2003 Petrean

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(^ yp & tVXORY

It is our Pride and our Glory Old in song and in story; And we cherish your name And we love your fair fame For the days of long ago; And we your sons will be loyal To St. Peter’s so royal— May your banners still guide us Wherever we go! It is a story of gladness With no shadow of sadness: Our years spent with you, St. Peter’s so true, And you hold our hearts’ love yet; And through the years we will treasure With a joy beyond measure— The gifts you have given We shall never forget!

Genuine Pride and Glory Although we have a tendency to forget the words, it’s a part of us all on a much deeper level.

Pride. The handful of Prep students who show up at an awajl game to support their team and are louder than the home team’a fans who outnumber them. The battle scars on the Prep vans that tell the tales o f countless Emmaus homecomings. The! freshman who stays late to make sure he understands once andl for all what the central event of the Old Testament is, and the I teacher who stays late to help him. The lights that are still or I long after classes have ended for the day, as members of the I community give their time to co-curricular activities.

Our mail may not be addressed to 144 Grand St, but this is still our home: a home we could not be more proud of, a home many alumni revisit as teachers, as administrators, as parents of new generations of students.

Introduction 5

Glory. The gleam o f the letters P-R-E-P on the gym wall at dusk. The trophies and photographs that recall great moments on the athletic field. The standing ovation for a Spirit Award winner at an assembly. The intangible yet very real sense of history. An institution that has been an integral part o f its neighborhood and of the lives it has touched since a time when the Civil War was still within recent memory.

6 Introduction

â– P rep is more than walls. Prep is more than the people who Hkvalk the halls today. It is more than the class o f 2003, or any llpther class. Each class adds its verse to the epic o f the Prep

HI â– tradition, each year adds a chapter to the story.

Introduction 7

Genuine. Above all, it’s genuine.

“Pride and Glory” is more than a song whose last verse, we are all seemingly convinced, consists almost entirely of applause.

It is more than what is written on a T-shirt purchased in the| Campus Shop.

It is what connects us all, students, faculty, staff, parents, friends, as one family. The spirit, the essence that makes Prep what it is. That is our pride. That is our glory. It’s real. It’s genuine. It truly is a story of gladness.

8 Introduction

Introduction 9

Is Prep a mere collection o f buildings? No more so than a great novel is a collection

Without these men and women, who teach, who learn, who lead, who feed, who clean up the

o f blank pages

mess left behind, there

the Genuine Pride

Without them there is simply some prime real estate on two

people. On buses

consecutive blocks of

on trams, in cars

Grand Street. The vitality and dedication

come, day in and day out, to offer their talents

o f Prep’s people are the lifeblood o f the

and skills for the good o f one another.

institution. Prep is about people. For today. For

Students, teachers, administrators, staff, and

tomorrow. For the days o f long ago

friends. They are what make Prep what it is

10 People

Office Space As the sun rises over Prep’s Grand and Warren campus every morning, one can only imagine the spark that ignites in each member of Prep’s administration, a spark that enables them to continue daily the course set 130 years ago - to create and maintain a uniquely Jesuit environment that fosters competence, conscience and compassion in today’s young man. Principal John Raslowsky and Vice-Principal Patrick Reidy manage to juggle a gaggle of administrative duties, working hard to maintain the school’s academic and spiritual

Bottom Right: Mr. Patrick Reidy, Vice Principal, helps fix a conflict in a student’s schedule. Bottom Middle: A n o u tsid e view o f the Principal’s Office. Bottom Left: Mrs. Grace Gulario, secretary o f the Principal s Office.

12 Principal s Office

identity. All of this, amazingly, is done with offices fairly open to the wandering passerby; both enjoy talks with students and faculty alike, forging relationships that go beyond a department or grade level. However, they also owe a great debt to their wonderful secretaries for their consistent dedication: Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Gulario both keep Mulry chugging along on a daily basis. Passing through the foyer daily, one cannot fail to notice the magicians of Mulry and their wonderful work.

Top Middle: Mr. John R. Raslowsky II ‘79, P rep’s Principal, takes a minute o ff from his busy schedule to smile fo r the yearbook staff. Top Right: Mrs. Nancy Cunningham, secretary o f the Principal’s office is hard at work making a important call.

Principal’s Office 13

Shalloe Crew The Office of Public Information (OPI) at Prep, though somewhat secluded in its location in Shalloe Hall, plays an integral part in the Prep Community. In addition to raising thousands of dollars in donations to bolster the school budget and keep tuition down, OPI also organizes Open Houses and Jug Night, writes and produces hundreds of extensive brochures, which attract hundreds of applicants each year, and spread the word that Prep is the place to be. The Office of Public Information’sAlumni Office, run by Mr. Dave Donnelly, Fr. Charles Dolan and Ms. Kate Flannery work hard to make sure that no one was ever disconnected from Prep after graduation. The Office additionally solicit contributions and organize fundraisers that keep Prep running. Replacing Fr. Steve Katsourous as the Director of Development is Ms. Marge Baker, who works along side Mr. Jim Horan, VP of External Affairs. Ms. Ginny Needham Doyle, with the aid of Ms. Mary Finn, is responsible

for Communications. Prep’s president, Fr. James Keenan, oversees all Shalloe Hall activity, and is assisted by Ms. Maryphillis Locricchio. Mr. John Irvine, making the move out of the classroom, has assumed the role of Director of Admissions, runs HAP and many other Prep functions. Thanks to the efforts of these people Prep grows, and will continue to grow each year, assuring the Prep tradition of Pride and Glory will live on.

14 Office o f Public Information

O p p o site Top: Mr. D ave Bailey, the computer technician. Left: Fr. James F. Keenan, S. J., President. Far left, bottom: Mr. John Irvine, Director o f Admissions. Opposite Right middle: Mr. David Donnelly. Director o f Alumni Relations. Opposite Bottom R ight M iddle:M s. M ary Finn. Below left: Mrs. Maryphyllis Locricchio. Bottom Left: Ms. Ginny Needham Doyle, Communications. Below middle: Ms. Marge Baker Bottom middle: Ms. Kate Flannery Below right: Mr. James C. Horan, VP fo r Planning and External Affairs.

Office o f Public Information

Prep’s Secret Treasure Located in Shalloe Hall, the Treasurer’s Office is responsible for all of Prep’s financial items and concerns. Mr. John Corcoran ‘53 has served as Treasurer for the past decade. Ms. Katherine Ford, Prep’s Assistant Treasurer, is also an integral part of the department. They would be unable to perform their duties, however, without the friendly and efficient tandem of Mrs. Diane McCabe and Mrs. Terry Corcoran. Mrs. Iona Prilop completes the Treasurer’s Office staff in a part-time capacity. Treasurer Corcoran describes the importance of the Treasury by commenting,

“Anything that does or does not happen in the school eventually shows up in this office.” Revenues and budgets, fund-raisers and tuition payments, salaries, and insurance policies are a short sampling of the financial issues that the Treasury addresses every year. Don’t think that the office is staffed by heartless accountants.. .the hardworking souls in the Treasurer’s Office have big hearts. Mr. Corcoran comments that due to their isolated location in Shalloe, he and his staff miss being able to see more students on a regular basis

Top: Mrs. Diane McCabe, secretary o f the Treasurer s Office, discusses financial affairs on the phone. Middle: Mr Iona Prilop, a secretary o f the Treasurer s Office. Bottom Right: Ms. Katherine Ford, Assistant Treasurer. Botto Middle: Mr. John M. Corcoran, Treasurer and Director o f Financial Aid. Bottom Left: Mrs. Terry Corcoran.

16 Treasurer’s Office

Administrative Action Discipline is highly iegarded at St. Peter’s, as vident by the long line that egins to form in the lobby very morning around 8:30. )ozens of kids with slips in fieir respective homeroom aiders journey down to the Assistant Principal’s office p have a very brief iscussionwithMr. |)andorph and, occasionally, lome receive JUG. Mr. ollins is located far enough om the first floor morning (haos not to be distracted y the hectic line of students, n the second floor. As the )ean o f Students, he deals /ith day to day issues o f the

students, including locker assignments and activity coordination. This tandem, along with Ms. Cecilia Collins, Ms. Helene Schneider, the school nurse, and Fr. McManus allow for Prep to function properly each day. Although some students may not appreciate the values that are being instilled in them, they are being trained to be respectful and disciplined, a Jesuit value.

Mr. Kenneth Dandorph

Mr. James Collins, Dean

Ms. Helene Schneider, Nurse

Ms. Cecilia Collins Dean s Office 17

Shopping for Pride and Glo™ Where can a Prepster buy a book sock, a sweater, and even gym shorts, all at the same time? Where else but our own Campus Shop, conveniently located in the foyer. Open every morning at 7:45, students can purchase items that will keep them w arm , keep them in dress code, and m ost importantly, — make them feel at ■ home. The Campus * ^ ° P 'sn°t to students, ■ but also to parents and I I B B alumni. On certain ■ / W occasions, 1 i k e I ^ “Par ent s ’ night” or an o p e n house, the C am pus Shop is open for additional hours to serve the Prep community. During the Christmas season, the Campus Shop extends its hours to fit the schedules o f holiday shoppers. However, there would be no Campus Shop if it weren’t for the voluntary service and dedication of some of the Prep faculty and administration. Much gratitude should be offered to these people who volunteer their time in this place every day to meet our needs.

Top: Brian McCabe ‘03 shops fo r a new Prep sweater. Above: Prep students look aroundfor new Prep gear. Above Right: Martin Gurczeski, while working at the campus shop, reaches fo r a pen.

18 Campus Shop

McPrep “Bacon, egg and jheese!” It’s almost as much a jiart of Prep life as “Men for Dthers,” and although it bight not hold the same philosophical significance, it [s an essential part of the [xperience nonetheless. Prep’s cafeteria staff delivers .wide selection o f snacks jnd meals for the hungry day in and day out. the ever-popular

breakfast sandwiches to the classic Prep fries, from popcorn chicken to an array of cold sandwiches, there’s something to satisfy every appetite. The cafeteria staff works from the early morning, before many students are awake, and remains throughout the day to provide the Prep community with the nutrition to keep building Pride and Glory.

bove: Lucy counts money after two busy lunch periods, 'op right: Alex a.k.a. Chico practices fo r a mini-me look­ like co n test w hile p re p a rin g ch icken a n d cheese andwiches. fiddle: Liz washes her hands before lunch starts. \ight: In between breakfast and lunch, Agnes, Liz, and he baby enjoy a quick break.

Cafeteria 19

C lean in g Up Our Act Sparkling rooms, crystal clear floors, spicand-span blackboards and a well-maintained cafeteria are all things we would not have without the Prep maintenance staff. From the arrangement of outdoor and indoor festivities to the cleanliness of the locker room, the day and night shifts do a great job of keeping things clean and running smoothly. While the day shift works from early

morning to 3 PM, managing to keep a Prep day as efficient as possible, the night shift enters to prepare for the next day. Day after day, the custodians work with patience, diligence, and care, epitomizing what Prep is all about. Though their work is at times overlooked, the maintenance staff plays a crucial role in helping Prep run proficiently and successfully.

Top: Demetrius puts the desks back into place after cleaning up the classroom. Middle: Rocco, Rich, and Hugo take breakfrom a hectic workday to grab a slice ofpizza and smile fo r the camera. Bottom left: Enrique and Nixa clean u/fl the floor in Hogan Hall after school. Bottom Right: Mr. Armind Sawh fixes the screen door near the cafeteria.

20 Maintenance

Candidates for Principal That Didn't Get the Vote...

Mr. Collins came on too strong.

Amare got an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Mike Jiran got lost during vacation in Cancun. People 21


Mr. Chris Andreadis Years at Prep: 5 Classes: World Myths, Driver’s Ed, Phys Ed

Casey Antczak, Samuel Arana, Michael Bonilla, Patrick Browne, Kevin Dougherty, Max Katzman, Nicholas Lang, John Lombari, Dino Nuzzo, Christopher O ' Connor, John O ’ Connor III, Alfredo Oquendo, Rey Andrew Osma, Leander Pais, Matthew Palazzoto, Matthew, Sean Panella, John P/lug, Derek Ramos, Justin Romero, Matthew Roselle, Matthew Rubbinaccio, Conor Supple, Mark Timmins, Kieran Tintle, Mr. Boyle

Fr. Tony Azzarto Years at Prep: 23 Classes: Religion 1, Saints

Ms. Sue Baber Years at Prep: 18 Classes: Latin2,3,3 Hnrs, 4 Hnrs 5 Hnrs

22 Homerooms

Tchaz Amevor, Christopher Barry, Noel Borges, John Cheney, Yuri Czmola, Carlo de la Rama, Christopher Edelmann, Johnathon Gioiella, Anthony Giordano, Michael Haas, Martin Hogan, Michael Johnson, Chad Kucharski, John Llaneza, Stephen McDermott, Francesco Muoio, Alexander Nikodem, Christopher Oertel, Philippe Penson, Michael Reed, Joel Salazar, Jonathon Schirripa, Deepak Sharma, Glenn Stanul, Theodore Yager, Mr. Bruckner

Mr. Gregory Boyle Years at Prep: 19 Classes: Biology, Geoscience

James Baber, Justin Bettinger, Paul Casale, Nelson Coelho, Ryan Diaz, Anthony DiCroce, Allen Ferrer, Michael Gill, Justin Hudacko, Jcob Kafka, Matthew Kraus, Ryan Loftus, Daniel Mclnemey, Sean Morris, Richard Nazario, Matthew Olsen, Nilesh Parikh, Jeremy Salvador, Colin Schmidt, Adam Sullivan, Victor Taveras, Javier Vasques, Patrick Villa Jr., Anthony Yaneski, Mr. Cunneen

ID Mr. Robert Bruckner Years at Prep: 2 Classes: Algebra 1, Geometry

mmm Mark Barsoum, Mikael Borneo, John Cannizzaro, Alan Capinpin, Henri DeFrance, Lance Gomes, Charles Hood, Jonathan Kazar, Michael Licameli, Neil Majmundar, Raymond Mikulich, Matthew Murphy, Connor Purcell, Jason Ramnaraine, Konstantin Satchek, Michael Serzan, Pradeep Sharma, Michael F. Sweeney, Andrew Wallace, Fr. Hoag

Mr. John Campion Years at Prep: 22 Classes: English 3,3 Hnrs, Shakespeare

Homerooms 23

Mr. Steve Caslowitz Years at Prep: 4 Classes: Intro to Music, History of Rock and Roll

Alan Bantom, Christopher Bligh, Joseph Branagan, Edward Bullock, Franklin Collado, John Dillman, Marciano Figueroa, Garreth Gomilla, Richard Hussey, Steven Karunphand, John Lauretta, Jr., Ian McTiernan, Frank Murphy, Brandon O ’Keefe, C RICCIARDELLI, Joseph Salvo, Fergus Scully, Lucas Simko-Bednarski, Michael Spivack, Michael Sweeney, Brad Tiedemann, Albert Vecellio, Joseph Michael Yap, Thomas Zaucha, Ms. Hovan

Ms. Lee Chua Years at Prep: 6 Classes: Algebra 2,2 Hnrs, Precalculus


Mr. James Collins Years at Prep: 14 Classes: Contemporary Issues Andrew Anderson, Brendan Bartosiewicz, Henry Bolante, Jr., Khlaed Chaudhary, Thomas D 'Alessio, Michael Dmytriw, Matthew Doherty, Padraic Friel, Colin Gallo, William Griffin, Eric Ingles, Daniel Julian, Kevin Khilall, Daniel Libatique, Scott Mingay, Michael Moschovas, RichardMyrlak, Julidh Pormentilla, Richdrd Ribeiro, Anthony Singh, David Solari, Jonathon Zanan, Christopher Zolli, Ms. Howard

24 Homerooms


Mr. Paul Cuneen Years at Prep: 3 Classes: World Civilizations, U.S. History 1

Francis Aquila, Richard Ayuda, James Braddock, Francis Bull, Patrick Comey, Mark Dolaghan, David Gallo, Ryan Gelchion, Kevin Guarini, John Jasieniecki, Adam Kusen, Galo Limongi, James LiVolsi, Jon Marino, Thomas Ongeri, Kevin Pelgone, Daniel Rasmusson, Ryan Jason Roxas, Jeffrey Rubin, Matthew Sikorski, William Torres, Daniel Urbanovich, Daniel Walsh, Ms. Lewis

1H Ms. Marie Curry Years at Prep: 12 Classes: AP U.S. History 1,2, U.S. History 2

Amar Giovanni, Michael Barbarula, Michael Beni, Andrew Booth, Connor Callahan, Patrick Careri, Christopher Convery, Joshua Dybus, Kawon Hicks, Michael Keeting, Joseph Liggins, Ernest Martinez, Richard McCarthy, Adeel Mumtaz, Lee Odi, John Opel, Brian Real, Frank Saile, Alexander Senatore, Peter Spiewak, Anthony Talarico, Mark Tiedemann, Matthew Trost, Paul Ward, Nathaniel Yeras, Mr. Sanford

Mr. John Dadas Years at Prep: 5 Classes: Algebra 2, Precalculus, AP Calculus

Homerooms 25


Mr. James DeAngelo Years at Prep: 13 Classes: German 1,2,3 Hnrs, Video Production

Robert Abud, Scott Baron, Andrew Bonner, Mark Cavanagh, Christopher Cid, Brian Dalton, Johnny Della Fave, James Doolan, Fabian Flores, Michael Gorman III, Philip Ippolito, Christopher Kopec, Tony Le, Raam Majmundar, Jacques Menzel, Thomas Mullarney III, Jigar Patel, Lorenzo Rafer, Francis Romano Jr., Kevin Scherba, Michael Siegel, Islam Taman, Jonathon Treble, Raphael Zaki, Aleksander Zywicki, Mr. Murphy

1J Mr. Carl DeLorenzo Years at Prep: 30 Classes; U.S. History 1,2, French and Russian Revolutions

Ms. Kaija Dewitt Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Religion 2,3

26 Homerooms

Kirubell Araya, Patrick Beesley, Martin Bowker, Gianvito DeCandia, Patrick Duffy, Chase Freeman, Louis Hart, Keith Hernandez, Luis Jiminez, Brian Jones, Justin Kraivanger, Francis Llarena, Jonathan Matamoros, Mario Moreira Jr., Raymond Pasuco, Adam Que, Andrew Roco, Robert Sembrot, Ryan Simon, Jason Thome, Andrew Zhu, Ms. Rinder


Fr, James Dinneen Years at Prep: 3 Faculty Chaplain

Joseph Avallone, Bryan Bini, Joshua Cabrera, Timothy Cunningham, John Dizon, Christopher Fitzpatrick, Brian Fixter, Matthew Gordon, Steven Figueras Iglesias, Ryan Kearney, Cory Landbeater, Nicholas Magou, Robert Moran, Matthew Mulroy, William Naughton, David Ogega, William Parisio, Michael Pisko, Gary Rabbitt, John Rosenberg, Raymond Smith, Nishant Tyagi, Peter Varsalona, Neophytos Zambas, Ms. Spano

Mr. Jon Dwyer Years at Prep: 8 Classes: Religion 1, Christian Vocations, Church History

Anthony Alongi, Richard Auth, Adam Beckmann, John Bowker, Salman Choudry, Jerard Dela Torre, Hector Flores, William Greb, Patrick Israel, Brian Johnson, Sean Khoblall, Judd Madarang, Andy Mai, Valentino Mills, Jason Navarette, Alexander Rucando, Kevin Sankat, Nicolas Sebeastiano, Thomas Shields, Joseph Fayas, Thomas Weakley, Ms. Wortman

Ms. Anna Garcia Years at Prep: 31 Classes: Spanish 1 Hnrs, 2, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature

Homerooms 27

Ms. Ashleigh Garza Years at Prep: 1 Classes: French 1,2,3 Honors

Brett Burns, Daniel Butler, David Docherty, Alexander Doyle, Brendan Fallon, Timothy Fulham, Matthew Gelchion, Thomas Gentile, Joseph Gentile, Joseph Hannon, Kyle Hariselman, Philipp Janssen, Christopher Keating, Thomas Kelley-Kemple, Justin Krai, Nolan Mariquit, C Monohan, Jr., Michael Ockay, Kevin Patel, Samuel Slaughter, Kevin Smith, William Stagg, Sean Wilson, Jakub Wresilo, Eric Yang, Mr. DeAngelo

26 Ms. EllaGlazer Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Computer 2,3

Mr. Matt Greeley Years at Prep: 4 Classes: Religion 3

28 Homerooms

Alejandro Alvarez, David Belloti, Jr., Jeffrey Chua, Francis Fallon, Frederico Garcia, Christian Ginarte, Joseph Giovine, Brett Guadagnino, Bobby Kalpouzos, Michael Long, Christopher Mangin, Alejandro Melendez, Neil Pradhanag, Miguel Sandoval, Christopher Sawh, Brian Serzan, Michael Smith, Michael Visone, James Winn, Ms. DeWitt

Mr. Stephen Hamp Years at Prep: 4 Classes: Geometry, Algebra 2

Richard Baron, Ryan Boysen, Christopher Brusgard, Alexander Canale, William Carley, Kevin Chester, Jonathon Epps, Giuseppe Felicello, Giovanni Graciano, Matthew Hansen, Clifford Johnson, Bradley Keating, Mark Makhail, Julian Moore, Vishnu Nayak, Paul Weimmer, Jahi Whitehead, Apostolos Xinaropoulos, Mr. Fletcher

2D Ms. Patter Hellstrom Years at Prep: 10 Classes: Introduction to Aft, Drawing/Composition 1,2, Portfolio

Mr. Rich Hitchcock Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Religion 1, Prayer Lionel Abdool, Kevin Barber, Peter Cardella, James Darley, Daniel Fischer, James Fournier, Kyle Gallagher, Willian Griffin, Daniel Hazard, Jacob Huck, Patrick Malanka, Vivek Mehta, Adam Muzyczyn, Brian O ’Reilly, Marcello Pacheco, Anthony Pascale, Daniel Pata, Nicolas Perez, Russell Reinemann, Ms. Huelin

Homerooms 29

Fr. Michael Hoag Years at Prep: 13 Classes: English 1, Multicultural Literature

Jerome Becton, Patrick Blaney, Raphael Chan, Amin Chaudhry, Kevin Cummings, Vincent DePinto, Sebastian Fidelus, Caesar Imperio, Rashawn Jackson, Shai Kaplun, Mohammad Khan, Michael Martini, William McBride, Joseph McDonald, Travis McKay, Wade Morris, David Murphy-Colonna, Joseph Skowronski, Andrew Glen Tac-an, Salvatore Veniero, Joseph Zazzara, Mr. Hamp

2F Mr. James Hollywood Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Algebra 1, Finite Math

Ms. Gretchen Hovan Years at Prep: 1 Classes: World Civilizations, U.S. History 2

30 Homerooms

Manuel Austria, Stephen Capetola, Juan Cardenas, Jordan Cecinini, Thomas Gibney, Daniel Jonathon, Richard Kaminski, Ryan Kaywork, Eric Lindorff, James Livengood, Brian McCullough, Patrick Mooney, Javier Morales, Justin Ortiz, Cole Petrochko, Philipp Schneider, Brandon Shipman, Derrick Williams II, Ms. Lochbrunner


Mr. Scott Hovan Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Chemistry, Physics

Andrew Alfieri, Bryan Angeles, Thomas Barone, James Caccavella, Michael Cappiello, Adam Carlson, James Costello, John de Armas, Andrew Dougherty, Xavier Fuller, Edward Gardner, Gerard Grogan, Joshua John, Wesner Jules, Frank Mazzone, Jr., Mark Mendez, Joseph Pizzi, Jr., Riccardo Ramos, Sherard Roderick, Justin Santiano, Andrew Shalhoub, Gregory Steward, Gerard Vega, Ms. Meyer

2H Ms. Rita-Anne Howard Years at Prep: 2 Classes: Latin 1,2 Hnrs

„ 5| n a lGiancarlo Capodanno, Vincent Chianca, Manny De Moya, Michael DeAngelis, Anthony Facciponte, Victor Giordano, Matthew Hladik, Francis Kenny, Justin Loffio, Matthew Miller, Giuseppe Morgana, Arthur Olvesen, Eric Pennino, Michael Pocelinko, Michael Rohrman II, Peter Roselli, Ms. Romano

Mr. Dennis Hu Years at Prep: 2 Glasses:Geometry,Algebra2. TIFmj* “

Homerooms 31

Ms. Sara Huelin Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Chemistry

Daniel Albino, Michael Bonner, Michael Brown, Daniel Carles, Philip Dacchille, Steven DeChavez, Steven Erickson, Christopher Ferarri, Bobbie Flores, R. GUTIERREZ, Dustin Kocylowsky, Ryan McDonald, Manuel Morejon, Daniel Munoz, Philip Rodino, KwakuShaka Sanon, Giancarlo Sapalasan, Jesses Songcayauon, Kevin Styles, Joshua Glenn Teves, John Verano, Mr. Klarmann

Mr. Richard Kennedy Years at Prep: 36 Classes; English 2,2 Hnrs, Fiction Into Film

Mr. Matt Klarrman Years at Prep: 1 Classes: English 1,2

32 Homerooms

Awad Mina, Joseph Boland, Shane Cashman, Charles Comprelli, Nicholas Criaris, Donald Delaon, Thomas Du Val, Nigel Ferreira, Christopher Fischer, Joshua Flores, Peter Geary, Peter Herkenham, Michael McGovern, Kyle Meehan, Tejesh Patel, Steven Porcelli, Gregory Rasmusson, Kevin Roleson, Mr. McCann

Mr. Walter Koszyk Years at Prep: 30 Classes: English 1 Hnrs, English 3

Anez Alvin, Michael Bednarczyk, Ian Bernaiche, Timothy Brown, Allen Brian Catbagan, Matthew Cevallos, Charles DiGiacomo, Alejandro Fernandez, Brendan Kelly, Joseph LaMendola, Peter Ligeiro, Stephen McDonald, Emmanuel Mogire, Danny Nguyen, Neil Obligacion, Kenneth Reyes, Bryan Riley, James Vardakis, Ms. Garza

2L Ms. Adele LeCalvez Years at Prep: 19 Classes: Chemistry

Dale Addeo, Dong Xu, Raphael Gerraty, John Hanrahan, Matthew Kiebus, Carl Kraus, Kevin Kronyak, Angel Leston, Myron Merced, Nabil Mazhoudi, Sean O ’ Grady, Patrick O ’Rourke, Sanyam Parikh, Ankur Patel, Nicholas Sasso, Michael Sherry, Jonathon Tiner, Robert Zuniga, Dr. Kennedy


Ms. Grace Lewis Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Religion 1, English 1, German 2

Homerooms 33


Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Latin 1,2

Cecil Apostol, Michael Dounis, Jason Goncalves, Roger Gousse, Paul Harnett 111, Daniel Kiczek, Robert Lechadores, Alan Liu, Albert Lombardo, Corey Lopez -Thomas, Rajaram Manoharan, Rey Martin Osma, William Pak, C Perez-Santalla, Beda Pormentilla, Lester Redfield, Daniel Rodriguez, Jonathan Rodriguez, David Rolek, Robery Ryan, Julio Sanchez, Chad Simmons, Ben Tamberella III, Julian Tejera, Dr. Scibilia

Mr. Brian McCabe Years at Prep: 6 Classes: World Civilizations, U.S. History 1, Irish Experience


Mr. Sean McCann Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Biology Robert Androsiglio, Christopher Batista, David Beesley, Jonathan Bossio, Patrick Cardano, Michael Cartwright, Jason Chan, Angel Collado, Thomas Connolly, Patrick Farley, Robert Fischer, Steven Gallo, Wesley Ingraham, Thomas Keating, Mark Leonida, Eric Loesch, Miguel Lumaque, Adam McGuire, James McKay, Sergio Murolo, Paul Orlowicz, Christopher Vaccaro, Michael Vaquez, Ms. Chua

34 Homerooms


Mr. Robert McDermott Years at Prep: 12 Classes: Algebra 1 Hnrs, Geometry

Brian Congiu, Michael Costanza, Michael Downs, Nicholas Fargo, Michael Fitzmaurice, David Francisco, Harry Go Jr., Shaun Guarini, Daniel Lembo, Joseph Liccardo, Walter Lodzinski, Tristan Manukyan, Jose Melgarejo, Matthew O ’Hare, Giovanni Olivera, Manish Patel, Harold Pineda, Steven Poon, Michael Rooney, Jason Ryglicki, Philip Swibinski, Ubaid Syed, Jon Timpanaro, Joseph Zembryski, Jr, Mr. Dadas.

Mr. Thomas Murphy Years at Prep: 6 Classes: World Civilizations, U. S. History 1, World Since 1945

Earl Aguilera, Robert Bender, Christopher Bludgus, Johnathan, Calligy, Steven Creswick, Frederic Cruz, Nicholas DeJesus, Mark Fermill, Andrew Griffith, Joseph Heredia, James Lewis, Brian Molloy, Michael Moncrief, Soumo Nandi, John O ’Donnell, Sean Sankat, Steven Slaughter, Luke Stagg, Brian Stevenson, Joseph Territola, Jr., Mr. Hovan

Fr. Thomas O’Connor Years at Prep Classes: Chemistry Hnrs, AP Chemistry

Homerooms 35


Fr. Daniel O’Brien Years at Prep: 7 Classes: Physics, Physics Honors

William Bricki, James Cifelli, Thomas Ciuba, Joseph DiGiovanni, Christopher Dilley, Jim Fabros, Gabriel Gutierrez, Michael Herrero, Patrick Kelly, Anthony Kwan, Christopher Maday, Timothy Maher, Patrick Mellea, Michael Muzyczyn, D. Neuenschwander, Todd Schild, William Sweeney, David Trevenen, Andrew Vera, Nicolas Vera, Benjamin Yun, Mr. Hu

Mr. Richard Peters Years at Prep: 6 Classes: English 2, Rites of Passage in Literature, AP English

Mr. Luke Piede Years at Prep: 5 Classes: Geometry Hnrs, Economics and Accounting

36 Homerooms

Ahmed Abdelal, Arthur Aquino, Jr., John Brunda, Eric Carlsson, Sean Chiluisa, Joshua Christian, Denis Eagan, Nelson Gonzalez, Patrick Heaton, Alexander Ju, Andrew Ko, Frank Kushnir, Bruce Malone, Jansen Nacion, Stephen Nichols, Jarred Pappalardo, Michael Pavlecka, Neal Santos, Matthew Sung, Christian Traba, Mr. Kirk


Ms. Karrie Rinder Years at Prep: 2 Classes: English 1,3, Humanities Seminar

David Amoroso, John Bagnuolo, Michael Bollhardt, James Coe,Jr., Joseph Colantuona, Richard Dietz, DeShawn Edmonds, Ryan Geronimo, John Kohn, Jakub Kolodziejski, Joseph Laverty, Julio Marquez, Edward Nasti, Vincent Naviello, David Nesheiwat, John O ’ Rourke, Karl Oseneko, Matthew Rotondo, Luke Schade, Tyson Tortora, Aris Vayas, Jhunn Velasco, Mr. Koszyk

| 3H Fr. Enrico Raulli Years at Prep: 20 Classes: English 1, Creative Writing

Paul Ascencio, Jeffrey Becton, Robert Castillo, Eric Clemente, Mark Donato, Andres Escobar, Justin Frimmel, Scott Holt, Julio Leiva, Eoin Mara, Michael Medina, Andrew Molesky, Steven Nash, Jeremiah Palmeri, Adrian Rivero, Christopher Rosario, Kevin Ryan, Edward Sellmeyer, Brian Wilson, Bryan Zuluaga, Ms. LeCalvez

Ms. Rosalie Romano Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Italian 1,2,3 Hnrs

Homerooms 37

31 [O

Mr. Doug Sanford Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Algebra 1

Juan Alonso, David Badie, Raymond Campomanes, Zahid Chatha, William Dwyer, Timothy Gardner, Aldrin A M Guerrero, Michael Hudacko, Serafim Kalpouzos, Brian McGrath, Michael Murphy, Daniel Oliviera, Shil Patel, Edward Ryan, Robin Sanchez, Anthony Spagnolo, David Terranella, Richard Tyryllo, Paul Urbanovich, Brendan Whitford, Stephen Wilson, Mr. McCabe

Band Dr. Dominic Scibilia Years at Prep: 4 Classes: Religion 2,3, World Religions in the U.S., Humanities Seminar

Ms. Kristine Spano Years at Prep: 1 Classes: Latin 1,2

38 Homerooms

Robert Caldwell, Edward Cho, Jr., Kevin Dougan, Daniel Grossano, Yoshiyuki Grundy, Brian Kennedy, Kim Seong, Michael Lampariello, Brian Lauer, Vito Petruzelli, Jeffrey Watkins, Mitchel West, John Agostini, Aman Aziz, Patrick Bender, Konrad Dudziak, John Greco, Daniel Jamison, Michael Kadian, John Kelly, Jr., James Krull, Brian Lang, Thomas Leane, Christos Mergoupis, Peter Oneglia, William Onieal, Isaac Punzalan, Jonathan Weeks, Michael Wieners, Charles Witherspoon, Mr. Caslowitz

Dr. Robert Warner Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Religion 2,3, Sin and Grace

Top Ten Things You Never Hear at Prep: 10. Jay Williams is our new Football coach. 9.Petroc made their deadline. 8. The computers are working great. 7.Wow, that’s pretty humble of you, Sir Campion. 6. Hudson Catholic wins! 5 .1got a 100% on my Chua test. 4 .1wish I went to Don Bosco or Seton Hall. 3 .1can’t believe how cheap the food is. 2. If you would like to know your Religion grade, please see Dr. Scibilia. 1 .1can’t believe I failed Azzarto.

Ms. Erma Yost Years at Prep: 3 Classes: Ceramics, Drawing Composition, Sculpture, Design and Color

Mr. Robert Zawistowski Years at Prep: 17 Classes: Biology, AP Biology

Homerooms 39

It’s a family, a hangout, and a second home, to be sure. But Prep is, after all, a school,

understand that it is not enough just to rattle off facts from a textbook and then assign some

and so academics are

homework. They

o f course, a key part

recognize the value of

o f the experience. But

engaging students

it’s not just any

innate curiosity and

school, and these are

encouraging them to

not just any courses or any teachers. At the center o f Prep’s

Prep will send o ff its

spirit is the Jesuit value o f a well-rounded

125th graduating class ready to face the challenge ^

education. Academic life at Prep, therefore, is

o f improving our world. It’s why a Prep

not about simply learning facts and passing tests,

education is something no other school can

It is about learning to question, to think critically,

match. It’s why we say, “May your banners still f

to hunger for understanding. Prep teachers

guide us, wherever we go

40 People

Academics 41

The God Squad O ne o f the m ost poverty, m arriage, social d istin c tiv e asp ects o f ju stice.. .these are all topics academic life at Prep is the that are discussed regularly in great emphasis on religion, the religion classrooms, using true to the traditional Jesuit so u rces th a t are not philosophy that education is necessarily even religious in the most effective means of nature. The teachers of Prep’s building the Kingdom of God. religion department break the But Prep’s teaching of religion stereotype o f religion as just is anything but traditional. Prep the Ten Commandments or the fosters the belief that religion life o f Jesus. They instead exists everywhere, that it isn’t make the point that religion is limited to the inside of a church e x ac tly w h at the w ord or the pages of a Bible— that “ c a th o lic ” tru ly m eans: it can be found in our actions, universal. in our desires, in our everyday lives. Sexuality, history,

Above: Mr. Matt Greeley talks to a freshman about an upcoming retreat. Top Right: Mr. Jonathan Dwyer touches upon the essential Christian values with his freshm an religion class. Middle Right: Ms. Kaija Dewitt discusses sacrementality with her juniors. Bottom Right: From her podium, Ms. Grace Lewis calls on a student. In addition to religion, Ms. Lewis also teaches German and English.

42 Religion

Above: Mr. Robert Warner shakes the hand o f Joshua Christianfo r correctly answering a question. Top Left: Mr. Michael Fletcher tries to mute a student with his remote. L eft: Fr. Tony A zzarto discusses seeing G od in all things with his freshmen religion class. Bottom Left: Dr. Dom Scibilia goes over a student s essay. Bottom Right: Mr. Richard H itc h c o c k tea ch es his cla ss on different ways o f praying.

Religion 43


â– p K a lfis xa

A bove Left: One o f Prep s fir s t yea r faculty members, Mr. Matt Klarrman Above Right: From his podium Mr. Walter Kosyk discusses thefine art the paragraph essay. Right: Dr. Rich Kennedy, remote in hand, teaching Fiction Into Film, which is being offered at Prep fo r thefirs t time this year. Below Right: Mr. John Campion doubts the accuracy o f a student s Beow ulf comment. Below Left: Fr. Michael Hoag questions the class on events o f Lord o f the Flies.

44 English

| W ritten in I Stone I

Prep’s four-year English program helps students become better writers, introduces them to a variety of literary works, and improves their command of vocabulary. Most students already have a strong grasp on the basic workings of the English language before coming to Prep, and after four years, they are familiar with the intricacies of the language and the wonders of its literature. This enthusiasm for English

extends to the faculty. Mr. Andreadis, a Prep graduate and member of the English Department, says, “In my class, English is more than just a language or a subject in school. I am more interested in the students and really enjoy connecting with them and capturing their interest. There is nothing more satisfying to me than connecting with a student over a good book.”

Top Left: Mr. Rich Peters browses through the Siperstein Library. Left: Ms. Rachel Wortman leads the class in a discussion o f American Literature. Above: Ms. Rinder listens carefully to a question posed by a student

English 45

Yesterday is Today is Forever History is much more than dates and names. It shapes every aspect of our lives, and is integrally linked to the present. Our ideas, our cultures, and our ways of life have their origins somewhere in the depths of history. Prep men are encouraged to use what they have learned from both the mistakes and the triumphs of the past in order to improve the quality of life for both themselves and others. Prep’s history department encourages students to see

Top: Mr. P a u l C uneen argues the date o f Jesus ’ birth. Bottom: Mr. Brian McCabe excitedly teaches his class about the caste system in Medieval Europe.

46 History

the patterns of history and draw connections to the challenges we all face today. Students enthusiastically approach the task of gaining an understanding of the p ast. Class discussions are spirited, and “History is one of my favorite subjects,” says one student. “I had Mr. McCabe and Mr. Murphy, and to tell you the truth, their classes can be summed up in one word—FUN! They definitely know how to bring life to the class.”

Left: Ms. Marie Curry a n d Mr. C arl Delorenzo pose fo r a p ic tu r e a fte r th eir department meeting. B ottom L e ft: Ms. G retchen H ovan, a new addition to the Prep sta ff teaches her frehsman class about the founding o f Rome. B ottom R igh t: Mr. Tom Murhpy gives the p h o to g ra p h e r his signature greeting.

Middle: Ms. Julie Meyer talks to a freshman about the Roman lifestyle. Below: Ms. Susan Baber answers a Junior s question. Bottom: Ms. Rita Anne Howard excitedly shows her freshman class a Roman arch.

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48 Classical Language


“In pictura...” Although it’s likely that many students will not remember the fourth principal part offero,ferre ten years after graduation, their study of Latin at Prep will not have been in vain (or frustra). Latin at Prep transcends knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a dead language. Students explore the history, customs and religion of Rome. A proper mix of culture and language enable students to see the world through the eyes o f a Roman. I Many students wonder why the study of Latin is necessary. The most common response is that

Latin helps in improving word recognition and, therefore, helps SAT scores, but its significance runs much deeper. Ms. Howard states that the other long-term benefits are often overlooked. “Latin ties in so much with our world today. We can look at our books and see Latin roots, we can look at our government and see similarities to the Roman republic’s government. Even our thought process is affected by Latin’s structured format.” Though Latin may seem useless now, it will prove useful in the years ahead.

Above: Ms. Kristine Spano answers a freshman s question. Left: Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner works hard on her laptop.

Classical Language 49

More Than Just Talk Modem language classes at Prep are about more than just learning how to speak another country’s language. They’re the study of foreign culture and history, making connections to our own culture so we can see the similarities and differences between our nations. They also make connections between the languages and our own so we can recognize the roots of our way of speaking. Foreign literature is introduced so we can have a more interesting time studying the language and how it can be used, and to

50 Modern Language

offer insights into the culture. “Even though I can find the language hard to follow,” says one junior, “I still have an enjoyable time in class learning all the customs, traditions, and cultural aspects of the country.” Prep’s modem language department strives to make foreign languages and cultures a part of students’ minds and lives. And with the availability of exchange programs cultural and language clubs, language classes are sure to remain insightful and engaging.

Middle: Ms. Ana Garcia discusses Spanish literature with Senior Julio Fernandez. Top Right: Mr. Ted Kirk stays late after school to help Senior Matt Murphy with Spanish 3 Honors. Middle: Ms. Rosalie Romano and her Italian 1 class. Bottom: Ms. Ashleigh Garza takes a break from grading French oral reports.

Far Left: Mr. Jim DeAngelo hands out homework fo r his German class. Opposite Page Near Left: Ms. Kate Walsh takes time out from helping her students at eighth period.

Modern Language 51

Top Right: Mr. Robert Zawistowski measures a milliliter o f solution. Top Left: Mr. Charles Crosby chooses from an enthuasitc class. Right: Fr. Thomas O ’ Connor explains the importance o f using the “tare ” function o f the scale. Bottom Right: Mr. Sean McCann breezes through the periodic table. Bottom Left: Ms. Adele LeCalvez takes a break from grading papers.

' i - 7 ■ - v -■

52 Science

-'I-1 - i ^ -'-j'.

Bonds. Covalent Bonds.

An important element of a Prep education is the study of a variety of scientific fields. Prep students are introduced to terms such as enzymes, nucleotides, oxidation, and velocity. Abetter understanding of what these terms mean is revealed to students not just in class lectures, but also through experiments. In these laboratory exercises, the students put the traditional methods of questioning and reasoning into practice. With the data collected, students are able to

discover the purpose of the experiments and understand the theory behind them. However, allowing students to deduce and reason is not the only intention of the Prep science department. In fact, the application of the concepts they learn in the classroom to the real world is one of the significant goals science teachers have for their students. The science program at Prep allows young men to interact with living things, chemicals, and matter both mentally and physically, and encourages them to explore their world.

Above: Fr. Dan O ’Brien poses a question to his physics class. Top Left: Mr. Scot Hovan checks a student’s homework. M iddle Left: Ms. Sarah Huelin balances an equation. Bottom Left: Mr. Gregory Boyle explains Prep weather.

Science 53

Factor This! Mathematics isn’t just about functions, derivatives and arithmetic; it is about persistence in trying to learn something new. Throughout our time here at Prep each of us will engage in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. These subjects, despite their frustrating appearance, will ultimately serve us in our daily lives. By examining multitudes of red marks on quizzes and tests, and through countless hours of homework, we can come to

understand a subject that many find extremely difficult. The teachers on the math department staff, through dedication and understanding, bring an amazing asset to St. Peter’s Prep. Math’s value lies not only in the subject matter itself, but in the way it encourages students to think logically and tackle challenges. As is the choice phrase of many of our outstanding math teachers, “You can do it!”

Above: Mr. Hu offers John Kelly ‘04 some extra help in trigonometry. Top Right: Mr. Piede instructs his economics class about marginal cost. Middle Right: Mr. John Dadas smiles fo r the camera. Bottom Right: Mr. Bruckner assesses a student’s notebook.

54 Mathematics

Above:Pointing an equation, Mr. Hollywood instructs his class on the fundamentals o f circles. Top Left: Ms. Chua takes a quick break from grading homework quizzes to smile fo r the camera. Far Left: Mr. McDermott chuckles at a freshman s attempt to divide by zero. Bottom Left: Roger Marciniak waits as Ms. Glazer reviews his web design assignment. Near Left: Mr. Douglas Sanford helps a student with a problem. Bottom: Mr. Stephen Hamp.

Mathematics 55

Middle: Ms. Erma Yost helps John Pecora ‘03 with his clay society in sculpture class. Above: Ms. Patter Hellstrom assists Julian Tejera ‘04 with a value in his composition. Near Right: Pointing to the board, Mr. Steve Caslowitz reviews basic music vocabulary with his Introduction to Music class.

56 Art and Music

Picture Perfect “Art makes visual the thoughts and feelings of the student artists,” says Ms. Patter Hellstrom about her experiences teaching art class. The Prep Fine Arts Department reaches out to the young artists of the community with the opportunity for creative expression. Freshmen are introduced to the depth and history o f world art. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors have the option to continue their artistic endeavors in courses ranging from Drawing Composition to the senior Advanced Portfolio Class, providing a broad and useful outlet for young artists on every skill level at Prep.

“You can let your imagination go free and leam too,” says junior Jhunn Velasco about his experience in Drawing Composition class. “Your emotions get into your piece,” says senior Paul Alegria, “whether happy, or sad, or angry. Value and tone come out.” More than anything, the students and faculty enjoy the opportunity to express themselves. “Ms. Yost, she’s the best teacher I have. I excel at drawing,” says senior Joe Dailey about his own art class experience. “I am an artist,” says Ms. Hellstrom, “and it’s exciting to see students become interested in something so important to me.”

Above: The students from the Drawing Composition class w o r k diligently on their art projects. Left: That same class poses fo r a group shot.

Art and Music 57

Showing the W ay The Prep Guidance Department serves a very important role in the lives of the students here at Prep. Although their work is often overlooked, the members of the Prep Guidance Department contribute greatly to the students presently here, while also aiding them in their future endeavors. From the first week of freshman year, up until the last college acceptances are received, Prep students benefit greatly from their care and dedication. The faculty comprising Prep’s Guidance Department, including longtime members like Ms. Kathleen Rowan and “rookies” like

Mr. Stuart Clutterbuck, has a habit of catering to the needs of the Prep student body. From freshmen unsure of how to respond to a failing quiz grade, to seniors confused about the college application process, students are well aware that they always have someone to turn to in difficult times. Undoubtedly, the role of the Guidance Department is invaluable to the lives of all students. Most importantly, they take a sincere pride in the work they do, which is reflected in the caring, hardworking, and friendly attitudes taken by everyone in the Guidance Department.

Above: Ms. Martineau takes a breakfrom her busy schedule o f sending out transcripts. Right: Fr. Baldufsneaks a quick swig from the fountain o f youth.

58 Guidance

Above: Ms. Kathleen Rowan Below: Mr. Dondero sits at his desk and writes up a college reccomendation fo r one o f the seniors.

ibove: Ms. Martineau, Mr. Dondero and Ms. Gualario post college 'iformation on the board outside o f Mr. Clutterbuck s office. op: Fr. Raulli assists a student with his schoolwork.

Guidance 59

Does a day at Prep end at 2:30 PM? Or is

learning is strictly academic. That’s why Prep

that just the beginning? Prep has always

activities are not extracurricular, but

recognized the value

cocurricular. Even those activities that are

o f those learning

‘just for fun� play an important role by

experiences that take

allowing students to

place outside the

unwind and to interact

classroom. A wide

with one another and

range o f activities

with faculty moderators outside the usual

place well into the late

classroom setting. The

afternoon and evening

memories and

every day. Students

friendships forged in

are encouraged to take advantage o f

cocurricular activities are likely to be among

opportunities to create, to express themselves, to

those we cherish most, long after we leave

share ideas, and to build community

Grand and Warren. No, a day at Prep does not


end when classes end. In fact, what happens

Activities are an integral part o f a Prep education. The Jesuit ideal recognizes that not all

60 Activities

after 2:30 is something that through the years we will treasure, with a joy beyond measure

Activities 61

T h e U.N. at G ra n d and W arren Prep’s Model U.N. members had another successful year in 2003. As each year goes by, the membership of this activity continues to increase. As the numbers of participants increase each year, so does everyone’s experience with diplomacy. Under the guidance and leadership of Mr. Paul Cunneen, the members prepared all year for the Seton Hall University Model United Nations Conference (SHUMUN), which was held on both March 1st and March 2ndo f this year. At this conference, Prep was once again victorious with president Tom Leane ’04, who represented Mexico, winning best delegate in the Security Council. Although not every Prepster received an award at this conference, their hard work and strong efforts are acknowledged and encouraged to continue next year.

Above: Mauro Raguseo, diplomat extraordinaire.

62 Model U.N.


Above: Moderator Mr. Cuneen facilitates the Model U.N. I meeting.

Here's Your “Get Out of Jail Free” Card Prep’s chapter of Amnesty International, the worldwide human rights organization, took an active role within the Prep community in this, the second year of its existence. Returning moderator, Ms. Marie Curry, organized and instructed the students, and also focused their efforts to particular goals and projects. One example of Amnesty International’s global vision is seen in their holiday time efforts. In late December, students assembled in Ms. Curry’s classroom to spread holiday spirit to those wrongfully imprisoned. After obtaining the addresses of political prisoners in foreign countries, members wrote

ITop: James Coe checks the Amnesty International board IIoutside Ms. Curry s room fo r updates. Above: P. Delaon Hand Ms. Curry pose fo r the camera at a meeting.

Christmas cards to the prisoners, who were clearly unable to spend the holidays with their families. This is just one example of the many diplomatic efforts from Prep’s chapter of Amnesty International. “I really enjoy what we do in Amnesty International, and I think it’s important to fight for the rights of human beings everywhere,” said Ben Yun, a junior club member. Undoubtedly, Amnesty International is growing in popularity and in number around the Prep community, and it continues to help freedom efforts around the world.

Above: Kevin Dugan checks the attendance list at an Amnesty International Meeting.

Amnesty International 63

Right: The band plays a holiday song fo r a large crowd o f parents, family, andfriends. Below: Sister Frances tangos with the Grinch.

Above: Seniors Marty Szklarzewski, Eric Anderson, and Ben Reed pause I fo r a break at halftime o f a football game. Left: Three o f Prep s saxophonists during the holiday concert.

64 Band

And the band played on... Descending the familiar set of stairs from the Burke Hall entrance down to the locker room, it is not uncommon for powerful strains o f music to meet the Prep student in the morning, for hidden deep in the basement is one o f the best kept secrets o f the Saint Peter’s Prep tradition: the Band. Band members of this school year strove together to achieve a new level of musical excellence. “I think we’ve made great progress into the arts this year,” said Band Vice President David Bokil. Indeed the Band did progress significantly, expanding its performance season with numerous lunchtime shows at local gathering locations like the Newport Centre.

Three mornings out o f the week and once for an hour after school, the Concert Band met for practice. Under the apt leadership of Mr. Steve Caslowitz, now in his fourth year of directing the Prep’s music department, the Band put in hours of cumulative study and hard work, culminated eventually in their successful season of performances. The Pep Band showed up at every home game to support Prep’s football team through their successful season. In December, the Concert and Jazz Band gave their annual Christmas Concert. President Eric Anderson and the other officers pushed for higher standards of repertoire, struggling with the Band to accomplish their

goals successfully. In the springtime, the Concert Band and Jazz Band journeyed to Annapolis, Maryland to participate in a National Music Festival competition with a diversity of bands from around the nation. The Band returned and gave its annual Spring Concert in April. Heralding Prep’s athletes on the field of football, competing for titles o f excellence, the Prep Band strives continually to celebrate and bring the unifying power of music to appreciative audiences. “It’s a good bunch of kids,” says Band President Eric Anderson. “We always manage to come together in the end.”

Above: P rep’s percussion ensemble were a presence at the home football games


Left: Mr. Steve Cazlowitz masterfully conducting the band.

Band 65

Proud of our Diversity

French Club From croissants to Camembert, the French Club has done it all. With Mrs. Bernadette Costanzo’s, and last year’s presidents: Nico Victorino’s and August Generoso’s departures, this year’s French Club has watched movies and went out to dinner. Later on in the year, they will have hosted French students from the ISM.

66 Cultural Clubs

Latin American Society After a year of relative inactivity, the Latin American returned this year with new ideas for activities. _____ increased dramatically; the group was comprised of a health combination of upperclassmen and underclassmen. The groud overseen by moderator Ted Kirk, sought to attend cultura activities as well as entertaining ones.

Italian Club October would not be the same if it was not for the Italiaj Club. Throughout October, the official month of Italian culture the Italian club, under the direction of Ms. Rosalie Romano planned several events, such as trips to Italian cafes am enjoying a favorite Italian pastime, “ la tombola.” This yeai the Italian Club also initiated Prep’s first “Camevale Veneziano. With the great commitment exemplified this year, there is n< doubt that the Italian Club will continue to celebrate Italial culture next year.

Ebony Club

Celtic Club

rhe Ebony club, moderated by Principal Jack Raslowsky, nad a fine year. One memorable highlight involved a trip into Manhattan to see Alvin Ailey. Celebrating ebony culture, these students were treated to a thrilling night o f dance and entertainment. Overall, future success of the Ebony club is a certainty.

The Celtic club is perhaps the most advertised Prep cultural club, with new T-Shirts every year. Moderator Brian McCabe has gone to great lengths to ensure his club’s success, including starting their own interclub soccer World Cup, with matches against the Italian Club and Latin American Society.

Asian Society

Indo-Pak Society

Under the new leadership of Mr. Rich Hitchcock, the Asian Society became an increased presence at the Prep. The Asian Society worked for the empowerment of Asian-Americans around Prep. From movies to paintball, the Asian Society provided opportunities for all students to relax and celebrate Asian culture.

With their new moderator, Mr. Tom Murphy, the previously dormant Indo-Pak Society has brought Indian and Pakistani influence to the Prep community. From watching movies to eating out at Indian restaurants, the Indo-Pak Society is becoming a growing prescense in the Prep world of cocurriculars.

Cultural Clubs 67

Reflections From Within Returning as a Prep activity for its fourth year, the Christian Life Community engenders the religious spirit in each individual of the community. Through special reflections on the day’s Gospel and meditation, the members o f the group discover the spiritual presence in their everyday lives. Members often decide to share some of their personal experiences that relate to the day’s reflection. Students and teachers usually find great relief in, and feel strengthened by, the self-expressions; the expressions also strengthen and support the community by opening it up to free sharing. Mr. Dwyer, Ms. DeWitt, and Fr. Hoag moderate CLC, which meets in the Madonna Chapel. Freshmen community gatherings are during the lunch period on E days. Sophomores meet on Tuesdays after the 7:30 AM mass, and upperclassmen meet on Thursdays after the 7:30 AM mass.

Top: Senior Mauro Raguseo relates to his peers during a CLC meeting. Middle: Moderators Fr. Michael Hoag and Kaija DeWitt open a discussion with the student members. Right: The members o f CLC prepare to reflect on experiences from the past week.

68 CLC

Makin’ the Right Move Prep’s young chess prodigies gathered together twice each week for free play and practice as part of the Chess Club. From the Chess Club’s group of eager players was culled the ten-member traveling Chess Team, which wouldjoumey across the county seeking strategic glory and success for the Maroon and Silver. The Chess Team has a valiant legacy to emulate. Past generations of Prep’s chess masters have brought home victories and places in the state tournament. This year’s Chess Team, led by captain Ed Aguilar, traveled to seven matches against the participating high schools of Hudson County to test their skill and to seek victory throughout the season. In March, the team competed in the New Jersey Chess Tournament at Rutgers, facing teams from over fifty schools from around the state. Socially, the Chess Team and Chess Club provided Prep students with more than just a chance to play and compete. The Chess Club and Team offered students a great opportunity to come together and enjoy each other’s company in a competitive and intellectually charged environment.

Left: Junior Arthur Aquino ponders his next move A bove: The 2002-2003 Chess Team; L eft to Right: Moderator Mr. John Dados, Raj Manoharan, Myron Merced, Top: Senior E d Aguilar pensively examines the board during Jiogy Grundy, E d Aguilar, Federico Garcia, Arthur Aquino, the Winter Open House Clifford Johnson, Steve Porcelli, Dave Rolek. Not pictured: Middle: Sophomore Federico Garcia plays his opening Paul Harnett

Chess 69

Top 3 Things to do in the Morning: 3- Read the paper 2- (Group) Homework 1- Go to sleep in the Library

Top 3 Things Not to do in the Morningl 3- W restle with your Homeroom teacher 2- Spend $5 on breakfast 1 -Trying to park your car at 8:24 AM.

70 Activities

Heads of the Class At the end o f each year, a group o f students are elected [to represent and voice the opinions o f the ever growing student body.. This year, under the leadership of Senior Class President, Marc Amadeo, and under the guidance o f its moderator, Mr. Murphy, the student council has been anything but mundane. Each summer the Student Council and the Assistant Principal for Student Affairs, Mr. Dandorph, come together in the efforts to improve and jmodify the student handbook and to come up with new ideas to better the student’s way of life. Among the

changes was the new rule that allows seniors to come in at the time of their first class without having to be present at homeroom. Another was the decision that any instances of forgery would be punishable with and only with suspension. The student council is something that benefits both the administration and the student body at Prep and it is they who are ultimately responsible to address any problems that arise throughout Prep and seek means in which they can promote the greater good of the Prep community.

Bottom Left: Sophomore Mike McGovern presents ideas to his fellow Student Council members. Top Right. Student Council President Marc Amadeo and Treasurer Mike Jiran discuss ideas fo r making the Prep better. Above. Pete Geary looks on as a freshman participates in the eggdrop during freshman orientation. Student Council 71

Debate or Die! The Prep Forensics

Ms. Rosalie Romano, Ms.

to become future actors,

team has always enabled its

Gretchen Hovan, and Mr.

political leaders, and

members to develop and

Sean McCann, and co­

lawyers, many won’t.

hone their speaking,

captains Mike Lazorwitz and

However, all will leave the

debating, and acting skills,

Kapil Verma, the team

Prep forensics team their

and continued to do so this

continued its tradition of

senior year with the ability to

year. Whether debating

excellence in the Newark

present themselves with

public policy issues in

Catholic Forensics League.

confidence, to charm others

Lincoln-Douglas, presenting

Through weekly practice

with their charisma, and most

a humorous dramatic piece

sessions and diligent efforts

importantly, to speak well

with a partner in Duo-

o f the coaches, the Prep

and be heard.

Interpretation, or creating an

forensics competitors were

inspirational speech in

able to place consistently at

Original Oratory, each

each of the six tournaments

member expanded on his

throughout the 2002-2003

public-speaking skills and


developed confidence and charisma and in the process. Under the instruction

In addition to winning trophies, each member takes a lot more

o f coaches Ms. Karrie

from forensics. While

Rinder, Ms. Julie Meyer,

undoubtedly some will go on

Above: Juniors Peter Oneglia and Michael Kadian act out their performance fo r the audience. Right: Seniors Kapil Verma and Mike Lazorwitz smile as they proudly display their trophy.

72 Forensics

Left: Senior Mike Lazorwitz assigns positions to the underclassmen team members. Below: Seniors Mike Lazorwitz and Ryan Grusenski practice fo r their upcoming event.

L eft: P r e p ’s Forensics Team


Forensics 73

Some Pictures T hat W e D idn't Feel Like Captioning...

74 Activities

You Drive Me Crazy Competing on both the Junior Varsity and Varsity levels in four tests a year, the Math Team has consistently provided Prep students with the opportunity to refine their mathematical skills in a competitive arena. For each round, members of the Math team took challenging, fortyminute tests containing problems involving algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Points were given for correct answers and deducted for incorrect, proving participation in the Catholic High School Math League to be extremely competitive. Nonetheless, the team members managed to

Top Left: M auro Raguseo a n d Ron Cardoso w ork extremely hard on a Math Team test. Above: E d Aguilar takes a break from a practice session.

produce consistent 100’s on each of the tests both in the Junior Varsity and Varsity divisions, largely in part to the diligent efforts of moderator, Mr. Pat Reidy. Under the instruction of Mr. Reidy, the team met three times before every round of competition to go over past tests and address any difficulties. These practice sessions, held during lunch periods, enabled students to score their very best and clarify and difficult math concepts. Over the years, the Math Team has brought pride and glory to Prep; hopefully they will continue to bring many more years of good work.

Above: The Math Team’s finest in hard competition

Matfr Team 75

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

Best of the Best The National Honor Society is comprised of the young men of Prep’s senior class who have maintained a cumulative average o f 90 or higher. Another requirement is a written essay explaining why the student believes he should be accepted for this honor. This year’s President Ron Cardoso, Vice President Ben Reed, and Treasurer Mike Jiran led the committee. This group o f students met at least once every month to plan affairs such as the Thanksgiving food drive and a special dinner for the members o f the Society and their families. During the food drive, each member was assigned a homeroom; he would answer any questions about the food drive, and supply the homeroom with materials to store the food. Members of the NHS were also asked to take families interested in sending their sons to Prep on tours during the Prep Open House early in the fall. These students’ presence was also requested at various alumni functions throughout the year. The NHS can be described as a group of young men willing to focus the hard work that they have demonstrated in their years at Prep; they serve as a model for Prep students in the years to come.

A bove: Ron Cardoso a n d Ben R eed discuss upcoming NHS events.

76 NHS

saw//////, r«//

Top: Kapil Verma lends a hand during the Christmas Toy Drive. Middle: At a NHS meeting, P.J. Brennan listens along with moderator Sr. Frances about ideas discussed. Above: Ron Cardoso assumes the role o f Santa Claus as he sorts through toys fo r the Toy Drive.

Writers, Inc. Literature is an important aspect that defines the Prep community. Ask any student to name the books that he’s read for English, and you will get a long list of books that are of literary worth. Apart from reading other authors’ works, Prepsters have the chance to be authors of their own creative pieces. They achieve this by getting their works published in Paper and Pen, Prep’s literary magazine. Moderated by Fr. Raulli and Ms. Rachel Wortman, and edited by Jonathan Fedors ’03 (Editor-inChief) and Praneet Menon ’03 (Asst. Editor-in-Chief), the Paper and Pen writers and staff meet once a week. At these meetings, which last only a half-hour (mostly because these students are also involved in other clubs), the students present their poems or prose works that they have created. They read it out aloud, twice if the piece is a poem, and then they are given feedback from the rest of the group. The best pieces make it into the literary magazine. A member of Paper and Pen says, “I always wanted to write, but never got around to doing it, as I thought my stories would be a waste if they were not published. But now that we have Paper and Pen, I have started writing a lot. I hope my stories make it in.” Says another student, “The suggestions that the guys give are really helpful. I think it is helping me to improve as a writer.” Paper and Pen is not all about writing. The club also encourages budding artists to submit their artwork, which will also be printed along with the literature. The process for the artwork is the same as that for the literature.

Top: Editor Jon Fedors reads his piece to the Paper and °en attendees. Above: Mike Jiran composes his work in m empty room. Right: Praneet Menon, Ms. Wortman, rnd Fr. Rauli editprose pieces to be published in the literary nagazine. Paper and Pen 77

Below: Dr. Scibilia and Ed Janssen plan future events on the Pax Christi calendar Right: Father Simon Harak, S.J. talks with students after his lecture.

Left: Father Harak discusses the U.S. - Iraq situation as Dr. Scibili\ looks on. Above: The members o f P rep’s Pax Christi chapter

78 Pax Christi

Spreading the Word Prep’s chapter of Pax Christi reached new heights this year, in terms of memberships and accomplishments, and continued to reinforce its message o f peace. Led by dedicated moderator Dr. Dominic Scibilia, Pax Christi reached out to the Prep community and beyond. With informative speakers and generous donations of time, effort, and goods, Pax Christi affected many people and gave them new perspective on important matters. Y.S.O.P, the Youth Service Opportunity Project, gave Pax Christi members a chance to devote themselves to helping the less fortunate living in the boroughs of New York City. Another Pax Christi endeavor coincided with impending war in Iraq.

In order to provide students with an opportunity to take a step back and view the situation from a different perspective, Pax Christi hosted speaker Simon Harak, S.J., to come speak in the Prep cafeteria. Fr. Harak gave an interesting presentation that piqued the interest of all students present, and sparked many questions from various members of the Prep community. Pax Christi was again a presence at the Good Friday Peace Walk in Manhattan, as several students along with Dr. Scibilia attended the the walk. Dealing with issues such as the objectification of women, the Good Friday Peace Walk gave students the chance to speak out against some of the wrongs

of society. Undoubtedly, there is work still to be done. However, Pax Christi remains a positive influence on the entire Prep student body.

Left: Members ofY SO P lend a hand at a New York fo o d pantry. Above: Students take part in the Ramadan Prayer.

Pax Christi 79

Extra, Extra! With the guidance of returning moderator Ms. Kaija DeWitt and the leadership of senior editor-in-chief Colin Keams, the Petroc staff kept all the news they had rolling off the press throughout the year. Layout wizard Praneet Menon kept Prep’s newspaper looking its best all year long. The rest of the editorial staff consisted of fellow seniors Rob Simone and Ben Reed. Writers and photographers from all four years contributed to the production of the Petroc, tackling stories like the changing scene in Prep’s neighborhood—the construction of the Goldman Sachs building at 30 Hudson and the struggle of the venerable Flamingo Restaurant to survive—and offering features such as profiles of new faculty members, and op-ed columns on both sides o f various political issues. “The Petroc has been sending issues to press much more regularly this year,” said senior staff member Mike Jiran, “and I’m glad I can contribute in whatever way I can.”

Above: Colin Kearns, relaxing after a hard d a y ’s work. Top Right: Moderator Kaija Dewitt discusses with senior Robert Komorowski about upcoming topic stories.

80 Petroc

Middle: Colin Kearns and Ms. Dewitt discuss possible layouts. Above: Praneet Menon, doing what he does best.

Smile! You’re on Prep Camera!

Activities 81

Some More Pictures that W e Didn't Feel like Captioning



82 Activities

No Shadow of S.A.D.D .ness

This year, Students Against Destructive Decisions strove to take an active approach into the life o f the Prep community. Under the guidance of moderator Ms. Kate Walsh, the organization has worked toward educating others about the dangers o f drug use, alcohol abuse, and various other issues frequently faced by high school students. “Students nowadays are faced with so many problems and are heavily pressured into doing the wrong thing. SADD is reaching out to them and letting them know about the chances they are taking by putting their bodies and minds at risk,” said president Ron Cardoso. During the Great American Smoke-Out, SADD encouraged the school community to think about the hazards o f tobacco by displaying gruesome pictures of damaged internal organs and other scary images. With its “movie nights,” SADD provides an opportunity for students to have fun and enjoy a good film, as an alternative to substance abuse. SADD will continue to put forth its best efforts to keep Prep safe and healthy.


Jedi Prepsters

Top Left: Mr. Matt Greeley and Jon Cordova prepare to face o ff in a epic lightsaber duel. Above: May the Force be with you! Top Right: The members o f the Star Wars Club get ready fo r a Jedi assault. 84 Star Wars Club

Bringing together the many fans of the epic movie series, the Star Wars Club offers the students of Saint Peter’s Prep a creative and enjoyable outlet at the end of the day. For every level of the Prep Star Wars fan, enjoyment and fellowship could be discovered at this club. Founded almost four years ago by current senior Jonathan Cordova, the Star Wars Club has grown into an active and productive organization of people who share a common interest for the multitude of stories and adventures o f the Star Wars universe. Often overlooked, the Star Wars Club is a highly active student organization. Under the leadership of moderator Mr. Matt Greeley, club president Jon Cordova, Vice President Ryan Grusenski, and a dedicated group of juniors, the club held a multitude of meetings throughout the year

and worked vigorously to raise money for the mission drive by showing movies anc sponsoring video game tournaments. During meetings, club members got I a chance to discuss their interest in Star Wars in open forums and share collections of Star Wars memorabilia. Junior Robert Ryan shared his vast collection of Star Wars novels with the group. Senior Paul Alegria droppec in often to lend a hand with the major events. Junior Jhunn Velasco led the club ir designing an independent website so that students could share their thoughts or the Internet. “The Star Wars Clu gives students who may not be involved in other activities a chance to come together and share their common interest,” comments Mr. Greeley. Jon Cordova points out, “The Star Wars Club is a haven for the ForcJ I of teenage creativity.”

Behind the Scenes “Wow, what a nice set!” commented Praneet M enon’03. Under the guidance of Mr. Charles Crosby and last year’s presidents, Anthony and Frank Gurdak, the Stage Crew continued to work well and produce beautiful sets. With a combination of impeccable sound, fine lighting, and a masterfully constructed set, the Stage Crew’s fine work impressed everyone who attended the winter Drama. The hard work put in by the Stage Crew can be seen for weeks and even months leading up to the play, as they spend many late afternoons and evenings in the confines of the Prep basement. The

~)avid Dockerty, Jerard Vega, Joe Skrowronski, Anthony rurdak, Frank Gurdak, Jason Ryglkicki, Sean Wilson

versatility of the Crew contributes to their shining success, as they can be counted on for painting, construction, decoration, and many other important tasks that are necessary for the completion of quality scenery. Mr. Campion, director of the winter Drama Don I Drink the Water, was perhaps the biggest fan of the Stage Crew’s work, but all involved with the play showed a great appreciation for the Stage Crew. Undoubtedly, the Stage Crew’s dedication benefited the entire Prep community, and expectations are high for their work on the upcoming musical.

Top: The sta ff designs a set. Above: The crew starts to build the set.

Stage Crew 85

Pinnacle of Pride Being selected as the Marauder or one of the six Henchmen by members of the senior class is an honor bestowed upon a select few. This year’s group considered by some to be the best group in several decades of Maurader/Henchman squads, this year’s squad has undoubtedly raised the bar for school spirit. Emails. Flyers. Posters. PA announcements. Shirts. Routine tailgating barbecues led by Senior Rob Simone. You name it, they did it. Instilling that fire of “Prep Pride” was the primary job of Marc Amadeo, our “Marauder.” Along with the traditional

86 Spirit Committee

“Ave” and “Railroad” chants, new chants, such as “O, Ah you wish you went to Peter’s,” emerged as fan favorites. Rain or shine, favored or underdogged, seas of maroon and silver swarmed the stands at sporting events this year. Not only were the Prep fans labeled “The Prep Rowdies” by newspapers, but also the Marauder and Henchmen made their first national television appearance after storming a field and putting on, a spur of the moment, halftime show in front of thousands of spectators and two news cameras. Funny moments came one after another with this group. Senior Chris Basista remarked, “They not only lead chants and go nuts, but when they make their entrances at games it’s like a lightning bolt has struck the crowd. The amount of energy it brings is just awesome”. The unity, support, and enthusiasm displayed by Prep’s fans and their ring leaders will forever be remembered by students and athletes alike. One henchman remarked, “There is nothing better than getting to paint up, lead the crowd, and chant our boys to victory. You get a chance to represent the Prep, and to continue the tradition of Prep Pride.”

Left: Pat Murphy takes advantage o f an extra cone to project his voice. Below: Marc Amadeo gets some help from his fellow Henchmen to excite the crowd. Bottom Right: Drew Buzzio attempts to raise the Prep morale with the help o f his trusty fishing pole.

opposite Top: Marco Ambrosio takes a quick break from rallying the rowd. Oppostie Bottom: The Prep crowd endures the treacherous teather to cheer the football team on to victory. Above: No matter \hat, the Marauder and his Henchmen can always be counted on to wovide good entertainment! Spirit Committee 87

I t ’s T im e to L e t's F ilm Those calling the mid-to-late 90s the death knell for the TV Studio have been thrice refuted. For the third year in a row, the TV Studio has flourished under the close watch of now-Senior Mike Lazorwitz. With the addition of Video Production as a Senior elective and the kindness of the administration, the TV Studio has been endowed with a flood of new equipment, two brand new digital editors and a pair of iMacs among them. This doubles the amount of hard drive space for possible video projects and has also sparked the widespread hope that the Studio might

once again begin broadcasting weekly programming. Regardless, highlights this year have included We Are Prep: A Story o f Respect and Walkathon 2002, both shown to the delight of all at the Thanksgiving Prayer Service. TV Studio’s influence continues to prove vital to the pulse of the school, filming nighttime lectures as a favor to teachers and students alike, making highlight tapes for graduating senior athletes, and serving as a base of operations for any aspiring filmmakers within the student body.

Above: Moderator Jim DeAngelo describes a camera angle to the TV Studio sta ff Right: Mike Jiran rearranges the lighting fo r a shot.

88 TV Studio

Left: Mike Lazorwitz works intently in the studio. Studio members could often be fo u n d putting in long hours to finish projects.

A b o ve: M ike Jiran captures a Prep hockey game on film. Left: Jon Fedors and Tim C h ester p rep a re to demonstrate one o f Prep s productions fo r the Winter Open House audience.

TV Studio 89

Don't Drink the W ater From January 3rd-5th at The Roy Irving Theater of St. Peter’s College, Prep’s finest and funniest gave audiences a taste o f Woody Allen’s immortal comedic talent, performing one of his earliest works, D o n ’t Drink the Water. Students collaborated with girls from three area schools to make the show a laugh-riot from start to finish. Mr. Jack Campion’s arduous audition process yielded a fantastic cast, comfortable with both the physical and verbal boundaries of comedy that the script pushes to the limit. Set in the late 1960s in a generic Eastern European country behind the Iron Curtain, D o n ’t Drink the

Water is about the exploits of perennial screw-up Axel Magee (played by Senior P.J. Brennan) and his attempts to help his love interest, Susan Hollander (played by Megan Buono of Holy Family), escape home with her family after being labeled spies and chased into the Axel-headed American Embassy by the Communist police. Susan’s parents, the grumpy Newark caterer Walter Hollander (played by Senior Jonathan Fedors) and his caustic wife Marion (played by Carla Emmanuele of St. Dominic’s Academy), figure prominently in the proceedings, as do the Sultan of Bashir, a wacky chef, a cooped-up priest

A b o ve: Will G arcia ‘03, as the Chef, o ffers an underwhelm ed Walter H ollander (Jon Fedors ‘03) a tantalizing menu o f international cuisine. Right: But NO! Your brother says go to EUROPE!

90 Dramatics

aspiring to be a magician and a tricky time-bomb. The show, also done by St. Peter’s in 1985, was a rousing success.

Left: Part o f the cast o f Prep's Don't Drink the Water takes a bow during a curtain call.

Right: Curses! Foiled Again! otton Right: Dan Jameson ‘04 cases the stage, preparing to steal the low as Fr. Drobney. p&ove; Hold still... there’s a big Eastern Bloc mosquito on yourforehead. Dramatics 91

Walkin' in the Rain October 20th proved that there is no such thing as a “rain check” for sacred Prep traditions, as students and teachers alike braved the wet sidewalks of Grand Street for this year’s Walkathon. Mr. Bailey, the new head of the Walkathon Committee, took on the challenge of having to run the first rainy Walkathon that Prep has had in quite some time. The prospect of fabulous prizes—a selection of video game systems— added to the motivation to participate. The nowtraditional carnival was driven indoors by the rain,

Above: E d Nasti throw ing a baseball. Right: Dom Zero holds an um brella during the rain fille d day. Far Right: A student rides a bull.

92 Walkathon

but combined with an improved selection of food, helped brighten the spirits o a soggy Prep family. The Walkathon, Prep’s single fund-raising event to lower student’s tuitions and aid others in need, proved onc< again to be a resounding success as virtually the entii student body participated. , What made this year’s Walkathon so memorable was the fact that it showed Prep unity yet again and overcome the elements in tt i goal to keep one o f our many traditions alive as we endured the rain and walk© with both pride and glory.

L e ft: S tu d en ts in sum o costumes wrestle.

flight:B efore the Walkathon, Mr. D ave vailey and MarcAmadeo rile up the crowd. IAbove:J u s tin G iles p a r tic ip a tin g in W alkathon fe s tiv itie s . A b o ve R ig h t:S tu d en ts in the c a f en jo y the Walkathon games.

Walkathon 93

An Ultimately Fun Game Everyday if you looked out a window at the gravel court yard you would see pandemonium known as Ultimate Frisbee. Diving, sprinting, and tenacious defense were easily exhibited by the Frisbee club this year. Moderator Matt Greeley ’91 was quick to comment, “It’s great! We have fun and relax at the same time.” The club is quite eclectic, spanning each grade and many different cultures. Junior Konrad Dudziak basically summed it all up when he said, “Athletes or not, everyone is welcome to come throw around the ‘bee. ’”

A Magical Gathering Prep’s Magic: The Gathering Club returned in 2002-1 2003 for its second year of exciting RPG action. Members, including sophomore Dan Pata, who started the club last year, meet almost every day in Fr. Azzarto’s room to play their favorite game, talk strategy, or just relax. The students find pleasure in each other’s company, always constantly laughing while playing the game. They trade cards and on special occasions a member might bring in an extra rare, expensive card. The club was established with the intention of providing a hangout, but it has proven to be much more than that, also providing an escape from everyday life. 94 Ultimate Frisbee / Magic Club

Sports T h at D idn't Get Past Coach Hansen...




Wiffle Ball Activities 95



M p M " J jgggg

C a im m u n iii# ■■■■■ ■■■m w Rarely does anyone go through a day at

tight-knit community that inspires such pride in

Prep without hearing the word “community” at

its members. From Emmaus to the Mass o f the

least once. But by no means is “community”

Holy Spirit, from Christian Service to foreign

just the most used

exchanges, these

word in Prep’s

1 S8P1ifMf a 9 1£ |

activities are what


1 | jo l



IWPl i ^ # ‘I 1

vocabulary. It is no


M J ilM ■ i l l



mm Hr1 L


us, a group o f


simple buzzword thrown around

create the ties that bind

individual students, **



haphazardly so it can

administrators, and

be repeated in

other staff members,

recruiting literature. It

into a true, solid


is real, it is tangible, and it abounds in every last

community. It is this feeling o f community that

comer o f the Prep experience.

distinguishes Prep from any other school. It is

Some o f Prep’s greatest traditions, the

this sense o f family that guarantees that we are

ones that all o f us will remember years after we

being perfectly truthful when we say to Prep as

graduate, are activities that help make Prep the

an institution, “We your sons will be loyal.”

96 Community

Finding the Core Askany

experience has remained

what to expect from

upperclassman what his most

largely the same for decades.

Emmaus, but it turned out to

powerful experience at Prep

Like the Bible story that

be a really amazing

has been, and you’re likely

lends the program its name,

experience,” said junior Dan

to get one answer: Emmaus.

Emmaus is all about finding

Kiczek, a veteran of

The Emmaus retreats held on

God in all things. Almost all

Emmaus 192. “It really

weekends throughout the

juniors, regardless of their

opened my eyes about

year provide a much-

religious backgrounds,

myself and my relationships

welcome time out from the

participate in the retreats,

with the people around me

stresses of junior year for

along with faculty members

reflection, community-

and senior team leaders.

building, and spiritual growth.

Prep’s chaplain, Fr. Tony

The literal version of

Azzarto, and assistant

the Road to Emmaus has

chaplain, Mr. Matt Greeley

seen a few different

’91, coordinate the retreats

destinations in the past two

and work to provide an

years, settling this year on the

enriching experience for the

Mt. Paul Retreat Center in


West Milford, but the

“I wasn’t quite sure

Above: Mr. Matthew Greeley, Tristan Manukyan, and Sean Chiluisa singing some songs. Right: The traditional group Emmaus picture.

98 Emmaus

Left: The Juniors making a salad during the retreat. Bottom: Robert Bender and Gabe Gutierez make iced tea. Below: The juniors take a break from washing dishes to smile fo r the camera.

191 rowing a boat on the lake.

Emmaus 99

Leading on the Road The Emmaus Team leaders took on a huge responsibility when applying for their position. About thirty students were accepted for the honor and they attended a team retreat over the summer, during which they bonded together as a group of young men trying to create the best experience they could for the juniors. These seniors each make one retreat during the school year with a group comprised of juniors, teachers and alumni. During these retreats each Team Leader is asked to share his input and experiences with the

group of juniors to make their experience better. Even the leaders not on a particular retreat are expected to help set up and pack the vans as the young men depart on their journey as well as attending the homecoming at Prep to support the juniors and their fellow team members as they arrive. It is not an easy task to be an Emmaus Team Leader, but these young men put in all the work they can to make the spiritual life of students an important factor at Prep.

Above: The Emmaus Team Leaders pose fo r a group picture inside the Mt. Paul retreat house.

100 Eucharistic Ministers

Below: Emmaus banners are proudly displayed in the Madonna Chapel.

Above: Senior Marc Amadeo and Assistant Chaplain Man I Greeley make a small mess in the kitchen.

Giving the Gift o f God The church officially recognized the Eucharistic Ministers during the mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the school year. Over the summer they made a retreat to Mount Arlington for a day where they received a chance to reflect on their lives outside of school and their prayer life as well. During the school year these young men particpated on the freshman day of retreat to help guide

the Prep newcomers on a spiritual journey. The Eucharistic Ministers also try their best to attend mass during Friday lunch periods, and have also tried to establish meetings of sharing on Thursdays with Mr. Matt Greeley At these meetings these young men will talk about their lives in general, sharing anything good or bad that might be going on in their lives.

Above: The Eucharistic Ministers smile fo r a picture

|\op: Father Azzarto hands out communion to the newly ommisionedEucharistic ministers bove: Mike Fetchko dispensing the wine at communion.

Eucharistic Ministers 101

Adding Action to Ideas An important aspect to the Jesuit Education at Prep is Christian Service. Christian Service provides Juniors, with an opportunity to live out the Prep motto of being a man for, and with others. Whether it be going away for a week to ten days to live and work in an impoverished community far from the walls here at St. Peter’s, or spending after school hours with kids from the Jersey City Boys Club, each student that passes through Prep benefits from this enriching experience. Sr. Frances, in her second year in charge of Christian

Service, continues the excellence of the program by securing invaluable opportunities for the students. These chances to make a difference in someone’s life not only affect those receiving the help, but very often, Prep students too return with a new outlook on life and a sense of feeling reenergized to offer help and services to the Prep community. Ranging from trips to Y.S.O.P., in lower Manhattan, to offer aid to homeless and those living in penury, to excursions to Canada, for work with mentally challenged children,

the diversity of Prep Christian Service only adds to its widereaching effect. The spirit of these trips doesn’t die upon the students’ return to Prep. Rather, it serves as a testament to the strong dedication to helping others that the Prep community exhibits all year long.

Abocve: James Coe and Michael Fitzmaurice carry lumber that were used to build housesfo r the lessfortunate. Right: Chris Rosario cleans afishtank during his YSOP experience.

102 Christian Service

Left: Chris Bludgus and Mr. Matt Greeley take a break from their hard work. Top: Jason Ryglicki and Nicholas Fargo pulling shrubs out from the ground. Above: James Coe and Richard Dietz eat dinner with a newfriend. Middle: Lester Redfield, Joe Laverty, Jonathan Calligy, and Walter Lodzinski prepare fo o d fo r a sou kitchen in New York.

Christian Service 103

Below: Ryan Grusenski ‘03 ministers the Eucharist. Bottom: Nick Panayatopoulos ‘03 and Ms. Kate Walsh deliver the gifts to the altar. Middle: Student Council President Marc Amadeo '03 leads the priests into mass.

Above: The priests pray during the Christmas liturgy.

104 Masses

A Call to Gather There are few times throughout the school year when students and faculty can join each other under one roof and practice their faith. However, on those days when the Prep community comes together to celebrate mass, there is a great sense of God and unity. People of all faiths are encouraged to attend these gatherings and join the festivities. Every September, the new school year begins with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. This event is the first chance freshmen and new faculty members have to join the other members of the Prep community. In addition, a group of seniors, approved and commissioned by their diocese, distribute the body and blood o f Christ for the first time during this special occasion. However, the most important aspect of this particular mass is that the

Holy Spirit is there to guide everyone spiritually throughout the academic year. The next major spiritual gathering after the Mass of the Holy Spirit is the inter-faith prayer service the day before Thanksgiving. During this event, members of different religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam, provide a reading from their respective faiths as well as a reflection. This gathering is not only a way for the Prep community to learn about other religions, but also to give thanks for the many blessings in their lives. Students, faculty, and members of the administration are always welcomed to practice their faith in the Madonna Chapel every morning at 7:30. This early mass, conducted by Fr. Hoag, S.J., is a chance

for Catholics to worship God with others. For the second year in a row, lunchtime masses are held every Friday in the Madonna Chapel to fit the schedules of students and faculty members. These masses are led by the various members of the Society of Jesus actively present in the Prep community. Although optional, these spiritual gatherings seem to attract a good number. Finally, music greatly contributes to the success and the effectiveness of the major masses and prayer services. The band always excites its listeners with its amazing beats, while the choir, led by newcomers Mr. Scott Hovan and his wife, Ms. Gretchen Hovan, provide their voices to lead the entire school in song. Many thanks should go out to those who conduct these special events, because without them, there could be no call to gather.

Above: Justin Giles ‘03 reads during the Christmas Liturgy. Left: The entire school assembled during the Mass o f the Holy Spirit.

Nasses 105

It's Party Time Christmas may be celebrated on December 25, but for a group of children from the St. Ignatius School in the Bronx, Christmas this year, as in previous years, came a little early. On Friday, December 13, Prep played host to a winter wonderland o f sorts, as it welcomed in a number ofkids from the St. Ignatius School for a holiday gathering, filled with warmth, joy, and lots of gifts. The night began with lots of excitement in the gym as the students from the Bronx delighted in the opportunity to play basketball and have fun in the welcoming confines of the Prep gym. From there, they indulged in a wide selection of delicious food

supplied by various students and teachers. Santa Claus even made an appearance in the cafeteria, and treated the students to warm yet fashionable winter jackets. Truly, this was a perfect evening enjoyed by both the students from the St. Ignatius School, and those from Prep.. The generosity o f the Prep community and the sincere appreciation of the St. Ignatius students will not be soon forgotten by anyone lucky enough to be in attendance at the Bronx Christmas Party this year.

Above: The students from St. Ignatius. Right: Santa hands out gifts. Top: Scott Johnston ‘03 plays the role o f elf. Middle: The students pose with Santa.

106 St. Ignatius Christmas Party

prep, Here W e pom e! The Higher Acheivement Program (HAP) once again made the summer more j educational and enj oyable for almost 200 incoming eighth grade students. For one month from July to August, students from all around Hudson County commuted to Prep for the perfect blend of learning and recreation. Mr. j John Irvine, director o f HAP, provided the eighth grade participants with a qualified and hard working staff, including current faculty members Ms. Kaija Dewitt and Mr. Brian McCabe, j “HAP’s 38th year was a solid one. The guys were great and they worked very hard. If they come to Prep, we will have a good class next year,” said Mr. Irvine. Everyone at HAP shared this sentiment, including the seventh grade participants. Surely all involved with HAP this summer had a worthwhile experience, and next summer only looks brighter.

Top: H A P Ja m fr o m d o w n to w n ! M id d le: The new H AP { class...Beginning-Intermediate Dodgeball. A b o ve: The 2002 HAP J group gathers on Warren Street with tutors and guest star Rich Butler.

Above: P rep’s HAP program is #1!


Higher Achievement Program 107


L’Echange Frangaise Prep’s French Exchange 2002 was conducted by Prep in association with L’Institut de Sainte Marie, France. Organized by Mrs. Bernadette Costanzo, the exchange lasted for two weeks, from 23 March, 2002 to 5 April, 2002. The Americans gave a warm welcome to the French students and welcomed them into their houses. The day they arrived they were exhausted from the journey, but a Metro Stars soccer game at the Giants Stadium was scheduled for that same evening. The next two days the French students attended classes at Prep for half a day, after which the Americans and the French visited New York tourist attractions like the Empire State Building, Times Square, and so on. During their visit to the United States the group ventured toWashington D.C. and many New York tourist attractions, The second part of the French Exchange was the trip of the Prep students to France. They were in France from 15 June, 2002 to 2 July, 2002. The first three days of their visited were spent in Paris, where they visited the Eiffel Tower and other popular French tourist sites, and took long strolls on the famous ChampsElysees. After their stay in Paris, the group boarded the TGV (Train a Grande Vitesse) to the city of Toulon, where the Americans met their French Right: The entire French Exchange group in Monaco.

108 French Exchange

families. There the students, both American and French, got to experience many new things such as the Naval Museum at Toulon, a French fortress Le Faron, the Chateau d’ If (a prison made famous by Alexendre Dumas’ The Count o f Monte Cristo, the L’ile de Porquerolles, and Monaco. The students also got a whiff of the Mediterranean life that the French living in that area experience. “I loved the exchange. It was fun. I think I really know a lot about France and the French. I hope we do this again,” says a participant of the Exchange. The students on both trips sought to discover different aspects of their learning, like languages and cultures. The French Exchange, 2002, provided the students with an opportunity to not only visit these places and make new friends, but also to appreciate the “funny vocabulary and grammar” that we leam at Prep.

From left: John Villenueva, Pete Beskal ’02, David Sarch. Nico Victorino, Tim Ryan, Peter Shalhoub, Will Garcia, Ms, Bernadette Costanzo, Praneet Menon at the Eiffel Tower Bottom Right: The group in front o f Notre Dame cathedral. Bottom Left: Nico Victorino, Peter Shalhoub, Tim Ryan, and David Sarch on a boat that tours the south o f France. Be low: David Sarch, Peter Shalhoub, and Praneet Menon hanging out in Marseille

French Exchange 109

Below: The group enjoys the nightlife that Salamanca offered then. Bottom: Scenic view o f a historic building in Toledo. Bottom Right: The Prep group poses in front o f an old tree in Santiago de Compostela.

110 Salamanca

Intercambio a Espana The trip’s first stop en route to Salamanca, in July 2002, was Madrid. The crew spent three days touring the town and visiting different nightspots, meeting new people and getting a taste o f the Spanish way o f life. Next, the group took a three-hour bus ride to Salamanca, the cultural capital of Europe for 2002, to settle for twenty days. The students were split up in pairs and assigned to live in the homes of different Spanish families where they became acquainted with national traditions, such as the popular afternoon nap, the siesta. Every day, students from around the world gathered at the College o f Spain (El Colegio De Espana) to study the Spanish language and culture and partake in the celebration of the many cultures present in the classes. Four of the Prep students in the classes, seniors Alexander Rivero, Donald Kovacs, Julio Fernandez, and junior William

Villalobos, received certificates of excellence from the superior level Spanish course. The nightlife of Salamanca was even more spectacular than that of Madrid. Composed of over fifty different nightclubs and restaurants, the festivities of Salamanca were truly dynamic. The city pulsated with excitement during the day and the evening but would truly come alive during the late night hours. After their stay at Salamanca, the students traveled by bus to the far northern part of the country, setting foot in the province of Santiago de Compostela, where temperatures fell to a brisk fifty degrees. They rode back into the main land after that, visiting historic Seville and Toledo, and stopping at the sunny beaches of Torremolinos and Malaga. From Malaga the Prepsters took an airplane to gorgeous Barcelona, where they spent their final three days touring the city and finishing their souvenir shopping. Having never left the U.S. prior to the trip, senior Dom Zero commented, “I felt going to Spain opened my eyes a little wider. It gave me a chance to taste life at its fullest while being submerged in a different culture halfway around the world.�

Left: The Prep students pose with their certifica tes outside the sch ool in Salamca. Top: A view o f the mountains at Montserat.

Salamanca 111



For generations, Prep’s great tradition in

than wins or losses. Marauder squads, regardless

the classroom and around the school has been

o f the sport being played, have a way o f building

matched only by its

communities both

history o f outstanding

among teammates and

performance in athletic

in the stands, which are

contests. A walk


often overflowing with ;

around the lobby o f the

exuberant Prep fans.

English Building and

The athletic program

gym with its

offers us all yet another ‘


photographic history on the walls is enough

reason to be proud of Prep. It adds another

to illustrate the richness o f the Marauder

dimension to the Prep story. It helps, year after

tradition. The banners inside the gym tell the

year, to add to the tradition o f excellence that we

stories o f countless triumphs.

describe time and again as “old in song and in

But the story o f Prep’s athletic program is more than championships and trophies, more 112 Athletics


Athletics 113

Prep Men of Steel History was made this past season as the 2002 Varsity Football team took home Prep’s third straight HCIAA Hudson County Championship. Under the guidance of Head Coach Rich Hansen and led by Captains Adam San Miguel, Rich Hansen Jr., Pat O ’Keefe, and Chris Nunez, the team accomplished something new. Never before has one class won a championship for all four years of their tenure at Prep, and this team did just that, it truly is an accomplishment that shows the level of skill and excellence that this team possesses. Probably this team’s greatest asset, its defense, was powered by the strength of inside linebackers Pat O ’Keefe and Rich Hansen,

the agility of outside linebackers Kyle Wiley and Chris Nunez, and the resilience of the defensive line, which was controlled by the immovable Alfredo Huaranga. The offense, o f course, was not to be outdone. There has rarely been so much speed and talent present in a single football team. The combined speed, strength, and throwing accuracy of quarterback Joe Daily, along with lightning-fast wide receiver Adam San Miguel, proved to be a deadly combination that could render useless almost any opposing defense. The impenetrable offensive line, composed of juniors Luke Schade and Tom Rodgers along with seniors Jin Paik and Mike Rabbitt would provide a great push to make way for the deadly sophomore

Above: Rashawn Jackson drags the opposition with him into the endzone fo r a score. Right: Prep s tenacious defense converges on a Bayonne running back.

114 Varsity Football

duo of running backs Mike Brown and Rashawn Jackson, who seemed to be almost unstoppable. The football season ended for this exceptional team in the State semi­ finals, as mighty Prep fell to Don Bosco, leaving this team with an extraordinary record o f 10-1. Ultimately, this team was truly history in the making. r I

Left: Running back Mike Brown turns the corner and skillfully evades a would-be tackier. Below: The referee signals touchdown while quarterback Joe Dailey triumphantly holds the ball in the endzone.

2002 Varsity Football Scoreboard — North Bergen Hoboken Dickinson Ferris Lincoln Memorial Hudson Catholic Bayonne ' Snyder

15-6 29-12 25-6 48-0 56-6 35-0 40-7 22-20 35-31

N JSIA A Q uarterfinals Paramus Catholic 52-13 N JSIA A Semifinals 6-42 Don Bosco Prep \Above: Pat O ’K eeefe, Luke Schade, and Brian Brandefine lead the \team onto the field.

Varsity Football 115

Frosh Phenoms Prep’s traditionally coach’s son. The team’s strong football program overall performance earned continued on in the 2002 them a second place county season with a fine season by finish amongst freshman the Freshman Football Team. teams, an honor that was Lead by Head Coach Matt achieved through hard work Roselle, the assembly of first and team unity. year Prepsters came together as a fine squad and eventually went on to a superb record o f 9-1. Prep’s only loss came to North Bergen in the season opener, but they rallied together after the defeat. “After our first loss, we fought hard our whole Right: Quarterback Lance season,” said Mike Gorman. Gomes prepares to take the The team was lead by Lance snap. Gomes, and all purpose player Matt Roselle, the Bottom Left: A hard earned breather Bottom Right: Prep s stifling defense attacks the quarterback

116 Freshman Football

Below: The referee signals touchdown as Prep scores again in victory.

Above: The 2002 Freshman Football team huddles together after an impressive victory over Hoboken.

Freshman Football 117

Playing for Pride Perseverance, determination, and a nevergive-up attitude are what this year’s varsity soccer team will be remembered for. Their injury-plagued season, which led to a dismal 0-7-1 start, was eclipsed by their gritty resurgence to the County Finals. Leading the team was the hard work of senior captains Drew Buzzio and Jesse Luis. Buzzio, perhaps the most talented player to don a Prep jersey in recent years, capped 10 goals and 5 assists under the pressure of being a marked man in the eyes of opponents. Buzzio, a central midfielder and forward, fought through double teams to be awarded with All-State honors. Luis’s superb play made him a constant headache for

opposing coaches but earned him the title of captain of the All-star game. He netted 6 goals and had 4 assists. The intensity o f senior forward/midfielder Marco Ambrosio and speed of senior midfielder Chris Caulfield enhanced Prep’s scoring ability as they combined for 10 goals and 5 assists. The relentless hustle of junior Pat Mellea, aggressiveness of senior Mike Mahoney, and unmatched dribbling skills of Paul Ascencio solidified the midfield The defense was stingy and young. The main components were All-State recognized junior Mike Rooney and the resilience and heart of Sophomore MattCevalos. The flanks

Above:Joe Danatzko awaits the pass from a fellow teammate. Right:Jesse Luis steals the ball from an opponent.

118 Varsity Soccer

were comprised of junior Todd Schild, who came back early from a broken nose, and skillful Senior Rob Komorowski. The last line of defense, goalie Ben Tamberella had many sprawling saves. Dethroning last year’s county champs, Hudson Catholic (3-1), and this year’s league champs, Memorial (3-0) were feats the team accomplished in an easy fashion. Although people doubted their ability, Prep’s varsity soccer team emerged as tradition would have it. Coach Irvine summed it up best, “These boys played for and with pride.”

Below: Senior Captain Drew Buzzio heads the ball.

2002 V arsity Soccer S coreboard 7-9-2 Prep 0 Westfield 2 Prep 1 Memorial 2 Prep 0 Union Hill 1 Prep 0 Regis 1 Prep 2 North Bergen 2 Prep 1 Emerson 2 Prep 0 Franklin 5 Prep 1 Columbia 2 Prep 3 Hudson Catholic 1 Prep 3 Dickenson 2 (OT) Prep 8 Lincoln 0 Prep 3 Ferris 1 Prep 0 Peddie 2 Prep 0 Bayonne 0

Top: Senior Chris Caulfield skillfully manuvers around a defenseman. Above:The team discusses a second h a lf come back.

HCIAA Playoffs Quarterfinals (5)Prep 3 (4)North Bergen 2 Semifinals (5)Prep3 (l)MemorialO Finals (5)Prep 0 (2)Emerson 1

Varsity Soccer 119

Right: B rian F ixter looks to score on a breakaway. Bottom: With an opponent behind him, Jacob Katka makes a quick pass to a teammate.

2002 JV Soccer S coreboard 11-7-1 Bayonne Westfield Dickinson Franklin Dickinson Union Hill Columbia Harrison Dickinson N. Bergen Bayonne Union Hill Peddie N. Bergen Hoboken Emerson Hudson Cath. Emerson N. Bergen

120 JV Soccer

4-0 0-2 4-1 1-2 2-1 1-0 1-3 3-0 1-0 0-2 3-2 2-3 0-1 0-2 7-0 1-1 1-0 3-2 3-1

Above: Kevin Kronyak runs fiercly towards the oppposite goal.

Earning It Everyday Prep’s 2002 Junior Varsity Soccer team battled their way to a solid 11-7-1 record and a county championship under the guidance of head coach Brian McCabe. Led by sophomore captains Steve McDonald and Kevin Kronyak, Prep’s constant hard work paid off in the end with a 3-1 victory in the championship game against a

tough North Bergen squad. An inexperienced team at the start of the season, with only six returning players, the team’s maturation process was evident as its play improved with each practice and each game. The team learned as they went along, and with the help of assistant coach and new faculty member Doug Sanford, great improvements were evident

as season’s end. The future undoubtedly is bright, as plainly evident by the success of this year’s J.V. Soccer team, and Prep Varsity Soccer should be a force for years to come.

Top: Brian Serzan makes a m ad dash fo r the ball. Above: Kevin Kronyak tosses the ball in. Left: Marcello Pacheco dribbles the ball.

JV Soccer 121

Catch Me if You Can In the record books and the team’s heart, Prep’s cross-country season proved to be one to remember. The Marauders, led by senior John Laracy and junior Brian Lang, captured both the Jersey City and South Hudson Championships, while placing second to Memorial in the Hudson County and Coaches County Championships. However, these accomplishments do not even begin to describe the team, considered to be one of the best in Prep’s history. In the Jersey City Championships, the

Marauders finished in places first through fifth, a feat never achieved by any Prep squad before. Also, the “L & L Express” of Laracy and Lang finished first and second in all four of the major Hudson County Championships, yet another first for the 2002 season. Alumni of the St. Peter’s cross country program have remarked about how this year’s team established a precedent in their tremendous sense of unity, vigorous work ethic, and determination. Although most students at Prep do not realize the incredible talent of

Rght: DanAsis runs closely behind the race leader. Above: Sebastian Fidelus and Dan Pata walk after a hard race.

122 Cross Country

the St. Peter’s Cross Country teams, it is obviously apparent from this year’s accomplishments that the seven members of the varsity squad, three junior varsity runners, and seven freshmen runners, were all a part of something great - a season to remember.

Left: John Laracy and Dan Pata bolt after the start o f the race. Below: Ian McTierny runs solely in the lead.

2002 Cross Country H.C.I.A.A.Championships Second Place Coaches’ County Second Place Jersey City Championships First Place (V) First Place (JV) State Championships Fifth Place

Cross Country 123

Below: Prep s last line o f defense: Junior goalie Bill Dwyer Right: The team celebrating one o f Brendan Whitford s goals

2002 - 2003 Varsity Hockey Opponent Bayonne Montclair Bernards Hudson Catholic Bridgewater-R West Essex St. Joe’s Metuchen Summit Don Bosco St. Joseph-Montvale Clifton Bridgewater-R Morris Rnolls Clifton West Essex Bernards Old Bridge Montclair Summit St. Augustine Bayonne

Score 4-2 2-0 7-0 3-5 1-2 1-3 2-6 2-0 3-1 4-4 8-1 3-3 44 3-5 1-2 5-0 2-4 3-2 100 3-2 11-1

Central Red League Division Champions 8th Seed in State Tournament

124 Hockey

Above: Junior John Kohn and Freshman Justin Hudacko do som stretching during warm-ups.

Marauders on Ice Coming off Prep’s best ever hockey season, this year’s team had high expectations. The Ice Marauders clashed with top teams from around the state and held their own. Beating powerhouses such as Montclair, Clifton, and rival Bayonne did not come as a surprise to the players and coaches.

Led by senior captain Pat Murphy’s intensity and physical presence on the ice, and assistant captain Brendan Whitford’s scoring touch, the Marauder’s have demonstrated to their competitive conference that they are no fluke. Junior Gio Capodanno’s strength and senior Matt Murphy’s stick

handling helped propel the offense. Meanwhile, the defense was spearheaded by skilled players, such as C.J. Rutkowski, David Sarch, and Ian Bemiache. Junior Bill Dwyer bricked up the gap between the posts. Coach Maione stated, “This is one of the deepest teams I ’ve ever coached.” State recognition has fluctuated to as high as 10th in the state, which is the highest ranking the team has ever received.

Above: Ryan McDonald leads the fa st break against West Essex. Left: The ice marauders rallying together. Middle: Prep s enforcer and captain Pat Murphy skates o ff the ice after a Prep victory.

Hockey 125

Skating Towards Victory! The TV Hockey

squad. On the offensive side,

team started their season off

Ahmed Sourour and Joe

on a high with a 1-0 win over

Pasculli led the way. Pete

Summit and quickly notched

Wisnieski led the defense

an impressive 7-4-1 record,

while Jim Sisk was the

and continued on to more

power hitter.

highs. Freshmen have been a

The excellent work of the

large part of the team with

team was matched by that of

Tom D ’Allesio and Joe

coaches Chris Enrico and

Avalon leading in scoring and

Damian Arrone. They have

Chris Bligh and Bill

had back to back winning

Naughton leading the

seasons, and the winning


tradition of the JV Hockey

The upperclassmen have been the heart of the

Team will continue into the future.

Junior Varsity Hockey 2002 - 2003 Overall Record: 12-5-2

126 Junior Varsity Hockey



Summit Hudson Catholic Cranford Westfield Don Bosco Prep Old Bridge Verona Summit D on Bosco Prep B ayonne Hudson Catholic N utley Verona N utley Old Bridge Bayonne M onsignor Frrell M orris Knolls West Essex Westfield D elbarton Hudson Catholic Hudson Catholic

8-0 2-3 8-1 5-3 1-2 3-5 6-1 9-0 1-1 7-1 2-6 5-2 8-1 5-1 5-1 2-2 2-5 5-2 6-1 4-2 3-5 6-2 2-5

2002-2003 Varsity Bowling

Keep Your Head O ut of the G utter

M rih HBBj

i t -

Following last year’s disappointing finish in the South Hudson division, the 2002 - 2003 bowling team looked to build upon the hard lessons learned last year. With the leadership of head coach Bob Zawistowski and the experience of senior captains Marty Gurczeski, Rob Simone, and Joe Van Horn, the squad quickly took the lead in their division. With the help of seniors Mike Rizzo, Tramone Crawford, and Dominick Zero, the team developed great chemistry, balancing power and finesse

on the way to an early lead in their division. The first half of league play was highlighted by a stunning sweep of rival Bayonne. The varsity bowling team faired well in tournament play with a fifth place finish in the Winter Classic Tournament, where Gurczeski captured the high series. Their successes led to a ranking of ninth overall in the state. The varsity team looked to hold onto the mid - season lead and capture the Hudson County crown while advancing to the state tournament.

Top: A common sight fo r Prep s bowlers. Left: Senior Rob Simone follow s his shot before putting ten in the pit.

Bowling 127

Running from the Cold This year the indoor track team looked to take advantage of one of the most talented squads ever assembled at Prep. Led by captains Danny Asis and Chris Caulfield, it seemed the varsity squad capturing the HCLAA title would not be a difficult task. However, with early season losses of hurdler Tom Palma and distance runner John Laracy it was no longer a simple chore. Though the team did not win the county title, each member o f the squad showed a great deal of heart throughout the season. Sophomore Mike Brown finished fourth in the 55meter dash at the Group IV

State Championships to capture a berth in the New Jersey State Meet of Champions. Kyle Wyley and Tyrone Pitts were also standouts in the dash. At the county championships Prep showed a great deal of desire by coming short of the title by just five points with an understaffed team. Junior Pat Mellea and senior co­ captain Danny Asis won valuable points in the 800 meters, while junior Brian Lang fought through exhaustion, capturing second in the 3200 meters and third in the 1600 meters. Senior co-captain Chris Caulfield ran against stiff competition in the 400-meter run finishing

Above: Coach Burgess talks to two o f his sprinters, Senior Kyle Wyley and Sophomore Mike Brown. Right: Mike Brown and Tyrone Pitts stare down the competition.

118 Indoor Track

3rd, while senior Joe Danatzko competed in both the 400 and long jump to help the team to their second place finish. Senior John Kelly, as well as juniors Ed Ryan and David Beasley all ran well for the hurdle team. Finally, completing the equation Matt Palomba, Chris Buldgus, and Brian McCabe all placed in the shot put. Facing adversity, the Saint Peter’s Prep Indoor Track Team posted a valiant effort this season with hopes of a county title to come in the outdoor season.

Below: As usual, Prep is ready to beat Hudson Catholic.

top Left: Junior Chris Bludgus prepares to hurl the shot put. ilAove: Seniors Chris Caulfield and Kyle Wyley discuss strategy fo r an tpcoming relay race. Indoor Track 12.9


Below: Senior Conor Rose takes a breath before preparing to swim another lap. R ig h t: M em bers o f P r e p ’s Sw im Team members discuss strategy fo r the upcoming meet.

Above: Mike Couillou doing the breast - stroke.

130 Swimming

“ Shark! Swim!!!” with talented upperclassmen.

consistently given by seniors

trio of Senior captains, the

The sparkling ability of

Mike Couillou, Josh Torres,

Prep 2003 swim team

incoming freshmen nicely

and Ryan Adams, and were

continued on its path of

complemented the strong

vital to the success of the

victory. With a balanced

seasons of the already

team. Overall, the 2003

attack of long and short

established swimmers. Not

Prep Swim Team made

distance swimmers and

to be overlooked, the diving

significant progress this

skilled divers, the team built

team performed up to their

season. Although key seniors

on previous excellence by

usual high standards, and

will be departing, the team’s

capturing the city

was paced by seniors Joe

younger members are ready

championship as well as

Baron and Gabe Rohaidy.

to step up and fulfill larger

county honors. Seniors Nick

Solid contributions were

roles next season.

Led by a determined

Panayotopoulos, Pat Collins, and Rob Rodriguez provided leadership and experience for a young team sprinkled

Above: Senior Ryan Adams glances at the d a y’s workout schedule. Left: Captain Rob Rodriguez

Swimming 131

Hoop It Up The 2002-2003 Prep Basketball team, coached by Mr. George Alvarez in his second year, entered the season with few expectations. Carrying over only two players and one senior from last year’s squad, the Marauders lacked varsity experience from the onset. This greatly contributed to the team’s early season struggles, as it lost seven of its first eight games. What Prep lacked in seasoning, however, it made up in enthusiasm and energy. Using a full court press and fast break throughout games,

the team utilized its speed, agility, and stamina to wear down its opponents. As the young team developed chemistry and confidence, victories followed, as it recorded important wins versus country opponents Union Hill and North Bergen. The team was led by senior forward and co­ captain John Pecora - the team’s leading scorer - and lightning-quickjunior point guard and co-captain Angel Collado. Senior Shawn Carroll and sharp shooting junior Scott Holt rounded

Above: Senior Ben Reed takes on Sophomore Dale Addeo during pre-game warm-ups. Right: Senior John Giordano defends against an inbounds pass.

132 Varsity Basketball

out the backcourt, while brawny senior John Giordano and sophomore Pat O’Rourke split time at the center position. Because of its up-tempo style, depth was essential for the team’s success. Providing important minutes off the bench were sophomores Nelson Albino, Dale Addeo, and Pete Geary and seniors Ben Reed, Matt Marinello, and Glenn Regan. In both victory and defeat, the Marauders excited crowds with their constant hustle, relentless defense, fastpaced style, and neversay-die attitude. With numerous underclassmen contributing as starters or from the bench, moreover, the team appears to be primed for future triumphs.

Left: Senior Captain John Pecora leaps fo r the ball during the opening tip-off o f the Prep - Bayonne game.

2002-2003 Varsity Basketball Overall Record: 3-16

nbove: H ead Coach George Alvarez motivates the team to victory. Top Right: Senior Guard Sean Carroll defends against the potential pass.

St. Mary’s S tA l’s Franklin Colonia Monsignor Donovan Bayonne Union Hill Memorial Hudson Catholic Union Hill Snyder North Bergen Lincoln Marist St. Rose, Belmar Ferris Emerson Dickinson St. Mary’s

47-55 74-52 34-51 57-62 40-41 34-55 49-55 53-59 56-80 56-44 62-66 77-69 46-59 70-76 52-54 46-52 60-73 57-68 56-57

Varsity Basketball 133

Preparing to Hoop it Up Two newcomers to the Prep community, Noel Gaston and Bill Ryan, coached this year’s Junior Varsity basketball team. The coaches stressed hard work, intensity, and pride. These qualities rubbed off on the players, as the team’s trademark was intensity. Victories over Bishop Francis and Union Hill were followed by close losses to Memorial and North Bergen early in the season. The team did not let the losses affect their camaraderie and spirit. Coach Gaston and Coach Ryan pointed out the positives and worked on the negatives. As the season went on, the team and each individual player saw great improvement. The vision of Pat Blaney, the smooth stroke o f Steward, and the strength of Jim Livengood propelled the offensive. Whether the team won or lost, all the players were still proud and excited to put on the Prep uniform.

Above: The J V basketball team rallies together before a big match Top right: Prep defenders double team an adversary attempting to dribble up the court. Right: Sophomore Mike McGovern attempts to dribble past the defense.

134 JV Basketball

2002-2003 Freshman Basketball Overall Record: 13-7 Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep Prep

50 59 43 59 54 58 59 53 53 53 38 61 53 48 59 66 54 73

H udson Catholic 33 BFEC 39 Seton Hall Prep 49 St. A n th o n y’s 80 Bayonne 48 Union Hill 27 M em o rial;65 B oonton 49 Hudson Catholic 42 Union Hill 45 Snyder 42 N orth Bergen 34 Lincoln 31 St. Rose 52 Ferris 38 M arist 44 D ickinson 37 Em erson 61 h c i a a Finaif

Prep 40 Prep 42

B ayonne 44 Tri-C ounty Sem ifinals Seton Hall Prep 44

Above: A Prep defender guards a North Bergen player along the perimeter. Bottom Left: Point guard Jack Opel looks to break down the defense.

Aiming High This year, the freshman basketball team came together as teammates both on and off the court. Led by Coach Rob Bruckner’s motivation and intense practices, this group of talented athletes look ahead to a bright future. Coach Bruckner’s great work ethic and dedication to his players should lead this year’s team to a great deal of success in the furture. The team responded well to Coach Bruckner’s expectations by posting many key victories at the beginning of the season. The freshman team’s hard work showed in their first game against rival Hudson Catholic with an easy seventeen point victory. They next placed second at the Seton Hall Christmas Tournament. The team used these few games as a building block for their county season. Whether the team won or lost they never stopped working hard for a minute. Key victories at Bayonne, Hudson Catholic, and North Bergen showed that early season losses to Seton Hall Prep and St. Anthony’s were only minor setbacks for this year’s team. Overall this year’s team ability and well-received contributions from every member of the team appear to be a great outlook o f what is to come in the following years for St. Peter’s Prep basketball.

Freshman Basketball 135

Grappling to Glory After countless hours

reclaim the title under the

Louf (13 5lbs) and Lawrence

of practice, testing their

guidance of Coaches Verdi

Fusco (1401bs). They, along

physical, mental, and

’95, Rutkowski ’95, and

with senior standout Alex

emotional strength, the


Santucci and junior Konrad Dudziak, arguably the best 215er Prep has ever seen, fortified our school’s statewide recognition. Coach Verdi remarked, “I’m proud of these guys. They work, train, and wrestle hard.” Striving to reclaim the spotlight that has shined

2002-2003 Prep Wrestling

Despite losing

on the team in the past is a

team once again geared up

several seniors to graduation,

hard accomplishment, but

for the Parochial A North

the team did not loss sight of

this year’s squad has

Championship. The returning

it’s goals because of captains

definitely rekindled the

District champs looked to

and senior sensations John


Top: The wrestling team congregating after a solid win. Above: Junior Konrad Dudziak takes down one o f his opponents. Right: Richard Montalvo in the process o f pinning an opponent.

136 Wrestling

Left: A Prep student wrestles his way to victory. Below: Tim Ryan grapples with an opponent.

2002-2003 Varsity Wrestling West Essex Tournament 1st Place Brearley Tournament 1 Place Brick Memorial Tournament 2nd Place Piscataway Tournament 2nd Place Prep 54 Perth Amboy 0 Prep 54 Lodi 18 Prep 34 Livingston 29 Prep 82 St. Rose 0 Prep 81 Paramus Catholic 0 Prep 38 St. Joe’s Montvale 24 Prep 26 St. Benedict’s 40 Prep 28 Seton Hall Prep 35

iAbove: Senior Gerald Rooth battling Perth Amboy s heavyweight.

Wrestling 137

Pictures That W ereAlmost Good Enough for Sports Illustrated

138 Sports


[Prep Athletics: The Players th a t make us (Proud I

From the gridiron to hardwood, pool to diamond, fairway to the

ice rink and alley to track, bleeding maroon and silver takes a handful of Individuals and makes them a team. Beyond the jerseys, helmets, eyeplack, hats, gloves, Air Jordans, and cleats, are athletes united in one thing; the Glory o f Victory. Athletics at Prep this year have come to be more than simply [sports; rather, each game has become a war with the opposing team. Each [victory and defeat is no longer one for the team, but one for the Prep Brotherhood. As a result of the tailgating, the intricate face painting, pep rallies, live poultry, and other displays o f dedication, Prep Spirit in 2003 will certainly acquire legendary status. Student Council President and Prep’s 2002 - 2003 Marauder, Marc Amadeo

US Athletics 139

Varsity Football First Row: Matt Roselle, Brandon O’Keefe,I

Varsity Football

Miguel Lumaque, Brandon Shipman, Kevin! Guarini, Jae Pizzi, Steve Capetola, J.P. AtienzaJ John Louf, Christopher Maiorino , Henril Difranz Second Row: Ryan Boysen, Kevin Murray,! Bruce Malone, Joe D’Alise, Ubaid, Juliol Fernandez, Andrew Alfieri, Scott Johnston,I Alfredo Huranga, Adam San Miguel, Brianl Laurer Third Row: Pat O’Keefe, Chris Nunez, Coachl Giorgio, Stu Clutterbuck, Anthony Verdi,I Coach Hansen, Coach Chris Andreadis, Coachl Martino, Doc Miller, Christian Traba, Mikel Brown Fourth Row: Mike Smith, Dan Nuenschwander, I Kevin Chester, Joe Boland, Rich Hansen,! Tyrone Pitts, Ryan Duffy, Gary Bellotti, Geraldl Rooth, Jonathan Weaks, AsifRiaz, B.J. Henry I Fifth Row: Adrian Bermudez, Jin Paik, Robin I Sanchez, Jake Huck, Brian BrandefineJ Anthony Pascale, Joe Hannan, Mike Wieners I Sixth Row: Brian McCabe, Tom Rodger, Kyle I Wiley, Jerome Becton, Mike Ix, Mike Rabbitt,! Rashawn Jackson, Joe Dailey, Eli Albert, Luke I Schade, Jeff Bectone

Freshman Football First Row: Dan Urbanovich, Franklin CollaJ

Justin Romero, Kevin Guarini, Mikal BomJ Luis Jimenez, Brandon O’ Keefe, Padrig Frl Second Row: Garth Giovella, Mark Timmel Mike Gormen, Mark Dolaghan, Bill Persieo, M i Moschavas, Matt Trost, Frank Aquila Third Row: Brian Jones, Justin Bettinger, KeJ Sherba, Mike Sweeny, Kevin Dougherty, D | Julian, Scott Baran, Rich Hussey, Matt Rosell Chris Zolli Freshman Football

Cross Country Front Row: Sebastian Fidelus, Joe Pona, D a

Asis, Brian Wilson Second Row: Mr. Dennis Hu, Ms. Lee Chua, D a Pata, John Laracy, Brian Lang, Coach Burgesl

Cross Country

140 Athletics

Indoor Track Front Row: Joe Danatzko, Mikael Bumeo, Brian

Lang, James Lewis, Kyle Hanrelmen, Brian McCabe Second Row: John Leaneza, Frank Romano, Chris Cufield, Ryan Loftus, Tom Palma, Sebastian Fedelus, John Kelly

Indoor Track

Varsity Basketball Front Row: Pat Kelley, Pete Geary, Nelson Albino,

Sean Carroll Second Row: Coach Alvarez, Matt Marinello, Roger Gousse, Glenn Reagan, Dale Addeo Back Row: Coach K, Ben Reed, Scott Holt, Pat O’ Rourke, Mike Ix, Coach Leahey, John Pecora, Angel Collado

Varsity Basketball

Junior Varsity Basketball Front Row: Dan Munoz, Mike OcKay, Matt

Hladik, Pat Blaney. Back Row: Mike McGovern, Mike Lampariello, Dan Murphy - Colona, Jim Livengood, Matt Kiebus, Greg Steward.

Junior Varsity Basketball

Athletics 141

Varsity Soccer Front Row: Dan Hazard, Pat Mellea, Tim Mah Mike Hudacko, Rob Komorowski, Dan Lemb(

Rich Kaminski Back Row: Martin Bowker, Ed Ryan, Joe Danatzko, Marco Ambrosio, Chris Caulfield, Ben Tamberella, Drew Buzzio, Jesse Luis, Ste’ West, Mroger Gouse, Todd Schild, Coach Jol Irvine ’83

Freshman Basketball Front Row: Jack Opel, Mike Gorman, Matt Krai

Ryan Gelchion, Alfredo Oquendo, Ti Cunningham Back Row: Coach Bruckner, Josh Cabrera, Mi Haas, Fran Muoio, Rich Hussey, Sean Pinella, A1 Bantom, Kevein Dougherty, Kirubell Araye, J Vayas, Charles Doolan Varsity Soccer

Freshman Basketball

Junior Varsity Soccer 9HMTO lJ“PNflKD 9PKT01

Junior Varsity Soccer Front Row: Brian Fixter, Jon Treble, Mike Serzan, Martin Bowker, Just

Hudacko, Sam Arana, Will Griffin, Steve McDonald Back Row: Coach Doug Sanford, Marcello Pacheco, Brian Serzan, Kev Kronyak, Ted Yager, Jacob Kafka, Dan Jonathan, Chris Barry, Shar Cashman, Mark Tiedeman, Coach Brian McCabe

Varsity Bowling Left to Right: Mr. Robert Zawistowski, Dom Zero, Marty Gurczeski,

Rob Simone, Mike Rizzo, Joe Van Horn

Varsity Bowling

142 Athletics

Varsity Wrestling

Varsity Swimming Varsity Wrestling Front Row: Kevin Murray, Coach Ed Rossell, Joe

Pizzi, Ricardo Gratil, Lawrence Fusco, Rich Montalvo, Alex Santucci Back Row: P.J. Rakaski, Gerald Rooth, Tim Ryan, Chris Basista, John Brunda, Matt Trost, Adrian Bermuez, Konrad Dudziak, Eoin Mara, John Louf, Sean Sankat, Coach Zadroga, Coach Anthony Verdi Varsity Swimming Front Row: Josh Torres, Ryan Adams, Mike Couillou,

Varsity Hockey

Denis Eagan, Nick Panayotopolous, Anthony Singh Second Row: Vivek Mehta, P.K. Duffy, Steven Gallo, T.J. Gentile, Cecil Apostol, Gabriel Rohaidy Thrid Row: Tom Mullamey, Justin Kraivanger, Pat Collins, James Lovolsi, Kevin Cummings, Hector Flores Back Row: Mike Fizmaurice, Mike Cartwright, John Cannizzaro, Bill O’Niel, Coach Luke Piede Varsity Hockey Front Row: C.J. Rutkowski, Anthony Facciponte,

Phil Rodino, Asst. Coach Anthony Pasculli, (C) Pat Murphy, Head Coach Joseph Maione, William Dwyer, Matthew Miller, Giancarlo Capodanno Back Row: Asst. Coach Joe Pasculli, Justin Hudacko, Brian McGrath, Joseph Avallone, John Kohn, Ryan Mangle, Davalid Solari, (A) Brendan Whitford, Matt Murphy, David Sarch, Christopher Pareja, Ian Bemaiche, Ryan McDonald, Christopher Oertel, Asst. Coach Dan Percella Junior Varsity Hockey Front row: Mike Long, Andrew Molesky, Josh

Dybus, Rob Androsiglio, Pat Mooney, Vin DePinto Back row: Mike Barbarula, John Hanraham, Bill Naughton, Eric Clemente, Joe Avalone Junior Varsity Hockey

Athletics 143

Senior Pride September 9,1999. The incoming freshmen, the

forming a community, o f getting involved. June i

Class o f 2003, walked into St. Peter’s Prep for

o f 2003 seemed an eternity away, and so did

the first time as real students, for freshman

those ideas.

orientation. As they sat through seemingly

But that all changed-quicker for some o f us than

endless discussions o f being men for others, o f

for others-but it all changed nonetheless. Our

jnervousness abated and Prep became our

W e’ve watched the fac

second home. We tried out for teams, we got

forget how much we o

involved in activities, we got to know our

and yet, how much we

teachers and one another. Walkathons,

After all, w e’re the sa

immersion trips, all-night gym, Emmaus. All

months removed from

served to join us as a community.

Prep that cloudy morni

Together w e’ve watched Prep’s backyard

or another, each o f us

ichange. We’ve watched Warren Street change,

beginning we approac also the end o f a chapt transition we face with


reluctance. After all, w mater, in all sincerity.


i§ fill


,J § ;


<A f l t K


Seniors 145

Ryan Egan Adams

K. Edward Aguilar

Faizan Ahm ad

Eliezer K. A lbert XT-

Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 185 "You can only be a victim i f y o u adm it defeat. " -D escendents "C oolidge "

Gold M edal: Spanish 3; Honor Pin I, 2, 3; N ational H o n o r R oll; N ational H ispanic Scholar' N ational M erit Com m ended Student; N H S ' N atio n al S panish H onor Society; A lba S ch o larsh ip A w ard; W h o ’s W ho A m ong A m erican High School Students 2, 3; National Society o f High School Scholars; Edw ard J. B lo u ste in D istin g u ish e d S ch o lar; H u d so n C ounty C hess M VP - Board Four 2; N ational Spanish Exam; Intramurals 1, 2; Com puter C lub 2, 3; Star Wars Club 2; C lassics Club 4; S.A.D.D. 4; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Team 2, 3, Captain 4; LAS 1, 2 3, Treasurer 4; Math Team 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3, Layout Editor 4; Hom eroom R epresentative 4; Em maus 188

W restling 3; A sian Society 3, 4; A rt Club 4; Indo-Pak Society 4; Spring M usical 3, 4; Em maus 183

"S tra n g ers beco m e frie n d s , fr ie n d s becom e strangers. T h a t’s life. L ive with it. " O r ig in a l

"W ords th a t do no t m atch deeds are unim portant. ” - E rn esto "C he " G uevara

Paul A ndrew Alegria

Gianfranco Mario Alfieri —

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Petrean 1, 2; Petroc 3; Swim Team 3; Choir 4; Emmaus 188

"All we have to decide is what to do with the tim e that is given to us. " - G a n d a lf

" I f y o u a sk m e how I want to be rememb&rt it is as a winner. You know what a winner A w inner is so m ebody who has given his b effort, w ho has trie d the hardest they p o ssib ly can, w ho has u tilized every ounce en erg y a n d stren g th w ithin them to a ccom plish som ething. It doesn't m ean th th ey acco m p lish ed it o r fa ile d , it m eans th th ey've g iven it their best. That "s a winner. - W alter P a y to n

Marc Joseph Amadec

A r > --

O utstanding Freshm an; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; W h o ’s W ho A m ong A m erican High School Students; N ational so c ie ty o f H ign School Scholars; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Sw im ming 3; Ski C lub 1, 2, 3, President 4- W alkathon Com m ittee 3, 4; Petrean 4; Soccer 1, 2: Italian Club 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 4; 30 Hour Famine 2, 3, 4; Intram urals 1, 2; Billiards Club 1; Em maus Team Leader; Emmaus 184 "There is a d estin y that m akes us brothers: N one g oes h is w ay alone: We g o together, rem em b erin g the p a st; B ecause a ll th a t we sen d into the lives o f others, Com es back onto o ur own. " - Unknown

146 Seniors

Alfredo Alvarez

Football 2,3,4; W restling 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4

RPG C lub 1; Em m aus 190

"I u sed to think life was ju s t a waste. So m a n y lim itations, bu t th e r e ’s so m uch to taste. B ut change a n d m otiva tio n tu rn ed m y life around. A ll the tim e I thought I lost has suddenly been fo u n d . It's tim e to change, no one can do it f o r you. " - K ill Your Idols

O utstanding Freshm an; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; S pirit Award; Student C ouncil 2, President 3, 4; Walkathon Com mittee 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3, M arauder 4; Lacrosse 1, 2 3, 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, T reasurer 4; Spirit Award Selection Committee; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus | 184

"Stay f a r fro m tim id, only make m oves wht\ y o u r heart s in it, a n d live the phrase *The Sky's the Lim it. - N otorious B.I.G.

D aniel M. Asis

Marco Carucci Ambrosio

Eric R obert A nderson

utstanding Freshm an; N H S; S pirit A w ard, onor Pin 1,2,3; Soccer 1,2,3,4 ; S pirit ward C om m ittee; Petrean 3,S ports E ditor 4; <VDD 1,2,3,4; Pax C hristi 2,3,4; G enesis 9 2,3,4; Phon-a-thon 3, S cience C lu b 1,2,3; pirit Com m ittee 1,2,3,4; H enchm en 4; LAS 3,4; Italian C lub 2,3,4 Ig n atian Y outh eadership P rogram 3; E u ch aristic M inister Emmaus 186

H o n p r Pin 1, 2, 3; Edw ard J. B lo u stein D is tin g u is h e d S c h o la r; N a trio n a l M e rit C o m m e n d e d S tu d e n t; W ho’s W ho A m ong A m e ric a n H ig h Sch o o l S tu d en ts; Tri-M M usic H onors Society: N H S; Jazz B and 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, President 4; G erm an C lub 2, 3, 4; C eltic C lub 3, 4; Ski C lub 3, 4; M ath Team 3, 4; Ig n atian Y outh L eadership Program 3; D ram atics 2, M V P 3; Petrean 3; P h o n e -a-th o n 3; B ronx C h ristm a s P a rty 3; C h o ir 2, 3, 4; L iturgical Band 2, 3; Em m aus 18 8

O u tstan d in g Freshm an; H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; W ho’s W ho in H igh School Sports 2, 3, 4; N ational S panish Exam 3; N ational H onor Society; C ross C ountry 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; O utdoor Track Captain 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, President 4; Intram urals 1; LAS 4; Art C lub Treasurer 4; Dance Com m ittee 1, 2, 3; Senior Prom C om m ittee 4; Eucharistic M inister; Em m aus 189

I'What is a m an? W hat has he g o t? I f not itiiself then he has not, to sa y the words he \uly fe e ls a n d not the words o f one who heels. The reco rd shows, I took the blow s ]ut d id it m y w a y ." — F ra n k Sinatra

"H ow d id it s e t so la te so soon / I t ’s night befo re i t ’s a fte rn o o n / D e c e m b e r ’s here before it's J u n e / M y g o o d n e ss how the tim e h as fle w n / H o w d id it g et here so soon? " -T h eo d o re S. G eisel

"N o one can m ake y o u f e e l in ferio r w ithout y o u r consent. ’’ -Ssips Ju ic e B ox

[oseph Christopher Baron Christopher Joseph Basista

aerosse 1; A rt C lub 2, 3, President 4; omputer Club 3; D iving 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, Swimming 4; Paper and Pen 3, 4; Em maus *am Leader; Emmaus 186

When I was y o u n g I u sed to re a d a bout the W in e o f W estern c iv iliza tio n a n d I d e c id e d was som ething I w ould like to m ake a Attribution to. " -G e o rg e C arlin

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Freshm an A m bassador; W alkathon Com m ittee 3, 4; Tie C lub 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Stage Crew 1, 2, 3, Crew C h ief 4; Spirit Com m ittee 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1; L acrosse 3, 4; Italian C lub 2, 3; Genesis 9 2; Hom eroom R epresentative 4; Intrartiurals 1, 2; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 184

T hom as Bauer

C ross C ountry 1,2; Indoor Track 1; O utdoor Track 1; TV Studio 2; Celtic Club 2, 3; P h o to g rap h y C lub 3, P resid en t 4

" I t ’s better to burn o u t than to fa d e away. ’’ - H ig h la n d e r

John Paul O’Neil B. Atienza

Ebony Club 3, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Germ an Club 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; H om eroom R epresentative 4; A m nesty In te rn atio n al 4

“The d a y culture dictates life is th e day crea tivity dies. ” - Unknown

Adrian Carlos Bermudez

Football 1, 2, 3, 4; W restling 1, 2, 3, 4; A sian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Ignatian Leadership Program 3; Emmaus 190

"The sa d d est th in g in life is w a sted talent. ” - A Bronx Tale

"N ow th e r e ’s so m uch time, tim e a n d m em o ry fa d e away, We g o t o u r roads to rid e a n d chances we g o tta take, We sto o d s id e b y sid e each o n e f ig h t in ’f o r the other, We s a id u n til w e d ie d w e ’d alw ays b e b lood b ro th e rs. " -B ru ce S p rin g ste en

Seniors 147

David Bokil

Tri-M M usic H onors Society; Band 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Liturgical M usic Band 2,3,4; C hoir 1,2; Em m aus 188

George Botsolas

"My w eek beats y o u r year. ” -Lou R eed

Ib rw i 1 O u tstanding Freshm an; Freshm an A m bassador; Football 1, 4; W restling 1, 2; Intram urals 1, 2; S tudent C ouncil R ep resen tativ e I, 2, 3, 4; Ski C lub; E m m aus 186

"You h it m e, a n d y o u h it m y c a a a h !" -L u k e P ie d e

Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Sw im m ing 1, 2, 3, 4; Ebc C lub 1, 2, 3, 4

" O u r g r e a te s t g lo r y is n o t in n e v e r f a ilin g , bu t in r is in g up e v ery tim e we fa il. ” -R alph W aldo E m e r s o n

Patrick J* Brennan III

Michael Austin Burlick

Drew Davey Buzzio

dxbtkh. H o n o r P in 1, 2 , 3; W h o ’ s W h o A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h S ch o o l S tu d e n ts; E d w ard J. B lo u s te in D is tin g u is h e d S c h o la r; N H S ; F resh m an A m b assad o r; F o ren sics 1, 2, 3, 4; D ra m a tic s 2, 3, 4; P e tro c 3, 4 ; Y .S.O .P. 2; N a tio n a l Y o u th L e a d e rs h ip F o ru m on M e d ic in e ; P a p e r a n d Pen 3, 4 ; P e tre a n 4; Em maus Team Leader; Em maus 187

"M en sh o w th e ir c h a r a c te r is tic s in n o th in g m o r e c le a r ly th a n in w h a t th e y th in k la u g h a b le. " - Jo h a n n von G o eth e

148 Seniors

Paper and Pen 1; M ission D rive Com m ittee 2; LAS 4; French Club 4; Lacrosse M anager 2, 3, 4; W alkathon Com m ittee 4; Petrean 4; Emmaus 183

Stefan C. Boyett

"To live is to suffer, but to survive, vell...thi to f i n d m e a n in g in th e s u ffe r in g .' -DAdX

"A m ind is like a parachute. It doesn ’/ work i f it s not open. ” — F rank Zappa

B rian Brandefine

Shadi A. Boulos

S occer 2, 3; S p irit C om m ittee 1; C eltic Club 4; Rugby C lub 4; Intram urals 1, 2; W hiffle Ball W orld Series 1, 2, 3, 4; Ping-Pong Tournament C ham pion 2; E bony C lub 3; S tickball W orld Series 2; Stage Crew 4; Em m aus 186

"10 yea rs fro m now, I 'd like to be remembered f o r th e th in g s I trie d to do, ra th e r th a n the th in g s I d id not. " -M a rk Twain

W h o ’s W ho A m o n g S tu d en t A th lete s 3, Soccer 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; Italian Club 2, 3, Ski Club 4; Billiards Club I; SADD 1, 2, 3, J u n io r P ro m C o m m itte e 3; S e n io r Proi Com m ittee 4; 3rd Day 3, 4; Stage Crew 1, D ance Com m ittee 1, 2; Bocce Ball Club 1, Spirit Com m ittee 1, 2, 3, Henchm an 4; 30 Hoi Fam ine 1, 2, 3, 4; Walkathon Com mittee 1, ! Intram urals 1, 2; Tie Club 1, 2; Phone-A-Thc 3, 4; Eucharistic M inister; Em m aus 186 "C ongratulations. Today is y o u r day, y o u 1 o f f to great places, y o u ’re o f f a n d away. Yd h a v e b ra in s in y o u r head, y o u have f e e t y o u r s h o e s, y o u c a n s te e r y o u r s e l f ai d ire c tio n y o u cho o se. You 're on y o u r oy\ a n d y o u know what y o u know and y o u are i n g u y who 7/ d ecide where to g o . " -Dr. Seus?

Dominico Callipari

James J. Caposello Jr.

D om inick Carbone

Ronald Raymond Cardoso & U .softer-

intramurals 1,2; Italian C lub 2,3,4; French Club 4; Emmaus 188

“I ’m a man, gotta m ake a new plan, tim e f o r me to ju s t sta n d up a n d tra vel new land. " - Em inem

H o n o r Pin 1,2,3; F ootball 1,2,3; S.A .D .D . 3,4; Stock M arket Exchange 2,3,4; Emmaus 188

"L ive f o r th e m om ent befo re life p a sses y o u b y ." - Unknown

W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m erican H igh School S tu d e n ts; F o re ig n L an g u ag e P o etry C o n test - I s' Place; Italian C lub 1, 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Pax Christi 3, 4; G o lf 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Exchange 2, 4; Dram atics 2, 3; M usical 4; Em maus Team Leader; Em m aus 185

"You a r e n e v e r g iv e n a w ish w ith o u t a lso b e in g g ive n th e p o w e r to m a ke it true. You m a y h a ve to w ork f o r it, however. ” R ic h a r d B a ch — Illu s io n s

Shawn C arroll

Dnor P in 1; B a s k e tb a ll 1,2, C a p ta in 3, 4; a s e b a l 11 , 2 , C a p t a i n 3 , 4 ; F r e s h m a n m bassad or.E ucharistic M in iste r; In tra m u ra ls 2; Em m aus 186

~an 7 n o b o d y ta k e m y p r id e , c a n 7 n o b o d y P me down. Oh no! I g o t to keep on m o v in ." If D iddy & M a$e

A ntonio Cartagena

B aseb all 1,2,3,4; L atin A m erican Society 1,2,3,4; E bony C lub 1,2,3; W alkathon 1,2,3; Em m aus 183

“D o n ’t ta ke life to o se rio u s ly y o u 'll n e v er escape it a live a n y w a y ." -U nknown

Christopher Barry Caulfield

H onor Pin 1,2,3; S pirit Award 3; W ho’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l A th le te s ; N H S; O u tsta n d in g Fresh m an ; Rev. A nthony A zzarto Aw ard 3; F airfield U n iv ersity B ook a w a rd 3; F re s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r; S o c c e r 1,2,3,4; Indoor T rack 1,2, C aptain/ MVP 3, 4; O utdoor Track 1, 2, C aptain/ M VP 3, 4; Spirit Aw ard Selectio n C om m ittee; Petrean 1,2,3,4; P a x C h r is ti 3 ,4 ; E u c h a ris tic M in is te r ; Phonathon 3,4; G erm an Exchange 2; Em maus 186

H o n o r P in s 1,2,3; G o ld M ed als: S panish 1, L a tin 2 , P h y sic s 3, M a th e m atics 3; S ilv e r M edals: M athem atics 1,2 R eligion 2, H istory 3; W ho’s W ho A m ong Am erican High School Stu d en ts; Edw ard J. B loustein D istinguished Scholar; N ational M erit C om m ended Student; N ational H ispanic Scholar; N H S - President 4; SADD 1,2,3, President 4; Petrean 3, Layout Editor 4; M ath Team 3,4; Stock M arket Game C lub 2, RPG C lub 1; TV Studio 1; Freshm an A m bassador; Classics C lub 4; Emmaus 187 "Do not go where the path m ay lead, go instead where there is no path an d leave a t r a i l . R a l p h W aldo E m erso n

A ndy Cheng

A sian So ciety 3,4; C o m p u ter C lub 3,4

"W ords ha ve th e p o w e r to both d estro y a n d heal. When words are both true a nd kind, they c a n c h a n g e o u r w o r ld ." - Buddha

"Som etim es y o u w ant to g o w here everybody k n o w s y o u r nam e. A n d t h e y ’r e a lw a y s g la d y o u came, You w ant to be where y o u can see o u r troubles are a ll the same, You want to go w here everybody knows y o u r name. " - Cheers

Seniors 149

Tim othy M. C hester

Honor Pin 1; Dram a 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 2,3,4; E u c h a ris tic M in is te r ; U ltim a te F r is b e e 4; Em m aus 187

"T h o u g h ts a re w o rd s w a itin g to be sp o ken . Som e p e o p le a re ju s t too sh y to say them aloud f o r the w orld to hear, so they w rite them down f o r th e w o rld to see. ” - U nknow n

Jonathan Patrick Ruberton Cordova

f. H o n o r P in 2; S ta r W ars C lu b F o u n d e r/ President 1, 2,3,4; SA D D 1,2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; Ja zz Band 3,4; Petroc 1,4; Petrean 3,4

"D o n o t w o r r y a b o u t to m o rro w . T om orrow w ill take care o f itself. Enough f o r a day is its ow n evil. - M atthew 6:34

150 Seniors

Jonathan Chiluisa

C.L.C. 1; S.A.D.D. 1,2; Intramurals 1,2; Emmaus 184; F re n c h C lu b 2; LA S 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; D a n c e Com m ittee 1,2,3 "Sometimes y o u g o t to p a t y o u r se lf on the back, sm ile an d say...dam n that was funny. Original

P atrick Costello

Patrick M. Collins

Michael Colucci

S w im m in g 1,2 ,3 , C a p ta in 4; G e rm a n C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; G erm an E x ch an g e 2; P etrean 1,2,3,4; C lassics C lu b 4; Em m aus 185

H onor Pin 1,2; B aseball 1,2,3,4; Italian C 2 ,3 ,4 ; S k i C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C am p u s Mini: 1,2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2; Emmaus 184

" P e r s o n a lly I 'm a lw a y s r e a d y to le a r n , a lth o u g h I do n o t alw ays like b ein g taught. " - S ir W in sto n C h u r c h ill

M ichael Robert Couillou

(VsbajLeH o n o r P in 1 ,2 ,3 ; G o ld M e d al - G e rm a n 2; N H S ; E d w ard J. B lo u s te in S c h o lar; G erm an E x c h a n g e 2 ,4 ; G e rm a n C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; S p irit Com m ittee 1,2; Ski C lub 4; Petrean 4; T ie Club 3; Em m aus 185

"W orrying is like a rocking chair. It g ives y o u s o m e th in g to do, b u t it d o e s n 7 g e t y o u a n y w h e r e ." - Van W ilder

"The vision must be fo llo w ed by the venture is no t enough to sta re up the steps - we n step up the stairs. " - Vance Hauner

Tramone D. Crawfoi $ CmClu>|oT«.

H o n o r P in 2 ; B a s e b a ll 1 ,2 ,3 , C a p ta in 4; S w im m in g 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m a u s T eam ; S p irit Com m ittee 1,2; Intram urals 1,2; Em m aus 184

Ebony C lub 1,2,3,4; B ow ling 1,2,3,4; Jun Prom Com m ittee 3; O utdoor Track 4; Miss D riv e 3,4

“We are w hat w e re p ea te d ly do. E xcellence, then, is no t an act, but a h a b it." - A risto tle

“E ver w onder i f illite ra te p e o p le ge t the J e ffe c t o f a lp h a b et s o u p ? " - Unknown

Joe Dailey

Joseph D ’ Alise

Joseph Michael Danatzko

Donald D arlington -7 ^

o o tb all 1,2,3,4

Trust no one, su sp ec t e v e r y o n e ." - O rig in a l

2 0 0 2 “ O u ts ta n d in g C a th o lic T e e n ” A w ard ; F o o tb a ll 4 ; T ra c k 2 ,3 ,4 ; T V S tu d io 1 ,2 ,3 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 ; Stag e C rew 4; Petrean 1,4; In tram u rals 1,2; E m m aus 185

" L o o k , i f y o u h a d o n e s h o t, o r o n e o p p o r tu n ity , to s e iz e e v e r y th in g y o u e v e r w a n te d in o n e m om ent, vould y o u capture it o r j u s t le t it slip ? - E m in e m

Richard Joseph Davis

Honor Pin 1,2; Ita lia n C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; T ie C lu b 5.4; V olleyball 1,2,3; SA D D 1 " A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you been mjnkin ’ Jack a nd Coke all m om in ’. She can make fpu feel hot; fu ll o f the single greatest commodity Mown to man, promise. Promise o f a better day. promise o f a g re a te r hope, P rom ise o f a new Wmorrow. This particular awe can be fo u n d in the m te o f a beautiful girl, in h er sm ile a n d in her foul, and in the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like its gonna be okay. " - Taking Back Sunday

N icolas J. Delgado

C ross C o u n try 1; T rack 1,2; Em m aus 18 C e ltic C lu b 1,2,3; E bony C lu b 1,2,3; SA DD 1

"Beauty is in the eye o f the beer holder. ” - A n onym ous

" I ’m no t w hat I o ught to be, I ’m no t w h a t I w ant to be, I m no t w hat I m g o in g to be, but a t lea st I ’m no t w hat I u sed to be. " - J o h n W ooden

V incent DiAngelo

W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h Sch o o l S tu d e n ts ; B a s e b a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; H o c k e y 2 ,3 ; D ram a 3; SA DD 1,2; Spirit Com m ittee 1; Dance C o m m itte e 1 ,2, P re is d e n t 3 , 4; L A S 1 ,2 ,3 ; H A P T utor 1,2,3; Intram urals 1,2; Junior Prom C om m ittee; Senior Prom C om m ittee; Em maus 18 3

“W ith grea t pow er com es r e s p o n s ib ility . " - S p id e r m a n

H o n o r P in 1 ,2 ,3 ; W h o ’s W h o A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h S ch o o l S tu d e n t-A th le te s; . SPC Sum m er S cholar 3,4; G overnors School o f N ew Jersey Finalist; E dw ard J. B loustein D istin g u ish e d S c h o lar; N H S; S o c c e r 1,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; O utdoor Track 1,2,3,4; E u c h a ristic M in iste r; Ita lia n C lu b 3 ,4 ; Ski C lub 4; M ath Team 3,4; Em m aus 186

Football 1,2; French C lub 2,3; SA D D 1,2,3

“ W here w ords f a il, m u sic speaks. " - Unknown

Ryan Duffy

H o n o r P in 3; F o o tb a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E b o n y C lu b 1,2,3,4; P ap er and Pen 3,4

“/ w ill d o th is. N o th in g in m y life m a tters except this. N o mom ent in m y life exists except this mom ent. I am born in this moment, a n d i f I f a il , I w ill d ie in th is m o m e n t." - R a is tlin M a je r e


Seniors 151

Brian El Megeed

Petroc 1; SA DD 1; G o lf Team 2, 4

Wissam J. Ellameh

Jo Vincent C. Emperio

Jesse V. Espinola

N a tio n a l F re n ch Exam 3rd P la ce (sta te ), 6 Ih Place (national); French Club 2,3,4; Com puter C lub 3,4; E m m aus 188

Football 1; SA DD 1,2; C hess C lub 1,3; Asian S o c ie ty 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; F re n c h C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ; M ag ic C lu b 1; RPG C lub I; In tram u rals 1,2; Stage C rew 1

F re sh m a n A m b a ssa d o r; S o c c e r 1,2,3; Li 1,2,3,4; HA P 1,2; Star Wars Club 3,4; Vi< Gam es C lub 3,4; G enesis f§ Petrean Editoi A s s ista n t 4

“I f y o u a r e r e a d in g th is , c e n s o r s h ip h a s o c c u r r e d ’’

“S ta n d in ’ b a c k fr o m situ a tio n s g iv e y o u the p e r fe c t v ie w ...Y o u s e e th e s n a k e s in th e g r a s s ...a n d y o u w a it o n [ 'em ] ...B ite y o u r tongue f o r no o n e ...A n d whatever is said, take it h o w th ey w a n t...A c lo s e d m o u th d o n ’t g e t f e d . " - J a y -Z

“It takes a lo t to be the best, so be y o u r s e lf a n d o u tsh in e th e rest. ” - O rig in a l

John Patrick Fabula

Jonathan Paul Fedors

Ryan Fernandes

"Excuses are the tools o f incompetence wh b u ild s m o n u m e n ts o f n o th in g a n d brid± to now here a n d seldom succeed. " - Napoli

Julio Cesar Fernandezl

/^SC»Q3uJix_ L a c ro s s e 1 ,2 ; S A D D E m m aus 185

1; I n tr a m u r a ls 1,2;

" W henever I see an o ld lady slip a n d f a ll on a w et sidew alk, m y fir s t instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what i f I was an ant, a n d sh e fe ll o n me. Then it w ouldn't seem quite so fu n n y ." - J a c k H a ndey D eep Thoughts

H o n o r P in 1 ,2 ,3 ; G o ld M e d a l: W o rld Civilizations; National Germ an Exam 3; NH S; E d w ard J. B lo u ste in D istin g u ish e d S c h o lar; W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h Sch o o l S tu d e n ts; F resh m an A m b a ssa d o r; D ram atics 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 2, Co- MVP 3, 4; Forensics 2, Co- Category Chair 3, 4; Paper and Pen E d ito r-in -C h ie f 3,4; Student C ouncil P r e s id e n t 2; A n n u a l F u n d P h o n a th o n 3; Em m aus 187 “It com es a n d goes; th e walls, like veils, are n e v e r th e s a m e / Yet th e th ir s t r e m a in s id e n tic a l, a lw a y s to b e e n te r ta in e d / A n d m a rv e le d at. " - Jo h n A sh b ery

152 Seniors

H onor Pin 1 ,3 ; Band 2,3; SA DD 1,2,3; Math Team 2,3,4; C om puter club 4; French Club 2,3,4 History C lub 4; Paper and Pen 4; Chess C lu b 3,4

"W h y w o r r y a b o u t to m o r r o w w h e n to d a y h a sn 7 ended. " - U nknow n

N a tio n a l S p an ish Exam 2nd P lace (Nation Level 4- Bilingual; A lba Scholarship, Spani N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c iety ; H onor Pin 1,2 W h o ’s W ho A m o n g H ig h School Studen N a tio n a l S o c iety o f H ig h S chool Schola N a tio n a l H o n o r R o ll; F o o tb a ll 1,2,3 Wrestling 2,3; Lacrosse 1,3,4; Petrean 1,2,3 Petroc 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society 1,2,3 SA D D 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m au s 189; Freshm A m b assad o r; Prom C o m m ittee; Eucharis Minister; Certificate o f Achievement for Spani Study A b ro ad Program ; S tock M arket Ga C lub 1,2,3,4 “I f you want to make history, create the futur -B ruce Chizen

Jonathan Fernando

M ichael Joseph Fetchko Michael Brendan Flatley

konor Pin 1,3; Tennis 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; MVP 2, 3; Basketball 1; Paper and Pen 3, 4; Petroc 4; Emmaus 184; Em maus Team; Spirit Committee; Phone-a-thon 3, 4

N ational H onor Roll; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; In d o o r T ra ck 1, 2 ; S .A .D .D . 1; G erm an C lub 2, 3, 4; Spirit Com m ittee 1, 2, 3, 4; T ie C lu b 3; P e tro c 4; E u c h a ris tic M inister; E m m aus 185

Honor Pin 1; Soccer 1,2,3,4; C eltic 2,3,4; Tie C lu b 3 ,4 ; R u g b y C lu b 4; In tra m u ra ls 1,2; Stickball W orld Series 2; Em m aus 186; S pirit Com m ittee 1; P ing Pong T ournam ent 2

"Mine honor is m y life; both gro w in one; fake honor fro m m e a n d m y life is done. Hear me liege, m ine honor let m e try ; in that \ live, an d f o r that w ill I die. ” - Tragedy o f King R ich ard I I

"T h e o n ly tru w is d o m c o n s is ts o f know ing that y o u know nothing. ” - B ill S. P re sto n , Esq.

"G ood frie n d s we have, oh, g o o d frie n d s we ve lo st a lo n g th e way. In th is g re a t fu tu r e , you, c a n 't f o r g e t y o u r p a s t; S o d ry y o u r tea rs, I s a y ." - Bob M arley


Lawrence Fusco

Richard Anthony Gallardo

Gilbert Florez

Latin A m erican Society 2,3,4; French club 4; C o m p u te r C lu b 4; In tram u rals 2; Star Wars C lub 4; Video G am e C lub 3; Em maus 188

"A ll y o u n e e d in life is o n e g o o d frie n d ... - O rig in a l

Nicholas Paul Garbarini '/ucU *?

W re stlin g 1 ,2 ,3 ; L a tin A m e ric a n S o c ie ty 2,3,4; T ie C lub 3; U ltim ate F risbee C lub 2,4; llntramurals 1,2,3; E m m aus 183

"You can take our car, a n d y o u can take ou t m ys, bu t y o u ca n n o t ta ke a w a y o u r drea m s! Yeah! Because w e are sle e p in g w hen w e have fflem! -N ight a t th e R oxbury

W re stlin g 1, 2, 3, C a p ta in 4, D istrict Cham p 2 0 0 0 -2 0 0 2 , R e g io n C ham p; F o o tb a ll 1; S p irit C om m itee 3, H enchm an 4

"P ain is w eakness leaving the body. " - Chinese P ro verb

Italian C lub 3,4; Em m aus 185

" M a y G o d h a v e m e r c y u p o n m y e n e m ie s , because I w o n ‘t. ” - G eneral G eorge S. P atton Jr.

"A ll o u r kn o w led g e m erely h elp s us to d ie a m o re p a in fu l d e a th th a n a n im a ls th a t know n o th in g . " -M a u r ic i M a e te r lin c k

Seniors 153

W illiam Garcia

Kevin P. Geraghty

Justin David Giles

John Giordano

0. French N ational Exam 2nd State; 3rd N ation; Petrean 3,4; Latin A m erican Society 3,4; French C lub 2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; A rt Club 1,2,3,4; D ram atics 4; GSA 4; Em maus 188

“Com e into m y dreams, let m e show y o u where I ’ve been. It's unique what I ’ve seen, let m e tell y ou w hat I mean. In the deep blue sky there are rainbow s in the night, y o u a n d me c o u ld f l y a n d the ocean shines so bright. " U nknow n

Joseph Marc Gomez

SA D D ; C eltic clu b ; G erm an clu b ; T ie C lub; Em m aus 190

"In o rd e r f o r an Irish m a n to s p e a k w ith h is e q u a l h e m u s t lo o k to G od. ” - W illia m W a lla c e

N a tio n a l A c h ie v em e n t C om m en d ed S ch o lar, V entures Scholar, H onor Pin 1,2,3; Freshm an A m b a s s a d o r; S A D D 2 ,3 ; F o r e n s ic s 2 ,3 ,4 ; M ath T eam 3 ,4; A m n e sty In te rn atio n al 3 ,4 Em maus 188; Em maus Team; French Club 3 C am p u s M in istry

Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Italian Cl 2 ,3 ,4 ; S p e c ia l M in iste r o f th e Eucharist Emmaus 184; SADD 1,2; Tie Club 3,4; YS<

“I t s su p p o sed to b e hard, I f it wasn ’/ ha e v e r y o n e w o u ld d o it. The h a rd ... is toh m akes it great. ” -Tom H anks

“O ne can p a y back the loan o f gold, but one d ies fo r e v e r in d eb t to th o se w ho a re kind. -M a la y a n P r o v e rb

James Peter Gordon

Ricardo Gratil

Jiogy E» Grundy I

A sian Society 1,2,3, P resident 4; SA D D 1,2; M a th T eam 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; F re n c h C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ; V olleyball 2,3; T ie C lub 1,3; Em m aus 189; E b o n y C lu b 1,2; I n tr a m u r a ls 1,2 ; L a tin A m erican Society 1,2; D ance C om m ittee

“T he e lite a ll know th e fo r m by w hich I am victorious/ B ut no one knows how I determ ine the fo r m o f victory. D o n o t rep ea t th e m eans o f v ic to r y . B u t r e s p o n d to f o r m f r o m th e in ex h a u stib le . ” -Sun Tzu

154 Seniors

C ross Country 1, 2; O utdoor T rack 1, 2; Stage C rew 1, 2; S A D D 1, 2; TV S tu d io 1; C eltic C lub 2, 3; Intram urals 1, 2

W restling 2, 3, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3; French Club 2, 3, 4; Dance Com m ittee 1, RPG C lub 1; Em m aus 190

“A c tio n is th e fo u n d a ti o n a l k e y su c ce ss. ” - P a b lo P ic a sso

“The th in g s th a t we h a v e a n d th a t w e th in k a re so s o lid - th e y ’r e lik e sm oke, a n d tim e is lik e th e s k y th a t s m o k e d is a p p e a r s in to . . .nothing is left bu t the sky, a n d th e sky keeps o n b e in g th e s a m e fo r e v e r . ” - B o o th T a r k in g to n


a ll

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4; Chess Team French C lub 3, 4; C om puter C lub 4

“Don t walk b ehind me; I m ay not lead. Doi walk in fro n t o f me; I m ay not follow. Just wt beside m e a n d be m y frie n d . ” - A lbert Cam


Ryan R. Grusenski

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; N H S ; W illia m P a tte rso n Poetry C ontest- 1“ Place, Interm ediate G erm an; [Indoor Track 1, D ram a 1, 2, 3, 4; F orensics 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; T V S tudio 2, 3, 4; S tar Wars Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2; G erm an iciub 2, 3, 4; G erm an Exchange 2; M odel UN 3, 4; P e tre a n 3 , 4 ; C L C 3 , 4 ; F re s h m a n [Ambassador 1; In tram u rals 1, 2, 3,; U ltim ate Frisbee 4; Em m aus 187

M artin Gurczeski Jr.

Football 1; Intram urals 1, 2, 3, 4; B ow ling 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; Em m aus 183

" M m m ...F o r b id d e n d o n u t s ." - H o m e r J S im p s o n

Indo-Pak S o ciety 1, 2, 3; Isla m ic C lu b 1, 2; i-Eorensics 1; SA D D 1, 2; E m m aus 184 “You d o n 't r e a liz e w h a t y o u h a v e u n til it's [gone. " - O r ig in a l

Stage C rew 1,2,3, President 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Latin A m erican Society 1,2,3,4; SA DD 1,2; Stock M arket G am e Club 1,2; Spirit Com m ittee 4; Prom Com m ittee 4; Em m aus 183

"W hen y o u w ere born, y o u w ere cryin g a n d everyone a ro u n d y o u was sm iling. L ive y o u r life so that when y o u die, y o u 're the one who is sm ilin g a n d e v eryo n e a ro u n d y o u is crying. ” - A n o n ym o u s

“The w o rld is a book, a n d th o se w ho d o no t \travel re a d on ly a pa g e. ” - St. A u g u stin e

Harris Hafeez

A nthony D. G urdak

1^— '

Paul Nicholas Hallgren

Em m aus 186 "H a ve y o u e v er d a n c e d w ith the d e v il in the p a le m o o n lig h t? ’’ - The J o k e r


Colin Francis Hanley

HA P 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; SA DD 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Prom Com m ittee 3, 4; Asian Society 4; W restling Team Assistant 3, 4; I n tra m u ra ls 1, 2; Ig n a tia n L e a d e rs h ip R etreat 3; Eucharistic M inister 4; Em maus 188

Frank John Gurdak

Stage Crew 1, 2, 3; President 4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin A m erican Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Com m ittee 3; Prom Com m ittee 4; Emmaus 183

"You can live to be the best, or y o u can live to be ordinary. You 're g o in g to die. So w hy be o rd in a ry ? " - U nknow n

Rich Hansen

H onor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3, C aptain 4

"I sell ice in the winter, I sell fir e in hell, I am a hustler baby...I sell water to a well. " - Ja y -2

" D o n ’t s e ttle f o r th e h a n d life d e a ls to y o u . S h u ffle y o u r ow n deck. " - U nknow n

Seniors 155

Michael Peter Harrington

H o n o r P in 1; N a tio n a l H o n o r R o ll; W h o ’ s W ho A m ong High School Students SA D D 2; Ski C lub 1, 2,3; C eltic C lub 3; Intram urals 1,2

John Harvey

TV Studio I, 2, 3; G erm an Exchange 2; Germ an C lub 2, 3, 4; Ski C lub 2; Track 1, 2

Jonathon J. Hayes

F ren ch C lu b 4; Polish C lub 4; Em m aus 190

" I'm k in d a t ir e d ...I ’m g o n n a g o h o m e n o w .' - F o r e s t G um p

"W hat lies b e h in d us a n d w hat lies befo re us are tin y m atters com pared to w hat lies within us ” - R a lp h W aldo E m erso n

"The w ay I see it, there a re two kinds o f kid s in the world: kid s w ho like anim aniacs, a n d kids w ho d o n 't like anim a n ia cs; y o u ’re e ith er w ith us or against us. So which a re yo u ? " - Rom per S to m p e r

Broderick H enry Jr.

Christopher J. Hernandez

G old M edal L atin; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o ciety ; B ronze H onor Pin F o otball 1,2,3,4; M ission D riv e 3 ,4 ; E b o n y C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ; F re sh m a n A m bassador 1

Latin A m erican Society 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3 President 4; Em m aus 189; B asketball M anager 1; Football 2; TV Studio 4

T e n n is 1,2,3 C a p ta in 4; F re n c h C lu b 2 ,3; Celtic Club 4; A rt Club 4; Dance Com m ittee 1; S p irit C o m m itte e 3; In tr a m u r a ls 1,2; Emmaus 189; Emmaus Team Leader

“Q u id r id e s ? M u ta t o p ic tu r e d e te f ib u l a narratus. " “ W hat are y o u la u g h in g at? J u st c h ange the p ic tu r e a n d the jo k e s on y o u !" - Unknown

"Like a m idget at a urinal, I h a d to sta n d on m y toes. " - N aked Gun 33 1/3

"The happiness o f a man in this life does not c o n sist in the a b se n ce bu t in th e m a ste ry o f h is p a ssio n s. " - A lfr e d Tennyson

Sean Healy

D iving 1,2,3,4; Sw im m ing 3,4; Celtic Cl] 3,4; Pax C hristi 3,4; Stock M arket Club SA D D 2; Intram urals 1,2; U ltim ate Frisbl C lu b 4; F ish in g C lu b 1; P hotography Clj 3; Em m aus 190

"L o g ic a l re a so n in g b rin g s y o u fr o m a to Im a g in a tio n b rin g s y o u everyw here. " - A lb e rt E in ste in

Eric Mulvaney Hopf

Alfredo Huaranga

F o o tb a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; L a tin A m e ric a n Socie


“I chilled, I d id w hat I ha d to do, and now I out. " - O rig in a l

156 Seniors

Michael Tohn Ix

Edward W. Janssen IV

Michael J. Jiran (h h

o otball 3,4; W re s tlin g 1,2; I ta lia n C lu b ,2,3; SA DD 1,2,3; In tram u rals 1,2; T rack ,4; T ie C lub 3,4; Im m ersion T rip; E m m aus 90

It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even Mger m an to la u g h a t a n o th e r m an. " M aura F inn

H o n o r P in 1,2; H o n o ra b le M e n tio n L ev el 2 G e rm a n E x a m in a tio n ; W h o ’s W h o A m o n g A m e ric a n H igh S c h o o l S tu d en ts SA D D 1,2,3; A m n esty In te rn atio n al 3,4; Pax C h risti 2 ,3 ,4 ; P e tre a n 3, e d ito r 4; F resh m an A m b a s s a d o r 1; F o r e n s ic s 1; G e rm a n E xchange 2 “C o n fid e n c e ...th r iv e s o n ho n esty, o n honor, o n th e s a c re d n e ss o f o b lig a tio n s, o n f a ith fu l p r o te c t io n a n d o n u n s e lfis h p e r fo r m a n c e . W ith o u t th em it c a n n o t live. ” - F ra n k lin D e la n o R o o se v elt

Scott Joseph Johnston

Goncalo Manuel Junqueira

o otball 1 ,2,3,4; S p irit C o m m itte e 1,2,3,4; >eltic C lub 3,4; B ronx C hristm as P arty 3,4; ki Club 4; Eucharistic M inister 4; Em m aus 86

M u ltic u ltu ra l C lu b 1; F re n c h C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m aus 188

" I'm a g re a t b eliever in luck, a n d I f i n d the harder I w ork the m ore I have o f it. - Jefferson H a ve y o u e v e r s e e n a c h ild o n h is w a y to W ool ha ve a car d rive p a s t a n d splash him, h d then he j u s t sta n d s there a n d thinks i f he h o u ld j u s t g o to s c h o o l o r g o h o m e a n d %<fnge a n d b e la te ... A n d I d r iv e p a s t a n d mash him a g a in ." - J a c k H a n d y

Joseph John


Honor Pin 1,2,3; G old M edal: Latin 2; Silver Medals: History, English 1, Physics 3; National M erit S em ifin alist: E dw ard J B loustein Distinguished Scholar; University o f Rochester Hum anities and Social Sciences Award; NHS; W h o ’s W ho A m ong A m erican H igh School Students; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2,3, Copy Editor 4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Student Council Treasurer 3,4; Spirit Committee 1; Whiffle Ball World Series 3; Freshman Ambassador; Emmaus 187 “One sunny morning, in the shadow o f the steeple By the relief office I saw my people As they stood hungry, I stood there wondering I f this land was made f o r you and m e" - Woody Guthrie

Nicholas C* Kane

Freshm an Baseball 1; JV B aseball 2; Freshm an B a sk e tb a ll 1; JV B a sk e tb a ll 2; Ita lia n C lub 1,2,3,4; D ram atics 3,4

“We g e t in the m iddle o f a fig h t because w e ’re w a r r id r s , b u t w ith o u t a d a m n war, th e w a r r io rs m ig h t a s w e ll b e d e a d ! Now , I ’m a sking y o u - a s a frie n d - s ta n d b y m e this one la s t t im e ! " - U nknow n

O u ts ta n d in g F re sh m a n ; H A P 1,2; C ro ss C ountry 1; O u tdoor T rack 1; Band 1,2,3,4; F re n c h C lu b 3 ,4 ; S p irit C o m m itte e 3 ,4 ; V olleyball 2 ,3 , C o -C a p ta in 4; G en esis and 3rd Day 3,4; Asian Society 4; Big Brother 4, Em m aus

“S in c e I w ill n o t lo se th e y try to h e lp him cheat. But, I w ill not lose no t even in defeat. In it th e r e ’s a va lu a b le lesso n le a rn e d so it evens it up f o r me. ” -S. Carter

Colin T. Kearns

Petroc 2,3, Editor in C h ief 4; Model UN Vice President 4; Irish C lub 1,2,3,4; G erm an Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 1,2,3; G erm an Exchange 2; Em m aus 185, B ig B rother 4; Freshm an A m b a ssa d o r

“I f y o u ’r e g o in g th ro u g h hell, keep going. ’’ - S ir W inston C h u rc h ill

Seniors 157

John Vincent Kelly 111 f\M



W h o ’s W ho A m ong H igh S c h o o l S tu d e n ts; N ational H onor Roll; Society o f High School Scholars; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Pax C h risti 2 ,3,4; C o m p u ter C lub 1,2; TV S tudio 1,2,3; M ath Team 3,4; Italian C lub 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,3; Rugby 4; Ski C lub 4; M odel U N V ice P re s id e n t 3; S e c re ta ry o f Research 4; Eucharistic M inister 4; Em maus 185

"T h e jo u r n e y o f 1 0 0 0 m ile s is s ta r te d b y ta k in g th e f i r s t s te p ” -C h in e se P ro v e rb

Peter Scott Kraus

H o n o r P in 1,2; S ilv e r M edal fo r L a tin 1; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty ; S p rin g M u sic a l 2 ,3 ,4 ; P a p e r and P e n 2,3 , C o p y E d ito r 4; C hess C lub 3; U ltim ate Frisbee Team 4

“M o d e s ty is a q u a lity m o re p r a is e d th a n p ra c tic e d . ’’ -S te v e n S a y lo r

158 Seniors

F. R obert Kennedy F /L U Em maus 189 " ...O u r g r e a t a d v e rs a r y r e m a in s th e A p p a ra tu s- th e burea u cra cy, th e p o lic e , a n d the m ilitary. N o t the one fa c in g us a cross the fro n tier or the battle lines, which is not so much our enem y as our bro th er’s enemy, but the ones that calls its e lf our p ro tecto r a n d m akes us its slaves. N o m atter w h a t the circum stances, the w o rst b etra ya l w ill a lw a ys be to su b o rd in a te o u r s e lv e s to th is A p p a ra tu s, a n d to tra m p le underfoot, in its service, a ll h u m an values in ourselves a n d in others. ” - Sim on Weil

Robert B. Komorowski Donald James Kovacs Ji ^


W h o ’s w h o A m o n g H ig h S c h o o l S p o rts 3; Eucharistic M inister 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Indoor T ra c k 1,2 C a p ta in 3 ,4 ; O u td o o r T ra c k 1,2 Captain 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Petroc 3,4; Spirit Com m ittee 1,2; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Junior Prom Com m ittee 3; Polish Club 4; Intram urals 1,2; 30 h our fam ine 4; Video Production 4 “There a re m om ents in life th a t b rin g p e o p le together, inspire us, educate us and makes us laugh. We've noticed quite often that these moments are on a fie ld or a court. An athlete overcomes injury, a team beats the odds. A perform ance defines a moment. In a world where everyone is as different as ever, very fe w things have the power to bring us together. Long live sp irit" - Unknown

H o n o r P in 1 ,2; S tu d y A b ro a d P ro g ra (S a la m a n c a , S p a in ); C ro ss C o u n try 1, C aptain 3; Indoor Track 2; Art Club 1,2,3, P h o to g ra p h y C lu b 3; LA S 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; 3 rd d: 2,3,4; G enesis 9 2,3,4; M ath Team 2,3; Stu< A b ro ad Program (C o zu m el, M erida, Cancu M ex ico ) "B ein g a lea d er is w hat i t s a ll about, beii ow n s e l f a n d n o th in g else; i t ’s lik e being B M X bike rider, y o u make y o u r own path at do no t fo llo w the individual p a th s o f others I - O rig in a l

Lawrence Joseph V. Lapitan

John Thomas Laracy |

Volleyball 1,2,3; Fishing C lub 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 4; T ie Club 3; YSOP; SADD 1; Em maus 185

H onor Pin 1, SA DD 1; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Chess Team 3; Chess Club 4; Star Wars Club 4; Em m aus 188

“I ’m not going to sa y anything classy because t h a t ’s j u s t n o t o u r s ty le . P a in h e a ls, c h ic k s d ig scars, bu t g lo ry la sts fo rever. ” - The Replacem ents

"A n y in tellig en t f o o l can m ake bigger, m ore complex, a n d m ore violent. It takes a touch o f g e n iu s to m o v e in th e o p p o site d ir e c tio n ." - A lb e r t E in ste in

N a tio n a l H o n o r S o ciety ; G old M edal Hon<B P in ; E d w ard J B lo u s te in D is tin g u is h e l S c h o la r; C ro s s C o u n try 1,2, C a p t a il 3 (M V P ),4 ; In d o o r T ra ck 1,2,3,4; O utdo T rack 1,2,3,4; M ath Team 2,3; E u c h a rist! M inister 4; Freshm an A m bassador 1

Francis LaMonica

„ ■ J

“W hat s a v e s a m an is to ta ke a step. Tha another step. " - C.S. Lewis

Mike Lazorwitz

lonor Pin 1,2,3; S pirit A w ard 4; T V Studio io-MVP 3; C ro ss C o u n try 1; F o re n sic s 2, lategory Chair 3, C aptain 4; U ltim ate Frisbee ; TV Studio 2, Co President 3, P resident 4; nnual F u n d P h o n a th o n 3 ; E m m a u s 187; mmaus team Leader

"Life is w h a t h a p p e n s to y o u w h ile y o u ’re usy m a kin g o th e r p la n s. ” -J o h n L e n n o n

Jesse Luis

Michael Leahey

H onor Pin 1,2; B ow ling Team 1,2,3,4; C eltic C lu b 2,3,4; SA D D 2,3,4; Science Clubs 2,3,4; Star Wars C lu b 2,3; Stock M arket G am e Club 2 ; E m m aus 188

Alistair Lee

A sian So ciety 4; RPG C lu b 1

S occer 1, 2, 3; W restling 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; O u td o o r T rack 3, 4; Sp rin g M usical 2, 3, 4; F ootball 4; S .A .D .D .l; LAS 1

"T ra d itio n is a h isto ry o f sym p a th y built on p e o p le ’s tru e f e e lin g s . " - Treize K u sh ren a d a "Tradition is a h isto ry o f sym p a thy bu ilt on p e o p le ’s tru e fee lin g s . " - Treize K ushrenada

"To f i n d s u c h a n e q u a l, a n I r is h m a n is f o r c e d to c o n v e rse w ith th e A lm ig h ty . ” -B rav eh eart

M athew D. M ahar

John Louf

Michael K. Mahoney

Osama Malik

/MUL in o r Pin 1,2,3; Soccer 1,2,3,C aptain 4; Latin p e ric a n Society 1,2,3,4; Y earbook 3; SA DD f e i4 ; 30 Hour Fam ine 3,4; Tie Club 3; Science lib 1,2,3; S pirit C om m ittee 3,4; Eucharistic linister; Em maus 186; Phonathon 3,4; Ignatius Eldership Program 3; Intram urals 1,2

N a tio n a l M e rit S c h o la r C a n d id a te ; A c h ie v e m e n t A w a rd f o r N a tio n a l G e rm a n Exam ; H onor Pin 1,2,3; JV H ockey 1, C aptain 2 ; V a rsity H o c k e y 3; G e rm a n E x c h a n g e 1; G erm an C lu b 2,3,4

H onor Pin 2; N ational G erm an Scholar Award; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Stage Crew 3,4; Germ an Club 2,3,4; Germ an Exchange 2; Student C ouncil 2 ,3,4; B ig B ro th er Presid en t 4; C eltic C lub 4

fF inish e a c h d a y a n d b e d o n e w ith it. You w e done w hat y o u could; som e blunders and w ird itie s have crept in; f o r g e t them as soon Siyou can. Tomorrow is a new day; y o u sh a ll « in it sere n e ly a n d w ith too high a s p irit to ? e n c u m b e re d w ith y o u r o ld n o n se n se . " [ R alph W aldo E m e r s o n

"I have a fe e lin g we are a b o u t to em bark upon a m o st u n p re ce d e n ted exp ed itio n . B ill, Bill a n d T e d ’s B o g u s J o u rn e y

"W hat i f the hokey p o k e y really is w hat it's a ll a b o u t? " - T-Shirt

In d o /P ak S o ciety 4; A sian S o ciety 4; SA D D 1

"H igh S c h o o l is a lo t like to ile t paper, y o u on ly m iss it when it is g o n e ." - Unknown

Seniors 159

Ryan Mangle

Roger Marciniak

Matthew J. Marinello

D. Patrick McAlevy

7?^ H onor Pin 1; Dance Com m ittee 1, 2; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Spring M usical 3

P o lish C lu b 4; C o m p u ter C lub 4

“L ife is no t fair, g et u sed to it. " - Unknown

H o n o r P in 1 ,2 ,3 ; O u ts ta n d in g F re sh m a n ; S p irit A w ard 4; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o ciety Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,3,4; Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; P h o n ath o n 3

" I f it d o esn 7 fit, y o u m ust a c q u it" -Jo h n n ie C ochran

" I f y ou need to see me, g o to m y office. ” Mr. D a n d o rp h "W om en a n d c h ild re n c a n b e c a reless, bu t n o t men. " - M arlon B rando, T h e G o d fath er

Brian P. McCabe

H arry Barlett McCann

Dennis Mcguire

Xavier E. Medina

p. A '- * W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h Sch o o l S tu d e n ts ; N a tio n a l H o n o r R o ll; N a tio n a l H o n o rs S o c ie ty o f H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts ; H o n o r P in 1 ,2 ,3 ; F o o tb a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; In d o o r Track and Field, C aptain 2,3,4; O utdoor Track and F ie ld , C a p ta in 2 ,3 ,4 ; C e ltic C u b 2 ,3 , P re sid e n t 4; R u g b y 4; T ie C lu b 3; P o lish C lub 4; Fishing C lub 1; E m m aus 190

“Every passing m inute is a chance to change y o u r life around. " -V anilla Sky

160 Seniors

L a c ro sse 1 ,2 ,3 ,C a p ta in 4; B an d 3 ,4 ; S p irit C o m m itte e 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C e ltic C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; Hom eroom R epresentative 4; Prom Com m ittee 4; W a lk a th o n C o m m itte e 3 ; S A D D 1; B ig B ro th e r 4; I n tra m u ra ls 1,2; S p a n is h S tu d y A b ro ad Program ; E m m aus 187

"P e r h a p s m y b e s t y e a r s a r e g o n e ... b u t I w ouldn V w a n t them back. N o t w ith th e f ir e in m e now. " - S a m u el B eckett

S p irit C om m ittee 3, 4; Petro c 3, 4; Em m aus Team Leader; Em maus 184

"The o n ly p e rso n y o u h a ve to a n sw er to is y o u r s e lf. You m a k e y o u r o w n ru le s. The m in u te y o u f ig u r e th a t out, y o u 're fr e e . ” - U nknow n

H o n o r Pin 2,3; Sw im m ing 1,2,3,4; Ski Cli 2,4; Petroc 3,4; Pax Christi 3,4; SADD 2, St. Ig n atiu s P arty 4; Y SO P 1,2,3,4; Juni Prom Com mittee; Spring M usical 3,4 Italii E x ch an g e 4; E m m aus 184; E m m aus Tea L eader

“ W hen lo ve is y o u r g re a te st w eakness, yt w ill b e th e stro n g est p e rso n in th e world. - G a rm a n W old

Rory F. M eehan

Honor Pin 1,3; S ilv e r M ed al B io lo g y 1 Hockey 3: C eltic C lub 1,2,3,4; G erm an C lub 1,3*4; G e rm a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; J u n io r P ro m E.Oiiiinittee 3; S pirit C om m ittee 1; Ski C lub 4; Immaus 185 XWhat I ’d r e a ll y lik e to d o is s o m e th in g extra o rd in a ry. S o m e th in g b ig . S o m e th in g iega. S o m e th in g c o p io u s . S o m e th in g m m c io u s. S o m e th in g C a ju n g a ! B u t I ’ll m b a b ly e n d up w o r k in g a t G rea t A m erica , im p in g up h u r l a n d lu n g butter. ” -W ayne

I Richard M ontalvo

pestling 1,2,3,4; I Club 3,4

P raneet M enon

N ational H onor Society; H onor Pin 3; National Fren ch Exam 4,h (state) 3; Edw ard B loustein S c h o la rs h ip , W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts ; O u td o o r T ra c k 3 ,4 ; Forensics 3,4; Petroc Layout Editor 3,4; Petrean 4; M ath Team 3,4; SADD 4; French Exchange 2; F ren ch C lu b 3,4; In d o -P a k S o ciety 4; Paper and Pen Assistant Editor-in-Chief 3, 4; Emmaus 187; Emmaus Team 4

Joseph K. M eyerink

Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 4; Ski Club 3 ,4 "I went through it, I f e e l fin e , I went to school a n d d id m y time; In a sense I ’m ou t in a sense I ’m free, to be what I want to be. ” - M xPx

Ivan A. Michel Jr.

L atin A m erican So ciety 3 ,4; C o m puter C lub 3 ,4; A rt C lub; A sian So ciety 4; Video G am e C lu b 3; P o lish C lub

"A t b irth w e b rin g n o th in g w ith us; a t death w e ta ke n o th in g aw ay. " - Unknown

" I f y o u a re g o in g through hell, keep going. ” - S i r W in sto n C h u r c h ill

Jonathan M urga

L a c ro sse 1,2,3, C a ptain 4;

T ie C lu b 3; B ig B ro th er 4; Ita lia n C lub 1,2; Intram urals 1,2; H istory C lub 2; B occe Ball 1

W th e s p o tte d o w l ca n 't adju st... then screw [" - R u sh L im b a u g h

“A ll I h a v e in th is w o rld is m y b a lls a n d m y w o r d a n d I d o n ’t b re a k e m ’ f o r no one. You u n d e r sta n d ? ” - Tony M o n ta n a , S carface

M atthew M urphy

H o n o r Pin 1,2; H o ck ey 1,2,3,4; C e ltic C lub 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; S p irit C o m m ittee 1,2,3,4; F resh m an A m bassador; YSOP; Em m aus 189; Em maus Team Leader

“ Yep, I ’ve s a id it before, a n d I ’ll sa y it again. L ife m oves p retty fa st. I f y o u d o n ’t stop to look a r o u n d so m e tim es, y o u j u s t m ig h t m iss it. ” - F erris B u e lle r ’s D a y O ff

Patrick M urphy

O u ts ta n d in g F re sh m a n ; P rep S p irit A w ard; H o n o r P in 2 ,3 ; B a s e b a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,C a p ta in 4; H ockey 1,2,Captain 3,4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; S p irit C o m m itte e 1 ,2 ,3 , H e n c h m a n 4; Em m aus 186

“I m g o in g to ask a bunch o f questions. I want th em a n s w e r e d im m e d ia te ly . W ho is y o u r d a d d y a n d w h a t d o e s h e d o ? ” - A r n o ld S c h w a rzen eg g er. K in d e rg a rte n C op

Seniors 161

Kevin M urray

D aniel N azarko

F ootball 1,2,3,4; W restling 1,2,3,4; C eltic C lub 1,2,3,4; Italian C lub 1,2,3,4

Germ an Club 2, 3, 4; S.A.D .D . 3; German Exchange 2; Tie Club 3, 4; Em m aus 190

“N ever before have we h a d so little tim e in w hich to do so much. ” - Franklin D. R o o s e v e lt

"Two p lu s tw o a lw a ys equals four, no m atter how the @ % /# y o u f e e l th a t day. ” — DeLo

M ichieka Nyamwange

Christopher Matthew Nunez

Football C aptain 1, 2, 3 C aptain 4; Baseball 1, Lifenet 3; W alkathon Com m ittee 4; Football A ll C ounty H o norable M ention 4, Latin A m erican Society 3, 4

“In n er stre n g th can o vercom e a n y th in g that occurs outside. — I Ching

Patrick Dennis O ’Keefe

W illiam Patrick Opel

H ernan N unez


Freshm an A m bassador; Spirit Com m ittee 1 LAS 1,2,3

O p p o rtu n ity is N a tiv ity ’s g ift to you, what y o u do w ith th a t o p portunity is y o u r g ift U N a tiv ity .” -V idal M arine

Benny Pacaigue

'fctZJL Football 1, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Ebony C lub 1, 2, 3, 4; O utdoor Track 4; Indoor Track 4; Intramurals 1, 2; S.A.D.D. 1; Emmaus 189

"P eople f e a r w hat they don 7 understand, hate what they can ’I conquer. That s j u s t the theory o f man. ” — N asir Jones

161 Seniors

Football 1, 2, 3, 4 C aptain; Baseball 1, 2; Stock M arket Gam e Club 2

H onor Pin 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; W alkathon Com m ittee 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 184

"We can either be norm al or we can be special. ” — U nknow n "But we in it sh a ll be rem em bered W e few, we happy few , we band o f brothers. F or h e today th a t sheds his b lood with me S h a ll be m y brother. " - William S h a k e sp e a r e

A sian Society 1, 2; French Club 2, 3, 4; Pap and Pen 1; Stage Crew 1; Com puter Club 4; Video Gam e Club 3; Emmaus 188

“D o n ’t le t c o n stra in ts sto p y o u fro m a ch ievin g w hat y o u want. " - Unknown

Daniel Pacilio

onor Pin 1, 2; Football 1; W restling 1; 3rd iay 2, 3; Band 2, 3; Ski C lub 1, 2, 3, 4; prensics 1, 2; L acrosse 2; W inter D ram a 3; jjriitg M usical 3; H A P 1 , 3 ; Student Idjineil Treasurer 3; Em m aus 184 In this industry I ’m the cause o f a lot o f nvy. So when I ’m p u t on this list, this does ot. offend me. That's w hy y o u se e m e \alkin a round lik e n o th in ’s b o th erin me. \ven though h a l f y o u p e o p le g o t a p ro b le m Iith me. You hate it but y o u know the ispect y o u g e t g o t to g ive me. ” — Em inem

Nicholas Panayotopoulos

lonor Pin 2, 3; N a tio n a l H onor R oll; W h o ’s p o A m ong A m erican H igh School tudents; Sw im m ing 1, 2 , 3 C aptain, 4; lassies C lub C onsul 4; Ski C lub 1, 2; ra a n Club 2, 3; Stage C rew 3, 4; Student Buncil R e p re se n ta tiv e 4

Clothes m ake th e man. N a k e d p e o p le have t'tle o r no influence o n society. " - M ark wain

Jin H y u n Paik

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock M arket Gam e Club 3; Star Wars C lub 3; Junior Prom Com m ittee 3; N ational H onor Society; S.A .D .D . 3, 4; Intram urals 1, 2; D ance Com m ittee 3; Emmaus 18 4

“C haracter is w ho y o u a re when no one else is w atching. ” - U nknow n

C hris Pareja

H onor Pin 2; B aseball 2, 3, 4; H ockey 1, 2 Captain, 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Dance Com m ittee 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin A m erican Society 1, 2, 3; Italian Club 1; Dram atics 3, 4; Forensics 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 183; Em m aus 192

Tom Palma

N H S; Petroc 3; Italian Club 3, 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; O utdoor Track 1,2,3,4 H urdles Captain 2,3,4; H onor Pin 1,2; Petrean 3; 30 Hour Famine 2,3,4; Pax C hristi 3,4

“B ill: ‘S o - c r a te s ...th e o n ly tr u e w isd o m co n sists in k n o w in g th a t y o u kn o w n o th in g .' Ted: ’T h a t’s us d u d e!' B ill: ‘Oh y e a h ! ’" - B ill and Ted’s Excellent A d v e n tu re

M atthew Palomba

S A D D 1; T ie C lu b 3; P h o to g ra p h y C lu b 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4

“I d i d n ’t b re a k it, I w as m e re ly te s tin g its durability, a n d I p la c e d it in the woods, cause its m ade o f wood, a nd I wanted it to be near its fa m ily . ” - H a p p y G ilm ore

Joseph Pasculli

Jay Patel

H ockey 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Petroc 4; T ie Club 3; Em maus 189

Com puter Club 3, 4; Asian Society 4; Video Gam e Club 3, A rt Club 4; Emmaus 191

“The M ission o f Life: Live, love, learn, leave a legacy. " - Unknown

“W hat th is p o w e r is I cannot say; a ll I know is th a t it exists a n d it becom es available o n ly when a m an is in th a t sta te o f m in d in w hich h e know s exactly w hat h e wants a n d is fu ll y d e te rm in e d no t to q u it u n til h e fin d s it. ” - A le x a n d e r G ra h a m B ell

Seniors 163

R ichard Pawlowski

John Paul Pecora

G ary Pitao

Tyrone Pitts ¥

Lacrosse 1, 2, 4; Hockey 2; C ross Country 1; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 183 Wow L lo y d ! W here d y o u learn th a t? I saw it in a m ovie once. So w hat happened? D id th e g uys g e t aw ay sco t fre e ? No, they caught up to a h a l f mile dow n the r o a d a n d slit th eir th ro a ts . " - Dumb and Dum ber

Joseph F. Pona

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; O utstanding Freshm an; W ho’s W ho A m ong A m erican High School Students, N ational Society o f High School S cholars; Edw ard J. B loustein D istin g u ish ed Scholar; C ross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; O utdoor Track 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Secretary; National H onor Society; P hotography C lub 1, 2; Em maus 187

" You c a n ’t m ake fo o tp r in ts in the sands o f tim e i f y o u a re sittin g on y o u r butt, a n d who w ants to m ake buttprints in the sands o f tim e ? " - Bob M oaw ed

164 Seniors

Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 C aptain; Spirit Com m ittee 1, 2, 3, 4; Henchman 4; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3; Freshm an A m b assad o r; O u tstan d in g Freshm an; B illiards C lub 1; Italian C lub 2, 3; Tie Club 1, 2; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 18 4

"E very m an dies, but not every m an lives. ' - W illiam W allace

Michael J. R abbitt

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; W restling 2; Student Council 2, 3; St. Ignatius Christm as Party 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3; Stock M arket Gam e Club 1, 2; Celtic Club 2, 3; W alkathon Com m ittee 3, 4; Em m aus 186

“It's not a lie i f y o u truly believe i t." G e o rg e C o sta n zo

Dance Com mittee 1, 2, 3, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; S A .D .D . 1; Pax Christi 3, Tennis 3; Em m aus 187

"G reatness is no t where we stand, but in what direction w e are m oving. We m u st s a il so m etim es w ith th e w in d a n d so m etim es a g a in st it- bu t s a il we m u st a n d no t drift, nor lie a t anchor. " — O liver W endell H olm es

M auro G. Raguseo

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; G old M edals: Italian 1, Italian 2; S ilv er M edal: L atin 2; O u tsta n d in g F resh m an ; H isto ry C lub 1, 2; Italian C lub 2, 3, 4; S.A .D .D .2, 3, 4 Secretary; CLC 2, 4; M ath Team 3, 4; Pax C hristi 3, 4; A m nesty In tern atio n al 3, 4; M odel UN 3 Secretary, 4; M ission D rive C om m ittee 3, 4; Italian Exchange 4; Petrean 3, 4 Section Editor; Ju n io r Prom C om m ittee; SPC Sum m er S cholar 3; Senior Prom C om m ittee; B ronx C h ristm as P arty 3,4; N H S; E u ch aristic M in ister; E m m aus 187 “We m ake a living by what we get, we m ake a life by w hat we give.” - Sir W inston C h u rc h ill

Basketball I, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 4; Latin A m erican Society 1; Ebony Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Em maus 189

"Although I have stu m b led m any tim es on this rocky p a th ca lled life, I have always hi som eone there to p ick m e up and I have to realize that / am NEVER A L O N E ." — O riginal

Carlo Rapadas

Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3 , 1 Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 3, C hes|| Club 1; Em maus 187

"G reat stren g th com es fr o m using both thi m in d a n d th e body. " — Goku

benjamin James Reed

joustein D istingtuished Scholar; N ational erit Commended Student; W ho’s W ho Among School Students; NH S-VP; Tri-M M usic inor Society; UPenn B ook Award; D artm outh ub Book Award; H onor Pin 1,2,3; itstanding Freshman; NJ G overnor’s School o f temational Studies; HOBY Am bassador; Gold iSilS: English 1, Religion 1,3, Latin 1, Fine ts/Music 1, Chemistry, English 3, History 2; Iver Medals: Biology, Algebra 1, English 2, tin 2; Volleyball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Basketball >,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3, Copy Editor 4; Band 1,2,3, easurer 4; Student Council 3, Vice President 4; ath Team 3,4; SADD 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 3; zz Band 3; Freshman Ambassador, Emmaus 188

G lenn T. Regan

Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Emmaus Team Leader, Em maus 184

A sif Riaz

Honor Pin 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; HA P 1, 2, 3, 4; M ath Team 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3, 4; Islamic Society 1, 2; Intram urals 1, 2; M ission D rive Com m ittee 4; Emmaus 190

"We a re w hat w e do repeatedly, therefore w inning is n o t a n act, bu t a h a b i t . A r i s t o t l e ‘7 c a n ’t a ccep t fa ilu re . E veryone fa ils at som ething. B u t I c a n ’t a ccep t no t trying. ’’ - M ic h a e l Jo rd a n

A nthony Rivas

Freshm an A m bassador, LAS 1, 2, 3; Indoor Track 1; Volleyball 2, Sw im ming 2, 3; Basketball M anager 2; Petrean 1, 2; Photographer; Petroc 2, 3; C om puter C lub 3; Stage Crew 1, Paper and Pen, Emmaus 190

“Think to y o u r s e lf that every day is y our last. The art to which y o u do no t look fo rw a r d w ill com e as a w elcom ed surprise. ’ - H a n n ib a l L e c to r

Uje best way to predict the future is to invent Alan Kay

Alex R ivero

M ike Rizzo

Rob Rodriguez

Gabriel Rohaidy G n ckt te /

p ific a te o f Excellence from Study A broad ©gram (Salam anca, Spain); A lba p o la rs h ip R e c ip ie n t; N a tio n a l S panish Inor Society; Intram urals 1,2; SA D D 1,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; LA S 1,2,3,4; Paper id Pen 4; A rt C lub 1,2,3,4; Em m aus 188; T ie life 3

In tram u rals 1,2; F ish in g C lub 1; B illiards C lub 1; S pirit C om m ittee 4; Dance C om m ittee 2; W alkathon Com m ittee 3, 4; Italian 2, 3,4; L acrosse 3, 4; B ow ling 3, C aptain 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 184

fa r is an ugly thing, b u t n o t the u g liest o f pigs. The d e c a y e d a n d d e g ra d ed sta te o f oral a n d p a tr io tic f e e lin g w hich th in k s th a t Ithing is w orth w a r is m uch worse. ” —John p a rt M ill

“...Ju st remember, d o n ’t g ive up, d o n ’t ever g iv e up. ”- J im Valvano

Placed 7,h in the N ational Spanish Exam Sw im m ing 1,2,3, C aptain 4; L iturgical C hoir 1,2,3,4; W inter D ram a 1; Spring M usical 2

H onor Pin 2, 3; Student Council T reasurer 1 Sw im m ing and D iving 2,3,4; SA DD 2,3,4; E u ch aristic M inister; Em m aus 190; Intram urals B asketball 1,2

"The o nly lim it to o ur rea liza tio n w ill be o u r d o ubts o f today. L e t us m o ve fo rw a r d w ith stro n g a n d a c tiv e fa ith . ’’ -FDR

“C lasses w ill d u ll y o u r mind. D estroy the p o te n tia l f o r au ten tic creativity. ” - John Nash, A Beautiful M ind

Seniors 165

Jordan Roldan

Gerald R ooth

J^svoO** V olleyball 1,2,3,C aptain 4; A sian So ciety 1,2 C lass R ep resen tativ e,3,4; H A P tu to r 1,2,3; French Club Secretary 2, 3; Dance Com m ittee 1; SADD 1; C hess C lub 1; Intram urals 1,2; Em m aus 187

"O bstacles are the f r ig h tfu l things y o u see when y o u take y o u r eyes o f f y o u r g o a l. " - H e n ry F o rd

C onor Rose l a un

N atio n al H o n o r S o ciety ; W h o ’s W ho A m o n g H igh S chool Stu d en ts; N ational H o n o r R o ll’ N ational So ciety o f High School S ch o lars; F ootball 1,2,3,4; W restlin g 2,3,4; Italian C lub 2,3,4; Polish C lub 4; Em m aus 189; E uch aristic M inister; Intram urals 1,2

Sw im m ing 1,2,3,4; French C lub 2,3,4; French Exchange 3; Tennis 1,2

"Thank y o u f o r taking m e fr o m m y monastery. I was d yin g to g e t o u t." -J e ts to B r a z il

Track 2,3,4; Intram urals 1,2; SADD 1,2,3,4 T ie C lub 3,4; Celtic Club 2,3; Petroc 1,2,3; W alkathon Com m ittee 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 184

“No one can cheat y o u ou t o f ultimate su ccess bu t y o u rse lf. " -R alph Waldo E m erson

"D ream s a re w hat m ake life to le r a b le .” - Pete fr o m the m ovie R udy

Charles John Rutkowski William Timothy Ryan

Fritz Samson

Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Germ an Club 2,3; G erm an Exchange 2; Em maus 185; Tie Club 3; Henchm an 4; Spirit Com m ittee 2,3,4; SADD 2; Ski Club 3; C eltic Club 2,3; Intram urals 1,2

W h o ’s W ho A m ong h ig h School Stu d en ts; H onor Pin 1,3; Soccer 1; W restling 1,2,3,4; French C lub 2,3,4; C lassics C lub 4; French Exchange; Em m aus 190

H onor Pin 1,2,3; A rt Club 4; Tennis Team 3,4; A sian Society R epresentative 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Genesis 9 / 3rd Day 4; Emmaus 187; French C lub 4

"But y ou know what I ’ve learned in m y seven ye a rs here at C o o lid g e...l've learned that y o u c an 7 treat e very situ a tio n a s a life-a n d -d ea th m atter because y o u ’11 die a lot o f times. W rite th a t down. " - Van W ilder

"I w onder where m y fe a r o f clow ns stem s fro m a n d I think it goes back to the tim e I went to the circus, a n d a clow n killed my fa th e r. ” -Jack H ardy (SNL)

“The C hinese use two brush strokes to write the w o rd 'crisis. ’ One brush stro k e stands f o r d anger; the oth er f o r opportunity. In a crisis, bew are o f the danger — bu t recognize the opportunity. ” - Jo h n F. K ennedy

166 Seniors

Travis Ruane

Adam San Miguel

Football l sl Team All County W ide Receiver 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Basketball Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 4; L.A.S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Ebony Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Fashion Show 2, 3, 4; Freshm an Ambassado Em maus 189

"There is som eone ou t there pra cticin g wht y o u ’re not, sw ea tin g when y o u ’re not p u s h in g h im s e lf to lim its which y o u never have. W hen y o u f in a lly com pete against h im ...D o n ’t be su rp rised at a ll w hile she's b e a tin g you. " - O riginal

Alex Santucci

D avid Stephen Sarch

Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4, D istrict C ham pion 3; Emmaus 184

H o ck ey 1,2,3,4* S p irit C o m m ittee 1,2,3,4: French C lu b 1,3 council m em ber 4: French E xch an g e 3; SA D D 1,2; E m m aus 183:Tie C lu b 3,4; R u g b y 4; In tram u rals 1,2; W alk-ath o n C o m m ittee 2

came here to do tw o things ...kic k *** pjid chew bubble gum a n d I 'm a ll o u t o f btfbble gum. ” — The H o t R o d

"I w asn 7 lik e e very o th er kid, y o u know, w h o d r e a m s a b o u t b e in g a n a s tr o n a u t I w as a lw a y s m o re in te r e ste d in w h a t b ark w as m a d e o u t o f on a tree. R ic h a rd Gere is a r e a l h e ro o f m ine. S tin g is a n o th er p e r so n w h o is a hero. The m u sic h e c rea te d o v e r th e y e a rs, I d o n 7 rea lly listen to, but th e f a c t th a t h e m a kes it I re sp e c t th a t...D o I kn o w w h a t p r o d u c t I ’m sellin g ? No, d o I kn o w w h a t I m d o in g to d a y? No, b u t I ’m h er a n d I ’m g o in g to g ive it m y b est . ” - H ansel, Z o o lan d er

Faisal Sheikh

Winter Dram a 1; Spring M usical 1, 2, 3, 4; SAP 1, 2; S.A.D.D 1, 2, 3; A rt C lub 2, 3; Amnesty International 3, 4

"Be who y o u a re a n d say w hat y o u f e e l Because those w ho m in d don 7 m a ter a n d mose w ho m atter don 7 m ind. ” - Dr. Seuss

Robert Matthew Simone

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Silver M edals: M ath 3; W h o ’s W ho A m o n g A m erican High School S tu d en ts; N atio n al So ciety o f H igh School S c h o lars; B lo u ste in S ch o lar; N atio n al H onor R oll; S pirit Award 4; B ow ling 1, 2, 3; 4 C aptain; Fo ren sics 2; Pax C hristi 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4 Asst. Editor; S.A.D.D. 3, 4 Secretary; Freshm an Am bassador; Italian Club 3, 4; 3"1 D ay 3, 4; Stu d en t C ouncil R epresentative 4; N H S; M ath Team 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Em m aus 183

M arco Sebello

Freshm an A m bassador; Intram urals 1, 2; A sian C lub 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 2; Com puter Club 4; Petroc 3, 4; Emmaus 188

“We are to ld th a t ta le n t crea tes its own o p p o rtu n ities. Yet, it so m etim es seem s th a t in ten se d esire n o t o n ly c rea tes its own o p p o rtu n ities, bu t its ow n ta len ts as well. ” - B ruce Lee

James Sisk IV

P eter Shalhoub

H ockey 1, 2, 3; Forensics 1, 2; O utdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Bocce Ball Club 1, 2; French Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Freshm an Am bassador; Asst. Director o f the Freshman for a Day Program 3, 4; French Exchange 3; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 190

“ W hat can I sa y th a t can explain all this tim e I m loving life. There s no t a day that I c o u ld sa y a ll this tim e I ’m living out m y dream. ” - The S ta rtin g Line

A aron Snyder

Hockey 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Em maus 188

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer M anager 3, 4; Bronx C hristm as Party 4

"Hmm, how fe e l y o u ? " - Yoda

"Live every day to yo u r best, a n d y o u r life w ill be a celebration. ” — Lou G e h rig ’s F a re w e ll S p eech

"Anyone who has never m ade a m istake has n ever trie d a n y th in g new. " — A lb e rt E in stein

Seniors 167

A hm ed Sourour

Stephen Spiewak

K eith Sutham m anont

KuL Spirit Com m ittee I, 2, 4; Latin Am erican Society 1, 3, 4; SA DD 1, 2; Petroc 4; Petrean 4; W alkathon Com m ittee 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team Leader; Emmaus 184. "C ham pions aren t m a d e in gym s. C ham pions a re m ade f r o m so m e th in g th ey have deep inside o f them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have last-m inute stam ina, they have to be a little faster. They have to have the skill, a n d the will. But the w ill m ust be stro n g e r than the skill. " — M uham m ad A li

Joshua Torres

W restling 1, 2; Swim ming 3, 4; L.A.S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 183

“Every man lies, but g ive him a m ask an d he w ill be sincere. ” — O scar Wilde

H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; O utstanding Freshm an I; S p irit Aw ard 3; N H S; W ho’s W ho A m ong A m erican High School Students; Freshm an A m bassador 1; C ross Country 1 ,2 ; O utdoor Track 1; Pax Christi 2, 3, 4; Petrean 2, A ssistan t E d ito r 3, E d ito r-in -C h ie f 4; New spaper 3, 4; M ath Team 2, 3, 4; Y.S.O.P 2, 3; 30-H our Fam ine 2, 3; Spirit Award Selection C om m ittee 4; Ignatian L eadership C o n feren ce 3; Phonathon 3; Liturgical C hoir 4; Emmaus Team Leader, Emmaus 186

"I hate quotations. Tell m e w hat y o u know. ” - R a lp h Waldo E m erso n

Onazkj Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 3; Spirit Committe 2; Stage Crew 3, 4; Polish Club 4; E m m a u sl8 8

“D on V worry, be happy. " — Bob M arley

"And the king w ill say to them in reply, 'Amen I sa y to you, w hatever y o u d id fo r one o f these lea st brothers o f m ine, y o u d id f o r m e .'" - M a tth ew 25:40

D an U rbankow ski

N ational French Exam:1 O’1' in the State 2; Football 1; Freshm an A m bassador; Intram urals 1, 2; Ski C lub 3; Polish Club 4; French Club 2, 3 Council M ember; 4 President; French Exchange 3; Em m aus 190

"F our yea rs o f m y life that I'm never g etting back a n d it hurts so m uch to realize the days, the yea rs I can never live again. Yeah, i t ’s like the tim e is slip p in g through the cracks an d I wish that I can take it back. " - xC h a m p io n x

168 Seniors

Dance C om m ittee 1,2, C o-President 3,4; Dram atics 3; Star Wars Club 2

M artin Szklarzewski

Joseph Gerard Vaccaro

S.A.D.D. 1, 2; Fishing Club 1; Tie Club 3; 75 Plus C lub 3; Intram urals 1, 2

"D estiny is not a m atter o f chance, it is a m atter o f choice, it is no t a thing to be w aited for, it is a thing to be achieved" U nknow n

Joseph Van H orn

Bow ling 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; Ski Club 4; Celtic Club 4; Emmaus 190; Intramurals 1, 2 Fish in g C lub 1; B illiards C lub 1

"A g am e is ju s t a game, when y o u 're w inning. W hen y o u 're lo sing that gam e becom es a w a r" - Unknown

Kapil D ev Verma

nor 1,2,3; G o ld M e d als: E n g lish 2, >!@gy> A lgebra 1, G eom etry, G erm an, [igion 2, A rt; S ilv e r M e d als: E n g lish 1, »llsh 3, C hem istry, L a tin 1, R eligion 1, [igion 3; N a tio n a l M e rit C om m ended Ig n t; 1“ P lace in C a th o lic H ig h S ch o o ls th L eague 3; B lo u ste in S c h o lar; tstanding F reshm an; S PC S um m er lolar; W ho’s W ho A m o n g A m e ric a n jh School S tu d e n ts; F a irn e ld U niv. B ook ard; F o rensics 2 ,3 , C a p ta in 4; P e tre a n , Copy E ditor 4; P ax C h risti 2,3; Petroc ,3; Paper and Pen 2,3; M ath Team 2,3,4; m athon 3,4; E m m aus L ea d e r; Em m aus 6

M ichael D . Victoria

S.A.D.D. 1; French Club 2, 3; Tennis 3, 4; Em m aus 190

“R a ce does no t d eterm ine hum anity. I b elie v e in h um an beings, a n d th a t a ll hum an b eings sh o u ld be re sp e c ted as such, reg a rd less o f color. ” - M a lco lm X

Standing Freshm an; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; :rosse 1, 2; Intram urals 1, 2; Italian C lub 2, Ski Club 2, 3, 4; G enesis 9 1, 2; Star §5 Club 1, 2, 3, 4; A rt C lub 3, 4; Freshm an Ibassador; Paper and Pen 4; B occe Ball jb 1, 2; B illiards C lub 1; Junior Prom lunittee; Em m aus 186

H onor Pin 1,2,3; Gold M edals: French 1, French 2; N ational French Exam: 6* (state), 2; 3rd (state), 5th nation 3; Tennis 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 3,4; M atn Team 3, 4; Cam pus M inistry 3, 4; French Exchange 3; Frencn C lub 2, President 3, 4; Star Wars Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 2, 3, 4; St. Ignatius C hristm as Party 3; N ational H o n o r R oll; N atio n al Society o i High School Scholars; A rt Club 3, 4; 30 H our Fam ine 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Petrean 2, Editorial Assistant 3; Editor in C h ief 4; Em maus Team Leader; Em m aus 187

John Villanueva

H onor Pin 1, 2; N ational French Exam; N ational H onor Society; French Club 2, 3, 4 ; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; S.A.D.D. 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 3, 4; Emmaus 188

“The brain is a w onderful organ; it starts w orking th e m om ent y o u g e t up in the m o rn in g a n d d oes n o t sto p u n til y o u g e t into th e office. ” — R obert F rost

"The o n ly tru e cu rrency in th is bankrupt w o rld is w hat y o u sh a re w ith som eone else when y o u ’r e uncool. " - L ester Bangs, Alm ost Fam ous

ollow y o u r h e a rt k id a n d y o u '11 n e v er go ig. ” - The S a n d lo t

Steve W est

N icol V ictorino

Kyle M. W iley

Football 1,2,3,4; Stage C rew 1; S.A .D .D . 3, 4; E bony C lub 1,2,3,4; E m m aus 189; O utdoor T rack 4; Indoor Track 4; Life-net 3, 4

"It is better to be silen t a n d have others th in k y o u a fo o l, than to s p e a k a n d rem ove a ll doubt. ” - U nknow n

Logan Williams

W ho’s W ho A m ong A m erican High School Stu d en ts; N atio n al H onor R o ll; Freshm an A m bassador; Stock M arket G am e Club 1, 2; Intram urals 1, 2; C eltic C lub 3; W restling 2, 3, M anager 4; Em maus 185

“A n 'A ’ is j u s t three sticks. " - W innie the P ooh

Peter W isnieski

H ockey 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1; Football 1; Em maus 183

“I f the A rm y a nd the N avy ever look on H eaven's scenes, th ey w ill f in d the streets are g u a rd e d b y U n ited S ta tes M arines. ” - M a rin e's H ym n

hat y o u d o n ’t have y o u d o n 7 n e e d it now it y o u do n 7 k now y o u can f e e l it

WlPW-" —U2

Seniors 169

John W ooden

Em maus 192

Pui Kin Yuo

" Why a re y o u rea d in g th is ? ” - O riginal

“ W elcome to th e ju n g le . We g o t fu n a n d games. We got everything y o u want. Honey, I can t complain. ” - Guns 'N Roses

Senior Polls Most Likely to Teach at Prep Marc Amadeo P.J. Brennan Colin Hanley

Most Intelligent Mike Jiran Kapil Verma Benjamin Reed

Most Generous Rob Simone Stephen Spiewak Edward Jansen

Most Likely To Become President Benjamin Reed Jonathan Fedors

Funniest Drew Buzzio Marc Amadeo Paul Hallgren

Most Athletic Patrick Murphy Joe Dailey

Best Writer Kapil Verma Alex Rivero Mike Jiran

Best Dressed Chris Pareja Nick Panayotopolous Broderick Henry

Best Musician Dave Bokil Aaron Snyder Eric Anderson

JUG Addict C.J Hernandez Stefan Boyett Kyle Wiley

Most Likely To Become a Jesuit Jonathan Cordova Stephen Spiewak Best Hair Jonathan Murga Drew Buzzio Pui Kin Yuo Best Actor Jonathan Fedors Dominic Carbone Ryan Grusenski

170 Seniors

Best Artist William Garcia Joe Baron Rich Davis

Dominick Anthony Zet

NH S, N ational S panish H onor Society; A S ch o larsh ip ; N ational S panish Examinatic 3, 4; Freshm an A m bassador; Gold Medal: Spanish 3; W ho’s W ho A m ong American High School Students; N ational H onor R H onor Pin 1, 2, 3; Certificate o f Achieverm S panish Study A broad Program ; Lacrosse 3; B ow ling 4; Em maus 188; Asian Society LAS 4; Fishing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Clu 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2 " ‘So Dom, a fte r one m onth in Spain what d id y o u learn? ’ ‘Uhm, how to order M c D o n a ld ’s in S p a n ish ...N u m e ro uno coi queso. H azlo g r a n d e .'" - Spanish parent

Most Reliable Ron Cardoso Nico Victorino Chris Caulfield Friendliest Ron Cardoso Chris Caulfield Jesse Espinola Most School Spirit Marc Amadeo Marco Ambrosio Drew Buzzio M essiest Thomas Palma John Laracy John Harvey

FRESHMAN POLL 2000 - CLASS O F’03 Reed, Verna, Pona, C a u lfie ld , H e n r y


Most Intelligent

Aug 10 2000

G r u s e n s k i, Spiew ak,C o s t e llo


Boyette, L az arw itz, Pol umba,Ban define Best Sense of Humor


Fedors, R,.Komprowski,E l i . M a r i n e llo .


Fernando, Fusco. Murphy. Louf. MontaniB»stAthlete


C a u l f i e l d . Rabbi t t . Cardnsn, Ppr.nra

Did Most for the School


Murphy f A m hrn sin, S a n M ig p l, P o rn ra

Most School Spirit C a rr o l 1

7- Bflrsa, Amarien, Adams, 8.

Most Likely to Succeed B a s i s t a , C o lu c c i, Mahar D a ile y


Ryan&Rose, Alex &Rich, Wissam&Kovacs


9. C o u i llo u , Regan, A g u i l a r , Johnson, 10.

12. C o s t e l l o .

, Suncar Amadeo

Laracy, G r a t i l , R.Simone

P a c i l i o & A lfie r i_______________Best Friends

Most Likely to Get Married First

M.Murphy, Kearns, Bu z zio, R iv a s , Bren naestPersonality

11. F is h e r .

Me Dann,Murray

Lamonica. S a n t u c c i . B rio d v .

Di Anqe 1o

Hernan, Rojas


J .Smi th

Class Clown

Rose. G a rb a rin i . AlfrpHn___Most Quiet

Tnn MANY_____________________________Best Lunch Eater

13. 14.


15. A l f i e r i , E l i ,



Laracy, Shaloub, West,

^ o s t likely to coach

C a r r o ll

, VanHorn

Most Likely to Become a Jesuit Simone, Hanley

16. Palma, Ragusco, H ealy, Rodriquez______ Most Likely to Become a Science Teacher at Prep 17.


Colon, Bu z zio, Vaccaro, V i c t o r i a , Box Car, Dubie Dubie, Fez, Reverend

Best Dressed


Best " n ic k n a m e "



19. P r i n g l e , V a n C lie f . B o k i l _____________ Best M usician 20 Marty, I r a, Romanski, F is h e r , Mi ley 21. Snvrlpr. Fri t.7 . H n n fr Ri 22

’ 23


Most Generous

. G i l e s , G onella, Chester

Rohaidy, Ruane, Suthammanonth, Mangle MostUnforaettable ~ Harvey S a n t u c c i , I r a , Kraus, Mahar ,_________ Best Hair

2 4 . ^O'Keefe, 25.

- Hanlpy,

__Most Like|y tobea Revolutionary Cardova, C . J .

Opel, Suncar , Regan

I x , Fusco, Nunez, I r a _______Strongest

C a l l i p a r i , C a r r o l l , Bauer, D a r lin g t o n , Happiest E l i , Snyder

Logan, Hanley, Janssen. Pecora

Omar.Luis____________ Best Voice

27. R ive ro . A s i s . Kovacs

Meehan__________ Best Artist

2g B rio d y , Lamonica,Palma, Morey, Fragoso Most Hyper


Hast e a a a m i Mannlp B e st Speaker* Kearns B e st Sm ile: T. P i t t s


Your own Category: Most Likely to lleepi E u r l i c k .

Dan As1s L o u f ' Pac111° Loved By God: Each one o f us

Seniors 171

The Petrean Caption Contest Throughout the year, the Petrean staff comes across many pictures that beg for a funny caption. Here are the Petrean staff’s nomimations for the funniest caption. You decide which one tickles your fancy.

“Can anybody say Ex-Lax? ” I - M. Ambrosio L e f t : “Maybe never Ed. ” - N. Victorin\

A b o v e :

A b o v e :

“You ’11 never win.


always win. ” - R . Cardoso

“Bailey, here’s twenty bucks, make sure you don\ fix the publication room computers. ” - S. Spiewak ■ L e ft:

I I 172.

‘‘What, you want to fight me? ” - M. Amadeo B o tto m l e f t : “Hey! Four years o f gym paid off. ” - P. Menon B e lo w : Coach Hansen was right... this gets harder when you take two weeks o ff from lifting. ” - M. Jiran

L e ft:

Should Old Traditions... And so the Class o f 2003 has added its verse to the Prep epic. But by no means is the end o f this school year the end of the story. For the seniors, as they move on, the transition to college might be difficult, but the promise of new experiences lies ahead, and they approach it knowing they are up to the task. We learned very quickly that school didn’t have to be a drag, and that teachers didn’t have to be adversaries—maybe so in some places, but that’s what set Prep apart. Now we have to leave the place that taught us those lessons and countless others, both inside and outside the classroom. It is a transition and a challenge, but life is transition, and transition brings challenges.

The graduating class is only half the story; after all, Prep will still be here. The story at Prep is the same every spring, to borrow from John Lennon: another year over, a new one just begun. The 125th graduating class has left its mark, but the Class o f 2004 is eager to step up. September will see a new crop of freshmen, as every September has since 1872. A new principal will take the place of Mr. Raslowsky, who makes his exit along with the seniors after over a decade at the reins. There will be classes and clubs, plays and practices, homecomings and just hanging out. Prep will not be exactly the same in the fall— it can’t be— but Prep will still be Prep.

176 Closing

As the year comes to a close, a four-year relationship between Prep and the Class o f 2003 draws to a close with it. Next year brings new experiences for both Prep and the departing seniors. The names change, as they always have, but the song remains the same. It genuinely is our pride and our glory. And no matter what the future may hold... The gifts you have given, we shall never forget.

B atista, C h risto p h er 34

C ap o m an es, R aym ond 38

C ostello, P atrick

B auer, T hom as 146

C apinpin, A la n 23

C o u illo u , M ichael

A bdelal, A hm ed 36

B eckm ann, A dam 27

C apom anes, R aym ond 38

A bdool, L ionel 29

B ecton, Jeffery 37

C ap o sello , Jam es 149

A bud, R obert 26

Becton, Jerom e

A dam s, R yan 100,131,146 A ddeo, Dale

2003 P etrean Index


D ugan, K evin 8, 38, 63

Fernando, Jonathan 9 '!

D uncan, Sr. F ran cis M arie 64

F errari, C hristopher 3 2

D w yer, M r. Jon 7,42

F erreira, N igel 32

C raw ford, T ram o n e 149

D w yer, W illiam

Ferrer, A llen 23

C appiello, M ichael 30

C resw ick , Steven 35

D y bus, Joshua 25

B ed narczyk, M ichael 33

C arb o n e, D o m in ick 100

C riaris, N ic h o la s 32

B eesley, D avid 34

C ardano, P atric k 25

C ruz, F red eric 35

E agan, D en is 10,36

F.igueroa, M arciano 24

B eesley P atrick 26

C ard ella, P eter 29

C u m m in g s, K evin 36,136

E delm arin, C h risto p h er 22

F ischer, C hristopher 3

A gostini, John 38

B ellotti Jr., D av id 28

C ardenas, Ju an A n to n io 30

C uneen, M r.P au l 46

E d m onds, D eShaw n 37

F ischer, D aniel

A g u ilar, Edw ard

B ender, Patrick 38,99

C ard o so , R o n ald

C u n n in g h am , M rs. N an cy 13

El M egeed, Brian 152

F ischer, R obert

B ender, R o b ert 33

C areri, P atrick 25

C un n in g h am , T im othy 27

E ilam eh , W issam 152

Fitzm aurice, M ichael 2

A guilera, Earl 35

Beni, M ichael 25

C arles, D aniel 32

C urry, M s. M arie 21,63

E m perio, Jo Vincent

F itzp atrick, C hristophe

A hm ed, Faizan 146

B erm u d ez, A d rian 146

C arley, W illiam 29

C zm o la, Yuri 22

Epps, Jo n ath an 29

A lbert, E liezer 146

B em aich e, Ian 33

C arlson, A dam 31

A lbino, N elson D aniel 32

B ettin g er, Ju stin 23

C arlsso n , E ric 36

A legria, Paul A ndrew 57,146

B in i, B ry an 27

C arroll, S haw n 101,133

A lfieri, A ndrew 31

Blaney, P atrick 30

C artag en a, A n to n io

A lfieri, G ianfranco 100,146

B ligh, C h risto p h er 24

C artw right, M ichael 10,130

D adas, M r. John









E sco b ar, A n d res 37

Flatley, M ichael 153

D ’A lise, Jo sep h


E sp in o la, Jesse 66,1 5 2 ,1 8 4

F letcher, M r. M ichael 4

D a cch ille, Philip



C asale, Paul 23

D ailey, Jo sep h 9,57,115

C ashm an, Shane 32

D alton, B rian 26

A lvarez, A lejan d ro 28

B o land, Jo sep h 32

Caslowitz, Mr. Steve 56,64,65

D an atzk o , Jo sep h 8,101,118

A lvarez, A lfre d o 146

B o lan te Jr., H en ry 24

C astillo , R o b ert 37

D arley, Jam es 29

A m adeo, M arc

B ollhardt, M ichael 37

C atb ag an , A llen B rian 33

D arlin g to n , D o n ald

B onilla, M ichael 22

C au lfield , C h risto p h er

D av is, R ich ard 151



D ’A lessio , T h o m as 24

B lu d g u s, C h risto p h e r 3 5 ,129

Fidelus, Sebastian 30,

Fixter, B rian 27,120

B okil, D av id 38,147


Fetchko, M ichael 101

Erickson, S teven 32

A lonso, Juan 38

A longi, A nthony


Flores, B obbie 32

Fabros, Jim

F lores, F abian 26


A m ar, G iovanni

B onner, A n d rew 26

A m brosio, M arco

B onner, M ich ael 32

C av an ag h , M ark 26,69

d e L a R am a, C a rlo 22

B o o th , A n d rew 25

C ecinini, Jo rd an 30

D e M oya, M an n y 31

A m e v o r,T c h a z 22

B orges, N o el 22

C ev allo s, M atth ew 33

D eA n g elis M ichael 31

A m oroso, D avid 37

B orneo, M ik ael 23

C han, Ja so n 34

D eA ngelo, M r. Jam es

A nderson, A ndrew 24,73

B ossio, Jo n a th a n


C h an , R aphael 30

5 ,8 2 ,8 8

A nderson, E ric 5,38,64,148

B o tso las, G eo rg e


C hatha, Z ah id 38

D e C an d ia , G ia n v ito

A ndreadis, M r. C hris

B o u lo s, Shadi 27

C h au d h ary , K hled 24

D eC h av ez, S teven 32

A ndrosiglio, R obert 34

B ow ker, Jo h n 27

C haudhy, A m in 30

D eF rance, H enri 23

A nez, A lvin 33

B o w k er, M artin 26

C heney, Jo h n 22

D eJesus, N ic h o la s 35

A ngeles, B ryan 31

B o y ett, Stefan 147

C h en g , A n d y

D ela T orre, Jerard 27

A ntczak, C asey 22

B oyle, M r. G regory

C h ester, K ev in 29

D elaon, D o n ald 32,63

A postol, C ecil 34

B o y sen , R y an 29

C h ester, T im o th y 8 9,101,148

D elgado, N ic o la s

A quila, F rancis 25

B raddock, Jam es 25

C h ian ca, V incent 31

D ella Fave, Johnny

A quino, Jr. A rthur 69

B m ag an , Jo sep h 24

C h ilu isa, Jo n ath an

A rana S am uel 22

B ran d efin e, B rian 115,147

C hiluisa, Sean 36,98

D eP in to , V incent 30

F abula, Jo h n 152

F lores, H ector 27

A raya, K irubell 26

B ren n an , III Patrick

C h o Jr., E d w ard 9,73

D ew itt, M s. K aija 42

F acciponte, A n th o n y 31

F lores, Joshua 32

A scencio, Paul 37

7 3 ,9 0 ,1 0 0 ,1 7 2

C houdry, S alm an 27

D iA n g elo , V incent 151

Fallo n , B ren d an 28

Florez, G ilbert 66,153

C h ristian , Jo sh u a 36

D iaz, R y an 23

Fallo n , F ran cis 28

F o u rn ier, Jam es 29

A sis, Daniel'


B ricki, W illiam 36

d e A rm as, Jo h n 31




D eL o ren zo , M r. C arl

A tienza, John Paul 146

B row n, M ichael 9,115,128

Chua, Jeffrey 28,39

D iC roce, A n th o n y 23

Fargo, N ich o las 35

F rag o so, Joseph 153

A ustria, M anuel 30

B row n, T im othy

C h u a, M s. L ee 39,172

D ietz, R ich ard 37

Farley, P atrick 34

F rancisco, D avid 35

A uth, R ichard

B ro w n e, P atrick 22

C id, C h risto p h e r 26

D iG iaco m o , C h arles 33

F edors, Jo n ath an 6,89,90

F reem an, C hase 26

A vallone, Joseph 27

B ru n d a, Jo h n 36

C ifelli, Jam es 36

D iG io v an n i, Jo sep h 36

F eliciello , G iu sep p e 29

Friel, Padraic 24

A w ad, M ina 32

B ru ck n er, M r. R obert

C iuba, T h o m as 36

D illey, C h risto p h er 36,57

F erm ill, M ark 35

F rim m el, Justin 37

A yuda, R ichard 25

B ru sg ard , C h risto p h e r 29

C lem en te, E ric 37

D ilim an, Jo h n 24

F ernandes, R y an 152

Fulham , T im othy 28

A z iz A m an 23

B u ll, F ra n cis 25

C lerm ont, G abriel

D inneen, Fr. J am es 8

F ern an d ez, A lejan d ro 33

F uller, X avier 31

A zzarto, Fr. A nth o n y 5

B u llo ck , E d w ard 24

C o e Jr., Jam es 3 7,63,99

D izo n , Jo h n 27,57

F ern an d ez, Ju lio 51,110

F usco, L aw rence 5,97,1

B u rg ess, M r. M ik e 128

C o elho, N elso n 23

D aytriw , M ich ael 24

B aber, Jam es 23

B u rlick , M ich ael 147

C o lan tu o n o , Jo sep h 37

D ocherty, D av id 28

B aber, M s. Sue

B u m s, B rett 28

C ollado, A n g el 7,34

D oherty, M atth ew 24

B adie, D avid 99

B u tler, D aniel 28

C ollado, F ran k lin 24

D o laghan, M ark 25

B agnuolo, John 37

B u zzio , D rew

C o llin s, M r. Jam es 21

D onato, M ark 37

C ollins, P atrick

D ondero, M r. Jim 2,3



B ailey, Mr. D ave 14,93,172 B alduf, Fr. R ay 97

5,9,87 ,9 7 ,1 0 1 ,1 1 9 ,1 4 5 C


C o lu cci, M ichael 149

D onnelly, M r. D av id 14,172

B antom A la n 24

C ab rera, Jo sh u a 27

C om ey, P atrick 25

D ong, X u 33

B aran, S cott 26

C accav el la, Ja m e s 31

C o m p relli, C harles 32

D oolan, Jam es 26

B arbarula, M ichael 25

C ald w ell, R obert 38

C o nnel, M u rray 33

D ougherty, A n d rew 31

B arber, K evin 29

C allah an , C o n n o r 25

C ongiu, B rian 35

D ougherty, K ev in 22

B aron., Jo seph 100,146

C alligy, Jo n ath an 35

C onnolly, T h o m as P. 34

D ounis, M ichael 34

B aron, R ich ard 29,57

C allip ari, D om en ico 147

C onvery, C h risto p h er 25

D ow ns, M ichael 10,35

B arone, T hom as 31

C am p io n , M r. Jo h n 39,44

C orcoran, M r. Jam es 16

D oyle, A lex an d er 28,46

Barry, C hristopher 22

C an ale, A le x a n d er 29

C o rco ran , M rs. T erry 16

D u V a l, T h o m as 32

B arsoum ., M ark 23

C an n izzaro , Jo h n 23

C o rd o v a, Jo n ath an 84,150

D udziak, K o n rad 38,136

B artosiew icz, B rendan 24

C ap ad an n o , G ian carlo 31

C o stanza, M ich ael 35

Duffy, P atrick 8,26

B asista, C h ristopher

C ap eto la, Step h en 31

C ostello, Jam es 31

Duffy, Ryan 151

178 Index


G u lario , M rs. G race 12

J o h n ,J o s h u a 31

G u rc z e sk i Jr., M artin 18,57

Jo h n so n , B rian

G u rd ak , A n th o n y

Jo h n so n , C liffo rd 29,69


G u rd ak , F ran k 11

Jo h n so n , M ich ael 22

G u tierrez, G ab riel 36

Jo h n sto n , Scott

G u tierrez Jr., R ich ard 32

Jo n ath an , D aniel 30



Jo n es, B rian 26

H aas, M ich ael 22

Ju, A le x a n d er 36

H afeez, H arris 153

Ju les, W esner 31

H allg ren , Paul

Ju lian , D aniel 24


H am p, M r. Stephen

Ju n q u eira, G o n calo

H anley, C o lin 101



H an n o n , Jo sep h 28

K ad ian , M ichael 38,72,73

H an rah an , Jo h n 33

K afk a, Jaco b 2 3 ,120

H an selm an , K y le 28

K alp o u zo s, B o b b y 28

H an sen , M atth ew 29

K alp o u zo s, S erafim 38

H an sen , R ic h a rd 173

K am inski, R ichard 30

H a rn e tt III, P au l 34

K ane, N ic h o la s

H a rrin g to n , M ichael

K ap lu n , Shai 30

G io v in e, J o sep h 35

H art, L o u is 26

K aru n p h an d , S te v en 24

K o cy lo w sk y , D u stin

G lazer, M s. E lla

H arvey, J o h n 156

K atzm an, M ax

K o h n , Jo h n 3 7 ,124

allagher, K yle 29

G o. Jr., H arry 35

H ay es, Jo n a th a n 156

K a y w o rk , R y an 30

K o lo d ziejsk i, Jak u b 37

allardo, R ichard 153

G o m e s, L a n c e 2 3 ,117

H azard , D aniel 29

K azar, Jo n a th a n 23

K o m o ro w sk i, R o b ert 8,101

alio, C ohn 24

G o m e z , J o sep h 154

H ealy, S ean 156

K u sh n ir, F ran k 36

alio, D avid 25

G o m illa , G a rreth 24

H en ry Jr., B ro d e ric k 156

K w an, A n th o n y 36

alio, Steven 34

G o n c a lv es, J a so n 34

H ered ia, Jo sep h 35




K ro n y ak , K evin 33,120 K rull, J am es 38 K u charski, C h ad 22 K usen, A dam 25


G on z a lez , N e lso n 36

H erk en h am , P eter 32

arcia, M s. A nna

G o rd o n , Ja m e s 154

H ellstro m , M s. P atter 56

L aM en d o la Jr., Joseph 33

arcia, Federico 28,69

G o rd o n , M a tth e w 27

H e rn a n d e z, C h risto p h e r

L aM onica, F ran cis 158

arcia, W illiam 9 0,108,109

G o rm an III, M ichael

H e rn an d ez, K e ith 26

ardner, E dw ard 38

G o u sse , R o g e r 34

H errero , M ich ael 36

ardner, T im othy 38

G ra c ia n o , G io v a n n i 29

H la d ik , M atth ew 31

arza, M s. A shleigh

G ratil, R ic a rd o 154

H itch co ck , M r. R ic h 43,101

feary, P eter 32

G reb, W illia m 27

H o ag , Fr. M ich ael 9,4 4 ,9 7

elchion, M atthew 28

G reco , J o h n 38 ,7 3 ,9 9

H o g an , M a rtin 22

elchion, R yan 25

Greeley, Mr. M att 42,100,101

H o lly w o o d , M r. Jam es

entile, T hom as 28

G riffin , W illiam 29

H o lt, S c o tt 37

eraghty, K evin 154

G riffin , W illiam 24

H o o d , C h a rle s 23

reronimo, R yan 37

G riffith , A n d re w 35

H o p f, E rik 100

ierraty, R aphael 33

G ro g a n , G e ra rd 31

H o ran , M r. Jim 15

ribney, T hom as 30

G ro ssa n o , D a n iel 38

H o v an , M s. G retch en

riles, Ju stin 73,93,100

G rundy, Jio g y 38 ,6 9 ,9 5

H o v an , M r. Scott

arbarini, N icholas


L am pariello, M ichael 38 L ang, B rian 8,38 ,41,99,112 L ang, N ich o las 22 L apitan, L aw ren ce 93 Laracy, Jo h n 70,158 L auer, Brian L auretta Jr., Jo h n 23 L averty, Jo sep h 37,110 L azorw itz, M ichael 7,72,7 3 ,8 9 ,9 4 ,1 00 Le, T ony 26 L eadbeater, C o ry 27,93 Leahey, M ichael 159 L ean e, T h o m as 38,99

H o w a rd , M s. R ita-A n n e H u, M r. D e n n is 41

K earney, R y an 27

K o p ec, C h risto p h er 26

H u aran g a, A lfre d o 156

K earn s, C o lin 157

K o szy k , M r. W alter 4 4

H u ck , Ja co b 29

K eatin g , B rad ley 29

K o v acs, D o n ald

H u d ack o , Ju stin 2 3 ,1 2 4

K eatin g , C h risto p h e r 28

K raiv an g er, Ju stin 26

H u d ack o , M ich ael 38

K eatin g , M ich ael

K rai, Ju stin 28

H u elin , M s. Sara

K eatin g , T h o m as 34

K rau s, C arl

H ussey, R ic h a rd 24

K eato n , P atric k 36

K raus, M atth ew 23

K een an , Fr. Jam es 8,15

KraUs, P eter

I Ig le sia s, F ig u e ra s 27

K elley -K em p le, T h o m a s 28

Im p e rio , C a e sa r 30

K elly, B ren d an 33

In g les, E ric 24

K elly, Jo h n 54,70,101

In g rah am , W esley 34

K elly, P a tric k 36,70

Ip p o lito , P h ilip

K elly Jr., J o h n 38


Irv in e, M r. Jo h n 14

K ennedy, B rian 38

Isra e l, P a tric k 27

K ennedy, Francis

Ix , M ich ael 157

K ennedy, Dr. R ich ard 44


K h an , M o h am m ad 30

Jam iso n , D aniel

K h ilall, K ev in 24

Ja n sse n IV, E d w ard

K iczek , D aniel 10,34

C ristian 28

G ru se n sk i, R y a n 73,94

Jan ssen , P h ilip p 28

K ieb u s, M a tth e w 33

Jo hnathan 22

G u ad ag n in o , B re tt 28

Jasien ieck i, Jo h n 25

K larm an n , M r.M att 4,4 4

G u a rin i, K e v in 25

Jim en ez, L uis

K im , S eong

John 31

G u a rin i, S h a u n 33

Jiran , M ich ael 21 ,8 8 ,8 9

K larrm an, M r. M att

V ictor 28

Guerrero, A ldrin Aziel 11,38

Jo h n , Jo sep h 38

K o, A n d rew 36

A n thony


L ee, A listair 159 L eiv a, Julio 37 L em bo, D aniel 35 L eonida, M ark 34 L eston, A n g el 33 L ew is, M s. G race

K h o b lall, S ean 27

G rundy, V oshiyuki 38

M ichael 23

L ech ad o res, R obert 34

K enny, F ra n cis 31

Jack so n , R a sh a w n 3 0 ,114



L eC alvez, M s. A dele

Index 179

Lum aque, M iguel 34 M

M cKay, Jam es 34 M cK ay, T ravis 30

M adarang, Ju d d 27

M cT iem an , lan 24

M aday, C h risto p h er 36

M edina, M ichael 37

M agou, N ich o las 27

M edina, X av ier 100

M ahar, M atthew

M eeh an , K y le 32

M aher, T im o th y 36

M eeh an , R ory 161

M ahoney M ichael 138

M eh ta, V ivek 29

M ai, A ndy 27

M elendez, A lejan d ro 28

M aio rin o , C h risto p h er 28

M elgarejo, Jose 35

M ajm undar, N eil 23

M ellea, P atrick 3 6 ,178

M ajm undar, R aam 26

M endez, M ark 31

M akhail M ark 29

M en o n , Pran eet

M alanka, P atrick 29

41,73 ,1 0 8 ,1 0 9 ,1 7 3

M alik, O sam a 159

M enzel, Jacq u es 26

M alloy, B rian 35

M erced, M yron 33,69

M alone, B ru ce 36

M ergoupis, C hristos 38

M an g in , C h rissto p h er 28

M eyer, M s. Julie

M angle, R yan 160

M eyerink, Jo sep h 161

L ew is V, Jam es 35,98

L larena, Francis 26

M an o h aran , R ajaram 34,69

M ezh o u d i, N ab il 33

L ibatique, D aniel 24

Lochbrunner, Ms. Katherine 34

M an u k y an , T ristian 35

M ichel, Ivan

L icam eli, M ichael 23

L o d zin sk i, W alter 35

M ara, E o in 37

M ikulich, R ay m o n d 23

M arcin iak , R o g e r 55

M iller, M atth ew 3 1 ,124

M arin ello , M atth ew 9 8 ,100

M ills, V alentino 27

M arino, Jo n 25

M ingay, S co tt 24

M ariq u it, N o la n 28

M ogire, E m m anuel 33

M arq u ez, Ju lio 37

M olesky, A n d rew 37

M artin ez, E rn est 25

M o n ah an , Jr. C h risto p h er 28

M urphy, M atthew 51,100

M urphy, M atthew (fro sh ) 23 L iccardo, Joseph 35

L o esch, E ric 34

M urphy, M ichael 38

L igeiro, P eter 33

Loffio, Ju stin 31

M urphy, Patrick

L iggins, Joseph 25

L oftus, R y an 22

L im ongi, C ab 25

L o m b ard o , A lb ert 34

M urphy, M r. T h o m as 35

N ash , S teven 37

L indorff, E ric 30

L o m b ari, Jo h n 22

M urp h y -C o lo n n a, D av id 30

N asti, E dw ard 37,92

L iu, A lan 34

L ong, M ich ael 28

M urray, K e v in 162

N au g h ton, W illiam 27

L ivengood, Jam es 30

L o p ez-T h o m as, C o rey 34

M u zy czy n , A dam 29

N avarrette, Jason 27

LiVolsi T., Jam es 25

Louf, Jo h n 159

M artin i, M ichael 30

M o n crief, M ichael 35

M u zy czy n , M ichael 36

N av iello, V incent 37

L laneza, John 22

Luis, Jesse 9 ,7 0,101,118

M aram o ro s, Jo n ath an 26

M o ntalvo, R ich ard

M yrlak, R ic h a rd 24

N ayak, V ishnu 29

M cA Ievy, D . P atrick 160

M ooney, P atrick 30

M cB rid e, W illiam 30

M o o re, Ju lian 29

M cC ab e, B rian 18

M o rales, J a v ie r 30

M cC abe, M r. B rian 34,46

M o ran , R o b ert 27

180 Index

8 7 ,100,113,125


M cC ann, H arry 38

M o reira Jr., M ario 26

M cC ann, M r. S ean 34

M orejo, M anuel 32

M cC arthy, R ich ard 25

M o gana, G iu sep p e 31

M cC u llo u g h , B rian 30

M orris, S ean 23

M cD erm ott, Step h en 22

M orris, W ade 30

M cD erm o tt, M r. R o b ert 35

M o schovas, M ichael 24

M cD o n ald , Jo sep h 30

M u llam ey III, T h o m as 26

M cD o n ald , R yan

M ulroy, M atthew 27


M cD o n ald , Step h en 33

M um taz, A deel 25

M cG o v ern , M ich ael 32

M unoz, D aniel 32

M cG rath , B rian 38

M uoio, F ran cesco 22

M cG u ire, A dam 38,99

M urga, Jo n ath an

M cG uire, D ennis 100

M urolo, S ergio 34

M cln em ey , D aniel 23

M urphy, Fran k 24

N N acio n , Jansen 36 N an d i, S oum o 35

O ’R eilly, B rian 29

P atel, K ev in 28

O ’R o u k e, Jo h n 37

P atel, M an ish 35

O ’R o u k e , P a tric k 33

Patel, Sh il 38

O b lig ac io n , N eil 33

Patel, Tejesh 32

O ckay, M ich ael 28

P av leck a, M ichael 36

O d i, L e e 25

P aw lo w sk i, R ich ard

O e rte l, C h risto p h e r 22

P ecora, John

O g eg a, D a v id 27

N azario, R ichard


39,5 6 ,8 7 ,1 0 0 ,1 3 3

O liv eira, D a n iel 38

P elg o n e, K evin 25

O liv era , G io v an n i 35

Pen n in o , E ric 31

O lsen , M a tth e w 23

P en so n , P h ilip p e

O lv esen , A u th u r

Perez, N ic h o la s 29



O n g elia, P e ter 3 8,72,78

Perez-Santalla, Christopher 34

O n g e ri, T h o m a s 25

Peters, M r. R ich ard 36,45

O n ieal, W illiam 38

P e tro ch k o , C o le 30

O pel, J o h n 2 5 ,135

P e tru zzelli, Vito 38

O p el, W illiam 100

Pflu g , Jo h n 22

R eal, B rian 25


N azarko, D aniel 162


N esheiw at, D avid 37

O ’B rien , Fr. D a n iel 36,41,96

N euenschw ander, D aniel 36

O ’C o n n er, C h risto p h e r 22

N guyen, D anny 33

O ’C o n n o r III, J o h n 22

N ichols, Stepehen 36

O ’Connor, Fr. T hom as 8,35,96

N ikodem , A lexander 32

O ’D o n n e ll, Jo h n 35

N u n e z,C hristopher 162

O ’G rady, S e a n 33

Nunez, H em an 162

O ’H are, M a tth e w 35

R ed field , L ester 34

I N yam w ange, M ich iek a 162

Rivero, A lex an d er R izzo, M ich ael 95,100

R eed, B enjam in

O q u en d o , A lfre d o 22

Pied e, M r. L u k e 36

O rlo w icz, P au l 34

P in ed a, H a ro ld 35

O rtiz, Ju stin 30

Pisk o , M ich ael 27

O sen en k o , K arl 37

P itao , G a ry 164

O sm a R ey, A n d rew 22

Pitts, T y ro n e

O sam a R ey, M artin 34

Pizzi Jr., Jo sep h 31 ,4 6

P acaig u e, B en n y D.

Po n a, Jo sep h 38,113

P a c h e co , M a rcello 28

P o o n , S tev en 35,73,83

P acilio , D a n iel

P o rcelli, S tev en 3 2 ,6 9


P a ik , Jin 163

P o rm en tilla, B ed a A n g elo 34

P a is, L e a n d e r 22

P o rm en tilla, Ju lia n C ed ric 24

O ’K eefe, B ra n d o n 22

P ak , W illiam 34,83

Prad h an an g , N eil 28

O ’K e e fe , P atric k 115

P alazzo to , M a tth e w 22

Prilo p , M rs. Io n a 16

P alm a, T h o m a s 9 7 ,1 0 0

P u n zalan , Isaac 38,73

P alm eri, Jerem iah 37

Pu rcell, C o n n o r 23

P alo m b a, M atth ew 163 P a n a y o to p o u lo s , N ic h o la s

R oco, A n d rew 26


P o cen lin k o , M ich ael 31


N uzzo, D ino 22

R ivero, A d rian 37

9,38 ,6 4 ,8 2 ,1 3 2

R o d erick , S h erard 31

R eed, M ich ael 22

R odger, T hom as 36

R eg an , G len n 100

R o d in o , Philip

R eidy, Mr. P a t 97

R o d rig u ez, D aniel 34

R ein em an n , R ussell 29

R o d rig u ez, Jo n athan 34


Q Q u e ,A d a m 26 R

163 P an ella, S ean 22

R ab b itt, G ary 27

P ap p alard o , Ja rre d 36

R ab b itt, M ich ael 173

P areja, C h risto p h e r 4 3 ,100

R a fe r, L o ren zo 26

P arik h , N ilesh 23

R ag u seo , M au ro

P arik h , S an y am 33

40,8 3 ,1 1 0 ,1 7 3

P arisio , W illiam 27

R am n arain e, Ja so n 23

P ascale, A n th o n y 29

R am p s, D erek 22

P ascu lli, Jo e sp h

R am o s, R icard o 31


P a su c o , R ay m o n d 26

R ap ad as, C a rlo 164

P ata, D a n iel 2 9 ,122

R aslow sky, Mr. Ja ck 12

P a tel, A n k u r 33

R asm u sso n , D aniel 25

Patel, Jay 163

R asm u sso n , G reg o ry 32

Patel, Jig a r 26

R au lli, Fr. E n rico 37

Index 181

R eyes, K enneth 33

S ankat, K ev in 27

Riaz, A sif

S ankat, S ean 35

V arsalona, P eter 27 V asques, Javier 23

R ibeiro, R ichard 24

Sanon, K w aku— Shaka 32

R icciardelli, C hristopher 24

S an tian o , Ju stin 31

Riedy, Mr. Patrick 13

Santos, N eal 36

R iley, B ryan 33

San tu cci, A lex an d er 167

V eceillo, A lb ert 24

R inder, M s. K arrie 45

S apalasan, G ian carlo 32

Vega, G erard 31

R ivas, A nth o n y

S arch, D a v id 7 ,1 08,109

Velasco, Jh u n n 37

R odriguez, R obert 131

S asso, N ich o las 33

Veniero, S alvatore 30

R ohaidy, G ab riel 101

S atchek, K o n stan tin 23

Vera, A n d rew 36

R ohrm an II, M ichael 31

Saw h, C h risto p h er 28

Vera, N ico las 36

R oldan, Jo rd a n 166

S ch ad e, L uke 3 7 ,1 1 5

Verano, Jo h n 32

R olek, D av id 34,69

S ch erb a, K evin 26

Verdi, Mr. A nthony 39

R oleson, K evin 32

Scibilia, Dr. D om inic 38,43

R o m an o Jr., F rancis 26

Schild, Todd 36

R om ano, M s. R osalie 37

S ch irrip a, Jo n ath an 22

R om ero, Justin

Sch m id t, C o lin 23

V illa, Jr. Patrick 23

S chneider, Philip p 30

V illalobos, W illiam 37



R ooney, M ichael 35 R ooth, G erald


Vayas, A ris 37 Vayas, Joseph 27 V azquez, M ichael 34

V erm a, K apil 72,73,100 V ictoria, M ichael 169 V ictorino, N ic o l 100,108,109, 16

Scibilia, Dr. D om inic

V illanueva, Jo h n 108

R osario, C h risto p h er 37

Scully, F erg u s 24


Tam berella III, B ern ard 34

R ose, C onor 130,131

Seb astian o , N ic o la s 27

S n yder, A aro n 9,3 8 ,5 6 ,6 5 ,1 0 0

Taveras, V icto r 23

R oselle, M atthew 22

S eb ello , M arco 167

R oselli, P eter 31

Sellm ey er, E d w ard 37

R osenberg, John 27

Sem brot, R o b ert 26


Tejera, J u lia n 34,56,57

W allace, A n d rew 23

Terranella, D av id 38 S olari, D av id 24

Territola Jr., Jo sep h 35

W alsh, D aniel 25 W alsh, M s. K ate 83

R otondo, M atthew 37

Senatore, A le x a n d er 25

Son g cay au o n , Jesse 32

T eves, Jo sh u a G lenn 32

R oxas, R yan J a so n 25

S erzan , B rian 28

So u ro u r, A h m e d 100

T h o m e, Ja so n 26

R uane, T rav is 70,100

S erzan, M ichael 23

Sp ag n o lo , A n th o n y

R ubbinaccio, M atthew 22

S h alh o u b , A n d rew 31

R ubin, Jeffrey 25

S h alhoub, P eter

R ucando A lexander 27 R utkow ski Jr., C harles 5,87,113

Visone, M ichael 28

W ard, Paul 25 W arner, Mr. R obert 39,43,70

T ied em an n , B rad 24

W atkins, Jeffrey 38

S p ano, M s. K ristin e 38

T ied em an n , M ark 25

W eakley, T h o m as 27

S piew ak, P eter 25

T im m in s, M ark 22

S harm a, D eep ak 22

S piew ak, S tep h en 7 9,100,173

T im p an aro , Jon 35

S harm a, Prad eep 23

S p iv ack , M ichael 24

T in er, Jo n ath an 33

W est, M itchell 38

Sheikh, Faisal

S tagg, L uke 35

T in tle, K ieran 22

W est, S teven 169



W eeks, Jo nathan 38 W eim m er, Paul 29

R yan, E dw ard 28

Sherry, M ichael 33

Stagg, W illiam 28

T orres, Jo sh u a 168

W h itehead, Jah i 29

R yan, K evin 37

S hields, T h o m a s 27

S tan u l, G len n 22

T orres, W illiam 25

W hitford, B ren d an 38

R yan, R obert 34

Sh ip m an , B ran d o n 3 0 ,134

S tev en so n , B rian 35

T ortora, T yson 37

W ieners, M ichael 29

R yan, W illiam

S iegel, M ich ael 26

S tew ard, G regory 3 1 ,134

T raba, C h ristian 36

W iley, K y le

S ikorski, M atth ew 25

Styles, K ev in 32

T reble, Jo n ath an 26,73

W illiam s II, D e rric k 30


R yglicki, Jason 35


Sim k o -B ed n arsk i, L ucas 24

S ullivan, A d am 23

T re v en e n , D av id 36,73

W illiam s, L o g an 169

Saile, F ran k 25

S im m ons, C h ad 34

S ung, M atth ew 36

T ro st, M atth ew 25

W ilson, B rian 37

S alazar, Joel 22

Sim on, R y an 26

Su p p le, C o n o r 22

Tyagi, N ish a n t 27

W ilson, S ean 28

Salvador, J erem y 23

S im o n e, R o b ert 6,10 0 ,1 2 7

Suth am m an o n t, K eith

Tyryllo, R ich ard 38

S alvo, Joseph 24

Singh, A n th o n y 24

Sw eeney, M ichael F.. 23


W ilson, Stephen 38


W inn, Jam es 28

S am son, F ritz 166

S isk, Jam es 167

Sw eeney, M ichael J. 24

U rb an k o w sk i, D aniel

S an M iguel, A dam 138,166

S k o w ro n sk i, Jo sep h 30

Sw eeney, W illiam 36

U rb an o v ich , D aniel 25


S anchez, Ju lio 34

S lau g h ter, Sam u el 28

S anchez, R obin 38

S lau g h ter, S tev en 35

W ortm an, M s. R achel 45

S andoval, M iguel 28

S m ith, K ev in 28

W resilo, Jak u b 28

Sanford, M r. D oug 38

S m ith, M ichael A. 28

W isnieski, P eter 57 W itherspoon, C harles 38 W ooden, Jo h n 170


9t f^Tori

X in a ro p o u lo s, A p o sto lo s Y Yager, T heo d o re 22 Yang, E ric 28 Yap, Joseph M ichael 24 Yasneski, A n th o n y


Yeras, N athaniel 25 Yost, M s. E rm a 39,56,57 Yun, B enjam in 36 Yuo, P u i K i n


Z aki, R aphael 26 Z am bas, N eo p h y to s 27 Z anan, Jo n ath an 24 Z aucha, T h o m as 24 Z aw istow ski, M r. R obert 39 Z azzara Jr., Joseph 30 S w ib in sk i, P h ilip


Syed, U b aid 35

U rb an o v ich , Paul 38

S zklarzew ski, M artin 38,64

Z em b ry sk i Jr., Jo seph 35 Zero, D om inick 92,110 Z hu, A n d rew 26 Z olli, C h ristopher 24

Tac-an, G len A n d rew 30 Talarico, A nthony 25 Tam an, Islam 26

182 Index

Vaccaro, C h risto p h er 34

Z uluaga, B ry an 37

Vaccaro, Jo sep h 168

Z uniga, R o b ert 33

Van H o m , Jo sep h 168

Z y w ick i, A lek san d er 26

V ardakis, Jam es 33

Petrean Staff 2002 - 2003 “Burning the midnight o il” a chuckling Mr. Hitchcock said one day, as he peered into the Publications Office. Midnight might be an exaggeration—a slight exaggeration— [but the Petrean staff put in long hours nearly every day to get the job done. Battling the effects of Murphy’s Law— disappearing [photos, the overpopulation o f the Publications room, the {insatiable appetites o f the staff members, uncooperative [computers, and the constant temptation to quit working and play in the Yearbook Basketball Association—the staff managed to turn out a product worthy o f the pride of | everyone involved. The Petrean staff could not have functioned so well without the guidance and dedication of moderators Ms. RitaAnne Howard and Mr. Ted Kirk. Thanks for the long hours put in and the constant “You’re doing a good job.” It was a journey enjoyed by all who came along for the ride, moderators and staff members alike. I “How hungry am I?” was a phrase that seemed to be jheard every day when the Petrean staff was working. There was a daily search for food to appease the staff members and the search always ended at the same place: Fr. Azzarto’s room. Our appreciation goes to Fr. Azzarto for providing the I Doritos—Nacho Cheesier and Cooler Ranch, the Goldfish, I the Chips Ahoy! and the Chex Mix. “Where are those pictures?” Photos tended to get I lost on their own when needed and magically reappear when the deadline had passed. In the many cases we were missing a picture or two; the Petrean staff would roam the hallways asking moderators, coaches, teachers, administrators, Fr. Azzarto, and Sr. Frances for pictures. From this past summer at yearbook camp to the final set of proofs from the printers, the journey has been long and short at the same time. The staff often stayed long after everyone else had gone home for the night, but the constant fun and excitement in the office made the hours melt away. The Hogan hallway was often transformed into an indoor running track as 4 PM approached and staffers realized they

hadn’t gone to their lockers yet. Shouting and laughter filled the second floor almost every day as the staff combined hard work with plenty of fun. Finishing the 2003 edition of the Petrean was bittersweet—mission accomplished, but also the end of a team that functioned like a well-oiled machine all year. At least we’ll always have the finished product to remind us of the work we put in.

Thanks to the following fo r their contributions to the 2003 Petrean: Writers Daniel Kiczek Carl Kraus John Cordova Beda Pormentilla Tom Connolly Bill Sweeney Michael McGovern Jonathan Fedors RyanGrusenski Julio Fernandez Alex Rivero Chris Caulfield Jonathan Fernando John Brunda Daniel Rodriguez

Photographers PJ. Brennan Neal Santos Pat Collins Layout Raj Manoharan Carl Kraus Phil Janssen

C over d esig n by William Garcia Thanks for all the help, Praneet.

Petrean 183

Steve Spiewak Co-Editor in Chief

Nico Victorino Co-Editor in Chief

Mike Jiran Managing Editor Opening/Closing/Divider Copy

Petrean Editorial Staff Some things that got us through the year...

Ed Aguilar Layout Editor

Marco Ambrosio Sports Editor

Kapil Verma Copy Editor

- K sp - Smiley Box - “Marrow, you have JUG!” - Top 10 Lists (the various lists that Nico was offended by) - Yearbook Basketball Association - Prank calls - Flamingo - Chess kid - Ben, thanks for the goofy picture! - “Nico, can I take my tie off?” Nixter, Cardz, Spizo, Marrow, Jiranny, Jay, Pranut, Eaglish

2002 - 2003 Petrean Editorial Staff with moderators Ms. Howard and Mr. Kirk

Ron Cardoso Layout Editor

Jesse Espinola Editorial Assistant

Mauro Raguseo Copy Editor

ETER’S^tt■■@ 11 It’s a Peter’s Team That can turn on the steam When it’s pinned to the wall by a foe; It’s the reason why We stand and cry: “St. Peter’s, let’s up and let’s go!” Every heart beats strong when the Prep rolls along As they smash and they crash below; Should old traditions be for naught? Keep your eye on the Prep—Let’s Go!!

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