1989 Petrean

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“ And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I w ill build m y Church, and not even death w ill ever be able to overcom e it."(M atth ew 16:18) Rock - as it is strong, so must w e be - as it endures, so has Prep - as it is a foundation, so is Prep to us. For w e chose St. Peter's Prep as our educational foundation w ith the same confidence Christ had when He chose Peter to be His rock foundation for the Roman Catholic Church. St. Peter's Prep has been and w ill continue to be our "stepping stone" into the future. A t the hands o f a sculptor a stone is shaped into art - beautiful and something to be admired - w e the students are m olded in that same w a y b y Prep. W hen w e leave this school w e shall stand firm , sure o f ourselves and ready. W e shall have becom e strong - as Odysseus was to Hom er, standing “ as firm as a rock". This new found strength w ill carry us far and long, for m emories endure as does the stone. Stone - not cold, gray and lifeless, but reserved, untapped and bound on ly b y the lim its o f our imagination. O n this stone foundation o f St. Peter's Prep do w e begin our journey - im agination carries us and fear o f collapsing is unthinkable, fo r upon a stone foundation there is stability unlike the sand that is b lo w n b y the w ind. W e have becom e solid — “ S O L ID A S A R O C K ".

SOLID EDUCATION What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul." Joseph Addison wu ■ „ , , The Spectator #215 We are molded upon Prep s foundation of academic ex­ cellence. Our tools are creativity, intellect, and determina­ tion. Like an artist, we strive, sweat, and labor to achieve that final masterpiece - the unique being that is the student. Prep offers us the basis on which we begin our work. Each course in our curriculum is like the chisel - hewing away, constantly adding another facet to the creation. Freshman year constructs the framework of our being. Latin, the foundation o f the Romance languages, is intro­ duced to us via Father Oppido, et al. Sophomore year, we define the outline of our creation. Father Raulli instructs us in the finer points o f English grammar, while we also struggle with geometric calcula­ tions and biological discoveries. By Junior year, the details o f our creation are beginning to show through. Literature, an elective foreign language, ■ and History become part o f our knowledge. In the Senior year, our creation is sanded to achieve its final luster - Calculus with Ms. Wysocki, Physics with Mr. Merrick, A.P. Government and A.P. English - all contribute to the final monument.

Four years have gone by, and the toil and hard work pro­ duce a masterpiece to be respected. A solid education is the first ] step in constructing a complete individual. St. Peter's Prep | provides us with the opportunity to grasp that education and : reap its benefits.


Here at St. Peter's, w e experience the interaction o f academic and social activities. On this foundation w e develop our ability to function socially. Whether participating in school activities, providing support for athletic teams, or even attending school dances, w e are given numerous oppor足 tunities to mingle w ith and react to other people. These different situations enable us to grow socially and provide us w ith the skills necessary to w ork w ith others as adults. These talents which w e have gained from the social background provided b y the Prep community, enhance us. This strength w ill remain w ith us forever, as w e take our places in society as "M en for Others."


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SOLID COMMUNITY What does community mean for us at St. Peter's? Community is that special feeling of togetherness which all of us at Prep feel. It drives us to be our best, to share our experiences, and to love. St. Peter's offers an environment which fosters a close bond which enriches our lives. Our community at Prep is the foundation from which we grow emotionally solid and mature. It creates lasting memories that w ill never die. Prep teaches us to give. Organizations like the Na足 tional Honor Society, H.A.P. (Higher Achievement Program) and the Mission Drive Committee are repre足 sentative of the giving spirit found at Prep. A further example of the community bond at Prep is the way our students, faculty and families bond together to help each other through difficult times. Events, such as rallies and the W alk-A-Thon, also reflect the vital足 ity o f Prep spirit and community. Frosh and sopho足 more retreats, Emmaus and the chance to be Eucharistic Ministers set St. Peter's apart from the average school, for we are all encouraged to grow together. Our school teaches us not to be self-centered; it gives us a chance to grow, to mature, to share in that feeling of "Prep Pride".

SPORTSMANSHIP In addition to being strong in scholastics, Prep is also solid in character. W hile this character manifests itself in the daily aspects o f Prep life, it is especially evident in Prep's athletics O n the field, on the court or on the track, Prep drives for the win. Prepsters overflow w ith the spirit o f competition, yet they never lose sight o f the true nature o f the game. W hile victories are celebrated and pride abounds in the heart o f St. Peter's, that pride does not become arrogance. A Prep loss i? taken in stride. Prepsters are above believing that winning is all that counts. Maturity, sensitivity, and respect are ingrained in the Prep persona.

" A M an fo r O th ers" is a true representative o f Prep's ideals: w e are congratulatory to our victorious teams but still supportive o f those w h ich are less successful. W e greet the opposing teams w ith open hands, accepting them as friends even w hen, o n ly m om ents before, w e w ere rivals. A sense o f camaraderie and g o o d sportsmanship is the root o f Prep's spirit.

LEADERSHIP W e enter Prep as eager youths ready to be sculpted into the men of tomorrow. W e are prepared to enter the next phase of our lives with the confidence that our foundation is strong. This, in part, is due to our acceptance o f the responsibilities with which we are entrusted here. W hether it be as a freshman excelling academically or as a senior leading his sports team, the Prep community looks to students of all years for leader­ ship. Our four years at Prep prepare us to take the initiative. W e learn never to let an opportunity pass us by. Early signs o f who w ill be the school's leaders in three short years are seen in the freshmen. Present juniors and seniors are in positions o f au­ thority in clubs and sports. W h ile they make Prep's activities run smoothly and efficiently, they also prepare the under­ classmen to accept these roles one day. Examples of this au­ thority could be Joe K elly as the Student Council President or Raoul Bustillo the captain o f the football team because the quality of leadership we look for and find in our senior class is extraordinary. A Prep student can take pride in the leadership qualities that he develops at Prep. W ith the foundation that we build here we can realize W inston Churchill's call to the fullest: "Com e on now, all you young men, all over the world .. . D on't be content with things as they are. 'The earth is yours and the fullness thereof.' Enter upon your inheri­ tance, accept your responsibilities." W inston Churchill

Roving Commission: M y Early Life


The four years I have spent at Prep, have made me a mature, responsible adult. I believe Prep gave me the ability to think and leam on m y own, which are, in themselves, foundations for a successful future." Gabe Antuna

"T h e caring and concern shown to me at St. Peter's Prep has given me a new sense o f self-esteem. M y four years at Prep are filled with memories o f good times and learning experiences o f bad times. I have grown from being part o f the Prep community in activities, such as Spirit Committee, Petroc, and many others. I feel I have the tools and knowledge to become a leader. I honestly feel that I w ill do w ell in college and whatever else I pursue because I was a member o f the Prep community." Martin G olizio


"Prep has taught me many things that I hope will further my growth. However, there is one particular quality I've learned that will stay with me forever: Leadership. Whether in the classroom or in an activity, I feel I have developed a sense of responsibility to the people I've been with these past four years. Hopefully this new character trait I've developed will help me in the future so I can continue to serve people." Kevin McCann

"P rep has been a place fo r m e to build and grow . G row th takes many forms, such as spiritual, emotional, and physical growth. A s I leave, I hope that this foundation w ill let m e continue to grow . Prep, itself, is a foundation, and all w h o leave Prep take part o f that foundation w ith them. I just hope that I can take this foundation and share it w ith others." T im Lau

"O v e ra ll, Prep has prepared m e fo r the future in tw o distinct and important w ays. First o f all, the academics at Prep provided m e w ith both a basic core curriculum, and elective courses taught b y talented and dedicated teachers, and prepared m e fo r m aking m y career choices. Secondly, and just as im portantly, the Prep com m unity has provided m e w ith a chance to grow . T h e w id e diversity o f activities and people have given m e the chance to develop m y skills and talents w h ile helping m e create a solid foundation o f values. M y fo u r years at Prep have indeed been the best in m y life. A s I look back I can reminisce in much the same w a y Lord Byron did, 'But I have liv e d and I have not liv e d in vain /" Tom Anderson


The class o f 1989 proudly dedicates this year's Petrean to Mr. Carl DeLorenzo. A n alumnus of Prep, Mr. DeLor­ enzo graduated with honors in 1967. He attended St. Peter's College, where he majored in European History and minored in Classics. In 1974 he obtained his Master's Degree in Medieval History from Fordham University. Mr. DeLorenzo returned to Prep in 1973 but this time as a teacher. Since his return, Mr. DeLorenzo has been teaching in the History Department. W hen questioned about his six­ teen year career at Prep, he stated that teaching keeps him "mentally sharp"; he also explained that he teaches in a style designed to get his students interested in histo­ ry. As a result his students enjoy their work and there­ fore learn more. In addition to learning history, Mr. DeLorenzo's students benefit as intellectuals, mature as men, and most importantly enjoy his class - he is im­ mensely popular with students of all years. Although Mr. DeLorenzo considers himself conserva­ tive, he is very expressive and generous with his talents. Mr. DeLorenzo moderates, and aspires to one day coach, the Prep Tennis Team. In the past he has coached Prep's Baseball Team. An avid sports fan, Mr. DeLorenzo is a self-proclaimed "lunatic" Giants fan. He is also a "Trekkie", which can be confirmed by all who know him - students, colleagues and family. W e are proud to call him teacher and friend.



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Rev. Thomas F. Denny, S I Principal

Rev. Edward Salmon, S.J. President

Mr. Kenneth Dandorph Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

Dr. Roy R. Pellicano Assistant Principal for Student Affairs


ABO VE LEFT: Development O ffice; Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh, Assistant Director, Mr. Gerry Bellotti, Director. ABOVE RIG H T: O ffice of Public Information; Miss Ro足 semarie Picone, Assistant Director, Mr. James C. Horan, Director. ABOVE: An Athletic Director's job is never is done. LEFT: Treasurer's Office; Mrs. Catherine Ross, Mrs. Iona Prilop. RIG H T: Rev. Stephen J. Meany, S.J., Treasurer.



To the Class o f 1989: A s the first class I taught at Prep, you w ill always have a special niche in m y memories. You taught me so many things about life, w h ile I was sometimes more interested in abla足 tive absolutes and assorted subjunc足 tive clauses. O ne purpose clause, however, captures the spirit o f St. Peter's and the goal o f our time spent together here: ,

"U t cognoscant Te, solum Deum Verum, et quern misisti, Iesum Christum." -John 17:3 Peace, Rick-O-Shea ABOVE: Rev. Harold J. Oppido, S.J., Chairman, Miss Susan Baber, Mr. Richard I P She Rev. Edward Dolan, S.J., BELOW LEFT: But WHY?!?



Class of '89: In September of '85 we were all new to Prep. After four years of learning, shar足 ing & growing, you must move on, and it's hard for me to imagine St. Peter's without you. For being so generous with your time & talents, and for helping me to become a better teacher, moderator & friend - thank you. You will be missed in September '89. Love, Sue Baber


ABOVE: I didn't know you took the fl dress code so seriously! LEFT: Just I read the Latin.


ABOVE: How did that happen?!

ABOVE: Rev. David X. Stump, S.J., Ms. Adrianne Wozniak, chairperson, Mr. Robert Sayer.

ABOVE: Mr. Richard Hansen, Mr. David Settembre, Mr. James J. Dondero, Mr. Robert Mulvihill.

ABOVE: Mr. George Moore



ABOVE: Standing; left to right; Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J., Mr. John Campion; Sitting; X. to r.; Mr. John Casey, Ms. Kathleen Pellegrino. ABOVE RIGHT: Good Morning!

ABOVE: Standing; left to right; Dr. Richard L. Kennedy, Mr. Walter B. Koszyk; Sitting; 1. to r.; Mr. Christopher Aventuro, Rev. Robert G. Creghan, S.J. RIGHT: What do these three people have in common? LOWER RIGHT: Father Raulli and Mr. Koszyk bless the new Fresh足 men.

It is n o t u n c o m m o n f or s t u d e n t s to i d o l i z e t h e i r t e a c h e r s . In fact, s o m e m a y g o so f ar as to e q u a t e t h e i r t e a c h e r s to t h e G r e e k g o d s of M t . O l y m p u s . Q: If y o u h a d y o u r way, w h i c h of P r e p ' s t e a c h e r s w o u l d you say w er e m o s t like the O l y m p i a n s ? W e at t h e P e t r e a n t a c k l e d t h i s v e r y q u e s t i o n a n d c a m e up with these results: Z e u s r u l e s O l y m p u s w i t h s t r e n g t h a n d h is m i g h t y roar. F o r t h o s e o n t h e t h i r d f l o o r of t h e E n g l i s h b u i l d i n g , it is e a s y t o u n d e r s t a n d w h y Mr. C a m p i o n c o u l d f il l Zeus' role. H a d e s , t h e n a m e i t s e l f s t i r s u p f e e l i n g s of g l o o m a nd dreadj f o r h e r u l e s t h e u n d e r w o r l d . If a n y n a m e w e r e to i n s t i l l in us t h e s e f e e l i n g s , it w o u l d be t h a t of Mr. D a n d o r p h a n d his o m i n o u s d o m a i n of H 10 5 . A t t h e i n c e p t i o n of t h e u n i v e r s e , P o s e i d o n w a s g i v e n c o n t r o l o v e r t h e v a s t w a t e r s w e c a l l t h e seas. In t h e b e g i n n i n g of t h i s y e a r , F r . D e n n y w a s a p p o i n t e d to l e a d th e " s ea of f a c e s " t h a t is P re p. A t h e n a r e p r e s e n t s wisdom, knowledge, and reasoning. As A t h e n a w a s a g u i d e to O d y s s e u s t h r o u g h h i s j o u r n e y s , so is Mrs. C o s t a n t i n i to her s t u d en ts on their v o y a g e th rough the pages of h istory. H e r m e s is k n o w n as t h e m e s s e n g e r of t h e g od s. In a s i m i l a r m a n n e r , o u r c h a p l a i n Fr. A z z a r t o is o n e of G o d ' s m e s s e n g e r s , b r i n g i n g t o us t h e G o o d N e w s o f t h e L or d . Hermes' youthful s p i r i t is b e s t r e p r e s e n t e d in " T a z ' s " u n d y i n g d e v o t i o n to t he L. A. D o d g e r s as w e l l as h i s c l a i m t o f a m e as s t i c k b a l l c h a m p i o n A p o l l o g a v e m a n t h e g e n t l e a r t of h e a l i n g . Mr. Z a w i s t o w s k u s e s t h i s a r t f o r t h e b e n e f i t of P r e p ' s a t h l e t i c tea ms . A r e s , t h e g o d of wa r, s e n t h i s t r o o p s a c r o s s t h e lands, l e v e l i n g a l l t h a t s t o o d i n h i s w a y. In kind , Mr. H a n s e n l e a d s our m i g h t y f o o t b a l l t e a m a c ro ss the gridiron. H e s t i a w a s t h e g o d d e s s of t h e h e a r t h a n d p r o t e c t o r of the home. If w e c a n t r u l y c a l l P r e p o u r " h o m e " t h e n it is Mrs. A r g y e l a n who keeps the "fire burning." Her s ervices are v i t a l to P r e p d a i l y f u n c t i o n as H e s t i a 1s f i r e w a s to G r ^ lif e . P r e p ' s t e a c h e r s a r e c e r t a i n l y in a c l a s s b y t h e m s e We, t h e s t u d e n t s , s e e k f r o m t h e m h e l p a n d g u i d a n c e in m u c h t he s a m e w a y as t h e G r e e k s a p p r o a c h e d t h e i r g o d s . However, unlike t h e G r e e k s , w e a r e a b l e to c a l l o u r t e a c h e r s m u c h m o r e t h a n i ns t r u c t o r s , we can call t h em friends. A n d so, h e r e a re s o m e o f o u r " O l y m p i a n s " in a c t i o n. ..


ABOVE: I told you about not doing your homework!

ABOVE: Don't you dare cut the Walk-a-thon.

ABOVE: W hy don't you feel $29 is a fair price? FAR LEFT: O.P.I. 's new secretary?




ABOVE LEFT: Dr. PeUicano greets an incoming class. ABOVE RIGHT: Ho’ does that go, do, re me, . . . ?


(lBOVB: Y o u k n o w , I played pro ►all once.

ABOVE: Simon didn't say! ’ ‘

ABOVE: Mr. Boyle expressing his jo y o f reading.

FAR R IG H T: Caught in the act. ABOVE LEFT: Send this boy to camp. ABO VE RIG H T: You lose something?

ABOVE: I'm busy guys, could you come back later? ABOVE: The big payoff.



"Class of '891bid you fare足 well. It has been an honor and ajoy to be a part ofyour lives these past four years. You brought great spirit to Prep and we shall miss you. It is my prayer for you that you will prosper and find true happiness in life-happiness in work that you will enjoy and find fulfilling, happiness in good friends and inner happiness in the awareness of the Lord's pres足 ence in your lives. Share this happiness with others and you will be the man God envisioned. A blessing on you all." Fr. John E. Browning, S.J. ABOVE: Standing; left to right; Mr. James J. Dondero, Rev. John E. Browning, S.J., Mr. Dave Settembre; Sitting; 1. to r.; Miss Lori Snyder, Rev. Raymond J. Balduf, S.J., Ms. Kathleen Rowan.

ABOVE: For you Rich, Jersey City State is a gamble.

" Although; we have known each other but one year, we now join to足 gether in the distinguishedfraternity of Prep Alumni. Prep haspreparedyou for your journey, travel with peace and courage in your hearts."

Jim Dondero


ABOVE: Mr. Shea attempting to follow in Fr. Browning's foot steps.


ABOVE: Mr. Shalhoub .

ABOVE: Sitting; Ms. Kathleen Costantini, chairperson, Ms. Julie M iller, Mr. Patrick Shalhoub. Standing; Rev. Arthur Bender, S.J., Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, Mr. Charles Links.

ABOVE: Mr. Links making a quick get away.

ABOVE: W ould you like me to carry your books? TOP: Doc Kennedy and Mr. D. discussing political views.


ABOVE: Sitting; Mr. Patrick Reidy, Rev. Frederick Pellegrini, S.J., Standing; Mr. Jack O'Donnell, Mr. Thomas Connolly.

ABOVE: You can't give me Jug, I'm a teacher.

To the Class of 1989, I think the most valuable lesson anyone can learn at St. Peter's Prep is how God is part of each of our lives and all our lives. The second most valuable lesson is how to have a friend and be a friend. Your contribution to Prep is not simply how well you have learned these lessons, but how you learned them together and shared them with others. Thank you for being such a visible sign of God's presence, life, love, andfriendship to me and to all of us. M y prayer for all ofyou is that you not only continue to share God's blessings with others but also continue to receive them. Much peace and love, Fred Pellegrini S.J.

ABOVE: John showing Fred who's really in charge!

Whatever you do, do it with enthusiasm. Mr. McGuinness ABOVE: Left to Right; Mr. Kenneth Dandorph, Ms. Beatrice M. Wysocki, chairperson, Mr. Robert McGuinness.

MODERN LANGUAGES " I just want him to stay with me till I can be sure he won't turn into Nor足 man Nothing. I want to be sure h e'll know when he's chickening out on himself. I want him to get to know exactly the special thing he is or else he won't no足 tice it when it starts to go. I want him to stay awake and know who the pho足 nies are, I want him to know how to holler and put up an argument, I want a little guts to show before I let him go. I want to be sure that he sees all the wild possibilities. I want him to know it's worth all the trouble just to give the world a little goosing when you get the chance. And I want him to know the subtle, sneaky important reason why he was born a human being and not a chair."

ABOVE: Mr. Leonard Fordellone, Ms. Adriana LoGala, Mr. W illiam Donahue, Ms. Ana Garcia.

(From: Herb Gardner, "A Thousand Clow ns") With love to the Class o f '89, Fr. Jim Mayzik M r. Donahue

ABOVE: You can't understand this simple Italian?

Another phase o f your life ended successfully, i.e., four unforgettable years here with us at St. Peter's. Get ready now for tomorrow, i.e., the resumption and continuation o f your higher education. Be prepared to act and to integrate each new happening into your life. You have meant something special to us and we hope we meant something to you. We have given you an entirely new direction-now go forward toward your goals ... and may God always be with you. Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone ABOVE: Mr. Donahue enjoying a good book.


RELIGIOUS STUDIES Dear Class of '89, In St. Luke's Gospel, Jesus looks with love at the young man who wants to do more. Jesus wanted the Westfor theyoung man as He invited him to be a disciple. The Lord has looked upon the Class of '89 with love and each is precious in His eyes. How blessed you are-blessed with a family who loves with patience, classmates who have shred joys and sorrows, teach足 ers who have drawn you to excel足 lence, andgraduates who servedyou in your early years. You also have blessed Prepblessed us with enthusiasm, with service to underclassmen, and with a Prep Pride. Prep is not perfect but you have brought us a step forward. M y hope andprayerforyou is that you takeall thislove, energy, andfire into the world, thatyou recognize the dignity of every person you meet in the future, and thatyou return to the Lord all you have been given by living for others. Tough choice-but the Lord looks on you with loving invitation. Tobit, one of the characters from the Old Testament, says "D o to no one what you yourself dislike. Give to the hungry some of your bread and to the naked some o f your cloth足 ing. Seek counsel from every wise person. A t all times bless the Lord and ask Him to make all your paths straight and to grant success to all your endeavors and plans."

ABOVE: Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., Mr. Jorge Becerra, Mr. Sean Boyan. BELOWfl Standing; Mr. Lance Silvestris, Rev. John E. Browning, S.J., Deacon John 0'Neill|| chairman. Sitting; Ms. Julie Miller, Mrs. Patricia O'Grady.

Come back and see us! Tony Azzarto, S.J. and the Dodger in the Sky.

Dear Class of '89, We came to Prep togetherfouryears ago. I'v e enjoyedgrowing with you over theyears, andI pray thatyou will continue togrow with God, in love, and by your special gifts and talents. Mrs. O'Grady ABOVE: Really, those pages weren't blank when I handed them in!



A B O V E : F ro n t row ; le ft to rig h t; M r. John R . Raslow sky, R ev. Thom as V. O 'C onn or, S.J. B ackrow ; 1. to r .; M r. D onald E. M errick , M r. R ob ert Zaw istow ski, M r. G regory Boyle.

To the class o f1989, When you spend so much tim e w ith a group o f people you come to apoin t where you think (and hope) you w ill never have to say good-bye. I feel that way about you, yetI know that saygood-bye I must, fo r it is that tim e. W hile I do so with with a great sadness, I also do so with a greatjoy . The sadness come from knowing that I w ill miss you, from knowing that the laughter and the tears we shared w ill be few er and farther between — yet s till there is great joy . Greatjo y fo r a ll that we have shared, fo r the chance we have had to come together, to know one another, to grow in many cases to be friends, and in some, to be brothers. The times racing down the slopes, or practicing in the rain (see, no one died), the pancakes in Camp Green Lane, the points lost and gained in class — this w ill never pass from me. I risked sharing w ith you to grow with you. You have given me much and I am grateful. Thank you fo r walking the road with me. As you leave Prep, know that I ca ll many o f you friends because you are that. The road is the same; our points along it may change, but we are on it together. I am better fo r having known you. Peace! Love, Jack

Class o f '89: Goodbye. Good luck. God bless you. TO P OF PAGE: Mr. Merrick, resident physicist. ABOVE: H ave a heart! R IG H T : Ms. A dele LeCalvez.

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Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J. Chaplain

Ms. Carol Larrabee Nurse

Fr. Azzarto's "O ffice Crew' Mr. John Ollinger Librarian



ABOVE: left to right; Ms. S. Bryant, Mrs. J. Fitzgibbons. President7s O ffice

ABOVE: Mrs. E. Doolan. Guidance Department


ABOVE: Jon Hammer; Special Projects Coordinator. BELOW: Fr. Wolak, S.J. and the cafeteria staff.

ABOVE: Ms. Ethel Wynn; Switchboard. BELOW: left to right; Bro. Paul Harrison, S.J., Mr. Idelfonso Alvarado, Bro. Ralph Cilia, S.J., Maintenance Department.

C h o o s i n g e a c h stone, and p o i s i n g e v e r y weight, T r y i n g the m e a s u r e s of the b r e a d t h a nd height; H e r e p u l l i n g down, and t h e re e r e c t i n g new, F o u n d i n g a f i r m stat e by p r o p o r t i o n s true. - Oliver Cromwell




ABOVE: Back Row; left to right; D. Ricci, G. Hazzan, S. Rivera, J. Martin, E. Savvas,

Lc,a,ke' K D h J h “ l F ' ° " ‘

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"He who robs a scholar, robs twenty m en." - John Clark

ABOVE: Back Row; left to right; F. Barletta, M. Genovezos, W. Abd Rabouh, M. Huha. Middle Row; 1. to r.; D. Ryan, P. Weimmer. First Row; 1. to r.; D. Bonomo, M. Paneggiante, J. Pederson.


ABOVE: First row, left to right; S. Patel, M. Savage, T. Schoch. Second row, left to right; M. Fleming, H. Patel, R. Reddy. Back row, left to right; C. Keating, K. Jhaveri, D. Leontaris. ABOVE RIG H T: Mr. Koszyk.

"Give a clown your finger and he will take your hand." HERBERT


ABOVE: First row, left to right; M. Daly, K. Riddick, M. Shin, V. Dhindhwal. Second row, left to right; D. Palumbo, F. Loscrudato, J. Lomnicky. Back row, left to right; S. Watson, M . Ruggieri, J. Sebik, S. Papasavas, J. Bay, M. Mabry, S. Langon.



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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; S. Madden, J. Constantino, A. i ' Bautista, J. Egan, D. Charowsky, P. Healey. Back Row; 1. to r.; f P R. Cortes, R. Glasser, T. Lavin, D. Esposito, R. Lopez. BELOW: i Clockwise from bottom left; B. McDermott, G. Nadolski, [jj I P Miklush, T. McHale, R. O'Connor, K. Norrow, K. McAuliffe, (I1 T. Marsden, M. Foley, C. Noriega, F. Mavilla. LEFT: Fr. Bender, p S.J.

"Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other." - Edmund Burke






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iBOVE: First row, left to right; R. Tanteo, D. Ruocco, E. Dar>y, R. Kearney, T. Pasculli, C. Bracco. Second row, 1. to r.; J. :esken, G. Parziale, N. Tocci, P. Tizzano, G. Carroll. Third row, . to r.; E. Manibo, R. Sangalang, T. Fallahee. BELOW: First ow, 1. to r.; S. Mclnerney, D. Podolak, M. Kelly, C. Noble, R. darino, T. Jackimas. Second row, 1. to r.; E. Mendoza, S. Bardinski, S. Chopek, S. Gargiulo, B. McCabe, H. Hernandez. Third row, 1. to r.; T. Targett, M. Owens, D. Blasucci, M. immons. RIGHT: Mr. DeLorenzo.

"Mens sana in corpore sano." - Latin Proverb



ABOVE: Mr. O'Donnell

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; K. Fosella, P. Malloy} I. Floresca. Second Row; 1. to r.; M. Decastro, R. Gomez, D. Youmans. Third Row; 1. to r.; J. Militello, G. Navarro, M. Kirby. Fourth Row; I. to r.; J. Hoetzl, M. O'Neill, D. Thompson. BELOW: First Row; 1. to r.; M. Rems, K. Dunn, J. Norrett, Second Row; 1. to r.; D. Bartoshek, C. Gallagher, S. W iley. Third Row; 1. to r.; S. Ginty, M. Demaria, A. Dragotti. Fourth Row; 1. to r.; D. lorio, J, Soler, P. Ng, ]. Wernock

"It is, it is a glorious thing to be a Pirate King." - The Pirates of Penzance


j» p


M ;I

■ ■ Lb O W Left Column; top to bottom; A. Dodd, A . Bondarowicz, Flores, C. Gazewski, A . Iacocca, K. Cocca. M iddle Column; t. p b.; G. McLellan, P. Dumaval, J. Martinez, S. Hannan. Right Column; t. to b.; B. Barts, M . Kim, P. Franco. BELOW: First tow; left to right; A. Sy, B. Zabotka, R. Wignarajan. Second tow; I. to r.; A. Suarez, B. Schied, N. Szubiak. Third Row; 1. to L; S. Rawal, D. Munoz, P. Patel, M. Munoz, A. Nieves. RIG H T: Mr. Tom Connolly

"Run to the hills . . . !" - Iron Maiden


ABOVE: Ms. LeCalvez

ABOVE: Back Row; left to right; M. Ruiz, M. Scerbo, S. Rider, J. Murillo, J. Murphy, K. Leyva, T. Jackson. Front Row; 1. to r.; V. Shah, T. Hussey, G. Orencia, J. Murray, A. Rosario. BELOW: Back Row; 1. to r.; M. Benoit, J. Greene, C. Bontigao, C. Dyson, S. Ghosh. Front Row; 1. to r.; A Florio, M. Dawoud, E. Colon, D. Burgers, V. Ciraco, J. Degnan.

"I shall return!" - D. MacArthur

g Âť-~


ABOVE: Fr. Raulli, S.J.

ABOVE: First row, left to right; A. Salazar, D. Weir, M. Otten, R. Acha, M. Silvestri, S. Smera. Back row, left to right; M . Hogan, J. Applegate, J. Gordon, T. Boulter, S. Drennan, J. Sander, J. Sanchez. BELOW: First row, left to right; D. Cruz, M. Zadroga, G. Madrid, J. Coyle, K. Chua, D. Jackman, C. Trinidad. Back row, left to right; A. Razon, R. Blanco, D. Page, E. Jimenez, W. Christman, T. Kelly, D. Crimaldi, J. Shamburg.


"When a pirate prays, there is great danger." -Thomas Fuller


"W ork, work!!!"


LEFT: First row, left to right; J. Fong, J. Driscoll. Second row, left J right; A. Reyes, M. Hanley. Third row, left to right; A. Campisi, C Sampers, J. Casia. Back row, left to right; E. Manlongat, F. Koszyk, I McAuley, D. Greczylo. BELOW: First row, left to right; J. Prime, 5 Boyle, A. Janeira. Second row, left to right; B. Gullace, T. McCarth] J. Titos, E. Alfaro. Back row, left to right; P. Fam, F. Trombino, N] Mohlmann, J. Lumanog. BELOW LEFT: Miss Baber.

1J BECERRA'S BUCCANEERS "Yo ho hoi, and a bottle o f rum ." - an unknown pi­ rate

flGHT: Left column, top to bottom, N. M cAneny, K. Tutunjian, J. iumbokon, L. Luna. Middle column, top to bottom; M. Ruggiero, J. jluinlan, R. Me Alary, S. Yeager. Last column, top to bottom; A. agone, T. Phillips, T. McCarthy, G. Villacis. BELOW: Left column, »p to bottom; J. Lagman, D. Dudzinski, C. Fitzpatrick, D. Guarino, E. liblin, H. Figueras, J. Enright. Right column, top to bottom; R. Hurd, [I. Lepis, V. Bonaccolta, O. Degennaro, K. Canessa, F. Alegria. .BOVE: Mr. Becerra.




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"If it's raining out, you get wet!"

ABOVE: Mr. McGuiness

ABOVE LEFT: Clockwise; lower left; A. Beaton, C. Connelly, B. Dwyer, C. DeCeglie, A. Iglesias, M. Cervino, J. Hayes, R. Dacey. RIGHT: Clockwise; lower left; A. Morcilio, R. Khan, L. Lolo, C. Sammarco, J. Prieto, C. Nguyen, G. Lazopoulos, S. Strickland, J. Rivera.


2 B P




P A T ' S Y





"We're not as dumb as Tom looks"

ABOVE: Mrs. O'Grady

ABOVE LEFT: First Row; left to right; J. Caposello, F. Pazminio, T. Ferrari. Second Row;!- to r.; C. Qaante M Conway, R. Legnosky, J. Borowik. ABOVE R IG H T: First Row; I. to r.; P. Szymczyk, J. Mateo, R. Aro. Second Row, 1. to r., J. Gigante, M. Soto, A. Dimaya, R. Prendergast, V. Leon.

2 C

D E A R ' S


"So you think you're a tough guy, huh?!" - Deacon O'Neill

BELOW: Front Row; left to right; T. Tolino, B. Gizzi, J. Ji足 menez. Back Row; 1. to r.; J. Berezny, J. Maestre, D. Defex, G. Leto. ABOVE: Deacon O'Neill.

ABOVE: Front Row; left to right; V. Rodriguez, K. Gaddi, J. Clark, R. Ortiz. Back Row; 1. to r.; S. Cabrera, M. Sierra, M. Egan, S. Lindsay.

2 D



"The Art of Listening." -Jack Casey

- X








BELOW: Front Row; left to right; K. Lawless, N. Froio, M. Gonzalez, R. Aditya, J. Luna. Back Row; 1. to r.; I. Caraballo, M. Bredehoft, S. Khan, A. de Armas, D. Duran, T. Boland, R. Clark, O. Araos.

ABOVE: Kneeling; A. Polemini, M. Struk, J. Salmon, M. Timones. Top Row; 1. to r.; G. Vitale, D. Mayi, J. Smith, A. Zarran, H. Ruiz, F. Schiavone, J. Ruiz, A. Ordonez, H. Ngo. ABOVE: Mr. Casey.


2 E

D O C ' S




ABOVE: Dr. Kennedy

ABOVE: Front Row; left to right; R. Dejesus, P. Gannon, J. Grato, J. Bowen, L. Ayala. Back Row; 1. to r.; C. Leitgeb, O. Gonzalez, G. Lamantea, R. Dukik, V. Farese, R. Cosenza.

"Act your age, not your shoe size!" - anonymous shoemaker ABOVE: Front Row; 1. to r.; W. Swart, M. Patel, R. Mauri, J. Savino, R. Salmon, C. Russo. Back Row; 1. to r.; J. Telo, R. Pierre, M. Milic, M. McCabe, J. St. Marie, S. Tsinman.

2 F

















ABOVE: Mr. Donahue.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; Mr. W. Donahue, E. Black, A. Pandya, R. Santoro, D. Della Fave, R. Ferrales, C. Bengtson. Second Row; I. to r.; C. Pardo, F. Gutierrez, D. Bell, R. Gray, A. DiMeo, D. Duarte, D. Rosciszewski.

• V l T-/\.

"Wie Geht's" - Anonymous

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; B. Kloza, D. Polo, C. Perez, C. Panchana, F. Patel. Second Row; 1. to r.; J. Grogan, M. Morais, J. Kist, B. Carrillo, B. Talanczuk, C. Myers, J. Abergas.


2 G

C R U - S H E A - D E R S —


ABOVE: Mr. Shea.

"Veni, vidi, vici!" -Julius Caesar

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; A. Benzija, J. Barnes, L. Ramos, J. Diaz, J. Lepore. Second Row; 1. to r.; R. Macalintal, A. Mahdavi, E. Valente, G. Myron. Third Row; 1. to r.; L. Benn, P. Vocca.

/ Wh 'V' ■


ABOVE: First Column; S. Adams. Second Column; top to bottom; H. Murphy, J. Crowe, A. Danilchick. Third Column; t. to b.; I. Guerra, J. Swineford, D. Granelli. Fourth Column; t. to b.; C. Fatovic, T. Connelly, C. Otten, M. McCall, M. Baseluos.

2 H K






Z ' S Z



"If it hurts, put ice on it." Mr. Zawistowski

ABOVE: Mr. Zawistowski.

ABOVE LEFT: Left Column; top to bottom; D. Worrell, E. Falcis, L. Guzman, J. Cervino, P. Evangelista, J. Andreula. Middle Column; t. to b.; R. Gain, L. Hart. Right Column; t. to b.; K. Collis, M. Gomez, J. Barroqueiro, C. Manson, A. Choudry, M. Albanese. ABOVE RIGHT:

Left Column; top to bottom; C. Presedo, M. Skinner, D. Luipersbeck. Standing; left to right; T. Sinnott, M. Marino, M. Jimenez, J. Crickett, H. Roarty, D. Porter, S. Pierre-Louis, A. Lynch, J. Sisco. Right Column; top to bottom; S. Bijelic, N. Mangelli, F. Khawaja.









LEFT: First Row; B. Munoz. Seconl Row; left to right; M. Dilley, q Briamonte, J. Calderone. Back Row 1. to r.; R. Aldea, J. Martin, ( McGee, R. Ramsumain, C. DeCar dia.

"You can't soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys. " - Anonymous

ABOVE: Mr. Boyle.

RIGHT: First Row; left to right; R. Bruno, M. Jersey, R. Brack, R. Zamarra. Back Row; 1. to r.; D. Andrews, W. Hanley, C. Welby, P. Strandes, E. Pompilio, V. Valdez, M. Regenye.

n tl

- The Lady of the Lake

3 A

C H R I S '


ABOVE: Mr. Aventuro.

"Smarter than average bear." - Yogi Bear


ABOVE: B. Hampton, J. Leshik, M. Lindemon, A. Pasculli, P. Mulcahy, J. Sheehan, A. Sved, W. Piatkowski, F. Ashe, K. Nippes.

0 8 °£3 (?C0Cs>O

ABOVE: C. DeMondo, E. Cook, Elvis Lives, Jimmy Hoffa, E. Abesamis, Kermit T. Frog, Dudley Doright, M. Maravilla, Pugsley, R. Hamilton, Ed Grimley, Davey Jones, A. Talanczuk, J. Norton, G. Ferrante, J. Strangeway.

3 B

M R .

R E I D Y ' S











ABOVE: Mr. Reidy.

ABOVE: Left to Right; G. W illy, C. Balzer, A. Bryant, J. Calizo, D. Gaines, P. Nestor, P. Ippolito, R. Ficken, S. Mariniello, S. Dudzinski, J. Delo, T. Orosz.

."For us today as well" Anonymous

ABOVE: Left to Right; T. Poppe, E. Fudd, J. Tudek, J. Scafidi, F. Ali, M. Iorio, J. Mielo, A. Dimaya, C. Rutkowski, M. Stefano, B. Mercado.


3 C


F R E D ' S

ABOVE: Left to Right; G. Yan, N. Mehta, J. Cartano, M. O'Gorman, R. Morabe, H. Rashid, T. Santiago, M. Luipersbeck, M. Lui, L. Trasande, E. Andres. LEFT: Fr. Pelle足 grini. BELOW: Left to Right; B. Christman, S. Hennis, J. Carroll, J. Arceo, M. Gorney, K. Ferrante, T. Schroeder, D. Eisenbach, R. DeMichele, K. Grieshaber, T. Tavolara.

"No problem." - A lf

3 D






ABOVE RIGHT: Front Row; left to right; B Alston, R. Walenty, S. Bracewell, S. Fojas, J. Francesco. Back Row; 1. to r.; M . Garner, J. Brady, K. Burbank, J. Dunphy, C. Alfaro, B. iPawlowski. RIGHT: Mr. Links. BELOW: Front Row; left to right; A. Tuason, K. Bucher, J, 'Reed, D. Monisera, B. Treanor, D. Jaworski, D. Saisorn. Back Row; 1. to r.; T. Stack, J, Zuchowski, J. Dargan, K. O'Connor, C. Iorio, M. Greeley, S. O'Donnell.

"Gentlemen, I'm a histori足 an not a lawyer." - Mr. Links
















The typical Prep student undergoes a series of physical and mental changes between his Freshman and Senior years. Pictured below is Joncee Lumanog. As many Freshmen do, "J.D." is carry­ ing as many books as his bags can hold; his attire is “ dress code" perfect (he wouldn't want to get his first jug for being out of dress code or not having his books!). He is also utilizing public means of transportation as most Freshman do since their options are limited. He is smiling as he thinks of getting to class from the fourth floor of the English building to the third floor of Hogan Hall on time. Let us now progress to the second stage of development . . .



Sophomore year is one in which many of the habits of Fresh­ man year are abandoned and some new ones manifest themselves. These changes are both physical - the obvious size difference - and mental - many students are less rigorous in their attention to rules. The bookbag toting Freshman has turned into a less burdened, more casually dressed "wise fool." As Fr. Oppido says, "They think they know everything, when in fact they know nothing." The scrupulous attention to minor details of the dress code has been abandoned. These Sophomores rule the cafeteria during the fifth period. Although these Sophomores seem to be a motley crew, the reality is exactly the opposite. They demonstrate an enthusiasm for life and Prep that is hard to equal. However, the joys of Sophomore year soon fade .. .








Finally we reach the elite level of Senior year. It is at this level that "Senioritis" sets in; this is a syndrome which causes Seniors to exper足 ience a sense of leadership accompanied with a desire for fun. Senior year also signals the arrival of a very important aspect of a student's life: "The Car." To paraphrase a popular quote, "a Prep Student's car is his castle." Below Dave, Rob, Rich, and " A lf " take residence in Rich's unstoppable 4x4. To summarize "The Evolution of the Prep Student," Freshmen enter Prep in a bus, but they leave in their cars. They mature phys足 ically as well as mentally as they prepare for their long journey in life.

Perhaps the most dramatic change in a Prepster's development occurs early in his Junior year. The athlete has finally achieved varsity status and others have been promoted to executive posi足 tions in activities. Above, Marc Gizzi sports his varsity letter sweater in a proud manner. Notice the monumental change in neatness as Marc stretches the dress code to its limit, i.e. the loose tie, untucked shirt, and unbuttoned collar. This comes as a result of the relaxed attitude acquired in Junior year. Also notice the accessories that accompany this Junior: a cap, a B.L.T. sandwich, and a large Coke. On to the Seniors . ..


3 E

O ' C



' S








ABOVE: Left to Right; R. Geisler, K. Moy, R. O'Connor, M. Sheikh, K. Slane, L. Franco, A, Galan, A. Edwards, M. Brady, M. Farinola, R. Sugrue. ABOVE RIGHT: Fr. O'Connor.


Oa 7/o ^L$_

-C o A o M J L

/U L /T y

L*TJ *4 "D on't look straight into the sun" -Anonymous ABOVE Left to Right; D. Slane, J. Valdellon, J. Wolfe, M. A. Goff, A. Blezini, A. Guma, J. Mendez, M. Gizzi.










ABOVE: Left to Right; J. Lim, J. Buno, S. Milic, J.P. Pantozzi, K. Pidane, P. Mergus, C.J. Boguszewski, J. Nadolski

ABOVE: Back Row - left to right; J. Szczepanski, H. Jimenez, S. Ghali, R. Macalintal, M, Zieleniewski; Front Row - left to right; R. Arricale, M. Leowitch, B. McMullen, S. Prasko, T. Hawkes, C. Montgomery

ABOVE: Fr. Bob Cregan





"W e are R enaissance Men!"

ABOVE: Back Row - left to right; W. Scott, P. Constantino, C. Zamarra; Middle Row - left ' R- ^-arr' c - Chmiel, S. Arrigo, M. Rusignuolo, S. Prato; Front Row - left to rightN. Chiaravalloti, R. Icklan, A. Vetter

ABOVE: Back Row - left to right; S. Bijelic, J. LaRosa, P. Bonavota, C. Martin, P. Scalia; Front Row - left to right; J. Annfflo, B. Hoffman, J. DeCeglie, T. Tedeschi, D. Gronda, C. Perkins


ABOVE: Ms. Adriana LaGala

3 H


A N A ' S








Anything is possible if you believe you can do it!

ABOVE: Top R ow - Left to right; J. Narvaez, W. Martin, K. Napoli, R. Rivera, P. Romero, A. Shahzad, O. Oyola, O. Siddiq, R. M ilkiew icz, A. Bas, Bottom R ow - Left to Right: V. Page, L. Redondo, J. Ramos

a r o v f - iv/ftcc Ana Garcia ABOVE. Miss Ana Garcia

ABOVE: Top R ow - Left to Right; J. Baamonde, R. Cirminello, G. Lusch, J. DiFoglio, M. ^ n x o n , A Arcilla, R. Gutierrez; Bottom R ow - Left to Right; D. Hernandez, H. Chaudry, J. Adelung, G. Geron










ABOVE: Mr. Robert Sayer. LEFT: First Row - left to right; A. Ayrado, J. Cerullo, Matt O'Donnell. Second Row - left to right; J. Bryant, R. Wignarajan, S. Bardzell, M. O'Donnell. Top Row - left to right; R. Valente, M. Carcamo, J. Abergas, A. Rosamilia, T. Hoetzl, J. Aslonian, E. Stroud. BOTTOM LEFT: Bottom Row - left to right; J. Villanueza, I. Soto, A. Alerte. Third Row - left to right; K. Young Mun, H. Ruiz, M. Matias. Top Row - left to right; T. Giblin, P. Montalban, J. Geoghegan, G. Goldsworthy.



If men and women are to j understand each other, to enter j into each other's nature with I mutual sympathy, and to become ( capable of genuine comradeship, \ the foundation must be laid in I youth. 1 | -The Task of Social Hygiene-;


sw U illfi





Elected by the their fellow classmates, the members o f the Prep Student Council are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the rights o f the student body at large. They help both plan and run school activities w hile tackling crises as they appear. In accordance w ith last year's new constitution, this was the first year that freshmen were allowed to serve on the council. Moderated by Jack Raslowsky and led by President Joe Kelly, the council, among their other duties, was responsible for the exchange programs; running liturgies, the walk-a-thon, freshman orientation, etc.; and planning the Jeff Kachel fund raisers. Despite accusations o f stagnation, the Student Council strives to im prove the quality o f life here at Prep. ABOVE: Officers - left to right; Raoul Bustillo, Bill Hoffman, Joe Kelly, Dave Eisenbach, Rodney Webb, Peter Mergus.

STUDENT COUNCIL '88-89 PRESIDENT Joe Kelly VICE-PRESIDENT: John Myers SECRETARY: Raoul Bustillo TREASURER: Rodney Webb EXECUTIVES: Dave Eisenbach Peter Mergus William Hoffman SENIORS Louis Demarco Dallas Deluca John Formosa Carlose Jimenez Tim Lau Renato Umali Doug Viggiano JUNIORS Ray Carr Joe DeCeglio Dan Gronda Peter Romero Tom Santiago SOPHOMORES Robert Alvarez Luis Ayala John Barnes Michael Baselous Ante Benzija Brian Currillo Michael Egan Dan Luipersbeck Peter Strands



ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Jack Raslowsky

ABOVE: Upperclassmen decide on "Jeff D ay" stratagy.

LEFT: Raoul helps w ith freshmen orientation. LOW ER LEFT: Renato displays to freshmen what four years o f Prep can do to you. BELOW: Councilmen discuss injustice throughout Prep.


Prep students' m orale is h ea vily depen足 dent upon Pep rallies and other events, such as p u b licity , coordin ated b y the Spirit Com m ittee. M oderated b y Fr. Fred P elle g rin i and led b y President K e v in M cCann, the S pirit Com m ittee is the m o v 足 ing force behind the cheers and chants at fo otb a ll, soccer, basketball gam es, and other Prep sporting events. From m aking signs to organ izin g rallies, the S pirit C om 足 m ittee is a vita l asset to the school.

ABOVE: Executive members; Brian Haughney, Mike Parlavecchio, Bill Santomauro, Tom Casulli, William Robalino, Kevin Me Cann

ABOVE: Moderator Fr. Pellegrini always on the go; Right: GQ poses by Eoin, Gregg, and Kieran.



! i ! ; 1 > | ' ) [ i


A t Prep, sports are more than just athletic contests, they are events in w hich the entire school can take pride. Just as the team has an extensive preparation period before a season, so too must the student body. This is w here Pep Rallies come in. Three times a year the students assemble to cheer and root fo r the Maurauder athletes, to gear up fo r the fan support necessary for a successful season. Everyone benefits from the show ing o f school spirit.

ABO VE R IG H T: What the rallies are all about. MIDDLE RIG H T: H ey Gabe, lets make a deal. M IDDLE LEFT: Casulli plans to survive this r a l l y . B O T T O M LEFT: Where did they grow these two?
















The National Honor Society is a select group of students w ho have displayed academic prowess. They participate in various charitable activities such as aid­ ing the homeless and less fortunate. Headed by Ms. Kathy Pelligrino, one o f their goals this year was to sponsor an underprivileged child in a third w orld country.

R®nat0 ,U™ali' Oliver Cartano, Noel Gerald, A1 Ortega, Duane Ortega, Arnel Alerte, Tom Anderson, Doug Viggiano, Jeff Vita, John Myers, Second Row: Thehvan Truong, Dallas Deluca, Alex Cabezas, Justin Kwon, Ed Gargiulo, Antonio Martins; Third Row: Mirek Bondarowicz, Alex Done, Dennis Barlow, Tom Faiano, Peter Varsalona, Ken Fall, Brian Kozmor, John Formoso



j SWEEP T H A T FLO O R ! M O V E T H A T T A (iLE! W A T C H TH O SE C O A T S ! It must be |hat m otley crew know n as the Dance Com Inittee. Their meetings are few , but the w ork they do more than makes up for it. M ost give iheir time selflessly during the dances and in me cleanup afterwards. Their jobs are not rery glam orou s, but w ith o u t them the [lances w ou ld not be possible, and Prep just ivould not be the same.

[ABOVE: Left to right; Kingston M oy, John Juby, Americus Abesamus, N oel perald, Dave Lyons, and Ms. Susan Baber, Moderator.


ABOVE: Stacking chairs gets violent,

ABOVE: Boy, these tables are heavier than they look. ABOVE: Yeah, m y back is still hurting from the last dance.



Perhaps the m ost successful o f all the Prep teams is that o f Forensics. True champions o f their field , these students have perfected the delicate art o f the spoken w ord , w in n in g both regional and national recognition. U nder the guidance o f m oderators B ill D onahue and Patrick Shalhoub, the 1988-89 team w as once again N ational Catholic Forensics League champions. A sid e from league meets, the team has been aw arded the distinct honor o f bein g in vited to a num ber o f tournaments, in clu ding those h eld at H o ly Cross and H a r足 vard U niversity. T eam captains T im Lau and Sean K egelm an led the students w h o participated in catagories ranging from O rigin a l O ratory to Student Congress.

C lockw ise from A B O V E L E F T to RIGHT: The pride of the Forensics Team ; Team captains Tim Lau and Sean Kegelm an; John Myers with Mr. D onah ue; Forensics Frenzy?; I am at a loss for words!


W A L K - A T




It's fa ll, the w eather is a little colder, regular dress code is in effect, and it is obvious that it is tim e to h old the most fam ous Prep fu nd raising event - the W a lk -A -T h o n . T h e W a lk -A -T h o n is m oderated b y M r. R obert M u lv ih ill w h o w orks hard to m ake the event a successful school fund raiser. M ost o f the m on ey raised b y the W a lk -A -T h o n helps pay fo r school ac足 tivities, sports, school vans, and to de足 fra y school tuition. Th e W a lk -A -T h o n h elp p rovid e the students w ith a Jesuit education w ith o u t exhorbitant costs.

ABOVE: The grueling 20 km. walk took it's toll on these poor Prep students; in fact, the guy on the left acquired three more holes in his jeans before the walk was through.

ABOVE: Mike Stefano rations out candy bars to hungry walkers. ABOVE RIGHT: Tom Paone, one of the few survivors who actually walked in the Walk-A-Thon, is seen here at Prep's first checkpoint.





































S A Y ? " E





























A S K .

AVE! Leader: Ave! Crowd: Hey! Leader: Ave! Crowd: Hey! Leader: Can you beat that Peters team!! Crowd: HECK NO!


Pr e p

f ig h t s o n g

It's a Peter's team That can turn on the steam When it's pinned to the wall by the foe. It's the reason why We* stand and cry, "St. Peter's let's up and let's go." Every heart beats strong As the Prep rolls along, As they smash and they crash below. Should all traditions be forgot keep your eye on the Prep, LET'S GO!!!

PRIDE AND GLORY It is our pride and our glory Old in song and in story And we cherish your name And we love your fair fame For the days of long ago. And we your sons will be loyal To St. Peter's so royal. May your banners still guide us Wherever we go!

Leader: i went down to the railroad, > Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: To see what I can see, Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: Somebody hollered "(opponent)" Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: I say, "What that mean to me?" Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: I went back down to the railroad Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: And I lay my big ear on the track Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: Someone hollered "Peter's" Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: I say that's where it's at! Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: 'Cause Peter's is the greatest Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: And sharp as a knife Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: And if you don't believe me, Crowd: YEAH, YEAH Leader: We'll take your team and your life!!!!













ABOVE LEFT: Fr. Dave Stump, moderato of the computer club. ABOVE: The compi er club members. LEFT: Fr. Stump with the executive committee.

BMIiSHSifi | i

The computer center is open to anyone w ith an educational purpose for using the fa足 cilities. The members o f this club desire either to learn or further increase their kn ow ledge o f this rapidly developing technology under the supervision o f Fr. D avid Stump. This year, the addition o f a com pletely new set o f Hyundai computers has increased the center's educational capability. g


T . V .







St. Peter's T V Studio Club emphaservice to the school community ■ d u rin g 1988-89. The club taped acaB d em ic, sporting and extracurricular ■ ev en ts at the request o f faculty memI Ibers, coaches, or m od erators. T h e I fciub's student leader, R odney W ebb, 1 [worked closely w ith the moderator, M r. ■ Patrick Reidy, in coordinating the activ* pties o f the club. O n a rotating basis . Club members w ere given special tapfing assignments.

I sized

LEFT: Members pose in the control room.

ABOVE: Cameramen stopping to pose.

ABOVE: Filming w ith the cap on.

ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Pat Reidy






M oderated b y M r. Robert Sayer, the Prep band a llow s fo r the develop m en t o f the musical side o f the St. Peter's student. It lends its services to school occasions such as gam es and liturgies w h ile striving to make its members better musicians. By isolatin g itself in its o w n hom eroom , the band makes use o f e very possi­ ble bit o f practice time. A n y o n e w h o has heard one o f their perform ances can testify to their success.

RFT°n^:m ^ x at^ ur- R, ° bert Sayer- BELOW LEFT: PreP's talented musicians DfcLUW RIGHT: TheMband at practice.

LEFT: It takes a lot of hot air to blow that one. ABOVE: The brass section a practice.

For the more experienced student there is the Stage Band, kind o f the varsity o f Prep music. A vailable to be hired for concerts, special occasions, and the like, the group donates all proceeds to the band fund. It gives school concerts and competes in national contests, w h ile also traveling to other areas o f the country and participating in invitational music festivals. Regardless o f the circumstances, the Stage Band, directed b y M r. Sayer, can be counted on to give nothing less than a professional show.

LEFT: The Stage Band displays their talent during the lunch-time concert. ABOVE: "W ell Hector, you broke it now!"








i A ll students look forw a rd to first sn ow fall o f the winter, but especially . the members o f ski club. Com e Decem ber these men are w axing their skis, , w aiting fo r the first chance to hit the slopes. W ith their moderator Fr. D ave i Stump, these skiers venture to the best ski slopes on the east coast, in search o f the ultim ate run. This year, in addition to the club's traditional joint ski trip w ith St. D om inies, trips to W hiteface, Sugarbush, and K illington have also been made. Th e club also offers m any day trips to nearby mountains, a llo w in g mem bers o f the club to go skiing almost every w eekend o f the winter.

ABOVE: Left to Right; Matt D illey, Mike Gomez, Billy Santomauro, and Brian Bowling along with moderator Fr. Dave Stump. ABOVE LEFT: I can't wait to see the hill after these guys get at it!

ABOVE: Have a nice trip? LEFT: Which w ay should w e go? ABOVE LEFT: What a group












Th e Prep intramural program is run b y M r. Richard Hansen and M r. Chris A ven tu ro. Th e intramural staff is a group o f student referees w h o ju d ge and keep order during sporting events. M a n y Prep m en en joy the days on w h ich they participate in football, basketball, or soccer gam es against other hom eroom s.

Richard Hansen, Moderator


He drops back to pass.

The Intramural Staff: Top; left to right; Eric Kukowski, Danny Burrell, Dave Ramirez, Marc Camporeale, Mike Stefano. Middle; 1. to r.; Luis Molina, Edward Valente, John Barnes. Bottom: Carlos Pomares













The Higher Achievement Program has enriched many students from Hudson County. It provides a summer haven for eighth graders to experience Algebra, English and Prep. Through the years, Fr. Browning with the help of the HAP tutors (below) has been leading this crusade to provide an insight of high-school education to students. It is also a system which attracts many neighborhood students to Prep. The six week program integrates education, games and extra-curricular activities. The HAP program of the summer of 1988 was, once again, a success, helping many young men (right) from the Hudson County area.




C L U B Right: The Executive Members of the Slavic Club; (Left to Right) Keith Bucher - Secretary, Brian Kozmor - President, Dan Gronda Vi ce Presi dent, missi ng: Ed Schroeder - Treasurer.



Above: The Executive Members of the Italian Club; (Top, Left to Right) Dom Tarantino - Vice President, Phil Parziale Secretary, John Doll - Treasurer, (Bot足 tom) Doug Viggiano - President.








Above; The Executive Members of the Ebony Club; (Left to Right) Danny Burrell - President, Dupuy Fatal - Vice President, Joe Ownes - Treasurer.






Above; The Executive Members of the Irish Club; (Top, Left to R ight) Martin Farinola - Vice President, Dennis Degnan - Treasurer, Paul Mulcahy - Presi足 dent, Kevin O 'N eill - Secretary.










S O C I E T Y Above: The Executive Members of the Latin American Society; (Top, Left to Right) Dennis Mendoza, Hernan Hernandez - Secretary, Carlos Lago - Treasurer, (Bottom, Left to Right) Dave Ramirez - Vice President, Steven Fals - President.













Left: The Executive Members of the Oriental Club; (Left to Right) Carmelo Nakar - Treasurer, Arnold Francisco - President, O liver Car足 tano - Secretary, Anthony Marquit Vice President.







The M ath Club is a group o f stu­ dents with a special talent in the field o f mathematics. Th e club competes as a team, which has spe­ cial try-outs and practices for each competition. These mathletes com­ pete against other teams from schools throughout N e w Jersey. Certain contests award both in di­ vidual and team trophies. Others o ffer monetary prizes. This year the club competed on both the var­ sity and junior varsity levels. The teams from Prep were very com­ petitive in each category; there were always among the best in the state.

L I B R A R Y C L U B ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Ollinger

Under the leadership o f M r. O l­ linger, the library club, effic ie n tly maintains Prep's library fo r the benefit o f the student body. Th e members o f this club learn library skills such as organ izing books and periodicals, and compare these skills w ith other libraries in their yearly trip to the N e w Y o rk C ity Public Library.









B A new addition at the Prep is the V o lleyb a ll Club, open to any student interested in the sport or possessing a C a li­ fornia residency card. M o d er­ ated by M r. Sean Boyan, this extrem ely popular activity exists not to in form or edu­ cate, but m erely to please. Frequently seen after school, these beach bums take pride in their club's relaxed atmo­ sphere.

Members of Prep's new Volleyball Club.













A f t e r a co n tro ve rsia l birth, the M o d elin g Club join ed the ranks o f Prep activities in 1989. O ffic ia l­ ly a n ew activity, this club participates in local fash­ ion shows under the name o f St. Peter's. U nder the Guidance o f m oderator Jim D ondero and leaders Rob A rro y o and Gabriel A n tuna, the students team w i t h g irls f r o m o th er schools and perform fash­ ion routines set to music.

Prep's new Modeling Club. , I,



Appreciation War the m&nt| ridea id *uwÂŁ fratn school tLttxvities-, for tfcsur care &*vd ttiticcrxi) fa r bestir titan tmdL fa r yattr cxsntimial sup pari] &nd

for helpjjtu t*s in becoming mho me - me. (sSlas* cef 1383. mauld tike ts sham atur Hpprecx&tian fa r axtr p a r e n t s *

ZJune 1889






ABOVE: Left to Right; The executive staff of the stage crew: John Juby, Dave Lyons, Noel Gerald, Nick Mangelli, and Frank Ashe with moderator Mr. Be足 cerra.

W h e n e v e r there is a play, a mass, a talent show, or a concertT H E Y 'R E T H E R E ! T h e y are the men behind the scenes, guid足 ed b y their m oderator M r. Becerra. T h e y set up the stage, build the set, w o rk on the scene changes and the ligh ting. T h e y are the Stage Crew . M a n y people sign up but o n ly a proud fe w get the job done. D u rin g vacations, o ver the weekends, and after school as late as 7 to 8 P M , they hammer, paint, and saw. Th e crew is a vita l part o f not o n ly Dramatics Society, but the school.

ABOVE: If I had a hammer . . .

ABOVE: I'm busy now.

ABOVE: Go ahead, make my day!










For admirers o f the perform in g arts, Prep o ffers the Dram atic Society. D irected b y M r. Cam pion, M iss M iller, and M r. Sayer, the bu dding actors perform tw o pieces a year, a w in ter musical and a spring play. A ll the m ale participants com e from St. Peter's w h ile the girls are recruited from a num ber o f nearby h igh schools. T h e production offers them a first-hand lo ok at the not alw ays so glam orous life o f the artist. O klahom a, the w in ter production, w as perform ed from Janu足 ary 6 to 8. It incorporated both the students acting and vocal abilities. T h e musical recaps the tensions betw een farm ers and ranchers during the state's frontier period.

ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Jack Campion

ABOVE: Love at first sight! RIGHT: If you mess up your lines again . ..

ABOVE: I can see it now . . . our names up in lights . . . Paolo and Jennifer . . . er um ... Jennifer and Paolo.

ABOVE: Mr. Campion, Paolo, and Doug practicing for the musical.

ABOVE: Gaze into my eyes. ABOVE: You put your left foot in, you take your right foot out.


PETROC A t Prep, the interest o f the free press is the responsibility o f the Petroc. A s w ith all great pieces o f journalism , our paper is cherished b y one and all due not o n ly to its qu ality but its sparseness (just k idd in g guys!). M oderated b y M r. Sean Boyan, the Petroc is run b y E ditors-in -C h ief Dennis Barlow , R ay Carr, and D on Rogers. Full o f accounts o f events at the school as w e ll as regular features lik e "Letters to the Edi足 to r" and " In B rief . . . " , it a llow s the staff to gain first hand experience at both w rit足 in g and pu blish in g a professional period i足 cal. A ll k id d in g aside, the last place this carefu lly constructed school diary should w in d up is on the cover o f a student's book.

ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Sean Boyan with editors of the Petroc; Don Rogers, Ray Carr, Dennis Barlow.

ABOVE: Gee, I could make two book covers out of this thing . ..

PAPER AND PEN T h e Paper and Pen is a pu blication w h ich exhibits the creative abilities o f talented Prep students. O n ce subm itted, pieces are selected b y the editors, Jeff Som ers, D allas D eLuca, and Jon H u a lon g w ith the m oderator, M r. Lance S ilvestris, and prin ted in the L iterary M agazin e. T h is collection o f fiction a l short stories and o rigin a l p o etry is m ixed w ith w o rk s o f arts. W H O K N O W S ? , m aybe one o f these days, the Paper and P en w ill produce a H e m in g w a y or tw o.

ABOVE: The Moderator, Mr. Lance Silvestris with the editors: Left to Right: John Hu, Tom Andersonallas DeLuca, and Jeffery Sommers


U n d er the leadersh ip o f D r. R ich ard K en n ed y , the P h o to gra p h y C lu b m em bers acqu ire s k ill in p h o to gra p h y and film d e足 v e lo p in g . N e ith e r am ateurs n or experts, the m em bers o f this clu b learn and perfect th eir pictu re-ta k in g and d e v e lo p in g tech足 n iqu es u nder the expertise o f D r. K e n 足 n edy. T h e y m eet p erio d ic a lly to com pare and critiqu e slides and prints to m ake all th eir m em bers better ph otographers.

From Left to Right: A lex Ordonez, Pedro Briones, Brian Langon, Richard Morabe, and Jason Abergas. 99

EMMAUS I f there is one thing unique about this school, it is the Emmaus retreat program. Each Emmaus fuses 25 in dividu als into a com m unity, w h ich develop s through the participants' realization o f them selves, o f their fam ilies, their friends and G od. Under the guidance o f Fr. T o n y A zza rto , Fr. Fred P ellegrin i and other m em bers o f the faculty, each w eeken d fosters a sense o f togetherness and identity. A group o f 24 seniors, the Emmaus Team , assists in adm inistering the program . T h ey are intrinsic to the success o f this three-day experience. T h eir generosity and openness h elp m ake the road to Emmaus a fu lfillin g jou rn ey fo r all.


•M align'

ABOVE: The Emmaus Team.


B ein g a Eucharistic M in ister a llo w s o n e to serve not o n ly G o d bu t the P rep com m u n ity as w e ll. T h ese sp ecia lly ordain ed m in isters, selected b y Father A n th o n y A z za rto , serve a va riety o f fu n ction s aside fro m their ro le in school litu rgies. T h e y encourage the co m m u n ity to g iv e fo o d , socks and oth er item s and distribu te th em to the less fortunate. T h is facet o f the Prep co m m u n ity tru ly m akes it p o ssib le fo r students to be m en fo r others. B e lo w R igh t: K n e e lin g ; le ft to righ t; J eff V ita , D a ve L yo n s, B ill Santom auro, D u an e O rtega, H ernan H ern an dez, B ill M y e r. S tan din g; le ft to righ t; Julio A rriaga , A le x Cabezas, Fr. A n th o n y A z z a r to , S.J., O liv e r Cartano, John Form oso, T im Lau, K e v in M cC a n n , D en n is D egn a n , D en n is B arlow , M iss Susan Baber. L eft: Fr. A n th o n y A z za rto , S.J., D irector.


RPG Students beware! - anyone ven ­ turing into the library afterschool takes the chance o f encountering the members o f the R ole Playin g Gam es Club. Cham pions o f the im agination , these students es­ cape reality b y entering a mystical realm w here w izards and w a r­ locks rule. Playin g gam es such as D u ngeons and D ragon s, R obotech, and Star Wars, the students master the skills necessary to exist in foreign dim ensions. M oderated by M r. Links, R PG meets regu­ la rly after school to carry on nu­ merous activities.

ABOVE: It's more than just a game ...

CHESS For the m ore serious Prep student there is the Chess Club. A lso m oderated b y M r. Links, the club both com petes in tournaments and plays fo r the e n jo y ­ ment o f its m em bers. T a k in g to heart the prem ise that one can learn o n ly through experience, the students o f this activity can be regu larly seen practicing after school in the library.

ABOVE: The executive officers of the Role Playing Games Club - left to right; John Hu, Americus Abesamis, Pat Gaughan, Tony Martins, Douglas Seymour, Brian Langon, and Stephen Fairfield.

ART CLUB A r t a llo w s a person to express his thoughts through color and design. U n d er the guidance o f M iss L o ri S nyder, these expressions are chan足 n e le d th rou gh the variou s tasks o f the A r t Club. Som e o f these include m a k in g banners fo r the masses, visu a l aesthetics fo r the plays, and d isp lays fro m its m em bers. T h is talented grou p o f in d ivid u a ls u tilize the tools o f their trade to produ ce m a gn ificen t w o rk s o f art.

ABOVE: Jeff spreading out the stage background before painting. BELOW: Paco Picasso

M o d e ra te d b y M r. Jack R a s lo w s k y , the M is 足 sion D r iv e C o m m itte e is an o rg a n iza tio n w h ic h puts in hou rs o f h ard w o r k . T h e C o m m itte e is a lw a y s o n the g o w h e th e r it is cou n tin g m o n e y after sch ool, h a n g in g u p N ig e r ia n or M ic ro n e sian m ission pictu res, or o rg a n iz in g a fu n d raisin g even t. T h e go a ls o f the M is s io n D r iv e are tw o -fo ld : the firs t is fin a n cia l - to raise m o n e y fo r the m ission s; the secon d is edu ca足 tion al - to in crease th e a w aren ess o f the Jesuit m issions. T h e D r iv e b e g in s on A s h W e d n e s d a y and ends o n the la st d a y b e fo r e Easter break. It h elp s u n ite the sch o ol as on e fo r th e season o f Lent. W ith the su p p ort it has re c e iv e d o v e r the past fe w years, it seem s v e r y lik e ly that the Jesuit m ission s oversea s w i l l con tin u e to b e n e 足 fit fr o m the g e n e r o s ity o f the P rep com m u n ity.



PETREAN It is 10:00 p.m., any day from Septem ber 'til January. You begin w a lk in g from the lo b b y to the Jesuit residence and are startled b y the sounds that echo dow n the hall; screams o f disgust, shouts o f anger, and cries o f exhaustion bounce o ff the w a lls as you struggle to com prehend w h at is go in g on. W orry n ot you n g friend, fo r it is on ly one o f the numerous late nights fo r the staff o f the Petrean. Th e screams? they're o n ly realizations that one book can o n ly do so much; the shouts? they're o n ly the m anifestations o f the staff's ow n im perfections; the cries? T h ey 're o n ly the results o f too much dedication and the n ever-be-satisfied attitude that must be present to create any great year book. Just as a yearbook incorporates all that makes the school, so too does the Petrean staff. It is a diverse grou p o f in dividu als trying to do the im possible: keep still the sands o f time. W h ile w e all strive tow ards the same goal, w e do not alw ays use the same road to get there. Th is is w h ere the necessity o f extraordinary editors becom es evident, and this year the b ook w as tru ly blessed w ith the leadership o f Jeff V ita and Bob W eierm an. But a ll the talk o f the yearbook is academic w ith ou t a dedicated m oderator. For 1988-89 the captain o f our ship w as M iss Susan Baber, w h o se w ill alone d rove this book w h en it seem ed n oth ing else w ou ld . So as you le a f through the book, keep in m ind the faces that you see on these tw o pages. T h e y have giv en all, taken little, and w ish ed o n ly fo r the best Petrean ever. You be the judge.

Editor-in-Chief: Bob Weierman

Editor-in-Chief: Jeff Vita Sports Editor: Ian Schaplowsky

Faculty Editor: Heman Hernandez

1 Underclass Editor: Carlos Pomeres Activities Editor: John Remishofski

Faculty Staff


These young women from St. D om inic Academ y provide a valuable service for the teams and stu足 dents o f St. Peter's Prep. Besides their attendance at football and basketball games, they make their presence known at our rallies. Coached by NJ Nets Cheerleader Tara Zadroga, they rally support around our teams.

LEFT: Front Row; Left to Right: Tracie Mazak, Stefanie Kosakowski, Dana Broderick. Back Row; Left to Right: Debbie Russ, Renee Cody, Gigi Correa, Nydia Arzola, Suzzle Torres.


First year head coach, Rich Hansen m ixed to足 geth er the right form ula as he led the M arauder gridders to their third C ounty Cham pionship in fou r years. Th e M arauders w en t undefeated in the C ounty posting a 9-0 record behind captains Raoul Bustillo, John Form oso and R ick G ronda, w h o was in jured m id w a y through the season. H e w as re足 placed at quarterback b y Junior A n th on y Guma. The Prep gridders had the best o ffen sive lin e in the Cou nty consisting o f Form oso, Senior Jim Gordon and Juniors D an G ronda, Scott Prusko and Keith Bucher. T h e y also had an unstoppable backfield o f Brian K ozm or, K e v in O 'N e ill, Joe Owens and the C ou nty Scoring Cham p M an n y Proenza w h o had 15 T D s. T h e Prep D efen se allowed o n ly 27 points during the regular season, while postin g six shutouts. T h e defense featured Mike H a rve y, Bustillo, Jim Francesco, Bucher, Prusko, Form oso and K ozm or.

ABOVE: Coaches Comer

Top Row, Left to Right; M. Harvey, D. Hanley, J. Formoso, K. O 'Neill, S. Prusko, S. Pierre-Louis, J. Wolfe, J. DiFoglio, R. Bustillo, I . Martin, A. Benzija, L. DeMarco. Second from top, 1 to r; M. Soto, K. Bucher, T. Schroeder, K. Burbank, M. Gizzi, C. Alfaro, J. Gordon, P. Bonavota, T. Guma, P. Mulcahy, D. Gronda, M. Proenza. Third from top, 1to r; Y. Kwon, B. McMullen, B. Talanczuk, B. Hoffman, J. Delo, T. Cervino, J. Francesco, J. Owens, B. Kozmor, J. Sczepanski, J. Gigante, M. Conway, R. Kwon. Fourth from top, 1 to r; J. Savino, Mgr. I.. Ayala, 1. O'Connell, L. Rivera, O. Araos, Trainer B. Zawistowski, Asst. Coach C. Lanzolotto, Asst. Coach D. Yandolino, Head Coach R. Hansen, Asst. Coach K. Such, Asst. Coach M. Forrester, G. Myron, M. McCabe, S. Cabrera, J. Berezny. Fifth from top, 1 to r; J. St. Marie, V. Valdez, J. Barroquiero, T. Hawkes, J. Grato, O. Gonszalez, M. Lawless, D. Della Fave, J. Hayes, K, Ferrante, Mgr. B. Carillo. Bottom row, 1 to r; B. Swalt, D. Margaritonda, B. Santuro, B. Gizzi, P. Strandes, R. Zamarra, M . Gonzalez, S. Fojas, C. Otten, M. Morais. 110

ABOVE: Gronda leads the offense.

ABOVE: Proenaza files into the endzone.

ABOVE: Air-Kozm or

___ ^ l ABOVE: O 'N eill puts another through the uprights. RIGHT: The Kamikaze squad prepares to kickoff.

ABOVE: H.C.I.A.A. Coach o f the Year, Rich Hansen.

J.V.FOOTBALL Once again, the J.V. Maurader Gridders drove their w ay to a w in 足 ning season. Led by a balanced o f足 fense and a tenacious defense, the Prepsters finished the season 4-3. Th e offense was led by half-backs Paul M ulcahy and Tim Hawks, re足 ceivers John W alfe and Serge Fojas, and tight-end Brian M cM ullan. Dom Della Fave and Chris Otten shared quarterback duties and were protected by linemen O rv ille G on足 zalez and Bill H offm an. The defense was led by linebacker Ken Ferrante, defensive tackle M arc G izzi, and defensive-end Matt Conway.

TO P OF THE PAGE: The tenacious defense; Middle of the page, LEFT; "PREP!" SAYS Burbs; Middle of the page, RIGHT; Ferrante receives the defensive call. Bottom, Della Fave leads the offensive attack.

FROSH FOOTBALL In his fou r years as head coach, D en 足 nis M c M u lle n has yet to coach a losing frosh grid team. Th at streak was kept alive w h en the Marauders w on their f i 足 nal game o f the season o ver M em oria l and clinched a 5-4 record. T h e frosh also had b ig w in s o ver H udson and St. Jo足 seph's. K e y players included quaterback/safety A lb ie N ie v e s and lin eback足 ers M ik e H a n le y and T erren ce M cH a le. A id in g Coach M c M u lle n w ere assistants M ik e A can fara and N elson G onzalez.


t&S'JIi SSI!

Top Row (Left to Right): Asst. Coach M . Acanfora, T. Panovano, D. Balsucci, D. Youmans, M. Cadino, M. Genovese, J. M ilitello, M . Owens, M. Fleming, J. Murillo, T. Philips, T. Dante, A. Nieves, Head Coach D. McMullen, C. Sampers, T* McHale, M . Hanley, J. Applegate, Asst. Coach N. Gonzalez. Bottom Row (left to right): Kahtan, M. Kirby, A. Florio, K. Pulleo, M. Benoit, D. Podolak, M. Munoz, M . DeCastro, H. Hernandez, R. Gomez, V. Cirrocho, J. Martinez. 113

VARSITY SOCCER SOUTH HUDSON CHAMPS This season, the Prep s6ccer team, led by head coach Jack Raslowksy, kicked their w ay to their second consecutive South Hudson Championship. A lo n g w ith assis­ tants Carl "D u k e " H am ill and John Irvin e, Raslowsky guided his team to a 14-6-1 record which in ­ cluded a tie against three time de­ fen din g County Champion, Bay­ onne. Th e Prep Booters compiled an undefeated league record o f 8-0. Th e team was headed by tri-cap­ tains Dennis Degnan, Carlos Ji­ menez, and Gregg Stupinski. Goal­ ie M ik e Guarino played w ell as did senior defenders Joe K e lly and K ieran M cG lyn n . Rob W a len ty was named South Hudson Player o f the Year. W alen ty along w ith Guarino, Jim en ez, and S tu p in sk i, was awarded All-State Honors.

BOTTOM ROW : left to right; G. Stupinski, J. Marri, C. limenez, M. Guarino, V. Aniello, C. Montgomery, A. Alerte, A. Ortega, T. Ngo. I MIDDLE ROW : left to right; R. O'Connor, A. Lagermasini, R. Cirminello, N. Chiaravalloti, R. Walenty, D. Degnan, J. Kelly, M. I Fromfield, D. Granelli. TO P ROW : left to right; Assistant Coach Duke Hammill, E. Treacy, C. Boguszewski, E. Gargiulo, M. I Bondarowicz, R. Leung, M. Labus, R. Cosenza, K. McGlynn, Head Coach Jack Raslowsky. TO P RIGHT: left to right; Tri-Captains Gregg Stupinski, Dennis Degnan and Carlos limenez along with Head Coach, lack Raslowsky. 1


CLOCKWISE: from left; stellar defender Joe Kelly, in ju re d s trik e r E oin Treacy, and all-county goalie Mike Guarino; lead足 ing goal scorer Ed Gargiulo; look who's sticking in the leg; Captain "D iego" pilots the Prep offense as Foward of the Year Gregg Stupinski looks on; tough " D " equals eight shut-outs; Player of the Year - Rob Walenty; all in a day's work.









1 9 8 8












S This year proved to be a great one for the Junior Varsity Soccer team. They were coached by John Ir­ vine, w ho led them to a 153-2 record. The wins in­ cluded one over Mem orial for the Hudson County C h a m p io n s h ip . The booters also captured the title in the M ichael J. Ken­ nedy Tournament; A n th ­ o n y G o ff was the tourna­ ment M V P . Striker- Jackie Gordon contributed to the w in n in g season w ith a to­ tal o f 14 goals, w hile Corrado DeCandia also played solidly in the mid-field.

BOTTOM ROW: left to right; R.J. Me Alary, A. Iacocca, B. Barulich, P. Healy, A. Renault, C. Zamarra. SECOND ROW: left to right; S. Drennen, C. McGee, C. Decandia, H. Ngo , B. McCabe, C. Bratolli, G. Mercurio, J. Harding. TO P ROW: left to right; Head Coach Jack Raslowsky, S. Papasavas, J. Gordon, M. Dilley, S. Adams, A. Goff, M. Garner, A. Bondarowicz, M. O'Neil, D. Granelli, Asst. Coach John Irvine. RIGHT: O 'N eil brings it upfield. LOWER RIGHT: Dino was steady in goal. LEFT: "Flash Gordon".


CROSS COUNTRY - CITY AND COUNTY CHAMPS Th is year's Cross C ountry team surpassed all their oppo­ nents and remained a pow er­ house in local com petition . Coach M ik e Burgess provided superb leadership, assisted by dedicated moderator, Fr. B row n ­ ing, S.J. Th e team captured the city cham pionship fo r the third straight year and also w on the South Hudson title; they fin ­ ished seventh in the Catholic State meet. But the peak o f the season was w in n in g the Hudson C ou nty Cham pionship o ver de­ fen d in g cham pion U n io n H ill b y a w ide margin. Th is victo ry was the first cou nty cham pion­ ship fo r the harriers in tw en ty years. ABOVE (left to right): Coach M ike Burgess, C. Schmidt, T. Fiano, S. Bijelic, J. Grogan, J. Salmon, C. Russo, J. Sheehan. BELOW: And they're off! BELOW RIGHT: A little competition never hurt.

ABOVE LEFT: Coach Burgess guides the young harriers. ABOVE: Sure is cold out here standing around. ABO VE RIGHT: N o pain, no strain, no gain, no cramps, no win, no way!

VARSITY BASKETBALL The 1988-89 Varsity Basket足 ball team opened many eyes in Hudson County this past season. A fte r being predicted by two lo足 cal newspapers to finish last in the county, the varsity cagers posted a w in n in g record. Guided by second year Head Coach Dave Sttembre and assistants D ave DeFerrari and Joe Della Fave the Prepsters w on many big games. Th e highlight o f this season was w in n in g the Jesuit Classic in Buffalo, where the Mauraders defeated cross-river rivals Xavier in the title game.

Settembre gives a talk during a time-out.

Great ball handler, Rob Gill

Burrell's magical slam against Snyder Gill attempts a three-pointer

Captains (from left to right) Dan Burrell, Kevin McCann and Rob Gill with Coach Settembre Burrell Goes to the hoop 118

Top of page left: Two wild and crazy guys; Middle: Sorry Lou, but Danny's slam was better. Middle of the page left; But nice try. Top right; Burke gets ready to release a threepointer.

Collis shoots over a flying Tiger.


"H e y Ted! That was the opponents basket!" "W h o is this guy?!"

"A re we gonna play now?


J.V. BASKETBALL Under first year head coach Dave DeFerrari, the J.V. cagers showed a lot o f spirit and strove for victory. Sparked by the fan­ cy play o f M iguel Sierra and D w ayne Andrews, the hoopsters garnered a respectable record. The team also was aided by sharp shooter M ik e Egan, daz­ zlin g passer Dom Della Fave, and junior center Ralph D eM icheles. M ik e Gomez, A n d y Danilchick, and freshman Jackie Gordan also showed great hustle and determination.

Top of page; Standing from left to right, Ass. Coach M. Pero, M. Sierra, R. DeMicheles, J. Gordan, B. Dwyer, A. Danilchick, M. Egan, M. Gomez, D. Andrews, B. Salmon, J. Mateo> R. Cosenza, K. Ad­ ams, Head Coach D. De­ Ferrari. Keneeling (left to right): C. Briamonte, D. Della Fave, D. Porter. Mid­ dle of page (left): Shooting over some Tigers. Middle of page (right): Andrews goes up strong. Bottom left: Egan shoots for three as DeMicheles gets ready to post up. Bottom right: "W ill he pass or will he shoot?" 120

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL This season's freshman bas­ ketball team kept the w in n in g tradition b y posting another fin e record. T h e cagers were guided b y first-year H ead Coach John Irvin e, w ho is also the as­ sistant soccer coach. Leading the team w e re fo rw a rd s A lb ie N ieves and Pat Reed. Th e team also received good play from Lou Clarke, Sean D rennan (son of D ic k in s o n head coach Red D ren n a n ), M att O 'N e ill, and Pat H ealey. Big w ins included those o ver M arist, D ickinson, and Snyder. N ie ves and Reed each tallied o ver ten points in each o f the games.

■ j Top of page: Nieves lets one go as he gets fouled. Center of page: Short I ! jumper for 2. Middle right: Reed lays one up. Below: W aiting to halt 1 the fast break. Bottom of page: Head Coach John Irvine.

Top R O W (left to right): L. Clarke, S. Drennan, T. Saavas, B. Hurd, E Jimenez M O 'N eil, A. Nieves, S. Watson, P. Reed, Head Coach John Irvine. Bottom Row (left to right): T. Kelly, S. Papasavas, B. Zabotka, D. Jackman, p. Healey, J. Sykowksi.














This years wrestling team entered the season w ith opti足 mism and enthusiasm. Under the guidance o f Coach Friend, the team was found everyday in the basement o f Burke H all running endless drills. Led b y captains D a n n y Nunes and Rick and Dan Gronda, Friend's A rm y put in long and arduous hours of dedicated practice, w h ich contributed to a successful season. ABOVE: Top Row (from left): D. Nunes, D. Gronda, Coach Friend, R. Gronda, B. Hoffman; Middle (from left): S. Koehler, M. Garner, T. Hawkes, G. Antuan, W. Robalino, R. Ricco, J. Rachinsky, D. Ortega, M. Correia, V y Dang, Vihn Dang, D.J. Slain, M. Cervino; Bottom (from left): M. Zadroga, A. Bautista, H. Cruz, A. Choudry

ABOVE: A Prepster gets taken from underneath

ABOVE: A Prep Wrestler gets caught in a bad position

ABOVE: Antuna starts from the beginning; RIGHT: A little competition between the Gronda's


A B O V E : D o n 't t r y to sit o n m e.

A B O V E : O v e r th e to p

ABOVE: Pidane flips an opponent over 123


ABOVE: Top Row left to right: M. Cervino, B. Kloza, Coach Friend, D.J. Slain, E. Pompilio; Middle Row 1 to r: R. Koszyk, R. Kahn, S. Hannon, A. Chaudry; Bottom Row 1 to r: K. Fossella, D. Podolak

Clock Wise from Top Right: What did you call Rick?; Ref, he's pulling my hair!!; I got you now.; Say Uncle!; Practice makes perfect.

While the quarterbacks, pitchers and starting centers of Prep get all the headlines, talented athletes behind the scenes determine a team's success. These unselfish individuals bask not ‘in glory, but in pride, for lack of recognition does not lessen the importance of their contribution. We, the Petrean staff, salute these heroes of Prep athletics and the spirit they represent. SWIMMING - Billy Santomauro TENNIS - Matt Greeley HOCKEY - Paul Petti CROSS CROUNTRY - Thehuan Thruong BASKETBALL - Joe Kelly BOWLING - Tim Lau SOCCER - Nick Chiaravalloti . INDOOR & OUTDOOR TRACK - Jim Marri BASEBALL - Jeff Kachel FOOTBALL flMike Harvey GOLF - Rob Geisler WRESTLING - Gabe Autuna (Clockwise from Bottom)

VARSITY HOCKEY W hen Jason Fogu went down w ith a knee injury in the second game, all looked bleak fo r the M a ­ rauder hockey team. T h ey were o ff to an 0-3 start and were without their top scorer. Then first year head-coach Ken Such called a meeting to begin the turn-around. Th e meeting was a success. The skaters w ent on an eight game w in ­ n in g streak that carried them to a season o f many victories. Senior goalie John M arin o and ju nior Joe Dargan led the team that had a host o f underclassmen playin g ma­ jo r roles. T h ey included sopho­ mores Rob Corbett, Peter Gannon, Jason Andreula, and ju nior Steve M ilic. Big wins included two early season w ins over Such's form er school, Hudson Catholic, and a 4-1 victo ry over Bayonne for the Bay­ onne Christmas Championship.

Top of page; Marino makes yet another stop. Middle left: Dar­ gan skates away from the pack. Center: After the win, "Where's the party?" Right: A meeting at the boards. Bottom Left: "FACE-OFF!" Bottom Right: The start of another win.

Top of page; Left: Confusion near the net. Top Right: Ready to pass the blue line. Middle of page left: A Bee on ice watches some Marino heroics. Center: Dargan gets ready for the hit. Right: " I lost my contact." Bottom Left: Joe passes it off. Middle: Yeah, Pasculli has a tough job. Right: Such plans last minute strategies.




J.V. HOCKEY Th e Prep J.V. skaters entered the season appearing to have weak­ nesses in key positions. H ow ever, under the guidance o f Coach Gan­ non, the team's success was a prod­ uct o f their own determination and their desire to prove the skeptics wrong. Captains Paul Constantino and D ave Broderick proved to be strong leaders. Freshman Chip Sampers and junior R ay Ficken led the offense, w h ile Paul Petti, Brian M cD erm ott and Tom M attey were stellar on defense. Rookie goalie Joe Egan solidified the team as he proved he was a force to be reck­ oned with. H igh ligh ts o f the season included a 3-2 defeat over pre­ viously undefeated Marist.

Clock Wise (from top right): Broderick pur­ sues a puck in the pack: A Prep skater crosses the b lu e-lin e; Ray Ficken all alone for a shot on goal; Another Prep skater breaks through the defense; A slap shot from the Mountie blue-line.


ABOVE: The 1988-89 Prep Varsity Harriers; left: Sheehan leads the pack; Below: Stop hamming it up and get to practice.

T h e 1988-89 In d o o r Track season was a very successful one fo r the St. Peter's Harriers. M ik e Bur足 gess provided solid coach足 ing, w h ile Fr. B row n ing was a superb moderator. T h e team w on the C ity C h a m p io n s h ip fo r the fourth straight year over arch-rival D ickinson. Tom Faiano and John Sheehan led the team , g a in in g m a n y points fo r Prep. M a n y underclassmen also turned in fin e p e rfo r足 mances.

ABOVE RIG H T: Grogan pursues the lead; Left: Carlos goes air足 borne; Below: The J.V. Squad

SWIMMING Th e Prep Swim Team, led by cap­ tains Emmett W ood, M erlin Tolstyk, Craig Zaleck, and B illy Santomauro, were again a powerhouse in city and c o u n ty co m p e titio n . First year coaches, M ary Beth Bryant and R ich ­ ard Shea had the M arine Marauders in top form as they broke into the season by w in n in g the Swim m ing Bee's Classic by an excess o f 200 points. A lo n g w ith the captains, strong performances were turned in by juniors Matt Greeley, and M ark Zieleniew ski, and sophomores Jeff Bryant and Sean Adams.


ill: m


H H iim u ii

ABOVE: Top Row (left to right): B. Santomauro, M. Tolstyk; Second Row (froi left): M. Gal, D. Duran, J. Arceo, N. Jaworski, M. Kelly; Third Row (from left Asst. Coach Shea, S. Adams, A. Szymczyk, J. Enright, S. Mariniello, O. Oyola, Mielo, Head Coach Bryant; Kneeling (from left): M. Carcamo, J. Bryant, ] Pazminio, M. Greely, J. Mielo

Counter Clock Wfce From Top: Easy victory for this Marine Marauder; And he's off!; New coach Mrs. Mary Beth Bryant; Float like a butterfly

Counter Clock Wise (from top left): The mother-son combo is off to a great start; The ag足 ony of practice; W ho is this Prep guppy; A Prep swimmer on his way to victory; Who said swimming wasn't a team sport

BOWLING Th e Prep Keglers led by M ik e "G olden A rm " W itt, Bernie "T h e A n im a l" Spann and Tim "T h e Beast" Lau were o ff once again w ith their w in n in g ways. The team continued their success from last year's placing second in the county, second in the South Hudson D ivision, and fifth in the state (despite the constant dangers o f ath足 lete's foot and sore thumbs). This year's team was equally as exciting under the leadership o f M r. Bob Zawistowski. The anchor o f the team Joe "Jojo Bear" Ramos and A n th on y " A c e " M o rcilio contributed to their success. T h e J.V. team was the p ow 足 erhouse o f the underclass circuit. T h ey con足 tinued the w in n in g tradition set by the seniors. Above; Top Row (left to right): T. Orlina, L. Redondo, J. McAuliffe, A. Morcilio, M. Witt, J. Ramos, B. Spann, Coach B. Zawistowski. Bottom: T. "The Beast" Lau Left; Top Row (left to right): Coach B. Zawistowski, A. Figuras, R. Mauri, A. Arcilla, X. Tello, K. McAuliffe, J. Trombokon, R. Sangalang, R. Aldea, W. Piatkowski, J. Sebick.

Far Left: "Hey, I found a quarter on the lane." Left: Ballerina Bernie. Above: Now, let go of the ball Mike.




^ V


Mr. Z . .. Mr. Settembre ,. . Coach Hansen ... Mr. Shea .,. Jack — teachers by day, coaches by night. Some may find the job of fostering the education of a student and guiding the athlete in him to be an impossible combination, but here at Prep, five men have shown it to be possible. It's apparent that these men cannot give enough of themselves or their talents to the Prep community. Each of them exhibits dedication to their craft as teach­ ers and coaches by giving their days to their students, and many evenings and weekends to their teams. Finding a balance between these different profes­ sions is no easy chore, but these five have done it. Is this a thankless job? Not if one considers the accomplishments of their teams. Mr. Bob Zawistowski took his keglers all the way to first place in the South Hudson with a 7-0 victory over rival Hudson Catholic. Mr. Settembre's two seasons as head coach for the cagers saw two consecutive years of competition in the Parochial A State Playoffs. Prep's gridders captured the county cham­ pionship under the guidance of coach Hansen. "Rick-o-Shea's" swimmers have brought Prep numerous city and state championships as well a as fine showing in the 1989 State Sectional Championships. Soccer's booters, led by Jack Raslowsky, took their second straight South Hudson Championship. Could there be a connection between these fine records and the fact that these teachers are around "off the field" as well as on it? One can't argue with the successes Prep has enjoyed because of it! When questioned, the coaches stated that being so accessible to their players has been conducive to their great seasons. Head Football coach Rich Hansen noted, "Being in the building all day gives you the chance to tend to the needs of the players and students on a daily basis, not just after four o'clock." The students seem to react well to the men's dual roles. Observed Rich Shea, "It allows students to see teachers in a different light ... a less formal one. This informality eliminates any reservations a student might have about talking to his teacher/coach. Such ease in communication makes for better

understanding between coach and team. Jack reinforces the point by saying that although teams that are coached by people from outside of Prep still do well, coaches who teach here have an advan­ tage in getting to see their players all the time; the contact is consistent, and year round, not just for the duration of the pre-season and season. Each coach offered his own opinion about the similarity between the field and the classroom, but perhaps Mr. Z. put it best by saying, "The idea is the same; the goal in both academics and athletics is to succeed, so you teach for excellence and you coach for excel­ lence." These true champions of their fields combine professionalism with a knack for understanding students, making for a solid relationship. They are genuinely concerned about the students with whom they work, and they are directly involved in the daily lives of their teams. Because they share an environ­ ment and daily experiences, the bond between coach and athlete extends be­ yond love of sport and pride in team. To quote Coach Hansen, " . . . Being both a teacher and a coach allows one to be­ come a 'full-time' person in the studentathlete's life."

BASEBALL This year, under the guid足 ance o f Head Coach Joe Urbanovich and captains Craig Zaleck and Jeff Kachel, the team strove to continue their success. Returning All-Stars included seniors M ik e Guarino, Jason Fogu, and short足 stop Chris Decresce. "Sw eet Ed" Garguilo and T o n y Guma anchored the team w ith their fin e pitching w h ile junior D ave M on isera and Rob O 'C on n or ensure success in the years to come. Above; Left to right: C.J. Boguszewski, J. Bellino, J. Wolfe, R. Icklan, D. Mendoza, W. Scott, M. Gorney, R. O'Connor, E. Garguilo, P. Mulcahy, C. Zaleck, D. Monisera I. Kachel, E. Kukowski.

Clockwise from upper left: Wasn't even close; Captains Ka足 chel and Zaleck; Mike, what are you chewing?; the Baseball Bunch; Chris ropes one into left field.


Above; Left to right: M. Gomez, D. Della Fave, J. Savino, J. Kist, C. Otten.

Clockwise; Left to right: "H i Mom!"; "Pitch the darn ball, my knees hurt!"; Strike one!; "H u rry up, take the picture!"; Stop swat足 ting flies; You make the call.

OUTSTANDING The 1988-89 school year was a very successful one on the athletic field for St. Peter's. Prep had many A ll-C ou n ty and All-State ath足 letes, Academic All-Am ericans, and County Championship teams. Although a w in n in g team consists o f all its individual supporters, the Petrean would like to recognize those w ho rise above the norm as "O utstanding Athletes." John Sheehan (Junior) Cross Country Sheehan was named first team All-County this year as a junior. He took first place in the 1988 South Hudson Championship Race, and also helped lead St. Peter's to their first cross-country county championship in 20 years. He has the distinction of being the only prepster to ever defeat teammate Tom Faiano in a cross-country race. Emmett Wood (Senior) Swimming Emmett is a four year varsity swimmer who has been highly decorated for his outstanding feats. He has been an All-County swimmer for four years and has received All-State honors twice. He has also won a state champion足 ship and placed in the AAU Nationals. John Sheehan

Michael Guarino (Senior) Soccer You can't talk about the 1988 Prep South Hudson County Championship Soccer team without talking about the outstanding play of Mike Guarino. Guarino moved from stopper to goalie right before the season started and handled the pressure with ease. Watching Guarino in net, a fan would think he was a veteran goalie, yet he had never played the position before pre-season. He was named All-State for his great play. Mike also is a member of the varsity baseball team. Danny Burrell (Senior) Basketball Burrell has been displaying great moves on the court ever since he arrived at Prep. This year he was counted on for leadership as the team's leading scorer and rebounder. He was named M.V.P. for both his freshman and J.V. teams; this year he was a leading scorer in the county and named to the All-Tournament team at the Jesuit Classic in Buffalo. Dave Broderick (Senior) Tennis Dave Broderick experienced a major change this year for the Prep netters. After playing varsity doubles for three years, Broderick had to take Joe Kealy's position and play first singles. Broderick was a three time AllCounty player and was also a member of two county championship teams. Dave was also a defensemen on this past season's hockev team.

Emmett Wood


Michael Guarino

Danny Burrell

David Broderick

ATHLETES John Formoso (Senior) Football John's hard work paid off this season as he captained the Marauder gridders to an undefeated record and County Championship. He started two ways for his third straight year and also gained many awards including First Team All-County, Hudson County Lineman of the Year, Second Team All-State, and Academic All-Am eri­ can. Tom Faiano (Senior) Track Tom was a four year varsity letter man for Prep track, being named First Team All-County for two years. Whether he was running the 1600 me­ ter indoor or the 3200 meter in outdoor, Faiano was making his mark. Tom also was a member of the three year city cross-country county team and the 1988 county championship team. John Formoso

Tom Faiano

Joe Dargan (Junior) Hockey Joe Dargan had to take hold of many responsibilities this past season when Jason Fogu was injured. He took them with ease as the junior captain led Prep to a remarkable turnaround after and 0-3 start. Joe scored 23 goals in the first 10 games and had several five goal games during Prep's nine game win­ ning streak. Joe is one of the most ver­ satile players in the county as he can first team defense and second team frontlinesman.

Joe Dargan

Dan Gronda (Junior) Wrestling Gronda has been wrestling for the varsity grapplers since freshman year, winning district, region, and state ti­ tles. He also won a national A A U title as a freshman. He progressively went up in weight classes, wrestling 158 pounds freshman year, 171 sophomore year, and 189 this past year. Captain for the past two years, Dan Gronda has only lost one county match in his en­ tire Prep career.

Dan Gronda

Craig Zaleck (Senior) Baseball Zaleck has been a four year member of the varsity baseball team, leading the team in hitting during three of them. He played outfield in his sopho­ more and junior years and moved to pitcher his senior year. W ith a career hitting average of .400, Zaleck also had one of the strongest arms on the team. Craig was named All-County three years running and is also a county champ in the butterfly for the swim team.

Craig Zaleck

M ichael W itt (Senior) Bowling M ike has been knocking down pins since he arrived at Prep. Sporting a 190 average, M ike has been one of the top bowlers the county has seen in years. M ike has scored several 600 series while scoring 500 series almost everytime he has gone out to the alley.

Michael Witt



This year's tennis team was confront­ ed with the d ifficu lt task o f "reb u ild in g" after losing stars like Joe Kealy, Rich Nugent, Phil Swabsin and Brian Ohlumuller. Guided by coach Peter M c N a ­ mara and led by captain D ave Broderick, the netters worked hard and produced some gutsy performances. W ith a great deal o f young talent w aiting in the wings, the tennis team has much to look forward to.

Above: Matt Greely and Dave Broderick. Be­ low, left: Ken Nippes and Tim Connelly. Be­ low, right: Anthony Goff and Andrew Ed­ wards.

Left to right: A. Goff, K. Nippes, A. Edwards, T. Connelly, D. Broderick, M. Greeley.



Upper Left: Just another day of winning. Above: Tom and friend. Right: Romeo hurdles the competition. Left: Andy flies . . .

This year's outdoor track team once again was a force to be reckoned with in Hudson County. The team was moderated by Fr. Browning S.J. and superb­ ly coached by M ike Bur­ gess. Tom Faiano, John S h e e h a n , a nd C h r i s Schmidt took on the onus of replacing graduates Joe V olcy and Chris Doroszczyk . Sando B racew ell, Steve Bijelic, and Carlos Presedo led the short dis­ tances. The team had par­ ticipants in the Penn re­ lays and the Vitalis Invita­ tional Meet. W ith a talent­ ed crop o f underclassmen, the outdoor track team w ill be a major force for years to come.

Far left: Joe gains on Hud­ son. Above left: An inter­ ested Prepster looks on. Above: Trainer pushes for the win. Left: The future track stars of Prep.

GOLF The place - Augusta, Georgia. The reason - the P G A Masters. But for some unknown reason, the Prep's golfers invitations were lost in the mail, again. Th e G o lf Team must be the most overlooked team in the school, prob足 ably because o f their less than success足 ful seasons. Even though they do not bring home state championships, they always have a good shot at the county title. This year's team was led by senior captains M att Labus, Eoin Treacy and Bob W eierm an. W ith the additions of senior Tim Lau, back from a one year leave o f absence, and ju nior Rob Geisler the team looks forward to a fin e season. Each year they visit on ly the best courses, in the past having gone to W in ged Foot, Roxiticus, Baltusrol, and even Hendricks Field. ABOVE: Captain, Eoin "Birdie" Treacy; BELOW: Captain, Bob "Hole in one" Weierman

ABOVE LEFT: Senior, Tim "Double Bo足 gey" Lau; FAR LEFT: Senior, Joe "Sand Trap" Kelly; LEFT: Junior, Rob "Par" Geisler



Pride in Prep runs deep, and if ever there was a perfect season fo r Prep sports fans, it was the fa ll o f '88. A ll three varsity teams in action brought home county cham pion­ ships, m aking Prep one o f o n ly tw o Jesuit high schools in the country to boast o f such an accomplishment. For the football team, the title was the third in fou r years, w h ile the soccer team successfully defended their claim to the South Hudson championship. A n d the cross country team savored their first coun­ ty title in tw en ty years. For all in vo lv ed — players, coaches and fans — W H A T A F A L L I T W A S !!!

e still couldn't believe it, how could he have been so gullible? That senior, he seemed so trustworthy. Mike would never have guessed what he was up to. That, incidentally, is his name. Michael Hunt, an 8th grade student, was visiting his prospective alma mater with his freshman friend Neil McAneny. He had stayed with him all day, seeing the sights and experiencing student life at Prep. All day, that is, except for those infamous ten minutes. For as Neil ran over to the deli to get a sandwich, Mike decided to brave the realm of cafeteria nutrition. That was his crucial error. Waiting in line for God knows what, Mike was approached by one of the numerous good samaritans known to frosh of years past. This one was of the "elevator pass" variety. No further explanation of their encounter is necessary, for almost everyone can remember seeing someone get suckered. The only tragedy in this episode was it's unequivocal success; that and the look on Mike's face when Fr. Browning joined him on the second floor. If Mike could step back for a moment, he would probably look upon this feat with a sense of pride. Few people, if any, had ever received JUG before even being enrolled. That is where he is now. Looking at his watch for at least the twentieth time, Mike is beginning to feel a bit uneasy, though I can't imagine why. Then again, maybe it was the two people in Adidas sportswear rapping in the back of the room. A more experienced jugster would feel comforted by these sophomores — led by Rob Alvarez — who provide the daily entertainment, thus perpetuating the jugs they must serve ad infinitum. Or maybe our hero was perplexed at the sounds reverberating from Leo Trasande's all-purpose Casio Scientific Calculator, model FX-7000. But probably the most worrisome activity of all was the very act of sitting between Oliver and Jefferson Cartano. Sibling rivalry is one thing, but the constant kicking and slapping (not to mention the occasional punch) was getting dangerous! Looking at his watch again, Mike was bitterly disappointed to find that less than three minutes had passed since the last time he nad checked. It seemed as if he had been there for days, and the inevitable drowsiness was getting to him. He could feel his head falling forward, but would jerk it back as soon as he recalled the bit of advice Neil had offered; "Don't fall asleep," he had said, "Dandorph will get you every time." Ah yes, Mr. Dandorph — even in their short relationship Mike had realized why the man is feared like the plague. It wasn't the rules or even their enforcement, for you could expect that any­ where; it was his lack of emotion, his uncanny knack for tossing all arguments of "justice" aside which seemed to unnerve all students. It wasn't that he enjoyed putting adolescents through torture, he just seemed inhumanly im­ partial. Mike's head was falling more regularly now, and with each passing moment it was getting harder and harder to raise it once more. That was, however, until he saw him, for as Mike opened his eyes yet another time, a tiny creature appeared on his desk. Barely three inches tall, this tiny man in pirate garb stared defiantly at Mike, as if daring him to even acknowledge his existence. Startled to say the least, Mike looked around to find reassuring glances of astonishment from his JUG friends. Instead he encountered the empty glares that accompany forty minutes of doing absolutely nothing. "Doesn't anyone see him," he thought, "they act as if nothing were happening!" Soon, though, Mike realized that nothing could be farther from the truth. The entire room seemed to be getting bigger, everything growing at a constant rate. The desk got larger, the board got larger, Mr. Dandorph got larger, even the floor show got larger. Mike looked at the tiny man, and only then did he begin to grasp what was happening. The man only smiled; he smiled until Mike and he could look eye to eve, and then the growing stopped. Mike now realized that it was he who was changing. He had shrunk to barely three inches in height, and could more clearly see his little friend. Could this be the fabled Ma­ rauder of Prep fame? It was the closest thing to sense Mike could make out of the situa­ tion, and right now anything remotely connected with re­ ality was a welcome relief. Minuteness gives one a whole new perspective on life, especially if that perspective includes H-105. Being but the length of one finger casts light on views which had forever remained bathed in darkness, and perhaps that is where some should have stayed. I, for one, can think of much more pleasant pastimes than look­ ing up the nostrils of adoles­ cent criminals. This, however, was not what the Marauder had in mind. For after curling his finger to signal Mike to follow, the energetic pirate pranced from desk to desk un­ til he hopped out of the room


and into Hogan Hall. After a split-second spent considering his options, MikJj decided he had no choice but to follow. But before he left, he took one last loottj at the faces down the rows. Then, maybe as an act of fate or some telling omen, Mike glanced at thl clock which held so many lives in its hands. But the clock no longer ticked instead it hummed a catchy tune. The hands no longer turned in timellj unison, instead they seemed to participate in an exotic dance with one anl other, making the fourth dimension their own and leaving Mike breathlessn There was, however, little time to reflect on such oddities, for the MaraudeJi was already nearing the end of the hall. Mike did his best to keep up, not uselg to the newfound effort required to move his tiny body. As he passed MisB Baber's room, Mike bracea himself for what to expect. Stories of yearbook antics ran wildly in the school, but no amount of forewarning would havl nron i ron hi m fr\r ( ha


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— the Jeff Vita Pup. For those not acquainted with the creature, it is a slusj loving organism with outrageously spiked hair. Known to patrol the halls J Prep, the Vita Pup had been seen lurking in the darkness, following Dave foL a number of weeks, but no one thought that it would come to this. It's a shaml though, the Remote Control Car Club will never be the same. By this time, the Marauder had reached the flight of stairs, and stopping jusl a second to turn back, motioned for Mike to follow. Realizing he had little tl lose now, Mike ran to catch up with him, but was hopelessly always one stel, behind. When he got to the second floor, he realized that the Marauder hal started down the hall. Following him to H-205,Mike squeezedunder the do(fl and stood in awe at the sight before his eyes.Trophiesglistened alongeverj wall, boasting of the success of Prep's forensics team. Mike had heard that thl men on this team live by the motto "Speak at anything that moves," and noJ he had proof positive. For in the middle of the rgom, atop a monument constructed of New York Times and Christmas lighis, sat a little mouse, draped in a Forenzix Frenzy tee-shirt, listening to Tim Lau, Sean Kegelman and John Myers, all talking at the same time; it seems that the mouse had been moving and was now being spoken at. In the corner sat Herr Donahue, trying to help some very confused German exchange students comprehend what was happening. For the moment, Mike wished he understood Ger­ man . . . Suddenly though, every­ one's attention was focused on the mouse, who began to huff and puff, and seemed about to have a seizure of some sort. His lips part­ ed, and what started out as a low growl turned into the loudest , sound ever heard by man or beast, Hi fueled by all the vocal energy from the triumvirate of speakers standing mul (at least temporarily) before him. Both Mike and the Marauder were flung u into the air and out the door by the force of the blow, and they landed with thud in the hall. Deciding that this was not the best place to sit and rest, the two scurriel down the hall to Signor Fordellone's room. They walked in on a French clasi and realizing how impressed his 8th grade classmates would be by a fe\ phrases uttered en Francais, Mike decided to stay while. As the Marauder too off, desk hopping once more, Mike followed closely — he wouldn't want t lose his guide. However it seems that while pursuing his minute buddy acros the class, Mike had momentarily landed on a marked piece of paper. He foun himself crumbled up inside the paper before he could proceed to his nea destination. As the students in the class engaged in a vigorous debate abou whether "parfait" referred to a verb tense or a dessert, Mike found himse flung across the room, secure in his paper shell. He landed in the pocket d scholar-extraordinaire, George Goldsworthy, who was growing increasingly irritated by the triteness of the verbal exchange around him. He, after all, there to learn, and the hooligans around him were robbing him of valuabl class time. A man can only be pushed so far, and finally, George had to ad Standing for what he believed in, George cried out, in a voice reminiscent q the mouse "Who cares . . .?" Well, as we said, a man can only be pushed so fal and Signor Fordellone had reached that point. So out went George, with sense of disappointment about the class. He would serve his JUG, but the couldn't keep him in JUG forever. He is an artist, and artists need to expre themselves. There hadn't been much time left in the period anyway, so F might as well head upstairs. This afternoon he had practice with the band, h band — the "George Goldsworthy Experience/' Perhaps it would be better not to refer to this group as a band; it could moi appropriately be called a kind of mutual support group for struggling mus cians. As George entered the music room, Mike peered out of his pocket. Tli walls were covered with psychedelic colors, and everyone there was in tlj uniform tie-dye apparel. Already warming up were John O'Donnell, Toi Giblin and Dallas DeLuca, who, incidently, plays one heck of a flute. But li there be no mistake, this was George's show.

j When he took out that trombone, a hush fell over the room. By this time Mike had crawled out of the pocket and was attempting to make his way over fceorge's instrument. This was another crucial error, for the clashing color scheme of the walls, finally got to him and he fell off the deep end — into George's trombont. Never fear though, he wasn't in there long. For as George blew out the first note Mike was sent hurtling out of the room, and once again, landed with a thud in the hallway. j This time, his landing was a bit softer than the last, for he had plopped jhimself right in the middle of a cookie crumb trail. Suddenly, Mike realized jlhat it had been a while since he had eaten, (after all, he never did get lunch) land he thought it would be advantageous to rectify this injustice. He followed khe trail all the way to the office of the school chaplain, where he tip-toed in to [see what goodies he could fine. He located the cookie jar easily enough, but as jhe maneuvered the large oatmeal pattie, he encountered one of the most [perplexing problems ever to come his way. Sitting at the desk was a man, that [was plain enough to see. He was wearing some sort of a mask, or rather, half a [mask, upon his face. When Mike looked at him, he saw the image of two [people: half Fr. Tony Azzarto, half Mr. Tommy LaSorda. Now, Mike likes to [dress up as much as anyone else, but this was different. At Halloween, you know which is the real person, and which is the costume; this knowledge, was ka luxury Mike did not possess. He struggled to differentiate between the man tand the myth, to locate some telling signs of a counterfeit. There were none. It was as if the two were the same, existing simultaneously, in the same entity, in [reality being the same person. As if we didn't already know . . . Mike needed no more of this, so, reversing direction as fast as he could, he iran out the door and down the hall of the third floor of Hogan. He was about halfway to the Jesuit residence when he heard something of great interest; a man of unparalleled thought and intellect molding the youth of tomorrow. Deciding that this was definitely something to investigate, Mike entered the realm of Jack Raslowsky, a person from whom there is frequently no return. Anyone who had Jack for freshman science would recognize the lecture of the day immediately — the 100th monkey phenomenon!!! Raslowsky made a science of this topic alone. He took it upon himself to rid the world of every pseudo-scientific thought he encountered, using logic and reason to find the keys to the universe. This noble ideal was sometimes clouded, however, due to Jack's speech impediment. He has a problem with allowing anything having to do with substance to leave his lips. Instead, utterances of "in terms of," "relative to," and "two-fold" filled the room of unsuspecting students. After realizing that this lecture was not suited to his interests, Mike decided that it was time to leave. Luckily, a freshman agreed with him, and obligingly sent Mike sailing out the window on the wing of a masterfully crafted paper airplane. His descent took him down to the bowels of Prep, to a place known as the "Pit." The lower Mike got, the harder it was for him to breath. The smoke around him grew thicker and thicker until he could cut it with a knife. This was one place that all freshmen make sure to avoid, both because of its clientele and the environmental risks involved. Mike's visibility was now zero, and he was no longer pleased with the way things were going. The ground was lost in a blur of white smoke, but he knew it was fast approaching. He was going faster than ever, but each second seemed to drag on indefinitely. The knowledge that he would be splattered at any moment caused Mike great distress, not to mention a little dizziness. The last thing he felt before "landing" was the gentle brush of cigarette ashes across his back and the impression of asphalt upon his face. Mike wouldn't lie in peace for long, for he was soon to be awakened by the "lord of the locker rooms." Apart from his official duties as ruler of the underground, Ramos the Rat took upon himself the responsibility for the welfare of the little people of the kingdom. Seeing Mike lying there, Ramos knew he had to act. By this time, Mike was regaining consciousness, and the rat continued to nudge him awake. When Mike first opened his eyes, he mistakenly took the rodent for Ken Nippes, although later investigation proved that at best they could be distant cousins. Exhausted from his trials, Mike was helped up by Ramos who could sympathize with the boy s predica­ ment; he, after all, was small too. Deciding that the best thing to revive Mike s spirits was a change of scenery, our rat friend instructed him to climb into his saddle. Once Mike was secure, Ramos was off to the races. The first leg of the journey was through the locker room. Ramos navigated the territory as only a pro could, ripping around corners and hurdling over obtrusive feet. He skidded down the rows of lockers with Mike doing all he could just to hang on. As they approached the wall, a small crack, just big enough for them to fit through, became visible. Mike wasn't sure he wanted to go in there, but the rat left him no choice, refusing to slow down even a hair. With one giant leap, Ramos darted into the opening and down the adjacent tunnel. Having become accustomed to the light of the outside world, Mike, now swallowed by darkness, could see nothing. Perhaps it was all for the best, for the two of them were now in a tunnel traveling under Warren Street, from the locker room to the English building. No one is sure of the path s origins, but it is rumored to have been built during Prep s infancy when St. A1 s Academy was located across the street. . . . . . .. -I L c . After a minute or so, Mike saw a point of light in the distance. The taint roar of a crowd grew with each step, until it was almost deafening. Ramos galloped onward, eventually pausing at the exit from the tunnel. After mo­

tioning for Mike to hold on tightly, he continued into the open, this time more slowly, as if he was worried about what they might encounter. As they emerged from the opening, Mike looked at the scene in bewilderment. He recognized the room immediately, for he had visited Miss Snyder's office with Neil at recess. This time, though, the room was very different. She still sat at her desk, same as before, but that was about all that was the same. The room was a sweltering 95 degrees with a horde of freshmen scaling the walls. Too many to count, they squeezed in anywhere there was space. Some were very creative, with the tiny ones sitting in filing cabinets and those who came from the circus hanging from the lights. The only thing that came to Mike's mind as he looked around was Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." Everywhere he turned, another one would pop up. He even saw one lower himself from the faculty room on the second floor and scale down the side of the building. All of a sudden (and none too soon — it was dangerous being so tiny in such a crowd!) Mike found that he was no longer in Miss Snyder's office; instead, he found that the scenery had become very much like a scene out of Medieval England. He was no longer in his own clothes, but rather, dressed in the garb of a Celtic warrior, sword in one hand and mace in the other. From behind Mike came a roar of unfathomable ferocity. Mike turned only to find himself in the path of a charging dragon. From the opposite direction came yet another sound equal in intensity and yet even more fearful. The eerie voice called out in a loud tone, "What's your next move?" Mike turned again and in the sky was the etched face of Doug Seymour hovering above him, smiling wickedly, for he was the Dungeon Master. Mike was caught in the world of the Role Playing Games Club. He was at the mercy of the few, the proud, the men who comprise the RPG club. Their domain was whatever they wished it to be ... as long as they kept it quiet in the library. Mike, realizing that his fate was in the hands of Steve Fairfield, decided to exit stage left. As he dove from the top of the table, his mind raced to figure out a way to escape this demented world of fantasy. However, his mind was a blank, that is until he looked where he was jumping. Mike was falling through a hole in the floor which was emitting a strong odor, strong enough to peel the paint off the walls, but not strong enough to kill you. Apparently, it was strong enough to sedate Mike, (which was a blessing in disguise, for otherwise, he might have realized how close he came to being squashed by an errant basketball) for the next thing he knew there was a loud buzzing in the air. Mike did not know where he was, but he was warm and comfortable. He immediately thought that he was asleep in his own bed in his own house. Everything which he vaguely remembered must have been a dream. Thank goodness! he sighed as he tried to go back to sleep. But the buzzing continued even after Mike thought he had turned the alarm clock off. As he thought about getting up to find his alarm clock again, a cold blast of air shot through him. What he had mistaken for his room was actually the cuff of a frantic freshman s^pants as he scurried out of the gym during a routine fire drill. Mike threw his arms into the air hopelessly and hoped that this whole nightmare would come to an end soon. It was cold and Mike was on the verge of frostbite when his frosh began moving again. And, once again, Mike was traveling through the English building. .. His ride stopped at the second floor and Mike saw a chance to escape. He waited for the right moment and jumped from the cuff onto the cold hard tile of the second floor. Mike immediately found his way to the nearest wall, to avoid being trampled in the stampede of students returning to class. He didn t have to wait long for the hall to clear, and when it did, yet another sound met his ears. This time, it was a sweet, pleasant melody, similar to the theme song of fantasia. Mike was enthralled and simply had to follow the sound. The theme took Mike right to the Petroc office door. From beneath the door emanated a pale green light which seemed to beckon Mike to enter. Before him, the door opened on its own, revealing a sight definitely worth writing about. Where there once was a newspaper office, there stood the Magic Kingdom. Where there once was a staff of reporters, such as Don Rogers, Ray Carr and Rodney Webb, there now stood Huey, Dewey and Louie.

M ik e w a s o v e r w h e lm e d , s o m u c h s o t h a t h e c o u ld n o t m o v e f r o m h is s p o t. H o w e v e r , u p o n t h e e d i t i n g t a b l e , h e s p i e d t h e m i g h t y w i z a r d 's c a p . F r o m t h a t e m e r g e d D i s n e y 's L a s t C r e a t i o n — w h a t a w o n d e r t o b e h o ld ! D e n n i s B a r l o w a p p e a re d in th e w iz a rd r y c o s tu m e , s e re n e ly b e c k o n in g M ik e to jo in th e ir h a p p y fa m ily . D e n n is d is p la y e d a ll th e s k ills o f a m a s te r p r e s tid ig ita to r a s fro m h is rig h t h a n d flo w e d a m ig h ty fo u n ta in a n d fro m h is le ft, s ta rs h in e th a t c a s t th e w a rm g lo w a ll o v e r th e ro o m . „T , . . ,

Mike's trance was broken as a stray thought crossed his mind. I his is the staff of the Petroc?" This thought caused Mike to fall down, laughing uncon­ trollably as he finally understood the unusual character of the school newspa­ per "They're a bunch of cartoon characters!" screamed Mike aloud. Needless to say his hosts were offended by this remark. Dennis frowned upon the tiny human and with a wave of hfe hand, sent Mike reeling down the hallway into E205, the domain of Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, Emperor of the Universe.

E m p e r o r , a s h e is so a f fe c tio n a te ly / • c a lle d b y h is a d o r V( in g p u p ils , w a s in th e m id d le o f a le c ­ tu re a s M ik e jo in e d th e m . T h is w a s n o

howTvVJ A^Mike6glanced at the blackboard, he saw the blueprints for the

school and key buildings around the world. At first Mike had no idea of what was happening until Mr. DeLorenzo caught an unsuspecting senior napping. "How can you sleep? We're planning the domination of the world ana you decide to take a nap? You ungrateful The entire class was frozen in terror, afraid to experience the wrath of this capitalistic monster. Mike decid­ ed that it was time to leave — the sight of blood always makes him sick. Mike's only means of escape was through the window, because Mr. DeLorenzo had locked the door so he could give this ungrateful student what he really deserved. Mike scrambled to the window and dove out hoping for an act of God to save him from having his tiny body smashed into the ground. Fortu­ nately, there was a strong crosswind whicn carried him onto the roof of the deli where he landed in the ever present pile of laundry. After a short rest, Mike decided that he had better try to get back inside; besides, he thought he heard someone coming onto the roof to do the laundry. He eyed a drain pipe which went down to the front of the deli, and took it for a ride. When he reached the bottom he was confronted by the Mission Drive committee, hard at work raising funds. Kevin McCann and Joe DiFoglio had barricaded the entrance to the deli and were charging admission — the more you were buying the more it cost. The penalty for not contributing to their cause was not just one JUG session, it was a one way ticket to Truk to serve a year's worth of JUGs with Fr. Croghan (remember him?). Mike Struk, not believing that the committee meant business, had dared to cross that line earlier in the week, and was now en route to Micronesia. Unless he gets released early for good behavior, he won't be seen around Prep again until he returns as one of next year's Mission speakers. As Mike stood on the curb of Warren Street, wishing he were normal size, he saw Neil walking across the street. He screamed to his friend, but to no avail. Realizing that he was on his own, without even the Marauder to help him, Mike knew he had to find a way back into the building. Somewhere in there was hidden the key to his return to normality — maybe in one of the science labs or something. With newfound determination, Mike searched for the quickest way back inside. Of one thing he was certain — with the way Prep students drive, he was not going to try to cross the street. He spotted a multitude of birds on the sidewalk near him, many of which were flying to the second floor of Mulry Hall. Mike dove onto the back of one of the birds and took his chances. Luckily the bird brought him safely to the ledge outside a window of the second floor of Mulry Hall. Mike silently entered through the window and lowered himself onto the floor. As he congratulated himself on this daring feat, he was startled by what was going on in the room. There was a line of people (some of whom he recognized as teachers) longer than the one for the #14 bus. Holding weeks', months', even years' worth of tests and quizzes, they were kicking, clawing and fighting their way to the copy machine; the repair man had just left, and the machine was "good as new." Apparently this was serious business, and fearing that he would be trampled in the brawl about to erupt, Mike once again beat a hasty retreat, although he would have liked to see the outcome of the fight.

M ik e w a n d e r e d d o w n th e B u rk e h a llw a y , n o w a n x io u s to m e e t a n y o n e w h o c o u ld h e lp h im g e t b a c k to th e p la c e w h e re h e h a d s ta rte d . T h e ro o m a t th e e n d o f th e h a ll s e e m e d fr ie n d ly , so M ik e e n te re d , lo o k in g fo r h e lp . T h e n a m e p la te o v e r t h e d o o r r e a d M r . C o n n o l l y , b u t g l a n c i n g a r o u n d t h e r o o m M i k e c o u l d n 't f in d a te a c h e r. A p p a r e n tly h e w a s e n g a g e d in th e b r a w l d o w n th e h a ll, w h ile o n e o f h is s tu d e n ts m a in ta in e d o r d e r a n d ta u g h t so m e a lg e b ra . T h a t k id T o m su re w as sm art . . . M i k e d i d n 't w a n t a n y h e l p f r o m t h e s e c o n f u s e d c h i l d r e n s o h e r o d e t h e b a n is te r d o w n th e b a c k s ta irc a s e to th e b a s e m e n t. A fte r s p r in tin g th r o u g h th e w re s tlin g ro o m , h e s tro lle d d o w n th e h a ll. O n h is r ig h t h e s a w tw o d o o rs , c lo s e d a n d lo c k e d u p tig h t w it h a s ig n r e a d in g " T .V . S tu d io — M e e tin g C a n c e le d I n d e f in ite ly ." H e re m e m b e r e d h e a rin g a b o u t th e fia s c o th a t h a d re s u lte d w h e n th e P e tre a n a n d th e P e tro c c o m p e te d in a g a m e s h o w s p o n s o re d b y th e s tu d io ; a p p a r e n tly th e w r a th o f B o b W e ie r m a n is n o t to b e ta k e n lig h tly . T h e c a s u a ltie s w e re s till b e in g ta llie d . T h e s tu d io w a s d e s tr o y e d , a n d th e n e r v e s o f th e film c r e w s h a tte re d b e y o n d re p a ir . M a n y p e o p le s a y it w a s a p lo t o n th e p a r t o f th e P e tr e a n to s a b o ta g e th e " v id e o y e a r b o o k ." If s o , it w a s m a s te rf u lly e x e c u te d , a n d it m a y m e a n th a t th e P e tre a n s ta ff w ill f in a lly le a v e t h e P e tr o c a lo n e , a n d t u r n t h e ir a t te n ti o n to t h e T .V . S t u d io in s te a d . A s M ik e s to o d , p o n d e rin g th e s itu a tio n , h e w a s s ta rtle d b y v o ic e s c o m in g fro m b e h in d h im a n d q u ic k ly ra n to in v e s tig a te . T h e v o ic e s w e re c o m in g fro m th e s ta g e c r e w o ffic e a n d th e p e o p le in s id e d id n o t s o u n d p a r tic u la rly h a p p y . F o llo w in g th e s o u n d o f th e d e v ilis h la u g h te r, M ik e e n te re d th ro u g h a c r a c k in th e d o o r . H e f o u n d a c o r n e r o f th e w o rld , s e e n o n ly b y a fe w s e le c t m e m b e rs o f th e s ta g e c re w . (S o m e p e o p le s a y th e y w e re lo c k e d d o w n th e re , d e lib e ra te ly is o la te d fr o m th e re s t o f th e p o p u la tio n ) . T h e o th e r s w h o h a v e s tu m b le d in h a v e b e c o m e v ic tim s o f it. T h e firs t th in g M ik e s a w w a s F ra n k A s h e in a s e q u in n e d s u it a n n o u n c in g th a t th e " W h e e l o f T o rtu r e " h a d c a p tu r e d , e r . . . fo u n d a n o th e r lu c k y c o n te s ta n t. T h e n G e n e W illi a p p e a re d fro m b e h in d th e c u r ta in in a lo w -c u t g o w n , le a d in g o u t th e n e x t p la y e r, w h o w a s n o n e o th e r th a n s ta g e c r e w m o d e r a to r , M r . B e c e rra . B e h in d M r . B e c e rra w e re D a v e L y o n s a n d N o e l G e ra ld m a k in g s u r e th e c o n te s ta n t c o u ld n o t e s c a p e , e r . . . c o u ld f in d h is w a y to th e s ta g e . M r. B e c e rra w a s th e n tie d to a g ia n t w h e e l in th e c e n te r o f th e ro o m . D a v e a n d P a c o th e n p ro c e e d e d to th e s u p p ly c a b in e t to g e t o u t a ll th e s h a r p to o ls th e y c o u ld f in d . M r . B e c e r ra w a s th e n a s k e d a s e rie s o f q u e s tio n s , a n d w h e n , a f te r s e v e ra l ro u n d s , h e f in a lly g o t o n e w ro n g , D a v e a n d P a c o e a c h g o t a " s h o t " a t h i m w i t h t h e t o o l s o f t h e i r c h o i c e . T h e y w e r e n 't try in g to h it h im , th e y w e re m e re ly tr y in g to se e w h o c o u ld c o m e c lo s e r

without a c t u a l l y h i t t i n g h i m . S i n c e i t w a s a W e d n e s d a y , a n " a n y th in g c a n h a p p e n " d a y o n th e w h e e l, a n a d d e d c h a lle n g e to th e c o n te s t w a s th a t a s P a c o a n d D a v e to o k a im , G e n e W illi s a u n te re d o v e r to th e w h e e l a n d g a v e it a g o o d s tro n g tu r n . It w a s a t th is p o in t th a t M ik e d e c id e d to le a v e ; n o t k n o w in g th a t D a v e a n d P a c o h a d n e v e r y e t m is s e d t h e ir m a r k s , h e w a s a f ra id o f w h a t h e m ig h t w itn e s s if h e sta y e d . D e e p ly d is tu rb e d b y th a t la s t e p is o d e , M ik e ra n to th e e le v a to r a n d h o p p e d i n j u s t a s t h e d o o r s w e r e c l o s i n g . A f t e r a l l , h e c o u l d n 't p o s s i b l y g e t i n t o a n y m o re tro u b le u n le s s so m e ­ o n e s te p p e d o n h im . H e e x ite d o n th e firs t flo o r, a n d fo r th e s e c o n d tim e that day, ventured in to th e c a fe ­ te ria . T h e re h e w a s im mediately s p o tte d b y th e P re p s tu ­ d e n t c o u n c il, th e p ro te c ­ to rs o f th e rig h ts o f th e s tu d e n t b o d y . T h e next thing he knew , he w as b e in g c h a se d a ro u n d th e c a fe te ria b y a t le a st tw e n ty b l o o d ­ th ir s ty a d o ­ le s c e n ts , le d b y J o e K e lly . F o r th e firs t tim e a ll d a y , h e w a s a c tu a lly re lie v e d a b o u t h is s iz e ; a t le a s t it g a v e h im a s lig h t a d v a n ta g e o v e r th e s e m a d m e n . H e w a s g e ttin g e x tre m e ly tire d , so h e ra n in to th e k itc h e n w h e r e h e re s te d f o r a m o m e n t b e f o re b e in g m is ta k e n fo r a r o d e n t b y a m e m b e r o f th e c a f e te ria s ta ff . O n c e a g a in , h e w a s b e in g c h a s e d , b u t th is tim e it w a s a r o u n d th e k itc h e n . H is o n ly h o p e fo r s u r v iv a l w a s to h id e in s o m e th in g — b u t w h a t? H e to o k th e lid o f f o f o n e o f th e p o ts a n d h u n g o n in s id e o f it, o u t o f s ig h t (o r so h e th o u g h t). T h e n e x t th in g h e k n e w , ju s t w h e n h e w a s b e g in n in g to t h in k it m ig h t b e s a fe to e m e rg e , th e p o t w a s lifte d o f f th e c o u n te r , a n d p la c e d o n th e s to v e . T h e c o o k to o k th e lid o f f th e p o t, s a w M ik e h a n g in g th e re a n d p r e te n d e d n o t to n o tic e , b u t M ik e k n e w b e tte r. H e w a s fr o z e n w itn fe a r, a n d th e s a u c e b e n e a th h im w a s g e ttin g h o tte r a n d h o tte r. H e lis te n e d in te n tly , a n d w h e n it b e c a m e s ile n t in th e k itc h e n , M ik e a tte m p te d to e s c a p e fro m th e p o t. T h e n th e c o o k c a m e b a c k , lo o k e d a t M ik e a n d s m ile d . T h e c o o k to o k h is la d le a n d p o k e d a t M ik e u n til h e s ta rte d to fa ll in to th e m ix tu re b e lo w . A s M ik e w a s fa llin g , h e k n e w th a t th e re w a s n o w a y o u t o f th is m e ss , a n d h e s c re a m e d u n c o n tr o lla b ly a s th e b o ile d s a u c e c a m e c lo s e r a n d c lo s e r to h is tin y v u ln e r a b le b o d y . . . T h e s c re a m in g c o n tin u e d , a n d th e n e x t th in g M ik e k n e w , h e w a s lo o k in g M r . D a n d o r p h rig h t in th e e y e . W h e n h e re a liz e d w h e re h e w a s a n d w h a t h e w a s d o in g , a w a v e o f e m b a rra s s m e n t s w e p t o v e r h im . H e q u ic k ly s h u t h is m o u t h a s M r . D a n d o r p h u t t e r e d , " S o r r y , y o u f e l l a s l e e p . T h i s o n e d o e s n 't c o u n t. S e e y o u to m o r ro w ." It is the sincere hope of the Petrean staff that in reading this story, all members of our audience see it for what it is — a good natured spoof of the institution we know and love. There was no malicious intent involved in writing it, and if we seem to "insult" anyone, it is purely in jest — no offense intended, and hopefully, none taken. We can only hope that you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

A. Abesamis: "A s I leave Prep, I enter the void o f life. A vo id that can be fille d with adventure, ex­ perience, and lo v e ." L. Ang: "T h e n k y o u ! I lu b y ou ! Goooooodbye! A n g cute m o !" -Some Filipino K id



Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Com ­ mittee 2,3,4 Senior Executive; Science Club 2,3,4; T .V . Studio 3; O riental Club 3,4; Role Playin g Games Club 4; Emmaus 69, 3

Band 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4 M an ­ ager; Science Club 1; Stage Crew 1; Basketball 2,3,4 Manager; Eb­ o n y Club 3,4; Senior Prom Com­ mittee 4; Spirit A w ard 2; H onor Pin 1; N.H .S. 4


■■P H B m Sm J,


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Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Role P la y­ in g Games Club 1; Bicycle Club 2; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 2; Petroc 2; Slavic Club 2; Swim m ing 2,3; Forensics 3,4; Paper and Pen 3,4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Iona Language Contest Sec­ ond Place 3; A .A .T.G . Prize W in n er 3; N.H.S. 4

jfl DANIEL ANDRETTI Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Blood Drive 4; Weightlifting Club 3,4

T. Anderson: " I f 1 cou ld g o back again, somehow, I w ould n't change a ll that m uch, k n o w in g what I k n ow now. -B illy Joel D. A ndretti: " N o c h ild is bad fro m the be­ g in n in g , they o n ly im itate th eir atm osphere."


A . Alerte: "W e must try, try aga in ." -Leon Patillo

LLOYD GERARD ANG "G-STRING" Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com ­ mittee 1,3,4; O riental Club 1,3,4; Sci­ ence Club 1,3,4; Sw im m ing 1; Bicycle Club 3; Guitar Club 3; Stage Crew 3,4; Paper and Pen 4; T.V . Studio 4; Karate Club 1; V olleyball Club 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 69

V. Aniello: "J've conquered m y past. The

future is here at last." -U2

P. Antico:

"Over the edge. No mercy."

plllfflH * \

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Soccer 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; M ission Drive Committee 3,4; Outdoor Track 2; Computer Club 4; Dance Com­ mittee 1,2; Stage Crew 1; Spirit Committee 4; Photography Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3,4

’ m


. J

Paper and Pen 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Soccer 1; Forensics 4; Bicycle Club 3,4; Home­ room President 4


G A B R IE L M . A N T U N A '" G R A N I T E ' G A B E "

Wrestling 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1; Out­ door Track 1,2; Spirit Committee 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Latin American So­ ciety 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3; Dance Committee 4; Mission Drive Commit­ tee 4; Emmaus 3; W eightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 3,4 Executive; Honor Pin 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

J. Arriaga:

"If you stop struggling, then you stop life." -Huey Newton

J U L IO C. A R R I A G A //j //

Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Vol­ leyball Club 4; Chess Club 1; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus Team 4; HAP 4; Honor Pin 1

R. Arroyo:

"Whenever you have respon­ sibilities never forget to make priorities; I've always con­ quered one of these - sleep."


Dance Committee 3,4; Photography Club 2,4; Petroc 3; Wrestling 3,4; Mo­ deling Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 1

G. Antuna

"The difference between or­ dinary and extraordinary is that little extra, me." -Vince Lombardi


S. Aumack:

"Sometimes I wonder how much there is to know." -Led Zeppelin

R. Backus:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."

R IC H A R D B A C K U S "B A C K "


Baseball 2; Dance Committee 1; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Intramur足 als 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; T.V. Studio 2; Emmaus 3

Blood Drive 4; Guitar Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2; Intramurals 2; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Jazz Ensamble 1

D E N N IS B A R L O W "B A R R R L O W "

Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Dance Commit足 tee 1,2,3,4; Irish :Club 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Petroc 3,4; Homeroom President 3; T.V. Stu足 dio;- Honor Pin 1,2; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4

D. Barlow:

"Life is a play, and there is no such thing as a small part." J O H N B E L L IN O "J.B ."

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Emmaus 3


M I R O S L A W B. B O N D A R O W I C Z "M IR E K "

Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com足 mittee 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; T.V. Stu足 dio 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 1,2,3; Rock and Roll Club 2,3; Science Club 1,2; N.H.S. 4; Chemistry Cold Medal 3; Geometry Silver Medal 2; ACL Latin Exam Silver Medal; Bi足 ology American Achievement Award

kS B R IA N B O W L IN g

Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Blood Drive 3,4; Computer Club 1; Soccer 1; Senior Prom Committee 4; H.A.P. Tutor 1; Emmaus 4

B. Bowling:

"In the last rays of the setting sun, and the past days, that's where our memories run." K E V IN B R O D B E C K "B E C K S "

Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Executive Committee; Senior Prom Committee 4; Home足 room President 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Library Club 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Soccer 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2; Petroc 4; Basketball 2; Emmaus 3, Emmaus Team 4

-Judas Priest K. Brodbeck:

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." -Shakespeare D. Broderick:

"Friendships that end are friendships that never really begin."



B R IA N B R U T O N "B R U T E "

Ski Club 1,2,3,4', Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Guitar Club 1,2,3,4; Blood Drive; Senior Prom Committee 4; Wrestling 1,2; Hockey 3,4; Base­ ball 2



1rj H%i


Football 1; Dance Committee 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3



- * |H


J O H N M . BURKE "J .B ."

Basketball 1, Varsity 2,3,4; Intramur­ als 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4 Executive Member; Homeroom Presi­ dent 1,2; Mission Drive Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Library Club 2,3,4

J. Burke:

"Do you have a permit for that?" D. Burrell:


Basketball 1,2,3,4 Captain; Football 1; j Ebony Club 2,3,4 Pres. Blood Drive 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 3; Outdoor Track 4; Spirit Committee 4

"Big men may own the earth but they're not getting the ball!"

-Charles Barkley R. Bustillo:

"A man's finest moment . . . is when he has worked his heart out for a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle — victorious." -Vince Lombardi



Baseball 1; Football 1,2,3,4 Captain; Wrestling 2; Homeroom President 1; Student Council 2,3,4 Secretary; Spir­ it Committee 3,4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; English I Silver Medal; Science I Silver Medal; English II Gold Medal; National ACL Latin Exam Silver Medal

A. Cabezas:

"You can check out any time you like but you can never leave." -The Eagles

P. Cammarota:

"These people who tell you not to take chances, they are missing on what life is all about. You only live once." -Metallica

CA M M AR O TA Bicycle Club 2; Dance Commit­ tee 3,4; Football 1; Science Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3



Baseball 1; Football 1; Mission Drive Committee 2,3; Wrestling 2,3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 3,4; Senior/Jun­ ior Prom 3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Em­ maus 3, Team 4; Volleyball Club 4; Algebra I Silver Medal

M A R C A. C A M P Q R E A L E "C A M P O "

Baseball 1; Blood Drive 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4

M. Camporeale:

"I'm free as a bird now and this bird you cannot chain." -Lynyrd Skynyrd

O L IV E R C A R T A N O "O L L IE E E "

Bicycle Club 3,4; Oriental Club 2,3,4 Secretary; Pctrean 2,3,4 Activities Section Editor; Chess Club 3; Comput­ er Club 2,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Li­ brary Club 3,4; Mission Drive Com­ mittee 3,4; Science Club 2,3; Stage Crew 3,4; N.H.S. 4; Eucharistic M inis­ ters 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Modeling Club 3,4; Biology Silver Medal



"Good things come to those who wait." -Heinz Ketchup

T. Casulli:

"And I wonder to myself, , could life ever be the same again?" -The Smiths


Computer Club 1; Ebony Club 4; Foot­ ball 1; Mission Drive Committee 3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3; Spirit Committee 4; Honor Pin 1

ABOVE: I'm a professional, dammit B I know what I m doing. BELOW: What are you doing behind me, Eoin? B O TTO M OF PAGE: Janega/ Malanowski '92

ABOVE: Jug? ! For what?

ABOVE: A rose by any other name still smells sweet.

A. Cervino:

"Shoot for the moon because if you fail, you'll fall among the stars." R.


"You're only as good as the others aren't!"

A N T H O N Y C E R V IN O "T O N Y "

R O B E R T C H E S N A V IC H "C H E Z "

Basketball 1,2; Football 2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4;' Senior Prom Committee 4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1

Cross Country 3; Forensics 3; Chess Club 1,2,3; Computer Club 1,2,4; In­ tramurals 1,2,3,4; Math Club 3; Out­ door Track 3; Role Playing Caines Club 2; Senior Prom Committee 4; Honor Pin 1,3

P A U L C H IP E L O "C H IP "

Blood Drive 4; Chess Club 1; Comput­ er Club 1,2; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,4; Volleyball Club 4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4

P. Chipelo:

"To Cool Bob: Thanks for JO SEPH C O N T IC E L L O "H E C K L E R "

Baseball 1,2; Bicycle Club 1,2; Swim­ ming 1,2; Homeroom President I; Intranuirals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Modeling Club 4 Executive


M. Correia:

"I came, I saw, I left.'

L. D'Amato:

"Argh! Argh! Argh!"

L U C I A N O D 'A M A T O "L O U C H E Y "

M A N U E L C O R R E IA "M A N N Y "

Band 1; Blood Drive 4; Library Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1; T.V. Studio 2; Radio Club I; Intramural Committee 1,2,3

Forensics 1; Wrestling 2,3,4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4 Art Staff; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3

D A V I D D 'A M O R E "D R E D D "

Blood Drive 4; Dante Committee 3,4; Football 1; Indoor Track 4; Intramur­ als 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Pho­ tography Club 2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 74 3

■■ I

D. D'Amore:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." V. Dang:

V IN H D A N G "T H E W A N G "

Computer Club 1,2; Dance Committee 4; Mission Drive Committee 2; Orien­ tal Club 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 4; Vol­ leyball 4; W eightlifting Club 3,4; Mo­ deling Club 4

"After the smoke clears, when it's down to you and I when the sun appears, there's nothing left but good­ byes . . . " -Bon Jovi

V. Dang:

"W h e n eve r you dream, you're holding the key. It opens the door to set you free. Peace Oriental Fellowmen."


Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com­ mittee 4; Library Club 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 4; Volley­ ball Club 4; W eightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 4; Emmaus 3; Gymnastics 1,2,3; Karate Club 1


C. DeCresce:

"Let's skip the formalities."

D. Degnan:

"I get by with a little help from my friends." -The Beatles


D E N N I S C. D E G N A N "D O U B L E D " Irish Club Junior Prom Committee; Mission Drive Com­ mittee Soccer Cap­ tain; Section Editor; Spirit Committee Eucha­ ristic Minister Honor Pin Spirit Award Emmaus Team


Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4 V.P.; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4 Executive Committee; Weight­ lifting Club 1,2,3,4


Petrean 3,4




1,2,3,4 2,3,4; 3;

D ALLAS D eLUCA Dramatics Forensics Band Editor; Rock and Roll Club Science Club Soccer Math Club Student Council Emmaus Team Honor Pin Spirit Award N.H.S.

2,3,4; 3,4; 3,4; Paper & Pen 1,2,3,4 2,3; 2,3; 1,2; 3,4; 4; 3, 4; 1,2,3; 2; 4

D. DeLuca:

"I have been trying hard to achieve a lifestyle that does not require m y presence." L O U IS D e M A R C O "S C U N G E L L I" Basketball Computer Club Ebony Club Football Science Club Intramurals Italian Club Sergeant at Arms; Outdoor Track Slavic Club Spirit committee Stu­ dent Council Honor Pin


3,4; 1,2,3,4;



4; 1,2,3,4; Paper & Pen 1,2; 1,2,3,4 1,2; 1,2,3,4; 4; 1,2,3,4

-G.B. Trudeau


L. DeMarco:

"That's all I can stands, and I can't stands no more." -Popeye the Sailorman J. Doll:

"And away we go!" -Jackie Gleason



Art Club Bicycle Club Blood Drive Chess Club Computer Club Dance Committee Science Club Ski Club Soccer Wrestling Homeroom President Intramurals Italian Club Treasurer; Spirit Committee T.V. Studio Honor Pin

4; 3,4;




Petrean 4; 2;

2; 1,2; 1; 4; 1,2,3,4 2,3



A. Done:

"Nunca mires hacia atras porque el que mira para atras nunca llegara." M. Estrada:

"I get stupid, I mean outra­ geous; the name's Mario, the looks contagious!"

ALEXIS D O N E "ALEX" Petrean 3,4 Section Editor; Sci­ ence Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Com­ mittee 1,2; Latin American Soci­ ety 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Spirit Com­ mittee 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Gold Medal Spanish I; Gold Medal Spanish II; Gold Medal Biology

M A RIO ESTRADA "STUD M UFFIN" Hockey 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2 Vice-President, 3 President; Lat­ in American Society 1,2; Petrean 3; Photography Club 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1; Weight­ lifting Club 3,4

T H O M A S FA IA N O Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Captain; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4 Captain; Stage Crew 3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Gold Medal Algebra I; Gold Medal Geometry; Gold Medal Alge­ bra II/Trig.; Gold Medal French I; Gold Medal Latin I; Silver Medal English II; ACL Latin I Exam Gold Medal; Spirit Award ____________________

T. Faiano:

STEPH EN FAIRFIELD Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3 VicePresident, 4 President; Computer Club 4; Stage Crew 4; Science Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4

"Life is grand, and I will say this at the risk of falling from favor with those of you who have appointed yourselves to expect us to say of something darker." -Camper Van Beethoven S. Fairfield:

"Whatever" K. Fall:

"I have never let m y school­ ing interfere with m y educa­ I. tion." -Mark Twain

K EN N ETH FALL "KEN" Petrean 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Science Club 2,3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4

S. Fals:

"You have to try everything once in life." D. Fatal:

"Life is short, you might be left behind, so you use games to ease your mind." -Melle Mel


Latin American Society 1,2,3,4 Presi­ dent; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4 Section Editor; Bicycle Club 2; Blood Drive 4; Oriental Club 3,4; Ski Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; N.H.S. 4; Outdoor Track 2; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Volleyball Club 4; Modeling Club 4, Honor Pin 1,2

J A S O N T. F O G U "G U "

Hockey 1,2,3,4 Captain; Baseball 1,2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3; Senior Prom Com­ mittee 4; Slavic Club 1,2; Spirit Com­ mittee 3,4 Executive; Blood Drive 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 4

J. Formoso:

"Cheers to us, and those like us, a damn few left." -Gardens of Stone


Football 1,2,3,4 Captain; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Science Club 2; Junior Prom Committee 3; Blood Drive 4; Ebony Club 4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4 158

A. Francisco:

"Godgrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom al­ ways to tell the difference." -Slaughter House Five

J. Fogu:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."

A R N O L D F R A N C IS C O Oriental Club President; Bicy­ cle Club Chess Club Com­ puter Club Dance Committee Collector's Club Intramurals Latin American Society Volleyball Club Gymnastics Radio Club Modeling Club


1,2,3; 1,2,3,4;







4; 2,3; 3,4

M. Gallo: "/

have the special ability to make people wear their seatbelt." P. Caughan: .

% . here our paths separate. You must learn to walk yours alone, ... or with those who might choose to walk with you."




Cross Country 2,3; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; W restling 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4 Executive Member; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 3,4 Executive Member

1; Science Club 3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4 Sergeant at 2

Dramatics Football Ski Club Italian Club Arms; Outdoor Track

1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4;


1,2,3,4; 1;

1; 2,3,4;

Baseball Basketball Dance Committee Irish Club Mission Drive Committee Science Club Ski Club Soccer Homeroom President N.H.S. Intramurals Student Council H onor Pin Emmaus Team

2,3,4; 2,3,4; 2,3; 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4;

2,3,4; 2; 4

2,3,4; 4;


E. Gargiulo:

"The best rules to form a young man are to talk little, to hear1 -L

PATRICK T. GAUGHAN "PATTY O " Art Club 3,4; Computer C lub 1,2,3,4; Irish C lub 1,2,3,4; Science C lub 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1; Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3,4 Treasurer, Secre­


1f/1n o n n n



4; 1,2,3,4;

Bicycle Club German Club ence Club Ski Club Crew Swimming Club Spirit Committee ing Gymnastics

1,2; 2,3,4; 2,3,4;

2,3; Sci­ 4; Stage

2,3,4; Italian 1,2; D iv ­ 1,2



]. Goeghegan:

"Beware of the slippery stairs, you may easily fall, AND BREAK YOUR NECK." -King Diamond N. Gerald:

"Doing what you enjoy, en­ joying what you do, and the true expression of a vibrant imagination are more impor­ tant than some digits in a file.

N O E L J. G E R A L D "P A C O "

Art Club 2,3,4 Executive Mem­ ber; Computer Club 1,2; Dance Committee 1,2,3 Executive Com­ mittee, 4 Chief Executive; Stage Crew 1,2 Cover Artist, Prop Master 3, Stage Manager, Co-Set Design, Cover Artist, Prom Mas­ ter, 4, Production Manager; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin; Computer Science Medal 3


Dramatics 2,3; Band 1,2,4; Man­ ager 3,4; Chess Club 1; Dance Committee 3; Football 1; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Honor Pin 1,3

T H O M A S P. G I B L I N , JR. "T O M "

Band 1,2,3,4; Stage Band 4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 4; Computer Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Merit Commended Student

T. Giblin:

"They can because they think they can." -Virgil


R. Gill:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." G. Goldsworthy:

"I've got a strong urge to fly, but I've got nowhere to fly to." -Pink Floyd


G E O R G E J. G O L D S W O R T H Y "E L P R E S I D E N T E "

Bowling 1,2; Band 1,2,3, President 4; k Computer Club 1; Rock And Roll I Club 3 President; Homeroom Presi- | dent 4; Italian Club 2,3,4 Officer

M . Golizio:

"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; sinners are much more fun." -Billy Joel J. Gordon:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


M A R T I N J. G O L I Z I O "P A R T Y M A R T Y "

Baseball 1; Computer Club 1; Dance Committee 1; Irish Club 4; Junior Prom Committee 3 Treasurer; Petroc 2,3,4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Senior Prom Committee; Spirit Committee 3,4 Chairman


Art Club 4; French Club 3,4; Indoor Track 1; Oriental Club 4; Science Club 3; Wrestling 2; Math Club 3; Outdoor Track 1; Petrean 4; Role Playing Games Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 4; W eightlift­ ing Club 2,3,4

A. Granados:

R IC H A R D G R O N D A "R IC K "

Football 1,2,3,4 Captain; Guitar Club 2,3; Junior Prom Committee Execu­ tive Member; Rock and Roll Club 4; Wrestling 2,3,4 Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; W eightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Volleyball Club 4

"Resolution of happiness, things have been dark for too long. Don't change for you, don't change a thing." -J.B.

R. Gronda:

"So many women, so little time." -J.B. M. Guarino:


Baseball 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3; Mission Drive Committee 2,3,4; Pe­ troc 2,3; Soccer 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4

"Fame usually comes to those who are th in kin g about something else." -Oliver Wendell Flolmes, Sr. .___________________ —

B. Haggerty:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." J. Hampton:

"That was good, huh!"


JO E L H A M P T O N "J O L E Z Y "

Petream Computer Club 2,3,4; Pho­ tography Club 3,4; Science Club 2,3; Volleyball Club 4

D A M I A N H A R R IS "D A Y "

Outdoor Track 3,4; Indoor Track 4; Irish Club 3; Spirit Committee 2; Bi­ cycle Club 1,4; Skateboard and Frees­ tyle Club 2,3; Volleyball Club 4; In­ tramurals 1,2,3,4

D. Harris:

"If money's the root of all evil, let me plant the seed!" M IC H A E L M . H A R V E Y "H A R V "

Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Ebony Club 4; Irish Club 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Italian Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2


M. Harvey:

"It's a town full o f losers - I'm pulling out of here to win." -Bruce Springsteen B. Haughney:

"A sober man's secret is a drunken man's speech."

B R IA N H A U G H N E Y "H O G "

Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Blood Drive 3; Spirit Committee 2,3,4 Executive; Irish Club 2,3,4 Secre­ tary; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Weightlifting Club 2,3,4; Pe­ troc 3; Homeroom President 3; Intramurals 1,2>3,4; Honor Pin 2

W. Iqbal:

"Too many books spoil the student."

-J. Christenson J. Iza:

"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around you once in a while you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller



Petrean 2,3,4 Exec. Faculty Editor;

Latin American Society 1,2,3,4 Secretary; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Bicycle Club 4; Outdoor Track 2,4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; N.H.S. 4; Italian Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3

Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3 Presi­ dent 4 Vice-President; Paper and Pen 1,2,3,4 Art Editor; Petroc 2,3; Library Club 4; Volleyball Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Blood Drive 4; Comput­ er Club 1,2,3; Dance Committee 1,2; Oriental Club 1,2



Petrean 2,3,4 Section Editor; Oriental

Club 3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; In­ tramurals 2; T.V. Studio 2; Honor Pin 1

■ I

H. Hernandez:


Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3 '

"Each individual should strive to the limit of one's ex­ tent because success is noth­ ing but the test of persistency and time. J. Hu:

"It is impossible to anticipate the future but it is possible to anticipate the lasting quality in what you do today."

-Lou Kahn E. Jakubik:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


•sw *^ 1 f

iirijl ■ ■


G. Janega:

"I love you sweet leaf!" -Black Sabbath



"There is no pain in the wound received in the mo­ ment of victory." -Darius Lyman

C A R L O S J IM E N E Z "C H U C K " Mission Drive Committee Soccer Captain; Homeroom President In­ tramurals Latin Ameri­ can Society Senior Prom Committee; Spirit Committee Student Council Honor Pin Emmaus Team


German Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Re­ mote Control Car Club 4

Petroc 2;


1,2,3,4; 2,3,4;







J O H N C. J U B Y "J O H N N Y J " Cross Country Computer Club Dance Committee Executive Committee; Indoor Track Science Club Stage Crew Stage Manager; Outdoor Track Slavic Club Gym ­ nastics Volleyball Club Emmaus


Pen 4;


2,3,4; 3,4; 2;

4; 2,3,4; 3,4; Paper & 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; 4;

J. Juby:

JEFFR EY K A C H E L "J E F F " Baseball Basketball murals T.V. Studio Pin Spirit Award

1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; 1,2;


1; Intra­ 1,2; Honor

"I want to run, I want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside." -U2

J. Kachel:

"Carpe Diem" - Seize the day

S. Kapoor:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


S U M IT K A P O O R Bicycle Club Computer Club Dance Committee Science Club Stage Crew Wrestling In­ tramurals T.V. Studio Volleyball Club



1,2,3,4; 4




3; 1,2,3,4; i

S. Kawalek:

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies . . . " -The Beatles S. Kegelman:

"In your actions, give me proof, what's inside the real truth." -Sick of it All


STEPHEN KAW ALEK "STEVE" Art Club 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3; German Exchange 2; Paper and Pen 3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Science Club 2; Photography Club 1; Jazz Band 1; German Trip 3; Honor Pin 3; German Gold Medal 2,3.

SEA N KEGELMAN Forensics 2,3,4 Captain; German Club 2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Harvard Model Congress 3,4; Ski Club 1,2,4; Stage Crew 1,2; Spirit Committee 2; Tennis 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Honor Pin 3; Emmaus 3,4 Team; Na­ tional Merit Commendation

D A V ID KELLY "DAVE" Cross country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Em­ maus 4

D. Kelly:

JOSEPH KELLY "PISTOL" Golf 1,2,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Commit­ tee 3,4; Petroc 1,2; Science Club 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramur­ als 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4 President; Spirit Award 3

"Personal greatness comes when you look ahead at the things that have to be done in your life and you get out of the bed anyway." J. Kelly:

"If you aim at nothing, you will hit it."

S. Khan:

"I guess nothing can last for­ ever!" -Bryan Adams

SA B A H A T R. K H A N "SABY" Collector's Club 4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Science Club 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Wrestling 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2,3,4 Sec­ tion Editor; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4 Execu­ tive Committee; Volleyball Club 4; Honor Pin 3

J. Kim:

"Freeze this moment a little bit longer Make each sensation a little bit stronger." -Rush

S. Koehler:

"The show is over, the metal is gone, its time to hit the road." -Metallica



Bicycle Club 2,3,4; Forensics 3,4; Chess Club 2; Computer Club 1; Eb足 ony Club 4; Library Club 3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Intra足 murals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Volleyball Club 4

1,2; 1,2,3,4;

Computer Club Intramurals Emmaus




2,3,4; 1,3;

Wrestling Honor Pin


Art Club Dance Committee Oriental Club Swimming Slavic Club Skateboard Club



1; 2,3,4

R. Koncicki:


1,2,3,4; Football 1; Ski Club 4; 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 3; Em足 3, 4

Baseball Intramurals maus Team

"The further we go and older we grow, the more we know, the less we show." -The Cure E.


"Are we having fun yet ???

P. Kushnir:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


Blood Drive 4; Football 1; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Intramural Staff 1,2,3

Y. Kwon:

"/ have a right to be per­ turbed!"

-Mr. MerrickCi



"Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on." -Led Zeppelin

Y O U N G -M U N K W O N “JUSTIN" Band 1,2,3,4 President; Football 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 3; N.H.S. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,3; Volleyball Club 4; Chemistry Silver Medal 3

CHARLES M ATH EW LABUS Golf 1,2,3,4 Captain; Irish Club; Ski Club 2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Volley­ ball Club 4

JO N A T H A N LaCONTI "GUIDO " German Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Outdoor Track 2; Petrean 2,3,4 Section Editor; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

J. LaConti:

A N D R E W LAGERM AS1NI T H E M A D HACKER" Collector's Club 4; Blood Drive 3,4; Irish (_ lub 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intranuirals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4

"I say goodbye to romance, goodbye to friends, goodbye to all the rest, I guess that we'll meet in the end." -Ozzy Osbourne

A. Lager masini:

"I'd rather be fishing."

C. Lago: "/

am me and I'm okay." -Bro. Garvey

CARLOS F. LAGO "LOS" Cross Country 4; Latin American So­ ciety 1,2,3,4 Treasurer; Role Playing Games Club 1; T.V. Studio 1,2; Radio Club 1,2; Winter HAP 4

ABESAMIS, AMERICUS 292 Clendenny Avenue

BEYER, MICHAEL 24 Noel Drive North Arlington, NJ 07032


BONDAROWICZ, MIROSLAW 32 Broadway Bayonne, NJ 07002

J e rs e y C ity , N ]

ALERTE, ARNEL 1962 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07305 ANDERSON, THOMAS 22 Seventh Street North Arlington, NJ 07032 ANDRETTI, DANIEL 122 Newman Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002 ANG, LLOYD 417 Manila Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07302 ANIELLO, VINCENT 648 Ridgewood Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043


ANTICO, 827 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne, NJ 07002 ANTUNA,

G A B R IE L 301 43rd Street U n io n C ity , N J 07087

BOWLING, BRIAN 38 East 35th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 BRODBECK, KEVIN 7 Sylvan Road Verona, NJ 07044 BRODERICK, DAVID s 6 Sunset Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002 BRUTON, BRIAN 205 Mortimer Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 BURKE, EDWARD 181 Linden Avenue Belleville, NJ 07109


BURKE, 106 Parkview Avenue Weehaivken, NJ 07087 BURRELL, DANIEL 260 11th Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 BUSTILLO, RAOUL 219 59th Street West New York, NJ 07093

ARRIAGA, JULIO 135 Montgomery Street Apt. 4G Jersey City, NJ 07302

CABEZAS, ALEXANDER 30 Elmwood Drive Clifton, NJ 07013

ARROYO, ROBERT 6305 Boulevard East West New York, NJ 07093

CAMMAROTA, PETER 1410 77th Street North Bergen, NJ 07047

AUMACK, SEAN 94 West 36th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002


CAMPOREALE, MARC 12 Lennon Place Clifton, NJ 07013


C H IP E L O , P A U L 245 J e f f e r s o n S t r e e t N e w a r k , N J 07105 C O N N E L L , JO H N 14 T r i n i t y P l a c e K e a r n y , N J 07032 C O N T IC E L L O , JO S E P H 164 B e a c h S t r e e t J e rs e y C ity , N J

GOLIZIO, MARTIN 625 Garden Street Hoboken, NJ 07030

JIMENEZ, CARLOS I 86 B Suburbia Drive I Jersey City, NJ 07305

FA LS, STEV EN 311 P a l i s a d e A v e n u e U n io n C ity , N J


C O R R E IA , M ANUEL 6 8 S tu y v e s a n t A venue K e a r n y , N J 07032 D 'A M A T O , L U C IA N O 2 2 2 T e rra c e A v e n u e J e rs e y C ity , N J

F A T A L , III D U P U Y 59 N e w K i r k S t r e e t J e rs e y C ity , N J


D 'A M O R E , D A V I D 126 N e l s o n A v e n u e J e rs e y C ity , N J 07307

D A N G , V IN H 2695 K e n n e d y B o u le v a rd J e rs e y C ity , N J 07306

DANG,VY 2695 K e n n e d y B o u le v a rd J e rs e y C ity , N J 07306

DECRESCE, C H R IS T O P H E R 2275 S t e c h e r A v e n u e U n i o n , N J 07083 D E G N A N , D E N N IS 293 A v e n u e E B a y o n n e , N J 07002 DELUCA, DALLAS 640 P a l i s a d e A v e n u e J e rs e y C ity , N J 07307

D E M A R C O , L O U IS 137 B e a c o n A v e n u e J e rs e y C ity , N J 07306

CART ANO, OLIVER 98 Terhune Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

DOLL, JOHN 1510 67th Street North Bergen, NJ 07047

BARLOW, DENNIS 72 New Street Nutley, NJ 07110

CASULLI, THOMAS 921 Castle Point Terrace Hoboken, NJ 07030

D O N E , A L E X IS 630 B e r g e n A v e n u e A p t . 500 J e rs e y C ity , N J

BELLINO, JOHN 416 Cator Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

FALL, KENNETH 23 West Drive Bayonne, NJ 07002


RICHARD 22 Condict Street Jersey City, NJ 07306

BARATTA, CHRISTOPHER 40 Lee Terrace Short Hills, NJ 07078

Bayonne, NJ 07002

FAIRFIELD, STEPHEN 86 Alyea Street Newark, NJ 07105

GOLDSWORTHY, GEORGE 167 Columbia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Bayonne, NJ 07002

CERVINO, ANTHONY 107 Hague Street Jersey City, NJ 07307


CHESNAVICH, ROBERT 55 Carlton Avenue Jersey City, NJ


E S T R A D A , M A R IO 135 M o n t g o m e r y S tre e t J e rs e y C ity , N J F A IA N O , T H O M A S

98 West 54th Street


IO G U , JA S O N 36 W e s t 1 2 t h S t r e e t B a y o n n e , N J 07002 I fORMOSO, JOHN 411 58th Street West New York, NJ 07093 FRANCISCO, ARNOLD 13 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 GALLO, MICHAEL 10 Church Towers Hoboken, NJ 07030 GARCIA, JR., GUSTAVO 59 13th Street #25D Hoboken, NJ 07030 GARGIULO, EDWARD 673 Ridgewood Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 GAUGHAN, PATRICK 23 Cottage Bloomfield, NJ 07003

P la c e

G A V IN , M IC H A E L 6 Beverly Road Pequannock, NJ


S ghegan, JO S E P H 196 C l e n d e n n y A venue J e rs e y C ity , N J g


GERALD, NOEL 85 Lexington Avenue JerseyNJ 07304

G I B L I N , THOmSs


1 1 1 B e rg e n A v e n u e J North Arlington, NJ 07032 GRANADOS,



136 39th Street Union City, NJ 07087 GRONDA, RICHARD 213 Mountain Avenue Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

G U A R IN O , M IC H A E L 30 West 51st Street Bayonne, N J 07002 HAGGERTY, B R IA N 645 Second Avenue I.yndhurst, N J 07071 H A M P T O N , JO E L 28 H i g h Street Jersey City, NJ 07306

HARRIS, DAMIAN 300 Pearsall Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305


231 Adelaide Street Belleville, NJ 07109


BRIAN 439 Manor Avenue Cranford, 07016


HERNANDEZ, | HERNAN ||3703 Grand Avenue North Bergen, NJ M7047

JANEGA, GEORGE 1154 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne, NJ 07002

JUBY, JOHN 542 Lake Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 I KACHEL, JEFfREY 314 TerraC^ Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307 KAPOOR, SUMIT 425 Henderson Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 KAWALEK, STEPHEN 91 West 9th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 KEGELMAN, SEAN I! 26 Greenville Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305 KELLY, DAVID 403 Forest Street Kearny, NJ 07032 KELLY, JOSEPH 51 Gordon Road Essex Falls, NJ 070211!

KHAN, SABAHAT 280 Henderson Streen Apt. 22T Jersey City, NJ 073021 KIM, JOSEPH 3401 Park Avenue Union City, NJ 07087 KOEHLER, SEAN 146 Manhattan Avenue Jersey City, NJ j, 07307 KONCICKI, RICHARD 1268 Robinson

T e rra c e

jfp U / JO N

305 Aycrigg Avenue Passaic, 07055


SlQBAL, WAGAS | *196 Lexington S Avenue f Jersey City, NJ 07304

42 Norman Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

IZA, JIMMY 63 South Street Jersey City, NJ 07307

G IL L , R O B E R T 105 West 14th Street Bayonne, N J 07002

JAKUBIK, EDWARD 73 West 1st Street

Union, NJ 07083

KOZMOR, BRIAN I 142 West 30th Streel I Bayonne, NJ 07002 I

KUKOWSKI, ERIC I I 75 Httsiphrey Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002 t KUSHNIR, PAUL 68 West 8th Street I Bayonne, 07002 I


2672 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07306

MATTA, CHRISTOPHER 22 East 24th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

LABUS, MATHEW 11 Wayland Drigj*w, Verona, NJ 07044

MATTEY, THOMAS 129 Alexander Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

LACONTI, JONATHON j 77 West 33rd Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 LAGERMAS1NI, ANDREW 23 Fairview Place Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 LAGO, CARLOS 342 Virginia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 LANGON, BRIAN 159 West 4th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 LAU, TIMOTHY 235 Jewett Avenue ■ Jersey City, NJ | 07304

lee, r y o n g u k

345 Mercer Loop Jersey City, NJ 07302

L E P IS ,

BRENDAN 402 Ogden Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307


MCAULIFFE, JAMES 354 Lincoln Avenue Rutherford, NJ A t 07070 M CCANN, KEVIN 99 Sunset Avd|||§ North Arlingw||||NJ 07032 MCDERMOTT, 1 KEVIN 63 Hillcrest Road Kearny, NJ 07032 MCGLYNN, KIERAN 19 West 39th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 MEHTA, MALAV 139 Jewett Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304

M ENDOZA, w D E N N IS 6509 Park A\ enui W est N ew ^ o rk , N J 07093

M IE L O . M i l s ili-id c A venui U n i o n Ciiy, N J

43 College Street Jersey City, NJ 07305

2107 P

LYNCH, JAMES 38 Suburbia Drive Jersey City, NJ 07305

M O L IN A , L U IS 171 L e x i n g t o n A v e rtw e J tJ f i j fC ity , N J

LYONS, DAVID 151 Brook Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055


20 Zabriskie Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002 MARINO, JOHN 1009 87th Street North Bergen, NJ 07047 MARIQUIT, ANTHONY 213 8th Street Jersey City, NJ : 07302 MARRI, JAMES 71 Griffith Street Jersey City, NJ 07307 MARTINS, ANTONIO 370 Walnut Street^ Newark, NJ 07105


M ONTALBAN P V O I.O i|j||}enwood Avenue City, 07306

J e rS tg i;


M Y E R , W IL L IA M 8 F o o th ill D riv e K i n n e l o n , N J 07405 M Y E R S , JO H N 146 B e r g e n A v e n u e N o rth A rlin g to n , N J 07032

NAKAR, CARM ELO 14 C u l v e r A v e n u e J e rs e y C ity , N J U ^ 07305

N G O , T IE N 140 D u n c a n A v e n u e

Jersey City, NJ 0730

^N G U Y EN , SO N

PROENZA, M ANNY 3610 Charles Court North Bergen, NJ 07047

585 Bergen Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 NUNES, D A N N Y 511 7th Street Union City, NJ 07087

RACHINSKY, JOHN 88 West 31st Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

O 'N I E L L ,

KEVIN 2405 Spruce Street Point Pleasant, NJ

RAMIREZ, DAVID P 538 40th Street Union City, NJ 07087

P&742 ORLINA, ANTO NIO 15 Laurel Court * Jersey City, 07302

REMISHOFSKI, JOHN 596 Avenue A Bayonne, NJ 07002



SCOCCO, JOHN 151 Congress Street Jersey City, NJ 07307

SEX TO N , BA RT 14 M a r g a r e t S t r e e t B a y o n n e , N J 07002 SEY M O U R, DOUGLAS 77 H u t t o n S t r e e t J e rs e y C ity , N J 07307

p H A H , BHAVIN |l450 76th Street f North Bergen, NJ ' 07047

I S M IT H , R O B E R T 133 H u t t o n S t r e e t J e rs e y C ity , N J

ALEJANDRO 358 Virginia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 ■

RICCO, RICHARD 31 Elizabeth Court Secaucus, NJ 07094


ROBALINO, WILLIAM 20 Congress Street Jersey City, NJ 07307

SOMERS, JEFFREY 649 Palisade Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307


SPANN, BERNARD 31 Wegman Parkway Jersey City, NJ 07305

DUANE 11% Boland Street Jersey City, NJ 07306 O'SHAUGHNESSY, EDWARD 363 Walnut Street Nutley, NJ 07110%

GREGORY 328 Duncan Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

OWENS, JOSEPH 1 893 Broadway ||, OSWALD Newark, NJ 07104 » 3 Adams Street SffjNewark, NJ 07105 PADILLA, WILLIAM 114 Booraem Street „.~«j04 Jersey City, NJ 07307 07087 PALOMARES, APOLLO 133 343 Mercer Loop Jersey City, NJ 07302 i f 07304 PAONE, THOMAS RUIZ, HECTOR 353 Ege Avenue^M 318 Hoboken Jersey City, NJ Avenue 07304 Jersey City, NJ 07306 PAPPIDAS, MACLEOD SANTOMAURO, 74 Essex Street WILLIAM Jersey City, NJ 1 Duncan Court 07302 Jersey City, NJ 07306 PARLAVECCHIO, MICHAEL SCHAPLQWS i t l p S 129 West 33rd Street IA N ' • Bayonne, NJ 07002 ,1 155 Alexander PARZIALE, JR., PHILIP 07043 32 Graham Street Jersey City, 07307



RO GERS, D O N A LD C o tta g e P la c e . 'U n i o n C i t y , N J

R O M A N , M IC H A E L W illia m s A venue J e rs e y C ity , N J

IP jP S p p e r M o n tc la ir, N J



|jPPT% PAUL ?168 Avenue C Bayonne, NJ 07002 POMARES, CARLOS 509 22nd Street Union City, NJ 07087



STUPINSKI, GREGG 69 West 37th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002 TAITE, LOUIS 72 Ilford Avenue North Arlington, NJ 07032 TARANTINO, DOMINICK 7021 Grand Avenue North Bergen, NJ 07047 TOLENTINO, RAYMOND 467 Manila Avenue Jersey City, NJ 0730,2 TOLSTYK, MERLIN 100 Manhattan Avenue Apt. 1119 Union City, NJ * 07087 ...• f|g|j§&CY, EOIN §?•§() Yantecaw Avenue Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 TRUONG, THEHUAN 330 Stevens Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

222 Hillcrest Avenue Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075

UBELHOER, KARL 1309 Myrtle Street Hillside, NJ 07205

SCHMIDT, CHRISTIAN 569 35th Street Union City, NJ 07087

UMALI, RENATO 13 Van Reypan Street Jersey City, NJ 07306

VARGAS, ANDRE 251 Street Jersey City, NJ 07302

Y o rk

VARSALONA, PETER 146 Columbia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307 VIGGIANO, DOUGLAS 1230 82nd Street North Bergen, NJ 07047 VITA, JEOFREY 433 New England Terrace Orange, NJ 07050 WEBB, RODNEY 42§§||frgen Avenue JeSiSCity, NJ 07304 WENTWORTH, C^M STOPHER 188 Linden Avenue Bfjifille, NJ 07109 vijl|lR M AN , ROBERT 276 Tillou Road S|||||i Orange, NJ 07079 WEST, KENNETH °0 Vroom Street Jersey City, NJ 07306 M Y . MICHAEL 57 Amsterdam AvenUe Passaic, NJ 07055 WITT, MICHAEL 273 Stevens Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305 WOOD, EMMETT 94 Yantacaw Brook Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 ZALECK, CRAIG 167 Avenue C Bayonne, NJ 07002

B. Langon:

"Thank God for the fools in this world, for if it had not been for them, none of us would succeed."

-Mark Twain T. Lau:

"I taught my uncle, Charlie Lau, everything he knew."

TIM OTHY LAU "T2 The Beast"


Forensics 2,3,4 Captain; German Club 2,3,4; G o lf 2,4; Bowling 2,3,4; Harvard M odel Congress 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; 3,4 Sports Editor; Student Council 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Eucharis­ tic M inister 4; Spirit Award 3; H onor Pin 1,3

R o le P la y in g Gam es C lu b 1,2,3,4; 4; Photography Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Soccer 1; Stage Crew 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Outdoor Track 2; Computer Club 2,3,4; German Club 2




RYONG U. LEE "PSYCHO" O riental Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 1; Dance Comm ittee 2,3; Football 1; 2,3; Library Club 3; Science Club 2,3,4; O u t­ door Track 2,3,4; Latin A m eri­ can Society 4; Emmaus 3


R. Lee:


T . LEP1S Scicncc Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; H om e­ room President 3; H onor Pin 1,2; C old Medal Italian II; National A C L Latin 1 Exam Gold Medal

"There are no extraordinary men, only ordinary men in extraordinary situations." B. Lepis:

"I came, I saw, I'm leaving."

R. Leung:

"His life was gentle, and the elements so mix'd in him that nature might stand up, and say to all the world, 'This was -Shakespeare



Soccer 1,2,3,4; 2,3,4 Sec­ tion E ditor; O rie n ta l Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Emma­ us 3; Emmaus ream 4; H A P 1,2; V olleyball Club 4; Senior Prom Comm ittee 4; T.V. Studio 2; Homeroom President 4; H onor Pin I

J. Lynch:

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life." D. Lyons: '

"I must be traveling on now, 'cause there's too many placet I've got to see." -Lynyrd Skynyrd



Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Ski Club Dance Committee 1; French Club 2,3; Irish Club 2,3,4; Mis­ sion Drive Committee 4; Math Club 2; Role Playing Games Club 1; Homeroom President 4

Stage Crew 2,3 Stage Manager, 4 Production Manager; Science Club 2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3 Exec., 4 Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; In­ door Track 2; Irish Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2; Eucharistic. Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1-3




Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3 Presi­ dent; Hockey 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3; Stage Crew 3,4; Football 1; Dance Committee 3; Band 3,4; Intra­ murals 1,2

J. Marino:

"If a chicken-and-a-half lays an egg-and-a-half in a day-and-ahalf, then what does that have to do with the price of escarole in Venezuela." -J. Garofolo, ex-Beatnik

A. Mariquit:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


Oriental Club 1,2,3,4 Vice-Presi­ dent; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Stage Crew 1; Volleyball Club 4; Radio Club 1,2; HAP 1; Bicycle Club 3,4; Dance Committee 1,3; Eb­ ony Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

J. Marri:

"All I want is one moment in time when I am more than I thought 1 could be." A. Martins:

"Only time is gonna last for­ ever, just remember what tve had together. I must be leavin' ... remember yester­ day. " -John Miles (Remember Yesterday)



Dance Committee 2,3; Indoor Track Captain; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4 Captain; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 3, Team 4

Cross Country 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; N.H.S. 4; Out­ door Track 1,2,3,4; Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3,4; H onor Pin 1,2,3,4; V olleyball Club 4; Emmaus 3, Team 4



Blood Drive 4; Chess Club 2; Science Club 1,2,3; Wrestling 2,3; Intramurals 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,4; Outdoor Track 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4

C. Matta:

"Roses are red, violets are hlito I'm nnt tchizoohreilic JAMES K. McAULIFFE "JIM " Bow ling 2,3,4; German Club 2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew I; Homeroom President I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; H o n ­ or Pin 2,3; Emmaus 4

K. McCann

"This is the time to remember because it will not last for足 ever. These are the days to hold onto because we won't, although we want to." -Billy Joel K. McDermott:

"You never realize how much you will miss something until it is finally gone."

K EVIN M cC A N N "KEV" Basketball 1,2,3,4 Captain; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4 Chairman; Mission Drive Committee 1,2,3 Chairman, 4 Chairman; Junior Prom Committee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Petroc 3; Spirit Award 3; Honor Pin 1


Cross Country 2,3,4; Indoor Track Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Irish Club Science Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club Emmaus 4; Honor Pin 1

2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; 4;

K IERAN M cG LY N N Soccer 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Science Club 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Mission Drive Committee 3,4

K. McGlynn:

M A LA V M EH TA "M O N C H IC H I" Cross Country 1,2,3; Indoor Track 2; Mission Drive Committee 3; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Homeroom President 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

"No one knows what he can do until he tries." M. Mehta:

"The worst is finally over."

D. Mendoza:

"The key to success is found in a bottle cap opener."

D E N N IS M E N D O Z A Baseball 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4 Section Editor; latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; N.H.S. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1,3

L. Molina:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." W. Myer:

"The answer to all our na­ tional problems - the answer for all the problems of the world - comes down to single word. That word is "educa­ tion/" -Lyndon B. Johnson

JAMES R. MIELO "MIELO" German Club 2,3,4; Swimming 2,3,4; Remote Control Car Club 4; Volleyball Club 4; Honor Pin

LOUIS G. M OLINA "LOU THE CONTRA" Latin American Society 2,3,4; Executive; Cross Country 3; In­ door Track 3; Outdoor Track 3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Spirit C om m ittee 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Football 1


PAOLO M O NTALBAN Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Forensics 3,4; Chess Club 1,2; Computer Club 2,3; Bicycle Club 4; Paper and Pen 4; Swimming 3; Gym­ nastics 1,2; Volleyball Club 4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,4

J. Mielo:

"Carpe diem eros to all."

WILLIAM MYER Computer Club 2,3,4; Chess 1,4; Paper and Pen 4; Science Club 3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Em­ maus 3; HonOV Pin 1,2,3,4; Silver Medal Latin II; Gold Medal English III

P. Montalban:

"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." -William Ernest Henley J. Myers:

"I saw two shooting stars last night, I wished on them but they were only satellites. Is it wrong to wish on space hard­ ware, I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care." -Billy Bragg

JO H N W. MYERS "JO H NNY M" Student Council 3,4 Vice-Presi­ dent; Stage Crew 3,4; Paper and Pen 3,4; Cross Country 1; Bicy­ cle Club 4; Forensics 3,4; Ger­ man Club 2,3,4; German Ex­ change 3; Tennis 1,2,4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4

C. Nakar:

" Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is bet­ ter than silver and gold."

-Bob Marley and the Wailers

T. Ngo:

"Never judge a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." -Harper Lee



Dance Committee 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; In­ tramurals 1,2,3; Photography Club 2,3; Volleyball Club 4; Em­ maus 3

Bicycle Club 1; Dram atics 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2; Dance Committee 2,3; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4 Treasurer; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Volleyball Club 4


Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3>4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Vol­ leyball Club 4

DA NN Y NUNES Football 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2; Emmaus 3; W eightlifting Club 1,2,3,4

D. Nunes:

"Jimmy's wearing a hat."

-Boogie Down Produc­ tions

K. O'Neill:

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one." -John Lennon


Baseball I; Collector's Club 3,4; Blood Drive 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Ski Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4

A. Orlina:

"Forsan et haec olim memin isse juvabit." A. Ortega:

"Accept what you cannot change, but change what you cannot accept."

D U A N E T. O R T E G A Student Council Oriental Club Science Club Ski Club Intra足 murals Chess Club Computer Club Dance Com足 mittee Bicycle Club Eucharistic Minister Photography Club Latin American Society N.H.S. Volleyball Club Emmaus Honor Pin

2; 3,4; 1,2,3,4; 4; 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; 1,2,3,4; 3,4; 3; 4; 3,4; 4; 4; 4; 3; 1,2,3

D. Ortega:

E D W A R D J. O 'S H A U G H N E S S Y "E D " Irish Club Intramurals Studio Dance Committee Emmaus




1,2,3; 3;

1,2,3,4; 1,2;

"A person only has the power which you give unto him." - Wuanie E. O'Shaughnessy:

"It's your move so play it right sometimes you get just one chance." -Overkill J. Owens: "Don't believe the hype." P.E.


Ebony Club 1,2,3,4 President; Football 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Spirit Committee 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

W. Padilla:

"The flowers are still stand­ ing." -Peter Venkman A. Palomares:

"When I was a young man, I vowed never to marry until I found the ideal woman. Well, I found her - but alas, she was waiting for the ideal man . "

IM | gP | Sf m

a: mmV





Art Club 3; Dramatics 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Chess Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Library Club 2; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Paper & Pen 1,2,3,4 Typist; Science Club 2,3,4; Theater Club 1,2,3,4; Pe­ trean 2; Volleyball Club 4 Vice Presi­ dent; Gymnastics 1,2; Modeling Club 4; Radio Club 2


M. Pappidas:

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." M. Parlavecchio:

"It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is better from the top."


Blood Drive 4; Ebony Club 4; Football 2; Ski Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,4; Senior Prom Com­ mittee; Spirit Committee 4; Tennis 3,4; T.V. Studio 3; Emmaus 3; Weight­ lifting Club 3,4 I


M Ssm

C. Pomares: J O H N J. R A C H I N S K Y "J A Y "

German Club 2,3; Outdoor Track 3; Science Club 2,3,4; W restling 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3


"M any dreams come trim D A V I D R A M IR E Z "D A V E "

Computer Club 1,4; Volleyball Club 4; Modeling Club 3,4 Ex足 ecutive; Emmaus 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 2,3,4 Vice-President; Outdoor Track 1; Ski Club 3,4; Dance Committee 4

J. Remishofski: "Seven days w ith o u t waves makes on e w eak."


ft. Ricco: "Just when y o u th in k it's o v e r , e v e r y t h i n g b e g in s a g a in ."

JO H N REM ISHOFSKI 2,3,4; Exec. Activities Editor; Science Club 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Blood Drive 4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4

R I C H A R D J. R I C C O "R IC H "


W re s tlin g 2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; O u td oor T ra ck 1,2; Ita lia n C lub 2,3,4; In tram u r­ als 1,2,3,4; W e i g h t l i f t i n g Cl ub 1,2,3,4; H o n o r P in 1

W IL L IA M R O B A L IN O " W I L L I E R O B E S '" 2,3,4; 2,3,4 3,4; 3; 1; 1,2; 1,2,3,4; 1,2; 3,4; 4; 1,2,3,4

Wrestling Spirit Commit­ tee Executive; Blood Drive Emmaus Emmaus Team 4; Chess Club Computer Club 3; Football Volleyball Club 4; W eightlifting Club Role Playing Games Club Latin American Society Math Club Intramurals

W. Robalino: " In m y eyes, th e th in gs I lo v e are w orth th e f ig h t . " G R E G O R Y S. R O B E R T S "M O N S IE U R "

Computer Club 3; Science Club 2; Petrea n 3,4; Emmaus 3; HAP 1,2,3; National Achievement Scholarship Commended Stu­ dent

G. Roberts: "T h is is what it's lik e when th e bells r in g an d th e hands h it m id n ig h t . . . "

O. Robetto: "L ife 's fast, b u t i f y o u d o n 't slow dow n i t c o u ld pass y ou


-Ferris Bueller


Ski Club 3,4; Wrestling tramurals 1,2,3,4




D. Rogers: '

"There's a time for everyth­ ing/ and no one thing is more important than anything else. So go for it all." M. Roman:

"I've only just begun, the best is yet to come."


Petroc 2,3 Co-Editor; Dramatics 3,4;

M IC H A E L N . R O M A N "M IK E Y "

Cross Country 1,2; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1; Slavic Club 1,2; Dance Committee 2,3; Spirit Commit­ tee 3,4; Homeroom President 2; Band 3,4; Oriental Club 4; Rock and Roll Club 1; Honor Pin 1,2.

Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Commit­ tee 3; Science Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1; Petrean 2,3

H E C T O R D. R U IZ "D A N "

Band 1,2,3, Vice-President; Guitar Club 3,4; Radio Club 1; Rock and Roll Club 3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3; T.V. Studio 1/3,4


H. Ruiz:

"Homework! How / love to do homework!" -Fr. O'Connor


Swimming 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Volleyball Club 4; Outdoor Track 3,4

W. Santomauro:

"I came, I saw, I kicked ..

I. Schaplowsky:

"We'll know for the first time; if we're evil or divine, we're the last in line." -Ronnie James Dio

IA N S C H A P LO W SK Y "G E N T L E " 3,4

Petrean Exec. Sports Editor; Com­ puter Club 1,2,3,4; Band 2; French Club 4; Guitar Club 4; Outdoor Track 1; Gymnastics 1; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 2; N.H.S. 4; Role Playing Games Club 1,2,3,4; Vol­ leyball Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Gold Medal Latin II; Silver Medal Latin I; National ACL Latin I Exam Siver Medal

T. Schifano: " L ife is true, life is earnest; i f y o u 're c o ld tu rn up th e fu r­ nace. "

-Herman Munster J. Scocco:

" I am th e liza rd k in g . . . can do a n y th in g ."


-Jim Morrison

T H O M A S P. S C H I F A N O "S H IF "


Tennis 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 2,3

Intramurals 1,2,3,4


Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Captain; Indoor Track 3,4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4 Captain; Spirit Committee 3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; Swimming 2; Guitar Club 3; Rock and Roll Club 1; Home­ room President 4; 4; N.H.S. 4 Treasur­ er; Spirit Committee 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 4; Silver Medal Span­ ish II; Spirit Award 3

against th e w ind, n o w I m ready to g ro w y o u n g a g a in ." BART SEXTON

Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Intramural 1,2,3,4 President; Spirit Committee 1,2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Basket­ ball 3

-Bruce Springsteen

B. Sexton: " H i!"

D.Seymour: " T h e o n ly evils are waste and lack o f d is cip lin e ."


Role Playing Games Club 1,2 VicePresident, 3 President, 4 President; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; German Club 2; Computer Club 2,3,4; German Ex­ change 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3

B. Shah: "W e lco m e to the real world, n o one said the w orld was fair, the past is just a m em ory y et there's so m uch m ore to lea rn ."

R. Smith: "Character is the g ov e rn in g elem ent in life and is above genius."

BHAVIN M. SH AH Computer Club 1,2; Oriental Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Photography Club 1,2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4

ROBERT SMITH Honor Pin 1,2,3,4

JEFFREY SOMERS Computer Club 1; Paper & Pen 1,2,3 Editor, 4 Editor; Role Play­ ing Games Club 2

J. Somers: BERNIE SPA N N "THE ANIM AL" Bowling 1,2,3,4 Captain; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4 Executive Member; Library Club 3; Oriental Club 3; Paper & Pen 3,4; Science Club 2; Home­ room President 1; Latin Ameri­ can Society 2,3,4; Role Playing Games Club 2,3; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; Emma­ us 3

" . . . reached the p o in t o f n o return . . . m y eyes they see but I can't believe . . m y heart is heavy as I turn m y back and lea ve."

-Iron Maiden

B. Spann: "T h is wasn't m y idea, should've g on e b o w lin g ."


G. Stupinski: "Education is n o t what one learns in school, it's what one remembers when sch ool is done."

GREGG STUPINSKI "STU" German Club 2,3; Irish Club 2,3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Mis­ sion Drive Committee 2; Science Club 1,2,3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Soc­ cer 1,2,3,4; Homeroom President 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3; Student Council 2,3


Italian Club 1,2,3,4 Vice Presi­ dent; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Base­ ball 1; Spirit Committee 1; Ten­ nis 4; Honor Pin 1,2

M ERLIN W . TOLSTYK Computer Club 1,2,3,4 Officer; Outdoor Track 3,4; Paper and P en 4; Swimming 3,4 Captain; Spirit Committee 4; Slavic Club 4; Volleyball Club 4; Emmaus 3; Library Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2; French Club 2,3; Collector's Club 3,4

M. Tolstyk: R A Y M O N D T O L E N T IN O

" T ry not. D o o r do not. There is n o try . . . M a y th e fo rce be w ith y o u ."


■§§§ I

R. Tolentino: "Forsan et haec o lim m c m in isse ju v a b it ."

E. Treacy:

E O IN T R E A C Y "S T O O L IE "

Soccer 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3,4 Captain; Blood Drive 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Library Club 1,2; Mission Drive Com­ mittee 3,4; Science Club 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1; Honor Pin 2,3,4

"Forsan et haec o lim m e m in isse ju v a b it ."



THEHUAN TRUONG "T H E " Cross Country Chess Club Computer Club 1; Football 1; Indoor Track Oriental Club Intra足 murals Math Club N.H.S. Tennis Honor Pin English III Silver Medal; French II Gold Med足 al


3,4; 1,2; 2,3,4;

K AR L UBELHOER Forensics German Club Blood Drive German Exchange Paper & Pen Honor Pin Em足 maus Team


3,4; 3,4; 1,2,3;



3,4; 4; 4; 4

2,3,4; 2; 1,2,3,4;


Outdoor Track 1; Bicycle Club 4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Paper & Pen 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Gymnastics 1,2; Band 3,4; Forensics 3,4; Student Council 2*3,4

T. Truong: "B u t y ou d id n 't say I have to pass a ll these subjects at the same tim e !" PETER V A R S A L O N A Baseball Bicycle Club Chess Club Vice President; Computer Club Paper & Pen Science Club Intramurals Italian Club N.H.S. Honor Pin W orld Civilization Silver Medal I; Italian I Gold Medal; A.P. U.S. Histo足 ry Gold Medal III

1,2,4; 2,3,4;

2; 2,3,4 1;



3,4; 1,2,3,4;


D. Viggiano:

"It is not the size of the man, but the man in the size." J. Vitas

.. so I said good-bye to all m y friends and packed m y hopes inside a matchbox 'cause I know it's time to fly . . . " •Led Zeppelin


Student Council 2,4; Petrean 3,4; Ital­ ian Club 1,2,3 Treasurer, 4 President; Computer Club 1,2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Rock and Roll Club 1,2,3; Science Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; T.V. Studio 2,3,4; Spirit Commit­ tee 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Intramurals 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal English I; Commended Merit Scholar


Petrean 2,3,4 Editor-in-Chief, Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team 4; Stage Crew 3,4; N.H.S. 4; Art Club 3,4; Paper and Pen 3,4; RPG Club 1,2; French Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; ACL Latin I Exam Gold Medal; Presidential Scholarship ,

■■■ ■

■■■■■■ ■■■ ■


Ebony Club 1,2,3,4 Executive; Petrean 4; Petroc 4; Student Council 4 Trea­ surer; T.V. Studio 3,4 President; Band 2; Dance Committee 3,4; Homeroom President 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Photog­ raphy Club 4

R. Webb:

"Oh great!!! We can party for four more years!!!" C H R IS T O P H E R W ENTW ORTH

C. Wentworth:

“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." R. Weierman:

"I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky and the moon has turned red over One Tree Hill." -U2

R O B E R T J. W E I E R M A N , JR.

Petrean 2,3,4 Editor-in-Chief, Golf

1,2,3,4 Captain; Emmaus 4; Bicycle Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 4; Comput­ er Club 1; Photography Club 1,2; N.H.S. 4; Stage Crew 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Gold Medal World Civ.; Silver Medal Algebra II/Trig; Silver Medal U.S. History; Iona Language Contest Second Honors

K. West:

"They realized that civiliza­ tion could not stand still for­ ever, and so they began to go for short walks." -The Traveling Wilburys M. Wiley:

"Just go riding right by me on the crest of a new wave." -M ilo

K E N N E T H W EST Computer Club 1; Emmaus 4; National Achievement Scholar­ ship Semifinalist

M IC H A E L W IL E Y “M IK E " Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3,4; Oriental Club 4; Art Club 4; Skateboard Club 2,3,4

M IC H A E L W IT T "M IC K " Bowling 1,2 Co-Captain, 3 Co-Captain; 4 Captain; Baseball 1,2,4; Blood Drive 2,3,4; Ski Club 4; In­ tramurals 1,2,3,4; H A P Tutor 1

M. Witt:

"1 wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day." EM M ETT W O O D "M " Sw im m ing 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Blood D rive 4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Homeroom Presi­ dent 1,2; Spririt Com m ittee 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4

-Kiss E. Wood:

"Being smart isn't knowing all the answers. It's knowing where to find them." C. Zaleck: "Greatness is not the effect of which inspiration is the cause. IVt’ arc all inspired, but we are all not great." -N .R .

C R A IG Z A L E C K "Z " Baseball 1,2,3,4; Blood D rive 3,4; Computer Club 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Sw im m ing 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4 Executive; Senior Prom C om m ittee 4; Role P la yin g Games Club 3,4; 4; Li­ b rary Club 1,2; H om eroom President 2; Emmaus 4; Intra­ murals 1,2,3,4; H onor Pin .2






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Exec. Underclassmen Editor IQHN REMISHOFSKI


Exec. Activities Editor

Exec. Athletics Editor



Exec. Senior Editor



Exec. Faculty Editor

Exec. Art Editor



ACTIVITIES STAFF Robert Alvarez Ken Nippes Jeff Norton Alex Ordonez

FACULTY STAFF Jefferson Cartano Ken Fall John LaConti Arselan Shahzad Doug Viggiano


Jostens Representative


Alex Done Steven Fals Dennis Mendoza



Dennis Degnan Kenneth Ferrante A l Ortega

Albert De Armas Kevin Napoli Peter Romero


SENIOR EDITORS Waqas Iqbal Sabahat Khan

SENIOR STAFF Luis Ayala Chris Baratta Dave Bartoshek Kingston Moy Haroon Rashid

PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Kevin Grieshaber Brian Langon Pedro Briones Mike Stefano Rodney Webb Joel Hampton

Bill Dwyer Hugh Roarty

ART STAFF John Doll Noel Gerald Aleph Granados Johnny Lim Greg Roberts Colin Smith Ed Valente


Photographic Services

We entered Prep as freshmen, wide-eyed and ready to accept the challenges of the four years set before us. We knew that St. Peter's would bring out the best in us. Hopefully, we put some of that into this yearbook. A yearbook is a large scale production that relies on all it's contributors. We wish to acknowledge and thank all those that put up with our work over the past year. First, we'd like to thank Miss Baber for taking the job as moderator and not going over the edge. She was there for us through all the late evenings and tired mornings. If there were no such thing as an "outside line", not much would get done for the yearbook. Therefore we would like to thank Ethel and the switchboard operators for that service. We would like to say a special "Thank You" to Ray Kroc for establishing that wonderful institution fondly known to us as "Mickey Dee's." Without it, the yearbook staff would not have had the strength to carry on. ;• We would be remiss if we did not thank Andy Murro for all his help and understanding as we struggled to meet his dead­ lines. We have tried to meet our deadlines as close to "on time" as possible. This could not have been done were it not for the Postal Service, who handled all our mail, and CPI Photos at Newport Mall for their one hour photo developing. Photos are a major part of the yearbook. For that we have to thank OP1 for their last minute contributions that saved us from disaster. We would also like to thank Davis Studio for 1 providing us with their photographic services. Our patrons deserve thanks as well. The frequent visits and encouraging words of Fr. Pellegrini, Fr. Azzarto, Fr. Balduf, Fr.

Stump, and lack Raslowsky made the late nights a little easier to bear. None of the information printed within these pages could have been written if Mrs. Argyelan did not supply us with countless lists for verification. Thanks Mrs. A. Of course, we would also like to thank the Student Council for providing photos, and all members of the Prep community - administration, faculty, and students - for backing us up and cooperating in getting this book out. We have given this book our best effort and yet it falls short in many areas. We would like to extend our apologies to any activities and clubs that were unintentionally omitted. In the chaos of production, even the best is sometimes forgotten - for this we are sorry. Finally, we would like to thank our executive editorial board and all our respective staff members for sticking in there and coming through when the work had to get done. This year has come to a close and as we look back, we smile and we can say that we have no regrets. Putting this yearbook together has not been easy, it has been a struggle, but it has not been for naught. We hope that this yearbook has brought together some of the more memorable moments at Prep. How­ ever, we know that it hasn't captured them all, for there are too many memories that St. Peter's has given to us. St. Peter's, we thank you. Sincerely Jeofrey Vita & Robert J. Weierman, Jr. Editors-in-Chief 191

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