1981 Petrean

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1981: YEAR OF THE FAMILY This year’s international awareness of the family comes to life and takes shape in our experience at St. Peter’s Prep. Rev. John Browning, S.J. takes on the responsibilities of Prin­ cipal and welcomes us all home to the year of the family — the hallmark of 1981. Drawing from the wealth of his twenty years at the Prep, Father Browning propells us forward with a spirit which draws us closer than we have ever been before, alive to the possibilities and responsi­ bilities of a community. From the very beginning of our days together we have grown more and more into the Peter’s fam­ ily.

WELCOME HOME Freshmen ori­ entation scenes clockwise from up­ per left: Father Browning wel­ comes the freshmen home with warmth and enthusiasm; Class of 1984 take their place among the years of heritage and tradition; Fa­ ther Kavanagh introduces fresh­ men to the thrills of First Year Lat­ in; Stephen Rutkowski and Craig Richards investigate the intricacies of the lockers; Class ID gets down to the business at hand.

TOGETHER AG AIN FOR TH E FIRST TIM E The Class of 1984 takes their place in the gym bleachers as the frightened new comers to the Prep family. One hundred four years of heritage and tradi­ tion place a great burden on the shoulders of our youngest brothers. But Junior and Senior Big Brothers and faculty pulled together from the beginning of orientation to ease the burden and make them a part of our spirit. Activity booths, rallies, field day and an on-going shar­ ing of pride in our school helped the freshmen become more at home. As the new sur­ roundings, new faces, and new learning tasks became more and more familiar, the spirit of fam­ ily unity grew and days togeth­ er seemed like coming home. In jammed dances, filled stands, and raucous cheering the unique spirit of 1981 grew stronger and stronger. As we look back we find it hard to be­ lieve it is not the beginning, but that the year fast comes to a close. We share with you our thoughts and our visions of our family spirit as we saw it grow during these fleeting moments of 1981.


Student life at St. Peter’s is centered on a celebration of people. Lighter moments, free time, and the ordinary routine develop the sense of belonging and family pride. Concern and caring by teachers and students alike help mold men for others.

From the top on page 4: Prep com足 muters head home at the end of the day; Lou Stellato and Manny Vidal make casual review as Kevin King looks on; Ms. Garcia expands hori足 zons in language class; Break time allows for leisure and personal ex足 pression; Dennis Gemignani looks deep while Chris Lally readies for the screen.

From upper left: Awards assembly nets Brian Cummings a scholastic honor pin; Banners wave for first game rallies; Food for thought at frosh table at lunch.


Clockwise from upper left: John Kirk in light moment on Emmaus weekend; Fr. Stump, Paul Fla­ herty, and John Giordano roll the videotape to WSPP-TV’s Warner Wolf; Mr. Jack Casey directs cast of Our Town assembled for curtain calls; Editor Dick Connors makes deadlines look easy for interested seniors; It pays to advertise; Slavic Club officers watch Polka dancers from afar; The Maroon Marauder leads Fall rally.

r 7


2ND CEN TU RY OF PRIDE AND GLORY The Prep family is many peo足 ple coming together affirming and supporting the efforts of each other. On the playing fields our individual energies were knit into the fine fabric of the team effort, and in the stands, the excitement of the crowd displays the pride of each individual. Straining faces and bodies in足 dicate the unity of purpose and determination in fans and play足 ers alike. Victory never comes easy and is often elusive, but no Prep teams play without deter足 mination, putting forth their best effort. We stood by with pride in the sportsmanship of the teams that lost and we tore Roosevelt Stadium apart with joy when at last our football team won.

Clockwise from the left: John Boyle receives recognition for gym­ nastics from Father Coughlin and Fathers’ Club President Tom McDonough; Father Browning congratulates school scholars Mike Wraback, Charles Schmidt, Teddy Borowski, Howard Covert, Thomas Monaco, Robert Schwartz, and John Chaneski, National Merit Scholarship Commended Students all; Father Browning and Mr. Illy prepare for Awards Assembly; Prep’s pride in academics, Howard Covert, National Merit Scholar­ ship Semifinalist; Sal Cerchio and Minseok Keum inspect awards for top Chemistry team in Hudson County; Coach Jim Stevens gives kudos to Fernando Valdez for track team leadership; John Gibney awarded Spirit of Prep accolade.

TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS Every family album contains moments of glory and recogni足 tion. We are proud of the ac足 complishments of our brothers and we are pleased to have them receive their due. While some are singled out in various areas, others work hard behind the scenes and share their vic足 tories. In academics, the heart of the Prep experience, excellence is the standard by which all are measured. Some few bring reccognition from beyond the walls of the school with out足 standing performances and challenge the rest of us to live up to our potential.


In the main foyer of Mulry Hall is an office that is never vacant. Through a tiny window you can catch sight of the man that occupies this room. If you enter through the ever-open door, you may catch him at work with his scrapbook, but you will most surely be greeted by name. However, knowing the name of every student is but a small sign of how intimately a part of the Prep family is Brother Joseph C. Wuss, S.J. Brother Wuss assumed the position of Assistant Prefect of Discipline 8 years ago and immediately came to know the students personally, becoming more a Prefect of Hospitality. He shows enormous interest and concern for all the students and their activities. Proud of his own heritage, he instills family pride in others as the founder and moderator of the Slavic Club. His care is evident in his attendance at most sporting events and major school activities. Standing quietly on the side or seated in the bleachers, he seeks not to draw attention to himself but celebrate with pride and joy the success of others. Despite his busy schedule he reaches beyond the walls of our small family to the larger family of the city, visiting the sick in the hospitals, comforting those who mourn loved ones, and ministering liturgically in the neighboring Polish parishes. Brother Wuss also coordi­ nates the spiritual and fund-raising activities of the Ignatian Guild, the Jesuit Mothers’ Guild of New Jersey. In April he was ordained a Permanent Deacon for the Archdiocese of Newark. It is with great pride, a family pride, that we dedicate the 1981 P E T R E A N to a man we all love as “Brother,” a man who truly is our man for others.


CHALLENGE AND ADVENTURE The unquestioned heart of the Prep is found in the ex­ change of ideas in the class­ room. The various aspects of family life all build an atmo­ sphere where the learning pro­ cess can flourish. Dedication and hard work characterize the efforts of teachers and students alike as we grow into educated men. New faces filled with energy and excitement greeted us from behind the teachers’ desks this year, and throughout the school a positive and creative attitude helped even the more difficult subjects seem like adventures and challenges.

Clockwise from upper left: Mr. DeLorenzo explains the past in Fresh­ man History class; Algebra seems almost easy under Mr. Rooney’s patient teaching; the microscope reveals the secrets of life to soph biology students: Ms. Russell opens new horizons for Frosh Science Class. The foundations of our Eng­ lish language are Mr. Kennedy’s forte; Bro. Garvey gives the fresh­ men yet another book; frosh look on as Ms. Tavares brews new life forms; a lighter moment in French III catches John Petrick, Lou Stellato, and Bob Mulcahy smiling in a foreign language.


E PLURIBUS UNUM From many different backgrounds, numerous cities, and countless unique experiences, our family has gathered and grown at the corner of Grand and Warren. Older and younger mem足 bers have worked and played side by side, dreamt about the future that is ours and made our own the year 1981. The Lord has shone on us and made us one, rejoicing in all He has given us to share.





ADMINISTRATION Rev. J. Parkes, Rector-President; Rev. J. Brow ning, Principal; Mr. M. Berkowitz, Assistant Principal; Rev. P. Roslovich, Academic Assistant Princi足 pal; Rev. E. Coughlin, Pastoral Assis足 tant Principal, Greek I, Religious Ed III & IV, Moderator of Dances, Yearbook, Camera Club; Mr. W. Illy, Director of Testing, Registrar, Moderator of Radio Club; Rev. C. Dolan, Vice-President for Development, Moderator of Alumni; Rev. S. Meany, Treasurer; Mrs. M. Riordan, Assistant Treasurer.

Bottom to top: Mr. B. tries out new surveillance equipment; a smile from Fr. Ned and Senior Chris L ally; C oach B elo tti shows them how in Senior-Faculty football game.

Rev. Joseph Parkes, S.J. Rev. John Browning, S.J. Mr. Michael Berkowitz Rev. Peter Roslovich, S.J. Rev. Edward Coughlin, S.J. Mr. Walter Illy Rev. Charles Dolan, S.J. Rev. Stephen Meany, S.J. Mrs. Mary Riordan

CLASSICS Rev. H. Oppido, Department Chairman, Greek I,II, Latin III, Latin Intro to Modern Language; Rev. J. Kavanagh, Latin II, German I, Moderator of Walk-a-thon; Rev. E. Dolan, Latin I, IV, Greek III; Rev. F. Hamill, Latin I, II, Moderator of Mothers’ Club, Campus Shop.

Rev. Harold Oppido, S.J. Rev. Joseph Kavanagh, S.J. Rev. Francis Hamill, S.J. Rev. Edward Dolan, S.J.

Top to bottom: Fr. Dolan helping out on Walk-a-thon; Mr. Spitaletta giving Bob Baselice Italian pointers; Fr. Raulli explaining marks to Dennis Gemignani.


Miss R. Aquila, Italian I, II; Mr. L. Fordellone, Spanish II, Ital足 ian I, II; Mr. Fordellone is reco足 vering from serious illness and has been on sick leave; Miss A. Garcia, French I, III, Spanish I; Mr. W. Koszyk, German II, III, English I, Health III; Rev. A. M eagher, French II; Fr. Meagher celebrates his Golden Jubilee as a Jesuit; Mrs. D. P ic a -D e rise, D ep artm en t Chairperson, Spanish I, II, III; Mr. F. Spitaletta, Italian III; M iss G. Valcarcel, Spanish II.

Miss Rosemary Aquila Mr. Leonard Fordellone Rev. Augustine Meagher, Mrs. Donna Pica-Derise S.J. 22

Miss Ana Garcia Mr. Federico Spitaletta

Mr. Walter Koszyk Miss Graciela Valcarcel

Mr. John Casey Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J.

Mr. Joseph Galiastro Rev. Lawrence Hill, S.J.

Mr. Richard Kennedy Mr. Anthony Powell

ENGLISH Mr. J. Casey, English II, IV, Director of Dramatics; Mr. J. Galiastro, English I; Rev. L. Hill, English III, IV, Director of Community Action Program, Bowling Coach; Mr. R. K en­ nedy, Department Chairman, English I, III, Moderator of Theatre Club; Mr. A. Powell, English II, III, Moderator of Eb­ ony Club, Assistant Moderator of TV S tu d io: R e v . E. Raulli, English II, IV.

Left to right: Mr. Ken­ nedy clarifies a point fo r S e n io r H a rry Moyet; Mr. Casey dis­ cusses the significance of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment.


Miss Barbara Russell Rev. John Bauer, S.J.

SCIENCE Rev. J. Bauer, Biology; Rev. P. Hess, Physics; Rev. T. O’Connor, De­ partment Chairman, Chemistry, State Text­ books; Miss B. Russell, Intro to Physical Sci­ ence, B iology, CoModerator of Gymnas­ tics; Rev. D. Stump, Physics, AV and Com­ puter Services, Modera­ tor of TV Studio, Com­ puter Club; Miss D. Ta­ vares, Intro to Physical Science, Biology, CoModerator of Gymnas­ tics.

Left to right: Fr. O’Connor on the prowl for uncovered books; Miss Tavares cleaning things up; Miss Russell flashes a smile for the camera. 24

Miss Debra Tavares Rev. David Stump, S.J. Rev. Peter Hess, S.J. Rev. Thomas O’Connor, S.J.

MATH AND ACCOUNTING Mr. C. Carey, Math II; Sr. Ga­ briel, Math Tutor; Bro. J. Grif­ fin, Accounting, Moderator of Irish Club; Mr. R. Howard, Ge­ ometry; Mr. R. McGuinness, Department Chairman, Math II, III, IV; Rev. Mr. F. Pelle­ grini, Math I, IV, Moderator of Student Council, Spanish Ac­ tivities Society, Swimming; Mr. R. Ranalli, Math III, IV, Assis­ tant Football Coach, Wrestling Coach: Mr. C. Rooney, Math I.

Kevin Parker seeks advice from Mr. Ranalli.

Mr. Charles Carey Sr. Gabriel Dolores, S.C. Mr. Robert McGuinness Rev. Mr. Frederick Pellegrini, S.J.

Bro. Joseph Griffin, S.J Mr. Richard Ranalli

Mr. Robert Howard Mr. Charles Rooney



Rev. Mr. T. Scirghi, Religious Edu足 cation I, Freshman Guidance, Direc足 tor of Mission Drive, Moderator of Forensics, Track Team; Rev. J.Foley, Religious Education III, IV; Speech; Rev. F. Stroud, Religious Education II, III, IV, Sophomore Guidance, Moderator of Chess Club, Golf Coach; Rev. J. Mullin, Department Chairman, Religious Education I, IV, Freshman Guidance, Moderator Fu足 ture Physicians Club, Director of Food Drive; Mr. M. QuiT/wi, Religious Education II, IV, Co-Director of Food Drive. Left to right above: Fr. Stroud and Troy Ellis di足 rect film for religious ed class; Fr. Foley gets down to usiness.

Rev. Francis Stroud, S.J Rev. Mr. Thomas Scirghi,S.J. Rev. James Foley, S.J. Rev. John Mullin, S.J. Mr- Michael Quillin


Rev. Raymond Balduf, S.J. Rev. Thomas Holland, S.J.

Rev. Ken Caufield, S.J. Mr. Milton Berkowitz

Bro. Thomas Garvey S J Mr. Robert Mulvihill

Rev. R. Balduf, Depart­ ment Chairman, Junior and Senior Guidance, C ollege P lacem ent; Rev. K. Caufield, Ju­ nior and Senior Guid­ ance; Bro. T. Garvey, Sophomore Guidance; Rev. T. Holland, Test­ ing Counselor, Personal Development III; Mr. M. Berkowitz, Director of Athletics, Depart­ ment Chairman, Phys­ ical Education; Mr. R. M u lv ih ill, P hysical Education. Left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lipari, Driver Edu­ cation instructors; Mr. Mulvihill gives strategy to Mr. Bionodo.



Miss C. Collins, Librarian; Rev. Mr. R. Grimes, Music I, III, IV, Religious Education IV, Band Director, Liturgical Music; Mr. J. Horan, Jour足 nalism, Communications, Moderator of Newspaper; Mr. D. Sorrenti, Director of Public Information. Mr. Sorrenti and Mr. Horan lei足 surely discuss Prep press re足 leases; Mr. Grimes rehearses band for Christmas concerts.

Miss Catherine Collins Mr. James Horan 28

Rev. Mr. Robert Grimes, S.J. Mr. Dante Sorrenti

Mr. Thomas Biondo Mr. Carl DeLorenzo Rev. Mr. Thomas Maus, S.J. Rev. Harry Untereiner, S.J.

Mr. Michael Gray

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Mr. DeLorenzo dis­ cusses plans for fresh­ man orientation with John Azzarello and F ra n k C asey; M r. Biondo explains causes of the American Revo­ lution to his sopho­ more class.

Mr. T. Biondo, U.S. History I, Assistant Foot­ ball Coach; Director of Intramurals; Mr. C. DeLorenzo, Department Chairman, World Civil­ ization, JV Baseball Coach; Mr. M. Gray, U.S. History I, II; Rev. Mr. T. Maus, World Civiliza­ tion, Hockey Coach, Director of Higher Achievement Program; Rev. H. Untereiner, U.S. History I, Religious Education III.



Mrs. Helen Dailey, Devel­ opment Office, Secretary to Fr. C. Dolan; Mrs. Ethel Wynn, Reception­ ist, Switchboard; Mrs. Ei­ leen Doolan, College Placement Office, Secre­ tary to Fr. Balduf; Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons, Presi­ dent’s Office, Secretary to Fr. Parkes; Mrs. Rosalie McNulty, Principal’s Of­ fice, Secretary to Fr. Browning, Public Rela­ tions Office; Mrs. Helen Argyelan. Principal’s Of­ fice, School Secretary, Secretary to Fr. Brown­ ing; Miss Geraldine Reneau, Treasurer’s Office, Secretary to Fr. Meany.



Mr. Louis Scarpa, Direc­ tor of Maintenance; Bro. Paul Harrison, S.J., Assis­ tant Director of Mainten­ ance; Mr. Paul Staiano, Engineering; Mary Young, Housekeeping; Murleen Gill, Housekeeping; An­ gela DePalma, Cafeteria; John Holmes, Mainten­ ance; Joey Gadsden, Cafe­ teria Maintenance; Bro. Ralph Cilia, S.J., Assis­ tant Director of Mainten­ ance; Frances Dukes, Cafeteria.





A Frosh finishes another day. Facing page: homework before the bell.

Amir Abiskaroon James Ackaway Kevin Archer Arthur Brown Jerome Brown

Alfred Burbank Donald Davis Nicholas De Cesare Emerson Domingo Errico Galvez

Garth Hadley Vincent Hannah Donald Howard Ross Huggins Sung Kim

Peter Mastrolia Thomas Mulcahy William McKay Chandradat James McKnight Persaud Earnest Redwine

Stephen Reverendo Bernabe Rodriguez Kyndall Ruffin John Stokes Rodney Terry


Jeffrey Van Sant Rodolfo Zerquera Jonathan Al-Kaisi Conrado Barreiro Robert Buckman

Michael Czochanski John Di Renzi James Dudek Ronald Filak Robert Forcillo

Charles Harrington Patrick Humphreys Richard Kennedy Noriel Lintao Edward Martinez

Kevin McKnight Alan Monserate John Pedro Nestor Rentas Alfred Romano

John Ryan William Stack Peter Tuzzo

Miguel Ulloa Harry Wyman Joseph Zamarra



Joseph Esposito William Bate Robert Greco Michael Robert Holston Berkowitz Philip De Cresce Barry Dugan 36

Charles Huh Joseph McCrary John Norton

Emil Ocampo Raymond Pagkalinawan Gregory Pollini Craig Richards Stephen Rutkowski

Paul Schroeder George Scott Jeffrey Sochowicz Dennis Tantuico Dennys Tapia

John Tubridy Joseph Verdon Robert Walsh Christopher Wood Frank Young


Phillip Aguiar Brian Cahill Christopher Chaneski Richard Cyriacks Thomas Dabrowski

Thomas Dougherty Paul Drennan John Fleming Bruce Gmahle Byron Haynes

Jeffrey Hennessey William Herenda Thomas Jaworski Emillio Jimenez Michael Kostrzewa

Timothy Lindis Louis Mastria James Murphy Kevin O’Connell

Barry Ponticello Daniel Reilly Modesto Reyes Daniel Scalcione

Peter Serra Marc Tarantino Sergio Vazquez Hugh Welsh Not pictured: Rocco Marchetta 37


Opposite page. Big Brother Rich Rusin aids a Frosh. Hallway stampede.

Isidro Basa Horace Brown John Casey

John Cingerana David Connolly Gregory De Rosa

Michael Dwyer James Feehan Julio Garcia

Joseph Gomez Brian Haggerty Steven Joyce Patrick Kane

Patrick Kelly Erik Leishman Romano Lim Edward Lucas Vincent Luna

Joseph Magotch j Patrick McGee | Timothy McGovern Anthony Menafro jj Christopher Monico


Kevin O’Connor Daniel Onorato Mark Polemeni Jack Silva Edwin Torres

William Andersen Juan Blanco Mark Chiappara George Costanzo Brian Dennis

William Doll Eric Dugan Narciso Fernandez

Frank Gifford Louis Perino Andrew Poueymirou

Gabriel Salazar Luisito Samin Christopher Serratella

Gregory Sullivan Alberto Vargas Carl Williams Lloyd Worthy Joseph Zampella 39



Groucho’s Lounge: R&R at Fr. Mullin’s office.

Leroy Alicea Scott Campbell Patrick Collins Alfred D’Amico Vincent DiDomenico 40

Albert Francesco Michael Granelli Ricardo Hernandez Michael Kane Jay Latko

Lyndon Luistro Gerard McCarthy Arthur Nieves Albert Oliveira Paul Pineiro

Robert Scheurer Odilo Vazquez Walker Wooding Roman Shevchuk Francisco Yu Michael Sullivan John Tierney

Anthony Auciello Wendell Bates Michael Boyle


Robert Budzinski Harold Carlsen Frank Ciatto

Charlie Cooper Gavin Cummings Michael DePinto

John DeSimone Alfonso Dumas Robert Duncan Darren Fails Harry Fernandez

Cosmo Frattura Michael Fremgen Sanjay Gupta Timothy Ippolito Peter Irilli

Joseph Koo Randy Lacewell Ariel Lanting Albert Lewis Barry McAuley

John Moriarty Luke Phillips Carlton Rodgers Lemuel Van Croft Sam Williams


Raul Alvarez Edward Bono


John Borelli Marc Candino Stephen Calefati Nhan Dang Richard Dobronsky Patrick Drennan

Paul Flaherty Davin Foster Mark Hogan John Jones Robert Macagnano

Michael McGeehan John McGovern Joseph Murphy Mark Nicoletti John Perdigao

Michael Petronico Martin Ramirez Lee Reverendo Stephen Schember Thomas Schmidt


Joseph Nichols

Not Pictured.

Dennis Alvarado Anthony Szczesny Cunegundo Joseph Crivelli Thomas Tavarone Vergara Avery Cummings Francis Valanzola Michael Webb Robert Vayda Mark Wroblewski Joseph Veniero

Paul Distefano Joseph Korek Edward Lawson

George Levendusky Scott McNulty Joseph Nicoletti Joseph O’Leary

Theodore Roszkowski Mark Shaw Roman Sukiennik Kenneth Sullivan Anthony Varacalli 43


Another phenomenon in Biology. Opposite page: The beginning of a Jesuit education.

Oscar Aviles Kevin Bearse George Buska


Daniel Del Castillo Frank D’Onofrio James Gallagher

Russell Holland Michael Hunter David Jaskson

Richard Kelly Paul Marini Robert Morales

John Scutellaro Mark Albano Erick Bautista

Robert Bennett Edward Conlin Daniel D’Agostino Edward Daly Sebastiano D’Elia Not pictured; John Calcaterra



Andrew Dembia Richard Drennan Mark Englert Patrick Feliciano Zachary Gaulkin

Angelo Giacchi Edward Gualtieri Jon Kroeper Paul Lisa Ismael Maisonet

Hugh McDonald Louis Nappi Keith Neuschwanter Frank Raso Michael Rivera

Joseph Romano Paul Rutch William Savino Sean Seymour Joseph Trefurt

Jay Vida Thomas Walters

Enrico Zamarra Michael Zielinski


Hanging out in Uncle Jack’s office. Facing page: Dong Le, a man without a homeroom.

Michael Acanfora Edward Barry Clifford Bonhard John Cappadoccoia Timothy Carey

Arthur Cashin David Fernandez Thomas Gmahle Marcus Hall William Hoefling

John Jakubowski Donald Leary Gerard Lukowiak Steven McGill John McSharry

Stephen Merrick Gaetano William Morrissey Ricciardone George Shalvoy Mike Piperato Joseph Sisolak Eligio Reyes Cory Szatkiewicz

John Uva Thomas Ventrone Anthony Walsh Oscar Arriaga


Matthew Croghan Thomas Finn James James Flynn Demetriades Michael Forrester Sitien Do Roberto Garrido Stephen Dorian Gregg Giannina Joseph Dorneo

Patrick Griffin Thomas Kollmer Michael Hayser Paul Labruno James Kerwin Kenneth Lebon Raymond Leonard Bran Lynch

Robert McGuire Christopher Montferret James M urtha Gregory O’Brien Adam Pawlak

Kevin Russell Rene Sosa Russell Staunch Melchor Villaruel Mellyn Vitalicio

SOPHOMORES 2F-2A Mr. Biondo explains taxation. Opposite page: Time to play during lunch.

Mark Bann Michael David Bassem Demian David Dowden Robert Garison


William Hogar John Irvine Frederick Kish Jimmy Lee

Butch Manrique James Riccardi Jack McKnight Byron Williams Vincent Militello Scott Winter

Angelo Chavez Robert Adel Mark Armstrong James Coombs Sameh Barsoum Joseph Hong

Robert McCall not pictured.

John Giordano John Gray Raynard Howell Bienvenido Ignacio Jerome Kimbrough

Sanjeev Kothari Anthony Lipski Amilcar Lourenco | Todd Lovett

Frederick McGhee Athan Mergus Jerome Nicholson

Michael Nosal Todd Randall Jung Woo Ryu

Edward Skolar Harry Tam Garrett Threatt

Leonard Van Orden Jeffrey Wooten Lawson Worthy



Junior Dominick Minervini looking for a ride. Opposite. Cruden and Webster, “hangin” on the English building steps.

Anthony Alaimo Richard Bodtmann Robert Chaneski John Christensen Anthony DiMurro 50

Ronald Drayton Sean Dugan Dennis Edwards Louis Gallo

Kevin Giblin John Kemple Arthur Sullivan

Leon Suty William Thomas Emanuel Vomvas

Oliver Armas Pablo Artache Jose Barreiro

William Clark Charles Cresci Marc Denny Carlos Garcia Christopher Garlin


Jose Guzman Carlos Hoffmann John Hughes John Ippolito Kevin Kennedy

Joseph Kuca Christopher Kundro James Madden Micheal Lamb George LePera

Theodore Lowicki Edward Mackiewicz

Jose Martinez Michael Melnick

Mark Meola Dominick Minervini Mark Page Wesley Reason Edgar Rivera

John Strebb Peter Tomicic Raymond Torres Neil Ward Kevin Webster 51


Santa Sean Mead, all of 3D Opposite page: Men at work in the labs of Fr. O’Connor.

Edward Ambrosio Juan Arboleda Henry Borchers Maurice Caldarola

Brian Cummings Frederic DeWan David Finn

Charles Firtion William Floyd Paul Hartnett

James Hawrylak Albert Hickey Robert Kerr

Mark Kusman Ed Macchi Thomas Madsen

Alexander Mariquit Patrick McGeehan Robert O’Brien Timothy O’Connell Brian Phillips


John Pizzi Brian Winfield Ronald Witkowski Paul Wozniak Jorge Barcon

Robert Bello Vincent D’Agostino Nicholas DeMarco Patrick Dumadag Michael Gallagher

Donald Girovasi Joseph Gizzi William Gordon

Martin Hagan William Harmer Stephen Kapsalis

Larry Lynch Andre Ridley Brian Sullivan

Robert Terek Gregory Walsh Manuel Zambrana



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Gordon and company in Fr. Hill’s office.’ Opposite: Students catching up on work in cafeteria. /

Belfield Bovell Robert Bowling Paul Boylan Anthony Caporale John Caulfield 54

Paul Costello Orlando Esposito Paul Griffis Joseph Krynicki

Chris Krzak Kevin Larkin George Mihalis

Steve Moran Joseph Murphy Matthew Pawlikowski

Thomas Pendrick Vincent Ramella Mario Sasso

Marc Sawyer Michael Valentino William Wisner


Percival Buenaventura Frank Castella Nicholas Chiles Steven Chua Peter Crivelli

William Ding Robert Frank John Hosty Jeffrey Lopez Michael Mannion

Anthony Monteforte Richard Mulcahy George Paczkowski

Christopher Piparo John Popiolek Jesus Prieto

Kirk Raslowsky Darrin Reznick John Roake

Richard Rusin Robert Schimenti Michael Theobald 55




The Student Council is a multi-faceted organi足 zation which serves the needs of the students, fac足 ulty and community. Elected by their peers, the members work as a corporate body to decide poli足 cy and procedure, and on committees of their choice for the various types of service. The council provides publicity, materials, gives impetus to school spirit, and takes care of social and spiritual needs. The Student Council plans and runs the freshman orientation program as well, all under the watchful eye of Rev. Mr. Fred Pellegrini, S.J. 58


Publicity helps the school survive, and the Student Council Publicity Committee does the lion’s share of the job. Under the direction of the Office of Public Informa­ tion, the committee also plays a major role in recruit­ ing students for the Prep. Throughout the fall, mem­ bers of the Publicity Com­ mittee visit several Hudson and out of county grammar schools introducing the Prep to 7th and 8th grade boys. This past year they visited over 50 grammar schools and attended a dozen high school nights, far surpassing pre­ vious efforts.

Clockwise from left: Director of Public Information, Dante Sorrenti; Joe Berardinelli always on the job; Student Council Office, pit stop for the tired during the day; our button; Moderator of Student Council, Rev. Mr. Fred Pellegrini, S.J.; Chairmen: Don Eng; John Boyle; The Commit­ tee: 1 to r: Jay Vida, Ed Ambro­ sio; Tom A ndretti, M ilton James; Gabe Doria, Joe Mur­ phy, Ed Macchi; Don Leary, Adam Pawlak; Chairman, Joe Berardinelli.


SOCIALSPIRITUAL COMMITTEE Diversity is the key to the role of the SocialSpiritual Committee. The members of the commit­ tee are responsible for the social life of the school, in­ cluding the m onthly dances in the cafeteria and the senior prom. On a more serious level, the committee has planned and set up for the school liturgies, the senior ring cermony and the Christ­ mas Food Drive.

Clockwise from above: The Social-Spiritual sev­ en: 1 to r: B. Cummings, A. Monteforte, G. Topoleski M. Acanfora, N. Gagliardi, H. McDonald, P. Feli­ ciano; The School Spirit six: 1 to r: R. Bennett, C. M ontferret, C. Piparo, W. Floyd, T. Matthews, C. Byun; Return of the Prep cheerleaders; Chairmen, J. Azzarello and R. Connors; Rally in progress; Fr. H. Untereiner pays a call during dance set up; Chairmen of Social-Spiritual committee, John Gibney and Joe Crowley.

SCHOOL SPIRIT The main function of the School spirit Commit足 tee is to inspire Prep pride and spirit in the stu足 dents and faculty. The committee focuses on sporting events, activities, and rallies as it tries to encourage every Prep student to be involved in some way in the co-curricular programs. This year, thanks to an outstanding effort by the mem足 bers of the committee, there has been a fantastic spirit throughout the school community.


INTRAM URALS The heart and soul of the lunch time activity is the stu足 dent-run intramural program. A varied program which in足 cludes football, basketball and volleyball, provides an oppor足 tunity for athletic competition for those not on interscholastic teams. The games help build a spirit of friendly competition, offer a break during the middle of the day, and promote class spirit among the various home足 rooms. Fall season highlights of football contests are included here.

Clockwise from top: Kickoff pass opens another season of intramural sports; Soph Bill Hogan launches a pass; Quick scramble; Fr. Parkes confers with M o d e ra to r, M r. Tom Biondo.

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Clockwise from top left: Sopho­ mores in lunchtime battle; Orga­ nizer Mr. T. Biondo and on lookers; St. P e te r’s football factory; J. O’Leary with the big 6.




Clockwise from above: “Let’s dance;” Seniors Rich Con­ nors, Drew Mooney, and Ron Babiak work the coat check; Mr. Scirghi overlooking the dance; Fr. Ned gives dance lessons to Brian Cummings.

Counter clockwise starting from bottom left: The contest begins; Jake and Elwood were there; New comedy trio; John Dennis and Partner whippin it; The final hodown


RELIGIOUS Clockwise starting from top right: The table is set for dinner at the R etreat House; The Emmaus brothers pair off for more discus足 sions; Fr. Ned inducts the Eucharistic Ministers; Fr. Ned celebrates the Thanksgiving Mass; Fr. Caufield gives instructions; Emmaus team members gather around the table to discuss upcoming events; M. James, J. Crocker, 0. Hadley clean up after lunch.



BAND Clockwise starting from top right: The band is tuning up to play be足 fore a football game; Brian Nevians and Mike Wraback preparing to play; The band practices for the concert in the bandroom; The Drummers take a break;

The band is a multi-faceted organiza­ tion. From the first day of freshmen orien­ tation to the recessional at graduation, the band is playing. What many people do not see are the long hours of practice; the first noises when a piece is first played to the final form when the piece is publicly per­ formed. The football games and the rallies show the band playing cheers and popular music, the holidays bring Christmas music back and the spring sees the annual Spring Concert where the band can shine in its own right. Counterclockwise starting from bottom right: The boys are tuning up; Mr. Grimes conduct­ ing the band; “THE BAND”.

MOTHER’S CLUB Clockwise from top right; The Offi­ cers of the Mothers’ Club: stand­ ing; Mrs. Rogozenski, Fr. Hamill, S.J. and, Mrs. Gagliardi, sitting Mrs. Monteforte, Mrs. Connors, and Mrs. Hickey; Mrs. Hudik ad­ dresses the Mothers Club; The Mothers Club discusses future plans; The Mothers relax with a game of bingo.


Clockwise starting bottom right: The Executive Board of the Fathers’ Club: Mr. Giblin, Mr. Wal­ ters, Moderator Fr. Parkes, S.J., Mr. Topoleski; Mr. Giblin starts the meeting; Fathers discussing plans for the future sports programs.


Clockwise from top right: Fr. Browning gets aid from students; Jim Murphy and John Coniglario stop for pictures; Teachers check in the finishers; Chan Byun, Craig Sawyer and others stop for refreshments.


A recent arrival, but rapidly be­ coming a firmly imbedded tradi­ tion, the Prep Walkathon is unique among school activities. Unlike the sports teams and academic clubs, it is neither selective nor exclusive; every one in the student body and Faculty is expected to participate. Its benefits are many: financial, physical, “spirit”-ual and educa­ tional. The funds raised help to meet the ongoing and increasing cost of running a school like Prep; the walk tests and contributes to the physical fitness of the young men- and old; involving as it does the entire student body. It is a pow­ erful instrument for engendering school spirit and a sense of belong­ ing; and finally, in the past five years, the 20 kilometer walk has introduced Prep students to parts of Bayonne, Union City, Secaucus, Weehawken, and Jersey City they may never have otherwise seen.

Counter clockwise from top left: Prep walkers trudge through the park; M att Pawlikowski still go­ ing strong; Walkers march towards the next check­ point; John Devlin and Vin Fego bring up the rear; The race to the finish line.

PHYSCIANS CLUB Starting clockwise top right: Sen足 iors: T. Quille, J. Nielan, G. Doria, S. Kucan, J. Buonavolonta, Presi足 dent G. Topoleski, M. James, and J. Kaplan; Moderator Fr. J. Mullin S. J. discusses future plans of the club with sophomore R. Leonard; Sophomores: Treasurer R. Leon足 ard, D. Jackson, A. Francesco, R. Drennan, Secretary J. Vida, P. Fla足 herty, C. Huh; Juniors: A. Melnick, C. Garlin, J. Prieto, R. Mulcahy, M. Theobald.


KARATE CLUB Clockwise starring from bottom right: Standing, E. Martinez, A. Nieves, N. Rentas, B. Bovell; Kneel足 ing, N. Giacchi, R. Holston, A. Abiskaroon: Ka足 rate Club warms up before a tough workout; Junior Belfield Bovell blocks a kick from Instructor Mike Gallagher.


DRAMATICS Twice a year two dramatic productions are presented by the Dramatic Society and the Stage Crew under the direction of Mr. Jack Casey. The Dramatic Society is made possible through a collaboration between Prep students and the var­ ious girls’ schools in the area. This activity provides an aper­ ture for the students to express their individual talents in an entertaining, as well as rewarding, atmosphere. In recent years the popularity and the charm of these productions have drawn not only a huge audience, but an exceptional array of young talent .. Parents, friends, and the student body find encouraging support to the ongoing success of of these plays.

Counter clockwise starting bottom right: Senior Kevin King touching-up before the play; A “HEAVENLY” Scene; Direc­ tor Mr. Jack Casey looking over his notes for the play; Junior George Paczkowski lights the way. 76

Clockwise starting bottom left: The members of the play applauding the audience at the closing of the play; Upcoming actor Sophomore Paul Flaherty; Veteran of Prep plays Senior Oswin Hadley; Director Mr. Jack Casey, Fr. Stump and members of the play in a word of prayer before the play.


DRAMATICS Clockwise from opposite picture: Lou Stellato and Bridget Hamill make a discovery; The Cast; Oswin Hadley gets a lift from Kevin King; John Chaneski as the cynical Sheridan Whiteside; Roseanne Caulfield lends beauty to the pro足 duction; Elaine Konopka plies her charm on Edgar Rivera; Joe Kuca and Jeff Lopez hold the show to足 gether.



Counter clockwise starting from bottom right: Under­ classmen hard at work; John Coniglario examines con­ tact; Chief Photographer Tom Monaco and Asst, pho­ tographer Steve Kucan; Jimmy Lee and friends at work in darkroom.



Clockwise starting top left: An ex­ ample of Camera Club trickery; Senior member Bob Mulcahy ex­ plains the use of a 35 mm; Ace Pho­ tographers: M. Ramirez C. Lally L. Machado C. Piparo and M. Theo­ bald show us how it is done; Under­ classmen learning enlarging tech­ niques; Tom “Allen Funt” Monaco.



Starting from top left: Senior Tom Richardson, Assistant Editor; Sen­ ior Editor-in-Chief, John Petrick; Senior Gary Topoleski, Assistant Editor; Board meeting discusses fu­ ture Petroc layout; Tom Monaco, ace photographer; Writing staff brainstorming for story ideas; Chan Byun, the newspaper’s artist; Sports Editor, Paul Simko.


Clockwise starting from top left: Underclassmen staff members: Sean Dugan, Ron Witkowski, Dave Dowden, Pat McGeehan and Dave Finn; Underclassman Editor Brian Cummings hard at work; Activities Editor Joey Berardinelli works on captions; Assistant Sports Editor Terry Matthews and Junior Bob Schimenti check layout with Sports Editor Don Eng; Contact sheet holds interest of senior photog足 raphers John Coniglario, Tom Monaco and Chris Lally; Assis足 tant Editor John Boyle, Editorin-Chief Rich Connors and M oderator Fr. Ned check proofs; artist Chan Byun dis足 plays cover facsimile he did for the office door; Howard Covert and Frank Gentile proofread copy sheets for senior section.


Clockwise starting from right: L. Alicea, K. King, F. Yu, E. Ri足 vera, H. Covert, Sitting: Mr. Scirghi, J. Chaneski, M. Wraback, P. Flaherty, L. Stellato, L. Lynch. M oderator, Mr. T. Scirghi S.J. The spoils of victo足 ry. Leaders of the Forensic Soci足 ety.

LITERARY Clockwise starting below: Mr. J. Casey moderator of Cellar Door; Sitting: Gary Topoleski with Chan Byun and Sal Cerchio, editors of the Departure; Sitting: D. Eng J. Tubridy J. Martinez N. Gagliardi H. Covert, W. Macawili; J. Chaneski and C. Stellato using their imagi足 nation.


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Clockwise starting from top left: sit足 ting: M. Toscano, J. Berardinelli, D. Hunt; standing: T. Quille, R. Baselice, G. Doria, D. Gemignani, F. Gentile, R. Cresci, D. Apruzzese; Back row: B. Ig足 nacio, J. Dennis, S. Kucan; Mr. Spitaletta looks over class assignments; Joey B. T. Richardson, and F. Gentile discuss Italian Night; left to right: M. Caldarola, C. Piparo, P. Crivelli, J. Pizzi, T. Madsen, R. Schimenti, E. Macchi, G. LePera, A. Monteforte; T. Ventrone, V. DiDomencico, A. Meanfro, P. Tuzzo; seated: Vice-President M. Toscano, President J. Berardinelli; standing, Fr. Oppido, D. Apruzzese, D. Hunt, N. Corrado, F. Gentile; Frank Gentile, man on the move; Sergeantat-Arms, Dave Hunt.


Starting top left: 1 to r, kneeling: J.R. Ryu, C. Huh, D. DelCastillo, H. Tam; standing: J. Hong, J. Koo, W. Ding, J. Martinez, A. Mariquit, S. Chua, F. Yu, Mr. Tom Biondo, Moderator: Charlie Chiang waves from coatcheck during dance; President Chang Byun and other members of the Executive Committee, M. Keum and B. Ignacio; left to right: G. Lee, M. Keum, G. Topoleski, I. Doh, S. Cerchio, B. Ignacio, C. Chiang, S. Chung, C. Byun, Mr. Biondo.


Mr. Pellegrini, S.J.; standing: J. Arboleda, P. Artache, P. Dumadag, J. Guzman, M. Zambrana, J. Prieto; sitting: J. Martinez, F. Valdez, B. Ignacio, R. Torres; J. Martinez, J. Arboleda, F. Valdez, J. Prieto; Back row: E. Martinez, J. Brown, M. Reyes, D. DelCastillo, 0. Aviles, G. Salazar, E. Bautista, G. Buska, N. Rentas, sitting: L. Alicea, E. Reyes, M. Ullo, 0. Arriaga.

IRISH CLUB Clockwise from top: Down from upper left: R. Witkowski, N. Ward, D. Finn, J. Murphy, B. Cummings, J. Hawrylak, P. Bonner, J. Gibney, P. McGeehan, F. Casey, A, Hickey, P. Fla­ herty, J. Flynn, J. Boyle, R. Connors, T. Matthews, J. Berar­ dinelli, T. Madsen, Bro. J. Grif­ fin; sets the mood; learn by looking; Joe Murphy and Rich Connors watch Br. “Twinkle toes” Griffin in action.




FOUNDED: 1973 Clockwise top left: Standing 1-r, K. Russell, E. Skolar, Br. Wuss, A. Pawlak, S. Rutkowski, C.Szatkiewicz, G. Buska. Kneeling M. Kostrzewa, G. Pollini, T. Dabrowski, J. Sochowicz; Standing 1-r J. Hawrylak, C. Krzak, Br. Wuss, L. Suty, D. Mooney, H. Borchers, M. Pawlikowski, T. Mad足 sen, M. Theobald, K. Raslwosky, J. Popiolek; C. Piparo, R. Rusin, D. Reznick; Br. Wuss pulls a raffle ticket at the Polka Night; Flag bearers; Slavic Club banner.

EBONY CLUB Sitting; J. James, T. Holloway, K. Parker, C. Sawyer, M. James, J. Dantzler, C. Webb, A. Jenkins, M. Bird; Ebony club members conviening in the caf.; The executive board; Sitting; J. Martinez, L. Lynch, W. Floyd, C. Garlin, R. Drayton, B. Philips; Back row: R. Bennet, L. Worthy, A. Lewis, L. Worthy, C. Cooper, D. Fails, H. Brown; Middle row: E. Martinez, A. Cummings, D. Howard, J. Brown, K. Archer, J. Jones, F. McGee, E. Lawson, W. Wooding, R. Lacewell, T. Lovett, J. Nichols, J. Wooton, B. Williams, R. Holston, D. Davis; Front: E. Redwine, W. Bates, G. Cummings, R. Howell, M. Hall, M. Armstrong.


Starting clockwise lower left; How­ ard Covert and the Chess club; Ad­ venturers desecrate Baal’s Tomb; D&D Warlords; Dungeon Master, M att Pawlikowski, leads a quest into the unknown; Chessmen brush up on openings;


S K I CLUB Counter clockwise from top left: Charlie Schmidt leav足 ing the slopes; Sean Mead executing his skiing talent; Joey Berardinelli, A1 Hickey and Jim Neilan ready to hit the powder; Fr. Stump and Bob Burns after a suc足 cessful run.



Starting counter-clockwise bot足 tom right: Senior Keith Napierski instructs underclassmen how to use the equipment; Sen足 ior Tony Carter talks to the oth足 er side of the world; Left to right: A. Aucello, Moderator Mr. W. Illy, R. Alvarez, R. Rusin, K. Napierski, and W. Savino.



Starting clockwise bottom left: Left to right: L. Van Orden, F. Valanzola, L. Mastaria, and J. Gior足 dano; S. Kothari, J. Nor足 ton, and J. Veniero check for bad fuses; T. McGo足 vern, J. McGovern, and B. Lynch prepare to film; K. King, Moderator Fr. D. Stump S.J., J. Veniero, R. Vader, and G. Lee pro足 graming the computer.




Clockwise starting from top: Ju ­ nior running back Nick DeMarco breaks into the secondary for a key first down; Coaches left to right: C. Curry, R. Rinalli, B. Antoicello, Headcoach G. Belloti, F. Bryant, B. Harris, T. Biondo; Senior Terry Matthews and others look on while the Prep moves down the field; Ju­ nior G. Mahalis and company gang tackle a Xavier runner; Senior quarterback Jim Dantzler prepares to unleash a pass to Ted Holloway down the side lines. Back Row: B. Phillips, R. Falconetti, P. Dumadag, T. Holloway, M. Gaddis, G. Mahalis, T. Lovett. Sec­ ond Row: D. Hunt, K. Parker, T. LaMonica, K. Kelton, W. Hoefling, A. Lipski. Third Row: M. Sawyer, T. Madsen, T. Hayes, R. Drayton, A. Gray, J. O’Leary. Fourth Row: A. Hickey, E. Lawson, R. Larkin, M. Nicoletti, G. Messina, N. De­ Marco. Fifth Row: T. Tavarone, C. Cuthbert, G. Buska, M. Mannion, P. Griffis, J. Nichols. Sixth Row: J. Nicoletti, B. Ignacio, P. Ignacio, T. Matthews, L. Lynch, A. Jenkins, L. Reverendo, B. Bennett, L. Worthy, S. Kapsalis. Front Row: Trainer K. Webster, Co-Captains Robert Faccone and Jim Dantzler, M. Byrd.


Clockwise from upper left; Yes, they do have something to cheer about; Kevin Park足 er gets by Hudson Catholic tackier on a sweep around end; Victory at last! Co-cap足 tain Bob Faccone sets up the defensive line; Senior All-County tight end Mark Gaddis heads for end zone; Captain Jim Dantzler shows hurling prowess against Hudson Catholic. Jim was also cited as Most Coura足 geous Athlete by Eastern Association of In足 tercollegiate Football Officials. Sophomore Bob Bennett falls on loose ball for another turnover recovery.


WE WIN!!! 21-6 The sweet smell of a victory was lingering in Roosevelt Sta­ dium on October 5,1980. Prep’s fans were roaring at every Prep play and the returning cheer­ leaders displayed exuberance at each first down. First year coach Gerry Bellotti was abso­ lutely estatic over the Maraud­ ers’ performance. With sheer determination and will, the Marauders snapped a twentygame losing streak as quarter­ back Jim Dantzler hurled three touchdown passes to defeat arch-rival Hudson Catholic 216. Dantzler opened the scoring in the first half with a 16 yard pass to Ted Holloway. Bob Faccone ran for the conversion. This was the first game of this season in which St. Peter’s managed to score. In the second quarter, Dantzler found his fa­ vorite receiver, Mark Gaddis, who had five receptions on the day. Gaddis’s receptions came in St. Peter’s last touchdown drive. Before this game, the Marauders had suffered succes­ sive winless seasons. Following this game, the football team, Coach Bellotti, and all the dedicated fans will savor this day as a tribute for hope, pa­ tience, and hard work.

THE CHEERLEADERS The new spirit in the school is evident in our sports program mainly because of the reappear­ ance of its cheerleaders. The squad is coached by Denise Blunda a former Prep cheer­ leader in 1978. Captain Jose­ phine Infante and Co-Captain Lisa Ward are the leaders of this appealing group of girls who added much lively enthusiam to our sporting events. We greatly appreciate their contri­ butions.

Clockwise from upper right: At center Madilyn DeMurro lead the cheers in an attractive routine; Captain Josephine Infante, coach Denise Blunda, co-captain Lisa Ward; middle: Vivian Felton, Lin­ da Perri, Tara Zadroga, Madeline DeMurro, Mary Zeller; bottom: Peggy Bucco, Madilyn Aviles, Fran Armagno; In an exuberant game against Hudson Catholic Capt. Jo­ sephine directs the cheers for the football team.



Due to an energetic and young squad of runners, this year’s cross country team has sustained their hope and enthusiasm. Including talented sophomores, Sean Seymour and Kenny Sul­ livan, and gifted juniors, Paul Hartnett and John Hosty, the runners took fifth place in the city meet while the freshman team took fourth place overall. Watched by coach Jim Stevens and paced by senior captain, Fernando Valdez, and junior co­ captain, Brian Sullivan, the team has tried harder than ever to boost their record.

Clockwise from upper left: Junior John Hosty searches for the finishing line at the city meet; Junior Co-captain Brian Sullivan sets the pace in the 3000 meters at the city meet, Sophs Kenny Sullivan and Rich Drennan stretch and prepare before the bolt of the race at the city meet at Lincoln Park.



Senior Gus Saldana capitalizes on a corner kick; Eager to run on their home turf, our hooters warm up before a victory; At half-time the Marauders rest; Pat Bonner exchanges congratulates in season opener against Marist High School.


OUR SOCCER D Y N A ST Y RETU RN S With many experienced seniors eager to play, the St. Peter’s Prep Soccer team had high expectations of winning the county title again. Practicing every day at Lincoln Park, coach Connie Gallagher molded a group of indivuals into a team that played together for a common goal. The scenario was set in Bayonne Park on September 19, 1980 for an important first win. Marist High School and booters clashed for two long hours. Unfor­ tunately the game was tied 1-1. Un­ daunted, they won the following game against St. Aloysius High School 3-0 and the next game against Emerson was an extremely hard fought game. Gus Saldana, All State mid-fielder for two years, scored two goals for the Marauders on direct kicks from twenty-five yards out in the second and third quarters to win 2-1. Coach Gal­ lagher cited Pete Crivelli, Ray Skaslski, Pat Bonner, Bernie Biviano, and Joe Berardinelli for out­ standing defensive play. The spirit of Prep carried them through the next seven games losing only to Weehawken and Memorial both 31. Although the spirit was still high in the following four games Prep’s booters lost two important games: Weehawken 5-1, and perennial nemesis Bayonne 3-1. However de­ spite these two loses, the team achieved a tournament spot in the Parochial A Division.

Clockwise From Left: Back Row; R. Mulcahy, F. Campagna, S. Greszczak, R. Skalski, P. Crivelli, J. Crivelli, K. Larkin, G. Saldana, B. Biviano, P. Barreda, C. Byun, J. Dorneo, C. Cresci, J. Calcaterra, J. Perez, N. Ippolito, Coach Connie Gal­ lagher; Front Row: P. Sera, B. Ignacio, J. Donargo, J. Ryu, B. Cresci, P. Bonner, J. Hong, M. Keum, J. Berardinelli, A. Dembia, J. Irvine; Coach Connie Gallagher counsels the Prep Booters; Joey Berardinelli zeroes in on a loose ball; Senior Bob Cresci outduels a Marist opponent; Junior Pete Crivelli initiates the attack.

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Clockwise from above: Sophomore Goal足 ie John Irvine distributes the ball: Senior Joe Donargo awaits play; Senior AllStater, Gus Saldana, dazzles his oppo足 nent with his fancy footwork; Ray Skalski looks on as Pete Crivelli clears the ball; Offensive attack.



J. V. SOCCER WINS COUNTY CROWN AG AIN ST HUDSON CATHOLIC 3-2! In the quadrangle at Bay­ onne High School the mood of the season was set in the first game against Bayonne on Sept. 19, 1980 with a 3-2 win. This spirit encouraged the booters to win the next four consecutive games until they met that nem­ esis Bayonne again. Although losing valiantly 4-2, they con­ tinued to dominate the soccer fields of Jersey City and be­ yond. An important soccer tournament loomed ahead how­ ever, and archrival Bayonne threatened all their chances to win it. With a strong game they won 2-1 and advanced to the championship game against Hudson Catholic. The Prep dis­ played the makings of a new soccer dynasty and won 3-2. Praise is given to Most Valu­ able Player John Calcaterra.

Clockwise starting from top left: frosh Barry McAuley chases down the ball in a game against Marist; The team loosens up before a cru­ cial game; The Prep J.V. Soccer Team - “HUDSON COUNTY J.V. SOCCER CHAMPS”; Coach Colm McAuley goes over the game plan with the team.

Top row, left to right: S. Barsoum, W. Thomas, J.R. Ryu, R. Bowling, A. Pagkalinawan, K. Russell, N. Giacchi, A. DeMurro, 0. Arriaga, P. Collins, M. Sullivan, B. McAuley, S. Calefati, Coach C. McAuley. Bottom row, left to right: E. Zambrana, E. Zamarra, A. Chavez, E. Leishman, J. Riccardi, M. Granelli, P. DeCresce, P. Buenaventura, J. Verdon, T. Kollmer, M. Ulloa, R. McGuire.

GYM NASTS FLYING HIGH Second Row: M. Pawlikowski. T. Ambrosio. T. DeCicco. E. Skolar, D. Mooney. C. Garlin. Third Row: Miss Tavares, D. Crowley, J. Prieto, R. Walsh, P. Collins, Coach C arm en D eV ito B ack: M. Berkowitz. Clockwise from right: Moderator Miss Russell; Tom Am­ brosio; “Lord of the Rings”; Chris Garlin looks in anticipation for his score; Charles Schmidt rides high on the pommel horse.

One of the most im­ pressive records of the sports seasons was com­ piled by the gym team. Following the leader­ ship of co-captains John Boyle and Sal C erchio, the team peaked early w ith strong wins, and never faltered. Coach Carmen DeVito, with his inno­ vative and encouraging techniques, with the help of the team’s two new moderators, Miss Barbara Russell and Miss Debra Tavares, p ro d u ced a n o th e r championship team. Seniors Charles Schmidt and Tom Ambrosio, with the two captains, were all out­ standing in their re­ spective events. Junior sensation Matt Pawlikowski contributed much to the team’s suc­ cess with his fine floor exercise routines which qualified him for state competition along with John Boyle and Charlie Schmidt.

Clockwise from top left: Senior Sal Cerchio scores high on a perfect “L;” Junior Matt Pawlikowski in perfection; Coach Carmen DeVito and senior John Boyle ease tension at Ridgewood; Senior Tony DeCicco excells on floor routine.



This year’s season was abundant with Prep Pride. From the continuously packed stands and clamor from both cheerleaders and fans alike, to the five men on the court who gave it their all. Coach Jerry Halligan began his twenty-sixth sea­ son with a fine group of athletes who responded well and came up with a winning team. Senior leaders include Mark Doolan, Milt James, Ken Walters, John Wozniak, Bruce Nodine, Tony Minick, and Charlie Webb. Sophomore Ed Lawson also performed consistantly for the Petreans. This year’s strength will only be surpassed by the promise of a sound team for the future.



Clockwise from top left: Junior Ron Witkowski sinks two during warmups. Senior Ken Walter crouches for the shot. Senior center John Wozniak looks for the open man. Prep fans pack the gym. Coach Halligan plans strategy at the half. The “ 90 ” club looks on. Prep “ D ” hangs tough. Sophomore Ed Lawson - Prep defender.


Clockwise from top: Doolan talks strate­ gy; Minick leaps for jump ball; Bruce — “airborne;” Doolan drives against Sny­ der; Colford takes p o sitio n for re ­ bound.


Counterclockwise from top: J.V. team: L-R Kneeling: J. Flynn, P. Lisa, J. Gallagher, R. Kelley, P. Drennan; Standing: M. Harper, B. Phillips, A. Cummings, J. Coombs, F. D’Onofrio, A. Alaimo, G. O’Brien, J. Nicholson, T. Lovett; Freshman Team: L-R, Front: P. Kelly, C. Harrington, R. Filak, A. Lanting, L. Worthy, A. Monserrat, B. Dennis, B. Herenda, P. Dren­ nan, J. DeSimone, A. Lewis, B. Gmahle; Rear: J. Moriarty, J. Stokes, W. Bates, C. Rogers, P. Piniero, G. Cummings, C. Richards, R. Lacewell, K. Archer, C. Wood, L. Luistro, D. Davis, F. Ciatto; Sopho­ more P. Drennan drops in two points during a win over Dickinson High School; Freshman B. Her­ enda sets up for a rebound.


WRESTLING For two grueling hours everyday a dozen wrestler and a new young coach were straining in the Prep gymnasium. Why all this torture? The dream of winning the Hudson County title has sparked this young team and coach Rich Ranalli. However, with the loss of cap­ tain and All-County team member Jim Buonavolonta, the team had a strenuous season. Undaunted, ju­ nior Nick DeMarco won the gold medal in the Our Lady of Valley Invitational Tournament. The team finished fifth and this spirit of winning helped them to conquer Weehawkn High School 29-24. The future looks bright as freshman Chris Monico and sophomore Joe Crivelli show promise.

Clockwise from above: Standing, Coach R. Ranalli, V. Ramella, N. DeMarco, P. Cri­ velli, E. Mackiewicz, T. Senerchia, P. Dumadag, C. Monico, B. Ignacio, M. Riv e ra , C oach Hartnett. Kneel­ ing, T. Schmidt, 0. Armas, B. Buckman, B. Ignacio, J. Crivelli, M. Meola, Sitting, J. Kemple, D. Fails; Co-Capt. Nick DeMarco prepares to pin opponent; Junior Joe Cri­ velli hurls opponent to mat; Junior Pete Crivelli staves off foe.

Clockwise: Left to right Freshman Chris Monico fends off opponent’s lunge; The team stretch during prac­ tice session at Prep gym; Coaches H artnett and Rich Ranalli review re­ sults of wrestling team; Capt. Tony Senerchia mauls an opponent.


Winners since its inception, the St. Peter’s Prep Hockey Team is the defending county and B Divi­ sion champions. Thomas Maus ex­ pects another championship from his veteran team. Led by the prolif­ ic scoring of Gabe Doria, the stal­ wart defense of Tim Quille, the goal tending of Joe Donargo, and the steady leadership of captain Paul Koslowski, the team owns im­ portant victories over Clifton and Newark Academy. Only rival Hud­ son Catholic lies between the team and another championship, its ulti­ mate “goal.”

Clockwise from bottom left: A diving Tim Quille breaks up a scor­ ing play; Senior Kevin Kelton and teammates, Rob Colucci and Pat Lee, rush the puck; The Defending Champs: Front Row: K. Russell, C. Piparo, J. Neilan, Jim M cK night, C. Montferret; J. Don­ argo, P. Feliciano. Jack M cK night; M iddle Row: M.Nosal, J. Hawrylak, B. Colucci, P. Lee; Back Row: Train­ er Bran Lynch, Coach Rev. Mr. Tom Maus, K. Kelton, C. Curran, T. Quille, G. Doria, P. Barreaa, J. Russell, Coach M. Pica, P. Koslowski; Coaches Pica and Maus review re­ sult.

Clockwise from top: Senior Gabe Doria skates past opponent; the team drives up the ice; Senior Pat Lee to the rescue; Kevin Russell and Jim McNight, Prep gladiators.


Behind the leadership of captain Chris Hudik and senior star Mike Cirelli, the 1981 bowling team is one of the stron足 gest ever. Throughout the whole season, the team was in a neck and neck race for first place with ri足 vals Marist High School and Bayonne. The keglers received an unexpected surprise when transfer Joe Christopher displayed his winning form in crucial matches against Bayonne and Dickinson

Clockwise from top left; J.V. Team standing: Fr. Hill B. Garison S. Winters J. Giancola kneeling: M. Zambrana /C. Bonhard J. Cappadocia; Cluth bowler Senior John Giancola; High scorer Mike Cirelli; Varsity Team standing Fr. Hill J. Christopher M. Kusman M. Vitalicio kneeling: C. Hudik M. Cirelli; New comer Senior Joe Christo足 pher; Up coming Kegler John Cappadoccia; Form at its best Senior Marlon Vitalicio; Capt. Chris Hu足 dik and Fr. Hill

Clockwise from above: Tim O’Connell off the block and over the water; Phil Raleigh stroking in the lead; Matt Pawlikowski stretches for a double back dive; Nino Giacchi brings home a win for Prep.


SW IM M ERS PLUNGE Defending their title as city champs seems an easy feat for the 1981 Swim Team. Tremendous depth in each position proved to be the key factor in the team ’s coming of age. Archrivals in the county contest have much to fear this year with junior Tim O’Connell, Senior Rich Connors and John Boyle, and junior Pat McGeehan, consistently taking sec­ onds off their times. Cap­ tain John Gibney added drive and determination as he inspired the younger members and the team to ever greater efforts.

Clockwise from left: The team, left to right: M. Pawlikowski, S. Dugan, C. Lally, N. Ward, J. Strebb, P. McGee­ han, J. Boyle, T. O’Connell, R. Con­ ners, T. Matthews, T. Tavarone, M. Fremgen, J. Gibney, P. Raleigh, Mr. F. Pellegrini, J. Kerwin, N. Giacchi, S. Barsoum, Z. Gaulkin, C. Frattura, K. Sullivan: Rich Connors on back stroke start; Coach-Moderator, Rev. Mr. Fred Pellegrini, S.J.; Terry Matthews takes off on the touch; Captain John Gibney with Co-Capts Rich Connors and Phil Raleigh.

INDOOR TRACK Under the leadership of coach Jim Stevens, the indoor track team has been quite un­ usual. Believing that track is an enjoyable sport, Mr. Stevens motivated the freshman’s team 880 relay and the varsity’s two mile relay. This philosophy will prove itself in the future as this year’s team has only been beat­ en by much more experienced teams. Winning will come with more experience.

Clockwise from right: Standing, Coach Jim Ste­ vens, C. Cuthbert, J. Hosty, T. Lowicki, C. Hoffman, K. Levon, G. Paczkowski, G. Topoleski, J. Dorneo, R. Mulcahy, M. Hall, Kneeling E. Torres, D. Tapia, J. Dobriety, R. Forcillo, K. Ruffin, W. Wooding, E. Domingo; Track star Joe Dorneo finds a solution to the wa­ ter shortage; A race to the finish; On your mark ... Get set ... C. Cuthbert, M. Hall, G. Topoleski, and R. Mulcahy, are off 126

Clockwise from upper left; A Soph足 omore Joe Dorneo edges out Ken Ruffin and Gary Topoleski in a practice sprint at the Armory. Coach Jim Stevens times junior John Hosty as he wins in a practice sprint. On your mark the Maraud足 ers are ready to race. (Standing) C. Hoffman J. Hosty G. Topoleski (Kneeling) C. Cuthbert E. Torres J. Dorneo strike a calm pose. 127

GOLF BACK IN THE SWING By no “stroke” of luck, and w ithout benefit of a practice field, th e St. P eter’s P rep Golf Team is one of th e finest in the state. Arm ed w ith th e seasoned leadership of senior Thom as M onaco and the prowess of junior Bob Bowling, th e team is ready to do battle w ith their inevitable foes Don Bosco and Seton H all Prep. W ith the talents of freshm an Thom as Dabrowski, the future looks ju st as bright as th e present.

Clockwise from top left: Sitting: H. Covert, J. Coniglario; Standing: H. McDonald, T. Dabrowski, J. Vida, R. Bowl­ ing, W. Thomas: Senior Tom Monaco heads down the fairway; Senior John Coniglario readies his tee shot; Coach Fr. Stroud and Senior Tom Monaco display a new putter.


TENNIS This year’s squad boasts of the re­ turn of 5 varsity members from last year’s winning team. Losing only two starters to graduation this year’s team is as strong if not stronger then last year’s team. With the aid of Coach “Chief” McNamara Prep’s tennis team is a top county contend­ er and intends to position itself on top from the start and stay there . . .

C lockw ise sta rtin g from top left: Left to right: D. Edwards, D. Eng, V. Militello, J. James, Coach “Chief’ McNamara, C. Lally, J. Donofrio; Senior Chris Lally winding up for the serve; Captain Jeff Ja m e s “ p u ts one aw ay;” Senior Jim Donofrio displays his ability at the net; Sophomore Vin Mili­ tello with an easy re­ turn.


BASEBALL Baseball 1980 proved to be disappointing in the county standings, but 7 consecutive wins to close out the season offers promise for 1981. Coaches Joe Urbanovich and Connie Gallagher anticipate much from returning start­ ers, including seniors Tom Coletta, Chris Hudik, John McNulty, Capt. Joe Crowley, Joey B, and John Russell, as well as juniors Brian Sulli­ van, Ed Ambrosio and Pete Crivelli. Power at the plate looks for more speed on the bast paths for a balanced at­ tack and consistent defense.

Left to right, Back: Asst. Coach C. Gallagher, E. Ambro­ sio, T. Coletta, J. McNulty, J. Barcon, C. Hudik, J. Russell, Coach J. Urbanovich; Front: N. Chiles, R. Lar­ kin, Capt. J. Crowley, B. Sullivan, J. Berardinelli, J. Hughes, M. Cirelli, P. Crivelli.


Clockwise from top left: Senior Tom Coletta throws some smoke; Senior John McNulty guards the third base line; Ed Ambrosio drills one up the middle; Safe at second; Coach Urbanovich paces the base line; Joey B. on deck.





Clockwise from top left: Andy Gray and Tony Senerchia unwind after a hard day; Cedric C uthbert, Charlie Webb, Jim Neilan, Taugh Lynch, and Gus Saldana pose for a family portrait; At a bas足 ketball game, Dave Hunt strikes a debonair pose; Lou M achado, Jo h n McNulty, Pat Lee, and Tim Mueller share a light moment on the Emmaus Team Weekend Robert Ajamian Steven Alegret Thomas Ambrosio 134

John Amos Thomas Andretti Daniel Apruzzese

John Astriab John Azzarello Ronald Babiak

n Barclay Pedro Barredo

Robert Baselice Joseph Bawiec

Frederick Bello Joseph Berardinelli

R. Ajamian, Honor Pin 3; Basketball Intramurals; Baseball 2; Pol. Science Soc. 3. S. Alegret, Swim Team 3,4; Honor Pin 3; Ski Club 4. T. Ambrosio, Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Gym Team 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2; Class Pres. 2; Boxing 1; N.H.S. J. Amos, Class Pres. 3; Swim Team 2; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3,4; Football 1. T. Andretti, Class Pres. 3; Stu足 dent Council 4; Emmaus Team 4; High School Set 4; Intramurals 1,2. D. Apruzzese, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3 Secretary 4. J. Astriab, Honor Pin 1; Slavic Club ; Pol. Science Soc. J. Azzarello, Student Council 2,3, Chmn. 4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Football 1,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. J. Barclay, Track Team 1,2. P. Barreda, Honor Pin 3; Computer Club 4; Soccer 2,3,4; Hockey Team 3,4; Football 1; Salt Water Fishing Club 1,2,3. R. Baselice, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Swim Team 2; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Medal 3; Salt Water Fishing Club 1. J. Bawiec, Boxing 1; Intramurals 1,2. F. Bello Baseball 1,2,3,4. J. Berar足 dinelli, Student Council 2,3 Chmn. 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Yearbook Act. Editor 4; Italian Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Campus Shop 2; Ski Club 3,4. 135

1 Bernard Biviano Patrick Bonner

Thaddeus Borowski Michael Botyrius

John Boyle Robert Braswell

B. Bivano, Soccer 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Biology Gold Medal; Class Pres. 2; N.H.S. P. Bonner, Camera Club 1,2,; Prom Comm. 4; Dance Comm. 4; Soccer 1,2,3 Capt. 4; Irish Club 1,2,3, Treas. 4. T. Borowski, Honor Pin 2; Chess Team 3,4; Forensic Society 4. J. Boyle, Gym Team 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1,2 Asst. Editor 3,4; Student Council 2,3, Co. Chmn. 4; N.H.S.; Emmaus Team 4; Irish Club 4; Eucharistic Minister 4. R. Braswell, History Medal 3; Football 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,3. W. Brown, Football 1,3; Wrestling Team 2,3,; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Comm. 4; J. Buonavolonta, Wrestling Team 2, Capt. 3,4; Algebra Medal 1; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Future Physicians Club 4; Pol. Science Soc. 4. R. Burns, Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 2,3; School Spirit Rep. 2; Senior Prom Comm.; Eucha足 ristic Minister 4. M. Byrd, Football 1,2, Trainer 3, Manager 4; Chess Team 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4. C. Byun, Stage Crew 2,3,4; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 2,3 Pres. 4; Student Council 4; Petroc 4. F. Campagna, Soccer 3,4; Italian Club 3,4. A. Carter, Chess Team 1,2,3, Co.-Capt. 4; Ra足 dio Club 1,2,3, Tres. 4; Karate Club 3,4; Pol. Sci足 ence Soc. 2,3,4.


Walter Brown James Buonavolonta Robert Burns

Matthew Byrd Chan Byun Fabio Campagna

Anthony Carter Francis Casey Salvatore Cerchio

Opposite page bottom right: John Russell and Jim Crocker view college catalogues in the college placement office; Above left: Big Brothers, John Azzarello and Ilhae Doh, tutor freshmen; left: The Prep ring is a symbol of our achievements


John Chaneski Charles Chiang

J. Chaneski, Dramatics Soc. 2,3,4; Cellar Door 2,3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Forensics Society 4; Petroc 3; Honor Pin 2,3; Theater Club 3,4. C. Chiang, Honor Pin 1; Oriental Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 4. C. Chowanec, Honor Pin 2,3; Pol. Science Soc. 4; In­ tramurals 1,2,3; Slavic Club. J. Christopher, trans­ ferred from Marist 4; Bowling 1,2,3,4. S. Christo­ pher, Soccer 1; School Spirit Rep. 1; Bowling 1; Italian Club 4; Prom Committee 3,4. S. Chung, Soccer 3; Radio Club 3,4; Oriental Club 2,3,4; Hon­ or Pin 2,3,4. M. Cirelli, Baseball 1,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4. J. Clark, Baseball 2; Basketball 1; Irish Club. T. Coletta, Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Dance Comm. 4; School Spirit Rep. 3. B. Colford, Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2. J. Coniglario, Camera Club 1,2,3; Asst. Photography Editor 4; Petrean 3; Golf Club 2,3,4; N.H.S. R. Connors, Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Swim Team 2,3 Co-Capt. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Greek Medal 2,3; Yearbook 1,2, Editor 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Student Council CoChm. 1,2,3,4. N. Corrado, Class Pres. 2,3; School Spirit Rep. 4; Soccer 1,2; Italian Club 1,2,3, Treas. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4. H. Covert, Chess Team 1,2,3, Capt 4; Petroc 4; Cellar Door 3,4; Pe­ trean 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Golf Club 3,4; Forensic Society 4; War Games Club 1,2,3,4.


John Chowanec Joseph Christopher

Sam Christopher Sangki Chung

Michael Cirelli James Clark Thomas Coletta

Brian Colford Robert Colucci John Coniglario

Richard Connors Nicola Corrado Howard Covert

Opposite far top left: In the Prep gym, Gus Saldana “pumps iron.” Opposite far bottom right: Preparing for Christmas mass, Joe Crowley and John Gibney help Terry Matthews hang a banner. Top right: Os Hadley asks John Wozniak, Chan Byun, and Pedro Barreda for ad­ vice in filling out college applications. Above: Dick Connors and Joe Berardinelli chat with Mrs. Connors at a Mothers Club Meeting. Left: Phil Raleigh during a free moment on the beach at Sea Bright.


Robert Cresci James Crocker Joseph Crowley

R. Cresci, Transferred from Vicenza 4; Soccer 4; Wrestling 4; Italian Club 4. J. Crocker, Radio Club 2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4. J. Crow足 ley, Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3, CoChm. 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 3,4; Prom Comm. Chm 4. C. Curran, Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Theater Club 3,4; Emmaus Retreat Team; Class Pres. 1,2. C. Cuthbert, Football 1,2,3,4; Eb足 ony Club 1,2,3,4; Forensic Society 4; Dramatic Soc. 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Big Brother 4. J. Dantzler, Foot足 ball 2,3, Capt. 4; Ebony Club Exec 3.4.

Colin Curran Cedric Cuthbert James Dantzler

Anthony DeCicco John Dennis Daniel DePalma

T. DeCicco, Gym Team 2,3,4; Dramatics Soc. 4; D and D 3,4; Emmaus Team 4. J. Dennis, Class Pres. 1; Dramatics 4; Forensic Soc. 4; Emmaus Team 4; Dance Comm.; Irish Club; Italian Club. I. Diaz, Chess Team 1,2,3,4; Band 1; War Games Club 3,4; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3,4. I. Doh, Wrestling 3,4; Gym Team 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; T.V. Staff 4. J. Donofrio, Tennis Team 3,4; Tennis Letter 3,4; Irish Club 4; Petroc 3. M. Doolan, Bas足 ketball 2,3, Capt. 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; School Spirit Rep. 2; Intramurals 1,2.

Far opposite left: Gymnasts John Boyle and Sal Cerchio break from a meet at Ridgewood; Nearleft: Conversation after class involves Fr. Foley, John Dennis, and Chris Lally; Below left: In the Student Council office, Chan Byun reviews notes before a test.


Above: Tom Richardson and friend prove to be loy足 al fans at the Hudson game. Above right: Kevin Kelton smiles as Tom LaMonica watches football video足 tapes in the cafeteria. Far bottom right: The Campus Shop provides good buys for John Den足 nis. Gabriel Doria Lawrence Dunn Troy Ellis 142

Donald Eng John Ernst Robert Faccone

Gregory Fagan Robert Falconetti Vincent Fego

John Finn Michael Flanagan

Michael Forcillo Mark Gaddis

Neil Gagliardi John Gallagher

G. Doria, Hockey 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Hon足 or Pin 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Future Physi足 cians Club 4; School Spirit Rep. 2. T. Ellis, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club; Silver History Medal 1; Gold History Medal 2. D. Eng, Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; H.A.P. 1,2; Dramatics 4; Co-Chm. Student Council. J. Ernst, Soccer 1; School Spirit Rep. 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2; Bowling 2. R. Faccone, Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Class Pres. 3; Honor Pin 1. R. Falconetti, Football 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 4. J. Finn, Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Football 1; Irish Club 1,2,3; Chess Team 1,2,3; Radio Club 1,2. M. Flanagan, Campus Shop 2,3; Class Pres. 4; Biology Medal 2, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4. M. Forcillo, Gym Team 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,3,4; Yearbook 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Italian Club 1.2.3. M. Gaddis, Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3; Golf 4; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4; Irish Club 2.3.4. N. Gagliardi, Theater Club 3,4; Student Council 4; Petrean Sr. Ed 4; Cellar Door 2,3, Asst. Ed. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 4. J. Gal足 lagher, Petrean 3,4; Cellar Door 4; Intramurals 2; Honor Pin 3.


D. Gemignani, Honor Pin 1; J.V. Tennis 1,2; Ital足 ian Club 3,4; Dance Comm. 4. F. Gentile, Italian Club 1,2,3, Recording Sec. 4; Petrean 4; Dance Comm. 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Pol. Science Soc. 2; Emmaus Team 4. J. Gibney, Swim Team 1,2,3 Capt. 4; Student Council 2,3 Co-Chm. 4; Irish Club 1,2,3 Pres. 4; Marauder 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4. M. Grego, Camera Club 1,2; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3. S. Grzeszczak, Soccer 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Guitar Club 3. O. Hadley, Dramatics 2,3,4; Pol. Science Soc. Pres. 4; Theater Club 3,4; Petrean 4; Forensic Soc; Honor Pin 2,3,4; N.H.S. T. Hayes, Football; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Irish Club. T. Holloway, Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club; Track 1,3,4; Spanish Act. C. Hudik, Baseball 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4. D. Hunt, Football 1,2,3,4; Italian Club Srgt. at Arms 4.

Dennis Gemignani Frank Gentile 144

John Giancola John Gibney

Richard Gonzalez Hermer Gordills

Far Top Left: Senior Tackle Dave Hunt stops for a breath on the side足 lines. Far bottom left: Tom Coletta and friends gather for a Dance Committee meeting. Top Left: John Coniglario smiles for the camera in the photo lab. Above: A college catalog interests Tom Ambrosio.

Andrew Gray Mark Grego Stephen Grzeszczak

Oswin Hadley Terence Hayes Theodore Holloway

Christopher Hudik David Hunt Bernico Ignacio 145

Clockwise from top left: Craig Sawyer watches a basketball game; Seniors wait for fall rally to com足 mence; The camera sur足 prises Bob Cresci; After filming a basketball game; George Lee packs the T.V. equipment.

Sebastian Ippolito Jeffrey James Milton James 146

Anthony Jenkins Bryan Johnson David Kalinowski

John Kaplan Kevin Kelton Minseok Keum

Kevin King John Kirk

Paul Kozlowski Steven Kucan

Stephan Ladanaj Christopher Lally

S. Ippolito, Soccer 1,3, 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Italian Silver Medal 2,3. J. James, Tennis 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4. M. James, Cross Country; Stu­ dent Council 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2, 3, Exec. 4; Bas­ ketball 1,2,3, Capt. 4. A. Jenkins, Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club Exec. 4; Class Rep. 2,3. B. Johnson, Basketball Intramurals; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4; Eb­ ony Club 1,2,3, 4; Football 1. D. Kalinowski, Bas­ ketball 1; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Fut. Physicians Club 4; Pol. Science Soc. 3; Salt Water Fishing Club 3,4. J. Kaplan, Spanish Medal; Slavic Club; Boxing 1; Honor Pin 3. K. Kelton, Football 1,2,3,4; Hockey 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Pol. Science Soc. 3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4. M. Keum, Soccer 2,3,4; N.H.S.; Orien­ tal Club 2,3, Treas. 4; Lat. 1 and German 2 Silver Medals. K. King, Dramatics 2,3,4; Computer Club Sec. 4; Cellar Door 3; Forensics Soc. 4. P. Koz­ lowski, Hockey 1,2,3,4. S. Kucan, Camera Club 1,2, Pres 3, V.P. 4; Petrean 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Slav­ ic Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4. S. Ladanaj, Camera Club 1,2,3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4. C. Lally, Swimming 2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Camera Club 2,3,4; Eucharistic Min­ ister 4.


T hom as L aM onica R ichard L arkin C h risto p h er L arsen

Clockwise from above left: After a game, Mike Flanagan “has it his way� at Burger King; Joe Crowley unfolds banners for the Thanksgiving Day mass; After a hard day, Greg Fagan strolls to the bus stop; John McNulty arrives early to study for a test; After a late night of working on the yearbook, Neil Gagliardi drives home.


G eorge Lee P atrick Lee D om inic Lorenzo

A nthony Luongo T augh L ynch W esley M acawili

T. LaMonica, Football 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 2. C. Larsen, Honor Pin 1,2,3. G. Lee, Computer Club 4; Oriental Club 3,4; T.V. Studio Staff. P. Lee, Hock足 ey 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Emmaus Team 4. T. Lynch, Tennis 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Hockey Com足 mentator 3,4; Honor Pin 2,3,4. W. Macawili, Cellar Door 3,4; Future Physicians Club 4; Track 1,2; Museum Club 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Eng. Silver Medal 3; Geometry Silver Medal 2. L. Machado, Honor Pin 2,3,4; Petrean 4; Emmaus Team 4; N.H.S. 4. A. Marchitto, Football 1; Baseball 2. T. M atthews N.H.S.; Petrean 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,4; Petroc 4; Irish Club 3,4.


Luis Machado Gerald Madden

John Maloney Anthony Marchitto

Terence Matthews Steven Matulewicz 149

I John McGrath John McNulty

J. McGrath, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4. J. M cNulty, Base足 ball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Basketball 2. G. Messina, Football 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Comm.; Salt Water Fishing Club 1,2,3,4. D. Mikolay, Football 1; School Spirit Rep. 4; Slavic Club. A. Minick, Eb足 ony Club 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Rep. 1,2; Basket足 ball 1,2,3,4; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4. S. Minkowski, Slavic Club; Political Science Soc. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3. T. Monaco, Camera Club 1,2, V.P. 3, Pres 4; Golf 2,3, Capt. 4; Petrean Photo Editor 3,4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4. J. Moran, Camera Club 1,2,3; War Games Club 2,3,4; Bike Club 4. R. Mulcahy, Cam足 era Club 3,4; Soccer 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; French Gold Medal 2.


John Merrick Gary Messina

Daniel Mikolay Mark Mincieli

Anthony Minick Stanley Minkowski Thomas Monaco

Drew Mooney James Moran Harris Moyet

Timothy Mueller Robert Mulchay James Murphy

Counterclockwise from above: Hermer Gordills; John Gallagher and John Devlin prepare to leave the Prep gym after a basketball game; Standing outside the Prep gym, John Wozniak threatens to hurl a snowball; Robert Braswell; The fellas ham it up for the camera.

Brian Nevins Bruce Nodine

John O’Connell Shawn O’Connor


Keith Napierski James Neilan

J. Neilan, Hockey 2,3,4; Future Physicians Club 4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Baseball 2; Radio Club 3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4. B. Nevins, Band 1,2, Vice Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Emmaus Team 4; Stage Crew 4; Irish Club 1; Intramurals 1,2. J. O’Connell, Golf 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4. J. Oldakowski, Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 4; Emmaus Team 4; Intramurals 2. K. Parker, Football 1,2,3,4; Track 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4. J. Perez, Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2; Camera Club 4; Dance Committee 4; Petrean 4. J. Petrick, Petroc 2,3 Editor 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; 1980 Scholastic Writing Award; N.H.S. C. Philipczak, Basketball 2,3; Political Science Soc. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Chess Team 4; Class Pres. 1. T. Quille, Hockey 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Class President 4; Honor Pin; Prom Com­ mittee 4. P. Raleigh, Swimming 1,2, Capt. 3,4; School Spirit Rep. 3,4; Dance Comm. 4; Prom Comm. 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1.

152 ]

J o h n O ldakow ski T h eo d o re P an n u llo K evin P ark e r

Jo h n Perez Jo h n P etrick C u rt P hilip czak

Jo h n Pirozzi T im o th y Q uille P h ilip R aleigh

Clockwise from left: Consulting college advertisements are Milton James, James Donofrio, and Frank Gentile; Emmaus Team member Tony DeCicco counsels his partner; Having a ball at the Halloween Dance are Neil Gagliardi, Manuel Vidal, John Dennis, and a score of seniors and female friends.

Clockwise from above left: Tony Minick; Students in Advanced Algebra class re足 view for the midterm exam; John Giancola finds several moments at recess to make a phone call; Gathered in the front lobby before class are Joe Bawiec, John Russell, Taugh Lynch, Brian Nevins, and John Perez.

Thomas Richardson Mark Robinson Philip Rogozenski

John Russell Augustus Saldana Craig Sawyer

Charles Schmidt ilobert Schwartz \nthony Senerchia

154 i

John Shaw Paul Simko

Louis Stellato Gary Topoleski

Marc Toscano Fernando Valdez

T. Richardson, Petroc 1,2, 3, Asst. Editor 4; Class Pres. 3; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4. M. Robinson, Foot足 ball 1,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Eng. Silver Medal 1. P. Rogozenski, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; N.H.S.; Slavic Club 4. J. Russell, Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Honor Pin2,3,4; Petrean 4. A. Saldana, Soccer 1,2,3, Capt. 4; MVP All County 1,2,3,4 State 2,3, 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; French Silver Medal 2; Gold Eng. Medal 3. C. Sawyer, Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Team 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. R. Schwartz, Football 1,2,3; Swim足 ming 2; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4; Radio Club 2,3,4. A. Senerchia, Football 3,4; Wrestling 3, Capt. 4; Ital足 ian Club; Pol. Science Soc. 3,4. J. Shaw, Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Radio Club 1,2,3,4. P. Simko, Slavic Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 2; Petroc 4; Class Pres. 4. L. Stellato, N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Forensics 4; Cellar Door 1,2,3, Sr. Editor 4; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3. G. Topoleski, Track 3,4; Pe足 troc 2,3, Asst. Ed. 4; Slavic Club 3,4 Pres. 4. M. Toscano, Basketball; Italian Club V.P. 4; School Spirit Rep. 2,3,4. F. Valdez, Cross Country 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Track 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Karate 2, Capt. 3; Wrestling 3.


G. Van Sant, Slavic Club; Salt Water Fishing Club; Radio Club. P. Vega, Baseball 1,2; Basket足 ball 1,2; Soccer 1,2; Pol. Science Soc. 3. V. Victora足 tos, Soccer 1,2; Wrestling 1,2; Computer Club 4. M. Vidal, Track 2; Oriental Club 2,3,4; Pol. Science Soc. 2,3,4; Dramatics 4; Future Physicians Club 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4. M. Vitalicio, Chess Team 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Bowling 4; Honor Pin 3; Oriental Club 3,4. K. Walter, Basketball 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Slavic Club 3,4; Camera Club 2,3; Computer Club 4; Intramur足 als 1,2,3; Salt Water Fishing Club. J. Wozniak, Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.

Gregory Van Sant Paul Vega 156

Victor Victoratos Manuel Vidal

Nicolo Visaggio Marlon Vitalicio

Counterclockwise from above: Dennis Gemignani en足 tertains several pretty ladies at Burger King; Posing for the snapshot are John Finn, Steve Kucan, Mark Gaddis, Dave Hunt, and Tom Richardson; Stephen Grzeszczak and Tom Andretti compare notes in the cafe before an exam; Tony Carter.

Kenneth Walter Charles Webb John Wozniak

Michael Wraback Joseph Zielinski 157


THE 1981 STAFF RICH CONNORS Editor-in-Chief



Assistant Editor

JOE B E R A R D IN ELLI Activities Editor





Photography Editor

T E R R Y M A TTH E W S Asst Sports Editor


Howard Covert Bob Cresci Gabe Doria Frank Gentile John Gallagher Oswin Hadley John Russell Manuel Vidal

TO M M ONA CO Cover Design



Sports Editor Underclassman Editor


Asst Photography Editor


Ed Ambrosio Henry Borchers Mo Caldarola Sean Dugan Dave Finn Pat McGeehan Mark Meola Tony Monteforte Matt Pawlikowski Bob Schimenti Ron Witkowski Dave Dowden


Asst Photography Editor


Chris Lally Lou Machado Chris Piparo John Perez Bob Mulcahy Martin Ramirez Mike Theobald John Dennis


Table of Contents

We’ve toiled on this book for many months trying to portray the best of 1981. We never imagined how really good that was, and because of it, our task was more rewarding and|enjoyable. §§||Pf are aware fchatjwe owe our tMnks to many people: Andy Murro for his patience in teaching us how to put the book together; Lou Malias and the staff of Photography by Lou for the senior portraits, the photographic supplies, and teaching us how to get the best out of our darkroom: Miss Collins for her hospitality m the library when we needed a photo studio; Father Stroud for his letting us use his film room and for turning a deaf ear to our noisy ranting; Bro. ►Wuss for being patient when we borrowed his mug shots and forgot to return them; Father Mullin for his late night company and sense of humor; Mr. “P” for helping name some unknown freshmen and sophomores; the switchboard operators for helping us keep in touch with home; our maintenance staff for keeping our office functional andfwell supplied; Hudson Camera for being so close when we needecrsupplies; and last, but not least, Chan Byun for putting the cqver of the bookfeft our dooff# ~> In a lighter vein we’d like to thank Stella’s Pizza for the only thing that kept us going on those long nights; Bruce for keeping us mellow; “Genny” for getting us home after those%ong nights: and Mr. Scirghi for taking over as Moderator .next year so Ned can |g%tq Studies. A special word of thanks is offered to the members of the faculty for their cooperation and theii| understanding when assignments were late; andlmost especially to our families who so often forgot what we looked like but still welcomed us with the warmth and love we needed. Most of all we thank Ned, without whose help'we would never have been able to complete this year’s book. He was our moderator, but more than that he was a fatherand friend to us. On the many late working nights we could always count on him being there with us. He yelled at us, he made us laugh, he fed us . . . he gave us himself. The Petrean staff ofl’81 wishes Father Coughlin the fclst as he leaves the Prep for a year of studies. Our love for him will last forever, but we would like to express it now. As it’s been said before, “Yes, we take advantage of him. Yes, we always disappoint him. But yes, we love him.” Thank you, Ned, for being you.


Few things have helped to point to the unity and spirit of our country than the plight of the 52 Americans held hostage in Iran. As we celebrated our own year of the family at St. Peter’s, we were ever aware of the greater family ties to all across America. In bringing this book to a close we are proud to join our brothers and sisters of this land in welcoming home our heroes.


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