Totowa, New Jersey

Do you see, as I see, faintly but sufficiently clearly, the foreshadowing both of the end of what is and the beginning of what is to be? John R. Seeley

Paid for by 1C

THE ARMISTEAD CORPORATION Piping - Heating - Plumbing and Air Conditioning Contractors 175 SHERMAN AVENUE Jersey City, New Jersey 07307


“THE OLD BEEHIVE” Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

253/Advertisem ents

Woman was His second.

These two pages donated with due humility Tom Sasso, Larry Antonucci, John Bogdanskj just mere perfection







Represented by


Aduertisements/2 5 8

" C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s

, S e n i o r s "

from our entire class...

across.,. 1 .James 1 1 .John______ 2 .Raymond_____ 12. William---3. Franc i.s___„ 13. Anthony____ ll-.Michael I**,Joseph____ g;.Frank 1 5 ,Robert.____ 6‘ .Leonard.____ 16 .Pat rick---7 .Edward ____ 17. Joseph____ 8 .Ireneuse____ 10. Peter____ .9 .Scott_______ 19. John_____— 10 .Ralph____ __


1 .Richard 25 .George_____ 6 .Michael_____ 26 .John_______ 11. John 27 .,Edward______ 20 .Randall_____ 28 .Robert______ 21 .Thomas 22.Robert______ 23 .Anthony 9 k .Michael

29• Thoms.s _ 30.Louis_______ 31 -.Brian______ 32.Mr. _____ (homeroom teacher,2wd s .)

Homeroom II Paid $31 Dollars to print this picture of Annie Begrowicz She thanks them.

259/ Advertisements

Vito Germinario, Bernice Gallombardo, Dale Hochstein and Pat Lane thank class 2C for this page.

I don’t understand you, and would like a chance.

probably never will, but I sure to hell

O H IG f/fA l.

“ Remember Cream” Class 2B

261/A dvertisem ents

Thomas M. Flaherty and Family President of City Council Jersey City



SAM C. DiFEO, President Business Phone 433-9500

Bryan Construction Co., Inc. 117 RIVER ROAD NORTH ARLINGTON, NEW JERSEY 07032

TRY C L IN T EA STW O O D . s n i



Undoubtedly, the desire for food has been, and still is, one of the main causes of great events. Bertrund Russel

Compliments of Class 2D. Thanks.

A d v ertise m e n ts/ 2 6 4

Through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whelan, we can use this space to say: Once I had brains, and a heart; having tried them both, I would much rather have a heart.

. . .



The W izard o f Oz

265/A dvertisem ent

U Advertisements/ 266

"If you wish to be, and to remain enthusiastic, then draw the silk curtains of Irony, and so hide your enthusiasm.� S. Kierkegaard



There’s nothing better than sex, there’s nothing worse; in fact, there’s nothing like it.


W. C. Fields

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This page was paid in part by Class 3E and in part through the grace of God. Advertisement/2 7 2


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has reserved this partially blank page for obscene doodling

A d uertisement/ 2 7 4

Belmar, New Jersey, Prep’s summer home


1215 New York Avenue Union City New Jersey 07087

Can you give me sanctuary I must find a place to hide A place for me to hide Jim Morrison

Class 3 6




Class 4 B

The Illustrious Greek Honor Senior Homeroom

ARCHONS Bob Bauer, PRESIDENT Jim Connell, S.C. Rep. Andy Balinski, Beadle Jack Bogdanski

Tom Biando

Bob Glanzman

Frank Rizzo


The Poggi Press Printers and Lithographers

Charles F. X. Poggi, '49 547 Bloomfield Street Hoboken, New Jersey 07030

Goodnight, Dauid

Best Wishes From the Academy of Saint Aloysius

Goodnight, Goliath

EFFICIENCY Heating and Appliance Co. Heating - Air Conditioning Custom Baths - Industrial Sand Domestic Fuel Oil Main Office and Showroom 55 Tonnele Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey OL 3-6700

Charles F. Antonucci

Dag Agency General Agents 414 Hackensack Street Carlstadt, New Jersey

A d u e rti'se m e n ts/28 4

Insurance Consultant

Congratulations Class of ’70 from

ALOSCO BROTHERS Canolies ■ Wedding & Birthday Cakes Ice Cream 6814 BERGENLINE AVENUE GUTTENBERG, N. J. 864-3431

The Theme Is Team

Altar and Rosary and

Holy Name Societies St. Aloysius Parish Jersey City, New Jersey

Congratulations to the Graduates



People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Merrill & Styne

This page compliments of

Class 4 D

4G paid for this page. Thanks for the thought.

1 need you now, in the most desperate way. Do you understand this? from "Book of Days� ' Malcolm Boyd


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Gooo<ive, H TO A u j o R O — "—


So ' , u u

White Packing Co., Inc. Packers of

Quality Bacon and Ham 2011 Eighth Street North Bergen, New Jersey 07047

My Brother Doesn’t Want A Keeper, He Wants A Brother.


Compliments of

G. W. Kramer and J. Livingston & Compan; Electrical Construction 101 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017 New York

New Jersey


Congratulations to the Class of '70

International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1247 80 Montgomery Street Jersey City, New Jersey

Frank Murray President

Hank Rostek Secretary-Treasurer




* #






Always alone at home or in a crowd the single man off on his private cloud caught in a world that jew men understand I am what I am, a single man Rod McKuen

Compliments of 1A

A d v e r t is e m e n t s /2 4 8

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