2006 Petrean

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S a in t P e t e r ’s P r e p a r a t o r y S c h o o l 144 G rand Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 (201) 434-4400 Volume 94 Population: 931 A second home to stujL x d en ts an d faculty alike\ the main entrance to Saint Peter's Pre­ paratory School stands on the corner o f G rand and W arren Streets. The building has served as a home for a ll who have entered its doors since its establishm ent in 1872-

T )es m g high dtof>\he M ulry building o f Jtx S a im Peter'sWmparalory School, this erws> sefves OS A m im iitt reminder for Prep men o f their religious surroundings as they strive to be men o f wmpetence, conscience, and compassion.

A 11'students, r e g a r d le s s o f their individual beliefs, are encouraged to practice what they feel as the Prep community joins annually at such events as the M ass o f the Holy Spirit. Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ, who left Prep af- /C\ 3 ter 11 years o f his presidency, oversaw the ceremony.

A Place That Feels Like Home

lenior M ichael Keating discusses what it takes to be in the TV Studio with juniors Shaun Aguilera and Joseph Biggy, seniors Galo Limongi and Alan Capinpin, and freshman Eric Bujnowski, while moderator Ms. Bonny Eaton observes. The TV Studio several times presented a satirical show known as "The News."


A Daily

o f Unity is Evident!

peaking with senior Anthony Singh after the 2:32 p.m. bell' Mr. M at­ thew Knittel converses with a former student while looking over his mail. It was not uncommon to see faculty min­ gling with students after school hours.



he G rand and Warren sign in front o f the M ulry Building iden­ tifies the second home for thousands o f both Prep alumni and current mem­ bers o f the community alike.

P U P -

Treshm en Kenny Baez, Justin Guerra-Sarreal. and Benjamin Beniamin JL Guerra-Sarreal, Blanchfield eat a snack from "Sam the Hot Dog M an" in the Warren Street courtyard, a popular spot for sudents to gather during recess. Sam has been serving Prep students food for many years and has become a staple o f the Prep community.

A Place That Feels Like Home

T istening to one o f his freshman A—* World Civilization students answer a question from the text­ book, M r. Anthony Keating waits patiently to address the response. Mr. Keating, a Prep alumnus, worked as a lawyer for many years before joining the Prep faculty.

^ en ior Christopher Barry throws an ^ egg to freshman Jason Modi, as Mr. David Lagerstrom watches from the steps. The Freshman Olympics marks the first time the new class bonds together in a non-classroom environment. jy ep a rin g to Mock the Lincoln o f JL fense, the Prep defense composed o f junior Ravi- Pradhanang, senior M atthew Roselle, and junior Steven Pankiewicz executes the play handed down from Coach Rich Hansen. The Varsity Football team enjoyed another successful year with numerous wins, including their defeat o f Lincoln 480.

‘T he Prep Community Ovei


ks M ark Seither, M ichael Bar­ yta, and Steven Karunphand lew possible names for SADD, he many cocurriculars students |ed to join at Prep. Seither beresult o f the tragedies in New Orleans, m id remained until December. 'Freshmen Kenneth Slaski, Emmet Jl Gregory, M itchell KJebus, and John Doyle eat lunch and socialize on Warren Street. Students were able to enjoy lunch outside after the previous year's ban ceased as a result o f students keeping the courtyard area, clean.



r. W illiam Richert conducts junior Ju an Nordelo, seniors Steven Karunphand and Patrick Comey, and sophomore Kevin Slyvester during a morning rehearsal o f the Prep Chorus in the band room. M r. Richert form ally had instructed students at Cornell University before arriving at Prep.

h the courtyard sophomores M ichael Booth, Eric Hanselman, Spiros Zam­ bas, M arc Campomanes, and Justin Ortuoste begin a game o f handball. During any free time students also like to play basketball and frisbee.



T )urke Hall stands at the comer o f I J York and Warren Streets, where the Pope John Paul II Plaza sign identifies yet another view o f the school that has been familiar to students over the years.

T eading the offense o f the JV jL iS occer team downfteld, fresh­ man Bryan M cTiernan maneu­ vers past the Bayonne defense on the Jam es F. Keenan Field. The

(pen iors Eric Ingles, John Opel, iD M ark Tiedemann, Allen Fer­ rer, Padraic Friel, and moderators Ms. Annie G lackin and Ms. M ary Anne M cElroy laugh at a comment made during a Celtic Club meeting. The Celtic C lub re­ ceived praise over their winning o f the C opa d el Prep soccer tourna­ ment held in October.

f a a t i L ik a

H om a

A Place That Feels Like Home |_L

A fter a long day o f school, Prep students, including senior Andrew Booth, Richard Hussey, Alan Banjtx io m , Chase Freeman, juniors Gianfranco W ilbeck, W illiam Thompson, and senior Anthony Talarico, enjoy conversing in the courtyard to unwind from the busy day before after-school activities begin.

istening to students speak "News and Current Events" for extra credit during lunch fA , Mr. Paul Cunneen addresses the issue that junior William Nunn presents in his U.S. History -/ class.


“T h a l r


n a

ormerly a home for nuns, the Huinanities Building now serves as a home for the hundreds o f Prep stu­ dents who traverse its halls each and every day during the school year.



D offseason Rugby run, juniors Anthony Kufta, Thomas Geraghty, senior Brendan Bartosiewicz, and sopnomores nnarew tsarone an Aiden Cunningham aw ait the ar­ rival o f Coach M ichael Fletcher. Tumor Joshua Tosi, sophomore

J Justin Loo, junior M atthew

A Place That Feels Like Home

Owen, and senior Andrew Zhu prepare to design the sets for Shakespeare's Merchant of Ven­ ice with moderators Mr. Charles Crosby and Mr. Robert Hymas. Mr. Crosby had several years o f experience in theater, having worked on the stage crew for many years at Bucknell University.

ach day students at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School are surrounded with ! I

_ t h e notions o f home. Students always may be found taking naps in the

! !

computers set-up around school offer students the com fort o f their own

hallways or in the library, much as they do at home. The numerous home PC. Eating breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner together in the cafe further contributes to the home-like qualities abundant at Prep. By the time these students graduate to upperclassmen, many o f them consider their dining friends, brothers. Even faculty members, because their doors always stay open, often become role models for the growing students and act as, in many instances, surrogate parents. That Prep has served as a home to Jesuits, in Shalloe Hall, reinforces the idea o f Saint Peter’s Preparatory School acting as a home. W ith such faculty as Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, and President Fr. James Keenan, SJ, representing the mother and father o f the com m unity, respectively, students always may confide in either one o f them. W ith Fr. Keenan leaving his own home, both literally and figuratively, the Prep com­ munity collectively bid him farewell and sent him their best wishes. These walls are imbued with m ore than just years o f history. The place that is Saint Peter’s Preparatory School encompasses the much larger ideals o f love and unity, as each day m ore men o f competence, conscience, and compassion prepare themselves for their journeys into the real world at this home away from home. Truly, Prep is and always remains A P lace T h a t F eels L ike H om e.

Timers David Finn, 3m

J Charles DuUea, Michael

Brian UrlmcMch write reflea journals on their summer O ke Irmttersion trip at Gletiri Kentucky as David Muir gms them direction. Vie journals served to record their experiences so they could ensft$e in discus­ sions in the yearlong SocialJustice class.


eading a M arauder Nation meet­ ing after school in E-40Z, Fr. M ichael Hoag, SJ receives ideas front senior Connor Purcell, sophomore Kyle Generelli, senior Scott Mingay, juniors Bryan Molyneux, William Sheridan and M ichael Liccardo, A and sophomore Andrew K ilduff. R

Opening H

â– h the 1994 Betrean Sr. Fmncesrece^&Hhe. dedication after working a t Prep for only four years. Sr. Frances is the first teacher in recent Prep history to receive two yearbooks dedications.


T TaMdmg out worksheets. Sr. Frances iriwumkpr 1 lA lgpbra 2 Basic students to complete certain problems for homework Sr. Frances mis a natural choice o f teacher for this new addition to the mathemat­ ics curriculum because o f her patience with students.


oming to Saint Peter’s Preparatory School, a student soon realizes a

Our Sister, Our Friend n th e course of our lives, we find only a few friendships that truly engage us, a few that dcaw us out and challenge us to live life honestly. Even though we becom e engaged and consumed in such relationships, we also oddly find that we are refreshed by the openness o f our closest friendships. T h e bonds formed cause us to b e uplifted and to start view­ ing life with a new hope and wisdom. At Prep, we are blessed with an individual who has formed such a bond with the en­ tire com m unity — S r . F ra n c es M arie Duncan. S r . F ra n c es b eg an h er Journey the sam e year the Class of 1 9 9 4 began ours. Froim th e b egin ning , w e have shared som eth ing very sp ecial with her; we braved our first year at Prep together and m ade friendships that will last a lifetime. S r. Frances quickly captured the affec­ tions o f the community for her dedication and generosity. Members of her fresh­ m an homeroom four years ago still say that having Sr. Frances as a homeroom


H er presence has also been unfailing m a s se s and ju n io r ring cere m o n ie T h ese celebrations have been more Joyf because of her work with the choir. Sh is a dedicated teacher o f Organic Chen Istry & Biochemistry and Physics; she hi also taught freshman science. S h e can o ten b e found tutoring students in math other science classes early in the a.m . into the evening hours. Her understani ing and patience encourage all studen to achieve and truly leam in and out her classroom. Sr. Frances’ warm and loving splr manifests itself in all that she does. Sh enriches our spiritual lives by lending h< voice to the liturgies. S h e seeks to tni understand us, making a special effort g et to know our parents. T h e cookie brownies, and cupcakes she bakes for th Mission Drive are always a success. Sh is our friend and also our sister, ever epi omizing th e Emmaus spirit. With her quiet presence and smile, sh

JjasjarofoundJ^imgactgioM'communl^ 1 9 9 4 P etrean

community much like that of his family, and a certain figure in the

group undoubtedly assumes the role o f a mother for this family. She assists those who act shy and timid to feel at home and to find their

place at Prep. Her charitable and warm personality gives students the encour­ agement and motivation they need to truly make Prep a home away from home. She always acts welcoming and kind to anyone who she meets and she makes everyone feel as though they have known her for a lifetime. A member o f the Mathematics Department, she proves her patience and dedication by teaching the new Algebra 2 Basic course for students who strug­ gle mathematically. In the past, she also taught for the Science Department, where she instructed students in the Integrated Phy-Chem course. Always present for extra help, she truly exhibits passion in her desire to instill knowl­ edge. She makes whatever subject she teaches easier to grasp, and creates a fun and seemingly uncomplicated learning environment for her students. This woman acts as more than a teacher, however. She is the driving force behind the charitable spirit o f the Prep community. She stresses the values of becoming a man for others and aids students in their quest to exemplify the Jesuit ideals o f competence, conscience, and especially compassion. She leads the community by example in organizing Subway Runs, trips to Peter’s Place and the Hoboken Homeless Shelter, and the Christian Service Program. An ever-present background to a Prep event or sporting competition, she may be found in her office until the late hours o f the night She has moder­ ated many cooirriculars in the past, including the National Honors Society, and continues to head the Christian Service Summer Immersion trips and the Outreach club. She truly shines in her role as the Outreach moderator, run­ ning such charitable events as the Bronx Christmas Party, the Adopt-A-Family Program, and the Hurricane Katrina Backpack Project Her desire to help all those in need motivates the entire Prep family she so lovingly has touched. She came to Prep fifteen years ago and it seems implausible that this school existed without her. Her presence proves essential to Prep’s feeling like a sec­ ond home to all. A truly compassionate, faithful, and kindhearted person, she embodies the Prep spirit and serves as the exemplar for the entire community, students and faculty alike, to follow. For her moral righteousness, astonishing benevolence, and her continuing love for teaching and inspiring, the Saint Peter’s Prep Class o f 2006 dedicates the Petrean 2006 to our mentor, sister, mother, and friend, Sister Frances Marie Duncan, OSF. Reflection by C .J. Kopec

C m trances lmmum iwr vuiurnt.^ *« O company her 'to the K anina R elief Site at the Bayonne M ilitary Ocean Terminal. Sr. Frances has m oderated ihe Outreach club for several years, helping, students to practice what they learn in Social Justice class.


f~ \ Frances ormnizes her Al&bra Z lessons m a ~ £ r / D in n e r at her desk " * k fiw d in her office on the tlmd floor ofM ulty g Hall, where mrny students find a home away from how on hercomfbrtabk chausorcouch. H PlttC C T h a t F e e l s

Like H

om e


S to ry by S tephen M cDerm ott

cademics serve as the primary pur­


teenagers receive freedoms in their homes from increased

pose for each student’s attending Saint Peter’s Preparatory School.

responsibility and independence; upperclassmen choose elec­

It is in the classrooms and labs,

electives include the study o f Ovid’s beautiful poetry, the

which act as the rooms o f a house,

expression o f ideas through pottery in Sculpture and Design,

where students interact with teach­

the scrutinizing o f our country’s governing bodies in U.S.

tives that satisfy burgeoning curiosities and viewpoints. Such

ers and classmates to cultivate a

Law or Criminal Justice, and the appreciation o f the classic

community that forms a virtual

works o f William Shakespeare and John Steinbeck.

home away from home. Students spend a great amount o f time together in these rooms prepar­

bishment to sustain a comfortable living environment, the

ing presentations, studying for tests, and helping each other

academic curriculum embraces change each year to ensure a

And similar to the home that undergoes continual refur­

to understand what they learned. These actions form lasting

contemporary course o f study. Several new Advanced Place­

friendships that help students grow to become intellectually competent men.

ment classes, including AP Chemistry, AP Economics, and AP Latin: Vergil, were added to provide students with col­

Like a family entering a new house for the first time,

lege level work for credit. Also, the Mathematics Department

freshmen must adapt to the new and challenging curriculum.

created several intermediate mathematics classes to meet the

All freshmen study similar courses and often meet their first

needs o f students who wanted to focus on fundamentals.

friends in these com m on classes. As years pass, students dis­

Few students forget the time they spend proofreading

cover the format o f an excellent five-paragraph essay, learn

papers, memorizing vocabulary, and carefully reading books

Avogadro’s Number, understand the causes o f the Ameri­

to participate in discussions with classmates. W ithout the

can Revolution, and attempt to determine what was really

classrooms and labs that assist students in realizing these aca­

Hamlet’s problem. As students mature into seniors they earn

demic endeavors and that create the home-like atmosphere,

certain liberties not afforded to underclassmen, much as

Saint Peter’s Preparatory School truly would not exist.

yiassrooms at /such as that ofM M ichael Fletcher, igj| as metaphorical horn aw ay from home, esp daily considering the majority o f a typiM day at Prep is spenm classrooms eneaaitqm academ ic endeavors|| ^Kticusstng the 1 ^MTestament wjjfl freshmen Robert Avaim Jam es Lugo, Gregory^M motto, and Daniel Dr. Jeffrey Hartlingan lyzes the first two crgM myths in the Bible. men have the option ojjM ing either World Religm for those students ofM Catholic background^■ Religjon 1, which food on edifying students in th Catholic canon.


are p le n ty o f a f h o o l a c t i v i t i e s and so t h e r e a r e many o p p u rtu n ities a v a i l a b l e to g e t b e t t e r r e l a t i o n ­ sh ip s with b o t h s t u d e n t s and t e a c h e r s . J u n io r C h r i s t i a n B u e n afe

10 A Place That Feels Like Home


rT~basing his English Z students, Mr. M atthew KJarJL mann comically notes an error on one o f his student's first essays o f the year. Only KJarmann's English 2 students read A River Runs Through It by Norman McLean.

J istening to senior Francis Llarena raid a "deebierdoobie" (story), J —'Fr. Enrico Raulli, SJ, along with sJBm& G ary Rabbitt, M ax Katzm an, and C .J. Kopec, prepare to nMfee constructive comments for the reader to improve his work. Fr. W m li only teaches one siclion o f Creative Writing; M s. Bonny Eaton taught the other section and changed the structure, thereby m aking it her own. /Taking humorous comments about rle protagonist o f their book, V -L Dr. Richard Kennedy discusses The Alienist wrt/r sophomores John O'Brien and Khubaib Iqbal. Unlike previous years, Dr. Kenne­ dy no longer taught the popular senior elX L e, Fiction-toFilnx

sophomores John Doland Connor Walsh 'elped restart the Hispanic American Society.

.Irisrtewuassroom i« the Humanities building, Mr. W alter I I I ! emphasizes the mystery behind the corporal in Steinbeck's ilia Hat Prep has been 1 second home to Mr. Koszyk because, tut ah'w us, my brotherjoe,, my son Prank, and my grandson an a!i alumni, and I have taught at Prep for 33 years.

Plata tout WoUb S to ry by A ndrew W allace

tudents rlu st enroll in an English course each year at Prep. In these classes, students learn to appreciate 'V written vftrks, both classic and contemporary, and to hone burgeoning writing skills. Following a year of dramatic change, the English curriculum remained relatively constant albeit for a few alternative . J senior ( S t i v e courses and for the addition o f Ms. Christiane Gannon to the department. Over B ie past several years the direction o f the English curriculum has bent more heavily on SAT preparation. “It is a good program and the results on the SATs verify this fact,” noted Dr. Richard Kennedy on the department’s shifting emphasis. Although students continue to read classics like The O ld M an an d the Sea in English C atcher in the Rye in English 2, and B eow u lf m English 3, many courses increased the weight on stn^^Hiing students’ writing skills, both for the SAT and college. Additionally, the department administered the amiual sophom ore writing exam, which resulted in a small number o f sophomores enrolling in an intensive vagina workshop to focus on enriching their skills. For senior Jo h n D izon, “The English department has ^Rloped m e into an accomplished writer.” S C ® e.r4 a S v d y litde variety exists in the English curricula for underclassmen, seniors have the opportunity

to pursue the li^ B y genre o f their choice in English 4. W hether it be in M r. Jo h n Cam pion’s Shakespeare course, M r. Matthew Klarmann’s time-honored G othk Fiction class, M r. Walter Koszyk’s new Joh n Steinbeck course, or in Fr. Michael Hoag’s A P English Literature course, a senior may explore an area that m ost interests him while still learning writing skills that will serve him for a lifetime. The English Department, headed by Mr. Richard Peters, continued to offer a program that n ot only illustrated great writing through literary models o f the past and present, but also allowed students to produce their own great literary works. “I am so proud to be a scholar among scholars in the the Department o f English,” enthusiastically agreed M r. Jo h n Campion.

I g p Frances M arie Duncan, OSF, explains PEMDAS to jur illie H ill "My life revolves around Prep in that I sp en d s o f my time here or at Prep activities. I have come to love the pec at Prep as my own fam ily," reflected Sr. Frances. l J'W

S to ry by M arc Pappalardo

he Mathematics Department saw substantive change in the cumculum to acconjimodate students of all learning abilities and interests.


Under the guidance o f chair Mr. James Hollywood, the department sought tc| make the study of the

fundamental higfrschool courses accessible to students o f all capabilities. Three nelr offerings focused spe­ cific attention on fundamental skills to facilitate students who felt they needed a d c ^ B a l time devoted to

more basic concepts in preparation for future pursuits. These courses included Algebra 1-B, taught by Mr. Hollywood, Algebra 2-B, directed by Sr. Frances Duncan, OSF, and Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry,

by Mr. Kdlen

Williams. For junior Juan Tous, such a course supported his needs: ‘1 liked Sister Frances’s das' because it let me get up

s arose from a desire to

to date on my math skills and I didn’t have to worry about focusing on new concepts. Instead [ was able to learn old g topics quickly; in fact, concepts better, and then get into the new subjects slightly slower.” In addition, several honors courses experienced change. The Intermediate Algebra Honors da create a course for incoming students with strong skills who could advance to more challenging this course merged Algebra 1 with junior-levd Algebra 2. Also, Algebra 2 Honors became Precal sis the two-in-one conglomeration o f both Algebra 2 and Precalculus into one comprehensive Furthermore, Mr. David Muir introduced both AP Economics and traditional Economics, two new courses that emerged from his previous course. Ms. E lk Glazer continued to offer four computer saence courses, induding Applications, Program­ ming, Website Design, and Java Honors, which fol­ lowed the AP Computer Sdence curriculum. Such dectives enhanced the offerings available to seniors and piqued the interest o f juniors opting whether to take a fourth year. Senior Valentino Mills took AP Economics because he “felt that it would be very beneficial because there is both a microeco­ nomics and a macroeconomics exam, so, in theory, one can receive double the college credit”

7T /jr. Dennis Hu teaches limits and continuity to X V-Lhis AP Calculus class. Outside o f the classroom Mr. Hu spends much o f his time with his Ultimate Frisbee team, which has taken him to numerous places around the country for the N ational Championships.

14 A Place That Feels Like Home m

^ ophptH ore Jam es 1 r listens in Mr. Robert Bruckner's Geometry O class while sophoi I Ja y Patel takes notes on congruent angles. Mr. Bruckner also m ' AP Statistics and Geometry Honors, and spent a great deal o f t I coaching the basketball team. "During basketball season, Prep tnigkt as well be my home, he mused.

uiding his Geometry students through a basic proof J Mr. Kellen Williams breaks down the multi-step problem into several smaller pieces. In addition to teaching Geometry and Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry, Mr. Williams coached the Freshman Football team.

J~*yiscussing the inefftt hey created b]> rent ceilings, Mr. David Muir 'am uses seniors /^ m n der Nikodem, Raymond Smith, Joel Sala­ zar, and Scott M ingay daring their Economics class. Mr. M uir used a popular college textbook I his course to prepare his students well for a sim ilar college-level itttrodu. tory course.

W r. D ouglas Sanfoi ■d uses the new Tablet to write notes for his Algebra 2 clas as juniors D aniel Camargo and Wayne I I I S[,T Gravesande follow his fa id. The Tablet allow ed mathematics teachers to capture lecture notes to their computer and then to post them

onto a course homepage.

f^ larify in g a subtlety about dimensional analysis to

fyl sjunior Lorenzo D ellutri in her Algebra 2 class, M s. Theresa Panzera repeats the answer to the entire class. M s. Panzera commented that Prep was a “ I second home to her because, "I spend more time here than I do at my actual hom e."

Mathematics Department

esturingI to t his U.S. History 2 class, Mr. Carl DeLom m ' discusses dis the significance o f geographic bor足 ders during WWI with seniors M ark Cavanagh, Fabian Flores, and Brian Real. "I live across the street, so, literally it is a second home,"said Mr. DeLorenzo about Prep.


peaking about the assassination o f the Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the direct cause o f W orld W ar I with his U.S. History 2 class, Mr. Collins warns students not to confuse this Ferdinand with the band o f the sam e name whose new CD coincidentally came out that very day.


Tumors R afael Auz, Peter Byram, and Joseph Eisenstein respond / to questions posed by Mr. Brian M cCabe about the early colo足 nization o f America in his U.S. History 1 class. In addition to his teaching duties, department chair Mr. M cCabe coached the JV Soccer team and organized the Intramurals program.


u im iu C J


T S^SigTdiscussioineT^y^evera^^ie^^^^^Jsiory I j[ </ students, M s. M arie Curry listens to their reasons for the Lmbian Exchange while junior Sean Carney follow s M s. Curlexantple. M s. Curry arranged the annual Kristallnacht service f served to remember the victims o f the Holocaust.

ft ptacQ in flbtotu S to ry by D aniel Ju lia n

nstructing its students in the ideals o f cultures as ancient as the Greeks and contemporary as the Americans, the


History Department covered a complete spectrum o f the past Students fulfill the three-year requirement through mandatory courses like the freshmen World Civilization course, which stresses the development o f writing skills through journals and expository essays, note-taking, critical thinking, and discussion skills. “I enjoyed Mr. McCabe’s class, freshman year. He made it exciting by having a balance in class that was both informative as

well as entertaining,” suggested senior Ryan Gelchion. Juniors and seniors enroll in U.S. History 1 and 2, respectrvely, which collectively chart American history from the early colonial settlements to the current Iraqi War. The History Department counted as one o f its strengths its multi-faceted course offerings; four senior semester electives permitted students to choose among courses that suited their individual historical interests. Mr. Brian McCabe offered his time-honored Irish Experience course, Mr. Carl DeLorenzo taught Western Imperialism, Mr. Anthony Verdi instructed 'kstA m m ain CriminalJustice class using his background in policeman education, while newcomer Mr. Anthony Keating, himself a lawyer, taught the recently added U S Law course. Ms. Mary Anne McElroy joined Mr. Keating as the newest departmental faculty members. Students wishing for a more rigorous courseload opted to take AP U.S. History 1 and 2, both taught by Ms. Marie Curry, and both that focused not only on American history, but also on developing wellwritten analytical essays from historical documentbased queries. According to department chair Mr. Brian McCabe, the History Department attempted to “provide students with an awareness o f the past and its influence on the contemporary world that that students may be informed decisions makers with a passion for truth and the courage to shape the future.” The History Department enlivened the past and effectively educated students in both the ancient and contemporary workings o f the world so that, as proper citizens o f their nation and the world, they could ensure that history, as they say, would not repeat itself

Know ttotfkflomQ StOl’V M.ll'C S to ry l»v by M arc Pnnnnlai'Hn Papp alardo

J ~ y . Robert Scully observes juniors Christian Buenafe, )a m “ , and Amit Sathe inputting motion data into the comfit during his Physics Honors lab doss. Students o f the Physics Mot, course used computer simulations, data analysis, and graphing ca ktors as part o f the intensely analytical aspects o f the

n another year o f fundamental curricular change shifting the emphasis toward i more inquiry-based study of the traditional sciences, the Science Department continued to stretch students tin __________ r understanding of the


around them. Mr. Daniel Lyons joined the department alongside Mr. Patrick ^Hamilton, a longterm

same time, they phased

substitute for Ms. Adele LeCalvez, with intentions o f helping the department to realize the many changes it biologycourse underwent over the past several years.

In this second transition year, the department offered no conventional Biology course At thq out the junior-level Physics and Physics Honors courses with the objective o f reinstituting an inqu

course addition for upcoming juniors, which would complete the three-year curricula change. The success o f *latest year's activity-based

Robert study o f Physics in freshman year continued under the guidance o f chair Fr. Daniel O ’Brien, l i e Sophomore a newly revamped Chemistry course, emphasizing an inquiry-oriented exploration o f major topics, emerged as ti

itions that brought

highlighting the department’s move toward a more progressive and innovative science cuiriculi Miiza enjoyed his Chemistry class with Mr. Hamilton because o f his “slide shows and lab demi class alive each day. In addition to the three-year required lab courses, upperclassmen opted to choose several eMjre courses, including the ever-popular Geoscience, taught by Mr. Gregory Boyle, the AP Biology class, offered by Mr. Charles Crosby, and the newly added AP Chemistry course, instructed by Mr. David Lagerstrom, which replaced the former Chemistry Honors class taught by Fr. Thomas O ’Connor. ‘TheScienceDepartmentprovidesgoodpreparation for students to survive in a scientific world,” spoke Fr. Daniel O ’Brien. W ith a fundamental shift in curriculum that allowed students to experience science firsthand, the department proved that every student could simultaneously be a scientist using the new inquirybased approach that integrated handson laboratory learning in a traditional group setting

Ms. M elissa Dow. have family,*'gioi/ited

r -


^ tu d en ts o f M r. tfM iiel Lyons' Physics class, such as junior Andrew Cevasco, ^ m p lete homework problems at the black足 board for the entire to review. Mr. Lyons, a new addition to the Science Department faculty, taught both freshman Physics First and junior Physics course

rawing an example from the textbook, Mr. Robert Zawistowski explains the measurements students will use in an upcoming lab. "Prep has so many extra activitieswe see everybody in different venues, which makes the com足 munity feel like family," noted Mr. Zawistowski.


I li i ' n li i hi I' i J mil mi1 mi i/n / 'jM i i 'i ii (' ii i11 .......... i JL jsets a tentative fin al e xamination date for his AP Biology class, which includes seniors M ichael H aas and Jam es LiVolsi. For Mr. Crosby, Prep truly has tken a second home to him considering that he "set up a tent in the \tage Crew room."


A t the start o f her Latin 1 class, M s. Kristine Spano X reviews her attendance list and lesson plans for the day. Ms. Spano spent her summer outlining and planning the revamped Latin 1 course around the new textbook for her and her colleagues.


omparing G reek to Latin, Mr. advantages o f using articles to gender o f nouns. Seniors C.J. Kopec, Palazzoto, Steven Iglesias-Figueras and f who came to Prep from New Orleans, people enrolled in the G reek course.


'V\7rfetching the reaction o f his Latin W John D onaleski presents a review board, Mr. Joseph Riordan, SJ, also helf. his work. In addition to teaching Latin J AP Latin to 21 seniors, the largest 4th



'ailing on sophomore Tony Ongeri, M r. M atthew Knittel asks his Latin 2 student to determine the importance o f the second dictionary entry for nouns, while sophomore K hubaib Iqbal takes note o f his classmate's response. This course was the last to use the Ecce Romani textbook.

201 Classical Languages Department

Tn her Latin 1 class, Ms. Erin Gething

JL to freshmen M ichael Conti, M ichael C A lover o f many ancient languages, Ms. Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit during

Y^itng^SnanLucas Netchert to decline sum and esse ort the [^/blackboard, Ms. Kristine Spano leads an interactive review in her '■win 1 class. Ms, Spano felt that Prep has been a second home to her lien she expressed, "I have become, close friends with many faculty Lmbers here. The main office is my second home for sure." S to ry b y A ndrew

al Languages Department experienced several changes as the Latin and Greek programs expanded mpt to make learning the classical languages more accessible and enjoyable for students, fopments within the department included the appointment o f a new department chair, Mr. Kmttel. As chair, Mr. Knittel proposed his colleagues create websites, not only to become more jcally proficient, but also to aid students in learning. In addition, the department switched the ; and phased out this same textbook in Latin 2. Changing from EooeR om ani to the comprehensive ps, the department hoped these textbooks would prove more informative and entertaining for . Freshman Casey McNamara enthused, “It has real Roman stories depicted in comic strips, utment added new and amended old courses to accommodate shifting interests in classics; change i the upperclassmen course offerings. AP Latin, taught by Mr. Joseph Riordan, SJ, replaced Latin irse involved a greater focus on preparing students for the exam by translating Vergil’s TheAeneid, [creasing each student’s comprehension, as well as his speaking ability, o f the language. Amplified tin 3 called for a split o f this one class into Latin 3 and Latin 3 Honors, both instructed by Ms. Erin Gething. Another change came in the form o f the new department faculty, Mr. Mark Dondero, who previously served as a guidance counselor. Senior Brian Dalton spoke highly o f his Greek class, taught by Mr. Knittel and offered by those who wished to pursue classical languages beyond Latin, when he expressed, “I thought it would be a fan experience; I enjoy Greek very much, love the language and find thecultureveryinteresting.’’Senior Dalton offers evidence that the Classics Department achieved success not only in implementing new changes to improve the department, but also in edifying students o f the beauty and mystique inherent in our ancestors’ languages.

'R eview ing homework in his freshman Latin i class, l\ M r . M ark Dondero discusses exercises from the new Oxford Latin Course textbook with freshman Sean M aly and a Freshman-for-a-Day student. Mr. Dondero, a Prep Class o f2000 graduate, replaced M s. Katherine Lochbrunner when he switched from Guidance to / 0 \ I

Classical Languages.

| A Place That Feels Like Home


M icltfiel M cCarthy


[L freshman Brian Becbtteyer in his Religion 1 doss, as fr

S to ry by Michael llarbarula

rep always has had a strong calluig for its students to challenge themselves not only intellectually, but also spiii-


tually. To achieve this goal, the Religion Department’s curriculum underwent several changes to truly become the foundation o f each student’s religious experience at school

Beginning in fieshman year, students encounter basic religion, continue with New Testament studies, prog­

ress to an analysis o f Social Justice, and conclude with a study o f oomplex aspects o f religion in senior year,

including courses such as Bioethics taught by Mr. Michael Fletcher, PspM ogy an d R digon in stm c& l§r Mr. John Morris, Pnger, offered by Fr. Thomas Benz; SJ, and Churd? History, taught by Mr. Michael McCarthy. A revived emphasis on disdpleship was achieved through the diligence o f the new department chair, Dr. Dominic Scibilia, B e addition o f new fac­ ulty members Chaplain Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ, Mr. Frederick Galano, Dr. Jeffery Hartling, and the continued efforts o f the entire departmental faculty. The department recently emphasized the role o f the junior capstone Social Justice class as an integral part o f Jesuit edu­ cation Instead o f lasting one semester, the course extended to two semesters and stressed the importance o f the required Christian Service component o f the curriculum The journals students completed as part o f their 60hour Christian Ser­ vice expenence integrated their firsthand encounter o f injustioe with the analytical/theoretical fiamework they learned to construct for examining social justice. Aiming to reinforce the ideal that students should strive to make an “instructive and creative difference in world,” both Dr. Scibilia and Ms. Mara Codey, who spearheaded the endeavor, exposed students to the many injustices suffered by the socially taged. Junior Juan Nordelo agrees, noting that the course “truly gives students an opportunity to learn the truth about injustices in our country today.” Junior Nordelo made evident the Religion Depart­ ment’s encouragement o f individuals to oommit themselves to a full immersion o f faith and to realize; as senior Connor Callahan did, “that having faith is a lifestyle and not a casual, meaningless word.”

peaking about equality among a ll races, Mr.'~Robm ^Bd Hymas addresses his Social Justice class that includes juniors Vladimir DeWet and Lorenzo Dellutri. "The sup­ port o f the students" helped make Prep a home away from home for M r. Hymas.

A Place That Feels Like Home

man Rene Castaneda considers his classmate's ideas, Mr. M t( thy has made a home for' him self In Jesu it education sincg. adolescent days as a Regis H igh School student.

T~\iscussing college choices with sentorA leksanile^Zyw fcki^ljr. I S Dominic Scibilia advises his student in procuring letters o f rec­ ommendations from teachers. "It is a gift to know that there are people who pray for me; 1 know that I am not alone at Prep," offered Dr. Scibilia. about his experiences with the Prep community.


T'reshtmn Jam es Lugo holds on to Dr. Jeffrey HarJL ding's every word as he leads a dynamic discussion on the creation story o f Genesis in his Religion 1 class. New­ comer Dr. Hartling spent more than 30 years o f his career in Jesuit education before making his new home at Prep.

Tuniors Bryan Rohrman, Ryan Santana-Rogers, M ichael Vilardo, and Garrett Z elisko ikfce notes as M s. M ara Codey redefines the meaning o f the word "compassion" in her Social Justice class. For the first time, Religion 4 became a full-year course in Social Justice, rather than two separate semester courses as in past years.

iiw unC J

m m niCJ

, verseeing the eMMeMMBS’ sophomores Brendan “using to allow kis% i$ io ti Z students to m ake corrections to ■ jK A t’iv.™;, Bryant Griffin, Stephen Murphy, Danyal Idr, jA n M orris ensures that his students, P „their Scantron tests, R am , and Kevin Williams, Mr. Frederick Galano including sophomores Dy : McMahon, Jam es.Pilger, Peter McFadensures that his Religion Z students make positive progjm den, and Henry Greenfte ... learn from their mistakes. N ot coincide* on their work Prep served as a new home to Mr. Go, that "Prep is I place to receive nourishment tally, Mr. M orris helievea "through the care o f the entire Prep community. " and the invitation towardmpwth. ‘

Religion Department 23

Supervising juniors R afael Auz and Evan Hackler and his French 2 doss during an in<lass writing exercise, Mr. Jeffrey Beaudette waits to offer advice to his students, who are "like surrogate sons" to him, on the proper way o f writing in French. Mr. Beaudette attended summer classes that qualified him to teach Spanish 1.


"he AP Spanish l^ n gu agean dC ^ ^ m ition students learn the important difference between the Wkterit and imperfect tenses from Ms. Ana G arcia. She considered her students to be like an extended family, as their worldly accc^mishments continued to be her reward; "My students are like fam ily to me; many o f my former students have gone on to become my doctor, my demist, and my law yer," said M s. Garcia. j H B ." J 1 7T/J r . Duane Farabaugh, SJ, inst^ m his German J students, 1 V 1 including sophomore Jason Capcsetlo, in the proper way o f refer­ ring to the different states o f weather \n his favorite language. Mr. Farabaugh created the new Irish Laiiffljige Club to teach interested students his second favorite language, C


: ‘^t^ecjue^ing^vtt her students prepare tobegjn for the day, Ms. ^ ?$£$&Kate Walsh asks the Spanish | dess, which indudes soph­ omores ChristopherAkNuky, Christopher Robinson, John Dot agjian, and Mam Kolb, to open their. workbooks. Ms. I r T^ | G P ^^ent the summer inAt^raina immersing herselfin the language to share her experiences with her students.

I 24 K Modem Languages Department

Ei 1

■W^uiding juniors Victor Stanziaty Kee-ayre Griffin, Anthony 'KS^tM achcinski, N icholas DeBenedectis, John Ferri, Nicholas Cannizzaro, Vladimir D e Wet, and Christian Buenafe o f his Span­ ish 2 class, M t. J . Frank Thomson discusses the finer points o f the proper uses o f direct and indirect objects. In addition to his class commitments during the school year, \Mr. Thomson functioned as the Principal o f Summer School, |

veiling Italian pods s u c h la frutta and \Cevasco and his classmates, Afc. Rosalie Romano immerses Iter lian J class in the culture o f the language Ms. Romano also celrated Italian food during Italian Heritage M onth, when she shared | for authentic tiramisu with students and when she took sevnl students to an Italian Bakery in New York City.

S to ry by R o b ert Abud


Language Department’s long-time goal has been to enrich students’ minds culturally and ^ ^ ^ H sd cally . Teachers achieved this objective by immersing students in their language, either by active classroom ^ ^ ^ H iu n ic a tio n or by practical experience on a study abroad or exchange excursion ^ ^ H d e r the leadership o f chair Ms. Ana Garcia, the department continually incorporated change to reflea the

jeSKte latestand bestways to convey language Students o f first-level French, German, Italian, and Spanish began their studieswithan intj©duction to the complexities o f the new language and culture. The second-level courses prepared students to be more acqSl®ied to reading, writing, speaking, and listening to their language, with classes honing conversation and translation skills. Students enrolled in thirdlevel honors courses maintained and improved skills while language analysis grew in complexity. WHiermore, motivated upperclassmen could enroll in either AP Spanish Language or AP Italian For the first timsi Ms. G ^K offered Spanish for Business and Medical Personnel, an honors oourse designed to introduce students to fundamental tenlunology o f these professionals. Senior Robert Abud said, “The dass gives us an opportunity to perfect our Spankh. Ms. Garcia really prepares us for the real-world and teaches us about the Hispanic community.” Students who acclimated well to their expanded horizons could embark on a study abroad or exchange program In addition to the German Exchange made the prior summer, Ms. Rosalie Romano organized an Italian Exchange for spring break and Ms. Garcia implemented a monthlong summer Spanish Study Abroad. Ms. Garcia observed, “The study abroad programs allow students to experience a world drastically different from their own; it is truly eye opening and makes the time in the classroom after a trip much more interesting” She stressed the importance o f expanding students’ mind to new cultures and applauded her colleagues’ success at ensuring that modem language studies remained a respected and vital part to educating a welkounded person “We are all God’s creations,” Ms. Garcia noted, “so we should respect one another’s cultureandwanttoenrichourselvesthrough constantly learning more about the world in which we live.”

hH B U m , in c ^ m h Jared Bowers, tyteM ason C aposelb, and John O'Brien o f his Gertnan ,i class, Air. Duane Farabaugh, SJ, teaches his students the proper way to discuss the passage o f thtie. During the first quarter, students typically1learned the names o f colors an d numbers in addition to telling time.

A Place That Feels Uke Home

PaXantat ^acting S to ry by H ector F lores

he Guidance Department has helped young men in planning fruitful futures for years. Determined


faculty members, without whom the lives o f many students would be different, Jfeprise this dedicated department “I feel like they are the parents o f Prep. You can always talk to thefc about anything. The people in the Guidance Department are always trying to guide students to t i e right path and want

what’s best for us,” encapsulated senior Justin Kraivanger.

A change implemented by Ms. Kathy Rowan and Fr. Joh n Mullin, SJ was the r e in s t a H k t of a Freshman

Group Guidance course, which underscored the importance o f softening the oft-challengii* transition period for Prep’s youngest "W ith a better acclimation, it is our hope that students will start their high school careers better,” explained chair Mr. James Dondero. Junior Group Guidance continued to heighten students’ awareness of increased responsibilities in their academic and personal lives and helped juniors explore college and career options. While no formal course existed for sophomores and seniors, regular counselor meetings ensured p B | er decision making for each group at different stages along the way to graduation. In addition, the College PlaceSpnt Office led by Ms. Janice Martineau guaranteed seniors a smooth changeover to college. Two new departmental additions, Ms. Yetunde Rubinstein and Ms. Mary Durante, spared no time jn acquainting themselveswith their students.Thesenewcounselors often met with Mr. Dondero, who expressed he was “veiy happy with them and their interest in their students.” For Ms. Rubinstein, the transition from counseling at Fordham University to high-school counseling proved excitingly different “It’s been a pleasure, but busy. I really like that everyone seems to know each other veiy well. It’s really positive that people respect one another and boys can show emotions and still be boys.” The energy exuded by Ms. Rubinstein proved to be a comm on thread among the Guidance Department, which helped students receive good advice for a successful future at and beyond their second homes at Prep.

J m m ing ahoui the interests o f sophomores DeFmrr,

J—iand Gary A piic, fr , Cnriio RauUi, SJ, asks /fe stud plete a survey during, a group session. During sophomore y. ana com seh rf fam iliarize themselves with ea d i o f their progress to ensure that he has been charting the a tre#

much o f a counselor's day, especially 1 for freshman c o r n e r Ms. Kathy Rowan, who discusses a stu足 dent's schedule with his m rents. Ms. Rowan created a spreadsheet to keep track Qfa ll her sflment advisees, parent calls, and appointment dates tti order to gauge eu student's continued need for assistance.

s. Yetunde Rubinstein reviews senior John Canniz足 zaro's list o f prospective college choices during a private appointment. Ads. Rubinstein came to the Guidance Depart足 ment from the Fordham University admissions office, which g/xve her practical experience in the college selection process.


'"["hiking to M s. Janice\M artineau, Mr. M ark Dondero, a former JL w lleague o f the Guidance Department, helps to identify a com足 puter problem , litis. Im rtineau, o f the College Placement Office, indefatigably w orked to ensure that senior transcripts were sent to colleges and universities |n a timely manner.




ry scu ssm g . p lan sfor J L s M r. Jam es Dondera including M s, A tary Dtl Dondero, meet to ensure The College Placement jj seniors rem ained on trad

Tl'eskmen enroll in the compulsory Introduction to

JL Art and Music course, taught in part by Mr. Steve Caslowitz, who introduced the music segment o f the class when he came to Prep seven years ago. Prep "probably has been the best group o f students and colleagues that I have ever had," said Mr. Caslowitz.

A /Tr- Steve Caslowitz helps freshman jM p Candela to practice 1 V JLhis trumpet during an after-school sMmto in the music studio. Before and after school, one often could hew the sounds o f the Prep Band or the songs o f the Prep Chorus entanm m from the band room. ' I hking attendance during a senior PhyM al Education class, Mr. 1 Christopher Andreadis scans the gym floor for present students like seniors John Dizon, M ichael Haas, Leander Pais, M ichael Dmytriw, and Peter Hoffman. Seniors tm k the class twice each cycle to m ake up for the lack o f a junior Mm class.



ntroduction to Art and Music fmhmen learn basic art vocabulary, such as "stroke"and "pattern,"in the art seg ment o f the course from Ms. Megan Klim. Freshmen Brian j Zappulta, Jonathan Wong, and Ian Svercauski must leam the wcabularyw order to complete &critique and presentation as part o f their final grade.

ritiquing senior Brian Filter's -project during her Sculpture studio art class, M s. Erma Yost 1# ■■rs constructive advice on preparing his shoe sculpture before he dds another part to the piece. Students in the class had the opportunity to use the computer­ ized kiln to learn the techniques o f real sculptor*.

Art, M usic & Physical Education Departments

~''atching up on important work in a spare moment between [y classes, Mr. Anthony Verdi takes a break from teaching CrimiI justice and Driver's Education, m anaging several Physical Edu\iOtt classes, and serving as Assistant Coach o f the football team. . y crdi has called Prep his second home since 1991, when he \ered the doors o f G rand an d W arren as a freshman.

S to ry i f p a r c Papp alardo & J o n Sisti

s the newest department, the Fine Arts Department boasted an enormous selection o f elective courses the required freshman Introduction to Art and Music course. Department chair and art

teacher^ Ms. Erma Yost, “hopes to teach my students visual literacy and equip them with some skills to ex^ss their ideas visually.” Likewise, Mr. Steve Caslowitz, who teaches music, prepared students J

ils to convey their own ideas sonically.

One of the fewdAges in the Fine Arts Department was the addition o f the Chorus class taught by Mr. William Richert Students met three times a week before homeroom to practice for both concert performances and campus ministryevents. Mr. « slo w itz also reinstated his History ofjazz course. “History o f j a z z is great; we watch lots ofmovies and listen to a pleth™ o f songs...anyone, including non-musicians, would love it,” raved senior Colin Gallo. In addition to new offerings, traditional classes such as Basic and Advanced Music Theory, Drawing and Composition, Design and Color, Painting, Portfolio Preparation, Sculpture, and Ceramics continued to draw an eclectic crowd of interested students. Senior Hector Flores enrolled in Drawing and Composition because he felt the freedom Ms. Megan Klim gave her students “helps in learning how to make decisions and how to be more creative while, simultaneously, allowing me to see the world around me in different ways.” Regardless o f one’s artistic interest, students enrolled in either a Studio Art or Portfolio class participated in the annual Art Exhibition, for which students not only created artwork, but also learned how to install, promote, and hold a reception. This exhibition serves an important role in reinforcing and highlighting the skills developed in each o f the art courses. The Physical Education Department similarly emphasized practical skills for students to achieve not only a sound mind, but also a sound body. Mr. Christopher Andreadis and Mr. Anthony Verdi instructed gym classes for all grades, while Mr. Verdi also taught sophomores the 30-hour Driver’s Education course during one semester.

I leaning paintbrushes and dishes| M s. M egan S m Mlim takes care to complete the job thoroughly at the end o f her Drawing/Composition class. For M s. Klim, Prep has been a. home aw ay from horn bemuse "Mryone, the staff, as well a s students, have been very

A Place That Feels Like Home 29

and fh

L s Benedict Gomilla, senior Andrew W allace, Ian McTiernan,4i M ichael f . Sweeney, and juniors Nicholas Lalumia and kol K eller strike humorous poses in front o f the LIEBB statue, a trihtu the iconic LOVE statue o f Philadelphia. The group spent the nighi the Kultur Zenjrum|or German Culture Center, in East Berlin,

S to ry by V alentino Mills

1f Prep is a place that feels like home for its students, then Clara-Fey Gymnasium in SchBp e n. Germany would be a home away from that home for Prep’s German students. For the past twenty years, Clara-Fey has served


ac Prep’s Prpn’ c sister ciQf-pr school crh n n l in in iK hi-annnal rGerman ^ r m a n Exchange. Pvrncino-p Adviser Arl\nc*>r Ms. ?Vfc Marie fCurry N i m <c'hoped Vi/-w-wtv4 «-V »«a Pv/'lmrvrto as its bi-annual the Exchange

opportunity to learn

would be a great learning experience for the students; in just a few weeks, they have tl a great deal about German history, society, and culture.”

The German Exchange began in the spring when 23 German students arrived in Newjers<

to experienceAmerica


life. Mr. Duane Farabaugh, SJ, and Ms. Curry organized the American portion o f the Exchi ige and went to great lengths to ensure that it proved both an enriching and enjoyable cultural experience for al students involved. In addition to accompanying their Exchange partners to classes, German students experiencec life in northern New Jersey and New York City. Yet, no such trip could be complete without a similar Exchange in a foreign land. Shortly

after the school year’s end, M r. Farabaugh, Ms. Curry, Mr. James DeAngelo, and Mr. Howard Roberts led 19 studentlto Germany. Students began their three-week excursion with a oneweek stay in Berlin. Here the group visited the ! Bundestag, and remnants o f the Berlin Wall. Students then traveled to the other side o f with their partners in Schleiden. During the visit, students tested their German skills in a variety o f situations; they took philosophy classes, water-skied in the Eiffel region, visited a quarry, and lost at a friendly match o f basketball with the Clara-Fey team. They also traveled to nearby Cologne and Trier. In addition, the group visited Strasburg on a mini-excursion to neighboring France For senior Andrew Wallace, “The exchange was a wonderful experience that allowed me to understand things from a completely different point o f view and opened my mind to a new culture.” The other participants undoubtedly shared his sentiment

with senlof M ichael P. Sweeney/ senior m U y a n Loftus lifts his friend and classmate while wailing for the ferry to tyew York City, A fter riding on the ferry, the Exchange students visited the Comw odities Exchange and ih&W orltl Financial Center1H

Gate, the

B country to reunite

T% elaxirig; at an aftefi^^ liccl lacross^ natch at the JF K Field, VKExchm ge students I obias F alke and M aria W aber leam the rules o f the Native Ameman-created lacrosse. German students spent about tw -and-a-kalf in America and had numerous opportuni­ ties to experience a typicm day in the life o f a Prep student.

T^xchange student Timo Richarz tells a joke to Stefan J —/K lein, M aria Waber, and Thomas Diderichs while munching on American snacks. The homes o f Exchange students on both sides o f the ocean often became gather­ ing points for much o f the students' free time fun.

^S^OS^erman J . photo that includes^ ill the moderators and both the American an d German Exchange I tudents.


V albert

1 - - .E 'T

fyfitefbahn, senior Paul W ard, junior T o^hgingon the Gem - JLzM atthew W ard, alu\mnu§.Philipp Janssen, and seniors-M aithew M utroy and Ryan .Ofti&feljsh a mmrespite during a weatj^ iotbe Bonn Museum ofjp{ktoryj_ The ing travel day on Exchange students spemit the dtty touring Bonn, tkp capital o f the former state o f West G e


H hitton? ’M exetndfr -Senators a n d fta u t |S|| ,.^ M a tth ew Ward, and seniors Ryan ho\ EvSwetnpy, M 4 tthsw, M uifoy, an d Andrew W allace relax D a $ fe s to p fM rkbetfch. early one tnommi : before-^siting fotsdanter Plotz, or Berlin's equh/akn p 'Mew'i^t^. C $ {s Times Square. .

German Exchange 31

S to ry by S tephen M cD erm ott

he classroom s, offices, labs, and buildings o f


vision o f Principal M r. Kevin Cuddihy, carefully craft lessons, both

the Saint Peter’s Preparatory Sch ool com m u­

academ ic and practical, to prepare their students for a life outside

n ity would be n oth ing w ithout the people

this second hom e, m uch like the way a parent nurtures a child to

who work in these offices and classrooms,

becom e a good citizen o f the world through im portant life lessons

study in these labs, o r traverse these build­

shared. N o t only do Prep students receive sustenance o f the m ind,

ings’ hallways. It is the faculty, staff, adm inis­

body, and soul from faculty, staff, and adm inistration, they also

tration, and, m ost im portantly, students who

receive literal nourishm ent from the cafeteria staff.

m ake Prep what it is, namely, a hom e away

M o st im portantly, Prep students, the children o f this home,

fro m hom e. Prep, however, is m ore than a

spend tim e in classroom s learning, o r pass tim e in the library, caf­

eteria, or iliar courtyard mere collection o f people; it is a h om e com prised o f fam faces com pleting homework, or, sim ply enjoy their

who act as friends, brothers, sisters, and even parents.

shared tim e growing closer together in a brotherhood that forms

Each m em ber o f this fam ily holds an im portan t responsibility.

the glue th at binds the Prep com m u nity together. M oreover, stu­

A lthough each person fulfills a different role, these fam ily mem bers

dents are the school’s lifeblood, in the way that children carry a

jo in together to fo rm the Prep com m unity, m uch like the way a

fam ily nam e and tradition to future generations. W h ile faculty,

m other, father, and children form a hom e. T h e sta ff and adm inis­

staff, and adm inistration work to sustain the household, it is the

tration, including Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ, the school’s President and

Prep student who plays an essential role; each Prep student becomes

father figure, work behind th e scenes to ensure a financially sound

an alum nus who ju st may spend a lifetim e giving back to the hom e

and stable hom e for the com m unity, constant redevelopm ent and

th at nurtured h im during his form ative years. It is through the

revitalization o f this hom e loom s o n their m inds m uch like these

lifelong support from its children that Prep m ay continue to be a

same issues concern the head o f a household. T h e m aintenance sta ff

place that feels like h om e to future generations o f students, faculty,

ensures the fu nction ing and sustenance o f this household o n a daily

staff, and adm inistrators alike.

basis. O th er adm inistrators supervise discipline, w hich plays an in­

T he people o f the Prep com m u nity add life and energy to all the

tegral role in sustaining order in thia h om e away from hom e, while

buildings and spaces they occupy, and interactions between faculty,

others still watch over student activities that cultivate the body and

staff, adm inistration, and students create the vitality o f the hallowed

soul in addition to the m ind. Faculty and s ta ff m, under the super­

household that is Saint Peter’s Preparatory School.

list as every home certain room for gea guests, holding lengthy JI versations, or peacefully n I ing a hook, so too does 11 have the foyer in the ft, I entrance where one 1 1 always find a crowd 0^ I ing for the day's evetii I even sharing in prayer.


T Jnknowingly tali L / part in the vibl Prep community, Mr. rick Reidy, Vice Pniwk o f Student Affairs, C.J. Kopec, Ms, C l tiane Gannon, M a teacher, and Ms. N& I Cunningham, Assisted ExternalAffairs and Aa sions, pass each other in school's foyer. Faculty/$ administration, and dents comprise the fa that creates the hofft/t environment at Prep, j

A l l o f my f r i e n d s a r e h e re and we a lw a y s have a l o t o f f u n . When I think o f them and P re p I think o f them as i f they a r e my f a m il y . J u n io r Juan N o r d e l o

I a lw a y s think o f the C h e e rs l y r i c s , 'W here e v e ­ r y b o d y knows y o u r name and t h e y ' r e a lw a y s g l a d you c a m e .' When I am a t P re p I f e e l as though I am s u r ­ r o u n d e d b y a o a r i n g and l o v i n g f a m il y . Mr. Jan Butrym J A ssista n t D ire c to r o f I n f o r m a t io n T e c h n o lo g y ^

32 People


C h r is A n d r e a d is Depar tm ent: P h y s i c a l E d u c a t io n C la sse s Ta u g h t: P h y s i c a l E d u c a t io n C o ach o f: Fo o tb all, W e ig h t T r a in in g Y ears a t pr ep: 9 Hom etow n: C edar G ro ve, n j

Julen Abio Immanuel Adeola Patrick Albers Joshua Alvarez Timothy Ammendola Andrew Arrospide Michael Auth Robert Avallone Taylor Bacques Kenny Baez Christian Baranok Paul Beckmann Brian Beckmeyer George Benavente Matthew Bender Andrea Binder Anthony Blake Benjamin Blanchfield James Blauvelt Dan Bolos Joseph Borsellino Lawrence Bovich Anand Brahmbhatt Joh n Branagan Joh n Bratowicz Alex Broadbent Sean Buckley Eric Bujnowski Rashon Burroughs Ian Buzzio Kevin Byram Benjamin Camargo Brendan Canale Joseph Candela Patrick Cappiello Richard Carmody Neil Carroll Walter Casanovas Marcus Casares Michael Casio Gerald Castaldo Rene Castaneda Muhammad Chaudhri Moneeb Chaudhry Michael Chianca Thomas Ciand Justin Cicchetti Dylan Clark

A Place That Feels Like Home

J e f f r e y Sc o tt

F r . T h o m a s Ben z, SJ


Be a u d e t t e D epartm ent:

S t u d e n t C h a p l a in Depar tm ent:


M o dern Lang uag es C lasses Ta u g h t:

R e l i g io n / C a m p u s M in is t r y


S p a n is h t , F r e n c h 1.

C la sse s T aug ht: R e l ig io n 1,

F r en ch 2, F r en ch 3 Ho nors Moderator o f: Fr e n c h C lub Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

P r a y e r a n d S p ir it u a l it y I ! M em ber o f: C a m p u s M in is t r y T e a m Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

3 H om etow n:

Ho m etow n:

C l in t o n , C T

Bu ffalo , NY


Ro b er t Br u c k n er Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s

G r e g o r y F . B o y le

Lo r i B e r m a n

D e p a rtm e n t:

departm ent:

C lasses Taug ht: Geo m etry, geo m etry

S c ie n c e


C la s s e s T a u g h t: G e o s c ie n c e

Years a t Prep:


H o n o r s , A P S t a t is t ic s C oach o f:

Y e a r s a t P re p :

Ba s k e t b a l l


Hom eto w n: N e w P r o v in c e , N J

Y ea r s a t Pr e p : 5

Hom etow n: Ba y o n n e , n j

Ho m eto w n: A lpha reta . GA

Andrew Colaneri Liam Colford Stephen Conley Daniel Connor Michael Conti Oscar Contreras Ricardo Cordero Carlos Cortes Robert Cortez Charles Costello Kevin Crawford Christopher Cruz Matthew Cutola Richard Czirbik Andrew D’Amato Rashad Davis Wesley Davis Dan Delaon Emmanuel Delgado Alexander Dellabella Mark Doherty John Doyle Colin Edwards Patrick Egan

bw does Prep feel lik e a seco n d h o m e to m e? I t seem ed like a sim p le

M r. H ym as con g ratu lates you o n a good grade th a t is well-earned and

"question a t firs t g lan ce, b u t p ro d u c in g an answ er to it has tak en

d eserv ed i.lt is in stu d ents and teachers w ho spend th eir t p if e g p g e t l £ » &


te r sc h o o l in co -cu rricu lar activities. Prep feels like a secon d h o m e to m e m uch th o u g h t. I knew th a t to fin d m y answ er, I w ou ld have to go b ack n o t o n ly fo r th ese reasons, b u t also because o f th e b o n d s created th rou gh to m y in itia l exp erien ces w ith P rep , to th e firs t tim e I laid eyes o n th e th em . Prep does n o t feel lik e a secon d h o m e, it is a seco n d h(8me. w orld thatfjexists at th e co rn ers o f G ra n d an d W a rren . I| all began id u rin g F resh m a n O r ie n ta tio n . I re m e m b e r th e th o u g h ts ru n n in g th ro u g h like?" “W ill

m y h ead

o n th a t firs t

th e w ork b e hard?”

day: “W h a t is Prep g o in g to be

“W ill I b e a b le to m ake frien d s?”

Freshman I»ouis S u lliv a n

A re

there actu ally N O girls th ere?” E v en tu a lly , we were given o u r schedules and led in to th e ch ap el fo r th e b eg in n in g o f o u r Prep exp erien ce. I rem em ber th e c o m fo rtin g speeches given b y M r. C u d d ih y and M r. Ir­ vine, and th e u n se ttlin g JU G -th e m e d speech given by M r. D a n d o rp h . A fter th e speeches, I m et th e p eo p le in m y h o m e ro o m , and th us m y Prep fa m ily was in tro d u ced to m e. As th e days c re p t onw ard and grew in to weeks, th e fa m ily I had at Prep exp and ed and evolved in to w h at it is now : a stro n g tree w ith b ra n ch es di­ verse en o u g h to in c lu d e ca rin g and frie n d ly facu lty. T h a t is how Prep feels lik e a sec­ o n d h o m e to m e. I t is in th e way you r T ch a o

o f the Freshman

w ill c o m fo r t yo u i f y o u r day isn t go­

Football team prepare for the hike while playing an after-school game at Caven Point. The Freshman Football team ended the season with a record o f 9-1.

fello w

fresh m en

lik e J u s tin

in g w ell, and in th e way a teach er lik e

Freshmen i i

Willie Emanuele Daniel Espinoza Malcolm Farrar Christopher Fernandez Vadim Filatov Sean Finn Christopher Fiume William Foley William Fong I Conrad Foord I Delfin Ganapin m ■ Sebastian Garcia B Stephen Gardner E Kael Gil Alexander Gonzalez Daniel Gonzalez Daryl Green Emmet Gregory Michael Griffin Justin Guerra-Sarreal James Gutch Richard Hajduk Kevin Handsman Michael Handy Daniel Hansen Kazim Hassan Joh n Hederman Michael Heredia Joseph Hernandez Eric Holt Christopher Hood Aaron Ibarrola Vincent Impreveduto Jose Izquierdo Paul Johnson ID Nicholas Jorgensen Matthew Kaczmar Anthony Kameno David Keamey James Kearns Andrew Kelly William Kender Mohammed Khan Jigar Khatri Mitchell Kiebus Patrick Kiesow Gregory Kohles Jay Kowalczyk

S t e v e C a s l o w it z J o h n C a m p io n D e p ar tm e nt:

Departm ent;

En g ush C la s s e s Ta u g h t:

C lasses Ta ug ht: c o n c e r t Ba n d , j a z z

E n g l is h 3 , A P E n g u s h

Ba n d , m u s i c T h e o r y , J a z z H is t o r y Moderator o f:

La n g u a g e, En g u s h 4: Sh akespeare Mo d er a to r o f : D r a m a t ic s Years a t p r e p: 25 Ho m eto w n : J e rs e y C m . NJ



3.6 Freshmen


I n t r o d u c t io n t o M u s ic , M a r a u d e r P e p Ba n d , J a z z Ba n d Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

f Ho m eto w n : T e a n ec k , NJ

Ma r a C o d ey Departm ent:

r e u g io n

C la sse s Ta ug h t: | Re l ig io n s : ■> S o c ia l J u s t ic e j w Mem ber o f:


c a m p u s M in i s t r y T e a m ; Y e a r s a t P re p :


2 Ho m etow n: S p r in g L a k e , N J


,raving the cold at a school day's end, freshmen D aniel Rivera, Johnny Q uisle, Andrew Kelly, and M ario M antil­ la converse in the courtyard before leaving.

S How have you f e l t that Prep w i l l be a new home to you?


home to me is a place where I can feel secure and dose to m y family. At Prep m y fellow dassmates are the brothers with whom I can laugh. M y

coaches make m e work to the point where I want to drop andnever get up, but they encourage m e to try. The faculty members are caring people who guide m e to work to m y fullest potential so that I can succeed in life. They


teach m e more than m ath and English; I learn how to act and how I can become a m an o f consaenoe, competence, and compassion. Through perseverance and determina­ tion I can succeed, but it cannot be done alone; the entire Prep comm unity is here to hdp me. In time, Prep will become m y second hom e where I T~\iscussing stratJ^ /e g ie s for their "Balloon Toss," fresh­ men Richard Hajduk and Kevin Handsman prepare for their portion o f the Freshman Olympics. M any seniors helped with the Olympics, setting an example o f what a Prep man should be.

can spend m y time hdping others or just rdaxing, where I will

have n o problem simply doing “m y thing” and

others will respect whatever I do as a family does, and where I won’t be judged without being known. I know the Prep community can h d p me. M any sacrifices were made so I could come, and I continue to make sacrifices to stay, but I am becoming part o f the family, yet not without hard w ork As it is said, "W ith n o struggle there can be n o progress.”

Freshman Sebastian Garcia

Lucas Kozinski Michael Kushnir Jose LaPiana Nelson Lenahan Joseph livi Daniel Londono Joseph Lopera Mark Lotfalla Nicholas Ludgnano James Lugo Alexander Lupo Jordan Maddewicz Joseph Maini Sean Maly Antonio Manente John Manley Mario Mantilla Moses Martinez Omar Martinez Paul Martino Anthony Marulanda Nino Matesic Robert McFarland Ryan McKeary

J a m es Cq u jn s Dea n o f Stu de nts D epartm ent: H is t o r y C lasses ta u g h t: U .S . H is t o r y 2 Years a t Pr ep: 17 H o m etow n: Br o nx, NY

C h a r le s E. C r o sb y d epartm ent: S c ie n c e C lasses Taug ht: P h y s i c s , ap B io l o g y Mo d er a to r $Fi STAGE CR EW , R P G CLUB Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 4 H om etow n: So m e r v il l e , M A

Pa u l C u n n e e n Departm ent: H is t o r y C la sses Ta ug h t: W o r l d C iv il i z a t i o n s , U .S . H is t o r y l Mo derator o f: H is t o r y C l u b . M o d e l U n it e d N a t io n s Years a t p r e p:

6 Ho m eto w n: W e s t Nya c k . NY

A Place That Feels Like Home

M a r ie C u r r y Departm ent:

Ja m e s Don dero D epar tm ent: G u id a n c e ( D ir e c t o r )

C a r l S. D e Lo r e n z o Departm ent: H is t o r y

H is t o r y C la sses Ta u g h t: U .S . H is t o r y 1, A P U .S . H is t o r y l ,

C lasses Taught: G r o u p G u id a n c e Moderator o f:

C lasses T a ug h t: U .S . H is t o r y 2 ,

A P U .S . H is t o r y 2

S p r in g M u s ic a l .

Im p e r ia l is m

Mo derato r o f:

Eb o n y C lub C oach o f:

Years a t pr ep: 34

S t u d e n t C o u n c il Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 15 H o m etow n:

W restung Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 18

Ho m eto w n : J e r s e y C it y , N J

Ba y o n n e , n j

Ho m etow n: J e r s e y C it y , n j

Casey McNamara I Bryan McTiernan I Anthony Medina ■ Pedro Medina | Carlos Mejias, Jr. Christopher Meliado Andrew Memar Kevin Meuse


Courtney Mills Andrew Mobus




Jason Modi John Montemayor David Moreira Harrison Morgan Richard Morrison


Alexander Mosa Sushanta Mozumder | Matthew Mullman James Murduca Michael Nadolny John Naughton Lucas Netchert Jonathan Ng Bao Ngo


hen I first' decided to attend Prep, I had great expectations. I knew th at Prep was


great academ ically, and I had heard good things fro m students and alum ni. Al­ though I did n o t com e to Sain t Peter’s Prep fo r athletics alone, I anticipated th at Prep

would o ffer ,m e iplenty o f oth er co-curricular activities. T herefore, m aking the decision to attend the school was n o t d ifficu lt. O n m y first day o f classes, I was pretty nervous because I was the the on ly person from m y gram m ar school to com e here. It was really h ectic and busy, b u t it was n o t as bad as I had expected.D u rin g the first week the faculty

m ade sure th at we all were

properly acclim ated to high school life. T h e am o u n t o f kindness and caring th at I re­ ceived from m y teachers really surprised me. As classes began, I so on realized ju st what people m eant about Prep’s academ ics. I learned th at I could do well o n ly i f I p u t in the effort. T h e education I am receiving exceeds m y expectations, and academ ics here have lived up to and have gone beyond its reputation. Prep’s athletics also have m et all o f m y hopes. I am re­ ally im pressed by how m uch the coaches honestly care about players o n their team. W ork in g with the coaches truly has been a positive influence. T hey all want us to do well and w ork;hard. Prep really has m et a ll o f m y expectations and I am so glad that I chose to com e here.

Freshman Joseph Livi

W mu rm ^ ^ afte^ cho^ ^ thn ^ C lu bln eetm ^ f^ shn m ^ u sH f^ ^ m ^ n ^ A n ^ ^ M arulanda discuss upcoming events and possible film s to watch. M r. Waite Koszyk, who likes teaching Prep's youngest, moderated the club in its maiden year

D 38 A Place That Feels Like Home

Ma r k Do n d e r o De p a r t m e n t C l a s s ic s C lasses Ta ug ht: L a t in l Moderato r o f: C l a s s ic s C l u b Co ach o f: A c a d e m ic T e a m Years a t pr ep:


M e l i s s a D o w l in g De par tm ent: S c ie n c e C l a s s e s Ta u g h t : P h y s ic s m o d er ato r o f:

M e d ic a l C l u b , I n d o -Pa k S o c ie t y Coach o f: V o lleyball Y ea r s a t Pr ep: 3

Ho m eto w n: N o r t h Be r g e n , N J

Ho m e to w n: Ba y C it y . Ml

S r . F r a n c e s M a r ie Duncan, OSF Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s / C a m p u s M in is t r y C la sse s Ta u g h t: Alg ebra 2. C h r i s t i a n S e r v ic e Moderator o f: O u t r e a c h . M o t h e r -S o n D in n e r D a n c e Mem ber o f: C a m p u s M in is t r y T e a m Years at Prep: 15 Hom etow n: Gu tten b e r g , NJ

Colin O ’Connor Richard O’Connor HI Kevin O ’Neill Nyshier Oliver Joel Oquendo Matthew Otis Joseph Owens STHLElit 87-33

Kyle Palmieri Cody Pannella Neil Patel Swetal Patel Paul Paternoster Peter Paulsen Sean Pearson Joseph Perez Justin Perez Matthew Pidnich Richard Polini Brian Purcell Johnny Quispe Andrew Rader R ajoh n Raeford Justin Restrepo Philip Reynolds Angel Reynoso Michael Ridgliano Daniel Rivera Juliano Rizkallah Michael Rodgers Gustavo Rodriguez Henry Rodriguez Gregory Romano, Jr. Jason Rosenberg Yul Ruiz Sean Ryan Andrew Saa Nathaniel Salzman David Sambade Mark Sandan Salvatore Santucdo Matthew Samovsky Avery Sawyer Matthew Schembre Colin Schroeder Conor Scott Richard Sese Brian Shields Daniel Short

Freshmen 39

T eamm.g exf J nence thf a n ° f "hanging out" on the stairs, freshmen Lucas K ozinski and M ichael Lhianca eniov reJTs J —/outside the cafeteria. A fter exchanging books many students use the 15-minute break to finish homework or eat a snack.


printing toward a win during a Cross Country meet in Bayonne Park, freshman Andrew M ernar uses his conserved energy to complete the last lap. Mark Siocha Kenneth Slaski Andrew Smith Rui Soares Daniel Sobsey Dylan Solt Tyrone Stamps Kevin Stevenson Craig Styles Nicholas Suarez Jacob Suazo Christian Subol Louis Sullivan Ian Svercauski Owen Sweeney Lowell Tanyag Justin Tchao David Terry Kevin Tighe Maxwell Trimm Gil Valentin Juan Velasquez Jameson Vicuna Ryan Webb

Bo n n y M . Ea t o n D ep ar tm e nt:

Ma r y D u r a n t e De par tm ent: G u id a n c e C la sses T a ug h t: G r o u p G u id a n c e MODERATOR O R F o r e n s ic s (A s s is t a n t ) Yea r s a t Pr ep:

IM a i

H o m eto w n: Ma p l e w o o d , NJ



E n g l is h Glasses ta u g h t: E n g l is h 1 H o n o r s , E n g l is h 3 , C r e a t iv e W r it in g Moderator o f: S t u d i o , L it e r a r y M a g a z in e , Bo o k C l u b tv

Years a t Prep:


Hom etow n: Spo kane, w a

D u a n e Fa r a b a u g h , S J Depar tm ent: Mo d er n Lang u ag e Gla sses Taug ht: ? G e r m a n 1. G e r m a n 2, Ge r m a n 3 M o d er ato r o f: | German C lub, 1 I r is h l a n g u a g e C l u b years a t prep:


Ho m etow n: W e s t Is l i p , N Y

atching an egg during the "Egg Drop, a traditional Freshman Olympics event, freshman D avid Terry prevents the egg, which senior Christopher Barry throws out the window, from breaking as Mr. M atthew Klarmann and M r. D avid Lagerstrom observe.


How have any of your newfound friends at Prep made your transition from grammar school to high school easier? ‘1 was fortunate enough to meet some new friends before school started through the Soc­ cer Team. Tryouts were in August and I met at least fifteen incoming freshmen and eight sophomores immediately. During the first few days o f dass I was bound to run into a team­ mate in the classroom, cafeteria, or hallways. Seeing those familiar faces made the transition to Prep easier. Having new friends has made free periods and lunch a lot more fun especially play­ ing basketball with them in the rec yard The commute has been grueling but having good friends to ride with has made it fun. It is a great opportunity to talk and laugh and I’m sure it is an experience that I will always remember. I have enjoyed meeting so many new people from many dif­ ferent towns throughout New Jersey and New York I 1 feel fortunate to be a student at Prep, not only because of the great education, but also because of the great people I have m et What is great is that it has only just begun, and I have three more years to form friendships and enjoy the Prep experience.”

Freshman John Doyle mmmCJ

F. Grant Whelply Khalil Wilkes Jonathan Wong Evan Yacker Stephen Yasneski Ryan Yawit Ranieri Yllanes Alexander Yu Brian Zappulla Joshua Zarichnyj Nicholas Zimbardo Stephen Zolli

M ic h a e l F l e t c h e r Departm ent: R e l ig io n

F r e d Ga l a n o

C lasses T aug ht: R e l ig io n 1 , b io e t h ic s

C l a s s e s Ta u g h t W o r l d r e l ig i o n s ,

Co ach o f: Ru g b y Ye a r s a t Pr e p : 4 Hom eto w n: Br o n x , N Y

De p ar tm e nt: r e l ig i o n

r e l ig i o n 2 Years a t Prep:

V ‘' •

H om etow n:

C h r is t ia n e A . Ga n n o n Departm ent: E n g l is h C lasses T aug ht: E n g l is h 1 , E n g l is h 2 Y ea rs a t Prep:

1 Ho m eto w n: Brooklyn, NY

U n io n , N J

A Place That Feels Like Home 41

A n a J . G a r c Ia D e p a rtm e n t: M o d e r n L a n g u a g e s ( C h a ir ) C la s s e s T a u g h t: S p a n is h 1 H o n o r s , S p a n is h 2 , A P S p a n is h L a n g u a g e , S p a n is h 3 : M e d ic a l a n d B u s in e s s P r o f e s s io n a l s Moderato r o f: S e n io r p r o m C o m m i t t e e . S t u d y A b r o a d Pr o g r a m . I n t e r n s h i p f o r M e d ic a l a n d B u s in e s s , f o u n d e r o f A l b a S c h o l a r s h i p , S p a n is h Ev e n t s C lu b Ye a r s a t Pr e p : 34 Ho m eto w n : S a n c t i -S p i r i t u s . C u b a

Michael Aguas Gabriel Aiello Daniel Alfieri Lance Aligo Carroll Alston Joseph Alvarez Gary Apito Ellington Arnold Vincenzo Averello Gabriel Azaceta Malikul Aziz Joseph Ballance Curran Banach Andrew Barone Daniel Barson Peter Begley James Bell Justin Bellini Gabriel Benavides Philip Beni Matthew Bernal Palak Bhagat Timothy Bilavsky Jacob Blicharz Jeremy Bonafe Michael Booth Joseph Boucher Jared Bowers Benjamin Brenneis Anthony Bruce Brendan Biyant Alex Cabrera Marc Campomanes Jason Caposello William Carey Timothy Carney Marc Carrion Dillon Ceglio Rocco Cerami Cambridge Chu Erick Cifuentes Eric Cirino Giovanni Colacchia Henderson Cole Robert Coloney Andrew Colucci Leslie Constantine Daniel Convery


A Place That Feels Like Home

E r in g e t h in g Departm ent: C l a s s ic s C lasses Taug ht: L a t in I . L a t in 3 , L a t in 3 h o n o r s Moderator o f: F o r e n s ic s Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

2 Hom etow n: Br o o k ly n , N Y

A n n i e G l a c k in Departm ent: En g us h C l a s s e s Ta u g h t : E n g u s h 1, E n g u s h 2 Moderator o f: P e t r o c , C e l t ic C l u b Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

2 Hom eto w n: M il l b u r n , n j

Ella Gla zer Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s C lasses Ta ug h t:

P a t r i c k H a m il t o n

Java, W eb

D epartm ent:

D e s ig n . V is u a l

S c ie n c e

B a s ic , c o m p u t e r A p p l ic a t io n s

C lasses Ta ug h t: C h e m is t r y

Mo der ato r o f :

Yea r s a t Pr ep:

C o m puter C lu b .


Sto c k Ma r k e t c l u b Y ea r s a t Pr ep:

hom etow n:

R ic h a r d H a n s e n A t h l e t i c D ir e c t o r Coach o f: Fo o t b a l l Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 23 Hom etow n: J e r s e y C it y , n j

Be th es da , MD

6 Ho m etow n: Lo n g Is l a n d , N Y

Derrick Cortez Michael Cortina Joseph Crimmins Aiden Cunningham Andre Daley Kevin DePinto Andrew Del Castillo Louis DiPaola Mack Do Samuel Dokus John Dolaghan DeFron Dominick John Donaleski, Jr. Ryan Dowd Sean Dowd Sean Downey Peter Drummond John DuVal Brian Dye Brian Farrell Patrick Farrell, Jr. Dennis Figueroa David Finn Sean Folger

y first experience at Prep was when I heard about the summer

drove many to know me was my famous McCabe five. Prep, for many

HAP program from Mrs. Spitaletta, my English teacher. It was

others and myself, is a home, despite my dreading classes occassion-

HAP that would start my journey o f knowing Prep and having it as my

ally, because I see my friends and have fun with them at practices or in after-school co-curricular activities. Many also might say that Prep


new home. Mrs. Spitaletta recommended it to me, and so I took the HAP entrance admission test. I later found out that I was accepted and would begiirthe HAP program on July 1st. Coming to Prep, I did not know what to expect. One o f my teachers was the renowned Mr. Mc­ Cabe, the World Civilizations and U.S. History 1 teacher at Prep who also coaches the JV Soccer team. I remember exactly what he said that day: “'You may feel uncomfortable here now, but within one week, you will not be able to wait to come back the

is my home because o f my non-stop handball-playing. There were times I would not leave school because o f my hand­ ball-playing until 5:00pm, or sometimes even later. This shows how comfortable I felt being at Prep and that it would not matter if I went home or not, because Prep was my home. I really enjoyed watching the basketball games; there were actually a couple nights when I stayed to watch Freshman, JV, and Varsity Basketball games all in one night! I

next day.” Truer words were never spoken.

also spent two days a week working in the gym. I was a short guy who

HAP was the beginning o f friendships that

was pretty skinny, so I expected to be ridiculed. Yet instead, I was en­ couraged and cheered on, and that experience amazed me. Prep is my

still endure today at Prep. I definitely felt at home throughout HAP because I was with many friends and thoroughly enjoyed all the sports and co-curricular activities offered us. I came back to Prep looking forward to it more than ever. Many knew me as I knew them because o f the HAP program and from the soccer team. W hat really

home because o f the many co-curricular activities and sports it offers, from getting to know and see favorite teachers and friends, and for the way the school boosted my happiness. Receiving a “hello” or words o f encouragement from a friend was enough to make my day. I would like to thank the many faculty, staff and fellow classmates for helping me make St. Peter’s Prep my home, whether at 901 Summit Avenue or at 144 Grand Street o f Jersey City.

Sophomore Henry GreenfLeld

Sophomores 43

Douglas Freeman Gabriel Gaieila Bryant Garcia Juan Garcia Mina Gayed Kyle Generdli Anthony Giannobile K Caleb Gibson Domenico Giovine Clarence Gocon Casim Gomez Matthew Gonzales Michael Gonzalez Andre Graham Corlando Grant Patrick Grant William Grapstul Henry Greenfield Bryant Griffin Erik Hanselman Eamon Hartnett EJbasan Haxhaj Daniel Hennessy Jonathan Hernandez Christopher Hetherington William Heyer Willie Hill Edwin Hjelm Joseph Holder Jeffrey Hongthong I Miguel Horta Malik Houari Joseph Hussey Michael Ibarra Joel Udefonso Khubaib Iqbal Jordan JafFerjee Peter Jimenez Joseph Karczewski Andrew KildufF | Liam Kolb Raymond Krenidd Michael Krohn Michael Laurie Justin Lawrence Peter LeBron I Maxwell Lemos [ Daniel Iibrojo J

F r . M ic h a e l H o a g . S J Departm ent: E n g l is h

J e f f r e y R . Ha r t u n g Departm ent: R e l ig io n C lasses ta u g h t R e l i g io n 1 . r e l ig i o n 2 Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

E l e a n o r H e u m a n n -P u g a c h L ib r a r ia n , M e d ia S p e c i a l i s t Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 3


Ho m eto w n:

Hom etow n :

P h il a d e l p h ia , P A

Ga l e s F er r y, C T

C la sses Taug ht: E n g l is h 2 . A P E n g l is h Lj t e r a t u r e Mo d er a to r o f: L a c r o s s e . Ma r a u d s ? N a t k >n . C h r is t ia n L if e C o m m u n it y , H is p a n ic S o c ie t y Ye a r s a t Pr e p :

16 hom etow n:

R iv e r da l e . N Y




j ?

How have you grown c l o s e r to your new fr ie n d s at Prep?


reeting each other in between their classes, junior Joshua-D aniel Recobs exchanges a hardy hand­ shake with sophomore Jared Bowers outside o f Mr. Brian M cCabe's Hogan H all classroom.


i ne question that I often find myself pondering is, ccWhat is Prep to me?” After many debates with myself as to the answer o f this query I have come up with an answer. Prep to me is a

home away from home. It is the place where I can be nurtured both socially and academically. The faculty and staff guide me through every step o f my pre<x)liege life and my friends, who are like brothers to me, are willing and able to help me with any o f my dilemmas. When I first came to Prep it seemed as if I was on a different planet due to the fact that I knew nobody going in and I was unfam iliar with the area. After awhile the transition and the commute to school became much easier and, with the help o f my newly acquired friends, school was a fiin place to be. Then, when winter rolled around, I joined the Swimming team and as a result I formed even stronger bonds o f friendship with my teammates and coaches. At the beginning o f the year I was always so anxious to get home after school but the Swim­ ming team really taught me what Prep was all about enjoying life. Eventually the season ended and again I was left with no activity to do after school, even though now I knew how much Prep offered after school It was much more common for me now to stay after school and hang around with friends. Then, as the school year winded down, I was treated to another surprise, which was being voted an Outstanding Freshman. Being voted Outstanding Freshman truly gave me understanding o f how much I had changed for the better. From that moment on I knew I would always have a home at Prep. Now that I am a sophomore I became more involved with cocurricular activities and made even more new friends. Although my time at Prep has been short, one thing that I am sure o f is that it has left an everlasting imprint on my life.

Sophomore Louis DiPaola Franas Iim Daniel IiVolsi Justin Loo Sean Maguire Shyam Majmundar Joseph Major Jared Maloney Lucas Maloney Thomas Manning Charles Marade Christopher Marafioti M Bilal Mazhar Miles McCann Kevin McDermott Peter MdFadden Andrew McGlynn Patrick McGrath Dylan McMahon Thomas McMahon Ryan McMillan Christopher McNulty Keenan McRae Albert McWilliams HI David Meis

Ja m e s H o llyw ood De p a r t m e n t M a t h e m a t ic s ( C h a ir ) C la sse s Ta ug h t: Alg eb r a 1 Moderator o f: Campus Shop M em ber o f: A l u m n i E x e c u t iv e B o a r d . F in a n c e C o M M m E E Ye a r s a t P r e p : 4 Ho m e t o w n : W est Ne w Y ork , NJ

D e n n is H u D epartm ent. M a t h e m a t ic s C la sses T a ug h t: Precalculus, a p

C alculus

C oach of: C ro ss C o untry, In d o o r T r a c k Y e a r s a t PR e p :


ROBERT H y m a s d epartm ent, r e l ig i o n

C lasses Ta u g h t 1 . R e l i g io n 3 : S o c ia l J u s t ic e Mo d er a to r o f : S tar W a r s C lu b , C o m ic b o o k C l u b ,

r e l ig i o n

Sta g e C r ew . A Ca pella Y e a r s a t Pr e p :


H om etow n :

Ho m eto w n:

F lo rham Pa rk . N J

E d is o n . N J

A Place That Feels lake Home

A n t h o n y K e a t in g Depar tm ent.

D r . R ic h a r d L K e n n e d y

Ma t t h e w Kl a r m a n n De p a r t m e n t :

Departm ent E n g l is h

H is t o r y C lasses Taug ht:

En g u s h

C la sse s Ta u g h t: E n g l is h 2 , En g u s h 2 H o n o r s

W o r l d C iv il i z a t i o n s . U .S. L a w Moderator o f:

C lasses Ta u g h t E n g l is h 2 . G o t h ic L it e r a t u r e

Moderato r o f:

F o r e n s ic s (A s s is t a n t )

C oach o r Soccer

S e in f e l d C l u b Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 39

Ye a r s a t P r e p :

1 Ho m eto w n :

Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 4

H om etow n :

Ho bo ken , n j

Ho m e t o w n :

N e w Yo r k . N Y

Ba y o n n e . N J

Ivan Mercado Timothy Miller Harold Milne EH Robert Mirza David M oncrief Colin Morgan Spencer Morrison Gregory Morrissey Nyrone Moseley Jon Mucciolo John Mulhem Brian Munoz Michael Murcia John Murphy Joseph Murphy Stephen Murphy Kyle Nelson Dat Nguyen Matthew Nova John O ’Brien Terrence O ’Neill Richard Oliveira Tony Ongeri Michael Onieal


here are hundreds o f reasons why students adore coming to Prep; For some, it is a place were they can shine, while for others it is

ing to study or complete some homework. Once the 8th period bell rings, I usually have Band practice but, if I don’t, I head back to the

a place were they can grow spiritually. The reason I adore coming to

cafeteria and sit down with DeFron Dominick, and sometimes Khu­

Prep is because o f the friend s I have and the friendships that I have made in my two-year stay at Grand and Warren.

baib Iqbal, and finish more homework. But if I have Band, then I go to the Band room and play music while goofing around with sen­

Every day before school starts W ill Heyer and I meet at the Light

ior Patrick Comey, freshman Jonathan W ong and Les Constantine.

Rail station and walk to school while com m only talking about the

After practice ends, Kevin Sylvester and I, and sometimes Matthew

tiredness we both feel or about a recent quiz or test grade. Nyrone

Nova and freshman Will Kender, take the Light Rail to Hoboken

Moseley, Mike Booth, and I often are the last students to leave Mr.

Terminal. W e all go home; the day is over.

Riordan s Latin 2 class before lunch 5B; we head to our lockers

I realize the great friendships I have with all o f these friends. J can

and spend around 10 minutes in the locker room doing absolutely

only imagine how strong our friendships will become and how many

nothing but talking and fooling around with our other friends. Then, I walk to the cafeteria and eat lunch while talk­ ing to Khubaib Iqbal, Nick Strack, Jared Maloney, Rich Oliveira, Ahmed Sheikh, James Pilger, and DeFron Dominick. Our talking usually turns into a huge debate over many topics, including the existence o f God, the war in Iraq, or the best teach­ ers we have had at Prep. During my free periods Phil Beni and I sit and talk about computers while try­

46 A Place That Feels Like Home

more friendships I will forge in another two years.

Sophomore James B e l l uietly conversing with sophomore Jon Mucciolo while he catches up on some Geometry homework during a free period, soph­ omore John M urphy keeps his good friend company in the Siperstein Library. Students used the library to complete homework, to check e-mail, or to research information for projects.


C JS la v e

M e g a n K l im Departm ent;

M a t t h e w a . K n it t e l


Departm ent:

C la sse s T aug ht:

C l a s s i c s ( C h a ir )

Fr e s h m a n A r t .

C lasses T a ught:

En g u s h C lasses T a ug h t:

D r a w in g 1 . D r a w in g 2 . P o r t f o l io , P a in t in g

L a t in 2 . L a t in 2

En g u s h 1, E n g u s h 3 ,

W a l t e r Ko s z y k Departm ent:

M oderator o f:

Honors, Greek 1 C o ach o f:

A r t Cl u b .

S w im m in g

Moderator o f: A n im e C l u b

LYRICAL SOCIETY Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

Y ea r s a t Pr ep:

Yea r s a t Pr ep:


Hom etow n:

34 Ho m eto w n:

C leveland, OH

H o b o k en . NJ

H o m etow n:


S t e in b e c k

H a m il t o n . N J

Justin Ortuoste Stephen Pagkalinawan Anthony Pane Jay Patel Stefan Paul Kevin Pedersen David Perez Casey Perno James Pilger Miguel Pimentel Luke Power Nicholas Rabiecki Kevin Ramnaraine Franklin Ramos II Danyal Rana Stephen Rasmusson Fahad Riaz Steven Rizzo David Roberts Bryan Robinson Christopher Robinson Edward Rodger Carlos Rodriguez Thomas Rogers Gary Rokoszak Armando Roman Edward Rose Michael Ruzek Mark Ryan Ramon Sandoval Ryan Scherba Louis Senerchia James Shalhoub Ahmed Sheikh Alexander Shutterly Michael Stefanelli Matthew Stewart Nicholas Strack Robert Swab Kevin Sylvester Jeremy Tankel Michael Tartaglia Lee To Daniel Tomassi Dustin Tylek Matthew Verga Louis Vetter Curt Villarosa

Sophomores [47

\\T7hile eating W their lunches,, sophomores D aniel Alfieri, John O'Brien, and Sean M aguire huddle together to share jokes with one another. M any soph足 omores participate in comical conversations during their lunch. Tn the middle o f a JLlong day o f rigor足 ous classes, sophomores Leslie Constantine, Ste足 phen Murphy, Daniel Barson, Sean Downey, Daniel Hennessy, and Daniel Convery laugh at and discuss the hap足 pening? o f their day before separating for another set o f classes.

C onnor Walsh David Ward James Ward Matthew Wekwert Francis Whelan Brendan W hite Thomas Wile Kevin Williams Matthew W ilson Stephen Yager Joseph Yap Alexander Yasneski | Barton Yun Richard Zadroga Mark Zaleski Spiros Zambas

D a v id L a g e r s t r o m departm ent: S c ie n c e C lasses Taug ht: C h e m is t r y , a p C h e m is t r y Yea r s a t Pr ep:

2 H o m eto w n: W orcester, MA


'^aching, a pymg ^/frisbee tnid-atr in after school gfltne, •.iorChristopher Fitz-

trick steals the glory m sophomore Kevin cDermott who stares awe. Students o f all us played gflnus o f sorts in the courtrd when the weatkproved warmer.

XXZThile many students prefer to eat lunch outside o f v v school, sophomores M ichael Ruzek, Anthony Giannobile, Thomas M cM ahon, D aniel LiVolsi, and Joseph Boucher enjoy their lunches in the cafeteria. Sopho­ mores shared their 5B lunch period with juniors. Papps


7T fleetin g in M r. Robert Hymas's classroom after school, Sean Carney answers sophomore Brendan White's question as to how often the Comic Book Club should meet. The Comic Book Club made plans to attend various comic-enthusiast conventions that visited the area.


How has Prep become a home to you? W ho or what has played an important role in this happening?


y time spent at Prep has made it a home for m e

and baptisms; as well he has been a great support to

There are so many people and qualities that have

us in bad times such as at the deaths o f my grandfa­

made it what it is to m e The Finn family already is well-

ther and my cousin, D an Finn. Another person who

known throughout the Prep community, so everyone

has contributed to my acclimation at Prep is Fr. John

knew me before I came here. I treat Prep as my home

Mullin, SJ. H e has known my family long before I was

because I don’t think I could fm d myself anywhere else

bom , having taught my father during his days at Prep,

The past two years I have spent at Prep have been the

officiated at the marriage o f my parents, and baptized

best o f my life and I hope the next two years fare as

me. I fmd it quite symbolic that my freshman year was

well as the fast two. Every man in my family has gone

also Fr. M ullins return after more than 1 0 years away. I

her^ the 50 years o f traditions that I have to look up to

am grateful to both o f these men for their concern and

inspire m e I feel at home at Prep because it’s where my

support in making sure I felt at home in a place that has

friends and family abide

always been such a special part o f m y life

O n Saturday, November 12 I had the privilege to

Prep always has

attend the “Legends o f Prep” dinner. M y grandfather,

been a special place to

Jack Finn, became a Prep Legend and I learned how

me and always will be.

the school was a home for him and the other Legend

Certain people like Fr.

inductees. They talked about how Prep was the best four

Keenan and Fr. Mullin,

years o f their lives. I saw how emotional these men were

and the qualities that

about the Prep legacy. M any o f them were brought to

Prep bestows upon all its

teats because o f what Prep meant to them and how it

students, truly make me

shaped them into the men they are today.

feel at h om e I don’t be­

Many people have made Prep a home for m e Fr. Jim

lieve I could fmd myself

Keenan, SJ has been one o f these important people who

anywhere else The gifts I

have contributed to m y growth at Prep. I can remember

have been given so far I

Fr. Keenan from a young age as he would sit with my

shall never forget

father, my late grandfather, Jack, and my brother Sean and me at many a Prep football gam e H e has shared

Sophomore David Finn


many happy times with our family such as marriages

B r ia n M c C a b e Departm ent: H is t o r y (C h a ir )


C lasses T a ug h t.

Co ach o f: J V So c c e r Ye a r s a t P r e p : 9

departm ent: r e l ig i o n

U .S . H is t o r y 1 Mo d er ato r o f: In t r a m u r a l s . P r o -Lif e S o c ie t y

M ic h a e l J . b . M c C a r t h y

C lasses Taug ht:

J r w


r e l ig i o n


H is t o r y Y ea r s a t Pr ep:


3 Ho m eto w n : N e w Yo r k , NY

M a r y A n n e Mc Elr o y Departm ent: H is t o r y G lasses Ta ug h t: W o r l d C iv il i z a t i o n s . U.S. h is t o r y 1 Moderator o f: petro c

Y ea r s a t Prep:

1 H o m eto w n: B r o o k l y n . NY

Ho m etow n: Ba y o n n e , N J

A Place That Feels like Home 49

J o h n M . M o r r is Departm ent: R e l i g io n / D ir e c t o r o f L it u r g y a n d P r a y e r S e r v ic e s C l a s s e s Ta u g h t : R e l i g io n 2 , Ps y c h o l o g y a n d R e l ig io n M oderator o f : T h e E x t r a o r d in a r y M in is t e r s o f t h e E u c h a r is t Years a t pr ep:

2 H om etow n: q ueens, NY

Marcelo Acevedo Anthony Addas Shaun Aguilera Mark Alegria David Alfonso KrystofFer Alinea Alexander Aller David Alonso Anthony Andreadis Andrew Arthur Rafael Auz Adam Baginski Alexander Balias Dean Ballesteros Brian Bannon Douglas Barone Joseph Biggy Luke Blanchard Ryan Bomba Shawn Boysen Daniel Brennan Richard Brennan Dennis Brown Anthony Brusano David Brzuszkiewicz Mark Buczynski Christian Buenafe Peter Byram | Sean Byrnes Drew Cabardo Colin Callahan Daniel Camargo Jeffrey Campomanes Nicholas Cannizzaro Kevin Capodice Sean Carney Rodrigo Castillo, Jr. Matthew Cavanagh Scott Cavanagh Andrew Cevasco Ian Chabal Wigas Chatha Rodney Christian Adam Christie Daniel Christie Leo Codog Robert Cole Philip Corso

5,0 A Place That Feels Like Home

D a v id M . M u ir Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s Ta u g h t: A lg eb r a 2 ,


E c o n o m ic s , A P E c o n o m ic s Moderato r o f : p e t r e a n , in d e p e n d e n t

F il m S o c ie t y , Ph o t o g r a p h y C l u b Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 3 H o m eto w n : Kunkleto w n. pa

F r . J o h n a . M u l l in . s j


D e p a r t m e n t : ;| | | G u id a n c e f C lasses Taught: G r o u p G u id a n c e ; - Moderator of:



D lV O R C E /S E P A R A T lil|f o f P a r e n t s Gr o u p s Be r e a v e m e n t G r o up Ye a r s a t Pr e p : ' ^ 13 Hom eto w n:


Br o o k l y n , n y v f

T heresa A . panzera departm ent: FR. D AN IEL A . O ’ B R IE N . S J De p a r t m e n t :

F r . T h o m a s O 'C o n n o r , S J Departm ent:

C o u r s es Ta ug h t:

S c ie n c e (C h a ir ) Co urses Taug ht.

S c ie n c e

A l g e b r a 1,

C lasses ta u g h t:

p h y s ic s

C h e m is t r y

years at

Pr ep:


Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 41

Ho m eto w n :

H om etow n:

V a l l e y S t r e a m . NY

Bro o klyn, NY

m a t h e m a t ic s

Algebra 2 Moderato r o f: Honor S o c ie t y

n a t io n a l

Yea rs a t P rep;

2 H o m eto w n ; Q u e e n s V il l a g e . N Y

Paul Curmi Domenico D’Urso Paul Dabrowski Nicholas DeBenedecds Justin DeCastro Daniel DeCongelio Jesse DeFlorio Lorenzo Dellutri Anthony DePinto Vladimir DeWet Bryce Diggs Lucas Dimitriu Anthony Dininno Robert Donahue Theodore Doyle Charles Dullea William Dundas V Andrew Eagan Joseph Eisenstein Chinwendu Emelumba Juan Escobar Gilberto Estupinan Carl Fabiosa

lthough the simple act o f walking down the hallways is quite a nor-

recognition is part o f the reason why Prep is such a great place. This

_ \ .mal and necessary part o f a regular day in the lives o f many Prep T students, this simple action is something which makes me feel accepted

greeting has the ability to make the day start off well after a bad morn­

ias part o f the Prep community. Whether ascending the English building

school. I feel that this necessary part o f every student’s day is the best


stairs or strolling through the Burke or Mulry Hallways, the simple act o f walking through the hallways makes me feel accepted because o f the greeting I receive from either teachers or students. The hallways o f Prep always seem to have a warm and welcoming feeling to all those who walk through them, which is a part o f the reason why Prep is like a second home to so many. I find this simple greeting, whether it be in the morning walking to home­ room or just simply going to classes, to be quite an uplifting experience, and it always leaves a smile on my face. A sim­ ple “hello” from a teacher or a pat on the back from a friend is something that really makes me feel that I am a part o f the community at Prep because it makes me feel recognized, like I am more than just a number in the school, but an ac­

ing commute or to end the day on a good note after a rough day o f part o f my day because it really can change the way I feel about the long and tedious day. Although the crowded and congested hallways o f Prep may makp some students feel overwhelmed or angry because o f the slow pace o f traffic, I feel quite differendy about them; I think that walking the hallways is a great part o f everyone’s day because o f the community ; feeling, whether that feelings come from teachers or friends, that I get; while walking through them.

Junior David Mielach T y i e n d ^ ^ ^ ift ^ a r e JL made

at Prep, as in the friend­ ship o f juniors John L eak and Christo­ pher Hatcher. Like other friends, the two spend the end o f their day sharing jokes and stories in the Prep courtyard.

tual friend to people. This simple act o f

Juniors 51

Alex Fdidanc Xavier Felidanc Adrian Felipe John Fern Timothy Finch David Finn Patrick Finnerty Thomas Fitzpatrick Kevin Fox Nicholas Fugaro Amlan Gangopadhyay David J. Garcia Michad Garrigan Stanley Gasiewsld Jonathan Georges Thomas Geraghty Patrick Giamario Mathew Giordano Gabrid Gomez Benedict Gomilla Peter Gonzalez Timothy Graham Wayne Gravesande Zachary Green Kee-ayre Griffin Joh n Griswold Roger Guerra Evan Hadder Eoin Halpin Shanff Hams Christopher Hatcher Christopher Healy Adrian Hernandez David Hojnadd Matthew Holt Danid Hooton Ned H opf Emersson Huaranga Mark Hulipas Piero Iberti Ronald Iglesias Viktor Jancula Brian Johnston Jaren Jordan Matthew Kaminski Robert Keller HI Ryan Kelly

B e n j a m in m . P a t i a k J r . Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s

C o u r s e s Ta u g h t

Co u r s e s Ta u g h t: Pr ec alc u lu s, Pr e c a lc u lu s Ho n o rs Coach o f

ENGUSH3 Moderato r o r T e x t b o o k C o o r d in a t o r ,

Ma t h T e a m

F a c u l t y A d v is o r y COMMrTTEE

Y e a r s a t P r o *:

2 H o m eto w n: M a n i l a , P h il ip p in e s

52 Juniors

R ic h a r d Pe t e r s De p a r t m e n t E n g l is h (C h a i r )

Years a t p r e p: 9 Ho m eto w n: J e r s e y C it y . N J

F r . E n ric o R a u lu . S J


D e p a rtm e n t 1 G u id a n c e /E n g u s h C la s s e s T a u g h t


C r e a t iv e W r h t n g , G r o u p G u id a n c e

y -•

Y e a rs a t P ro *: 25 Ho m etow n: Syr ac u se. NY


How has a c e rta in te ach e r p la y e d a major r o le in your tra n s itio n in to adulthood? ne o f the most influential people in

remember him for making the most intelligent, but also heartfelt,

m y Prep career was none other than

comments about my personal writing. He would read my short

the astounding D oc Kennedy. Where every

stories i f I asked him, and he could better them with one second o f

other teacher falls short in the realm o f un­

squinting contemplation. D oc Kennedy was my teacher, guidance

derstanding die adolescent male mind, D oc

counselor, and best friend everyday o f class with him.


implemented his class in betting us as writers

“Let’s all just turn the lights down dim, put on some jazz, and

and as people. “When in New York, put rubber bands around your

cool down.” I don’t know how many times I have taken that advice.

wallet It makes it harder to pickpocket;” I would have never known

I don’t know anyone who could make school so pleasant, relaxing,

that An intellectual sense o f humor and satiric attitude towards

and warming. D oc Kennedy made Prep a home to me; he made

just about everything makes one

me feel that I could speak my mind and put trust into him and

feel a sense o f accomplishment

the administration. D oc Kennedy is the warm, glowing heart in

to make him laugh. His remark­

the cold machine. He had the intelligence to tell us just about any­

able ability to know what’s on

thing we could ask, but he saved the most important things for his

our minds, and to know about

sophomore Honors class. They didn’t always have to do with the

Julius Caesar or music or the

curriculum. Why? Because he knew what we would remember him

world’s m ost beautiful woman,

for, what we would remember Prep and these preaous four years


hecking over his locker to m ake sure he did not forget any books to take home, junior Cldnwetuiu Emelumba winds down the day with a quick stop in the locker room. The locker room mostly remained closed throughout the day to prevent any shenanigans.

for. D oc was the best thing that ever happened to his students, and

never fell short

years ahead that will be dear to all o f them in retrospect.

D oc Kennedy made me a bet­ ter writer. Still, that’s not what

Junior Justin S c io li

I will remember him for. I will

Michael Kopacz Anthony Kufta Nicholas I alumia Sonam Lama Michael Lang Michael LaRocoo Joh n Leak, Jr. Michael liccardo James Iiggjns Henry liarena Justin LoRe Anthony Machdnski Joseph Macri Michael Mallei Timothy Mahan Ryan Manley Anton Mathieu M Tariq Mazhar Robert McAlvey Sean McFarland Kevin McNemey Matthew Meehan David Midach Bryan Molyneux


J o s e p h R io r d a n , S J Depar tm en t C l a s s ic s C lassesTau g h t

Ro m a n o

De p a r tm e n t Modern languages ClassesTa ug h t It a l ia n 1 . I t a l ia n 2 ,

L a t in 3 , A P L a t i n : V e r g il

I t a l ia n 3 H o n o r s . A P It a l ia n

Coac h o r F r e s h m a n Ba s e b a l l

I t a l ia n E x c h a n g e ,

Ye a r s a t P r e p ; 3 Hom etow n: Eato nto w n. N J

M oderato r o f:

R v

It a l ia n C l u b Yea r s a t Pr e p :

6 H om etow n: Ba y o n n e , N J


A-il ffw r

A Place That Feels Like Home 53

D r . D o m in ic p . S c ib ilia Y e t u n d e D a n i e l s -R u b i n s t e in Depar tm ent: G u id a n c e , C o lleg e pla c em e nt C l a s s e s Ta u g h t : G u id a n c e Years a t Pr ep:


D e p a rtm e n t: R e lig io n

M a t h e m a t ic s

C u s s e s T a u g h t: t l R e lig io n 2 , R e lig io n &

C lasses ta u g h t: A lg eb r a 2,

S o c i a l J u s t ic e M o d e ra to r o f; N e w F a c u l t y M e n to rs -,

I n t e r m e d ia t e A l g e b r a Honors Coach o f:

I g n a tt o n F o r m a tio n , O f f ic e o f p e a c e ? a n d j u s t i c e , A n ti-

Go lf Ho m eto w n : Georgetow n, Guyana


Do u g las Sa nfo r d Departm ent:

Y e a r s a t Pr e p : 4

S w e a ts h o p G r o u p Y e a r s a t P r e p : -.t

Ho m eto w n : W e s t f ie l d , NJ

7 H o m e to w n : Ir v in g t o n , n j



Daron Moore Eric Morgan Francis Mozumdar Richard Musso Francis Mutuc Joseph Muzyczyn Juan Nordelo William Nunn James O ’Donnell Joh n Ockay Phillip Opsasnick Julian Ortiz Matthew Owen Frederick Padre Michael Panella Steven Pankiewicz Marc Pappalardo Andrew Pascual Joseph Pavone Joseph Pollidno Jom a Pormentilla Ravi Pradhanang Anthony Prieto Alexander Pugliese T n my time as a student so & at Prep, I have undertaken many tasks and excelled in many activities. As a junior I can now reflect on how I also have grown physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Justin Ramirez Mark Rana

Coming into Prep, I was not certain how I would fit in, in terms o f my religious status. Going into a Jesuit High - School as a non-practicing Catholic who had n ot been baptized was a litde unnerving for m e M y anxiety was soon extinguished upon my amval- fieshmap year. Primarily, this was due to my fellow peers and my religion teacher, Fr. Azzarto. His sense o f humor and love | of and respect for life were inspirational. During the past few years, I have learned many things about spirituality in both a religious and passionate sense. In return I have become very interested in the scnpture and the gospels from Mr. Fletchers class. I also have become acquainted with a different type o f spirituality through Ms. Codeys Social Justice class: examining events, issues, and history from the perspective o f the oppressed and voiceless and valuing the true meaning o f faith. It is evident that my Religion teachers have helped me develop spiritually, but there are several othere who I see on a daily basis as well who I would like to mention. Primarily, Mr. Beaudette deserves credit; he recognizes what I am capable o f, and fills my day with intensity, spirit and focus. Additionly, Mr. Caslowitz and I also share a unique sense o f spirit; each commuting from New York and working together with the jazz band. I am eternally grateful for Caz routinely waking me up on the PATH train. Every Tuesday I am able to expenence new ideas and eagerness from members o f the Outreach Club and Sr. Frances herself She provides me with a sense o f spirituality and serves as a strong role model for us all. Drawing on history, Ms. Curry also supplies me with the spirit o f humor and commitment through Student Council and social responsibility in her A.P. U S. History 1 class. Now this may sound like me just trying to make the school look good, but it is true. Friends become best friends, and people complement each other to make them better people. This is the spirituality that I have ., experienced so far at Prep. This is the spirituality that I know will carry me through life.

Junior Piero I b e r t i

I 54 I A Place That Feels Like Home



unior Dennis Brown admires the zeal o f several students enjoying recess nois­ ily as senior Colin Schmidt watches and listens to his iPod. Since teachers do not monitor students at recess, students may listen to their electrical devices.


K r is t i n e V . S p a n o j


De p a r t m e n t :

d r . Ro b e r t L . S c u l l y

C l a s s ic s

M odern lang uag es

De p a r t m e n t :

Classes Taug ht:

C la sse sI a ug h t:

L a t in 1 , L a t in 2 ,

S p a n is h 1, S p a n is h 2 Moderato r o f:

S c ie n c e Ta u g h t :

c la ss es


Fr a n k J .T h om son

Depar tm ent:

OR) Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

p h y s ic s h o n o r s

3 H o m eto w n: B r o n x , NY

L a t in 2 H o n o r s Mo derato r o f:

A s ia n -P a c i f ic

C l a s s ic s C l u b C o a ch o f;

I s l a n d e r S o c ie t y C oach o f:

T e n n is Pr ep:

S w im m in g a n d D iv in g


Ye a r s a t P r e p : 3 - -

Hom etow n:

H o m e to w n :

A r d m o r e, PA

T u l s a , OK

years at

Joshua-Daniel Recobs Christopher Regan Christopher Rivers John Rodino Joseph Rodriguez Michael Rogers Bryan Rohrman Thomas Ruane Daniel Rufolo Matthew Rundman Douglas SanGiacomo Ryan Santana-Rogers Jerry Santer Amit Sathe Justin Scioli Michael Scott Carlo Sebello William Sheridan Joseph Sigall Nonu Singh Jo n Sisti Joseph Skillender, Jr. Walter Stacey Victor Stanziale Brian Taupier Anthony Tello William Thompson, Jr. Joshua Tosi Juan Tous Joseph Tressitt Mario Tridente Philip Tully Brian Urbanovich Joseph Valenti Thomas Vardakis Daniel Vecchiarelli Rual Velasquez Michael Vilardo Matthew Villanueva Joe-Man Wan Matthew Ward Daniel Weinberg Matthew Whitford Gianfranco Wilbeck John Wurtzbacher RihuaXu Garrett Zelisko Nicholas Zero

Juniors 55

jyxrtidpating in A4s. 1 Codey's Social Jus­ tice dass,I juniors John Ockay, Julian Ortiz, Matthew Owen, and Christopher Rivers read their SocialJustice Anthol­ ogies for an assignment.

/C ollaboratin g on a review sheet, juniors Jotna Pormentilla, Chris­ tian Buenafe, and M at­ thew Villanueva prepare for their upcoming quiz in Mr. Patiak's Precalcu­ lus Honors class.


Juniors M ichael LiccardoanT josepfn/alentt^ tscuss the winning football gam e against Notre D am e on the sitting w all after school.

T Y m ctm M r. K evin 1 hy watches as junior Ju\ Ramirez reviews his history «, on his handheld computer, j Cuddihy m akes a valiant effot remain a visible presence am the Prep campus.


n im m C J

K in gA nd rcas

K ingA ndreax

Juniors Rodney Christian, Amlan I Gangppadhyay, and Leo Codog talk about a shared homework assign­ ment in the cafeteria while enjoying a snack during a free period.


together M s. M ^^nKUrnTn^Temor J M ullarney plan the clean-up and implemeti tion o f a new art studio located in the depths\ Shalloe H all. The W alk-a-thon proved opportun tic for teachers and students to share together.

Juniors M ichael W ardoanS J j Thomas Ruane listen to music on an MP3 player after school in the courtyard, Studdents generally are not permit­ ted to listen to iPods and MP3 players during school hours. A ajuainting him self with X x stu d en ts like juniors Brian Bannon and Gianfran­ co W ilbeck, Fr. Thomas Benz, S J uses his free period to intro­ duce him self to as many stu­ dents as possible. As the new Student Chaplain, Fr. Benz m ade a concerted effort to get to know a ll the students.


J o s e p h U r b a n o v ic h Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s C la sse sTa ug h t: Al g e b r a 1, g e o m e t r y Coach o f: V a r s it y B a s e b a l l Y ears a t Pr ep:

' 3: Ho m eto w n : J e r s e y C it y , N J

A n tho n y V er di Departm ent: H is t o r y . P h y s i c a l E d u c a t io n C la sse sTa u g h t: C r im i n a l J u s t ic e , D r iv e r s E d u c a t io n . P h y s i c a l E d u c a t io n Coach of: W r e s t l in g Y e a r s a t Pr e p :

6 H o m eto w n: J e r s e y C it y , N J


K a t h le e n W a l s h / d e p a rtm e n t: 1 M o d e rn L an g u ag es C la s s e s T a u g h t:


S p a n is h 1, S p a n is h 2 , S p a n is h 3 H o n o r s ::


M o d e ra to r o f: S .A .D .D . .• Y ea r s a t Pr ep: j 4 H o m e to w n : B e r n a r d s v i ll e , l l f l


■^reeimg each oth0im the Humanities _T Building, fiends m id colleagues Mr. fe y Beaudette and M r. Walter Koszyle m a smiling moment together before class.

The Hearts of the Home A common misconception o f Prep faculty is that they do not spend the same amount o f time at Prep as the students and administrators. On the contrary, many teachers claim Prep as a second home. That 12 teachers graduated from Prep demonstrates Prep truly has become more than just a job, namely, T )attlin g teacher-to-student JD fo r another goal, Mr. Charles Crosby and junior R afael Auz play an energetic gam e o f foosball at the W alka-thon, while freshmen N eil Carroll and D aniel Espino­ za watch in awe. Mr. Crosby enjoyed the time to be able to joke and play games with his and other students.


that Prep has become a major part o f their lives. Mr. An­ thony Keating observed, “As an alumnus, Prep has been close in spirit even while living 3,000 miles away and more than 25 years after graduating.” “The caring and concern demonstrated here makes you feel like you’re a part o f another family,” added Mr. James Dondero. For some alumni teachers, like Mr. Brian McCabe, Prep is a lifestyle choice; his alma mater and workplace have “determined who I know, who I call friend, what I read, and what I believe.” Prep has affected alumnus Mr. Carl

's. Eleanor HeumannPugach helps senior Scott Baran with the research for his English 4 project. Ms. Pugach alw ays show ed great willingness to help anyone use the resources in the library to complete their assignments.


DeLorenzo so much that the school serves as an ex­ tended living room considering that “I live across the street, so, literally, it is a second home.” Even for other teachers, Prep is a second home because o f the sheer number o f hours spent at Grand and Warren. Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, acts as a constant, welcoming presence around campus. “My life

urveying the courtyard, M s. K athy Rowan and M r. John Campion try to maintain order during the M ass o f the Holy Spirit.


revolves around Prep in that I spend most o f my time

nformal gatherings like the Thursday Soul Food lunch meetings bring together both teachers and students, including Mr. Robert Hymas, freshmen Grant Whelply, Brendan Canale, Jam es Murdu­ ca, Mr. Charles Crosby, freshmen Eric Bujnowski, N eil Carroll, and M s. Annie Glackin, to share.

Muir considers Prep “to be more o f a first home since


here or at Prep activities. I have come to love the people at Prep as my own family,” Duncan noted. Mr. David I am at Prep more than I am at home.” Likewise, Mr. Paul Cunneen often has his “mail delivered here” while Mr. Michael McCarthy “always has a change o f clothes in my room!” Mr. Charles Crosby jokingly mused, “I set up a tent in the Stage Crew room.” Moreover, for many teachers, Prep’s community spirit instills an indescribable feeling and a comfort level that transplants the heart o f home to work. “It is a gift to know that there are people who pray for me and to know that I am not alone,” said Dr. Dominic Scibilia. Mr. Benjamin Patiak agrees: “Prep is like a family to me; it seems that I am never alone and that solely gives me the reason to go to work everyday with a happy heart R e fle ctio n b y M r. D avid M uir

K e l l e n A . W il l ia m s Departm ent: M a t h e m a t ic s C lasses Ta ug h t. Geo m etr y,

Erm a Yqst D epartm ent: : a r t (C h a ir ) C lasses Ta ug h t:

In t r o d u c t io n t o A r t ,

Ad vanced Alg ebra 2 /

S opho m o re A rt

T r ig o n o m e t r y Moderator o f : E bony C lub

c e r a m ic s , s c u l p t u r e ,

C o l o r a n d D e s ig n MODERATOR OF:

S c ie n c e T aug ht:


C h e m is t r y Moderator o f: M is s i o n D r iv e C o m m it t e e . PO LISH CLU B C O ACH o f :

Ar t club


years at prep:

Years a t Prep:

Ye a r s a t Pr e p :




H om etow n: W a k a r u s a , IN

Ba y o n n e . N J

L in d e n , n j



Co ach op: F reshm an Football

Hom eto w n:

Ho m eto w n:



S to r y b y S te p h e n M cD erm ott


i e n they firs ra m v e d at S a in t Peter’s Pre­ paratory

Sch ool


th e fall o f 2 0 0 2 the

o f



th e largest class in 2 0 years,

"...F eelin g

freshm en

o f th e Class o f 2 0 0 6 did n o t realize th at the 2 7 9 am o n g them ,

throw n together in a strange place w ith foreign buildings,

W A S LIKE T O BE IN THE P rep c o m ­ m u n ity


u nusual up-and-down staircases, and u n fa m ilia r faces,

w ould som eday b eco m e brothers in a place th a t w ould feel like h o m e to each o f them . W h en the freshm en ar­ rived o n th a t first day, they had n o sense o f place. Even­ tually, they jo in ed athletics and activities, shared classes,

attended masses, and fam iliarized them selves with G rand and W arren . F o r th e first tim e, th ey began to experience th e feeling o f b ein g p art o f the Prep com m u nity . M em bers o f th e Class o f 2 0 0 6 m ade S a in t Peter’s Pre­ p aratory S c h o o l th eir h o m e and learned h ow to interact a n d respect o th er people, providin g th em w ith lessons th at w ould ease th eir tra n sitio n in to college d o rm life. T h ro u g h th eir shared years, th e seniors b on ded together in classes to expand th eir knowledge, participated in athletics to learn how to act h arm o n io u sly as a team , and jo in ed co-curricular activities to broad en th eir inces-

/ 1 he Saint Peters Prepara­ JL tor tory School Class o f2006.


uring the special Pep Ral­ ly held before the State Championship game, senior Raymond Smith welcomes the Varsity Football team to the festivities held in their honor in the courtyard outside o f the Hu­ manities Building. With pride the Football team dominated Don Bosco; Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ, deemed Monday, January 23rd a Prep Holiday for Prep achievements that included the team's valiant performance.

sandy-expanding h o rizo n s. In all o f these pursuits they supported each o th er and form ed a special co m m u n ity am on g them selves, eventually b eco m in g leaders o f every activity in w hich they participated. R elatio n sh ip s fu rther strengthened 'on fresh m an , so p h o m o re, and Em m au s re­ treats, and this b ro th e rh o o d o f yo u n g m en w elcom ed new m em bers, like seniors Peter H o ffm a n and M ark Seither, alon g the way. As a grow ing fam ily, they sup­ ported each o th er in tim es o f celeb ratio n a n d in tim es o f tragedy and loss. As a testam ent to the strength o f these fam ilial friendships, th e ties form ed du rin g th e fo u r sh ort years o f h ig h sch o o l were poised to last fo r m any years and fo n d ly rem ain in th eir m em ories. D u rin g th eir shared tim e together, these seniors grew intellectu ally and spiritually, in athletics, and in co-cur­ ricu lar activities. Prep’s n u rtu rin g hom e-like atm osphere allowed th em to grow, m ature, and b ecom e m en o f co m ­ petence, conscien ce, and com p assion. T h e guidance fro m all around th em , fro m th e co m p lex fam ily o f friends and faculty, prepared th em fo r life outside. T h e Class o f 2 0 0 6 m oved on and m oved o u t o f S a in t Peter’s Preparatory S ch o o l. Students co n stan tly m ake th eir way th rou gh the passages o f tim e; like birds fleein g the nest w hen ready to enter adu lth ood, th e seniors o f th e C lass o f 2 0 0 6 pur­ sue a prom isin g future, b u t never forget the place, th e hom e, th at nurtured and prepared th em fo r th e jou rn ey ahead. A lth ough they leave b eh ind a few extraordinary years, they always have m em ories o f th e place th at felt like h o m e to each and every on e o f them .

A Place That Feels Like Home

tel M clnem ey enjoy the fresh air following a long M ytk o f school. In their fin al year shared together, the 227 reminisced over their previous four years spent as and brothers in the greater Prep community.

S in 08 freshm an y e a r a t P re p I have b e e n o f f e r e d a m yriad o f a c t i v i t i e s and s p o r t s , and I have sp en t more h ou rs a t P re p than I have a t home. H o p e f u lly , I w i l l have an e x p e rie n c e in c o l l e g e li k e the w on- â– d e r f u l one I ' v e had h e r e .; S e n io r S te v e n Karunphand I

F o u r y e a r s r e a l l y flew d I w i l l r e a l l y m iss a l l < the f r i e n d s I made h e re I t i s to u g h le a v i n g and p r e p a r in g f o r c o l l e g e . S e n io r Mark D o la g h a n

Seniors [59


o b e r t

J. A

bu d

B o o k C lu b 4; L iterary M agazin e 4; Petrean 3, C opy Editor 4; SA D D 2 ,4 ; Senior Prom C om m it­ tee 4; Emm aus 2 1 2 ; HAP T u to r 1; Study Abroad in Spain 2


a sey



ic h a r d

n tc za k

Celtic C lub 1,2,3,4; Polish C lub 2,3 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ; C ross C oun try 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1 2 3 4 N ational H onor S ociety 4 ; O utdoor Track 1 ,2 3 4 ’ Emm aus 210; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucha­ rist; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“No vine d e Cuba en un cartucho." - M s . A n a J. G a r c ia

"Play y a cards, g o against all o dds shoot fo r the m oon i f y ou miss, you still amongst the stars." - B e a n i e Sig e l



n th o n y


lo n g i

French C lub 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; SA D D 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld C lub 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 15



r a n k

U rd u


q u il a

M arau d er N a tio n 3 ,4 ; M od el U N 4 ; Football 1 ,2,3,4; Em m aus 21 1 ; N ational Italian Exam (1st)

“M ay the wind alw ays b e at y ou r back, an d the sun alw ays upon y ou r fa c e ...a n d m ay the wings o f destiny carry y ou r lov e to d a n ce with th e stars. ” - I r i s h P r a y e r


n d r e w



a m e s

“A nd m e? Human crack in the flesh. I ’m the last o f th e best, on e w ord to describe me? Spectacular, yes!" - J u e l z S a n ta n a


ir u b e l l



n d e r so n

Academ ic T ea m 4 ; A rt C lub 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; C lassics C lub 1,2,3, Co-President 4; D ram atics:

E b ony C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; SA D D 2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 2 15

M usical 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Forensics 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Independent Film Society 3 ,4 ; Italian C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M ath T eam 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor So ciety 4;

Petrean 3 , O pen­

ing Editor 4; V ideo G am e Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Volleyball 1; Em m aus 2 1 2 ; Freshm an Am bassador; Italian Exchange 2; O utstanding Freshm an; Spirit A ward 4; H ono r Pin 1,2,3

“Love is a gift fro m up above. Share love. Give love. S p read love. M easure y ou r life in love. ”

“Much su ccess to ya, even i f you wish m e the opposite!" -N A S

-Jo n a th a n L arso n

/ flA f



C h arles Hood Andrew Zhu Robert Abud

Kevin Guarini C h ristopher B lig h Raymond Smith



Mark Dolaghan Conor Supple James Braddook

Jon es/Tintle B a rry / S ch irrip a Anderson/McDermott

1 8 Seniors: Abud to Barbarula


ic h a r d



French Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; H istory Q u b 1; Independent Film Society 2,3, President 4; Photography Club 3 ,4 ; V ideo G am e Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; W alk-a-thon Commit­ tee 2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4

"I dream t last night that I h a d special powers. That i f I squ eezed m y eyes tight, and clenched m y fists a s close as possible, w e’d all end up in paradise. I was a su p er hero, an d that was m y pow er . " -G arden State

Jason Thome, Kevin Guarini, & Michael Gorman



o s e p h


Andrew Anderson O ’ Patrick Comey

a lph

v a llo n e

Italian C lub 3 ; N ational H on o r S ociety 4; Baseball 2 ,3 ; Ic e H ockey 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; Freshm an Am bassador; Big Brother 4; H ono r Pin 1,2,3

Francis Romano, Jr.

"Life is f a r too im portant a thing to even talk seriously a b o u t." - O s c a r W ild e



ic h a r d

y u d a

looks to the Prep com m unity.

leaves the knowledge o f how Bayonne birds walk sideways

his diplom atic im m unity to Matthew W ard; his Trans-

to M arc Pappalardo; his love o f Fefy to David Garcia; and

A sian Pacific Islander So ciety 3 ,4 ; C om pu ter Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; H istory C lub 1; Seinfeld C lub 3 ; Stock M arket C lub 3 ,4 ; In door T ra ck 1,2; Sw im m ing 3; Em m aus 2 0 8 ; H on o r Pin 1

his fond memories o f “T h e Devil,” puppies, peacocks, “D eebie-D oobies,” big b ird& .sn uffy, valve, and dag-nabbits to M s. Bonny Eaton.

Francis Romano, Jr. leaves his

Harvard Law degree, his high position in a law firm and fromers hat and the 80s to Ju stin LoRe; and the German Exchange to N icholas Lalumia. John Llanezti leaves his somewhat sarcastic and loud com m ents to R obert C ole; and his determined will to succeed to Jo h n O ckay .Mark

crusade to get the dress code actually enforced to Joseph Skillender; his HAP soccer crew ch ie f whistle to Matthew

Timmins leaves h is seat in the back o f class to Joseph Skil-

Bender; and his stolen “Prep Soccer Alum ni G am e ‘01 ”

Scioli. Javier

shirt to M r. Jo h n Irvine. Albert Vecellio leaves his senioritis

hackeysac to A nton M athieu; his Latino charm to Sean Carney; and all his love to “wittle Muzzy." Johnathan

and his spot on Mr. M uir’s couch to N icholas Lalumia; his high five to Alexander Yasneski; the

Petroc to David

G arcia; and his halftim e snacks to Andrew “Shorty” M cG lynn and Thom as Geraghty. Michael Spivack leaves

“Y ou o n ly liv e o n c e - b u t i f y o u w o r k it rig h t-on ce is enough. ” - J o e E . L e w is

Icndcr; and his ability to pass w ithout studying to Ju stin

Vasques leaves his incredible ability to play

GioieUa leaves his fashion sense to M ichael Scott; and his debating skills (6 Joseph Skillender. Valentino Mills leaves his lim ited edition copy o f the Manifesto signed by its

the RPG club to M ario Tridente; his creepiness to M at­

authors, Marx, Engels, and Curry, to Matthew Cavanagh.

thew W ard; his height to C olin M organ; and his ability

Marlin Bowker leaves Season 1 and Season 2 o f Ali G to Douglas Barone./. Michael Yap leaves the title o f being the

to always sleep in class and not get caught to Ryan Manley. Louis Hart leaves his amazing g o lf game to Mr. Douglas Sanford; the fact that he was his favorite teacher

on ly “Yap” at Prep to Joseph Yap; and his em o glasses to Rodrigo C astillo. Richard Hussey leaves the title o f "that

throughout high school to M r. Jeffrey Beaudette; all those

tall guy from N orth Arlington” to Joseph Hussey.

old late slips to Ms. Cecilia C ollins; and his boyish good


a m e s


u l iu s


a b e r

C eltic C lub 4 ; H istory C lub 1; Stage C rew 2 ,3 , C rew C h ief 4; Irish Language Club 4; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Em m aus T e a m Leader

Ryan Loftus leaves his fake

Nilesh Parikh leaves his personal V ishnu Nayak scale m odel figurine to M r. C harles Crosby. Chrislop/ter Kopec

(Class o f 2lUlli H ill


c o tt


a r a n

C am p u s M in istry 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C eltic C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C hristian Life C om m un ity 4; G erm an Club 2,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3, H enchm an 4; O utreach 3 ,4 ; F o o tb a ll 1 ,2 ,3 , C a p ta in 4 ; Em m au s 2 1 0 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; Freshm an Am bassador; Big Brother 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“B a b er y o u ’r e such a bu m .”

“1 firm ly believe that any m an's fin est hour, the greatest fulfillm ent o f all that h e holds dear, is th e m om ent w hen h e h a s w orked h is h eart o u t in a g o o d cau se an d lies exhausted on the fie ld o f battle-victorious!'’

- M r . C a rl D e L o re n z o

- V in c e L o m b a r d i


la n


a n to m


ic h a e l



o h n

a r b a r u la

E b o n y C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M a ra u d er N a tio n 2 ,3 ,4 ; Basketball 1,2 ,3 ,4

Literary M agazine 4; N ational H ono r Society 4; SA D D 4; Sto ck M arket Q u b 4; Study Abroad in Spain 2; Ice H ockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Em­ m aus 2 0 7 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; H ono r Pin 1,2,3; Silver M edal in Religion 3

“...bey on d a ll others, a Man-for-others." —F r . P e d r o A r ru p e , S J

"The com m u te w as h ectic, th e w ork w a s difficult, but I ’m still h ere an d I'm better f o r it.” - O r ig in a l

A Place That Feels Like Home

(Class n f 21111U Scflectiiu is A

C .J . K o p c c : “O n e o f m y m o s t tre a su re d m e m o r ie s f r o m P re p is th e n ig h t th e y e a r b o o k s t a f f h a d a n a ll-n ig h t-p a rty -th in g . M y c lo s e s t fr ie n d s a n d I w a tc h e d m o v ie s

{South Park Movie), h a d a l o t o f ju n k



ec k m a n n

f o o d , a n d p la y e d c a p tu rc -th e -fla g t h r o u g h o u t th e s c h o o l a fte r m id n ig h t. W e k in d o f g o t in tr o u b le

C eltic Club 3 ,4 ; Engineering Q u b Treasurer 4 M arau d er N atio n 4 ; S to c k M ark et C lub Vice L

a n d w e d id n ’t r e a lly g e t a n y w o r k d o n e , b u t I w o u ld n ’t c h a n g e a n y t h in g a b o u t th a t n ig h t. ‘W h a t a r c y o u d o in g h e re !? ’”

President 4; Indoor Track 4 ; Lacrosse 3,4 ; Emmaus I 2 1 5 ; H onor Pin 1

J e r a r d D c l a T o r r e : “T h e m o s t m e m o r a b le t i m e f o r m e w as b e in g p a r t o f t h e S p r in g M u s ic a ls . T h a t I g o t to k n o w a n d g r o w c lo s e r t o m y fr ie n d s is th e o n e t h in g I ’ll n e v e r fo r g e t. A lt h o u g h th e p r a c tic e s w ere te d io u s , i t w as a ll w o r th it. P e r f o r m in g in f r o n t o f a ll th o s e p e o p le o n o p e n in g n i g h t a n d s e llin g o u t tw ic e g a v e m e a s u d d e n ru sh th a t I w o u ld n ’t tr a d e f o r a n y t h in g . B e in g o n sta g e fe lt d iff e r e n t th a n b e in g o n a n y a t h le t i c fie ld . I f o n e p e r s o n screw ed u p , t h e n w e a ll lo o k e d lik e screw -u p s. A lt h o u g h t h a t r a re ly h a p p e n e d , w e s till a ll a c te d as

one. T h e u n ity w e sh a re d w ith o n e a n o t h e r w as th e fo u n d a ­

t i o n o f o u r r e la tio n s h ip s . W e w ere a f a m i ly - n o t p e r fe c t, b u t d e fin ite ly ir r e p la c e a b le .” S t e v e n I g l c s ia s - F ig u c r a s :

"We m ak e a living b y what we get, we m ake R a life b y what we give. ” - S i r W in s to n C h u rc h ill

I k n o w th is s o u n d s a b i t c l it: lie d , b u t s e r io u s ly , E m m a u s m e a n t a w h o le

l o t to m e . I m a d e s u c h s t r o n g b o n d s w ith m y fr ie n d s f r o m P r e p , a n d E m m a u s p r a c tic a lly u p g ra d ed th o s e b o n d s f r o m t h a t o f fr ie n d s h ip t o t h a t o f f a m ily . I lo v e a ll o f m y fr ie n d s , a n d f o r th is I lo v e P rep . I alw ays w ill feel in d e b te d t o t h e s c h o o l t h a t c h a n g e d m y lif e s o d r a m a tic a lly f o r th e b e tt e r .”


h r is t o p h e r



a t r ic k



r ry

C eltic C lub 1,2; Independent Film Society 2 ,3 ,4 ;

M arauder N ation 4; Senior Prom Com m ittee 4 ; Bas- ii ketball 2; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Freshman Ambassador I

Intram urals Staff 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4;

Petrean 2 ,3 ,4 ; W alk-a-thon C om m ittee 3; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Soccer 1,2,3, C aptain 4 ; E m m aus 2 1 0 ; Fresh­ m an Ambassador; Freshman-for-a-Day Coordinator; Big Brother 4; Spirit Aw ard 4; H ono r Pin 1,2

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result o f preparation, hardw ork, a n d learning from failu re . " - C o lin P o w e ll


r k


a r so u m

“Look...w hat I speak, m y life shall prove it true." -W illia m S h a k e s p e a r e


ic h a e l


o s e p h





Band 1; C om puter C lub Secretaiy 4 ; Italian Club H 2 ,3 ,4 ; M issio n C o m m ittee 4 ; Ic e H ock ey 1,2; K l Em m aus 2 1 4

“...beyon d a ll others, a Man-for-others." —F t . P e d r o A r ru p e , S J


r e n d a n

a r t o s ie w ic z

C eltic C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Stu d en t C oun cil R epresen­ tativ e 3 ; R u g b y 1 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 4 ; Em m aus T eam Leader

"But we in it shall b e rem em bered - We few , we b a n d o f brothers. F or h e tod ay that s h ed s his b lo o d with m e sh a ll b e m y b rother.” - W ill ia m S h a k e s p e a r e

A Place That Feels Like Home

“He who h esitates is lost. ” -M o m m y


a t t h e w



a m a l

e n n e tt

E bony C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Indoor Track 3,4 ; Swimming I 3; Em m aus 2 13

“No m atter where you g o you a re what you I a re p lay a; a n d you can try to change but I that's just the top layer, m an you was who you was f o r e you got here. Only God can judge m e so I'm g on e either love m e or leave m e a lo n e." -Ja y -Z


u s t in


e t t in g e r


n d r e w


o o th

Football 1,2,3, M o st V aluable Player 4

“N ever rat on y ou r frien d s a n d alw ays k e ep your m outh shut.’’ - R o b e r t D e N iro ( G oodfellas}

“...bey on d all others, a Man-for-others. ” —F t . P e d r o A r ru p e , S J


r y a n


e v in



in i

o e l


o r g e s

Ebony Club 1,2, President 3,4; H ispanic Society

Ita lia n C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; C ro ss C o u n try 2 ,3 ,4 ; E m ­

1,2, V ice President 3 ,4 ; Football 1,2,3,4; W restling 1,2; Em m aus 2 1 3 ; Freshm an Am bassador; HAP

m aus 2 1 2

T u to r 1; O utstanding Freshm an

“L ife isn’t m easured b y the breaths you take... but b y the m om ents that tak e your breath away. ” -U n k n o w n

"An u n ex am in ed life is n ot worth living." -S o c r a te s

Eric Ingles

Christopher Bligh


h r is t o p h e r


John Opel

l ig h

C eltic C lub 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3, H enchm an 4; Baseball 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Ice H ockey 1,2; Em m aus 2 1 0 ; Freshm an Am bassador; B ig Brother 3 ,4 ; H AP T u tor 1; H ono r Pin 3

“Well in th e e n d m y frien d , w e will all b e together again. Clutching onto m y hand, in a valley w e’ll stand, just living again. In a w hile we'll sm ile m arch on an o th er m ile on h a llo w ed hills, a tta ch ed to th e lan d w e’ll still b e still. N o o n e ’s ev er g onna say a thing, an d w e’ll b e together, together again. T akin’ y a ’ll to th e city on down. ” -O .A .R .




e n r y




b o l a n t e

, J



A sian Pacific Islander So ciety 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C hess Club 2 ,3 ; C om pu ter C lub 3 ,4 ; E b o n y Club 4 ; Engineer­ ing C lub 4; N ation al H on o r Society 4; O utreach 4 ; SA D D 3; C ross C ou n try 1; V olleyball 1,2,3, C aptain 4 ; Em m aus 2 0 8 ; H on o r Pin 1,2,3

“You can m ak e a statem ent b y h ow you dress. Clothes a re really p a rt o f an expression; they m a k e a statem ent about you. It’s sort o f an introduction; it's n ot y o u .” - R a lp h L a u r e n

W fiat did mom do

dmv\q fr<?<? periods?

James LiVolsi: “Homework due the next period.” Michael Keating: “Spend quality time with my new mom, Ms. Pugach.” Daniel Mclnerney: “Paper Football.” Michael Gorman III: “Free time = Nap time.” Mark Timmins: “Sleep.” C.J. Kopec: “Danced.” Robert Abud: “Last year? Play with Terry.” John Dizon: “[Insert dead baby jokes here.]”

Peter Varsalona: “You mean what didn’t I do.” Raymond Pasuco: “Drink Ms. Pugach’s coffee,” Keith Hernandez: “Get kicked out o f the library by Ms. Pugach.” David Ogega: “Talked, talked, and talked.” James Braddock: “Anything but homework.” Henry Bolante, Jr.: “eBay.” James Baber: “Talk to Mr. Klarmann.” Hector Flores: “Pretended that I was famous.”

Seniors: Barry to Borges


ik a e l



ic a r d o


a r t in

o r n e o



u r ph y

o w k er

French Club 3 ,4 ; Jun ior Prom C om m ittee 3 ; Cross C ountry 2; Football 1; In door T rack 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; O ut­ door Track 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 2 0 7 ; French Exchange 3 ; H onor Pin 1,2

C eltic C lub 1,2,3,4; Intramurals S taff 3,4 ; Marauder N ation 4; Walk-a-thon C om m ittee 3 ; Soccer 1,2,3,4 Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Freshm an Ambassador

“Som e guy hit m y fen d er, a n d I told him , 'Be fru itful a n d multiply , ' but not in those words. ” - W o o d y A lle n

“Roots, Rock, Reggae..." - B o b M a rle y

& //


o h n


l r ic h


o w k e r

C lassics C lub 1,2,3,4; M ission C om m ittee 3; Senior Prom C om m ittee 4; In d oor Track 1,3,4; O utdoor T rack 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 21 1 ; Em m aus T eam Leader; Freshm an A m bassador; Big B ro th e r 3 ,4 ; Study A broad in Spain 2 ; H ono r Pin 1,3

“It’s th e sen se o f touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush p a st p eo p le, p e o ­ p le bum p into you. In L.A., n o b o d y tou ches you. W e're alw ays b e h in d th is m eta l a n d glass. I think we m iss that touch so m uch, that we crash into e a ch other, just so we can f e e l som ething. ” —Crash


a m e s


r a d d o c k

C eltic C lub 1 ,2 , V ic e P resid en t 3 ,4 ; Christian Life C o m m u n ity 3 ,4 ; M arau d er N ation 1,2,3 M arauder 4; O utreach 3 ,4 ; Sto ck M arket |SJ 3 ,4 ; O utdoor Track 2 ; W restling 1; Emmaus 209: HAP T u to r 1,2 ,3 ,4

Yah o k so just, i f I d o n ’t s e e you again, just k e ep ...k e ep on trucking, alright g o o d stuff. - F r a n k th e T a n k (Old School)

^ U j l/U A

T o : A la n B a n t o m

(Class o f 2HUB a rstim u n ials

Y o u ’ re w elcom e f o r d riv in g you to sc h o o l everyday. T h a t’s w hat frien d s are fo r. (H o ffm a n ) T o : C h r is to p h e r B a r ry


b etter fo r everyone. Y o u always ca n b e co u n ted o n in an y situ a tio n . (Salazar) T o : N o e l B o rg e s T h a n k s f o r alw ays lo o k in g o u t. W h e n we fir st started to b e co m e frien d s 1 d id n 't kn o w yo u w ould be­

o s e p h


A tru e m a n fo r o th ers and a lik e a ble p erso n , y ou alw ays hav e d o n e th e rig h t th in g an d have m ad e Prep


il l ia m

r a n a g a n

Marauder N ation 3; Lacrosse 1,2; Freshman Ambas­ sador; H onor Pin 1,2

c o m e m y b ro th e r . I f you ever need a n y th in g , I g o t yo u , b ecause I kn o w y ou g o t m e. (H ern an d ez) T o : Ja m e s B raad o ck T h a n k s f o r k eep in g M a ra u d er N a tio n alive. Y o u easily are in th e to p fo u r M arau d ers o f m y tim e. (D o o la n ) A lth o u g h I o n ly b eca m e clo se to y ou at th e en d o f ju n io r year, y o u r in flu e n ce o n m e has been o n e I w ill n ev er forg et. T h e love you have fo r y o u r frien d s an d fo r Prep is so m e th in g ev eryone sh o u ld try to em u la te. (G o rm a n ) T o : M ic h a e l B e n i

“You can't lose what you don't put in the mid­ dle,...but you can't win m uch either. ” -R ounders

T h e re w ere p le n ty o f fo o tb a ll gam es an d lo ts o f crazy n ig h ts in B a y o n n e , and yo u ’ve m ad e every o n e o f th o se n ig h ts e x citin g . Y o u ’ve b een a g o o d frien d ev er sin c e fresh m an year and 1 d e fin itely w o n ’t fo rg et th e “g ood tim es.” (B a rb a ru la ) Y ou re alw ays relia b le a n d know how to party. Y o u ’ve been o n e o f m y b est frien d s a t Prep and y o u ’re a fin e m a n . (K u sen ) T o : C h r is to p h e r B lig h N o rth B erg en ...fh at*s all th a t need s to b e said . Y ou have tru e Prep p rid e. (D o o la n ) T o : A n d rew B o o t h H ere s to you B o o th , th e V an W ild e r o f Prep. I f th e re was a party, you w ere th ere. I f th ere w asn’t a party, you w ere th ere to m ak e o n e . F o r ev eryth in g y ou ’ve d o n e , we salu te y o u , th e p eop le’s ch am p (B ra d d o ck ) T o : Jo h n B ow ker Y o u 're an u n b e liev a b le guy; y o u 're always g iv in g o f you rself; Y o u 're su ch an in flu e n ce to th e p eople a ro u n d y o u . (L lan eza) T o : M ark Cavanagh N o m a tter w hat tim e I’m a t sc h o o l, yo u ’re th ere. I’m n o t su re i f you actu ally have a h o u se. Y o u ’re a g o o d frien d w ith a great sense o f h u m o r...an d y ou always lo o k co n fu sed . (D o h erty ) T o : P a t r ic k C o m e y Y ou re a great person to b e a ro u n d . Y ou rem in d m e o f a b ig teddy b ear; y o u ten d to sm o th e r m e when we hu g . Y o u r u p b eat a n d en erg etic p erso n ality is o b v io u s fr o m th e m o m e n t o n e talks to yo u . H I m iss y o u , a n d y o u r hugs. (D ela T o r re ) B ig h u n k in b a ll o f b u rn in p h ila n th ro p y . Y o u ’re alw ays ready w ith sm a rt q u ip w ell-tim ed jo k es, and y ou re a lso very involved and d ed icated. A lth o u g h y ou ’ve giv en m e m an y n ig h tm ares in v o lv in g posi­ tio n ed asp h yxia, y o u ’re still a great guy w ith a lo t o f lo v e to sh are. (L ib atiq u e) T o : M ic h a e l D m y triw W h eth er in th e b and ro o m o r a c lassro o m , you have been a m o d el o f frien d lin ess, lead ership, and en th u sia sm . E ith e r in th e sta n d s at a fo o tb a ll gam e o r d u rin g th e C h ristm a s C o n c e r t, you alw ays have sh ow n c o n fid e n c e and kin d ness in a way th a t’s inspired m e to excel in m y ow n m u sical talents. (C . G a llo )


T o : P a t r ic k D u f f y Y o u re o n e o f th e few b i-racial stu d en ts in th e class with m e, and th a t in stan tly m ad e us friends. A lso, y o u r h a lfro is c ra z y sty lin ’! (D o h erty )

Seniors Borneo to Cavanagh


a t r ic k



il l ia m

r o w n e

A rt C lub 1; Celtic C lub 1,2,3,4; Com puter Q u b 1; D an ce C om m ittee 3; Engineering C lub 4 ; French C lub 3 ,4 ; Italian Club 1; SA D D 3 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 0

“I've m et som e p e o p le along the way, som e o f them split, som e o f them stay, som e o f them walk, som e walk on by, I've got a fe w friends I'll love till I die. From a ll these p eo p le I try to learn. Som e o f them, shin e som e o f them burn, som e o f them rise, som e o f them fall, f o r g o o d or b a d I ’ve known them all . " - T h e B o u n c in g S o u ls


n d r e

L. B

r u c e

D a n c e C o m m itte e 2 ,3 ,4 ; E b o n y C lu b 2, V ice President 3 ,4 ; C ross C ou n try 1,2; In door Track 1 ,2 ,3 ; Em m aus 2 1 3

"You a re alive b ecau se o f y ou r past, w hether it is y esterd ay o r on e million years ago. ROOTS! REMEMBER y o u r ANCESTORS!" - O r ig in a l



r a n c is



Mark Dolaghan Matthew Mulroy James Braddock

D an iel Libatique J e ffr e y Rubin Julian Pormentilla



Matthew Doherty Raymond Smith Daniel Urbanovich

Sean M orris Thomas Ongeri P au l Ward J

b u l l

o h n



e n ja m in

a n n iz z a r o

Stage C rew 1; T V Studio 3 ; Em m aus 2 1 3 ; Extraor­ d in ary M in ister o f th e Eucharist

“Through tim e s-e o n s m oon c la d m ist the s k y o f fla m e l o o k d ow n on th e lo s t a n d eth e r e a l om en o f life s te e p e d in p ro fo u n d lust & elation subsides, sp iraled into dust." -E th e re a l O m en


o sh u a


a b r e r a

E b ony C lub 2 ; H ispanic So ciety 3 ,4 ; Basketball 1; Em m aus 2 1 3 ; Freshm an A m bassador

“I f th e g a m e sh a k e s m e o r b r e a k s m e, I h o p e it m a k e s m e a b etter m an. T a k e a b etter stand, p u t m on ey in m y m om ’s hand. Get m y d au g h ter th is colleg e plan , so sh e d o n ’t n eed n o man. Stay f a r fro m timid, only m ak e m oves when y ou r hearts in it, an d live the p h ra se the sky ’s th e lim it.’’ - N o to r io u s B .I .G .

Band 3,4; Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 . Sw im m ing 1,2,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Freshm an Am bassador

“Watch, listen, an d learn. You can ’t kn ow it all yourself...anyone w ho thinks they d o is destined f o r m ediocrity." - D o n a ld T ru m p


ic h a e l



J. C

a p in p in

“What would you fo llo w y ou r sw ord for? I f not this then what?" - D o n C h e a d le


la n

Engineering C lub 4; H istory C lub 1; N ation al H ono r Society 4; Emm aus 2 0 9 ; H ono r Pin 2,3

a r k

G. C

a v a n a g h

o n n o r

a ll a h a n

C e lt:: Club 1,2; SA D D C 5<?ss C oun try 1; Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Freshm an A m bassador

A m n esty International 2 ; Asian Pacific Islander Society 3; B ook Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; C lassics Q u b 1,2,3,4; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ,3 ,4 ; D ram atics: M usical 2 ,4 In d ep en d en t F ilm S o cie ty 3 ,4 ; Ja z z Band 3 ,4 litera ry M agazine 4 ; M ath T eam 2 ,3 ,4 ; M odel U N 1,2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 4; O utreach 3 ,4 ;

Petrean 2 ,3 ,4 ; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 3 ,4 ; Prep Factor 2 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ; Sw im m ing 3 ; Em­ m aus 20 9 ; Big B rother 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“It is unbecom ing f o r young m en to utter m axim s.” -A r is to tle "You're b o m to die. In th e m ean time, get m oney." - D M X

A Place That Feels Like Home


h a led



a if u l l a


h a u d h a r y


h r is t o p h e r



e r r e r o



Forensics 1,2; Indo-Pak Society 1,2,3,4; M edical C lub 3 ,4 ; M ission C om m ittee 1,2,3,4; M odel UN 1,2,3,4; Stage C rew 2; T en nis 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 215; H onor Pin 2 ,3 ; Silver M edal in Religion 1

Asian Pacific Islander Society 3 , V ice President 4Com puter Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; M edical C lub 4; Outreach 4Indoor T rack 1,3; Volleyball 2,4 ; Emm aus 208

“My mother drew a distinction between achieve­ ment and success. She said that ‘achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice, too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about s u c c e s s .’ "

“Destiny is not a m atter o f chance, it is a m atter o f ch o ice; it is not a thing to b e waited for, it is a thing to b e achieved. ”

—H elen Hayes

-W illia m Je n n in g s B ry a n


o h n


h en e y


a b r ie l

T. C

ler m o n t

C eltic C lu b 3 ,4 ; C lassics C lu b 2 ; Engineering C lub 4; M ission C om m ittee 3 ,4 ; N ational H onor So ciety 4; Sen ior Prom C om m ittee 4; Em m aus 2 1 1 ; Big Brother 4

“ Tem per's the on e thing you ca n ’t g et rid of, by losing it" -A n g er M anagem ent

A cadem ic T eam 4; B an d 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E b o n y E ttB • A 3 ,4 ; French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ja z z Band '..2,3 ,4; M od el UN 4; Emm aus 2 1 3 ; French 2xtr.ar.ge 3; H ono r Pin 1

7 r o ck m ostly Dolce, I roll m ostly doly, FU leav e you holy, holy, y o u ’ll say H oly Moly.* -C am eron Giles

m S

a lm a n


h o u d r y

A ero n a u tic s C lu b 4 ; A n ti-S w ea tsh o p C lu b 4 ; C om puter C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; E b ony Club 4; Engineering C lub 4; Indo-Pak So ciety 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M edical Club 3 ,4 ; SA D D 1,2,3; S to ck M arket Club 1,2,3; V ideo G am e Club 2

"There is nothing in ou r b ook, the Qur’an, that tea ch es us to su ffer a n d b e op p ressed peacefully. Our way o f life teach es us to b e in­ telligent. B e p ea cefu l, b e courteous, a n d ob ey the law, but i f som eo n e lays h is h a n d on you, sen d h im to the c e m e t e r y - M a lc o lm X




a t r ic k



(' U

v a n


om ey

Academ ic T eam 4; Band 3 ,4 ; Celtic Club 1; Chorus 3,4; Q assics Club 1, V ice President 2 , President 3 $ ; D ram atics: D ram a 3 ,4 ; D ram atics: M usical 3,4; Forensics 3 ,4 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Liturgical Music 3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4;

Petrean 4; S A ijp

1,2,3; Emm aus 2 0 9 ; Italian Exchange 2 ; H onor Pjp 1,2,3; Gold M edal in Italian 2,3

"Life is not a bliss, life is just this, it’s livingf -Jo ss W hedon

How are you handling scnioritis? Frank Saile: “We’d find a cure i f we weren’t so lazy.” Thomas D’Alessio: “Getting good grades in exchange for gifts” Deepak Sharma: “Red Bull.” Cory Leadbeater: “The same way I’ve handled it since 2nd grade.” Eric Ingles: “With open arms.” Sean Morris: “With a smile on my face.” Gregory Rasmusson: “Handling?” Garreth Gomilla: I I "Mad good I guess.”

Michael Pisko: “Okay. I’ve been practicing for three years.” Hector Flores: “Huh? Is a book that thing with all the papers in it?” Daniel Mclnerney: “I’m too lazy to write the answer.” Brian Jones: “I take a nap every 40 minutes.” James LiVolsi: “I’m doing my homework for the next period right now.” C J . Kopec: “I handed this in, didn’t I?” Raymond Pasuco: “Boomshakalaka!” (Other seniors proved too lazy to answer the question...)

U j A Place That Feels Like Home


h r is t o p h e r



o h n

o n v er y

C eltic Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Engineering Q u b 4; M ath Team 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1, Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emmaus 2 1 0 ; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“L ife is ten p ercen t w hat h ap p en s to you and ninety p ercen t h ow you respond to it. * -j -L o u H o ltz

£o~ rv

Fr. Enrico Raulli, SJ, Bryan Bini, James Braddock, Eric Ingles O 4Mark Seither

Stephen McDermott




u n n in g h a m

M arauder N ation 3 ,4 ; SA D D 3 ,4 ; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Football 1,2

C.J. Kopec & Javier Vasques

“Man was not m a d e f o r defeat. ” - E r n e s t H e m in g w a y


A/m ,

If I fiad a million dollars I would,,. Y uri A le xa n d er


zm o la

A sian P acific Islander S ociety 3 ,4 ; E b ony C lub 3 ,4; Hispanic S ociety 1,4; M arauder N ation 4; O utreach 4; Basketball 2; V olleyball 2 ,3 , C aptain 4 ; Emm aus 2 1 3 ; Freshm an A m bassador

“H e w ho is not courageous enough to take risks will a ccom p lish nothing in life. ” - M u h a m m a d A li



h o m a s

a l e s s io

G erm an C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; H istory C lub 1; M arauder

Andrew Wallace: “Print a million circular stickers that say ‘dog’ and ‘goat’ and then go to the supermarket and use them to cover the flavor stickers on the miniature pies.” Michael Spivack: “Pay back Stephen McDermott for all the Chinese food...who am I kidding? That wouldn’t be enough.” Matthew Doherty: “Buy two floors o f the E-building.” Kevin Khilall: “Stop stealing brownies from the cafe.” Peter Varsalona: “I would put it all in a bath tub and take a bath in a million dollars.”

Frank Saile: “Buy a Ferrari and a parking spot in the Prep parking lot.” Andrew Anderson: “Invest it because one million dollars is not very much these days.” Jerard Dela Torre: “Shopping spree...new clothes...Holler!” Raymond Pasuco: “Knock down the Golden Cicada...rd do it for free actually.” Michael F. Sweeney: “Build a zoo and put Mulroy as my main attraction! ‘Don’t pet it or you’ll lose your hand.’” Robert Abud: “Go conquer Cuba with Ms. Garcia.”

G lA N V lT O D E C A N D IA Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 3 ; H onor Pin 1

N ation 2 ,3 ,4 ; O utreach 2 ,3 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ; V ideo G am e C lub 2 ,3 ; Ice H ockey 1 ,2 ,3 , C aptain 4; Em­ m aus 2 0 7 ; H on o r Pin 1

"G ood p lay ers sk a te h a rd w hen they h av e th e p u ck, g reat p lay ers sk ate h a rd w hen they d o n ’t h av e the p u c k .” - W a y n e G retz k y


r ia n



e n n e t h

a lto n

“I never saw a wild thing sorry f o r itself. A sm all bird will drop frozen d e a d fro m a bough without ev er having fe lt sorry f o r itself." -D a v id H e r b e r t L a w r e n c e


en r i d e


r a n c e




F o o tb a ll 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; W re stlin g 1 ,2 ,3 , C a p ta in 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 5

C lassics C lub 3 ,4 ; D ram atics: D ram a 3 ,4 ; Forensics 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; G erm an C lub 4; N ational H ono r Society 4; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; G old M ed al in G erm an 3; Gold M ed al in Religion 2

"A n d we sh ou ld con sid er everyday lost on which w e h a v e not d a n ced at least once. And we sh ou ld call every truth fa ls e w hich was not a cco m p a n ied by on e lau g h ." - F r ie d r i c h N ie tz s c h e

"B o y : Are th e stories true? They say your m oth er was a n im m ortal goddess. They say you can't b e killed. "A c h ille s : I wouldn't b e bothering with the sh ield then would I? "B o y : The Thessalonian you're fighting, he's the biggest m an I've ev er seen. I wouldn't want to fight him. “A ch ille s : That is why no on e will rem em ber y ou r nam e. ” - B r a d P itt [Troy]

Seniors: Chaudhary to DeFrance


e r a r d




o r r e


o h n



r a n c is

iz o n

Asian Pacific Islander Society 1,2, V ice President A rt C lub 3; A sian Pacific Islander Society $ 4-1 1

3,4; Book C lub 4; Dram atics: M usical 3 ,4; Forensics 1; O utreach 3 ,4 ; S A D D 3 ,4; Student Council Repre­

Chess C lub 3; Classics Club 3 ; D ance C om m itteel I 3; Independent Film Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; Prep F a c t o r ! 2 ,3 ; RPG Club 1,2,3,4; SA D D 1 ; Emmaus 2 0 8 - 1 Freshm an A mbassador

sentative 4; Volleyball 1,2; Em m aus 20 7 ; Emm aus T ea m Leader; Big Brother 3 ,4 ; H ono r Pin 1

“I thought I was living in a dream I couldn'tm w ake up from , but befo re I kn ew it, the dream 0 was ov er." - S p i k e S p ie g e l

“Stop acting lik e a B arbie doll in h e a t." - M r . Ja m e s C o llin s


y a n

N. D

ia z


E b o n y C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; F ren ch C lu b 3 ,4 ; H ispan ic

ic h a e l

P. D


m y t r iw

Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Liturgical Music

S o c ie ty P re sid e n t 3 ,4 ; E m m au s 2 1 3 ; F ren ch Exchange 2

1.2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 4 ; Emm aus 212; H onor Pin 1,2,3; G old M edal in M usic 1

“L ov e ch an g es, a thug ch an g es, a n d best frien d s b ecom e strangers..." -N A S

“It is a very g reat thing to be a b le to think as I you like; but, a fter all, an im portant question rem ains: what you think. " - M a tt h e w A rn o ld


n th o n y

D iC


te v en


a t t h e w


o h er ty

r o c e A rt Club 1,2,3,4; Literary M agazine 1,2; Model I I

C om pu ter C lub 4; D an ce C om m ittee 4; Italian Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 2

U N 2 ; N ational H onor Society 4; O utreach 2,3,4; I I

“Education is not preparation f o r life; ed u ca­ tion is life its e lf ” - J o h n D e w e y

“Who loo k s outside dream s, who looks inside, I I aw akes. " - C a r l G u stav Ju n g



Fergus S c u lly H ector P lo re a Mark Cavanagh

Ryan Gelchion Raymond Smith Julian Pormentilla


SA D D 1,2,3; Rugby 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3




a r k



o la g h a n

C eltic Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ,4 ; Baseball I 1,2,3, C aptain 4 ; Football 1,3; Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Fresh- H m an Ambassador


Kevin Dougherty Julian Pormentilla Julian Pormentilla Padraic F r ie l Andrew Anderson Conor Supple


“H eroes get rem em bered, but legends never M die. “ - B a b e R u th



----------------- —

iU j

a t r ic k





-------- T i


Seniors Dela Torre to Ferrer ‘



John Dizon

Ms. Erin Gething & Fergus Scully


a m e s d o o la n

C eltic C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; C hristian Life C om m u n ity 1; Classics C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 0 9 ; Extraordinary M in ister o f the Eucharist; HAP T u to r 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; H ono r Pin 1,3

Jonathan Schirripa

“B e a dream er. I f y ou don't kn ow h o w to dream , y o u ’re dead." - J i m V a lv a n o

Michael F. Sweeney leaves the G erm an C lub , T V Studio, and anything else he did to Matthew W ard; an order o f T aco Bell and a som brero in the front seat o f a Buick


e v in


o u g h er ty

C eltic C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C lassics Club 2 ,3 ; M arauder N ation 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; N ation al H ono r Society Secretary 4; Sto ck M arket C lub 1; Basketball 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Football 1 ,2 ,3 ; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; Em m aus T eam Leader; Freshm an Am bassador; Big Brother 3,4; O u tstan d in g Freshm an; H o n o r Pin 1 ,2 ,3 ; Gold M ed al in H istory 1, M ath em atics 1, Scien ce 1; Silver M edal in English 1, H istory 3

for the sidelines to B rian Joh n sto n . James Braddock leaves

LaSabre with a full tank o f gas for anytim e he may need it to Steven Rizzo; and a razor, shaving cream , and a

fo r details).

machete, for the really hairy spots, to Bryan M cTiernan.

o f waking up on Saturday o r Sunday m orning with no voice to R obert C ole; his b elt to keep his pants up to

Henry Bolante, fr. leaves his .amazing volleyball-setting

Raymond Pasuco leaves the pain and agony

skills to G ilb erto Estupinan; and his am azing defense

N icholas Zero; and his cornrows and good look s to

Grcgoiy Rasmusson leaves

W illiam T hom pson. Andrew Anderson leaves his love for

his devilish charm and dashing good looks to Stephen Rasm usson in hopes that they will serve him well; and h is un canny ability to talk nonstop for eight hours to

Desperate Housewives, C ranium , Wicked, Lemony Snickets, Rent and even the Sound o f Music to M s. Erin Gething. Padraic Friel leaves the leadership o f the Rugby team to

Brendan Canale, n o t th at he needs it. Andrew Wallace leaves a Level 10 mace o f sm itin g that grants +2 on all

Anthony M achcinski; and the presidency o f the C eltic C lu b to C harles D ullea. Lance Gomes leaves his guido-

specialist skills to R obert C ole.

Colin Gallo leaves the password to

ness and Brooklyn haircut to both D aniel Vecchiarelli

the T V Studio iM acs to Eam on H artnett; and the Ger­

and V icto r Stanziale. Michael Gorman leaves his absolute

m an Language and an unstuck trum pet m outhpiece to Joseph Candela. Thomas D’Alessio leaves his hockey stick

beastliness in the weight room and h is killer jum p shot to

to M r. Benjam in Patiak. Jeffrey

saves to Sean Carney.

“W e’re a team . One p lay er trium phs, we all trium ph. One p lay er struggles, w e all strug­ gle. ” - K e n C a r te r (C o a c h C a rte r)

football camp to M ichael Lang; and his hand warmers the Andoball W orld Team captainship to Robert C ole; and his secret bathroom to Brian U rbanovich (see him

win another C ounty C ham pionship to Jonathan Georges.

headphones to W illiam N unn; his “mad krazy drumming

Peter Hoffman leaves his m ighty freshness to Salvatore Santuccio. Martin Hogan le a v e his razor to shave under

skillz” to D aniel H ooton; and the com m issionership o f odd courtyard sports to Joseph Muzyczyn. Kevin Guarini

his lip to Steven Pankiewicz; and his copy o f Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Pumping Iron to Joseph Valenti so he

leaves his p layoff beard to N icholas Lalum ia; his vocal

can get his weight up.

Rubin leaves his beat up

cords to W illiam T h o m p so n ; h is water b allo o n s at


a t r ic k



u ffy

(Class of 2006 Util

h r is t o p h e r


d elm a n n

C lassics C lub 3 ,4 ; Forensics 2; N ation al H ono r S o ciety 4 ; Football 1; Sw im m ing 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Big Brother 4; H on o r Pin 1,2,3

Asian Pacific Islander S ociety 3 ,4 ; C om puter Club 1,4; SA D D 3 ,4 ; Sto ck M arket Club 3 ,4 ; Indoor T rack 1; T en n is 1,2,3,4; Em m aus 2 0 8

“ When we rem em ber we are all m ad, the m ys­ teries d isa p p e a r a n d life stands ex p lain ed

‘All that is necessary f o r the trium ph o f evil is f o r g o o d m en to d o nothing."

- M a r k T w a in

-E d m u n d B u rke


o sh u a


y b u s

Ice H ockey 1 ,2 ,3 ; Lacrosse 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Em­ m aus 2 0 7 ; Freshm an Am bassador

“Cut m y d e c k to th e Q ueen o f Spades, but the card s were all th e sa m e.’’




a m e s


e r r e r

C eltic C lub 2, Secretary 3 ,4 ; Classics Club 3,4 ; H ispanic Society 3 ,4 ; SA D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 5

"They sen d you o f f to college, try to gain a litde knowledge, but all you want to d o is leam h ow to score. ” -Jim m y B u ffe tt

- T h e G ra te fu l D ea d

A Place That Feels Like Home

(Class of 2006 Srfltctimis M ichael G orm an: “O ne o f the fondest memories o f my rime at Prep was my first Football Camp. A* a little, frail freshman I was pretty nervous about going away to cam p with my team. I had heard horror stories about H d l Night* and what g o n o n during the triple session practices. Throughout camp I became a lot closer with my teammates and built a lot o f new friendships. W hen I got hack from camp. I really began to see w hat a great experience Prep was going to b e Before I even stepped foot in a classroom, I had 60 new friends and had already begun to grow as a person. Prep Football has m eant a lot to me and the tim e I spent playing is something H I never forget. E r a though I decided n o t to play m y senior year because o f an injury the year before, I would n o t trade in my foodull experiences for anything in the world."


N eil M ajm undar; *1 remember the day I came hack to Prep, after transferring o u t o f freshman year. M y family had mosred to M onm outh C ounty, which required m e to transfer schook.„but I missed Prep and needed to com e hack, so I did. I remember seeing the fam iliar bees. I realized o n that day what Prep really is all a b o u t It is a place where a young m an can truly express him self inside and outside th e classroom. It is, as the website states the "btst four years o f a young man’s life.’*

a b ia n


lo r es

ougtn b y th e flam es o f a a re not m eant to consu us. Disguised a s a

D aniel Rasmusson; “I remember having a school day freshman year when it snowed in the m om ing, but we still had school. I remember running around in the fresh snow with exuberance I did n 't know I had. Lou H att threw m e into a huge pile o f snow, the seniors bombarded the freshmen n t h snowballs, and M r. D andotph came and cleared the courtyard in 10 seconds when things got o u t o f control. I remember eating pizza, watching the snow, and being at peace.”


a r c ia n o



o se


e c t o r


l o r e s




ig u e r o a

A nti-Sw eatsh op Q u b 4 ; A sian Pacific Islander S o ciety 3 .4 ; B o o k Q u b 2 ,3 ; C hristian ? ire- C o m ­ m u nity I ; KH LerCokeS; N ational H on o r Society 4; O utreach 2 3 ; SA D D 2 3 ; S en ior Prom C om m ittee 4 ; Freshm an A m bassador:

Honor Pin 1 ,2 3

“O s e e k m y lov e y ou r new er way, I'll not b e left in sorrow. S o lon g a s I h a v e yesterday, g o take y o u r d a * * tom orrow / ' - D o r o t h y P a r k e r

* Som ething h a s ch a n g ed w ithin me* S am thing is not th e sam e. Tm through with p fa ing b y th e rules o f som eon e else 's anm p 7 a late f o r s eco n d guessing. T oo late to go W to sleep, ft’s tim e to trust m y instincts, d a s m y ey es a n d lea p . -W ick ed



h r is t o p h e r



r ia n


h a se


r eem a n

it z p a t r ic k Asian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; Ebony C l

S ta ff 3 ,4 ; M arau d er N atio n 2 ,3 ,4 ; M a th T ea m

1,2,3.-4; H ispanic So ciety 3 ; SA D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 5

2,3; Hxfarfi

2 3 , 4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4 ; U ltim ate Frisbee 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; T en n is 4; Em m aus 2 1 4 ; F.mmaiw T eam Leader; Freshm an A m b assador; B ig B ro th e r 4; H ono r Pin 1,2,3

“Closing tim e, ev ery n ew beginning co m es fro m so m e o th er beginning's end. “

“It’s n o b o d y ’s fau lt, I m a d e the decisions m ade, this is th e life I c h o se o r rather the Sj that c h o se m e. ’ - Ja y -Z

- S e m is o n ic


r ia n

J. F

ix t e r

C eltic Q u b 4; S o ccer 1,4; Em m aus 2 1 4


a d r a ic


e a r se


r ie l

A cadem ic T ea m 4 ; C eltic C hib 1 ,2 ,3 Presufcn! 4 ; N ational H ono r So ciety 4 ; Football 1,2,3,4; R ugby 1,2,3, C aptain 4 ; Freshm an Ambassador; Big Brother 4; H onor Pin 1 ,2 ,3

“It is h a r d to fa il, but it is w orse n ev er to h ave tried to su c c ee d ." - T h e o d o r e R o o s e v e lt

A Place That Feels lake Home

“The p urp ose o f life is not to b e happy. R M to b e useful, to b e honorable, to b e compas­ sionate, to h av e it m ak e so m e differen ce thal you h av e liv ed a n d lived w e ll' -R a lp h W a ld o E m e rso n


o l in


a m e s



a llo

o h n


h o m a s


io ie l l a


a v is

Nataona] Honor Society 4; K rts Uufe i Studio 2.3.4: Fencing 3.4; Emmaus 212: Genns Exchange 3 : Honor Pm 1,2,3; Sliver Medal : •Mathematics 2; Spsnt Award 4

' You can't sob

*W hat is a frien d ? A single sou l divelli tw o bod ies. ’ - A r is to t le


a v id

M. G

- A lb e r t E lm stein


a llo

n th o n y


io r d a n o

Prom C om m ittee 3 ; M arauder N ation 2 .3 ,4 ; PwnnwiK 2 0 7

‘ Destiny d o es not c h o o s e you , y o u ch. destiny. * - U n k n o w n

‘M oney is ex pen sive. ’ - J o s h D y b u s


Gabriel Cleimont & Francis Aquila


y a n


Albeit Vecellio & Patrick Browne

e l c h io n I 1,2; M arauder N ation

2 3 , 4 ; M ath T e a m 3 ; N ational H on o r So ciety 4; O u tre a c h 3 , 4 ; S tu d e n t C o u n c il R ep resen tative 1,2, V ice R e s id e n t 3 , President 4 ; B aseball 1,2; Basketball 1.2,3; Indoor T rade 4 ; T en n is 4 ; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Freshm an A m bassador; B ig Broth er 3 .4 ; HAP T u to r 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; H on o r Pin 1 ,2 ,3 ; Sp irit Award 3; O utstanding Freshm an

“W hat lie s b eh in d us a n d what lies befo re us a r e sm all m atters c o m p a red to w hat lies within u s .” - R a lp h W a ld o E m e r s o n


ic h a e l


Wfio will you miss tfie most a t Prep? il l

fV lr ir Q u b 2 ,3 ; M arauder N ation 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Stage C rew 1,2,3; W alk-a-thon C om m ittee 3 ; Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 0 ; H o n o r Pin 1

"A breath to kiss, m y p h an tom fate. A n d the sun that p h a s ed in eternities trace. In m as­ q u era d es o f tranquil seas. B y vile squalls, the hu sh w hich p a s se d h a d lip s in silent halls. -E th e re a l O m en

Albert Vecellio: “Anyone who doesn’t suck.” C.J. Kopec: “The lunch ladies. I have so many memories o f their crazy antics.” Francis Romano, Jr.: “Raging Bull will be missed by all.” Conor Supple: “I will miss Mr. Reidy the most ” Michael F. Sweeney: “Herr Farabaugh. He always let me hang out in his room whenever I needed to act like an ape infected with rabies.” Delio Luna: “Ms. Pugach.” Robert Moran: “Hugo.” Allen Ferrer: “Ms. Spano! <3”

Mark Cavanagh: “My mind. I lost it sometime dur­ ing sophomore year.” John Llaneza: “Mr. McCarthy and his carrot fights.” Andrew Anderson: “My friends.” Keith Hernandez: “Mr. Thomson; he’s irreplacable.” Mark Tiedemann: “Mr. Dandorph.” Raymond Pasuco: “Kee-ayre Griffin.” Peter Varsalona: “Sam the Hot Dog Man!” Patrick Comey: “Ms. Collins because she is so cool and always happy.”

Seniors Figueroa to Giordano


n c e



n th o n y


a tt h ew


. G

o rd o n

o m e s C eltic Club 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4

M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Big Brother 3

‘ Fill it up again! Fill it up again! Once it hits y ou r lips it’s just so good!" - W ill F e r r e ll [Old School)


a r r e t h


o m il l a

A sian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; C om puter Club 4 ; Football 1,2,3,4; Em m aus 21 3

“Thirty years from now it won’t m atter what sh o es you wore, h ow y ou r h a ir looked, or the jea n s you bought. What will m atter is whaM you lea rn ed a n d h ow you used it." -U n k n o w n


ic h a e l

J. G

o rm a n

C eltic Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; SA1DD 2 ,3 ,4 ; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Emmaus 2 1 5 ; Freshm an Am bassador 1 ; Big Brother 3 4 H onor Pin 1,2,3

“C ham pions aren ’t m a d e in gyms. Cham pions are m a d e fro m som ething th ey h a v e d e e p inside th em -a desire, a dream , a vision. They h av e to h av e last m inute stam ina, they h ave to b e a little faster, th ey h a v e to h av e the skill a n d the will. But the will m ust b e stronger than th e skill." -M u h a m m a d A li

T o : P a d r a ic F r ie l

“Tom orrow I w ake with a secon d wind and strong b ec au se o f p rid e, to kn ow I fought with all m y h eart to k e e p m y dream alive, -T u P a c Sh akur

® Ia 8 H l l f 2 1,1115

Y o u k n o w ju st a b o u t ev ery th in g th ere is to k n o w a b o u t r a n d o m stu ff. I f y ou need a h an d draw n m a p o f Y ugoslav ia, ta lk to Pad raic. I ’ll rem em b e r yo u as th e q u ie t kid w ith th e c r a z y u n c o n tr o lla b le rage...y ou’re a g o o d kid th o u g h ! (D o h e rty ) T o : R y a n G e lc h io n T h e re are so m a n y w ords o n e c a n use t o d escrib e th is guy. Y o u ’re o n e o f those- h ard-w orking types


il l ia m


r eb

Asian Pacific Islander S ociety 3,4 ; Engineering Club 4; M ission C om m ittee 1; Stage C rew 1,2; Rugby 1 ,2,3,4 ; Emm aus 212

th a t a lso know s how to have a g o o d tim e, w h ich m akes yo u a great all-arou n d frien d . I w an t m y son s to b e ju s t lik e y ou. (P asu co) T o : L a n c e G o ifte s I knew you th ro u g h sp o rts b e fo re c o m in g to Prep. In fa ct, c o m in g in , I d id n ’t lik e y ou to o m u ch . H ow ever, ov er m y fo u r years, y o u ’ve grow n to b e o n e o f m y b est frien d s. W ee-m an , y o u ’re a fun -lov­ in g gu y w h o really has h elped m ak e m y Prep ex p erien ce special. A n d th an k s f o r h elp in g m e clea n up th e c rib , b ro ! (G o rm a n ) T o : M ic h a e l H a a s Y o u ’re p riceless w ith y o u r g o o fin ess, b u t, yet, always th ere. Y o u r presen ce fe lt as i f Jo h n S ta m o s had

"In truth the person that know s his own ig­ norance is wise, but an ignorant person who thinks them selves wise is truly a fool." -D h a m m a p a d a

ju s t w alked in to th e ca feteria w ith y o u r m o m ’s lefto v er m e a tlo a f. S till, y o u give great advice th e way U n c le Jesse w ould. (P asu co) T o : R ic h a r d H u sse y Y o u w ere o n e o f th e fir st kid s I ever m e t a t Prep. S in c e th en y o u ’ve b eco m e o n e o f m y b est friends. I k n o w y o u always have m y b a ck and I alw ays have y ou rs, a lso. Y o u r p assio n f o r sp o rts an d life in g en eral has ta u g h t m e to rea lly v alu e th e t i m e l h a v e a s an a th lete an d a frien d . (G o r m a n ! T o : L u is J im e n e z

''V i '» '

Y o u re a so lid in d iv id u a l, LJ. Y o u ’ve always been th ere fo r m e. (H a rt) T o : M ic h a e l K e a tin g


il l ia m


r if f in

W e v e been frien d s forev er, b u t we’ve g o tten clo se r sin ce E m m au s; we’re always aro u n d each o th er, w h eth er in o r o u t o f sc h o o l. I c a n alw ays rely o n you fo r m o tiv a tio n o r to rem in d m e a b o u t th ings. Y o u ’ve m a d e m y la st tw o years a t Prep am azin g . (P asu co)

C eltic Club 1,2,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4

T o : J o h n L a u r e tta , J r . Y o u ’re o n e o f th e fu n n ie st p eop le I know . N o m atter th e situ a tio n , y ou always seem to b rin g lig h t to a n y th in g . I t has been a fu n tim e b ein g y o u r frien d . (V ecellio) T o : D a n ie l L ib a tiq u e Y o u ’re o n e o f th e m o st gen erou s p eo p le I’ve ever m et. Y o u ’re h u m b le an d k in d an d I am p ro u d to ca ll y o u m y frien d . ( D . R asm u sson ) I ’ve kno w n you fo r 1 2 years. W e ’ve had o u r disagreem ents h ere an d th ere, b u t y ou ’ve alw ays b een th ere f o r m e. Y o u m ay n o t b e th e m o st a th le tic o r p o p u lar, b u t y o u ’re o n e o f th e p eo p le yo u can c o u n t o n f o r a n y th in g . (D ela T o r re ) T o : G a lo L im o n g i Y o u ve been a g reat frien d to m e s in c e fresh m an year; y o u ’re alw ays good to h an g o u t o r to play a gam e o f f o o tb a ll. Y o u ’re sim p ly o n e o f m y b est frien d s a t Prep. (K u sen) T o : J o h n L la n e z a Y o u re th e k id th a t s g reat a t ev erything, yet, so m eh o w has b een fo rg o tten ; y ou ’re th e m o st underrated stu d en t, y et o n e o f th e best kid s o n e co u ld ever m eet. (Vayas) T o : D e lio L u n a F ro m ea tin g a t th e lu n c h ta b le to lo c k in g each o th e r o u t o f c o m p u ter class, we’ve had good tim es. Y o u ’re a g reat stu d en t and a great m an . (K u sen)


Seniors Gomes to Hood

“Winners n ever quit a n d quitters never win." —V in c e L o m b a rd i



e v in


ic h a e l

u a r in i

Marauder N ation 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 21 0 ; H ono r Pin 1,2,3

“Stay f a r fro m tim id, only m ak e m oves when y ou r h ea rt’s in it, an d live the p h ra se ‘The sky's the lim it.’" -N o to r io u s B .l.G .



Conor Supple Andrew Anderson Michael Haaa

Mark Tiedemann D an iel E.ibatique Conor Supple



Keith Hernandez Mark Timmins Alan Bantom

D an iel Libatique Raymond Smith Gregory Rasmusson

■ M


ic h a e l



r a n c is

a a s

et er


o ffm a n

Marauder N ation 4; M ath T ea m 4; S to ck M arket C lub 4; Basketball 4

French Club 3 ,4 ; Intram urals S ta ff 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 3 ,4 ; SA D D 3 ; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 2 1 5 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; Fresh­ m an A m bassador; Big B rother 4 ; French Exchange 3 ; O utstanding Freshm an

"Shoot f o r th e m oon. Even i f you m iss, you'll lan d am ong th e stars." - L e s B r o w n



“Som e p e o p le want it to h ap p en , som e wish it c o u ld h a p p e n , o th ers m a k e it h ap p en . My attitude is that i f you p ush m e towards s o m eth in g th at y ou th in k is a w eakness, then I will turn that p erceiv ed w eakness into a strength. I've n ev er been a fra id to fail." - M ic h a e l Jo r d a n


a r t

A cadem ic T ea m 4; C eltic Club 1; Classics C lub 2 ,3; E b on y C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; French C lub 2 ,3 President 4; Indo-Pak Society 1; Italian C lub 4 ; H ispanic Society 3 ; Killer C oke 3 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; M edical


a r t in

o g a n

Classics C lub 3 ; Italian C lub 1,2; M arauder N ation 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Em m aus 21 0 ; Freshm an Ambassador; Big Brother 3 ; H onor Pin 1,2,3

Club 3 ; M odel U N 4; N ational H ono r So ciety 4; SA D D 1,2,3,4; G olf 1 ,2,3, C aptain 4 ; Emm aus 2 13; Freshm an Am bassador; Italian Exchange 4 ; French Exchange 3; H ono r Pin 1,2

"It is b etter to sin on the sid e o f excessive e fferv esc en c e than to p resid e over a stade w a k e.” - D r . C h e s te r O b u c h o w s k i (M r. Je f­

“I d o n ’t scratch m y h e a d unless it itches an d I don't d an ce unless I h e a r music. I will not be intim idated. That’s just the way it is." - C o a c h B o o n e [Rem em ber the Titans)

fr e y B e a u d e tte )


e it h



h a r l e s


a m e s


o o d

e r n a n d e z C ross C oun try 3 ,4 ; In d oor T ra ck 3 ,4 ; O utdoor

D an ce C om m ittee 3 ,4 ; E b o n y C lub 3 ,4 ; Sen ior

T r a c k 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m au s 2 0 9 ; Fresh m an A m bas­

Prom C om m ittee 4; Em m aus 2 1 3


“It’s th e will o f the man, not the skill o f the m an." - D e n z e l W a s h in g to n

- C o a c h M ik e B u r g e ss

“I'm fro m Missouri, the Show-Me-State."


/ io




A Place That Feels Like Home


u s t in

D. H

u d a ck o



r ic

g les

1Nanon Uuereach 3 ,4; Se m C o mm i ttee 4 : Ice H ockey J j Indoor T m aus * u 7 , e m m aus 1 earn Leader; bassador; Big B rother 4

‘ Scoring a g o a l is a eu p h o ric fee lin g -a n d it's not s o m uch th e p u c k going in. It's th e reac­ tion fro m y o u r team m ates, th e opponents, a n d th e fa n s, to shut up a crow d o r h av e y o u r fa n s g o b erserk is th e greatest feelin g . It m ak es th e h a ir on th e b a c k o f m y n ec k stand up. * - B r e t t H ull


ic h


'V o u k n o iv th ere’s lik e a butt-load o f gangs a! this school. This on e gang kept wanting m e to join ‘ca u se I ’m pretty g o o d with a Bo Staff.' -N a p o le o n D y n a m ite

u sse y


C e ltic C lu b 2 .3 ,4 ; C lassics C lu b 3 ,4 ; L iterary

- W in s t o n C h u r c h ill

Is r

a el

iuter Q u b 1: M ission C om m ittee 1 ,3 >

Magazine 4 ; S A D D 2 ,3 ; Basketball 1, Football 1,2,3, C aptain 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 0

"The only thing w orse then fighting with your frien d s, is fighting without them."

a t r ic k

“T h e only thing we h av e to f e a r is fe a r itself.' I -F r a n k lin D e la n o R o o s e v e lt


te v e n



l e s ia s

Luis J


im e n e z

ig u e r a s

A rt C lu b 1 ,4 ; C lassics C lu b 2 ,4 ; F ren ch C lub 2; O utreach 3 ; SA D D 1; Fen cing 3 ,4 ; Em m aus

A cadem ic T eam 4 ; French Q u b 2 ,3 ,4 ; Hispanic || Society 1,2,3 President 4; Italian Q u b 2 ,3 ,4 ; Model I I U N 2 ,3 ,4 ; SA D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; V ideo C a m e Q u b 3 ;

2 0 9 ; E xtraord in ary M in iste r o f th e E u ch arist; H ono r Pin 2 ,3

Football 1; Indoor T rack 2 ,3 ; O utdoor Track 3 ; H Emm aus 2 1 3 ; Italian Exchange 4

“Yo, ev ery tim e 1 s h o o t I s c o r e s o m an y aw ards; I co u ld start a Gram my C h essboard ." - W i l l S m ith


“W rinkles s h o u ld m er e ly in d ica te where sm iles h av e b e e n .' - M a r k T w a in


W fiat are your post-graduation plans* Christopher Edelmann: “Enjoy life." Thomas D’Alessio: “Road trip to Montreal.” Alexander Nikodem: “I’m going to Disneyland.” Matthew Doherty: “Meditation and Tai-chi.” Garreth Gomilla: “Chill and relax.” Jerard Dela Torre: “Enjoying the summer as much as possible before college starts. When college starts, I plan on enjoying that as much as possible.” Johnathan Gioiella: “Me...Trinity College...Girls.” David Ogega: S “Party and clubbing!”

John Cheney: “Still in the making.” Robert Abud: “Go conquer Cuba with Ms. Garcia.” Andrew Wallace: “Dance party with David Hasselhoff.” Peter Hoffman: “Party and then go to college.” Andrew Anderson: “Continuing my fun at college and starring/winning on Big Brother 10.” C J . Kopec: “Become a male stripper.” Michael F. Sweeney: “Travel Europe with Ms. Curry’s husband, Howard, and Farabaugh.” Sean Morris: “Party, then go to college, then party in college, then graduate, then party, then get a job, and then party after work.”

A Place That Feels Like Home


r ia n


v e r it t


o n es


A sian Pacific Islander Society 4; Literary Magazine I 3,4; M arauder N adon 3 ,4 ; Sw im ming 1,2,3, Cap- I tain 4; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Em m aus T ea m Leader

“W e’ve been going to the sa m e party fo r 12 years, a n d in no way is that depressingFpjfc - R o n B u rg u n d y (Anchorm an )


Francis Llarena, Patrick Villa &


a n ie l



et er

u l ia n

Book Q u b 2 , President 3 ;, Parx 4; S A D D 3 ,4 ; Footba

ram Sports Editor 3.4:

1 .2 .3 .4 ; Em m aus 2 1 2 : H o

r Fin 1

L m

,2.3 ,4 : O utdoor Track


“Those w ho w ould b e young when they are old must b e o ld when th ey a r e young. ’ —J o h n R a y

1 ■ J

a c o b


u l iu s


a fk a

A rt Q u b 3 ,4 ; Independent Film Society 2 ,3 ; Lyri­ cal So ciety 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 ,4 ; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Em m aus 2 1 5

“Tyco nightglow velvet p o se, s p ecia l effects h ig h 4 ech arm ors, m urk you at th e show s supercalifragalisticexpialidocious dociousaliexpifragalisticalisuper Cancun, catch m e in the room , eatin grou p er...9 - G h o s t f a c e K ill a h


t e v e n


Ms. Mdissa Dovding. Deepak Sharma. Nilesh

a r u n p h a n d



Jeffrey Rubin. Keranlmde & Brian Jones

* i i <



j [

e do momsee MOMrself 10 w

Eric Ingles: “College” Scott Baran: “Far away from Mr. Patiak.” Derek Ramos: “Retired.” Michael Spivack: “Sitting at home wondering why all my children look like Mike Sweeney.” Christopher Zolli: “In law school.” Jerard Dela Torre: “Finishing up law school and starting out my career as a lawyer.” Robert Abud: “Vice President o f Cuba.”

Mark Timmins: “Asleep” Kieran Tintle: “Living in an apartment with Brian Jones and talking about how our lives went wrong.” John Dizon: “Disculpeme, no hablo ingles.” Daniel Mclnerney. “Acting sexy while listening to the Bang Tango ” C J . Kopec: “A lonely chain-smoking alcoholic in a studio apartment still trying to publish my first book.” Steven Karunphand: “Working and hopefully 501bs lighter.”



o n a th a n



a za r

A rt Q u b 2 ,3 ; C am pu s Shop 2 ; C horus 4; D ram at­ ics: D ram a 2; D ram atics: M usical 1,2,3,4; Forensics 1,2; H isto ry Q u b 2 ,3 ,4 ; H isp an ic S o ciety 3 ,4 ; litu rg ical M usic 4; SA D D 2 ,3 , President 4; Rugby

C h ess Q u b 2 ,3 ; G odzilla Q u b 3 ; O u treach 2 ; SA D D 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 4

1,2; Em m aus 2 1 3

“Forget reg ret o r life is y ou rs to m iss no o th er road , n o oth er way, n o d ay but today.

‘ The m an who says that h e ch eated is the man w ho n ev er tried th e hardest . " -O r ig in a l

- J o n a t h a n L a r s o n (fle n f)


a x im il l ia n


a tzm a n


ic h a e l



u s t in

e a t in g

Italian Q u b 3 A sian Pacific Islander Society 4; H istory Q u b 1; Liturgical M u sic 4; O utreach 4 ; Prep Factor 2,3 ; T V Studio 2 ,3 ,4 ; Rugby 1; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Emm aus T ea m Leader; Big Brother 4

“A sh a rp tongue is th e only ed g ed tool that grow s k e en er with constant use. —R ip V a n W in k le

“I just ca n ’t wait to b e kin g.” -S im b a

k e d ' ifi

Seniors Htidacko to Keating


u h a m m ed




h a n


h r is t o p h e r j

. Ko


aes/ Q o sm g rD esig a Editor. G > E d K or-iaC tte| »



Opening/Academks/Senior Editor. E d k o r -a C y rf 4 ; P ara: 3,4; Photography d u b 3 , Presid ent^ S p in Aw ard G xam iszee 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 2 ; Spirit A w sd 3; H o o o t Pm 2 3 , Yearbook A ward 3.4 .

‘Light travels so m e p e o p le them s p e a k .”

‘ When a true genius ap p ears in the worid. y ou m ay kn ow him by the sign that dunces a re all in co n fed era cy against him ’

then sound. bright

-Jon ath an Sw ift


1 ^


e v in


0 ^


h il a l l


u s t in

P. K

r a iv a n g e r


Band 1,2,3, V k e President 4 ; Italian f~lnh 2,3,4; I I Ledical


Ja z z Band 1 2 .3 ,4 : O utreach 1 2 ,3 : Prep F aanc 2 ; I I Sw im m ing 1 2 3 , 4 ; F m m am 2 0 7 ; Fm m w it Team Leader: Big Brother 4



5tar «vars


“Ah, h e is s o right on. Women a r e su ch i tease; that's why I went b a c k to m en. “

nores. man. Also, celery, grape jeBy. Cap'n Crunch - s t berries,jjia a s . **g piam.

- L o i s G riffin


ea n

A. K

h o b l a ll


h a d



e n ja m in

c h a r sk i

Indo-Pak So ciety 2 ,3 , Treasurer 4 ; Italian O u b 2 ; O utreach 2 ; Polish Q u b 1 2 ,3 ,4 ; Senior Prom C o m m ittee 4 ; Fencing 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 0 9

“I don't g et high, but som etim es I wish I did. That way when I m essed u p in life I would h a v e an excuse, but right n ow th ere’s now r eh a b f o r stupidity. * - C h r is R o c k

MOST ATHLETIC DID MOST FDR SQHQQj Andrew Booth Mark Tiedemann Henri DeFrance

Ryan Gelchion J u lian P o rm en tilla G . J . Kopec

“A ccept th e challenges s o that y ou can fe e l th e exhilaration o f victory. ’ - G e n e r a l G e o rg e S . P a tto n



J. Ku


C om puter Q u b 3 ,4 ; Italian Q u b 1 ,2 ,3,4; Mission C om m ittee 4 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 ; Emmaus 2 1 1


FMTMRE PRESIDENT LIKELY TO BE A COACH Mark Timmins Ryan (Jelchion Jonathan Treble

E u Seniors Khan-Uamza

D an iel Urbanovich S co tt Baran Brandon O’ Keefe

" You dev elop su ccess fro m failures. Discour­ agement an d failu re are two o f the surest step­ ping stones to su ccess.“ -D a le C a rn e g ie 1!

Jonathan Treble & Neil Majmundar (w ith soph om ore S h y am M ajm undar)


o h n


, J

u r e t t a


Robert Abud, Michael J, Sweeney O Steven Karunphand


Engineering Q u b 4 ; H istory Q u b 3 ,4 ; H ispanic S o ciety 1.2,3, President 4 ; M edical Q u b 3 ; SA D D 1 ,2,3, V ice President 4 ; Rugby 1 .2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; H AP T u to r 1

‘ Only th ose w ho d a re to f a i l greatlyr a m e v e r great!}'.9 - S e n a t o r R o b e r t K e n n e d y

a c h ie v e

Andrew Booth, Konstantin Satchek O' Anthony Talarico


o r y


h o m a s

nam e to Shyam M ajm undar—hopefully h e won’t ruin it!

e a d b e a t e r

Academ ic T ea m 4; Christian Life C om m unity 1,2,3; Forensics 1 ,2 ; H istory Q u b 1,2; Literary M agazine 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; N ation al H on o r S o ciety 4 ;

BrianJams leaves his swimming skills to Christopher Rivers because, G od knows, h e needs them.Jonalhan Kaztir leaves h is cam p counselor whistle to Adam C hristie. Neil Majmundar leaves his long* beautiful

Parse 1,2,3;

Seinfeld C lu b 3 ,4 ; B aseb all 1,2; G old M ed al in Fnglish 2; H o n o r Pin 1,2.3

Lae Odi leaves his sm ile and intelligence to

D errick C ortez; and his physical abilities and com ­ m on sense to M arc Cortez.John Pflqg leaves h is boy­ ish good looks to Brian U rbanovich; and his height to Andrew M cG lynn. Lorenzo Rafer leaves th e Jazz Band to Piero Iberti; and the C o n ceit Band and Pep Band to Alexander Yasneski. Damid Rasmmsom leaves his secret powers to Sean Carney; and the Rasmusson

"A wonderfulfact to reflect upon, that every human creature is no! constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other a solemn consideration, when I enter a great d ty by night, that everyone o f those dark clustered houses en­ closes its own secret tlmt every beating heart in the hundreds o f thousands o f breasts there, is. in some o f its imaginings a secret to the heart nearest it! Something o f the awfulness, even o f death, is referable to this.’ -Charles Dickens

legacy t o Stephen Rasm usson.

Brian Rual leaves his

break-dancing skills to Leo C odog; and his haircutting skills to Stefan Paul. Mari Ttrdcmami leaves full control o f th e world squadron to Brian U rbanovich.

Kieran Tinllt leaves h is unparalled invisiball skills to M atthew Owen. Jonathan Treble leaves his tuba and sanity to C hristopher H ethenngton. Pan! Ward leaves h is air guitar skills to David W ard, Patrick G ia n t, and Sean Maguire; and his b e e and nam e t o Andrew Mernar.

(Class nf 2WJB ttJill D

a n ie l



o ld



ib a t iq u e

T. J

a m e s

L iV

o lsi

N ational H on o r Society 4 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 ; S w im ­

C horu s 2 ; C hristian Life C om m u n ity 2 ,3 ,4 ; C las­

m ing 1 ,2 ,3 , C aptain 4; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Em m aus

sics C lu b 3 ,4 ; D ram atics: M u sical 4 ; Forensics

T eam Leader; Big B rother 4: H on o r Pin 1,2,3

1 ,2 , C o-C aptain 3 ,4 ; J a z z Band 4 ; Liturgical M usic 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M a th T ea m 3 ; N ation al H ono r So ciety 4;

Petrean 2 ,3 ; Petroc 3 ,4 ; SA D D 2 , V ice President 3; V olleyball 1; Em m aus 2 1 1 ; Em m aus T e a m Leader; H ono r f i n 1 ,2,3; G old M edal in French 1,2, Latin 3 ; Silver M edal in English 2 , M athem atics 3 ; N ational French E xam (9th ); N ation al M erit C om m ended

‘ C ourage is f e a r holding on a m inute longer. “

Sch olar; Sp irit A w ard 3

“Verum errim amscum qui intuetur, tam quam ex em p la r a liq u o d intuetur su i.’ - C i c e r o

- G e n e r a l G e o rg e S . P a tto n


im o n g i

H ispanic So ciety 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; M is­ sio n C om m ittee 4 ; Seinfeld C lub 3 ; Em m aus 2 0 9

"1 h a d a lot o f growing up to do, a n d a lot o f tim es I lea rn ed th e h a rd way. I think these ex p erien ces h e lp e d m e b e th e way I am right n ow mentally. I really f e e l that I am a m an. I f e e l being h e r e h e lp e d m e b ec o m e just th a t I w ouldn’t trade it f o r th e world...I to o k m y b u m p s h e r e, bu t l ‘ve h a d m y g reat tim es h e r e .” - A l l e n Iv e r s o n

o h n



h o m a s

la n eza

C lassics Q u b 2 ,3 ,4 ; Jun ior Prom C om m ittee 3 ; Na­ tional H on o r S ociety Treasurer 4; O utreach 2 ,3 ,4 ; S A D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; Student C ouncil Secretary, Treasurer 4; C ross C oun try 1,2; In door T rad e 1,2, Captain 3 ,4 ; O utd oo r Track 1,2 C aptain 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Em m aus T eam Leader; Freshm an Ambassador; Big Brother 4 ; H ono r Pin 1 ,2,3; Silver M edal in Science 1; G old M edal in R eligion 3

“Live f o r som ething rath er than d ie f o r noth­ ing. ' - G e n e r a l G e o rg e S . P a tto n

A Place That Feels like Home

(Class of 2006 Seflectinns


Peter H offm an: “I transferred to Prep my senior year. O n my first day, the first thing I saw was a poster that said, ‘Happiness is going to S t Peter’s Prep.’ My senior year was nothing sh o it o f that.”


e l io d e

e s u s



n a

Lorenzo R a fe r “I don’t think any senior will forgo his time at the Jesuit High School o f New Jersey. But the semi-final football game against Camden Catholic will m ost certainly s a n d o u t in my mind for years to come. The dramatic come-from-behind win brought everyone together as we cheered for the Marauders and viciously ridiculed the Fighting Irish. I was never a big fen o f M arauder Nation, b ut the unity and elation I felt after the game n u d e me proud to be a Marauder.” M ark Tiedem ann: “My time at Prep passed in the blink o f an eye. Between schoolwork, sports, and just hanging out with friends, there are so many memories I will hold on to forever. O ne experience I always will remember was Emmaus. Getting to know more about my friends really brought us all closer together. A nother memory I always will save is lunch time. It may sound ordinary, bu t some o f my best memories were from lunch because o f my friends’ diverse personalities and the atmosphere they created in the cafeteria.”

'Com e on m an! Look, it’s not h a lf a finger, it's two-thirds o f a finger!’ - O rig in a l

I I]

J o h n Llaneza: “Com ing to Prep was the best decision o f my life so far. From the beginning o f fresh­ man year to senior year, 1 grew an unbelievable am ount. The friendships and memories experienced will never be forgotten and will be with me always.”



r a n c is

la r en a

A sian Pacific Islan d er S o c ie ty 3 , P resid en t 4; B ook Club 4; Cam pus Shop 2 ; C om pu ter Q u b 2 ,3 ; French C lub 1; G erm an C lub 4 ; Ju n ior Prom C o m m itte e 3 ; O u tr e a c h 2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m au s 2 0 8 ; E xtraord in ary M in iste r o f th e E u ch arist; FLAP T u to r 1,3,4

‘M usic ex p resses that which cannot b e put in to w ords a n d that w hich cannot rem ain silent." - V i c t o r H u g o


u d d


a d a r a n g

B o o k C lu b 3 , C lassics C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; D r a m a tic D ram a 3 ,4 ; Forensics 1,2,3,4; O utreach 4 ; SADD 3 , 4 ; V id e o G a m e C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m au s 2 0 9 ; H ono r Pin 1,2

‘I ’m sic k o f follow in g m y dream s, man. I’m just going to a sk w here they’re going and hook up with them later. ’ - M it c h H e d b e re


Fr<MicA$ L R


y a n

o ft u s

D ram atics: D ram a 3 ,4 ; G erm an C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Jun ior Prom C om m ittee 3 ; N ation al H ono r Society 4;


J. M

e il

a jm u n d a r

A cadem ic T eam 4 ; H istory Q u b 1 ,2,3; Indo-Palc 1,2,3, Co-President 4; M ath T ea m 3 ,4 ; Medical

Rugby 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 2 ; Extraordinary M inister

Q u b 3 ,4; M ission C om m ittee 4; M odel UN 1 ,2 3 ,4 ; N ational H onor Society 4; O utreach 4 ; Petroc 3,4;

o f th e Eucharist; Freshm an Am bassador; H onor Pin 1,2,3

2 1 1 ; Freshm an Ambassador; H onor Pin 1,2.3 ”■ }

T V Studio 2 ,3 ,4 ; In d o o r T rack 1; Lacrosse 1,2;

“I ’ve a strong suspicion we sh ou ld h a v e been ro ck et scientists, o r N obel P ea ce Prize Win­ n ers o r som ething." -L o ck , S tock a n d Two Sm oking Barrels


o h n


o m b a r i

H istory C lub 1,2; Italian Club 2 ,3 ; Emm aus 2 13

'When the clouds plum m et in a fiery fren z y tow ard th e twilight horizon a n d winds drown their ropes. In the w hispers o f fro s t cov ered petals, it exists solely to answ er h e r c all." -E t h e r e a l O m e n

SA D D 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 ,4 ; Rugby 3 ,4 : Emmaus

‘A real tradition is not the relic o f a past irre­ trievably gone; it is a living force that animates and informs the present...far from implying the repetition o f what has been, tradition presupposes the reality o f what endures. It appears as an heir­ loom, a heritage that one receives on condition a f making it bear fruit before passing it on to one’s descendants. ’ -Ig o r Stravinsky


a a m


h a n d r a u a d a n

A eronautics C lub 4 ; C hess Q u b 1 ,2,3,4; Glassies


Q u b 1,2; French Q u b 2,3; Indo-Pak Society 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 21 1 ; H ono r Pin 1,2,3


“Brown: It’s not just a color, it's a state mind. ’ - U n k n o w n


A Place That Feels Like Home


a jm u n d a r

o f


r n e s t



D A N M C lN E R N E Y

h il ip

a r t in e z

C eltic Q u b 3 ; C lassics C lub 3 .4 ; C om edy Q u b 4; G erm an Q u b 3 ,4 ; Independent Film Society 4: M edical Q u b 3 .4 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 .4 ; Stage C rew 3;

A nim e Q u b 1,2; A sian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; RPG Q u b 1,2,3,4; Star W ars Q u b 1; V ideo

T V Studio 4; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; H ono r Pin 1,2.3

G am e C lu b 2 ,3

‘ A lw ays c h o o s e y o u r own p a th a n d walk it with y o u r h e a d h e ld up high. In the en d only you a n d C od a r e y o u r judge, jury, an d executioner." - O r ig in a l

“It’s not the s eco n d com ing o f Christ... it's the first com ing o f m e. ’ - W i l l S m ith

1 J




o n a th a n

a ta m o r o s

N ational H on o r Society V ice President 4; Cross C ou n try 1 ,2 ,3 , C aptain 4; In d o o r T ra ck 1,2,3,

C om pu ter Q u b 1,2; H ispanic So ciety 2 ,3 ,4 ; M is­ sio n C om m ittee 1,2,3, S en ior Leader 4 ; Star W ars

C aptain 4 ; O utd oo r T ra ck 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Em­ m aus 2 1 5 ; Em m aus T ea m Leader; Big B rother

Q u b 1 ,2 .3 ,4 ; Sen ior Prom C om m ittee 4; Emm aus

4 ; G erm an Exchange 3 ; H on o r Pin 1,2,3; G old

2 1 2 ; Freshm an Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain

M edal in H istory 3

2 ; H on o r Pin 1

‘ One g o o d thing about m usic is when it hits vou, you f e e l n o p ain . ” - B o b M a r le y

“What lies b eh in d us a n d what lies a h e a d o f us a r e sm all m atters co m p a red lo what lies in us." - R a l p h W a ld o E m e rs o n

Principal Kevin Cuddilr

Brian Dalton


ic h a r d




a r th y

E b o n y C lub 4; HAP T u to r 1,2 ,3 ,4

"I can a c ce p t failu re, but I c a n ’t a c ce p t when p e o p le d o n ’t try.’ - M i c h a e l J o r d a n


t e p h e n





a m e s

er m o tt

A rt C lu b 2 , Secretary 3 ; B and 1 ,2 ,3 , S ectio n Leader 4, Secretary 4; C lassics Q u b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; D ram atics: M usical 2 ,3 ,4 ; French C lub 3 ; H istory C lub 1, Secretary 2 , President 3 ,4 ; M ath T e a m 3; M ission C om m ittee 2 ; N ational H ono r So ciety 4; Petrean 3 ,4 ; Prep Factor 2 ; Seinfeld Q u b 3 ,4

“ M ore is hap p en in g out th ere than w e are aw are of. ’ ‘It is possibly d u e to som e unknown d irefu l circum stance.”' - E d w a r d G o re y

W fiat w ill


remember tfie most from Prep?

Albert Vecellio: “The stuff I was awake for.” Francis Romano, Jr.: “That whole row o f filled pews. Thanks guys.” Daniel Mclnerney: “The cafeteria ladies.” C.J. Kopec: “Robert Abud.” Patrick Comey: “The last mass in the ‘04-‘05 school year. It was Fr. Azzarto’s last mass and everyone gave him a standing ovation for, like, 10 minutes.” Robert Abud: “Cafeteria ladies-since you been gooooooooooone.” Andrew Wallace: “The time the guy who sold candy in the courtyard got arrested.”

Neil Majmundar: “The crazy laugh o f that lunch lady.” Brendan Bartosiewicz: “The community, and the brotherhood that is so strong here.” John Dizon: “Jumping off the 2nd floor balcony of the gym hurts a lot.” Mark Timmins: “JU G .,” Raymond Pasuco: ' “Bligh asking me for help while being escorted out o f the Bergen game.” Mikael Borneo: “Emmaus.” Salman Choudry: "Maroonness.” James Baber: “Klarmann.” 11

Seniors Uutrena-Mc7 ieman Q

1 R

a y m o n d



h a r l e s


ik u l ic h

C eltic C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C h o ru s 2 ,3 ,4 ; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ,3 ,4 ; D ram atics: M usical 1,3,4; Forensics 4 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; M ath T eam 2 ,3 ; N ational

c o tt a

. M

in g a y

Aeronautics C lub 4 ; Engineering Club 4 ; Junio Prom C o m m ittee 3 ; M araud er N ation 1 2 3 4 Ic e H o ck ey 1 ,2 ,3 ; L acro sse 1 ,2 ,3 , CaptLin 4 Emm aus 2 0 7

H ono r So ciety 4 ; Sw im m ing 1,2,4; Emm aus 20 7 ; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“B e great in act, a s you h av e been in thought. “

“1 firm ly believ e that an y m an ’s finest hqun the greatest fulfillm ent o f a ll that h e holds dear, is that m om ent when h e h as worked his h eart out in a g o o d cau se a n d lies exhausted on th e fie ld o f battle—victorious!'

- W ill ia m S h a k e s p e a r e

- V i n c e L o m b a rd i


a l e n t in o

L. M

il l s

B ook C lub 2 ,3 ; C lassics C lub 2 ; V ice President 3 ,4; Forensics 1 ,2 , C o-C aptain 3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4 ; Petrean 2 ,3 ,4 ; ftr/roc 2 ,3 ; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 2 0 9 ; Emm aus T eam Leader; Fresh­

o b e r t


o r a n

1,2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 3; Walk-a-thon Committee

m an Am bassador; G erm an Exchange 3

2 ,3 ; Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; H onor Pin 1

“So th e c h a se takes up o n e ’s life, that's all. ”

'/ h ate to b reak it to you but I ’m kin d o f a big i d e a l arou nd here. Let's just say peo p le m e...’ - R o n B u r g u n d y (A nchorm an )

- R o b e r t B r o w n in g

T o : S te p h e n M c D e rm o tt


C eltic Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C lassics C lub 2 ; Marauuc* N atio n 1 ,2 ,3 , H ench m an 4 ; Petroc 2 ,3 ;

( J H c lf lS f l f 2 1 1 0 0 ( H f f i i i l t t O t l i c l l l i

I t has been a d ecad e m a n ; y o u ’re th e o n ly p erso n I’v e seen a ll o f i t w ith , a n d , h o n estly , I k n o w we had


r io

A. M

o r e ir a




so m e fu n , s o th is y ear i t en d s, y et we’v e o n ly ju s t begu n . (Sp iv ack ) T o : V a le n tin o M ills W e first g o t t o k n o w e a c h o th e r o n th e G e rm a n E x c h a n g e an d I sure w ish i t h ad been so o n er. W h eth er I need s o m e o n e to rely o n , sh a re th e g o o d and th e bad, travel th e w orld w ith , o r ju s t p la in v en t to, y o u ’ve always g o n e a b ov e a n d b ey o n d th e c a ll o f a frien d . (C . G a llo )

Com puter Club 1,2,3; H ispanic Society 1,2,3, Presi­ dent 4; M edical Club 3 ; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock M arket Q u b 3; Emm aus 2 1 2 ; HAP Tutor 1,2,4, Freshm an A mbassador

Y o u r w it, k in d n ess, a n d h u m o r w ill n ev er b e fo rg o tte n . I lo o k forw ard to m e etin g y ou a g ain in th e fu tu re. M a y y o u n ev er fo rg et y o u r son g! (R afer) T o : T h o m as O ngeri Y o u ’re th e m o s t d ep en d a ble gu y I k n o w , un less y ou need s o m e th in g d o n e . Y o u ’re a sm art and fu n n y g u y w h o n ev er has a bad w ord to say a b o u t anyb od y. (D o h e rty ) T o : R aym on d Pasuco Y o u e m b o d y ev ery th in g th a t is. Prep. Y o u w ould d o a n y th in g f o r o th ers an d n ev er p u t y o u r s e lf first. Y o u h av e th e stro n g est sp ir it o f a n y o n e I k n o w an d I ad m ire y ou fo r it. (B ra d d o ck ) T o : J u l i a n P o r m e n tilla

“Em ploy thy tim e well, i f thou m eanest to get leisure." - B e n ja m in F r a n k lin

I c a n d escrib e y ou in tw o w ord s: u n errin g k in d n ess. T h o ro u g h th e years I’ve kn o w n yOu, I ’ve n ev er seen y o u b a c k d ow n fr o m h e lp in g others^ M a y y o u c o n tin u e to sh ow co m p a ssio n to th o se in need. (R a fer) Y o u re an in sp ira tio n . I lo o k u p t o th e w ay y o u c o n d u c t you rself. Y o u alw ays have a c a lm , c o o l, and co lle cted a ttitu d e n o m a tte r w hat. W h en ev er I needed assistance in a n y th in g , y ou w ere th ere to help . Y o u p rov id ed m e w ith so u n d ad v ice. I’ll n ev er fo rg et yo u . (N . M a jm u n d a r) T o : D a n ie l R a sm u sso n E v er sin c e W o rld C iv , A lgeb ra, a n d B io in fresh m a n year, y ou ’ve b een o n e o f m y b est frien d s. Y o u ’ve g o t a p erso n a lity th a t ju st keeps g iv in g. Y o u always try hard to liv e u p to ex p ectatio n s, and o fte n fly p ast th e m w ith ease. (L ib a tiq u e)


ea n


o r r is

A rt C lub 3,4; Football 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 4

Y o u re lik e m y b ro th e r f r o m a d iffe r e n t m o th er. Y o u also w ere o n e o f th e fir st p eo p le I m e t a t Prep o n th e bus. W e had so m e grea t, u n fo rg etta b le tim es T o : G re g o ry R a s m u s s o n

Qn th a t b u s. (Vasques)

Y o u rarely c o m e acro ss o n e o f th o se p eop le y ou h o p e to b e frien d s w ith fo r th e rest o f y o u r life, b u t y ou re o n e o f th e m . I m p ro u d to c a ll yo u a g o o d frien d , fr o m o u r late-n igh t p h o n e c alls to o u r obses­ sive c o m p u lsiv e M y S p a cin ’. Y o u ’re tru ly o n e-in -a-m illio n . (L ib atiq u e) T o : M ic h a e l R eed I m e t y ou so p h o m o r e year w hen y ou an d I w ere c re atin g a ruckus in M s. W o r tm a n ’s class. I’m g o in g to m iss y o u a lo t b ecause yo u ’re a tru e frien d . (D . R asm u sso n ) Y o u c a n take a jo k e b etter th a n a n y o n e I kno w . Y o u n ev er get m ad and alw ays hav e a p ositiv e o u tlo o k o n life . (V ecellio)

“We n e e d a spot where we can k ic k it. A spot w here we belong that's just f o r us. W here we d o n ’t gotta get all dressed up and b e Holly­ wood. N ah m ean ! W here d o we g o when we die? Ain't n o heaven f o r a thug. That's why we g o to Thugz Mansion." - T u P a c S h a k u r .; 3j

T o : F r a n c is R o m a n o , J r . Y o u always have been o n e o f th o se a m iab le an d easy-going p eop le you ca n ’t help b u t like. Y o u r p ositiv e and o p tim is tic p erso n a lity is so m e th in g you co n s ta n tly lik e to b e aro u n d . Y o u e m b o d y th e tru e Prep “M a n fo r O th e rs.” (D ela T o r re ) T o : J e f f r e y R u b in Y o u ’ve b een th e b est frien d I m a d e ex clusiv ely fro m P r e p -th e m o rn in g d riv e, sco re card s, an d feedback. ^ ^

T h a n k s f o r th e m e m o ries m a n . I h o p e to kn o w m o re o f th e m as life goes o n . See y ou r hand! (R o m a n o )

HU Seniors Mikulich-Navarrete



ic h a e l


o sc h o v a s

A rt Q u b 1; Italian Q u b 2; Football 1,2; Rugby 4 ; W restling 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Exchange 2; H onor Pin 1,2,3



Max Katzman Andrew Anderson Jerard Dela Torre

Kevin Scherba E rn est Martinez Christopher B ligh

HAPPIEST *T here is only on e s u ccess-to live life in your own way. ’ - C h r is to p h e r M o r le y


Conor Supple Johnathan Crioiella Christopher Bligh Christopher Z o lli P a tric k Comey Mark Timmins

■ T

h o m a s



u lla r n ey

ic h a r d

M. M

y rla k

A rt Q u b 1,2,3, President 4 ; Band 1; Com puter Club 1,2, V ice President 3 ; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ; G erm an

M arauder N adon 1,2,3,4; Q o s s C oun try 1,2; In­

Q u b 4 ; Stage C rew 1,2; Sw im m ing 1,2, C aptain 4 ;

C aptain 4 ; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; Em m aus T e a m Leader;

T en n is 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Freshm an A m bassador

Big B rother 4 ; H ono r Pin 1

d oor T rack 1,2,3, C aptain 4; O utd oor T ra ck 1,2,3,


“I f y ou want to b e entertained, g o s e e Han­ son. " - T h o m Y o r k e


a tt


"Orive can blaze! Become legends in our own time, strikefear in the heart o f mediocre talent ev&ywh&e! We can scald dogs, put records out o f reach! Maks the stands gasp as we blow into an unearthly lad: from three hundred yards out! We can become God's own messengers delivering the dreaded scrolls! We can race black Sedan himself till he wheezes fiery cinders down the badc straightawayTheyE speak our names in hushed tones, "Thoseguys are animals’ the/B scy! We can lay it an the Bne. bust a gut show them a dean pair o f heels. Wecan sprint the turn on a spring breeze and fe d the winter leanv our feet! We can. m y God. let our demons hose and jus] wail anf -John L PaikerJr.


u lro y

il l ia m



l o y s iu s

a u g h to n


C eltic C lub 4; G erm an Q u b 3 ,4 ; T V Studio 3,4; Football 1; Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Sw im m ing 3 ; W restling

C eltic C lu b 3 ,4 ; Ice H o ck e y 1 ,2 ,3 , C ap tain 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; Freshm an A m bassador; Big B rother

1; Em m aus 2 1 2 ; G erm an Exchange 3

4 ; H ono r Pin 1,2

“A bility is w hat y o u ’r e c a p a b le o f doing. M otivation determ ines w hat you do. Attitude determ ines h ow well you d o it.m- L o u H o ltz *T h e only absolu te is A m erican. ’ - M r . D u a n e Farabau g h \


a t t h e w




a m e s

u r ph y

M araud er N atio n 1 ,2 ; B aseb all 1 ; W restling 1; Em m aus 2 1 5

“D ollars d o n ot buy desire. B an k rolls d o not b u ild b ic e p s .’ - T h e U ltim a te W a r rio r

A Place That Feels Like Home



le x a n d e r

ik o d e m


r a n d o n

L . O ’K


A m n esty International 2; Anim e C lub 1; Classics Italian Club 4; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; F od tbaJ

Club 1; C om pu ter Club 2; H istory Club 1,2,3,4; Indo-Pak S ociety 3 , Secretary 4 ; O utreach 3 ; Polish

1,2,3, Captain 4; Emm aus 21 5 ; Freshman Ambas sador; H onor Pin 1,2,3

C lub 1,2,3,4; RPG C lub 2; Star W ars C lub 2 ; Video G am e Club 3; Emm aus 2 0 9 ; H ono r Pin 3

“It is not the things you d o in life that define you, but the reason s why you d o them . * -O r ig in a l

“In an y fight it’s the m an that’s willing to d /J th at’s g onna’ win.” - A l P a c in o


h r is t o p h e r

a y m o n d

O ’C


e a

. O


o n n o r Asian Pacific Islander S ociety 3 ,4 ; Computer ClubH 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ebony Club 3; French Club 2,3; Club 3 ,4 ; Sw im m ing 3; Emm aus 2 0 8

C om pu ter Club 2; D an ce C om m ittee 3 ; Emm aus 21 2 ; H ono r Pin 2

“A p ositiv e attitude m ay n ot solve all y ou r p roblem s, but it will annoy enough p e o p le to m a k e it worth the effort. ” - H e r m A lb rig h t

"Using n o way as way, having no Umftawm a s limitation. ” - B r u c e L e e

C X o n o o r


y a n

O ’G

ra d y


h r is t o p h e r


Baseball 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 211

A eronautics Club


o h n

er t el

4; Com puter Q u b 1,2,3,

dent 4 ; Engineering C lub President 4 ; French G p b l 3,4; M edical Club 3 ,4 ; Ice H ockey 1 ,2 ,3,4; E ffii^ B s J 2 1 4 ; Freshm an A mbassador; Big Brother 4

“It's not the size o f the dog in the fight, it’s the size o f the fig h t in the dog."

“Most pow erfu l is h e who h a s him self inhisM own power. ” - S e n e c a

-D w ig h t D . E is e n h o w e r

Do yoi/i fiave any advice to leave tfie underclassmen?


Andrew Wallace: “Words can only hurt you if you read them. Don’t play their game.” Matthew Doherty: “If you want an elevator pass, tell the nurse your ankle hurts.” Joseph Vayas: “Be yourself; there will always be other people just like you, so just let it go.” Frank Saile: “AP classes are really hard.” John Cheney: “Get involved and do as much as you can; Prep has a lot to offer.” Mark Tiedemann: “Take advantage of your time here; it goes a lot faster than you think.” Brian Jones: “Don’t be like me.”



Richard Hussey: “Give Mr. Dandorph a huge hug and kiss next time you see him; he won’t give you JUG, trust me.” Delio Luna: “Make sure you visit the basement pool before you graduate.” Justin Hudacko: “Enjoy your years at Prep...be thankful to be surrounded by such a great group o f people.” Raymond Mikulich: “You can’t win arguments with Sir Campion.” Patrick Duffy: “Make the most of your time here at Prep, because you don’t have enough.” Steven Karunphand: “Don’t take physics.”

A Place That Feels Like Home

1 1 H H H H H H 1 H ^


a v id


g eg a

A rt C lub 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom mittee 3 ; V ideo G am e Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; C ross Country1;| Indoor T ra ck 1; O utdoor T rack 1; Emm aus 213 I

“The roots o f education are bitter, but fru it is sw eet . " -A r is to tle

Keith Hernandez O' Noel Borges


h o m a s

S. O

Allen Ferrer, William Griffin O ’ Brian Fixter

n g e r i

Aeronautics Q u b 4 ; A rt Club 1,2,3,4; C horus 2,3,4; D an ce C om m ittee 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Ebony C lub 1,2,3,4; French C lub 3 ,4 ; H ispanic So ciety 3 ,4 ; H istory C lub 4 ; Liturgical M usic 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 4; M edical Q u b 3 ,4 ; M ission C om m ittee 4 ; O utreach

Andrew Zhu, Muhammed Khan O Ro­ land Zemla (with freshman Anand Brahmbhatt)

2 ,3 ,4 ; Petroc 4 ; Student C ouncil President 3 ; W alka-thon C om m ittee 3 ; Em m aus 2 1 3 ; Em m aus T ea m Leader; Freshm an Am bassador; H ono r Pin 3

“You ca n ’t g et to w here you are g oing i f you d o n ’t kn ow a n d understand where you cam e from . ’ —O rig in a l (fro m th e Gullah Proverb)

'lo iw frA ( C


o h n





W fiat is tfie greatest lessor yow learned a t Prep?

J. O

p e l

C eltic Q u b 1,2,3, V ice President 4; G erm an Club 3; M arauder N ation 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; O utreach 3 ,4 ; Petrean 1; Stu d en t C ou n cil Presid ent 1,2; B aseb all 1,2; Basketball 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; Emmaus T e a m Leader; Freshm an Am bassador; Big Brother 3 ,4 ; H AP T u to r 1; H o n o r Pin 1; O utstand in g Freshm an

“I figure life ’s a gift a n d I d o n ’t intend on wasting i t You d o n ’t kn ow w hat h a n d you're gon n a get d ealt next. You learn to tak e life as it c o m es at you, to m a k e ea ch d ay c o u n t ” - L e o n a r d o D iC a p rio

f in






ft -


E. O

n d r e w

sm a

Louis Hart: “Always have patience. You have to keep your cool.” Thomas D’Alessio: “Mr. Boyle explained to me how humanity will end within 100 years.” Christopher Edelmann: “To be a man for and with others.” Frank Saile: “Always tuck in your shirt.” John Dizon: “F.OJ.L. (First/Outer/Inner/Last).” Colin Gallo: “Any amount o f work can be squeezed into any amount o f time. Always.” Martin Hogan: “Never touch Mr. Dandorph’s desk.”

Nilesh Parikh: “Euthanasia does not mean youth-in Asia.” Mark Timmins: “If you plan to sleep in class, make sure to sit in the back.” Lee Odi: “There will never be girls at Prep.” Richard Hussey: “Work hard when you must; when you don’t, relax and have a good time.” Michael Keating: “Sex, Drugs, an d Econom ics.” Francis Romano, Jr.: “Anything about Mr. Murphy’s cat.” Scott Baran: “Wisdom is slow.”


a tt


a la zzo to

A rt Q u b 3 ,4 ; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ;

Ja z z Band 1; N ational H on o r So ciety 4; V ideo

Chorus 3; M ath T ea m 2,3; M edical C lub 3; Football

G am e Club 2 ,3 ; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; Italian Exchange 4

1; O utdoo r T ra ck 1; Em m aus 2 0 8 ; H ono r Pin 1,2

“Why does one want to walk on kings? Why force one’s body from a plane to m ake a parachute? Jump? Why should man want to fly at all? People often ask these questions. But what civilization was not fou nded on adventure, and how long could one exist without it? Som e answer the attainment o f knowledge. Some say wealth or power is sufficient cause. I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love o f the life I lead. ’

“I ’ll b e w hatever I want to d o . "

-C h a rle s Lindbergh

-P h illip J. F r y (F u tu ra m a )




e a n d e r


F. P

a is

A cadem ic T ea m 4; Forensics 1,2,3,4; Indo-Pak Soci­ ety 1; Literary M agazine 3; N ational H ono r Society 4; Seinfeld C lub 3 ,4 ; U ltim ate Frisbee 4; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Extraordinary M in ister o f th e Eucharist; Big Brother 4 ; H ono r Pin 1,2,3


il e s h



p a r ik h

C hess Club 1,2,3; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ,3 ,4 ; Engi­ neering Q u b 4; F rench C lub 1,2,3,4; Indo-Pak Soci­ e ty 1,2,3,4; M ath T eam 2 ,3 ,4 ; M ission C om m ittee 1,2,3,4; M od el U N 1, Secretary 2,3, President 4; N ational H onor Society 4 ; Petroc 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Ultim ate Frisbee 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; Freshm an Ambassa­ dor; H ono r Pin 1,2,3; O utstanding Freshm an

“/ ain't gonna

hurt n obody, a in ’t gonna cause a scen e, I just n e e d to adm it th at I want sugar in m y tea. H ear m e, I want sugar in m y tea. ” - W e e z e r [“The G ood Life")

“I b eg to dream and d iffer fro m these hollow lies. This is the drawing o f th e rest o f our lives...’’ - G r e e n D ay

Seniors: Nikodem-Parikh


a y m o n d



h o m a s


a su c o

C eltic Club 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 2; French Club 2 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3, H enchm an 4; O utreach 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3; T V Studio 3 ,4 ; U ltim ate Frisbee 1; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Freshm an Ambassador

“ You're lik e bean d ip ;y o u ’r e at th e party, but n o on e lik es you." - J a m e s B e a n


o h n


o u g la s

flu g


C eltic Club 3 ,4 ; Christian Life C om m unity 3 -4Literary M agazine 4; M arauder N ation 2 ,3,4; Out­ reach 4; G olf 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Emmaus 209

“Through every dark night, th ere’s a bright d ay after that. So n o m atter how hard it gets, stick y ou r ch est out, k e e p your head, and h an dle it." - T u P a c S h a k u r



ig a r


a tel

A rt Club 1; C om puter C lub 3 ,4 ; French Club 4; Indo-Pak So ciety 3 ,4 ; Literary M agazine 1; M ath T eam 2 ,3 ,4 ; M edical C lub 3; M ission C om m ittee 3 ,4 ; N ation al H ono r Society 4; O utreach 3 ,4 ; Petroc 3,4; Pro-Life So ciety 3 ; SA D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 20 9 ; H onor Pin 1

“Holding on to anger is lik e grasping a h ot c o a l with the intent o f throwing it at som e­ on e else; you are the on e w ho g ets bu rn ed ." -B u d d h a


e v in



ic h a e l

1; M edical C lub 3; Prep Factor 3 ; Em m aus 208; Freshm an A m bassador; H ono r Pin 1,2

o h n


is k o

N ational H ono r Society 4; Polish Club 2 ; SADD 3 ; Emm aus 2 1 3 ; Emm aus T eam Leader; Freshman Ambassador; Big Brother 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3

“I h ave not fa ile d 700 times. J h ave not failed once. I h av e su c c eed ed in proving 700 ways it will n ot work; when I h ave elim inated the ways that d o not work, I will fin d the way that will w ork." - T h o m a s E d is o n


e l g o n e

A sian Pacific Islander So ciety 3 ,4 ; C om puter Club


C lassics Club 1,2,3,4; Forensics 4; H istory Club3;4;



u l ia n

n a c io


e d r ic

o r m e n t il l a

A sian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; Chorus 2,3,4; D ram atics: M usical 2,4; Liturgical M usic 1,2,3,4; M ath T eam 3,4; M edical Club 3 ; N ational Honor Society President 4; O utreach 2 , V ice Presidei£jil|: President 4; Senior Prom C om m ittee 4 ; Student

“Wit is so shining a quality that everybody ad ­ m ires it; m ost p e o p le aim a t it, a ll p e o p le fe a r it; and fe w lov e it unless in them selves.” - L o r d C h e s te rfie ld

ME55IE5T Mark Timmins Andrew Booth B rian D alton

Gold M edal in English 1,2, Spanish 3 ; Silver Medal in H istory 1, Scien ce 2

“W ake up ea ch d ay on p u rp ose.” - O r ig in a l 'j

BEST HAIR Connor P u r c e ll D an iel Mclnerney Max Katzman



Sean *MoMo * Morris Ryan 'P i' Loftus Johnathan 'Carlton' Gioiella

Ryan Gelchlon Jonathan Treble Julian Pormentilla

Seniors Pasuco-Rasmusson

Council 4; Emm aus 20 8 ; Emm aus Team Leader; HAP T u tor 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 4; H onor Pin 1,2,3;


o n n o r



o se ph

u r c ell

Celtic Q u b 1,2,3,4; Independent Film Society 2,3,4; M arauder N ation 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; SA D D 2 ,3 ,4 ; Walk-athon C om m ittee 2 ,3 ; Ice H ockey 1 ,2 ,3,4; Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Freshm an Ambassador; Freshman-for-a-Day C oordinator; H onor Pin 2,3

“I'm very important. I h ave m any leather? bound b o o ks a n d m y apartm ent smells o f rich \ m ahogany." - R o n B u rg u n d y (A n ch o rm a n }'

Christopher Fitzpatrick, Mark Tiedemann O' Ian McTiernan

Ryan Gelchion O Francis Romano, Jr.

Michael Dmytriw O Lucas Simko-Bednarski

Words of Advice

‘Keep your eye on the kingdom!”


a r y r a b b it t

E b o n y C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N atio n 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ;

forth; take chances but realize the consequences." -M s. Eleanor Heumann-Pugach

-M r . R obert Bruckner “H ang by your thum bs and write i f you get work!”

1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; E m m au s 2 0 7 ; Fresh m an A m b assador;

-M r . Paul Cunneen “As N apoleon once exhorted his generals on the

Big B rother 4

eve o f war with Austria: ‘I f you start to take Vienna,

S tu d e n t C o u n c il 1; Ic e H o c k e y 3 ; L a c ro sse

“Put aside fears, it takes too much tim e analyzing, go

-F r . Thom as Benz, SJ “B e a nonconform ist...just don’t break the law!”

“T h e saddest thing in life is wasted talent.”

(A Bronx Tale) - f r. M ichael H oag, SJ “Face every problem and never, never give up!” -M r. Jam es Hollywood

then take V ienna.”’

“H appiness d ep en d s on ourselves.” - A r is to t le

-M r . Carl D eLorenzo “Take care o f yourselves so you can d o the same for

“D o what you love, always give it your best, share your

others.” -M r . Jam es D ondero “Always strive to achieve harm ony in your life through

-M r . Anthony Keating “Looking upward knows n o units”

the proper blend o f prayer, work, service and relaxation. I f you achieve this you will be blessed with a peaceful and happy life. G ood luck and G od’s


blessings, Always!” -S r. Frances M arie D uncan, O SF “Skepticism , as we know, can never be thoroughly


life with others and G od Bless Y ou.”

applied, else life would com e to a standstill: som ething we must believe in and do.”

{Japanese Proverb)

-D r. Richard Kennedy “For in o n e day G od makes the fortunate man unfortunate.” (Menander) -M r. Matthew Knittel “W ork at that which makes you happy.” -M s. Adele LeCalvez “Meet trium ph and disaster. And treat those two im posters just the same.” (Rudyard Kipling) -M r. Brian M cCabe

(George E lio t’s Middlemanh) -M s. C hristiane G annon


o r e n z o

C. R

a fe r

A sian P a c ific Islan d er S o c ie ty 3 ; B an d 1 ,2 ,3 , President 4 ; C horus 2 ,4 ; D an ce C om m ittee 1; Jazz Band 1,2,3, President 4; Jun ior Prom C om m ittee 3; Liturgical M u sic 4; M edical Club 3; N ational


e r e k


e l so n


a m o s

C hess C lub 1; H istory Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Indo-Pak So­ ciety 1,2,3, Secretary 4 ; M edical Club 3; O utreach 1,3; SA D D 1,2; Star W ars Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Fencing 3, C aptain 4; Em m aus 2 0 9 ; H ono r Pin 1,3

H ono r Society 4 ; Star W ars Club 1; Sen ior Prom C om m ittee 4 ; Emm aus 2 0 8 ; Emm aus T eam Leader; H ono r Pin 1,2,3; Silver M ed al in Latin 2; Gold M ed al in Spanish 2

“Try not to b e c o m e a m an o f success, but rather, to b ecom e a m an o f virtue. ”

“F ea r is th e m ind killer. I will fe a r an d it will p a ss through m e a n d when it is gone there will b e nothing; only I will rem ain. "

- A lb e r t E in s te in

-F r a n k H erbert


a so n

T. R

a m n a r a in e


a n ie l

R C om pu ter C lub 1; French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Indo-Pak Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ation al H onor Society 4 ; Star W ars


l a is e

a sm u sso n

C lub 1; Rugby 4; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; French Exchange

Classics Club 1; French Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; G odzilla Club 4; Senior Prom C om m ittee 4; U ltim ate Frisbee 1;

3 ; H on o r Pin 1,2,3

Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 11

“N ever give in-n ever, never, never, never, m nothing great o r small, large or petty, never give in ex cep t to convictions o f h on ou r and g o o d sense. N ever y ield to fo r c e ; n ev er yield to ap p a ren tly overw helm in g m ight o f the enem y. " - W in s t o n C h u r c h ill

- B i l l W a tte rs o n

“There's treasure everyw here. *

A Place That Feels like Home

How do yoi/i want to be remembered? Daniel Libatique: “Generous, compassionate.” Daniel Mclnerney: “Pants Man.” Francis Romano, Jr.: “As the guy who knew everyone’s schedule.” Andrew Anderson: “As a happy individual who always tried to find enjoyment in the simpler things in life (e.g., Desperate Housewives, comics, musicals, video games, board games, etc.).” Michael Pisko: “I would be fine with just being remembered at all.” Colin Gallo: “As that kid that Mr. Campion hated.”

John Lauretta, Jr.: “As that funny Hispanic kid, with really pale skin.” Michael F. Sweeney: “Sane, perfectly sane.” Matthew Doherty: “With a life-size gold statue o f myself.” Christopher Zolli: . “As the man.” Andrew Wallace: “Not homeless.” John Dizon: “As the guy who called Mr. Knittel ‘Matt’ and walked away alive.” Brian Jones: “I want them to say, ‘Oh that moron?*” Raymond Pasuco: “As the redhead that got cornrows.”



r eg o r y


r ic

“One love, on e b lood, o n e life, you've g ot to d o what you should, on e life with e a ch other sisters, brothers." - U 2


“I f truly you want to fin d yourself, you should g o p la y h id e a n d s e e k alon e . "


n th o n y

o se l l e

SA D D 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,4; Football 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em­ maus 2 1 0 ; O utstanding Freshm an

“These were the days when heroism and villainy were redefined. This was the week when sports went dark when its spotlight swung around to the firefighters who ran up the stairs, the police and EMS crews who braved the showers o f destruction, the laborers who sifted through the debris o f a cataclysm to find evidence o f someone's life. The clicMd descriptions we so freely bestow on our athletes-words like coura­ geous, tireless, inspirational-have taken on deeper meanings. ’ -Steve Wulf


C lub 2 ,3 ; Engineering C lub 4; Volleyball 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 8


a tt h ew

ea l

A sian Pacific Islander Society 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C om puter


“Today I con sid er m y self the luckiest m an ojf the fa c e o f the earth ." - H e n r y L o u is G ehrig


S o ciety 3 ,4 ; SA D D 1,2,3; Sen ior P rom C om m ittee 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 2


, J

Leader; Freshm an A m bassad or; Big B rother 4HAP T u tor 1,2,3,4


C eltic C lub 1,4; French C lub 2 , V ice President

r ia n

r a n c is

o m a n o

C eltic Club 3; Junior Prom C om m ittee 3; Studerit Council 3 , Secretary 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; O uidopr Track 1 ; Rugby 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 0 7 ; Emmaus Team

a sm u sso n

3 ,4 ; H istory Club 1,2,3; Killer C oke 3; Pro-Life



y a n


o x a s

A sian Pacific Islander S ociety 3 ,4 ; Com puter Club 1 ,2,3,4; M edical Club 4; SA D D 4 ; Stock M ark# C lub 4; Emm aus 2 08

“I can't believe it! R eading a n d waiting actu­ ally p a id o f f " -H o m e r S im p so n

- F o r tu n e C o o k ie


ic h a e l


r ia n


ee d


e ffr e y


u b in

C eltic C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; F rench Club 2 ,3,4; M ission C om ­

A nti-Sw eatshop C lub 4; Band 1 ,2 ,3 , S e c r e t a ® -:

m ittee 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 1 ; French Exchange 3

4 ; H istory Club 1; Italian C lub 1; Ja z z Band • K iller C oke 2 ,3 ,4 ; Liturgical M usic 3,4 ; Prep Fac­ tor 2 ,3 ,4 ; T V Studio 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Emmaus T eam Leader

“When the p e a c e o f lov e overcom es the love o f pow er, the world will kn ow p eace." - J im i H e n d rix


A Place That Feels Like Home






f u


“Som ew here in m y soul, th ere’s always Rock a n d Roll." - J o e S tru m m e r


r a n k


r ia n



a il e


a n k a t

1 ,2,3, Captain 4 ; Em m aus 2 15

“A m an can b e a s great as h e wants to be. I f you believ e in y o u rself a n d h av e the cour­ age, the determ ination, the dedication, the com petitive drive, a n d i f you are willing to sacrifice th e little things in life a n d p a y the p r ic e f o r the things that are worthwhile, it can b e done." - V i n c e L o m b a r d i

o e l


D ance C om m ittee 2; Ebony Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; W resding

M arauder N ation 4 ; Football 1,2,3,4; W restling 1,2; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; H onor Pin 1


e v in

“Don’t g o w here the path m ay lead, g o instead w here there is n o p ath an d lea v e a trail." - R a lp h W a ld o E m e rso n


a la z a r

n s t a n t in


a tc h ek

Art C lub 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3,4

Intram urals S ta ff 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; M a th T e a m 3 ,4 ; S A D D 3 ,4 ; B o w lin g 1 ,2 ,3 , C aptain 4; Soccer 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 0 ; Freshm an A m b assador; B ig B ro th e r 4 ; PIAP T u to r 1 ,2 ,4 ; H on o r Pin 2

"You m a k e p e o p le ’s eyes glow, you got the W eather Channel buggin' an d you stubborn when it snow. You m y m entor, m others nam e their k id s a fter you, n ew slang, nothing p er­ sonal, we knowing what you been through."

“I f A eq u als success, then th e form u la is: A=X+Y+Z, X is work, Y is play, Z is k e ep y o u r m ou th shut." - A lb e r t E in s te in

- R a e k w o n th e C h e f

James Baber

Mark Timmins & Johnathan Gioiella

(w ith jun iors Josh u a T o si, M atth ew O w en ^ s o p h o m o r e Stephen Y asneski)


er em y

R. S


a lv a d o r

A sian Pacific Islander So ciety 3 ,4 ; M ission C om ­ m ittee 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 8 ; Freshm an Ambassador; HAP T u to r 3 ,4

“C haracter is what we d o when n o on e is watching . " -A n o n y m o u s

Kevin Scherba & Raymond Smith (w ith jun ior Em ersson Huaranga)


o s e p h



l f o n s o

a lv o

Italian C lub 1,2, V ic e President 3, President 4; W restling 1,2; Em m aus 2 1 3 ; Big Brother 4; Ital­ ia n Exchange 2

"I lo o k to th e fu tu re to give m e h o p e ; I lo o k to the p a st to g ive m e strength." - O r ig in a l

Describe yourself in ov\e w ord Michael Keating: “MichaelKeating.” Daniel Mclnerney: “Wow.” Mark Timmins: “Amazing.” Robert Abud: “Cuban.” Nilesh Parikh: “Brown.” C.J. Kopec: “Jerk.” Paul Ward: “Funkmeister.” Ryan Loftus: “Pie!” Kevin Sankat: “Huge.” Raymond Pasuco: “Boomshakalaka.” Keith Hernandez: “Hustler.” Sean Morris: “Imaginative.” Andrew Anderson: “Awesome.” Theodore Yager: “Shibby.” Richard Hussey: “Meat.” John Pflug: “Sarcastic.” Fergus Scully: “Bootylicious.” Eric Ingles: “Sexy.”

Seniors Rasmusson-Satchek


e v in

R. S

c h e r b a

Football 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 21 5

“Take th e p ain to get the p lea su re." - O r ig in a l


o n a th a n


A. S

c h m id t

“Yes, to d an ce beneath the diam ond sky with on e h a n d waving free, silhouetted by the sea circled b y the circus sands with all memoxy a n d fa t e driven beneath the waves, let me forg et about today until tom orrow ."

c h ir r ip a

m ittee 3; Literary M agazine 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation

Petrean 3 ,4 ; Sen ior Prom C om m ittee 4 ; Ice

H ockey 1,2; Indoor Track 3; Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em­ m aus 2 0 7 ; Freshm an Am bassador; Big Brother 4

“Dream a s i f you'll live forev er; live as i f y o u ’ll d ie tom m orrow." - J a m e s D e a n

^ T o : F r a n k S a ile

o l in

- B o b D ylan

Independent Film S ociety 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ju n ior Prom C om ­ 1,2,3,4;


Christian Life C om m unity 1,2; Baseball 2 ,3 ; Fresh­ m an Ambassador; H onor Pin 3,4



e r g u s



D ra m a tics: D ra m a 2 ,3 ,4 ; D ra m a tic s: Musical 1,2,3,4; Forensics 2 ,3 ,4 ; Independent Film Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r Society 4; Cross C o u n o y lj Sw im m ing 2,4; H onor Pin 1,2,3; Emm aus 214;

“No relation to Dr. Scully...at all.'’ —O rig in a l

y s ic n A A W p tx .

( C l a S S I l f 2 H U B U JC H tU tU in ia ls

W e fir st b eca m e clo se fresh m en year a t fo o tb a ll c a m p w hen yo u b u nked ab ov e m e. S in c e th en we’ve


g row n even c lo se r. I ju s t w a n t to th a n k y ou fo r b ein g su ch a g o o d frien d a n d ...“G e t y o u r w eigh t up

lex a n d er


so n !” (G o rm a n )


en a t o r e

T o : J o n a t h a n S c h ir r ip a A n y tim e I needed a p la ce to stay a fte r sc h o o l, y ou alw ays in vited m e to y o u r ho u se. I w o n ’t fo rg et w hat

A eronautics Club 4 ; Asian Pacific Islander Society

a g o o d frien d y ou w ere to m e th ro u g h o u t th e years. (B arb aru la)

3 ,4 ; Engineering Club 4 ; G erm an Club 4; Outreach

T o : R a y m o n d S m it h Y o u ’ re th e k in d o f k id everyone know s an d likes; y ou really m ak e it easy to b e in an y situ a tio n an d I

3 ,4 : Stage C rew 3,4; T V Studio 3 ; Ultim ate Frisbee 4; Football 1,2; Lacrosse 2 ,3 ,4 ; Emm aus 2 1 2

a m really glad to say th a t I have kn o w n yo u at Prep. (Vayas) T o : P e te r S p ie w a k Y o u ’ve alw ays b een th ere ev er sin c e k in d ergarten an d y o u r p erso n ality has n o t ch an g ed o n e b it. Y o u ’re lik e a b ro th e r to m e, n o w a n d forev er in all y ou d o . Y o u ’re th e o n e guy I always c a n c o u n t o n fo r a n y th in g I need. (P asu co)

“My b lo o d is drunk b y the roots o f the tree; fro m that on e d ay th e fru it o f freed o m will ripen." -N e ls o n M a n d e la

Y o u a b so lu tely are a great g u y w ho sh ares m y a d m ira tio n o f E m e rso n . (L lan eza) T o : M ic h a e l F . S w ee n ey It is g o o d to k n o w I have real frien d s; th an k s fo r p ro v in g th a t to m e. (Spivack) T o : M ic h a e l J . S w ee n ey I c o n s id e r you o n e o f m y best frien d s, as w ell as th e o n ly n o rm a l o n e . (G . R asm u sson ) T o : Ja s o n T h o rn e Y o u ’re a great p erso n w h o lead s o n and o f f th e field . Y o u d o n ’t h o ld a n y th in g b ack and have trem en­ d o u s h eart. Y o u ’ re a p erson I always c a n c o u n t o n . (Salazar) T o : A n d rew W a lla c e . ' T o th e cra z iest kid I kno w . W e’ve m o ck ed each o th e r a great deal, b u t all in jest, now b efo re we leave fo r college: C a n I b o rro w a d o lla r? (Sp ivack) T o : Pau l W ard I m e t y ou ov er th e su m m er b e fo re so p h o m o r e year. W e w ere h an g in g arou n d Prep w aitin g fo r o u r b ro th e rs to g e t o u t o f H A P . I th o u g h t y ou w ere th e qu ietest kid in all o f N ew Jersey , b u t y ou proved m e w rong . (G . R a sm u sso n ) T o : J a v ie r V a sq u e s


ic h a e l



h o m a s

er z a n

C eltic C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C lassics C lub 1,2 ; French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 3,4 ; N ational Honor Society 4; Outreach 2,3,4; Seinfeld Q u b 3,4 ; Soccer

A sid e fr o m b ein g o n e o f m y o ld est Prep frien d s, y ou p ro b a b ly also are th e m o st lo y a L .a n d crazy.

1,2,3,4; Emm aus 21 0 ; Extraordinary M inister (rf the Eucharist; Freshm an A mbassador; Big Brother

(G . R asm u sson )

4; H onor Pin 1,2,3

T o : J o s e p h M ic h a e l Y a p T h a n k y ou ! I k n o w i t m ay seem vague, b u t th a t’s a ll I can say. F o r th e m o m en ts o f d iscu ssio n between class, th e lo n g w alks to h o m e r o o m , th e several h o u rs a fte r sc h o o l, sittin g in th e cafeteria, an d , m o st especially, E m m a u s, a ll 1 ca n say is...th an k you ! (L larena) T o : A n d rew Z h u

“Go co n fid en tly in th e d irection o f your dream s. Live the life you h ave imagined, f f i - H e n r y D avid T h o re a u

H ey you! I k now w e d o n ’t have to o m an y b ig m em o ries, b u t we have a b u n c h o f little o n e s-a n d th a t’s w hat frien d sh ip ’s a ll a b o u t. I ’ll alw ays rem em ber th e sm all th in g s in life an d o u r “ta c it” conv ersations. (F ig u eroa) T o : A le k s a n d e r Z y w ic k i Y o u ’re o n e o f th e kin d est stu d en ts I ever m e t a t Prep. I’ve n ev er seen you m ad n o r have ever fo u n d a bad tim e to c o n fid e in y o u . Y ou w ere and are a great ro le m o d el and frien d . (Vasques)


T o : A ll T h o s e W h o H a v e F a lle n T h ro u g h th e years we’ve lo st m an y Prep greats: C h r isto p h e r R icc ia rd elli, Jo se p h Liggins, D avid S o la ri, T c h a z A m evo r, Paul C asale, M atth ew K rau s...th e list goes o n and o n . W e th a n k y o u ; you w ere lo st, b u t n o t fo rg o tte n . (B rad d o ck )

Seniors: Scherba-Smith

(J )


e e pa k


h a r m a

A rt C lub 1; C lassics Club 1,2; C om pu ter Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ind o-Pak S o cie ty 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M ed ical C lub 3 ,4 ; M iss io n C o m m itte e 2 ,3 ; M o d e l U N 1,2; Em m aus 2 09

BFST U/HQ4 EATER LIKELY TD MARRY FIR5T Mark Barsoum S c o tt Baran B rian D alton

Brandon O’ Keefe John Opel Kevin Cruarinl


not the destination, it’s th e journey. ”

-U n k n o w n

p r a d e e p


Conor Supple James Braddock C h ristopher Z o l l i Raymond Smith Lucas Simko-Beclnarski Raymond Pasuco

h a r m a

A cadem ic T e a m 4 ; C om pu ter C lub 1,2,3,4; Engi­ neering C lub 4; Indo-Pak S o ciety 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M edical C lub 3 ,4 ; Prep Factor 2; Em m aus 2 09

Lee Odi <Si John Dizon

“Sim plicity is th e ultim ate sophistication . " - L e o n a r d o d a V in c i

Colin Gallo & Raymond Pasuco


h o m a s


Johnathan Gioiella & James Baber


h ie l d s

n th o n y


in g h

A rt Club 1,2; Engineering Club 4 ; M odel U N 1,2,3; R ugby 3

Sw im m ing 1 ,2 ,3 ,4

“We m ust alw ays f e a r th e w icked. There is an o th er k in d o f evil that we m ust f e a r the m ost, an d that is th e in d ifferen ce o f g o o d m en .” - B o o n d o c k S a in ts

L U C A S J . S lM K O BED N A RSK I A m n e sty In te rn a tio n a l 1 ,2 ,3 ; A n ti-Sw eatsh o p C lub 4; Band 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; H istory C lub 2 ,3 ; Ja z z Band 3 ,4 ; Killer C oke 3; M edical C lub; 3 ,4 ; O utreach

“I ’m not a fraid o f death, I just don't want to be th ere when it happens." - W o o d y A lle n


a y m o n d

J. S

m it h


Cam pus M inistry 1,2; C am pus Shop 2 ; C eltic Q u b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Classics Club 2; Intram urals S taff C rew C hief 3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3, H enchm an 4; O utreach 1,2,3;

Paroc 1,2; Pro-Life Society 2 ,3 ,4 ;

Student C ouncil 3 , V ice President 4; T V Studio

2*3; Prep F a c to r 2 ; SA D D 1 ,2 ; Em m au s 2 1 4 ;

3 ,4 ; G olf 3,4; Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Emm aus T ea m Leader; Freshm an A m bassador; B ig B ro th e r 3 ,4 ; Spirit

H on o r Pin 1,2

Aw ard 3 ; H ono r Pin 1

“A m an stands h is tallest when h e k n eels down to h e lp oth ers."

“Well in the end, w e can call a frien d , well th at’s som ething that 1 kn ow is true. In a thou sand years an d a thousands tears, I will fin d m y original crew ." - O A .R .

-E d w a r d F itz s im m o n s

J. ^


A Place That Feels Like Home


et er



n d r e w



o n o r

p ie w a k


a t r ic k

u ppl e

C eltic Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 1,2,3, H ench­ m an 4; Polish Club 1,2,3; Seinfeld Club 3 ,4 ; T V

Band 2 ,3 ,4 ; C horus 3 ,4 ; Com puter Club Tj,

Studio 3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; Emm aus T ea m Leader; HAP T u to r 1,2,3,4

cal M usic 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 1 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; H onor Pin 1; Outstand­ ing Freshm an

“Ten thou sand fo o ls proclaim them selves into obscurity, while o n e w ise m an forg ets h im self into immortality. “ - D r . M a r tin L u th e r K in g , Jr.

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts." - E a r l W e a v e r

"P .



ic h a e l

p iv a c k


ic h a e l


Forensics 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ational H ono r S ociety 4; Photog­


a llo n

w e e n e y

raphy Club 4; RPG Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Lacrosse 2,3,4; E m m au s 2 1 2 ; F resh m an A m b assad o r; F ren ch Exchange 3; H ono r Pin 1,2,3

G erm an Club 2 ,3 , President 4 ; Stage C rew 3,4; TV Studio 2 ,3 ,4 ; Football 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emm aus 2 1 2 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucha­ rist; Freshm an Ambassador; G erm an Exchange 3H ono r Pin 1,2,3

“No on e know s what the n ew d ay sh a ll bring him." - J .R .R . T o lk ie n


le n n


ta n u l

Asian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; C eltic C lub 4; Engineering C lub V ice President 4; S to ck M arket C lub 3 ,4

"What lies b eh in d us a n d w hat lies b e fo re us a re sm all c o m p a red to what lies within us. * - R a lp h W a ld o E m e rs o n

“He w ho h as a why to live can bear almost any h ow ." -F r ie d r i c h N ie tz s c h e


ic h a e l

J. S

w een ey

C eltic C lub 4; French Club 2; M ission Committee 3 ,4 ; Petroc 3 , Editor 4; SA D D 1,2 ,3 , V ice President 4; Fencing 3 ,4 ; Emm aus 211

“To you an d m e, on e seco n d m ay fe e l like an eternity. But in reality, it’s here one sec­ o n d h a n d it's g on e the next." - “H e a r tb re a k K id " S e a n M ic h a e ls

^ b v rv V -l

W fiat was tfie funniest tfiing tfiat ever happened to yow or someone else during class> Michael Gorman III: “Chanting Mike Haas’s name in the cafeteria, and forcing him to make a speech. He said, ‘You are all fine Prep gentlemen.’ He was promptly booed out of the cafeteria.” James Braddock: “My friends and I threw our gym shoes • at each other while Ms. LeCalvez’s back was turned.’ Mark Timmins: Mr. Thomson sat on Mark Barsoum.” Lee Odi: *When Fergus Scully ate a fly.” Derek Ramos: “When Ernest Martinez tried to kick Lucas Simko-Bednarski in the head, but slipped instead.”

Matthew Doherty: “Getting kicked out o f Doc Kennedy’s class for looking at a map.” Louis Hart: “I threw a kid’s book out the window and later he had points taken off for not having it,” Joseph Avallone: “Matt Murphy threw a chair in the cafe and slipped onthe wet floor because he was mad we did not have a snow day. The wholecafe laughed at him.” Stephen McDermott: “Mr. Campion’s fly was. open.” Casey Antczak: “I almost died in Mr. Muir’s class.” Sean Morris: “Ms. Chua beasted on Mark Timmins.”

A Place That Peels Like Home


n th o n y


l a r ic o

“What doesn't kill you m akes you stronger:* —F r ie d r ic h N ie tz s c h e

Connor Purcell O ’ Christopher Barry


a so n


Mark Cavanagh

Valentino Mills

h o r n e

M arauder N ation 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld C lub 3 ,4 ; Baseball KERRY B U S H

1,2; Soccer 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 10

Rey Andrew Osma, Konstantin Satchek O' Matthew Doherty “But a - a thug changes, an d love changes, and b est frien d s b e c o m e strangers-w ord u p .” - N A S {"The M essage”)


Wfio was vpw greatest teacher at Prep and wfiy? M

a r k



r a n c is

ie d e m a n n

C eltic C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; M arauder N ation 2 ,3 ,4 ; SA D D 3 ; Sein feld C lu b 3 ; W alk-a-thon C o m m ittee 3; B aseball 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Basketball 4; S o ccer 1,2,3; Em­ m aus 2 1 0 ; H o n o r Pin 1,2,3

"I lea rn ed to give lov e a n d g et lov e uncon­ ditionally; y ou ju st h a v e to a c c e p t p e o p le f o r what they are a n d I lea rn ed the greatest g ift o f all... the sa d d est thing in life is w asted talent a n d c h o ic e s that you m a k e will s h a p e you r life forev er. ” - C a lo g e r o “C “ A n g e lo {A Bronx Tale)

Brian Jones: “Mr. Thomson for his devilish charm and uncanny knowledge of fine wine.” C.J. Kopec: “Ms. Eaton. She’s afraid of peacocks.” Michael Gorman III: “Mr. Peters. Everyone is scared of him, but he’s really a good guy. Without his guidance or his class, I wouldn’t be as good a student/writer as I am today.” Mark Cavanagh: “It depends on which one is reading this, in which case, it’s whomever this is being read by.” Michael Haas: “Haas.” Michael Keating: “Ms. Yost = Ceramics Goddess.”


a r k


im m in s

Hector Flores: “Ms. Eaton, because her class was always fun. Even though she swore that we didn’t learn anything, we actually learned a lot.” Michael F. Sweeney: “Mr. Campion. He was the only Prep teacher who could keep me fully awake and fully attentive every single class allyear round.” Gregory Rasmusson: “Mr. McCabe. I always looked forward to his classes because they were both educational and hilarious.” Andrew Zhu: “Mr. Crosby because he actually helped us understand the scientific material he was teaching.”


il l ia m



a b r ie l

o r r e s

C eltic C lub 3 ,4 ; Forensics 3 ,4 ; M od el U N 3 ,4 ; Prep Factor 3 ; Student C oun cil Representative 4;

Ebony C lub 3 ,4 ; H ispanic S ociety 3; Baseball 2 ,3 ,4 ;

F ootball 1,2; Em m aus 2 1 0

Em m aus 211

'Dream in ’ o f rich es in a position o f m aking a d ifferen ce; p olitician s are hypocrites, they don't wanna l i s t e n - T u P a c S h a k u r

“Freshm an m istakes a re fresh m an mistakes. Sophom ore m istakes are sophom ore mistakes. Junior m istakes, fin d an oth er sport." -P a t Fagan

J K lE R A N J O S E P H E

d w a r d


in t l e

Asian Pacific Islander S ociety 4 ; lite ra r y M agazine 3; O utreach 3,4;

Petroc 1,2; Stage C rew 1; Volleyball

1,2; Em m aus 2 1 4

o n a th a n



et er

r e b l e

Academ ic T ea m Founder 4; Band 1,2,3, Section Leader 4; C horus 2 ,3 ; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ,3 ,4 ; Forensics 1,2,3, C o-Captain 4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Liturgical M usic 1,2,3,4; M ath T ea m 2 ,3 ,4 ; Soccer 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m au s 2 1 2 ; Freshm an A m bassador; H ono r Pin 1,2,3; G old M edal in H istory 1, Science 2, English 3 ; Silver M edal in Latin 1, Scien ce 3

"Without ou r im aginations, we'd b e all like th ose o th er p o o r dullards." - H a n n ib a l L e c t e r {Silence o f th e Lam bs )

“From a distance b e can b ear the son orou s waves o f m assed voices from the church: a sound at once austere and rash, abject and proud, swelling and falling in the quiet summer darkness like a harmonic tide.’ -W illiam Faulkner

Seniors Spiewak-Treble


is h a n t




a v ie r


a sq u es

A sian Pacific Islander S o ciety 2 ,3 ,4 ; C om pu ter Club 1,2,3,4; Indo-Pak Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; M ath Team

C om puter C lub 2 ,3 , President 4 ; Engineering Qub 4; H ispanic Society; M arauder N ation 1,2,3* Star

4 , N ational H onor Society 4 , SA D D 4; Sw im m ing 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 21 5 ; H onor Pin 1,2,3

W ars C lub 2 ; Senior Prom Com m ittee 4 ; T V Studio 3 ,4 ; Fencing 3,4; Emm aus 2 1 1 ; Study Abroad Spain; N ational Spanish Exam 3rd pi.

“D on’t tell God h ow big your problem s are; tell y ou r p roblem s h ow big y ou r G od is. ” -U n k n o w n

“El revolucionario v erdadero esta guiado poi g randes sentim ientos d e amor." - E r n e s t o “C h e ” G u e v a ra


a n ie l

J. U

r b a n o v ic h


o s e p h


C eltic C lu b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M arau d er N atio n 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; SA D D 3; Baseball 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Football 1,2; Emm aus 2 1 0 ; Extraordinary M inister o f the Eucharist; Big Brother 4; H ono r Pin 1,2


a ffa e l

a y a s

Intram urals Staff 3,4; Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; M a^ H e r N ation 3 ,4 ; Baseball 1; Basketball 1,2,3, Gy?|aiij 4 ; Em m aus 2 1 5 ; Big B rother 3 ,4 ; Outstan&rig Freshman

“O bstacles d o n ’t h av e to stop you. I f you run into a wall, d o n ’t turn arou n d a n d g ive up. Figure out h o w to clim b it, g o through it, or w ork arou n d it.’’ - M ic h a e l Jo r d a n


e t e r

J. V

“You pull on that jersey, you represent jg u p s e lf a n d y ou r team m ates; an d the nam e on the front is a h ell o f a lot m ore important than the on e on the ba ck . " -M iracle

a r sa l o n a

Prep Factor 2 ; Rugby 3 ,4 ; W restling 1,2,3; Emm aus 2 1 3 ; Big Brother 4


l b e r t



o h n

e c e l l io

C lassics C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ; Foren sics 1; Italian (Ijjtib 1,2,3,4; H ispanic Society 3, President 4 ; Maramter N ation 1 ,2,3,4; M ission C om m ittee 4 ; Petrean 2,3,4; Petroc Editor 2 ,3 , Editor-in-Chief 4 ; SADD 1)2,3; Football M anager 3 ,4 ; R ugby 4 ; Emm aus 2 10; Em m aus T e a m Leader; Freshm an Ambassador; Big Brother 4; H onor Pin 3

“A ll that is requ ired f o r evil to p rev ail is f o r the g o o d to d o nothing." - E d m u n d B u rk e



Jonathan T re b le Roland Zemla Chris Fitzpatrick

Andrew Booth Mark Timmins Alan Bantom



Mark Timmins Chris Fitzpatrick Andrew Booth Jonathan T re b le Christopher Bligh S co tt Baran

7 opened up a yogurt, underneath the lid it said, ‘Please try again' because they were having a contest that I was unaware o f or, I thought maybe I openedthe yogurt wrong...or maybe Yoplait was trying to inspire me. 'Come on, Mitchell, don't give up!'An inspirational message from your friends at Yoplait, fruit on the bot-' tom, hope on top. ' -Mitchell Hedberg


a t r ic k


il l a

, J



Asian Pacific Islander Society Treasurer 3 ,4 ; C om -1 puter Club 1,2,3,4; Forensics 2 ; French 2 ,3,4; S to ck | M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Emm aus 208

“B e who you are a n d say what you feel, cause those who m ind don ’t matter, an d f/iosefl who m atter d o n ’t mind." -D r . S e u s s





Colin Schmidt & Thomas Shields (w ith ju nior D enn is Brow n)


n d y



Steven Iglesias-Figueras O Matthew Palazzoto (w ith freshm an Tay lo r Bacques)

ic h a e l

a ll a c e

C hess Q u b 1,2; C om pu ter Q u b 1,2; Independent Film So ciety 3 ,4 ; Petrean 3 ,4 ; RPG Q u b 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; T V Studio 2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 1 1 ; G erm an Exchange 3; N ational M erit C om m ended Scholar

Daniel Rasmusson, Gregory Rasmus­ son, Javier Vasques O Paul Ward (with sophomore Brendan W hite and junior Sean Carney)

“L ife is p retty m uch lik e Ik e a furniture; no m atter h ow m an y tim es you r ea d the instruc­ tions, it quickly co m es to a short, brutal e n d ." - T o o t h p a s t e f o r D in n e r

Francis Romano, Jr. O' Raymond Smith “Pay attention to reality.”


a u l


a il e y


-M r . M ichael M cCarthy “I f I could only remem ber th at the days were, not

a r d

bricks to be laid, to be b uilt in to a solid house, where one m ight dwell in safety and peace, but

A rt C lu b 1 ,3 ,4 ; A sia n Pacific Islan d er S o c ie ty

only food fo r the fires o f the heart.”

3 ,4 ; Band 1; C eltic Q u b 1,2; G erm an Q u b 2,3,4;

(Edm und W ilson)

G o d zilla C lu b 4 ; S ta r W a rs C lu b 1; U ltim ate

-M r . David M uir “At the tim e you were born you were given an

Frisb ee 2; Lacrosse 1,2; Em m aus 2 0 7 ; G erm an Exchange 3

amazing gift-a gift that m ost o f us forget about as we grow older. It’s the power to design your own unique life. You are an artist. T h e canvas is your life. From this m om ent on , take ownership

“It h a s to start som ew h ere. It h a s to start som etim e. What b etter p la c e than h ere? What b etter tim e than now?"

o f this gift and use it wisely. I f you do, your life will becom e an extraordinary work o f art.” -M r . Benjam in Patiak “C hoose the real instead o f the ideal and you’ll

- R a g e A g a in s t th e M a c h in e

lim it your disappointm ent.” -M r . Richard Peters “T h e world is your oyster, but to get the pearl, you have to work.” -M s. Yetunde Daniels-Rubinstein


h o m a s


ea k ley

A sian Pacific Islander S o c iety 3 ,4 ; C eltic C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; C om pu ter C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; M edical C lub 3 ,4 ; O u td oo r T ra c k 3 ; R ugby 4; Em m aus 2 11


o s e p h


ic h a e l



A sian Pacific Islander Society 3 ,4 ; B ook Q u b 4; Cam pus M in istry 4 ; C om puter C lub 3; O utreach 4 ; SA D D 3; S to ck M a rk et C lu b 3 ; V olley ball 1; Em m aus 2 0 8 ; Extraordinary M in ister o f the Eucharist; H ono r Pin 1

“I m ay n ot h av e g o n e w here I in ten d ed to go, but I th in k I e n d e d up w here I in ten d ed to be. ” - D o u g la s A d a m s

“Lose on e frien d , lose a ll friends, lose your­ s e lf.’’ - E r i c M a tth e w s [Boy M eets World)

^ T t lic A t d U .


h e o d o r e


g e r


n th o n y

J. Ya

sn e sk i

O u treach 2 ,3 ; SA D D 1,2; Seinfeld C lub 3 ; Soccer

Band 1,2,3, Section Leader 4; D ram atics: D ram a 2 ,3 ; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Jun ior Prom C om m ittee

1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Em m aus 2 10

3; N ational H ono r Society 4; O utdoor T rack 3,4 ;

C h ristia n L ife C o m m u n ity 1; Ita lia n C lu b 2;

Emm aus 20 7 ; H ono r Pin 1,2,3,4

"So through th e fa m e, through the fire an d the flam es, I a d a p t to the p ain ; real d u d es d o th e sa m e, a n d thou gh w e h o m ey s no lon ger hang, you kn ow m e an d that lov e still rem ains.” —A Z

..beyond all others, a M an-for-others." —F t . P e d r o A rru p e , S J

A Place That Feels Like Home

Descnbe now Prep fias been a second home to yow, Paul Ward: “It’s a place where Pm always welcome.” Andrew Anderson: “Prep has become the place where I go to see my second family.” John Pflug: “There has always been someone here to talk, and we are all like brothers.” Joseph Vayas: “I always try to get here early in the morning just to hang out.” Mark Timmins: “I sleep here a lot.” John Lauretta, Jr.: “My locker is a mess, like my room.” Martin Hogan: “In my family I have three sisters; here I have 900 brothers.”

Scott Baran: “Coach Hansen keeps us here all winter, all summer, and until about 8 o’clock every night during football.” Patrick Beesley: “If I ever needed to take my mind of something Prep could always distract me.” Albert Vecellio: “I eat here, I sleep here, I goof off here, I procrastinate here, and I take out the garbage here...the only thing different is that I am surrounded by dudes.” Peter Hoffman: “Prep has welcomed me; I have felt extremely comfortable since my first day.” Thomas D’Alessio: “I always felt welcome at Prep, no matter what day or hour.” Ra ph a el Zaki French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; R ugby 4; W restling 1,2,3,4; Em m aus 2 13

‘ We are all mortals. Our bodies, though strong, cannot d efy time. One day we w ill die. What mat­ ters m ost is the legacy we leave behind. Did we becom e all we w ere capable o f becoming? Did we m ake the difference we set out to m ake? Did we pursue our dream s when all around us thought we were chasing illusions? Only those w ho dare to rise are able to lift themselves above horizons. Only those bold enough to chase dream s are the ones who catch them. ” -W r e stle m a n ia X X

R o la n d Z em la Academic T eam 4; Com puter Club 2 , 3 ,4 - | l H B ing C lub 4; G erm an Club 3,4 ; M ath Team U M edical Club Founder 3, President 4; Natioi H onor Society 4; O utreach 2 ,3 ,4 ; Prep Factors Emm aus 20 9 ; Emm aus T ea m Leader; Honor $ 2,3; Gold M edal in Science 3 , Mathematie&f||

"Know where to fin d the information andhc to use it-th a t’s the secret o f su ccess * - A lb e r t E in s te in

A n d r ew

Tao Z hu

Art Club 3; A sian Pacific Islander Society Club 2,3; Chorus 3,4; French Club 2,3,4;J|j§j| Club 3; Literaiy M agazine 3; Liturgical M u sie$ M ath T eam 3,4; M edical Club 3,4; National S Society 4; O utreach 3,4; Petroc 3; SADD S f - g l C rew 3, C rew C h ief 4; Fencing 3,4; Emmaus 20 H ono r Pin 2,3

“It’s not w ho I am underneath, but what I,c that d efin es m e." - B a tm a n [Batman mgm g

(I'M W t f

N eo ph yt o s C . Z a m b a s C lassics Club 1,2,3; C om pu ter C lub 3 ,4 ; French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; N ational H on o r So ciety 4 , O utreach 3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ,4 ; Sto ck M ark et C lub 3 ,4 ; Sw im m ing 2 ,3 , C aptain 4

"Nessun m aggior d o lo re c h e ricordarsi d el tem po fe lic e nella m iseria. (There is n o greater p ain than to rem em ber a h a p p y tim e when o n e is in m isery.)” - D a n t e A lig h e ri

T h o m a s Z a u c h a B ook Club 3,4; Ju n ior Prom C om m ittee 3 ; M a­ rauder N ation 1,2,3,4; SA D D 2 ,3 ; Seinfeld Club 3 ; W alk-a-thon C om m ittee 2 ,3 ; In door Track 3; Em m aus 2 14

C h r is t o p h e r Z o lli D ram atics: D ram a 2; D ram atics: Musical M arauder N ation 2 ,3,4; Student C ouncil R m S S tative 2; Football 1,3,4; Emm aus 2 1 4 ; Big B i 3 j 4; H ono r Pin 3

“Sleeping late a n d holding o f f work, o pmam W aking up at som e p oin t an d actually jw m ing the work, necessary." - O r ig in a l 1

A l e k s a n d e r Z y w ic k i Anti^Sweatshop Club 4; G erm an Club 3,4; Kilt C oke 2 ,3 ,4 ; Literary M agazine 1 ,2,3, President^ O utreach 2 ,3 ,4 ; Prep Factor 2,3 ; Star W ars Clu 4; T V Studio 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1 ,2,4; Emmausl21! Emm aus T eam Leader; Big Brother 4; Honof; Pi 3; Spirit A ward 4

“When it is obv iou s that the g oals cannot b e reach ed , d o n ’t adjust th e goal, adjust the action steps. - C o n f u c i u s


A Place That Feels Like Home

/ ir w

“The Dude a b id es.” -T h e Big Lebow ski a

1. MOST INTELLIGENT: Andrew Anderson Ryan Gelchion Julian Pormentilla Kevin Dougherty 2. BEST SENSE OF HUMOR: Eric Ingles Brian Dalton Henri DeFrance Daniel Walsh 3. MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED: Jonathan Treble Aleksander Zywicki Raymond Smith Robert Moran Padraic Friel Lorenzo Rafer 4. BEST ATHLETE: Andrew Booth Mark Tiedemann Joseph Vayas Mark Dolaghan Kevin Guarini Sean Panella Richard Nazario 5. DID MOST FOR THE SCHOOL: Ryan Gelchion John Opel Kevin Dougherty Jonathan Treble Conor Supple 6. MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT: Thomas D’Alessio Conor Supple Scott Baran Thomas Mullarney Mark Dolaghan 7. MOST FRIENDLY: Christopher Bligh John Llaneza Michael Haas Nicholas Lang C J; Kopec John Bowker 8. BEST FRIENDS: Ryan Gelchion O' James Doolan Thomas Weakley O' Adam Beckmann Francis Romano O Aleksander Zywicki 9. MOST LIKELY TO GET MARRIED FIRST: Kevin Guarini Justin Romero Jason Thorne Jacob Kafka Nelson Coelho Martin Hogan Timothy Cunningham 10. BEST PERSONALITY: Patrick Beesley Joseph Vayas Patrick Duffy Justin Hudacko Padraic Friel Islam Taman Jonathan Schirripa

11. CLASS CLOWN: Nicholas Lang Franklin Collado 12. QUIETEST: Charles Hood Patrick Browne Brian and Michael Johnson 13. BEST LUNCH EATER: Scott Baran Jon Marino Brian Jones 14. MOST LIKELY TO COACH AT PREP: Justin Hudacko Daniel Urbanovich Michael Gorman Brandon O’Keefe Martin Hogan Joseph Avallone 15. MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A JESUIT: Lorenzo Rafer Jonathan Treble Michael F. Sweeney Kieran Tintle Robert Moran Peter Spiewak 16. MOST LIKELY TO BE A SCIENCE TEACHER AT PREP: Leander Pais Christopher Fitzpatrick Derek Ramos Alan Capinpin Rey Andrew Osma 17. BEST DRESSED: Christopher Cid Johnathan Gioiella Patrick Comey Alan Bantom Henry Bolante Cory Leadbeater Lucas Simko-Bednarski 18. JUG ADDICT: TOO MANY! 19. MOST CARING: Brian Serzan Mark Cavanagh Franklin Collado Jeremy Salvador Ryan Diaz 20. MOST LIKELY TO BE A REVOLUTIONARY: Frank Murphy John Dizon Thomas Shields Michael Bonilla John Rosenberg 21. MOST GENEROUS: Conor Supple Ian McTiernan Michael Reed Daniel Rasmusson Adam Sullivan Richard McCarthy

22. MOST UNFORGETTABLE: Conor Supple Mark Timmins Matthew Murphy John Dizon Raphael Zaki Matthew Mulroy 23. BEST HAIR: David Solari Connor Purcell Richard Myrlak Timothy Cunningham Alexander Nikodem 24. STRONGEST: Matthew Roselle Joseph Liggins Jon Marino Richard Hussey Raphael Zaki 25. HAPPIEST: Joshua Dybus Joshua Cabrera Michael Spivack Nilesh Parikh Noel Borges James Braddock Richard Hussey John Bowker 26. BEST VOICE: Daniel Libatique Francis Bull Bryan Bini Raymond Mikulich 27. BEST ARTIST: Jigar Patel Thomas Ongeri Gary Rabbitt Adam Que Hector Flores 28. MOST HYPER: David Solari Christopher Zolli Peter Varsalona James Baber Thomas D’Alessio Michael Bonilla 29. UNDERRATED: Sean Panella Sean Morris Justin Romero Casey Antczak Michael Pisko Michael Yap Matthew Trost 30. GOOD GUY: Christopher Bligh Matthew Kraus Kevin Sankat Joseph Branagan Thomas Weakley

Seniors Zaki-Zywickt

^gmor DirgcTort^





28 Briarwood Rd

QTOgr I >

JoKnatKan Gioiella | M


S to o ^ n t

l i $ t ^ ^ p i Ave I I ^ ''{■•' JJ&Kth Arlington, NJ 07032'

s-\s'i2^^ain^i|a’uls Ave> # 1 2 11

' Mark Dolaghan l|||||j \ X^3LAtfcJxur


Anthpnv Gtordano

Patrick Israel \x^R>West 55th SI j l N e^ Vork, NY 10019 v':<xJiiati0 ir tx ln e ^ ,''

^ '^ 9 '§ | ^ | '\ :. J| f | ^ .^ € ^ ^ | 7 ^ 0 2

Andrew Anderson


^ ■:■ ^


' '- Jersey City, N J O 7 3 0 | ^ |

'sN Cn3?i^t<^|fejt:' Bligh .

C £ a s ^ A f t tr a # k H ;\*

C^dudrjK M . i^0<B^d

3 1 Washington $&&£v> 1"',' B a y o n n ^ |^|.

V.Kevin ^ougherty : ;^ " N J;0 7 0 8 ^ _ I


Eranc^ A q.^^ / - v ' . v‘ V > s 1 5 167 Upper M ountain Ave M ontclair, N J 07042


:-\j6rian Jones Maty |t BellevHl^-Nj 07109




| ^yijfy Bofente,


l^ a f e i^ k


Kirubell Araya

t V

5 Dean Ct; Rutherford, N J 07070 -


'■•' ]W a ^ 0 ^ d ^ n N: 1 |

Js^r'^p||)r|iiavp^-| ;7'|

' v JeTi&y ,C^ity; NJ 0730,5

■•••;5|2'|'torth^.Qigstittif Sf-'I - 4 j ^ s ^ e p ^ b | 0 i 0 '-' -X

<;'^Iainfieldi N J 07&60,' ^

F s H H H H H H H ■

,\^-o >•^ I


m k

)eteey?d i | fi ^ §7104

' V


Matawan, NJ 07747

29 Evan. R d


Borneo' $ f| 3 G ^ f^ltOn^A^ i^ fe rs e rC ity N J 0 7 3 0 5 - H

- "

I £loorbJiel<i, N J 07003


■- " > ,G i ^ 4 S f b £ k # ; ^

^ ^03.;%eoijd Ave,

V v $on o'tKy; G ti^ ^ n ^ a in \ ^20|

BloomEeld,' ^

A lanBantom




| ^ ^ 1 ^ r i ; '^ t 0 0 1 ? 'M



418 Egret Lane |


Seeauc\is,NJ 07094

^ ^ j ^ n e , NJ 07002

Scott Baran •

JJos^jjh B r^ a g a n 0 '^ Ip ^ iil

98 Lexington Ave Bayonne, i t ) 07002

\ I^ P |

Brian Dalton.


;'"^ a ia Jtto

Chrktopfier Barry


Y^i^-S^uth P^ersonRd M ^l^w ood, 1 ^ 0 7 0 4 0 ' '

^%IaiX P^ fer'V i \ "' I-I&7 De^<?n;iS t K e a r ^ | p '0 t d 3 2

• ^ u ^ . H l f ^ .'■|

^4f Warren N Mofitclair, N j 07042'

' I


Keith Hernandez N23 W oods Edge Gt


/ - o \ ;-'-

'4 6 Gfaife St

xM or^ tow n, NJ 0 7 9 6 0 ?

- Michael' Keating 380^ve A Bayonne, NJ? 07002

B H W W jl i J | ^ E I

W est New Y o r k f S l O^O^ ^

J lt T a ii Tim ber Eh;


Jonathan Kazar 74 East 23rd'St Bayonne, N J 07002

' M jic J ja e i H a a ^ :

x'B ^ d n n ^ ^ l^ 0 0 2 C '' -

| i > ^ yioresN p ;|||C 'B H | East,

'r c i i f t o ^ M W o i l '' ^


.Ke^'4 P a r i t y 2 4 0 Woodward A v e ", RutiierforH, N j 0707t^

^|5€'p .^ M i^ j^ h e r E ^ patrjcko W4f|?est^Jp.^i<.i^|.

|^C^|Kam, NJ 07928

Kearn^i N j’ 0|'0|2 .

| S p y | )}';0 r



Max K^tzhjan 2 4 Jfa lfM o o n Me Jersey Gity, N J 07305

-JJt^liJani G filfin

11 S



4 4 East 52nd S t |f| ^ N 'Bayonne, N J, 07002

Peter H offman, 2 4 2 North Pleasant Ave Ridgewood, N j 07307

C J . Kopec 154 West 9th St Bayonne, N j 07002 Jiistin Kraivanger 8 Barry PI Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

v"'■ | |i|

Francis Bull '


jlayonije, NJ 07002 ||||

AV^'v .>' V U ^ n ,N J '0 7 0 8 ^ \ | >

;$r6hdari^ Bartosiewicz | 89 W est 51st St': g| V Bayonne, N j 07002 Adam .Beckmann, 635 Broadway BayoH ne.N J 0 7 0 0 2 -


05^ 4 \


Maplewood, N J 07040 I

4 5 Trasl^ A ye -;s Bayonne, N J Q7002

Charles Hood : 35 Dewitt Ave ‘ Belleville^ N J 07109

25 West 4.9th St

Justin Hudacko ' 2 08 A ve F ' Bayonne, NJ 07002

Adam Kusen 286 Adams St Newark, NJ 07105

x'A h | b o | i ^ t ) x © ^ j^ K c x .tN

J w n C a^ |gzar4 5\

^iopnTfi^idi -NJ 07005'.

^ ?d ^ :

?NJ "0700^'''

A lan Ca^iiip ilj -


" Bay^n^ev^ x$ 7 ^ 0 2

I -•>


Nortli Ave East #vl;|7 < ^ |Q ^ W o r^ ''N J070I^ ^' '. M ieliaet i w{ v ■-^6 Rugby g d ,- ;' •^ » ^ v ^ N J 0 7009. x -

Ryan GelcliiQn ' 7 5 W est 41st>Sf. B a y o n n e , N J 0 7 (3 0 2 ■

Steven Iglesias-Figueras 9209 Kennedy Blvd, #A-11 North Bergen, NJ 07047

M|chaelG^f . , , ' W alnut St Jersey City, N J ,0 7 3 0 5

£ ji c Ingles 829 Ave C Bayonne, NJ 07002



9,6 Senior Directory

Gliad Kuclxarski Bayonne, NJ 07002

Joh n Lauretta 207 Jefferson St Hoboken, NJ 07030

^ ^ i i i t V # ] % 0 0 2 • v-


T^Jcl^fcl.fieni 88 West. 39 th St Bayonne, NJ 07002

Padl ai c !PMy ^ R o o s e v e lt K d ;

i^ | | illlp p l| l ^est% W ^ N Jv07090 c -

NpfttricliBe^iQr| ||1: M ^ i f 'R d

^ '; J \

< 5 o 3 iijs ^ iJl^

-'xi 3 ( | h ^ r ^ ^ I { a h ^ c " " c-v

Kevin Khilall 30 Sackett St Jersey Gity, NJ 07304

Parian, NJ 08859

U nion, N j 07083 . § || / M ark B arso u m

Muhamjned Khan ;355 W ayne.St Jersey City, NJ 07302

Sean Klioblall 2Q5 Palisade Ave Jersey City, NJ 07306

A jld y e- JH n i< *fc \ o 1 1 1 | | li| ,

366 Ptint^ton R d ,,^ v l|

Ja c o b K a fla ,: 84 Booraem Ave I JerseyC ity, 1S(J 07307

Belleville^NJ 07109

|igNoel .;,-'.-5^Gifford Ave

I J o s e p h A v illd n e

:..;g^ in g:l(xd ge,'N J 079.

-Steven Karuftphjand 1^4-Floyd St




Daniel jidiati. y ^ 4 '- H jo jj^ ii Rd



Cory Leadbeater 749 Chestnut St Kearny, NJ. 07032 Daniel Libatique 225 St Paul’s Ave #5-F Jersey City, NJ 07306



Senior Directory Prade.ep.Shafrna

Mi<p^el. Ri?ed '



JavierVasques l ^ | 4 ^ n ® ( | 'f d | N

>3^9 Jefferson-St


■':-ret%r Vais'al^fta' ,,X, '

\.B^nci^^<3Tttat'i^} J^'--''''''- . ; ^ v

M w yn T e r

r *

Paniel Urbanovich ^|!85;I^aym(i&l Ave


I y ^ v

k h e rfo r^ . .. J'QS^pfe '^l^S^-f


')f\ ' ' ^ MaplewP^|-Nj 0 7 0 4 0

I East Rutherford, NJ 07073 t m L p itta i 1 1 •V j 'W oodland Rd , a ^ s o f x / ^ # i i 'v ^


\,-\Bayojme, N J 07002

81 C linton P 4 ^ 4 J |

'^s' '''V'^ ^


Mfttfeh#? ]^ lx c & v \ ^ V \

h i loinhari 'W est 34tfe$t S I ^ tyonne, NJ 0 7 0 ^ /'V

C>|C^ |^ a 4 | tf% | l7 ^ 8



A t | *v

^^ '\^\\

•Wales Ave, rsey |||s| N J Q 7$k$ ^

||^al|^sack, N J xO 7 6 0 1 ^ - j^ lij

East Rutheiford, N j 07073^

J e r s e y City, N J 07306-

J© e I^ a i^ F \

Keyip. P^gpae ^ | 9 Hetheu»)§toti Rd





\^ ,'°"



,;i2.. 44th % oxtli Bergen,


> ^ 3 Bcrttadette ^ISprm gfield^ N J 07081


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A Place That Feels Like Home 97

\ y / ’L':’V ,he Prwtifmt's G fffix, Principal W M r. Kevin Cuddihy uses first period to pref/SM m id edit lettem he plans tc send home to par­ ents. "Givelings fo m Guind and Warren “ Ofimed each tetter; which mean! so convey important infor­ mation and polities about the school.

C JS la v e


ooking meticu­ lously at the Student Handbook calendar in his office, Mr. Patrick Reidy takes note o f the day in the sixday cycle to plan for teachers' absences. In addition to finalizing the daily substitution assignments, Mr. Reidy determined the faculty's annual proc­ uring assignments.








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S to r y b y V a le n tin o Mills

very home needs a head o f the household to make sure thinJ


efficiently. Throughout the school year, Ms. Mary Finn anils

Grace Guaiario helped Mr. Kevin Cuddihy in carrying oflii duties as Principal, which induded faculty and curriculum m

and strategic planning with the Board o f Trustees. In additioJ | Jacquelyn Supple assisted Vice Principal Mr. Patrick Reidy on a part-time | It would be impossible for any student to pass four years without era

the Principal’s Office. It perpetually bustled with activity as a countless o f faculty, staff] and students rushed in and out of its doors. Teachers alii every morning to pick up a copy o f The New York Times and to stay abrep current events. Meanwhile, forgetful freshmen lined up to have Ms. Finn Kl new copies o f lost schedules, while upperclassmen signed up for buses t j < next football game or funerals o f passed loved ones. As all o f this transpired* Gualano typed and placed the morning announcements in every home folder alongside a smattering o f other notes.

Mr. Reidy, with the help o f Ms. Supple, created schedules for studente|A| consequently, settled scheduling conflicts, monitored students with acacl difficulties, assigned class coverages for absent faculty members, and supe I


ffice administrators, such as Ms. Grace Guaiario, spend mornings ensuring that the day begins smoothly for students, faculty, and the administration. Ms. Guaiario, Assistant to the Principal types the daily announcements distribut­ ed to alt homerooms and posted on the website.

the faculty. In addition, Ms. Supple continued to update and develop WinSB to handle scheduling, academic records, and attendance in the new centilj The activation of Prep’s first closed circuit television system marked milestone. From a single monitor in the office, Mr. Cuddihy, along will assistants, oversaw several areas o f Prep, including the cafeteria and the tea' parking lot The people in the office “are very friendly and outgoing, anc are quick to provide assistance when a student needs it; they’re just won< people,” commented senior Nilesh Parikh. Without the hard work o f the Prii I and Vice Principal, there is no way Saint Peter’s Preparatory School would 1 1 functioning second home that it is to the entire community.


Principal's Office



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TT J'Torking quickly to distribute an

W important letter to the alumni, Secretary to the President, M s. M ary­ phyllis Locricchio, prides herself in working for the most important Prep figure, Fr. James Keenan, SJ. M s. Locricchio has enjoyed a history with Prep; her sons a ll call themselves alum ni o f the school.

S to ry by H ector F lores

r. James Keenan, SJ held an essential responsibility in aiding


and bettering the Prep community. Many o f his duties,

however, went unnoticed as they became basic parts o f a student’s daily routine. While Fr. Keenan employed and supervised all members o f the administration, he, more bortantly, fostered the importance o f faith in the school while

intaining the foundations o f Jesuit education in the community.

reparing for a keynote address to be delivered at a regional alum ni function proves to be one o f the many roles Fr. James Keenan, SJ must assume as Prep's President. As overseer o f the fundraising efforts, Fr. Keenan understood the importance o f making connections with the alumni.


I also supervised all fundraising and financial aspects o f the school,

lile serving as a public spokesman for the institution. Trying to get in touch with Fr. Keenan, SJ often proved difficult :ause o f his rigorous schedule. It would seem to most people that he ever abided in a meeting. Because o f his absence, Ms. Maryphyllis pricchio, who remained kindly polite under the pressures o f her job,

C JSlave

iured that all duties and tasks in the President’s Office were completed [h timeliness and efficiency. Ms. Locricchio was comfortable with

r job and also felt at home at Prep: “The friends you make here will

[your friends for life. I see it with my own two sons who are now

Imni but are still very involved with Prep, one as a coach and HAP

Icher and the other who is working closely with other Prep alumni.”

Iroughout her years at Prep, Ms. Locricchio saw many Prep men

jo had become a part o f the growing com m unity o f men for others. Tienever you need a helping hand, you know you can always call neone at Prep, and they will be there.” Through the work o f Fr. Keenan, SJ, the school maintained its Jesuit ntity, stayed financially stable, and continued to improve from year year. Like a parent to the Prep comm unity, Fr. James Keenan, SJ with : essential aid o f Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, created the foundation

It allowed the school to continually function successfully. m ssm m m


The Top 5 Reasons to Go to the < To get a copy of the schedule y o a ' already lost 20 times this year.:] You need to sign up for an aw ay game bus since you haven’t ;received that car from your parents y e t , 4 T o borrow the stationary th at one else ever seems to have,..V;gs T o “borrow ” the N ew York Times that are for faculty’s eyes only.,.|;

'n the Principal's Office, Secretary M s. M a ry Finn prepares letters to send home to parents. Although M s. Finn completed many daily chores, such as answering phones, creating reports and agendas, working on mailings, filings, and process­ ing student report cards, she considered her prima­ ry role to be a "mom" to more than 900 boys.


Free cookies, free cookies, free'llj cookies, free cookies, FREE cookies!

A ccessing the student database at M r. Patrick jC xR eid y's computer, M s. Jacquelyn Supple cre­ ates a report o f students with incomplete grades. M s. Supple, who worked on Tuesdays and Thurs­ days, proved an integral team player to M r. Reidy during peak periods such as the weeks surrounding teacher grade deadlines.

President's Office 122J

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Incoming Admissions events, as Open House and the Accepted Students Reception, John Irvine realizes the closeness o f the fa ll Open House A s the Director o f Admissions, M r. Irvine works with Kevin Cuddihy to set the strict criteria for student accepu


S to ry by A drian H ernandez, J u s t i n R am irez, and J o h n Rodino


hen I think o f Prep, I always think o f the Cheers Jync, ‘Where everybody knows you name, and they are always glad you came,”' glowed Mr. Jan Butrym about his Prep experience as both alumnus and Shalloe

H all

admirustrator. Though this building houses no classrooms, and many

students remain unaware o f its function and purpose, Shalloe Hall was a home to both staffand administration who proved vital to the school’s sustenance Most important to its function as an Office o f External Affiirs, Communications, Alumni,

and Admissions, Mr. James Horan, Vice President for Planning and External Affairs, created strategies, planned, and coordinated programs and initiatives for each o f these respective areas. Ms. Elizabeth Walsh, Ms. Lani Franco, and Ms. Nancy Cunningham each assisted Mr. Horan and the entire staff in the day-today work, often assuming different roles on different days. As Director o f Development, Ms. Marge Baker handled fundraising. Responsible for drawing in revenue, Ms. Baker directed the annual phoneathon and donor recognition events. At the year end, she published a comprehensive gift and contribution list in the Annual Report “I am here more than I am home,” mused Ms. Baker, reflecting on her homeavrayfromhome experience. The Director o f Communication, Ms. Ginny Needham-Doyle, kept former

T )u b lk 1 vital aspect o f the job for both M r. James Horan and M s. G inny Needham-Doyle, who together generate a list o f topics fo r the new issue o f the Prep Magazine in M r. Horan's office. Together, the two shared responsibility for reaching thousands o f alum ni around the globe.

and future students informed by managing brochures, posters, the PnpM agtztne, website, and other news and promotional materials for the entire community. Not only did Ms. NeedhamDoyte publicize student events and community accomplishments, she assisted in promoting the school by organizing open houses and Prep Parents’ Association events. Mr. Luis Vega worked with alumni who once called Prep their second home As Director o f Alumnr Relations, he coordinated reunions and awards ceremonies, such as for the new Professional Achievement and Distinguished Service Award given to dedicated

alum ni


excelled professionally while remaining true to the Men for Others credo. ‘There’s no place I would rather be,” said Mr. John Irvine, Director o f Admissions, who has found a second home in Prep for 26 years and oversaw freshman recruiting and ultimately took responsibility for admissions. Mr. Irvine also spent his time updating informational materials and the website to create continual and contemporary appeaL In an ever-changing world, it was the Director o f Information Technology's role to ensure that Prep remain abreast o f the rapidly changing world Mr. David Bailey and Mr. Jan Butrym made enormous strides in bringing the school’s technology into the 21st century. The pair installed a projector in virtually all classrooms and created a new computer classroom lab in Mulry Hall; they also added several new computers in the library and about the schooL In addition, the two set-up the authenticated wireless infrastructure to move the phone system to a modem Voice Over IP system for the schooL The Shalloe Hall group oollectivdy worked to tie together


the entire Prep community, past, present, and future. Truly, each Shalloe administrator had in mind the perpetuation o f a second home for generations o f Prepsters to come.

fTOP 5

The Top 5 Reasons to Go to Shalloe... T o hang out with Butrym and Mr. Bailey... You w an t to play wiffle ball with M r. Irvine... T o sign up w ith Ms. NeedhamDoyle for the Fashion Show... You owe Mr. Horan your article for Journalism class... It’s the beginning of the year and you need textbooks from Ms. Cunningham...


Shalloe H all Administration

A s the Director o f DevelopjL x m e n t, Ms. Marge Baker must maintain constant com­ munication with potential alumni donors, which means that she often may be found on the phone. In addition to super­ vising the Annual Fund, Ms. Baker conducts many donor recognition events and coordi­ nates the senior gift drive.

eviewing the latest fig­ ures from the annual Book Sale, M s. Nancy Cun­ ningham computes the prof­ its the school earns from the annual function. As an Assis­ tant in External Affairs, M s. Cunningham also helps M r. Irvine in admissions and M s. Needham-Doyle in communucations as the need arises.


J j

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|r^f^EHzabeth Walsh asks Mr. Luis Vega to clarify what he V xneeds from the Treasurer's Office. As Director o f Alumni Vations Mr. Vega maintained Prep's extensive alumni dataL whHe Ms. Walsh assisted Mr. Horan and the entire s ta ff in I daily functions o f the Alumni and Development offices.

C JS lavc

T "XT'forking on organizW ing the "Legends o f Prep" dinner for M s. M arge Baker, M s. Lani Franco con­ tacts local vendors to cater the November event. M s. Franco also assisted Mr. Luis Vega in planning alumni events, such as the annual summer­ time G olf Tournament. miling while working, Mr. D avid Bailey trouble­ shoots Ms. Grace Gualario's broken printer. Mr. Bailey, the Director o f Information Technology, prided him self on bringing the school into the 21st century by putting new ceiling projectors into vir­ tually a ll classrooms.


innw iC J

7T 7fs. Ginny NeedhamJ V 1. Doyle reviews letters to be sent home to parents thanking them for their vol­ unteer efforts at the Parent's Association Family Picnic in September. M s. NeedhamDoyle served as the liaison to parents as "moderator" o f the Prep Parent's Association.


peaking with a customer service representative on the phone, Mr. Jan Butrym orders additional computers while simultaneously examining system logs. Mr. Butrym assisted M r. D avid Bailey in the general technical support o f a ll school systems.

A Place That Feels Like Home 101

T forkin g through a masW sive stack o f payroll paperwork, Ms. Catherine Ford, who oversees payroll and benefits for employees, ensures that employee records remain up-to-date and accu­ rate. "After spending 17 years with the most kind and compassionate people, one could only feel at hom e," com­ mented Ms. Ford.


r. R o b e r tN m opens the Prep w m to check the daily annou ments before entering M financial system. As the 0 surer and Director o f Fli cial Aid, M r. Nodine, accurately represent the fil cial position o f the school safeguard its assets.

rocessing the tuition c sent from a delinq student, Ms. Diane McC handles a ll student accoi for Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ the Accounts Receivable & tant, M s. M cCabe tra&M monies collected from i students and alumni don


A s the Accounts Payable jL jJV lan ag er M s. Grace O'Brien spends time reconcil­ ing and recording a ll expens­ es incurred by the school. In addition, M s. O'Brien han­ dles the payment o f employ­ ment reimbursement checks.

S to ry by P a tr ic k Coiney


ith almost a thousand students and dose to 100 faculty and staff members, handling the money that passed througji Prep proved a difficult task However, the industrious Treasurer’s

Office workers made the task more manageable Mr. Robert Nodine, acting Treasurer for the past two years, oversaw all the work handled in his office. His duties as treasurer induded accuratdy presenting the school s financial situation, safeguarding its assets, and overseeing the employee benefits program. Ms. Catherine Ford, as Assistant Treasurer, handled the payroll and benefits for all employees and also managed the daily income and expenses of the schooL Tm here all the time,” said Ms. Diane McCabe, the Accounts Receivable assistant

who has made Prep a second home in her ownway. Dailyshe tradced tuition payments and other monies collected for various events, as well as donations made to the school. Ms. Grace O’Brien hdped as head of Accounts Payable and Ms. Erica Rivera, daughter o f Ms. McCabe, worked as an aclministrative assistant for the office. With a new financial software program the recording of revenues and expenses became more accurate and easier. Also, an updated banking and payroll software made the distribution of money to employees simpler. Mr. Nodine and the entire Treasurer s Office staffhdped make the home to so many run so smoothly. It came as no surprise that their compassion and care for this home stemmed from their own feeling that Prep acted like a seoond home to them too.

102 Treasurer's Office


aking a break from assisting the s ta ff o f the Treasurer's Office, Ms. Erica Rivera completes homework for a class she takes at Monmouth University. Her mother, M s. Diane M cCabe, also worked in the Treasurer's Office.

7T 7fr. Kenneth Dandorph sighs as he peers over another group o f JU G slips to be distributed in the stu­ dent m ail folders. In addition to enforcing a ll o f Prep's rules and regulations, M r. Dandorph oversees the flourishing work-study program.

JL V 1


Pap ps

rading a U.S. History 2 test, Mr. Jam es Collins decides on a fitting grade. As a graduate o f Fordham University, with a M asters from Iona College, M r. Col­ lins has a firm background in both current and past histori­ cal events; his experience also qualified him for a position as D ean o f Students.

S to ry by H ector Flores


he O ffice o f Student Affairs managed the daily happen­ ings o f the com m unity, with the intention o f upholding

a professional atm osphere. Consisting o f only five people, including M r. Kenneth D andorph, M r. Jam es C ollins, Ms. H elene Schneider, RN , Ms. Elizabeth D andorph, and Ms.

Cecilia C ollins, this “office” worked hard every day to manage fa­ cilities, record attendance, file health records, coordinate co-curricular activities, and organize transportation reim bursem ent. Like the doting parent o f a hom e, these people strove daily to resolve problems and facilitate the needs o f each and every Prep student. M r. Kenneth D andorph, A ssistant Principal o f Student Affairs, managed daily m aintenance o f the Prep com pound and handled dis­ cipline. M ore profoundly, M r. D andorph wanted “to get students to take ownership o f the com m unity and facility.” M r. Jam es Collins coordinated co-curricular activities, assigned lockers, and taught in the H istory D epartm ent. Ms. Helene Schneider, RN managed all student health records, in addition to caring for the occasional sick student. Ms. Elizabeth D andorph, in her 20th year working at Prep, managed the transportation reim bursem ent for the m any students who com ­ m uted to the school via mass transit. The people in the O ffice o f Student Affairs enjoyed their experi­ ence and felt that Prep was like a hom e away from hom e. M r. Kenneth D andorph elaborated: “Prep has been a second hom e by allowing me to be a part o f a com m unity o f great faculty and staff, students and parents. It’s just fun to be liere each day.” A nother face com fortable with her Prep surroundings was Ms. Cecilia C ollins. She single-hand­ edly ran the A ttendance O ffice, handling all the absences, tardiness, and disciplinary phone calls for the entire student body. “I see over nine-hundred boys alm ost every day and when I talk to people about them , I call them ‘m y boys.’ I am honored to wear a ‘Proud Prep Par­ ent’ sh irt,” smiled Ms. Collins.


onsulting her absentee sheet for the day, M s. C ecilia Collins glances at the list in an effort to help senior Thomas Ongeri out o f a JU G . Every year M s. Col­ lins processes thousands o f late slips when students opt to ap p eal to her instead o f M r. Kenneth Dandorph.

"X V /ith the onset o f each V r new day, M s. Helene Schneider, RN prepares to tend to the ailments o f the entire Prep community. Ms. Schneider speaks with Mr. Kellen W illiams, a coach o f the Freshman Football team, about the status o f a player on his team.

m nunC J

rganizing the reimbursement forms o f several stu­ dents, M s. Elizabeth Dandorph, Transportation Reimbursement Coordinator, processes a ll the requests from the countless students who commute from great distances each day. In addition, M s. Dandorph delivers a ll m ail to the Prep faculty, staff, and administration.


A Office o f Student Affairs [103

H o t p e n ja k e r s S to ry by R o b ert Abud and M arc Papp alardo


tudents cannot work on empty stomachs, and the cafeteria staff catered to the needs o f many a hungry student Preparation o f various dishes, as well as the calculation o f sales tapes proved a mere part o f the daily routine for the workers o f Prep’s exclusive eatery.

During the early hours long before students awoke each day, Prep cuisine was unpacked and cooked. From donuts, bagels, cookies, to breakfast sandwiches, the kitchen staff spent hours creating hearty treats to start a pupil’s day properly. “I’m serving and cooking food for my second children,” said kitchen aide Ms. Griselda Rodriguez. After second period, the staff served fries, mozzarella sticks, pizza, and chicken nuggets to students who wished to have a brief break in between classes. Courtesy o f Fr. James Keenan, SJ, an ice cream vending machine was added. During lunch periods, sandwiches were heated and served to those who wished to remain local for lunch. While the kitchen staff ladies were skilled at cooking meals, they equally showed skills at singing ‘90s Pop and R&B.

T^arly in the morning Ms. JL—t Linda Perez and M s. Dorca Parna prepare many different foods to be served in the cafeteria throughout the day. When asked how she felt about working at Prep, Ms. D eborah Hernandez exclaimed, "I love my job!" ' I he Prep C afeteria S ta ff JL includes M s. Debo­ rah Hernandez, Ms. Agnes Laudio, Ms. Linda Perez, M s. Dorca Parna, Ms. G riselda Rodriguez, Ms. Lucy Palmiero, and Ms. Karen Koepke.

Freshman Liam Colford commented, “The fries are so amazing, which is why I order them just about everyday. The lunch ladies are nice, too.” The dedication o f Prep’s chefs reflected in their kind personality and delicious menu as they created a unique family-table environment every day. Coming to this environment every day was made a pleasant experience with its sparkling halls and classrooms, in part because o f Prep’s biggest unsung heroes, the dedicated maintenance staff From the early morning to the late hours o f the night, these few good men worked tirelessly and arduously assuring that Prep felt as clean and tidy as possible for the coming day. From the locker room to Ms. Garcia’s “penthouse” to the science labs, the clean-up crew took pride in their daily routine. Under the management o f Assistant Principal Mr. Kenneth Dandorph their duties included not only guaranteeing a squeaky-clean, pristine school each and every day, but also ensuring the routine fixing and tweaking o f the broken or dilapidated. A constant presence in the school, one always found a member o f the maintenance staff around campus. The maintenance workers happily and efficiently performed their jobs. Workers, such as Mr. Hugo Elo, Mr. Demetrius Trowell, and Mr. Roopandar “K” Kowlessar not only cleaned up after the students but also formed bonds with them, stopping from their frantic schedule to joke around with and talk to many students. Together with the cafeteria staff, the mainte­ nance crew helped students feel comfortable in their home-like environment at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School each and every day.

TOP 5 H ie Top 5 Cafeteria Foods... French Fries served w ith fiestiness from M s. Agnes Laudio... Popcorn Chicken served w ith love from M s. G race R odriguez... M ozzarella Sticks served w ith heart from M s. D eborah H ernandez... Pizza Squares served w ith cheer from M s. Lucy Palm iero... Churros served w ith kindness from M s. Karen K oepke...

104 Cafeteria & M aintenance

A hungry students takes a fresh jLX cheesesteak from Ms. Agnes Laudio while Ms. Grace Rodriguez dishes out french fries and Ms. D eb orah Hernandez brings in more fresh food. Ms. Rodriguez felt that "I'm serving food to my second children."


he lunch-time frenzy around the cashiers, Ms. Karen Koepke and Ms. Sabrina Coleman, contin­ ues as several students pay for their meal. These patient ladies work effi­ ciently to make sure that transac­ tions occur as quickly as possible.


M ^ S lain tam ce

G o t

includes M r. Ricardo Tejada, M r. Carmelo

Stouter Afc Hug) E!o, M r. Roopandar "K" Kow lessai, M r. Jim !• jtyfr Enrique Sem m Acosta, M r. Lincoln Hmriquez, M r. Demetrius S to ry by M ark C avanagh and E oin Hatpin

M and Mr. Arvind Sawtu


lthough oft-overlooked, the Switchboard staff played a vital behind-the-scenes role in the com m unication and relaying of inform ation throughout the school. W hile some students may go their entire time without ever knowing o f its existence, the rd provided fundamental services for each and every o n s c ien tio u s ­ ly cleaning the white board in Mr. Dennis Hu's class­ room, Mr. Carmelo Ram irez helps keep the school spotless. Mr. Ram irez han­ dled much o f the cleaning throughout Hogan H all.


C JS la v c

member o f the Prep com m unity. Before the arrival o f any member o f the student body, each potential student’s application was passed through that small corner office with careful watch. Besides being the place where student drop o ff their Emmaus “materials,” the switchboard managed all incoming mail from the USPS and private carriers. This service provided the faculty, staff, and administration with an easy and efficient method for sending and receiving im portant classroom materials and documents, from special colored chalk to science lab equipment to report cards. M r. Francisco “Pyke” Roman and Ms. Marie Scrudato devoted m ost of their time and energy to help keep Prep informed and running smoothly. It is through them that mail was divided and distributed amongst teachers and telephone calls were directed to their proper recipients. W ithout these hard­ working people few daily operations could occur. Both Ms. Scrudato and M r. Roman have made Prep their second home for the past ten years. After learning about the school from a friend and Prep parent, Ms. Scrudato began her work here two years before her son, alumnus Salvator Scrudato, arrived as a freshman. She decided to stay long after her son moved on from Grand and W arren. M r. Roman, a retired accountant, was offered a position by a form er adm inistrator, Fr. Damien Halligan, SJ. He started on the Saturday shift almost ten years ago; when the role expanded into a full five day work schedule, M r. Roman felt proud and honored to take on an increased and im portant, albeit out o f sight, presence in the community.


s. M arie Scru­ dato answers a question asked o f some curious caller. In addition to sorting all the incoming mail and deliveries, Ms. Scru­ dato monitored the Switchboard door that served as the entrance to AA meetings held in the St. Peter's Church conference room.


pending much o f his time answer­ ing the phones and chatting with the passersby, M r. Pyke Roman presents his friendly face to any guest o f the school. M r. Roman's words o f advice to a ll Prep students: "You m ake your own future!"


7T 7fr. Demetrius J VJLTrowell reor­ ganizes a ll the desks in the Biology Lab for the next day's classes. Mr. Trowell alw ays made sure that Burke H all was adequately prepared for every school day.


potting a stray piece o f trash, Mr. Roopandar "K" Kowlessar cleans the College Placement office. Mr. Kowles­ sar and other mem­ bers o f the evening shift o f the M ainte­ nance and Clean-up sta ff worked until the late hours o f the night to maintain a clean and orderly atmosphere at Prep.

Switchboard 105

S to ry b y S tep h e n M cD erm ott


thletes o f Saint Peter’s Preparatory School ibrm a brotherhood among each o f their re­ spective teams. They spend long hours prac­ ticing together with peers o f different classes under the guidance o f coaches who push their teams to victories that have become fa­ miliar to the Prep community. Tim e spent together allows them to bond and to form a

community that helps them find their place among the team. Indeed, they have their own places to practice like the newly-dedicated James F. Keenan Memorial Field, named for the outgo­ ing president, the Gymnasium, the Wresding Room , the Weight Room, the Jersey City Armory, Saint Peter’s College, and even the streets that offer surprising beauty in the urban setting o f Jersey City. Each member o f an athletic team supports and encourages others to strive for the best and to continually improve. Perhaps it is this very brotherhood that leads Prep’s athletes to coundess titles each year. Each team forms a kind o f family. Team members create a brother­ hood that supports each other, strives to win, and, more importantly, unites to ensure that each member o f the team performs at his peak. Coaches serve as mentors to their athletes, and instill in them teamwork, good sportsmanship, and a drive to work to their potential. They rise above their call o f duty and help these impressionable youth to make de­ cisions for a future o f academics and athletics in a collegiate setting. More simply, coaches are there” for their athletes every step o f the way.

The variety o f sports offered at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School allows any student to compete in what ever activity suits his interests, ranging from traditional high school sports like football, wrestling, hockey, swim­ m m niCJ ming, to that o f the newly formed Fencing team, which further broad­ ened the assortment o f athletics available to meet the diverse interests o f an even more assorted group o f more than 900 students. In addition to the sports played after school, individual homerooms competed for glory during lunch-period Intramural basketball games managed by Mr. Brian McCabe and his student assistants. Some students took such pride in their homeroom teams that they created T-shirts displaying their num­ bers and unique team names. N ot only do teammates form their own community, a brotherhood o f men, but also fellow students, faculty, and staff gather as one to root for the hom e team, like an extended family reaching out to champion for the com m on good. The thousands that attended the championship game at Giants Stadium to support the Varsity Football team, who defeated D on Bosco Preparatory for a state tide, revealed camaraderie born o f a com­ m on home at Saint Peter’s. The fans unite to cheer for the M aroon and Silver, heading to Caven Point, the affectionately named “Bam,” Bayonne Ice Rink, or Lincoln Park to watch the Marauders compete to win. The communal support shines through, in part, because o f Marauder Nation, the club o f students that keeps everyone abreast o f Prep athletics and organizes theme nights to energize the crowd and make games, matches,

"he Jam es Jv Kee Memorial Field M arin Boulevard , Grand Street ha. many football, soccer,, lacrosse games. Sev( Prep teams, including Rugby and newlyadop Fencing teams, also p ticed on the field due to spacious and convent accommodations.


he checks i-Ramapo High Sd. opponent, seniorJoseph, allone steals the puckI Varsity Hockey team w on to win the match the Bayonne Ice Rink i a score o f 5-2.

events, and tournaments even more fun for the Prep community, and for outside spectators, to see in excitement and awe.

I t is a rew arding e x p e r i­ ence to be b o t h a coach and a t e a c h e r . I t a l ­ lo w ed me to i n t e r a c t with s t u d e n t s o u t s id e o f the c la s s r o o m . P re p a t h l e t e s a re d ed icated to t h e ir s p o r t s , which a c co u n ts f o r t h e i r immense s u c c e s s Mr. Dennis Hu Coach o f C ross Country & I n d o o r T ra c k Teams

Through b a s k e t b a l l , I ’ ve d e v e l o p e d many s t r o n g bonds w ith p e o p l e I w ou ld n ot have met o t h e r w i s e . Sophomore C h r i s t o p h e r McNulty JV B a s k e t b a l l Team h

r \

lQq A Place That Feels Like Home

/C \

Athletics [107

Championihip kickina S to r y b y Jo n a t h a n S c h irr ip a






everyone else was summer, y h d lie e everyone else w as enjoying e n io v ra their th e ir su m m e r, the th e Varsity V a ro n , SSoc­ cer team strapped on their cleats, worked for the new season, I

W i

and formed a lasting brotherhood. In August they stepped

onto theJames F. Keenan Memorial Field, and devoted count­

less hours o f practice to prove themselves as worthy contend­ ers. The players poured their heart and soul into each game and finished the season

as Hudson County Champions. The team dosed die season with a record of 15-14. Using the first two winning games as a catalyst, they quickly climbed the rankings, which boosted morale for the team Under the supervision of Head Coach Mr.John Irvine, the team toppled over teams like North Bergen and advanced farther in the county and state tournaments than in recent years. For other teams, the season ended in late October, but die Marauders were just warming up at that time On the minds o f players was the County and State Tourna­ ment In the back o f their thoughts they remembered that it had been five years since the last time the Varsity Marauders brought a County trophy back to Grand and W anen Playing Memorial would prove difficult for the team Earlier in the season,


‘T h e m ost excitin g p a rt o f the season fro m C oach M cC abe a n d w ent out in the second h a lf a n d go t a fo u r-g o a l streak to w in the C ounty C ham pionships.”

Senior Brian Fixter mmmCJ

Ha Said 'The best p a rt o f the season w as w hen we cam e out strong aga inst M em orial to beat them 4-1 in the C ounty C ham pionships.”

Junior Douglas Barone mmmCJ / O y

log Varsity Soccer

' j bh n g control o f the b a lla h ea ^ o ^ iv a ^ p p o n en ^ ^ en i^ 1 Brian Fixter prepares to launch the ball up the line. Fixter's explosive return to Prep soccer aided in the team's success.




at the last second. Entering the game against Memorial in the Semi-Finals, capb nior Christopher Barry encouraged his team and boosted their confidence. Wit hdp of senior William Griffin and goalie seniorJustin Hudacko, the defense pi impeccable throughout the season, but, more importantly, in the champioi game The team went home victorious, and advanced to die championship against Emerson High School at North Bergen’s Bruin Stadium The sky was blue and the air crisp as the Marauders took to the fidd. It was a tohead batde until halftime At the half; the score remained a deadlock at 00. C Mr. Bnan McCabe energized the boys for the final half Senior Theodore Yager gtored one goal and had one assist in the game, reminisced, “The speech at ha! I inspired us.” Within the first 90 seconds o f returning to the fidd, the team scorec goals and never looked back The final seconds ran out as the Marauders domir their opponents, 4-1. SeniorJason Thome provided two key assists that snliHifH as the MVP. Senior Barry expressed, ‘This victory truly was the most memo experience from this season kleels good to bring the tide back after five years.”

■ w as w hen w e g o t an inspirational speech


the Marauders fought against Memorial to the bitter end, but Memorial edged

/^ a p t a in sen ior C h r is to p h e r Barry slid e tackles his opponent to gain p o ssessio n o f th e ball, and aw ay from the g oal he defends. Barry h elp ed k eep the N ewark Academy offense from scoring.



h SCOREBOARD PREP 06 03 02 01

05 02

05 03 01 02 02 00

03 01

09 02 02

04 00


THEM Regis Pope John Union Catholic Notre Dame Emerson North Bergen Union Hill Dickinson Bayonne Hudson Catholic Newark Academy Memorial Ferris M arist Lincoln Franklin HCXAA 1st Round HCIAA Semi Finals N JSIAA 2nd Round HCIAA fin a ls

01 01

03 02

03 00

03 02 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 01

03 01

A tte m p tin g to jC x d e fe n d sen ior Justin Hudacko at the goal, senior W illiam G riffin an d junior P h illip O psasn ick m an eu ver arou n d their opponent while ju n ior G ian fran co W ilbeck ba ck s up his teammates. ntrolling the ball efore sending it


up to a wing, senior Jason Thorne slides q u ic k ly p a st h is oppon en t. Thorne helped lead the team to a 2-0 victory against Newark Academy.

â– Âť TARSn Y SOCCf.R t'KAM firs: Row: D oughs Barone, Raul . V Velasquez, M ichael Serzan, Jason Thome, p e l Salazar, W alter Stacey, Sonant Lam a, Anthony Dininno, Andrew Ceyasco,- Second Row. Gianfranco W ilbeck, Brian Fm er, Colin C allahan, W illiam G riffin, Christopher Barry, Theodore Yager, M artin Bowker, Justin Hudacko, Jacob K afka, M atthew Kaminski, D aniel Camargo, Brian Bannon; and Phillip Opsasnick.

A Place That Peels Like Home



>hman Bryan M cTiernan uses his h e a d to p a s ^ h ^ b a lh ^ at. M cTiernan helped his team defeat their Bayonne oppone


04 03 01 01 01 02

04 00 00 02 01

04 00 00

06 00

liding downfield with freshm an Benjamin Camargo at his side, freshman Ian Buzzio slinks closer to the West Orange g o a l. S op h om ore M ich ael S tefa n elli anxiously watches his teammates from afar.


h a rg in g p a st a rival p lay er w ho a ttem p ts to steal aw ay the ball,


sophom ord K eenan M cRae keeps the ball aw ay from his team's goal and shoots the ball up the sideline. HeyZeus


JU N IO R VARSITY SOCCER TEAM First Row: Anthony Kam eno, Ja ck Dolaghan,, M ark Doherty, John Doyle, D avid Sam hade, Patrick Egan, Benjamin Camargo, M ichael Chianca, Casey M cNam ara, Owen Sweeney; Second Row: Coach Brian M cCabe, G abriel G alella, M ichael Stefanelli, M ichael Kushnir, Juan Velasquez, Ian Buzzio, Thomas Cianci, Stephen Conley, Bryan M cTiernan, Keenan M cRae, Dylan M cM ahon, Ellington Arnold, and Coach Richard Katninski.


That Feels Uhe Home

New Providence Keamy West Orange Pope John Worth Bergen Notre Dame Memorial Bayonne Dickinson North Bergen West Orange Hudson Catholic Dickinson JV Tournament Bergen Catholic Franklin JV Semi Finals JV Tournament Finals

THEM 01 02 02

04 04 02

03 01 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 02 , 1 00

v w M

Kicking It f f o m e

S to ry by J o n a th a n S c h irr ip a

he season marked a year of passion and spirit for theJV Soccer team,

toiy over West Orange Other key triumphs occurred , during the County Champi-

Never gjving up, the team finished the season with a record of &-9-1,

onship against Bayonne and Dickinson, during which freshman McNamara pulled

pouring their hearts into every game Under the supervision of Coach

off two hat-tricks, or three points a piece during each game, adding 63 the 15 goals

Brian McCabe and Assistant Coach and youthful alumnus Richard

he shot during the season. The team progressed to the final South Hudson Junior

Kaminski, the team tirelessly and energetically worked to keep up with

Varsity Tournament, and counted on each member for support when they played

I intensifying Varsity squad. With the help o f many key players, including fresh

against Dickinson in the semifinals and advanced into the finals at North Bergen’s


in sweeper Stephen Conley, center forwards Ian Buzzio and Casey McNamara,

Bruin Stadium. The game, an exhilarating match from start to finish, brought out

|l sophomore defender Gabriel Galella, the team won many important games,

the best from die players o f both teams. Every time North Bergen gained possession

btain sophomores Douglas Freeman, Keenan McRae, and Michael Stefanelli also

of the ball, a Marauder stood nearby to squash his advances, making the 1-0 loss a

[cessfully united the team together. Although the team included the most fiesh-

difficult, yet worthy defeat for the squad.

in ever seen on the JV Soccer team, an astonishing 15 freshmen, the captains ;;

Freshman Buzzio noted, ‘W e played with a lot of heart and power and even

[anized the team early, focusing on the values of playing with good sportsmanship

though we lost die game, we still played well.” In making it to the championship

Hwith heart, acting tough and giving their best on the field at all times. I

round, theJV Soccer team achieved an important goal set early in the season. At the

with everyvictory or loss, the team learned from the experience and continued to

season’s conclusion, the future o f the Varsity and JV Soccer team appeared certain, es-

twstronger. Despite a few losses, the team captured several significant victories. The

pecially for goalie sophomore Douglas Freeman, who proved his ability throughout

j, over rivals Hudson Catholic proved particularly memorable, as did the 4-2 vie-

and earned a guaranteed position on the Varsity squad. T yeshm an Owen

Jl Sweeney follows h is W est O ran g e opponent stealthily, readying himself for when the player turns around. Sweeney and his team defeated West Orange w ith a score o f 4-2 in their firs t match-up, but lost to them 0-2 in a subsequent re-match.


He Said “M r. M cC abe w as a g rea t coach. We w ere a y o u n g team, b u t in a couple o f y ea rs w e’ll be better. We lost the C ounty C ham pionships, b ut it only m otivates us m ore to im prove in the fu t u r e .”

Freshman Owen Sweeney

He Said “The gam e w e p la y ed against B ergen C atholic w as m y fa v o rite o f the season. They w ere tough opponents a n d it w as a fig h t to the en d .”

Sophomore Douglas Freeman

f \ !•> ’ V T V i i maintains his calm as three, members Of the Bayonne opposition charge at him from a ll directions. I

r —


e anticipation o f his next move.

p .




1 1




Like Champion*

7m o S to ry by Daniel J u lia n


u? . . t > ne word describes the 2005 Virsity Football team m agnificent. From its in-

n p w m td n e e W ih a c t-ho

credibly undefeated season to its triumphant win over Don Bosco at Giants I

m I

■ Stadium, the team simply radiated impressive M ^

Opening the season strong, the team dominated long time rival Hudson Catholic as it began its annual Hudson County winning steak As the

season progressed, the team faced o ff against adversaries Bayonne and North Bergen, neither o f which could muster the ability to overcome the team’s spectacular handiwork Continuing in true Prep football fashion, not one team in Hudson County proved their ability to keep up with the mighty Marauders. In a Hudson County first; the team took its 6th consecutive Hudson County Championship title and captured its 9th straight victory giving the team a 54-game winning streak the longest in Hudson County history. The incredible season brought the team once again to the Group IV Parochial State Championship playofS. They handled the first round against Notre Dame with composure and diligence, winning by a convincing 49-14. Continuing into the semi-final round, the team prepped for Camden Catholic, walking away with a dose victory o f 21-14. After the playofS came and went, the team found itselfOnce again in Giants Stadium. Tensions ran high as Pnep prepared itself for a battle agsinst bitter rival Don

' I he Prep Varsity JL Football defense recon fig u res a fte r foilin g yet an other attem pt by Emerson to s c o r e. Ju n io r R av i P rad h an an g an d senior Andrew Booth loom over the opposin g offen siv e lin e a fte r m akin g another crucial stop fo r the team . Prep ultim ately d efea ted Emerson 21-6, WteketfAndy

He Said “I t w as a g rea t experien ce to pla y on the fie ld a t G iants Stadium .,.and to w in in fro n t o f such a la rge crow d w as ind escriba ble.”

Senior Henri DeFrance WickedAndy

He Said “The m ost m em orable experien ce w as bea ting C am den C atholic because we fin a lly go t the ‘m onkey o ff o u r backs.

Sophomore Willie Hill WichcdAndy

r j 'he venerable Varsity F ootballd efeijsep rep ares^ ^ h eon set o f the Notre Dame offense. Having had breakout seasons, outside linebackers juniors Joseph Valenti an d S h ariff H arris prepare to attack their opponents in the Quarterfinals match-up against 'The Fighting Irish." Prep defeated them 49-14.


112 Varsity Football




Bosco Prep. Reminiscent o f the legendary 1994 upset, the team entered the State Champfc I with all the media predicting an overwhelming victory for Don Bosco, a prediction a I dispelled by the squad’s multiple impressive plays, such as senior Andrew Booths dn I interception and 65-yard return with three minutes remaining in the game, a play that a the Marauders’ victory. Booth later reoeived MVP honors for that evening’s extraordinary c o f athleticism. True to form, the Varsity Football team boasted exceptional athletes, ranging from figs

to seniors, who worked together to achieve greatness. Led by senior captains Scott Banin, Rj „ Hussey, and Brandon O ’Keefe, and accompanied by allstar athletes like tailback junior Griffin, sophomore and junior quarterbacks Willie Hill and Shawn Boysen, and 0 i 3 ggside linebackers juniors William Thompson, Joseph Valenti, Steven Pankiewicz and J B e a c o n O ’Keefe, the group completed the season with a perfect 12-0 record and the #1 ( ifflfte aate ofjNewJersey according to the MSG Network As senior Brandon O ’Keefe ret, in his Awards Banquet speech, “I believe that our rope was the key ingredient for our unil success. The coaches engraved in our hearts a toughness and desire cap h lr o f vanquish opponent we faced. We had .one goal; the ring is the thing, and that we achieved”



rS C O R E B O A R D fe PREP | ■52

I 21 |,42 f 48 : 63 fe'39 I 12

1 47

I 55


i>22 K n

S ~


Hudson Catholic Emerson Ferris Lincoln Snyder Bayonne North Bergen Union Hill Dickinson Quarterfinals/Notre Dame Semi Finals/Camden Catholic Finals/Don Bosco Prep '

T ) locking the Emerson defense for teammate runningback junior Kee-ayre Griffin, senior Frank J L ) Saile clears a path for an easy touchdown. Saile played an extraordinary year for the M arauders, making many key tackles and adjusting smoothly to his new position as punter.

13 06 00 00 00 00 00 00

12 14 14 15

MVP: Andrew Booth


T )ursting onto the JL ) Giants Stadium fie ld on F rid a y , December 2, the Varsity M arauders enter the State Championship gfime agpinst rivals Don Bosco Prep with a hunger tobe#1. Withonlyafew minutes to spare, senior Andrew Booth made a crucial interception and touchdown that led the team to victory! TT/ r7tth the endzone V V in sight, junior Kee-ayre Griffin breaks through one last defender to score a touchdown against Emerson.




\ TARSFTY & JUNIOR VARSITY F O O T M l TEAM First Row Michael Ruzek, M att Conez, G m ih Gontilk Adam Que, Mack Do, Corlandp Gam, Roc® Cerami, Jcrm> m m . ChristopherFteheringon, AndrewArthur; Second Row; Matthew Raseh M m $ m DanielDeGoH&lio, OiadesM amck Benedict Gomilla, Anthony G im iobfc Liam tarty Brian Johnston, Frank Sale, Andrew Golucci, Joseph Rodrigpez, Tony Ottgri, F k td d m te; Third Row: SamuelDokus, A'b'chaelLang, St&mPaikiemcz, NoelBorgs, Loach Christopher Andreadis, Coach AnthonyJjxticduo, Coach CannineA'larim, Coadt RickxdFlans&i, Loach Paul Gordo, Coach Michael G m m , DanielJulian, Emerson. Hiumngp, Shw n B q m Christopher Zdlli; Fourth Row: Richard Brentm, Sean M om Anthony M acharm, Marie I f i Kecayre Griffin, Brandon O'Keefe, Richard Hussey, ScotiBaan, G fm Gomez Joseph Holder, Brian Farrell, Daniel Alfieri, Edward j g p p ( j l Row: Timothy Graham, Joseph Alvarez, Anthony Bruscm Fronds Aquh, Bryant Giffin, Ridiard Tadtaep, Dennis Figierva, LiantKdf, A }uk Graham,AnthonyAndreadis; SixthRow: Scott Caumagji, N idm shm tH Kevin Scherbo, Joseph Valenti, William \Thompson, Henri Defiance, Bbasan Haxhaj, Shariff Harm, Andrew Booth, Willie H0, Ravi Pradhmmg, andJoseph Hussey


A Place That Feels lik e Home

RECO R D T y e p 'O K F o o tb a ll o ffen se,


C la r ie s

Milm, M tmpts M fiake a fla y ajjsgitsi tlm jstm idahk West Orange defease. Despite their

b e s t e ffo rts ,

t h e S o p > h o m o re s ,fa $ t to t h e ir o p p o n e n t s w it h a

sco re o f(> 1 Z .


06 14 07 14

JUNIOR VARSITY Hudson Catholic Passaic Tech (Sophomore) West Orange (Sophomore) Lincoln North Bergen Barringer

PREP FRESHMAN 07 Hudson Catholic 40 Emerson 38 Ferris • 40 Lincoln 14 Bergen Tech. 14 >1F> 29 North Bergen g 21 Union Hill 41 Dickinson 08 Basking Ridge

T y e p a r in g to JL shut down rival opponent Lincoln once again, the Freshman offensive line, led by quarterback freshman Ju stin Perez, lin es up for the play. A form idable force, the offensive line proved to be an intregal part o f their winning season. h the practice o f p u m m elin g th e Jersey C ity p u blic school football circuit, the Freshman Football team engages Lincoln. They defeated Lincoln with a score o f 40-0.


Hansen T " j RESHMAN

FOOTBALL TEAM First Row: Paul Paternoster, N icholas

X. Suarez, Aiatthew Kaczmar, Joshua Alvarez, Andrea Binder, Rashon Burroughs,


A Place That Feels Like Home

Ricardo Cordero, D aniel Short, Jason M odi, Robert M cFarland; Second Row. Jose LaPiana, Courtney M ills, Kevin Stevenson, George Benavente, Salvatore Sautuccio, Sean M aly, Joseph Owens, M oses M artinez, Richard Hajduk, M alcolm Farrar, M ichael N adohty, Andrew Saa; Third Row: Dan Delaon, Coach Eric Olstowski, Coach Richard Hansen, Coach Edward Roselle, Coach Kellen W illiam , Coach John O'Donnell, Jam es Lugo, Jam es Gutch, Avery Sawyer, Fourth Row: M ichael Rodgers, Daniel Hattsen, N icholas Zimbardo, ChristopherA'leliado, Gregory Kohles, Bao Ngo, Christopher Cruz, Jo el Oquendo, Marcus Casares, Kevin Crawford, Paul M artino, M ark Siocha; Fifth Row: K halil W ilkes, Anthony Blake, David Terry, Alexander Yu, Andrew Mobus, Colin Edwards, N icholas Lucignano, Carlos Cortes, Daryl Green, Stephen ZotlL and Sean Pearson,

THEM 20 00 00

811111 TH EM

13 o j- S f s s ;:;

(XJ J 00

00 o e j


.l l i l l l

Champion* in Training J


S to ry by Daniel Ju lia n

'he JV Football team did its best to battle through a challenging yet,

Basking Ridge High School. Although the team faced difficulties here and (here,

ultimately, antidimactic season. The team, however, produced sev­

the players managed to remain united in the face o f what promised to be a chal­

eral players who showed promise o f a solid future for Prep football.

lenging season. Despite losing 7-13 to longtime rival Hudson Catholic in the

JV quarterbadc junior Nicholas Lalumia, running back sophomore

season opener, the team proved a brilliantly resilient group o f athletes, as they

Joseph Alvarez, and linebackers sophomore Anthony Giannobile

continued through the rest gf the season undefeated, ending with a solid 9-1 re­ B junior Danid DeCongelio each witnessed positive seasons as they did theirProgressing powerfully through the season, the freshmen squad never failed cord. hre to bolster enthusiasm and spirit among their fellow teammates, even when to make their presence known, as they continued in the tradition o f their Varsity lugua moved up to Varsity as the kicker after only a few underdassmen matches,

brothers by dominating the Hudson County league. Captain freshman Danid

ftories over Barringer and Diddnson highlighted the JV Football team’s other-

Hansen remarked, “We were all in this together, we worked through the summer

Lesluggish season, while dose heartbreaker match-ups against North Bergen and

and came together as. a team to overcome the opposition, we ended with a win­

lidson Catholic showed the team’s fortitude; despite losing against these rival

ning season, and that’s what counted in the end.”

ms, the squad played strong games against each opponent, only to lose m the

Such success intrinsically ties to the will, desire, and ability o f their coaches.

Ltch’s final moments. Although the JV Football team ended the season with a

Head Coach Mr. Edward Roselle, in addition to his assistants, ensured that the

[0rd of 3-3, several stars proved their starter qualities for future Varsity seasons.

team once again delivered a winning season. Beginning the intensity in their sum­

The Freshman Football team emerged yet again asj Hudson County powfiouse, conduding the season with a difficult, but rewarding game against rival

mer practices, these coaches constantly pushed their players to the limit, preparing them for both a difficult season and their promising future as varsity players.

T fflian tly battling v W est O range, th e JV F o o tb a ll squad wrestles their o p p o n en ts fo r a touchdown. Despite a loss to West Orange, the team managed a win against Lincoln in their next match-up. mmmCJ

He Said “T he best experien ce w as w hen I ha d the opportunity to play on the Varsity team. I w as p u t in situations that w ould lea d me to have a positive varsity season a n d to repeat our stint as state cham pions

Sophomore Joseph Holder mmmCJ

He Said

“T he m ost excitin g gam e the Freshm an team p la y ed w as against one o f our riv a l schools, Bayonne, because w e shut them out 1 4 -0 a n d d id n ’t allow them to ga in any y a rd s the w hole gam e.”

Freshman Gregory Kohles ("'topping Bayonne as the battle for a touchdown ensues, the i||freshm an Football defensive line, with the help o f outside linebacker freshman Kevin Crawford and tackle freshman Anthony Blake, defeats their rivals with a score o f 14-0*

mmmCJ / r\

Junior Varsity & Freshman Football H i

?itJt Ptace Running S to ry by lan M cTieraan

^ “ j^ ™ ^rainin g relentlessly from the extreme heat o f early summer until

proved victorious in the freshmen divisions o f all the meets in which theV! 1

the bitter end of-wintry November, the Cross Country team experi­

team competed. They earned first place in both the HCIAA Champioi I

enced success during the extreme fall season. Dedication and effort in the form o f tough daily workouts and the guidance o f Coach

and City Championship. Doyle praised his underclassmen teammates: “I fi I

Michael Burgess contributed largely to the team’s triumphs. The team placed first in both the Jersey City and South Hudson Champion­

them, and to see the success that came with their efforts.” The team domil I

with leadership from freshmen Joseph Livi and James Murduca, who both I

ships. W ith tough competition from the entire county, the running Marauders placed second in the HCIAA Championship and third in the Hudson County

a truly rare and notable mark o f promise Livi enthusiastically expressed* y

Track Coaches’ Association Championship by a mere two points.

most exciting event was winning the freshman race at the Jesuit Champion I

it exciting to watch the freshman race with such great intensity and fire w I

called upon to run with the Varsity team several times throughout the seast I

These achievements were made possible by front running junior Theodore

It was my last race o f the season, and I really wanted to finish the season I

Doyle and captain junior Thomas Fitzpatrick, both whom consistently placed

high note.” Freshman Taylor Bacques, a visiting student from New Orleans I

among the top runners in the county and received recognition with spots on


Varsity race before returning to Jesuit High School in October. |

the First Team All-County. A strong supporting cast o f runners, consisting o f

Additionally, the Marauders were guided by Assistant Coaches Paul L ]

sophomore Peter Drummond, junior Matthew Meehan, and captain senior Ian McTieman, played a key role in the team’s victories.

conditioned with the team on a daily basis. The dedication o f all the memlx I

and Billy Bludgus, who not only helped coach the team, but also worked ou! I

Another hallmark o f the program was the incredible Freshman team, which

fin is h in g

the team, who always strived for the best, produced many achievements.

th eir

JL la st la p a t the Cross Country meet h e ld in L in c o ln P a r k , fr es h m e n Jam es M urduca and Andrew M ernar tap their reserved energy to fin ish th e race in first an d second place, respectively.

He Said “T his y e a r’s team w as probably the m ost unified, in the p a st fo u r y ea rs. Som eone observing the practices co u ld see the tight b ond that existed w ithin the team .”

Senior Casey Antczak mmmCJ

He Said “I really liked a ll o f the Cross C ountry meets. They w ere a ll a lot o f fu n a n d a grea t tim e, y e t still tough. I really am looking fo rw a rd to n ext y e a r.”

Freshman Andrew Mernar mmmCJ

T~bllowed by junior Dennis Brown, a th recv ea rm em b ero f

J . the Cross Country team, sophomore Peter Drummond races


Cross Country

,oward the finish tine during a Saturday meet in Bayonne.



m eet

pla c em en t

A t Hudson County Park in Bayom J l x junior M ichael Rogers and senior Ian M cTiernan, runs across the park and manage a second place win at the HCIAA Championship. Runners must endure a several mile course that takes them up hills and on narrow paths throughout the entire park.

10th Place-JV 2nd Place-F 10th Place-V Stewart CTC M e e t 3rd Place-F 6th Place-V : vfcQuiad In v itatio n al M e e t 7th Place-F shore C o ach es In v itatio n al M e e t 2nd Place-V ||3CIAA C h am p ionship 1st Place-F 1st Place-V J 25ty Cham pionship 1st Place-F 1st Place-V South H udson C h am p io n sh ip 3rd Place-V 3CTCA C h am pionship 1st Place-F 11th Place-V j12TC C ham pionship 3rd Place-F 10th Place-V ,$ i§ IA A C h am pionship 7th Place-V J esuil;,Cham pionship 5th Place-F i'IJC T C M e e t


p i l o t i n g th e JL exam ple o f the gun that just went o f f the Freshm en Cross Country Team, including freshm en Lucas Netchert, Liam C o Ifo rd , R ich ard O 'C onnor, Ja m es M urduca, and M ark Z aleski, leap from the starting line at Lincoln Park. A few m inutes la ter, the freshm en captu red the first place title. M o v in g w ith J V JL carefu l an d ca lc u la ted u se o f energy, sophom ore Edward Rose moves p a st his team m ate senior Bryan Bini. Runners like Rose and Bini learned early that endurance matters for success in a meet.

/ —'ROSS COUNTRY TEAM First Row: Peter Drummond, K ^ iL iam C olford, C harles H ood, Andrew M ernar, R ichard C^Connor, M ark Z aleski, Jam es Murduca, Lucas Netchert, John Naughton, Second Row: Theodore Doyle, Taylot Bactfues, Edward Rose, Dennis Brovin, Henderson Cole, D aniel Tomassi; Third Row: Coach Dennis H u,M atthew M eehan, Coach Paul Laracy, Richard M yrlak, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Bryan Bini, and Casey Antczak.

R EC O R D 09-14-00

enior Kirn bell Araya guards his Emerson opponent, while junior Jonathan Georges prepares to block any possible shots or passes. Despite such strong defense, they lost to Emerson 45-55.


SCOREBOARD PREP 53 52 64 55 35 45 46 51 56 46 51 87 41 37 44 45 60 55 57 60 56 64 50


'uniorJoseph Valenti and senior Michael H aas jump for the tipoff against Hudson Gttltolic, while senior Michael Gorman backs up his teammates. As small forward, Valenti led kis team in several victories because o f his strength for shooting. printing down the


court to score a basket, senior John O pel maneuvers past his Emerson opponents while seniors Kirubell A raya and M ichael H aas swiftly follow him down the court.


\ T BASKETBALL TEAM First Row: John Ockay, V Jonathan Georges, M ichael Gorman, Jam es Doolan; Second Row: M ichael H aas, Wayne Gravesande, Joseph Valenti, Kevin Dougherty, K irubell Araya, and Peter Hoffman.

118 A Place That Feels Like Home

Saint Mary's Saint Aloysius Wardlaw-Hartridge Rahway Westfield Emerson Dickinson Roselle Catholic Ferris North Bergen Hudson Catholic Marist Hudson Catholic Union Hill Snyder Lincoln. Memorial Immaculata Bayonne North Bergen Perris Emerson Dickinson


Houia ot Hoops ^


^ ^ ie n the Varsity Basketball team won four straight games at M the beginning o f the season, fens had hopes o f a wildly suc-




S to ry by D avid M uir M

a worthy opponent ranked 20th in the state, however, did help boost the team’s confidence, albeit temporarily.

oessfal season. Under the guidance o f Mr. George Alvarez,

Captain seniors Kevin Dougherty, John Opel, and Joseph Vayas nonethe­


the team managed a final finish o f 9-14. Although the team

less remained optimistic despite several losses and helped sustain the spirit o f the


did not live up to the high expectations they held at the sea-

harmonious team that included starting seniors guard John Opel, shooting guard

L beginning, the squad knocked off many formidable, state-ranked opponents

Michael Gorman, and power forward Alan Bantom, and juniors small forward Joseph Valenti and center Jonathan Georges. “We had a lot o f great times over the

I y

[proved to themselves that they could play with the best of them and prevail, [he Varsity team early on competed in the annual Rahway Christmas Touma-

past few years and although we had some rough times, we always had each other s

It, narrowly defeating Rahway, the rival team ranked ninth in the state, with

backs and never once gave up. I had the utmost respect for all o f my teammates,”

|_53 score. Junior Sonam Lama recalled the singular defining moment during

reflected senior Gorman. Camaraderie and brotherhood defined the Varsity Bas­

season for the Varsity Basketball team: “It was remarkable when we came back.

ketball team; regardless o f the ups-and-downs faced by the brotherly crew, the

li a nine point deficit going into the half to beat Rahway because of seniorJack

strength and chemistry o f their friendships on and off the court made for a truly

tl’s bank shot at the buzzer. It was such an exhilarating feeling when we real-

winning season. “Prep Basketball heads into new directions as a new coach joins

I we had just defeated a state ranked team.” Unfortunately, the team could not

the rich history o f the program,” noted senior Dougherty. “The program fully

tin the magic witnessed during these early successes, and endured a four-game

expects great accomplishments in the future and will once again establish itself as

hg streak that sent the team into a slump. A late victory against Immaculata,

a powerhouse,” he continued with a hint o f optimism.

S^H osely guarded V > £ y his Hudson C atholic opponent, p oin t gu ard senior Jo h n O p el driv es p ast an d scores, as his teammates seniors Jo sep h V ayas an d M ichael Haas watch close by. O pel helped the Varsity team defeat the Hawks in a narrow victory of 5'I-49HeyZeus

He Said

‘T he most exciting moment had to be when Jack Opel bit a buzzer beater against M cDonald’s All-American E arl Clarke from Rahway H igh School Even though the season didn’t go the way we planned afterwards, that victory made us feel like we could play anyone and be successful’’

Senior Michael Gorman HeyZeus

He Said ‘T h e m ost excitin g p a rt w as f o r o u r team to step up aga inst ranked team s like R ahw ay a n d Im m aculata a n d beat them together. People doubted w e could w in, but together w e p ro v ed them w rong."

Senior Michael Haas HeyZeus

_ I


C 'hooting for three paints, senior M ichael G om an aims for C )th e h o p while his Emerson defenders prepare to block it. S e n io r s Jo s e p h V a y a s a n d P e te r H c f fm a n s t a n d h o p e fu l o f t h e n

g teammate's attempt to score for the team.

B a s k e t b a ll



l is l *—

Datnuatd Baikatbatt ^

f i e n f o u n d i n fmeshadowoftheever-popular f i e s h a d o w o f t h e e v e r - D O D u l a Varsity r V a r s i t vBasketball! R a ^ p fh a ll ftenfoundin team, the JV Basketball team gained recognition and momen-



■ turn through its hard work and impressive 15-5 record. Key M

home victories against nvals North Bergen, Hudson Catholic, and Bayonne established the squad as an up-and-coming pow­ erhouse in future Hudson County matches and boosted confidence that helped them pummel local opponents like Marist, Snyder, Ferris, and Emerson. A 4644 victory against Dickinson in the season’s last game solidified what


« « .« * .. i _ _ lives off the «court, as reasons that each and every player, including sopho

Eric Cirino and freshman Khalil Wilkes, effectively brought their best gam< each faceoff Coach Robert Bruckner’s inspiring timeout talks also contril to a team determined to win in the face o f challenge. Though not as strong as their upperclassman counterparts, the Fresl Basketball team gained recognition for several key victories against rival oppo Headed by starters freshmen point guard Matthew Otis, shooting guard Ar Saa, small forward Carlos Cortes, power forward Gregory Kohles, and

already had proven to be an extraordinarily promising season for the rising stars

Julen Abio, the Freshman team ended the season with a 6-8 record, but,

who had earned a County Championship title the previous year. “The team really came together at the end o f the season and we put forth our best effort in the

importantly, left the court with experience and keywins against Dickinson,! gind Snyder, and most importantly, rivals Hudson Catholic “We beat Hr

comeback triumph over Dickinson, a team who had ousted us earlier in the year,”

Catholic by 30 points and it felt great,” exclaimed freshman Kohles! He attri the squad’sjruccesses to a strong group dynamic, despite the short time th

noted sophomore point guard Christopher McNulty. Led by starters sophomores McNulty, shooting guard Joseph Holder, small forward Christopher Robinson, power forward Nicholas Rabiecki, and center Miles McCann, the JV Basketball

worked together as a harmonious group, offering that “we played hard a team and never gave up.” W ith confidence built from the team’s

team offered its solid chemistry, and even stronger friendships dominating their

season, the squad looked ahead to a future they felt prepared to face.

Tit an attem pt to

JLprevent a basket, point guard sophomore Christopher McNulty guards h is H udson C ath olic oppon en t w hile trying to cut hint o ff from the rest o f his team. TheJV team d efated the H aw ks with a score o f4543. C hub b s

He Said “T he m ost m em orable experien ce o f the season w as w hen w e heat H ud so n C atholic because it w as the m ost anticipated gam e o f the season.”

Freshman Kevin Byram

He Said

“T he m ost m em orable experien ce w as w hen w e go t o u r firs t hom e w in, w hich w as aga inst D ickinson. This gam e chan ged the rest o f the season, since w e then started to p la y m ore like a team .”

Freshman Eric Holt A fe t maneuvering through the defensCpom tgtm rd freshman M ~iM atthew Otis breaks from his Hudson Catholic opponent and prepares to set up for a shot with assistance from his teammates. The Freshman team went on to defeat Hudson Catholic 55-24.

12C Junior Varsity & Freshman Basketball

CORD l&OQ JV 41-00 F



58 Saint Mary’s ! 66 ' Saint Aloysius j 4 4 John F. Kennedy 31 ’ Scotch Plains 63 Emerson 46 f. Dickinson 53 items 53 North Bergen 45 Hudson Catholic 61 KMarist 44 Union Hill j 42 Snyder 51 SifLincoln 4#, Memorial


imaculata iyonne


FRESHMAN THEM 34 19 39 51 42 49 35 52 43 54 41 28 37 51 49 51 6 6

PREP 47 48 58 49 39 55 49 51 58 38 53 55 57 35 54 40 51

Saint Anthony’s Emerson Dickinson Ferris North Bergen Hudson Catholic Marist Union Hill Snyder Lincoln Memorial Immaculata Bayonne North Bergen Ferris Dickinson Emerson



efending the ball aw ay from the basket, power forward freshman Gregory Kohles prepares to steal the ball. Freshmen John Hederman mid M ichael Nadotny move in to block any possible assists.

64 58 50 45 50 24 42


40 48 54 67 63 52 29 43 61

42 35 44 C hubbs

ook in g fo r an open teammate as several North Bergen opponents move in for the block, center sop h o m o re M iles M cCann throws to his right, hoping the toss finds his teammate. The JV B asketball team managed a win against North Bergen with a score o f 53-52.


TUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM Krst Row: Dillon J Ceglio, Andrew McGlytm, Thomas McMahnn, Justin Bdlini; Second Row: Ryan Sclterba, Coach Robert Bruckner, Daniel Henness\', Jacob Blicharz, Christopher McNulty, Nicholas Rabieckt; Third Row: Robert Coloney, Daron Moore, Joseph Holder, Miles McCann, Khalil Wilkes, Christopher Robinson, and Joseph Boucher.

TMESHMAN BASKETBALLTEAM first Row: James Gutch, JL*Enc&glt, M ichael Griffin, Matthew Otis, Gregory Romano, M ichaelNadofoy, Andrew Saa; Second Row: Coach William Ryan, Gregory Kohles, j t e f e Cortes, Wesley Davis, Harrison Morgan, Julen Abio, Kevin Byram, m d John Hederman.

A Place That Feels Like Home

RECORD 10-08-04 V 05-07-01 JV A

n x iom l9 m i f i ^ p r th e referee to d -o p th e,p u tts, ju n ii)fM a tes ( X fM m ll fiu e s a ff w ith T St


x X B is h o p E u stace P rep /o p f/m w t, ^ u b ^ t 0 m m ] < ^ § f y f0 k Y i M t s t h e i^ i, A M ' & s A '


tte iti stru g g led a g a in st th eir C f/p otim t, h s ttig th e m atch to B ish op E u stace P rep

02 08 03 06 02 04 00

07 03 02 01 02 01 05 02

05 04 01 01


THEM 01 JUNIOR Saint John Vianney 04 VARSITY Xaverian 00 PREP T H ii Bergen Catholic 00 06 Paramus High School Archbishop Stepinac 01 06 Pequannock Fordham Prep 00 01 Don Bosco Prep Monsignor Farrell 00 03 Delbarton Christian Brothers Academy 01 02 Seton Hall Prep Red Bank Catholic 03 , Xmas Tournament Saint John Vianney V 9 f :i 04 Christian Brothers Pope John 02 07 Seton Hall Prep Don Bosco Prep 1111 00 Bishop Eustace Prep Bishop Eustace: Prep 05 03- Seton Hall Prep Christian Brothers Academy 0 1 ' 02 Dumont High School Ramapo High School 02 02 Bergen Catholic < Delbarton 0 ? . 01 Bergen Catholic Bergen Catholic 01 OS Paramus High Sch oc^§§! Don Bosco Prep Pope John Delbarton S e to n H all P re p

09 W . W in d s o r P la in s b o ro N o rth 00 D 11! B u s t O p H ’p CJSlave

JT ) uniting through JL \ ju n io r K evin Capodice to grab the puck that just slipped through h is leg s, the R am apo H igh School offense looks to steal the play while sophom ores Bryan Robinson and Terrence O'Neillanticipate their next move. D espite a ch allen g e from their opponents, the Varsity team defeated Ramapo 5-2.


TUNlUK VAKSIIY HOCKEY TEAM First Row: Steptten Conley, John Doyle, W illiam Fong, Coach D aniel LoBue, Coach Damien Arnone, Richard Morris,ort, Brian Dyey Peter Paulsen; Second Row: Stephen Gardner, John M urphy, Robert Avallone, Gary Rokoszak, Patrick M cG rath, John M anley, Brendan White, N icholas Lucignano, and Gary Apito.


122 A Place That Feels Like Home

' \ 7 ^ S T ^ ^ O ^ ^ ^ ^ A n r ^ i^ ^ ^ j v r ^ t e p h e n mC on ky,

V Kevin Fox; Second Row: Timothy Miller, M ichael M affei, Coach D aniel LoBue, Justin Hudacko, Coach Joseph Alaione, William Naughton, Coach Damien Arnone, Lance Aligo, Joseph Ballance; Third Row: Bryan Robinson, M atthew Runcirnan, Richard Musso, Jam es O'Donnell, Douglas SanGiacomo, Brian Purcell, Frederick Padre, Timothy Aintnendola, Kevin Capodice, Kyle Palmieri, Joseph Avalhne, Lorenzo Dellutri, and Terrence O'Neill.

fit 00


I cq *fcctingj Story by C .J . K opec and A lb ert Vecellio

shakily, but rebounded quickly with a fivegame winning streak that

top teams in the state In a game that secured their place in the playofis, the Maraud­ ers were down 2-1 in the third period only to come back and upset Eton Bosco Prep,

heightened the team’s confidence. Facing off against such rivals as

4-2. Unfortunately, the Varsity squad later lost to Eton Bosco 2-0 in the Gordon Cup

Eton Bosco Prep, Seton Hall Prep, Delbarton and Bergen Catholic,

Quarter Finals, but this defeat did not stop them from participating in the NJSIAA

the skating Marauders faced a tough schedule yet managed to end the

State Tournament Senior Hudacko stated that “even when we were down late, we

L a with a respectable 10-74 record, a #7 state ranking, and a #5 ranking in the

never quit. .we always fought until the end,” a testament to the will and persistence of

bon Conference. The young team, claiming only four senior players, used strong

a team that carried them through die season to victory upon victory.

Hockey entered its sophomore year in the Gordon Conference

TheJV Hockey team, although hardworking and persistent, could not capture the

Lse gnd goaltending to pull off many o f its successes during the season [(Captain seniors Justin Hudacko, William Naughton, and Thomas El’Alessio led

same success as the Varsity players, finishing their season with a 5-7-1 record. Captain

|team with experience and ability, senior Hudadco boasted four years of Varsity

defender sophomore Gregory Morrissey led the team with the assistance o f key play­

key. The season opened with a game that set the mood for the entire season; taseful, explosive; and most o f all, extiting. Seton Hall Prep, who themsdves fi||

ers like sophomore left wingJoseph Ballance and junior right wing Sean McFarland in offense, freshman Stephen Gardner and sophomore Brian E)ye in defense, and

td with only one loss in their entire season and remains known as one of the most

freshman Stephen Conley in goaL Etespite a lessthan-perfect record, the JV squad


in the state to defeat, faced off against Prep in a rollercoaster o f agame

enjoyed their double success against rival Seton Hall Prep, considering that Seton

L gnHprl in a tie of 1-1. Although the only other opportunity to play these bitter

Hall consistently ranked at the top o f the state. Even though the team benefited from

L fa0ed cancellation due to weather, the team made up lor any lost exdtetnent in

strong chemistry and work ethic; sophomore Etye summarized, “We had a good

I games against Eton Bosco Prep, a school whose hockey team ranks among the

year, we played in a lot o f dose games, but things just did not go our way.”

A fter defen ding. jLX jm iO r Kevin Fox in the g oal defender s e n io r W illia m H ailg ltt 011 follow s forw ard sophom ore ; Tim othy /v liller as he races toward the opposite side o f the rink to score for the ■Varsity Hockey team. mmmCJ

He Said “One o f the m ost excitin g parts o f the season w as bea ting D on Bosco 4-2. We w ere losing go in g into the th ird period, b u t cam e back to m ake the w in.”

Freshman Brian Purcell

He Said “In a reb u ild in g season w ith m any new fa ces, beating D on Bosco 4 -2 to clinch a spot in the G ordon Playoffs w as w hat I considered to be the most m em orable m om ent o f the season.

Senior Joseph Avallone <^a f 0(l‘ce


IX a tu l sophomore Bryan Robinson swing their sticks to have a hand in the play against Ram apo High School while senior

ifi Thomas D'AlessiCi aw aits the next move. ■



Varsity & Junior Varsity Ice Hockey


Duetting Ptacai S to ry by Jo h n Rodino

"" '■I Tj -


years passed passed since since the the MarauderHast official bout bout, but **1 orty orty years MarauderSast official but Prep Preo finally finally assembled a Fencing team to prepare for its long-awaited season. The

mured m in frn poured from all over northern New Jersey, appearing confident and welkrairl

tram, consisting almost entirely of fencers with no more than a year’s ex­

results of 10th place for epee and saber, and 9th place for foil, the team demonsttal its determination, and refused to fail without trying Coach Abdelaziz comment!

perience, demonstrated surprising skill against opponents. Coach Abdelwahab Abdelaziz worked with die team to fine-tune their capabilities. Fencing consists of three different weapons complete with their own rules. Foil, die most common weapon, is a thin flexible sword, and a fencer scores points, called touches, if the point touches the torso. Thicker and less flexible than foil, epee scores a touch when the point hits any part of an opponents body. Saber, a slighdy curved blade, scores a touch when a fencer slashes his opponent on die top halfofhis body. Teammates divided into one o f these three weapon classes, and began learning the proper skills to prepare for their first seasoa On February 4th « was at long last Prep’s time to establish themselves at the team s first match in over forty years, at die Division Championships at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ. An enormous event, the school filled with eager fencers, many of whom held national rankings. Huge groups of 50 or more fencers

T )'actkin g in the

JL Grammar School auditorium , seniors M ichael J . Sweeney and C had Kuchatski position them selves "on guard." M any colleges look favorably upon students who show skill in fencing.

He Said “The best experien ce w as go in g all-out aggressive in my fe n c in g bouts, a n d fin a lly beating Ja v ie r in one bout. A lso, those no-m ercy excercises that the ‘d rill sergea nt’ g a v e us w ere m em orable

Senior Andrew Zhu

He Said

“The most exciting match o f the season was the Division Championships. A s my first league tournament ever, I really got to understand the extent o f one and the level o f playing o f other N J fencers. I lost 9 out o f 11 matches, but it definitely was a learning experience.”

Junior John Rodino T ungingm his opponentpartwrduring practice, senior Andrew Zhu X - /attempts to score a touch on senior Steven IglesiaS'Figueras, who A

124 Fencing

parries his attack. The team held practice twice per week and consisted o f basic endurance training followed by proper weapon use.

to Prep’s novice team. Yet the team did not falter at the event’s scale Despite I

‘Team performance in Districts was outstanding; as the first fencing toumanJ

ever for most of the team members, they did a great job. Although in last place in 1

epee and saber categories, and second-to-last in the foil competition, the entire gnJ had an outstanding performance by winning seven bouts in sabre, and six bouts! epee and foil. Everyone did a great job!” In addition to participating in the Distnct Championship, the Fencing team


^ eco n d match against St Benedict’s Prep in Newark, NJ. Even though they fe,

i k Marauders never P ® UP fighting for every point and individual victa Despite their initial year setbacks, the Fencing team felt determined for fiiture s cess. T h e team’s|reatest challenge is to find a space between the other fencing tea that have been fencing ui NewJersey for several years. Our team shows great poten in that path; next year, I expat better progress,” said Coach Abdelaziz.


unging at his practice partner senior M ichael J. Sweeney, epeeist senior C had Kucharski attempts a head attack on Sweeney during an after-school practice.

Tumor Liam Farley prepares to lunge at his opponent's side at the New Jersey Fencing Tournament, J and in doing so Farley's opponent parries his attack. Despite his best efforts, Farley only won one match at the tournament, but learned a great deal about fencing and sportsmanship.


bservationsabout an oppon en t make a difference as junior John Rodino learns while cautiously approaching the rival to avoid his blade. As his opponent is left-handed, Rodino must closely guard his right side W fe r m in g up W before his match a t the N ew Jersey Fencing Tournament, junior Josh u a Tosi practices with the air. In his second year o f fencing Tosi brought knowledge and skill to each o f his matches.

â– p ENONGTEAM ÂŤ s t Jam es lu g ), U am Farlefi SecondRow: JtVi'W. Pappdarac, Am irov Zim, Ja jier Vasques, C m ckM M w M ) A bdelttzkf Sleven Iglcsia&Rgpems, Joshua Tosi) and M ichaelJ. Sweeney.

A Place That Feels Like Home


heered on by junior Theodore Doyle, junior Thomas Fitzpatrick races toward his teammate to pass on the baton in the 4*4600-meter relay at the County Relays. The cheering by Doyle and other runners helped the relay team win 2nd place in the event.

SCORSBOAED Leon Bailey Relays, 12-16-05 4x3200 Meter Relay


Passarelli Relays, 12-19-05 Sprint M edley Relay Frosh Mile-J.Murduca

1st 1 st

3rd 1st

County Relays, 1-19-06 Distance M edley R elay 4x800 M eter R elay 4x1600 M eter Relay 4x3200 M eter Relay Sprint M edley Relay Frosh Distance M edley R elay

County Relay Champions

'eshm an Ja m es M urduca races past the two leading runners to hand-offhis baton at the County R elays. M urduca's strong perform ance helped lead the team to win the County Relay Championship.



printing towards the finish in the4x3200 meter in the County Relays, junior Theodore Doyle takes home the 1st place prize for ms team. Doyle won numerous 1st place medals in both the 1600-meter and 3200meter runs and relays.

T NDOORTRACKTEAM XJohn Uaneza,JamesMurduca; Second Row. Steven Rizzo, M ark Zaleski, Ryan Gelchion, M ikael Borneo, Peter Drummond, Liam Cotford, Daniel Tomassi, ChristopherFiume; Third Row: Benjamin Brenneis, CaseyAntczak, EdwardRose, RichardMyrlak, Brian Bannon, Michael Garrigfin, Theodore Doyle, Charles Hood, Dylan McMahon, and Joseph Livi

126 Indoor Track

HCIAA Championship, 1-31-06 800 Meter Run-I.McTieman 1600 Meter Run-T.Doyle 3200 M eter Run-T.Doyle High Jump-M.Bennett 4x1600 Meter Relay

1 st 1st ijfl 3^ 2nd

fi ji j I


HCIAA County Champions

Bill Reid Invitational, 1-13-06 3200 Meter Run-T.Doyle 800 M eter Run-I.McTieman


1s t 3rd 2nd 1s t 1 st 3rd

Frosh/Soph C TC Championship, 2-5 Frosh 1600 M eter Run-J M-arduoa 1st ;

HCTCA Championship, 2-8-06 3200 M eter Run'T'.Doyle 1600 M eter RuhrT.Doyle 800 M eter Run-IM cTiem an SophSOO M eter Run-B.Toraassi Frosh 1600 M eter Run-J.Muxduea

ig* 1st; 1 st 1st 1 st

Frosh 800 M aterRun^J.Murduca


i j


Running It Home ^

S to ry by C J . Kopec and David Muir

ollowing the success of a winning team last year, the Indoor Track team

Fitzpatrick, who admired the success of his talented teammates. In fact, much o f the

had great expectations for an amazing season. Guided by cocaptains

team’s achievement relied on strong friendships among each other, when peers ran

seniors Richard Myrlak (400m) and John Llaneza (200rr/400m ), and

in individual events, teammates frequently;,lined the track to cheer for their friends.

with the assistance o f Mr. Michael Burgess and Mr. Dennis Hu, the In­

Despite losing a number of runners: last season due to college, the team seemed

door Track team achieved countless successes at numerous countywide

determined to achieve the same success with an overall less experienced group o f run­

piK, including 16 first place wins that surpassed all expectations.

ners. Runners like senior McTiernan and junior Doyle led younger teammates with

The team performed well in part because of the immense contributions from

their knowledge, and the younger players, like freshman Murduca and sophomore

fented players like juniors Thomas Fitzpatrick (1600rry'3200m) and Michael Gar-

Daniel Tomassi, rose to the occasion. Through daily running and endurance train­

Ln (800m), and sophomore Peter Drummond (1600rry'3200m), but the three

ing, the lndoor Track team became fierce competitors, competing in the HCIAA

jfidout runners who led the team to new heights included senior Ian McTiernan

and HCTCA Championship and placing first and second place, respectively. In

pOm), junior Theodore Doyle (1600ny'3200m), and freshman James Murduca

addition, the Marauders took home first place at both the City and County Relays.

p0nyl600m). Junior Doyle and freshman Murduca each took home four indt-

Additionally, several runners scored first place medals at the Bill Reid Invitational

Hual first place medals, while senior McTiernan followed with three first place med-

and the FreshmarySophomore^CTC Championships, which continued to feed the

k at the same time, these three standouts helped their teamma^s score countless

confidence of an extraordinarily successful group of runners. With a growing num­

her medals in group events. “The performance o f junior Tod Doyle running down

ber of experienced runners, the team hoped also to capture a first place win in the

b stretch at each meet was the highlight o f the season for me,” explained junior

HCTCA Championship in upcoming years.

T Ju n n m g to a J\ .S r d place finish in the 4x800-m eter relay at the County Relays, junior M ichael Gcvrigan prepares to pass on his baton to his teammate who follows him. Sophomore Steven Rizzo cheers for his teammate and friend as he passes him by at the Jersey City Armory.

He Said “M y m ost m em orable experien ce cam e d u rin g the H .C .IA .A . R elays. We fin ish ed the m eet in firs t, a n d know ing that I contributed to the team ’s victory w as an am azing fe e lin g ."

Senior Ryan Gelchion mmmCJ

He Said “M y m ost m em orable experien ce fro m this season w as w hen w e w on the C ounty C ham pionship R elay because it w as such a trem endous team effort.”

Freshman Jam es Murduca T )ushing past his opponent in the Freshman Distance M edley R elay, freshman Bryan M cTiernan sprints toward the checkpoint as sophomore Peter Drummond cheers for his teammate. As he is quite tall for his age, McTiernan has an advantage over many o f his opponents, which helped his team take 3rd place.


■l l p i l I

| |

A Place That Feels Uke Home |12


cab Like

S to r y b y M arc P ap palardo

JL I ^ #


lthough the team faced many obstacles throughout the season, the

against rivals Hudson CathSc, Clifton, and Kearny, and the group also o o r j

Varsity Wrestling scjuad managed several adiievements. Captains se-

in the Colt Classic; Mustang Classic, and Aviator Classic Tournaments, giving

niors Henri DeFrance (1601b) and Kevin Sankat (1251b) proved a

greater exposure. The group had high expectations for future years, and fdt

formidably force on the mats. Along with junior Victor Stanziale

in their resilience and ability to come back after losses; coupled with determiru

^ ^ (1 4 5 lb ) and sophomorejohn Donaleski (1301b), the four teammates

perseverance, and high value for hard work, the VarsityWrestling team stood p

earned individual District Champion titles, truly die Varsity Wrestling team’s crown­

for future successes. 'We all worked hard and next year the hard work should p;

ing achievement after a disappointing season List year. “It hasn’t been done in years,”

when we have a Varsity lineup stadced with seniors,” noted junior Griswold.

said junior Stanziale In addition, senior Sankat and junior Stanziale competed in

The JV Wrestling team, led by sophomores Ryan Dowd (1031b) and J

Regional Championships, placing third and fourth, respectively, and Sankat’s mat skills brought him to compete at the State Tournament in Atlantic City.

Pilger (1891b), and freshmen Emmet Gregory (1301b), Ricardo Cordero (1301b) [

arelli (1401b), Xavier Feliciano (1891b), and John Griswold (2151b), and sophomores

CMon, and North Beigen increased confidence in themsdves while further tc

Kevin Crawford (1711b), maintained an 8S record. Due to the squad’s Hprlir- [ The entile Varsity squad, including senior Raphael Zaki (1711b), juniors Adam |gnd strong work ethic, they performed well, in the process becoming great fr Christie (1031b), Bryan Rohnxian (1191b), Christopher Healy (1351b), Daniel Vecehi- andipdding die team into a family. Key victories over St Benedict’s Prep, Ke Kevin Williams (1121b), Anthony Bruce (1521b), and Charles Marade (2751b), each

their abilities. To gain vital experience for future Varsity bouts, the group com]

contributed to numerous achievements for the team. Although the Varsity wresders

in several local tournaments, including the North Bergen JV/Freshman, the '1

finished the season with a record o f 12-13, the team recorded several important wins

River EastJV Duals, the Bayonne JV, and the Hasbrook Hdghts Tournaments

Twitting his opponent JL in a headlock,

fresh m an

P h ilip

Reynolds attempts to pin his Bayonne rival for the win While the team practiced ui the Wrestling Room, they typically competed in the gymnasium.

He Said

“The m ost m em orable experien ce fro m the season w as w in n in g the D istrict C ham pionship a n d taking 3 rd in the region. Top 3 in the region qualified me to w restle in the State T ournam ent in A tla n tic C ity."

Senior Kevin Sankat

He Said “T he m ost m em orable experien ce w as a m atch aga inst E m erson w hen I w restled a fu ll-len g th m atch a n d w on 16-4. That w as w hen a ll the tra in in g discipline, a n d exercise w ent into f u l l effect.”

Freshman Eric Bujnowski Preparing to overturn his opponent and working for the pin,

A junior Victor Stanziale grabs him by the hip and begins to push A

with his shoulder. Within a few seconds, Stanziale pinned the other wrestler for the victory; Stanziale place 4th in the region.

128 A Place That Feels Like Home

SCOREBOARD P R EP 26 06 25 40 55 , 39 27 29

m 32 34 1 17 31 44 19 63 68 35 28 •;.;4 0 : -

74 73 27. £8

THEM Perth A m boy Kittatiny R egional Wallkill Valley Vernon Fordham Prep P assaic Valley M orris Knolls Roxbury , Hudson Catholic Don B osco Prep North Bergen , Saint M ary's (Jlutherford) jSasbrouck Heights-WoodrJdgi Ridgefield Park ' ;|4vingston Bayonne Em erson (tfnion County) Clifton Saint Benedict’s & e p 'K e a r n y . / j : | ' "


36 62 54 33 24 27 47 37 24 38 37 48 41 27 45 18 12 34 42


‘unior Adam Christie struggles to remove him selffrom the strong hold o f his opp to flip him over for the pin. For a time Adam and his twin brother, Danie


Barringer s Newark Adadewy

0© 06

Saint .Joseph's Begional Leoma s

46 24

b win the match, s e n io r H e n r i DeFrance must pin his Bayonne opponent's shoulders to the mat. In his attempt to pin his rival, DeFrance flip s over to lever himself and helps his team defeat Bayonne with a score o f 63-18.


iring up his hands with his opponent's for control o f the match that had just started, freshman Rui Soares o f the J V Wrestling team fervently hand fights.



7ARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY WRESTLING TEAM Hrst V Row: Corkndo Grant, Ricardo Cordero, John Doiuilcsh, Andre

Bruce, Patrick Cappiello, Adam Christie, Kevin Williams, Bryan Rolinmm Second Row: Coach Anthony Verdi, Raphael Juki, Lucas Kozinski, Daniel Vecchiarelli, Michael Uurie, Eric Bujnomki, Rui Soares, Ryan Dowd, R a jd m Raefard, Philip Reynolds, Coach M urk Tara$zkie\xHcz; Third Row: Coach A J. Caprio, Kevin Crawford, Charles Aforacle, Jerry Santer, Henri DeFrance, Xavier Feliciano, John Griswold, James Pilger, Kevin Sankat, Dylan Solt, and Sebastian Garcia.

Varsity & Junior Varsity Wrestling

RECORD 11-03-00


Pingry Ferris Delbarton Bee Classic Cranford Saint Joseph’s (West New York) Dickinson Saint Joseph’s (Metuchen) .♦ Bayonne NJSIAA Sectionals Bergen Catholic Jersey City Championships HCIAA Championships Seton Hall Prep

A s so p h o m o re jC X D an iel LiV olsi swims the 500-yard freestyle event, his brother, senior Jam es LiVolsi, counts his laps and cheers him on at one end o f the pool. The youngerLiVolsi hopes to break records set by his brother and teammates in years to come. T ) reathing during the J L ) 500-yard freestyle, sop h om ore S p iros Zam has finishes his event strongly. Zambas continued the legacy o f his older brother, senior Neophytos Zambas.


O WIMMING & DIVING TEAM First Row: Kevin O'Neill, Jose Izquierdo, George Benavente, Lowell Tanyag Alexander Yu, Richard Polini, Andrew' Kelly, Rashad Da\>is; Second Row-Jon Sisti, PeterJimenez, Andrew Eagfin, David. Alonso, Louis DiPaola, M ichael Murcia, Michael Onieal, Sfritvs Zambas, Peter LeBmi, Daniel UVolsi; Third Row: Mr. J. Frank Thomson, Nicholas Cannizzaro, Neophytos Zambas, Philip Tilly, Brian Jones, Raymond Krenicki, Jam es UVolsi, M ichael Vilardo, John Cannizzaro, Justin Kraivanger, Patrick Giamario, John O'Brien, Adam Baginski, Nishant Tyagi, Anthony Singh, and Mr. Aflatthew Knittel. kD

H eyZeus


Swimming & Diving



w w

I wM w W X W;; ' W tJ W W ' w . L J

School of fish S to ry b y H ecto r F lo res and M arc P ap p alardo


he Prep Swimming team has garnered many accolades over the past ist three

fourth consecutive North Jersey State SectionaK3iampionship Jam pionship tide. “Finishing my

decades, including over twenty County Championships. Maintaining

career on top as County, City, and Sectional Champions is exactly how I wanted it

a long standing tradition o f success, the Swimming and Diving team

to be. I am proud of my team and hope they keep the winning tradition alive for

managed to clinch that title yet again.

years to come,” beamed seniorJones. Several teammates complemented die numerous accolades with recordsetting

Led by standout seniors John Cannizzaro, Patrick Dufiy, Hector

races led by an undefeated 200-yard medley relay team consisting of seniors Patrick

lores, andJustin Kraivanger, in addition to captain seniors BrianJones,James LiVolsi,

Dufiy, Hector Flores,Justin Kraivanger, andJames LiVolsi and also led by the 400yard

ndpeophytos Zambas, the Swimming team possessed both impressive talent as

medley relay team consisting o f seniors Hector Flores,Justin Kraivanger,James LiVolsi

sell a s strong leadership. In fact, these gifted seniors were considered by many to be

and sophomore Peter Jimenez, all whom set new county records. The Diving team

lie best recruiting class in Prep swimming history. In conjunction with the swim

also achieved success by becoming the first ever County Champion with sophomore

iierSf’ motivation, the culmination o f the extensive effort put forth by Coaches Mr. rankThomson and Mr. Matthew Knittd enabled the team to capture their seventh

John O’Brien garnering the Diving County Champion tide The Swimming and Diving team found themselves ranked 11th in the StarLedjg?s

hrjsecutive County Championship tide; the team also dominated local oppongg|i|top 20 swim teams in NewJersey, which proved to be the highest ranking received to Despite losing many integral seniors, the team maintained bright prospects as ""■■received top honors in the Jersey City Championships. Going in to ndate e State with an undefeated record, the team managed

junior captainsAndrew Eagan and Nicholas Cannizzaro, as wellas sophomores Daniel

with an 11-3 record, losing only to perennial powerhouses Bergen Catholic,

LiVolsi and PeterJiminez, prepared to lead the way into another promising season

Dseph’s of Metuchen, and Seton Hall Prep, but stiE managing to capture their

T racin g vigorously

XV//7 the J100-yard breaststroke event, junior P hilip Ttilly pushes through the p ain o f an aerobic exercise and onto a victory in his best event. Tully contributed to the team 's success in both the county an d state-section al championships. HcyZeus

He Said IT he m ost m em orable m om ent w as w hen both o u r Sw im m ing a n d D iv in g team w on the C ounty C ham pionship. E veryo ne’s h a rd w ork w as exem plified at this m eet; the dedication o f o u r sw im m ers p a id off.”

Junior Andrew Eagan HeyZeus

He Said

‘T h e most memorable experience fo r m yself was the H .C .IA A . Championship in Bayonne w hen I placed 3rd in the county fo r the 100y a rd fly with my best time ever. Teamwise, we broke many records and it was the last meet fo r many great senior swimmers.”

Junior David Alonso m m mCJ j^ a s p m


fo r a ir in

t h e h e a t o f th e m o m e n t, c a p t a in s e n io r

2 v T Brian J i n e s n e n r s t h e e t u i o f h i s Z Q G - y a r d r e l a y a s t h e e n t i l e S team watches and cheers for him. Jones helped motivate his team | to a state-sectional championship for a fourth straight year.

A Place That Feels Like Home 1311

S to r y b y C mI. K opec and D avid M uir

M ■

oached by Mr. Robert Zawisfowski and led by senior anchor Joel | The Varsity squad’s support for each other, their ability to talk strategy with s Salazar, the Varsity Bowling team competed strongly in numerother, and the friendships they formed hdped the team to “pull through in ous dose games that ultimatdy led to their taking 3rd place in the dutch according to junror Morgan. “My most memorable experience is how a J HQAA Championships and earning a spot in the NJSIAA State one supported each other. Every bowler was always ready to offer advice to any

Sectional Tournament Juniors Paul Dabrowski, Eric Morgan, and Nicholas Zero, and sophomore Francis Lim, also contributed to the team’s successes

who was struggling I think that was the biggest reason for this season’s successes. The JV Bowling team proved even more successful in their efforts. The team

with junior Dabrowski earning Most Valuable Player at the HCIAA Championship

ished the season as the HCIAA County Champions with a strong 92-13 record

match The group’s earlier wins against rival Hudson Catholic allowed them to pull

by sophomore lead off Alexander Shutterly and junior anchor Christopher Ra

away from die team that had been trailing diem the entire season, which gave them

the team scored numerous wins against Prep’s biggest opponents, including c

the necessary confidence going in to the county matchups. For senior Salazar, the

against county rivals, Hudson Catholic Freshman Alexander Lupo hit a season! match against Dickinson proved most significant to die team: “The most memo­ igith a score o f243. In addition, juniors Anthony DePinto and Regan, and soj rable part of the season for me was handing Dickinson its first loss o f the season; more Shutterly all earned recognition as All-Star Qualifiers. Although the Cot at the time they were undefeated and defending champions. Beating them meant

Championship matches proved difficult, they defeated Emerson 2437-2304 in

we could beat any team in the comity and had a very good chance o f winning the

because “spares win games.” Junior DePinto claimed that a number of theJVs i

County Championships.” Despite their best efforts going into the championships,

“were because we pick up most of our spares.” With junior champion status, th

the team did not take that tide, but managed a solid reoord o f72-32.

Bowling team readied itsdfior a dominating future on the Varsity lineup.

A tich o r s en io r x l Jo e 1 S a la z a r strategically rolls the ball down his lane at Hudson Lanes. By stepping a few boards to the right he has a better opportunity o f securing a strike. A s a veteran player, Salazar helped his team achieve 3rd place in the county. mmmCJ

He Said “O ur team really cam e together in the cham pionship gam e w hen w e ra llied fro m b eh in d to capture the county title; w e p ro v ed that w e w ere the rig h t team to w in it a ll this season.”

Sophomore William Grapstul mmmCJ

He Said

“T he m ost excitin g p a rt o f the season was the team ’s enthusiasm . We enjoyed bow ling together a n d b ein g com petitive, like my good fr ie n d A n d y C evasco w ould alw ays say: ‘Go h a rd or go hom e.’ T hat’s how we approached each gam e."

Junior Nicholas Zero T illin g his arm back in an arch that helps to release the J . ball, sophomore Henry G reenfield prepares for a practice roll. Greenfield's enthusiasm helped bring his team a 1st place victory in the Hudson County championships.

132 A Place That Feels Like Home



rossing his fingers after releasing the ball, starter sophomoreJohn Mulhern watches in anticipation as the bowling ball quickly glides toward the pins and hopefully toward another victory.

VARSITY BOWLING Record: 72-32-00 Overall HCIAA Position: 3rd Place Top Players: Junior Paul Dabrowski, County MVP JUNIOR VARSITY BOWLING s„''5 Record: 92-13-00 Overall HCIAA Position: 1st Place:


A djusting his frame j L l o f mind before sending the ball down the lane, sophomoreJoel Ildefonso concentrates on his next roll to help score another win for the JV Bowling team. o ised to sen d the bowling ball down the lane for a spare, junior Anthony DePinto positions his feet strategically to successfully attem pt the 7-10 split. DePinto contributed to the JV team's first place success in Hudson County.


V Row: W illiam Grapstul; Second Row: Coach Robert



Wistowski, Francis IM J.olm M ulliem, Jo el lUcfonso, Alexander Shumrfy, Anthony DePinto, and Jo el Salazar.

Varsity & Junior Varsity Bowling

Ty-eparing to shorn a free throw\ junior Thomas 1 knees and extends & m ns. Juniors Murk BtffSynski and B rkii jfilf^ on e f tlit 速3 Magic team anxiemly wait, with outstretched arm and mouth jgftttrp



#1 1C Cannons 3-0 #2 1J Panthers 3-0 Sophomores


#2 1J Panthers 4-0 TOP TWO #5 2E Pollywogs 3-0 Sophomores Sophomores #6 2D Hammers 3-1 #6 2D Hammers 4-1 #6 2D Hammers 5-1


#4 3B easts 3-0 #3 3E Latin Kings Seniors


#4 3B easts 4-0


#2 4J Juicers 4-0


#1 4 J Juicers 3-0 #1 4 J Juicers 2-0 #2 4F Chuck Norris 2-0

| 'I

HOMEROOM W INNER; 4J Juicers 5-0 Most Valuable Player: Senior Jason Thorne Heyzeus

enior R aym ond Pasuco o f the 4A Lancers team, surrounded by teammates seniors Jacob K afka, Daniel Mclnerney, and Lance Gomes, fight seniors Kitaled Chaudharyand Patrick Beesley o f the 4 J Juicers for the rebound


'n the process o f b lo ck in g sen ior Patrick Beesley's shot for the 4 j Juicers team, senior Lance Gomes o f the4A lancers team falls as his leg falters. Seniors RichardMcCarthy and Anthony Giordano look on in shock.



Junior Daron M oore w alks in and joins sophomores Timothy Carney, Eamon Hartnett, Clarence Gocon, M arc Carrion, Francis W helan, M ichael Aguas, juniors Jam es Liggins, Adam Christie, M ichael Vilardo, and sophomore C aleb Gibson in the bleachers and prepares to enjoy the gam e during the lunch 5B periods



i 134 A Place That Feels like Home


Homataam Rivattiai S to ry by C..I. K opec and David Muir

ontinuing with a respected Prep tradition, Mr. Brian McCabe |H|

* stirred interest in the ever-popular and exciting Intramural basket­ ball games. All homerooms had an opportunity to participate in the


Mlunchtime games, although several homerooms did not seize upon

people showed up to work each day and keeping the scoreboard during lunch. 5B, With staff members moderating each o f their games, the Intramural teams competed for the top position in their division, which gave them the chance to face other classes and become the reigning School champion. In the end, the Final

the chance. Homeroom teams were divided into divisions by year,

Four consisted o f Mr. David Muir’s senior 4} Juicers, Ms. Mara Codeys junior 3B

1these teams played games during both lunch periods. Each day during lunch 5A

easts, Mr. Patrick Hamilton’s sophomore 2D Hammers, and Ms. Theresa Panzera’s

1SB, students chosen by their homeroom peers changed into their athletic ware

freshman 1J Panthers team. After a bitter fight between the 2D Hammers and 4J

1competed for the respect and honor each group thought they deserved.

Juicers, the senior homeroom proved victorious in becoming the Intramural Cham­

Moderating this civil battle, Mr. McCabe and his underclassmen assistants vol-

pions. Most Valuable Player and member of the winning homeroom 4J seniorJason

esred their lunches and free periods so that homerooms oould compete for class

Thome reflected on his experience: “The last two years, my homeroom made it to

gging rights. The Intramurals staff consisted of several seniors and juniors, indud-

the championship game, only to be shut out without the tide This year we had a

many of the Varsity and JV Basketball players who could not play, these dedicated

good team and a chance to win it alL.we were overlooked by many teams, so it felt

n refereed games, and maintained the score and time Senrors Raymond Smith

great to go out and win it all my senior year.”

1 Christopher Fitzpatrick served as crew chiefs while senior loti Salazar main-

Yet, whether or not one’s homeroom won or lost, competed or just supported,

led security. ‘1 was at the Intramurals games every day, so I decided I should help

everyone benefited. The program allowed people within homerooms to connect on

: since I was there,” noted senior Fitzpatrick. His duties included ensuring enough

another level, and for other homerooms and even grade levels to form bonds.

^ hootin g a foul shot L s fo r his 31 Science G uys team , junior Jam es Liggins feels the piercing eyes o f everyone on the court, includingjuniors Kevin M cNemey, A/lathew Giordano, M atthew Wfatford, and Anthony Brusdno. The SB easts defeated the 3 / Science Guys in the match-up. HeyZcus

He Said “I w anted to participate in Intram urals to once aga in dem oralize R ich H ussey by displa yin g m y superio r athleticism !”

Senior Daniel Urbanovich mmmCJ

He Said im

"I w anted to participate in In tram urals because o f my drive to succeed. A s M ich a el Jo rd a n once said- |I can accept fa ilu re , b ut I cannot accept not try in g.”’

Senior Richard McCarthy cl!

n n avoid seuisrTwtosM iKtiHO, vnior Lance Gomes throw the bail to teammate senior D aniel M clnerney for the store white senior Richard M cCarthy supports his teamma tes. Despite this setback, Romano and his team, the $ juicers, went on to


■become the homeroom Intramural champions.


Basketball Intramurtds



nteractions between the people o f Saint Peter s Preparatory

to the Jersey City Museum to see “Circuit Craft” and to the Grace Van

School not only happens during the school day. Often,

Vorst Church to see columns designed by local artists, and the Italian

a richer learning experience among students and faculty

Club’s celebration o f Italian heritage by attending Italian mass in Man­

occurs after school hours. In cocurricular activities stu­

hattan, visiting Italian-made; ears at Grand Central Station, and seeing

dents form unforgettable bonds with teachers and peers

an Italian opera, all afforded participating students a once-in-a-lifetime

o f all ages who share a com m on interest. Some o f the first

chance to share mutual pursuits with faculty and friends. Such outings

friends one makes are with dassmates who embrace similar

exposed students to new experiences beyond Prep’s walls. Other in-house

diversions. The range o f activities offered proves so broad

activities also expanded students’ horizons. SAD D ’s showing o f C rash and

that any student can find his niche; still, some students

R equiem fo r a D ream provoked discussions o f topics oft ignored in the

find their diverse pastimes underrepresented in current offerings. In such

classroom, presented new ideas, and triggered questions to explore anew.

situations, students receive encouragement to gather fellow students with

During activities led by the TV Studio, Outreach, Stage Crew, and Dra­

the same interest, seek out a moderator, gain approval from the Student

ma, which presented The M erchant o f V enice 2n d A id a, students remained

Council and the administration, and commence the club that allows

well beyond 2:32 p.m., sometimes deep into the night, to participate in

them to pursue their passions. Activities such as the Engineering Club,

the community and truly make Saint Peter’s Preparatory School a second

Aeronautics Club, Academic Team, Anime Club, Irish Language Club,

home. These participants experienced community life n ot only with peers

and Anti-Sweatshop Society proved to be the latest in a string o f new

o f their own class, but also with students from different classes, thereby

clubs formed in such a way. Further, som e co-curricular activities already

allowing them to experiene a different, special kind o f community unlike

in existence resurrected, particularly, the Book Club and the P aper an d

that felt in the ordinary life o f a student on a typical school day. Ulti­

Pen, through the passion o f a student who, by virtue o f uncomm on

mately, such activities encouraged students to become active members o f

leadership and determination, promised a fresh start.

the community and let them produce videos, perform community serv­

The various outings experienced by members o f ccncurricular activities

ice, or participate in plays. All co-curricular activities afforded its members

bolstered a community-like atmosphere already innate in these organiza­

growth, simply by the sheer level o f responsibility required o f the organi­

tions. Students and teachers alike united in excursions that helped to

zation, or through the nurturing o f their relationships with other people.

make Saint Peter’s feel more like a second home. The Independent Film

More than anything else, cocurricular activities helped students find their

Society’s frequent trips to newly-released movies, the Art Club’s journeys

place in their second home-at school.

'T h e t'oggi Publica 1 Office, located at second floor o f Hi Hall, is one o f the t places that ccmui tars, such as the Pi and Pen, Petrea% Petroc meet and ■ members and mot tors form a second fa through the many h o f collective work sh in these spaces. n Preparation fority AIDS Day, metriki SADD, including iors John Lauretmj Salazar, and Micha Sweeney, use a hot gun to make AIDS bons for sale the next Profits were donated t AIDS charity with th sistance o f senior St Karunphand. i


The wide r a n g e o f a c t i v i ­ t i e s a t S t . P e t e r ' s Prep h e l p s me e x p e r le c e Prep l i f e even more and makes i t more f u l f i l l i n g and com plete f o r me. J u n io r Joseph S k i l l e n d e r Member o f Campus Shop, Dance Committee, Forensics, I t a lia n Club,f Prom Committee & Student Council

A r t Club a l l o w s f o r con­ v e r s a t i o n s t h a t a r e not t y p i c a l in the c la s s r o o m . I t I s an o p p u r t u n l t y to g e t to know the s t u d e n t s on a n o t h e r l e v e l . Ms. Erma Y o s t A r t Club M o d e ra t o r

■ p i

13£ A Place That Feels Like Home

I 1

' JLr ity Christmas Party went well; the k id s h a d a g o o d tim e a n d en joy ed the gam es and food. Sr. Frances alw ays d oes a g ood jo b ." —Senior Eric Ingles


h e M ission

T Cc o m m ittee helps countless peo­ p le th at we don't even know. I really enjoy helping others and am proud to be a part o f the Commit­ tee. ' —Sen ior Jonathan M atam oros


hree student organizations faithfully continued in their quest to provide for the community beyond Saint Peter’s Preparatory SchooL Typically, the Mission Committee spends hours counting monqr that students donate for theJesuit Missions during Lent However, with the impact of Hurricane Katrina in September, the Mission Com­ mittee members began collecting and counting money earlier than usual in moderator Mr. Robert Zawistowski’s room. The Prep community was summoned to assist those in need, and came through for many of those affected by tragedy; dressdown days supplied a large part of the funds col­ lected. Senior MichaelJ. Sweeney commented, ‘The Mission Committee was grateful to the Prep Community for their continuing generosity in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and during Lent for theJesuit Missions.” An assembly of 47 student scholars was selected to be members of the National Honor Society (NHS) and entrusted with the duty of serv^ ing the Prep community and beyond in accordance with Jesuit ideals. Traditionally, memberdiip in the NHS is defined by a junior s academic excellency leadership potential, and service to the local community. The members of the McNally-Smnott Chapter, under the leadership of new moderator Ms. Theresa Panzera and president seniorJulian Pormentilla, strived to fulfill its mission by oiganizing and overseeing the Thanks­ giving Food Drive, the annual Christmas Toy .Drive; and “adopting” a needy Appalachian family. Additionally, particular emphasis was placed on tutoring struggling underclassmen. Outreach exemplified students’ commitment to the school’s values by providing students with an opportunity to perform community service. Following Hurricane Katrina, Outreach initiated a fundraiser as well as backpack-supply donation for hurricane victims. The Nativity Christmas Party provided disadvantaged children with an opportunity to have a happy holiday celebration. As senior Andrew Zhu noted, “The social in­ teraction and entertainment of the Nativity Party gave these kids a fun Christmas.” In fad; three current freshmen who matriculated from the Nativity School were offered full scholarships to attend Prep. Moderator Sr. Frances Mane Duncan, OSF, offered, “We intend to continue home­ less runs and participate in Jersey City’s Habitat for Humanity Program,” with intentions, like that of the Mission Committee and NHS, to per­ petuate theJesuit mission of “men and women for others.”


S to r y b y M uham ined K h an , M ichael J . S w een ey , and llo la n d Z enila

o f underclassmen for these NHS members to tutor. unior M atthew Otven a n d sen iors Jerem y Salvador a n d M ichael J, Sweeney listen a s Mr. Robert Zawistowslei dis­ cusses his fla n s for the 2006 M ission Drive.

M ission Committee, N ational H onor Society & Outreach

J Vi and

W illiam Sheridan, m ake plans for the Nativn Christmas Party with Sr. Frances M arie Duncan; OSF. Tf group also coordinated the annual Adopt-a-Family, whereby eat homeroom bought and wrapped gifts for local needy families

alcoholism, and other teen-relatedissues. We also raised awareness about oilier world issues like A ID S." - S e n i o r

i&tiondltedm.thope we can break down stereotypes and a t tract new members."


—Ms. Kate Walsh

Steven Kacunphand

—iJr. Dominic ScibiUa ttm unC J S to ry by R o b ert Abud and S tanley G asiewski

TT n living the Jesuit ideals, students leam to become advocates of I causes that matter to themselves and the greater community. The

JL newly formed AntiSweatshop Qub was created to serve two pur­ poses, The first was to educate the student body and faculty about companies that use sweatshop labor in the production of their goods and the injustices that each of these companies commits. The second purpose was to use the knowledge gained from their education to stop endorsing certain companies from which the school make purchases. Moderator Dr. Dominic Scibilia described that a foundation previ­ ously was established by the Prep community, indicating that a group of students and faculty had made a difference in the lives o f sweatshop laborers. In addition, the group began replacing the sweatshop-made dothing in the Campus Shop with items made by workers who re­ ceived fair wages and enjoyed good working conditions. Students dedicated to living a healthy life, free of risky and danger­ ous behavior, came together often to discuss some pressing issues. Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), moderated by Ms. Kate Walsh worked towards breaking students away from their often illegal activities and opting for a different, healthier hobby. They spent many lunch periods passing out information and materials on mak­ ing good choices at such a crucial age in a teenager’s life In December, they made pins for World AIDS Day and collected over $300 for AIDS research They also handed out candy on November 17th for the Great American Smokeout More than just a free tasty treat, the candy proved to be an alternative to drinking or smoking. SADD did not, however, simply focus on drug and alcohol abuse Dominic Scibilia,

'aiming for the G reat American Sntokeout, SADD president^ m d senior Steven Karunphand discusses possible fundraisinJ > with seniors Anthony Alongi an d Robert Abud. SADI vibuted bags containing pam phlets o f information and altemaI to smoking such as gum an d candy, on that day.

and addiction. SADD presented Crash, a controversial and critically-

D :moderator o f the Anti-

acclaimed film about racism. Senior Robert Abud hoped that the film

Sweatshop Club, converses with sophomore Alex Ca­ brera, juniors Patrick Giamario, Stanley Gasiewski, senior Lucas Simko-Bednarski, and freshman Eric Bujnowski about posssible ways for the club to fight the exploitation odff the laborers.

would begin a discussion among different races: “The movie was so true to life; there are still people 'who really do think and feel like that So, hopefully, everyone learned that we are all victims of racism in one way or another.” SADD used such movies as a springboard for discus­ sions about the issues upon which the group was founded. Truly these two groups shared a common goal of student advocacy.

ral vonsciepce Anti-Sweatshop Club & Students Against Destructive Decisions 13S

film is a w ay fo r students to see d ifferen t sh ad es o f life, to challenge con­ ventions, to experience things for themselves, and to not just accept th e so cia l norm s/'

have such am azing actors an d directors. It is a chance to see films that I would not hear about otherwise."

- M r . D avid M uir

-Freshm an M ichael Audi.

ent Film Society lets me watch some

v ery on e involved in the TV Studio played a m ajor rote in the pro­ ductions throughout the year, especially with their outstanding, acting performances. " —Sen ior M ich ael Keating

m mmCJ S to r y b y M ichael K e a tin g an d D avid M uir


ontroversial. Thought-provoking. Groundbreaking. Such

terms describe (he motivations o f the Independent Film Society (IFS), in its third year o f existence. Senior Richard

Auth assumed the presidential role and vowed to increase expo­ sure o f the films and to expand the selection by showing more films, more often. Titles such as Paris, Tern, Easy Rider, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vtgas sprinkled the list o f “Road Films” the group saw for the fall Symposium o f Film; the club chose “Addic­ tion and Recovery” and “Death and Rebirth” for the winter and spring symposia, respectively. The IFS continued its monthly treks to the city to view con­ temporary independent films like Broken Flowers, The Squid and the Whale, Thumbsucker, and Brokeback Mountain. This cocurricular, composed o f no more than 10 students, with the help o f mod­ erator Mr. David Muir, were obliged to reflect upon the original mission o f the society; to show films o f importance and meaning, outside the traditional Hollywood framework, and that challenge and defy norms and conventions. Auth commented, “I think we made a lot o f progress since it formed my sophomore year, we used to only watch a few movies per year, and now we tty to see a new film every week We go see movies in NYC a lot more, and we had more informal discussions than before.” N ot only watching films, but also making films matters to stu­ dents. The TV Studio encouraged students to learn about and ex­ periment with the process o f video production and the equipment needed to make films. The club had its own production studio in the basement o f Burke Hall containing modem technologies and advanced equipment Mr. Benjamin Patiak assumed the task of supemsing the group. There was a great deal o f effort put into the videos made by the club’s members, who spent a large amount o f time after school continuing the writing, filming, and editing o f installments o f “The News” and the annual Christmas Video, which was a Prep version of ^ starrin g senior Raymond Pasuco as the ride character, and numerous Prep students as extras.

J^ n e e lin g before the £ \ .n ew s table in the TV Studio office, sen­ ior M ichael F. Sweeney show s jun ior M atthew W ard an d sen ior A le­ ksan d er Z yw icki their lines for the next segment o f "the N ew s." The group often prem iered the show before homeroom.

/ \ovie /Aadp 1


Independent Film Society and TV Studio

n one o f tlieir many excursions into M anhattan, seta C J. Kopec and Independent Film Society president Richj uth, and juniors Adrian Hernandez and D avid Garcia, dis\ the film Brokeback Mountain. The emotionally-stirring filW ceived many Golden G lobe and Academy Award nomination

P r e s s / t s s o c ia t io p w liether toiling in the Poggj Publications Center or in Ms.

Bonny Eaton’s classroom, Prep’s budding journalists o f ten chronicled events and emotions through print

Focused on recording emotions rather than events, Prep’s literary

magazine served as an outlet for students who wished to express them­ selves through poems, short stories, and drawings. Paper and Pen, ad­ vised by Ms. Eaton, was formed by various student contributions and compiled by a small group of editors who decided on the contents of the magazine through a series of readings. The Paperand Pen staff met

/ / Tt was a long procJLess, but we man­ aged to put out five issues and immensely bring up the quality. The new moderators showed dedication that helped to bring about these improvements." -S e n io r A lbert Vecellip

about once a week to edit works, while Ms. Eaton offered workshops for those who wished to improve their skills. Senior Robert Abud “re­

received m an y g reat subm issions. It was very difficult to select the poem s and short stories that we included in the literary m agazin e." //

ally enjoyed working for the Paperand Pm. It always was interesting to

\ v

see what goes through my classmates’ minds when they write” The Petrean yearbook, moderated by Mr. David Muir, archived the year’s happenings into a 184-page book and 16-page supplement Students worked in the Publications room or Mr. Muir’s classroom on the second floor o f Hogan Hall during lunch and free penods and until late in the evening practically every day o f the week and even on some weekends. Staff members often could be found at school events


—M s. B on n y Eaton


taking pictures and preparing to write about them The staff was de­ lighted to learn that the Petrean 2005 won first place in the NJSAA Press Association and American Press Association’s annual contests, and also garnered a special award for Yearbook Journalism from the HerffJones Publishing Company. Editor-in<hief senior C J. Kopec felt “proud o f last year’s success” and hoped for even better success. The Petnx prided itself in dealing with the daily issues of Prep life Moderators Ms. Annie Gladdn and Ms. Mary Anne McElroy, and editor-irKhiefsenior Albert Vecellio, had much work ahead of them, considering last year’s staff released a mere three papers. However, the Petnx staff promised the Prep community improvement The staff succeeded in putting out more issues than in years past, and the work proved to be o f much higher quality. Ms Gladdn commented on the success: “We improved the quality and design o f the Petmc I was very satisfied with the editors’ hard work” Prep’s three student-run publica­ tions proved the strength of its students’ astute ability to write S to r y b y C. J . K opec

A fier assigning articles for Academ­ ics deadline, M r. David m ' asks seniors Robert Abud, C J. Kopec, and Hector Bores who among them m uld h V take phctgmphs c f all the faculty . members daring, class. ■

//'’#he play

was JL a good experi­ ence. I a m glad I was able to participate as a freshman. It was tough, hut it was an enjoyable and worth­ while time." —Fresh­ man Louis Sullivan H EX


eviving the centuries old words of'William Shakespeare is never an easy task, especially when done by a cast of

high school students, but on January 6th, 7th and 8th, the famed author s cleverly written verses were given new life when Prep Dramatics presented The Merchant o f Venice. Rarely a story performed on a high school stage, the controversial comedy tells the stoiy o f the amorous Bassanio, played by senior Raymond Mikulich, who, in order to fund his trip abroad to the fair Portia, played by Andriana Friel, asks to his good friend Antonio, senior Jonathan Treble, to represent him as they appeal to the money­

/ /'T J ie audience JL did not neces­ sarily understand the dialogue. The chal­ lenge o f the performer was to convey the meaning through his actions and tone."

lender Shylock, senior Mark Cavanagh, to furnish the pricey trip, but when Antonio breaks and cannot pay the bond, the mistreated Shylock demands his forfeit, a pound o f Antonio’s flesh. Seniors Valentino Mills, Judd Madarang, Fergus Scully, Brian Dalton, and junior Philip Corso also held substantive roles in the drama direct­ ed by veteran teacher Mr. Jack Campion. The level o f perfection

—Senior Fergus Scully H eyZ cm

reached by these actors was not acquired immediately, however. The group o f students spent almost every day o f the week before opening night in preparation, making sure they had each line and movement down. Although memorizing the lines, often regarded as a “foreign language” by the cast (and viewers o f the play), was not always easy, by the arrival o f the play the Prep thespians put on a show that Elizabethans themselves would applaud. While the casts’ role on the stage was, o f course, important, the work that went on behind the scenes could not be overlooked. Many people watching the show may not consider the time put in by the Stage Crew to build, paint, and arrange the sets to create the illusion o f Venice and yet, without their effort, there would be lit­ tle to complement the acting. Under the guidance o f moderators Mr. Charles Crosby and Mr. Robert Hymas, the small troop o f handymen designed, painted, and later arranged and rearranged the thirteen flats that would set the atmosphere for the story, while other crew members could be found in the proscenium or sound booth working the curtains, lights and microphones. S to r y b y M ark C avanagh

(pophom orr Justin tvo i J drills in a screw to complete the fram e o f a piece o f the Merchant of Venice" set. During the p la y perform an ces the Stage Crew changed . thsicoiotfpl sets its quickly an d quietly a s possible. ;

:{ j f e i i ^


\ Ja n a g h , playing the I villain Sbj/lock, .accuses: Antonio, played by sen for Jon athan Treble, w hile freshm an L ou is S u lli|j

‘Wwn wd'finier MtchQil ' LaRocco watch from be­ hind. Mr. Ja c k Campion .. achieved hew heights by staging one o f S h alet speare's most controversial 9 comedies.

R o d in o J


Story b y P a tr ic k Coiney, S te p h e n M cD erm ott, and Jo s e p h S lu lle n d e r


usical entertainment highlighted the talented sound and song of the many students who participated in Band and Chorus. During the fall the Band attended many home football games, highlighted by their playing in the stands at the championship game support the victorious Varsity Football team. The group, boasting 48 m bers, gathered Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Tuesday afternoon practice both Pep and Concert Band music under the guidance of Music Director Mr. SteveCaslowitz. TheJa2z Band, sperialiang inJazz, Swing, and Big Band, united many talented piano, electric bass, and guitar players and stressed the importance of improvisation The Prep Chorus continued to grow under the direction ofMr. William Richert, who gathered the group for practice on Monday and Wednes­ day morning? and afternoons in the Band Room LikeJazz and Concert Band, Chorus became a class complete with a grade Senior Hector Mores exclaimed, “Chorus was so much fun! It has helped me figure out how to control my voice, and figure out that I want to be on Broadway.” On Sunday, Deosmber 11th, the annual Christmas Concert highlighted the dedication of the Band and Chorus. For a second year, the audienoe sat at tables eating snacks while theJazz Band, Concert Band, and Chorus performed TheJazz Band played TheHenddAngls Swing and The Wahzin’ Chipmunk, among other jazzy pieres. The Chorus sang classicstandards like A ChaA Brown Christmas and OHdyNitfit, accompanied by theJazz Band and featuring solos from seniors Steven Karunphand and Julian Pormentilla. The Concert Band then performed Celtic Christmas and other holiday favorites. After an afternoon of music the audience joined in the fun for a singalong. A similar evening of festive fun took plaoe at the annual Spring HeyZeus


he P rep C h oru s, in clu d in g ju n io r Juan N erdelo, freshman K ael G il, seniors Steven Karunphand and Patrick Corney, an d sophom ore Kevin Sylvester, and led by M r. W illiam Richert, sings as senior Julian Pormentilla accompanies the group on the piano.


1yChristm as mass, seniors M ichael Keating, Jeffrey Rubin, |/ Daniel Libaticfue aw ait the arrival o f the homerooms into |gym while sophomore Keenan M cRae /practices on the drum, visiting Jesu it bishop offered the homily a t the mass.

Concert on Friday, March 31th The Dance Committee, advised by Ms. Kathleen Rowan, and with the aid of president junior Joseph Sldllender, drastically changed the dances from years past in an attempt to draw students to entertainment of a dif ferent land. The danoss featured new disc jockey junior Amlan Gangopadhyay. The September danceproved successful, ushering in anotherbooming dance in February. However, Gangopadhyay could not be credited as the sole reason for the dances’ success; the hard working members ofthe Dance Committee, who set up the cafeteria, ensured that the dance ran smoothly, worked at the event itself; and cleaned up afterwards, toiled so that students of all years could come and ajj^^Fricky night out at school

Dapce /lyusic Band, Chorus & Dance Committee [ljB

S to r y b y P a t r ic k C om ey, C h risto p h e r F itz p a tr ic k , and Jo n a th a n T re b le


embers of academic oocuiricular activities simply could not get enough learning during the course of the school day, they continued to build knowledge; logic; and critical thinking skills outside of the dassioom. The Academic Team, founded by seniorJonathan Treble and moderated by Mr. Mark Dondero, formed out ofa want for aca­ demic competition among other schools. The team contended with schools across the nation at rq^onal tournaments; answering questions in a broad range of academic and pop culture topics. Questions on Newtonian Phys­ ics and the Gmterbtay Tales often would be followed by ones on 50 Cent and sports ftanchises The members regularly oould be found practicing in the Shalloe Parlor, where they combined their educational drive with relaxed discussions on varied oontent Theytravded to many tournaments, induding the Yale Fall Classic in October, the Cablevision Academic Challenge, the Princeton Tournament in November, and the Rutgers State Championship in March. The team competed well in its founding year, breaking to playoff rounds in several tournaments. Under the direction of two new moderators, Mr. Joseph Riordan, 5 and Mr. Anthony Keating, the Chess Team practiced frequently after school For much ofthe time, the team met after school in Mr. Keating or Mr. Riordan’s classroom to sharpen skills and gaming strategies by feeing each other in practice matches. Notwithstanding, the moderators searched for tournaments in which the team oould partidpate and show off their abilities; the first such tournament occurred in March Junior Joma Poimentilla, a veteran chess player, observed, ‘The chess pradioes were a great plaoe to hang out Chess hdped me to devdop as a better leader.” Likewise, the Math Team competed against area high schools using brains rather than brawn; specifically, students competed in the Catholic High School Math League To stay on top of the competition, the Varsity and JV teams met often during lunch periods with their moderators, Mr. Patrick Rddy and Mr. Benjamin Patiak, respectively, to practice from previous years’ tests. The challenging tests, which students took after school for 45 minutes, induded questions covering all mathematical levels like geometry, trigonom­ etry, and precalculus. The VarsityMath Team finished the season in 3rd place while theJV Math Team plaoad 9th Senior Leander Pais commented on the team’s work: ‘We struggled a lot on the first two tests; but then made a good \run after practicing hard.”

Jdth Team members JL V JL juniors Amit Sathe and Jom a Pormentilla take a practice test to prepare for an upcoming test alongside juniots Benedict Comillaand Kevin Capodice. Students typically took the exam after school in H-201.

ii}$ u/itty 144 Academic Team, Chess Team & M ath Team

Thunder o f the Academic team, seniorJonathan Treble conyt I T his teammates senior Padraic Friel and junior Jam es LiM | on the answer to a problem. The Academic Team, moderatety Mr. M ark Dondero, became one o f several new additions tc $ large list o f co-curricular activities.

cience dominates many of the news stories and debates in our modem world; so too does science take front and center at Prep C y considering the numerous science-related cocurricular activities that have arisen in the last fewyears. Prep took to the sky with the newlyfomied Aeronautics Club, giving students an opportunity to study the physics o f flight and aerodynamics. Under the tutelage of Mr, Gregory Boyle, members o f the Aeronautics Club experimented with the physical study o f aircrafts in order to grasp the delicate concept of

/ / q r h e A eronauJL tics C lub is fo r in terested stu­ dents to learn about aeronautics through both instruction and through field trips " —M i. Gregory Boyle

aviation, and also to learn how flight occurs. Students found inspira­


tion from the likes o f Leonardo da Vinci and Sir George Cayley, and

/ / T )ein g thorough­ ly) ly interested in the field o f medi­ cine and as an EM T volunteer\ I find the various activities o f the M edical Club to be both enjoyable and enlightening." -Senior

learned modem aeronautics from both the past and the present The Engineering Club, founded by senior Christopher Oertel, sought to fulfill the passions and interests o f aspiring engineers. Rang­ ing from remotecontrolled cars to computers and even airplanes, dis­ cussion topics fully reflected debates and discussions raging in modem engineering and covered the broad interests of all its members. As Oertel commented, “If members liked a particular topic or idea, they told me, and we looked into it Our club’s purpose is to serve their cu­

Lucas SimkorBednarski llod in o J

riosity.” The dedicated dub members competed as a small team in the Panasonic Competition, a contest challenging competitors to build a bridge or remotecontrol car using new and innovative engineering techniques. They also discussed competing in the West Point Bridge Design Contest, whereby the object was to design the least expensive bridge that could support a simulated load test For its second year, the Medical Club continued to pursue a policy o f commitment to the fundamental dilemmas of modem medidneobesity, drug and tobacco usage, and general personal health. The dub sought to educate students on these important issues. “Our primary aim was to strike down soaetal undertones that are the source of increasing health deterioration of humanity as a whole The first was to hpgin with our students,” remarked president senior Roland Zemla. Ranging from an inschool CPR class, group medical service volun­ teering, and community-service visits to the local hospitals, all activities engaged in by the Medical d u b broadened in scope and practice. Papps

S to r y by C h risto p h er C o nvery, M arc P ap p alard o, and lloland Zemla


M ||


Gregory Boyle explains common professions that include i some aspect an d/or theoretical basis from the study o f mtics with club members, seniors Christopher Bdeilmdm and i Majmundar. The club grew out o f students' desire to learn about lucrative careers in aeronautical engineering,


latest experiences on their EM T jo b s,. seniors Roland Zemla and Lucas Sim ko-B ednarski share tkeir: stories while making . plans for future M edical Club events. Both SinkoB ed n arski and. Z em la served as volunteer EMTs in the local community. ^ e n io i Scott M iitgay, active member o f the Engineering Club, asks Fr. Daniel O'Brien, S J a question about engineering careers,: as senior Javier Vasques, juniors Eric Mor­ gan, Sean Byrnes, and Cilbertg Estupinan, and senior John Cheney listen to one o f their peers., g

Aeronautics Club, Engineering Club & M edical Club

Lhas been successful in becoming more involved in Prep life, es/xcitilly con­ sidering the success o f the WalkaThon, themnning o f the FreshmanActivities Fair, and its overall con­ cern for the well being o f Prep students." -Senior Raymond Smith


Yodel UN is

" J .Mv x an 01 exciting

'ot only do school administrators govern the student body; sev­ eral groups act as the governing and speaking bodies for the community. The Forensics team, the school’s unofficial speech and debate team, witnessed many new developments. Ms. Erin Gething and seniors Daniel Iibatiquei Valentino Mills, and Jonathan Treble re­ turned as moderator and cocaptains, respectively, but new feces also led the team. New faculty members, Ms. Mary Durante and Mr. Anthony Keating, coached the team’s debate categories. Forensics also boasted its largest number of new recruits in the last four years, a majority of them fieshmen To prepare for their competitions the upperclassmen worked dosely with new teammates to hdp them gain more experience. “Every­ one’s really excited” stated senior Mills, who added that “training the new recruits was our top priority.” The Model United Nations Club offered students opportunities to step out of their own realms, become international delegates, debate the important topics of today’s world and leam the foreign poliaes of their represented countries. Led by moderator Mr. Paul Cunneen, Modd UN members partiapated in the Seton Hall University Model United Na­ tions Conference VII, a twoday conference attended by ova 500 students from all over the East Coast Students represented countries like China and Djibouti, and partiapated in various committees such as the Arab League and Security Council at the conference. The Student Council also experienced another busy and fruitful year as the school’s official student government organization. Led by moderator Ms. Marie Curry, the group of dedicated students tirelessly toiled to en­ sure that the school ran smoothly. At the beginning of the year, Council members began preparations for the revamped Walk-a-Thon, which the group had taken over from the Walk-a-Thon Committee. The Student Council made several dramatic changes in the formatting and logistics of the day, induding the ever-popular return of the Carnival that had last appeared in 2002. The Student Council also continued its regular duties with guidance from president senior Ryan Gdchion and vicepresident senior Raymond Smith that included voicing the concerns of students to the administration, running the Freshmen Activities Fair, managing the approval of all new dubs, and organizing and representing the school at events sponsored by theJesuit New York Province:

w ay to debate cur­ rent political issues." —Senior Nilesh Parikh


S to r y b y N eil M ajiuund ar and V a le n tin o M ills

A t ati after-school jCxForensics meeting in Ms. Erin G&thing%\ classroom, junior Michael Scott discusses plans fdr She Student Congress with seniorsJohnathan Gioielld and Mark Timmins. ^ 'enior V akntim M ils, iD sophom ore A lexan- 1 derY asm ski, and juniors . .

Cevasco, amiJohn Odeay listen ds Ms. Abrie Curry assigns fobs to Council members at a Walk-a-Thon meeting. X for the first lime ever, the; Student Council ran the event


M odel UN & Student Council

A ddressing students at a Model UN meeting, senior N i' jtxP arikh informs club members, including sophomores if mas Rogers, Louis DiPaola, Colin Morgan, Andrew BatI I and juniors Michael Rogers and Michael LaRocco, aboiitU upcoming conference at Seton Hall University.



S to r y b y M arc P a p p alard o, Jo s e p h S k ille n d e r, and J a v i e r V asques


■ fhe school’s moneymakers viewed the Campus Shop and Stock | Market Club as suitable endeavors to leam about money, ■A. whether real or simulated. Under its third year of management by Mr. James Hollywood and president junior Joseph Skillender, the Campus Shop expanded its selection of products and added more workers. New Prep merchandise included additional sweatshirt styles, state championship football products, and newly-designed dass rings restored to their original, more traditional style for sale at a more af fordable price Any and all students, alumni, or parents could show their Prep pride by purchasing and wearing attire that included shirts, jackets, pants, and shorts. Students also bought required books from the Campus Shop in case their own copies had become lost or stolen. Campus Shop workers made all of these changes possible by dedicat­ ing their time to running the store and maintaining the storage room. Without their help the Campus Shop could not have remained as organized, boasted such a large and diverse inventory, nor remained open as often. ‘"The Campus Shop is a great place to leam about busi­ ness of the real world, and it is a great place to hang out with my friends and meet to new people, both students and parents,” said jun­ ior Alexander Pugliese. While the Campus Shop dealt with actual money, the Stock Market Club imagined the feeling of having millions as a result of a successful


7T 7fr. Jam es Hollywood J V I m akes change for the purchases o f the many excited students, including freshman Jam es Kearns, sophomoreJustin Lawrence, junior RobertMcAlvey, and freshman Antonio Manente, that march into the Campus Shop during recess. As Di­ rector o f the Campus Store, trehledsales. Hollywood trepiea sates.


'steimg to moderators M s. Erin Gething and M s, M ary Qurante, juniors D aniel Brennan and M ichael LdRocco; p M ark Timmins and Johnathan G ioiella, an d freshman Ior Scott learn about the rules they need to follow in order w eir pieces to do w ell in competition.

go at the stock markets; the Stock Market Club simulated actual stock market transactions. Moderated by Ms. Ella Glazer, the activity relied on the virtual stock market whereby students started with $500,000 to invest in various virtual stocks. The online market operated as a normal exchange would; participants in the stock market bought or sold stocks and invested their money in several ways, such as placing money into a bond or money-market fund. The students assembled investment strategies against their online competitors, and the winner collected the most residual earnings over the simulated game’s time horizon. Ms. Glazer also moderated the Computer Club, very much an ex­ tension of her computer classes. The club dedicated itself to two main projects. Under his leadership, president seniorJavier Vasques strove to revive the club by creating a website hosted on the school s intranet site and by building a computer out of scrap parts donated by the school. ^

Business Biz Campus Shop, Computer Club & Stock M arket Club ^

S to ry by A n d rew A nderson and S tephen M cD erm ott

ctivities that sought to preserve and appreciate history contin­


ued to make a presence, especially among the students who find our culture’s history enthralling. In its fourth year since inception, the Classics dub expanded and influenced students more than ever. With the help of new moderator, Mr. Mark Dondero, veteran

adviser, Ms. Kristine Spano, and senior ooconsuls Andrew Anderson and Patrick Comey, the club expanded and participated in several di­ verse activities. The first outing o f the Classics Club allowed interested at­ tendees to learn more about the culture of the ancient world by viewing a marathon of the critically-acclaimed HBO original series Rome, which portrayed Rome’s history, art, and culture at the end of the Republic and banning of the Empire. "It was a pleasure to see a depiction o f the time period that is so accurate and enjoyable,” offered senior CJ. Kopec The club also celebrated the ancient holiday of Saturnalia during the Christmas season by holding a small feast in Ms. Spano’s classroom; participants enjoyed grape juioe and Roman delicacies prepared by Mr. Joseph Riordan’s AP Latin class. The Classics Club achieved success with a number of students interested in expanding their knowledge of and in some cases, participation in ancient Roman culture and practices. Likewise; the History Club, led by president junior Adam Baginski and moderator Mr. Paul Cunneen, expanded its offerings by showing Hotd Rwanda and Wiliam Shakespeare’s Heny the VIII to its members. These films typically coincided with historical topics covered in history classes so that interested students could further pursue subject matter discussed in class. Junior Baginski also organized the popular Teacher Survivor competition, whereby the competition’s winning pair split the money collected from the $1 entrance fee to use for their homeroom mission drive fund. The current and standing winners, Mr. Kellen Wil­ liams and Mr. Mark Dondero, part of “Ebony and Ivory,” rejoiced over their second victory in two years. Besides the standard Teacher Survivor, the club also organized a similar competition for students called Student Survivor whereby two student representatives from each homeroom competed during lunch to win Mission Drive money for their home­ rooms. Seniors Neil Majmundar and Ryan Loftus of homeroom 4B ultimately claimed the monetary prize for their homeroom. i

! !

T~\uring their Satuma1 -^ s lia party, Classics C lub m em bers seniors Stephen McDermott and Andrew Anderson, M r. D av id M u ir, sen iors Lorenzo Rafer, C.J. Ko­ p ec, M ark C avanagh, sophom ore M igu el P i­ mentel, and M s. Kristine Spano enjoy a communal toast to the gods.

Histor l4q Classics Club & History Club

te Book Club\ including senior Robert Abud, sophoil f JL M ichael Gonzalez, senior C J. Kopec, moderator Ms. Bd* Eaton, and junior Wayne Cravesande, discuss the novel Runner by K haled liosseini, and, specifically, whether or\$ Amir redeemed him self during the course o f the novel.

iction & pine /¥t rts and letters etters activities began as a way for students to explore their artistic and humanistic endeavors outside the dassroom. .Through art, literature, and photography, students found just such an outlet The Art Club had in mind to expand the horizons of its student participants. Junior Jon Sisti explained, ‘1 happen to think going to museums is a good learning experience and a lot of fun.” Un­ der the direction of moderators Ms. Megan Klim and Ms. Erma Yost, the Art Club traveled to various exhibitions, including a show called “Columns X12” held at the Grace Van Vorst Church in Jersey City, and featuring Ms. Klim and other local artists. The Ait Club also met with performance artist, Nicolas Dumit Estevez, as he made his pil­ grimage entitled PerformanceArt From Futurism to From the Present from Manhattan to Jersey City. The Art Club felt honored to be chosen as one of the stops on his journey. While on campus, he held a discussion with students about his works that have strong religious undertones. In its fourth year the Book Club continued to offer its members the opportunity to discuss works of literature in a forum outside the classroom. After the departure of Ms. Rachel Wortman, Ms. Bonny Eaton assumed her role as the club’s adviser, proffering her knowledge o f books and taking suggestions from students to find the perfect selec­ tion of New York Times bestsellers and Pulitzer Prize winning books to read. Unlike other years, the dub drew primarily from sdections of short stories and poems. One of the most significant changes proved the group’s transition to novels, such as The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and Wickedby Gregory Maguire The group even received an e-mail from John McNally, the author o f The Book o fRalph, to person­ ally answer questions put forward by students during their discussion. “It is so great being able to read and discuss books with other people. It

/ ' I he Photography 1 Club Cl is a joy for me to moderate and it allows me to express all o f my creativity. The darkroom setves as art escape for m e-a chance to escape the hustle and bustle o f Prep life." —Mr. David Muir A guileraS

/ // A\rt r‘ C lub has

jtx Jie, ihelped to open my mind to new and exciting forms o f art. Being in the Art Club helped to introduce me to new styles o f work. It is an opportunity for me to become more cultured" —Senior Hector Flores

allows us to enjoy literature even more,” enthused senior C.J. Kopec The Photography Club members, with their moderator, Mr. David Muir, received a boost when the family of a local photographer, Julius Weber, donated his equipment, induding enlargers, a contact sheet maker, and a dryer drum, thereby replacing the otherwise dated materi­ als in the dark room. Hidden in the darkroom on the fourth floor o f Mulry Hall, the small group could be found devdoping film and enlarging photos taken at and around school, creativdy experimenting with the disappearing art o f manual photography.


S to ry by M ark Cavanagh, H ector F lores, and C J . Kopec

A rt C lu b m em bers /x fre sh m a n CM Valen­ tin, junior Anthony Tello, and senior Hector Flores listen to moderator Ms. Meg/it* Klim discuss-tke an exhibit they had fust atten ded at the G race Van Vorst Church.

holography Chib moderator Mr. D avid M uir, with the assistpace o f president senior C .J. Kopec, fixes one o f the enlargers Wed to the club by the fam ily o f Ju lius Weber. The donation Wral expensive enlargers, timers, trays, glassw are, a n d neceS' chemicals aided the club in its creative endeavors.

. J~ \ iscu ssin g th e hi l^ S la riou s situations in R alph M cN ally's The Book of Ralph, senior Robert Abud, sophomore ''M ich d d jjtn zalczi M s, Bonny E aton , ju n ior Wayne Cravesande, and senior C J. K opec wonder how M cNally could think up such preposterous situ­ ations for his novel.

A rt Club, Book Club & Photography Club

X / / ' T h e S e in fe ld JL Club exists in order to provide a bit o f humor into other­ wise serious students." --Dr. Richard Kennedy



/~i\noc dominating fUa rth tp1«ncmn televisionnnA andm movies the lives of every stu­ dent, it is no wonder that several activities dedicated to TV


and films have risen in the last fewyears. The Anime Qub enjoyed a successful first run as they began to find members. Practi­ cally every other week, students screened a different Japanese cartoon with English subtitles on the new projector in Mr. Walter Koszyk’s room. “The members sit with rapt attention,” observed moderator Mr. Koszyk. During die showings more than a few members could be seen acting out the scenes as they occurred on the screen.


/ //'-p * I i, he G od zilla 1 C lu b h elp s me get in touch with myJapanese M onster side. It is a lot o f fun watching the am az­ ing Godzilla movies." —Sophomore Andrew Kilduff

The Godzilla Club, under the guidance of adviser Mr. Frederick Galano, viewed several o f the scores of Godzilla films in Mr. Hymas’ dassroom, and often broke into discussions about the various fights between Godzilla and his nemeses like Mothra and King Ghidobra. Sophomore Brendan White explained: “I am firmly of the opinion that any and all of Mothra’s victories over Godzilla were flukes and, furthermore that Godzilla’s atomic breath was underused” The classic sitcom Seinfeld continued a successful run for a second year by students in the Seinfeld Club, the only club dedicated to a single television show. Enthusiastic members gathered in Dr. Richard Kennedy’s dassroom where a new projector flashed qjisodes on the big screen Qub president sophomore Eamon Hartnett attempted to have


the group meet with greater regularity and also supplied the DVDs for the viewings. ‘1 am really into Seinfeld; I own all the DVDs, and frankly, the dub sounded interesting,” explained sophomore Hartnett “Some people have breathing, while others have Star Wars,” said junior Justin Saoli, active president of the Star Wars Qub. The Star Wars saga boasts fans everywhere and Prep proved to be no exoeption In addition to watching the new movie in the theater, the Star Wars Qub went on a number o f trips that induded laser tag and other sa-fi related events. The dub also hosted several school activities induding a Star Wats BattlefieldII video game tournament and screenings of several Star Wars movies that induded the recently released Star Wars Episode III: Reveng ofthe Sith. Moderator Mr. Robert Hymas exdaimed, “The dub is fun; the members are a great bunch of guys! They really are enthusiastic about Star Wars.”


S to r y b y A n d rew W allace

1em b ers o f th e eluding freshman O m ar M arline\ -moderator Mr. Frederick G alano, an d and Conrad Foord, watch

the streets o f Tokyo.

ilptSis mmm

em ng a taste fo r Ja p a n ese' cartoons, known a s anim e, M t. W alter K oszyk, moderntot, o f iftt new ly-efeated A m m e C M , w atcfuti the skillfu lly draw n TV. shorn that use a unique Japan ese style animation with the ■predom inantly

Anime Club, Godzilla Club, Seinfeld Club & Star Wars Club

Sanford uses his tablet and projector to show the niee attendees, including junior Dennis Brown, senior Nilesh Pai\ and sophomores D avid M eis and M iguel Horta, websites at the interesting sport o f frisbee-golf, or, affectionately, M frolm

tause it is fun, It altoutz me to yt/euch able to m ake friends i»ha fuufahe sam e mteresti «5 mfe “ -Fresh hiari Michaef Casio' I

S to ry b y A n d rew W allace


T ith variety being the spice o f life, it is no surprise that

\ jl /

cocunicular activities such as the Comic Book Club,


FrisbeeGolf Club, and RPG Club exist to cater to the

few who have a unique taste for these fascinatingly different hobbies. The Comic Book Club gave its members a forum to discuss their far vorite superheroes and comic book characters. Club president junior Sean Camey described it as “a place where people can oome together to trash DC Comics, except for Batman” In addition to debating about the characters that would win in a fight, they also visited the New York Comic Conventioa Additionally, they engaged in a new activity, similar to that o f the Book Club, whereby the members chose a particular comic to read and discuss at each meeting Moderator Mr. Robert Hymas provided his room for their informal meetings at which some students read their favorite comics while others gathered in small groups to debate the exploits of certain superheroes. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, students enjoyed differ­ ent fantasy games in Mr. Charles Crosby’s room. The Role Playing Game (RPG) Club met to play a variety o f games including a paperandpencil version of Dungeons and Dragpns and the card


The Gathering. The games employed both strategy and imagination. Whether playing or simply watching someone else’s interesting game, a good time was had by all, including Mr. Crosby, who not only mod­ erated, but also participated in some of the games. All game playing in the end, was played in good fun, as president senior Michael Spivack Papps

T yayin g Magic The jl Gathering in it M r. C harles Crosby's class­ room, RPG Club president senior M ichael Spivack discusses the strategy o f a themed deck with sopho­ more Rocco Ceram i and freshman Stephen Zolli, a s junior Sean Carney curiously looks on.

a Comic Book Club V fjand Joshua Tosi, and sophomores Jam es Pilger, Bryant trcia, Brendan White, and M ichael Cortina debate overwhich fic book publisher is better: M arvel or D C Comics. The mem's all agreed that there is no competition; M arvel won.

jokingly noted: “Our moms think we’re oooL” Affectionately called Frolf by many, and one o f a handful of new and different cocurricular activities created during the year, Frisbee Golf ushered in a new era that proved enjoyable to all its participants. Every two weeks, weather permitting Mr. Douglas Sanford took inter­ ested students to a Frisbee Golf course consisting of either nine or 18 holes. Similar to regular golf the game replaced the hole with a pole and the ball with a frisbee. Every hole measured between 100 and 500 feet long, with par ranging from three to five. The game fared quite well among Prep students as proven by the full bus that left from the school parking lotWien the dub met

mical Qames? Comic Book Club, Frisbee-G olf Club & RPG Club |l51

o f the Italian Club is that students can eiijoy ou tsid e o f th e 4 0 M tm ts o f class. / absolu tely / m be­ ing the M oderator."

for me i$ reconnecting with the language o ff

Mrs Duafie Jarabaugh

-M s, •RdSafe Romano

This gmUp hopes to become a large pres­ ence in this sch ool* ' —M t r

Kellen Williams

S to ry by A ndrew Anderson, David Ogega, Francis Llarena, and Marc Pappalardo

"T X T ' T ith such a diverse student population, it should not come \ \ /


as a surprise that nine unique culture dubs influenced the

lives o f students outside of the classroom. Since its founding decades ago, the Ebony Club has grown stronger with the leadership o f new moderator Mr. Kellen Williams. Members of the Boys & Girls d u b o f America borrowed Prep dassrooms and spent time with many members o f the Ebony Club after school. “The Ebony Qub is the best dub for anyone o f any race, creed, or color, the dub accepts anyone and everyone,” stated senior David Ogega. Guided by Mr. Duane Farabaugh, the German Qub frequently gathered for films and discussions about German politics, art, music, cars, and magazines. The oiganization, led by seniors Matthew Mulroy, Michad F. Sweeney, and junior Matthew Ward, viewed films like Run Lola Run and a legendary showing of the dub standard, Das Boot. Such films supplied partidpants with many aspects o f German culture. Without Mr. Duane Farabaugh, Sf, however, no discussion would have been complete. In its first year, the Irish Language Qub focused on the rudimentary topics o f basic Gaelic grammar with the assistance of moderator and Gaelic enthusiast, Mr. Farabaugh. The dub hdd numerous meetings, during which members would conju­ gate verbs and learn simple Gaelic phrases. The Irish Language Qub also gathered to watch Gaelic tdevision programs over the Internet With moderator Ms. Rosalie Romano and the hdp of president seniorJoseph Salvo, the Italian Club continued its influential presence throughout the community by exposing members to Italian culture The dub odebrated Italian Heritage Month during October, which induded daily scheduled events such as a visit to the opera, bingo, and ‘1 Love Lucy” episodes. The monthly Italianspoken Sunday masses in NewYork Qty, followed by desserts at an Italian pastry shop, also con­ tinued with much success. The dub invited Dr. Richard Kennedy to present his slide show on Italy and to discuss his many trips. Attendees enjoyed the many pictures o f sights from all over Italy, complete with Italian opera music and folk songs to complement the visual imagery. The Italian Qub achieved numerous successes with students -who had an interest in expanding their knowledge and, in some cases, partidpating in Italian culture and practices.

152 Ebony Club, German Club, Irish Language Club

7T 7Ts. Rosalie Romano V JL explains to memirs o f the Italian Club, '.eluding sophom ores latthew Stewart, Gary mto, and Henry Greenild, the correct way to alee an d enjoy an esesso. M s. Romano held any after-school events a t tau g h t stu d en ts rout Italian customs,

Italian Club

S~\>pa D el Prep, or the "Prep Cup," which pitted the van|f ^ c u ltu r e clubs against each other in a friendly indoor "footH f tournament, brings scores o f students to watch the event in |l Barn. The groups entered participants to represent their respect* cultures-the Celts ultimately claimed victory.

vulture Sfyock ' nder the leadership o f Mr. Frank Thomson, the Asian-Padf ic Islander Society drew large groups o f students interested


I in learning about API heritage. The dub focused on fight­

ing stereotypes and understanding cultural backgrounds; such films as Better Luck Tomorrow inspired group discussions that dispelled these discrepanaes. Guest speakers also hdped emphasize the traditional aspects of being an Asian American. One goal of the group induded

/ / T m h ap p y to JL finally to see the H ispanic society be­ come active in Prep's culture community." —Fr. Michael Hoag, SJ

volunteering for “Gawadkalinga,” an organization dedicated to hdping impoverished children in various areas o f the Pacific islands. The Cdtic Qub experienced a fruitful year with the hdp of moderators Ms. Annie Gladdn and Ms. Mary Anne McElroy. The group attended a hurling match in Gaelic Park and also marched in the Jersey Q ty St Patrick’s Day Parade. The dub managed to view films approximately once a month, induding movies like In America, Waking Ned Divine, and Gangs o f New York. The French Qub also gathered to leam about the culture of the Frenchspeaking world. Led by moderator Mr. Jeffrey Beaudette, the dub invited speakers, like the

cam e in high hopes for a very suc­ cessful year. I was honored to be president o f a club that worked so hard to organize many interesting and exciting activities."

n \ " vith

—Senior Padraic Friel

grandmother o f the Rasmusson dan, to discuss Belgian, Egyptian, and French culture as they saw it In previous years, the Hispanic Soaety had become relativdy inac­ tive. After several moderator and name changes, the Hispanic Soaety, advised by Fr. Michad Hoag, SJ, proved its return with a strong pres­ ence. Meeting weekly, the Hispanic Soaety discussed various topics affecting the Hispanic and Spanishspeaking world. In addition, the Hispanic Soaety presented Motorcyde Diaries, a film about the life of Che Guevara. The Indo-Pak Soaety also successfully came together to allow its members to experience Indian and Pakistani food and culture Under the leadership o f new moderator Ms. Melissa Dowling, the group enjoyed several dinners out together. Senior Nishant Tyagi observed, “Through my partidpation in the IndoPak Soaety, I have been able to reestablish my Indian heritage with others from the Prep community.” The Indo-Pak Soaety gave its partidpants an opportu­ nity to experience the traditions of India and Pakistan with the hdp o f the many students involved who originated from these countries. Papps

S to ry by K evin D ougherty, H ector Flores, Francis IJaren a, and N ishant Tyagi

T'Suririg an afterschool L J Indo-Pak Societymeet. ing in Ms. Melissa Dowl­ ing's classroom, senior Kevin K hilall suggests the next Indian restaurant to attend p r a group outing while other tnembers, like seniors Kucharski, listen.


f J^ningsevenTbasicGaelkwo^ V Irish Language Club, moderator M r. D uane Farabaugh, m Daniel O'Brien, S Jsen io r Jam es Baber and sophomore \qI in Mr. Farabaugh's classroom>

JL ctfit Islander Society members, senior Francis Llarena and Patrick Villa determine who will repre­ sent the group in the an­ nual Copa del Prep. The group also met to watch film s like Better Luck Tomorrow, a no-holdsbarred look at a group o f Asian youth gone bad. g

f°’ e,,iC % sian-Pacijfk Islander Society, Celtic Club, French Club, Hispanic Society & Indo-Pak Society

aint Peter’s Preparatory .School serves as a second

and social time with their second home. Others choose entrepreneurship,

home for everyone, young and old, in the Prep com­

like senior Jonathan Treble who works as an eBay trader, or after-school

munity, but it is the students who truly are the liveli­ hood o f the school. W hile Prep students may appear

jobs, like junior Ju an Nordelo who works with pets at the Cornerstone Pet Store in Hoboken, to bide their time.

to be like any other attending high school, only a

Even during the summer, students spend their time living out the Jesu­

student at this school understands what it means to

it ideals o f being “men for others” through the Christian Service program

call Grand and Warren a second home. For these

that allows them to volunteer at soup kitchens in New York, Camden,

students and only these students, Prep is home.

and Washington D.C., repair housing structures and visit with the local

W hat school allows students to unite with faculty

communities o f Appalachia, and visit the sick and elderly in hospitals.

and staff like a family in the celebration o f mass, such as the Thanksgiv­

Other students, such as seniors Christopher Barry, Lucas Simko-Bednar-

ing Prayer Service, which observes the religious diversity o f the communi­

sld, and Jonathan Schirripa, volunteer their time as members o f local

ty? The student body, although occasionally divided into smaller groups,

EM S squads. In each o f these tasks, Prep students bring a piece o f their

gathers regularly to celebrate Catholic holy days as a family. As a nurtur­

Second home to the greater community beyond Grand and Warren.


he Madonna Q is just one cj

many places that bet a home to students$ spiritually and phy ly. The chapel pro a quiet and private for reflection and s as the site o f a ll o Emmaus Homecottti)


•#. fi I

ing family fostering spiritual growth, the Campus Ministry Department,

During the school year the “men on a mission” donate time and

under the leadership o f Chaplain Fr. Thomas Benz, Sj, runs the Fresh­

Fjjf Thomas Bent^S

money to help relief efforts for victims o f tragedies like Humcane Kat­

J l Michael Hoag, S]

Butharistic Minister si Francis Bull and Let •/ Pais distribute commt to freshmen, seniors, faculty members at All Saints Day litui\ U the Liberty Charter S auditorium. Miasses at only occassions when ti tire Prep community together and celebrates spiritual life,

man and Sophomore Day o f Retreat and the Emmaus Retreat program,

rina through the fall Mission Drive and the annual Walk-a-Thon that not

with the assistance o f many faculty members including Mr. Jo h n Morris

only benefited Prep, but also the victims o f the hurricane. Students even

and Ms. Marie Curiy, and the Emmaus Team and Extraordinary M in­

welcomed two students from New Orleans into their second home, of­

isters o f the Eucharist These retreats allow underclassmen the unique

fering a temporary sanctuary while their own homes were salvaged from

occasion to bond with friends, new and old, faculty, and alumni.

the damage o f the storm. Continuing on this “mission,” students wrote

W hen n ot engaging their minds in class or sharing in their spiritual

letters and signed a poster offering condolences to Loyola Jesuit College

side, students spend their free time in leisure activities. Students catch up

in Nigeria, which lost 10% o f its student body in a plane crash. Truly,

on vital sleep by napping at various places around campus, listen to iPods

the dynamic student life at Grand and ^C^arren is broad and encompasses

or play on PSPs with friends, trade trends and styles with each other, and

many diverse aspects o f life that each student integrates to form the varied

interact on the Prep MySpace group, which integrates students’ leisure

and exciting life at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School.

I t r y to 'become a b e t ­ t e r Prep man by le a r n i n g from the o l d e r students I hang out with. I always t r y to r e p r e s e n t P re p: I am always wearing some­ thing with Prep on i t . My f r i e n d s from sc h o o l are the majority o f my frie n d s outside o f Prep. Sophomore Steven Rizzo

I teach a c u l t u r e and lan g u a g e t h a t I l o v e ; t h a t I use in s c h o o l and a t home. I r e l a t e what I e x perien ce to what I teach in c l a s s in an e f f o r t to en ric h my l e s s o n s . Ms. R o s a li e Romano I t a l i a n Teacher


154 A Place That Feels Like Home

Students Steep ff\ore at School tyai? at Home titfte 4UtwgrM r free pe/fod,/U m r$A ^ ark^ dm Aitbmfek ilw iafetetik g m ^ tjy

day, &ttdetits

iftr&u0i0ui ih£'

sfeepingJiabiMti^n^ 'v':

P*i»p* J^ n joym g a qu ick slumber J l * during hoM mxw^l m tfm pm dom YagerandJasonThome lie down oh M r. D avid Muir's wnfbrmbk <ofk. $Jk M uirako



couch during d assat a p rfceof .ftfiy tefltSf w kkh veefff toward aidhtg Sergey Km nkhev, S /19 1 year ofd^iim M Qtphatt:" \

C JSlave

J tiW & i ^P0# a lunch

1 %M$^;ptki&r Lui&Bk&

^kd'$e ,to spend their free- pm -

pds&rkpt®ttf£ &$$w0k dtid'


eating; in .tits, tafelm a, &Me

p ow ef pap, $

offers pniptyMj&yedtfpt&k sm dze k?fo?& d fk r eldsS.'',1

0ty students

K in gA m lreas

Sjf'V* tire sloping ftncft ^^4^^ip^ho^it4ki v$*& I VS® i fM gan B a ll


'& '^Cdumg the Jm^day.

m nunCJ

r T hkin g a much-needed in-school siesta, juniors Alexander Bal1 las, Patrick Finnerty, and Anthony A ddas quietly fa ll asleep to Mr. Ja c k Campion's lecture on the epic novel, Gilgamesh. English class proved to be a popular place to snooze for some brave students, until the teacher attem pted to throw a dictionary to rouse the sluggish student.


earning or rather pretending to leam , about the differences between changes in quantity dem anded and changes in de­ mand, seniors Allen Ferrer, Frank Saile, and M ichael Pisko rest on the couch during M r. D avid M uir's AP Economics class. enior Steven Karunphand enjoys a briefsnooze during one o f his free periods after snacking on food provided by the cafateria ladies. Late nights spent finishing homework, studying for tests, and talking on the computer meant little time for rest.


156 Sleep Less in Saint Peter’s

igSaigtpeters /C --

> ’"•’ '■■ \‘ IV ‘ •* i <", J" -,

IPBohm’d dczii at hh dtsk. Severn! ■*

ft tktea 19the kitmf m matimnK


,j- ' v


TT TThile roam ing the hallways, one



easily could spot several stu-

[% /% /

dents sleeping. W hether resting


on the benches in the Humani-


s Building, napping in the cafeteria or in Lss, or dozing on the popular library chairs, hdents simply enjoyed sleeping, and espellly liked doing so at school. Many around iipus knew students consumed a lot o f their le sleeping at school, but few seemed to

re that much. Sophomore Matthew Yap felt it napping did not create a problem and tnitted to resting his eyes during the day. awake late into the night completing school

Still, some naysayers believe that sleeping

jth couches o r put cushions on the benches

work and, at the same time, rise early to catch

wasted valuable time in the classroom. But

the English Building so that students could

trains to school, which means that, ultimately,

others, like Mr. David Muir, felt otherwise:

sleep receives less priority. Although these ex­

“I don’t have a problem with students’ sleep­

I. It is a truth universally acknowledged

cuses make sense in the case o f many sleepy

ing because they have to live with the deci­

Ipt Prep students incessantly sleep because

Prepsters,” some students had different moti­

|thany o f them lead incredibly busy lives at

vations for all their school sleeping. Among these was senior Christopher Bligh, who felt

sions they make; if they choose to sleep in class, then they are responsible for the work

|: suggested that the school “make a lounge

ire more comfortable places to sleep.”

P after school. N ot only do m ost students linage a rigorous curriculum, but also they

they miss. This is similar to decisions students

“it is really easy for us to sleep here, because

must make in college in the sense that a stu­

pticipate in several co-curricular activities, pieties, and many other non-school-related

being here is like being home. Some faculty

dent would simply choose not to go to class

actually allow you to sleep on their couches.

[pities, like talking to their online friends

He added, “W e sleep so much so that when

if they felt like sleeping. I firmly believe that students should be accountable for all o f their

we are awake we are on top o f our game.

actions, so, gentlemen, sleep on!”

playing video games. Students often stay

S to ry by H ector Flores

A Place That Feels Like Home [157

e I^oad to Emmaus


Tumor:J f o f th s ttk s t dinner on their Emmam reiieat Although *■J f-v./ •■-'/■-• y-et hem .',' thecommi <' -m d fcllou'shjr of: the: -shared iHeal.tmuers moic on Emma\


T ) eadying dinl\ n e r for the other retreat par­ ticipants, seniors Jeffrey Rubin $nd Valentino M ills; along with M s. M elissa Dowling, discuss senior life while making iced tea for the group. Learning to take responsibility in the kitchen proves to be just one les­ son students learn on their retreats.

their own “road to Emmaus.” Emmaus team leaders also assisted on both Freshman and Sophomore Days of Retreat On maus, the team leaders performed the necessary hind-the-scenes tasks to assist Fr. Benz, such as ing the supplies needed for the weekend, prep “materials,” assisting in the set-up o f the Madoi Chapel for Monday night Homecomings, and ing present to welcome the retreat participant Homecoming masses. On the retreats themsel the four seniors helped not only in the duties cooking, cleaning, and taking care o f the rel isen zr


house with the adults, but also in forming the

tudents often hear the announcements ask­

to spend a weekend at the M t Paul Retreat Center in

rial spiritual atmosphere and community spirit

ing for “materials” and witness the students

Oakndge, NJ with four adults comprised o f teachers and alumni and four Emmaus team leaders.

summer Emmaus Team Retreat, held from Au|

traversing the hallways with small wooden

Team leaders trained for their weekend on

crosses around their necks; this is the Em­

A dedicated group of 32 seniors, the Emmaus

maus phenomenon. Emmaus often serves as the

Team received noteworthy recognition as the student

ized themselves with the M t Paul Retreat Ceffl

single most important spiritual event in any Prep

leaders o f the religious and spiritual life at Prep. The

learned to meet the challenges they would face

student’s life. The weekend allows a select group

Chaplain, then Fr. Anthony Azzarto, SJ, and cur­

o f juniors to bond and grow together to form a

rent Chaplain Fr. Benz chose the team leaders at the

team leaders, permitted time to reflect on mission as leaders and servants of Prep’s spiri

“brotherhood” through the various sharings, private

end of junior year and selected these seniors based

community, and bonded with other members

reflections, and free time spent cleaning dishes after

on leadership ability, spirituality, and openness to

the Emmaus Team. Many retreat participants cri

dinner, swimming in the lake, playing basketball, or sitting in a parlor. Managed by Chaplain Fr. Tho­

growth. Often the students’ first Emmaus experi­

ited their enjoyment to the Emmaus team leadi

ence in junior year inspired them to continue the journey into their senior year as guides to juniors on

who faithfully dedicated themselves to the spirit growth o f practically every underclassman.

mas Benz, SJ, the Emmaus Retreat allows candidates A

158 A Place That Feels Like Home

29-31,2005. During that retreat the leaders fa

S to ry by R obert Abud, Daniel Libatique, and S tephen McDcri*

adepts Sl?are Journeys ot) Retreats T^at Upite Ttyem... ftin im m&&i Cole, N icholas



Mkttjixzam. Rofart Qomhmx D a vidM iekd tt ftjxbcj&itt&L W tik on $piWM^ m a*w dmn-up o f a ll mmlfy no cm

$atw bi' w ar

t k $ o f (cm f r l exhausted p om the rciu at\ fici/ucnr ?M.eruses^f e

fltomis Bmz, $f: emiWttges zvervoiie mpmi$p0$* -4. Mft

ypith ni The


fyaltittg r n n n d $ e gtolmds,

iii fM Hd\^tfliam-- S k e k d d n , fa l*

filk v ^ w fr Thomas Benz?

rnj&h thc M l [{aul foliage :J h^~ h tm m rlicit group dciivHics,.

■^k^K!0fi% qfien spcnu theirs tiinc outdoors^'M 0ng^up: tft^ :> am hyyefibril ■smmhndingsl N

samea t aticSh&tdyk, i'hebanmr

'-BS^ps \ senpasa m&mno for theretreaM iits';

h -tM

,gxp&i&tc&on me tetft&fc



Qmn< NMtolas Be-

Jp'ptt ^ A fter dinner, Emmaus Team Leader seniorJustin Kraivanger and jL x.juniors Joseph Muzyczyn and David Garcia clean the dishes. In addition to cooking participants also leam to clean up after them­ selves,; this activity allows retreatants to bond with each other.

Bvm HacUer. bt&it&f| P&dtm pmftdk^i Fr. 7 h m $ zM fd S J places tike

an audkna ofbivfheis, includ'£5si«^%

M um# m tm d sdtod & tlm w m y m tm fafi tfa ir Emmus.


reating a checkered pattern for his group's Emmaus ban­ ner-, junior Joseph Pollicino cuts out the fin al pieces before placing the finished result on the banner while junior M ichael G arrigan adm ires his peer's dedication to the task. MMAUS TEAM LEADERS First Row: M r. M ichael Fletcher, John



Opel, Jeffrey Rubin, Christopher Fitzpatrick, A lbert Vecellio, Johnathan G ioiella, Julian Porm entilla, M r. James DeAngelo, Thomas Ongeri, Jerard D ela Torre, M s. M a ra Codey; Second Row: Brian Jones, Roland Zemla, IanM cTiem an, Peter Spiewak, Francis RomanoJr., Richard M yrla k, Brendan Bartosiewicz, E ric Ingles, John Bowker, Kevin Dougherty, James Baber, D aniel Ubatique, Aleksander Zyw icki, Lorenzo Rafer, Valentino M ills , M r. Robert Hym as; Third Row: John Uaneza, M ichael K eating James U Volsi, Justin Kraivanger, Raymond Sm ith, M s. M arie Curry, M ichael Pisko, Ryan Gelchion, M a rk Cavanagfi, Stephen M cDerm ott, and Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ.

Emmaus Retreat and Emmaus Team

Students Qollect Qfyapge fo r p a rity J TflDdemg ati wiomirig. soiccr bail while manning the fcoal, J J bophomore Spm tsr <M?m$m efqe$a osgam e of\ m m l soccer m tke fam tiasiam A faig w th tve?pof>ttfytf Dam? D a m R evehb ' tieit, the Virtual sports netttoy m s jd d e d to the available indoor

udivtheiti wtfisk

K ^ /a iid Ju dd M adaraitg joust vphtk atop stm tt pillars- iti\ a cushioned ring, Q tktr'etittfde carm val'aclivitii$ i am itm q i boxing ring an d dunk la n k -

CJSlave A per lielfm g to set up the mkmeal equipment in tflexaftteri&M r. David Baiky pfrqs theXbox be足 fore anyone else white sophomore


Pit/on Ceglio and senior M ark tkirsoiim sim pm tind. Sm dm s axwded tfi ta m cafeteria to bti\p a photo tdk&t vt'iifr a tardboafd cut-out oftkS rtem w iej^ r^ *

CJSlave S~\i/lockers like juniors CJms-

v V tsm Bw w js, M tufeHulf &j^wxeLf0i K^tbrjwwt S em Cmbtytf fkshniMMa&bw?' junior Antm M&tkim,

and sophomore PatmklQr^fit and David T4m, and' fiesfyjwm Jigar K&dtti, p k y aw d m p tm

||C JSlave




kts p m nearby. Facuityhitere

ais^Hmio^Ateh tiajdu k lllf ll a m al a&ttffsi freshntau At&wd Bm lm ibhd^

TT ffa ilin g in line for the popular obstacle course monitored W by M s. Ella Glazer, freshmen M ichael Chianca, Emmet Gregory\ Patrick Cappiello, Charles Costello, junior Sean Car足 ney, and freshman Louis Sullivan enjoy one o f the many events at the Student-Council-led indoor-outdoor Carnival. n the miniature g o lf course set-up in the courtyard and monitored by Mr. M ichael M cCarthy, junior D aniel Librojo putts the ball while freshman Jonathan N g aw aits his turn. N earby students had an opportunity to climb a rock wall.


C JSlave

A Jumerous students and faculty crowd around the ping-pong V table to watch the intense match played by freshman Bao Ngo and sophomore Clarence Gocon, including sophomore Dillon Ceglio, Mr. Patrick Hamilton, Mr. Kellen Williams, juniorJoseph Valenti, sophomore M ack Do, junior Peter Gonzalez, seniors Fergus Scully and M atthew Doherty, and sophomore Sean Dowd.


16c Annual Walk-a-Tbm

C JSlave

•*“*■■Qari)iuale (f'rffjSssSw'isSsiS ih0«t^i^m«ndwA%m


Witteitwtictt m PrincipalA ir. Kwm fk@ iii$ ijiffiY A fat nfesstdlym tH fitistom tfaekm fim ttyhii



ih tig M e Q M h y sftltsiU tg tuto ih i vm nr.

he annual Walk-a-Thon proved to be one o f the singular important events o f the school year, doubling as a ma­ jor fundraiser and a major fun maker

n brought the entire community together. “The Wk-a-Thon at Prep has come to symbolize the itial day o f the school year where all classes come kether and not only enjoy what the Walk-a-Thon Is to offer, but also to celebrate the values taught school,” exclaimed senior Jerard Dela Torre. ; For the first time the Student Council, under lidvisement o f moderator Ms. Marie Curry, ornized the event rather than the traditional Walkfhon Committee. The group formed an ad hoc

and the lack o f any meaningful destination, the

had brought in $100 or more. Secondary prizes

Immittee comprised o f representatives from vari-

Student Council voted to forego the walk alto­

included gift certificates to electronic stores and

fe classes to devise a plan ultimately presented to

gether, leading some students to dub the event the

nearby eateries such as Legal Grounds, Yellas, and

I entire Student Council. The Student Council

“Fun-a-Thon,” appropriately named for the carni-

Fatburger. Senior Lorenzo Rafer, however, took

a whole requested that any money raised above

val-style set-up in the cafeteria and courtyard; the

home the coveted prize-a free parking spot in

: $80,000 goal be sent to Hurricane Katrina re-

carnival replaced the magic and hypnotist show of

the faculty lot Rafer expressed his excitement, “I

? services. The Student Council members also

the past two years. Student participants had many

couldn’t believe that after five attempts, my name

lunteered their time in the days leading up to

entertaining options that day: an inflatable obsta­

was finally chosen. I was very excited to have a

|event; a few o f their duties included ordering

cle course, Dance Dance Revolution and other video

spot that didn’t run the risk o f parking violations

pas from over 20 local pizzerias and telephon-

games, a rock climbing wall, and a dunk tank with

I families to urge them to be as generous as pos-

Mr. Kenneth Dandorph dreading his plunge into

or extended pay. Plus, it’s a lot o f fun parking next to Mr. Thomson.” The Student Council reveled in

}le given the charitable nature o f the drive,

the cold water. The day’s climax came when the

the success o f the “Fun-a-Thon’ and planned to

i Due to extensive construction around campus

Student Council raffled prizes to students who

continue the new tradition in future years. S to ry by V alentino Mills


A Place That Feels Uke Home [lg l


T*ysct> verm Sony Playstation's PSR'Mr. L s f t e k •■■■■■■ the m f WOO PSP i

Jy sv ■<: m ;■/.!>'

prw& d&t tc f i x

Christspim Rivers' PSP until the svittm ers' pmctue fmt

- ■■ - >t: grades using WinSchooL The school prepared to up the telephone lines to a V.OJLP. line, a highly sopl cated phone line that allows for the crossover of \ and data, allowing for fester and smoother commuil tions.. ‘It reallyhas to do with the students. Ifstudent: expected to leave the school knowing about tBchna than it is our job to teach them about it Students a long captured by a blackboard or even a white bo As the “Nintendo Generation,’ students need sometf more to be captured, which is why we tried to in more projectors and white boards,” said Mr. Bailey. The prevalence of new technology in the school crossed over to the students who enjoyed the floi


new wave deluged Prep: a technology wave. New and advanced technology oould be found at every comer of campus with the intention of assisting everyone in the school’s

community. Mr. David Bailey, Director of Information and Technology, with the help of Mr. Jan Butrym, in­

began using tablet PCs, a cross between a SMART board and a laptop with a touch-sensitive screen Mr. Bailqr also added new computers in the forma location of the College Placement Office and in the Li­ brary, the new Collie Placement Office, and the science

ing technological advances diluting all the time 1 ing lunch and fiee periods, students fiequendy liste to MP3 players or played handheld video games! as Sony Playstation’s Portable (PSP), The Dell Jukel Nintendo DS, Creative Lab’s Zen products, and Ap(

labs; the school purchased Dell flat-panel computers for

iPods. More students began to bring laptops to scho

stalled projectors in the ceilings of most classrooms to allow faculty members to better illustrate their lessons.

their purposes. The new computer lab, The Muliy Lab,

complete work, save data files, watch videos and lists

allowed teachers to bring their classes to work on papers,

music, and play games anywhere on campus thank

Mr. Dennis Hu set a new standard by beooming the first tEacher to have a SMART board mounted in his room,

complete Internet research and create PowerPoint pres­

the school’s wireless technology. Teachers updated t own thinking about laptops by allowing students to

which allowed him to manipulate images for his Calcu­ lus and Precalculus students, save the lessons taught each day, and post them to his website. Several teachers also (CV

162 A Place That Feels Like Home

entations, all the while leaving the Library computers available for general student use. The school’s administration also worked on more In­ ternet distribution of newsletters, monthly updates, and

them in class to take notes and organize their note Senior Jonathan Matamoros concluded, “All the ti nology we have shows that we are all uptodate.’ S to ry by H ector F lfj

tudepts Boast of latest Tcc^olo^y Qad^ets apd dear... H p r f cm pkteh' in the ffapfocs of ttem w Sm y FU fyoam

S~ltecktH£ tus schedule '< n fv

^ T ,!W tm A n dw 2 faim d 'fk> m A *{% tg eriM K h tt$ sm ar

V _/

B jf.f Diihern- tcm pleta ti mission in Grand Theft Auto>er%rQ ty S t o n e s J & J y t

gm her t o e H

» ,t




!‘« n /<„ ■

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r 1l

etefe the sotiitu^jot kts latest

$C$}QqI'$ iw^lcssduring


\tJ^ss w tdk# t0t^ 0i4 hdp M n ^ n if i& t Prep

m am studmls prefer PSPs for

^ieif^0jlity to:p!ayMP% 'these fy h h ^ t^ atttl Mdttli&v- H olt lounge in the cdfeterLi. White

k i^ y a v p tn g p icm rts bad e fortU to each other

ihe Nintendo \DS system 'tharaflows thmi to type messages; io. each, other. '

't^ 0 fr e/.j^ r io d in the cafem-

M$i$l '§^utn^QM^s:ef}0\

:\Manysuuimts r e in e d ih&^\ and other new MiMel-d: w h o game system:s foi Chrtstimis.1|

'$$$($ $kt$& :jL$w John:iMt& opsciye n- mb page fir ihss.

| | a c c e s s e d (he Jiuemet duftngfrte m diu m k pmod& AH studeius coinpatct< were|

With the addition -of 30. m w i t M s n p u s y more

S : d$$;14 0 : Mr:Je&t Bwrym,

fmtioftsjfraxftkp $yk& u #ttd




ophomore Francis Whelan watches as sophomore Liam Kolb plays his Sony Playstation PSP. A PSP allows its user to watch a movie or play a video game any time and anywhere.

both Mr. David

Jsterrin^cHitsM PS player while conversing with classmate sophomore Philip Beni, sophomore Cambridge Chu enjoys the best o f both worlds during recess. Although banned in class, technology could be used by students on and around campus, especially in places like the Warren Street courtyard.


A ^tei^choohtffords students the time to enjoy technology, like jC x fo r juniors Joseph Valenti, Anthony Kufta, and Thomas Ruane, who battle each other on their Sony Playstation PSPs in the cafeteria. Additionally, PSPs allow for the user to play MP3s, and also have specially m ade CDs that play movies.

Technology at Saint Peter’s lfe I

Students Spei^d ttyc Summer Immersed ip Service {^ niM 'vtsiig a past full o f enthtK m hc ch:M m , fum'or Sem

S f $£

/i 0 Qtkgf:h$dv&$ ^ffrlf ch$df$tt $?j&imd^d^^.pt t$$i skrfQUttdfft^

l l l l FMft4<®'Matic Dmmiis,Q^Fstfms xwrfyB ||||ktiimfs ip

tim im W tiliam D u n dasm d JesfrtiM Jdn& lR & dfa Jz&fyt I&id&p AttfdM oti tQp, o f ' y<rfj§^ $m f mmmtaH w th w ^ t ^ n d d s^ n ^ ::: R & tikjiQ t tinfym&de. niw frim ds but ais$. ^cfc^dtBz m $kttd& : \

^jf tftstriityipns

| Jhw6t$ C ornel Gomez, K m if 1 GstfpQtifi&i, and Smu AfcParlaini, attending the. SfMintBrimwith Sr. &mtce&ffi/w& Dtmwn,

OSB, ^anpeoffthkoM , S ifjped

tim fom Stiidmts ofim spmddm t e&k 4®$iifidga, t&vathus w&tfe§ite$.-

T^MoyifM tM 'Watf* ft&slk jm o r s ^ id Bhm <^df0fi. Qcktiy take

-.pkms m W bath w g pr<?v& to\ m Glen-

at &}&£■ C JSlave

P a tia k JI

||| ;hdf$k ■ :


^o y § 0 i kd^^Mk0.



n the Washington, D C immersion trip, juniors Phillip Opsasnick and Amit Sathe repaint walls, not before Opsasnicle inscribes an inspirational message to "Take the Next Step" on the wall. Students receive encouragement to use their talents and skills to their advantage on the immersion trips.

^^rnirin^h^nohaw^T^d^foungynend^^hca^^^t I JL xV irgin ia boy, junior Gilberto Estupinan talks with some I children on his Loaves and Fishes summer immersion trip. EnI countering children much like themselves highlights one o f many I exciting facets o f the trip for the lucky juniors. I


T Tandling a snake carefully, junior Timothy Graham peri i suades the local West Virginia boy next to him to he brave enough to hold the intimidating reptile. Graham had to apply to participate on the selective Loaves and Fishes trip.

164 Christian Service Summer Immersion § "rips

SI ■:® hnp.ovcnshcd U\x-'is Camay, junior M idiud Lang aionA t i h r volunteer from the Loyola School in Chicago> riM ji& m gck w idk fMiUfig k k head. T1t£ p im k with the i omml cbddrm ^ Q tenw afp Farm in Kentucky helps the farm m i > c&ntwuuity

pcfyool’s ( ■

tfie summer itiM m ton trip a t Gfetm&ty' 'jtKsnmcky, junior Charles DuSlea receives a h&ittui from a untecrfrim i Sftte$ m m erem high sctofe | | & «! tm » tp m tiraa m td form


or Summer

ne o f the important tenets o f Jesuit education is teaching students about compassion. In order to better learn this idea, all juniors must fulfill 60

ias of Christian Service. To complete this requirebttt the Christian Service Department, directed by Frances Marie Duncan, OSF, provides juniors pi

many options so long as the students serve the

■advantaged in society. Students opt to complete a agram on their own, receiving guided help from : Christian Service Department, or to fight for the pst popular option: a summer immersion trip. The immersion trips provided the lucky few 0 the lives o f the unfortunate they served. Al-

we otherwise take for granted.” Not all immersion trips involved personal con­

but also it gave participating students a chance to establish stronger connections with fellow peers and

3Ugh students who traveled on these trips knew

tact with the people and communities in need; some

it they would eventually return to the comforts

trips indirectly served the needy by working with

classmates. Junior Michael Rogers, who traveled to Cincinnati with Sr. Frances and a group o f class­

their own homes, the experience helped them to

charitable organizations. The Camden Experience

mates, summarized his expenence: “This trip was

h an opportunity to truly immerse themselves

ttst appreciate their lives by allowing them to see

proved to be one such immersion trip. “I would def-

one o f the best experiences o f my time at Prep. It

w much they actually had in comparison to the

initely go back again. Even though I did not really

helped me become a lot closer with my Prep broth­

1nmunities they served. Junior Patrick Giamario,

interact with the people o f Camden, I shall never

ers, and it made me realize that we at Prep are truly

10 traveled to Loaves and Fishes in West Virginia,

forget seeing the food that our group loaded into

fortunate for the things we have.” By teaching stu­

Pressed, “The trip allowed me to forge personal

a truck leave the building, knowing it was going to

dents not to take things for granted by having the

Itionships with poor children in West Virginia,

help people,” commented junior Dennis Brown.

pscovered the importance o f solidarity with the

Not only did Christian Service provide students

fer and I learned to live without the luxuries that

with an opportunity to serve those less privileged,

students bond with those less fortunate, the Chnstian Service Program fulfilled its purpose of teach­ ing the Jesuits’ commitment to social justice. S to ry b y David G arcia

A Place That Feels Like Home



Students Hold Jo

j f i p /urn'll Darnel Vfrelmrelh cdrefuM U V I h s d m W K tumor Rithett K eller's hair after th e tfvnnge a m o f the Sfuttke H all feUnh-floor stairw d li ■ Cr.'iy;7.n vy many o f k k friend V>:.i|


teas&tutoli, | t in ,ve>■; is p r Perma.

our ideal concerts. From our experiences in past shows I have learned how to put on the perfect show by adding t t we feel would make a show better.” Seniors John Cai H zaro, Brian Jones, and junior Nicholas Cannizzaro also <u a production company, Ruckus Music Productions, wi H promotes local bands and organizes concert venues muc H the way that BC Productions runs its operations. An avid fan o f rock music, junior Jesse DeHorio tx H expressing his love for music by photographing bands, \ j. the help o f his parents, both o f whom work as graphic | signers, junior DeHorio began to use their equipment to H ture band images. Magazines such as Alternative Pnss, w] H produces about 100,000 copies a year, and American A I Press, whose proceeds from about 40,000 copies per me H l’ app.v

go toward the preservation o f CBGBs, have used his ph H hile many students resort to a job simply


enjoyed the sound-mixing; however, he did not plan to make

graphs. He also produces his own sweatshirts featuring thi H

for the pay check, others choose an occupa­

disc-jockeying his life’s profession: “I would rather perform

ters FYLO in pink, an acronym for “For Your Lens Onl; H

tion that suits them. Prep is home to several

an artist’s original trade than remix it I make money from

entrepreneurs who opted to start their own

disc-jockeying, but it’s more for fun.”

and to several who hold jobs that make the work fun.

scene with their own production companies. Seniors Jonath­

wearable outfits that sometimes sell for thousands of Junior Daniel Vecchiarelli cuts hair for his friends, dhanH

business rather than follow the mundane path o f their peers,

Other students have attempted to join the bustling music

Not every student acts as an entrepreneur, but rr H still tend to interesting jobs. Junior Juan Nordelo works I stock boy for Cornerstone Pets in Hoboken He fits pet^H

Junior Amlan Gangopadhyay disc-jockeys for an entertain­

an Schirripa and Christopher Barry promote bands in New

ment company called Tribe Entertainment and has worked

Jersey by organizing concerts through their company, BC

eight dollars per haircut Senior Jonathan Treble offers teH

with them for five years. The group provides music to live

Productions. BC Productions offers local bands the chance to

items for clients on the Internet as an eBay trader, ultirn^J

events, such as weddings, graduations, and birthday parties.

perform live at small venues. Seniors Schirripa and Barry first

earning a percentage o f the profit on each item sold. Se^H

He has spun for many events, including the annual Walk-a-

book a concert hall and the performing bands, and then dis­

Andrew Wallace holds an internship from GameLab, a cflH

Thon and the school’s first dance. Tribe Entertainment has

tribute tickets to the audience. “We like hosting concerts be­

pany specializing in the creation o f video games. What a|H

attempted to become one of the most recognizable names

cause it’s a cool way to meet bands. Many bands are interested

these students have in common is gumption, or the drivel

in recording and live sound-mixing Junior Gangopadhyay

in the same type o f music as us, so it’s almost like putting on

be different in what they do, including their line o f work^H


S to ry by Marc Pappal®1

166 A Place That Feels Like Home

fyat Pay fy Ih ore U/ays Ttyap Oije... i&jferkmg,- or, rather. fawmgfu&s Qit a g atn eat his internship in 'Manhattan, stMorAfidrew Wallace dnsute< that the m d javascript work property, WaMacgr&ok his fcfor drawing cartoons by hand m id xwMt Plash % We I I with professional $epSi$Hee M-a •■Qmtel^i^t0}t^hpT, \

^fi)Wiox^.tpah QangopadHyayr o rD J 'Amlah as he k known to mdny friends and family, shorn eg; the website tf/’-fos family's 4hcrjocke\m^ Trifa ■imnaumM i. Qangoimthmy also fmintmns it PrienJSier profile for Iris


^ n a p p in g in s M fiefy iD p am itel m h reversals p m o f : sttinc$ vehety taking battik and sends than into professional u a;k magazines, ni/a%d£ non to:working,daily-at. Legal Groimls. ■the-lbml coffee shop

C JS Ia v e

sFai^ after their, fast show m Montdair, sewer*Jemihan,Schirripa arid: CJtmhipktr-ticmy, along m ik

H i^it^$W 'and friend, Chris40?her' Mazar,. [ relish in ik e siicms o f fiie show thm netted dhetn:s m m l hundred dollars 'at the end o f the titbit \

:%en/ajip^s::kmi -lotm? contact. 1 \^'S^r^0rd4fo$et$ip i|| With alsJtfp& of -dog breeds, as '^h}0j^.S^ral eOfffrmfidgpr well as \mh M a tasty treat. Ncrddc^ job at | frequently :fn:c S m 0 d o ^ m 'W fitted with chic apparel |||

x^twrStdneJtet stote in,MoMyPapps



:^ te:m a fe J ’ress magazine.


A fte^ choolhotirs senior Jonathan Treble calls a client o f his jC x eB a y trade business while looking at the sales item on his portable laptop computer. Treble has sold several large items in his business, including a used automobile, and earns a sm all percentage o f the trade as commission for his entrepreneurship.

to &avid Minjiy jmioi- J ess^ 'Dthhric shows o ff semral o f k k photographs in a cdpf of

Bt’Fiom already h is made a name for kitmeJf, having taken tmny: o f the pktw gm phs at fariied fSBGBs in iVfanhattm*

T7 merging from the stage at M axwell's Restaurant in Hoboken, £ Z senior Jonathan Schirripa passes the microphone o ff to the band after introducing them. A fter starting his own band with his senior Christopher Barry, the two friends realized the lucrative opportunity in concert production and promotion. T ^ u ch ^ ^ u sic Productions, form ed by senior Brian Jones, and 1 \ brothers senior John Cannizzaro and junior N icholas Can­ nizzaro, hang out after the show with A Late Design, one o f the bands they booked for a summer concert. Ruckus maintains not only a website, but also a M ySpace site for their company. R u ck u s Music P rod u ction s

rap ps

Jobs & 1Entreprenuerships

T ) M ichael Hoag, S J leads the CkHstutn Ufh Cmmrtunity^eitm^ J7 so p h m m s Louis DiPapItf, Stephen Mttrpky, Ja tm Shalhduk, junior D avid Fttm. m i sophomores b tiM as Rabteckt, Bryan fy h m saw, Chrtstophc M .fruity, andjbhtt O 'firm m atm dsm m t m that day's Scnpturc /xbsa&s, C IC mem Tuesday and 'Ifamitdy mornimyp to hold a fnav and a brief insighlfitl reflection A t the A ll Saint s D ay Liturgy, senior B t im u a m ^ K ^ iZ JT X ofth e readuigs tothe Prep wtnmmity (otigregntteti. Separated: into two groups, the fredtpmn art4 sm ior classes attended tie mass m the Q ram nat School auditorium, \vh(h the sophomore and jyocessingim o tie xtmymrd. 1 Fr. Jeh a M ullm, S jf' fe .1 DanielO'Brien, SJ, Fr. M ichael H<xt$ §},(m dM s. Bonny Eaton solemnly march toward the altar

Spiritual Student A i ‘^e annual iw er-faitk T hanlesgm g jm J% hfkeT lm itk$g iy tn g kr(x th , \he student body /aim togei to appreciate the reSgous d m qtty o f the lOnmnd Students nifC d& dt, P m e$ tm t,fem k Muslim, Buddhist, ] f.iirh.: a ll share .i r.^shw an d reflection about thaul# tisss& itk the enpre cormmntity present a t the mass

jsass ttf-$k

ttt dm bq$tHittg v f i$4 jlfe s the Holy SpiritM Sep&wfar.'Wi Lazams. Miller, SJtifB ttfm te's St. M aty's pined the celehants to deliver a special scrrmtt.


tfN em rk, ' Assisted||M§k'^mi#s,Met&,.|

the Vr.u'll t h r >’

uV“ •« the gym nasium B ishop i rt v, u i-’*. t^tr


the sem on a t the particularly sa u a im tim s service.

$ r& t

ininm CJ


"These X .,M ^ ^

'$pm£h Z o ro x t r a o r d in a r y m in isters o f t h e c o m m u n io n


Fr. Atlthmi)>Azzam, SJ.

First Row: Robert Moran, A/lichad Serzan, Daniel Urbanovich, Michael Barbarula, James Doolan, A/lichael Yap, Steven Ig/esiasFigfjeras, Ryan Loftus, FrondsUarena; Second Row: Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ, A/lichael F. Sweeney, ConorSupple, Scott Baran, ChristopherZolli, CaseyAntczak, Michael Haas, Leander Pais, Francis Bull, and Mr. John Morris. enior K haled Chaudhary reflects on his Muslim heritage, and what it means to be thankful according to his religion, at the Thanksgiving prayer service held in the gymnasium.




inging joyfully to the Lord, Chorus members freshman Jameson Vicuna, sophomore Christopher Hetherington, junior Liam Farley, freshman Louis Sullivan, seniorAndrew Zhu, juniorJuan Nordelo, senr Thomas Ongeri, senior Conor Supple, freshman Antonio Manente, 'nior Daron Moore, senior Steven Karunphand, freshman Andrew ader, and senior Lorenzo Rafer harmonize at one o f the masses.

Ire Masses, ''C ftratfdttltffi Comtnunity & Extraordinary Ministers o f the Communion



\al^e tl?e School a Soulful place... Spans


MfrDftm pmm BarABtBti&iy M h ister d f S u ic h a e J Seram. the T&mt le#$>ts ikariftk Mmfsmrs :\ i-: d Wudjifc of the mttm mmmtmity bpawtkg a$ . y d Qufctitm,

&»& miv <y.;' ;o;•;.»•

v«- #

eth&vivsc mmjm K ifRHtifbtet p ft diasimtes #tt$peet$>1


s in most Catholic schools, faith and spiritu-

K 'm


ality prove to be an ever-present aspect of an average students day. Under the purview of

JLiQiaplain Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ, the school’s

ilitual side underwent several notioeable changes. Tak-

:g the year’s theme “Men on a Mission” to heart, Fr.

pz ensured that religion played an even more impor-

pt part of every student’s spiritual life For the first time a Morning Prayer, led by Fr. Benz,

ir. John Morris, and volunteer faculty and students,

pg overthe intercom each morning during homeroom,

heMorning Prayer pointed students’ attention towards

f t starting the day on the right foot In addition, Fr. through religion dass and the campus ministry activi­

Despite the number of changes in the school’s spirit­

I t only did students pray together at the Mass of the

ties, students would oome to understand better and have

ual side, tradition pervaded in Fr. Benz’s agenda and mis­

bly Spirit, the Thanksgiving prayer service, the annual

more confidence in reflection, prayer, and service,” said

hristmas lituigy, and the Holy Week prayer servioe, but

Fr. Benz. Many of his goals reached fruition: die masses

sion. The retreat program thrived in part from the efforts of the dedicated seniors of the Extraordinaiy Ministers

>o they shared God’s message at masses for All Saint

became much more about personal reflection and an in­

|ays, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and Ash

visible, yet emotionallypresent connection between one­

of the Communion and Emmaus Team In addition, Fr. Michad Hoag SJ. invoked students to partidpate in

Wednesday. In order to accommodate the growing need

self and God. He involved himselfwith every aspect of

the Christian Life Community to reflect on Scnpture

r personal faith devdopment in a more intimate set-

the m « i^ choosing the songs and reading? for the most

passages oncc a week in the Madonna Chapel Several

ig. Fr. Benz divided the school into two groups: while shman and seniors typically celdjrated the mass in the

spiritually holy experienoe possible He also chose the

students chose to start the day with a personal reflection

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, 17 dedicated

that connected the Gospd’s message to their everydaylife.

Mnmar School auditorium, the sophomores and jun-

seniors who received the revered position of distributing

Prep’s newfound, renewed spiritual side not only hdped

is shared together in St Peter's Church

the body and blood of Christ at each mass. Only those

I Fr. Benz’s hoped to instill sdfassurance in one’s faith

sdect students who demonstrated the utmost faith and

trough public prayer and reflection. “My hope was that

spirituality received Fr. Benz and the school’s blessing

to build bridges and relationships, but thanks to the several new aspects of Prep life, hdped students grow doser to God and to each other day by day.

p z arranged for additional masses and prayer services;

S to ry by R obert Abud

A Place That Feels Like Home [l6S

Tragedy Itemed

Students liaise /Aopcy apd tfi n ilm n g t L t m g ic loss ofm m udetn s fhm nhe 'Loydaj^ 1 ' . A l-ii-. N ig itk, I-r. Thomas Bem , SJ calls u t t h E m m s Team an d Bxitm dm arv Ministers o f the Comil Urn, s ew n John B&xkee, Stephan McDermott, Lori • W# ■M icktd Y ap , M ark G waiiagh, >- ,fV. ■:/'- k m the, school ihould respond.

the annual Walk-a-Thon, helped to collect funds a: gather supplies to be sent to the affected areas. The Prep community also had the opportunity, help a fellowJesuit school in dire need of prayer ai support A plane returning students of the LoyolaJesi College in Nigeria home for break crashed, quicklyaj sadly ending the lives of 10% of the school’s popu I tion Prep responded by sending letters of condoler written by Fr. Thomas Benz’s, SJ senior Prayer class the Emmaus Team, and the Extraordinary Minisft of the Communion. In addition, seniors Stephen Iv Dermott, Sean Morris, and Thomas Ongeri create:


banner with the school’s seal of and the words ‘We Praying for You All” to offer comfort and hope to t

n the wake of disaster hope can be found in

pression for their unwavering friendliness and spirit

those who reach out to people in need. Prep set a precedent o f providing aid for those who suf

joined the Cross Country team and ran with the upper­

distraught Nigerian community. The banner hung the cafeteria for several days, allowing the entire Pr

feted by responding in a timely way to several crises that occurred during the school year. The wrath

classmen on the Varsity squad, and any senior would agree that Seither truly became an honorary senior

expressing their sympathy through a personal messaj

left in the wake of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in Sep­ tember called upon the school to aid the victims of

classmate By December, however, both of Prep’s refu­ gees returned home to resume their old way of life, not

these homeland tragedies in any way possible

without first leaving everyone with lasting memories.

in light of their personal tragedies. Freshman Bacques

Prep quickly became a refuge for two students who

In addition to the school’s role in taking these students

resided with friends and family in the area until they

in need, the Mission Committee, via the fall Mission

community a moment to pray and to sign their nar ‘The seniors took the lead. They were the ones ti thought o f the banner, and of recording a memor prayer service to send to Nigeria,” noted a proud I Benz. Although these tragedies reaped sadness and row, they brought together a community who can

could return home to New Orleans. Freshman Taylor

Drive, Outreach, via the volunteer work they complet­

deeply about helping victims in need of prayer ail

Bacques and senior Mark Seither became temporary

ed at the Bayonne Terminal to send backpacks and aid

members of the student body, but forever left an im­

to victims of the storms, and the Student Council, via

support Indeed, with these tragedies came the unwav|j ing support of the humble Prep community.


S to ry by C J . Koi

17C A Place That Feels Like Home

pjrits o f fcl?e (jrief-Stric^ei}... meeting h ‘#$khig ttf&gfOiifi I jl ll f l Ru&k, Setm Mc^mlatid, $mio? A lkhm t pith t.. Mmr B WH- |§p||i W tgas Chcttka, litmor Andrew Zlm, for helj? in fy im g . out u 0 m o f action end.iiid to the Itamcana-hitL’red C id f Comt.



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■it'efo o f tke- TV. StodiQ,ji im®k .£%fjj.c>f&J0n'&$Ufik |pphefdand OWW '€&?&&$& I mg teg. 'wMMfit T&Of#i& &$#%, film ed m nm m brm ce q,f the GKislf W^^v M il t!m sent to SJexpfaitis tkt sad situation o f ]S$gem p offer support.


A ddressing the student body at the M ass o f the Holy Spirit, jC x sen ior Raymond Smith exhorts the student body to be as generous as possible for the annual Walk-a-Thon so that more money could be donated to Hurricane Katrina reliefservices. Any money raised above and beyond the minimum amount per student would autom atically be donated to the relief efforts.



tencilling a banner for the people a jfea ed b y th e disaster in I N igeria, senior Thomas Ongeri writes the words "We Are I Praying for You A ll...Your Brothers at St. Peter's Prep." The I banner was signed by hundreds from the community. oticing the response letters from the Nigerian community, senior Connor C allahan reads what those mourning at Loyola Jesu it College said in their return letters to the Prep com­ munity. The outpouring o f love and support in their time o f need affected the Nigerians, who were thankful to receive the banner and the video prayer service from the Prep community.


Saint Peter’s Responses to Tragedy

/IA i I SS 11 S S

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J . V lm tx im ed k 'f^ .M A ie lifo e^ ® te th e r diseu® plans fir the latest edition o f the Hendxtmrv a m vskm r fa it rep m m att spfrts kappettmg, 10 the studem M y A support o f these idem wen m m Qmstophet BEg/t> Scott bomn, Jplm W&& Cemior Purcell I

T~y<’iaS a vertf busy day o f work, seniors'jetard b c la m m et M ichael Yap husdy work on then homework ml KmtStfwffyl^imlSt)t^4i$Petw$)%m^mphomete&®tka \ cafeteria w hile ai^vme. ..v tjs m m im y. Bach young I Murphy, senta Raymond P m a , etml sapkim ns Daniel Hmnessy. ' www ‘t the m 'm nw te v.itk U sjashtom M e I f M g j ■siyfyU y placed beneath his blazer Trends token front televh T V ^ a rm g a hooded sw tu itsh m u m ^ n h ijU ^ f/^ u ^ i^ ')w d ti» m edia m m ittly shew up in the s c h o o ^ d . W popularized duriit£theeaM w nttr, tumorShatm A gtikra soaps a p icm e on his cam era phene; bo tk the sw iolsrtin and carneta phene art tn violation o f Prep's, rates. 'M any iffh it actki- 5 ties stteh us these m tflin unnoticed hv faculty attd administration, and, therefore, treat' tto severe consequences.

£ap{»* T~s\unng a fh& ||§p| atrfy L J hairedse}fiorl)ankIMc]fter~ ney triesto m ^nb^'ks hoinmpfc while his sliaggyhaimf classmate senior A im Cdpinpin, •speeds

tPm ^i his assigim&il & m s$ k fortwere uotavnmogfmiMe when computed to their former fzskntm ssft&y-a cm sptketfm edfi-t^ m i now had io'sm etd band hair, |

M M R aym ond Sm ithI along vMi jtm iw Alexander Pug/iese, seniorAdam Bechtmtn, sophomore Ja m s Ward, seniors

sw farjdm es Qootitn, jttttio?A& rkonyAddas,jw dseriitoX ^tftdr |

'M&rk'Siedenxafjit '&&dx$$k Ing/ei, jutffor 0m rhs'0^ lm ^

m ks suggestions M arauder Ma­ rion meeting fbffostm to prom n the upcoming sporting emits.


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J^ jK /isune Sfam ^ pends h er mft periodjn



haggy hair proved to be one o f the top trends o f the year, sported here by senior Raymond M ikulich, who completes his homework assignments in the cafeteria during recess. Shaggy hair had been on the rise since crew cuts became passe.


JT)esting at lunchtime for a much needed meal, senior Brendan JL \Bartosiew icz has a discussion with senior Eric Ingles. They

could be discussing Bartosiewicz's impressive side bums, a trend popularized by students who actually could grow them, or the comfortable, slipper-like Birkenstocks that Ingles wears on his feet, another trend started and sneaked around campus.


Fashion, Trends & School Spirit


) W Fasl^iop, Styles, apd Trei^

ophomore M ichael Laurie, freshmen Eric Bujnowski and Philip Reynolds, junior M ichael Kopacz, and sophomore Jam es Pilger, wearing athletic shorts and T-shirts, prepare for an outdoors sports practice. Athletic clothes, which usually sport the word "Prep," traditionally were worn by almost a ll o f Prep's athletic teams during their daily conditioning.


i/nutate Student Spirit.. wc.'irifig. yr stylish' flzecc swmishin, tlit. u paw im » » it$ m vdiidt A m st^ a ’ m x m m il i& tite He m i other A fcw rfw IVfafew w A tter, B®

Jfi ' |jS» .<•i


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^ & id e/ia > l^ s» 0 sh in sl g s^ ky a^ kfitm u $ setm f5 ,M etki , wsfiAm. .SMfbrttthk sifter s d w l hoim h ‘ Wearing a sm tt$htrt, I

■T ust as trends in music, film, and fashion evolve in society l| each year, so too do these trends develop and emerge ■ inside the walls o f Prep. Though students obliged not I

to stray from a strict dress code, a distinct trend emerged

ffhin the community. Many students riskedJUG so that they )uld stay warm in the winter by wearing track jackets, sweats, or hoodies under their blazers. ‘W e simply wanted to feel mfortable in school during the harsh winter” claimed senior lark Dolaghan. A very oommon trend pushed the envelope

1footwear, causing many students to be confronted for dress pdeviolations. Several students, however, fooled teachers and Ministrations by wearing formaHooking shoes, which, in proved to be brown slippers or Birkenstocks. A choice few bo dected to sport the unkempt look each day by refusing

m m inCJ

ptuck in shirts, sneakily leaving the top button undone, and Besides the fashion trends adopted by many, personal hy­

throughout the year, promoted sporting events, and planned

giene, or the lack there of became another outlet by which

several pep rallies. Their infectious behavior certainly created

In addition to the general style o f the Prep community

students expressed themselves. Many students grew long and

one trend among their peers, namely, the large outpourings

lat evolved with emerging trends, some groups within the

tousled moptops and refused to shave on a daily basis. Even a

udent body forged their unique identities through dothes.

few students and teachers let their sideburns turn into bonafide

>ne student group wore dothing more baggy than others,

muttoiKhops. M ow ing a trend o f maintaining longgr rather

Snetimes adding a leather jadcet for extra flair. Other students

than shorter hair, several students even sported the super shaggy

ore tight pants and shirts, sported a tan, and spiked their hair iimiddng the latest hair trends among the Hollywood elite,

look, afios* and even feux-hawks. Though one might not immediately draw the connection,

nother clique often wore dark colors dark and thick glasses,

Marauder Nation also proved to be a thing of the times. What

pd donned black hair in what many tamed the “emo” or

was once known as Maroon Spirit nearly 30 years ago evolved

motional look Even a bold few like seniors Johnathan Gioi-

into what became the Spirit Committee. Most recently, the

la and Richard Myrlakwore bright colorful jackets and pants

group of diehard fenatics emerged as the reinvigorated Ma­

|>suggest the originality in their individual styles.

rauder Nation The spirited group organized numerous events

paring jackets over blazers or sweaters, all at the risk of getting kght for additional dress code violations.

of fens at many football and basketball games and pep rallies. The first pep rally occurred on the first day of school, introduc­ ing students to the football team, while the second rally raised support for the Varsity Football teams championship game against Don Bosco Prep. The group also continued its tradition o f the Henchman newsletter, a weekly publication keeping the student body abreast of any upcoming games and matches, and providing students with humor-filled sports talk Whether trends set by fashion, music; media, or even, by the spirited student body, Prep students proved their place in society by adapting ever-evolving trends into their own lives. S to ry by C .J. Kopec

v4 U lise That Feels Like Home 173

Araya, K irubell 60,118

Bennett, M atthew 62

Arienza, A ndre 138

B en z SJ, Fr. Th om as 2 2,34,85,154,158,159,168,169, 170,181

Arnold, E llin g to n 42,110

A A bdelaziz, A bdelwahab 124,125 A bio, Ju le n 34,120,121 A bud, R ob ert 2 5 ,6 0 ,6 3 ,6 7 ,7 4 ,7 5 ,7 7 ,7 9 ,8 7,104,139, 141,148 Acevedo, M arcelo 50 Addas, A n th on y 50 ,1 5 6 ,1 7 2 A deola, Im m an uel 34

A rnone, D am ien


Arrospide, Andrew 34

Berm an, Lori 26,35 Bernal, M atdiew 42

A rthur, Andrew 50,113

Bettinger, Ju stin 63

A uth, M ichael 34,140,181

Bhagat, Palak 4 2

Auth, R ichard 60,140

Biggy, Jo sep h 2,50

Auz, Rafael 16,24,50,57

Bilavsky, T im o th y 42,181

Avallone, Jo sep h 61,90,95,106,122,123

B in d er, Andrea 34,114

Avallone, R ob ert 10,34,122

B in i, Bryan 63,67,95,117

Cabardo, Drew 50

A verello, V in cenzo 42

B lake, A n th o n y 34,35,114,115

Ayuda, R ich ard 61

B lan ch ard , Luke 50,156

Cabrera, Alex 42,139 C abrera, Josh u a 65,95

Azaceta, G abriel 42

B lan ch field, B enjam in 2,34

C allahan, C o lin 50,109

Aziz, M alikul 42

Blauvelt, Jam es 34

C allahan, C o n n o r 22,65,171

Azzarto SJ, Fr. A nthon y 5 4 ,7 9,158,168,169

B lich arz, Ja c o b 42,121

C am argo, B enjam in 34,110 Cam argo, D aniel 15,50,109

Bligh , C hristo p her 60,63,64,79,81,92,95,157,172 Bludgus, B illy 116

Aguas, M ich ael 4 2,134

B olan te, H enry Jr . 63,69,95,157 B olos, D an 16,34

ISSIO N C O M M ITTE E First Row : Brendan Canale, Adam Kusen, Nilesh Parikh, Jonathan Maiamoros, Michael J. Sweeney; Second Row ; Calo Lwtongi Jeremy Salvador, Gregory Rasmusson; Third R ow : Mr. Robert Za wistomki, Patrick Israel, Matthew Owen, and Joshua Tosi.

A lfieri, D aniel 4 2 ,4 8 ,1 1 3 A lfon so, D avid 17,50 Aligo, Lance 42 ,1 2 2 A linea, K rystoffer 50 A ller, A lexander 50 A longi, A n th on y 6 0,139 A lon so, D avid 50,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ,1 8 1 A lston, C arroll 42 Alvarez, G eorge 119 Alvarez, Jo sep h 42 .1 1 3 ,1 1 5 Alvarez, Josh u a 3 4,114 A m m end ola, T im o th y 34 ,1 2 2 A nderson, Andrew 2 1 ,6 0 ,6 1 ,6 7 ,6 8 ,6 9 ,7 1 ,7 3,74,81,86, 8 7 ,9 4 ,9 5 ,1 4 8 ,1 8 2 A ndreadis, A n th on y 50 ,1 1 3 A ndreadis, C hristo p her 28,2 9 ,3 4 ,1 1 3 A ntczak, Casey 6 0 ,9 0 ,9 5 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 6 8 ,182 A pito, G ary 2 6 ,4 2 ,1 2 2 ,1 5 2 ,1 8 1 A quila, Francis 6 0 ,71,113

C annizzaro, N icholas 24,50,130,131,159,167 C apinp in, A lan 2,65,95,172

B orn eo, M ikael 64,79,126

C apodice, Kevin 50,122,123,144,164 C aposello, Ja so n 24,25,42

Bacques, Taylo r 20,34,93,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 7 0 Baez, K en n y 2,34

Bovich, Lawrence 3 4

C appiello, Patrick 34,129,160 C aprio, A.J. 129

Bowers, Jared 25,42,45

Carey, W illiam 42

Baginski, A dam 5 0 ,130,148

Bowker, Jo h n

Carm ody, Richard 34

Bailey, D avid 100,101,160,162,163

Bow ker, M artin 61,64,109


Carney, Sean 17,49,50,61,69,77,93,151,159,160,1 Carney, T im oth y 42,134

Baker, M arge 100,101

Boyle, G regory 18,35,145

B a ld u f SJ, Fr. R aym ond 26

B oysen, Shawn 50,112,113

C arrion , M arc 42,134

Ballance, Jo sep h 4 2 ,122,123

Braddock, Jam es 6 0 ,63,64,65,67,69,80,88,89,90,95, 172,173

C arroll, N eil 34,57

Brahm b h att, A nand 34,83,160

Casanovas, W alter 34


Carver, Alicia 183

Branagan, J o h n 34

Casares, M arcus 34,114

Branagan, Jo sep h 64,95

C asio, M ich ael 20,34,151 Caslowitz, Steve 28,29,36,54,1 4 3 C astaldo, G erald 34 Castaneda, Rene 22,34 C astillo, Andrew D el 43

T N DEPEN DEN T FILM SO C IE TY First Row:#jJ xanagh, Andrew Wallace, Hector Flores, and John L


A D D First R ow : Nishant Tyagi, Sonant Lama, Zachary Green, Julian Ortiz, Tariq Mazhar; Second Row : Joel Salazar,Jonia Pormentilla, Paul Curtni, Andrew Pascual, Sean McFarland; Third Row : EricMorgan, Phillip Opsasnick,John DuVal, Joshua-Daniel Recobs; Fourth Row : Gregory Rasmus­ son, Michael J. Sweeney, Steven Karunphaud, Justin LoRc, Marciano Figueroa, JVis. Kate Walsh, and Connor Purcell.

Balias, Alexander 50

Bratowicz, J o h n

Ballesteros, D ean 50

B rennan , D aniel 50,147,181

Banach , C urran 42


Brennan , R ich ard 50,113

B an n o n , Brian 7,50,109,126

Brenneis, B en jam in 42,126

B an tom , Alan 6 ,6 1,64,73,92,95,119

Broad bent, A lex 34

Baran, S co tt 6 1 ,75,76,83,89,92,94,95,112,113,168,

Alegria, M ark 50

C annizzaro, J o h n 27,65,130,1 3 1 ,1 6 7

Borges, N oel 63,64,83,95,113

Boucher, Jo sep h 42,49,121


Albers, Patrick 34

Candela, Josep h 28,34,69

Bdrsellin o, Jo sep h 34

Lof N tus, Javier Vasques, RaymondMikuliclt, NileshRyan Parikh,

A iello, G abriel 42

C anale, Brendan 34,57,69

B onafe, Jerem y 4 2 ,4 8 ,1 1 3 ,1 8 2

Baber, Jam es 6 1 ,6 3 ,79,87,89,95,153,159,170,171

F irst R o w : Francis Llarena, Henry Llarena, Alexander Pugliese, Yul Ruiz, Adrian Hernan­ dez, Joshua-Daniel Recobs; Second Row : Andrew Zhu, David Mielach, Juan Nordelo, William Sheridan, Daniel Weinberg; T h ird R ow : Julian Pormentilla, Robert Keller, Brendan Bry­ ant, Paul Curmi, Dennis Brown; Fourth R ow : Sr. Francis Marie Duncan, OSF, M ichael Yap, Sean McFarland, Sonant Lama, Muhammed Khan, Eoin Halpin, Joshua Tosi; Fifth Row : Colin Callahan, Marciano Figueroa, Jotna Pormentilla, Thomas Ongeri, Christian Buenafe, William Grapstiil, Nicho­ las DeBenedectis, Aleksander Zyvt/icki, and Sean Byrnes.

Aguilera, Sh au n 2 ,5 0 ,1 7 2

Cam pom anes, M arc 5,42

B om ba, Ryan 5 0 B o o th , Andrew 6,63,64,76,77,84,92,95,112,113*156 B o o th , M ich ael 5,42,46


Anthony Yasneski, Michael Pisko, Henry Bolante, Valentino Mills, Alan Capinpin, John Cheney; Second R o w : Michael Serzan, Andrew Zhu, Michael Barbarula, Julian Pormentilla, Neophytos Zambas, Brian Dalton, Patrick Comey, Daniel Libatique; Third Row : Ryan Gelchion,Joseph Avallone, Chris­ topher Fitzpatrick, Kevin Dougherty, M ark Tiedemann, Fergus Scully, Nishant Tyagi, Christopher Convery; Fourth Row : John Llaneza, Cory Leadbeater, Patrick Duffy, Janies LiVolsi, Mark Cavanagh, Andrew Anderson, Leander Pais, Lorenzo Rafer; Fifth Row : Ian McTiernan, Matthew Doherty, Jason Ramnaraine, Roland Zemla, Jigar Patel, Louis Hart, Michael Dmytriw, Colin Gallo, and Stephen McDermott.

C am pion, J o h n 12,13,36,57,82,86,91,142,156 Cam pom anes, Jeffrey 50


Brow n, D enn is 50,54,93,116,117,150,165 Browne, Patrick 64,71,95

B aranok, C h ristian 34

B ruce, A ndre 65,129,172

Barbarula, M ich ael 4,22,61 ,6 4 ,8 8 ,1 6 8 ,1 8 2 B arone, Andrew 6,42,146,153

B ruce, A nthon y 42,128 Bruckner, R ob ert 15,35,85,120,121

B arone, D ouglas 5 0,61,108,109

B ruscino, A n th on y 50,113,135

Barry, C hristo p her 3,41,60,62,64,91,108,109,154, 166,167

Brzuszkiewicz, D avid 50

B arson, D aniel 42,48

Buckley, Sean 34

Barsoum , M ark 62,89,90,160

Buczynski, M ark 50,134

Bartosiew icz, Brendan 6,62,79,159,172

Buenafe, C hristian

Beaudette, Jeffrey 2 4 ,34,54,57,61,153

Bujnow ski, E ric 2 ,34,57,128,129,139,172

Beckm ann, Adam 62,95,172,173 Beckm ann, Paul 20,34

B ull, Francis 65,95,154,168

Beckm eyer, B rian 22,34

B ryant, Brendan 23,42


Burgess, M ich ael 116,127 Burroughs, R ash on 34,114

Beesley, Patrick 62,94,95,134

Butrym , Ja n

Begley, Peter 4 2

Buzzio, Ian 34,110,111


Bell, Jam e s 42,46

Byram , K evin 34,120,121

B ellin i, Ju stin 42,121

Byram , Peter 16,50

Benavente, G eorge 34,114,130

Byrnes, Sean 50,145

Benavides, G abriel 42

Nilesh Parikh, AleksanM JL wicki, Javier Vasques, Daniel Hettnessy, Eamon HaM Ryan Lofttis; Second R ow : Shaun Aguilera, Francis Rom Matthew Muiroy, Matthew Ward, Colin Gallo; Third I John Pflug, Eric Ingles, Jeffrey Rubin, Michael KeatintMi Kopec, a nd Michael F. Sweeney" " T V S T U D IO First R ow :

C astillo, R odrigo 50,61,181 Cavanagh, M ark 16,64,65*68,71,91,95,105,! 4 2,1 4 R 159,170,171,180 Cavanagh, M atthew 50,61

Bender, M atthew 34*61

Cavanagh, S co tt 50,113

Beni, M ich ael 62,64

C eglio, D illo n 19,42,121,160

B eni, P h ilip 42,46,163

C eram i, R occo 42,113,151 Cevasco, Andrew 19,25,50,109,146

174 A Place That Feels Like Home

ba.l, Ian 50 tha, W igas 50,171

C rim m ih s, Jo se p h 4 3 C rosby, C harles 6,18,19,3 7 ,5 7 ,6 1 .9 1 ,1 4 2 ,1 5 1

D onahue, R o b e rt 5 1 ,1 5 9

udhary, Khaled 6 6 ,1 3 4 ,1 6 8

C ru z, C h risto p h er 35,114

D onaleski, Jo h n

udhri, M uham m ad 3 4

C uddih y, K ev in 3 2 ,3 5 ,5 6 ,7 9 ,9 8 ,1 0 0 ,1 6 1 ,1 8 0

D o n d ero , Jam es 2 6 ,27,38.57,85

F ra n , D avid

udhry, M on ceb 34 n ey ,Joh n 66,7 4 ,8 2 ,1 4 5

C u n n een , Paul 6,16,37 ,5 7 ,8 5 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 8

D on d ero, M ark 21,2 7 ,3 9 ,1 4 4 ,1 4 8

C u n n in g h am , A id en 6,43

D o o la n , Jam es 64,6 9 ,9 5 ,1 1 8 ,1 6 8 ,1 7 2

F in n , D avid P. 7 4 9 , 5 2 ,1 1 3 ,1 6 4 ,1 6 8 F in n . M ary 9 8 ,9 9

anca, M ichael 3 4 ,4 0 ,1 1 0 ,1 6 0

C u n n in g h am , N an cy 32,100

D ougherty, K eyin 68,6 9 ,9 5 ,1 1 8 .1 1 9 ,1 5 9

Fima, Sean 3 6

i\jdry, Salm an 6 6 ,7 9 ,1 4 7

C u n n in g h am , T im

D ow d, R yan 4 3 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 9 .

Fimxerty, Patrick 16,52,156 -

fctian, Rodney 5 0 ,5 6

C u n n in g h am , T im o th y 95

D ow d, Sean 4 3 ,1 6 0

Fitzpatrick, C hristo pher 4^ ,70,85,92,95,135,14.4,159

istie. Adam 50 ,7 7 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 9 ,1 3 4

C u rm i, Paul 51

D ow ling, M elissa 18,39,75,153

istie, D aniel 50 i, Cambridge 4 2 ,1 6 3

C urry, M a rie 17,30,3 8 ,5 4 ,7 4 ,1 4 6 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 6 ,1 5 9 ,1 6 1

Dow ney, Sean 43,48

Fitzpatrick, Thomas 5 2 .1 1 6 ^ 1 1 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 2 7 ,1 3 4 Hume, Christopher 3 6 ,1 2 6 'vs

C u to la, M atthew 35

D oyle, J o h n 4 ,35.41,110,122

Fistcr. B rian 28,70,83,108.1.09 ' '


C zirbik, R ich ard

D oyle, T h eo d o re 51,116,1 1 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 2 7

Flefcher, Michael;: 1 0 ^ 2 ,4 1 ,1 5 9 ,1 Flores, Fahtari - 16,70 .

Lee M arjore 90

D oreiim ck, D eF ro n 2 6,43,46



C zm o la, Y u ri 67

nci, Thom as 3 4 ,1 1 0

Figueroa, M arciano 7 0 ^ 8 ,1 6 0 Filatov, Vadittt 36

20,43 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 9

F in ch, T im oth y -5,2.-1; $t

D ru m m o n d , Peter 43,416*117.,126,127 D uffy, Patrick 64,69,82,95,131

L, 43 .1 6 0

;hetti, Ju stin 34 , Christopher 66,7 5 ,9 5

D uIIea, C harles 7,51,6 9 ,1 6 5 ,1 7 2

lentes, E rick 4 2

■Duncan O S F , Sr. Frances M arie 7 ,8 ,9 ,14>39,54,57,85,

Foley, W illiam 3 6 |

no, Eric 42,12 0

- 138,164,165,1.71: ' D undas, W illia m 51,15-9,164

Pong, William 36^122 \

rk, Dylan 34 rmont, G abriel 6 6,71

Flores. H cclo r 26.29,63,66,68,70,91,95,99,-] 0 3 ,l M ; 1 4 1 ,1 4 3 ,1 4 9

Folj’cr, Scaji 4 3 - '

D u ran te, M ary 2 6 ,2 7 .4 0 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 7 .1S2

JFoord^ C o n r % 4 ;^ 6 ,i5 0

D ’U rso, D o m en ico . 5 1

F o rd , C a th e rin e 1 0 2

D uVal, J o h n 43

I o\, Kevin 52.122,123 ..

Dye, B r ia n 4 3 ,122,123

Row : Liam Parky, C xy Leadlmer, and A k h sm k r Zyv-di.


'■ ’

Franco, Laru IOO.lOic ";>

D y b u s,Jo sh u a 69,95

[JERARY M AGAZIN E FirstR o w : RoheitAktd, C J, KojXQ Sec-



Freem an,' C^ay.e.,

D ’Alessio, T lio m as 66,67,6 9 ,7 4 ,8 3 ,9 4 ,9 5 ,1 2 3

■■Fieem^ni D o «g lasv 44?l | :^ ^ ■

D ’A m ato, Andrew 35

Fricl. Aiidriana



D abrow ski, P au l 51,132

Fricl. Padraic 5,68,69,70,7 2 .o5 ,144,153

D aley, A ndre 43

Fugaro, f^ ic h o }^ ^ - t :\

D a lto n , B rian 21,6 7 ,7 9 ,8 4 ,8 9 ,9 5 ,1 4 2 ,1 6 0 .1 6 8 D an d orp h , E lizab eth 103


D andoi-ph, K en n eth 3 5 ,70,71,82,83.103,104,161 D anicls-R ub instein, Y etu ndc 2 6 ,2 7 ,5 4 ,9 3 D avis, R ash ad 35 ,1 3 0 D avis, W esley 35,121 D eA tigelo^Jam es 30 ,1 5 9

Eagan, An^r^W 5 L 130,1 Eaton, Boariy a ^ l ^ O ^ l , 91^41,148,149,159,

D eB ened ectis, N ich o las 2 4 ,5 1 ,1 5 9 D eC and ia, G ian v ito 6 7


D eC astro, J u s d n 51

E delm ann, C h risto p h er 6 9 ',t4,83)I45

D eC o n g elio , D an iel 5 1 ,1 1 3 ,1 1 5

G .u id y , B h i m i


^^3,41,130 jy iT R O C

F irs t R e v / : L ou ii DiP.-icld

Tyrone Snwi/h,

JL P d c k Bhag& i Jo ru fih fi; Wong, Conn;,I fiw td ; S e c o n d R o w : C arroll AlstoiL D a n k i Llbrojo Nilesh Piirikh, D^.vui

f c m R Q t e W - a F . v m o ! C A S T : F k sr:: RoCv: m h s


lY licladi D avid G arcia, M ichael Scott;'■T h iid R o w J&$<!

"'H O R U S

Q T A G E Cl'vFVV F io . FvOv.-

First R o w : Christopher H eihem gfoti, J u t m .


jfgfe Second

[zijhicnie, M ich a el J . SKdCh'cy. Jay ter Vatyuvs, D an iel BrenU0 i, D avidM u X A ibrn Y u d iio , a v d Da\nd -Sawi’'td^ ,

Pafikk MarSCapOHr %M:r Vdkrim&

G t . ^ j, D c-;

jPonih'iisi'la, Louis Sullivan, Ju a tf N on lcb; S e c o n d Row -: ■iizoRifer, Liam Farkv, A ndicwZlai, Tiiomds: Qttgiri; T h ir d H Conor Supple,Ja m eso n Vicuna, O uefK ew t Sybester, j ,

^5^.114 | ^ M dey, M ara 2 2 ,2 3 3 6 ,5 4 ,5 6 ,1 3 5 ,1 5 9 \ ■

Joseph -X.^ 'v.j;171,104,105\- I ,

dog, Leo 50,56,77 ilacchia, G iovanni 42


lanerj, Andrew 3 5 ^ H e n d e r s o n 4 2 ,1 1 7

56>1^ 6^ 67s

-'36' Z^--

v, ^

D'eFranci Heriri 67,76#5,112,il 3 j2 8 ,l2 9




ileman Sabrina 10-1

G an n o n , C hrisriane 2 3 .3 2 ,4 1 ,8 5

■lUris, Cecilia 61,7 1 ,1 0 3 DellalDeUa^ Aldcanjdei' '35


■' G drua, A n a ' 24,25,42,07.74,104


(lonty, R obert 4 2,121 •

Dfcilyt^ Loreto i|^^,Sl,122 % '

i’lucci, Andrew 4 2,113

DeLQfenzo, tSart

|mey, Patrick 5 ,4 6 ,6 1 >6 4 ,6 6 >7 l ^ 9 4 1 > 9 l l ^ 2 4 # > . 144,148 U ey, Stephen 3 5 ,1 1 0 .1 1 1 ,1 2 2 ,1 2 3

B jy a & i 4 4 . j 5.1

G arcia, D avid 5 2 ,6 1 ,1 4 0 ,1 4 1 ,1 5 9 ,4 7 1 ,1 8 2


D el


1 9 ^ ’'-.';

l^ fr^ aer, Stephen. ,16*1^2.121.

'Q g P in ik , K e v in 4 3 ,> ^ |


jnstantine, Leslie 4 2 ,4 6 ,4 8 ,1 8 1


G ayed *.M ina 4 4 N • G d c h B n ; Ryan b8,7 1 ^ ,7 6 , H ^ 9 5 3 2 6 J 2 7 , 1 46,159

D M m ch SiT lx o tn as. , 3 m ^ l

Di^gs, Srycex^5^,156

livery, C h u siop h e r 6 6,145 overy, D an iel 4 2 ,4 8 fdero, Ricardo 35 . 11 4 ,1 2 8 ,129 ,'C

Kuabaugh SJ, Duane 2 4 ,2 5 ,3 8 ;4 0 7 i,7 4 4 & ,| 5 3

45,130^4^168 13,28,%,68,69^479,83.86,89,95,. J,

b i P a ^ L ou is D ia o n ^ d h n

« e | C arlos 3 5 ,1 1 4 ,1 2 0 ,1 2 1

D m ytriw , M icfeaei 28,64,68.^5+138;

rtez, D errick 4 3 ,7 7


D o ^ A J a ^ 4 3 , 1 1 3 ^ 0 - 'D oher^> M airk^p^ J D o jierty , M attliew 6 4 ,6 5 ,6 7 x6 8 > ^ ,7 4 , 8 0 , 8 2 , 8 6 , 90»

Inez, M arc 51 ,7 7 ,1 1 3 p e z , Robert 35 rtina, M ich ael 43,151


stello, Charles 3 5 ,1 5 0 ,1 6 0 Wity.- Lewis 164

D o k tj^ Sainuero 4^3£l4 3 0

Mg, Jesus 1 05

Dolaghan, j<i>hn

iWJord, Kevin 3 5 ,1 1 4 ,1 1 5 ; 128 ,1 2 9 ; 182

Kyle 7,44 , ‘



iso, Philip 50 ,1 4 2 ,1 6 4



G ^ iew siti, Stanley 5 2 V139

uti, M ichael 2 0 ,3 5 ,1 8 1 ntreras, O scar 35


G atrigan, M ich ael 52,126,127; 139




' G arcia. Sebastian 36,47,129 ^


p n o r, D aniel 3 5 -

D elp n 3 6

G a a jo p a d h y a y , Arftkss 5 2 » § S ii ^ 3 - i.l6 3 ,i 6 6 ,1 6 ?

\ 6 ^ 1 7 0 j7 | i7 ^ ;K

Iford, L iam 35,104,1.17-126 'llins, Jam es 1 6 ,3 7 ,1 0 3

G a ll o . C o l in G a ll o ,

D e la o p ,-b a h

'le, Robert 5 0 ,6 1 $ ? ,1 5 9 : ';/ .

44.110,111 29,64,^9,71.80,83.86,89 D av.d 71

G a ld la , G a b u c l

FJtnelumfea, Cftia-wendti 51,53/V^fj

Farrat* MalcoitiS Jo.i 14


Autfcorjy 4 4 ,4 9 ,1 1 3 ,1 1 4 ,1 3 5 G ib s o n , C a le b

A J« s F e lic ia n o . X a v ia


52 36

1 3 4 ,4 4

| G t l, Kivcl 3 6 ,1 4 3

5 2 .1 2 o J2 °


f o r m - A lie n ' F c r ri, lo lm

6 ,5 2 ,6 1 ,1 8 0

G ethiftg, Erftv 2 0 ,2 1 r4 2 .6 9 ,1 4 6 ..i 4 ? J - 8 2

:::faxfell,:;feifeiv:lc:': 43

F e lip e . A d r ia n

5 2 ,6 9 ,1 1 8 , t i 9

Gersghty, Thomas

^ x n a r i o , P a tr ic k 5 2 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 9 ,1 6 5 v1 8 0 ,1 8 1

::Tars?tl;,::.Briaix-,43,l B ,:

'F ^ a a d e z ,

1 2 , 2 4 , 4 3 ', 1 1 0 '': : ,


G e o ig.es, J o n a t h a n

G iti, M ic h a e l

71 :

G xO i<$^Q h»«th&i> 61,71,74,81,84,87^89,93.146,

5 ,6 9 .7 1 ,8 3 ,1 5 6 2 4 ,5 2 .1 3 0

G iordano. A nthon y 71,134 M a th e w



, 1



, I

D o f e g l m M ^rjc 5 9 ,6 0 , $ 5 , 6 8 , 9 5 , 1 7 ^ ^ v

Index Abdelaziz-Giordano 175

G iorg io, Paul 113

Kearns, Jam es 36,147

G iov inc, D o m en ico 44

Keating, A nthon y 2,16,17,46,57,85,144,146

G lackin, A nn ie 5 ,17,42,57,141 Glazer, Ella


G ocon , C larence 44 ,1 3 4 ,1 6 0 G om es, Lance 6 9 ,7 2 ,1 3 4 ,1 3 5 ,1 5 7 G om ez, C asim 4 4,113 G om ez, G abriel 52 ,1 5 9 ,1 6 4 G om illa, B ened ict 3 0 ,5 2,113,144 G om illa, G arreth 6 6 ,7 2 ,74,113 G onzales, M atthew 44



Haas, M ich ael 19,28,72,73,90,91,95,118,119,168 H ackler, Evan 24,52,159

John Cannizzaro, Alexander Yu, Gustavo Rodriguez, Miles McCann, Nicholas Fugaro, Brendan White, Kevin McDermott, Justin Kraivanger, Gabriel Clermont, David Finn, John Braiowicz, Michael Conti, Eanton Hartnett, Mr. Steve Caslowitz; Second Row : Keenan A'IcRae, ChristopherHetheriitgton, Alexander Yasneski, Jonathan Treble, Nicholas Laluinia, Jeffrey Rubin, Shaun Aguilera; Third Row: Stephen McDermott, Andrew Anderson, Patrick Comey, Lorenzo Rafer; Fourth R ow : William Kender, Jason Rosenberg, Conor Supple, Michael Onieal, Adam Baginski, Evan Hackler, Stanley Gasiewski, Joshua Tosi, Lucas Simko-Bednarski, Colin Gallo, Leslie Constantine, Kevin Sylvester, and Michael Dmytrnv AND

First R ow :


Keating, M ich ael 2,63,72,75,77,83,87,91,140,14; 159,169

H ajduk, R ich ard 3 6,37,114,160 H alligan SJ, Fr. D am ien 105 H alpin , E oin 5 2 ,105,182 H am ilton , Patrick 18,19,43,135,160 H andsm an, Kevin 3 6,37 H andy, M ich ael 36 H ansclm an, E rik 5,44 H ansen, D aniel 36,114,115 H ansen, R ich ard 3,43,113,114 H arris, S h a riff 52,112,113

Keenan SJ, Fr. Jam es 1,7,32,49,58,99,102,104,16? Keller, R ob ert 27,30,52,166 Kelly, Andrew 36,37,130 Kelly, R yan 52 Kender, W illiam


Kennedy, Richard 12,13,46,53,85,90,150,152 18! K han, M oham m ed 36

Ibarra, M ich ael 44 Ibarrola, A aron 36 Ib erti, Piero 52,54,77 Iglesias, R on ald 5 2 Iglesias-Figueras, Steven 2 0 ,62,74,93,124,125,168 IldefonsO, Jo e l 44,133 Im preveduto, V in cen t 36 Ingles, E ric 5,63,66,67,74,75,87,95,138,159,172,173 Iqbal, K h ub aib 20,44,46,181 Irvine, J o h n 35,6 U 00,108,109 Israel, Patrick 74 Izquierdo, Jo s e 36,130

K h an, M uham m ed 76,83,138 Kh atri, J ig a r 36,160 Kh ilall, Kevin 67,76,153 Kh ob lall, Sean 76 Kiebus, M itchell 4,36 Kiesow, Patrick 36 Kilduff, Andrew 7,44,142,150 K larm ann, M atthew 12,13,41,46,63,79 K lein, Stefan 31 K lim , M egan 28,29,47,56,149

H art, Louis 6 1,70,72,73,83,90

K n ittel, M atthew 2,20,21,47,85,86,130,131,162 K oepke, K aren 104

H artling, Jeffrey 10,22,23,44

K ohles, G regory 36,114,115,120,121

H artnett, E am o n H assan, K azim 36

Kolb, Liam 24,44,113,160,16 3 K opacz, M ichael 53,172

H atcher, C hristo p her 51,52

K opec, C .J. 12,20,32,61,62,63,66,67,71,74,75,76,1

H axhaj, Elbasan 44,113 Healy, C h risto p h er 52,128

91,95,123,127,132,135,140,141,148 Koszyk, W alter 13,38,47,57,150

H ederm an, J o h n

Kowalczyk, Ja y 36



H ennessy, D aniel 4 4 ,4 8 ,1 2 1 1 7 2

Kowlessar, Roopan dar 104,105

H enriquez, L in co ln

K ozin ski, Lucas 37,40,129


H eredia, M ich ael 36 H ernandez, A drian 52,100,1 4 0 ,1 5 8 H ernandez, D eb orah 104 H ernandez, J o n a th a n 4 4 H ernandez, Jo se p h 36 H ernandez, K e ith 63,64,7 1 ,7 3 ,8 3 ,8 7 H eth eringto n, C hristo p her 4 4,77,113,168

Kraivanger, Ju stin 26,76,130 ,1 3 1 ,1 5 9

Jafferjee, Jo rd a n 44

Krenicki, R aym ond 44,130

Jan eu la, V ik to r 52

K rohn , M ichael 44,182

Janssen, Ph ilipp 31

K ucharski, C had 76,124,125,153

Jim en ez, Luis 72,74 Jim en ez, Peter 44,130,131 Jo h n so n , Paul 36

K ufta, A n th on y 6,53,163 Kusen, Adam 64,72,76

H eum ann-Pugach, E lean or 44,57,63,85 S T U D E N T C O U N C IL First Row : Francis Rt kD Sean Maguire, Brendan White, Lee To, Kevin Gn Matthew Bender; Second Row : Jerdrd Dela Torre, Pormentilla, Albert McWilliams, Alexander Yasneski, Skillettder; Third R ow : Raymond Smith, Ryan Gelchiot Iberti, Michael Rogers; Fourth Row : John Ockay, Cevasco, John Llaneza, Michael Uccardo, and Julen A

H eyer, W illiam 4 4,46

First R o w : Jonathan Treble, Padraic Friel, M ichael Rogers, Louis Sullivan; Second Leander Pais, Neil Majmundar, Louis DiPaola, Evan Hackler, and Mr. M ark Dondero.



Row :

A N C E C b M M i n fcE First R ow ; John Paul Montemayor, Thomas Ongeri, Mathew Giordano, Frederick Padre, Amlan Gangopadhyay, Andre Graham; Second R ow : Joseph Skillender, Miguel Pimentel, Jared Bowers, Javier Vasques, Andre Bruce; Third R ow : Lawrence Bovich, M ack Do, Jose Izquierdo, Jose LaPiana, Michael Krohn, Anthony Bruce, Thomas Weakley, and Jonathan Hernandez.


G onzalez, A lexander 36 G onzalez, D a n iel 36 G onzalez, M ich ael 4 4 ,1 4 8 ,1 4 9 ,1 8 0 G onzalez, Peter 52 ,1 6 0 G ord on , M atthew 72 G orm an, M ich ael 6 1 ,6 3 ,6 4 ,6 9 ,7 0 ,7 2 ,8 8 ,9 0,91,95, 118,119 G raham , A ndre 4 4 ,1 1 3 G raham , T im o th y 52 ,1 1 3 ,1 6 4 G ran t, C orlan d o 4 4 ,1 1 3 ,1 2 9 G ra n t, Patrick 4 4 ,7 7 ,1 6 0 G rapstul, W illiam 4 4 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 3 Gravesande, W ayne 1 5 ,5 2 ,118,148,149 G reb, W illiam 7 2 G reen, D aryl 36 ,1 1 4 G reen, Z achary 52 G reenfield, H enry 2 3 ,4 3 ,4 4 ,1 3 2 ,1 5 2 G regory, E m m et 4 ,3 6 ,1 2 8 ,1 6 0 G riffin , B ryant 2 3 ,4 4 ,1 1 3 G riffin , Kee-ayre 2 4 ,5 2 ,7 1 ,1 1 2 ,1 1 3 G riffin , M ich ael 36,121 G riffin , W illia m 7 2 ,8 3 ,1 0 8 ,1 0 9 Griswold, J o h n 5 2 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 9 G ualario, G race 98,101 G uarini, K ev in 60,6 1 ,6 9 ,7 3 ,8 9 ,9 5 G uascon i, M ich ael 113

A ATHEMATICS TEAM First Row : Joel Salazar, Mr. xBenjaminPatiak,Joma Pormentilla, Matthew Villanueva, Gilberto Estupinan, Zachary Green, Kevin Capodice, DavidFinn, Nishant Tyagi, MichaelLang Juan Garcia; Second Row : Ke\m McNentey,Joshua Tosi, Christian Buenafe, Matthew Ward, Paul Curmi, Julian Pormentilla; Third Row : John Ockay, Patrick Giamario, MichaelRogers, AnthonyAddas, Sean Byrnes, Michael Garrigan, Stephen McDermott, attd Andrew Anderson. K i. V

H ill, W illie


H jelm , Edw in 44 H oag SJ, Fr. M ich ael 7,12,13,44,85,153,154,156, 168,172 H offm an , Peter 28,58,64,69,73 ,7 4 ,7 8 ,9 4 ,1 1 8 ,1 1 9 H ogan, M artin 69,73,83,94,95 H ojnacki, D avid 52

Jo h n sto n , B rian 52,69,113,134 Jo n e s, Brian 6 0 ,6 6 ,74,75,77,82,86,91,95,130,131, 159,167,171 Jo rd a n , Jaren 52 Jorgensen , N icholas 36

H older, Jo sep h 44,113,115,120,121 H ollyw ood, Jam es 14,45,85,147 H olt, E ric 36,120,121 H olt, M atthew 52,163 H ongthon g, Jeffrey 44 H ood , C harles 60,73,95,1 1 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 4 1 ,1 8 0 H ood , C h risto p h er 36 H o o to n , D aniel 52,69 H opf, Ned 16,52 H oran, Jam es 100,101 H orta, M iguel 44,150 H ou ari, M alik 44 H u, D enn is 1 4 ,45,105,106,117,127,162 H uaranga, Em ersson 52,87,113 H ud acko, Ju stin 74,82,95,109,122,123 H ulipas, M ark 52,160 Hussey, Josep h 44,61,113 Hussey, R ich ard 6 ,6 1,72,74,82,83,87,95,112,113,135 H ymas, R ob ert 6,22,35,45,49*57,142,150,151,159

Ju lia n , D an iel 75,112,113,115 Kaczm ar, M atthew 36,114 Kafka, Ja c o b 75,95,109,134 K am eno, A nthony 36,110 K am inski, M atthew 52,109 K am inski, R ich ard


Karczcwski, Josep h 44 K arun phand, Steven 4,5,59,75,77,82,136,139,143, 156,168

G uerra, R oger 52

Katzm an, M ax 12,81,84

Guerra-Sarreal, Ju stin 2 ,3 6

Katzman* M ax im illian 12,75,81,84

G utch , Jam es 3 6 ,114,121

Kazar, Jo n a th a n 75,77 Kearney, D avid 36

176 Index: Gwrgio-Oquendo

/ "â– O M P 'JT H R CLUB fir s t Row : Rogir C ueiraJ Gonzalez, Javier Vasques, Daniel Librojq, Chrii Oertel; Second Row : Adrian Felipe, Sonam Lima, Alfonso, Mark Buaynski, Joseph PoUicino, Ms. Ella i| Third Row : David Mielach, Rilitia Xtt, Anthony, w Sean Carney, attd Jeremy Tankel.

Kushnir, M ich ael 37,110 Kuzm ichev, Sergey 156

L o o , Ju s tin 6,4 5 ,1 4 2 ,1 8 0

M cFad den , Peter 23,45

Lopera, Jo se p h 37

M cFarland , R obert 37,114

M urphy, Stephen 23,46,48 ,1 6 8 ,1 7 2

L o R e, Ju s tin 53,61

M cFarland , S ean 53,123,164,171

M u rp hy, Th om as 83

M urphy. M atthew 81,90,95

Lotfalla, M ark 37

M cG lyn n , .Andrew 45,61)77,121

M usso, Richard 54,122

Lucign ano, N ic h o la s 3 7 ,1 1 4 ,1 2 2

M cG rath , Patrick 12,45,122

M u tu c, Francis 163

Lugo, Jam e s 1 0 ,23,37,114,125

M cln crn ey, D an iel 58,63,66,7.5,79,84,86,87,134, 135,172

M yrlak, R ich ard 81,95.117,126,127,159

Luna, D e lio 7 1 ,72,78,82 L upo, A lexander 3 7 ,1 3 2

M uzyczyn, Jo sep h 54,61,69,159

M cKeary, R yan 37 ||

Lyons, D an iel 18,19,48

M cM ah o n , D ylan 2 3 ,4 5 ,1 1 0 ,1 2 6


M c M a h o n , T h om as 45,49,121,181 M c M illa n , R yan 45 McN amara,, C asey 21,38,110,111 $trom, D avid 3 ,1 8 ,1 9 ,4 1 ,4 8 ,1 6 0 nia, N icholas 3 0 ,5 3 ,6 1 ,6 9 ,1 1 3 ,1 1 5 l^ p n a m 5 3 ,10 9 ,1 1 9

REKSICS First Row : Gustavo Rodriguez, Sean Ryan,

ytry Rodriguez, Michael Scon, Francis Mutuc, Jama: t'Ji, Mich,icI LaRocco,Johnathan Gioiella,Joseph Skilletuten iS Row: Louis Sullivan, Philip Cprsd, Judd Miularatig, S&the, Daniel Bkmioh, Andrew Anderson; T h ird Row ; m Treble, Made Itmtnirts, Matthew Balder, M irk Cavt, Valentino Mills, Patrick Coiiicy; Fourth R ow : Brendan ie,. Henry Balaitie, Daniel Ubatique, and Leander Pais.

M cN erney, K evin 53 ,1 3 5


M cN ulty, C h risto p h er 24,45,1.06,120,121.168 M cR ae, Keenan 4 5,110,111,143 M cTierhan , B ryan 5,38,69,110,111,127 M cT iern an , Ia n 30,7 9 ,8 5 ,9 5 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 2 7 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 9 M cW illiam s, A lbert 45 M ed in a, A n th o n y 38

N adolny, M fch ad h 38^114,121 N augh ton, Jo h n 33,117

M ed in a, Pedro 38

M ach cin sk i, A n th o n y 24,5 3 ,6 9 ,1 1 3

M eeh an, M atthew 5 3 J 1 6 ,1 1 7

N aughton. W illiam

M ackiew icz, Jo rd a n 3 7

M e ls , D avid 45,150

N av arrete,Jaso n St>,

M acri, Jo sep h 53

M ejias, C arlos 38

M adarang, Ju d d 2 0 ,7 8 ,1 4 2 ,1 6 0

M eliado, C hristo p her 3 8 ,1 1 4

N elson, Kyle 4 6

M affei, M ich ael 53,122

M ercado, Ivan 4 6

N etch eft,X > i.c^ 211,38,117 :i

M aguire. Sean 4 5 ,4 8 ,7 7

M ernar, A n d r e i 3 8 ,4 0 ,7 7 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7

M ah an , T im o th y 53,163

M eu se, Kevin 3 8

N go,13ao 3^ .114,160 - '

M a in i, Jo s e p h 3 7

M iclach , D avid 51,5 3 ,1 5 9


M a io n e, Jo se p h

M ik u lich , R aym ond 8 0 ,8 2 9 ^ 1 4 2 ,



NeecJharhTDdyie, .Guvn.y lO O .iO l |jx .


N ikodcin, Ak.vjndi'j- 15.74 ,y i,Q5 , Noel ine,.:;Roberl.; 102

M ajm u nd ar, N eil 70,77,78,79,80,138,.146

M iller, T ffn o th y 46,122>123'-..

M ajm u nd ar, Roam 7 5 ,7 8 ,1 4 5

Mills;, C ourw rty 3^ ,114

M ajm u n d ar, Sh yam 45,77 M a jo r, Jo sep h 4 5

M ills, V alen tin o 1 4 ^ 0 , 6 1 , 8 0 ^ 1 ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ M iln e , H aro ld 4 6 J i 3 vU ^ ■>'

M alon ey, Ja red 4 5 ,4 6

M in gay, ScoTt 7 ,1 5 ,8 0 ,1 4 5

M alon ey, Lucas 45

M irZa, R o b e rt 1 8 ,4 6 ■

M aly, Sean 21,37 ,1 1 4 M an en te, A n to n io 3 7 ,1 4 7 ,1 6 8

M oh tiS, Andrew 38,114 M od i, Ja so n


Nova, Mattl>e\v -4t? ^ ^ ^ t ; ^ N unn , ^•'illiarii -6.16,54.69


3.38.114 I

M olyn eu x , Bryan. 7,53

M an ley, J o h n 37,122


^Moncfi^:IDayi4^46 ^I

M anley, R yan 53*61 <

/ 'C L A SS IC S C D >B

i ^ A M P O S SH O P First: R o w ; Joseph Skijtenda-, Robert


\Aww,p&!SC)n; 8r^’!u{r^D<ri:iM 'Mi

V_-»Cole, AlexanderPitgliese, Mr. Janies Hoihwood, Secon d


Jkowiy(u<xti&A-ve?e!b, Span:Sntit«’;a-Rq£6r.<Jcssi-!i Sigcill, and Thomas Gerdgftt^K 1

l u r ^ R o w , Jason R^m m tm ne,

Y T lf r o M - C i 't l B :

A O D EL U N IT E D N A T IO N S F irst Bvti^M ichael


XScotl, Midw<ciLiRocco. Michael Rcger>. Nilcsh Varikh. rSantaua-Rogcn; Second R ow : M ark Qtvattagfi, Conor Dnuicl Weinberg, and Jashm-Dwicl Reeobs.


lofrifi DrPaoia.

P.-iiel; S e c d n d R o w : ^ d m h B A f f H s k t , : - R , i $ m u s s o t i ,


| M ichael 7,5 3 ,6 9 ,1 1 3 ,1 6 4


ian a.Jose 37,114 icy, Paul 116,117 occo, M ichael 5 3 ,1 4 2 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 7 - 'A

M an n in g jT h o rft^ s 4 5 ••

dio, Agnes 104

lylan^Pa, ^ x i o v' &)■ >||

O ^Bnen. G race

retta, J o h n jr . 7 2 ,7 7 * 8 6 ,9 4 ,1 3 6 " \| rie, M ichael 4 4 ,1 2 9 ,1 6 0 ,1 7 2 '

M a r^ E o d ^ C lristtip lie t 4 5 •

fence, Ju stin 4-1,147

M a r ^ c a , |a||eS: X 2^ n\T'

pbeater, C ory 6 6 ,7 7 .9 5





aivez, Adel? 1 8 ,1 9 .4 8 .3 5 ,9 0

M attinezi' M artin ez,

ios,$&axweil 12.44

M a r r i W '^

ahan, N elson %37 itique, D aniel 64,6 5 ^ 7 2 ,7 3 ,7 7 ,8 0 ,8 6 ,9 5 ,1 4 3 ,1 4 6 ;l5 9 ardp, M ich ael 7 .5 3 ,5 6 .1 4 6 ;ius, Jam es 1 8 ,5 3 ^ 3 4 ,1 3 5 ,1 4 4

O ’G rady, R yan 82, O ’Keefe, B randon 7 6 ,8 2

:,37$8 |||

MorriSoj^. <RichaTd 3 8 ) 1 2 2 M orris^^Sji^cef 4 6 , 1 6 0 4 8 2 M^rriss^,,Gregory 4 6 ,1 2 3 ,1 8 1 Mos^ v> ^|chae^ Si ^ M oseley, N yro nt 4 6

O 'C o n n o r , C h risto p h er 8 2 ■.


O’Diannelli;Jan^ {122 O 'D o n n e ll, J'ohn IW : O ’Keefe, Brandon.' 89^95,112xl l ^


0 ‘N e ill, T erren ce 46 ,1 2 2 O c k ;r / -J^ o

>lsi, Jam es 1 9 ,6 3 ,6 6 ,7 7 .1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 1 ,1 8 1

M a ? h a f ,J $ . T sri*! |||| ' : M cAlvey, R o b e r t ' ■. M cC a b e , B r n n 16,1 7 ^ 3 ,4 5 t4 9 :, 5 % § 5 ,% l| ^ i| 0 S , n

1 2 ,7 5 ,7 8 ,8 8 .1 5 3 ,1 6 0 ,1 6 8 ,1 7 1

Jena, Henry |p; v ® , D aniel 122 ,

ticchio, M aiyphyllis 99 ,* feus, Ryan 10,3 1. 61 ,7 8 .S 4 ,8 7 > 8 ifeari, Jo h n . 7$



p | | lf ) v l4 L l 4 S 1 4 9 4 5 6 ^ 1 5 X 1 6 7

M ^ C s ^ 'D i a h ^ 1 ^ ' ; ^ ' ^45,'1.20,12 i

M a llin


M u llm .m . M .n rh e'.v 3 8 ^ x M u lr o ) ', M aiih ev/

M c C a r t h y , 'M i ^ 4 M cC arth y , R ich a rd •■79^95,134^1 S§


Mcpefiaott, K.t&'in 45,4^69' v'^s McDermott, Stephen 3^ S ^ 6 0 ^ % ^ 9 ,8 ^ -.l0 6 jil^ l4 3 ^


^s !48^54>15fji?#^5- ■ M eB lroy, M aty A n n e 5,17,49,14-1

O liv e r, N yshicr 3 9 .


Fv. J o h n


M uu'i.i, M iJ u c I

3 1 ,6 5 ,8 1 ,9 5 ,1 5 2 6


4^ 130 y .3 8 ,5 7 >1 ' 1 6 A 1 ^ ^ 46

0^ t:’ci, C hristo p her 82,145 O gegs, D avid 63,74,82. i 52 OlivgK'ai Rw haKl 4ft.

M u ll.u n t" ., T h o m a s 5 fo ,81,95

Kza, Jo h n 61,64:.71,72,77,7.8,88,95,126;, 1 2 7 ;i 5 9 ;


5 4 >5 6 v 6 1 ,1 1 8 ,1 4 6 ,1 6 4

O d i. le « 7 7 ^ ^ 3 ,8 9 ,9 0

, Joseph 37,38,116,126,18.2 )1sj, D aniel 45,4 < ?,1 3 0 ;i3 i

ricchfo, A nthon y


O ’N i i l : K e v in 3 9 .1 3 0

M a ? a 4 ^ )ijs t< > p h e r ^1|>7J ^

hb runn a, K ath erin e 2 1

0 * C o n n o r j C c s B l^ ^ O 'C o n n o r , R ich ard 3 $ y l L & i2 6 '.

ongi, G alo 2 ,7 2 ,7 7

eiu, Francis

\ •"'x %

O ’C o tin o r M I I T h om as 1 & £ 1 |





l l l

O 'B r ie n , Jo h n 2 5 ,4 6 .l3 0 J 3 l,S 6 8 ,1 8 i l\

M^taroofOs^jojiathaK 7^138 s M atesicj 1

ojo* D an iel 44/160

, Francis 45,1 3 2 ,1 3 3

^ J^ a r u l^ d ^ A n th o n y

< 11


O 'B r ie ii S f, F t, D an iel 1 Q

M aTrine^^rofesS, 79»81>90_:j v ' '.

ron, Peter 4 4 ,1 3 0

IU2 1 2 ,4 8

^ ’D d n ^ lli Jam.es' 54


Ja n ic e

;e, John 51,53.1 6 3

O ’B n cn , Jo h n

Moreira, David, 38 Moreix4 i$£ri<> 80

s N •

G lstow skj, Eric 114 O hgeri, T h o m as 6 5 s80jS 3 ,9 5 ,l0 3 ,l5 9 ,l6 3 v1 6 8 ,l7 0 ,l7 l


O ngeri, T on y 20,46,1^3,181 O o ie a l,

4 ^ ,1 3<5

O p el, J o h n O p s a s n i4 ; P h illip 5 4 ,1 0 9 ,1 O quendo, loel •35,39^114

™ I

.tjono, D an iel 3 7

A Place That Feels like H orn

O rtiz , Ju lia n 54,56

Perno, Casey 47

O rtuoste, Ju stin 5,47,151

Peters, Richard

O sm a, Rcy Andrew 8 3 ,91,95

Pflug, Jo h n

O tis, M atthew 39,120,121 Ow en, M atthew 6 ,5 4 ,5 6 ,7 7 ,8 7 ,1 3 8 ,1 5 9 Ow ens, Josep h 3 9,114


7 7,84,87,94,172

Riordan SJ, Josep h 2 0,21,46,53,144,148 Rivera, D aniel 37,39

Santuccio, Salvatore 39,69,114 Sarnovsky, M atthew 39

Rivera, E rica 102

Picinich , M atthew 39,160

Satchek, K on stan tin 77,87,91

Rivers, C hristo p her 5 5 ,56,77,162

Pilger, Jam es 15,23,46,47,128,129,151,172

Sathe, A m it 8,18,55,144,164

Rizkallah, Ju lia n o 39

Sawh, Arvind


Pim entel, M iguel 47,148

R izzo, Steven 4 7,69,126,127,154

Pisko, M ichael 66,84,86,95,156,159,171

Sawyer, Avery 39,114

Roberts, D avid 4 7

Polini, R ichard 39,130

Schem bre, M atthew 39

R ob erts, Howard 30,74

Scherba, Kevin 81,87,88,113 ,1 7 2 Scherba, Ryan 47,121

Pollicin o, Josep h 54,159,163

R ob in son , Bryan 4 7,122,123,168

Porm entilla, Jo m a 54,56,144,182

R o b in so n , C hristo p her 24,47,120,121

P orm entilla, Ju lian 6 5 ,6 8 ,76,80,84,95,138,143,159 Power, Luke 47

Rodger, Edward 47,113

Schirripa, Jo n a th a n 60,69,8 8 ,9 5 ,1 0 8 ,111, 154, 1 * S ch m idt, C o lin 54,88,93

Rodgers, M ich ael 39,114,165

Pradhanang, Ravi 3,54,112,113

Schneider R N , H elene 103

Prieto, A n th on y 54

R o d in o ,Jo h n 5 5 ,100,124,125,159 Rodriguez, C arlos 4 7

Schroeder, C o lin 39

Pugliese, Alexander 54,138,147,172

Rodriguez, G race 104

S cio li, Ju stin 53,61,150,159

Purcell, B rian 39,122,123

R odriguez, G riselda 104

S cott, C o n o r 39,147,180

Purcell, C o n n o r 7 ,8 4,91,95,172

R odriguez, G ustavo 39

Scott, M ich ael 55,61,146

Rodriguez, H enry 39

Scrudato, M arie 105

Rodriguez, Jo se p h 55,113

Scrudato, Salvator 105

Rogers, M ich ael 5 5 ,117,146

RT CLUB First Row : Juan Nordelo, Anthony TeJlo, Jon


Scib ilia, D o m in ie 22,23,54,5 7 ,1 3 9

Second Row : Gregory Rasmusson, Matthew Holt, Lucas Dim-

R ogers, T h om as 47 ,1 4 6

Scully, Fergus 68,69,87,88,90,142,160 Scully, R ob ert 18,55

itriu, Peter Byram, Thomas Ongeri, Luke Blanchard, Daniel Urbanovich; Third Row : David Meis, Daron Moore, Mark Tiedetnann, Connor Purcell, Midtael Gill, and Francis Bull.

R oh rm an , Bryan 2 3,55,128,129

Sebello, C arlo 55

R okoszak, G ary 47,122

Seither, M ark 4,58,67,170,17 1

R o m an , A rm ando 4 7

Senatore, Alexander 31,88

Sisti, Hector Flores, Alexander Balias, Dean Ballesteros;

R om an, Francisco “Pyke” 105

Senerchia, Louis 47

R om an o, Francis Jr . 6 1 ,71,79,80,83,85,86,93,95, 135,159

Serreno-Acosta, Enriq ue 105

R om an o, G regory 10,39,121

Serzan, Brian 95

Q u e, Adam 85,95,113

R om ano, R osalie 25,53 ,1 5 2 ,1 5 4

Serzan, M ich ael 88,109,168,169 Sese, R ich ard 39

Q uispe, J o h n n y 37,39

Rose, Edward 4 7 ,117,126

Sh alhou b, Jam es 47,168

Roselle, Edward 114,115 Roselle, M atthew 3,86,95,113

Sharm a, D eepak 58,66,75,89,153 Sharm a, Pradeep 89

R osenberg, Jaso n 39

Sheikh, Ahm ed 46,47

Row an, K athleen 2 6,2753,57,143

Sheridan, W illiam 7,55,159

Roxas, Ryan 86

Shields, Brian 39

Ruane, Th om as 55,56,163

Shields, Th om as 89,93,95

R ub in , Jeffrey 6 5 ,69,75,80,86,143,158,159

S h ort, D aniel 10,39,114

R u fo lo , D aniel 55

Shutterly, Alexander 47,132,133

R uiz, Y ul 39

Sigall, Jo sep h 55,159

R ab b itt, Gary 12,85,95

Sim ko-Bednarski, Lucas 85,89,90,95,139,145,1! Sin gh, A nthon y 2 ,89,130

Rabiecki, N ich olas 4 7,120,121,168

Singh, N onu 55

N IM E C LU B First R o w : M ichael Casio, Justin Guerra-Sarreal, DeFron Dominick, Anthony Marulanda, and Henry Rodriguez.

/ '""'O M IC B O O K CLUB First Row ; Liam Farley, v _ j White, Joshua Tosi, Sean Carney, Francis i1 Vincenzo Averello, and Justin Restrepo.


H O T O G R A P H Y CLU B First R ow : Jesse DcFlorio,

T A R W A RS CLU B First Row : Liam Farley, Kyle Nelson, Matthew Picinich, Thomas Ongeri, Daniel Librojo, Ryan Santana-Rogers; Second Row : Omar Martinez, Vincenzo Averello, Joseph Sigall; Th ird R ow : Justin Scioli, Sean Carney, Mina Gayed, and Casey Perno.



David Hojnacki, David Mielach; Second R ow : Daron Moore and Christopher Hatcher.

Padre, Frederick 3 0 ,5 4 ,1 2 2 Pagkalinawan, Stephen 47 Pais, Lcander 2 8 ,8 3 ,9 5 ,1 4 4 ,1 5 4 ,1 6 8

R un cim an , M atthew 55,122

Palazzoto, M atthew 20,8 3 ,9 3 ,1 3 8

Ruzek, M ich ael 47,49,113

Palm ieri, Kyle 39 ,1 2 2

Rader, Andrew 39,168

Pane, A n th o n y 4 7

Raeford, R a’J o h n 39,129

Panella, M ich ael 54 Pankiewicz, Steven 3,5 4 ,6 9 ,1 1 2 ,1 1 3

Ram irez, C arm elo 105

Pappalardo, M arc 1 2 ,2 9 ,5 4 ,6 1 ,1 0 4 ,1 2 5 ,128,131,145,

R am irez, Ju stin 54,56 ,1 0 0 Ram naraine, Jaso n 85




Panzera, Theresa 10 ,1 5 ,5 1 ,1 3 5 ,1 3 8

Parna, D orca 104

Ryan, Sean 39

Rafer, Lorenzo 77,78,80,85,95 ,1 4 3 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 9 ,1 6 1 ,

Pannella, C od y 39

Parikh, N ilesh 6 1 ,7 5 ,8 3 ,8 7 ,9 5 ,9 8 ,1 4 6 ,1 5 0

Ryan, M ark 47,113 Ryan, W illiam

Ram naraine, Kevin 47 Ram os, Derek 75,85,90,95

Pascual, Andrew 54

Ram os, F ran k lin 47

Pasuco, Raym ond 6 3 ,6 6 ,6 7 ,6 9 ,7 1 ,7 2 ,7 9 ,80,84,86,87,

Ran a, D anyal 23,47

88 ,8 9 ,1 3 4 ,1 4 0 ,1 7 2 Patel, Ja y 15,47,144

Rana, M ark 54,156

Patel, Jig a r 7 5 ,8 4 ,9 5

Rasm usson, D aniel 70,72,77,80,85,93,95 Rasm usson, G regory 58,66,69,73,80,86,88,91,93

Saa, Andrew 39,114,120,121

Patel, N eil 39

R asm usson , Stephen 4 7,69,77

Saile, Frank 66,67,82,83,87,88,113,156

Patel, Swetal 39

R aulli SJ, Fr. E n rico 12,26,52,67


Salazar, Jo e l 15,64,87,88,109,132,133,135,136

First Row:

Luis Jimenez, Jax

J T naraine, Gabriel Clermont, Nilesh Parikh, Raph Second Row. AndrtwPascual, FrondsMutuc, Pierolbe

Hart,James Shalhoub, Eamon Hartnett. Daniel Barson, frey Bcaudette; Third R ow : Phillip Opsasnick, Robertj Matthew Owen, Dean Ballesteros, and Brian FarreJL

Paternoster, Paul 3 9,114

Real, B rian 16,77,86

Salvador, Jerem y 87,95,138,160

Patiak, B enjam in 5 2 ,5 6 ,5 7 ,6 9 ,7 5 ,9 3 ,1 4 0 ,144

Recobs, Josh ua-D aniel 45,55,164,171

Salvo, Jo se p h 87,152

Paul, Stefan 4 7 ,7 7

Reed, M ich ael 80,86,95

Salzm an, N athaniel 39

Paulsen, Peter 3 9,122

Regan, C h risto p h er 55,132

Sam bade, David 39,110

Pavone, Jo sep h 54

Reidy, Patrick 32,71,98,99,144

Sam the H o t D o g M an 2,71

Pearson, Sean 3 9,114

Restrepo, Ju stin 39

Sandan, M ark 39

Siodha, M ark 40,114

Pedersen, Kevin 47

Reynolds, P h ilip 39,128,129,172

Sandoval, R am on 47

Pelgonc, Kevin 84

Reynoso, Angel 39

San ford, D ouglas 15,54,61,150,151

Sisti J o n 29,55,130,149,181 Skillender, Josep h 55,61,136,143,147

Perez, David 47

R iaz, Fahad 47

San G iacom o, D ouglas 55,122,159

Slaski, K enneth 4,40

Perez, Jo sep h 39

R icharz, T im o 31

Sankat, K evin 87,95,128,129

Slyvester, Kevin 5

Perez, Ju stin 3 9,114

Rich ert, W illiam 5,29,143

Santana-Rogers, Ryan 23,55,163

Perez, Linda 104

R icigliano, M ich ael 39

Santer, Jerry 55,129

Sm ith , Andrew 4 0 Sm ith , Raym ond 15,58,60,65,68,73,87,88,89,93


L78 A Place That Feels Like Home


135,146 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 1 ,1 7 2

T alarico , A n th o n y 6,77,90

V ilard o, M ich ael 2 3.55,56,130,134

Yacker, Evan 41

ts, Rui 40,129

T an kel, Jerem y 4 7

Villa, Patrick 75,92,153

Yager, Stephen 4 8

jey, D aniel 4 0

Tanyag, Lowell 40,130

Villanueva, M atthew 55,56

Ydger, Theodore 87^ 3,108 ,1 0 9 ,1 5 6

, Dylan 40,129 Vo, Kristine 2 0 ,2 1 ,5 5 ,7 1 ,1 4 8 ,1 7 2

Taraszkiew iez, M ark 129

V illa rosa, C u rt 4 7

Tartaglia, M ich ael 4 7

wak, Peter 88,9 0 ,9 5 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 2

T au p ier, B ria n 55

Yap. J . M atthew 4 8 ,6 1 ,1 5 7


Y a p .J. M ich ael Yasnesk(> Alexander 48,61,77,146

ack, M ichael 6 1 ,6 7 ,7 5 ,8 0 ,8 8 .9 0 ,9 5 ,1 5 1

Tch ao , Ju s tin 3 5,38,40

ey, W alter 55,109

Tejada, R icard o 105

aps,Tyrone 4 0

T d lo , A n th on y 5 5 ,149,171

i||§ G lenn 90 iziale, V icto r 2 4 ,5 5 ,6 9 ,1 2 8

Terry, D avid 4 0 ,4 1 ,1 1 4

Y llm eSj R on ieri 4 1

T h o m p so n , W illia m 6,55,69 ,1 1 2 ,1 1 3 ,1 6 4

Y ost, Erm a 28^ 2^57,91,136,149

T h o m s o n ,) , Frank 24,55,71,90 ,9 1 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 1

Yu, Alexander 4 K U 4 J3 0 \ , -^

T lio rn e, Ja so n 6 1 ,8 8 ,9 1 ,9 5 ,1 0 9 ,1 3 4 ,1 3 5 ,1 5 6

Yun , B a jto n 48


First Row :

.Grirreth Genii!Li, Francis Llarena, John Dizon, Rey rgw Osnm, Hairy Bolante, Francis Muiuc, Jeffrey Gamwes, Michael Yap, Dean Ballesteros; Second R o w . Sean Wall; Stephen Pagkalinawan, Lee Odi, Rodney Christian, nos ‘Ongeri;• Brian Real, M ark Hulipas; T h ird R ow : jh {Sauzopadhvay, Nishant Tyagi, Ryan Roxas, Henry via, Andrew Pascual, D an Bobs; F ourth R o w : Jeremy odor, Jason Navarrete, Christopher Cid. William Grek tofferAltHea. Mark Rana, Javier Vasques, Julian PormenSomm Laitia, Christopher Eddmann, Francis Mozumlar, kael OCeating, Matthew Yap, an d Richard Ayuda.

Yasneski', A n t h o n y ,!^ | | ; Yasneski, Step lieii :41,87 Yawit, R yan 41

T ied em an n , M ark 5,7 1 ,7 3 ,7 6 ,7 7 ,7 8 ,8 2 ,8 5 ,9 1 ,9 5 , 157,172,173 T iglie, K ev in 4 0

W ab cr, M aria 31

T im m in s, M ark 6 1 ,6 3 ,7 3 ,7 5 ,7 6 ,7 9 ,8 1 ,8 3 ,8 4 ,8 7 ,9 0 .9 1 ,

W allace, A ndrew 3 0 Jl,6 7 > 6 9 ,7 4 ,7 9 ,8 2 ,8 6 ,8 8 ^ 3 , •

9 2 ,9 4 ,9 5 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 7

1 5 0 1 5 1 ,1 6 7 -

Tixi tie, Kxeran 60,7 5 ,7 7 ,9 1 ,9 5

W alsh , C o n n o r 1 2 ,4 8

T o , Lee 4 7 ,1 8 2

W alsh , Elizabeth. 100,101 , 1

T om assi, D aniel 4 7 ,1 1 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 2 7 Torres, W illiam

W a k h , K ate 2 4 ,5 6 ,1 3 9 ,1 8 2


W an , Jo e -M a n 5 5 :-'-


T o si, Jo sh u a 6,55,8 7 ,1 2 5 ,1 5 1

W ard , D avid 4 8 ,7 7 „

T o u s, Ju a n 14,55

W ard, Ja m e s 48,172^ ■■'’

T reb le, Jo n a th a n 7 6 ,7 7 ,8 4 ,9 1 ,9 2 ,9 5 ,1 4 2 ,1 4 4 ,1 4 6 ,

W ard M atthew 3 0 ,3 1,5 5 ,6 1 ,6 9 ^ 4 0 ,15 2

15 4,166,167

Z adfogaf.R id & f&


W ard , P aul . 3 0 ,3 1 ,6 5 ,7 7 ,8 7 ,8 8 ,9 3 ^

T ressitt, Jo se p h .5 5

W eak ley T h o m a s 9j3^!5 X >3

Trid ente, M ario 55,61

W eb b R yan 4 0

T r im m , M axw ell 4 0

W einberg, N pani^|'''35vl56 ^ r '

T row ell, D em etriu s 104,105

W ekw ertj M atthew 4 8

T u lly , Ph ilip 55,130,131

W helanv F r a n ^ s 4 8 v] 34,163

Za&,\Rai)hael 9 ^ ? 5 ; 1 2 8 ,i 2 9 '

Zarfjbas, 5 p i f ^ s


Z a p p t t f la4; & rito " '2 S i% l' _V^-

2 b j? # r n ^ J o s } t i ja o Zauclia, Th om as '94, 156'V '; |

Tyagi, N ish a n t 92 ,1 3 0 ,1 5 3 ^ |

W hite, Brendan 4 8 , 4 ^ 9 3 , 1 ^ ^ ^ ^

Tyleka D u stin 4 7

X ^ u tfb xd r M a td iew ' 5& 13 5 1 '

i^ S sk o ^ G afteS t

■W iief-.^i3niaS'c48 _

Zex&j J ^ ie t e la ^ . S 5 ;^ 9 ]:|3 2

\ s: : , ; • . W ilkeSj K h a lil 4 1 ,4 8 ,U 4 v l 2 0 ^ T W illiam s, K e l k n





1 4 ,1 4 ^ 1 5 2 ,1 6 0 ^

W illiam s, K ev in - 2 3 ,4 .M 2 $ i;i | ^ .

T TISPANICSQQEIY Cabtera,Juan Nortlcbf Jam r Vasques^AnthonyTelly Setsnd ^ Rovvr Gab LirMottgj, DelbLtm,Joltn Lauretta, UeaorBar®,Alrian Fknvv’da. Gtibftd Ckm&t Third Rovv.-Mario Alonini, DfiMd A hm ,Julian Ortt, Alien Ferrer, Albert Vavllio, and Yi${^tolai_ n

S k ille it d e t

"*ELTIC CLUB First Row-. Dylan McMawm Aidm Can-

M xhin v Gio>danc Jesse D iiR onc, joshua-D at-ici R c io h -j'

Cuwaztvc, Ry^'&icffliffjtn, PnW ef C sm a t^ /Josf:ffb^:^ s i i > A'irlt;nv Pueto C ia r f.v i^ Wtlbed'. p it h Q .m;'old. A'-c/wM F»^i/-o; Third R o'v W $ ter$&&% M 0 a e i J o s e ^ Cxiufizeacp, Arti'iC’fv Df^fpfc, J j^ S lM flid rd Gofcnev,

UrfoanowcJii Brian. veason, Kevin 4 0 ,1 1 4

7 t a r f a y ,A p * i i 1 3 ,2 0 0 6 , y m

P .M .

I D C d r iv ^ g lfc e a isa z *' Q % n th6 entire tirn ^ D O 's. crazy

-'orhavingRoraflol^^aeaJ^&.scrafsng,andmtfe in g o ^ e r u n g t * ^ J $ 3»se$;D G s in ^ fig to " B a d Payf*

Urbanovich,'Joseph 5^::

s p e e # % tfitoug^ §&©»b1 I & Pass tg $ b o o th s; 3 f^ )f o s

wart, Matthew 4 7 1 5 2

getting tost a t N ewark A irport Q a s * 3 n g fo r i ^ p R t m

ack, N icholas 4 6 ;4 7 les, Craig 4 0


A » ( h 0 y &1ipi$, Wiii&fir.:€>utidp^

jnitigliivn. Slepkei!Murphy, Robert dole, K*;in Gapodice, Eric tsjoftn Pflug, Mark Tiedaitami;Second Row ; JohriMurphy; njDowey, Darnel Henriessy, Kevin McDmmn, David Finn, kony Addas, Third R ow : Jetetrty Tattkel, Karin Sylvester, &Kearns, CraigStyles, RobertSwab, Titaoihy Miller, Timothy iham, David Finn, P<uimic frid, Sean Maguire, Christopher Patrick,John O'Brien, andPairick JVkGmtli. ^

fanelh, M ichael 47 ,1 1 0 ,1 1 1

;Ftrst>R:^wi- SortoMlama, favier SowN3e$h MlJ&ffaKMalL

th e A n i e r i ^ C ^ j f e r t a l

0 0 a sU o g to r help front D O is K n g fa r h e tp to r o th e

Viei, Nicholas 40,114

Security ^ ;0 ^ f i e t D G b a / T g n g a rt th e Socked

izo, Jaco b 4 0

shipgteg clock a n d talking f p a n o ld

poi, C hristian 4 0

g i a i ? i 3 C b a i # i $ o n && d oot& and

pivao, Louis 3 5 ,4 0 4 4 2 4 ^ 0 ,1 6 8 ; ?ple. C o n o r 6 0 ,6 8 ,7 ^ 7 3 ,8 1 ,8 9 ,9Q>95,168- j

ys*indow$- a t

ople, Jacquelyn 9 8 ,9 9

| a i$ n g a tt& e ry o n e a n d yverytfeing w hile D M p a n i < M

Tcauski, Ian 28 ,4 0 .

a n d leaied b eing arrested fo r sdid taiion s o n private i

sb, Robert ‘ 4 7 ’eney. M ichael F.

FedEx C y sto rn sf $©\See C o tt e r s o d

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' 0 S M ; P G f D M j B : W e ll n ^ forget Aprit131 O h v e a k . a n d w e all r c a lk r e J t f le a ily h a l e th is In d e x .

V k tm a. ja m eso n ,. 4 0 ^ ^

Index Ortiz-ZywickM H j

T X / failin g for the homerW oom m ail folders, sen­ ior Charles Hood\ freshman Conor Scott, junior Patrick Ciamario, and sophomoreJu s­ tin Loo prepa re for homeroom in the foyer, while M s. Bonny Eaton walks to her homeroom in Humanities Building. Life­ long friends often are made in one's homeroom.

S to r y by M ark Cavanagh

1th each passing day, the students at Grand and War­

T V /h ile selling a tie to him, W junior Anthony DePinto shakes hands with junior John Ferri, as junior Thomas Geraghty and sophomore M ichael G onzalez gather his change in the Cam pus Shop. The Campus Shop helps students, faculty, and alum ni forever remember Prep, the place that always feels like home.

ren move closer to another goal, another date, and another achievement For some, every step proves one closer to a victory in a sport, a completed deadline, a competition for a cocurricular activity, or simply, an afternoon with a friend. Yet for everyone who is, has, or will attend Saint Peter’s Preparatory School, dates such as “First Day o f School,” “Emmaus,” “Prep Day,” “Prom,” “Finals,” and, ultimately, “Gradu­ ation” decorate his calendar, events that bring together the many brothers gathered together in

c js ia v e

a collective home space that allows them to share in the spirit o f one another to grow together, to learn together, and to love together in a brotherhood o f men. As another year comes to pass, one cannot help but reminisce on the people, places, and feelings that have marked this and all other years shared at Grand and Warren, such as the time spent in his first homeroom class, a weekend at the M t Paul retreat house on Emmaus, in a classroom taking a test, gathered in the gymnasium for an assembly, mass, or prayer service, or convened one last time at graduation. To graduate means to move to another level in life, but, it also marks a time to remember how life during the last four years passed in the blink of an eye. But life does not stop there; as it is with every year in every high school, another senior class separates from those who have become their family over the past four years, dis­ persed throughout the world like seeds o f a mature plant, sent off where they can continue to grow in a new home where new places and faces undoubtedly create new experi­ ences. After four years at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School,

C ln c in g

Toyfully receiving a coveted I Spirit Award, senior Aleksander Zywicki accepts his plaque from Fr, Jam es Keenan, SJ. Spirit Award winners em­ body the St. Peter's spirit and truly call Prep a second home.

v y Tlion, Prep's head o f the household, Mr. Kevin Cuddihy, an d Dr. R ichard Kennedy await the day's fun. Mr. Cuddi­ hy later succumbed to the dunk tank by a student's throw.



Continue Growing in a New Home with New Places and Paces”

7T Tfoving an old computer J . V Jla t a job site, juniors Jon Sisti and Rodrigo C astillo are helped by alumnus Bhima .Gaddy on a Christian Service summer im m ersion trip to Washington, DC. The immer­ sion trip-allow ed students to spread the love they received at their home aw ay from home to other less fortunate citizens . o f the United States. A view o f the Grandand WdrjL lr e n sign looking out from Saint Peter's Preparatory’ School reveals a place that conjures im­ mense feeling? o f home for every­ one in the Prep community.

in m m C J

fa / freshman M ichael Auth fd junior M arc Pappalardo tew assistance from freshman Uchael Conti and junior Daniel rowan, respectively. The Fencing M found a new home at Prep.

T^\uriiig the Feast o f the JL /Im m acu late Conception, Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ reads the Gospel at the Grammar School auditorium . The auditorium extended the "home" space avail­ able to the entire community;

^ le e p y sophomores Tony Ongeri, SpirosZambas, Leslie Constantine, Khubaib Iqbal John O'B rien, Cary Apito, Thomas M cM ahon, Timothy Bilavsky, and Cre&>iyMorrisse)> math age to stay awake on a w arn Fridcry afternoon, desfrite feeling comfortable in their second home a t Prep.

'D esting between events at the St. Peter's Collegp pool, juniorPatrick Giamario, seniorJames LiVolsi, and ju nio r D avid Alonso casualty mingle in the m ter. Athletes like these found a sense o fhome in the brotherhood formed in their respectiw sport. M p j

A Place That Feels lik e Home

J L S <ophcrnou Mklisiel Krolm, and freshmen Kevin Crawford and Josejth Lhn tnjdy the Fresh man-Sophomore SemtFonnal on Friday, December 1$. Not onlydo students spend their days at their home away from home, but they spend some evening there also.

‘Whenever One Door Closes New Ones Open and life Goes Or years full o f knowledge, growth, community, and sliarij students emerge prepared for anything life presents the! but, like one’s real home, he cannot but recollect the met ones created by the people and places that composed] second home for four short years. He forever will lol back to a time when being a Man for Others and livi

Ju niors Jo tm Porm entilla, I D avid G arcia, an d Eoin H alpin assist at the Bronx Christmas party held in the cafeteria for the Nativity School o f the Bronx. Moments spent after school with each other often provide students with memories that they would not otherwise acquire in the classroom.

with Conscience, Competence, and Compassion mea something more. Still, no matter how close or far each I the young men travel beyond their home away from horj no matter how the permanence o f graduation seems li the ending of something that can never be recaptured, eaj o f than forever will bleed Maroon and Silver. With every ending, however, there is a new beg! n h g whenever one door closes, n ones open, and life goes on, the cy continues. Although one class depaj over two hundred new brothers en| Prep’s doors. A new senior class ri as the new leaders o f the school; next captains, editors and team Id ers who guide underclassmen tlirou their own stages o f growth ensure tl the young mens’ times at a place til feels like home proves to be one v, spent In every sense, then, Saint ter’s Preparatory School is not a pL thatfeds like home, but is home.

C JS to v e

A t the Freshman Activities F a tr ,^ } JT xA ndrew Artaersou,.Ms< M ary Durai and M s.. Brin Gething promote the Forcnt Team, in hopes o f attracting interestedgf talented freshmen, The Activities Fair is i §§ the natural cycle that takes in willing. | excited freshmen and products worldly and w seniors who have benefited from the home lift. the Prep cotHinmity for four yearsI in time;' freshmen m ake Prep their second home tooM

T jfjlow ing the directions o f JL M M s. s . K ate W alsh in Span­ SpanJL

A Place That Feels Like Home

ish i, sophom ores Lee To, Spencer Morrison, and Jerem y Bonafe listen as she teaches them about ser and estar. She also taught them about "la casa de la escudo.*"

Tjxtraordinary Ministers o f J —/th e Communion seniors M ichael Barbarula, Scott Baran, and Casey Antczak distribute the hosts and wine at the Christmas Adass. Like one's home life, Prep also instills in its students a sense o f spirituality and faith.

■C.J. Kopec Mark'Cava&agh ■Robert Abud M r, David M uir

W icked A n d y ' Papps HEX

= M arc Pappalardo = H ector Flore?


! Stephen M c D e r m o t t Z o ro

= Andrew Anderson

David G arcia 1


'Barry, Schirripa, and CJ. flipping everything in Muirs room iompletely upside down.” ‘Mr. Muir having the worst life ever.” ■ ‘Zone being everywhere and He didn’t see it because He was Itewe4/Later He caught C J, Mark, and Stephen playing Pride tod Glory Frisbee in Mr. Muir’s classroom,” fOh, Mufly, we absolutely cannot buy a Toyota!” fMark getting angry at everything” |Mr. Muir wanting to be a writer, linguist, Penn worker, Egyp­ tologist, and then Wanting to join the Peace Corps.” (Mark having no hair (after an interesting summer with gum, [rax, and mayonnaise).” 'Paperboy Paedophile and the Cat Lady.” IPARCFOECEIPANAHTREILOHRF.” [Bubb Rubb and Lil’ Sis: ‘Supposed to be up cookin’ breakfast or umtityYea I got 'em on my car.”’ I ^3-ing Barry.” pork chop sandwiches...GI Joe!” patching E-baum videos for hours during our late deadline Honor Picture Show, Rent, and Wkkat. We’re so obsessed!

Javier Vasques —

Moderator: Mr. DavitlMichael Muir Editor-in-Chief. C J. Kopec Associate Editor-in-Chiefi Mark-Gayanagh Design Editor. C J. Kopec.

Photography Editor. CJ Kopec Copy Edkon Stephen McDenriott , Opening/Closing: AndrewAiidetson, Mark Cara&agh, C J Kopec Dividers: Stephen McDermott Academics: AndrewAnderson^CJ. Kopec Staff: Hector Bores, | UnderdassmeiVFaculty: David Garcia, Boin Halpa\Marc fappakfdo, Seniors: Andrew Anderson, Christopher Batty, 6*}. Kopec A t h l e t i c s : ,

Co-Curricolarsi Stephen McDermott, Marc Pappalardo Student life Hector Hores, Da’wd'Carcta, C J Kopec Index: StephgftMcDermott . < > \ Staff: Robert Abud, Adrian Hernandez, Daniel Jttlian, Jo$na Porment3% Justin Ramirez, jb h ft Rodino, Jonathan Sdjim p^ Jatifer “Vasques, Andrew Wallace "

Special Thanks From the Editon fir, Azzarto, Mr. Collins, Ms, Cony,

Ms. Fatoii, St. Frances, Ms. Garda, Ms. Gethjng, Ms. Gkdon, Mr. Hu, Mr. Keating,'Mf. fCnlttel, Ms, Panzers, Ms. Spano; Mr. Bailey, Mr. Butrym, Mr. Cuddihy, Ms. Gualario, Fr. Keenan, Ms, Locricchio, Fr. Mulliru Michael Barbarula, Christopher Bligh, Ian McTieman, Thomas Ongeri. most o f Mr. Muirs AP Economics Class; Caren Ar­ onson, Linda Mauss,juhe Norris, Ellen Stahli.all freshmen, sophomores, jun­ iors, and seniors who contributed to the took with articles, quotes, reflections, survqss, photos, tesUmoasaJs, who are too many to remember, and, quia frankly, too many to name. Of oouise, last but not least V x tn h taaH th

“The Communist Hallway v. Senora.” “Mr. Muir with great social skills and a constant state of mind.” “Ethnic Cleansing, Prussian Blue, Dance around the..” “Canadian Versions of Ourselves, or Florida Minors.” “Andrew and CJ.’s bashing sessions on the way to games,” “Buf(k)aki Productions...oops!” “Stephen beating his H.” “Barry’s chair falling back one too many times.” “All of us really hating the B&GC brats.” “Andrew and CJ. breaking the law after Wicked and then Stephen being quite upset by the whole matter,” “The smelly, ugly, trashy lady with the broken computer.” “Dave’s dance^jigglings, his conga ringtone, and his freaking out about everything under the sun.” “‘It was too much work’ getting rid of another useless Dan. “Summer Tech Day 2005: Running across the highway/idiot lady writing e-mail^/being so smart yet being checked on/CJ. beasting die filler texi/teacher loving Uftfe/with Andrew/Stephen saying that the nature air was ‘bad.’” “Andrew getting lacked out of die Library for studying: We can’t

prottor/we’re more than a dub-it’s misleadingafter school meet­ ings/he’s gonna key your car.” “Telling Steven Karunphand that the yearbook would be all in Latin, and him actually believing it” “Baseball in the Muirdome with Stadium Lights and theJ-Ball.” “Fall Tech Day 2005: ImmotaJAreacherous Guy (tertiary) record peopk/it’s probably ilkga^Ruby Tuesdays/the merry-go-round getting CJ. sick and Muir and Stephen were too afraid.” “Classic Mr. Muir: ‘Guys, I’m really going to teach this semester™: ’ ok, you Can have a free period.”’ “Doing five hours of work and complaining on MySpace: CJ. and Muir haw never even done five hours of only work!” “Brian Peppers-enough said.” “The A&P Trip/Floridians: The grass is so...grassy.’/M s. Carver...’/ What are you?*/trying to pronounce MDCC3fl/@$$hole Dad + $lty Mom/Asian Thing/pretentious nose gksseVcreatiomsny' M t Everest/Deep Joy/C&ckRing/AlcyAndy/ SlothuyVpassport problems/nervous breakdown - (truly) delicious irony.

Publications j]

1>HonorShow, Chartie Brown

Secretly Admired Motivated Staple Garden if* Salt Fertilizer) GOD = Butrym E-baum’s Bufaki Falling off Chairs Sleeping ON Floors, Desks, Books, etc. “Sports” Editor #1


Tribeca Dance around the. Ethnic Cleansing Lucy Nuns Peeing on the S—

i i i i it — _ — _ _ _ — _ _ j


Grey’s Anatomy



KewfHead (6x)

S ch irrip a

fanet: N o t a Sl*t


[anelle Forever Marvel M aniac

f |


Hating CJ. Bufaki “Do not get ClimbMedia!” “Sports” Editor #2

Singing Sarah M.G.

fK eally atdn I do enoui


w ork to deserve this~.)


Peeing on the S—

Grey's Anatomy “O h, Rosario...”


Butterscotch Candies



Com plaining

Com m unist General

Rocky Horror GF

“Hello ROBEE Ana Lover TiVo Love Monkey Shakira! No Handwriting Grey's Anatomy Smancelled/Smancer Doilies and a Doll Roo

Discovery Channel Lucy The R obot Chester Dance around the.. Ethnic Cleasning Abusive Piglet


Puerto Rican


Shea Butter Burn Book Disney Songs W innie Characters Flat Tire Gallop Actually N o t Know-i ing Spanish?! “Hips D on’t Lie” W innie the Pooh

i i j

Pested Dance around the... Ethnic Cleasning Pezon Licker Dance/Jiggle Germophobic Freaking Out on Eve­ rything All the Time Mexican Project Me Cage “House of Hoops” Heffalump Hating Dan Julian Ripped Sweater Not actually on YB, but Close Enough “Sports” Editor #4 Eeyore (Really didn’t do enough work to deserve this...)

III 184 Publications



Hating A.J. “Quitting” Allergies Toyotas Richie Rich/Rich Boi “Sports” Editor #3 (Really didn’t do enough work to deserve this...)

Me-m-ordple- L&fcden yeceiving the

D ect In sig n iu s J\ ln

Award, for his service with Prep from a member o f the class o f '$6, Fr. Jam es Keenan, SJ, smiles at the graduating class o f 2 0 0 6 . In his time a t Prep, Fr. Keenan has exjranded not only the campus, hut the hearts and minds o f the Students.


n his first year, in the summer o f 1994, Fr. Keenan, SJ, concluded the Keys to the Future Campaign, which con­ tributed to the renovation o f the library, weightroom, and gymnasium. Volleyball be­ came a varsity sport this year.

n 4 9 9 6 , Fr. Keenan's second

/:year as president, a science

laboratory for Advanced Place­ ment sciences is opened on the third floor o f Burke Hall. he convent on Grand Street, located next to the Humanities Building was sold in 1998. The Carpe Deim Campaign in 1999 led to the addition o f the Warren Street Plaza.


2004, the Athletic field


S t o r y b y D a v id J . G a r c i a

Quality leadership is imperative for a community as large and diverse as St. Peter s Prep. For 12 years, Fr. James F. Keenan, SJ successfully led Prep through times of change, oppurtunity, and triumph. Junior David Finn commented on Fr. Keenan’s departure, “I think that Fr. Keenan was a great leader because he was very selfless and he commanded respect from all. For so long, Fr. Keenan has been so synonymous with Prep that it is going to be tough to see him go.” Although his warm welcomes, stern talks, and unforgettable voice can no longer be found inside Prep’s hallowed halls, his accomplishments have left a permanent mark on the school. Fr. Keenan became the school’s president in the summer of 1994, and he successfully concluded the Keys to the Future campiagn, which made possible the renovation of the library, gymnasium, and weight room. Fr. Keenan also worked hard to add a new AP Science Laboratory, the Warren Street Plaza, the new athletic field that was named in his honor, and the purchase of the property on the corner of Van Vorst Street and York Street. Junior William Dundas commented, “Even though I have spoken to Fr. Keenan on very few occasions throughout my time at Prep, knowing that he is the President makes me feel that Prep is in good hands. Along with Fr. Keenan’s business and leadership capabilities came the less tangible, yet more valuable spirit that he instilled in the Prep community. Fr. Keenan expressed his care for students in a character­ istically laconic fashion at the end of masses, ceremonies, and convocations. Fr. Keenan never failed to wish the student body a wonderful holiday vacation or to give the graduating class a warm send-off. He attended as many sports events as possible in support of the students. Star track runner, junior Theodore Doyle, expressed, “His words stood out amongst the crowd as I turned for the finish in the county two mile.’ These words brought me a burst of energy to outrun the competition. Fr. Keenan has proved to be an able leader, an intelligent person, and a caring individual. He was an excellent role model for all members of the Prep community. “We can all become better people because of what we learn from his example,” said junior David Finn. A great man has truly touched the lives of

1 on Aparin Boulevard was

completed. The first event held on the field was a soc­ cer game in the fall o f2004. In the fall o f2005 the new field was named Fr. Jam es F. Keenan, S J Field.

« order to expand the school, Fr. Keenan, SJ, authorized the purchase o f the St. Peter's Grammar School building on the corner o f Van Worst Street, as well as the church from the Archdiocese o f Newark in 2004•


Keenan, SJ, helped

F ,kthe Annual Fund flour­ ish. The amount o f students enrolled increaed by about 15 percent, or about 120 students per year.


uring Fr. Jam es F. Keenan's presidency, the number o f Advanced Placement courses increased significantly with the addtion o f classes such as, A.P. Chemistry, A.P. Statistics and A.P. Economics.

those who call Grand and Warren a second home.

“She inspired me to fin­ ish my Christian Service

“She exemplifies the way a

hours. This was something

man o f Prep should serve

| that I really did not want to do. She helped me through

the com m uity.” Ju n io r John Wurthzbacber

each hour” | Ju nio r Wigas Chatha

“She sets a strong precedent in the Prep com m unity as a

“Sr. Frances is the epitome

woman o f G od”

o f selflessness, dedication,

Ms. Kate Walsh

and kindness. H er words | o f care and encouragement have made my time at Prep m ore enjoyable. I will great­ ly miss Sr. Frances!” Junior D avid Garcia

“Sister Frances made many o f my experiences at Prep worthwhile. From my im­ mersion trip to my Em­ maus, she was there to help and guide me and my friends” Junior Dan Brennan “Sr. Frances taught me to see the best in what I ah

“She has inspired me with

ready had and realize how

her energy and faith ’

many people are less fortu­

Ms. M ary Durante

nate than me.” Freshman Andrew M em ar


/ i s she blesses the class o f 2006, Sr. fm nces M arie Duncan, UHt, jT X -tdls the graduates to take the Holy S prit with them wherever they go Sr. Frances was a proponent for the student body's deep spinuialiiiL symbolizing what a "titan for others" should be.




S t o r y b y D a v id J . G a r c ia a n d M a r c l’a p p a la r d o

A fter a successful jC x p la y , senior M ark Dolaghan, and juniors N icholas Lalumia and Douglas SanGiacomo congratulate eachother by punding their fists togeth­ er. During the season, the varsity baseball play­ ers kept a light-hearted spirit.


hrowing the ball with tremendous pow er and speed, junior Brian Urbanovich tries to strike out another batter. The team was greatly support­ ed by the pitching sta ff and the cathcing prowess o f Doug SanGiacomo.


inshing his swing, senior Christopher Bligh watches the ball sail into the outfield and prepares to run.

The Varsity Baseball team, led by senior captains Christopher Bligh, Daniel Urbanovich, and Mark Dolaghan quenched all expectations by filling their season with numerous achievements. The team ex­ hibited their skills with spectacular wins, Such as 25-0 against Lincoln, 20-0 against Dickinson, 19-3 against Marist, and 13-3 agaisnt Hoboken. Under the guidance o f Coach Joseph Urbanovich, along with key players such as senior William Torres, juniors Michael Lang, Nicholas Lalumia, Doug­ las SanGiacomo, Brian Urbanovich, and Daniel Vecchiarelli, the team finished the season with an amazing wihning record. In addition to their talent on the field, the group’s harmony with one another carried the team through many difficult times. “We had a much uni­ fied team,” said junior Douglas SanGiacomo. “Eve­ ryone gets along with one another. I look forward

W yville

V ft Tresh-fyuM 'hcwebfcll Tyeshm an Jo l wicz strikel other Ferris bd pitchng speed cison were nec success o f the U


unior Dav, clutches the I prepares to swi advancing ball.

/ Papps

fter scoring^ rim

o f the team is m il w orth itj | commented junior \ IM ichael Lang, T h ts a f' tiw de. also improves the. coachingfoby as the te4fff ~ is both more m^iimie^l and better appreciates

jttf j â– W




iis iiiR ig

si S i p *

stern wa


loach Michael DeCastro: this goal. Coach DeCas-

I ) K r e 11


V VOLLEYBALL TEAM First Row: M ichael Kushnir, Joi M aini, Ja y Kowalczyk; Second Row: M ark Sandan, G M ichael D eCastro; Third Row: Alexander D ellabella, Jerem y Bon Stefan Paul, D aniel Espinosa; Fourth Row: Jacob Blicharz, M att Gonzalez, Lucas Netchert, Jose Izquierdo, Benjamin Brenneis. unior Varsity volleyball players sophomores Jacob Blicharz and Benjc Brenneis block a spike from the opposing team. The JV Volleyball t won the first Hudson County JV Volleyball tournament with a perfec and 0 record.

7 1$8| V arsity/JV V olleyball




MUJL1. WU1 Ulliy IlVttia aLamaiiig ill UU1 vvaj AO U nion High School.” Regardless o f their defeats, the team con­ tinues to train under the grueling daily train­ ing o f coach M r. Michael Fletcher. “Rugby is one o f the m ost physically demanding sports at Prep. However, it is probably the most underestimated sport as well,” said senior Brendan Bartowsiewitz. As conditioning, the Rugby team runs approximately one mile every day, followed by drills to improve pass­ ing, tackling, and simple exercises. Addition­ ally, students who play different positions, such as the scrum and line-outs, will practice separate maneuvers. As an extraordinary team, the players were able to form close relationships with one an­ other. Senior Ryan Loftus said, “I have had so much fun this entire season. W e struggled, fought, and gave our all as a team and a fam­ ily. I will never forget this experience.”


enior W illiam G reb pitches the ball to junior Anthony M accinski, w hile seniors Ryan Loftus and Albert Vecellio

hold the H illsboro defense.

Q en ior Henri DeFrance plays hard agflinst the defense o f M ontclair to keep possesion o f the ball. In its second season, Varsity Rugby has made great advances.

Varsity Rugby

I V fit ih in g ditigentlya^n^V eron^defens^approacft^^unw ^^ W Ham Sheridan prepares to charge for the g o af an d score 01 again 10 secure Prep's win. Prep won the gam e against Verona 4i just three daw after winning a gam e agftinst Oratory Prep 16-3.

M R S T R O W :L aw ren ce Bovick, Craig Styles, Cody Pannell ^ B fosepft Livi, Andrew M ertiar, M atthew M ullman, Richard M i tisoa, Andrew M obw , Philip Reynolds, Richard O'Connor, Emm Gregory, M dttkew Schembre, Christopher Fernandez, Richard Czirb SECO ND ROW : Coach Christopher Halleron, Alex Cabrera, G a Rokoszak, Colin M organ, Harrison M organ, Steven Rizzo, Stepht M itrphy, Brendan Bryant, Ellington Arnold, Sean Dowd, Barton Yu Dylan M cM ahon, Jon M ucciok, Jam es Kearns, Luke Power, Jam S h alh w k C asey Delaoti, Coach Paul Giorgio.


% i >

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m D eborah Mingay

zrona runs while craddling

S t o r y b y J a m e s L L ig g in s

After the wildly successful 2005 season for the Varsity Tennis Team, many were expecting an equal or better performance this last season. Finishing with a final record of 17-3, which included winning a second straight county championship, the tennis team fully lived up to expectations. The results of the season have defined the tennis team as the dominant force in Hudson County. Although the Varsity tennis team lost three key players from the previous year coming into the 2006 season, freshman Andrew Arrospide at first singles, junior Joe-Man Wan at third singles, and senior Ryan Gelchion at second doubles were more than ready and prepared to step up and contribute to the team’s continuing ?victories. With the team shutting out opponents a stunning total of nine times, these new additions to the already strong team did that and more. Other starters for the Varsity team were second singles junior captain James Liggins, the first doubles duo of senior Christopher Edelmann and junior Colin Callahan, and sophomore Justin Ortuoste joining Ryan Gelchion at second doubles. As junior captain James liggins noted, “I knew that we had great players last year who helped us complete

a great season. But I also see the great players who either joined us or emerged this year, players who each have individually given the team something invaluable—not only achieving goals on the court, but creating and strengthening relationships and bonds off the court, as well.” Team coach Rev. John P. Fencik’s inspiring and motivating influence led the team to win after win. The Varsity team eradicated two losses during the regular season, against county rival Bayonne H.S., by finally beating them 3-2 in the team county finals. The county championship may well have been the defining moment of the tennis team’s very impressive 2006 season. Not only was it a down-to-thewire finish, but it achieved what a Prep tennis team had not done in years—winning a county championship for two successive seasons. Assisted by Coach Kristine Spano, the 2006 Varsity Tennis Team has defined themselves as a powerhouse and a team that is only growing in strength for up-andcoming years. Many members of the Prep tennis team were confident in believing that they can win their third straight county tide in the 2007 season.



ENNK- TEAiMrTirsr"RowT^j3""ft’ joiH"^Hair

Andrew Arrospide, Justin Ortuoste, Ryan G elchion, JoeM an W an; Second Row: Jam es Liggins, Thomas M ullarney, Christopher Edelm ann, C hristopher Fitzpatrick, Colin C allahan, Coach K ristine Spano.


Christopher Edelmann, Ryan Gelchion and sophomore A lbert T. M cW illiams practice their returns be­ fore the big game.


enior Ryan Gelchion and sophomore Justin Ortuoste shake hands after serving an ace.

OLF T E A M B ase Row : Coach Douglas Sanford, Raymond Smith, Coach Frank Thomson, Andrew McGtynn, Stop McFarland, Daniel UVotsi, Michael Garrigan. John Pflug; Second R o w Eric Morgan, Bryan Robinson, Stephen Gardner, Adam Baginski, Louis Hart.


W oods to d f the golf world by storm a few years ago, many young peo­ ple developed an interest in the game.


St. Peter’s Prep golf team has benefited from the increased popularity o f golf.

Many play­ Chubbs

ers tried out for this years’ squad, making it very difficult to choose a final team.


the golf team picked up a few young players who contributed greatly this season. G olf finished the season with a losing record, but they were competitive in each match.

M ost

matches were lost by only a few strokes. The Ma­


rauders played many tough matches against teams

with his swing. In his

like Seaton Hall Prep and Westfield, who are con­ sistently top teams in the state.

Junior Michael

freshman year, Adam was one o f the only Prep students to ever make a hole during a league game

Garrigan and Freshman Stephen Gardner led the team this season with outstanding performances. The young talent o f the squad bodes well for the future o f Prep golf. Assistant coach Frank Thom ­ son commented, “W ith the core o f freshmen and


'miling with ease, Jum oT EriTM orgfllTt^ o ff to start a great gam e o f golf. This was Ertc s first year o the g o lf team. He has been a member o f the baseball, bowling and basketball teams.

sophomore golfers, we look forward to many suc­ cessful years.”

V anity Tennis & G olf

W yville

Thresh man Nyshier Oliver

JL and senior John Llaneza give their a ll as they sprint to the finish line. Prep sprinters made great contributions to the team this season.

eading the pack, junior Theodore Doyle completes a lap during one o f his dis­ tance races. St. Peter's domi­ nated the county in the long distance races this season.


U T D O O R TR A C K T E A M First R ow : Liam Colford; Second Row : Daniel Tomassi, Spiros Zambas, M ark Zaleski, M ark Doherty, Joseph Owens, Peter Drummond, Douglas Barone, Kevin Meuse, Andrew Colaneri, Daniel Weinberg, James Murduca; Th ird Row : Theodore Doyle, Brian Bannon, Casey Antczak, Bryan McTiernan, Dennis Brown, Jonathan Wong Edward Rose, Andrew Kilduff, Ian McTiernan.


T ju m m g in o n eo ^ n ^ tn a ^ a c e^ ^ n ^ t^ P eter JL\ track career, senior lan McTiernan paces himse for the long race. The world record for the one mile ru was set in 1999 by Hicham E l Guerrouj. The recoi time is 3:43:13.


W yville

Tunior Brian Bannon uses his outstanding speed to reach the I finish line in one o f the sprint races. The track team scored big points in the running events a t their meets this season, which led to many meet wins.

^ ’VyftnperfecTjormy^x^^ W

one o f his ZOO meter races. The ZOO meter dash is one o f the most exciting races in a track meet because it requires endurance and speed.

192 Outdoor Track

W yville W yville

ng Danners a

dtd both hum or and safety

the races Mr. Joseph Ri-

ordan, SJ stated, “W c hold thti

ices in order to

rtcreate the I atm culture and

udents a physi-

tal experience o f their Larin

today the Prep

comm unity can conclude Lat

dead, language,

tukure is alive at Prep.

he cast o f the Prey production o f AIDA takes the fin al bow on the third performance o f the show. The show ran for four days, M ay 12th, 13th, 19th, and 20th.


A fter hearing that their king had just been capjLX tured, Franchone Flolloman as Aida and Julian Pormentilla as M ereb encourage slaves Andrianna Friel and Stephen McDermott. Chubb*


Tn the final JLscene o f the play, the ancient lovers cross paths in a modem set­ ting in an Egyp­ tian wing o f a museum. Aida is a musical based on an opera by ' Giuseppe Verdi wrtten in 1871 with lyrics by CIUI0DS Tim Rice and takes his capmusic by Elton g i tive A ida by the wrist to Princess Amnens as a gift. The John . prince did not know that he w as in possesion o f the Princess

S t o r y b y .Io n ia Porm entilla

“Aida! Aida!” exclaimed the cast

“It was astounding to see people cry­

members o f this year’s Prep musical

ing in their seats because they were so moved.” Along with the excellent ac­ tors, the scenery o f the musical was

Aida. The Prep musical director and guidance counselor, Mr, James Don­ dero, directed the annual spring per­

quite inspirational as well. The stage

formance that showcased a stunning

crew cast managed to recreate a fantas­

presentation by a rather large cast. Love

tic environment for the musical. Aida

was definitely in the air as junior Wil­ liam Thompson, and M cNair junior

was able to attract a fairly abundant

Franchone Holloman, enacted a time­ less story between two “star-crossed

lege were consistently filled with many family, friends, and fans. The show

lovers. Junior David Garcia described

aired on May 12th-May 13th, and on

the musical as “a spectacular and mov­

May 19th-M ay 20th.

audience as the seats o f St. Peter’s Col­

ing performance.” He went on to say,

o f Nam ibia.

C hariot Races & Spring M usical 193

S t o r y b y D a n I lr e n n a n

One o f the most anticipated events that J ^ p offers was approaching. Students and families were making the proper preparations. Ms. Rosalie Romano and Mr. Jef­ frey Beaudette were overhauling their workloads so the students were ready. The exchange students were com­ ing! Every year students come from various countries. They spend two to three weeks living and learning the Prep experience. This year Prep welcomed students from France and Italy. Each exchange student left an impres­ sion On every student and faculty member. Junior Jesse DeFlorio added “The Italian Exchange helped me grow closer to other cultures that I was not familiar with. It helped me grow closer to my fellow students who were with me during the exchange. I can honestly say that my time at Prep would have been completly different I did not go on the exchange”. Many students can also add that their time at Prep would be completely different without the presence o f the exchange program. Junior Anthony DePinto thought, “Without my participation on the exchange I probably would not want to continue my education in the Italian language. This exchange was a breath of fresh air in my learning experience”.

'P 'tjoyiitg AIs. C u r r y ^ lS o ^ S ^ ta !ia t^ tc !m ^ r s iu : J —id tm Sergio ponders a question asked by one o f the mem­ bers o f the class. The Italian students visited New Jersey after many members o f the Prep community spent time in Italy.

T J o s t Students and juniors Anthony Andreadis and A fr 1 1 thony DePinto introduce their Italian exchange students to the topics covered in their social justice class. Hosting the Italian students was very memorable for the participants in the exchange.

£ []

on, their was also a new surprise added to ow this year. For the first time there was a created by Thomas Malarney, The movie id D ark Boy, tells the story o f a scientists’ 3t to black out the sun that took away his life. It used clay, photographs, and various of music. Although at first it may have diffucult to understand for some o f its s, the true meaning o f the film arised after thought. It was a total success, and those iewed the movie said that it was a great ement by this senior.

||§ / '

p s

■■H i


French Exchange & A rtE x bibit

S j o r y l>y Jam es Ijggins

After a busy ytic, Prep students were given tWbpportunity to unwind , on Thursday, May 4, and Friday, May 5. While Prep Day allows students to enjoy a relaxing day away from classrooms, they may also establish new friendships with both teachers and students alike. Led by teachers, students were en­ sured both safety and proper leadership throughout the vari­ ous events that were scheduled for Thursday afternoon or all day on Friday. Prep Day served as both an educational and enjoyable experience for freshmen, sophomores and juniors, allowing students to learn and strengthen relationships, while further establishing the Prep community as a home away from home. Prep .Day activities ranged from the common to the unusu­ al, with various events that took place right here at Prep, across Doyle the Hudson, or in some cases, in other states. Junior juan Nor\ A /HITEWATBR RAFTING First Row: French student, Jameson Vicuna, Jam es Shalhoub, Pedro Medina, delo, who took a trip to the Poconos on Prep Day, had this to V V Rui Sorez; Second Row: Sean Finn, Jason Modi, Mina Gayed, Carlos M ejias, Eamon Martnett, Emmanuel say about his experience: “My Prep Day experience was both Degado, Joseph Borsellino, M ichael Murcia; Third Row: Justin Yu, Mr. Jeffrey Beaudette, Mr. Matthew Knittel, relaxing and awe-inspiring. The powerful effects o f nature and M ichael Heredia, Justin Cicchetti, Peter McFadden, Jose Izquierdo, Daniel Gonzalez; Forth Row: Christopher Hatcher, Kenneth Slaski, Andrew Kelly, Julen Abie, Bryan M cTiemm, Conrad Foard, Alexander Lupo the serene environment surroundings had a surreal effect on ' all of us—it almost felt like a retreat, on which I was able to un­ wind and just have fun with friends.” Other Prep Day activities included exploring mathematical creativity on a trip to a math museum with Mr. Benjamin Patiak, attending an exciting Mets baseball game with Mr. Robert Bruckner, and, in the case of junior Amit Sathe, going on a fun yet educational trip to Six Flags Great Adventure: “Prep Day was a great hands-on experi­ ence. Throughout the year we have learned the fundamentals of Physics on paper, and it was great to actually apply those tudents participating in "Mangiano Italiano" on Prep T /r neading dough for gniocci, juniors M arc lessons to a real life event that included rollercoasters!” Day, thouroughly enjoy the meal that they prepared. £\ J> af?palardo, Anthony DePinto, Alexander From year to year, Prep Day provides a day of relief and Pugliese, and Alexander B alias aw ait the time "Mangiano Italiano" was one o f the many activities stu­ dents could choose from. recreation for students that have dedicated another hard year when they can eat their creation. to academic efforts. Most Prep students would agree that Prep Day is a necessary break from academic life, allowing students to have time to hang out with friends while simultaneously not S t o r y b y J a i n e s L ig g in s having to worry about homework. Wednesday, May 24th provided Prep students with an interesting encounter with Fr. Roy Bourgeois, a modern-day activist and the founder o f the School o f the Americas Watch (SOAW). Those attending the Arrupe lecture were able to listen to Fr. Bourgeois’ stories on his methods of ending the School of the Americas. The stories he told involved adven­ tures as extreme as climbing a tree in Georgia to play a recording of Fr. Romero’s chants of “Stop the persecution!” on a stereo. Listeners were amazed by Fr. Bourgeois’ ac. counts of the determined attempts to end the injustices he feels were created and perpetuated by the School of the Americas. Students who actually participated in protests against the School o f the Americas in Fort Benning, GA, were delighted to have Fr. Bourgeois speak at T><. tobiAAapi m m m / a®**’* pw* ww#* i**s ™; a Prep event, as they have dedicated much of m ericos. The 1 Americas I The SOA W atch is ah organizations that seeks to cb sz ih e US m ilitary bcho their own time to following his work.


e Lzctvi re

Anupe Leaire is an annual event a t St. Pirn's tk a l

» eduatte the community m u sw i o f social /»

Prep Day & Arrupe Lecture

§§| followed them


a b ilit y

t o ';^ f 6 r

A an everkstin 6 rings Wigfe ta€H distti Frederick Padre stated, “It was a good experience for the class to receive rings together because it expressed the bond between us all.” As the mass concluded, all were invited to the cafeteria for refresh­ ments and to converse amongst each other once again. The ring ceremony was able to signify the accomplishment o f successfully completing three years o f Prep, as well as taking leadership roles both inside and outside o f the school.

K 7 fembers o f the junior class eagerly aw ait their class rings A. V L an d enjoy the chance to celebrate with one another as the year comes to a close. ~T).JohnM ullin, happily presents a ring to junior M ichael Vilardo, while Fr. James Keenan, S J. presents a ring to junior D aniel Vecchiarelli. The junior mass is a highlight for a Prep student. JL S.J.

196 Junior Class Mass

Tumors TheodorM I Doyle and JuaM Escobar receive them St. Peter's Prep clasM rings from Fr. JohM M ullin, S J and . Jam es Keenan, S.J The class ring is che\ ished by the juniom because it indicate* that they are stepping into their role as leaden in the Prep community\

Tunior Dennis Brown / receives Christ's body and blood at the junior class mass. Celebrating mass together as a class is an important part o f the Catholic community o f St. Peter's Prep. The. Junior Mass was only for students who were receiv­ ing their class rings. Fr Thomas Benz, SJ, felt this was unfair to students who did not receive a ring, yet Still wishes to partcipate in the mass.



ow low can you go! Senior M ark Timmins enthusiastically celebrates a successful trip under the limbo stick.

7T 7[em bers o f the senior class an d their dates synchronize J v l their moves as they participate in the C ha-Cha Slide. The Cha-Cha Slide is a popular group dance a t proms and

"tochers Joseph Riordan, Jam es DeAngelo, M ary Durante, and Jam es Don­ dero strut their stu ff during the YMCA.




ooking very dashing in their tuxedos, juniors D avid ^ ^ G arcia, Ju an N ordelo an d A drian H ernandez anxiously w ait outside their Hummer limo which served a t their trans­ portion to the junior prom.

Jr. Frpfn


S t o r y l?y M a r c P a p p a l a r d o

As the prep juniors pulled up in limou­ sines to The Landmark, they began introduc­ ing their dates to both faculty and classmates. The evening o f Friday, April 28, started with a social hour, which included photographs, buffet-style dining, and conversations with friends. The commencement o f music brought an enormous crowd to the dance floor.


were so many people dancing that the dance

If, T^n joying their big night, juniors M ichael Rogers an d Eom | JLuH alpin share a laugh with their dates' as they head to the % prom in style.

I \ y m their jackets tossed to the side, juniors Timothy GraW ham and D aniel DeCongelio bust a move on the dance floor. The junior prom was held a t The Landmark in East Rutherford,

floor seemed to be the size o f a match box, commented junior Frederick Padre. Even though there was not that much room , I still had a great time,” he continued. Highlights o f the night included junior Daniel Christie’s dance while atop junior Thomas Ruane’s shoulders, and the group’s participation in “The Cha-Cha Slide


“Sweet Caroline”.

Senior & Junior Prom 197


5e.nivr picnic

T^njoying his hot dog and soda, senior D aniel Urbanovich chats with senior Raymond Pasuco. lite J —/seniors enjoyed spending time with the faculty and one another for one last time.

S tory by Jam es Liggins M onday, Ju n e 5th was both a joyous and solemn occa­ sion for the class o f ’06. The annual senior picnic kicked o ff around 10:00 at JF K Field, only a couple blocks from St. Peter’s Prep, and lasted until the early afternoon. Though seniors were able to relax and hang out with friends they had com e to know over the past four years* they were forced to rem inisce over time spent at Prep and reflect on the years ahead, possibly w ithout the com p an ­ ionship o f their current Prep classmates. A t the barbecue, seniors were found playing lacrosse, baseball, and trying to keep up with M r. Dennis Hu in U ltim ate Frisbee. Be­ tween listening to m usic and enjoying grilled food served by M r. M ichael Fletcher and M r. David Bailey, the Prep class o f 2 0 0 6 took tim e ou t to sign each o th er’s yearbooks, which m ost o f them had just received that day.


enior Hector Flores and several o f his classmates take time in the bleachers to enjoy each others' company. The seniors use the senior barbecue as a time to have fun with one another and sign yearbooks.

7T 7fem bers i V l o f the St. Peter's fac­ ulty held out their hands and prayed for God's blessing over the members o f the senior class. This mass blessing was a nice ad­ dition to the baccalaureate


howing o ff their grilling skills, Mr. M ichael Fletcher and Mr. David B aliley, '95, served, hungry seniors Henry Bolante and Francis Llarena.


S t o r y by Ms. Melissa Dowling

N cedliam-Doylc

“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, the disciples were all in one place together...And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit...” Just like the first Pentecost recounted in these words from the book of Acts, the senior Class of 2006 gathered '‘in one place together” to celebrate the coming of the H Holy Spirit and the end o f their years at St. Peter’s Prep. Draped in red, Memorial Gymnasium was transformed into the site of the 2006 Baccalaureate Mass, celebrated Sunday, June 4. Family and friends gathered with the Class of 2006 to listen to the words of Fr. James F. Keenan, S.J., as he presided over his final mass as President of St. Peter’s Prep. In his hom­ ily, Fr. Keenan challenged the graduates to take the faith developed over their years at St. Peter’s to the world around them. Following the celebration of the Eucharist, the graduating seniors received two very special blessings. The first was a blessing from the faculty. Faculty members came forward, and with outstretched hands, blessed the Class o f 2006 as they go forth into the world. The second blessing was bestowed upon the seniors by their parents, and was recited by Mr. Walter Koszyk. Following the blessing of the graduates, the seniors were asked to place their hands on the shoulders of their parents and pray that God would bless them. Mr. Matthew Klarmann led this very moving blessing. 1h aring a touching moment with his parents, senior Raymond


ovv^t A c c c ^ ftin g jT x h is A gape A ward for aca­ demic achieve­ ments, Ju lian P o r m en t i l i a shakes Fr. Keen­ an's hand for one last time before they both leave Prep. Fr. K eenan also distributed the diplom as on stage.

As the band welcomed the graduating class o f 2006 and the Prep faculty to the 128th Commencement Exercises on Wednesday, June 7, teary-eyed parents looked on in rev­ erence. Despite the gloomy weather outside, spirits inside the gymnasium o f St. Peter’s College were warm, cheerful and reminiscent o f the four years which have passed. “Our school yearbook,” began Fr. Thomas Benz, SJ, “is Called A Place that Feels like Home. It’s a wonderful reminder o f special times and special people gathering in special places.” The words o f the students, faculty, and ad­ ministration encouraged the graduates to

senior M ark Cavanagh addresses the {.students, M s. M elissa Dowling and Mrs. M arie Curry watch in reverence as he remem­ bers past class experiences.


make lasting impressions in their future journeys as they have done so in their time at Prep. Senior John Llaneza opened the ceremo­ ny by thanking those present in every Prep m an’s life, stating, “This night we say thank you, to our parents, and families, who have supported us as we have matured through our high school years. All these people from home were at our side through both our successes and our struggles, and we are ex­ tremely grateful for their love and care.” For his Participation in the Emmaus program, Outreach, Student Council, and his academ­ ic triumphs, Llaneza was awarded the Don­ ald M oriarty ’48 Award. Also speaking in his address to the students, senior Mark Cavan­ agh, who was presented with the Vincent J. Kennedy ‘39 award, commented, “Behind us lies the past, where all our best experiences, including our time as Prep students, remain only in our memories as if they were a fad­ ing dream.” Fr. James F. Keenan, SJ, presiding over his final graduation ceremony as president, left the graduating class with advice for their future, saying, “Now that you are pre­ pared to move on to new settings, I encourage you to reach out to oth­ ers. In doing so, please express your gratitude to all who made your Prep education possible.” Marie Duncan,

Sister Francis

OSF, concluded the

program with words from Fr. Antho­ ny Azzarto, SJ, who wrote, “St. Paul writes, ‘I thank my God every time I think o f you.’ That is my prayer here in Lagos, Nigeria when I think o f the class o f 2006. Thank you for teaching me to share the Gospel.” Af­ ter these words, Mr. Kevin Cuddihy declared the exercises completed, and the Graduates cheered as beachballs Steve Caslowitz enthusiastically leads the band in the Star-Spangled-Banner.


he Graduating class o f 2006, includ­ ing seniors Christopher Barry and M ark Barsoum, looks on as Mr. Kevin Cuddihy speaks to them for the last time.

m speaker, refleas upon Us time and confetti ushered them out. OJdent d a t Prep. Llaneza graduated cum laude, S tory by Marc Pappalardo


or with honors.

Graduation 199


G o ld

S ilv e r

G e n e r a l E xc e l l en c e E ng lish

Kevin Dougherty Ian McTiernan

Ian McTiernan Corey Leadbeater

H isto r y

Ian McTiernan

Kevin Dougherty T. James LiVolsi "e.a

M ath

Roland Zemla

Daniel Libatique

R e l ig io n

Michael Spivac

Roland Zemla

S c ie n c e

Roland Zemla

Michael Dmytriw

S c h o la r A th le te s

Casey Antczak Joseph Avallone

F rench

Raphael Zaki

''e.a - out o f that

Michael Barbarula

G erm a n

Brian Dalton

which is equal

Henry Bolante, Jr.,

I talian

Patrick Comey

S panish

Lorenzo Rafer

C lassics

Daniel Libatique

E c o n o m ic s

Kevin Dougherty

C o m p u t e r S c ie n c e

Andrew Anderson

A rt

Thomas Mullarney

M u sic

Lorenzo Rafer

Charles Hood *e.a

R e v . F r a n c i s T. S h a l l o e . ST A w a r d

Raymond J. Smith Je s u it S e c o n d a r y E d u c a tio n A s s o c ia tio n A w a rd

Ryan P. Gelchion Jonathan Treble

Kevin Dougherty N a tio n a l M e r it

Patrick Duffy

S c h o la r s h ip C o m p e titio n

Christopher Fitzpatriclj

C om m ended

Padraic Friel

Mark Cavanagh

Ryan Gelchion

Gabriel Clermont

Louis H art

Brian Dalton

Peter Hoffman

Matthew Doherty

Martin Hogan

Daniel Libatique

T. James LiVolsi

Neil Majmundar

John Llaneza

Ian McTiernan

Ryan Loftus

Valentino Mills

Ian McTiernan

Mark Timmins

William Naughton

Jonathan Treble

Nilesh Parikh Derek Ramos

Andrew Wallace

Michael Serzan Jonathan Treble

J o h n E . B r o w n i n g . ST ’46 A w a r d

Neophytos Zambas

Francis X. Romano T e ro m e P e t e r s o n '9 2 A w a r d

Michael F. Haas

S e m i-F in a lis t

Gabriel T. Claremont

B e n e M e r e n ti A w ard

Michael Burgess A gap e A w a rd

Julian Pormentilla Michael Serzan

S p ir it A w a rd s

Andrew Anderson

John Llaneza

Scott Baran

Francis Llarena

K a c h e l M e m o r ia l

Christopher Barry

S c h o la r - A t h le t e A w a rd

Christian Buenafe

Stephen M cDermott Thomas Ongeri

Scott E. Barari

Mark Cavanagh

Jom a Pormentilla Francis Romano

D o n a l d M o r i a r t y *4 8 A w a r d

Andrew Cevasco Patrick Comey Hector Flores

Joseph Skillender

Christopher Fitzpatrick

Conor Supple

Colin Gallo

Andrew Zhu Aleksander Zywicki

John T. Llaneza V i n c e n t T. K e n n e d y ’3 9 A w a r d

Mark G. Cavanagh

David J . Garcia

Jeffrey Rubin

The 2006 Petrean Supplement was created by M o d erato r: Melissa Dowling, with the assistance o f Editor-In-Chief: Davie Garcia, M anaging E d ito r Marc Pappalardo, Editors: Daniel Brennan, James Liggins, Jom a Promentilla, and Juan Norde The entire staff would like to thank C.J. Kopec, Ms. Needham-Doyle, Mr. H oran, Mr. Collins, Ms. Finn, Ms. Gualar Mr. Cuddihy, Mr. Reidy, Mr. D andorph, Ms. Collins, Ms. Supple, Mr. M uir, and Sr. Frances, OSF.

The 2006 Petrean Su pplem ent is d ed icated to Fr. Jam es F. Keenan, SJ.


Voluma LXXXIV o f the S k in t P e t e r ' s t r e p a r a t o r y S c h o o l " P e t r e a n 2006" was jrin te d by H e r ff - J o n e s , G ettysburg, A. Out o f 184 p a g e s , 32 p a g e s w e re i r i n t e d i n th e f o u r - c o l o r p r o c e s s and j6 p a g e s w e re p r i n t e d in s p o t c o l o r , ihe p a p e r s t o c k o f t h e b o o k i s B o r e a ux S p e c i a l 80#, t r i p l e c o a t e d enam el. The " P e t r e a n 2006" i s Smyth sewn, ou n d e d and b a c k e d . The custom embossed o v e r is quarterbound u t i li z i n g P r e s i g u e N a v y v e l v e t an d B r u s h e d S i l v e r I b r a T e x t m a t e r i a l w ith t h r e e a p p l i e d o lo r s : b la c k , navy and maroon and a l i v e r f o i l t o a c c e n t the theme, "A P l a c e h a t P e e l s L ik e Home," w i t h a b l a c k and lavy t i p on. The e n d s h e e t s a r e v l b r a o l o r w h it e u t i l i z i n g n avy and b l a c k . The e n t i r e " P e t r e a n 2006" was coml e t e d w i t h the Adobe I n D e s ig n GS p r o ­ ram on f o u r s t a n d a r d Windows PCs and ne L a p t o p PC in the P o g g l P u b l i c a t i o n s e n t e r and in Mr. M u i r ' s room, H -202. A l l b o d y i s in AHJ Garamond 1 0 p t . ; a p t i o n copy i s AHJ S c h n i t t g e r 8 p t . ; h o t o c r e d i t s and b y l i n e s a r e in AHJ H i s 6 p t ; s u b - h e a d l i n e s a r e in e i t h e r AHJ I c h a e l , AHJ P r a n k , o r AHJ C o p p e r p l a t e o t h ic 3 6 p t , 2 4 p t , o r 1 8p t; h e a d l i n e s r e in AHJ M a r t i n o r AHJ Pound 4 8 p t . h o t o s in the b o o k w e re t a k e n m o s t ly b y t a f f members o r the a d v i s e r , as w e l l s b y D a v is S t u d i o , and w e re d e v e l o p e d n t i r e l y b y D a v is S t u d i o o f Mamaroneck, £ and Grove P h o to o f J e r s e y C i t y , NJ. The p r e s s run fo r the "Petrean 3 0 6 ” was 1,1 00 c o p i e s a t a c o s t o f jp p ro x im a te ly $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 . The b o o k was jnanced e n t i r e l y b y c o n t r i b u t i o n s from he s c h o o l . The b o o k s w e r e d e l i v e r e d u r i n g t h e s e c o n d w eek o f May 2006. S p e c i a l Thanks from th e m o d e r a t o r a Kevin Cuddihy, P r . James Keenan, SJ, Lm C o l l i n s , P a t R e id y , Ken D andorph , ILm H oran , Dave B a i l e y , Jan Butrym, F r . |any A z z a r t o , SJ, S r. F r a n c e s M a r ie juncan, OSF, G ra c e G u a l a r i o , Mary Finn, H l s c i l i a C o l l i n s , K r i s t i n e S pan o, Bonny B a t o n , Anthony K e a t i n g , E l l e n S t a h l l , I aren Aronson, L in d a M au ss, Jerry a g n e r , a l l th e p a r e n t s o f s t a f f mema r s , the B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s , John and 3b r a M u i r , an d t o my f a v o r i t e , new - o t h e r in the w h o le w o r l d , C . J . Kopec.

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