1983 Petrean

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From the Latin discipline to the enthusi足 asm that permeates every facet of school life, there are qualities that run steadily through all Prep men. One major character足 istic is dedication; dedication to the school, to each other, and to Christ. The devotion of time and the expenditure of effort freely towards the Prep community make up inte足 gral parts of the passage from boy to man.



LIVE COLOR SPIRIT At Prep, dedication far exceeds the limits of scholastic disciplines. Dedication carries into the eighth period and many hours afterwards. This is readily visible by meandering about the school any afternoon. There are always clubs meeting, working, sharing a good time and, above all, selflessly dedicating their time and effort. They enjoy giving the gift of them足 selves to their activities, friends, and the Prep communi足 ty. They truly exemplify the Jesuit doctrine of being men for others.


Each year the Prep student body goes on parade. This year the theme of the W alk -a-th o n was liberty. Students walked a twenty kilometer course to Li足 berty State Park with pledge cards and Prep pride. Fr. Ned's bright gift of lead足 ership set the tone of joyousness and brotherhood that permeated the atmo足 sphere of the Walk. Students and faculty dedicated the day and aching feet to the Prep while family and friends donated monetary support. In all, the W alk was a great success because of the comraderie and Prep spirit which all exemplified.


His office, hidden in a corner of Mulry's third floor, is always open to visitors. But he is rarely found there. Instead, he can be seen teaching a class or hunting down an Emmaus brother in the caf. M any will attest to his interest in knowing every student as an individual. He is more than a listener, though, which is evident in his accomplishments since becom足 ing school chaplain: organizing special liturgies in the gym, coordinating the transformation of the chapel, initiating and running six Emmaus Weekends (a tremendous labor in itself), and leading underclassmen retreats, too. In recognition of his contributions to the physical and spiri足 tual development of the members of the Class of '83, we, the editors, dedicate this Petrean to Rev. John A. Mullin S.J.



EMMAUS To many people Sea Bright, New Jersey is just another summer vacation spot. But to the Prep community, it is something more. It is the home of the Emmaus Retreat weekends, a time when Prep men break away, relax, and sort their lives out. Coming home, the spirit of the weekend is spread to all in contact with Emmaus brothers. Here, in pictures, is shown some of the fun and spirit of these retreats.








PAGE e ig h t y -fo u r



MICHAEL ACANFORA Football 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2; Italian Club 4; Weightlifting 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . MARK ALBANO Euch. Minister; Wrestling 2,3,4; Class Pres. 4; Emmaus Team 4; Spanish Silver Medal 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc Edi足 tor 4; Maroon Spirit Editor 4; Computer Club 4; N.H.S.

DENNIS ALVARADO Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Prom Comm. 3, Chmn. 4; Dance Comm. 4; Fut. Phys. Club 2,3; Class Rep. 2; Mis足 sion Drive Rep. 2,3; N.H.S. RAUL ALVAREZ Cross-Country 1,3,4; Radio Club 2; Bicycle Club 2; Computer Club 2,3,4.

M ARK ARM STRO NG Computer Club 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4.

The Prep high-five.

OSCAR ARRIAGA Soccer 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; French Medal 2; Class Pres. 2; Emmaus Team 4; Dance Comm. 4; N.H.S.

MARK BANN Football ]f Baseball 2; Camera Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

SAMEH BARSOUM Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2; Dance Comm. 1,2; Camera Club 1,2; Karate 1.

ERICK BAUTISTA Wrestling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Hon足 or Pin 1,2,3; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Orien足 tal Club 2,3, Pres. 4; N.H.S.

■ r

CLIFFORD BONHARD Football 1,3; Bowling 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 4. EDW ARD BONO Italian Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .

STEPHEN CALEFATI Soccer 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Petrean 3, Senior Editor 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Dance Comm. 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Phys. Hon. Study Group; Radio Club 3; C.S.P. 3; N.HS. M ARC C A N D IN O Computer Club 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1; Honor Pin 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3.

JO H N CAPPADOCCIA Bowling 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,4; Class Pres. 2; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 4.

Darth Vayda counterattack.

plotting the

TIMOTHY CAREY Student Trainer 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Dance Comm. 4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Band 1.

ARTHUR CASHIN Dramatics 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; H.A.P. 4; Petroc 4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Phys. Hon. Study Group 4; Mission Drive Rep. 1,3.

ANGELO CHAVEZ Soccer 1,2,3,4; Petroc 2,3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; N.H.S.

EDWARD CONLIN Emmaus 4; Dance Comm. 4; Intramurals 1.

JAMES COOMBS Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Fut. Phys. Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Hey Ed! They're taking our picture.

M A TTH EW CROG HAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Football 4. DENNIS C RO W LEY Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Hockey 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4.

AVERY CUM M IN GS Basketball 2; Track 2; Intramurals 2; Ebony Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 .

DANIEL D 'AG O STIN O Italian Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Football 1, Mgr. 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Dance Comm. 3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Ski Club 3,4; Intramural Comm. 3,4; Prom Comm. 4: Irish Club 4.

NHAN DANG SEBASTIAN D'ELIA Honor Pin 1,2; French Gold Medal 3; Football 3, Mgr. 4; Italian Club 4, Treas.; Petroc 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Soph. Comm. 2; Dance Comm. 4; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1; N.H.S.

ANDREW DEMBIA Soccer 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Ski Club 1,2, Pres. 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Eng足 lish Medal 3; Track 2; Maroon Spirit 4; H.A.P. Tutor 2,3; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.

BASSEM DEMIAN Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2.

Butch Manrique, amateur photogra足 pher.

PAUL DISTEFANO Hockey 3,4; Honor Pin 1; Salt Water Fishing Club 1; Karate 2; Intramurals X,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2.

SYTIEN DO Honor Pin 2,3; Computer Club 3,4; N.H.S. RICHARD D OBRO N SKY Phys. Hon. Study Group; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Jazz En足 semble 1,2,3; Cross Country 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.

FRANK D 'O N O FRIO Basketball 1,2; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; C.S.P. 3. STEPH EN D O RIAN Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Track 2,4; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 4; Ski Club 4; Dance Comm. 4; Racquetball Club 2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Latin Medal 1.


Maroon Marauder unmasked.

JO SEPH D O R N EO Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Orien足 tal Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 3; Em足 maus 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Honor Pin 1.

DAVID D O W D EN Petrean 2; Underclassmen Ed. 3, Ed.-in-Chief 4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; N.H.S. PA TR IC K D REN N A N Maroon Marauder 4; Student Council Chmn. 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,4; Italian Club 3,4.

R IC H A RD D REN NA N Cross-Country 1,2,3; Phys. Hon. Study Group; Computer Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Greek Gold Medal 3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4. M ARK EN G LERT Honor Pin 1,2; German Gold Medal 2; German Silver Med足 al 3; Dance Comm. 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Euch. Minister; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; Phys. Hon. Study Group; N.H.S.

PATRICK FELICIANO Hockey 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; Dance Comm. 1,2,3; Intramurals 3,4. DAVID FERNANDEZ Asst. Stat. Manager-T.V. Stu足 dio 4; Latin Intro. Gold Medal 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; C.S.P. 3; Phys. Hon. Study Group; Computer Club 4.

THOM AS FINN Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Rep. 1,2; Publicity Comm. 2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Irish Club 2,3, Pres. 4; Petrean 4; N.H.S. PAUL FLAHERTY Honor Pin 1; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4.

JAM ES FLYNN Basketball 1,2,3,4; History Gold Medal 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Student Council 2; Slav足 ic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3,4; N.H.S.

My bodyguard.

M ICHAEL FORRESTER Football 3, Capt. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Award 4; Italian Club 4; Track 1; Soph. Comm.; N.H.S. DAVIN FOSTER Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Com足 m en d ed S tu d e n t N a t. Achievement 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2.

JA M ES GALLAGHER Basketball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Student Council 3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Irish Club 4; In足 tramural Staff 3,4; School Spirit Rep 1. R O BER T G ARISO N Bowling Team 1,2, Capt. 3; Baseball 1,2; Racquetball Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

ZA CH ARY G A U LK IN Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 2, Pres. 3; Petrean Pho足 tography Ed. 3; Racquetball Club 2; Class Pres. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Eng. Gold Medal 2; N.H.S. I'll have the sweet and sour chicken.

ANGELO GIACCHI Soccer 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Karate 1,2; Italian Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Italian Medal 2,3; Intramurals 3,4; N.H.S. GREGG G IAN N IN A Wrestling 1; Track 2; Weightlifting Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Euch. Minister 4.

JO H N G IO RD AN O T.V. Studio 1,3,4, Stat. Mgr. 2; Stage Crew 2, Production Mgr. 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; School Spirit Award 3. TH O M AS GMAHLE Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Emmaus 4.

PATRICK GRIFFIN Baseball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1,2; Basketball 1; Irish Club 4; Math Silver Medal 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 4; Phys. Hon. Study Group; N.H.S.

Let there be light!


EDWARD GUALTIERI Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Italian Gold Medal 2; Bowling 2,3,4; Tennis 4; N.H.S.

MICHAEL HAYSER T.V. Studio 1; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Irish Club 4; Track 3,4.

MARK HOGAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3; T.V. Studio 2,3; Cal足 ligraphy Club 3; Irish Club 4; Dance Comm. 1,2.

WILLIAM HOGAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Polit. Sci. Forum; Dance Comm. 3,4; Theatre Club 4.

RUSSELL HOLLAND Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Wrestler Joe applies the submission hold.

JOSEPH HONG Soccer 1,2; Petrean 4; Petroc Art Editor 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3, Chmn. 4; Swim Team 3,4; Gym Team 4; Karate 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 .

MICHAEL H UN TER Polit. Sci. Forum; Oriental Club 4.

JO H N IRVINE Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Bicycle Club 2,4; Ski Club 1,2,4; Hon足 or Pin 1,2; N.H.S. DAVID JACKSO N Football 2; School Spirit Rep. 2; T.V. Studio 1,3,4; Fut. Phys. Club 2; Computer Club 4; Ital足 ian Club 4; Irish Club 4; Ski Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

RICHARD KELLY Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,4; Baseball 4; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 4; Class Pres 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 • JAM ES KERW IN Swimming 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Italian Club 4; Petroc 4; Honor Pin 1.

JER O M E KIM BRO UG H Band 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3. FRED ERICK KISH Swim Team 1,2; Tennis Team 1; Honor Pin 1; Gym Team 4; Intramural 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2.

TH O M A S KO LLM ER Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Slavic Club 4: Italian Club 4; N.H.S. The hazards of not brushing.

SANJEEV KOTHARI Computer Club 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Chess Club 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3. JO N KROEPER Band 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3; Petrean 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Geometry Gold Medal 2; French Silver Medal 3; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4;

PAUL LA BRUN O Hockey 2,3,4; Bicycle Club V.P. 4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Honor Pin 1. EDW ARD LAW SON Football 1,2; Basketball 1 Capt. 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3 Honor Pin 1,2,3; C.S.P. School Spirit Rep. 1,3; N.H

DONALD LEARY Honor Pin 1,2,3; School Spiri Award 3; Student Council 2,; Exec. Chmn. 4; Mission Driv Coordinator 2,3,4; Emmaus ;• Team 4; Euch. Minister; Pron Chmn. 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,A Petrean 4; Maroon Spirit Irish Club 4; Dance Comm. 4 N.H.S. All burnt out.

KENNETH LE BON Forensics 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 4; Bowling 3,4; Algebra Silver Medal 1; Track 2; Intra足 murals 3,4; N.H.S.

JIMMY LEE Camera Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; Petrean 3, Ed. 4; Dance Comm. 4; Petroc 3; Computer Club 4; Emmaus 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Hon足 or Pin 1,2; N.H.S.

RAYMOND LEONARD Honor Pin 1,2,3; Siver Medal History 3; Petrean 3, Activity Ed. 4; Emmaus Team 4; Fut. Phys. Treas. 2 V.P. 3,4; N.H.S.

GEORGE LEVENDUSKY Honor Pin 1,2,3; Euch. Minis足 ter 4; Emmaus 3; Camera Club 3,4; Dance Comm. 4; Prom Comm. 4; Golf Team 1,4; Stage Crew 4.

AN THON Y LIPSKI Football 1,2,3,4; Track 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramur足 als 1,2,3,4; Exhaustion sets in after the ride-a-thon.


PAUL LISA Basketball 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Dance Comm. 4; Class Pres. 4. AMILCAR LOURENCO Hockey 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Euch. Minister 4; Italian Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1.

TODD LOVETT Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Intra足 murals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; C.S.P. 3; Basketball 1,2; Track 1,2; Prom Comm. 4; Maroon Spirit 4. BRAN LYN CH School Spirit Rep. 1; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2; Emmaus 3; Hockey Mgr. 2; Irish Club 2


ISMAEL M AISONET Honor Pin, 1,2; Class Pres. 1; Emmaus 3; Team 4; T.V. Stu足 dio 1; Open House 3,4; Cho足 rus 3. Lunchtime!

Which way to Muscle Beach?

BUTCH MANRIQUE Honor Pin 1,2; Class Presi足 dent 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Petroc 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Petrean 3,4; Tennis Team 1,2,3, Capt 4; Racquetball Club 2,3; Oriental Club 1,2,3, Treas. 4; Camera Club darkroom tech. 3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Dance Comm. 3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2: Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

ALEXANDRO MARIN Chess Club 3, Pres. 4; Spanish Club 3, Pres. 4; H.A.P. Tutor 3,4.

HUGH MC DONALD Student Council 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 2; Class Spirit Rep. 4; Span. Gold Medal 4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Golf Team 1,2,3,4; Bas足 ketball 1,2; Dramatics Soc. 3,4; Forensics 4; N.H.S.

MICHAEL MC GEEHAN Soccer 1; Swim Team 1,2; Track . 3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Euch. Minister 4; Petrean 4; Emma足 us 3; Team 4.

FREDERICK MC GHEE Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Weight足 lifting Club 3,4; Track 3,4; Computer Club 4; Basketball 1; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


Mad Dog and his master.


MC GILL Basketball 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3,4.

JO H N MC GOVERN Band 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,4; Jazz Ensemble 4; Guitar Club 1,2,3; Computer Club 2,3,4; N.H.S. ROBERT MC GUIRE Soccer 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 3, Sports Edit. 4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Prep Spirit Award 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin Medal 3; Petroc 4; Irish 3,4, N.H.S.

JACK MC KNIGHT Hockey 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Italian Club 4; Student Council 3. JO H N MC SHARRY Cross Country 3,4; Track 3; School Spirit Rep. 3; Camera Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Irish Club 4; Com足 puter Club 3,4.


Joe and Rob share some comic relief.

ATHAN M ERGUS T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,4; Swim Team 1; School Spirit Rep. 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3; Dance Comm. 1,2.

STEPH EN M ERRICK Intramurals 1,2,3; T.V. Studio 1; C.S.P. 3; Chess Club 1,2. V IN C EN T M ILITELLO Swim Team 1; Tennis 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Hockey 2,3,4; Class Rep. 2,3; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,3,4.

CH RISTO PH ER M O N T FER R ET Honor Pin 1,2,3; Biology Gold Medal, Chemistry Gold Med足 al; Class Pres. 1; Student Council 2,3, Chmn, Treasurer 4; Hockey 1,2, Asst. Capt. 4, Capt. 4; Petroc 3,4; Intramur足 als 1,2, Staff 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; N.H.S. R O BERT M ORALES Hockey 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Polit. Science Forum; Football Trainer 2.

Hello Tom, this is God.

WILLIAM MORRISSEY Baseball 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Ital足 ian Club 4; Class Spirit Rep 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

JOSEPH M URPH Y T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1/2, Crew 2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Nat. Merit Commen足 dation 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4. JAMES M URTH A Math medal 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 3 Asst. Ed. 4; Nat. Merit Commendation 4; Band 1,2,3; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Dramatics 3; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; N.H.S.

LOUIS NAPPI Honor Pin 1,2,3; Intramurals 2,4. KEITH N EUSCH W AN TER Basketball 1; Hockey 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 .


JOSEPH NICHOLS Track 1,2,4; Football 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. JERO M E N ICHO LSO N Basketball 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2.

JO SEPH N ICO LETTI Football 1,2,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Class Pres. 1,2,3; Racquetball Club 3,4; Italian Club 3, Chmn. 4; Dance Comm. 3,4. M ARK N ICO LETTI Football 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Italian Club 3,4; Baseball 1,2; Racquetball Club 3,4; Stu足 dent Council 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

GREG O 'B R IEN Basketball 1,2,3; Petrean 3,4; Emmaus 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Hangin' out in Harry's.

ADAM PAWLAK Student Council 2,3, Chmn. 4: Slavic Club Officer 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Gym Team 2,3, Co. Capt. 4; Diving Team 4; Maroon Spirit 4; History Silver Medal 1,2; Prom Comm. 3,4; Stage Crew 4; N.H.S. JO H N PERDIGAO Prom Comm. 4; Track 1,3; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,4.

MICHAEL PIPERATO Baseball 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Intramur足 als 1,2,3,4; Physics Hon. Study Group. M ARTIN RAM IREZ Camera Club 1,2; Pres. 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Hockey 3,4; PETREAN Ed. 3,4.

TODD RANDALL Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3; Weightlifting Club 3; Class Rep. 1. You are now entering the twi足 light zone.

FRANK RASO Hockey Trainer 1,2,3,4; Hock足 ey Mgr. 4; Athletic Direct. As足 sist. 4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3; Chess Club 1,2,3; War Games 1,2,4.

LEE REVERENDO Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Base足 ball 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Class Rep. 4; Prom Comm.

ELIGIO REYES Spanish Society 1,2,3, V.. 4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Karate 2; Intramurals 1,2; Radio Club 4; Wrestling 4; Emmaus 4.

JAMES RICCARDI Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 2,4; Ski Club 4.

GAETANO RICCIARDONE Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 3; C.S.P. 3. Jim and his favorite girl.

m r

MICHAEL RIVERA Wrestling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Hon足 or Pin 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2; Dance Comm. 4; Oriental Club 1,2,4. JOSEPH ROM ANO Dance Comm. 3; Italian Club 4.

KEVIN RUSSELL Hockey 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Intramural Comm. 2,3,4; Class Pres. 1,3.


PAUL RUTCH Honor Pin 1,2; Prep Spirit Award 3; Class Pres. 2,3; Stu足 dent Council Chmn., Secre足 tary 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; N.H.S.

W O O JUNG RYU Soccer 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; Golf Team 3,4; Studio Art 3; Honor Pin 1; Physics Hon. Study Group 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3. Physics lab- S.R.O.


Skolar showing off his I.Q.

WILLIAM SAVINO Radio Club 1,2, Pres. 3,4; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Winter H.A.P. Staff 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Kara足 te 1; T.V. Studio 1; N.H.S.

STEPHEN SCHEMBER Dramatics 2,3; Forensics 3; Swim Team 4; Ebony Club 1.

THOMAS SCHMIDT Wrestling 2; Karate 1,2; T.V. Studio 1; Honor Pin 1,2; Eng. Silver Medal 2.

JOHN SCUTELLARO Class Pres. 1; Bicycle Club 2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,2.

SEAN SEYMOUR Band 1,2,3; Jazz Ensemble 1,2,3; Track 1,2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,4; Greek Silver Medal 3; Chorus 3; Liturgical Music 1,2,3,4; Political Science Fo足 rum.

The Eyewitness News Team.


MARK SHAW Salt Water Fishing Club 1

JOSEPH SISOLAK Baseball 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

EDW ARD SKOLAR Gym Team 1,2, Co-capt. 3, Capt. 4; Diving Team 3,4; Track 3,4; Emmaus; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3. RUSSELL STAUNCH Football 1; Intramurals 2,3.



Hey, blondie! This kid likes you.

Honor Pin 1; Soccer 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4.

CORY SZATKIEW ICZ Camera Club 1,2,3,4; Salt Water Fishing Club 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2.

HARRY TAM Karate 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Oriental Club 1,2,3, Exec. 4; C.S.P. 3; H.A.P. Tutor 1,2; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4.

THOMAS TAVARONE Football 2,3,4; Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 3; Student Council 4; Band 2; Camera Club 3; Italian Club 4; Ski Club 3,4; School Spirit Award 3; N.H.S.

JOSEPH TREFURT Honor Pin 1,2,3; Italian Club Secretary 4; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm 3,4; Petrean 4; Soph. Comm.; Dra足 matics 2.


FRANCIS VALANZOLA T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Station Mgr. 3; Dramatics 2,3,4; Em足 maus 3, Team 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Class Pres. 4. LEONARD VAN O RD EN T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Stat. Mgr. 4; Hockey 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3.

A N TH O N Y VARACALLI Italian Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

ROBERT VAYD A Dramatics 2,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Fut. Phys. Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team; Euch. Minister; Slavic Club 4; Hon足 or Pin 3.

JOSEPH VENIERO T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3, Prod. Mgr. 4; Com足 puter Club 2,3, Tutor 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Science Gold Med足 al 1; Science Silver Medal 2,3; School Spirit Award 2; N.H.S.

THOMAS VENTRONE Petrean 4; Intalian Club 1,2,3,4; Political Science Club; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

C U N EG U N D O V ERG A RA Tennis 1,2,3,4; Fut. Phys. Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Ori足 ental Club 3,4; T V . Studio 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spanish Medal; N.H.S. JA Y V ID A Fut. Phys. Club 2,3, Pres. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Miss. Drive Co-chmn. 2,3,4; Petrean 3, Faculty Ed. 4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Slavic 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.

MELCHOR VILLARUEL Tennis 3, Co-capt. 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1 ,2,3 ,4 .

Showing off the new dress code.

Wake up Tony, we re on the stairs.

A N TH O N Y WALSH Petrean 3,4; Swim Team 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2; Polit. Science Club 1,2; Irish Club 4.

THOM AS WALTERS Football 1,3,4; Band 1,2,3, V. Pres. 4; Jazz Ensemble 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Eng. Medal 1; Spanish Medal 4; N.H.S. MICHAEL WEBB Petroc Assist. Ed. 4; Dramat­ ics 2,3,4; Prep Chorus 3; Hon­ or Pin 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3; Eb­ ony Club Exec. Member 4; Dance Comm. 4; Maroon Spirit 4; N.H.S.

BYR O N WILLIAMS Ebony Club 1,2, Exec. Mem­ ber 3,4; H.A.P. 1; Bowling 3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Prom. Comm. 4. JEFFREY W O O T EN Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Track 2; H.A.P. Tutor; Intramurals 1,3; Commended Stu­ dent Nat. Ach. Service.

Seniors approaching the fin足 ish line.

LAWSON W ORTHY Football 1,2; Track 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


MARK WROBLEWSKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Merit Commendation; Emma足 us 3, Team 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Pres. 2; Dance Comm. 4; Track 1; Science Medal 1; N.H.S.

ENRICO ZAMARRA Soccer 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2; Lat足 in Gold Medal 1; German Sil足 ver Medal 2; History Gold Medal 3; Intramurals 2,3,4.

INTRAMURALS After a morning of serious academic study, the stu足 dents of St. Peter's Prep get to relieve their pent-up anxi足 eties through athletics. The Prep intramural program, run by Mr. Tom Biondo and Mr. Frank Lamartine, is one of the most extensive and productive in the history of the school. Several students, along with the two moderators, dedicate their lunch period and other free time to work out schedules, refereeing the games, and planning the next "season". Intramurals develop a class enthusiasm and foster the attitude of friendly competition that permiates the Prep.




The Dramatic Society, under the watchful eye of director Jack Casey, produces two plays a year. Weeks before opening night, the dramatics office in the base足 ment of Burke Hall comes to life. Rehearsals start, and the stage crew begins to put together the wood, paint, and canvas which will be transformed into the set for the plays. It is the dedication of the stage crew, the Prep players, and the students of the various local girl's schools that make the productions come to life, and make the semi-annual performance, popular and enjoyable.




LITURGIES Moments of the celebration throughout the year are special times of prayer for the entire school community. The Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Liturgy of Thanksgiv足 ing, Christmas and Holy Week, the Mass for the Blessing of the Rings, and the Graduation Liturgy, gather the Prep Family together for the celebration of the Eucharist. Stu足 dent Council members transform the gym into a place for worship; seniors and faculty Special Ministers of the Euchairst distribute communion; student and faculty musicians and singers prepare the hymns; students pro足 claim the scripture and the priest celebrants lead the community in prayer.


Clockwise from the right: Fr. Hamill, S.J., Moderator of the Mothers' Club. Some Prep Fa足 thers' Club members help out at the Commu足 nion Supper. Brother Harrison lends a helping hand to a few Prep mothers. Mothers and fa足 thers enjoying the Communion Supper. Fr. Parkes, S.J., Moderator of the Fathers' Club.

SKI CLUB Clockwise, The club gathers for a quick photo before hitting the slopes; Dan D'Agostino and Bob Vayda prepare for a lesson; Joe Bardzilowski takes a run down one of the slopes.



KARATE Below: Row 1: K. Bellinger, J. Healy, A. Ro足 mas, W . Dangcil, M. Galang, A. Bosa, J. Collago. Row 2: B. Cuevas, S. Russell, E. Liwanag, B. Monserate, E. Kostrzewa, H. Gil. Row 3: A. Nieves, A. Abiskaroon, A. Monserate. Right: B. Monserate attempts to knock out Capt. Ed Mar足 tinez and Assis. Instructor E. Gatsden with one quick kick.

RACQUETBALL CLUB Left: M. Nicoletti, H. MacDonald, J. Nicoletti. Below: J. DeSimone, E. Harrison, M. Wagner, R. Kakoleski, A. Tabora, S. Hudik

FUTURE PHYSICIANS Clockwise: Pres. Jay Vida M.D. Internist, V.P. Ray Leon足 ard M.D.F.A.C.S. Row 1: T. Nguyn, C. Huh, A. Brown. Row 2: E. Ocampo, J. Kosenski, P. Schonenberger, J. Magotch, A. Calderaro. Seniors: Mike Webb M.D., P. Flaherty D.D.S., C. Vergara P.H.D.

CHEERLEADERS During the year, girls from A.S.A., S .D A ., and H.F.A. come down to St. Peter's Prep and dedicate much of their time after school and on Saturdays preparing to lead the Prep fans in cheering on our teams. The spirit and exu足 berance of the cheerleaders can be felt throughout the school as well as on the stands. These girls perform an invaluable service for our school and can only be recog足 nized by the roar of applause and standing ovations that greet them at every rally. This page stands as a symbol of the appreciation that St. Peter's feels for all of the hardwork and dedication they have given us.

Left: Stray Cat Strut. Top: A hand for the Prep. Bottom: Front row: Maria DiMurro, Robin Groehrer, Debbie Misyak, Chris Fay. Middle row: Beverly Hannah, Sarah Cavan足 augh, Maribeth Rotundi, Madeline DiMurro, Fran Armagno, Anne Riley. Back row: Carol DiFeo, Vivian Felton, June Rochford, Elaina Malaquias, Judy Mayer, Tara Zadroga.


OPEN HOUSE Prep greeted over 400 families this past year during the O pen H ouses in October and January. Inquisitive parents and their wide-eyed 7th and 8th grade sons toured classroom s, sports facilities and activities offices. Inform ative and entertaining dis足 plays held their curiosity until enthusiastic student guides, m any of whom saw Prep for the first tim e them selves just a year or two ago, show them through the school.

Organized by Dan Sorrenti with the help of the Student Council, the days succeeded in welcoming future Prep students and their families.

Clockwise from above: Bob Greco and O s足 car Arriaga lend a helping hand. Poten足 tial frosh and parents talk with Miss DeCresce. M iss Koslowski demonstrates lab equipment. Bro. W uss looks for future Slavic Club members. M arty Ramirez and Jim m y Lee explain the workings of the darkroom.



SLAVIC CLUB From left: V.P. G. Pollini, Pres. A. Pawlak, Mod. Bro. Wuss, S.J., M. Ahern, Frosh rep. E. Addvenky.

ORIENTAL CLUB Clockwise: Row one: T. Manrique, D. Tan, B. Monserate, J. Rivera, J. Waga. Row two: T. Temprosa, R. Novicio, J. Bernade, J. Saldana, E. Liwanag. From left: C. Vergara, M. Hunter, M. Villaurel, J. Lee. Freshman: R. Bautista, A. Florento, B. Chandra, M. Ahn, R. Luistro, E. Cruz. Juniors: L. Samen, L. Luistro, R. Packlinawa, A. Lanting, A. Monserate. Officers: V.P. J.R. Ryu, Sec. H. Tam.


Clockwise: V.P. N. Giacchi, Pres. D. D'Agostino, Treas. S. D'Elia, Sec. J. Trefurt. Senior members. Moderator Mr. Fordellone, an inspiration to the entire club. Multitudes of underclassmen members.



Clockwise: Chairmen: W. Bates, B. Williams, R. Bennett, J. Stokes. Senior members: Row 1: E. Law足 son, T. Lovett, J. Nichols, D. Foster. Row 2: M. Armstrong, A. Cummings, L. Worthy, F. McGee, J. Nicholson, J. Wooton. Underclassmen: Row 1: L. Worthy, R. Terry, R. Loewell, D. Fails, L. VanCroft. Row 2: V. Hannah, E. Redwine, G. Cummings, D. Howard, R. Holston, K. Archer, C. Williams, E. Martinez. Row 1: K. Bellinger, M. Quittley, J. Webb, R. DeBoys. Row 2: G. Jordan, M. Wooding, J. Stevens, W. Nail. Upper left: Row 1: G. Cum足 mings, Thomas, I. Abdu-Rashed, J. Salomon. Row 2: S. DeSouza, T. Roberts, R. Woody, T. Webb, R. Shipman, R. Strother, T. Gamble, A. Todd, W. Han足 nah.



Above: Assorted under and upperclass members. At left: Row 1: A. Vargas, H. Gil, M. Hernandez, A. Tabora. Row 2: R. Morales, R. Novicio, G. Cepeda, R. Oliveras. Row 3: C. Padron, N. Gonzalez, B. Cordero, A. Villanueva, T. Adan.


Above: V.P. D. Tan, Secretary D. Vargo, Moderator Fr. Browning, Pres. A. Marin, Treas. F. Yu. Center left "A " Team: Row 1: D. Tan, A. Marin, R. Novi足 cio. Row 2: D. Vargo, A. Monserate, A. Mercado. Lower left "B" Team: Row 1: A. Villar, L. Lintao, E. Galvez, A. Festa, R. Bautista, F. Yu. Row 2: S. Fugel, C. Sodano, G. Cepeda, R. Huggins, P. Schonenberger, S. Tantuico, J. Bonet, J. Waga, G. Abergas.


BAND Clockwise: The Band performs during Fresh足 man Orientation. Junior Jim Feehan shows off. THE BAND seated: W. Budin, P. Sloyan. Row 2: Moderator Mr. Sayer, G. Luckjiff, J.P. Uva, J. Kroeper, M. Palmeneri. Row 3: A. Botman, T. O'Donnell, J. Magotch. Row 4: J. Feehan. John Paul Uva and Jon Kroeper, "Born to Run".


At left: Joe Veniero helps out Jeff Stabile and Tom Tacik. Above: Club Tutor Joe Veniero, Secretaries J. Norton, L. Mastria, J. Lodthorpe and Moderator Fr. Stump, S.J.

Forensics: the art of argumentation and formal debate. In its third year the team continually grows in talent and numbers, expanding its categories of competition, as well as its trophy shelf.


Below: Pres. R. Huggins, Moderator Mr. Scirghi, S.J., V.P. K. LeBon. Left: Row 1: P. Mango, J. Spasato, J. Cordero, B. Ayerbe, F. Yu. Row 2: K. Scott, J. Lodthorpe, A. Rosan, T. Murphy, H. McDonald, K. Wall.

DANCE COMMITTEE Several times a year the Dance Committee, under the direction of Tom Biondo, dedicates its time on Friday afternoons to clear out and clean up the caf. Members control the massive crowds while still enjoying the night. With the help of Miss DeCresce and other Prep faculty the committee carries on the tradition of excep足 tional Prep dances. The annual Halloween dance this year exemplified the quality attainable with the union of dedication and effort as over five-hundred people were treated to fine music, lively dancing, colorful costumes, and a great time for all.



Clockwise from top left: D.C. underclassmen members, Going ape!, What's up doc?, Prep's finest, "Introducing Stacked deck!, Jake and Elwood, Briefcase of Blues, D.C. senior members, Preparation for a big nite, "Jail Birds".


Clockwise from top left: Chairmen Paul Rutch, Chris Montferret. School Spirit member Joe Nicoletti and Moderator Mr. Mike Quillin. Committee members Tom Tavarone, Ron Filak, Mike Cun­ ningham, John Lopis. (absent: Tom Dabrowski)

The Social Spiritual Commit­ tee is, as the name implies, a two-sided coin. The committee works closely with Tom Biondo and the Dance Committee to stage and run Prep dances. Working with students of other secondary schools, Prep is kept abreast of and in stride with re­ cent happenings on the local scene. The other side of the coin is the enhancement of Prep spiri­ tual life. Under the direction of Fr. John Mullin, S.J. the Social Spiritual Committee organizes the school liturgies, Junior Ring Ceremony and Frosh/Soph re­ treat program. The Committee spends much free time planning and working to join the student body and fac­ ulty in achieving a single end. This end is the development of young minds into free thinking individuals.

SCHOOL SPIRIT COMM. The primary responsibility of the School Spirit Commit足 tee is to develop the enthusiasm of the students toward the school. School spirit is contageous. No group is more re足 sponsible for the high morale and the fraternal support that run rampant in the Prep than the School Spirit Committee. The hard labor and long afternoons devoted to student life by the committee can be seen in the many posters lining the halls, the spirit buttons on lapels, and felt in the awesome enthusiasm at rallies.

Counterclockwise: Chairmen Bob Bennett, Pat Drennan. Commit足 tee members Joe DeMarco, Danny Berardinelli. (absent: Bill Herenda). Publicity Committee member Jim Gallagher and School Spirit Committee member Wendell Bates.


PUBLICITY COMM. The Publicity Committee does just what its title suggests; it publicizes all newsworthy school activities. In conjunction with the office of Public Information, under Mr. Dan Sorrenti, the Committee presents the quality and integrity of Prep to the community at large. The bulk of the Committee's responsibilities lays in recruit足 ing 7th and 8th graders, organizing open houses, running student exchanges and putting out the High School Set which appears in local newspapers. Right: Chairmen Adam Pawlak, Don Leary. Below: Committee members Bob Greco, Peter Cresci, Jim Peko, Jim Gallagher.


Below: Three Chairmen monkeying around. "Hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil."

The Executive Committee of the Student Council consists of the Executive Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Executive Chairman serves as a direct intermediary be足 tween the administration and the student body. The Treasurer keeps an accurate record of the Council's budget. The Secretary writes the min足 utes and keeps attendance of all meetings held by the Student Council. The Executive Committee is in charge of regulations for the Student Council.



Clockwise: Pres. Marty Ramirez comes through again. V.P. J. Lee plying his trade. Underclassmen: Row one: L. Perino, A. DellaRosa, S. Frattura, J. Borch, Row two: A. Neto, M. Smarro, S. Willis, K. Morris, Butch Manrique, Assistant Photographer-Developer. Below: G. Levundusky, K. Russell, M. Bann.

T.V. STUDIO W SPP-T.V. is a fully operational closed circuit television studio. Prep is the only high school in Hudson County with such facilities. W SPP-T.V. supplies the school with its audio and visual equipment as well as coverage of major sports events.

Clockwise: Seated: Assistant Maintenance J. Giordano, senior P. Uva. Standing: Film Crew Manager J. Mur足 phy, Scheduler F. Valanzola, Maintenance Chief J. Veniero, Station Manager Len VanOrden not shown. Joe Veniero at work. Chris Doria and Tim McGovern producing a show. John Norton and Tim McGovern cover the action. The call letters.

RADIO CLUB The Radio Club is a noncommercial radio station whose members are inter足 ested in amateur radio communication and experimentation. The Club has reached all 50 states, every continent, and over 130 countries. This year the Club will be participating in several onthe-air contests. Clockwise: Pres. Bill Savino, V.P. A. Auciello, Sec. E. Ocampo, Treas. G. Pollini. Bill Savino takes a break from his transmissions. Under足 classmen members.


MODEL RAILROAD CLUB From left: D. Quish, J. Webb, A. Brown, G. Pollini, J. Alkaisi, T. Tacik, R. Bautista, Moderator Fr. Lundy, S.J.


Left center: Pres. K. O'Connor, Mod. Mr. Quillan, V.P. P. LaBruno, Treas. J. Kosenski. Lower left, Row one,: J. D'Agoi, S. Wisniewski, K. Comandatore, A. McLeod, F. Sullivan, R. Almoli. Row two,: B. Chandre, S. Hart, G. Gmitro, C. Howlett, D. Gallgher, J. Best, S. Bienachi.

PETROC Petroc is Prep's award winning news足 paper. Under the guidance of Moderator Jim Horan and staffed by experienced student writers, it provides the students with information concerning events oc足 curring in and outside the school. It is a paper admired throughout Hudson County.

Clockwise: Moderator Jim Horan, Sports Editor M. Albano, Editor-In-Chief A. Chavez, Jr. Editor M. Michalik, Assis. Editor M. Webb. Staff: Row One: A. Krupa, M. Ahern, P. Piniero, B. Ponticello, S. Yautz. Row Two: M. Pompeo, T. Nguyen, C. Lucas. Cartoonist E. Lucas and J. Finn. Assis. Editor Mike Webb, Editor-In-Chief Angelo Chavez.


PETREAN Each year the editors and members of the Petrean staff work to preserve the spirit and character of the latest school session. The many tiresome hours and anxious nights spent on the book will never be known by most but the book itself is reward enough. With the help of Mike Tunney, S.J., and several others, this book tries to capture the essence of the '82-'83 academic year.

Dave Dowden, Editor-In-Chief

Rob McGuire, Sports Editor

Marty Ramirez, Photography Editor

Joe Gomez, Underclassmen Editor

Jim Murtha, Associate Editor Ray Leonard, Activities Editor


Steve Calefati, Senior Editor

Jay Vida, Faculty Editor

----------------------- " f f



Above: First row: M. Ambrosio, B. Archer, T. Bobko, C. Falco, H. Frank. Second row: C. Guarente, R. Hager, M. Jablonski, N. Wood. Below: Rounding the corner for the home stretch.

Freshmen pound the boards.

First row: E. Kirchgassler, J. Landis, T. McVicar, R. Moreiro, R. Nestor. Second row: T. Riley, T. Schneider, D. Sollecito, P. Stanowski, J. Wolleon. Absent: J. Boushay, A. Defino, A. Ferraro, M. Stappenbeck.


Above: First row: J. Webb, D. Zall, J. Stevens, W. Rushforth, Second row: M. Turner, M. Quittley, A. Perez, J. Melly, M. Wooding. Below: Left: Front to back: R. Deboys, R. Bludgus, M. Dizen, M. Dandorph, W. Cuevas, Right: Front to back: R. Carbone, K. Butler, K. Bellinger, D. Burgess, S. Biernacki.

Above: Left: Front to back: L. Gutierrez, N. Maurielle, A. Gaudier, K. Fitzhenry, J. Guarino. Right: Front to back: S. Matthews, J. Gianella, H. Gil, J. Dubon, E. Grabowski. Below: Mr. Kenny aids newcomer with books.


First row: S. Hummell, K. Comandatore, F. Briamonte. Second row: L. Freire, O. Brady, S. Kramer, M. R. Flynn.

First row: P. Brunner, K. Kelly, S. Gmitro. Second row: M. Mannion, M. A. Crowley, J. Paradine, R. Nisbet.

Left to right: T. Roche, K. Morris, R. Panico, J. Schmittler, S. Dello Stritto, V. Nolan.

Early morning study in Bro. G's office.


Above: Left to right: S. O'Neill, W. McDonald, G. Kelton, M. Namnama, R. Nieves, K. Munoz, R. Luistro, E. Lubas, B. Loboda, R. Jablonski. Below: First row: C. Del Vecchio, A. Dellarosa, J. Collazo, A. Aguiar. Second row: T. Favetta, P. Duvalsaint, M. Digiovanni, J. Bonet, R. Bautista.

Above: First row: O. Reyes, J. Revilla, D. Waddington, T. Romanowski. Second row: F. Silva, F. Trigo, S. Wisniewski, T. Tacik, C. Sodano, M. Smarro. Absent: P. Costello, J. Pullman. Below: Rob Greco with a few words of wisdom for the freshmen.


Left to right: P. Bonner, I. Gomez, J. Derose, S. Frattura, A. Jurgelevicius, W. Neal, A. Pisano, J. Kashuba, K. Sabogal. First row: G. Papadakis, M. McGrath. Second row: D. Peters, S. Lee, B. Lopez. Third row: S. Presa, M. Kim.

First row: N. Sperduto. Second row: K. Scott, S. Yautz. Third row: A. Yeung, A. Sawczuk, S. Villa.


First row: W. Dangcil, D. Chiang. Second row: J. Healy, J. Dechter, D. Hanks. Third row: C. Howlett, D. Checorski, A. DelVescovo.


Above: First row: M. Ahn, J. Ambrosio, R. Bautista, M. Cozine. Second row: D. Eastman, J. Charlesworth, J. Camaya, J. Casler, V. Chirichella, J. Bessinger. Below: First row: T. Sullivan, W. Scheurer. Second row: ]. Raslowsky, K. Wall, K. Von Schaumburg. Third row: M. Yelverton, A. Romano. Fourth row: W. Crawford.

Frosh relax during orientation.


First row: D. Quish, C. Lucas, J. Mancino. Second row: R. Mulholland, A. Forte. Third row: M. Kilkenny, J. Nichols, H. Park, J. Henkes. Absent: F. Danger.



Above: First row: E. Addvensky, A. Artificio, J. Best, M. Byrnes, J. Carlson. Second row: M. Doody, A. Festa, A. Florento, D. Gal足 lagher, J. Good. Below: Freshmen work out on second day.

Above: Left: Front to back: A. Molina, D. Williams, J. Lamboy. Right: Front to back: P. Mango, P. Grundling, W. Perkins. Below: First row: D. Keating, L. King, S. Kumar, J. Lecowitch, L. Martos. Second row: A. McLeod, P. Mercante, C. Prime, R. Roscelli, S. Tuzzo. Absent: D. Gronda, R. Pelier, D. Southern.


Above: First row: F. Regenye, ]. Urban, J. Scanlon. Second row: R. Rusznak, A. Villar, D. Tapia. Absent: A. Calianese, S. Somers, M. Surowiec.

Traversing the corridors between classes. Above: First row: S. Inn, R. Pena, L. Luizzi. Second row: E. Landino, C. Lancellotti, A. Ramos. Third row: M.S. Flynn. Below: First row: A. Acosta, P. Burke, V. Burke. Second row: M. Arriaga, T. Fardellone. Third row: B. Bucher, S. Deluca.


Freshmen indulge in a hotly contested ping pong match.

First row: C. Trefurt. Second row: S. Sari, F. Romano. Third row: A. Rosa, S. Romero, S. Sexton. Absent: A. Musante, ]. Ohlmuller, S. Sclafani, J. Winar.

First row: D. Hanifin, A. Toic, R. Goodall, R. Leahy. Second row: J. Mackiewicz, S. Rapacki, J. McDermott, K. Huryk.


First row: E. Cruz, J. Apruzzese, P. Dunn. Second row: K. Bertotti, S. Cioffi, M. Cantelmi, M. Garison, W. Cinurchin, N. Cepeda.


Above: C. Conklin, S. Arnone, R. Casey, M. Crowley, J. Feeney, J. Cordeiro, S. Dutkiewicz, M. Galang. Below: First row: R. Umali. Second row: A. Zamarra, M. Pompeo, S. Russell. Third row: F. Ro足 mano, P. Zeller, N. Tantuico. Fourth row: J. Stabile, J. Scheurer, K. Peters. Absent: F. Betkowski, M. Hart, D. Labruno.

If I told you once, I told you a thousand times, "It's right, left, right!"

First row: B. Mahoney, D. Lavecchia, L. Manchis. Sec足 ond row: B. Lawlor, M. Hernandez, S. Mullins, A. Pereira, D. McGouran, W. Neafsey.



First row: G. Jordan, C. Tarantino, C. Kotsopulos, B. Chandra. Second row: F. Bayona, R. Toss, T. Zaharia, M. Nichols. Absent: D. Reiser.

First row: B. Sockhoo, K. Womack, D. Dantzler, A. Rastogi, M. Rudner. Second row: J. Phillips, W. Wilkes, A. Williams, S. Allen.

SOPHOMORES 2H First row: D. Tan, J. Martinez, A. Del Piano. Second row: J. Garison, J. Dillon, F. Cingerana. Absent: R. Crespo, C. Doria, P. Gizzi.


First row: K. Kozlowski, S. Desouza, M. Sollecito. Sec足 ond row: N. Tripodi, O. Siryj, S. Russell.


Above: First row: G. Spincola, M. King, P. Finn. Second row: M. Giangregorio, E. Liwang, A. Neto. Absent: D. Erla, B. Granelli, R. Lago. Below: "Go, O.J., go!"

Above: First row: R. Wong, F. D'Amelio. Second row: T. Temprosa, J. Vucak, J. Waga. Below: First row: M. Forrester, J. Rivera, F. Nesheiwat, J. Peko. Second row: L. Maleszewski, S. Self, G. Robson, A. Calderaro.


First row: T. Gamble, C. Mackey. Second row: N. Gupta, E. Harrison.

First row: R. Abdelmalek, M. Patel. Second row: R. Strother, P. Schonenberger, T. Allen. Absent: M. Mirov.

SOPHOMORES 2C First row: J. Deangelo, G. Chowanec, C. Cofone. Sec足 ond row: A. Abreu, J. Babula, R. Mazzella, E. Kostrzewa. Absent: M. Dove.

First row: J. Tobin, J. Myhre, A. Tabora, J. Reilly. Second row: G. Jeffrey, T. Roberts, A. Villanuera, M. Samra, J. Carbone.


Above: The Sign of peace. Right: First row: S. Dorry, V. Corso, R. Kakoleski, S. Lappin. Second row: T. Nguyen, G. Luckjiff, G. Hudock, J. Bertotti. Absent: G. Cepeda and E. Romero.

First row: S. Willis, M. Kelly, M. Nestor, B. Monserate. Second row: F. Sullivan, C. Pereira, T. Adan, E. Brown.

Right: First row: R. Lugo, K. Fryczynski, O. Santana. Second row: C. Wang, R. Jones, M. Albanese. Below: "Off to the mats" blurted Bob Buckman.


Above: First row: L. Marshall, D. Berardinelli, J. Taglieri, G. Viggiano. Second row: P. McMahon, J. Saldana, S. Engelken, D. Timoldi, C. McCormick, R. Wondolowski, C. Yi. Below: First row: J. D'Agui, J. Richardson, S. Tantuico, W. Budin. Second row: R. Oliveros, S. Vervoort, L. Valanzola, R. Shipman.

Above: First row: R. Woody, E. Skupien. Second row: T. Thomas, A. Todd. Third row: J. Finn, J. Barzilowski, J. How足 ard. Below: "So Lou, what do I do now?!"



Above: First row: A. Mercado, E. Koszyk, J. Bucci, J. Lopis. Second row: J. Gilvey, J. DeMarco, W. Hanna, R. Kleid, J. Bernardo. Absent: D. Giblin, M. Englese, M. Michalik, D. Vargo. Below: The suave swami and his harem. Above: First row: J. Miselis, R. Padilla. Second row: J. Roskowski, V. Sam bade, J. Mulcahy. Below: First row: E. Wallerstein, J. Suarez. Second row: A. Petrillo, G. Tavolara, T. O'Donnell, G. Guntner.


Above: First row: J. Ippolito, H. Torres, M. Giordano, J. Parrillo. Second row: M. Cunningham, W. McLaughlin, J. Tuohy, P. Sloyan. Absent: R. Giacchi. Above: First row: P. Powanda, J. Dorch, B. Brancatella. Second row: N. Gonzalez, P. Cashin, G. Abergas, A. Krupa. Below: First row: K. Vu, P. Fay, K. Yacoub, A. Anderson. Second row: P. Sawyer, T. Miller, O. Rojas, T. Murphy.

Comedy time between classes.


Above: First row: G. Alvarez, D. Castrovinci, C. Welsh. Sec足 ond row: R. Cordero, D. Alston, C. Padron, J. Lowthorpe. Below: First row: J. Salomon, M. Mehler, R. Clarke, J. Valdi足 via. Second row: C. Shamburg, J. Sheehan, D. Ramsumair, J. DeMichael.

Above: First row: A. Manrique, M. Affinito, J. Hayser, D. Jasovsky. Second row: J. Kellner, A. Bodtmann, P. Halecky, D. Owens, R. McGrath, L Abdur-Rashed. Absent: C. Kroeper, K. Bauman.

Nice tackle, Pete!


Left: M. Ahern, D. Burokas, G. Ayerbe, P. Cresci, J. Boccassini, S. Carluccio, D. Bodson, C. Chirichella. Absent: A. Ca r me n a t e , G. Choynowski.

Right: S. Hart, S. Hudik, P. Froehlich, V. Gallo, C. Garcia, D. Jensen, K. Espinoza, S. Fugel, G. Gmitro, G. Enderle.

Left: J. Scanlon, P. Tomaka, M. Wagner, J. Sposato, P. Lesko, A. Ruibal, D. Magistre, R. Morales, R. Novicio, J. Kosenski, R. Peters.



Above: First row: P. McGee, G. Salazar, R. Pagkalinawan, L. Perino. Second row: P. Kane, R. Terry, G. McCarthy, S. Williams, R. Walsh. Below: Left to right: A. Lanting, D. Howard, C. Rogers, E. Domingo, M. Boyle, L. Van Croft III, B. Herenda, R. Forcillo, M. Czochanski. Above: First row: J. Magotch, C. Chaneski, M. Fremgen. Second row: P. DeCresce, G. Hadley, W. Bates, J. Zamarra, E. Leishman. Below: Eddie Torres "Making the move."


Above: First row: S. Gupta, M. Ulloa, A. Oliveiro, C. Frattura. Second row: P. Aguiar, J. Blanco, N. Fernandez, E. Martinez. Below: First row: R. Greco, J. Silva, E. Torres. Second row: V. Hannah, P. Pineiro, S. Rutkowski, P. Serra.

Above: First row: A. Nieves, J. Ackaway. Second row: N. Rentas, B. Rodriquez, T. McGovern. Absent: H. Fernandez. Below: Gav and Coz: "Ebony and Ivory"


Above: Left: Front to back: R. Buckman, S. Reverendo, W. Wooding, N. Lintao, L. Samin. Right: Front to back: R. Lacewell, B. McAuley, B. Haynes, J. DeSi足 mone, A. D'Amico. Below: Left: Front to back: M. Granelli, C. Persaud, C. Richards, J. Hennessey. Right: Front to back: C. Serratella, G. Costanzo, G. DeRosa, B. Ponticello.

. _ Above: D.J. Mike runs the show. Below: "Sticks" Feehan on the skins.


Above: First row: J. Pedro, P. Tuzzo, A. Abiskaroon. Second row: M. Kostrzewa, W. Andersen, B. Cahill, P. Drennan, T. Dabrowski. Below: First row: J. Esposito, R. Cyriacks. Second row: R. Huggins, R. Scheurer.

Above: Left: Front to back: A. Mercado, D. Fails, A. Romano, R. Dayke, E. Galvez. Right: Front to back: J. Santel, T. Mulcahy, R. Marchetta, M. Berkowitz. Absent: W. Bate, B. Du足 gan, J. Latko, R. Reyes, R. Zerquera. Below: Who's #1?


Left: Left to right: R. Holston, J. Brown, G. Cummings, K. Archer, T. Dougherty, J. Gar足 cia, S. Campbell, B. Gmahle, R. Hernandez, A. Brown.

Right: Left to right: J. Tubridy, L. Worthy, J. Stokes, M. Tarantino, J. Verdon, S. Vazquez, J. Zampella, G. Scott.

Left: Left to right: J. Parikh, L. Phillips, R. Metjian, D. Lobello, J. McKnight, W. McKay, A. Poueymirou, S. Kim, K. Ruffin, T. Ippolito. Absent: V. DiDomenico.



s H




Above: First row: R. Filak, P. Kelly, J. Sochowicz. Second row: M. Dwyer, M. Chiappara, L. Luistro, E. Dugan, D. Onorato, J. McCrary. Below: First row: C. Huh, L. Mastria. Second row: J. Al-Kaisi, W. Doll, C. Williams, E. Redwine.

Above: First row: K. O'Connor. Second row: P. Schroeder, F. Yu. Third row: D. Tantuico, E. Ocampo, S. Joyce. Be足 low: First row: A. Vargas, T. Lindis. Second row: J. Flem足 ing, C. Monico, J. Murphy. Absent: J. Tierney, H. Welsh.


First Row: D. Tapia, C. Harrington, J. Ryan. Second Row: A. Auciello, F. Ciatto, R. Duncan, F. Young.

First Row: K. O'Connell, G. Sullivan, J. Feehan, M. Polemeni. Second Row: B. Haggerty, R. Ken­ nedy, J. Gomez, R. Lim.



First Row: A. Monserate, N. DeCesare, V. Luna. Second Row: R. Shevchuk, J. Cingerana, R. Hodan, F. Gifford. Absent: J. Norton.

First Row: K. McKnight, G. Pollini, M. Kane. Second Row: J. Moriarity, C. Wood, A. Francesco.


The 1982-83 Prep basketball team is one of the best in years. Under the tutelage of Coach Jerry Halligan, the team is streaking toward a top spot in county and Parochial A rankings. This team blends experience and de­ termination. Senior guard Ed Lawson is one of Prep's best players ever and he is complimented well by backcourt mate Jimmy Flynn. Jerome Nichol­ son, Mark Armstrong and junior Ga­ vin Cummings provide quality frontcourt play. These men are aided by the inspirational play of the bench of ju­ niors Billy Herenda, John Stokes and Carlton Rodgers, who not only help this year but provide the basis for a successful future. This team has start­ ed an ongoing "m ission" - winning in the Prep tradition.

First row: J. Gallagher, G. Cummings, P. Lisa. Second row: F. Ciatto, J. Stokes, J. Flynn, S. McGill, E. Lawson. Third row: C. Rodgers, P. Piniero, J. Nicholson, M. Armstrong, W. Bates.

Clockwise from above: Coach Jerry Halli­ gan looks on intently from the bench. Lawson on the charity stripe, enroute to his 1,000th point; Jim Flynn hawks a Hud­ son ball handler; Ed Lawson hits Jerome Nicholson down low; battle under the boards. Opposite page, top row from left: Jim Flynn runs the offense; Gavin Cum­ mings for two. Middle row: Jerome Nich­ olson goes for the block; Cummings on the foul line; John Stokes wins the tap; Lawson splits a pair of defenders; stay down champ.


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TENNIS The Prep Tennis Team is looking forward to another winning season with the return of the entire starting squad. Under the watchful eye of "Chief" McNamara and the leader足 ship of Senior Captains Butch M anri足 que, Ray Leonard, and Cony Vergara, the team is aiming for a county cham足 pionship.

Front row 1-r: M. Chippara, C. Vergara, B. Manrique, B. Ponticello. Back row 1-r P. Halecky, E. Harrison, T. McGovern, D. Vargo.

GOLF The Prep linksters, perennial coun足 ty champs, put forth a strong effort once more this year. The Prep squad faced stiff competition from rivals Seton Hall Prep and Delbarton. Led by captains Hugh McDonald and injured leader Jay Vida, the team was a strong contender as it battled it out on greens across the state.

Front row 1-r: B. Neafsey, T. Dabrowski, J. McGovern. Back row 1-r: H- McDonald, J. Vida, H. Piston, J. Bardzilowski, J. Esposito, R. Kennedy.

INDOOR TRACK Coach John Taeschler is leading an impressive, youthful, indoor track team this year. The outstanding ju足 niors include W alter W ooding, Kyndall Ruffin and Al Francesco. A strong effort also came from sopho足 more Jim Peko and freshm an Frank Danger.

First row 1-r: M. Pompeo, K. Sabogal, J. Miselis, E. Torres, J. Cordeiro, J. Richardson, S. Tantuico, T. Del Piano, Second row 1-r: P. Zeller, M. Stappenbeck, A. Perez, D. Tapia, J. Mulcahy, J. Peko, P. Tomaka, E. Addvensky, R. Bautista, S. Inn, V. Burke. Back row 1-r: A. Francesco, W. Wooding, C. Richards.

BOWLING The Prep keglers with coach Ralph R osato, a form er professional bowler, are predicting a banner season. Led by co-captains John Cappadocia and Bob G arison, the team has left tracks on such tough opponents as Hudson Catholic and Bayonne. Senior Ed G ualtieri's consistent bowling has also been a great plus for the team.

Left to right: E. Gualtieri, J. Cappadoccia, B. Garison, A. Lanting, T. Carey. 119

GYMNASTICS This year's gym team, although having only two seniors in the line­ up, was none the less sparked with the fire of youth. In spite of a disappointing record of 1 and 5 in the shortest season in recent history, the team proudly sent Capt. Ed Skolar and freshman Aldenys Acosta to the Northern Sectional Individual Cham­ pionships. Coaches Tom Marchitto and Bob Harrison, both Prep Alumni, look for­ ward confidently to future glory as the team matures.


Left to right: R. Novicio, F. Bitkowski, A. Pawlak, R. Terry, E. Skolar, M. Chiappara, A. Acosta, M. Kilkenny, R. Cordero.

Clockwise from above: Senior Captains Ed Skolar and Adam Pawlak; Underclassman standout Danny Berardinelli; Ed Sko­ lar in the floor exercise; Practicing for an upcoming competi­ tion; Ed and Adam on the pommel horse

DOW N O N THE FARMS The continued success of a sports program is dependent upon readily available fresh talent to replace those spots vacated by graduates. This talent can be found on the numerous J.V. and Freshman teams here at Prep. These young men do not receive the recognition or accolades bestowed upon varsity athletes, but they train and play just as hard. The m ost notable trium ph of the underclassm en program s was the Freshman football team. This squad, pictured below, earned a share of the county title. Prep also sported m any fine J.V . teams. Top-notch efforts were put forth by Prep's future stars in soccer, basketball and hockey. The soccer squad was led by M ike Albanese and Bryan Granelli; and the basketball hoopsters had a successful season behind the strong play of C huck H arrington and Jorge Alvarez. The Prep skaters were powered by goalie Sam De Luca and high scoring Pete Bonner. T he freshm an basketball players also had a fine year behind the outstanding all-around play of M ike Flynn and Doug Eastm an. W e have chosen to use the freshm an football team as a symbol of the successes of our underclassman programs, and extend our praises to all those athletes not pictured.


Kneeling left to â–

R. C .,e y , G.

M M J. Mancino, M, W o o d i n g

F. Romano W.

W. N eal. S ta n d in g le ft to rig h t: J. D e R o se, M .S u ro w ie c , A. Gaudier, D . Hennessey, J.


Wilkes M Dandorph K.

C. Dantzler, A. Williams, E. Landino, N. Wood, J. Henkes, D. Burgess, P. Grundlmg, D. Gronda, W. Wilkes, M. Dandorph, K. Fitzhenry.


SWIMMING The '83 swim team looks to repeat its county cham­ pionship for the third time. Headed by Coach Bob Forenza, Wizzy, and Moderator Fr. Lundy, S.J., the team is at an early stage of a long dynasty, and thus far has continued its winning season. Leading the team in spirit, and giving archrivals frequent nightmares are Captains Steve Dorian, Zack Gaulkin and Tom Tavarone. Providing team depth and experience are Seniors Baz Demian, Nino Giacchi, Jim Kerwin and Juniors Mike Boyle, Jerry McCarthy and Frank Young. Once again, the team is relying on the size and strength of the underclassmen to over­ come its opponents in the 1983 County Champion­ ship, so that once again they may reign as champions.

First row: K. VonSchaumberg, T. Schneider. Second row: N. Giacchi, W. Rushforth, S. O'Neill. Third row: J. Casler, C. Chirichella, N. DeCesare, R. Giacchi. Fourth row: S. Dorian, J. Kerwin, R. McGrath, B. Dugan, B. Demian. Fifth row: M. Samra, J. Scanlon” Z. Gaulkin, G. McCarthy. Sixth row: F. Young, M. Boyle, T. Tavarone.




In '82-83, Prep looked forward to having a fine year with many, sea­ soned veterans. Following a rebuild­ ing season, Prep once again estab­ lished itself as a legitimate contender for the HCIAA South Crown. Led by hurlers Tom Ghamle and Ed Daly, and the fine play of catcher Pat Griffin, the team regained its winning ways. Coach Joe Urbanovich also re­ ceived fine efforts from Senior short­ stop Joe Sisolak and underclassman standout Paul Drennan.

First row left to right: J. Sisolak, M. Acanfora, T. Ghamle, J. Coombs, J. Crivelli Second row: J. Desimone, F. Ciatto, E. Daly, P. Griffin Third row: J. Gomez, P. Drennan, C. Harrington, R. Cordero.

Clockwise from bottom left: Joe Crivelli beats out an infield chop; Jim Coombs squares to bunt; Tom Ghamle at the plate; Senior shortstop Joe Sisolak; Steady first sacker Mike Acanfora. Opposite page clockwise from top left: heavy hitting catcher Pat Griffin; All-County hurler Tom Ghamle winds up; Senior speedster Joe Crivelli; Southpaw? Ed Daly.

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Back row left to right: P. LaBruno, K. Neuschwanter, R. Morales, D. Burokas, L. Van Orden, T. Lindis, D. Crowley, Jim McKnight, P. Flaherty, G. Tavolara, S. Russell, K. Russell, Jack McKnight, V. Miletello, Coach T. Maus. Front row: M. Ramirez, S. Kramer, J. Lopis, C. Monteferret, P. DeCresce.


The Prep hockey team, battling back from a disappointing season last year, has again found the winning ways. Led by their veteran coach, Mr. Tom Maus, S.J., and captains Jack McKnight, Chris Montferret, and Pat Feliciano, the team was at one time one of the two teams left undefeated in the state. The team is paced by John Lopis, Tim Lindis, Jim McKnight, and Kevin Russell, Bringing up the rear are Dave Barokus, Steve Russell, Steve Kramer, and George Tavalera. Talent is not something new to Prep, and with this talent the team hopes to gain success in both division and state tournament games.

WRESTLING Under the watchful eye of thirdyear coach Rich Ranalli, the youthful squad put forth a strong effort. Buoyed by the performance of Darren Fails, Nelson Gonzalez, Doug Gronda, Chris Monico, and Mike Rivera, the team captured the St. Paul VI W res足 tling Tournament in Clifton. The team had finished fifth the two pre足 vious years. W ith the greater part of the squad returning next year, the wrestling program looks forward to continued success.

Front row left to right: S. Dorry, F. Nieshwat, B. Forcillo, J. Bucci, D. Fails, J. Rivera, M. Rivera. Back row: Coach R. Ranalli, N. Gonzalez, C. Monico, B. Buckman, J. Demarco, D. Gronda, Asst. Coach M. Demarco, J. Crivelli, M. Albano.

CROSS COUNTRY The Cross Country team, coached by Mr. John Taeschler captured the city title this season- Congratulations! Right: First row L-R: P. Dunn, J. Richardson, E. Torres, R. Alvarez. Second row: M. Cozine, J. Murphy, P. Zeller, J. Miselis, A. Francesco. Third row: Coach Taeschler, K. Fryczynski, J. Mulcahy, J. Verdon, C. Williams, F. Danger

Clockwise from above: Prep runners at the starting line; Senior Raul Alvarez; Jim Mur足 phy churns it in to the finish line; Jason Richardson in hot pursuit; Junior standout A1 Francesco awaits the starter's gun.

SOCCER Once again this season, Prep fielded a strong contender for the HCIAA B Division crown under the guidence of Coach Connie Gallagher. Led by tri-captains Steve Calefati, Joe Crivelli, and Andy Dembia, the squad exhibited an agressive and spirited style of play that opposing teams have come to expect from a St. Peter's soccer team. This spirit was evident in an early match against arch足 rival Marist. Trailing 3-1 in the final quarter, the Prep booters rallied for three goals in the last twelve minutes to claim a 4-3 victory.

Front row left to right: B. McCauley, E. Leishman, M. Granelli, A. Calanese, A. Mercado, J. Dorneo, S. Calefati, P. Cresci. Back row e t to rig t. J. Irvine, A. Chavez, J. Bardzilowski, R. Pagkalinawan, R. Hodan, E. Kirchgassler, P. Serra, M. Czochanski, A. Giachi, J. X41CJ J 1 * 'Tl Kollmer' Guarino- G- Enderle, J.R. Ryu, J. Crivelli, O. Arriaga, D. Dembia, R. McGuire, Coach C. Gallagher Middle right: Coach Connie Gallagher discusses strategy with, from left, Rene Hodan, Tom Kollmer, Alex Calanese. Team Captains: seniors Joe Crivelli, Andy Dembia, and Steve Calefati.


Upper Right: Pete Serra battles opponent for ball. Upper Left: Booters fight for possession at midfield. Middle Left: Speedy winger Joe Dorneo awaits a pass; Center: Senior keeper Rob McGuire gathers in a shot; Middle Right: Junior Erik Leishman heads away from a defender. Lower Left: Prep players going to goal; Lower Right: goalmouth scramble.

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FOOTBALL The St. Peter's Prep Football Team under Coach Gerry Bellotti proved to be a formidable opponent in the American Division of the H.C.I.A.A. Rival teams no longer came to play Prep confident of an easy victory; instead, they came wary of a serious contender. The team, inspired by Captains Bob Bennett, Mike Forrester and Lee Reverendo, registered shutouts over two of their South Hudson opponents. Players such as Mark Nicoletti, Todd Randall and Chris Wood exem­ plified the spirit and determination that were the driv­ ing force behind an enthusiastic Prep squad.



Front sitting: B. Bennett. First row: F. McGhee, M. Hayser, M. Acanfora, M. Forrester, T. Tavarone, M. Nicoletti, T. Walters Lovett, A. Lipski, J. Nicoletti, T. Randall, M. Croghan. Second row: J. McCarthy, M.Englese, D. Fails, J. Murphy, R. Buckman, S B JT , j A “C TC10' •Scheurer- D- LoBello. Third row: R. Oliveros, K. Archer, D. Alston, N. Gonzalez, C. Padron, XX ^ Wood, M. Nestor, G. Hudock, J. Howard. Fourth row: M. Bolye, J. DeMarco, G. Viggiano, V. Corso, R. Peters Monico, D. Howard.


T. D. A. C.

Counterclockwise From Top Left: Prep runner hits the hole; Todd Randall squares off against opponent; Prep coaches on the sidelines; Trainer Tim Carey proudly models his "Dead Hawk" shirt; Danny D'Agostino roams the sideline; Bob Bennett clears the way; Lee Reverendo raises arms in victory after Prep's 8-0 triumph over Hudson.



REV. PETER J. ROSLOVICH, S.J. Academic Assistant Principal

MR. MICHAEL BERKOWITZ Assistant Principal

BRO. JOSEPH WUSS, S.J. Assistant to the Prefect of Discipline

Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent undercover at Prep.

1983 M R. D A N TE SO RREN TI Office of Public Information

R EV . C H A R L E S F. X. D O L A N , S.J. Vice President for Develop足 ment

R EV . S T E P H E N J. M E A N Y , S.J. Treasurer

M RS. M A R Y R IO R D A N Assistant Treasurer

Is that not so, Sir?


MISS B A R BA R A A N N K O ZLO W SK I Science I; Health

Is this a rookie? Nah!

R EV . E D W A R D J. C O U G H L IN , S.J.

Assistant Principal for Facul足 ty and Curriculum Develop足 ment; Latin II


Director of Development


Student Counselor

R EV . E D W A R D J. S N Y D E R , S.J.

Student Counselor, Personal Development II





MR. JOHN P. O'NEILL Religious Ed. I, II, IV

MR. JOHN R. LLOYD World Civilization, Political Science

REV. RAYM O N D , J. BALDUF, S.J. Chairman of Guidance De足 partment, Director of College Placement and Scholarships, Director of Standardized Test足 ing

REV. JO H N J. BAUER, S.J. Biology

REV. ERW IN G. BECK, S.J. Student Counselor; German III, Personal Development II

REV. ARTH UR C. BENDER, S.J. Religious Ed. II, IV; Latin I; Alumni Office

MR. M ILTON J. BERKOW ITZ Physical Education

Can someone help me unstick my hand?


M L THOMAS R. BIONDO U.S. History I, Director of HAP


MR. JOHN J. CASEY English II, IV, Director of Dramatics


MR. KENNETH DANDORPH Math gg III, IV Fr. Hill at Mass.

- 1


"I know I put those cigarettes in here someplace."

MR. CARL S. DELORENZO Chairman of History Department, World Civilization, Modern European History

MRS. DONNA DERISE Chairman of Modern Language Department, Spanish I, II, III

hoc REV. EDWARD I. DOLAN, S.J. Latin I, IV; Greek I, III, Director of College Board Testing



siGno vinces %

REV. JAMES S. FOLEY, S.J. Speech, Latin I

Mr. Quillin preparing to dis足 tribute the Eucharist.


SISTER GABRIEL Assistant Librarian, Math Tutor




Spanish I, II

L _

BRO. THOMAS J. GARVEY Student Counselor, Religious Ed IV



REV. PETER F. HESS, S.J. Physics

REV. LAWRENCE B. HILL, S.J. English III, IV, Speech Communion time at Thanksgiving liturgy.



MR. JAMES C. HORAN Office of Public Information, Communications, English II


REV. JOSEPH J. KAVANAGH, S.J. German I, Latin II MR. RICHARD L. KENNEDY Chairman of English Department, English III, IV

MR. WALTER B. KOSZYK English I, German II, Health "Yeah, I was a football star in my younger days."

MR. FRANK T. LAM ARTINE World Civilization, U.S. History I REV. WILLIAM T. LUN D Y, S.J. Liturgical Music, Math I

MR. THOM AS MAUS, S.J. Athletic Director M R. RO BERT A. M C GUINNESS Math II, III

Mr. Gray, pseudo足 incognito

REV. FRANCIS J. M C N A M A R A , S.J. Student Counselor M R. PAUL W . M C NELLIS, S.J. Director of Christian Service Program, Religious Ed III

REV. JO H N A. M ULLIN , S.J. Chairman of Religious Ed Department, Religious Ed I, IV, Chaplain M R . R O B ER T F. M ULVIHILL Physical Education

REV. TH O M A S V. O 'C O N N O R , S.J. Chairman of Science Department, Chemistry “Oh ya! You wanna put five dollars on that answer?"

REV. HAROLD J. OPPIDO, S.J. Chairman of Classics Department, Latin I, III, Greek II

"How 'ya doin' man?"


MR. RICHARD N. RANALLI Science I, Health M R. CHARLES R O O N EY Algebra I

M R. TH O M A S J. SCIRGH I, S.J. Religious Ed I, II, IV, Director of Mission Drive, Forensics Moderator J.P. phones home.

REV. D AVID X. STUM P, S.J. Physics, Math III M R. JO H N P. TAESCH LER Chemistry, Science I

REV. H A R R Y R. U N T E R E IN E R , S.J. World Civilization, U.S. History II, Religious Ed IV REV. ERCEL F. W EBB Personal Development I, III, World Civilization, Religious Ed IV, Speech

MISS ADRIANNE H. WOZNIAK Director of Scheduling, Business Law, Accounting

MISS BEATRICE M. WYSOCKI Chairman of Math Department, Director of Scheduling, Math III, Calculus

Left to Right: Mrs. Helen Argyelan, Admin足 istrative Asst.; Mrs. Eileen Doolan, College Placement Office Sec.; Ms. Geraldine Reneau, Treasurer's Office Sec.; Mrs. Ethel Wynn, Re足 ceptionist, Switchboard; Mrs. Helen Daily, Development Office; Mrs. Inez Bonini, Ad足 ministrative Asst.; Mrs. Rita Pawlikowski, Office of Public Info.

Left to Right: Mr. Lou Scarpa, Director of Maintenance; Mr. John Holmes, Maintenance Staff, Angela DePalma, Cafe. Staff; Fran Dukes, Cafe. Staff; Lucy Furka, Cafe. Staff; Sal Angotti, Maintenance Staff; Bro. Paul Harrison, Director of Maintenance (part time Santa)

THE 1983 STAFF DAVE DOWDEN Editor-in-C hief



A ssistant Editor

RAY LEONARD A ctivities Editor


ROB MCGUIRE Sports Editor




Faculty Editor


U nderclassm en Editor

A ssistan t Senior Editor



Photography Editor

Photography Editor

SENIORS Jo n Kroeper T o n y W alsh Joe Trefurt T om V entrone Sebastian D 'Elia M ark Englert Butch M anrique

UNDERCLASSMEN R ich Kennedy Pete Cresci R on Filak Frank C iatto Bill C ennerchin V in D iD om en ico C hris W ood R oss H uggins R ob D uncan Bernie Rodriguez C. H arrington

PHOTOGRAPHERS Lou Perino M att M ich alik A nth ony D ella Rosa M ark Bann David Chiang Jo h n Cappadocia C. Szatkiewicz

M AD DOG Cover Concept




Cover A rtist

P ublisher's Representative

The year has been a good one, full of many successes, and in the future it will be cited as the year of doers. Every senior has contributed to the success of the senior year, whether in sports, retreats, activities or academics. We, the staff of the Petrean, hope that this book of memories will also be placed upon our long list of achievements. Though our job was tough and constantly demanding we were aided by many friends. First a sincere thanks to Andy Murro, our teacher, without whom the book would not be in print. To Fr. "M oon" Mullin, for use of his typewriter, classroom, office, advice, photos and late night gifts of cookies and juice. To "Bro. Garv" for a room and his friendly hellos. To Fr. Bender and Mr. Scirghi, who knew better than to be our moderator for two years in a row, and their welcome visits. To Mr. Dan Sorrenti whose clutch performance saved a very special part of the book. To Lou Mihalis and his staff for the excellent portraits. To Ethel W ynn at the switch足 board. To Mr. Paul LaRaia for his fine cross-country photos. And finally to "Baby Face" Mike Tunney for all the pizza and pop and the guidance we all needed.



Finally, as we close another chapter on life at St. Peter's we, the C lass of '83, would like to say good-bye to two m en who have made our way easier, M r. W alter Illy and Fr. Thom as H olland, S. J. M r. Illy, the epitom y of organization, shall always be know n as the m an who spent his sum m ers organizing student schedules, labored through the w inter m onths getting out report cards and still found tim e to teach the language of his hom eland, Germ an. Fr. H olland helped to guide m any students and their success is an attestm ent to his. abilities. M ay these two benefactors forever be rem em 足 bered by all who have lived at Prep and serve as a standard of the Jesu it charism , having sent their lives as m en for others.

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