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Women's room
1Provide Ladder and hatch to access (he mechanical
T o p o< new slab to align with lop ot ic c n s Mooring
10 [CW B7TIl Repair and relamp existi )g ixtui with compact fluorescen la nps
Repair stained glass skv igl t with glass and framing nei i b m supplied by o w n e r ----------------Custom circulation desk
See detail 700 fo r elevator shaft dimensions Mrd ramp
Security pylon-
Elevator stop to align with top o f access flooring
i/7/8 =30r@ 6.88 !C l 2X20.7 Stair strif Handrail
Stair #1
Cut existing window openmgsl
T o p o f new slab to align with top o f access flooring
Future work not in contract
dow n H r @ 6.92T
Periodical Lounge
Handicapped accessible ramp maximum slope: 1 in 12
Com puter Room A
T&4 book M/klt ijfcaM/ y G i*
to :
introduce a yearbook (Opening)...................................... 2 act properly during assemblies (Community)................................. 6 write a Campion paper (Academics)............................... 26 throw a football and design a newspaper (Co-Curriculars).........................50 learn the names of every person at Prep (People)..................................... 106 close a yearbook (Closing)................................... 176 find your name (Index)....................................... 180
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TR EA N * 1995
olurne 78 Assembly Requiredâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; St. Peter s Prep 144 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 (201)434-4400
ASSEMBLING TIIE SCHOOL Initiated by Fr. Joyce and continuing under Fr. Keenan, the Keys to the Future campaign issteering the campus into the twenty-first century.
Students and faculty alike have envi
sioned a bigger and better Prep with all the trimmings. It all began with the library, emptied and gutted before the '93-'94 year had even ended. Then the rear stairway went, forcing hundreds of students to cram through a single doorway and up and down the same flight of stairs in four minutes between classes. The entire basement of the English Building followed: the weight room, the bathroom, the hallway—all gone. As the days of summer faded away, students returned to a changed Prep. They were not sure what to expect as they
Slowly but
made the journey from Montgomery to Grand, but they knew
it would be different, The English Building was now decorated
the Building was re
with a three-story scaffold. Construction workers banged away
as sembled
with their drills and hammers, alerting everyone to their pres
piece by
ence... all the time. Trucks rolled in and out of the courtyard,
piece. The for the
dropping off the bricks and cement that would build the new
new stairway was
Prep. It was a difficult atmosphere to adjust to, but one that was
polished o ff ju st
necessary. Prep was changing; it was being re-assembled for
in time for a late
the new class of student.
Septem ber fire drill.
Qn 1995 Petrean
Giving the term “stepping out of class” a whole new meaning, three truncated classrooms in the English Building bear the scars o f a new elevator shaft.
While the library was being drasti cally overhauled, old, ratty books were trashed to make room for newer volumes. A few students even stopped to take a book or two home.
ASSEMBLING THE STUDENT At the same time, Prep's students were also being as足 sembled. The assembly of a student into a Prep man is a fouryear process. It starts freshman year, introducing a new class to the four things that make Prep such a great place, The community is like no other: teachers, students, Relax-
administrators, and coaches are all linked with this common thread. It brings us together not only during liturgies or convoca-
ing on the
pictur足 esque beach
tions, but every minute of every day. The academics are
a ts e a Bright,
involved and often demanding, but rewarding in the end. They are the tools we will need to move on after Prep, the basics that
Dom Efffcsquale ponders life after
we will build upon in the future, The co-curriculars are a major
gradua足 tion.
part of Prep life too, connecting those with common interests. They build long-lasting friendships and cultivate various skills,
Like most seniors,
he has
while also providing fun and a sense of accomplishment. Finally,
enced Prep for
there are the people of Prep. Words cannot describe the folks that make Prep work; everyone makes a permanent contribu-
years, and is
ready to
tion to the whole. Without the people in the halls, in the cafe, at
move on.
class or practice, Prep would be an empty factory, an assembly line without products or workers.
Prep has
given its seniors
Prep is about assembly. Assembling the student, assembling
a solid founda-
the school; it's all related. So cut open the twine, turn the page, and get with it. There's work to be done,
and it is up to
them t0 start build足 ing.
1995 Petrean
Slowly but surely adjusting to Prep life, freshmen walk to Lisbon Pizza for a slice during Orienta足 tion. These two productive days helped the new class of Prep men fam iliar足 ize themselves with the layout of the school and gave them a chance to meet some of the faces that make Prep such a great place. Amidst all the confusion of construction, Michael Chanfrau, Dave Bailey, Joe Feuchack, and Joe LoRe enjoy a game o f roller hockey after the Mass of the Holy Spirit in September. These afternoon games eventually led to the formation o f the Roller Hockey Club, ju st one of many activities Prep has to offer. Clubs and sports encourage teamwork and fair play, necessary attributes for the authentic Prep alum.
mmunity spirit is without a doubt the most unique
ingredient in the assembly of a Prep man. Involvement in school and the outside world is what makes a Prep student different from all others. Becoming a part of the collective whole is the fundamental step in becoming a Prep man. We learn to care not solely about ourselves, but about others: friends, parents, teachers, and administrators— recognise* ing that they care for us as well. We work together towards a common goal using Our own individual talents to get the job done. It’s this sense of community that turns a shell with rows of classrooms into a vibrant environment for living and learning. Otherwise, we’d be automatons wan dering the halls without any connection to one another— without a common thread. This community brings us together by consciously celebrating our ideals, gifts, and spirit. At the rallies we cheer on our teams. At the liturgies we pray and worship together. In programs like PAC and HAP we introduce these fundamentals to new members of the community. We reach the needy and less fortunate through Christian Service and summer missions. Community is not Just going to school and going home again; it’s a constant force among us. When we ace a test or score a goal, we’re doing It for the benefit of the community. These are the ties that bind.
or the past twelve years, our honoree has been fre a k in ’ out th e Prep community. His religion classes are, to say the least, unique in their approach. He sits among his students, pushing them to think and question their beliefs. In this way his students come to a much fuller understanding of the m oral and d e e p e r p h ilo s o p h ic le s s o n s he teaches. He connects with his students not through tests and quizzes but friendship and a wit all his own. When we have problems in our private lives he always listens, offering sound advice backed up by m any y e a rs of h ig h e r education. A man of strong faith, he serves in many ways. Covering both the academic and athletic aspects of Prep, he moderates the wrestling team and the Philosophy Club. He can frequently be found in the bleachers at a footb all or basketball game cheering on a team, surrounded by students and parents. Not only is he an in te g ra l p a rt of the Prep comm unity, but he is also deeply involved in his own neighborhood parish, Corpus Christi, in Queens. There he counsels drug addicts and alcoholics, as well as teaches adult religion classes. He trains deacons for both the Brooklyn and Paterson Dioceses and is
an advisor to the Archdiocese of New York on the teaching of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. At weekday
masses at St. Peter’s Parish, he holds his homilies to three m in u te s fla t, g iv in g the c o n g re g a tio n a s h o rt but packed sermon. One reason that he is so much in tune with his students is that he is still a student h im s e lf, c o n tin u in g his education through graduate classes. That benefits both himself and us, and it’s in the English Building that we are a ble to in c o rp o ra te his education with ours. Opening with the usual “O.K., dudes,” class begins. A quick glance at the board reveals the variety of the courses that this year’s honoree teaches; it has on it the daily class plans for sophomore religion, a morality
and historical Jesus course. T h e re is also U ltim a te Questions which deals with the major religious issues of our day, and in the corner is the homework for his senior psychology course. He rolls his chair around to the front of his desk and starts the lesson. Using one of his favorite techniques, stories and anecdotes that are easy to relate to, he asks “All right, tough guys, who here has ever been insulted?” to begin an explanation of the titles of Jesus (telling his class that some of Jesus’ titles actually originated with his detractors). His signature bantercontinues throughout the class, adding levity to so m e tim e s m undane subjects. For this chairman of the religion department, though, there are very few mundane subjects at all. So here it is, tough guys. For his service to Prep, his in v o lv e m e n t in the community, his ability as an educator, and his success in making Prep a better place, we proudly dedicate the 1995Petreanlo Deacon John O’Neill. He is a model of dedication and caring, someone to look up to and admire. He has always been a friend, and always will be. Thanks for freakin’ us out, Deac.
“Yeah, you’re co o l.” Right after the daily quiz, Deac amuses his sophomore class during a discussion o f the meaning o f love. Respected as an engaging teacher, he finds a new way each day to brighten up his class.
A devoted man of the Church and friend to his students, Deac gives a blessing to g ra d u a te K evin Gallagher at the ‘94 Baccalaureate Mass.
At the Christmas Liturgy in '93, Deacon O'Neill reads the Gospel to a group of 900 students and faculty. He maintains a remarkable combination of prayerfulness and good cheer.
Q * U 90 *T*E
5 % ® s j? a s & J :* «a s g ! MR* JOHN •IRVINE
Ever since the birth of HAP, tutors have played a crucial role as mentors and guides to the younger members who are on the threshold o f high school. Alex Aguirre demonstrates this spirit by tutoring a student.
Front Row: A. Vlzzacchero, A. D esroslers, J. Santos, J. Rodriguez, B. Franco, K. Marsh, K. Enyinna, F. Celestin. Second Row: C. Harper, T. Egan, R. Lorenzo, R. Salvador, B. Dougherty, M. Cadlaon, C. Stanaway, J. Friend, J . Joung, D. Twiggs. Third Row: J. Brown, C. Razon, J. P. LoPorto, A. Donnelly, J. Munar. Fourth Row: S. Tiwari, A. Aguirre, P. Shah, J. Guzman, S. Luke, D. Ramirez. Fifth Row: T. Crohan, E. Manlongat, S. Sanchez, J, Pedersen, B. W allace. Sixth Row: C. Stanberry, R. Sharma, K. DeVillava, T. Smith, T. Lukasiak. P. Camacho, J.Rodriguez, T. Magno, J. Leung. Missing: J. Yu, R. Varona, E. Nieves.
Birth <
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Students leave their books and the classroom behind to participate in a series of intense competi tions which determine the most skilled dodgeball team. Planning his attack on an un suspecting opponent Mike Mullin aims carefully and hopes to score another
■ J ic tu r e this: a seventhM g ra d e r is s ittin g in a classroom on a warm, beautiful summer day in the middle of July... learning math! Formost p e o p le th is w o u ld be an experience that they would not view with reverence, but for those people who attended the Higher Achievement Program, it was sheer joy. This program, called HAPthroughoutthe Prep community, has been serving Jersey City students in the seventh grade for a number of years by providing them with a base from which they can build their high school and Prep experiences. HAP is a program designed to give students a better chance of growing into mature Prep men. Over a two-month period, students studied an array of a cad em ic co urse s. T hese included English and math geared to secondary level work, and the skill and discipline necessary to succeed in high school. HAP not only prepared students for the rigors of high school, but it gave them the experience, knowledge, and confidence to develop into true “men for others.” HAP was not just a one-way s tre e t in v o lv in g se ve n th graders who come for a oncein-a-life-time opportunity. It also involved tutors who aspire to help their students in achieving academic excellence; students
earned a fulfilling experience and the fruits of their labor may never stop. HAP has been an integral part of education at Prep, it has given students the opportunity to expand their horizons and attain their goals by taking a varied amount of courses in addition to the regular course load. These options included: rap, film appreciation, journalism, puzzles ‘n riddles, physical fitness, sports, and in tro to S panish. These courses were only one of the good fe a tu re s of th is dynam ic program. One of the hallmarks of this year was the teacher-tutor game in which the tutors were defeated by seven points. HAP has truly been one of the great educational forces of Prep. This year, HAP has gone through a number of changes, including a change in the b u ilding in w hich HAP is housed. This year it was held in Burke Hall due to the construction on the English Building. This gave students a better environment to study, not to mention a respite from the heat of summer! It was truly one of HAP’s greatest milestones.
T ie w
INSIGHTS After thirty years of faithful service, Fr.Browning retired from his position as HAP director. Taking his place was Mr. John Irvine, also a HAP veteran, who marked his firs t summer as HAP director. W h i I e coordinating the program, Mr. Irvine also managed to teach classes. He also received funding for creative student trips such as a roller hockey game and a swimming excursion to Pershing Field. Mr. Irvine did more than create changes; he provided an atmosphere which was conducive to learning. He disciplined the program more and at the same time he became more personally involved with the students through his friendly actions and frequent availability.
point for his team.
't/II S e iz c tta
ROME: While students were enjoy ing their summer vacation, three members of Prep's language department, Ms. Baber, Mr. DeAngeio, and Mr. Noga were studying in Italy to enhance their cul tural knowledge. Ms. Baber studied aspects of ancient myth and art, Mr. DeAngeio began a study of Italian, and M r . Noga
r ecei ved a fellowship for archaeol ogy. His eig ht-w eek long program included visi t s to Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius and other Roman monuments. While studying abroad, they attended a special liturgy for the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola on July 31. After ward, they met Fr. PeterHans Kolvenbach, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, outside Rome's San Ignazio Church.
iM s informative as they were / ■ ^ f u n , the trips during the summer of ‘94 provided many students with opportunities to further their Prep experience. Through the efforts of several fa culty m em bers, students were presented with a wide variety of exciting activities. S u p e rv is e d by Fr. H oag, the E u ro pe a n to u r offered students the opportunity to learn about the diverse c u ltu re s of G erm any, S w itz e rla n d , F ran ce, and England. By taking part in th is trip , the students were able to enrich themselves with knowledge and experience of d iffe re n t c u ltu re s th a t could never be obtained in the classroom alone. On the flip side, the trip to the West was an adventurous journey to Utah, W yoming, Id ah o , and M ontana. Conducted by Mr. Boyle and Mr. Arabia, Prep West included such w ild and e n th ra llin g activities as rafting the Green River, traversing Yellowstone C a n yo n on h o rse b a ck, exploring the caves at Craters of the Moon, and climbing at the City of Rocks. One activity proved a little too wild for Mr. Arabia, when he was nearly thrown from Swen, his bucking bronco. Luckily, the horse was not hurt. “The p e o p le I e n c o u n te re d in K e n tu cky
reflected the inner positive humanity that lies within us all, just waiting to be awakened,” said S teve B a u tista a fte r participating in the volunteer e x c u rs io n to K entucky. Chaperoned by Mr. Arabia, this trip allowed students to ease the problems of loneliness, old age, and financial insecurity that face many of the people of Kentucky. The students were working under the guidance of Glenmary Mission, where they performed many tasks such as repairing homes for the needy. The students also helped by providing an enjoyable and e n tertainin g picnic fo r the residents of the Old Folks Home. The students were challenged to overcome the difficulties of rural life, such as the lack of indoor plumbing, but the rewards of helping the n eedy m ade th e se in c o n v e n ie n c e s seem insignificant. Ms. Hellstrom’s Jersey City Sketchbook art program enabled students to develop their creative abilities in drawing and sketching. During the four weeks of this course, students learned all the basics of a studio class without the boundaries of the school. T h e ir artistic endeavors took them to Liberty State Park, the piers, and other places in the Jersey City area that provided great opportunity to sketch landscapes. While all the summer activities and trips offered valuable lessons, the common point was that the Prep experience is without limits.
Anxious to get on the road, Sawa Panayiotou enlightens the camera with his enthusiastic smile as he gets ready to ship out. The July trip to rural Kentucky gave the Prepsters a chance to help the less fortunate with their youthful compassion.
Inspired by the scenery of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone River, travelers Rich Gubitosi and Gavin Schiraldo soak in the awesome sights of Prep West.
y t iT i
Q * U 0O*T*E
The Christian Service program involves helping people and the com m unity in a loving and kind manner. Junior Dan Stupinski demonstrates this principle by helping a confused student understand a reading lesson for her Religion class. Preparing to develop his own report, Adam Supple reflects with project coordinator Mr. Becerra.
km fo
Spending his community service tim e at St. Vincent’s Nursery School, junior Pat Kelly helps to improve
“Men for others,” though a common phrase at Prep, is the essence of what it means to be a Prep man, and it is manifested concretely in the Christian S e rv ic e P ro g ra m . It has p ro v id e d s tu d e n ts w ith opportunities to put theory into p ra ctice . T h ro ug h o u t th e ir experiences at Prep, students are constantly challenged to grow both s p iritu a lly and mentally. Christian Service is a major step for students on their journey to becoming “men for others.” “At first I thought it was a dumb idea, but now I see it was all worthwhile. I get to be a role model and give the kids at the Nurturing Place afatherfigure,” reflected Vladmir Gomez as he comtemplated the completion of his Christian Service project. Such responses have made this program worthwhile. It has enriched the lives of students with valuable experiences, compassion, and caring. This experience is different from any otherexperience most students encounter. The wisdom gained is not contained in any lesson of a book; happiness can not be achieved by wealth, power, and prestige alone. Happiness can be achieved by helping
L IT Y those people in need of help. Many students have asked w hy C h ris tia n S e rvice is mandatory. Prep is devoted to providing its student with an education. O ften students forget that education includes experiences which provide us with valuable knowledge on how to grow spiritually. Actions are lo u d e r than w o rd s, and by p e rfo rm in g good acts, we come closer to the realization of becom ing b e tte r people. Christian Service has enriched the elderly, the sick and the you n g at St. Joseph’s Home for the B lind, W est Hudson Hospital, and the Liberty Science Center. It has enriched the volunteers in becoming more u n d e rsta n d in g , p a tie n t, loving,complete human beings. Although students may say and believe that they are “men for others,” they can never be this unless they continue active participation in the real lives of others.
HAND For the first time juniors Were able to volunteer as project coordinators for Liberty Sci ence Center visitors, and it turned out to be a great success. Last summ er, Prep
st udent s traveled to the Liberty Science Cent e r and helped to de sign projects for visitors which demon strated complex scientifc principles. The volunteers directed, presented, and set up the projects With little help from others. During the summer, people swarmed to the Center, and volunteering suddenly be came a challenging job. According to the volun teers, though, it was both a valuable and memorable experience.
the reading ability of a younger boy.
t& e
F li C Tncertainty, confusion, and Jfear were very distinct and memorable parts of freshman year. But PAC members were present during the first couple of weeks to assist the frosh in any way. What is PAC? PAC, Peer Advisors and Counselors, is an organization dedicated to e a sin g such te n s io n s . PAC provided guidance and a se n se of security for incoming freshm en through th e help of sophmores, juniors, and seniors acting as “big brothers,” the role models of Prep. B eing a PAC m e m b e r re q u ire d time and dedication to the community. PAC w as re s p o n s ib le fo r organizing many social activites and facilitating small group d is c u s s io n s fo r in co m in g freshmen, including a “Pizza S ocial” at which girls from schools like Holy Family and St. A lo y s iu s A ca d e m y interacted with freshmen. PAC did not concern itself with only activities. Education about the basic principles of the Prep philoso p hy w ere emphasized too. PAC dealt
N.A.P. Throughout recent history, PAC has been involved in improving the Prep community. One avenue PAC traveled led to a N .A .P ., a "Non-Alcohol and drug Pledge." Prior to becoming PAC members, students were asked to confirm that they would refuse the offering of all alcohol and illegal drugs unconditionally. Established last May, the oath's aim was to provide role models for the Prep student body. Emphasis was placed on education about the dangers of negative peer pressure.
with issues such as multiculturalism , the dangers of alcohol and drugs, and many other peer pressures. PAC provided positive role m odels. M em bers w ere e x p e cte d to be h o n e st, re s p e c tfu l, tru s tw o rth y , responsible, and dedicated. T h e se e x p e c ta tio n s w ere placed on a banner “Code of Ethics” which PAC members created themselves. T he re q u ire m e n ts fo r becoming a PAC member were very demanding. Students interested were asked to s u b m it an e ssay w ith suggestions of how to make PAC a better program through their personal involvement. Personal interviews were also an important part of selecting future counselors. During the interviews each student was required to present an idea on developing an activity involving freshmen and, if accepted as a PAC member, was expected to execute his activity. PAC is not a program for the s e lfis h , irre s p o n s ib le , or uncaring. It is aimed at the development of its members and the schoolm ates they serve, in the Prep spirit of being “men for others.”
The FYeshman Olympics are a source of ccrnpetiticn and excitement for the newest Prep men. Freshman Kalpesh Patel revealed his strength as he tried to beat the longjump record.
In the early days of September, new students cheerfully show all sorts of skills at the Freshman Olympics. Ed Feuchack grabbed a wobbly water balloon during a contest in the faculty parking lot.
Orientation Staff: Front Row: Ms. Grabler, J. Abadlr, C. Razon, R. Reyes, C. Abdon. A. Dilley. A. Weimmer, A. Rucinsky, Mr. Becerra. PAC: Second Row: E. Nieves. B. Bingham. R. Davis. A. Abbatemarco, V. Conti, G. Benacchlo. Third Row: R. Gubitost, J. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Day, M. Chanfrau, K. Don6, H. Gandhi, A. Yankowski, C. Nubia. Fourth Row: R. Gonzalez, A. Riaz, D. Swanstrom. j . Woelpper, T. Scerbo, B. Beldowlcz, A. Supple. Fifth Row: R. Ruclnski, A. Nappl. M. Rubin, R. Zywicki, J. Gallo. Missing: P. McKeon, L. Marandola, B Gordon , K. Tangwongchal, D. Pomponio, R. Citarella. D. Habib, V. Gomez, D. Facciponti, S. Boyd, M. Spataro. F. Marino.
Junior John Seborowski sets the table for a meal at Emmaus 127. Besides playing and w orking together, each group gathers for meals and for the Eucharist, in which they seek â&#x20AC;&#x153; to recognize him in the breaking of the bread.â&#x20AC;?
The Frosh Retreat helped students to recognize that they and their peers are members of the Prep community. Strengthening this awareness, Fr. Marty Doyle, SJ distributes the Eucharist to Tom Egan, Dan DeSalvo, and Due Nguyen.
AwAT from it
emarked Fr. Keenan, SJ, in his Freshman Orienta tion speech, “Prep has an out standing retreat program, one that the schools I’ve been at have tried to imitate.” Orga nized by Fr. Anthony Azzarto, SJ, School Chaplain, Prep’s retreats focus on community and inner reflection. All four classes take part in retreats, but the Emmaus weekend is the most popular with students and is often seen as the culmi nation of the retreat experi ence. The ’94 Freshman Retreat was unlike any that most mem bers of the Class of '98 had previously experienced. The film Packv Rowe was featured as a demonstration that one’s s im p le a c ts of k in d n e s s shouldn’t be underestimated. The day also helped to unify a diverse class. “It helped me understand a lot about people who I had never seen. It also gave me a chance to express my feelings about Prep,” said Dave Cox ’98. The Sophomore Retreat rounded out the experience of the Freshman Retreat, helping to solidify both the community and individua l friendships. Students learned to be true to themselves and their friends through a poignant excerpt from finflnt of a Woman. The meditation on one’s self-worth
In addition to volun teering their tim e on numerous student retreats, faculty members had a day of re collection o f their own at the Loyola House of Retreats in Mcnistown in early December. Mr. Jorge Becerra prepares to read from Isaiah at their Advent
L L entailed imagining who would be present at one’s funeral. The Emmaus Retreat is aimed at juniors. Unlike the Freshman and Sophom ore Retreats, Emmaus consisted of a group of about twenty stu dents, plus four adults and four senior team leaders. This ap proach enabled students to fo cus on themselves and their p e e rs ’ re fle c tio n s . Taking place, as al ways, at Sea Bright, many students real ized the importance of finding Christ in their lives and in the people around them. “The re tre a t allow ed us to open up to each other and ultimately to God,” e x p re s s e d A n g e lo Abbatem arco ’96 of Emmaus 126. Nearing the end of their journey at Prep, the se niors sought their final under standing of each other and community at the overnight Fireside Retreats. Supervised by Jesuit scholastic Mr. Peter Arabia at Cornwall, seniors re flected on their Prep experi ence before heading to col lege. A dozen seniors also shared similar reflections with other Jesuit high school seniors dur ing the Arl Amorem weekend on Staten Island.
ALLOWED "What do you mean only dads can come?" This question was asked by many mothers during the 1994 Father-Son Re treat. Feeling deprived of the opportunity and perhaps envious of their husbands, the mothers of Prep students responded eagerly to the first-ever Mother-Son Retreat, which was facilitated by Fr. Azzarto. This unprecedent ed
event occured on December 4, 1994 in the Prep cafete ria. The re t r e a t was a im e d at strengtheni n g th e bonds be tween mothers and sons. In a single morning and afternoon, the moms and their sophomore, junior, and senior sons partici pated in group activities including one-on-one conversations, it was common to hear the phrase " I didn't know that about her" as stu dents reflected on spe cific insights of the day. The thirty-nine pairs who p a rtic ip a te d shared concerns big and small and found some extra support in meeting the mothers and sons of other Prep fa m ilie s too.
m l Retreats
DOORWAY to the
as a family, juniors and faculty gather for the
Breaking Bread This school was founded primarily to further the teachings and ideals of St. Ignatius Loyola. Prep's Eucharistic Ministers have greatly helped further this mission. Through their e ffo rts they have strength ened the spiri tual founda tion of Prep. The Eucha ristic Minis ters were re sponsible for much m ore than serving the Body and Blood of Christ during the Masses. In addition, they helped with occasions such as the Freshman Day of Retreat. While serving the Prep community, the Eucharis tic ministers came into closer contact with the spiritual aspect of the Prep community and, thus, with God. Through the fulfillment of their ser vice, these students gained a better under standing of their religion, as well as life.
conse cration at the
TH1 hroughout the school M year, members of the Prep family were challenged constantly with school work and co-curricular activities. W ith tim e alw ays running quickly, it was easy to forget that one’s achieve ments and failures affected not just o n e s e lf, but the whole student body as well. Growing and learning from each other, it was evident that God was present in the whole community. Thus such events as prayers and lit urgies celebrated G o d ’s p re s e n c e and our unity. Amid all the chaos of daily life, prayer brought a tempo rary inner-peace. There were many opportunities to gather and share ourselves with oth ers. Advent candle lightings, penance services, the bless ing of the Christmas tree, and a prayer service centered on the martyrs of El Salvador all en hanced the spiritual atm o sphere of Prep. The Advent and Christmas services at tracted students of different backgrounds and beliefs, who were preparing and praising
the birth of Jesus. The liturgies helped us de fine meanings in our lives and showed that God directed us toward that purpose. The Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Thanksgiving liturgies, and others brought us closer to God. The Christmas Mass, for example, was more than a cel ebration of Jesus’ birth. It was a recognition that students and faculty had a special relation ship, equivalent to a family. The liturgies were not confined to the school. All retreats were concluded with a liturgy too. As Fr. Azzarto commented, ‘The liturgies are with people, not just you with God.” When students or their relatives experienced misfortunes,we alleviated their emotional distress, providing consolations to family mem bers, praying with and for them, and being there during times of need. Through prayers and litur gies we had a richer under standing of ourfaith in God and others. Academics and cocurricular activities stimulated our mind and bodies. How ever, this did not make our lives complete. Only when our souls are excited, then our lives are truly fulfilled.
Thanks giving Mass. Litur gies provided an opportu nity for both faculty and students to gain insight into the founda tions of Jesuit spiritu ality at P rep .In a brief and pointed hom ily to the seniors, Fr. Keenan chal lenges them to see where they can make peace in the world.
Participation in the liturgies was not lim ited to the clergy. Student contributions are a prominent aspect in church too, as demonstrated by junior Colin Ginty reading from Scripture at Our Lady of Czestochowa.
Eucharlstic M inisters: Front Row: Marc Vil'laruel, Sam Pecoraro, Chris Enrico, Jeff Woelpper, Matt Pike. Second Row: James Pumarada, Chez Bryan Ong, Rob Kost, Josh Jantas, Rob Melchionne, Dan Swanstrom, Albert Dumaual. Third Row: John Kolakowskl, Joe Valenti.
m Liturgies
Q 0U * O * T 0E
Recognizing their academic dedica tion, Fr. Keenan and Mr. Raslowsky congratulate Class o f ’95 honorees. Fr. Keenan pre sented Azam Riaz, Robert Rucinski, and eight other seniors with their First Honors cards.
Receiving recognition for their com petitive test-taking, juniors James Cartano, Palak Shah, and Satya Tiwari receive certificates of participation. In all, 23 members o f the Math Team received awards at the November assembly.
Q \
Unsung I t ie
Envelope m ssem blie s are a long school tra d itio n . They provide a valuable opportunity fo r s tu d e n ts to unite and re co g n ize th e re m a rkable individuals, who benefit the Prep com m unity everyday. Rewards are a significant part of assemblies, as the school c o m m u n ity a c k n o w le d g e s Princi s tu d e n ts fo r o u ts ta n d in g pal Jack academ ic perform ance and Raslowsky re c o g n iz e s s tu d e n ts fo r prepares e x c e lle n c e b eyo nd the to classrooms. an At the firs t A cadem ic nounce C o n v o c a tio n of th e year, the m edals were presented to names s tu d e n ts fo r o u ts ta n d in g o f some a c h ie v e m e n t in in d iv id u a l o f the subjects during the 1993-94 honorschool year. The prestigious ees, a National Honor Society also pleasant inducted twenty-seven seniors. duty he This year a new award for shares d is tin g u is h e d w rite rs w as with presented as well. Established Vice to honor, and thus promote, Princi clear and creative composition pal among Prep students, this Patrick aw a rd w as p re s e n te d to Reidy. Brandon Smith ’95, Jin Ha One Joung ’96, and Neal Kemkar third of ’97. T h is firs t a s s e m b ly the especially instilled a sense of studentpride and an example to follow body for the new class of ’98. received Quarterly assemblies are honors also held to honor academic in the achievement. One unusual first moment occured at the Honors marking period.
C onvocation in Novem ber, when only a small number of students attained First Honors. The S econd H onors and H o n o ra b le M ention list, however, were quite long. Not all the assemblies are academic in nature. The Sports Rallies and Band Assembly are by far the most popular and entertainin g of P re p ’s a sse m b lie s. The Band Assembly in April provided Prep’s m u s ic ia n s an opportunity to share their talents and hard work with the Prep community under the new direction of Mr. Roland Jones. At the Sports Rallies, the evere n e rg e tic M a ra u d e r and Henchmen took the chance to whip the students into a frenzy, and the Varsity athletes were in tro d u c e d to the school community. The Fall Sports Rally, for instance, proved to be a very lively performance. Prep’s H enchm en w ere at firs t defeated, butthe lone Marauder, disguised as a foe, revealed h im s e lf and saved the Henchmen who were about to be beheaded. Allegorically, this assem bly contained a very important lesson: the Prep spirit is hard to defeat, and if defeated, will rise again and triumph.
HEROES The Spirit Award, founded by Fr. Browning, SJ, in 1981, allows students that are not necessarily in the top ranks of the class academically to receive recognition. Recipients of the Spirit Award are involved in coeurricular activities, exhibit a willingness to help others, and are the We I I H rou n d ed students who are
Pr e p ' s "Men for O th e rs." "It was one of the
mos t e x c itin g moments of my eareer at Prep. I never really thought that the work I put into school had a major impact, but to receive this award was one of the greatest feelings," remarked Scott Kudlacik '9 6 . In many instances, these are the unsung heroes of Prep, students who quietly go about their duties and perform them in extraordinary ways. Vice Principal Patrick Reidy noted that "the Spirit Awards (often) provide recognition for students who make a great contribution to the sehool but in relative obscurity."
'O Assemblies
fo r the
Clown vfv
Tow n Mr. Raslowsky's hidden desire to dress up as a clown was among the
s t r onges t motivations for students to participate in the ’94 WalkA-Thon. When asked by the
Student Counci l whether he would dress up as a clown if the students could raise $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 in the first two days of the drive, M r. Raslowsky eagerly responded, "Why not!" The students were shocked. Mark Kudere '98 commented," I heard about the bet, but I didn't believe it. And then on the day of the Walk-A-Thon, I was astounded to see him in a clown suit." Whether it was intended to motivate the students or provide an opportunity for Mr.Raslowsky to fulfill his wildest fantasies, he demonstrated the age-old philosophy: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
don’t know what to 1 expect,” said soph omore Constantine Dy as he wentto join the masses of Prep faculty and students for the annual Walk-A-Thon to Liberty S ta te Park. Although cloudy, the day was a great improvement over last year’s drizzle. The day was f urther brightened by the announcement that over $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 dollars was raised to buy new equipment for the weight room and computers for the expanded library. The 1994 W alk-A-Thon raised more than twice as much as the previous year. The freshmen brought in just less than half of the total amount, earning a week of free dressdow n days. The upperclassmen provided most of the top individual totals; juniors were especially strong. Jose Vilarino ’96 led the school by bringing in $505. The reason thatthe Walk-A-Thon was such a success, though, was the collected returns from the “average student.” Since each student was asked to bring in $50 and many students went b eyond th a t m inim um re q u ire m e n t, the school
j f f
couldn’t help but bring in money. Another reason for the high returns was the incentive prizes. Students that brought $100 or more were given a Prep watch, sweatshirt, or “Gold Card,” getting them into all football, basketball, and hockey games, as well as Prep dances and wrestling matches, for free. All students who brought in $50 or more were given a choice of a Prep T-shirt, sunglasses, or boxers. One of the unique aspects of W alk-A-Thon ’94 was a change of route. Instead of going through the tight streets of Hoboken, Liberty State Park was the destination. The new route consisted of going down Grand Street to Jersey Avenue and then across a footbridge and into the park. Throughout the walk students enjoyed each other’s company, even tossing footballs along the boardwalk. After a quick lunch and pick-up games at the park, the walkers returned to Prep for an even quickercheck-in, before leaving for their afternoon off. The benefits of Walk-A-Thon '94 were not limited to new computers and gym equipment for the school. Underlying the Walk-A-Thon was a sense of unity that brought the Prep co m m u n ity to g e th e r fo r a common goal.
Leading a pack, John Cirilli heads back to St. Peter’s. With 93% of the student body partici pating, October 26 was a day spent uniting the school commu nity.
Q 0U 0O * T 0E
A winding, twisting passageway takes a brave group of Prep students into the unknown of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Walk-A-Thon. At the other side was our final destination, Liberty State Park.
Upon reaching their destination, students and faculty take time to relax and feast on hot dogs, potato chips, and iced tea. J h e WalkA-Thon was a tremendous success, raising in excess of $3AO
w Walk-A-Thon
j^cademics is a fundamental component in building a Prep student. The classes supply the basic skills neces sary to survive in the changing world today. They give us a solid foundation on which to build a further education and prepare for a career. They are researching a World Civ project,working in a group, understanding a lecture. The future is fortified by these abilities, which form the core of the Prep assembly line. The after school hours in study hall. Biology’s 20 Questions. The killer AP Cal final. Academics produce very real, valuable results. Without them, Prep men would be missing crucial elements of their education. Some successful academic careers produce honor pins, gold medals, honor society certificates, and scholar ships.
For others, success comes in that personal
achievement of the best English paper yet or clearing the hurdle and passing chemistry. Most importantly, aca demics instill responsibility, efficiency, and intellectual curiosity. They balance a young mind with art and math, language and religion, science and English. They make Prep a challenging yet interesting experience. Academics is more than trig functions, double negatives, and atomic weights. It is also the reasoning to find answers and the understanding of another cul ture. Classes encourage communication, interaction, and imagination. They stimulate Our artistic flair and broaden our awareness of the social problems of the world. Writing, logic, reading, study skills. These are the tools you’ll need.
WMF reating his own ideas
“ C and proving them co herently" is, as Mr. Campion said, a necessity for a student to communicate efficiently in society. Writing is an aspect of education that perm eates every class at Prep. Although writing was not an obvious aspect of the s c i - ^ | ence department, all labs required discus- ^ sions to explain the ^ theory, sources of error, 1 and future possibilities of ' experiments. In geoscience ^ and biology, quarter projects included papers on fruits, dis eases, and field trips. An early aid to the endeavor of writing, the freshman Writ ing Lab taught students how to brainstorm, list ideas, and use more illustrative language. Also, Mr. Casey encouraged students in English to read the highly acclaimed Elements of Style in order to improve writ ing skills. Freshmen and sophomores practiced techniques by writ ing essays on a weekly basis. On an unusually warm November afternoon, freshmen Carl Figueiredo and Kevin Comprelli take a World Civilizations test on ancient Rome and the early growth of Christianity. Their essays were based on a series of primary and secondary sources they had read on the decline of the Roman Empire.
Upper level Latin classes put students’ experience to use in required papers on particular cla ssi-
thors such as Terence, Pliny, or Cicero. A primary argument made by critics of historians is that historians cannot write in an unbiased manner. Attempting to compose objective history, U .S . H is to ry 2 s tu d e n ts penned term papers, oral-history research projects, and inclass essays. English classes emphasized
drawing conclusions about the intentions, sym bolism , and them es in the books read through writing provocative and coherent essays proving independent theses. Sopho more and junior English re quired critiques of Ameri can and British classical and modern prose and poetry. In Mr. Horan’s journalism class, each individual was en c o uraged to d e velop and perfect his own style usin g t h e E n g l i s h language’s particularly large vocabulary. In addition to mastering English, students attempted to compose prose in the modern language they studied. A mark of a solid education is the ability to develop an idea and present it to another per son through the medium of the written language. For seniors, an added benefit to developing w riting skills was creating stand-out college essays re flecting the fruit of four years of practice.
Learning a mod< I language invoh translating certj pieces of literati and putting th into their pro] context. Ben Gordon translates parable fri Momentos Hispat in his Spanish cla
Writing essays every class neces tated precisic organization, practice. Jun Jimmy So prepares for 1 history test writing practi I essays on anti pated topii Sophomo Constantine pursues precis! by looking up ju the right word : his English ess<
Taking down not for future referenc Ramon Varoi writes what IV Haveron relat about Americs movement wes ward. Included the discussion w Andrew Jacksoi “imperial prei dency” ai Frederick Jacks* Turner’s “fronti thesis
ThisisOnly aTest... Recognizing that test-taking is not a perfect method of measuring intelligence, it is the best standard that the educational system uses. Although quizzes, tests, and exams always required earnest prepara tion, were often dreadful, and were sometimes tedious, they did measure how ready the student was for the test and how well the student understood the course material. To provide freshness, there was a variety of different testing styles such as multipie choice, essay, take-home, problem solving, matching, iden tification, and translation.
The common forty-
minute tests lei up to the 21/2 hoar midterms and exams.
Courses like lessons of the Holocaust,
Contemporary Issues, and 6reek required term papers in the place of fiaal exams.
comfortable with test-takiog at Prep readied one for simrlar evaluations in college. Students prepared for tests by making review sheets, anticpating essays, and really striving to understand the material instead of just memorizing data. Doing m il on a math tost required practicing problems. A good English or history grade reflected a grasp of recurring themes I * 1 work of literature or over a period of time. Of course, "reading the textbook" was a piece of invaluable advice that Mr. Boyle suggested. Once test-taking skills ware mastered, they were again used on national exams soeb at tie SAT, SAT 11, and AP Ixams. Thus, for practical purposes, the test-taking system measured the preparedness of the student and the ability to take tests â&#x20AC;&#x201D; tbo most common standard of measurement in our society.
- o iterary Perspectives M thorough comprehension X lL o f reading material is the fundamental means by which o rg a n iz e d le a rn in g ta k e s place. Only when the skill of reading is exercised can ex tensive discussion and genu ine understanding take place. Reading the history, sci ence, language, and math textbooks was the first step in introducing the themes and technical con cepts to be cov ered. In addition, French and Spanish teacher Mrs Costanzo commented, “Reading is so important to improve vocabulary and writing skills. It allows you to see the language as a whole.” The placement of the subject, verb, direct or indirect object, and articles became more precise once a student had struggled through authen tic pieces of literature. To that end, Ms. Garcia’s AP Spanish L a n g u a g e and L ite ra tu re classes started reading short stories in third year and later progressed to reading worldrenowned authors such as A challenging junior elective, Latin 3 Honors boasted an enrollment of 12 students. Although some advanced grammar was touched upon, Ms. Baber stressed the literary stylistics of Latin authors Cicero, Pliny, and Catullus. Exploring a passage of Roman philosophy, Jin Ha Joung works his way through the translation.
Cervantes in fourth year. The Latin program was de signed not to speak the lan guage, but to be able to read the precise poetry of Vergil’s Aeneid. In this respect, read ing not only brought t o g e t h e r people of the
m odern era, but it also united the modern era with the ancient world and the Renaissance. Such links, in works like the Iliad, the Holy Bible, The Can terbury Tales, H uckleberry Finn, and Death o f a Sales man, reminded students that humankind’s essential charac
teristics remain the same. Also, reading the plays of the ancient Greeks, Shakespeare, and Arthur Miller was condu cive to a more critical analysis of each story than if students had solely seen them per formed. Some special skills were de veloped as well. Students grasped the inverted order of Shakespeare, the Old En g lish of C h a u ce r, the quirks of Greek transla tions, and the many dif ferent names associ ated with any one of Dostoyevsky’s characters. The student of African-American Lit erature, Sports Literature, or Ghost and Horror Fiction, finally, realized that reading expands the experiences of the mind. R eading— even about diverse topics in diverse genres— was the focal point from which new ideas, class discussions, and people’s per spectives grew. It is an art form that created in Prep stu dents an appetite for new, strange, and wonderful things.
Intended to of freshmen a mix classical a contempora I authors, Englisl introduced Horn Poe, Twain, a Steinbeck to ma students for I first time. Besic the standd textbook a novels, Ms. Moc also shared had outs of short stor and poems students li Michael Cuj
In Dr. KennedJ AP English clas students studi the works contempora authors like Tc Wolfe as well classic poetry ai drama by Sophocl and Shakespeaj After reviewing literary work Woody Allen, seni Kevin Doi critically reflec upon the bool matter and the stj of writir
Playfully pointii an accusatory fing at a troublemakf Fr. Hoag instruc his frosh WritiJ Lab course. Besid emphasizing tl finer points writing, studen also analyzed ea< other’s work group
After eight months of construction, the S t. Peter's Prep school library was finally open for use os January 30. Although not quite completed, the library was a frequent haven for students and teachers alike. Two weeks after the library was finished, Jason Elliott commented, "It's pretty good. It looks a lot better, and it’s mere organized." For many, the library was the perfect place for research and quiet study. Instead of having to travel halfway around tbe world for their junior-year term paper, students of ‘’Sir* Campion's British literature class bad only to stroll across the street to find a score of books concerning Hamlet and bis fatal flaw. In addition, tire new reference area provided freshmen with answers to the dreaded 2 0 Questions. Even teachers found their way to the library to prepare reading lists or simply to enjoy tbe newspaper and tbe new furniture. The library's relatively quick success can be attributed to the efforts of first-year librarian, Mr. Brian Dubrule. Mr. Dubrule brought some energetie and innovative ideas to eeineide with tbe planned 21st-century atmosphere of the Prep-to-be. "It’s a good place to study, ’‘commented Harry gold. "I can get all my work done during free periods.” Barcodes on books and student
cards made checkout quicker
and more efficient. A new system of cataloguing books, direct from tbe library of Congress, made it easier to find the right Volume.
The computers allowed students to sort through
endless amounts of data with a few simple commands as well as connect into the heralded superinformetion highway, tbe Keys to the Future campaign M ille d its promise end delivered a valuable stata-of*the>art library.
Necessary 1
there was less certainty in the xperiences are organ_ j ized in the mind through ultimate causes and effects of logical thinking. Prep students human events. Fresh learned to make the necessary men d is c o v e re d connections between objects that the fall of and ideas that might first seem unrelated. The study of mathematics is the clearest example of when, according to Mr. Dandorph, w “an a ffirm atio n is made of what is perceived.” Another question he asked, though, was whether the percep tions are necessarily true. Nevertheless, it was shown that a3+ b3= (a+b) (a2-ab+b2) and that sin2 + cos2 = 1 for all Rom an variables. When reality was E m pire was put in mathematical terms, like due not only to inva geom etry proofs, answ ers sions but to poor eco were usually readily available. In the lab sciences, observa nomic and social conditions tion encouraged a real under too. Juniors debated whether standing of things we see regu the United States fought for larly and a greater appreciation independence on economic or of what we are yet to see. ideological grounds. Seniors Once a pig was dissected, stu- re fle c te d on w hy Trum an d e n ts c o u ld p r e d ic t th e dropped the atom ic bomb. Students learned to relate the anatomy of other animals. causes and effects of historical In history classes, there was events to similar present-day a similar search for truth, yet At a fundamental and obvious level of thought, algebra produces the same answer for every person who reasons through the process In an orderly and correct fashion. Mr. Dandorph helps freshman Erich Sekel carry out such a function through factoring.
S fcoH i4 i*Tti% tiO nrtL
"ifo*ttnS oceetty situations. Likewise, the study of Ordi nary People, King Lear, and the poetry of John Keats dem onstrated both beneficial and harmful effects of the family, selfishness, and idealism that were as pertinent to the sev enteenth century as they are today. Language classes provided a look at the structure of language. Ms. Baber said, “In order to work with Latin, you have to un d e rsta n d the components of the lan guage which include gender, case, and mood.” These ele ments of language were epito mized in the Latin language and present in all modern lan guages. Through recognition of pat terns of algebraic equations, th rough experience and obser vation, through reasoning of cause and effect, and through the organization of language, stu d e n ts m ade necessary connections as they laid the foundation of their studies.
Front Row: Rob Pazos. S< ond Row: John Gutierra H en ry A rm as, J o n a th l Armas, Jorge deArmas. Thi Row: Mike Noriega, Java Diaz, James Gallo, Guillenl Salazar. Fourth Row: Nelsl Abreu, Andy Lopez-Diaz, AM Garcia, Lonnie Griffin. Fill Row: Javier Cabrera.
Observ ing, experi encing, and verifyin g the principles behind physics, senior Chris Nubia and junior M att Worst test their hypoth eses on forces of friction. Checking the file list while loading programs, ju nior Jason Elliott is the logic behind the computer, which m erely im itates the logic of the program. N everth e less, com puters do carry out Algebraic Boolean logic q u ickly and effectively .
Assessing' OWl
A chievem ent/ On October 8, 1994, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors of St. Peter's Prep had the privilege of talcing either the PSAT or SAT. The Scholastic Assessment Test, one of the most dreaded tests of high school, had changed from last year, causing even more panic among students. The Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test also developed a few different changes. Primarily, the name had been changed; both had been known as "aptitude,* not assessment, tests.
The College
Board, which sponsors the test, had finally admitted that the SAT failed to measure intelligence, thus the change in title. Many changes appeared in the English section of the test. The antonym section bsctme obsolete, as did the test of Standard Written English. The elimination of these sections caused the test to be shortened from two and a half hours to two hoars. The two verbal sections and math sections were each thirty minutes in length. The scoring systems for the PSAT and SAT were also altered, artificially raising most scores.
This new curve,
called "reeentering,â&#x20AC;? added approximately an additional one hundred fifty points onto the previous combined score. So the average student jo t a higher score, while having hit perfor mance level stay the same.
Colleges began raising their
requirements to counterbalance the reeentering.
In other
words, a school that had looked for t combined score e f 1000 new looked for an HSO. Another new addition to this standardized test was called student-produced responses or "grid-ins." Each group con sisted of ten problems that were not multiple-choice hat rather marked on a grid, printed on the answer sheet. The Educational Testing Service, for the first time ever, decided to provide a testing booklet which contained separate scores for both the math end verbal sections and ell# the correct answers to the sections ef the test. Another addition was that students were told the percentage ef eety, medium, and difficult questions they answered. The service else released national percentiles, a section index, and a reply regarding e student'* eligibility for National Merit Scholarships.
With this knowledfe
available to students, many anxieties were relieved and nerves calmed.
l£ m m « LEARN n a commercial society like ours where information was constantly being forced upon us by advertisers and m arketing s p e c ia lis ts , our minds became jaded by MTV soundbytes, which did not en courage the ability to discern ideas in their proper context and utilize them efficiently. Learning how to learn became an im portant dim ension of learning. The responsibility of the instructor was to use clear, explicit language, to a p proach problems and so lu tio n s in logical ste p s, to a n tic ip a te questions, and to set a context for discussions. The responsibility of the student was to take notes, tune out distractions, and ask pertinent questions. Deacon John O’Neill af firmed that “ the best way stu dents can learn is by taking notes on what I say in class.” He taught his sophomore and senior religion classes by per
Listening to a U.S. History 2 lecture on the course of the Cold War, senior James Pumarada takes notes to summarize his knowledge on the subject. Highlight ing key phrases, underlining important defini tions, and keeping a daily record of class discussion were skills mastered over four years.
sonalizing the Sermon on the Mount and by stressing key words such as psychotherapy, projection, and reaction forma tion. There was also a progres sion from freshman to senior year in textbook format. The World Civ book had focus q u e s tions, dis-
c ussion topics, and high lighted terms. The AP History book had tiny print and none of the former aides. Besides text books, history classes used
maps to communicate geogra phy and handouts to offer stu dents different perspectives on controversial topics. In Ms. Wysocki’s Calculus class, students learned to fol low what was on the board even if it was not immediately understood. Later on, doing problems clarified the lesson. Ms. LeCalvez stressed the ne cessity of using “conceptual visualization” (a term which dazzled her colleagues). Foam balls and to o th picks, for example, were used to visualize mo lecular structure. This ongoing pro cess of le a rn in g how to learn began at Prep and will last a lifetime. Memoriza tio n , lis te n in g , reading comprehension, visualization, note-taking, following direc tions, setting priorities, time m a n a g e m e n t, and d o in g homework were all skills fun damental to the learning pro cess and the teaching process alike.
Although most stsj dents are home f| the day, these main until the ear§2 hours of the even for afterschool stul hall. Utilizing tin important opporq nity are J< W roblew ski, M il M e d r a n o , Jo: M e d ra n o , Mai Scrivanich, and Rogan.
P u t t i n g to u their listenii skills, St e< Comandatore, Sci K u d l a c i k , Mi] K a r k u t , and J Roarty concentra on a short story re in Spanish by IV Sabedra. The thei of La Suerte de jo v e n honrado w that good happens one is hone
Scribbling away h is a c c o u n t ! homework, Lon: Griffin sits outs: the d e a n ’s off: w ith close frie Keyur Amin and . Lisi. Befo homeroom, duri lunch and rece and after school lobby was a popu place among upj classmen for minute study homework.
Is order to maintain successful academic careers at Prep, students were forced to develop and nurture proper study habits.
Unfortunately, some lacked the peace and quiet
needed to concentrate on homework at home. Others had to remain after school to wait for rides home after practice. So in order to provide a place conducive to studying and doing homework, the after school study halt was initiated, and the program excelled beyond student and teacher expectations. "I jo t more work done here than at hone,'' raved sophomore Brian Dougherty about the impact of the study hall on his academic career. A t home were students video games, television, and bothersome siblings. A t study hall, there were no interrup tions. I t Was within this atmosphere that students learned how te increase their concentration and attention levels. Study hall wet an environment fit for studying,
it also helped
develop the necessary discipline of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;just sitting down end doing your work.' Over the coarse of the year, many studious Prep men profited within the walls of Hi OS. Per providing people with e quiet place to je t things dene, the study hell proved itself e successful program.
A n A t t e n t iv e Ear ■ s children, we spent our first two years listening to our parents and fam ily. Once we became comfortable enough with the language, we began to speak it also. This enabled us to get our thoughts across, our demands met, and our feelings expressed. At Prep, the spoken word was empha sized through m odern language courses and oral pre sentations. Indeed,as Mrs. Costanzo affirmed, “Students really should listen to a language first.” Language teachers concen trated on grammar in the first year, then reading and writing in the second and third years, until the students becam e com fortable speaking th eir chosen modern language. Despite the elegance of the French language, it has an es pecially difficult accent to re produce because the endings of most words are silent. Ger man, on the other hand, has a great economy of language. All its letters are pronounced w ith e a s ily d is tin g u is h e d
Acting like more than just a “spectator Ion,” an enthusiastic Joe Lisi explains the geometric structure of a complex ion to Ken Quail in AP Chemistry. Class room discussions, double lab periods, and visual aids encouraged partici pation among the eight seniors in the brand new elective.
sounds. Furthermore, young linguists learned in German to make abundant use of com pound words. The spoken word was also cru cial in
s i o n s fo r courses other than modern languages. History debates were by their nature controversial, and teachers found ways for students to en ter into historical events. In Mr. Benz’s U.S. History 2 classes, seniors ran two-day seminars on immigration and on religion and public policy each quarter. The Scopes “Monkey Trial,”
refugee policy during World W ar II, and the ethics of nuclear war were some of the topics addressed. In The Church in the Modern World Mr. Caslin had his stu dents present articles to the class to balance the textbook with updated materials. Students in Ms. Baber’s Latin III Honors course wrote papers on the lives of famous Roman au thors and poets and presented them be fore the class, while in the senior Cre ative Writing elec tive students read their stories aloud so that others could offer their suggestions. In modern languages and other courses, students were expected to communicate ef fectively by speaking. This provided them with the oppor tunity to associate with people and approach topics they oth erwise might not have. The spoken word was instrumental in all classes which demanded debate, questions and an swers, and oral presentations.
Pointing out t holiday customs Mexico, Mi Costanzo explai the significance] the “viejitos,” smi ornamental do used at Christm time, to her clai To this d “viejitos” revered as go luck charms Mexican hom<
During German sophomore J| Angermeyer recii a German poei “Wander Nachtlied,” for t rest of the cla Through poetry a|_i rm singing, Germ arnl students leai ies I the intricacies the spoken as3 vM as the writi rittU languaj
In junior religii Church in 1 Modem Wor Jason Artz presei his series periodical artic during the first t minutes of cla The mini-proj was designed make stud® aware of Church’s role today’s glo socle
Linguistic E x c u r s io n s
I neorporating the belief that learning does set arise exclusively from * texbook, the language department created unique oppor足 tunities for students to experience cultures aside from their own. A knowledge of other cultures is imperative to the foreignlanguage learning process. The overwhelming success of the German and Mexican Exchanges proved that living in a country is the most effective way to learn a language. Hearing the different dialects, contemplat足 ing the accents, and most importantly, speaking coherently to a German or Mexican person made the learning process more effective. Cultural adventures also occured in Manhattan. Abstract Italian art and magnificent sculptures at the Guggenheim left Italian students in awe at the creative works of many avant-garde post-war Italian artists.
Listening to the opera Madama
Butterfly at the NYC Opera was a wonderful experience for the Italian students as well. Written by Puccini, the opera depicted the struggles of a Japanese woman who had a child by an American man who abandoned her. French students saw the tragedy of a French leader in Colonel Chaberf by B a in . The film complemented the lessons of French history taught in French 2 . Pino Palomares enjoyed it because "it had more depth, more impact, and more philosophical debate than American films." Spanish students viewed the play Bodas do Sang re by Garcia Lorca. Although the play's focus on arranged marriages was foreign to most students, the basic theme of forbidden love was transcendental. A whole new world is open to students who experience the art and language of another people. Trips, museums, operas, movies, and plays provided the media through which students could listen to the language in use and widen their perceptions of the world.
Oral Communication
An ever-shrinking world n an ever-shrinking world of global communication, it is im portant to becom e aware of cultures other than one’s own, especially since the United States is a nation of immigrants. Also, as the U.S. is a world power, its citizens must be able to deal with other countries. Knowing about other peoples, Prep students better appreciated others in the microcosm of the Prep co m m u n ity and th e m a c ro cosm of the world. Even around Prep in order for students to re sp e ct each o th e r, they had to understand each o th e r’ s c u ltu re s . Correcting misconceptions World Civ, U.S. History, Ian guage, and religion focused on the enlightening aspects of dif ferent cultures. World Civ fo cused more on Eastern civili zations than it had in the past. For example, there is an in valuable mind-set in Confu cianism which extols respect for parents, family, and elders which leads to responsibility
and success. Also, as Ms. Curry said, “The world today is so interrelated economically, militarily, and socially that the problems other countries have end up on the doorstep of the U.S.” We deal with trade prob lems with C hina and loans to Mexico,
but to do that success fully, we must under stand those societies. The means by which history teach ers had an influence on our present and future politics and government was by teaching the leaders of tomorrow.
Learning a foreign language was one of many ways students were exposed to various cultures. In German 1 class, Herr DeAngeio shares with his students the significance of Bonn, the city declared the provisional capital of West Germany after World War II.
Language study was also an obvious link to cultures world wide. Studying French and Spanish exposed students to two cultures rich with histories of kings, nobles, wars, revolu tions, food, and art. Also, the study of the Italian concept of I’omerta, the responsibility of the male to protect his honor, was explored through the play a n d o p e ra C a v a l l e r i a Rusticana. Christian Morality and Social Justice, finally, ex posed students to the more simple lives of p e o p le lik e m any Central Americans w h o s e e n e rg ie s were spent largely on survival and whose adversaries were authoritar ian governments. With these situations in mind, we began to see how cooperation with the resources of the world could improve hu manity. With increased aware ness of other peoples, we can enhance ourown perspectives and theirs, now and for the future.
Committed to Lai as an imports I part of a Pi education, Mr. No ii accentuates influence up modem languagi Latin provided t ill foundation Romance languai | like Freni g Spanish, and Itali H and lent numero I roots to Englis
Reviewing for a by putting togei a “Jeopardy” gan a group of junic consults Mr. Arab Manny Farm: Obadlah Wlllian and Ed Bodr discuss the Ame can notion “Manifest Destin considering t Oregon terrltoi the Mexican Wi and Sam HousW
With pens firmly hand, U.S. Histo: students Armani Tiongson, Frederl Orejola, Pi Colombo, Nelson Abreu I notes on an Ame can Revolutii lecture from N Haveron. Despi the revolution subsequent Ame can independen< Great Brit: obviously infl enced Americi culture, dress, aa ideolos
Unlike "traditional" high school courses, Lessons ef the Holo足 caust was team-taught by three different teachers who focused on three different aspects ef the Nazi genocide against the Jews ef Europe. History department chair Ms. Marie Carry taught the first chapter of this three-chapter beek by concentrating her attentions on the historical background ef the Holocaust. Her wealth of information and devotion te breaking down the barriers of prejudice end racism set up a firm foundation fer the second teacher to take ever, Mr. Jim DeAngelo. A German teacher, Mr. DeAngelo brought his background in the German language to the forefront exploring different aspects of literature that eame about based on the Holocaust. Whether it was through books, plays, er videos, Mr. DeAngelo wove atarge amount of literature into his lessons and paved the wey for the third teacher, Mr. Jorge Becerra, te bring the class to a conclusion. A religion teacher and Christian Service director, Mr. Beeerra zeroed in on psychological end ethicel aspects of the Holocaust. By bringing with him a reservoir of information on both the religiess aspects of the Heloeaast and a knowledge of psychology, he expanded class discussions from the Holo足 caust itself to several different contemporary matters affect足 ing the world today. History is life, the life of the past, and the pest includes alt ef time up to this very moment. This phrase sums up exactly what Hie lessons ef the Heloeaast course tried to teaeh daring the fall semester. History sen, and often dees, repeat itself; hat if we ere never te experience another holocaust, then people mast he made aware of whet really happened end understand that it can happen again.
Cultural Development
Wo r k veryone taught at St. j Peter’s comes away with a better understanding of the Catholic Church and its teach ings. Included in these teach ings is a great deal of empha sis on Christian morality. C h r is tia n m o r a lity deals with Jesus’ te a c h in g a b o u t God’s love and the human response to that love. The community at Prep was conscious of liv ing in a world today where many Christian values are seriously challenged. Like young people throughout our society, Prep students con fronted enormous issues such as the abuse of alcohol and drugs, sexual promiscuity, and cheating in the classroom. St. Peter’s recognized the bur dens that many teens face and tried to educate its students with a curriculum focused on Jesuit tradition and Catholic beliefs. Mr. Caslin, a sophomore and junior religion teacher, com mented that the students have During his Contem porary Issues class, Mr. Raslowsky talks about the death penalty. Advocates of the death penalty distort statistics for their benefit. Adversaries of it distort statistics to their own advan tage. In order to assess the morality of the death penalty, one must consider its validity as both a means of distributive justice and as a preventa tive measure.
f o e j u s t ic e ."
“really lived up to their Chris tian potential” by helping o u t in s e v e r a l w ays. B e sides
v o Iu n teering at the Hoboken Shelter, Mr. Caslin pointed out that the “students committed to the Christian Service program and volunteering at soup kitchens upheld the values that Chris tians strive for.” Also, in the classroom Mr. Caslin edu cated his students on the Catholic Church and the role we, as students here at St. Peter’s, play in it.
Another religion teacher, Mr. Ford, expressed this same idea, but with a different spin. Mr. Ford taught his students about social justice and the leaders who have promoted th e m o ve m e n t. M a rtin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, and Daniel Berrigan were all studied in great detail to better under stand Christian belief and how it is ex pressed in contem porary society. Mr. DeLorenzo, our foreign relations ex pert at St. Peter’s, discussed morality in a different way. His history course did not deal with religion per se, but his commit ment to educate his students on the dangers of totalitarian g o ve rn m e n ts and leaders such as H itle r and S talin showed everyone that democ racy and freedom are essential for survival. According to Mr. DeLorenzo, “the students here at St. Peter’s are really recep tive” to his classes and find this “different approach to U.S. his tory quite enjoyable.”
An element of M I Sabedra’s Spann I class is to imrodui 1 students to su| 1 figures as M igql Agustin Pro, S]I Father Pro was I Jesuit priest wl I celebrated unds I ground Mass ft during the persec I tion of the Churi 1 after the Mexic. I Revolution. He w I martyred by firfl I squad in 192 I
Expounding tl ideology of Sovi Communism, N DeLorenzo explaii how the USSR w posturing itself f defensive purpose A signifies distinction betwei the US and t] USSR was the la of incentive f personal econon growth in a socie that subscribed an authoritarii economic system different fro our ow
In Fr. Azzart| frosh religion clas the discussion personal develo ment includes t aspect of moi growth in i stages. Peof begin by dot something good o of a fear of punis ment and later lea to do thin because they a being true to th( hearts ai themselve
Ita Ford's death should not be looked upon as merely the end of a warm, caring person's life. Instead, it should be looked upon as a revival, because out of her death her spirit gave life to those who needed it the most. Ita was a Woman who took action when action was needed. However, her desire to change a world that needed drastic change led to her death in El Salvador. I f there ever was a way to repay Ita for her devotion to the poor of our world, it is to carry on her work and allow her spirit to touch our hearts and strengthen us. Junior James Castillo said, "Through her dedication and bard work to bring justice to the oppressed, Ita Ford is a perfect exemplar of bow one person can significantly make the world a better place." Ita Ford loved to be around family.
Whether it be at
holidays or special occasions, when Ita was not overseas, sbe spent most of her time at home. Mr. B ill Ford, junior religion and history teacher here at St. Peter's, recalls bow his aunt's presence changed everyone else.
He stated that when you
looked at Ita, you couldn't help but smile. Sbe brought out the very best in each and alt of us. Wben she was overseas, Mr. Ford would send letters and videos to her and sbe would respond beck. Even though Ita was very busy in Bolivia, Cbite, and El Salvador, sbe s till made time h r her family. Mr. Ford passionately claimed Ita Ford to be a woman who made the extraordinary tbe ordinary. Sbe was a leader wbo took it upon berself to deliver the message of tbe Lord. This is wby we, as a Jesuit community, must celebrate ber life and not her death.
Junior Tarek Arafat said, "By following in ber
footsteps, each student can continue to keep ber message alive as be works to improve the Prep community." If we want to believe that Ita's spirit lives within us all, then we must focus on her life, because in ber life lies ber spirit. Ita w*s especially fond of tbe quotation of St. Paul that stated, "Take away this heart of stone and grant me a heart of flesh." Ita definitely had a heart of flesh, beeause sbe opened her heart for others to receive and felt otber people's pain. If any tribute can be given to Ita Ford, it is tbe fact tbat ber work helped others who live on, grateful for ber life.
Social/Moral Awareness
C d J jtc fc A / l
to * * * * ® r | l o break up the monotony 4 of lectures, group interac tion is an excellent way to fos ter learning. It is a way for students to experience how the work place of the “real world” operates. For some, this means drawing on the abilities of the group members. For others, this means contributing to the group. In every case, in te ra c tio n with others hones so cial skills and harmo nizes both giving and taking in an academic en vironment. For science labs in AP Chemistry or freshman Biol ogy the purpose of the group was to allow the responsibili ties of setting up the lab, per forming the experiment, calcu lating the data, writing the con clusion, and cleaning up the During their prep time, James Souder, Paul Laracy, and Joe Rogan determine the tactics they are going to use in the remainder of an AP U.S. History debate. They negated the resolution that U.S. immigration restrictions at the turn of the century were justified. Lasting a class period, the debate included constructives, cross examinations, and rebuttals.
lab to be shared by the indi viduals who could best per form the certain tasks. Mr. Lillis believes “that you g u y s te a c h y o u r s e lve s b e tte r than I
can. He c o n ducted all of his religion classes accordingly. For freshmen, this meant cre
ating a poster of the effects of bad and good things, while for seniors it meant student-run classes with the purpose of creating a code of ethics. They consisted of debates to train the analytical mind. The purpose of Mr. Ford’s history convention was, as he says, “to encourage the students to work together to elicit the full range of talent that exists in the Prep student body.” What was learned at Prep will affect their w hole life. The abilities to work to g e th e r, to a cce p t faults, to contribute talents, and to c o m p ro m ise w ere fostered in the learning that went on among lab partners, religion students, “fine young historians,” and anywhere two or more gathered.
Front Row: Victl Suthammanont, Sam Pecoral Second Row: Christoph| Mc Ner ney, J e f f r e y Art! Dharmesh Bharuch Himanshu Gandhi, Joseph Li Third Row: Azam Riaz, R ic n Gubitosi, J.D. Blythin, Anthol Yankowski. Fourth Ro Arsenio Padovano, Jeffr Woelpper, Brandon Smitj Lonnie Griffin. Fifth Row: Jo] Thorpe, Jon Gonnelli, Jose' Rogan, William Musto, Bril MacDonald, Kevin Calabrei Missing: Harry Carpenter,Ch Enrico, Sean Lukac, Luj Marandola, Oscar Palma, R< ert Rucinski, Darin Wahl. I
One o f the projed I in Mr. Lilli I Bioethics courB required dividi: the class into thn groups, ea creating a code ethics. Ti team, includii Ken Qua| Felix Victori Sergio Robayo, a: John Rutiglia: discusses the ethi of in-vitro fertilizi tio:
Afterschool instru tion in small grou allowed learning i a more person basis. Helpi: Steve Comandato and Peter Camacl prepare for a ti quiz, Mrs. Dowlt tutors her studen in the cafeteri Thanks to the ext help, theyboi passed the quiz tl next da
Freshman 0? *i te
■ ■
A sign of the well-educated person it an appreciation of the arts. Prop instilled this in students through the freshman fine arts curriculum which included the music class taught by Mr. Jones and the art class taught by Ms. Hellstrom. The Music class introduced the scale of notes which, <t first, was confusing for (hose students to whom it was a new language.
Freshmen also gained an understanding and
appreciation for some of history's great composers such as Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, and Mozart.
This was done by
watching a movie about them and listening to their composi tions.
Occasionally, Mr. Jones also demonstrated music
concepts by playing tbe piano.
According to one freshman,
whose favorite composer was Wagner, "Music class was not a regular class. There were notes and quizzes, but it was more interesting and fun." The art class, taught by Ms. Hellstrom, allowed freshmen to express feelings through drawings and using colors. Freshmen Merest Mayhue said that the course "built up my confidence to do things I didn't think I could do.”
ranged from three-dimensional drawings using colored pencils to day sculptures of Egyptian mythology that described how an animal or god represents good or evil. The art class provided ttudentt with a beginning appreciation fer art and a starting point for creating their owe works of art.
Group Work
Scenes Stories ScuCptures estowing a rigorous and challenging college prep curriculum is the primary focus of Prep’s promise to prepare young men for the real world. There are also several courses which enhance students’ cre ativity and broaden their com munication skills. Seniors explained the thrill of playing a dram atic role on stage after taking the new acting elec tiv e . T h e cours< helped them acquire the basic tools necessary for creating a character on stage. As a result, the stu dents felt comfortable ex pressing themselves more re alistically and effectively. Mr. Briamonte emphasized that the goal of an actor is to convey a character true to his nature. Some who wanted to ex press their imagination with paper and pen wrote short sto ries. Creative Writing culti vated fresh and effective ways
to convey ideas and feelings. Students learned that a writer must help the reader vicari ously experience the feel ings of the character. Fr. Raulli explained,
“ C re ative writing is important be cause it gives the stu dent a chance to develop the creative side of his mind along with the analytical.” Class in cluded critiquing each others’ stories and offering ideas for
improvement. Music also aided students’ general development. The in troductory course presented different types of instruments and music. Mr. Jones as serted, “Music is an integral part of human development in dimensions such as the use of both hemispheres of the brain, development of cogn itiv e , a ffe c tiv e and p s y c h o -m o to r skills, and le a rn in g p r o cesses.” Students wishing to explore the vi sual arts opted to take Studio Art I or II. Among other things, they were expected to use shadows and fin e co lo rin g in th e ir projects. Although the focus has tradi tionally been on courses re quired by colleges, expressing artistic talent helped students to communicate better, ver bally and non-verbally, through the realm of the fine arts.
As tl culminate of th< Basic Actli clas studen perform! before; sms audience Victory Hi on Grai Street. M Briamon taught tl new elect! during tl first semest for a sele group of nil eager senior Wanting to see her students excel, art teacher Ms. Hellstrom gives Steve Bautista and Frank Calabrese tips on how to improve their dollar bill projects. D isplay in g their
For his threedimensional art project, Chris Nubia’s imaginative, phantasmagorical rendition of a manger reveals his creativity and clever use of space.
end-ofth esem e s te r p rojects, fresh m en d eco ra te the wall ou tsid e the art room w ith papier mlich6 masks o f various designs.
THE ^ in a l
Performance For the first time in Prep history, a Basie Acting elective was offered to the senior student body. Nine brave students ventured into the unknown. Trying their talent on stage were: Jeff Bayard, Alex 6arcia, Joe Galiastro, Ala Haddadin, Luigi Marandola, Mike Noriega, Rodney Reyes, Sergio Robayo, and Victor Suthammanont. The instructor was Mr. Frank Briamonte '86, Prep's alumni director, who is himself trained in the art of the stage. The class met every other day at Victory Hall, just down the block from Prep. Each "actor” participated in class using his individual talents.
The regular double-lunch period
meeting went well, and, finally, at the end of the semester, the students had to take a final exam However, this was no ordinary exam. The students were asked to perform various skits and pieces in front of a Prep audience. On Wednesday, December 22, a tense atmosphere de scended on Victory Hall.
It was the night of the Final
Performance, and Sergio Robayo, an actor in the opening piece, "The Odd Couple,” had walking pneumonia. The group was nervous, but Sergio managed to perform, and th# other pieces all fell right into place. The night was a complete success. The students of Basie Acting were proud to have begun a new tradition. A group of fine actors oompleted the course ready to take on the world.
Creative Imagination
APPLIED M blackboard and chalk were not the i" » o n l y things that were found in the classroom. TVs and videos, while they were used sparingly, functioned as media that some students could better under stand. TVs provided a visual represen tation of the naked words of the text. Showings included On the Waterfront, Ham let, and Romeo and Juliet. Televi s io n a ls o brought unity and per spective to cul ture and history. An example was the viewing of Two Women in Italian w ith Mr. S abe dra . % Such videos allowed students to hear how native people speak the lan guage, use idioms, and express them selves with their body language. There were chemistry programs de signed to have students practice the fun damentals of chemistry. Both at school and at home computers were used as word processors to help make papers easier to revise and neater to present. Using the overhead projector to review for a test, Ms. Moore questions Alex Martinez, Neil Mosco, Robin Edwin, and Raheel Ansari on short stories by such authors as Stephen Crane. Saving and re-using transparen cies helped her to go over material more efficiently.
Mr. McDermott used traditional geo metric tools in the form of protractors, compasses, and rulers for the board, and he used three-dimesional shapes to help convey the concepts of the ideal circle, sphere, square, and cube (which, of course, we can only ‘see’ in our minds). Biology labs provided a visualization of animal organs by dissecting frogs, worm s, and pigs. The ripple tank in physics dis pla ye d th e e f fects of sound waves. Chemis try labs consisted of a plethora of burning, dissolving, and freezing MgCI2, NaCI, and acetic acid. In art class, students expressed their inward emotions and ideas in the outward creation of painting three-dimensional fig ures and masks. Thus, in the often abstract academic life of a student, the sensual world of televi sion, labs, and art instruments provided hands-on activity and the necessary visu alization that brought everything together.
rpne*tc& “Tteitiofud "%own S ociety Front Row :Stephen Kayiaj Jeffrey Ariz, J.D. Blytl Second Row: John Thoi Mrs. Costanzo, Dharmi Bharucha.
Working through the world of comput ers can be difficult. Mr. Ronan helps junior Mike Medrano navigate the twists and turns o f a word process ing lab. C on cretiz ing the concepts learned in class, juniors Matt Worst and Steve Rusnak observe the angular effects o f v elo city and accelera tion by dropping a sphere down the tube at differen t heights. Matt put his hand on top in order to keep the ball from being thrown into the air.
purposes to perform measurements o f c a lo r im e tr y and t o v e r i f y th a t th e concepts lea rn ed in c la s s apply to the p h y s ic a l w orld
M a teria ls 1.0 M HC1, 1.0 M NaOH, s o lid NaOH, c o ffe e cup c a lo r im e te r , thermometer, 100 ml graduated c y lin d e r , 50 ml E rlen meyer f la s k w ith stop p er
Procedure: f o r the rea ctio n s H Cl(a q ) + NaOH(g) ---- > HaO(l) + N aC l(aq) - measure about 2g o f NaOH - combine 55 ml o f 1 m olar HC1 w ith 45 ml o f HaO - re c o rd temperature - add NaOH p e l l e t s to s o lu tio n - re c o rd f i n a l temp.
Datas Temperature fin a ls 32.8 G i n i t i a l s 23.8 C S p e c ific Heat f o r 0.5 m olar NaCl s o lu tio n * 4.02 J/gC M a s s s (v )(d ) s (m) (100.0 m l ) (1.02 g/ml) - 102g After lunch, juniors Fred Orejola and Vernon Gibbs complete their design projects with colored pencils for Studio Art I. The class honored “non white” and female Americans by “re facing” the dollar bill.
C a lc u la tio n s : q c a lo rim e te r = -q re a c tio n < 1 c a lo r im e te r > lamt i(tem p , ch a n g e)(S .H .)= (lOOg) (9 .0 0 ( 4 , 0 2 j/ gC )a = 3690 J q r e a c tio n = - 3690 J heat p e r moles -3690 J
-73.8 Ktf/mol
Conclusionss C a lo rim etry i s the study o f heat flo w . I t i s the study o f th e t o t a l change in tem perature f o r a s p e c if ic mass o f a s p e c if ic m a te r ia l. A good c a lo rim e t e r does not lo s e much h eat to the surroundings. Th is la b p ro vid ed the p h y s ic a l and v is u a l re p re s e n ta tio n o f the concepts learn ed in c la s s and in the textb ook . I t proved th a t th e laws stu d ied in c la s s a re nothing more than an explana t io n o f r e a l i t y .
Practical Applications
The PersonatTouch
eginning high school pro duces anxiety for many freshmen. New faces, new teachers, and a new building surround them, making this a critical period for many fresh men. The Class of ’98 had to learn how to budget their time in order to achieve high marks, while simulta neously participat ing in activities and sports. Freshman teachers had to be especially ' dedicated to help with the transition. Mr. Irvine broke the silence of shy 1 students with his droll and creative humor, while Mr. Dandorph made himself avail able for any inquiry. Such dis plays of hard work and caring set a positive tone for all Prep students. Structured opportunities for freshmen to reflect on their ex periences at Prep occurred in Group G uidance with their co u n se lo rs. S tud en ts d is cussed academic issues and provisions in the handbook. Sophomore year brought a sense of belonging. The Class of ’97 felt more mature and
Continually striving to better his students’ compre hension of foreign languages, Mr. Sabedra translates a tricky Spanish phrase in the textbook for Brian Boruch. Asking questions in class was a sure way to understand a difficult lesson.
com fortable with their sur roundings. They also relied more consciously on some thing they appreciated during th e ir firs t year: the sup-
port th e ir te a ch ers. Their parents also came in with them to discuss with adm inistrators and c o u n s e l o r s thei r upperclass course selections. Braced because of junior year’s reputation as the tough est of the four, the Class of ’96 met the challenge head on. The increased emphasis on critical thinking and writing pre pared them for the infamous
SATs, as did their own Group Guidance meetings. In addi tion to addressing issues of m orality and other school policy matters, college was an essential topic of discussion. Eager for direction, juniors learned the secrets of college admissions based on Mr. Dondero’s and Fr. Balduf’s years of experience. Amid college applica tio n d e a d lin e s and regular school work, the Class of ‘95 man aged to survive, and teachers will ingly wrote recom m endations. W ith so much help available, the labo rious college application pro cess became less stressful. The role of teachers was not simply to educate students in math and history, but to pre pare them for life outside of high school. Classrooms were always open to students who wanted to discuss personal as well as academic problems with theirteachers. By alleviat ing sources of tension, stu dents were able to concentrate better on their academic life at Prep.
In a junior Grc Guidance class, Balduf of! advice on colli deadlines, esssj and career pos bilities. Along to Mr. Dondero Balduf procesi hundreds of colli and scholars] applications for J College Placemi Offl
As implied in name, Prep aims help stude: prepare fo prosperous future college. Held in i Prep cafeteria February 2, Jesuit College F provided studei such as G: Benacchio with opportunity to g; valuable inforn tion by speak directly to colli representativ
Bringing his o experience from business world, : Ronan helps Pi Schumann iron < the technii details in a co puter scier assignment, j six new teach) were quick to thfl themselves into atmosphere I student-teacll relationship marked by dediil
So What’s It All About? Teaching the fundamentals was a chief aim at St. Peter’s.
It was important, as Ms. Grabler said, "to develop critical thinking and responsibility in the youth today." learning was
not only finding oat what is what, hot what might be. As a
Jesuit institution, Prep focused on the message of Jesus —
to build the Kingdom of Sod. As a school operating in a
democratic society, Prep also, as Mr. Merrick put it,
"prepared students for the outside world" — to earn a living,
to become good citizens, and to continue learning and growing
The broad education that Prep offered prepared students for
the various and ever-changing jobs of the future. Graduates
will aspire to protect common humanity and human rights, as
well as their own families and futures.
Prep instilled an
eagerness for education, helped students hone the skills of
learning, and provided them with an incentive for further
development. Mrs. Q'6rady noted that Prep must "teach students to think
and expose them to as much learning as possible" to enable them
to thrive. Students matured mentally, morally, and spiritually.
Their minds expanded. In the end, they grew in self-discipline,
intellectual stamina, and personal courage.
Final Instructions
hat are the endeavors that round out the building
of a Prep man? They are numerous and varied. They enrich the mind as well as the soul. They are competing in a baseball game, acing a math team test, decorating the cafeteria for a dance, making the play that decides the big game. Our memories are made with these events, and through them Prep men are assembled. The hours put in on Fiddler on the Roof, Friday night Forensics practice. Having a meal with the membersofaclub. These are our memories. These are the things we will remember even more than exams, grades, and honor pins. Activities produce tangible, concrete results. They are not measured in numerical grades. Cocurriculars produce trophies, letter sweaters, champi onship rings, and camaraderie. They instill discipline and responsibility just as well as classes do. They are an outlet for the full spectrum of talent that Prep students possess. They are what make Prep more than a school. They make Prep a community and an experience. Whether activities consist of groups of like* minded people or are for giving back to the school and community, these clubs, staffs, and sports shape the character of Prep and Prep students. They encourage participation, interest, and teamwork. Through them we develop our talents, make use of them, and tighten the community. This is the overtime youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll put in.
The chess team did surprisingly well in the Greater New York Chess Tournament on January 22 at Manhattan Community College. In only the second year of its revival as a competitive force, the team captured first place overall in the novice division,
beating the strongly-positioned Hudson Catholic team.
Many of the Prep members also did well
individually. Jack Truehaft won first place in the novice division. Felix Victorino, Steve Kayiaros, and
Truong Nguyen also placed well in their divisions. It was a good day for all chess team members. Not only did they prove themselves worthy of recognition, but they earned a name for Prep as a formidable adversary for future competition.
■ mong many other ' competitive activities, St. Peter’s Prep also stood high among Catholic schools in the areas of mathematics, computers, and chess. The math team, computer science team, and chess team were three clubs in which students were able to dire ct the ir in te lle c tu a l p u rs u its and ta le n ts in an o rga nize d , competitive fashion. With the emergence of new senior leadership on the math team and with the help of Mr. Pat Reidy, the vitality of the u n d e rcla s s m e n w as cultivated. Seniors Azam Riaz and Robert Rucinski were considered the top two competitors on the Varsity math team. Jin Ha Joung was another top scorer on the JV math team. In the end, V a rs ity m ath p la ce d a disappointing seventeenth, but the JV Team placed a very respectable third. The new moderator of the computer group was Mr. John Ronan. The computer club was divided into two sections. The first section was the Interm ed iate D ivision, in which students took computer lab tests, regulated by the
moderator. Among the leading scorers in the lab section were Robert Rucinski and Tomasz Lukasiak. The second section was the Classroom Division. Tests taken after school were used to determine each person’s proficiency in BASIC and other programming languages. The leading scorers in this field were SatyaTiwari and Sandeep Luke. They helped the computer team place in the league’s top 20. Finally, Mrs. Kristin Dowling became the new moderator of a very successful chess team. With great play from students such as Felix Victorino, Truong Nguyen, and Jack Truehaft, the chess team accom plished a great deal in only its second year of revived competition. The team beat North Arlington in a dual meet and won first place in the novice division of the Greater New York Chess Tournament at Manhattan Community College. The chess team had to beat a highly talented Hudson Catholic squad to place so well in the New York tournament. The academic teams tried their h a rd e s t and s u cceede d in bringing Prep victory and honor, a fitting testimony to the depth of the Prep curricular program.
Chess Team: F r o n t R o w : S u n n y R a ta n a , T ru o n g N g u y e n , D a v e B a ile y , M ia . D o w lin g . Se< R o w : T a r e k A r a fa t, D in o P a lo m a res, J a c k T r u e h a ft, C o n s ta n tin e D y , F e lix V ic to r in o , A g u ir r e . T h ir d R o w : C h ris R a z o n , A r is to n V a ld e h u e s a . E r ik R iv e r a , J a m e s C a rta n o , R j L o r e n z o , S te p h e n K a y ia ro s . F o u r th R o w : D a n ilo R a m ir e z . A rm a n d o A tie n z a , J im m y L eu i D a le K im , T r is ta n M a gn o . F ift h R o w : J a im e d e L e o n , J a s o n C asia , S t e v e n A h n , S a g a r Pa| M is s in g : S a n d e e p L u k e , N o e l V ic t o r in o . K r is N lk o lla , B ria n D o u g h e rty .
G reat Prep’s Academic Teams Topics for American Computer Science League contests included Boolean Algebra, Bit String Flicking, Digital Electronics, and Basic Program ming. Junior Jin Ha Joung employs his computer skills in the second contest of the year.
T e a m : F r o n t R o w ; S u n n y R i t a s * , A r is t o n V a ld e ltu e s a , J e f f A r ix , Is la m A b d e la l. H o w : Z e fe r tn o F e r r e ir a . P a n k a j S h a rm s , J a s o n E llio t t , R o b R u c in s k i, M r. R on an P a la k S h a lt, S a ty a T iw a r l, T o m a s z Ltikasiajk, J i n H a J o u n g . M is s in g : S a n d e e p O s c a r P a lm a , A r a m R ia z , D a le K im .
H a t h T e a m : F r o n t R o w : S te p h e n K a y ia ro s , J o n at h an H u rta d o. D a v id H a b ib , R o b e rt R u ctn sk i, E u g e n e S en , J a v ie r D ia z , J o e C aala, C h ris A b d o n . S e c o n d R o w : A z a m R ia z , C o n s ta n tin e D y , A n g e lo A b b a te m a rc o . S a ty a T tw a ri. AXez A g u ir r e , J a m e s C a s tillo , P a u l S ch u m a n n . T h ir d R o w : H im a n s h u G a n d h i, N ir a v P a te l, P a la k S h a h , J im O 'D a y . E d C o le m a n , T r is ta n M a gn o . F o u rth R o w : D a v e S ch a lk , C h ris R a z o n , D a le K im , A n th o n y N a p p l, A s e f K h w a ja . F ift h R o w : M r. R e td y . P a n k a j S h a rm a , R y a n G o n z a le s , F ilip S lu s a rc zy k , J in H a J o u n g , A m is h P a te l, T o m a s z L u k a s ia k . K is s in g : S a u d eep L u k e , F a w a d M a lik , W a r n A b d e la l, E r w in M a n lo n g a t, J im W o o te n , J u s ttn R a m o s , D h a rm esh B h a ru ch a , L o r e n z o S is ta , J o e Ststa.
Success in the game of chess required critical thinking and careful planning. Amid a line of simultaneous matches, senior Dino Palomares decides his next move as he confronts a student from North Arlington. Testing acquired knowledge, academic competitions offered students an opportunity to earn recognition for their excellence in a particular subject. Senior Dharmesh Bharucha applies his mathematical skills as he answers one of the many difficult questions at the Varsity level in a Catholic Math League contest.
Academic Teams
Down by seven in the third quarter, Prep players turn up the heat and surround the basket. Despite a late rally, the Freshman team lost a squeaker to Union Hill 72-66.
Rising to the occasion, soph omore David DiMartino leaps for a lay-up.
S te p iD u m o ' *
JV/Frosh Meet the Challenge fil 1 learning experience for the Junior Varsity Basketball team. Coach Owen Haveron, in his s.econd ye a r, and Assistant Coach Mike Egan ’91 directed the team through many grueling practice sessions. The team co n siste d m o stly of sophomores, with only two juniors and two freshmen. Only one player, Scott Kudlacik, remained from the previous year. Last year’s Freshman team had had a rough season w ith o n ly th re e w ins, so expectations were not very high. Fortunately, the squad possessed a variety of talents and ended the season with a misleading 7-13 record. Captain Kudlacik, Jermaine M ercer, and S ta n le y B rid g e fo rth led the team through atough schedule which included Christian Brothers Academy, Don Bosco Prep, Marist, and Ferris. After two disappointing lossestoC.B.A., O' 54
the squad bounced back to defeat Snyder, Lincoln, and Hudson Catholic. Anthony Jordan, Ned Cox, and David DiMartino contributed to the team’s streak of victories with
their mastery of the boards. The team’s biggest obstacle was their inability to hold on in the third and fourth quarters. Most of the losses were decided by under ten points. Despite th is, the team n ever lost confidence in their abilities and
gave their all on and off the c o u rt. C oach H averon remarked, “The team gave 100% this year. A coach could not ask for anything more than this team gave me.” U nder the new direction of first-year Head Coach Ron Tredo and Assistant Coach Miguel Sierra ’91, the Freshman team had an exciting season to say the least. Led by Co-Captains Bob Wallace and Kenny Kopacz, the team had a great season and adjusted well to high school play. Their record of 9-9 included a shocking victory over C.B.A., whose Varsity team was state-ranked. Other wins were against Ferris, Lincoln, and rival Hudson Catholic. Donald Cymbor, Tuguwan Smith, and Chris Reid were standouts during the season. The most important accomplishment of the team was the transition to a new school with new teammates.
hard and kept Union H ill’s lead down to a respect able seven points. Giving his team a breather, Coach Haveron form ulates a defensive strategy to combat Union H ill’s explosive inside game.
19&4 STA FOOT: ^ i TEAJ
# 6 TEA3^
P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep Prep Prep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep
FRESH M AN BASKETBALL 49 B ayonne 67 52 CBA 66 Snyder ,4 7 j 45 D on B osco 54 48 60 62 CBA D ic k in s o n 48 59 U n io n H IB 66 72 54 56 L in c o ln 61 B ayonne 64 N o r th B e rg e n 46 34 M a ris t 74 61 Im m a c u la te 29 59 H u d s o n C ath . 3 9 46 M e m o r ia l 70 80 H o b o k en 60 58 E m e rs o n 58 69 Snyder 72 70 ■ F e rris 38 5 7 ;v
P rep 4 0 Prep 76 Prep 46 P r e p 91 Prep 42 P rep 3 9 Prep 8 4 P rep 54 P rep 4 9 p r e p 38 P rep 50 Prep 48 Prep 50 P rep 52 P rep 56 P r e p 61 P rep 75 P rep 56 P re p 6 0 Prep 35
J V B ASKETBALL B ayonne S t. A lo y s iu s CBA S n yder D on B o sco CBA D ic k in s o n U n io n H ill L in c o ln S t. M a ry ’s B ayonne N o r th B e rg e n M a rist
Im m aculate H u d son Cath. M e m o ria l H oboken E m e rs o n Snyder F e rris
43 46 74 44 63 77 67 61 47 57 60 53 51 47 43 70 58 59 54
Frosh Basketball: First Row: Brian Franco, Gene Jeffery, John Friend, Daniel England. Tuguwan Smith. Joe Ferlisi. Second Row: Chris Reid. Don Cymbor. Dorian Timmons. Eric Andres. Kenny Kopacz, Bob Wallace. Missing: Andrew Brusgard. Angel Montanez.
JV Basketball: Front Row: Stanley Bridgeforth, Josh Medrano. Scott Kudlacik. Sean Healy, Jason Conti, Bob Wallace. Mike Wassong. Second Row: Coach Owen Haveron. Anthony Ardizzone Ned Cox. Dave DiMartino. Telly Eliopoulos. Anthony Jordan. Joe Baber. Don Cymbor. 'Missing: Em sto Guillaume, David Mcllhatten, Jermaine Mercer, Ramon Varona.
V JV/Frosh Basketball
Without a doubt, Prep's quadruple-overtime victory over rival Hudson Catholic was the most emotional game of the season. Prep stayed together and managed to keep a slim lead over tbe Hawks until the fourth quarter, when they were forced into the first overtime.
Showing incredible
composure down the stretch, Prep eluded some lively play by the Hawks and pushed the game into
Marauders Pluck Hawks
In a dramatic quadrupleovertime
overtime after overtime. Juniors Pete Williams and Rahsaan King both scored in double digits, and King controlled the boards. Starter Markis Abraham, only a sophomore, lit up some occasional Prep slumps with dazzling drives and hot shooting from inside the key. Finally, after four overtimes,
win over Hudson Catholic, Markis Abraham,
Abraham clinched the win for Prep with a single free-throw and pushed aside all thoughts of a heartbreaking loss to a bitter rival. The final score was 6 6 -6 5 Prep, revitalizing the team after eight straight losses.
Kevin Barry, and Pete Williams scramble for possession late in the game. Prep’s 66-65
More Than Just Fast Breaks arked by a lack of e x p e rie n c e and familiarity, the ’94-’95 Varsity basketball team had its fair share of ups and downs. After a promising 2-2 start, including a thirty-point demolition of St. Aloysius High School and a third place finish in the Jesuit tournament, the team struggled for the remainder of the season. Despite a 5-15 record overall, many of their losses were heartbreakers by five points or less. Several games slipped away in the last seconds, adding to the frustration felt by players and coaches alike. Much of the frustration came from a la ck of p la y e r experience. The team included only five seniors, three of whom did not complete the season. In addition, only six Varsity players from last year’s team returned, and only one routinely sta rte d . A p p a re n tly , the toughest challenge was the adjustment of the new coaching staff and the players to each o th e r. T he team w as
unaccustom ed to the new s ta ff’s p h ilo s o p h y , w hich e m p h a s iz e d a return to fundamentals. Nevertheless, players appreciated Coach Bob
Ryan’s style. A previous coach of the Hudson Hawks, Coach Ryan brought experience and discipline to the team. He was a ssiste d by C oach Flavio Rubano, also from Hudson C atholic, and Coach Jack Leahy, p re v io u s ly of the Dickinson staff. Together, they tried to build a solid team for years to come.
Despite a rough record, the season was highlighted with some glowing performances from likely and unlikely players. Sophomore phenom Markis Abraham started at point guard and im p ro ve d his play dramatically over the course of the season. A frequent highscorer, Abraham assumed a leadership role for the future. Pulled up from JV, sophomore Jermaine Mercer displayed promise for his future role as a Varsity player too. Junior Pete W illia m s w arm ed up significantly toward the end of the season, scoring fifteen points or more in seven games. He also established himself as a top-notch perimeter shooter. Senior Mike Rivera had two twenty-point games against Bayonne and St. Al’s. Also, juniors Mike Kinahan, Rahsaan King, Kevin Callahan and Adam S upple all had prom ising perform ances, establishing themselves as pivotal players for their senior season.
win proved that the rivalry between the Marauders and the Hawks was far from finished.
After a few quick baskets by Snyder, Head Coach Bob Ryan takes an early tim eout to re group his players and stress team defense. Although they held on for a good portion of the game, the Prep team lost to Snyder 6 6 -4 5 .
Prep 61 Prep 91 Prep 48 Prep 41 Prep 41 Prep 43 Prep 52 Prep 38 Prep 49 Prep 47 Prep 66
Bayonne St. Al’s Don Bosco Union Hill Lincoln St. Mary’s Bayonne North Bergen Marist Immaculate Hudson Oath.
66 62 73 87 55 65 55 71 89 66 65
Prep 44 Memorial 54 Prep 57 Hoboken 58 Prep 56 Emerson 57 Prep 45 Snyder 66 Prep 36 Perris 55 Prep 77 St. Al’s 59 Dickinson forfeited to Preo JESUIT TOURNAMENT Prep 61 Regis 77 Prep 55 Canisius 53
Validating the ageold maxim that fast breaks lead to easy points, Mike Rivera takes the ball strong to the hole against a Snyder defender. Fast breaks, rebounding, and ball control were some of the fundamentals emphasized by Coach Ryan in his first year as head coach.
Front Row: Coach Flavio Rubano, Markis Abraham, Rahsaan King, Brian Dugan, Shaun Kolmer, Jim Riccio, Nick Kramer, Kevin Callahan, Manager Jerome Pedersen, Coach Robert Ryan. Second Row: Coach Jack Leahy, Jason Mensah, Jermaine Mercer, Mike Rivera, Adam Supple, Pete Williams, Kevin Barry, Jason Artz, Michael Kinahan. Missing: Joe Rogan, Jason Russo.
Varsity Basketball
One of the most amazing aspects o f the bowling team th is season was the sheeroverall improvement of the team's players. Nearly all the players, on both JV and V arsity, improved th e ir games remarkably. Their practice d e fin ite ly paid o ff th is season; they
became county champs. Constantine Dy knocked down fo rty more pins on average than he did last season, Brian Magarban improved his game by twenty pins, and George Kmec improved by fifte e n . Harold Gold went from an average of 180 to one o f 190, and Russell Yap eked up from 190 to 194. This impressive team improvement was a fine example of hard work and team dedication. I t also showed how seriously the game was taken by all the team players and Coach Zaw istowski. By season's end, V arsity had successfully defended its county champ t it le fo r the th ird year and JV fo r the seventh!
Even with a successful team, bowling becomes an individual
Prep Rolls into County Championships
when each bowler steps up
owling: the only sport where a strike is a good thing. While the major league baseball negotiations were stalled, Saint Peter’s Prep’s skillful bowlers had an excellent season, one in which both JV and Varsity again rolled into County Championships. The Varsity team had a great m any o u tsta n d in g gam es, including a team series over 3000 pins. They finished 1188 and earned first place in their d iv is io n . In th e C o u n ty C h a m p io n s h ip s , th e y t r i umphed over North Bergen 2922-2834. The five talented team members included three seniors, all of whom finished the season with style at the County Championships. Fouryearteam member Brian “Bam B am ” M ag arba n had a spectacular 205 average at the championship match. Harold “Solid” Gold, also a four-year veteran, finished the match with a game of 235. Finally, George “the Anim al” Kmec bowled strikes for the first five frames of the first game and finished with a 235. He is said to have
been the saving grace in that match. These three skilled players were in the top ten percent of the division with individual averages all in the 190 range. All five Varsity bowlers went to the all-star game, including junior keglers
S te ve C o m a n d a to re and Russell Yap. Gold was the high-man of the all stars with a 246 average, while Magarban came in at second with a 217. The JV team also did well, finishing 124-2 and taking first place in the division. The Junior Varsity leaders were Robert Scalzo, Rolando Salvador,
C onstantine Dy, Jonathan Lugtu, Tim Sazon, and Mark Lucero who all had averages in the 180s. The JV team was even m ore fo cu se d and consistent than the Varsity. JV bowled over North Bergen with a score of 2971-2120. TheJV team also won the all-star game with fine performances from all four bowlers. Lugtu was the Prep high-man with a 242 a ve ra g e , w h ile S a lva d o r fin is h e d w ith a 192. Dy continued his success with a 186 at the all-star match, and Sazon finished with a score of 156. Under Mr. Z’s watchful eye, both teams scored high and averaged well over 175. All their success did not come easily. It came from the hard work and effort of the team members and coach combined. They practiced at Hudson Lanes every day for about an hour and a half. Although other teams’ success was given more press, th e ir C ounty C h a m p io n sh ip s tre a k le ft bowlers with an equal sense of pride.
to the line. Fouryear veteran Harold Gold attempts a strike at Hudson Lanes. Attired in updated uniform, George Kmec. a two-year veteran, concen trates on triumphing in one of three Prep victories over Bayonne.
V A R S IT Y B O W L IN O P re p Prep P rep Prep Prep Prep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep
7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 S 7 7 7 5
L in c o ln H.C.P. S n yder M arist H u d so n C ath . D ic k in s o n A c a d e m ic P a r is Bayonne L in c o ln H.CJP. Sn yder M a ris t H u d so n C a th . D ic k in s o n A c a d e m ic F e r r is Bayonne
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
P rep P rep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep P rep Prep Prep P rep
7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
L in c o ln HLCJP. Snyder M axist H u d s o n C ath . D ic k in s o n A c a d e m ic P a r is B ayonne L in c o ln H.CJP. Snyder M a ris t H u d so n C a th . D ic k in s o n A c a d e m ic F e rris B ayonne
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H C IA A C H A M P IO N S H IP Prep 2922 P rep 2971 N o r th B e rg e n 2 8 3 4 N o r th B e rg e n 2 1 2 0
JV Bowling: Front Row: J eff McPartlan, Mike Malfettone, Mark Lucero, David Schalk. Second Row: Mr. Zawistowski, Joe Chidichimo, Jonathan Lugtu, Am on Clemente, Constantine Dy, Tim Sazon. Missing: Rob Scalzo, Rolando Salvador.
Varsity Bowling: Mr. Zawistowski, Steve Comandatore, George Kmec, Brian Magarban, Harry Gold. Russell Yap.
/& Bowling
The '9 4 season brimmed with many fine performances in the 5 km race. Despite a rough year, senior captain Paul Laracy finished the season with a personal best time of 1 8:08 on a 3 .3 kilometer course. Senior Nick p u s h in g
Kramer also brought home a best of 1 8 :0 0 . First-year Varsity runner Conor M urphy ran his individual mark of 1 9 :2 0 at the County
th e
Juniors Ryan Dworkin and Brian Maddox each ran a
breakthrough season with personal bests of 1 8 :0 0 and 18:15 respectively. Sophomore sensation Frank Drummond, fin a lly , gained Honorable Mention on the All-County list, overcoming knee problems to become Prep's number-one runner and finishing with a best of 17:53.
th e p a c e T B l he 1994 cross-country M. team continued in the standard of excellence set by teams before and took it even further. Veteran Head Coach Mike Burgess and Assistant Coach Drew Noga led the team to numerous victories with the help of Captain Paul Laracy. Runners like Ryan Dworkin, Brian Maddox, Nick Kramer, and Scott Kudlacik all capped off the season by running personal bests. The season sta n d -o u t, th o u g h , w as sophomore Frank Drummond, who, d e s p ite a case of tendonitis early in the year, was able to run the 3.1 mile event in 17:53, the team’s best time. The harriers began practices before the start of the school year, sometimes running more
than five miles a day. All the hard work paid off in a big way, e s p e c ia lly in the C ity Championship Meet. The local papers chose state-ranked
Ferris to win the title, but Prep's team was more than up for the challenge and was able to run
aw ay w ith the C ity Championships forthefirsttim e since 1990. Despite being beaten the two w eeks p rio r to the C ity C h a m p io n sh ip s, the Prep underdogs pulled out the win. With Drummond and Kramer already across the line, Laracy, Dworkin, and Maddox rose to the occasion and came in as the third pack, clinching Prep’s standing as number one. The brilliant performance showed their collective will to win. The Championship was only a p re c u rs o r to upcom ing seasons, though. The closely knit squad was energized by newcomers Brian Onieal, Jose Rodriguez, and T om Egan, who all placed in the top 15 times among freshmen.
Bursting with intensity. Coach Noga and Conor Murphy celebrate Murphy’s run at the County rhampiiiships. Murphy ran five ldkmetas in
19:20, his personal best. Taking the curve with confidence, top five Varsity runners Paul Laracy, Nick Kramer, Frank Ryan Dworkin, and Brian Maddox come on strong at Bayonne Park.
Catholic Track Conference Meet
9th Place
Bulldog Invitational
4th Place
Passaic County Coaches’ Meet
9th Place
HCIAA Championships
6th Place
South Hudson Championships
2nd Place
Jersey City Championships
1st Place
Catholic Track Conference
8th Place
Championships HCTCA Championships
5th Place
NJSIAA Championships
1Oth Place
Jesuit Meet
8th Place
An exhausted Paul Laracy embraces Fr. Tony Azzarto after running a grueling five-kilometer race. Prep’s biggest fan, Fr. Azzarto was with the athletes all the way that day at the county meet.
Front Row: Brian Maddox, Frank Drummond, Scott Kudlacik, Nick Velastegui. Second Row: Coach Michael Burgess, Chris Bader, Conor Murphy, Paul Laracy, Nick Kramer. Ryan Dworkin, Coach Andrew
Asian d u b : Kneeling: Rodney Reyes. First Row* Joe Casta, Eugene Seu, Allan Pasco, Marc Villaruel, Jim Fong, Jeff Ariz, Pee Jay Bodoy, Luigi Marandola, Reynard Manibo. Second Row: James Pumarada, Felix Victorino, Geoffrey Leigh, Fred Orejola, James Castillo, Dave Tobias. Darin Wahl, Sunny Ratana, Dino Palomares, Chez Bryan Ong, Ariston Valdehuesa, Anthony Seto. Third Row: Jin Ha Joung, Albert Dumaual, Rolando Salvador, Chris Razon. Nelson Pingol, Kit Tangwongchai, Paul Schumann, Mrs. Costanzo. Fourth Row: Tristan Magno. Ryan Gonzales, Armando Tiongson, Truong Nguyen, Rhonald Reside, Steve Ahn, Alex Aguirre, Cecilto Po, Randolph Lagman.
Celebrating rep’s ever-increasing ethnic d iv e rs ity was reflected in co-curricular life. The newest ethnic-cultural club at Prep was the Islamic Club, which gathered fo r Friday afternoon prayer as part of their observance of Ramadan. The Indo-Pak Club journeyed to an Indian restaurant in
Newark and to a major Indian cultural festival. The Italian Club’s December outing included a meal in Little Ita ly and a v is it to the Guggenheim Museum. Black History Month was commemorated by the Ebony Club’s dinner at which the m em bers perform ed short
Islam ic Club: Front Row: Islam Abdelal, Ahmed A lt Ahmed Rashed, Ajam Khawaja, Mr. DeLorenzo, Second Row: Tarek Arafat, Asef Khwaja, Ismael Shaukat, Azam Riaz. Missing: Ernest Riley, Raheel Ansari, Abdul-Gafar Muhammad, Nabeel Shaikh, Lawrence Epps, Numan Shaikh.
Ebony Club: Front Row: Mr. Richard Butler, Gene Jeffrey,
Second Row: Lawrence Ef Nathan Jackson, Jermaine Mercer, Damian Prince, Rahsaan King, Jason Mens ah, AH Gafar Muhammad. Third Row: Melvin Nyaboga, Jaime de Leon, Mike Nivins, El Annulysse, Carlos Negron, OTCeeya Singleton. Fourth Row: V em on Gibbs, Alvin Desrotj Terrence Mosley, C oy Dailey. Fifth Row: Obadiah W illiams. Calvin Souder, Std Bridgeforth, Fleetwood Banks. Sixth Row: Harold Gadsden. Missing: Markis Abrajf Marcus Mayhue, Anthony Jordan, Dave Lassiter, Andre Mufloz. James Souder, Guillaume, Dorian Timmons, Tuguwan Smith, Keon Paton.
DIFFERENCE vignettes based on the lives of important black leaders. Films like Queen Margotand C o lo n e l C h a b e rt w ere highlights for the French Club in addition to their Christmas party. The Native American Society trekked to the Natural History Museum and the Smithsonian
M useum of the A m e ri Indian, both in Manhattan. Searching out good L food and February ice-ska were among the many American Society activitie The Asian Club, finally, an open gym and sponsor spring outing to Chinatown to see Miss Saigon.
Ita lia n Club: Front Row: Pat Hunt, Joe San Philip, Matt Sexton, Arcangelo Abbatem Anthony Nappl, Chris Nubia, Joe Fisher, Chris Romano. Second Row: Chris Casazza* LoRe, Robert Corraio, Anthony Castelli. John O rilli, Joseph LoPorto. Third Row: Anttj Pimentel, Obadiah Williams, J eff Tlffher. Missing: Luigi Marandola. Joe Chidichlmo, J Faiciechio, Rob Melchionne, Arsenio Padovano, Sam Pecoraro, Joe Sista, Dante Tauro, J Rutigliano.
ttnch Club: Front Row; Dharmesh Bharucha, Rodney Reyes. Second Row; Steve Kayiaros, no Palomares, Shane Smith, Eugene Seu, Tarek Arafat, Joe Casia. Third Row: Chris Razon, ff Ariz, Randolph Lagman, Ryan Gonzales. Fourth Row: Chris Moje, Armando Tiongson, Sean bcac, James Cartano, Alex Aguirre. Fifth Row: Angel Rama, Chez Bryan Ong, Bryan Nguyen, ark Lucero, Sandeep Luke. Missing: Adam Rucinsky, Rhonald Reside, Javier Cabrera, Fred tejola.
Indo-Pak Club: Front Row; Mr. Arabia, SJ, Himanshu Gandhi, Eugene Seu, Amtsh Patel, Palak Shah, Sunil Dasari. Second Row; Nabeel Shaikh, Jiten Lakhani, Satya Tiwari, Keytur Amin, Pankaj Sharma. Missing; Salman Asghar, Raman Sharma, Azam Riaz, Sachin Kamik, Jigar Patel, Ala Haddadin, Ajam Khawaja, Sandeep Luke, Rajeev Bharucha, Kevin Done, Nirav Patel, Leon Bacchus, Numan Shaikh, Dharmesh Bharucha.
Getting ready to open some o f their own activities to the Mexican Exchange Program, Latin American Society members Mr. Arabia, Rob Pazos, and Alex Gonzalez plan a walking tour of Fifth Avenue including St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cathedral and Trump Towers. In addition to plans for a joint open-gym with the Latin American Society, IndoPak Club seniors Himanshu Gandhi, Azam Riaz, Nirav Patel, and Nabeel Shaikh arrange transportation for the Indian cultural festival Garba, where over 2000 people gathered for music and dance.
:tin American Society: Front Row: Daniel Leverone, Rob Pazos, Nick Velastegui, Mr. Arabia, 5, Second Row: Vladimir Gom el, Jonathan Annas, Carlos Negron. Third Row: Nelson Abreu, *00 Colon, Oscar Palma, Anthony SetOi Alex Gonzalez. Fourth Row: Willie Diaz, J eff Martin, sx Salas, Mark Jurado, AveBno Avelenda, Fernando Quevedo. Missing: Orlando Silva, Jorge k K e r n Dofti, Javier Diaz, H em y Armas, Jorge deArmaa, John Gutierrez, Andy Lopez-Diaz, be Noriega, Alex Martinez, Dan Quiles, Jorge Guzman, Emilio Montes de Oca.
Native Am erican S o c ie ty .' Front Row: JackTruehaft, Rich Gubitosi. Second Row Jack BiBings, Chirag Raval, Javier Diaz, Ralph Citarella Juan Munoz. Missing: Andrew Bucci, Matt Dugan, Steve Hudacko, Pat Hunt, Kris Nikolla, Darren Scher, Shane Smith, A1 Rinaldi, Dan Ramirez.
Cultural Clubs
Surrounded in a sea of moving bodies, wiping away beads of perspiration: obviously dances would be nothing without music. Part of the reason why Prep dances were so popular was the music and the
Pum p Up th e
DJs. Thanks to the professionalism of Fourth Dimension Productions with seniors Emile Lisboa and Vincent Punsalan, capacity crowds were kept on their feet. The DJs made dances appealing with a wide variety of music ranging from reggae to R&B to salsa. DJs supplied their own equipment and music and were responsible for transporting their gear to the school. The DJs were an important and vital
Volum e
component of the dances. Without DJs and their sound systems, students might have found the
CoPresident Chris Nubia
Proctors' Barber Shop Quartet (Mr. Dondero, Fr. Doyle, Sr. Frances, and Mr. Settembre) providing
assigns members
the music.
Chris Moje and Ryan
f llo v e r /
S f M K E IJ
Gonzales their stations before a dance. Typical
F B I he dedicated students ■ w ho ran the D ance Committee were committed to hard work> ofte n w ith o u t recognition. The members of the D ance C o m m itte e s a c rific e d th e ir F rid a y or Saturday nights once a month in order to give back to Prep and make things all the more enjoyable for the student body. The committee managed every dance of the year. Members broke down the cafe before dances, which included folding and storing fifty tables and over five hundred chairs. Members took shifts at the door collecting money or in the coatroom checking jackets. The money collected went to security, chaperones, and the disc jockeys. The committee was also re s p o n s ib le fo r cleaning up the cafeteria after the dance. The first dance in September was the most successful in many years. This was due to
the advertising of both the dan ce and the DJ to neighboring girls’ schools. The capacity crowd of eight hundred people was reached by 8:15,
fo rty -fiv e m in u te s before regular closing time. The Dance Committee was also re s p o n s ib le fo r the Freshman-Sophomore SemiFormal on December 16th. They decorated the cafe with banners and streamers in a Christm as motif. Acting as
waiters and hosts, members served food and welcomed the couples. The DJ spunout a variety of music, including reggae and disco. They even organized a lim bo contest towards the end of the night. Without three certain people, the Dance Committee would not have strived to its full potential. Moderator Mr. Jim Dondero chose chaperones, approved DJs, and made the dance safe for students and their dates. Chris Nubia and Emile Lisboa, co-presidents of the com m ittee, were also in te g ra l m em bers. They supervised and insured that everything ran smoothly at each dance. T hey had been d e d ica te d to the Dance Com mittee since freshman year, and as seniors they helped run the dances that made Prep weekends more memorable.
tasks included checking coats, selling refresh ments, and collecting money. Sophmores Jason Casia, James Koo, and Ryan Lorenzo become part of t h e “set up” process, trans forming the cafeteria into a dance floor.
In the midst of girls from St. Al’s. St. Dorn’s, and other girls’ schools in the area, Paul Rakoski has a blast on a Novem ber Saturday night. As a result of better security and efficiency allaround, the dances attracted many students not only from Prep but other schools as well.
Front Row: Chris Nubia. Em ile Lisboa. Second Row: Rodney Reyes. Geoffrey Leigh, Alex Aguirre. Third Row: Jason Casia. James Koo, Erwin Manlongat, Greg Benacchlo, Matt Worst, r | an Gonzales. Fourth Row: Rajeev Bharucha, Arcangelo Abbatemarco, Anthony Castelli. Ed McDonald, Chris Moje. Missing: Ryan Lorenzo, Alan Leon.
Dance Committee
There was a poor, good-hearted, hard-working, often confused dairyman by the name of Tevye, who
In a Village
strove to keep his Jewish traditions alive amidst the changes occuring within his own family. Contrary to their tradition of arranged marriages, his eldest daughter Tzeitel married a childhood friend and
poor tailor. Following in their oldest sister's footsteps, Hodel and Chava also arranged their own marriages. Finally, as Tevye was almost beginning to accept the new ways of his daughters, he and
the rest of the villagers were forced to leave their home Anatevka at the demand of the Russian forces.
11 M
a z e l Fiddler
TBlhere was music in the air JL and on the roof during opening night of the Prep winter play at St. Peter’s College. As Prep’s musical production went under way, everyone from a cto rs and a c tre s s e s , orchestra, and stage crew to a rtis ts and s o u n d -lig h tin g technicians pooled their efforts in creating Fiddler on the Roof. Under the direction of Mr. Jack Campion and choreographer Lisa Dondero, F iddler was characterized by cooperation, hard work, and ingenuity. F iddler was marked by several strong performances. Steve Rusnak, who played the lead role of Tevye, captivated the audience with his rendition of “ If I Were a Rich Man.” Meghan Johnson, who played his wife Golde, embodied the aura of small village life. Chris McNerney took the role of the simple but kind-hearted tailor M otel. M e lis s a E n riq u e z, Melanie Villaruel, Kathleen d e G o ro s tiz a , and Jam es Pumarada rounded out the leads w ith c o n v in c in g
T o n !
Plays To Packed Houses!!!
p e rfo rm a n c e s as T z e ite l, Hodel, Chava, and Perchik. The dramatic and moving roles of Tevye, Golde, and the other leads were balanced with a fine and comical supporting
cast. Doug Facciponti, Cheryl Higgins, Vanessa Fox, Joseph G aliastro, and the chorus enlivened the audience with “Tradition” and a memorably c h o re o g ra p h e d dream sequence. The “Sabbath Prayer” scene was particularly moving as each family slowly gathered around the Sabbath candle.
The actors and actresses were not the only people responsible for the success of Fiddler. The orchestra labored everyday before and after school to produce the musical aspect of Fiddler. Tania Molina supplied the “fiddle” for the fiddler, hilariously played by the sprightly Dharmesh Bharucha. Additional instruments such as John Veltri’s accordion added authenticity to the performance, as did the prayer shawls and othercostumescoordinated by Mrs. Nancy Figur. The stage crew w orked tire le s s ly to produce the wondrous sets and props. W ith th re e s o ld -o u t perform ances, Fiddler was without a doubt a huge success. The theater was so packed that people were lined-up against the walls in order to see the stage. Commented Rodney Reyes, “It was one of the best m u sica ls ever produced during my time at Prep. This was due to the immense talent and love among the cast and crew.”
During rehearsal at the College, Michael Noriega as the Rabbi and Steve Rusnak as Tevye discuss the wedding plans of T evye’s eldest daughter, Tzeitel (Melissa Enriquez) towards the end of the first act. The backdrop represent ed the spectacular mountains that over shadowed the small Russian village of Anatevka. During the w edding dance, Bridget Figur as Sphrintze, a younger daughter of T ev ye, w eaves through the aisle of clapping women. Girls from St. Dom’s, St. Al’s, Academ ic, and Memorial played an im portant role in
Fiddler. including a dynam ite performance by Elaine Donnadio as Yente the matchmaker.
In Scene Four of Fiddler, T evye, Lazar W olf (Doug Facciponti), the Russian soldiers, and the male chorus drink and sing “T o Life” in Mordcha's inn. The scene reaches its clim ax when, after a short running start, Chris Nubia vaults over Vic Suthamm anont’s (Fyedka’s) shoulder and executes a perfect back flip.
Fiddler Cast: Front Row: J. Monzon. M. Villamaria, M. Enriquez. D. Palomares, J. Juliano, C. Villamaria. L. Dondero. C. Nubia. Melanie Villaruel. K. deGorostiza. B. Bingham. S. Degnan. A. Ronquillo, M. Moylan. Second Row: Marissa Villaruel. M. Mendoza. A. Payumo, J. Bayot. D. Bahadur. C. McNemey, G. Hannagan. M. Johnson. V. Fox. E. Donnadio. M. Worst, B. Bleach, J. Andres, A. Clemente, C. Higgins. K. Quail. Third Row: S. Smith. D. Facciponti. R. Eichert, R. Jantas, A. Dumaual, D. Destito, K. Reilly, R. Aldridge, A. Riaz, J. Pumarada, C. Moje, A. Mendoza, P. Hagen. Missing: S. Rusnak, D. Bharucha, M. Noriega. R. Reyes. C. Higgins, J. Galiastro. V. Suthammanont. R. Bharucha, J. Nguyen. B. Figur.
With near [i^Marlboro!
perfect timing, a freight train thunders past Gateway, as Prep
Dreaming of having their own chance to play at Giants Stadium, some JV teammates cheer with Varsity players along the sidelines in front of a crowd of 16,000 early in the second quarter of the State Championship game.
prepares to thunder over the Elizabeth defensive line. Prep ruined Elizabeth’s undefeated
B a t t le
record, clinching a 6-0 sophomore
r | l he proud tradition that is 1 Prep football begins with the long summer practices for the Freshman and JV football teams. The 1994 Freshman and JV players spent their season looking up to the outstanding Varsity team and hoping that they too would one day be able to play at Giants Stadium. Prep’s newest gridders, the Frosh team, sacrificed hours during the summer and after school to achieve what they wanted: a swift and smooth tra n s itio n to the fo o tb a ll program . W ith the squad s ig n ific a n tly s m a lle r than previous years, the players and Coaches Haveron, Crisalli, Verdi, and Roselle knew that the only way to pull off their goal was through hard work, determination, and a positive attitude. All of these ideals were im pressed upon the players. Pat Buesing and Dan Quiles were the team’s quarterbacks for the season. Despite the sub-.500 season (a record of 3-6), the season was not
without its highlights. With a proud 8-0 win over the Ferris Bulldogs and an 18-0 demolition of the Emerson Bulldogs, the team earned for themselves wins to look back on with satisfaction. In the Ferris game,
Jacob Rodriguez scored a touchdown, and Dan Quiles th re w fo r a tw o -p o in t conversion. Then against Emerson, Quiles handed off to C had M oser fo r tw o to u c h d o w n s and Jacob R o d rig u e z fo r one. The Emerson game was not only the second consecutive win,
but also th e second consecutive shutout. These early games, however, were the only wins until the end of the season, when the team beat H udson C a th o lic , concluding a tough schedule on a high note. The JV team had a successful and winning season and also suited up for Varsity gam es fo r o c c a s io n a l a p p e a ra n ce s on fie ld . Compiling a 3-1-1 record under the leadership of Coaches Kelly and W ilkes, the team beat Ferris and Emerson in the same fa sh io n as the freshm en. Spearheaded by sophomore quarterback Bill Cunningham and an offensive line of juniors weighing over half a ton, the team battled with the North Bergen Bruins to a tie in the last seconds of the game. Through the experience gained on these teams and som e p a rtic ip a tio n at the Varsity level, the upcoming classes showed great promise and the desire for a return trip to the Meadowlands.
victory with Joe
Ttemutakfe touchdown run.
At a pre season scrimmage against Plainfield, the Freshman team takes down a Cardinal rusher at their home field. Despite a
3-6 record, the frosh had decisive wins over Emerson and Ferris early in the season.
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Prep 6 Delaware Valley Prep 8 | Ferris Piep 18 Emerson Prep 0 North Bergen Hoboken Ptfep"' 0 Memorial Prep ' 8 Dlcldnson 8 Prep ■ 0 Bayonne •' ^■■Hudson Catholic' Prep j 14
8 0 24 14 32 40 12
Challenging the Minutemen on the home turf of Gateway Field, cornerback Markis Abraham keeps a watchful eye on the ball while simultaneously guarding an Elizabeth receiver.
F r e s h m a n F o o t b a ll: First Row: M ike Tu lly, Jacob Rodriguez, Sagar Patel, FeUce F o t o ,
A nthony Vitanzo. David Tango. Gene Jeffery. Second Row: Okan Esendemir, PatBuesing. Nelson Tavares, K ev in DeVUlava, Kalpesh Patel, M ichael V itali. Tim Andreula. ThirdRow . Daniel gu iles, Gerry Iorio, Coach Ed RoseUe, Coach Sean V erd i.C o a ch Ton y Crisalli, Coach Owen Haveron, M elvin Nyaboga, Brian Kovacs. Fourth Row: Dorian Tim mons. ChadMoser. Ben DiFranco, Calvin Souder, Christopher Larsen. Adam Fitzgibbons. Kenny Kopacz. Chris Reid.
JV/Frosh Football
i n
e The Prep
Giants Stadium: Prep
Playing on turf was always exciting for the Prep football team. Hoboken and Emerson have turf on
defensive line of
their home fields, and so does Giants Stadium. The 1994 State Finals were held in the Meadowlands.
Dave Nagy.
During the week the team walked on the field after practice to get a feel for the turf, and there Was
no feeling like seeing Giants Stadium for the first time from the field, it was the event of a lifetime, fitting for the game of a lifetime.
Gonzalez, and Kevin K aczka
The juggernaut Bergen Catholic team had been Number 1 in the state and ranked nationally before the season. The most conservative prediction was a 35-0 B.C. vietory.
offer little solace to a dis
That was before Prep's Dream Team stepped up and played the game of their lives before 1 6 ,0 0 0
hearten ed
in 6iants Stadium. The final was 2 6 -2 4 Prep, but the game was definitely not as close as the score
Joe Piela,
would indicate. Prep dominated the line from the first snap. The offense was unstoppable, and the
as the Crusaders
defense was crushing. Only two long B.C. drives late in the fourth quarter made the game as close as
watch their
it was. In the end, Prep was victorious and undefeated. The best team in school history had played their
hopes of
last game and had gone oat in true championship style.
another state title dwindle
before their eyes. Piela was pressured all day by lin e
backers James Souder, V ladim ir
beat the three-time defending f anything motivated the football team it was last champion, Bergen Catholic. In doing so, Prep earned a No. 1 year’s disappointing first round loss to Don Bosco Prep. Since state ranking, the top spot in the first senior meeting in April the East, and a No.6 national of last year, the goal was set in ranking. By going undefeated, the 1994 team set the school stone: win the States. The leadership of senior co captains Anthony Verdi, Paul Que, B illy O ’ D onnell, and Vladimir Gomez brought the play of the Marauders to its pinnacle. Led by the rushing of both Que and junior Pedro Cirino, as well as the passing attack of qu arterba ck Je ff Skinner to leading receivers Gerald McDermott and David Damato, the Marauders rolled to a second straight county championship by the first week of November. A victory over Dickinson, coupled with an record for most wins in a single earlier, heart-stopping victory se a so n . The second over Hoboken m ade Prep undefeated team in 78 years of undefeated in the county. Prep Football, the 1994-95 In its march to the state finals, team was considered the best the Marauders stomped over a in school history. Prep’s offense was driven by d e te rm in e d , but fa ta lly underm atched, Seton Hall its high-powered offensive line Prep. In the game of a lifetime that won acclaim throughout at G iants S tadium in the the county and state. O’Donnell Meadowlands, Prep decisively
T eam
and Verdi were the key men of the offensive front, both earning all-county recognition. Dubbed “The Hudson Quiver" and a “Sea of Maroon” by the Star Ledger, the Prep Defense consistently shut opponents down and did not flinch. The Front Seven of seniors Kevin Kaczka, Fernando Gonzalez, David Nagy, James Souder, Damien Locricchio (who also earned a spot on the First Team All-State), Vladimir Gomez, and junior Mike Medrano played aggressive and successful defense. Along with a solid secondary and a hard-hitting free-safety in C irino, Prep carved its place in history. The team spirit and desire was shown in Prep’s achievements on the field but was best seen in those who sacrificed as much, if not more than the stars. The coaches and the entire school saw the thanks and appreciation at Giants Stadium, as the tears flowed and these teammates of the last four years said goodbye to Prep Football.
R e c o r d : 11
Gomez. Dam ien Locric chio, and M ike Medrano.
Using his strength and speed, M ike Medrano powers forward like a freigh t train through a pack of B.C. defenders. The Prep ground attack o f Paul Que. Pedro Cirino, and Medrano ran circles around the Crusader defense.
W ins
# 6
Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep
V i
29 32 28 25 34 21 35 14 27 34 26
Delaware Valley Ferris Emerson North Bergen Memorial Bayonne Dickinson Hoboken Seton Hall Prep Hudson Catholic Bergen Catholic
0 0 8 7 0 0 6 7 16 6 24
As wide receiver and defensive com erback Jason Russo concentrates on a B.C. receiver, the emotions build all through the stadium for players, coaches, students, parents, and fans. We were on the line with the Marauders, ready to take what was rightfully ours. Bergen Catholic was the only thing in our way. the only thing holding us back from a state championship. Then it was all over, and we won. Coach o f the Century Rich Hansen summed up the feeling with modesty. “Makes for great conver sation."
It sure did.
Front Row- William O’Donnell, Anthony Verdi, Paul Rakoski. Kevin Kaczka, David Nagy. Jeff Skinner, John Horsfield, Fernando Gonzalez, Coach Rich Hansen, Second Row: Jason Russo David Damato, Ralph CitareUa, William Musto. Steven Boyd, James Souder. Carlos Negron, James Pedersen. Third Row: Paul Que. Brian Crew, Ron Venner Tim Degnan, Markis Abraham, Joe Tramutolo, Joshua Medrano. Fourth Row: Coach Willie Wilkes, George Wisnieski. Anthony Jordan. Howard Centro, Robert Kolakowski, Mike Nivins Mike Priore. Fifth R o w Coach Owen Haveron. Mike Scrivanich. Joe Roarty, Gerald Iorio. Mike Monaco, Darren Miller, Anthony Ardizzone. Sixth Row: Coach Anthony CrisaUi Manager Jerome Pedersen Coach Keith KeUy. Coach Chris Lanzalotto. Missing: David Standish, Joseph Rogan David Morin, Abdul-Gafar Muhammad, Vladimir Gomez, Damien L o c r ic ^ o Steven Borace, Don Bostonian. Anthony Locricchio. Vin Collado. Arnold Alfano, David DiMartno. Joe Wroblewski, Gerald McDermott. Pedro Cirino, Michael Medrano, Bill Cunningham, Coach Ken Such, Coach Ken Ferrante. Coach Ed Roselle, Coach Dan Granda. Coach Sean Verdi.
n d e f e a t e d
e a s o n
Preparation fo r fu ture careers is an essential part o f the Prep experience. Held from February 2 6 -
28 in Boston at the Sheraton Hotel, the Harvard Model Congress provided an excellent foundation for students interested in the field of politics. Organized fay Harvard students, this event was divided COmm'^ ees:
^ ouse' $ enate' lobbyists, reporters, and National Security Council.
Accompanied by Mr. Brian Dubrule, the Prep team was comprised of Joe Slawinski, Conor Murphy, Larry 6raham, and Anthony Pimentel. The participation of students from throughout the nation made social involvement a very significant aspect of the weekend. "The Harvard Model Congress was a lot of fun. I gained valuable information as to how the Congress functions and, most importantly, I met girls from every part of the country,” commented Larry Graham.
For their DuoInterpretation piece “The Cabbie from Calcutta," Jim O’Day plays the straight man, and
Tain™ Face * Face rep Forensics has a rich tradition of talent and experience, but 1994 saw many of the team’s most experienced m em bers g ra d u a te . C o n s e q u e n tly , 1994-95 became a period of rebuilding. New talent was sought out and trained, and despite its high percentage of underclassmen, the team placed in the top three slots in all its tournaments but one. Although success at a meet is based on a team score, it de p e n d s h e a v ily on the p e rfo rm a n ce of in d iv id u a l m em bers. T he m ost successful category this year was D u o -ln te rp re ta tio n . Juniors Chris Abdon and Ryan G o n z a le s ’ e x c e lle n t presentation of a Hamletspinoff called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead was highly acclaimed for its flawless execution. Drama was also a ve ry su cce ssfu l cate go ry. S e n io r M ike N o rie g a ’ s ou tsta n d in g perfo rm a nce s gave the team a c le a r advantage. Other contributors from Dram a w ere ju n io rs
Nelson Abreuand EugeneSeu. In Student Congress, senior Ken Q uail and ju n io r Jon Boggiano both placed well by debating various bills. This category also saw a burst of fresh talent in freshman Joe
Facchini, who placed first in the St. Joseph’s tournament. Sophomore Lincoln-Douglas debater Constantine Dy and others helped to boost the team’s standings. In addition, sophomore John Palermo and junior Dan Stupinski began to realize their great potential as th e y c o m p e te d in Extemporaneous Speaking, a
category in which personal opinions on current issues are spontaneously explicated. JV R eading was c o n siste n tly strong due to junior John Cirilli and sophomore Coy Dailey. Finally, although they did not place in competition, the hard work of the young Original Oratory, Declam ation, and Varsity Reading teams enabled them to gain v a lu a b le experience in preparation for future meets. Bringing their own experience to the program, moderators Ms. Marie Curry and Mr. Bill Ford both put in long hours coaching, critiquing, and organizing the c o m p e titio n s . It becam e evident that the team was in desperate need of still more practice when it failed to place in the fourth competition, even though it was held at Prep. Rebounding from that blow, however, the team rehearsed extra hours together through March and again hosted the fifth and final meet. The squad came back strong and finished the season with a satisfying first-place finish.
Tiwari puts on a thick Indian accent for his comical lines. To promote unbiased judging, each team was identified on the black board by a code like their D19. CoCaptains M ike Noriega and Sean Lukac, Duo-Interp partners Dharmesh Bharucha and Rodn ey Reyes, and senior Ken Quail led the team m eetin g (and an “A v e " ) before the fourth m eet. Despite excellen t performances from Eu gene Seu, Con Dy, and SuthammanontMcNerney, Prep surprisingly failed to
Newark Catholic Forensics League officers Ms. Curry and Mr. Thomas Murphy of Marist present two Prep seniors their thirdplace trophy. DuoInterp teammates Victor 3 Suthammanont and Chris McNemey performed an excerpt from All
My Sons by Arthur Miller.
Front Row: Mike Noriega. Ken Quail, Mark Kudera, Constantine Dy, Eugene Seu. Satya Tiwarl, Sam Pecoraro, Nelson Abreu. Second How: Palak Shah, Ryan Gonzales, Chris Abdon, Dharmesh Bharucha, Rodney Reyes, Jim O' Day, Shane Smith, Paul Fam, Coy Dailey. Third Row: Paul Hagen, James Pumarada, John Palermo, John Cirilli, Victor Suthammanont, Chris McNemey, Sean Lukac, Oscar Palma. Missing: Chris Casazza. Sandeep Luke, Brian Onleal, Jon Boggiano, Joe Facchini, Kevin Done. Jaime de Leon, Dan Stuplnski, Ben Orozco, Emile Lisboa, Anthony Pimentel, Bill Musto, Luigi Marandola, Jorge deArmas.
F I73
Amnesty In tern a tion a l: F r o n t R o w : S a ty a T iw a ri. J im m y S o n g , R o b e r t Ish a k , E u g e n e S en,
A rt Club: F r o n t R o w : D in o P a lo m a re s , E u g e n e S e u , M s. H e lls tr o m . S e c o n d R o w : Sonnjl
C h ris R a z o n . S e c o n d R o w : A n t h o n y Y a n k o w s k i, J o h n A b a d ir. J o h n F a lc ic c h io , P a n k a j S h a rm a . P a la k S h ah . T h ir d R o w : J a v ie r C a b rera , S t e v e B a u tis ta , J a c k B illin g s . T o m a s z L u k a s ia k , R a n i R o s a le s , T o m G n a s. M is s in g : D h a rm e s h B h aru ch a, S a n d e e p L a k e .
R a ta n a . C o lin G in ty , K i t ik o m T a n g w o n g c h a i, R o d n e y R e y e s . T h ir d R o w : J a d e F elician o] J o n a th a n H u rta d o , S n ja n D ass, J im m y L e u n g . F o u r th R o w : V e r n o n G ibbs, P a u l F am , A rista s V a ld e h u e s a , C h e z B ry a n O n g . T o m G nas. M is s in g : F e lix V ic to r in o .
T | l wo new clubs started through the relentless efforts of some energetic students. The Billiards Club, in itia te d by so p h o m o re Stephen Kayiaros, played at H e rb e rt’s B illia rd s in S e ca u cu s. A te n -w e e k season complete with a tense two-week, six-team playoff tournament was organized by the members and moderator Mr. Koszyk. The o th e r new club, Japanimation, was started m id-year by seniors Alan Bayot and Dino Palomares. Dedicated to the study of Japanese art and animes, the club b o a sted o ve r 30 members. On March 3, the club held “ a n ig h t of Japanimation” in conjunction with the S.A.D.D. chapter. S e ve ra l o th e r grou ps continued as well. The Art Club, under Ms. Hellstrom, critiqued their own art and painted banners for liturgies and Mission Drive activities. The Philosophy Club was headed by Deacon O’Neill. The club held open discussions about dream analysis, the influence of evil in society, and philosophers QN 74
such as Sartre and Aristotle. The Cricket Club, started in the spring of ’94 by junior Satya Tiwari and Mr. Caslin, played bi-weekly games at Lincoln Park during the warm weather. Members hoped th a t th e club w o u ld be e xp a n d e d in to an interscholastic sport. Satya Tiwari remarked, “We were trying to contact local schools to start a league, but time didn’t permit.” Despite this, theclubfunctionedatfullforce all year. A m nesty International continued its crusade against injustices. Members wrote letters to request fair trials for political prisoners. Also, Amnesty International Week included a dress-down day and a video on the organ ization obtained by moderator Ms. Moore. Finally, the Fishing Club grew from a small contingent of die-hard anglers to a large posse of fly-fishing fiends. Edgardo Nieves and Mike Stack, with the help of Mr. O’Donnell, Mr. Zawistowski, Mr. Ronan, and Mr. Alejandro, organized trips to Sandy Hook and the Delaware Water Gap.
U p - and -C oming P rep C lubs
Fishing Club: F r o n t R o w : E d g a rd o N ie v e s , A n d r e w V iz z a c c h e r o . S e c o n d R o w : M ik e Stack.| C ra ig F lo r k ie w ic z , R o b P e r e z . M is s in g : T o m C u rtin * S a m P e c o r a r o , V in c e n t P u n salan , D a vf B a ile y .
Sliards Ctuix F ron t R o w : C . B o g g ia n o , S. K a jia r o s , A . V a ld e h u e s a , E . B o d n a r, A . A g u irre , A rch ietto, S. R a ta n a , K . T a n g w o n g c h a i, R . R e y e s . S e c o n d R o w : M r. K o s x y k , T . C re w , M. a lfe tto n e , P . F a m , I f . P in g o l, M . M a lis ia , J . Z a k la m a . T h ir d R o w : B. W o o d , A . F e s k e n , R . Lrsno, F . V ic t o r in o , R . G o n x a le s , C. D y . F o u r t h R o w : M . C le m e n te , S. K u d la c ik , K . R e e d , tT ru e h a ft, J. S la w in a i, M . B e ld o w ic z , E. B o ija , J o e C a s ia , M . W a lk e r. F ift h R o w : L . G ra h a m , : P om arad a, C . P o , J . W o o t e n , B . Q u in n , H . C o x , P . F itzp a trick . Missing: J. A u rie m m a , K . Jurry, B. B e ld o w ic z , A . B ing, D . B la ir , J. B o g g ia n o , S. B o r a c e , J. B r o w n , M. C a ra n d a n , J . irtano, J a s o n C aaia, D . D e L u c a , W . D ia s , A . D u m au al, O . E s e n d e m ir , J . F a b ros, M . F a rin a s , |G io rd a n o , R . G u h ito s i, A . G u irg ia , M. J a m is o n , R . Jordan, M . J o r a d o , N . K a lc a n id e s , M . iurkut, D. K h u h la ll, A . Khw aja, J . K o o , G . L eig h , J . L n g tu , E . Manlongat, T . M a a te ra o a , C. IcLaoghlin, M. M e d r a n o , C . M o je , D . N g u y e n , T. H g u y e n , K . N ik o lla , R . N u eva , C . O n g , J. hteL J a m e s R o d r ig u e s , R , S a lv a d o r , D . S c h e r , ML. S p a t a r o , A . S ta .Ig le s ia , R , S y , D. T r o ja n , fW roblew aki.
C ricket Clair. F r o n t R o w : S a ty a T iw a r i, J o e L o P o r to , P a n k a j S h arm a. S e c o n d R o w : M r. L a w re n c e G ra h a m , R e d C o x , P a la k S h a h . T h ir d R o w : T o m a s s L u k a sia k . S a n d eep Luke.
Somewhere o ff the Jersey coast, Fishing Club regulars Edgardo Nieves, Dave Bailey, and Tom Curtin enjoy the serene scenery of the Atlantic Ocean. Spare time with Prep brothers also included playing cricket or billiards, discussing philosophy or hum an rights, and trying out new artistic avenues.
t p a n im a tio n O u t : F r o n t R o w : F e r n a n d o M ira n d a , A la n B a y o t, IM n o P a lo m a re s , ( R o d n e y Smtos, E u gen e S e u , R o d o e y R e y e s , D a n R u m a in , M Âť- H e lls tr o m . S e c o n d S w : B ria n â&#x2013;şugherty, J im m y L e u n g , M a rk L u c e r o , A lfr e d S ta . Ig le s ia , J o s e p h D e o d a to . T h ir d R o w : N o e l p L a R o sa , J o n a th a n L u g tu , J a m e s C a r ta fio , A r m a n d o A tie n s a , J o s e S im o n . F o u r th R o w : i* t t J a m is o n , L a w re n c e G a lla g h e r, C o n s ta n tin e D y , M ik e M a H O tton e, A lfr e d o T u a n g c o , prny R a ta n a , J a m e s A u r ie m m a . F if t h R o w : C e c ilio P o , J a d e F e ttc ia n o , C h e * Brjram O ng, pm es P u m a ra d a , J a s o n C a s ts , A r is t o n V a ld e h u e s a , J o n a th a n H u rta d o , M is s in g : K it ik o t n
P h ilo s o p h y Club: F r o n t R o w : E u gen e S eu , P a lt k S h a h , T a r e k A n f M . S e c o n d R o w : F ilip S lu s a rc ry k , T o m u i L u k a sia k , Smtym T iw a ri, D e a e o n O T Ie ffl, K itik o r n T a n * w o n * o h a i. M W n ^ S a n d e e p L u k e , J o h n A b a d ir , O rla n d o S ilv a .
After five years of coaching Prep hockey, Coach Ken Such decided to resign as the Head Coach of the St. Peter's Varsity hockey team. The 2-16 record this past season and the losing records of recent years weren't the primary factor. Coach Such simply decided that he needed a break from
S u c li a
the heavy coaching burden he had juggled as both hockey coach and an assistant coach for Varsity football. His decision was tough to make, but he said that avoiding the overlap of the fall and winter seasons would be a relief. Having previously coached at Hudson Catholic, he will take with him
(o u y n
a career record of 142-95-16, including two Handchen Cup championships. Coach Such noted that
* D e c i& iw
he never could have done it without his dedicated assistants Tom Durak, Joe Vecey, and Scott Hochstaeder, who have always been there when needed.
f / e ^ r and C o u r a g e
Onthe r a i he 1994-95 Prep hockey 1 team had to confront adversity, including the loss of ten players from the previous year’s Varsity squad and the termination oftheJuniorVarsity p ro g ra m . D e sp ite th e se challenges, however, the team played with heart and courage and managed to hold their heads high d e s p ite a disappointing season. The team w as led by Captains Chris Enrico, Mike McCabe, and Jon Gonnelli, seniors who had been with the team for all of their four years, p ro v id in g th e n e c e s s a ry experience and giving advice to the younger players. Seniors Scott Coulston and Eric Prime were also four-year veterans and took on leadership roles, as they too concluded their careers as Prep icemen. The team just didn’t seem to have the right chemistry, as
Prep’s only wins came against Princeton High School and Bayonne. Two seniors’ bright spots came in the Bayonne gam e, h o w e ve r, as M ike McCabe scored twice and Jon
Gonnelli netted five goals. The squad did com pete in the playoffs and fought hard against B ergen C a th o lic . They developed a proud character,
despite many criticisms from local newspapers and other hockey teams in the area, as they played their hearts out and believed in each other throughout the season. Coach Ken Such, in his fifth year as head coach of the Varsity team, described the season as being “filled with adversity, but a good learning experience for the younger players.” He noted that solid performances by juniors Kris W ehrhahn, Jason McGurk, Angelo Kakolyris, and goalie Steven Boyd prepared them to take on le a d e rsh ip roles. Sophom ore Joe LoRe and freshmen Ryan Enrico, Kevin Fitzpatrick, and Kevin Mulligan also earned the opportunity for more playing time and began to look toward the National Conference B Championship in 1996.
Racing towards the blue line and chasing after the puck, Mike McCabe skates into the Bergen Catholic defensive zone, while B.C. players attempt to repel the Prep icem en’s attack. Congrat u lating their opponents, the Hudson Catholic Crusaders, Prep players S te ve Boyd, Ryan Enrico, K evin Fitzpatrick, and M ichael Chanfrau giv e evid en ce at the M cK ay Arena that sports manship and respect are vital elem ents to athletic com petition.
MPrep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep | Prep
3 2 1 5 11 3 0 2 8
Hudson Catholic 5 Montclair Kimberly 5 Brick Memorial 3 Indian Hills 7 Princeton 1 Summit 4 Brick Memorial 3 Montclair Kimberly 3 Bayonne 4 Seton Ball 10
Prep 2 Prep I Prep 1 Prep 2 Prep 3 Prep 3 Prep 2
Indian Hills Summit Hudson Catholic Bayonne Bergen Catholic Don Bosco Bergen Catholic
CONFERENCE PLAYOFFS Prep 3 Bergen Catholic
>7 1 11 4 10 11 12
1째 ,
As he waits for the referee to drop the puck in the final period, Scott Coulston leans outside the face-off circle of Prep's defensive zone, while Captain Jon Gonnelli adjusts his grip on the stick and prepares to take one of the last faceoffs in the scheduled season.
Front Row : Jon Gonnelli, Chris Enrico, S cott Coulston, M ichael McCabe, Michael Chanfrau. Second Row: A ngelo Kakolyris, Shawn Finnerty, S teve Boyd, Jonathan Fencik, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Joseph Feuchack. Missing: Thom as Buck. Eric Prim e, Joseph LoRe. Kevin Mulligan, Jay Tuminaro, Ryan Enrico, Kris Wehrhahn, Jason McGurk.
Varsity Hockey
Common images o f track and fie ld were o f a sp rin te r fly in g down the track, a thrower hurling his shotput, and a relayer handing o ff the baton. There was, however, another seldom recognized event th a t, according to Captain Paul Laracy, "deserved a little more a tte n tio n ."
That event was the hurdles, the melding together of speed,
precision, and a th le tic a b ility . Consisting o f a short length o f track to build up t& e
speed followed by a series o f obstacles equal distances apart, the event required
Compe tition
exact tim in g and a co n tin u ity o f momentum. One hurdler deserved great praise because o f the d iffic u lty o f the event and his extraordinary achievement in it . Junior Joe Roarty contributed to Prep's firs t-p la c e victory at the County Championships
Anticipat ing the starting pistol, Erwin Manlongat
earning fo u rth place in the 55-m eter hurdles, the highest placing fo r a Prep hurdler
readies him self
in recent years.
to launch off the starting block
Regaining the Countv Title
for the fifty-five meter dash at the
etermination was the word to describe the 1994-95 indoor track team. A lth o u g h p la gu e d w ith problems at the start of the season, the track team did not stop in its search for victory. The cancellation of the City Championships because of insurance problems and a less than satisfactory performance at the Coaches County meet did not hinder the team in any lasting way. The team used these setbacks to drive them harder in theirpursuitforvictory. Their determination and hard work finally paid off in the County Championships. Under the leadership of Angelo Abbatemarco for the sprinters, Paul Laracy for the d ista n ce run n ers, Ram on Varonaforthe throwing events, and Joseph Roarty for the field events, the indoor track team took first-place honors at the County Championships, a feat they had longed for for seven
0s 78
years. James Souder placed first in the fifty-five meters and fo u r hundred m eters w ith
personal best tim es of 6.5 seconds and 50.8 seconds respe ctive ly. His yearlong success earned him an AllCounty spot for both the four hundred meters and long jump. Joe Roarty placed first in the high jump with a height of 5’8”, which earned him an All-County distinction as well. The track team proved that
they were a force to be dealt with. “A spirit of determination to accomplish what they wanted to do in their events” as well as “the faith they had in each other” led to their victory, according to A s s is ta n t C oach R odney Alejandro. W in n in g the C o u n ty Championships was really the turning point for the team. The visible faith the team members had in each other proved that a real team spirit had developed. Through the Championship, a collective soul had formed where teammates cared even more for each other. The counties, in short, were the pinnacle for the team where “everyone believed in each other.” With only a few seniors on the roster, the team still found itself in the developing stages. Winning the County Championships, though, could not have been a better incentive for upcoming years.
HCIAA Cham pionships at which Prep earned first place. Stretching before the fiftyfive m eter dash, Bill Donnelly, Armando Atienza, and Ryan Skripak hang loose waiting to take on opponents from Bayonne, Hudson, and North Bergen. Skripak placed third.
County Relays
3rd Place
HCIAA. Championships
1st Place
HCTCA Championships
3rd Place
Jesuit Meet
4th Place
Going over the schedule with Joe Roarty and James Souder, Coach Burgess prepares them for the tough competition ahead in the County finals at the Armory. Despite the loss of two of their best runners, Prep came away victorious.
Front R o w Coach Mike Burgess, Orlen Zambrano, Geoffrey Leigh. Coach Rodney Alejandro. Second Row: Alex Aguirre, Ryan Skrtpak. Alfred Sta. Iglesia. Angelo Abbatemarco, Frank Drummond, Ernest Riley. Third Row: Armando Atienza, Vincent Conti, Bill Donnelly. Fourth Row: Chris Bader, Brian Maddox. Steven Ahn, Ramon Varona. Matthew Monteleone. Fifth Row: Mike Urbanowicz. Erwin Manlongat, Nick Signoretta, Rob Zywicki. Sixth Row: Maurice Connelly, Nick Velastegul, Joe Roarty, Paul Laracy. Missing: Tristan Magno, Pat Fitzpatrick, Ryan Dworkin, James Souder.
Indoor Track
Many d iffe re n t teams, ranging from freshmen to faculty members, competed in the 1995 three-on-three basketball tournament. But by far the most popular of any of these teams was th a t composed o f Principal Jack Raslowsky, Father Tony Azzarto, and Father 7 « &
Rick R aulli who vastly improved over th e ir previous year's performance.
students may have thought these men would be suffering from a few minor aches and wou^ be lacking some of the s k ills they once had, but before a packed gym, this theory was quickly disproven when they defeated Harry Carpenter, Mike Petruska, and Mike Chanfrau in a squeaker, 21-19. Their victory allowed them to advance into the second round where, despite th e ir popularity, they were eventually elim inated by Mike Kinahan, Joe Green, and Drew B roderick.
(A fin a l note: M r. Raslowsky did
not wind up on crutches th is tim e !) Squaring up with the
P\ Little
Friendly Competition
Barry Tsang a longrange jump-
■>1 iving homeroom
f members (athletes or not) a chance to compete and have fun was the cornerstone of the intramurals program. Homerooms fielded teams for both volleyball and basketball. Due to the construction work on the library and weight room early on, the courtyard was unavailable for football. It was dropped from the schedule and replaced by volleyball. Once again intram urals a llo w e d all s tu d e n ts to participate, except athletes on the sport during their season. Even the less athletically gifted took part and got a chance to help th e ir te a m s. The homerooms were gridded into single elimination tournaments and played, as always, during lunch. Team s were often coached by Prep players in their particular sport, adding to a team’s chances at those ever popular championship T-shirts. Intramurals also offered non p a rtic ip a tin g s tu d e n ts an alternative to staying in the cafe, and during each lunch period Q \ CO-CURRICULARS
fans were scattered throughout the bleachers. A lso, two teachers were just as dedicated to the program as the students. Coach Tony Crisalli and Mr. Joe Massarelli refereed the
games. Mr. Maz, a part-time basketball referee away from campus too, gave up his lunch to o fficia te the basketball tourney, and Coach Crisalli called lines and scored the volleyball games. Homerooms went head-tohead in friendly competition during 5A and 5B throughout the year. The best teams were
always favored to win, although there were occasional surprise challenges, as when frosh homerooms 1C and 1D gave a scare to senior homerooms 4C and 4D in th e v o lle y b a ll competition. In addition to intramurals, Coach Crisalli lent his time to organizing and playing in the school-w ide three-on-three tournam en t to benefit the Mission Drive. Students and faculty alike puttogetherteams and donated three dollars apiece to play. Of all the teams th a t e n te re d th e 1995 tournament, two proved to be dominant in play. One team, Mr. Massarelli, Mr. John Irvine, and Markis Abraham, were favored to win it all going in. The other team was Mr. Owen Haveron, Pete Williams, and Gerry McDermott. Mr. Haveron only added to the anticipation by stating “I have no intention of losing.” Oh well. Their march to victory was ended by a team of seniors, Jason Russo, Mike Rivera, and Paul Rakoski, who went on to become the champs.
shot in an opening round game of the singleefiminatton threeon-three toumamert Boxing out Matt Jamison, Matt Milczarski signals for the low pass in a battle of sophomore home rooms 2C and 2G.
Dribbling upcourt, sophomore Joe LoRe searches for an open teammate so he can pass the ball. Competitions between homerooms were a source of lunchtime exercise and entertainment.
In an all-junior matchup in the three-on-three tournament, Dan Trojan drives for a layup, as Leon Colao attempts to defend and Asef Khwaja looks on.
Practicing their walk for the camera, St. Dorn’s senior Lisa Dondero and senior Paul Que stroll together during the Modeling Club’s first try-out. Members often used the first floor of Hogan as a runway after school.
Held at the Governor Morris Inn in Momsfcwn, the Fall Luncheon and Fashion Show entertained
Worth a Thousand W
many of Prep’s female friends
and advocates.
i r isual expressions seem ^ to be especially effective for high school students who wish to communicate beauty and emotions in a way not restricted to the printed page. The Prep media clubs offered fellow group members insight and introductory experiences in the fields of photography, TV w o rks, and the w orld of modeling. The Photography Club was d ire c te d by Dr. R ich a rd Kennedy with the help of senior Josh Moe. The primary goals of the Photo Club were to take abstract pictures and perfect darkroom developing skills. The clu b g a ine d m ore popularity this year due to freshman enthusiasm and a renew ed in te re s t am ong upperclassmen. The Modeling Club, moder ated by Mr. Jim Dondero, was composed of Prep students as well as girls from St. Dominic’s A cadem y. The m odels polished their catwalk skills and
rehearsed their performances for the runway. The male members’ artistic moves were exhibited at the St. Peter’s Parents’ Association luncheon, w h e re th e y p e rfo rm e d alongside professional female
models. Through the help and leadership of seniors Javier Diaz and Vladimir Gomez, the Modeling Club also sponsored a fundraiser to benefit the Mission Drive. The club's participants clearly conveyed their creativity through their
descriptive poses. While the photographers captured the still life, the TV S tu d io , u n d e r the fre sh leadership of Mr. Bill Lillis, continued the filming of Prep’s school and social activities. Members filmed Prep’s annual musical Fiddler On The Roof. Crew members also learned th e c o m p le x ity o f vid e o re co rd in g and te le v is io n broadcasting. It was a great introduction to the world of television production. The Prep m edia clu b s continued to attract newcomers with their membership because of the high spirits and genuine enthusiasm that arose from the student body. Despite their d iffe re n c e s , th e se th re e activities encouraged creativity, style, and expression. Students were able to develop their artistic flairs and at the same tim e , learn the fa c e ts of pro fe ssio n a l photography, modeling, and broadcasting outside the classroom.
Vladimir Gomez displays his coat as he makes a suave turn. Behind the scenes in the basement o f Burke, senior Anthony D illey and sophomore Scott Gurian manage to fix a technical problem with camera #2 in hopes of reviving the senior talkshow.
Modeling Club: Front Row: David Tobias, David Damato, Cecilio Po. Jorge deArmas. Second Row: Mr. Dondero, Javier Diaz, Mark Jurado. Third Row: Rob Pazos, Fernando Miranda. Missing: Bill Musto, Vladimir Gomez, Paul Que.
Photography Club: Front Row: Josh Moe, Armando Tiongson. Ryan Gonzales. Tristan Magno, Richard Colabraro. Second Row: V ictor Suthammanont, Brian Rider, Kevin Calabrese, Joe Casia, Steven Ahn, Rhonald Reside. Missing: Arsenio Padovano.
TV Studio: Front Row: Anthony Dilley. Cecilio Po. Fred Giordano. Second Row: Scott Gurian. Vladimir Gomez. Jonathan Hurtado.
f) rose/ Poems,
Always striving for unique and innovative concepts, the creative team of the Paper and Pen published a fir s t ever a l i- a r t issue.
publication was dubbed the Archives A rt Gallery I. "The more we say,
the less we do. That is why we d id n 't w rite in this issue but ju s t d rew ,”
P ic tw ic 4
noted the introduction to the most robust e dition of th e Paper and Pen. W ith in the ebony-covered issue, student artists took the opportunity to display their ta le n t. The issue was organized by the art editor, senior Chez Bryan Ong who was assisted by freshman Dan Rumain and ju n io r Jim Song. Sen ior Rodney Reyes, a contributing a r tis t, com mented, " I hope i t becomes a yearly trad itio n and gives a chance to fu tu re artists at Prep to express th e ir unique interp re tatio n s o f r e a l i t y . "
Offering his own reaction, Lawrence Gallagher critiques a poem composed by a talented Prep student. Biweekly meetings allowed members to hear and discuss possible pieces for the Paper and Pen.
eeting after school e ve ry T u e sd a y and Thursday, Paper and Pen staff m em bers re vie w e d th e ir profound and offbeat stories and poem s, hoping to have them published in the next issue of P re p ’s l i t e r a r y magazine. Everything fro m h a iku s and in te n se short stories to so n n e ts and comic book art were heard and reviewed at meetings. After listening to the criticism of their peers, writers then had the chance to polish their works into publishable pieces. The meetings were run in a unique and informal atmosphere, which added to
the ease with which works werg read and critiqued. Under the leadershi| of moderator Fr. Enrico Raulli SJ and editoi V i c t o Suthamm th e lite ra r magazine published twc issues in the first semester They alsc p u b lish e d s e n io r issue highlighting the p rose anc artwork of the de pa rt inc Class of ’95. With a large group than in previous years and an able s ta ff unde assistant editor Paul Madav and art editor Chez Bryan Ong Vne Paper and PensuccessM\\ expanded its scope and variety
During hom eroom , Juniors Joe Klrcher, V incent DeGennaro, and Shawn Fln n crty flip through the first edition. Many teachers had to com pete with the
ii I;
Paper and Pen for the attention o f students on distribution days.
Front Row: Jimmy Song, Joseph Galiastro, Stephen Rusnak, Chez Biyan Ong, Alan Second Row: Fred Giordano, Jade Feliciano, Lawrence Gallagher, Noel De La Rosa, Chn McNemey. Third Row: Nick Perseghin, Paul Madavi, Melvin Cadlaon, Victor Suthammanon Fourth Row: Craig Suthammanont, Filip Slusarczyk. Missing: Eugene Seu, Oscar Palma, Bautista, Dan Rumain, Paul Blasucci, Dino Palomares.
Seven yearbook sta ffe rs piled into a Prep van w ith th e ir moderator on
C o m p u te rs /
C a m e ra s ,
and July 2 4 . Their destination was G ettysburg. For five days, Tom Hart, Rich G ubitosi, B illy Lovero, Adam Supple, Adam Rueinsky, Sandeep Luke, and Stephen Kayiaros learned the intricacie s of design, w ritin g , captioning, and e d itin g . They learned new techniques in th e ir labs and saw examples from other high school yearbooks during the lectures offered. In addition to the tric k s o f the trade, they returned w ith two awards fo r w ritin g and one fo r desktop publishing. The assembly had begun!
Calling from the new Publications Center, S atya Tiw a ri v erifies some info for a caption, w hile Eu gene Seu, Chris Nubia. Brian
T i l he 1995 Petrean M. continued the tradition of being Prep’s most involved publication. Mr. Thomas Benz, SJ brought both experience and ingenuity to his new role as m oderator of yearbook. Work on the book began in mid-May o f‘94, as a sm all group of staffers spent tw o days develop ing a them e th a t related to the changing face of Prep. Throughout the next year staffers and editors alike put in hours after school to produce this book. Despite the occasional break or day off, the ‘95 Petrean: Some A s s e m b ly R e q u ire d was produced through the constant
hard w ork of w rite rs, photographers, and design and computer specialists covering every aspect of Prep life. The most significant change from previous years was the increased use of computers. Previous yearbook staffs designed l a y o u t s manually, w hich was tim e-consum ing and left a wide margin for error. An early goal of this year was to design 25% of the book th ro u g h desktop publishing. Led by the know how of computer editor Stephen Kayiaros, however, the entire book was done on computer. Welcome to the 21st century.
Crimmins, B illy Lovero, and Rich Gubitosi work at the com puters to produce the book you now hold.
During the Herff Jones yearbook training seminar at Gettysburg College, editor-inchief Rich Gubitosi adds some finishing touches to this year’s theme logo. The Petrean staff cleetned house with three awards by the end of the five-day workshop.
Front Row: V. Rone, E. Seu, R. Reyes, R. Gonzales, J. O'Day, J. Falclcchlo, M. Oleskjy, JCasia. Second Row: V. Punsalan, C. Boggiano, R. Manibo. S. Smith. P. Shah. A. Aguirre. Third Row: T. Nguyen. T. Gargiulo. A. Patel. D. Smith. P. Sharma. J. Birch. Fourth Row: A. Yankowski. B. Crimmins. J. Cartaho. J. Song, B. Rudzinski. S. Harbace. C. Bader. Fifth Row: A Leon. D. DeSalvo. P. Hunt. Z. Ferreira. J. Pumarada. S. Ahn. Missing: J. Fong. L. Marandola, A. Riaz. B. Rider. J. Rutigliano, V. Suthammanont. C. Raval. J. Veltri. J. Boggiano. A. Rueinsky, J. de Leon. C. Po. J. Leung. S. Dasari, I. Abdelal. V. Conti. R. Varona. C. Stanberry. J. Truehaft, F. Malik. M. Sunga. J. DeBenedictis. S. Kamik. M. Dugan. S. Panayiotou, T. Service, J. Tiffner.
P ETR O C TOP TEN: O c to b e r 1994 by John T horpe The Top Ten Reason: for Returning to Prep after the Long, Hot Summer
10. Tricking silly freshmen into buying elevator passes 9. To play that exciting new game "Switch That Classroom"
TO P Ten
8. The new cafeteria special - E. coli burgers 7. A person can only take so much of summer vacation (I, however, can take a lifetime of it) 6. Our Spring '95 academic production - "Forrest Gump" 5. State textbooks now available in large and extra-large 4 . Why waste your time sitting on the beach for hours when you can
in Jugfora cool 45 minutes
3. Laughing at Prep's attempt to renovate the English building
analyzing the
2. No artificial colors or flavors
1. Buy four days, get the fifth free
of the first
Pressing issues 1 very several weeks there w as a s u rp ris e in homeroom folders: the latest issue of the Petroc. On these special days, people rushed right into the articles they felt were the m ost im po rtan t, whether it was the news about the g re a t P rep F o o tb a ll Championship, or maybe the a rticle about the G erm an E xchange s tu d e n ts w ho changed student life at Prep for several weeks in the spring, or perhaps to see the latest Top Ten List written by senior John Thorpe. In any case, the Pefrocserved as a huge source of general information, honor, and news for Prep. There was just one little problem. Many times people merely read the papers, failing to understand the many hours of writing, d e s ig n in g , and d e c is io n making that went into each issue. Under the supervision of Mr. Jim DeAngelo, the Petroc staff distributed a total of seven issues to Prep students during the year. E very issue n e ce s s ita te d num erou s in te rv ie w s w ith te a c h e rs ,
students, coaches, and even th e c a fe te ria la d ie s. A fterw ards, the com pleted articles had to be transferred into column form. Before or after school, staff members typed the pieces into the com puter in the new-andimproved Publications Center in H204, and editors polished
the format and grammar before shipping thefinalproductto the printer in Alabama. One w a lk in g by Mr. DeAngelo’s room any day after school might have seen writers revising their articles or editors sprawled out on a floor covered with papers. There were certain
obstacles that created minor delays in keeping up with the deadlines, but the expertise of th e e d ito rs and o th e r industrious workers helped the PetrocXo progress in an efficient and positive direction. The layout editors, Tomasz Lukasiak and Jin Ha Joung, created a unique and innovative style of design formatting. The Petroc also increased its paper size, altered its masthead, and provided fresh Opinions and Features sections. With the use of cartoons and artwork, the P e tro c added m uch creativity to its pages. Tom Lukasiak explained the purpose of this change very readily. “We were hoping for feedback from the student body at Prep.” Always employing articulate, honest, and strong writers, the Pefrocmanaged to inform Prep students of current events and sig n ific a n t happe nings all around the school. Features editor Edgardo Nieves claimed, “We as editors have been e x te n s iv e ly co m m itte d to keeping up the P e tro c ’s tradition of being this school’s finest masterpiece.”
Issue, features editor Edgardo Nieves discusses with news editor Dave Figur the process of how the text would be laid out by the printer. Tapping away at the keyboard, sports editor J e ff Woelpper revises an article for the Febuaiy issue of the
Pondering the possibi lities,
Petroc editors Brian Beldowicz and Edgardo Nieves consider the options critically before initiating a new issue of the paper. Sufficient planning was a strong point of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Front Row: Ryan Gonzales, Jin Ha Joung, Joe Pike, Jeff Woelpper, Matt Pike. Second Row: Islam Abdelal. Eugene Seu, Tomasz Lukasiak, Scott Kudlacik. Missing: Marc Rubin, Edgardo Nieves, Asef Khwaja, J.D. Blythin, Dave Figur, Rob Zywicki, Brian Beldowicz, James Gallo, Dan Swanstrom. Josh Moe, Arsenio Padovano, Chez Bryan Ong, John Thorpe, Adam Supple.
From the comer of the courtyard, Tom Curtin attempts an assist with Joe LoPorto targeting the net. Although roller hockey was not yet an interscholastic sport, founder Ed Nazarko had big plans for the future.
n its first active year, the Mission Drive with a two-orf Roller Hockey Club really two roller hockey tournament made an impression in theDespite still being a new clutj realm of Prep co-curriculars. m em bers w ere alread Formed by senior Edward planning for the future. Th Nazarko with the help of Coach basketball court was not th Tony Crisalli, roller hockey was ideal place for street hocked finally made a club after being and the club proposed movinj a p p ro ve d by games to th th e Prep concrete rin student council b e h i n BgsjSjjpSgj® Dickinson Hig e a rly in the year. Donning S chool, bi) th e ir blades, nothing wa| helm ets, and fin a lize d th goalie masks, year. Althoug some twentyit proved five students of 1 popular activit various years and member and experience >3.2 were satisfie' parti ci pated with their Frida throughout the afternoo ye a r. A fte r gam es, the school games were played intended to expand into a fullyl every two or three weeks on recognized sport. Founds the outdoor basketball court Edward Nazarko commented during winter, but became more “It would have been nicer if w< frequent once spring rolled could have m ade it a around. The club also planned interschool sport.” to contribute to the Annual
f a
Arguably the fastest-
grow ing sport on the planet. Prep also caught the rollerblading bug in '95. Swarm ing around the goalie, Dave Bailey, Adam King, Jason McGurk, and Brian Ackerm an re-group as the ball is put back into play.
On a brisk D ecem ber afternoon, freshman Jonathan F en cik stoically defends the goal from an aggressive quartet of attackers in the courtyard. Steve Boyd and even Coach Crisalli also played goalie once in a while.
Front Row: Dave Costello. Eric Ortega, Edward Klllilea, Jonathan Fencik. Anthony P o rfg jfl Second Row: Steve Boyd. Jason McGurk, Brian Ackerman, Doug Facciponti, Joe G ar£ifl Coach Anthony Crisalli, Ed Feuchack, Dave Bailey, Adam King, Joe Feuchack, Joe Kirche I Third Row: Joe LoPorto, Tom Curtin, Kris Wehrhahn. Missing: Mike Stack. Ed Nazark Joseph LoRe, Mike Chanfrau.
Roller Hockey Club
By far the most popular Science Club activity of all time is whitewater I rafting. “The thrill of the ride, the roar of the current, nothing beats rafting,” remarked whitewater veteran Richard Gubitosi. As a Prep Day trip in the past, the Science Club |[ mastered the waves and rapids of the Lehigh River in Pennsylvania.
Looking at a colony of spores through the lens of I a micro| scope, I freshmen | R ich I Schubring. Chris j Boggiano. and I Michael |Sunga stop in Mr. I Boyle’s room for a S cien ce Club m eeting.
Science Team: Front Row: Angelo Abbatemarco. Second Row: Mr. Alejandro, Rob Rucinskl, Armando Atienza, Jim O’Day, Jin Ha Joung, Chris Abdon, Palak Shah, Islam Abdelal. Third Row: Raymond Brew, Pankaj Sharma, Manny Farinas, Erwin Manlongat, Tomasz Lukasiak, Satya Tiwari, Chris Razon, Ahmed Rashed. Missing: Stephen Kayiaros, Sandeep Luke. Brian Nguyen, Amish Patel, Fawad Malik.
Under * H r g l he Science Clubs were ■ aimed at a wide variety of interests. They included the Outdoor Club, the Aeronautics Club, the Medical Society, the Explorer Post, and a Science Educational Club. All members of the Science Clubs were registered to Explorer Post 144, a local scout program. One special science event saw senior J.D. Blythin, junior T o m a s z Lukasiak, and freshman Mike W a l k e r presenting projects at the Hudson County S cience Fair, held at the Je rs e y C ity Armory on March 14. The most formal outlet was the science team. For the last four years, St. Peter’s had dominated the New Jersey Science League Division XVI. This year, the science team
was moderated by new biology in s tru c to r Mr. Rodney Alejandro. Since there were limited spots on the team, in terested m em bers w ere required to take a qualifying test. The science team offered ch e m is try stu d e n ts an o p p o rtu n ity to take the Chemistry 2 Test. After the formation of the team , Mr. Alejandro accom panied the group to Emerson High School, where Prep placed second in D ivision XVI competi ti on a g a i n s t Academic, Ferris, Hudson Catholic, and other regional schools. Senior Rob Rucinski led the team with his superb performance on the Chem 2 Test. Sophomores Amish Patel and Brian Nguyen also placed in the chemistry category.
Science Clubs: Front Row: Steve Kayiaros, Pat Hunt. Pankaj Sharma, Joe Casia, Tarek Arafat. Second Row: Scott Gurian, Nabeel Shaikh, Palak Shah, John Abadir, Mike Walker. Third Row: Islam Abdelal, Amish Patel, Tomasz Lukasiak. Satya Tiwari.
Science Clubs/Team
A fter serving as a Varsity assistant last year, new JV Coach Mike Fromfield '91 began coaching on his own for the first time this season.
While at Prep, he was
J f} v is t
Present Coach
a first-team All-County
player and was named Midfielder of the Year.
A member
o f Fordham University's
Class o f '9 5 , Fromfield hopes to continue coaching.
leadership was a major
factor in this JV team's success.
ODDS JV Soccer Surpasses Expectations roken arms, pulled muscles, and shin splints were just some of the problems that the JV soccer team had to contend with. Mike Fromfield replaced Rich Cirminello as coach, so the players also had to get used to a new coaching style. The team was also very young, made up predominantly of freshmen with only a few sophomores and one junior. Fortunately, the team was able to tackle these challenges and have a great season. The highlight of the season was the county tournament. Sophomores Brian Crimmins, Sean McNally, Kevin Moran, and Mike Zevotek sacrificed their positions as forwards and midfielders to strengthen the defense. Freshmen Andrew Gray, Pat McDermott, Rob Jordan, and sophomores Lance Visone and Todd Bura also played defense. The midfield was composed of Jeff Connors, John Guevara, Mike Mara, A n th o n y P o rte lli, Joe Percontino, John Merson, John R o d rig u e z, and B rian McKenna. At forward were Pietro Barberi, Jorge Oyola, Ryan Prime, Darrow DeLuca, Ed K illile a, and Jonathan
Foster-Moore. The season began with a one-and-a-half-hour drive down the shore to Ocean County. T h e re the team played B rickto w n H igh S chool.
Unfortunately, none of the team’s shots went into the net, and the game ended with a s c o re le s s tie . H ow ever, freshman John Rodriguez left everyone in awe with his great skill as a goal keeper. As the season progressed, the team improved. They beat team s such as Dickinson, H oboken, and, of course, school rival Hudson Catholic. The offensive shooting and ball control got better. The defense
m an-to-m an m arking was refined. The team’s biggest gam e of the season was against Union Hill, when Miles Twaddell scored the gamewinning goal in the last minutes of the game. This win allowed the team to advance to the s e m i-fin a ls of the county tournament. Freshmen Joe Percontino and John Merson scored, and Sean McNally and K evin M oran played exceptional defense to defeat Lyndhurst and move into the finals. North Bergen was waiting for them. Despite a valiant effort by all those who played, Prep lost by a score of three to one. Jonathan Foster-Moore had the only goal for the team, and, despite the loss, Jim Birch played a great game at goalie. O ve ra ll, the JV had an excellent season. They were not as highly polled as the Varsity team was, nor were they expected to go as far as theydid. Theteam will continue to play in their upperclass years, so they expect to keep getting better as they progress as a team.
During a pre game warm-up at Bayonne Park, starting JV goalie and back-up varsity goalie Jim Birch prepares to lead an iron clad defense. Despite Anthony Portelli’s goal. Prep lost to Hudson Catholic. Prep defeated Dickinson in the conso lation match in the Kennedy Tourna ment.
PrepO Prep 1 Prep 3 PrepO PrepS Prep 3 PrepO Prep 4 PrepO Prep 1 Prep 2 PrepO Frep2 PrepO
Brick Bayonne Hudson Catholic Kearny Hoboken Hoboken North Bergen Dickinson St. Benedicts Bayonne Lyndhurst Kearny North Bergen Peddie
0 2 1 3
0 0
COUNTY TOURNAMENT A Prep 2 Hudson Catholic i Prep 1 Perris 0 i Prep 2 Union Hill Prep 2 Lyndhorst 0 Prep 1 North Bergen 3
0 5 1 1
KENNEDY TOURNAMENT PrepO Hudson Catholiclit PrepS Dickinson 0
2 2
Proving his cornerkicking skills, frosh halfback Joe Percontino responds to Coach Fromfieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calls and puts the ball into play.
Front Row: Ryan Prime, Mike Zevotek, Ed Killilea, John Rodriguez, J eff Connors, Lance Visone, Joe Percontino, John Merson. Second Row: Tim Ryan (manager), Pat McDermott, Jorge Oyola, Darrow DeLuca. Alex Magallon, Sean McNally, Miles Twaddell, Brian Crimmins. Third Row: Coach Mike Fromfield, Jonathan Foster-Moore, Pietro Barberi, Kevin Moran, Anthony Portelli, Jose Romero-Bosch, Andrew Gray, Mike Mara, Brian McKenna.
JV Soccer
Coming into the season, the starting goalie position was up for grabs. Both senior job.
Tom Buck and sophomore Jim Birch were fighting for the
Head Coach John Irvine '8 3 made the decision to go with Buck, and
it paid off in ways no one could have anticipated. After fine performances
^ c c o r d -
Jgrenking B uck
throughout the fall, Buck broke the single season shutout record!
was able to
hold St. Aloysius High Schoolscoreless in the last game of
the year to
earn his eleventh shutout and break the school record. The
record had previously been shared by Tony Novello '9 3 and, ironically, Coach Irvine himself.
Blocking his opponent's shot, defender Rob Kost
r i l he odds were against the 1994 soccer team as they opened up their season, even though the news polls touted them as the team to beat. Five of the squad’s key players from last year had graduated, and there were only three returning starters from the previous season. The team wanted to live up to the polls and take first place, a feat made all the more difficult because the rest of the league was looking to defeat them. The team had practiced for months underthe leadership of Co-Captains Gino D’Addario and Josh Jantas, and, guided by 1993 HCIAA Coach of the Year John Irvine, they felt up to the task at hand. The team started out slow, dropping a loss to Union Hill and tying Brick. Then, letting their true colors emerge, the team was able to rebound with five consecutive victories, two of w h ich w ere a g a in s t powerhouses North Bergen and Bayonne. Prep was finally
getting the respect it deserved. A tough loss to Emerson dropped Prep down to fourth place in the league, presenting another setback. The team
once again shook off the loss and began another winning streak, one which made them City Champions by beating Hudson Catholic. That earned them a berth in the Hudson County Tournament. As the fourth-place seed, Prep rolled over number-five seed North Bergen and then Bayonne to
get to the finals. There Prep had to play Emerson yet again. St. Peter’s had beaten Emerson only twice in their last thirteen meetings, so the squad had their work cut out for them. Prep got out in front early with a Mark Struk goal, and held the score to 1-0 until the second half. It was then that Emerson scored a fluke goal and forced the game into overtime. With Prep wanting to waste no more time in capturing the county title, Mark Messenger headed in the decisive goal. The state tournament was a slightly less happy tale. The team lost to Bergen Catholic in the first round, dashing their hopes for a state title. Despite this, the team had earned their third straight county title, as well as a city championship. With a record of 16-5-1, the soccer team had proven that they were, indeed, the team to beat.
clears the ball away from a Marist forward. Prep secured a shut out. A Marist defender watches Brendan McMullen take his shot on goal, as Prep routs Marist 10-0 at 16th Street Park.
Prep 0
Prep 1
Brick Union Hill Prep 6 North Bergen Prep 7 Penis Prep 2 Dickinson PrepS Hudson Catholic Prep 1 Bayonne Prep 1 Emerson Prep 1 Lyndhurst PrepS Peddle Prep 2 Hoboken PrepO Bayonne (Ind.) Prep 11 St. Aloysios Prep 7 Lincoln
4 0
3 0 0
Prep 10 Marist Prep 3 Memorial
0 0
COUNTY TOURNAMENT Prep 2 North Bergen Prep 2 Bayonne Prep 2 Emerson
1 1 1
2 0 0 0
CITY TOURNAMENT 1 Prep 3 Academic Prep 3 Hudson Catholic 0
2 0 0
STATE TOURNAMENT PrepO Bergen Catholic
As Co-Captain Josh Jantas throws the ball into play, Anthony Nappi and Frank Marino brace to send it farther upfield.
Front Row: Lorenzo Sista, A nth on y Nappi, Guillermo Salazar, Daniel Trojan, Andrew Drozdowski, Nicholas Chrisos, Brendan McMullen. Second Row: Frank Marino, Matthew Spataro, Mark Messenger, Thom as Buck, Janies Birch, Manuel Farinas. Joshua Jantas. Mark Strak. Third Row: Matthew Klarmann, Patrick McKeon, Gino Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Addario, Coach John Irvine, Rory Carroll. A sef Khwaja, Robert Kost, Joseph Sista. Missing: Jorge Silva.
w \ Varsity Soccer
Rah! Rah! Rally!
The cheerleaders. The anticipation of the crowd. The athletes waiting to be introduced. The
occasional "Ave!" Then the lights dim and out run the Henchmen, painted in maroon and silver
and shouting cheers. These were all familiar parts of the rallies, be they sports rallies to introduce
Varsity players or pep rallies to get a team ready for a big game. The rallies were the #1 reason underclassmen aspired to the Spirit Committee. All sorts of talent was applied. Banner-makers
for pro and rallies were tedious and de manding,
painted paper covers for the doors in the gym. Poster makers advertised the rally around the school,
but the Spirit
and the Marauder and Henchmen got to ply their trade indoors for once.
Committee provided the school with
ta n W
B eat
t fa t
Peter's Teaill.
he often funny, always 4 eye-catching banners p ro vid e d by the S p irit Committee for the cafe were one of the primary sources of information about a variety of Prep events. The committee painted the huge banners in a variety of colors, both to boost team spirit and to provide info about games, meets, matches, plays, retreats, homecomings, ra llie s , and s p e c ific achievements. The black and white fliers hung around the hallways were another major part of the Spirit Committee’s ongoing crusade for bolstering school spirit. The banners were the Spirit C o m m itte e ’ s tra d e m a rk . Painted by “spray- can artists,” they decorated the cafeteria and entertained the populace with witty sayings, both about Prep te a m s and th e ir opponents. Some of the more m em orable ones included: “Bowling: the only sport where a STR IK E m eans th e y ’ re playing;” “ Run Like Forrest Gum p (d o n ’t ask 0N 94
questions) ;”and “Beatthe Ferris Puppydogs and the North Bergen Teddy Bears.” At the same time, the blacka n d -w h ite p o ste rs placed around the school were drawn
by some of Prep’s best artists, in c lu d in g A lex G onzalez, Rodney Reyes, Colin Ginty, V e rnon G ibbs, and Dan R um ain. T h e y d e p icte d a th le te s , the M arauder, opposing m ascots in lifethreatening competition with Prep, portraits of the stars in the dramatics productions, and an a n g ry fo o tb a ll p la ye r
com m enting on the Faa’s prediction of a thirty-five point loss to Bergen Catholic. Most easily identifiable with the committee, though, were the pep rallies, featuring the M a rauder and H enchm en elected by the senior class. Donningfootball pants and face paint was Lee Paciello as the M a ra u d e r, su p p o rte d by Henchmen Ray Catlaw, Dave Pomponio, Sergio Robayo, and Frank Palladino. Together with the c h e e rle a d e rs , th e y dominated the sidelines at football games. The rallies th e m s e lv e s fe a tu re d the athletes of each particular season, and there was even one just for the football team before the state championship game. In his second year both at Prep and as moderator, Mr. Peter Arabia, SJ led the Spirit Committee through another successful year full of banners, rallies, cheers, and fun. Under his coordination, the committee breathed new life into Prep spirit and took it to new heights.
and mo tivation. In October, senior Frank Falcicchio and moderator Mr. Arabia elegantly present their “ultimate master piece.” For the first rally of the year, senior Mike Chanfrau paints Henchman Frank Palladino’s face. Later during the rally, Chanfrau portrayed Hudson Catholic’s mascot who was vanquished by the mighty Marauder.
With great antici pation, members of the Prep fall sports teams and many others stand tall and proud as they await the arrival of the new “Chosen One.”
Front Row: Allan Pasco, Mike McCabe, Lionel Pactello, Dave Pomponio, Frank Palladlno, Luis Vega, Javier Diaz, Matt Plnella, Steve Panaylotou, Mack Lee, Lawrence Graham, Rhys Dela Cruz. Second Row: Scott Kudlacik, Joe LoPorto, Filip Slusarczyk, Ed Bodnar, Jim O’Day. Third Row: Harry Carpenter. Mike Chanfrau, Ray Catlaw, Eric Prime. Scott Coulston, Joe Haslach, Chris Aguado, Mike Petruska, Greg DeFlltppo, Padraic Gallagher. Fourth Row: Matt Sexton, Ron Venner, Frank Falclcchio. Bob Davis. Sergio Robayo, Anthony Dilley, Alex Gonzalez, Gavin Schiraldo. Fifth Row: Brendan Murphy. Geoff Petersen, Paul Tillotson, Joe Slawinski, Brian Rudzlnski, Vernon Gibbs, Mr. Arabia, SJ.
Spirit C o m m itte e
Traditional sets, such as those shown in both BecketanA M r. Roberts, have often been gray. Fiddler matVeA a fir s t, and it broke tra d itio n w ith an almost entirely brown set to h ig h lig h t the dow n-to-earth aspects o f the story. A rt Crew C hief senior
Simple colors
Rodney Reyes said, "A lthough the audience m ight be unaware, a variety o f browns were used to perfect every detail of the s e t." From wooden boards painted on fla ts Stage
to the actual wood o f the tables and cart, the set was detailed in brown. The colors o f the set symbolized the poverty and social status o f the characters. Their desire
coordin ator Jonathan
fo r s im p lic ity was shown by the fa ct th a t the wood would have been taken from the
trees on the characters' own land.
no time
wastes in getting started
B ehind^
on the transition from
Fiddler to Ten Little Indians. The crew
eginning in early September, the stage crew labored for hours after school in the b a se m en t, building and painting sets for the fall production of Fiddler on the Roof. More sets were constructed forF/aW/erthan for any other play to date. The set consisted of twenty double sided flats, a bar complete with six tables and eight chairs, a wedding arch, and a working wooden cart. In addition, the stage crew p a in te d a mountainscape background on a brand new backdrop. Its predecessor had had as many as twenty coats of paint on it. With the confidence of the moderator, Mr. Dandorph, the students were allowed to run the crew . T he s ta ff w as reorganized over the summer and gro u p e d in to six construction and four art crews. The crews were overseen by va rio u s m ana g ers and co o rd in a to rs , in c lu d in g Production M anager Dave Habib, Stage Manager Paul
O' 96
Schumann, Stage C oordin ators Jonathan Boggiano and Greg Benacchio, as well as Art Manager Alan Bayot. Particular props, such as the flashlights
m l i m1i it t-
for the ghost scene and the b re a d k n ife used in the m a tc h m a k e r sce ne, w ere supplied by Property Master RobertZywicki. Saturatedwith the enthusiasm of freshman labor, the crew built a pool of talent and experience for years to come. Pushing twelve-hour days in early January, the crew put the
finishing touches on its sets, having a “Hell Week” of its own. Not only was it stage crew’s job to build and design the sets, but also to move them into just the right positions in a small amount of time. The stage crew set record paces when it came to moving their sets -- not an easy task, considering that the theater is totally dark between scenes. Most scene changes to o k place in under ten seconds. In addition to working on the sets of both Fiddler and Ten Little Indians, stage crew set up the platform for school Masses and m anaged the lighting forconcerts and rallies. The rays on Father Azzarto or Father Balduf during a Mass in the gym were those of the crew’s spotlight. It was a full time job that paid off with v a lu a b le e xp e rie n ce in carpentry, art, design, and lighting, especially for those interested in a behind-thescenes career later in life.
recycled, repainted, and rehammered materials to get ready for each new pro duction. Looking for damage on the
Fiddler sets, Greg Benacchio takes inventory of five m onths’ work before the sets are re configured
Ten Little Indians. for
In the basement hallway, art crewmen Alan Bayot and Ariston Valdehuesa paint the flat that would eventually serve as Tevye and Goldeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s humble home. The art crew began working in the summer to get a headstart on all the sketching and painting necessaiy for the inn.
Stage Crew: Front Row: Rodney Reyes, Alan Bayot, Paul Schumann, Greg Benacchio, Justin Conley, Jonathan Boggiano, David Habib. Second Row: Brian Rider, Alfredo Tuangco, Pat Kelly, Truong Nguyen. Third Row: Mike Olesky, Noel Victorino, Jeffrey Yu,Chris Boggiano, Sunny Ratana, Joe Casia, Brian Dugan, Paul Colombo. Fourth Row: Pete Russo, Steve Rusnak, Ariston Valdehuesa, Randolph Lagman, Robert Zywicki, Armando Atienza, Greg Gapasin, Erik Rivera, Allan Pasco. Fifth Row: Nick Scrivanich, Jackie Billings, Jack Truehaft, Dan DeSalvo, Fleetwood Banks, David Donohue, Ryan Lorenzo, Jorge Guzman, Brian Sheppard. Sixth Row: Adam Kowalski, Tim Service, A1 Rinaldi, Felix Victorino.
On Saturday, December 10, thirteen single-sex Catholic schools participated in the first-ever Student Council Convocation. Organized by the Prep Student Council, the event was held in the cafeteria and included such diverse schools as St. Dom's, Xavier, and Fordham Prep. Its purpose
was to improve relations between student governments of various schools. The Prep Student Council hoped to learn from other schools to improve their role in school life, in activities, and in working with
the administration. The day began with an introductory speech from president William Musto, who
/ ( M
l l r V
welcomed the representatives and set some goals for the day. Then they broke into small groups, discussed their roles in their respective schools, and looked for ways to improve methods and activities. Secretary
/ iu m
Paul Laracy said, "Personally, I learned a lot about other schools' councils." The convocation, which lasted about four hours, was a success with other students as well. The day ended on a high note with a large lunch from Blimpie's, courtesy of Prep. As everyone was packing up to leave, Erin Mullen from Mt. St. Dominic's commented, " I’m glad I came. It was good to find out what other schools are like."
Men M k J hile many students went home after the 2:30 bell, a select group of 24 stu dents sacrificied their tim e once a month to improve the quality of student life. This year, the Student Council ran a wide spectrum of activities. In order to stimulate excite ment about the Walkathon, the council offered a few new in centives. In a bold manuever, th e c o u n c il a s k e d M r. Raslowsky to don a clown suit if the student body raised over $10,000 in the first few days. Another factor that led to the high cash total was the new prizes ordered through the campus shop. The council also created the first-ever Mission Drive Royal Rumble, a tag-team event in which representatives from many clubs and teams partici pated in a variety of fun and messy competitions. Although the Walkathon was clearly their most suc cessful activity, the council also organized several other events and fundraisers with other schools. Continuing the
People tradition of the Prep-St. Dom’s Exchange program, council m em be rs fro m o u r s is te r school visited on February 13. A month later, Prep councilmen visited St. Dom’s. In addi tion, the council organized a
S t. V a l e n t i n e ’ s D a y candygram exchange, where Prep and St. Dom’s students were able to send their special someone a lollipop and letter for a small fee (for the mis sions, of course). Prep stu dents received candy and suckers from St. Al’s Academy too. Furthering their relation ship with other schools, finally,
a student council symposium was held in the Prep cafe on December 10. As a goal for this year, orga nization was stressed in a number of media. Council meetings were held regularly on the second Monday of ev ery month and were included on the school calendar to in crease public awareness. The meetings also followed a spe cific agenda. This way, pro posals and student problems were addressed as soon as they turned up. A “phase-in period” was in stituted due to the lack of coun cil effectiveness during the fi nal weeks of school in years past. This allowed newly ap pointed officers to phase-in gradually to their new roles during the spring. About the year, president Bill Musto remarked, “I think that we made a lot of strides this year. We worked on forming a good foundation for making the council more present at Prep. I think we did a good job on setting the standard for years to come.”
Before the student council convo cation com mences, St. Dom’s vicepresident Nora Campbell introduces herself to freshman president David Kirby and council secretary Paul Laracy. A fter the meeting, Campbell commen ted that “it was a productive interaction of Catholic school m inds.” Listening attentively to the day’s agenda, soptanore coundhnen Rob Scalzo, Bryan Khan, Mark Jurado and John Falcicchio silently prepare their thoughts for the upcoming discussion.
With the American flag in the back足 ground, president Bill Musto outlines the main points of a monthly council meeting. Although a studentrun organiztion, the council was supervised by Mr. Jim Dondero, who provided direction and guidance when necessaiy.
Front Row: Paul Hagen, Alex Magallon, Felice Ferro. Second Row: Rodney Reyes, Darin Wahl, John Falcicchio, Erwin Manlongat, Geoffrey Leigh. Third Row: Chris McNemey, Marc Rubin, Harry Carpenter, Edgardo Nieves, Scott Kudlacik, David Kirby, Mark Jurado, Chris Moje. Missing: Bill Musto, Paul Laracy, Joe Facchini, Maurice Connelly, Bill Cunningham, Robert Scalzo, Michael Wassong.
Student Council
The Prep diving team demonstrated nothing but consistency from start to finish. They swept nearly all the competitions, taking second through fifth places on the one-meter springboard. The team included Co-Captains Brian Crimmins and Brian Bingham along with Chris Nubia, Dostum Yazici, and Rich
Onemeter Madness
Schubring. The St. Peter's divers practiced along with the St. Dominic Academy swimmers and divers. They met for two hours every Saturday and Sunday at St. Peter's College. Throughout the year, more difficult dives were required to compete in the State Sectional tournament and County Championship. Coach Mike Cavalier '75 and assistant Billy Santomauro '89 taught the divers to improve their form, grace, and position. Each competitor was required to learn a total of six dives to compete in most meets, but a total of eleven dives for the State Sectional tournament and County Championship. The eleven dives included two dives from each of the five categories: forward, back, inward, reverse, and twist, plus one optional dive from any category. Each diver progressed through the season and was satisfied with his personal progress. The divers' dedication was evident in their results, with Crimmins placing second in County competition, Nubia third, Bingham in fifth, and Yazici in seventh. In the State Sectional tournament sophomore Brian Crimmins qualified to attend the State Diving Championship, a rare feat for Prep made possible by his strong placing with dives of advanced difficulty.
Swimming the breast stroke
In the 200 medley relay versus New Providence High School.
team , w hile m oderator Fr. Asencio broke the record for F | 1 he second “Decade of A Dominance” was well Cregan supplied early morning the 200-yard individual medley under way. For the twelfth rides to practice and kept times clocking a 2:07, and Dave Figur broke his own 1994 100-yard c o n s e c u tiv e ye a r, P re p ’s b a ckstro ke record w ith a swimming team dominated the 1:00.14. The 200 individual County Championships, while m e dley re co rd w as also also capturing their thirteenth captured in the County meet City title in a row. The highlight by Dan Asencio’s 2:06.93. of the season was seizing the The most satisfying team State Sectional Tournamentfor a c c o m p lis h m e n t w as the the second consecutive year. Marauders’ defeat of Union Captains Sunny Ratana, Dave High S ch o o l, the school Figur, and Dom DiPasquale led responsible foreliminating Prep the team to a near perfect from the state competition in season with a record of eight the preliminary rounds last year. wins and two losses plus first Prep was also able to defeat place in the Bees Classic, State their long-time rivals at St. Joe’s Sectional, City Championship, of the Palisades. Although Prep at the meets. and County Championship. was defeated by Number 2Grueling practices at 5:45 The team suffered from a ranked C hristian B rothers’ a.m. indicated the work ethic of series of impediments in the Academy in the state playoffs the team. The results showed middle of the season. These in Asbury Park, the winning in som e m a jo r p e rso n a l included some minor injuries, record and the County and accom plishm ents, including like a re c u rrin g s h o u ld e r two City Championship records State Sectional victories were problem for Dom DiPasquale. than re w arding Coach Mary Beth Bryant and one County Championship m ore accomplishments. managed and supervised the record. In the City meet, Dan
Brian Crimmins sprints to complete his last 25 meters. At the split second Vic Suthammanont finishes his leg of the race, Anthony Dilley dives in to complete the last portion of the 20 0 -
meter medley relay in the crawl stroke.
Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep
73 87 112 73 178 103 125 155
Kearny Union Bayonne Pingry St. Joseph’s St. Benedict’s Hudson Catholic Hoboken Plainfield New Providence
Prep Prep Prep Prep
246 317 360 387
21 83 38 97 129 69 44 66 86 54
With a face full of determination at a Saturday morning practice, Chris Nubia oscillates the board to retrieve more spring and height for a back dive.
Front Row: A ngelo Cardenas, Richard Schubring, Paul Blasucci, Brian Sharrock, Lawrence Lazzara, Jaim e Cepeda. S econdR ow : C o a c h M a r y Beth Bryant, A nthony Pim entel, Anthony D illey, Robert Davis, David Figur. Th ird Row: Jorge deArmas, Surachet Ratana, C oy Dailey, Matthew M ilczarski, Nicholas Perseghin, Dostum Ya zici, Steve Hudacko, Daniel Brian Crimm ins, V icto r Suthammanont, Christian Boggiano, Guillermo Salazar. Fourth Row: Dom DiPasquale, A ngel Rama, N ickTren tacoste, Paschal Ferreira, Tom Hart. Missing: C. Nubia, D. Asencio, B. Bingham, J. Facchini, B. Mulvihill.
On February 9, twenty members of the Tie Club gathered for a night at the funnest
(sic) place on earth, Medieval Times. Students were driven by seniors Dave Bailey,
t& e
90 ’ /
Truong Nguyen, Mike Stack, and Kevin Calabrese among others. On the way to the Lyndhurst hot spot, Calabrese got lost and arrived after everyone else had settled in to their seats. To the chagrin of black knight fan Leon Colao, the club received the omnipotent green knight as their warrior for the night. The green knight stomped all over the competition, right up until he lost. Even so, in their own words, the club "loved him anyway." By far the highlight of the night was when Tom Curtin cajoled the so-called "serving wenches" into believing that Stack was using utensils, a grave violation of the rules punishable only by hanging. Authorities frisked him thoroughly, but found no foreign objects. In the immortal words of John Pompilio, "My favorite part was the free paper crown." Indeed it was.
Going where no student had ever gon e before, Brendan Murphy mocks the “ridiculously plain" tie of Dean of Students James Collins. Luckily for Murph, it was past 3:40 and he narrowly escaped JUG, but he did receive a thorough thrashing from the former CIA spook.
Medieval Times: Front Row: Michael Bilicska, Andy Vizzacchero. Anthony Castelli, Leon Colao, Ed Nazarko. Dave Bailey, Tom Curtin. John Pompilio. Second Row: Truong Nguyen. Cecilio Po. Mike Stack. Lawrence Gallagher. Vem on Gibbs, Mr. Dubrule. Vince Taraszkiewicz. Kevin Calabrese. Joe LoPorto. Dante Tauro. Dave Paskas. Jason Metzinger.
hat does the Tie Club W* do anyway?” That was the most commonly asked question at Prep beginning in late fall of 1994, when Dave Bailey decided to turn a onedollarthrift-store purchase into th e s c h o o l’s next “big thing.” A long w ith executive members Mike Chanfrau, Tom C u rtin , Joe Feuchack, Ed Nazarko, John Pompilio, and M ike S tack, Bailey pushed to make the Tie Club a reality. Once Fr. Anthony Azzarto agreed to act as moderator, the Tie Club became an official Prep activity. Still, what did the Tie Club do? W h ile the e x e c u tiv e
m em bers in tro d u ce d thd appreciation of tie art ana craftsm anship, anyone ana everyone was welcome to join in on club outings. The grou| organized such events as Monday NigH F o o t b a h viewing thank] to Mr. BriaJ Dubrule, a tri|| to M edieva Times, c o u n | less trips to th movies, som< hockey games and “Christma Tie Day.” By its eas; going naturi the Tie Club attracted one i the largest memberships of a afterschool activity. The Ti| Club made a strong showing the M ission D rive’s Roy Rumble and built its namj recognition in the halls of Pre|
Tie Club: Front Row: Dave Bailey. Harry Carpenter. Mr. Lillis, Ron Venner. Conor Murp Larry Graham, Jose Dios. Second Row: Mike Petruska. Mike Stack, Mike Chanfrau, M Spataro, Brendan Murphy. Geoff Petersen. Albert Rinaldi. Third Row: Cecilio Po, Leon Col Jonathan Hurtado, Anthony Castelli. Andrew Donnelly. Fourth Row: Joe Feuchack. St Boyd. John Pompilio. Edgardo Nieves. Missing: Joe Casazza.
te eagerly anticipated confrontation between the Marauders and Bruins was one of e major highlights of the Prep wrestling season. Despite being overshadowed by e success of the Varsity team, the JV matmen went to North Bergen high, feeling sat it was their chance to shine. They surpassed their own expectations, winning x out of eleven matches. The final score was 35-31, marking the team's first victory id providing inspiration for a long and exhausting season ahead. Kevin DiGiorgio ;nned his opponent early in the first round, and Andy Lopez-Diaz also placed high
jithe final rankings.
On their spectacular victory, Lopez-Diaz commented, "It was
ie highpoint of the season. It displayed what we were capable of."
areful jperwsicn was needed p guide itudents hrough the xtremely lifficult naneuvas of wrestling. Coach Ed Roselle iversees Jesus Juintela J and Richard fcolabraro las they jractice holds. The omplicated sport of wrestling required the participants’ kills to be :xtrem ely /ell honed. Learning noves that would be both effective and safe, Islam Abdelal ind Ahmed Rashed practice rigorously.
Future Mat -ters r | l he extremely demanding M. physical requirements of one-on-one confrontatio ns required rigorous conditioning of the mind and body. The skills that the JV wrestling team m em bers acquired during strenuous practice sessions e n able d them to fa ce successfully the numerous tournaments of a challenging season. The fruits of th e ir labors b e c a m e evident in the t e a m ’ s impressive victories. Their first victory was achieved against North Bergen. There, the young Prep matmen gained an understanding of their great potential. The team continued to trium ph in com petitions a g a in s t New P ro vid e n ce , Essex Catholic, Delbarton,and Livingston.
Although the team victories were shared by the entire squad, many of the participants were recognized individually for theirexcellencetoo. Davellaria won first place at the St. Benedict’s Tournament, and Gerry lorio earned second that same day. In an interscholastic JV tournament held at North Bergen late in the season, both C hris Larsen and Kevin DiGiorgio placed third in their respective weight classes. By o ffe rin g each o ther guidance during practice sessions and supporting each other regardless of victory or loss, the members were able to overcome the challenges of the sport, achieve individual success, and win matches. Together they built up a strong future squad.
JV Wrestlinq: Front Row: Anthony Vitanzo, Richard Colabraro, Jonathan DeFilippo, Jesus Quintela. Second Row: John Gehrmann, Rob Kolakowski, Douglas Shivers, John Zaklama, Islam Abdelal. Third Row: Coach Frank Koszyk, Kevin DiGiorgio, Mike Priore, Gerald lorlo. Gerald Aloran, Anthony Render. Missing: Ahmed Rashed, Andy Lopez-Diaz, Chris Larsen. Coach John Gonzalez.
m JV Wrestling
The Prep w restlers came to conquer the d is tric ts . They did. Senior P.J. Rakoski won the d is tin ctio n of O utstanding W restler. Rakoski won fir s t place in the 174lb. class, no easy task considering his opponent Orley Lago had won the d is tric ts fo r two consecutive years. The score was 1 0 -9 by decision. Senior Anthony Verdi also took fir s t place in the 2 1 5 -lb . class against North Bergen grappler Chris th e D
is h lC
Canals. M ike Monaco took second place in the 1 0 2 -lb . class, a fte r a loss to Mike ^
Cieckiewicz via technical fa ll. Four more Prep w restlers placed th ird : Dave Nagy at 275 lbs., Joe Tram utolo at 14 4 lb s., Dave Tobias at 119 lbs., and M ike Medrano at 162 lbs. Seven out o f the twelve Prep com petitors advanced to regionals, the fu rth e s t Prep w restling has ever gone.
K in g s ^ M at r g i wo men, in a circle, on a mat. No time-outs, no breaks between rounds, no rest. To step on that mat was a sheer test of will. For one man there was no tomorrow, and for the other it was just another step on a long road to a championship. Many had said that Prep wrestling was the most physically demanding wintersport. They were wrong. Wrestling was single combat, and to believe anything else was a sure way to end up counting lights. Coach Keith Kelly had stated on many occasions that the 1994-95 team was the best in Prep’s history. It was, by far, the finest yet in qualifying for the State Tourney and in dual meets, having only one loss after the regular season. Led by Co-Captains Anthony Verdi and P.J. Rakoski, the team combined for a total of only one loss in the regular season, and one in the state semi-finals. They amassed a spectacular record of 11 -2. Both captains advanced from the districts to the regional tournam ent at Passaic Valley High.
The main factor behind the team’s success, however, was the outstanding performances fro m m any Prep sta rs. Newcom er sensation Dave N agy d o m in a te d the heavyweight class with only four regular season losses and a win at the consolations over
Anthony Luaces of Kearny. A ga in st W eequahic, Nagy came within a second of the Prep record for the fastest pin, held by Assistant Coach Dan Gronda‘90at7seconds. Fouryear veteran Rob Paz had outstanding matches against North Bergen, Barringer, and Wood-Ridge but suffered a
tough loss at the d is tric t quarterfinals. Dave Tobias, M ike M e d ra n o , and Joe Tramutolo all advanced to the d is tric t se m i-fin a ls. Mike M onaco, w ho posted an undefeated record until he lost to North Bergen, again met M ike C ie c k ie w ic z at the districts. Javier Diaz, Dave Maria, Mike Petruska, and Eric Tobias also contributed clutch wins throughout the season. After strong showings in the Wayne Hills and Ridgefield tourneys, the wrestling team went on to dominate in regular season dual meets. Such crushing scores as 69-6,63-8, and 48-24 often graced the timekeeper’s table after the Marauders left the mat. The rigors of practice had brought this team close in the cold winter months. Coming into school seven days a week, and training like men possessed, built a determination and desire that could be easily seen on the face of any Prep wrestler. Wrestling was not a sport, but a duel; this was not a team, but a brotherhood.
Sneering in triumph, pwehouse Dave Nagy incapaci tates his opponent in a smothering floor pin. Despite his relative inexper ience, Nagy quickly established him self as a force to be reckoned with, earning the secondfastest pin in Prep history at 8 seconds against Weequahic.
Grappling for leverage against a Plainfield wrestler, four-year veteran Rob Paz struggles to find an opening. Paz had a great season at 160 lbs. before dropping to 153 and losing a tough match to Mike Miller o f Cliffside Park at the District 16 quarter finals.
Prep 48 Prep 69 Prep 42 Prep 48 Prep 64 Prep 48 Prep 34 Prep 48 Prep 53 Prep 63 Prep 29 Prep 38
Barringer Wood-Ridge Passaic Irvington Weequahic Essex Catholic Seton Hall Paramos Catholic Becton Plainfield North Bergen Delbarton
28 6 32 27 12 24 25 24 22 8 33 25
Prep 12 St. Joeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s field Holiday Tournament
47 3rd Place 3rd Place
Focusing on the refs whistle, CoCaptain Anthony Verdi waits for the second round to begin. With his fastest pin at a startling 12 seconds, and with impressive victories against Delbarton, Barringer, Passaic, and in the district finals, Verdi was a driving force behind the team's success.
Front Row: M ike Priore, M ike Petruska, Mike Medrano, Dave Tobias, Dave Daria. Second Row: Eric Tobias, Frank Falcicchio, Joe Tram utolo, Ja vier Diaz. Third Row: Ed Coleman, Francis Mansfield, Rob Paz, Dave Nagy. Fourth Row: Coach Dan Gronda, A nthony Verdi, Coach Frank Koszyk, P.J. Rakoski. Missing: Mike Monaco, Doug Shivers, Ralph Citarella, Jonathan Romano, Sergio Robayo, Mark Taraszkiewicz, Coach K eith Kelly, Coach Ed
I he Henchmen cheering on the football team at Giants
dium; the Peer Advisors at Freshman Orientation; your
favorite teacher (and even your least favorite teacher); the coach energizing his team at halftime; your best friends in the cafeteria in the morning; Sr. Frances' homeroom selling T-shirts to the masses; the women who cook Prep’s staple food (fries). Prep is built around people like these. Without them, Prep would just be bricks and mortar, no different from any other buildings. Instead, it is a vibrant community of administrators, coaches, faculty, and students. These are the people with whom lifelong memories are as sembled. The frequent visits of alumni year after year are testament to that It is these people that Prep is all about For years the top people in their respective professions have committed themselves to advising, coaching, instructing, and mold ing Prep men. Our community is also remarkably diverse. People of all major religions attend Prep. Every race is represented in the Prep population as well. Its members are from all over New Jersey and New York. Many were bom in various parts of the country and the world.
It is this
diversity that makes Prep great, a place where peoples from different cultures can come together to share their talents, becoming part of Prep’s long history of excellence in education and service. Some faces are new, some are preparing to leave, but they are all part of Prep and its people, part of its continuous assembly of outstanding young men. These are the people who build.
IB ffW 3 f w t - i f m sfcA ri
V C o i'- t e O ^ ’
n September, a new era began: the era of Father James F. Keenan, SJ. Replacing Father James Joyce, SJ, Fr. Keenan became Prep’s 25th President. A previous president of Canisius, McQuaid, and Xavier High Schools, Fr. Keenan brought years of experience to the presi dency. Fr. Keenan was supported by a solid Vice-President in Mr. Jim Horan. Mr. Horan ’70, who has been at Prep for twenty years, also taught a journalism course at Prep and was present at almost all Prep functions. Prep’s first lay principal, Mr. Jack
Raslowsky ’79, was in his third year of the term. Besides making major contributions to running the school, some seniors were surprised to find him teaching their Con temporary Issues course. Mr. Raslowsky received a lot of help from the next-door office of the VicePrincipal, Mr. Patrick Reidy. Mr. Reidy took care of all things academic. He put together student and faculty schedules and coordinated the honors assemblies. Even with his administrative work, Mr. Reidy still made time to moderate a win ning math team. Student affairs were again supervised
After an event-filled lunch during 5B, “patrolm en" Fr. Marty Doyle, and Mr. Dave Settembre playfully harass Alex Martinez and Francis Mansfield on their way to the lobby.
During orientation, Mr. Jack Raslowsky offers some chal lenging remarks about academic honesty at Prep. Over the course of the year he put the “p al” back in principal with his wry humor and devotion to the student body.
by Dean of Students Mr. James Colli and Assistant Dean Mr. David Settemb They took charge of student discipline a had the unpleasant job of running JUG Since Mr. Raslowsky’s appointment principal three years ago, the administ tion has become more involved in dayday student life. He continued the traditi of student feedback meetings, trying incorporate student opinion into the a ministrative policies. Issues like ad demic honesty and a school “without b i ders” were emphasized. Revitalized the addition of Fr. Keenan, the administ tion continued its active role in student II
Mr. James Collins
Mr. James Horan
Rev. James F. Keenan, SJ
Title: Dean of Students
Title: Vice-President for External Affairs Classes: Journalism
Title: President
Mr. John R. Raslowsky II
Mr. Patrick Reidy
Mr. David Settembre
Title: Principal Classes: Contemporary Issues |^Moderator for. Ebony Club, Chess Club
Title: Vice-Principal Moderator for. Math Team
Title: Assistant Dean of Students
r | i he first floor of Shalloe and the second floor of Mulry were home to a variety of offices. Some of the people who walked in and out of these little-trafficked areas were unknown to students. They didn’t teach or coach or clean or cook, but in many ways they kept the school running. The school’s financial responsibilities were handled by Mr. John Corcoran in his second year as Treasurer. The Treasury Office staff of Mrs. Iona Prilop, Mrs. Diane Rivera, and Mrs. Catherine Ford assisted the Treasurer and cheerfully received visitors. The Office of Public Information and the De velopment Office provided links to the outside world. The Annual Fund, directed by Ms. Ann Finholt, broke records and aided families finan-
cially. Mr. Raymond Hennessey ’90 publicized Prep, ran open houses, and coordinated tours for grammar school students. Mr. Frank Briamonte ‘86 conducted “JUG Night” and vis ited alumni around the country. Fr. Charles F.X. Dolan, Mrs. Jane Briamonte, and Mr. Joseph Zucconi maintained contact with hundreds of alumni. Along with the new library came a new librar ian, Mr. Brian Dubrule. He managed the com puter center and prepared for the transition to the Library of Congress catalogue system. Mrs. Elizabeth Dandorph moved from the Atten dance Office to become his assistant. Mrs. Helene Schneider, RN, took care of sick stu dents. During the week before Christmas the line outside her door was particularly long.
Mr. Frank Briamonte Title: Director of Alumni Relations Department: Art Classes: Basic Acting Coach for: JV Baseball
Cramped for several months In the second Burke conference room, new librarian Mr. Brian Dubrule sifts through all sorts of paperwork. During the semester without the library, he concentrated on cataloguing, periodical orders, and A-V maintenance.
Mr. Brian Dubrule Title: Librarian Moderator for. Harvard Model Congress
Mr. Raymond Hennessey
Mr. John Modzelewski
Mr. George Moore
Title: Director of Public Information Moderator for. Freshman Ambassadors, Freshman for a Day
Title-. “Keys to the Future" Campaign Consultant
Title: Driver’s Education Instructoi
| Mrs. Jane Briamonte
Mr. John Corcoran
Mrs. Elizabeth Dandorph
Office: Alumni Affairs
Title: Treasurer
Title: Assistant to Librarian, Transportation Coordinator
Fr. Charles F.X. Dolan, SJ _
Vice.p resident for Alumni Affairs
Ms. Ann Finholt
Mrs. Catherine Ford
Fr. Francis Hamill, SJ
Mr. John Hammer
Title: Director of Annual Giving Office: Development
Title: Assistant T reasurer
Office: Development
Title: Special Events Coordinator
Mrs. Iona Prilop
Mrs. Diane Rivera
Mr. Joseph Zucconi
Office: Treasurer
Office: Treasurer
Mrs. Helene Schneider, RN Title: School Nurse
Office: Alumni Affairs
SECRETARIE W A J hat would Prep life be without our secretaries? Without secretar ies and their expertise in the offices, files would be misplaced, memos lost, and those in charge would be left to fend for themselves. The workplace would be an impossible environment without them. Luckily, at Prep some of the finest sec re ta rie s held down the fo rt. Mrs. Maryphyllis Locricchio P’95,’96 in the president’s office helped Fr. Keenan ad just to his new duties and surroundings. Around the corner one could hear Mrs. Mary Ann Prime P’95,‘98 greeting a caller at the switchboard. Straight down Mulry Hall, Mrs. Dolores
Russell and Mrs. Grace Gualario assisted Mr. Raslowsky in putting together each day’s agenda and announcements. With out them no one would ever have known what meetings to attend and where. Mrs. Eileen Doolan juggled the bom bardment of college applications and rep resentatives’ visits. Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh, director of attendance, catalogued the ab sentees from the homeroom lists and helped with projects like getting progress reports in the mail. This year two new members joined the secretarial staff. In OPI Mrs. Ada Nieves P’95 helped with the public relations detail.
f j'S
K f ill m t: mem Hidden from the eyes o f curious students, Mrs. Liz Walsh attends to her absentee lists. Her office was the destination of attendance slipwielding beadles.
In the OPI office, Mrs. Ada Nieves handles the influx o f phone calls from parents o f prospec tive students. Along with Mr. Ray Hennessey, Mrs. Nieves was the link between Prep and the outside world.
Most often she was the first person p ents talked to regarding admission Prep. This “rookie” agreed that what s does at St. Peter’s Prep “is not just a j but a way of giving back,” since her s Edgardo ‘95 has gone to Prep for the p: four years. In addition, Mrs. Jani Martineau, the sister of English teact Mr. Irvine, kept the principal’s office op for an additional hour of business ea afternoon. These people affected our lives in a out of the classroom,and without them at Prep would not have been nearly congenial.
Mrs. Eileen Doolan College Placement
Mrs. Grace Gualario Office: Principal
Mrs. Maryphyllis Locricchio
Mrs. Janice Martineau Office: Principal
Office: President
Mrs. Dolores Russell
Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh
Office: Principal
Office: Attendance
CAFE & ave you ever wondered why the fries tasted so good or why those cheese steaks had just the right flavor? How this place looks in order each morn ing after our acts of clumsiness the day before? It really isn’t that much of a mystery. Of course, we are talking about the maintenance and cafeteria workers. Without them where would we be? Under the management of Mr. Ken Dandorph, members of the maintenance staff repaired all sorts of things by day, while others cleaned up at night. Brother Joe Griffin, SJ kept the the heating system going as maintenance consultant, and he also kept us in line in the locker room as the assistant prefect of discipline. Some
Although his janitorial duties entail work only after school hours, "R ich ie” Butler takes the time and effort to recycle soda cans left by students at lunch. Unlike students, he was allowed to sport a beeper in case o f a maintenance emergency.
C a f e t e r i a Staff: M rs. L u c y F u rk a , Mrs. L u i g i a Palmiero, Mrs. Rose Patti, Mrs. Angelina DePalma, Mrs. Maruja Lauro, Mrs. Maria Franco.
QN 114
day-time workers were known to us on a first-name basis. Arvind, Big Rich, and Br. Paul did everything from deliveries to fix ing locks and lockers to painting stairwells in Prep colors. During the 3-11 p.m. latenight shift, classrooms were tidied up, floors swept, bathrooms deodorized, and messes eliminated. Students and teach ers relied on these helpers for a clean atmosphere and the school’s spotless sheen. Other important people who rarely got the recognition they deserved were the cafeteria workers. When they were not scooping up mashed potatoes, they could be heard over the loud speakers with Chewbacca rooting on Prep athletics.
These people were a very important pe of our lives. Food at breakfast, reces and lunch did not miraculously appee People like Mrs. LaRocca arrived at til crack of dawn to get breakfast read people like Mrs. DePalma and Mr Franco prepared our lunch; and peop like Mrs. Lucy Furka and Mrs. Rose Pa handled the registers. They acted lit mothers to the Prep community, apprei ating the thank-yous of students with hu ger pains. Where would we have been witho these people? Without them our stor achs probably would have been growlir during class and the school would ha\ been falling down around us.
During another busy morning, Mrs. Rose Patti hands Shaun Kolmer his raisin bagel, while Sergio Robayo watches Mrs. Angelina DePalma fix some egg sand wiches. Every morning the cafeteria staff had to prepare for the oncom ing rush of hungry students.
M aintenance Staff: Br. Paul H arrison, SJ, Mr. Rich Butler III, Mr. Angel Vasquez, Mr . E n r iq u e S e r r a n o A c o s t a , M s. N ix a R e y e s , M s. R o s a Hernandez-Mendez.
Front Row: Ms. Rosa Hernandez-M endez. S e c o n d R o w : B r. Paul H arrison, SJ, M r. E n r i q u e Serrano-Acosta. Third Row: Br. Ralph Cilia, SJ, Br. Joseph Griffin, SJ. Missing: M r. A rv in d Saw h , Mr. M ike Delaney, Mr. Louis Nazario, M r. F r a n k i e Martinez, Mr. John Irvine, Sr.
Helping Ms. Baber remodel the campus shop, Mr. Arvind Sawh and Br. Paul Harrison adjust the lighting fixtures for the grand re足 opening in Septem 足 ber. Other major maintenance projects included resurrecting the much needed air conditioning and painting and recarpeting faculty and publications offices.
PARENTS rep’s family is a diverse one, ranging from students to faculty to staff and even to parents. Parents?! One might ask where the parents fit in. Al though they deserve more praise, parents of Prep students have helped the school in many ways. Thanks to this year’s rejuve nated Parents’ Association, the parents who usually stay behind the scenes began getting the exposure they deserve. The Executive Committee, consisting of Mrs. Linda Kost, Mrs. Jackie Supple, Mrs. Ginny Moe, Mr. Stanley Beldowicz, Mr. Ed Garcia, Mrs. Margaret Tiffner, Mrs. Kathy Ackerman, Mrs. Doris Rucinski, Mr. John Skripak, Mrs. Mary Ann Petersen, and Mrs. Gina Wassong, was responsible for
many events that allowed parents to come together without their sons and to enjoy themselves. The group was here to “foster good relationships, friendships, and communi cation,” said Mrs. Supple, “as well as to serve the school.” This was evident in the events run by the Parents’ Association, such as the informal cookout at the begin ning of the year and the elegant Fashion Show and luncheon in the fall. The Asso ciation also ran the annual Christmas Party and the Family Communion Supper, which let Prep families get together for Mass and dinner and to share their com pany with others. The Parents’ Association has become a
Extending a warm holiday welcome to parents and guardians, Fr. Keenan addresses some of the goals and hopes of the 1994-1995 Parents’ Association. His opening speech was brief, informative, and concluded with Christmas wishes for the school and families o f Prep students. As a thank-you for the dedica tion and sacrifices of the many parents involved in Prep life, a robust cuisine is served to parents and guests. Year round, parents picked students up after practice, helped with homework, and offered moral support.
vital program at Prep. It “provides ext that you otherwise might not have,” d Mrs. Supple. For example, without Parents’ Association there would ha been no Tuition Protection Program plan devised to help students whose p ents have passed away. The Associat was also responsible for the snow chi keeping us from taking unnecessary.; dangerous trips to school. The Parents’ Association brought p ents into the Prep community and let th share in Prep’s spirit. Their programs < parties made St. Peter’s a better pis Through their work, under moderator Tony Aracich, SJ, the parents made Prep family complete.
Prep Parents dine and enjoy them selves at the Christmas Party, as Mrs. Kathy Ackerman greets them and Mr. Jim Horan praises the accomplishments of their association. Their December “parents’ night out" included good food, good friends, and a visit from Kris Kringle.
Reaching into his velvet bag of goodies, Br. Paul assumes the role o f Santa Claus for yet another Yuletlde gathering. His “surprise” visits have become a tradition of the annual Parents’ Christmas Party in the cafe. Having played for the November Fashion Show, senior Rob Rucinski returns to provide holiday atmosphere on Decem ber 6. His mom, Mrs. Doris Rucinski, was among the members of the Executive Committee.
Parents’ Association
1 A F ro n t R ow : Mr. A le ja n d ro , C h ld o z ie E n y in n a , K e v in M u llig a n , D o u g la s S h ive rs, C h a r le s M c G ln le y , J o s e p h Larkins, Nelson De La Rosa, Jose D ios, B ryan L u ca n ia , M arc Carpena. Second Row: David Donohue, Patrick Dragotti, Ryan Skripak, Calvin Souder, Andrew D o n n elly , A n th o n y Fesk en , Daniel Petersen. Third Row: Jiten Lakhanl, Thom as Bamber. Tuguwan Smith, Eric Andres. M ik e G a w ro n s k i, C h a r le s McGlnley, M atthew Archibald. M issing: Felice Ferro.
Mr, Rodney Alejandro Department:Science Classes: Biology Homeroom:1A Moderator fo rF ish in g Club, S cience T eam s
Coach for: Indoor & Outdoor Track
c'SE HABLA E S P A N O L ? The first-ever Mexican Exchange
program involved six Mexican students visiting and attei
our school for three weeks and being hosted by a student and his family. Of the six stud there was one male student and five bonita girls. de Ciencias in Guadalajara.
All six came from the Jesuit-run Inst
Our visitors were picked up by organizers Mr. Sabedra and
Arabia, S.J. at Newark Airport in the pouring rain. November weather was ideal for their outings. Mexicans went to see "Grease" on Broadway.
After that, though, the Oeto
During the first week of their stay,
A walking tour of Fifth Avenue introduced
to some of New York's famous attractions. One attraction which the students won't fi was the trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "I found this visit to be one of my favoi because I got to see a part of history in the artifacts displayed by the museum,' comnu Rocio. On the same day, Carmen and Ramon showed their Prep spirit by attending the
Mr. Peter K. Arabia, SJ
vs. Dickinson game after a walk through Little Italy and Chinatown.
Departments istory Classes: W orld Civ.,
treated our visitors with a dinner at the prestigious Presto’s on Warren Street as the of
U.S. History 1
Homeroom:1B Moderator for: Spirit Committee, Latin Am erican Society, Indo-PakClub, Mexican Exchange, Fireside Retreats
Midway through '
stay the host families gathered with them for a potluck supper in the cafeteria, and later closing of the Mexican Exchange. All the students spoke English well enough that they involved themselves in left conversations with some students. One student who amazed the language teachers was Rai He had studied English for only four months, and yet as Sefior
Sabedra put it, "It seem:
if he has been taking the language for years/ Rocio also knows the language veiy well and been studying English for, count 'em, five years. The other students, Ana Maria, Carmen, Li and Marian, had been taking the language for two years, but the way they spoke English not imply that. The visitors ranged from 10th to 12th grade and were assigned to classes with their hi
Rev. Anthony Aracich, SJ 77f/e:Chairman
Department:Foreign Lan gu ages C/asses:Native Spanish 1, Spanish 3 Honors, Italian 2
Moderator for: Parents’ Association
The students, therefore, were given classes according to their year and classes taken in Met Some comments they expressed were: "Mi favorita clase... sorry... My favorite class Bioethics with Mr. Lillis/ commented Laura.
I don't know." "I really enjoyed Chemi
with Ms. LeCalvez and Geometry with Mr. O'Donnell/ stated Ana Maria.
“I like the scl
very much, but the classes are formal unlike in Mexico where the student-teacher relation! is on a first-name basis/ "The program has gone really well, and I think that the students and the families have leai a lot about themselves and about another culture. Also, I think that the Hispanic (student) has been especially proud about having them visit our school/ Mr. Arabia commented. Being asked for an address by one of the Mexicans was a feather in the cap of some men, and within weeks after the Mexicans had returned home, they began writing their h to arrange for Prep's visit to Guadalajara at Easter time.
118 • PEOPLE
Front Row: Noel Victorino. Leon Bacchus. James Rodriguez, Tim S azon. P eter N akh la, John Merson, Tim othy Ryan. David Ilaria. Second Row: Melvin Nyaboga, Nicholas Scrivanich, D a n ie le D e F e o , J o n a th a n Munar. Alberto Padilla, Orlen Zambrano, Manuel Mayo, Keith Marsh. Third Row: Nicholas Cala, Kevin DeVillava, Jorge Oyola, Anthony Portelli. Fourth Row: Frank Tobias. Joseph Ferlisi, Sean Powers, Thom as Crohan. A ngel M ontanez. D avid Cox, Christopher Reid.
Midway through the Walk-AThon, Michael Noriega and Dave Tobias are among the seniors trying to acquaint Laura with the intricacies of the dress code. She and five schoolmates became part of the community for three weeks in the fall.
Rev. Anthony Azzarto, SJ Title:Chaplain Depertmenf.Religion
Classes: Religion 1, Prayer and Im age of God
Ms. Susan Baber Oepartmenf.'Foreign Lan gu ages C/asses;Latin1, Latin 2, Latin 3 Honors, Latin 4 Honors
Homeroom:1C Director of.Cam pus S hop
Mexican Ex change: Laura, Orlando Silva, Marian, John Guevara, Ana Maria, Scott Gurian, Carmen, Mr. Nick McClellan, Ramon, Anthony Dilley, Rocio, Scott Kudlacik, Mark Jurado.
V Fr. Ray Balduf, SJ Title: Director o f C ollege Placement
Homerooms â&#x20AC;˘ 119
Front Row: Eric Ortega, Anthony Vitanzo, Michael Sunga. William Dangcll, Ryan Enrico, Robert Jordan. Second Row: Ryan Sy, Edward Killilea, Juan Castro. D a n ie l Q u ile s , J o n a th a n D e F ilip p o . M ic h a e l V it a li. Christopher Larsen. Bienvenido Cueto. Third Row: Desm ond Twiggs. Robert Maharaja, Frank Po n to riero, Carl Figu eired o, Brian Wood. Luigi Percontino. Stephen Ostaszewski. Andrew Brusgard. Fourth Row: Alfredo Morales, John Gehrmann, Brian Balahadia. Em ilio Montes de Oca, C h risto p h er S tanaway. Missing: Mark Bozan, Daniel England, Erick Guzman. Scott Subelka.
Mr. Jorge Becerra Title: Director of Christian Service Program
Department:Retigion C/asses:Religion 3
Moderator for: Peer A dvisors and Counselors
Mr. Thomas G. Benz, SJ Departmenf.-History Classes: World Civ., U.S. History 2 Homeroom:! D
Moderator for: Petrean, Native American Society
Mr. Gregory F. Boyle Department:Sclence Classes: Biology, G eoscience
Moderator for: Science Clubs: Aeronautics, Medical Society, Outdoor Ciub, De
Rebus Sclentlficis, Science Education Club; Prep W est
120 â&#x20AC;˘ PEOPLE
For years, teachers have been spreading tales of strange noises and supernatural occurred in the school. Mysterious footsteps, ghastly music, even floating objects have allegedly b reported by faculty and maintenance staff alike. Upperclassmen have always considered th nothing more than hoaxes, yams thought up to scare timid freshmen. But one bizarre story f a credible faculty member (we'll call him Mr. Smith) interested some members of the Cl of '95. About two years ago, Mr. Smith was working in his classroom late at night grai papers. After an hour of tireless red-inking, he left his classroom to make some photocop As he was unlocking the door to the faculty lounge, he noticed someone walking down the in Hogan from the comer of his eye. Believing a fellow teacher was also working after hoi he shouted a greeting. There was no reply. Curious and confused, Mr. Smith started down hall but stopped dead in his tracks. His face turned a pallid shade of white as he watched "someone" fade into nothingness at the foot of the stairway. Puzzled, he raced down the st to the first floor. There was no one around, and all the doors were locked. He searched third floor, but there was no one around there either. Had Mr. Smith been mistaken, or he truly seen a ghost? We wanted the truth. If there was a ghost haunting Hogan, we figured it was our right know. So one night four of us stayed late pretending to finish the Community Section. 0 our advisor had retired for the evening, we embarked on our mission. We took some flashlii and walked up and down the main building. We scoured classrooms, closets, and stairways any sign ofa paranormal presence. After two hours of no re The others left to get the car, leaving me behind to lock up th the keys, I heard the hallway door creak open. Expecting to I cautiously poked my head out the office doorway. A bitterly cold draft swept something unexplainable happened. A voice cried out from behind the walls, "Help me, an eerie tone. Justifiably frightened, I ran from the hall screaming in terror. A few days later I visited Mr. Smith.
I told him about my experience, and he agreed li
something odd was residing at Prep.
Several times I went to the administration with my s t l
and each time they brushed me off.
Could this be a cover-up?
We may never know...
Front Row: Neil Ryan Nueva, A d a m R o s z k o w s k i. X a v ie r P a t r ic k S a lg a d o , O kan Esendem ir, Brian M ullaney, J o s h u a L a n c e llo tti, J e th ro Bonafe. Second Row: Edgar Santa Cruz, John Dazo, John Guarini, Brian Downey, Brian Onieal. Daniel DeSalvo. Third Row: Andrew Bucci, Sagar Patel, Sean O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill, Jason Correia. David Kirby, Carlo Mauricio, John Casiello. Fourth Row: R ic h a rd S c h u b r in g , A le x Magallon, Liam Howard. Fabio Maldonado. Jonathan FosterMoore, Kevin Kwan, Christian Boggiano.
Mr. John Campion Department English Classes: English 3 Honors, English 3, A P English Homeroom: 3A
Moderator for. Dramatics
Mr. John J. Casey Department. English Classes-. English 1, English 2
Homeroom: 2A
â&#x2013; 121
IS Front Row: Visitor, Paul Hagen, Mark Kudera. Eric Tobias, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Vivek Singh. Nelson Tavares, John Paul LoPorto, Daniel Leverone. Second Row: A n th o n y Z a k la m a . M a rk Redling, M ichael Mara, John Carvajal, Joshua Clark, Chester J a n is ze w s k i, B ria n C a sa n i, Gerard Artz, Visitor, Paul Exter. T h ird R ow : J a y T u m in a ro , A rm a n d o A t ie n z a , P a t r ic k M cDerm ott, Kevin Com prelli, R ic h a r d M e n d o z a , J e ff r e y McPartlan, Richard Colabraro, Edward Mullins, Jason Babich, Fr. Hoag, SJ. Missing: Sadat Rios.
Mr. Timothy Caslin Department: Religion C/asses;Religion 2, Religion 3 Homeroom:3B
r z
r #
Moderatorfor: Cricket Club, Hoboken Shelter
The smell of coffee in the morning, rushing to catch a train, waiting for the bus, the bu of business people.
All are common experiences of the typical Prep commuter.
percent of all students used some form of mass transportation.
Over seve
Many who lived in Jersey I
took the bus to and from school. Those who lived in Bergen or Essex counties often took a t or a train and a bus or the Prep van service. By whatever means, commuting was a major f:
Mrs. Bernadette Costanzo
of Prep life. Through the rain, sleet, and snow, students waited on corners to catch their buses in e the most brutal of weather.
Department:Foreign L an gu ages C /asses;Spanish 1,
to school safely and on time, and the system efficiently did its job.
French 2, French 3 Honors, French 4 Honors
Homeroom:3C Moderator for: NHS, French NHS, French Club, A slan Club
The only major prob
with the commute was when several Prep students had a brush With crime on the #81 bus Bayonne. Mr. Raslowsky and Mr. Collins worked with both NJ. Transit and the police to n sure that students could get to school with safety and without worry, and the Jersey City Po sting operation led to several arrests. Those who were not walking or on buses or getting rides took the PATH. Situated betw Grove Street and Exchange Place, Prep was the nexus of all PATH commuters. Once at eil terminal, students only had to walk four or five blocks. For many students, the subway was Ij a way of life and a science. students to return home. decreased.
Trains were the main (and often times only) way for migrij
Without the PATH, thePrep population would have been drastic!
Taking the subway was also a science, because one constantlyneeded to caleu
Rev. Robert G. Cregan, SJ
the probability of finding a seat to finish last-minute homework.
Title: Chairman Department:BngHsh Classes: English 1,
was also a transit employee slow-down that interfered With commuting on one fall afteroa
English 3, Literature o f W ar, Writing Lab, Latinl
Moderatorfor: Swimming Team
122 â&#x20AC;˘ FEOFLE
Delays and accidents, while far from common, were reali
problems student commuters had to face. They depended on the transit system to transport t
Like buses, the PATH I
had its share of problems. Bad weather forced delays and closings on some occassions. T il but such incidents were rare and isolated.
In short, if it were not for mass transportation, students would have bad a hard time getfl to school, returning home... and handing their homework in on time.
r ? F ron t Row: J o rg e G uzm an, R o la n d o R a fa n an , M a tth ew Troian o, Brian Franco, Abel Ramos. Jigar Patel, Francesco Rizzi, Ryan Prime, Jose RomeroBosch. Second Row: Raymond B rew , A n t h o n y D e F ilip p o , Michael Strallow, Christopher G u m ta n g , K evin D iG io rg io , Erich Sekel, John Friend, Jaime Cepeda. Th ird Row: Dorian Tim mons, Michael Cupo, Brian M cK en n a , G o rd o n D u rk in , Andrew Bing, Robert Aldridge, Mr. Irv in e . M iss in g : Jo se R o d rigu ez, D aniel K h u blall, Courtney Harper, Edward Lee.
Happy to have the keys, Emile Lisboa drives to school instead of taking a bus or train. Although most seniors had licenses, many did not drive. Parking was horrendous, as reflected by several “b ootin gs” throughout the year.
Mr. Tony Crisalli Department; Physical Education
Classes: Physical Education 1 ,2 ,3
Moderator for: Intramurals
Coach for: Football, Tennis
Ms. Marie Curry Title: Chairwoman Department History
Classes: W orld Civ., A P U.S. History 1 ,A P U.S. History 2, Le sson s o f the Holocaust
Moderator for: . Forensics
Charging down the tunnel, the World Trade Center train rolls up to the platform. Many students used the PATH to get to school.
Mr. Ken Dandorph Title:Facility Director Department: Mathematics
Classes: A lgebra Honors, Geometry . S tage Crew
Moderator for:
Academic Advisor for: FootbailTeam
Homerooms • 123
t$ Front Row: Due Nguyen, Danilo Ramirez, Jesse Oliger. Second Row : C h ris to p h e r R om an o, Leonard Romanski, Erik Rivera, Neil Fajardo, Th om as Egan. Th ird Row: John Rodriguez. Virgilio Guzman, Gerrm aioud Chape, Joseph Bowen, Brian Quinn, Juan Munoz. Fourth Row : J u s tin D eV oe, P ie tro B a rb eri. S te ven S an ch ez, L a w ren ce L a zza ra , M ich a el T u lly , G era ld Io rio , D on a ld C ym bor, R am an S harm a. M iss in g : M arcu s D o n a tes, G re go ry G a p a sin , M ich a el Walker, Angelo Cardenas.
Mr. James C. DeAngelo
But Ulere Afraid
Departm enf:Foreign
f o c te k
L an gu ages
Mr. S e ttem bre
Classes: Germ an 1, Germ an 2, Germ an 3 H onors, L e s s o n s o f the H olocaust
Homeroom.-2B Moderator tor; Petroc, Germ an Exchange Program
S tu d en ts hate g e ttin g J U G . A fte r a ll, not everyone enjoys copying excerpts f l the handbook onto graph paper fo r fo rty m in u tes. Som e students have jobs cannot affo rd to stay aftersch oo l fo r long. A th le te s have p ractice or games, J U G ju sts gets in the way. So fo r these fin ic k y m iscreants, J U G projects ex These tim e -sa v in g p ro jects, however, are not as easy to receive as one m ight thi I t takes s k ill and ta le n t to successfully m anuever past norm al classroom JUG g et a p ro je c t. F irs t o ff, never ask the dean fo r a p ro je c t. Y o u 'll be shot down ev
Mr. Carl DeLorenzo Departments istory Classes: U.S. History 2, Modem European History, Russian History Homeroom:4B
tim e . Ask a frie n d ly teach er to le t the dean know they need a bookcase mo or a w all p ainted or som eth ing . R e a lly nice teachers w ill give you someth quick and easy to do. O th e rw is e, arrive at the dean's o ffic e e arly . Look sad depressed lik e a lost puppy. Two out o f three tim es you w ill g et a projec C ontrary to local fo lk lo re , J U G projects do not include d eta ilin g C o llin s ' M o n ster Truck or washing M r. S ette m b re's laundry. A ty p ic al proj usually involves garbage: c o lle c tin g it , sorting it , even bagging it , but garb n onetheless. R ecycling cans is a popular p ro je ct nowadays because it is fun good fo r the environm ent. O th e rp ro je c ts include m ailing le tte rs , re-decorating cafe fo r an im p o rtan t event, and sweeping outside to make Prep a ll the m l b e a u tifu l. S erio u s ly , JU G projects are much more to le ra b le than regular J t l They rarely requ ire any heavy liftin g or quick th in k in g . W h eth er you have hadÂŤ or more, or none, or have spent your entire teenage existence doing them , JU G projeft are here to stay.
F ro n t Row: M iss W ozn iak, Salman Asghar, Gene Jeffrey, Steven Wong, Jeffrey Yu, David Tango, Joseph Percontino, Paul Teddy, Michael Paez. Second Row: John Paul Lucero, Justin Conley, Darren Scher, Daniel Paskas, Joseph Deodato. Third Row: D aniel Rum ain, Jacob R odrigu ez, Joseph Facchini, David Pagan, Patrick Buesing, Kenneth Kopacz. Fourth Row: Jeffrey Bouquio, Brian Kovacs, A lfre d o T u a n g co , M atthew Malizia, Abner Merluza, Robert W allace. Fifth Row: Justin D eB en e d ectis, E dw ard Feuchack.
Instead of taking JUG, three unlucky students take out the garbage in the cafe for their JUG project. Projects were a common and often less painful way of dealing with JUG. Other tasks included typing addresses for the German Exchange, cleaning gum off of Ms. Baber's chairs, and moving books and new furniture into the refurbished library.
Mr. Jim Dondero r/ffe:CoHege C ounselor
Department Guidance
Classes-. Junior G roup Guidance, Introduction to Com puters
Student Council, D ance Committee, M odeling C lu b
Mrs, Kristin Dowling Department: Mathematics
Classes .-Geometry, y A lgebra 2/ Trigonometry
Homeroom&C Moderatorfor: C h ess Club
n Front Row: Rhys Dela Cruz, Rajah Allarey, Vincent Silvestrl, Matthew Monteleone. Kalpesh Patel. Second Row: Jonathan Cuaycong. Matthew May, Brian M cN a ir, A dam F ltz g lb b o n s, Timothy Andreula. Third Row: Mr. Z a w isto w s k i, M a tth ew Lazorwltz, AJam Khawaja, Brian Sharrock. Justin Brown, Marcus M ayh u e, B ria n S h ep p a rd , Khurrum Sheikh, Mark Alblez, Joel Gibson. Darrow DeLuca, Jose Moreno, Benjamin DlFranco.
Fr. Martin Doyle, SJ Title: S chool Social W orker
It it i elotely guarded taeret tb it many Prep taaehari k m lif i r a t i personalities oattida the • ef tka tekaal. Whan tka final ball rings at 2:30, tbay become entirely different peeple. F eallad this peculiar behavior ‘ aekizapkraala*, b it we think tkay'ra j u t wacky...
G uidance
Classes:W orld Religions
Moderatorfor: Basketball
Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF Department:Science
Classes: Chemistry, Physics
Homeroom:2D Moderatorfor: Science Research, Hoboken Shelter
Mr. Sakodra kaa been tka praaldaat af tba Jersey City akaptar af Hall'a Angela far tka twa yaars. Knewn aa ‘ Tka Snake” ta kikara aaraaa tba natian, be holds tka raaard far naat w auta without a helmet. Ha it earrently wanted far outstanding neviag vielatiena... Ms. Crakler it an extra on tke papalar prime-time aeap, “Malrote Plaee.* It ia ramered aka will be replacing Heether Locklear la tka '9 6 fall teaaoa. Althaajh aka eajeya aetiag, tree ambition it ta direct... Mr. Beni ia tka aaeeed-degree kleek kelt taa-kwea-da ehampiea ef Buffalo, NY. He wil representing tke City ef Good Neighkora in tba Natieaal Tae-Kwen-De ehampienakip ia Tilaa, He't alae pretty joed at ekiaeaa akeakera... Mr. Beyle ia tka erimeea-eled “Jersey City Dafaader," a vigilante aiperkere dedieeted te ti justice, and tke Ameriea* way. Fax Predaetiena ia aarraatly diaeaeeing a paaaikle Satarday mar aartaea series, and Heakre will kave tke aanpleta liae ef Meraey City Defeader" aetiaa fig aa tka akelves far Chriatmai... Mr. Zawiitawaki it an investigative reporter fer tke Jeraey Joaraal. He kea a kat lead myateriaaa aaperkere dediaated ta tratk, jaatiaa, aad tke Aneriaaa way. The J e ifM l kai eemmeat... Br. Real ia a gaide et tke Lekigk River Reftiag Taara ia Paaaaylvaaia. He is tke ealy ki Jesait kayaker ia tka warld. Hia next trip Will be ever Nlegara Fella aad Will be feetarad aa D Capparfield's apeemiag Thaakagiviag T.V. apaeiel... Deaaoa O'Neill ia iatareeatiaaatal ehampiea af the World Wrestling Faderetiea. Niakai "Deac’ ky kis adariag arewd ef faaa, ka will be wrestliag tka Breeklya Brewler ia a aa-halda hi
atael-eaga metak ia Sumner Slem... Fr. Brewaiag it tke aaditpated Dodgekall world ekanpiea, sportinga kaoekeatt. We were told tkat ka ia the aale reaaaa that HAP atadeata atill play... Ma. Baker hea been kaay witk kar Italian-baaed aenpeay, "Baker Eaterpriaea,' a aaaglam ef keatigaes ead aampaa ahapa. She Will be epeaiag ‘ Baker Land,* a theme park aad nilti-: kaekatare ia tke apriag af '97. Admiaaiaa will ka $50 a paraaa. Prep itadoata will kave i diteaant... Mr. Lillis is lead aiager ef tke peak kaad,
“Parple Newts.’
two haadrad eopiea, aad ha la aarraatly aaatanplatiag a jab ahaage.
Tkeir late Parhapa
K BS E g g KSS8KSS » * ” wCS » * 5 * ^ w S iiw i
F ron t Row: C h ris to p h er K am in sk i, A rn on C lem en te. M ich a el C aran dan , Ryan Lorenzo. Second Row: Gil Bertin, Pa d raic G a lla gh er, R obert S calzo, Lance V isone, S cott Gurian. Third Row: Paschal Fe rre ira , J a so n C on ti, C h ris to p h er S pina, R obert Duran. Fourth Row: George W isn iesk i, H arold G adsden. H ow ard C en tro, J erm a in e M ercer, S an tiago Fernandez, F ilip S lu s a rczy k , F ern an do M iran da . M issin g : Jam es Hernandez.
Fr. James Foley, SJ Title: Proctor
Mr. Lillis performed his punk rendition of “Here Comes the Bride” for his Love and Marriage class. He received a standing ovation.
Mr. William Ford Department.ReWgion,
History C/asses.-Religion 3,
U.S. History 1 Homeroom:30 Moderatortor:
Front Row: M ichael Monaco, Joseph Baber, Constantine Dy, Joseph Fisher, James Mullins, Stephen Kayiaros. Second Row: R o b e rt K o la k o w s k i, M a rtin Corcoran. Ben W iley, Francis Drummond, John Magcalas. Third Row: Michael Urbanowicz, Kevin Moran, Kris Nikolla, Mark Taraszkiew icz. Fourth Row: Alexis Salas. Melvin Cadlaon, Francis Mansfield. James Birch, T im o t h y S e r v ic e . M ic h a e l W asson g. P a u l M a d a vi. Christopher W ilczek. Missing: D a v id M c llh a t t e n , J o s e p h Tram utolo.
T op Ten
Frosli Fallacies Rev. D. James French, SJ Title: Rector o f the Jesuit Community C/asses;l_atin
Ms. Ana J. Garcia Department:Foreign Lan gu ages
Classes: Spanish 1, A P Spanish 2, Spanish 3 A P Literature Homeroom:2E Moderator for.-Senior Prom
128 â&#x20AC;˘ PEOPLE
10. Cheerleaders love freshmen. 9. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers lunchboxes are cool. 8. Four minutes is enough time to get from Bio to Art. 7. Only seniors are allowed to use the Coke machine. 6. Homeroom beadles get 3 extra points on their 6.P.A . for a job well done. 5. Frees are lame anyway. I want to learn. 4. Seniors have it easy. 3. Tuition may be high, but that's OK since magnificent yearbook is free. 2 Latin may be hard, but I'll use it everyday I the rest of my life. 1. Combo pool/elevator passes are a real bargain.
Fron t Row: Jesu s Quintela, Joseph Santos. Philip Frezzo, R a h e e l A n s a r i. J o n a th a n M a v illa , A lv in D e s r o s ie r s . Second Row: Anthony Jordan, M ichael Ram persad, Joseph Chidichimo. Anthony Guirgis, M a tth ew M ilcza rs k i, Jam es Auriem m a. Th ird Row: J eff Connors, Brian Rudzinski, Ian D e H a v e n , D a n ie l A s e n c io , J o n a th a n L u gtu , F e rn a n d o Quevedo. Fourth Row: Patrick M u n oz, A im a n Ib ra h im . Christopher Wainman. Fifth Row: David DiMartino, Robert C o rm io , A r t h u r D el, B illy C u n n in gh am , J u stin Kealy, Thomas Gargiulo, Christopher Casazza. Missing: Syed Abbasi.
Delighted by his new experiences at Prep, freshman Joe Facchini knows better than to buy an elevator pass from a persuasive senior.
Ms. Suzanne Grabler Department Mathematics
Classes: A lgebra I, A lgebra W Trigonometry, A lgebra 11/ Trigonometry Honors Moderator lor: Peer A d viso rs and C ounselors Homeroom: 3E
Mr. Rich Hansen At spring orientation, peer advisor Ryan Gonzales warns a group of freshm en from homeroom 1H about senior swindles and first-year misconceptions.
T/f/e.Athletic Director DepartmenfcPhyslcal Education C/asses:Physical Education 4
Coach for:V arsity Football
Homerooms â&#x20AC;˘ 129
ZD Front Row: Joseph Shane Smith, P a tric k H u nt, S u ja n D ass, Michael Priore, John Falcicchio. Second Row: V ictor Gonzalez, Robert Larkins, Nelson Pingol, J a m es Koo. P a u l B la su cc i, William Madsen. Third Row: Steven Harbace, John Zaklama, Daniel Haggerty, Michael Nivins, Nicholas Trentacoste. Missing: Markis Abraham, Coy Dailey.
Mr. Owen Haveron Department.'History
Classes:U.S. History 1, U.S. History 2, The Civil War, Contemporary Issu es
Homeroom:AC Coach for.'Freshman Football, JV Basketball
F ig h t
SAM vs. FREDDY For six years, Sam the Hot Dog Man has monopolized the Prep hot dog industry. Nearly ev Sam tows his wagon to the corner of Grand and Warren and sets up shop. Recent economic pn have forced him to raise the price from a buck to a buck and a quarter, but his dogs are si best. During recess and lunch, a flock of students, construction workers, and an assortm pedestrians cheerfully wait in a mile-long line for a bite. Whether you like them plain or with Sam is the man for a dynamite dog. Lately, however, Sam has been experiencing some comp from an unlikely newcomer: Freddy. Freddy's chuckwagon arrived for the first time in September. Unlike his worthy opp Freddy comes afterschool to a different hungry clientele. Freddy represents the new breed
Mr. David HeW T/He; Director of Computer Services
Department: Mathematics C/asses;Advanced Computer Program m ing
dog vendor: efficient, friendly, and clever. He has gone beyond hot dogs and has bra into the virtually untapped dairy group. His slushies come in a variety of flavors includii ever-popular cherry. He also sells burgers and soda, but his dogs remain his biggest item students and neighborhood kids. It was clear from the start that a problem would arise. The administration was prepar an all-out war. The National Guard was on call. The school perimeter was secured witt bags and artillery units. Undercover state troopers were scattered throughout the ranks i construction workers, their handguns hidden safely under those neon orange helmets. Fibergla armor was purchased for the dean and his patrol of armed guards. Fortunately, Sam am were able to put their differences aside. Afier all, Freddy was not stealing any business from Perhaps Sam put it best when he said, "As long as he [Freddy] is not here while I'm here, is no quarrelling." Are those fighting words? (Editor's Note - Nov. 9: Freddy hasn't been around for the past few weeks. coincidence, Sam's business has reportedly doubled in sales. Go figure...)
130 â&#x20AC;˘ PEOPLE
In a I
2 S F r o n t R ow : S u n il D a s a ri, C h ris to p h er Bader, Corm ac Quinn. Second Row: Joseph P ik e, G era ld A lora n , B rian D ougherty, Joshua Medrano. Third Row: Keith Puro, Andre Munoz, David Lassiter, David Schalk, Fawad Malik. Fourth Row : R ody Zam ar, M ich ael O ’G ara, A n th on y A rdizzone, Craig Florkiewlcz, Max Howard. Fifth Row: Nicholas Degnan, P eter Blythin.
Hungry after an exhausting day of school, freshman Frank Tobias buys a dog from Freddy’s chuckwagon. Freddy competed with Sam for the hot dog business at Prep.
Ms. Patter Hellstrom Title:Chairwoman Department:Art Classes: Studio Art1, Studio Art 2, Introduction to Art Moderator for: Art Club
Fr. Michael R. Hoag, SJ Department:English With a wry smile on his face, Sam dishes out a delicious dog. The stiff com pe tition from Freddy obviously hasn’t dampened his spirits.
Cfasses.'English 1 Honors, Writing Lab, Ghost and Horror Fiction Homeroom."! E
Moderator for: Prep in Europe
Homerooms - 131
z ? Front Row: Nathan Jackson, M athew A sgari, N eil Mosco. S econd Row : S ta n le y Bridgeforth, Casey McKenna, L a w r e n c e G a lla g h e r , J o s e Simon. Third Row: Mark Lucero, R o b in E dw in , K eo n P a ton , A n th on y D ia m a n ti, T im o th y Masterson. Fourth Row: Rene V e ra n o , M ic h a e l Z e v o te c k , Jason Casia, Alan Leon. Missing: R a je e v B h a ru c h a , T im o th y Crow ley, N e il Doshi, H ector Espinoza, Jorge Ortega.
Mr. John Irvine Department:Engtisb Classes:English 1,
W '
k& e i
Writing Lab, Them es in Sports Literature Homeroom:! F
Coach for: Varsity
S occer
Director of: Higher
Achievem ent Program
Mr. Boland S. Jones Title: Band Director, . Concert B and ' Director, Jazz B and Director
Department A it Classes: Beginner’s Instrumental Music, A dvanced Instrumental Music, Introduction to M usic, M usic theory/ Jazz
Dr. Richard L, Kennedy, PhD Deparfment.-English
Classes:A P English, Fiction Into film , English 2 Homeroom:4D
Moderator for: Photography Club, Theater Club
The Faculty Lounge is no man's land. Strategically situated on the obsolete second floor of M Hall, the secrets of the lounge have been hidden from students since its inception. Many frighhl stories have leaked from its walls-some definitely false, some undeniably true. Neverthell breaking through its impenetrable defenses was a challenge the Petrean would not pass up. I Our nameless investigator first stealthily slipped into the workshop during an average CAs he crawled into the nondescript space, he came face to face with the scourge of Prep: Big Be A model 2000 heavy-duty maximum-strength Xerox super photocopier, Big Bertha is older most teachers. In its many years it has spewed forth over twenty billion dittos, packets, and t Tall stacks of typing paper towered over the monstrous photocopier, many of them marked with same teacher's name. Our nameless investigator quicldy fled Bertha's dungeon and snuck into the adjacent chan He had heard rumors about the lounge, but they did not prepare him for what he found. It decorated in an early '70s motif, like Greg's pad on The Brady Bunch. Shag rugs covered floor, and a pair of lava lamps rested atop a coffee table along with a few back issues of Wil Better Homes and Gardens, and Wrestling Today. There was an overly abundant number of si bought plants, like the ones young kids buy for their moms on Mother's Day. Hole-ridden port of politicians were pinned to the dartboard which hung from the far left wall. A big 75" TV stret across the carpeted floor on a stand of lacquered maple. The entire opposite wall was dedie to shelves and shelves of books, magazines, and age-old copies of Reader's Digest. Our investii spotted several copies of the entire Dr. Seuss collection, as well as classics by Dickens, Shakesp Milton, and Cosby.
His free period was coming to a close, so our spy took his notepad and quickly fled I lounge.
He gave us his report in full graphic detail. It will be on the shelves by next Chrisr I
and a movie is in the works.
132 • FEOFLE
F ro n t Row: S ach in K arn lk, Ahmed Rashed, Dostum Yazici, Rene Roa, David Archiello, Brian Crim m ins, B rian Ackerm an. Second Row: Paul Fam, Matthew Jamison, Jade Feliciano, Todd Bura, Joseph LoRe, Brian Cody. Third Row: John Guevara, Mark Beldow icz, M ichael Banarez, Stephen Nadler, George Baratta. Fourth Row: Fred Giordano, N u m a n S h a ik h , N ic h o la s Perseghin, Jim m y Leung. John Palermo, Roy Maglori. Fifth Row: V ic t o r B a r r e z u e ta , E r n s to G u illa u m e , D a rr e n M ille r , Jonathan Romano, Joseph San Philip.
No student had ever been beyond this hardwood door — until now. Our ace investigator lived to tell the tale.
Mr. Walter B. Koszyk Departmenf.-English C/asses; English 1, Writing Lab, P ersonal Development '
HomeroomrtG Moderatorfor. Billiards Club
Mr, Chris M. Lanzalotto Departmentshysical Education
Classes# hysical Education, Driver’s Education f, Moderator for.Hockey £? Coach for:Volleyball, Football
Homerooms • 133
z # FrontRow: PaulTlllotson, Jorge S ilv a . S ea n M cN a lly . P e te r Russo. Sean Healy, Dale Kim. S econd Row: Brian Nguyen. A lfre d S ta .Ig les ia , Jo n a th a n Fabros, Amish Patel. David Blair. M ario Clem ente. Noel De La R osa. T h ird Row : M ich a el M alfettone, David Smith. Miles Tw a d d ell. C h ris to p h er D ale. Fou rth Row: A lan M endoza. Mark Jurado. Avelino Avelenda, Jonathan Hurtado, Santino De P a o la . F if t h R o w : A d a m Kowalski, Joseph Hansen, Telly Eliopoulos, Mark S crivanich, Craig Sutham m anont, Patrick Mussell, Ernest Borja.
Prepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ms. Adele LeCalvez
f/f/e.Chairwoman **
Department:Science Classes: Chemistry, A P Chemistry
The S t. Peter's Prep Cheerleaders invigorated the spectators at major I sporting events and ra llie s .
From decorating the cafe fo r early foot
breakfasts to joining the Band and the Marauder in pumping up the crow throwing th e ir pom-poms in the air proclaiming victory, the Cheerleaders i experts at instilling s p irit in the fans.
Mr. Bit! Liliis
The squad was made up o f tw enty-tw o energetic young women from the Acad
DepartmenfrReiigion Classes: Religion 1, L o v e & Marriage, Bioethics Homeroom;*H
o f S t. Aloysius and S t. Dominic's Academy who generously gave their tim e
Moderator for:
hours through November.
e ffo rt to help make the games more enjoyable and w orthw hile. The squad, t r a l by M s. Dineen Rentas, practiced every Monday and Thursday for tw o-and-aPractices were upgraded to a higher level du
T V Studio
December, when they practiced th e ir routines six days a week, two and a hours a day. In tournaments, of course, they were not focusing on other Prep teams,
Mr. Joseph Massarelii
were focusing on their own competition. Co-captain of the squad and St. I
DepartmentsEnglish Classes: English 2
it really does pay o ff! Thanks to their habits of hard work, the Prep cheerleai
Honors, English 3, M odem American Drama Homeroom :4A
were ranked fourth in the country at the '9 3 - '9 4 tournament in California,
Moderator for: Intramurals, Cam pus S hop
senior Shannon Brown commented, "It's a lot of work, but it pays o ff." And
also appeared in top form at the '9 4 - '9 5 National Cheerleading Competitioi Myrtle Beach, S.C.
skills to bring energy to students in the wonderful world of Prep sports, and fans turned out.
134 â&#x20AC;˘ PEOPLE
The cheerleaders offered encouragement and their g
3 / t Front Row: Ismael Shaukat, Ed ward Coleman, Cecilio Po, Ber nard Gordon, John Cirllli, W ill iam Lovero. Second Row: Chris topher Moje, Manuel Farinas, M ic h a e l K in a h a n , P a t r ic k M cK eon , A n th on y Pim entel. Third Row: Gregory Benacchio, Joseph Green, Vernon Gibbs, Raul Rosales. Fourth Row: Conor Murphy, Lawrence Gra ham , R obert Zyw icki. Brian Maddox. Javier Cabrera. Miss ing: Benjamin Orozco.
Taking York Street by storm, Prep cheerlead ers practice their routines before heading to the PrepDelaware Valley contest. Who knew then that they would be leading cheers at Giants Stadium in December?
Mr. Robert McDermott TVt/e.-Chairman
Department: Mathematics C/asses:Geometry Honors, Precalculus
Mr. Donald Merrick During the State Championship game, the Prep cheerleaders (and Coach Hansen’s daughter Nicole), invigorated Prep fans with “Give me no words, no words... no phrase, no phrase...just give me that beat!"
Department.Sclence Classes: Physics, Physics Honors
Homerooms > 135
Fron t Row : J a ck ie B illin gs, Jeffrey TifTner, Jonathan Armas, Steve Panayiotou, Robert Perez. Second Row: Piotr Zielinski, Stephen Borace, Brian Mulvihill, John S e b o r o w s k i, Jack Truehaft. Third Row: Thom as Huha, Jason Artz, Pedro Cirino, Fernando Lopez-Diaz, Joseph LoPorto. Fourth Row: Stephen Comandatore, Ahmed Ali, Ernest Riley, M atthew Dugan, Kevin Gillespie.
Ms. Kathleen E. Moore Departmenf/English Classes: Writing Lab, English 2, English 3 H onors
Homeroom:3G Moderator for: Am nesty International
Mr. Andrew Noga Department.Foreign Lan gu ages C/asses:Latin1, Latin 2, Latin 2 H onors Homeroom:2H Moderator for: Ski Club, Lacrosse Club Coach for: C ro ssCountry
136 • PEOPLE
y V O V '*.
The construction on the English Building affected school life in all sorts of The traffic up the stairway slowed to a crawl, causing quite a few unlucky stu to visit the JUG room after school. The community became accustomed t hammers and drills that accompanied the assembly of the new library. Unr to this disruption, but adding to the overall sense of confusion, was the rearra of teachers1 classrooms to insure a unique mixture of faculty. Students' rea were voiced in the newspaper. The opinions of faculty, however, seemed to been left out. This is what they had to say... Mrs. Bernadette Costanzo, teacher of French and Spanish to sophomores, juniors, and si ha/ been very active in Prep co-curriculars. She moderated the National Honor Society, the National Honor Society, the French Club, and the Asian Club. As a result of the shift classes, her room was moved from the second floor of Hogan to the third floor of the I Building. She reflected, "I don't mind the changes, but I would rather have the (aea< departments together. It's hard to discuss with each other now." She continued, “A problem is the bathroom. With the construction going on, it's difficult to go from bi to building [while the English Building is without facilities].'' Another teacher who had similar experiences with the move was Mrs. Pat O'Grady. changing her own commitments to include freshman and sophomore religion, as well a Genesis 9 program and guidance-counseling duties, Mrs. O'Grady moved from the E Building to second Hogan. She felt that the change was appropriate and that the mixti faculty of various departments was productive. Having been in the English Building foi years, Mrs. O'Grady enjoyed discussing school matters with different teachers. "This bi is more convenient... and the bathroom is close by," she said. Overall, faculty displayed a positive reaction to the new class arrangement. Althoi limited departmental cooperation at first, the arrangement gave teachers the chance to and greet new faculty members. And when the elevator and the bathroom were completed, then few complaints - at least until they are all moved again.
se F r o n t R ow : N e ls o n A b re u , Randolph Lagman, Frederick O rejola, Tarek Arafat, Barry Tsang. Second Row: Sandeep Luke, Adam Rucinsky, Nicholas Signoretta, Joseph Casia. Third Row: Erwin Annulysse, Joseph W roblew ski, T rista n Magno, Kevin Reed, Rhonald Reside. Fourth Row: Edward Rodriguez, Sean Keating, Gadoon Kyrollos, Michael Medrano. Missing: Sean Farrell.
Ms. Marie Curry’s move delighted her AP U.S. History classes, who no longer had to scale eight flights of stairs in four minutes. Her room was shifted from the fourth floor o f the English Building to the more manageable second floor of Burke.
Fr. Thomas V. O’Connor, SJ DepartmentScience CfassesrChemistry, Chemistry Honors
Mr. Jack O’Donnell Department: Ms. Suzanne Grabler was moved from the second floor of Burke to the second floor in the English Building, where she helps students like Billy Guzman with math.
Classes: A lgebra 1, Geometry
Homerooms • 137
Mrs. Patricia Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Grady
fa n a
Department:Religion, Guidance C/asses.'Religlon 1, Religion 2, Group GttMance
One of the hardest decisions parents and students must make is choosing a
Homeroom:2G Moderator:
school. The right choice w ill prepare a student for college and beyond. Desit
Juntof Pram
to assist families in choosing a school, Prep established the "Freshman f Day" program in 1994. freshmen.
Eighth graders from various schools spent a day
In order to get a feel for academic life , they followed their gui
class schedule.
They also encountered the all-male atmosphere for the f
tim e . Twenty "Freshman Ambassadors" introduced eighth graders to the Prep of life . In addition to an ambassador bringing an eighth grader to all his clas
Deacon John Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill
each gave a guided tour o f the Prep facilities. The main purpose of the ambassador program was to demonstrate a day in life of a Prep student.
One freshman, Jose Romero-Bosch, described
r/f/e.-Chairman ^
program as "a day that can either make or break a student's decision to
to Prep."
C/assas.Rellgion 2, P sy ch ology & Religion, Ultimate Questions Moderatorfor: I Philosophy Club
Fortunately, this program was wildly successful. Fifty-three students I fourteen different towns took advantage of the program.
Most showed inte
in attending Prep. The "Freshman fo r a Day" program is one of the most effei ways to show future students the advantages o f enrolling at S t. Pet Preparatory School.
Front Row: Edw ard Bodnar, J am es R icc io, E rik Larsen, K e v in C a lla h a n , A n d re w S ta m p e lo s , D a n te T a u ro , Michael Watson. Second Row: P a trick F itz p a tric k , P a trick K elly , Jo se V ila rin o , Frank Marino, Ned Cox, Jason Colon, G eoffrey Leigh. Th ird Row: Joseph K ir c h e r , G a v in S chiraldo, A ngelo Kakolyris, G e r a ld M cD e rm o tt, S h a w n Finnerty, Kevin Barry, Steven A h n , V in c e n t D eG e n n a r o , Rahsaan King, Jeffrey Martin. M issing: A n th on y W eim m er, M atthew V idetti.
In his first year as the director of OPI and the Prep ambassador program, Mr. Raymond Hennessey discusses academic life with ambassador Jose-Romero Bosch and Ellington Crowe, an interested eighth grader. The program was staffed by a squad o f 20 freshmen.
Fr. Harold J. Oppldo, SJ Department: Foreign La n gu a ge s C/asses: Latin 1 Honors, Greek 1
| I â&#x2013; liSliii Br. Ray Page, FMS
I I Department.English Classes;MroAmerican Literature
Ambassadors: Front Row: Mr. Raymond Hennessey. Joseph Facchini, Paul Jeffrey Yu, Jose-Rom ero Bosch, Jonathan Munar, Nicholas Scrivanich. Second Kevin Kwan, Dan Rumain, David Tango, Adam Roszkowski, Tuguwan Smith, Dav d k Brian Wood, Matthew Troiano. Missing: Justin Brown, Gerry Iorio, Danilo Chris Reid, Desmond Twiggs, M att Wagnon.
Homerooms â&#x20AC;˘ 139
F ro n t R ow : J in Ha J o u n g, Jam es C a stillo , C h risto p h er Abdon. Second Row: Christo pher Razon, Palak Shah, Ryan Gonzales, Arm ando Tiongson. T h ir d R ow : J a m es W oo ten . Satya Tiwari, Erwin Manlongat, A le x a n d e r A g u ir r e , J a m e s O ’Day. Fourth Row: Anthony Nappi, Arcangelo Abbatemarco, Lorenzo Sista. Fifth Row: An drew Drozdowski, Daniel Tro ja n , S te v e n B o yd , M ic h a e l O le s k y , B r ia n B e ld o w ic z , Joseph Roarty , A sef Khwaja, T o m a s z L u k a s ia k , G e o ffr e y P e t e r s e n , P a n k a j S h a rm a . Missing: Islam Abdelal.
SEMIFr. Enrico Rauili, SJ Depart/nenf.'English, Guidance
Classes: Creative Writing Moderatortor: Paper and Pen
On the night o f December 16th, underclassmen were invited to the a Freshman-Sophomore Sem i-Form al. Due to the tremendous e ffo rts o f the lit Com m ittee, the event was an o u trig h t success.
Using a cascade o f H
streamers, the com m ittee transformed the cafe entrance. F ifty couples p | through th is gateway to enchantment. W ith the Christmas s p irit in mind! Frances also contributed to the decorating e ffo rt w ith lig h ts and garland the centerpiece o f the room, the Christmas tree.
The evening began slow ly w ith couples m in g lin g about, but they soon cri the dance flo o r when DJ Dave B aile y began p laying . One o f the main attrac
Mr. John F. Ronan Department: Mathematics C/asses;Com puter Applications & Programming, Introduction to Computing Homeroom:4F Moderator for: Fishl ng Club, Computer Club
was the lim bo c o n tes t. The a ir was fille d w ith the pleasant thum p o f a ca drum as people shouted, "H ow low can you go?!” S tu d en ts were not p a tte n tio n to w inning or losing, since they were too busy having fun and I not to h it th e ir chins against the "lim b o " broom stick. A b u ffe t-s ty le dinner was served by M r. Dondero and the Dance Commit Dancing to a variety o f music styles follow ed, including reggae, R &B, an<fl some oldies and disco. As the night went on, i t was tough to te ll w h o l enjoying themselves more, the couples or the Dance Committee m e n !
U nfortunately, all good things must end, and everyone was sad to have the « song played at 11:30.
3 $ Front Row: John Nolan, Daniel Stupinski. Second Row: Eugene Seu, Ramon Varona, Matthew Pinella, Leon Colao. Third Row: M atthew W orst, C h ristoph er S ta n b erry, M a tth ew K elly. Fourth Row: Michael Karkut, John Krivinsky. Joseph Garcia, Craig McLaughlin.
Passing through the mysterious streamers, freshman Jason Babich and his date enter an awe-inspiring and surprising world. What they once recognized as the cafe had been transformed into a world of music, dancing, and good times.
Ms. Kathleen Rowan 77f/e;Director
Department Guidance C/asses:Freshman Group Guidance
Moderatorfor: Oxfam America
Mr. Anthony Sabedra Department-Foreign
Sampling the fine cuisine offered at the semi-formal buffet, Ryan Lorenzo, Joseph Santos, Noel De La Rosa, Mark Lucero, and their dates create a whole new atmosphere at a long cafe table.
Languages C/asses.ttaiian 1, Spanish 2, Italian 3/4 Honors
â&#x2013; Hometvom.-W Moderator for: Vocal Ensemble, Italian Cultural Club, Italian Honor Society, Mexican Exchange
Front Row: David Paskas, Shaun Kolmer, David Costello, Donald Bostonian. Second Row: Vincent Collado, Ryan Dworkin, Thom as Gnas, Rolando Salvador. Third Row: Joseph Slaw inski, Jimm y S o n g , J o h n A b a d ir, J a so n M c G u rk , J o h n D o u g h e rty , Andrew Vizzacchero. Fourth Row: Jonathan Boggiano, James Pedersen, Marc Rubin, Robert Ish a k, A rn old A lfa n o , S teve Bautista. Fifth Row: D avid Standish, Raym und Caparas, G a ry H an sen , N ic o la e E ne, Obadiah W illiams. Sixth Row: A nthony Render, Jason Falco. Missing: Fleetwood Banks.
The Prep Mr. Lance S. Silvestris
Title: Director of Financial Aid Department-Foreign L an gu ages C la s s e s ; Latin 2, French 1
Wmm »
Ms. Adrianne Wozniak Department: Mathematics
Classes: A lge b ra 1, Accounting
142 • PEOPLE
Under the new management of M r. Roland Jones, the Prep band achieved ambitious goals. Fully supported by the administration, M r. Jones reorgan the band from top to bottom. He started the year by reviewing some basi composition and rhythm. His stricter rules and high expectations encour band members to reach their fullest musical potential. Returning members conscious that the quality and organization of the band was improving beyond own expectations. A significant but realistic goal was to get the band more involved. They a positive factor in the success of the championship Varsity football team, played at every home football game from the bleachers, leading the crowd i Fight Song, and they even brought their own am plifier motor to Giants Stad They adopted the role of head orchestra for the Prep production of F iddler oi Roof. Led by President J e ff Bayard and Vice President Robert Rucinski, band members also played at school liturgies. They performed two concerts du the year. The Christmas Concert delivered some favorite yuletide ca accompanied by the S t. Dom's Choir, while the Spring Concert included a mix of classical composition and modern tunes. Unlike other students, most band members remained in the same homei for their four-year tenure at Prep. This brought the band closer together group. J e ff Bayard called the band a "fam ily." Unfortunately, the family missing an important member during most of the year. When sophomore Spataro was hospitalized, the band was crushed. They dedicated the year to brother-in-arms, and promised a good one. They delivered, and the band eme as a strong, more harmonious presence in Prep life .
Front Row: Robert Rucinski, George Kmec, Chez Bryan Ong, D ou glas F a cc ip o n ti, J effrey A n g erm eye r, V in c e n t Rone. Second Row: Matthew Sexton, A lb ert R in a ld i, A dam King, Jam es C a r ta n o , M ic h a e l Marques. Third Row: Alejandro M a rtin ez, J o n a th a n Fencik, Z e fe rin o F e rre ira , M a tth ew Wagnon, Peter Rimac, William Donnelly, Jaime de Leon. Fourth Row: Michael Walker, Stephen Hudacko, Vincent Conti. Fifth Row: Jason Elliott, Mark Bozan, Marco Branca, Rodney Santos, Paul Colombo, Matthew Spataro. Missing: Jeffrey Bayard, Chad Moser, Thom as Spataro.
gv* ir
W _ •9 1 m.* /ys
P f>it*
In the band room in the basement of Burke, Rodney Santos practices for “Lessons and Carols” on his french horn. The band was joined by the Vocal Ensemble and the St. Dom ’s Choir for the occasion.
Ms. Beatrice Wysocki Department: Mathematics
Classes: Pre-Calculus, A P Catculus
Mr. Robert P. Zawistowski The brass choir (Robert Rucinski, Paul Colombo, Rodney Santos, and Jason Elliott) spends homeroom preparing for the December 11 Christmas Concert.
Department:Science Classes: Biology Homeroom:M Moderatorfor: Mission Drive
Coach for. Varsity & JV Bowling
Homerooms * 14S
Continuing the Prep tradition, Ray Catlaw, Marauder Lee Paciello, Sergio Robayo, and Frank Palladlno cheer on the football team to an anticipated win at Cochrane Stadium. Prep routed Ferris 32-0, led by Pedro Cirlno’s three touch downs.
£ 1 eniors are the final product of the process. They have d g o n e through four years of this experience called Prep. They have been assembled in cooperation with teachers, faculty, and staff, learning skills they can apply later in life. Prep is a foundation, a starting point in their lives as adults. They have taken the tools they gained to make Prep a better place. In their fourth year, they take the last step toward becoming the complete Prep man, the ideal of our philosophy. In the community, they are the team leaders, peer advisors, and eucha ristic ministers. Along with teachers and Jesuits, they guide the school spiri tually. They have survived the academ ics, completing all the requirements for each step. They are also the captains, presidents, and editors of various sports, clubs, and publications. On the field and in the bleachers, they are the key players scoring goals and the loudest voices cheering on the team. The
144 S
seniors are the most recognized faces in the crowd, the sJ confident motivators who make Prep an interel ing and lively place. Senior year is often demanding too, but! rewards are far greater than test grades a| college recommendations. Writing a Cai pion paper the night before it is due a getting a halfway decent grade a we later is just as important as meeting I j Noga and Mr. Sabedra at the Noil Bergen game. Asking questions a) j getting a feel for the class is oflij more beneficial than acing every n I and quiz. In addition, the many choices tt I face seniors range from choosing electives to pi41 ing the right friends. Dodging JUG, missing the bifl going crazy at the rallies: they are all important. These what make Prep not only a school, but a community. AM seniors are the final products, the leaders of the comnfl nity. Somewhere along the line, the Prep experience tuifl students into Prep men. Seniors are evidence of what Prfl has to offer, what Prep can do for men as students aif people.
HENRY O. ARMAS JR. Keyur Amin: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Com puters 2; lndo-Pak3,4. “Hasta la vista, baby!”- Arnold Schwarzenegger ristopher Aguado: Baseball 2,3,4; amurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee4. fen if you’re on the right track, you’ll ^ n over if you just sit there. ”- Will gers Ery Armas: Honor Pin 1; National anish Exam; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; tin American Society 1,2,3 Junior presentative, 4 Treasurer; Spanish p r Society 4. “I didn’t do itforthe haof it.”- Ms. Garcia
David Bailey:National German Exam; Football 1; Hockey 3,4; Roller Hockey Glub 4;German Exchange; German Club 2,3,4; RPG 1,2,3; Chess Team 3,4; Fishing Club 4; Tie Club 3,4 Presi dent. “Find an Euler circuit in the con nected multigraph at the right.”-Yunker Cross White Elswick Vannatta
Luis Aramayo: lndoorTrack1,2; Latin American Society 1,2,3. “Play with it, add a little color, remember it’s your world.”- Bob Ross Jeff Bayard: Band 2,3,4 President; Jazz Ensemble 2,3,4; Concert Band 2,3,4; Rock Combo 3,4; Guitar Club 3; Vocal Ensemble 3,4; Paper & Pen 2. “Know what it is to be a child?... It is to be so little that elves can reach to whis per in your ear.”- Francis Thompson
Jeffrey Ariz: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1; Asian Club 3,4 Co-President; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4. “Success comes not to him who has suffered the least, but to him whose will is firmest and morale stron gest.”- French Field Regulations Alan Bayot: Spanish 2 Gold Medal; ALBA Spanish Scholarship; Stage Crew 2,3 Artist, 4 Art Manager; Paper & Pen 4. “Any tool is useful if you know howto use it...”- Raoh [Fist of the Northstar]
> < M
1. Most school spiritLee “I hate maroon” Paciello Doug “I ain’t going to the football game” Facciponti
2. Most likely to succeedSam “The C.E.O.” Pecoraro Bill 'The Boss” Musto
3. Best actorVictor “What’s my line again?” Suthammanont Rodney “Hell week is my life” Reyes
4. Most generousChris “I have no spare change” McNerney John “All right, but only if you promise to pay me back” Pompilio
146 X
Dharmesh Bharucha: St. Peter’s Scholarship Award; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 2; Forensics 3,4; Math Team 3,4; French Club 3,4 President; Winter H.A.P. 3; Spirit Committee 4; Indo-Pak Club 3,4; NHS; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Amnesty Interna tional 3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Phi losophy Club 3. “Do more than exist, live. Do more than hear, listen. Do more than touch, feel. Do more than like, love.”- Unknown Brian Boruch: Honor Pin 2; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3. “If I was stronger, I could be a mountain range. If the night was longer, could I escape the day?”- S. Weiland, Stone Temple Pilots
Michael Bilicska: Honor Pin 1 Hudson County Science Fair Hob able Mention; Science Clubs t Intramurals 1,2,3. “My fellow citizis each one of you carries on your s u ders the burden of doing well forn sake of your own country.”- Theoa Roosevelt Drew Broderick: Tennis 1,2,3,4 d I tain; Irish Club 3,4; Italian Club I “Winnin’ or losin’?”- Br. Paul
ian Bingham: Indoor Track 1,2; 3,4; Spirit Com m ittee 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2; PAC 3,4; nmaus Team; Photography Club 2,3; Dramatics 2,3,4; Junior Prom Mimittee; Senior Prom Committee, ove thy neighbor as thyself, but loose yourown neighborhood.” ouise Beal lomasBuck: Soccer1,2,3,4;Tennis 2,3,4; Swim Team 2; Irish Club 1,2,3; ench Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “It akes me wonder why I’m still here, for >me strange reason it's now feeling ® rny home and I’m never gonna go!” >reen Day
Daniel Bleach: Honor Pin 2,3; Football 1; Track & Field 3; Petroc 4; Spirit C o m m itte e 3 ,4 ; Iris h C lub 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ecology Club 3; Junior Prom Committee. “If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.’’- Rage Against The Machine Frank Calabrese: Science Clubs 1,2; Spirit Committee 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3. “How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is. -Wilhelm von Humboldt
J.D. Blythin: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medals: English 1, French 1, French 2, English 3, Religion 3; Silver Medals: World Civ, English 2; Nat. Latin Exam, Summa Cum Laude 1; NHS; Football 3,4 Manager; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Pefroc2,3,4 News Editor. “I shall van ish and be no more, but the land over which I now roam shall remain and change not."- Omaha Tribe Warrior Song Kevin Calabrese: Honor Pin 1,2,3; NHS; Hockey 1,2,3; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Petrean 3,4 Photography Editor; Science Clubs 1,3; Junior Prom Committee; Spirit Committee 3,4; Emmaus Team . “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then give up; no use being a damned fool about it.”- W. C. Fields
Pee Jay Bodoy: Asian Club 3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,3,4; Modeling Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 4; Art Club 4. “What difference does it make?”- The Smiths Harry Carpenter: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 2,3; Emmaus Team; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Student Council 1 President, 4 Representative; Junior Prom C om m itee, C o-chairm an; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Volleyball Club 2; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3; Tie Club 3,4. “Just when you thought you knew the answers, I changed the ques tions!”- Rowdy Roddy Piper
Joseph Casazza: Football 1; Tie Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 3. “Who cares whether knowledge is power or money is power, as long as I end up with both.’’- Un known Scott Coulston: Hockey 1,2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Science Club 2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Good things come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustled."- Abraham Lin coln
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Anthony Castelli: Petrean1,2; Rugby Club 1; Dance Committee 2,3,4 Execu tive; Chess Club 3; Italian Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4. “All in all it was just bricks in the wall.”- Pink Floyd B ria n C re w : F o o tb a ll 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4. “Nice guys finish last, and the worst things come to those who wait. So go against the norm and seize the day and everything else will fall into place.”- Original
Raymond Catlaw: Baseball 1; Basket ball 1,2,3,4; PAC 3; Science Clubs 1,2; Spirit Committee 3,4; Fishing Club 1,2; Senior Prom Committee. “Work hard, keep your mouth shut and good things will happen.”-Lou Holtz Mario Cross: “Attack the radical.”- Phil Anselmo, Pantera
Michael Chanfrau: Hockey 1,2| Emmaus Team; PAC 3,4; Misl Drive Committee 3,4; Intram ik 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4;» ence Clubs 1. “Life moves pretty l l If you don’t stop and look around (B in a while, you could miss it.”-F * Bueller
Thomas Curtin: Tie Club 3,4; Rjl Hockey Club 4; Fishing Club 3 ,4 1 Studio 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Wlj I given by the gods more desirable S a happy hour?”-Catullus
GINO D’ADDARIO m Mi cholas Chrisos: Ron Prezioso Socr Award 3; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Italian j n 2,3,4; C om puter Club 1,2; tramurals 1,2,3,4. “Winning isn’t evB in g but wanting to win is.”-Vince Imbardi l no D’Addario: Honor Pin 2,3; Soc-
,2,3,4 Captain; Baseball 1,2,3,4; ^B a m u ra ls 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2; Spirit R em ittee 3,4. “Success means hapI ness, not money.’’-Unknown
Ralph Citarella: National Latin Exam; National Spanish Exam; Football 1,3,4; Track 1; Student Council 1,2,3 Repre sentative; PAC 3,4; Emmaus; Science Clubs 1; Native American Society 3 Founder, 4. ‘The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.”- Robert Frost Spencer D’Alessio: Baseball 2,3; Irish C lub 2,3 ; S p irit C o m m itte e 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tie Club 3,4. “If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.”-Eddie Musch
After walking eight miles through Hoboken In the rain for the American Diabetes Association, Dharmesh Bharucha poses at Stevens Tech with fellow participant Tugger from the Broadway productionCats.
5. Most intelligentRob “My mom’s going to kill me when she sees my report card” Rucinski Sam “Can I copy your homework?” Pecoraro 6. Most athleticPaul “2000 yards and counting” Que
Gino “You name it, I play it” D’Addario 7. MostactiveBill “Sleep is not in my schedule” Musto Paul “Who has time for
homework?” Laracy 8. Most humorous-
John “I can even do magic tricks” Horsfield Dave “I could even say it in Spanish” Pomponio 9. Most reliableRich “I can do anything for the right price” Gubitosi Chris “No, I’m not a Jesuit” McNerney
150 S
Pete Daly: Boyan Scholarship Fund; Baseball ’1; Wrestling 2; Irish Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “If you think you’ve got 100 extra years to mess around, you’re wrong. This time is real, yourtime is now. It’s hero time.”- Henry Rollins Timothy Degnan: Football 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1. “If you’re not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthu siasm.”-Vince Lombardi
David Dam ato: Football 1,2,fl Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,1 Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Em m l Team; Computer Club 3; Irish CluK Spirit Committee 4; Modeling Club 1 “Don’t sweat the technique.’’- Eri® and Rakim Javier Diaz: Honor Pin 1; Natkfl Merit Scholar; Spanish National He* Society; National Hispanic S c h l Recognition Program, Honorable l\A tion Finalist; Football 1; W rest* 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 3,4; Forensics I Latin American Society 1,2,3 J u l Rep, 4 President; Modeling Club 11 Vice President, 4 President; N a l American Society 3,4; RPG 1,1 Chess Club 1,2; Spirit Commi® 1,2,3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Tie Club I Computer Science Team 3; TV S tifl 3,4; Philosophy Club 3,4 Vice P r l dent.
ill IOil
m ffhnDamiano: RPG3.4; Rugby 2; Tie K b 3,4. “How can you have a final i^ ffija tio n ? Destiny, meaning final. If jfu haven’t gotten where you’re going, ^ iti aren’t there yet.”- George Carlin jnthony Dilley: Swimming 1,2,3,4; a Club 1,4; TV Studio 1,2,3 ViceMident, 4 President; Spirit Commitle4; Petrean 2,3; Petroc 3 Consultant; Smpus Shop 2,3,4; Orientation Staff Dance Committee 1; Senior Prom arnmittee. “God gave Noah the rainw sign; no more water, the fire next tie"- James Baldwin
Robert Davis: Swimming 1,2,3,4; Jun ior Prom 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3; PAC 2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 1,2; Spirit Com mittee 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Commit tee 1,2; Italian Club 3; Irish Club 1,2,3. “Be true to yourself and you will never fall.”- Beastie Boys D o m in ik D iPasquale: Swimming 1,2,3,4 Captain; Golf 1,2; Emmaus Team; Science Clubs 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive 2,3. “If a man can say at the end of his life he has but one good friend, then it is said he will die a wealthy man."- Unknown
Jorge deArmas: Alba Spanish Schol arship '94; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1; Philosophy Club 3,4; Forensicsl. “Ididn’tdoitforthehaha of it!”- Ms. Garcia Daniel DiSanzo: Wrestling 1,2,3; Fo rensics 1 ,PetroC2.\ Chess Club 2; RPG 3. “I’ll ride the wave where it takes me.” -Eddie Vedder
Gregory DeFilippo: Football 1; Base ball 1; Science Clubs 1,2; Spirit Com m ittee 2,4; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4 Co-Captain. “If I’m healthy, I’m unstoppable.”- Paul Que Kevin Done: Outstanding Freshman; APSpanish Exam; Forensics2,4; PAC 2,3,4; Latin American Society 2,3 Treasurer, 4; Ebony Club 4; Indo-Pak 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “I would rather stand for something than fall for any thing.’’- Unknown
Albert Dumaual: Science Clubs 1; Ul timate Frisbee Club 2; Stage Crew 2; RPG1,2,3; H.A.P. 3; Winter H.A.P. 2,3; Eucharistic Minister. “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”- A very creative Mars ad executive Joseph Feuchack: Hockey 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1; Spirit Committee. 1,2; Tie Club 3,4; Roller Hockey 4. “As you slide down the banister of life, I hope the splinters are facing the right direction." -Ed Norton
Aristotle Elma: Junior Prom Commit tee, Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4. “Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don’t."- Marlin Wayans in Mo’Money David Figur: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Swim ming 1,2,3,4 Captain; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3; Petroc3,4 Editor; Intramurals 1,2,3; Junior Prom Com mittee; Mission Drive Committee 1,2. “We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take the time to enjoy where we are.”-Calvin & Hobbes
Joseph Episcopo: Italian Club 1,2,1] Science Clubs 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,1 Computer Club 1,2,3; Spirit Com m il 4. “Life: live it, dream it, be it.”- O rigl Christopher Enrico: Honor Pin 2,3; NHS; Eucharistic Minister; PAC 3; Hockey 1,2,3,4 Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2; Mission Drive 4; Library Club 3. “Sometimes you could be walking around lucky and not even know it.”- Richard Dreyfus Jim Fong: Science Clubs 3; PetrearA. ‘Turn out the lights, it’s check out time.” -Sean Michaels
Joe Francesco: Spirit Commia 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; In tr a m u ra ls 1.2 ,3 E Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; SeniorP Committee; Chess Club 1,2.
Facciponti: Football 1,2; Vol3,4; Band 3,4; Spirit Committee PAC 3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Prom Committee; Ski Club Guitar Club 3; Chorale3,4; Roller C lub 4; T ie C lub 3,4; 1,2,3,4; Dramatics4. “Sing me, sing for the year, sing for the , sing forthe tear. Sing with me ■for today, maybe tomorrow, the jlpd Lord take you away.”- Steven fe r oseph Galiastro: Paper and Pen ,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Science Hubs 1,2. “Success comes when you | >ok at odds said to be unconquerable \ ndmake fools out of the critics.”- Origi nal
Francis Falcicchio: Wrestling 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3; Mission Drive Committee 2; Junior Prom Com mittee, Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Gratitude is a sometime thing in this world. Just because you’ve been feeding them all winter, don’t expect the birds to take it easy on your grass seeds.”- Bill Vaughan James Gallo: National Spanish Exam Third Place; Petroc 2,3,4 Editor; Emmaus Team; PAC 3,4; Mission Drive Committee 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Math Team 1,2,3,4; Na tional Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Se nior Prom Committee. “Life moves by pretty fast and if you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it.”- Ferris Bueller
Assembling his "tux,” Harry Carpenter waits for a Davis Studios photographer to snap his senior portrait in Hogan Hall.
10. Most underratedRob “Yeah! I go to school” Melchionne Himanshu “No, Pm not a freshman” Gandhi 11. Best musicianJefff “Do all of you have
long hair?” Bayard Rob “Aren’t you. . . . .
naahhh!” Rucinski 12. BestartistRodney “Some people call me Picasso” Reyes Chris “No, I don’t think about cutting off my ear!” Nubia FERNANDO GONZALES
13. Really nice guyJoe “Leave me alone”
Rogan Edgardo “No, I’m not related to Fr. Azzarto!” Nieves 14. BestsingerJeff “Don’t you guys ever cut your hair?” Bayard Doug “What are the words to ‘Maiy Had a Little Lamb’ again?” Facciponti
Himanshu Gandhi: Gold Medals: Latin 2, Spanish 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; IndoPak 1,2,3,4; PAC 4; NHS; Emmaus Team; Petroc 3,4; Science Team 3,4; Computer Club 1. “If you love some thing set it free. If it comes back it was meant to be.’’- Unknown Alex Gonzalez:Track2; Spirit Commit tee 1,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Art Club 3,4. “Sometimes being insane in an insane world is being sane.”- Un known
Alexander Garcia: Honor Pin 2; H tional Spanish Exam. “Boy becom man, when he first begins to und stand what family, friends, honor, a| love mean, and only then will he b e l in his journey through life."- Unknol Fernando Gonzalez: Football 1,2,31 Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurl
LONNIE J. GRIFFIN Harold Gold: Bowling 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Fishing Club 2,3; H.A.P. 1; Intramurals 1,2. “Go ahead, make my day.’’- Dirty Harry |r is Geraci: Indoor Track 1; H.A.P. I; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1. “Ideas by anand only that will last, and overtime ;’ve learned from the past.”- Un-
>nnie G riffin: Honor Pin 1,2,3; NHS ^Spanish National Honor Society; E v id e n tia l S cho la r; G olf 3,4; Manurals 2,3,4; Science Clubs 3,4; lath Team 3.
Richard G ubitosi: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gettysburg Award for Excellence in Writing; English 3 Gold Medal\Petrean 2,3,4 Editor-in-Chief; Science Clubs I,2,3,4; Native American Society 3,4; NHS; Com puted; PAC4; Fishing Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,3. “It’s good to be the king!"- Mel Brooks, History of the World
Vladimir Gomez: Spirit Award; AP Spanish Exam; Football 1,2,3,4 Cap tain; Indoor track 1,2; PAC 2,3,4; Latin American Society 2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3 Repre sentative; Modeling Club 1,2,3,4 Presi dent; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 3,4; TV Studio 3,4; Senior Prom Committee. “Days of freeze tag and hide ‘n’ go seek are long gone. L o n g summers have diminished and become a few fun days. Cold winters have become even colder. People, places, things, faces and feel ings come and go."- Unknown
Jon Gonnelli: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Reli gion 2 Gold Medal; Silver Medals: En glish 3, US History 1; Hockey 1,2,3,4 Co-captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2; Spirit Committee 2; Emmaus Team; NHS. “Runnin’ from the law, the press, and the parents. ‘Is your name Michael Diamonds?’ ‘No, mine’s Clarence.’”- Mike D. David Habib: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Out standing Freshman; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4 Production Manager; Emmaus Team; PAC 4; Chess Club 1; German Exchange 2. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny meters compared to what lies within us."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Gutierrez: Latin American Soci ety; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Commit tee 4. “I will survive."- Gloria Gaynor
Ala H addadin: Outdoor Track 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,4; Latin American Society 3,4; IndoPak Club 3,4; Science Club 1,2; Spirit Committee 3,4; RPG 1,2,3. “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.”- Forrest Gump Joshua Jantas: Soccer 1,2,3,4 Cap tain; Baseball 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Eucharistic Min ister. “It’s supposed to be hard. The hard is what makes it good. If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it.”-Jim Dugan
Aric Hall: Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ‘The things we know best are those we have not learned.”- Lucde Chapiers,Marquis de Vauvenargue Kevin Kaczka: Football 1,2,3,4; Base ball 1,2,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 3,4; Emmaus Team; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Sci ence Clubs 1,2,3,4. “Don’t aim for suc cess because you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”- David Frost
Thomas Hart: Honor Pin 2; Gettysburg Award for Excellence in Writing; Swim ming 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1\Petrean4 Section Editor; Chess Team 3,4; Sci ence Clubs 1,2,3,4; RPG 1,2,3,4; Se nior Prom Committee. “Life is just one damned thing after another."- Frank Ward O’Malley Matthew Klarmann: Soccer 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; PAC 3; Mission Drive Committee 2; Slavic Club 2. “If dogs ever rule the world, I hope they don’t go by size, because I bet there’s some chihuahua out there with pretty good ideas.”-Jack Handey
Joseph Haslach: Football 1; Basel 1,2,3,4; S pirit Com mittee 2,3 Emmaus Team; Intramurals 1,2,1 Weightlifting 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,3. I
George Kmec: Bowling 3,4; Forenl 2,3,4; ComputerScienceTeam 1,2,1 Dramatics 3,4; RPG 1,2,4; Sciel Team 2; Computer Club 1,2,3,4. “l l long and prosper.”- Leonard Nimoyi
p ris to p h e r H e slin : Intram urals
life, 3,4; Tie Club 3,4; Roller Hockey * M 4 . “Life is short, play hard.” leebok Jhn Kolakowski: Eucharistic Minis1 | Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2. femember, it is nice to be important, ut it is important to be nice.”- Chris IcMahon
John Horsfield: Football 1,2,3,4; In door Track 1,3,4; Wrestling 2; Student Council 2 Class President; Irish Club 3; TV Studio 4 Host; Tie Club 3,4; Senior Prom Committee. “Nothing the heart gives away is lost; it is kept in the hearts of others.”- Jack Tors Robert Kost: Honor Pin 1; Soccer 3,4; Football 1,2; Track 1; German Club 2,3; Homeroom Pres. 1,2; Ski Club 2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tie Club 3,4. “Knowledge is a comfortable and nec essary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we don’t plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.”- Lord Chesterfield As the year's first student council meeting draws to a close, president Bill Musto reviews a few points in the student handbook with moderator Mr. Dondero.
15. Most likely to be a JesuitChris “I repeat! I am not a Jesuit!” McNemey 16. Most talkativePAUL ANTHONY LARA
iohn “I need my quiet time!” Horsfield
Dave “Get your own talk show!” Pomponio 17. Most neatSam “Sorry, but fl can’t find my homework, again” Pecoraro
18. Best writerVictor “This JUG demeans my writing abilities” Suthammanont 19. JUG addictJoe “Do I get credits for JUG?” Francesco
Nicholas Kramer: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; Ital ian Club 4. “It’s what’s inside that counts; everything else is just an act.” -Original Sean Lukac: Honor Pin 1,2,3; French 2 Gold Medal; Bowling 2,4; Outdoor Track2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Foren sics 1,2,3 Co-captain, 4 Captain ;Pefroc 3,4; Science Clubs 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Chess Club 1,2; NHS; Spirit Com mittee 4; Fishing Club 1,2,4. “HumptyDumpty was a big, fat egg."- Beastie Boys
Paul Laracy: Outstanding Freshrrl Award; Honor Pin 2,3; Spirit AwJ Silver Medal; Religion 3; Basketbal Cross Country 1,2,3,4 Captain; In d l Track 2,3,4 Captain; Outdoor T r l 1,2,3,4 Captain; Student Council I Secretary; PAC 3; Emmaus T ea Petroc3,A\ Irish Club 4; Spirit C om * tee 1,2; H.A.P. 1; Tie Club 3; S e ll Prom Committee. ‘The race is I always to the swift; but to those vfl keep on running.”- Unknown
Brian MacDonald: Honor Pin V NHS; Junior Prom Committee; (H door Club 2; Intramurals 1 ,2 ,9 ‘Things were different then, always* ferent then, I tried to explain, sorB how.”- Eddie Vedder
fckLee: Spirit Committee 3,4; Asian p 3; Football 1; Cross Country 3. in Magarban: Bowling 1,2,3,4; we Club 2; M ission Drive 2; imurals 1,2,3,4. “You and me, and Sid friends hoping it will never end. goodbye, never say goodbye.” n Jovi
Severiano Lisboa: Dance Committee 1,2,3,4 President; Junior Prom Com mittee Chairman; TV Studio 1,2,4. “Sometimes I drive slow, sometimes I drive quick.”-Young Black Teenagers R eynard M anibo: Science Clubs 1,2,3,4;Pefrean4; Dance Committee4; Asian Club 3,4; Amnesty International 3; Junior Prom Committee; Intramurals 1,2. “When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, you begin to un derstand what little chance we have of changing others.”- Unknown
Damien Locricchio: Football 1,2,3,4; Weightlifitng Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Spirit Commit tee 1,2,3,4. Joseph Lisi: Honor Pin 1,2; Presiden tial Scholar; National Latin Exam; National German Exam; Football 1; Cross Country 3; Science Clubs 1,2,3, Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ecology Club 2,3; Chess Club 2; NHS. “Just like a boxer in a title fight, you go to walk in that ring all alone!”- Billy Joel L u ig i M arandola: National Latin Exam, Magna Cum Laude; Gold Med als; Latin 1, Latin 2, Italian 2, English 2, Silver Medal: Geometry; Track 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; PAC 3,4; Emmaus Team; Science Team 3,4; Math Team 3,4; H.A.P. 1,3; Petrean 4; Reunion Volunteer 3; NHS. “Oh captain, my captain, our fearful trip is done.’’- Walt Whitman
|y|jChaei McCabe: National Latin Exam 1; outstanding Freshman; Hockey 1 2,3,4 C o-captain; Intram urals 1_ ,jy g Emmaus Team; Spirit Committee4;’ |t’a|jan C|ub3 4 “what’sbeyond jSjust how much is wrong.”- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Edward McDonald: Hockey 1; Band 2; RPG Club 3; Ebony Club 2; Tie Club 3; Emmaus Team; Dance Committee 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “ I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations; neither are you here to live up to mine.” -PeterTosh Mark Messenger: Honor Pin 1,2,3; S o cce r 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; B a s k e tb a ll 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team; Irish Club 3; Spirit Committee 4; Sci ence Clubs 1,2. ‘The friendships you make in high school are the friendships that last forever."- Unknown
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Christopher McMahon: Basketball 1; Irish Club 1,2,3; Slavic Club 2; Science Club 1,2; Tie Club 3,4; Spirit Committee 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “I didn’t put the pickle in the salsa jar.”- Layup Kevin Milanian: Hockey 1,4; Science Clubs 2. “Life goes by pretty quick, and if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you can miss it.”- Ferris Bueller
Brendan McMullen: Soccer 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Weightlifting Club 3,4; Dance Committee 4. “Don’t count the day done until you’ve made the day count.”- Unknown Joshua Moe: Honor Pin 1,2; Petroc 1,2,3,4 Editor; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Petrean 1,2,3; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 1,2,3,4 President; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4 Lighting Manager. “During this leaderless time, I’ve cho sen to follow myself.’’- Unknown
Christopher McNerney: Honor 1,2,3; Religion 1 Silver Medal; Ro Youth Leadership Award; Outstan Freshman; Student Council 1,2 Representative; NHS; Photogra Club 3,4; PetreanZ, 4; Paper and Pi PAC 3; Orientation Committee 4; S Committee 2,3,4; Fishing Clut Emmaus Team. “As the good b says, if you spit in the air, it lands in} face!”- Tevye, Fiddler on the Root David Morin: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Fool 2,3,4; Golf 4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Club 1,2,3,4 President; Science Cl 1,2; Basketball Manager 1; Italian C 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 2,3,4. “ ers to the left of me, clowns to the ri here I am stuck in the middle with y< -Reservoir Dogs
abert Melchionne: Honor Pin 1; kseball 1; Science Clubs 3,4; Euchastic Minister; Italian Club 2,3,4; tramurals 1,2,4. “I may have been S/ena bad break, but I have an awful lot Jive for. Today, I consider myself the pkiest man on the face of the earth.” bu Gehrig
Jason Mensah: Basketball 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1. ‘The seed never sees the flower.”- An cient Zen saying Abdul Muhammad: Football 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” -Unknown
brrence Mosley: Cross Country 1; Idoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; pony Club 1,2,3,4. “Grab life by the jaistline and ride it to glory.”- Original Before the tables are crowded with freshmen, Dave Bailey » n Anthony Dilley check out the set-up of the cafe. Seniors playedla major role during Freshman Orientation, from ome in “Pride and Glory” to staging the annual Frosh Olympics.
'O Seniors
EDGARDO NIEVES TRUONG NGUYEN Brendan Murphy: Hockey 3,4; Sta Crew 1; Spirit Committee 3,4. “Chj acter is what you do when no on« looking."- Coach Hansen Brian Mulhern: Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee. "Don’t be a pretender.”- Mr. Tom Kendall
With Warren Street closed to traffic.in the afternoon hours, A1 Simon and Tom Buck stroll across a sunny campus just before running into some friends from the football team.
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Truong Nguyen: Rutgers Dean’s Sum mer College; Volleyball 3,4; Chess Tearn 3,4; Chess Club 1,2; Tie Club 3,4; S ta g e C re w 3 ,4 C re w C h ie f; Intramuralsl ,2,3,4; Asian Club 3,4 CoPresident; Winter H.A.P. 3; RPG 1,2; ComputerClub3,4; Petrean4; Ski Club 1. “Like a hermit poor in a place obscure, I mean to spend my days of endless doubt, to wail such woes as time cannot relure, where none but love shall ever find me out.”- Sir Walter Raleigh
Edgardo Nieves: Honor Pin 1; Bd Tutor Award 3; Outdoor Track H.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4 Ra resentative; RPG 1,2,3,4 Pre dent; Amnesty International 3,4; 9 ence Clubs 1,2,3,4; Winter H.A.P. 2| PAC 3,4; Tie Club 3,4; Art Studio 4; j Studio 3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4 Featun Editor; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4 Presidel “All animals are equal, but some a mals are more equal than others.” I -George Orwell
William Musto: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Silver
Medals; US History 1, Math 3, Algebra 2; Spirit Award; Football 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3 Class President, 4 President; ForenSics 2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 1,2; NHS; Harvard Model Congress 2,4. “Quotes are mere pebbles when used by fools.” -William Whitehead Michael Noriega: Wrestling 2; ForenIsics 3,4 Co-captain; Dramatics 3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; RPG 3,4; Emmaus Team. “A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.”- Arnold H. Glasow
David Nagy: Football 1,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 2,3; Wrestling4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; TieClub 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4. “You can’t forget anything if you know nothing.” -Coach Keith Kelley C h risto p h e r Nubia: Indoor Track 1,2,3; OutdoorTrack 1,2; Volleyball 3,4; Dramatics 4; PAC 3 ,4 ; Winter H .A. P. 3; EmmausTeam; Dance Committee 1,2 Executive, 3 Vice President, 4 Presi dent. “ T h e greatest failure of all is notto try and fail but rather to fail to try.” -Richard Nixon
Edward Nazarko: National German Exam;- TV Studio 4; Fishing Club 4; Indoor Track 1; Hockey 2,3,4; Cross Country 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Roller Hockey Club 4 President; Tie Club 3,4 Vice President; RPG 2,3,4. “I don’t want the green man in my kingdom. I want the banjo.”- Jenn Minnich W illiam O’Donnell: Football 1,2,3,4 Captain; Irish Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Tie Club 3,4; RPG 3. “You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.”- Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead
Carlos Negron: Honor Pin 1; Football 2,3,4; Modeling Club 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." -Forrest Gump Chez Bryan Ong: Petrean2,3 Editorial Assistant, 4 Design Co-Editor; Paper & PenA Art Editor; Science Clubs 1; Con cert Band 2,3,4; Jazz Ensemble 3,4; Asian Club 3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Intramurals 1,2,4; French Club 4; Art Club 4; Petroc 4; Rock Combo 3,4; J e r s e y City Sketch Book3. “Cool! They have a blimp!"- The Tick
Lionel Paciello: Hockey 1,2,3,4; Sci ence Clubs 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4 Maroon Ma rauder. “ I look great, I feel even better, I can make a burlap sack look like a cashmere sweater.”- Ravishing Rick Rude Nirav Patel: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; In door Track 3,4; Amnesty International 4; Junior Prom Committee; Chess Club 1,2; Indo-Pak Club 2,3,4; Latin Ameri can Society 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Science Clubs 1,2; Computer Club 1,4; RPG 3,4; French Club 4. “School comes and goes, but friends lastforever."- Original
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Arsenio Padovano: Honor Pin 1,2; NHS; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2; Italian Club 2,3,4; P etroc 2 ,3 ,4 A s s is ta n t Photograpy Editor; Emmaus Team; Fishing Club 2,3,4. “In order to live in the present, stop thinking about the future.”-Original John Pawlowski: Basketball 1,3,4; RPG 1; C o m p u te r C lu b 1,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean4. “Aswe say in the sewer, be good to the people you meet going up the ladder because you’ll meet the same people going down.”- Ed Norton
Frank Palladino: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1; Basketball 1; Wrestling 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; PAC 3; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus Team. “Dreams are at once fruit and outcry against an atrophy of the senses. Dreaming is no solution.” -Jim Morrison R oberto Paz: W restling 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petroc2\ Tie Club 3,4; Senior Prom Committee. “Life’s ambition, occupy my time. Priorities confuse the mind. Happiness, one step behind. This inner peace, I’ve yet to find.”- Gary Cherone, Extreme
Oscar Palma: Honor Pin 1,2,3; A | Spanish Exam; Latin American Sociea 2,3,4; NHS; Computer Club 3,4; Papa & Pen2,3,4; Chess Club 1. “If your m irl can conceive it and your heart can b a lieve it, then your hands can achieve it . l Unknown Robert Pazos: Spanish Exam; Spari ish National Honor Society; Indocl T rackl; Modeling Club 3,4; Latin Am erl can Society 1,2,3,4 Vice-Presidenl Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 2.1
Dino Palomares: Honor Pin 1; Na tional Latin Exam 1, Cum Laude; Presi dential Scholar; Ski Club 1; Chess Club 1,2; Chess Team 3,4; French Club 3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Paper and Pen 4; . Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “The wind engulfs me. The torrents rush through my soul, j No one sees me by.”- Original ij ■ I I]
Salvatore Pecoraro: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medals: Math 9, Biology, U.S. History I; Silver Medals; Latin I, English 1, English 2, Chemistry; Bowling 1,2; Vocal Ensemble 3,4; Forensics 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4 Academics Editor; National “ 1 Latin Exam, Cum Laude; Outstanding Freshman; Science Team 1,2,3,4; - Math Team 2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3; NHS, Co-Presi dent; Harvard Model Congress. “All virtuous acts belong to the natural good.” -Aquinas
Allan Pasco: Spirit Committee 1,2,3; RPG 3,4; ComputerClub 4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Amnesty Inter national 4. “Friends are the hardest to leave. We all created a bond and now it’s time to separate. Peace to my boys! See you in college!”- Original Sean Perkins: no profile available
Finally, seniors enjoy some car privileges around Prep. Employing his congenial manner, Chris Nubia tries to hookup a ride with Jorge deArmas.
JAMES C. PUMARADA ERIC PRIME Matthew Pike: Outstanding Fred man; Pefroc3,4; Eucharistic MinistJ ‘The harder you work, the harder it is surrender.”- Vince Lombardi Michael Petruska: Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Tie Club 3,4; Science Clubs 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Seventeen and strung out on confu sion, trapped inside a roll of delusion.”Green Day Eric Prime: Hockey 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “You’re only young once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”-Joe ‘85
Donning his baseball cap after a long day of classes, Chris McNerney, rushes with books, bag, and sweater, headed for Bayonne.
0N 166
James Pumarada: Honor Pin 1,2 Cross Country 1; Dramatics 2,3 Eucharist Minister; Petrean 2,3 Intramurals 1,2; Asian Club 3,4; Co puter Club 4. “He that fights and will r run will live to see another sun; he tf runs and will not fight is bound to < and serves him right."- Homer
Richard Pizzuti: National Latin Exam, Cum Laude; Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4 Co-Captain; PAC 2,3; Emmaus Team; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Com mittee 2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Was there a point to all of this?”- Al Bundy i Vincent Punsalan: Indoor Track 1,2; {Volleyball 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Fish ing Club 4. “‘Quit’ ain’t in my vocabulary bub!”-Wolverine
PAUL QUE Joseph Plonski: Science Clubs 1; Computer Club 1,2; Slavic Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down my pants.” -Bozo the Clown Kenneth Quail: Honors Pin 1; National Latin Exam, Cum Laude; Saint Peter’s Summer Scholar; Rutger’s Dean’s Summer Scholar; OutdoorTrackl ,2,4; Forensics 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Stage Crew4;Pefrean4, Science Clubs 1,2; Chess Club 1,2; ComputerClub2;FrenchClub2,3. Do I dare disturb the universe?”- T.S. Eliot
John Pompilio: Wrestling 1,2; Tie Club 3,4; Emmaus Team; Guitar Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Paul Que: Outstanding Freshman; Football 1 Captain,2,3,4 Captain; Hockey 1; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4. “The greatest pleasure in life is what people say you cannot do.”- Walter Gayehot
David Pomponio: Baseball 1 Captain; PAC 3,4; EmmausTeam;Pefroc2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4 Henchman; Italian Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee. “Don’t ever tell any body anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”- Holden Caufield Paul Rakoski: Football 1,2,3,4; Wres tling 2,3,4 Captain; Track 3,4; Science Clubs 1,2; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Life is the only thing worth dying for.”- No Fear
A n g e l Ram a: Swim m ing 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “When you cut down the last tree, when you kill the last animal and when you contaminate the last river, you’ll realize you can’t eat money.”- Metro de Madrid Michael Rivera: Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee4; Ebony Club 4. ‘That’ll be all, and have a good one, guys.”- Mr. Haveron
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Surachet Ratana: Honor Pin 1,2; Swimming 1,2,3,4 Co-Captain; Volley ball 3,4; Volleyball Club 1,2; Asian Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1; Stage Crew 3; RPG 3; Petrean 2,3 Editorial Assistant, 4 Section Editor; Art Club 4; Computer Club 4. “If you want, then start to laugh; if you must, then start to cry; be yourself, don’t hide; just believe in destiny.”- Enigma Sergio Robayo: National Italian Exam; Wrestling 1,2,4; Spirit Committee 2,3,4 Henchman; Italian Club 2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2. “Did you lead a good life when you died? Enough to base a movie on?”-Jim Morrison
Rodney Reyes: National Latin Exarl IndoorTrack 1; Outdoor Track 1; Sta Crew 3,4 Art Crew Chief; Philosopf Club 4; Art Club 4; Orientation Staff Student Council 4 Treasurer; DramE ics 3,4; Dance Committee 3,4 Exec tive; Vocal Ensemble 3,4; Petrean French Club 3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4 C President; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Paper Pen4; Spirit Committee 4; Forensics “I live for I breathe, I die for I bleed, ar I dream for I believe.”- Unknown
Chirag Raval: Honor Pin 2,3; Photog raphy Club 1; RPG 1; Indo-Pak 1; Petrean 3,4; Native American Society 3,4. “It’s better to be first in hell than second in heaven.”- Lance Henriksen Joseph Rogan: NHS; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting 1,2,3,4; Tie Club4; Senior Prom Committee; Outstanding Fresh man.
Robert Rucinski: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medals; 5 Silver Medals; N. Governor’s School; Kallman Germa Fellowship; Outstanding Freshmai Science Fair Gold Medal; National Lat & German Exams: Certificates of Meri Science, Math, ComputerTeams 2,3, (1 st Place Awards); Band 1,2,3,4 Vic President; Jazz Ensemble 1,2,3,4; Dr< matics 2,3,4; PAC 4; Vocal Ensembl 3,4; German Exchange 2; Chess Cli 1,2; NHS. ‘This is the moment, this the day. This is the moment when know I’m on my way.”- Leslie Bricuss
Lzam Riaz: Honors Pin 1,2,3; Math 'earn 2,3,4; Science Team 3,4; PAC 4; IHS. “I am always ready to learn; I am not always ready to be -Winston Churchill on Russo: Honor Pin 1,2; Basket1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Modeling ub 3,4; In tra m u ra ls 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Com3,4; Emmaus; Dance Committee i Paper & Pen 4.
Brian Rider: Science Fair 2nd Place (Chemistry); Petrean 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4 Audio Engi neer; Photography Club 1,2,3,4 Vice President. “The greatest times I’ve ever known, they’re locked inside of me and carved out of stone.”- Unknown John Rutigliano: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ital ian 2 Gold Medal; National Italian Exam Bronze Medal; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ital ian Club 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Petrean 4; Computer Club 4; Mission Drive Committee 4; Philosophy Club 4. “I don’t want a change! I want Swiss cheese. Why am I always being contra dicted?”- Willy Loman Having begun the day over the P.A. as Macho Man Randy Savage and Chewbacca, by seventh period Ron Venner is hardly able to contain his excitement about the big North Bergen game during computer class.
Guillermo Salazar: Swimming 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Baseball 1; Soccer 4; Stage Crew2,3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Dramatics 2,3; Modeling Club 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 4; Se nior Prom Committee. T h e greatest power a person possesses is the power of choice, so do what you want.”- Lou Holtz
After seeing over sixty boxes of pizza pies brought in, Kevin Don6 is astonished at the thought of how many freshman mouths are going to be fed at the October Freshman Social.
A lfredo Simon: Wrestling 3; Spirit Committee 1,2; Science Clubs 1,2; Modeling Club 3,4; French Club 3,4; Philosophy Club 3,4; Emmaus Team; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tie Club 4. “The future’s in our present hands.”- Lenny Kravitz
Thomas Scerbo: Honors Pin 1,2; door Track 1; Spirit Committee 2,C PAC 3,4; Mission Drive Commit 3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; GuitarC 3. “Half my brain tied behind my ba talent on loan from God.”- Rush Limbaugh III O’Keeya Singleton: Honor Pin £ Football 1; Basketball 2; Outd< Track 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4 Exei tive. ‘The World is Yours. One day gonna rule the World.”- Nas, Onyx
Schum ann: Emmaus Team; Stage Crew 3,4 Crew Chief; Science 1,3,4; RPG 1,2,3,4; Asian Club H.A.P. 1. “I don’t know the formula success, but I do know the formula trying to please everyone.” Cosby Sista: Presidential Scholar; Pin 1,2,3; Hudson County SciFair Honorable Mention; ColumEngineering Award; LCS “Partners IScience” Summer Participant; SocI,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Math |feam 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Fishing jitb 3,4. “Hey, what are you going to 1?”- Angelina Sista
A nth ony Seto: Computer Club 1; Asian Club 1,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “The aim of education is not to answer questions but question answers.”- Chinese Prov erb Jeff Skinner: Outstanding Freshman; Football 1 Captain,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; PAC 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Tie Club 3,4. “I’ve played your game way too long, and the game that I have played has made you strong. Butwhen the game is over, I won’t come out a loser.”- Bruce Springsteen
Nabeei Shaikh: Honor Pin 2; 4th Place Callow Science Team; Football 2,3; Outdoor Track 3; French Club 2,3,4; Indo-Pak Club 3,4; Cricket Club 4 President; Dance Committee 3; Latin American Society 4; Spirit Committee 4; Stage Crew 4. “Sometimes I sits and I thinks; sometimes I just sits.”- Un known Brandon Sm ith: Honor Pin 1,2,3; NHS; Paper&Pen4. “You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.” -Ryu
Orlando Silva: Honor Pin 3; Indoor Track 2; Philosophy Club 3 President, 4; Latin American Society 2,3,4. “A success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”- Winston Churchill James Souder: Football 1,2,3,4; In door Track3,4 Captain; OutdoorTrack 3.4 Captain; Wrestling 1; Tie Club 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club Executive Council; Student Council 2; PAC 2; Senior Prom Com mittee. “Cherish your friends, they’re the only family you choose."- Unknown
DAVID MARC TOBIAS Mark Struk: Soccer 4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2; Science Clubs 1,2; Dramatics 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ‘This is the end, beautiful friend... can you picture what we’ll be, so limitless and free, desperately in need of a stranger’s hand, in a desperate land.” -Jim Morrison
Michael Stack: Cross Country 1,2; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Science Clubs 1,2,3,4; Fishing Club 1,2,3 Co-President, 4 CoPresident; Tie Club 3,4 Treasurer; Roller Hockey Club 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “If you can judge a wise man by Jim m y Usma: Oustanding Freshman; the color of his skin, then mister, you’re RPG 1,2,3; Latin American Society 2,3. a better man than I.”- Steven Tyler, Aerosmith David Tobias: Honor Pin 1; Outdoor Track 1; Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1 President; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 3; Chess Club 1,2; Philosophy Club 3,4; H.A.P 1,2; Science Clubs 3. ‘The great est fear is the fear of not knowing.” -Unknown
Victor Suthammanont: Outstanding Freshman; Honor Pin 2,3; Football 1; Swimming 2,3,4; NHS President; Forensics 3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Student Council 1,2,3; Paper & Pen 1,2,3,4 Editor; Emmaus Team; Stage Crew 4; Senior Prom Committee. “Keep your faith and your courage, and you’ll turn out all right... When you walkthrough a storm, keep your chin up high.”Rodgers and Hammerstein, Carousel
Ariston Valdehuesa: Stage Crew 2,3 Artist, 4 Chief Art Director; Computer Club 3,4; Art Club 4; Asian Club 4. ‘You must find the way. I’ve found it... and now you must find it, too.”- Lao Tzu
Daniel Swanstrom: Honor Pin 1,2,1 Soccer 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2,3,4 Captail Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Pefroc2,3,4; P/« 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; French Club 3 J Eucharistic Minister; Science C lu i 1,3,4; Spirit Committee 4. “My o r l strength is that I have no weaknesses -John McEnroe Dave Valente: Roller Hockey Club I Hockey 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,1 “What crazy wants, crazy does!”- K ill Crazy
tikorn Tangwongchai: Honor Pin 3; Spanish Honor Exam; Indoor Bek 1,2; O u td o o r T ra c k 1,2; Jramurals 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3; Stage ew 3; Petrean 1,2,3 Editorial Assisnt, 4 Section Editor; Science Clubs 2; Orientation Staff 4; Vocal En able 3; Art Club 4; Asian Club 3,4; gracy Program; Philosophy Club 4. p absent friends, lost loves, old gods J i the season of mists, and may each lid every one of us give the devil his Neil Gaiman
iseph Valenti: Football 1,2; Baseball 3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Bs3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Fishing |t>2,3,4. “Sometimes you win, somenes you lose, sometimes you get lined out.”- Crash Davis,Bull Durham
John Thorpe: National Latin Exam, Cum Laude 1; Gold Medal: Art 1; Honor Pin 1,3; NHS; Paper & Pen1,2; Petroc 2,3,4; Spirit Committee 2. “Face the Heat.”- Scorpions Luis Vega: Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Science Clubs 1; Junior Prom Committee; Emmaus Team; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. “Second place is the first loser.’’- P.J. Rakoski
Standing in the fall shadows of Grand Street for a moment, John Rutigliano relaxes before a long commute to Little Ferry. Moving out of Hoboken ju st before senior year didn’t stop him from completing his Prep career.
Nicholas Velastegui: Honor Pin 1,3; National Hispanic Scholar Recognition Program, Honorable Mention; Cross Country 2,3,4; Indoor Track2,3,4; Out door Track 2,3,4; Football 1; Latin American Society 1,2,3,4; PAC 3; Pa per & Pen3,4; Spirit Committee 4; Mod eling Club 3,4. ‘Ties can be made or broken, but neverforgotten.”- Unknown Marc Villaruel: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Clubs 3,4; Asian Club 3,4. “An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.”-Gandhi In a show of precision and versatility, Joe Haslach applies his baseball skills by keeping his eye on the ball, playing hackey-sack under the principal’s office window.
John Veltri: National German Exarj Band 3,4; Petrean 4; Paper & Pen I “Time is the coin of our lives. We mu take care of how we spend it.”- Ca Sandburg Darin Wahl: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Nh | Football 1; Ski Club 1,2; Intramura 1,2,3,4; Spirit Committee 2,3; Asia Club 1,2; Philosophy Club 3; Sciend Clubs 3; Student Council 4 Represe tative. ‘These days people seek knovj edge, notwisdom. Knowledge is of tn past; wisdom is of the future.”- Vernd Cooper
pnald Venner: Football 1,2,3,4; tseball 1; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; iirit Committee 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4. “Any jackass can kick a barn >wn, but it takes a carpenter to build Sam Rayburn Bter W isniewski: Spirit Committee 4; Slavic Club 2; Science Clubs 2,3. lobody knows what’s going to happen Anybody besides the forlorn rags of owing old.”- Jack Kerouac
Anthony Verdi: Football 1,2,3,4 Cap tain; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 Captain; Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3; Tie Club 3; Science Clubs 1,2. “Some men dream of worthy accomplishments, while other men stay awake and do them.” -Unknown Jeffrey W oelpper: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Eucharistic M inister; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Petroc3A Editor; Irish Club 3; PAC 2,3,4; Science Clubs 1; NHS; Baseball 1,2. “If you think you can do a thing, or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
F e lix V ic to rin o : Volleyball 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess Team 3,4; Asian Club 3,4; Volleyball Club 2; H.A.P. 3; Stage Crew 3,4. “Yes, we have no bananas. We have no ba nanas today.’’- F. Silver and I. Cohen
Joseph Vicari:Football 1; Wrestling 3; Fishing Club 1,2,3,4; R.P.G. 1,3,4; Spirit Committee 3,4; Latin American Society 3; Asian Club 3. “Your clothes should be neat and clean, without significant holes.”- Mr. Dondero Anthony Yankowski: Honor Pin 1,3; National Spanish Exam 2,3; National Latin Exam 2; P e tre a n 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Amnesty Interna tional 3,4; NHS; PAC 3,4. “If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An invest ment in knowledge always pays the best interest.’’- Benjamin Franklin
COMPLETING THE YEAR N e w fa ce s b e c a m e f a m i l i a r ones.
N e w a c q u a in t a n c e s g r e w
In perhaps the biggest upset in New Jersey
into o ld frie n d s .
D iffe re n c e s , both p h y s ic a l a n d m en tal, o ve r
high school sports history,
the y e a r lost th e ir n o v e lty a n d b e g a n to g iv e c h a r a c te r to the
35-point underdog
1 9 9 4 9 5 co m m un ity. People co m e , p e o p le g o , courses c h a n g e ,
St. Peter’s tram pled Bergen
a n d b u ild in g s a re a d d e d ; but Prep never loses the e ssen tial
Catholic 26-24 at
p h ilo s o p h y that makes the s c h o o l o n e -o f-a -k in d . The te a c h in g s
Giants Stadium on
o f Ig na tius, the Jesuit i d e o l o g y , s im p le m o r a lity a n d c o m p a s
Decem ber 3 in front
sio n — these a re the th in g s th at rem ain co n s ta n t b e h in d c a p ita l
o f 10,000 Prep students,
c a m p a ig n s a n d c o n s tru c tio n c o n tra c ts .
State c h a m p io n s h ip s
a f i g a i n e d , some c o u n ty titles m ay p ro v e e lu sive, but the true
and fans. The attack
n atu re o f Prep tra n sce n d s tfre success of Its sports team s o r the
was led by First Team
n u m b e r o f t r o p h ie s a nd a c a d e m i c p la q u e s in the fro n t lo b b y .
All-County running back Paul
So w h a t is the true natu re o f Prep? W h a t is the ultim ate
Que, AllState
purpose.? The answe'r is q u it® s im p le ; w e a re (Students a re t^eS
lin ebacker Damien Locricchio,
p r im a r y - o u t p u t o f the g r a n d Prep a s s e m b ly lin e .
Every class
and high school
that is ta u g h t,
e v e ry too]
th at is m aste red ,
e v e ry
hour of
Heisman winner Bill O ’Donnell.
o v e rtim e , is fo r the b e n e fit o f the students. a ss e m b ly has fl o w e d th ro u g h o u t this b o o k .
The theme of
These fin a l p a g e s
should c o n firm that Some A s s e m b ly R e q u ire d g o e s b e y o n d the n e w f a c a d e on W a r r e n Street, b e y o n d the n e w li b r a r y a nd w e ig h tr o o m . It is re a lly a b o u t the students, the y o u n g men w h o are e d u c a te d to e xc e l.
E xce lle n ce is c o n tr ib u tin g to the w o r ld
fo r the g r e a te r g o o d , not just e a r n in g a six-fig u re s a la ry .
does its best to instill this v a lu e , w h ic h stamps those w h o s u ccee d here as the fin a l p r o d u c t o f that a ssem bly.
Later that month, Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler presented the state trophy to Head Coach Richard Hansen, officially recognizing the ’94 Marauders as the greatest team in Prep history. Their 11-0 record earned the top spot in the East, the sixth in the nation, and the first state champi onship since 1989.
For the freshmen, the assembly has just begun, They encoun tered the basics, the core classes that are necessary foundations, Sophomores and juniors took the process further as they chose electives and took a hand in their own futures. In the realm of cocurriculars, the same sophomores and juniors prepared to be come captains of teams, editors of publications, and presidents of activities. Gradually they were faced with important choices concerning their own destinies, challenged to keep the Prep philosophy In mind as they did so. For others, the assembly has come to a close. The seniors
Decorat ing the
have been molded into Prep men, They know the Prep philoso
cafe for the fresh
phy, They have grown together and now risk separation from
man and sopho
friends and familiar faces. This is all part of the assembly, When
more semiformal,
products are completed, they are shipped out into the world. In
a similar way, seniors awaited their own futures. Despite the usual
Leigh the strings
uncertainties, they enter the world as Prep men, confident and
and lets
prepared. Eventually most of them will return at various times,
perhaps even to aid in the assembly themselves. The process Is
the float to the Lending
never-ending, a cycle that forms the core of Prep. It will not halt,
a helping hand
no matter how many staircases are demolished or libraries rebuilt.
Such is the nature of Prep.
a nal bond that can
Class of '95: Assembly Complete.
never be broken.
1995 Petrean
On a serene Saturday morning offshore in the Atlantic, the sun struggles to break through the stormy clouds. In a similar way, we also struggle to break past the obstacles and barriers that stand in our way. As the year winds down to its final moments, shelves are cleaned, rooms are stripped, and bags are packed only to be re-assembled three months later. For seniors it is the last hurrah as they go on to new challenges and opportunities.
After a grueling soccer game, Matt Klarmann and Gino Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Addario exit the field already looking ahead to the next match. They promised the school a county title and delivered, proving that goals were meant to be reached and records meant to be broken.
A Abadir, J. 17, 74, 75, 89, 142 Abbasi, S. 129 Abbatemarco, A. 17, 19, 53, 62, 65, 78, 79, 89, 140, 184 Abdelal, I. 53, 62, 85, 87, 89, 103, 140 Abdon, C. 17, 27, 53, 72, 73, 89, 140 Abraham, M. 56, 57, 62, 69, 71, 8Q 130, 177
Abreu, N. 32, 38, 63, 72, 73, 137 Ackerman, B. 88, 133 Ackerman, Mrs. K. 116, 117 Aguado, C. 95, 145 Aguirre, A, 10, 27, 52, 53, 62, 63, 65, 75, 79, 85, 140, 184 Ahn, S. 52, 62, 79, 83, 85, 139, 184 Albfez, M. 126 Aldridge, R. 67, 123 Alejandro, Mr, Ft 74, 78, 79, 89, 1t8, 184 AHano, A. 71, 142 All, A. 62, 136 Allaray, R. 126 Aloran, G. 103, 131 Amin, K. 34, 63, 145 Andres, E. 55, 118 Andreula, T. 69, 126 Angermeyar, J. 36,143 Annulysse. E. 62, 137 Ansart, R. 46, 82, 129 Arabia, SJ Hr. P. 12, 19, 38, 63, 94, 95, 107, 118, 184 Aractch, SJ Fr. A. 116, 118 Arafat, T. 41, 52, 62, 63, 75, 89, 137 Aramayo, L. 145 Archibald, M. 118 Archielki, D. 25, 75, 133 Ardlaone, A. 55, 71, 131, 177 AriZ, J. 42, 46, 53, 62, 63, 145 Armas, H. 32, 63, 119, 145 Armas, J. 32, 63, 136 Artz, G. 27, 122 Artz, J. 36, 57, 136 AsendO, D. 100, 101, 129 Asgarl, M. 132 Asghar, S. 63, 125 Atlenza, A. 52, 75, 78, 79, 89, 97, 122 Aurlemma, J. 75, 129 Aveienda, A. 63, 134 Azzarto, SJ Fr. A. 19, 20, 40, 61, 80, 96, 102, 119, 184
B Baber, J, 55, 128 Baber, Ms. S. 12, 30, 32, 36, 38, 115, 119, 125, 126, 184 Babich, J. 122, 141 Bacchus, L. 63, 119 Bader, C. 61, 79, 85, 131, 184 Bailey, D. 5, 52, 74, 75, 88, 102, 140, 145, 161, 177, 184 Balahadfa, B. 120 Balduf, SJ Fr. R. 48, 96, 119 Bamber, T. 118 Banarez, M, 133 Banks, F. 62, 97, 142 Baratta, G. 133 Barber!, P. 90, 91, 124 Barrezueta, V. 133
180 â&#x20AC;˘ 1995 Petrean
Barry, K. 56, 57, 75, 139 Bautista, S. 12, 44, 74, 84, 142 Bayard, J. 45, 142, 143, 145, 154, 184 Bayot, A. 74, 75, 84, 96, 97, 145 Becerra, Mr. J. 14, 17, 19, 39, 120, 184 Beldowicz, B. 17, 75, 87, 140 Beidowlcz, M. 75, 133 Beldowicz, Mr. S. 116 Benacchio, G. 17, 48, 65, 96, 97, 135 Benz, SJ Mr. T. 36, 85, 120, 126, 184 Bertln, G. 127 Bharucha, D. 42, 46, 50, 53, 63, 66, 67, 72, 73, 74, 146, 149 Bharucha, R. 63, 65, 67, 132 Bilicska, M. 102, 146 Billings, J 63, 74, 97, 136 Bing, A. 75, 123 Bingham, B. 17, 67, 100, 101, 147 Birch, J. 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 128 Blair, D. 75, 134 Biasuccl, P. 84, 101, 130 Bleach, D. 31, 147 Blythin, J. 42, 46, 86, 87, 89, 147 Blythin, P. 150 Bodnar, E. 38, 75, 95, 139 Bodoy, P. 31, 62, 147 Boggiano, C. 75, 85, 89, 97, 101, 121, 184 Boggiano, J; 7^ 73, 75, 86^ 96^ 97, 142, 184 Bonafe, J. 121 Borace, S. 71, 7S, 136 Borja, E 75, 134 Boruch, B. 48, 146 Bostonian, D. 71, 142 Bouquio, J. 125 Bowen, J. 124 Boyd, S. 14 17, 71, 7$ 77, 8* 104 1 * Boyle, Mr. G. 12, 29, 120, 126 Bozan, M. 10, 143 Branca, M. 143 Brew, R. 89, 123 Brlamonte, Mr. F, 44, 45, 107, 110 Briamonte, Mrs. J. 110,111 Brldgeforth, S. 54, 55, 62, 132 Broderick, D. 80, 146 Brown, J. 10, 75, 126, 139 Brown, S. 134 Browning, SJ Fr. J. 11, 23, 121, 126 Brusgard, A. 55, 120 Bryant, Mrs. M. 100, 101,184 Buccl, A. 63, 121 Buck, T. 77, 92, 93, 147, 162 Buesing, P. 68, 69, 125 Bura, T. 90, 133 Burgess, Mr. M. 60, 61, 79 Butler, Mr. R. 62, 114, 115
Cabrera, J. 32, 63, 74, 135 Cadlaon, M. 10, 84, 128 Cala, N. 119 Calabrese, F, 44, 147 Calabrese, K. 42, 83, 85, 102, 147, 184 Callahan, K. 56, 57, 139 Camacho, P. 10, 37, 42, 138 Campbell, N. 98 Campion, Mr. J. 28, 31, 66, 107, 121
Caparas, R. 142 Carandan, M. 75,127 Cardenas, A. 101, 124 Carpena, M. 118 Carpenter, M. 42, 80, 95, 99, 102, 147, J Carroll, R. 93, 138 Cartafto, J. 22, 52, 63, 75, 85, 143, 1 Carvajal, J. 122 Casani, B. 122 Casazza, C. 62, 73, 129 Casazza, J. 46, 102, 148 Casey, Mr. J. 28, 121 Casta, Jason 52, 64, 65, 75, 132 I Casla, Joseph 53, 62, 63, 75, 83, 85, ]! 89, 97, 137, 184 I Casletlo, J. 121 Caslin, Mr. T. 36, 40, 74, 75, 122 ft Castelli, A. 62, 65, 102, 148, 177 I Castillo, J. 41, 53, 62, 140, 184 I Castro, J. 120 Catlaw, R. 94, 95, 144, 148, 177 II Cavalier, Mr. M. 100 Celestin, F. 10 Centro, H. 25, 71, 127 Cepeda, J. 101, 123 Chanfrau, M. 5, 17, 76, 77, 80, 88, I 94, 95, 102, 148 I Chape, G. 124 Chidichimo, J. 59, 62, 129 I Chrisos, N. 93, 149 Cilia, SJ Br. R. 115 Cirlili, J. 24, 62, 72, 73, 1351 Clrino, P. 70, 71, 136, 144, 176 I Cirminello, Mr. R. 90 Citarella, R. 17, 63, 71, 105, 149, Clark, J. 122 Clemente, A. 59, 67, 127 Clemente, M. 75, 134 Cody, B. 133 Colabraro, R. 83, 103, 122 Colao, L. 81, 102, 141 Coleman, E. 53, 105, 135 Collado, V. 71, 142 Collins, Mr. J. 102, 108, 109, 122, 124 Colombo, P. 38, 97, 143 Colon, J. 63, 139 Comandatore, S. 34, 42, 58, 59, 136 Comprelli, K. 28, 122 Conley, J. 97, 125 Connelly, M 25, 79, 99, 138| Connors, J. 90, 91, 129 Gonti, J. 55, 127 Conti, V. 13, 17, 79, 85, 143, 111 Corcoran, M. 128,184 Corcoran, Mr. J. 110, 111 Cormlo, R. 62, 129 Correia, J. 121 Costanzo, Mrs. B. 30, 36, 46, 62, 122, l | Costello, D. 88, 142 Coulston, S. 76, 77, 95, 148, 177 Cox, D. 19, 119 Cox, H. 54, 55, 75, 139 Cregan, SJ Fr. R. 100, 122 Crew, B. 71, 75,148 Crlmmlns, B. 85, 90, 91, 100, 101, 13% Crfsalli, Mr. A. 68, 69, 71, 80, 88, 123, Crohan, T. 10, 119 Cross, M. 148 Crowe, E 139 Crowley, T. 132
Cuaycong, J, 126 Cueto, B. 120
B in g h a m , B.
I f . $8, 71, 99, 129 Cupo, M, 30, 123 G i t Ml. M.
n **« « «
Curtin, T. ; 34, 74, 76, 88, 102, 148 Cymbor, D. 54, S5, 124
D’Addarto, G. 24,26, ■ p 92, 93, 149, 150, 179 b lla y. C. 62, TS, 73, 101, 130 Dale, C. 134 D’Alesslo, S .' 148 Daly, P. 150 Damato, 0. ||; :;-70i^t ^83, 150, 177 Oamlano.^ t$1 Dandorph. Mr. K. W r 32,48,96,114,123 Dandorph, Mr*. E. 110,111
Bpjcncfl.W. 120
Dasarl, S. 63, 85, 131, 184 Dass, S. 74, 130 Davts, R. 17, 51, 95, 100, 101, 151, 177,180 Dazo, J. 121 De La Rosa, Nelson 118 De La Rosa, Noel 75, 84, 134, 141 de Leon, J. 52, 62, 73, 85, 143, 184 De Paata, S. 134 DeAngeio, Mr. J. 12, 38, 39, 86, 124, 184 deArmas, J. 13, 32, 63, 73, 83, 101, 151. 166 DeBenedectis, J. 85, 125,184 DeFeo, D. 119 OeFlllppo, A. 123 DeFllippo, G. 95, 151 DeFllippo, J. 103, 120 DeGennaro, V. 84, 139 Degnan, N. 25, 131 Degnan, T. 71, 150 deGorostlza, K. 66 OeHaven, I. 129 Del, A. 129 Dela Cruz, R. 95, 126 Delaney, Mr. M. 115 OeLorenzo, Mr. C. 40, 48, 62, 124 DeLuca, D. 5, 75, 90, 91, 126 Oeodato, J. 75, 125 DePalma, Mrs. A. 114 DeSalvo, D. 18, 85, 97, 121, 184 Desroslers, A. 10, 62, 129 OeVlllava, K. 10, 69, 119 4DeVbe, j. 124,183 ! Dlamanti, A. 132 Diaz, J. 31, 32, 53, 63, 82, 83, 96, 104, 105, 150 Diaz, W. 63, 75, 138 DIFranco, B. 69, 126 DiGiorgio, K. 103, 123 DIHey, A. 17, 82, 83, 95, 100, 101, 119, 151, 161, 177,180 V DIMartino, D. 54, 55, 71, 129 Dios, J. 102, 118 DiPasquale, D. 4, 100, 101, 151, 180 . DISanzo, D. 151 Dolan, SJ Fr. C. 110, 111 Donates, M. 124 Dondero, L. 86, 82 Dondero, Mr. J. 48, 64, 82, 83, 98, 99, 107, 121, 125, 140, 157
0oft6, K. 17, 30, 63, 73, 151, 170 Donnadlo, E. 66 Donnelly, A. 10,102, 118 Donnelly, W. 78,79,143 Donohue, D, 97,118 Doolan, Mrs. E. 112, 113 Doshi, N. 132 Dougherty, B. 10, 35, 52, 75, 131 Dougherty, J. 142 Dowling, Mrs. K. 42, 52, 125 Downey, B. 121 Doyle, SJ Fr. M. 18, 64, 108, 126 Dragotti, P. 118 Drozdowskl, A. 93, 140 Drummond, F. 60, 61, 79, 128 Dubrule, Mr. B. 31, 72, 102, 110 Dugan, B. 13, 57, 97, 138 Dugan, M. 63, 85, 136, 184 Dumaual, A. 21, 62, 67, 75, 152 Duncan, Sr. F, 64, 106, 126, 140, 177, 183 Durak, Mr.T. 76 Duran, R. 127 Durkin, G. 123 Dworkin, R. 60, 61, 79, 142 Dy, C. 24, 28, 52, 53, 58, 59, 72, 73, 75, 128
Feuchack, J. 5, 77, 88, 102, 152 Flguelredo, C. 28, 120 Figur, B, 66 Figur, D. 31, 86. 87, 10ft 101, 152, 177 Figur, Mrs. N. 66 Finholt, Ms. A. 110, 111 Flnnerty, S. 77, 84, 139 Fisher, 4, 62, 128 Fltzglbbons, A. 69, 126 Fitzpatrick, K. 76, 77, 122 Fitzpatrick, P. 75, 79, 139 Florkiewicz, C. 74, 131 Foley, SJ Fr. J. 127 Fong, J. 62, 85, 152, 184 Ford, Mr. W. 40, 41, 42, 72, 127, 138, 184 Ford, Mrs. C. 110,111 Foster-Moore, J. 90, 91, 121 Fox, V. 66 Francesco, J. 152, 158 Franco, B. 10, 31, 55, 123 Franco, Mrs. M. 114 Freed, R. 138 French, SJ Fr. J. 128 Frezzo, P. 129 Friend, J. 10, 55, 123 Fromfield, Mr. M. 90, 91 Furka, Mrs. L. 114
85, 89, 150, 155, 184 Guevara, J. 80, 90, 119, 133 Guillaume, E. 55, 62, 133 Gulrgls, A. 75, 129 Gumtang, C. 123 Gurian, S. 29, 82, 83, 89, 119, 127 Gutierrez, J. 32, 63, 155 Guzman, B, 137 Gusman, E. 120 Guzman, J. 10, 63, 97, 123 Guzman, V, 124
Jantszewski, C. 122 Jantas, J. 21, 24, 92, 93, 156 Jeffery, G. 55, 62, 69, 125 Johnson, M. 66 Jones, Mr. R. 23, 43, 44, 132, 142 Jordan, A. 54, 55, 62, 71, 129 Jordan, R. 75, 90, 120 Joung, J. 10, 23, 30, 52, 53, 62, 86, 87, 89, 140 Joyce, SJ Fr. J. 108 Jurado, M. 63, 75, 83, 98, 99, 119, 134
Habib, D, Kaczka, K. 70, 71, 156 17, 31, 53, 96, 97, 155 Kakolyrts, A, 76, 77, 139 Haddadin, A. 45, 63, 156 Kalcantdes, N. 75,138 Hagen, P. 67, 73, 99, 122, 139 Kaminski, C. 25, 127 Haggerty, D. 130 Karkut, M. 34, 75, 141,183 Hall, A. 156 Karnlk, S. 63, 85, 133, 184 Hamlll, SJ Fr. F. 111 Kayiaros, Mrs. A. 184 Hammer, Mr. J. 111 Kayiaros, Mr. P. 184 Hansen, G. 142 Kayiaros, S. Hansen, J. 134 46, 52, 53, 63, 74, Hansen, N. 135, 177 75, 85, 89, 128, 184 Hansen, Mr. R. Kealy, J. 129 71, 129, 176, 177 Keating, S. 137 Harbaca, S. 85, 130, 184 Keenan, SJ Fr. J. Harper, C. 10, 123 2, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, Harrison, SJ Br. Paul 108, 109, 112, 116, 114, 115, 117, 126, 184 177, 184 Hart,T. Kelly, M. 141 85, 101, 156, 177, 179, 184 Gadsden, H. 62, 127 Kelly, Mr. It 68, 71 104, 105 Haslach, J. 95, 158, 174, 177 Gallastro, J. Kelly, P. 15, 97, 139 Haveron, Mr, O. 45, 66, 67, 84, 153 Kemkar, N. 23 28, 38, 54, 55, 68, Gallagher, K 9 Edwin, R. 46, 132 Kender, A. 103, 142 69, 71 80, 130, 177,184 Gallagher, L, 75, 84, 102, 132 Egan, Mr. M. 54 Kennedy, Dr. n. 30, 82, 132 Healy, S. 55, 134 Gallagher, P. 95, 127 Egan,T. 10,18,60,124 Khan, B. 98 Held, Mr. D. 130,184 Gallo, J. 17, 32, 87, 153 EHopoulos, T. 55 Khawafa, A. 62, 63, 126 Hellstrom, Ms. P. Gandhi, H. Elliott, J. 31, 32, 53, 143 Khublall, a 75, 123 12, 43, 44, 74, 75, 131 17, 31, 42, 53, 63, 154 Elma, A. 152 Khwaja, A. Hennessey, Mr. R. Gapasln, G. 97, 124 Ene, N. 142 53, 62, 7$ 81, 86* 8?, 93,140 110, 112, 139, 184 Garcia, Ms. A. 30, 128, 145 England, D. 55, 120 Klllllea, E. 88, 90, 91, 120 Hernandez, J. 127 Garcia, A. 32, 45, 154 Enrico, C. Kim, a 52, 53, 134 Hernandez-Mendez, Ms. R. 115 Garcia, Mr. E. 116 21, 42, 76, 77, 152, 184 Kinahan, M. 56, 57, 80, 135 HesHn,C. 157 Garcia, J 88,141 Enrico, R. 76, 77, 120 King, A 88, 143 Higgins, C. 66 Garglulo, T. 85, 129 Enriquez, M. 66 King, R. 56, 57, 62, 139 Hoag, SJ Fr. M. Gawronski, M, 118 Enylnna, C. 10,118 Kirby, D. 98, 99, 121, 139 12, 13, 25, 30, 122, 131 Gehrmann, J, 103, 120 Episcopo, J. 152 Kircher, J 84, 88, 139 Hochstaeder, Mr. S. 76 Geraci, C. 155 Epps, L. 62, 138 Klarmann, M. Horan, Mr. J, Gibbs, V. Esendemlr, O. 69, 75, 121 92, 93, 95, 156, 179 28, 108, 109, 117, 184 47, 62, 74, 94, 95, 10% 135 Espinosa, H. 132 Kmec, G. 58, 59, 143, 156 Horsfield, J Gibson, J. 126 Exter, P. 122 KoiakowsM, J. 25, 71, 150, 157, 158, 176 Gillespie, K. 136 21, 48, 157, 177 Howard, L. 121 Glnty, C. 21, 74, 94, 138 Koiakowskf, a 71,103,128 Howard, M. 131 Giordano, F. 75, 83, 84, 133 Kolmer, S. 57, 114, 142 Hudacko, S. 63, 161, 143 Gnas, T. 74, 142 Koo, J. 64, 65, 75, 130 Huha, T. 136 Gold, H. 31, 58, 59, 155 Kopacz, K. 54, 55, 69, 125 Hunt, P. Gomez, V. Kost, Mrs. L. 116 62, 63, 85, 89, 130, 184 Fabros, J. 75, 134 1$fl,,8S*7»7l,8Sffli«iOT Kost, a, 21, 92, 93, 157, 184 Hurtado, J. Facchlnl, J. Gonnelli, J. '' Koszyk, Mr. R 1W, 105 53, 74, 75, 83, 102, 134 72, 73, 99, 101, 125k 129, 139 42, 78, 77, 155, 177 Koszyk, Mr. W. 74, 75, 133 Facciponti, D. Gonzales, R. Kovacs, B. 69, 125 T7, 6S, 6?, 143, M6i 153,15» 17, 53, 62, 63, 64, 65, 72, Kowalski, A. 97,134 Fajardo, N. 124 n I * 83, as, 8?, 129 1«* ■»* Kramer, N. Falclcchlo, F. Gonzalez, A. 56, 57, 80, 61 95, 158 51, 94, 95, 104, 105. 153 83, 94, 95, 154, 177 Krlvlnsky, J. 141 Falclcchlo, J. Gonzalez, F. 70, 71, 154 Ibrahim, A, 129 Krywy, M. 13 62, 74, 85, 98, 99, 130, 184 Gonzalez, Mr. J. 103 Harta, D. 103, 104, 105, 119 Kudera, M. 24, 73, 122 Falco, J. 142 Gonzalez, V, 130 lorio, G. Kudlactk, S. Fam, P. 73, 74, 75, 133 Gordon, B. 17, 28, 135 24, 68k 71,10* 1M> 13* 184 23, 34, 54, 55, 50, 61, 75, Farinas, M. Grabler, Ms. S. Irvine, Mr. j. 87, 95, 99, 119, 138, 184 38, 75, 89, 93, 95, 135 17, 49, 126, 129, 137, 184 10, 11, 27, 48, 80, Kwan, K. 121, 139 Farrell, S. 137, 138 Graham, L. 92, 93, 112, 123, 132 Kyrollos, G. 137 Feliciano, J. 74, 75, 84, 133 72, 75, 95, 104, 135 Irvine, Mr. J., Sr. 115 Fenclk, J. 77, 88, 143 Gray, A. 90, 91 Ishak, R. 74, 142 FeHlsl, J. 55, 119 Green, J. 27, 80, 135 Fernandez, S. 127 Griffin, L. 32, 34, 42, 155 Ferrante, Mr. K. 71 Griffin, SJ Br.J. 114, 115 Ferreira, P. 101, 127 Gronda, Mr. D. 71, 104, 105 Lagman, R. 62, 63, 97, 137 Ferreira, Z. Gualarfo, Mrs. G> 112, 113 Lakhanl, J. 63, 118 42, S3, 85, 143, 184 Guarlnl,J. 121 Jackson, N. 62, 132 Lancellottl, J. 121 Ferro, f t 69, 99, 118 Gubitosi, fit Jamison, M. 75, 80,133 Lanzalotto, Mr, C. 71, 133 Feaken, A. 75, 118 12, 17, 42, 63, 75, Feuchack, f |i:
Index • 181
Laracy, P. 42, 80, 61, 78, 79, 95, 98, 99, 150, 158 Larkins, J. 118 Larkins, R. 130 LaRocca, Mrs. C. 114 Larsen, C. 89, 103, 120 Larsen, E. 139 Lassiter, □. 62, 131 Laura, Mrs. M. 114 Lazorwitz, M. 126 Lazzara, L. 95, 101, 124 Leahy, Mr. J. 56, 57 LeCalvez, Ms. A. 24, 34, 118, 134 Lee, a 123 Lee, M. 95, 159 Leigh, G. 62, 65, 7S 78, 99L 1SB, 178, 1« Leon, A. 65, 85, 132, 184 Leung, J. 10, 52, 74, 75, 85, 133 Leverone, D. 63, 122 Ullls, Mr.W. 42, 82, 102, 118, 126, 127, 134, 184 Lisboa, E. 42, 64, 65, 73, 123, 159 Us), J. 34, 36, 42, 159 Locricchlo, A. 71, 138 Locricchlo, D. 70, 71, 159, 176, 177, 184 Locricchlo, Mrs. M, 112, 113, 184 Lopez-Dtaz, F. 32, 63, 103, 136 LoPorto, John Paul 10, 122 LoPorto, Joseph 62, 75, 88, 95, 102, 136 LoPorto, Mr. C. 184 LoRe, J. 5, 82, 7E, 77, 81, 88, 95, 133 Lorenzo, R. 16, 52, 64, 65, 97, 127, 141 Lovero, W. 85,135,184 Lucanla, B. 118 Lucero, J. 125 Lucero, M. 58, 59, 63, 75, 132, 141 Lugtu, J. 58, 59, 75, 129 Lukac, S 42, 63, 72, 73, 158 Lukasiak, T. 10, 52, 53, 74, 75, 86, 87, 89, 140 Luke, S. 10, 52, 53, 63, 73, 74, 75, 85, 89, 137, 184
M MacDonald, B, 42, 158, 177 Madavl, P. 84, 128 Maddox, B. 60, 61, 79, 135 Madsen, W. 130 Magalkm, A. 91, 99, 121 Magarban, B 58, 59, 159 Magcalas, J. 128 Maglorl, R. 133 Magno, T. 10, 52, 53, 62, 79, 83, 137 Maharaja, R. 120 Maldonado, F. 121 Malfettone, M. 59, 75, 134 Malik, F„ 53, 85, 89, 131, 184 Malizia, M. 75, 125 Manlbo, R. 62, 85, 159, 184 Manlongat, E. 10, S3, 65, 75, 78, 79, 89, 99, 106, 140 Mansfield, P. 103, 105, 108, 128 Mara, M. 90, 91, 122 Marandota, L, 17, 42, 45, 62, 73, 85, 159, 184 Marino, F. 17, 93, 139 Marques, M. 143 Marsden, N. 135 Marsh, K. 10, 119 Martin, J, 63, 139 Martineau, Mrs. J. 112, 113
182 ■ 1995 Petrean
Martinez, A. 46, 63, 108, 143 Martinez, Mr, F. 115 Massarelli, Mr, J. 28, 80, 134 Masterson, T. 75, 132 Mauricio, c. 121 Mavilla, J 129, 177 May, M. 126 Mayhue, M. 43, 62, 126 Mayo, M. 119 McCabe, M. 76, 77, 95, 159, 177 McDermott, G. 70, 71, 80, 139, 177, 183 McDermott, P, 90, 91, 122 McDermott, Mr. R. 46, 135 McDonald, E. 65, 160, 177 McGlnley, C. 118 McGurk, J. 76, 77, 88, 142 Mcllhatten, D. 55, 128 McKenna, B. 90, 91, 123 McKenna, C. 132 McKeon, P. 17, 51, 93, 135 McLaughlin, C. 75, 141 McMahon, C. 157, 160 McMullen, B. 24, 92, 93, 160 McNair, 8. 1% McNally, S. 90, 91, 134 Mcltomey, C. 42, 66, 67, 72, 73, 84, 99, 146, 150, 158, 160, 166 McPartlan, J, 59, 122 Medrano, J. 34, 55, 71, 131 Medrano, M. 34, 46, 70, 71, 75, 104, 105, 137, 177 Melchionne, R, 20, 21, 62, 154, 161 Mendoza, A. 67, 134 Mendoza, R. 122 Mensah, J, 57, 62, 161 Mercer, J. 54, 55, 56, 57, 62, 127 Merluza, A. 125 Merrick, Mr. D. 49, 135 Merson, j. 90, 91, 119 Messenger, M. 24, 92, 93, 160 Metzlnger, J. 102, 138 Mtlanian, K. 160 Milczarski, M. 80,101, 129 Miller, D. 71, 133, 176 Miranda, F. 75, 83, 127 Modzalewski, Mr, J. 110 Moe, Mrs. G. 116 Moe, J. 82, 83, 87, 160 Mofe, C. 13, 20, 63, 64, 65, 67, 75, 99, 135 Molina, T. 66,184 Monaco, M. 71, 104, 105, 128 Montaftez, A, 55,119 Monteleone, M. 79, 126 Montes de Oca, E, 63, 120 Moore, Mr. G. 110 Moore, Ms. K. 30, 46, 74, 136 Morales, A. 120 Moran, K, 90, 91,128 Moreno, J. 126 Morin, D. 26, 71, 160 Mosco, N. 46, 132 Moser, C. 68, 69, 143 Mosley, T. 62, 161 Muhammad, A, 62, 71, 161 Mulhem, B. 27, 162 Mullaney, B. 121 Mullen, E. 98 Mulligan, K. 76, 77, 118 Mullin, M. 11 Mullins, E. 122 Mullins, J. 128 Mulvlhlll, B. 95, 101, 136,180 Munar, J. 10, 119,139 MuHoz, A. 62, 131 Munoz, J. 63, 124 Munoz, P. 129 Murphy, B. 95, 102, 162 Murphy, C. 60, 61, 72, 95, 102, 135 Mussell, P. 134
Musto, W. 13, 42, 71, 73, 82, 83, 98, 99, 146, 150, 157, 163, 184
N Nadler, S. 37, 133 Nagy, D. 7ft 71, W 105, 161 176, 184 Nakhla, P, 119 Nappl, A. 17, 53, 62, 93, 140 Nazario, Mr. L. 115 Nazarko, E, 88, 102, 163, 177, 184 Negron, C. 62, 63, 71, 163 Nguyen, B. 63, 89,134 Nguyen, D. 18,75,124 Nguyen, T. 52, 62, 75, 85> 97, 102, 162, 181
Nieves, Mrs. A, 112, 113, 184 Nieves, E. 10, 17, 74, 75, 88, 87, 99, 102, 112, 154, 162, 177, 184 Nikolta, K. 52, 63, 76, 128 NIvins, M. 62, 71, 130 Noga, Mr. A. 12, 38, 60, 61, 136, 144, 184 Nolan, J, 19, 141 Nolan, Mrs. R. 19 Noriega, M. 32, 45, 63, 66, 67, 72, 73, 119, 163 Novello, T. 92 Nubia, C. 17, 32, 42, 44, 62, 64, 65, 67, 85, 100, 101, 154, 163, 165, 177, 184 Nueva, N.R. 75,121 Nyaboga, M. 62, 69, 119
o O'Connor, SJ Fr.T. 137 O’Day, J. 13,17, 27, 53, 72, 73, 85, 89, 95, 140 O'Donnell, W. 70, 71, 163, 176 O’Donnell, Mr. J. 74,118,137 O’Gara, M. 131 O’Grady, Mrs. P. 49, 136,138 Olesky, M. 85, 97, 140, 184 Oliger, J. 124 O’Neill, Deacon J, 8, 9j 34, 74, 75, 126, 138 O’Neill, S. 121 ong, C.B. 21, 62, 63, 74, 75, 84, 87, 143, 163, 184 Onleal, B. 60, 73, 121 Oppido, SJ Fr. H. 139 Orejola, F. 36, 47, 62, 63, 137 Orozco, B. 73, 135 Ortega, E, 88,120 Ortega, J. 132 Ostaszewski, S. 120 Oyola, J. 90, 91, 119
Palmlero, Mrs. L. 114 Palomares, D. 37, 52, S3, 62, 63, 67, 74, 75, 84, 185 Panaytotou, S. 12, 13, 85, 95, 136, 184 Pasco, A, 62, 95, 97, 165 Paskas, Daniel 101, 125,180 Paskas, David 19, 102, 142, Paskas, Mrs. J. 19 Patel, A. S3, 63, 85, 89, 134, 184 Patel, J. 63, 75, 123 Patel, K 16, 69, 126 Patel, N. S3, 63, 164 Patel, S. 52, 69, 121 Paton, K. 62, 132 Patti, Mrs. R. 114 Pawlowski, J. 164 Paz, R. 104, 105, 164 Pazos, R. 32, 63, 83, 164 Pecoraro, S, 13, 21, 42, 62, 73, 74, 146, 150, 158, 165, 184 Pedersen, James 10, 71, 142 Pedersen, Jerome 57, 71 Percontlno, J. 90, 91, 125 Perez, R. 74,136 Perkins, S. 165 Peraeghln, N. 84, 100, 101, 133 Petersen, D, 118 Petersen, G, 95, 102, 140 Petersen, Mrs, M. 116 Petruska, M. 80, 95, 102, 104, 105, 168 Piela, J. 70 Pike, J, 87, 131 Pike, M. 21, 87, 166 Pimentel, A. 62, 72, 73, 101, 135 Plnella, M. 95, 141 Plngol, N. 62, 75, 130 Pizzutl, R. 167 Plonski, J. 167 Po, C, 62, 75, 83, 85, 102, 135, 184 Pompilio, J. 102, 146, 167, 184 Pomponio, 0. 17, 94, 95, 150, 1% 187, 177 Pontorlero, P, 120 Portelll, A 88, 90, 91, 119 Powers, S. 119 Prilop, Mrs, I, 110, 111 Prime, E. 76, 77, 95, 166 Prime, Mrs. M. 112, 1 1 3 Prime, R. 90, 91, 123 Prince, D. 62, 138 Priore, M. 71, 103, 105, 130 Pumarada, J. 21, 34, 62, 66, 67, 72, 73, 75, 85, 168, 184 Punsalan, V. 64, 74, 85, 167, 184 Puro, K. 131
Q Quail, K.
Paciello, L. 94, 95, 144, 146, 164, 177 Padilla, A. 119 Padovano, A. 42, 62, 83, 87, 164 Paez, M. 125 Pagan, D. 125 Page, Br. R. 139 Palermo, J. 72, 73, 133 Palladino, F, 94, 95, 144, 164, 177 Palma, O. 42, 53, 63, 73, 84, 164
36, 42, 67, 72, 73, 167 Quo, P. 51, 70, 71, 82, 83, 150, 167, 178, 177 Quevedo, F, 63, 129 Quiles, D, 63, 68, 69, 120 Quinn, 8. 75, 124 Quinn, C. 131 Qulntela, J. 103, 129
R Rafanan, R. 123 Rakoski, R 51, 65, 71, 80, 104, 105, 187
93? ? o
Rama, A. 63,101, 168,180 Ramirez, D. 10, 52, 63, 124, 139 I Ramos, Abel 123 Ramos, Angel 138 Ramos, J. 53, 138 Rampersad, M. 129 Rashed, A. 62, 89, 103, 133 ] Raslowsky, Mr. J. 22, 23, 24, 26, 40, 80, j 98, 108, 109, 112, 122, 1841 Ratana, S. 52, 53, 62, 74, 75, 97, I 100, 101, 168, 180,184 I Ratlin, SJ Fr. E. 44, 80, 84, 14o| Raval, C. 63, 85, 168, 184 | Razon, C. 10, 13, 17, 52, 53, I 62, 63, 74, 89, 140, 184) Redllng, M. 122 Reed, K. 75, 137 Reid, C. 54, 55, 69, 119, 139 I Reidy, Mr. P. 22, 23, 52, 53, 108, 109, 1211 Rentas, Ms. 0. 134 Reside, R. 62, 63, 83, 137 I Reyes, Ms. N. 115 Rayas, R. 17, 45, 62,63, 65, I 66, 67, 72, 73, 74, I 75, 84, 85, 94, 96, 97,99, 146, 154, I 168, 184 Rlaz, A. V 17, 22, 42,52, 53, 62, I 63, 67, 85, 169, 184 Rtedo, J. 57, 139 Rider, B. 83, 85, 97, 169 I Riley, E. 62, 79, 136 FMtbac, P, 143 Rinaldi, A. 63, 97, 102, 143 RidS, S. 122 Rivera, Mrs. D. 110, 111 Rivera, E. 52, 96, 97, 124 Rivera, M. 56, 57, 80,168 Rizzl, F. 123 Roa, R. 133 Roarty, J. 34, 71, 78, 79, 140, 183 Robayo, S. 42, 45, 94, 95, 105, 107, 114, 168 Rodriguez, E. 137 Rodriguez, Jacobo 68, 69, 125 Rodriguez, James 75,119 Rodriguez, John 10, 90, 91, 124 Rodriguez, Jose 60, 123 Rogan, J. 34, 42, 57, 71, 154, 168 Rornano, C. 62, 124 Romano, J. 105, 133 Romanskl, L. 124 Romero-Bosch, J. 91, 123, 138, 139 Ronan, Mr. J. 46, 48, 52, 53, 74, 140, 177 Rone.V. 85, 143 Rosales, R. 74, 135 Roselle, Mr. E. 88,69, 71, 103, 105, 176 Roszkowski, A. 121, 139 Rowan, Ms. K. 141 Rubano, Mr. F. 56, 57 Rubin, M. 17, 87, 99, 142 Ruclnsld, Mrs. D. 1t7 Rucinskl, R. 17, 22, 34, 42, 52, 53, « l 117, 142, 143, 1S0i 154, 168 Ruclnsky, A. 17, 42, 63, 85, 137, 184 { Rudzlnskl, B. 85, 95, 129, 184 Rumaln, D. 75, 84, 94, 125, 139 Rusnak, S. 13, 46, 66, 67, 84, 97, 138 ] Russell, Mrs. D, 112, 113 Russo, J. 24, 57, 71, 80, 169, 177 Russo, P. 97, 134 Rutlgllano, J.
I 42, 62, 85, 189, 173, 184 i Ryan, Mr. R. S6, 57 Ryan, T. 91, 119
Sabedra, Mr. A. *: 34, SB, 40, 48, 48, 118, | 126, 127, 141, 144, 184 Salas, A. 83, 128 Salazar, G. 32, 93, 181, 178 Salgado, X. 121 Salvador, Ft. 10, 58,. 59, 62, 75 142 San PMHp, J. 82, 133 Sanchez, S. 10,124 Santa Cruz, E. 121 Santomauro, Mr, B. 100 Santos, J. 10, 129, 141, 143 Santos, R. 75, 143 Sawh. Mr. A. 114, 115 Sazon.T. 58, 59, 119 Sc#teo,jis -58, 59, 98, 99, 127 Scarbo, T. 17, 170 Schaik, a 53, 59, 131 Schar, D. 63, 75, 12$, 184 Schiraldo, G 12, 95, 139 Schneider, Mrs. H. 110, 111 Sctwbring. R. jg \ 89, 100, 101, 121 H p t w m . P. 48, 53, 82, 96, 97, 171 Sctiundler, Mr. B. 176 SWlvanlch, M. 34, 71, 134 Scrivanich, N. 97, 119, 139 Seborowski, J. 18, 136 Sekai, E. 32, 123 Sarrano-Acosta, Mr. E. 115 Service, T. 85, 97, 128, 184 Sato, A. 62, 63, 171, 184 Settambre, Mr. D. 64, 108, 109, 124 Sau, E. 53, 62, 63, 72, 73, 74, 75, 84, 85, 87, 141, 184 Sexton, M. 62, 95, 143 Shah, P.
10, 22, 53, 63, 73, 74, 75, 85, 89, 140, 184
Shaikh, Nabeel 62, 63, 89, 171, 177 Shaikh, Numan 62, 63, 133 Sharma, P. 53, 63, 74, 75, 85, 89, 140, 184 Sharma, R. 10, 63, 124. Sharrock, B. 101, 126 Shaukat, I. 62, 135 Sheikh, K. 126 Sheppard, B. 97, 126 Shivers, D. 103, 105, 118 Sierra, Mr. M. 54 Signoretta, N. 79, 137 Silva, J. 63, 93, 134 i SBva, O. 13, 63, 75, 119, 171 Silvestrl, V. 126 Sltvestrls, Mr. L. 142 I Simon, A. 162, 170 Simon, J. 75, 132 Singh, V. 122 Singleton, O. 62, 170 I Sista, J. 53, 62, 93, 171 Sista, I. 53, 93, 140 Skinner, j. 50, 70, 71, 171, 177 Skripak, Mr. J. 116 Skripak, R. 78, 79, 118 8(awin*kl, J. 72, 75, 95, 142 Slutarczyk, F.
53, 75, 84, 95, 127 Smith, B. 23, 42, 171 Smith. D. 8$, 134, 184 Smith, I. 135, 184 Smith, S.
63, 67, 73, 85, 130, 184 Smith, T. ni 10, 54, 56, 62, 118, 139
Snyder, A. 138 Song, J. 28, 74, 84, 85, 142, 184 Souder, C. 62, 69, 118, 176 Souder, X 42, 62, 70, 71, 78, 79, 171, 177, 184 Spataro, M. 17, 23, 75, 93, 102, 143 Spataro, T. 142, 143 Spina, C. 127 Sta. Iglesia, A. 75, 79, 134 Stack, M. 74, 88, 102, 172 Stampelos, A. 139 Stanaway, C. 10, 120 Stanberry, C. 10, 85, 141, 184 Standish, D. 71, 142 Strallow, M. 123 Struk, M. 92, 93, 95, 172 Stupinskl, D. 14, 72, 73, 141 Subeika, S. 120 Such, Mr. K. 71, 76, 176 Sunga, M. 85, 89, 120, 184 Supple, A. 14, 17, 56, 57, 85, 87, 138, 184 Supple, Mrs. J. 116, 184 Suthammanont, C. 84, 134 Suthammanont, V. 42, 45, 67, 72, 73, 83, 84, 85, 100, 101, 146, 158, 172, 184 Swanstrom, D. 17, 21, 87, 172 Sy, R. 75, 120
Tango, 0. 69, 125, 139 Tangwongchai, K. 17, 62, 74, 75, 173, 184 Taraszkiewicz, M. 105,128 Taraszkiewicz, V. 102, 138 Tauro, D. 62, 102,139 Tavares, N. 69, 122 Teddy, P. 125 Thorpe, J. 42, 46, 86, 87, 173, 177 THfner, J, 62, 85, 136, 184 Tiftner, Mrs. M. 116 Tiliotson, P. 95, 134 Timmons, D 55, 62, 69, 123 Tiongson, A. 38, 62, 63, 83, 140, 184 Tiwari, S. 10, 22, 27, 52, 53, 63, 72, 73, 74, 75, 85, 89, 140, 184 Tobias, D. 62, 83, 104, 105, 119, 172 Tobias, E. 104, 105, 122 Tobias, F. 119. 131 TVamutolo, J. 68, 71, 104, 105, 128 Tredo, Mr. R. 54 Trentacoste, N. 101, 130 TVoiano, M. 123, 139 Trojan, D. 75, 81, 93, 140,183 Truehaft, J. 52, S3, 75, 96, 97. 136 177, 18» Tsang, B. 80, 106, 137 Tuangco, A. 75, 97, 125 Tully, M. 69, 124 TUminaro, J. 77, 122 Twaddeil, M. 90, 91, 134 Twiggs, D. 10, 120, 139
Urbanowicz, M. 79, 128 Usma, J. 172
Valdehuesa, A.
52, 53, 62, 74, 75, 97, 172 Vatente, D. 172 Valenti, J. 20, 21, 173 Varona, R. 10, 28, 37, 55, 78, 79, 85, 141, 184 Vasquez, Mr. A. 115 Vecey, Mr, <1. 76 Vega, L, 95, 173, 177 Velastegui, N. 61, 63, 79, 174 Veitri, J. 66, 85, 174, 184 Venner, R. 71, 95, 102, 169, 175 Verano, R. 75, 132 Verdi, A. 70, 71, 104, 105, 175, 177 Verdi, Mr. S. 68, 69, 71 Vlcari, J. 175 Victorino, F. 42, 52, 62, 74, 75, 97, 175 Victorino, N. 52, 97, 119 Videtti, M. 139 Vltarino, J. 24, 139 Viiiaruet, Marc 21, 62, 174 Vfflaruel, Melanie 66 Visone, L. 90, 91, 127 Vitaii, M. 69, 120 Vitanzo, A. 69, 103, 120 Vi^zacchero, A. 10, 74, 102, 142
Wagnon, M. 139, 143 Wahl, D. 42, 62, 99, 174 Wainman, C. 129 Walker, M. 75, 89, 124, 143 Wallace, R. 10, 54, 55,125 Walsh, Mrs. £, 112, 113, 134 Wassong, Mrs. G. 116 Wassong, M. 55, 99, 128 Watson, M. 139 Wehrhahn, K. 76, 77, 88, 138 Wehnmer, A. 17,139 Wilczek, C. 128 Wiley, a 128 Wilkes, Mr. W. 68, 71 Williams, O. 38, 62, 142 Williams, P. 56, 57, 80, 138 Wlsnieski, G. 71, 127 Wisniewski, P. 175 Woelpper, J. 17, 21. 42, 86, 87,175, 177 Wong, S. 125 Wood, B. 75, 120, 139 Wooten, J. 53, 75, 140 Worat, M 32, 46, 65, 67, 141 Woznlak, Ms. A. 125, 142 Wrobiewski, J. 34, 71, 75, 137 Wysocki, Ms. B. 32, 34, 143
Yankowskl, A, 13, 17, 42, 74, 85, 175, 184 Yap, R. 58, 59,138 Yazlci, D, 80, 100, 101, 133 YU, J. 10, 97, 125, 139
Zaktama, A. 122 Zaklama, A 75, 103, 130 Zamar, R. 131 Zambrano, O, 79,119 Zawistowski, Mr. R. 58, 59, 74, 126, 143 , Zevoteck, M, '90, 91, 132 ■ Zielinski, P. 136 Zucconl, Mr. J. 110, 111 Zywlckl R 17, 79, 87, 96, 97, 135
Index • 183
W jkT e the 1995 Petrean editors hereby thank the following I f people for their support and assistance. Without them this book would never have been assembled. Mr. DeAngeio (love that steel blue blazer!), Mr. Noga, Mr. Horan, Mrs. Mary Beth Bryant, Ms. Curry, Mr. Ford, Mr. Alejandro, and Ms. Baber for her copious, constructive (and endless) criticism s; Mr. Raslowsky, Mr. C orcoran, Mr. Hennessey, Mr. Arabia, Mr. Sabedra, and the entire Prep faculty and staff; the Pefrocand Paper and Pen staffs for surrendering the office; Damien Locricchio, Bill Musto, Jim Souder, and the entire State Championship football team for a great season; Joyce, Ellen, and Herff for the really cool pens; Davis Studios for the equally cool paperweight; Matt, Chouky, Cory, and those wacky folks at Gettysburg College; Ernest Harris Architects and Gargiulo & Sons; Ryan Stouch and Scott Cool for their ideas for the cover; the Bayonne Fire Department; Rob Kost, Dave Bailey, Arcangelo Abbatemarco, Scott Kudlacik, Chris Enrico, Anthony
R ich G ubitosi
Sa lv a to r e P e c o r a r o
Community S a n d e e p L u ke & S a t y a T iw a r i Sachin Karnik Eugene Seu Fawad Malik Palak Shah Amish Patel Pankaj Sharma Adam Rueinsky Jimmy Song
Layout W C
il l ia m hez
Lo v e r o &
B ryan O
Sunil Dasari Sachin Karnik Amish Patel Cecilio Po JackTruehaft Adam Rueinsky Anthony Yankowski
Photography K e v in C
ala b r e s e
C hris R a z o n Mike Olesky Steven Ahn Steve Panayiotou Chris Bader Vincent Punsalan Jim Birch Brian Rider Joe Casia Jaime de Leon Tim Service John Falcicchio Vic Suthammanont Ryan Gonzales JeffTiffner Reynard Manibo Armando Tiongson
T h o m a s H art Chris Boggiano Matt Dugan Alan Leon Jon Boggiano James Cartano James Pumarada Ralph Citarella Brian Rudzinski Tim Service Vince Conti Brian Crimmins Dave Smith Jaime de Leon Shane Smith Daniel DeSalvo John Veltri Darren Scher
Computers S t e p h e n K a y ia r o s Zef Ferreira Pat Hunt Steve Harbace Truong Nguyen
Sunny Ra t a n a & K it T a n g w
Alex Aguirre Rodney Reyes Justin DeBenedectis Azam Riaz Jaime de Leon John Rutigliano Jim Fong Chris Stanberry Luigi Marandola Mike Sunga Chirag Raval Ramon Varona
1 I
Copy A
S u p p le
Moderator M r. Thomas Benz, SJ
Seto, John Pompilio, Gerry lorio, James Castillo, Chris Nubia, Jeff Bayard, Ed Nazarko, Dave Nagy, Edgardo Nieves, and any I other student who wrote, answered questions over the phone, or aided in the progress of any yearbook copy; Rush for showing us the way; Mrs. Nieves and Mrs. Locricchio; Melcoir; Johnny B. and Kamal for all the laughs; Mrs. Jacquelyn Supple; Mr. Cal LoPorto; Tania, Irene, and the world-class cheerleading squad; Mr. and Mrs. Kayiaros, the folks at Sportsworld and Loews Plaza Six; Kurt Russell, James Spader, and the rest of the Stargate cast; Telly’s Pizzeria (101 Green Street - Great Times, Great Food); Mr. Held, Ms. Grabler, Mr. Haveron; Fr. Keenan, Brother Paul, the cafeteria staff, Fr. Azzarto, and Mr. Becerra; the lady at CPI; Sam the Hot Dog Man for the real scoop; the Latin American Society and homerooms 1G and 3F for braving winter weatherto have their pictures taken several times over; Mr. Benz for helping out a little; and every student, faculty member, coach, [ or radio personality who helped the “assembly” in any way, shape, or form. You know who you are.
Thanks a whole bunch. 1995 Petrean Editorial Board: In The Trunk: Sam "the Bread Man" Pecoraro, Rich “the Wrecking Machine" Gubitosi, “Crazy" Mr. Lillis. Around The Car: Satya "Rama" Tiwari Tom “the! Hammer" Hart, Kevin "Ladyklller” Calabrese, Sandeep "Cool Hand* Luke, Chris "the Cropper” Razon. On the Car: "Captain" Adam Supple. In the Car: Chez "Bryan" One Not Even the Car ‘Cause They’re BusyPlaying Cards: Bill "Loverboy" Lovero. Kit “Kat" Tangwongchai. Steve "the Greek" Kayiaros, O ff Swimming on page 180: Sunny "the Seal" Ratana
QN 184
1995 Petrean Assembly Line Staff
QAiLc^ktif*... The 1 9 9 5 P e tre a rr. SOME ASSEMBLY RE QUIRED was printed by the Herff Jones Yearbook Company, Gettysburg, PA 17325. The custom designed almond leathertex vista screen cover was de signed by the 1995 P e tre a n Staff and Gettysburg artists, Scott Cool and Ryan Stouch. Maroon and Black applied colors w ere u tilized fo r the them e copy. Paperstock utilized in the publication consisted of 100# Bordeaux in the open ing section and 80# Calais for the balance of the book and trimmed to an 81/z” X 11” format. All spreads were submitted on desktop, prepared on an IBM Compatible PC on Herff Jones PageMaster program. Type fonts used were B ook m a n O ld S ty le for captions, Helvetica for body copy, Century Gothic for the opening, closing and quote identifications, STEN CIL for drop caps and quotes, DomCasual for feature copy, and FootlightMT Light for folio tabs. Type fonts for headlines varied throughout the book. Endsheets were ivory colortext stock printed in HJ navy 281. Senior portrait photography was done by Davis Studios of Mamaroneck, New York. A press run of nine hundred fifty copies were printed. A 16-page supplement was printed in the summer of 1995.
Fact bnck f 2 retaining wall with rowlock lop. atoovr adjacent grade. Provide guardrail similar to # Vestibule it change in grade exceed* 18'.