1971 Petrean

Page 1

petrean 1971 a yearb ook toy th e stu d en ts of st. p eter’s preparatory school

Before entering into this book further we think that some explanation be produced. Abandoning the older yearbook structures, we hope to give a more com plete account o f a school in a non-verbal way. To those

confused by this proliferation of images bear with us. This book is not about the buildings of St. Peter’s Prep or the clubs and organizations of that school, but the elements that these things serve: People,


We w ould like to dedicate this book to Mr. M ilton Berkowitz. Quietly.

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MYTHOLOGY Edith Hamilto fiT U R E ,M AN A N DW O M A N '

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_Yoi em ber 3 I ’m sirring in a cafe, drinking a coke. A f l y is sleeping on a paper napkin. / have to w ake him up so I can w ipe m y glass T h ere’s a prerry girl I w ant


lo o k at.

T here are m any images o f Prep, and this book, like every image, is an ab stractio n —individuals’ pictures

ab o u t

their perceptions.

Like hum an

beings, this in stitu tio n grows and (hopefully), changes and is always in a state o f becom ing. T here are no specific sections on curriculum , because this is only one o f th e m any activities by which individuals learn. N or is there a section on extra-curricular activities because m ost aspects o f the lives o f the stu d en ts m ay be p arts o f individual curricula. Learning is by no means restricted to th e c la ssro o m -a n d every aspect o f our lives is influenced by the w orld around us. By becom ing m ore aware o f these things we can b etter shape ourselves and our lives. Breaking o u t o f this shell is the b e g in n in g -o f our lives.

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H R n i ig tilil.


T oday’s emerging consciousness seeks a new knowledge . . . in order that man once m ore can becom e a creative force, renewing and creating his own life and thus giving life back to society. from Charles Reich's V ie

G r e e n in g

o f America



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T here is som ething th a t I d o n ’t know th a t I am supposed to know. I d o n ’t know w hat it is I d o n ’t know, and y e t I am supposed to know , and I feel I look stupid if I seem b o th n o t to know it and n o t know w hat it is I d o n ’t know. T herefore I p retend I know it. This is nerve-racking since I d o n ’t know w hat I m ust pretend to know. T herefore I p retend to know everything. I feel you know w hat I am supposed to know b u t you can’t tell me w hat it is because you d o n ’t know th at I d o n ’t know w hat it is. You m ay know w hat I d o n ’t know , b u t n o t th at I d o n ’t know it, and I can t tell you. So you will have to tell me everything.

-from k n o ts by R.D. Laing

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W ISD O M B E A U T Y rpii | ri''| I

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IT ’S A L L T H E I T ’S A L L T H E





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E dw ard J . S yrnlcr. S.J.

Where to now St.Peter?


Charles R. Burns, S.J. Gary Helminski Robert Simko Arty Blood Paul Callahan Steve Fallon Mark Mahar Ihor J. Sypko Bob Wojock

TH ANK S AJl* th o s e w h o p u t th e ir fin a n c ia l fo o t fo rw a rd Âť P h o to g ra p h y fo r n o t giving us se n io r p r D e lic a te sse n fo r sc ru m p tio n s liv erw u rst a B e rk o w itz fo r h is s u p r is , visits .0, sh av in g o f f h is m o u s ta c h e S usan M

H elm in sk i, B o b S im k o , C harlie B u rn s, P aul C allahan.

san d w ich es; Mike C harlie B urns fo r Âť

o u r o ffle e ;

by G>ry


ST. P E T E R S COLLEGE . . . in the tradition o f Jesuit education since 1872

641 K ennedy Boulevard

Jersey City, New Jersey 07306

Congratulat ions and best wishes to Gerard Burke and the Class o f '71

Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m G. W a t e r s Class o f ’29

ST. PETER’S PR EP I U M ) Where is that beautiful music 40m ing from , the stu den t com m ons?

E lysias S avings & Loan A ssociation 401 W ashington Street H oboken, New Jersey If c l.- 659-7928 Savings Certificates $ p .' Hours Daily except Saturdays & Legal H olidays 9 :00 to 4:00 pm daily T hursday Evening 6 to 8 pm Savings Insured up to $20,000.00 B y Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation



Put you r m oney where your mouih is when v-. t '• with us.

A c a d e m y

of Saint Aloysius 2495 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey 07304



l T


l V W

Phone: 434-8614

D e lic a te s s e n , In c . 242 Warren Street jerse y City, N.J. 07302 Our Salads A re Famous

We Deliver

Congra tulations to the Class o f ’71 fro m




C O M P A N Y , IN C . 2 0 11 Eight Street N orth Bergen, New Jersey

These nine seniors bought a full page ad and through their generosity only asked fo r a half page: Blood, Colletti, Mortinson, McCarthy, Bellacosa, Steinbacher, Connolly, M annato, and Compeau.

659-2395 659-2396


B R O S . &

C O ,


401-403 WASHINGTON ST. HOBOKEN, N.J. 07030

p a tr o n s


A and E Wine and L iquors

D eK im ps Floral Shop

V. Mackiewicz Fam ily

Harold A pplem an

Paul Dully

M ahar Fam ily

Paricia Arahill

Fallon Fam ily

Jo h n Malloy

Claire A. Baker

Fashion Shoes

John Mazwrana

Richard Baker

John J. Feezk

Tom McCabe

Barbara Barry

D onald Ferguson

Jam es A. Me Coy ’68

T. Biondo

Jenney Ferguson

John P. Me Coy

V. Biondo

M argaret R. Finn

Mark McLaughlin

D onald Blum enfeld

Richard F orte

Meyers Fam ily

Douglas E. B lum enfeld ’74

Jo h n Gaddis

Richard L. Michalowski ’68

Joseph Blum enfeld

J.P., G. and M. Gallagher

Ceil Milkowska

Bob and Dwayne

G andalf th e White

Miss K athleen Grimes

Gerald Buccafusco ’72

Mr. Michael Gaspar

Miss V eronica Higgins

R aym ond Bucko

G eism an’s

Miss Jean Lewandowski

T om and Bob Calvanico

Adeline G iantini

Miss Catherine O ’donnel

Central V alet Cleaners

Michael G iantini

McGowan Fam ily

Michael Cheeks

Michael G iantini

Mr. A nthony Breyan

Dom inick M. Cione

G oodm an’s F urniture

Mr. Fam ular

R osetia Cione

M.R. Grouls

Mr. Charles Pellinger

Joseph Cocciendi

Elain© M. H al|s

Mr. Rocco

Joseph Cocciendi

Charles Harriss

Mrs. Mary Beach

V incent Connors

Max Heir’s Men Shop

Benz Fam ily

Jack Costello

Walter F. H opkins

Mrs. Winified Connors

John Crit

Michael Hogan

Mrs. Elizabeth G ordon

Custom Cleaners

Jos. Kahn Jewelers

Mrs. John Grimes

Custom Cleaners

Edward Lennon

Mrs* Mary M. Hopkins

A nthony M. D ’Amore

Michael P. Lennon

Mrs. T. Jim m erson

A nthony M. D’Amore

Eli Liz/.a '69

Mrs. Theresa Krai

Nicholas DeTura

Jack’s Grocery

Mrs. R. Landy

Richard D ispoto

Jo h n ’s Pizza

Mrs. John Loreti

Frank D ’Meo and Datillo

Richard Karwoski

Mrs. A. McCabe

Jacqueline Donovan

Thom as Kessler

Mrs. A. M ontoro

Daniel Downey

Krai Family

Mrs. Dolores B. Moran

Doris and Terry Lane

Leyden’s Meat Market

Mrs. Helen Nodolski

Dr. and Mrs, T. K. Bouregy

A nthony L. Lore

Mrs. L. O ’Niel

Dr. and Mrs. J. Costello

Lowis A. Axt

Mrs. Anne Russell


p a tr o n s Mrs. Eleanor Scott

Mr. and Mrs. E. Lancos

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wuelfing Sr.

Mrs. Margaret Webb

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Lehnon

Msgr. John H. Koenig

Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs, Henry Lizza

Robert Mongiello

Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Lyons

Morchel Family

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Macali

M other Earth

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Besante

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marzitello

H. B. Nickelsporn

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blumenfeldd

Mr. and Mrs. James H. McCoy

Ondo Family

Mr. and Mrs. S. Buccafusco

Mr. and Mrs. R obert McGuinness

Richard Karwoski

Mr. and Mrs. E. Calvanico

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Michalowski

John and A nthony Parachini

Mr. and Mrs. G. Caparaso

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Milevoi

Joanne P. Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mueller

Rev. John A. Kakowski

Mr. and Mrs. M. Colaneri

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murphy

John Koerner

Mrs. Louise Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ozarowski

Pini Family

Mr. Edward Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pace

Joseph Pisano

Mr. Edward Collins

Mr. and Mrs. L. Pasculli

Mr. and Mrs. T. Connely

Mr. and Mrs. A nthony Pini

Rev, Joseph Loerti

Mrs. Sally Crandall

Mr. and Mrs. Pisano

Daniel Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dispoto

Mr. and Mrs. J. Pohlig

Mr. and Mrs. S. Dully

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Puzio

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duncan

Mr. and Mrs. Rossovich

Mr. and Mrs. J. Feczko

Mr. and Mrs. F. Sidoti

Mrs. Mildred Feduniewicz

Mr. and Mrs* John R. Simko

Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferreri

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sogliuzzo

Mr. and Mrs Flach

Mr. and Mrs. J. Sypko

Mr. and Mrs. D. F orte

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Tavormina

Mr.. and Mrs. J. Gaddis

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs, H. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hallas

Mr. and Mrs A. Tozzi

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes

Mr. and Mrs. John Trusz

Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogan

Mr. and Mrs. Sal Tucci

Mr. and Mrs. D. Innocenti

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Tyrrell

Mr. and Mrs. J. Jaroski Mr. and Mrs. G. Peterson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kessler Mr. and Mrs. A nthony Krol Mr. and Mrs. A nthony Krol Superior Market Roman Andrew Sypko Camille Tagliarini Nicholas Tagliarini Anthony Tanski

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vargas Mr. and Mrs, J. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wuelfmg Michael and A nthony Tozzi Michael Tucci Valenti’s Pharmacy Kathleen Ann Wojiek

Danny, Ralph, and Mary Quaglia

Rev. William J. Kelly Ed Parlock Donald Rasmusson Nadica Rossovich Mark Roszkowski Walter Roszkowski Mark Russel St. Joseph’s Mothers Club Sanders Dept. Store Schonings City Hall Bakery Jay and Cheryl Scott James and Frank Scott John A. Simko Rev. Michael S. Simko Wendell P. Smith D and S Steel Co D and S Steel Co. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stogran Sullivan Family Wisniewski Family Willie’s Deli Richard Zampaglione S. Zimmerman 113

s p o n s o r s

A ntinori Brothers

LaPilusa Family

Beddiges - Seitz Home for Funerals

Patrick Lenahan

Michael Bello Agencey

Patrick T. Lipka

John Bello and Son

Joseph M artin Realty

A rthur Blood

Dominic A. Mauriello

Mr. & Mrs. George Blaney

William J. Matz and Son

Bradley Family

Joseph J. McCarthy

Brady Family

Joseph F. Me Guire

B urnett Electric C om pany

Mernar Family

Carl Calatone

M ontauk Candy and Tobacco Company

David Canavan

Dominik Monterisi Family

C aputo’s Liquor Corp.

Mrs. Margerat Keller

Andrew C. Capozzi

Mr. and Mrs. R obert David Argeylan

Craftsman Coat Company Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Avery

Anna Conti

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Begans

Daily Family

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Blood

Gerad DeMan

Mr. and Mrs. D. Botmann

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Livera and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Ugo Buzzio

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick McGovern

Mr. and Mrs. Edm und J. Caufield

D and S Steel Company

Mr. and Mrs. J. Celestino


Mr. and Mrs. Leo Church

Carl Fuardo

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cioffi

George W. Fudali

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coar

Garilli Family

Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Colford

Harrington’s Service Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Corsentino

M. Krauthim

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connell Labattaglia Family

sponsors Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cutillo

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webber

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Czeterko

Mr. and Mrs. T. Witomski

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dimatteo

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zito

Mr. and Mrs. John Fallock

Tony Neglia and Orchestra

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ferrera

Douglas Noonan Nora Construction Company Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Filak

Paul Pankewiez

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jablonski

Peace and I.uv

Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenahan

Perugina of Italy

Mr. and Mrs. William Litterer

Charles L. Quaglieri, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Lysak

Lawrence Quinn and Son Funeral Home

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Malloy

Michael Regan 67'

Mr. and Mrs. William Marshell

Ristaino Pharmacy

Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGaughran

Ritz-Thrift Shop

Mr, and Mrs. McGinty and Family

Roche Family

Mr. and Mrs. F. Murdaco

Safe Drag Company Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nesnay and Family

Silco Automatic Vending Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. O'Connell BarnettD. Singer Mr. and Mrs, M. Ostapski St. P au ft R. C. Church Mr. and Mrs. C. Parloek Rockey G

Mr. and Mrs. James Petri

Patrick J. Sculino Plumbing,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Qualiano

Martha C- Spellman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sehaetzle.

Suplee Clooney and Company

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stuart

Henry Wawrowski

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sutton

Gissamer Wingze

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney WraehwiSAi Family

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tomczyak Zolli Family

b e n e fa c to r s Barrett’s Clothing 861 Bergen Avenue Jersey City

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Diverio 21 East Magnolia Avenue M aywood, N.J.

Dolores and George Burke 1442 Brentwood Terrace Plainfield, N.J.

Gregory Park Smoke and Variety Shop 270 H enderson Street Jersey City

Mrs. Rita B. Burke 135 M ontgomery Street Jersey City

The Healy’s M ichael’71 Cliffside Park

Calabria and Mooney Family 306 Terrace Avenue, Jersey City 1045 Garry Terrace, Secaucus

L. Hodgins 408 Oak Street Ridgefield, N.J.

Dr. and Mrs. V.F. Cangemi 83 Bently Avenue Jersey City

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Malavarca 1o Crest Circle South Orange, N.J.

Coutros Pharmacy 100 M ontgomery St.

Jersey City

William A. McDonald and Hugh F. McDonald

Mrs. D. Introcaso 134 Gifford Avenue Jersey City

East Jersey Railroad and Terming East 22nd Street Bayonne, N.J.

Pickett Family 758 West Side Avenue Jersey City

Wes Trucking Corp. 217 Sanford Street Brooklyn, New York

L. Pini and Sons 415 Washington Street Hoboken, N.J.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Zisa Congratulations to ’71 Hackensack, N.J.

White Packing Co. 2 0 1 1 8th Street N orth Bergen, N.J.

P and N Trucking Co. Inc. 4010 Dell Avenue North Bergen, N.J.

McLaughlin Funeral Home Congratulates the Class o f ’71

Mr. and Mrs. George Wyville 97 Bently Avenue Jersey City

Mike Acierno Manual Alvarez Dave Battinelli Bill Bricki A1 Castano Jeff Compeau Pat Culhane Tim Cummings John Erhardt Dan Gerry

Brendon Glennon Con H artnett Mike Holt Joe Koszyk Bob Landry Dan Maher Dan Malay Nick Mina Ed Mizerek A nthony Monteresi

Perry Orlando Ton Peterkin Bob Popiolek Lavern Ray Jerry Russillo Mark Snelgrove Mike Soga Mike Spalding George Thomas Bob Zielinski


Dan Andriola, Dan Cruoglio, Brendan Bull, Bob Conlin, Paul Aurigemma


Mike Bodayle Jim Collins



Joe Klein, Gary Cardlello Dave Mack, Glenn Geathers Kevin Glnty, Paul Colford Bill Frasca, Pat Burke Paul Diverio

Zenon Smotrycz, Manuel Tamayo Paul Wisniewski, Joe Murray Frank Hayes, Rich Smolucha Ed Rebbert, Tony Pilla Alan Koval, Mr. Mullin, S.J. Not pictured* Mark Mlllen and Mark Wuelfing




lO tidhdugl^

Jl rr.

A ____ Fr. Foley

G rown1*19

Mr Dirt'fy


M r.' To' Ovcr^tree+

© d jg 7 ^ r* y

if K J r .L F erigfa President: S.C. Rep: Treasurer: Intra Rep.

Vice Pres,,

Rich F orte Tom Calvanico Mike Delaney Bill Mueller John Acerra Brian Banasiak Frank Caliguire Kevin Cleary Jim; Cochrane Brian Forde Paul Grywalski Tom Heitzman Charles Kilroy Steve Kimmish Sam LoPresti Mark Lynch Blaise M attiaccio John Petrizzo Ralph Sarkisian Mark Wagner Edward Wilkes Jerry Barone

* r &M$8 ISPi't■ I I ' M ':



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i have learned as the man said, almost daily such fa y is found in the simple additions in the multiplication o f you r potentials their realizations all these embrace, all love. love, where the wind begins, the breath, the gentle strength. all o f these, gentle realizations. it Mfast as i was told. paid for by classes 4-f - 4-e

on the selling o f an original (at Sarah Lawrence, first snowfall) gentlemen: now is the time to invest in impressionistic art. Take this fo r example: the patch o f darkness, the wash o f white, her face indefinite, but gentle, her hair a stroke o f blonde. She was the artist’s sister perhaps, or a girl he loved. but we cannot tell: she moves too fast know, too far to see. paid for by Classes 3c — 3e


I The preceding 6 pages were paid f ox by IB, ID, IE, 1C, IF , 1G and 2H. We sincerely thank them.

The following 5 pages were paid for by 2G, 21, 3H, 4B, 4G, 4C. We thank them too.

Burn down the mission I f we ’re gonna stay alive Watch the black smoke fly to heaven See the red flame light the sky Burn down the mission Burn it down to stay alive I t’s Our only change o f living Take all you need to live inside Deep in the woods the squirrels are out today My wife cried when they came to take me away But what more could I do just to keep her warm Than burn, burn, burn, burn, down the mission walls. courtesy bernie taupin (dick james musik)

sa in t peter s preparatory school, jersey c ity, n eÂť jersey

Paul M. A n tin o ri

J o se p h A m oroso

L ouis A n to n ia z zi

R o b e rt D. A rgylan

R ich ard J. B aker

P e te r P. Began速

J o h n Beliacosa:

M ichael J. B esante

G eorge C. B rydlik

Jo h n E. Bradly

C harles A. B ooth

G erard Burke

D onald G. Brady

T hom as B utler

Carl S. C alantone

David Canavan

Jo h n R. Cangem i

R ich aid C elestino

Law rence J. C ione

Thom as C om peau

Rocco P. C onti

Em il L. C annorozzi

A ndrew C. Capozzi

John V. C aulfield

R ichard Chalmers

G ary M. Cocco

P au l D. C o lfo rd

Edw ard V. Connel

Phillip W. Connely

Thom as Cutillo

Kevin M. Dailey

Thom as E. C aputo

Brian M. Church

G ar>'

C o tletti

Mark J. Connolly

J o h n F. C z e te r k o

A n th o n y M. D’A m ore

R o b e rt J. E ck stein

J o h n Fisher

R onald H. Garilla

G erad D em an

M ark Diverio

T h e o d o re D ylew ski

G eorge E. E m m e

T hom as F in d lay

N icholas F io re

Jo h n Foley

M ichael J. F udali

A n th o n y J. G aita

T hom as R. G entile

M ichael S. G ia n n o tto

Michael P. G iantini

R ichard S. H anlon

Edw ard J. H ow lett

B ruce Joh n so n

G ary J. Kosc

Patrick T. Lenahan

T hom as J. Hansen

Stanley P. H reniuk

Sullivan C. Johnson

M atthew T. K rautheim

R obert T. Lenahan

John S. H awriluk

Michel F. Healy

John E. Jablonski

R obert F. James

Joel E. Kelly

M ark Kennedy

Joseph Labattaglia

. . , P a tric k L ip k a

Joseph J. La Pilusa

W illiam K. L itte ra

H arold J. Livera

Paul L o p resto

M ichael J. Lysak

Paul M agarelli

T h o m as A. M alloy

A lfonse S. M an n o tto

M ichael K. M arlow e

William J . M arshall

J o h n P. M cCoy

M ichael P. Me G aughran

T hom as P. M cG inty

M ichael M ason

Jo h n W. Me G o u rty

Ja m e s 1 . M o rte n s o n

William T. Me G ow an

Paul A. M urdocco

R o b ert A. M ongiello

Jeffrey Nesnay

Salvatore N. Moni

Douglass W. N oonan

Edw ard C. Parloch

Stanley A. O stopski

R o b ert J. Pagano

Paul T. Pankew icz

Stephan P. Pingree

Joseph C. Pini

Drew S. Portfolio

Philip Quaglieri

Richard J. Reid

C hristopher Robinson

R o b ert J. Qualiani

Charles Russel

Kevin S. Regan

Eugene J. Saaaonfc

Peter .1. Sca’. u

Joseph K Scalo

R i c h a r d A . S h ie l s

Thom as D. S co tt

Yaroslav Semegan

I I i

C harles S m ith

J o h n G. Stein

L aw rence S u tto n

R ichard J. Sw eeney

Jo h n W. T av o rm in a

Jo sep h A. V allerini

Jam es E. Vargas

M ichael J. V e n d etti

M ichael V o n Tersch

R o b ert J. W arner

Jo h n C. W atson

Jo h n P. Wilkes

Jo h n W isnewski

G ary W ondolow ski

H ow ard J. W uelfing

T h e o d o re W itomski

R o b ert T. Z ito

H enry W awroski

T hom as W ojciechowski

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