2005 Petrean

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Beyond the Gates



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Beyond the Gates



M atthew 16 18 early two millennia ago,Jesus bestowed upon his disdple St Peter the keys to heaven, With this act the gates of heaven were opened to allow all of humanity to enter God’s kingdom. Similariy, since its establishment in 1872, St. fitter's Preparatory School has opened Us gales to educate several generations of students. From the first moment that they enter the grounds of Grand & Warren, Rep students are nurtured by the entire ftep community. St Peter’r Prep fosters growth in its students, teaching them how to become “competent, compassionate, and conscientious" individuals. The gates of St Peter’s provide security to ftep students, allowing them to grow freely within its bounds. Prep gradually guides its students to un­ derstand the world beyond the gates so that they may be prepared for life after ftep. Just asJesus had taught St Peter everything that he needed to know before giving him the keys to the gates of heaven, St Peter’s Pnp educates a student in all of die aspects that comprise a fineJesuit man be­ fore giving him the keys necessary for graduation and entrance to die outside work! '

At the first Prep VarsitySt cergame versusXavierHi! School, seniors Jam Vardahis, Mattheui Hladl Peter Geary, and 'Gelchion peers crush the opposite with a 5-0 iein: In his first y earptaying i Varsity Soccer, junil Jonathan Treble skillfully around a pirn •fromEmerson High Sclwl


The entire school gathers as a community forthe first time at the Mass ofthe Holy Spirit

Iffi Opening

After a summer of separa­ tion, juniors Raphael Zaki and David Gallo shake hands at thestart ofthe new school year.

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M atth ew 16:19 Beyond the Gates FfB

Salvaging what is left of their, beloved gym floor, seniors Vism Nayak; Joseph Morgana; and Adam Muzytzyh rummage thrffia ihe^umpsw^dutfide^he Btirn'. * < j

P a p e r M ill

very year, over 200 new students enter the halls of Prep, bringing to Prep unique personalities, diverse perspectives, and new talents. These young men change the lives of others at Prep, but it is the collective effort of family, friends, faculty, administrators, coaches, and alumni that give direction to Prep students. These key holders slowly shape the lives of the students. The keys themselves-among them academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, community involvement, religious opportunities m g0 t ^

For the graduating class o f2005, freshman year began with a troubling start. On the second day of their high school career, they witnessed, along with the rest of the world, the horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks. These promising young men had just begun a new stage in their lives when this event changed their lives forever. However, in this period of anger, pain, confusion, and chaos, St. Peter’s Prep protected its students within itsgates and extended such protection to the victims and survivors of the attacks in true Prep fashion.

H eyZ eu s

jhe wiok.Wi^eLUub^eetsJn th£ ^in^fomputef] lab to piSEM the ^lesftMti® game and,tp,elect; /ggfgofficers, during$!\e th4 in trodqetory (Meetings t

Juniors on the YSOP NYC summer immer­ sion trip reflect with each other after a long

Maguire and senior Michael DeAngelis en­ gage in an intense game of handball.

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Fr. Thomas O’Connor, SJ., observes sopho% moresSean Carneyand Andrew Pascual as they enter their data into the computer.

Mr. John Morris leads his Religion 1 class in prayer for a good day.

Juniors Chad Kucharski, C.J. Kopec, Delio Lund, Mario Moreira, and Thomas Ongeri enjoy their dis­ cussion on Beowulf’s quest for fame in Ms. BonnyEaton ’sEngilsh Sclass.

Beyond the Gates\

Sophomore Anton Mathieu and juniors Javier Vasques and William Greb play an excitinggame ofassas足 sin during lunch.

day, sophomores An足 thony Bruscino and Daniel DeCongelio walk toward Prep.

Sophomores John Leale and Robert Keller relish the break between classes. mnunCJ

Freshmen John Mulhern, John Donaleski, Edward Rodger, Bryant Griffin, Jeremy Boriafe, and Peter Jimenez stretch in anticipation of a grueling practice.

6j jjOpening

For every Prep stu足 dent, lunch is a period for eating, relaxing, and socializing with friends both in and outside the cafe.

el of M r Latin 1 students do,

ir-fjfill acfldeijiic,potential-

veiy uass u-uw cmcia vxiauu. Warren has its own experiences that differ from those of other classes. Yet each class shares similar moments, too. Each class has its defeats and major victories on the field or on the court Glasses celebrate at academic convocations, mourn the deaths offamily andfriends, of faculty m em bers and fellow students, and grow spiritually on Emmaus. Students have their own moments of joy and of grief. Even with changing faces in the faculty and in the administration, Prep stills remains Prep. After four years of growth and change, the Prep boys who first entered the gates of Prep leave as Prep men, fully prepared—as St. Peter had been—to leave their mark on the world.

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Entering Prep’s gates for the first time, each and every student isjust another face in the crowd. An unknown future lies ahead. As the student explores Grand <2?Warren, he looks for a positive figure that embodies the characteristics of a fine Prep man. For many this former Prep student embodies those ideals. A scholar of history, this teacher educates many students that enter and leave Prep. The chairman ofhis department, he teaches World Civilizations to freshmen, United States History I tojuniors, and The Irish Experience to seniors. This teacher instills in his students the passion for learning yet he also knows the importance of having a good time and sharing a laugh. Often a student or teacher can hear the boisterous clapping competitions that take place on the 2ndfloor of Hogan Hall. As many of his students attest, he makes learning an enjoyable activity. More than just a teacher, he stresses the value of being an accomplished all-around person. He knows that an ideal Prep graduate needs all the keys to have access to the world outside Grand <2?Warren. Therefore he leads by example and shows his students how to work hard at their studies, to be dedicated and persevering on the athletic field, and to be caring and compassionate in the world. Easily recognized by his warm smile and hearty laugh, he significantlyinfluences Prep outside the classroom. He moderated the Celtic Qub in previous years. Aware of national issues that need to be addressed, he guides Prep men in the “Right to Life” campaign as moderator of the Prolife Society. He also organizes the intramural competitions so that more Prep students can get involved in friendly homeroom rivalries. A soccer player himself during his time at Prep, he coaches thejV soccer team, leading them to much success for eight straight years. A “man for and with others,” he knows how to do it all. His enthusiasm for lifeis readily apparent to whoever is in his presence. His powerful spirit pervades the halls of Prep, and he often leads students in singing the “Pride and Glory” at the end of academic convocations. A very religious, forthright, and caring individual, this epitome of a fine Prep man teaches both students and faculty how to live. Prep has been a home for him ever since he entered its gates in 1988, and he has made it more of a home for countless others who have entered and left Prep ever since. For these reasons, the class of 2005 dedicates the Petrean to our teacher, coach friend, and brother, Mr. Brian McCabe, ‘92.

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Mr. Brian McCabe urges the Prep community to show support tor their fall athletes on weekends. P e tr e a n A rch iv e

A L L ...” Dedication



Senior Brian McCabe '92.

Mr. Brian McCabe, during his time as a Prep student, played on the Prep soccerteam. Perpetuating his passion for the game, Mr. McCabe became coach of the JV Soccer team upon his return to Prep. P e tr e a n A rch iv e

Mr. Brian McCabe coaches the JV socccer team. Mr. Brian McCabe takes a break from teaching to ham it up for the camera.

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Mr. Brian McCabe describes the economic history of the United States during one of his classes.

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Petrean Archive



S H O W S S T U D E N T S H O W T O W O R K H A R D A T T H E IR S T U D I E S ... Beyond the GatoRw

Ms. Missy Mueller assists Freshman Christopher Robinson with his Physics lab re足 port.

H eyZ eu s

A student amuses Mr. Paul Cunneen by suggesting that the Patriotsserved crumpets at the Boston Tea Party. Mr. Scot Hovan teaches the prop足 erties of sound to his freshman Physics students through a handson experiment, with freshmen Jef足 frey Hongthong, Andrew Kilduff, Stephen Yager, and twoFreshman fora Day assisting him.


Academics Divii


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jdents attain many keys that enable them ^m ove beyond the gates of Prep, but Fie keys from core academic disciplines lay the foundation for school itself. Without courses like Psychology, Gothic Literature, Fiction to Film, Imperialism, Ceramics, and even the more basic courses like Chemistry and Geometry, Prep would not exist. Each one of these courses, from the general requisite courses to the unique optional elective courses, serves as a key that opens the gates to a promising future in college and beyond. In addition, unique keys issued via the Study Abroad Program help to create a more complete and well-rounded education. Moreover, these keys are not static in their design; new courses replace old ones, and innovations in the curriculum expand the numbers of keys that Prep students collect on their four-yearjourney. For example, the Science Department has revamped their entire curriculum by having an interactive lab-based Physics freshman course begin the traditional high school route. Such changes assure that Prep remain abreast of the most innovative curricula and teaching techniques, which, in turn, promise many the continual creation of new keys.

Ms. Rachel Wortman reads aloud examples of grammatical er­ rors that merit “brackets within brackets


Beyond the Gates Ft

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Mr. Michael Fletcher points out a funny tine in a class reading project to sophomores Mark Buczynski and John Leale.

Prep is not merely aca­ demics and athletics; it isjust as much about the spiritual as well as the intellectual and physical In freshman year, a student5s spirituality under­ goes a transformation, and in four years time, he leaves with a better understanding of God and of himself Such a transformation is spurred on by the progres­ sive Religion curriculum, each year building on the knowledge gained in the pre­ vious year. Catholic freshmen are given a foundation to their faithby studyingthe Old Testament and the Sacra­ ments, while nonCatholics learn about different world religions. In sophomore year, students focus their studies on the New Testament and hu­ man morality. Juniors then take a semester-long course on the church since the Sec­ ond Vatican Council; the other semester is a course in socialjustice, looking at con­ troversial social issues faced

B easty

by Christians and the world Finally seniors select semes­ ter electives, ranging from a class on prayer to a course in psychology. Through thought-pro­ voking movies, insightful books, and interactions with each other and their teach­ ers, Prep students learn to “see God in all things.” No one leaves Prep without tak­ ing something from his reli­ gion class, whether it be a new perspective in viewing the world a better under­ standing of human interac­ tions, fond memories never to be forgotten, or one of Ms. Kaija DeWitfs pens. Through peace and prayer, reading and reflection,jokes and Jesus, the goal of the religiondepartment, or “Faith Seeking Understanding,” is achieved ad infinitum.

HaR Religion Department

Mr. RobertHymas calls on one of his attentive students to answer the posed question.

Mr. John Morris teaches his Religion I class about the changes one experiences while “growing up. ” Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., looks on as his class writes an essay on “who they are. ”

H ey Z eu s


Mr. Richard Hitchcock leads his class in prayer in theMadonna Chapel. Mr. Michael McCarthy links the French Revolution to his Church in the Modern World class.

B ea sty

Dr. Dominic Scibilia tells his class that whoever did not read last nightshould come up to the board and bang their head against it

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Beyond the Gates Fffl

Mr. Jack Campion tells one ofhis students to look up the word abecedarian in the dictionary. Ms. Rachel Wortman quotes a few lines from “The Whale Rider” in order to stress a point to her English 1 Honors class.




Mr. Richard Peters surveys the class as they write an essay about “The Canterbury Tales. ”

Mr. Walter Koszyk asks why his students did not complete the required essay. Ms. Annie Glackin plays the role ofAlex Trebek as she leads her English 1 class in an intense game of Vocab Jeopardy.

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English Department

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B r il l ia n t E ssa y s Dr. RichardKennedy discussesplay­ wright Kenneth Lonergan during his Fiction into Film class with se­ nior Joseph Hannon, while seniors Darren Burnett, Kyle Meehan, Tho­ mas Barone, Charles DiGiacomo, and Bryan Angeles listen intently.


Alvin Ms. Bonny Eaton enjoys the satis­ faction of charging yet another stu­ dent fifty cents for saying "snap."

The founding principle of all education is heavy concentration on the study ofEnglish language and lit­ erature; such a principle is evident in the St Peters Rep English Department's raison d’etre. In freshman year, one takes a course in founda­ tional writing or an honors course in the basic literaiy genres. In sophomore year, students take a select course in American Literature, again with an honors course that covers additional read­ ing. Lnjunior year students take a survey course in Brit­ ish literature, whereby they read such Anglo-Saxon classics as Beowulfand such standards as Hamlet. Of­ fered for the first time this year, however, is an alter­ nate junior course: AP En­ glish Language, a course

with a heavy secondsemester concentration on prepa­ ration for the linguistics-in­ tensive AP exam adminis­ tered in May. In senioryear, students may select among the many offered electives, including Dr. Richard Kennedy’s Fiction Into Elm and Mr. Matt Klarmann’s Gothic Literature. Also, an­ other AP course is offered: AP English literature. The English Depart­ ment, like other depart­ ments, constantlyundergoes change. In addition to the curriculum change, two new members of the Prep teaching community, Ms. Annie Glackin and Ms. Bonny Eaton, have taken on the responsibility of edu­ cating students in English. Still, the department has its share of veterans, including a few with decades of expe­ rience. Such an amalgam of both young and old pro­ vides a superb learning environmentforyears to come.

Beyond the Gates


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L i n k i n g o t jr P a s t t o o u r F u t u r e

Ms. Gretchen Houan teachesher U.S. History 2 class about the assassina­ tion that started World War I.

History is being re­ written inside Prep’s walls. With the new chair, Mr. Brian McCabe, in place, the History Department set several goals for the department during the course of the year. In Mr. McCabe’s words: “We [want] to make history rel­ evant by observing how certain standards estab­ lished in the past change as society changes.” All of the members of the de­ partment worked hard to enlighten their students and open gateways from the past to the present. Making history rel­ evant should not be a problem for the teachers at Prep because of the variety of courses offered. After the freshman World Civilizations requirement, students are afforded the


o p tio n of eith er United States History, a two-year college-lejvel course, or regular U n ^ H States History. The pro­ gram also allows for a ^ H number of seniors to tinue their historical cation with such as The Irish Criminaljustice, and perialism. Looking toward Ihe future of the departm ^^H Mr.Jose Vilaririo, the n ^ ^ H est member of the d e p ^ ^ f ment and also the r e c ^ ^ f ent of a law degree membership to the bar of the State of New Jersey, anticipated his offerirte a Constitutional Law class ■«•»*» in the near future. so it seems that new cl^H ters are being writteilin the Prep history bo o l^H

Rh History Department

Mr. Anthony Verdi explains the ori­ gins of the Miranda Warning to his Criminal Justice class.

Mr. Jose Marino helps freshma. James Bell in his World Ciciluatlons class daring a group■:ork project. MS, Marie Ca^KliS^nsMttMiident's emotional rant about j^jm pottance of tiistoif-.

H eyZ eu s

Mr. Brim McCabe carefully stresses a point video £$ its vtnss.

Mr. Cg$iDeLorenzo talks about the D-Day invasion.

Mr: Paul Cunneen discusses the Columbian Exchange with hts Vmted Sates History Icktss. '

Beyond the Gates Bm

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Mr. Doug Sanford wonders how a freshman in hisAlgebra I Honors class came up with the answer on the white board.

Undoubtedly one of the most important ele­ ments of a Prep student’s education, mathematics I

heightened organization, and, of co u rse, the knowledge of how to solve convoluted polyno­ mials. With new depart­ ment chairperson Mr. James Hollywood ‘66 at the helm, teachers and stu­ dents alike embarked on ajoumey towards under­ standing the nuances and intricacies of numbers. Although math is a three-year requirement, many seniors take a math course to gain an edge in the college rush. Most freshmen begin with Al­ gebra 1, a course involv­ ing basic mathematical functions as solving qua­ dratics and graphing equations using slope-intercept form. In Geom­ etry, sophomores learn to use logical and deductive reasoning to organize and write two-column proofs. In junior year, stu­ dents take Algebra % & Trigonometry, a course that builds on the fountj

18 Mathematics

dations created in fresh­ man and sophom ore years by expanding func­ tions to general polyno­ mials and radian triBh nometrv. Finally, in se­ nior year, many electives are offered, including Discrete Math, Procalculus, AP Statistics, t|$te; newly revamped E||>* nomics course, C o j||l puter Sciences, and AP Calculus. In addition, honors courses are avail­ able for all three under­ classmen math classellll According to Mfc Hollywood, the depart­ mental goals included “integrating new teach­ ers into the team, getting more juniors interested in senior electives, and ex­ panding the availability of technology.”


Mr. David Muir hole-punches his massive stack of Economics and Al­ gebra 2 lecture notes.

Ms. Theresa Panzera instructs her sophomore Geometry class in using two-column proofs. Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, lis­ tens to a question posed by a stu­ dent in her Algebra 2 & Trigonom­ etry class.

Mr. Joseph Urbanovich listens care­ fully to the geometric question posed by a curious sophomore.

Mr. Dennis Hu stumps his Algebra 2 &. Trigonometry Honors class by presenting them with a problem in which tkey translate a graph to a piecewise-defined function.

Mr.Kellen Williams asks sophomore Ryan Bomba to solve a geometry question on the board.

B ca sty

Beyond, the Gates tt©

Mr David Lagerstroml menacingly surveys his sophomore chemistry class during their testfflA Dr. Robert Scully teaches his junior physics class about acceleration, while simultaneously\reinventing Einstein’s theory of relativity.


H eyZ eu s

S anyam

Mr. Scot Hovan instructs his fresh­ man class in the new “PhysicsFirst” program.

Ms. Melissa Mueller aids freshmen Andres Trinidad in her Physics class with their lab report. Fr. Daniel 0 ’Brien, S.J., asks thejun­ iors in his upperclassman Physics class to hypothesize about the hot wheels car demonstration that is to follow. B easty

$01 Science

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Fr. Thomas O'Connor, S.J., watches as sophomore Andrew Pascual tries to input his data during a Chemis­ try Honors lab.

is more mathematical and will provide students with a stronger basis for su b se q u en t science courses.” In their second year, students must take Chemistry, an investiga­ tion into the molecular composition of physical objects, both large and small. Although students meet the requisite courses after completing Chemis­ try, most students continue to take a number of op­ tional courses, including upperclassman Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemis­ try, and Geoscience. Science gives stu­ dents insight into every­ thing from the reason a F risbee goes sailing across the courtyard to the reason baking soda and vinegar simulate lava. The curriculum changes assure a continuous inves­ tigation of answers to m any of life’s un an ­ swered questions. ic s

Ms. Adele LeCalvez teaches sopho­ more Thomas Geraghty in her Chem­ istry class to use a conversion factor.

A vital aspect of Prep education is the study of a variety of different sci­ entific disciplines. Stu­ dents learn everything from constructing “veloc­ ity versus time” graphs to anticipating genetic traits by using Punneti squares. This year, however, the Science program at Prep underwent several dra­ matic new changes. Laboratory science at Prep is only a two-year requirement, although most students prefer to take three or four years. Replacing Biology as the freshman science course, Underclassmen Physics holds a concentration in the conceptual and math­ ematical aspects of mo­ tion. Fr. Daniel O ’Brien, SJ., head of the Science Department, said, “Phys-

Beyond the Gates FBi


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Ms. Megan Klim applauds a Prep student’s artistic endeavor.

Prep’s diverse aca­ demic program includes the study of the fine arts. Holding the reputation of being refined and cul­ tured men, Prep gradu­ ates can attribute much

rigorous Prep Physical Education course ensures that students maintain the ideal of “mens sana in corpore sano.” Freshmen are obli­ gated to take a one-year course in the arts, a onesemester introduction to music theory and history, and a one-semester intro­ duction to artistic terms and composition. Should interest persist, students have the opportunity to continue studying the arts sophomore, junior, and senior years; courses in­ clude Drawing Compo­ sition, Sculpture, Design and Color, and History of Rock and Roll. Taught by new Prep teacher Ms. Megan Klim and veteran Ms. Erma Yost, the Art classes uti­ lized a new computer­ ized kiln. Also, in addi­ tion to his num erous music classes, Mr. Steve Caslowitz conducted the Prep Concert Band, Pep

Band, and Jazz Band, adding harmonious mu­ sic to football games and concert venues. Also, earlier in the year, renovation of the gym . moved PE. classes either into the weight room or outdoors. Following lip: completion of the gjlpS. renovations, classes were held once again in Prep gymnasium. From the construc­ tion of a diminished chord to the construction of a facial profile, the and P.E. Departments provided a plcthorajof knowledge to the cul­ ture-hungry and physically-active Prep bodies and minds. The arts be­ came prevalent as stu­ dents learned, m atured,. and grew into creative Prep graduates.

i Fine Arts & Physical Education

Ms. Erma Yost checks to make sure that a student-created mug has been glazed properly.

Seniors Michael Smith, Nicholas Criaris, Mark Mendez, and Cadell Orr listen intently to Ms. Megan Klim‘s helpful instructions in her Draining Composition class.

Beyond the Gates paÂŽ

Ms. KatherineLochbrunner explains to herfreshman Latin 1class the uses of the verb "facio, facere, feci, factus. Ms. Kristine Spano helps sophomore Brian Urbanovich with his Latin test.


Mr. Matthew Knittel shakesMs head in disgust at a freshman’s terribleat­ tempt at translating; he. gets an F minus.

Ms. Erin Gething helps her Latin 3 Honors class in translating the seem­ ingly endless sentences of Cicero's

de Amicitia. Ms. Kristine Spano explains to sophomore Marc Pappalardo that it is his forgetfulness, and not the test’s difficulty, thatprevents him from an­ swering the question. Sanyam

§0Pj Classical Languages

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Mr. Joseph Riordan, S.J., guides his Latin I class in studying derivatives.


Mr, Matthew Knittel writes a Latin phrase on the board for his Latin J students to translate.

gffi’lenty of experiences .in common to every Prep student, am ong them the initial joy (or §|||Tor) of discovering B : two years of Latin are required to graduate. However, despite the la­ boriousness of learning the Latin language, with its five declensions and in^S nerous uses of the ab­ lative case, the language is actually becom ing quite popular among all Prep students. g For example, there was en ough in terest among juniors to warrant two sections of Latin 3, a class taught by the new­ est inember of the Classi­ cal Languages Depart­ ment, Ms. Erin Gething. ^H ew ise, plenty of studehts enrolled in Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner’s

Greek program, which had not been offered in several years. However, not everything read in these classes was anti­ quated; students were assigned the m odern novels of bestselling his­ torian and author Steven Saylor, including Arms o f Nemesis in Latin 1, Catilina’s Riddle in Latin 2, and A Murder on the Apian Way in Latin 3, in order to make Roman culture and history come alive. The department itself also underwent several new changes. This year, students took the Na­ tional Latin Exam for the first time. Additionally, Mr. Matthew Knittel pre­ pared his Latin IV stu­ dents to take the AP Latin: Vergil exam. The Classics D epartm ent helped students continue to grow and evolve in their knowledge of the classical world.

Beyond the Gates M #



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S p e a k in g

Sehorita Kate Walsh instructs one of herSpanish 2 classes on the construc­ tion of the preterite tense.

Always offering some­ thing new and innovative to their students, the mem— nr ■ I rich the minds of their stu­ dents both academically and culturally. Keeping things in order, Ms. Ana Garcia, the department chairperson, ensures that the beauty of modem lan­ guage remains prevalent in a Prep student’s career. Sopho'mores begin their first year of modem language with an intro­ duction to Spanish, Ger­ man, Italian, or French. Soon after, they begin an intensive, yet stimulating course. By the beginning of their junior year, the students are prepared for upper-level conversation and translation, as they become more familiar with the language and with the traditions of their chosen language. The newest addition to the Modem Languages Department, Mr. Duane Farabaugh, SJ., had high expectations of his first year of teaching German at Prep. He stated: “With

26: Modern Languages

H eyZ eu s

the G erm an students coming to Prep in April and our students going there inJune with the ex­ change, I hope to ex­ pose them more to Gfif< man culture and trail#: tion. I hope to generate a deeper interest in the German culture and lan­ guage in the students.” ' Ms. Garcia could no t be h ap p ier with h6r hard-working team of language teachers: “I was so impressed and proud of all the students that re­ ceived honor pins, certificates, or awards this year. It is due to their hardworking teachers. I’m very proud of evi “ one involved in making these students the best possible.”

Mr. J. Frank Thomson points out grammatical mistakes in senior XavierFuller'sSpanish 3 Honors test

Seignora Rosalie Romano waits lor an answer to the question posed to one of her sophomore Italian 1 stu足 dents. SehoraAna Garcialistens attentively to the comment of a senior in her AP Spanish Literature class.

Herr Duane Farabaugh, S.J., pre足 pares his German 3 Honors class for their next test.

SenoritaKate Walsh reviews accents with herSpanish 2 class.

MonsieurJeffrey Beaudette gives his French 2 class a lesson in focus as juniors Neophytos Zambas and Gre足 gory Rasmusson listen in.


Beyond the Gates Haw

Sra. Ana Garcia is filled with delight at the sight of the passionate Fla足 menco dancers in Sevilla. Sra. Ana Garcia, along with the nine足 teen students, enjoys the spectacu足 lar views of Galicia. 1

Junior Javier Vasques relives the days of his youth by swinging from the rings at a playground in Salamanca.

Junior Javier Vasques and senior Alejandro Alvarez enjoy a break while touring Avila. The clock in Salamanca's Plaza Mayor is often the meeting point for all people of Salamanca.


$pj--| Study Abroad in Salamanca

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The Study Abroad Program includes

First Row (L-R): Yuri Czmola, Daniel Carles, Javier Vasques, Jonathan Matamoros, Juan Alonso, Robert Abud, Juan Cardenas, John Bowker, Mark Timmins, Michael Barbarula; Second Row (L-R): Murray Connell, Anthony Pascale, Bobby Kalpouzos, Mario Moreira, Kevin Cummings, Alejandro Melendez, Jonathan Schirripa, and Alejandro Alvarez.

Junior Jonathan Schirripa and Prep graduate Juan Alonso laugh as se­ nior Juan Cardenas frolics between them in the streets of Salamanca.

This past summer, Sra. Ana Garcia, Prep alumnus Raul Rosales ‘96, and nine­ teen students embarked on a once in a lifetimejourney through Spain’s most influ­ ential and beautiful cities. The students were able to soak up as much local color as possible duringtheir thirtyfive-day excursion through out several cities, including M adrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Salamanca. The students went to the Colegio de Espana in Salamanca, where they studied basic Spanish cul­ ture and language. Also, they were able to experience first­ hand typical Spanish life, from the food to family life and the infamous siesta. The students saw some of the most influential and beautiful architecture in his­ tory, with buildings coming

tecture of Gaudi. Also, while expanding their knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, the travelers were able to en­ joy all of Spain’s natural beauty on many ofthe sidetrips offered to them; for ex­ ample, towards the end of their trip, they visited Montserrat, a beautiful and religious area, full of enor­ mous and intimidating mountains and valleys. By the end of the thirtyfive-day excursion, they were giving the greatest Spanish pop singers of to­ day a run for their money, as they could sing nearly every line from any popu­ lar song played on Span­ ish radio at the time.Junior Mario Moreira joyfiilly re­ called his excursion as “a great experience in which [he] got to understand a new culture.” Hopefully, friendships made will re­ main, and the memory of die month plus spent in Spain will linger.

Beyond, the Gates Rajf




G iv in g












rig ktt

Fu tu r e

Mr. Stuart Clutterbuck looks up col­ lege statistics to be passed on to his senior advisees.

Since Prep is a col­ lege preparatory school, — 1-----------

for their futures. Led by departm ent chairman, Mr. James Dondero, this group of hard-working faculty members lives up to the name of their de­ partm ent, w hether it means making the transi­ tion into life at Prep easier for freshmeh or prevent­ ing seniors from making critical mistakes while sub­ mitting their college ap­ plications. In freshman year, stu­ dents are assigned a counselor with whom they meet from time to time, at lunch or after school, in order for the counse­ lors to monitor a student’s academic and extracur­ ricular progress. The counselors rem ain in sophomore year, regard­ less of whether or not the advisor is the same. Then juniors take a mandatory Group Guidance course, in which light is shed upon such events as the



P a p e r M ill

PSATs, SATs, and the college application pro­ cess. Finally, in senior year, the counselor's ju­ risdiction spreads beyond the classroom to the Col­ lege Placement Offices the liaison for senior hopefuls with their in­ tended schools. All in all, the Guid­ ance Department helps students with everything from adjusting to Prep-to preparing to leave Prep. With helpful advice, en­ lightening lectures, and warm smiles, each mem­ ber of the department aims at bettering the life of his or her advisees. With the help of the Guidance Department, graduating seniors leave Prep as better men. I

N u ir s H f

Fr. John Multin, S.J., offers his ad­ vice to sophomore Matthew Kaminski in his Shalloe office.

Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J., talks about participation in co-curricular activities with freshmen Timothy Carney, Joseph Alvarez, and Erick Cifuentes. Mr. James Dondero leads hisjuniors in aself-analy足 sis designedto help them raise their grades.

H eyZ eus

Mr. Stuart Clutterbuck explains an example mathematicsproblem from the revamped PSAT.

Ms. Janice Martineau takes a break from helping students through the college place足 ment process.

Ms. Kathleen Rowan talks to fresh足 man Nicholas Strack about the im足 portance of keeping hisgrades high.

Beyond, the Gates j nj

Junior Ian McTiernan thinks it a real “bum­ mer”that his race is almost finished.

# # # •

H cyZeus

Junior Patrick Duffy leads by an arm in a 100-meter Backstroke. Senior Peter Geary moves up the court in prepa­ ration to run his play against one of Prep's toughest opponents, North Bergen.

$2j jAthletics Dividerl

art of any SaintPeter’s Prepstudents education is not only that of his mind, but also ofhis body, whether it be through the grueling sports in which he can participate, or through the light-hearted lunchtime intramurals in which he can play or watch. Students gained keys from building strong bodies, and also through the strongbonds made in hs!6agfriendships with teammates. The thrill of ivmningprovides any athlete with &keyto last a lifetime; memories. The distress of losing teaches one even more through the lessons learned. Prep men created many memories during the year, the VarsityJV. and Freshman P(X)tball teams all ended fee season wife amazingrecords; the Cross Countryteam again dominatedin championship meets, which continued through to the Indoor Track team, and saw four runners head to Nationals for the first time; the Swimming team crushed its opponents in another award-winning season, stealing a win at the NfSIAA tournament; even the Varsity Basketball team earned a place in fee HQAA playoffs. Each memory made and every lesson learned from Prep Athletics gives Prep students the ability to use their keys to open the^ates to a woiid outside ofPrep,where both a sound mind and sound body make for a truly holistic person.

Linemen sopho­ mores Emersson Huaranga, Mat­ thew Ward, and

Anthony Machcinski, flanked by sopho­ more Ravi Pradhanang, pre­ pare to block the opposing team. H u irsk i

Beyond the Gates W

VARSITY SOCCER Prep-Opponent X a v ier Hew P ro v id en ce W estfield Lincoln E m erson N orth B erg en U nion Hill D ick in son Bayonne U nion H udson Catholic N otre Dam e P o p e John M em orial tla r is t F e rris P edd ie F e rris P aram us C atholic U nion Catholic H udson Catholic FINAL RECORD

0 5 -0 0 W 0 0 -0 1 L 0 1 -0 1


0 0 -0 0 W 0 1 -0 2 W 0 1 -0 1 W 05-01 W 0 5 -0 0 W 0 0 -0 0 W 0 1 -0 1 L 0 0 -0 0 T 0 0 -0 3 L 0 1 -0 0 W 00 -0 1 L 0 5 -0 1 W 0 1 -0 5 L 0 1 -0 3 L 0 4 -0 3 W 0 1 -0 1 W 0 0 -0 4 L 0 1 -0 1 L 0 8 -0 0 -0 1 W L T


Junior Jacob Kafka skillfully passes the ball through the opponent's legs while senior Rich Kaminski and junior Teddy Yagerwatch from behind. Senior Dan Hazard dribbles to­ wards the opponent’s goalwhile senior Kevin Kronyak, junior Chris Barry, and senior Mall Cevallos standy by.

SeniorRich Kaminskipositions his body to block out the de­ fender as he receives the ball.

JAC fter a season of m any ups and downs, the Varsity S o o team cam e out victorious in m any crucial matches, climbing to a record of 10-9-2; including both an opening r : P season win against Jesuit opponent X avier and an in­ credible win over N orth Bergen at Bruins Stadium, which truly boosted the m oral of the players and fans in attendance. This victory carried the Prep soccer team onward and propelled them to a big win over Bayonne, the team that h a d ended the M a­ rauder soccer season early last year. T he team w ent even further with decisive victories under their belt. Giving the team both a state and county tournam ent birth after several players left the 'team, the remaining teammates, along with several players brought up from the J V level, w ere able to advance past the first round in both tournaments. In both games, the M arauders lasted into over­ time and ended with a penalty kick shoot out; in the set of games Prep outlasted their opponents, and storm ed away with victories. T he Varsity Soccer team was fired up by leading goal scorers seniors Kevin Kronyak and captain Richard Kaminsld. T he Prep defense kept the opponents’ scores low, carried on by senior Matthew Cevallos and first-year starting varsity goalie junior Martin Bowker. Midfield was held strong by senior D an Hazard. All in all, the Prep soccer team played a good season, overcame adver­ sity, and weathered the tough times. Said junior Christopher Barry, “W ith an excellent display of skill from all the players, and a supportive coaching staff, the team looks solid for next year.” A

34 Varsity Soccer

c u t

0 ,^ in e -n /

V a r s i t y S o c c e r P r e v a i l s (o v e r A

i SeniorRich Kaminskigets tack\ y d by an opponent as senior Dan Hazard Woks Oft while . sophomore Doug Barone runs \

\dft& itie'^i^l


d v e r s it ie s

FIRST ROW (L-R): Christopher Barry, Joel Salazar, Sonam Lama, ■ifSii/! Velasquez, Stephen McDonald', Michael Serzan, Daniel Haz­ ard, and Brian Bannon. 11| t 111 h I I’t'f'j if j j LMij I f lj y SECOND ROW(IS): Phillip Opsasnick, Matthew Kaminski, Dou­ glas Barone, Kevin Kronyak, Richard Kaminski, Martin Bowker, Matthew Cevallos, Justin Hudacko, Jonathan Treble. Mark Tiedemann. and Douglas Freeman.

Beyond the Gates n ak


'w m a k m


Sophomore Doug Barone dribbles the ball toward the opponent’s goal while sopho­ more Rob Keller watches from across the field.



FIRST ROW (L-R): Robert Swab, Dustin Tylek, Gabriel Galella, Henry Greenfield, Maxwell Lemos, Michael Stefanelli, Ellington Arnold, Keenan McRae, and Dylan McMahon. SECOND ROW (L-R): Coach Jose Vilarino, Walter Stacey, Sonam Lama, Daniel Camargo, Andrew Cevasco, Matthew Wekwert, Alexander Pugliese, Robert Keller, Gianfranco Wilbeck, Colin Callahan, and Coach Brian McCabe.

36 J V Soccer

An opponent shoves sopho­ more Walter Stacey while chal­ lenging him for the ball.

^ n r MMi

JU N IO R VARSITY SOCCER P rep ■Oppone n t Mew P rovid en ce Q ueen o f P eace W estfield S t. B en ed ict's Don B osco P rep D ick in son B ayonne P in g r y D ick in son B ayonne N otre D am e Don B osco P rep B er g en C atholic S t. A n th o n y 's

OI-OS L 0 8 -0 0 W 00 -0 1 L 0 0 -0 4 L 0 1 -0 3 L 0 4 -0 0 W 0 1 -0 1 W 0 0 -0 1 L 0 6 DO W 0 1 -0 1 W 0 0 -0 1 L 0 1 -0 4 L 0 0 -0 4 L 0 5 -0 0 W


0 0 -0 8 W L

The JV Soccer team stretches before a game at the PrepField. Sophomore Doug Barone skill­ fully maneuvers the ball down McRae and sophomore Dan


Sophomore Rob Keller un­ leashes a shot during practice at Hudson County Park.


his season marked a year of resilience for the JV Soccer team. Finishing the season with a 6-8 record, the team was forced to cope with the advancement of several key players to the varsity level for much of the season. Under the direction of Coaches Brian McCabe and Jose Vilarino, the team worked tirelessly to compensate for the departure of these valuable teammates, employing a strat­ egy that depended on substitutions allowing everyone on the team the opportunity to play. Several players, such as sophomores Andrew Cevasco, Gianfranco Wilbeck, Colin Callahan, and freshman Keenan McRae, assumed impor­ tant roles on the team in the absence of the players. As the season progressed, the team grew stronger with every game, win or loss. The players, some unfamiliar with each other at the start of the season, formed a strong bond of togetherness throughout the season, especially in the face of the unique challenges posed to the team, which culminated in a final game victory versus St. Anthony’s with a score of 50. This unity of the players propelled the team into a second place finish in an invitational tournament. Said sophomore Walter Stacey, “We had a great time throughout the entire season. I’m looking forward to next year.”


Beyond the Gates


VARSITY FOOTBALL Prep-O pponent H udson Catholic E m erson (U.C*> F e rris Lincoln S y n d er B ayonne N orth B erg en Union Hill D ickinson H udson Catholic B er g en Catholic

17-14 W 2 1 -0 0 W 3 5 -0 7 W 5 4 -0 0 W 4 2 -0 0 W 3 4 -0 0 W 17-07 W 4 1 -0 0 W 4 7 -0 0 W 2 5 -1 3 W 4 5 -2 0 L


10-01 W L

eluding seniors Rashawn Jack­ son and Chris Maiorino, and junior Andrew Booth, look upfield at the opponents to tackle to stop the play. The FOOL S of the Maraud­ ers, including juniors Rich Hussey, Padraic Friel, and se­ nior Joe Hannon, partake in a pre-gamewarm-up beforedomi­ nating yet another opponent.

A strong drive made by Junior Adam Que furthers Prep’s lead.



38 Varsity Football

ne word comes to mind when speaking of this year’s Prep Varsity Football: team. Despite certain reservations and challenging situations, the team remained a united force, proving from the season opening win against rival Hudson Catholic to the difficuk victory against North Bergen to the playofis at the end of the season, that the team was in the game to win together, rallying support and confidence among the players. In another impressive season, Varsity Football continued its winning streak by acquiring its fifth county title in a row. Complet­ ing the season with a record of 10-1, the Marauders once again proved to be a contender for the Group 4 Parochial State Cham­ pionship. Led by senior captains runningback RashawnJackson, tailback Mchael Brown, offensive linemenjoseph Hannon and Michael Smith along with all-star athletes senior quarterback Ryan Boysen, sophomore tailback Kee-Ayre Griffin, and outside line­ backer William Thompson, the team remained undefeated until, in a series of unfortunate mishaps, they were derailed by Bergen Catholic, in a 45-20 loss. Noted senior Brian Lauer, “We worked really hard and came together as a team, which helped us win another county champi­ onship.” In addition, junior Danjulian added, “Despite the chal­ lenges that confronted us this year, we were able to pull through. ‘A battle belongs to the warrior’s soul,’ and the Varsity Football team definitely proved that”

T e -n d c io u s V a r s it y F

T ^ c k le -r s ootball




eam w ork




Aided by senior Anthony Pascals, and sophomores Joe Rodriguez and Anthony Andreadis, junior Adam Que drives for anotherstrong gain. W.

The defensive lines led by se­ nior Joe Hannon, junior Mark Doldghan, senior Mike Smith and junior Rich Hussey, pre­ pare to turn the Dickinson Rams into Goats in yet another sweeping game.

FRONT ROW (LR): ja m Jordan, m o r J a n c u la .J o s ^ m K e u in C u m n i.A d a n iQ u e .^ th o V l'i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SECOND ROW m

Ham Farley, Brian tauer, Gamlh Camilla, Brandon Shipman, Matthew

KerinCuddiliy t^U keC uasconi.C oaaiD om U idsnaho,C ^m odH anxn,

m c h Z n a S ^ CoaaOirislapherAndreodis. StephenCdpetoltrOVm ROWW*,. n

Josephllodrigue2,MdiaelCorman.mamJadmi.MdmlMlKMidiaelBwa«,JosephHanmi.^M,im^^ Clarke. M ihdellme, Joseph Biggy, DaoiiJBeim, CadellOrr, NoelBors<S Dame!Julian, H > • ® HenriDeFtance, John Crimild, KevinDougherly. Chester;,RyanBoysa, MdmAIHen,

S1t W

BarnJosep^mU^ROVimMardHussey.KetinSdiaMmolasUd,maCh„slopl,<^^m^lldmils. mUirnThompson,Mlhmyl^e,1imolhyGralmi;MdmBoolh!andm C m M ^. E M ffflU tfU (jC lU S

O il

c e m I




resh m a n

t 'H

Football P

Junior Lance Gomespreparesa pass to the receiveraihilesopho­ mores Ravi Pradhanang, Matt Ward, Joe Biggy, junior Frank Aquila, and sophomore Steve Pankiewicz block.


Andrea Sharp, MalikulAziz, PeterJimenez, JaredBowers, Raimeek Tait, Kevin Williams, Andrew

Mtfitynn,JohnMulh&wOorlando Grant, Rocco Cenmi, MichaelRuzek, John Donaleski, Matthew DeFrnce; SECOND ROW (LBricn, Brendan White, Michael Cortina, Jeremy Bortafe, Clarence Gocon, Gabriel Benavides, William EdwardRose, Joseph Holder, TimothyBiJavsky;THIRD ROW (tR): CoachAnthonyLochricchio, , ^^^ Q h n O 'D m ^lf % ach EdRoselle, DennisFigueroa, Anthony Giannoble, EricCirino, JosephAlvarez, WillieHill, CoachJoe P&mod,CoachR tS m isen . Coach Kellen Williams, FOURTH ROW (L-R): Daniel Mulcahy, Tony Ongeri, Charles Gregory, Andr^ifG^ucCt, Q ^ ^ p m e z , HaroldMilne, Joseph Karaewski, Mark Ryan, Joshua Pipher, CharlesMarade, William Grapstul; LASTROW (LR^JhsqfoHusse)’, JamesPilger,AdrianMartin, Bryan Farrell, Alexander Yasneski, ArmandoRoman, BryantGriffin, ^ m a d D o ^ ^ m ^ ^ lr o g a . DanielAlHeri, Matthew Samarsky, andDavidFinn

40 J V & Freshman Football


henom ena

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of a


r o m is in g



JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL H u d son C atholic E m erson D ick in son B a r r in g e r S n yd er C lifto n B ayonne N orth B er g en D ick in son FINAL RECORD

P rep -O p pon en t 1 1 -0 0 W 1 8 -0 0 W 3 1 -0 0 W 1 7 -0 0 W 3 0 -0 0 W 1 3 -0 0 W 1 1 -1 1 L 0 0 -0 1 W 0 0 -0 0 L 0 7 -0 1 W L

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL H u d son C atholic E m erson N orth B er g en L incoln F e rris W est M ilford U nion Hill D ick in son Bayonne

0 7 -0 0 3 7 -0 0 3 8 -0 8 4 1 -0 0 4 7 -0 0 1 1 -0 0 4 0 -0 0 0 1 -0 0 1 0 -0 0


0 0 -0 0 W L


Freshmen Dan A.ICieri, Charles] Gregory, Sam Dokiis, Charles Maracle, and Joe Alcnrez ready for the next play. Freshman Eric Cirina finds an opening and takes the ball, down the Held for a touchdown ] against Dickinson while fresh­ men Richard 'ladmga and Joe Hussey follow. ■\

merging yet again as a prevailingforcc in Hudson (dainty, the J V Footbatt team completed its season with a 7-2 record, and provided opportunities for underclassmen to gain recognition and experience. Throughout an intense practice schedule and rigorous training, a strong bond form ed among the players. The connection undoubtedly strengthened the team’s unity, which led them through a season abound with ad­ versities that tested their fortitude. From the first game, theJV squad revealed their intentions of having another successful season. From the dominating wins over Hudson Catholic, Dickinson, and North Bergen to the rallying efforts against Bayonne, this season truly proved to be a test of resilience for theJV team J V playmakers such as sophomore fullback and middle line backer Steven Pankiewicz, sophom ore quarterback Michael Clarice, sophomore tight end and defensive lineman Ravi Pradhanang, and junior tailback Kevin Guarini assured the

team m any successes under the leadership of C oaches Paul Giorgio a n d Stuart Qutterbuck. T he promising results of the J V Football team offer a glimpse into the future of another successful varsity program. Sophomore Steven Pankiewicz said that “this year’sJ V season w asagrealleam ing expe­ rience, which provided a lot of opportunity for guys to get their nam e out, to get no­ ticed, and to have a shot at playing at the varsity level nextyear.” Like theJV leaiders, the Freshman Foot­ ball team also became a powerhouse within H udson County with its 9-0 record, prov­ ing that teamwork played a major role in a team’s success. T he intense practice sched­ ule helped the team gel early in the season. Despite the feet that the players knew very little of each other prior to the season, they become fast friends when confronted with grueling double session practices and sum­ m er training camp in upstate New York. Emerging from the camp, die team proved insurmountable. Although the first game showed a narrow win of 7*6 over t ludson

Cathblic, the early win over a key rival, boosted the team’s confidence and helped lead them to their successive victories, espe­ cially over rivals Bayonne and Noilh Bergen Freshman captain Will Hill became an integral team leader and helped lead R ep to m any of its victories. A s quarterback and safety, Hill dominated the field with his alt around talent for the game by running long and hitting hard. In addition, Hill helped pump up his teammates with the other cap­ tains. Other key players included fieshman tailback and middle line backerjoe Alvarez, freshman fullback and middle line backer Anthony Giannobile, freshman defensive tackle and center Dennis Figueroa, and fresh­ m an tailback, wide receiver, and centerback Eric Cirino. Coupled with the overall skill of h e group and Coach Ed Roselle’s ability to harmonize the newcomers, the team gave Hudson County a pleasant taste of what is to come in the future of Prep football. Fresh m an Anthony Giannobile expressed, “We had a great year and we are looking for­ ward U) having our shot: as senior's."



B ernie McGee MJCTC Class M eet

4 th

S tew a rt M eet CTC

8 th

McQuaid Invita tio n a l (V a rsity )

4 th

HCIAA C ham pionship


City C ham pionship


S o u th H udson C ham pionship


CTC C ham pionship

9 th

HCTCA C ham pionship

2n d

NJSIAA C ham pionship

8 th

J esu it C ham pionship

5 th

his year’s Prep Cross Country season proved to be the team’s best in over six years. The new addition of Mr. Paul Laracy, a former Prep runner, as an assistant coach gave this year’s team a new source of instruction and expertise, along with the aid ofveteran Coach Mike Burgess. Led by senior co-captains Daniel Pata and Sebastian Fidelus, the Cross Country team started training early in the summer with a strict training regimen in addition to attending two camps in August Clinching the South Hudson, City, and County Champion­ ship, the Marauders surpassed the expectations of many by de­ throning Memorial as county champions. However, the expected victory in the HCTCA Championship was spoiled by a twopoint loss in one of the most exciting races in recent history. Seniors Dan Pata and Sebastian Fidelus had amazing seasons on the individual level, placing highly in major state invitationals. Pata ran for 11th place at the McQuaid Invitational at Rochester; as well, he won the South Hudson Championship. Rdelus placed 6th and 7th at invitationals early on and capped off a solid season with a 19th place finish at the state sectional meet, missing the Meet of Champions by less than 20 seconds. Senior Sebastian Rdelus said of the team’s future: “Prep Cross Country faces quite a task in maintaining such a high standard of excellence in the future.”

Kunnina ferna(uie.5 C

r o ss


c x jn t r y


Senior Dan Pata runs towards \ the front ofthegroup at the start '■of the race, j i !

M uir sk i




P a s t T /h r o u




jn t y

FIRST ROW (h-ti):Mark Zaleski,JdfiMucciolo, Peter Drummond, : Daniel Tomassi, and Eric Kosciuszko. ; ; ; : ; ; ;■ ; ; SECOND ROW;(LiR)i Coach Paul triracy, Robert 'Caldwell, Bryak Bini, Dennis Brown. Christian Buenafe. and Charles Hood. THIRD ROW(I. ft):.Sebastian Fidelus, James Winn, CaseyAntaqk, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Matthew Meehan, Theodore'Doyle, Ian McTieman, Bobbie Flores, and Timothy Carney. ■\

Beyond the Gates



tyiqh typpe-S fond tyw J

V a r s ity B a s k e tb a li^ D e fie s t h e O d d s in S ta n d a iv p -S e ttin g S e a so n )


Junior Kevin Dougherty pre­ pares to take a foul shot against North Bergen.

FIRST ROW (L-R): James Doolan, Nelson Albino, Peter Geary, John Opel, Michael Ockay, Ryan Gelchion, Patrick O’Rourke, BrettBurns; SECOND ROW(L-R): Joseph Vayas, James Livengood, Patrick Blaney, David Murphy-Colonna, Dale Addeo, Joseph Valenti, Michael Haas, Kevin Dougherty, Coach Robert Bruckner, Coach Joseph Pecora; THIRD ROW (L-R): Coach George Alvarez, Coach John Pecora, Jonathan Georges, andAlan Bantom.

44 Varsity Basketball

Senior Patrick O’Rourke drives to the basket for a lay up.

V a r s it y B a s k e t b a l l Prep-O pponent S.t Mary’ s (JC) St. Aloysius Rahway Xmas Tourney South Plainfield Rahway IP Stevens Emerson Bickinson Ferris North Beraen Hudson Catholic Vtarist Bayonne Union Hill Snyder Lincoln Memorial North Bergen Ferris Immaculata Dickinson Emerson Hudson Catholic North Beraen HCIAA Tourney Bayonne NJSIAA Playoffs DePaul Seton Hall

47-37 w 70-09 W 01-49 L 50-41 1 59-45 W 59-41 W

Senior Patrick 0 Rourke teaches high above the compe­ tition, adding two points to the scoreboard, while juniors Ryan :yGelchion and Alan Bantam , uiatchnearby. Senior Patrick O'Rourke and junior Alan Bantom work syn­ onymously to scoreyet another basketwhile seniorDale Addeo backs up trom the side.

Senior Dale Addeo breaks through the North Bergen de-

he slam-dunkseason for Prep Basketball escalated the program to new heights. Despite certain narrow victories, the M team continually prevailed, proving all the critics wrong. T hroughout the exceptional season the Varsity Basketball team repeatedly trium phed over the likes of such stalwart powerhouses as H udson Catholic and N orth Bergen. T he team was led by the senior captains Peter Geary (point guard), Patrick O ’Rourke (power forward), Dale A ddeo (shooting guard), and Nelson Albino (shoot­ ing guard), who comprised four of the six starters, and senior Patrick Blaney (shooting forward) and junior Alan Bantom (center) rounded out the re st However, the m ain offense of the team can be credited to senior O ’Rourke. O ne of the team ’s m ost crucial wins occurred w hen the team defeated H udson Catholic by only one p oint “This win really gave us some m om entum in the hunt for the county championship,” com m ented senior Geary. O ther im portant wins included the first two rounds of the HCJAA county playoffs where the team faced off once again, with rivals H udson Catholic and North Bergen. T hey m anaged to overcome both teams, despite the misguided predictions of a North Bergen triumph, and ended the season with a 15-11 record. “W e brought respect back to Prep basketball by upsetting some heavily favored teams,” recalled senior Geary w hen asked about the team ’s unexpected season. Despite low expectations, the Varsity Basketball team advanced to the H C IA A Coviello County Cham ­ pionship and the quarterfinals of the State tournament, and ulti­ m ately quieted the otherwise outspoken naysayers. /

IAC i l l

Beyond the Gates


SC ATs High SctKMX

*8-38 W

Fr esh m a n B asketba ll

J u n io r V a r s it y B a sketba ll


hejunior Varsity Basketball Team maintained excellent play throughout an impressive season that finished with a final M record of 17-4. The team was led by sophomoresJonathan Georges (center)Jo se p h Valenti (forward), Matthew Meehan (guard), and juniors Chase Freeman (guard), and Ryan Gelchion (guard). The team triumphed against rivals Bayonne and Emerson and participated in the Rahway Christmas Tournament and the Ramapo Tournament, making it to the semifinals in both instances, in part because of the wellrounded nature, versatility, speed, and size of theJV team. Junior Free­ m an recalled, “We had a good season, under the leadership of Coach Bruckner. We had a great record thanks to our hard work that will translate into the Varsity team next year.” The Freshmen Basketball team got off to a rough start this season while the new members took some time to develop good chemistry. Freshmen captains Eric Cirino (guard), Joseph Holder (forward), and Nicholas Rabiecki (forward) encouraged their teammates and led by example throughout the entire season. Besides the captains, the starting players included freshmen Christopher McNulty (guard) and Miles McCann (center). T he team also participated in the Rahway Christmas Tournament and gained needed experience. However, the team began to unite and won the HCIAA Coviello County Championships by beating rival Hudson Catholic, ending the season with a 1'17 record. Freshman McNulty noted, “We started off the season slow, but Coach Ryan and Coach Williams molded us into a cohesive, hand-working unit There were countless nights of running stairs and conditioning, but our hard work allowed us to be the county champions.” /




resh m en


a sk etb a llJM elds

Sophomore Jonathan Georges blocks the slut from the Ferris player, whilejunior Chase Free­ man awaits the rebound.


arly a n d




FIRST ROW (L-R): Chase Freeman, Sonam Lama. Colin Callahan, Leo Codog, Matthew Meehan, Ryan Gelchion; SECOND ROW(L-K): Anthony:Addas, WayneOracesav.de, Jonathan Georges, Kirubell Araya, Michael Haas, Thomas Fitzpatrick, John Ockay, Stanley Gaslewski,Joseph Valenti, and Coach Robert Bruckner,


S u ccess

FIRST ROW(L-R): Thomas M c M a h m ^ M tita V * Galella, Andrew McGlynn, Eric Cirino; SECOND ROW (LR): Coach William Ryan, Christop^r.Robimn, Christopher McNulty, Ryan Scherba, Bryant CapellOjAdrian Martin Nicho­ las Rabiecki, Miles McCann, ThomBWtte, Joseph Holder, Jo­ seph Boucher, and Coach Kelten H

Beyond the Gates ■47

mfieck,inq<{ &k§Mn\ V a r s it y H



to the




e ig h t s


. The referee insures: that (lit 1 : game remains clean as senior

FIRST ROW(L-R): Timothy Miller, Philip Rodino, Richard Musso, Matthew Whitford, Kevin Capodice, Thomas D’Alessio; SECOND ROW (L-R): Joseph Avallone, Kevin Fox, Piero Jberti, Douglas SanGiacomo, Joshua Esformes, Matthew Miller; THIRD ROW (LR): William Naughton, Justin Hudacko, Anthony Facciponte, Giancarlo Capodanno, John Hanrahan, and Ryan McDonald.

48 Varsity Hockey

Seniors Philip Rodino and Giancarlo Capodanno listen at­ tentively to Coach Joseph Maione during a time out

V a r s it y H o c k e y Brick High School St* John Vianney Bergen Catholic Christian Brothers Academy Seton Hall Prep Christian Brothers Academy Christmas Tournament Portland (ME) H.S. Cape Elizabeth (ME) H.S. Lewiston (HE) H.S. Don Bosco P rep Don Bosco P rep St. John Vianney Delbarton Hudson Catholic B ergen Catholic Delbarton Pope John Pope John B rid i High School Seton Hall Prep Hudson Catholic Cordon Cup Quater Finals: Seton Hall Prep Gordon Cup Semi Finals: Delbarton MJSIAA First Round: Bishop Eustace MJSIAA Quarter Finals: Seton Hall Prep FINAL RECORD

Prep-O pponent 10-00 W 05-01 W 09-01 T 01-03 L 01-05 L 00-03 L 04-01 W 07-05 W 04-01 W 01-04 L 03-07 L 01-01 T 04-04 T 03-01 W 01-01 T 03-05 L 03-01 W 04-04 T 04-00 W 03-03 T 04-01 W 03-01 W 01-04 L 03-01 W 01-03 L 11-08-00 W L T

Varsity Hockey, coming off a State Finals appearance last year, quickly reestablished itself as a contender during | the season. They began with a summer trip to Florida for / camp, where they usually played games to get into shape for the season. Despite no games being played due to Hurricane Charlie, the team managed to get in a helpful bonding experience and the m uch needed practice. The team started the season with an un­ eventful 2-3-1 record before traveling to Maine to participate in a tournam ent “It was a great confidence boost because our’s was low at the time, and going undefeated against three good teams got us back on track,” commented seniorjoshua Esformes (center), who scored 26 goals and had 15 assists. Soon after the tournament, the team secured key ties against rivals, Delbarton and Seton Hall Prep. T he team moved up into the competitive Gordon Conference, and went on to its first Gordon Cup Tournament The team beat Seton Hall Prep in a suspenseful overtime in the first round, but lost to Delbarton in the second round. “Moving up into the Gordon Conference was tough, but playing the state’s best night-in and night-out was a positive experience for the team,” senior Esformes commented. The team finished the season with an 11-8-6 record, led by seniors captain Matthew Miller (defense), who scored 25 goals, and assistant captains Anthony Facciponte (defense) and Ryan McDonald (center), and with senior Giancarlo Capodanno (left wing), who led the team with an astonishing 33 goals and 16 assists, and Philip Rodino (goalie), who allowed only 60 goals out of 578 attempts. The record-breaking season continued in full force until the team finally lost to Seton Hall Prep in the NfSIAA playoffs, but the team was not without its enor­ mous triumphs and successes.

J u n io r V a r s it y H o c k e y S eto n Hall D elb a rto n Don B osco N utley P op e John P a ra m u s S e to n Hall F airlaw n M iddletow n N orth P a ra m u s Don B osco F airlaw n P eq u a n n o ck B er g en C atholic P op e John F airlaw n PPB P op e John


Prep-Opponent 0 1 -0 5 L

01-10 L

0 1 -0 4 L 0 5 -0 0 W 0 1 -0 4 L 0 5 -0 1 W 0 3 -0 0 L 0 5 -0 4 W 0 4 -0 1 W 0 4 -0 1 W 0004 L 0 0 -0 1 W 0 7 -0 0 W 0 1 -0 4 L 0 4 -0 4 T 0 0 -0 1 W 11-01 W 0 1 -0 0 L 0 0 -0 8 -0 1 W L T

rep’sJunior Varsity Hockey team proved to be a force with whom to be reckoned in the ranks of the NJSIAA H ie team saw an influx of new and young players and the return of last year’s experienced veterans, each bringing their own unique skill and spirit into the rink. Although the majority of the team was comprised of younger players, veterans’ contributions did not go unnoticed. Much of the team’s success was carried by junior captains Connor Purcell, and seniors Michael Long (center) and Edward Gardner (defense), who helped to teach, motivate, and inspire the younger play­ ers. The team successfully finished the season with an admirable record of 9-8-1, triumphing against the likes of tough competitors Fairlawn, Nutley, Middletown North, and Point Pleasant Key players throughout the successful season were goal leaders senior Long, who also led the team in assists, and freshman Lance Aligo (right wing), who came second in assists and himself scored 13 goals. Senior Gardner, and freshmen Gregory Morrissey (wing) and Bryan Robinson (left wing) all finished the season with impressive records. In the net, senior Patrick Mooney, juniorjoshua Dybus, and sophomore Kevin Fox allowed only 62 goals out of 501 attempts in all games played. Offensively and defensively, the young team proved its status as a rising star in the local hockey league. Junior Purcell commented, “During the season theJV program played a challenging schedule and through a lot of hard work we were able to compete with some of the best teams in the entire state.” With the prospect of a promising future, the young players of th eJV Hockey team could be assured of continuing Prep’s successful hockey program.



FreshmanJoseph Ballaricegoes strong for the puck deflected by the goalie.

B ea sty

FIRST ROW (L-R); Brian Dye, Sean McFarland, Joseph Ballana Lance Aiigo, John Murphy, Michael Long; SECOND ROW (L-R): AmlanGangopadhyay, Bryan Robinson, Patrick McGrath, Gregory Morrissey, Brendan White, Gary Rabbitt, Thomas Vardakis, Alex Cabrera; THIRD ROW (L-R): Edward Gardner, Gary Rokoszak, Michael Barbarula, ConnorPurcell, Patrick Mooney, Joshua Dybus, ; / Gary Apito, Scott Mingay, Sean Downey, James O'Donnell, Chris: topher Connery, Jakub Wresilo, and Luke Blanchard.

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Sophomore Bryan Rohrman fiiiat his opponent into \ubmission leading to a quick pin.

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Up ill H Eg

FIRST ROW (L-R):John Dolaghan, Mathew Giordano, Sean O'Grady, Joseph Pizzi, Michael Rohrman, Kevin Williams, Ryan Dowd, Bryan Rohrman; SECOND ROW (L-R); Michael Kopacz, Barton Yun, Adam Bombino, Xavier Feliciano, ChristopherHealy, Juan Escobar, John Donaieski, Adam Christie, Daniel Vecchiarelli, Corlando Grant, Mark Ryan; THIRD ROW (L-R):Jerry Santer, JamesPilger, Henri DeFrance, Anthony Bruce, Raphael Zaki, John Griswold, Charles Maracie, Kevin Pedersen, RichardBrennan; FOURTH ROW (L-R): Casim Gomez, Brian Farrell, Joseph Major, Kevin Sankat, EricKosciuszko, Michael Smith, Victor Stanziale, Matthew Trost, Michael Moschovas, andTimothy Graham.

52 J V & Varsity Wrestling

Senior Michael Smith holds his own against one of North Bergen’s bigger competitors.




V a r s it y W r e s t l in g Prep-O pponent P e r th A m boy K itta tin n y

V ern o n W allkill V alley P a ssa ic V alley N o r r is K nolls R o x b u ry H udson C atholic Don B osco P rep St* M ary's (R u th er fo rd ) L iv in g s t o n

S t. Josep h 's (M ontvale) N orth B er g en C lifton S t. B en ed ic t's Prep K e a rn y M on tclair E m erson U nion Hill W atch u n g Hills D ie r u ff (P A ) S a lisb u ry (P A ) FINAL RECORD

1 4 -4 5 L 0 0 -0 0 L 3 0 -4 1 L 4 1 -3 3 W 3 0 -3 0 L 1 5 -3 7 L 18 -4 4 L 5 0 -1 0 W 3 3 -5 4 L 4 3 -3 0 W 17-41 L 5 1 -1 1 W 1 5 -4 0 L 17-41 L 1 4 -5 5 L 5 1 -1 8 W 0 5 -1 8 W 0 1 -0 0 W 0 3 -0 0 W 3 3 -3 4 L 5 7 -1 5 W 4 8 -1 1 W

10-11 W L

A North Bergen wrestler tries to retaliate as sophomore Bryan Rohrman avoids a blow to the nose and pulls his leg to leave his opponent vulnerable.

Prep Wrestling Team experienced numerous, tough o b stades throughout their season. Overall the team was very m young, namely, they only had four seniors. The relative inexperience of the younger players made for a challenging season, but offered hope for a strong rising class of Prep wrestlers. The group was led by senior captions Sean O ’Grady (119) and Michael Rohrman (140), who incessantly helped to train their younger teammates and who always encouraged the grapplers even in the face of bitter defeat Working with the captains were other essential veteran team members who led the team, including seniorJoseph Pizzi (130), and juniors Henri DeFrance (160), Michael Moschovas (171), Kevin Sankal (125), Matthew Trost (189), and Raphael ZaM (152). These dedicated players, who all had seen their share of the mats since freshman year, along with the other young men, helped to forge a tightly knit group that grew as the season progressed. The team participated in the ever-competitive Mustang Classic, District 16, and the Dover Holiday Tournament, Region 4. The re­ gional participants included sophomore Bryan Rohrman (112), junior Sankal, senior O ’Grady, senior Rohrman, sophomore Victor Stanziale (145), juniors DeFrance and Trost, and senior Michael Smith (275). Despite a 10-12 record, two wrestlers were chosen for the State Tourna­ ment; seniors O ’Grady and Rohrman surpassed all expectations. H ie challenging season ended on a positive note when senior O ’Grady became the first wrestler in Prep history to have over 100 pins in his four-year career. Senior Smith recounted, “During the season, built on a strong foundation, our young team showed great potential.” The lessons imparted by the seniors will benefit these future wrestlers. M

JAC | | § §

Beyond the Gates


S w im m in g P in g ry le s u t t tonrrtattonal S t Joseph’s o f the Paitsade St. Josep h's H etuchen D ickinson Pcib artoci H udson Catholic Jersey City Championship H udson C ounty Cham pionship H erth J ersey S ectional Cham pionship S eton H a l Prep Q u arterfin als F1RAI RECORD

Win 3 rd Place Win Loss Win Win Wm 1 st Place 1 st Place 1 st Place Loss 0 5 -0 1 W L

M s t Place Finishes I -3 rd Place Finishes

H eyZ eu s

By his 18th lap, junior Matthew Mutroy exhibits physical ex­ haustion and, yet, still crushes the competition and leaves them in his wake. Coach Matthew Knittel and se­ nior captain Kevin Cummings show amazement at the come­ back the team achieved in the lastheaL

Junior James LiVolsi, along with his fellowswim team mem­ bers, warms up h r the meet

he Prep Swimming team’s season was significantly different from any of year’s past One big difference was in the form of the new head coach, Mr. Frank Thomson, and the new assistant coach, Mr. Matthew KnitteL Mr. Thomson, with Mr. Knittel’s aid, created and trained a weE-balanced and disciplined team The team achieved a rank of 11 on the Star Ledger's top 20 teams in New Jersey by beating other state ranked teams such as Delbarton and Rngry. The team qualified for the State Tournament, but was knocked out in the first round by long-time rival, Seton Hall Prep. Through continued practice of the dedicated members the team managed to lose only two dual meets all season, first to S t Joseph’s of Metuchen and then to Seton Hall Prep. They compensated their two losses by winning the Jersey City Championships, snatching all three relay records. Also, the team won die North Jersey State Sectionals Championships by defeating Bergen Catholic. The swimmers ended their season by running away with the Hudson County Championship tide by scoring over 200 points. At the meet, the 400 Freestyle relay captured the record by clocking in at 3:26, which qualified the relay team for the Meet of Champions. Junior captain Hector Flores ex­ pressed, “I was so proud of the team and how we came together throughout the season. I think the group of guys really met the defini­ tion of a ‘team’ and I cannot imagine being on any other team ” The Swimming team felt great pride for their performance through­ out the season, which ended with a record of 5-2, but much of the success could be credited to senior captains Brian Kennedy, Kevin Cummings, Vivek Mehta, and junior Flores. Returning captain Flores concluded, wTm really going to miss the senior captains, but I am confident that we can perform just as well next year.”


H eyZ eu s

r > 54 bwmmmg

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Freshman Daniel UVolsi takes a breath in the 500 freestyle.

Junior Brian Jones takes a quick breath during his 100meter Free.

H eyZ eu s

FIRST R O W (L-R): CoachFrank Thomson, AnthonySingh, Vivek Mehta, James UVolsi Kevin Cummings, Andrew Dougherty, Justin Kraivanger, Coach Mat足 thew Knittel, Thomas Gentile; SEC O N D R O W (IrR): Brian Kennedy, Jolrn Cannizzaro, Jon Sisti, Brian Jones, Michael Vilardo, Adam Baginski, Hector Flores, Lee Odi: THIRD R O W (L-R): Philip Tally, Peter Jimenez, Nicholas Cannizzaro LouisDIPaola, PatrickDuHy, NeophytosZambas, MichaelOnieal, Raymond Krenicki, AlexanderBalias; FOURTH R O W (bV): Matthew Mulroy, Patrick Giamario, Andrew Eagan, MichaelBooth, SpirosZambas, DanielLiVolsi, DavidAfonso, RichardAyuda, and ChristopherRivers.

Beyond the Gates


Sophomore Theodore Doyle leads the race with seniors Daniel Pata and Bobbie Flores following close behind him.

56 Indoor Track

FIRST ROW (L-R): Jon Mucciolo, Matthew Bennett, Benjamin Brenneis, Michael Krohn, Jeremy Bonafe, Theodore Doyle; SEC足 OND ROW(L-R): Dana Adams, Daniel Weinberg, Coach Mike Bur足 gess, James Winn, Daniel Tomassi, Jahi Whitehead, John Llaneza, Mark Zaleski, Mikael Borneo*Edward Rose, Michael Garrigan, Ri足 chard Myrlak, Coach Dennis Hu, Coach Tyrone Pitts; THIRD ROW (L-R): Sebastian Fidelus, Rashawn Jackson, Steoen Rizzo, Ian McTiernan, Thomas Barone, Bobbie Flores, and Daniel Pata.

Both senior Sebastian Fidelus and junior lan McTiernan pull ahead in the race while senior James Winn leads the team to another victory.


I n d o o r Tr a c k • I /10/05 H CIAA County Relays 01/19/05 H CIAA County Championship 01/01/05 Jersey City Champions 01/9/05 HCTCA County Championship

RESULTS |S( p la c e |s t P la c e 1 s t P la c e I s t P la c e

01/13/05 MAC Valentine Relays 4 x 800 m Relay: 8 :10.75 (n ew school record ) TEAM: Sebastian Fidelus* Bobbie Flores* Ian I f cTiernan* lam es Winn 01/10/05 Croup IV State Championship Sebastian Fidelus (Oth Place* 800 m ) James Winn (Oth Place* 800 m ) 01/17/05 Meet o f Champions Sebastian Fidelus ( I Oth in State* 800 m ) James Winn ( 18th in State* 8 0 0 m )

M uirski

Junior Matthew Bennett com­ pletes his high jump pass with great ease and success. Freshman runner Michael Krahn crushes the other com­ petition on the track.

Junior Casey Antczak wins his first heat with not one person behind him in sight. M uirski

tightly knit group that worked together to accomplish more 2 ^ J f * ^ h a n any other, the St Peter's Indoor Track team saw an L extraordinarily successful season, whereby they won all the championship matches in which they participated. The Indoor Track team, led by senior captains Sebastian Fidelus and junior John Iianeza, was victorious in the City Championships, County Relays, County Individuals, and the Coaches County Championships, wherein they upset long-time rival Keamy. At the state’s Meet of Cham­ pions senior James Winn placed 18th and Sebastian Rdelus garnered a 10th place spot Moreover, one relay team surpassed all hurdles. Seniors Fidelus, Winn, and Bobbie Flores, and junior Ian McTieman of the 4 x 800 meter relay team set innumerable Prep records and qualified for both the Eastern States Meet and fee Nike Indoor National Meet, where they placed 10th in the nation. Coach Mike Burgess also garnered the county’s Coach of the Year award for leading the team to its successes. The Indoor Track team consisted of several seniors, who vigorously trained and supported their teammates to accomplish much. Other play­ ers who had memorable seasons included juniors McTieman and Mikael Borneo, and senior Flores. Junior Matthew Bennett also performed well in die high jump and senior Rashawn Jackson shined in the shot put events. While each player was a part of nearly every event, each member of the Indoor Track Team offered something new and challenging for their competitors. Their greatest victory proved the win over power­ house Keamy, in the Coach’s County Championships. With their tireless efforts, the team surprised their confident competitors and defeated Keamy. “The team exceeded all expectations and proved that good things hap­ pen to those who work hard,” expressed senior Fidelus.

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Beyond the Gates


V a r s it y B o w l in g 8 4 -1 1 W L OVERALL POSITIONS ln d Place TOP PLAYERS: A n th o n y D eP into Eric Morgan

J u n io r V a r s it y B o w l in g •5 -4 0 W L OVERALL POSITION: 4 t h Place (Tie) TOP PLAYERS: Joel Salazar N icholas Z ero JAC

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58 Varsity & J V Bowling

rep’s Varsity and J V Bowling teams had a very memorable year. It was memorable, in part, because of the temporary I absence of their dedicated coach, Mr. Robert Zawistowski, groho was hospitalized for much of the season. Often Mr. Anthony Andreadis and even Principal Mr. Kevin Cuddihy assumed the tempo­ rary void. The year also proved unique because both teams had very young players. The Varsity team consisted of only a handful of commit­ ted bowlers, who gave their all in eveiy match and had a commendable season. These members included seniorsjoseph Skowronski, and Michael Visone, junior Joel Salazar, and sophomores Nicholas Zero and Paul Dabrowski. Players always supported each other’s efforts and ensured a loud, fun and good-humored time, even in the times of defeat More significant victories included their sweep against rival Hudson Catholic, which led to their laudable finish. The team placed 4th in Hudson County, and 17th out of 40th in the State Divisional, and ended with a 84-21 record. With such a young squad, Mr. Zawistowski felt hope for a promising future with such a strong underclassman following. The J V Bowling team performed even better than the Varsity team, providing a taste for a potentially fruitful future, and garnered a 2nd place spot in Hudson County and a record of 6540. Sophomores Anthony DePinto and Eric Morgan dominated the alleys with stand out performances for their team; despite the relative success of theJV team, the players were young, which accounted for their les&4han-peifect record. Sophomore Garrett Zelisko summated, in regard to their performance, “This year was one of growth for our team.” With a large number of younger players on the team, Mr. Zawistowski foresaw that “next year’s team would perform much better.”

SeMorMichael Visone surveys path his bail will take before picking up the spare. p R g p


FIRST ROW (h-K); Joseph Skou,ronski, Joel Svlazar, Michael Visone; SECOND ROW (L-R): Nicholas Zero.

FIRST ROW ( L - R ) ^ J g I g S ■ Franc,s /-^- SECOND ROW gUW « 0 |


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Beyond the Gates



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Senior Charles Comprelli dribbles the ball down the court and looks to pass to his teammatesenior Gerard Grogan of Mr. Fletcher’s homeroom.

M uirski

FRONT ROW (L-R)': Mr. Brian McCabe, Raymond Smith, Joseph Vayas, ChristopherBarry, Alexander Canale, CaesarImperio, Michael Qckay, Dapid Murphy-Co/onna, Christopher Fitzpatrick Michael Haas, Nelson Albino, and Patrick O’Rourke. :

60 Intramufals

Freshmen Jared Bowers, Carroll Alston, Joseph Boucher, and Joseph all look to get the rebound.



e r io d s


In tram u rals ELITE EIGHT FRESHMEN # 8 F lagran t F ou lers # 1 Lech N ess B ailer's *98 SOPHOMORES # I K e n n ed y 's T w eakahz # 6 S tev e's R em ix JUNIORS # 4 30-B loc If # 3 Find B ecton SENIORS #1 E astsid e Im p erialists # d H u's Y our Daddy

3-1 3 -0

6 0 P ts. 8 2 P ts.

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6 6 P ts. 8 5 P ts.

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6 7 P ts. • 2 P ts.

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7 5 P ts. 7 8 P ts.

4 -0

9 9 P ts.

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4 -0

81 P ts.

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1 0 0 P ts.

FINAL FOUR FRESHMEN # 2 Loch N ess B ailer's *98 SOPHOMORES # I K e n n ed y 's T w eakahz JUNIORS # 3 Find B ecton SENIORS #1 E astsid e Im p eria lists

Seniors Michael Lampariello, Richard Kaminski, and Peter Smith fight for control of the basketball during a heated Intramurals game, as they are surveyed by Mr. Brian McCabe1

: All of the freshman intramural team players irntch the ball go ■ off the rim and out of bounds.

Players from the senior band homeroom congregate on the floor before their basketball game against homeroom 4A, which includes senior Daniel Jonathan. H eyZ eu s

he gym, after months of work, came alive again at the / hands of Mr. Brian McCabe and his intramural staff of I seniors, juniors, and varsity basketball players. The entire student body was given the opportunity during the winter months to try their skills at basketball with a less competitive, but equally fun experi­ ence. T he homeroom teams were divided by year into divisions, and these teams played games during both lunch periods. Each team com­ peted for the top spot in their division and the chance to become the school’s champion. Ultimately, the dominant teams included Mr. Carl DeLorenzo’s senior 4C Eastside Imperialistz team, Mr. Michael McCarthy’s junior 3F F ind Becton team, 2C Dr. Richard Kennedy’s Tweakahz team, and Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner's freshman 1G Loch Ness Bailers ‘9 8 team.

T he teams saw some upsets against the usual powerhouse teams, but no team walked away unhappy from their good-humored experi­ ence. T he program hoped for two seasons after its revival last year, but gym-floor construction prevented these plans from bemg implemented. Still, the dedication and professionalism shown by the Intramurals staff of juniors Christopher Barry, Joel Salazar, and Raymond Smith, and seniors Alexander Canale and Caesar Imperio, as well as referring by several varsity basketball players, including seniors Patrick O ’Rourke and Michael Ockay, and junior Ryan Gelchion, gave the strong impres­ sion that the Intramurals program was here to stay. “All the homerooms took pride in (heir teams cheering and some even m ade T-shirts. The season was a lot of fun and a great success; students bonded and had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed helping out and being a part of the staff” commented senior Canale.

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Beyond the Gates


Junior Hector Flores admires the hanging art­ work on a trip to Victory Hall wit the Art Club.

Principal Mr. Kevin Cuddihy leads the Prep community in the annual Walka-Thon, followed by sophomore Anton Mathieu, Mr. John Irvine, senior WilliamGriffin, and sophomores Will­ iam Dundas, An­ thonyDePinto, and ChristopherRegan. Sr. Frances Dun­ can, OSF, leads the Nativity stu­ dents in games at the Bronx Christ­ mas Party spon­ sored by the Out­ reach, Club.

$0! Activities Divide\

or most Prep students, the bell at le end of 7th period does not sig­ nify the end of the school day; the bell indicates the start of a busy afternoon. In addition to preparing stu­ dents academically, spiritually, and physi­ cally for their future pursuits, St. Peter’s Prep bestows upon students another es­ sential key to a complete Prep education: co-curricular activities. Prep provides a myriad of co-curricular activities to its stu­ dent body, giving each student the op­ portunity to participate in any activity that piques his interest, whether competing in a chess tournament, writing for the school newspaper, or organizing support for Prep athletics. Those who desire to improve their oratory skills can compete at Forensics meets or in Model UN Con ferences, while students who seek enter­ tainment pursuits may watch films at IFS events or discuss science fiction topics in the Star Wars Club. No matter how eclec­ tic a student’s interests, Prep offers a place for all. Through their hard work and dedication, Prep men, along with the commit­ ted moderators and advisers, express and share their unique gifts, ultimately con­ tributing to Prep’s growing legacy.

The citizens ofMa­ rauder Nation lis­ ten intently to the leaders about the outcome of the weekend'sgames. JHac

Beyond the Gates R83S

Perhaps the most spirited of all cultural clubs at Prep, the Celtic Club is filled with Irish pride. Led by senior president Peter Geary and moderated by Ms. Kaija Dewitt, the Celtic Club provides Prep with a community for all students of and interested in the Irish heritage. Celtic Club members don a snazzy Tshirt around school, not only to spread pride for their cu ltu re and participation in the club, but also to show the Prep community the unusual amount of activity undertaken by all the members, “Peter Gearyhas been a great president, /uliof ideasand Among these activities alwayswilling to encourage were the trips otherstudents togel involved. ” to places like Moderator Kaija DeWitt the NYC Irish R e p a r a to r y Theater’s perform ance of Tryptyc, Riverdance in New York City, as well as Lord of the Dance at the NJPAC. The club also held the annual Copa del Prep soccer match against the Ital­ ian Club. Moreover, the club went to new heights by organizing a trip to Ireland over spring break with moderator Ms. Dewitt and Mr. Matthew Knittel. Much of their success was attributed to the great leadership of senior Peter Geary. The Celtic Club saw great suc­ cess despite the loss of their former, longtime leader Mr. Brian McCabe and promised to live up to the high standards set during the year.

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£ “The Celtic Club did quite a bit outside ^ of Prep, including trips to the Irish q Reparatory Theater and to Riverdance ^ in New York, as well as to Lord of the 2 Dance at the NJPAC. We’ve attended a g Gaelic Mass at St. Peter’s College as well. h I think the biggest event we put together g was the trip to Ireland over spring break,” § commented new moderator Ms. Kaija 2 DeWitt, who helped resurrect the club to ^ its former self. More than a dozen stu2 dents partook in the exciting journey to tl the Land of the Celts. Celtic Club

President-senior Peter Geary conducts a meeting of the Celtic Club, M id i includes freshmm Sean Maguire and Patrick McGrath, seniors Stecen McDonald and Brett Burns, junior Christopher Fitzpatrick, and freshmen Peter Begley and Jottri O’Brien.

President senior Peter Geary and moderator Ms. Kaija De Witt address the Celtic Club aboutupcoming events, such as the trip to seeRiverdance.

Fr. James Keenan, S.J., observes an Italian Club meeting while juniors Andrew Anderson and Michael Beni enjoy delectable Italian snacks.

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The Italian Club at St. Peter’s Prep brings together students and faculty alike for various events through­ out the year. Its members include a variety of people, not only those of Italian descent, but also those with an interest in expanding their knowledge of foreign countries and cultures. The club’s moderator, Ms. Rosalie Romano, commented, “I am constantly look­ ing for new ways to incorporate different aspects of Italian history and culture into fun and interesting ''events.’’ The club’s president, senior Michael DeAngelis, and vice president junior Joseph Salvo incessantly encourage participation and always are open to exciting new ideas to expand the club. Some o£ the interesting events the Italian Club held during the year included: The Copa del Prep, an annual competition between the Italian Club and the Celtic Club to determine which group was better at soccer once and for all; monthly trips to the city to attend an Italian mass, and then to eat at a sophisti­ cated Italian cafe; a taste of Italian treats and delights at the Venetian Carnivale festival, complete with masks made by first-year Italian students; the combination of several recipes to form an Italian Family Cook­ book; and an evening at the Metropolitan opera in NewYork City to see La Bohime. The Italian Club brought so much to the Prep community and continues to teach the student body about the wonder of the Italian culture.

Italian Club

After the group’s rebirth, the Asian-Pacific Islander So­ ciety strenuously worked to gain recognition. Under the leadership of moderator Mr. Frank Thomson, with help from Mr. Benjamin Patiak and Mr. Matthew Knittel, the group attracted innumerable Prep students. ”\Vc are trying to build an or ganization that ap p reciates Asian culture, and so all are welcome at all times, regardless of ethnic background,” noted leader Mr. Thomson. President senior Brian Angeles, along with vice president junior Jerard Dela 7 have thecoolest and longest beard on the staff! " Torre, worked harder than anyModeratorJ. FrankThomson one else to make all the goals of the society a reality. Prep’s IndoPak Society, headed by Mr. Scot Hovan and Ms. Gretehen Hovan, was formed in order to cel­ ebrate the diversity and culture of the South Asian mem­ bers of the Prep community. The IndoPak Society often can be found attending dinner at an Indian restaurant or going to wafch movies. In the month of December, the group took a trip to Rasoi Indian restaurant on Newark Avenue injersey City. Senior Alejandro Alvarez recalled, “The food was different, but I liked it It’s good to break tradition sometimes.” Clubs like the IndoPak Society have kept the Prep tradition of cultural awareness flourishing.

The Asian-Pacific Islander Society, including juniors Jerard Dela Torre and Andrew Zhu, freshman Daniel Librojo. and sophomore Mark Ram, to name a few, listen to a disucssion concerning future events.

■BE ■ ■ ■ W m m m

primary goal of the Asian-Pacific Is- j lp g l ;r Society is to educate die Prep com­ ity about Asian history and to offer all cts on the struggles of Asian immi- * ts to the United States. As a society, I our goals are to overcome stereotypes that an Asian-American may face as well as embracing and celebrating all of the vari­ ous Asian cultures,” said vice president junior Jerard Dela Torre. With the assis­ tance of Mr. FrankThomson, Mr. Matthew Knittel, and Mr. Benjamin Patiak, this re­ newed group set out to achieve these goals. h» cific Islander Society & Indo-Pak Society

Moderator Mr. Duane Farabaugh, S.J., makes plans for the German Club film showing of Run Lola Run with senior Kyle Meehan.

Mr. Duane Farabaugh, S.J,, along with co-presidents seniors Philipp Janssen and Samuel Slaughter, as well as seniorKyle Meehan and sophomore Matthew Ward, discuss upcoming German Club events.


After a year of inactivity, the French Club, under mod­ erator Mr.Jeffrey Beandetbe, presidentjunior Nilesh Parikh, and vice president junior Gregory Rasmusson, ran in full force. At meetings, the members of the club came up with ideas for activities that expanded their knowledge ofFrench culture; as such, the dub did everything from buying crois­ sants and coffee at Au Bon Pain to entertaining French guests, among them Madame Conklin, grandmother of the Rasmusson brothers, and a native of France. With the dub’s renaissance, the French Club cemented a promising future. Senior Joshua Esfoimes joined the French Club because he has “taken French since sixth grade and [he] really likes Mr. Beaudette and the language. Along with many of the other cultural dubs at Prep the M oderators : Mr. Scot Germans were not forgotten. Members induded people ffo im and from all descents, but in essence were brought together by Ms Gretchen the German culture. The St Peter’s German Club held Hovan enjoy a festloe dm -. events ranging from the showing of German films, such as ner with the Run Lola Run, to the hosting of a German dinner and a Indo-Pak So­ movie night in the cafeteria Also, the German Club hoped ciety, which to join the ranks in Prep’s yearly Copa del Prep. includes Jun­ The Ebony Club, run by Mr. James Dondero, who iors R a m Majmundar, commented, “The group has come up with a lot of ideas A le xa n d er to promote awareness of African-American culture, had N ik o d im , an exciting change this year-. It benefited from the assistance and special of Mr. KPHm Williams. Though they did not have many guest Ms. KaijaDeWitt. events the dub did meet to express their shared liking in the rich and intriguing culture of their ancestry.

French Club, German Club & Ebony Club

SeUMrBill Carleydoesbusiness atthePrepCampusShop ulith Mr James Hollywood during m ess break.



Sophomore Joseph Tressitt roams the newly designed Campus Shop looking for new Prep paraphernalia during recess.

Mr. David Bailey and Mr. Jan Butrym discuss plans for the Walk-a-Thon with committee members seniors Michael DeAngelis, Caesar Imperio, Peter Ligeiro, and Giuseppe Morgana.

Every year the students of St. Peter’s Prep band together and raise money for the annual Walk-a-Thon. The success of the Walk-a-Thon would not have been possible had it not been for the Walk-a-Thon Com­ mittee. The small group of committee members could be found posting numerous advertisements around the school in the weeks leading up to the Walk-aThon. Also, in the final days before the Walk-a-Thon, the raffle, which boasted two 42” plasma TVs, quickly became one of the primary responsibilities of the com­ mittee. One of the TVs went to juntoC J-JC opec, who wdii by chance, and the other went to freshman ter McFadden, Who won the grand prize by raising mm m t


$100 and one additional ticket was issued for every $50 raised over the initial $100. On the day of the Walk-a-Thon, the committee set up the tables and pizzas as the students participated in the two-mile walk After the festivities finished and the remaining crowds proceeded to watch the shows in the cafete ria, the committee made sure everything was cleaned up and in proper order. “ The committee ensured that the Walk-a-TTion was once again a great success, bringing in over $80,000 this year,” moderator Mr. David Bailey observed with a smile.

Walk-a-Thon Committee

Prep students play chess for various reasons; some desire the intense competition it offers, whereas oth­ ers play merely for recreation. Some students who regularly play chess in the morning are not even part of the team. Nevertheless, their games prove lively, and often the team members coach these players when not in competition. Each and every morning before school and on both Monday and Thursday after­ noons, Prep students gathered around the tables in Dr. Dominic Scibilia’s room “I joined the chess teambecause, before coming to Prep,I went to to play one of the more antheState Meet twice: oncein grammarschoolandoncein cient games in existence. Ten juniorhigh sdiool. ” players made Junior Raam Majmundar it through the tryouts and onto the Chess Team, which brought recognition to each player Last year, the Prep Chess Team ranked ninth in the state and had the third best player in Newjersey, senior Federico Garcia. The team participated in state competitions twice a month from January to March, and also competed in a state tournament held at Rutgers University. Five Prep men, including first-place finisher senior Garcia, sophomoreJoma Pormentilla, and seniorsJustin Ortiz, Sanyam Parikh, and Steven Porcelli, all captured the top prizes at the Begen Acad­ emy Tournament injanuary. Checkmate!

he Math Team welcomed a new modrator for the Varsity squad during the ear. Mr. Benjamin Patiak approached r. Pat Reidy about assisting the Math earn and he willingly shared the posion. Mr. Patiak helped the team with equent practices in die days leading up o the test, and taught participants the elevant material for the challenging ex­ ams. “This year has been a great sueess. We moved from 3rd place to 5th lace to 2nd place after the first three exams,” Mr. Patiak noted excitedly. Chess Team./Club

Sen'or Federico Garcia contemplates his next strategic move lo defeat his opponent, sophomore Jama Pormentilla.

Senior Federico Garcia, freshman Malikul Aziz, senior Steven Porcelli, sophomore Joma Pormentilla, junior Raam Majmundar, and sopho­ more Evan Hackler enjoy a healthy round of chess after school.

Math Team stars, including sophomore John Qckay and senior Ankur Patel, diligently work to solue yet another challenging problem.

M l

St, Peter’s Prep continued its advancement in the ranks of the New Jersey Catholic High School M ath League in their latest season. The Math Team met to practice and sat for exams testing their math­ ematical know-how on a range'of advanced curricu­ lar topics including precalculus and trigonometry. In the previous year, the varsity team placed 7th in the state while theJV placed 2nd statewide. A few new faces made quite the difference on both th ejV and Varsity teams. This year’s Varsity Math Team was led in competition by scholar seniors Ankur Patel, Adam Muzyczyn, Brandon Shipman, and Federico Garcia, and also benefited from a new leader, Mr. Benjamin itiak, with the aid of Mr. Patrick Reidy. After four tense rounds of competition, and after lots of chalg lunchtime practices and nail-biting competis in rooms H-101 and H-102, the Varsity team led a spot as one of the top schools in the state. Numerous sophomores and juniors of theJV Math am earned a 3rd place position in the state, led by or Colin Gallo, Jonathan Treble, Roland Zemla, Christopher Fitzpatrick. These up-and-coming mathematics scholars not only ranked highly in all of the competitions, but also they demonstrated confi­ dence, character, and leadership that would help make for an amazing season next year. Said senior Xavier Fuller of his experience with the Math Team, “I love the competition and the challenging math problems.” Go forth and multiply.

Under the leadership of Mr. Charles Crosby, new co-moderator Mr. Robert Hymas and a new Crew Chief, senior Joseph Skowronski, this year’s Stage Crew put the dramatics sets together in record time. This year’s set for the fall drama, Stalag 17, was made up of an eight foot wall of w ood, various crates, a h uge w ine barrel that was d o n a te d by senior A lex Canale, and various other p ro p s. T h e crew members also proved instrum ental "Thisyearhasbeen the bestso far in creating all the colorful forStage drew...alt of the crew an d o rn ate workedhardandtheset Uimed sets for the out exactlyasI envisioned. " spring musiModeratorCharles Crosby cal, Grease. A general Stage Crew af­ ternoon consisted of building pieces, breaking apart the old, buying materials at Home Depot, or moving pieces of the set to St. Peter’s College. “We’re the hardest working group there is, and we have the most fun,” claimed sophomore Matthew Owen. Some mem­ bers could be found working until 11:00 PM, espe­ cially when work was being done at the college. “They got it done, eventually,” said senior Alexander Doyle, an actor in the play who commented on the long and complicated progression of the set. Indeed, the group always managed to help make for a good show.

Mr. Charles Crosby and senior David Docherty discuss the lay­ out plans for the play.

Members of the Stage Crew, including sophomores Patrick Finnerfy and Mattheu. Ouiett, seniors S tem Erickson and Joseph Skowronski, sophomore Philip Com, and senior David Docherty, strategize and flan forthe foil drama's setin one of the early meetings of the year.


m One club often forgotten because of their I largely unseen labor is the Stage Crew. Working behind the scenes, the crewmen ^ made all of the intricate scenery and props ^ for the fall drama and spring musical, Stalag g 17 and Grease. The crew received a welH comed new addition, Mr. Robert Hymas, g whobrought energy and vigor to the group. 8 The club also elected new Crew Chief sejjjj niorjoseph Skowronski. With the wave of jj*. new management and the continued leadZ ership of moderator Mr. Charles Crosby, t the crew was poised to reach new heights,

I?' Stage Crew

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I I I I: I I I I m Senior David Docherty discusses the shopping list outside Home Depot with moderators Mr. Charles Crosby and Mr. Robert Hymas.

Seniors Alejandro Melendez and Philip Dacchille give a show stopping performance in Stalag 17, supported by senior John de Armas, junior Charlie Mikulich, sophomores Philip Corso and Charles Dullea, and junior Anthony Yasneski.

The American POWs in Stalag 17 raise a toast and poison the Nazi

Preparing to beat POV se­ nior John de Arinas, Nazi soldiers jM -.. ior Ryan Loftus, senior Philipp Janssen» and jaMor Mark confront the poor mao.

There is no better way to welcome in the new year than with a fine dramatic production, and St Peter’s has not failed to do so yet During the year, Prep Dramatics presented the dark comedy of Stalag 17. This dark com­ edy told the story of a group of American POWs in a German war camp during World War IL The play focused on three days in the camp barracks, during which the prisoners daringly come up with a cunning plan of escape. Throughout all of the mayhem, the POWs tried to avoid capture by the snitch that resided among them. The play welcomed back veteran performers seniors Alejandro Melendez, Michael Bomeer, and Alexander Doyle. Dra matics also welcomed several newcomers, including at! niors Philip Dacchille, Philipp Janssen, John de Armas, and juniorJudd Madarang. Each new actor brought their fresh and exciting acting abilities to the stage. In spite of the lack of any female counterparts, the cast did a fabulous job of working together and truly bringing to life the comedy, mystery, and suspense that made the drama what it is, “Such a talented cast made myjob easier because they really knew the histrionics of the play” said English teacher and director Mr.Jack Campion. “I knew we had the talent for it this year, and the talent truly was superb. I enjoyed the comedy, the tension, and drama; it really was great” Senior Ian Bemaiche captured the gen­ eral concensus of the play, saying that “it was an intriguing historical romedy.” With such a complete and utter suc­ cess, there seems no uncertainty about the promisingfuture of the ftep Dramatics program.


For its fifth year in operation the Star Wars Club saw many new faces, yet endured a shortage of light sabers. With the departure of Mr. Matthew Greeley, a new Religion teacher, Mr. Robert Hymas, filled the void and willingly became the club’s new moderator. Under the seasoned leadership of copresidents seniors Steven Erickson, L i o n e l Abdool, and V i s h n u N ayak, the club partook in numerous Star Wars and Star Wars-re"Star Wars Club membersare lated activities. In addiknowledgable and enthusiastic. tion to viewWe lookedforward to seeing ingthe original Episode III together. ’' trilogy of the ModeratorRobert Hymas Star Wars seties, the group played tag and also went to the theater showing of the final movie in the series, Episode III: Revenge o f the Sith. When asked about the future of the Star Wars Club co-president senior Steven Erickson commented, “It’s a shame there’s only so many Star Wars movies to see. Sometimes we have to watch other things.” Because of the inevitable problem of the finiteness of the Star Wars films, the club showed such movies as Cowboy Bebop, Spaceballs, Farscape, and also viewed various other science fiction and anime film clips to pique their members’ tastes and interests.

tie departure of moderator Mr. reeley and long time key memaad Simmons, the Star Wars ivas left with neither light saor moderator. Fortunately, for lents who love the classic triloew teacher Mr. Robert Hymas :he void. The club boasted a t of new and different activiid also saw the last movie in ies, Star Wars Episode III: Ref the Sith, in part because of s’s selfless dedication. /

Star Wats Cltlb members, includingfreshmen Giovanni Colacclua, Mina Gayed, James Ward, Vincenzo Averegg, and behind them, seniorSteoen Erickson and junior Jonathan Matamoros, enthusiastically watch as the preview for the next Star Wars movie is played.


Club moderator Mr. Robert Hymas speaks to the Star Wars Club briefly before beginning the afternoon's feature presentation.

Junior Noel Borges and senior Justin Ortiz work with Ms. Ella Glazer after school on their investment portfolios in the Stock Market Club.

HM l i l f i i i i l i i l l i l wi i i i

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Special guest Mr Bamd

on networks.

Those who participated in Prep’s Stock Market Club know that the stock market is the place where fortunes are made and lost, but, in the end, everyone gets to keep their shirts. These future financial ge­ niuses of our generation regularly met in the Link Computer Center with moderator Ms. Ella Glazer to converse about the potential earnings of various com­ panies; In this time of uncertainty in the country’s economy, these Prep students tried to make money by buying and selling shares of stocks in a virtual stock market game. Ms. Glazer clarified the virtual game, saying “the Stock Market Q ub gives students a chance to invest money in real stock market conditions. We can sell short, buy long, and buy bonds. New members are always welcomed. Some students have made a lot of money.” The only disappointing part for the winner was he could not keep the money. The Computer Club, also moderated by Ms. Ella Glazer, is a forum dedicated to the discussions of relevant and contemporary computer issues. In addition to meeting once a month in the computer lab to expound upon computer issues, the club also brought in guest speakers, including Mr. David Bailey, to discuss computer issues like network security. Mr. Bailey spoke to members about encryption of the network and ISPs. President senior Giuseppe Morgana and vice president senior Mohammed Khan also planned gaming parties and helped organized the monthly meetings with Ms. Glazer’s assistance.

J&S \

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Stock Market Club & Computer Club


Whether indulging themselves in the complexi­ ties of Dante or by the cynicism of David Sedaris, the members of the Book Club involved themselves in lengthy debates over interpretations of books and short stories outside of the traditional books chosen by the English department The Book Club was founded by junior Daniel Ju lia n , m ade expressly for those students who wished to share their favorite books or new books with classmates and friends. It provided students with the opportunity to enlighten fellow to expandthehorizons peers, as well as 7ofwanted the club’s modniy literaryexperience, and / Wortmanwouldsupport e ra to r, Ms. knewMs. R a c h e l me inmyendeavors. * Junior DanielJulian Wortman, with th eir varying and informatively erudite opinions and comments on books of all kinds Ms. Wortman is a known book fanatic, and when asked to moderate, she gladly accepted and showed willingness to share her passion for all books. “The Book Club opens the paths to literature for all Prep students by giving them the opportunity to read books outside of the regular English class curriculum, which is refreshing and enjoyable,” commented seniorJuan Cardenas and Book Club member. At year’s end, the Book Club hoped to expand both membership and the types of books they read together.

Junior Daniel Julian leads an enthralling conversation with senior Thomas Kefley-Kempte, freshman Kevin Ramnaraine, and juniors Michael Spwack, Marciano Figueroa, and Andrew Zhu.

Book Club membersjun­ iors Michael Spiuack and Andrew Zhu, ' fr e s h m a n K i u i n Ramnaraini and junior M a r k C a vanagh gather to dis­ cuss a book atone of the early meet­ ings of the new club.

The new addition to the Prep’s massive ) list of cocunicular activites, the Book Club, : trulylived up to the name “cocurricular”The s club met to choose and then discuss various j books, otherwise ignored and overlooked by ] the English curriculum. The first book, Dress | Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David i Sedaris, is a collection of satirical, autobio( graphical short stories; this and others books i like it were not be available to read in the ■typical course ofstudies; the new club thereby I allowed its members to increase the spec­ trum of genres in which they read. Book Club

Ms. Rachel Wortman oversees the discussion of the latest book between juniors Marciano Figueroa amd Judd Madarang.

ModeratorMs. Kaija DeWitt discusses a pending deadline with the edi­ tors and staff members during a staff meeting of the Petroc.

Co-editors-inchief seniors Ed, ward Cho and Ankur Patel work side-by-side with much help from sophomore David Garcia.

$ A fundamental component of any school commu­ nity is a regularly published newspaper that informs students and faculty about the latest news headlines at the school. Prep’s newspaper, Petroc, strives to do this and much more. Keeping students abreast of important school news, such as the new library policy, the con­ struction of the Prep gymnasium floor, and other no­ table annual events, die Prep newspaper did its best to provide fresh, informative details to the rest of the school community. Moderated by Ms. Kaija Dewitt and led by co-editors-in-chief seniors Edward Cho and Ankur Patel, Petroc staff members usually worked late in the


\* \


Being one of Prep’s newest clubs, the Medical Club proved its staying power through a series of memorable events. Moderated by Ms. Melissa Mueller, the Medical Club attracted a myriad of members by creating an enlightening forum in which to have an active dialogue about relevant and contemporary con­ cerns in modern m edicine. These activities included a film sc re e n in g of the controversial

about relevant The MediStrictly for aspir-



medicinethatmightbeof particularconceminthedecades yet to come."

The Medical Club members listen to the introductions by co-presidents juniors Muhammed Khan and Roland Zemla.

health issues. Ca] Club Was not illff physicians


but geared towards anybody who had an interest in a healthy lifestyle. The club made a great impact on the Prep community by having an open discussion on the im­ portance of health in regard to Prep’s cafeteria food offerings. Medical Club presidentjunior Roland Zemla promised “prolific results” of the club for years to come, ensuring that it will remain a vital part of student life. Senior Cliffordjohnson enjoyed the club and offered, “I joined Medical Club because I like medicine. We enjoyed debating the health benefits of the cafeteria food and had interesting talks about cloning and other biomedical-related fields.” Founder of the Medical Club junior

Roland Zemla ad­ dresses club members, in­ cluding jun-

With the recent wave of health concerns taking society by storm, the new Medi­ cal Club served as the model of an in­ evitable evolution within the co-curricular community. Begun by juniors Roland Zemla and Muhammed Khan, the Medi­ cal Club served as a relevant forum for those who wished to increase their knowl­ edge ofhealth-related issues and to spread the word to the rest of the community. Moderated by Ms. Melissa Mueller, the club desired to create a healthy dialogue of medicine-related issues around school. Medical Club

Junior Roland Zemla explains the agenda of the Medical Club to its attending members, includingjuniors Andrew Zhu, Khaled Chaudhary, and Julian Pormentilla.

President senior Michael Sherry guides Model UN members in discus­ sions about their chosen countries in an after school meeting.

Members of the Model UN Club, including mod­ erator Mr. Paul Cunneen, listen to sophomore Michael Scott de­ liver a talk on his

Mr. Paul Cunneeh speaks with the members of Model regarding the u p c o m in g conference.

H eyZ cu s

The Model United Nations Club offers Prep stu­ dents an opportunity to represent various countries in relation to the pressing topics of the world today. “We do our part educating students about the issues faced by the world and the UN,” commented senior Peter Ligeiro, “and we create initiatives to help shape a better future.” Under the guidance of senior presi­ dent Michael Sherry, fhe Model UN saw the largest attendance in the club in years. For the fifth year in a row, moderator Mr. Paul Cunneen led the Model UN to cumulative success in multiple conferences and events. During the year, the UN delegates participated in the two-day Seton Hall University Model United Nations VI conference, or SHUMUN VI, on April 9 and 10. This conference was attended by over 500 students from all along the East Coast every year and has been attended by Prep since the club’s inception. At the conference, Prep students represented the countries of Russia, Austra­ lia, Algeria, Italy, Oman, and the Ivory Coast in seven different conferences. Each of these committees cov! ered a pressing issue facing these countries: Disarma­ ment and International Security Committee, Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee, Commission on Science and Technology, United Nations Interna­ tional Children’s Emergency Fund, League of Arab States, Security Council, and die North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The coundess meetings and practices assured another success by the Model UN group.

Model UN

The Classics Club made great strides iri the third year since its inception. Despite what Prep students tenrl to think, the ancient cultures of Rome and Greece still are very much alive today. “A lot of the time, we focus on the language while in Latin class,” said moderator and Latin Teacher Ms. Kristine Spano, “but in the Clas­ sics Club, have] a chance to experience b oth the language and the culture instead.” The club changed focus this year and used m odern m ovies and events with classical themes to gain wider ap­ “Withtogasyou don 'tneedto peal. A screening of Gladiator wearanypants!" and a trip to see Junior Patrick Comey Alexander, the movie, and a live performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar drew dozens of students, offer proof that interest in the Classics Club has grown. Excellent leadership proved part of the reason for this ren ew ed appeal. M oderators Ms. K atherine Lochbrunner and Ms. Spano worked withjuniors presi­ dent Patrick Comey, vice president Valentino Mills, and secretaries Andrew Anderson and Stephen McDermott This group of hard-working individuals also set its sights on increasing the number of students who enroll in either Latin or Greek as an elective in their junior and senior years. As junior Anderson concisely put it, “Thanks to the Classics Club, Latin is no longer dead!”

Ms. Kristine Spano and Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner begin an introduc­ tory Classics Club meeting with members juniors Thomas Ongeri, An­ drew Zhu, Allen Ferrer, sophomore Amit Sathe, and juniors James Dootan, and John Llaneza.

Junior John Llaneza and nice presi­ dent junior V a le n tin o Mills conduct a meeting-of the Classics Club.

Though the club enjoyed widespread pres­ ence for the past two years, the Classics Club saw renewed interest via a greater number of events and wider participa­ tion. In addition to attending films, such as Alexander, and watching movies in school, such as Gladiator and 0 Brother Where Art Thou?, students enjoyed live classical theater in the NYC performance of Julius Caesar. Much credit was owed to the diligence of the co-moderators and both presidentjunior Patrick Comey and vice president junior Valentino Mills. Classics Club

Moderators Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner and Ms. Kristine Spano intro­ duce the movie that they about to present, Gladiator.

Moderator Mr. Paul Cunneen and juniors Lucas Simko-Bednarski and Stephen McDermott count votes for the Mock Election in November.

Mr. Paul Cunneen oversees the counting of bal­ lots by History Clubjunior Lucas Simko-Bednarski.


The History Club, includ­ ing juniors Step hen McDermott, J o h n Lauretta, and Brian Dalton help in the counting of the ballots.

Throughout the year, the History Club presented history-themed movies after school; previous presen­ tations included Black Hawk Down, Dr. Strangelove, and The Mouse That Roared, as well as other clips from medieval-themed movies in an event called “Me­ dieval Surprise:” Moderated by Mr. Paul Cunneen and run by president junior Stephen McDermott, vice president sophomore Adam Baginski, and secretary junior Steven Karunphand, the History Club accom­ plished a great deal. In the first months of the school year, the club organized Prep’s Mock Election. Mr. Cunneen designed an Electoral College map by as signing electoral votes to each Prep homeroom based on the number of students. Prep’s own mock elec­ tion resulted in a John Kerry victory with 368 elec­ toral votes to George W. Bush’s 162, and, surprisingly Prep teacher Mr. Fletcher managed to secure eight electoral votes, all from Mr. Muir’s homeroom, 4F. The History Club organized “Teacher Survivor,” a game in which teachers participated in a game of trivial pursuit to raise money for the mission drive. The event’s winners used the proceeds raised from admission to the event for their homeroom mission drive funds. Commenting on the club, Mr. Cunneen stated, “I am always amazed by the enthusiasm each member has for the club.” Presidentjunior McDermott added, “I enjoy running the History Club’s event and am glad to see that all of the club’s members are eager to participate.”

History Club

Despite some initial setbacks, the Forensics Team managed to overcome the dramatic changes they had experienced since last year. The team had only one coach, Mr. Matthew Knittel, instead of the traditional three or four leaders. Ms. Erin Gething took on the position of head coach just before the team’s first com petition. Her level ofcommitment and her enthusiasm inspired all the members of the team to do their very best Ms. Gething summated, “We have m any very dedicated members without whom we 'TheForensicsTeamgotofftoa would not be able to function slowstartthisyea’. butwe/me manymemberswithoutwhomwe w ith such g reat sp irit.” wouldnotbeablelofunctionwilh Tw o such d edicated Moderator Brin Gething members w ere co-cap tains juniors Daniel Libatique and Valentino M ills “I think this year’s team has been motivated to work together in order to become better in the wake of last season’s failures,” commented Mills. The truth of this statement was evidenced through the many successes of Forensics members during this year’s meets, pro­ pelling the team to new heights in the rankings of the National Catholic Forensics League. “We’ve done a lot better as a team than we have in the last few years,” added Libatique. Given these new heights achieved, the team was set to surpass their past performances.

£ £ u


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In prepara­ tion for the upcoming fo­ rensics meet, junior Brian Dalton dis­ cusses tactics with Ms. Erin Gething and Mr. Matthew Knittel.



£ £

Captainjunior Valentino Mills and Judd Madarangpractice their foren­ sics speeches together during an after-school practice.

The Forensics Team faced a dilem m a at the year’s beginning; with the departure of three coaches, includingModeratorMs.Julie Meyer, ership. The team’s prayers were answered with the arrival of Ms. Erin Gething and Ms. Theresa Panzera, who undertook the gruel­ ing work of attending countless afterschool practices and several all-daySaturday compe­ titions to assiststudents in Prep’s formal rheto­ ric and oratory society. Ms. Gething’s everencouragingwords ofadvice helped raisemo­ rale even in the woeful moments of defeat Forensics

Moderator Ms. Erin Gething explains to team members, including jun­ ior Leander Pais and sophomore Michael Scott, that each of them must practice if they hope to place.

The Prep Factor, including junior Lucas Simko-Bednarski, senior Kevin Dugan, sophomore Michael Rogers, senior Timothy Brown, juniors John Dizon, Aleksander Zywicki, Andrew Zhu, Daniel Julian, senior Alexander Doyle, and juniors Rey Andrew Osma and Kevin Pelgone, meets for the uKiller Coke* campaign.

Dominie Scibilia converses with students

about various hu man rights issues during a Prep Fac­ tor meeting.

SeniorRobert Zuniga leads a conversa­ tion with other mem­ bers of Prep Factor, in­ cluding jun­ ior Mark Timmins, se­ nior Thomas KelleyKemple, and m oderator Mr. Dominic Scibilia.

Prep Factor is an organization of Prep men commit­ ted to raising awareness of Human Rights issues at home in the United States and abroad in places like Colum­ bia, Ghana, and other third-world countries. Led by moderator Dr. Dominic Scibilia, the Prep Factor ran such campaigns as the “Killer Coke,” which probably was the largest activity undertaken by the gToup In places like Columbia, the Coca-Cola Cor­ poration ignores illegal practices that violate basic hu­ man rights of the indigenous people who Coke has employed as managers of their bottling companies. In a few eases , these practices ultimately have ended in death! The Prep Factor was trying to make a statement to Coca-Cola by asking that Prep remove the Coke marhinp-a and the school’s endorsement of Coke, from school grounds and by contacting the president of Coke himcplf The group even brought the president of the national grassroots Killer Coke organization to speak to Prep students in the St Peter's Church. The group also met to discuss other relevant social justice issues affect­ ing the entire community, and several Prep Factor stu­ dents attended a peaceful demonstration va Fort Benning, GA, concerning the dosing of a military school whose graduates have been known to commit major human rights violations all around South America. When asked about the ideals of die Prep Factor, Dr. Scibilia simply said, “The Prep Factor puts into action thejesuit commitment to socialjustice” It seemed that the Prep Factor had done exactly that

Prep Factor

SeniorsKevin Roleson andMiguelSandoval, andjuniorAndrew Wallace, attentively watch the Magic match being played between juniors Michael Spivack and Nilesh Parikh.

.Causemymomthinksthat we'rejustthat hardcore. ° Junior Michael Spivack

J u h i or Mi c h a el Spimck chal­ lenges fresh­ man Ramon Sandoval to a







The RPG Club existed under several monig kers over the last few years. The original (j RPG Club, unrelated to the present one, q disbanded in 2001. In the next year, the % Magic: the Gathering Club was founded. - That club became the Gaming Club when 3 junior Michael Spivack sought the Student ( J Council’s re-approval during the year. That £ name lasted only a few months and ultih mately was dropped to avoid an associa­ te tion with either gambling or video gam’T ing. It was then decided that the current - name be adopted by the co-curricular. ] RPG Club

President junior Michael Spivack offers some useful tips to seniors Lionel Abdool and Miguel Sandoval, freshman Ramon Sandoval, and junior Alexander Senatore.

S ill Ms, Erma Yost speaks with senior Kevin Dugan, while seniors Thomas Kelley-Kernple, James Costello, and junior Hector Flores listen to her discuss the intricate works of art with him.

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The Art Club lis­ tens to cartoonist Mr. Rich Neddor discuss how to make comics truly come to lue

Juniors Jacob Kafka and Nilesh Parikh talk quietly at an Art Club meeting awaiting a talk from a ■ special guest lecturer. '

The Art Club witnessed a rebirth with the help of new teacher and moderator Ms. Megan Klim. Students gained a greater appreciation for all things art and Cul­ ture through the Art Club, which often had students experience art around them in their everyday lives, in both Jersey City and New York City. Junior Hector Flores commented, “I enjoyed the Art Club because it allowed me to learn about new artists and expanded my horizons on art in general.” The club often debated the definition of art and attempted to classify new art­ works as art based on their contextual definitions. Led by seniors Alvin Anez and Kevin Dugan, the Art Club took numerous trips around the Jersey City area to visit maseums and exhibits, including a trip to Victory Hall to see an AV art exhibition. Students also watched a movie, Running Fence, a documentary by the Maysles brothers about the efforts of Christo and Jeanne-Claude to construct a 24-mile long fence made of white nylon that ran through two countries. After watching the movies, students had an opportunity to experience the artwork of Christo andJeanne-Claude firsthand by visiting their newest installation, The Gates, in Central Park. In addition, students listened to Mr. Rich Neddor speak about cartooning and his career in cartoons. Students were interested to learn about the process of creating a comic book. Overall, the Art Club was busy with events that constantly encouraged its members to seek the beauty and mystique in art in our everyday life, and succeeded in doing so.

As was the tradition, the SA.D.D. Club opened the year with the Hudson County Shoutdown Drugs Contest. Out of all of Prep’s entries, senior Brendan Kelly advanced to the county’s next level of compe­ tition with other winners from each school. S.A.D.D. also hosted a multitude of other activi­ ties, including several movie showings with important discussions following the films such as Traffic and Blow. “The movies were su p p o sed to educate students that drugs are not always found among “Aspresident, I wantedSAD.D. to certain stereoty p e s,” comnotonlybefocusedondrugsand alcohol,butalsoasacommunity mented president senior Edwhereeveryoneisaccepted. ” Senior Edward Cho,Jr. ward Cho, Jr. Also, S.A.D.D. contributed to the perennial “Great American Smoke Out.” S.A.D.D. distributed small bags of candy and trinkets that smokers could use to distract themselves from smoking. SA.D.D. made over three-hundred red lapel rib­ bons to be distributed to those who donated money for AID’s awareness. “The purpose of S.A.D.D. is to support students and to educate the community about making healthy lifestyle decisions,” remarked Mod­ erator Ms. Kate Walsh. SA.D.D. has been a part of the Prep community for many years and plans an ever-growing presence in accordance with its mission.

ood joined the ranks of SA.D.D. SeEdwaid Cho returned to lead SADD. e dub’s president Gaining experience as president wasjunior Daniel Libatique, a ist in die Hudson County Shoutdown gs Contest in the previous year. Junior 1 ers who helped SA.D.D. in the organiza­ tional and fiscal aspects of the dub induded secretary junior Michael Haas and treasurer junior Louis Hart Each officer came together atleastonce per week afterschool and during free periods to create agendas and to organize ideas for the club’s numerous meetings. SA.D.D.

S.A.D.D, students, including juniors Kirubell Arayq, Timothy Cunningham, Daniel Urbanomh, Anthony Alongi, and Thomas Zaucha, have a discussion about the movie, Traffic, they just viewed.

S.A.D.D. secretary junior Michael Haas and president senior Edward Cho, Jr. discuss some of the upcoming events tor their dub.

The underclassmen olCiC, including sophomoreJohn Ockayand fresh­ men Christopher McNulty and Vincenzo Aoerello, talk about the day's reflection with Fr. Michael Hoag, S.J. and Mr. Richard Hitchcock.


A t 7:30 in the morning, some students are either wiping the sleep out of their eyes or hopping the train or bus to get to Prep. The diligent members of the Christian Life Community (CLC), however, may be found in the Madonna Chapel, attending Mass with Fr. Michael Hoag, SJ., and preparing for their weekly meeting. Every week, freshmen and sopho­ mores met on Tuesdays and juniors and seniors met on Thursdays, all with the intention of beginning the day with prayer and reflection. To facilitate and guide the reflection process, the CLC members used a book called Vision: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way written by Mark Link, S J., which included a guided reflection for every day of the Roman Catholic Church’s annual reading cycle. According to senior Peter Geary, who noted, “CLC provides a half hour each week to sit and re­ flect; I use the time for meditation. It really helps to relax me.9 With Ms. Kaija DeWitt and Mr. Richard Hitchcock as their spiritual guides, CLC students took tiffins reading scripture passages and offering up daily reflections and meditations on how each student could become a better Christian through the practice of the Bible’s simple teachings. The Christian Life Community co-curricular served as a spiritually prac­ tical way to begin one’s day because of the basic, yet powerfully uplifting message of Christian ideology. This same message also was oft-camed through the song and story of the Liturgical Music group.

A staple of the Prep community and a true necessity to the entertainment ofthe Prep student body, the TV Studio reemerged as an even stronger force than in year’s past Under the leadership ofnew moderator and English teacher Ms. Bonny Eaton, the? dub managed to match and surpass the standards set forth by previous leaders. The group continued their legacy by producing another hilarious and surprising video for the tadilional Christmas Prayer Service, In addition, the club created weekly News features highlighting the softer side “Fortherecordourmeetingslook of Prep, and showcasing Mr. absolutelynothinglike this!" SeniorChristopher Keating Hu’s penchant for flying and Mr. KnitteFs ability to transform himselfinto a rabbit TV Studio members spent an exorbitant number of hours after school in their beloved TV Studio room bringing much joy to the masses. Seniors Christopher Keating, Jonathan Tiner, Brett Bums, Raphael Gerraty, Thomas Kelley-Kemple, Kyle Meehan, Kevin Dugan, and junior Aleksander Zywidd, served as intregal club members who showed extreme originality and fervent dedication in each of their produc­ tions. Each day, they spent their free time pouring over a Macintosh and tirelessly editing film with the iMovies edit­ ing program. Few knew just how much work this dedi­ cated group contributed to such enormous projects.

Brainstorming for Ike next TVStudio production, senior's Christopher Keating, Kyle Meehan, andJonathan Tiner, alongwith Ms, BonnyEaton, deoekp new and creative ideas.

TV Studio, especially when considerthe club asked numerous rnny Eaton was recomsiasra. Ms. Eaton rescued the club from a shaky fixture by willing her free time, dedica­ tion, and youthful energy to the continuation of such a meaningful group. With her help the TV Studio continued to bring laughter, amusement, and inspiration to all. TV Studio

The Prep student body enjoys the comedy of the TV Studio's :The News " in the cafeteria before homeroom.

Seniors Christopher Fischer,. William Garley, Alvin Anez, Daniel Pata, and Donald Delaon discuss independent films to view in the near future with moderator Mr. David Muir.


' the movie.

The second year of IFS marked a year of many great changes. In addition to the traditional format of watching films at school and viewing theatrical re­ leases in the city, the IFS instituted the Symposium of Film, whereby each semester the group chose a dif­ ferent theme of films to show at school. The fall ush­ ered in many films about coming-of-age in modem society, including Les Quatre Cent Coups and Goodbye Lenin! at school, and The Motorcycle Diaries and Maria Full o f Grace in the city. The spring saw numerous first features of famed independent filmmakers, such as Slacker, Stranger Than Paradise, Gummo, and She's Gotta Have It. They also saw The Sea Inside and the House o f Flying Daggers in the city. Indeed, the year saw a great increase in the number of films viewed and witnessed the formation of a core group of dedi­ cated cinephiles who appeared at every showing. Moderated by Mr. David Muir and run by presi­ dent and founder senior Donald Delaon, the group ensured a promising future as a visible co-curricular on campus, complete with numerous announcements, a colorful bulletin board, and color posters strewn around the school. Frequent after school meetings assured that the latest movies were considered for viewing. “Our gr oup has such great fun sharing our passion for watching films,” said Mr. Muir. “If there’s some way I can convey my love of films to my stu­ dents, then my job as moderator is complete.”

Independent Film Society

St Peter’s Prep Band continued to provide enticing harmonies and soothing melodies for the Prep community throughout the year. Whether the band played “Peter’s Team” after a touchdown at the football games or a soloist expressed his heart and soul at the Christmas concert, the musical skills of St Peter’s Prep’s musicians were made known to those willing to listen. Mr. Steve Caslowitz, in his sixth year directing the band, said, “The band this year was a fantastic success,” which foreshadowed their com*Unfortunately;tltedemandfor mendable perfor- danceshasgonedoum, mance at the anbulwedoour nual Spring Festival. The band’s thechancetodosomethingwith theirfriendsonaFridaynight ’ perform ance, however, was not ModeratorKathyRowan limited to school events; the group continued the tradition of participating in a band trip Band vice president senior Kevin Roleson recalled that the band trip “was lots of fun.” The band accomplished all that it did however, through much hard work and count­ less hours ofpractice. Every Tuesday and Thursday morn­ ing, the band rehearsed as early as 7:30 AM, and they had additional afternoon sessions on Tuesdays to continue to hone their skills. The band’s dedication resulted in many positive appraisals both during band competitions and at the school concerts. The band did not falter from its tradi­ tion of representing the best musical skills at Prep, perform­ ing well in the spring concert and on the band trip.

Sophomore Bum Hackter, freshman peter McFadden, junior Stephen McDermott, and senior Edward Cho Jr. play the clarinet for one of the pieces at the Christmas Concert.


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■ mmittee organized two evenings of excitement for all jyounger Prep j. students. Throughouttheyearthe committee, withsopho­ more leadersJoseph Skillender and William Thompson, as well as senior Mark Makhail, dedicated time by arranging and decorating the cafeteria to create a delightful ambience for both boys and gills to mix and mingle. The typical duties of the Dance Committee included breaking down cafeteria tables, set­ ting up the chairs and creating a festive atmo­ sphere, and publicizing the event at school


hand Director; Mr. Stem Caslowitz, conducts band members senior Edward Cho, Jr., freshman Brendan White, and sophomore Nicholas Fuearo at the packed Christmas Concert.

Junior C.J. Kopec agitates his photograph in the water bath before putting it into the fixer solution.

The Photography d u b reached its prime before die advent of digital cameras; however, the onset of new tech nology pushed the darkroom into the back of everyone’s mind. SeniorsJuan Cardenas and Alvin Anez rediscov­ ered this hidden gem on the fourth floor of Mulry Hall during the creation of the yearbook supplement and won­ dered about reinstituting the dub. In the M , seniors Brett Guadagnino and Alvin Anez approached Ms. Melissa Mueller to moderate the club in the hopes of revamping the dark room and sharing their love for old-fashioned photography with other Prep students. After several initial ^n^felm eettt^todetennine the future of the dub, (he membai; gutted the dark room of the storage material displaced 9r Brett into it, and cleaned and fixed the equipment Indepentagnino ,w iy , students taught themselves to develop photos, and !S ,e learned about the equipment in the room. It was not until returning from winter break that sto the dents began to develop photos with the existing materials; er may students used ingenuity to teach themselves how to de1,01(1 a velop photos and supplemented their curiosities with Internet research until they became experienced in the ait of photography. The yearbook staff including senior Chris­ topher Fischer, and juniors CJ. Kopec and Mark Cavanagh, reclaimed die room, purchased new chemi­ cals, and began to use the room for developing photos under the tutelage of Mr. David Muir. Senior Christopher Fischer and junior CJ. Kopec noted, “It is so fun develop­ ing photos in the revamped dark room; we especially feel proud because we

Photography Club

Under the guidance of Ms. Marie Curry, the Stu­ dent Council worked tirelessly to improve the com­ munity of St. Peter’s Prep. President senior Michael Lampariello, introduced numerous programs and ac­ tivities for the benefit of the student body. Beginning over the sum merwith the annual m eeting with Mr. Kenneth Dandorph and the newly instituted Big B ro th er P ro ­ gram, the Student Council made progress in moving the Prep community in the right “Overthepastyear, theStudent direction. Many of these Gounalhasmadeamazingprogress changes and initiatives would not have SeniorJosephMcDonald been possible without the assistance of the other senior officers, vice president Vito Petruzzelli, and secretariesJoseph McDonald and Kevin Chester. The Student Council also created a variety of subcommittees to further the progress of the student body and the future of the school. By creating an Academic Council and Technology Committee, the elected officials worked to create a brighter future for all Prep students. Student Council president senior Lampariello summarized in regard to the council’s work: “I am proud to say that the Student Council has made progress in representing the student ideas and implementing them into the school community.”

While discussing pressing community issues, senior Adam Muzyczyn expresses his opinion to Student Council members junior Valentino Mills and seniors Joseph McDonald and Michael Lampariello.

Sophomore Piero Iberti; seniors Vito Petruzzelli, Carl Kraus, G elch io n , and sophom o r e Michael Rogers par­ ticipate in the Student Council meeting.

£ g o Z u § O

Hie Student Council is Prep’s way of follow­ ing in the footsteps of our democratic forefa­ thers. The Student Council had a gaigantiian w effect on the student body regardless of £ whether (hey realized it During the year the § StudentCouncil considered and passedmany g more clubs than ever before in recent years, ^ including the Lyrical Society, Medical dub, .§ and the RPG Chib. With the influx of new ( J clubs forming, the StudentCouncil established ► £ the Club Committee for making the difficult H decisions in regard to the clubs that deserved I formal recongition within the school. *«■

1 12 Student Council

Student Council juniors Ray Smith and Ryan Gelchion discuss impor­ tant school-related issues With moderator Ms. Marie Curry and the rest of the Student Council.

Seniors Ian Bemaiche and Dale Addeo lead the procession during the National Honor Society induction ceremony.

W iley

National Honor Society member senior Adam Muzyczyn tutors junior CJ. Kopec in Algebra Z

Seniors Arthur Qlveseri, Eric Yang, Adam M uzyczyn. Gi us e ppe Mo r g a n a,

Phi l i p D acchtlle, M u r r fy i . Connell, Caesai Impeno, and Myron Merced hold their certifi­ cates proudly as the)'are in­ ducted into


There were an astounding fifty nine young men inducted into the McNally Sinnott chapter of the Na­ tional Honor Society in December, as well as an additional two students following the conclusion of the first semester of the school year. The National Honor Society continued to be one of Prep’s most highly regarded honors. Run by moderator Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, and co-presidents seniors Ankur Patel and Matthew Gelchion, this distinguished group of men continually served and always impressed. All i given this honor demonstrated scholarship, leader ship, and service to the Prep community. The honorees constantly played a role in Prep s everyday life by acting as “the oil” for the Prep ma­ chine; “NHS is what keeps the Prep train running. They help those that struggle in school as well as helping to spread the spirit of Prep outside of school,” commented senior Adam Muzyczyn. 'Ihe sixty one scholars that received the award lived up to their titles by leading many service functions both inside and outside of school, such as the Adopt-a-Family program during the holiday season, a tutoring pro­ gram for underclassmen, and the collection of funds for an Appalachian girl’s educational dreams. In ad­ dition, NHS members assisted at all of the Open House functions. The members of this prestigious organiza­ tion make Prep life more efficient and attempt to ef­ fect people on both a local and national scale.

National Honor Society

The Literary Magazine, formerly known as the Pa­ per & Pen, was under its first year of leadership with Ms. Bonny Eaton. Looking at last year’s Paper & Pen one would never have guessed that it had not been published in the previous year. Ms. Eaton’s goal was to improve the maga­ zine by a similar degree during the year. Discarding the old tide, the literaryMagazine also attempted a commendable advance in quality. Adopting a consistent font and stricterguidelines for submissions, as well as pursuing a new "Theamountofuntappedcreatioe publisher and talentatthisschoolis tremendous. more artwork, TheLitMagisjust onewaythat helped to make studentshereareableto unleash for a new and imthatcreativeforce. " proved magazine. Through SeniorSamuel Slaughter dose affiliations with the Art and English departments, Ms. Eaton created a beneficial rap­ port that aided in the creation of a professional magazine with the help of seniors Brett Guadagnino and Samuel Slaughter and sophomoresJustin Sdoli andjames Laggins. Even as the magazine improved with each weekly meet­ ing, writing workshops helped dub members leam more about their craft. As proof of the club’s newfound level of pomp and professionalism, senior Brett Guadagnino com­ mented, “The revisions and reformatting of the magazine were even more revolutionary for their repetitive restitution to the recondite tradition of rendering changes ridiculous.”

ny Eaton and Ms, Annie Glackin to bring the Literary Magazine to new heights. The magazine underwent a major transformation in part because of the ideas and innovations of these new moderators. The Lit Mag , as it was known affectionately, provided an ideal forum for those who desired to express themselves in a more unrestrictive and creative way than the traditional modes of expression. The leaders hoped to turn the Lit Mag into a truer and more profes­ sionally journalistic masterpiece.

Ms. Bonny Eaton instructs Lit Mag members seniors Brett Guadagnino and Samuel Slaughter, andjuniors BrianJones, lomzoRafer, and Cory Leadbealer on proper style.



Moderators Ms. Bonny Eaton and Ms. Annie Glackin listen to new ideas for the successful launch of a bolder and better Lit Mag.

I m

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Senior Juan Cardenas and Mr. David Muir discuss a story edit for the Academics section of the yearbook.



The Petrean had many dedicated staff members who worked everyday to chronicle the exciting hap­ penings that occurred throughout the school year. The staff often stayed after school until 7:00 or 8:00 P.M. at night in order to make important dead­ lines or to return a large set of proofs. Members could be seen at all Sporting events taking coundess action shots for the athletics section. The photographers also were a constant backdrop for the many co curriculars that met everyday after school. “It was amazing he dedicated the workers became and how much we • improved over the year. Working on the helped me to appreciate Prep and my book members even more,” co-editor-in C J. Kopec recalled when referring to the Besides the work the staff did in scho went to several off-campus clinics and v the end of eachyear, the staff attends a c to decide the book’s theme and to desi with a graphical artist. Over the summer and into the beginning of the year, certain essential members also attended several workshops in hopes to improve their overall desktop publishing and journalism skills. fa love being here, and I love the guys we have here. We are a family,” coeditor-in-chief senior Philipp Janssen said, referring to his staff and the overall year­ book experience. The editors and the staff became experts at their craft and cemented a good future for the upcoming supplement and for future books.

M mmI


Marauder Nation was the new face of the once dormant Spirit Committee, or, as junior Ray Smith described it, “upgrading the tradition.” Being one of the most active co-curriculars at St. Peter’s, Marauder Nation provided the entire Prep community with a backbone of enthusiastic and inspiring support in all fields of athletic competition. Meetings w ere held in the moderator Fr. M ichael H oag’s room to discuss plans for intriguing theme nights, clever new Tshirt ideas, and anything else that pertained "Arevitalization oftheSpirit to M arauder Athletics. The Committee,it hasbrought life andenthusiasmtostudentsat new ly conceived newsletathleticeoents. ’ ModeratorFr.Michael Hoag,S J. ter, The Henchman, allowed Marauder Nation to keep the Prep community posted on Prep events on a weekly basis and also to entertain everyone using the clever wit of senior Patrick O ’Rourke’s “Patty O ’s Stoop.” The Marauder, senior Vito Petruzzelli, spearheaded many of these successful events and ideas, including Costume Night, Gentleman Nation, Farm Night at The Barn, Toga Night, and the impromptu Home­ coming Semiformal, which provided Prep students with many unforgettable memories. The infectious spirit established by the seniors of Marauder Nation offered hope for perpetual support of Prep Athletics.

e evening captured the essence of auderNationmore perfectlythanthe night cember 22, 2004, when scores of stuts packed The Bam to celebrate the life of an Finn, a Prep graduate who passed away as a result of a tragic car accident “Dan Finn | Night brought Marauder Nation together to i pay homage to a man who very few of us | knew, butwho was truly a legend and a Man ! for Others,” remarked senior Peter Roselli. i “Through Marauder Nation, we have been I able to tap into the greatestresource available atPrep, and thatis the power ofbrotherhood.” Marauder Nation

TheManuder, smiorWoPetruzzelliheads the fist meetingofMarauderNation as Fr.MichmlHi^0,t0)iorgVmmtDePinloandWitcentChianai,juniorlidymond Smith, senwChtktoplier Keating, juniorRobertMoran, seniors CarlKrmsmd PhilipDacchille, juniorJohn Ocltayand seniorMichaelLong listen to his ideas.


The mural in Marauder Nation's headquarters in Fr. Michael Hoag’s room in the Humanities building reveals great Prep pride.

Sophomores Daoid Garcia and Justin Ramirez wait to board the PATH train for the latest Subway Run.

Junior EricIngles th e N H S/O utr><i\h]omlAJopi a-Famity program during th e hali-

B easty

Although only in its second year, the Outreach Club already accomplished much at Prep and in the larger community. Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, led the group of dedicated students to such places as homeless shelters, like Peter’s Place in New York City, and to soup kitchens such as the Hoboken Homeless Shelter in NewJersey. To help with many Ofthe events throughout the year was dedicated and selfless presi­ dentsenior Christopher Monahan, Jr., vice president junior Julian Ponnentilla, secretary sophomore Piero Iberti, and treasurer senior Murray Connell. T he generosity of the Prep community during the dress-down days made it possible to fund and Sr. Frances successfully achieve many of the program’s goal. In Duncan, addition to serving in kitchens and shelters, the stu­ OW di\ dents ventured out into the city streets carrying lunches cussesupcomand gifts such as gloves, socks, coats, and blankets for ing commu­ nity service the homeless during Thanksgiving. Towards the year’s opportuni­ end, Outreach hosted the annual festive Bronx Christ­ ties with A? mas Party and also helped coordinate and achieve members of success with the Adopt-a-Family mission. Outreach. “Outreach really puts the Jesuit ideal of being a Man for Others into action. Additionally, Outreach would not be the same without the vibrant leader­ ship of Sr. Frances,” said president senior Monahan. Through their selflessness to give with no intention of receiving, the members of Outreach truly represented Men for Others in and beyond the Prep community,

Outreach P

Freshman Jared Bowers, senior Kyle Gallagher, and other Prep students march across Warren to their next


Seniors Joseph Skowronski, Michael Sherry, and Alejandro Melendez discuss thier studies dur足 ing a free period. Ms. MaryFinn lis足 tens as Mr. John Morris and fresh足 man TristanMyers ask her questions one early morn足 ing in the Prep main office.


$ppj People Divider

mpty halls; empty cafeteria; empty clas­ srooms, Without the people of the Prep community, St Peter’s Preparatory does not •exist The faculty, staff administration, alumni, and the greater Prep amrnunity contribute to ihe vibrant academic a id social fife of the students who enter file gates of Prep as freshmen; simply put, the people of Prep defineit Prior to arrivingat Ptep, students seldom meet more than a handful of teachers and rarely have a large social network, but their world changes when the people o f Prep embrace them into their community. Bonds forged with faculty model the social relationships that studa itsfarmwith classmates. Administrators provide an authoritative foundation for the disciplined world outside ofthe Prep gates. In addition, Prep offers students numerous keysthatsBrveas lasting memoriesof their Prep experience. The incoming class, through Freshman Orientation and the Freshman Day of Retreat, are exposed for the first time to the extrmdmaryPrep community. Sophomores, with die popular Sophomore Night of Fun, are shown that they are not the forgotten class.Juniors reach new heights in their IVep experience with die Emmaus Retreat, Christian Service, and the Junior Ring Ceremony. Seniors achieve the apex oftheir experience with traditional send-offs, including the Senior Prom, Baccalaureate Mass and, ultimately, graduation. Still, it is the spirit o f the Preppeople that provides each and evay student with the ultimate key for emerging from beyondthegates.

Cafeteria cashiers Ms. Cheryl Dunn, and Ms. Felisha Stennett help to ring up the stu­ dent food tabs, ifc eluding that ofse­ nior Federico Garcia.

Beyond the Gates [

Ms. Grace Gualario proof­ readsa letterto the faculty; Ms. Mary Finn sorts through a pile of student emergency contact forms.

n ak

As the office most directly involved with the student population, the Main Office organizes and coordinates general and academic affairs essential for eveiyday Prep life. The Mata Office administrators make sure thatPrep not only func­ tions efficiently, but also ensures that Prep contin­ ues to grow as a school. Under the guidance and leadership of Prin­ cipal Mr. Kevin Cuddihy, St Peter’s Prep conto­ nes to develop and move towards the future. During his tenure, Prep has seen many changes, including the recent time order shift hi charge of the basic operation and educational develop­ ment of the school, Mr. Cuddihy gracefully su­ pervised and implemented these changes. In his second year as principal, he says, “I learned a lot about the students and the school last year. I can Use this knowledge to make Prep even, better.” By overseeing changes such as the revision of the Prep curriculum and by extending academic support and tutoring to more students, Mr. Cuddihy continues to foster the ever-growing and ever-changing Prep community.

jffli Main Office

As Vice Principal, Mr. Patrick Reidy orga­ nizes tiae academic affairs of the school. A disci­ plined veteran, he assures that Rep students have fulfillingintellectual experiences. During the year Mr. Reidy implemented WinSchool so that the faculty and administration had greater ease in organizing academic information such as grades, and in accessing student profiles. This shift from paper to computer streamlined the bookkeep­ ing process. Mr. Reidy and Mr. Cuddihy together ensured that the academic atmosphere at Prep was properly nurtured. Responsible for die daily clerical duties nec­ essaryfor eveiyday Prep life, the three secretaries of the Main Office, Ms. Mary Finn, Ms. Grace Gualario, and Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, serve an integral role of the Prep community. In addition to typing the Daily Announcements and distrib­ uting the various forms to be filled out during the year, they assist Mr. Cuddihy and Mr. Reidy with their administrative responsibilities. Together the personnel of the Main Office continue to culti­ vate the entire Prep community.

Principal Mr. Kevin Cuddihy assists Ms. Grace Cmlaria in proofreading a

Ms. Jacquelfji Supple in足 puts the necessary school data into the WmSchool system in otder to imple足 ment the new software.

Vice Principal Mr. Patrick lleidy checks his voicemail messages in bettceen Wing out the on<all Substitute teacher duties. '

Beyond the Gates


R For students and teachers alike, every new day at Prep brings knowledge and memories coming from many places: the classroom, the courtyard, athletics, activities, friends and teachers. But of all those recollections, the memories that come from the people in the Assistant Principal for Student Aflairs Office are those most overlooked, despite being among the most characteristic of Prep life. The ability of Assistant Principal Mr. Kenneth Dandorph to know one’s name and homeroom from memory can often be a disadvantage result­ ing in the infamousJUG. Whether one is a regular JUG addict or not, one simply cannot help but acknowledge Mr. Dandorph’s authoritative pres­ ence at school. Ms. Celicia Collins, the Attendance Office sec­ retary, is responsible for monitoring late students. On a daily basis, she collects and organizes student forms and attendance slips and manages the lost and found pile. In Collins’ absence or during her lunch break, Fr. Thomas McManus, SJ., assumes secretarial duties. Mr, Kenneth Dandorph If students need fields a call from a teacher medical attention, Nurse as he reviews the daily JUG Ms. Helene Schneider, list RN, administers to die their various illnesses. Many Prep students hail from distance parts of NewJersey and New York, and Ms. Elizabeth Dandorph handles all transportationreimburse­ ments for these students. Dean Mr. James Collins spends much of his time observing the cafeteria and courtyard, making certain that the behavior of all Prep stu­ dents remains orderly. His other duties include organizing Prep’s innu­ merable co-curriculars, and arranging locker as­ signments before the start of the school year. Whether responding 'to a JUG slip by seeing Mr. Dandorph, healing a bloody nose at the hands ofthe kind Ms. Schneider, or getting a new locker assignment from Mr. Collins, the experience of dealing with any one of the ad­ ministrators in the Assistant Principal for Student Afimrs Office becomes part of a Prep student’s life.


Dean Mr. James Colling debits the account of onM of the many co-curricular^ he oversees in his journalJ At the onset of the day, Mss Helene Schneider RN looki| overher list ofstudents wit!| permission for carrying^ prescriptions in school. 1

B ea sty


Ms. Cecilia Collins types up and double-checks the daily absentee list on her computer.

Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Office

Ms. Marge Bakerpoints out an important line in an administrative document to President Fr. James Keenan, S.J.

Ever busy with ongo­ ing events, Fr. James Keenan, SJ,, views the upcoming happenings on the Prep calendar.



Ms. Maryphyllis Locrictkio organizes all of the important papewa§ for her boss, Fr. James Keenan, SJ. Ms. Betty Bandorph provides transporta­ tion reimbursement to all Pmp students requiring assistance, in addition to sorting faculty mail. JAC

At the far end of the second floor of Shalloe Hall, money-managing and resolution of ad­ ministrative matters take place in the Resident’s Office. Fr. James Keenan, SJ., in his tenth year of presidency, along with Secretary Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, executes the difficult decisions that face Prep on a daily basis. Man­ aging everything from the school budget to the school faculty, Fr. Keenan feels an enormous burden of responsibility. During the past year, Fr. Keenan received permission to finalize the Seabright Retreat House, an Emmaus retreat center that fell out of use due to substandard building conditions, meaning that Prep would be able to rebuild the house and use it for both Emmaus and the other retreats. Other goals for fee year included the purchase of St. Peter’s Church and the lib ­ erty Charter School, both which share the block with St Peter’s Prep. When asked to reflect upon the year, Fr. Keenan replied by saying, “You know, this is the first time in a while that we’ve had four National Merit finalists. I just hope we continue to do well academically and continue to grow spiritually.” Fr. Keenan’s hard work assured Prep of such continued success.

President’s Office pfjp

Mr. John froine types up a letter to be sent out to pro­ spective members of the Class of2009.

Ms. Oinny Needham-Doyle takes a call from a parent attending the Parents ’Association Fashion Show.


Ms. Marge Baker plans yet another excellent alumni event on her computer


Mr. Luis Vega, new Director of Alumni Relations, responds to an e-mail from a former Prep student.

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Mr. JamesHoran reclines as he takes a brief, albeit much-needed, break from his extremely busy day.

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104 Shalloe Hall Administration

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Hr. David Bailey fixes the connection problem of Ms. Grace Gualario's computer in the Principal's Office.

Ms. Nancy Cunningham eloquently balances the work of Mr. James Horan, Mr. John Irvine, and Ms. Ginuy Neeriham-Doyle.

Ms. Liz Walsh listens carefatty to a caller. Ms Walsh assists the Vice Principal with his multitude of jobs.

Ms. Lani Franco helps to organize one of the many events run by the Alumni/ Development Office.



Mr. David Bailey shows off thegrandprize forthe Walka-thon: a big screen TV.

An average day for the people working in Shalloe Hall can be described in one word: busy. All offices in the building are abuzz with activity, whether it is coordinating special events, preparing for alumni reunions, or deciding which applicants will be joining the Prep community. From admitting candidates to Prep to run­ ning alumni affairs, (lie occupants of Shalloe Hall rarely have a minute of time to spare. Mr. John Irvine, Director of Admissions, determines whether or not a Prep hopeful is eligible for fee incoming freshman class. He also leads fee Higher Achievement Program (HAP), in addition to his immense participation in fee Open Houses. Mr. David Bailey, the Director of Computer Services, kept very busy during (he year install­ ing new computers throughout fee entire school. In addition to his technical duties, Mr. Bailey moderated fee gaming club and coordinated the annual Walk-a-feon. The Vice President for External Affairs and Planning, Mr.James Horan, works alongside Ms. Nancy Cunningham and Ms. Elizabeth Walsh, who both serve as External Affairs Coordinators. Together they manage fundraisers for fee school and handle scholarship opportunities for new

students. In addition, Mr. Horan plays a major role in the production of the Prep Magpziw. Mr. Luis Vega, fee Director of Alumni Rela­ tions, Ms. Marge Baker, fee Director of Develop tnent, and Ms. Lani Franco, the External Affaire Coordinator, all work together and collect dona tions from Prep alumni in addition to organizing the Alumni reunions. They are responsible for such functions as the Annual Fund, which involves fee Phone-afeon, as well as other events such as the Mc(5ovem Basketball Tournament, the Alumni Soccer Game, and the Alumni Golf Tournament As fee Director of Communications. Ms. ( Jinny Needham-Doyle works wife both alumni and Prep parents. She works to unify fee entire Prep com­ munity through events like fee Parents' Associa­ tion Fashion Show and fee Parents’ Association Christmas Party. She contributes to fee production of fee Prep Magazine and to fee Prep website. Although they often work in die background, fee busy people of Shalloe Hal serve vital roles in fee sustenance of die Prep community. Through communication, organization, and insight fee staff of Shalloe Hall singly makes Prep life better.

Beyond the Gates


Mr. Robert Nodine sorts through piles of old paperwork as he enjoys the first few days in his new office.

Handling money transactions at Prep can be a daunting task, but Mr. Robert Nodine and his team of money ex­ perts manage them with ease. A graduate ofPrep, Mr. Nodine has thorough knowledge about the school. When asked how he felt about returning to Prep, Mr. Nodine replied, “I love it! It’s like coming home again. I haven’t been around this part of Jersey City in over twenty years, and the neighbor­ hood has changed, but Prep is still the same.” Hav­ ing been the Chief Financial Officer of the Boys Club of New York, he is experienced with every­ thing that it takes to be an able treasurer. On the other hand, he had to get used to the new system Having fully updated new accounting software for the computer and after reorganizing their filing sys­ tem midway through the year, the Treasurer’s Of­ fice finished the year in lull swing. Many people, such as Ms. Catherine Ford, the Assistant Treasurer, are dedicated to making the Treasurer’s Office work successfully. Ms. Grace O’Brien, the head ofAccounts Payable, had ababy during the summer of2004, and was on maternity leave for the first couple months of school. In her place, Ms. Erica Rivera, daughter of Ms. Diane McCabe, filled in until Ms. O’Brien’s return in late October. It would not be possible to have students at Prep without Ms. McCabe, who handles matters of tuition. Although Mr. John Corcoran stepped down as Treasurer, he worked a couple of days a week as the Financial Aid Director.

Ms. Diane McCabe looks over a student's tuition payment plan in the computer. Ms. Catherine Ford sets-up the new faculty with the health and dental insurance plans and assists teachers in establishing a pension plan with TIAA-CREF.

H u ir sk i

106 Treasurer’s Office

Nestled in the comer of Shalloe Hall lies a vital part of Prep: the Switchboard. Oft over­ looked, the people there provide an invalu­ able service to the Prep community. Much more than just a place for students who have made Emmaus to leave “materials,” the Switchboard is a necessary part of the everyday dynamic of Prep. Not only does the Switchboard serve as the main connection to all of Prep’s teachers, administrators, and coaches, but it also relays the message of such news as school-wide hap­ penings, delayed schedules, and snow days, much to the delight of students. Moreover, they act as Prep’s post office, distributing informa­ tion to and sorting mail and packages for the teachers. In short, the Switchboard keeps all of Prep informed and running smoothly. Though they often work behind the scenes, Ms. Maria Scrudato, Mr. Pyke Roman, and se­ nior Juan Cardenas work efficiently and play an essential role in our community. SaysJuan, “It’s a worthwhile experience to be contribut­ ing my time to the place I can consider my second home.”

SeniorJuan Cardenas feigns mterest in what the person ■tin the other end of the line is saying to him. Ms. Grace O'Brien, recently mturned from her materf||fy leave, counts a cash reimbursement.

Mr. Pyke Roman smiles as lie answers the phone at the Switchboard.

Ms. Erica Rivera handles a cash reimbursementforMs. Eleanor Heumann-Piigach.

Ms. Maria Scrudato con­ nects a concerned parent to an appropriate member of the administration.

Switchboard. 107

“Guys, exact change, over here!” is a com­ mon call heard by Prep students everyday. The sounds of the frantic cafeteria during recess or lunch are a part of the Prep experience. Every day, Prep students march into the cafeteria in hopes of making it a M e early, beating the rush, and getting the first batch of fries or mozzarella sticks at recess. Though they sometimes com­ plain about the constantly climbing prices, the students always seem to bombard the kitchen with consistent demands for food. This year, the cafeteria has an even wider selection than ever, and in doing so, their range of delectable delights seems to include some­ thing to cater to the appetite of all.Junior Rob­ ert Abud commented, “My favorite [dishl is the ‘special’ macaroni and cheese which I had when I came here for Freshman for a Day. I get nostalgic whenever they have it.” In addition to the changes in menu, a gaggle of new faces has appeared among the kitchen staff. Each of the ladies of the kitchen staff, vet­ eran or novice, knows that the only way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

The Maintenance/Clearlup Crewincludes HugoElo, Ricardo Tejada, Caimelo Ramirez, Jesus Craig, Rich­ ard Butler, Dei Trowel!, and An Ms. Maria Lauro slacks the cold sandwiches that are to besoldforlunch i i'»

The Prep Kitchen Staff includes Lucy Palmiero,. Linda Perez, Grace Rodriguez, Maria Imro, Agnes Laudadio, Cheryl Dunn, and Feiisha Stennett.


|jf5. Lucy Palmiero counts out Miange for a student's lunch murchase.

Ms. Agnes Laudadio and Ms. Grace Rodriguez prepare cups for dipping ketchup and other condiments. JAC

108 Kitchen S ta ff

Mr: Rich Butlersets up a ladder to replace a flourescent light in the Principal's office. : IAC

H eyZ eu s

Mr. R oop4h0l I I I Kowlessar\empties a trash can inMs.Ffanco and Ms. Cunninghamf$ office in Shalloe ffalL Mr. Carmelo Ramirez sweeps tl 1ft rtr "i r the stairs on thesecond floor of Hogan Bull

Every morning, Prep students arrive to a clean locker room, a spotless cafeteria, and immaculate homerooms, and they have the maintenance/clean-up crew to thank. From the early morning hours, right through the hectic day until late at night, their hard work is what keeps Prep looking perpetually spick-and-span. Whether starting the Prep machine in the morn­ ing, cleaning up after two waves of lunches, wiping the chalkboards clean, or setting up the gym for an assembly, these motley men do their best to keep Prep looking its best. Not only do they contribute to the cleanli­ ness of the school, but the various repairs Heeded throughout the school can be attrib­ uted to the maintenance staff. Whether it be a broken light bulb or one of the Prep vans, the maintenance staff does its partin ensuring that all things Prep are back in working order as soon as possible. Though the job may be frus­ trating for them at times, the crew often can be found working with smiles on their faces, occa­ sionally telling jokes to Prep students. The crew makes Prep what it is, working tirelessly behind the scenes. The maintenance/clean-up crew prove to be the unsung heroes who create the atmosphere within Prep’s hallowed halls. I t

Maintenance/Clean-up Crew


Michael Aguas Gabriel Aiello Daniel Alfieri Lance Aligo Carroll Alston Joseph Alvarez Gary Apito VincentAquino Andre Arienza Ellington Arnold Vincenzo Averello Malikul Aziz Joseph Ballance Curran Ban&clvAndrew Barone DanielBarson PeterBegley James Bell Justin Bellini Gabriel Benavides Philip Beni

-gjpst^nicaso ^Matthew Bernal Palak Bhagat

- HmcjthyBilavsky Jacob Blicharz JeremyBonafe Michael Booth Joseph Boucher Jared Bowers Benjamin Brenneis Anthony Bruce Brendan Bryant Daniel Buddenhagen Melvin Buie Alex Cabrera MarcCampomanes BryantCapello Jason Caposello .

William Carey timothy Carney Marc CarfiQn Dillon Ceglio RoccoCerami Cambridge Chu Erick Cifuentes Eric Cirino

Giovanni Colacchia

110 ^Jkeshmen

Henderson Cole RobMColoriey Andrew Coliicci Leslie Constantine DanielConvery Derrick Cortez Michael.Cortina Joseph Crimmins Aiden Cunningham Kevin DePinto Andrew Del Castillo Louis DiPaola Mack Do Samuel Dokus John Dolaghan DeFron Dominick John Donaleski, Jr. Ryan Dowd Sean Dowd SeanDowney Peter Drummond John DuVal Brian Dye

P^KEY: F resh m an


O ly m p ic s

oward the end of the two-day Freshman Orientation, the incoming students unwind and enjoy themselves dur­ ing the Freshman Olympics, the yearly athletic competition among the incoming students. Thf event is filled with several athletic opportunities such as basketball, football, and the everpopular egg-drop contest Throughout the day, the freshmen homerooms compete for the coveted awards of the day. While the day is full of physically strenuous events, it also serves as an ice-breaker for the still-hesitant freshmen who may not be as comfortable with their surroundings yet. The day is full of laughter and the forming of new relationships and memories. Prep students of years past and present still look fondly upon their freshmen orient&tion, particularly Freshmen Olympics, and feel delighted by all of their wonderful memories. Freshman Christopher Hetherington summated, in regard to his Freshman Olympics experience, “I had lots of fun; I already knew people from the football team. I especially had a blast at the games we played.” Familiar or fresh-faced to each other, the freshmen class view the day as an important first impression of the exciting Prep career to come.

„ Freshman John Donaleski, Jr. catches an egg (luring the com-

j5 petition at the Freshman Olympics.

BeyOTld the Gates


Patrick Farrell, Jr. Bryce Fernandez Dennis Figueroa David Finn Sean Folger Douglas Freeman Gabriel Galella BryantGarcia Juan Garcia MinaGayed Kyle Generelli Anthony Giannobile K. Caleb Gib^6n Domenico Giovine'' Clarence Earl Gocon Casim Gomez MatthewGonzales Michael Gonzalez CorlandoGrant Patrick Grant William Grapstul

■ ^^Gjce.enfield ^Chanes Gregory Bryant Griffin

T K E Y : Fr e s h m a n

D a y o f R etreat

M he Freshman Day of Retreat is a tradition for all. A Prep hallmark since its inception, the day serves to unite the new Prep students with the generations of students before them. The retreat gives both stu­ dents and faculty superb first-time experiences of the Prep Campus Ministry. For example, Assistant Chap­ lain Ms. Mara Codey did not expect her group’s bus to break down: “We ended up having half of the retreat in the park close to where we stopped.” More­ over, there are traditional events that serve as high­ lights for the retreat; for example, any student, if asked about the retreat, mentions Packy Roe, a movie about a man who dies, meets God, and then realizes how many people'he influenced during his life. Every student’s experience is unique, as different connections, friendships, and memories are made. Both Fr. John Mullin, SJ., and Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner agreed that “it was a great day, and the students enjoyed and took a lot out of it.” Freshmen Gary Apito and Andrew Sharp enjoy a rousing game of football during the Freshman Day of Retreat.

112 Freshmen

Erik Hanselman Eamq#Hartnett ElbasanHaxhaj Daniel Hennessy Jonathan Hernandez Christopher Hetherington William Heyer Willie Hill Martin Hipkins Edwin Hjelm Joseph Holder Jeffrey Hongthong Miguel Horta Malik Houari Joseph Hussey Michael Ibarra Joel Ildefonso Khubaib Iqbal Jordan Jafferjee PeterJimenez Jospeh Karczewski Usman Khan Andrew Kilduff Liam Kolb

EricKosciuszko RaymondKrenicki Michael Krohn Michael Laurie Justin Lawrence Pe&rLeBron Maxwell Lemos Robert Lenahan III Daniel Librojo Francis Kyle Lim Daniel LiVolsi Justin Loo Sean Maguire Shyam Majmundar Joseph Major Ja$d Maloney Lucas Maloney Thomas Manning Charles Maracle Christopher Marafioti Adrian Martin M. Bilal Mazhar MilesMcCann Kevin McDermott

Beyond the Gates


’K E Y : F r e s h m a n A r t s D a y


n the spring of each year, freshmen embark on a trip to the fine art institutions situated around Prep for the annual Freshman Arts Day. The A rt and His­ tory Departments aim at bettering the aesthetic and cultural knowledge of their students. For a day, freshmen explore many of the famed cultural institutions of New York City. Among the museums traditionally visited in the past include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Mu­ seum, and Whitney Museum of American Art. Not only do the students visit museums, but also they ex­ perience another aspect of the art world: the per­ forming arts. For example, in the past, some students have seen the play Romeo and Juliet in New York. “For Freshman Arts Day I went to the Met. We saw many different sculptures and armor and the Byz­ antine Art, which all made for a good experience. I learned a lot of different things and it was a day with­ out said sophomore Thomas Vardakis. Many freshmen concur with his opinion of the day.

PeJerMcFadden Andrew'McGlynfi:: Patrick McGrath Dylan McMahon Thomas McMahon RyanMcMillan Christopher McNulty Keenan McRae Albert McWilliams III David Meis Ivan Mercado Timothy Miller Harold Milne 111 RobertMirza David Moncrief Colin Morgan Spencer Morrison Gregory Morri&gy Nyrone Moseley Jon Mucciolo Daniel Mulcahy John Mulhem Brian Munoz Michael Murcia

1 \4..*$Mreshmen

Several freshmen, including Henry Greenfield, David Moncrief, and Albert McWilliams, learn ancient and classical language for the first time in Ms. Katherine lochbmmer’s Latin I class.

John Murphy Joseph Murphy Stephen Miirphy Tristan Myers Kyle Nelson Dat Nguyen MatthewNova John O’Brien Terrence O’Neill Dillon OTuama Richard Oliveira To.nyOngeri Michael Onieal Justin Ortuoste Stephen Pagkalinawan Anthony Pane JayPatel Stefan Paul Kevin Pedersen Alexander Perez David Perez CaseyPemo JamesPilger Miguel Pimentel


Joshua Pipher Luke Power Nicholas Rabiecki Kevin Ramnaraine Franklin Ramos 11 Stephen Rasmusson FahadRiaz Steven Rizzo David Roberts Bryan Robinson Christopher Robinson Edward Rodger Armani Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Thopas Rogers GaryRokoszak Armando Roman Edward Rose Michael Ruzek Mark Ryan EricSalgado RamonSandoval

Beyond, the Gates


Ryan Scherba Louis Senerchia James Shalhoub AndrewSharp AlexanderShutterly Michael Stefanelli MatthewStewart Nicholas Strack Robert Swab Kevin Sylvester RaimeekTait JeremyTankel Michael Tartaglia Daniel Tomassi Andres Trinidad Dustin Tylek MatthewVerga Louis Vetter Curt Villarosa Richard Vu Connor Walsh JamesWard

, ■••-Ma^|wWekwert Precis Whelaff Brendan White ThomasWile Kevin Williams Matthew Wilson StephenYager Joseph MatthewYap AlexanderYasneski Barton Yun Richard Zadroga MarkZaleski Spiros Zambas

Junior John Cannizzaro helps Freshman David Meis sign up for the Celtic Club at the*Freshman Activities Fair, Speaking about his freshman year, David Meis said, '“Freshman year is different from grade school, but St Peter's is an easy adjust­ ment Prep has great faculty and a good atmosphere."

W b^dktishmen

Iharles Crosby asks his freshmen physics class about the mces between kenetic and potential energy.

/ V K jiY : O u t s t a n d in g

Fr e s h m a n

V mong the many firsts that a first-year student V P can experience is recognition at Prep as an Outstanding Freshman. An honor for any first-year Prep student, the award serves to recognize approxi­ mately fifteen students that stand above the rest of their class in terms of devotion to school, their friends, and activities both inside and outside of Prep. In or­ der to be chosen as an Outstanding Freshman, a stu­ dent must be nominated by fellow classmates and be selected by a committee; in such a way, Outstanding Freshman is the forerunner of the coveted Spirit Award. Senior Kevin Cummings commented, “I was shocked and very surprised that my peers nominated me. It was an honor.” Being recognized as an Outstanding | Freshman is an excellent way to begin one’s high | school career at St. Peter’s Preparatory School.

Freshmen Michael Aguas and M. Bilal Mazhar complete homework in the cafeteria during a freeperiod.,, M. Bilal Mazhar said that “kids in 8 freshman year are bright; it's hard, but worth going [to Prep]."

Mr. Scot Hovan discusses a physics problem with a lab group includ­ ing freshman DouglasFreeman. Dou­ glas Freeman said of his freshman year: 7 like it a lot...[Prep is] my home away from homer

Beyond the Gates


Marcelo Acevedo Anthony Addas Shaun Aguilera MarkAlegria DavidAlfonso Kiystoffer Alinea AlexanderAller David Alonso Anthony Andreadis Andrew Arthur Rafael Auz AdamBaginski Alexander Balias Dean BallesterdS^ Brian Bannon Douglas Barone Joseph Biggy Luke Blanchard Ryan Bomba Adam Bombino Daniel Brennan

J^ajdBrennan 1 Bennis Brown AnthonyBruscino

,..David Bi^uszkiewicz Mark Andrew Buczynskr Christian Buenafe Aimen Butt Peter Byram Sean Byrnes DrewCabardo Colin Callahan Daniel Camargo JeffreyCampomanes Nicholas Cannizzaro KevinCapodice SeanCamey Rodrigo Castillo, Jr. MatthewCavanagh Scott Cavanagh Andrew Cevaspo Ian Chiral WigasChatha Rodney Christian Adam Christie Daniel Christie Michael Clarke Leo Eduardo Codog

Robert Cole Philip Corso Marc Cortez

Paul Curffii Domenico D’Urso Paul Dabrowski Nicholas DeBenedectis Justin DeCastro Daniel DeCongelio Jesse DeFlorio Lorenzo Dellutri Anthony DePinto Alexandre DeWalt VladimirDeWet Bryce Diggs LuCas Dimitriu Anthony Dininno RobertDonahue Theodore Doyle Charles Dullea William DundasV Andrew Eagan Joseph Eisenstein

KEY: Frosh/Sophom ore Semi-Formal

he Freshman/Sophomore Semi-Formal is a chance for students to experience their own version of a prom. Usually lasting three hours, stu­ dents and their dates dance and dine in the Prep cafeteria, which is beautifully decorated for the event Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ., acts as the night’s unofficial photographer, snapping the semi-formal attendee and his date upon their entrance into the foyer and cap­ turing the rest of the night on film for them. The music, played by a school-hired disc-jockey, provides a pleasant ambience throughout the evening. Every year, the food is a catered buffet of Italian cuisine from a variety of restaurants in the area. Junior AJ. Vecellio, fondly recalling his Semi-Formal experience, noted that “the night was so much fun. I had a lot of fun dancing, and I hope that future goers will have as much fun at their Semi-Formals.”

Sophomore Michael LaRoccb practices his forensics speech with Mr. Matthew Knittel. Michael LaRocco said of forensics: 7 am enjoying forensics. / am doing well in it, and always am looking to get better. He also spoke of sophomore year: ‘‘[It's] a little challenging, but you get used to it."

Beyond the Gates


Juan Escobar Gilberto Estupinan Carl Joseph Fabiosa Liam Farley Alex Feliciano XavierFeliciano Adrian Felipe John Ferri Timothy Finch David Finn Patrick Finnerty Thomas Fitzpatrick Kevin Fbx Nicholas Fugard^ Amlan Gangopadhyay David Garcia Michael Garrigan StanleyGasiewski Jonathan Georges Thomas Geraghty Patrick Giamario _Mj &ew Giordano ' H&briel Gomez

/<1 ^ ^ K E Y : S o p h o m o r e N ig h t o f Fun

f r e p gives sophomores the golden opportunity to J strengthen old relationships and to form new ones on the annual “Sophomore Night of Fun.” The event, planned by Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ., assisted by upper­ classmen chosen by him, allows sophomores to bond with each other in a fun-filled and relaxed enviroment. The Prep gymnasium, open the entire evening, houses many activities, among them ping-pong, football, bas­ ketball, and darts. A breakfast awaits the students when they “wake-up” in the morning; in fact, most students do not fall asleep until breakfast is served. Some of the enjoyment occurs outside the gym walls. Coundess video game tournaments are held in the Prep HaU-of-Fame corner, and card games abound between friends; others watch DVDs together. Junior CJ. Kopec commented, “I have never had such a great time at school; it was the first time I really en­ joyed being in gym.” Those who participate in the night feel that it truly is a great experience. LU i


Sophomores Scott Cavanagh and Christopher Hatcher hang out with each other after school in the cafeteria.

PeterGonzalez Timothy Graham Wayne Gravesande Zachary Green Kee-ayre Griffin John Griswold Roger Guerra EvanHackler Eoin Halpin Christopher Hatcher Christopher Healy Adrian Hernandez David Hojnacki MatthewHolt Daniel Hooton NedHopf Emersson Huaranga MarkHulipas Piero Iberti Ronald Iglesias ViktorJancula Brian Johnston Jaren Jordan

RobertKeller III RyanKelly LawrenceKochoa Michael Kopacz Anthony Kufta Nicholas Lalumia Sonam Lama Michael Lang Michael LaRocco John Leale.Jr. Michael Liccardo James Liggins HenryLlarena Justin LoRe Anthony Machcinski Jo§§phMacri Timothy Mahan Ryan Manley Gene Martorony Anton Mathieu M. Tariq Mazhar Sean McFarland Kevin McNemey MatthewMeehan

Beyond the Gates



Sophomore Marc Cortez walks down Warren Street after school. Marc Cortez felt that sophomore year was 'challenging”and kept him “very busy.vHe fell “the [Prep} comrhunity is great. *

KEY: S o p h o m o r e D a y o f R e t r e a t

n the latter half of sophomore year, the entire class loads onto buses and heads off to various retreat locations around the northern Newjersey and New York area for the Sophomore Day of Retreat. Led by the Emmaus Team, the Special Ministers of the Eucharist, and the faculty, the sophomores spend a day reflecting on their progress at Prep. How many friendships have they made? Are they living up to personal expectations when it comes to grades? Where do they stand'with family and friends as of now? Two homerooms share a retreat center, strength­ ening existing friendships and building new ones. Junior Hector Flores commented, “The Sophomore Retreat built on the foundation of the Freshman Re­ treat. The fact that the two were similar made the Sophomore Retreat much more enjoyable.” In sum, the Soohcffliore Day of Retreat provides students an opportunity for reflection and social, spiritual growth.

Daron Moore Eric Morgan Francis Mozumdar Alexander Murphy Richard Musso Francis Mutuc Joseph Muzyczyn Juan Nordelo •William Nunn James O’Donnell JohnOckay Phillip Opsasnick Julian Ortiz MatthewOwen Frederick Padre Michael Patella Steven PankiewiaT Marc Pappalardo Andrew Pascual Joseph Pavone Jose Pichardo Joseph Pollicino


JomaAustin Pormentilla Ravi P&dhanang Anthony Prieto Alexander Pugliese Justin Ramirez MarkRana Joshua-Daniel Recobs ChristopherRegan ChristopherRivers John Rodino Joseph Rodriguez Michael Rogers Bryan Rohrman Thomas Ruane Daniel Rufolo DouglasSanGiacomo Ryan Justin Santana-Rogers Jerry Santer AmitSathe Justin Scioli Michael Scott Carlo Sebello MatthewSercus William Sheridan


P IS m




Joseph Sigall Nonu Singh



Jon Sisti


Joseph Skillender, Jr. ‘





WalterStacey i i g



VibtOfStanziale Brian Taupier




Anthony Tello


William Thompson, Jr. Joshua Tosi 0









JuanTous Joseph Tressitt

t ||p :

# .i

V ' -4

Mario Tridente Philip Tully Brian Urbanovich







JosephValenti A


Thomas Vardakis Daniel Vecdnarelli RaulVelasquez

f m



S %

( *



f f


r n








MichaelVilardo MatthewVillanueva MatthewWard Daniel Weinberg MatthewWhitford

Beyond the Gates


7 thought it was funny...”said sophomore David Garcia of his penguin costume on Halloween Day. Gianfranco Wilbeck JohnWurtzbacher RihuaXu GarrettZejisko Nicholas Zero

Fr. Thomas O’Connor, S.J., helps sopho­ more Anthony Addas during fifcrtiemistry mmom class.

Sophomores Rodrigo Castillo, Shaun Aguilera, and Andrew Pascual take a break to eatjunch on Warren Street. Sophomores Leo Codog, Alexander Aller, and KrystofferAlinea

So p h o m o r e s o n So p h o m o r e Yea r Dean Ballesteros: “In sophomore year I know everyone, so I focus more on my work and less on meeting people.” DavidAlonso: Tm used to school. I can manage time better and I’m having a lot more fun!”

124- Sophomores

Ryan Manley: "The later lunch is better. I'm super excited for Sophomore Night. I have a better feel for school and it feels more like home, but there’s a lot less lee-way in the classes. During theyedilam establishing life-long friends; also, I ’m growing closer to old friends, and, in general, I know more people. ”

Andrew Arthur: “Freshman year was easier, butf’ffi Ifaving more fun. There is more responsibility in sophomoreyear ” Jeffrey Campomanes: uIt’s easier and laid back. I ’m used to school now and I know people. I’m not working as hard as the juniors and senior. ”

Sophomore Liam Farley leads his football teammates seniors David Bellotti, Joseph Pizzi, and Brandon Shipman in the Balk bdch to school after practice at the new Prep field. Sophomore Christopher Regan prepares to launch a perfect spiral across Me iimtyard during a free period.

Sophomore year "is pretty fun; i t ’s better than freshman year..everything is better than freshman year,'said sophomore Michael Rogers, here with sophomore friend Patrick Giamario.


Sophomores Domenico D’Urso and Vladimir DeWet relax on (he.Humanities building stairs during lunch.

Andrew Pascual: “There's no big difference between fresh­ man and sophomore year; it's academically harder. The clubs definitely are better this year." Shaun Aguilera: "Sophomore year is a little tougher, but we are taken care of at Prep."

Colin Callahan, Wigas Chatha, and Francis Mozumdar: “Teachers expect more; there are no little breaks, and not as much free time. We don t have as much of a social life because there's more responsibility; teachers don't pam­ per us anymore. It's our choice to get help if we need it and we do more of our own thinking. We also have to set agood example for the freshmen.'

Sophomore Briqn Johnston and seniorPeter Geary help a freshim (ihth^meground) to sign up for iHeCeltic 6lub at the 'FtesHMStActivities Fair. Freshman Mark Ryan felt that the day “put out a good vibe on the dubs." Not surprisingly, he signed up for the Celtic Club. Brian Johnston said ofhis sopho­ more experience: 'Sophomore year is a lot more work than freshman year. ”

Beyond the Gates


RobertAbud Anthony Alongi Andrew Anderson CaseyAntczak Francis Aquila Kirubell Araya Richard Auth Joseph Avallone Richard Ayuda James Baber Alan Bantom ScottBaran Michael Barbara Christopher Bai¥y^— Mark Barsoum Brendan Bartosiewicz Adam Beckmann Jerome Becton PatrickBeesley Michael Beni MatthewBennett ..^J^tinBettinger -*^Brvan Bini Christopher Bligh

,, -Henry.Bolante, Jr. Andrew Booth Noel Borges MikaelBomeo John Bowker Martin Bowker James Braddock Joseph Branagan Patrick Browne Andre Bruce Francis Bull Joshua Cabrera ConnorCallahan John Cannizzaro Alan Capinpin MarkCavanagh KhaledChaudhary John Cheney Salman Choudry Christopher Cid Gabriel Clermont PatrickComey Christopher Convery Timothy Cunningham

126-. ju n io rs

YuriCzmoIa Thomas D’Alessio Brian Dllfo.h GianvitoDeGandia Henri DeFrahce JerardDela Torre Ryan Diaz Anthony DiCroce John Dizon Michael Dmytriw MatthewDoherty Mark.Dolaghan James Doolan Kevin Dougherty PatrickDufly Joshua Dybus Christopher Edelmann Allen Ferrer Marciano Figueroa Christopher Fitzpatrick Fabian Flores Hector Flores Chase Freeman Padraic Friel



K E Y : Em m a u s

R etreat

J r n m a u s , the weekend retreat made during jun■ ^ w ^ i o r year, focuses on finding God in one an­ other and putting one’s spirit at rest. The Emmaus experience has impacted the Prep community since 1977 when it was founded by Fr. John Mullin, SJ. and Fr. Ned Coughlin, SJ. This year marks the 207th through 214th retreats, eight more amazing experi­ ences for juniors and senior team leaders who are able to make and lead the retreat. Emmaus often is regarded as a turning point in one’s life. Junior Ryan Gelchion expressed his feel­ ings about Emmaus 207: “For me, Emmaus was a life changing Experience that Fll never forget” After the students return from the trip, the colorful Emmaus banner created during the retreat is hung in the chapel for the Monday night Homecoming, and the multi­ tude of pictures taken by Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ. are posted in the foyer to remind the retreatants of their experience and the bond they share with their Emmaus S brothers. The Emmaus experience truly is the f pinnacle of one’s spiritual growth at Prep. and Matthew

Juniors Thomas D’Alessio, Peter Spiewak, Geichion prepare one of the many traditional Emmaus dinner foods: garlic bread.

Beyond the Gates


Colin Gallo David Gallo Ryan Gelchion Michael Gill Johnathan Gioiella Anthony Giordano Lance Gomes Garreth Gomilla MatthewGordon Michael Gorman III William Greb William Griffin Kevin Guaririi Michael HaSsLouis Hart Keith Hernandez Martin Hogan Charles Hood Justin Hudacko Richard Hussey Steven Iglesias-Figueras



C h r is t ia n

S e r v ic e

-hristian Service involves helping the disadvantaged and the needy people of both the local and national community. Each student is re­ quired to perform at least sixty hours of Christian Service after his sophomore year. As an alternative, students can take a week-long summer immersion trip. In the past, students have worked at locations like Glenmary Farms in Kentucky, Loaves and Fishes in West Virgina, and Nazareth Farms in Pennsylvania. Junior Andrew Zhu worked at a day-care center in a socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhood of Newark. He commented, “I began to see how impor­ tant the education of children is to the future.” After completing the Christian Service hours, one must attend reflection meetings in order to fulfill the requirement. These reflection meetings frequently are built into the immersion trips. With the help of Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, who coordinates the Christian Service program, Prep students emerge as men not only of competence, but also of con1 science and compassion.


Juniors Mark Tiedemann, Thomas Zaucfia, Padraic Friel, Matthew Rubbinaccio, Joseph Branagan, and Ernest Martinez emerge from the St. John the Baptist Church during their summer YSOP New York trip. Junior Matthew Rubbinaccio enjoyed ''helping the poor people “ on his experience.

BrianJones DaniejJulian Jacob Kafka Steven Karunphand MaxKatzman Jonathan Kazar Michael Keating MuhammedKhan Kevin Khilall SeanKhoblall Christopher Kopec Justift-Kraivanger ChadKucharski Adam Kusen John Lauretta, Jr. CoryLeadbeater Daniel Libatique Joseph Liggins Galo Limongi T. James LiVolsi JohnUaneza Francis Uarena RyanLoftus

JuddMadarang NeilMajmundar Raam Majmundar ErnestMartinez Jori&han Matamoros Richard McCarthy Stephen McDermott Daniel Mclnemey lan McTieman Raymond Mikulich Valentino Mills ScottMingay Robert Moran Mario Moreira, Jr. SeansMorris Michael Moschovas Thomas Mullamey III MatthewMulroy Matthew Murphy Richard Myrlak William Naughton Jason Navarrete Alexander Nikodem

Beyond the Gates


Ju n i o r

R in g

C eremony

I he Junior Ring Ceremony signifies a passage § from life as an underclassman to life as a leader of the school, a senior. From freshman to junior year, Prep students progressively acquire the skills and knowledge necessary not only to become good se­ niors but also to become successful people in the real world. In early May, students attend a Sunday mass at the St. Peter’s Church to receive their senior year rings in front of faculty, friends, and family. The rings, are blessed by Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ,, and are administered along with a benediction from a faculty member of the students’ choice, represent­ ing yet one more key teachers have to offer to their students. Senior Juan Cardenas commented, “The Ring Mass marked a monumentous time in my Prep career, and my ring symbolizes unity and eternity. In this ring, I hope to put timeless memories of friends here alPrep.” The ring is the ultimate symbol of one’s rite-of-passage from childhood to young adulthood.

Christopher O’Connor Ryan O’Grady Brandon O’Keefe LeeOdi Christopher Oertel David Ogega Thomas Ongeri John Opel ReyAndrew Osma LeanderPais MatthewPaiazzoto Nilesh Parikh Raymond Pasuco Jigar Patel Kevin Pelgone John Pflug Michael Pisko Julian Cedric PormenSIJa Connor Purcell Adam Que Gary Rabbitt Lorenzo Rafer Jason Ramnaraine Derek Ramos

"I may not enjoy classes and 'learning' but I still love coming to school everyday' said junior William Torres, who reposes in the cafeteria with juniors Steven Karunphand,,Matthew Doherty, and Adam Que.

Daniel Rasmusson Gregory Rasmusson Brian Real Michael Reed Francis Romano, Jr. MatthewRoselle Ryan Jason Roxas MatthewRubbinaccio Jeffrey Rubin Prank Saile Joel Salazar JeremySalvador Joseph Salvo Kevin Sankat Konstantin Satchek Kevin Scherba Jonathan Schirripa Colin Schmidt FergusScully AlexanderSenatore Michael Serzan DeepakSharma PradeepSharma

LucasSimko-Bednarski Anthony Singh Raymond Smith PeterSpiewak Michael Spivack C&istopherSpivey Glenn Stanul Conor Supple MichaelF. Sweeney Michael J. Sweeney AnthonyTalarico Jason Thorne MarkTiedemann MarkTimmins KieranTintle William Torres Jonathan Treble MatthewTrost NishantTyagi Daniel Urbanovich PeterVarsalona JavierVasques JosephVayas AlbertVecellio

Beyond, the Gates


JuniorSteven Kaiurtphand waits forhis friends while he eats his lunch on the wall outside of the Mulry building.

"Three years at Prep have allowed me to experience my immersion, the smell at the end ofthe day in the locker room, what it's like to be locked in the TV studio with Mr. DeAngalo and Chris Keating; so how do 1feel about Prep? / feel like I'm home" commented junior Aleksander Zywicki, with junior An足 drewAnderson on theirsummer immer足 sion trip to New York City.


7 cannot think ofanywhere else that I; have had and will have so much fun, except for maybe a professional wres足 tling ring" claimed junior Raphael Zaki, with juniors William Greb and Gregory Rasmusson, who also noted about his junior year experience that "the classes are hqrd, but [it]is a blast"

Junior Thomas Zaucha absorbs all the information he can from "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" before his quiz in Ms. Eaton’s En-

P * K E Y : Ju n i o r


f —very year, Prep juniors look forward to the ^ ^ " e x c ite m e n t and merriment of the annual Jun­ ior Prom, away to celebrate a long and burdensome third year of high school. The prom allows all stu­ dents to expel some end-of-the-year steam with their dates and their best friends, and to have a great time eating and dancing the night away. Commonly held at a reputable dining or party venue in the area, the prom is one of the many amaz­ ing bonding experiences every student looks back upon with fond memories. “It’s one of the few times in our Prep careers when we can spend time together and just have fun with our classmates, as opposed to only working in class or on the athletic field,” com­ mented SeniorJoseph McDonald. The prom is one of the final events of junior year and is a great way to bring the year to a close. The Junior Prom gives the junior class a taste for the more extraordinary Senior

"Classesget harder. Mends change, and sometimes you just don i uxmt to be here anymore, but then you realize how great it really is ” claimed junior Judd Madarang about his junior year, who enjoys lunch outside with fellow juniors Daniel Mclnerney and Daniel Rasmusson. “This immersion trip was one ofthe best experiences / have-ever been through, it has broadened my horizons and opened me up to new things" saidjun­ ior Mark Tidemann who sits and en­ joys a chat with Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, on his YSOF trip.

Senior Michael Visone and juniors Matthew Murphy, Connor Purcell, and Thomas Weakley eat lunch outside before the ban was instituted.


B 13


Beyond the Gates



The Saint Peter's Preparatory Class of2005.

Senior Thomas Barone enjoys a pretzel in Dr. Ri­ chard Kennedy’s Fiction into Film class while senior Darren Burnett raps to himself.

1S4 Senior Divider ■



since the Jesuits opened (heir firstschool in 1548, they have been M committed to educaling and enlightening students. Centuries later, St. Peter’s Prep continues this tradition of nur­ turing men of competence, compassion, and con­ science. Neither the beginning nor the end Prep is a passageway for the boys that first enter itsgates and then later emerge as men. Given the keys to the outside worid by teach­ ers, coaches, moderators, and their families and friends, the graduating class has been endowed with the necessary skills and experi­ ences to guide them as they leave Prep’s pro­ tectivegates.The members of the Gass of2005 have left their mark on Prep, just as Prep has changed diem. M their four years stGmnd & Warren, they have contributed much to Prep, taking on leadmhip roles in clubs, teams, and community events. No longer timid freshmen, the graduates developed into a tightly-knitmw munity of scholars, athletes, and fiiends. As the graduating class gradually received die keys, it has led die Prep community to adapt and grow as the world changed. Now, leav­ ing Prep’s gates after four years, the Prep’s Graduating Class o f2005. already having- left a legacy atPrep, embarks on its ownjourney to make die world a better place.

Seniors Ian Bernaiche and Sebastian Fidelus perform a wres­ tling move on se­ nior Emmanuel Mogire during a free period. JA«

Beyond the Gates



io n e l

S. A

b d o o l


RPG Club 1, President 2,3,4; Prep Factor 3,4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; Video Game Club 3; Chess Club 2,3,4; Indo-Pak Society 2,3,4; Computer Club 3,4; Dance Committee 1,2; Emmaus 200 “Life is like a mystery novel. Sometimes you 're the guy that soloes it, and sometimes you ’re the guy that gets shot in the begin­ ning. ” —Original





a rcus


dam s

“People hate itwhen you’re better than them, when they stop hatin ’ start worrying then “


P e r s o n a l it y

P a t r i c k O ’R K

a na

Outdoor Track 3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Ebony Club 3,4

e v in





A. A

l f ie r i

Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; Ski Ctab 1,2; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Emmaus 206

u m m in g s

G e l c h io n

Q u ie te s t

“Thegreater the difficulty, the more theglory in surmounting it." —Epicurus

M a n u e l A u s tr ia


n d r ew

D ong

P a u l W e im m e r A

l v in




n ez

B ry a n A n t h o n y A ngeles

Art Club 1,2,3, President 4; SADD2,3,4; AsianPacific Islander Society 1,2,4; Literary Maga­ zine 2,3,4; Prep Factor 3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; IFS3,4; Photography Club Co-Presi­ dent 4; Walk-a-Thon Committee 3,4; Fresh­ man Ambassador 1; Emmaus 206 7 believe that when you ’reyoung, you shouldgo to all theplacesyou ’reuncomfortable in andprove yourself. Because someday you 'regonna have to prove yourself.”—John Cassavetes

Pa u l W

il l i a m

A s c e n c io

Lyrical Society 4: Soccer 1,2,3,4; Latin Ameri­ can Society 1,2; Emmaus 206

Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,3, President 4; French Club 2; Chess Club 1; Stage Crew2; Golf2,3,4, Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Petroc 3; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Emmaus 204 “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." —Ralph Waldo Emerson


a n u el

D . A

7 understand you look up to me and I'm your hero, but don't try to be me, just be yourself." —My Father





u s t r ia

Business Club 3; Walk-a-Thon Committee 3,4; SADD 4; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 202

OhwJ I





h il ip


d d eo

elso n


a n ie l

O JJr-

Jif& Jbe~

l e ja n d r o

l b in o

"I've missed over9,000 shot's in my career, I have lost over M games. Twenty-six times they have trusted me to take the game-winning shot—and I failed. I failed over and over again. That is why 1succeed." ^Michael Jordan

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.'' —Henry David Thoreau



Basketball (AJ, Captain 4; Marauder Nation 1,4; Dance Committee 1; Dramatics 4; Big Brother 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 201

Basketball 1,2,3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; NHSSec­ retary 4; Freshman Ambassador 1, SADD 2, Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: History 1, Spanish 2; Silver Medal: Math 1, English 1,2,3, Chemistry 2, Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 201

L, A


Forensics 2.3,4: Stage Crew 2; Pro-Life Soci­ ety 3,4; Indo-Pak Society 4; Asian-Pacife is. lander Society 4; Emmaus 199

“We are workers, not master builders; minis­ ters, notmessiahs. We areprophets of a future not our ow n/ —Archbishop Oscar Romero

:s§M0 m

How A re You H a n d lin g Senioritis? C h r is A r r io l a Asian-Pacific Islander Society 4; Emmaus 208

M ichael Bonner

M atthew H lad ik

“Quite well. I ’ve beenpracticing since freshman year.”

“Had it since sophomoreyear, so I am able to live with it very well”

Philipp Schneider

Brett G uadagnino

“With small naps every 40 minutes.”

“You mean Freshman Failure, Sophomore Slump, Junior ...some­ thing?”

M arcello Pacheco “To see the right and. not to do it is coward­ ice. " —Confucius

“Can I answer that tomorrow? I ’m mad tired right now.” Christopher Keating

“Like it ain’t no thang.”

“How I ’ve handled it freshman, sophomore, andjunioryears.” Vincent DePinto

V ito Petruzzelli

“Look at me. What doyou think?”

“Ask Mr. Patiak.”

M in a Aw a d

D on ald D elaon


e v in



Baseball2,3,4; CeStieChib 1,2,3,4; Polish Club 2,3; Big feiither $ Atahtmjgf Emmaus 202

“Never, never, never give upl" —Winston Churchill .

“You pull on that jersey, you represent your­ self and your teammates; and the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the bach. " —Herb Brooks, Miracle

Beyond, the Gates



ic h a r d

F. B

a r o n

Rugby 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 205

“I’m good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggmeit, people tike me. ’'—Stuart Smalley


h o m a s


am es



Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Indoor Track i ,2,3, Captain 4; Football 1; Freshman Am­ bassador 1; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 200

"Perseverance is agreat element ofsuccess; if you only knock long enough and loud : enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody"-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

-tr r iy y ls '




am es


e r n a ic h e

Hockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Marauder Na­ tion 3,4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Amnesty Interna­ tional 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Car Club 3; French Club 2,3; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199 “The question isnpthowfar. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as needed?“ —The Boondock Saints

^ A ny A d v ice

fo r

Christopher Brusgard

U nderclassm en ? M

Brett Burns

“Go take a nice swim in the pool on “Don’t tell DeLo (Mr. DeLorenzo)you the roof of the school. ” hate Republicans.” Vishnu N ayak

ic h a e l

C . B

o n n er

Dramatics 2,3,4; SADD2,3,4; Ultimate Frisbee 1,2; Mission Committee 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 199

James Vardakis

“You walk too slow. Walk faster!” “Pay someone to doyour college appli­ cations!” Vito Petruzzelli “Keep Marauder Nation alive—you Emmanuel M ogire alone are the livelihood of Prep.” “Have fun now because senioryear is not as easy as you think. ” Samuel Slaughter “Don’t let the trivial things getyou M arcello Pacheco down. Look at the biggerpicture and “Don’t underachieve or overachieve; enjoy everything. JUST DO IT and you will achieve. ”


}8jB Seniors


im o t h y

Flannery B r o w n

“Happy are those who are happy they are." —Original

C h r is t o p h e r B r u sg a rd

Forensics 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; French Club 1,2,3; Rugby 2, Captain 3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Dramatics 3,4; Freshman Am­ bassador 1; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199

Computer Club 1; Chess Club 1; Celtic Club 2,3,4; German Club 4; Italian Club 3; Seinfeld Club 4; Emmaus 202

uLet usdedicateounehes toujhatthe Greeks wioteso manyyears ago: to tame thesaeagemss ofman and to makegently thelife ofthis world," —RobertF, Kennedy

"Every man dies; not every man really lives. ’ —William Wallace, Braveheart

M i c h a e l B l a is e B e d n a r c z y k


Business Club 3; Seinfeld Club 4; Honor Pin 1 Emmaus 202

Football Captain 1; Football 2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4

"We are not retreating—we are advancing in another direction.'' —General Douglas MacArthur

"Everything happens for a reason. 1 —Unknown

Pa t r ic k M

ic h a e l

B la n ey

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 201

“Character is what you do when nobody’s watching. ’’—Coach Mike Gomez '91


y a n



a v id


e l l o t t i,




to Michael Keating; a haircut to William Sheridan; and Larry Bird’s #33 jersey to Aleksander Zywicki. S tev e n E rick son leaves Philip Corso the Steve-O dance. W illia m M cB r id e leaves his locker, #C10, to some lucky junior, and his school spirit to Michael Murcia A lv in A n ez leaves his beautiful looking, feeling, smelling, dark black, shoulder-length, trimmed hair to Peter Byram; his extravagant craziness and his Mexican/Argentinean “chipichipi” tunes to Hector Flores; and his quiet madness and tidy messiness to John Dizon. B rend an K elly leaves his groove toJoshua Dybus. V ish n u N ay a k leaves his lucky razor that’s only used on Sundays to Mr. Muir, and his boyish good looks that he would have if he shaved to Mr. Crosby.

C h r is to p h e r K e a tin g leaves his ‘95 Dodge Intrepid, without functioning brakes, but not the new Jeep, to Michael Keating: he’s going to leave that in a garage far away from him—for, far away, his knowledge and wisdom to understand the power of the hair to Connor Purcell; his handsome good looks to Mr. Knittel; and his bar of Irish Spring soap to Matthew Mulroy. K evin C um m ings leaves his outrageous pranks and supreme driving abilities to John Bowker, his swim practice cutting ability to Patrick Dufly; and his hair to anyone who will take it from him. P h ilip D a c c h ille leaves his Hawaiian shirts to Mr. Collins: get rid of that pink shirt; and his small ties, with a special request to start selling “Prep” replicas in the Campus Shop to Mr. Hollywood. J o n a th a n T in er leaves his ill “gizzunz”


ic h a e l

A . B

r o w n

Football 1.2. Captain 3,4; Baseball 1,2, Cap. tain 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2j , Captain 4; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 205

"I’m not cocky. I'm confident, so when you teil me I'm the best it's a compliment.* —Jadakiss


a r r en


u r n e t t

Basketball 1,2,4

“Wassup Bebe!”—Original


r et t


u r n s

Freshman Ambassador 1; Marauder Nation 1.2.3,4; Celtic Club 2.3.4: Italian Club 3; Ger­ man Club 4; Wrestling 1,3; Student Council 4; TV' Studio 4; Big Brother 4; NHS4; Honor Pin !,2,3; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4 'WbMesmapM6tbei«ghimm- Appredateyour mistakes forwiiattheyare:preciouslifelessonstitat cm onlybelearnedthehardway. Unlessit’s afatal mistake, which, at least, others canlearnfrom." —AlFranken

Beyond, the Gates



a n ie l


a so n


u tler

Waik-a-Thon Committee 3; Outreach 4; Petrean 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Emmaus 206

“To live is to lave; and to bee is to be alive, ’’ —Original







r ia n

a k h a il



“Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?u *-John Lennon


elley-K em ple

S m it h

ic h a e l

il l ia m





am es

Hockey 1,2; Stage Crew 1; Marauder Nation 3)4; Celtic Club 3; Emmaus 203

T a l k a t iv e

o st




ic k n a m f




” M

G r if f in

e ph en

A . C

In this lifetime, you don’t have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself. And af­ ter what you ’oe gone through, if you aln’t done that by now, it ain ’t gonna ‘never hap­ pen."—Rocky Balboa, Rocky



“L -T r a in ” La u e r M

ic h a e l

V. C

a p p ie l l o

Rugby 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; History Club l,i) Art Club 1; Marauder Nation 1; Car Club 3; Dance Committee 1; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 206

'lean picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And l ean picture USattacking thatworld, because they’d never expect it. "■—Jack Handy



J. C


Baseball 1,2; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 201

“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." I

—Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale

D a n C arles


Soccer 3; Rugby 2,3,4; Latin American Soci­ ety 1,2; Senior Prom Committee 4; Spanish Study Abroad 3; Emmaus 206

IFS 3,4; NHS 4; Chess Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

‘The world is yours." —Scarface, Scarface

il l





“Gatherye rosebuds while ye may/ for old I time is still a-flying/and this same flower I thatsmiles today/ tomorrow will be dying. ” I —Robert Herrick

flj& C v iA r



a peto la

Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Freshman I Ambassador 1; Marauder Nation 1,4; Big I Brother 3,4; French Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,3 I



o b er t

W . C


a ld w ell

Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Emmaus: 201

Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 199

Ju a n


C a rd e n a s

Latin American Society 1,2; Forensics 1,2, Captain 3: Rugby 2; SADD 1,4; Petroc 4; Pho­ tography Club 4; Petrean 3, Photography Edi­ tor 4; Book Club 4; !FS 3,4: Art Club 4; Big Brother 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Seinfeld Club 4; Classics Club Praetor2; Spanish StudyAbroad 3; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 206 “If you don’t know what defines you, any­ one can be you." —Original

A d a m B ryan C a rlso n Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3, Treasurer 4; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,3,4; Chorus 3,4: NHS 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Dramatics 3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 206 “Sometimes you just need to shift into the fast lane and sloooooui down." —Original

a na le

W here W ill Yo u B e in Ten Y ears? Vishnu N ayak

Philip Dacchille

“In a house (I hope), with a wife (I really hope).”

“Probably in my kitchen wondering where I went wrong as my dog leaves me a gift cm my leg.”

D an iel Pata “You miss 100%of the shots you don‘t take:" —Wayne Gretzky


"Amhacetodoistliinkofmeandthaeepeaceofmind / I'mtiredoflooking ‘roundroomsu.onderingwhat I’txgot mdoorwhoI’msupposedto be/1don’t want tobeanything otherthan me.'1-Savin DeGraw

“Yes there are two pathsyou can go by. bat in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.”—bed Zeppelin

G ia n c a K lo R o b e r t C a p o d a n n o

lex a n d er

Tennis 1,2.3,4; Mission Committee 2,3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Walk-a-Thon Committee 2,3.4; SADD 2,3.4; Outreach 3,4; Science Team 3,4; Petrean 3,4; TVStudio 3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Big Brother 3,4; Honor Pin 3; Emir.aus 203 /

“Selling dolphin feed outside of SeaWorld.”

W illiam C arley

K evin Cummings

Vincent DePinto

f‘In an alley, selling my A.D.D. medication orAmerican Gladiators.”

Victor Giordano

“Somewhere being awesome.” “Not in JUG.”

Kyle M eehan

“10years from now.”

“Rockin’ out to Journey.”

Steven Erickson

Charles Com prelli

"Somewhere on this planet south of the North Pole.”

“In ten years, I will be on ESPN or ABC, as either a broadcaster or sports announcer.”

Kevin D ugan

“Known as the greatest slide-whistle player on the planet. ”

A n k u r Patel

“I anticipate that I w ill have finished school with a professional degree and settled down in either New York City orBoston. I anticipate I will be married then, living out the American dream.” V ito Petruzzelli

“Outselling Sam the Hotdog Man in a frank fwrter battle.”

M ichael M artini

“I ’m not quite sure ‘where’ I ’ll be, but I ’m going to try my best to make it a happy place.” Philipp Schneider

“Watching the sunset from sandy shores.” Caesar Im perio

“Still in school...I mean med school!”



B . C

a tba ga n

Asfcan-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,+; Car Club 3; French CMb 3, Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmass 264

'Reflect on your past blessings, of which eo: ery man has many; not on your past misfor­ tunes, of which all men have some." —Charles Dickms

Beyond, the Gates



o r d a n


e c in in i


Rugby 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Jazz Band 3,4; Emmaus 206

a t t h e w

S. C


Petroc 1,2; Soccer 1,2,3, Captain 4; French

Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 3,4; Latin Ameri­ can Society 2,3; French Exchange 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 206

'Do what you can, do what you must, do it with strain, do it or bust." -Original

"The most effective type ofleadership is lead­ ing by example." -Original




e v in

h ester

Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 3, Secre­ tary/Treasurer 4; NHS 4; SADD 4; Marauder Nation 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 206


"There's character and there’s reputation. Reputation is what someone thinks you are; character is what you are. Reputations come and go, but character stays the same." —Gary Barnett

Being selected as an Emmaus Team Leader is a privilege for m em ­ bers of the senior class. These leaders are hand-selected by Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ., based on their leadership ability and willingness to open their hearts to first-time retreatants in order to fos­ ter the positive attitude needed to make the weekend retreat successful. Aside from attending meetings and planning Emm aus retreats, the team also helps out on the Freshman and the Sophomore Day of R etreat This leadership is a responsibility

not to be taken lightly. Team leaders are called upon to be role models for all of their fellow classmates. Often this profoundness is in finding God and having an insatiable desire to share His love with others. It takes a special individual to be able to lead fellow classmates: one who is driven to in­ spire others and does so with com­ passion, courtesy, and competence. T e a m L e a d e r J o e M c D o n a ld comm m ented, “Being an Emmaus Team Leader means passing on the Emmaus spirit to the future leaders.”


u rra y

C , C

o n n ell


d w a rd

J. C

h o




Petroc 1,2,3, Co-Editor-in-Chief 4; Student

Council 1,2; Forensics 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Amnesty International 1,2,3; SADD 2, VicePresident 3, President 4; Math Team 2,3,4; Junior PromCommittee 3; BigBrother 4; Walka-Thon Committee 2,3; Prep Chorus 3; La­ crosse 1,2,4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Art/Music 9; Emmaus 200 “They say that time changes things, but you actually haue to change them yourself." —Andy Warhol

i\ J

am es


o stello

Mission Committee 2,3,4; Outreach 2,3,4; CiC 3,4; Pax Christi 2; NHS 4; Honor Pin 2

Art Club 3,4; TV Studio 3,4; IFS 3; Amnesty International 3; Emmaus 199

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.’’—Karl M m

“Mkt otbbta cfzow cbjkicxma jkmbeta. The ijw bet hmit otbbtac jat ifxxtatkb. ” —Cryptoquotes

^ a m t) jC & JtM ir



a ph a el



h a n

m in


h a u d h r y

Asian-PacificIslander Society 1,4; MathTeam 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Ski Club 1; Italian Club 3,4; Tennis 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Dance Com­ mittee 3,4; PromCommittee 3,4; Special Min­ ister of the Eucharist 4; NHS4; Honor Pin 1,2

Wrestling 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 3,4; SADD3; Chess Club 1,2; Classics Club 3; Star Wars Club 1; Honor Pin 1

“You can’t get to where you are going if you don't know and understand whereyou came from." —Original

“Liked by few, hated by many, respected by all." —Unknown

iw i/


in c e n t


h ia n c a

CLC 1.2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Model UN2.3.4; Math Team2,3: Mission Committee 1,2,4; Petroc 3; Literary Magazine3,4;Outfeach4; ItalianClub4; Fresh­ man Ambassador 1; Honor Pir. 1; Outstand­ ing Freshman: Emmaus 200 I f you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you become it. ” —William Arthur Ward


from missing band rehearsals, or the lack thereof, to Stephen McDermott; and his amazingly awesome “guns” to Barton Yun: you don’t even have the tickets yet B r ia n S e r z a n leaves his gym bag to anyone who finds it Daniel Grossano leaves his ability to direct the percussion section to Jeffrey Rubin; his being “Mini-Marty” to Kevin McDermott; and both his love for and ability to play the drums to Michael Onieal. K evin D u g a n leaves his giant flashlight stolen from the Parliament Funkadelic to Aleksander Zywicki; his forged doctorate from Harvard Law and high position at a law firm to Ryan Loftus; his ability to hunt elephants and sell the tusks for profit toJustin Sdoli; and his diplomatic immunity to Michael Keating. C arl Kraus leaves his bottle of Visine to the soccer team.

R ap h ael C h an leaves his starting position in JV Volleyball to Kieran Tinde; his benchwarming skills to Matthew Whitford; his laziness to Jeffrey Campomanes; and his extreme sneakiness to Marc Cortez. J a m e s V ardakis leaves his seat on the light rail to his brother, Tommy Vardakis, since he won’t be driving him anymore; and his $5 for the party to Christopher Bligh. P eter R o se lii leaves his best wishes to a future at Prep to Robert Mirza An lo ir P a te l leaves his numerous AP, SAT, and other test guides and resources to Jigar Patel; and his passion for learning and his pursuit of excellence to the intellectual community at Prep. E dw ard C h o, Jr. leaves his Fr. O’Connor, SJ., notes from Chesmistry Honors, which will be of no help, but will make them feel better, to the rising sophomore class; his points


J effrey C h u a Asian Pacific islander Society i,2; Business Club 3; Tennis 3.4: NHS4; Junior PromCom­ mittee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4: Honor Pin 1,2,3: Emmaus 204 14 preoccupation with the future not only prevents us from seeing thepresentas it is but often prompts us to rearrange the past. ’ —Eric Hoffer


h arles


o m prelli

Marauder Nation 1,2.3. Henchman 4; Base­ ball 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,4; Italian Club 1,2,4: Emmaus Team: Leader 4; SADD 1,2; Outstanding Freshman: Emmaus 201

‘It's not thesize ofthe man; it's thesize ofhis heart. * —Eoander HotyKeld



ic h o l a s

P. C

r ia r is

Baseball 1.2. Captain 3,4; Basketball 1; Emmaus 201

"The Dude abides. '' ■ -The Dude, The Big lebowski


e v in

A . C

u m m in g s

Swimming 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1.2.3,4; CelticClub’,2,3,4; BigBrother4; ClassicsClub 3.4; Freshman Ambassador 1; NHS 4; Spanish Study Abroad 3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; lacrosse 1,2,3; Petrean 1.2*iufliof Prom Committee 3: Honor Pin 1,2,3: Out­ standing Freshman; Emmaus 200 "The most wasted ofall days is one without laughter." -e.e. cummings

Beyond the Gates




h il ip

a c c h il l e

Italian Club 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Rugby 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2; Spe­ cial Minister of the Eucharist 4; Dramatics 4; Big Brother 3,4; NHfp 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 202 "When the man's pantsget caught into the bicycle chain, you mustn'ttret, hr it isthe 8thlunarmonth ondastmepasiesyouwillrealizethatitallhappened forgood reason;' -Patrickp. O'Rourke


L ik e l y

o st



ic h a e l


ic h a e l

ic h a e l


r ia n



“Words that do not match deeds are unim-1 portant."‘-Ernesto 'Che’ Guevara

Ste v e n G erard D e C havez I

onner eacher

Stev e n P orcelli M


Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Asian-Pa- I cific [slander Society 2,4, Student Council 1; I Car Club 3; Computer Club 2,3; SADD 1,2; I Emmaus 204


Fu t u r e P rep T

am es

Model UN 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 2; Freshman Ambassador 1; CLC3; Honor. Pin 1,2,3; Silver Medal; Biology 1; World Civilizations 1


Pa t e l



“God doesn 't uiant us to know the future. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to trust Him to guide us into the future one step at a time. I —Stormie Omartian

cG overn

Serzan M

a n n y





Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1; SADD 2; Marauder Nation 2,3; Car Club 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Lacrosse 4; Emmaus 201

“To hate to lose more than you love to win is to think like a champion." —Original


in c e n t




in t o

Hockey 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 4; Car Club 3; Italian Club 3,4; Amnesty International 2; j Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 4; HI Emmaus Team Leader 4; Pax Christi 3; Ski Club 1,2; Celtic Club 2; Emmaus 202 “Go sit outside Dandorph’s office. When he | calls you in tell him you ’re a moron. ” —Mr. Collins

— -^7''


tlj |-flj4


a v id

A. D

o c h er ty

X u D

o n g

Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; Mission Committee 2,4; Emmaus 203

Math Team 2,3,4; Outreach 3,4; Computer | Club 1,2; Volleyball 2; NHS4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Geometry; Emmaus 202

“Change is the law oflife. And thosewho look Only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.' —John F Kennedy

‘14 chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us. ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson


o h n

d e



rm as

o n a ld





n g e l is

“Cross your fingers and pray for winter, / I'll be there / Painting the town your favorite color. / 1guess I'll call or see you around. ” —The Starting Line

“Aging is inevitable, maturing is optional. ” —Garfield


ic h a e l

Italian Club 2, Vice-President 3, President 4; Ultimate Frisbee 1,2; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Committee 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 203

Stage Crew 1,2; Skateboard Club 1; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Latin American Society 2,3; Walk-aThon Committee 4; Dramatics 4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 206

ela o n

Asian-Pacific [slander Society 1,2,4; Amnesty International 1,3; Indo-Pak Society 4; 1FS Founder 3, President 4; Mission Committee 2,3,4; Photography Club 4, Petrean 4

"Conformity is sad. Go Marauder Nation!’ —Original

D an iel Butler Nelson Albino






ia c o m o

Voi'.eyball 1.2,3. Captain 4; Marauder Nation 4; Wrestling 1; French Club 2; Big Brother 4; Ski Club 1,2; Emmaus 202

“All you do is steep. Then you wake up and punch people." -Mr Caslowitz

Since freshman year, Dan always told me to hold my head up and I would see all the friends I had. I could never say anything bad about him and I will always have his back ad infinitum {AA.)

If it weren’t for Nelson, I would not have acquired the inspiration and motivation to create Marauder Nation during my junior year. Not only is he a funny, trustworthy friend, but he’s a great athlete and an apt student (V.P.)

Vincent DePinto

Vin is the only friend I have known at Prep all four years. I could say he’s my best friend, but that would be an understatement He has been a part of my family along with Phil, CJ., and Kevin. This isn’t a good-bye; it’s a lhank-you. (P.Di)

Alvin Anez

Alvin is one cool cat I got to know him more over this and last year. He’s a down-to-earth per­ son who has many insights on life and music. He was the person that brought back old school in a modem world. (R.C.)

Charles DiGiacomo

Quite possibly, CJ. is the funniest person I know. Since Mr. Fletcher’s religion class during sopho­ more year, he has been a truly great friend. Stop punching people! {P.D.)

Bryan Angeles

Bryan is one of the many people that goes unno­ ticed here at Prep. He’s always been there for me no matter what and I truly appreciate it {A.M.)

D avid Docherty & Alejandro Melendez

Ian Bem aiche

It has been a privilege being their friend over the past four years. We have accomplished a lot together. I hope that we will remain great friends through our adult lives. (WM.)

Ian is the strongest kid I have ever met; he once pounded a dent into my car, but he’s also really nice and caring. (K.C.)

' | p A

n drew

V. D


J. D


Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Forensies 2,3; Prep Fac­ tor 3,4; RPQ Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 203

Swimming 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse Manager 3,4; Big Brother 4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 202

I i ■'Shout outs to Smity. Brad, McGovern, Barone, Carl, Pos, Fallon, Cummings, Franny. Vito, Ryan,: Chris Wallace. Richie, and Face."-Original

| A



g m 1m

"Sailaway fromthe safeharbor. Catch thetrade utinds in your souls. Explore. Dream. Dis­ cover. ’ —Mark Twain

Beyond the Gates


e v in


u g a n


h o m a s




Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Art Club I Vice President 2,3,4; Photography Club 1; German Club 2,3,4; Amnesty International Vice President 12 3, 4; Prep Factor 3,4; IFS 3,4; Petroc 1,2; Ski Club 1; Liturgical Band 2,3,4; Honor Pin 3; Emmaus 199

SADD2,3; Rugby 2; Celtic Club 1,2; Emmaus

“I’d like to bay the world a Coke...and teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. " —Davis/Cook

T d rather die enormous than live dormant. ” -Jay-Z



o sh


sfo rm es

Hockey 3,4; Lacrosse 3,4; French Club 3,4; NHS 4; Emmaus 199

“If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smartjust in time to ask questions?" -iScott Adams

(X^\/~kJ-/U(EL A ny Post-G rad u atio n P lans? Kevin D ugan

Vincent DePinto


“Living in my college bubble, nestled away from the real world.”

“You mean IF I graduate!”

Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4a Emmaus Team Leader 4; Freshman Ambasj sador 1; 3rd Day 3; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3s Gold Medal: Spanish 2; Outstanding Freshj man

A lejan dro Melendez

“To take the biggest vacation and spend tons of money as a celebration of surviving Sra. Garciafor the last three years at Prep."

E d w ard Cho, Jr.

“My summer plans will be to not have any plans, after which I will continue to do the same in college. ” Caesar Im perio

Victor Giordano

“Going o ff to college and earning some money. ”


Samuel Slaughter

Brett G uadagnino

“Head South...and start a band!”

“Moving to China, the new Europe.”

D aniel Pata

r a n c is


llo n

“Let’s get together and feel all right 1 ■$ —Bob Marley

“Welfare and scratch cards.”


ig e l

S t a n is l a u s F e r r e i r a

Emmaus 204

“Maybe they'll admit it when we're gone/ Just let our spirits live on/Through our lyr­ ics that you hear in our songs.”—Eminem



a s t ia n


id e l u s

Cross Country 1,2, Captain 3,4; Indoor Track I 1,2,3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Cap-11 tain 4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Polish Club Founder 2,3; 11 Outreach 3; NHS 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; [ Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Freshman I Ambassador 1; Big Brother 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; 11 Emmaus 202 7 let my soul fly up by itself/Pick happiness I up/Bring it back to my shelf"—OAR.

f l $ J tW V lC L 1




o n a th a n


S te v e n



E ric k s o n

Stage Crew 3,4; Outreach 3,4; Pax Christi 2; Star Wars Club 1,2,3, Co-Presideht 4; Math Team 2,3,4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Silver Medal: Physics

Basketball 1 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Emmaus 201 “Flowers need water togrow, itgottarain, in order to experience joy you need pain, elk ery time a baby is bom somebody's slain, you know: the saying, somebody's loss is another's gain1 the sun comes out when the Water goes down the drain, the rain and the clouds come out we do it again.’ -Jay-Z

“The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion" —Thomas Paine

jfy iM h w

D escribe Yo urself A

n t h o n y


c c ip o n t e

Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Marauder Nation 4; Honor Pin 1,2.3: Gold Medal: Latin 3; Emmaus 206

“View every challenge as an opportunity for greatness. "—Original

iu s e p p e


e l ic ie l l o

Italian Club2,4; Computer Club I; Video Game Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

“We are here because we choose to be. If that is the case and this is your burden to bear, then bear it and make the best of it. ” —Mike Martini

C h r is t o p h e r P a u l F isc h e r Petrean 3, Index Editor 4; Rugby 2; Mission

Committee 1; 1FS 3,4; Photography Club 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; CLC 1; Emmaus

O ne W o r d .

V ito Petruzzelli

Vincent DePinto



Philipp Janssen

D aniel Pata

“Beast. ”


M atthew H la d ik

Philipp Schneider



Philip D acchille

Kevin D ugan



Steven Erickson

Kyle M eehan



Christopher Brusgard

Vishnu Nayak


“Mysterious.” A



l e ja n d r o


r n a n d ez


a n u el


e g u e ir a

French Club 1,2,3,4; Latin American Society Secretary 1,2. Vice President 3,4; French Ex­ change 1,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Marauder Na­ tion 1; SADD 1,4; Emmaus 206 "Je ne regrette rien. ” —Edith Piaf


a n ie l


is c h e r

Photography Club 4; Petroc 1: Rugby 2; Emmaus 202


“I have noticed even people who claim ev­ erything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”—Stephen Hawking

‘Isn 't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?"—Andy Warhol

Beyond, the Gates



o b b ie



Cross Country3,4; Indoor Track3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Latin American Society 3,4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 206



o sh u a




Volleyball 2,3,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Ulti- H mate Frisbee 1 Computer Club 1; Car Club3; I Emmaus 204 “Jumpoff." —Original

"Nobody understands anyone 18, including those who are IS. I —Jim (James Alonzo) Bishop


e s s ie s t

S e a n O ’G r a d y R

ic h a r d



o st



B aron

S c h o o l S p ir it



ic h a e l

A . G


a k h a il

“The only thing consistent about my oppo­ nent is his inconsistency!" —PresidentBush

V it o P e t r u z z e l l i T


Basketball 1,2; Emmaus 205

G ib n e y


JjjL A.

L a m p a r ie l l o E



a r d n er


Golf 1,2, Captain 3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; French Club 1,2,3; Big Brother 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 199

"The months they don't matter, it's the days I can’t take, when the hours move to min­ utes, and I ’m seconds away," —Taking Back Sunday


h o m a s

J. G

e n t il e



o seph



MarauderNation4; CelticClub1,2,3, President4; Student Council 2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,Captain 4; j Cross Country 1; Emmaus TeamLeader 4; CLCI 1,2,3,4; Pro-LifeSociety4; FreshmanAmbassador ! 1; NHS4; BigBrother4; OutstandingFreshman; 1 Honor Pin 1,2,3 “Well in the end, my friend, we will all be together I again, clutchingon tomyhand, in a valleywe Ustand— I justlivingagain.Jake it on to the city on down \ -O A R



a ph a el


erra ty

Swimming 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; StockMarket Club1;Outreach3,4; BigBrother 4; Amnesty International 3; Marauder Nation 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 205

Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 4; TVStudio 3,4; I Amnesty International 2,3; 1FS3,4; Art Club I 2,3,4; GermanClub2,3,4; CelticClub1,2; NHS I 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199

“Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.”—Babe Ruth

“And then he knew that war is no good, be- I cause vanquishing a man is as bitter as being I vanquished. "—Albert Camus




am es

A . F

o u r n ie r

Freshman Ambassador 1 Art Club 1,2,3,4; Car Club 3; Pax Christi 1,2; Petroc 2.3; Stock Market Club 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 202 “Peter: 'Lookat this, Lois, see right here (points in book)Jwas voted mostlikely tosucceed. ' "Lois: 'Peter, that'snotyou. That’s not evena yearbook, it’s a Peoplemagazine,' “Peter: 'Oh, Jwondetvd why they had the wrongpictureand name. ’"—Family Guy


a v ie r



Dramatics 1,2,3; Volleyball 2, Manager 3,4; Forensics 3; SADD 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; Big Brother 4; Latin American Society 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 206 "Wecouldexperiencewithin ourselves confidenceand adequacy as we coped now with our disappointment and with therealization that things outside ourselves change-<uid many times we have little control over those elements, but if we learn to utilize our inner resources, ux may carry oursecurity around with us.” -Unknown / ft , .



e d e r ic o


o se


& a

a r c ia

Chess Club/TeamCaptain 1,2,3,4; MathTeam 2,3,4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2

“I’m normally not a praying man, but if you ’re up there, please sane me Superman." —limner Simpson


a t t h e w


e l c h io n

StudentCouncil Representative 1,2,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Ten­ nis 1,2, Co-Captain 3,4; Basketball 1; Freshman Ambas­ sador 1; Stock Market Club 1,2; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; PetroclZM SADD 2,3,4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Campus Ministry 2,3,4; MathTeam 3,4; NHS Co-President 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Gold Medal: Religion 3; Spirit Award 3; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus200 “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know." - Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven


h o m a s

J. G

ib n e y

Stage Crew 1; Golf 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3.4: Celtic Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Spirit Award 4: Emmaus 201 “Walk across the stage, take a bow, hear the applause and as the curtain failsJust know you diil it all, the best that you know how, you can hear them cheering now, so let a smile Ondsffpwyourteeth because you know you lived it well." ■-Sates the Day

Alejandro Fernandez Alex assured me that I was, in fact, cool with the Hispanics, and since then, he has been one of my best friends, the most productive, creative partner I have ever worked with, and knowing that we are kindred spirits lets m e know I do have real friends in this world. (AjL) Jam es Fournier Jam es is one of those people who, when you get to know him, grows on you. Last summer, we volunteered at the same place and we didn’t even know it! He’s really ambitious and has many goals for himself; he’ll definitely succeed. (R.C.) Raphael Gerraty I’ve known him ever since third grade and we’ve been friends ever since. He’s a very hardworking person and he strives for perfection in everything h e does. I wish I had his determination. (R.C.) D a n iel H azard Since D oc Kennedy’s sophomore class, he has been one of my bestest friends. We talk about Imm ortal Technique, soccer, Nuyoricans, Will­

iam Faulkner, Y Tu Mama Tambien and Kung Pow! I hope we never stop being the greatest of friends. (A~A.) Caesar Imperio It’s funny that we have gone to school with each other since kindergarten. He’s been a good friend, and I thank him for th at I wish him good luck in whatever he decides to do in the medical field. Best of luck and we’ll see each other around Jersey City! (W.M.) Rashawn Jackson While I only have known him for four years, he represents a true friend, always helping m e with my problems. Good luck in college and continue your leadership on and off the field. (P Jt) Ryan Kaywork A man of few words whose friendship and sup­ port have helped m e survive these four years. He catches m e offguard and makes me happy to be alive and to have friends loyal to me. I honor Ryan, more than words can ever describe. {A~A.)


ic t o r


io r d a n o

Basketball 1,2,4; Rugby 3,4; Freshman Am­ bassador 1; Big Brother 4; Italian Club 2,3; Emmaus 205

"It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it." —Jimmy Dugan, ALeague of Their Own

< ^ c U sd o yjT '

Beyond the Gates



“Someday we shall look back on this and be glad.”

o seph


io v in e

Ms. K aija D eW itt


r if f in

7 came, I saw,:I conquered. ' .Julius Caesar

“If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn 'I thinking. ”—General George Patton

“Possunt, quia posse videntur." Ms. Erin Gething

“Travel and explore the great cultures of the world. The experiences will invigorate your soul.”

“Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis, etfugiuntfreno non remorante dies.”

“Make a difference that matters and a contribution that counts.”

Mr. M att K nittel

Mr. Rich Hansen

“Take risks. Make mistakes. Learn from those experiences.”

“Faith takes practice.” (o.™Mc«ny)

“Wherever your dreams and diligent efforts lead you, never forget your commitment to be a ‘Man for and with others’. Good luck and go with God!”

Mr. Kevin Cuddihy

Sr. Frances M. Duncan, OSF

“Continue doing the job- workmission you have been given. Thank you for the spirit living in you.”

“Remember what you learned here and apply the lessons for the remainder of your life. Pay now or pay later.”

Fr. Tony Azzarto, S.J.

Mr. Ken Dandorph

K y le J am es H


o sh i


anselm an

Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Cross Country 3; Marauder Nation 1; Celtic Club 2,4; German Club 4; History Club 2,4; French Club 4; Emmaus 205 “Anything can happen, anything is possible and likely. Time and space do not exist. Against a faint background of reality imagi­ nation spins out and weaoes new patterns. ” —August Strindberg, ADream Play

ru n d y

“When in doubt, act like Carlton. ” —Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


G u t ie r r e z , J r

ic h a r d

Football 1;Walk-a-ThonCommittee2,3, Presi-j dent 4; Outreach 3,4; LatinAmerican Society! 2; Photography Club 4; Emmaus 203 “When you were born, you were crying and II everyone around you was smiling. Live your\ life so that when you die, you ’re the oneI who is smiling and everyone around you |y] crying. * —Anonymous


a tt


a n sen

Special MinisteroftheEucharist4; BigBrother 4; SADD 2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205

7 have not failed. I’vejust found 2,000 ways that won't work. ^Thom as Edison

% ic M m




Band 1,2,3,4; Math Team 4; Chess Club 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2

Mr. Stu Clutterbuck

Ms. Erma Yost

il l

Football 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Mission Com- I mittee 4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 203 I

Mr. Richard Kennedy

“The point is to live everything. Live the questions now.’VMMk,)


FreshmanAmbassador 1; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 205

G e r a r d F. G r o g a n

D a n ie l J . G r o s s a n o

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Swimming 4; Rugby 4; Marauder Nation 2,3,4; Art Club 4; Classics Club 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Celtic Club 4; Emmaus 201

Concert Band 1,2,3, Librarian 4; Jazz Band 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; SADD 2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2; Amnesty International 3; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

'Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. *—Booker T. Washington

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is in the doing, not the getting—in the trying, not the triumph. ’’ —Wynn Davis

B r e t t G u a d a g n in o IFS 3,4; Art Club 1,2; Literary Magazine 3,4; Photography Club 4; Prep Factor 3,4; Emmaus 203 “For him it was a dark passage which led to nowhere, then to nowhere, then again to no­ where, once again to nowhere, always and for­ ever to nowhere, heavy on the elbows in the earth to nowhere dark, never any end to no­ where, hung on all the time always to unknow­ ing nowhere. ” —Ernest Hemingway

“Don’t limit yourself to other people’s definition of who you should be. Define yourself.”

“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.” Fr. Mike Hoag, S.J.

Mr. Chris And.read.is

“You axe not what you think you are, but you are what you think.”

“Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” Mr. Brian McCabe

Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J.

“You must do something to make the world more beautiful.”

“Carpe diem, lads! Make your lives extraordinary.” tfkaiPotus«Mfi Mr. D avid Muir

(Barbara Cooney, The Lupine Lady)

Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner

J o seph H a n n o n Football 1.2,3, Captain 4

“When you are behind, don't give up. When you are ahead, don’t let up." —Unknown

J o h n J. H anrahan Hockey 1,2,3.4; Marauder Nation 4; Celtic Club 2.3.4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother4; Special Minister ofthe Eucharist 4; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 200

“Character is like a tree and reputation like ' its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”—Abe Lincoln

/L -


D a n ie l M a t t h e w H aza rd Soccer 1.2,3.4; Petroc 2,3,4; NHS 4; Latin American Society 2; Freshman Ambassador 1; Honor Pin ; ,2.3: Emmaus 2C6

M a t t h e w H l a d ik Petroc 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2;CLC4; Marauder

Nation 1,2,3,4; Italian 1,2; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Freshman Ambas­ sador 1;BigBrother4; HonorPin1,2; Emmaus 201

“Start by doing what is necessary, then do ivhat is possible, and suddenly you are do­ ing the impossible.' —Saint Francis of Assisi

%ove never fails, character never quits, and with patience and persistence, dreams do erne true."-'Pistol' Pete Maraeich

Beyond the Gates



o st




S h a r m a in J a c k s o n Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee; Emmaus 205

“People only live by their own strength. They only grow by their own strength, only in­ fants need parents. 1—Eva

"Life isnot measuredby the number ofbreaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." —Unknown

c B r id e

L a m p a r ie l l o


Pa t e l

F r ie n d l ie s t P h il ip D T A

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La m o n t

e l ia b l e


il l ia m

ic h a e l

C a e s a r G e r a l d Im p e r io Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,4; Model UN 3,4; German Club 4; Computer Club 1,2,3; Walk-a-Thon Committee President 3,4; ProLife Society 3; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 202

a c c h il l e


l if f o r d


o h n so n

Wrestling I RPG Club 2; Chess Club/Team 2,3,4; Medical Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

"Justbecausesomething doesn ’tdo whatyou planned to do doesn’t mean it's useless. * —Thomas Edison

G ib n e y

C a rlso n W

esn er






alpo u zo s

Indoor Track 2,3,4; Classics Club President 2,3; French Club 1,2,3, President 4; SADD 2,3; Swimming 1; Outdoor Track 1,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: French 1; Emmaus 199

Dance Committee 1; Spanish Study Abroad 3; Emmaus 206

“Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. ” —Virgil

“We are who we choose to be., .now, choose!* —Green Goblin, Spiderman




ayw ork

B rad K

e a t in g

Lacrosse 1,2, Captain 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Football 1; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Big Brother 4; Ski Club 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 200

|tik e vanilla because it's cold." —Robert Zuniga



aTake today, and go walk for a while. Welljust sit back Jack and relaxand enjoy a smile. Well letyour mindgo... fora minute or two, letyourmindlevitate for a delicate few. Maybe I'lljoin you too. "—O.A.R.

P h il ip p R . J a n s s e n

J o sh u a A . J o h n

Petrean 1,2,3, Editor-in-Chief4; MarauderNation

Marauder Nation 1; SADD4; Volleyball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 201

3,4; Amnesty International 1,2,3; German Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; PaxChristi 1,2,3; Car Club 3; Dramatics 4; SADD3,4; Outreach2,3,4; Fresh­ manAmbassador 1; BigBrother4; MedicalClub4; StockMarketClub4; GermanExchange2,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205 “Whygrow the branches when the root is gone? Whywithernot the leaves thatwant their sap?" —William Shakespeare

"You should value your character more than your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is what others think you are.” —Anonymous

D a n ie l J o n a t h a n Soccer 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Pro-Life Society 3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205

"Prior preparation prevents poor perfor­ mance, ’ —Anonymous

Mj j u


R ic h a r d D . K a m in s k i Soccer 1,2,3, Captain 4: Basketball 1, Indoor Tracki; Marauder Nation 4; Celtic Club 3,4; Polish Club 3; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 201

V s not (lie size of the dogihthefighuit’t thesize ofthe fight in the dog. "■-Anonymous


h r is t o p h e r

K e a t in g

Lacrosse 1.2.3,4; TV Studio 3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; EmmausTeamLeader4: GermanClub 2,3.4: Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 4; 1FS3; MissionCommittee 3,4; Spirit Award 3: Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199 “Cash rules everything around me. C.R.E.A.M. Get the money. Delta bill y'all. " —Method Man

Many are called, but few are chosen. The Special Ministers of the Eucharist, an exceptional group of seventeen seniors, not only serve the Holy Eucharist at every Prep mass, but also volun­ teer their time during lunch pe­ riods on a weekly basis to dis­ cuss important events around the school and the faith community. Over time, the role of a minister has increased a great deal. Morn­ ing Prayer for Peace, founded two years ago by former Prep

history teacher Mr. Tom Murphy, began its bi-weekly run with the ministers leading reflections about their personal life experi­ ences in relation to some read­ ing. Throughout the year, these ministers spread spirit around the halls of Prep, offering their time to the school community as well as neighborhoods throughout the area. Says Eucharistic Minis­ ter Peter Roselli, “We aim at bet­ tering the spiritual and day-to-day lives of everyone around us.”

T homas K

e lle y - R e m

p le

Rugby 2,3,4; Mission Committee 1,2,4; Forensics 2,3,4; German Exchange 2; Emmaus TeamLeader 4; Amnesty International 3; TV Studio 3,4; 1FS3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Out­ door Track 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 1$9 “Judgemtamanbyhisquestimsratherthan by his answers. ” —Voltaire

Beyond the Gates








Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 199

“Prep school hippie, or hip school preppie, I can’t decide," —Plush

B r ia n Pa t r ic k K en n ed y Swimming 1,2, Captain 3,4; Band 1,2,3, Trea­ surer 4; Emmaus TeamLeader 4; Math Team 2,3,4; Mission Committee 2,3,4; Celtic Club 2,3; Amnesty International 3; IFS 3,4; Big Brother 4; NHS 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Math2; Silver Medal; Math 3; Emmaus 199 “Peace cannot be achieved through violence; it can only be attained through understanding." —Albert Einstein

M a t t h e w J . K ie b u s Football 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Basket­ ball 1, Co-Captain 2; Hockey Manager 3; Big Brother 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199 Tve learnedsomething. Letting my emotions out was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Sure, I ’m not funny anymore. There is more to life than making shallow, fairly ob­ vious observations. ”—Jerry Seinfeld

W here I s T he Lig h t


Yo u r Life ? D u s t in B o h d a n K o c y lo w sk y ]

K evin D ugan

Kevin Cummings

“I swallowed a light bulb when I was 8, and I reckon it’s still there.”

“In the College Placement office. ”

V ito Petruzzelli

“On the Caven Point scoreboard, after watching Prep beat Hudson Catholic—A GAIN! ” A lejan d ro Melendez

“The guiding light in my life is supplied by the greatest place in all of Jersey City, the Prep Library. ”

D an iel Grossano

“In the hope that life will someday get better.” Charles Com prelli

“On the baseball field, where I just forget about everything andplay the game.”


“Every creature longs to know his place, but what separates me is I know mine. | -r-Unknown

V icto r G iordano

“In being a nice guy. ”



1,2,3; Petrean 1,2; Forensics 1; La­ crosse 1,2, Captain 3,4; Walk-a-ThonCommit­ tee 1,2,3; Emmaus 204


M. K

Soccer 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2, Captain 3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2; Outreach 3,4; NHS4; Ski Club2; Petrean 3; Special Minister ofthe Eucharist4; StockMarket Club1; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205

M ic h a e l T. L am pariello Student Council 2, Vice-President3, President4; Band 1,2,3, President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman4;Basketball 1,2;EmmausTeamLeader 4; Mission Committee 1,2,3,4; CelticClub2,3,4; Petroc2,3; SADD3,4; HonorPin1,2; SpiritAward 3; Emmaus205

"Nearly all men can stand adversity; but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. I —Abraham Lincoln

"Thedifference between a successfulperson and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack ofwill* —Vince Lombardi

e v in


F r a n c is A n t h o n y K e n n y


Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 4; Wrestling 2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ebony Club 2,3; Italian Glub 1,2,3,4; MaraMer Nation3,4; Emmaus 201

indo-Pak Society 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3, Secretary 4; Car Club 3,4; Business Club 3; Prep Factor 3,4; Photography Club 4

“Thepresent is what you get, and the past is what makes a man. I can’t tell the future; I ain’t God a rm Superman." —Holiday Styles

“I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.' —Ralph Waldo Emerson

oham m ed

W here Is T he D arkness Seon g K

“The best dreams in life are dreamt during class. "—Original

E dw ard Cho, Jr.

“In my pants.”

“Chua tests...her tests still haunt my dreams.”

“After I catch a w hiff of the locker room hallway during the wrestling season. ”

M arcello Pacheco

Peter Roselli

D on ald D elaon

“The Minnesota Vikings; will they ever win the big one?”

Philipp Schneider

“The day of the test for all math classes in the past three years.” “What kind of question is that?” “The front of my shoe; light dares not to go there.”

Steven Erickson

“Logically, wherever light isn’t.”


Yo u r Life ?

Brett Burns V ito Petruzzelli

u s t in



Tennis 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; History Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,3; NHS 4




a tth ew



Indoor track 2; Rugby 2,3,4; Big Brother 4; Ski Club 1; Emmaus ®

“Like bringing a knife to a gun fight —Nonna Jean





Petroc 1,2.3.4; Petrean 1,2; Volleyball 1,2,3.4;

NHS 4; Freshman Ambassador 1;. Marauder Nation 4; Outreach 2; French Club 2,3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Celtic Ciub 1,2.3; Honor Pin 1,2.3; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 199 “Ease your mind have a banana or two." —Dispatch

la d B r ia n L a u e r Football 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 2,3,4; Band 1,2,34; CelticClub3,4; Marauder Nation 1.2,3, Hench­ man 4; Special Minister Of the Eucharist 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Emmaus 205

“ft is essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the heurb of men. ” —Vince Lombardi




NHS4; ChessClub 1; StageCrew1; HonorPin 1,2; Gold Medal: Spanish 2,3; Emmaus 202

“We cannot be sure of having something to live h r unless we are witling to die for i t ’ —Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

Beyond the Gates


P e t e r L ig e ir o Soccer 1; NHS 4; Model N 2,3,4; IPS 3,4; French Club3; Walk-a-ThonCommittee Presi­ dent 3,4; Pro-Life Society 3; Outreach 2,3,4; Prep Factor 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Petrean 3, Copy/Closing Editor 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 206 7f is the mark ofan educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ” —Aristotle









C arlso n M

C h r is M Football 1,2,3,4

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a io r in o

a r iq u it

u s ic ia n ( N o t M u z y c z y n )


“Stay far from timid; only make mooes when I your heart's in it; and Hue the phrase 'Sky's I the limit. ” —The Notorious B.l.G.

r t is t

J a m e s F o u r n ie r N

J a m e s W . L iv e n g o o d Basketball 1,2.3.4; French Club 2,3,4; Celtic I Club 2,3; Petroc 1,2; Marauder Nation 3,4; I French Exchange2,3; Honor Pin1,2; Emmaus I 199



“You can do anything, be anything, or at­ tain anything in life, if you are willing to pay the price to reach your goal. "—Original

V it o P e t r u z z e l l i C

h r is t o p h e r


a n g in

Pa t M a la n k a Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; CLC 1,2, 3; SADD2,3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Emmaus 206

C h r is t o p h e r M a n g in I Liturgical Band2,3,4;/tefroc2; ComputerClub I;, Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Seinfeld Club4; Italian Club 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Honor Pin I 1,2,3; Emmaus 205

“Speak softly and carry a big stick. ” —Theodore Roosevelt

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, I society must set the artist free to follow his 11 vision wherever it takes him. ” —John F. Kennedy

fa t M



ic h a e l


a r t in i


il l ia m


c B r id e

Stage Crew1; Computer Club 2; Outreach 2; NHS 4; Mission Committee 2; Photography Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

DanceCommittee 1,2,3,45Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; EmmausTeamLeader 4; BigBrother 4; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Pro-Life Society 3,4; Outreach 3, I 4; Dramatics 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; | Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

“Happiness is notadestination: Itisa method of life." —Burton Hills

“A man does whathe must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dan­ gers andpressures-and that is the basis ofall human morality." -John F. Kennedy

J u s t in L o f f io


Lacrosse 1,2,3; Special Minister of the Eucha­ rist 4; Ski Club 1,2; Italian Club 4; Celtic Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 202

Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Emmaus

“Iwatch theripples change theirsize but neverleave the stream of warm impermanence. So the days float through my eyes, butstill the daysseem thesame. And these children thatyou spit on as they try to change iheirworldsareimmune toyourconsultations. They ’re quite aware of what they 'regoing through. ” —DavidBowie




ic h a e l

W . Long


'If I were of the highest cliff, on the highest riff and you slipped down the side and clinched on to your life in my grip, I would never, ever let you down.'1—J. Ivy

a k h a il

Dance Committee 1,2, President 3.4; CarClub 3; Rugby4; Wrestling 2,3; TVStudio 3,4; Ger­ man Ciub 3,4; Emmaus 201

“Enjoy life. Because whether you re rich.or poor, famous or Ike alone, you end up as a pile of dust in the end. ”—Unknown



A. M

a r iq u it

Art Club 1; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,4; Dacce Committee 3.4: Enunaus 204

“What is this lone you talk about?' -Unknown


r ia n





Cross Country 1: Freshman Ambassador 1; CelticClub1,2, Vice-President3,4; BigBrother 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; Honor Pin 1,3; Emmaus 205 To look upon everything always as if you were seeing it fot the first or last time: This is your time on Earth filled with glory." —Old Irish Saying

m M

M atth ew H la d ik leaves his knowledge of sports trivia and useless facts to Christopher Zolli; his endless supply of slang and “ghetto/ funny” language to Sam the Hot Dog Man; his love for Prep Athletics, so that he may continue his support of athletics, to Andrew Sharp; his out-of-date, but useful, radio/cassette player and headphones to any Prep student who wants it; his Prep Basketball gear that he no longer wears to Christopher Robinson and Jacob Blicharz; his sweet jump shot to use outside on the basketball court to destroy his opponents to Jack Dolaghan; his plethora of nicknames to a lonely freshman; and his laziness and procrastination abilities to all lazy rising seniors with an early case of senioritis. Ph ilip p J a n s se n leaves the Petrean to all who would like to tackle the task; and his fortune to all the future staffers and the wish that they live another year.

W illia m C a r le y leaves his inherent awesomeness to Charlie Mikulich from Precalculus class. M ic h a e l S h e r r y leaves some good memories of Forensics meets, late afternoons in Sir’s room, and many long train rides home to Brian Dalton andJudd Madarang; and his back issues of The Economist, his ability to improvise, and The Box, if they can find it, to any future Forensics Extempers. C h r isto p h e r B ru sgard leaves some of his homemade candy to anyone who wants it; his awesomeness to Mr. Klarmann so that he can be completely awesome; a box of cupcakes to Kevin DePinto; his good sense-of-humor to Mr. Muir because he has a bad one; and his right to sit at the last table on the right side of die cafeteria to any cool group that wants it

J o seph J o h n M cD onald

Petrean3, Activities/SeniorEditor4;Petroc2,3,4;

NHS4; Genr,an Exchange 2; German Club 2,4; Emmaus TeamLeader 4; Mission Committee 1,2,3,4; Student Council Secretary/Treasurer 4; MathTeam2.3,4. Junior PromCommittee 3; Se­ niorPromCommittee4;Outreach1,2;BigBrother 4;HonorPin1,2,3;OutstandingFreshman;Emmaus 208 "The. onlylimjtto ourrealczationvflomorrouiioillbe the doubts oftoday. '-Franklin Delano Roaseeelt

m S K m M

Beyond, the Gates





cD onald

Hockey 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 199 "Well, urn, actually a pretty nice little Satur­ day, we're going to go to Home Depot Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some floor­ ing, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Be­ yond, I don't know, / don't know if we'll ' have enough time. ”—Frank Richard

Stev e M

cD onald

Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Band 2,3,4; Outreach 2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205 "Do you notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?! ’ —George Carlin :j

KyleJ. M


Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; La­ crosse '1; Ski Club 2; IFS 3,4; Art Club 4; TV Studio 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 199

‘Diplomacy has rarely been able to gain at the conference table what cannot be gained or held on the battlefield.'' —Walter Bedell Smith

W h o Is Yo u r Favorite Teach er ? W illiam M cBride

M ichael Bonner

A l e j a n d r o M a r t in M e l e n d e z

“Mr. Murphy. He used his humor and character and made learning fun. He had a joke for every event in history. He had the ability to bring out the better side of his students. ”

“Mr. Campion for his unique and engaging teaching style, in addition to his knowledge of all literature ever written.”

Model UN 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3; Latin American Society 2; Dramatics 2,3,4; Rugby 2,3,4; Forensics 3; Spanish Study Abroad 3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Emmaus 203

M ichael M artini

“Mr. Gomez. He used a lightsaber, had a secret room, and drew Mo on the floor.”

“Mr. Campion. I f I need to explain why, just go talk to himfor five min­ utes about William Shakespeare and you’ll know why.” Peter Roselli

“Mr. Muir. He curves everything.”

Brett Burns

K evin D ugan

“Mr. Caslowitz. He’s so laid back that he is perfect to teach a bunch of musicians. ” N



"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within | us. ”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

a b il



M a t t h e w E dw ard M iller

Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; Cross Country 1; Chess Club 4; French Club 2,3,4; French Exchange 2,3,4; Model UN4; SADD 2; NHS 4; Computer Club I; Math Team 4; Gold Medal: French 2; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 201

Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 199

"The secret top creativity is knowing how to hide your sources1”—Albert Einstein

“Do whatever it takes, whenever it needs to be done, regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not. * —Greg Hickman


ic h a e l



cG overn

r a v is


c K ay

Soccer 1,2; Computer Club 3,4; RPG Club 2,3,4; Car Club 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Asian-Pacific Islander Society4; Emmaus 204

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Freshman Ambassador 1; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2; Student Council 1,2; Ger­ man Exchange 2; Emmaus Team Leader 4; NHS Treasurer 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Biology 1, English 1; Outstanding Freshman; Spirit Award 3; Emmaus 200

“We must always fear the wicked. But there is another kind of evil we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. ’ —The Boondock Saints

“What'd you have for dinner last night?’ —Original


W h o Is Yo u r Favorite T eacher ? V iv e k N . M


Chess Club 1,2,3,4; indo-Pak Society 2,3, President 4; Swimming 2,3, Captain 4; Busi­ ness Club3; Stock Market Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 200

Ph illip Schneider

A lvin Anez

“Mr. Klarmaim, He’s so awesome, because everything he says is awe­ some. And his dog is good at grad­ ing papers."

“Ms. Kinder. She taught me how to write...well!” V ito Petruzzelli

“Fr. Hoag. He’s the onlyperson who could make an entire student section sit down at a football game.”

A n k u r Patel “Those who do not hope to win have already lost''. —Unknown

“Mr. DeAngelo, for his passion for the German language and culture, dedication to the school, and close friendships with the student body.”

D aniel Grossano

“Mr. Irvine because he taught books that guys actually wanted to read because they were interesting.”

D an iel Pata

“Mr. Zaverelli. He was schizo.”





Football 1; Wrestling 1.2.3; Marauder Nation 1,2.3,4; Emmaus 201 “I/rstweek, Jajianeseicieniii.fi explaced...placed rx~ plosivedeionatorsatmebottcmor'lMieLcciiNessto blodfir&ieoatofthemer.SirGodfriyafiheK&sie Alliance summoned the kelp of Scotland’s loail wiz­ ards to casiaprotective spell oser die lake and its ivui! residentsandaHthoseichoseekforthepeaixMexistenceofour underwater aliy.~-Napoleon Dynamite


M y ro n G . M erced Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,4; Dance Committee 1.2,3.4; Computer Club 1,2,3; StageCrew2; Chorus 3,4; ChessTeam1,2,3,4; Junior PromCommittee3; SADD2,3; NHS4: Honor Pin 1,2; Special MinisteroftheEucha­ rist 4; Emmaus 204 T d like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve.”-John Mayer

a C

E m m a n u e l M o g ir e Marauder Nation 3.4; SADD 3,4; Petrean 4; Petrocl: EmmausTeamLeader4; BigBrother 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; French Club 2,3; Senior PromCommittee 4; Amnesty interna tional 2; Pax Christi 2; Honor Pin 1; Emir.aus “To be successful you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it." —Bunker Hunt


h r is t o p h e r onahan


ic h a e l


Outreach 1,2,3, President 4; Indoor Track I. Outdoor Track 1: Crass Country 2; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 200 “May the road rise to meetyou, may the wind be always at yam back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the ram fall soft upon your fieldsand until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand. ” —Ancient Irish Proverb

Beyond, the Gates


Pa t M


Lacrosse 1,2; Hockey 1,2; Celtic Club 2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 201 "Resistance is not futile, we ’regonna win this thing, human kind is toogood, we ’re not a bunch of under­ achievers! We'regonnastand up and we 'regonna be human beings! We’regonnagel firedup about the real things, the things that matter: creativity and the dy­ namic human spirit thatrefuses to submit! ” —Waking Life





Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3, President 4; Stock Market Club 1,2, President 4; Ultimate Frisbee 1; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 206

“Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.' —Josh Billings

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In t e l l ig e n t




D avid M u rph y -C o lo n n a

ic h a e l




Pa t e l



Basketball 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Mis­ sion Committee 1,2; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 205


C low n

ic h a e l

And it’s nobody’s fault I made the decisions 1made; this is the life I chose or rather the life that chose me.’ —Shawn ’Jay-Z’Carter

V is o n e

P a t r i c k O ’R


S e a n O ’G r a d y V is h n u M . N ayak Star Wars Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; IndoPak Society 2,3,4; Student Council 3; Stage Crew3,4; BookClub3,4; Stock Market Club4; Petrean 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Emmaus 203 KNow! This is it! Now is that time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!” —Auron, Final FantasyX





Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3; Business Club 3; French Club 2,3; Senior Prom Com­ mittee 4; Emmaus 204

“Life is bland, where’s my salt. ’ —Original



r ia n

O ’R

e il l y

Celtic Club 1,2,3; SADD 1,2,4; Art Club 1; Literary Magazine 1; Business Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2

“If you're going through hell, keep going." —Unknown

P a t r i c k O ’R o u r k e Basketball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; NHS4; Marauder Nation4; Walk-aThon Committee 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Intramurals 4 Stock Market Club 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3 Emmaus 205 "Timegoes by so fast in a blink ofan eye, so never close your eyes. ’’—Less Than Jake







o r r is

Football 1; Baseball 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2.3,4 Italian Club 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4 Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 4 Emmaus 205

"You know you are able to do your best when you haoe nothing left to fear. 1 —PaulBear *Bryant





Basketball 2; Ultimate Frisbee I; VideoGamej Club 3; Emmaus 205

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack ofstrength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in alack of will.' —Vince Lombardi

A d a m G reg o r y M u z y c z y n Petrean 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4: EmmausTeam

Leader 4; Lacrosse Manager: 2,3,4; Forensics 3,4; MathTeam4; Italian Exchange.3; NHS 4; Student Council 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Italian 2,3; Emmaus 200 "DonI measure yourself by what you hack: accomplished, but hv what you should Have accomplished with your ability, f —John Wooden

( ttw

f t i v y f r r 1-

S e a n O ’G r a d y Football 1; Wrestling 1.2.3,4; Lacrosse 2.3: Student Council 1,2,3; Outstanding Fresh­ man

‘Get on my level." —Original


e il


b l ig a c io n

V ito P e tr o z z e lli leaves The Henchman and the keys to Marauder Nation to Ray Smith: guide her wisely, keep the faith, and do him proud; his undying spirit of camaraderie and excitement to Christopher Bligh: live it up, take full advantage of every single day of your senior year, his tremendous ache and pain that he experienced throughout his entire body after leading Marauder Nation in chants to Ray Pasuco; his playoff beard to Peter Spiewak: hopefully, it will adorn your face while Prep wins the state championship in Giants Stadium; his megaphone to Andrew Sharp; his illustrious career as a percussionist to Jeffrey Rubin; his well-earned nickname of “Toots” to Christopher Fitzpatrick; his five o’clock shadow that he could never grow to Kevin Guarini; and his entire collection of techno CDs, his Armani T-shirts, and all of his ill-fitting trousers to Lance Gomes.

M a rc e llo P a c h e c o leaves his dubbing ways, and tranceyhouse CDs to Joseph Salvo. A lejan d ro M elen d ez leaves his listening skills to Philip Corso, if he plans to continue doing Dramatics and doesn’t want to get killed by Sir for missing cues; his Precious Moments dolls to Mr. Crosby, knowing how much he loves them; his knowledge and survival skills learned in Sra. Garcia’s class to any student in her Hass; his speaking skills to Richard Vu, to help him open up more during his sophomore year, and his sense of compassion to Mr. Patiak, to at least give his students some when it comes to tests. Sa m u e l S lau gh ter leaves his car to get to die Half-Off time at Applebees to Matthew Mulroy, his concert tickets, and the hot girls at the concerts, to Christopher Bligh; and his collection of ‘80s music to Matthew Ward.


ic h a e l



Chess Club 1,2,3,4: Computer Club 1,2,3: Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,4; Business Club 3: Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 204

Basketball 1,2,3,4; BasebaltUcrosscountry1; CLC1,2,3.4; EmmausTeamLeader4; Freshman Ambassador1;CelticOub2,3,4;NHS4;Intramurals 4;HonorPin!,2,3:GoldMedal:Uinl.Gerraan2; SilverMedal: English 1, Religion2,3, History1; OutstandingFreshman; Emmaus200

"Our objective in life is not to be better, it's to be happier. ”—Original

Things turn outbestfor thepeople who make the best of the way things turn out” :“ -John Wooden

JK & a.

Beyond, the Gates





h il ip







Pax Christi 2; Outreach 3,4; NHS 4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Amnesty International 3; Ital­ ian Exchange 3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Spirit Award 3; Emmaus 202

"Live simply that others might simply live,” —Elizabeth Ann Seton

“I say a BIG verse, I ’m only biggin up m brotha, biggin up my borough, I'm bi enough to do it, I ’m that thorough, plus m own flow is foolish, ’ —Jay-Z

(y$3hxXris <S>$A)V>JW'\

CmUI X b G ^

S a n y a m D . P a r ik h Model UN1,2,3, Vice President 4; ChessTeal 2,3,4; MathTeam3,4; Prep Factor 3,4; Petreal 2,3,4; Indo-Pak Society 2,3,4; French Cluj 3,4; Petroc 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 20 “Ifyou wantto build a ship, don ’therd peopli together to collect wood and don’t assig. them tasks and work, but rather teach ther to long for the endless immensity of the sea, -Antoine de Sdint-Exupery

Every year, the Prep Spirit Award is presented to exemplary juniors and seniors that display great dedication and commitment to the community of Prep in terms of spirit, intellect, body, and heart The recipients of the award are nomi­ nated by their teachers and peers who recognize these men for oth­ ers as “unsungheroes.” Senior Chris Keating, a junior-year Spirit Award recipient, said, “The award is so unexpected that the initial response to hearing your name being an­

nounced is nothing less than ex­ traordinary.” This award is the most revered at Prep, an expression of gratitude and respect that recipients have earned from their teachers and their peers for all the work they have done and the sacrifices they have made during their Prep ca­ reer. Since its inception, the pre­ sentation of the Spirit Award has become a great assembly tradition. This tradition is a great way to show appreciation for Prep men that are truly “men for and with others.”


e je s h

Pa t e l

Ebony Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 3; Dance Committee 4; Emmaus 204

"Ifyou play and don 't work your whole life, you won’t know the true meaning of having fun,"—Mr. Patel


a n ie l

Pa t a

Cross Country 1,2,3, Captain 4; OutdoorTrai 1,2,3,4; RPG Club 1,2,3,4; Prep Factor 3, 1FS 3,4; Art Club 4; Dance Committee 3, Seinfeld Club 4; Emmaus 202

“Maybe we should all reconsider nihilisnM —Original


r ic

P e n n in o

Rugby 3,4; Ski Club 1,2; Italian Club 2,3,4! Outreach 4; German Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3| Emmaus 202

"Ourproblems are manmade; therefore the) may besolved by man. And man can be as bi$ as he wants. No problem ofhuman destiny it beyond human being." —John P. Kennedy\

& lL c , j e / n / T U / n ^ j



J u s t in O

r t iz

Chess Club 3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Soccer 1; Stock Market Club 1,2, Co-President 4; Com­ puter Club 2,3,4; SADD 2,3,4; Classics Club 2,3; Model UN 2,3,4; Latin American Society 2; NHS 4; Ski Club 1,2; Honor Pin 1,2,3. Emmaus 203 "We will either find a way, or make a new m e .”—Hannibal

ijm b w



J . Pa scale

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are m a il matters compared to what lies u-ithin us.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson




Soccer 1,2,3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Latin Ameri­ can Society 1,2; Computer Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Outreach 2,3; NHS4; Honor: Pin 2,3; Silver Medal: Italian 2; Emmaus 205 “Them's a time (orus to let go; there’s a time for holding on; a time to speak, a time to listen.,.this is the time of 6ur tim S —Paul van Dyk featuring Vega 4

O i& {

Football 1,2,3.4; Honor Pin 1,2: Emmaus 20



A . Pa tel

PetKK! ,2,3; Co-Editorm-ChieM: Petrean 2, Opening/ t o y Editor 4: LiteraryMagarin«3: Mode! IN 1.2,3,4; MathTean*2,3,4;SdeneeTeaffl3,4;NHSCoftesident4; Freshman Ambassador 1: EifiinausTeain Leader4; Big Brother 1; Gold Medal: latir. 1,2, Refigion 2,3, English 2,3. Math 3, Science 2.3. History 3, German 2; Silver Medal; Science 1, Math 2. Honor Pin 1.2.3; Outstanding Freshman; Enunaus 200

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Carl Kraus Simply put, he’s the nicest, most generous, friendli­ est, most insightful, funniest, craziest, most thought­ ful, considerate person that I know. {V.P.) Carl is such a nice kid; he’s very reliable, and an amazing driver. He’s funny, he can eats his entire body weight in Cheetos! (Zf.C.) W illiam McBride I have known him since freshman year and con­ sider him to be one of my first best friends here at Prep. He is a reliable person who I know I can turn to whenever I need help. (A.M.) Joseph M cDonald He’s really nice and so funny, he’s also really gen­ erous and caring. He’s just plain hilarious with how he reacts to things. (K.C.) Em manuel Mogire Manny’s a shy kid who is really awesome when you get to know him; he’s always there for our group and he’s totally hilarious. (K.C.) Christopher Monahan, Jr. W hen I first m et him I thought he was a punk

because he had an earring. (He also had one of his papers thrown away for writing past the alloted time.) We came to know each other more because we starting talking about my hometown. We were in some classes together during fresh­ m an year. A t lunch time, starting sophomore year, I sat with him and his friends. As time went on, we becam e closer and could talk openly. This culminated when Chris, Rich, and myself went out to dinner in Little Italy after exams. We had such a great time! (.D.G.)

Patrick O’Rourke Pat has taught me so much about life: how to laugh, how to treat people, and how to be a brother to somebody. Without his influence on my life over the last four years, I wouldn’t be as proud of Prep as I am now. (V.P)

Arthur Olvesen Arthur is a true m an for others since he always is willing to help others before helping himself. Arthur also has a great sense of humor. [AM )


e v in


ComputerClub 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Math Team 3,4; Indo-Pak Society 2,3,4; Business Club 3; Walk-a-Tlion Committee 4; Model UN 3,4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Gold Medal: Religion 1; Emmaus 200 “It's by what you do that you communicate to others that you are deeply involved in their well being.”—Ashley Montagu

Q o ik u n R . P a U S


ic o l a s



Art Club 1.2,3,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Wrestling 2; Eiprnaus 203 “Oh I'm sorry I can *t come to the door right now. lam afraid that in my weakened condi­ tions 1 can take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject my self to further school absences." -Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day Off



P etrochko

Petroc 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 203

% matter how diffimtt the path is, don’t look away; keep <living, Thatis expiation, expiation..." -Y a sh u sh i Ishii, Gypsy of Atonement

/ [ jjv & I oJ v Y i M 'Y '

Beyond the Gates

^ V it o V , P e t r u z z e l l i


Student Council Vice President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Marauder 4; Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Liturgical Band 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2; Freshman Ambassador I; Stock Market Club 1; Big Brother 4; NHS; Honor Pin 1,2,3; GoldMedal: Music 1;SilverMedal: Religion 1; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 200

Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Emmaus 206

"Don't let it end like this—tell them I saidsome­ thing!’1—Lastwords ofFrancisco "Poncho" Villa


P iz z i, J



“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - —Anatole France

F u t u r e P r e s id e n t M



im o t h y


ic h a e l


o st

G e l c h io n B B

ic h a e l

o d e r ic k

C1C 1,2; Forensics 1; Prep Factor 4; Emmaus 205


In v o l v e d

Edw ard C M

row n

Sherard R


, Jr.

“Whatis the reason thatyou use me thus?/I loved you ever. But it is no matter, /L e t Her­ cules himselfdo what he may/ The cat Will mew, and dog will have his day ”—Hamlet

L a m p a r ie l l o

P h il ip p J a n s s e n M i c h a e l R o h r m a n II Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3. Captain 4; Base­ ball 1; Rugby4; Marauder Nation 4; Emmaus 200

“The distance between insanity and genius



e v in

Sc o tt R

o l e s o in

Computer Club 1,2; RPGClub 1,2,3; Band 3, Vice President 4; Jazz Band 4; Emmaus 202

"Successseems to be largely a matterofhang­ ing on after others have letgo. ’ —William Feathers

M ig u e l S a n d o v a l RPGClub 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2

J u s t in Sa n t ia n o Tennis 1,2,3,4; NHS4; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Marauder Nation4; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 204 7 have missed more than 9,000 shots in my

“Memoriesareveryprecioustopeople'slives. They give us the opportunity to prone to our­ selves that tee exist! * -Roger Smith, Big 0, The ShowMust Go On

career, f have lostalmost300games. On 26occa­ sions I haoe been entrusted to make the game winning shot..and I missed, /have failed over and over again in my life. And that’s precisely why I succeed. MichaelJordan

_<32vv' ^ * /vW'

} i jppl


M i c h a e l A n t h o n y P o c e l in k o

St e v e n P o r c e l l i

NHS 4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 2; Marauder Nation 2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 200

Chess Team 2,3,4; Video Same Club Presi­ dent 3,4; Emmaus 203

“Good friends we’ve had, good friends we've lost along the way. In this great future, you can't forgetyour past, so dry your tearsI say." —Bob Marley


h il ip


“Hmm...twobucks...only transports matter give you fifty cents!" —Homer Simpson

F r a n c is



o d in o

Hockey 1,2.3.4; Asian-Pacific Islander Soci­ ety 2,3; Marauder Nation 3,4; TV Studio 2,4; Berman Club 2,3; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 206 7 like pie." -Unknown


P eter R


Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Marauder Nation 1.2,3,4; Football 3,4; Italian Ciub 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 5; Medical Club 4; Seinfeld Club 4; Stock Market Club 1; Emmaus 205 “There isn ’t a horse that can’t be rode, and a cowboy that can’t be throw’d. J —Minnesota Vikings Owner Red McCombs

W h a t W ill You Remember M o st a b o u t Y o u r Prep Experience? M arcello Pacheco

Kyle M eehan

“My ‘brothers’; not my classmates, but my brothers.’1

“The stupid ‘Use Correct Change’ light on the soda machine.”

V ito Petruzzelli

Daniel Butler

“Facepaint, crowdsurfing, and ‘The Railroad’.”

“I will always look back and remember how I grew as a person throughout my years at St. Peter’s.”

Brett Burns

A lejan dro Melendez

“Mr. Z pouring his water on Mike Rohrman’s head.”

“The time when Sir Campion hurled a desk at me to prove a point in English 3 Honors.”

Vishnu N ayak

“$1 Fries, $3 Fajitas.”

G ia n c a r l o P a d il l a S a p a l a s a n

Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,4; Stage Crew 2; Lacrosse 3,4; Emmaus 204

"What lies beyond us and what lies before are tiny matters to what lies within us." —Ralph Waldo Emerson


ic h o l a s

A . Sasso

Art CMb 1; Chess Clab^1,2; Rugby2,4; Hockey 1,2,3; German Club 4; French Club 2; Ma­ rauder Nation 3: SADD 2; Literary Magazine 1; Emmaus 203

“Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of as. *-Leo Tolstoy

Beyond, the Gates


h r is t o p h e r

Sa w


Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Rugby 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 204

“Why am / dying to live, if I'm just living to die?" —2Pac

P h il ip p S c h n e id e r Freshman Ambassador 1; Football 1; Rugby 3,4; Art Club 1,2; German Club 4; Marauder Nation 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Art I; Emmaus 206 “You and I will meet again. When we’re least expecting it. One day in same far offplace I will recognize your face. I won 'tsay goodbye my friend, for you and I will meet again." —Tom Petty

c s <3


K e

Fcrensics 3,4; Model UN 3, President 4; Petroc 1,2,3,4, Rugby 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Walk-a-Thon Committee 2; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 202

ic h a e l

E . Sh er r y

“To act coolly, intelligently, and prudently in the face of perilous circumstances is the test of a man—and also a nation." —Adlai £ Stevenson

JAC Vito Petruzzelli

Since the age of five, we have been friends through the good and bad times. Whether it was a base­ ball game on Paving, or hanging out with the girls in the diner lot, the memories will always be there. Continue your great spirit and I hope our friend­ ship never ends. (P-R-) I first met Vito when he started out in the band. I remember one day he came in and played like he was a veteran and he blew everyone’s socks off. He was not shy or nervous (or, at least, he didn’t show it) I was amazed. I was like “Where did this guy come from?” During freshman year, he seemed too cocky so I didn’t like him, but, as time went by, he befriended me and we would talk. He always seemed like a leader and a trendsetter. Whether it was telling guys in the band to stop screwing around or it was living and being the Marauder, he knew how to lead. He would try to get Prep guys to come to the basketball games even when they were not doing so well. It is great that he has

a lot of self-esteem. I admire how he is relaxed and easy-going, something I want to leam. (D.G.) Peter Roselli

He is definitely one of the behind-the-scenes heroes of Prep. Even though he wasn’t a starter on the football team, his work ethic is unmatched and his drive was inspirational; he is a great friend to all. (IV.P.) Joshua Teves

Once you get past Josh’s outwardly shy facade, and get to know him more, you’ll find out that he’s a very interesting persoa He’s a very moti­ vated person who has a lot to offer. Fm glad to have him as a friend. (R-C.) Jam es Vardakis

Even though he is a quiet kid, he is also a very reliable kid. He’s also a great person to turn to whenever you need help. [A.M.)

Sk o w


“Go kill the lights/ Well glow ‘til morning comes/I’ll say goodnight and bow to everyone." —AFI, Of Greetings and Goodbyes

To the Senior Publications S ta ff

ic h a el


it h

P e t e r Sm

it h

Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 4; SADD 3; Emmaus 206

Emmaus 201

“If you're ever robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, I think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too because, come on, life is funny." —Jack Handy

“What doesn 't kill me makes me stronger* —Friedrich Nietzsche

T l^ d J S ^



Stage Crew 1,2,3, Crew Chief 4; Bowling 3,4; Ultimate Frisbee I; Italian Club 2,3, Treasurer 4; Italian Exchange 3; Photography Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 202

The craziness and turmoil was all worth it The pictures, the pizza, and the parties will always be in my heart I love you guys! (EC.)





r ia n

i p


Soccer 1;2; Outdoor Track 3; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Petroc 1,2,3,4: NHS 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 200

A n d r ew Sh a lh o u b Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Hockey 1; French Club 2,3; Emmaus 202




; “Don't be aggressive and try to be like the guys. Just do yarn own thing and enjoy the

“Going in one more round when you don't think you can—that’s what makes alt the dif­ ference in your life. “ —Rocky Balboa, Rocky IV

: lave &fsurfing. Surfing is a great thing, and it's a beautify! way to live your life," —Kelly Slater


B B r a n d o n J a m a l S h ip m a n Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Ebony Club 1.2,3,4; Chess Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,3; Math Team 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1.2,3: Emmaus 205







l e ja n d r o







B est H

“If you accept the expectation of others, es­ pecially negative expectations, you will not be able to control the outcome [of any situ­ ationj. " --Michael Jordan



a ir

K raus

J u s t in K ral B Sa m


J . Sla u g h ter

Petroc 2,3.4: German Club 2,3. Co-President

4; German Exchange 2; Ski Club 2; Literary Magazine 2, Editor 4; Emmaus Tea* Leader 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 200

“This talent that you take forgranted, it's a gift from God/ Don’t pass it up, nothing is ever easy. *—Lucky Boys Confusion

J e s s e D k m j g iia o S o n g c a y a u o n

Chess Club 1; SADD 2,3,4; Daitce Committee. 2.3.4; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,3,4; Ultimate Frisbee 1; Computer Club 3,4; IndoPak Society 4; Rugby 3,4; StageC tm 2; Mis­ sion Coimnitteel; Honor Pin 1.2; Emmaus 204 ■"Thewoods are lovely, dark and deep. ButI have : promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, ■ and miles to go before I sleep.' -Robert Frost





e v in

L . Sm

it h

Cross Country 1: Indoor Track 2; Celtic Club 1.2; Past Christi 3: Marauder Nation 4; Honor Pin 1; Emmaus 202

wasn 't like every other kid, you know, i who dreams about being an astronaut. I was alwaysmore, interestedin whatbark was made out of on a tree." —Hansel, Zoolander

B il l St a g g Marauder Nation4; CelticClub 1,3,4; Seinfeld Club 4; Emmaus 205

“Who's innocent orft/ho's to tics orjustagame? Wellin the end they knew his name. The last hurrah? Nah! I’d do it again.”-The Mighty Mighty Bosstones

Beyond the Gates


G r b g o r y M ic h a e l St e w a r d



“I'm not cocky, I ’m confident, so when you tell me I’m the best, it's a compliment’’ —Jadakiss

“The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values.’'—Norman Thomas


F r a n c is K e n n y


A t h l e t ic B

ic h a e l

a v id


ash aw n


in e r

“Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.” —Kurt Vonnegut

row n

e l l o t t i,


Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Amnesty International 1,2; TVStudio 3,4; IFS 3,4; Art Club 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 199

M an n y D eM oya

o st


Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1 Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Big Brother 4; Marauder Nation 4; NHS 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 200

TUG A d d i c t S e a n O ’G r a d y


e v in

Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3, Co-Cap­ tain 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1; Com­ puter Club. 4; Emmaus 205

Jr .


Ja ck so n G er a r d V ega Football 1; Stage Crew 2; Ebony Club 3,4; Rugby 3,4; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 4; DanceCommittee3, VicePresident4; Emmaus

S a l v a t o r e J . V e n ie r o Mission Committee 1,2,3,4; Outreach 4; Emmaus 205


“f am a flowerquickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling. Lord, you catch me when I ’m falling, and you told me who / am, and I am yours. " —Counting Crows

“Liveyour life to its max because, who knows, you may be near death in an hour." —Unknown


ic h a e l

V is o n e

Baseball 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Emmaus 201

“May the wind always be at your back and thesun upon your face, and may the winds of destiny cany you offto dance with the stars." —George Jung




a t k in s

“Shoot for the moon, because if you miss, you will be among the stars." —Unknown

|ejIjjl^ ^


A. W

Band 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1, Captain 2,3,4; Ma­ rauder Nation 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Wres­ tling 1; Emmaus TeamLeader 4; Emmaus 201

G l e n n A n d r e w P. T a c - a n


Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,4; Dance Committee 4; History Club 4; Honor Pin 1,3; Emmaus 204

Tennis 3,4; Special Minister of the Eucharist 4; Chess Club lt2; Asian-Pacific Islander Soci­ ety 1,2,4; Emmaus 204




“People mho cease to believe n God orgood­ ness altogether still believe in the devil..,Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.’’—Anne Rice

J am es W

illia m

V ardakis

Mission Committee 2,3,4; Petrean 3; IFS 3,4; Ski Club 1; Marauder Nation 4; Celtic Club 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 202

i t 3J S :» I t

“Dream until your dreams come true. ’ —Aerosmith

3 . hi

fc* 8* *

P © How D o You W a n t to Be Remembered? John R


A . V er a n o

Lacrosse 1; Asian-Pacific Islander Society i; Computer Club 1; IFS 3; Emmaus 204 “finish each day and be done with it You ham done what you could; some wonders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and xith too highspirit to be encumbered with your old non­ sense.''--Ralph Waldo Emerson

( J ^

Pa u l W

a .

e im m e r

, Jr.

Genesis 9 4; Italian Club 4; F.mmaus 205

"Acoward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but one. ”—Original

A n k u r Patel

M atthew H lad ik

“As a passionate learner and scholar and a good, compassionate student and friend.”

“That I was a kind and generous man, and that I embodied what Prep was all about.”

W illiam M cBride

Joseph M cD onald

“I want people to remember me as a “As a genuine person, who always friendly person who always had a remained honest and straight­ smile on his face and said ‘hello’ to forward to everyone.” his friends in the halls.” Vincent DePinto “Tall, dark, and handsome.” D on ald D elaon “I was loud, depressing, and rude. V ictor Giordano I don’t know if I really want to “...If they remember me.” rememberedfor that.”

(B il

M it c h e l l R . W e s t Lacrosse l,2>3,4j Marauder Nation Emmaus 200

“Too much analysis kills spontaneity. —Bruce Lee

Beyond the Gates


J a h i W h it e h e a d

S e a n W il s o n

Football 1; Wrestling 1; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Foot­ ball Manager 2,3,4; Emmaus 204

Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; TVStudio 2; Big Brother 4; Emmaus Team Leader 4; Honor Pin 1,2; Emmaus 200

“In every man's life there is a moment when he is no longer a boy. My time was at birth. ” —Unknown

“Unhappiness does not arise from the way things are, but rather the difference between the way things areand the waywe want things to be."—United States Marine Corps

< \y

J a m e s Pa t r ic k W in n Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 3, Captain 4; Classics Club 3; Emmaus 205

I n from the Show-Me State, Missouri—now you got to show me something." —Coach Mike Burgess

0 ^ i \tfio X j i



The students of St Peters Prep studyassiduously, loveindiscriminately, and leam passionately by collecting the keys that arm them with the tools they need to survive in college and beyond. In senior year, the final keys are collectedthrough a series ofevents. For example, seniors have two days set aside to make college visits and trudge through the applications pro­ cess to cement their futures as Prep graduates. On two separate days, the seniors partake in the final bonding experiences with their teachers at the

Faculty-Senior Dinner, typically held in the cafeteria, and the Faculty-Senior Picnic, normally held at Liberty State Park. The Senior Prom acts as one of the last social gatherings of the class, usually held at a country club and complete with a “mocktail hour,” re­ ception, stunning table settings, and elegant cuisine. On a Sunday preced­ ing graduation, the final spiritual gath­ ering as a class takes place at the Bac­ calaureate Mass. Finally, the key that opens thegates is given as Graduation commences on a warm,June night

J a k u b W r e s il o Hockey 3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Rugby 4; PolishClub2,3, President 4; Ultimate Frisbee 1, Car Club 3; German Club 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2 uOnly in men’s imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art and of life." —JozefKonrad

E r ic Y a n g

R o b e r t P. Z u n ig a

Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Math Team 3,4; Asian-Pacific Islander Soci­ ety 4; Band 1; NHS4; Computer Club 1; Jun­ ior PromCommittee 3; Senior PromCommit­ tee 4; Walk-a-Thon Committee 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gold Medal: Art j| Emmaus 204

Computer Club 1; Pax Christi 3; Prep Factor 3,4; Literary Magazine 4

“Meow. ’ —Mufa the Cat Tm not Danny!”—Original

'/jk t



CLASS OF 2005 FRESHMAN POLL 1. Most Intelligent:

11. Makes One Laugh:

21. Most Generous:

D. Addeo A. Patel M. Ockay B. Kennedy N. Omillo J. McDonald M. McGovern

S. O ’Grady P. Mooney T. Gentile

J. Moore C. Kraus P. Blaney A. Alvarez M. Martini W. Stagg

2. Best Sense o f Hum or:

12. Most Quiet:

22. Most Unforgettable:

D. Pata T. Gentile T. DuVal C. Brusgard C. DiGiacomo

M. Austria M. Cappiello X. Dong E. Pennino D. Jonathan S. Erickson

M. Awad T. Fulham J. Giovine B. Riley R. Reinemann

3. Most Likely to Succeed:

C. Tan M. McGovern P. Geary S. Wilson K. Styles 4. Best Athlete:

M. Brown D. Bellotti R. Kaminski 5. Capetola N. Criaris N. Albino

13. Best Lunch Eater:

23. Best Hair:

B. Evans G. Steward A. Facciponte

M. Smith M. Visone J. Boland

14. Most Likely to Go to Summer School:

Too Many

24. Strongest:

J. Becton R. Jackson S. O ’Grady M. Brown A. Alfieri C. Johnson

15. Most Likely to Become a Jesuit:

25. Happiest:

I V. Petruzzelli M. Lampariello | M. Gelchion \ T. Brown | S. Rdelus P. O ’Rourke

V, Petruzzelli M. McGovern V. Chianca S. Veniero M. Lombard J. Loffio

S. McDonald K. Cummings C. Comprelli V. DePinto M. Miller J. Epps T. Barone

| 6. Most School Spirit:

16. Most Likely to Become a Science Teacher at Prep:

26. Best Voice:

5. Did Most fo r the School:

| T. Gentile | M. McGovern | J. Pi2zi | M. Kiebus | P. Geary 1 C. Comprelli | 7. Most Friendly:

1 K Chester 1 I. Bemaiche I J. Cardenas | P. Dacchille | R. McDonald | A Muzyczyn i 8. Best Friends: | K. Meehan a n d j. Loffio

H P. Mooney and B. Kelly | J. Epps, P. Cardella, and N. Criaris

| 9. Most Likely to Get M arried First:

£ J - e pps m V. Giordano 4l J. Watkins P M. Pacheco m A. Fernandez P J. Pizzi I


I* J 1


10. Best Personality:

M. Sherry S. McDonald W. Griffin G. Vega J. livengood P. O’Rourke

C . Tan M. DeAngelis A . Doyle V. Nayak K. Hanselman

M. DeMoya B. O ’Reilly J. Cecinini F. Kenny

17. Best Dressed:

27. Best Artist:

F. Fallon A. Facciponte J. Tiner A. Catbagan

E. Cho J. Fournier M. Sandoval M. Rohrman

18. Most Positive:

J. Teves K. Barber M. Cevallos A. Pascale 19. Most Likely to Coach:

I. Bemaiche M. Hladik J. Epps P. Cardella P. Geary

20. Most Likely to Be Revolutionary:

B. Evans S. O ’Grady M. Gelchion M. Lampariello M. McGovern P. Geary

28. Most Hyper:

D. Fischer X. Fuller N, Sasso S. Cashman

K. Kronyak C. Monahan W. McBride M. Merced K. Smith B. Serzan

B. Bums A. Carlson J. Watkins J. Hannon D. Murphy M. Bonner


Bevond the Gates


Lionel Abdool 11 Reservoir Avenue JerseyC ity.N J07307

M ichael Bonner 16 Chester Woods Drive Chester, NJ 07930

Allen Catbagan 280 Virginia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304

Donald Delaon 33 Oak Ridge Road Clifton NJ07013

Dana Adams 15 Columbia Avenue Newark, NJ 07106

Ryan Boysen 369 Ely Harmony Road Freehold, NJ 07728

Jo rd an Cecininl 284 C uster Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

DaleAddeo 9 Schm idt’s Place Secaucus, NJ 07094

Michael Brown 13 Fleetwood Place Newark, NJ 07106

Nelson Albino 7 Krzynowek Court Parlin,N J 08859

C hristopher Fischer 217 Beech Street Kearny, NJ 07032

Yoshiyuki Grundy 24 Walnut Street Fairview, NJ 07022

Manny DeMoya 537 42nd Street Union City, NJ 07087

Daniel Fischer 217 Beech Street Kearny, NJ 07032

Brett Guadagnino 456 9th Street #39 Hoboken, NJ 07030

Matthew Cevallos 156 Penn. Avenue Paterson, NJ 07503

Vincent DePinto 114 M ountain Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Bobbie Flores 110 Sherman Place Jersey City, NJ 07307

Richard Gutierrez, Jr. 269 Webster Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Timothy Brown 11 Franklin Terrace South Orange, NJ 07079

Raphael Chan 62 Clark Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

C harles DiGiacomo 208 Grant Avenue Nutley,NJ07110

Joshua Flores 69 Greenville Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

Joseph Hannon 111 Elm Street Cranford, NJ 07016

Andrew Alfieri 18 West 22nd Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

C hristopher Brusgard 537 Malcolm Road Union, NJ 07083

Amin Chaudhry 18 Chopin Court Jersey City, NJ 07302

David Docherty 31 Wilber Street Belleville, NJ 07109

Jam es Fournier 1 Knoll Terrace West Caldwell, NJ 07006

John H anrahan 50 Birch Avenue North Caldwell, NJ 07006 I I

Alejandro Alvarez 11 Madison Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032

D arren B urnett 259 Vose Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079

Kevin Chester 85 Fairm ount Ave. North Arlington, NJ 07031

Xu Dong 81 West 30 Street, F lr l Bayonne, NJ 07002

Xavier F uller 320 Stegman Parkway Jersey City, NJ 07305

Kyle Hanselman 4 Francis Place Caldwell, NJ 07006

Alvin Anez 930 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

B rett Burns 350 Beech Street Kearny, NJ 07032

V incent Chianca 25 Webster Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032

Andrew Dougherty 195 West Passaic Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Kyle Gallagher 115 West 16 Street, #224 New York, NY 10011

Matthew Hansen 21 OakdakeRoad Jersey City, NJ 07305

Bryan Angeles 23 Rue Chagall Somerset, NJ 08873

Daniel B utler 256 Hancock Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Edward Cho, Jr. 128 King Street Nutley,NJ07110

Alexander Doyle 33 Bedford Road Summit, NJ 07901

Federico Garcia 1609 71st Street, Apt. #1 North Bergen, NJ 07047

Daniel Hazard 227 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042

C hristopher Arriola 280 Marin Blvd, #3-0 Jersey City, NJ 07302

Jam es Caccavella 93 Passaic Avenue Belleville, NJ 07109

Jeffrey Chua 14 Romaine Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

Kevin Dugan 1132 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne, NJ 07002

Edward Gardner 16 Warwick Road Chatham, NJ 07928

Matthew Hladik 24 East 45th Street Bayonne, N J07002

Paul Ascencio 378 New York Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Robert Caldwell 27 Elmwood Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928

C harles Comprelli 9 Davis Avenue H arrison, NJ 07029

Thomas DuVal 303 Park Avenue, #2F Hoboken, NJ 07030

Peter Geary 33 West 37th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Caesar Imperio 146 Suburbia Terrace Jersey City, NJ 07305

M anuel A ustria 164 Webster Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Alexander Canale 66 Union Avenue Little Falls, NJ 07424

M urray Connell 80 Williamson Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Jonathan Epps 64A Suburbia Drive Jersey City, NJ 07305

M atthew Gelchion 75 West 41 s t Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Rashawn Jackson 86 Neptune Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304

MinaAwad 367 Broadway Apt #3 Bayonne, NJ 07002

Stephen Capetola 756 Emerson Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07208

Jam es Costello 128 West 8th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Steven Erickson 47 Lower Notch Road Little Falls, NJ 07424

Thom as Gentile 692 Minnie Place Secaucus, NJ 07094

Philipp Jan ssen 161 Indian Run Pkwy Union, NJ 07083

Kevin Barber 13 Butler Place Kearny, NJ 07032

Giancarlo Capodanno 1434 Dunn Pkwy Mountainside, NJ 07092

Nicholas Criaris 157 Terhune Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

Jo sh u a Esformes 380 Charlton Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079

Raphael Gerraty 37 Entwistle Ave. 1st Fir. Nutley, NJ 07110

Joshua John 42 West 22nd Street Bayonne, N J07002

Richard Baron 81818th Street Union City, NJ 07087

M ichael Cappiello 11 Oak Street Weehawken, NJ 07086

Kevin Cummings 280 Woodland Avenue Summit, NJ 07901

Anthony Facciponte 227 Satterthwaite Ave. Nutley, NJ 07110

Thomas Gibney 9 Fairway Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Clifford Johnson 40 West 36th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Thomas Barone 11 Jefferson Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032

P eter Cardella 33 Suburbia Drive Jersey City, NJ 07305

Philip D acchille 262 Santiago Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070

Francis Fallon 34 Afterglow Avenue Verona, NJ 07044

Victor Giordano 630 New York Ave. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Daniel Jonathan 69 Crest Drive South Orange, NJ 07079


M ichael Bednarczyk 85 W est 4th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Juan Cardenas 1804 Kennedy Boulevard Union City, NJ 07087

Jam es Darley 6600 Boulevard East 11H West New York, NJ 07093

Giuseppe Feliciello 13 Bennett Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032

Joseph Giovine 366 W. 11th Street, #6EF New York, NY 10014

W esner Jules 131 Ward Place South Orange, NJ 07079


David Bellotti, Jr. 587 Chase Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Daniel Carles 48 Terrace Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

John de Armas 9 2 1 21st Street Union City, NJ 07087

Alejandro Fernandez 1798 Colgate Place Union, NJ 07083

William Griffin 22 Essex Road Chatham, NJ 07928

Bobby Kalpouzos 14173rd Street North Bergen, NJ 07047

Ian Bernaiche 324 Hughenot Avenue Union, NJ 07083

William Carley 141 StonehouseRoad Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Michael DeAngelis 155 Willard Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Nigel F erreira 78A Corbin Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

Gerard Grogan 24 West 34th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Richard Kaminski 127 W. 55th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

P atrick Blaney 246 7th Street Jersey City, NJ 07302

Adam Carlson 109 Tappan Avenue Belleville, NJ 07109

Steven De Chavez 24 Highview Road Jersey City, NJ 07305

Sebastian Fidelus 160 Leonard Street Jersey City, NJ 07307

Daniel Grossano 222 Springfield Ave. Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07064

Ryan Kaywork 648 Devon Street Kearny, NJ 07032


Ju stin O rtiz 98 M ontclair Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042

P eter Roselli 337 Mansfield Avenue Secaucus, NJ 07094

Kevin Styles 25 Cortland Street Roseland, NJ 07068

Mey Keating [orthview Ave. er Montclair, NJ 07043

M ichael Long 139 W. 29th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Nabil Mezhoudi 1203 Bloomfield Street Hoboken, NJ 07030

istopher Keating AvenueA onne,NJ 07002

C hristopher M aiorino 11 Decicco Drive Freehold, NJ 07728

Matthew M iller 78 Oak S treet Bayonne, NJ 07002

M arcello Pacheco 7004 Blvd East, #27A Guttenberg, NJ 07093

Miguel Sandoval 339 Wayne Street Jersey City, NJ 07302

Glenn Tac-an 148 Bell Street Belleville, NJ 07109

mas Kelley-Kemple Winchester Road ngston, NJ 07039

M ark M akhail 67 M anhattan Avenue Avenel,NJ 07001

Em m anuel Mogire 270 Stevens Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

Sanyam Parikh 87 Van Riper Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070

Ju stin Santiano 119 Floyd Street Belleville, NJ 07109

Jo sh u a Teves 346 Pearsall Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07305

ndan Kelly Roland Avenue th Orange, NJ 07079

Patrick M alanka 762 Tenth Street Secaucus, NJ 07094

C hristopher M onahan, Jr. 143 Prospect Avenue North Arlington, NJ 07031

Anthony Pascale 255 Columbia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Giancarlo Sapalasan 184 Summit Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304

Jo n ath a n Tiner 67 West 14th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

in Kennedy Blackburn Road unit, NJ 07901

C hristopher M angin 105 William Street Kearny, NJ 07032

Patrick Mooney 43 BurrRd. Maplewood, NJ 07040

Daniel Pata 445 East Fourth Avenue Roselle, NJ 07203

Nicholas Sasso 19 Fairfield Avenue West Caldwell, NJ 07006

Jam es Vardakis 12 Sunset Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002

ncis Kenny 2 Bloomfield Street »oken,NJ 07030

Nolan M ariquit 252 Boyd Avenue J ersey City, NJ 07304

Giuseppe Morgana 690 Elm Avenue Ridgefield, NJ 07657

A nkur Patel 31 Wales Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

C hristopher Sawh 270 Elm Street Kearny, NJ 07032

Gerard Vega 62 M ercer Street Jersey City, NJ 07302

lammed Khan East 5th Street ronne,NJ 07002

M ichael M artini 15 W hitman Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Wade M orris 201 Ridgefield Avenue Bogota, NJ 07603

Kevin Patel 129 Lincoln Street Jersey City, NJ 07307

Philipp Schneider 460 8th St. Apt 1G Hoboken, NJ 07030

Salvatore Veniero 388 Page Ave. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

tthew Kiebus LColumbus Avenue stfield,NJ 07090

W illiam McBride 23 Holly S treet Jersey City, NJ 07305

Tejesh Patel D aniel Munoz 500 2nd Ave., LB#96 Apt 17F 202 Columbia Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307 New York, NY 10016

Brian Serzan 810 Cranford Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090

JohnVerano 19 Giles Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

ingKim Highland Avenue sey City, NJ 07306

Brian McCullough 29 Avenue B Bayonne, NJ 07002

David Murphy-Colonna 34 West 15th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

Eric Pennino 545 Central Avenue Carlstadt, NJ 07072

Andrew Shalhoub 10 Joanna Way Chatham, NJ 07928

M ichael Visone 26 Kelly Parkway Bayonne, NJ 07002

stin Kocylowsky les Street, Box 65 line, NJ 07620

Joseph McDonald 329 Central Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07506

Adam Muzyczyn 174 C resthill Avenue Clifton, NJ 07012

Nicolas Perez 204 Tenth Street, Apt. 22 Jersey City, NJ 07302

Michael Sherry 45 Yardley Court Glen Rock, NJ 07452

Jeffrey W atkins 90 W est 27th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

stin Krai West 52nd Street yonne, NJ 07002

Ryan McDonald 348 Glenwild Avenue Bloomingdale, NJ 07403

Vishnu Nayak 80 Waldo Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

Cole Petrochko 100 Lakewood Avenue Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Brandon Shipman 683 Warfield Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07061

Paul Weimmer 74 Prospect Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002

rl Kraus lhamplain Terrace mtclair,NJ 07042

Stephen McDonald 48 Livingston Avenue Kearny, NJ 07032

Danny Nguyen 46 Liberty Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306

Vito Petruzzelli 52 2nd Avenue Secaucus, NJ 07094

Joseph Skowronski 45 Isabella Avenue Bayonne, NJ 07002

M itchell West 789 Fifth Street Secaucus, NJ 07094

vinKronyak 5 Prospect Avenue irth Arlington, NJ 07031

M ichael McGovern 734 Avenue C Bayonne, NJ 07002

Neil Obligacion 269 Lexington Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304

Joseph Pizzi, Jr. 147 Floyd Street Belleville, NJ 07109

Samuel Slaughter 27 Oakland Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

J a h i W hitehead 427 Springdale Avenue East Orange, NJ 07017

ichael Lampariello 6 Whitford Ave. itley, NJ 07110

T ravis McKay 15 E ast Oak S treet Carteret, NJ 07008

M ichael Ockay 30 W est 31st St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Michael Pocelinko 88 Hatfield Street Caldwell, NJ 07006

Kevin Smith 149 Essex Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Sean Wilson 2 4 E 39th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Ian Lauer ■Grand Avenue dgefield Park, NJ 07660

Kyle Meehan 99 W est 12th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

SeanO’Grady 369 M inute Arms Rd. Union, NJ 07083

Steven Porcelli 234 Webster Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07307

Michael Smith 52 Beach Street, 2nd FI. Jersey City, NJ 07307

Jam es Winn 30 River Court #3105 Jersey City, NJ 07310

lgel Leston f 39 Herman Street ewark,NJ 07105

Vivek Mehta 112 C arneer Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070

A rthur O lvesen 44 W. 46th Street Bayonne, NJ 07002

S herard Roderick 67 Clifton Terrace Weehawken, NJ 07086

P eter Smith 2 C onstitution Court #101 Hoboken, NJ 07030

Jakub Wresilo 68 Lang Street Newark, NJ 07105

eter Ligeiro 54 Forest Street earny,NJ 07032

Alejandro Melendez 111 Baldwin Avenue, #2 Jersey City, NJ 07306

B rian O’Reilly 9 Sally S treet Howell, NJ 07731

Philip Rodino 303 Forest Road South Orange, NJ 07079

Jesse Songcayauon 274 Taft Road River Edge, NJ 07661

Eric Yang 544 78th Street North Bergen, NJ 07047

unes Livengood 15 Reynolds Place outh Orange, NJ 07079

M ark Mendez 7412 Broadway North Bergen, NJ 07047

P atrick O’Rourke 101N. Spring Garden Ave Nutley,NJ 07110

Michael Rohrm an II 604 Second Street Carlstadt, NJ 07072

W illiam Stagg 552 Third Street Carlstadt, NJ 07072

Robert Zuniga 11 Autumn Drive Mine Hill, NJ 07803

ustin Loffio 4 Zabriskie Avenue fcyonne.NJ 07002

Myron Merced 288 Old Bergen Road Jersey City, NJ 07305

Cadell Orr 50 South Centre Street South Orange, NJ 07078

Kevin Roleson 138 Valley Brook Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Gregory Steward 1457 Center Street Hillside, NJ 07205

Mr. David Muir 415 W 22nd St Apt 11 New York, NY 10011

■ gMgiW ■R H V M

m m m m

M B m m m m

p llf

mm Addeo, Dale 44, 45, 71, 93, 160, 137, 172 Agnas, Michael 110, 117 Aguilera, Shaun 87, 118, 124, 125 Aiello, Gabriel 110 Albino, Nelson 44, 45, 60, 145, 137, 172 Alegria, Mark 118 Alfieri, Andrew 39, 136, 172 Alfieri, Daniel 4Q, 41, 110 Alfonso, David 118 Aligo, Lance 50, 51,110 Alinea, Krystoffer 118, 124 Alier, Alexander 118, 124 Alongi, Anthony 86,126 Alonso, David 55, 118, 124 Alotiso,Juan 29 Alston, Carroll 60, 110 Alvarez, Alejandro 28. 29, 66, 137, 172 Alvarez, George 44 Alvarez, Joseph 31, 40, 41, 110 Anderson, Andrew 65, 80,126, 132, 183, 212 Andreadis, Anthony 39,118 Andreadis, Christopher 23, 39, 110, 151 Andrew Del Castillo 111 Andrew, Rey Osma 83 Anez, Alvin 85,89,91, 136, 139, 145, 159, 172 Angeles, Brian 66 Angeles, Bryan 15, 136, 145, 172 Antczak, Casey 43, 57, 126 Apfto, Gary 51, 110, 112 Aqufla, Francis 39, 40, 126 Aquino, Vincent 110 Araya, KirubeU 47, 86, 126

M Averello, Vincenzo 74, 75, 87, 110 Awad, Mina 137, 172 Ayuda, Richard 55,126 Aziz, Malikul 40, 70, 110 Azzarto SJ., Fr. Anthony 13, 84, 110, 120, 127, 130, 142, 150

Baber, Janies 126 Baginski, Adam 55, 81, 118 Bailey, David 69, 75, 105 Baker, Marge 102, 104, 105 Ballance, Joseph 51, 110 Balias, Alexander 55, 118 Ballesteros, Dean 118, 124 Banach Curran 110 Bannon, Brian 35, 118 Bantom, Alan 44, 45, 126 Baran, Scott 39, 126 Barbanda, Michael 29, 51, 126 Barber, Kevin 137, 172 Baron, Richard 138,148, 172 Barone, Andrew 110 Barone, Douglas 35, 36, 37, 68, 118 Barone, Thomas 15, 56, 134, 138, 172 Barry, Christopher 3 4 ,3 5 ,6 0 ,61, 126* 183 Barson, Daniel 40, 110 Barsoum, Mark 126s Bartoslewicz, Brendan 126, Beaudette, Jeffrey 27, 66, 110

CELTIC CLUB Kneeling.' Patrick McGrath, RobotSwab; First Row: Timothy Camey, Brett Burns,

fromas Weakley, ChristopherFittpatrick, Peter Geary, FrankRomano, Mark Timmins, John Cheney, DylanMcMahon: Second RamJustin Loffio, James-Braddock, TheodoreDoyle, Dennis Brown. Doth glds Freeman;Third Row BrianSerzan, RaymondPamo, PodraieMet, Martin Bowker, Anthony Addas, TimothyBrown. Dan Welnbeig, JohnHanrahan, StephenMurphy, John O'Brien;Fourth Row: ConnorPurcelL Matthew Gordon, MichaelScott, Sean Byrnes, KyleMeehan, John Ockoy, Charles Dullect, andPatrick Browne.

i m


Benicaso, Jesse 110 Bennett, Matthew 56,57,126 Bemaiche, Ian 73, 93, 135, 138, 145, 172 Bernal, Matthew 110 Bettinger, Justin 126 Bhagat, Palak 110 Biggy, Joseph 39, 40, 118 Bilal, M. Mazhar 113 Bilavsky, Timothy 40, 110 Bini, Bryan 43, 126, 182 Blanchard, Luke 51, 118 Blaney, Patrick 44, 45, 139, 172 Blicharz, Jacob 47, 110, 157 Bligh, Christopher 126, 143, 161 Bolante Jr., Henry 126 Bomba, Ryan 118 Bombino, Adam 52> 118 Bonafe, Jerem y 6, 40, 56, 110 Bonner, Michael 73, 88, 137, 138, 144, 158, 160, 164, 172 Booth, Andrew 38, 39,126 Booth, Michael 55,110 Borges, Noel 39, 75, 126 Borneo, Mikael 56,57, 126,182 Boucher, Joseph 47,60, W0 Bowers, Jared 40, 60, 98, 110 Bowker, John 29, 69, 126, 139 Bowker, Martin 34,35, 126 Boyle, Gregory 111 Boysen, Ryan 38, 39, 139, 172 Braddock, James 126 Branagan, Joseph 126, 128 Brennan, Daniel 118 Brennan, Richard 39,52, 118

^enfleiS,Benjam in 56* lip Brown, Dennis 43,118 Btbwn, Michael 38, 39, 139, 168,172 I Brown, Timothy SI 88, 138,164; 172 Browne, Patrick 126 Bruce, Andre 126 Brute, Anthony 52?3I0 Bruckneir, Robert 46,47, 111 Bruscino, Anthony 6, 118 Brusgard, Christopher 138, 147, 157, 172 Bryant, Brendan 110 Brzuszkiewicz, David 59,118 Buczynsld, Mark 12,118 Buddenhagen, Daniel 110 Buenafe, Christian 43,118 Buie, Melvin 110 Bull, Francis 12(5 Burgess, Mike 42, 56 Burnett, Darren 15, 134, 139, 172 Bums, Brett 44, 64, 88, 138,139,155, 158, 165, 172 ' Buder, Daniel 140, 145, 165, 172, 183 Butler, Richard 108,109 Butrym,Jan 69 Butt, Aimen 118 Byram, Peter 118, 139 Byrnes, Sean 118

Cabardo, Drew 118 Cabrera, Alex 51, 110 Cabrera, Joshua 126 Caccstvella, James 140, 172 Caldwell, Robert 43,141, 172 Caleb, K. Gibson 112 Callahan, Cohn 36, 37, 47, 118, 125 Callahan, Connor 126 Camargo, Daniel 36, 37, 118 Campion,Jack 14, 73, 111, 165

ITALIAN CLUB First Row.~A& RosalieRomano, Adant Muzyayn, MichaelDeAngelis, Mkhael Focelinh, GulseppeMorgana, ThomasBarone, MichaelloRocro, MichaelSherry. WilliamBandas, DanielOrosmo, Gianfranco Wilbeck, JosephSkawromki, PhilipDacchille; Second Row.-Pabrn Flores,AnthonyDePinto, JosephMocri, JoesephMuzyayn, AndrewAnderson, Justin Hudacko, Joseph l^wUjlrd Row.JosephSatoo, AnthonyDiCroce, AnthonyPrieto, Michael Garrigan; Fourth Row Joshua Tosi, AnihtmyDininno,AdamKusen. MaxKdtzman, JohnLombari; Fifth Row; Anton Mathieu, Alexander,Putftese, Patrick Carney, andJohn Griswold







j f l r i E


Derrick-Gottet, Julian Ponaenlitlo. Lommfbtei. lee Od!; John Dtscn, Henry Lhrnna. AlexanderSenatoie. Michael Yap. F:,mas Licrcnn. ChnstaphnRms, Jason AtaanocFoorth Row: foil Majmander, HenryBobmte, Ymi Cmola. Christopher Cid. Patrick Villa, GlmSttmul, Carrtth Oomilh, Christopher Edelnmn. Man: Cortes. Ryan Raxes, RichardAyado; fifth Row: Thomas Ongeri. ChaSeFreentao. KednFdgoae, Jasrph Yap, Alejandro Ahxinsr, Timothy faxim, fMl Obligation, andJoshua Tit'es,

j Q t lf l E ft!]

FRENCH CLUB First Row: Patrick Villa, Javier Vasques, Richard AMh, Nilesh Parikh: Second Row: Joshua Eslormes,

Lionel Abdool, Chad Kucharski, Deepak Sharma.Kevin . ftmnamine; Third Row: Salman Choudry, Alejandro Alvarez, j 1’ar Patel, Jason Ramnaraine, and Raam Majmundar.

Theodore Doyle, Thomas Ongeri, Matthew Owen, Alejandro Fernandez, Lee Odi; Third Row: Thomas Fitzpatrick, Sean Wilson, Louis Hart, Yuri Czmola, Andrew Zhu, Gregory Rasmusson, Daniel Rasmusson, and Dean Ballesteros.


ASUUifAClFKI8UND6RS0Clin¥ first Row: CtirtFatn'asa, MatthewHalt, Erwtfartina, Myron Merccd, Jeffrey iM o, Adam Carlson. Brian Real, Bryan Angeles, Rey Andrew Oma AadrauZhu, James Braddadt. William Or.-!,; Second Row: Jomo fotmentilla. ChnsUan Beonafe. Rodrigo Castillo, M/chad Agues. Manuri Austna, Fnmca i&foq Jcihiy Omwcnumcs J w a Peii Tut* ThanifBWmkby. ftufl MaHCTUi, CotworPunxll;Third ftaw.AndracFtecual,

■ g JH

INDO-PAK First Row: Kecin Patel, Sanyam Parikh, Shyam Majmundar, Vishnu Nayak: Second Row: Neil Majmundar,


Campomanes, Jeffrey 118,124, 143 | Campomanes, Marc 1 {0 Canale, Alexander 60, 61, ,72, 141 , j | 1 . 180, 18& 184 Cannizzaro, John 55, U6, 126 Cannizzaro, Nicholas 55, 118 Capello, Bryant 47, 110 Capetola, Stephen 39, 140, 172 Capinpin, Alan 126,182 Capodanno, Giancarlo 48, 49, 141, ljj Capodice, Kevin 48, 118 Uaposello, Jason 110 Cappiello, Michael 140, 172 Cardella, Peter 140, 172 Cardenas, Juan Che 29, 76, 91,95, ] 130, 141, 172, 183, 184 Carey, William 40, 110 Carles, Daniel 29, 140, 172 , Cariey, 'William 68, 89, 140, 141, 15J 172 Carlson, Adam 87, 141, 152, 156, 175| Carney, Sean 5, 118 Carney, Timothy 31, 43, 110 Carrion, Marc 110 Caslowitz, Steve 22, 23, 90 Castillo Jr., Rodrigo 124,118 Catbagan, Allen 141, 172 Cavanagh, Mark “The Jew” 71, 73, 7(1 126, 183, 184 Cavanagh, Matthew 118 Cavanagh, Scott 39,118,120 Cecinini, Jordan 142,172 Ceglio, Dillon 110 Cerami, Rocco 40,110 Cevallos, Matthew 34, 35, 142, 172 Cevasco, Andrew 36,37, 118 Chabal, Ian 118 Chan, Raphael 71,143,172 Chatha, Wigas 118,125 Chaudhary, Khaled 78,126 Chaudhry, Amin 143,172 Cheney, John 64,126 Chester, Kevin 39, 92, 142, 172 Chian ca, Vincent 87, 143, 172 Cho Jr., Edward 77, 86, 90, 135, 142,1 143, 146, 155, 164, 172

GERMAN CLUB Kneeling: Jakub Wresilo; First Row: Paul Ward, BrettBums, Caeserlmperio, Mr. DuaneFarabaugh, ThomasDAIessio; Second Rovr.AleksanderZywicki, RyanLoftm, NicholasSasso, Philipp Janssen, Kyle Meehan: Third Row: Alexander Senatore, Joseph McDonald, Javier Vasques, Sean Wilson, Daniel Mdnemy, Douglas Freeman, Christopher Keating, and Samuel Slaughter.

BBGNYCLUB First Row;Mr. Kelkn Williams, MiguelPimentel, AndreBrttee, Chasefree­ men,fitotimOngeri, heeOdi,MarcCortez:Second Row: MrJamesDoadm, RmmeekTait, Anthony Bmce. Nod Borges, Alan Bantom, Yuri Czmola, Javier Vasques; Third Row. tftm m itt Emelumba, VladimirDeWet DamAdams, RashatmJackson, MichaelBtmm, ^islkftD am nBm ett, Gerard mdW liam Torres.

CHESS TEAM First Row: Shyrn Majmundae; Second Row: Joma PormenUUa, Peter LeBrn, Dr. Dominic Sclbilia; Third Row. Steven Porcelli, and Juan Garde.

sradry, Salman 126 dsfian, Rodney 118 ristie, Adam 52, 116 ristie, Daniel 118 ' ^Cambridge 3,JlO j£jj,Jeffrey 143, 172 ^Christopher )26 uentes, Erick 31, 110. ■ino, Erie ,40,41,'46,47*110 ''V irke, Michael 39,4J, 118 jftnont, Gabriel 126 Jtterbuck, Stuart 30, 31, 39, 41, ISO dey, Mara i|2 (dog, Leo 47,118, 124 facehia, Giovanni 74,110 •’ t ile, Henderson ' | >le, Robert l ift' >llins, Cecilia 102; )llins, James 102, 113, 139 iloney, Robert l t i : A ifucci, Andrew 40, III Bney, Patrick 80,126-' MnprelU, C{iaries ^,1 4 3 , 143, 172 jrinell, Murray 29, | | 97, 142,172,

■ 180 pstantine, Leslie 111'

^eiy^Christopher! 5i>i26

invery, Daniel HI , gfCoran,John 106- , orso, Philip 72y73,119,1$9,161 ' ortez, Derrick 11$^ Ortez, Mare 119* 122,143 ortina, Michael 40, 111 pstello, James 85,142,172 , bughlin, Ned 127 i‘aig, Jesus 108 riaris, Nicholas 23, 143, 172 limmins,Joseph 111 rosby, Charles 72, 84, 113, 117, 139,

I6i 11 111 ,

-uddihy, Kevin 39.62,1(X), 101 -mnmings, Kevin 29, 54, 55, 117, 136, 139, 141, 143, 154, 172, 183 'iinneen, Paul 10,17, 79, 113 -unningham, Aiden ,111 mimngham, Nancy 105, 109 ■unningham, Timothy 86, 126

CAMPUS SHOP First Row: Joseph Skilknder, Anthony DePinto, William Dundas, Mr. James Hoilywood; Second Row. Thomas Geraghiy. AlexamlerPugiiese, and Ryan Santana-Rogers

WALK-A-THON First Row: John de Armas, Caes0 Imperio, Edward Cho: Second Row: Richard Auth. Martin Bou’ker, Thomas Ongpri; Third Row: Raphael Chan, Kevin Patel, Giuseppe Morgana, Michael DeAngelis. and Connor Purcell.

HATH TEAM First Row: M Sabair. Justin Orth, Jonathan Treble, Raphael Chan, Nilesh Pankh, Federico Garcia, Bdmatd Cho, N eil Majtnuntlar, Ryan Gelchwn; Second Bow: Kevin Patel. Ankur Patel, fatiyam Parikii, Stet.cn B rim nn. Aac'reie Anderson, jow ph McDonald. Yoshiytikt Grundy, Vtnceac Chianca; Third Row: Rijfond Zemhi. M ichad Banner, Andrew Zhu. JnJmn Porm entillo, Bum Kennedy, Ueaietet Pais, Mark Cm m afk, Christopher Fitzpatrick, and John Ockay. .■

Cumii, Paul 119 Curry, Marie 17, 92, 114 Czmola, Yuri 29,127

Dabrowski, Paul 58,119s Dacchille, Philip 73,93,139,141, 144, 147, 152, 172 D’Aiessio, Thomas 48. 127 Dalton, Brian 81,82,127,157,182,183 Dandojj>h, Betty 103 Dandorph, Elizabeth 102 ' Dandorph, Kenneth 92>102,150 Parley, James 144, 172 David Mtirphy-Cobnfta 160 de Annas,John 73* 145,172 ' De Chavez, Steven 172 ■ DeAngelis, Michael 5,65,69, 145, 172 DeAngelo, James 88, 132 ' DeBenedectis, Nicholas 119 DeCandia, Gianvito 127 PeCastro, Justin 119 ' peGhavez, Steven Gerard 144 PeCongeliGj Paniel 6, 39,119 | Deflorio, JeSse 119^ PefVance, Henri 39,52, 53,127 DtFrance, Matthew 40 Del Castillo, Andrew 111 | Dela Torre, Jetard 66, 127 Pelaon, Donald 89, 137,145, 155, 167, 169, .172 Dellutri, Lorenzo 119' -x | | 1 N't v ' DeLorenzo, Carl 17, 114, 138 DeMoya, Manny 144, 168, 172 \ DePinto. Anthony 58,59, 62, 68,75,119 DePinio, Kevin 111, 157 DePinto, Vincent 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, ■ 169, 172 DeWall, Alexandre 119 DeWet, Vladimir'39,119, 1.250 DeWiU, Kaija 12, 6# 67, 77, 87, 114, 150

Diaz, Ryan 127 DlCroce, Anthony 127 Diggs, Bryce 119 DiGiacomo, Cj. 15,145,153* 172 Dimitriu, £,uca$ 119 Dlninno, Anthony S), 119 DiPaola, Louis 55,111^ ^ Dizon,John 83,127,139 Dmytriw, Michael 127 Do, Mack « Docherty, David 72, 144,145,172 Doherty, Matthew 127^130 Dokus, Samuel 40, 41, 111 Dolaghan, John 52, 111, 1;57 Dolaghan, Mark 39,127 Dominick, PeFroft 111 Donahue, Robert 119 DonaleskiJr-, John 6, 40,52,111 Dondero, James 30, 31, 67,115 Dong, Xh 136,144,172 Doolan, Janies 44,69, 8% 127 Dongheriy, Andrew 55,. 145,172 Dougherty, Kevin 39,44,127 , Dowd, Ryan 52, 111 Dowd, Sean 111 , Downey, Sean 51,1U Doyle, Alexander 72, $3,83,145,172 Doyle, Theodore 42, 4-3,56,119 Drummond, Peter 43>111 Dully, Patrick 32>55,127,139 Dugan, Kevin 83, 85t 88,141,143> 146, s ' , 147; 154, 156,158, 172 Dullea. Charles 73, 119 Duncan, Trances Marie l9i 62,97* 1*5 128, 133,150, 180 Dvtridas, WflHain 62, 119 Diuin. Cheryl 99,108 , D’tfrso, pomfihiCo 119, 125 DuVal.John 111| DuVaL, Thomas 146,' 172 . - Dybus,Joshua 127,139 Dye, Brian 5U- 111'' '

STAGE CREW First Row: David Docherty. S te m Erickson, Joseph Skowronski, Dean Ballesteros; Second Row: David Mtehch, Joshua Tosi, Andrew Zhu, Justin Loo, Vishnu Nayak; Thrid Row: Mr. Charles Crosby, Matthew Owen, James Baber, and Michael Sweeney,:

Eagan, Andrew 55,119 Eari, Clarence Gocon 112 Baton, Bonny 5,15* 88, 94,115, 133,180 Edelmann, Christopher 127 Eisenstein, Joseph 119 Elo.Hugo 108 Emelumba, Ghihwendu 119 Epps,Jonathan 147,172 Erickson, Steven 71, 72, 74> 139,141, 147, 155, 172 Escobar, Juan 52,' 120 Esfortries, Joshua 48, 49,67, 146, 172 Estupinan, Gilberto 120

Fabiosa, Carl Joseph 120 Facciponte, Anthony 48,49,147,172 Fallon, Francis 146,172 Farabaugh, Duane 26, 27, 66, 67,116 Farley, Liam 39,120,125 Farrell Brian 40, 52, HI FarreBJr., Patrick 112 Feliciano, Alex 120 Feliciano, Xavier 52,120 Feliciello, Giuseppe 147, 172 Felipe, Adrian 120 Fenton, Rebecca R. 69 ? Fernandez, Alejandro 147, 149, 167, 172 Fernandez, Bryce 112 Ferretra,Nigel 146, 172 Ferrer, Alien 80, 86, 127 Ferri, Jolin 120 Fidelus, Sebastian 42,43,56, 57, 96, 135, 146, 172 11 Figueroa, Dennis 40, 41,112 '

Figueroa, Marciano 76,127 Finch, Timothy 120 Finn, Daniel 96 Finn, David 39,40,112, 120 Finn, Mary 98, 100 Finnerty, Patrick 72,120, 181 Fischer, Christopher “Kunkletown” 89, 91, 147, 172, 183, 184 Fischer, Daniel 147,172 Rtzpatrick, Christopher 60,64,71,127,


Fitzpatrick, Thomas 42,43,47,120 Fletcher, Michael 12, 60,116 Flores, Bobbie 43, 56,57, 148, 172' Elores, Fabian 127 Flores, Sector 54,55, 62,85,89,122, 127, 139, 183 Flores, Joshua 172 Foiger, Sean 112 Ford, Catherine 106 Fournier, James 149, 156,172 Fox, Kevin 48, 50, 51,120 Franco* Lani 105,109 Freeman, Chase 46, 47,127 Freeman, Douglas 35T112 117 Frlel, Padraic 38, 39,127,128 Fugaro, Nicholas 90,120 Fuller, Xavier 26,71,149,172, 183

Galclla, Gabriel 36, 47, 112 Gallagher, Kyle 98, 148, 172 Gallo, Colin 7L128 Gallo, David 3,96,128 Gangopadhyayv Amlan 51, 120 Garcia, Ana 26, 27, 28, 29. 116, 161 Garcia. Bryant 112 Garcia, David 77, 78. 97, 120,124 Garcia* Federico 70, 71, 99, 149, MU Garcia, Juan 112 ^ _ Gai'dner, Edward 50, 51, 118153. 1 3 ^

Beyond the Gates

p ■i

STALAG 17 First Row: Philip Dacchille, RyahLofais, PhilippJanssen, Mark Second Kmr.SaymondMikulich, FergusScully, JamesShelhaub, BriqnD alton;fiati Row; TimothyBrown, NileshParikh, Jonathan Treble, CharlesDullea, Patrick Comey, andJudd Modarang.

BOOK CLUB First Row: Juan Cardenas, Raphael Chan, Javier Vasques, Andrew Zku, Daniel Julian; Second Row: Martin Bowker, Conner Purcell, Richard Auth. Mark Camnagh, and Thomas Ongeri. Garrigan, Michael 56,120 Gasiewsld, Stanley 47,87, 120 Gayed, Mina 74, 112. Geary, Peter 2,32,44, 45, 64 87, 125, 148, 172 Gelchion, Matthew 2,87,92,93,127, 136,149, 164, 172 Gelchion, Ryan 44,45,46,47,D2i V J 2 7 , 128 Generelli, Kyle 112 Gentile, Thomas 3% 148,172 Georges, Jonathan 44, 46, 47,120 Geraghty, Thomas 21-120 . Gerraty, Raphael 88,148,149, 472 Gething, lita 24,25, 82,117, 1^0 ' Glamario, Patrick 55,120,125 ■ | Gianho^ile, Anthony 40, 41, ,112 Gibaey.Tbomas 148,1#, 152, 153,

Greb, William 6,128,13? •Greeley Matthew 74 Green, Zachary 121 Greenfield, Heniy 36,112 Gregoiy, Charles 40, 41, 112 Griffin, Bryant 6, 40, 112 Griffin, Ree-Ayre 38, 121 Griffin, William 62,128,140, 150, 172 Griewold,John 39,52,121 Grogan, Gerard 60, 151,172 Grossaao, Daniel 143,151,154, 159, 172 Grundy Yoshiyuki 150,172-' ' Quadagnino, Brett 89, 91, 94, 137, 146, 151, 172 Gualario, Grace 100,101, 105 Guarini, Kevin 39,41,128,161,

Gill, Michael 128,182 Gioietta, Johnathan 128 ' Giordano, Anfeony 96,128 ' Giordano, Mathew 52,120 Giordan©* Victor 141,146, 149,154, ,160, 172 1 Giorgio, Paul 39,41 I Giovine, Domenico 112 N Giovine, Joseph 150)172 Glackia, Annie 14,-15t 04» 117 ' Glazer, Efla 75, 117 ; GocQn, Clarence 4^ Gomes, Lance ,39, 40,128,161 Gomez, Casim 40, 52,112 Gomez.'Gabrtel i$b Gomilla, Benedict 31), 120 Gomilla, Gancth 3U, 128 Gonzales, Matthew 112 Gonzalez, Michael 112 Gonzalez, Peter 121 Gordon, Matthew 128 Gonnan III, Michael 39, 128 Graham, Timothy 3!), 52, 121 Grant, Corlando 10, 52, 112 Grant, Patrick 112 Grapstul, William 40, 59, 11.2 Grav(*ande, Wayne 47, 121

Guasconi, Mike 39 Guerra, Roger 121 GutierrezJr,, Richard 150, 172


p ilp

Haas, Michael 44, 47, 60, 8i 128 Hackler, Evan 70t 90,121 Hall, Victory 85 Halpin, Eoin 121 Hannon, Joseph 15v38, 39, 151, 172 Hamahan, John 48, 151, 172 Hanselman, Erik 113 Hanselman, Kyle 150. 172 Hansen, Matthew 150, 172 Hanson, Richard 39, 40, 118,150 Hait, Louis 86, 128 Hartnett, Ramon 1.13 Hatcher, Christopher 120, 121 Haxhaj, Elbasan 113 Hazard, Daniel 34, 35, 149, . y S , 172 1

STARWARSCLUBHist Row:LionelAbdool,RycwSantanaRoger$, Chris­ topher Hetherington, Colin Morgan, VincenzoAverello; Second Row: StevenErickson, liam Farley, Mina Gayed, Giovanni Colacchia, Daniel Ubrop;ThM^JonadmMatmoros,JustmSaoliandKshnuNayak.

PETROC First Row: David Garcia, Michael Scott, Michael Sherry, Matthew Hladik; Second Row: Albert Vecellio, Michael Sweeney, Edward Cho, Alvin Anez, Daniellibrojo; Third Row: Joseph McDonald, Vincent Chlancd, Brian Serzan, Connor Purcell, Ankur Patel, Matthew Gelchion. and Peter LtBron. Healy, Christopher 52, 121 Hennessy, Daniel 113 Hernandez, Adrian 121 Hernandez, Jonathan 113 Hernandez, Keith 128 Hetherington, Christopher 40, 111, 113 Heumann-Pugach, Eleanor 107, 118 Heyer, William 113 Hill, Will 40,41,113 Hipkins, Martin 113 Hitchcock, Richard 13,87,118 Hjelm, Edwin 113 Hladik, Matthew 2, 137, 147, 157,169, 172 Hoag, Michael 87, 96, 119, 151 Hogan, Martin 128 Hojnacki, David 121 Holder, Joseph 40,46, 47, 113 Hollywood, James 18, 68, 119, 139 Holt* Matthew 121 Hongthong, Jeffrey 10, 113 Hood, Charles 43, 128 Hooton, Daniel 121 Hopf, Ned 121 Horan, James 104, 105 Horta, Miguel 113o Hotdognian, Sam 157 Houari, Malik 113 .Hovan, Gretchen 16, 66, 67, 119 Hovan, Scot 10, 20,66, 67,87,117, 120 Hu, Dennis 19, 56, 88, 120, 181 Huaranga, Emerwon 33, 121 Hudacko,Justin 35,48, 128 Hulipas, M^rk 121 Hussey, Joseph <10,41,113 Hussey, Richard 38, 39, 128 Hymas, Robert 12, 72, 74, 120

Jbaria, Michael 113 Iberti, Piero 18, 49, 92, 97, 121 Iglesias, Ronald 12], 181 IglesiasFigueras, Steven 128, 182

STOCK MARKET CLUB First Row: Justin Ortiz, Daniel Librojo, Robert Mirza, Mina Gayed; Second Row: James Bell, Joseph Skillender, M. Bilal Mazar; Third Row: Xavier Fuller.

MEDICAL CLUB First Row: Lorenzo Rater, Mario Moreira, Juan Nordelo, David Garcia; Second Row: Marc Cortez, Lucas Simko-Bednarski, Justin LoRe, John Lauretta, Clifford Johnson, and Roland Zemla.

Ildefonso.Joel 39, 113 hnperio, Caesar 60* 61, 69, 93, 141, 146, 149, 152, 172 Ingles, Eric 97, 128 Iqbal, Khubaib 113 Inane, John 62, 104, 105 Israel, Patrick 128

Jackson, Rashawn 38* 39, 56,149, 152, 168, 172 Jafferjee, Jordan 113 Jancula, Viktor 39, 121 Janssen, Philipp 67, 73, 95, 147, 153, 157, 164, 172, 184 Jimenez, Luis 128 Jimenez, Peter 6, 40, 55, 113 John, Joshua 153, 172 Johnson, Clifford 78, 152, 172 Johnston, Brian 39* 121, 125 Jonathan, Daniel 61, 153, 172 Jones, Brian 55, 94, 129 Jordan, Jaren 39, 121 Jules, Wesner 152, 172 Julian, Daniel 38, 39, 76, 83, 129, 183, 184 Santana-Rogers, Ryan 123

Kafka, Jacob 3, 34,85, 86,129 Kalpouzos, Bobby 29, 152, 172 Kaminski, Matthew 30, 35, 121 Kaminski, Richard 34, 35, 61, 153,172 Karczewski, Joseph 40, 113 Karunphand, Steven 81, 129, 130, 132 Katzman, Max 129 Kaywork, Ryan 8!), 149, 152, 172

Kazar, Jonathan 129 Keating, Bradley 152, 173 Keating, Christopher 88, 132, 137, 13! 153, 162, 173 Keating, Michael 129, 139, 143 Keenan, James 65, 102, 103 Keller ED, Robert 6, 36, 37, 121 Kelley-Kemple, Thomas 69, 76, 83, 8ij 88, 140, 153, 173 Kelly, Brendan 86, 139, 154, 167, 173 Kelly, Ryan 121 Kennedy, Brian 54, 55, 71, 154, 173 Kennedy, Richard 15, 121, 134, 149, 1 Kenny, Francis 155, 168, 173 Khan, Mohammed 75, 89, 155, 173 Khan, Muhammed 78,129 Khan, Usman 113 Khilall, Kevin 129 Khoblall, Sean 89, 129 Kiebus, Matthew 154, 173 Kilduff, Andrew 10,113 Kim, Seong 155,173 Klarmann, Matt 15, 121, 157 Klim, Megan 3, 22, 23, 85, 121 Knittel, Matthew 24, 25, 54, 55, 64, 661 82, 88, 119, 122, 139, 150, 181 Kochoa, Lawrence 121 Kocylowsky, Dustin 154, 173 Kolb, Liam 40,113 Kopacz, Michael 52, 121 Kopec, Angry CJ. 5, 69, 91, 93, 95, li 129, 183, 184, 212 Kosciuszko, Eric 113 Koszv'k, Walter 14, 122 Kowlessar, Roopandar 10!) Kraivanger, Justin 55, 129 Krai, Justin 155, 167, 173 Kraus, Carl 92, 143, 155, 163, 167, 17* Krcnicki, Raymond 55, 113 Krohn, Michael 56, 57, 113 'Kronyak, Kevin 34, 35, 135, 154, 173 { Kucharski, Chad 5,129 Knlta, Anthony 121 Kusen, Adam 129

pfcchael 39, 121 cy, Paul 42, 43 occo, Michael 119,121 ladio, Agnes 108 it, Brian 39, 140, 155, 173 *ttaJr.,John 81, 129 3®,, Michael 113 ^ Maria 108 rence, Justin 113: Ibeater, Coty 94, 129 e Jr.John 6,12, 121 ran, Peter 113 alvez, Adele 21, 123 os. Maxwell 36,113 ^han, Robert HI 113 on, Angel 155, 173 cique. Daniel 66, 82, 86, 87, 129 ojo. Daniel 66,113 ardo, Michael 121 iro, Peter 69, 79,156, 173, 183, 184 ins, James 94,121 £ns,Joseph 3, 39,129 .Francis 59,113 ongi, Galo 129 ngood, James 44, 156, 173 ilsi,Daniel 5% 113 >lst Janies 54,55, 129 ieza,John 56,57, 69, 80,129 ena, Francis 94,129 ena, H e ^ 121 librunner, Katherine 7. 24,25,80, i|'Jl2 ,.l2 3 • hricchio, Anthony 40 ifcehio, Mary Phyllis 103 io. Justin 157,173

Machcinski, Anthony 33, 39,121 Macri, Joseph 121 Madarang, Judd 73, 76, 82, 129, 133, 157, 183 Maguire, Sean 5, 64, US Malian, Timothy 121 Maione, Joseph 48 Maiorino, Christopher 38, 39, 156, 173 Majmundar, Neil 78,129 Majmundar, Raam 67,. 70,129 Majmundar, Shyam 113 Major, Joseph 52, 113 Makhail, Mark 90, 140, 157, 173 Malanka, Patrick 156, 173 Maloney, Jared 113 Maloney, Lucas 113 Mangin, Christopher 156,173 Manley, Ryan 121, 124 Manning, Thomas 113 Marade, Charles 40, 41, 52, 113 Marafioti, Christopher 113 Marcus, Dana Adams 136 Mariquit, Nolan 90, 156,157,173 Martin, Adrian 40, 47,113 Martineau, Janice 31 Martinez, Ernest 128, 129 Martini, Michael 141, 156, 158, 173; Martino, Carmine 39 Martorony, Gene 70, 121 Matamoros, Jonathan 29, 74,129

MODELU.N. First Row:Justin Ortiz, CesarImperio, SkyamMajmundar, Kern Patel, DanielLibrojo. Patrick Gmnario; Second Row:MichaelScott, NeilMajmundar, Michael Rogers. £eefo:Third Row: UsmanKhan, Peter Ligeiro, Mark Camnagh, Marlin tfipkms, JamesDarley, Brendan White, andDaniel Weinberg. ,

FORENSICS First Row: Michael LaRocco, Michael Scoft Joseph Skillendei, Fergus Scully, Jonathan Treble; Second Row: Arnil Sathe, AdamMuzyczyn, Edward Cho, Jr., tamder/ta, Third Row: Mark Camnagh,Daniel Brennan, Judd Madarang. Brian Dalton, Valentino Mills, Mark Timmins; Fourth Row: Thomas KelleyKemple. Timothy Brown. Michael Spivack. Patrick Comey. An­ drew Anderson, and Alejandro Alvarez. ■■■■'■

McDermott, Stephen 80, 81, 90, 129, 143, 183, 212 McDonald, Joseph 92, 133, 142,157, 163, 169, 173, 183, 184 McDonald, Ryan 48, 49. 158,173 McDonald, Stephen 35, 158, 173 McDonald, Steven 35, 64,158 McFadden, Peter 69, 90,114 McFarland, Sean 51, 121 McGlynn, Andrew 40, 47, 114 McGovern, Michael 137, 144,159, 173 McGrath, Patrick 51, 64,114 Mclnerney, Daniel 129, 133 McKay, Travis 159, 173 McMahon, Dylan 36, 114 McMahon, Thomas 47,114 McManus, Thomas 102 McMillan. Ryan 114 McNemey, Kevin 121 McNulty, Christopher 46, 47, 87, 114 McRae, Keenan 36, 37, 114 McTieman, Ian 32,43,56, 57, 129 McWilliams III, Albert 114 Meehan, Kyle 15, 66, 67, 88, 141, 147, 158, 165, 173 Meehan, Matthew 42, 43, 46,47, 121 Mehta, Vivek 54, 55, 159, 173 Meis, David 114,116 Melendez, Alejandro 29, 73, 87, 98, 145, 146, t$4» 158, 161, 165, 173 Mendez, Mark 23, 159, 173 Mercado, Ivan 114 Merced, Myron 87, 93,135, 167, 173 Meyer, Julie 82 Mezhoudi, Nabil 158,173

Molyneux. Bryan 122 Monahan Jr., Christopher 159, 163, 173, 180 Moncrief, David 114 Mooney, Patrick 50, 51, 160, 173 Mooie, Daron 122 Moore, George 124 Moran, Robert 129 Moreira, Mario 5, 29, 78, 129 Morgan, Colin 114 Morgan, Eric 58, 59, 122 Morgana, Giuseppe 4, 69, 75,93, 160, 173 Morris, John 5,13, 98, 124 Morris, Sean 3, 39, 129 Morris, Wade 161, 173 Morrison, Spencer 114 Morrissey, Gregory 50, 51, 114 Moschovas, Michael 52, 53,129 Moseley, Nyrone 114 Mozumdar, Francis 122,125 Mucdolo,Jon 43,56,114 Mueller, Melissa 10, 20, 78, 91, 125 Muir, David 18, 81, 89, 91, 95, 125, 139, 151, 157, 173, 182, 184 Mulcahy, Daniel 40,114 Mulhemjohn 6,40,58, 59,114 Mullamey HI, Thomas 3,129 Mullin SJ., Fr. John 30,89,112,125, 127 Mulroy, Matthew 54, 55, 129, 139, 161 Munoz, Brian 114 Munoz, Daniel 161, 173 Murcia, Michael Il4 ,139 Murphy, Alexander 122 Murphy,John 51,115

CLASSICSCLUBFirst Row: Skyam Majmundar, Michael Murcia, Mark Caimagh. AndrewAnderscn, JohnUaneza:SecondRow:Ms.KristineSpano, MichaelPtsko, ValenUnohUls,Mdrm>Zhu, OinstopherUethenngtm, Bran Dalton, VincenzoAtwetto, Daniel Ubadque; Third Row: Matt Cawnagh. StephenMcDermott, Fat>iaiiFlom,JolmBwjker,mdPatiickC<)iney.

PREP FACTOR First Row; Lionel Abdool, Robert Zuniga. John Dizon; Second Row: John Wurtzbacher, Dr. Dom Selbilia, Kevin Dugan, Sherard Roderick, M arkmmins;W rA Row: Lucas Simko-Bednmki, Thomas Kelley-Kemple, Jeff Rubin, and Daniel Pata.

k rv 1 1Ni ■ Naughton, William 48,129,182 Navarrete, Jason 129 Nayak, Vishnu 4, 74, 139, 141, 147, 160, 165, 173, 183 Neddor, Rich 85 Needham-Doyle, Ginny 104, 105 Nelson, Kyle 115 Nguyen, Danny 160, 173 Nguyen, Dat 115 Nikodem, Alexander 67,129 Nodine, Robert 106 Nordelo,Juan 122 Nova. Matthew 115 Nunn, ‘William 122

Iv y J Obligation, Neil 161,173 O’Brien, Daniel 20, 21, 126 O’Brien, Grace 106, 107

HISTORY CLUB First Row: Michael Scoit, Nitesh Parikk, Neil Majl)tmddr,kiehaelPisko;SecotiiKow.EoinHalpin,AUukTimmm, Alex Nikodem. Kevin KhilaH, Peter McFadden; Third Row. Steven Karunphand, LucasSimko-Bednarski, andStephenMcDermott.

Erickson, Lionel RPG CLUB First Row: Jaren Jordan, Steven i Sanlana-Rogers, Abdool. John Dizan; Second Row: Ryan I Andrew Wallace, and Michael Spiuack.

O’Brien, John <10, 64,115 Ockay.Jdhn 47, 71,87, 122 Ockay, Michael 44,60, 144, 161, 173 O’Connor, Christopher 130 O’Conner, Thomas 5, 21,124>126,143 Odi, Lee 55,130 O’Donnell, James 50, 51,122 O’Donnell,John 40 Oertel, Christopher 130 Ogega, David 130 O’Grady, Ryan 130 O’Grady, Scan 52, 53,148, 160,161, 168, 173 O’Keefe, Brandon 39, 130 Oliveira, Richard 115 Olvesen, Arthur 93,162, 1.63, 173 O’Neill, Terrence 115 Ongeri, Thomas 5,80, 130 Ongeri, Tony 40,115 Onieal, Michael 55, 115, 143 Opel, John 44,130 Opsasnick, Phillip 35,122 O’Reilly, Brian 160, 173 O’Rourke, Patrick 44, 45, 60, 96, 136, 145, 160, 163, 173, 180 Oit, Cadell 23, 39,162, 173 Ortiz, Julian 122 Ortiz, Justin 70, 71, 75, 163, 173 Ortuoste, Justin 115 Osma, Rey Andrew 130 O’Tuama, Dillon 115 Owen, Matthew 66, 72,122

Pacheco, Marcello 137, 138, 155,161, 163, 165, 173 Padre, Frederick 122 Pagkalinawan, Stephen 115 Pais, Leander 82, 130 Palazzoto, Matthew 130 Palmiero, Lucy 108

i 881» » ■ 1HHHB I S ■H H Wg


Patel, Ankur 71, 77, 93, 141, 143, 144, 152, 159, 160, 163, 169, 173 Patel, Jay 115 Patel, Jigar 130,143 Patel, Kevin 163, 173 Patel, Tejesh 162, 173 Patiak, Benjamin 66, 70, 71, 12/, 137, 161 Paul, Stefan 115 Pavone, Joseph 122 Pecora,John 44 Pecora, Joseph 44 Pedersen, Kevin 52, 115 Pelgone, Kevin 83,130 Pennine, Eric 162,173 Perez, Alexander 115 Perez, David 115 Perez, Linda 108 Perez, Nicolas 163, 173 Pemo, Casev 115 Pexrenod, Joe 40 Peters, Richard 14,127 Petrochko, Cole 163, 173 Petruzzelli, Vito 92, 96, 137, 138, 141, 147, 148, 154, 155, 156, 159, 161, 164, 165,. 166, 173 Pf]ug,John 130 Pichardo, Jose 122 Pilger, James 40, 52, 115 Pimentel, Miguel 115 Pipher, Joshua 40,115 Pisko, Michael 130 Pitts, Tyrone 56 Pizzi, Joseph 39, 52,. 53, 125, 164, 173 Pocelinko, Michael 165,173 ' PoUicmo,Joseph 122

James Costello, Hector Flores, Andrew Anderson, Vincent Chianca, Stephen McDermott, Jon Sisti, and Phillip Opsasnick.

TVSTUDIOFirst Rovr.JamesCostello. Colin Gallo, Ryan Lo/tus, Kevin Dugan, Ateksander Zywicki, Kyle Meehan; Second Row: Christopher Keatfhg, Adam liaginski, Raphael Gerraly, Michael Mealing, Jonathan finer, and Thomas Kelley-Kemple.



HNHHHH m m m

ARTCLUB First 'Row. Alvin Anez, Ms. Erma Yost, Raphael Chan, Thomas Ongeri, Juan Nordeio; Second Row: Kevin Dugan,


i p

Que, Adam 38, 39,130 Rabbitt, Gary 51, 96. 130 Rabiecki, Nicholas 46, 47, 115 Rafer, Lorenzo 78, 94, 1.30 Ramirez, Carmelo 108, 109 Ramirez, Justin 97, 123 Ramnaraine, Jason 130 Ramnarame, Kevm 76, 115 Ramos, Derek 130 Ramos H, Franklin 115 Rana, Danyal 115 Rana, Mark 66, 123 Rasmusson, Daniel 131,133 Rasmusson, Gregory 27,67, 131,132 Rasmusson, Stephen 66,115 RauIIi, Enrico 31, 127, 151 Real, Brian 131, 180 Recobs, Joshua-Daniel 123 Reed, Michael 131 Regan, Christopher 62, 123, 125 Reidy, Patrick 70, 71, 100,101, 181 Rey,Joshua Flores 148 Riaz, Fahad 115 Riordan, Joseph 25, 128 Rivera, Erica 107 Rivers, Christopher 55, 123 Rizzo, Steven 56, 115 Roberts, David 115 Robinson, Bryan 50, 51,115 Robinson, Christopher 10, 47, 115, 157 Roderick, Sherard 164, 173

Rokoszak, Gary 51, 115 Roleson, Kevin 84, 90, 164, 173 Roman, Armando 40, 115 Roman, Pyke 107 Romano Jr., Francis 131 Romano, Rosalie 27, 65, 128 Rosales, Raul 29 Rose, Edward 40, 56, 115 Roselle, Ed 40, 41 Roselle, Matthew 39, 131 RoseUi, Peter 143, 155, 158, 165, 166, 173 Rowan, Kathleen 3.1, 90,128 Roxas, RyanJason 131 Ruane, Thomas 123 Rubbinaccio, Matthew 128,131 Rubin, Jeffrey 131, 143,161 Rufolo, Daniel 123 Ruzek, Michael 40, 115 Ryan, Mark 40, 52, 115,125 Ryan, William 46, 47

Saile, Frank 39, 131 Salazar, Joel 35, 58, 59, 61, 131 Salgado, Eric 115 Salvador, Jeremy 131 Salvo, Joseph 65, 131, 161 Sandoval, Miguel 84, 164, 173

SAD.D. First Row: Edward Cho, Michael Pisko, Jonathan Schirripa, Sultan Pormentilla, Neil Majmmdar, Second Row: Alejandro Fernandez, Emmanuel Mogire, Michael Haas, Andrew Zhu; Third Row: Connor Purcell, Daniel Librojo, WadeMorris, M. TatiqMazar, Alexander Canale, ManuelAustria, Salman Choudty; Fourth Row: Marc Cortez, Henry Llarena, and Andrew Pascual

INDEPENDENT FILMSOCIETY first Row; C.J. Kopec, Christo­ pher Fischer, Donald Delaon, Alvin Anez, Jonathan Schirripa, Will­ iam Carley, John Dizon; Second Row: ConnorPurcell, PeterLigeiro, Daniel Pata, and HectorFlores.

Sawh, Arvind 108 Sawh, Christopher 166, 173 Scherba. Kevin 39,131 Scherba, Ryan 47,116 Schlrripa, Jonathan 29, 131 Schmidt, Colin 131 Schneider, Helene 102 Schneider, Philipp 141, 147, 155, 159, 166, 173 Scibilia, Dominic 13, 70, 83, 129 Sdoli, Justin 94, 123, 143 Scott, Michael 79, 82, 123 Scrudato, Maria 107 Scully, Fergus 131 Scully, Robert 20,129 Sebello, Carlo 123 Senatore, Alexander 84, 88, 131 ^ Senerchia, Louis 116 Sercus, Mattliew 123 Serzan, Brian 143, 144, 167, 173 Serzan, Michael 35, 131 Shalhoub, Andrew 167, 173 Shalhoub, James 116 Sharma, Deepak 131 J,': Sharma, Pradeep 131 Sharp, Andrew 40, 112, 116,157 > Sheridan, William 123, 139 ‘ Sherry, Michael 79, 89, 98, 157, 166, 1 Shields, Thomas 131 Shipman, Brandon 39,71, 125, 173 Shipman, BrandonJamal 167 Shutterly, Alexander 58. 59, 116 Sigall, Joseph 123 Simko-Bednarski, Lucas 81, 83, 90, 13 Simmons, Chad 74

CLC First Row: Vincenzo Averello, Dennis Brown. Christopher McNulty, Daniel Libatique; Second Row: John Ockay, David Finn, and Raphael Chan.

BAND First Row: N icholas Lainmia. Joshua Tost, M ichael Lang. D avid Finn. Vito PettU&ellii Brian Ltmer. Eduard Clio. Mr Sttr.c Caston Hz. Y oshiyuhiG m uiy, Michael Dm ytriw. Robert Caldwell? Second Row: D aniel Hbotoii, Gabriel Clermont. Justin Kroivanger, M ichael Imiii pari el la. D aniel Grossano. Eamon H artnett. Lorenzo Rater. Jonathan Treble, Shaun A guilera, Jeffrey Rubin; Third Row: Euan Hackler, John Canniizaro, Christopher Uetlierington. Michael Onieal, Kevin Roleson, Colin Gallo, Alb drew Anderson, Stephen McDermott . Leslie Constantine. Lucas Simko-Bednarski; Fourth Row: Conor Supple. Renin Sylvester, Kevin Dugan. Brian Kennedy. Adam Baginski. Kevin M cDermott. Brendan White. Peter McFadden, Henderson Cole; P hilip Tally. Patrick Camay, Nicholas Fugaro, Miles McCann. and A lexander Ydsneshi.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB First Row: CJ. Kopec, Brett Guadagnino. Adrian Hernandez; Second Row: MarkCaixmagli, Wterard Roderick, and John WumUcher.

LITERARY MAGAZINE First Row: Justin Scioli, nom as Ongeri. Aleksander Zymicki; Second Row: James Uggins, Sonnet Slaughter, Brian Jones, and Kiernn Tintle. ngh, Anthony 55,131 ngh, Nonu 123 sfijjbn' 55,123 Sllender, Joseph 68, 90,123 wwronski, Joseph 58, 59, 72, 98* 166, g g 173 I aughter, Samuel 67* 94, 138, 146, 161, 167, 173 3Mth,oKevin 173 rnith, Michael 23,$8, 39, 52,53,140, | | | | | g 173 mlth. Peter 61,166,173 mith, Raymond 60, 61,92,96,131,161 ongcayauon, Jesse 167, 173 pano, Kristine 24, 80, 130,183 piewak, Peter 127, 131, 161 pivack, Michael 76. 84,131 ptvey, Christopher 131 tacey, Walter 36,123 tagg, William 167,173 tahli, Ellen 95,183 tanul, Glenn 131 ifenziale, Victor 52,53> 1^3 ijfcfanelli, Michael 36J-116 itennett, Felisha 99, j08 Steward, Gregory 168, 173 itewart, Matthew life v, strack, Nicholas 31,116 styles, Kevin 168, 173 Supple,.Conor 87,131 Jupple, Jacquelyn 1^0, 10} swab, Robert 36,116 Sweeney, Michael F. 131 Sweeney, MichaelJ. 131 Sylvester, Kevin Ifl

STUDENTCOUNCILFirstRow:AlbertMcWilliams, ThomasOngeri, Jonathan Treble. Ryan Gelchion, Andrew Cameo. Michael Rogers. Joseph McDonald; Second Row; Thomas Geraghty, James Ward, Brendan White, Alexander Yasneski, Michael Ltmparielhi Victor Stanziale, Matthew Getchion, Kevin Chester, Raymond Smith, AdamMuzyczyn, VitoPetmszelli, JosephSkillender, and ValentinoMills.

MARAUDERNATIONLaying:MichaelHaas;Kneeling: PatrickO'Rourke, Christopher Fitzpatrick. RaymondPasuco,RaymondSmith, RobertMoran;First Row:StephenMurphy, Thorns Gentile, Brie Ingles, Peter Spiewk William Stagg Vito Petruzzelli, James Braddock, M n Pflug, RichardMyrlttk, Thomas Gibney, MichaelLampariello, andFr. Michaelffoag, S.J.

Tejada, Ricardo 108 Tello, Anthony 123 Teves, Joshua 166, 169,173 Thompson, William 38, 39, 87, 90, 123 Thomson, Frank 26,54, 55, 66, 130 Thome, Jason 131 Tiedemann, Mark 35, 128, 131, 133 Timmins, Mark 29,83, 131 Tiner, Jonathan 88, 139, 168, 173 Tintle, Kieran 131,143 To, Lee 116 ~ Tomassi, Daniel 43, 56, 116 Torres, William 130, 131 Tosi, Joshua 39, 123 Tous.Juan 123 Treble, Jonathan 2, 35, 71,131 Tressitt, Joseph 68,123 s Trtdente, Mario 123 Trinidad, Andres 20,116 Trost, Matthew 39, 52i 53,131 Trowel!, Demetrius 1C® TuUy, Philip 55,123 Tyagi, Nlshant 131 Tylek, Dustin 36,116 Urbanovich, Brian 24, 123 Uxbanovich, Daniel 86,131 ITibanovich, Joseph 1#, I3Q

V ■

NHS Plrit Row: Michaelforet'triko. FranchFalhn: 3econd Row: PaphadChaH,MurrayC(innell,Patrick M om m E daaid Cho, Myron Merced. Aiikttr Patet. BrelvBurns, Mom Carlson, Da/u'el Gnssano. Caesar lnipeni>iJoshad£sforrnes;^M Row: Uatthetu Seldtion. feter Geary, Steeen£richson, SamuelSlaughter, Jos^h iicDoiial(l. AdamMuzyczyn, JamesDarley.Ftter h g e tn Fourth Row: Seang Kim. Michael Mt^omn.Giu^peMorgaMfJelheyChua.MkhaelMartini.WilUmiCorlty.KevinPatet.MlchaelOekiiy; Fifth RoV»: Bnun Kennedy. nom(is KeUey-KempIe, Joitolhm Tiner. Svt^iian fidelus. £ric Yang, /twin Styles. Justin Santiano, Raphael Gerrdty,'Kevin Cummings, Kevin Kronyat. Michael Sherry, Daniel Haz­ ard, Federico CarCid. Justin Orta, XaOong, and Brian Serzan.

i l l

Verga, Matthew 116 Vetter, Louis 116 Vilardo, Michael 55, 123 Vxlarifio, Josfe 16, 17, 36, 37, 131 VillaJr., Patrick 132,180 Villanueva, Matthew 123 Vfilarosa, Curt 116 Visone, Michael 58, 59, 133, 160, 168, 173 Vu, Richard 116,161


Wallace, Andrew, 84,132, 183 Walsh, Connor 116 Walsh, Elizabeth 105 Walsh, Kate 26, 27, 86, 131 Walsh, Laz 105 Ward, David 116 Ward, James 74,' 116 Ward, Matthew 33, 39, 40,67, 123 Ward, Paul 132 Watkins, Jeffrey. 168, 173 Weakley, Thomas 132, 133 Weimroer, Paul 136, 169,173 Weinberg, Daniel 89, 56,' 1231 Wekwert, Matthew 36,116' West, Mitchell 169, 173 Whelan, Francis 116





OUTREACHFirst Row.AlexanderPugliese, ThomasDWessio, PieroIberti,DaoidGarda, DavidMeiloch; SecondHo'ti'. JomaPoimentilla, JamesBraddock, KwinHMlotf, Steeen Erickson, Marc Cortez, Justin Ramim; Third Row: Sean Byrnes, Justin Ortiz. Daniel Weinberg, DanielBuder, RaymondPasuco,AlexanderSenators, RolandZemla.Alexander Candle, andGilbertoEstupinan,

X-Y Xu, Rihua 124 Yager, Stephen 10, 116 Yager, Theodore 34, 132 Yang, Eric 93, 170, 173 Yap,Joseph Matthew 116 Yap, Joseph Michael 132' Yasneski, Alexander 40, 116 Yasneski, Anthony 73, 132 Yost, Erma 22,85,132,150 Yun, Barton 52j 316,143


Zadroga, Richard 40,41,116 Zaki, Raphael 3, 52, 53,132 Zaieski, Mark 43, 56, 116 Zambas, Neophytos 27, 55, 132 Zambas, Spiros 55,116 Zaucha, Thomas 86, 128, 132. 133 Zawistowski, Robert 58, 59,133 Zelisko, Garrett 58, 59, 124 Zemla, Roland 71, 78,132 Zero, Nicholas 58, 59, 124

l l l l i w


2005. 1C an n ot Help But tterly J o y fu l It W as to Guys Come and G oThis a C ore G ro u p o f Prep Men Yqu Men are the U nsunc s an d i Hope yo u NevlS, ; You DO, Y o u r Friend, M uir.

Beyond the Gates

Sr. Frances Duncan, OSF, surrounded .by seniors Alexander Canale, Christo­ pher Monahan, and Murray Connell, leads an Outreach meeting to dis­ cuss the Bronx Christmas Party in December.


during their lunch. During the first academic convocation of the year, which is the first time the incoming freshmen experi足 ence life inside thegates of St Peter's, Mr. Patrick Reidy announces the names, to thebestofhisability, ofthe students who made the honor mil.


S i

geruu t class, including

B e a s fy

Junior William Naughton studies out-

juniors Bryan Bini, Michael Gill, Steoen Iglesias-Figueras, Kevin Guarini, Alan Capinpin, MikaelBorneo, and Brian Dalton were treated to a period of “Turbo Cra­ nium ”and tasty treats.

amidst an indeterminate world. Saint Peter’s is charged with an enormous responsibility of continuing to forge the ever-changing keys to the ever-evolving gates, giving these Prep men, fortunate enough to receive them, everything they require throughout their journey in the ever-changing outside world.

HfMRHH vw *

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‘‘Vtthnja, SfcfcASt fiNGl|S|i;w

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m m

Special Thanks:



o '


w m



Petr ean Co-Editorfrin-Chiefi Philipp Janssen, CJ. Kopec Photography Editors'. Juan Cardenas, C j. Kopec; Associate: Vishnu Nayak Copy Editors : CJ. Kopec, Peter Ligeiro, Ankur Patel Design E ditor. CJ. Kopec Opening/Closing Editors: CJ. Kopec, Peter Ligeiio, Ankur Patel Academics Editors: Valentino Mills, Sanyam Parikh People Editors'. Robert Abud, Mark Cavanagh, Philipp Janssen, CJ. Kopec Senior Editors'. Alexander Canale, Philipp Janssen, Joseph McDonald Athletics Editors'. Daniel Julian, CJ. Kopec, Valentino MiUs Activities Editors'. Robert Abud, Alexander Canale, CJ. Kopec, Joseph McDonald Index E ditor. Christopher Fischer S ta ff: Andrew Anderson, Christopher Barry, Daniel Butler, Kevin Cummings,

Brian Dalton, Hector Flores, Xavier Fuller, Judd Madarang, Fknmnauel Mogire, Jam es Vardakis, A J. Vecellio, and Andrew Wallace.

Special Thanks;


Petrean C J. Kopec H ating Everyone M orning Prayer For the Unborn Reprisal o f the soul... Som brero/Scarf Sin-E-Feed- Them-Oil Relief/The Harddrive A ndy ‘05/Donald‘04 The M anipulator

E ditor Desk Sleeping Barry/Cousin Sharing with Paul Play practice A ir J-U-G M am a-D ukes Workshops/Photoshop The German’s Good English

Ayyye , Aruba, Jamaica, Ten A

Delivery Service A w kw ard Tension Boring Pushover The Ugly Tie/Noose O.C.D., A .A .D .H .D ., Bi-Polar, A.R., A A ., PC (Wrong) Excellent Driver Cousins F leaker Taxi M y Space A nger M anagem ent J u d d is t The Haircut Being a Jew ish N azi “Swimming?** The L ight R a il F a n ta stik e d Yearbook B eating L etters Jesus


J u a n Where are You? P aul’s Wish List M cD onald ’s M etrosexual Massage E ditor M aintenance Com m unications Target Dark Room: The “FUN/W rong ” way Google Game

ISHf 1

Rachele Jock see Jock F t Bstd Crater Face “B itte r Sweet Sympi The Verve RichBoi Louis Vuitton 5s* M m H igh Pants Yodel E ./M . Loving P aul Feeling B ad for... C.J.’s Conscience r00t3d_IN C A ngel H TM L H is Pictures


2 II

The Gossip Speaking H is M ind Goth A sian Slanty I ’s B ad Driver “W hat do you think about...?’: T w in k le


ru The Strut/Bounce The Bubba “D on’t be P ein’ in Here” QC N ext Top Model Target American Idol (Clay) P a u l’s Friend ChickenBones The Inform ant The Podium P aul’s Web Designer M em os Security Editor W ildabeast/L eatherface Becky Fenton rO O tSdJN C No Uterus Eating o ff the M cD ’s Angel H TM L


The PU B

Setting himselfonfire “TheRat” Pub room bowling pins SinrErFeedThem-Oil Drink Game DW I Checkpoint “Out the window” Good Captions Better Headlines


Bowling K n ife Throwing Computers L iking P aul Throwing random things A LL THE TIME!!!!! Frisbees Volleyballs Soccer in different languages P enny/P unched

55 O «

o o m

O Volume LXXXIII of the St. Peter’s Preparatory School Petrean 2005 was printed by HerffJones, Gettysburg, PA. O ut of 184 pages, 16 pages were printed in the four-color process and 16 pages were printed in spot color. The paper stock of the book is Bordeaux Special 100#. The Petrean 2 0 0 5 has a Smyth sewn, rounded and backed vista screen cover utilizing Matte Black material and three applied colors: Black, Silver, and Cadmium Red. Gold foil accent also was utilized in expressing the Petrean 2005 theme, Beyond the Gates. The entire Petrean 2005 was completed with the A dobe Pagemaker 7.0 program on four standard Windows PCs and two laptop PCs in the Poggi Publications Center and in Mr. M uir’s room H-202. All body copy is in lOpt AHJ Baskerville; caption copy is 8pt AHJ Cheltenham Condensed Light; photo credits are in 6pt AHJ Cantilly Ultra Black; sub-headlines are either in 24pt or 36pt AHJ Bergamo Small Caps or AHJ Opus Small Caps; headlines are in 48pt AHJ Harold. Photos in the book were taken mostly by staff m em bers or the m oderator, as well as by Davis Studio, and were developed entirely by Davis Studio of M amaroneck, NJ, and Grove Photo of Jersey City, NJ. T he press ru n for the Petrean 2 0 0 5 was 1,075 copies at a cost of approximately $40,000. The book was financed entirely by contributions from the school. The books were delivered during the second week of May 2005. Special thanks from the m oderator to Kevin Cuddihy, Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ., Jim Collins, Pat Reidy, Ken D andorph, Rob Nodine, Dave Bailey, Ginny Needham-Doyle, Rich Hansen, Fr. Tony Azzarto, SJ., Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, Grace Gualario, M ary Finn, Cecilia Collins, Kristine Spano, Chaz Crosby, Rachel W ortman, the Switchboard, Maintenance, all other faculty and staff of St. Peter’s Prep, Ellen Stahli, Caren Aronson, Linda Mauss, Jerry Wagner, all the parents of staff members, the Board of Trustees, Jo h n and D ebra Muir, and to the m oderator’s best friend in the whole world, M egan A. Marcus, who supports and guides him in his life.

F a th e r. B r o th e r / “I can say without hesitation that no man has ever had a greater influ­ ence on Prep students than Father Anthony Azzarto, SJ. He is inviting and amiable towards all, and he prob­ ably knew your name before you knew his. He is a friend to everyone and many, myself included, think of him as a brother, a father, or, certainly, as a friend for life. . I first encountered Father Azzarto in my freshmen year, as I was fortu­ nate enough to have him as my Reli­ gion teacher. He seemed a little odd, with his wispy hair and his excessive, friendly yelling. His room was quite distractingwith the numerous posters, old projects, and, of course, pictures. Ithad the smell ofstale Emmaus chips and I had the overwhelming feeling that I was in a garage hangout rather than a classroom, and that is the way he wantedyou to feeLFather was and is not and a conventional teacher; in feet, I believe our first assignmentwas toleam the names ofthe otherpeople in our class. It was a unique idea, but I understood he was creating both a dass and a community at the same time. Thisis exactlyhowFathershaped Prep students as a whole; he made us into a community. Not only did Father connect with us inhis classes, buthe also connected with students outside of school. I re­ member going to Varsity Baseball games before ever coming to Prep,

& F rie n d Sfly

Anthony Azzarto, SJ. com­ mences the eeryem ony;(isjshis custom, at the Baccalaureate mass for !he Class o f2005. Through­ out the year, Fr. , Azzarto often be­ gan the school lit­ urgies K ith words of wisdom and advice. Father gam these words of guidance for thelasttimetothe Class o f2005 in hopes that they take his words with them, 'be-/ yond the gates of Prep and out into the world.

■ i|


seeing him there every time, but never actuallygivingmuch thoughtto his pres­ ence. Then, when I came to Prep, I realized that he went to every game he could. It is amazing that one man can do all that Father has done; besides his teachingresponsibilitiesand goingtomost sporting events, Fathermanaged to lead weddings and baptisms for former stu­ dents and their children. Father never failed to astonish students by being as compassionate as he possibly could, going to every wake for each lost rela­ tive in the Prep community. I also had that bittersweet feeling last year when my grandmother passed away. It was a

difficult time for me, but when I sawthatFatherwas compassionate enough to attend her wake I was practically speechless. I was awe­ struck to see him; Ijust found itto be so amazingthathe would come there to see how I was doing and to give his respects to someone he did not knowpersonally. Finally, Father Azzarto is most associated with the amazing expe­ rience that he runs and is synony­ mous with: Emmaus. While every Emmaus experience is different, everyone who made Emmaus, both student and adultalike, would

agree thatitwas tremendous, because of our amazingleader on the trip, Fa­ ther Azzarto. Emmaus willforever be extraordinary, but it willnever be the same as when Father was there, creat­ ing the awe-inspiring atmosphere that filled the air and invoking that inde­ scribable feeling that one feels while there. FatherAzzarto is responsible for helping us all to open up and feel like a femily. Father’s effect on the Rep community can never be matched by anyone and he sorely will be missed by everyone in the Prep community. I owe my Prep experience to him; it will not truly be Prep with him gone.” Junior CJ. Kepec

Beloved Father Anthony Azzarto, S.J.


St r ik in g Sw in g e r s The Varsity Baseball team broke all expectations with an extraordi­ nary 24-3 season filled with numerous accolades. The team was led by key players seniors Charles Comprelli, Michael Brown, and captain Nicholas Criaris under the seasoned watch of Coach Joe Urbanovich, who achieved his 500th win during the season. The team’s strong bond, camaraderie, and determination carried them far during the season. The team enjoyed a successful season with three crucial victories against county foe Bayonne by a combined score of 32*8, as well as early comeback wins against Delbarton (3-2) and S t Rose (Belmar) (75). The team’s heart and never-give-up attitude pushed them to achieve the County Championship, helped by wins against foe Hudson Catholic (7-6) and Memorial (4-2), and solidified by the North Bergen success, during which Prep scored five runs in the sixth inning to win 5-1 and avenged their only county loss of the year. The team’s strength led them to earn the #1 seed in both the County Tournament and the Parochial A North State Tournament Despite a loss in the State Tournament to Roselle Catholic in the 2nd round, the team achieved both county and statewide success and enjoyed a season never to be forgotten. Senior Patrick Blaney noted, “You could feel something special about this team, and I hope everyone understands how special this year was, when they look at our record and see that we brought the Counties back to where it belongs.” The team was together through the thick and the thin; as senior Charles Comprelli added, “The odds were against us and we proved everyone wrong.”

J u n io r William T o rres catches a 11\ i |/i [f driveand slictesst 'flu T O m akes throw to firstbase:

M u ir s k i

FIRST ROW (L-R); Kevin Barber,Chariest Comprelli, Daniel' | Urbanovich, Ryan O'Grady, KevinGuarini, Stephen Capetola;SEC­ ONDROW(L-R): Coach Kevin Weridptowski, Michael McGovern, \ IWilliamTorres, Martin.Hogan, MichaelBrown. DaaidBellotti, Lance Gomes, Coach Joseph Urbdnodich;THIRD ROW(L-R):| Timothy ;Cunhirighorn, WadeMorris, PatrickBlaney, MarkDolaghari, Chris­ topherBligh, NicholasCriaris, Michael Visone, aridAndrewBooth.


Varsity Baseball

Senior Patrick Blaney nar­ rowly avoids being hit by the I wild pitch I from Bayonne. During the sea­ son, j Prep j b ea t j their county foe with a com­ bined score of 32-8.:

Senior Michael \Visone scoops, up f/l| ball during a series of intense whrM ups beforeagame. As key Ist basernqM Visone helped with many victotieM

Sdphomare Michael Lane, readies


Wfi WdSoif

H ftftl ifrepdeieglM\ihii by ascoreof 12-5: \

Following in the footsteps of the Varsity Baseball squad, the TV Baseball team; experienced innumerable successes. With a prom­ ising 193 season and a County Championship to call their own, I the JV Baseball team showed veritable promise for a triumphant future of IVcp baseball. The team was led by sophomores Brian. Urbanovich, Daniel Vecehiarelli, Nicholas Lalumia, arid Michael Lairg* who contributed: greatly to the team’s spirit and morale throughout the season..Interestingly,jthe team practiced on a field only a few times during the season;;despite the limited practice space, |the group of young player's witnessed many triumphs. } \ Coach Carmen Spina felt pride for his team saving that they "stepped it up when it cburited.” In these imporuuit moments, the team always enjoyed their time together, and beau no really close ■throughout the season. :The friendships off die field encouraged a strong bond;on the j field dial helped the ;team in ikey victories. Sophomore Brian Urbanovich corroborated, “If someone made a mistake, the rest of the team would pick them up.” With this formula for success, they were able; to overtake teams like Memo­ rial (144), Delbarton (12-11), and, ultimately, rival Hudson Catho lie (12-5) in the Hudson (bounty finals. As a result of tire Hudson Catholic win, the team earned a 1st place finish at the Hudson County Qiaches tFounaament;Ari impressive victory came when, down 37, the team came back to win against Memorial 8-7. j , j 'Hie l'reslunan Baseball team did not enjoy tlie same sucasss as the Varsity and JV squads, but gained valuable experience

Freshman Daniel LiVolsi gets tagged put ok W way \ to second base. LiVolsi played Shortstop and 2nd j tydk during the season<j I

FIRSTROWQjK)i<joadiMidiael \ Wilson, John puVal, Daniel \ IW km Wtik Bellini, Patrick! IParrelI, Sean Folger, Brian Dye, j WidfaelRuzek, PatrickMcGrath; SECONDROW(t-R): CodfhJo\keph\Riprdan, p jii Ahdre$ ; Trinidadi TerrenceO'Neill, 01!mm Grapstiil, Thomas Wile, | p,chard Zadroga, •Joseph | fyoucher,JosephMurphy, Samuel j pokus, andCoachWilliamPyan.

FIRST ROW (1,-R): John Ferri, hseph Acallone, Brian Urbarwoich, Andrew Cebascp, Daniel Vecehiarelli: Dodglcis SQn(jidconto,:. Cohn SECOND ROW (I.-K): Carmen

Unut \^nM m m m cj


1pchay, Michatl Lang, Eric Morgan Michael j j Vilardo, Dave Finn, and Coach Anthony Cardiao.

JV & Freshman Baseball 187


V a l ia n t V o l l e y s

”wr Carl Kraus jujpi/br a game w ii 11 nin g sp ih i


to a 79-game winning slreaii, j

The Varsity Volleyball team saw a tremendous season with a ; record of 24-2; making it the most successful team in Prep history, thereby extending their reputation as a team to watch in coming years, The team was led! by captains seniors CJ- DiGiacomo, JoshuaJohn, and Gregory Steward, who greatly helped motivate . the: team to; a: 79igame winning streak in the county, moreover, the team went undefeated in Hudson County during the season. The team also proved1victorious in becoming the County Champions for the fourth consecutive year, upon defeating Me­ morial. They also participated in the Clifton Tournament (2nd), the Livingston Tournament (3rd), and the St. Peter’siPrep Tourna­ ment (2nd). Garnering such successes, the squad was die only one from Hudson County to advance to the State Tournament In addition to accolades for being 1st place in Hudson County, the team earned 9th plaice in NewJersey,: which made the squad the most; successful in Prep’s volleyball history. SeniorJoshuaJohn noted, “We continued our county dominance as well as estab­ lished ourselves as an elite team in the state. Our performance in tournaments [was] the best in Prep histoiy; it was fun.” With guid­ ance from Mr. Don Guide and Ms. Melissa Mueller,; the virtually undefeated team ended their season on a high note when senior DiGiacomo was; selected as the NewJersey Player of the Week.; TheJV Volleyball team also dominated the court with a record of 194, including a win over the state-ranked^Hunterdon Central, Despite! consisting of only freshmen and: sophomores, the team


Freshmpfl Stefan Pa crouches for a bump aid by| captain sophomo Stanley, Gqsiewski, wi ■serded as a r e v / n f l s I blocker for. the JV squaa I JAC

FIRST ROW (L-R): Gregory Steward, Charles DiGiacomo, Joshua John; SECOND ROW(LR): Robert \ Cole, IKevin McNerrtey\ Henry Bolanie, Brian Real- Coach Donald Guide; THIRD ROW (L-R): Coach Melissa Mueller, Joshua Flores, Matthew Whitford, Yuri Czmolq; and Allen Catbqgan. ■


Varsity & J V Volleyball

FIRST ROW(L-R): Coach Midi : DeC(ktrq; 'SECOND ROW(jU I l^alt^Sta^y^etetJimen^^kn i Bona/e, j Jeffrey j CdmppfibM THIRD ROW (L-R): Metqn, '■Yasneski) Anthony Tello, MattA Gonzales, David Mpncrief.i I Paul,MarcCarhpoipanes; FOOI ROWi i j : Jerry Sqntey, [Ni^fn DeBenedcctis. Benjamin Brenn* 1 Justin Ramirez, andAnthony Pc

franker sophytrtore Anthony \ yathahski thunders down the pitch towards the try zone. The team saib Iti first year as a recognized sport.

Su per Scrum s In the first yeair that the Rugby team received acknowledge : trient as a varsity:sport, the group showed their potential with an impressive record of 3-1j despite facing three; cancellations. Led by:) captain senior Timothy Brown and with the; help of flanker junior; Brendan Bartosiowicz. 2nd row senior Thomas Kelley Kemple. and outside center senior Richard Baron, die Prep Rugby team achieved their biggest triumphs;oyer Kingston With a score; of -t,> 0 and East Islip with a score of 14-10.; i ; The team's stilling victories established them as the holders of ; a 3rd place title in Division II of the New York, Connecticut, arid New Jersey area. The team took pride in their powerful offense and vigilant defense, infused by their coaches, Mr. Michael Fletcher and Ms. Kaija DeWitt, who led them in grueling daily training that: carried them tlirough a team-defining season: and managed to keep them near the top of the division. The individual players; Were part of more than an extraordi­ nary team; they formed undeniably close friendships. Fly-half se­ nior Philip Dacchille felt honored to be on the team, staling that it! was “the tightest and most talented team I have had the privilege; of playing with these past three years.” He appreciated his team for the “blocxl, sweat and team.” Junior Ryan Loftus summated, “Rugby is awesome. It is a perfect way to get out your anger.” j ; j

p sssfsp i


8 -m a n j it h i o r Padraic ]Fr\i e l catches litre bail land pre­ pares p \c r a s h into the jKingston \ fullback;

iV iA j | U 4 4 > H j W W & P i

FIRSTROW(LRj: £nb Pw-teJmari. plomas!Ri>seti WilliamDundee

■SchniidfT i H u k f t j over to \ : R)iHackDo. FrondsRommo. tricPennino, Aider/ CunMnghim, Mark

W 93S& f^ nnunCI

; determi\ n a tio n ' led to a : shutout i I m ttb r if '.

; W ll i f j

PuiipOoxrt*. «>«! tcAs'WlRD ROW M .C«.Afc»»i ; score pfi protect the bait as scnim- : halfjunior WiUiopi Greb 1Fletcher, Michael Sherry, Henderson Colei XimQtny Broun. Wichael W Jy \ QspGidib. /ridicrt!ilam. F'nitir&StftnMtrFOURTHROW"^R'cAW goes topick Itiip. Astrpng. offenkoe startguaranteed a' !Fih^qndC&rinlyc^t.] I | win for the team, j j

P r iv il e g e d P l a y e r s

! The Varsity Lacrosse team finished the season with a record of 12-8- proving to be the team’s best year yet With the guidance of Coach Mr. Peter Fusari, the team made their first ever 2nd round appearance in the suae playofls. defeating Edison in the 1st round, but ultimately beingjdefeated by Shawnee. Before advancing to the playofls. the team garnered 1st place in the Hudson County Championship, while retaining. undefeated in the county. I With;13 departing seniorsfas the backbone iof this team, the squad produced phenomenal results. Winning the offensive VI\'P for a second consecutive year, senior Bradley Keating scored 93 . points,; and held the Prep record for most points: in a single season. On defease the team was led by senior Brian leaner Who finished the season with 263 saves. Senior Bradley Keating remarked. “We really outdid ourselves this year, even with some serious injuries to players.” The team played hard, but still had fun. Senior Keating stimmaled best when he said, “We put the lax in relax.” TheJV Lacrosse team demonstrated; promise with ail encour­ aging &9 record Although the team had numerous young play' j ears, they had several victories, including wins over Bergen Calho lie and West Orange. Despite a less-than perfect record,, many of the young players stepped up at the end of the season to finish strong.Juniors Michael Gill and Connor Purcell offered,: “It was a pleasure to play with everyone on the team.”

M uirski

Jun io r Michael Sweehey. accepts a p erfect pi a s k

from a te a m B B fj U f i

fensioe success led to 12 pm to- p r i k\$ 11j which is j i a c the mOSt FIRST ROW (lsR):Wtlliam Cany; ChristopherCrtnoeiy, James Shalhoub, Julian Ortiz, u ljiJ .jiJ .J

ever won ■ b \ ' PreD

*f j

Bren/lan Bryant, Matthew V&ga. MatthewJoseph Yap, Kyle GeheKlil, JoshuaJlanidRecobs,

<Biy^M i^yhewc,^a«}^2^,'l)ytanM cM ohon,iM ^BIancha^,i< ^ ’p^id,JpnM 'ticdolp;

SECOND ROW (U?): OwJ i ftoul Giorgio, fr. Mldiael Hoag, SJ.. CoQcfi Shallack Joseph \ i j ^dtt/^Mulipy, Timothy fyripey, ^dtot B^c&nann, ityafi Matilty, j . : Ellington Arnold, Stepheit Morphy, Co/in Mdrgfin] Gregory Mdrrrss^y; PotiiCurrni, Alex; Jes»;&n/o»o;THIRDROW(UR): kchae! Su^eriey;Gary!m>itL MlliariStieridan, . lap Bemruclie, •Jtq.i/i Sylts, Stephen McDonald, Frtwds i'ailon, Matthew Gordon, Nicholas j !RBblecki,JqhyapXbtis, JotiaViari Schirripa, Scdtt ftogty.: Brian Laaer. Raphael Gemity, \ ■ i i GlennAndmiTaian. ChristOpiierKaatingiJeffrfy Wr^n&McolaSPetez, tfe&iitierSinkore,j ; Coach Christopher Hauler. and Coach Peter Fusori, j


190 Varsity & J V Lacrosse \ \

Defender senior Stephen McDonald scoops up the] ball to pass to a teammate who scores another goal against DePaui Catholic. j \

Sophomore Joseph Muzyczyn catche the ball despite the tight defense < j the opposing team, The yqung J squad gained oaluQble experieh.ce t take with them for future seasons\ ! I

T rem en d o u s T ennis

The Tennis| team set: high expectations for a Tournament The team went on ,to be 1st place in memorable season' and,:through Hard work and Hudson County, in both the regular season and in Strong!support,: won the 'County; Championship!. the County Tournament, arid Was seeded 4th in the1 Riled with seasoned veterans, the team demonstrated State Tournament,; but lost in the first round to Seton Fl;tll Prep, Coach Ms. Kristine Spario reflected, expedience that helped: them to a 182 record; With:a slightly rocky start: agai^t rival squads, the “The iteam! was made:up of the jnicest: and most; team remained determined. However, in no time at courteous bunch of athletes you! could find;” Senior Matthew Gelchion surnmarized, “This all, they were regarded as the “team to beat.” as they won key matches against once troublesome oppo­ ■Was easily; the most enjoyable of my four years...to nents.! They defeated Bayonne (3-2) for the first time finally come through was very,satisfying.” Seniors since 2001 in regular season play and then again in Gelchion, Kevin Kronyak, and Justin Smitiano were the County Championship.:They also;clinched the exemplary leaders who, according! to Coach Spano, match against North Bergen •(4-1) jtpj avenge their “fostered a serrse of fraternity among all members,” only county loss in the semifinals of the County which undoubtedly led to the team’s great success. FIRST ROW {I.-R); Coiich !! KrkiiW\ Spano, ■ §§§1! pher Edelmann, Matthew; I j Gelchion. Jeffrey, Q l t l !

kkr(iqks,ttdtks racj/i tfifffafl | hi$\d/ia\fekgk‘!l\rhqtcM j | \%d\ singles, .spnihr Matthew j p'elmdri | stmkewinner. Gelchion finished tie 1AC


h h

j I Chaudha'ry. j Coach John Fenitck, SECOND ROW j : (L-R): JamesMiggins, ]Tho-

I idsjsM u liU d M i d <H 19-1. j i j

IIIrtajsl\MklMkk%\ ]C


j 1 1 Al&iftfidftr

l| W bfc j$4rjij 3 ! and Justin Sahiidnd, i i j V ) 9_________ :


Cfplain senior Thomas \ Junior Louis. Hat.t takes a Gibney iepi/s the, ^44 py\ ! j beingmder parloranother \ j hiA team become Hiidsqn

iu > / jftir’4

tidfif ih hxfier\$rif'e\ and ught-hearted Ww-\ ■f



■ |





:: tinder the leadership of captains seniors Edward Gardner and Thomas Gibney, the Golf team produced their best sea­ son yet, finishing the season with a record of 9-7. 1 The team had numerous key victories, including the match against Seton Hall, in which Prep won by only three strokes i on their home course. The team demonstrated excellent chem­ istry! brought about by Junior Raymond Smith, whose con­ stant jokes and dever words of wisdom! kept the team in good spirits. Coach Mr. Douglas Sanford commented, “This was the best team I have ever coached,” Just shy of the NJISSA :tournament by one or two wins, the Golf team managed to defeat riva|s Bayonne and I ludson Catholic, making them the |#1-Golf team in Hudson:County. : Juniors Louis Hart and John Pflug commented, “We're very happy with the season and look forward to next year. We’re also hoping to make a run at the State; Tournament” With! the solidarity and joviality on the course, the Golf team showed potential to be a promising contender on the links.


Tennis/Golf 191

S p l e n d id S pr in t e r s

Emerging yet again as a dominant force in Hudson County athletics, the Outdoor Track team managed a 2nd place seat in the county and yet another City Championship. Led by captains senior Sebastian Fidelus and juniorJohn IJancza, the team triumphed in the face of adversity. With rising talent from the underclassmen, leadership from the seniors, and a strong sens? of pride, this year’s team was able to: Weather, a tumultuous; season. Of significant im­ portance was their achievement at the Penn Relays, a competition held:at the University of Pennsylva­ nia; the all-star 4x4 team succeeded by taking a 2nd place finish at this prestigious and challenging meet Despite Several; setbacks, in lieti of both injury and FIRSTROW(IrH;: W

sickness, the team managed :to salvage their season: with determination and spirit Senior Sebastian Fidelus became the 8(X)m county champion, junior Richard Myrlak became the 400m hurdle county champion, and sophomore Ted Doyle, earned the 1600m; county championship. Captain senior Sebastian Fidelus posited, “Although we didn’t have as great a season as we hoped.,.we experienced great individual success, f It was because of such victories that the team rallied to beat Hudson Catho­ lic and Ferris, thereby retaining their title as city cham­ pions. Coach Mike Burgess explained the outcome of the season: fTVe never been more proud of a team; at times we fell apart, but we still fought hard.”


Whitehead, Adrian. Martin; SEC­ OND ROW(L-R): Coach Tyrone Pittsi Brian Banhoii,j John i Llaneza, bang Adams, Michael Krohn, Charles Gregory, PeterDrummond, Daniel Tomassi, j film'stp'phdr \ -Healyi j fym im Weinberg, Matthew Meehan, j TJieodore Doyle, Coach Michael Burgess; THIRD ROW(L-R): chard Myrlak, James Winn, Dou­ glas Barone, Daniel Path, mas Fitzpatrick, !andSebastian Fidelus.;

Oncfe again,; Prep showed signs of its immense gen­ erosity by raising over $45,000 for the Mission Drive. The collection was made possible by die time and en ergy contributed by the members of the Mission Drive Com m ittee, which was directed by Mr. R obert Zawistowski. Money was collected ever)' morning dur­ ing homeroom, and every afternoon the Mission Drive Committee diligently counted the morning collection. Dress-down days encouraged students to contribute. Jun­ ior Nilesh Parikh commented, “It doesn’t seem like it would be fun. but it’s just a group of guys talking about irrelevant stuff and at the same time giving something back to the community.’’ The money wais sent off to the Jesuit Development Office, which distributed the money to various Jesuit missions throughout the world. These j men truly demonstrated theJesuit ideals by contributing their time in an effort to help others. :

192 Outdoor Track/Mission Committee;

Sophomore Thomas Fitzpatrick fin­ ishes strong in his leg of the 4x400 relay\while sophomore Theodore Doyle waits on the sideline; Ij Sophomore Matthew Meehan closes in on opposition during his relay |

\JUhjQr\s\ Patrick \ Israel, Jonathan Matamoros, and Michael Sweeney wrap bills after finishing the count for the day. | ; j

Senior Lionel Abdppl, \Mr. Robert Zawistowski, and junior Patrick Israel count change after a successful dtess-down dcty‘ j :

On the clarinet, juniors Patrick] i Oprhey jj and Stephen McDermott play a delightful Broadway tune

Freshm an ! Alexander Yasneski warms aphis bass clarinet Mr. Caslqwitz en­ sured the performance was

B-Way B last

mm !

I f t)n Aprfl 8th, the Jazz Band, Chorus, iind Concert Baud performed in thte anriual Spring Concert, “A Night of Broad­ way,which featured music from the Great ;White: Way.fThe I award-winning Jazz Band played tunes such as “Minnie the; Moodier,” “Birdland.” and:“Fancy Pants,." Soloists induded iseiiibrs Kevin Dugan. Ralph Gerraty, juniorsJustin Kraivanger, Ixirenzo Rafer, ;and Jonathan Treble, and sophomore Piero Iberti. ITic recently formed Chorus, under the direction of Mr. William Richert, sang show tunes like “Luck be a Lady” from Guys and Dolls and “Seasons of Love” from Rent. IThe Concert Band performed last, playing selections from Broadway musicals such: as Bamum, My Fair Lady, South Pa­ cific, | and two other pieces that were performed at a band competition in Washington. I).C. President;Senior Michael Lampariello said, “ ITie concert: was great Wn played interest­ ing music and our hard work paid off.” Band Director Mr. Steve Oaslowitz commented, “The Band sounded better than ever. Everyone: enjoyed the great music.” The concert con* eluded with an encore of “Mambo Hot” by the Jazz; Band.



with M aadia Sie m to''Hand Mk :'

FOURTH ROW(L-R): William IhontpsQn. CbrisI iopheif Hethekn^Um. Fran Kepm', Hectir Flores.


O n the second and third weekends of May, Prep’s proudest performers took to the stage in the year’s spring musical, Grease. Directed by Mr. James Dondero and his daughter Ms. Lisa Dondero, the production featured a large cast that truly was dedicated to the show. Mr. Dondero commented, ‘Joyful collaboration and enthusiastic support from die community helped to make Grease the most successful musical in Prep history.” The actors practiced for weeks to memorize their lines and to mas te r: all their dance moves. Junior Stephen McDermott, as Rydell Iligh’s very own nerd ,

Eugene, said of his experience, “The show was so much fun and I think it really showed through each of our performances.” With the help of the Stage Crew, led by Mr. Charles Crosby and Mr. Robert Ilymas. students built the set, featuring the infamous Greased Light­ ning, and aptly established the mood for each scene. Sophomore Will Thompson portrayed Danny Zuko, who captured the heart of Sandra Dee, played by Serena Holloman, as the duo lead in this upbeat, musical love story, The par­ ticipants, who thoroughly enjoyed their time together, found it extremely difficult to let go.

G rease\s th e W o r d Spring Concert/Musical 193

teachers. Teachers went out oftheir way to ensure that the students had the mostmemorable experience possible. From an exclusion to Great Adventure, to a New York City outing' to viewI\gmalum, and to a trip down memory lane about experiences in the Vietnam War, IVep Day offereda varietyof both entertainment and edification to students.; One of the many new trips offered this year was a fun filled day at Hershey Park, oiganized by Mr. Charles Crosby and Mr. David Muir. It was one of the largest trips, consisting of 48 people ready for whatever the day would bring. Juniors Andrew Anderson. Robert Abud. C.J. Ko|)e<'. ;uid Stephen \l<Denno!t all agreed that riding the n )!lercoasteis in Hershey Park was "the most fun we've ever had with atcadien it was awesome!” like m;uiy other sudi adventures. new memories and inside jokes among students and teadiers.were created onjust such, a trip. : ..CWher activities.mdudedMr..GiiegoryBoyle’s whitewater rafling.: adventure, Fr. John Mullin, S.). ;md Ms. Marie Curry's evening at the opera Turandot, Mr. Scot I lovan and Ms. Melissa Mueller's trip to Physics Day at Great Adventure, and Ms. Rachel Wortman’s tnp to Geoffrey Colbert s exhibition. Ashes andSnow. Other students opted to attend a self-defense class run by Ms. Adele IjeCalvez and Ms. Kathleen RowanJunior Stephen McDermottreflected upon past Prep Days as he noted, “Prep Day has been a wonderful opportunity to gain new friends, not only through fellowclassmates. but also through the teadiois that go on these activities with us.” For many, PrepDay proves to be the higlilight of each sdiool year ai it is simply a day to relax to have fun, and to appreciate die

BorleC Riding ike. itnees on the annua! VthiieujuterRaftinq Trip. Mr. John Morris. Mr. Benjamin Ihtiak. Mr.

W i




Eli unth Annual AitExhibit was well rece and teachers who arriveden masseto offerthen eatand mo'-italentedartists. Parents marveleda t l irk and dedic a n lu <leabvitv as several “/ didn't know you

coulddo that’s" echoed throughout the library on Sunday. May 15. S. Ms. Elina Yost and Ms. Megan Klim reveled in the resound :ing.success::of:tteir;day. Ms. Yostiwas.espedallypleasedthatMs... Klim's first Art Exhibit proved to be such a success: “Itgets bigger: and bettereveiyye® this ye^more thanever! Lastyearwehad 50: framed pieces, and tliis year we h;id about 70," boasted Ms.Yost. Students expressed their inner artist by using charcoal, oil and tempera painty day, and other innovative tools and media to create masterful artworks. Senior Vincent Chianca, along with being in diarge of promotion for the exhibition’s openingday. showed three very different pieces in tlx- exhibition. He marveled aitlie “contin ued hard work of the students and art teachers.” Ms. Ana Garcia akowas astonished by.the students’“abilityto:culture human emo tioiLSin such a moving way; they’re like professional artists!” M u ir s k i


miRglewithparerits-andfnends at the

z&£EsMtit3mi£immimej&ewtz B orn eon

FIRST R0W(!.R): Louis Hart, Alejandro Fernandez; SF.C0ND ROW(l^fr~W£linetMed;.Mi:kaet~Hortieo; THIRD R0W(L-R';. NabU

XlptctuM^M.'KaWdf.'Z in w ttihern:FranteiM$~

MeWtlieMa^MSu^: tifui sites that the stu-

'MMM/SMteWetC.: ReedM

ingabroad in France. ~

During spring break, students and teachers from both Prep and St. Dominie’s Academy traveled to the Provence region of France to fulfill the second half of the exchange program with the Institution Sainte Marie La SeyneSur-iVIer. Students from this school attended Prep during the previous year. The paiiidpants visited many sites, including le Palais dcs Papes, a former papal residence in and the cathedral Node Damee de la e quaint The g^oup also visitedthe s shoppifigin BandoL ed, the visit



Michael Haas.

was that the American students became completely immersed in both the French language and culture. 'Ihey stayed with French host families and experi­ enced French schcjol life for a few weeks with many of the friends they had made in the previous year. Junior Michael Reed commented, “I thought it was a great experience.The French host families were very welcoming.” jrer^i_^diC T m dm od_ erator ofthe Raich Exchange, Mr.Jeffrey Beaudette offered, “You cannot put a price tag on the value of the experience fen-the students. For two weeks they could be immersed in the culture, something that cannot be done in the dassroom.” —

nan McCabe oliered his re % ^ v I symbolic meaning.;Mg McCabe instructed that die ring serves as a symbol of three different ideas: gratitude to all those who have assisted the ring wearer; a, promise to family, friends, and teachers that the ring wearer has made U) himself; and, more simply, faith. After Mr. McCabe’s reflection, Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J. consecrated tlie lings and presented them to juniors. Upon receipt of the rings, students reveived a special bless­ ing from current and former faculty. The blessings continued : once the ring ceremony concluded; Fr. Azzarto. S.J.. invoked a special sanctification to these now rising seniors. Juniors and their families felt further blessed when, afterwards, they were treated to a generous reception in die cafeteria where students mingled with faculty,.friends, and familymembers.Junior Mark Cavanagh commented,. “It was an enjoyable way to show our transition from junior to senior year.’’

JM ftb 3rtan J U t dW ■wordiMd:corapare:rings after thejunior Ring Mass. FIRSTROW(L-R): Eamon Hgrtnett, ", MartrnHipluns,JayPatel, EricCirinp, ' $teoen-Rizm,Henry€reenfiefd;'Atbert— - McWilliamsIII;Fr.James Keenan;SJt; SBCONDROW(LrR): Louis DiPaola, VincenzoAverdlo;THIRD ROW(IrR); —~ MrKevinCuddBiy^JosephHolder, ’. r~ MexanderYasnesMJames Ward, Chris-

H uirsH i

Freshmen.Benjamm Brenneis.:Dat: Nguyen, andPeter LeBronjointheir-


"topfiiir McNulty* M thpiiy Gidnndbile,. andChristoph#Hethenngton:


On Friday, May 13, 15 freshmen received an important and prestigious honor at the Outstanding Freshman ceremony in .St. Peter's Church. Presi­ dent Fr.James Keenan, S.J. and Principal Mr. Kevin Cuddihy distributed the awards and certificates to each student while Mr.John Irvine read aloud the characteristics that described each student who re­ ceived the honor. Mr. Walter Koszyk. who teaches several sections of freslnnan English, and always has oyed teaching IVep freshmen, spoke of his own hman ejqierience as a student at St Peter’s Pirep, specifically relaying the day that the spirit offtep him when he visited his mother at home after

- PfincipalKeuinCuddihypresenls— an OutstandingFreshman Award to ' ■ freshman Joseph Holder.

school one day during His freshman year. The Prep spirit also truly enlivened the recipients at the ceremony. Many of the 15 freshmen felt sur­ prised by the award bestowed upon them; still, it was no coincidence that several of the chosen stu­ dents held leadershippositions O n the athletic field, in the academic realm, or, more simply, proved a visible and viable presence around Prep. Freshman Christopher Hetherington was “humbled by the ex­ perience,” perienee,” especially ' knowing that his classmates had nominated him. To condude the ceremony Fr. An­ thony Azzarto, SJ. blessed all the freshman as they celebrated what he called “their own special day.”

To day 's T o m o rro w


Muiphy-Colonna. All attending seniors reveled in illeft night ofpleasiirr at the WvstinountC(mnIfry Qiib ifi West Paterson, NJ. “The promwas; a lot more than I expected, and 1was on the Prom Committee," ::exdaimed'senior Juan Cardenas! “It was so beautiful to sit outside on the amazing garden terrace watching the sun set that evening," he added about the pipm. 'Ihe extravaganza began at 7 p.m. as so niois arrived in their limousines and streamed intothe countryclub’s “Mcxfciil”Hour 1xnuige. The mocktail hour allowed for socializing and introducing of dates while the guests enjoyed

Other highlights ofthe eveningincluded senior Alejandro Melendezs performance ol " IhrillCT.” wliich earned him a spot in the dance contest, llie presetitalion of two slideshows, one showingdailyltop iife. and thp-nthprhighlightingthe entire prom ex-: :::p:erience.fhnou^i:ainontage.ofphotDS,:and-. the incredible sounds beatingfromdie 1){s’ rousing records, all ofwhich made for an; mjoyabletime..SraorViiiDel)intndiought. “The prom was die culmination of my Prep career. We were all comfortablebeing -ourselves around teacheis...andgirls!” -


M uirski

~ —, i f


Kmtinf:and:Fmnd$ Fallon mWjeto the meilow beati ofDave Matthews during a Seniofs Vlncent CkiancQ and Thomas ■next song ok the DJs menu of songs.

As Prep juniors pulled up in limousines and strolled into the The Landmark Hotel’s banquet hall in East Rutherford, NJ, on (lie night of the annual Junior Prom, each tuxedoed, or sometimes kilt-clad, attendee began introducing his date to both faculty and classmates. The evening of Friday, April 22 be gan with a social hour, which included the profes­ sional photos of each couple, and quickly led into the buffct-stvie dining as friends gathered to sit at the pastel-colored tables. When dinner ended, and the music began, attendees flooded the dance floor to enjoy die sonorous beats with friends, new and old. Some highlights of die evening included the

spectacle ofthe entire class grooving on a crowded dance floor to “The Cha€ha Slide,” and the perfller” byjuniors Andrew AnderThe entire night was amazfloorwith the spotlight recalledjunior Andert (he stage for an even

■■ ■ I

enior Prom

F in a l l y G

o in


:ne Merenti Aw Lotional Rodino’s ap

■ W

■ M mrcoi


I iH







127TH C o m m e n c e m e n t Ex e r c is e s W ednesday, J u Subtect General English History

G old Ankur Patel Ankur Patel Ankur Patel

Math Religion

Ankur Patel Matthew Gelchion


Ankur Patel

French German Italian Spanish

Sanyam Parikh Ankur Patel Adam Muzyczyn Angel Leston, Justin Ortiz *e. a. Michael Sherry Jam es Darley William Carley Ian Bernaiche, Giuseppe Morgana *e.a. Miguel Sandoval

Latin Greek Economics Computer Science A rt



F r a n c i s J . S h a l l o e . S .J . A w a r d M ichael Lampariello

8, 2 0 0 5

n e

S il v e r Michael Ockay Michael Sherry Tim othy Brown, Michael Ockay *e.a. Michael Ockay Daniel Grossano, Alejandro Melendez *e.a. Steven Erickson, Carl Kraus *e.a.


dw ard

J . B l o u s t e in D

Dale Addeo William Carley M urray Connell Steven Erickson Francis Fallon Matthew Gelchion

is t in g u is h e d

Raphael Gerraty Brian Kennedy Carl Kraus Kevin Kronyak M ichael Martini Michael M cGovern

S c w o t .a r s

Adam Muzyczyn Patrick O ’Rourke Michael Ockay Sanyam Parikh Ankur Patel Kevin Styles

Scholar A th lete Aw ards Dale Addeo Patrick Blaney Kevin Chester Joshua Esformes A nthony Facciponte Francis Fallon

Sebastian Fidelus Peter Geary Matthew Gelchion Daniel Hazard Brian Kennedy Carl Kraus

Kevin Kronyak M ichael M cGovern Sean O ’Grady Patrick O ’Rourke Brandon Shipm an

Sp ir it A w a rd s Brett Bums ‘05 Alexander Canale ‘05 Kevin Chester ‘05 Kevin Cummings ‘05 Philip Dacchille ‘05 David Docherty ‘05 Steven Erickson ‘05

Sebastian Fidelus ‘05 Ryan Gelchion ‘06 Thomas Gibney ‘05 Matthew Hladik ‘05 C J. Kopec ‘06 Kevin Kronyak ‘05 Brian Lauer ‘05 N

a t io n a l


e r it

Daniel Libatique ‘06 William McBride ‘05 Joseph M cDonald ‘05 Alejandro Melendez ‘05 Valentino Mills ‘06 Adam Muzyczyn ‘05 Michael Ockay ‘05

S c h o l a r s h ip C

Patrick O ’Rourke ‘05 Ankur Patel ‘05 Julian Pormentilla ‘06 Justin Santiano ‘05 Michael Sherry ‘05 Raymond Smith ‘06 Gregory Steward ‘05

o m p e t it io n

T e s u it S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n A s s o c ia tio n A w a r d Michael Ockay, Ankur Patel *e.a. T o h n E . B r o w n i n g . S.T. ‘ a 6 A w a r d William McBride

Finalists M ichael Bonner Raphael Gerraty Seong Kim Ankur Patel

Com m ended Dale A ddeo William Carley Steven Erickson N

a t io n a l


Matthew Gelchion Brett Guadagnino Brian Kennedy Michael Ockay

c h ie v e m e n t

D ana Adams T e r o m e P e d e r s o n ‘02 A w a r d David Docherty A g a pe Aw a rd Brian Lauer To h n M c G o v e r n A w a r d Michael M cGovern K




M o r i a r t y ‘j .8 A w a r d Adam Muzyczyn

u t s t a n d in g

Vincenzo Averello Eric Cirino Louis DiPaola A nthony Giannobile Henry Greenfield Eamon Hartnett Christopher Hetherington Martin Hipkins

M anuel Austria Jeffrey Chua Michael DeAngelis Matthew Gelchion Caesar Im perio Matthew Kiebus H

V i n c e n t T. K e n n e d y ‘10 A w a r d Matthew Gelchion *e.a. = ex aequo, out o f that which is equal


Joseph Holder Christopher McNulty A lbert McWilliams III Jay Patel Steven Rizzo Jam es Ward Alexander Yasneski

o a st




Mr. Gregory Boyle


Aw a r d

Ms. Kathleen Rowan Fa r e w e l l s

Mr. Jose Vilarino 1 Year

Ms. Gretchen Hovan 3 Years

Mr. Scot Hovan 3 Years

Alejandro Melendez Michael Ockay Ankur Patel Nicolas Perez Steven Porcelli

Ms. Katherine Lochbrunner 3 Years

Ms. Rachel Wortman 3 Years

Ms. Kaija DeWitt 5 Years

Mr. Richard Hitchcock



5 Years

ip l o m a

Fr. Anthony Azzarto, SJ.

Mr. Brian Kloza C

S c h o l a r s h ip P r o g r a m M ichael Bonner

F r esh m a n

P erfect A tten d a n ce


Sc h o l a r -A t h l e t e Aw a rd Patrick Blaney D


Sanyam Parikh Michael Pocelinko Michael Sherry Jonathan Tiner



cadem y

Philip Rodino

A p p o in t m

30 Years ent

Fr. Raymond Balduf, SJ.** 33 Years **Insignis Award. Recipient

Special T h anks from the M o derator a n d the C hief to all o f the h ardw orking editors from the u p co m in g sen io r a n d ju n io r class. T h e s u p p lem en t w as m ad e w ith the w onderful assistance o f R o b e rt A b u d , A ndrew A n d erso n , C h risto p h er Barry, M ark C avanagh, Patrick C om ey, M s. Bonny E aton, H e c to r Flores, D avid G arcia, E oin H alpin, D aniel Ju lia n , S te p h en M cD erm ott, M arc P ap p alard o , J o n S chirippa, (n«, V alentino M ills, a n d Sr. Frances. Never Forget: H ershey P ark “C h o co late,” T h e “R in g A ttic,” P o p c o rn B ottom , S u p re m e K ey Pow er, the P u b Places, th e R oof, W ick ed , B 0 0 H 0 0 Z 0 0 , 25 m p h , H a p p y Saki M a n M r F o reh ead , the “ro u g h ” n eig h b o rh o o d o f N .A ., “W ick ed ” Ellen, J .B e a s tN , D e a th b y R e c e d in g W all, a n d S tar W ars.

The 2005 P etrea n Supplement is dedicated to Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S J . We Will Miss You!

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