proudly presents
St. Peter’s Prep
“On the Waterfront”
In the course of a lifetime, we look for truth, for something in which we can rest our hope. This search has brought us to the waterfront, that unique place where land and sea meet. On the waterfront, two worlds are brought together, forming a mysterious strip of shore wher ein lie bits of revelation, specks of that truth which we so greatly
desire. So, we sit on the banks with our feet submerged by the tide and our minds immersed in a pool of wonder. We look around at this earth and this life from our perch on nature’s bor der, and if we are lucky, we leave with a new sense of appre ciation for God, man, and the beauty of nature itself. It is in this unique world on
the waterfront that St. P eter’s Prep proudly stands. Perhaps it is fitting that it rests upon the shore, for the school has taken on the qualities of the water front. That which makes the wa terfront different and special has also come to distinguish our school from others.
Since the beginnings of civiliza tion, the waterfront has been a natural center of activity. Trans portation and trade have long de pended on the earth’s harbors and inlets to serve as ports of relief from long ocean treks; thus, man has gathered on the shore for cen turies to do business and share ad ventures. Towns and cities soon sprang up around these ports to serve as a warehouse for goods, a reststop for travelers, and a home for those who long before had be gun to cast their nets in the sea for a living. On the waterfront, civiliza tion has grown (and sometimes prospered), dreams have been borne, and man has busily trudged forward. Our waterfront, the Hud son River, is perhaps the best ex ample of this coastal activity. With the world’s greatest city situated on the opposite bank, this water front has come to be a center not only of this area but of the globe. Politicians and diplomats congre gate at the U.N.; corporate giants leap head first into huge deals on our very shores; budding talents of all art forms gather to take advan tage of the opportunities that this land of theater companies, Iopera houses and studio lofts presents; and we, the students of St. P e te r’s Prep pull up a desk on the shores of the world’s capital to view this moment firsthand, to learn from the culture and technology that this hub of activity offers and to get a front-row seat in this comedy of errors that we call life.
The Prep has greatly benefited from its location on these busy banks and has thus become a center of activity itself. This area, because of its demand to stay ahead of the rest of the world has attracted the best in technology, culture and thought. These shores have become a gathering place for those with new ideas and new machines and our location here allows us to reap the benefits of m an’s ingenu ity. By sitting on life’s cutting edge we have ad vanced with the rest of the world, moving into the age of computers and fax machines. Being so close to the centers of many fields has made us more aware of the problems surrounding us and the solu tions that lie ahead. In such proximity to the world’s finest culture, we have come to appreciate the arts, approaching sight and sound with an open mind. This hub of activity is a center of job opportunities as well, opportunities that wait just beyond the
classroom doors. The benefits of this very location can never be fully matched or listed; if America is the land of opportunity, than this is the country’s pinnacle, for the chances to succeed here are as numerous as the glass windows that shimmer in the sunlight. Having reached this point in society’s cen ter, Prep has used its experience to excel and has itself become a center of action. Its teams, athletic and academic, have made winning a tradition at Prep, and fans flock to witness victories week after week. The host of talent at Prep has allowed for the production of Broadway plays and band concerts perform ed by our own students. Because the school has so much to offer as a center of many pursuits, our graduates continue to flood the world with tal ent while our office continues to be flooded with new applicants.
The waterfront is more than a combina tion of land and sea. It is a clash of old and new, a contrast of appearances and opin ions. Evident on the waterfront are strik ing differences between the many objects on the shores. Amidst a forest of towering modern building sprouts a seeming under growth of old brownstone residences, huddled close to the ground in fear of the giants that surround them. Shopping malls and department stores stand prominently on the shores, offering everything that can find room for a price tag; yet, tiny delis and family shops punctuate the area, pro viding the caring atmosphere that cannot be found on the furniture floor of Macy’s. It is amid this variety that Prep stands, and it is this variety that St. P e te r’s values and retains. Prep takes pride in its diversity and dis plays this diversity in many ways. Its cur riculum continues to cling to the tradition al, retaining even Latin, because tradition has brought success. Yet, the school has introduced its students to today’s newer studies, showing that modern technology is valued as well if the school is to keep up with the world. Even its appearance is a contrast of old and new. The courtyard, recently enlarged and remodeled, dis plays P re p ’s modern side. Yet, adjacent to this area is the English Building, whose very stairs seem to creak with memories of years past. The gym ceiling looms high above the basketball court, like an ancient guardian. A t times it seems to speak of p ast victories and defeats, past students who spent long hours trying to survive for four years. The very age of these struc tures makes them seem out of place com p ared to the courtyard at their feet and
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the younger buildings across the street. Yet, all won past glory; in the class, a student studies for his stand together, not in opposition but in harmony computer test while the rest of the students sing of and success. In the halls, old and young students the second declension. Yes, it is through this diversi足 scurry along twisted paths as they move in the ty, this contrast of old and new, that Prep students general direction of their next class; on the trophies, grow and learn. new names are inscribed on a list of those who had
The waterfront is more than a place of busi ness, more than a display of contrasts. It is a place to sit and ponder life, and it is a place to find God. Even St. Peter, the Rock upon which our faith and our school were founded, found his calling on the waterfront. It was on the shore where he sat in his boat, cleaning his nets after an unlucky day at sea. A stranger, seemingly ignorant of the ways of fishermen, ap proached Peter, offering not sympathy but fishing advice. Frustrated by his past misfor tune, Peter again set to sea and cast his nets. To his surprise, the fisherman returned to shore with a huge catch filling his previously empty nets. Here on the waterfront, Peter found more than fish; he found Jesus. It was at this time that Peter realized his calling to follow Jesus as a fisher of men, to found a church based on this new faith, and to eventually die for his beliefs. So our school is set on the waterfront, the place of revelation and inspira tion for our patron saint. In his footsteps we try to follow, prepared to change our lives if sparked by such a great revelation. So, too, do we try to continue casting our nets, despite past failures, in the hopes of a great catch, whether it be a catch of hundreds of fish or a catch of a few men that we can call friends. The waterfront truly is a source of wisdom. Its mirror of sunlit water reflects not only our image but also the image of everything behind us: distant trees, tall buildings, and memories of our past joys and sorrows. Even the struc tures on the waterfront reflect the characteris tics of our school, displaying our traits on a grand scale so that we may recognize our attri butes and appreciate them. Yes, sitting on the waterfront, we see the world from a different perspective, a view that sets us apart while bringing us closer to God. Through time, St. P e te r’s Prep has drawn from the waterfront’s culture and mystique, becoming an integral p art of the shores on which the school stands. So, we journey to the waterfront to celebrate our uniqueness, to ponder the world’s my stery, and to search for the truth, the revela tion, that can free us.
Life passes by so quickly that we often miss its beauty and overlook the special people who surround us. Along the way, we are helped through the long days and the longer nights by hundreds o f people who make the journey a little shorter. Yet, once in a while, we are blessed by a man who makes us appreciate life, makes us want to continue the journey for a few more miles. In the confusion and fear, he helps us to find our way. He shows us how to live, by world and example, and he encourages us to follow our dreams, even if that means shovelling sand into the sea. Honor and recognition have followed him in all that he has done. A fter graduating from Xavier High School and St. P eter’s College as part o f the ROTC, he worked at a Guardian Angel Home in Bedford Styvesent. H e served in Vietnam in 1969-1970, coming home as a captain. Later he joined the National Guard in 1979. In 1981 he was prom oted to the rank o f Major, and he switched to part-time service in the National Guard. In 1988 he became a colo nel and transferred to the Reserves. He began his career as an educator in 1971 at Hudson Catholic. There, he became head o f the math department, head disciplinarian, and assistant football coach o f a state championship team. He came to Prep in 1981 and became Assistant Principal o f Student Affairs in 1984, holding the title until 1989. In this position, he was the Director o f Activities, and he redefined Prep discipline through his efficiency and dedi cation. In his years here, he has held many other roles, and he has set new standards in each. He has been the moderator o f the T. V. Studio and the Stage Crew, and he is the Direc tor o f Physical Plant. For his superior work as an educator, he was named Distinguished Teacher o f Honors Students at Penn State. So, the' Petrean Staff and class o f 1991 bes tow upon this great man yet another honor. We dedicate this book to a man who has taught us how to think and how to live. H e has laughed with us through the years, but m ore important ly, he has shown us how to laugh at ourselves. Through his dedication to the school and its students, he has won respect not only as a teacher but as a friend. Mr. Dandorph, we thank you for your hu mor, your knowledge, your help, your gener ous statistical adjustment, and your suspenders. We pay tribute to you for your dedicated ser vice to your country, your school, and your students. And we dedicate this book to you for changing our lives by sharing yours. F A N T A S TIC!!!
Knowledge is a river, always moving, always changing, but eternal. Throughout life knowl edge grows and develops, changing with each new exper ience; yet, despite the continu ous change that fills life, knowl edge remains. Knowledge gives us passage to the fulfillment of our dreams and opens doors to new worlds. Similarly, the river gives us access to distant lands and cultures, removing the physical restrictions of man. Both knowledge and the river are unlimited sources of power, and by harnessing these, we can live freely, uninhibited by igno rance or weakness. Like water, knowledge is the very substance that sustains life, and it is for this that we strive.
“May I have your attention, please . . . ”
Rev. James Joyce, S.J. President 18
Rev. Thomas Denny, S.J. Principal
“T o B e O r N o t T o B e
1 I
Man’s very nature Is to ponder. Writers have long grappled with life, death, God, and existence in the hopes o f understanding the myster ies that these things comprise. By studying ihe great works o f literature, Prep students share in the profound thoughts o f pens past. The study of literature begins In freshmen year in a survey course in which students learn to deal with the art and appreci ate the symbolism and imagery pres ent. In sophomore year, they encoun ter American literature and discover the ideas and spirit that have made the nation a refuge for free-thinkers and radical views. Junior year pre sents British literature to students. In this course, students survey the works o f authors such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Dickens, and they are given the opportunity to proffer their profound and discerning criti cisms o f these works. Senior year brings a more Insightful look at spe cific genres o f literature; if students desire, they may instead take an A d vanced Placement course that pre sents the masterpieces o f world liter ature The Prep English Department also attempts to improve communication skills through a rigorous program of vocabulary building and expository writing. The survey of literature is supplemented by an extensive study o f vocabulary. Through the writing program, beginning with one para graph essays and progressing to a term paper, students learn to de
velop, organize, and present the deep thoughts that lie within. This orderly written communication is of greatest importance in a world where formal presentation is required in all fields. Only through clear communication can men unite to reform government, cure disease, or add to that rich literary tradition for future students to profoundly and discerningly criti cize.
Counterclockwise from left; Mr, Mazz experiences brief vertigo without his glasses; Sir John Campion, Chairman; Fr. Cregan collects the goodies; Mr. Casey, cutter-catcher extraordinaire; Fr. Hoag gives out a mean English test.. .
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The English Department: FROM P. 20; FAR LEFT; Dr. Richard Kennedy; GROUP; left to right; Mr. John Casey, Mr. Joseph Massarelli, Mr. Walter B. Koszyk, Rev. Enrico Raulli, SJ., Ms. Kathleen Moore; LEFT; left to right; Rev. Robert G. Cregan, SJ.. Rev. Michael Hoag, SJ., Mr. John Campion, Mr. James C. Horan, B Mr. John Irvine.
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We the People I
In todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s complex society. Prep students must look to the past in order to find answers to the problems of the present. History is indeed cyclic; the past houses secrets waiting to be discovered. Yet, it is more than a study of events; it is a study o f man, his motives, and his methods. Man lives in an imperfect world, one fraught with cruelty, pain, and perpetual conflict. Students study history to end the conflict that destroys society and limits manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abilities. In their struggle to conquer the evils that lie within men, students develop several qualities which are bom from the strucgle yet aid in ending it. The study of history instills critical thinking in students. Only by questioning the practices and standards o f society will improvements ever be made. Conflict has always existed, and while students attempt to improve the world, they learn not to trample others on the road to prosperity! Most importantly, students leam that they, like so many others throughout history, can make a difference. Through their voices and their votes, students can change the world. As freshmen, all students study World Civilizations, which is a survey o f the cultures and societies from prehistoric peoples to the European Renaissance. The course focuses on the past achievements and failures of man, on the major events o f history, and on the common structures and ideas that unite us all. In junior year, students study American history. This course introduces the people and events that have made this country great. Through the course, students capture the American Spirit, which has driven this nation and its people forward. An A P course is offered in this year for those who wish to explore in depth the motives and theories that have shaped these United States. In senior year, several electives are offered. These courses emphasize government and politics today. Students study policies and structures in Order to understand how the nations o f the world operate and what changes must be made. It is this awareness o f the need for change and this knowledge of governmental structures that help Prep students to participate in the operation Of the world rather than to live blindly in it
Counterclockwise from left; So how’s this for the cover of GQ?; (simulta n e o u s ly ) “ D a d ? ” , “Son?”; .. . And in my hands I hold your future; “ Don’t jock it! Pass! Pass! Alright! Good shot . . (Coach G’s sideline instructions)
The History Department: from far left to right; Mr. Charles Gilley, S.J., Mr. Charles Links, Ms. Marie Curry, Mr. James DeAngelo, Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, Mr. James Bischoff, Mr. Joseph Sweeney.
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Students study foreign languages to de velop understanding - o f other times and cultures, o f foreign tongues, and o f their own culture in comparison. In this process, stu dents do more than memorize word lists and verb endings; they study other lands and other times. The process begins in freshman year with the study o f Latin. By studying the heritage o f past cultures, students find their own Roman roots and share in the wisdom of the ancients. For most students, this is their first exposure to learning a language as an academic pur suit The year provides technical language skills which serve as a foundation for all later language study. Advancements in transportation and com munication, as well as a new sense o f global unity, have shrunk the world substantially. America must cope with this relationship and enter the global neighborhood if it is to survive; therefore, students must learn to relate to their new international neighbors by learning to communicate with them in their own language. To meet his need, Prep offers courses in French, Italian, German, and Span ish, In sophomore year, all students begin their study o f a modem language; they must continue this study until the end o f their junior year, at which time they may opt for furtherpursuit. Third year courses are offered in all languages, and a Spanish A P class is offered for the many adept native speakers. In the study o f other languages and cul tures, students develop an appreciation for their own. Studying language naturally builds vocabulary since English is the product o f the contributions o f many tongues; memory and communication skills are also improved. Ob serving other cultures helps the students to
better appreciate their own - both the positive and negative elements. Amid this shrinking world, Prep language scholars acquire dili gence, appreciation, and awareness. Y e t per haps the world does not diminish with the global improvement o f communication skills. Maybe everyone’s backyard just gets bigger.
Clockwise from left; “N o I'm not a student”; “So after I knocked out Diamond Dave, I went into the Main office . . . “It’s not my birthday!”; Ted Danson wears a rug? Could’ve fooled me!”
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The Language Department: From P.24; Far Left Ms. Susan Baber; Group: Left T o Right; Rev, Edward Dolan S.J., Ms. Ana Garcia; Rev. Michael Hoag; S.J.; Mr. Frank Betkowski; Left; Rev. Harold Oppido, S.J.; Mr. James DeAngelo, Rev. Anthony Aracich, SJ. Chairman.
Our world is dominated by technology. Computers, whether visible or not affect almost every part of our lives. Manufactures Is now dependent on robots, and lasers serve as valuable tools to modem medicine. Ail o f these things would not be possible without .mathematics. This science o f numbers is vital m understanding the physical world, from the s o la %stem to the hydrogen atom. As our world grows more complex, a je s te r number o f scientists and engineers are needed to desgn and manufacture the tools required, a id a larger force o f accountants a id busffiessmen is demanded to manage their afÂŁairÂŤ; AS o f these professions are based in mathematics. Because o f its necessay precision. the study o f math is mdi^ensable hi todays technoio^cally oriented world. Stnce math is truly a 6dd o f infinite possibilities fa k ^ i? nuB?)Tthe proc^am at S t Peter's is articulated with each year teaching new skills building on the y e a before. Freshmen study Algebra | which is the base for h i^ e r math and teaches students to deal with the abstract Sophomores stiKly Geometry, which focuses on measures and m odek but more importantly, teaches students to think logically. Algebra II is the course offered in junior yean it combines the knowledge acquired in the previous two years and builds on it in preparation for the advanced main that lies just ahead. Seniors a e offered several elective classes in mathematics, which prepare them to apply math in practical situations. which in effect is the goal o f the department
Counterclockwise from above; The learning never stops after 2:30 . . . ; “N o, no, no , . . now you listen to me, Jim!” ; The Advanced Mathematics Posse.
The Mathematics Department from far left to right; Ms. Beatrice Wysocki, Mr. Patick Reidy, Mr. Kenneth N. Dandorph, Mr. John O ’Donnell, Mr. Peter Froelich, Ms Ailish Mullen, Mr. Robert McGuinness, Mr. Robert Reiser, S J., Mr. James Dondero.
“In The Beginning . . . ”
In a world o f pain and suffering, reli gion offers hope. It provides us with an afterlife, an eternity filled with peace and joy. It provides absolution o f sins and freedom from guilt. Most importantly, religion provides us with God who repre sents human ideals and watches over us. Although we can never understand these mysteries, we study religion to better understand ourselves. The study o f reli gion allows us to appreciate our world and our society and to recognize the qualities for which we should strive. Freshman year presents an introduc tory course. It acquaints the student with the basic concepts of religion and sets the foundation upon which the remainder of the program is built. Not only are the dogmas and the doctrines of the Catholic Church studied, but also the fundamental psychological aspects o f an adolescent’s life and how that relates to Christianity. Sophomore year’s main area of con centration is the scriptures. Beginning with the first books o f the Old Testament and finishing with the Gospels o f the New Testament, students learn to analyze and treasure the scriptures. The concept o f morality and its ramifi cations on a Christian lifestyle is explored during junior year. Topics ranging from leading a fully human life to developing a healthy view of sexuality are discussed in great detail. Furthermore, It is during this year that students first undergo the experience o f the Christian Service Pro gram, which is a major facet of the junfor year religion program. Senior year is the most diversified o f all years for the religion department Course
topics range from death to an introduction to philosophy. This year is the finishing touch to a program designed to explore, question, yet accept, a Christian lifestyle.
Clockwise from below and left; Fr. John Browning and Fr. Ed Dolan chillin’ at the Walkathon; Tw o tough dudes; Mrs. Pat O ’Grady gets her acclaimed class in order.
Counterclockwise; Ms. Julie Miller, Rev. John Browning, S.J., Mr. Pat Donohue, Mrs. Patricia O’Grady, Deacon John P. O ’Neill. Extreme left; Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., Mr. Sean Boyan, and Mr. Jorge Becerra.
E =m c" As the world site on the brink o f new discoveries, the study of science is receiving new empha sis in education. This stress has been put on science in order to cope with the increasing prob lems o f the planet to find the answers to old questions, and to perpetuate the medical and tech nical advances of recent years. At Prep, the study of science plays a major role in preparing stu dents to live in our advanced society, In the students’ search for the secrets of nature, they develop a foundation for the analytical thinking which complex scien tific study demands. Freshman year serves as a general introduc tion to the program that the stu dents will face in the following years. The course covers topics ranging from basic chemistry to basic physics. It is a transitional year in which the students begin to develop thinking skills which are applicable in other disci plines as well. It is usually in the sophomore year that the students first meet a specific area o f scientific study: biology. The study o f life does not merely examine the physical aspect o f the subject; instead, it transcends life’s physical limita tions and teaches students to appreciate its beauty and great ness. During junior and senior year,
the Prep students have the op tion of exploring two or more laboratory sciences: chemistry and physics. The study o f biology would not be complete were it not coupled with the branch of science that deals with the knowl edge of life and matter itself. Physics then combines the knowledge o f life and matter with energy and motion to create an image of the complex and
dynamic world. Looking at the vastness and the complexities of the universe, students realize their mortality; yet, looking inward at the intri cacy of the body and the power o f the mind, they find that they are amazing and unique. In this search for truth, the students de velop an understanding for their world, and in the process, find themselves.
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The Science Department: from far left; left to right; Mr. Robert Zawistowski, Rev. Thomas V. O'Connor, Mr. Gregory Boyle, Ms. Ailish Mullen, Ms. Adeje LeCavez, Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, O.S.E, Mr. Donald E. Merrick.
The Final Four . . . An education is mcompiele if it prof fers study only in a few areas. One o f die primary goals of education- is to present a variety o f subject mailer in order that a student may become fully aware o f a§ that compose his environment A Prep education is similarly well rounded. Aside from mathematics, languages, etc., a Prep student is also exposed to other topics which balance out his education. Examples o f these are musk: and art which are mandatory in freshman year; group guidance, also mandatory in fresh man year, physical etkication. which is taken throughout all four years; and fi nally, electives including computer sci ence. journalism, business law, and ac counting. The music prcxyam. in general is an introductory course, familiarizing stu dents with all that music entails. This ranges from music theory to the study of the great masterpieces. The muse pro gram also otfers music tutorials for all students studying instrumental perfor mance. Similariy, the art program intro duces freshmen to the wonderful world o f art N ot only are the ancient masters discussed, but also the students are <£ven an opportunity themselves to experiment with their imaginations by expressing them through paint and quill Mens sana in corpore sano a sound mind in a sound body that is the combination aimed at by the Physical Education and group guidance pro grams, By striving for a healthy body, the mind aiso profits. Throu^i the P.E. pro gram, students learn not only the rules o f the g^tme, but also fa r play and an overall appreciation for sports. Through group guidance, freshmen are helped to feel comfortable and secure in their new sur roundings. Beginning in junior year, students are
permitted, if they so desire, to take alter nate courses in addition to the traditional sequence. These indude computer sci ence and accounting- These courses help to round out a student’s education. In senior year, students can choose to take two o f these electives: journalism, a must for budding writers; and business law, for all would-be Supreme Court Justices. These, too, aid in diversifying student schedules and providing a well-balanced education.
Dear Class o f ’91, Those of you who remember me probably either survived German 1 with me, or you put up with me as your Forensics coach (-or both, since 1 often recruited from my German classes). It’s hard to believe that you are already Seniors. You’ve probably grown a lot, spiritually and physically; I bet I wouldn’t even recognize some of you at first sight (And by the way, no, I haven’t grown any myself; I am still, as one student once called me, “the mouse that roared.) I really miss Prep, and think o f you often. My office is full of Prep paraphernalia: pictures, yearbooks, Snoopy photo-copy cards from (who else?) Fr. Azzarto. I would be honored to add your yearbook to my collection. You have a special place in my heart (and maybe this is a little selfish on my part) because you are the last class that I taught there. And when you gradu ate, my strongest connection to Prep (my stu dents) will be dissolved. One of the reasons I decided to go back to school (1 am working on a doctorate in German literature), is that your own curiosity spurred me on. You, and your predecessors, often asked questions about German culture, politics or art that I could answer superficially. (But I confess a certain curiosity on my own part!) Now I’ve got all the resources anyone could ask for at my disposal. My days are very different from those spent at Prep: there are long stretches of isolated work in the bowels of the immense Widener library. Quite a change from being with exciting
and challenging young men from 7:45 to circa 6 P.M. (or much later, if it was a Friday before a Forensics tournament!). While working nowa days, I often look at my watch and, without intending to, think, “Now it’s recess” or “Now ifs lunch time” or “7th period is over!” Then I let my mind wander and try to imagine what you are all up to. Certain questions plagued me: Is Sean Adams still sporting that lop sided haircut? Has Jason Gers ever learned how to roll his “r”? Has Randy Bruno met the legal minimum this year? H ow did Lee Dorry get that job as host of America’s Funniest Home Videos? Wie geht es Herm Wignarajan? Has Rich Santoro persisted in his Marine Madness? Does Dennis Duarte still have a weakness for David Letterman? You’ve got to fill me in. The most exciting news I have for you is that Marie and I are expecting a baby! I start parenting classes at the hospital next month. We are both really happy about this. I know that it is not realistic to expect that I will be able to catch up with all of you. But if your studies or travels do bring you north, please feel welcome (really!) to drop in on us (Fr. Azzarto and that oracle of Prep, Ethel, know how to reach us). Even if it’s been a while, it would be fun to catch up. I wish you all the best, and hope that you will follow your heart (and not merely the clink of a coin) in your work or studies. Good luck, Bill Donahue
Dear Class of 1991, Greetings from California from where I con tinue studying theology and preparing for ordi nation to the priesthood in June, 1992. By the time you read this, I will have been ordained a deacon (March, 1991). It gives me great pleasure to wish you all the best, and pray that God may bless each one of you as your complete your studies, and prepare to leave Grand Street for the adventures that lie in the future. I remember your class fondly and my memo ries o f Freshman Religion and homeroom four years ago always evoke a chuckle. H ow could one forget the escapades o f Brian DiFeo and Oswaldo Rossi or those o f Dave Polo and Ronald Gain? What about Jeff Martin’s ques tions during religion class? And then, o f course, there was Dave Bell’s wardrobe and the antics of the Mike Egan, Rob Cosenza and Dominic DellaFave troika. T o end on a positive note, have you forgotten that IE was the basketball intramurals champion your Freshman year? Again, Class o f 1991, buena suerte, and as they say in Cali: like, totally hang loose, dudes! Peace, Claudio M. Burgaleta, S.J.
To the Senior Class: Your four years here at Prep have been completed successfully. Now it is time to say good bye. During these four years together we have grown in faith and in hope. Through self discipline we have learned to be loyal; we have expanded your thinking and reasoning in order to understand more fully this great world of ours. Good Luck! Semper Fidelis! Mr. Leonard A. Fordellore
Dear Seniors, “For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” For the past four years, time has been given to you; time for sharing and caring, time for growing physi cally, spiritually, emotionally, and academically. Time for winning and time for losing, time for achiev ing goals and restructuring dreams. Throughout these times, you have been nourished by the love of fam ily and friends and gradually that love has shaped you into being the person you are today. For four years the phrase “men for others” has been offered to you as an ideal upon which to pattern your life. Now, it is your time to go forth and to live out this ideal. May you go forth with love in your heart and joy in your being. I wish great peace on your journey through further education and then onward into life. Good luck and may God be with you always. Pax et Bonum! Sister Francis Marie, OSF
To The Senior Class, the Prep graduates of 1991: Thanks for welcoming me in my first year as President. You, the students, are the most important part of St. Peter’s Prep. Without you, it would have no purpose, it would not exist. I thank God for you and for the opportunity to serve you. I hope and pray that you’ll never forget the values you’ve been learning here nor forget that all you’ve been able to accomplish in the struggles and joys of the past four years has been a gift from God who created and loves you. If you don’t forget those two things, you’ll never forget Prep. You’re a fine group of young men. Please keep in touch with the friends you’ve made here. God bless, Fr. Jim Joyce, S.J.
Dear Class of 1991, Farewell Prep Men! W e will not forget you. You have given so much o f yourselves to Prep over these past four years. I thank you for sharing yourself so fully. Now you carry the Prep spirit to distant places. Let your motto for life be: All You Can Be! Be a competent man who knows what he’s talking about; Be a kind and loving man when dealing with others and above all keep close to God. Good luck and may God be with you always! We will surely miss you here! Fr. John E. Browning
To The Class of ’91: It has been a pleasure working and growing with you for the past three years. You have all left a part of yourselves and take a part of us with you. We have learned from each other and will always benefit from that special gift. May your travels beyond Prep bring you peace and happiness. Jim Dondero
Dear Class of 1991: When it’s time to call it quits and to return to your creator, 1wish that each of you may be able to look back upon your life and be able to say, “Yes, that was my life, and I lived it as fully as I knew how. It was good.” May God bless you, and may you take many happy memories with you as you leave Prep. Jim Bischoff
Dear Class of 1991, To The Seniors of 1991, It was a very enjoyable four years. I hope you remember the good things we accomplished here at Prep. I wish all of you the best in all your future en deavors. For now, all I say to you is, “ Good Luck and God Bless you.” Mr. Z
I would like to offer you my sincere congratula tions on your graduation from St. Peter’s. I hope that the past four years have been for each of you both an enjoyable and a profitable experience. May the knowledge you have attained, the friendships you have formed and the care you have received at the Prep provide you with the firm foundation you need as you move on to new challenges and new opportunities for personal growth and for the service of others. Fr. Bender
To Everyone at Prep, Best wishes to the class of ’91. Never lose the wonderful spirit that characterizes all that you have done. I miss you all. Love, Kathleen Costantini
Dear Class o f 1991: Mission Drives; Ceasar’s Gallic Wars; half sheet quizzes; monthly dances; Swim Team Championships; Emmaus retreats; Thanksgiv ing and Christmas liturgies . . . . These are just a few o f the memories of Prep which occupy a special place in my heart. I think often of many friends I met while in Jersey City, both among the faculty and student body. I miss all of you! I miss, too, being part o f the faith commu nity which is Prep, the sense o f being united in purpose in trying to bring about the Kingdom o f G od here on earth. The terms “ social justice” and “preferential option for the poor” have been replaced with terms “ Dow Jones Industrial average” and “ Profit Sharing Plans” in my career. However, I have not forgotten the many really important lessons learned over
the years from the Jesuits and their dedicated lay colleagues. These lessons can be best summarized thusly: See Christ in yourself and in others, without regard to the color o f their skin, the religion they practice, the passport they carry or the myriad differences which make each one o f us unique, and uniquely loved by God. See Christ as did the disciples on the road to Emmaus, alive and responsive to our hopes and fears. In closing, go forth from St. Peter’s in confidence. God has given you the necessary talents to make a difference in the world. Do not be afraid to do so! Pax Christi semper vobiscum sit, Richard Shea P.S. I enjoy being back in Boston; people here don’t speak with an accent. RS
Dear Class of 1991, Firstly, thank you for giving me the oppor tunity to contribute to the edition of the Petrean that will reflect your time at St. Peter’s Prep. Since the invitation to write this letter arrived, my mind has been full of so many memories and amusing incidents that we shared throughout the 1987-88 academic year. My one fear in writing this response is that as Seniors you may not want to relive those Freshmen years, and that students who toyed with a variety o f personality traits in 1987 may have dispensed with those characteris tics and arrived at the “men for others” stage, which is the signature o f Jesuit education. 1 am also concerned that certain students may not be graduating alongside their peers. While Andrew H ood struggled as an aca demic, he certainly gave me an insight to an aspect of American culture very different from that o f Australia. The “ Devils from Down Under” were given the job o f initiating me into the Ameri can way o f life, while I attempted to initiate them to the demands of Prep. 1 have vivid memories o f the GQness” and friendship of Brian Barulich and Mike Fromfield’s good advice on the character o f his peers. It would be remiss o f me not to mention Loren Hart’s breadth of academic talent. And in that same year I was introduced to the “sporting ap
proach” to study by Dennis Granelli, Billy Dwyer and Chris Connolly, which went something like this: “ If any sporting contest was on any T V channel, then homework cannot be expected to be completed.” I later discovered this to be an American tradition, not just a Prep tradition! Fortunately, I was able to interact with students outside my homeroom. My maths (sorry, in the US it’s math) class contained the combination of Andrew DiMeo, Nick Mangelli, Casey McGee (Who majored in girls) and Amos Remy (whose sole job it was to laugh at Andrew H ood’s jokes). I suppose Mike Egan and Miguel Sierra have dominated the basketball arena this year. The school where I now teach recently won the Australian championships, but I suspect that they would not have got a game in their freshman year. Pete Gannon’s cour age in competing in the Senior Hockey team made me question his intelligence, not his fortitude. I watch the game on tv back home and still haven’t figured out why possession of the puck is of tertiary importance. Daniel Luipersbeck has no doubt been a dominant force in Forensics, Luis Ayala has progressed from H A P and Petroc to the heights of E.I.C. of Petrean, and Mike Struk has undoubtedly, finally, sent Ms. Baber insane. As Seniors I hope that you have all had the opportunity to experience the element of
Prep that makes it unique . . . Emmaus weekends. No doubt many of you were asked by Fr. Azzarto to lead you peers and under classmen through the journey. My two week ends left an indelible impression and the priveledge of working alongside “The Big A ” remains foremost in my mind when I deal with students today. After leaving St. Peter’s, I travelled through the Carribean, most of the States and Can ada. Every country is different and should not be compared, but because of the friendship that I encountered at Prep, I can honestly say that I am one of the few people in the world who can say that they honestly love “Joisey City.” At present I am the Senior Coordinator” at Marcellin College, a Marist school in Mel bourne. I am responsible for the academic and behavioral progress of the 175 seniors and find time to teach Mathematics to Sen iors and Juniors. Next year I will complete my Masters in Education, which will lead me to my next challenge. I wish you all the best and pray that you will achieve entrance at the College or Uni versity of your preference and attempt to live according to the inspiration of the Jesuit motto “Sursum Corda” . Phil Toohey
Please Send To Me Adolescence is often a very trying time: growing responsibility, increased schoolwork, and new freedoms all combine to put much stress on the young adult’s mind. St. Peter’s, as a secondary school founded on Christian principles, is dedi cated not only to providing each student with a solid education but also to seeing that each student becomes a mature adult. This year, one o f the ways Prep accomplished this was through its Guid ance program. In this program, each student was assigned to a guidance coun selor, who met with the student several times during the year. Freshmen were assigned to Fr. John Browning, S.J. and Mrs. Lori Berman, while upperclassmen were counseled by Father Enrico Raullf, SJ. Mr. Jim Dondero, and Ms. Kathy Rowan. The counselors reviewed the stu dents transcript, discussed family situa tions, and worked on any problems that the students might have had. Students were free to visit their counselor at any time, for any reason. During junior and senior years, an other aspect o f the Guidance department h S r f 1S r v S J rJ d J #
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Counterclockwise from Above: “How can we help?” Great Expectations; “Hey, no fair Your eyes are open!” ’ . . . Berman goes for the block
LEFT; Sitting; Rev. Enrico Raulli, S.J., Mrs. Lori Synder Berman; Standing; left to right; Rev. Raymond Balduf, S J. Ms. Kathleen Rowan, Rev. John Browning, S.J., Mr. James Dondero
The operation o f the school was not restricted to academics alone; several people at Prep worked tire lessly to oversee the many other as pects o f the school. Mr. Settembre. the newly appointed Assistant Dean o f Students, brought a new sense o f discipline to Prep, enforcing the code o f behavior and school pride which makes Prep unique. The Develop ment Office took charge o f both alumni affairs and fund raising. The office’s work sustained Prep’s con nection to those who have left its doors, and the office provided a cru cial source o f income to the Prep community. The Treasurer’s Office, headed by Father Steve Meany, han dled the complex finances o f the school, balancing the budgets for the school’s many activities and trying to keep tuition cost low. The Office o f Computer Operations was assigned with the difficult task o f maintaining Prep’s last computer networks; OCO was closely involved in the efforts to raise funds and disseminate informa tion about Prep, as well as providing die students and faculty with the latest in computer technology. The Office o f Public Information was in charge o f publicity and recruiting; O PI’s efforts were partly responsible for the large enrollment this year and Prep’s fine reputation among gram mar schools. Mr. Horan oversaw public relations, bringing the Prep spirit to schools and communities throughout northern New Jersey. The dedication and efforts o f the many people and offices involved in Prep's daily operation, annual bud get, and public relations allowed Prep to continue its existence as a school and a family.
Mr. Richard Hansen
Mr. David Settembre
Mr. John Hammer
Athletic Director
Assistant Dean O f Students
Special Projects Coordinator
RIGHT: left to Right Mrs. Iona Prilop, Mrs. Kate Ross, Rev. Stephen Meany, S J., Ms. Margaret Ramos
Mr. James C. Horan Vice-President for External Affairs
Ms. Rosemarie Picone Director o f OPI
Mr. David Held Director o f Computer Services
LEFT: Sitting; Mr. Thomas Mulligan, Rev. Francis HamilL S J,; Standing; Ms. Ann Finholt, Rev. Charles FJX. Dolan, SJ.
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There were many people whose contributions to Prep lay beyond the classroom, people who were nonetheless an integral part o f the Prep family. Father Tony Azzarto, the school chaplain, brought iove and guidance to the Prep community with his retreats, his doughnuts, and his comfort, helping us to make it through the day and through life together. Mr. John Ollinger structured an maintained the school library, and he was always available to aid students in the use o f the system. Ms. Carol Larrabee, the school nurse, gave medical aid and comfort to students, guiding those whose health and temporarily failed them. Mrs. Elizabeth Dandorph served in the Attendance Office, assigned daily records. Ms. Ethel Wynn kept watch at the Prep switchboard, relaying messages and keys and reminding parents that, despite the snow, there was school. Mr. Leonard Fordellone offered his services to Mr. Reidy, assisting in the arduous tasks o f supervising and reporting the academic affairs o f the school. Mr. John Hammer,
the special projects coordinator, organized many Prep functions such as reunions and dinners. Besides serving as invaluable assistants to the administration, Prepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretaries blessed the school with their cheerful smiles and their aid to the students. The school certainly could not have done without the efforts o f Mrs. Grace Gualario and Mrs. Dolores Russell, secretaries to Mr. Denny* Mrs. Eileen Doolan, secretary to Fr. Balduf; and Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons, secretary to Fr. Joyce. The school was also served by the maintenance staff, guided by Mr. Dandorph. These men and women made sure that the school buildings were in fine condition, cleaning and making any necessary renovations. The contributions o f these people facilitated the organization and opera tion of people facilitated the organization and operation o f the school, and their presence helped students make it through the year a little more easily.
Ms. Ethel Wynn
Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Ms. Carol Larrabee LPN
Ms. Joan Fitzgibbons and Ms. Pam Prillop Secretaries of the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office & 0P1.
Mrs. Grace Gualario and Mrs. Dolores Russell Secretaries o f the Principalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office
Mrs. Eileen Doolan College Placement Office
Mrs. Elizabeth Dandorph Attendance Office
Mr. John Ollinger Librarian
Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone Assistant to Vice-Principal
LEFT ABOVE: Custodians; LEFT: Maintenance
A t its delta, the river pours its rushing waters into the ocean, covering the land with silt. The delta is the river’s outlet, and after this outpouring, the land is left fertile. From these silt-covered shores the entire community ben efits. Prep’s activities are like this rivier delta. They are an outlet fo r students’ talents and energies. A f ter the tedium o f the school day, students have the opportunity to release their creativity in the many activities that Prep offers. By do in g so, students enrich th eir school while also enhancing their own lives. Students discover the abilities that lie within them, and the school is im proved by the extra work that the students put forth, >
SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS The Student Council and National Honors Society are two o f Prep’s major service organizations. Each one ^ rvices forthe s^dents of St. Peter s. The student Council is an elective body with duties other than service while NHS is an appointed activity which holds tutoring as one of its primary functions. However, the goal o f each organization is similar to try to make the school a better place for members of the Prep community. The Student Council, moderated by Mr. Jim Dondero, was divided into three committees; Service, Student Affairs, and Public Relations. Each o f these committees served a different purpose. The Service Committee operated most functions and service programs sponsored by the Student communication between the Student Council and student body in the form o f flyers, newsletters, and suggestion boxes. The Student Affairs Committee handled Student Council activities and relations between the faculty and students. Mr. Frank Betkowski, the assistant moderator, acted as parliamentarian at all Council meetings. Executives included Rommellito Gaddi, president, Brian Carrillo,' secretary, and Loren Hart, treasurer. The National Honor Society is a service organization which was open to the needs o f the Chaplain and the Principal. The Society was moderated by Mr. Pat Donohue and its executives included President Andy Mahavi, Vice President Todd Boland, secretary Ryan Prendergrast, and Treasurer Francis Gutierrez. The NHS made broad steps away from its former reputation as an elitist organization and moved toward a community orientation. NHS members tutored in the Academic Clinic and helped with the Open Houses the Phone-athon, and several programs which aided the needy. Criteria foe admission to the NHS are academic excellence, character, leadership abd service. By maintaining a more visible profile than in years past, these seniors provided an outstanding example for members of the classes o f “92, "93 and “94.
Above; Ryan: tourguide extrodonaire; Below; Student Council and parliamentarian. _
Above; NHS members Andy & Bill pose for the camera.
Above; “When is somebody going to motion to adjourn?”
Far above; NHS member Mike Albanese takes a break with underclassmen; Above; Mike Hogan, Student Council member, leads a tour.; Below; “No, Ryan. This time I lead the tour.” Right, NHS member Lou Ayala instructs an underclassman with points o f interest Below right, Mike and Jay welcome returning Walk-A-Thon participants.
Now in its second year, the Big Brother Program was established to help ease the transition from grammar school to high school for our incoming freshmen. The program was designed to make them more comfortable in their new surroundings and more aware of what it takes to succeed at Prep. The Freshmen are provided with older, more experienced students to answer their questions and alleviate their fears. Last year the program was very successful and the Big Brothers of the 1990-91 school year have continued that tradition. The eighty-two Big Brothers were the first people the incoming Freshmen met when they entered St. Peter’s Prep during the Orientation, which was held on September 5th and 6th. The purpose of the orientation was consistent with that of the Big Brother program itself. The games played at the Freshmen Orientation were not competitive; they were ice-breakers which offered the new Prepsters opportunities to get to know one another. The Big Brothers introduced themselves and the school to the newcomers through discussions, tours, and a rousing game of ‘Butts Up.” The Big Brothers program was headed by Ms. Lori Snyder and Mr. Tom Kendall. There was also a group o f students who, while they were not assigned to freshmen, helped Ms. Snyder and Mr. Kendall with the organizational aspects of the program; the orientation would not have run so smoothly without the aid o f the Student Council and dozens of upperclassmen who volunteered to begin school two days early in order to assist in after Orientation, to continually check up on their Little Brothers. These students had to let their Little Brothers know that they were available for them at all times. It seems that this relatively young program has a long and bright future here at Prep.
“You get more books that way!”
Clockwise from above: “Whoah! Is that laser going to bum a hole through his head?” A good relaxing baseball game. Big Brothers lead the freshmen in a spiritrousing chant.
Clockwise from left; Freshmen and Big Brothers enjoy a good game of football at the Big Brother Picnic. Big Brother Gero Madrid takes a break with freshmen. “What? More books?” Joe Kushnir re ceives a portion of the great multitude of books freshmen receive.
■p RETREATS Life IS a consfw,t,:compkx:p(e«s$ o f change. Day by day, year by year, man constantly searches for and finds ways to better himself, and thus, change occurs. It is clearly visible that change is, furthermore, intrinsic to man not only technologically, but also socially, politically, economically^spiritually, etc. Yet none o f this change would be possible if man did not know himself first. ^ the individual, one o f the greatest periods o f change during the course of a lifetime is the period between childhood and adulthood, grammar school and college. Prep studenfea** given the opportunity to evaluate question and confront the changes in their livesjihe relationships, in their lives and the presence o f God in their lives through the retreat programs run by the Chaplain; ®ne-day retreats for freshmen and sophomores and weekend-long Emmaus retreats for juniors and seniors.
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This is one o f the purposes o f the retreats: to present an opportune to the men who will be guiding our world tomorrow to better know themselves. This is one of the purposes o f the Emmaus weekends: to let the students o f St. Peter’s Prep discover their identity and the identity o f others with whom they are sharing the weekend as well as to enable them to find God in their lives. Taking place at the shoreside town of Sea Bright, N.J.,the retreats were open to juniors and seniors. Led by the Emmaus Team, a group o f seniors who have already been on the retreat, and a group of alternating adults the weekends took place monthly. After spending three days at Sea Bright, each weekend was capped off by Monday night’s “Homecoming,” where their Emmaus brothers (and a few sisters) welcomed participants back to the world and shared a mass with them. The look upon the pisor fellows, who return to school the next day appearing haggard and frazzled, is only reflective o f the inner peace and self-knowledge which they possess. Using this knowledge, they are prepared to face the world and are not afraid to change it . . . In similar steps to the Emmaus retreats, but on a smaller scale, the Underclassmen retreats are designed to bnng sophomores and freshmen closer to god and to themselves. In the fall the freshmen and in the spring the sophomores traveled to various locations in New York and New Jersey and participated in numerous activities at the retreats, watching films and sharing in discussions. However, the day o f the retreat was not all spent in mediation; students were given an opportunity to engage in a wide variety o f outdoor activities such as football, soccer, etc. Students left the retreats with an increased feeling of unity as well as an increased sense of themselves and the blessings in their lives.
Clockwise from above: The Emmaus fire —- harbinger of light and warmth to the weekends; “No, Dave. I don’t think you ve gotten dishpan hands yet;” Emmaus brothers partake in an Emmaus tradition — building the banner; “that cake sure looks good.”
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CHRISTIAN SERVICES While students learn about the various aspects o f Christian life in religion class they should also put their beliefs into practice. St. Peter’s Prep offers its students the opportunity to do so through the following programs: the Hoboken Shelter, the Higher Achievem ent Program, and Eucharist Ministers program. These organizations allow Prep students to serve others in various capacities. In helping others, members of the Prep community learned more about life and about themselves. One o f the benefits o f going to school in a urban environment is that students are exposed to the real world. A t St. Peter’s, students not only see the problems facing society, but they are also encouraged to help those who are affected by such problems. One group o f people who need aid and support is the homeless. This year, twice each month, students and faculty from St. P eter’s, supervised by Ms. Mullen, went to the Bishop Mahurter Homeless Shelter in Hoboken. There, by serving and interacting with less fortunate people, students were able to appreciate their own lives more; they also developed a deeper sensitivity for, and concern about, the plight o f the homeless. Another group o f students generously gave of their time, but they did so in service to a population quite different from the homeless. For six weeks during the summer and for five weekends during the winter, they assisted Fr. Browning in running the Higher Achievem ent Program, which is geared toward eighth graders. Days w ere spent strengthening skills in Math, English, and Reading, but there was also time allotted for fun and games. While sacrificing six weeks o f the summer or five precious mornings of sleep in the fall was an extrem ely generous gesture, the tutors did it graciously and well. By giving to the younger students, Prep students w ere themselves enriched. While shelter volunteers and H A P tutors served the physical and intellectual needs o f others, there was another group o f students who served the spiritual needs o f the Prep community.’ Commissioned at the Mass of the H oly Spirit in September, these seniors administered the Eucharist at various liturgies, as well as assisted Fr. Azzarto in collections for the needy, in prayer services and at masses. In a quiet but positive way, the Eucharistic Ministers w ere a vital part o f spiritual life at Prep. Their spirit o f generosity, like that of the shelter volunteers and H A P tutors, helped make Prep a better place.
Clockwise from below; H .A .P. tutor Damian Ryan and H .A.P. students take a break; Fr. Joyce com missions P rep ’s Eucharistic Ministers; A H .A.P. tu tor and friend enjoy each other’s company. Above; P rep ’s Eucharistic Ministers.
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A bove; P rep â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s Eucharistic Ministers distribute the body and blood of Christ. Below; Whoah! From where did that hand come?
Aboue; H ap tutor Lou A yala and friend enjoy a great story.
A.M.D.G. Significant dates in the history o f the Society o f Jesus December24,1491: The birth o f St. Ignatius; at birth, he was named Inigo Lopez de Loyola.
June 24, 1521: Ignatius received the last sacra ments after suffering serious wounds at Pam plona.
August 15, 1534: Ignatius and six companions took their first vows in Paris.
June24,1537: Ignatius and Francis Xavier were ordained with five others in Venice.
December25,1538: Ignatius celebrated his first Mass in Rome, over one year after his ordina tion.
September 27, 1540: Pope Paul III signed the Bull, Regimini militantis ecclesiae, establishing the Society o f Jesus.
April 22, 1541: Ignatius and his companions made their solemn vows in Rome.
April24,1548: The opening o f the Society’s first
fully constituted classical college at Messina Italy.
July31, 1556: The death o f Ignatius March 12, 1622: Pope Gregory X V canon,zed Saints Ignatius and Francis Xavier.
August 5, 1762: The Parliament at Paris, con demning the Society’s Institute as opposed to natural law, confiscated all Jesuit property and forbade the Jesuit habit and community. 1789: The founding o f Georgetown Academy (which later became Georgetown University and Georgetown Prep), by Rev. John Carroll, the first bishop o f the United States; Carroll had been a Jesuit, and at the time o f the restoration o f the society, the school’s formal Jesuit affilia tion began, introducing Jesuit education to the U.S.
was proclaimed by Pope Pius.
February 28, 1957: The Jesuit Volunteer: Corps was organized.
November 16, 1989: The assassination of Jesuits Ignadio Ellacuria, Ignacio Martin-1 Baro, Segundo Montes, Joaquin Lopez,! Juan Ramon Moreno and Armando Lopez J their cook Elba Julia Ramos and her daugh-1 ter Celina Maricet Ramos were also killed in I San Salvador.
August 7,1814: The Restoration o f the Society
Did You Know . . . . . . that in order to become a Jesuit priest, one must train for thirteen years, the longest of any religious order?
office o f apostate between December 1973 and December 1989? . . . that in their social ministries, Jesuits work to solve the social, political and economic problems which confront the “poor op pressed and powerless” ?
• ■• that this training period is divided as follows: 2 years as a novice; an unspecified amount o f time (depending on educational back ground) as a scholastic; 3 years as a regent (often teaching in a high school); ordination; 1 year o f tertianship (which follows several years of active ministry); final vows?
• •. that missionary operations currently employ 1/5 o f the world’s Jesuits in 42 countries around the world?
. . that the Society o f Jesus, one o f the largest orders of the Roman Catholic Church, now consists o f 25,000 members in 112 coun tries?
. . . that the 28 Jesuit affiliated colleges and universities in the United States have graduated more than 1,000,000 living alumni/ae?
. . . the members o f the Society are organized into 83 international provinces (10 o f which are American) and 9 mission regions? . . . the Superior General in Rome, who oversees the Society is directly responsible to the Pope? . . . all members o f the Society are required to make a thirty day retreat spent in prayer and silence, known as the Spiritual Exercises ot bt. Ignatius? . . . 41 Jesuits are canonized saints, and 137 members o f the Society o f Jesus are considered “ Blessed” ? . . . 33 Jesuits were intentionally murdered while exercising their
. . . the Prep is one o f 45 Jesuit affiliated high schools in the United States? . . . that more than 300 young men and women, many o f whom are Jesuit educated, are members o f the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC), serving in various capacities in schools, parishes, soup kitchens and other community-oriented institutions? ' ■ that in addition to educators, Society members include lawyers, doctors, cardinals, bishops and archbishops? . . . that the publication America is produced by a staff o f Jesuits? . . . that within the United State, the Society o f Jesus operates 115 parishes?
The Ignatian Year September 27, 1990 450
July 31, 1991
Anniversary O f The Birth O f S t Ignatius The Anniversary O f The Founding O f The Society O f Jesus
IN IG O LOPEZ de ONAZ y LOYOLA was born in 1491 to a family of Basque nobility in the province o f Guizpuzcoa. A t this time, empires were being created and destroyed, with the nearby Moorish bastion at Granada falling in 1492. This was also a period of discovery and adventure; it was then that Christopher Columbus journeyed to America and opened a new world to the Europeans. Into such a bold world Inigo was bom; thus, he spent his early life dreaming o f the soldier’s glory. It was this vaulting desire for battle that finally led in Inigo’s conversion to a life of prayer and service. While defending Pamplona against French forces, Inigo’s right leg was shattered by a cannon ball. The victorious French gave Inigo the necessary medical attention but set the bone wrong. After returning to his home, Ignatius ordered that his leg be reset. This operation brought extreme pain, with Ignatius nearing death several times. During the long recovery, Ignatius requested novels o f romance and adventure, but the only books available were lives o f Christ and o f the saints. These books introduced Inigo to the life o f spirituality, service and a relationship with God. After this initial conversion, Inigo began ajourney o f repentance, hoping to reach the Holy Land. It was on this journey that he compiled the “Spiritual Exercises. ” After returning from the Holy Land, he traveled throughout Europe. During this time, he studied in Paris, where he made many important companions and changed his name to Ignatius o f Loyola. Further journeys carried Ignatius across the continent and finally brought him and his companions to Rome. There, Pope Paul III authorized the establish ment o f the Order, the Society o f Jesus. The Society put itself in the hands o f the Pope, sending members as missionaries to many lands. Ignatius was named Superior General of the Order, monitoring the activities o f the diverse society. As head o f the Society, Ignatius oversaw the drafting o f the statutes o f the new Order, opened Jesuit schools, andpublished the Spiritual Exercises. Ignatius ’ long life o f service to Christ and to man ended on July 31, 1556. H e was later canonized on March 12, 1622, as a saint and role model for all who have benefited from the Society o f Jesus. Today, Jesuits continue doing the work started by Ignatius and his followers. Jesuit educational institutions continue to flourish internationally, challenging young people
Take, Lord, and receive 11 ii ! all my liberty, my memory, j , j . my understanding and ■my entire ■f . will, all that I have and possess. p You have given all to me, 1
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to you, Lord, I return it. All is yours; , do with it what you will, , , i _§*7/0 m o rv n lt7 t i n n r I Give m e only your love and your *1 1
Srpce> that is enough for me. -Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
to become men and women for others, with a sensitivity toward the poor and a commitment to the practice o f faith and the promotion of justice. Jesuit missions continue to serve needy populations, providing schools, staffing parishes and social agencies and seeking justice for all members o f society, not just the politically or economically advantaged. Although Ignatius’ own life o f service to Christ and man may have ended in 1556, his spirit o f service and the dedication to pursuing Christ’s work continues to change the lives o f people all over the world for the greater glory o f God.
SPIRIT The sun dawned upon the old build ings of the Prep as the school day began anew. As sleepy-eyed students, on their way to their lockers, shuffled in, they suddenly encountered a very energetic sign, reading, “ RUN LIKE H E L L !” They realized, at this point, that this was the handiwork of the Spirit Committee. As the day went by, these same students were entertained and inspired by numerous other signs which were found in nearly every crev ice of the school. Yet, this is far from being all that the Committee did. M o derated by Mr. Charles Gilley, S. J. and Mr. Robert Reiser, S. J., the Spirit Committee was also the driving force behind pep rallies. Their enthusiastic view of the school aided them in the organization o f these events, whose
purpose was to introduce the varsity teams to the Prep community, and to increase Prep spirit. Marauder Mike Gomez, was a central member of this group. He enthusiastically supported Prep varsity athletes and encouraged others to do the same. Another group of people important in stirring up Prep Spirit was tradition ally introduced at each rally, the Prep Cheerleaders. Coached by Tara Zadroga, herself a cheerleader for the N ew Jersey Nets, the 1991 Cheer leaders were partly responsible for let ting Prep spirit show not only at the rallies but also at the sporting events. It was through the activity of these groups that the pride and glory o f the school was kept alive and kicking! A bove; Santa Claus and his elves.
A bove; The music makers o f the Prep rallies. A bove; Th e Marauder and his Flying Henchmen lead the student body in a high-spirited chant. Below; P rep ’s student body shows its spirit at the rallies. B elow and left; P rep ’s Spirit Com m ittee’s signs and banners.
Above; The Marauder is top gun at the rallies.
toove; Th e Marauder and his Henchmen start up a w ave at the rally. Below; P rep â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cheerleaders â&#x2013;şerform a high-energy routine.
A bove; A Prep Flying Henchman invokes fear from a hapless Prep opponent.
MUSIC A student who has a desire to make musk: at Prep had several options open to him this year. If he plays a brass woodwind, or percussion instrument, he could have joined the concert band, open to all. If his instrument o f choice 15 the 2ui1ar' be mi3h' in the Guitar Club, also open to alL If he is particularly skilled he may have been asked to join the Jazz Ensemble, a group for high-level musicians. Once again, the band had a very successful year. Fears about the absence of long time band director Rob Sauer were quickly dissipated by new band leader Mr. Bob Garcia, who was aided by Band President Thomas Hoetzl and Vice-Presidents Scott Bardzell and Eric Stroud. The band performed at a number o f Prep functions- at football games, it provided pep and spirit to the crowd, leading them in chants and cheers; it also provided accompaniment for the actors and actresses in the fall musical. Kiss Me Kate. The rest o f the year was spent in preparation for the annual Spnng Concert at which the band displayed the fruits of a hard year's work. And as usual, the band provided music at masses throughout the year. In a more informal environment students who desired to jam with fellow guitarists gathered as the Guitar Chib. The Club held frequent get-togethers, moderated by head librarian and guitar affidanado Mr, Ollinger. Guitarists developed their techniques and their musical abilities as a result o f these friendly gatherings. Perhaps the most intense Prep musical group, the Jazz Ensemble is composed o f students who possess exceptional musical ability and wish to challenge themselves in an ensemble setting. Membership is by invitation only. The ensemble livened up many Prep functions throughout the year, including Freshmen Orientation, open houses, and motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s club dinners; they also competed in the New Jersey Teen Arts Festival. A special note should be made o f several who, although not in any band or club, used the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s equipment for their own purposes. Often meeting after school or on Saturdays, these bands used the facilities to practice and to made recordings o f their own music. This was something new, a welcome addition to the musical life here at the Prep. Above; Mr. John Ollinger, the moderator o f the Guitar and Rock & Roll Clubs, strums his guitar
Above; The Brass Section toot their horns. Below and Right The woodwind section practice.
Above; Tom Hoetzl, pianist extraordinarie, at practice.
Above: Prepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jazz Ensemble perform at an Open House. Below: Gee! This drum sure is heavy. Left: The men o f the Jazz Ensemble and their music machines.
MEETING IN THE LIBRARY A t two-thirty, the school day ends but life at Prep is just beginning. Some students head for athletic fields, others to the newspaper office or to play practice. The library also comes alive as the final bell rings. There, Prep men assemble not only to find information, but also to relieve themselves of the school day’s stress. Through participation in various co-curricular activities in the library, students pursue their personal interests while making many friends who share common hobbies. Moderated by Mr. Links, the Chess Club was ideal for both the beginner and the experienced competitor. Knowing that they could improve only through practice, Chess Club members practiced regularly after school. The Club offered students a chance to learn the rudiments of the game or hone their skills. Among the many members, there was always someone at the proper level of play to challenge you. The Club also competed with various other schools in this timeless game. With Mr. Ollinger as the moderator, members of the Library Club selflessly spent their free time maintaining the library for the benefit of the school. Most students do not realize the time and effort needed to properly run a system so frequently used as the Prep library. In addition to their service, the members of the library club increased their knowledge about libraries in their annual trip to the New York City Public Library. The Role Playing Games Club gave Prep students an opportunity to escape from reality. After the school day, one could observe members organizing campaigns and battling dragons in games such as Robotech and Dungeons and Dragons. The members of the club must be admired for their excellent imaginations, despite their intermittent semblances o f insanity.
I /
Clockwise from below; Adventurers of the Role Playing Club dare the realm of Dun geons and Dragons; Vikash and John, mem bers of the Library Club assist Mr. Ollinger in his tasks; Mr. C. Links ponders his next move against Jeff.
MEDIA ARTS In today’s high-tech world, the media have risen to great importance as teach ers, as entertainers, and as means for artists and actors to express themselves. Prep students have also begun to explore such pursuits in order to express their emotions and share them with others. The St. Peter’s T.V. Studio is an organ ization which exposes students to the technology involved in the broadcasting field. This year, the Studio was moderated by Sr. Francis, and it attracted Prep stu dents who are interested in media arts. It recorded various Prep functions during the school year, such as plays and athletic events, keeping a visual record o f the year. Student members expressed their creativ ity in activities such as writing, producing, and editing their own game show. They also were exposed to the complexity of the world o f high-tech video. Executive members Scott Bardzell, Shafaat Khan, Rajub Aditya, and Luis Ayala trained new members and organized Studio events.
While the T.V. Studio captured life’s motion, another group of students fo cused on preserving still images, single moments in time, on film. With their cameras, these students transferred Prep’s many emotions and experiences onto photographs, which in future days will evoke memories of these high school years. With the use of Prep’s darkroom and the guidance of Dr. Kennedy, photog raphers can learn to develop and print their film, both color and black-and-white. While the photographers focused their cameras, the Modeling Club provided an object for their film. The members of the Prep Modeling Club expressed them selves from the other side of the camera. Moderated by Mr. Jim Dondero, the Club practiced the techniques o f appearing before a camera or an audience. The Club was led by senior Bernardo Munoz and Isadora Pena, who organized the group for modeling shows and sessions.
Counterclockwise from above; Sr. Francis is awestruck by (he complexity o f the cameras; T.V. Studio members coordinate the hi-tech equipment Modeling Club members John Barnes and Bernardo Munoz pose for the camera.
Above; Dr. R. Kennedy — moderator of the Photography Club.
CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER LEFT: Senior John Diaz explains the workings o f a video camera to Sr. Frances, OSF. “Needs more bass, I think.” Modeling Club member Albert deArmas. “ Camera two you are on.” “Now does wire A go into socket B or into socket C?”
BEHIND THE SCENES Working “behind the scenes” is a noble job for anyone. Without people willing to do such work, many of the social functions that Prep has, such as dances and plays, could not take place. Students who work behind the scenes are the backbone o f Prep. They do as much work as anyone else, and yet ask for nothing in return. They are not looking to steal the limelight. They are simply trying to make Prep a.better place to be. The two major organizations at Prep that desetve recognition for their quiet diligeocevare the Dance Committee and the Stage Crew. Many people who attended Prep dances took the lights, music, and even decorations for granted. They did not realize, that it was only through the hard work and dedication o f the Dance Committee that these necessities o f a dance were achieved. The Committee’s duties generally were » clear out the cafeteria o f all the garbage, tables, and chairs, as well as to make sure that the sound system and lights were working. This pack of hard-working guys even set up and worked in the coat rooms. Believe it or not, that’s not all. After the dance was over, when eveiyone else went home and to sleep, the Dance Committee stayed behind and cleaned up the cafeteria for the next school day. This year’s committee was headed by Chairman John Barnes and Co-Chairman Luis Ayala and Alex Ordonez. Another group o f people who stayed behind, long after crowds dispersed, was the Stage Crew. When people think o f a Prep play, they usually think of the cast. Yet in many ways, the constructions o f the Stage Crew are also critical to a top-notch production. The Crew builds the sets,, which in itself is an incredibly difficult task; this aspect o f the Crew was guided this year by Production Manager Nick Mangelli. Besides this, the Stage Crew assures that the spotlight and footlights are working, under the leadership of Lighting Manager Alex Ordonez. Stage Crew members also change the sets between scenes. Production Manager Todd Boland coordinated the many rigorous set changes which Prep productions required. The Stage Crew was usually found working diligently in the hallway between the wrestling room and the campus shop, while the cast was practicing in the cafeteria. This spirited group of artisans and craftsmen contributed greatly to the performing arts at Prep this year, despite not always being familiar (as in the case of “Kiss Me Kate”) with the facilities or the lighting equipment.
^BOVE: Dance committee coordinators set up for a good time.; BELOW: Todd Boland wonders when the evening will end.
ABOVE: Mike Struk and Tom Hussey search for a nail in a pile of lumber.; BELOW: “ C’mon, Alan . . . Are you go ing to help me?” ; ABOVE LEFT: “ Boy, this recycling can sure is heavy!”
FUNDRAISERS Prep men have frequently shown that they are truly men for others, Their generosity was particularly evident in their drives to raise money. This year, through a variety of functions, students raised funds for people far and near. Perhaps more significant than the actual profits, however, were the sacrifices made by the students. The true generosity of Prep students was found not in the amount of money given but in the sacrifices made in order to contribute. Many students quietly gave up a lunch or another record so that someone else might benefit. The organization and execution of Prep’s fundraisers required the efforts o f many students and faculty members. Countless hours were spent publicizing events, increasing student awareness of the state o f the school and o f the world, and counting the money that poured in. The success o f the fund raisers was largely due to the ability of the Student Council and the Mission Drive Committee to hamesslhe interest, energy, and m o n w o f the students and faculty. This year s Walkathon was again a success, especially in terms o f student participation. Over ninety percent of the student body participated in the walk, spurred by the incentives offered by the Student Counci:. Under the guidance o f Mr. Jim Dondero, the Student Council not only organized the walk and the collection of funds, but the Council also presented students with several appealing prizes, including a trip to Europe and a half-year’s tuition. The new route devised by the Council allowed the students to finish the walk at Prep, where they could take advantage o f the school’s new recreation area. Stirred by the fun and the prizes of the walk, the students did their share in helping to meet Prep’s annual fund. After combing their neighborhoods for sponsors, a large majority of the students made the walk to aid their school and to spend a day with friends. The school also reached out to the needy who lay thousands o f m ite away. As a Jesuit school, Prep continued to recognize the needs o f those who were bom into a state o f poverty and violence. Leading the drive to support the Jesuit missions was the Mission Drive Committee, headed by Mr. Bob Zawistowski, Mr. Robert Reiser, S.J., and Mr. Charles Gilley, S.J. The Mission Drive allowed the school to support a serious cause in an enjoyable way Homerooms throughout the school competed for the prestige o f bringing in the most money, while the school bonded together in events such as Bowl-A-Mania and Chocolate Pudding Wrestling. In reaching out to others, the Prep students grew closer together to each other, sharing their money with the missions and their laughter with each other.
Above; Mr. Dondero, Walk-A-Thon man. Below; “How do they run on air like that?” Below left; Returning students run the last stretch of the Walk-AThon. Bottom left comer; “All you need is $30 dollars and a dream!”
Counterclockwise from above: “Picture Time”; Student Council members Gero and Lmani await the return of Walk-A-Thon participants; Under the vigilance Jersey City’s finest, The Walk-A-Thon occurred smoothly; Father Oppido makes sure no one is separated from the group; Joe Bay receives the grand prize o f the Walk-A-Thon; Freshmen enthusiasm in manifest.
NONCOMPETITIVE ATHLETICS or to * J, T SJ aCtiUitieS from which <*ch Person may choose to by something new to take part in what he already enjoys. These activities proved ways for people to express themselves- th L are activities in which everyone may excel. Among these are the noncompetitive athletics, which give the students a chance to compete against each other in a friendly atmosphere. They offer a productive way to spend time and allow participants to take their minds off academics and work with a team. a ^ L Z ST PUlZ ° f athleta * M l the intramurals program. Intramurals provided welcome change from academics to athletics during the schoolday. During their lunch periods, students from the sane year competed ,n sports such as basketball and volleyball. This year, the former ^ e m o i Z ^ o n t homeroom teams returned because o f the segregated lunch periods. This created a sense o f unity within the homerooms, who cheered each other on day-to-day. Mr. Anthony Crisalli moderated the freshman and senior program during the first lunch period while Mr. Joseph Masserelli handled the sophomores and juniors in the second. Prep students participated enthusiastically in friendly rivalries, releasing the energy evident in all One vigorous group o f Prep men takes to the woods each winter to brave the ice and snow of the North These outdoormen are ttie members o f the Ski Club. Club president Matt Dilley and vice-president Frank Schivone
h 9 weekends of the ski season- The club moderator, Mr. Patrick Donohue, not quite a skier himselUook the time to organize trips such as the trip to Killington in January and another to Quebec in February These tnps gave Prep students a breath o f cool country air. The excursions strengthened the spirit o f companionship some and the technical abilities o f others. No mountain was too high for this group of adventurers This year * e volleyball dub was more organized and better than ever. Executive members Louis Ramos Brian ^ 1 1 ° and Arthur Dimaya put the club into top shape. Teams o f students were organized and seen playing in the amI and in the courtyard all year. The club played teams from Hudson Catholic, S t Dominic’s, and St Aloyious ^ m 'oumaments- Moderated by Mr. Sean Boyan, members organized instructional sessions and open practice for the ess experienced. Club members look forward to the time when the club can evolve into a team THne newest of the leisure sports groups, the Karate Club swung into its second year on the Prep scene It met Sahirday mornings, when members were taught the basics o f self-defense. Instructor Edward Martinez helped the members to develop themselves both physically and mentally, and to advance their rank, while Captain Jeffrey A ^uns,°n led a team into tournament competition. Though very senous about the sport and sparring, club memberare all fnends when the flurry o f kicks and punches clear.
Counterclockwise from bottom left comer; Karate Club instructor Ed Martinez demonstrated a “ ready” stance; The mythological Prep ski man o f the moun tain; ‘T h e ball is set .. Spike!!!” ; “Who is that man behind the mask?’
Above; Dave inbounds the ball while the crowd cheers.
* 1
Above; Instructor Ed Martinez teaches his students the importance of flexibility; Below; Referee Mr. Massaralli explains the rules as “Skins” and “Shirts” prepare to possess the ball; Below right; Jason successfully returns a volley.
We Used To See Them Every Day, But
Mr. Joseph DellaFave a t Prep: 1984-1988 now: Hoboken Councilman
Rev. James F. Kuntz, S.J. a t Prep: 1984-1988
Mr. Robert Sayer at Prep: 1984-1990
now. Headmaster, Regis High School
now. Chappaqua Public Schools
Dr. Roy Pellicano a t Prep: 1987-1989 now. N Y C Public Schools
Mr. Michael Gray a t Prep: 1963-1988 now: Owns Ice Cream Shop
Rev. James Croghan, S.J. a t Prep: 1987-1988 now. Xavier High School, Truk
Mr. John Raslowsky at Prep: 1985-1990 now: Harvard Graduate School
Rev. David F.X. Stump, S.J. at Prep: 1972-1989 now. Canisius High School
Ms. Ann Schmidtberger at Prep: 1986-1988 now Pace Law School
Mr. Robert Howard a t Prep: 1950-1988 now: Retired
Mr. Robert Mulvihill at Prep: 1952-1989 now: Runs Bus Company
Rev. Fred Pellegrini, S.J. a t Prep: 1985-1990 now: St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church, Nigeria
Ms. Kathleen Costantini a t Prep: 1985-1990 now Regis High School
Rev. Edward Salmon, S.J. at Prep: 1987-1990 now: Tertianship
SCIENCE ORIENTED ACTIVITIES In the last century, the world has become increasingly linked t».s3ence and technology. Inventions, discoveries and improvements have hurled the world into a new age o f observation and awareness; As the world progresses’ Prep keeps up with this movement by offering science-oriented clubs. Through these, students have the opportunity to explore the scientific world that lies beyond the pages of a textbook. These clubs provide a chance for students to observe and experiment through their own senses and thus develop a personal sense o f the complex universe in which they live. Moderated by Mr. Boyle, the sSence club was again.'.one of the largest clubs in school. The club had many subdivisions, such as the Aeronautics: Club and the Outdoors Club. De Rebus Scientific^ the club's newsletter mfcwsned the students about upcoming events and interesting scientific information. During the year, club membere participated in various field trips and activities. Through these excursions the club reaffirmed the importance o f a direct interaction with nature rather than a superficial textbook knowledge. The Math Club was composed o f students whose trilerest in Math drove them to display their talents outside of the classroom. Under the guidance of Mr. Reidy, the Club competed in the interscholastic New Jersey Math League By pre-test practices, the Club both prepared for the test and furthered their math skills. Many of the Club’s members were interested in Math not merely as an extracurricular activity but as a future career; thus, the Club introduced Its members to concepts that might someday play an important role in their lives. In recent years, the computer revolution has taken new dimensions. The computer has become an invaluable and irreplaceable element in all fields; thus, knowledge of the computer has become as essential to the rising student as the computer itself has become to the world’s modernization. This year, the Computer Club offered Prep students the opportunity to become familiar with this tool, providing them with an array o f machines. For those who already possessed a deeper knowledge of computer operation, the Club provided a chance to explore the more esoteric dimensions o f the computer world.
ABOVE; Mr. Boyle and Science Club members discuss field trip plans. RIGHT; Aeronautics Club members.
Above: “Now, was that formula H = T + VT - 4.9T2?” Below; Mr. R. Zawistowski - moderator o f the Ecology Club. Below left; Mr. T. Kendall - moderator of the Computer Club.
Above left and above right; Math Team members participate in one of many arduous competitions. Left; Freshmen Science Club members examine and observe the microscopic world. Below left; Prepared Mat Team members take a difficult test with ease. Below right; Mr. Boyle - moderator of the Science Clubs - demonstrates a scientific principle to a parent during an Open House.
PERFORMING ARTS A student involved with an extracurricular activity at the Prep rarely gets! the chance to show the outside world what he is doing in his activity. He may excel at a particular activity, or have a great interest in a club, but the pleasures gained from it are mainly his own. Two activities at St. Peter's, however, deal with public performance: Dramatics and Forensics. The students who participate in these activities: derive their pleasure from performing for other people. There is fr.ceed great personal satisfaction in memorizing Sines for a play, o t reading from Robert Frost, but without an audience, they are just so many words. This year, the Prep Dramatics Society produced CafePorter’s Kiss Me, Kate. The musical, based on William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew,.concerns a gro:;p o f actors whose personal lives influence the play they are producing, which happens to be The Taming o f the Shrew. Auditions, held in early September, produced an outstanding and large, cast. (Nearly one hundred people tried out, from Prep and from nearby girls’ schools.) Dan Murphy and Anna Nubia captured the lead roles, playing Fred Graham/Petruchio and Lilli Vanessi/Kate respectively. Francis Guitienez played Bill Oilhour./Lucentio, and Becky Lobleski had the part r fL o is Lane/Bianca! The musical would not have been a success without the extraordinary piano accompaniment o f Tom Hoetzl. After eleven weeks o f hard work, under the leadership o f director Jack Campion, vocal director Julie Miller, and band director Bob Garcia, the show opened. Everyone, case, stage crew, and band, worked together to make for a wonderful show. The other activity which deals with public performance is Forensics. The Forensics team is one of the more popular and more successful in the school. Through Forensics, students leam to be relaxed and confident with public speaking. They compete in various categories, including drama and duo interpretation o f literature. There are also two categories which deal with public debating: Lincoln Douglas Debates and Student Congress. Team coach Jim DeAngelo provided inspiration for the group, which often found itself at school until long after sunset. Captains Ryan Prendergast and Francis Gutierrez led the team to an impressive standing in the Newark Catholic Forensics League. Lawrence Benn, Randy Bruno, and Andisheh Mahdavi also played key roles for the team. Assigned with the tough job of compensating for the loss of senior members next season will be juniors Joseph Bay and Albert Reyes.
Below; The male chorus o f Kiss Me, Kate; Below right; The numerous trophies Forensics has acquired.
Above; Forensics members A1 and Ryan practice their oratory skills; Below; Dan Murphy and Anna Nubia - the lead roles of Kiss Me, Kate; Below right; Mr. Cam pion choreographs dance routine.
Clockwise from above; Larry Benn practices as a Forensics Tournament approaches; Anna Nubia swoons for the Gutierrez brothers; Mr. DeAngelo and Goddfrey discuss plans; The cast of Kiss Me, Kate; Forensics member prepares his speech; Petruchio, played by Dan Murphy, attempts to win the love of Kate.
PUBLICATIONS This year, three major publications allowed students to express themselves to the Prep community and beyond. By wnting, drawing, or taking pictures, Prep students manifested the .creativity and emotion which lay within themhowever, these publications required more than a burst o f creativity. The staffs o f these publications were faced with the more tedious and time-consuming task o f harnessing this creativity (or providing it), organizing it onto attractive pages, meeting deadlines, and distributing publications. Through the efforts of these staffs, the memories, feeling, and events experienced here at Prep were immortalized in words and pictures, and the common thoughts and fears of people everywhere were expressed on the pages of Prep publications. The numerous changes in staff and equipment last year ushered the Petroc staff into a new era. This year, the same staff returned with a year of experience and growth behind them. Because o f their familiarity with newspaper production, this yea^s staff was able to pick up where they left off during the previous year. Moderated by Mr. Sean Boyan, the Petroc staff produced a newspaper of higher quality and released more issues than in years past. The editorial staff o f this year’s paper was composed entirely o f juniors, promising the same high quality in next year’s publications. The Editors-in-Chief were Andrew Bondarowicz and Mohammad Ibrahim; the Assistant Editor was Daniel Palumbo; and Genard Carroll was the Photography Editor. These four organized the staff, designed the layouts, and wrote many articles themselves. Other key contributors included top w riter Gero Madrid and George Holinka. Their articles and editorials made the Prep community more aware o f events both within and beyond the school's walls and expressed the thoughts and feelings shared by many people here at Prep. The Petroc cartoonists Joe Bay III and Ernie Alfaro provided humor to the Prep community in each issue. Throughout the year, the Petroc staff managed to capture the day’s emotions and events and share them with the community in each issue. This year also brought the reorganization of Prep’s literary magazine, the Paper and Pen. Under the new moderation of Father Enrico Raulli and Mrs. Kathy Moore, the Paper and Pen began a writing workshop. In this; system, the students criticized each other’s works, making the magazine better and improving their own skills. The magazine also contained the artwork of several Prep students. Through their words and pictures, Prep students expressed their inner emotions and thoughts, journeying to distant times and places and exploring their own minds. While Petroc reported events and experiences on a regular basis, and while the creativity and emotions o f Prep students were expressed a few times throughout the year, the Petrean was assigned with the arduous task of summarizing the accomplishments and events of the entire year (even through the book was finished before the year was). Countless hours were spent in H103 designing pages, gathering photographs, writing copy, and hoping that the plant would extend the next deadline (or the previous one). The staff set out to produce a unique and well-designed book that was more representative o f the entire school, and after a year of long nights and many Telly’s pizzas, the staff had completed such a publication. The year was marked by several new editions to the staff, including the new mascot “The Camiverous Canine” and its mystery keeper. The book could not have been completed without the hard work and dedication of moderator Susan Baber and editors-in-chief Luis Ayala and Hugh Roarty. The entire editorial staff sacrificed many hours and much sleep for a successful yearbook, and these efforts have culminated in another edition o f the Petrean, which holds the memories and dreams o f this year.
Clockwise from above; “ Boy, is this good!” ; David and James: “Copy is done!!!” ; “What was the rhyme scheme again?” ; “ I wish he would just take my picture and get it over ”
Petroc editors - winners.
■ M
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Below; “Then Calvin, with his pet tiger Hobbes, went in to the forest, and . . . ” Far above; The search for Ernesto’s picture. Above; “With the picture those guys are looking for, I can complete this layout.” Right; Fr. Raulli reads a work submitted by Paper & Pen member Brad. Below right; “Hi Andy about that deadline . . . ”
FIRST ROW; left to right; R. Carrillo, J. McGuire, J. Becton, A. Calilap, T.J. Sullivan, G. Carcamo, J. Paguiligan, M. Santiago, S Parikh. SECOND ROW; left to right; L Viney, J. Martin, J. Coyle, R. DeGennaro, D. Burgers, M. Hogan, G. Madrid, D. Jackman, J. Kushnir. THIRD ROW; left to right; M. Gomez, L. Hart, R. Gaddi, J. St.Marie, D. Luipersbeck, R. Macalintal, B. Carrillo.
FIRST ROW; left to right; B. Kloza, M. Gomez, F. Gutierrez, T. Boland. SECOND ROW; left to right; M. Egan, J. Swineford, D. Rociszewski, M. Albanese. THIRD ROW; left to right; J. Gers, C. Briamonte, M. Skinner, A. Mahdavi, L. Ramos, J. Grogan, S. Bijelic, FOURTH ROW; M. Morais, R. Cosenza, R. Prendergast, W. Dwyer, J. Kist, B. Carrillo, M. R egen ye, D. Murphy, J. Salm on, D. Luipersbeck, FIFTH ROW; A. Danilchik, L. Ayala, E. Stroud, R. Salmon, L. Hart, H. Roarty, T. Hoetzl, S. Adams.
FIRST ROW; left to right; A. Danilchick, J. Bames, B. Munoz. SECOND ROW; left to right; B. Carrillo, L. Hart, M. Skinner. THIRD ROW; left to right; C. Russo, D. Luipersbeck, F. Pazminio, J. St.Marie, M. Egan, P. Gannon. FOURTH ROW; left to right; R. Salmon, D. Murphy, B. Swart, F. Gutierrez, R. Prendergast, C. Briamonte. FIFTH ROW; left to right; J. Salmon, M. Albanese, S. Lindsey, A. Rosamilia, B. Barulich, M. Baseluos, L. Ayala.
FIRST ROW; left to right; R. Macalintal, S. Bardzell, Fr. Azzarto, Mr. Kendall, E. Valente, M. Carcamo, D. Luipersbeck, C. Panchana, J. Diaz. SECOND ROW; left to right, B. Swart, M. Skinner, A. Rosamilia, M. Gomez, J. Hayes, J. Swineford, J. Cervino, P. Gannon, B. Kloza. THIRD ROW; left to right; A. Mahdavi, D. Murphy, C. Russo, F. Pazmino, C. Mcgee, M. Fromfield, D. Bell, T. Connolly, C. Fatovic, A. Danilchick, Mrs. P. O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Grady, and Mr. J. DeAngelo.
Left to right; B. Carrillo, M. Morais, R. Cosenza, Fr. Azzarto, K. DeCeglie, T. Hoetzl, M. Regenye, A. DiMeo, J. Kist, R. Prendergast, B. Dwyer, M. Egan, C. Briamonte, and J. Irvine.
First Row; left to right; R. Abello, J. Morgan, C. McPhee, S. Alerte, A. Calilap, G. Hwang, J. Lubeck, A. James, A. Galiana. SECOND ROW; left to right; J. Pedersen, D. Prusko, M. Sandomenico, A. Fryson, B. Mannion, A. Patel, J. Becton, R. Andraws. TH IRD ROW; left to right; K. Nguyen, J. Kovacs, D. Ryan, C. R igby T. Nadolski, R. Mehta, J. B loodgood, A. M oham m ed. F O U R T H RO W ; le ft to right; P. Lagm an , D. Sandomenico, R. Roy Smith, L. Ayala, J. Alicea, B. Webster, and J. Camacho.
FIRST ROW; left to right; C. Deisler, D. Baker, R. Hobby, D. McDonough, P. Policarpio. SECOND ROW; left to right; S. McDonald, D. Boland, T. Hoetzl, A. Ordonez, P. Figueredo. THIRD ROW; left to right; R. Go, J. Becton, R. Benacchio, J. Testa, G. Dhaliwal, S. Parikh, D. Wong, N. Wong, J. Paguiligan, and J. Kokosinski.
FIRST ROW; left to right: O. Broderick, S. Kosakowski, T. Mazai. SECOND ROW; left to right; C. Hoffman, Y. Correa, S. Torres, L Correa. TH IRD ROW; left to right; S. Sucato, M. Murphy, L. DiPalma; and J. Reyes.
First Row; left to right; D. Esposito, S. Rooney, N. Wong, R. Go. Sec足 ond Row; left to right; J. Hitchell, J. Arganza, D. W ong, P. Fam. Third Row; left to right; M. Mazino, M. Branchaud, A . Patel, and Mr. J. 01linger-moderator.
First Row; left to right; G. Crimmins, E. Bronnenkant, M. Walsh, J. Fong. Second Row; left to right; Mr. C. Links-moderator, S. Parikh, R. Acha, R. Mehta, C. McGreevey, and J. Paguiligan.
First Row; left to right; A . M o足 hammed, J. Arganza, P. Fam. Sec足 ond Row; left to right; Mr. J. Ollinger-moderator, A . Patel, M. Branchaud, and M. Marino.
Above, left to right: J. Barnes, A. DeArmas, B. Munoz, A . Iglesias, J. Luna.
Kneeling, left to right: V. Cheng, D. W ong, S. Rashid, B. Mannion, D. Polo; second row: D. Trivedl, R. Andrews, J. Diaz, R. Aldea, F. Khawaja, H. Figueras, K. Chua, P. Ferriera, R. Gain, S. Cervantes, K. Wilson; third row: I. Guerra, J. Alicea, R. Mehta, D. Walsh, F. Khawaja, R. Aditya.
First Row; left to right; R. Wignara jan, R. Hobby, A. Rosamilia. Sec ond Row; left to right; Mr. Garciamoderator, E. Stroud, H. Ruiz, J. Crowe, and T. Hoetzl.
> fw v v V j »»■ «»
On Floor; left to right; J. Fong, R. Grevy, B. Kloza. Next Row; left to right; J. Kushnir, J. Titos, J. Bay, G. Carroll, F. Gutierrez, D. Ragone, D. Lupersbeck, L. Benn,*J. Russell, T. Meyer, R. Prendergast, D. Bo land, AJ Monaco, V. Pepe, P. O ’Connell, M. Lee, J. Paguiligan, M. Egan, R. Bruno, D. Fogarty, and Mr. J. DeAngelo-moderator.
First Row; left to right; J. Soehngen, R. Vargas, R. Wignarajan, S. Trinotsky, M. Ruggiero. Second Row; left to right; Mr. Garciamoderator, S. Bardzell, J. Jamilano, G. Vitale, E. Stroud, R. Hweang, H. Ruiz, T. Hoetzl, R. Hobby, R. Smith, G. Navarro, J. Meluski, and J. Kushnir.
A bove; left to right; R. Alvarez, J. Cervino, V. Dhindhwal, P. Patel, R. Mehta, S. Parikh, A . Pandya, and Mr. P. Reidy - moderator.
First Row; left to right; C. Connolly, T. Ferrari. Second Row; left to right; P Rubino, R Dacey, I. Carraballo. Third Row; left to right; G. Vitale; V. Valdez, and Mr. J. Ollinger-moderator.
Above, first row (kneeling): B. Nery; second row: E. Escobar, M. Kim, J. Asuncion; third row: A . Elawlor, R. Wong, Mr. Jimenez, moderator and J. Grezcylo.
First row, left to right: J. Diaz, A . DiMaya, B. Carrillo, L. Ramos, M. Carcamo, J. Abergas, R. Macalintal, R. Khan; second row: L. Palomares, R. Abella, L. Solus, R. Hwang, V. Cheng, R. Carillo; third row: K. Chua, P. Patel, S. Rawal, J. Paguiligan, J. Jamilano, P. Alvarez, M. Castillo; fourth row: S. Gosh, A . Bautista, R. Figueras, A. Razon, K. Dunn, H. Iqbal, J. Gapasin, J. Delgado; fifth row: P. Policarpio, E. Manlongat, J. Orencia, J. Casia, A. Mohammed, J. Jun; sixth row: A. Rosario, A. Sy, D. Nguyen, M. Faller, E. Mendoza.
Kneeling, left to right: J. Jamilano, P. Figueredo, R. Vargas, M. Struk; standing: E. Mendoza, M. Patel, R. Gain, R. Benacchio, P. Policarpio, K. Chua, M. Kelly, T. Giblin, N. Mangelli, P. Fam, T. Hussey, T. Boland, A . Ordonez and J. Cervino.
Kneeling, left to right: J. Casia, I. Floresca, S. Rashid, E. Manlongat, A . Mohammed; standing: L. Ramos, D. Stafford, J. Barnes, H. Iqbal, F . LoScrudato, A . Ordonez, and Mr. Jim Dondero, moderator.
A bove: left to right; G. Carroll, A. Bondarowicz, M. Ibrahim and D. Palumbo
First row, left to right: Fr. Raulli — moderator, Ms. M oore — moderator; second row: B. Kloza, B. Regenye, M. Albanese; third row: R. Bruno, R. Dacey, E. Pompilio, P. Fam, S. Ginty and L. Benn
The sea is a vast body o f water which provides clim atic stability and houses a myriad o f tiny crea tures. Although the sea is n ot as greatly appreciated as the land which surrounds it, the sea pro vides the land with a ll the necessi ties fo r life and growth, and thus the sea determines the success o f the contiguous land. Like the sea, underclassmen are the largest sin gle body in the school. Although the underclassmen are not as well known as the seniors o r as the school itself, the underclassmen are a basin o f talent. M ost o f this group have n ot reached leader ship positions yet, and they in steadprovided the work force fo r the school’s many activities. With their diversity, their talents, and their diligence, underclassmen forrp the base o fthe Prep and thus determine the school’s success.
r " r ? L ° r 'v 9' r>;/ ^ V a !? n aw S’ ,D oH f r° ' R ' Uzdavines’ D - F° 9 ar‘ y, K. Korbelak. Second Row (I to r): J. Delgado, C. Gomez Budnik G. Pera, G. Kardell, Ms. LeC alvez, R. Paolino. Third Row (1 to r): J. Guzman, R. Comacho, M. Kulricki L O ’Brien Four Row: J. Becton, D. Prusko, R. Benacchio, M. Iordanidis, C. Petersen, C. Corea, M. Connolly, G. Lovelace, E. Hiott, M. Train Missing: D. Ragonne, D. Vanterpool.
K w n fl M R ° a C oa f XU I r ay0; M ' Rumain' M - Yohannes- J - Figurski. Second R ow (1 to r): V. Cheng, C. Conti, K. KernKw of.e M. Bundy S. Pmto. Th.rd Row: R. Jodice, P. O ’Connell, W. Tierney, G. Rachinsky, D. Trim arco. Fourth R o w S Hurd P Kushmr M Zalchar
0 S F ' W ' H a'$ey’ M ' Gi9a" te ' M ' Vaccarino’ J' A licea - MissinS: W. Browning, S. Diaz! J.
Front Row (1 to r) J. Gutierrez, D. Semienick, J. Foley, J. Am aroso, J. Mellody, T. McGarvey, Middle Row (1 to r) R. Stella, P. Metsinger, Mr. O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell, B. Manion, K. Gallagher, S. McManus, R. Andraws, R. Bonilla, P. Payumo, R. Carrillo, E. Denny, N. Warnock. Last Row: (I to r) T. Linnus, S. O â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Malley, C. Renner, M. Bogdan, F. Salimbene, M. del Rosario, A. Gawronski, S. Moon, J. Healy.
Row (I to r): J. Ferretti, R. Kowalchik, B. Molinaro, A . Baiinger, P. Diaz, D. Lopes. Second Row (1 to r): M. Harper, D. Shon, J. rade, R. Krol, A . Sabatier. Third R ow (1 to r): M. Slootsky, P. Ferreira, J. Chou, T. Jamison, D. Tsong, N. McLeish. Fourth Row (1 A Nieves, R. Nicola, B. Burke, K. M addox, N. Sevilla, P. Narvaez, M Lapinski. Fifth Row: J. Antman, C. Mango, J. Gil, J. Gazic, lores, Mr. C. Gilley, S.J. Missing: S. Trynosky.
B a b B. e f Seeley, r L l t B. B Brack ' ' ' £ V. Cammarota.t Third V I T ’ to ^ r):?P. DeG K ‘ eorge, ^ SeC0" d R° M. W (‘Ot0 r): T ' LB. o wBarry e ™ ir‘R h. = Mendoza, Baber Row* (1 A . Kloza, ’Grady, Cazzarelli Foul J Kovacs
Spad° ra’ R - Jacks0t1’ M - Adam s- A - V ele z' M - Walsh. C Morris, J. Golding. Missing: T. L a w r e j
hirst row: left to right: G. Lop ez, E. Isada, A . Christakos, C. Vitale, S. Carroll, S. Rooney, M. Snell; second row: T. Burns A Bovasso M. Vassallo, G. Nascimento, F. D ooley, P. Barbato, S. Szymczyk, S. Hanley; third row: W. Lau, B. Webster, H. Kaspersetz, R. Curry’ T. O ’Connor, M. Sandomenico, J. Glazewski; missing: I. Fraser, C. Konarski, C. Marsella, Mr. W. Koszyk.
First Row (1 to r): C. Romaro, A. Caliap, A . Beltram, A. Rizzo, K. McCahill, J. Floresca, E. McCullough, D. Chiu. Second Row (1 to r) M. Rodriguez, G. Crimmins, Mr. J. Becerra, R. Cuseglio, L. Cepeda, J. Conroy, M. Mahiya. Third Row (1 to r): G. Josue, J. Derado, M. Castillo, T. Nadolski, G. Brattole, J. Russell, D. Fallon, K. Duncan, T. Stork, A . Galiana. Missing: M. Faretta, J. Mulewski.
t Row (1 to r): Mr. Reiser, SJ, M. Gusciora, E. Bronnenkant. Second Row (1 to r): M. Krywy, L. Kiczek, G. Hwang, R. Finn, T. Myer, Monaco. Third Row (1 to r): D. Roche, C. Roesinger, B. C rowe, M. Caniso, B. Van Dyke. Fourth Row (1 to r): M. Sugrue, S. kiewicz, B. Mercier, J. Kim, J. Testa, E. Shin, J. Russo, S. Morton. Missing: J. Downey, A . Drummond, J. Gibbons.
First Row (1 to r): M. Anzivino, A. Arnone, J. Caro, J. Gapasin, M. Pereira. Second Row (1 to r): M. Cisziewicz, J. Vera, A. Le, D. ij E. Beltran, Mr. John Irvine. Third Row (1 to r): G. Geronimo, G. Smith, R. Mack, D. Hassel, M. Sazlkiewicz, J. McKenna, P. SlubJ F. Svoboda, W. Oliveri, J. Melgar. Last Row (1 to r): R. Lem onie, S. Carmona, J. Szemiot, J. Lemanowicz, P. Lagman.
First row: L eft to right: T. Shah, V. Pepe, C. McPhee, K. Desai, B. Navarro; second row: M. Conroy, T. Yasin, J. Song, K. Bryant, C. Robertson, N. Khawaja, Y . Jusma, Z. N aveed, N. W ong; third row: Mr. S. Boyan, H. Khwaja, R. Gleason, N. Jhaveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ri, I Kirkman; missing: D. Trivedi.
First Row (1 to r): Ms. Ailish Mullen, D. Walsh, N. Petti, B. Geisler, K. Renelt, M. Coco, E. Breyer, L. Roodenburg, T. Margahan. Second Row (1 to r): G. Crocam o, R. Easson, J. D ooley, R. King, G. Fajado, P. Rubino, J. Pugh, A. Fischer. Last Row (1 to r) P. McCarthy, J. Arganza, A . Gullo, B. Nery, M. Bauer, B. Casiano, M. Hanley, N. Younger, D. Suarez, P. Giblin.
st Row (I to r): J. Costanzo, G. Lynch, J. Balcer, D. Olesky. Second Row (1 to r): P. Brezzell, T . Espinoza, G. Dionyssiou. Third Row O r): J. Scher, S. Frezzo, M. L e e , B. Hawkes, J. Kirby. Fourth R ow (1 to r): S. Majumder, P. Vicuna, J. Portes, L. Ramos, D. Stafford, Farese. Last Row (1 to r): Mr. Robert Zawistowski, J. Bellia, R. Viggiano, T. Gleason, A . Priore, C. Rigby, J. Meurer, K. Lorfink, B. ;man
First Row (1 to r): B. Jezioski. M. Leber, D. Egan, L. Solis, W. Sharp, J. Camacho, Ms. M oore. Second Row (1 to r): J. Davi Malewich, R. Luttich, B. Scanlon, P. Carroll, E. Lawlor, J. Mannion, F. Singletary, K. Laca, J. Jaucian.
First Row (1 to r): E. Verano, T . Sullivan, D. Paton, J. Mercer, M. Kelly, R. Cavallo. Second Row (1 to r): J. Crocetta, T. McCarthy, M. Moran, D. W ong, R. A vetria, Mr. McGuinness. Third R ow (1 to r): S. Clutterbuck, A . Agathos, C. M cG reevy, M. Mullane, G. Shockley, R. Jaworski. Fourth Row (1 to r): J. Collins, D. Claro, N. Nardone, L. DaSilva, V . Silva. Missing: R. Panday, J. McGuire, S. Tortorello, B. Wilton.
First Row (1 to r): T. Compton, R. Nadler, J. Compton, R. Ypelar, M. Santiago, R. Abella, J. Petrecca. Second Row (1 to r): M. Martinelli, J. McKeon, A . Patel, M. Dargan, M. McGillis, R. Go. Third Row (1 to r): A , Novello, R. Traba, G. Rosales, M. Dawoud, L. Tuthill, M. Hubert, Fr. Sweitzer, R. Gwiazdowski. Missing: M. Gorski, M. Houed.
(1 to r): J. Sardella, S. Capozzoli, D. Sandomenico, D. Ruchalski, A . Andres. Second R ow (1 to r): O. Rosa, P. Alvarez, K. F. D â&#x20AC;&#x2122;A ddario, S. H ow e, J. Pasculli. Third R ow (1 to r): L. Bastidas, A . Cardenas, Mr. Donahue. Missing: O. Escobar, D.
First Row (1 to r): S. Sanz, P. Massache, M. Lynch, M. Trojan. Second Row (I to r): D. James, B. Cerullo, J. Andreula, J. Skripak, R. Zaszewsfl Paguiligan, S. Rashid. Third Row (1 to r): Mr. Massarelli, L Collar, A Beldowicz, R Martin, B. Kost, J. Yacat, M. Faller, B. O’Neill. Fourth R f l to r): M. Roake, M. Branchaud, R Ryan, C. Andreadis, G. Vierheilig, J. Hitchell. Missing: K. Paglio, L. Swineford.
First Row (1 to r); J. Morgan, B. Jain, M. Castillo. Second Row (1 to r): M. Guia, Mrs. O ’Grady, P. Norcia, J. Perrenod, J. Roberts, M. Vilas, M. Jara, C. Stefanakis, J. Curran, W. Watson, R. Mehta, S. Chiaravalloti, K. Wilson, D. Baker, D. Miguel, K. Pidane, P. Figueredo, J. Rubino. Missing: V. Que, S. Perry, J. Perez, T. O ’Donnell, D. Hannagan, H. Iqbal.
First Row (1 to r): R. Faustino, G. Shah, F. Torrent, J. Asuncion, A. Festa, E. Olivencia. Second Row (1 to r): E. Finn, S. McDonald, M. DeVillava, J. Jun, S. Parikh, D. Boland, Fr. Hoag. Third Row (1 to r): J. Pierre, D. Mauri, M. Page, E. Caradan, D. Jin, H. Kim, B. Dumaual, C Aumack, J. Bloodgood, C. Adams, A. Petrillo, T. Weierman, E. Saam. Missing: J. Kokosinski, A Lizares, J. Sung, K. Vida.
Row (1 to r): Mr. Robert Garcia, R. Vargas, M. Fawieta, S. Alerte, P. Jordan, S. Trynosky, R. Wignarajan, E. Urbanowicz, R. Valente, I. Floresca, (cDonough. Second row (I to r): J. Dye, R. Hwanf, J. Soehngen, J. Jamilano, T. Hoetzl, S. Cervantes, J. Bryant, M. Ruggiero, A Danilchick, R. by, M. Baselous, L. Palomares. Third row (1 to r): J. Abergas, H. Ruiz, R. Smith, D. Ragone, G. Nawaro, G. Vitale, J. Kushnir, S. Bardzell, J.
nian, J. Hoetzl, J. Clancy, J. Mulewski, Matt Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell, Eric Stroud. Missing: N. Carradona, J. Russell.
First Row (1to r): Ms. Miller, J. Norrett, A. Iacocca, T. Cierzo, R. DeGenaro, S. Wiley, A. Campisi. Second Row (1to r): R. Hurd, G. McLellan, R. GlasJ P. Patel, S. Ghosh, D. Voumans. Third Row (1 to r): B. Bemouy, D. Greczylo, M. Benoit* J. Sander, K. Riddick, M. Fleming, E. Sawas
First Row (1 to r): Mr. Froehlich, S. Smera, M. Silvestri, J. Shamburg, J. Lomnicky, B. McDermott, V. Giraco, D. Weir, A. Bautista, T. Jakimas, J. Fong, M. Foley, J. Driscoll, T. Pasculli, J. Soler, L. Luna. Second Row (1 to r): D. Dudzinski, A. Suarez, C. Keating, M. Ruiz, C. Dyson, S. Rawal. Missing: J. Gordon, M. Huha.
First Row (1 to r): E. Manlongat, G. Grencia, J. Casia, R. Kearney, A. Sy, C. Deisler, S. Yeager. Second Row (1 to r): S. Boyle, J. Costantino, P. Reid, F. Barletta, A. Rosario, M. Mabry, J. Martinez. Third Row (1 to r): W. Zabotka, A. Nieves, W. Abd-Rabouh, H. Hernandez, S. Bardzinski, B. McCabe, M. Kirby, J. Murphy.
: Row (1 to r): Mr. Betkowski, G. Madrid, H. Figueras, G. Dhaliwhal, V. Dhindwhal, E. Jimenez. Second Row (1 to r): D. Esposito, M. Kelly, D. laldi, G. Carroll, P. Healy, J. Magovem, J. Bay, W. Christman, P. Dumaual. Third Row (1to r): D. Palumbo, A. Bondarowicz, S. Ginty, M. Hogan, !adroga, M. Munoz, P. Fam, J. Applegate, M. Mohlman. Missing: A. Nicolaidis.
First Row (I to r): J. Miklush, J. Murray, M. Rems, M. Kim, W. Bartels. Second Row (1 to r): D. Guarino, M. Ruggieri, G. Nadolski I Canessa, G. Holinka, N. Szubiak, R. Sangalang, R. Marino, S. Chopek, S. Hannon, L. Viney, D. Page. Third R ow (1 to r): S. Drennan] Fesken, M. DeMaria, J. Jin, Mr. Links. Missing: A . Ragone, R. Acha, J. Sakowski, J. Sebik, N. Tocci.
First R ow {1 to r): M. Hanley, J. Degnan, C. Bracco, A . Florio, J. Quinlan, J. M cAuley, D. Charowsky, V . Bonaccolta. Second R ow (1 to r): T. McHale, J. Murillo, T. Lavin, Ms. Garcia, K. Cocca. M. Dawoud, M. Ibrahim, T . Phillips. Third R ow (I to r): R. Figueras, M. O 'N eill. E. Mendoza, R. Puleo, R. Flores. M. Savage, K. Dunn, D. Ryan, D. Ruocco, D. Blasucci, S. Rider, K. Jhaveri, K. McAuliffe. Missing: J. Martin.
First Row (1 to r): M. Manzo, K. Chua, F. Mavilla, F. Trombino, C. Sampers, J. Pederson, J. Prime, M. Shin, F. Alegria, E. Alfaro, E. Blanco. Second Row (1 to r): E. Giblin, S. Gargiulo, C. Noriega, D. Cruz, R. Gomez, T. Kelly, J. Militello, J. Coyle, J. Titos, Dr. Kennedy. Missing: D. Burgers, D. Francis, D. Jackman, A . Reyes, J. Sanchez.
I Row (1 to r): F. Koszyk, C. Fitzpatrick, M. Cardino, X. Salgado, J. McCullough, T. Padovano, M. Decastro, G. Scudese, P. carpio, T. Hussey M Paneggiante. Second Row (1 to r): S. Langon, C. Bontigao, D. Leontaris, G. Parziale, N. McAneny, J. ght, G. Lepis, P. Tizzano, D. Bartoshek, A. Razon, J. Wernock, D. Podolak, C. Glazewski, F. LoScrudato, Mr. Sweeney. Missing: â&#x20AC;˘agman, R. Lopez. 105
m m $k
Raindrops fall to the ground, dropping silently and steadily. Al though each bead is minute in itself, they reach the ground and assemble in ap ool o f rain. It is this process which formed the oceans and seas from which life has grown. Similarly, athletes come together with a common desire for victory. Each is unable to alone achieve success, but by combining their diverse talents and comple mentary skills, a team is formed. This group, composed o f athletes with a dedication to the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success, grows closer as brothers and thus grows closer to victory.
W O / \ A £ <gf PAROCHIAL A
i'EVi I
This year’s Prep football team was plagued by the loss of several statechampionship superstars. To fill this void, new leaders stepped forward to guide the team. Team captains Ante Benzija and Orville Gonzalez dominat ed the line of scrimmage, earning First Team All-County honors. Benzija was also selected to the Associated Press All-State Team. Other key players in cluded Dom DellaFave, John Sakowski, Mark DeCastro, and Albie Nieves, all of whom were selected to the Second Team All County. Although the year was not as statis tically successful as those in the recent past, the season was not without its highlights. The best of these was Prep’s opening game thrashing (51-6) of Hudson Catholic, who yet again could not offer a challenge; in fact, this was the highest score that Prep had ever tallied while holding the Hawks to only six points. Besides the individual achievements of the team’s leaders, the group itself grew as a unit. This year saw a young Prep team take the field, but it saw a more mature, more capable team step off the field at the end of the season. What was once un refined talent has now become a stron ger and more experienced team that will certainly be a contender in the future. More important than statistical suc cess is the personal satisfaction de rived from knowing that you have done your best. The Prep Football Team is certainly entitled to this pride, for they worked incessantly, not only during the season but also in the cold winter months and in the intolerable heat of summer. Despite their record, the Prep Team was recognized by all for their team spirit and their unyield ing effort, which became evident in the many close games with county powers in which Prep was involved. Continu ing the Prep tradition of enduring in the face of hardships was the most important contribution that the Prep Football Team could, and did, make.
9 /1 5 9 /2 2 9 /2 8 1 0/6 10/13
H udson Catholic Marist Em erson Bayonne Dickinson
(h) (a) (h) (h) (a)
1 0/20 1 0/27 11/3 1 1/10
N orth Bergen Memorial Union Hill Hoboken
Joe Gigante, Ante Benzija, and Jean Portes ready to pounce!
Peter Strandes struts his stuff!
The huddle of hugeness.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;What?! What?! Blue what?!â&#x20AC;?
Coaches Sweeney, Crisalli, and Verdi sport their Prep attire on the field.
“Hey, Vito! You’re a wild man!”
m that Nieves kid talkin’ to me?”
Matt Conway and Rob Hurd charge the oppo nent!
Dom Della Fave uses Karate to demolish the Redwings.
“Ready or not, here I come”
‘Try and get by me!!!”
The guarded Albie sets his sights.
“I think I can, 1think I can!”
Another fine soccer season brought yet another city championship. Victo ry was especially sweet this year for Mr. John Irvine, newcomer to the role of varsity soccer coach. Assisted by Joe Fitzpatrick, Peter Serra, and Carl “Duke” Hamill, Irvine, who gained five years of experience on the Junior Varsity level, surpassed his goal of a .500 record by leading the team to eleven wins, seven losses, and two ties. The team members performed as impressively as their new coach did. Several outstanding players received prestigious awards. Seniors Mike Fromfield, Rob Cosenza, and Corrado DeCandia were presented with City, Conference, and County First Team Honors; furthermore, all three Prepsters received state recognition. Also, senior Dennis Granelli, junior Anthony Iaccoca, and sophomore Anthony Novello earned Second Tearn Honors. In addition, the Jersey City Coaches As sociation bestowed several titles upon the senior standouts. Mike Fromfield was named Midfielder of the Year; Forward of the Year was awarded to Corrado DeCandia. Key players also included juniors Brian McCabe, and Pat Healey; sophomore sluggers Paul Massache, Mark Trojan, Jared Costanzo, and Ed Finn provided the team with additional strength. Indeed, a characteristic Prep spirit and dedication certainly existed be tween the players and their coach. Such hard work resulted in an excel lent season. Congratulations to the 1990 Soccer’Team.
Sat. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Mon. Wed.
9/13 9/18 9/20 9/22 9/25 9/27 9/29 10/1 10/3
Regis Hudson Catholic Bayonne St. Rose North Bergen Memorial Seton Hall Dickinson Lyndhurst
(h) (h) (a) (a) (h) (h) (h) (a) (a)
Fri. Wed. Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri. Tues. Fri.
10/5 10/10 10/12 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/23 10/26
Hoboken Bayonne Hudson Catholic North Bergen Memorial Union Hill Dickinson Marist
Mike Fromfield - always on his toes!
Dennis Granelli thwarts the opponent.
Fancy footwork by Pat Healey.
While Matt Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill Stalks the ball, Rob Cosenza keeps a careful watch.
The attentive Prepsters receive a pep talk at half time.
Prepsters in action!
Is this an attempt at cheerleading?
Check out that hang time!
Coach John Irvine
Slew o â&#x20AC;&#x2122; jocks
K ick in ’ up a storm .
Prep power!
Send that ball flyin ’ !
Andy in hot pursuit.
12/14 12/19
Despite a slow start, the Prep basketball team had a fine season, reaching both the county and state playoffs. Under the guidance of Head Coach Dave Settemore and assistants Bill Herenda and John Burke, the players improved their skills and grew together as a team. The squad was led by captain Mike Egan, who provided authority as well as strong performances, aver aging 12 points per game. Junior Jack Gordon was among the finest players in the county, lending his versatility and talent to the squad and finishing among the county’s top scorers. Other key players were seniors Andy Danilchick, Mi guel Sierra, and Keith Adams, who added strength and persistence to the team. These three players dominated the backboards and pro vided senior leadership for the younger players. Sophomores Co lin Rigby, Tom Weiermann, and Ed Finn moved up to the varsity team this season, providing added depth and security to the upperclassmen starters. The first half of the season was a struggle for the team; nonetheless, there were many important early victories for Prep during that peri od. In the first weeks, Prep success fully defended its Jesuit Classic ti tle, defeating Canisius in a thriller 72-71, victory and demolishing Xa vier (72-57) for the championship. Jack Gordon was named the Tour nament MVP, while Egan and Dan ilchick were selected to the AllTournament Team. Other impor tant early wins were victories over Bayonne at home, arid a 51-50 win over St. Mary’s at Homecoming. As the second half of the season be gan, the Prep team found the key to success, registering an amazing run. The squad won ten of eleven games near the season’s end, im proving the team’s record and qualifying the Prep for both the state and county playoffs. This run comprised many impressive victo ries, including a come-from-behind win over North Bergen (56-55) to assure a state playoff spot for Prep. Other big games were a revenge victory over Dickinson and a dou ble overtime victory over Bayonne. The players’ unceasing dedication pulled the team through the tough defeats and eventually brought a stream of victories to Prep.
12/21 12/27
12/28 12/30 1/3 1/5
1/6 1/8 1/11 1/15
St. Joseph’s (West N ew York) Snyder Lincoln JESUIT C LAS SIC Belen-Xavier Canisius-Prep Consolation Game Championship Game St. Joseph’s (Metuchen) Hoboken North Bergen St. Aloysius Memorial Dickinson Bayonne
1/20 1/22 1/25 1/29 1/30
2/1 2/5
2 /8 2/11 2/13 2/16 2/18 2/25
Emerson St. Mary’s HOM ECOM ING Hudson Catholic Hoboken North Bergen Good Counsel Memorial Dickinson Bayonne Emerson Hudson Catholic Jefferson H C IA A P L A Y O F F S STATE PLA YO FFS
T h e B e a r w ith a ball o n to p o f his head.
P r e p dribblin’ can ’t be beat!
It’s Egan up for two
The slam’s coming!
It’s the Prep Zone, in effect!
Rob gets the lay-up.
It’s Mike! It’s Mike!
“ N O ! It's M IN E !!”
N ot a problem.
Swarmed, but he dishes it out.
Yup, it s good!
Jack let’s ‘er rip
“ A ll right
I’ll slow it down now
Lookin’ fo r the open man.
Oh yeah, reach out and grab his face!
Men For Others The P rep Spirit A w ard was cre ated to honor those m en who have selflessly given their tim e, energy, and enthusiasm to the P rep com m unity. D eem ed as one of the highest aw ards that can be bestow ed upon a P rep student, this aw ard can only be won once during a stu d e n t’s ca reer. Each m arking period, a handful of such outstanding stu dents are thanked by the P rep com m unity for their contribu tions to the school. T hese recipi ents fill the school’s atm o sp h ere with their enthusiasm , giving 1 0 0 % in the classroom , on the field, and in the cafeteria. Q uiet ly, these students achieve great things; m ore im portant than these achievem ents, though, are the daily su p p o rt th at th ese m en provide to the P re p family, aid ing their classm ates and continu ing the Jesuit tradition of being “ Men For O th e rs.”
an individual whose whole-hearted day is dedicated to his fellow students, who works hard each day to organize meetings, to coordinate sched ules, to officiate with a sense of justice and fairplay, who keeps alive and vibrant P rep ’s intramural program this man deserves recognition and gratitude o f the Prep community. A Prep Spirit Award is given to ED W AR D V A L E N T E .”
Experts tell us that we humans expend more muscle power to frown than we do when we smile; in other words, a smile comes more natu rally than a frown. This is certainly true of our next Spirit Award recipient; he is a man with a friendly smile for all W e at Prep truly ad mire his dedication and we appreciate his joyful presence in our midst. A Prep Spirit Award is given to LUIS A Y A L A .
“ as an Emmaus Team Leader as Student Council Member as a volunteer in Kentucky H e is a “ behind the scenes” person In return for all he does, the Prep community now recognizes his contribution with a Prep Spirit Award JO H N C E R V IN O .” “ silent waters run deep his contributions to the Prep track team have been many He is a scholar, a H A P tutor* a Eucharistic minister he is a friend to all A Prep Spirit A w ard goes to JIM S A L M O N .”
I his man is a constant leader on the soccer field as well as an Emmaus Team Leader He makes others feel more confident a “ typical Prepkid” a true “ Man for Others” A Prep Spirit A ward goes to MIKE F RO M FIE LD .”
a member of the Spirit Committee and | the Wrestling team omnipresent at | Prep functions j also an Emmaus Team J leader A Prep Spirit Award goes to 1 an individual with a ton of Prep Spirit M IC H A EL SK IN N E R ”
this young man seems to be omnipresent on the basketball court or on the baseball field selling buttons in the cafeteria or col lecting clothes for the homeless; he is always ready to advertise the virtues of Prep at an Open House or orientation For his selfless service and for his great sense of hospitality, the Prep Spirit Award goes to M IC H A EL G O MEZ.”
This young man has distinguished himself in the area of selfless generosity to Prep He has grown through his work as a Hap teach er, an active member of the Spirit Committee and Mission Drive. He has offered his athletics talents to such teams as: soccer, basketball, and golf. His involvements are many, but his ideal is one: to serve the Prep community in a meaning ful way. A Prep Spirit Award goes to- B IL L Y D W Y E R .”
“ This senior gives a great deal o f his time and energy to the promotion o f school spirit de voted countless hours to the work o f drawing and designing creative banners and innovative fliers displayed along the halls and the cafete ria. H e offers his artistic talents in order to encourage the efforts o f our school teams. He is friendly and helpful to all; a Prep Spirit Award goes to: KEVIN L A W L E S S .”
“ A warm personality, a great enthusiasm, a friendly smile - these qualities welcom e you to every encounter with our next recipient H e is a conscientious mem ber o f the Student Council and a driving force behind the success o f the Walkathon C rea tivity and dedication shine through in his work for the Petrean Th e Prep Spirit Aw ard is presented to a man who embodies that Spirit JO SE PH C O Y L E .”
“ It is a rare individual who can blend in his person outstanding talent with a deep sense o f humility a very gifted young man; all he does is the first-rate, 10 0% -f from the yearbook office to the cafeteria his smiling presence is a source of jo y to all It is with great pride that the Prep community presents a Spirit Award to D A V ID J A C K M A N .”
“ he reminds people o f how special they are His friendliness combines with a dedication, which shines through via the Petrean, Petroc, and Paper & Pen. This talented artist is more than happy to contribute his time and full effort H e is the model o f a Prep student and a nicer guy you will not find For this a Prep Spirit Award is presented to: ERN ESTO A L F A R O .”
“ His dedication is evident in his co-curricular activities most importantly, on the yearbook staff where he serves as assistant editor despite these great achievements, it is his attitude and work ethic which merit this honor he works unceasingly until the job is completed playing sports on Emmaus For this the Prep Spirit Award is presented to: H U NTER FIG U ERAS.” 121
a Prep student . in cocurricular activities as Student Council and Spirit Committee an outstanding athlete on basketball . as well as baseball . ‘ up front guy’ ‘solid citizen’ A Prep Spirit Award goes to MIKE E G A N .”
he’ll just do it ., in the classroom and on sports show the Europeans how to play baseball, and cut his own hair the Prep Spirit Award is presented to: MI C H A E L Z A D R O G A .”
“ His total dedication to service here at Prep is the basis for this nomination an executive member o f the Student Council H e is the person who is always there, 4X a day to ask what needs to be done or to organize any activity part o f the Big Brother Pro gram, Emmaus Team , H A P tutor, Oriental Club and played football and ran track his first two years We are gi^teful for all he does so a Prep Spirit Award qoes to: B R IA N C A R IL L O .”
“ It is generally accepted that the Prep Spirit Award should be given to a person o f outstanding character, a young man who is steadfast in his convictions and be liefs. H e should be a leader who gets the job done through quiet influence. For his service as a Big Brother, a guide at every Open House, a friend who is willing to lend a helping hand a Prep Spirit Award goes to: M IC H A E L A L B A N E S E .”
a breeze is a fitting metaphor to characterize our rrext Spirit Award recipient a young man with a warm and gentle heart, a loyal friend to many, and a source of inspiration to all who know him . a faithful member o f both basketball and baseball teams here at Prep an active member o f the Science Club . He is an individual with lofty ideals who always puts forth his best efforts Th e Prep community salutes him as a genuine “ man for others,” and we honor him with a Prep Spirit Award - C H RIS B R IA M O N T E .”
taking charge on the hardwood or teaching CCD to 8th graders As an athlete he is a model o f dedication and hard work, a great competitor. As a teacher he understands the responsibility he has and works hard to be a model o f Christian service fo r his students he is a top student and an enthusiastic member o f the band. When you need a positive attitude and 10 0% he’s your man. Th e Prep Spirit Aw ard is proudly presented to A N D R E W D A N IL C H IC K .”
v“ A driving force behind the success o f our German Exchange a gifted musician who devoted countless hours to our fall musical as the rehearsal pianist, an outstanding member o f the Band and jazz ensemble, an Emmaus brother a person happy to lend a hand at Masses and Penance services - these things define this recipient. His attitude and spirit is an exam ple to us all. The Prep Spirit Aw ard is given to TH O M AS H O E T Z L .”
“ Enthusiasm, desire and a love for Prep characterizes this young man in track and in Student Council . Always avail able at Open House, coming up with new ideas, helping with the Freshman Orienta tion and the Walkathon, this man is always positive he tries to do the right thing. We present the Prep Spirit Award to . . LM A N I V IN E Y .” school dances would never materi alize without the leadership and dedica tion of this man the Ebony Club and the Big Brother Program have come to new life with his unique contributions As a Member of the Student Council his voice is one o f positive service and support A Prep Spirit Award goes to: JOHN B AR N ES.” Our recipient was Best Tutor for the summer H A P program While others revel on the fields o f football and basket ball, this man is happy to support teams from the sidelines as a manager or a scorekeeper. H e seeks no personal glory With pride and admiration a Prep Spirit Award is given to JEROME PEDER SEN.”
H e has never forgotten the meaning o f Prep Spirit. Whether it be Forensics, the Big Brothers, Eucharistic Minister or just an other hand to set up for or clean up after Emmaus homecomings, he is there. Under the aegis o f the National Honor Society, he generously donates his time to tutoring others A Prep Spirit Award goes to: R Y A N P R E N D E R G A S T.”
“ H e wears many different hats. In Forensics he com petes in drama and is always willing to help his younger teammates and share his good humor. A s JV baseball player he played hard and shared a great spirit. During the German Exchange he represented all the best qualities of Prep. A student who appreciates his many gifts and the people around him, the Prep Spirit Aw ard is present ed to D A N IE L LU IPE R SB E C K .”
“ H e is a man who prides himself on academic success; yet, he fully realizes that there is more to an education than grades on a transcript. H e is a man who generously serves others: National Honors Society, Forensics, Dramatics, and Big Brothers . Prep is proud to present a Prep Spirit Award to: F R A N C IS GUTIERREZ.
a co-captain on the swim team with a spirit o f selflessness Three consecutive county championships witness to the dedication o f this young man. On dry land he is a very talented musician as well as a faithful Emmaus brother. W e offer a Prep Spirit Aw ard to: JEFF B R Y A N T ,”
The Prep hockey team dispelled all critic’s preseason doubts with their hard work and diligence. This year, Prep transferred from the American Conference A to the tougher National Conference B. They were expected to finish at the bottom of this competitive division before they ever set foot on the ice, and these predictions seemed to be on their way to actualization. The team had a rough start, winning only two of their first ten games. Nev ertheless, the team never gave up, and the players pulled together to turn the season around. Prep soon saw a streak of five consecutive wins, a streak which propelled the team into both the State and Gordon Cup Playoffs. The Prep posted victories over Indian Hills, Bergen Catholic, and Brick Me morial. Two important games were the pair of wins over Don Bosco, which qualified Prep for the Gordon Cup Playoffs. The Prep icemen also fought hard against St. Joe’s Montvale, providing competitive opposition to a team that was ranked first in the state. Over the holidays, the Prep team again showed its dominance over Hudson County teams as it won the Bayonne Christmas Tourney for the fourth year in a row. In the tourna ment, the Prep team went undefeated, crushing Marist in the championship game with a 12-2 win. The team was coached by Mr. Ken Such, whose knowledge and exper ience with the sport guided the team through the rough start and the suc cessful finish. Leading the team were senior captains Pete Gannon at right wing and Jason Andreula at center. With their enthusiasm and their fine performance^, this pair pushed the team to success. Backing high scorer Jason Andreula at center was Rob Corbett, while Mike Dargan and Jay Swineford played at the wing positions with Gannon. Steve Brown and Bobby Brack headed the defense, and sopho more Brad Cicala consistently played impressively as the Prep goalie. This year’s team consisted of many rookies who will have to step forward into leadership roles as this season’s sen iors move on.
12/2 12/3 12/5 12/10 12/12 12/17 12/20 12/23 12/26-27
St. Joseph’s (Montvale) Toms River North Indian Hills Toms River East Summit Montclair Summit Bergen Catholic HUDSON C O U N T Y H O L ID A Y T O U R N A M E N T (Prep, Bayonne, Hudson Catholic, Marist)
1/2 1/5 1/7 1/17 1/21 1/27 1/28 1/31 2/4 2/11 2/18-24
Christian Brothers Academy Seton Hall Prep Brick Memorial Toms River North Brick Don Bosco Prep Bergen Catholic Brick Memorial Don Bosco Prep Clifton Gordon Cup Playoffs
T h e knights in w h ite com m an din g th e rink.
‘ H e y , can w e start n o w ? !”
“ Excuse me, could you please M O V E ?!”
Prep crushes the opponent!
Prep skates up a storm.
T h e icemen feel the heat, even at rest.
The duel.
Th e poised icemen ready for the opposition!
Takinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; control
The attentive goalie guards his cage.
M asters o f the ice.
Th e ice and the icemen
equally slick!
A bit o f a scuffle!
‘H ey buddy! Th e puck’s behind you!" 127
The Prep swim team continued its domination of Hudson County compe tition this year, again winning all the major local meets. The team finished undefeated in the county, posting wins over St. Joe’s and Bayonne, and beat ing Hudson Catholic by nearly one hundred points. The team again won the Bayonne Bees Classic, as well as successfully defending its City and County titles. In all three meets, the team wiped out all competition and virtually owned the winners’ platform. In outside competition, also fared well, finishing fourth in the State Sectionals. Other meets included a vic tory over a strong Montclair team and a narrow loss to St. Benedict’s, a meet in which every Prep swimmer posted his best times. Prep’s most successful team was again coached by Mrs. Mary Beth Bry ant, who led the Prep swimmers through another year of victories. The senior captains Jeff Bryant, Loren Hart, Sean Adams, and Alberto DeArmas provided leadership for the team, dominating their events and sharing their experience and guidance with the younger swimmers. Jeff Bryant con trolled the 200 IM and the 500 free; Sean Adams had his best perfor mances in the IM and the Breast Stroke; and Loren Hart and Albert DeArmas combined to take top posi tions in the freestyle events. Junior Jeff Enright had the best individual performances, no only dominating the 50 and 100 free in local competition but also qualifying for the State Finals with a State Sectional win in the 100 free and a second place finish in the 50 free. The Prep divers also recorded impressive performances, with seniors Joe Kist and Andy Szymczyk upset ting all competition to finish first and second in the State Sectionals, respec tively.
12/4 12/7 12/11 12/14 12/19 1/2 1/4 1/9 1/11 1/23 1/25 1/29
Clifton (w/ St. Dominic’s) East Brunswick Delbarton Xavier Bee’s Swim Classic Roselle Catholic Ferris Hoboken Hudson Catholic St. Joseph’s Bayonne & Marist Dickinson
2/5 2/6
St. Benedict’s Montclair (w/ St. Dominic’s)
2/16 2/23 2/25 2/27 3/1 3/6
City Championships County Championships State Team Sectionals (Semi-Finals) State Team Sectionals (Finals) State Team Semi-Finals State Diving Individual Champion ships State Team Finals State Individual Championships
3/7 3/9
The Three Stooges.
The coach and the athlete surprised by a candid shot.
C oin ’ for the gold!
C ’mon, Jeff, stop whippin’ it!
W hat a beast!
Underwater frenzy.
Buddies beneath the surface.
Hanginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; out with the aquamen.
W restling This year’s Varsity Wrestling team saw many new faces fill the voids left by last year’s squad. Sonny Grieco, who was previously an assistant coach, was named the new head coach of the Prep team. His coaching staff was composed of new men as well. Keith Kelly, John Gonzo and John Reidel all joined the Prep wrestling team this year, helping Coach Grieco to orga nize and condition the wrestlers. The team’s ranks were also filled by sever al new members,who provided many crucial wins throughout the season. Freshmen Bill Tierney and A.J. Mon aco and sophomore Tony Priore were important new additions to the pro gram. These new coaches and wres tlers all adjusted quickly to the high level of the area’s competition, making important contributions early in their Prep careers. Amid the new additions to the pro gram were several returning members, whose experience gave instruction and inspiration to the younger wrestlers. Leading the team were captains Gene Pompilio and Mike Zadroga, who guid ed the team by their outstanding per formances and their ceaseless efforts. These captains led the team in prac tice and in matches, helping other members to improve their skills and gain confidence. Gene Manlongat, A1 Bautista, Chris Stefanakis, Bryan Hawkes and Frank Koszyk all re turned to the varsity squad this year, bringing with them the skill and exper ience which they had acquired in past years. This season proved to be a difficult one for the Prep wrestling team, which was devastated by the injury of cap tain Gene Pompilio midway through the year. Despite the loss, the team did post several impressive wins. One important victory was a win over Xavi er, 42-20, with crucial matches won by Billy Tierney, Mike Zadroga and Frank Koszyk. Perhaps the most impressive victory, though, came against Essex Catholic. The Prep team defeated Es sex Catholic by a score 36-35 paced by the key wins of Koszyk, Zadroga and Hawkes, and pushed over the top by Billy Tierney. The many individual victories of this year’s juniors, sopho mores and freshmen foreshadowed the great success awaiting future Prep wrestling squads.
12/15 12/19 12/22 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/12 1/14 1/18 1/23
Ridgefield Tournament Weehawken Bergen Catholic Orange & Patterson Eastside Paterson Kennedy North Bergen Essex Catholic Seton Hall Prep Xavier St. Benedict’s
1/26 1/29 2/6 2/8-9 2/11 2/16 2/22 2/23 2/27
Kearny Millburn Cliffside Park Ghost Classic Roselle Catholic Don Bosco District Championships District Championships Regional Championships
T h e o p p o n en ts’ introduction
O o o h ! A m ean u p p ercu t (just kidding).
Don’t worry, it’ s all FR IE N D LY .
'‘w W
Can I give you a lift?
Th e intensity mounts on ring side.
m .
T w ister!
Th e cha cha!
Each winter, Prep bowlers qui etly travel to alleys around the county and let their bowling balls make the noise. Once again this year, Prep bowling balls made more noise than any voices could. The Prep Keglers recorded another outstanding season, finishing among the top teams in the county. The team rolled impressively past Dickinson and Ferris, and it won a crucial match against county pow erhouse Hudson Catholic. The Prep team’s schedule was not lim ited to county matches, though. The team traveled abroad, record ing outstanding performances in the Central Jersey Tournament and the Summit Tournament. Once again, the team was coached by Mr. Robert Zawistowski, whose dedication and humor contributed to the success and enjoyment of the players. Teafn captain Randy “The Mon ster” Aldea led the team to victory, posting consistently high scores and pushing his teammates to strive for their personal best. Cru cial bowlers for the team were Jimmy “The Fly” Hitchell, Louis “Little Bear” Ramos, Chris “Super Frosh” Flores, and Justin “Rocky” Sebik. The hard work and quiet diligence of the Prep bowlers helped this year’s team to achieve success, and more accomplish ments are certainly to be expected as the young arms of this season’s team continue to mature in future
Synder Lincoln Hudson Catholic Ferris Dickinson Lincoln Synder Ferris Dickinson
Hudson Catholic Snyder Lincoln Hudson Catholic Ferris Dickinson Hudson County Championship All Star Match
W e’re sweatin’ that balance!
Jim Hitchell springs into action.
“ Is it my turn yet?”
We all know he got a strike!
Mr. Z in his “stern coach” mode.
The W orld A round Us “ A new world order y that is what it is all about. The idea that somehow the nations of the earth will take it upon themselves to forge a more productive, a more secure, a more just way of governing their existence, that is the reason why the United States, along with the rest of the alliance, has partaken in the terth\war of its history. Recalling the days of W oodrow Wilson and Harry Truman, George Bush has set his sights on overseeing the redefining of the world as we know it, shaping a Pax Americana the world over. Despite assurances to the con trary, the dawning of this new era started just as so many had before it — on the battlefields of war. With his invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein set into motion a string of events which saw the quickest deployment of forces in the history of the world and the largest contingent of American soldiers assembled since Vietnam. The United Nations finally began func tioning as the international watchdog it was in tended to be, passing 12 Security Council reso lutions pertaining to the conflict. The vast ma jority of the world community stood as one, as Iraq was confronted with economic and political isolation by the United Nations and a military force consisting of representatives of 28 differ ent nations under the auspices of the agency. Regardless of one’s views of the conflict’s legiti macy, it was clear from the beginning that, in the words of President Bush, “ this aggression will not stand.’*
Bush nearly impossible to defeat. All of this considered, the past year was one of transition: from the Cold W ar tempo to a new world order that still has not fully materialized; from a healthy economy to a recession back, if the optimism of the stock market is to be be lieved, to a healthy one; from the polluters of yesterday to the reformers of today; and from the bombs, bullets, and blood of yesterday to the peace of today — even if the familiar bombs, bullets, and blood were still there in the beginning.
m Below: In October, Judge David H. Souter was sworn in by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist as the nation’s 105th Supreme Court Justice; Right: With seconds remaining in Super Bowl XXV, Scott Norwood missed a field goal insur ing a one point victory for the N ew York Giants. 20-19.
cession threatened to become an all-too-noticeable depression. The budget summit between the administration and congress provided few quick fixes, but did make some changes which, if implemented, could allow for some serious defi cit reduction in the years to come. Hardest hit by the recession was the Northeast, where the trouble which was just being realized by the rest of the country had been felt for a number of years.
119, t
ym r^SSl
Despite the near monopoly that the war had in the news, there were plenty of other things that were happening in the world. Germany was reunited, as was Yemen, albeit to much less hoopla. The dismantling of apartheid in South Africa continued, as Nelson Mandela went from suffering under the chains of oppression in a South African jail to triumphing under the rain of ticker tape as he rode up Broadway. In the Soviet Union, the new ways of glasnost made way for the old ways of the Cold War, with Russian tanks once again quelling a revolution in the making, this time in the Baltic republics. John Major replaced Margaret Thatcher in Bri tain, ending the “ Iron Lady’s” reign as the long est serving British Prime Minister of this century. Throughout all of this, the world economy continued its slowdown. With the potential col lapse of the Uruguay round of the G A T T talks, what had started off as a barely discernible re
Below: On the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, 200,000,000 people throughout the world promised to work towards saving our environ ment; Right: On January 13, the Soviet army was ordered by President Gorbachev to sup press uprisings in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnuis.
A s the world suffered through its warmest year in recorded history and California through its fifth consecutive year of drought, people be gan to attain a new level of environmental awareness. Spurred by such catch-phrases as “ global warming” and “ toxic waste,” the move ment gained such a momentum and consensus that it was frequently hard to distinguish be tween the truly concerned and those who were jumping on the bandwagon of the latest craze. Positioning began for the 1992 Presidential elec tions, yet many potential candidates were biding their time to see the outcome of the war; an impressive victory in both war and the peace after could make the already favored George
Celebration and detonation: Two antithetical events that are sure to appear in the textbooks of our posterity: below, joyous lights fill the sky as the reunification of Germany takes place; at left, morbid lights of anti-aircraft fire follow an air attack in Baghdad.
Liberation and desolation: At near left, Nelson Mandella, one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most celebrated political prisoners, was freed by the South African Government in February after twenty-seven years in jail; at far left, one of humanityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest problems is very much alive ij| the estimated three million homeless Americans.
The Cross Country team had anothe great season. After the bulk of the team trained and conditioned themselves at the summer track camp, the team went on to a successful season by winning the City Championship and the South Hudson Championship. The team was replete with talent this year. Senior co-captains Jim Salmon and Chris Russo led the way, while seniors Bobby Salmon and Jason Gers provided surprise performances which really helped the team. The juniors also made a strong showing, paced by Will Christman, Kenny Dunn and Jona than Sander. The sophomores proved themselves to be valuable assets, with Hyun Kim, John McGuire, and T.J. Sullivan registering stellar performances. Like the Cross-Country Team, the in door team had a successful season under the guidance of Head Coach Mike Bur gess, who was assisted by two new mem bers to the track program: Kathy Salmon, daughter of Coach Salmon and sister of Bobby and Jimmy; and Father Joyce, the new leader of the field team. The team made an impressive showing in each meet, paced by the consistency of the veteran runners. Distance runners Jim Salmon and Chris Russo headed the pack in theionger events, using their experi ence and years of conditioning to push the Prep team ahead. The sprints were dominated by Lmani Viney, Steve Bijelic, and Dave Charowsky, while Rob Acha, Bobby Salmon, and Romeo Macalintal led the hurdle events. Juniors John Applegate, John Aslanian, and Matt Fleming powered the field team, contrib uting crucial points to the team’s overall scores. The Outdoor Team also posted a suc cessful season, continuing the Prep track program’s tradition of excellence. The team was again led by head coach Mike Burgess and assistants Kathy Salmon and Father James Joyce. The team finished strongly in all events, under the leadership of the experienced and conditioned up perclassmen. Jim Salmon, Chris Russo, Will “Chuck” Christman, and John McGuire paced the distance runners, combining speed and endurance to domi nate the longer events. Steve Bijelic, Lmani Viney, and John Yacat showed their explosive speed in the sprints, while Hugh Roarty, Rob Acha, Bobby Salmon, and Romeo Macalintal controlled the hur dle events. The field team was powered by John Applegate, Matt Fleming, and John Aslanian, whos sheer strength pushed the team ahead.
Cross Country Indoor Outdoor
Can you guess which team these men are with?
Did I win, did I win?
Why is Jim out of uniform?
Is this race almost over?
St Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prep, Gonzaga - could we be at the Jesuit Invitational Track meet?
Runnin’ s the p atien t m an’s sport.
“ So the other guys says
Faster o r I’ ll kill with this key-chain-thing!”
D o n 't s tep o n the co n e !
T h e coaches: Fr. J am es J o y c e and Mr. M ike Burgess
A good runner A L W A Y S stretches. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re symmetrical!!
4/2 4/5 4/6 4/9 4/12 4/13 4/16
The varsity baseball team again had a fine season, placing among the top teams in Hudson County. The team’s county schedule pitted Prep against such formi dable opponents as Hoboken, Memorial, and Bayonne. The team even had to face the arm of Danny Ortiz, Hoboken’s AllState pitcher. Despite this tough opposi tion, the Prep team had a strong record, losing a few, winning many more, and learning important lessons along the way. This team dedicated this year’s season to Jeff Kachel, whose struggle against Hodgkin’s disease inspired all who knew him. The great energy and dedication of this year’s team comprised a fitting tribute to the player and person who touched the Prep community. Coach Urbanowicz and Coach Harris guided the team perfecting the skills and timing of the players each day in practice. Leadership and team spirit were provided by seniors Mike Gomez and Joe Calderone, whose play and enthusiasm lifted the team during its lowest moments. The team had a solid battery, with senior Dom DellaFave catching for junior pitch ers Bill Zabotka and Kevin McCauliffe. Other key players were Mike Zadroga in left field, Dan Burgers at shortstop, and Steve Garguilo at third base. This solid team won many games, as well as a handful of individual honors in both the division and the county.
St. Joseph’s S.l. Ferris St. Josephs, Metuchen Marist St. Joseph’s, West New York Bergen Catholic Emerson
(H) 4/19 (a) 4/20 (h) 4/22 4/25 (h) 4/27 (h) 4/30 5/3 (h) 5/4 (h) 5/7
Memorial Madison Central Dickinson Hudson Catholic Seton Hall Prep Bayonne North Bergen Xavier Hoboken
(a) (a) (h) (a) (h) (a) (h) (h) (a)
5/10 5/11 5/13 5/16 5/18 5/21 5/23 5/28 5/31
Emerson St. Raymond’s Memorial Dickinson St. Benedict’s Hudson Catholic Bayonne North Bergen Hoboken
Coach Urbanowicz keeps a careful eye on his men.
Garguil stays on his toes.
Mike and Joe prepare to step up to the plate.
Coach Harris near the dugout.
Burgers has a heart-to-heart talk with his bat.
One of the most consistently successful teams in Prep, the tennis team was once again a dominant force in Hudson County. In county competition, Prep faced tough competition from Emerson and Hudson Catholic. In independent matches and in state competition, the team faced such formidable opponents as Seton Hall Prep and St. Joe’s Montvale. Regardless of the opposition, the Prep team made strong showings at its home in Lincoln Park or abroad, at courts round the county and the state. St. Peter’s sat atop the county rankings, again proving the success of this year’s team and of the Prep tennis program as a whole. Despite the loss of four of last year’s starters, this year’s team filled the Void with strong leaders and talented players. The team was once again led by the guidance of “The Chief,” Pete McNamara. Senior Captains Tim Connelly and Dan Murphy pushed the team to its full potential, both in and out of season. Their strong words of leader ship. and constructive criticism were backed by their spectacular play in singles slots, winning them the full respect and attention of the team members. Sopho more Nick Caradonna held the first sin gles position throughout the year, provid ing crucial victories and inspiration to the team. The doubles spots were filled by juniors Ryan Kearny, Gero Madrid, and David Jackman, and Sophomore Pete Figueredo, while juniors Andy Bondarowicz and Jay Norrett filled in at crucial times during the year. Although tennis seems to be a naturally individualistic sport, this year’s team was strongly bonded by the leadership of the team captains. Confined to practicing on only a few courts at Lincoln Park, the team overcame such limits with their spirit and their enthusiasm. This relatively young team showed much promise for future years, with the majority of the team returning for yet another successful sea son next year.
Ferris North Bergen Bayonne Snyder H udson Catholic Lincoln Academic
(H ) (A) (A) (H) (A) (H) (A)
Dickinson Bayonne Snyder North Bergen H udson Catholic Ferris Lincoln
Pete concentrates on killinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; that ball!
I coulda hadda V-8!
Nick with the perfect follow-through.
Jackman unleashes his hidden fury!
FRO NT R O W ; left to right: J. Costanzo, M. O Donnell, B. Barulich, A. Novello, G. Vierheilig, M. Trojan, B. McCabe. SE C O N D ROW- left to right- P Healev A m .° CCai’ r- BondaLowi “ ' G - H I C - deCandia, 1 Finn A. Nicolaidis, P. Massache, J. Norrett. THIRD R OW ; left to right; Head Coach J. Irvine, M. Fromfield M Dilley, I. Guerra, R. Cosenza, S. Adams, C. McGee, M. O ’Neill, D. Granelli, Team Manager E. Valente, Asst Coach J Fitzpatrick
FIRST RO W left to right; C Andres, A. Dimeo N.Szubiak, S. Clutterbuck, M. Hanley, J. Applegate, M. Conway, A. Nieves, A. Benzija, M. Mohlman. SECO ND ROW teft to right, M^Fleming, J. Gigante, R. Hurd, M. Morais, M. Kirby, V. Ciraco, B. Talzuk, J. Militelo, D. Blasucci, J. Roberts. THIRD R O W ; left to right; S Canrerra j ’ Perrenod, O. Gonzalez, T. McHale, F. Barletta, R. Santoro, J. St. Marie, G. Portes, M. Munoz, M. O ’Donnell, R. Viggiano. FO UR TH R O W left to right- R. Puleo’ J. Pederson, C. Sampers, CoM h Crisalli Coach Harris^ Coach Lanzalotto, Coach Hansen, Coach Such, Coach Ridell, Coach Sweeney, Coach Capuano, R. Gomez D PaJumbO'J Aslanian. FIFTH R O W ; left to nght; D Dellafave J Sakowski, B. Kost, A. Cardinis, M. Benoit, J. Clancy, C. Bontiago, P. Nausia, J. Shear, M. Hanley, A. Campisi. SIXTH R O W ; left to right; D. Youmans, J. Murillo, R. Zazewski, M. DeCastro, T. Padovano, K. Paglic, P. Strandes, B. Hawkes, A Priore T Phillips and C btephanakis. ’ K ’
BASEBALL: AB O VE ; Top Row (1-r): Coach Urbanowicz, M. Mullane, M. Zadroga, B. Zabotka, Coach Harris. Second Row: S. Garguilo, M. Gomez, D. DellaFave, M. Jara. Third Row: J. Calderone, K. McAuliffe, M. Egan, D. Burgers. BE LO W ; Top Row: T. Kelly, F. Mavilla, D. Podolak, F. Barletta, P. Reid. Second Row: R. Puleo, J. Murphy, M. Foley, F. Trombino, M. Paneggiante. Third Row: R. Glasser, C. Briamonte, R. Ortiz, M. Baselous. Baseball
BELOW: Cross Counfry (Sending, k ): J Skripak, R. Mheta, J. Salmon, C. Russo, R. Salmon, E. Saam, A. Nieves, R. Mack, Coach B. Salmon. (Kneeling, 1-r): Coach M. Burgess W Christman K. Dunn, T. Sullivan, A Newell, D. Ollesky, F. Dooley, A. Drummond. y ' ' u Âť ISIman'
ABOVE: Bowling (1-r): L. Ramos; J. Hitchell, R. Maury, R. Aldea, K. McAuliffe, C. Flores, Coach Robert Zawistowski.
BELOW: Tennis (Top Row, 1-r): R. Kearny, T. Connely, D. Murphy, N. Calderone. (Botton Row, 1-r): A. Razon, D. Jackman, P. Figueredo.
ABOVE; GOLF (1-r): B. Geisler, K. Adams, M. Dilley, T, Connoly, R. Dacey, B. Dwyer, C. Connolly, R. Cosenza, C. McGee.
R ow 째r : WuRc STLIr G: T 째 P aR O d M' Zadrosa' J- GiSante, C. Stefanakis, T. Suarez, B. Tierney, E. Pompilio C Perez Bottom Row. Coach Sonny Gneco, A. Bautista, E. Manlongat, F. Koszyk, B. Hawkes, B. Kloza, Coach John Riedel.
BOTTOM; left to right; M. Santiago. FIRST ROW; left to right; J. Yacat, H. Roarty, S. Bijelic, L. Viney, R. Macalintal, M. Castillo. SECOND ROW; left to right; P. Dumaual, R. Salmon, C. Russo, J. Salmon, B. Dumaual. THIRD ROW; left to right; Coach M. Burgess, W. Christftian, A. Nieves, E. Shin, A. Drummond, R. Mehta, Coach K. Salmon. FOURTH ROW: left to right; J. McGuire, F. Singletary, M. Paige, J. Skripak, J. Volcy. MISSING; R. Acha, A. Ragone. Track
TOP ROW; left to right; M. Egan, A. Danilchick, B. Dwyer, J. Gordon, M. Sierra, K. Adams, T. Wierman. FRONT ROW; left to right; Manager J. Pederson, C. Rigby, P. Reid, R. Murd, C. Briamonte, S. Drennan, and E. Finn. Basketball
Frosh Football
FIRST ROW; left to right; Sluberski, M. Castillo, M. Iordinidas, T. McGarvey, A. Fryson, S. Hanley, T. O ’Connor, D. Tsang. SECOND ROW; left to right; C. Vitale, N. Sevilla, S. Outskiewicz I. Fraser, P. Gutkowski, H. Kaspersetz, B. Brack. THIRD ROW; left to right; P. Metzinger, W. Tierney, T. Stork, Coach Crisalli, Coach Sweeney, Coach Mulcahy, S. Hurd, M. Gigante! L Cepeda. FOURTH ROW; left to right; T. Linnus, G. Geronimo, T. Lawrence, C. Flores, D. Prusko, J. Conroy, J. Antman, W. Halsey. FIFTH ROW: left to right; B. Webster, R. Cozzarelli! i K. Duncan, S. Moon, N. Wamock, J. Gil, E. Shin, N. Jhaveri, T. Egar.
The 1990 St. Peter’s Prep frosh football team earned its place in Prep history with its hard work and dedication. The Prep freshmen captured the Hudson County Championship and finished their season with an undefeated record. Their explosive offense amassed a total of 180 points, while their tenacious defense allowed only twenty points, posting six shutouts. The team was lead by Coach Sweeney and Assistant Coaches Anthony Crisalli, Sean Verdi, and Chris Monacco. Also guiding the Prep frosh were last year’s championship players, coaches Paul “Prime Time” Mulcahy and Jimmy Francesco. Prep’s frosh offense was led by halfback Billy Tierney. He rushed for thirteen touchdowns and 1230 yards, making him the leading rusher in Prep history. The defense was led by John Antman, who had over one hundred tackles. Another key player was William “Rocky” Halsey, the team’s kicker. A team of such talented players will only bring more championships to Prep as it continues to develop and mature in future years.
National Conference Champions
H udson Catholic Marist Emerson Bayonne Dickinson North Bergen Memorial Union Hill Hoboken
Record: 9-0
JV SOCCER j The Junior Varsity soccer team had a spectacular season [this year, finishing with an overall record of 14-7-3. The team’s ■hard work and dedication culminated in yet another county ■championship, as well as a second place league finish for their [incredible 11-2 league record. This year, St. Peter’s Prep ■hosted the county championship, and as cordial hosts, Prep ■defeated all nine teams. Coach Peter Serra led the J.V. squad (to victory after victory* and his guidance and inspiration were la large factor in the team’s success.
Like any championship team, this year’s J.V. soccer team was composed of many talented players, all of whom contrib uted to the squad’s success. The hard work and athletic ability of these players were evident in the amazing sixty-four goals scored in only twenty-four games. There were several out standing players who led the team to victory. Sophomore Joe Crocetta was the sparkplug of the team, inspiring his team mates with his enthusiasm and his performance. Other key sophomores were Justin McKeon at midfield; starting goal
keeper Greg Vierheilig; Sal Chiaravalloti, the sweeper; and defender Marc Coco. These sophomores provided a solid defense, backing the productive offense. This offense was headed by freshmen Chris Renner and Brian Barry, who had eleven goals and eighteen goals, respectively. The success of this young Prep team undoubtedly points toward many soccer championships in the next few years.
FRONT ROW (I to r): J. Crocetta, J. Ken Kowfie, C. Renner, B. Seeley, D. Roche, J. McCarthy, K. Reed. SECOND ROW (1-r): M. Slootsky, Manager S. Alerte, D. James, M. Coco, F. Torrent. G. Castiello, K. Snell, S. Carroll, G. Vierheilig. THIRD ROW S M. Lapinski, J. Gibbons, S. Chiaravalotti, J. McKeon, B. Bany, A. Majumber, C. Canarski, M. Bogdon, A. Goranski. Coach Peter Serra.
Joe Crocetta in action!!!
This caption is not “Jim uses his head!“ because that would be hackneyed.
Keepin’ the eye on the ball.
George stalks the sphere1
v \
- .
Frosh B asketball The freshmen basketball team again its first defeat. In addition to its many had a fine season, finishing second in its victories in local competition, the team division. The team finished with a 13-9 again participated in the Monseignor record under its new coach John Madi- Farrell Tournament in Staten Island. gan. Among the many victories were a Prep again saw an influx of young 15 point win over a tough North Bergen athletic talent this year, as many skilled team as well as an impressive showing players came together on Prep’s Frosh against Dickinson; in this game, Prep Basketball Team. The players blended handed the first-place Dickinson teams well together, using dedicated teamwork
Simple, simple, simple.
W here s the ball?! W here?!
prom three-point land!
H e ’s goin’ for the slam!
and capitalizing on the individual strengths of each player to attain suc cess. Key players on the team wer? Bri an Mercier, Erick Hiatt, Jerry Healey Shane Hurd, Rich Krol, and Rocky Hal sey. The talent of these young players as well as their ability to play well together as a team shows much promise for the Prep basketball program in future years.
My! What grace
It’s up in the air
JV Hockey Although Prep’s Junior Varsity hockjy team did not have a championship Season, the team did post several imIressive victories. Prep defeated St. joe’s Metuchen and Marist, and they [eat Bayonne twice. Perhaps the most Lportant victory was Prep’s win over
Get off my back!”
Ready for battle.
Takin’ command o f the rink!
its archrival Bergen Catholic. Coach Gannon guided the team, molding the young players into future varsity competitors. Although the team ’s great work ethic was not evident in the standings, the players put forth their best efforts in both games and
practices. Like a true Prep team, they played with determination and pride, and the J.V. Hockey team should cer tainly be satisfied with the games that were won and the lessons that were learned.
The confrontation
Icemen in action
Guards at the goal!
Although it must remain in the shadow o f the varsity team, the J.V. wrestling team met with greater success than their varsity counterpart. In team competition, the J.V. wrestlers posted many victories. They stunned North Bergen, upsetting the Junior Varsity contingent o f that fine wrestling program. Prep wrestlers also shut out John F. Kennedy, recording a rare perfect victoiy. Much o f the team’s success could be attributed to their ties with the Prep varsity team. The J.V. Team practiced alongside the varsity members; thus, Prep’s J.V. wrestlers experienced the varsity level o f competition daily at practice, preparing them for the comparatively lower level o f competition that they faced in actual
The attentive spectators.
The Heimlich manuveur . . . made interesting!
matches. Moreover, Prep’s Junior Varsity mem bers sometimes wrestled at the varsity level in matches, increasing their skills and adding to their bank o f experience. The Prep J.V. team was coached by John Riedel and Keith Kelly, two new faces to the Prep wrestling program. They guided the young wrestlers to victoiy and helped the wrestlers develop the skills necessary for future matches at the varsity level. Several wrestlers were new to the team this year, including key members Luke Tuthill and Joe Petrecca. There were also many returning members who shared their experience and their more refined skills with the younger wrestlers. These veteran wrestlers participated in
many varsity matches as well, enhancing theil. wrestling abilities. Among the returning merrj bers were Joseph Hoetzl, Steve Tortorello, and Amro Mohommed. The athletic ability of thd J.V. members was manifested in the Junrol Varsity Holiday Tournament in Ridgefield Parti There, many Prep wrestlers made impressivi showings in their respective weight classes, witra Eugene Manlongot and Joe Petrecca taking] second, Carlos Perez taking third, and James) Paguiligan taking fourth. The success of thijj year’s J.V. wrestling team pointed at futurl varsity wins for the Prep wrestling program, j
“So you reach around and . . . ”
Down for the Count . . . or is he?
J.V. BASKETBALL | The Junior Varsity basketball team had a fine E season, again surpassing the expectations o f § critics around the county. The season was | marked by victories over several county powers, S Prep beat Hoboken twice, and it defeated a - tough Dickinson squad at Dickinson’s home I court. Another memorable game was Prep’s I seventeen point victory over Memorial. The i Prep team was not confined to the county i league, moving abroad to challenge G ood ! Counsel and St. Joe’s Metuchen.
Mr. Anthony Crisalli, in his second year as J.V. coach, guided the team to victory and inspired his players to give all that they could give. Early in the season the team sat atop the county rankings, propelled by the play o f Ed Finn, Colin Rigby, and Tom Weierman. Due to injuries on the varsity team, the trio was called to play at the higher level. In their absence, Dennis Egan, Anthony Novello, Chris Andreadis, and Craig Adams stepped forward to assume the roles of leadership. Egan provided the emotional leader-
There’s no stopping Marauder dribblin’!
ship for the team, and these four players consistently gave strong performances to place the Prep team. The team was well-balanced, and each member contributed all of his talent and spirit not only in every game, but also in each practice. The hard work and dedication of this team brought success this year, and as these players mature, their efforts will undoubtedly bring future victories,
Three seconds left on the clock, two, one . . . 157
Mission Madness The Mission Drive ex perienced a new addition to its family of fundraising events this year. The JelloPudding wrestling Matches became the newest of the major events to raise rev enue to aid the Jesuit mis sions in such locations as Micronesia and A frica. Jello Pudding Wrestling joined Bowlamania 111, the Mission Dance and Dress Down Day as the school wide events which donat ed large sums o f money to the missions, while provid ing entertainment for the Prep community. On the night of Febru ary 15, over 600 people gathered in the Prep Gym nasium to witness Jello Pudding Wrestling. Par ents and students from all over watched referee Speedy Gon zales step into the ring, sample pud ding and declare it valid for wres tling. The lights went out, and the wrestling began. The first match to take place was that o f Boris Talanczuk and Matt Mohlman vs. Ante Benzija and Ken Paglio, the latter of whom em erged victorious, the “ Moon Dogs” (Shane Hurd and Marc Gigante) vs. “ Pain” (John Antman and Paul Metzinger) followed; once again, the second pair was the victor. The third match featured a last min ute substitution o f Jerem y Pugh for Damian Ryan, Despite this group’s valiant effort, they fell to “ Coalition” (Mike Zadroga and Joe Militello). The next match was that between Joe Kist and Tulio Quinones and the pair o f Jaimie St. Marie and Jeremy Bowen. A fter a hard fought battle, the crowd chose St. Marie and Bowen as their champions. In the fifth match, the “ Pudding Pounders” (Paul D eG eorge and Jerry Healy) de feated the “ Beasts” (Thomas Law rence and Alan Gawronski). In a high ly disputed encounter between the Madmen (Matt Conway and Dennis Granelli) and “ H eartbreak” (Ed
Black and John Barnes), Speedy was forced to intervene and disqualify both teams because o f unsportsman like conduct. Next, the “ Icemen” (Frank Betkowski and Nick Mangelli) battled the “ Blades” (Rob Brack and Rob Corbett). In the midst o f flying pudding as well as flying bodies, “ T h e Icem en ” clobbered “ T h e Blades. It was “ D oom ” (Tom Egar and Bill Halsey) who truly dominated the “ Demon Stalkers” (Jude Cama cho and Sam Cervantes) in the eighth match. The next to last match fea tured a classic encounter between Juniors and Seniors. Kevin “ the H orse” McAuliffe and Jim Martin fell to P ete Gannon and Kevin Lawless. The biggest battle o f all was shat tered, when Rich Hansen was unable to wrestle. In response to Ken Such’s plea for a substitute partner, A1 A l varado dove into the pudding. The veterans defeated novices Mike Go mez and Dom Della Fave. Managers also engaged in their own matches outside the ring, sliding around in the pudding on the floor. The entire spectacle was good fun for all, and profitable for the missions.
Time and the movements o f the moon bring ocean waters together to form a wave. This wave moves through the sea, constantly in足 creasing in stren g th , u n til it reaches the shore. There, this wave has the ability to change the face o f the coastline with its irre足 sistible might. Like this ocean wave, the senior class is brought together by som e external force. These individuals m ature to 足 gether, and through their shared experiences, they develop unity and identity. By senior year, the group has form ed a collective identity, enabling the class to achieve greatness and lead the student body.
J. Abergas: “Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall. ”
K. Adams: “No comment is the best comment. ”
R. Aditya “Art is expression, not o f expression, but o f impression.” -Benedetto Croce
JASON ABERGAS Art Club 1,2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; Dramatics ], 2, 3, 4; Library Club 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4; Photography Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2; Science Clubs 1; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3; Indo-Pak Club 4; Emmaus 3.
“H A N S " Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: Computer Club 1; Golf 1, 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Volleyball Club 2,3; Emmaus 3.
SEAN ADAMS Mission Drive Comm. 2; NHS; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2, 4; Harvard Model Congress 2,3,4; Intramu rals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 Capt.; Big Brother 3,4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Nat. Latin Exam 1, 2 Magna Cum Laude.
RAJIB K. A D IT Y A Collectors Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Paper & Pen 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Role Playing Club 1, 2; Science Club 3, 4; Stage Crew 3, 4; TV Studio 1, 2, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Ecology Club 4.
N. Akeredolu: “Success is like a mountain, you can’t reach the top if you are afraid o f heights. ”
S. Adams: “Let nothing deter you in your quest for A LL!” -“M ILO ” Descendants
“SEYM OUR" Library Club 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; Forensics 3, 4; Soccer 3 Mgr.; T V Studio 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Movie Club 3, 4.
M. Albanese: “Forever And a day — give or take a decade here and there!”
R. Alvarez: “Truth is absolute, yet reality is a function o f perception.”
O. Araos: “Yo, it’s not some slang, it’s a con cept. ”
"M IK E "
NHS; Paper & Pen 3, 4; Petroc 4; Italian Club 1, 3; Big Brother 3, 4; Jesuit Dallas Art Exhibition Comm.; Honor Pin 1, 2,3; Iona Language Contest Finalist 3; Span ish II Gold Medal; Drew University Span ish Language Contest 2nd. Place.
Bowling 1, 2,3, 4 Capt.; Collector’s Club 1, Exec. 2,3,4; Library Club 3,4; Oriental Club 1; Intramurals 1, 2; RPG 1, 2,4; Ski Club 1, 2; T.V. Studio 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Emmaus 3.
“R O B " Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 4; Football 1, Math Club 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2; Paper & Pen 3, 4 Editor; Petrean 2 ,3 copy editor, 4; Petroc 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Ex change 2, 4; Harvard Model Congress; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Student Council 2; Constitutional Convention; Emmaus 3.
“ROCKI Computer Club i , 2; Hockey 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Intramurals 1 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 2, 3; Italian Club 4; Ski Club 1 Emmaus 3.
R. Aldea: “Someday we will ail look back and have to laugh, we lived through a lifetime, and the aftermath” -Billy Joel
J. Andreula: “Only one thing can outshine our pasts, that is our future. ” -E.M
“O -LOVE” Dance Comm. 3; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1,2,3; Latin American Society 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1.
R. A ro:
“The journey o f the thousand miles begins with one step” -LAO-TSE
J. Bames: In darkness we are all the same only our knowledge and wisdom separate us; don’t let your eyes deceive you. ”
B. Barulich: “Meglio vivere un giom o da leone che cento anni da pecora. ”
“R O N "
“L U IG I"
Art Club 4; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4.
Computer Club 1; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3 Exec., 4 Co-Chairman; Football 2; NHS; Petrean 2,3 Assoc. Ed., 4 Editor-in-Chief; Petroc 3; Forensics 1, 2, 4; Science Club 4; Student Council 2; T.V. Studio 3, 4 Exec.; H A P 1, 2,4; Winter H A P 3,4; Big Brother 3, 4; Medical Society 4 Pres.; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 3; Spirit Award 2.
SC O TT A LLE N BARDZELL Band 1,2, 3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1, 2, 3; Library Club 3; Paper & Pen 2; Indoor Track 2; Science Clubs 1,2, 3,4; Ski Club 1,2; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Exec.; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus Team.
“J.B. ” Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3 Exec., 4 Chairman; Ebony Club 1, 2,3 V-Pres., 4 Pres.; Football 1 Mgr.; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Modeling Club 3,4; Petroc 2; German Club 1, 2,3, 4; Indoor Track 4; Science Club 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4 Exec.; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Intramural Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Co-chairman; Eucharistic Minister; Kallman German Fellowship 1988.
L. Ayala: “If you have tried to do something and failed, then you are vastly better o ff then if you have tried to do noth ing and succeeded. ” -Kraft Sugar
S. Bardzell: “The Lord replied, ‘D uringyour times o f trial and suffering, when you see only one set o f footprints, it was then, that I carried you. ’ ”
“B A B Y” Art Club 1; Bicycle Club 1; Computer Club 1,2; Dance Comm. 3; Mission Drive Comm. 2,3,4; Paper & Pen 2,4; Photog raphy Club 2; Harvard Model Congress; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4 President; Science Club 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.
M. Baseluos: “You can pave the way or you can stay. You can chooseyour life. You’re free to fight.
A. Beaton: “If you get mad at the critics, you can almost be sure they are right. ” -Stephen King
D. Bell: When it’s time for leaving, I hope you understand, that I was bom a Ramblin’ man. ”
MICHAEL A. BASELUOS Band 2; Baseball 2,3,4; Cross Country 1; NHS; Princeton Model Congress 2; In door Track 1; Student Council 2, 4.
“SLAYER” Cross Country 3; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 4; Guitar Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Role Playing Club 1; Science Clubs 3; Outdoor Track 2; T.V. Studio 4.
DAVID BELL Bicycle Club 1, 2, 3,4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 2; Student Council 2; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team.
“LARRY” Chess Club 1, 2, 4; Computer Club 1, 2; Ebony Club 1,4; Petroc 1,2; Forensics 3, 4; Science Clubs 3; Iona Language Con test 3; Jesuit Dallas Art Display 3; Honor Pins 1,2,3; French I Gold Medal; English III Silver Medal.
L. Benn: “Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.’’ -Shakespeare
A. Benzija: “Just do it 1000 mph, time . . . ”
o f the B.D.R.
ANTE BENZIJA Football 1, 2 ,3 ,4 Capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1,2; Homeroom Pres.
12 ,
91®§||figl§pp|pp’ J. Berezny “ 77)e
Ukraine girls really knock me
out. ” -the Beatles S. Bijelic
“Aren’t you going to offer me a drink!” -Boise E.
“And in the end on dreams we will depend, cause that’s what love is made o f’ -Van Halen
Football 1, 2; Modeling Club 3, 4; Out door Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3; Honor Pin 3; Homeroom President 3.
Cross Country 1,2,3; NHS; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 2; Volleyball Club 4; Outdoor 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Honor Pin 1, 2.
“M A D D O G " Art Club 2,3; Collector’s Club 1; Forensics 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Ex change 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Role Play ing Club 1; Spirit Committee 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Emmaus 3; A ATG National German II Exam Award.
“D U C K " NHS, Vice Pres.; Princeton Model Con gress 2; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 Stage Manager; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3; Emmaus 3; Big Brother 3.
T. Boland “I have not yet begun to fight. ” -John Paul Jones
J. Bowen “Honey don’t play that” -Homey the Clown
JEREMY BOWEN Dance Committee 1, 2,3,4; Library Club 2, 3,4; Outdoor Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1; Italian Club 3; Science Clubs 1, 2,3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Spirit Committee 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Emmaus 3.
R. Brack: “See you in the movies!” - Ken Such
R. Bruno: “I am attempting to achieve a lifestyle that does not require my presence. ” ■ Gary Trudeau
S. Brown: “Hold you head up high, look ’em in the eye, never say die, just get up and make it work. ” - Van Halen
CORRADO BRATOLLI Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Italian Club 2, 3,4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Italian II Gold Medal.
“BO BBY” Modeling Club 3; Hockey Varsity 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ,; Italian Club 1, 2, V-Pres. 3, 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Science Clubs 2, 3.
“BEAV” German Club 2,3,4; Hockey Varsity 1.2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 3; Gold Medal Accounting 3.
R A N D Y BRUNO Computer Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Paper & Pen 4; Petroc 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 4; H A P .; Commended National Merit Scholar;
C. Bratolli: “The rule o f my life is to make busi ness a pleasure and to make pleasure my business. ” - A. Burr
Presidential Scholarship.
C. Briamonte: “Hey, it’s good to be a young man and to live the wayyou please. ’Cause a young man is the king o f every kingdom he sees. ” - Billy Joel
“BREEZE” Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; Spirit Comm. 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Spirit Award 3; Honor Pin 1, 2.
J. Bryant:
“Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. ” -Oliver Wendell Holmes
J. Calderone: “If I don’t see you in the future I ’l l meet you in the pasture. ”
J. Caposello: “I did it my way”
“B U R T " Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1; French Club 2,3; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 1; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Capt.; Volleyball 2; Emmaus 3.
Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra murals 1,2,3; Weight Lifting Club 1,2 3 4.
JOSEPH CALDERONE Baseball 2, 3, 4; Collector’s Club 3; Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3; Volleyball Club 3; Big Brother 3; Honor Pin 3.
JOSEPH CAPO SELLO Collector’s Club 2; Petroc 4; Rock n Roll Club 4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4.
S. Cabrera: “If I could be anybody in the world I would be myself, cause then I wouldn’t have to buy new clothes. ”
I. Caraballo: “Life is like a guitar — it’s up to us whether we play by reading o ff the sheet music or dig deep andplay with our hearts and souls. ”
“IZZY” Guitar Club 3, 4; Science Club 2.
M. Carcamo “Life is a gamble, then you lose, but who cares. ”
J. Cervino: “Why can’t anyone ever re-roll toilet paper?” - Carl DeLorenzo
M. Cervino: “Vitando est improba siren desidia. ” - Horace
BRIAN LEE M. CARRILLO Dance Comm. 2,3,4; Football 1,2; NHS; Oriental Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Student Council 1,2,3, Secretary 4: Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4 Intramural Staff 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1 Emmaus 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
M ICHAEL CARCAM O Band 1, 2; Bicyclc Club 1 2, 3, 4; NHS; Harvard Model Congress 3, 4; Intramu rals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4.
"JACK” Library Club 2, 3; Math Club 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Petroc 1, 2; Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 3, 4; Italian Club 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4 Exec.; Stage Crew 2, 3 Prop Master, 4 Asst. Mngr.; Student Council 4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
ABAID C H O U D R Y Computer Club 1, 2, 3,4; Library Club 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 2, 3; English II Gold Medal; Latin II Gold Medal; Latin I Silver Medal; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Chemistry Silver Medal; Calculus Silver Medal; A C L Silver Medal Maxima Cum Laude I; A C L Gold Medal Perfect Score II.
A. Choudry: “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. ” - Prophet Mohammed
B. Carrillo: “Don’t walk before me, for I may not want to follow. Don’t walk behind me, for I may not want to lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend. ” - Anonymous
MICHAEL CERVINO Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4.
T. Connelly: “We’re not birds; we’re a jug band. ’’ - Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas
C. Connolly: “We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers o f dreams. ” - Willy Wonka
M. Conway: “Vitanda est improba siren desidia. ” - Horace
“T.C." Collector’s Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2; Ebony Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Outdoor Club 1.2, 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Remote Control Club 2; Rock N Roll Club 3, 4; French Club ] 2, 3, 4; Princeton Model Congress 2; Intra murals 1. 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, V-Pres. 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Science Club 1; Ski Club 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4 Exec.; Tennis 1, 2 ,3,4 Capt.; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team.
“C O N -M AN ” Cross Country 1, 2, 3; NHS; Petroc 3, Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 3; Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. Eucharistic Minister 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3.
“R O B " Basketball 2, 3; Library Club 3; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf Mngr. 4; Intramurals 1 ,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1, 2,3,4; Science Club 2; Ski Club 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Spirit Committee 4; Volleyball Club 2,3; Hom e room Pres. 4, V Pres. 1; Emmaus 3; Big Brother 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister 4.
“COR B” Dance Comm. 4 D.J.; Rock N Roll Club 1; Guitar Club 1; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Irish Club 2; Italian Club 2; Ski Club 2; Spirit Committee 2; Big Brother 3, 4.
R. Cosenza: “I ’m not the greatest; I ’m the double greatest I not only knock them out, I chose the round. ” - Cassius Clay
R. Corbett: “Never raise your hand to your childit l eaves y o u r m i d s e c t i o n unprotected. ” - Robert Orben
4; 2, 4; 1,
J. Crowe: “Don’t worry 'bout tomorrow. You’ll know it when it comes. When that rock’n’roll music Meets the rising shining sun. - Bob Weir
R. Dacey: “No, Ryan, you can’t say that. ’ - Miss Baber
A. Danilchick: “In life there is no such thing as failure. Each setback humbles yet strengthens us so that in the end we are all winners. ” RYAN DACEY
JEFFREY R. CROWE Rock n Roll Club 3, 4; German Club 4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Harvard Model Con gress 3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Jazz Ensemble 4; Science Club 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4.
*VALEDICTORIAN” Rock n Roll Club 2,3,4; Golf 3,4; Guitar Club 2, 3, 4 V Pres.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 4; Emmaus 3.
“A N D Y ” Band 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; NHS; Paper & Pen 2, 4; Football 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Jazz Ensemble 4; Ski Club 1, 2; Spirit Comm. 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; English I gold medal; Biology gold medal; A.P. History silver medal; Geometry silver medal; Honor pin 1,2,3; A C L Latin I silver medal; National Hispanic Scholar; Big Brother 3, 4; Homeroom president 1; Emmaus team.
“ALB E R T ’ Art club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ebony club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3 V/pres, 4 President; Modeling club 1, 2-4 exec.; Petrean 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit committee 4 exec.; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 captain; Volleyball club 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; H onor pin 2, 3.
“M ICR O ” A . DeArm as:
“Friends come and go, but true friends, you will always know. ” ■J. Sciarra C.
D eC andia
“If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. ” - Confucius
Library club 2,3; Petroc 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian club 1, 2, 3 v/pres, 4 v/pres.; Honor pin 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3,4.
R. De Jesus: “Vitanda est improba siren desidia. ”
J. Diaz: “We know what we are, but know not what we may be. ” - William Shakespeare
D. Della Fave “I ’l l see you again when the stars fall from the sky and the moon has turned red over one free hill. ” - U2
“ROB D.J.”
Modeling Club 4; Outdoor Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; Indoor Track 1. 2; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 4; Stage Crew 1, 2; Home room President 3; T.V. Studio 1, 2; Vol leyball Club 2, 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1.
Hockey 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4.
“B A G ” Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Bicycle Club 1, 2; Ebony Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Club 1, 2; Outdoor Club 4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; Science Club 1; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Weightlifting Club 2, 3; Intramural Staff 1, V.P. 2.
“JO N ” Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; T.V. Studio 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Emmaus 3; National Latin Exam Cum Laude 2.
M. R. Dilley: “They sing as they march, with their flags unfurled, today in the moun tains, tomorrow the world. ”
C. De Ceglie: “There are four steps to accomplish ment: Plan purposefully. Prepare playfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently. ” - E.C. McKenzie
“CLARK GRIS WALD ’’ Art Club 1; Collector’s Club 1, 2; Big Brother 3; Golf 4; Indoor Track 4; Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3 Treasurer, 4 Treasurer; Science Clubs 1, 2; Ski Club 1, 2,3 Treasurer, 4 President; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.
A. Dimaya: “Reason is a wise man’s guide, exam ple the fool’s. ”
A. DiMeo: “I ’m not in to your passport picture. I just like your nose. ” - The Who
D. Duarte: “Them bats is smart. They use radar. ” - David Letterman
"A R T Y "
Art Club 1,2; Computer Club 1,2; Dance Comm. 1,2,3; Ebony Club 2,3; Modeling Club 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4 V/pres.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 1,
Art Club X, 2; Football 4; German Club 2, 3; Indoor Track 1 2; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 1.
2, 3, 4 V/pres.
“H U N K Y DORRY” Art Club 1; Dance Comm. 1; German Club 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Italian Club 1; Spirit Comm. 2, 4; Wrestling 3,4; Emmaus 3,4; Honor Pin
1, 2 .
“D A V E " German Club 2, 3, 4; Role Playing Club 2,3, 4 Pres.; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3 V/Pres., 4 Pres.; Emmaus 86.
D. Duran: “Believe only half o f what you see and nothing that you hear. ” - Dinah Craik
L. Dorry: lam the little acorn that becomes the oak.” - B ill Murray “Stripes”
DANIEL DURAN Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Out door Club 3; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 2, 3; Guitar Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3; Stage Crew 3; Swimming 1, 2, 4.
M. Egan: ‘Boats are safe in the harbor, but boats weren’t made for the harbor. ”
E. Falcis: “Color is distinct, yet blood is still red. ”
P. Evangelista: “There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot." - Steven Wright
“N E W T ’
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2; Mission Drive Comm. 1,2; NHS 4; Petroc 1, 2, 3, 4; G olf 1, 2, 3 ,4 Capt.; Princeton Model Congress 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3 Sec., 4; Soccer 3; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4 Exec,; Student Coun cil 3; Big Brother 3; Winter Hap 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Homeroom Pres. 1, 2, 3; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1.
Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4 Capt; Mission Drive Comm. 3; NHS 4; Petroc 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2,3 ,4 ; Irish Club 1,2,3 Pres., 4; Spirit Comm. 2, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus 3; Homeroom Pres. 2; Eucharistic Minis ter 4; Hugh O ’Brien Youth Foundation Seminar 2; Honor Pin 1; Spirit Award 2.
“BELCH ” Petroc 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Science Clubs 1; Swimming 1; Volleyball Club 2.
‘T O N Y ” Dance Comm. 2 ,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Modeling Club 3; Oriental Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Photography Club 3,4; Indoor Track 1,2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 3, 4; Italian Club 3, 4; Swimming 3, 4; Volley ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
C. Fatovic: “One who is conscious o f his own faults is closer to perfection than one who thinks that perfection is within his grasp. ”
W. Dwyer: “They say that these are the best o f times. But they’re the only ones that I ’ve ever known. ”
“CLEM” Computer Club 1; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Exec.; German Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 1, 2,3, 4; Student Council 4; Volleyball Club 3,4; Big Brothers 3; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1, 2; U.S. History Gold Medal 3; National Merit Scholar Com mendation; National Latin Exam 2, Magna Cum Laude; National German Award 3.
T. Ferrari: “So how many more must die ... That one may see . . . ”
R. Gaddi: '■Success is never final and failure is never fatal. ” - Winston Churchill
R. Gain: Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur.
THOM AS A. FERRARI, III Bowling 3, 4; Football 1; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 3,4; Guitar Club 3,4 Pres.; Intramu rals 2, 3; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin
“R AFI” Computer Club 1, 4; Cross Country 3; Rock ’n Roll Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Honor Pin 3.
“THE BARBER" NH S 4; PETROC 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1.
ROM M ELITO GADDI Art Club 2; Bicycle Club 2, 4; Dance Comm. 2; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3,4; Petroc 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 3; Student Council 3 Exec., 4 Pres.; Volley ball Club 3; Winter H A P 4; Big Brother 3; Honor Pin 1.
F. Fromfield: “I am your real father, Luke. Turn to the darkside o f the force. ” - Doug McKenzie
R. Ferrales: “D on’t waste your tim e always searching for those wasted years. ■Iron Maiden
“B.D. G A IN " Computer Club 4; Dance Committee 2,3, 4; Library Club 4; Oriental Club 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4.
P. Gannon: “Just give me room to play. ” - Booker
J. Gers: “This is the time to remember, be cause it will not last forever. ” - Billy Joel
J. Gigante: “Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. ”
Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Forensics 1, 2; Spirit Com m ittee 1, 2, 3, 4 Exec.; Emmaus Team; Big Brother 3, 4; Irish Club 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4.
Cross Country 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 2, 3; Petroc 2, 3; NHS; Science Clubs 1,2; Collector’s Club 2; Slavic Club 2, 3.
“JIGGER” Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Com puter Club 1; Library Club 2,3; Forensics 1; Intramurals 1 2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 1,2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3.
BRIAN GIZZI Outdoor Track 2 ,3 ,4 ; Indoor Track 3,4; Football 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
B. Gizzi: “You’l l never get a second chance to make a first impression. ”
M. Gomez: “I live every day like I w illlive forever, I play every game like it is my last. ” - Tyrus Raymond Cobb
“DEADLOC” Baseball 1, 2, 3,4; Basketball 1, 2; NHS; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2,3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3, Exec., 4; Spirt Comm. 2, 3, 4 Exec.; Ski Club 1, 2 Sec., 3, 4; Big Brother 3; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Outdoor Club 4; Junior Prom Comm. 3; Weightlift ing Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Emmaus Team; Slavic Club 1 ,2,3,4; Spirit Award 2; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Maroon Marauder 4.
J.Grogan: “It takes a nation of millions to hold me back!” O. Gonzalez: “Character is what you do when no one is looking. ” - Big Rich D. Granelli: “Homeboy in Jail — Sprang him. ”
"D ”
“G R A T S ”
Dance Committee 1, 2; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1; Weightlifting Club 1, 2, 3, 4 V-Pres.
Collector’s Club 1; Computer Club 3; Library Club 2, 3; Modeling Club 1, 2; Football 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3.
DENNIS GRANELLI Bicycle Club 1, 2; Collector’s Club 2, 3; Mission Drive Comm, 1,2; Big Brother 3; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Irish Club 1 ,2,3,4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, Senior Officer 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 3, 4; Honor Pin 1.
“ W A RTH O G ” Art Club 1,2,3; Computer Club 1; Dance Committee 1, 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Library Club 1, 2; Forensics 2 ,3 ,4 ; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2, 4; G olf 3; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Irish Club 1, 2,3,4; Emmaus.
“J O N E .G .”
R. Gray: “Or was it unlock the trunk, THEN swim to the surface?” -H. Houdini J.Grato: NuIIus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit.
Baseball 1; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; NHS; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; German Club 2,3; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2.
I. Guerra “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. ” -Karl Marx L.E. Guzman “Speak softly, but carry a big stick. ” -Theodore Roosevelt L. Hart “None of this would have happened if Woody had gone to the police. ” -Unknown
“GU B”
Computer Club 1. 2,3 ,4 ; Library Club 3; Rock N ’ Roll Club 3, 4; RPG 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 4; T.V. Studio 4
Bicycle Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2, 3 Exec.; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Comm. 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 3; Honor Pin 4
FRANCIS JOSEPH GUTIERREZ Cross Country 1; Dramatics 3, 4; NH S Treas.; Outdoor Track 1; Forensics 2, 3 Chief o f Staff, 4 Captain; German Club 2, 3, 4; Harvard Model Congress 3, 4; In door Track 1; Jesuit Dallas Art Exhibition Comm. 3; Music Ministry 4; Emmaus 3; Big Brother 3,4; H A .P ; A C L Gold Medal 1; Commended Merit Scholar; Presiden tial Scholarship, Algebra I Silver Medal; Latin III Gold Medal
“LAZ” Cross Country 3; Latin American Society 4; Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 2, 3
D. Gubitosi Through the darkest hour ... F.J.Gutierrez “Here is where the road divides ... Through timeyou’ve been a friend to me, but time is now the enemy and 1 wish we didn’thave to say goodbye. ” -Michael W. Smith
LOREN HART Dance Comm. 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3, 4; Latin American Society 2, 3, 4; NHS; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 3, 4; Science Club 2, 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Student Council 3 ,4 Treas.; Swimming 1, 2, 3 ,4 Capt.; Tennis 2; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4 Executive Comm.; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3
J.Hayes: “I ’d rather throw it! M. Jersey: “You can’tplease everybody. ” -Extreme J.Jimenez: “Em, No Da! Wait, Dude, time out!
“J O H N N Y H A YES ”
“TO M ”
Football 1 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3,4; Science Club 1, Ski Club 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team.
Band 2, 3, 4 Pres.; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; NHS; Petrean 4; Forensics 2, 3; German Club 2, 3,4; German Exchange 2,4; Jazz Ensemble 1, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 1 2, 3, 4; Latin II Gold Medal; National Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude.
A N T H O N Y IGLESIAS Modeling Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1 2,3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2.
M AR K JERSEY Indoor Track 1 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; T.V. Studio 1.
T. Hoetzl: “And, in the end, the loveyou take is equal to the love you make. ” -The Beatles
“JE F F ” Art Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2; Library Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Emmaus.
A. Iglesias: “There are things known and there are things unknown, and then there are the things in between. ” -Jim Morrison, The Doors 179
M. Jimenez: "Eitherleador follow. Or else, getout of the way!” S. Khan: “It’s not the rebel that makes trouble. It’s the trouble that makes the rebel. ” -James Dean (Rebel Without a Causej R. Khan: “Dl-AAA-BLOU!”
“M IK E ”
“K IL L E R K H A N ”
Art Club 1, 2, 3; Dance Comm. 2, 3, 4; Library Club 4; Oriental Club 2, 3, 4; Paper & Pen 4; Petroc 4; Role Playing Club 4.
Bicycle Club 1,2; Computer Club 1.2,4; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 4; Oriental Club 1, 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3 Exec.; Volleyball Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
“K IL L E R ” Collector’s Club 4; Computer Club 1,2,4; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 4; Library Club 4; Indoor Track 2; Intramu rals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3; Volleyball Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
FARRAKH KHAW AJA Computer Club 1, 2; Library Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 3; T.V. Studio 4.
“S C A N K ”
F. Khawaja: “We part, hoping to meet again. ’ J.Kist: “The sky is falling!” -Chicken Little
NHS; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2; Harvard Model Congress 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1, 3.
B.T. Kloza:
“I get by with a little help from my friends. ” -The Beatles
G. Lamantea: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought” - Henri Bergson R. Legnosky: “If you are not now, you never were." -Suicidal Tendencies
“G R E E K ”
“J O E L A M ”
Art Club 1; NHS; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3 ,4 Captain; Big Brother 3; Emmaus 3, Team 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,
Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1; Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4 Science Club 1; Ski Club 4
"B L A Z E ” Art Club 1, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Irish Club 3,4; Ski Club 1 2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4 Art Dir.; Volleyball Club 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1 2 ,3 ,4
“L A Z O P ” Art Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Indoor Track 2; Intramu rals 1, 2; Italian 2, 3; Ski Club 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3; Wrestling 3; Greek Club 3; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1
G. Lazopoulos: “And then the truemeaning of Christ mas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two. ” -Dr. Seuss
ROBERT LEGNOSKY: Football 1; Rock N ’ Roll Club 3,4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 2,
K.T. Lawless: “Life and life’s laws lay hid at night. ”
S. Lindsay: “Success is when you can get up and leave wheneveryou want.” C. Leitgeb: “Vitanda est improba siren desidia. -Horace V. Leon: “The mind is a terrible thing to waste. ” -Ministry 1989
CRAIG LEITGEB Collector’s Club 3, 4; Library Club 3; Intramurals 1; T.V. Studio 4.
“ V IC ” Computer Club 1.
“H A IR ” Library Club 1, 2; Petroc 1; Forensics 2; German Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Rock N ’ Roll Club 3,4.
“G R E G ” Intramurals 1, 2, 3.
J. Lepore: “It’s not the wayyou wearyour hair, it’s what’s inside your head. ” -S.O.D. G. Leto: “As long as there are others held captive, do not consider yourself free. ” -Ian Mackaye
“S T A N G ” Bicycle Club 1; Collector’s Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Library Club 1; Hockey 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4
J.Luna: “Life doesn’t start until it’s over. ” R. Macalintal: “1 would have gone to Harvard, but school got in the way. ” L. Lolo: “Freedom is not doing what we want, but really wanting what we do. ” -Robert Johnson
“L O L O "
“L O O P "
Bicycle Club 1; Dance Comm. 4; Intramu rals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Stage Crew 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 2; Recycling Comm. 3.
Baseball 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm. 3; Math Club 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 3, 4; NHS; Petroc 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Student Council 1,2, 4; Emmaus 3; Team; Big Brother 3, 4; Homeroom pres. 1, 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award 3.
“J u J u " Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Modeling Club 3,4; Oriental Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; French Club 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 3; Intramu rals X, 2, 3,4; Irish Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Soccer 1; Volleyball Club 1, 2, 3, 4;
ANDERS LYN C H Cross Country 1, 2; Indoor Track 1, 2; Science Club 1, 2; Ski Club 1, 2, 4; T.V. Studio 3.
D. Luipersbeck: “If you are prepared, have confi dence, andpersevere, you willalways have the edge. ” -Howard Ferguson A. Lynch: “A cowarddies many times beforehis death, a hero dies but once. ” -William Shakespeare
“R O M E " Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4 President; Dance Comm 2, 3; NHS; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Spirit Comm. 4; Student Council 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Big Brother 3; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3, 4; National Latin Exam 2 Summa Cum Laude; National German Award 3; Alg. 2/Trig. Silver Medal
N. Mangelli: “Life is what happens when you make otherplans. ” M. Marino: “What a long, strange trip it’s been. ’’ -The Grateful Dead J.Martin: “Vitanda est improba siren desidia. -Horace
M ATTHEW MARINO Computer Club 1,2, 3,4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Paper and Pen 2; Role Playing Club 1, 2, Senior Member 3, 4; T.V. Studio 2; Wrestling 1
“N IK -T O R ” Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Mission Drive Comm. 2,3; Intramurals 1. 2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3; Science Clubs 1: Ski Club 1; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, Exec. 4; Stage Crew 1, 2 Lighting Mngr., 3 Light ing Mngr., Stage Mngr., 4 Production Mngr.; Big Brother 3
JEFFREY MARTIN Cross Country 1, 2; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Har vard Model Congress 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Intramurals 1 ,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3; Pres. 4; Science Clubs 1,2; Ski Club 1,2; Spirit Comm. 4; Italian I Gold Medal; Honor Pin 1, 2.
“A N D Y ” Chess 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Computer Club 1, Exec. 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; NH S Pres.; Paper and Pen Editor 3, Editor 4; Foren sics 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2; Harvard Model Congress 3; Role Playing Club 2,3,4; Science Club 1; Emmaus Team; German I Gold Medal; German II Gold Medal; Chemistry Gold Medal; Calculus Gold Medal; Honor Pin 1, 2 ,3
A. Mahdavi: “Who wills, Can. Who flies, Does. Who loves, Lives.'
“ W IL D M A N ”
■Anne McCaffrey
R. Mauri: “Life is a series of hellos and good byes. I ’m afraid it’s time forgood-bye again. ” -Billy Joel
Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Collector’s Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Role Playing Club 3,4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3,4; Honor Pin 2
B. Munoz: “Bring on college. ” M. Milic: “Dum vita est, spes est. M. Morais: “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena. ” -T. Roosevelt
MILIJA MILIC Bicycle Club 2; Indoor Track 2,3; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3.
“C A S E Y ” Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Harvard Model Congress; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Homeroom Pres. 3 Honor Pin 1, 3; Na tional Science Merit Award; Emmaus Team.
M ARCO MORAIS Football 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Forensics 3, 4; Germen Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minis ter; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal English I.
“D A N ” Dramatics 3, 4; NHS; Forensics 2, 3; German Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; German Exchange 2, 4; Harvard Model Congress; Indoor Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; HR. Pres. 2,3; Big Brother 3,4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Na tional Latin Exam I, Magna Cum Laude; National Merit Scholar, Semifinalist.
H. Murphy: “Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn’t thinking isn’t thinking of.” -They Might Be Giants B. McGee: “Don’t judge a man until you have walked ten miles in his mocassins. ” -Old Indian saying.
“B -N IC E ” Cross Country 1,2; Dance Comm. 1,2,3; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4 V.P.; Modeling Club 1, 2 ,3 Pres., 4 Pres.; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3,4 Capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Big Brother 3, 4.
G. Myron: “Wit is the insolence of the edu cated ” -Aristotle A. Ordonez: “Don’t let testsget in the way ofyour education, ” -Carl Delorenzo M. O’Donnell: “People are strange.1 -The Doors
GABE M YRON Football 1, 2; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Senior Prom Comm.; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
“IR IS H " Art Club 1,4; Band 1,2, 3,4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 1; Intramurals 1; Irish Club 1, 2,4; RPG 1.
“A L E X ” Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Co-Chairman; Dramatics 3; Petrean 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Stage Crew 2, 3 ,4 Lighting Dir.
“R A Y ”
R. Ortiz: “Don’t WorryAbout it!” C. Myers: “A bove maiore discit arare minor. ”
Baseball 2, 3, 4; Ebony Club 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Latin American Society 1,2,4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; HR, Pres. 2; Swim ming 2; H A P 1; Honor Pin 1, 2.
A. Pandya “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.” -Cardinal Newman C. Pardo “You can observe a lot byjust watch ing. -Yogi Berra M, Patel: “It’s O.K. to be one ofthe few, as long as your voice can be heard by the many. ”
AN SH U L PAND YA Computer Club 3; Math Club 3,4; Paper & Pen 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; German Club 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Science Clubs 1; Big Brother 3; Honor Pin 2, 3, 4.
“P IN A T A ” Art Club 4; Dance Comm, 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,4; German Club 2, 3; Princeton Model Congress 2; Indoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Soccer 2; Spirit Comm, 4; Stage Crew 1; H A P 1, 2; Emmaus Leader 4.
“L E F T Y ” Baseball 2,3,4; Chess Club 1, Collector’s Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 4; Intra murals 1, 2; Ski Club 1, 2.
“M U N J ” Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Emmaus 4; Science Clubs 1, 2; Stage Crew 3,4; T.V. Studio 4; Honor Pin 1,2, 3; Gold Medal Alg. II/Trig,; Silver Medal Chemistry
C. Panchana “There is no place like it, no place with an atom of its glory, pride, and exultancy. ” ■Thomas Wolfe
“F A B ” Football 1; Latin American Society 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus Team.
F. Pazminio: “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I ’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one. ” -John Lennon
D. Polo: “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lin gers.” -Lord Alfred Tennyson E. Pompilio “A man shows whathe is, by whathe does, with what he has.” C. Presedo “I am strong but have no force or power. I win yet remain a loser. ” •Francois Villon
CARLOS PEREZ Cross Country 3; Latin American Society 3,4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4.
DAVID M. PO LO Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm. 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 4; Paper & Pen 3, 4; Petrean 4; Intramurals 3; Stage Crew 4; T.V. Studio 4; Honor Pin 1.
“P O P " Art Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Weightlifting Club 2, 3, 4; Big Brother 3.
R Y A N C. PRENDERGAST NHS; SEc.; Forensics 2 ,3 Chief of Staff, 4 Capt.; Jesuit Dallas Art Exhibition C om m . 3; Eucharistic M in ister 4; Emmaus 3; Big Brother 3, 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; A.C.L. Magna Cum Laude Award 1; Drew University Spanish Language Day Certificate 3; National Merit Com mended Student.
C. Perez “I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I willpersist until I succeed!” -The Greatest Salesman in The World R. Prendergast “There’s a price forgettingsmarterso I ’ll pay what I owe, while bridges bum. Let the shadows fall behindme, I am wiser, I know• -welive andlearn. ”
CARLOS PRESEDO Bicycle Club 2; Football 1, 3; Indoor Track 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Volleyball Club 2; Emmaus; Honor Pin 1.
T. Quinones: “Iqnoscito saepe aliis, numquam tibi.” J.Prieto: “I love humanity, it’s people I just can’t stand” -Peanuts R. Ramsumar: “The most wastedday ofall is thaton which we have not laughed. ’’
TULIO QUINONES Dance Committee 4
“J IM " Computer Club 1; Dance Committee 3; Latin American Society 3; Petroc 4; Pho tography 2, 4; Science Clubs 2, 3; Ski Club 4; T.V. Studio 4; Senior Prom Com mittee 4; Recycling Team 3
“L D ” Bowling 3, 4; Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS, Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4 Pres.; Emmaus 84; Spanish I Gold Medal; National Latin Exam Gold Medal 1; Honor Pin 1, 2
“B O B B Y ” Computer Club 4; Remote Control Club 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 1, 2; T.V. Studio 4
L. Ramos: “And when our worlds theyfallapart, When the walls come tumbling in, Though we may deceive it. It will be worth it. -Depeche Mode
“M IK E ” Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm. 3, 4; NHS; Paper & Pen 2, 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
M. Regenye: “We met as soul mates on Paris Island. We left as inmates from an asylum. ” -Billy Joel 189
A. Rosamilia: “My goal of the future is to make tomorrow better than today.” D. Rosciszewski: “To a great mind nothing is little.” -Sherlock Holmes H. Ruiz: “Ipsa scientia potestas est. ” -Bacon
“H U G A ” NHS; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2, 3, 4 Editor-in-chief; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Intramural Staff 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
“A R M ” Band 1, 2, 3; Bicycle Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2; Dramatics 3, 4; NHS; Harvard Model Congress 4; Jazz Ensemble 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Stage Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
“R O Z ”
“K IK I”
Art Club 2,3,; Collector’s Club 2,3; Paper & Pen 2, 3, 4; Petroc 4; Golf 4; Slavic Club 2, 4; Emmaus 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
Band 3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3, 4; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 3, 4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Jazz Ensemble 3, 4; T.V. Studio 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2.
H. Roarty: “Justdo it.” -Nike
V. Rodriguez: “Ora et labora. ” -St Benedict
J.Ruiz: “Dente lupus, comu taurus petit. ” -Horace C. Russo “So be it. Hard Harry
R. Salmon: “Optima Sapientia Probitas
JOSE RUIZ Art Club 2; Bicycle Club 1,2; Ebony Club 1; Intramurals 1, 2; Emmaus 3.
“R O O S T E R " Basketball 1; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 capt.; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 capt.; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Emmaus; Emmaus Team; Big Brother 3, 4.
"J IM " Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 capt.; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3 ,4 capt.; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Eucharis tic Minister 4; Big Brother 3,4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Intro to Science I Silver Medal.
“B O B ” Basketball 1. 2; Cross Country 4; NHS; Outdoor Track 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Indoor Track 3, 4; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Big Brother 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; World Civ. Gold Medal; Biology Silver Medal.
J.Salmon: “When thegloryhas faded, the dream is worth more than the prize. ”
“Z IM ” Bowling 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Italian Club 3, 4; Junior Prom Comm.; Ski Club 3, 4.
C. Sammarco: “I look great and feel even better. I can make a burlap sack look like a cashmere sweater. ” Rick Rude 191
M. Sierra: “Black by popular demand ” T.Sinnott: “I ’m outta here man!” -Bart Simpson R. Santoro: “Follow me if I advance! Kill me if I retreat! Revenge me if I die!”
“R IC H "
“F R IK "
Football 1. 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 3, 4; Science Club 1, 3; Emmaus 3.
Bicycle Club 1. 2, 4 Pres.; Mission Drive Comm. 2, 3, 4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 2; Ski Club 2, 3, 4 V-Pres.; Outdoor Track 2, 4; Emmaus 3.
“B IG D A D D Y ” Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Latin American Society 1,2, 3, 4; Modeling Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
“TO M M Y” Cross Country 1; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Chairperson; Indoor Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 4; Blood Drive 3, 4; Emmaus 4.
F. Schiavone: “Turn up the future, forget about the past. It will always be with us, it’s never gonna die. ” -AC/DC J.Sisco: “We have reached a point where the end is in sight, and that is not neces sarily good. ”
“J E F F ” Collector’s Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Intramurals Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science. Club 3; Volleyball Club 2; Intramural Staff 2, 3, 4.
M. Skinner: “Sometimesyou feellike a nut, some times you don |” P. Strandes: “Nowyou’re playing with power. ” -Nintendo S. Strickland ‘That’s thenews, and I ’m outta here. ’ -Dennis Miller SNL
JEFFREY SMITH Art Club 2, 3; Rock n’ Roll Club 3, 4 Guitar Club 3, 4.
“J O E L ” Computer Club 1; NHS; Intramurals 1,2, 3; Irish Club 3; Spirit Comm. 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Emmaus 3; Emmaus Team; Home room Pres. 3; Big Brother 3, 4.
“M O U T H ” Art Club 1; Dance Comm. 1; Football 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Mission Drive Comm. 2; Intramu rals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 2,4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 2; Ski Club 1,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Student Council 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3; Volleyball 2, 3,4; Ecology Club 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus 3; Homeroom V-Pres. 1, 2, 3, 4.
“S T IK ” Bicycle Club 1, 2; Chess 1 Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Student Council 2; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Pres. 1, V-Pres. 2; Intramurals Staff 2; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1, 2.
J.Smith: 7fs size of your heart not the length ofyour hair. ” -Suicidal Tendencies J.St.Marie: “There are only two thingsyou ‘have to’ do in life, you ‘have to’ die, and you ‘have to’live untilyou die. YOU make up all the rest. ” -Dr. Rob Anthony
“S T R IC K ” Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Collector’s Club 3, 4; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Club 3, 4; Rock n’ Roll Club 3,4; Indoor Track 1.2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 3; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3.
E. Stroud: “Dilution is thesolution topollution. ” -Exxon P. Szymczyk: “Vote - freedom of expression. ” W. Swart: “Show me the man whose happiness was anything more than illusion fol lowed by disillusion. ” -Sophocles
“S T R A U S S ”
“S L U F ”
Band 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 V-Pres.; NHS; Rock ri Roll Club 3,4; Guitar Club 3,4; Jazz Ensemble 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 1, 2, 4; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Ecology Club 4.
Dance Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2 ,3 ,4 Asst. Stage Mgr.; Homeroom Pres. 1.
“B IL L ” Dramatics 3; NHS; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Clubs 1; Spirit Comm. 4; Wres tling 4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus Team; Prep Medical Society 4.
“J O K E R ” Computer Club 1, 2, 3,4; Library Club 1, 2; Math Club 1; NHS; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Science Clubs 1, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Pres. 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1. 2, 3.
M. Struk: “Only the good die young. ” -Billy Joel J.Swineford: “You can check outany timeyou like, butyou can never leave. ” -“Hotel California” The Eagles
S H IP W R E C K ” Computer Club 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; Rock ri Roll Club 3; Intramurals 2; RPG 3; Slavic Club 2, 3; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 2, 3; Emmaus 3; Winter H.A.P. 3.
S.Tsinman: “United we stand, divided we fall ” -Motto of the state Kentucky B. Talanczuk: “Praecephores suos adulescens veneratur et suspicit. ” -Seneca J.Tello: “Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet. ” -Curtis Rufus
BORIS TALAN C ZU K Football 1, 2,3 ,4 ; Library Club 1, 2, 3,4; German Club 2, 3; German Exchange 2; Intramurals 1. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1 Slavic Club 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Wrestling
JOSEPH TELLO Bowling 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm. 2,3; Latin American Soci ety 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2, 3; Petroc 4; Indoor Track 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Science Clubs 1, 2; Volleyball Club 4; Karate Club 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2, 4; Emmaus 3; Honor Pin 1.
1, 2 , 4 .
M ARLO N TIMONES Art Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Dance Comm. 1,2,3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 3; T.V. Studio 1, 2.
“L O E W S M A N " Library Club 1 2; Petroc 4; Rock n’ Roll Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club I Stage Crew 1 2 ,3 ,4 ; Honor Pin
M. Timones: “I ’ve waitedhours for this. I ’ve made myself so sick I wish I stayed asleep today. ” -The Cure
SIMON TSINMAN Bicycle Club 4; Swimming 1; Volleyball Club 3, 4.
T. Tolino: “Take a look at where you are and then look back to where you were and think ofhowyou got to there ... you’ve got to stik it to the end. ” -Nuclear Assault 195
P.Vacca: ‘You’Usee life will be so nice. It’s just a step up to Paradise. ” -Steve Winwood E. Valente: “Discard not an old friend, for the new one will not equal him ...” -Sirach 9:10 G. Vitale: “Guys like us we hade it made, those were the days. ” -All in the Family
“A B S O L U T ’
“ V IR G ”
Library Club 2; Petroc 2; Intramurals 1,2; Iona Language Contest RunnerUp 3;
Football 1. 2; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 3, 4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 2; Honor Pin 1, 2,
“E D D IE ” Art Club 1; Computer Club 1; Cross Country 2, 3; Library Club 3; NHS; Germen Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Pres.; RPG 2; Soccer 4 Mgr; Spirit Com. 4; Emmaus Team; Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award 3; Intramurals Outstanding Member 2, 4.
“J E R R Y ” Band 2, 3, 4; Rock ‘n’ Roll Club 2, 3, 4; Guitar Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Ensemble 4; Science Clubs 3, 4; Honor Pin 3.
V. Valdez: “I ’ve seen the world through a bitter stare, But my dream is still alive I ’m going to be the best I can. ” -Queensryche R. Wignarajan: “The woods arelovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep. ”
RUKM AN S. W IGNARAJAN Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2; German Club 1, 2; Indoor Track 2; Intra murals 1; Jazz Ensemble 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2,4; National Latin Exam-Magna Cum Laude.
R. Zamarra:
“He’s on a mission. ’ -Special Ed ABRAHAM ZARRAN
“A be”
Ebony Club 1, 2; Football 2; Latin Ameri can Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4;
Computer Club 1; Latin American Soci ety 3, 4; Intramurals 4; RPG 1; Iona Language Contest 2nd. Hnrs. 3. A. Zarran:
“The darkness of life is enlightened with the light of it’s pleasure. ”
1991 Class P oll
rost Intelligent ndy Mahdavi, Rob Alvarez
Most Active Luis Ayala, Mike Gomez
'ost Athletic om DellaFave, Jon Grogan
Best Musician Tom Hoetzl, Scott Bardzell
'ost Popular \ike Gomez, Mike Egan, Scott Bardzell
100% Award Andy Danilchick, Luis Ayala
est Personality om Gaddi, Miguel Sierra
Easiest to Get Along With Mike Egan, Pete Strandes
lass Clown ?te Gannon, Ryan Dacey, Boris Talanczuk
Most Reliable Jack Cervino, Luis Ayala
'ost Likely to Succeed ill Dwyer, Larry Benn
B est A rtist Dave Polo, Kevin Lawless
'ost Underrated teve Brown, Brad Kloza
Most Friendly Mike Egan, Luis Ayala
est Dressed ilio Luna, John Barnes
Best Friends Francis Gutierrez & Ryan Prendergast, Mike Albanese & Ryan Prendergast
est Nickname teve “Beaver” Brown
Jug Addict Jeff Martin, Abe Zarran
It has been an interesting year. Every yearbook has its own unique Identity, which is brought forth by the particular events which make that year memorable. Hopefully the moments captured between these two covers have awakened the feelings experienced by mul titudes o f friends and acquaintances throughout this past year. The history embodied on these pages represents the Prep as seen through the eyes o f its students. However, this could never have been accomplished If It had not been for a handful o f people. If It had not been for the people listed on these two pages, there would not be a 1991 Petrean. However, certain "N on staffers" contributed greatly to the production o f this book. If It were not for the help o f people like Fr. Joyce, Fr. Denny and Mr. Reiser there blank pages In this publication. It was their knowledge o f Jesuit history that made the “ Ignatlon Year” pages possible and a success. W e also would like to thank “ our friends at OPI.” It was Ms. Picone and Mr. Horan who provided some last minute photos and sports schedules to com plete the otherwise barren sheets. Photos, which are the main ingredients o f a good yearbook, could not have been acquired if it were nor for the work o f Davis Studios, developing our film (and the UPS trucks that deliv ered them). Other pictures were received through the kind-, ness o f Blake and Nancy K elley; we are grateful for their hockey shots. Former Prepsters also helped make this Petrean a success. Many thanks to Ralph Pantozzl, Class o f ‘88 and now editor of Rutgers’ Scarlet Letter, who managed to acquire old pictures o f friends o f the school, who are now pursuing other things. W e also thank Mr. Frank Betkowski, Class o f ‘86 and now Latin teacher extraordinaire, whose never ending supply of food and encouraging words kept the staff eager to get the job done. O f course there is our German speaking friend; Mr. Jim DeAngelo was there for moral support at all hours o f the day and night, whether It was four In the afternoon or one in the morning. W e would hear him “ laugh” and we knew we had to work harder and quicker before the Prep grad o f ‘85 sang his German melodies. More encouragement and m otiva tion came about by way o f Fr. Denny, and Fr. Azzarto. Their visits and nourishments kept the staff working through the crisis o f the day. Aside from all the people that helped the staff, we can not forget the ones who truly made this year book become a reality. Ernie, Joe, Hunter, Mike, and Dave gave o f their tim e and skills. And Dan was there to save the day when the rest o f us were swamped with excess work. Their never ending work proved priceless as deadlines grew nearer. Despite their feverish work, laughs were not hard to com e by, whether It was Hunters’ “ Hun-Run” to the car at night or Ernie’s demented “ K-9” cartoons. Our hopes were intact, despite the fact that Joe tried to ruin the book by leaving his entire section on the P A T H train one winter morning. And although Dave “ Adalwahlpa” Jackman tried to scare him, Ahdy Murro, our Jostens rep, guided us through the tough times; for this we are grateful. Luckily, though, all worked out well and you are able to read this fabulous book. Finally we would like to thank someone, who made this book as good as it is. She gave her tim e and we took her patience and tolerance. Unlike same people she stuck it through and m otivated us to do our best and make this our book. W e would like to thank our dedicated moderator. Miss Susan Baber, without whom we would not have gotten past page 1. W e hope you enjoyed this yearbook, and we hope you will enjoy it from now until the day St. P e te r’s Prep and its memory ceases to exist. Sincerely, Luis Ayala & Hugh Roarty Editors-in-chlef
1991 Luis Ayala Hugh Roarty E d it o r s -In -C
h ie f
David Jackman Copy Editor
Ernesto Alfaro Academics Editor
Hunter Figueras Activities Editor
Michael Hogan A rt Editor
Joseph Coyle Sports Editor STAFF JASO N ABERG AS
D A N IE L M c D O N O U G H
Andy Murro
Davis Studios
Jostens Representative
Senior Portraits
Susan Baber Moderator
The Editors- 1991
H M I I I I L lR U k jft ,
IN MEMORIAMl Countless faces have passed through the halls o f S t Peter’s Preparatory School. Som e have been forgot ten. Others will be long-rem em bered. M ost have left their mark on the school. One such soul was that o f William Cheng. H e was the first o f the Class o f ’91 to pass on. A graduate o f St. P eter’s Grammar School and H AP, William entered Prep with the Class o f ’91. Like any other incom ing freshman, he was excited at the pros p ect o f starting anew. H e was full o f hopes, anxieties and goals, with a desire to be part o f the “Prep Family.” H e toiled over homework and tests like most. H e was a regular frosh with one exception — he had leukemia. Few people at Prep knew o f his condition, or if they did, the severity o f it. William’s condition, at first, seem ed manageable. H e was well enough to begin high school, but slowly his disease worsened. How ever, this did not affect his spirit. H e wanted to do well at Prep. Although he was not able to participate in many activities, he did try to be part o f the Prep community. Since he had to m iss a num ber o f school days, few knew him well, but he was approachable and friendly to those who did know him, always ready to share a warm smile. The Prep community tried to help him and his family, giving blood, m oral support and love. William died when the rest o f his classmates were participating in Freshman Days o f Recollection. The entire class waspresent at his funeral mass. The sense o f loss was real. Although William’s tim e at Prep was short, he con tributed to his class in a very real way. H e knew how to have a friend and be a friend. H is courage and spirit were examples to us all; he touched our minds and our hearts. A s we graduate, we rem em ber William and pray fo r the sou l o f our classm ate and friend. Reguiescat in pace.
“I am the resurrection and the life. W hoever believes in m e will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26)