ur first taste of student life at *St. Peter’s Prep came September 8th, 2004, the day of Freshman Orientation. I recall how difficult it was for me to get to school that day, as the downpours and violent winds traveling extremely inconvenient. Although I entered the gym, which I have grown to recognize as “The Barn,” ten minutes late, I could not help but let out a huge sigh of relief. While my tenure at Prep could have started more smoothly, I was just thankful that it had started. It was in the gym where then-Principal Kevin Cuddihy posed a question that has remained in my mind during my time here: “How do you want to be remembered^” And so, with this challenge in mind, we entered our Fresh man Year at Prep. One thing we noticed from that start is that Prep isn’t just a school, it's a family. From the season opener against Hudson Catholic to the Mass of the Holy Spirit to the Freshman Activities Fair, we were immediately exposed to the mystique which envelops the Prep community. At any other school, our timidity would have kept us from having a successful freshman year; at Prep, we felt obliged to befriend our classmates and to take advantage of everything that this great school has to offer. Most of us knew that we would enjoy our first year at Grand and Warren, but I think all of us were taken aback by how much of a community St. Peter’s Prep truly is: a community of learners, a community of believers, a com munity striving for the magis, the more. Our experience as freshmen undoubtedly provided us with a foundation on which we were able to build. As classes became more difficult and the pressure of obtaining quality grades increased, we found ourselves leaning on our brothers more and more. We took pride, not only in our school, but in the friendships that came as a result of attending Prep. This pride was on full display on December 2nd, 2005, the night Prep football defeated Don Bosco Prep in the State Championship at Giants Stadium. To this date, I’ve never felt more alive than I did in our student section that night, cheering on our team and praying for a monumental upset. As a community, we came together, hundreds of voices united as one, as we cheered our football team to a victory that few people associated with Prep will soon forget. Now, fast-forward to senior year. Here we are, our feet halfway out the door, and we have absolutely no idea how the time flew. Well, I could be cliche and say, “Time flies when you're having fun,” but this aphorism doesn’t do justice to our four years spent here. I hope that I have lived up to the challenge with which Mr. Cuddihy presented us, but frankly I'm not overly concerned. Instead of being remembered at Prep, I would much rather remember Prep and my memories over the last four years: state championships, Emmaus, Kairos, Marauder Nation, baseball, CLC, Outreach, Math Team, and, most importantly, my friends. As Gaven Degraw says, “Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from.” Above Circle: Seniors Louis DiPaola and Vincenzo Averello discuss possible food run opportunities with Christian Service Director Mr. Erich Sekel, '98 and Fr. Enrico Raulli, SJ.
Top: Senior homeroom 41. Kevin Pedersen, Liam Kolb, Carroll Alston, Robert Mirza, Thomas Manning, Mina Gayed, Michael Tartaglia, Clar ence Gocon, Curt Villarosa, William Grapstul, Jared Maloney, Kyle Nelson, Jon Rue,
Above: Seniors Dan Alfieri and Patrick McGrath show their pride for Prep during the Walk-A-Thon Left: The student body converges in the courtyard for the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
Justin Rue, and Marc Campomanes, pose with their teacher Ms. Hilda Suarez for a picture near the waterfront during Prep's Walk-A-Thon. Above: Senior Sean Folger receives Communion from Senior Eucharistic Minister John Duval at the Mass of the North American Martyrs
Where W e Started From 3
Above: Freshman Nicholas Murphy, Jose Rosado, and Conor Healy discuss an Alge足 bra quiz after a long school day. Top Center: Pope John Paul II Plaza sign in front of the Burke Building identifies the first and last moments of a student's
prep career
Top: Freshmen James Werber and Joseph Bunn study for an upcoming Latin quiz in the courtyard during recess.
Brian Robinson, Daniel LiVolsi, Sean Maguire, and Daniel Hei Marauder Nation meeting with moderator, Fr. Michael Hoag.
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extraordinary / the school' m bt
on our atio . aged to ers . in campus 5 , y teams, in cclubs, and w munities. We wer to choose how we our skills. We came ir direction; we leave as tools and the knowl g°Prep has a repu are ready and willing to do tne ngnt tning. wnetner it is through immersion trips, rallying for a cause in locations all over the country, or supporting Prep athletic teams, we are exposed to many different experiences over the course of four years. These moments are not only memorable, but they start to provide a new foundation for us. We find out what we like to do, what we are good at, and where our weaknesses may be. The Prep experience is something that cannot be replicated anywhere else. As we continue our life past graduation, Prep will to remain embedded in us. Prep has been our second home for the past four years. The people who surround us, teachers, priests, and coaches, all have impacted our lives in ways we may not yet fully understand. When we look back on our lives and our sons, grand sons, or friends ask us about our childhood, it will be easy to tell them about Prep. Prep is where we started growing up, where we began to make waves, where we began to think for ourselves. Prep has given us freedoms and, more importantly, bonds that can never be broken. In the beginning it was difficult to think how four years of any education could prepare you for the world ahead. However, a Prep education isn’t an ordinary one. It’s an experience that changes lives and readies its students for the road ahead. In the future, when we are where we started, the answer will be an easy one.
Above Circle: Junior Philip Reynolds. Sophomore Mate Diaz. and junior john Paul Montemayor purchase a snack during recess before heading off to their next class. .
Where W e Started From 5
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s students at St. Peter's Prep; we
IPiA 1 1 :8L™-P^ j q H m A. I l H 8 jf t
^.Whether we are studying, celebrating, dancing, laughing, crying, or simply waitI in8 as time passes us by, each moment -/r, I we live life is one moment closer to the I end our of Prep career. Although it often Ip i» feels as if time is moving slowly, once graduation arrives, it is undeniable that J these moments appear to have gone by all too quickly. The experiences a Frep ^SB| Man shares with his brothers are unlike anything else, and as each member of the Prep family begins his path outside of Prep, i t is important to look back to our roots and origins. It is pivotal that before we move on into the “real world,” we remember where we started from. We entered freshman year as boys. With our “eighth grade” mindset still remaining, we entered the double doors of the cafeteria for the first M m _ time unaware of how the next four years of our lives would shape our character. The constant threat of JUG and the new and unfamiliar workload may have seemed overwhelming at first, but as time progressed we adapted to our surroundings and began to learn from our new brothers. We wrote our first newspaper articles, went to our first Prep football game, and played in our first St. Peter’s Prep School Concert. Freshman year was a time for us to initiate our Prep experience by taking advan tage of the new and abundant resources we were offered. * 1■ *_J As freshmen, we gained initiation into the Prep brotherhood, but as sophomores and juniors, we experienced the majority of what would v jH Sgp influence our future paths and journeys after our departure from Prep. With the ease of freshman year passed, sophomore year we truly were forced to balance our social lives and our academic lives with the utmost meticulousness. Classes became more difficult, peers began to date, and the idea of adulthood became more evident as it became more of a reality. As a sophomore, life poses more challenging decisions, but with each choice we make as a Prep student comes a greater life lesson. During junior year, these great life lessons were reiterated through retreats and classes as we reached the climax of our preparation for life. On Emmaus, we separated ourselves from society and walked with Jesus as we gained a new perspective on life. During Social Justice Class, we took our “sophomoric” mistakes and habits and questioned our lifestyles and priorities. It is during junior year that each student completes his transformation and enters manhood with the ability to act diligently with competence and compassion. For me and 214 more members of the Prep family, the path leading away from Grand and Warren has almost arrived. As each senior looks to the future with hope of gaining success, they look to the past in hope of gaining knowledge. We go over our many mistakes, achievements, and unforgettable experiences and use what has affected us to structure our futures. Pearl S. Buck once said, “One faces the future with one's past.” Our beginnings have shaped who we are, and will shape who we will become. St. Peter’s Prep, the treasured place where “we nave started^ from,” will forever influence the places we are destined to go. Above Circle: Seniors John O ’Brien and Daniel Hennessy rile up the Freshmen class to join the Celtic
Above Center: Members of the Senior Class converse near the main entrance of the school after a long
Above: In the meeting room at Mount Saint Paul, Seniors Alexander Yasneski. Ryan Scherba, Joseph Yap, Daniel Alfieri, Charles Marade, Michael Murcia, Sean Dowd. Douglas Freeman. James Shalhoub, Albert McWilliams, Jacob Blicharz, Stephen Murphy, and John O'Brian continue that tradion of building the human pyramid of trust on the Emmaus Leader Retreat.
Below: Preparing for an Outreach food run. Seniors Alexander Shutterly, John Mulhern. Thomas Wile. Gary Apito, Alexander Yasneski. Joel lldefonso, William Heyer, Alessandro Cetera, and Sean Dowd gather outside.
Above: Seniors Daniel Hennessy, and Steven â– Rizzo lead Maurader Nation in a chant during 'the Giant Stadium Kick Off Classic.
Where W e Started Froi
BE&asfeH^d talk^lpeut atcoma go on at lengtn aoout it. uritne :
E^rad; atjGrad!;%C(MnLmitted to © ptfigl^® ^ ' as|a|pFiorit^fpr^MPrep m e ^ M o r m in g j '■•QH^iride^^d^gj^B^^WCTAiailv/statida Dominic Scibilia, has been expanding draH Peteris for nearly a decade ^He;nl^ er^inl^ with life atfeep, ’andjsMjqferi®-.can har%li\M him: Dr. Scibilia] or simply “Docp|as-mp^^5aents come toT^^w ^Sc^ i S r o u^t^lresn^^^gpfi^m Qr^ ^ iniors, and SenioraB iMs.time at Prep. Junior year, often the toughest year on students! is when Doc can shape a young manfflautlook on the wotI&I Teaching Social Justice? to seventeeh-vea^lasli^no easy tasljfl Doc-. Sdbilia has the abilitv''t^get-. thesep&Tel that can change their-views on life,anaCvorl3 his very best to shock a student and tai^ni^H z o ril^ ^ \y^ B ecau -sgl^. v' M M etil^ N M^ m agSM §^ : realizatio ^ b out what he is-being’taugnt^^^B The-Social Justice Class is required [® l and no one is.m ore capable and qualifiedIftaftggdoid
/E>jafeSdbil^ a f e 'has@%nB ^ flfe \witriessi5^aiMsiSa to right them. He spent time living in tn ejw aR ra^ M try of Liberia, in which there' is a constant. dange^tw iolengffl ■deatlafam ^iseasefeDoMrvedlti^reugn this the right thing. He was educating 'the feegpje otyiperaPBecEn^ as one will learn in his class, education is^ barriers" Im the 2004-2005 school vear.tW K ^ciPiiiawCTi^il studentertpfget CofafCola banned from-ibeingjssldjMPre^ I ta a s s B of the social injustices perpetrated by t h ^ ^ m p am MHg’^ s s g t e a major impetus in not allowing Nike^t^B™iBgMeaagfg g<fe teams due toftheir unjust business prasIi^esSPrul^ |fasflilre^ofldng for changedf;
foislaoft reraw retsft After eq?raraG ii^^fe|dbilia’s classj [remember all the thingsihe learned abjgufoCatJm^^M (Sjj |@ M feMeieftefe llustiee, bi^he|viU?und%bted]^kno^wB laimg -lasra iootoiiEP fta be compelled to strive for it. The Ma| make the world a better place. Doc Scibilij^sueW ^stiCTiStillIn| this in all of Ms sto^mp:;;W|®Su^|Pr. Scibilia forall he has'dona ; f c i “Grads at Grad.” We also thank him for inspiring us to achieve .The Magis in not only thd St. Peter's Prep community, but in the .world at large. For this, thd tglasslof- 2008: dedicates the m ^ ^ ^ ^ u ^eacher^n en tor^ien m |brqther/Dr?;DominicScibiJia.
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students after school, it’s 8 Where W e Started From
ir e s 's r c o d e n i j ; h e la k e s k W
teaching style. His class
iBr?Bbmim^feibinaphas been |expanding the minds:'^students at St. Peteii's :Prep for nearly a decade:.
Dedication 9
ih e opportunity to study an assort m ent o f subjects at Prep allows J L . students to graduate with a wellrounded education. O ne is able to take Latin for all four years, o r even an introductory G reek course. From the Freshm en sum m er reading assignm ents to the AP exam s at the end o f Senior year, students at Prep are consistently chal lenged with their workload. W heth er it is an English class O with Mr. C am pion or a cal culus class with Mr. Padak, students expand their knowledge with difficult subjects. Logarithm s and integrals, Shakespeare and C haucer, and declen sions and derivatives are im printed in the minds o f Prep seniors as they em bark on th eir college jou rneys. Academics at Prep, however, go far beyond the classroom . T e a c h ers take advantage o f the location o f ou r school, using the outside world to teach. Broadway plays in New Y ork City are seen, m useum s are toured, and lectures are attended. W ith these edu cational activities, students are given the great op p or tunity to learn in multiple ways. T h o u g h St. P eter’s academics are not the only great aspect o f the school, they are one o f the many that attribute to the shaping o f “M en for O th ers.” Students are given a substantial foundation from which they can build on for the rest o f their lives. r
10 Academics
Mr. Kenneth Dandorph passionately teaches Geometry to his Sophomore Class:
Ms. Erin Stark reviews a past test with Junior Johnny Quispe.
Seeking extra help. Senior Derrick Cortez asks Mr. Benjamin Patiak a question on mathematical modeling
n essential component of the curriculum at Prep, the Mathematics Depart ment has undergone exciting changes for the 2007-08 academic year to the needs of all students. Led by Chairman Mr. James Hollywood, the department welcomed a number of teachers who had previously taught in other academic departments at Prep. Ms. Adele LeCalvez joined the Math Depart ment, ending her tenure as a Chemistry teacher in the Science Department. Mr. Kenneth Dandorph returned to the Mathematics Department, where he began his career, after stepping down as Prep’s Dean of Students at the conclusion of the 2007-08 school year. Mr. David Muir has returned to the Math Department, to teach Economics and AP Statistics. Mr. Muir also continues to teach Latin in the Classical Languages Department. Course selection in mathematics is based upon a student’s ability and desire to take four years of math in high school. The curriculum at Prep begins with Algebra 1, and then advances to subjects such as Geometry, Algebra 2, Prec a lc u lu s , and Calculus. Seniors are given an array of elective courses to choose from, including Advanced Algebra, Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, and AP Statistics. In addition to these courses, a few were added to the curriculum. An Economics course taught by Mr. Muir was brought back for this school year. Also, a Calculus Honors course taught by Mr. Gregory Evans and an AP Calculus BC course taught by Mr. Patiak were added to the curriculum, with Calculus Honors offered for students uninterested in an AP course, and AP Calculus BC for advanced students who took AP Calculus AB last year.
12 Where W e Started From
Mr. Kellen Williams, ‘00. poses for a GQ editorial in the courtyard.
Above: Mr. Joseph Urbanovich, ‘65, explains line segments to his Honors Geometry Class.
Above Circle: On Halloween, Mr. David Muir teaches his economics classes dressed as “yummy Mummy.” Sophomore Sequan Jackson seeks help from Mr. Daniel Healy, '01, with completing a proof.
Above: Mr. Daniel Lyons watches Fresh足 man Patrick Tintle as he conducts a Freshman Physics lab on sound communication
Above: Freshman Savon Huggins listens as Dr. Robert Scully explains the refraction of light.
Right: Father Daniel O'Brien, S.J. oversees Freshman Esteban Wittinghan as he conducts a lab on electrical conductors.
14 Academics
■m« ■
Ms. Hilda Suarez explains the purpose of the pituitary gland to Senior Louis Vetter.
Ms. Rosemary Annetta explains Ms. Theresa Panzera explains mol photosynthesis to Junior Alex Yu. ecules to her Chemistry class.
: Prep Man's edi
Chemistry teacher. The dc Human Physiology teacher Ms. ■■■ m 1 Where \
Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych teaches Mr. Anthony Keating ‘78 disscusses Freshmen listen as Mr. Paul Cunhis Junior US History Class the novel Things Fall Apart with his neen dissusses the Battle of Troy, about John Wintrop's “City on Freshman History Class, a Hill" Speech.
* I
'he History Department at Saint Peter’s Prep excels at enabling students I to study the past and connect it to the present times. The teachers in this J L Department, led by Mary Anne McElroy. aim to provide their students with knowledge that will guide them in their lives. As the first true political scientist, Machiavelli, stated, “Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.” Students fulfill their three-year history requirement through mandatory classes such as World Civilization, a course which provides Freshman with a view into the world's various cultures. While history is the primary focus, stu dents also learn how to critically think and take detailed notes, tools which will remain with a student throughout his four years at Grand and Warren. Stu d en ts in their second year at Prep do not take a history class, but are required to complete U.S. History I and II in their Junior and Senior years, respectively. The U.S. History teachers do an exemplary job of proffering their profound ■ij|Kv§^L views of American History, ranging from the early A colonial settlements to the current War on Terror. ■ R K ] The History Department is also one of the most flexible departments at Prep, because Seniors are aM°wed to enroll in four semester-long electives: Ms. Mary Anne McElroy’s Irish History, Mr. Anthony Keating's U.S. Law, Mr. Carl DeLorenzo's French Revolution, and Mr. Jim Collins's Contempo rary Issues. Advanced students often take AP U.S. Mr. Kevin Albers asks Fresh reshHistory I and II, courses similar to regular U.S. Hismen about the fall of the Roman le Roman tory but with a special focus on the AP exam taken Empire. in May of senior year. 16 Academics
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Junior Philip Reynolds listens intently as Ms. Mary Anne McElroy discusses the American Revolution with her Junior AP History class.
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Left: Mr. Paul Cunneen reads the attendance roster at the beginning of hi's Junior US History Class.
Center: Listening intently, Freshmen learn about the establishing the first world civilizations from Mr. Jeffrey Alcoser.
Senior Anthony Pane, Michael ONiel, Lucas Maloney, Mark Ryan, and Brian Farrell listen to one of Mr. Carl DeLorenzo'78 many amusing stories.
Above Circle: Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych waits for students to attempt to dunk him at Prep's Walk-A-Thon.
Where W e Started From 17
Center: Dr. Richard Ken足 nedy discusses The Scarlet Letter with his Senior AP I English class.
Above: Ms. Julie Groark disscusses essay structuring with her Freshman Class.
Above Circle: Ms. Alice McNally elaborates on word choice to her Freshman Class.
Louis Vetter, Dustin Tylek, Christopher Robinson, Peter McFadden, and James Pilger listen to a creative writing story with Fr. Enrico Raulli S.J. class.
18 Academics
Senior Matthew Verga comically reads his creative writing paper to his fellow classmates.
Mr. Walter Koszyk, '60, explains
A Street Car Name Desire to his Sophomore Class.
Ms. Janet Angermeyer, discusses upcoming reading assignments with her Sophomore Class.
■ *he English Department at St. Peter’s Prep strives to broaden the stuI dents’ knowledge in many different disciplines. A lot of emphasis is put J L on this curriculum at Prep because regardless of future occupations, the ability to write a well organized paper or develop an opinion will always be vital to success. The teachers in the English Department, under the leadership of Mr. Richard Peters ’85, have developed unique teaching techniques and dis play motivation and interest in the success of their students everyday. The four-year requirement is fulfilled during the students' four years at Prep. During Freshman Year, students have the option of taking the normal English I Class in which students learn how to write a well-organized essay. Those who excelled in English during Middle School have the option of taking English I Honors, where students are exposed to a variety of different literconary genres. English II, a survey of American Literature, tinues to teach students how to write properly. In English II Honors, more emphasis is placed upon the themes and movements of American Litera ture. English III, an analysis of British Literature, continues to teach writing techniques and also teaches SAT Prep skills; AP English Language has more extensive reading and writing assignments. English IV and AP English Literature stresses the analysis of many different genres of works written during different time periods. Two Creative Writing Classes are also taught for those students who pr Michael Hoag. S.J.prepares to adminiswish to express their creativity in writing. ter a quiz to his Sophomore Honors Class.
Where W e Started From 19
Asking a question regarding Darfur, Junior Joseph Livi directs his attention towards Ms. Roslia
Ms. Jane Bleasdale and Mr. Domi nic Scibilia discuss the Presidential elections upon Ms. Roslia Vieira entering the room.
Seniors Joseph Alvarez, David Finn, and Malik Houari intently listen to Dr. Jeffrey Hartling read
The Last Days o f Judas Iscariot.
roughout ones Prep career, the “Grad-at-Grad" is a phrase that is used on a daily basis. Dr. Dominic Scibilia, the department chairperson, heavily stresses developing parts in the profile of the Grad-at-grad. Freshman year, the stu dents take part in an Introduction to Religion. Mr. Frederick Galano, Mir. Michael McCarthy, Dr. Jeffrey Hartling, Dr. Scibilia and returning Prep teacherMr. Jonathan Dwyer, teach the students about interpreting Old Testament scriptures, as well as examining the life of Saint Ignatius. This course helps develop a student's faith because it helps them take more responsibility in finding religion in one's self. In second year religion, Sophomores enroll in Early Christian Literature, led by Mr. Dwyer, Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Galano, and Ms. Rosalia Vieira. This course focuses on Synoptic Gospel Reading and helps a student fully understand the messages the Bible projects. Juniors begin their school year by completing sixty hours of Christian service. Our new director of Christian service, Mr. Erich Sekel '98, insists that each year every student will participate in serving others. Completed on an immersion trip or in our community, the service is not done just to just do it, but to become aware of the injustices close to us. Juniors take Christian Social Ethics, by Dr, Scibilia, Mr. Jane Bleasdale, and Ms. Vieira. This helps to strengthen ones commitment to justice and to work for social change. Topics like current events, ongoing injustices, and dealing with the person one forms the daily lesson plan in the classroom. Doing much more than reading from the Bible, the students read articles, and controversial argu ments to see both sides of injustices, and help to determine a sense of what it means to be a man for others. Senior classes are taught by Ms. Bleasdale, Mr. McCarthy, Dr. Hartling and Dr. Scibilia. This class focuses on the history of the church and different reli gions. As Dr. Scibilia says, “Three things invite young men to see good in all things: to reflect critically on their relationships, to be committed to doing justice, and to prepare them for the college study of religion”.
Mr. Frederick Galano engages his class in a lively debate about Scripture in his Freshmen Introduction to Religion.
Above: Mr. Michael McCarthy lectures Freshmen about the life of Saint Ignatius.
Above Center: Ms. Rosalia Vieira answers questions about the Cycle o f Socialization from her Junior Social Justice class.
Above Circle: Chairman Dr. Domi足 nic Scibilia vividly describes the need in Darfur.
Ms. Jane Bleasdale advises Junior Rashad Davis on corrections to his paper dealing with Classism in the United States.
Where W e Started Froi
Above: Mr. David Muir passes out a quiz to Freshman Sean-Paui Valdelamar.
Above: Mrs. Erin Knittel teachers her Latin I class the use of the Ablative case.
22 Academics
Sophomores Matthew DeSimone. James Kuklinski, Mathew Mazzan. and Pindar listen to Mr. Joy Seth Hurd IV as he lectures about the practical use of Latin in everyday life.
*he Classical languages, Latin and Greek, have been taught at St. Peter's Prep since its establishment in 1872. Though Latin is hardly spoken anymore, the language J L is not dead. Latin is the basis of almost every language used today, so learning Latin is beneficial to the Prep student body. St. Peter’s Prep’s Classics Department con sists of hairperson Mr. David Burokas, '85, Ms. Erin Knittel, Mr. Stephen Distinti, and Mr. Joy Hurd. Although this is Mr. Burokas’ first year at Prep, he has much experience in teaching the Classics. Learning the classical languages is very important to the Prep student as Mr. Hurd says, because “The Classics are the foundation of our civili zation, and reading the originals is a true pleasure....It also makes you smarter.” T his year, Mr. Hurd also brought Greek back to Prep as a Senior elective. Senior Miles McCann declares, “Learning Greek is a completely different experience than Latin and I personally am proud of my decision to take it. It is more than learning the alphabet and the language; it teaches me about Greek and Roman history as well as the effect of Greek on the multiple languages including According to the Classics Department, this year’s Freshman class has shown enthusiasm and J talent in their studies. The Classical Languages have ^ J had a myriad of influences upon our society, and continue to influence the students at Prep by laying down the foundations for modern and romance languages. The Department provides students Sophomore Alexander Diaz is relieved with a strong foundation in languages on which after taking a Latin II quiz on the Vocative case for Mr. Joy Seth Hurd IV students can grow on. As said by Mr. Stephen Distinti, “We've made tons of progress.”
Above: Ms. Ana Garcia humer ously explains a short story to Junior W illie Emanuele and David Sambade.
Above: Ms. Nery Gomez reviews new vocabulary with her Spanish II class.
Above: Seniors Stephen Murphy, Kyle Generelli, and Edward Rodger ask Senorita Simon how to form a sentences in the p rfg
ne of the most important and notable parts of eter s Prep commu I 1 nity is the diverse student body. The medley of students that attend St. Peter’s also gain awareness-of other cultures predominately through their education in modern languages. Prep students have the option of taking many languages including: Spanish, German, Italian, and French. Three years of language education are provided during the high school education at St. Peter’s. Throughout sophomore and junior year, students learn basic vocabulary, grammar, and skills in reading, writing, and conversation. By this point many students feel somewhat comfortable in an exposure to their language. Finally, during Senior year Spanish and Italian students can prepare for the rigorous AP exam, and French and German students learn the language in a degree to which they can comfortably use their knowledge in the outside world. A notable aspect of the St. Peter's Language department is that through out every course level students have the opportunity to learn cultural aspects along with basics of their language. Throughout their extensive language education, many Prep students are re a d y to travel to countries that speak their selected languages. St. Peter’s offers exchange or study abroad programs to Italy, Spain, and Germany. Many colleges are now creating extensive study abroad programs, and St. Peter’s provides excellent preparation for these programs. The m K m - j Language courses at Prep are also a great way, for ^ those students who are interested in international careers. y St. Peter’s boasts a strong faculty of language scholars. The department is headed by Ms. Ana Garcia, who teaches courses in the Spanish Honors and AP, and even a course in Basic Spanish for Medical and Business Personnel. Ms. Megan Simon and Ms. Nery Gomez also teach courses in the Spanish department like Spanish 3 Honors, and Spanish 1 Mr. Frank Giordano, '99 skillfully and 2. Mr. Ryan Grusenski teaches German 1, 2, instructs Spanish I students in proper and 3 Honors. Ms. Rosalie Romano teaches Italian imperfect verb usage. 1, 2, 3 Honors and AP. Mr. Frank Giordano has joined the department this year and teaches French 1, 2, and 3 Honors. 24 Academics
Ortuoste, William Rom; Villarosa. Michael Ibarra lary in her Spanish
Above Circle: Senior John O’Brien and Junior Bryan McTiernan hug the Berlin Bear.
Center: Seniors Phil Beni, Andrew Barone, Tom Rod gers, Ryan Scherba, David Ward, John O’Brien, Junior Pat Egan, Ben Gomilla, "07 Juniors Owen Sweeney, Pat Kiesow, Kenneth Slaski, and Sean Finn sit on the steps of the Siegessaule in Berlin.
26 Where W e Started From
Above: The many members of the German Exchange gather for a picture in front of the famous Brandenburg Gate in Berlin with Mr. Ryan Grusinski, '03
Exchange students, Senior Ryan Scherba, Juniors Pat Kiesow, Pat Egan, Seniors John O’Brien, Andrew Barone, and Tom Rodgers tour Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
Prep Exchange Students Senior Jake Blicharz. Junior Pat Kiesow, Seniors Sean Maguire, John O'Brien, Ryan Scherba, and Stanley Gasiewski, ‘07 make a traditional Prep pyramid in front of the Berlin W all.
Resting before their next site Juniors Bryan McTieman, Kenneth seeing tour, the German Exchange Slaski, Mathew Bender, Seniors led by Mr. James DeAngelo, ’85 John O'Brien, Ryan Scherba, Sean rest on the steps at the Reichstag. Maguire, Peter Drummond, Jake Blicharz, Ben Gomilla. '07. show their American Pride in front of the Berlin Wall.
T t ’s safe to say that Prep functions as a second home to most if not all of its students, I and in April 2007, the school provided warm-hearted hospitality to 25 German JL students. For the past twenty-two years, Clara-Fey Gymnasium has served as Prep's sister school in its bi-annual German Exchange. The Exchange commenced in the spring when 25 German students arrived at Grand & Warren to experience what American life is like. Mr. James DeAngelo '85 and Ms. Curry coordinated life in America for the German Exchange Students, going great lengths to provide a delightful and entertaining cultural experience to ooth German and American students. Besides accompany ing their American partners to classes, German students experienced American life by visiting Ellis island, attending day trips to New York, and an overnight /isit to Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, the Exchange would not be complete without a trip to the for eign country. At the end of July, Mr. DeAngelo and Mr. Grusneski, newlyippointed G erm an T each er and participant of the 2 0 0 1 ^ ^ ^ G e rm a n Exchange, led a group of 23 Prep students to Germany three-week excursion began with a week-long stay at the Canisius College in Berlin. Their visit to the country’s capital included visits to the Brandeburg Gate, the Bundestag, the Reichstagsgebaude, in other words, the White House of Germany, and the n of the Berlin Wall. The Prep group then traveled four hours across the country by train to reunite A dth their exchange partners in Schleiden. Due \ % n i r r m tfL , _o an early departure by Mr. DeAngelo, two new \ CofeL J members- Mr. Anthony Keating and his son William- \ ■ ■ L / oined the Prep group to finish their time in Germany. N. Throughout their visit, students had tested their German skills through multiple situations .^nging fr°m a McTjernan SenjorsJake Junior Bryan McTiernan, Seniors Jake simple family dinner, attending.classes only spoken B|icharz Peter Drummond, and Sean n German, water-skiing in the fcirrel Kegion, order- Maguire examine the city map of menuiy Ber|in Germany, mg a meal at McDonald's, and tying; in a friendly ey team. In match of basketball with the Clara-Fey up traveled addition to life in Schleiden, the group traveled to to cities such as Cologne, Trier, onn, and a mini-trip to Amsterdam.
Mrs. Megan Klim displays her enthusiasm for her Drawing and Composition students completing
Senior Michael Cortina begins his college art portfolio in Ms. Erma Yost's Design and Color class.
an assignment.
Senior Alexander Yasneski leads the band in a rousing chant during a Prep football game.
rom the echoes of the Grateful Dead in Doctor Harding's room on the fourth floor of the English building to the band practicing in the early morning, music seems hidden away from the scope of St. Peter's Prep. Yet the dedication and love shown by the students involved in the music program is unwavering. Their pride is exemplified at a number of public displays of their tal ents. The award winning St Peter’s Prep Band can be seen weekly at Caven Point playing such favorites as “The Hey Song”. Along with the Chorus, led by Mr. Richter, and the Jazz Band, led by Prep legend Mr. Steve Caslowitz, the Band holds a cafe style Christmas concert as well as an epic spring performance in the Church. This year also marked the return of a band trip where the Concert and Jazz Bands will compete internationally in Quebec, Canada. Music also played a large part in masses and prayer services with the Prep Liturgical Band and Chorus under the direction of esteemed pianist and music director Mr. Jim Harold. The class of 2008 did not only leave its mark on Prep athletically and academically, y e t also musically through a variety of means.
Sophomore Jam es Kuklinski, Junior
Mr. Steven Caslowitz teaches his Intro t
Lucas Kozinski, and Senior Keenan
Music class tempo and rythm through th
McRae perform in the cafeteria during
use of bongo drums.
the Freshman Activity Fair.
Where We Started From
Center: A mural of famous revolutionaries, painted in the Humanities Building by three members of the class of 2008, Brendan White. Michael Cortina, and Curran Banach, and Art Department Chair Mrs. Megan Klim. The people portrayed in the mural are Eugene Debs: Thomas Paine, Sitting Bull, Jose Marti, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates. Jesus Christ. Martin Luther. Nicolaus Copernicus, Sigmund Freud, Guy Fawkes, Joan of Arc, Abbie Hoffman, and Leonardo da Vinci. The figures are pictured as dining together at a long table, in a nod to da Vinci's The Last Supper.
Above: Ms. Mary Durante oversees Junior Michael Heredia and fellow classmates as they fill out Naviance profiles.
Above: Mr..James Dondero 65â&#x20AC;&#x2122; begins to talk to Junior David Sambade about his future college plans.
Above: Preparing for college. Senior Maxwell Lamos asks Ms. Yetunde Rubinstein what the requirements are for a Math
30 Academics
r a g -:.1 *:
Fr. John Mullin, S.J. discusses an upcoming lecture with Senior Tom Manning.
Fr. Tony Azzarto S.J. sets an Senior Robert Mirza practices SAT appointment with Freshman Mat- questions after school thew LaBau
t. Peter’s Prep is founded on the values put forth by the Society of Jesus. At the center of the upkeep of the values is Prep's guidance department. Many consider high school to be the most trying years in their life; many will grow at an exponentiai rate. Through this growth many will finally grow into the definition of the Graduate at Graduation. Mr. James Dondero, ’65, Department Chairperson, agrees that the Guidance Department’s main goal is to help students grow. He feels, “When a student gradu ates aware of his strengths, the Guidance Department has completed its goal.” St. Peter’s Prep’s Guidance Department is certainly unique compared to most other schools in the state. This is because Prep’s Guidance Department takes the oppor tunity to make strong relationships with each of its students. Because of this, many Prep students find it easier to grow, and eventually enter higher education, because of their experience in Guidance. At Prep, Group Guidance is a course taken during freshman and junior years. Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., Ms. Lori Berman, Fr. John Mullin, S.J., Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J., and Ms. Kathleen Rowan teach Freshman Group Guidance. This class primarly serves to help the Freshman class become accustomed to St. Peter's, leam to >ope with issues presented to them in their high school career, and to develop strat egies for the rest of their educational life. Mr. James Dondero, Ms. Mary Durante, and Ms. Yetunde Rubinstein take on the Junior class in what is considered the lost difficult year of high school. In Group Guidance, juniors cover SAT Prep, peer ressure, sexuality, and of course an outlook on the college applications process. .Ar. Dondero feels the most important thing for Juniors to take away from the course is their emerging role in society, including their life choices and leadership to their peers. . Janice Martineau looks over lior Christopher Hetherington's nscript request form
Where W e Started From 31
hen a freshman steps into the Prep foyer for the first time, he may be overwhelmed by the busy activity. He will see Mr. Irvine in the morning welcoming 8th graders who are visiting for the day, Mr. Reidy working arduously in his office, Mr. Morris organizing the new JUG list, and Mr. DeAngelo frequently visiting each office. A staff of secretaries, janitors, lunch ladies, and Jesuits assists these four main contributors to the Administration. The dedication of these leaders adds to the strong dynamic of the community which Prep thrives on. Mr. Heffernan, the Director of Campus Ministry, is also seen in the morning preparing for the prayer. A Prep legend, Fr. Azzarto, is seen in the cafeteria greeting students as they enter in the morning. While the faculty make up the leaders of the community, Prep would be nowhere without the students. The staff, faculty members, and students form the community at Grand & Warren. When we reflect on our high school career, we will see that it began with the Prep Community.
Where W e Started From
It Starts At The Top r. Bob Reiser, S.J. holds an essential responsibility to keep Saint Peter’s Prep running properly. Since he is often in his office in Shalloe Parlor or at a meeting elsewhere, his numerous duties sometimes go unnoticed. Without Fr. Reiser performing his responsibilities so efficiently, the school would not be able to function properly. Among his many duties a overseeing the annual and capital budgets, coordinating Ion range planning for personnel needs, fiscal management, an plant development, acting as a public spokesman for Prep, and facilitating communication among the school adminis tration, faculty, staff, and the Jesuit com m unity In additio Fr. Reiser reports to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and New York Province officials of the Society of Je on the overall state of the school. He oversees all fundraisi programs, employs and supervises all members of the admi^ istration, faculty, and staff, and fosters the religious tenor of the school in the spirit of St. Ignatius Loyola. Hailing from Buffalo, NY, Fr. Reiser considers Grand & Warren his second home. He commented on the subject: “I have found Prep to be a place where everyone can find his or her 'place/ There is a special emphasis on helping people become their unique selves.” Following in his predecessor s footsteps, Fr. Reiser has become more than a President at our school. He has immersed himself in the community of Prep, and can often be seen at sporting events and other rrep functions. Through his work in the Shalloe Parlor and beyond, Fr. Reiser, S.J. continues to maintain the school’s Jesuit identity, keeps the school financially stable, and improves the school in many ways. He is a major factor in upholding the success of this school. There are places that every Prep student must make a trip to at some point in his Prep life. The Principal’s office is one such place. This is the nub of the school’s daily operations, and none of this could happen without the hard work of the people behind the scenes. This year Prep has undergone a large change as Mr. Deangelo has succeeded Mr. Cuddihy as Princi pal. Tne transition has been seamless; Prep life still carries on in its normal fash ion without many bumps in the road. This can mainly be attributed to Ms. Grace Gualario, and Ms. Cecilia Collins, who recently made the transition from the Atten dance office to the Principal’s office. : Life is hectic in the morning at the Principal’s office as people line up at the counter for vari ous problems or tasks. Whether it be a freshman asking for a new schedule which he “never got" or “left at home", or students signing up for an extra-curricular event, they are able to keep life manageable and sane for those who walk in. Sophomore Reece Minnerly explains, “In most schools the principal’s office is a place of dread; in Prep, it’s the complete opposite.” Ms. Gualario and Ms. Collins answer a myriad of pnone calls from individuals associated witn St. Peter’s Prep, and help Mr. Deangelo plan events and meetings. The morning announcements (the most sought-after piece of paper in Prep, other than JUG paper) are typed up every morning by Ms. Gualario. If not for the outstanding work of the Principal's office, St. Peter's would not be the home that is known to all of us.
34 Where We Started From
aratory School Ms. Mary-Phyilis Locricchio keeps Fr. Reiser S.j. on task during his daily Presidential duties.
Prep's Presi dent Father Robert E. Reiser, S.J. introduces the Four Honored at "Legends of Prep I p ceremony held on Nov. 17.
Vice Principle Mr. Pat Reidy reviews underclassmen course selections for the upcoming academic school year.
Ms. Mary Finn prepares to call homes of absent students for the day. of Students. Mr. John Morris s Junior Michael Chianca about he new locker regulations.
Left Center: Prep’s new Principal, Mr. James DeAngelo, ‘85 congradulates Senior Captian Joseph Holder on the basketball team’s county championship win.
Ms. Grace Gualario prepares the morning announcements to be put in homeroom folders.
Administration 3 5
Saint Peter’§ Preparatory School i
jd IP ' 1f|^§j
Mrs. Francesca Lanning, P’10 and Mrs. Ginny NeedhamDoyle, P’O7 decide on a silem Q raffle for the Prep F a s f^ H Show held at Mayfair Farn
Mr. James Horan, ‘70 welcomes Alumni and guests to the “Prep Legends’ Dinner.
speaks to Senior Benjsmin the spring issue of the Prep N ^^H ie.
This year the President’s dinner was held in the Prep court yard overlooking the New York City skyline. Mrs. Francesca Lanning, P’ 10 introduces Fr. Robert Reiser S.J.
36 Administration
Ms. Elizabeth Walsh and Ms. Diane Casazza P‘95, ’97 discuss plans for the following week.
Behind the Scenes Director of Alumni Relations and Wres tling Coach Mr. Anthony Verdi. '95 discusses with Mr. James Horan, '70 how to wrestle donations for the 144 Grand Gala.
s a Prep alumnus, this was already a familiar and homelike environment for me. Coming back after away a few years has been like catching up with an old friend" affirms Mr. Mike Jiran/03, concern ing his time at Prep as a student and as the Communica tions Manager. Along with many others, he works in Shalloe Hall where the offices of External Affairs, Com munications, Alumni, and Admissions are located. The people who work in these offices can be viewed as the nucleus of Saint Peter's as they help Prep function. Those who work in Shalloe Hall include Fr. Bob Reiser, S.J., President, Francesca Lanning, P’10, Vice President for Insti tutional Advancement, James Horan, ’70, Vice President for Planning & Principal Giving, John Irvine, ’83, P’l l , Director of Admissions, Anthony Verdi ’95, Director of Alumni Rela tions, Michael Jiran ’03, Communications Manager, Nancy Cun ningham, P‘99/01, Advancement Project Coordinator, and Ginny Needham-Doyle, P'07, Director of Special Events, and Natasha Rubenstein and Diane Casazza P‘95, ’97, Advancement Office Assis tants. Furthermore, a huge asset to Shalloe Hall is Mary Phyllis Locricchio, P’95, ‘96, Assistant to the President, whose unyielding dedication to :ving the community at Grand & Warren is noteworthy. All of those who work in Shalloe Hall work as a community to build upon Prep’s success. Their vital efforts keep us in touch with our past, strong in the present, and well posi tioned for the future. /Ir. John Irvine, '83, P 'II, Director of Emissions, diligently sifts through a nound of freshmen applications for the allowing school year.
Where We Started From 37
Beyond The 4 Foyer Jil ■ fc
Ms. Rene Rivera conducts a transaction for Mr. Frank Giordano ij
W eyond the foyer, the classrooms, the cafeteria, and I the gymnasium are the offices of Prep that are I out of sight. These offices are the Switchboard, the Treasurer’s Office, and the Information Technology Room. These offices and those who work in them help * keep Prep running smoothly. The Switchboard plays a vital role in communication and relaying information : throughout the school. In addition to being the office where students can drop off their Emmaus materials, the Switchboard manages all of the incoming mail from USPS and private carriers. The Treasurer’s office handles all money from donations, student tuitions, and other contributions. New to the Treasurer's office is Rene Rivera, who acts as the assistant to Diane McCabe. Mr. Dan Lyons became the Director of Educational Technol ogy. His efforts include updating all classrooms with equipment that allows teachers to make use of technol ogy for their classes as well as providing professional development opportunities for teachers to utilize these new technologies. Mr. Jan Butryum works along side Mr. Lyons to ensure the needs of the faculty, staff, and stu dent body are met. With the help of those who work in these offices, Prep is able to function more productively.
W here We Started From
Mr. Daniel Lyons helps the Yearbook staff with technical issue. He is often ssisted by Mr. in Butrym.
Nodine, '67, Vice President of Finance, and Mr. James Hollywood plan discuss the financial success of the Campus Shop.
Ms. Rene Rivera collects and receipts Sophomore Timothy Gon zalesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tuition payment
Ms. Diane McCabe painstakingly sifts through student accounts.
Mrs. Kate Ford, prepares to run project reports and assess accounts and budgets.
Saint Peter Preparatory Scho President Fr. Robert Reiser. S.J. speaks with Mr. Chris足 tian Rudner, Director of Facilities and Security, on new security implementa足 tions.
Mr. Carmelo Ramirez, classrooms for the Custodian Mr. Hugo Elo cleans the cafe after lunch. Senior James Ward purchases candy during recess for a mid-morning pick-me-up.
40 Administration
Food with All the Fixin's Mr. Arvin Swah helps Mr. Ricardo Tejada hang shades in a Shalloe office.
| l very day hundreds of Prep students come to school p H after a long commute from their hometowns, and j L * f they rely on Prep's cafeteria staff to relieve their hunger. Like many Prep students, the kitchen staff travels to school at an early time to prepare the foods cherished by Prep students. Breakfast servings begin at 7 AM; selections range from bagels to breakfast sandwiches and serve as a substitute for homemade cooking. The kitchen staff remains busy throughout the morning, making the food that students will later eat for lunch. With the recent change in lunch polices, the Prep Cafeteria serves a great purpose for the Prep community by providing students with the food that they need to stay focused throughout the day Equally important to the Prep community is the mainte nance staff. These workers are key to making Prep a second home to every student by keeping the grounds clean and provid ing a safe learning environment. From the early hours of the morn ing to the late hours of the night, the maintenance staff remains busy cleaning classrooms, setting up for assemblies, and fixing little things that go wrong within every “home.” The maintenance staff enables the student body to continue to learn, and without them, Prep would literally fall apart.
Where We Started From 41
M A TH E M A TIC S Mr. James Hollywood, ‘6 6 * Mr. Kenneth Dandorph M r. Gregory Evans M r. Daniel Healy, ‘01 M s. Adele LeCalvez
M r. David M uir M r. Benjam in Patiak M s. Erin Stark M r. Joseph U rbanovich, ‘65 M r. Kellen W illiam s, ‘00
C L A SS IC S M r. David Burokas, ‘8 5 * M r. Stephen Distinti M r. Joy Seth Hurd IV M s. Erin Knittel M r. David M uir
LA N G U A G E M s. A na Garcia* M r. Frank Giordano, ‘99 M s. Nery Gomez M r. Ryan Grusenski, ‘03 M s. Rosalie Romano M s. Megan Sim on
* denotes department chairperson
r ■ lhere have been numerous Jesuit priests that have graced the hallowed halls of Saint Peter’s Prep. Among them is the beloved Fr. Azzarto, who came to Saint Peter’s in the mid-1960s. Over the years, he has became an integral part of the Prep community serving as a teacher, Chaplain, and guidance counselor. In the summer of 2005, Fr. Azzarto went to Nigeria to offer his services at a Jesuit Parish. After two years, he has returned to Prep and has taken on the role of Alumni Chaplain and has immersed himself in all Prep activities. Just this year he established the inaugural Student versus Faculty Basketball game for the Missions. He greets all students as they make their way into the Cafeteria in the morning and at lunch and has graced all with the many photos which he has taken throughout the year. All who have met him are glad to see him return to Grand & Warren. Welcome back Fr. Azzarto!
Welcome back Fr. Azzarto!
42 Where We Started From
Mr. Ken Dandorph (left) parrys Mr, Oryshkevych’s (right) incoming lunge in order to secure a point in their match during the Mission Drive’s Fencing Tournament.
faculty S C IE N C E Fr. Daniel O ’Brien, S .J.* M s. Rosemary Annetta M s. Debra Hwang M r. David Lagerstrom M r. Christopher Nunez, ‘03
M s. Theresa Panzera Dr. Robert Scully M s. Hilda Doris Suarez M r. Robert Zawistowski
H IS T O R Y M s. Mary A nne M cElroy1 M r. Kevin Albers M r. Jeffrey Alcoser M r. James Collins
Mr. Paul Cunneen Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, ‘67 M r. Anthony Keating, ‘78 Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych
Faculty 43
EN G LISH M r. Richard Peters, ‘8 5 * M s. Janet Angermeyer M r. Juan Arteaga M r. John Cam pion M s. Julie Groark
Fr. Michael Hoag, S.J. Dr. Richard Kennedy M r. W alter Koszyk, ‘6 0 M s. Alice McNally Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J.
R E LIG IO N Dr. Dom inic Scibilia* M s. Jane Bleasdale M r. Jonathan Dwyer M r. Michael Fletcher
M r. Frederick Galano Dr. Jeffrey Hartling M r. Michael M cCarthy M s. Rosalia Vieira
* denotes department chairperson
“Man learns only by his mistakes. One who never ad mits a mistake never learns anything. One who never learns anything doesn’t get much out of life.” -Mr. Jiran “Work hard, play hard...be safe and well!” -Mr. Muir
“Get the most you can out of college, socially, athleti cally, spiritually, and academically...always aim for the M aps and AMDG.” -Mr. Galano
“The saddest thine in life is wasted talent.” -Fr. Hoag “Starting tomorrow, practice doing one small thing a day that frightens you. Learn to water ski or finally ask that girl to have dinner. Small acts of courage strengthen your ability to take even bigger leaps later on.” -Mr. Patiak “Keep the fire in your eyes and the fire in your heart.” -Coach Hansen
“The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” -Dr. Kennedy
“Cherish every moment. Rarely will you be treated as well as Prep treats you.” -Mr. Giordano.
“Hopefully the lessons you have learned here will aid you all your life-use them wisely.” -Mr. Dandorph
“You may only get one chance to make a first impres sion, so remember, hygiene is important-body odors offend.” -Dr. Harding
“Floss” -Mr. Hurd 44 Where We Started From
' T ' Y T elco m e back Mr. Dwyer! Mr. Jonathan Dwyer has % # V / returned to Saint Peter’s Prep after a three year absence V T where he was a Religion teacher at St. Benedict’s School in Newark. Arriving at Grand & Warren in 1995, Mr. Dw yer quickly assimilated to the community at Prep and took part in numerous activities. He worked as a moderator for Forensics, Christian Life Community, and Pro-Life Society. In 2004, Mr. Dwyer left Saint Peter’s but returned this school year along with his son, Seamus, who is in the class of 2011. He has once again become an asset to Prep contributing his time, effort, and wisdom. Those who knew him are gracious to have him back and those who have met him this year are happy to know him.
Welcome back Mr. Dwyer! G U ID A N C E M r. James Dondero ‘6 5 * Fr. A ndiony Azzarto, S.J. M s. Elizabeth Benedict M s. Lori Berman M s. Mary Durante
Fr. John M ullin, S.J. Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J. M s. Kathleen Rowan M s. Yetunde Rubinstein
f4 fKi w
FIN E A RTS M s. Megan Klim * M r. Steven Caslowitz M s. Erma Yost C O M P U T E R SC IE N C E M s. Ella Glazer LIBRARIAN M s. Eleanor Heumann-Pugach N U R SE M s. Helene Schneider, R.N. PH YSICA L E D U C A TIO N M r. Richard H ansen* M r. Anthony Locricchio, ‘96 Mr. Scott Paltos Campus Ministry M r. Ryan Heffernan* Fr. James J. Dinneen, S.J. M r. Erick Sekel, ‘98
Faculty 45
ol 031 bxj C
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O <D
& 'd
^ . * <D 03
Michael Abdo Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Angelo Addesso Omayemi Agbeyegbe Michael Ajami Connor Alburtus Ryan Alfred
Louis Aligo Marcus Allen Calvin Alston George Aquila Brandon Aquino Michael Bajuz Tifari Bames
Charles Bates Jack Baudhuin C uitB eck, II Jean-Michael Belisle Ronald Benavides Hamm Bethea William Borland
53 O ’’§5 X3 ^ ^ —
C < l;
g qj IZ! C
CQ W c
T3 Q * Vh
3 T3 qj
Mark Bovich Nicholas Boyarko IV William Brown Joseph Bunn Austin Cabrera T. Craig Callahan Franz Campomanes
Christopher Cannizzaro Peter Cardoz Michael Carney Joseph Carroll Rex Gerard Casio Anthony Castro Daniel Centeno
Brandon Chan Christopher Charriez Nicholas Chee Alexander Chowdhury Thomas Collins Evan Colon Andrew Convery
Nicholas Cordato Zachary Cornwell Roberto Cortinas Kevin Cosgrove Robert Crean Rafael Cruz Kevin Cunnihgham
46 Where We Started
Jason Cunningham Mario Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Urso Zachary DeLorenzo Luis DePaz Michael Dimino Andrew Donofrio Timothy Donovan, Jr.
Seamus Dwyer Gary Eck Mark Ellard David Falcon Roger Fernandez Robert Ferrara Chase Fluellen
Matthew Foley Stephen Force James Fox Manuel Fuentes Nicholas Galasso Christopher Galiszewski Ian Gamer
Kevin Garrigan Andrew Gaviria William Giannone Patrick Gilliam Gabriel Ginebra Paul Giordano Richard Goodluck
Anthony Gorski Derek Gotay Kevin Grant Jamie Grasing Eric Griffin Joseph Grosch Kevin Guadalupe
Travis Haber Conor Harden Todd Harrigan Jeffrey Harris Stephen Hart Matthew Hartzell Conor Healy
Ryan Heine Michael Hetherington Brendan Higgins Jeremy Ho Matthew Holowienka Ryan Houghton Savon Huggins
Freshmen 47
And we vour sons will be loyal * To St. Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so Royalâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; May vour banners still guide us * Wherever we Go!
Khiry Hughes John Irvine William Irwin Eric Jablonski Joseph Jordan Harrison Katzman Conor Keams
Ryan Keams Alex Kennedy James Kerwin Henry Khost Edward King, Jr. Zach La-Rosa Matthew Labau
James Lancellotti Alexander Larwa Eric Lawrence Daniel Lesce Alexander Linkus Christian Livi Peter Livolsi
David Lizza Daniel Llanos Dane Longa Matthew Lopes Michael Lotfalla Keith Lumpkin, Jr. Bryan Lusara
Dimitri Luzgin Ryan Lynch Michael Machado Mehul Majmundar Timothy Manning Ronald Martinez Peter Maruri
Rodolfo Mazo Conor McCarthy Edward McGovern Philip McGovern Justin McMahon Timothy McManus William Meehan
Charles Melley Giovani Merentie Jason Mielczarek Maxwell Miesemer Leo Milito Christopher Miller Michael Minervini
48 Where We Started From
Vincent Moloughney Nicholas Montanez Kevin Moriarty Kevin Mullane Robert Mullins Nicholas Murphy Mark Napier
Daniel Nazarenko Quang Nguyen Brian Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell Conor Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Leary Luis Obregon Joseph Orarna Daniel Orellana
Derek Osborne Bryan Oyola Francis Padre John Page Patrick Panageas Paul Pappaceno Manan Patel
Douglas Payne Angel Perez Daniel Perez Omar Pershad Juan Pineiro Michael Polanin Thomas Quinn
James Quintas Michael Ramdat William Reynolds Kevin Ricciardi Jose Rosado, Jr. Christian Rosso Dominick Rotondo
Justin Rousso Sheldon Royster Kevin Ruane Michael Rufolo Devin Ruiz Teofil Rusu Sean Ryan
William Ryan Krishna Sachanandani Lorenzo Samin Abram Saroufim Tyler Schaeffer Nicholas Schreiber Vincent Senerchia
Freshmen 49
atuj os
s ( jajaj is
Travis Serkin John Serzan Blake Shapskinsky Peter Siebel III Michael Skircak David Skorynkiewicz Alexander Smith
noA qjiM juaas saeaA jnQ :ss9upes jo M o p B T fs T u 'q ji^ ^ 's s a u p B f^ ^ o
Daniel Smythe Nicholas Soscia Ronald Stefanovsky Daquan Stewart Andrew Stoveken Jeffrey Sukovich Michael Swab
James Sylvester Henry Szumski Regidor Tady Luca Taite Tony Tarabay KojoTetevi Denzell Thomas
Patrick Tintle Liam Tully Salvador Ulloa Sean-Paul Valdelamar John Paul Valonis Keanu Vega Joseph Vesey
Kevin Walker James Werner Stephon Whyatt Conor Wiggins Esteban Wittinghan Graham Wyville Mark Zatta Not Pictured: Stefan Murrell
ajojs b si jj
50 Where We Started From
m m
£ 4 During my first year at Prep I have grown in many different ways: academically, socially, spiritually, and athletically. My personal growth is the result of a mind-set that has been instilled in me since my first day at Prep, which is working hard to be the best I can be in everything I do. Before coming to Prep my idea of doing my best was completely goal oriented. This includes getting an A on a test, going 4-4 in a baseball game, or scoring 20 points on the basketball court. Nevertheless, through Mr. Dandorph's math classes/life lectures, Coach Healy’s basketball practices, and numerous other situations, I have learned that doing the best I can be means working as hard as possible to prepare myself and never give up. The other half of this mind-set is being the best I can be In everything I do. At Prep I’ve learned whether playing a sport, being a friend, or becoming closer to God, I should work hard to be the best I can. One thing coach Healy said to the freshman basketball team during a sloppy practice really sticks out in my mind. He said, "Whatever you do in life do it hard. I don’t care if you’re an accountant, work hard to be the best you can”. Through applying this mind-set to my everyday life, I've grown as a student, a friend, an athlete, a Catholic, and a person overall. ^ ^
Fresljnjap Pl>il McGovern
Freshmen 51
joj^aarej jiej
Ryan Albern John Armstrong Mark Augustine Aram Avanessians Dale Balderacchi Joshua Barry Justin Barry
jiioa 3ao|
3M^uy^9ureu jnoA qsuaqo 3M puy
Christopher Batalla Patrick Baudhuin Marlon Bay as Aedan Beales Daniel Bellido Cory Benavides Joseph Bernardo
Nick Bilchuk Michael Blicharz Christopher Bolejszo Chesley Bowers Kirk Brabham Michael Braugher Vincent Brinas
:a jo js
Christopher Brito Thomas Brodowski Dominick Bruno Joseph Buckman Robert Bullaro Philip Buzzerio Tyler Byrne
pm: 3uos ui ut pfo*AJoj{3 Jno^pu^puj
James Calabrese Vincent Caldas Charles Carrier, Jr. Kevin Cevasco Willy Chicas Alvaro Chouza Anthony Cicchino
Joseph Clarkin Robinson Clermont Alexander Cogott Sean Cole Alex Cortina Matthew Costello William Cretinon
jno si jj
52 Where We Started From
Patrick Crimmins Alan Cruz, Jr. Keith Cummings William Cummings Michael Czirbik Evan Czmola Justin Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Agostino
Ralph Daly Alexander Davis Corey Davis Steven de Armas Ronald James De La Fuente Matthew DeSimone Matthew DeMarco
Alexander Diaz Marc Paolo Diaz VI David Dicrisci Michael DiCroce Christopher Dietz Paul Dimitrey Ian Dingcong
Alfred Dobson Brendan Dolaghan Nolan Dolaghan Ryan Donahue Daniel Donaway Peter Dougherty Christian Ellett
Michael Evans Luke Farley Matthew Feeney Joseph Feinstein Erik Felipe Jonathan Fernandez Jose-Daniel Fernandez
Timothy Flannery Justin Flores John Flynn James Forker Richard Fournier Michael Fumia Ardley Fuqua
Sophomore 53
V"4 ^ &
*3 g
James Gardner Bryan Garsia July Generoso Benjamin Glassen Conner Gleason Chike Gomez Timothy Gonzalez
Brendan Gordon Ryan Gordon Adam Govemale Matthew Grapstul Geoffrey Hackler Marc Hanna Eddie Harold, Jr.
u 3
O cS
Andrew Hayes Angel Hector Zachary Helming John Hladik Ducarmel Hyacinthe Kevin Innis Sequan Jackson
Pi §
^ _
Matthew Julian Matthew Kaczor Michael Kahrer John Kaufinann Johnny Kelley Zaen Khawaja ’ Jesse Kickey
H ca
jf , JU
Jonathan Kijne Gabriel Kitamura Parker Kolodka James Kuklinski Michael Kurasz Jake Kushnir Joseph LaBarbera
o > 4) ”2
Zachary Lanning Dominick Lanzellotti Faisal Latif Matthew Lavin John Leadbeater Andrew Lee Robert Liccardo
54 Where We Started From
Class <pf2<MQ Kyle Lillis Mark Lioi David Lipyanka Alex Long David Longo Enrique Lopez III Omair Malik
Stephen Mallardi Vito Manente Nicholas Mangone Aloysiusguile Maniwang Tevin Manning Michael Martucci Matthew Mazzari
Gary McCann Jonathan McCarthy Taylor McCluskey Christopher McKnight Gianni McLaughlin Kieran McNamara Timothy Memar
Connor Metcalfe Reece Minerley Elliott Montalvan John-Carlo Monti Patrick Moran Kenan Moriarty Matthew Murphy
Christopher Musarra Julian Nakar Robert Niemczyk Justin Niscia Terrance O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell Dillon Ormiston Edwin Ortiz
Raphael Ortiz Darren Pardo Raymond Pardo David Park Jonathan Pena Alexander Perez Brandon Perez
Sophomore 55
aruj os
William Pilovsky Patrick Pindar Matthew Porter Ryan Purcell Sean Quinn Patrick Rabiecki Sunny Raithatha
noA qjiM juaas sjbsa jtiq
Essa Riaz Saad Riaz Mark Rivas Adrian Rivera Darren Rivera Michael Rizzo Matthew Roake
:ssaupBS jo M opBq^iHJjiy^^ssupB^o
Kyle Robinson Renato Rodrigues Nikko Roy Anthony Rutkowski Philippe S abater Hassan Saleem Christopher Sankat
Rickie Santana Christopher Savitsky Eric Schaefer, Jr. Angelo Scianni Daniel Seara Jeremy Selecky Nicholas Selis
J째 ajojs b si jj
James Shovlin Michael Sisk Joseph Sisti Ryan Smith Jonathan Spivack Alan Stickno Benjamin Stracquatanio
Christopher Taglieri Kevin Tolentino Sergio Torres Kevin Tuites Thomas Tulp Kristian-Neil Urbina Michael Valentinsson
56 Where We Started From
Nicolas Vazquez Neil Verano Michael Villavicencio Court Wallner Kenneth Walter Nicholas Warner Theodore Weinberg
Matthew Woods Dwayne Wright Michael Wright Michael Yager Alexander Yang John Zadroga Justin Zajac Mohammad Zan Kevin Zdanowicz Eric Zebrowski
6 • Fr. Hoag dedicated one of his first class periods to explaining the meaning of the term sophomore. Most likely derived from the Greek words sophos and moros, a sophomore can be best understood as a “wise fool”. Much like sophomore’s Greek roots, my second year of high school has been a dualistic experience. The feelings I experienced as a sophomore were much different than the anxiety and nervousness that I underwent as a freshman year. Equipped with new friendships and a year of academic success, I admit that I may have begun sophomore year as a slighdy overconfident individual. However, my attitude quickly changed as soon as the year began. While balancing JV Soccer, the Italian Exchange, and Student Council, academic success became very difficult to maintain. Although initially in a state of panic, I soon adjusted to the routine of a sophomore. Prep's Soccer Program consists of only two teams; Junior Varsity and Varsity. The idea that only sophomores and freshman play for JV creates an important role for the sophomores on the Junior Varsity team. Since the freshman had never gone through a season of high school soccer, it was our responsibility as sophomores to act as leaders and guides. In a sense, we needed to pass on the wisdom we had gained from our own freshman year. My participation in the Italian Exchange provided me with an experience entirely different from that of being a leader. I consider myself to be very fortunate that I was able to take part in the program. However, knowing very little Italian made communication more difficult for me and my fellow sophomore participants. Understanding that we were struggling with our limited Italian knowledge, the juniors and seniors provided us with a variety of words and phrases that we could use. Their guidance and my sense of helplessness caused me to realize that even though I had already learned much from my time at Prep, my learning was far from complete. I look to the future with high expectations. I am neither finished with nor am I just beginning the change that Prep brings to my life. I guess I’ll also have to tell Father to stop using "wise fool” as a way of pulling my leg; being a sophomore wasn't all that bad. } }
-Scpl?cn?ore Kevin Cervasc©
_________________________________ Sophomore 57
A Julen Abio Patrick Albers Joshua Alvarez Andrew AiTospide Michael Auth Robert Avallone
Anand Brahmbhatt John Bratowicz Alex Broadbent Sean Buckley Eric Bujnowski Ian Buzzio
Kevin Byram Benjamin Camargo Brendan Canale Joseph Candela Patrick Cappiello Richard Carmody
Neil Carroll Walter Casanovas Michael Rex Casio Gerard Castaldo Muhammad Chaudhri Moneeb Chaudhry
i #0
Victor Badaracco Kenny Baez Christian Baranok Paul Beckmann Matthew Bender Andrea Binder
Anthony Blake Benjamin Blanchfield James Blauvelt Dan Bolos VI Joseph Borsellino Lawrence Bovich
-- J
Michael Chianca Thomas Cianci Justin Cicchetti Andrew Colaneri Liam Colford Stephen Conley
58 Where We Started From
p ft\ P
Daniel Connor Michael Conti Oscar Contreras Robert Cortez Charles Costello Kevin Crawford
Christopher Cruz Matthew Cutola Richard Czirbik Andrew Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Amato Gabriel Dalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Maso Rashad Davis
Wesley Davis Dan Casey Delaon Emmanuel Delgado Alexander Dellabella Mark Doherty John Doughety
John Doyle Patrick Egan Willie Emanuele Daniel Espinoza Malcolm Farrar Christopher Fernandez
Sean Finn Christopher Fiume William Foley William Fong Conrad Foord Delfin Ganapin III
Sebastian Garcia Stephen Gardner Brian Gaven Ethan Gaviria Kael Gil Daniel Gonzalez
Daryl Greene Emmet Gregory Justin Guerra-Sarreal James Gutch Richard Hajduk Kevin Handsman
Juniors 59
And we vour sons will be loval * To St. Peter’s so Royal— May vour banners still guide us * Wherever w
Michael Handy Daniel Hansen Kazim Hassan John Hedennan Michael Heredia Joseph Hernandez
Eric Holt Christopher Hood Aaron Paul Ibarrola Jose Izquierdo E. Paul Johnson III Nicholas Jorgensen
Matthew Kaczmar Anthony Kameno David Kearney James Kearns Andrew Kelly William Kender
Harris Khan Mohammed Khan Jigar Khatri Mitchell Kiebus Patrick Kiesow Gregory Kohles
Jay Kowalczyk Lucas Kozinski Michael Kushnir Jose LaPiana Nelson Lenahan Jia Hao Lin
Joseph Livi Daniel Londono Joseph Lopera Mark Lotfalla Nicholas Lucignano James Lugo
Alexander Lupo Joseph Maini Antonio Manente Clive Mangerere John Manley Mario Mantilla
60 Where We Started From
|L £ I& j
Moses Martinez Omar Martinez Paul Martino Anthony Marulanda Robert McFarland Ryan McKeary
Bryan McTieman Anthony Medina Christopher Meliado Andrew Memar Kevin Meuse Jason Modi
John Paul Montemayor David Moreira Richard Morrison III Alexander Mosa Sushanta Mozumder Matthew Mullman
James Murduca Michael Nadolny John Naughton Terrance Nelson Lucas Netchert Jonathan Ng
Bao Ngo Colin O’Connor Richard O’Connor III Nyshier Oliver Joel Oquendo Cody Pannella
Neil Patel Swetal Patel Abel Patton Peter Paulsen Sean Pearson Joseph Perez
Justin Perez Johnny Quispe Andrew Rader R a’John Raeford Justin Restrepo Philip Reynolds
Juniors 61
<u ~o > o » o CO 00)3 CD > -C < L> C j o ctf 2 CO o 3 £ O* > pj T3 m <D s < *5b * <D <D > p c3 D o CO O >% C/3 £ s’5b cu 4) r-» •+J H * 1 D o Vh CO n cotf £ s -4— * T3 c C <D o O >D > (A)h < 001 X) c3j >> (1) o
L* a DM
Jason Rosenberg Sean Ryan Andrew Saa Nathaniel Salzman David Sambade Christian Sanchez
Salvatore Santuccio Conor Scott Richard Sese Brian Shields Daniel Short Mark Siocha
Kenneth Slaski Andrew Smith Kenneth Smith Rui Soares Daniel Sobsey Dylan Solt
C O <Z > <D * M Si "O cc/ da S cz3>. H O w* & 5| o T3 cd CO o £ o. CO r« *— « 3 t-{ < <U >> <D '1 pC •M * C COXJ O <D 60 c D O T3 03 €u O T3 <4-1 C O< £ o
co ctf
Angel Reynoso Michael Ricigliano Daniel Rivera Michael Rodgers Gustavo Rodriguez Henry Rodriguez
Tyrone Stamps Craig Styles Nicholas Suarez Christian Subol Louis Sullivan Ian Svercauski
Owen Sweeney L. Thomas Tanyag Justin Tchao David Terry Maxwell Trimm Gil Valentin
Jameson Vicuna F. Grant Whelply Khalil Wilkes Jonathan Wong Evan Yacker Stephen Yasneski
62 Where We Started From
oJS Ranieri Yllanes Alexander Yu Brian Zappulla Joshua Zarichnyj Stephen Zolli Not Pictured: Michael Griffin Sean Maly Paul Paternoster Stephen Zrowka
^ ^ It is undeniable that I have grown throughout my years here at Prep, but it is difficult to look back and pick out the exact cause of that growth. Reflecting on the past couple of years, I've found that it's the entire Prep experience that has changed me. The rigorous homework, the challenging tests, and the pages and pages of writing, especially in my junior year, have all aided in the development of my intellect. The early morning train rides and my time spent in the city have strengthened my independence. The great responsibilities placed on Prep's students, both inside the classroom and in our respective extracurricular activities, have fortified my competence. The fraternity that everyone here displays has helped me to be a better friend to everyone I know. Lastly, the huge emphasis Prep places on service to the community and the world as a whole has made me into a more compassionate and understanding person. My time here at Prep still is not over, and I'm sure that when I'm finished here, I will have grown even more into the man I hope to be. â&#x20AC;˘ ^
-Junior Colin Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor 6 6 When first entering the doors of Prep, I was a boy. However, after spending three years at Grand and Warren I have matured into a man. Throughout my high school years, as expected, I was taught Algebra and English but I would have never thought Prep would mature me as a person. I began to grow, forming social bonds with students and teachers through school and Prep retreats. Though at first, hours of homework a night was stressful, I soon became accustomed to the work load. As I finish my Junior year, I feel assured that when I enter college, I will be able to flourish as a student and an exemplary person. Having to travel everyday, I was forced to manage my time along with playing sports. Learning to command my life has come in handy as I am as I am faced with increasingly difficult decisions. Prep sports exemplify camaraderie and brotherhood; as it can be seen on the field and in the stands. Prep has also taught me to deal with problems in my family life. Maturing as a man has helped me handle situations I would previously not been equipped to deal with. Looking to the future, I am prepared to handle any situation I face due to the education I received at Prep. Saint Peter s has been molding young men for decades and will continue to, long after I leave, however, I will never forget the impact Prep had on me. 5 9
-Junior Claris Fiuipe Juniors 63
“Prep is more of like a second home I have come to love. It's a place where a brotherhood is formed whether at football games, subway runs, or on retreat." -Junior Chris "Munchies" Baranok
Junior Kevin Meuse pokes fun at Junior Andrea Binder's new hair style.
V■ M & t a ! i* c iI iifm t , . ; * ■ hiifeA.u *
Junior Chris Baranok shows off his newly received sippy cup for Easter.
Juniors Liam Colford, Mark Doherty. Craig Styles, and Brendan Canale “count" Mission Drive money in the I
Thoughts Op lupior Year “... The amount of tears I wept the night of the Hamlet paper was unfathomable.” -Junior Kevin Crawford “A daily odyssey, you never know what will happen, who you will see. or if a train door will close in your face." -Junior Brian Zappulla
"Emmaus was a great experience and I re ally grew in my faith. Marauder Nation is always exciting and being a part of it is awe some.” -Kevin Neuse Taking a leisurely approach to learning biology. Juniot Patrick Egan studies for a test.
64 Where We Started From
Senior Timothy Carney wrestles for a spot on the couch with Junior John Hederman
Juniors Ben Camargo, Patrick Cappiello and Anthony Kameno hangout in Mr. Ryan Heffernan's office.
Jumof Anthony Blake shows love for his fellow classmate Richan Morrison.
Ope Word To Describe Junior Year Monumental" - Neil Carroll Procrastination" -Mark Doherty Scrumtrulescentâ&#x20AC;? Benjamin Blanchfield Indescribable" -Eric Bujnowski Supercalifrasilisricexpialidocious! Christian Baranok Stressfulâ&#x20AC;? 'Michael Rex Casio
, I live m itopher C
junior John Manly diligently studies for his upcoming SAT Test.
Junior Justin Perez is interrupted by candid camera.
Juniors 65
Where W e Started From 67
M ic h a e l A g u a s Asian Pac. Society 1,2; Dance Committee 1; History Club 3; Math Team 3,4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3; H.A.P. Tutor; Emmaus 231; Kairos II 7 love life... Yeah, I ’m sad, but at the same time, I'm really happy that something could m ake me fe e l that sad. It’s like... it makes me fe e l alive, you know. It makes me fe e l human. ” ■Trey Parker and Matt Stone
D a n ie l A l f i e r i Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 229; Emmaus Leader
“Life’s battles d on ’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can. ’’ ■Vince Lombardi
La n c e A l i g o
J o s e p h A lvarez Football 1,2,3, Captain 4
“The price o f success is hard work, dedication to the jo b at hand, and the determination th a t whether we win or lose, we have applied the besm o f ourselves to the task at hand. " ■Vince Lombardi
G a r y A p it o
Chess Club 3; Computer 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 3; Stoc] Market Club 2,3,4; Emmaus 225 I
"Life is not the amount o f breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away” ■Will Smith
E l l in g t o n A r n o l d
Italian Club 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 231; Freshman Ambassador
HistoryClub 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreac 3,4; Petroc 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stoc Market Club 3,4; Student Council 3,4; Walk-a-tho Committee 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,Captain 4; Socc< 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226; Kairos II
“I ’m not one o f those complicated, mixed-up cats. I ’m not looking fo r the secret to life. ...Ijust go on from day to day, taking what comes. ” ■Frank Sinatra
"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning o f life is whateveryou ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning. ” ■foseph Campbell
C a rr o ll A lsto n Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3; Rugby 3,4; Emmaus 231
“Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think o f it; the tree is the real thing. ” ■Abraham Lincoln
68 Where We Started From
V in c e n z o A v e r e l l o Amnesty International 3,4; Campus Shop 2,3| President 4; Godzilla Club 1,2,3, President 4; Math Team 3; Model U.N.3,4; NHS 4; Petroc 4; RPG Club 1,2; SADD 1,2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 2; Star Wars Club 1,2,3, Vice President4; Freshmai| Ambassador; Emmaus 230; Kairos 1 “It is change, continuing change, inevitable I change, that is the dominant factor in society I today. ’’ -Isaac Asimov
G a b r ie l A z a c eta Culinary Club 4; Ebony Club 3; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Hispanic Society 3,4; History Club 4; Stock Market Club 4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4
’You ju st learned two o f the most important things in life, never rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut. ”- Robert DeNiro
P eter B egley Stock Market Club 2,3,4
"It doesn ’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one o f those men who goes into battle". -GeneralNorman Schwarzkopf
J o se ph B a lla n ce Anime Club 1,2; Forensics 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 3; Outreach 1,2; Seinfeld Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 224; Kairos I
7 am man, I am future, I am legend” -Will Smith, Dr. Robert Neville, I Am Legend
J a m es B ell Amnesty International 4; Band 1,2,3; Computer Club 1,2; Forensics 1,4; French Club 2,3; History Club 4; Medical Club 1; Outreach 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4 'You must have long-range goals to keep from being frustrated by short-term failure.” -Charles Nobel
C u rr a n B anach Art Club 1,2,3, President 4; French Club 3; German Club 2,3,4; Star Wars Club 1; Junior Prom Committee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; TV Studio 4; German Exchange 2007; Fencing 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 231; Kairos II “Sometimes we get so caught up in language, an d ‘this' word and ‘that’ word, That we lose sight o f the bigger problem s in the world... Many negative words in one time and/or culture are meaningless in another. We’ve got to stop wasting time fighting over nonsense. I ’m still waiting fo r aliens to come. ” -George Clinton
P h il ip B e n i
A n d rew B arone German Exchange 2007
Chess Club 3; Classics Club 1; Culinary Club 4; German Club 2,3,4; Math Team 4; Medical Club 4; Star Wars Club 4; German Exchange 2007 “The two o f you showed such promise, but we had to see you in action. And most impressive y o u ’ve been. You’re like brother an d sister. Heightened speed, strength, agility, the same killer instincts. Parallel strands o f research. And now... we discover which is superior. “ -Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Seniors: Aguas-Beni 69
M a tth ew B ern a l
J o seph B o u c h er
Chess Club 3; Dance Committee 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2; Hispanic Society 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 229
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Culinary Clul 4; German Club 1; Italian Club 2,3,4 Freshman Ambassador; Honor Pin 1,2,3 Baseball 1,2,4; Basketball 1,2; EmmauJ 225; Kairos II
"Strictly living longevity to the destiny I thought I ’d never see but reality struck better find out before your time's out" -.Nas
“I ’m not one o f those complicated, mixed -14 cats. I ’m not looking fo r the secret to life... just go on from day to day, taking what comes -Frank Sinatra
Pa l a k B h a g a t
J a red B ow ers Marauder Nation 3,4; Chess Club 3; Culinary Clul 4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4 German Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Nations Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude; Senior Prou Committee 4, Football 1,2; Rugby 2,3,4; Emmaul 229; Kairos II
Chess Club 3; Culinary Club 4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; French club 2; Petroc 2; Wrestling 3,4; Emmaus 230 “I ’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I ’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I ’ve been trusted to take the gam e winning shot and missed. I ’ve fa ile d over an d over a n d over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. ” •MichaelJordan
"In the course o f my life, I have often had to ea my words, and I must confess that I havealway fou n d it a wholesome diet. ”-Winston Churchii
y a w tP
---- -----------------------
B e n ja m in B r e n n e i s
J a c o b B l ic h a r z Art Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 3, 4; Basketball 1,2; Indoor Track 3; Volleyball 2,3,Captain 4; Hap Tutor; Freshman Ambassador; German Exchange 2007; Honor Pin 1,2,3 Emmaus 228; Kairos I; Kairos Leader; Emmaus Leader
"Life’s battles d on ’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can. ” -Vince Lombardi
rM 1 A
“Perhaps we a ll give the best o f our hearts uncritically - to those who hardly think about us in return. ”-T.H. White
70 Where We Started From
“Our greatest glory consists not in never fallini but in rising every time we fall. ” ■Oliver Goldsmith
A nth on y B ruce
J er em y B o n a fe Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226; Kairos II; HAP Tlitor
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministr Board 3,4; Intramural Staff 1,2; Indoor Traci 1,2; Swimming 4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Freshmat Ambassador; Emmaus 225; Kairos II
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 3; Culinar Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Clul 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Rugby 3,4; Emmaus 229
B s jl “Throw some salt on it. ” -The members S.N.O.
B ren d a n B ryan t
J a so n C a po sello
Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Chef 4; Petrean 3, Editorin-chief 4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Hispanic Society 2,3,4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Senior Prom Committee; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 2006; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Spirit Award; Lacrosse 1,2, Manager 3,4; Emmaus 224; Kairos I; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I Leader
German Club 2, 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 1; Stock Market Club 3; Freshman Ambassador; Emmaus 224; Kairos II 'We also used to play BUCK BUCK!” -Bill Cosby
“A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens."-Sir. Robert Baden-Powell
Pa t r ic k B y r n e s
W il l ia m C a r e y
Marauder Nation 3,4; Outreach 3, Treasurer 4; Kairos II
Maurader Nation 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Musical 4; Emmaus 227; Football 1; Lacrosse 1,2,4
“Do you have oxygen in your lungs?” -Ananymous
“Don’t walk in front o f me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be myfriend. ”■Albert Camus
A lex C a brera
T im o t h y C a r n e y
Amnesty International 2,3,4; Hispanic Society 1,2,3, President 4; History Club 1,2,3; Outreach 4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Anti-Sweatshop Club 2; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 2006; Ice Hockey 1; Indoor Track 2; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Emmaus 225; Kairos II
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; C.L.C. 2,3,4: Junior Prom Committee 3; Outreach 1,2,3,4 Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3: Lacrosse 1,2,3, Captain 4; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Emmaus 227, Eucharistic Minister; Kairos I; Kairos Leader
“Always reachfor the stars so i f you fa ll you land on the clouds” - Kanye West
“I f your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it. " ■Jonathan Winters
M a rc C a m po m an es Art Club 1,2,3,4; Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1, 2,3,President 4; Chess Club 3; Dance Committee 1; Model U.N. 1; Photography Club 3; Volleyball 1
“Hadouken!!" Street Fighter
M a r c C a r r io n Anime Club 2;. Chess Club 1,2; Classics Club 3; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; History Club 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Math Team 4; Model U.N. 1; Petroc 1,2,3; Star Wars Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Exchange 4
7 prefer a dreamer who works bard to a hard worker who doesn't dream. - Anonymous
Seniors: Bernal-Carrion 71
D il l o n C e g l io
E r i c k C if u e n t e s
Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Celtic Club 1; C.L.C. 3,4; Outreach 3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; TV Studio 1; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Basketball 2; Emmaus 224; Kairos I “D on’t gain the w orld a n d lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. ” -Bob Marley
Rocco C e r a m i
■ ■ *
E r ic C ir in o
Marauder Nation 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3; Italian Club 2,3; Math Team 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 229; Eucharistic Minster 4; Kairos II 'You have great powers, only some o f which you have as yet discovered. ” -Jor-El (Superman: The Movie)
(jU tO ^ rr U j
A lessa n d ro C etera Stock Market Club 4; Fencing 3,4
“Neither a wise nor a brave man lies down on the tracks o f history to waitfo r the train o f thefuture to run over him. ”-Dwight D. Eisenhower
C a m b r id g e C h u
G io v a n n i C o l a c c h ia Culinary Club 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Paper & Pen/Literama 4; Emmaus 230
“Well i f God gave me grace, then why aren’t 1 1 graceful" -fesse Lacey
H en d erso n C o le
Rugby 3
Band 1; Celtic Club 3,4; NHS 4; Cross Country 2,3; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Kairos II
"A HERRO HER YA DER ... There is a time in every mans life where he has to look himself in the mirror and ask him self... where the hell am I and how did I get here ?!” -Cambridge Chu
“Title does not dictate behavior. I f title dictated my behavior, as a clerk serving the public, I wouldn 't be allowed to spit a mouthful o f water at that guy. But I did, so my point is that people dictate their own behavior. ” -Randal’ Clerks
72 Where We Started From
R o ber t C o lon ey
D e r r ic k C o r t e z
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3.4; Campus Shop 1,2; C.L.C. 4; Intramural Staff Head: 3,4; Italian Club 2,3; Petroc 3,4; Seinfeld Club 1; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; TV Studio 1,2; Golf 3,4; Emmaus 228; Emmaus Leader
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 4; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committed,2; French Club 3,4; Math Team 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227 “I ’m not in this w orld to live up to your expectations and you ’re not in this world to live up to mine. ” -Bruce Lee
“We busted out o f class, h a d to get aw ay from thosefools. We learned more from a three minute record, baby, than we ever learned in school. ” -Bruce Springsteen, No Surrender
A n d rew C o lucci
M ic h a e l C o r t in a Art Club 1,2,3, President 4; Hispanic Society 1,2,3, President 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; NHS; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 3; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Comic Book Club 3,4; Football 1; Swimming 3,4; Emmaus 225; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Spain Study Abroad 2006 “To a ll thefriends I willforget- Goodbye To all the friends I haven’t met- Hello And to everyone in between- Get out o f my way! (Thanksfo r the good times, Matt Stewart, Gabe Azaceta, Curran Banach, Brendan White, Dave Ward, Frank Whelan, and Sean Maguire)” -Originr ' ' /t
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador, Emmaus 228; Emmaus Leader ‘Youjust have to acceptpeople fo r what they are, an d I learned the greatest gift o f all. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you m ake will shape your life forever. ” -A Bronx Tale
J o s e p h C r im m in s
L e s l ie C o n s t a n t in e Band 1,2,3,Treasurer 4; Campus Shop 3,4; Chess Club 2,3, President 4; Computer Club 2,3,President4; History Club 1,2, Vice President 3, President 4; Seinfeld Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3, Vice President 4; TV Studio 3,4; Football 1; Emmaus 227 7 am not a happy cam pa... the Twizzlers are not fo r sale!” -Ms. Ella Glazer
D a n ie l C o n v e r y Marauder Nation 1,2,3.4; Academic Bowl Team 4; Honor Pin 1; Ice Hockey 1; Emmaus 224; Kairos I
"Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry an d fa lse absolutes." -PopeJohn Paul II
Stock Market Club 3; Freshman Ambassador; Ice Hockey 3,4; Emmaus 225
..iS d ?
“I f everybody’s thinking alike, somebody isn’t thinking. ’’ -General George Patton
A i d e n C u n n ig h a m Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226; Kairos II “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But i f you haven't learned the meaning o f frien dship, you really h a v en ’t learn ed anything. ”- Muhammad Ali
Seniors: Ceglio-Cunnigham 73
A n d r e D aley Maurader Nation 2,3,4; SADD 3; Outreach 3,4; Petrean 4; Emmaus 228
M ack D o Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1; Culinary Club 4; Ebony Club 3,4; Emmaus 228; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4, Vice President 3, President 4; Football 2,3; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4
“Do the best you can; and then put up your old umbrella (ella, ella, eh, eh, eh) and keep the rain o f criticismfrom running down the back o f your neck". -Matthew Brush
“Through every dark night there's a brighter day, so no matter how hard it get, put your chest out and keep your head up, and handle it. ” -Tupac
A n d r e w D e l C a s t il l o
Sa m uel D okus
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2; Filipino Club 3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 1; Computer Club 2,3; Culinary Club 4; History Club 2,3,4; Medical Club 2,3,4; NHS 4; Honor pin 1,2,3; Outreach 1; Stock Market Club 2; Ukrainian Club 4; Baseball 234; Emmaus 227
Maurader Nation 1,2,3,4; Band 4; Celtic Club 3,4; Math Team 3; NHS 4; Freshman Ambassador Baseball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 228
“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. ” -Yogi Berra
“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon?”-Dr. Seuss
^-A td fiJv x
K e v in D e P i n t o Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Academic Bowl Team 3; Celtic Club 1,4; Engineering Club 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador, Wrestling 1,2; Cross Country 3; Emmaus 224; Kairos I
7 have nothing to give you but my name. It’s all I have, and it’s a il you will have. Never disgrace it. Bring it honor. ” -Vincenzo De Pinto
Louis D i Paola
Academic Bowl Team 2,3, Captain 4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; History Club 1,2, Secretary 3, Vice President 4; Math Team 3; Model UN 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Italian Exchange 2008; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 223; Kairos I; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I Leader
pi 1 r
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for?" - Robert Browning
74 Where We Started From
J o h n D o lagh an Wrestling 1; Soccer 2,3,4
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school But i f you h aven ’t learned the meaning o f friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. * -Muhammad Ali
D e F r o n D o m in i c k
J o h n D o n a l e s k i, J r .
P eter D rum m ond
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2, Captain 3,4; Emmaus 225; Kairos I
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Outreach 2,3,4; Stock Market Club Vice President 3; Cross Country 1,2,3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos I, Emmaus 227
“My adrenaline rushing through my veins Next stop is victory... ” -Papoose
“It’s so easy to m ake friends”- Rudy Morin
R yan D ow d
J o h n D uVal
Marauder Nation 3,4; Chess Club 2,4; Outreach 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 225; Kairos 1
Art Club 1,2,3; Italian Club 2,3,4; NHS 4; SADD 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Baseball 1,2; Eucharistic Minister; Hap Tutor; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 228
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. ” -Semisonic
S ea n D o w d M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; C.L.C. 4; Outreach 3,4; Stage Crew 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus224; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I
7 believe that g ood things come to those who work. ” -Wilt Chamberlain
S ea n D o w n ey Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2, Treasurer 3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Hispanic Society 3,4; Outreach 3; Stock Market Club 3,4; Rugby 2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,3,4
“Be the change you want to see in the world. ” -Mahatma Gandhi
7 am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some precious day”-famesJoyce
B r ia n D y e
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2; NHS 4; Outreach 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3 Baseball 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 225; Kairos I “G rea t m o m en ts a r e b o rn fr o m g r e a t opportunities”- Herb Brooks
B r ia n F a r r e l l
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; French Exchange; Football 1,2,3; Wresding 1,2; Emmaus 230
“Now you're gonna have to go through Hell, worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed, but in the end I know you’re gonna be the one standing” -Rocky IV
Seniors: Daley-Farrell 75
D e n n is F ig u e r o a
G a b r ie l G a lella
Junior Prom Committee 3; Stock Market Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador Football 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2; Emmaus 228; Kairos II
Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Freshman Ambassador; Basketball 1 ; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 231; Emmaus Leader; Kairos II
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost
“I can accept failure, but I can ’t accept not trying." -MichaelJordan
D a v id F in n Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 4; Football 1; Indoor Track 3; Rugby 1,2,3,4; HAPTutor; Freshman Ambassador; Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus 229; Kairos II 7 care not what others think o f what I do, but I care very much about what I think o f what I do! That is character!”- Theodore Roosevelt
Js M
J u a n G a r c ia
Campus Shop 3,4; French Club 3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Math Team 2,3,4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3, President 4; Tennis 3,4; Emmaus 231; Gold Medal: Pre-Calculus
‘You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take” - Wayne Gretzky
{/L ~ - {
S ea n F o l g e r Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Kairos II
“Do you want me to get naked and start the revolution?”- Ja c k Black, ‘Orange County’
D o ug la s F reem a n Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2; German Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Outreach 4; Soccer 1,2,3, Captain 4; Swimming 4; Freshman Ambassador; Gold Medal: German Emmaus 228; Emmaus Leader; Kairos II “...In between, on the mistyflats, The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A high way and a low, And every man decideth. The way his soul shall go. ” John Oxenham
76 Where We Started From
M in a G a y e d Campus Shop 2,3,4; History 4; Medical 4, Treasurer 4; NHS 4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,4; Junior Stock Market Club President 3; Emmaus 229; Kairos II; Gold Medal: National Latin Exam 2
“Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy. ”-Dr. Bob Kelso from Scrubs
Kyle G en erelli Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2; Outreach 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226
“While the rest o f the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats. ” •Mark Twain
A n t h o n y G ia n n o b il e Math Team 2,3,4; NHS 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus Leader; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 228
“Thought im pregn ated with love becom es invincible. ’ -Charles Haanel
D o m e n ic k G io v in e Marauder Nation 3,4; Engineering Club 4; German Club 2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4 “Family is a process not a thing. It is a form o f cooperation in which members pledge lifelong loyalty. Friendship, connections, fam ily ties, trust, loyalty, obedience, honesty, discipline and honor. ”-Joe Bonanno
A n d r e G raham
Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 231
“What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. ” - Confucius
C o rlan do G rant Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4
“Success has no limits. ” - Proverb
G & dta/n d& ' J& ia /n t
C la ren ce G o co n
W il l ia m G r a p s t u l
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 2,3,4; Culinary 4; French Club 4; Football 1; HAP Tutor; History Club 3,4; Math Team 3,4; Medical Club 2; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3; Emmaus 231; Eucharistic Minister
Campus Shop 3; C.L.C. 1; Marauder Nation 2,3,4; Mission Committee 3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 1,2; HAPTutor; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Football 1; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 227
“Great works are perform ed not by strength but by perseverance. ” -SamuelJohnson
C a s im G o m e z
“Things turn out the bestforpeople who make the best o f the way things turn out. ” -John Wooden
H e n r y G r e e n f ie l d Book Club 1,2; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; History Club 4; Indo-Pak Society 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4; NHS 4; Petroc 4; Seinfeld Club 1,2,3,4; Vice President 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Bowling 2,3,4; Soccer 1; Tennis 3,4; Hap Tutor; Italian Exchange 4 “Go confidently in the direction o f your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!” -Henry David Thoreau
Seniors: Figueroa-Greenfield 77
B r ya n t G r if f in
D a n ie l H e n n e s s y
Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Hispanic Society 2,3; Football 1,2; Rugby 3,4
Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4 ; Celtic Club 1,2,3, President 4; Rugby 2,3,4; Emmaus 228; Kairos II
“He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know. ” -Lao Tzu
“Some o f it was magic, some o f it was tragic, but I had a good life all the way. Jimmy Buffett
E r ik H a n sel m a n
J o n a th an H ern a n d ez
Celtic Club 1; French Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 1; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3; Emmaus 226; Kairos II
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3; Ebony Club 1,2,3; Petroc 1; Baseball 2; Emmaus 229
In the buffet o f life there are no second helpings. You gotta fill up your plate, top o ff your cup, an d stuff a fe w rolls in your pocket. - Fred Flintstone
“A wise man learns by the mistakes o f others, a fo o l by his own. ”-Latin Proverb
E am on H a rtn ett Band 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Computer Club 1,2,3; French Club 2,3,4; Math Team 3,4; NHS 4; Petroc 2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 1, President 2,3,4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Studio 2,3, President 4; French Exchange; French Gold, Silver Medal 3; Emmuas 224; Kairos I; Kairos I Leader; Outstanding Freshman “It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to pow er are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, andfind to their own surprise that they wear it well. " -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
C h r i s t o p h e r H e t h e r in g t o n Band 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 1,2; Dramatics: Musical 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Liturgical Music 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Pro-Life Society 1,2,3, President 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Fencing 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador; National Latin Exam: Magna Cum Laude 2,3 “Never, never, never give up. ” -Winston Churchill
E lba sa n H a xh a j Stock Market Club 3; Football 2
“A dog that barks doesn ’t bite. ” -Anonymous
78 Where We Started From
W il l ia m H e y e r Ebony Club 2,3,4; Polish Club 2,3,4; SADD2,3,4; HAP Tlitor, Emmaus 230 “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that g oal will serve to organize and measure the best o f our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. ” -John F. Kennedy
W i l l i e H il l Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Footbal 1,2,3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4
M a l ik H o u a r i
Rugby 3; Freshman Ambassador; National German Exam 2 Certificate
“A true champion is one who works his hardest when no one is looking." -Vince Lombardi
ahkijb J o seph H o ld er
J o seph H u ssey
Marauder Nation 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Gold Medal: German 1, History 1; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3 Captain 4; Football 1,2,3, Captain 4
Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Celtic Club 4; Outreach 3; Honor Pin 1,3 Football 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 228; Kairos II
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -Confucius
J effrey H o n gth on g
“Sometimes it’s a little crazy to think about. And thats when we a ll have to kind o f walk away and stick our heads in the water and just kind o f shake 'em out and say, Wait a minute. What time is it?And where do I go to get lunch?" -Ben Stiller as “Tom Crooze”
M ic h a e l I b a r r a
Stock Market Club 3,4
Hispanic Society 4; RPGClub 1,2,3; Soccer 1; Indoor I Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,4; Emmaus 224
“Life moves pretty fast. I f you d on ’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. ” -Unknown
“Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all. ”-Oliver Wendell Holmes
M ig u e l H o r t a
J o el I ld efo n so
Asian Pac. Islr. Society 2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3; Outreach 1,2,3,4; SADD1,2,3,4; Emmaus 219
Bowling 1,2,3,4; Campus Shop 3,4; Gold Medal Spanish 1; Instituto Hemingway Study Abroad/ Internship in Bilbao, Spain 2007; Junior Prom Committee 3; Mission Committee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 3,4
“Shoot fo r the moon because even i f you miss, y o u ’re still amongst the stars. ” ■Beanie Sigel
7 hope I shallpossess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable o f a ll titles, the character o f an honest person. ” ■George Washington
Seniors: Griffin-lldefonso 79
K h u b a ib I q b a l
A n d r e w K il d u f f
Amnesty International 4; Chess Club 3,4; Computer Club 1,2; Engineering Club 2; History Club 3,4; Model U.N. 1,2; Stock Market Club 2,3,4
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Engineering Club 2,3; German Club 2,3,4; Godzilla Club 2,3; 1FS 1,2,3, President 4; Ju n ior Prom Com m ittee 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Photography Club 2,3; Stage Crew 2,4; Ukrainian Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 2,4; Emmaus 224; Freshman Ambassador; German Exchange
"Terrorism is the war o f the poor, and war is the terrorism o f the rich. ”-Sir Peter Ustinov
“When the world accepts responsibilityfo r you, you no longer take responsibility fo r yourself - Original
J o r d a n J a f f e r je e
B r ia n K l u k o w ic z
P e t e r J im e n e z
L ia m K o l b
Football 1; Swimming 1,2 Captain 3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 228; Kairos 1
“Live life without regrets. That is the one way you can be truly happy. ”-Original
h^ O C -
R a y m o n d K r e n ic k i
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; NHS 4; Outreach 2,3,4; History Club 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2; Emmaus 217
Art Club 3; Stage Crew 1; TVStudio 1; Swimming 3 Varsity; Emmaus 224; Freshman Art Award Recipient
“Destiny is not a matter o f chance, it is a matter o f choice; it is not a thing to be waitedfor, it is a thing to be achieved. ” - WilliamJ. Bryan
80 Where We Started From
7 can't say I ’m very pleased with where my life is just now ... but I can't help but look forward to where it’s going."-Jhonen Vasquez
M ic h a e l K r o h n Art Club 3-4; Ebony Club 3; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; Emmaus 230
“I never let my schooling get in the way o f my education ” •Mark Twain
M axw ell L em os
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Art Club 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Medical Club 4; Chess Club 3,4; Outdoor Track 4; Soccer 1,2,3, Co-Captain 4; Wresding 3 “Play fo r the name on the front o f the shirt, and they'll remember the name on the back.” ■Lionel Messi
M ic h a e l La u r i e
D a n ie l L i b r o j o
Chess Club 3,4; Model UN 3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador
Academic Bowl Team 4; Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1; Book Club 4; Computer Club 1,2; French Club 3,4; Math Team 3,4;Model U.N. 1,2,3, Vice President 4; NHS 4; Petroc 1,2,3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio Assistant Director 4; Honor Pins 1,2,3; Emmaus 224
“Pain is only weakness leaving the body." -Anonymous
“As I stand out here in the wonders o f the unknown at Hadley, I sort o f realize there’s a fundam ental truth to our nature, Man must explore... and this is exploration at its greatest. ” -Dave Scott, Commander Apollo 15
J u s t in L a w r e n c e
F r a n c i s L im
Campus Shop 2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Photography Club 3; TV Studio 4; Emmaus 231; Freshman Ambassador
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2; Dance Committee 1,2; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227
7 firmly believe that any m an’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment o f a ll that he holds dear, is that moment when he has w orked his heart out in a g ood cause an d lies exhausted on the field o f battle - victorious. ” - Vince Lombardi
“No heaven up above you, No Hell underneath ye, And nowhere will receive thee, So shed no tear when we’re now here, & keep your faith as we chase.. The Cool.”-LupeFiasco \ The Coolest
P eter L eB ro n
D a n ie l L i V o l s i
Book Club 1; Chess Club 1,4; Chorus 2,3,4, Vice President 3, President 4; Computer Club 2; Culinary Club 4; Dramatics: Drama 3,4; Musical 3,4; Forensics 1; French Club 3,4; Hispanic Society 3,4; Liturgical Music 2,3, Vice President 4; Medical Club 1; Petroc 1,2, Sports Editor 3,4; SADD 1; Fantasy Sports Club 3,4, Vice President 4; GSAVice President 4; Swimming 2,4; Emmaus 231; Emmaus Leader; Freshman Ambassador; HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 4; Honor Pin 1,3 "Be who you are an d say what you fe e l because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter d on ’t mind. * - Dr. Seuss
Campus Ministry Board 3; C.L.C 4; French Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 3; Petrean 3; Baseball 1; Golf 2; Swimming 1,2, Captain 3,4; Emmaus 224; Eucharistic Minister; Freshman Ambassador; Spirit Award “Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listeningfrom time to time. ”- George W. Bush
Seniors: Iqbal-LiVolsi 81
J u s t in L o o
J a red M a lon ey
Anime Club 2,3; Computer Club 1; Dramatics: Drama 1,2,3; Dramatics: Musical 1,2,3; French Club 2,3; RPG Club 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Video Game Club 1,2; Bowling 3,4; Fencing 2,3; HAP Tutor
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream "- Edgar Allen Poe
S ea n M a g u ir e
L ucas M a lo n ey
Celtic Club 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; German Club 1,2,3,4; Godzilla Club 1,2,3,4; Hispanic Society 3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Model U.N. 3; Polish Club President 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; TV Studio 3,4, Treasurer 4; Ukrainian Club Vice President 3,4; Rugby 2,3,4; Emmaus 231; Kairos 1; German Exchange 2007 “But i f you know what life is worth, You will look fo r yours on earth: And now you see the light, Stand up fo r your rights. Jah!" - Bob Marley
S h y a m M a jm u n d a r Book Club 1,2,4; Campus Ministry 2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 1,2; Computer Club 1; Culinary Club 4; Engineering Club 2,4; History Club 1,2,3,4; Indo-Pak Society 1,2, President 3,4; Math Team 2,3; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Model U.N. 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 4; SADD 1,2; Seinfeld Club 1,2,3; Senior Prom Committee; Stock Market Club 1; TV Studio 4; Fencing 4; Emmaus 226; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Instituto Hemingway Study Abroad/Internship in Bilbao, Spain 2007
T h o m a s M a n n in g Culinary Club 4, President 4; IFS 2,3,4; Italian Club 1; Literama 4; Marauder Nation 4; Petrean 4; Petroc 3,4; Photography Club 3,4; SADD 2; Senior Prom Committee; Outdoor Track 2; Emmaus 227; Kairos II 7 was bom with an enormous need fo r affection, and a terrible need to give it. " ■Audrey Hepburn
"If opportunity doesn ’t knock, build a door. ” ■Milton Berle
J o s e p h M a jo r
C h arles M aracle
Culinary Club 4; Junior Prom Committee; Petrean 1,2; Petroc 1,2; SADD 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 1; Lacrosse 2; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 227
Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Literama 4; Italian Exchange 3,4 Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 230
“Ifyou can do a ha Ife d jo b o f anything, you 're a one-eyed man in a kingdom o f the blind." ■Kurt Vonnegut
82 Where We Started From
“We are each o f us angels with only one wing, and we can onlyfly by embracing one another. “ ■Luciano de Crescenzo
C h r is t o p h e r M a r a f io t i
P eter M c F adden
Anime Club 2; Art Club 4; Campus Shop 4; Chess Club 3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; History Club 2,3,4; Model U.N. 3; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; TV Studio 1,3
“When you do things right, people won't be sure y o u ’ve done anything at all. ”- Futurama
B il a l M a z h a r
A n d r e w M c G lyn n
Art Club 1,2; Chess Club 1,2; Engineering Club 1,2,3,4; History Club 1; Indo-Pak Society 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2; Mission Committee 1,2; SAAD 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 1,2; Anti-Sweatshop Club 1,2; Freshman Ambassador
“ The truth o f the matter is that there’s nothing you can ’t accomplish i f (1) You clearly decide what it is that y o u ’re absolutely committed to achieving, (2) You’re willing to take massive action, (3) You notice w hat’s working or not, and (4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way. ” - Anthony Robbins
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Football 1, Manager 2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Emmaus 232; Emmaus Leader; Kairos II, Freshman Ambassador I
“Everything I ’m not, made me everything I am. ’ - Kanye West
M il e s M c C a n n
Pa t r i c k M c G r a t h
Academic Bowl Team 4; Band 1,2,3,4; Book Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 3,4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Student Council Representative 4; Basketball 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 225; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Gold Medal National Latin Exam
Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4, Henchman 4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee, Baseball Manager 1; Golf 2,3,4, Captain 4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3; Emmaus 229; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Spirit Award
“My heart ticks in beat with these kids that I grew up with living like life’s going out o f style. And you cam e to watch us play...like a ‘Big shot talent, ’ but a t the end o f the day you know where we come from and where we call hom e” ■Pete Wentz
“The higest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day, that I never dog it” -Wayne Gretzky
K e v in M c D e r m o t t
D ylan M c M a h o n
Amnesty International 3; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2; C.L.C. 1,2,3,4; Dramatics: Musical 2; IFS 1; Jazz Band 2.3.4; Liturgical Music 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1; NHS 4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; SADD 2; Stock Market Club 3; Emmaus 224; Kairos I; Freshman Ambassador "In the future, the most important business skill will be lack o f ethics” -Scott Adams
fo X a fa ft T f^ Q /L aS i
Art Club 4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1; Freshman Ambassador;Indoor Track 2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you m ake will shape your life forever. * - A Bronx Tale
Seniors: Loo-McMahon 83
T homas M cM ahon Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; German Club 4; Basketball 1,2; Golf 2; Emmaus 228
A l b e r t M c W il l ia m s Academic Bowl Team 4; Math Team 3; Nrf. Treasurer 4; Petroc 2 Editor 3;4; Student Counl Representative 1, President 2,3,4; Walk-a-thcT Committee 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3,4; Spirit Awal Committee 3,4; Middle States Board Committee Tennis 1,2,3,Co-Captain 4; Emmaus 231, Emmail Leader; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Honl Pin 1,2,3; Spirit Award; Outstanding Freshmal National Achievement Scholar
“The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. Youjust gotta keep on livin man. L-I-V-I-N." -Dazed and Confused
"True heroism is rem arkably sober, veryL undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass a ll others at whatever cost, but the urge to serv f others at whatever cost. ” -Arthur Ashe
c j h *y y W f2 -~ '
M R y a n M c M il l a n
"Hi 111 ill D a v id M e is
Chess Club 1,2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Dramatics: Musical 4; Forensics 1,2; GSA 4; Hispanic Society 1,2,3,4; Junioi Prom Committee; Medical Club 4; Senior Prom Committee; Stock Market Club 3,4; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 2; Swimming 1; Tennis 41 Emmaus 226; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador “Well... I guess it’s time to take over the world now. ”-Original
C h r is t o p h e r M c N u l t y
I van M er c a d o
Campus Ministry Board 3,4; C.L.C. 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation, Marauder 4; Math Team 3,4, Captain 4; NHS 4; Outreach 3,4; Petrean 4; Baseball 1,2, Captain 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Emmuas 225; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I; Freshman Ambassador 1; HAP Tutor; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Outstanding Freshman; Honor Pin
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 2,3; RPG Club 1,2; Filipino Society 3,4, Treasurer 4; Emmaus 227
"We out like in dodgeball”-Jose Medrano
"Thefuture is no place to place your better days. ” - Dave Matthews
n CfU ± i
K een an M c R ae
T im o t h y M il l e r
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Liturgical Music 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador
Stock Market Club 4; Wiffle Ball 1,2,3,4, Champions 3; Baseball 2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. ’’ -Jimi Hendrix
84 Where We Started From
"During high school, I played hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take o ff his skate and try to stab somebody.9 ■Adam Sandler, ‘Happy Gilmore'
H a r o l d M il n e Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 228
7 think my greatest ambition in life is to pass on to others what I know. ” - Frank Sinatra
N y r o n e M o seley
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3, Secretary 4; Hispanic Society 3,4; Golf 3,4; Emmaus 231
“D on’t Sacrifice your ART f o r m ore FAME” - Unknown
R o b e r t M ir z a
J o n M u c c io l o
Amnesty International 3,4; Engineering Club 3,4; German Club 1,2; Indo-Pac Society 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 3; Medical Club 1, Vice President 3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 3.4; Petrean 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227; Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Honor Pin 1,2,3
Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Italian Club 2,3; Literama 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Spirit Award; Honor Pin 2,3
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path an d leave a trail. ” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Fear does not have any specialpower unlessyou empower it by submitting to it. ” -Les Brown
D a v id M o n c r i e f
J o h n M u lh ern
German Club 1,2,3, President 4; Rugby 3,4; Volleyball 1; Emmaus 226; Kairos I; Honor Pin 2,3,4
“C’mon! We’re all going to die, die standing up!” -Jed Eckert, Red Dawn
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Emmaus 226; Honor Pin 1,2 “May your glass be ever full. May the ro o f over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven h a lf an hour before the devil knows y o u ’re dead. ” - Irish Toast
j 5 ar/td£ T fb y w u b G r e g o r y M o r r is s e y Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Chorus 1,2,3 Hispanic Society 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4 Outreach 1,2,3,4; Pro-Life Society 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee; Stock Market Club 3; Eucharistic Minister; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 225; Kairos II; Spirit Award “There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. ” -GK Chesterton
B r ia n M u n o z Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
“A winner is someone who recognizes bis Godgiven talents, works his tail o ff to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals." -Larry Bird
Seniors: McMahon-Munoz 85
M i c h a e l M u r c ia Classics Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Dramatics: Musical 4; Ebony Club 3,4; Hispanic Society 1,2,3,4; IFS 1; Junior Prom Committee; Outreach 4; Senior Prom Committee; TV Studio 4; Swimming 2,3,4; Emmaus 230; Emmaus Leader, Kairos II; Freshman Ambassador; Hap Tutor “Let us think o f education as the m eans o f developing our greatest abilities, because in each o f us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefitfo r everyone and greater strength fo r our nation. ” - John F. Kennedy
Ky l e N elso n Paper & Pen/Literama 3, Photography Cli 3; Honor pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 227 “As you get older you will gain a bit m orl control over everything. Don't let anyone, evei your parents, break you. Find good people wh( care about you and surround yourself withjus them. I f you can't fin d them at first, find gooi music and fa ll into it, let it hold you until t b e f come." -DaveyHavok
[jJuciU J oh n M urph y
D at N guyen
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; History Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2; Rugby 2,3,4; Emmaus 231; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 2007; Honor Pin 1
Art Club 1,2; Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2,3,4; Bool Club 4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3 Treasurer 4; Culinary Club 4; Varsity Math Tean 4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; PhotographyClut 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Cum Laude in National Latin Exam 1; Emmaus 229
“No one gives it to you. You have to take it” - Frank Costello
(M i
"Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as i f i is the axis on which the world earth revolve - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward th future. Live the actu a l moment. Only thi moment is life." -Thick Nhat Hanh
J o seph M u r ph y Hispanic Society 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; SADD 3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 228
M a t t h e w N ova Celtic Club 2,3,4; C.L.C. 1; Marauder Nation 3,4 Medical Club 1; Stock Market Club 2,3; Freshmar Ambassador; Emmaus 224; Kairos II
“Travel the path o f integrity without looking back, fo r there is never a wrong time to do the right thing."- Michael Moore
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But i f you haven ’t learned the meaning oj friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. -Muhammad Ali
St e p h e n M u r p h y
J o h n O ’B r i e n
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; C.L.C. 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; NHS 4; Outreach 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 225; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I; Freshman Ambassador; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Honor Pin 1,2,3 ‘You know w e’ve got a good thing goin’ and I don ’t wanna see it end. " -Reel Big Fish
86 Where We Started From
Campus Ministry Board 3; Celtic Club 1,2, Vice President 3,4; C.L.C. 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Germafi Club 1,2,3,4; Prom Committee 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 3; Stock Market 2,3; Freshman Ambassador; German Exchange 2007; Honor Pin 1,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 231, Emmaus Leader, Kairos I "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. ” -Rafiki, Lion King
R ic h a r d O l iv e ir a
A n t h o n y Pa n e
French Club 3; Emmaus 226; Kairos II Art Club 4; Volleyball 1,2; Emmaus 225 7 live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team. For those ten seconds or less, I ’m free. ” -Fast and the Furious
- f.
“A man will fight harder fo r his interests than fo r his rights. "-Napoleon
jfc .
To n y O n geri
J a y Pa t e l
IPS rr tT
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1; Culinary Club 4; History Club 2,3,4; Indo-Pak Society 1,2, Vice-President 3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Tennis 4; HAPTutor; Outstanding Freshman; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Gold Medal on National Latin Exam 2 “Success is the sweetest revenge. ” -Vanessa Williams
M ic h a e l O n i e a l
St e f a n Pa u l
Band 1,2,3, Secretary 4; Italian Club 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2; HAP Tutor; Emmaus 230
Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 4; CulinaryClub 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Paper & Pen/Literama 1; SADD 1,2; Volleyball 1,2; Freshman Ambassador; Emmaus 227
“I f God h a d meant fo r today to be perfect, he would have never invented tomorrow. ” -Original
J u s t in O r t u o s t e Anime Club 1,2; Asian-Pacific Islander Society 1,2,3,4; Classics Clubl,2; Computer Club3; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; History Club 1,2; Model U.N. 1,2; RPG Club 1,2; SADD 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2; Video Game Club 1; Filipino Society 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3, Captain 4 "God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight. ” ■Reggie White
“A m an must be big enough to adm it his mistakes, smart enough to profitfrom them, and strong enough to correct them. ” -John C. Maxwel
K e v in P e d e r s e n Wrestling 1
“Never underestimate the pow er o f human stupidity. ”-lazarus Long
Seniors: Murcia-Pedersen 87
C a sey P er n o Chess Club 3,4; Computer 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; Dramatics: Drama, Musical 3,4; German Club 4; Model U.N. 1; Photography Club 1,3; RPG Club 2,3,4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3, Vice-President 4; Stock-Market Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1,2,4; Emmaus 227, Magna Cum Laude on National Latin Exam 1, German Exchange 2007 “Don Ypart with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. " -Mark Twain
D a v id P e r e z Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; SADD 1,2; Volleyball 1,2; Freshman Ambassador; Emmaus 227 “A m an must be big enough to a d m it his mistakes, smart enough to profitfrom them, and strong enough to correct them. ” -John C. Maxwell
Lu ke P o w er Marauder Nation 1,23,4; Campus Ministry Board 3, Chorus 3,4; Liturgical Music 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226; Kairos 1; Freshman Ambassador; Gold Medal in Religion 3 “Ifyou never did, you should. These things are funk and fun is good. “ -Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
N ic h o l a s R a b ie c k i Celtic Club 2,3,4; CLC 3,4; Hispanic Society 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 3,4; SADD 1,2; Stock Market Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Basketball 1,2,3 Captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3, Captain 4; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Emmaus 224; Kairos 1 “My fa th er gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." -Jim Valvano
J a m es P il g e r
K e v in R a m n a r a in e
Petroc 4; Petrean 4; Academic Bowl Team 4; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3; Emmaus 231, Kairos II
Book Club 1,2,4; Classics Club 1,2; Computer Club 3, Secretary 4; Culinary ClubVice-President 4; French Club 2,3, Treasurer 4; History Club 2,3,4; Math Team 3,4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador, Silver Medal in Latin 1, Geometry, Gold Medal in French I, French II (ex aequo)
7 have the truefeeling o f myself only when la m unbearably unhappy. ” - Franz Kafka
‘You can’t change the wind, butyou can setyour sails. ”- Billie Jo e Armstrong
& M ig u e l P im e n t e l Chess Club 2,3; Classics Club 2,3; Culinary Club 4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; Hispanic Society 4; Model U.N. 3; Senior Prom Committee, Video Game Club 4, Rugby 2,3,4; Wrestling 3; Emmaus 229, Kairos II ‘You ca n ’t dw ell on the past... a ll we got is today... so imma live like there’s no tomorrow... NO GOOD-BYESZZ” -Kanye West
88 Where We Started From
F r a n k l in R a m o s
St e ph e n R a sm u sso n
C h r is t o p h e r R o b in s o n
Art Club 4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Culinary Club 4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Godzilla Club 2,3,4; Model U.N. 3; Star Wars Club 3,4; TV Studio 3,4; Freshman Ambassador; French Exchange; Emmaus 229; Kairos I; Kairos Leader; Eucharistic Minister
Culinary Club 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Emmaus 231; Freshman Ambassador
“All that you fashion, all that you m ake, a ll that you build, a ll that you break, all that you measure, all that you feel, a ll this you can leave behind. ’’ -U2, All That You Can't Leave Behind
“Finish my breakfast why? I got an appetite fo r destruction... And you 're a smallfry. ” -Jay-Z
F a h a d R ia z
E dw ard R o d g er
History Club 3,4; Indo-Pak Society 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4; SADD 2; Seinfeld Club 2; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; HAP Tutor; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Stock-Market Club 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2; Emmaus 228; Freshman Ambassador
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” -Muhammad Ali
7 ain't got time to bleed. ” -Jesse Ventura, Predator
S t e v e n R iz z o Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Celtic Club 2, C.L.C 1,3,4; Engineering Club 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Math Team 3,4; NHS President 4; Outreach 2, Treasurer 3, 4, Petrean 4, Pro-Life Society 1,2; Stock Market Club 3; Cross-Country 2,3; Indoor Track 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 224, Kairos I, Freshman Ambassador, Honor Pin 1,2,3 “You’ll have plenty o f time to d o that, when y ou ’re limn’in a van down by the river!’’ - Matt Foley (Chris Farley), Saturday Night Live
B r y a n R o b in s o n Campus Ministry Board 3; C.L.C 2,3, Co-President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 4; Outreach 3,4; Golf 1,2,3, Captain 4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 225; Emmaus Leader
7 think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game o f charades. ..o r a gam e o ffa k e heart attack." -Demetri Martin
T hom as R ogers Celtic Club 1; German Club 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Model U.N. 2,4; Petroc 3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Cross-Country 3; Emmaus 225; German Exchange 2007
"It's not the size o f the dog in the fight, but the size o f the fight in the dog. ” -Dwight D. Eisenhower
G a r y R o k o sz a k Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 225
‘You’ve never been beaten until you admit it." -General George S. PattonJr.
Seniors: Perno-Rokoszak 89
A rm a n d o R oman Culinary Club 4, Hispanic Society 4, Prom Committee 34, Football 1, Emmaus 230
J u s t in R u e Asian-Pac. Islr. Society Treasurer 3
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson “Make your own path, Be a legend in your own skin.” -Nas
W il l ia m R o m a n
M ic h a e l R u z e k Baseball 1,2; Football 1,2; Rugby 3,4; Emmaus 225; Kairos 2; Freshman Ambassador
"Ifyou fin d yourself going through hell, KEEP GOING” -Theodore Roosevelt
L sh j
E dw a rd R o se
M a r k R ya n
Celtic Club 4; C.L.C 1,2,3, Vice-President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 4; NHS 4; Student Council 1,3; Celtic Club 1,2,3, President 4; Cross Country 2,3; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Football 1; Emmaus 228; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; Honor Pin 1,2,3
Celtic Club 1,2; Dramatics: Drama 4; Italian Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 3,4; Football 1,2; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 227
“We’re down, but we’re not up. ”- Hey Arnold
k tL u m ru L
fy m
J on R ue Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 3,4
“The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams. ” -Tupac Shakur
90 Where We Started From
‘Yesterday is not mine to regain, but tomorrow is mine to lose. So I must prepare fo r my tomorrows before I count a single yesterday. ” -Original
R a m on S andoval French Club 4; Math Team 4; NHS 4; RPG Club 1,2,3; TV Studio 4; Bowling 3,4; Honor Pins 1,2, 3; Gold Medal; Silver Medal ‘‘Gonna rise up, gonna kick a little butt, gonna k ick som e butt in the USA, gonna climb a mountain, gonna sew a fla g gonna fly on an eagle. Gonna kick some butt, gonna drive big trucks, gonna rule this world, gonna kick some butt, gonna rise up, gonna kick a little butt. ROCK FLAG, AND EAGLE!” -Charlie Day
R yan S c h er ba
A lexa n d er S h utterly
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; German Club 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Ukrainian Club Founder 3, President 3,4; Freshman Ambassador, German Exchange 2007; Reifen Club 4; Basketball 1,2; Emmaus Leader; Emmaus 231; Kairos II
Computer Club 1,2; Italian Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226
“Determined to be the best, not lookin back at regrets, how many people you blessed is how you measure success!" -Ronaldinho
“The best things in life are free... ” -Kanye West
jfc M r -
M ic h a e l S t e f a n e l l i Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Math Team 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4 NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Prep Spirit Award; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4 Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus 229
"The great use o f life is to spend itfor something that will outlast it. ”-WilliamJames
J a m es S h a lh o u b
M a t t h e w Stew a r t
Campus Ministry Board 3,4; C.L.C 2,3,4; Dramatics: Drama 1,2; French Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; N.H.S. 4; Outreach 1,2,3, President 4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Petrean 4; Freshman Ambassador; Spirit Award; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; New Orleans Service Trip; Emmaus 224, Kairos I, Emmaus Team Leader; Kairos Leader
Amnesty International 3,President 4; Computer Club Treasurer 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Outreach 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Tennis 3,4; Emmaus 227; Eucharistic Minister; Kairos II
“It’s like a zoo in here...and I ’m the zoo keeper” ■Mr. Ryan Heffeman, Director o f Campus Ministry
“We celebrate the past to awaken the future. ” John F. Kennedy
A h m e d S h e ik h Chess Club 3,4; Computer Club 4; Indo-Pak Society 3,4; Math Team 3,4; Medical Club 3,4; NHS 4
"42.7% o f a ll statistics are m ade up on the spot. ” -Unknown
N ic h o l a s S t r a c k Godzilla Club 3,4; History Club 3,4; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Stage Crew 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club Secretary 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2; Kairos II
“Be the change you wish to see in the world. ” •Mahatma Gandhi
Seniors: Roman-Strack 91
Campus Shop 2,3,4; Computer Club 2,3, President 4; Culinary Club 4; French Club 1,2,3, President 4; Indo-Pak Society 1; Outreach 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227; Emmaus Team Leader; Kairos I
a ftri
o n i. A
y J erem y T an kel
“Growing older is mandatory, Growing up is optional”-Chili Davis
D u s t in T y l e k
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; History Club 2,3, Secretary 4; Seinfeld Club 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Magna Cum Laude National Latin Exam 2,3
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,4
“Life is like a box o f chocolates. You never know what y ou ’re gonna get. ” -Forrest Gump
“Just cause I ’m on a diet doesn’t mean I cant look at the menu. ” -Anthony Pane
>.T' M
M ic h a e l T a r t a g l ia Marauder Nation 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Emmaus 229; Kairos I
“Mama alw ays s a id life was like a box a chocolates, never know what y ou ’re gonna get. ” -Forrest Gump
92 Where We Started From
M a tth ew V erg a Celtic Club 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Indoor Track 2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 224; Kairos I
“I hate school and I hate all o f you! I ’m never coming back to school, never!” -Adam Sandler ‘Billy Madison’
Louis V e t t e r Culinary Club 4; Dramatics: Musical 1,2,4; Hispanic Society 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Freshman Ambassador
“I f you are what you say you are, a superstar, then have no fear, the crowd is here, an d the lights are on, and they wanna show ... ” -Lupe Fiasco
C u r t V il l a r o s a Asian-Pac. Islr. Society 1, 2; Campus Ministry Board 3; Campus Shop 3, 4; Culinary Club 4; Filipino Society 3, Vice President 4; Honor Pin 2,3,4; Emmaus 229
“Faith is to believe what you d o not see; the reward o f this faith is to see what you believe. ” -St. Augustine
G Jr
J am es W a rd Dramatics; Drama 3,4 Stage Manager 3,4; Dramatics: Musical 3,4 Stage Manager 3,4; NHS 4; Outreach 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Student Council 134; TV Studio 3; Walk-a-thon Committee 134; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Outstanding Freshman; Emmaus 224 “Once a month the skyfa lls on my head, I come to and I see another movie I want to make. * -Steven Spielberg
M a tth ew W ek w ert Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Band 3,4; Liturgical Music 3; Soccer l;Emmaus 230; Emmaus Leader; Kairos I; Kairos Leader “Every day you may m ake progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, everimproving path. You know you will never get to the end o f the journey. But this, so fa r from discouraging, only adds to the jo y and glory o f the climb. ”-Winston Churchill
C o n n o r W a lsh
F r a n k W h elan
Celtic Club 1234; Stock Market Club 1; Irish Language Club 2, Cross Country 3, Emmaus 230, Kairos 1
Academic Bowl Team 4; Art Club 2,3,4; Campus Shop 3, Vice President 4, Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Star Wars Club 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Comic Book Club 1,2,3,President 4; Paradise Lost Book Club 3; Dante’s Inferno Book Club 4; Honor Pin 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2; Rugby 3,4; Emmaus 231; Kairos I
"There are three ways that men get what they want; by planning, by working, and by praying’’ ■United States Army General: George .S. Patton
.. we a ll got friends but we stand alone... you keep the truth inside and it stays unknown. ” -Hollywood Undead
(s U
D a v id W a r d
B r e n d a n W h it e Academic Bowl Team 4; Art Club 3; Band 1,2, Section Leader 3, Vice President 4; Godzilla Club Founder 1, President 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Model U.N. 1,2,3, President 4; Seinfeld Club 1; Star Wars Club 1,2,3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 3,Vice President 4; Walk-a-thon Committee 1,2,3,4; Football 1, Hockey 1,2,3; Emmaus 224, Kairos I “Go on, get out! Last words are fo r fools who haven’t said enough!”-KarlMarxx
Seniors: Swab-White 93
T h o m a s W il e
A le x a n d e r Y a sn esk i
Celtic Club 1,2; Dance Committee 1,2; Marauder Nation, 1,2,3,4; New Orleans Service Trip, Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 227, Kairos II "We were bom to m ake manifest the glory o f God that is within us. It’s not just in some o f us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ” -Marianne Williamson
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; Band 1,2,3, President 4; Liturgical Music 3,4; Math Team 4; NHS 4; Student Council 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Freshman Gold Medal Music; Volleyball 1,2,3 Captain 4; Emmaus 228; Kairos II; Emmaus Leader; Spirit Award
K e v in W il l ia m s
R ic h a r d Z a d r o g a
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 225; Kairos I
“When I ’m down to my last breathe, I ’m gonna climb to the top o f the empire state building and get to the last step and still have h a lf left. ” - Eminem
M a t t h e w W il s o n
Marauder Nation 3,4; Polish Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Baseball 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3; Emmaus 228; Kairos II I f the minimum wasn ’t acceptable it wouldn ’t be called the minimum.-George Muncaster
M a r k Z a lesk i Art Club 1; Campus Ministry Board 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Math Team 3,4; Outreach 2,3,4; Silver Medal National Latin Exam; French Exchange; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; New Orleans Service Trip 2007; Spirit Award; Emmaus 224; Emmaus Leader, Kairos I; Kairos I Leader "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience o f trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ” -Helen Keller
J o seph Y ap Asian-Pac. Islr. Secretary 1, Vice President 2; Book Club Vice President 4; Computer Club 1,2,3 Vice President 4; French Club 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Petrean 4; Lacrosse 1; Swimming 4; Volleyball 3,4; Emmaus 226; Emmaus Team Leader; Kairos II "Whenyou reach the top o f the mountain, that's when you begin to climb. ” -Mr. Ryan Heffeman
S p ir o s Z a m ba s Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Video Game Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 226; Kairos I
"Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it” -Steve Prefontaine
C. 94 Where We Started From
M ic h a e l A g u a s D a n ie l A lfie r i L a n c e A lig o * C a r r o l l A ls to n * o sep h A lv a r e z * G a r y A p ito * E l l i n g t o n A r n o l d * V in c e n z o A v e r:llo * G a b r ie l A z a c e ta * Jo se p h B a la n c e * C u r r a n B a n a c h * A n d rew S a r o n e * P e t e r B e g l e y * Ja m e s B e l l * J u s t i n B e l l i n i * P h i l i p B e n i * v L a tth ew B e r n a l * P a l a k B h a g a t * J a c o b B l i c h a r z * J e r e m y B o n a f e ■J o s e p h B o u c h e r * J a r e d B o w e r s * B e n ja m i n B r e n n e i s * B r u c e A n •hony * B r e n d a n B r y a n t * P a t r i c k B y r n e s * A l e x C a b r e r a * M a r c Ham pom anes J a s o n C a p s e l l o * W i l l i a m C a r e y * T i m o t h y C a r n e y * ^ Ia rc C a r r i o n * D i l l o n C e g l i o * R o c c o C e r a m i * A l e s s a n d r o C e t e r a ' C a m b r id g e C h u * E r i c k C i f u e n t e s * E r i c C i r i n o * G i o v a n n i C o l a c :h ia * H e n d e r s o n C o l e I R o b e r t C o l o n e y * A n d r e w C o l u c c i * L e s l i e C o n s ta n tin e * D a n i e l C o n v e r y * D e r r ic k C o r t e z * M ic h a e l C o r t i n a ' J o s e p h C r im m in s * A i d e n C u n n i n g h a m * A n d r e D a l e y ‘ A n d r e w D el C a s t i l l o * K e v i n D e P i n t o * L o u is D i P a o l a * M a c k D o \ S a m u e l D oku s * J o h n D o l a g h a n * D o m i n i c k D e F r o n * J o h n D o n a l e s k i J r . * Iy a n D o w d * S e a n D o w d * S e a n D o w n e y * P e t e r D ru m m o n d * J o h n ) u V a l * B r i a n D y e * B r i a n F a r r e l l * D e n n i s F i g u e r o a f D a v id F i n n ' S ea n F o lg e r * D o u g la s F re em a n * G a b r ie l G a l e l la * Ju a n G a r c ia ' M in a G a y e d * K y le G e n e r e l l i | A n t h o n y G ia n n o b ile * D o m e n ic k j i o v i n e * C l a r e n c e G o c o n * C a s im G o m e z * A n d r e G r a h a m * C o r a n d o G r a n t * W illia m G r a p s tu l * H e n r y G r e e n f ie ld * B r y a n t G r if in * E r i k H a n s e l m a n * E a m o n H a r t n e t t * E l b a s a n H a x h a j * D a n i e l iENNESSY ' J o n a t h a n H e r n a n d e z * C h r i s t o p h e r H e t h e r i n g t o n * W illia m H e y e r * W i l l i e H i l l * J o s e p h H o l d e r * J e f f r e y H o n g t h o n g M ig u e l H o r t a * M a lik H o u a r i * Jo se p h H u sse y | M ic h a e l Ib a r r a * o e l I l d e f o n s o | K h u b a i b I q b a l jg J o r d a n J a f f e r j e e * P e t e r Jim e n e z * o s e p h K a r c z e w s k i * A n d r e w K i l d u f f * B r i a n K l u k o w i c z * L ia m K o l b R ay m o n d K r e n ic k i * M ic h a e l K r o h n * M ic h a e l L a u r ie J J u s t in Law re n c e * P e t e r L e B r o n * M a x w e l l L e m o s * D a n i e l L i b r o j o * F r a n c i s ,im * D a n i e l L i V o l s i * J u s t i n L o o I S e a n M a g u i r e * S h y a m M a jm u n »ar * J o s e p h M a j o r * J a r e d M a l o n e y * L u c a s M a l o n e y * T h o m a s M a n ning 1 C h a r l e s M a r a c l e * C h r i s t o p h e r M a r a f i o t i § B i l a l M a z h a r M ile s M c C a n n * K e v in M c D e r m o t t * P e t e r M c F a d d e n * A n d re w W c G ly n n * P a t r i c k M c G r a t h * D y l a n M c M a h o n * T h o m a s M c M a Iion * R y a n M c M i l l a n * C h r i s t o p h e r M c N u l t y * K e e n a n M c R a e * A lb e r t M c W i l l i a m s * D a v i d M e is * I v a n M e r c a d o * T i m o t h y M i l l e r H a r o ld M i l n e * R o b e r t M ir z a * D a v id M o n c r i e f * G r e g o r y M o r iss e y * N y r o n e M o s e l e y * J o n M u c c i o l o «] J o h n M u l h e r n * B r i a n w u n oz * M ic h a e l M u r c ia * J o h n M u rp h y * Jo se p h M u rp h y * S te Jh e n M u r p h y * K y l e N e l s o n ja D a t N g u y e n * M a t t h e w N o v a * J o h n P ’B r i e n * R i c h a r d O l i v e i r a * T o n y O n g e r i * M i c h a e l O n i e a l * J u s t i n D r tu o s te * A n t h o n y P a n e * J a y P a t e l * S t e f a n P a u l * K e v in P e d e rpN * D a v id P e r e z 5 C a s e y P e r n o * Ja m e s P i l g e r | M i g u e l P i m e n t e l * Luke P o w e r N i c h o l a s R a b ie c k i * K e v in R a m n a r a in e * F r a n k R am o s S t e p h e n R a s m u s s o n * F a h a d R i a z * S t e v e n R iz z o * B r y a n R o b i n s o n C h r is to p h e r R o b in s o n * E d w a rd R o d g e r * T h o m a s R o g e r s * G a ry L o k o szak * A r m a n d o R o m a n * W i l l i a m R o m a n * E d w a r d R o s e " J o n Lue * J u s t i n R u e i M i c h a e l R u z e k * M a r k R y a n 1 R a m o n S a n d o v a l R y a n S c h e r b a * Louis S e n e r c h i a f Ja m e s S h a l h o u b * A h m e d S h e ik h A le x a n d e r S h u t t e r ly * M ic h a e l S t e f a n e l l i * M a tth e w S te w a r t * N ic h o la s S t r a c k * R o b e r t S w a b * K e v i n S y l v e s t e r J e r e m y T a n k e l M ic h a e l T a r t a g l i a * L e e T o * D a n i e l T o m assi ; D u s tin T y le k * pATTHEW V erG A * LOUIS VETTER * C U R T VlLLAROSA * CONNOR WALSH D a v id W a r d * Ja m e s W a r d * M a t t h e w W e k w e r t * F r a n k W h e l a n * Ir e n d a n W h i t e f T h o m a s W i le * K e v in W illia m s * M a t th e w W i ls o n * a d sep h Y a p | A l e x a n d e r Y a s n e s k i * R i c h a r d Z a d r o g a M ark Z a le s k i^ (piros Z am b as *
BEST DRESSED C a s im G o m e z M a t t W ils o n B re n d a n W h ite
LIKELY TO MARRY FIRST S h y a m M a jm u n d a r Ed R ose A n th o n y G ia n n o b ile
FIRST TO ARRIVE V in c e n z o A v a r e llo K e v in M c D e r m o t t Jo e H u ssey
BEST H A I R H e n ry G r e e n fie ld A le x C a b r e r a Jo n M u c c io lo M ik e M u r c i a T o m M a n n in g
R ic h Z a d ro g a B ry a n t G r iffin Iv a n M e rc a d o H e n d e rs o n C o le
B ren d an B ry a n t V in c e n z o A v a r e llo Eam on H a rtn e tt
Ed R odger Jo e H o ld e r B r y a n R o b in s o n
C h r is M c n u lty S te v e R iz z o P a t M c G ra th
Ja r e d B o w ers
W ill H ill C o r la n d o G r a n t C h r is H e t h r in g t o n S e a n M c G u ir e
M ig u e l P im e n te l T o n y O n g eri C la r e n c e G o c o n
MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A JESUIT Eam on H a r tn e tt G r e g M o rris s e y C h r is H e t h e r in g t o n
GRADE GRUBBER D a n L ib r o jo C la r e n c e G o c o n K e v in S y lv e s t e r P e t e r D ru m m o n d
STEALTHYEST Ju s tin L a w ren ce A n d r e D a le y Je rm e y T a n k e l C o n o r W a ls h
M.LA. (ABSENT) J a so n C a po sello K e v in D e P i n t o K e v in P e d e r s o n J oe H o lder
NICKNAMES C h r i s “ R a g in g B u l l ” H e t h r i n g t o n B r ia n “ B . D y e ” D y e B r y a n “B . R o b ” R o b i n s o n J o e “H u s s -B u s ” H u sse y B r y a n t “B .G r if f ” G r if f in W i l l “T h e T h r i l l ” H il l
Senior Superlatives 97
WILLS: *1 leave my brother the name “Raging Bull” and all the
things associated with it. Let him continue the legend. - Chris Hetherington *Leader of the warm up line to Greg Kohles or Sal Santuccio —fight for it. - Joe Huss *My prep spirit and swimming skills to Chris Brito. - Mike Murcia *1 leave my parking spot to Bobby Liccardo. -Jon Mucciolo *My clown shoes to Emmit Gregory and my untucked shirt to Eric Holt. - Steve Murphy *M y football number to Raph Ortiz. - Andrew Colucci * I’d like to leave my good manners to the Dolaghan Twins. - James Shalhoub *Mike Griff, I leave you a room in my house to sleep in. - Dan Hennessy *1 leave Joel Oquendo my bunk at football camp as well as my pre-game “dressing room”. I also leave Josh
Seniors Kevin McDermot, James Shalhoub, and Steven Rizzo look around stupefied.
Alvarez the copyright to all my “jokes” - Rocco Cerami
Seniors James Shalhoub, ^ Matthew Wekwert. and Dan Hennessey seek out i the help of Ms. Rosemary Annetta to solve a hard Jersey Journal crossword puzzle.
Senior Mike Mucia admires Senior Jon Mucciolo’s golden locks.
WHAT WILL YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT PREP? "HAMLET PAPER!” ~Vincenz|| Averello “Chicken Alfredo on Tues days and Thursdays!” -Stefan Paul “I will remember all of the sportins events and the vo ciferous Marauder Nation." -Andrew McGlynn “I will remember the Christ mas lish||, pictures, and posters outside of Fr. Azzarto’s room." -Curt Villarosa
Will 'The Thrill’ Hill and Mr. Williams show off thesir athletic ability during the Studferct-Faculty Basketball Game.
98 Seniors
“The fun trips to the Green Cow.” -Alessandro Cetera “The people, the places, the football games, and Mr. DeLorenzo’s rants.” -Frank Whelan “The night before the flight to New Orleans.” •Jon Mucciolo
Mr. Jake Morris looks to see if the application of Senior Cabe Gallela’s paint has been done properly.
CLASS OF 2008 TEACHER TESTIMONIAI S To: Fr. Tony Azzarto You showed me that treating everyone with respect brings out the true person held within every single one of us. Thank you for being a great teacher and mentor. (Miguel Horta)
Senior Joseph Yap. tries entertains his raving fans by playing Sweet Home
To: Dr. Scibilia I would like to thank for helping me find my true potential and teaching me valuable life lessons along the way. (Sean Downey)
Alabama. To: Mr. Patiak You never gave up on me and always pushed me to the edge. You have truly given your heart and soul to teaching us math. You owe me 432 hours of sleep. (Eamon Hartnett) To: Mr. Urbanovich and Mr. Z I thank you for being father figures to me in and outside of the classroom. (Bill Grapstul)
WHAT DID YOU DO DURING FREE PERIODS? ’’Sleep on Heff’s couch” All Star Baseball -Jason Caposello player Chris Mc “Watch Mr. Jiran chase kids out of the library” Nulty displays his -John O’Brien pitching face. “Homework due the next period” Curran Bannach “Eat, Son” Andrew Colucci “Heff’s room. All day, e’er day” Eddie Rose DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE TO LEAVE “Absolutely everything” -Justin Lawrence THE UNDERCLASSMEN? "Get involved in the school, work hard, “Take pictures" and make as many friends as you can.” -Brendan Bryant -Andrew Colucci “Patiak Homework” "Stay in dress code. Don’t get JUG. it’s -Joe Boucher really a waste of time.” ______ -Stefan Paul “Stay fresh.” -Rich Zadroga Senior Class Clown, Steve “Don’t sleep in Delo’s class.” Murphy and -Michael Aguas Senior Dan “Buy your pool passes immediately Tomassi plan They sell out quickly.” out a half time Kevin McDermott routine for the Bayonne-Prep '’Manage your time.” Kyle Nelson Football game.
Senior Henchman Joe Hussy hoists the county championA Senior delegation helps 'Doc' Erik Sekel form a band to deliver Thanksgiving baskets to the less fortunate,
S^‘P baipetball trophy.
Where We Started From 99
Mr. Ryan Crusenski, ‘03 and Se nior Ed Rose preform a duo while on retreat.
Senior Alessandro Cetera tries to foil Senior Dan Tomassi advancement.
“Prep is Marauder Nation, whether in the stands at Caven Point, behind the stands in The Barn, or at Tailgates at Giant Stadium.” -Senior Henchman Steve Murphy
Senior Daniel Hennessey announces Coach O.D.’s scoring tac tics to the crowd watching the Senior-Facilty Basketball Game.
Mr. Ryan Heffernan shows his delight for Senior Douglas Freeman’s hug.
Duo Division I athletes, Nick Rabiecki and Chris McNulty show off their athleticism to the camera.
HOW ARE YCl) HANDLING SENICttlTIS? "About that..." "I am doing alright, but Eddie Rose even I have trouble will ingly doing everything “Fighting it to the for homework." death." •Michael Stefanelli Vincenzo Averello “I've had senioritis “I'm not." since the 6th grade. I Michael Murcia can handle it fine." -David Ward “Transferring again.” Pat Byrnes “You cannot have senioritis when you have Mr. Patiak." “I’ve never loved and -Clarence Gocon hated one thing at the same time." -Curt Villarosa
■■i t
100 Seniors
Senior Douglas Freeman suc cumbs to Junior < Mike Chianca’s grasp.
WHO WILL YOU MISS THE MOST AT PREP? ‘Juan from Gotham." Daniel Hennessy ‘Ms. Garcia" Alex Cabrera Ms. Klim." Ray Krenicki ‘Too many to name." Andrew Colucci ‘Ms. Suarez." Benjamin Brenneis
WHAT IS THE GREATEST LESSON YOU LEARNED AT PREP? "Always 50 to JUG in dress code." -Andrew Barone
‘Mr. Scott Palfos.” Andrew McGlynn ‘Mr. Heffernan, Director of Campus Ministry." James Shalhoub ‘Fr. Azzarto." Patrick McGrath
“Keep fighting for what you believe.” -Eamon Hartnett
‘Ms. Collins, the best Attendance Office Sec tary ever!" -Kevin DePinto
“Procrastination is not a good thing.” -Matthew Nova “Skipping school is not the wisest decision...” -Andrew Kilduff “Planning is the key to suecess." -Alessandro Cetera “There is a time and place for everything." -Jeremy Bonafe “Be yourself." -Chris Hetherington
I I I I I I 1
Senior Steve Rizzo demonstrates his great strength by lifting Seniors James Shalhoub and Rob Swab as other Seniors look on.
Where We Started From 101
CLASS OF 2008 TESTIMONIALS To: The Senior Football Players Thanks for a great four years and helping me become Raging Bull (Cnris Hetherington)
I 'P M
To: Anthony Pane You let me be myself and have been a true friend. My time at Prep has been special because of you. (Mark Ryan) To: Brendan Bryant W e’ve been friends since the 4th grade, and it’s going to be hard not going to school with you for the first time since then. You ve been a great friend, and I look forward to continuing our friendship (Kevin DePinto) To: Kevin DePinto We've had an amazing run going to school together since! the fourth grade. That is, getting in and out of trouble from making sure we donT fall asleep on the train leaving Prep and winding up in NY State to having adventures in Brookdale Park, you were the one who swayed me to come to Prep and these have been the best four years. (Brendan Bryant) To: Stephen Rasmusson We've been friends since freshman year and since that time we’ve dealt with each other's insanity. Thank you for being an amazing friend and listening to all my problems, helping me with your insights, and keeping me from being a mess constantly. (Tom Manning) To: Jon Mucciolo You have been the best possible friend. You have always been there for me. Running track with you was good times. Leading retreats with you is better. (Ed Rose)
Senior Matt Stewart "spidermans” off a ledge during Kairos II.
WHAT DO YOU SEE YOURSELF DOING IQ YEARS FROM WOW? “Chilling in Heffs room” James Shalhoub “Going for my PhD. Maybe teaching. Something with a school.” ■Vincenzo Averello “Hopefully teaching at Prep” -Ryan McMillan
m A \
W H f
102 Seniors
Dedicated Seniors of Maruader Nation dress up before the North Bergan football game.
“Prep has been a family to me. The friendships that I have created and the lessons I have learned will last me for a lifetime.” •Senior Douglas Freeman WHAT WAS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE INTERACTION WITH THE DEAN? “When my fingers touched Mr. Dandorph’s desk and the trap door opened. Luckily, I was able to fight off the alligators.” •Kevin McDermott “The time Mr. Dandorph grabbed a snowball out of my hand and told me I had JUG” -John O'Brien “When Mr. Morris thought I was a transfer student after I cut my hair.” -Jon Mucciolo "I'm a perfect student...sorry.” ■Jason Caposello
“Living in the city and doing something with art or writing” •John DuVal “I see myself working for some company, making a decent living, while making sure I always give something back to the community.” Michael Stefanelli
Senior Shyam Majmundar or James Bond?
11 .
Most Intelligent: X v M f l a .
H iL
D«Hi L'
Best sense of humor:
/ C o S c . u ' t jf c tf
Most Likely to Succeed:
Best Athlete:
.i v c i H ,
5 . Did Most for the School:
Most Likely to coach at Prep
Vlsik*'/ hcA/uLfy, £}0 KtlfCr([.
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Best Lunch Eater:
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/ A n / T V j W U . i k u B y C /t.1
Most Unforgettable: O ' ' f WV
t/hH < j,
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S / j M
A i d 'l l
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Most Generous:
/HgHmZIum^/ Ayini'llo
A /u L T J,(
Most Quiet:
‘P n ^ T .
b> P*Vm
f t c C * * * ',
VVA7tC>/ V
f l > 7-7-0 M t f m ,11.
pA tiLf
C o l u c U
< S A lV b » W v l*»
Most Likely to become a Jesuit: 25.
Happiest: V e n ^ « , P ' M I
L « s7 fri
/U cM ^ il)M 'W 5.
i\tA\nv\ ~ioVS________ 6. Most School Spirit
o i t & l u L o ,
)'} i r
l^ c C M
k . i H,
1\>V o l * $ 1
16. Most Likely to Become a Science Teacher at Prep
Best Dressed: r
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Best Voice:
^ f
V fT ttO -, M
i? a tv v * is * * wH m »m h
j m
£ © U t C l W f * * r t / /** 6A A //feH ,
Best Artist:
(^ O ^ T ) V A
Snytti a
H ik r T t- , S A M * 0 ? 8.
IJest Friends: (t^o names) h k w - ^
f, j i r o
IV cW A H ^ f £
18: JUG Addict:
Most Hyper
R lii A- ^
ffo titn , M y c ^ ls ,
$ > 1 " r
HA<i v 5> V-hrTt l y a s o f U M iV M u L l f o i i^h / ,I 12SLZ-— I t o i _____ t'
Most Likely to Get.Married First: 19: Most Caring:
)/V [ ( p y P t t c t b _____________ 10.
Best Personality^/H
20: Most Likely to be a
„ a
B*1 = S i X1 b ”. ‘.T‘ / ^ t b « - n *f ' h ^
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U ^ cC JjLo, fio o iw u fl K^P«P| 3 o ._ jl/U k _ £ ^ L _
Most Underrated
b lH u s
Make up your own category
S ^ U tsf™ , C ur^^^n4M /
fl!o$>t , (j i hnM>kt l-Qf
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Where We Started From 1 0 3
new tradition has taken flight in February o f 2007 when Mr. Ryan Heffeman, the Campus Ministry Director took four juniors from the class o f ’08 to St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia to take part in a Kairos retreat. Kairos is Greek for “God’s Time” and the whole retreat is an experi ence with God in the presence o f one’s peers. These four juniors were the first leaders o f the first Kairos retreat to be held at Prep. They were joined by two other students from St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia to help this retreat run smoothly. Kairos I took place in October o f 2007. The retreat lasted for four days, to allow the retreatents to find themselves, become closer to God, and from bonds with each other. The four Prep senior leaders included Bren dan Bryant, Louis DiPiaola, Eamon Hartnett, and Mark Zaleski. This also included JT Sweeney and Kieren McCourt o f St. Joseph’s Prep. When asked what he most liked about the retreat, Mr Heffeman stated, “I like the honest assessment it helps you develop. It’s an experience o f God that really had a profound impact on this year’s graduating class, and I know it will similarly affect Prep students for dozens o f years to come.” Kairos I was a success and Kairos II soon followed. Kairos II took place in February o f 2008, and had a new group o f senior leaders who were retreatents on the first Kairos. These included Jake Blicharz, Jon Mucciolo, Steve Rasmusson, Eddie Rose, James Shalhoub, Tim Carney and Matt Wekwert. Kairos II had such a strong mean ing, that it led many to understand that no two retreats are the same. “Kairos has been a great addition to Prep. It has deep roots in the Jesuit community; it’s an experience that students at nearly all Jesuit high schools and now even colleges are taking part in. It’s definitely going to be an important part o f our future here at Prep.” Says Mr. Heffeman. The two retreats received such a great response that Mr. Heffeman has already planned an additional retreat for next year. Mr. Heffeman has already taken seven juniors o f the class o f 2009 on a Kairos retreat in Maryland to prepare them to lead Kairos III next year. This Kairos retreat program has a lot o f potential, and many students have taken an interest in it this year. One hundred seniors from the class o f 2008 have taken part in a retreat, and there have been 12 staff members whom have participated as staff leaders. The strength o f this program shows that this re treat will continue to thrive throughout the years at Prep. Kairos was the start o f something great, and it can only get better.
Seniors Matt Wekwert, Frank Welan, Dan Tomassi, Vin Averello, and Fr. Azzarto, S.J. prepare for their next Kairos exercise.
104 Seniors
Guest Kairos leader Kieran McCourt and group leader Ms. Jane Bleasdale lead a small group session.
Ms. Jane Bleasdale (center) joins the Senior Kairos pyramid.
Seniors look onto beach at Stella Maris Retreat House during Kairos II.
Seniors Kevin McDermot, Brian Dye, and Chris McNulty take a break from an spiritual exercise.
Senior Kairos Leaders Lou DePiolo, Mark Zaleski, BrenIdan Bryant, and Guest Leaders from St. Joseph's Prep in Rhilidelphia Kieran McCourt and JT Sweeney prepare to Fr. Tony Azzarto, S.J. celebrates Mass overlooking the beach.
evenge. The word lay prominent in the minds of the seventy men that walked onto the turf the first hot August day for practice. To come toagain as a new team, a new family, was an undeniable privilege. The ability to be a part of a great tradition; Prep football. Yet, the team of 2008 was not merely another team to put on the silver domes. The talent of the team was great but the Marauders of 2008 possessed something that many teams fail to acquire. Leadership defined this special family. The title of “captain” fell to five seniors, Will Hill, Eric Cirino, Joe Alvarez, Anthony Giannobile, and Dan Alfieri but the role of leadership did not cease there. Rallied by other seniors, such as Joe Holder and Andre Graham, pushed by the incredible group of ju niors, and inspired by the courage of freshman Silvan Huggins, this team’s spirit was on fire. Senior, junior, sophomore, or freshman; the grade did not matter. Together, as a family, this team brought emotion and intensity to every play. Step by step they climbed the ladder. Each footrest was an imperative step ping stone which would finally lead to the inevitable return to Giants Stadium. 11-0 came quickly as the team steamrolled its opponents with a classy ferocity and the 2008 season approached the grand finale. The last Friday’s practice was surreal. Box, also known as Coach Hansen, gave the final speech before the se niors final lap. It is easily said that little sleep was had by the players and coach es that night. Come Saturday at 1:00 Raging Bull would run awkwardly around the field screaming, Joe Holder would unnecessarily fall for the last time, and the devastating hamstring pull of Andrew Colucci which crippled him for months would be a mere memory of an unbelievable season. The State Championship game was played with tremendous heart from both sidelines. Seniors poured out their hearts for their last task. Although Prep did not prevail victorious over the infamous Ironmen, the season was still incredible. They finished 11-1. The Prep football team of 2008, together an amazing family defined by their leadership and love for the game. The 2008 season is truly a story to be remembered. V
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( I ) Eric Cirino. (3) W illie Hill. (4) Steve Zrowka, (7) Nyshier Oliver, (8) Ken Smith. (9) Bill Roman. (10) Andrew Colucci, ( 12) Ju sti^ B Perez. (13) Raphael Ortiz. (14) Anthony Giannobile. (15) Joe Hussy. (16) Pat Baudhuin (17) Malcolm Farrar. (20) Nolan Dolaghan> H (21) Keith Cummings. (22) Andre Graham. (23) Chris Meliado. (24) Corey Davis. (25) Mike Nadolny. (27) Chris Dietz. (28) Brenda^B Dolaghan, (29) Mark Sjocha. (30) John Kelley. (21) Gianni McLaughlin. (32) Dan Hansen. (33) Sal Santuccio. (34) Dan Short. (35) Ducarmel Hyacinthe. (36) Sam Dokus, (37) Savon Huggins, (38) Joe Owens. (40) Paul Martino, (41) John Dougherty. (42) Greg Kohles. (43) Tevin Manning. (44) Alfred Dobson. (45) Chris Cruz. (46) Matt Grapstul. (47) Tim Flannery. (48) Edwin Ortiz. (49) H Kevin Innis. (50) Ed Rodger. (51) Corlando Grant. (52) Joshua Alvarez. (53) Joel Oquendo. (54) Sean Maly. (55) Rui Soares. (56) H Dillon Ormiston. (58) Chris Hetherington. (59) Ed Harold. (60) Charles Marade. (61) Julian Nakar. (63) Rocco Cerami. (65) Keith ■ Lumpkin. (66) Chike Gomez. (67) Alan Stickno, (68) Darren Padro. (69) Matt Feeney. (70) Dan Daniel Alfieri. (71) Khalil Wilkes, ■ (72) DJ Figueroa. (73) Daryl Greene. (74) Jake Kaufman. (75) Harold Milne. (76) Mark Rivas. (77) Anthony Wilkens. (78) Matt ■ Roake. (79) Sean Pearson. (80) Ken Walter. (81) Frank Pestana, (82) Alex Perez. (84) Zack Lanning. (85) Kevin Crawford, (86) RichH Zadroga. (87) Bao Ngo. (88) Jose Ramos. (89) Adrian Rivera. (91) Anthony Blake ____________________________
Center: Junior N yshier Oliver splits a tackle for a big game. Center Left: Coach Scott Paltos discusses O -Line strategy. Top Right: Florida Bound Senior Will Hill continues to impress teammates and opponents alike. Center Right: Sophomore Raphael Ortiz prepares to take the snap from Sophomore Dillon Ormiston. Bottom Right: Junior Justin Perez kicks an extra point to take the lead from North Bergen.
s I hopped on the bus to football camp, I was very nervous. I was sorrounded by fifty-nine strangers who soon became my brothers. I would sweat, bleed, and celebrate with my teammates for the next five months, who put their own individual flavor that became the St. Peter’s Prep Freshman Football Team,” says Freshman Brendan Higgins. While we were driving up to camp, everyone was telling fables o f their how they were “youth football leg ends, who were gauranteed starting spots.” However, when our team left camp, none o f that seemed to matter. Our primary concern was becoming undefeated Hudson County Champions. Leaving camp, they were confident in their abilities on the field, and right out o f the gate blasted Delbarton 30-6. This winning continued with victories over Memorial & Union Hill. The team had been left untested going into our game versus St. Joseph Regional School. In this game, though, we found ourselves los ing not only in the game, but for the first time o f the year. At halftime, an inspir ing speech by the coaches motivated our team to continue on. Propelled by tons o f speed from Savon Huggins and Sheldon Royster, and an interception from Defensive Lineman Dane Longa, they pulled out a win. The excitement did not end there. During our defeat o f Emerson, Sheldon Royster broke the St. Peter’s Prep Freshmen scoring records both for most touchdowns in a game, 7, and most touchdowns in a season, 29. They went on to defeat Hoboken, and become un defeated Hudson County Champions, ending the season 10-0.
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The Freshman Football Team works to prove they have what it takes to continue the legacy and becom e future varsity athletes.
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Top Left: Senior Gabe Gallela dribbles the ball down field aw ay from his opponent. Center Left: Senior Dustin Tylek prepares to pass the ball down the field as Junior Ian Buzzio looks on. Center: Senior Goaltender Captain Doug Freem an passes the ball to Junior Ben Cam argo after a save. Bottom Left: (L -R ) (1 6 ) K een M cR ae, (4) Owen Sweeney, (2 4 ) Ryan Heine, (6 ) Ian Buzzio, Head Coach John Irvine, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; 83, (1 0 ) Ellington Arnold, (2 6 ) Stephen Conley, (1 7 ) Dustin Tylek, (2 3 ) Bryan M cTiernan, (2 2 ) Mike Stefanelli, (9 ) Dylan M cM ahon, (1 1 ) Andew Hayes, (0) Thomas Cianci, (1 ) Doug Freem an, (2 ) Mike Chianca, (1 7 ) John Serzan, (2 1 ) Andrew Saa, (1 4 ) Gabe Galella, (1 8 ) Pat Egan, (7) M ax Lam os, (8 ) M ark Doherty, (1 5 ) John Doyle, (2 ) Ben Camargo Bottom Center: Coach John Irvine, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; 83 looks on as the soccer team one last time. Bottom Right: Senior Dylan M cM ahon receives a pass from a teammate and makes a sharp turn to head for the goal.
112 Where We Started From___________________________________________________
Ihis year proved to be a trying season for the varsity soccer team suffering many one goal losses; nevertheless when faced with adversity the team was able to demonstrate its great sense o f character with their “never-say-die” attitude even when they were down by a goal. These bonds o f community and brotherhood were formed at their week o f soccer camp in August and will continue to last long after they leave Prep. Despite the team’s many struggles, their heart was never questioned. This is no surprise with the guid ance o f Head Coach John Irvine, ’83 and senior Captain Douglas Freeman; they always maintained a sense o f dedication and perseverance. Through this leadership the team was able to be a solid competitor in every game they played and even in the ones they lost, a sense o f unity and camaraderie was always maintained. Even though there was only one official captain, all the seniors took turns over the course o f the season wearing a second armband displaying how all the seniors made a solid contribution to the team. Keenan McCrae was a dominant striker and a force to be reckoned with and led the team in goals and alongside him was fellow senior John Dolaghan. Seniors Dylan McMahon, Max Lemos and Dustin Tylek all put forth valuable minutes in the midfield where they would switch off their playing time. The backline was lead by se nior Gabriel Galella who played sweeper with seniors Michael Stefanelli and Ellington Arnold as right and left fullbacks. The Varsity team’s record may not reflect it, but it was a good season for the bonds formed will outlast any game’s memory or as senior Michael Stefanelli so eloquently stated, “While we had our difficult moments and more than our fair share o f heart breaking losses, the season allowed our team to form lasting friendships and memories
games are long forgotten.”
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Varsity Soccer 113
Top Left: # 10 Timothy Gonzalez plays a ball into the box against rival North Bergen. Center Left: Sophomore Timothy Gonzalez looks to make a pass up field. Center: Coach Adrian O ryshkevych gives a motivating halftime speech to beat North Bergen 1-0. Bottom Left: Against Bayonne, Sophomore Anthony Cicchino makes a div足 ing save. Bottom Center: Freshman John Serzan makes a cross at Lincoln Park.
114 Where We Started From
0-Minute Mentality. At the end o f every summer, Prep’s soccer program prepares for its up coming season at a five-day training camp. After days o f exhausting challenges, camp ends with the presentation o f a camp shirt. Emblazoned on every year’s camp shirt is an inspiration al phrase that serves a dual purpose. It both describes the effort each player has put into the season thus far and encourages continued passion for the game. The camp shirts o f this season stressed the importance o f an 80-Minute Mentality. Since a standard high school soccer game consists of two forty-minute halves, this slogan stresses the importance o f maintaining focus and determination. Prep’s 2007 JV Soccer team played as the epitome o f that concept. Although finishing with a winning record o f 9-3-3, the JV team’s season started down a rocky slope. With four out o f the first five matches resulting in either a tie or loss, the ill-fated future o f the team seemed predetermined. However under the leadership o f sophomore captains Tim Gonzalez and Justin Flores, the JV team steadily bettered itself. The willpower and strength o f this team was revealed in the four-game winning streak that followed the season’s unfortunate beginning. Many of the players attribute this success to the teamwork stressed by their coaches, Mr. Adrian Orshkevych and Mr. Adam Petit. The opponents that Prep Soccer has encountered over the years have consisted of many talented individuals. However, many o f these teams have lacked a sense o f camaraderie. Prep Soccer emphasizes trust and team chemistry, both o f which played a part in the success o f this year’s JV team. A number o f enjoyable wins, as well as frustrating ties and upsetting losses, eventually brought the team into the HCIAA Championship game against the very skillful North Bergen Bruins. JV ’s disappointing 2-1 loss to North Bergen in last year’s county championship resulted in an even greater drive to win this year. During the intense finale, the marauders proved themselves to have both a greater 80-Minute Mentality and sense o f teamwork. With a 2-0 victory over a capable adversary, the success that Prep’s JV Soccer team attained reveals a promising future for this program. J
jop (L-R'i: ( 6 ) Matthew Woods, Matthew Lopes, ( 8 ) Kevin Moriarty, (22) Nicholas Murphy, 26) Maxwell Miesemer, (G) Mark Zatta, (10) Timothy Gonzalez, Philip Buzzerio, (21) )aniel Bellido, (18) Ryan Lynch, Coach Adrian Oryshkevych. Lottom (L-R): (14) Timothy McManus, (5) Angelo Addesso, (13) Alexander Smith, (12) Levin Cevasco, (19) Michael Yager, (11) Justin Flores, (15) Court Wallner, (24) Henry Izumski, (18) James Sylvester
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he 2007 Cross Country season was a magical journey Early season disappointments such as a 2nd place team finish in the City Cham pionship seemed to be the trend for Prep. It looked as if the season would be one o f rebuilding. But at the end o f the season, despite a ranking o f 4th, the harriers finished 2nd in the HCTCA Championships, losing to Memorial by only 2 points. The race was a turning point for the team. The season was capped off with Senior Peter Drummond and Junior Joe Livi making 1st team All- County and Junior James Murduca making 2nd team. With only one varsity runner leaving (Senor Peter Drummond), the com ing years look bright for the Marauders. Returning Captains Joe Livi and James Murduca lead a talented young array o f underclassmen. Plagued by injuries over the past two years, Junior Andrew Mernar hopes to stay healthy and remind Hudson County why he was predicted to be a dominant force as an upperclassman. He was among the top 5 freshman runners in the county and hopes to be among the top 5 next year at the varsity level. Freshman phenom Kevin “Future” Garrigan hopes to make the varsity team next year and show the county what is to come over the next few years. After break ing the Prep freshman 1600 indoor record this year with a time o f 4:53, he certainly has the potential to do big things. It won’t be easy making the team next year though with six returning runners and at least another five who are capable o f filling in that 7th spot. Next year looks like it might be one o f the best in Prep history. In regard to next season Sophomore Ryan Smith put it perfectly, “We want to win a County Championship.”
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Center: Juniors Joe Livi, Lucas Nechert, Senior Peter Drummond, and Junior Jam es Marduca lead the pack South Hudson Championship. Center Left: Coach Je ff A lcoser reviews time with Senior Dan Tomassi. Bottom Left: Head Coach Michael Burgess gives a motivational speech to Junior Jam es Marduca. Top Right: Juniors Lucas Nechert and Andrew M em ar push to complete the course. Bottom Right: Sophomore Ryan Smith runs uphill to place at H CIAA Championship. Center Right: Loyola Marymount University bound Senior Captain Peter Drummond leads in the Parochial Championship.
rom a 4-9 team, to finishing the season 9-4, we were indeed a Cinderella team. This team will be remembered for winning Prep's first county title since ’01. The 2007 basketball season was a tumultuous one, filled with an ebb ana flow that made predicting the way our team would play on any given night an exercise in futility. The season seemingly started off with promise, a dominating victory over St. Mary's 66-38, and coupled with a strong Marauder Nation turnout, it seemed as if this lineup of two freshman, a sophomore, and two seniors woulc indeed make some noise in the HCIAA We entered the Christmas tournament with a swag that we would soon learn was not warranted by a team that had only been practicing together for less than a month and had three players, Walker, Lumpkin, and Ortiz, that only nad a game of varsity basketball under their belts. We ended up losing three of the next four. We returned to school, and lost two straight, including rival Hudson Catholic. We were 4-9, and technically at this time we could not qualify for State playoffs. We aid not want our senior season to end this way. We wanted to play with a sense of pride. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain. The next game against North Bergen would set the tempo for the rest of our season. Going into a harsh North Bergen gym with litde support from the student body and just our parents there rooting for us, we prevailed. Raph had 21 points, Lumpkin 18, Joe Holder had a double-double, and Rabeicki had a stalwart defense, including contest ing a North Bergen lay-up that if they made, would have won them the game. We won in OT thriller 76-66. We then continued to win our next three, the team could not hav been playing better. Coach Kelly scheduled a surprise game, V a r s it y S e a so n a showdown against Summit, that if we won would allow u: to enter State tournament play. Led by my contribution of 14 points and 9 boards, Nick's leadership, Walker’s fancy pass ing, and Lumpkin dominating down-low allowed us to beat Summit. A sense of destiny seemed to be guiding this team. We entered the Bayonne game as heavy underdogs, a raucous crowd greeted us, but they were partially offset by a strong Marauder Nation showing. We eventually won the game in overtime. Our floor general, Walker, went down due to injury but we were able to rebound. We coasted through the Emer son game, with Walker leading the way with an impressive 21 points, Joe Holder added in 18, and JJ 13. Nick and I did an excellent job on Jairo Cruz, virtually shutting down the Hud son County Player of the Year. We entered the championship game with nothing to lose. Nick stepped up, doing what he does best. We know why his mother calls him “Mr. Decem ber”. He led the team to a Hudson County Tide, with Raph Ortiz hitting an almost impossible game winning shot. Even though we went on to lose a heart breaker , 49-46, to SJV, it was still a remarkable season.
118 Where We Started From
Bottom Right: Senior Captain (2 1 ) Joe Holder, Sophomore Brandon Perez, and Freshman Keith Lumpkin play spectacular defense to beat Emerson 6855 Center: Breakthrough Freshman Kevin W alker prepares to beat his defender at Toga Night, in the Barn. M id-Center: Mr. Michael K elly reviews a strategic play to win a buzzer beater vs. Bayonne in the H C IA A playoffs. Top Left: Senior Captain N ick Rabiecki sinks a wrap around to tie Emerson. Overlay: Senior Captain Joe Holder goes shoots a lay-up. Bottom Left: Sophomore Guard J J Hladik sinks one o f his many 3 point shots for the season and Freshman Kevin Walker looks on.
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Top Left: Freshman Jack Baudhuin sinks a foul shot verse Hudson. Bottom Left: Freshman Captain Philip M cGovern shoots for net verse Em er son in the B am . Center: Revving up his team, Coach Daniel Healy gives a motivational speech, Bottom Center: Freshman Derek Gotay sinks a tieing shot verse Hudson. Top Right: Freshman Christopher M iller looks for the pass. Bottom Right: Point leading Calvin Alston shoots a foul shot.
120 Where We From •' ~ — — Started BC=~~' .--=
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his year s Freshman Basketball Team endured one rollercoaster of a season, starting at tryouts in November with over 50 freshmen coming out for the team. After numerous rounds of cuts, a final team was set which included: Calvin Alston, Mike Abdo, Derek Goytay, Connor Albertus, John Irvine, Max Miesmer, Ryan Heine, Joe Carol, Matt LaBau, Phil McGovern, Mark Zatta, Jack Baudhuin, Roberto Cortinez, Chris Miller, and Sheldon Royster. From the be ginning of the year, nobody outside the team really gave the team much of a chance at a successful season, seeing as 5 freshmen had bee moved up to the JV and Varsity levels, and also due to the fact the team wasn't physically impos ing; but from the first day of practice on coaches Mr. Dan Healy ana Mr. Bill Ryan stressed the importance of playing harder than any other team and coming together as a cohesive unit. Coach Healy had this to say about the team early in the season, "At the be ginning of the season no decision was easy for Coach of who was going to make the team, ’ to play, who was going to play were difficult, early tity”. After scrimmages against Nutley. Hackensack, Bloomfield, and Seton Hall Prep, the team opened up against St. Anthony’s with a tough loss, coupled with the broken foot of key player Matt LaBau, that could have easily left the team feeling sorry about themselves, but the team bounced back in their Christmas tournament that ensued. With Ryan Heine leading the way in the tournament, the team came out with wins against tough Scotch Plains and Westfield teams, leaving them the consensus winner of the tournament, even though there was no official winner. After convincing wins against Marist and Hudson Catholic, the team lost a heartbreaker against Bayonne by one point. Despite one of the team's best-played g_ames of the year, they came up just short losing a thriller. In their final game of the season against Union Hill, the team was all but eliminated from the playoffs, but they still played with heart and determination, epitomizing what this year’s freshman team was all about. “Well you know it was a tougn journey from the get go, I mean we didn’t have the most skill out there but it was a fun run and it was great being out there with those guys day in day out and it was a tough end to the season but we gave it our all,” says point guard Ryan Heine in reflection on the season. Coach Healy had this to say looking back on the season, “Every single kid competed ever single second they stepped between the lines. In order to be victorious we had to outwork the other team, and I couldn't have been prouder of the way our guys played.” J u n io r V a r s it y S e a s o n : p § , ■§R§ R ».j L
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Top Left: Seniors A lexander Shutterly, John Mulhern, Francis Lim , Joel Ildelfonso, Bill Grapstul, and Junior Richard Hajduk make up the Varsity Bowling Team. Center L eft: Senior Bill Grapstul attempts to keeps his concentration to roll his third consecutive strike. Center: The JV Bowling Team consist of: Junior A lexander Lupo, Seniors Justin L oo, Henry Greenfield, Ram on Sandoval, Sophomores Cory Bena足 vides, E ric Z ebrow ski, , and Ronald Benavides. Bottom Left: Senior A lexander Shutterly rolls a strike verse McNair. Bottom Center: Coach Mr. Robert Zawistowski gives guidance to Junior A lexander Lupo. Right: Senior Francis Lim demonstrates his bowling stance as he launches a ball down the lane.
122 Where We Started From
rep’s Varsity Bowling team set out in search o f its first county title since the 2003 season. The team was lead by Coach Bob Zawistowski and Senior captain’s Bill Grapstul and Francis Lim. When asked for a comment on the season, Senior Bill Grapstul replied, “we had a lot o f good matches that we won this season, but we just came up short in the end.” Playing against common rivals such as Bayonne, Hudson Catholic, & County Prep High Schools taught the team to strike early and strike often, otherwise their opponents would surge into the lead late in the matches. Consistent league leading scores by Seniors Alex Shutterly, Joel Ildelfonso, and John Mulhem kept the team in the running for the county championship. However, the team would not have shared the success that they achieved without the help o f underclassmen Ricky Hajduk and Keith Cummings, who both made the county All-Star team. The team fought their battles hard and won majority o f them, but when all was said and done, they fell just short of their goal o f the title and captured 2nd Place overall. The J.V. Bowling team found the same success as the Varsity team this season. Looking for their third straight county championship, the team was headed by Seniors Justin Loo and Henry Greenfield. The team blazed by their opponents winning all regular season games aside from one loss. Top performers for the season were highlighted by standout Junior Alex Lupo, Sophomore Cory Benavides, and his Freshman brother Ron Benavides, as well as Eric Zebrowski. The team fought alongside their varsity counterparts in Bayonne at Hudson Lanes. However, they traveled to for eign territory in North Bergen for the chance o f winning a third consecutive championship. Both teams fought well, but North Bergen prevailed in the end. The team will lose their two star captains, but will look to their returning players to try to win another title next season. When asked for comment, Alex Lupo had this to say: “I was on the team the past two seasons when we had won, and this season was just a heartbreaker. To get to this point and have it slip by you [the championship] is just a hard thing that we have to take.” He hopes that next season will bring bigger and better things for both the Varsity and J.V. teams.
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Entering the 2007-2008 season many returning Saint Peter’s Prep fenc ers expected the season to be much like the two proceeding years. How ever, this year proved to be a year full o f surprises and accomplishments. Some o f these included a major turnout o f interested fencers at tryouts lead ing to a much bigger team compared to the previous years. Interested stu dents included not just freshmen, but also sophomores, juniors, and seniors who had previously not known Prep had a fencing team. In addition Prep fencers moved from the Grammar school to a much more fencing oriented complex, Cobra Fencing Club, leading to both more equipment and more room to fence. The Marauders competed in tournaments and meets against schools such as Bayonne, Gill St. Bernard, Watchung Hills as well as nationally recog nized schools such as Governor Livingston and St. Benedict’s. The record o f 4 wins and 5 defeats in no way does justice to the team which over these past 2 years has grown exponentially. Going from just a club to a strong varsity sport in an incredible short amount o f time. This growth was not only seen by the team, but also by the Jersey Journal which published a page on the team and its accomplishments in early February. The Saint Pe ter’s Prep team is not solely known for its improvement, but also for their widely acknowledged saber fencer, Sean Buckley, who has ranked second in the state and 6th nationally. Senior captains Alessandro Cetera, David Ward, and Curran Banach will be leaving this year and will no doubt have left their mark as they led the team through a year o f change and most importantly improvement.
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Under the leadership o f Head Coach Mr. Abdel Abdelaziz, Assistant Coach Mr. Gregory Evans, and Senior Captains Alessandro Cetera, David Ward, and Curran Banach the Prep Fencing Team have shown their maturity as a Varsity sport.
Fencing 125
With the Varsity depleted by graduating seniors and players leaving to pursue other hockey opportuni ties, Prep’s JV was fortunate to be graced with a very young and talented team. Lead by Senior Captain Sean Downey, the JV team matured quickly and adapted well to Gordon Conference play, coming up with an impressive tie against perennial powerhouse Seton Hall in only the 3rd game o f the season. The resil iency and dedication o f the team showed throughout the season. Though sometimes overmatched in size and experience the team was never out matched in heart. The team demonstrated their poise and never quit spirit with a strong finish, winning 3 o f the last 5 games o f the season. They finished 6-8-1, a respectable record for such a youthful team. Sophomore Kevin Zdanowicz had a breakout year as the team’s leading scorer and Freshman Pete Siebel really came into his own as the season progressed notching a pivotal hat trick against Ramapo. Since the oldest players after Downey were only sophomores, the team showed great maturity and promise despite being so young. Their puck movement and chemistry carried them through the season, compensating for always playing with a short bench. Scrappy play from Sophomores Mike Wright and Justin Niscia as well as Freshman Mike Minervini was a testament to the future o f Prep hockey. There is no doubt that this team will continue to grow as they move on together to finish the job o f bringing success to Prep Hockey.
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Top Center: Senior Joseph Ballance fends o ff a Seton Hall defenseman. Center: Head Coach Mr. Joseph Maione and Assistant Coach Mr. Anthony Pasculli give riveting pre-game speeches before the Don B osco hockey game. Top Right: Junior K yle Robinson falls on top o f a C B A hockey player after an attempted check. Center Right: Junior goalie Brian Gaven reflects an incoming wrist shot. Bottom Right: Senior Captain Timothy Miller carries the puck toward the Pope John goal.
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Top Right: Senior Jerem y Bonafe clears his all time height o f 5 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1 1 on the High Jump. Center: Juniors Joseph Perez, Lucas Netchert, and Bryan M cTieman receive advice from Head Coach Mr. Mike Burgess. Left Center: Junior Bryan M cTiem an receives a batton from fellow Junior Jam es M arduca in a relay race. Bottom Right: Junior Joe Livi passes a batton to Junior Rich O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Conner during the Pearsal Relay.
128 Where We Started From
Prep’s Indoor Track team upheld their longstanding tradition of excellence. Led by Captains Peter Drummond ’08, Joseph Livi ’09, and James Murduca ’09 with the excellent coaching o f Coach Burgess, Coach McCann, and Coach Camacho they battled tough competition in every meet. Drummond had an especially memorable season coming in first in both the Jersey City and Hud son County 3200 meter race with Murduca winning the Jersey City, Hudson County, and Hudson County Track Coaches Association 800 meter races. Greg Kholes ’09 also had an outstanding season, being the only member o f Prep Track to go to the State Meet o f Champions. While prestigious titles eluded the team this season, Captain Peter Drummond states “The team's young and should dominate the county in the next few years.”
ea so n
eco rd
Indoor Track 129
Top Left: Prep’s Swim Team poses for a picture. Center Left: Senior John O ’Brien dives into his lane for the 2 0 0 Medley Relay. Bottom Left: Senior Daniel LiVolsi, Captain, uses the butterfly stroke to make his way down the lane verse dickinson. Center: A llstar Freshman Christopher Cannizzaro takes a breath during the Jersey City Campionships._ Bottom Center: Head Coach Mr. Ryan Heffernan strategizes with his team before the Bayonne Meet. Right: Senior Peter Jim enez prepares to climb out o f the pool after win ning the 100 Breastroke.
130 Where We Started From
The Prep Swim Team enjoyed one o f its finest seasons in its history during the 2007-2008 campaign. Under the guid ance o f head coach Mr. Ryan Heffeman and assistant coaches Mr. Frank Giordano and Mr. Brian Jones, Prep finished with a 6-3 dual meet regular season record. The only losses came to state-ranked #10 Pingry, #5 Westfield, and #7 BridgewaterRaritan. The team was led by senior captains Peter Jimenez, Dan iel LiVolsi, and John O’Brien. However, any team’s success relies on depth and Prep could fill every lane with speed this year. Juniors Tommy Tanyag, Alex Yu and Andrew Kelly contributed earned important points this year. Sophomores Peter Dougherty and Ryan Gordon showed remarkable im provement since freshman year and added stability to the freestyle and butterfly events. The freshman class possessed one o f the best groups o f swimmers to enter Prep in awhile. Chris Cannizzaro, Will Brown, Liam Tully, and Michael Bajuz scored many valuable points for the team and brought optimism for the future o f the program. After its early losses to ranked opponents, the swim team ran off five consecutive wins, capping the streak with their sixth consecutive North Jersey Sectional title. Prep also made its return to the state tournament after a one year absence. In the first round, they edged #15 in the state Delbarton. They would bow to #8 Seton Hall Prep, in the following round yet swam valiantly. Prep amassed just over 3600 powerpoints, their second highest in team history. Back in Hudson County, Prep cruised to a decisive victory at the Jersey City Champi onships. Prep would make a statement in the Pacific Division of the Hudson County Championships, not only by the large margin o f victory, but by winning all eleven events and setting seven meet records. The Prep Swim team concluded its sea son at the New Jersey Meet o f Champions. The 200 medley relay team o f Tanyag, Jimenez, LiVolsi, and Brown took 13 th overall. Individually, Peter Jimenez finished 5th overall in the 100 breastroke. The Prep Swim team will look to remain competitive around the state next year and for many seasons to come. It is through the hard work by the swimmers and coaching staff that the Prep Swim Team remains the winningest team in Prep history.
ea so n
67 108
Jhe I wrestling team facing many obstacles this season was able to rebound from those challenges and finish off the season strongly. The team was led by the determined Head Coach Mr. Anthony Verdi, ’95 and by the Assis tant Coaches Ed Roselle, Mark Taraszkiewicz, ‘97, Tom Ferraro, A.J. Caprio, ‘99, and Brian Innis. Additionally, varsity wrestling was led by Senior Captains John Donaleski, Ryan Dowd, and Kevin Williams. Closely following their lead were Seniors Mike Laurie, Corlando Grant, Palak Bhagat and Junior Emmet Gregory, who finished with a district second. With such great leadership the team was able to triumph against competitive teams such as Cliffside Park and prevail in many tournaments. The wrestling team went beyond the season, however, and prevailed in multiple tournaments. John Donaleski, Ryan Dowd and Sophomore Kevin Innis were all District 16 champions. Kevin Williams and Freshman Devin Ruiz prevailed in the 1301b weight class by coming third in the District. Kevin Innis followed that performance by winning the 2151b weight class in Region 4. Also, John Donaleski and Ryan Dowd came third in S ea so n Region 4 earning them a trip to the State Finals in Atlantic City. 21 PERTH AM BOY 47 The team, overall, placed sec 28 MONSIGNOR FARRELL 36 ond in District 16 showing their 32 M ORRIS KNOLLS 31 strong unity as a team and their 26 PASSAIC VALLEY 46 dedication to the sport. The 47 LIVINGSTON 18 wrestling team went beyond the 50 CLIFFSIDE PARK 15 season when Kevin Innis placed 24 CENTRAL REGIONAL 36 4th in the NHSCA Sophomore BARNEGAT 54 14 Nationals. 21 NORTH BERGEN 47 23 DON BOSCO PREP 50 25 W EST E SSE X 27 24 HASBROUCK HEIGHTS 46 RIDGEFIELDPARK 22 49 CRESSKILL 21 46 25 WALL TWP HS 37 BRICK MEMORIAL BISHOP AHR PARAMUS ST. BEN EDICT’S SPARTA DISTRICT 16 REGION 4 - PRE-QUARTER REGION 4 - QUARTER REGION 4 - SEMI & FINALS NJSIAA - PRELIM & PREQUARTERS NJSIAA - QUARTERS & SEMIS NJSIAA - FINALS & CONSOLATIONS
132 Where We Started From
Top Center: Freshman Muhammad Abdur-Rahman wears out an opponent from on top. Left: Senior Kevin W illiams begins a bout in the neutral position. Bottom Center: (L -R ) Coach Ferraro, Coach Innis, Matt Murphy, Joe Grosch, K evin Innis, Tony Sabater, M att Fenney, Christopher Sankat, Jam es Lancellotte, John Donaleski, Emitt Gregory, Ryan Dowd, Raulph Daily, Palak Bhagat, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman, Jam es Fo x, Coach Verdi, (next row) Kevin Williams, Pat Cappielo, Rui Soares, Mike Laurie, M ichael Handy, Devin Ruiz, Corlando Grant Top Right: Senior Ryan Dowd takes down an opponent with a half nelson. Bottom Right: Junior Em it G regory holding his opponent in a near fall position. Bottom Center: Senior John Donaleski gets his hand raised after a solid victory.
Wrestling 133
ew students leave Prep as the bell rings to go straight home, great aspect to Saint Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is that the school offers a wide variety of activities from which students can choose. A student who is wellcultured may participate in the Celtic Club, French Club, or the newly-founded Ukrainian Club. One who is interested in literature may be part of the Book Club, Paper and Pen, or the Literary Magazine. There are also clubs that provide career paths for students like the Engineering % Club, Medical Club, and Stock Market Club. Events at Prep in which students can participate in are not uncommon. Theatre productions like A View from the Bridge or thle 30 Hour Famine are available for students to participate in. Students may go to a Copa Del Prep game, practice for a sport or play, or a meeting for a club. Participating in these groups and events allows students to meet other students who share common interests as well as experience a richer education at Grand & Warren.
134 Activity Divider
Bellow: On stage, Seniors David Meis and Mark Ryan show off their acting chops in the fall drama, /t View form the
Center: The concert band, all dressed up to the nines, follows their fearless conductor Mr. Steve Caslowitz
Bridge. Top Right: Prep chorus preform in the Cafe Christmas Concert.
Bottom Right: Sophomore James Kuklinski plays the saxophone in the much loved Prep Jazz Band.
loshua Zarichnyj, Connor Scott, Brendan w hite, Zachary Helming, Ms. Theresa Panzera
136 Where We Started From
b h
JSiC § 'fin J
E w
Enrique Lopez IN, Andrew Kelly, Amar Mar tinez, Austin Cabrera, Michael Rex Casio, Nelson Lennihan, Anthony Marulanda, Mark Lotfalla, Delphin Ganapin
4 W* / i
en a Prep student leaves the school after his four years, it is very likely that the aspect he lo o k s b ack on w ith the most fondness will be his involvem ent in Prep's extra-curricular activities. For any interest that a Prep student may have, it is more likely than not that Prep will have a fitting club. For example, students can join a plethora of clubs that participate in things ranging from playing bocce with the Italian Club at JFK field to playing soccer in the gym for the coveted Copa Del Frep. Prep men can travel “far, far away" to play laser tag with the Star Wars Club or simply walk down the hall to watch movies such as Patton and The Longest Day with the History Club. Students can test their business prowess and play the market with the Stock Market Club. Going w j beyond the confines of Grand and Warren, students can go into New York City to watch a film with the Independent , 1 Film Society or even go with the Medical Club to observe
an actual surgical procedure. Performers tried out for the winter drama, A View from a Bridge, or the spring musical, Footloose. Those who prefer to be behind the scenes participate in Stage Crew assisting both performances. Students who take part in instrumental performances can jo in th e ja z z band, which made quite a splash this year at the Academic H o n o r s C o n v o c a t io n . For those interested in communications, Prep affords num erous op p ortu nities. Students are able to write for the school newspaper. The Petroc, or the school yearbook, The Petrean, as well as take pictures for both establishments. Those who have written works of poetry or fiction can submit their compositions to the school literary magazine, Literama. As for students who enjoy film and actin g, the TV Studio creates productions year-roun d , en tertain in g Prep students during luncn periods and congregations.
Curran Banach, Michael Cortina Gabriel Dal’Maso, Raymond Kremcki, Thomas Man ning, Dustin Tylek. Michael Krohn, Sean Downey, Ryan McMillan, Arithoney Pane, Ethan Gaviria , Brendan W hite, David Ward
Andrew Rader,Louis Sullivanjameson Vicuna.Kevin SylvesterAlexan yu.Richard Czirbik.Michael Czirbik, Enrique Lopez. Gustavo Rodriguez, Jonathan Spivack, Kevin Tolentino, Alexander Vasneski, Seamus Dwyer. Mark Bovich, John Bratowicz, Vincent Caldas, Les Constantine. James Kuklinski, Rudolfo Mazo. Miles McCann, Juan Velasquez, Jonathan Wong, Thomas Brodowski, Samuel Dokus, Sean Ryan. Michael Villavicencio. Baritone Saxophone, Doug Payne. Benjamin Blanchfield, Vincent Brinas, Eamon Hartnett. Justin Guerra-Sarreal, James Sylvester, David Park, Brendan White, Stephen Yasneski, Joseph Jordan, Christopher Hetherington,Calvin Alston, Daniel Bellido, Michael Conti, Wesley Davis, William Kender, Kevin McDermott, Michael Onieal, Patrick Panageas, Daniel Smythe, Matthew Wekwert, Keenan McRae, Nicholas Jorgensen, Lucas Kuzinski. Richard Sese, Nicholas Schreiber, James Werner
Luke Power, Rashad Davis, Louis Sullivan, Jameson Vicuna, Chris Hetherington, Andrew Rader
138 Where We Started From
Mr. Erich Sekel, Ms. K, Andrew Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Amato, Brendan Gordon, John Kuntz, Bryant Garcia, Elliot Montalvan
Gerald Castaldo, Eric Jablonski, Matthew Bender, Reece Minerley, Colin O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor, Matthew Cevasco, Conor Albertus, Edward Rose, Joseph Maini, Christopher Dietz, Graham W yville, Ellington Arnold, Albert McW illiams, James Kuklinski, James Ward, Kevin Cevasco
Jeremy Tankel, Daniel Hennessey, Miguel Pimentel, Anthoney Bruce, Sean Downey, John O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Patrick McGrath, Jared Bowers
Leslie Constantine, Alexander Yu, Jose Izquierdo, Lucas Netchert, Mr. Michael McCarthy
Service trips to New Orleans and Kentucky.
Kenneth Slaski, Ms. Rosemary Annetta, Thomas Manning, Brendan Bryant, Sean Downey, Mark Doherty, Justin Guerra-Sarreal, Jared Bowers, Miguel Pimentel, Bryant Griffin
140 Where We Started From
Finn, Andrew Smith, Bryan McTiernan, Kevin Crawford, Liam Colford, Mathew Bender, Nicholas Jorgensen
man's commitment AA to helping others through JL X service is a defining characteristic and sets him apart from students at other high schools. One reason for such distinction is the fact that a Prep student’s commitment to service is taken very seriously. From as early as freshman year, students are involved in service projects. This continues through sophomore year. More so than the other years, service is most central toTrep Juniors. The sixty hour requirement seems impossible for most at first glance. However, once students begin chipping away at their hour quota, something very interesting happens: the students go above and beyond w hat is required of them. At first, students may view service as a requirem ent. H ow ever, m any discover that service is a rewarding endeavor. During the summer before their junior year begins, many sophomores participate in Immersion Trips which take students all over the eastern United States. In completing their service requirement, they spend much more than sixty hours doing their service.
However, it is not the required service that truly speaks volumes of a Prep student's character. It is the service that Prep students do of their own volition. Many students return to the sites of their junior service th e fo llo w in g su m m er though it is not required of them to do so. In addition, d o zen s o f stu d en ts are members of Prep’s Outreach Club, w ho participate in collecting Thanksgiving food and C hristm as presents, making Easter baskets, as well as going on food runs throughout the metro area. E x e m p l i f y i n g the importance of service to a Prep student, a number of Prep Seniors traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana in August of 200/ to help w ith the Hurricane Katrina Relief effort. What truly makes this trip special is that it was proposed by the students. It was not the administration who first brought up the idea of going to New Orleans; it was the students with a deep sense of obligation to their fellow man. After four years at Grand and Warren, we leave not as men for ourselves, but truly, as Men for Others.
Edward Harold, Nelson Lennihan, Carroll Alston, Bryant Garcia, W illiam Cretinon, Kevin Tony Ongeri, Mack Do, Miguel Pimen tel, Nyrome Moseley
Activities 141
Bryant Griffin, Anythony Bruce, Tevin Man足 ning, Daniel Hennessey, Patrick McGrath, Chike Gomez, Edward Harold, Jared Bowers, Miguel Pimentel, Kojo Tetevi
Mr. Frank Giordano, Daniel Rivera, Sushanta Mozumder, Daniel Librojo, Christian Subol, Mark Doherty, Henry Rodriguez, Eamon Hartnett
142 Where We Started From
James Shalhoub, Mr. Ryan Grusenski, Peter Drummond, Bryan McTieman, Jared Bowers, Reece Minerley, Sean Finn, Patrick Egan, Lim Colford, Kenneth Slaski, Mathew Bender
Connor Scott, Ms. Mary Durante, Sushanta Mozumder, Mathew Mazzari, Omar Marti足 nez, Sean Ryan, Darian Rivera, David Perez, Mr. Jon Dwyer
Charles Castello, Omar Martinez, Nelson Lennihan, Joshua Zarichnyj, Sushanta Mozumder, Sean Ryan
Janek Zadroga, Jose Izquierdo, David Moreira, Mitchell Kiebus, Mathew Bender, W illie Emanuele
Swetal Patel, Niel Patel, Conor Scott, Anond Brahmbhatt, Shyam Majmundar, Alexander Yu, Joshua Zarichnyj, Jay Patel
Rocco Cerami, Alexander Yasneski, Derrick Cortez, Michael Stefanelli, Daniel Librojo, Eamon Hartnett, Marc Carrion, Daniel LiVolsi, Jay Patel, Michael Aguas, Christopher McNulty, Bryan Robinson, Juan Garcia
144 Where We Started From
Jon Mucciolo, Keenan Moriarty, Clive Mangere, Matthew Grapstul, Robert Mirza Joshua I Callan, Ms. Hilda Suarez
Matthew Grapstul, Ryan McKeary, Louis Senerchia, Matthew Stewart, Thomas Tulp, Alexander Dellabella
Christopher M cNulty (Marauder), Steven Rizzo, Stephen Murphy, Joseph Hussy, Gabriel Galella, Robert Swab, Dillon Ceglio, Patrick McGrath, Daniel Hennessey
Charles Costello, Omar Martinez, Nelson Lennihan, Joshua Zarichnyj, Darren Rivera, Sushanta Mozumder, Sean Ryan
Activities 145
Mr. Erik Sekel, Gabriel Gallela, Ellington Arnold, Tim othy Carney, Christopher McNulty, Swetal Patel, Louis Senerchia, Christopher Baranok, Steven Rizzo, Michael Muchia, James Shalhoub, Jon Mucciolo
Thomas Manning, Joshua Zarichnyj, Reece Minerely, Sean Ryan, Eamon Hartnett, Daniel Librojo, Louis Sullivan
Mr. Erik Sekel, Gabriel Gallela, Ellington Arnold, Tim othy Carney, Christopher McNulty, Swetal Patel, Louis Senerchia, Christopher Baranok, Steven Rizzo, Michael Muchia, James Shalhoub, Jon Mucciolo
Reece Minerley, Daniel Librojo, David Meis, Eamon Hartnett, Spiros Zambas, Mr. Benja足 min Patiak, Sean Ryan, Louis Sullivan
146 Where We Started From
Joseph Maini, Eamon Hartnett, Jeremy Ho, Liam Colford, Kenneth Slaski, Henry Green-
Brendan Canale, Dr. Jeff Hartling, Mr. Ste足 phen Distinti, John McCarthy, Daniel Seara, Joshua Barry, Cory Benavides, Missing: Rolold Benavides, Stephen Yasneski
Janek Zadroga, Ryan Scherba, Charles Castello, Joshua Zarichnyj, Reece Minerely, Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych, Christopher Fernan足 dez, Sean McGuire
Andrew Kelly, Anthony Marulanda, Enrique Lopez III, Sean Buckley, Michael Rex Casio, Austin Cabrera, Delfin Ganapin, Mark Lotfalla, Nathaniel Salzman, Nelson Linnihan
Activities 147
tudent life at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School incorporates spirituality and community. Retreats like Emmaus and Kairos enable students to enhance their spiritual life while Marauder Nation is a way in which students are able to build a spirt of fun and brotherhood. It is known that Prep is a second home for students that encompasses both faith and camaraderie. The Campus #*.■ Ministry Department, headed by Mr. Ryan Heffernan, provides students opportunities to deepen their faith. A retreat is offered for H I. every class each year: the Freshman Ignite Retreat, Sophomore Day Retreat, Emmaus, and Kairos. As for entertainment, students can take part in Marauder Nation and enthusiastically support their classmates. These activities that are offered to students allow for a richer and more involved time at Saint Peter’s Prep **«) which makes Prep unique.
148 Student Life Divider
A S ea
ith phenomenal leadership, intriguing theme nights, and outstanding pre-game and post-game activities, Marauder Nation engaged the en tire St. Peter’s Prep community, leaving an indelible mark on Grand and Warren. Led by Marauder Chris McNulty and Henchmen Steve Rizzo, Nick Rabiecki, Stephen Murphy, Joe Hussey, Pat McGrath, Rob Swab, Gabe Galella, Dan Hennessey, and Dillon Ceglio, this club worked diligently to instill a sense of pride and brotherhood on campus. Whether it meant printing weekly copies of The Henchman, Marauder Nation's official newsletter, paint ing banners to hang up in the cafeteria, or holding an impromptu Pep Rally, the leaders of the "Nation" ensured that Prep's athletic teams had a special advantage over their opponents. One aspect of this year’s Marauder Nation that made it very popular among students was its inclusion of various “theme nights” during Football and Basketball seasons. “Italian Appreciation Night”, the first theme of the football season, resulted in students from all classes spiking their hair and frolicking nonstop while the Marauders torched the Bulldogs of Ferris, 48-7. Theme nights were instrumental in involving members from each grade-level. A week later, Marauder Nation used a theme that had not been attempted since the Class of 2005, “Gendeman’s Nation.” Students arrived at the game against Dickinson in full winter dress code, holding newspapers, top hats, and fake pipes. These two themes, purposely used against two of the lesser teams on Prep's schedule, encouraged students to support the football team, regard less of the opponent. During the winter, Prep students took their bed sheets to the Barn and participated in "Toga Night,” a theme unveiled by the Class of 2006. No football game was complete without an outstanding tailgate before hand. Thanks to Brendan Bryant, member of Marauder Nation and coordina tor of the football tailgates, Marauder Nation had tailgates the likes of which had never been seen by Prep students. The typical menu of hamburgers and hot dogs expanded to include grilled chicken, wings, Ms. Suarez's fried chick en, chili, and breakfast sandwiches. Moreover, these exceptional tailgates were funded through fundraisers during the 5A and 5B lunch periods. Longtime Marauder Nation moderator, Father Michael Hoag, S.J., retired on a high note. The Camaraderie for which Marauder Nation is renowned reached an all time high this year, crossing all class levels, and lifting the spir its of the school.
Seniors Daniel LiVolsi. Timothy Carney paint “ PREP" on their chests before the Prep Football opening game verse Delbarton at Giant Stadium.
150 W here We Started From
Right: Junior David Moreira joins in as Senior Hench man Patrick McGraph begins "Wish you went to Peter's" chant during the Memorial football game.
Junior Richard Hajduk paints up Junior Joseph Maini, as Sophomore Timothy Gon zalez and Junior Matthew Bender wait their turn before the Hudson football game.
Ms. Hilda Suarez helps with necessary food prepa rations at one of the many tailgates she attends.
Senior Brendan Bryant serves up one of his famous tailgate burgers to fellow classmates Seniors Joel lldefonso, Sean Dowd and Junior Joseph Maini.
Senior James Ward, Juniors Patrick Cappiello, John Manly, and Freshman George Aquila display their Prep pride at Caven Point.
Marauder Nation at Toga Night in "The Barn” distracts an Emerson basketball player preparing for a free throw.
Marauder Nation fill the stands at Caven Point field during the ESPNU evening football game verse Bergen Catholic.
Marauder Nation 151
here w e began is very sim ilar to w here w e have ended. Each and every one of us began at hom e; w e m ade a conscious deci sion to attend Prep, and that decision w ould ultim ately mold
us from boys into m en. In retrospect, it is difficult to rem em ber exact days; instead, w e rem em ber phrases, m om ents, and people. It’s funny
h ow things w ork. W e entered Prep, got accustom ed to w aking up early, taking the train, and m eeting n ew people. W hether it w as through aca demics, clubs, or sports, St. Peter's Prep has had an im m ense effect on each and every one o f us. Strangers have turned to acquaintances, and acquaintances have turned to friends. N ow , those friends are brothersm ine and yours through places and events such as: Emm aus, Kairos, Caven Point, the Barn, the Pond, E404, the Cafe, the H arry Siperstein Library, the Freshm an for a D a y Room , H eff's R oom , the Courtyard, and the G otham , Prep has shaped our lives forever. As the B on Jovi song goes, “Y ou take the hom e from the boy, but not the b o y from his hom e. Th ese are m y streets, the only life I've ever kn ow n .” In a w ay, w e all feel these lyrics are contingent upon our Prep experience. W hile Prep m ay be taken from us, it w ill truly never leave us, and the m om ents, m em ories, experiences, accom plishm ents, laughs, and tears w e have shared w ithin our four years are the only things w e ’ve ever know n. W e have been a part o f a trem endous change throughout the hal low ed halls o f St. Peter’s Prep. O ur class, the Class of 2 0 0 8 , w ill certainly go dow n in the history books as one o f the m ost successful, rem em bered classes in recent m em ory. W e strived for and achieved excellence, and greatness, and Prep has m ade m en out of over two-hundred boys w hich stumbled onto Grand & W arren that rainy, Septem ber m orning. Our extrem ely diverse class has becom e one. As w e bid farew ell to our second hom e, let us n o t forget w h at w e have m eant to Prep, and m ore so, w hat Prep has m eant to us. A fter all, it’s n o t just Prep '0 8 , it’s Prep for life! M ay God Bless each and every one o f you. A M D G !
154 Where We Started From
■ ia m n a ia i IH M H im
w ere inspired by the lyrics to answ er G od’s call for us “to serve one another”, to love tenderly”, “to act w ith ju stice”, and “to w alk hum bly w ith G od”. T he them e echoed throughout the school year and w as often loudly belted at the end o f M asses b y the entire Prep congregation. Q uiedy it w as heard in the hum ble actions of students serving beyond their required Christian Service hours, b y students and faculty openly reflecting on retreat, and in the loving w a y the Prep com m u nity strives to act tow ards each other. T h e Junior Em m aus retreat celebrated its thirtieth year at Prep. Each year the Senior leaders and faculty give m em bers of the Junior class a chance to get aw ay for three days o f reflection. T h e eight Em m aus retreats this year w ere m eaningful experiences o f grow th for the Class o f 2 0 0 9 . It has becom e an im portant and m uch anticipated part o f a Prep student’s experience. W ith such a successful Junior retreat in place, Kairos cam e to Prep. Kairos I and Kairos II created an opportunity for Seniors to have a m eaningful retreat experience. W ith the help o f students from Saint Joseph's Prep in Philadelphia, about half o f the Class o f 2 0 0 8 left behind this n ew tradition for future Senior classes. T h e intense reflection experience w as w ell received. T h e Freshm an retreat w as changed to an overnight retreat rather than the typical day retreat. Led b y the Senior Em m aus T eam Leaders and Eucharistic M m iste rsjth e “IgN ite” (for St. Ignatius of Loyola and overnight) kicked o ff in O ctober. T h e central them es o f this retreat w ere unity and friendship, w hich w ere perfect for Freshm an students w ith in their first tw o m onths in high school w h o are getting to k n ow their n ew classm ates. T h e Freshm en and Senior lead ers participated in a variety of group sessions and icebreakers to help create and strengthen friendships. T h e Sophom ore “H alftime'7 retreat focused on w h at the Sophom ores had been through in their first tw o years at Prep, and w h at they hoped for in their n ext tw o years. Sophom ores traveled to the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, the H 1 H H H ' r ' r C er Tean oper o f m aturity and trust in their fellow classm ates. T h ey are doubtlessly ready for their Junior year and w hatever lies ahead of them ,” Senior Emmaus T eam Leader Jon M u cciolo said. Later on in the year, Sophom ores participated in Sophom ore C onversations w ith faculty and their parents, relating back to simi lar them es. M r. Erich Sekel '9 8 enjoyed his first year at Prep as Assistant Campus M inis try D irector and C hristian Service D irector. M r. Sekel helped the Freshm en comthm c ~ - u----------plet ' • 1 r ...... n— leir sixty hours w ith the marginalized or im m ersion trip and a journal to reflect on the experiences. M an y students cam e back to do voluntary service such as the N ativity C hristm as Party, the Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the A dopt-a-fam ily C hristm as program
Juniors Gerald Castaldo, Bren dan Canale, and Cody Panella play an icebreaker before mov ing into the next spiritual exercise on Emmaus 234-
Freshmen Andrew DonofriO, Thomas Collins, and Joseph Carroll participate in a commu nity building exercise during the Freshman IgNight Retreat.
Fr. Michael Hoag, S£, hands out communion.
Seniors Michael Murcia, Stephen Murphy, and Jon Mucciolo assist Mr. Erik Sekel in preparing Easter Basket.
Where We Started From 153
Top Left: During recess students lineup to get their hot dog fix Bottom Left: lunior Benjamin Camargo hangs out with his little charge during Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip. Center: Seniors Michael Cortina, Brendan W hite, and Alexander Yasneski jam out in Mr. Keatingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s classroom after school. Bottom Center: Prep students start and end their ca reer at the crossroads of Grand and Warren. Circle: Two friends catchup in the court yard at lunch. Bottom Left: Second place W inner, Senior Michael Cortina entered the No Child Left Inside contest of Jersey City under the persuasion of Ms. Hilda Suarez. 156 Where We Started From
I ...1
Left Circle: Prep Men congregate by the gate at lunch. Center: lunior Eric Bujnowski and Senior Emmaus Team Leader Daniel Tomassi complete the Emmaus 234 pyramid. Bottom Center: lunior lohn Bratowicz and Sophomore James Kuklinski talk about the upcoming lacrosse season in between classes. Top Right: Senior Tim othy Carney and Sophomore Kyle Robinson teach inner-city children at The Boys and Girls Center how to play lacrosse. Bottom Right: Emmaus Team Leader, Senior Brendan Bryant, carves a delicious turkey prepared by Ms. Theresa Panzera on Emmuas 236. â&#x2013; -< , y _______________________________________ Community 155
T T 7*
JKere We Started From is a very fittin g title to this
\ \ / y earb o o k . M a n y tim es, especially as students
g ro w older, w e ov erlook the sparkle th at the
begin n in g o f high sch o o l provides. Freshm an O rien tatio n is an excitin g tim e fo r the in co m in g students and it is then th a t w e are in aw e o f Prep. A t this y e a r's orien tation , in each h o m ero o m , fresh m en w ro te d o w n a few goals th at th e y w ish to fulfill. T h e y co n tem p late ab o u t the n ext four y ears o f their lives, and lo o k forw ard to high sch ool w ith great aspirations. A s fresh m en b eco m e so p h om ores, th e y have already b eco m e acclim ated to com m u tin g, school-life in Jersey C ity , and perhaps w ak in g up early. T h e sop h om ores are fin ally able to rein so m e su periority regardless if it is over o n ly the fresh m en . A s th e sop h om ores b eco m e juniors, th e y w itn ess an im m en se ad d ition to their w orldoad. W ith A .P. classes and college as n e w food fo r thought, ju niors are o fte n to o b u sy fo r an yth in g b u t academ ics. Sen io r y ear provides students w ith m o re opportunities to reflect over th eir high sch o o l career. T h o u g h the sch ool w o rk does n o t get easier, seniors still take it u p on them 足 selves to reflect. T h e y have m o re tim e to discover w h ere th e y started from . Perhaps it w as in the cafe, foyer, ath足 letic field, o r classroom , b u t everyone started from som e足 w h ere at Prep. H opefu lly, all th o se w h o graduate from Prep are ab le to appreciate the place fro m w h ere th ey have started.
Closing 157
A Abdelaziz, Abdel 125 Abdo, Michael 46,121 Abdur-Rahman, Muhammad 46,133 Abio, Julen 58 Adams, Scott 83 Addesso, Angelo 46,115 Agbeyegbe, Omayemi 46 Aguas, Michael 68,99,144 Ajami, Michael 46 Albern, Ryan 52 Albers, Kevin 16,43 Albers, Patrick 58 Alburtus, Connor 46,121 Alcoser, Jeffrey 17,43,117 Alfieri, Daniel 3,7,68,108 Alfred, Ryan 46 Aligo, Lance 68 Aligo, Louis 46 Allen, Marcus 46 Alston, Calvin 46,120,121,138 Alston, Carroll 2,68,141,142 Alvarez, Joseph 20,68,108 Alvarez, Joshua 58,98,108 Angermeyer, Janet 19,44 Annetta, Rosemary 43,98,140 Apito, Gary 7,68 Aquila, George 46,151 Aquino, Brandon 46 Armstrong, Billie Joe 88 Armstrong, John 52 Arnold, Ellington 68,112,113,146,152 Arrospide, Andrew 58 Arteaga, Juan 44 Augustine, Mark 52 Auth, Michael 58 Avallone, Robert 58 Avanessians, Aram 52 Averello, Vincenzo 2, 68, 96, 97, 98,100,102,104 Azaceta, Gabriel 69,73 Azzarto, Anthony 15,45,99,105 B Badaracco, Victor 58 Baez, Kenny 58 Bajuz, Michael 46,131 Balderacchi, Dale 52 Ballance, Joseph 69,127 Banach, Curran 27,29,69,73, 96, 99,124,125,137 Baranok, Christian 58,64,65,146 Barnes, Tifari 46 Barone, Andrew 26,69,101 Barry, Joshua 52,147 Barry, Justin 52 Batalla, Christopher 52 Bates, Charles 46 Baudhuin, Jack 46,120,121 Baudhuin, Patrick 52,108 Bayas, Marlon 52 Beales, Aedan 52 Beck, Curt 46
160 Where We Started From
Beckmann, Paul 58 Begley, Peter 69 Belisle, Jean--Michael 46 Bell, James 69 Bellido, Daniel 52,115,138 Bellini, Justin 69 Benavides, Cory 52,122,123,147 Benavides, Ronald 46,122,123,147 Bender, Matthew 27, 58,140,142,143,151 Benedict, Elizabeth 45 Beni, Philip 26, 69 Berle, Milton 82 Berman, Lori 15,45 Bernal, Matthew 70 Bernardo, Joseph 52 Bethea, Harum 46 Bhagat, Palak 70,132,133 Bilchuk, Nick 52 Binder, Andrea 58,64 Blake, Anthony 58,65,108 Blanchfield, Benjamin 58,65 Blauvelt, James 58 Bleasdale, Jane 20,21,44,104 Blicharz, Jacob 7,27,29,70,104 Blicharz, Michael 52 Bolos, Dan 58 Bonafe, Jeremy 70,101,128 Bonanno, Joe 77
Bond, James 102 Borland, William 46 Borsellino, Joseph 58 Boucher, Joe 99 Boucher, Joseph 70 Bovich, Lawrence 58 Bovich, Mark 46,138 Bowers, Chesley 52 Bowers, Jared 70,97,139,140,142 Boyarko IV, Nicholas 46 Brabham, Kirk 52 Brahmbhatt, Anand 58,144 Bratowicz, John 58,138,155 Brenneis, Benjamin 36,70,96,101 Brinas, Vincent 52,138 Brito, Christopher 52,98 Broadbent, Alex 58 Brodowski, Thomas 52,138 Brooks, Herb 75 Brown, Les 85 Brown, William 46,131 Browning, Robert 74 Bruce, Anthoney 70,139 Bruno, Dominick 52 Brush, Matthew 74 Bryan, William J. 80 Bryant, Brendan 71, 96, 97, 99, 102, 104, 105, 140, 150,151,155 Buckley, Sean 58,124,147 Buckman, Joseph 52 Bujnowski, Eric 58, 65,155 Bullaro, Robert 52 Bunn, Joseph 4,46 Burgess, Mike 117,128,129 Burokas, David 23,42 Butryum, Jan 38,39
Buzzerio, Philip 52,115 Buzzio, Ian 58, 65,112 Byram, Kevin 58 Byrne, Tyler 52 Byrnes, Pat 71,100
C Cabrera, Alex 71,97,101 Cabrera, Austin 46 Calabrese, James 52 Caldas, Vincent 52,138 Callahan, T. Craig 46 Callan, Robert Mirza Joshua 144 Called, Are 153 Camacho, Coach 129 Camargo, Benjamin 58,65,112,156 Campbell, Joseph 68 Campion, John 10,19,44 Campomanes, Franz 46 Campomanes, Marc 3,71 Camus, Albert 71 Canale, Brendan 58,64,147,153 Candela, Joseph 58 Cannizzaro, Christopher 46,130,131 Caposello, Jason 71,97,99,102 Cappiello, Patrick 58,65,133,151 Cardoz, Peter 46 Carey, William 71 Carmody, Richard 58 Carney, Michael 46 Carney, Timothy 64,71,104,146,150,155 Carol, Joe 121 Carrier, Jr., Charles 52 Carrion, Marc 71,144 Carroll, Joseph 46,153 Carroll, Neil 58,65 Casanovas, Walter 58 Casazza, Diane 36,37 Casio, Michael Rex 58,65,147 Casio, Rex Gerard 46 Caslowitz, Steven 28,45 Castaldo, Gerard 58,153 Castello, Charles 143 Castillo, Andrew Del 46,74 Ceglio, Dillon 72,150 Centeno, Daniel 46 Center, Xavier 153 Cerami, Rocco 72,98,108,144 Cervasco, Sophomore Kevin 57 Cetera, Alessandro 7,72,98,100,101,124,125 Cevasco, Kevin 52,115 Chan, Brandon 46 Charriez, Christopher 46 Chaudhri, Muhammad 58 Chaudhry, Moneeb 58 Chee, Nicholas 46 Chesterton, GK 85 Chianca, Michael 35,58,101,112 Chicas, Willy 52 Chouza, Alvaro 52 Chowdhury, Alexander 46 Chu, Cambridge 72 Cianci, Thomas 58,112 Cicchetti, Justin 58 Cicchino, Anthony 52,114
Signatures 159
Gardner, Stephen 59 Garner, Ian 47 Garrigan, Kevin 47 Garsia, Bryan 54 Gasiewski, Stanley 27 Gate, Brandenburg 26,27 Gaven, Brian 59,127 Gaviria, Andrew 47 Gaviria, Ethan 59,137 Gayed, Mina 2,76 Generelli, Kyle 24,76,96 Generoso, July 54 Giannobile, Anthony 77,97,108 Giannone, William 47 Git, Kael 59 Gilliam, Patrick 47 Ginebra, Gabriel 47 Giordano, Frank 24,25,38,42,131,142 Giordano, Mr. 44 Giordano, Paul 47 Giovine, Domenick 29,77 Glazer, Ella 45,73 Gleason, Conner 54 Gocon, Clarence 2,77,97,100 Goldsmith, Oliver 70 Gomez, Casim 77,97 Gomez, Chike 54,108 Gomez, Nery 24,42 Gomilla, Benjamin 26,27 Gonzalez, Daniel 59 Gonzalez, Timothy 39, 54,114,115,151 Goodluck, Richard 47 Gordon, Brendan 54 Gordon, Ryan 54,131 Gorski, Anthony 47 Governale, Adam 54 Goytay, Derek 47,120,121 Graham, Andre 77,108 Grant, Corlando 77,97,108,132,133 Grant, Kevin 47 Grapstul, Matthew 54,108,144,145 Grapstul, William 2,77,99,122,123 Grasing, Jamie 47 Greene, Daryl 59,108 Greenfield, Henry 77,97,122,123,147 Gregory, Emmet 59,98,132,133 Griffin, Bryant 78, 96, 97,140 Griffin, Eric 47 Griffin, Michael 63,98 Groark, Julie 18,44 Grosch, Joseph 47,133 Grusinski, Ryan 24,25,26,27,42,100,142 Guadalupe, Kevin 47 Gualario, Grace 34,35 Guerra-Sarreal, Justin 59,138,140 Gutch, James 59 H Haanel, Charles 77 Haber, Travis 47 Hackler, Geoffrey 54 Hajduk, Richard 59,122,123,151 Hajduk, Ricky 123 Handsman, Kevin 59 Handy, Michael 60,133 Hanh, Thich Nhat 86
162 Where We Started From
Hanna, Marc 54 Hanselman, Erik 78 Hansen, Daniel 60,108 Hansen, Richard 44,45,108 Harden, Conor 47 Harold, Jim 28 Harold, Jr., Eddie 54,108 Harrigan, Todd 47 Harris, Jeffrey 47 Hart, Stephen 47 Hartling, Jeffrey 20,28,44,147 Hartnett, Eamon 78, 96, 97, 99,101,104,138,142, 144,146,147 Hartzell, Matthew 47 Hassan, Kazim 60 Havok, Davey 86 Haxhaj, Elbasan 78 Hayes, Andrew 54,112 Healy, Daniel 4,13,42,47,51,120,121 Hector, Angel 54 Hederman, John 60,64 Heffernan, Ryan 32,45,65,91,94,100,101,104,130, 131,152,153,160 Heine, Ryan 47,112,121 Helming, Zachary 54,136 Hennessy, Daniel 4,6,7,78,98,100,101,139,150 Heredia, Michael 14,60 Hernandez, Jonathan 78 Hernandez, Joseph 60 Hetherington, Christopher 15, 78, 97, 98, 101, 102, 108,138 Hetherington, Michael 47 Heumann-Pugach, Eleanor 45 Heyer, William 7,78,96 Higgins, Brendan 47,110 Hill, Willie 79,96,97,98,108,109 Hladik, John 54,119 Ho, Jeremy 47 Hoag, Michael 4,19,44,150,153 Holder, Joseph 35, 79, 96, 97,108,118,119 Hollywood, James 12,39,42 Holowienka, Matthew 47 Holt, Eric 60,98 Hongthong, Jeffrey 79 Hood, Christopher 60 Horan, James 36,37 Horta, Miguel 79,99 Houari, Malik 20,79 Houghton, Ryan 47 Huggins, Savon 47,108,110 Hughes, Khiry 48 Hugo, Elo 40 Hurd IV, Joy Seth 22,23,42,44,140 Hussy, Joseph 79, 97, 98,99,108,150 Hwang, Debra 43 Hyacinthe, Ducarmel 54,108
I Ibarra, Michael 24, 79 Ibarrola, Aaron 25,60 lldelfonso, Joel 7,79,122,123,151 Innis, Brian 132,133 Innis, Kevin 54,108,132,133 Iqbal, Khubaib 80 Irvine, John 32,37,48,112,113,121 Irwin, William 48
Izquierdo, Jose 60,139,143 J Jablonski, Eric 48 Jackson, Sequan 54 Jafferjee, Jordan 80 James, William 91 Jimenez, Peter 80,130,131 Jiran, Michael 36,37,44,99 Johnson, E. Paul 60 Johnson, Samuel 77 Jones, Brian 131 Jordan, Joseph 48,138 Jorgensen, Nicholas 138,140 Julian, Matthew 54 K Kaczor, Matthew 54,60 Kafka, Franz 88 Kahrer, Michael 54 Kameno, Anthony 60,65 Karczewski, Joseph 80 Katzman, Harrison 48 Kaufman, Jake 108 Kaufmann, John 54 Kearney, David 25,60 Kearns, Conor 48 Kearns, James 60 Kearns, Ryan 48 Keating, Anthony 16,27,43 Keating, Mr. 156 Kelley, John 54,108 Kelly, Andrew 60,131,147 Kelly, Michael 119 Kelso, Bob 76 Kender, William 60,138 Kennedy, Alex 48 Kennedy, Richard 18,44 Kerwin, James 48 Khan, Harris 60 Khan, Mohammed 60 Khatri, Jigar 60 Khawaja, Zaen 54 Khost, Henry 48 Kickey, Jesse 54 Kiebus, Mitchell 60,143 Kiesow, Patrick 26,27,60 Kijne, Jonathan 54 Kilduff, Andrew 80,101 King, Jr., Edward 48 Kitamura, Gabriel 54 Klim, Megan 28,29,45,101 Klukowicz, Brian 80 Knittel, Erin 22,23,42 Kohles, Greg 98,108 Kohles, Gregory 60,98,108,129 Kolb, Liam 2,80 Kolodka, Parker 54 Koszyk, Walter 19,44 Kowalczyk, Jay 60 Kozinski, Lucas 28,60 Krenicki, Raymond 80,101,137 Krohn, Michael 81,137 Kuklinski, James 22,28,54,138,155 Kurasz, Michael 54 Kushnir, Jake 54
Cifuentes, Erick 72 Cirino, Eric 72,108 Civilization, World 16 Clarkin, Joseph 52 Clermont, Robinson 52 Cogott, Alexander 52 Colacchla, Giovanni 72 Cole, Henderson 72,96, 97 Cole, Sean 52 Colford, Liam 58,64,65,140,142,147 College, Canisius 27 Collins, Cecilia 34,35,101 Collins, James 43 Collins, Thomas 46,153 Colon, Evan 46 Coloney, Robert 73,96 Colucci, Andrew 73,98, 99,101,108 Conley, Stephen 58,112 Connor, Daniel 59 Constantine, Leslie 73,138,139 Conti, Michael 59,138 Contreras, Oscar 59 Convery, Andrew 46 Convery, Daniel 73 Copernicus, Nicolaus 29 Cordato, Nicholas 46 Cornwell, Zachary 46 Cortez, Derrick 12,73,144 Cortez, Robert 59 Cortiria, Alexander 52 Cortina, Michael 28,29,73,96,137,156 Cortinez, Roberto 46,121 Cosgrpve, (<evin 46 Costello, Charles 59,144 Costello, Frank 86 Costello, Maithew 52 Crawford, Kevin 59,64,108,140 Crean, Robert 46 Cretinon, William 52 Crimmins, Joseph 73 CrimminS, Patrick 53 Cruz, Christopher 65,108 Cruz, Jairo 118 Cruz, Rafael 46 Cruz, Jr., Alan 53 Cuddihy, Kevin 2,34 Cummings, Keith 53,108,123 Cummings, William 53 Cilnneen, Paul 16,17,43 Cunnigham, Aiden 73 Cunnihgham, Kevin 46 Cunningham, Jason 47 Cunningham, Nancy 37 Cutola, Matthew 59 Czirbik, Michael 53,138 Czirbik, Richard 59,138 Czmola, Evan 53 D D'Agostino, Justin 53 D'Amato, Andrew 59 D'Urso, Mario 47 Daily, Raulph 133 Dalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Maso, Gabriel 59,137 Daley, Andre 74,97
Daly, Ralph 53 Dandorph, Ken 12,42,43,44,51,102 Davis, Alexander 53 Davis, Chili 92 Davis, Corey 53,108 Davis, Rashad 21,59,138 Davis, Wesley 59,138 Day, Charlie 90 de Armas, Steven 53 de Crescenzo, Luciano 82 de La Fuente, Ronald James 53 DeAngelo, James 27,32,34,35 Debs, Eugene 29 Delaon, Dan Casey 59 Delgado, Emmanuel 59 Dellabella, Alexander 59,145 DeLorenzo, Carl 17,43,98 DeLorenzo, Zachary 47 DeMarco, Matthew 53 DePaz, Luis 47 DePinto, Kevin 4,35,74,96,97,101,102,105 DeSimone, Matthew 22,53 Diaz, Alexander 23,53 Diaz, Marc Paolo 5,53 Dicrisci, David 53 DiCroce, Michael 53 Dietz, Christopher 53,108 Dimino, Michael 47 Dimitrey, Paul 53 Dingcong, Ian 53 Dinneen, James J. 45 DiPiaola, Louis 2,74,96,104 Distinti, Stephen 23,42,147 Do, Mack 74,141,142 Dobson, Alfred 53,108 Doherty, Mark 59,64,65,112,140,142 Dokus, Sam 108 Dokus, Samuel 74,138 Dolaghan, Brendan 108 Dolaghan, John 74,113 Dolaghan, Nolan 108 Dominick, DeFron 74 Donahue, Ryan 53 Donaleski, Jr., John 75,132,133 Donaway, Daniel 53 Dondero, James 14,15,45 Dondero, Mr, 15 Donofrio, Andrew 47,153 Donovan, Jr., Timothy 47 Dougherty, Peter 53,131 Doughety, John 59,108 Dowd, Ryan 75,132,133 Dowd, Sean 7,75,151 Downey, Sean 75,99,126,137,139,140 Doyle, John 59,112 Drummond, Peter 27,75,96,97,116,117,129,142 Durante, Mary 14,15,45,143 DuVal, John 3,75,102 Dwyer, Jonathan 20,44,45,143 Dwyer, Mr. 20,45 Dwyer, Seamus 47,138 Dye, Brian 75,105
E Eck, Gary 47 Eckert, Jed 85 Egan, Patrick 26,59,64,112,142 Ellard, Mark 47 Ellett, Christian 53 Emanuele, Willie 24, 59,143 Espinoza, Daniel 59 Evans, Gregory 12,42,125 Evans, Michael 53 F Falcon, David 47 Farley, Chris 89 Farley, Luke 53 Farrar, Malcolm 59,108 Farrell, Brian 17,75 Feeney, Matthew 53,108 Feinstein, Joseph 53 Felipe, Erik 53 Fenney, Matt 133 Fernandez, Christopher 59,147 Fernandez, Jonathan 53 Fernandez, Jose-Daniel 53 Fernandez, Roger 47 Ferrara, Robert 47 Ferraro, Tom 132,133 Fiasco, Lupe 81,93 Figueroa, Dennis 29,76,108 Finn, David 20,76 Finn, Mary 35 Finn, Sean 26,59,140,142 Fiume, Christopher 59,63 Flannery, Timothy 53,108 Fletcher, Michael 44
Flintstone, Fred 78
Flores, Justin 53,115 Fluellen, Chase 47 Flynn, John 53 Foley, Matthew 47,89 Foley, William 59 Folger, Sean 3,76 Fong, William 59 Foord, Conrad 59 Force, Stephen 47 Ford, Kate 39 Forker, James 53 Fournier, Richard 53 Fox, James 47,133 Freeman, Douglas 7,76,100,101,102,112,113 Frost, Robert 76 Fuentes, Manuel 47 Fumia, Michael 53 Fuqua, Ardley 53 G Galano, Frederick 20,44 Galasso, Nicholas 47 Galella, Gabriel 76,98,112,113,146,150 Galiszewski, Christopher 47 Ganapin, Delfin 59 Garcia, Juan 76,96,144 Garcia, Sebastian 59 Garcia, Ana 24,42,101 Gardner, James 54
Index 161
Murphy, Nicholas 4,49,115 Murphy, Stephen 4, 7, 24, 86, 96, 98, 99,100,150, 153 Murrell, Stefan 50 Musarra, Christopher 55 N Nadolny, Michael 61,108 Nakar, Julian 55,108 Napier, Mark 49 Naughton, John 61,65 Nazarenko, Daniel 49 Nechert, Lucas 117 Needham-Doyle, Ginny 36,37 Nelson, Kyle 2,86,99 Nelson, Terrance 61 Netchert, Lucas 61,128,139,152 Ng, Jonathan 61 Ngo, Bao 61,108 Nguyen, Dat 86 Nguyen, Quang 49 Niemczyk, Robert 55 Niscia, Justin 55,126 Nodine, Robert 39 Nova, Matthew 86,96,101 Nunez, Christopher 43
O O'Brien, Daniel 43,152
O’Brien, John 4,6,7,26,27,86,99,102,130,131,139 O’Connor, Colin 61,63 O’Connor, Richard 61,128 O’Donnell, Brian 49 O’Donnell, Terrance 55 O’Leary, Conor 49 Obregon, Luis 49 Oliveira, Richard 29,87 Oliver, Nyshier 61,108,109 Ongeri, Tony 87,97,141,142 Onieal, Michael 17,87,138 Oquendo, Joel 61,98,108 Orama, Joseph 49 Ormiston, Dillon 55,108,109 Orshkevych, Adrian 115 Ortiz, Edwin 55,108 Ortiz, Raphael 55,98,108,109,118 Ortuoste, Justin 24,87 Oryshkevych, Adrian 16,17,43,114,115,147 Osborne, Derek 49 Owens, Joe 108 Oxenham, John 76 Oyola, Bryan 49 P Padre, Francis 49 Padro, Darren 108 Page, John 49 Paltos, Scott 45,101,109 Panageas, Patrick 49,138 Pane, Anthony 17,87,92,96,102,137 Pannella, Cody 61,153 Panzera, Theresa 43,155 Pappaceno, Paul 49 Pardo, Darren 55 Pardo, Raymond 55 Park, David 55,138 Parker, Trey 68
164 Where We Started From
Patel, Jay 87,144 Patel, Manan 49 Patel, Neil 61,144 Patel, Swetal 61,144,146 Paternoster, Paul 63 Patiak, Benjamin 10,12,42,44,99,100,146 Patton, Abel 61 Paul, Stefan 87,98,99 Paulsen, Peter 61 Payne, Doug 49,138 Pearson, Sean 61,108 Pederson, Kevin 2,87,97 Pena, Jonathan 55 Perez, Alex 108 Perez, Alexander 55 Perez, Angel 49 Perez, Brandon 55,119 Perez, Daniel 49 Perez, David 88,143 Perez, Joseph 61 Perez, Justin 61,65,108,109,128 Perno, Casey 88 Pershad, Omar 49 Pestana, Frank 108 Peters, Richard 19,44 Petit, Adam 115 Pilger, James 18,88 Pilovsky, William 56 Pimentel, Miguel 88,97,139,140,141,142 Pindar, Patrick 22,56 Pineiro, Juan 49 Polanin, Michael 49 Porter, Matthew 56 Power, Luke 88,138 Prefontaine, Steve 94 Purcell, Ryan 56 Q Quinn, Sean 56 Quinn, Thomas 49 Quintas, James 49 Quispe, Johnny 12, 61 R Rabiecki, Nicholas 4,88,96,100,119,150 Rabiecki, Patrick 56 Rader, Andrew 61,138 Raeford, Ra'John 61 Raithatha, Sunny 56 Ramdat, Michael 49 Ramirez, Carmelo 40 Ramnaraine, Kevin 88 Ramos, Franklin 88 Ramos, Jose 108 Rasmusson, Steve 89,102,104 Raulli, Enrico 2,15,44,45 Reidy, Pat 32,35 Reiser, Robert 34,35,37,40 Restrepo, Justin 61 Reynolds, Philip 5,16,61 Reynolds, William 49 Reynoso, Angel 62 Riaz, Essa 56 Riaz, Fahad 89 Riaz, Saad 56 Ricciardi, Kevin 49
Ricigliano, Michael 62 Rivas, Mark 56,108 Rivera, Adrian 56,108 Rivera, Daniel 62 Rivera, Darian 143 Rivera, Darren 56 Rivera, Rene 38,39 Rizzo, Michael 56 Rizzo, Steven 7,89,96,97,98,101,146,150 Roake, Matt 108 Roake, Matthew 56 Robbins, Anthony 83 Robinson, Bryan 4,89,97,144 Robinson, Christopher 18,89 Robinson, Kyle 56,127,155 Rodger, Edward 24,89,97,108 Rodgers, Michael 62 Rodgers, Tom 26 Rodrigues, Renato 56 Rodriguez, Gustavo 62,138 Rodriguez, Henry 62 Rogers, Thomas 89 Rokoszak, Gary 89 Roman, Armando 90 Roman, William 24,90,108 Romano, Rosalie 24,25,42 Rosado, Jose 4,49 Rose, Edward 90,97,99,100,102,104,150 Rosenberg, Jason 62 Rosso, Christian 49 Rotondo, Dominick 49 Rousso, Justin 49 Rowan, Kathleen 15,45 Roy, Nikko 56 Royster, Sheldon 49,110,121 Ruane, Kevin 49 Rubenstein, Natasha 37 Rubinstein, Yetunde 14,15,45 Rudner, Christian 40 Rue, Jon 2,90 Rue, Justin 3,90 Rufolo, Michael 49 Ruiz, Devin 49,132,133 Rusu, Teofil 49 Rutkowski, Anthony 56 Ruzek, Michael 90 Ryan, Bill 121 Ryan, Mark 17,90,96,102 Ryan, Sean 25,49,62,138,143,146 Ryan, William 49 S Saa, Andrew 62,112 Sabater, Philippe 56 Sabater, Tony 133 Sachanandani, Krishna 49 Saleem, Hassan 56 Salzman, Nathaniel 62 Sambade, David 14,24,62,144 Samin, Lorenzo 49 Sanchez, Christian 62 Sandler, Adam 84,92 Sandoval, Ramon 90,122 Sankat, Christopher 56,133 Santana, Rickie 56
Kushnir, Michael 60 Kuzinski, Lucas 138 L La-Rosa, Zach 48 LaBarbera, Joseph 54 Labau, Matthew 15,48,121 Lacey, Jesse 72 Lagerstrom, David 43 Lamos, Max 14,112 Lancellotti, James 48,133 Lanning, Francesca 36,37 Lanning, Zachary 54,108 Lanzellotti, Dominick 54 LaPiana, Jose 60 Larwa, Alexander 48 Latif, Faisal 54 Laurie, Michael 81,132,133 Lavin, Matthew 54 Lawrence, Eric 48 Lawrence, Justin 81,97,99 Leadbeater, John 54 LeBron, Peter 81,96 LeCalvez, Adele 12,42 Lee, Andrew 54 Lemos, Max 113 Lemos, Maxwell 81 Lennihan, Nelson 60,141,142,143 Lesce, Daniel 48 Librojo, Daniel 81,96,97,142,144,146 Liccardo, Robert 54,98 Lillis, Kyle 55 Lim, Francis 81,122,123 Lin, Jia Hao 60 Linkus, Alexander 48 Lioi, Mark 55 Lipyanka, David 55 Livi, Christian 48 Livi, Joseph 20,60,116,117,128,129 LiVolsi, Daniel 4,81,96,130,131,144,150 LiVolsi, Peter 48 Lizza, David 48 Llanos, Daniel 48 Locricchio, Anthony 45 Locricchio, Mary Phyllis 35, 37 Londono, Daniel 60 Long, Alex 55 Long, Lazarus 87 Longo, David 48,55,110 Loo, Justin 82,122,123 Lopera, Joseph 60 Lopes, Matthew 48,115 Lopez, Enrique 55,138 Lotfalla, Mark 60,147 Lotfalla, Michael 48 Lucignano, Nicholas 60 Lugo, James 60 Lumpkin, Keith 48,108,119 Lupo, Alexander 60,122,123 Lusara, Bryan 48 Luther, Martin 29 Luzgin, Dimitri 48 Lynch, Ryan 48,115 Lyons, Daniel 38,39
M Machado, Michael 48 Maguire, Sean 4,27,73,82,96 Maini, Joseph 60,147,151 Maione, Joseph 127 Majmundar, Mehul 48 Majmundar, Shyam 82,96,97,102,144 Major, Joseph 82 Malik, Omair 55 Mallardi, Stephen 55 Maloney, Jared 2,82 Maloney, Lucas 17,82 Maly, Sean 63,108 Manente, Antonio 60 Manente, Vito 55 Mangerere, Clive 60,144 Mangone, Nicholas 55 Maniwang, Aloysiusguile 55 Manley, John 60,65,151 Manning, Tevin 55,108 Manning, Thomas 2, 15, 29, 82, 97 , 102, 1 37, 140 , 146 Manning, Timothy 48 Mantilla, Mario 60 Maracle, Charles 7,82,108 Marafioti, Christopher 83 Marduca, James 117,128 Martin, Demetri 89 Martineau, Janice 15 Martinez, Moses 61,152 Martinez, Omar 61,143 Martinez, Ronald 48 Martino, Paul 61,108 Martucci, Michael 55 Marulanda, Anthony 61,147 Maruri, Peter 48 Maxwell, John C. 87,88 Mazhar, Bilal 83 Mazo, Rodolfo 48,138 Mazzari, Matthew 22, 55,143 McCabe, Diane 38,39 McCann, Gary 55 McCann, Miles 23,83,138 McCarthy, Conor 48 McCarthy, Jonathan 55,147 McCarthy, Michael 20,21,44,139 McCarthy, Mr. 20 McCluskey, Taylor 55 McCourt, Kieran 104,105 McCrae, Keenan 113 McDermott, Kevin 83,96,97,98,99,102,105,138 McElroy, Mary Anne 16,43 McFadden, Peter 18,83 McFarland, Robert 61 McGlynn, Andrew 83,96,98,101 McGovern, Edward 48 McGovern, Philip 48,51,120,121 McGrath, Patrick 3,83,101,97,139,150 McGuire, Sean 97,147 McKeary, Ryan 145 McKnight, Christopher 55 McLaughlin, Gianni 55,108 McMahon, Dylan 83,112,113 McMahon, Justin 48 McMahon, Thomas 84
McManus, Timothy 48,115 McMillan, Ryan 84,102,137 McNally, Alice 18,44 McNamara, Kieran 55 McNulty, Christopher 4, 84, 96, 97, 99, 100, 105 144,146,150 McRae, Keenan 28,84,96,112,138 McTiernan, Bryan 26,27,61,112,128,140,142 McWilliams, Albert 7,84 Medina, Anthony 61 Medrano, Jose 84 Meehan, William 48 Meis, David 84,96,146 Meliado, Christopher 61,108 Melley, Charles 48 Mercado, Ivan 84,97 Merentie, Giovani 48 Mernar, Andrew 61,116,117 Mernar, Timothy 55 Messi, Lionel 81 Metcalfe, Connor 55 Meuse, Kevin 61,64 Mielczarek, Jason 48 Miesemer, Maxwell 48,115,121 Milito, Leo 48 Miller, Christopher 48,120,121 Miller, Timothy 84,127 Milne, Harold 85,108 Minerley, Reece 34,55,142,146,147 Minervini, Michael 48,126 Mirza, Robert 2,15,85 Modi, Jason 61 Moloughney, Vincent 49 Moncrief, David 85 Montalvan, Elliott 55 Montanez, Nicholas 49 Montemayor, John Paul 5,61 Monti, John--Carlo 55 Moore, Michael 86 Moran, Patrick 55 Moreira, David 61,143,150 Moriarty, Keenan 55,144 Moriarty, Kevin 49,115 Morin, Rudy 75 Morris, John 32,35,98,102 Morrison, Richard 61,65 Morrissey, Gregory 85,97 Mosa, Alexander 61 Moseley, Nyrone 85,141,142 Mozumder, Shushanta 61,142,143,144 Mucciolo, Jon 85, 96, 97, 98, 102, 104, 144, 146, 153 Muchia, Michael 98,146 Muir, David 12,13,22,42,44,144 Mulhern, John 7,85,122,123 Mullane, Kevin 49 Mullin, John 15,45 Mullins, Robert 49 Mullman, Matthew 61 Munoz, Brian 85 Murcia, Michael 7,86,97,98,100,153 Murduca, James 61,116,129 Murphy, John 86 Murphy, Joseph 86 Murphy, Matthew 55,133
Index 163
The 2008 Petrean Staff would like to introduce a tradi tion from anotherJesuit high school, St. Joseph's Prep, by recognizing someone who has made a large impact on the graduating class. TV 4"r. Ryan Heffernan, Director o f Campus Ministry, our Class Hero, has J_ V X m a d e a significant impact on the graduating class. Arriving at Grand and Warren in 2 0 0 6 , Mr. Heffernan gradually becam e more a part o f our class as each free period ended. Socializing with us during our free periods in his office progressed to cheering us on at our sporting events and other extra-curricular activities. He becam e known to us not as Mr. Heffernan who works in the Campus Ministry Office, but as “ Heff,” the man any o f us could go to for support, laughs, or advice. The dedication to Prep that Mr. Heffernan has is unyielding. Whereas many teachers are not seen outside o f Prep, H eff sets no boundaries. He has traveled all over New Jersey for Emmaus and Kairos retreats and even as far as New Orleans to spend a week with students rebuilding houses. It may be
embers o f the class o f 2 0 0 8 share a coming
his job to partake in these activities, but he is certainly not required to be at the Bayonne Ice Rink or Caven Point every weekend to cheer on our sports teams. His interest in spending more time than he has to with us has led to his relationships with connection. He has chosen to be our friend, for which we remain forever appreciative. We want H eff to know that he is our Class Hero. Without him, the time spent at Saint been the same. We thank you, Heff, for all o f the hard work that you have done which
recollection o f their first day o f freshman |
orientation. It was a warm and stormy Septem bJ morning when a little over 2 0 0 new students e n l
tered St. Peter's in anticipation o f the beginning!
I 1
their high school career. After learning the ro p es life at Prep, students were given the ground rule!
by which they were to faithfully abide for their I
time at Prep. I, among others, was surprised by B
■ I intimidating faculty member who laid these rule I out for all to hear. Mr. Kenneth Dandorph, former Dean o f
Student Affairs, is known for his firm and strict I
character here at Prep; it is this reputation that
motivates students o f Prep to do the right thing. §
o f ’0 8 and you are truly our C lass Hero, -Senior J&mes Shalhoub
Mr. Dandorph’s strict enforcement o f Prep’s ruin is what helped shape our students. At first, I
found his reasoning, punishments, and rules to H
unfair and often ridiculous. However, when 1 lo<]|
back on the many mistakes I made and (he times 1| found m yself in his office or at JU G , I realize just how much Mr. Dandorph has helped me mature. When I tried finding the easy way out, Mr. Dandorph was I always there tokeep me on track o f my work and attitude. When I refused to taji responsibility for any o f my actions, Mr. Dandorph was there to teach me the jj consequences that I would have to face for this. He has helped my transition fra a young boy entering Prep to a man ready to graduate and face the real world. I? is simply my hope that all students at .---------science, and compassion that Mr Dandorph proposes we live by. -Senior Mike Murcia
166 Class Hero
Santuccio, Salvatore 62, 98,108 Saroufim, Abram 49 Savitsky, Christopher 56 Schaefer, Jr., Eric 56 Schaeffer, Tyler 49 Scherba, Ryan 7,26,27,91,147 Schneider, Helene 45 Schreiber, Nicholas 49,138 Scianni, Angelo 56 Scibilia, Dominic 8,9,20,21,44 Sekel, Erich 2,20,45,99,146,153 Selecky, Jeremy 56 Selis, Nicholas 56 Senerchia, Louis 29,91,145,146 Senerchia, Vincent 49 Serkin, Travis 50 Serzan, John 50,112,114 Sese, Richard 62,138 Shalhoub, James 7,91,96, 98,101,102,104,142, 146,150 Shapskinsky, Blake 50 Sheikh, Ahmed 91 Shields, Brian 62 Short, Daniel 62,108 Shovlin, James 56 Shutterly, Alexander 7,91,122,123 Siebel, Peter 50,126 Sigel, Beanie 79 Simon, Megan 24,42 Sinatra, Frank 68,70,85 Siocha, Mark 62,108 Sisk, Michael 56 Sisti, Joseph 56 Skircak, Michael 50 Skorynkiewicz, David 50 Slaski, Kenneth 26,27,62,140,142,147 Smith, Alexander 50,115 Smith, Andrew 62,140 Smith, Kenneth 62,108 Smith, Ryan 56,116,117 Smythe, Daniel 50,138 Soares, Rui 62,108,133 Sobsey, Daniel 62 Solt, Dylan 62 Soscia, Nicholas 50 Spivack, Jonathan 56,138 Stamps, Tyrone 62 Stark, Erin 12,42 Stefanelli, Michael 91,96,100,102,112,113,144 Stefanovsky, Ronald 50 Stewart, Daquan 50 Stewart, Matthew 73,91,102,145 Stickno, Alan 56,108 Stoveken, Andrew 50 Strack, Nicholas 91 Stracquatanio, Benjamin 56 Styles, Craig 62,64 Suarez, Hilda Doris 3,43,101,144,150 151,156 Suarez, Nicholas 62 Subol, Christian 62 Sukovich, Jeffrey 50 Sullivan, Louis 62,138,146 Supple, Jackie 35 Svercauski, Ian 62 Swab, Michael 50
Swab, Robert 92,101,150 Swah.Arvin 41 Sweeney, JT 104,105 Sweeney, Owen 25,26,62,112 Sylvester, James 50,115,138 Sylvester, Kevin 92,97,138 Szumski, Henry 50,115
T Tady, Regidor 50 Taglieri, Christopher 56 Taite, Luca 50 Tankel, Jeremy 92,97,139 Tanyag, Thomas 62,131 Tarabay, Tony 50 Taraszkiewicz, Mark 132 Tartaglia, Michael 2, 92 Tchao, Justin 62 Tejada, Ricardo 41 Terry, David 62 Tetevi, Kojo 50 Thomas, Denzell 50 Thoreau, Henry David 77 Tintle, Patrick 50 To, Lee 24,92 Tolentino, Kevin 56,138 Tomassi, Daniel 92,99,100,104,117 Torres, Sergio 56 Trimm, Maxwell 62 Tuites, Kevin 56 Tully, Liam 50,131 Tulp, Thomas 56,145 Tylek, Dustin 18,92,96,112,113,137 Tzu, Lao 78
U Ulloa, Salvador 50 Urbanovich, Joseph 13,42,99 Urbina, Kristian--Neil 56
V Valdelamar, Freshman Sean--Paul 22 Valdelamar, Sean-Paul 50 Valentin, Gil 62 Valentinsson, Michael 56 Valonis, John Paul 50 Valvano, Jim 88 Vasquez, Jhonen 80 Vazquez, Nicolas 57 Vega, Keanu 50 Velasquez, Juan 138 Ventura, Jesse 89 Verano, Neil 57 Verdi, Anthony 37,132,133 Verga, Matthew 19,92 Vesey, Joseph 50 Vetter, Louis 18,93 Vicuna, Jameson 62,138 Louis Sullivan 138 Vieira, Rosalia 20,21,44 Villarosa, Curt 2,24,93,98,100 Villavicencio, Michael 57,138
W Walker, Kevin 50,119 Wallner, Court 57,115 Walsh, Conor 93,97 Walsh, Elizabeth 36 Walter, Kenneth 57,108
Ward, David 26, 73,93,100,124,125,137 Ward, James 40,93,151 Warner, Nicholas 57 Weinberg, Theodore 57 Wekwert, Matthew 93,98,104,138 Welan, Frank 104 Wentz, Pete 83 Werner, James 4,50,138 Whelan, Frank 29,73,93,98 Whelply, F. Grant 62 White, Brendan 29, 73, 93, 96, 97,136,137,138 156 White, Reggie 87 Whyatt, Stephon 50 Wiggins, Conor 50 Wile, Thomas 7,94 Wilkens, Anthony 108 Wilkes, Khalil 62,108 Williams, Kellen 13,42,98 Williams, Kevin 94,132,133 Williams, Vanessa 87 Williamson, Marianne 94 Wilson, Matthew 94,96,97 Winters, Jonathan 71 Wintrop, John 16 Wittinghan, Esteban 50 Wong, Jonathan 62,138 Wooden, John 77 Woods, Matthew 57,115 Wright, Dwayne 57 Wright, Michael 57,126 Wyville, Graham 50
Y Yacker, Evan 62 Yager, Michael 57,115 Yang, Alexander 57 Yap, Joseph 7,94,99 Yasneski, Alexander 7,28,94,96,138,144,156 Yasneski, Stephen 25,62,138,147 Yllanes, Ranieri 63 Yost, Erma 45 Yu, Alexander 63,131,138,139,144
Z Zadroga, Janek 57,143,147 Zadroga, Richard 94,97,99,108 Zajac, Justin 57 Zaleski, Mark 94,104,105 Zambas, Spiros 94,146 Zan, Mohammad 57 Zappulla, Brian 63,64 Zarichnyj, Joshua 63,136,143,144,146,147 Zatta, Mark 50,115,121 Zawistowski, Robert 43,122,123 Zdanowicz, Kevin 57,126 Zebrowski, Eric 57,122,123 Zolli, Stephen 63 Zrowka, Steve 63,108
Thursday, May 8 3:55pm. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about time! Is his name spelled right? oops. Wait, is he in our school ?
Index 165
M s . E r in S t a r k
, ......................... A d i v s o r
M r s . E l l e n S t a h l i ..................................................................................................................................... H e r f f J o n e s R e p r e s e n t a t j v e B r e n d a n D . B r y a n t .......................... .......................... ........................................................................... E d i t o r - I n - C h i e i ; T h o m a s M a n n i n g ................................ ......................................................................................................C o - E d i t o r - I n - C h i e f M a t h e w St e w a r t
......................................................................................................... S e n i o r E d i t o r
J a m e s S h a l h o u b .......................................................................................................................................... S t a f f W r i t e r C h r i s M c N u l t y ......................................... .................................................................................................S t a f f W r i t e r A l b e r t M c W i l l i a m s ................................................................................................................................ S t a f f W r i t e r D a v i d S a m b a d e ..................................................................................................................... ...................... .J u n i o r E d i t o r / L a y o u t M a s i e i R e e c e M in e r l y
............................................. .............................................................................U n d e r c l a s s m e n
Pho to graph f
M r . D a v i d M u i r ......................................................................................................................................... K e y M a s t e r / S p e c i a l C o u n s e l F r i e n d s A n d C o n t r i b u t o r s : M r . M a r k W y v i l l e , % J5L M r . M i c i i a e l J i r a n , ‘ 0 3 , M r . D a v i d M u i r , M s . G in n y N e e d iia m - D o y le , ‘P 0 7 , M s . C e c ilia C o l l i n s , M r . Ja m e s C o l l i n s , M s . J a n e t A n g e rm e y e r, F r . T o n y A z z a r t o , S J, F r . J o h n M u l l in , S J, F r . M ic h a e l H o a g , S J, M s . M a r y F in n , M s . G r a c e G u a l a r to ; M s . L a c c r i c i o , F r . R o b e r t R e i s e r , S j , M r . R y a n H e f f e r n a n , M r . J a m e s D e A n g e l o , ‘ 8$, C o a c h R i c h a r d H a n s e n , M s . E r ik a R iv e r a , M r . A n t h o n y V e r d i, M r . J a n (Jo h n ) B u try m , M r . D a n ie l L y o n s, M r . C a r m e lo R a m ir e z , S t e v e R iz z o ‘08 , J o n M u c c i o l o 08 , M ik e M u r c ia ‘08, R o b e r t M i r z a ‘08, L o u is S e n e r c h ia ‘08 , J o e Y a p ‘08, J P M o n t e m a y o r ‘0 9
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168 Petrean
d ito r
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Bring on the advil! Wait bring on the devil? Boycott yearbook; just join facebook That means something different jlje was always so handsome! Oh. Im just hanging out with my SFFs...going to get coffee Sup bbyz! Yrbk, holla! It's lost and gone forever. 3 m suffering The motivation stich has been found! Kre the colors Jamaican? Ya man! Will they notice? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quit!" Welcome to the Club more then just blazers... Cigars for everyone! Go on ape seek and google proxies. 3s it stuck to the Broom? Can we just lock the door? 3s that a Gray Tjair?
V a r s it y B a seb a ll Baseball has always been a significant component of the St. Peter's Prep Athletic Department. The sport’s importance is a result of victories from pre vious seasons; this success is not only the result of encouraging leadership, but is attained by enthusiastic and hopeful players—something that the 2008 Varsity Baseball Team was definitely not lacking. Although they failed to win the County Championship, there were few games in which the players did not leave the attendees on the edges of their seats. The team got off to an excellent start under the leadership of Head Coach Joe Urbanovich, '65, and Assistant Coaches Nick Urbanovich, '00, Kevin Wendolowski, and Dave Webber. Defeating North Bergen, Ferris, Emerson, Lincoln, and Union Hill, the Varsity Team won the first five games they played. This patterned continued as they went on to win key games against Dickenson, St. Mary's, and Snyder. Another notable game was played against Xavier, in which the team was forced to use wooden bats and not the alumi num ^ e s r o w h ic n ’ln ey were'accusromeST: TIus aiHerencen^Ttlrae errecton the players as they went on to defeat their opponents 4-2. The team finished the season with a 15-5 record, earning them a spot in the Hudson County Interscholastic Athletic Association Playoffs. In the playoffs, the Varsity Team was placed in the Coviello Division, pairing them with many teams that they had defeated earlier, such as Ferris and Emerson, as well as schools that they had lost to, such as Bayonne. Sur prisingly, the team did not continue their previous successful streak that was exhibited in the regular season. Instead, they lost a well-fought game against Marist; the score was 4-3. Although their hopes to win the championship end ed in one game, few were actually disappointed. In fact, many players, includ ing Christopher McNulty, ’08, Matthew Kaczmar, ’09, and Michael Nadolny, ’09, felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction, the same sense of fulfillment that past players experienced after taking the County Title. Even though the 2008 Varsity Baseball Team did not go as far as some would have liked, they still shared the same emotions that will fuel further generations to victory.
Sophomore Angelo Scianni prepares to throw , strike against a Lincoln slugger. Scianni was a vital asst to the Varsity Team.
Coach Joseph Urbanovich, '65, offers inspiring word to the team to help them defeat Ferris High School. The Mi rauders greatly benefited from Coach Urbanovich's years c experience in playing and in coaching baseball.
Senior Christopher McNulty slides into second base during a Varsity game against Emerson. He came around to score in the Marauder victory.
170 Varsity Baseball
I I I |
“Their service to their students, colleagues, and staff was enormous, far too much to articulate in a few sentences. I think their departure will be felt in a positive way due to the fact that they shared their knowledge concerning the art of teaching and the history of Prep with the next generation of teachers. Their legacy will live on for many years to come.” —Mr. Kenneth Dandorph Saint Peter's Preparatory School maintains a rich history full of tradition. It is no surprise, then, that teachers and administrators feel the urge to stay at Prep for many years. At the conclusion of the 2007-2008 scholastic year, the Prep commu nity recognized the retirement of six distinguished members of our family: Fr. Mi chael Hoag, S.J., Mr. Walter Koszyk, '60 (Bene Merenti 1992), Ms. Adele LeCalvez (Bene Merenti 1994), Mr. Patrick Reidy (Bene Merenti 2008), Ms. Erma Yost, and Mr. Robert Zawistowski (Bene Merenti 2007). Overall, these members have contributed much more than what was required of their positions. They contributed not only their time and patience, but their teaching methods and styles that were influenced by their personal experiences. This made learning more enjoyable for the students at Prep. Mr. Koszyk, after graduating from Prep in 1960, joined the faculty in 1972. As a part of his teaching style, Mr. Koszyk recalled past personal experiences to bet ter educate and assist future Prep graduates. Similarly, Mr. Zawistowski and Fr. Hoag always called on their years of experience to guide students. Ms. Yost and Ms. LeCalvez used their experience and knowledge in their respective fields to the students’ advantage as well. The success of their teaching methods is evident in the achievements of their students. Mr. Reidy’s dedication and commitment to Prep, both as a teacher and as an administra tor, has also shaped the lives of many Prep men. As Vice Prin cipal, Mr. Reidy had significant interactions with the student body and became a staple in Prep's daily life. These individuals have become cherished and valued among the Prep community and will never be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of knowing these prominent men and women. The departure of these vital members of the Prep family will undoubtedly leave an everlasting mark upon the hallowed halls of Prep. As they part ways, these unforgettable individuals are wished the best of luck and success in all of their future endeavors.
Vlr. Walter Koszyk zl conversation with o i his fourth period das. W. Paty speaks oncerned
“[Mr. Reidy was] a true gentlem an, al
“Although [Ms. LeCalvez's] class w as
vas both
w ays w orking fo r the benefit o f the
very demanding, I soon appreciated all
derate of
students. A lthough m an y people did n o t k n o w him personally, he w as a
that w ill rem ain w ith m e beyond m y
profound m an o f faith and boasted an
years at Prep.”
he nicest
s a truly san
excellent sense o f hu m or.”
the lessons she had taught m e-lessons
Junior Alex Yu
Fr. Tony Azzarto, S.J. “Fr. Hoag's door w as alw ays Dpen and he always hade a sm ile o n his face. He never got angry w ith you ; h e w as always w illing to have a good im e.
junior Christian Barjfri
“[Mr. Zaw istow ski was] a first-rate teach
“M r. Koszyk w as a unique person. You
er and coach; he will be missed both in the classroom and on the lanes.”
could always look forward to his intel
Junior Ricky Hajduk
lectually focused and enjoyable class.”
Freshman R olf Mazo
Dedication 169
With six seniors from the 2007 North Sectional Championship squad having graduated, this year’s St. Peter’s Prep Varsity Volleyball team knew that in order to continue and to go beyond the success of last year’s team, new players had to step-up and new contributions had to be made. The team was led by senior captains Jake Blicharz, Miles McCann, and A1 Yasneski, who helped motivate the team so that they, collectively, could win another North Sectional Championship and return to the State Championship. Setter/Opposite Hitter Jake Blicharz commented on the season, saying, “This year's team has come a long way. Since most of the starters from last year graduated, we knew that new players had to step-it-up big time if we wanted to further this program's success and I think we did that greatly.” Players who “stepped up” included sophomore Alex Cogott, who is well-known for his su perb defensive skills, and sophomore Parker Kolodka, who played opposite hitter. Other players who played a huge part in the road to the State Championship included seniors Jeremy Bonafe, Ben Brenneis, Peter Jimenez, and junior Dan Londono. Although the Marauders failed to capture the County title against Bayonne, they continued to focus on win ning the State Championship. Before the Marauders could fulfill their goal, they had to compete in many tournaments to gain the ranking necessary to play in the Championship Game. The Marauders won first place in the Livingston Tournament. In addition, they won sec ond place in both the Bloomfield Tournament, losing to later State Champions St. Joseph's Metuchen, and in the Marauder Invitational, in which the team lost to South ern Regional High School. Middle blocker Dan Londono had this to say about next season: “For next season, I guess the expectations for the team are not going to change. We have a very high level of talent coming from the underclassmen that should keep our team competing at the level it has been at.” Prep will be returning next year with a revamped line-up, as six seniors are graduating and only two start ers are returning. The Junior Varsity team finished one of the best sea sons in Prep history with a 21-1 record and established themselves, once again, as the best team in Hudson Coun ty. The team members provided a hopeful look into the Volleyball program’s future by demonstrating the reality that Prep Volleyball is in good hands for years to come.
A bo v e : I Itiior
V olleyball
172 Volleyball
captains Al Yasneski, M iles McCann, and Jak e Blcharz lead the hant after defeating North Bergen. Senior Peter Jiminez prepares to spike the ball as two North Bergen players set to block it back. L eft:
Junior Dan Londono blocks a spike I from a North I Bergen Bruin and scores a point on the road to victory. Below:
JFr esh m a n B
a seba ll
The 2008 season was very rewarding for the Freshman Baseball Team. After losing to North Bergen in the season opener, the team, with encouragement from HeadCoach Juan Arteaga and Assistant Coach Greg Evans, recovered by winning their nexttwo games. The team then proceeded to defeat challenging opponents such as Memorial, Marist, Xavier, Tottenville, Glen Rock, Fordham Prep, and Queen of Peace, to finish the year with a respective 12-6 record. Their final game against Bayonne was especially noteworthy, not only because it earned the team the second seed in the county tournament, but also because Mark Napier threw a one-hitter, which ultimately earned him the title of MVP. In the county tournament, the team earned a spot in the finals after de feating Memorial for the third time in the season. There, the Freshman Team bested first seeded North Bergen, one of the team's perennial rivals. This victory was achieved under the slogan “Hey, so what,” formulated by Coach Arteaga, which represented the team's attitude. It enabled them to look past their previous mistakes and focus on the next game. This idea allowed this group of men, including Captain Joe Carroll, Pitcher Steven Hart, Third Base man Nick Cordato, Second Baseman Todd Harrington, and Shortstop B.J. B G iannone to come together as a team and to reclaim the title of County Champions.
J unior V a r sit y B a seba ll Freshman Nicholas Cordato prepares himself for an incoming pitch.
Freshman Joseph Carroll slides into third base as an opposing player attempts to tag him out.
R ight:
The Junior Varsity Baseball team completed another suc cessful season. Under the guidance of Head Coach Bill Opel, '03, and Assistant Coach Bill Ryan, the team played to their full potential, losing only a few games over the course of the season. Some of the top performers included Shortstop Brendan Dologhan, Pitcher/Outfielder Matt Woods, Second [Baseman J.J. Hladik, and Outfielder Steve Malardi. The team opened the season well by shutting out the North Bergen Bruins. Several other accomplishments also highlighted the season. The triumphs included winning a doubleheader in the HCIAA Tournament on the road to playing in the county championship game. To cap off another successful season, the team proceeded to be renamed the County Champions. R ig h t: The Junior Varsity B aseball Team celebrates after winning the Hudson County In terscholastic Athletic Association Championship. y
Catcher James Gardner tags an opposing player as he attempts to slide into home plate. The Marauders won 7-1 agflinst Queen o f Peace.
Junior Varsity and Freshman Baseball 171
La c r o sse
Senior Attackman Rob Swab scores a goal, helping Prep to defeat Verona High School. Above:
R ig h t: A Marauder Attackman runs past a Pope John Defenseman to provide his team mates with passing options.
This season was another great year for the lacrosse team; notl only were they able to claim the Kimber Championship for thej second year in a row, but they also amassed thirteen wins, thej most in school history. This would come as no surprise afteii looking at the leadership that was present on the field everyday! _______________________ ; With Coach Fusari, last year’s coach ol the year, and the four senior captains-] Nick Rabiecki, Tim Carney, Greg Mori rissey and Ellington Arnold—morale] was high even when faced with the! many injuries during the course off the season. Despite the fact that kejl players, including two captains, werJ forced to sit out and miss multiplJ games, the team prevailed. Leadership was not only evoke® by the captains, but was also induceJ by the encouraging coaching staff an J the other seniors. The nine seniors oil the team proved to be the driving fore that led to the team’s success. Defense was essential and senior! Dylan McMahon, Matt Verga, and Steve Rizzo all made soliJ contributions to hold opposing teams to only a few goals. AI midfield, both Ellington Arnold and Sean Dowd put their full effort into the all important face-offs. Tim Carney played lonjl stick middie and, despite his struggles with back injuries, h(l was able to play at the most crucial of times. Offense did no I prove to be an issue as Greg Morrissey led the team with fortyl nine goals. Senior Rob Swab was also a force to be reckonecl with, scoring forty goals (the third most on the team). Captairl Nick Rabiecki only played ir I nine games this season dusl to a back injury, but he still managed to score twentjl four goals. Despite the facl that he was forced to sit orB the bench, Nick Rabiecki came to all the games anc* practices to demonstrate hi® support for the team. ThiB represents the team's mottoB “never-say-die.” Even wheiB faced with large obstaclesB the team managed to emerg<9 victorious and to win th® Kimber Championship fofl the second successive year. I
Coach Peter Fusari provides advice and encouragement to the Marauders before the start o f one o f their games on James Keenan Memorial Field. Above:
R ig h t: Junior Ricky Morrison fights to ob tain possession o f the bdll from a Pope John player as fellow team mates look on.
174 Lacrosse
R ig h t: Senior Erik Hanselman tackles a Union player as an other player attempts to pull Hanselman off.
Junior Rae John Raeford struggles to break away from Union players in an attempt to score a try.
R ig h t: Junior M att Bender feeds the ball into the scrum, en abling junior Anthony M edina to hook the ball and gain pos session.
R ug by
Prep Rugby has definitely reached a new level. After strug gling to gain its footing in the past few years, Prep took a risk and decided to participate in the Jesuit Dallas 9th Annual Rugby Showdown in early March. Although they encountered stiff competition from across Texas, the team played well and earned fourth place overall in the tournament. The long week end in Dallas was split between time on the field and time spent seeing cultural sights throughout the city such as the Sixth Floor Museum, the Grassy Knoll, and a Dallas Despera dos AFL game. Led by captains Aiden Cunningham and Jared Bowers, the team then entered its regular season. After a few heart breaking losses early on, the team was able to learn from their mistakes and get better with time. Head Coach Michael Fletcher and Assistant Coach Jeffrey Harding were joined by Assistant Coach Greg Norris, who brought a new per spective and fire to the team. A blowout win away in East Hampton at the end of the season gave the team momentum leading into the New Jersey Cup. The annual youth rugby tournament held in Denville was the culmination of the season and the prize that the team had its eyes on all year. The first game of the tournament was played against the Mor ris Rugby Club, a team which Prep had lost to earlier in the year. An early score set the tone for the game as the Marauders were able to take the game fairly easily. Prep then entered its next and final game, the U-19 Championship against South Jersey. A hardfought batde ensued, but Prep was unable to capture the Cup and earned second place instead. The team hopes to build on this season and use it as a stepping stone to greater success in the future.
O u td o o r T r a c k Outdoor Track's 2008 season was truly a season of accomplish ments. Under the excellent leadership and advice of Head Coach Burgess, Coach M cCann, and Field Coach Camacho, numerous indi viduals stood out from the pack and w on multiple events. Captains Joseph Livi, ’09, Peter Drummond, '08, and James Murduca, '09, all w on first place in their events. Nyshier Oliver, ’09, Savon Hug gins, '11, Christian Livi, '1 1 , Kevin Garrigan, '11, Ryan Alfred, '11, Dane Llonga, ’ 11, and James Sylvester, '11, also took first place in their specialty events. Additionally, Nyshier Oliver, Savon Huggins, Gregory Kohles, and Keith Cummings, as a part of the relay team, set a school record in the 4-by-l00-m eter relay. W ith such outstanding individuals, and especially w ith such a high concentration among the underclassmen, the future looks bright. Moreover, the young team will only lose one member to graduation. Clearly St. Peter’s Prep Outdoor Track has enormous potential and will surely develop into a true force to be reckoned with, both in Hudson County and beyond.
Above: Junior James Murduca outruns his competition in the 400meter Dash.
Junior Joseph Livi takes an early lead in the Mile race in the HCIAA Relays at Lin coln Park. L eft:
R ig h t: Junior Bryan McTiermn jumps a hurdle on the road to a Marauder victory in the Hudson County Track Championship.
Junior James Lugo leads the pack at the Jesuit Invitational.
176 Outdoor Track
T ennis With racquets in hand, the Prep Tennis Team was determined to reclaim the Hudson County title. Players, including seniors Henry Greenfield and Matt Stewart, showed promising skills and ability. Under the leadership of Rev. John P. Fencik and Captains Justin Ortuoste and A.T. McWilliams, the team completed a successful season, including four shut-outs and a 4-1 win over McNair Aca demic High School. Going into the playoffs, the Maraud; ers amassed a respectable 12-6 record during the regular season. The team went on to make a run to the HCIAA Hudson County Semi-finals. The road included a 4-1 victory against County Prep. Despite their strong results, however, the team eventually faltered against Bayonne. Despite this, the Prep Tennis Team completed a strong season, finishing 13-7. “We did well. I think we tried really hard...and everyone gave it the best that they had,” commented sophomore Matthew Mazzari. Each team member was resolute in playing his hardest. The Marauders displayed the determination necessary to have a successful season.
V a r s it y G
J t t
The 2008 St. Peter's Prep Tennis Team. Kneeling (L-R): Henry Greenfield, Matthew Julian, John Irvine, and Jay Patel. Stand ing (L-R): Rev. John Fenick, Al bert McWilliams, Justin Ortuoste, Owen Sweeney, Matthew Maz zari, and M ark Augustine. Above:
L eft: Sophomore Matthew Maz zari prepares to hit a forehand down the line.
o lf
Recently, golf has become a very popular sport for younger play ers to participate in. The Saint Peter’s Prep Golf Team has benefited from this increased popularity in golf. Many talented players tried out for the 2008 season, making final cuts a difficult process. Fortunate ly, the golf team picked up a few younger players who contributed greatly this season. Overall, the golf team concluded the season with a winning re cord, winning some matches by only a few strokes and others by many strokes. The Marauders played many tough matches against teams like Westfield and Bergen Catholic, who are consistently top teams in the state. Senior Andrew McGlynn and junior Stephen GardAbove: The 2008 Varsity G olf Team after tournament at Paramus ner led the team this sea- Country Club against Bayonne. The Marauders won '173-238. son with outstanding performances. McGlynn, after placing third in the Non-Public State Sectional Meet, was given the opportunity to compete against the best high school golfers in the state at the Meet of Champions Golf Tournament. The young talent of the golf squad provides reassurance that golf will con tinue to prosper at Prep. With two rising seniors to lead the squad and a group of underclassmen, the golf team looks forward to many more successful years. Senior Bryan Robinson identifies his target-line in an attempt to keep par.
L eft:
Tennis and Golf 175
A rt S
Prep’s Annual Art Show opened May 18th and showcased students’ work throughout the 30th. The pieces were taken from the various art classes which Prep offers, ranging from drawing/design to ceramics and sculpture. In fact, many works shown at this event constituted as the final exam for aspiring artists in their respected classes. Apart from the art, the exhibition also included musical numbers preformed by James Kuklinski, Richard Sese, Colin O ’Connor, and Keenan McRae. Many attended the art show, viewing pieces that portray the talents and abilities of the students. This exposition was especially touching for Ms. Erma Yost, who attended the annual event for the last time as a Prep teacher; in addition to instructing many students whose works were shown, she played a major role in preparing the library for the show. Her work definitely paid off as this year's exhibition closed with over onehundred admirers that attended. R ig h t: Fr. Tony Az- zarto intricately exam ines a student made work, appreciating it for both artistic talent and creativity.
Fr. John Mul lin and Michael Mur cia, '08, discuss vari ous techniques utilized in creating the works shown, taking a mo ment to share their favorites. Below :
Many pieces were displayed which had been created in var ious art courses such as Ms. Klim's Drawing and Compo sition (shown right) and Ms. Yost's Ceramics (shown below) classes. Students who enrolled in the Fine Arts Department's elective courses were given the opportunity to showcase their dedication to their interests.
M issio n D rive The St. Peters Prep Mission Drive is an annual fundraiser which gives Prep students the opportunity to have an interna tional impact. During the forty day season of Lent, the Prep community, led by the Mission Committee, worked together to raise money for the Jesuit Missions (this year the Prep Commu nity began a twinning program with four other Jesuit schools to establish a lasting connection). Funds raised this year totaled $35,287. This money will be used to help enhance four schools in different parts of the world: Loyola Jesuit High School in Ni geria, Africa; Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota, USA; Xavier High School in Chuck, Micronesia; and St. Thomas High School in Siberia, Russia. The Mission Season at Prep is an eventful one. Each day the announcements are flooded with notices of raffles, games and food sales. Highlights from this years Mission Drive include a FIFA tournament, a raffle for a tray of Mr. Williams' brownies, money raised by the Student Councils first annual “Prep Unplugged,” and the continued tra dition of Friday Dress downs. Congratulations to the rising senior class who, as a class, raised the most money overall. This Mission Drive was also special because it marked Mr. Z's last year as mod erator after four years of continuing dedication.
B and C o n cert At any assembly, mass, or sporting event, Prep’s concert and jazz bands and chorus are quick to demonstrate their talents and skills for all to listen to. But during these events, these gifted stu dents’ musical productions play second wheel to the main event. During the Spring Band Concert, however, their compositions were the main event. Spearheaded by Mr. Caslowitz, Mr. Richert, and Band Presi dent A1 Yasneski, this year’s showing was an astounding success, as it has been in previous years. The chorus, singing a well-pre pared version of “Keep Your Lamps” by Blind Willie Johnson, re ceived much applause for their interpretation and conveyance of the work’s spiritual undertone. The Jazz band followed the chorus. Although they had a tough act to follow, the group executed an amaz ing rendition of Chuck Mangioe’s “Children of Sanchez” that perhaps bested the original. For their grandstanding showmanship, they received a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes. Closing in the audi ence’s sheer amazement was the concert band. They gained the audi ence's recognition with their adaptation of “Dreams of Scotland.” The concert’s overall performance can be described as an extravagant musi cal triumph, providing elation to the audience and acknowledgment to the dedication and dexterity of Prep’s Musical Department.
F o o tlo o se
Six montl s o f daily practices and rehearsals culminate in four performances—[our amazing, heart-pounding, show-stopping nights of screaming h: gh notes, slipping while dancing and falling off the stage, T he cast of he musical endured the same stress that real Broadway casts do. T h I only difference is that the cast manages to juggle their ow n high sc ool lives as well. Footloose, the musical, is the story of how Ren M cCormack, who was forced , o move from the hustle and bustle o f Chicago to the humdrum c« rnfields o f Bom ont, W est Virginia, tries to change the tow s 's laws forbidding the act of dancing. Along the w ay he ages to catch the eye of the equally rebellious preacher's hter. T h ey fall in love, break the rules, and change the lu s t as the Tow n of Bom ont w ent on to support the drelm s of its youth, the Prep comm unity continues to sup port the musical cast as they try to fulfill their dreams of beclm in g aspiring actors.
R ight: Louis Vetter
riles up his classmates to overthrow the El der's ruling. R ig h t : The cast o f F o o tlo o s e prepares to take a fin al bow. The musical was directed by Mr. Jam es Dondero, {t66.
Band Concert and Footloose 177
1 R ig h t: Mr. Ryan Heffernan, Fr. Rob ert Reiser, and Mr. Jam es DeAngelo listen intently to Mr. Marc Morial's speech.
A r r u pe L ecture Fr. Pedro Arrupe was the first to stress the idea of “Men foi Others,” the epitome to which all Catholics should aspire. Mr. M arJ Morial, President of the National Urban League, spoke in St. Peter'l Church on May 7th at the eleventh annual Arrupe Lecture. He pre sented his Reflections on Race: Where We Stand—a fitting presenta tion for the former Mayor of New Orleans. While interjecting the ideals of Fr. Arrupe, he spoke about the distinct integration of race; in his city, proving the possibility of racial equality. He also stressec to the attendees, most of whom were juniors, the concept that stu dents today should strive to become the “Leaders of Tomorrow.' The lecture proved successful, judging by the interesting questions and thunder ous applause; the presentation left the listeners with open minds.
After Morial's presenta tion had ended, interested at tendees discuss various topics in regards to his occupation as the former M ayor o f New Or leans and his extensive experi-
L e ft:
L eft: Mr. M arcM orial speaks about i equality and the injustices o f society based upon his experiences in the diverse commu nity o f New Orleans.
J unior C la ss M a s s Congregating for the Junior Ring Ceremony, the Class of 2009 reflected on their time spent at Prep. Each member of the Class of 2009 was able to identify how they had conformed to the “Graduate at Graduation” standards, as well as the relationships they had created. Although a student could personalize his own ring, the ring’s significance and sentimental value are universal. The ring symbolizes the unity present within the junior class. It embodies, through its circular and continuous structure, the commonality shared by each recipient. The ring also represents the brotherhood shared between each member of the Class of 2009. This brotherhood allows the class to establish their uniqueness and individuality, setting themselves apart from all classes, both past and fu ture. Through both, they are able to carry with them their class ring, which is a common reminder of what they learned and what they experienced at St. Peter’s Prep and will carry this with them for the rest of their lives.
180 Arrupe Lecture and Junior Class Mass
Rings such as this were presented to the Class o f2009 to symbolize the brotherhood crafted during their years here. Rings could be customized according to recipients' desires.
A b ove:
J u n io r C la ss M
ass w a s g r e a t o p po r -
C la s s o f
T h e r in g s w e b lessed t h a t
G o d 's
bl essin g s a s t h e y t a k e up lead ersh ip
posm oN S
n e x t y e a r .''—M r .
J a m e s D eA n g elo
Prep men on the exchange pose with their Italian counterparts from the Centro Educazi one Ignacio in Pal ermo, Italy, behind the Italian flag. Right:
Mr. Joy Seth Hurd TV poses with members o f the Italian Exchange while viewing a stream in the nearby valley.
E xch an g e
This year, a 6roup of twenty-four students accompanied by Ms. Romano and Mr. Hu rd had the opportunity to take their education out of the classroom, immer sing themselves in the Italian language and culture. This exchange took pla ce with the Centro Educazione Igancio in Palermo, Sicily, and lasted one we ek. The students of this Jesuit high school in Sicily visited America during th e Christmas season and had the opportunity to admire the New York holiday stap les, including the Radio City Christmas show and the tree at Rockefeller Center. During Easter break , Prep students traveled to Italy. The Prep students arrived in Rome first and staye|d in a hotel darkened by the shadow of the Coliseum and the Ancient Roman for um. They remained here until Easter Sunday, when they attended mass at the V itican. In Palermo, the Ann ericans were reacquainted with their Italian counterparts, enabling them to experi ence Italian life first hand. From the Vespas to the espressos, the Prep men witn essed the ins and outs of the daily life of a Sicilian youth, The memories and friendships shared between both groups of students cannot be forgotten. As S< nior Louis DiPaoIa said “This exchange was really a great chance to pursue the Jesuit ideal of the mag is; we were able to go the extra mile on our Italian language education by meeting these great people in Italy and immersing ourselves in their culture.” This exchange program was the perfect opportun ity for two different cultures to be united underneath the common banner of education, forging bonds that they will carry with them forever.
F rench E xch an g e In the summer of 2008, Prep students embarked on the Frenc Exchange. Led by Mr. Frank Giordano and accompanied by Mr. Joh: Campion, fourteen Prep students traveled to France to get a taste o the culture and various social nuances of France. Although plans werel changed along the way, the trip was still inspiring, fun, and life chang ing for all who went. In the first three days of the exchange, the group visited the ci of Paris. There they saw the Eiffel Tower. Some climbed the massivel steep while others were satisfied with climbing halfway. The view, as some exchange members confessed, “Was one of the most beauti ful they had ever seen.” Then, the group walked the famous streets A bove: The members o f the French Exchange pose for a photograph while sightseeing near Paris. The trip was a chance not only for two and ate at some of Paris' finer restaurants. Although the service was different cultures to intermingle but for the Prep students to become questionable, the food was savory for all and no one complained of better acquainted with one another. any bad meals. The time spent in Paris was unforgettable, and every member of the exchange could agree that the time spent in Paris was an unforgettable part of the exchange, The last nine days of the exchange were spent in the Southern pa rt of France. The scenery, one could say, was quite different from the city atmosphere they were accustomed to. Instead o f sleek hotel rooms, the students were assigned to the homes of their exchange partners. Some students would say they had a pleasant visit. Others, on the other hand, were forced to accept the fact that France does not contain the necessities of an An erican h o m e . While the group stayed at their partner’s homes, they visited the cities of Monaco, Toulon, and Avignon. Alth ough most of the towns did not live up to the group's standards of European living, the exchange students still could say, “V e were there.” Leaving, of course, was bittersweet; sad to leave such a place yet happy to return to life as usual. And if the st jdents didn’t learn any other travel tips, they learned to never lose their passports.
Italian Exchange and French Exchange 179
S enior E vents May 16th marked the annual Senior Barbecue, an event which is held on the final day of classes for seniors, and one which captures the mixed feelings of students preparing to move beyond Prep. Despite the lack of cooperation from the weather, all of the seniors enjoyed themselves, eating hamburgers and hot dogs from the grill, and participating in numerous athletic activities inside the gym. The barbecue, in a sense, marked the last real informal gathering of the Class of 2008, and it allowed for a true reflection of the past four years. Two weeks later on May 30th, the grill was back on in full force at JFK Field just a few blocks away from Prep for the Senior-Faculty Picnic, spearheaded by the effort of the always generous Father Azzarto. A number of faculty members took the time to share one last meal with many of the seniors, and share stories and words of advice for the future of the Class. Seniors took full advantage of the beautiful sunny day, using the field to play football and lacrosse among other things. At the conclusion of the day, the faculty and senior class had the oppor tunity to sign yearbooks at the field before leaving for home from Grand and Warren for the final time.
L eft: Fr. Anthony Azzarto wishes senior Louis DiPaola well, while signing his year-
B elow ; .
Mr. Ja m d Horan, '70, conversesi with the seniors during the Faculty-Senior Pic\ nic at fam es F. Keenan Field while manrtina the grill.
B accalaureate Mass
A bove:
The Class of 2008 assembled one Week before their graduation at the Baccalaureate Mass. T he graduating class and the faculty were welcomed to the ceremony, regardless o f religion, as is the case w ith all of Prep’s, masses. Family and friends were also invited to pray for the Class of 2008 as they leave high school aspiring to success and happiness. The mass was traditional: many Bible passages were recited, followed by a homily. Each member of the graduating class was then blessed individu ally by both Jesuits and Prep Faculty. The mass then closed with a tra ditional hymn. This steppingstone undoubt edly made graduating a much better experience by easing the grief expe rienced by all seniors as they depart from Prep. Fr. M ichael Hoag gives an uplifting Homily to the
graduating class. R ig h t:
Fr. Anthony Azzrto offers a blessing to Joeseph Boucher, '08.
182 Senior Events and Baccalaureate Mass
j j I i
en io r
ro m
The one night seniors plan for months was a spectacle to behold. It was the only time of year that the whole graduating class could unwind with peers and show their true personalities outside of the classroom. As described by recent graduate Peter LeBron, ’08, “When the socializing first started, everyone was a little quiet, but by the time we started dancing and broke out of our shells, people who have never spoken to each other began to, as if they had been friends from the start”. The Senior Prom, held at The Manor in West Or ange, was much more than a rendezvous of peers; it consisted of several Prep faculty members such as Mr. Morris and Ms. Suarez, making it a gathering of close friends. The seniors had the pleasure of enjoying a cock tail hour proceeded by a short walk down memory lane while the prom DJ played beloved 90's songs. The voices of graduate Rob Coloney, ’08, and John O ’Brien, ’08, were heard singing to songs including “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls and LFO’s hit “Summergirls.” Gabrielle Figueroa, a graduate of Holy Family Academy, said, “Nothing can bring these men together better than a classic pop song.” The night closed with tears of joy and brotherly hugs as the senior class reminisced on their long journey together. As Corlando Grant, ’08, entered his limo to return home, he remarked, “It was an amazing way to end our final year at Prep. And the punch was good too!”
J u n io r P
William Roman, Joseph issey, and Andrew Colucci take a ment recuperate after hours o f enment. ove:
John O'Brien, '08, becomes the ter o f attention as he displays his
The Senior Class gathers on the dance floor for their final song as the night conies to a close.
B elo w :
On a beautiful night in mid-March, the Class of 2009 expe rienced an affair filled with friendship, food, and, perhaps most importantly, fun. The event: the Junior Prom; the theme: “One | Night in Paris”—which was most fitting, as rising seniors and their dates stepped from their transportation onto a red carpet, Tower. As the juniors entered into The Landmark, strident music played in the background, prompdy starting the festivities. The atmosphere was more than welcoming; it was thrilling and engaging, bursting with excitement and amusement. After more people filled the main room, the event officially began following a thoughtful prayer given by Fr. Tony Azzarto, S.J. The guests then swiftly advanced onto the dance floor while music roared and blinding lights flashed. Members of Marauder Nation even enhanced the celebration, leading many chants and routines as the night progressed. But for some, this event passed far too quickly. For all who attended, however, it is agreeable that the Junior Prom was unforget table. Thus, as the juniors and their respective dates returned to their lim ousines, both jovial and exhausted from dancing, this memorable night ended, signaling that the Class of 2009 is mature enough for their final year at St. Peter's Preparatory School. Junior James Murduca and his date take a moment from the festivities to pose for a quick picture. The Junior Prom lasted for over three hours and was an opportunity for stu dents to better acquaint themselves with their respective dates. L eft:
Senior Prom and Junior Prom 181
Suubbie iecctt S
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General E xcellence Michael Stefanelli English H isto ry vIath Religion science C lassics
C omputer. Science j
... • 1 T
James Ward Louis DiPaoIa Juan Garcia Michael Stefanelli Louis DiPaola Juan Garcia Miles McCann Leslie Constantine
e.a. -ex aequox on equal footing
Keenan McRae *e.a. Curran Banach Raymond Krenicki *e.a. _ N ational M erit S cholarship C ompetition
Louis D iPaola
C ommended
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H enderson C ole
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E am on H artnett
C h ristopher M cN u lty
Josep h H older
Steven R izzo
D aniel Lirbojo
R am o n Sandoval
D aniel LiVolsi
Jam es W ard
C hristopher M cN u lty
B ren d en W h ite
Steven R izzo R am on Sandoval M ichael Stefanelli Jam es W ard Francis W helan
/ ,
0 0 F
F a c u lty A w ard s
S.T. A w a r d Alexander Yasneski
Bene Merenti M r. Patrick Reidy
Michael Stefanelli
D istinguished S cholars
t f E
Tesuit S econdary E duca-
Louis DiPaola Dat Nguyen Thomas Manning *e.a.
E dward T. B loustein
l u
BH i
M r. Jam es Dondero
H | ^
Daniel Librojo Louis DiPaola Daniel Librojo Ramon Sandoval
P e rfe c t A tten d a n ce
Palak Bhagat William Grapstul Michael Stefanelli
Insignis Award M r. W alter Koszyk
A ssociatton A ward
Jo h n E. B row nin g. S.I.. '4 6 A w ard
S c h o la r A th le te s
Jacob Blicharz Rocco Cerami Eric Cirino Louis DiPaola Samuel Dokus Brian Dye David Finn Juan Garcia Anthony Giannobile Henry Greenfield Joseph Holder Daniel LiVolsi Miles McCann Chris McNulty A.T. McWilliams III Nicholas Rabiecki Steven Rizzo Edward Rodger Ramon Sandoval Michael Stefanelli Francis Whelan Alexander Yasneski
Michael Murcia Peter LeBron *e.a. lEROME rETERSON.
' ii
A w a rd
Christopher Hetherington Agape A w ard
Jon Mucciolo Tohn M c G overn A ward ■ M ich a e l Stefanelli Kac.hf.l M em o rial S c h o la r - A th le te A w ard
Nicholas Rabiecki V in c e n t I. Kennedy. *39 A w ard A.T: M cW illiam s III N a tio n a l Achievement S ch olarsh ip P rogram
Joseph Holder A.T. McWilliams III
Spirtt Aw ards November
Brendan Bryant '08 Peter LeBron '08 Daniel LiVolsi '08 Patrick McGrath '08 Jon Mucciolo '08 James Shalhoub '08
Matthew Bender '09 Rashad Davis '09 Louis DiPaola '08 Ryan Scherba '08
Jacob Blicharz '08 Timothy Carney '08 Anthony Giannobile '08 Christopher McNulty '08 Michael Murcia '08 Steven Rizzo '08 Craig Styles '09 Matthew Wekwert '08
T h e 2009 Petrean Supplement w a s created | b y M oderator: M r. D avid M u ir, w ith | th e assistance o f Editor-in-C hief: D avid | S am bade, M anaging Editor: Jo sh u a Z arichnyj, A dministrative Editor: g C o n o r Scott, C opy Editor : S w etal Patel, | and Editor: Alex Yu. The entire staff
p JJ jj! J •i f,
would like to thank Ms. Erin Stark, Brendan Bryant, Mr. Mark Wyville, Mr. Kenneth Dandorph) Mr. Michael Jiran, Mr. Patrick Reidy, Ms. Cecilia Collins, ! Robert Reiser, and Mr. James Fr. : DeAngelo.
I special thanks to our miters-Phil McGovern, Michael Kushntr, Matt Bender, Ellington ton Arnold, J.P. Montemayor, Joe Livi, ]Alex Yu, Andrew Rader, Michael Here tia, Brendan Canale, Bill Foley, Matt Mullntan, Sean Finn, Peter LeBron, Pat Egan, Michael Stefanelli, Dave Perez, and Eamon Hartnm-and pltotograpliers-Mr. A M Wyville, Joshua Zarichnyj, Mr. Michael Jiran, Fr. Tony Azzarto, Andrew Rader, Brendan Bn/ant, and Air. Erich Sekel
G raduation On June 1, 2008, the St. Peter's Prep Class of 2008 left Grand and Warren for the last time as students became alumni. The graduation ceremony was held in the gym of St. Peter's College in Jersey City and included more than 1,000 people. In attendance were the entire class of '08, their parents, other family members and friends, the Prep band directed by Steven Caslowitz, trustees, and Prep’s faculty and staff. The faculty speaker for the Prep Class of '08 was Mr. Patrick Reidy, Prep’s former Vice Principal, who retired at the end of the year. His uplifting speech was enjoyed by all, and it served as an excellent farewell to our beloved Vice Principal. The student speaker was A T . McWilliams III, the three-year president of the Class of 2008. The class found his speech extremely moving, and many considered it the perfect way to end their Prep career. He invoked such concepts as brotherhood, honor, and support, and he al luded to many happy memories and experiences shared by our class. These ranged from cheering at football games to prom to Emmaus and Kairos retreats. He talked about how much he learned from both his fellow classmates and his dedicated teachers. Both he and Mr. Reidy received well-deserved standing ovations, Mr. Walter Koszyk, ’60, was also honored at the cer emony. He too retired after many years at the Prep. Al though he was not able to attend due to illness, it was clear that he had touched many lives in his time here. Multiple generations of his former students were present, and, as an important fixture at Prep, he will be missed by all. Overall, the day was an incredible success. Although the members of the Class o f '08 are. no longer students at Prep, we know that we are welcome any time, and we will do our best to stay a part of the Prep family. President Reiser and Princi pal DcAngelo pres ent the Insignis A w ard to the wife and daughter o f Mr. Walter Koszyk, '60, on his behalf. The R ig h t:
Above: .Fr.
Michael closes tlte Graduation Cer emony with a Prayer. R ig h t: President Robert Reiser leaves the Gradu ates with words o f encour agement as they move be yond Grand and Warren.
L eft: Seniors Anthony Bruce and Brendan Bryant listen intently to Principal James DeAngelo award various se niors for their distinguished accomplishments and unique qualities.
A w ard
is given to faculty
members who have demonstrated great commitment to the community, to their family, and to Cod.
Above: Mr.
Ryan Heffertian, Director o f Campus Ministry, leads o ff the ISO" Com mencement with an Opening Prayer at St. Peter's College.
G radu ation