1975 Petrean

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The school is the heart; the vibrant, voices and discord of disparate milieu of concern. In our work we strive in order to help others, better ourselves whether on school teams, in intramural lot, we discover the fun of participating,

unifying force which enables the babel of personalities to coalesce as one in a to achieve a spirit of mutual caring and ameliorate our school. In our play, sports or in pickup games in the parking the value of striving, for a common goal.

Like the atom, we realize that we are small by ourselves, that we can act, that we can be powerful only in conjunction with the whole, of which we are such a minute part. It is this unity we are desirous of; it is the essence of all human exisU

While drifting down this road The strangest things unfold ’ to you. Stories you thought never true And you know that it's only begun. This rain in my heart keeps on falling, This feeling for you still remains. I will try to be more than a friend to you And rU never refuse you again.



Dave Mason

The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don’t mind happiness not always being so very much fun if you don’t mind a touch of hell now and then just when everything is fine . . .


because even in heaven they don't sing all the time The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don’t mind some people dying all the time or maybe only starving some of the time which isn't half so bad if it isn't you. L. Ferlinghetti

We, as students, are only at the Prep for a brief time. In much the same way, Mr. AI Romano has only been teaching here for four years. And yet, during this time, he has proven how much he cares for the school. This concern originally manifested itself while he was a student here in 1963. Before his gradu­ ation he distinguished himself both in academics and activities. He was involved in various school organizations ranging from THE PETREAN, to dramatics and, during his Senior year, was the managing editor of INSCAPE, the school’s literary magazine. He attended St. Peter’s College and Fordham University where he obtained a degree in English. Then, in 1971, he returned to Prep as a teacher. Mr. Romano has taught Latin, Remedial Reading and English. And, perhaps more than any other teacher, he exhibits an interest in his students both inside and out of the classroom. He is now the moderator of THE PETREAN.


Those of us who have the responsibility of preparing this yearbook possibly recognize more than others the dedication he has shown and the long hours he has put into this work; time he might have used far more enjoyably. But this is how he always acts: his concern for this school overrides any concern of his own. Mr. Romano did not know of this dedication. If he had, his humble nature would have prohibited it. But we feel this is the best way we can express our gratitude for all his efforts in our behalf, and so with immeasurable pleasure, we the class of ’75 dedicate THE 1975 PETREAN to Mr. Al Romano.



Mr. Michael A. Berkowitz, B.S. Assistant Principal

Brother Joseph C. Wuss, S.J.

Mr. Walter J. Illy, A.B.

Assistant Prefect of Discipline; Moderator of Ignatian Guild of New Jer-

Registrar; Director of Testing; Scheduling-Program coordinator

sey; Moderator of The Slavic Club

Mr. Richard Hollander, B.S. Assistant to the Principal; Director of College Placement and Scholarships

Reverend Daniel Corbett, SJ.

Reverend Philip H. McGrath, SJ.

Dean of Freshmen


Reverend Raymond

/. Ralduff, SJ.

Student Counselor Coordinator of Counseling Service

Reverend Francis J.N. McNamara, SJ. Chairman, Guidance Department

Reverend Charles F.X. Dolan, S.J. Vice-President for Alumni


Mis. John Riordan and Miss Mary Dunn Secretaries to the Treasurer

Mrs. Helen Dailey, Secretary to the Alumni Office

listen—hear the sound the child awakes wonder all around the child awakes now in his life he must never b e lost no thoughts must deceive him in life he must trust i ’m gonna sit and watch the web that you will build this day will be a thread o f love you weave it’s yours to show the way that everything will be as you see in the light. —j. lodge

L . to R.: J . Collins, J . Buchanan, F . Dwyer, J . Coyle, B. Davis, M. Doren, A. Calogero, J . Dowden

L. to R.: J . Luciano, K. Esposito, K. McCormack, M. Dutton, E . Fem andiz, B. Kelly F . Pompeo, S. Murray


L . to R.: P. Sagisi, S. Varin, B. McDonough, D. Moriarty, K. Simone J . McAlary, S. Pecoraro, S. Osborne.

L . to R .: W . Kahse, F . Higgins, R . Kopka, K. M urtha, J . Grasso, R. Mackenzie, J. Fuardo, R. Nosal, E . Pritzlaff


; N. Fargo, A. Fortunate, M. Deluca, A. Dickson, M. Cozzi, R. Caruso, B. B. Borsellino, P. Cardiello

L . to R.: H. Zahn, G. Roselli, T. Walker, T. Reilly, D. Samson, M. Sambade, R. Tri ebe, S. Soler


to R.: J . Callahan, S. Alonso, J . Deveney, T. Zeller, E. Lipowski, J. Oldakowski, K. Âťussef, P. Constantinides, P. Hin

L. to R.: K. Curran, M. Vercruysse, G. Santora, J . Gallagher, J. Buonavolonta, J. Krai, J . Ciancia, T. Holden, W . McCarthy, J . Delaney

to R.: G. Staudt, M. Antola, N. Mattessich, A. Watson, G. Stodolski, S. Siryj, R. teddington, A. Scott, J . Heintz

L. to R.: J. Malinconico, P. Dexter, M. Cavanagh, J . Kalinowski, T. Foley, M. Esposito

L . to R.: F . Mcgady, C . Rogers, M. Gallagher, E . H artn ett, F . Oley, K. Kennedy, M.

L. to R.: T. Tinsley, O. Smotrycz, L . Studer, L . Carter, J . Smith, R. Urbanovich

Sheehan, A. Orlowski, G. Ripnick, E . Kreush, J . Scorano, M. M cCabe

First Row, L . T o R .: J . Feeney, J . Addas, M. Egan, R. Johnson Middle Row, L . to R .: W . Atkins, R. Brigantic, E . Albano, C . Mahler Top row, L . to R.: D . Jones, R. Denny, H . D eFex, P. Ciesmelewski

L. to R.: T. Machucici, M. Roszkowski, K. Jones, D . Hogger, J . Weber, J . Nowicki

Back: M. Schirmer, J . Sierra, D. Rolek, W . Shevchek, I. Owens, T. Payne; Front: K. Hanley, S. Cruz, M. Stton, J . McGovern, T. Sochan



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Back: P. Chiara, L. Quiambao, A. Kurasz, L. Attisano, R. Tatarowicz, R. McCraig; Front: M. Pintauro, P. Mizerek, R. Hodson, L. Ramanski


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From top, L. to R: J. Nickerson, M. D ’Agosta, W. Garcia, D. Erbach, M. Kennedy, D. Stokes, F . Campagna, W. Aetkins, A. Rotondi, G. Holgado, P. DiBrango, K. Carter

IF L . to R.: J . Doyle, J . Alston, J . Johnson, J . Thomas, K. Harmon, R. Hill, N. Bizien, M. Rubinstein

Back: A. Paiparo, T. Hyland, N. Tavaglione, J . Wozniak; Front: T. Walowitz, C . Zegler, J . McDonald, J . O’Halloran, M. Peterkin

Back: J . Britt, E. Hoefling, R. Moreton Front: R. Noonan, W . Rehill, N. Sugar, P. Pritzlaff, B. Meyer, P. Bullock, R. Volk


L . to R.: E . Kneaves, F . Mollica, F . Campana

L. to R : P. McGrath, J . Mucha, R. Jackson, M. Compos, J . Black, N. Johnson, V. Doratacci, R. Brombacher, D . Giordano, P. Bellino



L. to R.: E. Bromirski, M. Mastowski, R. Driscoll, L . Navarro, R. Duncan, Heron, M. Yorey, R. Moore, D. Meyers, R. Hess, J . Sut足 cliffe, C . DesFosse

L. to R : S. Rossiter, J . Rodrique, J . Foye, K. Sung, J . Estevez, J. Dickinson, W . Schiff, P. Quintas, R. Kern, L . Destefano, H. Vargas

Bade: W . Jetter, J . Sagliocco, W . Dressier; Middle: G. Mendez, M. Shahbazian, V. Bergen, N. Gauge, J. Rodriquez Front: M. Short, J . Lally, S. Pedone.

Back: A. Ferrara, R. Cipolla, F . Brian; Middle: C . Doerrler, A. Keating; Front: R. Clark, K. Greene, J . Bello, S. Fonda, J . Gallagher


Back: J . DiRenzi, D . PenneUo, R. Hawkes, R . Telyczka, G. Truglio, J. Lamb; . „ Middle: K. Stawicld, D . Ororato, J . Senno, E . Sconiers Front: N. Hyers, J . Mesgleski, J . Mocarski


Dance Committet

Steering Committee, L . to R.: N. Michielini, B. Ahearn, Chairman, J. Gregory, V. Tecchio, J . Tavormina, T. Forsythe, A. Flatley “Whatsa matta fa you, eh?”

Back, L. to R-: Gibson Guilbert, Konopka, Sonrenti, DePinto, McGovern, Cupo, Nestor, Kennedy, Lodge, McGuire, Front, L. to R.: Gibson, Filak, Calienese, Colon, Dowden, Tozzi, Sciara, Lascaiber, Crosson, Connolly, Archibald.

L . to R .: Gibson, Bello, Colon, Ahearn, Tavormina, Paul, Forsythe, Am dt, Crosson Chairman, Andrew P. Flatley

Seniors challenge the school to sing.

Mrs. de Boy leads the faculty performance.

Bado, DePinto, Sekel, McGovern, Callahan, Hulings Mr. Gray (Dave Lodge) meets Santa Claus (Bill McGuire).


Committee Chairmen: Vince Dotti, Publicity; Ron Paul, School Spirit; Andy Flatley, Social


"Duke," Oquendo make first team all-county

Casey, Kesey and Cuckoos

John Lizza Editor-in-Chief

Pat Pasculli Executive Editor

Editorial Board: Lizza, Cunningham, Pasculli, Terek, Bado, John O Gorman jo e O’Gonnan.

L . to R.: Allen, Tavormina, Ahern, Rinaldi, O’Mara, Amot, Rasmussen, Calefati, Forsythe, Gibson, McGeary, Cerosky, Travellin, Keilp, (not pictured, Venetis, Bello, Ginty).


Top, L . to R.: Rizzo, Hidings, W esley, Lindorff, Bado, DiPinto, Soriano, Wyville, MuscateUo, I*onardis, Hartnett, O’Gorman, Siems, Egan, Uva, W atson, Lascaibar.

Rich Terek, Page Editor. Meeting the deadline.

Forty-four seniors join M cN a lly Sinnott c h a p t e r o f N.H.5. C oach L aw ren ce u ncages Zoo Crew on county team s

John I ixxa confers with next year s editors.

A legend leaves St. P eter’s

Gymnasts second in state: Bob Harrison takes a first

P rep aids H onduras

CAP helps diversified needs ACC unites Prep community


Ebony Club

Slavic Club

Bro. Joseph Wuss, S.J., Moderator, celebrates Slavic Mass.

Bro. Wuss with some of his contingent.


The Slavic Club reflects the many students who populate Prep.

F r. David Stump, S.J., Moderator


“One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

McMurphy (Joe McGeary) confronts an aide (Tony Powell).

Harding (Dave Lodge) tells McMurphy about ward policy.

McMurphy puts some fun into the card games.

McMurphy meets Chief Bromden (Andy Flatley).


The new patient wakes up early.

The cast receives well deserved applause.

D r. Spivey (Pete Arndt) gets a kick out of M cM urphy’s record.

McMurphy shows off his shorts.

CAST (In order of appearance) CH IEF BROMDEN ................................................................................................................ AndV F latley AIDE W ARREN .......................................................................................................................

Mike Rhim

AIDE W ILLIAM S .................................... ................................................................................. Tony Pow e~ NURSE HATCHED ........................ ...................................................................................... Ann Harkness NURSE FLINN ........................................................................................................... E lain e Potwardoski DALE HARDING .................................... ......... ................ ....................................................... D ave Lodge .................... ............................... V ince Rinaldi ELLIS ................................... ....... ............................ ....... Ed Gunnell BILLY BIBBIT .................. ...... .............. ................... ......... G ary Loftus

SCANLON ......................


e s w ic k

........................................ ...... ......... V ince Dolti


. . ..... ......................................... ....... ..... Steve Sioktss

' MARTINI ..........................

.............................................. G eorge HUak

RUCKLY ............................

................................................... Brian S'ekei

j. FREDERICKS ..................

............................................ D aniel Erbacih

| SEFELT ..............................

...... ............. Sal M oscalello


............................................. Joe M cGeary


............. .................................. . Peter Arndt

f. DR. SPIVEY ...................

.................... ............ ........ Sean Breheney

; a id e ? : ; r k l e ...............

........ ...............

I.C A N D Y STARR ............ j ; NURSE NAKAMURA .


E ’ TKCHNICIAN ................


SANDRA ......................... AIDE . ■ H


Mark Lesney Liz Hickey

...................... John Brennan .


Elain e Cronin

..................................... M aureen Holt

D ave Caulfield, Reid Echandia, Bob Speraing,

Issu® Villegas, Joe Ryan

Harding marries Billy Bibbit (Ed Gunnell) and Candy Starr (Elaine Cronin).

President Norman Michielini

Top, L. to R.: Bado, Shevchuk, Siryj, Debrango, Peira, Bottom, L . To R.: McGaity, Aitken, Bonner, Peterkin.



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CAST (In order of appearance) Ray Lago Jim McGovern John Murray Dan Russell Joe Ryan

CARTER ................................................................ G a ty Loitus GRETA

.................................................. Joann M aresca

SIR WILFRID ROBARTS, Q. C................... Joe M cG eaiy MR. MATTHEW.................................................... Bob Greene LEONARD VOLE ........................................... stev e stokes INSPECTOR HEARNE ........................ Frank McGovern PLAIN CLOTHES DETECTIVE ............... John Brennan

MR. MYERS. Q. C............................................. Dave lo d g e MR. JUSTICE WAINWRIGHT ..................... Ed Gunnell COURT CLERK ..............................................


JUDGE'S CLERK .......................................... Vince R>naIdi ROMAINE ........................................... Elaine Potwardoski SECOND JUROR ......................................... Daniel Erbach

COURT STENOGRAPHER ..................... Terry Fitzpatrick WARDER .............................................................. Bob G ro,se

FOREMAN OF THE JURY ........................ Mark Lesney

BARRISTER ................................................. * ank TravelHn

OTHER MEMBERS OF THE JURY............. Carlos Beltran David Caulfield Brian Devlin Paul Drexel Reid Echandia Shawn Harper Anthony Keating

POLICEMAN ................................................. S al Moscatello DR. WYATT .................................................


MR. CLEGG ..................................................... l e n De P*n,째 FIRST WOMAN .................................... Jacqueline Lynch SECOND WOMAN .......................................... M aty CaI,er


mmmm Co-editor, Tom Forsythe

Business Manager, Tom Gibson

Petrean â– M

The new material arrives.

The editors demand better service from Mruz.

Mark Keilp delivers pitctures to Bill Ahearn.

Jay Tavormina and Mark Wyville check negatives.

Ron Paul sorts out pictures.

Pat Maloney works on a literary masterpiece.

Pete Venetis works on a layout.

Moderator Mr. Romano and Publisher

Editors show the strain from making the first deadlines.

j Mr. Ralph Smith

Tom Forsythe poses for John Bado.

“I get confused when the words get up to three and four letters.






Mike Cupo hard at work.

No Brian, that’s not quite right.

“W e should have centerfolds in our book too.”

and if you don’t have enough money, put your own in, Bernie.'

Bfiu n rjp :

Christmas Liturgy Âť

Mother's Club

Officers: Mrs. D uncan, Mrs. Lemanski, Mrs. Siems, Mrs. Prokop, Mrs. Aloi

Rev. Augustine Meagher Moderator of Mother’s club

L . to R: Dexter, Kuch, Mr. Jankowski, O’Gorman, Camorozzi, Moscutello, Brophy, McCarthy. Kneeling: Morse, DeTomasso, Arnold, Baderaco, Alberti.

L. To R: Jablonski, Hoff, Parmisano Sfreiszczk Mr. B an ach .W all, Swaney, YaraSek, Cozzeta, Wilson. Kneeling: Murray, Sengos, Lally, Pomk,


L. to R.: Soriano, Kim, Branagan.

(•resident, M arc Mruz

Mark Keilp mixing chemicals.

Mark Wyville relaxes.

L. to R.: Wyville, Kelly, Lawrence, Keilp, Minella, Rinaldi, Foerst

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Staff works on N E W SETT E production.

TOP: Konopka, Chester, Hartnett, Filak, Nestor, Callahan. M ID: Murray, Hidings, Feeney, Sekel, Morse. LO W : Soriano, O’Gorman, Branagan, Cardiello.

Ron Paul School Spirit Chairman

Mike Cupo and Joe Nestor Editors of MAROON O W HITE

STANDING: O Mara, Kimmish, Maloney, Gibson, Colon, Arndt, Diverio, Crosson, Schaetzle, Aheam, Tavormina, Flatley. KNEELING: Pasculli, Bello, Maresca, Calefati, Venetis.

Publicity Committee

H IG H SCHOOL, SET Coordinators Tony Calefati, Pete Arndt, Pat Maloney.

TOP: Stokes, Loftus, M cGeary, H yatt, Lodge, Hulings, DePinto. MED: Siems, Forsythe, Dearborn. L O W : Ryan, Rasmusson, O’M ara, O ’Gorman, DeTommaso.

TOP: Pollack, Cupo, Aheam, Tavormina, Venetis, Short. LO W : Flatley, Arndt, Keating.

Vince and Mr. Hollander, Program coordinators, take an oph mistic attitude towards their work.

Mr. White, Vince Dotti publicize Prep.




L . to R.: Mr. Martin, F r. Azzarto, Chairman, Mr. Galiastro, Mr. Casey, Mr. Romano.

L. to R.: Miss Haggerty, Mr. DiClemente, Mr. W hite, F r. Balduff, F r. Oppido, Mr. DeLorenzo

L. to R.: D. Calianese, P. McGovern, A. Sullivan, G. Siems, W . Hulings

Top Row: L. to R.: Jay Tavormina, Pete Venetis. Bottom: L. to R.: Pat Maloney, Carlos Beltran, Tony Powell

Political Forum

M r. DiClemente, Moderator

Juniors: Ryan, Daly, Vasfailo, Murray, Konopka. Seniors salute their leader. Seniors: Maloney, O’Mara, McGrath, Arndt, Rassmusson

Mass Of The Holy Spirit Every year the Prep traditionally wel­ comes back its students and teachers with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Through the Body and Blood of Christ, the spirit of all participants are fused in joy and a determi­ nation to make the year the best ever as Prep. Both faculty and students join to­ gether to take part in the liturgy of Christ’s love and sacrifice for all men.

The Offertory



Prepsters share the sign of peace.

Father Rector gives the homily.

Officers: Left to Right, Mr. Giudici, M r. Sekel, F r . Fischer, M r. Argyelan, Mr. Feeney. Missing are Mr. Stokes and Mr. Lewis.

Father Fischer starts the night off.

Wepner warms up for Ah.

Diverio fights off Schaetzle.

Fathers Club


Left to Right: Tom Murtha, Ray Juncewicz, James Kaczka, John Bales, Jeff Kaczka




Top, Left to Right: W . Tooman, J . Marabondo, J . Kim, M. Lesny. Bottom, Left to Right: M. D iFee, M. Miceli, T. Kali man, G. Angione

Top, Left to Right: T. DeBrango, F . Tarabocchia, J. Ferrandiz. Bottom, L. to R.: A. Pereira, M. Cosgrove, J. Hernandez, A. Wiersielis

Left to Right: R. Olson, S. Rabender, J . Elder, F . Giuffre, T. Kail man, V. Aquino, Joe Lynch, K. Bellani, K. Fryczynski.

Front, L . to R .: G. Bannon, J . Ruggiere, T . Uva, R. Rand, G. Saponara, Back, L . to R.: R. Lemanski, S. Kuprel, G. Draughon, M. O’Brien, P. DeTommaso, V. Rabbat

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F r o n t,L . to R .: L . Kapakos, C. Johnson, R. Valitutto, V. Milazzo, R. Larino, Back, L. o' «. « - < * . * -

Left to Right: J. Rizzo, G. Godvin, R. Spearing, M. Zuk, P. M artucci, B. Reilly, B. Pittfield, K. Lancos, M. Rhim

Left to Right: F . O'Donnell, J. Ryan, J. Schimenti, L. Vanechanos, D. Caulfield, P. DeLuca, D. Russell, M. Rossi, B. Devlin

Left to Right: L. Mondi, W . Farrell, R. Johnson, P. Gargiulo, A. Sullivan, P. Tyrrell

J . Dziemian, R. Karsowski, J. Simpko, J; Atkins, B. Brennan, J . Branagan, P. DeTommaso, G. Martin, R. Boesch

Left to Right: G. M cLain, P. Indrunas, P. Mazzone, D. Fortunato, B. Harrison, D. Massarelli, L . Mahler, C . Lascaibar

t to Right: T. Squillaro, B. Groc, V. Badaracco, N. D Amico, J . Galdien, C . Fazio, Emporellis, J . Bauer

Left to Right: W . Oser, F . Piotrowicz, M. Pagano, T. Stier, J . Ruggiero, D. Winkelblech, J. Picinich, M. Reilly


Back, Left to Right: E. Mailette, G. Ladson, M. Kemble, E . Rossiter, A. Pollack, A. Pierce, J. Santoro, Front, Left to Right: E. T hreatt, M. Rod足 gers, J . Lynch, G. Morgado, P. Groeneveld

Left to Right: V. Jones, R. Echandia, R. Faulkner, V. Horvat, B. Gibson, R. Collins.

Left to Right: D. Chu, R. Bender, S. Breheney, M. Armelino, M. Aloi, R. Cerbone, F. Cardiello.




L . to R .: J . Kaczka, J . Sciarra, P. Lenahan, P. Peterson, W . Domke, A. Tozzi, R. Kennedy, E . M armora, C . Barbayanni, J . Pugliese

L . to R.: R. Holgado, G. Magno, D . Calianese, J . Sullivan, T. Sawyer, C. Bren足 nan, A. Perez, R. Diaz, P. Murphy, K. Grillo

L . to R.: P . C em a, D . Calianese, P. M cNamara, M. Farley, R. Flynn, J . GiUio, S. Bram, R . Collins, C . Blake

L. to R.: T . Fitzpatrick, J . M cGee, R. Quinn, D . Mitchell T. D ’Andrea, R. Fergu­ son, E. Brugnola

L. to R.: D. Bennett, J . Smith, T . Gallagher, M. Caldas, M. Dilworth, R. Haskins, M. Reiser Altieri

L. to R.: C. Wilson, T. Jozefiak, T. Lorfink, W . Pearl, J . Ellard, P. Manolio F.

L . to R .: T . Gioia, J . Costanza, J . Angyal, R. Lyons, G. Grimmeyer, R. Scharmberg, M. Dem arco, R. Rober, M. M cGee, J . Rizzo

L . to R.: S. Kubis, S. Fundora, D. Szwydko, M. Wright, K. Kilroy, G. Purnell, W Peterson, W . Filon, V. Ortiz

L . to R.: T. Humenic, M. Butler, A. D’Amelio, V. Iazzetta, H. Doherty, J.-Baily, D. Bland, T. Gill, T. Schultz, T. Favia

In our 4 years at Prep there have been teachers who, in one way or another, became part of our lives. Although they have left, we will never for足 get them. Top: Mr. Joseph S. Pawelczyk, B.S. Rev. Mr. John A. Mullin, S.J. Middle: Rev. Mr. Kevin M. Bradt, S.J. Bro. Jerome P. Menkaus, S.J. Mr. Louis J. Rettino, M.A. Bottom: Rev. Edward J. Coughlin, S.J. Mr. Stephan Harz, M.A. Mr. Paul G. Sheridan, S.J.

Top: Rev. Mr. James H. Breininger, S.J. Rev. Henry A. Hoffen, S.J. Middle: Mr. Thomas G. Curran Rev. Francis A. Fallon, S.J. Mr. Robert J. Toegel, B.S. Bottom: Mr. John F . Duffy, A.B. Rev. Richard F. Timone, S.J.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change . . . courage to change the things i can . . . and wisdom to know the difference.

after he had journeyed, and; his feet were sore, and hdhvas tired, he came upon an orange grove and he rested. and he lay in the cool, and while he rested, he took to himself an orange and tasted it, ¹ and it was good* and he felt the earth to his spine, and he asked, and he saw the tree above him, and the stars, and the veins in the leaf, and the light, and the balance. and he saw magnificent perfection, whereon he thought of himself in balance, and he knew he was. just open your eyes, and realize, the way it’s always been. just o p en your mind and you will find the way it's always been. just open your heart and that’s a start. and he thought of those he angered, for he was not a violent man, and he thought of those he hurt for he was not a cruel man and he thought of those he frightened for he was not an evil man, and he understood. he understood himself. M upon this he saw that when he was of anger or knew hurt or felt fear, it was because he was not understanding, and he learned, compassion. and with his eye of compassion he saw his enemies like unto himself,\ and he learned love, then, he was answered.

graeme edge

* think these hands have felt a lot

i don’t know what have i touched? i think these eyes have seen a lot i don’t know, maybe they’ve seen too much i think this brain has thought a lot oh searching, trying to find a crutch. I think these ears hear a whole lot of music and like me, they’ve heard a hit too much. peter townshend

WILLIAM AHEARN only love can make it rain the way the beach is kissed hy the sea only love can make it rain like the sweat of lovers lying in the fields





only love can bring the rain that makes you yearn to the sky only love can bring the rain that falls like tears from on high —pete townshend







why do we never get an answer when we’re knocking at the door with a thousand million questions about hate and death and war? 1cos when we stop and look around us, there is nothing that we need, in a world of persecution that is burning in its greed. —j. hayward






flow to the sea, you know where to go, still we are free, no one tells the wind which way to blow, wake up in the morning to yourself, open your eyes and start to be you. —j. hayward





the day belongs to each of us our time is getting near the day is wrong for each of us our time is getting near the seeds to yesterday are breaking through to you see the carpet of the sun the green grass soft and sweet sands upon the shores of time of oceans mountains deep part of the world that you live in you are the part that you’re giving. Dunford/M c Carthy/Thatcher






come along and try looking into ways of giving maybe we will fly find a dream that we will live in

we’ll look into the eyes of time past ages have turned to dust and born somewhere on the line the loving that grows with us D unford/Thatcher













put their shoulders to the big wheel work their fingers to the bone take their pleasures in the future put it down and bring it home






walk around into the sundown looking for an honest man gentle people seeing too much aching to be what they can. —felix pappalardi









isn’t life strange, a turn of the page can read like before a book without light unless with love we write. —john lodge











JOSEPH FRANK pick up the pieces you see before you don’t let your weaknesses destroy you you know wherever you go the world will follow so let your reasons be true to you




JAMES GASTON stay close to your friends up until the end and when they know that you feel the same way rise up and be free and die happily and in this way you will awake. —cat stevens

can you give me sanctuary i must find a place to hide






a place for me to hide, —jim morrison












if you smile at me i will understand ’cause that is something everybody does in the same language —crosby / stills


man alone, will stamp his hands strike ties a rope to a tree until the wind










i ’d rather look around me, compose a better song cos that’s the honest measure of my worth; in your pomp and all your glory you’re a poorer man than me. —ian anderson





come and see me when the screw has turned another turn it s not that i’m confused RICHARD MACKIEWICZ



but i’ve an awful lot to learn i will be the one to make you work for what you earn round and round we go . . . —dave cousins JOHN MARABONDO





H lf t tif ’






what happened to this song we once knew so well? signed promise for moments caught within the spell. i must have waited all my life for this moment . . . moment . . . moment . . . —john anderson RUSSELL MORLEY




if you were me, what would you do? don’t tell me, i don’t need you to: it won’t help me now. —dave cousins


some people say that life is a game, well, if this is so, i’d like to know the rules on which the game of life is based, —ray davies





watching and waiting for some one to understand me i hope it won’t be very long. —graeme edge







then according to the man who showed his outstretched arms to space he turned around and pointed revealing all the human race i shook my head and smiled knowing all about the place, —jon anderson.






these are the seasons of emotion and, like the winds, they rise and fall this is the wonder of devotion i see the torch we all must hold this is the mystery of the quotient upon us all a little rain must fall. —page/plant












walking in the sand thinking of adventures in my mind of tall ships that sail






ROBERT SIWEK one day i hope well be in perfect harmony a planet with one mind


across the oceans wide they won’t wait for me see how they glide away so gracefully —ray thomas




JOHN STYRANEC then i could tell you all the things inside my head, —mike pinder


i’m sitting by underneath the i’ve got no need to worry, i’m looking at

VINCENT TECCHIO it’s only the giving that makes you what you are. —ian anderson





the side of a river pale blue sky im in no hurry the world go by. —ray davies








Bad news, bad news came to be while I sleep, Turn, turn, turn again— Saying one of your friends is in trouble deep; Turn, turn, to the wind and the rain, —bob dylan

Edward J. Zur . . . (19571974) What is the meaning of life? Can we colleet it and store it in a bottle? Can we hold it in oor hands? Throughout ou, y<»rs at P «p , no one exemplified dm morning of life as Edward Zu, did He was an outspoken p er*,, who h!d a tremendous amount of school spirit and participated in many Prep activities. On Tune 8 1974, the Lord called Eddie. Eddie was a unique person: courageous, and unafraid of life’s destiny. It is impossible to measure a person’s true character in a few short lines. Everyone, I think, k»t somedung special from thei, live, when Eddie pa*ed away. We shall always remember him.


The Class of 1975 passes in . . . James and Stokes pass out . . . Cemak and Carusoe exiled for crimes against die state . |. Up to the A-V Room . . . Howard Johnson’s in D.C. de­ clared a national disaster area . . . DeMarckv plays dead in religion class . . . Reilly has a class night to remember . V. We want Bernie (Applause) . , . Fr. Murray’s Tea Parties | . . Fr. Failon shows us that we’re all equally oppressed . . . Fr. Tiinone on tape . . . Student Council shows us how to resign . . . First by first, two outside . . . Arndt the nurse . . . Cagnacci takes a ride . . . Cousin Brucie visits Prep (heavy) . . . Bring your parent to the next Hudson Catholic game

“That is all,” leaves . . . and “Safe journey home,” arrives . . . Dutch finds a surprise in his locker . . . The Mission Drive an Alcoholic’s D elight... Cagnacci keeps going . . . Dondi learns Geometry, no one else does f ,. the drinks are on B ill. , . Disease strikes . . . so does Muton Cafeteria Staff . . . Who stole the Commons? . . , Nixon wins Prep poll: “Too err is human” . . . pun is a clam word . . . Prep sees more of Hoberman’s than Florida . . . “Reservations are for Indians” . . Beltran walks on the water . . .

Mr. Gray inpi& lces the big %0 . . * Soccer team makes the states . . . 'the playboy andthe beast arrive (historically speaking) . d$d! , . Mr. Curran needs a lig h t.. >^Mr. Ciirey’s class only 150 pages be­ hind . The Italian cla<^ vs. Mr. Fordellone and Belld . . , Baby Face ?$6?v^vk|!cf fte' Magic Show returns. ,^ipoc serve$||me for whispering out the window . . . Mnd-sliiS;ging closes election offices . . . Tav and Pete take «^Y£r :with celebration at Steak and Brew . . . The second immigrant veepp ,:i . Demagogue Dotti electrifies crowd. . ;'Yearboook editors promise that deadlines will be met

Arndt swears he was elected . . . Rich and Jack’s . . . Doc spikes the ball and pays the penalty . . . Today North Bergen-tomorrow the county . . . Turtlenecks are here . . . Does Wolowitz really snap the ball by himself?, asks La Rocco . . . Fall Play, Yearbook, and Soccer interfere with Student Council. . . Mr. Curran can now afford a light. . . Why is the 8 ball in the wall—Senior Room closed . . . Inner Man comes and goes . . . Father Fi­ scher’s T-shirt is very holey .... Brennan “feels” the pinch of inflation in Florida . . . “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Athens . . . Ri­ naldi drops a brick . . . “HEY FAG” . . . Diverio and Schaetzle in the ring Mauriello picks up a cane . . . We want FolgerlH . . . At the beginning, 280; now, 203: “Only the strong surive.”

I ...



- ;',



Mr. Jerry Halligan, coach, instructs team during time out.

Mike Bergen plays before capacity crowd at Taffaro Game.

Back, L. to R.: D’Amelio, McGill, Miskela, Allen, Argyelan, Scura, Pierce, Hogan, gen. Sitting: Leary, McGovern, Folger, Campbell, Landry, Rossiter


Season begins with a win against Dickinson.

“The Doctor� operates against Union Hill.

glipM 1

Playmaker Leo Campbell.

Mike Folger looks on as Tom Miskela sinks a foul shot.

Mark Mauriello takes steady aim vs. Snyder.

Junior Varsity

Back, L . to R .: Bailey, Zeller, Dwyer, Ryan, Pierce. Middle, L. to R.: Humenic, McGill, Lancos, Polaski, Stokes. Front, L. to R.: Lan­ dry, Favia, Rossiter, Bellani, Rielly

Devaney Sparks Grand Streeters to Crown

Prep Wins Freshman Title, 59-55 | Standing, L . to R .: Stawicki, O’Halloran, Mastowski, Wozniak, Alonso, Grasso, Kalimowski, Foley. Front Kneeling, L. to R.: Ferrara, Devaney, Shahbazian, Rossiter, Foye

Trainers: A1 Bienkowski, and Fred Whelply

Indoor Track

Senior members: Schaetzle, Lawrence, Murphy, Mauser, Cerosky. Jim Greer takes a fourth place.

Captains Iram Lawrence, Marty Sullivan, and Jim Greer.

Relay Team: Greer, Dorsey, Lawrence, and Robinson.

Baseball Steve Diverio trots in from center field.

Billy Hogan signals one down.

First Baseman, Vin Gramuglia, holds a runner on.

Frank Aquino takes a breather.

Catcher, Billy Hogan.


Hogan lines a hit.

Renton ducks a high, inside fastball.

Walowitz throws a one-hitter against St. Michael s.

Look at that stance! “Pepe at the plate.�


Mr. Vincent Pickett, Coach

Divers: Gerry Kallman Paul Martucci Mike Cavalier

B a c k , I to R , Cooney, Alberti, Ahem, Delaney, Mgr. Roack, Jazzify, Capts. Gaddis, Forsythe, Hyatt; Cavaher. Kneelmg: Egan, Martuec., Pickett




Individual Honors City Championship Bill Barber............ Tom Forsythe...... Vic Badaraco....... Dave Roche.......... Dave Caddis........ Bill Barber Bob Archibald Jack Hyatt Frank McGovern

first 100 yd. Freestyle first 200 yd. Freestyle sixth 200 yd. Freestyle .................fifth 200 yd. I.M. sixth 50 yd. Freestyle .fourth 100 yd. Backstroke

.second 400 yd. Free Relay

County Championship Bill Barber........................................first 200 yd. Freestyle second 100 yd. Freestyle Mike Cavalier....................................................fifth Diving Jack H yatt...................................... sixth 100 yd. Butterfly



Top Row: Fortunato, Catanio, Pellicano, Picinich, Krasowski, Piotrowicz, Hulings, Santoro, Draughon, Burn­ ett, McClain, Liccardo, Lyons, Lemanski, Sawyer, Blake, Doherty, Baily. Middle Row: Greer, DenBleyker, Gualtieri, DisPoto, Feeney, InFante, Ritzmaurice, Byrd, Scott, Dorsey, Mar­ rero, Disanto, Aquila, Stone, Henderson, Gallo, Taylor. Bottom Row: Henderson, Soriano, DenBleyker, DeBello, Calefati, Reilly, Hogan, Keating, LaRocco, D ’Amelio, I Wolowitz, Diverio, Lombard, Blasczak, DiNapoli, Schaetzle. All-County Candidate Jim Wolowitz prepares to power Prep’s offense.

“Prep is bullish on football”


Coaches, standing: Dispoto, Head Coach Lawrence, Nazciemento, Biondo. Kneeling: Miller, Dunn, Peluso, Welsh. Senior standouts Derek Henderson and Frank D ’Amelio.

A spirited frosh football team finished 2nd in the county with a 5-1-1 record. The last victory upset Dickenson 22-16.

Freshmen, Top: Coaches Miller, Peluso, Dunn; Hawkes, Santora. Third Row: Rodriquez, Whitehead, Holden, Addas, Scott, IGreen, Second Row: Studer, Murtha, Tavaglione, Attisano, Black, Alonso, Eg


First Row: Webber, Higgins, Urbanovich, Bergen, Zeller, Canter, Keating, Feeney.

yn ,

Jesus Marrero moves downfield. 147

All County First Team—Duke D ’Amelio, Senior Second Team—Eddie Lombard, Senior Honorable Mention—Jim Wolowitz, Senior, Steve Diverio, Senior


Back Row L . to R.: Flynn, Lago, Cardiello, M cCarthy, Caldas, C em a, Rutkowski, Bado, Cosgrove, Ci ich Cuarini Fron t Row: O’Gorman, Marchitto, Harrison, DeMarky, Rolon, Terek, Bram , Manager Rinaldi

Joe O’Gorman

Coach Guarini watches Rutkowski tumbling


Tom DeMarky Bob Harrison

1974 Team: City Champions, County Champions, 2nd in Northern Section, 2nd in State City Champions: Bob Harrison-1st Tumbling; 1st High Bar; 1st Long Horse; 3rd Still Rings; 1st AA. Tom Marchitto—2nd Tumbling; 3rd Pom. Horse; 3rd P Bar; 2nd AA. Scott Bram—2nd High Bar; 1st P-Bar; 1st Still Rings. Bob Rutkowski—3rd Tumbling. Joe O’Gorman—1st Pom. Horse. Tom DeMarky—2nd Pom. Horse; 2nd P-Bar. John Bado—3rd Long Horse. North Sectional Championships: Bob Harrison-lst Tumbling; 4th High Bar. Bob Rutkowski—6th Tumbling. Tom Marchitto—3rd High Bar; 3rd P Bars; 2nd AA. Tom DeM arky-1st P-Bars. Scott Bram—6th P-Bars; 5th S-Rings. State Finals: Bob Harrison-State Champion, Tumbling. Scott Bram—5th Still Rings.

The Gym Team enjoyed its most successful season this year. Under head coach Lou Guarini, in his first year of coaching, the team compiled a record of eleven (11) wins and one loss while winning the City and County Championships. In the State Tournament, the team set a new school record scoring 109 points while finishing second in the en­ tire state. Senior captain Bob Harrison became only the second Prepman in 17 years to capture a state title when he won the tumbling event. Mr. Mike Berkowitz, Moderator



Back Row: Ann Marie Heath, ASH, Ann Marie Robinson, ASA, Susan Herzog, ASH, Petrina Meluso, ASA; Front Row: Delores Carr, ASH, Diane Pagano, ASH, Mary Petrick, ASA

Back Row: Debbie Oland, SDA, Amy Hawrylak, SDA, M argaret Cioffi, ASA, Theresa D’Amelio, ASH; Fron t Row: Vanessa Tedeschi, ASD, Sue C occo, ASA, Michele D Ameho, ASH

Standing: L . to R.: Caldas, Ginty, Kim, Lyberopoulos, Winldeblech, Venetis, McGovern, Emporellis, Ahern, Suska, Constantinides, Saglicco, Sambade, Callahan, Bello, Schirmer, Reilly, Bro, Daly, S.J. Kneeling; L. to R.: Cafiero, Bender, Carter, Oquendo, Della Rosa, Callahan, Dawybida Not Pictured; L. to R.: Downey, Pasculli, Ferry, Albano

Coaches; Rock Prezioso, Bro. Daly, S.J.

Pete Venetis: Senior Captain

Pat Pasculli, Senior: 3rd Team All-County


Harry Emporellis, Team All-County



Ray Oquendo, Senior: 1st Team All-County

HHH Bello and Venetis lead breakaway

Bob Lyberopoulos, Sophomore: 3rd Team All-County



Coach, Mr. W alter Illy

Winnie Gramuglii

Dick Fabio

fed Garland

Tony Inguaggiato

Bob Pfeiffer

The Team, L. to R.: D. Stokes, E . Albano, E Gunnel, H. Doherty, J . Downey, J . Lynch, Mike Cunningham, J . Smith, G. Bannon, Myles Cunningham, G. Siems, and D . Henderson, with T. Kallman and Coach Crum standing, watches P. Murphy wresde.



Cross Country

Around the bend with Marty Sullivan


Bob Aviles cools off after race. T H EY ’R E O F F! Kevin Cerosky (Capt.), Bob Aviles, Dennis McGill (Capt.), Marty Sulli­ van, Ray Szczesny, Jim Collins, Frank Mur­ phy, Herman Mauser.

Vinnie Gramuglia and Marie Mauriello, Co-Chairmen of Intramurals





Back, L. to R.: J . Domin, T. Jankowski, F . Cunningham, R. Szczesny Fron t, L . to R.: M. Emerson, T. Specian, W . Tobey, R. Zeller

Back L . to R.: R. Wochna, B. Walker, D. Jablonski, F . DeSanto, A. Grinkevich, J. Lapilusa Front, L. to R.: J. Marinaro, G. Maretto, J. Caldas, M. Meese, T. Kearney, M. Fallon

Back, L. to R.: E . Ocasio, G. Loftus, C . Wesley, J . Bado, E . Princiville, J . Jarema Front, L . to R.: J . Aurigemma, J . Piperato, P. Zielinski, R. Greene, H. Perrini, D. McAdam

L. to R.: W . Hulings, D. DellaRosa, G. Siems, J . Nestor


L . to R.: D. Fahian, J . Argyelan, L . DePinto, C. Giglio, M. Stirone, D. Arnold, B. Back, L . to R .: P. Meegan, J . Jarxab, J . Pietruska Fron t, L . to R .: R. Bado, D.


McFadden, J. Ryan, S. Connelly

L. to R , B. Schmidt, J. Guilbert, C. Kreush, J . O’Brien, T. Blasczak, J . McCarthy, P. L . to R , M. Dilworth, D . Bucci, J. Infante, A. Perrella, J . Scura, M. Connolly



L . to R.: D. Santangele, D. Zulauf, F . D ’Agosta, W . Kellner, R. O’Donnell, R. Davis, D. Burns, K. Fitzmaurice, j. Doren

J. Brennan, K. Fitzmaurice, S. Queenan, J . Lawler, A. Cualtieri, D. Desfosse, D. Hoff­ man, T. Suszka, F . Fassanante


C B. Wilson, M. Bell, D. Scott, D. Pitchford, J. Morris, R. Smith


Top, L . to R .: D . Wisniewski, W . Forrester, L . D ehnert, Bottom , L . to R .: P. Scalia, J. Murray, A. DeRise

Top, L . to R .: R. Lago, D. Pica, D . Sengos, Bottom, L. to R.: J. Pupe, M. Mariquit, R. Leonardis

Top, L . to R.: J . Hooven, J . Bales, J. Trezza, Bottom, L. to R.: J . Brady, J. Bovery, J. Taylor

Top, L . to R.: J. Marrero, S. Beach, W . Morse, Bottom, L. to R.: J . Nealon, G. Rios, M. Prokop


L. to R.: T. Adam, R. Rutkowski, K. Florczak, T. Bourgey, A. Cifelli, E . Yurasek, F . An足 gelo, W . Davis, P. McGovern

T . Olzewski, G. Mariquit, J . Nimon, R. Robinson, J . Greer, D . Byrd, P. Santere, T. McCormack



L . to R.: R. Sypko, M. Wyville, M. Spina, J . Uliano, J . Lally, Q. Carl, R. Michalski, M. Petrazola

L . to Âť . M. Larkin, R. Hoff, S. MoscateUo, P. Mortenson, T. Lindorff, S. Sagliocco L . to R , J . Cielazewicz, J . Bonner, J. Austin, P. Drexel, G. Drozdowsld, J . Daly, T. Brophy

L . to R , B- Sagaas, V. Soriano, M. Sullivan, M. Schultz, M. Rector


Left to Right: R. Archibald, J . Honan, C. Parajon, M. DenBleyker, W . SzymioIowicz, J . Ponik, C. Biyant, T. Younger, J . Choice, J . Vasfailo, C. Stone, M. O’Donnell

Left to Right: M. Ellerson, J. Flynn, D. Sorrenti, F . Whelply, R. Addas, R. Tatarowicz, D. Urynowicz, T. Konopka, J . Dippolito, D. Tutaro, E . Strusczyk

SARATOGA 1 9 © 7




Left to Right: D. Henderson, J. Barchi, G. Dispoto, J. Dorsey, B. Sekel, M. Aymar, T. Feeney, T. Landry, C. Biddle, G. Filak, J . Sweeney, J . Brewer

L . to R.: J . Tavaglione, S. W ojtczuk, J . Besante, D. Leary, P. W all, C . Pfeiffer, J . McGee

A- Michalik

L. to R.: J . M cGuire, G. Rizzo, H. Devlin, D. McGill, J . O Gorman, S. Sparicino, J . Smith, G. Kuch

L. to R.: LaForgia, L. Cannarozzi, J . Wojtkowski, P. Roche, A. Kuraz, J . Alberti,

let it grow, you know you need no sympathy you don’t realize how much you needed me you will realize it’s better when you give 1cos your life is longer than you live the laws o f nature are to heal the wounds of man use them right and they will help you if they can wrongly used and you’ll only harm yourselves then it’s too late to come to me for help don’t walk away give it a chance let it grow Nektar


Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S.J. Latin 1; English 1

Rev. Edward I. Dolan, S.J. Latin 1,4; Greek 2,4

Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro, A.B. Latin 2; Classical Literature 2 Chairman A.C.C. Rev. Francis J. Hamill, S.J. Latin 2; Religion 1

Rev. Harold J. Oppido, S.J. Latin 1,3; Greek 2 Rev. Harold F.X . O’Donnell, S.J. Latin 1; Chairman—Classics Department; Moder­ ator—PETROC and Publicity Committee


Rev. James S. Foley, S.J. Latin 1, Religion 3,4

Mr. Michael S. Gray, M.A. Chairman History Departm ent; History 2,3,4

Rev. Mr. Thomas R. Maus, S.J. World History 1; Religion 3,4; D irector of Mission Drive; Moderator of Hockey Team

Mr. Richard J. DiClemente, M.A. U.S. History 3,4

Mr. Carl S. DeLorenzo, M.A. World History 1, U.S. History 3

Bro. Thomas E. Daly, S.J. U.S. History 3,4; Moderator of SCC Socc Team Mr. Anthony A. Stone, M.A. World History 1; Latin 3 ; Moderator of Speakers F o 足 rum; Moderator of Freshman Oratorical Contest

Mr. Paul G. White, M.A. U.S. History 3,4


Mr. Albert W . Romano, A.B. English 1,3,4; Moderator of PET R EA N and Camera Club

Mr. Richard L. Kennedy, M.A. English 1,2,4

Rev. Merrill C. Jacobson, S.J. English 3,4; German 2; Moderator of Dramatics


Mr. Edward A. Martin, B.A. English 2,4

ftfl. SAT NOV. 22,


Mr. Robert F . Mulvihill, M.A. English 3

Mr. Henry Rogers, M.A. English 1,2

I 'J f * . I

Mr. W alter B. Koszyk, A.B. English 1; German 3


D epartm ent; Q W —

- * * * »

0 ™ —


iS m S E !

Rev. David X. Stump, S.J. Math 1; School Chaplain; Liturgical Committee; Director—T.V. Studio

Mr. Charles A. Carey, M.A. Math 3,4

Mr. Robert A. McCuinness, M.S. Chairman of Math Department Math 1,3,4

Mr. Stanley M. Lanskey, B.S. Math 3,4

Sister Gabriel Delores, Math Tutor

Rev. Vincent McDonough, S. J ., Math 2

Mr. Charles J . Rooney, M.A. Math 1 Mr. John A. Banach, M.A. Math 1,3; Moderator of Ski Club

Mr. Robert P. Howard, M.S. Math 2


Modem Language

Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone, M.A. Chairman: Modem Language Department French 2,3; Spanish 2; Italian 1,2.

Miss Donna M. Pica, A.B. Spanish 1,2


Rev. Joseph J. Kavanagh, S.J. Moderator of Band Latin 2; German 1,2.

Rev. Augustine Meagher, S.J. Moderator of Mother’s Club French 1.

Rev. John E. Browning, S.J.: Religion 2 D irector—Higher Achievement Program; Moderator— Christmas Food Drive

mittee, Moderator of Student Council

Rev. J. Francis Stroud, S.J.: Religion 2,3,4, Chairman—Religion Department, Moderator of Chess Team



Mr. Paul Jankowski, M.S.: Physics

Miss Mary Ann Haggerty, M.S.: Chemistry, Moderator of Cheerleaders

Rev. Peter F . Hess, S.J.: Physics

Rev. John J. Bauer, S.J.: Biology

Rev. Thomas V. O’Conner, S.J.: Chemistry, Chairm an-Science Department

Mr. Richard G. Hannigan, B.S.: Biology



Rev. James V. Smith, S.J., Bookstore

Miss Catherine J. Collins, M.L.S., Librarian


Mr. Robert Argyelan, Art

â– K ip

Mr. Milton J .

Berkowitz, Athletic D irector, Chairman:

Physical Education,

Gymnasium Coordinator Mr. James Horan, A.B., Communications

Mr. James A. Sullivan, Health, Physical Education, Coordinator of Intramurals





Underclassman Editor

Photography Editor

Business Manager




Senior Staff M ike Cupo Ron Paul Pete Venetis John Bello Pat M aloney P at Pasculli Andy Flatley Myles Cunningham Tony Powell Frank Zipp Tony C alefati

Underclassmen Staff


B rian Sekel G eorge F ilak G ary Siems Joh n Honan III >1 I f _ Kriil McGovern Frank CardieUo Bernie Chester Ed Hartnett

M ark K eilp M ark K elly Iram Law rence M ark W uville

OUR THANKS! to: Mr. Ralph Smith, for his help and advice . . . Lou Photography, for coining through with much-needed pictures . . . Allegro’s, for the tu­ xedos . . . Mother Nature, for keeping the office chilled all winter . . . The Petroc, for lending us our typewriters and pictures . . . all our illustrious staff, for wrecking the office—and also for cleaning it . . . Vince Dotti, for his piano concerts . . . Mr. Gray, for his visits and tips for deliveries .... Marc, Mark & Mark, who kept on trying . . . Fr. Fischer and our advertizers, who made the color pages possible . . . Paragon Yearbooks, and their production of our work . . . Mr. Carey and Fr. Markey, for their visits . . . Bro. Wuss, without whom we would not have made deadlines . . . our teachers, for putting up with us . . . Mr. Romano, for being himself . . . Carlos Beltran, for page 127, and Pat Maloney, for pages 4 & 5 . . . Mike Cupo, for his desk seranades . . . Tom Gibson, Mike Cupo and Ron Paul, who spent long hours working and putting up with Jay.

Vic Soriano

L L AH FARN 3 9 Kennedy Blvd., J .C ., N .J. fince Com m. 1,2,3, C hrm . 4 ; Social Com m . 3,4 ; gTREAN 2,3, E d . 4 ; Publicity Com m . 4 ; Speaker’s jireau 4 ; Art Club 3 ; School Spirit 1,3,4; Maroon id W hite 1,4; PE T R O C 3 ,4 ; Intram urals; Inscape 2; onor Pin 1,2,3; N E D T C ert.


0 0 Elmwood A v e , Union, N .J. Chess 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

125 Montgomery S t , J . C , N.J. Band 1,2^},4; Social Comm. 4 ; School Spirit 4 ; D ance Comm. 4 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society.




WITH JAM ES AHERN .3 Edgewood Rd., Eli/.., N .J. ETR EA N 4 ; PE T R O C 4 ; Ski Club 4 ; School Spirit |4; Maroon and W hite 3 ,4 ; Intram urals; Swimming |2,3,4; Soccer 4 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

\ONALD A LLEN |J7 Bailey Ave., Hillside, N .J. jxec. Member Ebony Club 3,4 ; H A P 1 ,2,3,4; P E T O C 3 ,4 ; Class Officer 1,2; Publicity Com m . 4 ; Selior Board; Intramurals; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Honor |ln 1 A 3 ; Nat. Honor Society; N at. M erit Comtendation; Society of Outstanding H .S . Students.


16 Ave. C Bayonne, N.J. Camera Club 4 ; Intramurals; Hockey 3 ,4 ; H onor Pin



@9 a e rk St., J.C., N.J. BAP 1,2,3,4; PE T R O C 3,4 ; Ebony Club 3 ,4 ; Class |)fficer 1,2,3,4; Intram urals; Football 2 ; H onor Pin 3.

t-TEVEN A . AMOROSO {25 Linden Ave., J .C ., N .J. {itage Crew 1,2,3,4; Intramurals; Gymnastics 1.

207 T errace A v e , J . C , N .J. Intramurals; Trainer 1,2,3, Head Trainer 4 ; Gym Team Mgr. 2; Honor Pin 1.

339 Garfield A ve, Avon, N.J. PETRO C 1,2^ ,4; Ski Club 1; Chess 1; Class Officer 1; Wrestling 2,3, Captain 4.


MYLES F. CUNNINGHAM 1 9 2 -A Union S t, J .C , N .J. PETREAN 4; Ebony Club 3,4; Football 1; Karate 2; Wrestling 3,4.

234 Garfield A v e , J . C , N .J. Intramurals; Weightlifting; Football 1,2,3,4.



257 Eighth S t , J . C , N .J. FRANK BRANAGAN 7 5 W est Thirty-Fourth S t , Bayonne, N .J. D ance Comm. 1,2; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Hiking Club 2,3,4; PETRO C 3,4; Honor Pin 3,4.

309 Park A ve, Hoboken, N.J. PETREAN 3,4; School Spirt 3,4; Maroon and W hite 3, Editor 4 ; Social Comm. 3,4; D ance Comm. 4 ; HAP 2; Class Officer 2; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Speakers Bu­ reau 4 ; Intramurals; Karate 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3;


Nat. Honor Society.

719 Blvd., Bayonne, N .J. Intramurals; Karate; Track 1.

FRANCIS J. DAU AN I 1200 Bloomfield S t , Hoboken, N.J. HAP 2; Karate 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

A LBERT R . BRUNNER 9 5 Orchard Place Maywood, N .J. Slu Club 1; Stage Crew 2,3; Publicity Com m. 4 ; Hik­ ing Club 2 ; A-V Club 2,3; P E T B O C 2,4; Swimming

i09 Seventy second St. North Bergen, N .J. Officer 2,3; W eightlifting; Football 1,2,3,4;


|9onor Pin 1.

1045 Gary T errace Secaucus, N .J. Maroon ™ d W hite 1,2; Class Officer 4 ; Intramurals;


Track 2; Honor Pin 1.

14 Steven Ave., J .C ., N .J. (PETROC 3,4; Intramurals; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Soccer


PETER A. ARNDT 657 Jauncy Ave., Lyndhurst, N .J. Basketball Mgr. 1,2,3,4; HAP 2,3; PE T R O C 2,3,4; C am era Club 3,4 ; Publicity Com m . 3,4 ; D ance Com m. 2,3; Social Com m. 4 ; Political Foru m 3 ,4 ; {School Spirit 3,4; Sid Club 1,4; Class Officer 3,4 ; (Speakers Bureau 3, Chrm . 4 ; Golf 4 ; D ram atics 4; iPETREAN 4.

BOB AVILES bO Magnolia Ave., J.C., N.J. __ Dance Comm. 3 ; Ebony Club 3 ; PE T R O C 4 ; Track 1 ^ 3 ,4 ; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. |:Honor Society, Society of Outstanding H.S. Students.

[PAUL DANIEL G R EG O R Y BARTON |s605 Bergen Ave., J .C , N .J. (CAP 1; D ance Comm. 2,3, Steering Comm. 4 ; Stage Crew 3 ,4; PET R O C 2 ,3 ,4 ; INSCAPE 3 ; Class Officer N ED T C ert.

[.JAMES F. BEGANS [3 1 6 Fairmount Ave., J . C , N .J. HAP 2; Intramurals; Honor Pin 2,3.

1 Jane S t , Secaucus, N .J. School Spirit 3,4,; Class Officer 1,3,4; Senior Board;



3,4; Hockey 3 , C apt. 4


RALPH CAEIERO 217 Jew ett A v e , J . C , N .J. ; School Spirit 2,3,4; Basketball Mgr. 4 ; Intramurals; Soccer 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

j 2,3;

tramurals; Sid Club 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society.

DAVID C BERNOT 6 0 Elmwood Ave., Union, N .J. Chess 1; Intramurals; Wrestling 2 ; Honor Pin 3,4.

5 NOrcroft Road, J .C , N.J. PETRO C 2,3,4; PETREAN 4 ; Maroon and W hite 4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Intramurals; Football 1,2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society.

JAMES J. CALLAHAN 326 Ege A v e , J .C , N .J. Chess 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. H o n o r S o cie ty ; N E D T C e r t . N a t. M e rit Commendation.

LEO CAMPBELL 118 W est Tenth S t , Bayonne, N.J. Art Club 1; Intramurals; Basketball 1,2,3,4.

M ICKEY CANA VARI 31 Radio A v e, Secaucus, N.J. Maroon and W hite 1,2; Class Officer 4.

MIKE CAVALIER 37 Terrace Place Keam y, N .J. Chess 1; Cross Country 3 ; Swimming 2,3,4.


ROC 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Class O f t c e r 3 , Intra murals; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3, •

j RAY BELU N O 416 Cator Ave., J . C , N .J. j Baseball 1,2,3,4.

ALEXANDER CIESMELEWSKI 6 Hawthorne Ave., J-C-, N .J. N . Honor Baseball 3,4; Karate 3,4; Honor Pin 1A 3 ; Nat. nono



j W hite 2 ; D ance Comm. IF 1 4 - PETREAN 4 ; Class Officer 1,2; E xec. Comm. 4, 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. ) Honor Society,


CARLOS M. BELTRAN 281 Virginia A v e , J .C , N .J. PETREAN 4- PET RO C 2,3; ACC; Speakers Bureau I ^ P L 2 Senior Board; Chess 2 ; Publicity Comm.

[SzS&ZQrZP** I 1 N ED T C ert. Pres. Political Forum 2.


ketball l A M i Honor Pin 1.

MICHAEL J. COLLINS 192 Virginia A ve, J .C , N .J. . Soccer 2,3; Class Officer 4 ; Intramurals; Karate 1, Honor Pin 1.


S S S S ^

exr^ s a j

BEAN 4 ; Social Comm. 4 ; Honor Pin l-

TONYCORSO 97 Laidlaw A ve, J . C , N.J. INtramurals; Honor Pin 1,3.

JAMES COZZETTA 109 Clarke A ve, J .C , N.J. PETREAN 4; Stage Crew 2 ; Political Forum M , •'I •


Intramurals; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Weightlifting.



SALVATORE D ’AMELIO 914 Garden St., Hoboken, N.J. Band 1,2,3, Vice President 4; HAP 1; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2.

MICHAEL DA WYBIDA 524 1 /2 Grove St., J .C ., N .J. Slavic Club 3,4; Hiking Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2,3; Intramurals; Soccer 4.

JOHN R. DEARBORN 20 East Thirty-Third St., Bayonne, N.J. Band 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Art Club 1; Intra­ murals; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

LARRY DEBELLO 408 Cator Ave., J.C ., N.J. Class Officer, 1,2; Intramurals; Football 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society.

FRANK D ELIA 36 Lembeck Ave., J.C ., N .J. Future Physicans 3; School Spirit 3 ; Honor Pin 3.

"W ACKIE" TOM DEMARCKY 353 Woodlawn Ave., J.C ., N.J. Gym Team 1,2,3,4.

Intramurals; Cross Country 3 ; Honor Fin 1.



J. GREGORY GASTON 182 Bayview Ave., J.C ., N.J. Camera Club 4; Ebony Club 3,4; Chess 1,2,4; HAP 1,2; Class Officer 1; Intramurals; Karate 1,2.

257 Neptune Ave., J.C ., N.J. PETRO C 2; Maroon and W hite 2 ; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,3.



152 Beach St., J.C ., N.J. Student Council 1, Executive Com mittee 4; Social Comm. 3, Chr. 4 ; School Spirit 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; PETREA N 3,4; Inscape 2 ; P E T ­ ROC 3,4; Chess 2; Danne Comm. 3, Steering Comm. 4; Itramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N ED T C ert. Nat. Honor Society; Nat. Merit Commendation.

26 Washington St., Harrison, N.J. PETREAN 3, Business Mgr. 4 ; PET RO C 2,3,4; School Spirit 3,4; Maroon and W hite 3,4; Dance Comm. 4; Social Comm. 4; HAP 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. H onor Society; N at. M erit o Com­ mendation; N ED T Cert.

KURT W. FOERST 1119 Avenue C , Bayonne, N.J. Camera Club 3,4; Stage Crew 4; Intramurals; Track 1

227 Laurel Ave., Kearny, N .J. Intramurals

12 East Thirty-Third St. , Bayonne, N .J. School Spirit 1,2; Intramurals.




16 Nevin St., J.C ., N.J. Intramurals; Football 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

3 Crossgate Road, J.C ., N.J. PETREAN 2,3, Editor 4; Inscape 2; Class Officer 2; School Spirt 3,4; Maroon and W hite 3,4; D ance Comm. 3, Steering Comm. 4 ; Political Forum 2; Pub­ licity Comm. 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Social Comm. 3,4; Intramurals; Swimming 1,2,3, Capt. 4 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N ED T Cert.



21 East Magnolia Ave., Maywood, N.J. School Spirit 3,4; Class Officer 3,4 ; Senior Board; In­ tramurals; Golf 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

517 Kingsland A v e, Lyndhurst, N.J. Chess 1,2; Intramurals; Wrestling 1,2; Honor Pin 2,3.

CHUCK DENBLEYKER 127 Deleware Ave., J.C ., N.J. Class Officer 2; Football 3,4.


CHARLES DONAGHVE 325 Lembeck Ave., J.C ., N.J.

EDWARD C. DONALD 278 Pine St., J .C , N.J. Ebony Club 3,4; HAP 1,2,3,4; Intramurals; Karate 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2.

TIMOTHY DOOLAN 937 Avenue C , Bayonne, N.J. Class Officer 1,2,3; Saddle and Bridle 1,2; Intra­ murals; NEDT Cert.

VINCENT DOTTI 102 Charles St., Clifton, N.J.

JIM DOWNEY 989 Edgewood Road, Elizabeth, N.J. PETROC 2,3; Class Officer 1; HAP 2,3; Wrestling 1A 3; Captain 4 ; Soccer 3,4; Cross Country 1; Golf 2^.

KEN DUNBAR 420A Union St., J.C ., N.J. Intramurals

JOHN DUNCAN 287 Union St., J.C ., N.J. Art Club 1; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Intramurals

FRANK DZINCIELEWSKI 179 Lincoln St., J.C ., .N.J. PETROC 3,4; School Spirit 3,4; CAP 1; Political Fo­ rum 3; Intramurals; Bowling 1; Baseball 2,4; Honor Pin 1. SEAN EGAN 97 Joseph Ave., Teaneck, N.J. Band 2; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting.

RICHARD L. FABIO 20 Bentley Ave., J.C ., N.J. Dance Comm. 1,2; Intramurals; Bowling 3,4; Honor Pin 1.

THOMAS FERRY 194 McAdoo Ave., J.C ., N.J. Saddle and Bridle 2,3; Intramurals; Soccer 3,4; Hockey 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2.

JAMES J. flTZGIBBONS 118A Webster Ave., J.C ., N.J.

9 Marylu Drive, J.C ., N.J. CAP I; Art Club 1; Camera Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals; Weightlifting; Wrestling 2.



1246 Blvd., Bayonne, N.J. Class Officer 2; Intramurals; Basketball Honor Pin 1.


MICHAEL J. GADALETA 74 Paroubek St., Lttle Ferry, N.J. Maroon and White 2; D ance Comm. 2; Swimming 1; Honor Pin 1.

DAVID M. GADDIS 94 West Forty-Fifth St., Bayonne, N.J. Intramurals; Football 1; Swimming 2,3, Captain 4.

EDWARD J. GARLAND GOO Willow A ve, Hoboken, N.J. Intramurals; Bowling 1,2,3, Captain 4 ; Honor Pin

51 Hancock A v e, J.C ., N.J. PETRO C 4; HAP 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3; INTRA­ MURALS: Track 2,3; Soccer 3,4.

VINCENT J. GRAMUGLIA 6735 Kennedy Blvd., North Bergen, N.J. HAP 2,3; Publicity Comm. 4; Intramurals, Chairman 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2,3; Bowling 4; Honor Pin 2,3.

JAMES PAUL GREGORY 27 Spruce St., J .C , N.J. Dance Comm. 2,3, Steering Comm. 4 ; Inscape 1,2; Class Officer 2,3,4; Maroon and W hite 1,2; Social Comm. 3,4; Intramurals.

RICHARD GRUDZINSKI 2705 Kennedy Blvd., North Bergen, N.J. Honor Pin 1,2,3.

ED GUNNELL 109 1 /2 Highland A ve, J.C ., N.J. Dance Comm. 2,3 Dramatics 4; Wrestling 2,3, Cap­ tain 4 ; Football 1.

JOHN A. GURDAK 9 Gould S t, Lifton, N.J. Slavic Club 3,4; Chess 1,2,3,4.


405 Avenue A, Bayonne, N .J. PETRO C 3 ; Class Officer 3 ; Intramurals; H onor Pin 1,2,3.

THOMAS HANEW ALD 121 Storms Ave., J .C ., N .J. Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N at. Honor Society. RUSS HANN1GAN 165 Sterling A v e , J .C ., N .J. Inscape 2,3; Inner Man 4 ; Hiking Club 3,4 ; P E T ­ ROC 2,3,4.

BOBBY L . HARRISON 7 Heckman Drive, J .C ., N .J. Ebony Club 3,4 ; Radio Club 1,2; H A P 1,2,3,4; Band 1;2; A—V Club 2,3 ; Speakers Bureau 4 ; Gym Team 1*2,3; Track 1,2,3,4; K arate 1,2; Intram urals; Honor Pin 1. D EREK HENDERSON 132 North Arlington Ave., East Orange, N .J. Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Class Officer 3.

ED H JELM 984 Schopmann Drive, Secaucus, N .J. Intramurals; Track 2.

HOWIE HOGAN 574 Gregory Ave., W eehawken, N .J. Class Officer 1,2,3; Baseball 1,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4.

BILLY HOGAN 271 Boyd A v e, J . C , N .J. Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,4; Indoor Track 2,3; Honor Pin 1. MARK G. HUDZIN 27 Freedom Place J .C ., N.J. Stage Crew 2,3,4; Baseball 1; Karate 1,2; Honor Pin

1,2 . JOHN W. H YATT, JR . 180 Alexander A v e , Nutley, N .J. Publicity Comm. 4 ; PET R O C 3; HAP 1; Intra­ murals; Folf 2 3,4; Swimming 1,3,4; Honor Pin 1,3. CHARLES INCANNELLA 53 West Second S t , Bayonne, N.J. Stage Crew 2,3,4; Asst. Production Mgr.

ANTHONY INGUAGGIATO 8607 Second A v e , North Bergen, N .J. PETRO C 1,2; Chess 1; Class Officer 3 ; Intramurals; Bowling 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1. MARK JF.ZIORSKI 141 Terbune A v e , J .C , N.J. Gym Team 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society.


1493 Paterson Plank Road. Secaucus, N .J. Radio Club 1,2,3,4; A—V Club 2 ; C am era Club 1,4; PETRO C 4 ; PETREA N 4 ; Honor Pin 3 ; N E D T C ert.

MARK K ELLY 90 W est Thirty-First S t , Bayonne, N .J. Radio Club 1; A - V Club 3; C am era C Lu b 3,4; PE T REAN4; PETRO C 4 ; Ski Club 3,4; D ance Comm. 3; Speaker’s Bureau 4 ; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Class Officer 4 ; Honor Pin 1,3.


PATRICK J. KENNEDY 26 East Twelfth St., Bayonne, N.J. D ance Comm. 3,4; Intramurals; Football Track 2; Honor Pin 1. ,

15 Zabriskie S t , J .C , N .J. School Spirit 2,3,4; Maroon and W hite 2,3,4; Honor Pin 3. GARY S. KLEJMONT 4 5 W est Forty-SecondSt, Bayonne, N .J. CAP 1; Slavic Club 4 ; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1.

TOM KRAL 86 W est Fifty-Second S t , Bayonne, N .J. Football 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2.

KURT W- KRAUSSE 19 Poplar St., J .C , N .J. Class Officer 1.

ANTHONYLAROCCO 9 Colonial Drive, Bayonne, N .J. Intramurals; Weightlifting; Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society. IRAM J. LAW RENCE 167 Bidwell A v e, J .C , N .J. Camera Club 3,4; PETREA N 4; Art Club 3,4; Ebony CLub 3,4; HAP 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,4; Karate 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4.

RAYMOND LEFANTE 217 Bright S t , J .C , N.J. PETREAN 4 ; Honor Pin 1.

MICHAEL P. LEW KO 168 St. Paul’s A ve, J .C , N .J. Slavic Club 3,4; Chess 1,2,3,4; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3.

JOHN P. LIZZA 347 Woodlawn A v e, J .C , N .J. PETRO C 2,3, Editor 4 ; Ski Club 3,4; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Class Officer 1,4; School Spirit 3,4; Intra­ murals; Swimming 3 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor

89 Paterson S t, J .C , N .J. Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Speakers Bu­ reau 4; Class Officer 1,3,4; Senior Board; Honor Pin





10 Church Towers Hoboken, N.J. Band 1,2,3, President 4 ; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1.

2 Acorn Road, Secaucus, N .J. I Maroon and White 1,2; HAP 2; Intramurals; Honor

JAMES T. KACZKA 132 West Sixteenth S t , Bayonne, N.J. C h es 1,2,3,4; Karate 1,2; PETRO C 2,3,4; Intramurals; Track 1; Bowling 4 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N ED T

f t * ? ? - ,*

Pin 1,2; N ED T Cert.

ED LOMBARD and Bridle 1; Intramurals; Baseball 1,2,3,4, Football 1,2,3,4.

RONALD LOPES 132 Bostwick A ve, J .C , S .J . Class Officer 1; Liturgical Comm. 3, Chrm. 4; IracK 1,2; Cross Country 1.



28 Rutgeis A ve, J .C , N .J. . PETBEAN 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society;


NEDT Cert.

13 Broadman Parkway, J .C , N.J. PETROC 3; HAP 1; Class Officer 1,2,; Intramurals; Track 3; Gym Team 2 ; Swimming 4 ; H onor Pin 1,2,3.




32 Columbia Terrace Weehawken, N.J. Band 3 ; PETREAN 4 ; School Spirit 4 ; Maroon and W Hite 2* Speakers Bureau 4; Intramurals; Football i o n - Track 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor So­

B M P -"



RAY JUNCEWICZ 26 West Third S t, Bayonne, N .J.

■Ppi f■MM ill P i



PETROC 4 ; Political Forum 2,4; Camera Club 1; Chess 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; Nat. M erit Com­ mendation; N ED T Cert.



12A Reservoir A v e, J . C , N.J. Chess 1,2; Ski Club 3,4 ; PET R O C 4. 288 Randolph A v e, J .C , N.J. Art CLub life Ebony C Lu b 3,4; Chess 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3; Wrestling 3 ; Track 2 ; Honor Pin 1.


ciety; Society of Outstanding H.S. Students; N ED T C ert.

78 West Seventeenth S t , Bayonne, N.J. Soccer 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3. 913 Summit A ve, J .C , N.J. Class Officer 1; Future Physicians 3; Track 2,4; Cross Country 4; Tennis 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2.


P A T R IC K J . M A LO N EY 203 Halstead Road Elizabeth, N.J. PETREAN 3,4; Political Forum 2,3,4; Chess 1,2,3; Publicity Comm. 4 ; ACC: Class Officer 1; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; Nat. Merit Finalist; N ED T C ert. JO H N C. M A RA BO N D O 6 Gleeson Drive Clifton, N.J. Class O ffice r 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; P u b lic ity Intramurals.

Com m .


B R IA N D . M A R C H LE W SK I 13 Magnolia Ave., J.C ., N.J. Art Club 1; Slavic Club 4 ; Intramurals; Baseball Mgr. 1; Karate 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society. JE R R Y M ARESCA 136A North St., J .C ., N.J. Hiking 3,4; School Spirit 4 ; Maroon and W hite 3,4; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,3; Nat. Honor Society. M IC H A EL P. M ARQUAND 376 Ege A ve, J .C , N.J. Band 3,4; Intramurals; Swimming 1; Honor Pin 1. M A RK M A U R IE LLO 75 Bentley A v e, J .C , N.J. Class Officer 2,3; Intramurals, Chrm. 4 ; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3. JA M ES J . M A V RO 116 Greenville A v e, J .C , N.J. PETROC 2,3,4; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society. JO SEPH M A RTIN M C G EA R Y 335 LaGrande A ve, Fan wood, N.J. Dramatics 3,4; PETRO C 4 ; Social Comm. 3,4; School Spirit 3,4; Dance Comm. 4 ; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gym Team 1; Track 2 ; Nat. Honor Society; Nat. Merit Commendation. FRA N CIS J . M CG O V ERN 29 Windy Bush Lane, Sparta, N.J. Inscape 2,3; PETRO C 2,3,4; Hiking 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Dramatics 3 ; Track 1, Intram urals;. Swimming 3,4; HOnor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society. THOMAS A . M CG O V ERN 135 Williams A ve, J .C , N.J. Class Officer 3; Intramurals. JAM ES M. M CG R A TH 39 Read S t, Newark, N.J. Political Forum 3,4; School Spirit 1,3,4; Intramurals. W ILLIA M J . M CG U IRE 20 Lincoln S t , J .C , N.J. Social Comm. 4; Dance Comm. 4 ; Basketball 1; In­ tramurals; Track 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor So­ ciety; NEDT Cert. M ICH A EL G . M ECCA, JR . 30 Annabelle A ve, Clifton, N.J. Intramurals. NORMAN M ICH IELIN 1 553 Thirty-Eighth St., Union City, N.J. Dance Comm. 2,3, Steering Comm. 4 ; Radio Club 1,2,3, President 4; Class Officer 1,2; Track 1,2; Cross Country 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3. JO H N V. M IELE Sid Club 2,3,4; Chess 1,2; Saddle and Bridle 3,4; Kar­ ate 1; Honor Pin 2.

PA U L J . M IN ELLA 179 Summit A y e, J . C , N .J. Social Comm. 3.4; Cam era Club 4 ; Class Officer 3,4; Intramurals; Football 1,3. L A R R Y M O R IC H 148 Hancock A v e, J .C , N.J. Art Club 1; Intramurals; Honor Pin 1,2,3. RUSS M O R LEY 32 Magnolia A ve, J .C , N.J. CAP 1; PETRO C 1; Class Officer 3 ; Political Forum 1,2,3; Intramurals; Bowling 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Nat. Merit Commendation; N ED T Cert. MARC M R UZ 100 West Thirty-Fifth St., Bayonne, N.J. PETREAN 3,4; PETRO C 4 ; Ski Club 3,4; D ance Comm. 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; School Spirit 3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4 ; School Spirit 3,4; HAP 1,2; Maroon and W hite 4 ; Cam era Club 3, President 4 ; Baseball 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; N ED T Cert. FR A N C IS P. M U RPH Y 40 Oakwood A ve, Upper Montclair, N.J. Pblitical Forum 3 ; Stage Crew 4 ; Intramurals; Track 1,2,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3. TOM N A R K IE W IC Z 158A Boyd A ve, J .C , N.J. Intramurals; Basketball 1,3; Cross Country 3 ; Track



R O B E R T N EW TO N 172 Madison S t, Wood-Ridge, N.J. Intramurals; Track 2; Honor Pin 1. G E R A R D D . O ’CONNER 15 Cornell W ay, Upper Montclair, N.J. Intramurals JO SEP H D . O ’GO RM A N 94B Suburbia Drive, J.C ., N.J. PETROC 2,3,4; CAP 1,3; Gym Team 1,2,3,4; Soccer 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Merit Finalist; Nat. Honor Society. ED W A R D O U V A R I 315 Seventh S t, Union City, N.J. Intramurals R O B E R T O'M ARA 12 Comley Place Bloomfield, N.J. Political Forum 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; PETRO C 3,4; School Spirt 3,4; Maroon and White 3,4; Intra­ murals; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; N ED T Cert. R A Y JA V IE R OQUENDO 10 Forty-Eighth S t , Weehawken, N.J. HAP 1,2,3,4; Exec. Member of Ebony CLub 3,4; Chess 2^3,4; Camera Club 4; Art Club 4 ; Senior Board; Intramurals; Soccer 3,4; Track 2,3,4. BR IA N O ’R E IL L Y 75 Steuben A v e, Westwood, N.J. PETROC 3,4; Intramurals; Karate 1; Hockey 3,4; Track 2,'4. JO H N PA N TO ZZI 312 Sip A ve, J .C , N.J. Political Forum 2,3; PETRO C 2; Honor Pin 1. DAVID PARKS 2 Seaview Court, Bayonne, N.J. Class Officer 2; Basketball Mgr. 1; Intramurals;

Hockey 3,4; Basketball 2. P A T R IC K L . P A S C U L LI 149 McAdoo A v e, J.C ., N.J. PETRO C 2,3, Editor 4 ; D ance Comm. 2,3, Steering Comm. 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; School Spirit 3,4; So­ cial Comm. 2,3; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Leader 2,3,4; Class Officer 1,3; Intramurals; Soccer Track 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2; Bowling 4; Man of the Year 2 ; Honor Pin 1,3. JO SEP H PA SQ U A LETTO 321 Van Nostrand A ve, J .C .; N.J. PETROC 2,3; HAP 2; Publicity Comm. 4; Class Offi­ cer 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Track 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society. R O N A LD K . PA U L 245 Union S t, J .C , N.J. Executive Committee 4 ; School Spirit 2,3, Chrm. 4; PETROC 1,2,3,4; Social Comm. 3,4; PETREAN 3,4,’ Maroon and White 3,4; D ance Comm. 4; Senior Board; Basketball Mgr. 1,2,3,4. JA M ES T. PER K IN S 57 Wales A ve, J .C , N.J. Ski Club 4; Intramurals. B O B P F E IF FE R 720 Seventh St., Union City, N.J. Intramurals; Bowling 2,3,4. JE F F PLA TA N IA 12 East Third St., Bayonne, N.J. A—V Club 2,3; Gym Team 1,2. ANTHONY E A R L P O W E LL 154 Arlington A ve, J .C , N.J. HAP 1,2,3,4; Exec. Member Of the Ebony Club 3,4; Inscape 2,3; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; ACC: Dramatics 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Track 2; Honor Pin 1; Nat. Merit Commendation. K E V IN PO W ER 63 Addison A v e, Rutherford, N.J. Stage Crew 4; A—V Club 4; Liturgical Comm. 4 D O N A LD PRESA 1025 Koelle Road, Secaucus, N.J. Cross Country 1,2,; Track 1,2.

tramurals; Basketball 1,2. EDM UND SIEN K EW 1C Z 1223 Garden S t , Hoboken, N.J. Ski Club 4 ; Honor Pin 3. PA U L A . SIE N K IE W IC Z 292 Isabella A v e, Irvington, N.J. Art Club 1; PETREAN 3,4; Stage Crew 2,3; Cross Country 1; Track 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3. R O B E R T D . SIW E K 33 Devon S t , Kearny, N.J. PETRO C 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1; Saddle and Bridle 1; Hiking Club 1; Track 1,2; Wrestling 3; Honor Pin R O B E R T SO RIA N O 140 Front S t, North Arlington, N .J. Class Officer 1; Intramurals; Track 1,2; Football 3, Weightlifting. STEPH EN G . STO K ES 14 Baltusrol Place Summit, N.J. Political Forum 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Speaker’s Bu­ reau 4 ; PETRO C 1,2,3,4; Golf 3,4; Honor Pin 1.2.3; Nat. Honor Society. JO H N M STYRA N EC 79 Mott S t , Newark, N.J. School Spirit 1,3,4; Maroon and W hite 3,4; Ski Club 4; PETRO C 2; Baseball 3,4; Honor Pin 3. M IC H A EL SVEC 133 Greenville A ve, J . J , N.J. Ski Club 4.

LO R EN ZO SC O T T 227 Bay St., J .C , N .J. t , HAP 1.9,- V i Ebony Club 3,4; Class Officer 1,2; In­

JO H N SZA FRA N SKI 110 Williams A ve, J .C , N.J. Honor Pin 2. JA Y TAVORM INA

232 Stiles S t, Elizabeth, N.J. Student Council 2,3, Executive Committee 4; P E T ­ REAN 2,3, Editor 4 ; PETRO C 1,2,3,4; HAP 1,2,3,4; School Spirit 2,3,4; Social Comm. 3,4; Publicity Comm. 2,3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4 ; Dance Comm. 3, Steering Comm. 4; ACC; Art Club 1; Political Forum 2; Maroon and White 3,4; Intramurals; Man Of The Year 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; Society of Outstanding H.S. Students; Nat. Merit Com­ mendation; N ED T Cert. VIN CEN T G . TEC C H IO 110 Broadway, J .C , N.J. Dance Comm. 3, Steering Comm. 4; Band 2; Public­ ity Comm. 4; Senior Board; Gym Team 1,2. VIN CEN T ANTHONY TED ESCH I 462 Kingsland A ve, Lyndhurst, N.J. Stage Crew 4 ; Track 1,2,4; N ED T Cert. R IC H A R D M A RK T E R E K 55 Trade A ve, Bayonne, N.J. PETROC 3,4; Class Officer 4 ; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Pub­ licity Comm. 4; School Spirit 4 ; Dance Comm. 4; Gym Team 1,2,3,4; Soccer 3; Track 2 ; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society, NEDT Cert. A R T TIG ER A 176 Louis S t, Secaucus, N.J. Intramurals CARM EN D . T IR E L L A 296 Clendenny A ve, J .C , N.J. Intramurals JO H N M. TO LV E 296 Orient W ay , Lyndhurst, N.J. Gym Team 1. FR A N K JO SEPH T R A V E LLIN 25 Stegman Terrace, J .C , N.J.

Saddle and Bridle 1,2; Inscape 2; PE T R O C 2,3,4; HAP 1; Maroon and W hite 4; Dramatics 3,4.

214 Jew ett A ve, J . C , N.J. Saddle and Bridle 1,2.

K E V IN TRAYN O R 8900 Blvd. East, North Bergen, N.J. Saddle and Bridle 1,2; Class Officer 2 ; Gym Team 1A 3.

W A R R EN W E LE C K 30 Prospect S t, J .C , N.J. Maroon and White 3,4; School Spirit 4; Political Form 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society- N ED T Cert.

PE TE R V EN ETIS 15 Carlton A v e, J .C , N.J. Class Officer 1,2,3, Executive Com mitte 4 ; PETRO C 3,4; PETREAN 3,4; School Spirit 4 ; Publicity Comm. 3,4; ACC: Intramtrls; Soccer 2,3,4; Football 1; Bas­ ketball 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society; So­ ciety of Outstanding H.S. Students; N E D T Cert. JESU S V ILL E G A S 309 Bergenline A v e, Union City, N.J. Dramatics 4; Library Club 1,2,3. TOM W A LD R O N 57 W arner A ve, J .C , N.J Ski Club 1,2; Senior Board; C lau Officer 2. B R IA N W A LSH

JU STIN W O JC IK 24 West Fifth S t , Bayonne, N.J. Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3/4. JA M ES W O LO W IT Z 76 Pearsall A ve, J .C , N.J. School Spirit 3,4; Class Officer 1,3; Intramurals' Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Hockey 4. FR A N K Z IPP 125 Cambridge A v e, J.C ., N.J. PETROC 1,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Social Comm. 3,4; Publicity Comm. 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Maroon and White 4; School Spirit 4; Hiking Club 3,4; PE T ­ REAN 3; Track 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N ED T Cert.

A No-Chance Man (left w ith the mem ory o f E d Zur) I ain’t sayin’ that he was the best. I ain’t sayin’ in his grave he should rest. I ain’t sayin’ I knew him well, ‘Cause nobody knew Ed Zur that I can Tell. His car screeched and skidded, ’Til he crashed. The ambulance took him away, Sirens and lights flashed. Hew was going fast In the late of night, And the upcoming car Blinded him with light. I ain’t sayin’ he was the best. I ain’t sayin’ in his grave he should rest. I ain’t sayin’ I knew him well, ’Cause nobody knew Ed Zur that I can tell. You see, this lonely guy Was a mechanic too: His thoughts seldom heard, By me or by you. This No-Chance Man Never dealt the deck, ’Cause a no-chance man Has a noose around his neck. So you speedsters of the city streets, Before your pulse be ended, Take ten pounds of pressure off your pedal, Or your funeral will be comprehended. And if your speedfever yearns a sure cure, Then I leave you with the Memory of Ed Zur. —Thomas DeMarky (3/75)

Special Patrons Academy Delicatessen George Andrew Mr. is Mrs. George Aprile Michael Andrew Bauonne Mater et Filius %/ Mr. is Mrs. Thomas J. Carmody Kenneth V. Chester Chip's Food Market Thomas D ’Andrea The Friends of Prep F & F Construction Co. Mr. is Mrs. Alexander G. Forsythe A Friend Mr. is Mrs. Stanley Fryczynski The Hobbit Shop

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Arena Bay Poniks Citgo Mr. Michael Calderero Mary Caporrino Bob Churd Joseph Cohen Jay Dippolito Eileen Donohue Leo A. Doran Charles Dorsheimer S. Erianne & Sons Alyss Francuss A Friend Hall Bros., Inc. Herb Wiley Photography Hudacko Pharmacy Mr. Anthony Inguaggiato, Jr. Stella Kakolewski Mr. & Mrs. Dan Keane The Lafayette Sign Co. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lanskey

Home Lumber Company Hudson Advertising is Engraving Co. Joseph Kahn Jewelers Edward A. Marley Mrs. Edward A. Marley Masserelli Pharmacy Mr. is Mrs. John Nealon J is F Oldsmobile, Inc. Mr. is Mrs. Antonio Pereira Billy Shears Tex Construction Mr. is Mrs. Frank Travellin Vkranian National Ass’n, Inc. Ukranian National Home Margaret Warren

Ed Martin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Massarelli Monaco Food Center Catherine Nealon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nestor Pat & Alice Nestor James Pritzlaff Phillip Pritzlaff Lucy Raimondo Robert G. Schneider Elizabeth K. Slocum Fred Stender Frank R. Stortz The Tavorminas Phillip Tavormina Underwood Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. D. Van Dijk 3G Mr. Fordellone Mr. Jankowdci

when the white eagle of the north is flying over head and the browns, reds, and golds of autumn lie in the gutter dead remember then summer birds with wings of fire flaying come to witness spring’s new hope born of leaves decaying as new life will come from death love will come at leisure love of love love of life and giving, without measure brings in return the wondrous yearn of a promise almost seen live hand in hand and together we’ll stand on the threshold of a dream. —graeme edge


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