1986 Petrean

Page 1



PRODUCTION Life at Prep is very much like the production of a motion picture. We, the students, are the actors. W e devel­ op during our four years at St. Peter’s, as characters develop throughout a movie. A s some students are leaders and others are followers, certain ac­ tors have lead roles while others are members of the supporting cast, but each plays a v e ry : .important role. Prep’s administrators and teachers are the directors, and our parents are the producers, financing the production. Each day is a scene in this epic film, and as we make mistakes and learn to correct them, so scenes are reshot for a movie. Also, Prep men perform on the field, the court, or the mat, and in activities, as movies are shot at differ­ ent locales. When our careers at Prep are completed, we are rewarded for our devotion of time, our outstanding efforts, and our great achivements. Similarly, the people who work on mo­ tion pictu re s re ce ive A ca d e m y Awards for their effort and time. Finally, when we feel we’ve complete ed our production, we must graduate and move on to make a sequel to our movie, either in college or in the work­ ing world.










RESTORING LIBERTY From afar, the Statue of Liberty graces the sky above the New York Harbor with her womanly strength and delicacy. Nearer, her colossal size almost diminishes the great ex足 panse and massiveness of the New York sky足 line. But Americans see her not merely as a great monument. We have always had a more personal relationship with M iss Liber足 ty. She is our birthright, a symbol of our great nation, promising us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some almost revere the statue, as if she were an immortal goddess of liberty. Truly, her almost ageless beauty, her greatness, and her century-old story are a testament of the inspiration she has been for the thou足 sands of men and women who have gazed upon her, either as immigrants entering the land of opportunity from foreign nations, or simply as tourists replenishing their spirit of patriotism on visits to Liberty Island. Almost 100 years since her dedication in 1886, the Statue of Liberty still stands. But the ravages of wind weather, and time have taken their toll. Now an extensive project to restore M iss Liberty is under way. For as long as she stands as a symbol of freedom, ours will stand as a nation of freedom.



The sun rises and as the day begins so does the activity of a Prep man. The morning can start as early as 7:20 when only a selected few are chosen to participate in one of Mr. Dandorph’s early morning jug sessions. O f course all the other necessities must be taken care of, such as eating breakfast in the cafeteria and completing homework in the library. While classes have not begun, the morning is still an important part of a student’s day.


This is the time of day when one can relax and sit down in the cafe with an appetizing meal. Yet for four homerooms a day this is not the case. They must engage each other in serious tests of skill and concentration. Students are given the chance to release their frustration of their daily toil in football, basketball, hockey and soccer. They have the oppor­ tunity to work together as a team while having fun.


Classes provide the basis of our basic education. The cur­ riculum is enhanced by the ability of the students to appreci­ ate its substance. These classes offer a wide range of variety from Latin to Physics. While studies range from classical languages to modern sciences, the main objectives remain to prepare students for the world that lies after graduation and to make them aware of the numerous opportunities.


Classes may have ended, but the day is not over for most Prep men, for in its goal to develop well-rounded students, St. Peter’s Prep has developed a superb activities program. It is a program in which every student can find an activity in which he is interested and at which he can excel. Whether as a newspaper editor or as a team captain, students continue to learn through valuable experience while making important contributions to the community around them. The statement that education does not end when classes are over certainly holds true at Prep.

A VIEW FROM DOWNTOWN The Downtown section of Jersey City is one of the more diversified areas of Hudson Coun足 ty. The community reflects the people from various ethnic backgrounds who live and work in the city. The conversion of deserted fac足 tories and condemned buildings into luxury apartments and streamlined shopping centers demonstrates the kind of ingenuity that will make urban renewal and development success足 ful. Despite this constant expansion, the majes足 tic brownstones and old neighborhood stores add to the charm of the area.

coming: luxury apartments In the landmark Betz Brewery i r

Redevelopm ent Agency
















M any teachers at Prep give a great deal of their time to the school, but few are as dedicated to the great tradition of Jesuit education as this man. An alumnus of St. Peter’s Prep (class of ’41), St. Peter’s College, and Fordham University, he has been a member of the Prep faculty for 36 years. In addition, he served as chairman of the Mathematics Department. Not only is he dedicated to his former high school, he also works as an administrator of the evening school at St. Peter’s College. With his close friend Uncle Louie, as well as his pet dog and pet penguin, his quick, perpetual wit has helped make Math an enjoyable experience for thousands of grateful Prepsters. A s a teacher, an administrator, a husband, a father, a soldier, and a friend, this brilliant, witty, caring man has been a model Christian for the many people whose lives he has touched. W ith this in mind, we, the Prep Class of 1986, gratefully and very proudly dedicate the 1986 Petrean to Mr. Robert Howard.


Rev. Joseph P. Parkes, SJ. . . . President

Rev. James F. Kuntz. SJ. . . . Principal

Rev. William T. Lundy, SJ. . . . Asst. Princi足 pal for Academic Affairs

Bro. Joseph C. Wuss. SJ. ... Administra足 tive Asst., Office of Student Affairs, Moderator of Slavic Club and Ignatian Guild Mr. Kenneth M. Dandorph ... Asst. Princi足 pal for Student Affairs


Rev. Francis J. Hamill. S.J. . . . Assistant Director of Alumni Office; Moderator of M other’s Club

Mrs. M ary Riordan. . . Assistant Treasurer

Rev. Charles F.X. Dolan. S.J. . . . Vice President for Development

Mr. Gerry Bellotti ... Director of Development; Athletic Director; Varsity Football Coach

Rev. Stephen F. Meany, S.J. . . Business Administrator Mr. Michael Flogan. . . O ffice of Public Information; Prep Alumni Magazine


Rev. Edward I. Dolan, S.J. . . . Latin I, II; Greek I; Director of College Board I Testing

Rev. James S. Foley, S.J. ... Latin I

Rev. Harry J. Oppido, S.J. ... Chairperson of Classics Department; Latin I, III; Greek II

Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro . . . Latin I, II



Mrs. Donna Derise Department

Chairperson of M odern Language

Mr. Claudio M. Burgaleta, SJ. . . . Spanish I, II; Moderator of Latin American Society, Petrean, Camera Club

M iss Ana Garcia ... Spanish I, II, III; Co-M oderator of Senior Prom

Ms. Judith A. Uriarte ... French 1,11; Moderator of French Club

Mr. William J. Donahue .. . German I, II; Political Science; Moderator of Forensics, German Club

Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone

Italian I, II; French I; Moderator of Italian Club 19


Mr. John R. Raslowsky ... Science; Health; Varsity Soccer Coach, Asst. Moderator of TV Studio Rev. Thomas V. O'Connor. S.J. ... Chairperson of Science De足 partment) Chemistry 20

Mr. Gregory F. Boyle

Biology! Science! Health) Moderator of Science Club

Ms. Adele M. LeCalvez . .. Science, Chemistry) Al足 gebra I

Mr. Donald E. Merrick . . . Physics; Moderator of Radio Club Mrs. Barbara A. Martin ... Biology) Blood Drive


MATH DEPT Mr. Robert P. Howard Geometry

. Algebra I,

Ms. Beatrice M. Wysocki . .. Chairperson of Math Department; Pre-Calculus; Co-Director of Scheduling; Bookstore and Campus Shop


Mr. Robert A. McGuinness . . . Algebra 11/Trig, Geometry

Rev. Frederick J. Pellegrini, SJ. . . . Algebra I, Algebra M/Trig, Religious Ed. IV; M oderator of T.V. Studio and Junior Prom

Ms. Adrianne H. W ozniak ... Accounting; Business Law; CoDirector of Scheduling; Bookstore and Campus Shop

M iss Elba Roque .. Math II, Algebra 11/Trig, Math IV; Moderator of M ath Club; Co-Moderator of Senior Prom

Ms. Maria L. Smith ... Algebra I, Algebra 11/Trig, Math IV



Mrs. James C. Horan . .. English II,IV; Communications; Moderator of Petroci Office of Public Information

Mr. John P. Campion English Dept.

. . English 111,1V; Chairperson of

Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J. . .. English 1,11

Mr. John J. Casey Stage Crew

English 11,1V; Director of Dramatics;


Mr. Patrick Foley . . . English III

Mr. Joseph A. Massarelli . . . English II, III; Intramurals; Dance Committee

Dr. Richard L. Kennedy . . . English III, IV; Theater Club

Rev. James A. Thompson. S.J. ... English I, III; M oderator of Student Council


Rev. John A. Mullin. S.J.

. Chaplain; Religious Ed. Ill, IV; Junior Rings

Deacon John P. O ’Neill . . . Chairperson of Religious Ed. De­ partment; Religious Ed. I, II, III, IV; Moderator of Chess Club


r f

Ms. Patricia E. O'Grady Service Program

Religious Ed. I, II, IV, Christian Ms. Norma D. Wilke


Religious Ed. I, II, III; Christian Service Program

Rev. Ercel F. Webb . . . Religious Ed. I, II, IV-, Moderator of Ebony Club

Rev. John E. Browning. S.J. . . . Religious Ed. I, II; Student Counslor; M oderator of Track Team; Director of H.A.P.

Mr. Lance S. Silvestris ... Religious Ed. Ill, IV; Director of Christian Service Program; M oderator of Paper arid Pen

Mr. Harry R. Dammer . . . Religious Ed. IV; Student Counselor: Director of Standardized Testing; Basketball Coach



Mr. Joseph DellaFave . . . Chairperson of History Department; WorldCivilizations; U.S. History II Miss Susan Baber . . . World Civilizations; Latin II; Asst. Moderator of Awards Dinner; Asst. Moderator of Petroc

Mrs. Kathleen M. Costantini . . . U.S. History I, II; Dramatics and Band Concert Business Staff Mr. Michael'S. Gray . . . U.S. History I, II

Rev. Arthur C. Bender. S.J. . . . World Civilizations; U.S. Histo足 ry I; Moderator of Gymnastics


Mr. Carl S. DeLorenzo . . . World Civilizations; Modern European History

g u id a n c e


Bro. Thomas J. Garvey. SJ. . . . Student Counselor; Religious Ed. IV

Rev. Raymond J. Balduf. SJ. . .. Chairperson of Guidance Department; Director of College Placement and Scholarships

Rev. Edward J. Snyder. SJ. .. . Student Counselor; Religious Ed. IV Ms. Kathleen Rowan ... Student Counselor; Oxfam; Coordinator of Career Day



Mr. Robert Sayer Music; Band Director; Moderator of Guitar Club; Jazz Club

Mr. Raymond Lago ... Art Studio


Mr. Joseph Tamburelli Club 30

Driver’s Education; Moderator of Ski

Let’s Dance


Mr. Robert F. M ulvihill . . . Physical Education? Walk-a-thon


Mr. John V. Cinciarelli . . . Librarian; Moderator of Library Club

Mr. Richard C. Hansen . . Physical Education; Intramurals*, Assistant Moderator of Ebony Club


Mrs. Joan B. Ward



From Left: Mrs. Dolores Russel, Assistant Secretary to the Principal; Mrs. Helen Argyelan. Secretary to the Principal, Mrs. Eileen Doolan, College Placement Office Ethel Wynn. Receptionist, Switchboard

Mrs. Iona Prilop, Treasurer’s Office Secretary Mrs. Joan Fitzgftbons, President’s Office Secretary

Mrs. Rita Pawlikowski, Office of Public Information Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh, Development Office



Cafeteria Staff: Frances Dukes, Angie DePalma. Lucy Furka

Mr. Lou Scarpa .

Director of Maintenance

Bro. Ralph Cilia, S.J., Staff

Mr. Alvarado Idelfonso, Janitorial M anager Bro. Paul Harrison, S.J. .. . Staff














STUDENT COUNCIL Executive Committee

D irected by m oderator Fr. James Thom pson, S.J., the student council is the important link between the adm inistration and the student body. W ith Keith Wall as president and with rep resentatives from every year, the student council acts as the voice of the students. T hey handle ideas presented by their fellow classm ates and channel them to the proper authorities. In addition to acting as a forum, the council also aids in the planning and execution of school activities such as the Prep rallies, liturgies, W alkathon, and academ ic convocations. The student council is an exam ple of an activity that helps a prep man becom e a leader.

Executive Committee Members: K. Wall, M. Kilkenny, E. Addvensky, M. Flynn, H. Gil, C. Falco.


The 1985-1986 St. Peter’s Prep Student Council



Senior Reps: F. Trigo, J. DeRose, S. DeLuca, J. Guarino, J. Casler Student Council Thompson S.J.

M oderator





Junior Reps: W. Price, T. Tuohy, D. Fitzhenry, J. Giglio, W. Deakyne, M. Duque, V. Brancatella Sophomore Reps: W. Benzija, J. Jablonski, E. Martin, W. Schneider, J. Hughes, J. Flanagan, P. Swabsin

DANCE COMMITTEE Before one of P re p’s great dances can begin, the D an ce C om m ittee goes to work. The job begins w ith ch a nging the cafeteria into a "dance hall”. This involves e v e ry th in g from sw eeping the floor to setting up the D.J.’s equipment. T his is not the end though, for throughout the night the com m ittee is w orking: m anning the door, ch e ck in g coats, and w hen it’s all over, restorin g the "d a n c e hall” to a cafeteria. T he m an in ch arge of this social event is m oderator M r. Joseph M assare lli who w ith the help of other m em bers of the faculty keeps the dance under control. O verall all the m em bers of the D a n ce C om m ittee have done a superb job in keeping up the great tradition started by M r. Tom Biondo.

The Dance Committee’s main crew, its Senior members.

Above: The Dance committee’s underclassmen members. Below: Who left the barn I door open? The freaks come out at night


The 1986 Emmaus Retreat Team

t e*mv

It is a journey, taken by juniors and seniors who are seeking m any things: to find G od in their lives, to gain a better u n derstanding of them selves, their fam ­ ily and friends. It is a journey to the Jesu­ it retreat house in Sea Bright, N ew Jer­ sey, the perfect peaceful setting to find what one is looking for. The Em m aus program is coordinated by Fr. John Mullin, S.J., w ho relies on the assistan ce of Bro. T hom as G arvey, S.J., and other faculty m em bers to m ake each retreat a memorable, enjoyable, and p ro du ctive one. Each Em m aus has a "te a m ” co n sistin g of four seniors, w ho already have attend­ ed a weekend, and faculty m em bers w ho act as big brothers to the new com ers of the family. The team is crucial to the three day experience. T h e y are the gu id e s on the journey to Emmaus.

M ike lets it all hang out

Noel enjoys the peaceful beach.


Co-directors Bro. Tom Garvey, S.J. and Fr. John Mullin, S.J.


Above: The Executive council of the Maroon Spirit Committee: M. Kilkenny, M. Crowley, M. Pompeo, F. Betkowski, D. Hanifin, S. Deluca, J. Guarino, R. Nisbet, and F. Briamonte

In the 1985-86 school year, there has been a great revival of school spirit. The major force behind this renewed Prep Pride has been the M a ­ roon Spirit Committee. This year’s Committee has performed various functions such as assisting the Student Council in organizing and leading rallies-, publishing the sports newsletter, The New M a ­ roon Spirit; leading the cheers at athletic events; and making banners for all sports. In addition, members of the Committee have performed many gags like dressing up as female cheerleaders. As Marauder Mania runs rampant, the Spirit Commit­ tee is at the helm!

Far Above: Frank holds up his end shortly after losing his sideburns. Near above: The committee in action but w hy is Crowley just standing there?

Members strike a pose in front of one of their many many masterpieces. 41

LITURGIES In the Bible, Jesus said that all people belong to G o d ’s family, Prep is a family and no one could deny it. A s with every family, the most important time of the day is when the family is together at the supper table. Here at St. Peter’s the whole school body com es together to share in the celebration of the Eucharist at the more im portant tim es of the year. Students and faculty m em bers participate in the M a s s in a variety of ways: as m em bers of the band, ushers, Eucharistic M in iste rs, or m em bers of the congregation. The Liturgy is an invitation for the entire school to com e togeth­ er to exp erience G o d ’s love, and also it is a sym bol of the Prep family.

Fr. Browning S.J. welcomes the freshmen to Prep.


CHRISTIAN SERVICE The Christian Service Program, a one-semester project coupled with a course on social morality, is one of the many ways in which St. Peter’s Prep teaches its students to become men for others.” The program allows juniors to experience the problems of our society and to realize what they, as mature Christians, can do about those situa­ tions. Students are offered a choice of how they will devote their time, including work in nursing homes, tutor­ ing grammar school and high school students, and working with the physically or mentally handicapped. The C hris­ tian Service Program is an essential part of a Prepster’s personal development since it aids him to become an active, conscientious and mature Christian.

Above: Mr. Lance Silvestris, director of the Christian Ser­ vice Program.

Above: Carlos Tabora shares his knowledge — the true meaning of Christian service.

Far above: Andrew Repoza and his interested little friend. Near above: Robert Rutkowski; "If she’s happy, I’m happy!”



», ,, a I * , , , .. . , _ Above: Mr. Jack Casey and the production managers, Keith Wall and Chris Prime.

Right: First row: J. Stefko, R. Lee, R. Elio, F. Briamonte, R. Orellana, J. Gutierrez, V. Aniello, N. Gerald. Second row: Mr. Casey, R. Kline. F. Betkowski, K. Wentworth, M. O ’Shaughnessy, R. Ferguson, S. Vlacick, C. Reardon, J. Gargiulo. M. McCauliffe. Third row: E. Salau, J. Farjardo, J. Tuzzo. Below: M. Hart, S. Dutkiewicz, D. Quish, F. Regenye, M. Yelverton, D. Williams, L. Jablow, T. Musante, S. Villa.

A n integral part of Prep’s co-curricular program is its D ram atics Soci­ ety, but few people ever give the group behind the scenes its d eserved recog­ nition. These students are the mem­ bers of Prep’s Stage Crew , and their part in the production of Prep plays is as essential as that of the performers. W e e k s before the perform ances, the crew begins planning the set with their m oderator M r. John C asey. In the fol­ lowing w eeks they build the set and arrange lighting and sound equipment. D u rin g the production they are re­ sponsible for scene changes and for the coordination of sound and lighting. In addition, the crew prepares the stage for the Band C o n ce rts and school liturgies, as well as setting the lighting for Prep dances. The rew ards and a ckno w led gm en ts these hard w orkers receive are few, but to those w ho em ploy their various service s ^gy are tru|y a "Su p e r C re w ”

COMPUTER CLUB O n e of the v e ry im portant co-curricular a ctivitie s at Prep is the C om p uter Club. The Club is located on the third floor of H o gan Hall in the well-equipped G e o rge Link Jr. C o m p ute r Center. The club com plim ents co u rse s in basic and ad v a n ce d com puter scie n c e and p ro 足 gra m m in g for juniors and seniors. The c o u rse s are taught by Fr. D a v id Stum p S.J., w ho is also the m oderator of the club. In the com puter center, stu dents can be seen w o rk in g on class a ssig n m e n ts or their ow n program s. In addition, te ache rs utilize the facilities to w o rk on hom ew ork a ssignm ents, tests, grades, and class statistics. T he C o m p u te r Club is a ve ry im portant aspect of life at Prep for stu足 d en ts as well as teachers.


The Prep Walkathon is a highlight of the begin­ ning of each year. This year hundreds of Prepsters put their best foot forward to "revive the drive in '85.” Under the skillful, enthusiastic di­ rection of Mr. Robert Mulvihill, the walk raised close to twenty-five thousand dollars. The prima­ ry use of this year’s collection was the acquisition of a new van. The event was a chance for stu­ dents, teachers, and administrators to gather out­ side the classroom to work toward a common goal. This year’s walk, which enhanced the sense of renewed spirit, again culminated in a celebra­ tion in scenic Liberty State Park. The Walkathon remains an opportunity for students to support their school while sharing a great sense of pride in themselves and in Prep.


Below: Fred, Brad, and C hris completing their march.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The P h o to grap hy Club is an essential part of e ve ry Prep publication, including the Petrean, The Petroc and the Prep M agazine. Rem otely located on the third and a half floor of M u lry Hall, the club d oes all of its ow n photography, develop­ ing and printing. Led by senio rs Paul Grundling, Steve Dutkiew icz, M ik e A h n and w ith the help of underclassm en m em ­ bers, the staff is usually seen scu rry in g around the school re c o rd in g the lives of Prep stu dents at their best and som e­ tim es w orst. W ith the help of their m oderator M r. Claudio Burgaleta S. J., the club has put in and will continue to put in, long, num erous and p ro du ctive hours for w hich m any are grateful.

Prep’s proud photography club.

Club President Paul Grundling with Moderator Mr. Claudio Burgaleta S.J.

Wowl I didn’t know we could print this stuffl

Left: Photographers H. Gaibor, H. Neals, P. Buzzelli, M. Bai, C. Prime, M. Hart.


1 SKI CLUB The long standing Prep tradition started (by Rev. David X. Stump, S.J., of going away [for long weekends to enjoy the ski season [remained alive and well during the 1985-86 academ ic year. Under the direction of Mr. Uoseph Tamburelli, Father Stump, President M ik e Ahn and Vice President Bill Militello Ithe club organized weekend trips over the Christm as break and in January. This year the club had the distinct honor to sponsor its trip with the adorable girls from Sacred Heart Academy. Good physical recreation and excellent companionship were greatly enjoyed by all who attended these days of fun in the snow.

Left to right: M ike Ahn, Joe Murphy, Bill Militello, Jon Dilley and Mr. Tambur­ elli.

Prep’s adventurous snowmen.


BAND After the outstanding performance of Prep’s IO-I football team and the breath­ taking presence of the cheerleaders, Prep’s Band must be considered one of the factors which made this year’s foot­ ball season a special treat. Mr. Robert Sayer d e s e r t s much credit for assemblying a very talented group of students. These men of all four years daz­ zled spectators at games, school liturgies, and other activities with the diversity, and high quality of their musical style. Participants in the band do not only have much fun entertaining their classmates, but they also reap academic fruits from their efforts by receiving academic cred­ it for their fine musical endeavors.

Practice makes perfect. Blow man, Blow! 50

Mr. Rob Sayer directs his orchestra.

In a rare moment, the band is out of sync.

Noel warms up for the big concert. 51


Pres. V- Pres.

Ed A d d ve n sk y Leon Jabiow


Frosh Rep.

W alter Schneider Dennis Barlow



Pres. V. Pres.

Micheal Ahn Jesus Revilla

Sec. Tres.

Jonathan Camaya John Carlson

PresV. Pres.

M ike Cantelmi Sam DeLuca

Sec. Tres.

Frank Briamonte John Apruzzese

Pres. V. Pres.

Matt Mannion Brian Archer

Sec. Tres.

Tom Riley Dan Hanifin






Pres. V. Pres.


Kerry Womack Willie Wilkes

V. Pres.

Robert Pelier

Sec. Tres.


Deric Burgess Kieth Bellinger

Carlos Fernandez


H.A.P. HIGHER ACHIEVEMENT The Higher Achievement Program pro­ vides an invaluable service to Prep. Founded in 1964 by Rev. John Browning, S.J., H.A.P. consists of two sessions. The first lasts six weeks and takes place in the summer. Eighth graders, who standout from the rest of their class, come from all over Jersey City to Prep. Their day is composed of classes in math, grammar and English Literature; fol­ lowed by a healthy dose Of intramurals. They carry this experience into the win­ ter when most of the HAPsters return for a six weekend program, which helps them prepare for the high school entrance exami­ nation. The classes’ success is evidenced by the high percentage of students that attend the program. The main reason for this suc­ cess is the student tutors who sacrifice their summers and Saturday mornings to make H.A.P. a vital part of Prep life.

Above: The inspiration and guiding force be­ hind the program, Rev. J. Browning, S.J. Below: Raise your hand if you are Sure!

Above: The end of another day. Below: The boys of summer.


T. V. STUDIO Prep’s Television Studio, under the direction of Rev. Frederick Pellegrini, S.J. and Mr. Jack Raslowsky, contin­ ued its constant growth this year. The studio augmented its membership tremendously, and continued to increase its work load of on-the-scene filming. Essentially, the studio serves a two-fold purpose. First, it is an extra-curricular activity providing an enjoyable and educational outlet for its members, and a service to the Prep community by taping activities, games and tele­ vision programs. Secondly, the Studio is employed as a classroom for the school’s course in Communications taught by Mr. James Horan. Crucial in the smooth running of the studio’s activities have been seniors Frank Trigo, Ed Addvensky, Rich Nisbet, M ike Kilkenny, Keith Wall, Chris Prime, Tom McVicar, Dennis Quish, Mike R. Flynn, Rich Roscelli, Danny W il­ liams, Scott Villa, and Anthony Musante.

That’s right, we think we know what we're doing.

St. Peter’s own Zoo Crew.

The crew of the future. 56

Killer gets it in focus.

PETROC Deadlines, articles, editorials, Feature stories: These are the realities of Print Journalism) The purpose is to inform, and The Petroc does just that. An award win­ ning newspaper led by the capable James Horan and Co-Editors-in-chief Steve Presa and Rodrigo Umali, The Petroc in­ forms Prep students of the ins and outs of Prep life. The staff of this newspaper take their work seriously and work dili­ gently to produce the excellent publica­ tions which have made the Petroc great.

The 1985-86 Petroc staff

Moderator Mr. James Horan

Co-editors R. Umali and S. Presa overlook the next edition.








A ?

144 Grand St., Jersey City, N.J. Published by the Students of St. Peter’s Prep E d i t o r s - i n - C h i e f ...................................................... S t e p h e n Presa R o d r i g o Umal i As s oc i a t e Editor/ S p o r t s E d i t o r ................................................................ William Price P h o t o g r a p h i c A s s i s t a n c e ................................. Paul G r u n d l i n g A r t i s t ....................................................................... J o n a t h a n C a m a y a Word P r o c e s s o r s ................................................. M a r c Y e i v e r t o n M o d e r a t o r .............................................................

R o d r i g o Umal i Mr.Ja m es Horan


FORENSICS No m atter what a man intends to do in life, it requires com m unications to see it is done. The goal of the F o ren sics Team is to develop oral skills. H ours of practice are put in by these young orators prepar­ ing for the T eam ’s w eekend meets. G u id ­ ed by M r. W illiam Donahue, The Foren­ sic s Team has enjoyed m uch success, and looks forw ard to a bright future.

Left to right: Jared Rusman, Moderator Mr. Donahue, Coach Tom Murphy and John Stanczak.

Above: The mighty Prep Forensic Team. Below: The Washington contingent.

PAPER AND PEN Last year marked the revival of Prep’s literary magazine. The staff worked long hours this year to continue presenting to the Prepsters the best poetry and short stories written by their classmates. The Paper and Pen, under the direction of Mr. Lance Silvestris and Production Chief Steve Dutkiewicz, was guided by poetry editors Chris Falco and John Apruzzese and prose editors Mike Pompeo and M arc Yelverton. Captivating artwork complemented the literary master­ pieces. The Paper and Pen got off to a slow start this year, however, the wait was well worth it for the finished product was simply "marvelous!”

Above: The 1985-1986 Editorial Staff of Paper and Pen.

CHESS CLUB Over the past two years the Chess Club has gone through a great rebuilding. The club is beginning to prove itself to be the State powerhouse which it once was. M em ­ bers include people who play the game both for fun and competition. The team hopes to win the state tournament, and once again establish itself as the strongest team in New Jersey. This year’s star competitors include sen­ iors Brian Lawlor and Anthony Ferraro and Junior Ernani Domingo. Next year's team, under the direction of moderator the Dea­ con John O ’Neill, will be led by sophomore Joseph Paguiligan looks forward to another challenging and victorious season. Above Left: The game is on. Left; Joseph Paguilian, Brian Lawlor, Anthony Ferraro, M ike Gifford, the Deacon John O ’Neill.


RADIO CLUB In addition to e very well equipped televi­ sion studio, Prep can boast of its ve ry ow n H.A.M. station. T his station is operated by the m em bers of the Radio Club. Their m oderator is M r. Donald E. M e rrick . Seniors Brian M a h o n e y and A m it Rastogi have been know n to com m unicate w ith other stations in the U nited States and around the world. The Club is open to all interested. New m em bers are required to take and pass the Am ateur Radio O p e ra to rs’ License Exam in order to operate the equipment.

Left: Radio Club Presidents Amit Rastogi and Brian Mahoney. Above-, From left to right: David Ohlmuller, Brian McEwen, Dave LaBruno, Brian Mahoney, Juan Fernandez, Carlos Lago, Amit Rastogi, Ray Luistro.


Guitar virtuosos Bruce Gatewood, above, and Henry Gil, right. 60

PARENTS' CLUBS Jesuit education aims to form the entire man, merely transmitting technical and or academic information to the student is not enough. The Prep accomplishes this key element of St. Igna­ tius’ vision of education by turning out well round­ ed men. This task could not be accomplished without taking into consideration the students’ home environment and their primary socializers, their parents. This is where the M other’s and Father’s Club play a crucial role in the life of the Prep. Without the help and concern of the parents the teacher’s role is for naught. The M others’ Club is guided by Rev. Francis Flamill, S.J., and it has the important task of wel­ coming new mothers to the Prep family so that they may come to cooperate in their sons’ educa­ tion. This is achieved in different waysj among these are the frequent club dinners held through­ out the year. The Fathers’ Club, as the M others’ Club, col­ laborates in strengthening the Prep family by rais­ ing funds which go towards the school’s general operating budget. Mem bers of the Fathers’ Club serve as assistants at several athletic events by selling tickets and running 50/50 Raffles.


Left to right: Mrs. Sherran, Mrs. Gomez, Mrs. M cVicar, Mrs. Kolhmer, Mrs. Bran, Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Jablow


Left to right: Mr. Spadora, Mr. Sammartino, Mr. Bryngil, Mr. Flenkes 61

DRAMATICS 1985 was a successful year for Prep’s Dramatics Soci­ ety. The plays, which were once again masterfully di­ rected by Mr. Jack Casey, were enjoyed by many mem­ bers of the Prep community. The Spring play was Woody Allen’s hilariously funny comedy Don't Drink the Water. The play told the story of the adventures of a family of American tourists (played by Peter Sawyer, Carol Corso and Chris M cCrory) caught behind the Iron Curtain. Desperately trying to free his fellow Americans from the K.G.B. (Mike Kilkenny, et. al.) was a bumbling American for­ eign minister (Ed Asdvensky). The Dramatics Society revived a long-standing Prep tradition of staging a Fall musical. The show, Oliver, which included a cast, crew and band of over eighty students, was impressive. The story recounted the plight of the orphan, Oliver Twist (Paolo Montalban), who fled from a group of vagabonds including the evil Bill Sykes (Mike Kilkenny) and the cunning Artful Dodg­ er (Rich Nisbet). The boy is saved from the villains, led by Old Fagin (Ed Addvensky), thanks to the lovely Nancy (Lisa Mullane). The Dramatics Society provided its fans with enjoy­ able entertainment, as evidenced by the smiles of the audience who left each performance with songs in their hearts.

Mr. Jack Casey, Moderator of Dramatics.

The cast and crew of yet another successful Prep production "take five” to pose for the Petrean photographer. 62

Above.- " I ’d do anything for you.”

Above: Rich, don’t let any jocks into the Cast Party!

Above: Old Fagin argues with Bill Sykes about Oliver.

Above: "T hat’s your funeral!”

INTRAMURALS The Intramural program is an activity that takes the pressure off students from their academics and provides an opportu­ nity for some excitement at St. Peter’s. At lunchtime, homeroom teams assemble to participate in activities such as foot­ ball, basketball, and floor hockey. Respon­ sible students are appointed by coordina­ tors of intramurals, Mr. Joseph Masserelli, to act as arbiters in these sports con­ tests. At the end of each season, trophies are awarded to the champions and the next sport begins. The involvement of Prep students in Intramurals is very en­ thusiastic and this contributes greatly to the success of the activity.

Above: The staff with president Mike Dandorph. Left: Intramural Moderator Mr. Joe Massarelti.

Above: Scarface drops back to pass. Left: Wisniewski ruled this one a T.D.! Below.- Letting it go from the pocket!

Quism o gets burnt at safety.

Seniors put one past Sciarra.

Kick save and a bute!

Dandorph sets a pick for Dunn. 65

PETREAN The ’86 Petrean got off to a very slow start. The book was plagued by inner conflict, lack of unity, selfishness and lack of committment. M id year changes brought a new moderator, Mr. Claudio M. Burgaleta, S.J., and a new sense of direction. In a month’s time many missed deadlines were com­ pleted. The hard-working staff consisted of Editor-inchief Paul Zeller and seniors Frank Betkowski, Jeff Stabile, Bill Cinirchin, Dan Hanifin, Steve Romero, Jon Camaya, and Mike Dandorph. These editors quickly banded together under their new modera­ tor and began drumming out pages, spending long day and nights working on layouts and copy. The workers combined art, copy, color, white space and photos taken by Photography Editor Paul Grundling and his staff from the Camera Club to create yet another Prep yearbook in which the theme was clearly and consistanty developed. Next year’s staff will be manned by Steve Go­ mez, Tom Finn, Kevin Granelli and Mario Bai. By following the example set late in the year by the seniors, next year’s book will continue in the tra­ dition of great Prep books.

Moderator Mr. Claudio M. Burgaleta S.J.

Activities Editor Jeff Stabile

,, 06

Senior Editor Dan Hanifin

Faculty Editor Bill Cinurchin

Graphics Editor, Jon Camaya


Editor-in-Chief, Paul Zeller

Senior Editor, Mike Pandorph and Copy Editor, Frank Betkowski

Underclassmen Editor, Steve Gomez 67
















UNietlillMtNf / /







/ /



/ / / / / / / " • v / /


Above: First Row: J. Iza, D. Ortega, M. Proenza, V. Dang. Second Row: J. Trassari-Puro, D. D ’Amore, E. Burke, J. Kelly. Left; Go ahead, tell him that we payed for it.

Left: First Row: P. Gaughan, P. Petti. Second Row: D. Ra­ mirez, J. Bellino, E. Gargiulo, M. Gallo, D. Malanowski.

Left: First Row: L. Taite, A. Lagermasini, G. Stupinski. Second Row: J. Lynch, T. Anderson, T. Paone. Third Row: M. Camporeale, D. Stancavish, J. Conklin. Missing: D. Kelly.


Left: First Row: R. Smith, M. Gavin, E. Bulalacao, J. Juby, M. Wiley. Second Row: B. Schait, V. Dang, K. McDermott, M. Dixon, M. Witt.

FRESHMEN 1C Left: First Row: T. Lau, K. O'Neill, D. Broderick, R. Arroyo. Second Row: R. Gill, T. Casulli, A. Cervino, B. Soto, Y. Kwon.

Left: First Row: J. Kim, C. DeCresce, H. Ruiz. Second Row: G. Perkins, A. Lorenzo, C. Pomares, J. Owens, C. Baratta, C. Matta.

Below: First Row: L. D ’Amato, R. Chesnavich, R. Webb, J. Remishofski. Second Row: C. Lago, R. Tolentino, S. Roxas, R. Ricco, G. Pichirallo. Below; left; Emmett, stop looking at Ms. Roque.


Lefts First Row, O. Robetto, J. Fordellone, M. Estrada, C. Nakar, R. Backos, Second row-, D. Andretti, A. Martins, C. Zaleck, A. Abesamis, L. Ang, M. Bondarowicz.

Above-, First Row; W. Santomauro, K. Brodbeck, J. Kachel, J. Formoso, C. Hughes, E. Cooney, E. Cooney, A. Vargas, T. Schifano Above Left; Not a boring moment at the Prep.

J. Simone, D. Barlow, N. Pepe, M. Tolsty, J. Mielo, B. Bruton, C. Schmidt, W. Padilla. J. Marri, C.M. Labus.





Above First Row Right: S. Rubin, G. Antuna, J. Fogu, T. Mattey, E. Wood. Second Row: J. Doll. Third Row: J. Arriaga, M. Fritz, T. Glatt, L. De­ Marco. Right First Row Right: First Row: M. Rossetti, P. Antico, G. Roberts. Second Row= P. Montalban, S. Nguyen, S. Mehta. Third Row: A. Ortega, T. Ngo.

First Row Right: E. O ’Shaghnessy, M. Figue­ roa, V. Aniello, G. Goldsworthy, L. Molina, B. Spann, F). Hernandez, P. Kushnir, R. Cherchio, M. Simonetti, M. Correio, R. Koncicki.




First Row Right: D. Nunez, J. Scocco, C. Jimenez. Second Row: D. Harris, P. Cammarota, A. Orlina, A. Palomares, P. Varsalona.

First Row Right: R. Adams, D. Lyons, P. Chipelo, S. Granell, S. Beduya. Second Row: R. Weierman, G. Garcia, T. Damico. Above; I'll smile, but I won't like it.

First Row Right: A. Francisco, B. Langon, R. Bust illo. Second Row: E. Pallarca, K. McCann, M. Guarino, R. Gronda, J. Burke. Missing: W. Robalino.



First Row Left: P. Powell. Second Row: S. Kapoor, R. Ramirez, J. Lopez. Third Row: S. Khan, A. Granados, R. Lee. Fourth Row: J. O ’Donnell, B. Shah, M. Kenny.

First Row Right: B. Sexton. Second Row: E. Treacy, G. Brown. Third Row.- R. Hartnett, D. Fatal. Fourth Row: S. Kawalek, A. Munro, D. Burrell, W. Dunstan, W. Iqbal. Missing: R. Leung.

First Row Left: M. Roman. Second Row: J. Hu, A. Alerte, D. Rogers. Third Row: S. Koehler, H M. Mehta, T. Truong. Fourth Row: J. Somers, M. Cooper, G. Janega. Below: This type of I candid is getting kinda boring.


First Row Right: T. Faiano, B. Bowling, J. Geohegan, K. West. Second Row: K. Fall, M. Parlavecchio, S. Aumack. T. Giblin, E. Salandra.


First Row Right: S. Kegelman, J. Vita, R. Umali. Second Row: B. Haughney, P. Parziale, E. Kukowski, I. Schaplowsky, A. Cabe-

First Row Right: D. Seymour. Second Row: B. Lepis, J. Myers, N. Gerald. Third Row: J. McAuliffe, J. Marino, J. Connell, S. Fairfield, D. Menake. Missing: D. DeLuca, J. LaConti, M. Harvey Below; I wasn’t gonna use it, I was just checking if it works.



O n June 29,1979 Rev. James Fischer, SJ. finished his term as rector-president at the Prep. It was a time of declining enrollments and budgetary difficulties. A generally pessimis­ tic air shrouded the school as well as the nation. It was under these conditions that Rev. Joseph P. Parkes, SJ. assumed the position of rector-president. His next seven years in the office saw a virtual academic, economic, spiritual, and psy­ chological renaissance at Prep. A native of Jersey City, Father Parkes was no stranger to the Prep when his superior assigned him to the rector’s spot. He graduated from St. Paul’s Grammar School (Greenville) and then the Prep in 1962 before entering the Society of Jesus. W hile at the Prep he excelled in baseball, and served as the sports editor of the school’s newspaper. His studies in the Jesuits — at Fordham University, W oodstock College and the University of W isconsin — and his subsequent as­ signm ents — in the Philippines and at the magazine Am erica — prepared him well for his new position. But the successes achieved during his tenure surpassed all expectations. During the Parkes’ years the trend in declining enrollments was reversed; for example, next fall the Class of 1990 is expected to be composed of over 240 students! Instrumental in bringing about this change was the O ffice of Public Infor­ mation, and the Prep M agazine published out of this office. Both O.P.I. and the Prep Magazine, along with a reorganized and revitalized Alumni and Development Office, were the keys to publicizing Prep’s fine education to an audience outside the Hudson County area. In the long run these pro­ gram s implemented by Parkes helped attract a more varied student body to the school, and placed the Prep on a sound financial base. But if St. Peter’s continued to enjoy the good name it has always possessed in Northern New Jersey it was not merely elatiorts mechanism. Behind the

number of significant improvements in the Prep’s academic life as well as its physical plant. These are truly the greatest testimony of the Parkes Renaissance. * The foremost of these improvements is without doubt the computer revolution initiated under Parkes. From the trea­ surer’s to the administrators' offices, from O.P.I. to Alumni and Development, but especially at the Link Computer Cen­ ter, computers came to be an integral part of life at St. Peter’s since 1979. Under his rectorship the Prep entered the computer age, and finds itself very comfortable there and thriving! Other innovations that saw the light in the last seven years include major physical plant renovations of the Parkes re­ gime the following must be highlighted: new windows and major classroom renovations in the English Building; major improvements to the gym; new roofs for Mulry, Hogan and Burke Halls. The spiritual life of the Prep family also profited from Parkes’ tenure. The Madonna Chapel was renovated and the Jesuit Residence at Sea Bright received the needed repairs to continue hosting the Emmaus weekends. During his tenure as Superior General of the Jesuit order, Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., introduced the expression "form ­ ing a man for others” as a way of expressing, in a nutshell, the goal of a Jesuit education. During the past seven years, Father Parkes has proven himself to be just this. The nature of his duties may not have brought him into personal contact with many of the students or even the faculty, but few men over the course of the last several years have influenced the course of the lives of so many here at Prep as Father Parkes. His long hours on the fundraising circuit and at countless meetings are greatly appreciated. Father Parkes you leave St. Peter’s a better place than you found it, and for this the Class of 1986 salutes you. Kudos! Father Parkes Kudos! Thank you for a job wdl



First Row, left to right: E. Cooper, R. Nugent. Second Row: L. Politewicz, J. Castro, Mrs. O ’Grady. Third Row: S. McCarthy, T. Pedro.

First Row, left to right: J. Flester. Second Row: R. Ebanks, J. Thompson, FI. Holzmann, K. O'Sul­ livan Third Row: M. Matticola, M. Valente. Missing: D. Rovere.

Below, Left; Am I good lookin’ or what! Below; "I found this specimen under my desk."



First Row, left to right: J. Arceo, Mr. Burgaleta, S.J., D. Ahern. Second Row: J. Feeney, E. Cantada, T. DiCostanzo.

First Row, left to right: F. Matta, R. Bleach. Second Row: G. Bellotti, L. Namnama. Third Row: H. Lindsey, P. Morris, R. Trotman.

First Rows left to right: R. Jimenez, S. O ’Connor. Second Row: C. Esposito, D. Toussas, C. Patel. Belows Did you remem­ ber to get my good side.


First Row, left to right: D. Skorka, T. O ’Hare, D. Guyre, R. Reczka. Second Row: G. Keohane, M, King, D. Maglione.

First Row, left to right: J. Bernardo, J. Calicchio, P. Singh, J. van Blarcom. Second Row: J. Hughes, C. Lee, P. Swabsin, K. Vukan.

First Row, left to right: L. Tronco, V. LaMantia, J. Gro­ gan, J. Kealy. Second Row: L. de la Pasion, C. Bellido, K. Olszewski, J. Flanagan. Missing: M. Linskey. Right; " I ’ll see you and raise you five.”


First Row, left to right: T. Cooney, V. Chrisos, D. Cardino. Second Row: T. Curran, W. Benzija, M. Elson, J. DeFilippis.

First Row, left to right: R. Lavarro, P. Cunningham, M. Leitao, V. LoRe. Second Row: P. Vining, M. Guarda, S. Joshi. R. Pantozzi.

W im C H IK

Above, first row, left to right: C. Sabusay, D. Penaskovic, C. Mercado. Second Row: P. Ryan, T. Moore, C. Perez, K. Moore. Above Left: Sophomores can’t get by on looks alone.


First Row, left to right: A. Sarmiento, R. Trilles, W. Stefko. Second Row: M. Shaw, P. Juskiewicz, J. Geoghegan.

First Row, left to right: E. Salau, K. Atchi­ son, R. Camaligan Second Row: D. Riolo, P. Lempa, D. Kleid.

First Row, left to right: S. DiNardo, J. Paguiligan, K. Mallardi. Second Row: J. Pacillo, R. Peluso, T. DeBernardo. Below; "Holy clones Batman!”



First Row, left to right: J. Sheeran, C. Zingaro. Second Row: G. Rodriguez, S. Williams.

First Row, left to right: S. Wentworth, C. DiNardo, P. Cush.

First Row, left to right: P. Schork, J. Gillespie, R. Flenneberry. Second Row: M. Figurski. Missing: J. Gillard. Below: Some people just won't smile.

■ M ig T i


First Row, left to right: D. Goldrich, B. McLeod, S. Salvemini, M. Fortunato. Second Row: H. Khawaja, M. Gnecco, A. Fuqua, J. Gordon.

First Row, left to right: E. Barua, C. Culhane, B. Benebe, J. DeBonis, P. Campen, P. Calderon.

First Row, left to right.- M. Voicu, M. Rosado. Second Row: M. Worobiej, A. Stewart, S. Mason, P. Sollecito. Missing: M. Zieleniewski, S. Way, B. O ’Connor, E. Cheatam III. Below; Oh no, we weren’t gonna take any, we were just counting it.



First Row, left to right: T. Dzubina, A. Froio, A. Cabrera, N. Chait, R. Lopez. Second Row: B. McEwen, J. Jablonski, M. Kenny, E. Nes­ tor, J. Nieto, K. Lyons, D. Lapine, A. Walker.

P£jCJ%S First Row, left to right: W. Lindsley, J. Monteforte, R. Tuohy, G. Sindle, G. James, W. Schneider, C. Palmer. M issing: D. Chase, F. Bayerlein, P. Vining.

Below-, Phil makes another lucky save. Below, lefts The slogan of every Sophomore.


First Row, left to right: E. Whitehead, R. Fonticoba, A. Martinez. Second Row: C. Pernia, M. Bryant, Mrs. Wilke, S. Duda, P. Stokes.

First Row, left to right: C. Catania. D. Don­ nelly. Second Row: B. Adornetto, S. Byron, Mrs. Wilke, G. Brown, C. Doroszczyk.

Below; Recess ... A time to be yourself. Left; I could’ve had a V-8.


First Row, left to right: O. Oliveros, J. Volcy, M. Gajewski, R. Dimler. Second Row: R. Bigg, J. Vita, D. Estrada, M issing: R. Rushforth.

First Row, left to right: P. Spadora, J. Shea. Second Row: S. Kearney, D. Ohlmuller, E. O ’Connell, E. Martin, P. Speronza.

Below, first row, left to right: A. Alicandri, M. Cotton, K. Morris. Second Row: M. Boyle, P.K. Partoza, M. Nevedom sky, M. Rodriguez. Third Row: L. Giordano. Below right: I bless you, my son.

JUNIORS 3A Left: First Row= C. Metcalfe, Second Row: F. Flanna, Stanziano, D. Bryngii, V. Brancatella, Third Row-. D. Corw C. DeNunzio, T. Basil.

Below: First Row: R. Lavarro, T. Williams, A. Ortega, T Rashed, C. Raeford, Second Row: A. Darragh, G. Wernock E. Webster. Below left: Nice, guys.


Above,First row.- G. Nolan, R. Camano, W. Celentano. Second Row: T. Turner, J. Poueymirou, A. Brunton, S. Brown. Third Row: C. Lowicki, D. Pronti, S. Flusk, J. Giglio. Above left: "You got a problem?”

Above left, First row: J. Acosta, M. Borino, W. SaOnoy, W. Gonsiewski, R. Umali. Second Row: D. Wilson, W. Evans, B. Evidente, J! Toy. Above: Would you trust this man with "y o u r” sister?

Left, First row: A. Kopycinski, D. Fitzhenry, T. Blunda. Sec­ ond Row: M. Willis,J. Kollmer, W. Militello, T. Cavalucci, A. Ruiu. Right: "W h o se can this be?”



Se°0n d RoW: J‘ C o x -




Th^d Row: A Khawaja. Fourth Row= B. Stefans, J. Thorning, R. Rutkowski. Lower Left, Ascending: G. lies, R. Orellana, B Kushnir, B. Scott, C. Kim, Rn. Elio, B. Cooney

Above: Just Bob and his shadow. Below left: First Row: J. Simao, Second Row= Rl. Elio, E. Polack, R. Empestan. Third Row: J. Hughes, M. Usarzewicz, B. Deakyne. Below: You think of a caption for this!


Kbove: M ike and Don looking well. Above right- First Row: R. Applegate, J. Rusman, Mr. Donohue, R. Myers, R. Celentano. Second Row: J. Cronin, G. MulLahy, P. Vaughan, D. Hoppe.

Above: I didn’t throw it, Tim, honestl Below: First Row: W. Mattey, A. DelaCruz, M. Bai. Second Row: E. Ferrer, I Park, G. Kushnir. Absent.- P. Vaughan. Above: First Row: D. Schroeder, P. VanOrden, C. Reardon, R. Fairfield. Second Row: M. Juenge, J. Stanczak, W. Macawili, T. McDonough. Below: Outta the way Tom, this is my picture.



Left: First Row: R. Tanteo, J. Centeno, G. D Piano, W. Illy, A. Hyjek. Second Row: B. C o n J T. Gillard, M. Reilly, S. Vlacich. Below: First R R. Ferguson, R. Grieshaber, J. Egar, C. Gann Second Row: J. Tuzzo, J. Latko, S. Ostendorf Ansteth, H. Neals. Below left: Harry’s Comet

R iP P ln ^ p Sal°m0n’ S' Carney’ SeCOnd RoW: T' Kosiba’ K' Raslowsky, Bigelow, J. Preckajlo, O. Morr.ssette. Absent: P. McGuire, M. Stypa. Below left: Don’t crj

Above: First Row: G. Romano, P. Buzzelli, M. Gallagher. Second Row: M. Gifford, D. DePinto, A. Rodriguez, P. Capizzi, Third Row: J. Marini, H. Gaibor. Above left: Finn on to bigger and better windows. I Below Right: First Row: E. Casulli. Second Row: J. Fortunato, G. Marafioti, J. Fajardo, J. Christensen, K. Granelii. Third Row: J. Coogan, M. Donnelly. Below: It came from the locker.

Right: First Row: J. Christensen, D. Sammartino, J. Valente. Second Row: B. Gatewood, S. Allen, D. DePinto, W. Gargiles. Third Row: E. M arkow ski, J. Dilley. Below: Who threw this?

JUNIORS 3 d Left.- First Row: T. Finn, S. Howard, N. Santos. Second Row: C. Fernandez, J. Gomez, M. Duque, P. Pawlowski.

Above: You got another tissue? Left: First Row: K 1 Majmudar, J. Gutierrez, E. Domingo. Second RowJ A. Repoza, T. Zimmerman, M. O'Shaughnessy, Jj I Piersa.


Above: First Row: L. Vassallo, J. Martin, V. Patel. Second Row: O. Lleonart, C. Tabora, W. Rodriguez, C. Sininski, J. Nata. Left: John Coogan Mellencamp.



Left: First Row: S. Kearns, E. Canseco, R. Flernandez. Second Row: C. Kane, A. Bullock, R. Davis, M. Dow 足 ney, P. Pereiera. Above: Eddie receives a deserved congratulation.

Left: Goobers of a feather flock together. Above: Jamie .. able in a crowd.

always recogniz足

Left: First Row: C. Bible, R. Garry, W. Price, P. Lagermasim, M. Lawless, P. Opalach. Second Row: C. Camporeale, S. Gomez, D. Pietruska, R. Gruhn, T. Tuohy, P. Corcoran. Above: W ho is this man with the greasy hair, cheap sunglasses and cheesy mus足 tache?

Clockwise from below: It’s my pasta Al! George, not a care in the world. Two winning smiles. God, I hope he don’t hit it hard. It’s too early for candids.

ilEPT^lggES H

j p mm

Clockwise from the bottom of the page: Elnardo missed the punchline. "H ey Basil and Cor­ win: Do you know who starts those foul cheers at the gam es?” "Fairly good resem­ blance, huh?” "Am o, Amas, Amat . . . ” "G uess what I m thinking?"



"Mike, how could you leave me with such a Yearbook Staff?”

"Sorry, Claudio, they are all I could find!”

Rev. Burger King, S.J., a.k.a. Herb -— Un­ dercover at Prep.

"D o n’t be eyeballin’ me!" One of the disadvantages of single-sex education.



I Save America: Kill a Yuppie today!

"A re n ’t you sick of hearing about Dan H anifin?’

"I pity the fool!”

"Honestly, I wasn't cheating!"

Feeding time at the Zoo.

"Doug, you have worse dandruff than Jim Palmer!


FOOTBALL Rem em ber . . . that was Head C o a ch G e rry Bellotti’s motto for the football team this year — and rem em ber they did! A fte r a disappointing 3-6 season last year, including a slow 0-4 start, this ye a r’s gridders, led by tri-captains N ick W ood, W illie W ilkes, and D oug Gronda, w on the C o u n ty C ham pionship and posted a perfect 9-0 record. Behind the league’s stingiest defense and a host of All-C oun ty players, including first team ers W ilkes, John (the Junkyard D o g ) DeRose, Big D an Hanifin, Elnardo W ebster, C u rtis Raeford, and M a re k W orobiej, the team cap­ tured its first-ever slot in the State C ham p io nship Playoffs. B ehind a well balanced attack of offense, led by Senior Q B D e ric Burgess, and defense, the team captured a v ic to ry o ve r D o n B o sco Prep, up­ ping its record to 10-0 and insuring a place in the N orth Parochial A State C h a m p io n sh ip game. The 1985 team has pro ved itself to be "th e best in Prep histo ry.”

Left to Right: Tri-cpatains William Wilkes, Nick Wood, Head Coach Gerry Bellotti, And Doug Gronda

Sitting: R. Rushforth. C. Raeford, G. Sindle, J. Flanagan, D. Fitzhenry, J. Dubon, K. Fitzhenry, C. Bible, D. Gronda, A. Molina, C. Sclafani, J. Volcy. Kneeling: Trainer M. Dandorph, N. Wood, A. Lawrence, R. Leahy, E. Cheatam, G. Scott, G. Bellotti, T. O'Connor, M. Boyle, D. Sammartino, P. Campen, M. Willis, W. Schneider, A. Stewart, D. Burgess. Standing: Head Coach Gerry Bellotti, J. Egar, J. Fortunato, P. Juskiewicz, R. Tuohy, J. Thorning, P. Spadora, M. Mannion, J. Mancino, W. Perkins, W. Scheurer, J. DeRose, C. Doroszczyk, W. Wilkes, L. Tronco, D. Tapia, A. Alicandri, E. Webster Jr., T. Tuohy, D. Hanifin, M. Worobiej, T. Gillard. T. Abdur-Rashed, D. Wilson, S. Mason, I. Park, G. James, Coach Rich Hansen, Coach Bob Harris.

Left: Let go, John. I’m the captain! Above: Doug Gronda leaping for yardage. 110

Above: Drumroll, please! Right: Burgess goes up the middle.

Above: Doug Gronda takes to the air. Left: The Prep " D � awaits.

Above: Deric Burgess calls the shots, Right: Coach Bellotti, "Super genius� 111

Above: Somebody better tell that guy JYD is coming! Left: John "The Bull” Egar saunters upfield.

Above: "The Bull” clears the way for Charlie Bible. Left: Hey, Guy! Don’t drop the ball!

Above: Hike! Left: Wake up, Nick!

COUNTY CHAMPS In the first gam e o f the season, the team, rem em bering the 13-9 defeat Hudson handed them last year, steam-rolled over the Haw ks in a 20-0 victory. Prep blanked St. Joe’s the next week, racking up 31 points on sprints by star backs, Charlie Bible, John (the BU LL) Egar, and D oug Gronda. The next week in the Hom ecom ing Game, the Prep upset 9th ranked Bayonne, blanking the Bees, 10-0. In the following three games, the m ighty M arauders cap­ tured victories over Union Hill, Dickinson, and Ferris. In the following contest, one o f the year’s m ost important games, Prep upset last year’s State Champs, in a 14-6 rout o f the Bruins o f North Bergen. In this game, Prep upped its record to 7-0 and captured its first-ever State playoff berth. The team capped the season by mauling M em orial and slaughtering Snyder, maintaining its perfect record and win­ ning the County title. In the first playoff game, the M arauders defeated Don Bosco Prep, 14-6, scoring on tricky, well executed reverse plays by Burgess and Wilkes. In this victory, the gridders seized a slot in the State Cham pionship gam e and proved to m ost doubters that this Prep team was a true contender. The team is looking optim istically towards next year, as the team will be led by stars Webster, Raeford, Egar, and Bible, as well as Juniors Tom Touhy, Tim Gillard, and Darren Sammartino. They will fill the spots left open by graduating Seniors, such as N ick Wood, Kevin Fitzhenry, and A l (D e si) Molina. The pride and glory o f the Prep gridders o f old has re­ turned.

W ilkes runs the gam e-clinching reverse,

John Egar led the ground attack that dom inated Don Bosco.

Kevin Fitz halts a B osco drive with a ke y interception. A ir Burgess looks for a quick way to the State Finals.


FROSH FOOTBALL A cru cia l factor in building this y e a r’s Cham ­ p io n sh ip Football team w as the unity w hich devel­ o p e d in the g rid d e r’s earliest years. This unity cam e about a s a result o f the p la y e rs' p articip a­ tion in the Freshm an Football Program . This y e a r’s freshm an team, under the d ire ction o f D e n n is M cM u llin a n d G reg Pavick, fin ish e d the season with an im p re ssive 5-4 record. Future g r id stars include Linebacker-Fullback K e vin O’Neill, Runn in gb a ck -C o rn e rb a ck Joe O w ens, a n d H alfbackSa fe ty M a n n y Proenza.

Left: "Going somewhere?”

Left to Right: Sitting: E. Burke, E. Kakowski, L. deMarco, E. Cooney. Kneeling: J. Owens, G. Perkins, J. Conklin, R. Gronda, K. O’Neill, R. Bustillo. R. Lee. Standing: Coach Ray Pavick, A. Cabesa, B. Flaming, T. Paone, P. Parsiale. M. Proenza, J. Formosa. T. Casulli, D. Burrell, G. Brown, M. Harvey, M. Camporeale, J. Marino, P. Cammorata, J. Geohegan.

Above: Come on, Jump! Left: Future State Champs?

CHEERLEADERS T he C h e e rle a d e rs w ere an essential part o f the re viva l o f Prep Pride. T he team w as co a ch e d by fo rm er Prep pom -pom g irls Judy M a y e r and Tara Zadroga. Leadin g the oth e rs in th eir c h e e rs w ere C a p ta in s T ra c y M c N u lt y and T e re sa Riley. D e sp ite som e he a rtb rea kin g Prep lo sse s and interference by certain flat-chested, h a iry-le g ge d im per­ so nators, the girls rem ained d e d ica te d to the Prepsters. T he loyalty and hard w ork of th ese y o u n g ladies fro m St. D o m in ic A c a d e ­ m y and the A c a d e m y o f St. A lo y s iu s are greatly appreciated. U nfortunately, these w o rd s cannot e x p re ss the gratitud e of their greate st fan s — the Prep athletes — for w ho m th e y ch eer so enthusiastically. Captain Teresa Riley, Coaches Judy Mayer, Tara Zadroga, and Captain Tracy McNulty.

First Row: C. Pagkalinawan, C. Slane, C. Zadroga. Second Row: T. Riley, I. Libawi. Third Row: K. Zadroga, V. Richardson, T. McNulty, V. Nitto, D. Walsh, C. O ’Brien.

Left: Are we cheering for the right team? Above: G O P R E P ! ^

SOCCER D espite m any heartbreaking losses, the V a rsity Soccer team had a good season overall. A fte r losing eight starting seniors, first year coach, Jack Raslow sky, knew that he w as in for a challenge. The team, led by senior captain Tom Tacik, responded by playing ve ry well throughout the season. The team lost six gam es by just one goal, including a tough 1-0 defeat to a stron g B ayonne team. The defense, led by Nuno Santos, Paul Lagerm asini and goalie Joe "R a z ” Raslow sky played well; while the o ffense had som e prob­ lems putting the ball in the net. The team perform ed m uch better than their 6- 10-1 reco rd indicated. The future looks ve ry bright fo r the booters. M o s t of this y e a r’s va rsity team will be returning next season. W ith the exp erience of such players as M a rio Duque, Kevin Raslow sky, Kevin Granelli, A l Ruiu, A rnel O rte ga and Son N guyen, the team aw aits the next season w ith great expectations. Senior Captain Tom Tacik and Nuno.

Left to Right: Sitting: K. Granelli. R. Jimenez, M. Nevedomsky, M. Dugue, N. Santos, A. Ortega, K. Sabogal, B. Garry. G. Stupinski, S. Nguyen. Standing: Coach Jack Raslowsky, M. Ahn, T. Ngo, P. Lagermasini, V. Brancatella, J. Dilley, K. Raslowsky, J. Raslowsky, Capt. Tom Tacik, A. Ruiu, J. Hughes, R. Umali, Trainer A. Villar, Asst. Coach Rob McGuire.

Left: Seems like the job is up to Raz again. Above: Arnel fighting off a defender.

Left: The booters taking it easy. Above: Arnel beats an opponent to the bail.

Above: John looking for a way out. Below: I got itl

Above: Al going for the ball.

Left: Which way did he go? Above: Capt. Tom in a striking pose.

A Prep booter in the open.

Left: The Razoo and Nuno. Above: That’s rightl I’m bad!

Left: Get this ball off my footl Above: Nuno fleeing from a Hawk.

J. V. SOCCER The Junior Varsity enjoyed another fine season this year. Under the direction of John Irvine ’83, the squad finished with a record of 6-9-3. Phil Ryan and Vasilos Chrisos anchored the defense while Roy and Carlos Jimenez and Andrew Lager­ masini led the offense. The season was highlighted by a 1-0 overtime win over Hudson Catholic in the City tournament semi-finals. W ith the improvement of all involved in the program the future looks bright.

Row I: K. M e Glynn, J. Eguia, D. Degnan, C. Jimenez, A. Alerte, J. Lopez, A. Lagermasini. Row 2: T. OHare, A. Ortega, R. Jimenez, M. Labus, V. Cresos, A. Munro, R. Leung, B. Bowling, J. Marri, P. Ryan, Coach Raslowsky. Coach John Irvine not pictured.

Above: Hurry up and take the pictures, I can’t hold my leg up here forever. Right: Carlos keeps his eye on the ball.

Above: Never mind the camera, just play.

Above: Pass the ball, you need the practice.


CROSS COUNTRY The C ro s s C o u n try team left m any of their opponents in the dust this year. The team, coached by M r. M ik e B urge ss and m oderated by Rev. John B row n­ ing, S.J., placed second in both the Je rse y C it y and H udson C o u n ty C ham pion­ ships. Star harriers included Senior C aptain M a rk Stappenbeck, w ho achieved A ll-C oun ty honors, Steve Inn and Rob Nester. O th e r Prep runners w ho will lead the team in the future include M ik e Elson, M ik e Law less and Freshm an phenom enon Tom Faiano, w ho won e ve ry freshm an race he entered.


Right.- "Hi, Mom!”

Row one: left to right: C. Schmidt, R. Helley. M. Mehta, D. Rogers, J. Meyers, J. Williams. Second row: left to right: Fr. John Browning, S.J., R. Grieshaber, M. Stappenbeck, T. Diconstanzo, R. Dimler, T. Fiano, M. Lawless, W. Illy, M. Elson, A. Darragh, R. Elio, R. Hagaer, S. Inn, Coach M. Burgess, Tri-Captain R. Nestar absent.


Gee! This is fun.

Prep Runners posing for a picture.

Above: W e ’re ready when you are.

Above: M ark all alone in first place.

GYMNASTICS The Prep G ym n astics team had their m ost successful season in recent h isto ry this year. T his y e a r’s team w as coached by M r. Lou Guarini and M r. Ed Skolar, and the m oderator w as Rev. A rthu r C. Bender, S.J. The team ’s cam paign included three victories over cro ss-co untry rivals North Bergen. The leader­ ship w as headed by Captain A ld e n y s A c o sta and Co-C aptain Frank Betkowski. A costa again qualified for the the State Sectional M e e t in floor exe rcise and the vault, and m ade Prep sports h isto ry by being the first Prep gym na st ever to perform a double back som ersault in the floor exercise. Senior standouts included A n ­ drew Festa, A d ria n Sawczuk, and Ray Nieves. The tum blers look to the future when they will be led by Tom W illiam s and D a ve Riolo. O th e r key perform ers will include Shaw n O ste n d o rf and Jay Hughes.

Captain Al Acosta holds a planche on the parallel bars.

Left to right: Top Row: A. Sawczuk, T. Williams, S. Ostendorf, W. Lindsley, R. Nieves. Middle Row: Fr. Bender, S.J., Moderator, L. Namnama, R. Fergeson, D. Peters, A. Festa, D. Riolo, J. Hughes, Coach: Lou Guarini, T. Cabrera Asst. Coach: Ed Skolar. B fcvidente, E. Barria. Kneeling: R. Hernandez. R. Lavarro, Captain Aldenys Acosta, Co-Captain Frank Betkowski.

Left: Senior Adrian Sawczuk about to nail his cut-catch. Above: Al vaulting on the horse.

Clockwise from above: Just hanging around; Adrian up on the P-bars; Co-Captain Frank holding the ap足 plause; Al Showing his face of determination; Ray performing his act on the pommel horse.


C o m ing o ff a tough, rebuilding season last year, Prep’s "E g g h e a d ” hoopsters, under the direction of second - year coach M r. H arry Dam m er, took the Southern division by storm. Led by captains M ik e "F u d g e ” Flynn and Tom Bird Riley, the team won num er­ ous divisio n games, including victories over St. M a r y ’s, Lincoln, Snyder, and a pair of thrillers o ver D ick in so n and Hudson. O th er team leadership w as p rovide d by senior for­ w ards Joe Scheurer, Dan "Su g a rb e ar” Ta­ pia, and Brian Archer. O th e r key players in the team 's bid for C o u n ty and State Playoff spots were guard M ik e Gallagher and center Paul Paulowski. The future looks bright for Prep’s cagers as the lineup will include D en­ nis "R am bo ne” Corw in, Bill Cooney, Shawn H ow ard and Bill Deakyne.


Left to right: Coach, Harry Dammer; manager R. Nisbit; manager, D. Wilson; B. Deakyne; M. Flynn; D. Corwin-, J. Scheurer; D. Tapia; P. Paulowski; J. Kealy; B. Cooney; P. Lempa; B. Archer; M. Gallagher; T. Riley; J. Monteforte; S. Howard.

Right: Come on! You’re big boys now!! Middle right: Prepster about to engage in battle. Lower right: Capt. Tom fleeing from a defender.

Left: Bird bangs boards. Lower left: Corwin laying up the shot.

Clockwise from below: The Bird shows his anguish; Mike escaping two; Captain Mike in the open, Going for the rebound, W HOOPSII

Clockwise from left: Did you tell Paul about deodor­ ant?) Hail Mary, full of grace . . ■, Harry, I need a break!-, Wanna fight homeboy?; Don’t be eyeballin’ me!i Deakyne ready for the automatic two.


First row: J. Flanagan; R. Camaligan, J. Bernardo; C. Culhone; S. Williams; E. Martin; B. Trottman. Second Row: Coach Ralph Landi; F. Matta; J Monteforte; P. Lempa, J. Kealy, S. M e Carthy, T. Moore; J. Nieto, M. Boyle! Coach, Joe Moran.

The J.V Basketball team, led by CoCaptains Paul Lempa and Jason Monte­ forte, enjoyed a very successful sea­ son. First year coaches Ralph Landi and Joe Moran blended talented indi­ viduals into a tough, hustling team. Standouts Joe Kealy and Marc Bryant were a big part of the team’s winning record. The future of Prep basketball looks very bright with the talent of the J.V. moving up in the coming years.

Clockwise from Below: Hey guys, wait for me!. Did we win?, Flanagan on the free throw., I’m a star! Top Right: This isn’t vol­ leyball.

The key to success of many of Prep’s athletic j|j teams is the development of skills and a sense of unity which are fostered on the J.V. and Freshmen ||| levels. The future of the Prep cagers lies in the talented freshmen of the 1985-1986 season. The young hoopsters were coached by former Prep athI j lete Dave Settembre, class of 1979. Settembre coached St. Anthony's freshmen to a County ChamI I pionship two years ago. The Freshmen cagers opened up this season by capturing the Christm as Tournament Championship at St. Benedict’s. Led by Dan Burrell, John Burke, Brian Haughney, Dan Andretti, Rob Gill, and Joe Kel­ ly, the team won nine straight games before drop­ ping two heartbreaking losses to St. Anthony’s and Hudson Catholic. The future seems very bright for ■ Prep’s basketball players as the team will be thor­ oughly grounded in this year’s victories, powerful I ; freshmen.


Laying Down: M. Cooper. Bottom Row: R. Gill, C. DeCrease, J. Kelly, M. Proenza, S. Rueben, A. Cervino, E. Gargulo, K. McCann. Top Row: D. Meneke, J. Burke, B. Haugney, D. Burrell, D. Andretti, J. Kachel, Coach Dave Settembre.

Above: Come on everyone and SHOUTI Below: Look what I can do.

Above: That’s not how you throw the shotput, Joe. Below: Relaxing with a comfortable Prep lead.

VARSITY HOCKEY The 1985-1986 Prep H o cke y team, under the direction of first-year coaches Joe M e e ­ han and John Russell, cam e out shooting in their bid for a State Tournam ent spot. Led by C aptains Kevin Fitzhenry and Steve Gm itro and key Seniors goalie Sam DeLuca, defensem an Frank Briam onte and forw ard Phil Duvalsaint, the team captured num erous victories. Im portant players in the tw o up­ sets over Sum m it and the blanking of B a y ­ onne w ere juniors C h ris G annon and G eorge Nolan, defensem en, and Bill G argiles and Rick Bigelow, forw ards. In their quest fo r both D iv isio n and C o n ­ ference C ham pionships, the icem en had ad­ ditional depth in Sophom ores M a tt K ing and G re g B row n and freshm en M ik e y Fritz and Jason Fogu. Tw ice, the ho c ke y players ska t­ ed in the M e ad o w lan d s A re n a sp o nso red by the N ew Je rse y Devils. Pre p ’s h o c ke y pro­ gram, a ve ry young one, is now p ro du cing great talent and cham pionship teams.

ToP Row: Coach J. Russell, K. Fitzhenry, J. Fogu, C. Hewlett, B. Gargiles, T. Cavallucci, B Gruhn, R. Bigelow G. Brown, Coach B. Meehan. Middle Row: T. Blunda, S. Gmitro, G. Nolan'. J. Coogan, S. DeLuca, C. Gannon, J. Thompson, M. Fritz. Bottom Row: F. Briamonte, P Uuvalsamt, /VI. King.

Clockwise from Left: The Prep defense ready for action) Go­ ing for the slap-shot) Can I get in this game?) Here they come> Sam striking a pose for all to see.

F itz lo o ks up ice.

Jason pumped for action.

Above: Break-away ... DUDE! Below: Nolan fights for puck along the boards.

Gm itro takes on helpless Hudson player.

J. V. HOCKEY The Junior V a rsity H o ck e y team show ed great stre ngth and skill this year. U nder the coaching of M r. Bob Gannon, the team pro­ duced m uch talent for future V a rsity squads. B ehind the leadership of captain John Dubon and goalie D an Gallahger, the junior icem en skated to num erous victories, including w ins o ver Param us Catholic, C h a t­ ham T ow nship and Clifton. Leading the youn g ska ters w ere Jason Fogu, D a n n y Fitz­ henry, John C o og a n and John Hughes. A s a result, the future looks bright for Pre p ’s V a r­ sity H o ck e y squad as these adept under­ classm en will form the nucleus of the team.

Top Row: Coach Bob Gannon, J. Dubon, R. Bludgus, D. LaBruno, D. Ciok, J. Fogu, J. Coogan, T. Matly, Coach Ellid.. Bottom Row: D. Gallagher, J. Hughes, D. Fitzhenry, D. Zall, P. Spironza. Not Appearing: "Evil” F. Romano. K. Commanditore, J. Poueymaru. T. Froio.

Clockwise from Below: Prepster on the breakaway; waiting for the faceoff, Boy, is he ugly!; This picture looks familiar.


Moderator Fr. Lundy, Co-Capt. Ken Von Shaumburg, Coach Michael Geraghty.

Under the direction of first-year coach Mr. Michael Geraghty and veteran moderator Rev. William T. Lundy, S.J., the 1985-1986 Prep Swimmers were again the team to beat in the county, as well as a powerhouse in the State Section, and a force to reckon with through­ out New Jersey. Led by Captain Ken Von Shaumburg and Seniors Jeff Casler, Mike McGrath, and Rob Leahy, the team captured numerous victories, including wins over rivals Hudson Catholic, Monsignor Farrell, Xavier and Elizabeth. Again the team’s depth included the underclassmen, as many important contributions were made by Juniors Brendan Conway, Dennis Mannion, Jose Fajardo, Greg Kushnir and Rocco Celentano, as well as sophomore standout Phil Swabsin. The team also received help from champion divers Aldenys Acosta and Frank Betkowsi. Again the team prepared for the future as the Prep acquired phenomenal new talent in freshmen Emmett W ood and Craig Zaleck. The team looks to next year with great enthusiasm as they again expect to capture numerous coveted tournament championships.

Front Row: J. Fajardo, G. Flenn, W. Santomauro, R. Konciki, N. Chait, M. Zieleniewski, P. Sawbsin. Middle Row: Coach M ichael Geraghty, C. Zaleck, E. Wood, G. Kushnir, D. Manion, E. Jakubik, M. Elson, J. Debonis. Third Row: A. Acosta, J. Dilley, Capt. M ike M cGrath, Capt. J. Casler, R. Celentano, R. Leahy, F. Betkowski, M. Reilly, B. Conway, Captain Ken Von Shaumburg. Not Present: T. Schneider.

Left: Hey, what’s she doing here?! Above: Swimmers ready for the start. 133

Clockwise from Above: Co-Capt. Mike McGrath splashing water, Is he a bird, a plane You mean you can’t swim?; Hi, Mom!) W O W ! Is that cold!

K A SaaE

Clockwise from Lower Left: Would you guys get out of the way?!; Trivia: Can you think of a caption?-, Al do­ ing what he does best; On your mark, Hey ... Take the Nes-tea plunge; Rob, you’re on candid camera!

VARSITY WRESTLING Prep’s W re stle rs continued to be a force to reckon w ith as the m atm en w ere again coached by M r. Richard Ranalli and form er cham pion grappler, Leroy W itherspoon. Led by quad-captains D o u g G ronda, Tom Fardellone, Tonio Favetta and Ron Elio, the w restlers turned in num erous fine efforts. G ronda was again one of the leading w restlers in the state as he now looks tow ard a bright future in col­ lege. N ext year the Prep team will rely upon the efforts of m any of th is y e a r’s standouts, in­ cluding Roehl Em pestan, C h ris Zingaro, Pat C o rco ra n and Thom as O ’Hare.

First Row: R. Lavarro, Capt. Tom Fardellone, P. Spadora, K. DelVecchio, R. Empestan. Second Row: Chris Zingaro, P. Corcoran, Capt. Doug Gronda, Capt. Tonio Favetta.

Left: Ready to attack. Above: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.

Left: Need a lift. Above: Captains Tonio Favetta, Tom Fardellone, Doug Gronda, Asst. Coach Leroy Witherspoon.

Left: Tonio striking his commercial posej I’m just helping him stretch.


This is fun, ain’t it?

f ir s t Row: K. Ranier, T. Williams, R. Lavarro. Second Row: D. Nunez. C. Ulames, R. Shork.

Left: Another defender pinned. Above: I don t believe it, I won. 137

INDOOR TRACK The Prep Indoor Track Team enjoyed one of its finest seasons to date under third year coach M ik e Burgess. The team got off to a slow start, but the hard practices finally paid o ff in the Jer­ sey C ity Cham pionship. The mile relay shined by finishing first in a strong field. The relay w as run by Bill Rushforth, Steve Inn, Joe V olcy, and V in Burke. O utstand in g individual perform ances were turned in by M a rk Stappenback and Steve, w ho placed third in the mile and 880, respectively. Upand-com ing freshm an Tom Faiano continued his w inning w ays by claim ing top honors in the mile and two-mile runs in the H.C.I.A.A. C ha m p io n­ ships. The team looks forw ard to a stron g show ing in the Jesuit Indoor C ham pions. W ith m ore bal­ ance and depth in recent years, it is exp ected that the team will have an im pressive outdoor season. Here are some names: Dave Bryngil, Paxton, Joe Pagviligan, Dallas DeLuca, Dennis Degmond, Rob Pelier, Rob Nestor, Tom Zimmerman, John Sheeran, Walter lllv Andrew Kopycinski. Plug the names with the correct faces and find out who doesn t belong here.

I’m gonna get you.

Left: Rob, I don t think this is part of the warmup. Above: How long do I have to stay like this?

BOWLING P re p ’s keglers, co a ch e d by M r. D e n n is M c C a ffe rt y , bow led o ve r num erous sq uad s in their quest fo r the h igh ly co ve te d C o u n ty C ha m p io nship . K n o c k in g d o w n innum erable pins w ere Sen io r Sta n d o uts R ich "S tu b b s ” N is ­ bet, Bill "H e rs h e l” N ea fse y, T o n y DeFino, C ra ig Guarente, G ero m e Jorda n and Sa nd ro Frattura. D e sp ite the he a rtb re a kin g loss to arch -rival H u d so n C atholic, the team bow led num erous p ra ise -w o rth y se ts and re c o rd e d w ins o ve r m a n y o th er team s in the county.

First Row: B. Neafsey, Capt, T. DeFino. Second Row: Coach Dennis M cCafferty, R. Nisbet, G. Jordan, G. Guarente.

Strike? Tony doing his aerobics.

Left to Right: B. Spann, R. Nisbet, M. Doody, R. Mulholland, K. Moore, G. Goldsworthy.

TENNIS T his ye a r’s netmen left m any of their opponents in need of having their racquets restrung in Prep’s ruthless quest to regain the C ounty Cham pionship, w hich a talented B ayonne team stole from them last year. Leading the team, under the direction of coach Pete M cN am ara, w as tennis phenom enon Joe Kealy. The veteran doubles team of N ick W o o d and Brad Ohlm uller had m any a sm ashing shot, as powerful Em erito C ruz aced m any of his opponents. O th e r leading efforts w ere turned in by seniors Sam DeLuca, Sean Russell, C h ris Kotsopolas and A m it " D o t ” Rastogi. Bottom; M. Donnely. Top Row: Sean Russell, Co-Capt. Nick Wood, Amit Rastogi, John Fortunato, Mike Gifford. Missing: Captain Brad Ohl­ muller. Sam DeLuca. Chris Kotsopolas, Emerito Cruz. Joe Kealy, and Coach Pete McNamara.

Who are you looking at. Here goes!

1 4q

Prep: Alert and ready for the serve.

Amit horsing around.

A b o v e : B ra d , I'm y o u r c o n s c ie n c e . . . ge t out o f the w ay!

A b o ve : W hat!, are yo u k id d in g m e ?

BASEBALL W hile m any students looked tow ard sum m er in the late m onths of this academ ic year, a talented group of sand lot ball players had only begun to w ork tow ard the greater glory of St. Peter’s Prep by show ing their am azing ability at A m e ric a ’s favorite pastime. U nder the di­ rection of veteran co ach M r. Joe U rbanovich and stat-m an Frank Briam onte, the team w as a true contender for the C o u n ty Cham pionship. The line up included all-stars such as Doug Eastman, Joe Guarino, M ik e C ro w le y A n d John DeRose. A lso w ielding dan gerou s bats and sure m itts w ere M a rk Am brosio, C h ris Falco, Sean Sexton and Tom B a s il The leading hurlers in the rotation included D e ric Burgess, Glen Kelton and M a tt Jablonski. In their quest for the C o u n ty C ham pionship, these gem s of the d ia ­ m ond w ere sim ply priceless.

Top Row: Coach Joe Urbanovich, Tom "Hairy Face” Basil, Sean Sexton, John De Rose, Matt Jablonski, Chris Falco. Bottom Row: The Ambrosios, Joe Guarino, Dan Cutola, Mike Crowley, Glen Kelton, Doug Eastman. Missing: Deric Burgess, Dennis "Rambone" Corwin.

Clockwise from Below: Eastman off second; Three up, three down-, JYD showing good poise; Crowley rounding second.

Clockwise from Above: Is this how you do it, Coach?; Hey, Joe, look at the ball, not the camera! Aaa — choo!-, Another Prep run-, Matt warming up in the bullpen.

OUTDOOR TRACK T his spring, the O utdoor Track | Team is looking forw ard to what I should be one of its finer sea- If sons. C o a ch M ik e B urge ss feels Ifi he has one of his stronger teams I I w ith the Prep having more depth Ik than in recent years. Key field |{ perform ers include long jumper, || Steve Inn and high jumper, Paul Zeller. The coach feels his stron-1£ gest relays are the eight hundred lb and tw o mile relays w hich will I I attend the Penn Relays. The team 11] p o sse sse s com petant sprinters in || the four hundred w ith V in Burke I I and Bill Rushforth. D istance run- I I ners that will com plem ent the I ’ team are senio rs M a rk Stappen-lj) beck, Rob N estor and frosh Tom lj Faiano. W ith th is balanced at-|]t tack, the h arrie rs figure to enter Ife the upper echelon of the county l i and restore Prep’s track tradi- |h tion.


Above, kneeling, left to right: T. Faiano, M. Mehta, D. Kelly, D. Rogers, C. Schmidt, J. Williams, J. Myers. Standing, left to right: Coach Mike Burgess, S. Inn, A. Martins, M. Stappenbeck, M. Lawless, M. Elson, R. Myers, A. Darragh, T. DiCostanzo, R. Dimler, K. Grieshaber, Rev. John Browning, S.J.

Prep's harriers off and running to the racesl



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ALDENYS ACOSTA Gymnastics 1,2,3, Capt. 4i Latin American Society 1,2, Trsr. 3, Pres. 4; Spanish Silver Medal 2; Emmaus 3> Diving 2,3,4; Prom Committee 4; Intramurals l,2,3,4j Bicycle Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Spirit Award It Art Studio 4.

EDW ARD M. ADDVENSKY Dramatics 2,3,4* T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Student Council 3, Exec. Comm., Sec. 4< Slavic Club Officer 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4* Emmaus 3, Team 4; Eucharistic Minister; Ski Club 2,3; Spirit Award 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

A NTH O NY A G U IA R ECHOES Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

M ICH A EL A H N THE KOREAN Soccer 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Ski Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4, Emmaus 3, Team 4; Petrean 4; Camera Club 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; H.A.P. Tutor 1,2,3,4; Math Club 3; Science Club 4; Indoor Track 4* Honor Pin 1,3

JOSEPH A M B R O SIO Baseball 3,4; Basketball I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

M A R K A M B R O SIO Baseball 1,2,3,4j Basketball I; Computer Club 1.3s Irish Club 2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4-, Intra足 murals 1,2,3,4s Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

JOHN APPRUZZESE Paper S Pen, Editor 3,4; Petroc 3,4-, Italian Club 2,3, Sec. 4; Jazz Club 4.

BRIAN ARCHER Basketball l,2,3,4i Prom Comm. 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4> Spirit Comm. 4; H.A.P. Tutor 4; Student Council 2; Science Silver Medal I; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

M A R C O A R R IA G A Emmaus 3, Team 4> Spanish Society 1,2,3, Exec. Comm. 4; Oriental Club 4; Chess Club Is Soccer I

RAFAEL BAUTISTA RAF Indoor 6 Outdoor Track 1,2; Oriental Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 2; Chess Club 1,2; Em足 maus 4; Honor Pin 1,2



KEITH BELLINGER BELLINGER, BELLIN G ER Ebony Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; Future Physicians Club 2,4-, Science Club 4; Karate Club UH Dramatics 2,3,4; Homeroom President 2

F R A N C IS B E T K O W S K I Gymnastics 1,2,3, Capt. 4, Diving 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4-, Spirit Comm. Chrmm. 4-, Eucharistic Minister! Petrean 3, Copy Edi­ tor 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 2,3,4) Intramurals l,2,3,4j Slav­ ic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award I; Nat’l Merit Semi-finalist; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.



Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4s Slavic Club 1,2,3,4

R IC H A R D B L U D G U S HAW K Hockey 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 4


JOSE RAUL BONET BONE Football Is W restling ey 2s Chess Club I.


Bicycle Club



JOHN BO USHAY BOUSH Football Is Italian Club 3,4s Irish Club Homeroom Pres. 2s Intramurals 1,2,3,4


FRANCIS BRIA M O N TE FRANKIE B. Hockey 2,3,4s Italian Club 1,2,3, Trsr. 4s Dance Comm. 3,4s Baseball Mgr. 3,4s Ski Club 1,2s Spirit Comm. Chrmn. 4s Petrean 4s Emmaus 3, Team 4s Eucharistic Ministers Prom Comm. 3,4s Stage Crew 4s Intramurals 1,2,3, Staff 4s Latin Silver Medal Is Geometry Gold Medal 2s Honor Pin 1,2,3s Spirit Award 4s Nat’l. M erit Commendations N.H.S.

DERIC BURGESS D / D MAN Football 1,2,3,4s Baseball 1,2,3,4s Ebony Club 1,2,3,4s Intramurals 1.2,3,4s French Club 4s Caligraphy Club I

PETER BURKE FLIP Computer Club 1,2,3,4s Intramurals ian Club 1,2s Emmaus 3.




VINCENT BURKE Indoor Track 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 3; Emmaus 3i Computer Club I; Honor Pin

JONATHAN CAM AYA JON, FLINT Petroc Illustrator 2,3,4; Petrean Graphics Editor 4i Paper & Pen Art Editor 3,4; Orien足 tal Club Sec. 3,4; Studio Art 3,4-, Dance Comm. 2,3,4

MICHAEL CANTELMI MIKE Italian Club 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Staff 3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Soccer I; Italian Gold Medal 2; Emmaus 3

RALPH CARBONE EDDIE Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Italian Club 3,4



JEFFREY CASLER JELLY FISH Swimming 1,2,3,4! Emmaus 3, Team 4-, Eucharistic Minister) German Club 2,3, Trsr. 4j German Exchange 3,4-, Student Council 4; Dramatics 2,3,4> Prom Comm. 3,4; Spirit Aw ard 4; Honor Pin 1,2; N.H.S.

NELSON CEPEDA Spanish Society 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 4; Wrestling 3,4-, Gymnastics 1,2) Dance Com 足 mittee 1,3; Emmaus 3) Honor Pin I

BILLY CHANDRA RANA Oriental Club 1,2,4; Spanish Society 4; Bicy足 cle Club 1,2; Computer Club I; Ski Club 1,4; Emmaus 4; H.A.P. Tutor I

D A V ID CHEKORSKI DAVEY Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2; T.V. Studio 3; Petrean 3,4; Honor Pin I

D A V ID CHIANG CHIAAAANG Oriental Club 4; Camera Club 1,2,3; Petrean 2,3. Tennis 2,3,4


VICTOR CHIRICHELLA SCAR Baseball 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club

WILLIAM CINURCHIN BILL Petrean 1,2,3, Faculty Editor 4; Computer Club 1,2,3; T.V. Studio 3; Camera Club 4j Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,3

SALVATORE CIOFFI Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club I; Spanish Society 2,3,4; Bicycle Club 3,4; Computer Club I.

KENNETH COMANDATORE COMMANDER Hockey 1,2,3,4; Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 1,2; Homeroom Pres. 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Staff 3,4

CHRISTOPHER CONKLIN THE ENOCHIAN Football I; French Club 3> Dramatics 3; Hockey Mgr. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

PAUL COSTELLO PABLO Weightlifting 1,2,4; W restling 4, Camera Club 4-, Golf 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

MARK COZINE THE B O O T S C ross Country I; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4

MICHAEL A. CROWLEY MARTY Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. V.P. 4; Homeroom Rep. 3,4

EMERITO CRUZ Tennis 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2; French Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3

W ILLIAM CUEVAS D RAGO NM AN Karate Club 1,2; T.V. Studio 3,4; Spanish So足 ciety 3; Stage Crew 4; Prom Comm. 4


MICHAEL DANDORPH CLIFF Student Trainer 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Eucharistic Minister-, Spirit Comm. Chrmn. 4-, Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Staff 1,2, Pres. 3,4s Racquetball Club 1,2,3-, Petrean 3, Senior Ed. 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1,2, Pres. 3,4s Ger­ man Club Founder and Pres. 2,3s Honor Pin Is Dance Comm. 1,2s Homeroom Pres. 2.

WILDRED DANGCIL SIDEKICK Tennis 1,2,3,4s Oriental Club 1,2,3s A s s ’t. Sec. 4: Wrestling 2,3,4s Karate Club 1,2s Honor Pin 1,2


ANTHONY DEFINO TONY Bowling 1,2,3,4s Intramurals 1,2.3.4; Emmaus 4

SAMUEL DELUCA Hockey 1,2,3,4s Tennis 1,2,4s Student Council 3,4s Spirit Comm. V.P. 4s Italian Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; U.S. History Gold Medal 3s Honor Pin 1,2,3s N.H.S.


CHRISTIAN DELVECCHIO Wrestling 1,2,4; Prom Comm. 3; Weightlift足 ing 1,2,3,4

ARTHUR DELVESCOVO ART Soccer 1,3,4, Mgr., Honor Pin 1,3

JOHN DEROSE JUNK YARD Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4-, Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4-, Intramurals Staff 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Spirit Comm. 4

M ARC DIZON DIZZY W resting 2; Prom Comm. 3; Oriental Club 4; Emmaus 3

MICHAEL D O O D Y DOODS Bowling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2; W argam es Club 1,2

JOHN DUBON DOOBS Football 1,2,3,4; J.V. Hockey 2, Capt. 3,4; German Club 2; Petrean 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

PATRICK DUNN Cross Country )■ Senior Prom Comm.; Intra­ mural Comm 3,4; Honor Pin 3; Intramurals I.2.3.4

STEPHEN DUTKIEWICZ DUKE Stage Crew 2,3,4; Paper S Pen, Production Chief 3,4; Camera Club V.P. 4; Peteran 4; Petroc 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

PHILIP DUVALSAINT SAINT Football I, Hockey 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4-, Oriental Club 4; French Club 3; M is­ sion Drive Comm. 3

DOUGLAS EASTMAN Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.


CHRISTOPHER FALCO CO OL BREEZE Student Council 2,3,4) Baseball 1,2,3,4; Paper & Pen 3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; Basketball 1,2$ Petroc 1,2; Intramurals l,2,3,4( Emmaus 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

THOMAS FARDELLONE M A D M AX Wrestling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Italian Club 2,3; Emmaus 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2

TONIO FAVETTA CRUSHER W restling 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Eucharistic M in is足 ter; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Homeroom Pres. 3,4

JOSEPH FEENEY Football I; Wrestling 1,2,3; Gymnastics 2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4

ANTHONY FERRARO C O M M IE Chess Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; German Club 3,4; German Exchange 3; Golf 1,3,4; Wrestling 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3



ANDREW C. FESTA Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Honor Pin 1,2-, Chess Club I; Ski Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4-,

KEVIN M. FITZHENRY FITZ Hockey 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Football 1,3,4s Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,2; Irish Club I;

MICHAEL R. FLYNN THE SNEAKER MAN Dance Comm. 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Basket­ ball 2; Strategists Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;

MICHAEL S. FLYNN Basketball Capt. 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Frosh School Spirit Rep; Student Council 2,3, Trsr. 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 4; Prom Comm. 4-, Hugh O ’Brian Yough Ambassador 2; Em­ maus 4; Algebra Gold Medal I; English Gold Medal 2,3; Spanish 2 Silver Medal; Nat’l. Merit Commendation; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

HOW ARD FRANK HOWIE Intramurals 1,2,3; Homeroom Pres. 3;


SANDRO FRATTURA GROVE Soccer 1,2; Bowling 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Comm. 1,2,3,4; M ission Drive Comm. 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Camera Club 1,2,3;

MANUEL GALANG MANNY Computer Club I; Karate Club 1,2; Dramatics 2,3-, Oriental Club 3; Paper & Pen 3,4; Emma足 us 3-, Honor Pin 1,2,3;

DANIEL R. GALLAGHER DOCTO R G. Hockey 1,2,3,4; Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; Intra足 mural Staff 1,2,3; Computer Club I; Dance Comm. I;

JOSEPH GIANNELLA EGGER Italian Club 1,2.3,4; Bicycle Club 2,3;

HENRY GIL THE GILMAN Student Council 2,3, Exec. Comm. 4; Span足 ish Society 1,2,3,4; Liturgical M usic 2,3,4; Karate Club 1,2; Oriental Club 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Guitar Club 2,3; Rock & Roll Club 4; Band 4-, M ath Club 4; Paper 6 Pen 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.


STEPHEN P. GMITRO CHESTER French Club 3,4; Flockey 1,2.3, Capt. 4.

IVAN GOMEZ GLU Intramurals 1,3; German Club 2; Homeroom Pres. I, Rep. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Geometry Silver Medal 2; N.H.S.

EDWARD GRABOWSKI GRUBBA Computer Club 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Paper Editor 3, Staff 4; Irish Club 1,2; Dun足 geons S Dragons Club I;

6 Pen

DOUGLAS GRONDA DOUG E. FRESH Wrestling 1,2,3, Capt. 4, Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ital足 ian Club 3,4; Camera Club 4;

PAUL GRUNDLING GRUNT Football I; T.V. Studio 4; Italian Club 4, Cam足 era Club 2,3, Pres. 4; Computer Club 1,2,3, Officer 4; Petrean 3, Photo Editor 4; Petroc 2,3,4; Raquetball 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 3; Honor Pin 2.

CRAIG 6UARENTE Computer Club 2,3,4; Petroc 3





JOSEPH GUARINO OMAR Baseball 1,2, Capt. 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3; Chair足 man Spirit Comm.; Italian Club; 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Comm.; Student Council 4; Spirit Aw ard 2

LAIN GUTIERREZ T.V. Studio 3,4; Senior Prom Comm.; Com足 puter Club I, O fficer 2,3,4; Future Phys. Club 2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; N.H.S.

ROBERT HAGER HAGER C ross Country 3,4; Indoor Track 4; Ski Club 2.3.4, Bike Club 2,3,4

DANIEL HANIFIN GUMOUT Football 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3, Sec. 4; Spirit Comm. Chrm. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2,3, Senior Ed. 4; Weightlifting 1,2,3,4; H.R. Pres. 2,3> Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; N.H.S.








MARTIN HART MARTY Petroc 4; Literary Magazine Dance Comm. 3s


Camera Club


JOHN HEALY J.J. Karate Club 1,2; Chess Club 1,2,3; Computer Club 1,2s Guitar Club 4s HAP Tutor 4; Irish Club 4;

JOHN E. HENKES Petroc 1,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4s Junior Prom Comm.s Senior Prom Comm.; Football I; Em足 maus 3, Team 4; Irish Club 1,4;

MELVIN HERNANDEZ MEL H.A.P. Tutor I; Spanish Society or Pin 2; Bike Club 3,4;



CHARLES HOWLETT BUTTERFLY Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Bike Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4-, Senior Prom Comm.


KEITH HURYK HURYKULES Dungeons and Dragons 1,2,3; Literary M ag足 azine 3,4;

STEPHEN INN STEVE C ross Country 2,3, Capt. 4-, Indoor Track 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2; Hon足 or Pin 1,3;

MATTHEW JABLONSKI CRONOS Baseball 1,2,3,4-, Honor Pin 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club l> Emmaus 4;

ROBERT JABLONSKI JABBA Track 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Bike Club 1,2

GEROME JORDAN ROME Bowling 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1.2,3,4; Railroad Club 1,2; Computer Club I



KEVIN KELLY KELLY Hockey 1,2,3; Dramatics 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Comm.; Ski Club 1,2; Dance Comm 1,2,3


GLEN M. KELTON KELT Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2, Football 3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 4; Intramuralsi Flonor Pin 1,2,3,4 Greek Silver Medal 2i N .H .S .i Emmaus 4; Dance Comm.


MICHAEL KILKENNY KILLER Gym nastics 1.2,3-, Dance Comm.-, Junior Prom Comm.; Guitar Club 4; Executive Comm. Student Council; Spirit Comm.s M a 足 roon Marauder; T . V . Studio 3,4-, Dramatics 2,3,4


CHRISTOPHER S. KOTSOPULOUS CHRIS Tennis 1,2,3 ,4; Future Physicians ater Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4




DAVID M. LABRUNO KILLER Ice Hockey 2,3,4; Petroc 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; French Club 3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Bike Club 1,2,3; Oriental Club 4; Eucharistic Minister; Chess Club 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3-, Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4;

JOHN LANDIS RISING STAR Student Council 2; H.R. Pres. 1,3; Petroc 2,3; Paper and Pen 3; T.V. Studio 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 2,3;

DANIEL LAVECCHIA DANNY Football I-, Hockey 2,3; Computer Club I; H.R. Pres. I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;

BRIAN LAWLOR BRI Chess Club I, V.P. 2, Pres. 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4-, Spirit Comm. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Distin足 guished Scholar 4; Science Club 4, Comput足 er Club 4; Dramatics 4; N.H.S.;

AARON LAWRENCE A-ROCK Ebony Club 4; Intramurals 4; Football 4;


ROBERT LEAHY THE STREAK Senior Prom Comm.s Football 1,4s Swimming 1,2,3,4s Intramurals 1,2,3,4s German Club 2s Irish Club 4s H.R. Rep. I, Pres. 3,4s

JOSEPH LECOWITCH LEC Track i; Intramurals 1.2,3,4s Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3s Slavic Club 1,2,3,4s

EDW ARD LUBAS EDDIE Intramurals 1,2,3,4s Slavic Club 1,2,3,4s Honor Pin 1,2:

RAYM O N D LUISTRO RAY Band Is Oriental Club 1,2,3,4s Guitar Club 3; Radio Club 4s Studio Art 4s

LEONARD LUIZZI LENNY Stage Crew 2,3,4s Dance Comm. 3,4s Dun足 geons and Dragons 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4s


J A M E S M A C K IE W IC Z BIG M A C K Wrestling 1,2,3,4-, Slavic Club 1,2,3,4s Intramurals 1,2,3,4.



JOSEPH MANCIN O SMURF Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling Is Italian Club 1,2,3,4s Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.

MATTHEW MANNION MUNION Irish Club 1,2,3 Pres. 4i Football 4> Dance Comm. I,2,3,4i Wrestling 1,3s Petroc 1,2,4s Junior Prom Comm.s Intramurals 1,2,3,4s Senior Prom Comm.


M A R K M AURIELLO NHS: Honor Pin 1,2) Indoor Track 4; Basket足 ball Manager 2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Latin Am. Society 3,4; Radio Club I; Bike Club 1,2,4; Science Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

JAM ES M cDERM O TT Hap Tutor I; Irish Club 1,2,3,4-, Indoor Track 2-, Dance Committee 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2


M IC H A E L M cG RATH C O RKY Swimming 2,3,4; Irish Club; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3

T H O M A S M c V IC A R Strategists Club 2, V.P.-, Spirit Award 3; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Dramat足 ics 2,3,4; Hap Tutor 1,2; Stage Crew 3; Em足 maus 3; T.V. Studio 2,3, Dept. Mgr. 4; Speech Contest 1,2; Honor Pin I; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

A LA N M O L IN A DESI Football 1,4; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Emmaus 3; Spanish Club 1,2, Sec. 3; Junior Prom Comm. 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.


JOSE MONTALVO JOSE Spanish Society 4; Tennis 4;


ROBERT MULHOLLAND J.V. Soccer; Bowling 3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4;

ANTHONY MUSANTE T.V. Studio 2, A.V. mgr. 3, Tech mgr. 4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Stage Crew 2,3, mgr. 4;

WILLIAM NEAFSEY HERSHEL Football 2; Bowling 2,3, capt. 4; Golf 1,2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club I; Sr. Prom Comm.; Emmaus 4;

ROBERT NESTOR Cross-Country 2,3, capt. 4; Indoor Track 3, capt. 4; Outdoor Track 3, capt. 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4;

RAYM O ND NIEVES RAY Gymnastics 3,4-, Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Pe足 troc 4; T.V. Studio 2,3; Eucharistic M in is足 ter; HAP Tutor I; Computer Club 1,2,3,4-, Freeh Silver Medal 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4-, N.H.S.;

RICHARD NISBET STUBBS Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3, capt. 4; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Basketball Mgr. 2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Em足 maus 3, Team 4; Oriental Club 4-, Jr. and Sr. Prom Comm.


BRADLEY OHLMULLER SPUD Tennis 1,2,3, capt. 4; Basketball I; Soccer I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Radio Club;

RONALD PANICO Wrestling I; Honor Pin 1,1. Computer Club l;

GEORGE PAPADAKIS RALPHADAKIS Forensics 2,3,4, Paper and Pen 3,4; Dramat足 ics 2,3,4, Greek Medal 2,3; Computer Club 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3;

JOHN PARADINE INTO GLORY RIDE Hockey 1,2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2; Intra足 mural Comm. 2,3,4; Bike Club 1,2,3,4, Junior Prom Comm.; Senior Prom Comm.;

ROBERT PELIER D.J. ROB Radio Club; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,4; Science Club 4; L.A. Society 1.2,3,4; Karate Club 1,4; Outdoor Track 4;


ARNEL PEREZ Indoor Track I; Raquetball Club I; H AP Tutor I; Tennis 2; Oriental Club 4;

W IL LIA M PERKINS W.O.P. Ill Football 1,2,4s Track 3,4s Ebony Club 1,2,3,4s Irish Club 3; Spanish Society 3; Chess Club


DA N IEL PETERS Dance Comm. 1,2; French Club 3,4s Outdoor Track 1,2; Honor Pin I; Emmaus 4; Gymnas­ tics 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;


i M IC H A E L P O M P EO POMP Literary Mag. Ed. 3,4; Track 1,2,3; Chess Club 2,3; Spirit Comm. 4; Petroc 1,2; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3;

STEPHEN PRESA STEVE Petroc 2,3, Ed. 4; German Club 2; Honor Pin 1,2; German Gold Medal 2;


CHRISTOPHER PRIME POKEY Dramatics 2, stage mgr. 3, prod. mgr. 4; Student Council 2,4; Soccer 1,2; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Spirit Award 3; Honor Pin I;

DENNIS QUISH DOG T.V. Studio 3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Dance Comm. 4; Ski Club 3,4;

KEVIN RAINIER Swimming 3; Wrestling 4; Computer Club 3,4; D SD Club 3;




JOSEPH RASLOW SKY RAZ Soccer 2,3,4-, Petrean 3; Slavic Club l,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4)

A M IT RASTOGI GANDHI Tennis 2, mgr. 3,4S Fut. Physicians Club 2,3, pres. 4; Radio Club 1,2,3, V.P. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio l,2,3,4i Computer Club 1,2,3,4, HAP Tutor 1,2,3, N.H.S.

FREDERIC REGENYE FRO T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Dance Comm. 4> Ski Club 3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4; Literary Mag. 4; Fut. Physicians Club 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Em足 maus 4; N.H.S.

JESUS REVILLA ZEUS Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Society 4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Computer Club 2; Chess Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;

O R L A N D O REYES ORLY Spanish Society 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 4; Track 4; Karate Club I; Gym nastics 2,3; Em足 maus 3, Team 4,


THOMAS RILEY BIRD Soccer h Basketball 1,2,3, Capt. 4: Baseball 1.2s Honor Pin 1,2s Spirit Award Is Irish Club 1,4s Jr. Prom Comm. 3: German Club 3s Em足 maus 3s Latin Intro Silver Medal I;

FRANK ROMANO Football Is Intramurals 1,2,3,4s French Club 3, V.P. 4s Sr. Prom Comm.s Italian Club 3,4;


THEODORE ROMANOWSKI DIE HARD Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Comm. 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 2; Honor Pin 2,3;

STEVEN ROMERO STEVIE Football 2,3; Petrean 3, Sports Ed. 4; M is足 sion Drive Comm. 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4; Spanish Society 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1.2;


RIC H A R D ROSCELLI ROCHE Dramatics 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Emmaus 3; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Honor Pin I;

M IC H A E L RUDNER ADADDON J.V. Hockey 1,2; Intramurals 3,4;


SEAN RUSSELL R O SC O Tennis 1,2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Prep Mag. 3,4; M ission Drive Comm. 3;


KENNY SABOGAL BEAST Student Council 2,3,4) Petrean 4> Soccer 2,3,4) Track 1,2,3,4-, Spanish Society 2,3,4> Italian Club 4> Bike Club 2,4-, Sr. Prom Comm.) Radio Club 2> Intramurals 2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Eucharistic Minister; Italian Gold Medal 2, N.H.S.


ADRIAN SAWCZUK THE DOUCHE Slavic Club 1,2,3,4) Gymnastics 3,4) Prom Comm. 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4) Chess Club 1,2,3,4, T.V. Studio 2,3,4;

JOSEPH SCHEURER BOOBIE Basketball 1,2,3,4> Baseball 1,2) Irish Club 1,2,3,4) Emmaus 3; Senior Prom Comm. 4;

WILLIAM SCHEURER OPIE Football 1,4; Irish Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Stage Crew 2; German Club 2;


JAM ES SCHMITTLER RABBIT Intramurals 1,2,3,4-, Honor Pin 1,2,3,4-,

T H O M A S SCHNEIDER T Swimming 1,2,3,4-, Senior Prom Comm.) Slav足 ic Club 2,3,4) Computer Club 1,2,3,4) T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4) Fut. Physicians Club 2,3, pres, 4> Honor Pin 1,2,3; Science Gold Medal; N.H.S.

CHRISTOPHER SCLAFANI SCALF N.H.S.-, Football 2,3,4; Honor Pin I; Weightlifting 2,3,4; Field 2; Racquetball Club 2,3; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4-, T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Intra足 murals 1,2,3,4; H.R. Pres. 3-,

SEAN SEXTON RED Baseball 1,2,3,4) Basketball I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club I; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,3,4;

FR A N C ISC O SILVA FRANK Computer Club 2,3; Track 2; Outdoor Club 4; Fut. Physicians Club 2,3;


DAVID SOUTHERN Basketball 2,3.4; Computer Club I; Dance Comm. 2.3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4;

NICHOLAS SPERDUTO Italian Club 2; Radio Club 4; Intramurals I;

JEFFREY STABILE JEFF Petrean 3, Activities Ed. 4, Basketball 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 4, Honor Pin 1,2,3; Home­ room Pres. 2,3; N.H.S.

MARK STAPPENBECK MARKIE Football I; Track 1,2,3, capt. 4; Homeroom Pres. 3; Prom Comm. 3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Latin Gold Medal 2; Alg. II Gold Medal, Chemistry Gold Medal 3; Spirit Award 4; Nat’l Merit Commendation, N.H.S.i


NOEL TA NTU ICO Band 2,3, pres. 4; Jazz Ensemble 2,3,4; Li­ turgical group 3,4j Intramurals l,2,3,4> Com ­ puter Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4> O ri­ ental Club 4; N.H.S.

D A N N Y T APIA BIG BIRD Basketball l,2,3,4i Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3,4i Football 4;

RAAFAT "R A L P H ” TOSS BEEB Computers I; Chess Club 2,3; Dramatics 3,4s Intramurals 1,3,4! Petrean 4; T.V. Studio I; Dungeons and Dragons l,2i

CHARLES TREFURT CHUCK Honor Pin 1.2,3; Band It Italian Club 1,2; Intra­ murals 1,2;


FRANCISCO TRIGO T.V. Studio 2,3, mgr. 4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3; Spirit Award; Honor Pin 3,


SCOTT TUZZO TUZ Basketball 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 4; Dance Comm.

RODRIGO UMALI RICKY Petroc 1,2,3, Ed. 4; Soccer 2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; French Club 4; N.H.S.;



SCOTT VILLA T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Italian Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3;

ANTHONY VILLAR TONY Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Soccer Trainer 4; Petroc 2,4-, Ski Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3-, Honor Pin 1,3; English Gold Medal I-, Spanish Gold Medal 2;

KENNETH VONSHAUMBURG UWE Varsity Swimming 1,2,3, capt. 4; Golf 1,3 Forensics 4; Emmaus 3-, Computer Club 3,4 Irish Club 4; Bike Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Ski Club 2,3;

KEITH WALL Forensic 1,2; Student Council 2.3, Pres. 4 Dance Comm. 2,3, Chrm; Ski Club 2,3,4 T.V. Studio 3,4-. Dramatics 2,3, Prod. Mgr. 4

WILLIAM WILKES B-FINE Football 1,2,3, capt. 4; Intramural Comm. 4; Irish Club 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3, Exec Comm. 4-, Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track 4;


DANIEL WILLIAMS DANNY Bike Club l; Petrean 2-, Dramatics 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Latin II M ed足 al; Homeroom President 4;

STEPHEN WISNISNIEWSKI W IZ Bike Club 1,2,3; Intramural Comm. 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2; Sr. Prom Comm.-, Computer Club 4; Dance Comm. I;

JOHN WOLLEON WOOL Intramurals l,2,3,4;

KERRY W OMACK RUDE BOY Basketball 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4, pres.; Jug 1,2,3,4-, Intramurals 3,4;


NICHOLAS W O OD NICK Football 1,2,3, capt. 4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Basket足 ball 1,2; Student Council 4; Homeroom President 1,2,3; Honor Pin 3; Irish Club 1,2,3, treas. 4, Intramurals 1,2,3,4;


M ARC YELVERTON MICHAEL Literary Magazine 3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Dance Comm. 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Computer Club 2; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin h

TIBERIUS ZAHARIA TIBSY Soccer 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tennis 4-, Italian Club 3,4; Math Club 3,4; Prom Comm. 4;

DAVID ZALL J.V. Hockey 1,2,3,4; Bike Club 1,2

ALFONZO ZAMARRA Intramurals Club 3,4





Cross Country 1,2,3,4s Spirit Award Is Indoor Track l,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,capt.4; Petrean 2, Underclassmen Ed. 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; T.V. Studio 2s Honor Pin 1,2,3s Dance Comm. 2,3s H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2sN .H .S.



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INDEX STUDENT BODY A Abdur-Rashed, T. (3): 110 Abesamis, A. (I): 75 Acosta, A. (4), 150, 54, 122, 133 Acosta, J. (3): 97 Adams, R. (I): 77 Addvensky, E. (4): 150, 36, 52 Adornetto, B. (2): 92 Aguiar, A. (4): 150 Ahern, D. (2)- 85 Ahn, M. (4): 150, 116, 49,' 52 Alerte, A. (I): 78, 119 Ali, F. (3): 103 Alicandri, A. (2): 93, 110 Allen, S. (3)= 101 Ambrosio, J. (4): 150, 142 Ambrosio, M. (4): 151, 142 Anderson, T. (I): 72 Andretti, D. (I): 75, 129 Ang, L. (I): 75 Aniello, V. (I): 44, 76 Ansteth, J. (3): 100 Antico, P. (I): 76 Antuna, G. (I): 76 Applegate, R. (3): 99 Apruzzese, J. (4): 151. 53 Arceo, J. (2): 85 Archer, B. (4): 151, 53, 124 Arriaga, J. (I): 76 Arriaga, M. (4): 151 Arroyo, R. (1): 74 Atchison, K. (2): 88 Aumack, S. (I): 79


Backus, R. (I): 75 Bai, M. (3); 99, 48 Baratta, C. (I): 74 Barbire, M. (3): 98 Barlow, D. (I): 52, 75 Barua, E. (2): 90 Basil, T. (3): 96, 142 Bautista, R. (4): 151 Bautista, R. (4); 152 Bayerlein, F. (2): 91 Bayona, F. (3): 104 Beduya, S. (I): 77 Bellido, C. (2): 86 Bellinger, K. (4): 54, 152 Bellino, J. (I); 72 Bellotti, G. (2): 85, 110 Benebe, B. (2): 90


Benzaleski, P. (3): 103 Benzija, W. (2): 87, 37 Bernardo, J. (2): 86, 128 Betkowski, F. (4).- 152, 122, 133, 41, 44, 67 Bible, C. (3): 103, 110, 112 Biernacki, S. (4): 152 Bigelow. R. (3): 100, 130 Bigg, R. (2): 93 Bleach, R. (2): 85 Bludgus, R. (4); 132, 152 Blunda. T. (3): 97, 130 Bocco, P. (3): 96 Bondarowicz, M P (I): 75 Bonet, J. (4): 153 Bonner, 0. (I): 73 Borino, M. (3): 97 Boushay, J. (4): 153 Bowling, B. (I): 79, 119 Boyle, M. (2): 128, 93, 110 Brancatella, V. (3): 116, 37, 96 Brennan, J. (3): 103 Briamonte, F. (4): 44, 153, 130, 41, 53 Brodbeck, K. (I): 75 Broderick, D. (I).- 74 Brown, G. (I); 114, 78 Brown, G. (2): 92, 130 Brown, S. (3): 97 Bruton, A. (3): 97 Bruton, B. (I): 75 Bryant, M. (2).- 92 Bryngil, D. (3): 96, 138 Bulalacao, E. (I): 73 Bullock, A. (3): 103 Burgess, D. (4).- 153, III, 142, 54, 110. 113 Burke, E. (I); 72, 114

" H e w a sn 't k id d in g ! H e really d id fail us all!" Burke, J. (I), 77 Burke, P. (4): 153 Burke, V. (4): 154 Burrell. D. (I): 78, 114, 129 Bustillo, R. (I), 77, 114 Buzzelli, P. (3): Id, 48 Byron, S. (2): 92


Caamano, R. (3): 97

Cabezas, A. Vfc 79, 114 Cabrera, A. (2): 91, 122 Calderon, P. (2): 90 Calicchio, J. (2): 86 Camaligan, R. (2): 128, 88 Camaya, J. (4): 154, 52, 67 Cammarota, P. (I): 77, 22, 72, 114 Campen, P. (2): NO, 90 Camporeale, C. (3): 103 Camporeale, M. (I): 72, 114 Canseco, E. (3): 103 Cantada, E. (2> 85, 92 Cantelmi, M. (4): 154, 53 Capizzi, P. (3): 99 Carbone, R. (4): 154 Cardino, D. (2): 87 Carlson, J. (4)s 154, 52 Carney, S. (3): 100 Casler, J. (4): 155, 133, 37 Castro, J. (2): 84 Casulli, E. (3): 101 Casulli, T. (I): 74, 114 Catania, C. 92): 92 Cavallucci, T. (3): 130, 97 Celentano, R. (3): 99, 133 Celentano, W. (3): 97 Centeno, J. (3): 100 Cepeda, N. (4): 155 Cervino, A. (I): 129, 74 Chait, N. (2): 91, 133 Chandra, B. (4): 155 Chase, C. (2): 91 Cheatam, E. (2): 90, 110 Checorski, D. (4): 155 Cherchio, R. (I): 76 Chesnavich, R. (I): 74 Chiang, D. (4): 155 Chipelo, P. (I): 77 Chirichella, V. (4): 156 Chrisos, V. (2): 87 Christensen, J. (3): 101 Cinurchin, W. (4): 156, 66 Cioffi, S. (4): 156 Ciok, D. (4): 156 Clancy, B. (3): 103 Clark, J. (3): 98 Cocca, M. (3): 103 Comandatore, K. (4): 156, 132 Conklin, C. (4): 156 Conklin, J. (I): 72, 114 Connell, J. (I): 79 Conticello, J. (I): 73 Conway, B. (3): 133, 100 Coogan, J. (3): 132, 99, 130 Cooney, E. (I): 75, 114 Cooney, M. (I): 75 Cooney, W. (3): 98 Cooper, E. (2): 84 Corcoran, P. (3); 103 Correia, M. (I): 76 Corwin, D. (3): 96, 124, 142, 136 Costello, P. (4): 157 Cotton, M. (2): 93 Cox, J. (3): 98 Cozine, M. (4): 157 Cronin, J. (3): 99 Crowley, M. (4): 157, 41, 142 Cruz, E. (4): 157, 140 Cuevas, W. (4): 157 Culhane, C. (2): 90, 128 Cunningham, P. (2)t 87 Curran, D. (2): 87 Cush. P. (2): 89 Cutola. D. (3): 142


D Amato, L. (I): 74 Damico, T. (I): 77

D'Amore, D. (I): 72 Dandorph, M. (4): 158, 65, 110 Dang, V. (I): 73 Dang, V. (I); 72 Dangcil, W. (4): 158 Darragh, A. (3): 120, 144, 96 Davis, R. (3): 103 Deakyne, W. (3); 37, 98 DeBernardo. T. (2): 88 DeBonis, J. (2): 133, 90 Dechter, J. (4): 158 DeCresce, C. (I): 129, 74 DeFilippis, J. (2): 87 DeFino, A. (4): 158, 139 Degnan, D. (I): 119, 138 De la Cruz, A. (3): 99 de la Pasion, L. (2): 86 DelPiano, G. (3): 100 DeLuca, D. (I); 79, 138 DeLuca, S. (4): 158, 130, 140, 37, 41, 53 DelVecchio, C. (4): 159 DelVecchio, K. (3) 136 DelVescovo, A. (4): 159 DeMarco, L. (I): 76, 114 DeNunzio, C. (3): 96 DePinto, D. (3): Id DePinto, N. (3): 96 DeRose, J. (4): 159, 110, 37. 142 DiAngelo, E. (3): 103 DiCostanzo, T. (2): 120, 144, 85 Dilley, J. (3): Id, 116, 133, 49 Dimler. R. (2): 93, 120, 144 DiNardo, C. (2): 89 DiNardo, S. (2): 88 Dixon, M. (I): 73 Dizon, M. (4): 159 Doll, J. (I): 76 Domingo, E. (3): 102 Done, A. (I): 73 Donnelly, D. (2): 92 Donnelly, M. (3): 140, Id Doody, M. (4): 159, 139 Doroszczyk. C. (2): 92, NO Downey, M. (3): 103 Dubon. J. (4): 160, 110. 132 Duda, S. (2): 92 Dunn, P. (4): 160, 65 Dunstan, W, (I): 78 Duque. M. (3): 37, 102, 116 Dutkiewicz, S. (4): 160, 44 Duvalsaint, P. (4): 160, 130 Dzubina, T. (2): 91


Eastman, D. (4): 160, 142 Ebanks, R. (2): 84 Egar, J. (3): 110, 100, 112. 113 Equia. J. (I): 73, 119 Elio, R. (3): 44, 98, 120 Elio, R. (3): 98 Elson. M. (2): 133, 87, 120, 144 Empestan, R. (3): 98, 136 Esposito, C. (2): 85 Estrada, D. (2): 93 Estrada, M. (I): 75 Evans, W. (3): 97 Evidente. B. (3): 97, 122


Faiano, T. (I): 120, 79. 144 Fairfield, R. (3): 99 Fairfield, S. (I): 79 Fajardo. J. (3): 133. 44, Id Falco, C. (4): 161. 36 Fall. K. (I), 79

Fals. S. (I): 73 Fardellone, J. (I): 75 Fardellone, T. (4): 161 Fatal, D. (I): 78 Favetta, T. (4): 161, 136 Feeney, J. (2): 85 Feeney, J. (4): 161 Ferguson, R. (3): 44, 100, 122 Fernandez, C. (3): 54, 102 Ferraro, A. (4): 161, 59 Festa, A. (4); 122, 162 Figueroa, M. (I): 76 Figurski, M. (2): 89 Finn, T. (3): 102 Fitzhenry, D. (3): 37, 47, 110, 97, 132

Giblin, T. (I): 79 Gifford, M. (3): 101, 59, 140 Giglio, J. (3): 97, 37 Gil, H. (4): 163, 36, 60 Gil, R. (I): 74, 129 Gillard, J. (2); 89 Gillard, T. (3): 110, 100 Gillespie, J. (2): 89 Gilvey, M. (3): 96 Giordano, L. (2): 93 Glatt, T. (I): 76 Gmitro, S. (4): 164, 130 Gnecco, M. (2): 90 Goldrich, D. (2): 90 Goldsworthy, G. (I): 139, 76 Golizio, M. (I): 73

Henn, G. (3): 103 Henneberry, R. (2): 89 Hernandez, H. (I)j 76 Hernandez, M. (4): 166 Hernandez, R. (3): 103, 122 Hester, J. (2): 84 Holzmann, H. (2): 84 Hoppe, D. (3): 99 Howard, S. (3): 124, 102 Howlett, C. (4): 167, 130 Hu, J. (I): 78 Hughes, C. (I): 75 Hughes, J. (3): 132, 98, 122 Hughes, J. (2): 116, 37, 86 Hummell, S. (4): 167 Huryk, K. (4): 167 Hyjek, A. (3): 100


lies, G. (3): 98 Illy, W. (3): 100, 120, 138 Inn, S. (4): 167, 120, 144 Iqbal, W. (I): 78 Iza, J. (I): 72


A mind is a terrible thing to waste ... W hat happened? Fitzhenry, K. (4): 110, 130, 113, 162 Flanagan, J. (2): 37, 86, 110, 128 Flusk, S. (3): 97 Flynn, M.R. (4): 124, 162 Flynn, M.S. (4): 36, 162 Fogu, J. (I): 76, 130 Fonticoba, R. (2): 92 Formoso, J. (I): 75, 114 Fortunato, J. (3): 140, 101, 110 Fortunato, M. (2): 90 Francisco, A. (I): 77 Frank, H. (4): 162 Frattura, S. (4): 163 Fritz, M. (I).- 76, 130 Froio, A. (2): 91, 132 Fuqua, A. (2): 90 Furrer, E. (3): 99


Gaibor. H. (3): 48, 101 Gajewski, M. (2): 43 Galang, M . <4> 163 Galati, M. (3): 96 Gallagher, D. (4): 132, 163 Gallagher, M. (3): 101, 124 Gallo, M . (I): 72 Gannon, C. (3): 100 Garcia, G. (I): 77 Gargiles, W. (3): 130, 101 Gargiulo, E. (I): 44, 72, 129 Garry, R. (3). 116, 103 Gatewood, B. (3): 60, 101 Gaughan, P. (I): 72 Gavin, M. (I); 73 Geoghegan, J. (2): 88 Geoghegan, J. (I): 79, 114 Gerald. N. (I): 44, 79 Giannela, J. (4): 163

Gomez, I. (4): 164 Gomez, J. (3): 102 Gomez, SP (3): 103, 67 Gonsiewski, W. (3): 97 Gordon, J. (I): 74 Gordon, J. (2): 90 Grabowski, E. (4): 164 Granados, A. (I): 78 Granell, S. (I): 77 Granelli, K. (3): 101, 116 Grieshaber, R. (3); 144, 100, 120 Grogan, J. (2): 86 Gronda, D. (4)= 164, 136, 110, III Gronda, R. (I): 77, 114 Gruhn, R. (3): 103, 130 Grundling, P. (4): 164, 67 Guarda, M . (2): 87 Guarente, C. (4): 165, 139 Guarino, J. (4): 165, 37, 142 Guarino, M. (I): 44, 77 Gutierrez, J. (3): 102 Gutierrez, L. (4): 165, 44 Guyre, D. (2): 86


Hager, R. (4): 120, 165 Haggerty, B. (I). 73 Hanifin, D. (4): 165. 110, 44, 53, 66 Hanks, D. (4), 166 Hanna, F. (3): 96 Harris, D. (I): 77 Hart, M. (4): 48, 166, 44 Hartnett, R. (I): 78 Harvey, M. (I): 79, 114 Haughney, B. (I): 79, 129 Healy, J. (4)-: 166 Henkes. J. (4): 166

Jablonski, J. (2): 37, 91 Jablonski, M. (4): 167, 142 Jablonski, R. (4): 168 Jablow, L. (3): 44, 52, 96 Jakubik, E. (I): 133, 73 James, G. (2): 91, 110, 137 Janega, G. (I): 78 Jimenez, C. (I): 77, 119 Jimenez, R. (2): 85, 116, 119 Jordan, G. (4): 168, 139 Joshi, S. (2): 87 Juby. J. (I)= 73 Juenge, M. (3): 99 Jurgelevicius, A. (4): 168 Juskiewicz, P. (2): 88, 110


Kachel, J. (I): 75, 129 Kane, C. (3): 103 Kapoor, S. (I); 78 Kashuba, J. (4): 168 Kawalek, S. (I): 78 Kealy, J. (2> 124, 128, 140, 86 Kearney, S. (2); 93 Kearns, S. (3): 103 Kegelman, S. (I); 79 Kelly, D. (I): 72. 144 Kelly. J. (I): 129 Kelly. K. (4): 168 Kelton. G. (4): 169, 142 Kenny, M. (I): 78 Kenny, M. (2)= 91 Keohane, E. (2): 86 Kern, D. (4): 169 Khan, S. (I): 78 Khawaja, A. (3): 98 Khawaja, H. (2): 90 Kilkenny. M. (4): 36. 41, 169 Kim, C. (3): 98 Kim, J. (I): 74 King, M. (2); 86, 130 Kirchgassler, E. (4): 169 Kleid, D. (2): 88 Knorowski, K. (3): 96 Koehler. S. (I): 78 Kollmer, J. (3): 97 Koncicki, R. (I): 76, 133 Kopycinski, A. (3): 97, 138

Kosiba, T. (3): 100 Kotsopulos, S. (4): 140, 169 Kukowski, E. (I): 79 Kushnir, B. (3):98 Kushnir, G. (3): 133, 99 Kushnir, P. (I):76 Kwon, V, (l)i 74


LaBruno, D. (4): 60, 170, 132 Labus, M. (I): 75, 119 Laconti, J. (I); 79 Lagermasini, A. (I): 72, 119 Lagermasini, P. (3): 103, 116 lago, C. (I). 60, 74 LaMantia, V. (2): 86 Landis, J. (4): 170 Langon, B. (I): 77 Lapine, D. (2): 91 Latko, J. (3): 100 Lau, T. (I): 74 Lavarro, R. (3): 122, 136 Lavarro, R. (2): 87, 137 Lavecchia, D. (4): 170 Lawless, M. (3): 103, 120, 144 Lawlor, B. (4): 170, 59 Lawrence, A. (4): 110, 170 Leahy, R. (4): NO, 171, 133 Lecowitch, J. (4): 171 Lee, R. (I); 78, 114, 43 Lee, C. (2): 86 Leitao, M. (2): 87 Lempa, P. (2): 88, 124, 128 Lepis, B. (I): 79 Leung, R. (I): 78, 119 Lindsey, H. (2); 85 Lindsley, W. (2): 91, 122 Linskey, M. (2): 86 Lleonart, O. (3): 102 Lopez, J. (I): 78, 119 Lopez, R. (2): 91 Lo Re, V. (2): 87 Lorenzo, A. (I): 74 Lowicki, C. (3); 97 Lubas, E. (4)= 171 Luistro, R. (4): 60, 171 Luizzi, L. (4)= 171 Lynch, J. (I): 72 Lyons, D. (I): 77 Lyons, K. (2): 91


McAuliffe, J. (I): 44, 79 M cCann, K. (|):77, 129 M cCarthy, S. (2): 84, 128 McDerm ott, J. (4): 173 McDerm ott, K. (I); 73 McDonough, T. (3): 99 McEwen, B. (2): 91, 60 McGlynn, K. (I): 73 McGrath, M. (4): 133. 173 McGuire, P. (3): 100 McLeod. B. (2): 90 M cVicar, T. (4): 173


Macawili. W. (3): 99 Mackiewicz, J. (4): 172 Maglione, D. (2): 86 Mahoney, B. (4); 60, 172 Majmudar, K. (3): 102 Malanowski, D. (I): 72 Mallard, K. (2): 88 Manchisi, L. (4): 172


Mancino, J. (4); 172. 110 Manion. D. (3): 103 Mannion. M. (4): 133, 172, 53, Marafioti, G. (3): 101 Marini, J. (3): 101 Marino, J. (I): 79, 114 Mariquit, A. (I): 73 Markowski, E. (3): 101 Marri, J. (I): 119, 75 Martin, E. (2): 37, 93, 128 Martin, J. (3): 102 Martins, A. (I): 75, 144 Martinez, A. (2).- 92 Mason. S. (2): 90, 110 Matta, C. (I): 74 Matta. F. (2): 85. 128 Mattey. T. (I): 76. 132 Mattey. W. (3): 99 Matticola. M. (2): 84 Mauriello. M. (4): 173

N Nakar, C. (I): 75 Namnama, L. (2): 85, 122 Nata, J. (3): 102 Naval, E. (I), 73 Neafsey, W. (4), 139, 174 Neals, H. (3), 48, 100 Nestor, E. (2), 91 Nestor, R. (4), 138, 120, 175 Nevedomsky, M. (2), 93, 116 Ngo, T. (I), 116, 76 Nguyen, S. (I), 76, 116 Nieto, J.J2): 128, 91 Nieves. R. (4): 122, 175 Nisbet, R. (4), 41, 129, 175 Nisbet, R. (3), 96, 124 Nolan, G. (3): 97, 130 Nolan, V. (4), 175

What did you say about my mother?”

Would you trust these guys to orient your frosh brother? Mehta, M. (I), 78, 144 Mehta, S. (I): 76 Menake, D. (I), 79, 129 Mendoza, D. (I): 73 Mercado, C. (2), 87 Merluza, V. (3): 103 Metcalfe, C. (3), 96 Mielo, J. (I), 75 Militello, W. (3): 49, 97 Molina, A. (4), NO. 173 Molina, L. (I), 76 Montalban, P. (I): 76 Montalvo, J. (4): 174 Monteforte, J. (2), 91, 124, 128 Moore, K. (2): 87, 139 Moore, T. (2), 87, 128 Morris, K. (4), 174 Morris, K. (2): 93 Morris, P. (2), 85 Morrissette, 0. (3), 100 Mulcahy, G. (3), 99 Mulholland, R. (4): 174, 139 Munro, A. (I), 78, 119 Murphy, G. (3): 49 Musante, A. (4), 174, 44 Myer, W. (I), 73 Myers, J. (I): 79, 120, 144 Myers, R. (3), 99, 144

Nugent, R. (2): 84 Nunes, D. (I), 77, 137


O’Connell, E. (2), 93 O ’Connor, B. (2), 90 O ’Connor. S. (2), 85 O ’Connor, T. (3): 100, 110 O'Donnell, J. (I), 78 O ’Hare, T. (2), 86, 119 Ohlmuller, D. (2), 93, 60, 140 Ohlmuller, J. (4): 175 Oliveros, 0. (2), 93 Olszewski, K. (2): 86 O ’Neill, K. (I), 74, 114 Opalach, P. (3), 103 Ordonez, C. (3), 97 Orellana, R. (3), 44. 98 Orlina, A. (I): 77 Ortega, A. (I), 76, 119 Ortega, A. (3), 96, 116 Ortega, D. (I), 72 O ’Shaughnessy, E. (I), 76 O ’Shaughnessy, M. (3), 44, 102 Ostendorf, S. (3), 100, 122 O'Sullivan, K. (2), 84 Owens, J. (I), 74, 114

Pacillo, J. (2), 88 Padilla, W. (I): 75 Paguiligan, J. (2), 59, 88, 138 Pallarca, E. (I), 77 Palmer, C. (2), 91 Palomares, A. (I), 77 Panico, R. (4), 176 Pantozzi, R. (2), 87 Paone, T. (I), 72, 114 Papadakis, G. (4), 176 Paradine, J. (4), 176 Park, I. (3): 99, 110 Parlavecchio, M. (I), 79 Partoza, P.K. (2), 93 Parziale, P. (I), 79 Patel, C. (2): 85 Patel, V. (3), 102 Pawlowski, P. (3): 102, 124 Pedro, T. (2), 84 Pelier, R. (4): 54, 138, 176 Peluso, R. (2): 88 Penaskovic, D. (2): 87 Pepe, N. (I): 75 Pereira, A. (4): 176 Pereira, P. (3): 103 Perez, A. (4> 177 Perez, C.(2): 87 Perkins, G. (I), 74. 114 Perkins, W. (4): 177, NO Pernia, C.(2), 92 Peters, D. (4): 122 Petti, P. (I), 72 Pichirallo, G. (I), 74 Piersa, J. (3): 102 Pietruska, D. (3), 103 Polack, E. (3): 98 Politewicz, L. (2), 84 Pomares, C. (I): 74 Pompeo, M. (4), 41. 177 Poueymirous, J. (3): 97, 132 Powell, P. (I), 78 Preckajlo, J. (3), 100 Presa, S. (4), 177, 57 Price, W. (3), 37. 103 Prime. C. (4): 44, 48, 178 Proenza, M. (I), 72, 114, 129 Pronti, S. (3), 97


Quish, D. (4), 44, 178


Rachinsky, J. (I), 73 Raeford, C. (3), 96, 110


Rainier, K. (4), 137, 178 Ramirez, D. (I), 72 Ramirez. R. (I), 78 Ramos, A. (4), 178 Rapacki, S. (4), 178 Raslowsky, J. (4): 116, 179 Raslowsky, K. (3), 100 Rastogi, A. (4):60, 140 Reardon, C. (3), 44, 99 Reczka, R. (2), 86 Regenye, F. (4), 44, 179 Reilly, M. (3), 100, 124, 133 Remishofski, J. (I), 74 Repoza, A. (3), 43, 102 Revilla, J. (4): 52, 179 Reyes, 0. (4), 179 Ricco, R. (I), 74 Riley, T. (4): 53, 180 Riolo, D. (2), 88, 122 Robalino, W. (I): 77 Roberts, G. (I): 76 Robetto, 0. (I), 75 Rodriguez. A. (3), 101 Rodriguez, G. (2): 89 Rodriguez, M. (2): 93 Rodriguez, W. (3): 102 Rogers, D. (I): 78, 120, 144 Roman, M. (I), 78 Romano, F. (4).- 180 Romano, F. (4): 180, 132 Romano, G. (3): 101 Romanowski, T. (4): 180 Romero, S. (4), 66, 180 Rosa, A. (4), 181 Rosado, M. (2): 90 Roscelli, R. (4), 181 Rossetti, M. (I), 76 Rovere, D. (2), 84 Roxas, S. (I): 74 Rubin, S. (I): 76, 129 Rudner, M. (4), 181 Ruiu, A. (3): 97, 116 Ruiz, H. (I), 74 Rushforth, R. (2), 93, NO Rushforth, W. (4): 181 Ryan, P. (2), 119, 87

Sabogal, K. (4), 116, 182 Sabusay, G. (2), 87 Salandra, E. (I), 79 Salau. E. (2): 44, 88 Salomon, P. (3), 100 Salvemini, S. (2), 90 Sammartino, D. (3): 101, 110 Santomauro, W. (I), 75, 133 Santos, N. (3): 102, 116

Sa-onoy, W. (3): 97 Sari, S. (4)= 182 Sarmiento, A.(2): 88 Sawczuk, A. (4): 122, 182 Schait, B. (I); 73 Schaplowsky. I. (I): 79 Scheurer, W. (4): 110, 182 Schifano, T. (I): 75 Schmidt, C. (I): 75, 120, 144 Schmittler, J. (4): 183 Schneider, T. (4): 133, 183 Schneider. W. (2): 110, 37, 52, 91 Schork, R. (2): 89, 137 Schroeder, D. (3): 99 Sciarra, C. (3): 103 Sclafani, C. (4): 110, 183 Scocco, J. (I): 77 Scott, G. (3): 98, 110 Sexton, B. (I): 78 Sexton. S. (4): 183, 142 Seymour, D. (I): 79 Shah, B. (I). 78 Shaw. M. (I): 88 Shea, J. (2): 93 Sheeran, J. (2): 89, 138 Silva. F. (4): 183 Simao, J. (3): 98 Simone, J. (I): 75 Simonetti, M. (I): 76 Sindle, G. (2): 91, 110 Singh, P. (2): 86 Siniski, C. (3): 102 Skorka, D. (2): 86 Smith, R. (I): 73 Sollecito. P. (2): 90 Somers, J. (I): 78 Soto. B. (I): 74 Southern, D. (4): 184 Spadora, P. (2): 110, 93, 136 Spann, B. (I); 76, 139 Sperduto, N. (4): 184 Speronza, P. (2): 93, 132 Stabile, J. (4): 66, 184 Stancavish, D. (I): 72 Stanczak, J. (3): 58, 99 Stanowski, P. (4): 184 Stanziano, D. (3): 96 Stappenbeck, M . (4): 120, 144 Stefans, B. (3): 98 Stefko, W. (2): 44, 88 Stewart, A. (2): 90, 110 Stokes, P. (2): 92 Stupinski, G. (I): 72, 116 Stypa, M. (3): 100 Sullivan, V. (I): 74 Swabsin, P. (2): 86, 133, 37


Tabora, C. (3): 43, 102 Tacik, T. (4): 116, 185 Taite. L. (I), 72 Tanteo, R. (3): 100 Tantuico, N. (4): 185 Tapia. D. (4): 124, 185, 110 Tarantino, D. (I): 73 Thompson, J. (2): 84, 130 Thorning, J. (3); 98, 110 Tolentino, R. (I): 74 Tolstyk, M. (I): 75 Toss, R. (4): 185 Toussas, D. (2): 85 Toy, J. (3): 97 Trassari-Puro, J. (I): 72 Treacy, E. (I): 78 Trefurt, C. (4): 185 Trigo, F. (4): 186, 37 Trilles, R. (2): 88 Tronco, L. (2): 86, 110 Trotman, R. (2): 85, 128

Truong, T. (I): 78 Tuohy, R. (2): 91. 110 Tuohy, T. (3): 37, 103, 110 Turner, M. (4): 186 Turner, T. (3): 97 Tuzzo, J. (3): 44, 100 Tuzzo, S. (4): 186


Ubelhoer, K. (I).- 73 Umali, R. (3): 97 Umali, R. (4): 186, 57, 116 Umali, R. (I): 79 Urban, J. (4): 186 Usarzewicz, M. (3): 98

Zamarra, A. (4): 190 Zeller, P. (4): 67, 190 Zieleniewski, M. (2): 90, 133 Zimmermann, T. (3): 138, 102 Zingaro, C. (2): 89, 136 Zupko, J. (3): 98

FACULTY Mrs. Helen Argyelan: 32 M iss Susan Baber: 28 Mr. Gerry Bellotti: 17, 110, III Rev. Raymond J. Balduf, S.J.: 29 Rev. Arthur C. Bender, S.J.: 28,



Valente, J. (3): 101 Valente, M. (2). 84 Van Blarcom, J. (2): 86 Van Orden, P. (3): 99 Vargas, A. (I): 75 Varsalona, P. (I): 77 Vassallo, L. (3): 102 Vaughan, P. (3): 99 Vaughan, R. (3): 99 Viggiano, D. (I): 73 Villa, S. (4): 44, 187 Villar, A. (4): 116, 187 Vining, P. (2): 87, 91 Vita, J. (I)= 78 Vita, J. (2): 93 Vlacich, S. (3): 44. 100 Voicu, M. (2): 90 Volcy. J. (2): 93, 110 Von Schaumburg, K. (4): 187. 133 Vukan, K. (2): 86


Walker, A. (2): 91 Wall, K. (4): 187, 36, 44 W ay, S. (2): 90 Webb, R. (1): 74 Webster. E. (3): 96, 110 Weierman, R. (I); 77 Wentworth, S. (2): 44, 89 W ernock, G. (3): 96 W est, K. (I): 79 Whitehead, E. (2> 92 Wiley, M. (I): 73 Wilkes, W. (4): 54, 110, 100, 187 Williams, D. (4): 44, 188 Williams, J. (I): 73, 120, 144 Williams, S. (2): 89, 128 Williams. T. (3): 96, 120, 137 Williamson. D. (3): 103 Willis. M. (3): 110 Wilson, D. (3): 124, 110 W isniew ski, S. (4): 64, 188 Witt. M. (I): 73 Wolleon, J. (4): 188 W om ack, K. (4): 54, 142, 188 W ood. E. (I): 76. 133 W ood, N. (4): 110, 112. 140. 188 Worobiej, M. (2): 90, 110


Yautz, S. (4): 189 Yelverton, M. (4): 189, 44 Zaharia, T. (4): 189 Zaleck. C. (I)= 75, 133 Zall, D. (4): 132, 190

Mr. G regory F. Boyle: 21 Rev. John E. Browning, S.J.i 27, 55, 120, 144 Mr. Claudio M. Burgaleta, S.J.: 19, 48, 66, 85 Mr. John P. Campion: 24 Mr. John Casey: 24, 44, 62 Bro. Ralph Cilia. S.J.: 33 Mr. John V. Cinciarelli: 31 Mrs. Kathleen M. Costantini: 28 Mr. Harry R. Dammer: 27, 124 Mr. Kenneth M. Dandorph: 16 Mr. Joseph E. DellaFave: 28 Mr. Carl S. DeLorenzo: 28 Mrs. Donna Derise: 19 Rev. Charles F.X. Dolan, S.J.: 17 Rev. Edward I. Dolan, S.J.: 18 Mr. William J. Donahue: 19, 58 Rev. James S. Foley. S.J.: 18 Mr. Patrick Foley: 25 Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone: 19 Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons: 32 Mrs. Lucy Furka: 33 Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro: 18 M iss Ana J. Garcia: 19 Bro Thomas J. Garvey, S.J.: 29, 40, 200 Mr. Michael A. Gray: 28 Rev. Francis J. Hamill, S.J.: 17 Mr. Richard C. Hansen: 31, 110 Bro. Paul Harrison, S.J.: 33 Mr. Michael Hogan: 17 Mr. James Horan.- 24, 57 Mr. Robert P. Howard: 14, 15, 22 Mr. Alvarado Idelfonso: 33 Dr. Richard L. Kennedy: 25 Mr. Walter B. Koszyk: 25 Rev. James F. Kuntz, S.J.: 16 Mr. Raymond LagO: 30 Ms. Adele M. LeCalvez: 21 Rev. William T. Lundy, S.J.: 16, 133 M rs. Barbara A. Martin: 21 Mr. Joseph A. Massarelli: 25, 38. 39, 64 Mr. Robert A. M e Guinness: 22 Mr. Donald E. Merrick: 21 Rev. Stephen F. Meany, S.J.: 17 Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J.: 26, 40, 42 Mr. Robert F. Mulvihilh 31, 46, 47 Rev. Thomas V. O 'Connor, S.J.:

20 M rs. Patricia E. O ’Grady: 26, 84 Deacon, P. O'Neill: 26, 59 Rev. Harold J. Oppido, S.J.: 18 Rev. Joseph P. Parkes, S_).: 16, 80, 81 Mrs. Rita Pawlikowski: 32 Mrs. Iona Prilop: 32 Rev. Frederick J. Pellegrini, S.J.: 23. 56

FACULTY Mr. John R. Raslowsky: 20, 56, 116, 119 Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J.: 24 M iss Elba Roque: 23 Ms. Kathleen Rowan: 29 Mrs. Dolores Russell: 32 Mr. Robert Sayer: 30, 50, 51, 104 Mr. Lou Scarpa: 33 Mr. Lance Silvestris: 27, 43 Ms. Maria L. Smith: 23 Rev. Edward J. Snyder, S.J.: 29 Rev. David X. Stump, S.J.: 20, 45, 49 Mr. Joseph Tamburelli: 30, 49 Rev. James A. Thompson, S.J.: 25, 36, 37 Mrs. Judith A. Uriarte: 19 Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh: 32 Mrs. Joan B. Ward: 31 Rev. Ercel F. Webb: 27 Ms. Norma D. Wilke: 26, 92 Ms. Adrianne H. Wozniak; 23 Bro. Joseph C. Wuss, S.J. 16 Mrs. Ethel Wynn: 32 Ms. Beatrice M. W ysocki: 22



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yAUL GRUNDLING Photography Editor

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ANDY MURRO Publisher’s Representative 198

A great deal of work goejs into the production of a yearbook. M any times, an editor’s job is a thankless one. In light of this, we, the editorial staff of the 1986 Petrean, would like to ex­ press our gratitude to those who helped us. First, we would like to thank Mr. Claudio Burgaleta, S.J., our "Savior”, for working miracles. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to Fr. Fred Pellegrini S.J., for accepting a role he did not want. W e would like to thank the administration, particularly Fr. Joseph Parkes, S.J., for its support, both spiritu­ al and financial. W e would also like to express special thanks to the following for their contributions: to Fr. John Mullin for the use of his typewriter and for a special contribution; to Ethel W ynn and the switchboard operators for the hundreds of "outside lines” and for holding the key; to Mr. Jack Casey for his help with the dedication; to M ike Ahn for his free photos-, to "B ig A l” Idelfonso and the maintenance staff for their help with paint­ ing the old room and moving to the new room; and, finally, to Andy Murro and the Jostens Co. for putting up with us, the editors of "the book that almost wasn’t.” *'



Even as graduation celebrates our years together, we realize the inevitable separation from Prep, from one another, that follows. At Christmastime, we un­ expectedly knew the pain of that separation in the sudden death of Brother Thomas Garvey, S.J. "Bro. Garv” was our teacher, counselor, guide on the road to Emmaus, our friend — in every sense a real brother to us all. In his presence we grew in self­ esteem. He opened our eyes to our uniqueness and our strengths, and so, we could keep everything else in our lives in perspective. We are thankful that we shared our lives and our love with Brother Garvey and we entrust him now to a new life with the Lord. His gift lives on in each of us — 'I am me and I am okay, "and "All will be well, all will be well.”



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