1982 Petrean

Page 1



GROWING THROUGH TOGETHERNESS Our growth at St. Peter’s is spurred by active involve­ ment of students and faculty. In service to our classmates we becom e more sensitive to the needs o f others and discover new means o f availability to the Prep. Through participation we are no mere spectators but play an active role in building school morale. Like the artist we are encouraged to contribute our talents to an interested and receptive audience. Our work never goes unnoticed whether it is at the desk, on the field or in the stands.

Clockwise on page 2: Eucharistic Minis足 ter Jose Barreiro distributes Holy Com足 munion at opening liturgy; Frank Rasso displays will power during the walkathon; Mr. Kennedy and Brother H ar足 rison observing the football game; The Prep band prepares to jam; Freshmen in line for I.D. photos. Clockwise on page 3: Senior Maurice Caldarola leading the procession; Jeff Lopez a Rembrandt in the making; Fr. Browning leading the cheers; Percy gets cosmic; The students show their enthusiasm at the opening ral足 ly-

AS YOU GIVE SO SHALL YOU RECEIVE Prep’s newly organized Community Service Program has brought a sense of unity to the Prep. Students generously give o f themselves serving their own communi­ ties. In doing so, they grow closer to the school, to their friends, and to God, as they learn the meaning o f growing through giv­ ing.


TGDMERY .TEWAY T e y ^ tin

Developing, we watch our neighborhood community develop. The extensive revital足 ization of downtown Jersey City will re足 store it to the proud position that it once held.

Developrrwnfc P h aso .

BeraW QSifJlhbiwa^


From left 1째 right on page 6: Freshmen filling out their forms at Orientation; Seniors harhe Cresci and Sean Dugan on the Emmaus Weekend; Joe Dorneo on the offensive; The tunes at mass; N ick Demarco looking for the hole; Cheerleaders electnfy the rally From the top of page 7 left to right: The Prep community celebrates the Holy Spirit; Testing the Frosh; Fr. Hill western style; Kevin Larkin boots one; The M aurader in action.

PREP PRIDE In all areas of growth, the Prep prides itself on its ability to constantly attract students from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. Part of our success in this aspect relies heavily on the wide variety of programs to promote academic, athletic, and spiritual growth. The ac足 tive participation, interest, and determination of the students contribute to the growth of the school.

Left to right from far-left on page 8; Nicoletti brothers ponder a grave loss to Xavier; Fresh­ man carries books the easy way; Senior Jorge Barcon making plans; A quiet part of the caf.; Fr. Oppido chats with his troops; The Prep defense in hot pursuit; Underclassmen enthusi­ asm on the Walk-A-Thon; Standing ovation at the rally. Left to right on page 9; Uncle Louie’s nephew caught by the camera; “Georgio” Paczkowski soccer player; Prep’s version of Bruce Lee; Fr. Browning commending stu­ dents; Fr. Parkes does the jig; Seniors pose during the walk; Intramurals at its best.

Once again the time has come to honor a man who we believe truly exemplifies the growing spirit o f St. Peter s Prep. Som e o f us know him as the Prep’s only Chemistry teacher. Others, as the figure in the white lab coat seen roaming the corridors in search of uncovered textbooks. In any case he is a man o f character. Spending long hours in Burke Hall, this twenty-year veteran o f the teaching profession shares a wealth o f knowledge with his students. In his office you can find him diligently preparing for a lab or class, or pouring over piles of state textbooks. In addition to this, he has led many Prep science teams to victory in the annual New Jersey Science Day Competition. Ask any student and he will tell you of the relationship this teacher builds with his class. The joy he displays in his work, his concern for the school and its traditions, a keen wit, and a deep understanding o f his students, have taught us a sense of respect for which we will always be grateful. With these thoughts in mind, and a desire to express our appreciation, we, the Class o f 1982, dedicate our yearbook to a true friend and teacher, Fr. Thomas O ’Connor.

From left to right: Seniors in the caf; Brother H arri足 son chats with the ladies; Prepsters prepare for the long trek home; The mothers at Oktoberfest; Fr. Hess shows off his shoes; Mr. Scirghi and Mr. Campion share a laugh; Mr. Taeschler confers with runners; Fr. Bauer spreads his words oif wisdom; One of many posters; Richie Kelly and friends.

THE MERGING OF PATHS The “melting pot� of American society is alive and well at Prep. The student body is composed of diverse nationalities and creeds. It is fascinating to note the ability of all to work together, learning so much from one another. Growing strongly in the Spirit of Brotherhood we recognize all men and women are our brothers and sisters.


PREP IS STILL THE ONE The unveiling of the 1981-82 school year brought a sea o f spirit, and a unique sense of pride and unity. One can not help but notice the growth in and around the Prep, as both students and faculty interact in a constant challenge to broaden their horizons.

Left to right from page 14: Fr. Parkes caught at work; Fred DeWan speaking for the gymnastics team at Freshman Orien足 tation; The peaceful setting of Madonna Chapel; A tough struggle at the line; Bill H arm er takes a hit on the face; Broth足 erly love on the soccer field; Fr. Mullin taken by surprise; Ed Machiewicz setting the table during the Emmaus Retreat Weekend; Mr. Biondo commands the intramurals from the sidelines; The H yatt Trophy won by N ick DeMarco; Geometry at its best; Miss G arcia making a quick getaway; The Fire of Emmaus.

PREP SHINES AGAIN Once again Prep stands tall on the academic scene as we honor seven members of the graduating class for N ational Merit Scholarship Compe足 tition. Rich Rusin, our semi-finalist, led the pack as seniors Percy Buena足 ventura, Jeff Lopez, Matt Pawlikowski, and John Popiolek were commended for scoring in the top 5%. N ick Chiles and Bill Floyd were also honored as outstanding Negro students on the N .M .S .C . level. Our Science Team is honored for an outstanding performance in the annual N ew Jersey Science Day Competition. Team members were Percival Buenaventura, W illiam Ding, Richard Rusin, Steven Chua, and Robert Frank.



AD M IN ISTRATIO N REV . JO S E P H P A R K E S , S .J. Rector President Religious Education IV Irish Club M oderator REV. JO H N B R O W N IN G , S .J. Principal

M R. W ALTER IL L Y Registrar D irector of Testing G erm an III M oderator of Radio Club M R . M IC H A E L B E R K O W IT Z A ssistant Principal

Mr. “ B” on the horn.


REV. C H AR LES D O L A N , S.J. Vice-President for Development Bro. Wuss scouts the opposition.

REV. PETER ROSLOVICH, S.J. Academic Assistant Principal

BRO. JOSEPH W U SS, S.J. Asst. Prefect of Discipline Deacon M oderator of Ignatian Guild Moderator of Slavic Club

REV. ST E PH E N M E A N Y , S.J. Treasurer

M RS. M ARY R IO R D A N Asst. Treasurer


FACULTY R E V . R A Y M O N D J. B A L D U F , S .J. Director of Guidance and College Placement REV. JO H N B A U E R , S .J. Biology

REV. A R T H U R B E N D E R , S .J. W orld Civilization U.S. H istory I L atin I M R . M IL T O N B E R K O W IT Z A thletic D irector, D epartm ent C hairm an, Physical Education

M R. THOM AS B IO N D O U .S. H istory I M oderator of O riental Club Dance Com mittee Intram urals Racquetball Club H A P Director M r. M ilt Berkowitz over to Burke H all for a visit.


M R . J O H N J. CASEY English II, IV Dramatics: Cast Director and Crew M oderator M oderator of The Cellar Door Fr. H arry scouts for “ Prep­ pies” .

M IS S C A T H E R I N E C O L L IN S Librarian M R . C A R L S. DELORENZO Chairman History Dept., W estern Civilization, Political Science J.V. Baseball Coach

M RS. D O N N A M A R I E D E R IS E Chairperson, Modern Language Dept. Spanish I, II, III REV. ED W A RD D O L A N , S .J. Latin I, IV G reek I, III



REV. JAM ES FOLEY, S.J. Speech, Latin I Firemen prevent disaster dur­ ing N ovem ber’s gas leak.

M R. L E O N A R D A. FORDELLONE Italian I and II Spanish III, French III M oderator of Italian Club

SR . G A B R IE L D O LO R ES, S.C. M ath T utor

M R. JO SE PH J. G A L IA ST R O Latin I, English I

M ISS A N A J. G A R C IA Spanish I, II


1982 BR O . T H O M A S G A R V E Y , S .J. Student Counselor Junior Year Group Guidance, Religion IV Moderator Racquetball Club College Class Nights Junior Prom M R . M IC H A E L GRAY U.S. History I, II

REV. FR A N C IS H AM ILL, S.J. Latin II Campus Shop Moderator of M other’s Club

PETER HESS, S.J. Physics

REV. LA W R E N C E H ILL, S.J. English III, IV Student Counselor Coach of Bowling Team Fr. Hamill and Fr. Stroud relax at the Octoberfest.

FACULTY R E V . T H O M A S F. H O L L A N D , S .J. Personal Development 3 Counselor M R . J A M E S C. HORAN Journalism, Communications Office of Public Information M oderator of Petroc M oderator of Publicity Com mittee

M R . R O B E R T P. HOW ARD Geometry


R E V . J O S E P H J. K A V A N A G H , S .J. Latin II G erm an I Director of the W alk-A-thon

M R . R I C H A R D L. KENNEDY English I, II “The Dynamic Duo” plan their strategy for the day.


M R. W ALTER KOSZYK German, H ealth I, III English I Faculty and students share a li­ turgy in the gym.

M R. ROBERT A. M C G U IN N E SS M ath II, III, IV M ath Chairman

REV. JO H N M U L L IN , S.J. Chaplain Religious Education I, IV Religion Chairman

MR. ROBERT M U LV IH ILL Physical Education

REV. TH O M AS O’C O N N O R , S.J. Chemistry Science Chairman


FACULTY R E V . H A R O L D J. O P P ID O , S .J. Chairm an of the Classical Department Latin I Latin III Greek II M R . M IC H A E L Q U IL L IN Religious Education II, III, IV M oderator of the Student Council M oderator of the Bicycle Club

M R . R IC H A R D RANALLI Science I Algebra Trigonometry Health I, II Varsity Football Coach Varsity W restling Coach REV . E N R IC O R A U L L I, S .J. English II

M R. CHARLES ROONEY Algebra I Mr. Howard finds filler for his bifd cage

1982 MR. THOM AS S C IR G H I, S .J. Religion I, IV, Forensic Society Coach, Advisor to Petrean Mission Drive Coordinator MR. D A N TE SORRENTI Director of Public Information

M R . F E D E R IC O S P IT A L E T T A Italian III R E V . F R A N C IS S T R O U D , S .J. Religion II Religion IV Christian Service Program Sophomore Guidance Counselor Coach of the Golf Team M oderator of the Chess Club

R E V . D A V ID X. S T U M P , S .J. Physics Introduction to High School Science M oderator of the Computer Club M oderator of the Ski Club REV. H A R R Y U N T E R E I N E R , S .J. U.S. History II Modern European History M oderator of the Basketball Team



WELCOME TO PREP T h is y ea r P re p w elcom ed 16 new fac u lty m em b ers. W h e th e r it was th e ir fresh new ideas, o r th e fru it of m an y years o f ex p erien ce, all are u n ite d in th e ir d esire to m a in ta in th e sch o o l’s a c a d e m ic sta n d a rd s.

Mr. Ken Dandorph makes a point. M ath I, III, IV; M oderator of W SPP-T.V. Studio. Mr. M cNellis finds a new home.

R E V . E R W I N B E C K S .J. Freshman Counselor M R . J O H N C A M P IO N English II and IV

M S. M A U R E E N DECRESCE Biology, Introduction to High School Science M R S. C A T H E R IN E DW YER Music, Conducter of the School Band


1982 MR. GERALD K A LLM A N Religion II, IV Weight-lifting Club M oderator Swim Team Coach

MR. FR A N K LA M A R TIN E U.S. History II World Civilization M oderator of Intramurals Moderator of Weightlifting Club M oderator of Spanish Club

REV. W ILLIAM L U N D Y , S.J. Algebra I English I Chorus Director REV. F R A N C IS M C N A M A R A , S.J. Guidance Counselor

M R. P A U L M C N E L L IS, S.J. Religion III, History I Dir. Christian Service Program Ms. DeCresce amused by class.

FACULTY M R. JO H N TAESCHLER Science I Cross Country Track Coach MR. A LAN TO M A SZEW SK I French I Spanish I, II Asst. Tennis Coach M oderator of the Calligraphy Club

REV. E R C E L F. W EBB Personal Dvpt. I, II M IS S A D R I A N N E W O Z N IA K Accounting Business Law Algebra

M IS S B E A T R IC E W Y SO CK I M ath III, IV Mr. Taeschler settling down in his new home.

A TRIBUTE Just a note of thanks for all you’ve done during our years at Grand and Warren. W e wish you well in your new apostolic work and pray that you are as successful there as when you served here. God bless you all. Class of ’82

Bro. Joseph Griffin, S.J,, assigned to M anresa R etreat House, Staten Island. Mr. Fred Pellegrini, S.J., pursues Theological Studies in Boston. Fr. Kenneth Caufield, S.J., assigned to Regis High School in New York City. Mr. Bob Grimes, S.J., also pur­ sues Theological Studies in Boston. Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., assigned to N igeria, is pictured with their first wedding party of his new parish. Fr. N ed Coughlin, S.J., on sabbatical in Boston. Fr. “A ” pictured with the first N igerian couple he m arried. N ed and Fred check the figures. Fr. Parkes with his friends before they leave.

SECRETARIES Left to Right: Mrs. Helen Dailey, Devel­ opment Office, Secretary to Fr. C. Do­ lan; Mrs. Helen Argyelan, A dm inistra­ tive Asst.; Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons, Presi­ dent’s Office, Secretary to Fr. Parkes; Miss G eraldine Reneau, T reasurer’s Of­ fice, Secretary to Fr. M eany; Mrs. Ethel Wynn, Receptionist, Switchboard; Mrs. Eileen Doolan, College Placem ent Of­ fice, Secretary to Fr. Balduf; Mrs. Rosa­ lie M cN ulty, Office of Public Inform a­ tion.


Left to Right: Mr. Lou S c a rp a , D ire c to r of M ain ten an ce; A ngela D e P a lm a , C a f e te r ia Staff; Mr. John Holmes, M a in te n a n c e S ta f f ; M ary Young, house足 keeping; Joey Gadson, Cafeteria Staff; Murleen Gill, Housekeeping; Paul S taian o , Boiler man; Asst. Directors of M ain足 tenance Bro. Paul H arri足 son, S.J. and Bro. Ralph Cilia, S.J.

M. Cunningham E. Everson T. Gamble D. Harris E. Kemp

C. McCormick W. M cLaughlin M. Mirov C. M jartan J. M ulcahy

M. N estor R. Oliveros A. Petrillo D. Bamsumair A. Ruibal

J. Saldana C. Shamburg J. Sposato R. Strother

P. Tomaka D. Varga J. Vucak

T. Webb S. W illis R. W onpolowski


K. Yacoub S. Engelken D, Erla W. Hanna

M. Ippolito C. Mackey R. Mazzella V. Meffe G. Miller

B. Monserate F. Nesheiwat D. Owens J. Parrillo M. Patel

S. Russill P. Schonenberger S. S elf G. Spincola J. Stapleton

F. Sullivan D. Tan J. Tobin A. Todd H. Torres

G. Viggiano

J; Waga C. Welsh R. Wong S. Zipp


FRESHM EN 1C-ID R. Abelamalak J. D ’Agui T. Ealey P. Froehlich M. Giangregorio

M. Giordano T. Glackin G, Gmitro G. Gunter E. Harrison

D. Jensen R. Kakoleski M. Keum E. Koszyk C. Kroeper

J. Lowthorpe D. M agistre B. Masciale R, M cG rath S. M cKoy

M . Mehler S. M ittal R. N ovicio P. Rastogi

J. Scanlon J. Suarez R. W oody

Right: W ho’s got the homework for latin?

UNDERCLASSMEN B. Carlsen Camera shy

1 Abdur-Rashed M. Albanese A. Bodtmann M. Bruno

G, Cepeda R. Cordero E. Cromartie J. Dillon G. Enderle

J. Garison B. Granelli J. Hayser G. Jeffrey D. Kusmann

J. Myhre C. Padron T. Roberts W. Roderick J. Russel

E. Skupien S. Vervoordt

L. Valanzola Cam era shy

M. Wooten Cam era shy

A. Villanueva C. Wilkins

FRESHM EN 1A-1B Q. Abergas D. Alston J. Babul a J. Bernardo R. Brancatella

C. S. C. C. F.

Calcaterra Carluccio Chirichella Cofone D ’Am elio

J. D eM arco S. Dorry P. Fay K. Fryczynski D. Giblin

G. Hudock M. Kelly R. Lago R. Lugo J. M artinez

R. Padilla P. Powanda E. Rofriguez J. Salom on J. Sheehan

A. Tabora N . Tripodi A. Abreu A. Anderson J. Bardzilowski


Camera shy.

UNDER CLASSM EN J. Bertotti J. Bucci A. Calderaro

Above: M att and Mike take to the stairs between classes on a normal school day.

A. Carmenate G. Choynowski V. Corso

D, Deangelo N . DeSanto J. Dorch R. Fernandez P. Finn

V, Gallo S. H art J. Ippolito R. Kleid P. Lesko

K. Lynch M. Michalik T. Murphy J, Peko J. Reilly

O. Rodriguez V, Sambade O. Siryj J, Taglieri M. Wagner


FRESHM EN IE-IF M. Affinito D. Alexander S. Berkowitz E. Brown G. Chowanec

J. Davis M. Forrester S. Fugel R. Giacchi P. Gizzi

W, Gray P. Halecky J. Howard J. Kellner M. King

G. Luckjiff L. Marshall C. M cLean

P. M cM ahon T. O ’Donnell C. Palmer

M. Pomponio O. Rojas G. Tavolora J. Tuohy R, Vilardo

UNDERCLASSMEN C. Yi P. Allen P. Cashin C. Cramer M. Dove

K. Espinoza J. Gilvey N . Gonzalez K. Gormanly N . Gupta

W. Hicky R. Jones K. Kozlowski A. Krupa S. Lappin

E. A. R. A. C.

Opposite: Freshman airborne for a rebound in gym. Below: Students endeavored in the search of new knowledge.

M cGrade Mercado Morales Obra Ray

G. Robson O. Santana W. Scheider T. Thomas

Ik iifc

FRESHM EN II-1J M. Ahern G, Ayerbee

D. BerardinelH J. Boccassini Above. Books clutter C af tables. Opposite: Preparation for a test in the hall.

W. Budin B. Caputa R. Cingerana P. Cresci J. DeM ichael

C. Doria M. Englese D. Guest S. Hudik P. Johnson

E. Kostrzewa E. Liwang L. M aleszewski J. M iselis A . N eto

C. Pereira J. Richardson E. Romero M. Samra P. Sloyan

UNDERCLASSMEN S. Tantuico E. Wallerstein A. Adan G. Alvarez K. Bauman

D. Bodson D. Burokas J. Carbone D, Castrovinci R. Clarke


R. Crespo A. Del Piano S. DeSouza J. Finn A. Gamaleri

C. Garcia I) Jasovky J. Kosenski J. Lopis A. Manrique

T. Miller T. Nguyen R. Peters J. Rivera J. Roskowski

P. Sawyer M. Soiled to T. Temprosa

SOPHOMORES 2G-2D 1. Casey T. Dougherty E. Dugan R. Duncan R. Filak

R. Forcillo

E. Galvez

B. Haggerty

W. Herenda M. Kane V. Luna T. McGovern J. Ryan

F. Yu J. Al-Kaisi N . DeCesare B. Dennis C. F rattura

J. Froeheich F. Gifford J. G om ez G. Hadley V. Hannah


Prep men zooing out for the camera. Opposite: pre-class hall assembly.

UNDER CLASSM EN Ross Huggins Cam era Shy

C. C. R S.

Harrington Huh Kennedy Kim

A. Lewis R. L im J. M cC rary A. M ercado C. M onico

J. Moriarity E. Ocampo A. O liviera D. Onorata L. Perino

R. P iniero R. S hevchuk G. Sullivan 0 . T antuico J. T u b rid y

C. Wood


A very crowded fifth period lunch in Caf.



SOPHOMORES 2B-2F W. Bate J. Blanco G. Cummings G. De Rosa S. Gupta

R. Holston P. Kelly E. Lucas J. M agotch E. M artinez

K. M cKnight G. Pollini

B. Ponticello N. Rentas

L. Samin

M . Sullivan J. Tierney P. Tuzzo C. Williams W. Wooding


UNDER CLASSM EN V. DiDomenico W. Doll A. Dumas D. Fails J, Feehan

M. Fremgen P. Kane J. Koo

T. Lindis L. Luistro Rich K elly lends a helping hand.

L. Mastria

P. A. A. R.

Mastrolia Monserate Nieves Pagkalinawan

E. Redwine

M. Reyes C. Richards K. Ruffin R. Scheurer P. Serra

D. Tapia J. Verdon J. Zamarra R. Zerquera R. Valentin


SOPHOMORES 2A-2C P. Aguiar W. Bates J. Brown R. Budzinski C. Chaneski

D. Davis J. Esposito N . Fernandez

D. Howard J. Latko W. M cK ay

K. O ’Connor J. Pedro S. Rutkowski J. Santel J. Sochowitz

J. Stokes R. Terry E. Torres L. Van Cruft O. Vazquez

S. W illiams W . Anderson M. Boyle R. Buekman S. Campbell




Ciatto Cooper Dayke Dabrowski Drennan

B. Dugan H. Fernandez B. Gmahle

J. Hennessey P. Irilli R. Lacewell F rank Valenzola works in T.V. studio. Opposite: Bio lab.

E. Leishman N. Lintao D. LoBeilo B. McAuley R. Metijian

T. Mulcahy J. Parikh D. Reilly S. Reverendo B. Rodriquez

J. Silva M. T aran tin o M . U lloa S. Vazquez L. W orthy


SOPHOMORES 2H-2E M. Czochanski E. Domingo i . Fleming A. Francesco R. Greco

R. H e rn an d ez M. K ostrezew a R. M archetta P. M cGee J. M cKnight

J. N orton M. Polemeni H. Welsh J. Zam pella K. A rcher

A. A u c ie llo M . B erk o w itz

A. Brown B. Cahill J. Cingerana

R. Cyriacks

A. D ’Am ico Above: Crowd gathers in hallway before class. Opposite: L unchtim e football.


UNDER CLASSM EN M. DePinto J. DeSimone M. Dwyer J. Garcia M. Granelli

B. Haynes T. Ippolito S. Joyce A. Lanting G. McCarthy

J. Murphy

K. O ’Connell

C. L. A. C. A.

Persaud Phillips Poueymirou Rodgers Romano

G. P. C. A. R.

Salazar Schroeder Serratella Vargas Walsh

JU NIO RS 3A-3B M. Albano D. D’Agostino S. D’Elia B. Demian R. Dobronsky

S. Dorian D. Dowden

T. Finn J. Flynn M. Forrester

R. Z. A. E. K.

Garison Gaulkin Giacchi Gualtieri Lebon

R. Leonard M. McGeehan R. M cGuire J. Murtha L. Nappi

W. Savino S. Seymour J. Trefurt F. Valanzola T. Ventrone

M. Wroblewski O. Aviles M . B ann G. B uska M. C andino


UNDER CLASSM EN A. Cummings S. Do F. D ’Onofrio R. Drennan P. Feliciano

D. Fernandaz J, Gallagher M. Hogan W. Hogan J. Irvine

F. Kish J . Lee P. Lisa B, Lynch J. M e Knight

Photo Shy F. Kish

V. Militello J. Nicholson

A. Pawlak T. Randall Juniors team up on homework.

M, Rivera T. Schmidt EL Skolar T. W alters B. Williams


JU NIO RS 3C-3D-3E D. Alvarado O. Arriaga E. Conlin

J. Cravelli A. Dembia

T. Ghamle J. Gray R. Kelly S. Kothari J. Kroeper

G. Levendusky A. Lipski F. M cGhee S. Merrick

C. M ontferret

J. N ichols M. N icoletti E. Reyes G. Shalvoy H. Tam

J. U va R. V ayda J. Veniero C. Vergara J. W ooten

M. Arm strong 1 B autista R. Bennett A. C ashin M . E n g le rt


UNDERCLASSMEN J. Jakubowski J. Kimbrough W. Ryu L. Van Orden J. Vida

E. Zam arra S. Barsoum S. Calefati A. Chavez J. Coombs

D. Crowley G. Giannina P. Griffin D. Jackson T. Kollmer

D. Leary A. I.ourenco T. Lovett 1. Maisonet B. Manriguc

J. McGovern A. Mergus K. Neuschwanter L. Reverendo I , Riccardi

P. Rutch R. Sukiennik A. Walsh M. Webb R. Alvarez


J. Borelli T. Carey M. Croghan N . Dang P. Flaherty

D. Foster M. Hall M. Hayser R. Holland J. Hong

E. Lawson A. Marin H. M cDonald S. McGill S. M cN ulty

R. Morales W. Morrissey J. Murphy J. N icoletti J. O Leary

J. Perdiago M. Ramirez T. Roskowski S. Sch em b er J. S cu tellaro

M. Shaw J. Sisolak K. Sullivan T. Tavarone M. Acanfora

UNDERCLASSMEN K. Bearse C. Bonhard E. Bono J. Calcaterra J. Cappadoccia

6. J P. J. P.

Daly Demetriades Distefano Dorneo Drennan

J. G iordano W. Hoefling M, Hunter J. Kerwin P. Labruno

G. Lukowiak ,P Marini J. McSharry G. O ’Brien M, Piperato

F. Raso G. Rieciardone J. Romano K. Russell R. Staunch

C. Szatkiewicz G. T h re a tt A. V aracalli M. V illaruel L. W orthy


IN T R A M U R A L S O ne ac tiv ity w hich sym bolizes the sp irit an d to g e th e rn e ss o f th e stu d e n t b ody a t P re p is In tra m u ra ls . T h ese a th 足 le tic events, w h e th e r being played by F re sh m en or S en io rs, a ttr a c t th e a tte n 足 tion o f all stu d e n ts w ho h ap p e n to be p assin g by. I n tra m u ra ls allow stu d e n ts w ho w ere n o t ab le to p lay on v arsity sp o rts to d isp lay th e ir a th le tic skills. T h ey also p ro v id e a b re a k fro m th e a c a d e m ic p a rt o f th e day.

L eft to right, down th e page: R eferees Bill H a rm e r and N ick D eM arco discuss th e gam e with M r. Biondo; L eft to right: M r. Biondo, C o -m o d erato r, F. C in g erin a, D. Fails, J. Z a m m a ra , M r. L a m artin e, C o -m o d e ra to r and G . H adley; B rian C um m ings w histles th e play; M ark Saw yer m akes th e call; Lou G allo p atro ls th e sideline looking for fouls; T ony A laim o runs down c o u rt to catch the action.

L eft to right; Incom plete; U nderclassm an finds open hole; N ick D eM arco shoots over Ed M acchi; Paul Boylan takes aim from long range; John H ughes with a short jum per; U p for grabs.


Left to right from top left: John Popiolek thanks John Roake for the plans; Stage m anagers J. Hosty, J. K uca and J. Lopez pose for a shot; Edgar Rivera gets an idea; M arc Denny goes on a rampage; Bill Floyd and Paul R utch try to think of a way out; Edgar Rivera accuses John Roake of being the traitor.


DRAMATICS A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM Through the dedicated work of Mr. John Casey and members of all four years the Dramatic Society is able to produce two successful pro­ ductions a year. During the after­ noon and into the early evening the students practice their acting tech­ niques. These productions, however, would not be possible without the work of the stage crew. This group of young men is responsible for the con­ struction of the set and creation of various special effects. By attracting large crowds and us­ ing exceptional acting abilities the Society provides an enjoyable even­ ing for all.

Left to right starting at the top of the page; John Popiolek and Paul Rutch take five; M oderator, Mr. John Casey gives instructions; Bill Floyd, a steady actor; T. J. G ior­ dano checks the stage design; Sophomore Eric Dugan practices with the stilts; Stage manager, Joe Kuca talks with underclassman stage hand; Edgar Rivera, a bud­ ding performer.

CHORUS Clockwise from right: The Prepsters, standing: A ndre Ridley, Jesus Prieto, Jose Barriero, A rthur Brown, M arcus Hall, Rich Rusin, Randy Racewell, Mike Webb, and Chris Krzak; Sitting: Jose Picache, Anthony M anrique, Tom Temprosa, and Fr. Lundy, S.J.; The cho­ rus at practice; The band warming up; The orchestra at rest; Mrs. Dwyer direct­ ing the sounds; Fr. Lundy leads the lyr­ ics.

BA N D Under the skillful diretion o f Mrs. Dwyer, the B and c o n tr ib u te s its musical talents to various a c t iv it ie s a b o u t th e school. They arouse our spirit o f team effort at athletic events as well as setting a tone for fellow ­ ship at school liturgies. The highlight o f the year for these musicians is their concert for the en­ joym ent o f the Prep com ­ munity. N ew to the Prep’s m usical repertoire is the Chorus. Fr. Bill Lundy, a professional vocalist, or­ ganized the “ Prepsters” to enhance the harmoni­ ous atmosphere o f our school. Their Spring con­ cert promises to be a noteworthy performance.




Standing L to R: J. Cross; E. Rivera, J. Guzman, m oderator Mr. Jack Casey, Sitting L to R: J. Lopez, J. M artinez, J. Arboleda.

“ Uncle” Jack Casey shares a laugh.


Clockwise from above: M oderator Miss DeCresce and officers find interest­ ing viewing; The rest of the crew; The Junior members; Seniors J. Prieto, D. Reznick, J. Roake, and M. Theobald.

The Cellar Door is Prep’s literary magazine which helps willing students develope and exhib­ it their talents in composing short stories, poems and various types o f literature. The Future Physician’s Club sponsers trips to various hospitals in the M etropolitan area. Dur­ ing these excursions the students observe meth­ ods o f surgery and patient care. One day they too may hold the title o f M edical Doctor.



Prep masses are a major facet o f our lives at Prep. They bring us together for a short time to share a comm on bond — an important experience consider­ ing the large number o f students in our school. They also enable us to take tim e out from our busy schedules to reflect on our lives here. Student participation plays an important role in our masses by giving the students a greater feeling of belonging. Our eight senior Eucharistic Ministers contribute a great deal in inspiring this feeling throughout the school.


“On that same day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus . . . ”

RETREATS Several times a year students of the Prep go down to the Jesuit house at Seabright and are part of an event that will be with them for life. The peace that is experienced during the weekend is shared with family and friends. Here are some pictures of this year’s retreats. They try to cap­ ture the fun, sharing of self, and brotherhood that can only be felt after the work and enjoyment of an Emmaus weekend.

Left to right: down the page: The guys gather for a midnight snack; Senior Chris Piparo on K. P.. “The House” ; The team members on their weekend; “The Kids are all right” ; Hanging out before a meal; Angelo Chavez prac­ tices his bird imitation; “ Bro. Garv.” lends a hand.

Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him in the breaking of the bread. ” Luke 24:13-35 “ . . .


W ALK-A-THON Left to Right: p. 72; Fr. Dolan gives instructions during the walk; Dedicated walkers climb steep Fairm ount hill; Sen­ ior N ick DeM arco contributes his ser­ vices at a checkpoint; Seniors lead the way; Left to Right: p. 73; Mr. Rich Ranalli, “taking the hill” ; Pitstop; Students enjoying the walk.




A major fund-raising activity in our four year journey through Prep is the annual Walk-A-Thon. With faculty and students on the twenty kilometer march, we develop a sense of pride and responsibil足 ity for the school. The community seems to enjoy it also, judging from the contributions of money and publicity. Returning from the walk, the blisters and sore legs are quickly forgotten as we await the announcement of the final tally and the winner of the Great Adventure trip.



Father David Stum p S. J., M oderator.

Stum p, n-BoM om ?nw T atum Bottom row.°T J. Lopis, D. Tan, J. Murphy.

Pres. Andrew Dembia flanked by Jay Strebb (left) and Dave Dowden.

The ski club, with Fr. Stump as moderator, has grown from a transport facility for exper­ ienced skiers to include skiers o if all abilities. The club promotes instruction for all the skiers in order that they advance in skill. In the past year the club has taken trips to Camelback M t., Pennsylvania and Vernon Val­ ley in N ew Jersey. For the annual weekend trip, the club shared two buses with the ski club from St. Dom inic’s Academ y to W est Mt. in N ew York.

l° r' 8ht: T° P row: r° W: W. A ' Ayerbe, Dembia- M. ELieshman; Bottom Michalik.

RACQUETBALL CLUB C lub members: J. M urtha, B. M anrique, M. Sawyer, N. D em arco, D. Dowden, K. Larkin, M r. Biondo, M oderator; Kneeling: M. N iccoletti. S tarted by Br. T hom as G arvey, S. J., the R acquetball Club has expanded in its m em bership through the work of Mr. Biondo. St. P eter’s College allows the club to use its facilities once a week. T he sport not only develops agility, but it gives the students a chance to let out their agression after a long, hard day.

BICYCLE CLUB J. K orenski, T reas., K. O ’C onnor, Vice Pres., G . Paczkowski, Pres., M r. Quillin, M oderator; Below, left to right, top row: P. LaBruno, A. A nderson, F. Sullivan, S. H art, J. Scutellaro; B ottom row: B. M cK ay, F. M aleszewski, J. Parikh.


WEIGHT LIFTING CLUB During the off-season Prep athletes stay in shape by joining the Weight-Lifting Club. Two newcomers to the faculty — Mr. Gerald Kallman and Mr. Frank Lamartine — organized the new club, offering their time and experience to advise the serious athletes. Counterclockwise: M oderators Mr. Kallman and Mr. LaM artine show off their physiques. Ed Mackiewicz pumping iron. W eight Lifting club membersTop row; L. to R.; Mr. LaM artine, J. Kosenski, F. McGee, F. Gifford R H ernandez, A. Abiskaroon, A. Bodtmann, A. Romano, C. Richards, R Dun­ can, Mr. Kallman; Bottom row; V. DiDomenico, K. Espinosa, N. Dang M. Nesheiwat, J. M urphy, A. Ruibal, M. Cunningham.

CHESS CLUB Clockwise: Fr. Stroud illustrates a new strategy for Senior Percival Buenaventura. F. Yu and P. Buenaventura contem­ plating their next moves. Chess club members; Top row; L. to r.; T. Dabrowsky, P. Vargo, F. Yu, H. Fernandez, J. W aga, R. Jones, and G. Jeffrey; Bottom row; N . Lintao, P. Buenaventura, T. Tem prosa, and P. Tan.

FORENSIC In its second year the Forensic Soci足 ety has earned a place in the trophy case next to the other Prep teams. Last year was no simple initiation as four members competed in the National Tournament. Members compete in the areas of Extemporaneous speaking, Oral and Dramatic Interpretation, and Original Speech. Under the direction of Mr. Thomas Scirghi, S.J., The team works to match eloquence and style against other teams on the Newark Catholic League.

Clockwise: The many Accolades received by this years Forensic Club; A group por足 trait of the Forensic Club; The audience attentively listening to the speaker; M odera足 tor, Tom Scirghi is flanked by seniors Edgar Rivera and Joseph Kuca.


M O TH ER S’ CLUB Clockw ise from right; M rs. M onteforte, Pres, and M rs. H ickey, V. Pres.; M others congregate a t luncheon; M od erato r, Fr. H am ill discusses club plans with M rs. M onteforte; Standing: M rs. C appadocia; Sitting: M rs. V ayda and M rs. C roghan; Standing: M rs. R ussell and M rs. H aw rylak; Sitting: M rs. W alters and M rs. D eR ­ osa.



Left to right: Mr. A lan Edwards, Treasurer, Mr. James Feehan, Secre­ tary, M r. Edward Lawson Sr., Vice President, Mr. Stephen B. Haggerty, President, Mr. Bobert Chaneski, Sgt. at Arms.


Fr. Joseph Parkes, M oderator, with Mr. Jack Casey.

RADIO CLUB T h e R a d io C lu b is licen sed by th e F e d e ra l C o m m u n ic a ­ tio n s C om m ission to c o m m u n ic a te w ith o th e r ra d io o p e ra ­ to rs a ro u n d th e w orld. T h e C lu b w as fo u n d ed in 1955 by M r. Jo se p h M c C a ffre y , a tru s te e o f th e school.

Som e notable countries contacted include: Iran (Teh­ ran), Ethiopia, Burundi, Japan, Iceland, Afghanistan, N i­ geria, The United N ations Headquarters in Geneva, and over one-hundred more. This year the club hopes to contact the Jesuit M issions on the Caroline-Marshall Islands.

Clockwise; Bill and Tony; Freshmen testing the mike; Radio Club members; L. to R.; Top row; W. Savino, S. Calefati, R. M cGuire, G. Pollini, Mr. W. Illy, M oderator. Bottom row; A. Auciello, E. O ’Campo, M. M ihalek. Steve and Bob.


WSPP-TV STUDIO Left to right from far left; Studio m em bers; S tanding T. M cG overn, F. Valanzola, F. C ingerana, J. M cG overn; S itting; J. Silva, A. Padilla, C. D oria; J. N o rto n and J. M cG overn display the class­ room playback unit; “ T. J .” G iordano and J. Veniero, M aintenance crew; B. C a­ hill and L. Van O rden test­ ing the mobile cam era unit; S tation M anager, F. V alan­ zola with M oderator, M r. D andorf.

The studio’s staff Videotapes all sport­ ing events and major activities, providing an audio-visual history of Prep. From this we learn from yesterday’s mistakes while recalling some great moments of the past.

_ W

COMPUTER CLUB From far left; C om puter C lub M em ­ bers; C. P ereira, A. C ashin, J. M ur­ phy, R. D uncan, G . Pollini, Fr. S tum p, M oderator;, J. M urphy and L. M astria check th eir m ath hom ew ork on th e com puters.

DANCE COMMITTEE Arriving for a school dance most do not notice the neat formation of chairs and tables, or realize the prep­ aration necessary for the evening’s social event. Before each dance, the com m ittee works to transform the school into a dance hall, ready to receive students and their guests. After the crowds depart the crew stays to mop the soda-stained floor, organizing the chairs and tables for M onday’s lunch crowd. Under the watchful eye o f Mr. Thomas Biondo and with the helping hands o f Fr. David Stump and Fr. Harry Untereiner, the crew helps to make Prep dances the most popular student af­ fairs in the city.

Underclassmen members; Standing; Left to right; J. Trefurt, J. Romano, J. M urtha, J. Kerwin, M. Hall, H. M cDonald, E. Lucas, K. Russell, R. McGuire, Mr. Biondo, J. VidaSitting; O. Rodriguez, D. Guest, P. M astrolia, W. Hoefling.

Senior members; Standing; Left to right; M. Caldarola, M. Z am brana, M. Mannion, J. Pizzi, M. Theobald, J. Prieto, T. Lowicki, K. Raslowsky, C. Cresci, R. M ulcahy, M r. Biondo, N . W ard, F. Dewan, D. Reznick, C. Piparo; Sitting; L. Lynch, R. Witkowski, D. Finn, M. Meola.

To the right; C hairm an Brian Cum ­ mings and M r. Biondo.


Left to right; The better half; Senior Chris Krzak makes a guest appear­ ance at the Halloween dance; Killer George Paczkowski makes a big “ hit” at the dance; The SDA girls punk out; Father “ M oon” Mullin and Father Lundy add a nostalgic touch.

SCHOOL SPIRIT COMMITTEE Organizing rallies and lifting the morale of the student body are just a few responsibilities of the School Spirit Committee. Along with these activities the “spirited” young men of this group sacrifice their own time in making various post­ ers which are seen around the school and which inform students about upcoming events such as dances, games and other Prep-affiliated func­ tions. They are aided in their endeavors by the helping hand o f Mr. M ichael Quillin. The mem­ bers o f this com m itte, whether they are Seniors or Sophomores, also make their presence felt at athletic contests by cheering the Prep teams on to victory.

U p the page from left; M oderator, Mr. Guilin; un­ derclassmen members; Top row; Left to right; P. Drennan, R. Bennett, W. Herenda; Bottom row; T. Dou­ g h e rty , C. M o n tfe rre t; Chairmen, Bill Floyd and Christ Piparo; Senior mem­ bers, N. DeM arco, P. Cri­ velli and J. Strebb, not pic­ tured.


SOCIAL SPIRITUAL COMMITTEE The social spirit committee is one branch of the student council. These members are responsible for assisting the school in giving the students activities which help supplement the social and spiritual growth of the student. The committee under the guidance of Fr. Mullin, helps to coordinate the mass services. Along with the dance committee, this branch also works to coordi足 nate the dances with the assistance of Mr. Biondo. C ounter-Clockw ise; from upper L eft; C hairm en of the C om m ittee; C harlie C resci and A nthony M onteforte; Sen足 ior m em bers; T. Lowicki, M. C aldarola and W . W isner; U nderclass m em bers; T op row: J. G allagher, P. Feliciano, H . M cD onald; B ottom row: D. O norato, V. H an n ah, R. Filak; Fr. J. M ullin, School C haplain

PU BLICITY COMMITTEE Left to Right: Mr. D. Sorenti, Director of Pub足 lic Relations; Underclassmen Representatives, standing: D. Leary, J. M cKnight, C. H arring足 ton, F. Ciatto; seated: A. Pawlak, R. Greco, C. Huh; Chairm en Joe M urphy and Bob K err on the job with Mr. Sorenti; Senior Com mittee足 men: N. Chiles, M. Pawlikowski, J. Prieto.

This branch o f our Student Council is responsible for advertising the advantages o f a Jesuit Education. The com m ittee has contributed to the increased enrollment of the past two years and look to do the same in the future. Led by the work o f Mr. Dante Sorenti, Public Relations Coordina足 tor, the accomplishments o f these young men never go unnoticed.


CAMERA CLUB The Camera Club plays a very im­ portant role in the recording of events in our lives at Prep. While club mem­ bers are found at all school functions, one must always be wary of clandestine roving photographers in search of a candid shot. Many school projects, es­ pecially this book, would be impossible without them.

Standing; M. Ramirez, J. M cSharry, L. Perino, M oderator, Mr. Scirghi, J. Lee. Sitting; President, Z. Gaulkin, T. Tavarone.

“ Butch” M anrique working in the dark. M artin R am irez plying his trade.

Freshman photographers.



Brian Cummings, Editor-in-Chief, and Patrick M cGeehan, Assistant Editor

U nderclassm an Editor, David Dowden strikes a pose.

Mr. Thomas Scirghi S. J., Moderator.

David Finn, Activities Editor.

T ry to d escrib e th e years a t P re p w ith p ictu res and cap tio n s. T h a t’s th e ta sk o f a y earb o o k staff. E d ito rs, p h o to g ra p h e rs an d assistan ts a tte m p t to c a p tu re the sp irit o f th e tim es. T h e goal: a m em ory alb u m re c a ll­ ing n ot ju s t faces an d places, b u t grow th an d ex p er­ ience. Y ears la te r, th e book is a reco rd o f events, a to p ic on co n v ersatio n , a cau se for la u g h ter, or a sp ark o f e n c o u rag em en t. F ro m tim e to tim e it’s good to look back . F o r th is staff, it’s a p leasan t ta sk — show ing off th e P rep.

R on W itkow ski, S enior E ditor.

R o b ert Schim enti, S ports Editor.

S ean D ugan, F acu lty E ditor.

T he “ R a t” m akes an o th er m istake

P a t gets serious.


PETROC The Petroc is St. Peter’s award winning literary newspaper. The paper is staffed by experienced writers under the guidance of moderator James Horan. It tries to keep the students aware o f hap­ penings about the school and events that effect us.

W K v iiijiiiiii


Left to right starting on page 90: Editor-in-Chief Darren Reznick, S taff writer Vincent D /Vgostino: S taff writer Jesus Prieto; The Petroc staff posing for a picture; M oderator James H oran; S taff writer M ichael Theobald; A rt Editor Jeffrey Lopez; Photography Editor Chris Piparo; Sports Editor George Paczkowski.


IRISH CLUB Clockw ise from right, S enior m em bers, left to right, standing, R. O ’Brien, J. M adden, D. Finn, K. L arkin, B. C um m ings; S itting; M . M annion, P. M cG eehan, M. L am b, E. A m brosio; M o d erato r, Fr. Joseph Parkes; U nderclassm en m em bers, left to right, standing: R. M cG u ire, J. M u rth a , T. O ’D onnell, P. Sloyan, F. Y oung, J. H ayser; S it­ ting; R. B uckm an, K. Russell, J. M urphy, J. F lem ­ ing J. S heehan, D. Dowden; M rs. W itkow ski, Ron W itkow ski, P at M cG eehan, M rs. M cG eehan, and S ean D ugan pose for a p ictu re a t Irish N ig h t; T he older gen eration takes over the dan ce floor; Fr. U n terein er shows his stuff.


ITA LIA N CLUB Left to right down the page; Club Officers from left; A. Monteforte, Secretary, M. Caldarola, Vice President, Mr. Fordellone, M oderator, J. Hughes, Sgt.-at-Arms, G. LePera, President, J. Pizzi, Treasurer; Underclassmen, standing: E. Harrison, R. Giacchi, V. Meffe; Sitting; V. Domenico, P. Tuzzo, L. Mastria, R. Greco; Seniors and Juniors, top row; V. D’Agostino, C. Piparo, J. Hawrylak, J. Nicoletti, R. Schementi; Middle row; E. Ambrosio, J. Hughes, G. Paczkowski, O. Esposito, M. Meola, N. De­ Marco, R. Kerr, F. Castella, R. Bello, M. Sasso, N. Giacchi; Seated; A. Hickey, T. M ad­ sen, S. Mead, D. Reznick.

E B O N Y CLUB Left to Right: The Executive Board; Seniors; B. Phillips, W. Floyd, L. Lynch; Juniors; B. Williams, R. Bennett, M. Webb; Senior members; Top row; N . Chiles, B. Bovell; Bottom row; C. Carlin, P. Griffis; Junior Members; Top row; T. Lovett, E. Lawson, M. Hall, M. Armstrong; Bottom row; G. T hreatt, J. Nichols, L. W orthy, D. Foster, J. W oo足 ten; Sophomore members; Top row; C. Cooper, S. Williams, W. Bates, G. Cummings, R. Lacewell, C. Rodgers, E. Redwine; M iddle row; K. Archer, R. Terry, D. Davis, V. H annah; Bottom row; D. Fails, K. M cKnight, L. Van Croft, L. W orthy; Freshman members; Top row; S. M cKay, E. Thomas, J. Davis, A. Todd, D. Alexander; Middle row; E. Kemp, C. Ray, T. Gamble, T. Thomas; Bottom row; J. Woody, G. Miller, M. Wooten, J. Solomon.

SPANISH SOCIETY Left to Right; Seniors; A. M ariquit, P. Dumadag, B. Bovell, J. Barcon; M oderator, Mr. Lam artine, Executives, J. Prieto, J. Arboleda, R. Torrez, J. M artinez, P. Artache: Underclassmen mem足 bers; C. Pierra, E. Bautista, N. Gonzalez, R. Cordero, R. Morales, G. Hadley, C. Garcia, J. Brown, R. Lacewell, M. Reyes, e ! Martinez; Bottom row; A. Varga, D. Fails, A. M arin, A. Tob'ora.

SLAVIC CLUB Clockw ise from right, C lub officers; M . Pawlikowski, President, Br. W uss, M o d erato r, A. Paw lak, VicePresident, G . Pollini, S ecretary ; Freshm en and S o p h 足 om ores, left to right; W . H eren d a, W . Badin, E. L eishm an, J. Roszkow ski, R. K akoleski, S. R ussel, S. H udic, T. D abrow ski, R. Shevchuk; S enior m em bers, left to right: J. Popiolek, D. R eznick, M . T heobald, C. Piparo, J. H osty, J. K uca, K. Raslow ski, G . P acz足 kowski, R. C haneski, R. R usin, M. Pawlikowski; The officers pose for a shot; Ju n io r m em bers, left to right: M . W robleski, A. D em bia, T. K oilm er, D. Leary, A. P aw lak, J. V ida, T. Roszkowski.

ORIENTAL CLUB Left to right; Senior Officers; S. Chua; Treasurer; J. Martinez; Public relations; P. Buenaventura, Secretary; W. Ding, President; A. M ariquit, Vice President; Ju 足 niors; Standing; B. M anrique, M. Vidlarueo; Sitting; J. Hong, W. Ryu; Sophomores; Standing; J. Koo, S. Kim, A. Lanting, L. Luistro, L. Samin, R. Pagkalinawan; Sit足 ting; C. Huh, F. Yu, N. Lintao, A. Monserat, E. Gabez, J. Pedro; Freshman; Standing; B. Monserate, G. Abergas, A. M anrique, J. Rivera, J. Bernade, T. Temprosa, J. Saldana; Sitting; T. Nguyen, A. Mercado, E. Liwanag, M. Keum, C.B.Yi, J. Waga; Moderator, Mr. Thomas Biondo.

SOCCER There’s one word which typifies the performance of the Prep Soc­ cer team — A W ESO M E. This soccer team totally dominates its opponents. One team after the other bites the dust after meeting this crushing force. After the first ten games o f the season their re­ cord was 8-1-1. The leaders of this powerful group are Pete Crivelli and Ray Skalski. This team has great promise and may prove to be one of the best soccer teams ever to be put together in Prep’s history. Above: Pete Crivelli brings the ball down field. Below: Senior Pete Crivelli watches the aftermath of Jimmy Ricardi’s clearing kick. Senior Ray Skalski is about to send the ball downfield.

Above: Charlie Cresci gives the ball a boot. Below: Kevin Larkin stands ready in the net to secure another shutout.


Above: Coach Connie G allagher watches his soccer team domi足 nate play. Below: Junior Joe Crivelli strides by another would-be defender.

Above: Charlie Cresci launches another shot. Below: Senior Ray Skalski takes control of the ball to send it downfield for another Prep score.


Bottom Row: S. C alafati, J. Irvine, P. Crivelli, R. M cGuire, M. Granelli. Top Row: Coach of the Y ear C. Gallagher, B. M cCauley, E. I.eischman, R. Bowling, A. Giacchi' J. Crivelli, A. Dembia, J. C alcaterra, P. Serra, C. Cresci. Ray Skalski: H onorable M ention AllState.

Above: J. C alcaterra passes ball out as big scorer George P. looks on. Below: Senior Bob Bowling hands ball to referee.

Above: Junior Joe Crivelli attacks the defender. Be足 low: Junior N ino Giacchi completes another sharp pass.

Above: Junior N ino Giacchi duels opponent for ball. Below: Goalie Kevin Larkin clears the ball. Pete Crivelli: First Team All-State.

Above: Sophomore Pete Serra stays ahead of opponent. Below: Mike Granelli gets a free kick. Senior Ray Skalski prepares to defend the net.


First Row: A. Griffis, A. Hickey, P. A rtache, N . D eM arco, B. Phillips, J. Arboleda, P. Dumadag, T. Madsen, V. Ramella. Second Row: J. Jakubowski, R. Buckman, T. W alters, R. Lacewell, R. Drayton, L. Reverendo, M. Sayer, B. Bennett, D. Fails, C. Wood. Third Row: A. M onteforte, E. Ambrosio, A. Lipski, T. Randall, M. N icoletti, T. Taverone, J. Cappadoccola, C. Bonhard, G. M cCarthy, m ! Z am brana. Back Row: K. M cN ight, T. Lovett, M. Dwyer, M. Boyle, M. Forrester, W. Hoefling.

Q uarterback ED Ambrosio calls the shots,


Last minute instructions given by coach Gerry Belloti.


j '

Before the 1981 football season started, the St. Peter’s Prep Football team did not exist as a threat to many opponents. But after a slow start, the Marauders surprised many people. The combination of strong leadership by Coach Gerry Bellotti, plus the enthusiasm of the team, was bound to bring Prep success. The third game of the season marked the turning point. An overly confident Hudson Catholic team was devastated by Prep’s awesome performance. Two weeks later Prep would crown the Knights of Marist to give Prep victories over its two arch-rivals. This is another example of Prep’s growing success.

Above: The massive rush is on; Below: The line holds again; Ed “S P U D ” Ambrosio rolls out for the big play.

Above: Lee Reverendo and friends dismantle the line; Below: Feeding time for the “ZO O C R E W ” .

I■ ■



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Above: H onorable M ention All-County runningback N ick Demarco glides past the opposition. Below: Zoo Crew impatiently waits for their victims; Prep fans love the Zoo Crew.

Above: Ronald Drayton watches afterm ath of another Prep gain. Below: Second Team All-County runningback Pablo A rtache looks for an opening in the line.

The Prep blockers make way for another big gain.

Above: QB. Ed Ambrosio calls an audible. Below: The defensive line holds its own.

Pablo A rtache moves with eye-blurring speed.

The Ferocious Prep defense plans its strategy.


CHEERLEADERS W h o a re th e se g irls? T h e y a re th e p rid e an d sp irit o f P re p e n th u sia sm . T h e y a re th e P re p C h e e rle a d e rs. D u rin g th e d ay , th e se e n e rg e tic girls p ra c tic e to p e r足 fe c t th e se c h e ers a n d ro u tin e s to e n te rta in th e crow d. B ut th e y do m o re th a n th a t. T h ey give th e crow d th a t in sp ira tio n th a t sets us a p a r t fro m th e o th e r schools. T h e le a d e rs o f th e g ro u p a re D enise B lu n d a a n d D o n 足 n a D o n n av in w ho a re b o th fo rm e r P re p C h e e rle a d e rs. T h e c a p ta in s o f th is fine g ro u p a re R o b in G fro e h re r a n d A n n L a n d i. W e h ere a t P re p deep ly a p p re c ia te th e se g irls fo r a g a m e w ith o u t th e m w ould n o t b e th e sam e.

First Row: Captain Ann Landi, Denise Blunda, Captain Robin G froehrer. Second Row: Paige Severino, M adeline D iM urro, M adeline Aviles, Fran Armagno, Carol DiFeo, S arah Cavanaugh. T hird Row: Linda Finnerty, Beverly Hannah-, Elaina M alaquias, T ara Zadroga, Ann Riley. Back Row: Judy M ayer, Vivian Felton

The girls take a breather between routines.

Fran and future cheerleader stand at attention.

T he girls stand ready to start another cheer.



Senior M ark Meola hustles his way to the finish line.

L ed by a g ro u p o f ea g er sophom ores an d firsty ea r co a ch M r. Jo h n T aesch ler, th e fu tu re shines b rig h tly for o u r C ro ss-C o u n try team . T h e p ac e was set by th e stro n g p erfo rm an ce s o f so phom ores A1 F ra n ce sco an d E d d ie T o rres. T h e te a m p laced in b o th th e H u d so n C o u n ty C o ach es M e e t an d th e Je rse y C ity In v ita tio n a l T o u rn a m e n t. T h e en th u si­ asm o f th is te a m show s g re a t prom ise for th e fu ­ tu re .

Back row: P. H arnett, J. Latko, H. M cDonald, J. M cSherry, M. M cGeehan, K. Raslowsky, P. McGee, R. Drennen, W. Wooding, K. Ruffin. M id row: R. Alvarez, A. Francesco, D. Tapia, J. M cCrary, E. Torres. Front row: R. Fernandez, D. Tam, J. Richardson, P. Rastogi, M. Meola, R. Cordero.

The team works hard at practice in Lincoln Park during the week.

Injured senior Kirk Raslowsky and Coach John Taeschler talk about the team ’s chances at winning the counties.



Back Row: Coach B. H arrison, B. Winfield, R. Valentin, M. DePinto, M. Dove, Coach T. M architto. Middle Row: E. Everson, A. Pawlak, R. Terry, J. Prieto, A. Lewis, M. Berkowitz. Front Row: Co-Captain E. Skolar, Captain M. Pawlikowski, missing: D. Reznick.

Captain M att Pawlikowski soars through the air.

Co-Captain Ed Skolar swings with ease.

ON THE UP-SWING T h e gym te a m b eg an th is year u n d er th e innovative te ch n iq u es o f coaches T o m M a rc h itto an d Bob H arriso n , P re p A lu m ­ ni. L osing six o f th e eig h t v arsity m em b ers o f la st y e a r’s te a m left th e new coaches w ith raw an d m ostly undeveloped talen t. C a p ta in s E d S k o lar, Ju n io r, an d M a tt P aw likow ski, S en io r, th e only ex perienced g y m n asts rem ain in g , ex h ib ited v alian t le ad e rsh ip th ro u g h o u t th e season. D o u b t­ ful a t F irst, an d p lag u ed by in ju ries, th e te a m en d ed its season, n evertheless, w ith a rec o rd o f 4-4-1, ty in g ag a in st C o lu m b ia, th ird in th e state! N e x t y ear looks p ro m is­ ing as C o a ch M a rc h itto an d C a p ta in E d S k o lar w ill ce rtain ly b e ab le to h arn ess th e te a m to w ard s a sectio n al an d possibly sta te ch am p io n sh ip . Above: A dam Pawlak works the event with flare. Below: Senior Jesus Prieto poses for the judge. Rodney Terry gets high with gymnastics.

NlSfi Above: Senior Brian Winfield moves with grace. Below: Up and Coming Frosh Danny “ B” .


K A R ATE TEAM Clockwise: Left to right; A. Nieves, N. Rentas, B. Bovell, R. Holston, A. Abiskaroon; B. Bovell and E. M artinez explain the art of self defense; K arate Club loosening up; Senior B. Bovell alludes a kick from Instructor M. G al足 lagher.


Standing: J. Rivera, C. Monaco, P. Dumadag, O. Armas, P. Crivelli, M. Albano; Kneeling: M. Rivera, J. Crivelli, R. Lobello, R. Clarke, D. Fails, R. Forcillo


T his y e a r’s w restling te am has co m e a long w ay b eh in d th e le a d e r­ ship o f S en io r C a p ta in s P e te C rivelli an d O liver A rm as, as well as second y ear C o ach , M r. R ich R an alli. S tan d in g a t th e .500 m a rk a t m id ­ season th e M a ra u d e rs m au led such o p p o n en ts as W eeh aw k en (69-0), N e w a rk A ca d em y (4 2 -1 8 ), an d a rc h -riv al H u d so n C a th o lic. B ut th ey lo st close decisions to th e pow erhouses o f S t. Jo se p h ’s, D on Bosco, an d U n io n C ath o lic. D u e to d e te rm in a tio n an d h ard w ork, th e P re p W re stlin g T ea m has finally ea rn ed recognition.


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Above: Prep wrestler claims another victory. Below: Pete Crivelli mauls opponent. Above: Oliver Armas pins another victim. Below: Joe Crivelli attacks his opponent.

SW IM M ING County Champions Look to Repeat T h e 1981-82 S w im T e a m looks to re p e a t th e ir u n d e fe a te d C ity a n d C o u n ty C h a m p io n sh ip season. T h u s far, th e te a m h as c o n tin u e d its w in­ n ing w ay by p o stin g an u n d e fe a te d re c o rd in th e co u n ty sta n d in g s. T ri-C a p ta in s P a t M c G e e h a n , T im O ’C o n n ell, an d J o e M u rp h y a re le ad in g th e te a m to a n o th e r sh o t a t a C o u n ty C h a m p io n sh ip . G iving th e te a m d e p th a n d ex p e rien c e a re S ean D u g an , N e il W a rd , J a y S tre b b , T o m T a v a ro n e , a n d N in o G ia c h i. T h e te a m is relying u p o n th e size an d stre n g th o f th e u n d e rc la ssm e n sw im ­ m ers a n d e n th u sia stic d ivers to keep th e tro p h y a t P re p fo r a n o th e r year.

Top, left to right: B. Demian, J. Z am arra, F. Young, S. Dorian, M. Boyle, M. Fremgen, S. Barsoon, N . DeCeasar; Middle Row: Z. Gaulkin, R. Greco, J. Murphy, P. McGeehan, B. Winfield, G. M cCarthy, T. Tavarone, Coach Bob Forenza; Bottom Row: G. Salazar, B. Dugan, T. O ’Connell, M. Berkowitz, J. Kerwin, C. Frattura.

Above: Asst. Coach W izzy and Coach Bob Forenza pose for a pic­ ture. Below: Tim O ’Connell getting prepared for the 50 freestyle.

Above: Joe M urphy, airborn. Below: Jay Strebb gets a quick start against opposition.


Above: Pat M cGeehan leaves opposition far behind. Below: Jerry M cCarthy glides to victory. N eil W ard aggressively searches for finish line. Zack Gaulkin comes up for air.

Above: M att Pawlikowski stretches for a double back dive. Below: N ick DeCeasar awaits third leg of relay. Steve Dorian, lap counter for 500 freestyle.


Kneeling, from left to right: A .J. D iM urro, C. M ontferret, K. Kozlowski, P. DeCresce, D. Burokas, J. Lopis, S. Russell, T. McGovern Standing, from left to right: Asst. Coach M. Pica, Coach T. M aus, J. M cKnight, F. Costella, T. Lindis, C. Piparo, R. Chaneski g ! Tavolara, P. Feliciano, P. Lobrono, K. Russell, N . Lorenco, K. N euschw anter, D. Edwards, L. Van Orden, V. Militello, J. McKnight

Captain Chris “ Pip� Piparo leads the team to victory.

Speedster John Lopis tallies another goal.

DEPENDING CHAMPS T h e P re p H o ck ey te a m was in a y ear of tra n sitio n d u rin g th e 1981-82 season. A fte r tw o co n secu tiv e B division c h a m ­ pionships, th e g ra d u a tio n o f th e class of ’81 left C o a ch T h o m a s M au s, S .J. with seven re tu rn in g players to reb u ild a co n ­ ten d er. D esp ite its rela tiv e y o u th an d in ex p eri­ ence, th e te a m tu rn e d in stro n g victories a g a in st W e st O ra n g e an d arch -riv al H u d ­ son C ath o lic. T h e te a m is led offensively w ith th e h ot scoring p u n ch o f Jim an d J a c k M c K n ig h t an d frosh Jo h n L opis, w hile th e checking line o f S en io r C a p ta in C h ris P ip aro along w ith K evin R ussell an d P a t F eliciano ca m e th ro u g h w ith key goals in clu tch situ atio n s. G o alten d in g ace C h ris M o n tfe rre t p e r­ fo rm ed ex trem ely w ell w ith stro n g consis­ ten cy . S o p h o m o re s ta r T im L in d is led th e P re p defensive corps w ith his fine skating style a n d aggressive play.

Above: The M cK night brothers terrorize their opponents. Below: Prep Enforcer: Yin Militello. Hudson bites the dust.


Above: Rivals, head to head. Below: Hot-scoring forward, Jim McKnight.


Kneeling: B. Dennis, R. Witkowski, J. G alagher, S. McGill, P. Lisa, G. Cummings; Standing: B. Cummings, M. Armstrong, E. Lawson, J. Nicholson, M. C aldarola, A. Alaimo, E. Ambrosio, W. H erenda, J. Flynn



Clockwise, starting above: M ark “Skywalker” Armstrong, displays his talent; solid Prep defense baffles opposition; M arauders crash the boards.

T his y e a r’s b ask etb a ll sq u ad has set th e to n e for th e fu tu re o f S t. P e te r’s P re p b ask etb a ll p ro g ram . T h e sq u ad h as b eco m e a pow er to be reck o n ed w ith in H u d so n C o u n ty an d th e state. T h e te a m w as led by pow er forw ards A n th o n y A laim o an d E d A m brosio. T h ey are aw esom e sco rers an d d y n am ic reb o u n d ers. A d d to this d u o th e stro n g all-aro u n d p lay o f A ll-C o u n ty ca n d i­ d a te E d L aw son, p o in t g u ard an d Jim F lynn, an d M a rk A rm stro n g , an d you hav e th e m ak in g o f a p o te n tia l c h a m ­ pionship team . A lso, m ak in g stro n g co n trib u tio n s a re seniors M a u ric e C ald aro la , w ho is a stro n g inside player, B rian C u m m in g s, a good defensive p lay er, an d sh a rp sh o o tin g R o n W itkow ski. S tro n g su p p o rt also ca m e from P a u l L isa, Jim G allag h e r, an d S tev e M cG ill. T h e b rig h t sta rs fo r th e fu tu re (as w ell as th e p rese n t) a re S op h o m o res G av in C u m m in g s, s h a rp shooting Billy H e re n d a , an d B rian D ennis. C o ach H a llig a n ’s tw en ty -six th season prom ises to b e on e o f th e b rig h te st o f his d istin ­ gu ish ed ca reer.


Above: The Opposition falters before Flynn’s formidable defense; U pper Right: The bench observes the action. Lower Left: Lawson gets an easy two.

Below: Half-tim e strategy

Above: Ed Lawson: First Team All-County.

Above: M ark Armstrong sinks another foul shot. Below: Prep Basketball Brass analyzes the game.

Above: Prep defense puts the press on.

Above: H erenda leads the breakaway.

Below: Prep celebrates another victory.

BOWLING T h e B ow ling T e a m p lans to re ­ b u ild th e sq u a d a f te r losing m an y v a lu a b le s ta rte rs to la st y e a r ’s g ra d u ­ atio n . L e a d in g th is yo u n g te a m a re C a p ta in s B ob G a riso n an d Jo h n C a p p a d o c c ia . F a th e r H ill, th e co a ch a n d m o d e ra to r, has hig h e x p e c ta ­ tio n s fo r th is ta le n te d g ro u p . T h e te a m h as b een e x tre m e ly c o m p etitiv e a g a in st seaso n e d te a m s th ro u g h o u t th e season. A d d in g d e p th to th e te a m a re C liffo rd B o n h a rd a n d fu tu re s ta r D ave A lex a n d er.

1 ® 8 i! Kneeling. D. Alexander, S. Hudik, A. Lanting. Standing: R. Garrison, J. Cappadoccia, C. Bonhard.

Clockwise starting on top: Junior Bob Garison looks for a strike. Co-Captains Bob Garison and John Cappadoccia pose for a shot. John C appa­ doccia shows his winning form. Form at its best, Clifford Bonhard.

! TRACK O v er th e p ast few years th e P rep T ra c k te a m has been struggling. T his y ear th e m u ch im proved te am should m ak e a stro n g show ing in b o th th e C o u n ty a n d S ta te C h am p io n sh ip s. L ed in sp rin ts by th e b lazin g speed of S o p h o m o re W a lk e r W ooding an d J u n i o r J o e D o rn e o , w h ile A1 F ra n ce sco leads a co n tin g en t o f dis­ ta n c e r u n n e r s . C o a c h Jo h n T a e sc h le r h as m u ch co n fid en ce for th e te a m ’s fu tu re .

First Row; R. Terek, J. Richardson, K. Ruffin, J. Dorneo, E. Domingo, D. Magistre, J. Zampella, H. Torrez. Back Row; M. M cGeehan, J. Miselis, J. Peko, D. Tapia, W. Wooding, S. Tantuico, J. Bernado, M. Czochski, R. Fernandez, A. Francesco.

Above: A1 Francesco takes a race. Below: Members of the Track Team dur­ ing a grueling meet.

Above: On your marks, get set, go! Below: M arauder approaches the finish.

TEN N IS T h e 1982 P re p T en n is te a m e x p e r­ ienced n u m e ro u s p erso n a l changes. T h e te a m is lead by seasoned v e te r­ ans Billy G o rd a n , D ennis E d w ard s, an d V in M ilitello . A d d in g d e p th a re a stro n g a rra y o f u n d e rc la ssm e n in ­ clu d in g C h a rlie H u h an d B arry P onticello. C o a c h ’’C h i e f 4 M c N a m a ra has en o u g h young ta le n t to c o n tin u e th e w inning tra d itio n o f th e P re p T en n is te am .

B. Ponticello, Vin Militello, Coach “C h ie f’ M cN am ara, Butch M anrique, Lou PerinoKneeling: C. Vergara, C. Huh.

Above: Butch M anrique positions him­ self for the return. Below: Vin M ilitello smashes the return.

Above: Billy Gordon shows off. Below: C. Vergara, gives the ball a slam.


H. McDonald, C. Cresci, J. Vida, B. Bowling, T. Dabrowski

T h e G o lf T eam has high hopes th is season w ith seven re tu rn in g v et­ erans. C a p ta in Bob Bowl­ ing, a fo u r-y ear m em ber, an d P a t M c G e eh a n will lead th e squad. Ju n io r sta n d -o u ts, Ja y V ida and H u g h M cD o n ald , hope to b rin g co n tin u ed su c­ cess for th e team . S eniors S ean D u g an an d C h a rlie C resci, an d S o p h o m o re T o m D abrow ski b rin g ex­ tr a d ep th to th e line-up. T h e te a m is read y to teeo ff for an o th e r successful season.

Above: H ugh McDonald gives it a drive. Below: Charlie Cresci, “ Expert P utter” .

Bobby Bowling shows hss form.


BASEBALL T h e 1982 B aseball T e a m has th e n ucleus fo r a co n ten d in g te a m . T h e te a m lost only tw o s ta rte rs to g ra d u a tio n . T h ey have five fo u r-y e a r v arsity s ta rte rs re ­ tu rn in g to th e line-up C o a c h U rb a n o v ic h will look for Jo h n H u g h e s an d Jo rg e B a rc o n to supply pow er a t th e p la te, w hile P e te C rivelli a n d B rian S ullivan will le ad a stro n g d efen se in th e field. A lso, p itc h in g a c e T o m G m a h le w ill b e f ru s tra tin g o p p o s­ ing h itte rs. T h e te a m fin ish ed stro n g a t th e en d o f la st season a n d th ey ho p e to c a rry th e ir success over to this y ear. T h e c o m b in a tio n o f m an y ex p e rie n c e d p la y ers a n d an a b u n ­ d a n c e o f young ta le n t gives C o a ch U rb a n o v ic h th e to o ls n ec essary fo r ta k in g th e C o u n ty C h a m p io n ­ ships. Kneeling: E. M acchi, B. Sullivan, J. Boylan, J. Grey, Batboy; Back: E. Ambrosio, C. Bonhard, J. Barcon, J. Hughes, K. Larkin, K. Bearse, T. Ghamle, P. Crivelli, J. Coomes


Above: H ere comes the heat. Below: Prep baserunner awaits to be dri­ ven home.

Ed “ Spud” Ambrosio lets the heater go






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Above: Coach Urbanovich gives the signals. Below: John Hughes makes a sparkling catch.

Above: Ball four! Below: Prep scores another run. Brian Sullivan puts the tag on.


SENIO RS ANTHONY A L A IM O Basketball 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; P olitical S cience Club 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4. EDW ARD A M B R O S IO N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Base­ ball 1,2,3,4; Football 4; Basket­ ball 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4; S tu­ dent Council 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.

JU A N ARBOLEDA Football 1,2,3,4; Class Presi­ dent 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; O riental Club 2,3; Calligraphy 4; K arate Club 1,2; School Disc Jockey 1,2,3,4. O L IV E R ARM AS N .H .S .; H onor Pin 1,2,3; W restling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Foot­ ball 4; Spanish Club 3,4; Fu­ ture Physicians Club 3,4.

PABLO ARTACHE Honor Pin 3; Football 1,2,3,4; W restling 2; K arate Club 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2, Officer 3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4. Seniors anxiously awaiting an­ other gym class.


Barcon shows his stuff during the intramural championship game.

JO R G E BARCON Honor Pin 3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Football 1; In­ tram urals 1,2,4; Spanich Club 2,3,4; French Silver Medal.

JO S E B A R R E IR O Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Chorus 4; Theatre Club 3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Chris­ tian Service Program 4; Muse­ um Society 3,4; Golf 2. ROBERT BELLO Student Council 2; Soccer 2,3; Computer Club 3,4; Racquetball 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4.

HENRY BORCHERS Honor Pin 2,3; Petrean Staff 3,4; K arate Club 2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Team 1; Teach­ ers A p p re n tic e P ro g ra m , Dance Comm. 3,4. B E L F IE L D BOVELL K arate Club 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Band 1,2; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 1,2; Span­ ish Club 3,4.



Seniors holding up the wall.

ROBERT B O W L IN G G olf Team 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Soc­ cer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Irish Club 2,3,4; Class Pres. 4; Dance Comm. 3.

PA U L BOYLAN H onor Pin 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Po­ litical Science Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2; Intram urals 1,2,4. P E R C IV A L BUENAVENTURA Chess Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; O ri­ ental Club 2,3,4; Latin I, Eng­ lish II, G erm an II Gold M ed­ als.

M A U R IC E CALDAROLA N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Bas­ ketball 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3, Vice Pres. 4; Student C ouncil 2,3,4; P etrean 3; Dance Comm. 2,3,4. ANTHONY CAPORALE Political Science Club 2,3, Pres. 4; Chess Team 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4; History Sil­ ver Medal.


FRA NK CA STELLA Hockey 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Italian Silver Medal. JO H N C A U L F IE L D Political Science Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4.

ROBERT CH A N ESK I Hockey 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Po足 litical Science Club 1,3,4; Prom Comm. 3. N IC H O L A U S C H IL E S N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Base足 ball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2, Eb足 ony Club 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3; Student Council 4.

JO H N C H R IS T E N S E N Radio Club 1,2; Intram urals 1,2,4. Bob Chaneski awaits the next hockey game.


Jim Cross and Jose Guzman shooting the breeze.

STEVEN CHUA Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spanish I and II Gold M edal; Oriental Club 2,3, Off. 4; Com puter Club 3; Stage Crew 3,4; Tennis 1,2,4.

W I L L IA M CLARK Basketball 1,2; Political Sci足 ence Club 4; Intram urals 1,2,4. CHARLES CRESCI N .H .S.; Eucharistic Minister; Student Council C hairm an 4; Soccer 3,4; G olf 3,4; Dance Comm. 4; Italian Club 3,4.

PETER C R IV E L L I N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Soc足 cer 1,2,3, Capt. 4; W restling 3, C apt. 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; French M edal; History Medal; Student Council 1,2,3,4. JA M E S CRO SS Swim Team 2,3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; Cellar Door.


1982 M IC H A E L CRUDEN W ar Games Club 1,2,3; Irish Club 4; Political Science 4. B R IA N C U M M IN G S N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2; Basket­ ball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Petrean Underclassman Editor 3, E d ito r - in - C h ie f 4; P ro m Comm. 3,4; Dance Comm 1,2,3,4; Intram ural Comm 4; Student Council 3; Class Pres. 2; Emmaus Team 4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Sports Commentator 2,3.

V IN C E N T D ’A G O S T IN O N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Jazz Ens 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; Dance Comm 4; Stage Crew 3; Italian Club 4. N IC H O L A S DEM ARCO Honor Pin 3; Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Wrestling Capt. 2,3,4; Emmanus Team 4; Dance Comm. 4; Student Council 4; Italian Club 1,2,4; Intram ural Comm. 4.


F R E D E R IC K DEW AN Honor Pin 1,2,3; Stage Crew 3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4. ANTHONY D IM U R R O Soccer 1,2,3; Hockey 3,4; Ital­ ian Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Cam era Club 3; Political Sci­ ence Club 1,3,4.

W I L L IA M D IN G Honor Pin 1,2,3; O riental Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2,3,4; English I, Algebra II Gold Medals, Latin II Silver Medal.

RONALD DRAYTON Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball I’; W restlin g 2; E bony Club 1,2,3,4.

SEA N DUGAN Swim Team 2,3,4; Petrean 3, Faculty Editor 4; G olf Club 1,3,4; Eucharistic M inister; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Irish Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; Politi­ cal Science Club 3,4; Mission Rep 2; Christm as Food Drive 4; Christian Service Program 4; D ram atics 2; Intram urals 1,2,4. Seniors enthusiastically partici­ pate at Mass

Timmy O’Connell and friends get in some last minute study­ ing. P A R T IC K DUMADAG Honor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3,4; W restling 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,4; School Spirit Award.

D E N N IS EDW ARDS Tennis 1,2,3,4; Hockey 4. M IC H A E L EDW ARDS Bowling 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2; Debating 2; W ar Games 1; Irish Club 1,2; Political Sci­ ence Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,4.

ORLANDO E S P O S IT O Honor Pin 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,4; Italian Club 3,4; Italian Silver Medal. D A V ID F IN N Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 2,3, Activities Editor 4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Italian Club 3; T.V. Stu­ dio 1,2; Camera Club 4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.



Bill Floyd going over his lines before opening night. CHARLES F IR T IO N Honor Pin 1,2; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Tennis 1; Dance Comm 3.

W I L L IA M FLOYD N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; S tu足 dent Council 1,2,3, Chairm an 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3, Executive 4; Dramatics 3,4; Chorus 4. ROBERT FRANK Honor Pin 1,2,3; Latin Silver Medal; T.V. Studio.

M IC H A E L GALLAGHER Emmaus 3. L O U IS GALLO Political Science Club 4; Ital足 ian Club 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.


1982 CARLOS G A R C IA Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4.

C H R IS T O P H E R G A R L IN Gymnastics 1,2,3; Track 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2; Fu­ ture Physicans Club 3; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,4.

K E V IN G IB L IN Political Science Club 2,3,4; W ar Games Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2; Italian Club 3; Cam­ era Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,4.

DONALD G IR O V A S I W ar Games Club 1,2,3,4; Ra­ dio Club 1,2,3; Political Sci­ ence Club 2.

JO S E P H G IZ Z I Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2; Political Science 2; Intram urals 1,2,4.

“ Doctor” Garlin playing mean defense.


Bill H arm er and Jose M ar­ tinez look on at an intram u­ ral game. W I L L IA M GORDON Tennis 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1; Politi­ cal Science Club. 4; In tra­ murals 1,2.

PAU L G R I F F IS Football 3,4; Soccer 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Track 1; K arate 1; Intram urals 1,2,4. JO S E GUZM AN Petroc Editor 4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Cellar Door; Foot­ ball 1; W restling 2.

M A R T IN HAGAN Petroc 4; Italian Club 4; Po­ litical Science Club 4; In tra­ murals 1,2,4. W I L L IA M HARM ER Political Science Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; In tra­ murals 1,2,4.



Paul H artnett donates a lifesaving gift. PAUL HARTNETT English Silver Medal; Cross Country 2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Irish Club 2,3; In足 tram urals 1,2,4.

JA M E S HAW RYLAK Hockey 1,2,3; Football 1; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Weight Lifting Club 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3,4; Calligraphy Club 4. ALBERT H IC K E Y Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Callig足 raphy Club 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4.

CARLOS H O FFM A N Honor Pin 2,3; Cross Country 1,2,3; Track 1, Capt. 2,3. JO H N H O STY N .H .S .; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Track 2, Capt. 3; Stage Crew 1,3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Biol足 ogy Silver Medal.


SENIO RS JO H N HUGHES H onor 1,2,3,4; W ater Lifting Club 4.

Pin 1,2,3; Baseball Italian Club 2,3; Salt Fishing 1,2,3; Weight 4; Political Science

JO H N I P P O L IT O Swim Team 3; Italian Club 1,2,3; Salt W ater Fishing 2,3,4; Political Science Club 4.

STEV EN K A P S A L IS Tennis 1; Track 2; Football 3; Bicycle Club 4; Intram urals 1,2,4. JO H N KEM PLE W restling 1,2,3.

K E V IN KENNEDY Football 1; Irish Club 1,2; Slav足 ic Club 1,2,3,4; Political Sci足 ence Club 4; Intram urals 1,2,4. John Ippolito and Kevin Ken足 nedy take part in the solemnity of a traditional Prep Mass.



Team leader Chris Krzak re足 laxes with Emmaus brother. ROBERT KERR Student Council Chairman 4; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 4; Prom Comm 3,4; Dance Comm 4.

C H R IS KRZAK Emmaus 3, Team 4; Chorus 4; Teacher Apprentice Program 4; Petrean 4; Political Science 2,3,4; Theatre Club 2,3,4; M u足 seum Society 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1; H om eroom S pirit Rep. 2; Community Action Program 3; Mission Drive Rep 1,2; Christ足 mas Food Drive 1,2. JO S E P H KUCA Honor Pin 1,2,3; Stage Crew 1,2, Prod. Mgr. 3,4; Petrean 2; Forensic Society 3, Pres. 4; Theatre Club 1,2,3,4.

C H R IS T O P H E R KUNDRO Emmaus 3, Team 4. M ARK K USM A N Bowling Team 1,2,3; Cellar D oor 1,2,3,4; In tra m u ra ls 1,2,4.



Mike Lamb bringing Prep spir足 it wherever he goes. M IC H A E L LAM B Honor Pin 1,2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2; Class Pres. 2.

K E V IN L A R K IN S o c c e r 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; B a se b a ll 1,2,3,4; Racquetball 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4. GEORGE LEPERA Honor Pin 1,2,3; Italian Club 1.2.3, Pres. 4; Italian Gold M edal; School Spirit Rep. 2.3.4.

JE F FR E Y LO PEZ N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Stage Crew 2, Prod. Mgr. 3,4; Petroc A rt Editor 4; Petrean Literary Consultant 4; Geometry and Science Gold Medal. THEODORE L O W IC K I Honor Pin 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3; S tudent Council 4; Dance Comm. 4.

1982 LARRY LYNCH Football y Track 1; Band 1,2; Cellar Door 2; Ebony Club 1,2, Exec, member 3,4; Forensic Society 3; Prep Chorus 4; D ance Com m . 3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4. EDW ARD M ACCHI Honor Pin 1,2,3; Football J; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3; Student Council 2,3; Italian Club 3,4; Political Science Club 4.

EDW ARD M A C K IE W IC Z Eucharistic Minister 4; W res足 tling 3,4; W eightlifting 4; Slav足 ic Club 1,2,3,4; Political Sci足 ence Club 4. JA M E S M ADDEN Swim Team 1,2; Irish Club 3,4; Cam era Club 1,2; A rt Course 4.

THOM AS M A D SEN H onor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3,4; W eightlifting 4; Class Pres. 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3,4; Cam era Club 1,2,3; Caligraphy Club 4; Alge足 bra I Silver Medal; History II Gold Medal. Tom Madsen rests after a heavy work out.


P at M cGeehan scopes out the scene.

M IC H A E L M A N N IO N Honor Pin 1,2; Swim Team 1,2; Soccer 2; Irish Club 1,2,3; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,4; W eightlifting 4; In足 tram urals 1,2,4.

ALEX M A R IQ U IT O riental Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; A rt Course 3,4. JO S E M A R T IN E Z N .H .S .; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Spanish Club 1,2,3; Pres. 4; Ebony 1,2,3,4; W eightlifting 4; O riental Club 2,3,4; Cellar Door 2,3, Edit. 4; Petroc 4; Calligraphy 4.

P A T R IC K M CGEEHAN N .H .S.; Swim Team 1,2,3, Capt. 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Pe足 trean 3, Asst Editor 4; Student Council 1,2; Irish Club 2, Vice Pres. 3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Prom 3,4; Food Drive 4; Class Rep 1; Emmaus Team 4; G olf Team 3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4 SEAN M EAD Honor Pin 2,3; Football 1,3; Class Pres. 3; S tudent Council 4; Cam era Club 1,2,3; Italian Club 4; Political Science 2.


Seniors discuss homework.

M IC H A E L M E L N IC K Future Physicians Club 3; Slav足 ic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals.

M ARK M EOLA Honor Pin 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3, Mgr. 4, Cross Country 3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Ital足 ian Club 3,4; Petrean 3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Weightlifting 4; Latin Gold Medal. D O M IN IC K M IN E R V IN I HonorPin 1; Soccer 1; Italian Club 1,2,3,4.

ANTHONY M ON TEFO RTE N .H .S.; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Bas足 ketball 3; Football 4; Petroc 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Student 2,3,4; Biology Medal. STEV EN MORAN Hockey 2,3; Class Pres. 4; Po足 litical Science Club 4.


Joe M urphy — off to the races.

R IC H A R D M ULCAHY Honor Pin 1,2,3; Soccer 1,2,3; T rack 2,3; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Dance Comm. 3,4; F uture Phy­ sicians Club 3,4; Petroc 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.

JO S E P H M URPHY Swimming 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Foot­ ball 1; Emmaus 3; Student Council 2,3, Chairm an 4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Com puter Club 3,4; Intram urals. ROBERT O ’B R IE N Petrean 4; Irish Club 4; Com ­ puter Club 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4.

T IM O T H Y O ’C O N N E L L N .H .S.; H onor Pin 1,3; Pe­ trean l j Swimming 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4. GEORGE PACZKO W SK I Soccer 1,2,3,4; Petroc Sports Editor 4; Bicycle Club 3, Pres. 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4.


1982 M ARK PAGE Eucharistic Minister 4; Petroc 4; Petrean 4; Soccer 1,2; Bas足 ketball 1; Dramatics 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,4. M ATTHEW P A W L IK O W S K I N .H .S.; Honor Pins 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Div足 ing 3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Student Council 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.

THOM AS P E N D R IC K W ar Games 1,2, Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4. B R IA N P H I L L IP S Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Ebony 1,2, exec. 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Intram urals 1,2,4.

JO S E L IT O P IC A C H E Honor Pin 1,2; Dramatics 3,4; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Forensics 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Theatre Club 2,3,4; Chorus 4. Brian Phillips hustles on de足 fense.

SEN IO RS C H R IS T O P H E R P IP A R O Student Council 3, Chairm an 4; Hockey 1,2,3, Capt. 4; D ra足 matics 1,2,3; Cam era Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3, Photo. Edit. 4; Italian Club; Eucharistic Minister. JO H N P IZ Z I Honor Pin 1,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; S o cce r 1; D ance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.

JO H N P O P IO L E K Honor Pin 1,2,3; W ar Games 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Dram atics 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4. JE S U S P R IE T O N .H .S.; H onor Pin 1,2,3; S tu足 dent Council 4; Petroc 4; Gym足 nastics 2,3,4; Spanish Club ,2,3,4; Chorus 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; D ance Comm. 1,2,3; Com puter Club 3,4; Forensics 3,4.

V IN C E N T RAM ELLA Football 1,3,4; W restling 1,2; Bicycle Club 3, Dance Comm. 4; Political Science Club 4.

John Pizzi and M ark Page jum p it at center court.


Edgar Rivera reflects on the Emmaus weekend.

K IR K RA SLOW SK Y N .H .S.; Honor Pin 2,3; Dance Com m. 1,2,3,4; B asketball 1,2,3; Cross Country 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Petrean 4, Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.

W ESLEY REASON Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2; Football 1, Chorus 4, Chess 3,4; Weightlifting 4, Computer Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,4. D A R R IN R E S N IC K Petroc 2,3, Editor 4; Gymnas足 tics 4; Future Physicians Club 3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Class Pres. 2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4.

ANDRE R ID L E Y Gymnastics 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Future Physicians Club 3, Chorus 4. EDGAR R IV E R A N .H .S.; Honor Pins 1,2,3; Dra足 matics 1,2,3,4; Forensics 3,4; H .A .P. 1,2,3,4.



The Three Musketeers of the Petroc staff.

JO H N ROAKE Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dramatics 3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; Future Physicians Club 3,4; Petroc 4; Bicycle Club 3; Chess 1.

R IC H A R D R U S IN N .H .S .; H onor Pins 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; W ar Games Club 1; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Forensics 4; Chorus 4. M A R IO SA SSO Italian Club 1,2,3,4.

M ARC SAW Y ER Football 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 1; Racquetball Club 3,4; C alligra足 phy Club 4. ROBERT S C H IM E N T I Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 3, Sports Editor 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; T ra c k 1,2; Dance Comm. 4; Future Physicians Club 3,4; Cam era Club 4; In足 tram urals 1,2,4.


Jay Strebb does some last min足 ute homework.

RAYM OND SK A LSK I Soccer 2,3,4; Slavic 1,2,3,4; In足 tram urals 1,2,4.

JO H N STREBB Wrestling 1; Soccer 2; Swim足 ming 2,3,4; Golf Team 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; Student Council 4; Ski Club 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Intram urals 1,2,4. B R IA N S U L L IV A N Honor Pin 3; Track 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Raquetball Club 3,4; Intram urals 4.

LEON SUTY Honor Pin 3; Trainer 2,3; Po足 litical Science Club 2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4. ROBERT TEREK Honor Pin 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3,4; G ym nastics 1; R acquetball Club 4.


SENIO RS M IC H A E L THEOBALD Petroc 3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 3; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Cam era Club 2,3,4. PETER T O M IC IC Honor Pin 1,2,3; Chorus 4; D ram atics 3,4; T.V. Studio 2; T heatre Club 2,3,4; Museum Society 3.

RAYM OND TORRES Honor Pin 2; Spanish Club 1,2, Officer 3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4. M IC H A E L V A L E N T IN O Soccer 2; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Salt W ishing 1,2; Political Sci足 ence Club 4; Intram urals 1,2,4.

GREGORY W ALSH Cross Country 4; Intram urals 4.

M arty H agan clowns around in Gym class.


Brian Winfield relaxes after a tough race.

N E IL W ARD Honor Pin 1,2,3; Swimming 1,2,3,4; S k iin g 4; D ance Comm. 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Political Science Club 4; In tra足 murals 1,2,4.

K E IT H W EB STER Gymnastics 1; Trainer Computer Club 4.


K E V IN W EBSTER Honor Pin 1,2,3; Trainer 2,3; Computer Club 4; Campus Shop 2.

B R IA N W IN F IE L D G y m n astics 4; Sw im m ing 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2; A rt Club 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Pe足 trean A rt Editor 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4. W I L L IA M W IS N E R Student Council 4; Class Pres. 3; Band 1.2 Political Science Club 3,4; Intram urals 1,2,4.

SEN IO RS RONALD W IT K O W S K I Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 3, Senior Editor 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Irish C lub 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; D ance Comm 2,3,4; Cam era Club 3,4; School Spirit Rep. 2; Political Science Club 2; Intram urals 1,2,4. PAU L W O Z N IA K Honor Pin 3; Intram urals 2,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.


M ANUEL ZAM BRANA Football 4; Soccer 2,3; Bowling 2,3; Dance Comm. 4; Prom Comm. 3,4.




Assistant Editor




Faculty Editor

Sports Editor


DAVE FINN Activities Editor


Senior Editor

Underclassmen Editor




Art Editor

Photography Editor

Photography Editor




C h ris K rz a k H e n ry B o rch e rs C h a rlie C resci B ob 0 ‘B rien K irk R aslow sky J o h n S tre b b Jo se M a rtin e z T e d L ow icki M a rk P a g e M a rk M e o la M a u ric e C a ld a ro la E d A m b ro sio

R ic h K en n e d y J im M u r th a J a y V id a R o b G re c o P e te C resci J o h n H a y se r R a y L e o n a rd B ob M c G u ire R ob D uncan S te v e C a le fa ti J im F in n C h ris W o o d B u tc h M a n riq u e B e rn ie R o d rig u e z M a rk C h ia p p a ra J a m e s K erw in G re g 0 ‘B rien A n g elo C h a v e z V in D iD o m en ico M a tth e w M ic h a lik R o n F ila k Jo e G om ez

Jim m y L ee B u tch M a n riq u e L o u P erin o V in M ilite llo K ev in R u ssell C h ris P ip a ro M ik e T h e o b a ld T o m T a v a ro n e M ik e B erk o w itz

Darkroom Technicians Jim m y L ee B u tch M a n riq u e V in M ilitello L P erin L on V U A V l 111 o w C h ris P ip aro T o m T av a ro n e j



Literary Counsultant

Publisher’s Representative

T h ro u g h m a n y h o u rs o f w o rk an d d e d ic a tio n w e h av e a tte m p te d to c a p tu re th e m e m o ries o f P re p . W e believe th a t th ro u g h o u r w o rk we h av e served th e P re p co m m u n ity in p ro d u c in g th is volum e o f th e P e tre a n . F ro m S e p te m b e r to J u n e th e m a n y ac tiv itie s w hich a c c o m p an y th e J e su it tra d itio n o f ed u c atio n h av e b een co llec te d in th is p ic to rial essay o f th e 1981-82 school year. W e h o p e th a t th is y e a rb o o k will stre n g th e n th e m em o ries o f a n o th e r y ea r a t P re p ; a n d fo r som e, p ro v id e a co n clu sio n to fo u r y ears o f th e P re p ex perience. W e w ould like to th a n k all th o se w ho help ed m a k e th is b o o k possible: A ndy M u rro fo r te a c h in g us th e p la n n in g a n d m ak in g o f th e y earb o o k ; L o u M ih alis a n d th e s ta f f o f P h o to g ra p h y By L o u fo r p o rtra its o f fin est qu ality ; C o n n e cticu t L a m in a tin g C o., In c. fo r giving us th e ID n eg ativ es for o u r u n d erclassm en se ctio n ; M iss C ollins fo r h e r p a tie n c e as w e tu rn e d th e lib ra ry in to a zoo; F r. S tro u d fo r th e u se o f his classro o m ; H a rry fo r feed in g us; M r. M c N e llis for giving us a h a n d ; F r. “ M o o n � M u llin fo r allow ing us to m ove-in a n d len d in g his advice; B ro. W u ss fo r th e lo an o f his b in d e r w hich w e rem e m b ere d to retu rn ; M r. Illy fo r th e h o m e ro o m lists a n d len d in g his keys to B rian ; F r. O 'C o n n o r for his o cc asio n al visits; E th e l fo r h e r w arm g reetin g s; an d fo r th e M o th e r's C lub fo r selling o u r sh irts. B u t m o st o f all w e w ish to th a n k o u r p a re n ts fo r allow ing us to w ork on th e b ook. W e a p p re c ia te th e ir e ffo rts to u n d e rsta n d th e im p o rta n c e o f th is p ro jec t to us. W e nev er d id th a n k th e m fo r keep in g d in n e r w arm an d w aitin g up fo r us. W e w o u ld like to say th a n k you fo r y o u r c o n s ta n t su p p o rt.







There are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them � Cor 12:4-6

M r. L o u is S c a rp a , in c h a rg e o f th e m a in te n a n c e sta ff, h as serv ed S t. P e te r ‘s P re p in m a n y w ays fo r a very long tim e. S in c e 1927 L o u h a s k e p t th e r o o f o v er th e h ea d s o f th o se a t P re p . H is resp o n sib ilities an d d u ties a r e th e ty p e th a t c a n easily be o v erloo k ed : su m m e r p re p a ra tio n fo r th e co m in g sch o o l y ea r, h e a tin g an d co o lin g th e c lassro o m s, o p en in g th e g a te s a t 7 A .M . (re m e m b e r th e d ay h e w as la te by a few m in u tes?!), an d th e c o n s ta n t re p a irs. A ll th e w hile he goes a b o u t his w o rk w ith su c h d e d ic a tio n . N o t o n e to p u n c h a tim e c a rd , h e arriv es a t su n ­ u p , w o rk in g u n til o n ce a g a in th e c o rrid o rs a r e clea re d . S tu d e n ts w o rk in g w ith h im find th e ir jo b in te restin g a n d a p p re c ia te d . H is g o o d -n a tu re d a ttitu d e re m in d s us th a t how w e a p p ro a c h o u r w o rk is ju s t as im p o rta n t as th e jo b itself. W e h av e b ee n v ery fo rtu n a te to know M r. S c a rp a .

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