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P E T E R 'S d o r m e t t o
P R E P o a w i e l
k e v i n ^a t c h i s o n BARuA F R E D & R X C K B A Y S R LEll U L U D O gp. e g o r y BE L L O T T 3 BEWJAMIlu B E U E B E W A l T E R BEW2I3A J oHt i ' BBRUARDO A o B E R T B I 6 G R o ft E r t BLEACH a r c e o
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V A S IL IO S c h r i s o s PABLO CALDERON J ohn I O RAU L pA m i l i g a m o s v a l d o CARDALES TERENCE Co o l e y JONATHAN CASTRO CHRIS c A t a u x a M i c h a e l c o t t o n c h r i s CULHANE PATRICK C U N fsl I N 6 H A M TERREmcE CURRAN PAUL CUSH J ohn de p i l i p p x s T homas DICOSTANZO ROBB.RT DIHLER CHRISTOPHER blMARDO DAulO Do n n e l l y Sa l v a t o r e d i u a r d o CHR-i s t o p h e r Do r o s z c z y k Stanley d u d a tom d ^ u e i w a Ri c h a r d e b a n k s MICHAEL ELSON CHRISTOPHER ESPO SlTc b A U D E S T ^A D A JOHN P- E E N E V H t ^ h » P I 0 U R S kLX FR'Q IO GX L L A R D GW E C C O G RO G A N GU A R D A HE S T E R
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Diversity is that state of differences found in all of our lives. It is found in all areas of one's personal life, I among all people, and especially our class. However, nowhere is diversity best found than in the wider universe I we inhabit. ' 0 The very phenomena which constitute the cosmos account for its diversity. The night sky holds many secrets. The stars, which appear white to us, actually run the entire spectrum in color. No two of the billions of stars in the galaxy are exactly alike. All have different characteristics: color, size, even the paths that their lives will i take. Orbiting some of these stars are planets â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all of which may contain items of which we could never begin to imagine. The heavens contain many other wonders â&#x20AC;&#x201D; nebulae, black holes, stars that shine like lighthouses, S clusters of bright, new stars. No matter where you may travel, or how long you travel, there will always be I surprises. Boring is not a word for what lies all around us. The same can be said about Prep. Our diversity, while not as extensive, still holds surprises. Each element of the Prep community is extremely different from others. These diverse elements include differences in backgrounds, styles, experiences of the | school, as well as a wide variety of courses, student activities, athletics and instructors. In the pages that follow j we will celebrate and highlight this diversity which has characterized our days at Prep.
DIVERSITY OF I At Prep there can be found a diversity of styles. O ur styles of dress range from the disheveled look to the preppy. O ur hairstyles vary; the just-w okeup look to spikes. No one in Prep ever looks exactly the same, not even the Salm on twins. T he full clos足 ets of Prep students guarantee a diversity o f styles. Despite the form al dress code, Prep students find numerous ways to create their own styles. Styles have also changed over the years. Some things that are common today would have been considered ta足 boo just a few years ago. O ur diversity of personal足 ities and cultures assures us of a school that "has the look."
O ur school is not u nlike the United States - a great tapestry of cultures. W e are not a school that caters to only one background. A diversity of cultures adds to the general diversity of the school. Each person brings his heritage and cultural beliefs to compare and contrast with others'. Prep allows each person to experience what the real world is like. W e learn how to deal with beliefs that differ from our own, and we may also learn from those same beliefs. W e leave Prep with a broader view of the world than we ever had before.
D iversity is found in the wide variety of activities and academics offered at Prep. T h e curriculum consists of a wide variety of studies that help prepare for any career. A student can also choose to be involved in a wide variety of activities and sports. Both the activities and the sports in volve the students in th eir school and increase th eir pride. Both a ctiv i足 ties and academ ics prepare us for the future.
T h e fate o f an en tire year at Prep rests on th e shoulders of th e Sen io r class. T h is year, the fortu nes o f all the people at our school depend on a diverse group o f tim id freshm en who have grow n in to an experienced group o f all-k n o w in g seniors. T h e Class o f 1988: o f a m ultitude o f co n flictin g personalities, cu l tures, styles and experiences. Y et it is th is same co n flict that makes th e S e n io r class w hat it is. O u r diversity blends together to create an image unique am ong all others. N ow here can the same com b in ation of personal ities be found; n or can d ifferen t cultures and ideas be shared in the same way. O u r rem em brances o f our four years at Prep are u n lik e an y others'. A ll of these elem ents have helped each one o f us grow in to the person he is today. T h is picture, although not co n ta in in g all o f the seniors, shows the wide range o f people in our class. It is a cross-section o f all o f us. Som e are pensive; others are going w ild. Som e talk qu ietly to th eir friends; others try to scream over the din. Som e calm ly en jo y th e rally ; others w ant to get involved. H ow ever, one picture ca n n o t fu lly de scribe the d iversity o f our class. T h e opening pages o f th e 1988 P etrean try to exp lain a d ifficu lt concept in more d etail. Let it be said, though, th at th e same events th at have m arked our four years w ill never occur again. T h e Class o f 1988 cele brates its diversity.
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Each of US the class of 1988 c eter's P e F e*P efn en £es of St. . . P- aCn or US has made II ' / Otner students, as u
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S.P.P. Spirit: For the past four years I have exper ienced a tremendous feeling of school spirit. W heth-
T he participants in these activities bring the Prep com munity close together. Perseverance: T he Prep builds character in its students. Through my school*n8 I have grown to realize the importance of hard work and dedication. * P*11*! Lempa % %
dents are enhanced by the activities offered at Prep.
poth in the classroom ld outside of it, and now we ave the Prep as better people r having succeeded at Prep.
M y four years at Prep have been an experience I will never forget. Old friends and new friends have supported me and each other in time of need. I have never exper ienced the spirit and comraderv as Prep has offered. Now 1 sadly come to realize the tjm c for us to say goodbye has arrived, but I am happy know ing we have spent the best time of our lives togeth er. - Good Luck David Riolo ’88 % %
Cr il in the during classes or at a sports event, students' enthusiasm seems to shine. PersonaIity: T h c m jn y different personalities of the stu-
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I entered as a boy . . . frightened, unsure of what I was to become. Homework and responsibilities piled high — what a welcome! After settling down, I became involved in activities and sports that I en joyed. But most im portantly, I made great friends who support me when 1 need it and who keep me going. VVith these friends I enjoy school — yes, school is fun! M y greatest Prep experience was making the great friends I have. Now, as I leave, I am a man — mature and knowledgeable. Although I may not know what will become, my friends and St. Peter's Prep ha\e helped me learn the most impor tant lesson: who 1 am! Thanks. - “ M ean'' Gene Keohane '88 a. \
fou r years ago, when 1 entered Prep as a " h ic k " from YVhitehouse Station, the big cold world ol a city school frightened me. I threw myself into schoolwork, and just as impor tantly , into a vast number of activities. I soon found a great number of special friends, both students and faculty, who helped me to grow into a mature Christian person. M y four years have been more than great memories; they have provided a foundation of solid values'and lasting friendships. - tdw ard R. M artin, Jr.
XPERIENCES In my four years at the Prep, my growth as a hu m an has been just as im portant as academic growth. I learned not o n ly what is taught from books, but also, what is taught from the heart. Both were integral parts in the developm ent of the you ng m an I am today. ~ % % -F ran cisco M atta ^
I always thought that I'd never be a S e n io r, and now that I am, I don't feel like one. It was like I went hom e one a fte rn o o n a Freshm an and came back a S e n io r the next m ornin g. A fter all the hardship though, I could not have im agined h a v in g spent these years an y w h e re else. I guess now the real fu n starts. - R a lp h P antozzi
D u rin g the four years at Prep, the school has helped me prepare for the life ahead. It's been great for me in football, play ing for a wi n n i n g tradition. T h e friends and teachers have helped me to becom e a better person. -Pat Cam pen
St. Peter's had a great im p a c t on m y l i f e . Teachers not o n l y taught me scholastically, but also how to be a re足 sponsible, mature adult. 1 have made numerous true friends. Friendships that will last a lifetime. St. Peter's has helped me put my future on the right path. -G eorge " Z e k e " James
Brother Wuss told me last year as he spotted me on the first day of Fresh足 m an Or i e n t a t i o n , he feared I would not 'cut it.' But, by the support, excellent teaching, friendships, and deter足 m ination that I found at Prep, I was able to make a n a me for m y self. B r o t h e r W u ss s u b s e 足 qu en tly m entioned to me that he was glad that he was wrong. God bless vou and good luck. O h , and bv the wav, vou still look MAHVELOVS! -Je ffre y R. Jablonski
In the Sen ior class o f 1988, a great diversity o f personalities can be found. In some cases, these vary in g p e rso n a litie s cause co n flict and dissension. M ore often, however, op posites w ill attract. These personalities en rich our school in a way n othing else can. A school o f stu dents w ith the same per sonalities would be a poor one indeed. St. Peter's Prep is graced w ith a wide range o f personalities. W e have the wildness o f D ave Es trada and the reticence of K en O lszew ski. W e have W alt Benzija, a leader of activities, and Greg Bellotti, a leader in sports. O u r school has the ath letic ability o f R ob Schork, and the academic ab ility of R alph Pantozzi. O u r per sonalities iriclude in tro verts, such as Paxton M or ris, and extroverts, such as George James. T here are reserved musicians, like T o m D iC o s ta n z o , an d flam b o y an t posers, lik e B ill Stefko. A ll these per sonalities m ake Prep what it is: a com m unity o f di verse people who com e to gether as one school.
The faculty, know n as the foundation of Prep, is also made up of a group of diverse ind ivi足 duals. Numerous teachers with different backgrounds and per足 sonalities come together as the Prep Faculty. These teachers may differ in the amount of time they are teaching, the sub足 jects they teach, and even in their basic teaching methods. They all, however, come togeth* er as an efficien t, united team that gets the job done w elt
DIVERSITY IN LEADERSHIP Father Edward F. Salm on, S .J., a 1954 graduate of St. Peter s Preparatory School, Jersey C ity, has been named president of the Jesuit school, effectiv e Ju ly 1, 1987. Fr. Salm on w ill replace Fr. A rthur C. Bender, S .J., who has served as in terim president since last summer. A native of Jersey C ity, Fr. Salm on attended St. A loysius G ram m ar School. He entered the Society of Jesus im m ediately follow ing his graduation from St. Peter's Prep and continued his education at Bellarm ine College in Plattsburg, N.Y. Afterw ard, he taught at the A teneo de M anila, a Jesuit school in the Philippines, before co n tin u in g his theological studies at W oodstock College. Fr. Salm on taught at H oly Fam ily Academ y, Bayonne, from 1967 to 1969 and has worked in an industrial rela tions capacity for a New Y ork C ity firm . Follow ing his recent studies at both Fordham U n iver sity and W eston College in Cam bridgej Mass., he was assigned to his cu rrent position as chap lain at Xavier High Sch ool in M an h attan .
EDWARD FRANCIS SALMON KBS 1,2,3,4; Sodalitity 1,2,3,4; Consultor 2; Knights 3,4; Classical Academy 2; Petroc 2,3, Editor 4; Debating 1; French Club 4; Homeric Academy 3,4; Intramurals; Soft ball 1,2; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Medals; General Excellence 1; Math ematics 1; Religion 1; Minstrel 3
Petrean: (P): What are your impressions of Prep and its people I since your arrival? [ Fr. Salmon: (Fr.): Terrific. Great. Cooperative, enthusiastic. Tal ented. Concerned, vibrant. Yeah, all those things. (P): What do you feel are your responsibilities as president of [ Prep? (Fr.): My primary responsibility, as I see it, is to help create an f atmosphere within which real learning can continue to go on. And when I say learning, I mean learning for everybody who is part of what makes up the Prep community. Creating an atmo sphere and providing the means whereby all those gifts and talents | can be enabled to grow and develop and mature. In this way, we can continue to take advantage of, in the very best sense of the word, all. of the gifts and talents and abilities that the people in this community have. (P): In what direction do you plan to lead Prep in the next few years? (Fr.): Into the future. First of all, this is a Jesuit school, and Jesuits and Jesuit schools hopefully have always been at the service of the Church. The Church, I believe, is calling us to develop and make use of the gifts and talents that each one of us has. So I would first of all like to lead St. Peter's in the direction of being of service to the Church in today's world. Secondly, I would like to lead St. Peter's into the future by leading us to look outward so that we can take advantage of all the good things that are out there, especially in the field of education. I think in terms of providing faculty with the time and means to
enable them to continue to keep up to date with some of the living, vibrant ideas. Things such as Prep Day give people an experience of the world that's larger than Grand and Warren. (P): How involved do you think the President of Prep should be in the daily life of the school? (Fr.): In all honesty, I would love to be in the classroom, but I cannot be everyplace at once. As far as the daily operation of the school is concerned, I am confident that: 1) we have serious stu dents; 2) we have an outstanding faculty; and 3) we have a fine group of administrators. Therefore, the day to day operation is something that I do not have to worry about. I see my role in the day to day operation as being someone who can be of assistance to people to allow them to continue to do and improve the jobs that they are doing. In order to do that, I some times have to be a public relations person. I also have to, in many ways, be a fundraiser. I therefore have to represent and kind of proclaim to people what it is that is going on here and why it is worthwhile. I can also be someone who can help the entire com munity be reminded from time to time of why we are doing what we are doing. As you get involved with the nitty-gritty day to day operation, you can get so involved that you forget why. And so the question becomes, "why do we bother?" Because there's something tremendously important going on here. And so I need to listen, so that I can get a real good sense of the things that are important to our people; the difficulties that they have. In that way we can move together.
DEDICATION T his man graduated from Im m aculate C onception High School, M ontclair, in the Class of 1944. He received his Bachelor's Degree from St. Peter's College as a member of the Class o f 1949. He has done graduate work at Seton Hall U niversity, New Y ork U niversity, and the Newark College o f Engineering. He received his M aster's Degree from Fordham U niversity in 1967. He has served two terms in the M arin e Corps. T h e first term com ing at the end o f W orld W ar II and the second com ing during the Korean C onflict. H e has raised five children w ith his w ife, Evelyn. T h is m an began his teaching career here at Prep in 1949. He has taught M ath since his arrival. In addition to teach ing here at Prep, he was adjunct Professor at St. Peter's College and Seton H all University. He is often described as dedicated, reserved, dependable, and talented. In apprecia tion for his years o f dedicated service to St. Peter's Prep, we the Class o f 1988 dedicate the 1988 P etrean to M r. Robert M cG uinness.
In past years the dedication for the P etrean has been decided by the yearbook staff. T his year, how ever, it was d ifferent. T h is year the entire Senior Class voted on this im portant part of the book. In this way this honor reflects the feelings of the en tire class. T h e words "W e the Class of 1988 dedicate the P etrean to " mean much more than they form er ly did. In this balloting, M r. M cG uinness came out ahead by a large m argin. W e hope this tradition of voting continues.
Mr. Idelfonso Alvarado
Mrs. Helen Argyelan
Director of Maintenance
Principal's Office
Ms. Susan Baber
Rev. Raymond J. Balduf S.J.
Mr. Gerry Bellotti
Latin 1 & 2; Moderator of Petrean; Moderator of Dance Committee
Dir. of College Placement; Chairperson of Guidance Department
Director of Development; Athletic Director; Head Football Coach
Rev. Erwin Beck, S.J.
Rev. Arthur Bender, S.].
Mr. Gregory Boyle
President's Office
World Civilization; Director of Maintenance
Biology; Intro to H.S. Science; Moderator of Science Clubs
Rev. Joh n E. Browning, S.J.
M r. C laudio M . Burgaleta, S .J.
M r. John Campion
Guidance Counselor; Study Skills; Religious Ed. 1 & 2; Director of HAP Program; Moderator of Track Team
Spanish 1; Religious Ed. 1 & 4; Moderator of PETREAN
Chairperson of the English Dept.; English 3 & 4; Coordinator of the Awards Dinner
M r. John Casey
Brother Ralph Cilia, S.J.
Mrs. Kathy Constantini
English 2 & 4; Genesis 9; Moderator of Dramatics Society; Irish club
AP U.S. History 1 & 2; Art History; Moderator of Student Council
Rev. James Croghan S.J.
M rs. Betty D andorph
Mr. Ken Dandorph
Administrative Intern, Principal's Office
Student Affairs Office
Pre-Calculus; Asst. Principal for Student Affairs
M r. Joseph E. DellaFave
M r. Carl S. DeLorenzo
Rev. Thomas F. D enny S.J.
U.S. History 1 & 2; Moderator of Baseball
World Civ.; Modern European History; U.S. History 1; Moderator of Tennis
Religious Ed. 1 & 3; Christian Service; Moderator of Latin American Society; Mother's Club
Mrs. Angela DePalma
Mrs. D onna Derise
Rev. Charles F.X. Dolan S.J.
Director of Cafeteria
Spanish 1 & 2; Chairperson of Modern Language Department; Moderator of National Honor Society
Vice President for Alumni Affairs
Dear Graduates o f the Class of 1988: "M a y God bless and keep you always M ay your wishes all come true M ay you always do for others and let others do for you. M ay you build a ladder to the stars and clim b on every rung and may you stay forever y ou ng." â&#x20AC;˘Bob D ylan Love, Ja ck Casey
Rev. Ed D olan, S.J.
M r. Bill D onahue
Latin 1 & 2; Moderator of Golf
German 1, 2 & 3; American Government; Forensics Coach; Moderator of the German Club
M r. Pat D onohue
M rs. Eileen D oolan
Rev. James Foley, S.J.
Personal Development 1 & 2; Religious Ed. 2 & 4; Moderator of the TV Studio
Guidance Dept. Secretary
D ear Class o f 1988,
Ms. Jeanne Esti Assistant Director of the Office of Public Information
As it has been said, "T h e wi sest thing is time, for it brings everything to ligh t." These four years that you have spent with us at St. Peter's, you have been illum inated w ith knowledge which will help you light the future. T h e lo y alty and honesty which you have shown among your peers, teachers, parents and neighbors, have proven benefi cial to bring honor to our society and the world over. Always work hard and honestly. As we know, " It is a worthier thing to deserve honor than to possess it." You have responded favor ably to the virtue of learning and of seeking the truth. Re member, the great task of a life time is to seek the ultimate truth, namely, God and His will. - M r. Leonard Fordellone
Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons President's Office
M r. Leonard Fordellone
Mrs. Lucy Furka
Ms. Ana J. Garcia
Italian 1 & 2; French 2; Moderator of Italian Club
Spanish 2 & 3; French 1; Moderator of Senior Prom
Dear Class of 1988, A book by Gutierrez entitled We D rink from O ur Own W ells is a remind er where your strength is as you leave St. Peter's Prep. You are asked to drink from the Living Water of the scripture "to look to the interests of the other and not your ow n" — to drink from the Ignatian Vision of a Jesuit school where you are asked to mold and shape and recreate a world of Justice and Peace — to drink from the love and care in your hearts — the love and care you shared with all of us these 4 years. I personally have been enriched by your welcome, your joy and your dedication. Continue this in the years ahead. E.E, Cummings said: "T o be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you every body else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight — and never stop fighting." D rink from your own W ells — the Lord is with you. God bless you and come back and see us. Rev. Tony Azzarto, S.J.
Mr. Michael Gray
Rev. Francis Hamill, S.J.
World Civ,; U.S. History 2; Coordinator of Voter Registration
Alumni Office; Moderator of Mothers' Club
Mr. Richard Hansen
Brother Paul Harrison, S.J.
Mr. James Horan
Physical Ed. 1,2,3,4; Genesis 9; Intramurals; Football Coach; Moderator of Ebony Club
Director of Office of Public Information
M r. R obert P. How ard
M r. R ich ard L. K en n ed y
M r. W alter B. KOszyk
Algebra 1; Geometry
English 2 & 4; Moderator of the Theater Club and Photography Club
English 1 & 3; Genesis 9; Moderator of the Bowling Team
D ear Class o f 1988, I believe th e message you w ill receive after you leave P R E P w ill be on e o f ind ividu alism and you w ill be tem pted to say: "1 w ant th is " and " I need th is ," " I desire a car, a house, a fam ily , secu rity ." If th e m an y fin e people w ho h ave shared P R E P w ith you have had an in flu en ce on you, you w ill tem per th at narcissistic message w ith a co n cern for o th 足 ers th at extend s to th e ends of the earth and encom passes every person th erein . Jam es F. K u n tz, S .J.
R ev. Jam es F. K u n *z> S .J. Principal
M s. Adele M . LeCalvez Introduction to High School Science; Chemistry; Oxfam; A.P. Program Coordinator
M s. Carol Larrabee
Mr. Joseph Massarelli
M r. Robert M cGuinness
School Nurse; Attendance Office
English 2 & 3; Intramurals; Basketball coach
Geometry; Algebra 2/Trig.
D ear Class of 1988,
Rev. Stephen J. Meany, S.J. Assistant to the President for Finance
A smile costs nothing, but cre足 ates much. It enriches those who receive, without making poor those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory lasts forever. If at times people are too tired to give you a smile, why not leave one of yours. For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none to give. Good Luck, Bob McGuinness
Mr. Donald E. Merrick Physics; Moderator of Collectors' Club
M r. George Moore
M r. Robert F. M ulvilhill
Rev. Thomas V. O 'Connor, S.J
Driver's Ed, Behind the wheel
Physical Ed. 1, 2, 3, 4; Director of Walkathon
Chairperson of Science Department; Chemistry; Director of State Textbooks
M r. Jack O 'D o n n ell
Mrs. Patricia O'Grady
Algebra 1; Geometry; Advanced Algebra and Geometry; Moderator of the Math Club
Religious Ed. 2, 3, & 4; Genesis 9; Moderator of the Oriental Club
To the Graduating Class of 1988: Teaching and knowing you has been a great exper ience for me, and 1 will miss you all next year. Never theless, now is the time for you to move on to new challenges and opportunities. Just keep the lessons and good memories of St. Peter's Alive: Together we made pilgrimages to so many places the theater (Drood, Fences), Sea Bright (Emmaus), meets, games, even to Canterbury, England! We met Hamlet (“Sulking and pouting in the corner like this" - and he is so-o-o intrinsically evil!) and the W ife of Bath. She touched off the war between the sexes and for fun we sold raffles for a "walkperson." Then we read the same story twice and discovered that the truth is not always readily apparent. Although we sometimes went 'round in (perfect) circles, we have Donne great poetry. Some of us even recited beautiful love poems! Later we came across a modest proposal and a brave new world, each a rational, logical solu tion to a problem, and yet so abominable and appall ing in their own ways. I'm sure you'll remember these works of literature and all they imply. You are "the expectancy and rose of the fair state, /The glass of fashion and the mould of form,/The observed of all the observers, / "(Hamlet) the leaders of tomorrow, competent and able. 1 wish you all the best. Love, Ms. Ann Schmidtberger
To the Class of 1988;
Remain open to life and the things it can teach you. Be will ing to explore the possibilities it offers you — life is a gift. Don't stagnate — enjoy! Much love, happiness, and success to each of you in the fu ture — you all deserve the best. Be happy. God bless, Kathy Pellegrino
Rev. Harry J. Oppido, S.J. Chairman of the Classics Department; Latin 1, 2 & 3; Greek 1 & 2; Moderator of the Ebony Club
Mr. John R. Ollinger
Deacon John O'Neill
Librarian; Moderator of the Library Club, Role-Playing Club
Chairman of the Religious Education Department; Religious Education 1, 3 & 4; Moderator of the Chess Team
Rev. Frederick J. Pellegrini, S.J. Assistant Chaplain: Emmaus Retreats; Moderator of the Junior Prom and Football.
Mrs. Kathleen Pellegrino English 1 & 3; Assistant Moderator of the Petroc
D r. R oy R . P ellican o Assistant Principal for Academic Affaris; Chairperson of the History Department
D ear Class o f 1988, " I fin d th at th e greatest th in g in th is w orld is n ot so m uch w here we stand, as in w hat di rection we are m oving. T o reach the port o f h eaven, we must sail som etim es w ith th e w ind, and som etim es against it, but we sail, and n o t d rift, n o r live at a n ch o r." — O liv e r W en d ell H olm es I have enjoyed sailin g w ith you. C o n tin u e to grow. Be at peace. Ja ck Raslow sky.
Rev. E n rico R a u lli, S .J.
M rs. L ucille R aysor
English 1 & 2; Moderator of the Hockey Team and Bicycle Club.
M r. Jo h n R . Raslow sky Health; Introduction to High School Science; Science and Technology; Head Soccer Coach; Director of the Mission Drive; Moderator of the Slavic Club
T o the Class of '8 8 1 offer this, my favor足 ite poem, by E.E. Cummings: In the time of daffodils W ho know the goal of living is to grow Foigetting why Remember how In time of lilacs W ho proclaim the i dream Remember sow Forgetting seem
i of waking is to
In time of roses who amaze our now and here with paradise Forgetting if Remember yes
Ms. Kathleen Rowan
Mrs. Dolores Russell
Guidance Counselor; Group Counseling; Director of Career Day; Oxfam
Secretary in the Principal's Office
In time of all sweet things beyond whatever mind may comprehend Remember seek Forgetting find And in a mystery to be W hen time from time shall set us free Forgetting me Remember me Much love, M r. Donahue
Rev. Edward Salmon, S.J.
Mrs. Catherine Ross
Business Administrator's Office
Ms. A nn Schm idtberger
Mr. David Settembre
Mr. Richard Shea
English 1 & 3; Moderator of Swim Team
Guidance Counselor; Study Skills; Group Counseling; Head Basketball Coach
Latin 1 & 2: Gym Rental Coordinator; Moderator of Swim Team; Stage Crew; Irish Club
Dear Class of 1988, Est autem amicitia nihiil aliud nisi omnium divinarum humanarumque return cum benevolentia el caritate consensio; qua quidem haud scio an excepta sapientia nihil melius homini sit a dis immortalibus datum. Cicero D e A m icitia However, friendship is nothing else but a harmony between al human and divine things in goodwill and love; indeed 1 scarely think that, with the exception of wisdom, anything better than this has been given to man by the immortal gods. Cicero, On F rien dship I've included a translation for those of you whose Latin might be a little rusty. Only the Ciceronian Latin could aptly express my thanks to you for your friendship over the past two years. You have made me feel at home in the Prep family and for that I am especially grateful. My thoughts and prayers shall be with you as you venture beyond the walls of Alm a M ater. As it was with the Apostles on the road to Emmaus, so, too, may you encoun足 ter the Lord on all your journeys. Peace, Rick - O - Shea
M r. Lance S. Silvestris
Ms. Lori Snyder
Religious Ed. 3 & 4; Director of Christian Service Program; Moderator of Paper and Pen
Guidance Counselor; Study Skills; Moderator of Soccer; Moderator of Art Club
Rev. David X. Stump, S.J.
Mr. Joeseph Tamburelli
Mr. Phil Toohey
Computer Science; Moderator of Computer club, Ski Club
Driver Education; Moderator of Ski Club, S.A.D.D.
Algebra 1; Algebra 2/Trig; Moderator of Petroc
To the Class of 1988,
M rs. Elizabeth W alsh Development Office Secretary
It has been a privilege to work with you and care with you. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your hard work and your friendship. I hope as you leave Prep you see your own wonder足 ful growth and accomplishment. Let this growth and accomplish足 ment be a sign of God's gifts to you and God's gifts in you. Now go continue to do with those gifts as you have done with them here - share them with others. M uch peace and love,
Fred Pellegrini, S.J.
Rev. Stacy Wolak, S.J. Business Administrator
Ms. A drianne W o zn iak
Ms. Ethel W y n n
Vis. Beatrice M. Wvsocki
Chairperson of the Conglomerate Dept.; Accounting; Business Law; Scheduling; Campus Shop
Switchboard; Director of Outside Lines
C hairperson of the Mathematics Dept.; Pre-Calculus; Calculus; Scheduling; Campus Shop
Dear Class of 1988: "A v e atque v ale" Love, Miss Sue Baber
Dear Class of 1988: Good - Bye, Good Luck, andGod Bless. Mr. Robert Zawistowski
Mr. David Yozzi
Mr. Robert Zavvistowski
Guidance Counselor; Health; Director of Testing; Moderator of Wrestling
Biology; Athletic Trainer; Coordinator of Blood Drive; Moderator of Slavic Club
Dear Class of 1988: Good Day Mate!!!" Best of Luck, Mr. Phil Toohey
TO P LEFT: Ms. Adele LeCalvez. TOP RIGHT: front row, left to right; Rajesh Ramsumair, Jason Swineford, Peter Strandes, Michael Skinner, Richard Santoro. Back row, left to right; Dewan Worrell, Christian Sammarco, Abra足 ham Zarran, Jeffrey Sisco. ABOVE LEFT: back row, left to right; John Bannon, Kenneth Collis, Andrew DiMeo, Steven Bijelic. Front row, left to right; Michael Cervino, Steven Brown, Rafael Ferrales. LEFT: front row; Ki Sok Kang. Back row, left to right; Ivan Guerra, Carlos Presedo, Jason Gers, Gabe Myron, Christian Otten.
ABOVE: first row, left to right; Elias Dau, Timothy Connelly, Michael Jimenez. Back row, left to right; Craig Flanagan, Gregory Leto, Joseph Calderone. BELOW: Rev. Ar足 thur C. Bender, S.J.
RIGHT TOP OF PAGE: front row, left to right; Jason Andreula, Ray足 mond Ortiz, David Mayi. Back Row, left to right; Antranig Kasbarian, Waldemar Boozer-Ayuso, Joseph Barroqueiro. ABOVE: first row, left to right; Sean Strickland, Victor Leon, Farrakh Khawaja, Michael O'Don足 nell. Back row, left to right; Simon Tsinman, Lazaro Guzman, Brendan McGee, Bradley Kloza, Romeo Macalintal, Dennis Duarte. Camera shy: Michael McGuire, Manuel Soto.
ABOVE LEFT: front row, left to right; Jaimie St. Marie, Orville Gonzalez, Robert Dejesus, Ronald Aro. Back row, left to right; Rommelito Gaddi, Nicholas Froio, John Padilla, Young Kwon. ABOVE: front row, left to right; Victor Pollio, Daniel Duran, Jeremy Bowen, Eugene Pompilio. Back row, left to right; Cosmo DeCeglie, Michael Regenye, Matthew Conway, John Hayes.
ABOVE: front row, left to right; Adam Beaton, James Har足 ding, Falgun Patel, Tobias Tolino. Back row, left to right; Morgan Haley, Joseph Grato, Nicholas Mangelli, Peter Vacca. Late for Homeroom; Jose Ruiz, Israel Caraballo. RIGHT: Ms. Ann Schmidtberger.
ABOVE: Fr. Thomas F. Denny, S.J. RIGHT: front row, left to right; Corrado DeCandia, Matthew Dilley, Jose Mateo, William Swart. Back row, left to right; Giuseppe Lamantea, Anthony Iglesias, Anth ony Morcilio, Gabriel Williams.
ABOVE: bottom to top; James Cerullo, Boris Talanczuk, David Rosciszewski, Miguel Sierra, Fabricio Pazminio, Jonathan Grogan. LEFT: left to right; Paul Evangelista, Peter Gannon, Keith Adams, Leandro Lolo, Robert Alverez, Christopher Briamonte, Ryan Prendergast, Andisheh Mahdavi.
ABOVE: Mr. Claudio M. Burgaleta, S.J. LEFT: left to right; Jason Abergas, Luis Ayala, David Bell, Domin足 ick Della Fave, Robert Cosenza, Corrado Brattoli, Brian Carrillo, Ante Benzija.
ABOVE: first row, left to right; Ronald Gain, Brian DiFeo, George Mercurio. Back row, left to right; Oswaldo Rossi, Michael Egan, Robert Hennigar. RIGHT: first row, left to right; Hugh Roarty, David Polo, Shawn Lindsay, back row, left to right; Robert Gray, Eric Stroud, Carlos Panchana, Jeffrey M artin. MISSING: John Volpe, Carlos Perez.
THE FAR OUT SIDE OF PREP Some things at Prep are simply beyond explanation. These oddities add to the diversity of the school. In these two pages, some “institu tions" at Prep are parodied. These cartoons are not meant to insult, but to humor. W e can take com fort, however, in the fact that no other school is as weird as Prep.
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Surprise^, PETROC MAKES D E A D L IN E !
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The score: Petrean 2, Petroc 0.
Riot helmet to prevent any brain damage from flying food.
Apple, in ready* to-throw position. Walkman provides easy concentration during riots. Gas mask in case of stinkbomb attack. Kneepads provide soft cushioning during hard falls. Sneakers provide *1 swift means of £0i escape.
Baseball bat to provide escape route from cafe.
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U/H« d o K o m e io o '^ c 4 -V>€» o l d *Poshid«r'^fll «ooy? We, Quorcuvhe®. ct one* *+ .0 ^ 3
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Prep riot shields available at the Campus Shop.
L _ 5-till c a r e s eno«3 >' *0 g ig l _____ I Wi.v^wcur-U- .-» »*•*<-
Spiked belt in case of hand to hand combat. JB\
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Other essentials for a peaceful lunch
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ABOVE: left to right; Frank Medina, Joseph Kist, Joseph Caposello, Omar Araos, Damian DeFex, Gennaro Vitale, Jeffrey Smith. ABOVE RIGHT: Mr. Philip G. Toohey. RIGHT: top row to bottom row, left to right; William Dwyer, Andrew Hood, Joseph Borowik, Frederic Fromfield, Brian Barulich, Dennis Granelli. BELOW: left to right; Rich足 ard Pierre, Jorge Maestre, Frank Schiavone, Loren Hart, Christopher Connolly, Anthony Polemini, John Lepore, Edward Valente.
ABOVE LEFT: Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J. ABOVE: first row, left to right; John Nam, John Cervino, George Lazopoulos. Second row; Lawrence Benn. Third row; Shane Phillipy, George Iskander, Christopher Welby. LEFT: Back row, left to right; Daniel Luipersbeck, Andrew Gerace, Jorge Quintero. Front row, left to right; Edward Black, John Clark, Mark Jersey. BELOW: Arthur Dimaya, Christopher Myers, Michael Albanese, Milija M ilic, Michael McCabe, Vincent Farese, Ryan Dacey, David Gubitosi, Darren Porter. BELOW LEFT: I wouldn't close my eyes around that bunch, Darren.
FRESHMEN 1H JACK HAMMERS LEFT: Mr. John R. Raslowsky. BE足 LOW: front row, left to right; Rob足 ert Clark, James Prieto, Marc Gon足 zalez, William Hanley. Top row, left to right; Virgilio Valdez, Robert Legnosky, Sergio Cabrera, Sacha Pierre-Louis, Todd Boland. Absent; Robert Brack, Alberto de Armas.
TOP RIGHT: top row to bottom row, left to right; Robert Dukic, Robert Corbett, Chau Nguyen, Julio Luna, Robert Austin, Hector Ruiz. RIGHT: top to bottom; David Frick, Robert Zamarra, Mar足 cus McCall, William Bengtson. LEFT: What, doesn't everyone study on the stairs?
RIGHT: Mr. Richard Shea. BE LOW: top row to bottom row, left to right; Sean Adams, Robert Salmon, Raymond Rivera, Dwayne An drews, Michael Gomez, Brian Scott.
ABOVE LEFT: clock wise from top right; Harry Murphy, Edwin Falcis, Oliver Rodri guez, Francis Gutierrez, Louie Ramos, Christo pher Pardo, Lee Dorry, Clement Fatovic, Rob ert M auri (hidden.) LEFT: top row to bot tom row, left to right; Patrick Chudy, Thomas Ferrari, Jeffrey Crowe, Marco Morais, Jeffer son Jimenez, Andrew Danilchick. RIGHT: Fi nally found a home, huh Mike?
ABOVE RIGHT: Ms. Susan Baber. ABOVE: front row, left to right; John Daly, Marlon Timones. Middle row, left to right; Bernardo Munoz, Keith McAlary, Randy Aldea. Back row, left to right; Michael Pedone, Alexander Ordenez, Rajib Aditya.
ABOVE: bottom row, left to right; Vladimir Rodriguez, Shaun Figueroa, Andres Ayrado. Second row, left to right; Joseph Tello, James Salmon. Top row, left to right; John Barnes, Christopher Russo, Amos Remy. LEFT: first row, left to right; Jeffrey Berezny, Kevin Lawless. Middle row, left to right; William Cheng, Joseph Lomnicky. Back row, left to right; Michael Struk, Juan Rivera.
ABOVE LEFT: Mr. Walter B. Koszyk. ABOVE: first row, left to right; Ernest Lozeau, Hoang Ngo, Jovito Pagkalinawan. Second row, left to right; Anshul Pandya, Munjal Patel, Rukman Wignarajan. Third row, left to right; Thomas Sinnott, Pawel Szynol, Justin Savino.
ABOVE: first row, left to right; Jonathan Diaz, Sean Cum足 mings, Khair Gamble. Middle row, left to right; Brian Gizzi, Randy Bruno. Back row, left to right; Abaid Choudry, Jo足 seph Gigante, Michael Baseluos. RIGHT: left column, top to bottom; Matthew Marino, Anders Lynch, Shafaat Khan. Right column, top to bottom; Thomas Hoetzl, Ranjan Khan, Craig Leitgeb.
A BO VE LEFT: D eacon Joh n P. O'Neill. LEFT: front row, left to right; Claudio Zamarra, David Monisera, Hirian Machado. Back row, left to right; Walter Scott, Christian Martin, Keith Bucher. ABOVE: A Religion test is not a good enough reason to block the stairway, David.
LEFT: front row, left to right; James Luke, Salvatore Arrigo, Back row, left to right; Joseph Prusko, Raymond Carr. RIGHT: front row, left to right; Garth Ferrante, Sando Bracewell, Cesar Celestino. Back row, left to right; Franklin Oliveros, Raymond Ficken, John LaRosa. Camera shy; Joseph Calizo, Steven Dudzinski.
ABOVE RIGHT: Mr. Gregory Boyle. ABOVE: front row, left to right; Joseph Ramos, John Sivo, Walter Piatkowski, John Lee. Back row, left to right; Omar Siddiq, Majid Sheikh, Marlon Sulli足 van, Bryon Alston. RIGHT: Stoned again, huh Charlie? BELOW RIGHT: front row, left to right; Richard Gutier足 rez, Michael Garner, Assad Jebara. Back row, left to right; Robert Geisler, Walter John Martin, Michael Gal. BE足 LOW: first row, left to right; James Brady, Andrew Edwards. Second row, left to right; Gregory Fredericks, Edgar Abesamis. Too busy studying the im足 plications of DNA; Philip Ippolito, James Carroll.
ABOVE LEFT: Mr. Jack O'Donnell. LEFT: front row, left to right; Jose Baamonde, Anto足 nio Pagkalinawan, Oscar Oyola, Jeffrey Adelung. Back row, left to right; Anthony Pasculli, Paul Mulcahy, Joseph Dargan, Mat足 thew Brady. BELOW LEFT: left column, top to bottom; Keith Pidane, David Hernandez, Andrew Bryant. Right column, top to bot足 tom; Shannon Mariniello, Michael Stefano, John Leshik. BELOW: front row, left to right; Jonpaul Pantozzi, Anthony Goff, Christo足 pher DeMondo. Back row, left to right; Dana Gaines, Joseph Scafidi, Marc Gizzi, Anthony Guma. Camera shy; Charles Iorio. ABOVE: Give the guys in the back their points for class participation, Mr. O'Donnell.
RIGHT: Mr. Patrick Donohue. LEFT: left column, bottom to top; Anton Bas, Christopher Chmiel, Carl Alfaro, Richard Cirminello. Right column, bottom to top; Jo足 seph Annillo, Paul Constantino, Pedro Briones, Joseph DiFoglio.
RIGHT: front; Donald Margaritonda. Back row, left to right; William Hoffman, Brian McMullen, John Dunphy, Edward Jones, David Lopez, Arnold Figueras. BELOW RIGHT: front row, left to right; Thomas Santiago, Arjune Samlall, Scott Prato! Back row, left to right; Donald Slane, Patrick Ahearn. Out to lunch; John Me Laughlin, Bernard Mercado, Francis Szklarski.
LEFT: Mrs. Patricia O'Grady. RIGFIT: left column, top to bot足 tom; Charles Baker, Crisan Cariaga, Kevin Burbank, Kevin Na足 poli. Right column, top to bot足 tom; Erik Cook, Anthony Galella, John Treanor, Joseph Proscia.
LEFT: left to right; Michael Maravilla, Thomas St. Hilaire, Virgil Page, Sam Bijelic, Joshua Tedeschi, Richard Icklan, Michael Brennan, Scott Benedetto, Nicholas Chiaravalloti. BELOW LEFT: front row, left to right; Christopher Rutkowski, Rick Rivera, Keith O'Connor. Back row, left to right; Keith Wassong, Christopher Parachini. Took a day off; Patrick Nestor, Robert Walenty.
ABOVE RIGHT: Mr. Robert P. Zawistowski. ABOVE: front row, left to right; Jose Mayo, Timothy Poppe, Matthew Lecowitch, Christopher Perkins, John Mielo, Christopher Montgomery. Back row, left to right; Michael Lui, Radley Macalintal, Brian Pawlowski, Colin Smith, Jonathan Zuchowski.
ABOVE LEFT: Mr. William J. Dona足 hue. ABOVE: left to right; Edward Schroeder, Leonardo Trasande, John Tudek, Domenic Jaworski, Stephen Hennis, Jean Paul W illi. BELOW: first row, left to right; Richard Hamilton, Alfred Tuason. Back row, left to right; Leonard Franco, Michael Luipersbeck.
ABOVE: back row, left to right; Timothy Tavolara, Don Saisorn, Christopher Gellene, Nirav Mehta, Kevin Grieshaber, John Wolfe, Michael O'Gorman, Richard Morabe. Front row, left to right; Jefferson Cartano, Richard Posluszny, Matthew Lindemon, Thomas Stack, Bill Donahue.
ABOVE: Mr. Robert P. Howard. RIGHT: left to right; Shawn Flanagan, Brian Christman, Mat足 thew Gorney, Michael Iorio, Joseph Mendez, Kenneth Ferrante.
ABOVE LEFT: left to right; Ralph DeMichele, Kingston Moy, Chan Byun, David Eisenbach, Frank Ashe, Alexander Galan. LEFT: left to right; Raymond Milkiewicz, Christopher Kaiser, Leonard Mecca, Fazad Ali, Kenneth Nippes, Louis Redondo, Sean O'Donnell. Absent; Mark Gilmore. ABOVE: If I were looking for a drug dealer, I'd pick the one in the middle.
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ABOVE: Rev. Edward Dolan, S.J. BELOW: left to right; Johnny Lim, Charles Boguszewski, Mi chael Rusignuolo, Peter Bonavota, Martin Farinola, Serge Fojas, George Yan, Daniel Gronda, Jacques Oliver, Joseph Narvaez, Joseph DeCeglie, James Strangeway, Mark Figueroa.
TOP OF PAGE: left to right; Robert Sugrue, Adam Talanczuk, Jason Delo, Erwin Andres, Mark Bauzon, Joel Buno, James Nadolski. RIGHT: The proud authors of D iet fo r H ealth and their first subject.
ABOVE: first row, left to right; Arsalan Shahzad, Haroon Rashid, Amer Sved Second row, left to right; Jeffrey Norton, Mark Zieleniewski, James Francesco, Robert O'Connor, George Lusch. Third row, left to right; Nicholas Minnucci, Hernan Jimenez, Haseeb Chaudhry. RIGHT: left to right; Ariel Dimaya, Peter Romero, Peter Mergus, Paul Scalia.
ABOVE: Dr. Richard Kennedy. RIGHT: first row, left to right; Anthony Orosz, Alfred Vetter. Second row, left to right; Antonio Garcia, Jo seph Szczepanski, John Sheehan, Joshua Reed. Back row, left to right; Chris Shaw, Anthony Blazini, Stanley Rosalsky.
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WINNER: George Janega. FIRST RUNNER UP: Tom Faiano.
WINNER: Joe Kim. FIRST RUNNER UP: Rick Gronda.
W INNER: Americus Abesamis. FIRST RUNNER UP: Billy Santomauro.
W INNER: Bernie Spann. FIRST RUNNER UP: Emmett Wood.
WINNER: Brian Langon. FIRST RUNNER UP: Thom Casulli. iS H S r T
i m
O lin n E E fl.
W INNER: Tom Paone. FIRST RUNNER UP: Brian Haggerty.
WINNER: Tom Faiano. FIRST RUNNER UP: Chris Schmidt.
W INNER: David "D ave" Ramirez. FIRST RUNNER UP: Jim "Ice" Lynch.
WINNER: John Scocco. FIRST RUNNER UP: Brian Haggerty.
WINNER: William Meyer. FIRST RUNNER UP: Don Rogers.
WINNER: Peter Antico. FIRST RUNNER UP: Dennis Degnan. S = R P T
D E I 1S 0 1 1 .
WINNER: Ed Jakubik. FIRST RUNNER UP: Tom Faiano. == ==
i n f l i n f -
W INNER: Oliver Cartano. FIRST RUNNER UP: Ed Jakubik.
WINNERS: Doug Seymour
Kevin O'Neill. FIRST RUNNER UP: Tom Anderson - Karl Ubelhoer.
TOP LEFT: left column, top to bottom; Bernie Spann, John Juby, Christopher W ent足 worth, Thomas Paone. Right column, top to bottom; James McAuliffe, Chris Schmidt, Paul Petti. ABOVE: back row, left to right; Michael W iley, Vincent Aniello, Antonio Martins, Brian Haughney, John Formoso, Kevin O'Neill. Front row, left to right; Andrew Lagermasini, Michael Gallo, Stephen Fairfield, Andre Vargas. ABOVE RIGHT: left column, top to bottom; Wilbur Poindexter, Louis Taite, Peter Cammarota. Right row, top to bottom; Rodney Webb, Kenneth West. RIGHT: Rev. Thomas V. O'Connor, S.J.
ABOVE: Mr. Joe Massarelli.
TOP LEFT OF PAGE: left to right; Joseph Conklin, Chris DeCresce, Edward Gargiulo, Jimmy Iza (who's really not in this home足 room), Lloyd Ang, David Broderick, David D'Amore. ABOVE: left to right; Luis Molina, Carlos Jimenez, Edward Jakubik, Matthew Labus, Phil Parziale, Timothy Lau, George Janega, David Kelly, Joel Hampton, Tien Ngo. LEFT: left to right; John Rachinsky, William Santomauro, Craig Zaleck, Peter Varsalona, William Robalino, Phil Parziale, Oswald Robetto, William Padilla. Still on the bus: John Hu.
ABOVE: Mrs. Kathleen Pellegrino.
TOP RIGHT OF PAGE: top row, left to right; Michael Guarino, Gregg Stupinski, Dennis Degnan, Bart Sexton. Bottom row, left to right; Vinh Dang, Joe Kim, Joe Owens, Sumit Kapoor. ABOVE: left to right; Son Nguyen, M erlin Tolstyk, Sabahat Khan, Robert Smith, John Scocco. RIGHT: bottom row, left to right; Ray Tolentino, Damian Harris, Tony Orlina. Top row, left to right; Sean Kegelman, Dupuy Fatal, James Mielo, David Ramirez, Stephen Kawalek. In a cor足 ner somewhere reading Hamlet: Richard Cherchio, Eoin Treacy.
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TOP RIGHT OF PAGE: Mr. Carl DeLorenzo. TOP LEFT OF PAGE: left to right; John Bellino, Ryonguk Lee, Chris Matta, Carlos Pomares, Douglas Seymour, Alejandro Ortega, Brian Langon. ABOVE: top row, left to right; Paul Kushnir, Paul Chipelo, Thomas Casulli, Chris Hughes. Bottom row, left to right; Richard Backus, Michael Parlavecchio, Gus Garcia, Robert Gill. Kneeling; Mario Estrada. LEFT: left to right; Michael Gavin, Brian Haggerty, Kevin McDermott, Americus Abesamis, Thomas Mattey, Marc Campo reale.
TOP LEFT OF PAGE: Mr. Robert McGuinness. TO P RIGHT OF PAGE: left to right; Jeffrey Somers, Carlos Lago, Gabe Antuna, Peter Antico, Thomas Anderson, Daniel Andretti, Jason Fogu. ABOVE: front row, left to right; Edward Burke, Malav Mehta, Michael Beyer. Back row, left to right; Richard Koncicki, Jona足 than LaConti, John Myers. RIGHT: front row, left to right; James Lynch, Joseph Conticello, Emmett Wood. Back row, left to right; Luciano D'Amato, Danny Nunes, Anthony Marquit, Michael Harvey.
RIGHT: Mrs. Donna Derise. LEFT: left to right; Noel Gerald, Anthony Cervino, Alexis Done, Kenneth Fall, Steven Fals.
ABOVE RIGHT: top row, left to right; Hernan Hernandez, Aleph Granados, Ian Schaplowsky, Gregory Roberts. Bottom row, left to right; Carmelo Nakar, Manny Proenza, David Malanowski, Jeffrey Ra足 chel. RIGHT: left to right; Brian Bruton, Daniel Burrell, John Burke, Brian Bowl足 ing, Miroslaw Bondarowicz, Oliver Cartano, Dennis Barlow.
LEFT: Miss Ana Garcia. RIGHT: lefl to right; Alexander Cabezas, Arnold Francisco, Michael W itt, Kevin Brodbeck, Thomas Schifano, Sean Aumack, Robert Arroyo.
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ABOVE LEFT: left to right; John Remishofski, Robert Weierman, Vy Dang, Robert Leung, James M arri, Kevin McCann, Kieran McGlynn. LEFT: left group, left to right; Sean Koehler, Wagas Iqbal, Patrick Gaughan, Robert Chesnavich. Right group, clockwise from top left; Martin Golizio, Edward O'Shaughnessy, Eric Kukowski, Michael Roman. On va足 cation in Spain; Joseph Kelly.
Fr. Fred Pellegrini, S.J.
ABOVE: left to right; Joseph Gellene, John Doll, Dominick Tarantino, Dennis Mendoza, Louis De足 Marco, Raoul Bustillo, Richard Gronda, RIGHT: left to right; Julio Arriaga, Manuel Correia, Rich足 ard Ricco, Christopher Baratta, David Lyons, Karl Ubelhoer, Thehuan Truong, BOTTOM RIGHT: left to right; Douglas Viggiano, Bhavin Shah, Duane Ortega, Brendan Lepis, Jeofrey Vita, Thom足 as Faiano, William Meyer.
ABOVE: Mr. Robert Sayer.
ABOVE: left to right; Thomas Giblin, Jimmy Iza, Hector Ruiz, Arnel Alerte, John Connell, Dallas DeLuca, Joe Geoghegan, Apollo Palomares, Young Mun Kwon, Tom D'Amico, Donald Rogers, John Marino, Paolo Montalban, George Goldsworthy. LEFT: left to right; Jonathan O'Donnell, Israel Soto, Mitchell Matias, Scott Bardzell, Michael Carcamo, Jeffery Villanueva, Armand Rosamilia, Jef足 frey Bryant. Tooting his kazoo; Renato Umali. BE足 LOW LEFT: left to right; Michael Valente, John Calicchio, Mark Matticola, Keith Vukan, Tom Di足 Costanzo, Richard Trilles.
TENNIS Last year's T e n n is Team was extrem ely successful. T h is year's team promises to be even more excitin g. Under the experienced leadership of Coach Peter M cN am ara and guidance o f M oderator C arl D eLorenzo, the team can n o t do an y th in g besides W in ! T h is was proved by the team 's w in n in g the cou n ty cham pionship again and th eir phe足 nom enal 19-2 season. T h is year's top achievers include Joe K ealy, R ich ard N u足 g en t, Jim G rogan, P h il Sw absin, and D ave O h lm u ller.
A bove: top, left to right: Ken Nippes, Dave Broderick, Dave Ohlmuller, Rich Nugent, Phil Swabsin, Oswaldo Cardales. Sitting: Joe Kealy.
Last year's outdoor track team, moderated by Rev. John Brown足 ing, S .J., and expertly coached by M ike Burgess, had another outstanding year. Led by Joe Volcy, C hris D oroszczvk, Tom D iCostanzo and Tom Faiano, the team captured the city cham pionship. T he team also finished second in the presti足 gious Hudson C ounty Coaches Tournam ent, w hich included com petition from powerhouses M em orial and K earny. A t the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, Prep's relay team placed second among com petition from all over the tri-state area. T his spring, returning seniors and a large group of prom ising under足 classmen promise to give Prep its best season ever.
â&#x2013; ;
J.V. BASEBALL As we all know , th e first step in form ing a successful ath letic program is a pre-varsity program. Last year's team fin ished w ith a respectable 1 5 - 7 record. T h e team was led b y th e strong p itch in g o f D en n is M endoza and th e torrid h ittin g o f T o n y Guma and D avid M onisera. T h is spring's team prom ises to be tough w ith the addition o f some h ard -h ittin g freshm en. Prep looks forward to this year's J.V . season.
Front Row, Left to Right: Hirian Machado, Donald Slane, Dave Monisera. Second Row, Left to Right: Anthony Guma, Richie Backus, Robert O'Connor, Matthew Gorney. Third Row, Left to Right: Lenny Mecca, Rahsaan Garlin, Eric Kukowski, John Bellino. Back Row, Left to Right: Peter Varsalona, Tom Stack, Edward Jakubik, Dennis Mendoza, Kevin Burkank, Charlie Boguszewski
Coach Joe Urbanovich, our "M r. Base足 b all' led an inexperienced team in surpass足 ing preseason predictions. Last Spring's team was lead by pitchers Gene Keohane and Raul Cam iligan. C hris C ulhane and Craig Zaleck registered batting averages over .400. T he team finished 12-13, and 7-5 against county com petition. T h e team also earned a berth in the Parochial A playoffs. T h e highlight of the season, however, was the St. A nth ony's game. Pitchers Keohane and Camaligan outdueled the now -pro W illie Banks despite Bank's 19 strikeouts. T his Spring's more experienced and gusty team looks for continued success. Back Row, from left: Gene Keohane, Ed Garguilo, Pete Sollecito, Jeff Kachel, Craig Zaleck, Chris DeCresce, Terrance Curran, Chris Cul足 hane; Front Row, from left: Pete Spadora, John Hester, Larry Tronco, Ed Nestor, Mike Fritz, Raul Camaligan, Mike Guarino.
Top Row : (from left): Asst. Coach Mike Forrester, Dewan Worrell, Robert Alvarez, Ante Benzija, Andrew Danilchick, John Padilla, William Hanley, Miguel Sierra, Manuel Soto, Carlos Presedo, Virgilio Valdez, Asst. Coach Dennis McMullen. S econd Row : (from left): Brian Lee Carrillo, Brian Gizzi, Fabricio Pazminio, Brian DiFeo, Anthony Morcilio, Raymond Ortiz, Peter Strandes, Richard Santoro, Marc Gonzalez, Oswaldo Rossi, Michael Struck, Asst. Coach M ike Acanfora. Third Row : Head Coach Ken Such, Michael O'Donnell, Boris Talanczuk, Gabe Myron, Jaimie St. Marie, Omar Araos, Justin Savino, Jeffery Berezny, Joseph Barroquiero, Orville Gonzalez, Dominick Della Fave, David Mayi. Bottom Row: Michael McCabe, Joseph Grato, Sacha Pierre-Louis, John Daly, John Hayes, Sergio Cabrera, Thomas Ferrari, Christian Otten, Michael Lawless, Marco Morais.
T h is y ear's freshm an football com piled a 5-4 record w hich was identical to the varsi足 ty's record. Head coach D en n is M cM u llen and his three new assistants M ik e Forrester, M ik e A can fora, and K e n n y Such took the inexperienced team and bu ilt them in to a fin e football team . O ffen siv ely , th ey were led by h ig h ly - touted quarterback D om D ella Fave and ru n n in g b ack Jo h n Padilla. T a ck le, A ndrew D a n ilch ick , lin ebacker Boris T alan czu ck and middle lin ebacker O rv ille G onzalez led the tenacious defense.
VARSITY FOOTBALL Although nearly all of last season's start ing players graduated, this year's varsity team had enough gumption to compose yet another w inning season. Led by the fine play o f seniors A nthony Stew art, Ed Nes tor, and Rob Touhy, the team compiled a 54 record. M ajor contributions were made by Sam M ason, Greg Bellotti, Chris Z ingaro, and Chris Doroszczyk. T he perfor mance of juniors K evin O 'N eill, John Formoso, and sophs Scott Prusko, Keith Bucher, and D an Gronda assures the coun ty that Prep will always be a football pow erhouse. Coach Bellotti's last season includ ed a fifth consecutive w in over M em orial. And the Prep football team should be on the rise with a host of returning letterm en and new Head Coach R ich Hansen.
A bove: Top Row, Left to Right: Keith Bucher, Joe DiFoglio, Chris Zingaro, Hassib Khawaja, John Formoso, Mike Harvey, Rob Schork, Lou DeMarco, Peter Mergus, Pat Campen, Scott Prusko, Kevin O'Neill. Second Row, Left to Right: Ken Ferrante, Jason Delo, Brian McMul len, Sam Mason, Larry Tronco, Ray Rushforth, Justin Kwon, Carl Alfaro, Jim Francesco, Frank lin Oliveros, Sergio Fojas. Third Row, Left to Right: Tony Pagkalinawan, Chris Martin, Ke vin Burbank, Ed Cheatam, Joe Volcy, Richard Gronda, Raoul Bustillo, Daniel Gronda, Ted Schroeder, Manny Proenza, Tony Guma, Marc Gizzi. Bottom Row, Left to Right: John Wolfe, Paul Mulcahy, Tony Cervino, Chris Doroszc zyk, Greg Bellotti, Anthony Stewart, Rob Tuohy, Joe Owens, Bill Hoffman, Peter Bonavota. A bove right: Left to Right: Coach Gerry Bellotti, Coach Bob Harris, Coach Richard Han sen, Coach Doug Yandolino, and Coach Bob Zawistowski.
Clockwise from right: The team pre足 pares to kill people in the Senior bleachers; The Offensive line about to push their opponents into the mud; Coach doesn't really need the play-book, he just doesn't want to show off; Mr. Z protects the Gatorade- would you dump it on him?; Excuse me, I would like to make a point.
T his year, Prep's soccer team sur passed every on e's expectations. T h e team, not predicted to finish higher than third after last year's 8-9-1 season, defeated Ferris to win the South Hudson cham pionship Prep's first title since 1978. Coach Raslow sky's men also reached the H CIAA finals. T h e team's fin al re cord was 14-6 (7-1 in the cou nty), w hich included Prep's first victory over Hudson in 6 years. Joh n Hughes tallied 24 goals and goalie P h il R yan allowed a mere 1.31 goals per game - w ith 6 shutouts. Bill Chrisos was a selection to the coaches' A ll-C ounty team as a de fender. M ost im portantly, 15 play ers scored at least one goal, and the team was strong in general. Next year's team has a tough act to fo l low.
TOP: Standing, Left to Right: Jack Raslowsky, Nick Chiaravalloti, Roy Jimenez, John Hughes, Vasilios Chrisos, Matt Labus, Ed Gargiulo, Kieran McGlynn, Rich Morabe, Coach Carl Hamel. Kneeling, Left to Right: John Irvine, Tien Ngo, Son Nguyen, Gregg Stupinski, Eoin Treacy, Carlos Jimenez, Andrew Lagermasini, A1 Ortega, Jim Marri, Patrick Cunningham. Sitting, Left to Right: Dennis Degnan, Rich Cirminello, Kevin Brodbeck, Chris Montgomery, Phil Ryan, Robert Walenty, Peter-Kenneth Partoza, Joe Kelly.
Clockwise from upper left: Phil has a fear of low places; well, one of you should kick it! Why are you in such a hurry; the All-County Selection.
T h is y ear's J.V . soccer team promises Prep im pressive varsity seasons fo r years to com e. Coach R aslow sky guided the team to a 14-7 record w h ich included an upset vic足 tory over state pow er K earn y. T h e team also fin ished second in the h ig h ly regarded M ich a el J. K en n ed y Tourn am en t. These w ins and others made for a victory total larger th an an y previous J.V . team . For足 ward M ik e Stefan o led the team w ith 14 goals. N ick C hiarav alloti played solidly in th e m idfield. D efenders Pete C onsenza and M ik e From field jo in ed w ith goalies A n th 足 o n y G o ff and R ich A n iello to an ch or the defense.
Top o f page: First Row: Coach Jack Raslowsky, Rob O'Connor, Dennis Granelli, Robert Leung, Charlie Boguszewski, Rob Cosenza, Mike O'Gorman, Jim Harding, Casey McGee, Coach John Irvine. Second Row: Julio Luna, George Mercurio, An足 drew Bryant, Corrado Brattoli, Sean Adams, M ike Stefano, Matt Dilley, Mike Garner. Bottom Row: Fred Fromfield, Kevin McAlary, Vinnie Aniello, Tony o , Corrado DeCandia, Brian Barulich. A bove left: Notice who gets the smallest trophy. A bove right: Don't we wish Coach could put that many men in goal.
Topping last year's excellent season, the Cross-Country team won their S^ ° n^-|train C,ty cham PionshP and also captured the South Hudson title M ike Burgess provided top rate coaching, and Fr. Brow ning added his guidance as M oderator. Led by Captains Tom DiCostanzo and M ike Elson the team expects to do just as well this year. This year's team includes standouts Tom Faiano, Chris Scm idtt, Joh n Sheehan, A ntonio M artins, and Joe Gellene. T h e Frost team won more than their share of meets, and freshm an phenom enom Jim Salm on was already w in n in g for the varsity team. T h e future looks bright for the Cross - Country team.
BOWLING T h e Prep bow ling team is undoubtedly th e best kept secret at the school. T h e team, led by seniors R olando Lavarro and K en M oore and anchored by ju n io r M ik e W itt, had a ty p ically outstanding season. T h e team com piled a record o f 39-9, good enough for second in th e South Hudson league. A d ifferen ce o f but a few pins would have given Prep the title. T h e team qu alified fo r the state cham pionships and beat out arch -riv al Hudson by fin ish in g fifth out o f all the teams in the state. T h e future looks n o d ifferen t, due to the strong show ing o f the J.V . team and retu rning v arsity bow lers W itt and freshm an A n th 足 o n y M orcilio.
ABOVE LEFT: the Varsity team, left to right: Coach Bob Zawistowski, Mike W itt, Tim Lau, Joe Ramos, Ken Moore, Anthony Morcilio, Ro足 lando Lavarro. LEFT: the J.V . team, left to right: Randy Aldea, Walter Piatkowski, Arnold Figueras, Bob Mauri, Lou Redondo, Brian DiFeo, Bem le Spann (kneeling), Mr. Z., Tony Orlina, Adrian Arcilla.
R. Lavarro M. W itt J. Ramos A. Morcilio L. Redondo T. Orlina B. Spann A. Arcilla R. Aldea A. Figueras
Avg 195* 193 176 172 161 161 148 147 145 143
high gm 258 268* 214 267 237 206 195 189 182 197
high ser 689* 655 585 607 634 547 504 502 451 411
"league high all scores in league top 15
Hard work is no stranger to the Prep w restling team and this year was no ex ception. Faced w ith nu merous injuries and young wrestlers, the team perse vered and finished the sea son w ith a good share of victories. T h e team made a strong show ing in the R e gion 2 com petition where both the Gronda brothers qualified for the state fin als. D an w ent in to the f in als w ith a sparkling 27-2 record, w hile R ick went 20-7. C hris Zingaro, w ith a 1 9 -4 reco rd , and D an N unez also excelled. Look for Tim Hawkes, M ike G arner and Jo h n Formosa to wrestle w ith continued success in '89.
CENTER: the Varsity team, left to right; front row: Rick Gronda, Ti m Hawkes, Dan Gronda, George James, Chris Zingaro. second row: Manny Correia, Pete Spadora, Mike Garner, Alex Cabezas, Tom O'Hare, Dan Nunes. LEFT: Coach Bill Friend.
INDOOR TRACK T h is year's indoor track team continued the tradition o f Prep track cham pions. C oach M ik e Burgess put together a team that again won the city title, 5th straight fo r all o f Prep track. T h e m ile relay team of T om D iC ostanzo, C hris D oroszcvyk, Joe V o lcy and P axton M orris were the fourth best group in the state. T h e team made strong show ings in th e V ita lis meet and the Hudson C ou nty Coaches T ou rnam ent. N ext year, long distance ru n n ers Tom Faiano and C hris Sch m id t w ill lead the team w ith th e help o f freshm an phenom 足 en on s Jim Salm on and Steve B ijelic.
BELO W : last row, left to right, D om inick D ellaFave, M ike Gomez, Bobby Salm 足 on, K eith Adams. Second row: Chris Briam onte, Chris Russo, B ill Dw yer, M ike Egan, D w ayne Andrews. First row: A ndy D an ilch ick, D arren Porter, M iguel Sierra, K en n y Collis, Big Red M iles.
Coach D ennis M iles took a bal足 anced and talented team to great heights as the freshmen finished w ith a fin e 11-5 record. T h e M a足 rauders received the bulk o f their scoring from 6 '2 " cen ter K enny Co His and 5 '1 0 " offensive guard M ike Egan. Point guard Dom Della Fave handled the job o f getting the ball to these men. A ndy D an il足 ch ick and M iguel Sierra provided the team with numerous rebounds. These players appear to be major prospects for future Prep teams.
BELOW: standing, left to right: Robert Geisler, Ted Schroeder, Ralph DeMichele, Erwin Andres, Haseeb Chaudhry, Paul Mulcahy, Martin Farinola, Joe Scafidi, Rob O'Connor. Kneeling, left to right: Ariel Dimaya, Chris Perkins, Tony Guma, Antonio Pagkalinawan, Bryon Alston.
T K A C T " T T 3 /V 1 A 1 / i l I il i
Coach Joe Massarelli
Prep's J.V . team struggled a b it th is year under coach Joe M assarelli. D e足 spite tough com p etition , th e team posted a 8-12 m ark b eh in d th e efforts o f W a lly O 'C o n n o r and Jo e Scafid i. T o n y G um a led the team in th reepointers w ith 35. O th e r fin e perfor足 m ances w ere put in b y T ed Schroeder, Paul M u lcah y , A riel D im ay a and Er足 w in A ndres. T h is season has g iv en the team valuable exp erien ce fo r the years to come.
First year Head Coach D ave Settem bre got much more than he ex足 pected from the '87-'88 Marauders. Behind captains Paul Lempa and Jason M onteforte, the Prepsters posted a 13-9 regular season record and a third consecutive third place fin ish in the H C IA A South behind Ferris and St. A n thony's. R ound足 ing out the Prep line-up were lead足 ing scorer M ark B ryant, threepoint m arksm an Jo h n Bernardo, and junior-guard D an n y Burrell. Sophom ore M ik e B rennan pro足 vided crisp passing to the basket. Prep fans should look forward to another strong fin ish next year w ith 10 retu rning letterm en.
ABOVE: back row, left to right: John Burke, Rob Gill, Danny Burrell, Brian Haughney, Paul Lempa, Marc Bryant, Kevin McCann, Jason Monteforte. Kneeling, 1 to r: Mike Brennan, Chris DeCresce, Joe Kelly, Ed Martin, John Bernardo.
Coach Dave Settembre PREP 77 61 64 42 53 57 72 58 70 40 56 66 60 58 55 31 68 64 47 62 72 76
39 58
St. Joseph's Belleville Hoboken Bayonne St. Joe's (Phil) Xavier Marist Ferris Queen of Peace St. Anthony's Snyder St. Mary's Dickinson Lincoln Hudson Catholic Ferris Union Hill St. Anthony's Snyder Dickinson Lincoln Hudson Catholic Ferris Bergen Catholic
Opp. 41 55 74 49 50 59 58 80 48 78 55 70 58 45 40 67 53 85 60 56 64 61 51 77
Turncoat principal?
T h e H ockey team, led by tri-captains Greg Brow n, Jo h n Hughes, and M att King, had a season to be proud of. T h e team fin 足 ished 16-6-1, good for second in the tough " A " D ivision. H ighlights of the season: Jason Fogu was sixth in the state in scoring, and the team ended Hudson C atholic's bid to fin ish the season undefeated by posting a 5-3 victory. Brow n and Fogu were selected to the A ll-C ou nty team. A strong nucleus o f underclassmen looks to regain the covet足 ed H andchen Cup last won two years ago.
Team pic: back row, 1 to r: Brian Bruton (man足 ager), Bob Brack, Greg Brown, Mario Estrada, Jason Fogu, John Hughes, David Estrada, Tom Mattey, Joe Dargan, Coach Meehan. 2nd row: Tony Froio, Beaver Brown, Matt King, Rob Cor足 bett. 1st row: Peter Gannon, Pete Speronza, Jason Andreula, Ray Ficken.
SWIMMING T his year's swim team was no exception to the w inning tradition of recent Prep swim teams. Led by captains Phil Swabsin, M ike Elson, and M ike Zieleniew ski, the team went undefeated in Hudson County and successfully defended its Jersey City title for the um pteenth time in a row. Prep's victories included an upset win over arch-rival Bergen Catholic. T h e team fin ished the season with a dual meet record of 9-5; however, the team again won the county cham pionship as well as finishing second in the State Sectionals for the sec ond straight year. Underclassmen swim mers and divers such as Craig Zaleck, Em m ett Wood, B illy Santom auro and Jo n a than Zuchowski show no reason w hy Prep's swimming dom inance will end any tim e soon.
RIGHT: front row, left to right: Norman Chait, Phil Swabsin, Mike Elson, Craig Zaleck. 2nd row: Fabricio Pazminio, Mark Matticola, Mer lin Tolstyk, Mike Zieleniewski, Emmett Wood. 3rd row: Alberto deArmas, John Arceo, Jim Mielo, Mark Zieleniewski, Mike Carcamo, Billy Santomauro, Matt Greeley, Damian deFex. 4th row: Jeff Bryant, Mike Gal, John Mielo.
RECORDS Phil Swabsin - National Meet Re cord for 50 yd. freestyle: 23.7 sec. (Swimming Bees Classic) Craig Zaleck, Mike Elson, Emmett Wood, Phil Swabsin - 400 yd. Free style record: 3:30.00 sec. (Hudson County) Phil Swabsin - 50 yd. Freestyle re cord: 23.04 sec. (Hudson County)
Prep spirit is at its finest when the cheerleaders man the field and court. T h e Prep C heer足 leaders of 1987-1988 add just enough zest and energy to drive th e M a ra u d e rs to v ic to r y . Coached by Tara Zadroga, these girls put in countless hours of hard w ork and dedication for both sporting events and com pe足 titions. T h e Cheerleaders never fall short of keeping the spirit level high and keeping the fans on th eir feet.
TOP: What's next, Tara? COUNTER CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: She may actually enjoy doing this; worshipping the sun god; the Charleston and toilet paper?; all together now.
STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is one of the most im portant actvities at Prep. T he Council is the main lin k between the adm inistration and the student body. Under the moderation of Mrs. Kathy C ostantini and the leadership of W al ter Benzija, the council is a medium for the students to air opinions, comments, and to ask questions of the adm inistration. Six senior ex ecutives and eight representatives from each year make up the council. T he Student Council acts as more than a forum for the students. It helps run such ac tivities as: the W alk -a-th on , O pen houses, Freshman O rien tation, Liturgies, and Aca demic Convocations.
Left to right: Walter Benzija, Walter Schnieder, Jim Grogan. Back row (1 to r): Jeff Jablonski, Mrs. Kathy Costantini, Ed Martin.
The 1987-1988 Student Council
Left to right: Joe Paguiligan, Fran Matta, Tony Cabrera. Back row (1 to r): Sean O'Connor, Phil Swabsin, Steve Salvemini, Chris Lee, John Sheeran.
Left to right: Raul Bustillo, John Formoso, Bill Santomauro. Back row (1 to r): Carlos Jimenez, John Myers, Renato Umali. Missing: Joe Kelly.
Above: Moderator Mrs. Kathy Costantini. Left to right: Ted Schroeder, Ray Carr, Antonio Pagkalinawan, Ken Nippes. Back Row (1 to r): M ike Luipersbeck, Bill Hoffman, Joe DiFoglio, Dave Eisenbach.
SPIRIT COMMITTEE O ut of all the clubs and activities Prep has to offer, the Spirit Committee must be the most v i tal and appreciated. It is in charge of organizing Pep R al lies, m aking banners and raising both spirit and morale. Leading the committee is Prep's very own M aroon M arauder who re presents school spirit and shows it to our rivals at m any sporting events. Gene Keohane, presi dent, provides the leadership the committee needs with the help of Joh n Hughes, Guy Sindle and others. T he most im portant part of the Spirit Com m ittee, howev er, is the student body. W ithout the support of the school, the work of the Spirit Com m ittee is useless. It's everyone's jo b to keep spirit alive!
ABOVE: front row, 1 to r: Tony Cervino, Ed Nestor, Ed O'Connell, Guy Sindle, John Hughes, Joe Paguiligan, Larry Tronco, Pete Spadora, Joe Kelly, Ed Martin. Back row: Kevin Lyons, Kieran McGlynn, Craig Zaleck, Vin LoRe, John Hester, Brian Haughney, Chris Culhane, Fran Matta, Gene Keohane, Ken Ferrante, Jeff Gillard, Manny Guarda, Safal Joshi, Chris DeCresce, Emmett Wood, Kevin Brodbeck, Mrs. Kathy Costantini.
ABOVE: The executive pyramid. ABOVE LEFT: What? Yeah, I trust him! LEFT: You can just feel the spirit all around you on this committee.
Left: Maroon Marauder John Hughes. Below: The Marauder and henchmen at work, "smokin the jays."
T h e most im portan t part o f the Prep stu足 d en ts' life is his school spirit. N o school can operate w ithout support from all o f its' stu足 dents. T h is type o f support is exem plified th ree tim es a year w h en our S P IR IT is per足 sonified throu gh th e Pep rallies. W e gather in the gym to show pride for our school by y ellin g , stom ping, and ch eerin g for our team s and cheerleaders. T h is is th e tim e w hen w e get to w elcom e th e teams to a new season and w ish them w ell in th e ir games to come. B ut we must also give credit to th e people w ho m ake th is all happen. F irst, we must th a n k our M aroon M arauder, Jo h n Hughes. Jo h n gets th e stands roaring, and it is he who starts th e electricity . W e must also th a n k the M aroon S p irit C om m ittee and th e Stud ent C ou n cil fo r org anizin g th e R allies. F in a lly we th a n k th e Stage Crew fo r th e lig h tin g and the scen ery o f th e rallies. T h a n k s to everyon e in 足 volved th e Pep R allies are very successful and are a great trib u te to Prep Pride.
PETROC Th e award w inning P etroc (although we've never seen any of these awards) again provided the student body with solid reporting on the affairs of the school. T he pa足 per reported on such subjects as the N H S issue and under足 classmen exemptions, as well as other items of interest to the school. Led by editors-inch ief Ed M artin and Don Rogers and moderated by M r. Toohey and Mrs. Pelligrino, the Petroc made vast im 足 provements over last year, al足 though it is hard to find such im provements on the fro n t of a book.
TOP LEFT: Editor-in-Chief Ed Martin. TOP RIGHT: Editor-in-chief Don Rogers. ABOVE: some of the staff. LEFT: Moderators Phil Toohey and Kathleen Pelligrino.
St. Peter's Preparatory School
Prep's literary m agazine, th e P a p er & P en , provides an outlet fo r th e more creative m em bers o f th e student body. B rought b ack to life in 1984, the m agazine has produced co llectio n s o f short stories, poetry, and art th at capture th e im ag in atio n . M oderated by M r. Lance Silv estris and led b y ju n io r D allas D eLuca, th is year's issue prom ises to be an o th er exam ple o f im aginative w ritin g . T h e m agazine, despite h av in g as m an y deadline troubles as th e P etrea n , w ill again e n th ra ll th e masses. ABOVE: Last year's cover. This year's is too amazing to look at.
Every Fall during the school year the Prep holds its annual event, the W alk -A T hon. Although m any of us do not approve of M r. M ulvih ill's method of fundraising, we still enjoy the w alk and being w ith our friends. Everyone looks forward to the Stu dent C ouncil's "professional" catering at Liberty State Park. M an y contributors show th eir care for the school by donating m oney to our Prep solicitors. M r. M ulvih ill's great effort to encourage the Prep Stu dents to contribute is appreciated by all in the Prep Com m unity. In a sarcastic m an ner, M r. M ulvih ill proposed a slogan"P rep Pride/W alk D on 't R id e"- to get stu dents on their feet to walk. Everyone en joyed the delectable food and rugged foot ball. Let's just say everyone had a good time. ■
Above left: See, you take a right, left, right, straight and then a 48.5 degree turn, and you're there!; Top right: DANCING IN THE STREETS.; Above: I used to play lineback er when I was in college.
B I SfeT.
ilyylPMnWglPt i
Left: "Move out of the way, this is my picture, not yours."; Above: The faculty was even allowed to bring their children.
Above left: Tom O'Hare and friends taking a stroll.; Above: LET'S GO- ONWARD!; Below: Yeah, that's right. I'm bad!
Above left: The W alk-A-Thon ain't too dangerous, is it?; Left: Look out for that . . . truck; Above: Raiding and plundering the streets of Jersey City.
DANCE COMMITTEE The scene is 8:00 PM on a Friday night, and the cafeteria is about to be invaded by eight hundred people.- it must be a Prep dance. The set-up, clean-up, and the running of the dances is done by the D ance Com足 mittee. Under the direction of Ms. Susan Baber, the D ance Committee makes Prep's dances the best in Hudson Coun足 ty-
RIGHT: Sister Felicia Ryan; BELOW: The Beasts of Eden; LOWER RIGHT: Romeo and Juliet. Or is it Juliet and Romeo?
Due to widespread com plaints about the selection process, this year's N.H.S. has been given the task of reforming the system, as well as the usual duties of peer tutoring and career day.
ABOVE RIGHT: Moderator Mrs. Donna Derise. ABOVE: sitting, left to right: Tony Cabrera, Carlos Bellido, Chris Culhane, Jeff Jablonski, Ken Moore. Back row: Don Lapine, Ralph Pantozzi, Robert Dimler, Gene Keohane, Julio Nieto, Ed Martin, Mike Elson, John Bernardo, Phil Ryan, W alter Benzija, Vin LoRe, Phil Swabsin, Pat Vining, Walter Schneider. Missing: Kevin Atchison.
CHRISTIAN SERVICE Although Christian Service is a required activity for juniors, it has developed into much more. Stu dents travel to hospitals, the grammar school, the Boys' Club, and many other places in service to the community. Coordinated by Mr. Silvestris, juniors learn that education can take place outside the classroom.
ABOVE: We don't like be ing interrupted. LEFT: Mr. Lance Silvestris. RIGHT: Now we know why every one wants to do their ser vice at the grammar school.
EMMAUS TEAM " I had the greatest experience of my life ." " I encourage everyone to go on the w eekend." These are common phrases used to describe the Emmaus retreat. Emmaus helps juniors and sen足 iors learn more about themselves and about God. The backbone of the Emmaus Program is Fr. T ony Azzarto, S.J., Fr. Fred P elligrini, S .J., var足 ious faculty, and the tw enty four senior team members. Team members are chosen from volun足 teers who have already made the retreat and who wish to help their Prep brothers get the most out of the experience. This year's team includes: Andy A licandri, K evin Atchison, Carlos Bellido, T ony Cabrera, Pat Cunningham , Rob D im ler, Dave D onnelly, Joh n Gillespie, Je ff Jablonski, George James, Dave Kleid, Don Lapine, K evin Lyons, Ed M artin, Fran M atta, Julio Nieto, Brian O 'C onnor, Sean O 'C onnor, Tom O 'H are, Dave Penaskovic, Dave Toussas, Steve W ay, M ike V alente, and M ike Zieleniew ski.
ART CLUB Founded by Colin Sm ith and Joh n n y Lim, the Art Club has given students at St. Peter's the opportunity to express their artistic talent and creativity. It fur ther allows them to develop their own abilities as well as teaching and learning from others. W ith the assistance of moderator Ms. Lori Snyder, the art club members have been able to display their artwork in a series of exhibits. In addi tion, the Art Club has contributed its talents to major Prep activities, includ ing liturgies and rallies.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS The Eucharistic M inisters are a group of dedicated young men who serve Prep in m any different ways. They work at liturgies, penance ser vices, Emmaus Homecomings, and generally assist the chaplain. T he Eu charistic M inisters are selected from members of the senior class who have been on the Emmaus Retreat or a similar retreat.
The Eucharistic Ministers are, from left to right: Carlos Bellido, Richard Shea, Walter Benzija, Rich Ebanks, Mark Matticola, Ed Martin, Greg Bellotti, Andy Alicandri, Mike Zieleniewski, Mike Elson, John Sheeran, Tony Azzarto, Tom O'Hare, Don Lapine, John Shea, and Vin LoRe.
T he Science Clubs are, as a whole, one of the most popular after school activities. Its popularity has risen over the past few years, and most new members are fresh men. T h is year's club(s), moderated by M r. Gregory Boyle, had over 150 members. The purpose behind the club is not to contribute an yth in g to the school, but to allow stu dents to "broaden their horizon s" concern ing science. T h e club conducts trips to W ashington, D.C. and the F ran klin In sti tute in Philadelphia; it also publishes the D e R ebu s S cien tificis, w hich presents arti cles of scien tific interest. T h e Science Clubs offer subdivisions such as the A eronautics Club, the Outdoors Club, the Future Physi cians Club, and the new ly formed A stron omy Club. T he Science Team participates in local and area contests and hopes to sponsor a contest for local grammar schools. T h e Science- Clubs would seem to have a strong future.
TOP OF PAGE: Members of the '87 - '88 Science Clubs. MIDDLE: the board of geniuses (?). ABOVE LEFT: the De Rebus staff waiting for a story to fall into their laps. ABOVE RIGHT: the head genius, Mr. Boyle.
SKI CLUB After many years of waiting, the Ski Club made two rip-roaring trips with St. Dom's & H FA this year. Moderated by Fr. Dave Stump and led by co-presidents Ken and Tom Moore, the club ran many week| end and day trips to various slopes. The trips offer the beautiful scenery of a w inter wonderland, the crisp m ountain air and all j the excitem ent that skiing involves. These excursions also offer yearbook staff mem足 bers the chance to leave all their troubles and titles behind them.
T.V. STUDIO T he Prep T.V . Studio, plagued by problems throughout the year, is still enthusiastically support足 ed. By means of genuine equipment, the members gain valuable hands-on experience in the field of televi足 sion. The responsibilities of the members include tap足 ing sports events, plays, dances, and other aspects of Prep life. A future project for the studio includes the production of a Video Yearbook.
LEFT: "Like guys, remember to keep your eyes open when you're posing for a picture." BOTTOM: "So that's what goes on in the girl's bathroom during a dance."
LEFT: "Now watch what happens to Burke Hall when I pull this switch! BOTTOM: "You want the s t a g e up W H E N ! ! ' ' ABOVE: Dave's been at this just a little too long.
O pening night for another Prep play. The lights are set, the lines are memorized and the actors are on stage. O ne of the most im portant parts of a production is the stage itself. From the moment school begins the stage crew begins formulating plans for the upcoming production. This year the stage crew pulled off another amazing feat when they experim ented w ith theater in the round for the fall musical Grease. T h e crew builds everything from the ground up, securing, painting and supplying the cast with the occa足 sional first-aid. M any thanks go out to the Stage Crew. Thanks guys, Crew Rules!
IMMORTAL M any teachers are know n more by their favorite sayings than by their own names. A ny day, in class or around school, you can depend on hearing one of the quotes in our "h a ll of fam e." A fter a few reunions have passed, you may
"Put your paws down!" "Just, SHARE." "Greaaaater than, Greaaaater than." "Thank You!"
"The bell did ring, men." "Who was reading for us?"
WORDS? n ot rem em ber th e law o f th e sines or the year the W ar of 1812 started, bu t you w ill recall some o f the quotes below . T ry to m atch up th e quote w ith th e draw ing o f the teacher. W e'v e th row n in a few extra for good measure.
"Fellas, . . . " "Sit down before I knock you down." "And Hamlet's like sooo intrinsically, like evil, 'K '." "Get the hell out!"
"Come back "Boo Hiss!"
ST. DOM'S EXCHANGE The exchange between Prep and St. Dom's took place in early December. O n December 7th St. Dom's came to Prep. The girls attended our classes, and they were given a farewell pizza party. O n December 15th the guys from Prep went to St. Dom's for the day. The exchange was designed to give the students a chance to experience the differ足 ent teaching methods of each school. The days proved valuable and exciting for all who participated.
I COMPUTER CLUB Just walk into the George Link Jr. Computer Center any given morning or afternoon and you are sure to see many hard at work on a Computer Science class project or just experi menting with the computers, trying to break into some bank mainframe. Under the guidance of moderator Fr. Dave Stump, the Computer Club sharpens its collective skills through intricate games and challenging pro gramming competitions. Thanks for all the help and IN PUT (ha ha) guys!
BAND The Prep band allows musically in 足 clined persons to express themselves while also serving the school. The school band, alias the concert band, is versatile enough to play at football games as well as the fall musical. The group performs at school liturgies and also conducts a spring concert for the benefit of the less cultured. Impromp足 tu performances are given every m orning in the band homeroom. All these activities are conducted by Prep's master musician, M r. Sayer, who attracts more members to the Band every year.
s T A G E B A N D
In addition to the school band, a semi-independent group known as the stage band also exists. Designed for more experienced musicians look足 ing for a challenge,-the stage band performs for hire outside the school in order to raise money for the band fund. The stage band also gives lunch足 time concerts to those who do not live on bread alone. This group entered a national competition and has been se足 lected to perform at a music festival in Florida in the spring. Again, this is all thanks to Mr. Sayer.
PG 116: clockwise from top; 1st pic, front, 1 to r: Renato Umali, George Goldsworthy, Eric Stroud, Apollo Palomares. Back: John Calicchio, Rich Trilles. 2nd pic, 1 to r: Tom DiCostanzo, Mike Valente. 3rd pic, front, 1 to r: Don Rogers, Scott Bardzell, Rukman Wignarajan, Dallas DeLuca, Jonathan O'Donnell, Paolo Montalban, Jeff Bryant. Back, 1 to r: Israel Soto, Armand Rosamilia, Hector Ruiz, M ike Carcamo. 4th pic: Mr. Robert Sayer. 5th pic, first row, 1 to r: Arnel Alerte, Young Mun Kwon. Second row: M itchell Matias, Jimmy Iza. Third row: John Connell, Mike O'Donnell. Standing: Keith Vukan, Jeff V illan足 ueva, Thomas Giblin, Mark Matticola. PG 117: top of page; front row, left to right: M ike Valente, Tom DiCostanzo, John O'Donnell, Paolo Montalban. Back row: George Goldsworthy, Keith Vukan, Tom Hoetzl, Bill Stefko, Renato Umali, Mark Matticola, Rich Trilles. Middle of page: the presidents. Right: the band doing nothing useful.
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O n any given day you can w alk into M r. D onahue's room and find the Prep forensicators w orking diligently. Because of their stam足 ina and perseverance they have achieved yet another outstanding season, proving to be most victorious under th eir team captains, W alt Benzija and Pat V in in g , and seniors Je ff Jablon ski, Jim Grogan, and Steve Salvem ini. Forensics is a group effort. It consists of var足 ious categories such as original oratory, duo interp retation, dram atic interp retation, de足 bating, extemporaneous speaking and read足 ing. Although the forensics team w ill be losing its strongest members, it is left in the capable hands of Tim Lau, D allas DeLuca, Karl Ubelhoer, Paolo M ontalban, and R enato Umali.
O n ly a few proud men m ake up the Parachute Club, orig in ally started on Ash W ednesday 1987. T h is club is form ed by those who balance th eir academics w ith th eir party antics. Parachute was chosen as the nam e of this club by Edward G. Nestor III and Grand Puba Jo h n Hughes. Back in N ovem ber '87, our own Jo h n H ester was crow ned Pope by Grand Puba Hughes. Pope Jo h n is the founder of the Parachute them e of togetherness. W h atever we do, we do it tog eth er. So from us to you: M ay th e
P.C. b e w ith y ou . W e w on 't nam e the m embers of this club in d ivid u ally; how ever, there are a few general statem ents that we can m ake. First of all, w ho is that guy fou rth from left in the second row? W h a t k in d o f club includes people from an oth er school? M oreover, just look at th is picture. W h a t b u n ch of people would h an g out in such a dump w hen New Y o rk is but a couple of m iles aw ay? (N ot included in the picture are the broken botties on the ground, n o r the pretty scenery to the righ t of the picture.) T h e bottles they are h old ing cam e from the garbage can to the righ t of the picture. Som e of the group actually got in a car w ith Joe K ealy. T h eir taste in clothes also raises some questions, but we w on 't ask them . T o top it all off, w hat club would allow a Jesu it w ho wears a dress to be its m oderator? T h is ju st proves th at some people are gluttons for punish足 m ent. (It d oesn't m atter w hat w ay.) T h a n k s, guys. B ottle o f Coors bottle o f lig h t T ake 'em out to C aven K ealy's car JM T 's bar M em ories w e are sa v in '
p A xC
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Fake ID at Liberty N o on e ever knew W e'd get a case at th e H ind u place O r m ake our ow n strange brew
C H O RU S: O H PARA CH UTE O H PA RA CH U TE Puba H ughes we n ev er lose S ittin ' at our table O H ! Yes th en there's B obby S. He can d rin k let alon e eat the w hole table But w hen he th in k s o n ly one th in g com es to m ind C H O R U S: O h eat an apple to the core and hand it over to Pete Spadora H e'll boun ce it o ff th e head o f an y o n e around C H O R U S:
T h e n th ere's H ester and good o l' N estor P la y in quarters w ith som eone's daughters A nd Sin d le w ith his Sindleism A nd Palm er, or is it D on ald T ru m p and th e rest o f th e P.C. L iv in ' happy together and d r in k in ' forever C H O RU S: O h it doesn't m atter if y ou 're black ju st as long as you have the d r in k in ' k n a ck W e do w hat we do to g eth er together, together, CHORUS
The entire cast and
Clockwise from above left: Stephenie Beeler-Sandy, John Sheeran-Danny, Maggie RuvoltRizzo, Tony Cabrera-Kenickie.
Right: Wouldn't you like to be at this slumber party?
Danny and Sandy reunited at last
"A u d itio n s for the play Grease w ill be in M r. Sayer's room at 3:00 pm tod ay." At th at m om ent the fall production f i n ally got under way. Prep welcom ed two new mem bers to the D ram atic Society in the form of a director and choreographer w ho, as w ell as the actors and actresses, put in countless hours of hard w ork and dedication. T h e actresses com e from the various local girls schools. T h e actors, of course, are hom egrow n Prepsters. Se n io r mem bers Jo h n Sh eeran and T o n y C abrera took the roles of D a n n y and K e n ick ie, respectively. B oth guys put on quite a show and w on a lot of girls' hearts. But th e guys d id n 't do it alone; Step h an ie B eeler, from St. D om 's, proved to be both a little girl and tem p tress. M aggie R u vo lt from St. A l's Acad em y gave yet a n o th er b rillia n t perfor m ance as R izzo. As the spring approaches, Prep looks forw ard to M * A * S * H , open in g on A pril 15. As w ith every passing year we have to say good-bye to all our senior mem bers. See ya on Broadw ay guys.
IjABOVE: I didn't realize you were such a great singer, Maggie! BELOW RIGHT: Claudia, Did you I swallow the soap again?
Above: Jack Casey, the guiding force behind Prep Dramatics.
Cast of Grease takes a break
CAFETERIA GUIDE The Prep cafeteria would at first glance seem to be just like any other cafeteria. The picture to the right seems to support this contention. Yet the cafeteria is dif ferent from any other anywhere. Look ing at the caf “seating arrangem ent" at tests to the diversity of the school. The scene below is a depiction of a typical m orning cafeteria set-up. The lines have been drawn and all the groups are firm ly entrenched in their positions. Everyone is prepared for a surprise food attack. A ny stranger w alking in would certain ly need a guide . and a suit of armor.
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ABOVE: This picture was taken after Luis was told that he wasn't getting paid for tutoring. LEFT: back row, left to right; Ralph Pantozzi, Bernie Spann, Dwayne Andrews, John Pa足 dilla, Wally Boozer-Ayuso, Kenny Collis, Miguel Sierra. Third row, left to right; Israel Soto, Dewan Worrell, Brian Carrillo, Ariel Dimaya, Eric Cook. Second row, left to right; Darren Porter, David Mayi, Andy Bryant, John Anderson, Rajesh Ramsumair, Francis Gutierrez. Front row, left to right; Sean Strickland, Luis Ayala, Ray Ortiz, Julio Luna, John Kim, Jim Salmon, Robert Salmon, Carlos Panchana.
ABOVE: The ref about to make another questionable call. RIGHT: H.A.P. Director Rev. John Browning with H.A.P.'s new bell. ABOVE RIGHT: H.A.P. students marveling at the [ expertise of the awesome tutors.
H.A.P., the brainchild of Fr. Browning, is stronger than ever. The program offers courses to students entering the 8th grade. An "Option" program consist足 ing of activities such as the H.A.P. newspaper supplements the academics. After lunch an extensive intramural program is conducted. All of this would be impossible without the work of the Prep students who give up 6 weeks of their summer to help the kids. Their dedication goes unnoticed to most, but the 150 or so H.A.P. grads in Prep can at足 test to the help they were given.
MISSION DRIVE COMMITTEE O ne of the most enjoyable times of the year is the several weeks in late w inter and ear ly spring when the Mission D rive comes around. A l though not everyone likes be in g asked co n sta n tly for m oney ev ery day fo r a m onth, the efforts are for a good cause. M oreover, mis sion drive time brings raffles, pie and sponge throws, and Dress Down Day. T he com m ittee is en tru sted w ith counting the money brought in (w hich is no small task) and putting up weird posters on the walls. No one could be helped at all if not for the work of this committee.
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TOP OF PAGE: left to right; Ed Cargiulo, Mike Gomez, Oliver Cartano, Jose Mayo, Eoin Treacy, Jacques Oliver, Kevin McCann, Ken Nippes, Richard Gutierrez, Robert Alvarez, Jonathan O Donnell, Joe DiFoglio, William Bengston, Mr. Jack Raslowsky. ABOVE: Keep your eyes open wnue you re count ing that money, Ken. ABOVE, MIDDLE: It looks like Rich trusts your money counting methods as much as the rest of us do, Joe. ABOVE, RIGHT: The coveted prizes reserved for the classes that open wallets the best. RIGHT: Hey, Mr. Raslowsky, why are you putting those bills in your pocket?
Some men don't seem to care about what is going on around them. They are content to live out their lives, caring on ly about them足 selves and ignoring all others. Claudio Burgaleta is the antithesis of. anyone like this. If Claudio sees that you have a problem, you won't get away without being helped. More im portantly, when you don't want help but need it, he is not afraid to go after you and tell you what you need to hear. He will tell you the truth, even if it hurts you to hear it. T h is is the m ark of a true friend. So m any people have been touched by this man in his brief three year tenure at Prep; none of these people will ever forget him .
It sometimes seems that Claudio does not care, that he has given up. However, none of the times that he has acted like this has changed what is underneath. He cares. He w ill go that extra mile, just as Jesus tells us to. Claudio won't stand on the sidelines when things are not right; he gets into the argument so conditions will be better for every足 one. Claudio is leaving this year; he will continue his studies as a Jesuit in Berkeley, California. W e wish him well, as we remember all the good times we had. (Claudio's an expert on relaxation.) We dedicate the work that we have put into this book to you, Claudio. W e will be with you always. Good Luck. (Eng足 lish)
PETREAN Although the average student seldom comes into contact with the yearbook until the tangible result at the end of the year, the process of producing that result never stops. Hours of aggrava足 tion, numerous brainstorms, ar足 guments, and lost weekends are the memories of the staff. The whole group does their best to capture the m any happenings of the school year and change those happenings into pictures, layout and copy. T his is no easy task. Th e book that you hold in your hands exists because of the sacrifices of the people on these pages.
Page 124: clockwise from top right: Ralph Pantozzi, E ditor-in-C hief; Moderator Claudio M. Burgaleta and what's his name in a familiar pose; Sean O'Connor, Exec. Activities Editor; Steve Way, Exec. Sports Editor; Jeff Jablonski, Exec. Seniors Edi tor; Susan Baber, Asst. Moderator; Don Lapine, Editor-in-Chief. PAGE 125: top row, left to right; Steve Salvemini, Exec. Faculty Editor; Tony Cabrera, Exec. Pho tography Editor; Kevin Lyons, Faculty Editor; Mike Voicu, Sports Editor. Second row, left to right: Dave Toussas, Photogra phy Editor; Kevin Atchison, Seniors Edi tor; Bob Bleach, Faculty Editor; Dave Goldrich, Activities Editor. RIGHT: front row, left to right; Ian Schaplowsky, John Remishofski, Jeff Vita, Carlos Pomares, Dennis Degnan, Bhavin Shah, M anny Guarda, Vincent LoRe, Ken Ferrante, A1 Ortega, liernan Hernandez, Oliver Car tano. Back row, left to right; Robert Leung, Steve Fals, Robert Weierman, Joel Hampton, Phil Parziale, Ryonguk Lee, Matt Labus, M ike Stefano, Sabahat Khan.
B. Adornetto: "A flute with no holes is not a flute, but a doughnut with no hole is a danish."
-Chevy Chase D. Ahern: "/ gotta' admit that I'm a little bit confused; sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used."
-Roger Waters
BR IA N A D O R N E TT O Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 3
KEVIN J. ATCHISON "A T C H " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Petroc 3; Photography Club 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 2; Spirit Award 2; Science Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 2,3,4, Senior Edi tor; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; NHS
A N D REW A LICAN DRI “A N D Y " Football 2,3; Indoor Track 4; Out door Track 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Band 1,2; Italian Club 1,2,3,4, Secretary; Eucharistic Min ister 4; Emmaus Team 4; Junior Prom Committee 3
A. Alicandri: "To m y friends, Thank You!"
D AN IEL A HERN "G O D O F TH E UN D ERW O RLD " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Com mittee 2,3; Band 1; Italian Club 1; Irish Club 4; Latin American Soci ety 2; T.V. Studio 3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 2,3,4; Collector's Club 4
K. Atchison: "Ain't nothin' gonna breaka my stride. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad."
J. Arceo: "Watch out for people who grin and wink at you; they have thought o f som ething evil."
-Proverbs 16:30
JO H N J. ARCEO "JO H N A ." Basketball 1; Indoor Track 4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Gynnastics 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Chess Club 4; Latin American Society 2; Science Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4, Treasurer
E. Barua:
"You either go all the way, or you don't go at all; cause the world meets no one half-way. If you want it, take it; if you don't, someone else will." F. Bayerlein:
"The light looks green to me."
EDGAR BARUA “ED DIE" Wrestling 4; Indoor Track 2; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4, Captain; Spirit Committee 4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4, Execu tive; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4, Executive
GREGORY BELLOTTI "W H ITEGH OST" Football 1,2,3,4, Captain; Intramur als 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Intramural Staff 1,2; Homeroom President 2,3; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 2; Eucharistic Minister 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Mission Drive Committee 2,3; Computer Club 3; Parachute Club 3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4
CARLOS BELLIDO "L O S" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 2; Forensics 2,3,4; Eu charistic Minister 4; Emmaus Team 4; Radio Club 1,2; German Club 3,4; Algebra I Gold Medal; Greek I Gold Medal; Greek II Gold Medal; N.HS.
FREDERICK BAYERLEIN "FA ST FRED D IE" Basketball 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 4; German Exchange 3; Stage Crew 4; German Club 2,3; Computer Science Gold Medal 3
C. Bellido: "Procrastination is the thief o f time."
G. Bellotti: "Re-lax"
B. Benebe: "The paths o f glory lead but to the grave."
-Thomas Gray
BENJAMIN BENEBE "B E N " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 4; Skateboard Club 3,4; Oriental Club 2,3; German Club 2,3
W . Benzija:
"Prep Pride Forever! Good luck in all you do! God Bless" J. Bernardo:
"To the parents: Let your son choose his own path and it will always lead back to you."
RO BERT BLEACH Outdoor Track 3; Golf 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Science Club 2; Petrean 4, Faculty Editor; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
W A LTER BEN ZIJA "W A L T " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Coun cil 2,3,4, President; Honor Pin 1,2,3; H.A.P. 3; Homeroom Presi dent 1; Spirit Committee 4; Forensics 1,2,3,4, Captain; Spirit Award 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Mission Drive Committee 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Gold Medal U.S. History 3; Silver Medal English 3; N.H.S.
R O BER T BIGG "JE S S E " Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; H.A.P. 1; Irish Club 1,2; Science Club 1,4; Radio Club 1,2; Guitar Club 1; Rock-and-RoIl Club 2,3
R. Bigg: JO H N BER N A RD O Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; French Club 2; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4, VicePresident; Silver Medal U.S. Histo ry 3; N.H.S.
"Good Times!
Bad Times'
R. Bleach: "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. I f it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it."
G. Brown: "Budweiser-Because 'U ' deserve what every individual should en joy regularly!"
GREG BRO W N "JELLYBEA N " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4, Captain; T.V. Studio 4; Weightlift ing Club 1,2
M. Bryant: "If you think I'm ugly, look at the guys next to me."
S. Byron: "You're askin' for it!!"
A. Cabrera: "Of all the forces in the universe, the greatest are Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of all is Love."
STEPHEN BYRON "B-M A N " Wrestling 1; Indoor Track 2; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Dance Committee 4; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Society 3,4; Ger man Club 2,3,4
FABLU CALDERON "PAAAB" Wrestling 1,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1; Spirit Committee 4; Photography Club 2; Latin Ameri can Society 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Paper and Pen 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Strategic War Games Club 1; Dun geons and Dragons Club 1; Emma us 3,4
ANTHONY CABRERA "T O N E " Student Council 4; Gymnastics 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Com mittee 3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4, Photography Editor; LatinAmerican Society 2,3; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 2,3, Photography Editor 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Guitar Club 2,3,4; Harvard Model Con gress 3,4; Diving 3,4; N.H.S.
JO H N J. CALICCHIO Intramurals 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3; Science Club 2,3
MARC BRYANT "O RA N G E" Basketball 2,3,4; Skateboard Club 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
P. Calderon: "Effort within the mind further lim its the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal, and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end is in view, you have placed a limit on the m ind"
-Bruce Lee J. Calicchio: "Easy doesn't do it."
-A1 Burnstein
R. Camiligan: "The art o f war is like the art of sex. The simplest moves are the best." -Napolean
P. Campen: "If I knew, I'll tell ya!"
RAUL CAMALIGAN "R A -U LA A Y " Basketball 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2; Ori ental Club 1,2,3,4, President; Eb ony Club 3,4; Emmaus 3,4
ERIC V. CANTADA Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 2,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Chess Club 2; French Club 2,3; Ori ental Club 2,3,4
OSVA LD O CARDALES JR . "O Z Z IE " Tennis 3,4; Intramurals 3,4; Bowl ing 4; Spirit Committee 4; Ski Club 4; Latin-American Society 4; Weightlifting Club 4; Mission Drive Committee 4; Stage Crew 4; T.V. Studio 4
E. Cantada: PA TR IC K CAM PEN "W H U B B Y " Football 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3
D A V ID C A RD IN O "D A V E " Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Garden State Distinguished Scholar; National Merit Com mended Student
"I'll stop the world and melt with you. You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time. There's nothing you and I won't do."
-Modern English D. Cardino: "You can't turn your back in the world o f professional wrestling."
-Gorilla Monsoon O. Cardales: "A good education goes a long way."
J. Castro: "At school they taught me how to be so pure in thought and mind and deed; they didn't quite suc足 ceed"
-Pet Shop Boys C. Catania: "They pelted us with rocks and garbage"
-David Letterman
JONATHAN CASTRO Wrestling 3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 4; Dance Committee 4; Ski Club 4; Computer Club 1; Oriental Club 2,3,4
NORMAN CHAIT "STO R M IN ' NORM AN " Intramurals 2; Swimming 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Slavic Club 4; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Collector's Club 4
EDWARD A. CHEATAM Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Latin-American Society 2,3,4; Computer Club 3; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Bicycle Club 3
N. Chait:
CHRISTOPHER CATANIA "SPEED " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2; Ski Club 4; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Collector's Club 4; Rock and Roll Club 2
JEFFREY CHANG Intramurals 3,4; Dance Committee 3; Petroc 3,4, Design Editor; Irish Club 4; Petrean 3,4, Stage Crew 4; T.V. Studio 4; Computer Club 3,4; Oriental Club 4; German Club 3
"And till I'm much obliged, such a pleasant stay. But now, it's time for me to go. I know I got one thing I got to do: RAMBLE ON."
-Led Zeppelin J. Chang:
"As I starred into the abyss, the abyss starred back at me and neither liked what we saw."
-Bro. Theodore E. Cheatam:
"Sorry, but I don't remember asking
V. Chrisos: "Man learns through suffering."
T. Cooney: "It was the best o f times. It was the worst o f times."
-Charles Dickens
TEREN CE COONEY "T E R " Honor Pin 1; Chess Club 1; Science Club 2,4
CH RISTO PH ER G. CULHANE Basketball 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Homeroom President 2,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 3; German Club 2,3,4; N.H.S.
MICHAEL C O TTO N "C O O L M IK E " Intramurals 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2; Pe足 troc 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; LatinAmerican Society 2
PA TRICK F. CUNNINGHAM "O P IE " Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,4; Golf 1; Honor Pin 1; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Parachute Club, Crocodile Club 3
V A SILIO S C H R ISO S "B IL L " Indoor Track 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Radio Club 2; Computer Club 1,2
M. Cotton: "Let it b e "
-John Lennon and Paul McCartney C. Culhane: "Success lies in getting up just one m ore time than you fall."
P. Cunningham: "I don't know where I'm going. But, I sure know where I've been."
Fr. Kuntz tells you a bad joke and you forget to laugh. AHEAD TWO SPACES
Two feet of snow, school is in session, and you stay home. AHEAD THREE SPACES
The soda machine only gives you colored seltzer. BACK ONE SPACE
You fail Senior religion. BACK THREE SPACES
You kick an underclassman off the Senior bleachers. AHEAD TWO SPACES
Your booklist is longer than the last story you read. BACK TWO SPACES
You trip while walking up to get your diploma. BACK TWO SPACES
You thought Prep was a coed school. BACK TWO SPACES
Although Prep itself is not a board game, it sometimes seems as if someone is rolling the dice for you. These two pages are a collection of humorous happenings at school that make ev足 eryone's life more "in* teresting." If you want to try your luck, start in the upper left hand cor足 ner. Then roll the dice and follow the direc足 tions of the space that you land on. Then roll again. See if you can be the first to reach the center and graduate.
You set a school record for getting bookchecked. BACK TWO SPACES
The cafeteria food is found to have nutritional value. AHEAD TWO SPACES
Senioritis is recognized a legitimate medical condition. GO TO INNER RING ONE SPACE
Easy Senior schedule - Wytocki, Campion, Stump, Donahue. ROLL
The yearbook Is delivered before graduation. AHEAD ONE SPACE
You've given up trying to get to class on time AHEAD ONE SPACE
You get a 100 on a Campion paper then you wake up. BACK ONE SPACE
Your class establishes the largest curve in school history. BACK ONE SPACE
The student council president delivers on ALL his promises. AHEAD ONE SPACE
Your 7th period teacher is absent on a short day, but you're not allowed to leave. BACK TWO SPACES
You have a note certifying your sneakers as "orthopedic shoes."
■ p %
ou are late ir elm by Wo seconds id you get Ikg. BACK
You pass all your exams by one point each. AHEAD ONE SPACE
You have three classes on the fourth floor of the English building. BACK ONE SPACE
You average is 69.999 and you get a 0.0. BACK TWO SPACES
The walk-a-thon is officially changed to the drive-a-thon. AHEAD ONE SPACE
You profit $90 selling elevator passes. AHEAD TWO SPACES
You forget your locker combination for the fifth time. BACK TWO SPACES
You get your first jug on the last 4 n y g of school in Senior year. BACK THREE SPACES
You discover a cure for senior!tis, but you destroy the formula. AHEAD TWO SPACES
You visit the Academy Deli for Prep day. BACK ONE SPACE
All yen? mid terms are multiple choice. AHEAD ONE SPACE
The SAT you got 1600 on was a fake. BACK ONE SPACE
You actually read the F e tm c and save all the issues. BACK ONE SPACE
The manager of the hotel for the Boston trip comes to Prep to seek revenge. BACK TWO SPACES
The copy machine is down die day of the test - dam! AHEAD TWO SPACES
If -ta> . 'ou spill your flfrink all over liour prom 1fate. BACK
But you find out *ihe was going to dump you anyway. AHEAD THREE SPACES
Your car breaks down as the bus you used to take passes you by. BACK ONE &PACE
Every day of the week is Late Start AHEAD ONE SPACE
------------------vou get lung oncer from Walking jhrough the nooking pit. BACK TWO SPACES
Someone writes your combination on the front of your locker. BACK TWO SPACES
You get knocked unconscious by a roll of toilet paper at a rally. BACK ONE SPACE
Someone on the bowling team bowls 300, but nobody notices. BACK TWO SPACES
Two fire drills interrupt two killer tests. AHEAD TWO SPACES
One of your dumb exuses actually fools a teacher. AHEAD ONE SPACE
T. Curran:
"Semper Fidelis.' P. Cush:
"It's no problem'
TERRENCE CURRAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 2; Emmaus 3; German Club 2,3,4
THOMAS S. DiCOSTANZO "T O M " Cross Country 1,2,3,4, Captain; In足 door Track 1,2,3,4, Captain; Out足 door Track 1,2,3,4; Captain; Honor Pin 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4, President; Stage Band 3,4; Spirit Award 3
JO H N DeFILIPPIS Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Chess Club 4; Italian Club 4; Com足 puter Club 1,4; A.C.L. Silver Medal 2; A.C.L. Magna Cum Laude Latin Award 3
J. DeFilippis: PAUL CUSH Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 2; Rock and Roll Club 3; Science Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Computer Club 2
"You don't have to be sweet to be good."
-Ron Hextall T. DiCostanzo: "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday."
R. Dimler: "Seasons may change, weather blows, but you still leave a mark on m e."
-David Bowie
ROBERT DIMLER Cross Country 2,3; Honor Pin 1,3; Forensics 3,4; Emmaus Team 4; N.H.S.
C. DiNardo: "No Comment."
-Oliver North S. DiNardo: "And soon these childish dreams must end, to become a man and go on to dream again."
-Bruce Springsteen
CH RISTO PH ER DOROSZCZYK "SP O C K X " Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track, Captain; Outdoor Track 1 .2 .3 .4 , Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Irish Club 4; Science Club 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 1,2,3,4; German Ex足 change 3; Parachute Club; Weight足 lifting Club 1,2,3,4; Hockey Man足 ager 3,4
C H R IST O PH ER N. D iN A R D O Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,4; Science Club 4; Paper and Pen 4; Computer Club 4; Role Playing Games Club 1,3
D A V ID DONNELLY Cross Country 3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; H.A.P. 1; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4, Chairman; Emmaus Team 4; Paper and Pen; 3,4
D. Donnelly: SA LVA TO RE D iN A R D O "S A L " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Stage Crew 4
"This is not me. Please get back to me.
C. Doroszczyk: "Once in a great while, everyone crashes and burns. A nd when you do, just make sure you choose the right beer to put out the flames."
-Becks S. Duda: "Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."
STANLEY DUDA Tennis 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3
T. Dzubina:
"This song is over. It's all behind m e." -The Who R. Ebanks:
"You better believe there will be times in your life when you'll be feeling like a stumbling fool. So take it from me, you'll learn more from your acci dents than anything you could ever learn at school." -Billy Joel
RICHARD A. EBANKS "R IC H " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3,4; H.A.P. 1,2,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3; French Club 2; Latin-American Society 1,2,3,4; Eu charistic Minister 4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Radio Club
CHRIS ESPOSITO "ESPO " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Com mittee 1
THOM AS M. DZUBINA "M O T " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 2,3,4; Swimming 1; Dance Committee 4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4
M. Elson:
"The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to b e" -Socrates C. Esposito:
"We are on a journey to keep an ap pointment with whatever we are." -Gene Roddenberry D. Estrada:
"If it feels good, DO ITU"
MICHAEL ELSON Cross Country 1,2,3,4, Captain; Outdoor Track 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Home room President 1; Dramatics 3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Mission Drive Committee 2; German Club 2,3, Vice-President, 4; Harvard Model Congress 3,4; English Silver Medal 1; N.H.S.
DAVID ESTRADA "LURCH " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 3,4; Latin-American Society 1,2, Execu tive, 3,4; Ebony Club 3,4
J. Fenney:
"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." M . Figurski:
"Hay N A-NE N A-N E."
JO H N FEENEY "F R O S T S " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 4; Irish Club 4; Weight-lifting Club 4;
JO H N FLANAGAN "B IF F " Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2; Stu足 dent Council 2,3; Intramural Staff 1,2; Homeroom President 1; Dance Committee 1,2; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Mission Drive Committee 2,3
T O N Y FR O IO "T B O N Y " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4
M ICHAEL FIG U RSK I Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Com足 mittee 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
R O BER T FON TICO BA Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Latin-American Society 1,2,3,4; 2:18 Club 1,2,3,4
J. Flanagan: "Bayonne is for scrubs; M onclair is for studs."
R. Fonticoba: "W hen all else fails #/@ * it."
T. Froio: "Don't put o ff today what you can definitely put o ff tomorrow!"
M. Gajewski: "Ain't it fu n n y h ow it is you n ev er m iss it 'till it's g o n e aw ay."
J. Gillespie: " E eeeeeeeee D oggie.
MICHAEL GAJEWSKI "JU IC E" Basketball 1; Indoor Track 4; Ten nis 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Home room President 1; Slavic Club 1,2; Collector's Club 4
JEFFREY GILLARD "J-R O C K " Football 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Stage Band 4; German Club 2,3; Rock and Roll Club 3,4, President; Em maus 3; Crocodile Club 3; Para chute Club
DAVID GOLDRICH Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4, Treasurer; Petrean 3, Activi ties Editor 4; Colletor's Club 4
JO H N GILLESPIE "JO N N Y CAT" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Com mittee 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4
J. Gillard: M ARK T. GNECCO "SILEN T 'G'N -E-C-C-O" Football V, Cross Country 3,4, Cap tain; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Golf 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Commit tee 2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; German Exchange 3; German Club 2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 3,4
We don't need no education . . . we don't need no thought control . . .
-Pink Floyd M. Gnecco: "If it's too loud; then you're old."
D. Goldrich: "Formative years o f my life: Prep"
J. Grogan: "Remember that on the political scale, the opposite o f being on the Right is not being on the Left; it is being in the W rong."
M. Guarda: "Get a good job with more pav and you're O .K ."
-Pink Floyd
MANUEL GUARDA "M A N N Y " Gymnastics 3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Photography Club 2,3; LatinAmerican Society 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2; Petrean 4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4
JO H N HESTER "T H E HEAD R EPR ESSIO N IST" Football 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Ra dio Club 4; Ebony Club 2,3; Collec tor's Club 4; Henchman 4
R IC H A RD H EN N EBERRY "H U C K LE" Tennis 1,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Weight lifting Club 1,2
H EN RY HOLZMANN "H A N K TH E T A N K " Honor Pin 1,2,3; Chess Club 3; Sci ence Club 2,3; Computer Club 4; German Club 2,3; German Ex change 3; Harvard Model Congress 3; Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3,4
JA M ES GROGAN " J IM " Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council Executive Com mittee 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Forensics 2,3,4; Paper and Pen 1; German Club 3,4; AATG Finalist 3
R. Henneberry: "My. Mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilization, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
J. Hester: "Take it easy killer"
-Paul Darata H. Holzmann: "O f all the things I've lost, I miss m y m ind the most."
J. Hughes: "College is going to be the best two weeks of my life." J. Jablonski
"You look MAHVELOUS!"
-Billy Crystal
JOHN HUGHES Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Coun cil 2; Soccer 1,2,3,4, Captain; Hock ey 2,3,4; Golf 4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Maroon Marauder; Petroc 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Com mittee 3,4; Parachute Club 3,4
Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Rock and Roll Club 2,3; Emma us 3,4
G E O R G E W . JA M E S IV "Z E K E "
Football 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2, Cap tain, 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hon or Pin 2; H.A.P. 1,2; Homeroom President 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Latin-American Society 2,4; Em maus Team 4; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; Mission Drive Committee 2,3; Computer Club 1,3; Ebony Club 1,2,3, Executive, 4; Skateboard Club 2,3; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4
G. James: JE F F R E Y R E A D JA B L O N S K I "JA B S "
Student Council 2,3,4, Treasurer; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Petroc 3; Forensics 1,2, Captain, 3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 3, Senior Editor 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 4; Hugh O'Brien Youth Ambassador; Boy's State 3; Who's Who in American High Schools 3; N.H.S.
"I'm paid in full!"
R. Jimenez: "Although this willjust be a memory, some memories will last forever."
-Rush S. Joshi: "The highest form o f bliss is living with a certain degree o f folly."
SA F A L JO S H I "S A F "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; French Club 2,3; Science Club 2,3,4; Pe trean 4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Computer Club 1,2; Geometry Silver Medal 2; Algebra II Silver Medal; Chemistry Silver Medal 3
P. Juskiewicz: "I says 'Yeah, I play a little guitar.' He says, 'So why don't you spend some money and get a bigger one?'"
J. Kealy: "Ipromise, Mrs. Bell, I'll never have a party here again . . . Yeah, right."
MICHAEL S. KENNY Basketball 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Dance Com足 mittee 1,2,3, 4 Executive Commit足 tee; Photography Club 1, 2,3,4; Chess Club 1; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Art Club 3,4; Science Club 3; Stage Crew 1,2,3 Stage Manager, 4 Production Manager; T .V . Studio 2; Computer Club
Football 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2; Italian Club 2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; T .V . Studio 1,2,4; Guitar Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 3; Slavic Club 1,2,3; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3,4
SEAN KEARN EY "S K IP P Y " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Dungeons and Dragons 1; Collectors Club 4; Rock and Roll Club 3; 2:18 Club 1,2,3,4
S. Kearney JO S E P H K E A L Y "C R A S H "
Basketball 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3, 4, Cap足 tain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4, Executive Committee; Intramural Staff 2,3; Honor Pin 2 ,3 ; Spirit Committee 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Dance Committee 2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2; Parachute Club 3,4; Crocodile Club 3
"Better to reign in H ell than serve in H eaven."
-Milton M. Kenny "These are not the best o f times, but these are the only times I will ever know ."
-Billy Joel E. Keohane "I drank what?" -Socrates
Football 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 2,3, Chairman, 4; Petroc 2; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Weightlifting 1,2,3,4; ACL Silver Medal 2
M. Khwaja:
"They asked me why I did what I did. Well sir, I guess there's just a meaness in this world." -Bruce Springsteen M. King:
"If you don't eat your meat, how can you have any pudding, how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat. It's just an other 'Brick in the Wall'"" -Pink Floyd
MATTHEW KING "M U FFIN S" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4, Captain; Intramural Staff 2,3; Honor Pin 1; Ski Club 4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Irish Club 4; Stage Crew 4; T.V. Studio 4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 4
DONALD P. LAPINE "D O N " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Dance Com mittee 4; Irish Club 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus Team 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Petrean 2,3, Underclassmen Editor 3, Editor-inCheif 4; N.H.S.
m MOHAM MED HASSIB KHAWAJA "W A BEEB" Football 1,3,4; Wrestling 3; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3,4 Intra mural Staff 2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Irish Club 4; French Club 2,3; Sci ence Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Oriental Club 4; Ebony Club 4; Weightlifting Club 3,4
D. Lapine
"Dream the impossible! Then make your dreams come true!!" R. Lavarro:
"You gotta' cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice." -U -2
D. Kleid:
"Speak to women as if they are an gels but assume they are serpents" -Sherlock's Last Case
DAVID KLEID "K LYD E" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 4; Emmaus Team 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2
RO LA N D O LAVARRO Wrestling 2; Intramurals 1,2,4; Gymnastics 3,4; Bowling 3,4; Hon or Pin 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4; Chess Club 2,3,4; French Club 2; Science Club 3,4; Paper and Pen 4; Computer Club 3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4, Secretary; Art Club 4
S. Lee
"Call me Ishmael." -H. M elville P. Lempa
"People never rem ember how you start; they only rem ember how you finish."
Cross Country 3,4; Wrestling 3; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Spirit Committee 4; LatinAmerican Society 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,4; Ori ental Club 2,3,4
Outdoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Gymnastics 4; Spirit Commit tee 3,4; Sk i Club 3,4; French Club 3,4; Stage Crew 4; Computer Club
Wrestling 3,4; Tennis 1,2; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 4; Latin-American Society 1,2; Mis sion Drive Committee 1,3
B. Librojo
Basketball 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Intram ural Staff 1,2,3,4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Home room President 1,2,3; Spirit Com mittee 3,4; Dance Committee 2; Pe troc 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2; Paper and Pen 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Latin-American So ciety 4; Computer Club 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
"All for freedom, and for pleasure. N othing ever lasts forever." -Tears For Fears H. Lindsey
"I'm the M an." W . Lindsley
"There's no pow er around to keep a good man down." -V an Halen
V. LoRe:
"The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life." -Plato K. Lyons;
"It is time for a new generation of leadership to cope with new problems and new opportunities. For there is a new world to be won." -John F. Kennedy
VINCENT LORE III Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Petroc 2; Chess Club 3; Italian Club 2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister, Science Club 2,3,4; Petrean 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Harvard Model Con gress 3; World Civilizations Silver Medal 1; Chemistry Gold Medal 3; French Gold Medal 3
Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4, V ice-P residen t; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3,4 Indoor
Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4, Ex ecutive Council; Baseball 2; Golf 1; Intramural Staff 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3, Page Editor, 4, Editor-in-Chief; Forensics 1,2; Ski Club 1,2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 2; Eu charistic Minister; Science Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 2,3; English I Gold Medal 1; Biology
D. Maglione:
Outdoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Dance Committee 4; Photography Club 2; Ski Club 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4, Presi dent; Latin-American Society 2; Science Club 2,3,4, Chairman; Em maus Team 4; Petrean 3, Faculty Editor 4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Radio Club 3,4; Computer Club 2,3; Slavic Club 1,2,3; Crocodile Club 3
KEVIN MALLARDI Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 3; Dance Committee 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Science Club 3; Computer Club 4
"I can lose myself in Chinese art and American girl" K. Mallardi:
"Please don't expect too much o f me. I may not turn out how you want me to be. I'm sorry if I let you down, but I must decide where my future's bound." -The Youth of Today E. Martin:
"Success is never final and failure is never fatal." -W inston Churhill
S. Mason "You can be what you want to be as long as you put your m ind to it."
F. Matta "The key to happiness: cold beer and hot girls."
FRAN CISCO J. M ATTA "FR A N THE M A N " Basketball 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,4; Base足 ball 2; Intramural Staff 4; H.A.P. 1; Homeroom President 1,3; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Society 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Oriental Club 4; Ebony Club 4
Outdoor Track 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 2,4; Emmaus 3; Science Club 2,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 4; Computer Club 4
Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Homeroom President 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlift足 ing Club 1,2,3,4; Intramural Coach 4
M. Matticola "You have to know what your limitations are, but sometimes ig足 nore those limitations, or you'll never get past them ."
-Walt Disney/Sherlock Holmes B. McEwen "Break out your shields, raise up your swords, fight, fight to sur足 vive."
-White Lion B. McLeod "You just be that way. O K ?'
Swimming 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Science Club 1,2,3; Stage Band 4; Emmaus 3; Biology Gold Medal 2
Tennis 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Homeroom President 1; Spirit Committee 4; Italian Club 3,4, Treasurer; Irish Club 4; LatinAmerican Society 3,4; Dungeons and Dragons Club 1; Ebony Club 1,2.3,4
C. Mercado "Make the most amount o f money with the least amount of effort!"
J. Monteforte "People never remember how you start; they only remember how you finish."
CARLOS I. MERCADO "M EN O S M AN " Wrestling 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 3,4; Baseball 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Latin-American Society 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Mission Drive Committee 2; Computer Club 4; Ebony Club 4; ACL Gold Medal 2
THOMAS MOORE "T O M " Football 1; Basketball 1,2; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 3; Honor Pin 1; H.A.P. 1; Homeroom President 1; Dramatics 1; Ski Club 2,3,4 Presi dent; Science Club 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
KENNETH M OORE Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Homeroom presi dent 1; Ski Club 1,2,3, Vice Presi dent 4; Science Club 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2; Petrean 4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club I,2,3,4; Physical Science Gold Med al 1; N.H.S.
K. Moore JASON MONTEFORTE "JAZZY J " Basketball 1,2,3,4 Captain; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Golf 4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 3,4; Parachute Club 3,4
"Our memories o f yesterday will last a lifetime. We'll take the best, forget the rest, and someday we'll find these are the best o f times."
-Styx T. Moore "The good old days weren't always good, but tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems."
-Billy Joel K. Morris "It has been a long four years, a lot of sweat, blood, and tears."
KEVIN M O RRIS Cross Country 3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2; Pho tography Club 3; Chess Club 2,3,4 Vice President; Ski Club 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Guitar Club 4
P. Morris: "W ord is born!"
L. Namnama: "There are some customs and prac tices in this em pire quite particular"
-Jonathan Swift
Football 1; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Out door Track 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Society 4; Computer Club 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 4
Basketball 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; H.A.P. 1,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Latin-Ameri can Society 1,2,3,4, President; Em maus Team 4; Latin Intro. Gold Medal 1; Spanish II Gold Medal 3; Ebony Club 4
Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 4; Spirit Commit tee 2,3,4; Dance Committee 2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 4
E. Nestor:
Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnas tics 2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 4
"I am most ill when I'm rhym in'and stealin'."
-Mike D J. Nieto "The road to success is a bumpy one, but when you finally get there it's smooth riding all the rest o f the way."
R. Nugent: "There are only two places in this league: first place and no place."
-Tom Seaver
Tennis 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Homeroom Presi dent 3
SENIOR JRIAN A D O RN ETTO >9 M allory Ave. erscy City, N.J. 07304 3ANIEL AHERN [25 Avenue A iayonne N .J. 07002
ANDREW ALICANDRI 1035 Garden St. -loboken, N .J. 07030 (OHN ARCEO 177 M anila Ave. lersey City, N .J. 07302
SEVIN A TCH ISO N !22 E. 19th Street view York, N.Y. 10003
EDGAR BARUA >08 Liberty Ave. [eisey City, N.J. 07307 FREDERICK BAYERLEIN >23 Division Ave. -lasbrouck Hts. 07604 : a r l o s b e l l id o [30 W akem an Ave. Slewark, N .J. 07104
3R EG O R Y BELLOTTI 253 Carmita Ave. Rutherford, N .J. 07070
BENJAM IN BENEBE 169 M anila Ave. lersey City, N .J. 07302 WALTER BEN ZIJA 156 Pine Street Cliffside Park, N .J. 07010 JOHN BERN A RD O 11 Howard Place lersey City, N .J. 07306
R O BERT BIGG >86 Woodlawn Ave. lersey City, N .J. 07305
tO B E R T BLEACH >7 Humphrey Ave. iayonne, N.J.. 07002
GREG O RY BRO W N 47 Delafield Ave. Lyndhuist, N .J. 07071
M A RC BRYA N T 1941 W all Street Rahway, N .J. 07065
STEPH EN BYRO N 26 C liff Street Jersey City, N .J. 07306 A N TH O N Y CABRERA 258 New YoduAa Newark, 07105
PABLO CALDERON 59 Beach Street Jersey City, N .J. 07307
JO H N CAI [iCCHIO 226 Hutton Street Jersey City, N .J. 07307
RAUL CAN ALIGAN 108 K ensinj t< on St. Jersey City, N.J. 07304 PA TR IC K 4A M P EN 30 K ing Av W eehawkei , N.J. 07087
ERIC CAN ADA 251 Boyd A e. Jersey City, N.J. 07304
D A V ID CA R D IN O 514 Garden Street Hoboken, .J. 07030 O SVALDO CARDALES )09 Clinton Street H/Ant-or* M J
W IL FR E D CA STRO 101 Grace Street Jersey City, N .J. 07307 C H RISTO PH ER CATANIA 163A Lincoln Street Jersey City, N .J. 07307
N O R M A N CH AIT 164 4th Street Apt. 34 Jersey City, N .J. 07302
JEFFREY CHANG 207 Second Ave. New York, New York 10003 EDW ARD CHEATAM II 12 Emory Street Jersey City, N .J. 07304 VA SILIO S CH RISO S 133 Duncan Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07306 TEREN CE CO O N EY 115 Brinkerhoff St. Ridgefield Pk. N .J. 07660
M ICHAEL CO TTO N 1006 Cross Ave. Elizabeth, N .J. 07208 C H RISTO PH ER CULHANE 520 Garden St. Hoboken, N .J. 07030 PA TRICK CU N NINGH AM 169 Central Ave. W . Caldwell, N.J. 07006 TER REN C E CURRAN 617 Liberty Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07307
PAUL CUSH 311 Travers PI. Lyndhurst, N .J. 07071
JO H N D eFILIPPIS 250 Neptune Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07305 TH OM AS D iC O ST ANZO 36 Albert St. N. A rlinf ton, N .J. 07032 R Q B E R llD IM L E R 115 Sunset Ave. N. A rlington, N .J. 07032 C H RISTO PH ER D iN A R D O 98 Kensington Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07304 SA LVA TO RE D iN A R D O 167 Congress St. Jersey City, N .J. 07307
D A VID DONNELLY 65 Gautier Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07306
C H RISTO PH ER D O ROSZCZYK 140 Erie Ave. Rutherford, N .J. 07070 STAN LEY DUDA 18 Avenue B Bayonne, N .J. 07002
T H O M A S DZUBIN A 14 W alnut Ave. Rutherford, N .J. 07070
JEFFER Y GILLARD 52 Brush H ill Rd. K innelon, N .J. 07405
JO H N GILLESPIE 261 Boulevard Bayonne, N .J. 07002 M A RK GNECCO 82 Preston St. Ridgefield Pk. N.J. 07660
D A VID GOLD RICH 1969 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, N .J. 07305
PATRICK JU SKIEW ICZ 188 Kensington Ave. Jersy City, N.J. 07306 JO SEPH KEALY 201 St. Paul's Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07306
SEAN KEARNEY 247 Hancock Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07307
MICHAEL KENNY 957A Summit Ave. Jersey City, N.J. 07307
MICHAEL E 1497 N. Indian jPl. N. B ru n sw ick ^ J.J. 08902
EUGENE KEOHANE 195Ikvenue A B ay o \ ie, N J. 07002
R IC H A R D IB A N K S 135 Montgomery St. Jersey City, f . J . 07302
H A SSI1 KHAW AJA 381 G rlv e St. Jersey t i t y , N .J. 07302
CH RISTO PH ESP O SIT O 7501 Blvd. East N orth Bergen, N .J. 07407
M A TTH EW KING 332 % cond Ave. Lynfhurst, N .J. 07071
D A V ID ESTRA D A 135 M ontgomery St. Jersey City, N .J. 07302
D f V I D KLEID 93fW estern Ave. J f s e y City, N .J. 07307
JO H N FEENEY 344 North Grove Street East Orange, N .J. 07017
O N LAPINE 611 Columbia Ave. North Bergen, N.J. 07407
MICHAEL FIG U RSKI 108 Linnet St. Bayonne, N .J. 07002
ROLA N D O LAVARRO 393 Stegman Pkwy. Jersey City, N .J. 07305
JO H N FLANAGAN 7 Duryea Rd. Upper M ontclair, N.J. 07403
C H R IS LEE 471 W ilson Ave. Lyndhurst, N .J. 07071
R O BE R T FO N TICO BA 1308 7th St. North Bergen, N .J. 07047 A N TH O N Y FR O IO P.O. Box 1862 Bayonne, N .J. 07002 MICHAEL G A JEW SK I 120 Irving St. Jersey City, N .J. 07307
G EO l 20-22 Seidler St. Jersey City, N .J. 07304
R O Y JIM EN EZ 86B Suburbia Dr. Jersey City, N .J. 07305
SAFAL JO SH I 14 Paul PI. Old Bridge, N .J. 08857
PAUL LEMPA 83 W . 34th St. Bayonne, N .J. 07002
B EN JA M IN LIBRO JO 54 Stuyvesant Ave. Jersey City, N .J. 07306
DIRECTORY H O RA CE L IN D SE Y 241 Stegm an Pkw y. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07305
W ALLY LIN D SLE Y 488 Park Ave. Fairview, N .J. 07022
V IN C EN T LoRe III 835 A venue A. Bayonne, N .J. 07002
K EV IN L Y O N S 46 Fleet St. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07306
D AN IEL M AGLIQlQE 79 T h o rn e St. Jersey C ity, N .J/ 07307
K EV IN M A If A R D I 41 E. 15th S t l Bayonne, N .j\ 0 7 0 0 2 E D W A R D M A R T IN R.D . # 3 7 Horsesr Rd. W hitehouse Station , N .J. 08889 SAM U EL M A S 6 N 121 W oodlaw n Ave. Jersey City,/N .J. 07305
FR A N C ISC O M A T T 4 64 GlenvJood A ve. Jersey C ily , N .J. 0730|
M A R K M A T T IC O L A 4 Tow ers SB Jersey C ity, P O . 07304
JA SO N M O N TEFO RTE 44 E. 35th St. B ayonne, N .J. 07002
KEN N ETH M O O RE 72 G autier Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07306
TH OM AS M OORE 72 G autier Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07306
K E V IN M O R R IS 135 Hollyw ood Ave. H illside, N .J. 07205
TON M O R R IS 45 C rescent Ave. Jeresy C ity , N .J. 07304
IIO 4A M N A M A $08 M ontgom ery A ve.) /Jersey C ity , N .J. 073061
JW A R D N E ST O R 41^Qautier Ave.
JU L IO N IE T O 99 R om aine Ave. Jersey C ity , N .J. 07306
ifCH A RD N U G E N i r 118 N ew m an Ave. B ayonn e, N .J. 07002
B R A D M cL E O D 50 Bidw ell Ave. Jersey C ity , N .J. 07305
g-U iri qTmERCADO 440 W oodside A ve. ; Newark, N .J. 07104
K EN N ET H O L SZ E W SK I 17 Andrew St. B ayonne, N .J. 07002
K E V IN O 'SU LLIV A N 108 Parkview Dr. Bloom field, N .J. 07003
JA Y PAC ILLO 38 V alley Court Secaucus, N .J. 07094 JO SE P H PAOLJILIGAN 135 C o ftig e St. Jersey A y , N .J. 07306 C H R IS T O P H E R P A LM ER 1232 G a rte n St. H obcikem , N .J. 07030 ra l/h
PAN TOZZI l o a d e r race Ave. •sey C ity , N .J. 07307
SE A N O T O N N O R 132 L in coln Ave. E lizabeth, N .J. 07208
T H O M A S O 'H A R E 403 Fairview Ave. Fairview , N .J. 07022 D A V ID O H LM U L LE R 124 Sum m it Ave. Upper M o n tclair, N .J. 07403
M A R IO R IC O 80 Christopher St. M ontclair, N .J. 07042
D A V ID R IO L O 222 Custer Ave. Jersey C ity , N .J. 07305
M A N U EL R O SA D O 1305 Bloom field St. H oboken, N .J. 07030
D A V ID R O V E R E 1111 78th St. N orth Bergen, 07047
RO BERT TUOHY 158 1/2 Coles St. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07302 JO H N SH EERA N 25 H ighland Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07306
G U Y SIN D L E 746 Avenue A Bayonne, N .J. 07002
P R U B H JO T SIN G H 57 Boyd Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07304
D A V ID SK O R K A 409 K nickerbocker Ave. t'aterson, 1V.Ji»I17503
R A Y M O JffD RU SH FO RTH 114 Gle/wood Ave. Jersey f ity , N .J. 071 P H IL I# R Y A N 27 Sunsfet Ave. N . A rlington, N .J. 07032
C A R L O S PER EZ 1250 G arden St. H oboken, N .J. 07030
C E SA R P E R N IA 163 B rill St. N ew ark, N .J. 07105
LO U IS P O L IT E W IC Z 162 W . 18th St. B ayonne, N .J. 07002
JA M E S VA N BLA RC O M 69 E. Gouverneur Ave. Rutherford N .J. 07070
P A T R IC K V IN IN G 55 Hathaway Lane Essex Fells, N .J. 07021
JO SE P H V IT A 67 First Ave. Little Falls, N .J. 07424
O SEPH V O LC Y 90 Linden Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07305
K E IT H VU K A N 335 W ebster Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07307
G IL B E R T SA B p S A Y 469 M an ila Ave. Jersey Cityv N .J. 07302
ST E V EN W A Y 5 2 a D a v is Ave. KeaViy, N .J. 07032
"H A N D R E S H PA TEL 190 H u tton S t. Jersey C ity , N .J. 07307
DA >TO PEN A SKO VIC 70 W . 24th St. B ayonne, N .J. 07002
M ICH A EL VALEN TE 5 M arianne Terrace Seacaucus, N .J. 07094
ICH A EL V O IC U 308 Bergenline Ave. nion C ity, N .J. 07087
PETEH ^A RTO ZA 70 G au t\ r Ave. Jersey C i \ , N .J. 07306
EDW ARD O 'C O N N E LL 21 V an W agenen Ave. r R IC H A R D f>ELUSO Jersey C ity , N .J. 07306 . 303 Je ffe rs ^ i A ve. Apt 513 H oboken^ N .J. 07030 BRL 37 Lord Ave B ayonn e, N .J. 07002
BRIA N M cE W E N 138 Byrd Ave. Bloom field, N .J. 07003
O M A R O L IV E R O S 28 Sherm an Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07307
R IC H A R D RECZKA 38 W . 53rd St. Bayonne, N .J. 07002
SCOT W H N TW O RTH 188 lin d e n Ave. B ell# rille, N .J. 07109 iW A RD W H ITE H E A D 709 15th St. U nion C ity, N .J. 07087
W A IT E R SC H N E ID E R 16 W . 4 « t S t . B ayonne, 07002 R O B E R T SC H O R K 349 A venue A Bayonne, N .J. 07002
M A T T H E W SH A W 244 H ancock Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07307
JO H N SH EA 47 C ountry Village Rd. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07305
M A R EK W O R O B IE J 534 H ickory St. K earny, N .J. 07032 D A V ID T O U SSA S 218 T errace Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07307
R IC H A R D T R IL L ES 121 Bentley Ave. Jersey C ity, N .J. 07304
LARRY TRO N CO 3 M an or D rive W arren Tow nship, N .J.
M ICH A EL Z IELEN IEW SK I 7 V era PI. M ontclair, N .J. 07042 C H R IS T O P H E R ZIN G A R O 366 W . Passaic Ave. Bloom field, N .J. 07003
E. O'Connell "If my GPA were an ERA, I would be worth a million dollars."
B. O'Connor "Ta-Da"
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Computer Club 4; Para chute Club 3,4
Wrestling 1,2, Captain 3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2,3; Intramu ral Staff 3,4; Honor Pin 1; Chess Club 1,2; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus Team 4
SEAN O'CONNOR Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Spirit Commit tee 3,4; Senior Prom Committee; Dance Committee 4; Petroc 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Emmaus Team 4; Junior Prom Committee; Petrean 2, Underclass men Editor 3, Activities Editor 4; Spirit Award 4
DAVID OHLMULLER Basketball 1; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Homeroom presi dent 2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Soci ety 2; Science Club 2; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Radio Club 1,2,3; Computer Club 4
EDWARD O'CONNELL Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 4
S. O'Connor "Discipline is never an end in itself . . . only a means to an end"
-King Crimson T. O'Hare "The only easy day was yesterday"
D. Ohlmuller "It's not over till it's over."
O. Oliveros: "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around you might miss it."
-Ferris Bueller K. Olszewski: "Hurst or Clemens- the rest are lem ons"
-The Fan
O M A R O LIV ER O S "O L L IE " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 3,4; Honor Pin 2; H.A.P. 1; Spirit Com mittee 3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Latin-American Society 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Ra dio Club 3,4; Guitar Club 1,2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3,4
KEVIN O'SULLIVAN "W O O D Y " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3, Cap tain, 4; Ski Club 2,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; T.V. Stu dio 1,2; Guitar Club 1; Computer Club 1,2
JO SEPH PAGUILIGAN "JO E PAG S" Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Spirit Committee 4; Dance Committee 2,3; Chess Club 1,2, Sec retary, 3,4, President; French Club 2; Science Club 2; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Rock and Roll 3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Para chute Club 4; Spirit Award, 4
K. O'Sullivan: K EN N ETH O LSZEW SKI Outdoor Track 2; Honor Pin 2; Chess Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4;
JA Y PACILLO Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Parachute Club 4
"A dream without a plan is just a wish"
J. Pacillo: "You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."
J. Paguiligan: "The world is as ugly as sin and al most as delightful."
-Frederick Locker-Lampson
C. Palmer "All I need is some tasty waves, a cool buz, and I'm fine."
-Jeff Spicolli R. Pantozzi "Through rose-tinted glass you still remember the gladness, not sad ness, only laughter."
-Siouxsie and the Banshees
RALPH S. PANTOZZI Honor Pin 1,2,3; H.A.P. Tutor 2,3,4; Winter H.A.P. Teacher 3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2; Pe trean Underclassmen Editor 3,4, Art Editor 4, Editor in Chief 4; Al gebra I Silver Medal 1; Science Sil ver Medal 1; Geometry Gold Medal 2; Spanish 1 Silver Medal 2; Eng lish II Silver Medal 2; Latin II Gold Medal 2; Spanish II Silver Medal 3; Algebra II Gold Medal 3; English III Gold Medal 3; N.H.S., 4
CHANDRESH PATEL "A N D REW " Cross Country 3; Outdoor Track 3; Intramurals 3,4; Chess Club 2,3; Computer Club 2,3,4
CHRISTOPHER M. PALMER "PA LM TREE" Wrestling 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 4; Spirit Commit tee 3,4; Petroc 4; Irish Club 4; Ju nior Prom Committee, Computer Club 1,2; German Club 2,3,4; Ger man Exchange 3; Parachute Club 4
P. Partoza "No problem ."
-Alf C. Patel "Have fun while you can, you might be working tomorrow."
R. Peluso "When you have nothing to say, say nothing."
-Charles Caleb Colton
PETER KENNETH PARTOZA "K E N " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 4; Bowl ing 3,4; Swimming 1; Dance Com mittee 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4; Bicycle Club 1,2,4; Gymnastics 1; Science Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Ori ental Club 1,2,3,4
RICHARD PELUSO Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 4; French Club 1,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 4; Guitar Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club 3,4; Rock and Roll Club 3,4; Crocodile Club 3;
D. Penaskovic: "This is only the end o f the begin足 n ing."
C. Perez: "Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."
D A V ID P E N A S K O V IC "F E R O C IO U S D A V E " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus Team 4; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2
CESAR PERNIA Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Society 1,2; Col足 lector's Club 4
RICH A RD RECZKA Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Bowling 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Homeroom President 2; French Club 2; Slavic Club 1,2,3
C. Pernia C A RLO S PEREZ "E D U "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Photography Club V, Ski Club 1,2; Latin-American Society 4; Science Club 1,2
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2; Dance Committee 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1; Stage Crew 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
"Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend. We are equal in the end."
-Pink Floyd L. Politewicz: "In union we stand."
-Over Kill R. Reczka: "We are the best baseball team in the United States o f America we are the best. No one else can say that."
-Larry Bowa
M. Rico "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomor足 row we shall die."
-Epicurian Motto D. Riolo "Yo, Baby, Baby!!!"
M A R IO J. R IC O " R I C 'N "
D A V ID R O V E R E "D A V E " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 1,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4, Irish Club 4; Latin-American Soci足 ety 1,2; Parachute Club 3,4
Cross Country 3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Dance Committee 4; Ski Club 4; Stage Crew 4; German Club 3,4
M A N U E L F. R O S A D O W re s tlin g 1,3,4; In tra m u ra ls 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 1; Com足 puter Club 4; Latin-American Soci足 ety 1,2,3,4
D A V ID A N T O N IO R IO L O "P O P E Y E " Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3, Captain; Spirit Committee 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 2,3,4; Italian Gold Medal I and II, 2,3
M. Rosado
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." D.
"Nothing in life is worth doing unless it can be accomplished by a short cut." R. Rushforth
"Bum- RUSH the Show!!!"
R A Y M O N D R. RU SH FO RTH "R U S H " Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 4; LatinAmerican Society 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; W eightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 3,4
P. Ryan: "School is a nice thing to to between parties."
G. Sabusay: "People should never lose sight o f the fact that life is fu n ."
P H IL IP A . R Y A N J R . "P H IL "
A N T O N IO S A R M IE N T O "T O N Y "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2, Captain, 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spir足 it Committee 2,4; Ski Club 2,3,4, Secretary; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Ger足 man Exchange 3; Science Club 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2; German Club 2,3,4
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Petroc 4; French Club 2; Stage Crew 4; T.V. Studio 4; Latin I Gold Medal 1, French I Gold Medal 1, Latin II Silver Medal 2
S T E V E S A L V E M IN I " S A L V E M A X I"
Student Council 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Forensics 1,2,3; Chess Club 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Petrean 3, Faculty Editor 4; Computer Club 4
S. Salvemini: j
G IL B E R T S A B U S A Y "S A B U "
Outdoor Track 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 4; Chess Club 1,3,4; Sci足 ence Club 2,3,4; Oriental Club 2,3,4; Role Playing Games Club 1,2, Vice-President
"He came, H e saw, H e surrendered all."
-Michael Card A. Sarmiento: "May the force be with you."
-Obi wan Kenobi W. Schneider: "To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best - if you're not, pretend you are."
-Muhommad Ali
W ALTER SCHNEIDER "W A LT VO N SCH M EIG LEH EIM ER" Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2.3.4, Secretary; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Homeroom President 1; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Slavic Club, President; Ebony Club 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Weightlifting Club, N.H.S.
R. Schork: "Rhymin' and Stealin' in a drunken state."
-Beastie Boys M. Shaw: "I'm not prejudiced, I hate every body"
M A T T H E W SH A W "M A T T "
Basketball 3; Chess Club 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Latin-American Soci ety 3; Science Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4, Presi dent; Guitar Club 3,4; Computer Club 1; Rock and Roll Club 3,4, Treasurer
JO H N V . SH E E R A N JR . " J .V ."
Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stu dent Council 3,4; H.A.P. 1,2; Homeroom President 1,2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; French Club 2; Eucharistic Minis ter; Science Club 2; Paper and Pen 4
R O B E R T SC H O R K "B O B B Y S ."
Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Golf 1; Chess Club 3; Ebony Club 4; Parachute Club 3,4
J. Shea: "We met as soul mates on Paris Island. We left as inmates from an asylum."
-Billy Joel J. Sheeran "I wonder to myself ever be sane again?"
. Could life
-The Smiths G. Sindle: "There is no such thing as bad beer, just some are better than others"
JO H N J. SH E A "JA Y "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 4; Dance Committee 2,3,4, Ex ecutive Committee; Dramatics 2,3,4; Photography Club 2,3; Chess Club 1; Ski Club 4; Irish Club 1,2; French Club 2; Eucharistic Minis ter; Science Club 2; Stage Crew 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3; Emmaus 3,4
Football'2,3; Outdoor Track 4; In tramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Spirit Commit tee 2,3,4, Assistant Chairman; Dance Committee 1,2; Ski Club 2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4, Vice-President; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Stage Crew 1; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Para chute Club 3,4
P. Singh "The most beautiful thing we can ex perience is the mysterious. It is the source o f all true art and science."
-Albert Einstein D. Skorka "Put yourself in our hands so our voices can be heard, and together we will take on all the world."
-Judas Priest
P R U B H J O T S IN G H " P J."
Gymnastics 1,4; Dramatics 3; French Club 2; Petrean 4; Comput er Club 1,2,4;
P E T E R S O L L E C IT O " P IS T O L P E T E "
Football 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Homeroom president 4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Petroc 4; Emmaus 4; German Club 2,3,4
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IB
P E T E R J. S P E R O N Z A "P E T E "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hockey 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Science Club 4; Parachute Club 3,4
P. Sollecito D A V ID J. S K O R K A "D IA G O N A L " "F L IN C H " Indoor T rack 2; Outdoor Track 2; Honor P in 2; Stage Crew 3,4; Ger man Club 2,3,4; German I Gold Medal 2, German II Gold M edal 3
Football 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2; Base ball 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Collector's Club 4
"Ever wonder why teachers are con stantly warning you about the ha zards o f drinking? Well stop wonder ing, look what it did to them!"
P. Spadora "Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there."
-John Wooden P. Speronza "The road to success is always under construction."
W. Stefko: "When all else is lost, the future still remains."
-Christian Nestell Bovee A. Stewart: "Be loyal, be true, be the best at what you do. St. Peter's I'll miss you -sin cerely, the Stew"
WILLIAM C. STEFKO "PO SEU R" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Band 2,3,4; Chess Club 3,4; French Club 2, Vice-President, 3; Stage Crew 2; TV . Studio 1,2,3,4, Secretary; Gui tar Club 1,2,3, Vice-President, 4, President; Slavic Club 1,2,3; Rock and Roll Club 3, Vice-President, President 4; Stage Band 3,4; Croco dile Club 3
P E T E R F.X. S T O K E S " F .X ."
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4, Captain; Forensics 1; Ski Club 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4
D A V ID T O U S S A S " 2 -S O X "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4 Dance Committee 3; Petroc 1; Dra matics 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 1,2,3; Spirit Award 2; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 2,3,4, Activities Editor; T.V. Studio 3; Computer Club 2
A N T H O N Y C U R T IS STEW A R T "W A H -L A H !"
Football 1,2,3, Captain, Outdoor Track 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intra mural Staff 4; H.A.P. 1; Homeroom President 1,3; Computer Club 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4, President; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4, Presi dent
P H IL IP A . S W A B S IN "P H IL "
Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4, Captain; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Homeroom President 1,3; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Petroc 4; Irish Club 4; French Club 2,3; Spirit Award 1; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Eng lish Gold Medal 2; Latin Silver Medal 4; N.H.S.
P. Stokes: "What is the hardest task in the world?- To think"
-Emerson P. Swabsin: "There is no substitute for success!"
-General Douglas MacArthur D. Toussas: "Dream the impossible dream."
-Don Quixote
R. Trilles: "Don't waste your tim e always searching for those wasted years . . . Realize you're living in the golden years."
-Iron Maiden L. Tronco: "The highest form o f bliss is living with a certain degree o f folly."
Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,3; Spirit Committee 3,4; Petroc 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Parachute Club 3,4
M IC H A E L V A L E N T E "M IK E "
Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2; Homeroom President 4; Band 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Emma足 us Team 4; Stage Band 3,4
R IC H A R D V . T R IL L E S "R IC H "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Band 2,3,4; Vice-President; Stage Band 3,4; A.C.L. Silver Medal 2
R. Tuohy:
"If your not wasted, then the day is." -Bud W iser M. Valente:
"It's good to be a young man and to live the way you please, because a young man is the king o f every king足 dom he sees." -B illy Joel J. Van Blarcom:
"The hardest walk you could ever take is the walk you take from 'A ' to
'B '" -Jim Reid
Football 1,2,3,4, Captain; Intramur足 als 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3
Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4
P. Vining:
"Who wills the end, wills the means"
J. Vita: "Every silver lining has a touch of gray" -The Grateful Dead
P A T R IC K V IN IN G "P A T " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Forensics 1,2,3,4, Captain; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Com mittee 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Ger man Club 1,2,3,4; Harvard Model Congress 3,4; Emmaus 3; World Civilizations Gold Medal 1; N.H.S.
JO S E P H M . V O L C Y JR . "T H E H A T IA N S E N S A T IO N "
Football 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3, Co-Captain, 4, Co-Captain; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; French Club 2; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
M IC H A E L E. V O IC U "C O M R A D E V O IC X " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Com mittee 3; Petrean 3, Sports Editor 4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Model Railroad Club 1; Em maus 3; Ebony Club 4
JO S E P H M . V IT A " V IT A M A N " Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Sk i Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2; Science Club 2; T.V. Stu dio 1,2,4; Computer Club 4; Para chute Club 4
M. Voicu:
"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake it you've got it made." J. Volcy:
"You are my savior. You are my light. Forever I want you in my life." K. Vukan:
"The pope is groovy"
K E IT H R IC H A R D V U K A N " M O -M O " Intramurals 1,2,3; Band 3,4; Forensics 3; T.V. Studio 2; Guitar Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 3,4, President
S. Way: "The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our lives and all in it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world."
STEVEN G RA N T W A Y "S T E V E " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1; Senior Prom Committee; Dance Committee 4; Chess Club 1; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team 4; Petrean 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Future Physician's Society 1,2,3,4; Crocodile Club 3
S. Wentworth: "Expect the unexpected because any足 thing can happen."
ED W A RD W HITEHEAD "E D D IE " Intramurals 1,2,3,4; 2:18 Club 1,2,3,4; Parachute Club 3,4
E. Whitehead: "It's not is you win or lose, it's how much you party afterward."
M. Worobiej: SC O TT W EN T W O R TH Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Photography Club 2; Ski Club 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4
"Fat bottomed girls, you make this rockin' world go 'round!!"
M A REK W O R O BIEJ "K O M R A D " Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; In足 tramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Crocodile Club 3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Para足 chute Club 3,4
M. Zeileniewski:
"Doing easily what others find diffi cult is talent. Doing what is impossi ble is genius" -Amiel C. Zingaro:
"You've got your passion. You've got you're pride, but don't you know that only fools are satisfied." -Billy Joel
M IC H A E L R . Z E IL E N IE W S K I "M IK E "
Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2; Swimming 2,3,4, Co-Cap tain; Honor Pin 1; Eucharistic Minister 4; Science Club 3,4; Em maus Team 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3
C H R IS T O P H E R J. Z IN G A R O "Z IN G O " Football 1,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4, Cap tain; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Ski Club 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; W eightlifting Club 2,3,4; Emmaus
IN MEMORIAM Those who knew him, called him "Espo." Any time you felt a slight punch in your back, you needn't turn around to see who it was; you just knew it was Espo with his charismatic smirk writ ten all over his face. At any time of day, no matter what period, Espo always had his books on him, ready to go, his black leather jacket on, preparing to get home early and "escape." In freshman and sophomore year, you could count on seeing him run ning to catch the #43 bus, which came at 2:20 P.M. Then, in junior and senior year, he would hop on his bike immediately after 7th and be on his way escaping the drudgery of school, enjoying his favorite act, riding his bike. His greatest love in life had to be his bike; he lived to ride on his bike. To watch him get ready to leave the Prep Faculty lot on his bike was like watching some ancient ritual being performed. First, he would turn on his bike, then slowly pick up his helmet and gently place it on his head. He would then get on his bike and race it a few times; then he would put on his gloves and push the bike off its stand. In the same motion, he would put his bike into gear and go on his way. This ritual never deviated from its sched ule; it was always the same. Chris was not very talkative, yet that did not make him unfriendly. He had a charismatic way about him. He kept to himself; he was truly a "re bel." Espo, not being a good student, had to study hard and long to stay on top of things. Chris did, however, have a propensity for electronics, which came naturally to him. Chris had planned to, and already started, to work with electronics as a career. - Matt Shaw The bell would ring at 2:18 and most students would calmly leave the classroom and head for their lockers. Then you would see one student in a black leather coat with a Walkman and his bookbag heading for the bus stop. Right away you could tell that it was Chris Esposito. He hurried so he could catch the #43 bus and be home
in ten or fifteen minutes. But no mat ter how much of a hurry he was in Chris would always smile and say hel lo on his way past you. That is now I met Chris. Although to manv Chris' attitude may have indicated that he didn't care about school or his future, this conception is wrong. Whether Chris and I were sitting in front of Ms. Gar cia's doing Spanish homework or co pying our vocabulary books for Eng lish, all he talked about was his fu ture. Once he graduated he was going on to an electronics school and pursue a career in that. Chris may have strug gled in class, but he knew electronics better than any 4.0 student. I only knew Chris for about four years, but in those four years he changed my life as well as the lives of many Prep students. He taught me to strive for the best and to be nappy for myself. No matter what situation I was caught in, Chris could always find something good about it. The one thing I best remember Chris for is his love of motorcycles. He counted down the days till he got his license. I'll never forget the first time he came around on his bike. We rode up and down every street in Jer sey City. He'd always be there to offer me a ride home or to a dance. The good times we had on his bike and his relationship with Mr. Gray were what Chris always reminded me of. Whether it was stealing Tom Moore's bookbag in math class or rid ing down to St. Dom's, I always had a good time with Chris. From riding his bike to copying Spanish homework, or hanging out on Saturday nights, I have a lot of memories of Chris that I'll never forget. The last time I to spoke him was that Friday when he asked me what we would do after we graduated. Chris mentioned how the two of us getting diplomas in June was going to be our best time ever. Chris affected my life and the lives of everyone he touched. He is one per son that I will never forget. Gradu ation was our goal, and now I must do it for the both of us; for Chris, a good friend, a good son, and a person whose memory will never fade from those who knew him best. - Mike Gajewski
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KEVIN ATCHISON leaves behind his rooom at Cabbage Patch's house; GREG BELLOTTI Leaves behind # 12 I future ^ a U s t a r a n d h is illustrious G.P A. to anybody; WALTER BENZIJA leaves behind his incorruptible admii T n w v r A m m Aleaves behind his Christmas decorations and the "fun" of yearbook moderating to Ms. Bal IONY CABKtKA is remembered for his very brief interventions on Emmaus weekends; PAT CAMPEN leaves beh his cleats, l» ;« m p a ^ a n d a winning attitude; EDWARD CHEATAM would like to leave his black gym tights to ! Mulvihill; BILL CHRISOS leaves behind his tremendous soccer ability; TERRY COONEY is remembered for his bl shoes, ja c k e t ties, slacte, ete.; MIKE COTTON is remembered for his American Express Gold Card and his world fam nair grooming tips; TOM DiCOSTANZO leaves behind his car, because it never worked anyway; DAVE DONNEI leaves behmdhis great hurdling ability; CHRIS DOROSZCZYK does not wish to leave anything behind except his u locker - let ftem earneverything else. "The Spock" is taking his nickname with him; STAN DUDA leaves behind fire alari^ TOM DZl^INA leaves behind his sarcasm and sick sense of humor. He also leaves his jug seat by window; CHRIS ESPOSITO leaves behind his desire for perfect attendance in the 2:18 Club; DAVE ESTRADA fa behind his sense of humor and his Cuban customs; JOHN FEENEY is remembered for his first car and his exten* varied vocabulary; MARK GNECCO leaves behind his excellence in Cross Country to Tom Faiano; DAVE GOLDRI leaves behind his straw and spitballs; MANUEL GUARDA leaves behind Mrs. Costantini's chalk; JOHN HUG* leaves behind his parachute - to corrupt the morals of tomorrow's youth; JEFF JABLONSKI leaves his legs to the shor member of the Junior class. May he use them to rise to great heights; GEORGE "ZEKE" JAMES leaves behind Tupperware and triple-decker peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; PAT JUSKIEWICZ leaves behind his always w AK?c0rt 0111 Lr; MIKE KENNY is remembered for his sense of organization on the Dance Committee; GE « .7. . . IS rei”embered for the cooperation he received from the faculty and administration in running the ! Rallies this year; HASSIB KHAWAJA - "The Ref" leaves behind his rare ability to make indisputable and always peri calls in Intramurals without the slightest hesitation; MATT KING leaves behind the Sunshine shirt & tie; DAVE KL1 is remembered for his ability to turn Religion papers in on time; ROLANDO LAVARRO leaves behind his At bowling balls to Bemie Spann (he needs them); WALLY LINDSLEY leaves behind his inability to make weight to SK m er Wrestling team; VINCENT LoRE leaves his outrageous ties for all fellow Prepsters to gaze KEVIN LYONS leaves behind his bitingly sarcastic wit; ED MARTIN leaves his "spirited seniority" to Chris DeCrt and next year s basketball team; DON LAPINE leaves behind his car because he can t seem to ge it started - there are many people in the back seat. JOE KEALY is remembered for his perfect attendance and driving records; FR. KUNTi
TESTAMENT '88 remembered for his corny jokes; FRANCISCO MATTA leaves the hole in his ear; MARK MATTICOLA, being of somewhat sound mind, leaves behind his nose for the further pursuits of Prep; KEN MOORE Teaves behind his Bartender's G uide to N ortheastern S ki R esorts; TOM MOORE leaves behind his big, long, loud green horn; PAXTON MORRIS leaves behind his brilliant smile and his best friend Jim m y; JULIO NIETO leaves behind his Spanish accent; RICHARD NUGENT leaves behind all his memories of Dan Ahern's eating habits; ED O'CONNELL leaves behind his G.P.A. if anyone can find it; SEAN O'CONNOR leaves behind his many chauffeurs, his "5 year old" ski hat, his trendiness, his floor space at John's house and 3 pounds of spaghetti; TOM O'HARE leaves behind his clean shaven face; OMAR OLIVEROS leaves behind his hair; JAY PACILLO leaves behind his extravagant wardrobe and his fine jacademlc standing; RALPH PANTOZZI leaves behind his Algebra II/Trig Gold Medal in memory of Mr. Catalano, class 393, and Phil's "6"; KEN PARTOZA leaves the fur and fuzzy dice in his car; RICH RECZKA leaves behind the special priviledge of being a Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, Sixers and Temple Owls fan even though no one in this school Reserves it; MANNY ROSADO leaves behind his haircuts to anyone with the guts to wear them; PHIL RYAN leaves behind a flack jacket to whomever starts in goal in next year's Kearny scrimmage; GILBERT SABUSAY leaves behind his |power ring, which has given him and numerous other people either added confidence or fear; STEVE SALVEMINI is Remembered for being God's avenging mouth and his donating a copy of T he S ecret H istory o f th e Jesuits to the Residency library; TONY SARMIENTO leaves behind his chewed-up pens and his 500 crumpled-up papers in the leomputer room; ROB SCHORK is remembered for his refined wardrobe and sense of ettiquette; MATT SHAW leaves -behind his "Getover" schedule to some lucky Junior; JOHN SHEERAN leaves behind his collection of Jesus and Mary Chain tapes, "that Purple Cardigan", his skis, a pair of Nike Air trainers, his "Hedonism" sweatshirt and his acting |sbility(?); GUY SINDLE is remembered for his urbane and pleasant personality as well as his love for jug; PHILIP SWABSIN leaves behind his bright green, red and yellow pants; DAVE TOUSSAS is remembered for his singing ability, his camera, and his hariness; RICHARD TRILLES leaves behind his notebooks because he doesn't need them; MICHAEL VALENTE leaves behind his lips for the band; MICHAEL VOICU leaves behind his fine tast* in clothes, his acne, and his ominous laughter. He also leaves behind his copied homework assignments to anyone who's crazy enough to recopy flhem; STEVE WAY leaves behind his love for Mothers all over the world and his ever-precjous impersonations ana melodramatic attitude; MAREK WOROBIEJ leaves behind his Commando look; MIKE ZIELENIEWSKI leaves behind his long distance swimming title to someone who beat him in the 1987 "Bee's Classic." His captainship goes to the one who can earn it; CHRIS ZINGARO leaves behind his heavyweight title to whomever can earn it.
SUSAN BABFR Asst. Moderator
SEAN O'CONNOR Exec. Activities Editor
DAVE GOLDRICH Activities Editor
ROBERT BLEACH Faculty Editor
Exec. Sports Editor
Seniors Editor
STEVE SALVEMINT Exec. Faculty Editor
Exec. Photography Editor
Underclassmen Editor Art Editor
A C TIV ITIES STAFF Alex Done Robert Leung Robert Weierman Phil Parziale Doug Viggiano Steve Fals
Exec. Seniors Editor
UN D ERCLA SSM EN STAFF Dennis Mendoza Ian Schaplowsky Oliver Cartarfo John Remishofski Carlos Pomares Jonathan LaConti
Sports Editor
KEVIN LYONS Faculty Editor
DAVE TOUSSAS Photography Editor
PH O TO G RA PH ERS Mario Estrada Joel Hampton Mike Stefano Paul Kushnir Ralph Pantozzi Mark Gnecco Steve Salvemini Vincent LoRe
SE N IO R S Vincent LoRe Jeff Chang
FACULTY STAFF Wagas Iqbal Bhavin Shah Sabahat Khan Michael Roman Hernan Hernandez
A R T STAFF Greg Roberts Manny Correia Mitchell Matias Jeofrey Vita Gilbert Sabusay
ANDY MURRO Publisher's Representative
SP O R T S STAFF Ken Ferrante A1 Ortega Dennis Degnan Ken Fall Jim Brady Ryonguk Lee Matt Labus
EDITORS The job of editor-in-chief of the Petrean is one of the greatest responsibilities that a Prep student can be entrusted with. It is also a job that requires support and assistance from many other people. We have tried, in this book, to capture events and memories and express them on pieces of paper. No words or pictures are adequate for some of the things that have happened over the last four years, however. In any case, just about everyone will see this book is lacking in some way: something doesn't look right, somebody was left out, you should have done this instead. We apologize for any inadequacies that you, the reader, may find in this book. This staff is just as human as any other group: mistakes and misunderstandings will occur. We were given a responsibility, and we fulfilled it to the best of our abilities, despite many different pressures. Yes, this book is late, and many things are missing. This is due, in most part to the apathy of some of the editors. Apathy has been a large problem in our senior year. Yet we feel that the quality of this book attests to the fact that this class need not, and does not, settle for less than the best. This effort would have been futile if not for the help of so many people. We thank all the members of the school community who put up with our constant requests for pictures and copy. Thanks to A1 and his staff who put up with our garbage (literally.) Thanks to Mr. Murro for not jumping ship. Thank you, Ethel, for just one more outside line. Thank you, Ms. Wysocki and Ms. Wozniak, for being so patient. We thank Wally Macawili for his photographic expertise and Davis Studios for trying so hard. Our gratitude to Mr. Horan and Miss Esti for their "information." Thank you, Fr. Azzarto, for being there and understanding. Thanks, Ms. Baber, we wish you the best of luck next year. Most of all, we thank the people, especially the photographers and the underclassmen staff, who did their share to make this book become reality. Our parents and friends were just as, if not more, important; they were understanding, patient, supportive, and willing to listen â&#x20AC;&#x201D; they kept us sane. He is leaving us this year, but some part of him will always be with us. Claudio was not only our moderator - he is, and always will be, our friend. We put up with his moods - but underneath it all, we could that he cared for all of us. Without this man the last three yearbooks would not exist. We could not have done it without him. This school will be sorely lacking something when it opens next September. Muchas gracias, Claudio. To quote CMB, "It's your yearbook. Although it may have seemed like the book was a selfish endeavor, we did it for you, Class of '88. We felt that you deserved it. Enjoy. Sincerely, Ralph Pantozzi & Don Lapine, Editors-in-chief
INDEX A Abergas, J. (1) 39 Abesamis, E. (2) 50 Abesamis, A. (3) 64, 103, 108 Adams, K. (1) 38, 84 Adams, S. (1) 45, 79 Adelung, J. (2) 51 Aditya, R. (1) 46 Adornelto, B. (4) 8, 129 Ahearn, P. (2) 52 Ahearn, D. (4) 8, 129 Albanese, M. (1) 43 Aldea, R. (1) 46, 81 Alerte, A. (3) 69, 116 Alfaro, C. (2) 52, 76 Ali, F. (2) 56 Alicandri, A. (4) 1, 8, 106, 107, 129 Alston, B. (2) 50, 85 Alvarez, R. (1) 38, 75 Anderson, T. (3) 65, 118 Andres, E. (2) 56, 85 Andretti, D. (3) 65 Andreula, J. (1) 36, 88 Andrews, D. (1) 45, 123, 84 Ang, L. (3) 62 Aniello, V. (3) 61, 79 Annillo, J. (2) 52 Antico, P. (3) 65 Antuna G. (3) 65 Araos, O. (1) 42, 75 Arceo, J. (4) 108, 129 Arceo, J. (2) 54, 90 Arcilla, A. (2) 54, 81 Aro, R. (1) 37 Arriaga, J. (3) 68 Arricale, R. (2) 54, 118 Arrigo, S. (2) 49 Arroyo, R. (3) 67 Ashe, F. (2) 56 Atchison, K. (4) 1, 8, 106, 127, 129 Aumack, S. (3) 67 Austin, R. (1) 44 Ayala, L (1) 39, 118, 123 Ayrado, A. (1) 46 B Baamonde, J. (2) 51 Backus, R. (3) 64, 73 Balcer, C. (2) 53 Bannon, J. (1) 35 Baratta, C. (3) 68 Bardzell, S. (1) 69, 116 Barlow, D. (3) 66, 98 Barnes, J. (1) 46 Barroqueiro, J. ( 1 ) 36, 75 Barua, E. (4) 130 Barulich, B. (1) 42, 79 Bas, A. (2) 52 Baseluos, M. (1) 47, 8 0 Bauzqn, M. (2) 57 Bayerlein, F. (4) 8, 130 Beaton, A. (1) 37 Bell, D. (1) 39 Bellido, C. (4) 1, 103, 106, 107, 118, 130 Bellino, J. (3) 64, 73 Bellotti, G. (4) 76, 100, 107, 130 Benebe, B. (4) 130 Benedetto, S. (2) 53, 100 Bengston, W. (1) 44 Benn, L. (1) 43 Benzija, A. (1 ) 39, 75 Benzija, W. (4) 94,103,107,118,131, 170, 171 Berenzy, J. (1) 46, 75 Bernardo, J. (4) 8, 86, 103, 131 Beyer, M. (3) 65 Bigg, R. (4) 131 Bijelic, S. (2) 53 Bijelic, S. (1) 35, 72, 80 Black, E. ( 1 ) 43 Blazini, A. (2) 58 Bleach, R. (4) 127, 131 Boguszewski, C. (2) 57, 73, 79 Boland, T. (1) 44 Bonavota, P. (2) 57, 76 Bondarowicz, M. (3) 66 Boozer-Ayuso, W. (1) 36, 123 Borowik, J. (1) 42 Bowen, j. (1) 37 Bowling, B. (3) 66, 108 Bracewell, S. (2), 49. Brack, R. (1) 44, 88, 100 Brady, J. (2) 50 Brady, M. (2) 51 Brattoli, C. (1) 39, 79
Brennan, M. (2) 53, 86, 87 Briamonte, C. (1) 38, 84 Briones, P. (2) 52 Brodbeck, K. (3) 67, 78 Broderick, D (3) 62 Brown, G. (4) 8, 88, 131 Brown, S. (1) 35, 88 Bruno, R. (1) 47 Bruton, B. (3) 66, 88 Bryant, A. (2) 51, 79, 123 Bryant, J. (1) 69, 90, 116 Bryant, M. (4) 86, 132 Bucher, K. (2) 49, 76 Buno, J. (2) 57, 118 Burbank, K. (2) 53, 73, 76, 100 Burke, E. (3) 65 Burke, J. (3) 66, 86 Burrell, D. (3) 66, 86, 87 Bustillo, R. (3) 68, 76, 94, 95 Byron, S. (4) 132 Byun, C. (2) 56 C Cabezas, A. (3) 67, 82 Cabrera, A. (4) 1, 94, 95, 103, 106, 127, 132, 173, 120 Cabrera, S. (1) 44, 75 Calderon, P. (4) 132 Calderone, J. (1) 36 Calicchio, J. (4) 69, 116, 132 Calizo, J. (2) 49, 118 Camaligan, R. (4) 8, 74, 133 Cammarota, P. (3) 61 Campen, P. (4) 11, 76, 133' Camporeale, M. (3) 64 Cantada, E. (4) 133 Caposello, J. (1) 42 Caraballo, I. (1) 37 Carcamo, M. (1) 44, 90, 116 Cardales, O. (4) 133 Cardino, D. (4) 8, 72, 133 Cariaga, C. (2) 53 Carr, R. (2) 49, 94, 95, 108 Carrillo, B. ( 1 ) 39, 123, 75 Carroll, J. (2) 50 Cartano, J. (2) 55 Cartano, O. (3) 66, 127 Castro, W. (4) 134 Casulli, T. (3) 64 Celestino, C. (2) 49 Cerullo, J. (1) 38 Cervino, A. (3) 66, 76, 96 Cervino, J. (1) 43 Cervino, M. (1) 35 Chait, N. (4) 8, 90, 134 Chang, J. (4) 8, 98, 134 Chaudhry, H. (2) 58, 85, 98 Cheatam, E. (4) 76, 134 Cheng, W. (1) 46 Cherchio, R. (3) 63 Chesnavich, R. (3) 67 Chiaravalloti, N. (2) 53, 78 Chipelo, P. (3) 64 Chmiel, C. (2) 52 Choudry, A. (1) 47 Chrisos, V. (4) 78, 108, 135 Christman, B. (2) 56 Chudy, P. (1) 45 Cirminello, R. (2) 52, 78 Clark, J. (1) 43 Clark, R. (1) 44 Collis, K. (1) 35, 84, 123 Conklin, J. (3) 62 Connell, J. (3) 69, 116 Connelly, T. (1) 36 Connolly, C. (1) 42, 80 Constantino, P. (2) 52 Conticello, J. (3) 65 Conway, M. (1) 37 Cook, E. (2) 53, 123 Cooney, T, (4) 135 Corbett, R. ( 1 ) 44, 88 Correia, M. (3) 68 Cosenza, R. (1) 39, 79, 82 Cotton, M. (4) 135 Cozine, K. (2) 54 Crowe, J. (1) 45 Crupi, S. (2) 54 Culhane, C. (4) 1, ^4, 96, 97, 103, 119, 135 Cummings, S. (1) 47 Cunningham, P. (4) 1, 78, 106, 135 Curran, X. (4) 74, 138 Cush, P. (4) 138 D D'Amato, L. (3) 65 D'Amico, T. (3) 69 D'Amore, D. (3) 62 Dacey, R. (1) 43 Daly, J. (1) 46, 75
Dang, V. (3) 63 Dang, V. (3) 67 Danilchick, A. (1) 45, 75, 84 Dargan, J. (2) 51, 88 Dau, E. (1) 36 Degnan, D. (3) 63, 78, 127 Della Fave, D. (1) 39, 75, 84 Delo, J. (2) 57, 76 Diaz, J. (1) 47 Dilley, M. ( 1 ) 38, 79 Dimaya, A. (2) 58, 85, 123 Dimaya, A. (1) 43 Dimler, R. (4) 1, 103, 106, 118, 138 Doll, J. (3) 68 Done, A. (3) 66 Donnelly, D. (4) 1, 80, 106, 108, 139 Doroszczyk, C. (4) 72, 76, 139 Dorry, L. (1) 45 Duarte, D. (1) 86 Duda, S. (4) 8, 139 Dudzinski, S. (2) 49 Dukic, R. (1) 44 Dunphy, J. (2) 52 Duran, D. (1) 37 Dwyer, W. (1) 42, 80, 84 Dzubina, T. (4) 140 De Jesus, R. (1) 37 DeCandia, C. (1) 38, 79 DeCeglie, J. (2) 57 DeCeglie, C. (1) 37 DeCresce, C. (3) 62, 74, 86, 96 DeFilippis, J. (4) 138 DeLuca, D. (3) 69, 116 DeMarco, L. (3) 68, 76 DeMichele, R. ( 2 ) 56, 85 DeMondo, C. (2) 51 DiCostanzo, T. (4) 13, 69, 72, 80, 116, 117, 138 DiFeo, B. (1) 39, 75, 81 DiFoglio, J. (2) 52, 94, 95, 76 DiMeo, A. (1) 35 DiNardo, C. (4) 108, 139 DiNardo, S. (4) 139 E Ebanks, R. (4) 107, 140 Edwards, A. (2) 50 Egan, M. (1) 39, 84 Eisenbach, D. (2) 56, 94, 95 Elson, M. (4) 80, 90, 91, 103, 107, 140 Esposito, C. (4) 140, 167 Estrada, D. (4) 88, 140 Estrada, M. (3) 64 Evangelista, P. (1) 38 F Faiano, T. (3) 68, 72, 80 Fairfield, S. (3) 61 Falcis, E. (1) 61 Fall, K. (3) 66 Fa Is, S. (3) 66, 127 Farese, V. (1) 43 Farinola, M. (2) 57, 85 Fatal, D. (3) 63 Fatovic, C. (1) 45 Feeney, J. (4) 4, 8, 141 Ferrales, R. (1) 35 Ferrante, G. (2) 49 Ferrante, K. (2) 56, 76, 96, 127 Ferrari, T. (1) 45, 75 Ficken, R. (2) 49, 88 Figueras, A. ( 2 ) 52, 81 Figueroa, M. (2) 57 Figueroa, S. (1) 46 Figurski/ M. (4) 141 Flanagan, S. (2) 56 Flanagan, C. (1) 36 Flanagan, J. (4) 5, 8, 141 Fogu, J. (3) 65, 88 Fojas, S. (2) 57, 76 Fonticoba, R. (4) 141 Formoso, J. (3) 1, 61, 76, 94, 95,
Galan, A. (2) 56, 118 Galella, A. (2) 53 Gallo, M. (3) 61 Gamble, K. (1) 47 Gannon, P. (1) 38, 88, 118 Garcia, A. (2) 58 Garcia, G. (3) 64, 72 Garguilo, E. (3) 62, 74, 78 Garner, M. (2) 50, 79, 82 Gaughan, P. (3) 67 Gavin, P. (2) 64 Geisler, R. (2) 50, 85 Gellene, C. (2) 55 Gellene, J. (3) 68 Geoghegan, J. (3) 69 Gerace, A. (1) 43 Gerald, N. (3) 66 Geron, G. (2) 54, 118 Gers, J. (1) 35 Ghali, S. (2) 54 Giblin, T. (3) 69, 108, 116 Gigante, J. (1) 47 Gill, R. (3) 64, 86, 87 Gillard, J. (4) 1, 97, 119, 142 Gillespie, J. (4) 1, 8, 106, 142 Gilmore, M. (2) 56 Gizzi, B. (1) 47, 75 Gizzi, M. (2) 51, 101, 76 Gnecco, M. (4) 8 0 , 142 Goff, A. (2) 51, 79 Goldrich, D. (4) 108, 127, 142 Goldsworthy, G. (3) 64, 116, 117 Golizio, M. (3) 67 Gomez, M. (1) 45, 84 Gonzalez, M. (1) 44, 75 Gonzalez, O. (1) 37, 75 Gorney, M. (2) 56, 73 Granados, A. (3) 66 Granelli, D. (1) 42, 79 Grato, J. (1) 37, 75 Gray, R. (1) 39 Greeley, . (2) 54, 90 Grieshaber, K. (2) 55 Grogan, J. (4) 4, 8, 71, 94, 118, 143 Gronda, D. (2) 57, 76, 82, 1 0 0 Gronda, R. (3) 68, 76, 82 Guarda, M. (4) 8, 96, 127, 143 Guarino, M. (3) 63, 74 Gubitosi, D. (1) 43 Guerra, I. (1) 35 Guma, A. (2) 51, 73, 76, 85, 100 Gutierrez, R. (2) 50 Gutierrez, F. (1) 45, 72, 80, 123 Guzman, L. (1) 36 H Haggerty, B. (3) 64 Haley, M. (1) 37 Hamilton, R. (2) 55, 108, 118 Hampton, B. (2) 54 Hampton, J. (3) 62, 127 Hanley, W. (1) 44, 75 Harding, J. (1) 37, 79 Harris, D. (3) 63 Hart, L. (1) 42, 90 Harvey, M. (3) 65, 76 Haughney, B. (3) 61, 86, 96 Hawkes, T. (2) 54, 82 Hayes, J. (1) 37, 75 Henneberry, R. (4) 8, 3 Hennigar, R. (1) 39 Hennis, S. (2) 55 Hernandez, D. (2) 51 Hernandez, H. (3) 66, 127 Hester, J. (4) 1, 74, 96, 97, 119, 143, 170 Hoetzl, T. (1) 47, 117 Hoffman, W. (2) 52, 76, 94, 95 Holzmann, H. (4) 143 Hood, A. (1) 42 Hu, J. (3) 62 Hughes, C. (3) 21, 64 Hughes, J. (4) 78, 88, 96, 97, 119, 144
Francesco, J. (2) 58, 76 Francisco, A. (3) 67 Franco, L (2) 55, 118 Fredericks, G. (2) 50 Frick, D. (1) 44 Froio, A. (4) 8, 88, 141 Froio, N. (1) 37 Fromfield, Ft (1) 42, 79 G Gaddi, R. (1) 37 Gain, R. (1) 39 Gaines, D. (2) 51 Gajewski, M. (4) 142 Gal, M. (2) 50, 90
Icklan, R. (2) 53 Iglesias, A. (1) 38 Iorio, C. (2) 51 lorio, M. (2) 56 Ippolito, P. (2) 56 Iqbal, W. (3) 67 Iskander, G. (1) 43 Iza, J. (3) 3, 62, 69, 108, 116 J Jablonski, J. (3) 1 ,8 ,1 1 ,9 4 ,1 0 3 ,1 1 8 , 126, 144, 170 Jakubik, E (3) 6 2,â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;73 James, G. (4) 1 ,6 ,1 1 ,1 3 ,8 2 ,1 0 6 ,1 4 4 , 170
Janega, J. (3) 62 Jaworski, D. (2) 55 Jebara, A. (2) 50 Jersey, M. (1) 43 Jimenez, C. (3) 62, 78, 94, 95 Jimenez, H. (2) 58 Jimenez, J. ( 1 ) 45 Jimenez, M. (1) 36 Jimenez, R. (4) 78, 144 Jones, E. (2 ) 52 Joshi, S. (4) 96, 108, 144 Juby, J. (3) 61 Juskiewicz, P. (4) 145 K Kachel, J. (3) 66, 74, Kaiser, C. (2) 56 Kang, K. (1) 35 Kapoor, S. (3) 63 Kasbarian, A. (1) 36 Kawalek, S. (3) 63 Kealy, J. (4) 1, 71, 119 Kearney, S. (4) 145 Kegelman, S. (3) 63, 118 Kelly, D. (3) 62, 80 Kelly, J. (3) 67, 95, 78, 86, 96 Kenny, M. (4): 145 Keohane, E. (4) 10, 1, 145, 74, 96, 103 Khan, R. (1) 47 Khan, S. (3) 63, 127, 110 Khan, S. (1) 47 Khawaja, F. (1) 36 Khawaja, H. (4) 146, 76 Kim, J. (3) 63 King, M. (4) 146, 88 Kist, J. (1) 42 Kleid, D. (4) 1, 106, 146 Kloza, B. (1) 36, 118 Koehler, S. (3) 67 Koncicki, R. (3) 65 Kukowski, E. (3) 67, 73 Kushnir, P. (3) 64 Kwon, Y. (3) 69, 76, 116 Kwon, Y. (1) 37 L Labus, M. (3) 62, 78, 127 Lagermasini, A. (3) 61, 78 Lago, C. (3) 65 Lamantea, G. (1) 38, 80 Langon, B. (3) 64 Lapine, D. (4) 106,146,126,103,173, 107, 170 Lau, T. (3) 62, 81, 118 Lavarro, R. (4) 146, 81 Lawless, K. (1) 46, 75 Lazopoulos, G. (1) 43 Lecowitch, M. (2) 54 Lee, C. (4) 6, 94, 95, 147 Lee, J. (2) 50 Lee, R. (3) 64, 127 Legnosky, R. (1) 44 Leitgeb, C. (1) 47 Lempa, P. (4) 10, 147, 86 Leon, V. (1) 36 Lepis, B. (3) 68 Lepore, J. (1) 42 Leshik, J. (2) 51 Leto, G. (1) 36 Leung, R. (3) 67, 79, 127 Librojo, B. (4) 8, 147 Lim, J. (2) 57 Lindemon, M. (2) 55, 118 Lindsay, S. (1) 39 Lindsey, H. (4) 147 Lindsley, W. (4) 8, 147 Lolo, L. (1) 38 Lomnicky, J. (1) 46 Lopez, D. (2) 52 Lozeau, E. (1) 47 Lui, M. (2) 54 Luipersbeck, M. (2) 55, 94, 95, 118 Luipersbeck, D. (1) 43, 100, 118 Luke, J. (2) 49 Luna, J. (1) 44, 123, 79 Lusch, G. (2) 58 Lynch, A. (1) 47, 80 Lynch, J. (3) 65 Lyons, D. (3) 68 Lyons, K. (4) 6, 1, 106, 148, 96, 108, 127, 173 LaConti, J. (3) 65, 108 LaRosa, J. (2) 49 LoRe, V. (4) 148, 96, 103, 108, 127, 107 M Macalintal, R. (2) 54, 72 Macalintal, R. (1) 36
fc Machado, H. (2) 49, 73 Ijyiaestre, J. (1) 42 Maglione, D. (4) 8, 148 Ejviahdavi, A. (1) 38 ■Malinowski, D. (3) 66 |Mallardi, K. (4) 148 ! Mangelli, N. (1) 37 Maravilla, M. (2) 53 rMargaritonda, D. (2) 52 ■Mariniello, S. (2) 51 ■Marino, J. (3) 69 Ktfarino, M. (1) 47 HVlariquit, A. (3) 65 (M arri, J. (3) 67, 80, 78 ■Martin, C. (2) 49, 76 [M artin, E (4) 10, 1, 106, 94, 148, I 86, 96, 103, 98, 107 ffMartin, J. (1) 39 pMartin, W . (2) 50 ||Martins, A. (3) 61, 80, 72 r Mason, S. (4) 149, 76 Mateo, J. (1) 38, 80 ' Matias, M. (2) 69, 116 pMatta, C. (3) 64 iP a tta , F. (4), 11, 1, 8, 106, 94, 95, I 100, 149, 96 Mattey, T. (3) 64, 88 ^Matticola, M. (4) 8, 69, 149, 90, J 108, 116, 117, 107 Mauri, R. (1) 45, 81 Mayi, D. (1) 36, 123, 75 ; Mayo, J. (2) 54 Mecca, L (2) 56, 101, 73 Medina, F. (1) 42 ; Mehta, M. (3) 65, 80 Metha, N. (2) 55 Mendez, J. (2) 56 ' Mendoza, D. (3) 68, 73 Mercado, B. (2) 52 pMercado, C. (4) 8, 150 fMercurio, G. (1) 39, 79 Mergus, P. (2) 58, 76 Mielo, J. (3) 63, 90 Mielo, J. (2) 54, 90 iM ilic, M. (1) 43 rMilic, S. (2) 51 pMilkiewicz, R. (2) 56 jjMinnucci, N. (2) 58 [Molina, L (3) 62, 80, 72 Monisera, D. (2) 49, 73 . Montalban, P. (3) 69, 116, 117, 118 ^Monteforte, J. (4) 1, 8, 100, 150, y 86, 119 ^Montgomery, C. (2) 54, 78 Moore, K. (4) 150, 81, 103, 108 Moore, T. (4) 150, 108 Morabe, R. (2) 55, 78 Morais, M. (1) 45, 75 .Morcilio, A. (1) 48, 75, 81 Morris, K. (4) 150 Morris, P. (4) 13, 151 Moy, K. (2) 56 Mulcahy, P. (2) 51, 76, 85 Munoz, B. (1) 46 Murphy, H. (1) 45 Myer, W . (3) 68 Myers, C (1) 43 Myers, J. (3) 65, 94, 95, 118 Myron, G. (1) 35, 75 McAlary, K. (1) 46, 79 IMcAuliffe, J. (3) 61 McCabe, M. (1) 43, 75 ^McCall, M. (1) 44 McCann, K. (3) 67, 86 ^McDermott, K. (3) 64, 80 McEwen, B. (4) 8, 49 McGee, B. (1) 36, 79 McGlynn, K. (3) 67, 78, 96 .McGuire, M. (1) 36 McLaughlin, J. (2) 52 McLeod, B. (4) 149 McMullen, B. (2) 52, 76 N N a d o lsk i, J . ( 2 ) 5 7
Nakar, C. (3) 66 Nam, J. ( 1 ) 43 Namnama, L. (4) 151 Napoli, K. (2) 53 Narvaez, J. (2) 57, 72 Nestor, E. (4) 74, 96, 119, 151 Nestor, P. (2) 53 Ngo, H. (1) 47 Ngo, T. (3) 64, 78 Nguyen, C. (1) 44 Nguyen, S. (3) 63, 78 N ieto, J. (4) 1 , 103, 106, 151, 170 Nippes, K. (2) 56, 94, 95 Norton, J. (2) 58 N ugent, R. (4 ) 7 1 ,1 5 1 Nunes, D. (3) 65, 82
O O'C onnell, E. (4) 8, 96, 154 O'Connor, K. (2) 53 O'Connor, R. (2) 58, 73, 79, 85 O'Connor, B. (4) 1, 8, 106, 154 O'Connor, S. (4) 1, 8, 106, 94, 95, 154, 126, 108, 173 O 'D onnell, J. (2) 69, 116, 117 O 'D onnell, S. (2) 56 O 'D onnell, M. (1) 36, 75 O'Gorman, M. (2) 55, 79 O'H are, T. (4) 1, 8, 106, 101, 154, 82, 107 O 'N eill, K. (3) 1, 61, 76 O'Shaughnessy, E. (3) 67 O 'Sullivan, K. (4) 8, 155 Ohlm uller, D. (4) 8, 154, 71 O liver, J. (2) 57 Oliveros, F. (2) 49, 76 Oliveros, O . (4) 8, 155 Olszewski, K. (4) 155 Ordenez, A. (1) 46 O rlina, A. (3) 63, 81 Orosz, S. (2) 58 Ortega, A. (3) 64, 78, 127 Ortega, D. (3) 68 Ortiz, R. (1) 36, 123, 75 O tten, C. (1) 35, 75 Owens, J. (3) 63, 76 Oyola, O. (2) 51 P Pacillo, J. (4) 155 Padilla, J. (1) 37, 123, 75 Padilla, W . (3) 62 Page, V. (2) 53 Pagkalinawan, A. (2) 51, 76, 85 Pagkalinawan, J. (1) 47 Paguiligan, J. (4) 1, 80, 94, 95, 155, 96 Palmer, C. (4) 156, 119 Palomares, A. (3) 69, 116 Panchana, C. (1) 39, 123 Pandya, A. (1) 47 Pantozzi, J. (2) 51 Pantozzi, R. (4) 11, 1, 13, 156, 123, 126, 103, 173, 170 Paone, T. (3) 61, 72 Parachini, C. (2) 53 Pardo, C. (1) 45 Parlavecchio, M . (3) 64 Parloza, P. (4) 156, 78, 108 Parziale, P. (3) 62, 127 Pasculli, A. (2) 51. Patel, C. (4) 156 Patel, F. (1) 37 Patel, M. (1) 47 Pawlowski, B. (2) 54, 118 Pazm inio, F. (1) 38, 75, 90 Pedone, M . (1) 46 Peluso, R . (4) 8, 156 Penaskovic, D. (4) 1, 8, 106, 157 Perez, C. (1) 39 Perez, C. (4) 8, 157 Perkins, C. (2) 54, 85 Pernia, C. (4) 157 Petti, P. (3) 61 Phillipy, S. (1) 43 Piatkowski, W . (2) 50, 81 Pidane, K. (2) 51 Pierre, R . (1) 42 Pierre-Louis, S. (1) 44, 75 Polemini, A. (1) 42 Politewicz, L (4) 157 Pollio, V. (1) 37 Polo, D. (1) 39 Pomares, C. (3) 64, 108, 127 Pompilio, E. (1) 37 Poppe, T. (2) 54 Porter, D. (1) 43, 84, 123 Posluszny, R. (2) 55 Prato, S. (2) 52 Prendergast, R. (1) 38 Presedo, C. (1) 35, 75 Prieto, J. (1) 44 Proenza, M. (3) 66, 76 Proscia, J. (2) 53 Prusko, J. (2) 49, 76 Q
Quintero, J. (1) 43 R Rachinsky, J. (3) 62 Ramirez, D. (3) 63 Ramos, J. (2) 50, 81 Ramos, L. (1) 45 Ramsumair, R. (1) 35, 123 Rashid, H. (2) 58
Reczka, R. (4) 157 Redondo, L (2) 56, 81 Reed, J. (2) 58 Regenye, M. ( 1 ) 37 Remishofski, j . (3) 67, 108, 127 Remy, A. (1) 46 Ricco, R. (3) 68 Rico, M. (4) 80, 158 Riolo, D. (4) 10, 158 Rivera, J. (1) 46 Rivera, Ray. (1) 45 Rivera, Rick (2) 53 Roarty, H. (1) 39 Robalino, W. (3) 62 Roberts, G. (3) 66, 103 Robetto, O. (3) 62 Rodriguez, O. (3) 45 Rodriguez, V. (1) 46 Rogers, D. (3) 69, 98, 116 Roman, M. (3) 67, 103 Romero, P. (2) 58 Rosado, M. (4) 108, 158 Rosalsky, S. (2) 58 Rosanilia, A. (1) 69, 116 Rosciszewski, D. ( 1 ) 58 Rossi, O . (1) 39, 75 Rovere, D. (4) 158 Ruiz, H. (1) 44 Ruiz, H. (3) 69, 116 Ruiz, J. (1) 87 Rushforth, R. (4) 72, 76, 158 Rusignuolo, M . (2) 57, 80 Russo, C. (1) 46, 80, 84 Rutkowski, C. (2) 53 Ryan, P. (4) 78, 103, 108, 159 S Sabusay, G. (4) 108, 159 Saisorn, D. (2) 55 Salmon, J. (1) 46, 80, 123 Salmon, R. (1) 45, 84, 123 Salvem ini, S. (4) 94, 95, 127, 159, 173 Samlall, A. (2) 52 Sammarco, C. (1) 35 Santiago, T. ( 2 ) 52, 118 Santomauro, W . (3) 62, 90, 91, 94, 95 Santoro, R. (1) 35, 75 Sarmiento, A. (4) 98, 159 Savino, J. (1) 47, 75 Scafidi, J. (2) 51, 85 Scalia, P. (2) 58 Schaplowsky, I. (3) 66, 127 Schiavone, F. (1) 42 Schifano, T. (3) 67 Schmidt, C. (3) 61, 72, 80 Schneider, W . (4) 94, 103, 119, 159 Schork, R. (4) 13, 76, 119, 16C Schroeder, E. (2) 55, 76, 85, 94, 95 Scocco, J. (3) 63 Scott, B. (1) 45 Scott, W . (2) 49 Sexton, B. (3) 63 Seymour, D. (3) 64, 100 Shah, B. (3) 68, 127 Shahzad, A. (2) 38 Shaw, C. (2) 58 Shaw, M. (4) 160, 110 Shea, J. (4) 107, 160 Sheehan, J. (2) 58, 72, 80 Sheeran, J. (4) 1, 5, 8, 94, 95, 107, 120, 160 Sheikh, M. (2) 50 Siddiq, O . (2) 50 Sierra, M . (1) 38, 75, 84, 123 Sindle, G. (4) 1, 5, 96, 119, 160 Singh, P. (4) 101 Sin n ott, T . (1) 47 Sisco, J. (1) 35 Sivo, ). (2) 50 Skin n er, M . (1) 35 Skorka, D. (4) 8, 161 Slane, D . (2) 52, 73 Sm ith, C. (2) 54, 72 Sm ith, J. (1) 42 Sm ith, R. (3) 63 Sollecito, P. (4) 8, 74, 161 Somers, J. (3) 65 Soto, I. (2) 69, 116, 123 Soto, M . (1) 36, 75 Spadora, P. (4) 74, 82, 96, 97, 119, 161 Spann, 3. (3) 61, 81, 123 Speronza, P. (4) 1, 8, 88, 108, 161 Stack, T. (2) 55, 73 Stefano, M . (2) 51, 79, 127 Stefko, W . (4) 13, 117, 162 Stewart, A. (4) 76, 162 Stokes, P. (4) 162 Strandes, P. (1) 35, 75 Strangeway, J. (2) 57
Strickland, S. (1) 36, 123 Stroud, E. (1) 39, 116 Struk, M. (1) 46 Stupinski, G. (3) 63, 78 Sugrue, R. (2) 57 Sullivan, M. (2) 50 Swabsin, P. (4) 8, 71, 90, 91, 94, 95, 103, 162 Swart, W . (1) 38 Swineford, J. (1) 35 Syed, A. (2) 58 Szczepanski, J. (2) 58 Szklarski, F. (2) 52 Szynol, P. (1) 47 St. Hilaire, T. (2) 53 St. Marie, J. (1) 37, 75 T Taite, L. (3) 61 Talanczuk, A. (2) 57 Talanczuk, B. (1) 38, 75 Tarantino, D. (3) 68 Tavolara, T. (2) 55 Tedeschi, J. (2) 53 Tello, J. (1) 46 Timones, M. (1) 46 Tolentino, R. (3) 63 Tolino, T. (1) 37 Tolstyk, M. (3) 63, 90 Toussas, D. (4) 1, 106, 127, 162, 173 Trasande, L. (2) 55, 118 Treacy, E. (3) 63, 78 Treanor, J. (2) 53, 72 Trilles, R. (4) 69, 116, 117, 163 Tronco, L. (4) 74, 76, 96, 119, 163 Truong, T. (3) 68, 80 Tsinman, S. (1) 36 Tuason, A. (2) 55 Tudek, J. (2) 55 Tuohy, R. (4) 76, 119, 163 U Ubelhoer, K. (3) 68, 118 Umali, R. (3) 69, 94, 95, 108, 116, 117, 118 V Vacca, P. (1) 37 Valdez, V. (1) 44, 75 Valente, E. (1) 42 Valente, M . (4) 1, 8, 69, 72, 106, 116, 117, 163 Van Blarcom, J. (4) 8, 163 Vargas, A. (3) 61 Varsalona, P. (3) 62, 73 Vetter, A. (2) 58 Viggiano, D. (3) 68 Villanueva, J. (2) 69, 116 Vining, P. (4) 103, 164 Vita, J. (3) 68; 127 Vita, J. (4) 164 Vitale, G. (1) 42 Voicu, M . (4) 127, 164, 173 Volcy, J. (4) 76, 83, 164 Volpe, J. (1) 39 Vukan, K. (4) 69, 116, 117, 164 W W alenty, R. (2) 53, 78 Wassong, K. (2) 53 W ay, S. (4) 1, 106, 126, 165, 176 W ebb, R. (3) 61 W eierman, R. (3) 67, 127 W elby, C. (1) 43 W entworth, S. (4) 8, 108, 165 W entworth, C. (3) 61 West, K. (3) 61 W hitehead, E. (4) 165 W ignarajan, R. (1) 47, 116 W iley, M. (3) 61 W illi, J.P. (2) 55 W illiams, G. (1) 38 W itt, M. (3) 67, 81 W olfe, J. (2) 55, 76 Wood, E. (3) 65, 90, 96 W orobiej, M . (4) 8, 165 Worrell, D. (1) 35, 75, 101, 123 Y Yan, G. (2) 57, 118 Z Zaleck, C. (3) 62, 74, 90, 96 Zamarra, C. (2) 49 Zamarra, R. (1) 44 Zarran, A. (1) 35
Zieleniewski, M. (2) 58, 90 Zieleniewski, M. (4) 1, 90, 91, 106, 166 Zingaro, C. (4) 72, 76, 82, 166 Zuchowski, J. (2) 54, 101 de Armas, A. (1) 41, 90 de Fex, D. (1) 42, 80, 90 FACULTY Alvarado, I. 18 Argyelan, H. 18 Azzarto, A. 18, 107, 113 Baber, S. 18, 100, 126 Balduf, R. 18 Bellotti, G. 18, 76, 77 Beck, E. 19 Bender, A. 19 Boyle, G. 19, 108 Browning, J. 19, 123 Burgaleta, C. 19, 106, 119, 126, 125 Campion, J. 19, 112 Casey, J. 20, 106, 121, 112 Cilia, R. 20 Constantini, K. 20, 94, 95, 96 Croghan, J. 20, 100 Dandorph, B. 20 Dandorph, K. 20 DellaFave, J. 21 DeLorenzo, C. 21 Denny, T. 21 DePalma, A. 21 Derise, D. 21, 103 Dolan, C. 21 Dolan, E. 22 Donahue, B. 22, 118 Donohue, P. 22 Doolan, E. 22 Foley, J. 22 Fordellone, J. 23, 113 Esti, J. 23 Furke, L. 23 Garcia, A. 23 Fitzgibbons, J. 23 Gray, M. 24, 113 Hammill, T. 24 Hanson, R. 24, 76, 77 Harrison, P. 24 Horan, J. 24 Howard, H. 24, 112 Kennedy, R. 24 Koszyk, W . 25 Kuntz, J. 25, 87 LeCalvez, A. 25 Larrabee, C. 26 Massarelli, ]. 25, 85 McGuinness, R. 1 6 ,2 5 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 1 ,1 1 2 M errick, D. 26 Moore, G. 27 M ulvihill, R. 27 O'Connor, T.V. 27 O 'D onnell, J. 27 O'Grady, P. 27 Ollinger, J. 28 O 'N eill, J. 28 Oppido, H. 28 Pellegrini, F. 28, 106, 113 Pellegrino, R. 28, 98 Pellicano, R. 29 Raslowsky, J. 29, 78, 124 Raulli, E. 29 Raysor, L 29 Rosace, B. 29 Rowan, K. 30 Russell, D. 30 Salmon, E. 30, 15 Sayer, R . 30, 69, 116 Ross, C. 30 Schmidtberger, A. 31, 110 Settembre, D. 31, 87 Shea, R. 3 1 ,1 0 6 , 107 Silvestris, L 31, 99, 103 Snyder, L 31 Stump, D. 32, 108 Tamburelli, J. 32 Toohey, P. 32, 98 W olack, S. 32 Walsh, E. 32 W ozniak, A. 33 W ynn, E. 33, W ysocki, B. 33 Yozzi, D. 33 Zawistowski, R. 33, 76, 77, 81
"G ood m orn in g, B roth er W uss speaking . . . . and how is the grandm other your son played a m ag n ificen t game d on 't forget the tickets for the S lav ic n ig h t T h an k s for ca llin g ." T h e voice o f love and care o f B roth er Joe W uss, S .J. is no longer heard at St. P eter's Prep, but he lives in the lives and the m em ories of all the Prep fam ily . B roth er W uss loved the Prep — the students, the fam ilies, the activities. H e knew each o f us by nam e: to encourage, to console, to push for excellen ce, to share stories of a Prep b all gam e, to poin t out the alu m n i S lav ic honor, roll or the Pope's com in g to A m erica. H e cared th at we grew, th at we recognized w ho we are — our cu ltu ral heritage (ev eryo n e at on e tim e had some Polish blood) and our d ig n ity as sons and daughters of the liv in g God. He n ev er sought the lim elig h t or needed m an y m aterial possessions. H is life and love was th e C hrist p layin g in 10,000 faces of students, alu m n i and fam ily. T h e Lord took B ro th er W uss w hen he was most happy — a few hours after com m u nion on his fav orite feast of Pentecost. T h e M ets had w on, th e Pope was soon to visit Poland, the graduates and fa m ilie s'w e re lau ghing and celebratin g in the Prep cafeteria. B ro th er W uss would o ften speak about the " r in g " — the ring o f reward as the m erry-go-rou nd w ent on. For him the ring m eant ex cellen ce — a state ch am p ion sh ip , a cou n ty title — the rin g of the highest ach iev em en t. H e encourages teams and ac tiv ities to reach fo r the rin g — a sign of the best. H e gave all of us th e best: th e best of love and care — the best of w hat it means to be a m an o f God, the best of w hat is im portant - ourself, our fam ily , our roots and our God. T h e Lord has tak en him and given him the R in g — the ring of ev erlastin g Jo y . H is ow n fa ith is a rem inder that we too will share w ith h im in e te rn ity th at R in g o f C hrist's victory. "G ood m orn in g , B ro th er W uss sp eak in g ."