1979 Petrean

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E pluribus unum: “out of many one. ” Just as our country was formed from many diverse parts so too is our school formed of many different people, each having his own unique style. From this kaleidoscope of personalities a stu­ dent body issues forth, a union that is unique in its own way.



F o r m any, dedication is ju st a w o rd , but fo r C h a rles Rooney it

dedication to h is job fo r the p a st 32 y e a rs is i f M g S g , ? ! 1 ! m ake spend e x tra tim e with a pupil.no m a tte r how p re ssin g his other b usiness i s , jus

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dedication^oes^beyond ^ Z l l o Z o T Z ^

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mind. _ ., _ 11 i „i p -h ^p dt d isco v er a new number syste m , but he M r. Rooney m ay never win the Nobel Pr himSelf in ev ery student who has has done s o m e t h m g f a r ^ r e a t e r .e p Wk been touched by his phenomenal dedi-







j l g S d ? we m ake th is , our dedication, a trib u te to M r.

C h arles Rooney, a sch o lar and a frien d , a giant who w alks among us.


Besides being whipped into mental condition, our changâ– ing bodies are put to the test constantly in our four years here. Among a plethora of sports, there is a place for everyone, short or tall, fat or thin, veteran or newcomer.

Sailâ– â–


We com e together as individuals and blend our d iv erse p e r ­ sonalities into a solid com m unity. H ow ever, in the finale we stand alone to make our own d e c isio n s.


Anyone who has tru ly experienced the Prep re a lize s that it is m ore than a group of buildings, or even a group of identical individuals, rather the strength of the school lies in its d iv e rsity . Whether it be the confused Freshm an hurrying through the halls to his next c la s s , or the arrogant upperclassm an, obstinately sitting in the ca fe teria , daring the bell to beat him to c la s s , we find the differences among those who attend the Prep. No community can be considered a true one without these d isp arities of personalities as one finds at St. P e te r's.


This world of ours holds two kinds of m en, the im aginative and the p ra ctica l. S e l足 dom does one man defy such categorization , but F r . James F isch e r does: his im agi足 natively p ra ctica l ways have made him one of the m ost important adm inistrators ev er at our school. Many faculty and staff m em bers in sist that, if it w eren't for F r . F is c h e r , Prep would be running an enormous deficit; it is his pragm atism , his b r il足 lia n ce, his all-im portant vision that fulfilled a desperate need in our school for the la st six y e a r s . As F r . F isch e r leaves his post as President of St. P e te r's , we breathe an earnest "Thank you!" for a ll that he has done, and we wish him su ccess in the fu tu re.


T o an o u tsid e r, the Prep m ay seem lik e ju st another sch o o l, m aybe a school b etter known or resp e cte d than m o s t, but nothing m ore than th a t. T h o se o f us who attend P rep , h o w ever, think d if­ fe re n tly . T he Prep is p art of our l i v e s , not becau se we go th ere e v e ry day o r b ecau se we r e c e iv e a d i­ plom a from the sch o o l, but fo r a m ore p erso n al and seem in gly m ore a b stra ct reason: the Prep becom es one with the individual. It is alm ost as if the Prep is p erso n ifie d . We w ork fo r the Prep; we a r e rew arded by the Prep; we know the Prep. It is th is p erso n al touch which m akes our school d iffe re n t. Som etim es it seem s as if the en tire student body is one e n tity . W hile w alking through the crow ded c o r r id o r s , we fe e l as if e v e ry student is striv in g toward the sam e g o al. In a w ay, e v ­ eryone knows each o th er, fo r we r a r e ly see a face that w e have not seen b e fo re . F ew people can hide in so sm a ll and clo se-k n it an environ ­ ment; to be ignorant of another student would be lik e not knowing a m em ber of our own fam ily . We cannot s a y , h ow ever, that the Prep is just one body , that e v e ry student can re la te to e v e ry other student. If this w ere tru e , the school would be a p erfe ctly homogeneous con glom era­ tion of people who know each o th er's w ays as we know our own. T h is is a human im p o ssib ility , fo r just as the depth of a person is infinite so is the depth of the sch ool. T h e r e fo r e , we can never sa y that we understand even a fractio n of the student body . It is this boundless quality which m akes the Prep g r e a t . T h ere is no lim it to what we can learn at the P re p . The e x p e rie n c e s , both good qnd bad, a re in calcu lab le. E v ery second is an event shaping our l i v e s . The Prep is not just a school but a d ire c to r, a te a c h e r, a guide, a frie n d . It i s , p erh a p s, the g re ate st facto r in the way we m ature as m en .


R ev. James J. F is c h e r , S .J. President

R ev. Eugene A . Zim pher, S.J, Principal

M r. M ichael A . Berkowitz A ssistan t Principal

R ev. C h arles F . X. Dolan, S.J. V ice P re s, for Development and Alumni


M r . W alter J. Illy Bro. Joseph C . W u ss, S .J .

R e v . Raymond J. Balduf, S.J. M r . M ilton J. Berkowitz

R ev. Philip H. M cG rath, S.J. R ev. Peter R oslovich , S.J.

R e v . Kenneth J. C au field , S .J. R ev. M ichael E . Browne, S .J.

R ev. James V . Sm ith, S.J. M iss Catherine C ollins

S r. G abriel D o lo res, S .C . M r. Robert F . M ulvihill

R o sa lie M cNulty P rin cip a l's O ffice

Helen A rgyelan S e c re ta ry to F r . Zim pher

Joan Fitzgibbons S e cre ta ry to F r . F isc h e r

M ary Riordan S e creta ry to F r . M cGrath

Helen D ailey S ecreta ry to F r . Dolan



Bro. Paul H arrison, S.J.

W illard Pedaway

M r . Lou Scarpa D irector of Maintenance

Tom Salley


Angie DePalm a

E thel Wynn

F ra n ces Pedaway

M attie D avis

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3 Z * ? je f i.4 I M urlene G ill

M ary Young


Back row: A . C a p o rale , P. A rta ch e , J. A rb o led a, J. F lanagan, M . Hunt. Front row: S. M ead, T . M adsen.

Back row: C . K rz a k , B. Bovell. Second row: W . W isn er, M . S asso . Third row: J. P rieto , R . Bello. Fourth row: P. G riffis , R . Bodtmann, G . M ih alis.


Back row: L . M cGovern, E . A m brosio, A . M ariquit, A . M onteforte, R. Skalski, E. M ackiew icz. Fourth Row: B. Phillips, R . T o r r e s , N. C h iles, P. Dumadag, K . Innis, S. K a p salis. Third row: R. Payne, W. Floyd, N. W ard, J. M artinez. Second row: W. Ding, K . Kennedy, P. C o stello , R . Frank. Front row: G. LePara, M. Page, W. Hampton, C . G arlin , J. Hughes, P. Buenaventura. 26

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Top row: A . Sullivan , O . E sp o sito, J. H aw rylak. Second row: N . D eM arco, P. H arnett, J. Madden. T h ird row: C . Hoff­ m an, K . W eb ster, J. C r o s s . Front row: W . H arn er, P. W infield.

Back row: L . L yn ch , B. Johnson. M iddle row: R . D rayton , L . B ra sw e ll, W . R ea­ son. Front row: D . R eed, R . Byrd.

Back row: M . G alla g h er, H. B o rch ers, M . Cruden, K . Giblin. Second row: D. Finn, R . L a v isa tti, M . M eola. Third row: J. B a rre iro , M . Kosm an, M . Ed­ wards .

Back row: P. C r iv e lli, J. Barcon, J. Ippolito , J. M urphy. Second row: J. K ry n ick i, P. M cGeehan, P. W ozniak. T hird row: R. W itkow ski, R . O 'B rien, S. W instead, D. E dw ard s. 27

Back row: R . T e r e k , ]. R oake, M r. M aus, J. Guzm an, M. Paw likowski, M . Hagan, W. Gordon, M . Mannion* D . G iro v a si, V . D 'A gostino, J. Popiolek. Third row: M. Theobold, M . C a ld aro la, J. H osty, E . M acchi, C . G a rcia , J. K uca, J. L opez. Second row: D . R ezn ick, O . A rm a s, C . Piparo, F . C a s te lla , J. Picache. Front row: M. Lam b, M. M elnick, G . Paczkow ski, S. B a lesteri, R . Rusin.

Left to right: M r. P ellegrin i, F . DeWan, M. A uriem m a, A . H ickey, R. Schim enti, K. R aslow sky, J. G iz z i, R . M ulcahy, T . O 'Connell, D. M cNam ara, B. Sullivan.


Back row: M . M acko, A . A la im o , B. Cum m ings, R . K e r r . Fourth row: M . Denny, D. M in ervin i, S. S isk , W . C la r k , L . Suty. T h ird row: J. C h risten sen , A . D eLuco W. G arry S . D ugan, R . Bowling. Second row: T . Pendrick, R . C han eski, C . R e h ill, J. C au lfield , F r . Stump. Front row: R . P iccion e, M . V alentino, P. Boylan, W. Thom as, E . R iv e r a , K . M ega ra.

R e v . Anthony J. A z z a r to , S .J. R ev. Edward I. D olan, S .J.

R ev. James S. F o le y , S.J. M r. Robert R. G rim e s, S .J.

R ev. Peter F . H ess, S.J. R ev. Thomas Holland, S.J.

M r . R ichard L . Kennedy M r. Thom as R. M aus, S .J.

M r . F re d e ric k J. P e lle g rin i, S . J . I M r . A lb ert W . Romano

M r. C h arles J. Rooney R ev. David X. Stump, S.J.


Junior Pat Drennan

John F een ey Second T eam A ll-C o u n ty

Tony V iggiano. Both made Honorable Mention A ll-C ounty Soph M ark Gaddis-H on. Mention A llCounty

Head coach Bill G argiulo and A ssista n ts

Jeff Anthony Tony Donato and friend

F ir s t row , left to right: P. Drennan, B. M acchi, A . C orrado, B. Vaughan, B. Lam pare llo , D. Settem bre, J. Buckman, Second row: J. F eeney, B. F accone, A . Harnett, J. Pa足 p a ra zzo , T . Donato, M. R ussoniello, B. Woods, T . L iccard o , N. F ra g e r, A . Viggiano. Third Row: J. Anthony, A . Z o lli, A . Paul, C . Cuthbert, J. Spinello, G. W ells, A . Jen足 k in s, M. Gaddis, V . G a zzillo , Fourth row: J. DelMonte, H. Payton, T . Holloway, Fifth row: J. Bucco, R . Connors, M . F a lla c a ra , T . M atthews, R. B rasw ell, T . Lam onica, J. Jackson, P. L e e , J. N ovem bre. Back row: T ra in ers H. Calhoun, J. Talafous, K . Web足 s te r , J. M essina.



Bob Sellin ger

Standing L -R : B. B ovell, J. B oyle, C . Schm idt, K . C o sg ro v e , R . S e llin g e r, R . S ch w artz, D . M ooney, M . F o r c illo , S. Bialo s k o r s k i, S . C e rch io . K neeling L -R : R . T e r e k , W . D ing, K . W eb ster, C . G arland , F . DeW an, S. B a le s te n . Absent: A . D eC icco , M . Paw likow ski, W . Gordon.

Senior Rich Schw artz C ity Champion- Rings

Kevin C osgrove C ity Champion- Vaulting

John Boyle - A ll Around C ity Champion Coach C arm en DeVito

IS |jgyLB m u o w l a ia i a i & a K K I


Coach K evin C ero sk y and Co-Capt Tom Mackow

Senior Ken W aller Ken W aller, Co-Capts Paul Lopez and Tom M ackow, Fernando V ald ez, Brian Sullivan. Brian Sullivan

Junior Fernando Valdez



Back row: C oach G a lla g h e r, T . S e k el, M . M ulcahy, Sch em ber, B. K enny, D . C a lia n e se , T . W y v ille, J. G h isa lb e rti, A . K raw czen iu k , C . Byon, P. C ataldo, m ill, M . Kennedy, P. Bonner, R . K is t, J. Bowling, te lla , P. Monaghan, J. M o r r is , M . K eum .

A . Saldana, B. C allah an , T . R aslo w sk y, A s s t . Coach M oran, L . M . F abyansk! Front row: HaE . Atanda, T . V erdom , A . Cas

A ll-C ounty A w ard W inners: Back row: M . Kennedy, B. C a lla han, P. Monaghan, Duke H am ill, J. M o r r is , Front row: A . Saldana, E . A tanda, T . Schem ber.

A ll-C oun tv G o a lie, Rich jQ St


---- I I,.... .

Senior E ric Atanda

Captain Brian Callahan

Goalie Rich K ist

C a rl "D u k e " Ham ill Senior Paul Monaghan

Mike Kennedy

Coaches C . G allagh er and B. M oran

Tom Schem ber

R W M g a S B B B K k Bnft^iiiKiiii B r a i nÂťh?l W

M ark F abyanski

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L . - R . : M r s . O 'D onnell, M rs . C o ffey , R ev. F . H am ill, S .J ., M rs. O 'R egan, M rs. Russo n iello , M rs . C h irich e lla

M r s . McGeehen and F r . Ham ill

F r . H am ill, M rs . O'Donnell, F r . Smith


L - R , Front: H. C o v e r t, O . H adley, T . R ichardson , E . R iv e r a , R . R usin. Back: M P aw likow ski, J. Popiolek, R . A n d rio la, J. Lynch


Seniors D . M olina, P. Johnston and A . Szyposzynski flanked by underclassm en mem b ers.

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'^ B H H I ^ ^ B ffii , , \ S i i 'k 4


F ir s t row , L -R :, S. Doh, K . W aller, M. F o rc illo , A . Maglaque, J. F o rcillo , Second row , L -R :, D. F rank, T . Sekel, T . Mahoney, M. Kennedy C . H am ill, J. Raslowsky. Third row , L -R :, T . M auriello, K . M aloney, T . W yville, T . Schem ber, J. L ee.




F ir s t row: S. O 'K an e, S. W instead, J. C r o s s , V . D 'A gostino Second row: W. W isn er, A . Quinn, M . W raback, B. Nevins T h ird row: R . P iccion e, J. C au lfield, T . W raback, R . K ab rt, J. Lynch, V . Quiambao Back row: W. T ie rn e y , M . Pole s e , E . K ane, T . L ynch, B. Peterkin

The Band


L -R C . O 'R e illy , T . D elaney, M . O 'R egan, M . P o lese, M . J. Dolan


Back row: C . L a rs e n , J. B oyle, C . C u rra n , P. R ogozenski, Middle Row: P. Bonner, R. C onnors, M . Jam es, H. S ilv a , R . Sch w artz, S. M inkowski. Front row: R . B rasw ell, O. H adley, C . Webb.

Back row: J. A z z a re llo , H. C o vert, K . Kelton, B. N ivens, M . Botyrius. Middle row: I. D ia z, P. L e e , L . Stellato, M . Flanagan, A . Saldana, M . V idal, T . Lynch, N. Gaglia r d i, F . G entile. Front row: P. Lanner, D. K alinow ski, N. C orrado, J. Giancola, M. W raback, D . Eng. 50

Back row: A . W ebb, M iss G a r c ia , J. M cN ulty, P. V e g a , J. D evlin , J. Shaw. M iddle row; T. B a rc la y , P. M aju m d ar, H. M oyet, B. Ign acio, S. G r e s z c z a k , V . J- G allaghe , J. P e r e z . F ron t row: B. L i l li s , R . L a rk in , M . D oolan, P. B arred a, J. C h aneski.

Back row: T . C o letta , A . M inick, E . Bullock, T . Holloway C a rte r W . Brown. Middle row: P. Sim ko, F . B ello, T . M achado, J. P etrick , J. As triab . Front row: T . A m b ro sio , B. K in sle y, C . Saw yer, V . D el P n o r e , . lc o S. C h ristop h er, S. A le g re t.


F ir s t row: S. Chung, M . T o scan o, D . M ikolay, A . L a m a zza , J. N ovem bre, S. Kucan, J. L a rk in , R . Rebm an, N. V isa g g io , Second row: J. C la rk , K . W alter, J. Donargo, M. G rego . T h ird row: M r. G ra y , F . Cam pagna, C . L am b ia se, J. M oran, P. R aleigh, R. F a cco n e. Fourth row: M . G addis, D . Hunt, M . Henninger, T . Sullivan.



L eft to right: A . Jenkins, D. Mooney, R. Burns, T . Reddy, A . M architto, J. P iro z z i, J. Finn, B. C olford, T . LaM onica, A . Luongo, J. Z e ilin sk i, M r. B rockert.

Top row: J. W ozniak, F r . Browning, C . Hudik. Middle row: J. T u cci, B. Biviano, S. M atulew icz, G . VanSant. Bottom row: M . V ita licio , W. Jorge, J. E rnst. 52


F ir s t row: i C ro w le y , E N eilan , R . F a lco n etti, M r. Hannigan, J. B e ra rd m e lli. Second row: J. M e r r ic k , T . Pannullo, G . M essin a , J. G ibney, T . H ayes, C . L a lly , G . F agan. T h ird row: ] . M alon ey, D . A p ru z z e s e , R . R o d rigu ez, J. M urphy, P. K o zlo w sk i. Fourth wvÂŤrÂŤ n T. n p n n i s . R . Babiak. D . G em ignani.

F ir s t r o w S Iro o lito , T . M onaco, D . D o ria , J. C o n iglario, T . M atthews, M . Keum , S C e rch io . Second row: T . D e C icco , I. Doh, C . Byun, G ; ^ r ? C u th b e^ T K irk danaj. T h ird row: J. Buonovolonta, F r . Bauer, W. M acawxli, C . Cuthbert, J. K irk .

R e v . John J. B auer, S .J . M r. Jerald B rockert

R e v . John E . Browning, S .J. R e v . Edward J. Coughlin, S .J.

M r . Joseph J. G aliastro M iss Ana G arcia

R e v . F ra n c is J. H a m ill, S .J . M r. R ich ard G . Hannigan

M r . R obert P . Howard R ev. Joseph J. K avanagh, S .J.

M r. W alter B. K oszyk R ev. Augustine W. M eagher, S.J.


L)avid L e a ry


Top L to R; B. McDonough, J. Luppino, K . M aloney, G . H erenda, P. E rh ardt, D . V iggian o, T . M a u riello , D . Sm ith, M . F abyan ski. Bottom L to R; ]. M cGovern f B. C a lla 足 han, T . S tra y , T . V iggiano, B. Hankerson.

F loo r lead er G reg H erenda.

Tom M auriello takes steady aim .

Brian Callahan

Paul E rh ard t

Coach J erry H alligan

Ken " C h ie f" M aloney

Behemoth B ill McDonough D ave V iggiano looks to p a s s .

Smith con trols the b a ll.

Ken Maloney

T ri-C a p ta in A1 M aglaque fa c e s off.

s t S .J .

T ri-C a p ta in Joe K ozlow ski

T ri-C a p ta in Joe B laszak

r C a r l " D u k e " H am ill

Lou Senerchia

High S co re r N eil C h irich e lla



Top L to R: F . F r e e , J. Hague, V . V ic to ra to s, G. O 'D onnell, M . D eM arco, A . C ife lli, J. M azurow ski, Coach "S p o o n s" Bottom: Jim Buonavolonta, S. K eating, N . D eM arco, O . A rm as

Senior M ark De M arco

Coach W itherspoon Below left Co-Captain A rtie C ife lli C o -C ap t. Steve Keating

Below right Guy O'Donnell

F rank F re e

Jim Hague


Senior B ill M cCoy

C oach Jim Breyan

Senior B ill Raleigh

Senior M ike K ow alski

Jay C offey Bill M cCoy


Senior Captain Bill Wolchko L to R: Todd R u g g ie ri, Bill W olchko, John Io sso , C h ris Hudik, John Oehl

R ev. L . H ill

Senior k eg le r Todd Ruggieri

Soph C h ris Hudik

Senior John Oehl



Captain D . Donnavin

L - F F ront: S . K e lly , L . D rum goole, M . M u raca, L . Kenny -M iddle: S . T a fu r i, L . W ard, J. P u g lie se, J. In足 fan te, L . M ancusa,B ack: D . Donnavin, L . M elu so, A . R egan, M is s in g S . Brown

Co-Captain L . M eluso


L to R: M . Brown, R ic e , G oines, Jack足 son, C . Jackson, F r a g e r , Shawn, Robin足 son, Handerson, Powell

L to R: W. Brown, B ra sw ell, Cuthbert, W e lls, Robinson, Byrd, D an tzer, J. Jam es, M . Jam es, Saw yer, Webb, Minick

Atanda, Anthony, Payton, C . H a rris, K . Anderson

M oderator: Father John Browning

J L to R: Lynch, Floyd, Phillips, B rasw ell, P ie rre , C h iles, Hines, Byrd, Winstead, Hampton



M r. P e lle g rin i, S . D uran, P. A rta ch e , J. A rb o led a, M . V alen cian o, H. M an cilla, A . L a s c a ib a r, A . F lo 足 r e s , J. M artin e z, M . Zam brana M r. P e lle g rin i- M oderator


L -R ; Back Row: Chiang, Chan, Holgado, Colanta. S e c足 ond Row: Eng, Chung, V id a l, Keum , Palao, R. Dumadag, Dumadag, Ignacio, M ariquit, Doh, M ajum bar. F ir s t Row: Solorzano, Doh, M aglaque, E ngalla, Ding

Back: A . M aglaque. Front: C . Palao.



- CAST(in order of appearance) C O M M E N T A T O R ............................................................................... Frank Free O R D E R L Y ................................................................

Kevin King

S T E N O G R A P H E R ........................................................................... M a rk Ippolito G R E E N W A L D .................................................................................... Bill Petrick M A R Y K ....................................................................................... M ik e O 'R e ga n C H A L E E ...................................................................................... Steve


B L A K E L Y ............................................................................................M ik e Ard Q U E E G ........................................................................................... M a rc Dolan K E E F E R ................................................................................. Dan Baum gartner U R B A N .........................................................................................Sergio Duran K E I T H ................................................................................ Jim Di Dom enico S O U T H A R D ......................................................................................... Pat Lally L U N D E E N ....................................................................................M a rk M a p le s B I R D ................................................................................................... Bill Lillis J U D G E .........................................................................................Sean O ’Kane J U D G E ........................................................................................... Ken French JUDGE

............ ............................................................. John Chaneski

J U D G E ..................................................................................... O sw in H adley J U D G E ............................................................................................Tom


J U D G E ............................................................................................ M ark Pa9 e

Dan Baumgartner


M r. Rowe R . R usin, J. C h risten sen , K . N apierski, P. W ozniak, C . O 'B rien.

President Tom Bado


Back row: B. D illon, J. V arg a s, K. B arry, G. Chaneski, M. Z ielin ski, S. Doh, L . H all. Front row: R. Frank, M. M iela, M. Giam balvo. M issing: S. Lan-



g e v in ’ J * S e r Pic o


Top row: K . K ing, J. M urphy, S . Shen, P. Shtom pil, S. Ladanaj. Bottom row: J. W ilkes, J. Papiro, S. Doh, E . Shevchuk, B. Ollen



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Back row: A . G a rc ia , A . Robinson, D . Quinn, D . S o ltys, S. Pow ell, C . Z e g le r, T . Lieca rd o , W . McDonough, F . K ropcho, G. L a llo , D. Noonan, A . Y o u ssef, S. A itken, W. O len, J. DelM onte. Front Row: J. K ane, S. C lan cy, L . Roman, J. M a s s a re lli, K. G oines, G . M o rriso n , R . S e llin g er, G . Heim , M. C la rk e , J. D abrow ski. Not Shown: N. C h irich e lla , N . F r a g e r , J. Pantelakis.

Back row: A . Z o lli, J. M cGovern, J. Landry, A . Blunda. Middle row: L . H all, P. Shtompil, T . S ch e rer, A . L am biase, M. Giam balvo, P. S c ia rra . Front row: I. Shev足 chuk, M. O 'Connor, F r . H ill, V . G azillo , S. Doh.


& bo

Back row: A . Donato, M . G a ld ie ri, W . K s ie z , J. Luppino, J. F een ey, J. P ap arazzo, J. M azurow ski, R . Rutkow ski. M iddle row: P. C zoch an ski, A . Paul, M . A ir e y , W. K ra u s, R. L a rin o , ] . L yn ch , C . G reen e , T . Gnida, D . Sim one, S. Langevin, A . M angle. Front row: F . M a lv a si, A . C r is a lli, A rm agno, R . G a g lia rd i, J. Bucco, M . N a va rrete .


L ,o R: J. M o rris , F r . G iblin, R . Dumadag L to R: F H . tus, L . G h isa lb e rti. L to R: C . B usinelli, M . Brown K . B arry, T'โ ข S e ^ m b a , J. L a teiia . M issing: M . Shaw, K . Cum m ings, V . Picim ch, A . Harnett, R . A ndriola.


Top row L -R : J. Johnson, W . W oods, J. Regan, V . F rank Second row L -R : C . Jackson, R . R ic e , D . F ran k Third row: S r . Fordellone

Top row L -R : R. Colantta, R . Gallo Second row: P. Venino, M. A rd , R . K ist, T . V iggiano Third row: W. M oretto, J. DiDomenico, P. Seitz Fourth row: K . F rench, P. L ally L ast row: B. Rooney, F r . Oppido, J. C ap orale, Z . Duran M issing: J. Anthony, P. Capp ie lo , J. C offey, M . F a lc a r r a , C . M cAuley, A . Reagan, R . Stray, D. Timoney


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T a sra i -

M . R u sso n iello , T . G nida, B. W illia m s, W . D illo n , Third row: H. M fflg B * . A . L a s c a i b a r, D . Sm ith, W . Brandt, P. C zochanski Fourth row: P. Ra™i r ®z ’ ^ r ^ h S i T e a c h e r Drennan, T . W y v ille , W . Bogusky, W . Brandt, W . McDonough, V . M cGeehan, T each er.

M r. C h arles C a re y M r. John J. C a se y III

M r . C a rl S . D elorenzo M r . Leonard A . Fordellone


R e v . G erard F . G iblin, S.J. Bro. Joseph G riffin , S.J.

R ev. L aw ren ce B. H ill, S .J. R ev. Thom as V . O 'C on nor, S .J.

R e v . Harold J. Oppido, S.J. M iss Donna M . Pica

M r. F ederico Spitaletta R ev. J. F ran cis Stroud, S.J.




Southpaw H arry Paws on

Mike Kennedy Junior Ken Sisk Senior H urler Mike Glennon

M ickey Czok

C oach, Joe Urbanovich


Joe F o rcillo

Tom Schem ber

Captain Ed E rskine

John "B e rt R ock" Oehl

L to R Joe F o r c illo , Tom Schem ber, Ed E r 足 skine, Jeff Jam es, John "B ert R ock" Oehl


L to R John O 'C o n n ell, M ark Page, Bob Bowling

Junior John Regan


Jim Bowling

Senior M ike C arson

L to R Row 1 , C . Hoffmann, W . D ing, C . P ie rre , N. C h ile s , W . F lo y d , C . G arlin . Row 2, J. :P e rez, M . C a r 足 son, P. L o p ez, T . M ackow, C . Palao, K . W a lle r, W. M a c a w ili. Row 3, C . G reen e, M . V id a l, C . Saw yer, S. Doh, F . V a ld e z , R . R ice

Senior Tom M ackow


A lex Corrado

Front Row, L -R : R. G allo, V . Gambino, D. Toscano, J. R aslow sky, M. DeM arco, B. L am p arello, A . C orrado, M r. F ordellone, J. Popovich, B. M acchi, D. Viggiano, J. Cam pisano. Second Row: J. L a te lla , F . Romano, J. F eeney, J. Spearing, J. Regan, J. Paparazzo, N. Barbato, M. R ussoniello. Back Row: D. DePalma, E . C apparelli, C . Sparacino, P. Drennan, G. D em etriades, S. Kucan, D. Hunt.



Ihor Shevchuk

L eft to right: Tom M onaco, John C o n iglario, C h ris P iparo, Rom el C olanta, Steven Kucan, Jose P icach e, Stephan L ad an aj.


Peter Shtompil


L -R ; Back Row: J. O 'Connell, J. N eilan, P. Bonner, J. Boyle, K . Cullen, C . L a lly. Front Row: B. Rooney, A . Quinn, P. Johnston, B. L oftus, S. O 'Kane, J. Regan, T . K il足 kenny



Bro. Joseph C . W u ss, S.J. M oderator and Founder

r r, „ , O . n qnltvs D M ikolay, S. Kucan, T . M ackow, D. W illiam s, S. DaL -R ; Back Row. D . S o ltys, . ofpiia G T o o o lesk i, M . L an cos, H. Paszko, A . F ro n tL w : M. M ichalik, B ro. W u ss, T . M ahoney, J. Popovich, W. Olen 89



Front Row L -R : A . C ife lli, M . D eM arco, D . Connors, T . M atthews. Second Row: T . Donato, J. F een ey, J. Luppino, J. C ro w ley. Third Row: D. Viggiano, A . C orrado, J. Popovich.

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Kilkenny, J- Berardinelli, J. Buckman, K . « — «*■ M issin g- , . R as-

low sky, T . Serem ba, P. Drennan.



A rts E ditors Mike O 'Reagan and M arc Dolan



M arc Dolan and M ichael O ’ Regan

M oderator M r. John J. C a se y flanked by E di­ to rs John L ee and M arc Dolan.

Authors M . W raback, S . D uran, J. D iD om enico, C . O 'R e illy , S. Keatrng.



E d ito r-in Chief: T im Mahoney

A sso cia te Editor: Doug F ilak

L ite ra ry Coordinator: M arc Dolan A sso ciate Editor: John Lee

Senior Editor: Mike Kowalski

Photography Editor: Ihor Shevchuk


F a cu lty E ditor: C a rl H am ill

Business M anager: Ken M a­ loney m.mmM

A c tiv itie s Editor: Mike Kennedy

â– a


Sports Editor: Tom Schem ber

U nderclassm en Editor: Rich Connors and M oderator: F r . Ned Coughlin, S.J.

Special A ssistan t Editor: Joe F o rcillo



CAST (in order of crppearance) PAUL S Y C A M O R E .................................................................... Paul Di Branco DE P IN N A ................................................................................... Len Attisono E S S IE ............................................................................................ Patty Clark P E N N Y ...................................................................................... Brigit Ha milI ED C A R M IC H A E L .......................................................................... Mike Ard R H E B A .................................................................................. Annette Irving D O N A L D ................................................................................ Louis Navarro H E N D E R S O N ............................................................................ Mike O ’Regan PAUL DE W O L F ............................................................................Jim Dowden ALICE S Y C A M O R E ............................................................... • Theresa Burns J IM M Y ....................................................................................... Andy Goddu G R A N D P A ..................................................................................... Mike Short TONY K IR B Y ............................................................................. Tony Rotondi MORTIMER PER'RIW INKIE............................................................ Jim Domenico BORIS K O IE N K H O V .................................................................... Tony Keating GLORIA W E L L IN G T O N .......................................................... Clare McLaughlin P LU M BER ................................................................................... William Lillis R A L P H ...................................................................................... Ed Albano MORTIMER .............................................................................Steve Keating MR K IR B Y ....................................................................................Bill Petrick MRS K IR B Y .......................................................................... Elaine Konopka GRAND D U T C H E S S ................................................................. Peggy Hamilton T U S H K A ..................................................................................... Rita Howard THE M A N ............................................................................... Jim Me Govern MAC Ken french m i k e ............................................................................................. Pat Lal,y T E D ..................................................................................... Bill,McDonough JERRY Thomas Reddy




M r. Robert A . M cGuinness

M r. C h arles L . Rowe

M r . James C . Horan

M r . Richard J. DiClemente


Edw ard Adam W illiam A irey

John A m brosio C raig A nderson

E ric Atanda L orenzo A zarcon

Thom as Bado Nicholas Barbato

Dorian Baskerville Daniel Baumgartner

D om inic Beddia Joseph B laszak

Joseph Borden John Buckman

David C alianese Brian Callahan

Jam es Cam pisano Edward C apparelli

David Cappoli M ichael C arson

Peter Cataldo John C av aliere

H arry C handra A rthur C ifelli

Michael Ciszew ski Thomas Conroy

K evin C o sgro ve Manuel C ru z

Kevin Cullen G rego ry Culloo

G erald D e rise M arc Dolan

Daniel Dziemian E d sel Engalla

â– MM

Raymond Engman Paul Erhardt


Edmund E rskin e M ark F abyanski

Douglas F ilak M ark Fitzgerald

Daniel Fitzm aurice Joseph Forcillo

Jam es Giannuzzi M ichael Glennon

Robert G riffith

Louis Guzman

James Hague A llen Halpin

C h a rle s H am ill C a rth e r H a rris

G reg Herenda Michael Honan



: --â– ; ^

M ark Ippolito W illiam Ippolito

David Isaacson Patrick Johnston

Richard Kabrt


Edward Kane Steven Keating

M ichael Kennedy Brian Kenny

Thom as Kilkenny Endre K ocsis

Michael Kowalski Joseph Kozlowski

A drian K raw czeniuk Bruce L am parello

M ichael Lancos David L ea ry



John Lee

Nicholas L em b esis Richard Lenahan

Paul Lopez John Lynch


Thom as Lynch W illiam M acchi

Thom as Mackow Alan M aglaque

Tim othy Mahoney Kenneth M aloney

Randal M artin Thom as M auriello

W illiam McCoy Joseph Michalik

Daniel Molina Paul Monaghan

M ichael M ulcahy Kenneth M yers

Charles O'Brien

Guy O'Donnell John Oehl

Michael O’Regan C harles O’Reilly

C h arles Palao M ichael P astier

Henry Paszko Harold Paws on

Joseph Pepe Brian Peterkin

David Peters William Petrick


Joseph Popovich V ir g ilio Quiambao

Andrew Rabbat W illiam R aleigh

John Raslow sky Peter Rasm usson

Thom as Rush Thom as Ryan

W illiam Ryan Thom as Schem ber

Richard Schwartz Robert Scura

James Serp ico D avid Settem bre

Reginald Shivers Michael Sivilli

C a rlo Sparacino John Spearing

D avie S zatkiew icz Andrew Szyposzynski

G rego ry Szulecki Stephen Theobald

William Tierney David Toscano

Luciano Tropeano M ario Valenciano

Peter V ardakis Joseph V argas

31 129

W illiam Vaughan John V e ltre

Thom as Verdoni David Viggiano

Joseph V illan ella Kurt W allach

Kenneth W aller Thom as Warn

Brian W eaver K evin Wendt

David W illiam s Joseph Wochna

William Wolchko Thom as Wraback

Vincent Yeo Mark Youngclaus

Alexander Zielinski Gary Zuza


IN MEMOR Y OF NICHOLAS KAPAKOS T he ju st m an, even though he d ies young, sh a ll be at r e s t . F o r an honorable old age com es not with the p assin g of tim e , nor can it be m easu red in te rm s of y e a r s . R a th er, understanding is the white h aired crow n fo r m en, and an un­ su llied lif e , the attainm ent of old a g e . He who p lea sed God w as lo ved . Having becom e p e rfe c t in a short tim e , he reach ed the fu lln ess of a lon g c a r e e r ; fo r his soul was p leasin g to the L o r d . — T he Book of W isdom

m h ls l i vinS an d; f \ 1?*




haoDv with N ick y's perform ance; on ea rth . We a ll w ill becau se he w m ld n ’t want it that w ay. He

wouldn't want m y w orld to stop b eca u se of h im . And it w o n t . — James F . Hague on behalf of the C la ss of 79


STAFF TIM M A H O N E Y E d ito r-in -c h ie f

JO H N LE E A sso c ia te Editor

D O U G FILAK A sso cia te Editor



Sports Editor

A ctiv ities Editor



F acu lty Editor

Business M anager

R IC H CONNORS U nderclassm an Editor

JOE FORCILLO Special A ssitan t Editor


M ARC DOLAN L ite ra ry Coordinator

Photography Editor

NED COUGH LIN, S.J. M oderator



P. Shtompil T . W yville M . Kowalski T . Schember J. Lee T . Mahoney R. Kos inski T . Sekel D. F ilak T . Monaco A . Maglaque T . Rush

B. Kenny A . Maglaque T . W yville B. T iern ey S. Keating P. Rasm usson K . W aller T . Sekel K . King S. Theobald J. Kozlowski C . McAuly T . Kilkenny J. Raslowsky J. Boyle


C L A SS H ISTO R Y 252 sta rt . . . C h ristm a s le a v e s b efo re the holidays . . . The K ern el gets the fir s t jug C ockroach es . . . Hague puts his foot in his mouth . . . fir e in M ooney's lo ck e r . . . ul-

rtm ate’ f

P rep KO’s ^oon’ ey and Swift rig h t a fte r M r. D does . . .^ L u g out scum

. Kum quats? . . . Duke finds a s u rp ris e m his lo ck e r . . . D . C . . . . F r . M u rray r e tir e s to Bayonne . . . W ho's Sharm a? . . . G aines and E van s. Spp gets a Z . . . L atin is lik e betting on a dead h o rse . . . W alk -to -rid e-a -th o n . . . C h a r­ lie attacks la ck . . . S o ccer sta rts its dynasty . . . d re ss down day . . . W here s the y e a r ­ book? . . . in tram u ral hockey m eets its violent end . . . the Society begins . . . we mourn the death of a frien d . . . "O ld M o d els" M aloney. Mr

C a re v m eets a puddle . . . those who can 't teach , teach gym . . . the docks . . . Joe L T ush V to the toga . . . flo w ers from Raz . . . W alk -to-p lay-a-th on . . . snow, ^ o r g a n ' s v o ice drops . . . F lo and Bruno . . . C appiello and Bongiorno fill S en o r's shoes . . . lo ck e r room floods . . . John M ilton, a su re cu re for insom nia . . . y e s , l e h I S ? t o die . . . C r a z y Joe G allo gets hit . . . Junior prom . . . football wins its la st


b L ts

gam e. Oh nol M r. Rowe . . . Senior R ide-a-thon . . E rhardt gets Rrn Wn<!<! hiffh on Polish Pope . . . L e t's be friends . . . everyone s an editor . . . aem t, cred it? A lan in d rag . . . nobody understands M r. M cGuinness . . . Hague invents new in 10 seconds . . . my application's due tom orrow? . . . oh, no M r. Rowe . . . 172 hit the home stretch .

£ S » * J S T -C V * 3 5 3


C reatin g a yearbook is not an ea sy t a s k . It asks for our tim e when we a re b u sy, req u ires attention when w e a re la z y , and tests our patience when it is w e a r­ ing thin. W orking on a yearbook demands im agina­ tions and yet at other tim es it seem s en d lessly ro te. O rgan ization , cooperation, and diligen ce a re e s s e n ­ tia l if w e a re to m eet deadlines and produce a quality book. T h ere inevitably com e those tim es which r e ­ quire sponstaneous d ecision s — a lo st p ictu re, m issin g id en tification s, an overlooked a c tiv ity . A yearbook must be planned yet something w ill always be off schedule. A yearbook req u ires constant work whether on the day of the deadline or three weeks b e ­ fo re . T h is book would have been an im possible task if it had hot been fo r som e people not mentioned in the preceding p a g e s . We would lik e to thank everyone who sponsored this book and allow ed us to have a c o l­ or section; F r . Coughlin for his id e a s , his p atien ce, and his typing; M rs . A rgyelan fo r help anytime we needed something copied, run off, or m ailed; F r . R oslovich for opening the door; F r . A zza rto for late night sodas; Andy M urro fo r his w illingness to e x ­ plain any problem that we m ay have had; Photography by Lou for senior p ortraits and co lo r p rin ts , and anyone e lse who has lightened our load in producing this yearbook.

Cave Canem Society

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