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Since 1913, the facade o fM u lr y Hall has been a com mon sight to m any Prep students as they come, to and go fro m the streetsofG randandY Jttrren.T hisinlersectionisfrequently crowded as students and teachers make their w a y to a M ass in the church, to a game at Fr. James F. Keenan, S.)., Field, or to the Marin Street Light Rail station.
Dr. Richard K ennedy, Fr. John MulUn, S.}:, and senior Bobby M cFarland talk in the courtyard during the Walk-athon. The carnival, held after the w alk through D ow ntow n lersey City, serves as the perfect m eeting grounds fo r strengthening teacher-student relationships that are unique to the Prep com m unity, Freshmen Antonio Gonzalez, Ryan Norton, and A nthony Menafro converse outside during their lunch period. Students are often fo u n d bonding w ith their fe llow classmates in Pope John Paul It Plaza during any free tim e that they have.
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M s. M a r y D u ra n te an d junior John Arm strong bring up the hosts fo r Communion during the M ass o f the H oly Spirit. Since Prep's opening in 1878, this M ass has been celebrated at the beginning o f each year to serve as a reminder o f the Jesuit tradi tions upon w hich Prep was built, and to prepare the stu d en t body fo r another hard year o f w ork follow ing the sum m er hiatus.
rersey City was not always the reformed downtown with which all current students are familiar. When the school was established in 1872, Jersey City was a developing >lis, rapidly growing because of immigration. The majority of immigrants were of either German or Irish , with the latter being considered the lower end of itholic opinions, the charter for the Saint Peter's Preparatory School H HH II ' I
■ 111 drei orn hoi I epreviously were sharing in traditions that originate from the very foundir :>f the Society of Jesus. This event helped ease any sense W introversion as the young men became closer to one another. Although the students were strangers at first, the relationships that they developed here were the beginnings of the first Prep brotherhood.
from the oppressive attitudes of the time. For the affected individuals, this increased solidarity within the student body raised the individual levels of self-esteem and made living far easier. This evolved into an increased respect for others as the students became better acquainted with their peers and instructors. Teachers were the vital factor maintaining the delicate fel lowship that bonded the individuals. Bothjesuit and Laymen instilled in Prep’s young scholars the foundations for being capable citizens. Offering lessons in self-discipline, obedience, and benevolence from experience, the faculty broadened both the mental and spiritual horizons of their pupils. These qualities would ultimately prove to be essential as the students left the school and continued on with their respective futures. Saint Peter’s commemorated its first graduation ceremony in late June 1889. Even though the graduating class’s physical connection to the school had ceased, the former students’ loy alty to fellow alumni continued. As a result, the brotherhood endured along with the knowledge, sentiments, and memories, which the graduates had received from Prep. Therefore, as long as Saint Peter’s continues the precedents of educating through tradition and promoting sodality, the brotherhood of future generations, as well as ours, will forever live on. A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Containing three floors o f classrooms in addition to the Siperstein Library, the Humanities Building represents the school's primary focus o f educat ing young men. With its traditional architecture, the “E-Building" reminds all those walking in its halls o f Prep's storied history.
ntering the 20th century, Saint Peter’s Preparatory School was quickly shaping up to be a mainstay of not only Ijesuit ideals but also of the ideals which were cherished by the surrounding community. As time passed, the school became more accepted within Jersey City as successful schol ars continued to emerge from its halls. This helped ease the tensions between the Prep community and those that held the anti-Catholic opinions of the time. In the forthcoming years, the Catholic faith became a commonality for over seventy percent of the population in Hudson County. Over the next six decades, Saint Peter’s grew rapidly. The campus developed along Grand Street to the familiar site that many recognize today. The school’s expansion was the function of an increasing student body, which swelled over seven-hundred percent from when it had first opened in 1878. The students attending were no longer restricted to the young men of the Catholic faith. Just as the downtown community had learned to cleanse itself from anti-Catholic opinions and stereotypes, Saint Peter’s too became more accepting of other faiths and cultures. However, no matter how large or diverse it became, Prep never abandoned those traditions on which it was founded.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
the expense of losing students.” This idea 1 purpose to educating only the mos' d the ric manifest so developed traditions in addition to thos exhibited from its opening. For exa dev °P
ae Jt'rep brotherhood, allow: one another.
ictivities minded individuals. Athletics an increased the sense I as Prep gained a reputation for at] only instilled a sense of pride in the s the school to truly form its own ide ofJersey City, an identity which has not i
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H H Mr. Car/ Dchorenzo, *67, speaks w ith seniors A ndrew Colaneri and Justin Guerra-Sarreal in the courtyard dur ing lunch. StudenH eacher interactions "frequently occur' outside o f the classroom, w hich enhance the relatio nsfiips o f the fa m ily fo u n d a t Prep. Seniors N icholas Jorgensen; N eil Carroll, and William Fong converse b y the M arauder Statue before travelling to their respective icksses. A prom inent part o f the lobby dedicated to athletics, the H represents the Prep com m u n ity 's unmeasurable school spirit.
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Students gather during recess on Po P a u l 11 Plaza, located at the heart o f the 'The p l m and the adjacent courtyard students w ith the perfect breeding gro; the form ing o f relationships that erthi brotherhood fo u n d a t Prep.
S I 'S P located ott ik e top, y f Hopnn (M l, the cross is a constant reminder that Prep is a Catholic school. A long w ith its Je s u it ties, Prep incorporates spirituality m the fo r m o f rela tionship enhancing retreats and service trips.
Students cross the courtyard and plaza w hile traveling betw een the east and w est halves o f the campus. A s they w alk to their n ext class, students have quick eonversatians w ith their peers. Senters M axw ell Trimiu and Brian Zappulla play a stim u lating game o f chess w hile senior Nathaniel Salzman w orks n t n - J i Jg 5 n w iii i t j v ■ Library. Air though the library primarily serves as a place fo r scholar ship, it also provides an environm ent that r<ltows students to strengthen their relationships w ith fe llo w classmates.
Students utilize the chess tables, recently donat Members o f the Varsity Soccer team took on as ed by the Class o f 200S bleated (faip 0pie.jahri %rep defeats Hudson Catholic 5L0 a t Ft. James Paul II Plaza next to M u lry Hall. The tables F. Keenan, S.J., FieU/. Athletes v f the seven ''Were.'donated'as last year's graduating class ■ teen vaP&ify sports teams a iP rep fb rm special understood the importance o f continuing the bonds with each other as "men tin a mission. " brotherhood in fu tu re generations.
Featuring the cafeteria, Burke Hall is the m ost re cent addition to the Prep campus. Before home room, during recess, during lunch, and certainly after school, the brotherhood is enhanced as students strengthen their relation ships w ith friends and forge new bonds w ith oth ers in the cafeteria.
brotherhood is defined as an association of men i for common purposes. The fellowship (hat has Dlished at Saint Peter’s is one that has been for; iiiions upon which Prep was founded. 1 all Prep men share is formed in the class „and at retreat houses, become the •oom Iv SffiSforme' S$SSK«a« iergo a rigorous
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night football games and Saturday afternoon soccer games bring Prep students closer together; through their support, the students become part of the team, and the family. Another aspect that unites the students of Prep is the great number of activities in which students are involved. These after-school clubs ranging from the Academic Team to the Anime Club allow students to learn new things, take up new hobbies, and meet new people. The extracurricular offered at Prep broaden a student’s scope of activities and friends. The final aspect that shapes the brotherhood found at Prep is the spirituality that surrounds the school. Students are constandy challenged to become better men by seeking God’s guidance. Whether it is on IgNite or Kairos retreats, New Orleans or Camden service trips, Prep’s students are always striving for the magis. The Religion Department along with the Campus Ministry Department makes sure that the spiritual lives of Prep students are taken care of; whether it is singing at the Mass of the Holy Spirit, or attending an Emmaus homecoming, Prep’s students obtain a sense of spiritual fulfillment. As Mark Twain once said, “The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession...” Appropriately, the men of Saint Peter’s Prep live as brothers everyday, from the begin ning of their freshmen year, until the end of their lives. A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
M r. R yan H effernan and M s. Cecilia C ollins w ork on finalizing details fo r the n e x t E m m au s retreat as seniors Eric H olt and Chris tian Baranok look on. M s. Collins plays a vital role in ensuring that the Campus M inistry D epartm ent con ducts retreats w hich allow fo r the enhan cin g o f the brotherhood.
For a f fe %ere has always been a mechanism that holds together some of the dimensions of the Prep that the senior class has grown to know. This person’s contributions have been J L tremendous and have had a lasting effect, but sometimes the work has gone unnoticed through simple expectation. If there were a Spirit Award for members of the community who are not students, this person would most definitely receive one. The kindness and generosity that this person has shown through the work done is truly unexplainable. The most common task that this figure might be known for is the massive amounts of work that he or she had to put into attendance, before the PowerSchool era. But does anyone really know what this person had to do to make sure all the students were accounted for? This person had to work with the attendance slips and manually enter the information into the computer regarding the absent and late students. This figure then had to call the homes of students who were absent without an excuse or without fair warning. This person also had to collect and verify absentee notes and search for students who had not handed them in. In addition, this individual has had to make note of who had JUG. All of this was done without a complaint, and with a constant smile on his or her face. One student said: “This person’s familiarity with each and every student made his or her office a welcome place to talk and spend time in. I will not forget the numerous free periods spent with this individual.” This person has also silendy facilitated the hundreds of juniors attending Emmaus and seniors attending Kairos. Mr. Heffernan demonstrated his appreciation by stating: “[This assistant] is the glue that holds Campus Ministry together. When someone needed to cook for more than 300 people for this year’s IgNite retreat, this figure was right there with other faculty members working die grill and keeping the kitchen in order. Prep is lucky to have such an expansive Campus Ministry program and that would not be possible without this person. This assistant is a hard worker who is always smiling, and now a legend of Prep. This person understands how to care for others.” We, the St. Peter’s Prep Class of 2009, dedicate the 2009 Petrean to Ms. Cecilia Collins because you truly deserve this recognition that captures only a small portion of everything that you have done for Prep. This dedication is our way of showing you that your work is appreciated. You have been such a great addition to the Prep community with your warm heart and your kindness; you are one of the more memorable people a Prep man meets over his four-year career. You are truly “the glue” that holds so many aspects of Prep together. We appreciate all that you have done for us; you have acted as a role model, a guidance counselor, and as a great baker. Thank you for all that you have done for the Prep community, especially for the students: for always keeping your door open, for always having candy and food that we can take, and for always being so nice and caring. Even after graduation, we simply will never forget you. 8
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Center: M s. Cecilia Collins prepares envelopes fo r the P rincipal's o ffice as one o f h e r n u m e ro u s ta sks. In addition to com pleting various tasks fo r the office and Campus M inistry, M s. C ollins brightens e v e r y  o neâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day w ith her w arm personality. Left: M s. Collins takes time out o f her busy schedide to grow plants in her Campus M in istry o ffice in M u lry H all. T his in sisten c e on m aking the office a little greener and §hom ier i indica tive o f her welcomin nature and o f her love fo the Prep com m unity.
enior M a tth ew Bender converses w ith M s. Collins before fitti n g bu zzed in. O ver the course o f the school day, m a n y students purposely enter through the M ulry Lobby to engage in a pleasant conversation that serves as a brief retreatfrom a fu ll schedide o f classes. \ ,
M s. Collins is interrupted by a student while she checks her inboxr proofreads a docum ent fo r the office, and organizes the next Emnnaus retreat list. Although M s. Collins takes her w ork seriously, she alw ays leaves her door open to anyone w ho w ants to stop b y and talk,
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10 Academics
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p offers students an environment that is conducive to achieving academic excellence. Although the core cur riculum may be similar to those of other schools, Prep is distinctive in that the school was shaped by traditional Jesuit values; generations have passed down a sense of brotherhood that was built upon the bonds that were formed in the unique academic setting. Through the course offerings, Prep challenges its stu dents to excel in areas in which they might struggle or feel uncomfortable. This challenging environment fosters the H n S i need for voluntary peer tutoring. As students answer the K call to help their fellow classmates, the brotherhood is strengthened outside of the classroom while still being IH M II?' in the academic mindset. In the classroom itself, courses such as English, Physics, and Social Justice allow students to commuB H K nicate with each other and form memorable relatton.... ships that enhance the brotherhood. The interactive courses invite students to participate and express their pKaBjjj. opinions in creative manners, including the “Socratic Circle” in History. Prep also offers students the opportunity to expand their academic horizons through Study Abroad and Exchange Programs, Religion colloquia, and spe cial History lectures featuring guest speakers. These experiences drastically change those adolescents who enter Prep’s hallowed halls during orientation into wellrounded and competent Prep men. After students leave Prep, they hardly remember the hours they spent making group presentations, studying together for tests, and helping each other finish homework. However, the solidarity promoted through these activities serves as the foundations for continuing the brotherhood among each incoming class as students until the end of their lives as Prep alumni. —Neil Patel, ’09
sSffi? M r. K enneth Bm tdorph energetically teaches his ju nior Precalculus Honors class mm about responsibility and self-m otivation. M r. Dandorph remains very traditional in W -his teaching styles as he attem pts to prepare all o f M s students fo r the individualistic allege life that awaits all o f them.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Mr. M atthew Scannapieco walks around the room and checks the students' hom ework fro m the previous night. A s a teacher o f Latin I and II, Mr. Scannapieco strives to instill the building-blocks o f gramm ar in his students.
In response to a student's question on the sub足 junctive mood in her Latin II class, Ms. Erin Knittel writes an example sentence on her laptop, highlighting the importance o f this specific mood. Ms. Elizabeth D'Ernic oversees group trans足 lations o f Vergil's A en eid in her A P Latin: Vergil class.
dents carefully translate poem s fro m O vid's M eta足 m orphosis. B y translating the poem s o f O vid and the speeches o f Cicero, students learn about the history and culture o f ancient Rome.
12 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
is his Latin
II H onors students com plete a verb conjugation \uiz, Mr. D avid Burokas, '85, w aits to answ er a n y questions uat they m ay have.
M M m m sL o o ® S to ry by G ra h a m WyviHe, ’1 1
aint Peter’s Prep is a school founded upon tradition, and the existence of the Clas sics Department in the twenty-first century is another example of Prep’s traditional values. All students are required to take two years of Latin, taught by Mr. Matthew Scannapieco, Mr. David Burokas, ’85, Mr. Vytas Vaznelis, and others. As freshmen, the young men learn the basic vocabulary, noun declensions, and verb tenses in Latin I. Along with learning the foundations of Latin grammar and translation, the freshmen learn about Roman culture and even participate in Chariot Races at the end of the year. In sophomore year, the students learn the remaining declensions and tenses in addition to other parts of speech such as participles and gerunds in Latin II. Sophomores also translate “real Latin”asopposed to translating sentences and short passages written by the book’s authors. For the students who excel in Latin I, department chair Mr. Burokas teaches Latin II Honors, in which the concepts are taught at a quicker pace and more difficult passages are translated. In junior year, students are no longer required to take Latin, but Ms. Erin Knittel offers Latin III and Latin III Honors to the willing scholars. These courses place more emphasis on translation as opposed to grammar. The juniors translate both prose and poetry as they begin the year with the speeches of Caesar and Cicero and end the year with Ovid and Vergil’s Aeneid. The students who wish to continue their studies on the Aeneid can take AP Latin IV: Vergil with Ms. Elizabeth D’Emic. These seniors translate as much of the Aeneid as possible by the end of the year, while also placing emphasis on literary techniques such as meter. The Classics Department is not only comprised of Latin as Mr. Vaznelis teaches Greek to those wishing to pursue the study of a different classical language. Although the course is introductory, similar to Latin I, Greek is not easy by any stretch. The Classics Department at Prep strives to teach not only a language, but also the characteristics of an entire culture. The influence of Latin on other languages is unparalleled as all romance languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese are based on the Roman language.
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enowned poet, physician, and essayist Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” The teachers of Prep’s English Department, led by Mr. Richard Peters, ’85, strive to teach students to develop their own thoughts through analysis and discussion, and then to express and to defend their opinions in well-organized and well written essays. At Prep, students are required to take four years of English. Freshmen take English I, in which the basics of organized writing are oudined and utilized to form opinionated essays. For students who have excelled in English throughout grade school, English I Honors is offered by Mr. Robert Furlong. In this accelerated course, the basics of writing are more deeply explored through the study of more complex works. In their second year at St. Peter’s, most sophomores take English II, which focuses on the analysis of American Literature and on improving writing techniques. The other sophomores take English II Honors, a course in which Ms. Julie Groark teaches the sameconceptsat a quicker pace. In junior year, students take an English III course, in -------which teachers focus on British Literature, SAT preparation, and the continued perfection of a student’s writing ability. AP English Language, taught by Mr. John Campion, offers a more vigorous and in-depth analysis of these topics. In their final year at Prep, students take either English IV, or AP English Literature, taught by Dr. Richard Kennedy. In these courses, teachers place a great emphasis on studying a variety of authors and literary genres. For juniors and seniors who enjoy recreational writing, Creative Writing classes are taught by Fr. Enrico Raulli, SJ., to aid students in further mastering the art of writing for various purposes. Through this great emphasis on English, the school ensures that all students are well-versed in various genres of literature and have fully developed writing styles.
Mr. Robert Furlong instructs his English IV class on ballad construction, stressing the impor tance o f meter and rhyme scheme while examining the ballads *Sir Patrick Spens0 a n d'Bar bara Allen." In addition to discussing various novels with his seniors, Mr. Furlong ensures that the young men leave Prep with a firm understanding o f poetry and its characteristics.
14 Academics: English Department
Ms. Alice M cN ally explains the traditional characteristics oj Anglo-Saxon literature as they appear in Beowulf. During thi survey o f English literature in English III, students gauge m progression o f literature over England's history.
M s. Janet Angerm eyer reviews the Christian in fluences on w orks such as Sir G aw ain and the Green Knight and A M an for All Seasons.
Dr. Richard Kennedy discusses Their Eyes Were Watching God with his AP English Literature and Composition class. In an attempt to expand his students' understanding o f English Litera ture, Dr. Kennedy chooses to analyze works o f different genres.
Peter Dougherty, '10, recites his original com position in the Creative W riting I class as Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J., listens intently. Fr. Raulli also offers Creative W riting II to students who truly love to w rite in their free time.
M r. John Campion converses w ith his A P English Lan guage and Composition class about the importance o f G eoffrey C haucer'l The Canterbury Tales as a so cial commentary. Mr. Campion strives to establish a sound w riting style in each o f his students.
Ms. Julie Groark instructs her English II Honors class to create a timeline o f American Literature that demonstrates the different periods o f classical ivorks. Throughout the course, Ms. Groark simultaneously teaches her students about American society and its progression over time.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Mr. A n th o n y Locricchio, '96, discusses the game plan w ith se niors M ichael Rodgers and joe Candela during a Physical Edu cation IV class. Mr. Locricchio typically chooses to partake in the games that his students play to better bond w ith them.
Attending to very im portant matters^ M r. Rich ard Hansen, Sr., works dihWfoitly in his office. i4s the Athletic Director, it is M r. H ansen's re sponsibility to oversee all the athletic aspects o f the seventeen varsity spbrts offered ai Prep.
em bers discuss pos t s senio r Jo n Wong,
I repertoire
o f songs
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~ \ reP provides a comprehensive and enriching artistic experience through the offerings of the Fine Arts DBartment. The classes challenge students to experiment with their artistic abilities, A . while acquMig new and innovative ways to utilize these talents. Freshmen are required to take an Iiitro to J*k course, which formulates artistic creativity in the underclassmen. Ms. Megan Klim and Mr, Nyupn Smidi teach the course and push their students to find the creative spirit within. This dedication to the fine arts may be continued in Sophomore Art, a course which builds upon the basics learned in freshman year. Students who may have a gift for art and drawing can continue their c^Bework with Drawing and Composition I and II, Portfolio, or Painting, all taught by Ms. Klim. Mr. Smith also offers Ceramics, Sculpture, and Design and Color. In addition to ar:. the department also includes music. Mr. Steven Caslowitz is Prep’s sole fulltone music mst pr and conductor. All freshmen take an Intro to Music course that delves into the basics of musi theory and analysis of different genres. Mr. Caslowitz also offers Basic and Advanced Music peory, and Beginning Instrumental Lessons for those who wish to further their studies For studi is who wish to create their own music, Mr. Caslowitz offers Music Synthesis, which allows studi hts to use the most recent software to create beats and songs. The Fine Arts department challenges its students to explore their imaginations and expand the limitations of their minds. The Physical Education department strives to shape their students physically and mentally. Whether it is playing a game of “Androball” with Mr. Anthony Locricchio, ’96, enjoying a game of football with Mr. Jose Que, ’99, or learning how to maintain a healthy diet with Mr. Richard C. Hansen, ’03, Prep’s gym and health program guides students to take care of and be informed about their bodies. During gym classes, students get to take part in physically stimulating sports or muscle building activities. Through the recently added health classes, the department also challenges students mentally by informing them about the body’s reactions to everyday phenomena. These two departments shape the creative and physical aspects of the students to form truly well-rounded men upon graduation.
S to ry by A n a n d B ra h m b h a tt,'0 9
he Guidance Department plays an active role in helping students through their four years of high school. During freshman year, students have group guidance classes that meet once a cycle. These classes are meant to help students transition from a grammar school mindset to a college preparatory state of mind. Many students have to develop new study habits because the Prep atmosphere is radically different from the environment they had known. For sophomores, there are no formal classes, but counselors do meet with their students to make sure that their counselees are work ing their hardest. Ms. Lori Berman, Ms. Kathleen Rowan, Fr. Anthony Azzarto, and Fr. John Mullin counsel the freshmen and sophomores. At the start of junior year, students, in addition to meeting in groups, are assigned new counselors who are familiar with the college application process. In these classes, students discuss the rigorous nature of their final two years, including the stress that comes along with taking standardized tests, maintaining good grades, and applying to college. Counselors start placing more emphasis on the SATs and on researching colleges in the second semester. Seniors are expected to meet individually with their counselors; this provides counselors the opportunity to get to know students better. Mr. Jordan Roldan, Ms. Yetunde Daniels Rubinstein, and department chairperson Mr. James Dondero, ’66, are all junior and senior counselors. Ms. Janice Martineau works in the college placement office and serves as a secretary for these counselors and the students. Throughout a student’s four years at Prep, guidance coun selors play a key role in aiding students. They help students adjust to the new year, become aware of upcoming rigors, and prepare for college in a non-academic sense. Counselors talk to students about their personal lives and about the classes that are particularly challenging to them.
M s. Janice M artineau takes a m om ent from gathering stu d e n lM transcripts to pose fo r a picture in the College Placement C M fice. Because o f her importance in a senior's college applicatiEM process, she is a fam iliar face among the Prep community. H
Mr. James Dondero, '66, instructs his junior Group Guidance class to begin writing their college essays early to expedite the application process. Mr. Don足 dero plays an essential role in ensuring that seniors undergo a smooth transition from Prep to college.
Ms. Lori Berman listens to her freshm an Group Guidance class speak about their experience at Prep. Group sessions are good ways fo r new students to connect w ith one another and to strengthen the relationships that they have developed early on.
In his freshm an Group Guidance class, Fr. A n th o n y A zzarto, S.J., review s the least stress足 fu l stu d y habits that are m ost com m only em足 ployed by Prep students.
Fr. John M ullin, S.l fe w w eeks into his\ sum m er and reviem M ullin only counsa m any juniors and si
M r. James Coviello, '99, watches over freshm an O w en Sutton
as he attem pts to complete an in-class essay.
Mr. Paul Cunneen interprets President W oodrow Wilson's ideology with resp> 1 / to World War I, while Senior Ryan McKeary listens intently. Mr. A n th o n y Verdi, '95, niscusses rising oil prices in relation to the 1 far in Iraq w ith se足 niors Elio Barbera and A lcm n d e r M osa in his Contemporary Issues c lass^M
Mr. A n th o n y Keating, '78, compares and contrasts A ncient Greece and Rom e in his W orld Civilizations class. M r. Keating utilizes current events to better con足 v e y life in ancient empires to his students.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
M r. Carl DeLorenzo, '67, enthii\sia$tically teaches his United States H istory II clasi about the Schlieffe n Plan and its ultimate failure it j W orld W ar I. Mr. DeLorenzo upholds a traditional UJaching style which rem inds his students o f the school $ storied history.
i broaden her students' knowledge, Ms. Mary Anne McElroy offers a class in Irish History. This course aims to provide ! l t e t c understanding o f Ireland's history from its ancient Gaelic contemporary issues o f Northern Ireland.
king to the Past S to ry by M a tth ew M ullm an, ’0 9
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ary may be the most important subject of all, for in the words of Pearl S. Buck, “If you want to un ierstand today, you have to search yesterday.” The History department at Prep takes this i lea seriously, educating its students in past events and applying their lessons to today’s world. Fresiman year history consists of an overview of World History with special focus on the great civilizations that have risen and fallen over the years. After a sophomore hiatus, Prep students study U.S. History, some at the AP level. But the History department is not limited to these classes. Senior year electives allow Prep stu dents to explore sp ?cific parts of history that fascinate them, whether it be the French Revolution, taught by Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, ’67, U.S. Law offered by Mr. Anthony Keating, ’78, the Communist Experience througl. Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych, Irish History as told by Ms. Mary Anne McElroy, or a survey of cur ent events in Contemporary Issues taught by Mr. Anthony Verdi, ’95. The other teachers rour ding out the department are Mr. Kevin Albers, Mr. James Coviello, ’99, and Mr. Paul Cunneen. Lectures throug rout the year also cover a full spectrum of interests, with topics ranging from the spread of Helle lism to America’s current foreign policy. Ms. McElroy, the head of the History Department, scheduled a visit from Ambassador George Krol, ’74, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. His firsthand knowledge of the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of the current Russian politicians essa CONQUER fascinated both the AP students to whom he spoke in class and the many others who attended his discussion after school. Additionally, the department placed special emphasis on the 2008 Presidential Election. During a school-wide assembly, students were formally introduced to the election and its significance. Mr. Cunneen provided a survey of critical elections in the past and their importance to the country’s progress. Seniors Joseph Livi and Alexander Mosa followed him and spoke about the importance of getting involved. For the majority of students who cannot vote, the department also ran a mock election. Consequently, the history department aims not only to teach students what has happened in the past, but also to help them understand current issues.
M r. A drian O ry sh ke v y ch discusses the form ation o f the U nited States Con stitution w ith his U nited States H istory I class, em phasizing its origins in the A rticles o f Confederation.
Academics: History Department
S to ry by M atth ew H artzell, ’
athematics is considered one of the core academic departm are required to take three years of math. At the outset of careers, students quickly leam that the study of mathematic more than numbers and basic operations. As freshmen, the young solving equations and graphing lines in Algebra I with department Hollywood, ’66. For the students who have excelled in math during Mr. Kenneth Dandorph offers Intermediate Algebra Honors, a coi freshmen also leam about set theory and other Algebra II concep year, most students are introduced to proofs and the properties of sh instructed by Mr. Michael Settembrino, ’01, and others. The other Geometry Honors with Mr. Joseph Urbanovich, ’65, in which the s some trigonometry. As juniors, the young men leam advanced algebra concepts an Algebra II with Mr. Brian Healy, ’99. Students who have excelled and Geometry take Precalculus Honors with Mr. Dandorph, in whic basic calculus concepts are explored. Although math is not required in senior year, the department offers a wide array of courses. Students can solidify their understanding of algebra in Advanced Algebra with Mr. Kellen Williams, ’00. Seniors can also expand their knowledge of trigonometry and leam basic calculus concepts in Precalculus with Ms. Erin Stark. Students who have excelled in their junior year math courses can leam about derivatives and integrals in Calculus Honors with Mr. Gregory Evans or AP Calculus with Fr. Robert O ’Hare Fr. O ’Hare also offers AP Statistics to students who wish to leam about a common application of mathematics. Whether the students plan on continuing their studies in math or not, the Mathematics Department offers a comprehen sive selection of courses that accommodates for the teaching of both theory and real-world applications.
M s.
t i l l e r i ^ f ^ i s h er ffo grd m m m gclitis o f ilieirneji' assigitiO^itln
nition o f the current technologically-advanced society,
G lazer provide
Studptts a com prehensive course offering itt Com puter Scieiiie.
Academics: Mathematics Department
pis collects the previous Ifrom his Calculus Honors i f there are any questions htrie functions. bss, Mr. Michael Settembri\ecent test on lines and line Vularly focuses on how to \a line that bisects an angle.
Fr. Robert O'Hare, S.J., introduces his Precalculus class to a general fo rm o f quadratic equations. A recent addition to the Prep faculty, Fr. O'Hare is quickly becoming acquainted to the traditions that make the school unique.
Ms. Rosalie Romano informs her A P Italian students o f their next assignment concerning Italian culture and heritage.
Ms. Ruth lllera reviews a quiz on the preterite tense w ith her Spanish II class. During a group exercise, Mr. Ryan Grusenski, '03, assists seniors Nicholas Jorgensen and Sean Finn in creating an ending fo r their "Deutsches Marchen," or German fairy-tale, as seniors Bryan McTiernan and Kenny Slaski finish writing theirs.
Mr. Frank Giordano, '99, instructs his French I class to begin reviewing verb endings fo r an upcoming te st
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
In her Basic Spanish fo r Businessand M edical Person足 nel class, Ms. A na Garcia review s basic vocabulary and grammar in an attem pt to better prepare her stu足 dents fo r the real world. The offering o f this course is indicative o f the sch ools college m eparatory mindset.
Sophomore Stephen H art sits d ow n w ith M r. R yan G rusen ski, '03, to have a conversation in German. M r. G rusenski teaches conversational German so that his students can use their knowledge outside o f the classroom. S to ry by S e a n F in n , '0 9
trengthening itself through St. Peter’s Prep’s ethnic diversity and various cultural ^^feheritages, the Modern Language Department seeks to broaden the cultural ^ ^^h o rizo n s of the students, along with enhancing their linguistic and grammatical finesse. With the opportunity to immerse themselves in Spanish, German, French, or Italian, students are provided with a broad range of options for studying a new language and culture. Spanish students have the opportunity to learn Spanish culture, as well as the language itself. During Spanish I, taught by Mr. Frank Giordano, ’99, students learn many of the concepts found in other first year languages. For those with a basic understand ing of the language, department chair Ms. Ana Garcia offers Spanish I Honors. As juniors, students take Spanish II with Ms. Ruth Illera; juniors can also take AP Spanish Language with Ms. Garcia. For students who wish to continue their studies, Ms. Nery Gomez offers Spanish III Honors and Ms. Garcia offers AP Spanish Literature and Basic Spanish for Medical and Business Personnel. Students taking German, taught by Mr. Ryan Grusenski, ’03, spend their first year learning the basics of sentence formation and verb forms, as well as numbers and colors, in order to describe an object and enhance their speech. Along with the German I course, Mr. Grusenski also teaches German II to juniors, German IH Honors to seniors, and, for the first time at St. Peter’s Prep, AP German. For those taking French, Mr. Giordano challenges stu dents to speak conversational French in class to expedite the learning process. In addition to teaching levels I and II, Mr. Giordano also teaches French III Honors to seniors. In Italian, Ms. Rosalie Romano, encourages students to broaden their understanding of the Italian language as well as the culture itself. Ms. Romano offers Italian III Honors and AP Italian to seniors in addition to the first two levels of the language. In addition to teaching the conventions of grammar and linguistics, the teachers of the Modem Language Department strive to inform their students about the respective culture of each language’s homeland.
Junior M arc H anna recites a presentation on Isabel Allende that M s. N ery Gomez asked her Spanish II class to prepare. M s. G omez em phasizes the importance o f learning Spanish culture and history in addition to the language itself.
Academics: Modem Languages Department
fta i M
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S to ry by P e te r LiVolsi,' 11
t Saint Peter’s, the Religion Department emphasizes the importance of deepening the spirituality of each student. Through the diversity of studies over the course of four years, Prep students gain a well-rounded education regarding religion and its importance in their lives. In their first year at Prep, the freshmen are presented with a basic overview of religion and the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society ofJesus. As the year progresses, students study the Old Testament in their Introduction to Religion course, which is taught by Mr. Jonathan Dwyer, Mr. Michael Fletcher, the department chair, and others. Sophomores study the New Testament, focusing on the Gospels and Epistles. The goal of the class is to gain a greater understanding ofJesus’ teachings, as well as the culture and its influence on the writ ing of the Gospels. The sophomore instructors include Mr. Michael McCarthy and Ms. Boreta Singleton, among others. The juniors at Prep take a course on Christian Ethics, which gives the students a better under standing of the poverty and injustices in the world. Also known as Social Justice, the course is taught by Ms. Jane Bleasdale, Mr. John Kilroy, Dr. Dominic Scibilia, and others. In their senior year, students take a seminar on Church History, Ignatian Spiritual Resources, and World Religions. This survey in religion is instructed by Mr. Frederick Galano and Dr. Jeffrey Hartling, among others. In addition to the insights offered by the Religion teachers, the Christian Service Program provides students with the opportunity to work for those who are affected by the widespread poverty and injustice which exist in the world today. This understanding of and experience with less fortunate people allow the students to become men for and with others. As the Grad-at-Grad states, a student should be Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Religious, Loving, and Committed to Doing Justice upon gradu ation. Through the influence of the Religion Department, each student fulfills these obligations and leaves Prep as a true alumnus of a Jesuit institution.
Ms. Boreta Singleton addresses the topic o f Ignatian Spirituality to the freshmen in her Introduction to Religion class. In addition to informing her students about Jesuit values, Ms. Singleton teaches the Old Testament with particular emphasis on the Pentateuch.
Academics: Religion Department
Dr. D om inic Scibilia talks about the origins o f Christianity w ith his Senior Seminar in Religion class. Dr. Scibilia strives to make his classes as informal as possible, similar to a discus sion that a student w ould have in the cafeteria w ith his peers.
In his Introduction to Religion class, Mr. Jona than D w yer discusses the life o f Saint Ignatius o f Loyola so as ip alloxu his freshm en to better understand the ideals o f the school. Mr. John Kilroy Spends time outside o f his Christian Ethics A ss with juniors Alexander Yang and Gabe Kitnmura to further emphasize the importance omthe adolescent stages to a young manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emotional development.
In his Early chair Mr. Michael Jerusalem under
Mr. Michael M cCarthy intently listens to his students' ideas about the differences between the fou r Gospels o f the Roman Catholic Canon in Iris Early Christian Literature class.
mmmm â&#x2013; Dr. Charles Robinson, in an attem pt to explain the form ation o f an ionic bond, uses sophomores Ian Garner and Ronald Benavides to demonstrate the properties o f static electricity.
M s. Rosem ary A n n e tta i Charles Costello tl performing the laboratory e xperiment on diffu sion and osmosis in her A l Biology class. ctass. A t his podium, Mr. Chri responds to a student's electrical conductors freshm an Physics class.
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Mr. D avid Lagerstrom explains the results o f a recent laboratory experiment pertaining to the use o f catalysts. To allow his chemistry students to fu lly understand this topic, he goes over every aspect o f the procedure, and writes out all the chemical equations on the board.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
In her Physics class, M s. Frances I dents in an experim ent that d em o n \ and refracting properties o f light, i m any new additions to the ScienA firm believer o f the subject ofinquM
S to ry by S e a n F in n , ’0 9
inquiry-based class discussion and rigorous lab sessions, the St. Peter’s e Department seeks to educate the young men in all facets of scientific ding Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Human Physiology, ar, students study Physics. The fundamentals of this course involve intro) basic occurrences of sound, light, motion, and electricity. The course luencies and various types of energy, in addition to describing how each enon connects with the other. With the watchful guidance of Ms. Melinda Dpher Nunez, ’03, and Ms. Frances Tursi, students learn these basics in challenging atmosphere. their mandated two years of science, sophomores embark on the disfes and basic chemical structures in Chemistry. Taught by Ms. Theresa les Robinson, and Mr. David Lagerstrom, who also teaches Honors and course seeks to introduce students to the compounds and bonds that objects as well as life itself, rstanding of physical existence and life, juniors are propelled into the of Biology. Instructing their students about biological functions, Mr. Michael Lyons, ’02, Mr. Victor Santos, and department chair Ms. Rosemary Annetta, who also teaches Honors and AP Biology, hope that each student will understand the basis of human life as well as the development of living species. In their senior years, students can choose to broaden their understandings of the human body by studying Human Physiol ogy with Ms. Hilda Doris Suarez. Ms. Suarez teaches her students the fundamentals of the human body’s structure and functions. The course also examines how the human body is affected by foreign agents and how humans themselves affect the environ ment in which they live. The Science Department is very comprehensive as the school values teaching the young men about everyday phenomena. No matter where a student’s focus may lie, the school ensures that a student will have a firm understanding of the physical and chemical sciences.
M s. M elinda Flores addresses a question regarding the relationship between force and velocity in her freshm an Physics class. Because it is a relatively hard subject to comprehend, M s. Flores passes out worksheets to provide more information and to better clarify the concept to her students.
Academics: Science Department
S to ry by D aniel Londono, '0 9
uring the summer of 2008, Prep students spent three ful weeks in Spain along with faculty members Senora Seth Hurd, and Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych. The trip be capital, Madrid, and led the group through numerous m odem towns stretching from the northern coast to the southern tip of spent much of their time in the city of Salamanca, attending El and learning about the language, culture, and history of Spain. On group took cross-country bus trips to both La Coruna and side trips along the way to visit quaint towns and admire activities in which the group participated included attending an au show, enjoying an appetizing mussel meal, and visiting the incredib the Palacio Real. As any student that went on the trip will agree that the study more than an ordinary tourism trip. While there, the group was to witness and partake in the country’s celebration of the Spanish! Team ’s victory in the 2008 Euro Cup for the first time in forty-four years. Additionally, all of the students and teach ers bonded in a special way as a result of the trip and the time they spent together. They were able to experience everyday life in the fascinating country that is Spain, and were also able to befriend students from other parts of the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world. Needless to say, the students also improved their Spanish tremen dously, having been immersed in the Spanish culture for such a long time. No one will ever forget those afternoons sitting casually in the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca, or seeing Artistic and Religious history in its element. This journey through Spain left all the Prep students with innumerable experiences that they will remember for many years to come.
Prep students listen attentively to a tour guide in the city o f Santiago de Compastela. This guide introduced the students and fa c u lty members to the interesting story o f this historic city.
Academics: Study Aboard in Spain
Students visited La Catedral de Santiago in Santiago de Compastela, Galicia. W hile there, students witnessed this great architecturalfeat and learned about the history o f the cathedral from a tour guide native to the area.
During the sum m er o f 2008, European national soc足 cer teams played against one another in the Euro Cup. Students had the great privilege o f being in Spain w hen the Spanish National Team w on the title.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
eyond the brick and mortar of the buildings, and the classrooms and offices inside, St. Peter’s Prep is not so much a place as it is a home. As per the unique brother hood, there is a deep sense of community that is embedded in each student at Prep. With a home comes a family, and the students of St. Peter’s relate to their fellow classmates ^ and teachers as a second family at their home away from If home. ^ At the outset of freshman year, die students are intro■, duced to the surroundings that make up downtown Jersey City and to the classmates with whom eternal Mm bonds and friendships are forged. As sophomores, stu■g/ dents are no longer hindered by the same insecurities ■ i they had freshman year, and are now able to become ■ i men for and with others. With this in mind, students ■ are able to broaden the friendships they make in B freshman year, as well as develop new ones. :• During their junior year, students are provided the B r A opportunity of further developing bonds with their Wf A classmates and the faculty on the spiritual retreat i 9 a known as Emmaus. Seniors, who were freshmen a short three years ago, are now responsible for setting •' ■ the tone for the brotherhood and sense of community. f The leaders have the biggest impact on the freshmen as Big Brothers lead the newcomers on their spiritual journey beginning with the IgNite retreat H The brotherhood that continues with every passing ;H generation fosters a sense of community like no other. V Whether it is co-curriculars, sports, or retreats, students V are provided with many opportunities to enhance the ■ brotherhood. With the addition of faculty participation, W the events provide the perfect breeding grounds for F strengthening the community that is like a second family at this second home. —Sean Finn
Joel Abreu Miquel Adillon John Albanese Dennis Aloia Kevin Alois
^acnary /mon-ncese Hitcsh Bacchus
Hyan Baird Nicholas Balclanza
Nicholas Contey Zane Corbin Nicholas Corrado Daniel Cotter Patrick Coyle Jared Crayton Lucas Cristofolinl Johnatan Czemiawski Yanni Daniskas Christopher Dapat Jeremy del Castillo Christopher del Monte Joseph DeMarco
During your short tim e here, how have you experienced the sen se of Prep brotherhood?
"X1 A T"hile entering Prep for the first time as a part l / l / of the “Freshman-for-a-Day” program, I * T was struck by the banners and pictures of the school’s many athletic and academic achievements. However, it was not until nearly a year later, during the IgNite retreat, that I got a true sense of the school. It was not the athletic championship banners that made Prep special, but rather the humble, carefully designed Enmaus banners that embodied the spirit. After one year at Prep, I have already engaged in many different bonding activities, including countless orientations, the Big Brother program, and the Chris tian Service program. This pool of opportunities to con nect within Prep’s walls and beyond allows students to appreciate themselves and those around them.
Through my service at P.S. 3, I witnessed the po tential of every person to better the life of another. Even if it was through helping a second grader spell a four-letter word, I felt my eyes being opened to what an individual could do in terms of bringing about a positive effect for the overall community. Now that I have aided those younger than me and received guidance from those older than me, I will soon begin to see the line between brother and class mate diminish, and see a sense of belonging and ca maraderie take its place. The next three years will be difficult and full of many different challenges, but my fellow freshmen and I will get by with a little help from our brothers. —Timothy Erbach, ’12 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Michael Geltrude Michael Giacone Joseph Giordano Christian Giraldo Najee Glass Anthony Gomes Antonio Gonzalez Paul Gonzalez James Gorrell Philip Grosso Frankie Guarini Christopher Hahn Jameal Hammond 'lyier Hanson Patrick Hartnett William Hedley IV Nicholas Henriquez LukeHeyer Bryan Hoffinan Peter Imus Patrick Jarczewski Gabriel Jasinski Michael Joll Freddie Jones Evan Jorgensen Aaron Joskowitz Ryan Kable Gregory Kearney Daniel Kelly Eric Kenny Mark Kenny Ali Khan Furukh Khan Daniel Khilall John Kluepfel Tyler Kovach Jonathan Krai PemaLama Kevin Larkin Giovanni Lauretta
During your short time here, how have you experienced the sen se of Prep brotherhood?
reshman year was an overwhelming experi ence for me. I was a late applicant to Prep and missed the regular orientation, so I did not know what to expect in September. At first, I felt out of place and disconnected; it seemed as though every student already had friends except for me. I was wondering why I made the sacri fices to leave my friends that I had made over nine years at the public school in my town and to get up early each day to take the 6:30 a.m. train for my hour commute to Prep. Little did I know, the camaraderie at Prep not only among the students, but also between the young men and faculty cre ated an environment that I would not sacrifice for anything.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
The school spirit at Prep changed my feelings for the better. Thinking back to the second Friday ending the first full week of school, the Mass of the Holy Spirit and the football game that evening made me realize Prep’s unique qualities. The Var sity Football opener against Saint Joseph Regional served as a way to bring the whole school together. Despite the pouring rain and bitter cold, the Ma rauder fans showed their devotion to Prep with energy, emotion, and a student-funded tailgate out side Giants Stadium. I cannot imagine a school in the entire country that has more spirit. Even in a losing effort, the foundation of my Prep career had been set. After that eventful day, I knew I would be a Marauder for life. —Alexander Garber, ’12
Michael Lavin Timothy Lenz Nathan Leo Kevin Li Michael Lizza Lucas LoCascio Carmine Lombardi Conor Long Dennis Long Meenas Lotfalla Arlandas Maleckis Conor Malloy Siddarth Mally Ethan Mangold Christopher Manley Wyatt Marciniak KyleMarkey Timothy Marks Christopher Mathers Brian Matoke Joshua Matus Tamarick Mays Patrick Mazo Michael McGee Armani McKoy Peter McMonagle ColiriMcNamara Jack McNulty Ryan Medina Anthony Menafro JoelMenendez Joseph Miles Matthew Miselis Robert Miskura Martin Monaco Richard Moorhead Matthew Moschovas John Mueller Brandon Napoleon AmirNassar Tyler Neira Ryan Nguyen Angel Nieves James Nolan Michael Norton
Connor Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Joseph Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Jason Ortiz Anthony John Pafumi Mohnish Pardasani Richard Pardo Daniel Perez
Class of 2012: Geltrude to Perez
John Pestana Scon Philibert Anthony Pilovsky Giordan Pinzon Matthew Prieto Dashawn Putman Gregory Rabiecki Jonathan Ramos Tyler Rana Christian Rasmusson Aaron Reaves Gilberto Reyes Dominick Ricchiuto Alexander Richardson Anthony Rinaldi Blake Ritter Ronaldo Kivas Dean Riven Alexander Rogacki Diovante Aaron Rogers Daniel Roman
Samuel Rozano Marcel Rudin PavlySaad William Sabbers Michael Salerno Alejandro Santana IVler Sarmiento
MalikS -
Class o f 2012; Pestana to Zocco
During your short tim e here, how have you experienced the sen se of Prep brotherhood?
was nervous about coming to Prep just as my fellow freshmen were uneasy to leave their comfort zones. The IgNite retreat in September did not make me feel at home as I was still hesitant about my choice. As the year progressed, I began to develop a feeling of comfort with the school and the community. Furthermore, I felt as though Prep could become a second home for me. One feeling which reassured me that I belonged at Prep was the incredible sense of community. Everyone has something unique to offer and every one makes sure his opinions are heard. I admire and benefit from this diversity at Prep. During the school year, I have learned much from my friends, who come from many different parts of NewJersey and New York.
Another thing that has influenced my growth and development as a Prep student is the wide array of activities, and the brotherhood within them. Whether it is in Marauder Nation going to games, or clubs visiting New York for various reasons, there is always a group of brothers doing something with each other. Moreover, juniors and seniors are always willing to help underclassmen get involved in the after school scene. The various clubs, activities, and events that occur every day, make Prep’s student life unique. It is easy for those walking through Prep’s halls to feel surrounded by a community. Whether it is in the classroom, on the field, or at a club meeting, the Prep spirit can be found within every student. —Nicholas Corrado, ’12
During your short tim e here, how have you experienced the sen se of Prep brotherhood?
reshman year has gready surpassed my ex pectations beginning with the IgNite retreat in September. Coming in, I figured Prep would be like any other high school with upper classmen tormenting the freshmen and only a few fans attending athletic events. However, I was de lighted to see that none of these things can be said about Prep, primarily because of its brotherhood. I found the upperclassmen very considerate and helpful. The saying that the Marauders get a few fans at games proved to be a severe understate ment. For every football game I attended, there were a few hundred fans creating a sea of maroon. Additionally, all of the students are truly men for others. Whenever I saw a Prep student outside of school, he always stood out for helping others.
One of the greater things about Prep is the community-at-large. The teachers have encouraged me to work harder and have already started pre paring me for college. I participated in the soccer and lacrosse programs, and was very pleased with all of the coaches I have come across. In essence, the staff truly cares about their students and their subjects. Staff members also frequently socialized with students outside of the classroom, for instance dur ing the Walk-a-thon. The teachers were very willing to get involved in all of the carnival’s activities, in cluding the dunk tank. These are only a few of the many highlights from freshman year. I will always remember this year as it was one of the better expe riences I have ever had. —Patrick Hartnett, ’12 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Angelo Addesso Omayemi Agbeyegbe Connor Alburtus Ryan Alfred Marcus Allen Calvin Alston George Aquila Brandon Aquino Menelik Arias Michael Bajuz Tifari Barnes Charles Bates Curt Beck Jean-Michael Belisle Ronald Benavides William Borland Mark Bovich Nicholas Boyarko IV William Brown Joseph Bunn Austin Cabrera Franz Campomanes Christopher Cannizzaro Peter Cardoz Michael Camey, Jr. Joseph Carroll Rex Gerard Casio Anthony Castro Christopher Chairiez Nicholas Chee Alexander Chowdhury Thomas Collins Evan Colon Andrew Convery Roberto Cortinas Kevin Cosgrove Edmund Coxc Robert Crean Rafael Cruz
How does tradition affect the Prep community?
y definition, tradition is an inherited pat tern of thought or action. Tradition can come to one in the form of a surname, a school sweater, or any other hand down. In my family, tradition comes in the form of a big hammy down-Prep. Dating to the early 1950s, every male in my family has gone to Prep. It may seem like I am forced or persuaded by guilt to keep the streak alive, but it is a rare tradition that not many families have. Consequently, I am also a part of the Prep tra dition. The Prep brotherhood contains students of all ages, social classes, and ethnic backgrounds. Although we are so diverse, we are unified when we come together. We put our differences aside to become brothers.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
I personally have found many brothers among the student body. There are those that can pro vide a helping hand with school work, as well as those who provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times. There are also those who will lend me money to get home, or give me a ride even when my house is out of the way. Most impor tantly, there are those who will say that they are my brothers, and take on the responsibilities that are attached to the title. Prep truly is a brotherhood shaped by tradi tion. This tradition means a lot to me, as I live each day knowing that I am a part of a privileged brotherhood. —Ian Gamer, ’11
Jason Cunningham Kevin Cunningham Mario D'Urso Myles Davis Zachary DeLorenzo Luis DePaz Michael Dimino Andrew Donofrio Seamus Dwyer GaryEck Mark EHard David Falcon Roger Fernandez Robert Ferrara Chase Ftuellen Matthew Foley James Fox Nicholas Galasso Christopher Galiszewsld Ian Garner Kevin Garrigan Andrew Gaviria William Giannone Gabriel Glnebra Paul Giordano Anthony Gorski Derek Gotay Kevin Grant Jamie Grasing Eric Griffin Joseph Grosch Kevin Guadalupe Travis Haber Conor Harden Todd Harrigan Jeffrey Harris Stephen Han Matthew Haittelt Conor Heaiy Michael Hetherington Jeremy Ho Matthew Holowienka Satton Huggins Kliiry Hughes John Irvine Eric Jablonski Shaquan Johnson Joseph Jordan Harrison Katzman Conor Kearns Ryan Kearns Alexander Kennedy James Kcrwin Henry Khost Edward King, Jr. Zachary La Rosa
Class o f 2011: Abdur-Rahman to La Rosa
Matthew LaBau Janies Lancellotti Alexander larwa Eric Lawrence Daniel Lesce Alexander Linkus Christian f t t Peter Uvofei David Lizza Daniel llanos Dane Longa Matthew Lopes Michael Lotfella Keith Lumpkin: Jr. Bryan tusara Dimitri Luzgin Michael Machado Timothy Manning Ronald Martinez Peter Maroti Rodolfo Mazo 1 Conor McCarthy Edward MoGowra PhilipWcGovem Justin McMahon Timothy McManus William Meehan
. a
Quang.\gnyen Brian O'Donnell Conor Oleary
William Reynold* Kevin Kicciardi Jose Rosado, Jr. ' ; Christian Rosso Dominick Rotondo' Justin Rousso Sheldon Royster Kevin Roane Michael Rufolo Devin Ruiz Sean Ryan William Ryan Krishna Sachanandani Lorenzo Samin
How does tradition affect the Prep community?
ne of the more notable aspects of Prep is I the considerable amount of family members among the student body and alumni. Whether it is a father, son, or brother, the greatest Prep tradition is that of family lines intersecting at the comer of Grand and Warren. This tradition of con tinued family enrollment is a result of the many tradi tions that set Prep apart from all other high schools. In fact, because I heard my two brothers speak of the great Prep traditions, I did not hesitate to enroll. From the moment I entered Prep, I witnessed the strong friendships among the upperclassmen, and wondered how I could ever have that strong of a relationship with any of the strangers in my class. However, through classes spent together, free peri ods spent in the cafe, or time spent in extra-curricular I
activities, my classmates at Prep not only became my friends, but also my brothers. The traditions of retreats and Christian Service have had a huge impact on my relationships with my classmates. While helping others, my classmates and I seem to have united under the common purpose and strengthened our friendships. During retreats, students axe able to open up about their personal lives, which allows us to leam new and interesting things about each other. These traditions affect my daily life at Prep, and I am certain that all students and alumni feel the same way. Without these time-tested traditions, students would never have the chance to become brothers during their time at Prep. —Peter LiVolsi, ’11 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 43
Kevin Walker James Werner Stephan Whyatt Conor Wiggins Graham WyviUe Mark Zana
How does tradition affect the Prep community?
aint Peter’s is still the only Jesuit high pleting their Christian Service, they are compelled school in Newjersey; it has operated from to better the world and themselves. While working the comer of Grand and Warren for the towards a common goal, a brotherhood is formed past 131 years, enabling boys to mature through among the students, one that ultimately betters the out their high school careers. Tradition is upheld Prep community. by the students and how they conduct themselves The foundation of Prep as a whole is formed by in their everyday lives. Many phrases are used on the bonds that the young men make. These bonds a day-to-day basis, which better the student body form a brotherhood that allows students to strive as individuals and as a whole. For example, men for the magis. The Prep community is affected by for others, cura personalis, and AMDG, are heard all that students do; it is like a phalanx in ancient daily, but one should take into account the true times. If one person in the whole of the Prep com meaning of these so that each can become a man munity is weak, the entire student body suffers. that fulfills the Grad-at-Grad. Students uphold the traditions that St. Ignatius of During Christian Service experiences, bonds Loyola and the Society of Jesus have formed; in are formed between Prep men that further shape the process, they form new traditions as well. the lives of others. When students embark on com —Christian Livi, ’11
How does tradition affect the Prep community?
m ^ he event that served as the foundation for the great experience I had during the first half of my high school career, was attending a Varsity Football game. I guarantee that attending his first football game will be one of the more memorable moments during a Prep stu dent’s career. I now know the joy that comes with attending a game, but I realized that too late. At the beginning of my freshman year, I was amused by the concept of staying hours after school had ended to watch a football game. I ini tially felt that way because I did not understand school spirit; my middle school provided a lack luster student life experience. The one and only game I attended had twenty members in atten dance, who hardly provided any support for the
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
football team. Even though our team won, the “fans” who attended did not show any passion. It was one of the more depressing experiences I had; consequently it discouraged me from attend ing another game. I foolishly carried my negative mentality to Prep and in hindsight, I regret not attending more games. My first game was the final game of the season against Don Bosco in the championship round of the state playoffs. Even though the game ended in a loss, I could feel the spirit and enthusiasm of the Prep community, led by Marauder Nation. I did not join Marauder Nation, but grew closer to my fellow fans while cheering for the same purpose. Therefore, I encourage everyone to attend a Prep game. —Steffan Murrell, ’11
How does tradition affect the Prep community?
ife at Prep is defined and af fected everyday by its age old traditions. Prep is known for its academic excellence, talent in sports, deep sense of religious be liefs, and the great amount of devel opment fostered in a student’s life from freshman to senior year. These traditions are the qualities that cur rent students strive to uphold and improve on. Although some of Prep’s traditions, such as its unisexu al nature, are not understood by all, there is a belief in Prep; a good rep resentation of the school must be created by students not only on campus, but also in their daily lives beyond Grand at Warren. If a student is seen walking on the streets ofJersey City while wearing a Prep sweater, he is held to a higher standard than the standard for an average teenager. People expect pristine behavior and for students to be gentlemen; these people are not let down. Another great aspect of Prep is the alumni. Throughout a stu dent’s four year career, he hears from the administration, faculty, and older students that “It’s not Prep for just four years, it’s Prep
for life.” Despite its use in school and in brochures, the statement is backed by fact and not just overuse. One of the ways that Prep is able to operate and stay affordable is through the generosity of the alumni; thus, these men keep the tradition alive. There is also the great tradition of “handing down” Prep from one generation to the next. Some students can trace their Prep roots back to the opening of the school; their families keep the tradition alive be cause they believe that Prep is a great institution. Another one of Prep’s renowned traditions is its faculty. The teachers always try their hardest to make sure that their students learn. If a student ever needs help with a subject, his teachers are always willing to help. In general, Prep students are assured that they are receiving a good education while establishing long-lasting bonds with their teachers. There is no doubt that Prep students will be prepared for the world around them, and this is my favor ite aspect of the tradition. It is easy to see how Prep’s history is shaped by tradition. Stu dents and alumni feel a great sense of loyalty to their Alma Mater. They are part of something bigger than themselves as they are a part of the brotherhood. This community’s traditions shape Prep students in unique ways. In fact, the sense of community that has been formed is deeply rooted in Prep’s time-tested traditions. —Conor Wiggins, ’11
How d o es tradition affect the Prep community?
A s Winston Churchill once stated, “Without tradition, art A is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovaX ^ .tio n , it is a corpse.” In many ways, this statement truly defines one of the many distinctive features of Saint Peter’s; this distinguishing attribute is the tradition. Not only can I speak on my behalf, but also for the many Prep alumni who have walked in the halls. Growing up, I knew that my father graduated from Saint Pe ter’s, and I also knew the tradition of alumni sending their sons to Prep. Fathers presumably uphold this tradition to ensure that their sons can experience the magnificent wonders Prep has given to them. When I was choosing a high school, the natural choice for me was Prep because of my desire to participate in the long standing traditions that Saint Peter’s maintain. As a sophomore, I am fortunate enough to have Dr. Kennedy for English II, whom my father had when he attended Prep. I enjoy listening to Dr. Kennedy’s personal anecdotes about hav ing our fathers sometimes in the past. I will always remember hearing Dr. Kennedy say, “It is nice hearing from a student that I had taught their fathers, but when they tell me that I taught their grandfathers, that is when I know to call it quits.” A rather infamous tradition is something called JUG, which has been around since the school’s opening in 1878. Nearly every Prep student has received JUG at least once. For many, expe l
riencing JUG is a right of passage. Alumni frequendy share their JUG stories and as soon as a student ex periences his first JUG, he becomes part of the tradition. Another tradition at the comer of Grand and Warren is one of being victorious. When a person first walks into the gymnasium, also known as “The Bam,” he or she witnesses a wall covered with banners honoring numerous championship seasons. The athletic program’s tradition of winning has been an essential part of Prep’s history; a winning football team began to take its shape in 1898. The athletes all share a common bond under the Jesuit motto of cura personalis, care for the whole body. Not only are the athletes physically strong, but they are intellectually competent. Ultimately, fathers seeing their sons dressed in their white jack ets while on the stage to proudly accept their diplomas, bring back memories of their own graduations from Prep. As the Class of 2009 embarks on life after high school, Prep’s traditions are sure to live on with the incoming Class of 2013 and beyond. —Mark Ellard, ’11
Class o f 2011: Walker to Zatta
Ryan Albefn John Armstrong Mark Augustine DaleBalderacehi Joshua Barry Justin Barry Aedan Beales Daniel Beilido Cory Benavides . Joseph Bernardo Nick Bilchuk Michael Blicharz Christopher Bolejszo Chesley Bowers. Kirk Brabham : Michael Braugher f Vincent Brinas Christopher Brito Thomas Brodowski Dominick Bruno Joseph Buckman Robert Bullaro Philip Buzzerio Tyler Byrtje James CalabreseH Vincent Caldas . Kevin Cevasco I Willy Chicas ' Alvaro Chouz* Anthony Cicchino Joseph Clarion
Leo Codog Alexander Cogott Sean Ode Matthew Costello William Cftsihon tCnizJr.. Keith Cummings' Willtan) Cummings Michael Czirbik Evan Czmola Justin D'Agosiino § g Ralph Daly Alexander Davis Corey t>is 1 Steven de Annas Ronald Janies De La Fuente Matthew De Marco Matthew De Simone Alexander Diaz ; Marc Paolo Dias;
Class o f 2010: Albem to Hladik
Paul Dimftrey Ian Dingcong Alfred Dobson Brendan Dolaghan Ryan Donahue Daniel Donaway Peter Dougherty Christian Elictt Michael Evans Luke Fariey Matthew Feeney Joseph Feinstein Erik Felipe Jonathan Fernandez Jose-Daniel Fernandez I Timothy Flannery Justin Flores John Flynn James Forter Richard Fournier Michai I James Gardner Bryan Jason Ga/sia JtilfJtt Cdnoerf
Adam Govemale Matthew
. _____ How do you plan to continue the brotherhood and tradition at Prep?
" ft I F y first experience with Prep came as l \ / I an eighth grader, when I came to the X V J L school as a “Freshman-for-a-Day.” I had a very positive experience and returned home that afternoon with the feeling that Prep was a tightknit community. This sense of brotherhood had a great influence on my decision to attend Prep the next fall. I plan on continuing this brotherhood that has existed for generations in several ways. I primar ily aim to strengthen the brotherhood through my continued participation in extra-curriculars such as forensics, volleyball, and Petroc. By remaining active in the after-school scene, I can use my ex perience to help the underclassmen become the next generation of leaders. Furthermore, as a se-
nior next year, I intend to become an Emmaus team leader so that I may help others have the same fulfilling experience that I had. On a more personal level, I have made many friends at Prep that I hope to remain close with for the rest of my life. These friendships are incredibly important to me and I truly consider my friends to be my brothers. Moreover, these friendships have played a great role in shaping my Prep experience and ultimately, the person I have become. Because Prep has become my second home, I strive on a daily basis to continue its legacy. The tradition of community means so much to me; I feel that it is imperative for me to continue the tra ditions of Prep in order for the school to continue to succeed. —Adam Govemale, ’10 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 47
Ducarmel Iiyacinthe Kevin Innis SequanJackson Matthew Julian Matthew Kaczor Michael Kahrer Jay Kaufman John Kauftnann Johnny Kelley ZaenKhawaja Jesse Kicke>' Jonathan Kijne Gabriel Kitamura Parker Kolodka James Kukiinski John Kuntz Michael Kurasz Jake Kushnir Joseph LaBarbera Zachary Lanning Dominick Lanzellptti Faisal Latif Matthew Lavin John Leadbeatef Andrew le e Robert Liccardo Kyle Lillis Mark Lioi David Lipyanka Alex Long David Longo Enrique Lopez 01 Ornate Malik Stephen Mallardi Vito Manente Nicholas Mangone Tevin Manning Michael Martucci Matthew Mazzari Gary McCann
How do you plan to continue the brotherhood and tradition at Prep?
was told by the seniors leading my freshman orientation that the Prep community would become “like a family to me.” To be honest, I was quite skeptical as to whether or not this would happen. At times during my freshman year, I felt as if I was lost in the crowd, like I was on the out skirts of something far greater than myself. How ever, I came to admire how we related to each other even though we came from different towns and backgrounds. Prep became such a huge part of each of us that we started to see ourselves in the people around us. Over time, everything started to come together and I stopped feeling like I was on the outside. More importandy, I started to listen to the people
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
around me, to their beliefs and ideas. Soon I felt that I was truly attaching myself to the community and I realized there was nothing I wanted more than to be a part of this “family,” to be able to call my friends at Prep my “brothers.” Moreover, I also realized that the only place I have ever been happier or more at ease with myself than I am at Prep is at home, with my biological family. I final ly came to understand what those seniors meant when they referred to the Prep community as a family. Prep is a place where I can feel at ease with myself, where everyone I talk to is in some way connected to me by this unquestionable sense of brotherhood. —Matthew Mazzari, ’10
Jonathan McCarthy Christopher McKnight Gianni McLaughlin Kieran McNamara Timothy Memar Connor Metcalfe Reece Minerley Elliott Montalvan John-Carlo Monti Patrick Moran Kenan Moriarty Matthew Murphy Christopher Musarra Julian Alexande Nakar Robert Niemczyk Justin Niscia Terrance O'Donnell Dillon Ormiston Edwin Ortiz Raphael Ortiz Darren Pardo Raymond Pardo David Park Jonathan Pena Alexander Perez Frank Pestana William Pilovsky Patrick Pindar Matthew Porter Ryan Purcell Patrick Rabiecki Sunny Raithatha EssaRiaz SaadRiaz Joseph Rice Mark Rivas Adrian Rivera Darren Rivera Michael Rizzo Matthew Roake Ronald Roberts Kyle Robinson Renato Rodrigues John Roldan Nikko Roy Anthony Rutkowski Philippe Sabater Hassan Saleem Christopher Sankat Rickie Santana Christopher Savitsky Eric Schaefer, Jr. Angelo Scianni Daniel Seara Jeremy Selecky James Shovlin
Class o f 2010: Hyacinthe to Shovlin
Michael Sisk Joseph Sisti Ryan Smith Jonathan Spivack Alan Stickno Benjamin Stracquatanio Christopher Taglieri Kevin Tblentino Sergio Torres Kevin Tuites Thomas Tulp Kristian-Neil Urbina Michael Valentinsson Nicolas Vazquez Neil Verano Michael Villavicencio Kenneth Walter Nicholas Warner Theodore Weinberg Anthony Wilkins Matthew Woods Michael Wright Dwayne Wright, Jr, Michael Yager Alexander Vang John Zadroga Justin Zajac Mohammad Zan Kevin Zdanowicz Eric Zebrowski
How do you plan to continue the brotherhood and tradition at Prep?
r I
he brotherhood and tradi tion at Prep is what sepaM rates us from most other schools in the area. All of the students at Prep are like brothers who are men on a mission, trying to preserve the brotherhood that was created by the generations of students before them. In order to continue the brotherhood and tra dition, we must all continue to be a family because Prep’s tradition is rooted in the care and compassion that members of the community have for each other. Every student at Prep must realize that he is part of this family, and like all families, the members have certain traditions to preserve. I find it very important to preserve the brotherhood and tradition at Prep because I am the fifth generation of Riaz’s to attend St. Peter’s. My family has a vested interest in Prep, and it has con tinued to serve my relatives well over the past few years. There fore, I have made it my job to personally help ensure that Prep’s brotherhood and tradition are preserved for future generations. One of the ways that I plan to fulfill my goal is by keeping the amiable state of Prep alive. In years past, everyone has al 50 Class o f 2010: Sisk to Zebrowski 1
ways maintained friendly relations with the freshmen. It is also important for students to continue participating in the traditional events that Prep men have partaken in for several years; these activities include the Walk-a-thon and Prep Day. The Walk-athon is one of the more vital ways through which students are able to support the school and strengthen the bonds with their classmates and teachers. The day is very engaging because of the carnival that the Student Council plans at the end of the 5k walk through downtown Jersey City. Prep Day is another great event allowing students and teachers to grow closer together. The day is full of fun, culture, and learning at a variety of plac es, including Yankee Stadium, Six Flags: Great Adventure, and “Blue Man Group” performances. These events help students adapt to Prep’s traditions and allow them to become more ac tive members of the brotherhood. By continually participating in these activities as a student, I feel I am strengthening the age-old brotherhood. The brotherhood is different for every generation, every class, and every person, but Prep’s time-tested traditions provide the unifying force. Prep men share unique bonds with people in their class, and with people who graduated one hundred years before them. The Prep brotherhood is indefinable, but it is something that I cherish and plan to preserve throughout the remainder of my Prep career and beyond. —Essa Riaz, ’10
How do you plan to continue the brotherhood and tradition at Prep?
very person who has come to St. Peter’s has helped to forge and continue the unique Prep brotherhood; a sense of brotherhood built on the traditions of the past, aware of the events of the present, and with a mission for a better fu ture. With influences from the Jesuit community and the diverse group of young men who have studied and grown at Prep, we have grown closer to our peers and have sought to work and make progress together. I think the key to our success as a school, as a class, and as individuals, derives from the respect and admiration everyone holds for each other, which also brings us together. While sometimes it is difficult to be as supportive as we think we can be simply because there are too many people to know and work with, the general spirit of cooperation and brotherhood inevitably comes through. My classmates have shared in each others’ struggles and successes just like a band of brothers. Moreover, the bonds that established this band of brothers are unbreakable.
We know that the road to our individual achievements has been paved with the help and support from all the members of the Prep community. Thus I wish to help continue this Prep brotherhood by following in the examples set by the classes before ours. Under the guidance of the “Grad-at-Graduation,” I know that Prep students can proceed to meet fellow classmates and forge relationships which shall endure long past our graduations. By extending a hand to the classes both before and after ours, we can break down barriers standing between us and continue to build upon the friendly and studious attitudes which have been drawing students to Prep for over one hundred years. With my classmates who have become my closest friends, I am confident that we can continue to make Prep even better, to benefit us all and to continue on with what students from earlier classes have started. Thus, I will take the time to talk with those I do not know, to help someone in the hallway, and to offer my insight to others, with the knowledge that anyone would do the same for me. This is what makes Prep special, the fact that we can and always have been able to rely on each other. Like all other students, I have been tasked with the great responsibility of upholding the traditions upon which St. Peter’s was founded; this is something that I take very seriously and strive to achieve for everyday. —Benjamin Stracquatanio, ’10
How do you plan to continue the brotherhood and tradition at Prep?
r |
1 he combination of AP courses, the increased homework load, the college search, rehearsals for the play, rugby A . practices, and filming sessions for Video FX, quickly made completing junior year seem like an insurmountable task. I felt as if I was dangling from the edge of a cliff, but there was always something that pulled me back and saved me from going over. This saving force was the Prep brotherhood that I have become a part of. Every single one of my classmates, my Prep brothers, was right there beside me in the fire, overcoming many of the same obstacles that were in front of me. Moreover, this was not the only class who struggled to perfect Hamlet papers before they were due or stayed up late after practice to finish homework for the next day, but all of the junior classes before ours struggled with these very same things and survived. This is what makes Prep so special. By coming here in freshman year, the juniors joined a broth erhood that includes members from many classes past and pres ent. It includes men who have had many similar experiences and have become good Prep men of competence, conscience, and compassion. These men spent their high school careers in a similar environment shaped by the traditions of serving their communities together, spending a weekend on Emmaus together, and eating at the same table in the cafe for four years together. Despite the brotherhood’s strength and endurance, it is our
class’ responsibility to reinforce the brotherhood and ensure that it remains intact. I personally plan to attend a Kairos retreat, fur ther strengthening the bonds that formed the brotherhood. It is also our responsibility to make sure that those who follow in our footsteps actively participate in the brother hood as well. Thus, I plan on en couraging rising juniors to attend an Emmaus retreat, because it tra ditionally plays such a pivotal role in strengthening the brotherhood. I will also assist the underclassmen because they are our brothers, despite the fact that we may overlook them at times. Further more, I will encourage any eighth grader I meet in my town or at open houses to attend Prep, because everyone deserves to be a part of this special brotherhood that will make him the best possible man that he can be. I am proud to be apart of this Prep brotherhood and I am equally proud to call all of my classmates and all Prep alumni my brothers. This brotherhood must con tinue and it is our duty to make sure that it does. —Zachary Lanning, ’10
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
• T '< W W
® rA' f
Ifc iw . . ' « . i
J g p . sjlm t*,*,
R osem ary A nnetta B.S., M.S.
Kevin A lbers, B.S.
J a n e t A ngerm eyer
D e p a rtm e n t: Science (C hair)
D irec to r o f
B.A., M.A.
Financial Aid
D e p a rtm e n t: English
C lasses T aught:
D e p a rtm e n t: H istory
C lasses T aught:
Biology, Biology
C lasses Taught:
E nglish 1,
H o n o rs, AP Biology
W orld Civilizations
E nglish III
C lubs M oderated:
Years a t Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 2
C u lin ary C lub,
H o m eto w n :
H o m eto w n :
Science League
B ayonne, NJ
B ay o n n e, NJ
Y ears at Prep: 3 H o m eto w n :
B ayonne, NJ
Anthony Azzarto, S.J. B A , M A , M.Th. J u a n Arteaga
Alum ni C haplain
B A , M.A.
D epartm ent: G uidance
D e p a rtm e n t: English
Classes Taught:
C lasses Taught:
Freshm an G ro u p
E nglish I, E nglish II
Guidance, Sop h o m o re
T eam s C oached:
C ounselor
Football, B aseball
Clubs M oderated:
Years a t Prep: 3
Baseball Fan C lub
H o m etow n:
Years a t Prep: 30
N orw alk, CT
Bene M erenti
Elizabeth B enedict, B.A. D irec to r o f B ro w n in g C e n te r D e p a rtm e n t: G uid an ce Y ears a t Prep: 2 H o m eto w n : M aplew ood, NJ
H om etow n: Brooklyn, NY
J a n e B leasdale BA, § || L ori B erm an , B.S.
D ire c to r o f
Sejal B ra h m b h a tt, B A
D e p a rtm e n t: G u id a n c e
Faculty F o rm a tio n
D e p a rtm e n t: Science
C lasses T aught:
D e p a rtm e n t: R eligion
Classes T aught:
F re sh m a n G ro u p
C lasses T aught:
C h em istry
G u id a n c e, S o p h o m o re
C h ristia n E thics
C lu b s M o d erated :
C o u n se lo r
C lu b s M o d erated :
N a tio n a l H o n o r Society
Years a t P rep: 14
B reak in g B arriers
Years a t Prep: 1
H o m etow n:
Y ears a t Prep: 3
H o m eto w n :
W est O ran g e, NJ
H o m e to w n :
Je rse y City, NJ
B lackburn, Lancashire E n g lan d
Steve Caslowitz D avid B urokas, ’85 BA, MA D e p a rtm e n t: Classical Languages (C hair) C lasses T aught: Latin I, Latin II H o n o rs C lubs M od erated : C lassics C lub, E astern B loc Years a t P rep: 2 H o m eto w n : N ew Y ork, NY
J o h n C a m p io n B A , M A , M.Ed. D e p a rtm e n t: EngUsh C lasses T aught: E nglish III, AP E nglish L anguage & C o m p o sitio n C lu b s M o d erated : D irec to r o f Fall Play Y ears at P rep : 28
Bene M erenti H o m eto w n : B ay o n n e, NJ
B A ,M A D epartm ent: Fine Arts Classes Taught: In tro to Music, C oncert Band, Jazz Band, Basic Music Theory, Advanced Music Theory, M usic Synthesis a n d Production Clubs M oderated: C oncert Band J a z z Ensemble, Pep Band Years at Prep: 10 H om etow n: Teaneck, NJ
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
C hris C aulfield, ’03
BA, MA D ia n e M. C asazza
D e p a rtm e n t: English
A dm inistrative
C lasses T aught:
A ssistant
E nglish I, E nglish II
D ep artm en t:
Jam es C oe, B A
D e p a rtm e n t: G u id a n c e
T eam s C o ach ed :
S tu d e n t Affairs
Years a t P re p : 2
Soccer, I n d o o r Track,
Y ears a t Prep: 1
H o m e to w n :
O u td o o r Track
H o m etow n:
U n io n City, NJ
Y ears at P rep : 1
B ayonne, NJ
H o m eto w n : C aldw ell, NJ
Paul C u n n e e n B.S., M A J a m e s J. C ollins B.S., M .Ed. Library P refect D e p a rtm e n t: S tu d e n t Affairs Y ears a t P re p : 20
Bene M erenti H o m e to w n : B ro n x , NY
Jam es Coviello, ’99, B A D e p a rtm e n t: H istory C lasses T aught: W o rld Civilizations C lu b s M o d erated : K nee H o ck ey C lub, Stage C rew Y ears a t P rep : 1 H o m e to w n : N o rth B erg en , NJ
D e p a rtm e n t: H istory C lasses T aught: US H istory I, US H istory II C lubs M o derated: H isto ry C lub, M odel U.N., S ecret A gent C lub Years at Prep: 9 H o m eto w n : W est Nyack, NY
C arl S. D eL orenzo, ’67 K e n n e th M. D a n d o rp h B A ,M .S . E lizab eth D ’Em ic BA, MA D e p a rtm e n t: Classical Languages C lasses T au g h t: L atin I, AP Latin: Vergil Y ears a t P re p : 1 H o m e to w n : B ro o k ly n , NY
D e p a rtm e n t: M athem atics C lasses T aught: In te rm e d ia te A lgebra H o n o rs, G eom etry, P recalcu lu s H o n o rs Y ears a t Prep: 28
Bene Merenti H o m e to w n : N o rth A rlington. NJ
BA, MA D e p a rtm e n t: H istory C lasses T aught: US H istory II, F re n c h R evolution a n d N a p o le o n C lu b s M o derated:
Seinfeld C lub Years a t P rep: 36
Bene Merenti H o m eto w n : Je rse y City, NJ
Ja m e s D o n d e ro , ’66 B.S., M A D e p a rtm e n t: G u id a n c e (C hair)
James Dineen, S.J. BA,M.Div. Faculty Chaplain Department: Campus Ministry Years at Prep: 9 , Hometown.Brooklyn, NY
C lasses Taught: J u n io r G ro u p G u id an ce, S e n io r C o u n se lo r C lu b s M o d erated : D irec to r o f Sp rin g M usical, E b o n y C u ltu re C lub Years a t Prep: 21
Bene Merenti
J o n a th a n B. D w yer B A , M.T.S. D e p a rtm e n t: Religion C lasses T aught: I n tro to R eligion, Early C h ristian Literature C lubs M oderated: CLC, F orensics, Pro-Life Society Years a t P rep: 11 H o m etow n: B rain tree, MA
H o m eto w n : Je rse y City, NJ
Faculty: Albers to Dwyer
Gregory Evans, BA Department: Mathematics Gasses Taught: Algebra H/frigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus Honors Clubs Moderated: Fantasy Sports Club Teams Coached: Fencing, Baseball Years at Prep: 3 Hometown: Denvilie, H
Robert D. Furlong BA , M.Ed. Department: English Classes Taught: English I Honors, English IV Clubs Moderated: Petrean Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Meriden, CT
Michael Fletcher B.A., MA Department: Religion (Chair) Classes Taught; Intro to Religion, Early Christian Literature Teams Coached: Rugby Years at Prep: 7 Hometown: Toms River, NJ
Frederick Galano, BA Department: Religion Classes Taught: Christian Ethics, Senior Seminar in Religion Clubs Moderated: Breaking Barriers, Filipino Society, Petroc, Star Wars/Godzilla Club Years at Prep: 4 Hometown: Union, NJ
Melinda Flores, B.A. Department: Science Classes Taught: Physics Clubs Moderated: Science League Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Corona, CA
AnaJ. Garcia BA, B.S., MA Department: Modem
JS S i
Frank Giordano, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;99, BA. Department: Modem Languages Classes Taught: French I, French II, French III Honors, Spanish I Clubs Moderated: French Club Teams Coached: Swimming & Diving, Volleyball Years at Prep: 2 Hometown: Lyndhurst, NJ
Julie Groark B.A., MA. Department: English Classes Taught: English I, English II Honors Clubs Moderated: Literama
Years at Prep: 3 Hometown: Scarsdale, NY
Faculty: Evans to Kokosinski
Ella Glazer, B.A. Department: Mathematics Classes Taught: Intro to Programming, Java Programming, Web Design, Computer Science I Clubs Moderated: Computer Club, Stock Market Club Years at Prep: 9 Hometown: Maplewood, NJ
Ryan Grusenski, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;03, BA Department: Modem Languages Classes Taught: German I, German II, German ID Honors, AP German Clubs Moderated: CLC, Forensics, German Club Years at Prep: 2 Hometown: Bloomfield, NJ
Spanish I Honors, AP Spanish Language & Composition, AP Spanish literature, Basic Spanish for Medical and Business Personnel Clubs Moderated: Spanish Club Years at Prep: 37 Hometown: Sancti-Spiritus, Cuba
Nery Gomez BA, MA Department: Modem Languages Classes Taught: Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III Honors Clubs Moderated: Spanish Club Years at Prep: 2 Hometown: Placetas, Cuba
Rich Hansen, Sr., B.A. Director of Athletics Department: Physical Education Teams Coached: Football Years at Prep: 26 Bene M erenti
Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Rich H ansen III, ’03, B.S.
Je ff H artling
Brian Healy, ’99, B.S.
A ssistan t D ire c to r
B A , M A , Ph.D.
Departm ent:
o f A thletics
D e p a rtm e n t: R eligion
D e p a rtm e n t:
C lasses T aught:
Classes Taught:
Physical E d u c a tio n
In tr o to R eligion,
Algebra H/frigonom etry,
C lasses T au g h t:
S e n io r S em in ar
Algebra U /Ingonoraetry
Physical E d u c a tio n ,
in R eligion
H onors
H ealth
C lu b s M o d erated :
Clubs M oderated:
T eam s C o ach ed :
Stage C re w
In d ep e n d e n t Film
F o o tb all,
T eam s C o ach ed :
O u td o o r Track
Ski/Snow board Club
Years a t Prep: 2
Years a t P rep : 4
Years a t Prep: 1
H o m e to w n :
H o m e to w n :
H om etow n:
G ales Ferry, CT
N orth Arlington, NJ
F re eh o ld ,
Ryan H e ffern a n , B A D ire c to r o f
Jam es F. Hollywood, ’66
C a m p u s M inistry
B.S., M.S.
D e p a rtm e n t:
C am pus S h o p M anager
D ep artm en t:
C a m p u s M inistry
D epartm ent:
M o d e m Languages
C lu b s M o d e ra ted :
M athem atics (Chair)
C lasses T aught:
C a m p u s M inistry
Classes Taught:
Sp a n ish I, S panish II
T eam , M issio n D rive
Algebra 1
Clubs M oderated:
C o m m itte e
Clubs M oderated:
S p an ish C lub
T e a m s C o ach ed :
C am pus S hop
Y ears a t P rep: 1
S w im m in g & D iving
Years a t Prep: 7
H o m etow n:
Years a t P rep : 3
H om etow n:
Sevilla, Spain
H o m e to w n :
Nutley, NJ
R uth Illera, B.S.
S ta te n Islan d , NY
Rich K ennedy A n th o n y E. K eating, ’78 B A ,J .D . D e p a rtm e n t: H isto ry C lasses Taught: W o rld Civilizations, U n ited S tates Law C lu b s M o d erated : In d o -P ak Society, S tu d e n t C o u n cil Years a t P rep : 4 H o m e to w n : W eeh aw k en , NJ
B A , M A , Ph.D.
J o h n Kilroy, BA.
D e p a rtm e n t: English
D e p a rtm e n t: Religion
Classes Taught:
C lasses T aught:
English II,
C h ristian Ethics, S e n io r
AP E nglish L iteratu re
S em in ar in Religion
& C o m p o sitio n
C lubs M oderated:
C lu b s M o d erated :
F orensics,
Seinfeld C lu b
U ltim ate F risbee C lub
Years a t P rep : 42
Years a t P rep: 1
Bene Merenti
H o m etow n:
H o m e to w n :
D rex el Hill, PA
N ew York, NY
M egan Klim B.F.A., M.F.A. D epartm ent:
E rin K nittel, B.A.
Fine Arts (Chair)
D e p a rtm e n t:
Classes Taught:
Classical Languages
In tro to Art, Beginning
C lasses Taught:
Processes, D raw ing &
Latin II, Latin III,
C o m p o sitio n I, D raw ing
Latin III H o n o rs
& C o m p o sitio n II,
C lu b s M o d erated :
Painting, Portfolio
Clubs M oderated:
Years at P rep : 5
Art C lub
H o m e to w n :
Years a t Prep: 5
Brooklyn, NY
C andy Kokosinski L.P.N. C am p u s S hop M anager Clubs M oderated: C am p us S hop Years a t P rep: 3 H o m etow n: L yndhurst, NJ
H om etow n: H am ilton, NJ
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Joseph Korfmacher, B.S. D epartm ent: G uidance Classes Taught: J u n io r G ro u p G uidance, S enior C ounselor Years a t Prep: 1 H om etow n: W estfield, NJ
David F. Lagerstrom B.S., M.A. D e p a rtm e n t: Science C lasses T aught: C hem istry, C h em istry H o n o rs, AP C hem istry Y ears at P rep : 5 H o m eto w n : W orcester, MA
A nthony L ocricchio, ’96
M ichael Lyons, ’02, B.S.
D e p a rtm e n t: Science
D e p a rtm e n t:
Classes Taught:
Physical E d u c a tio n
Classes T aught:
C lu b s M o d erated :
Physical E ducation,
In tra m u ra ls,
H ealth
Lyons’ D en
T eam s C oached:
T eam s C o ached:
F ootball
B aseball
Y ears a t P rep: 8
Years a t P rep : 1
H o m eto w n :
H o m eto w n :
W est O ra n g e , NJ
Secaucus, NJ
M ichael M cCarthy
B A , MA
D e p a rtm e n t: R eligion
D e p a rtm e n t:
C lasses T aught:
H isto ry (C hair)
Early C hristian
C lasses T au g h t:
L iterature, S e n io r
AP US H isto ry I,
S e m in a r in R eligion
AP US H isto ry II,
C lu b s M oderated:
Irish H isto ry
C h e ss C lub,
C lu b s M o d erated :
Pro -life Society
C eltic C lu b , Petroc
Years a t P rep: 6
Years a t P rep : 4
H o m eto w n :
H o m e to w n :
Ja ck so n H eights, NY
N e w York, NY
B A , MA. D e p a rtm e n t: E nglish C lasses T aught: English III, E nglish IV Years a t Prep: 2 H o m eto w n : R um son, NJ
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
D ep artm en t: C am pus Ministry C lubs M oderated: CLC Years a t Prep: 1 H om etow n: N ew ark, NJ
Ja n ic e M artineau C o lleg e P lacem en t Office M anager/ A dm inistrative Assistant D e p a rtm e n t: G u id an ce C lu b s M o d erated : J u n io r P rom C o m m itte e , S en io r Pro m C o m m ittee Years a t P rep: 14 H o m eto w n : Je rse y City, NJ
M ary A nne M cElroy
Kitty M cNally
B ren d an Laracy, BA.
T h o m a s M cM anus, S.J. B.A., M A , M A T . A ssistant to Office o f In stitu tio n a l A d v an cem en t Years a t Prep: 11 H o m eto w n : Syracuse, NY
Jo h n M u llin , SJ. A ngel L. M o n tan ez
A B ., M.S., M.Div., M.S.T.
B.S., M.S., A.T.C., L A T .
D epartm ent: G uidance
H e a d A thletic TVainer
Classes Taught:
D ep artm en t:
Freshm an G roup
Physical E du catio n
G uidance, Sophom ore
Years a t P rep : 1
C ounselor
H o m eto w n :
Years a t Prep: 17
N o rth B ergen, NJ
H om etow n: Brooklyn, NY
J.J. Nesheiwat, ’01, B.S. Department: Science Classes Taught: Chemistry Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Bayonne, NJ
Christopher Nunez, ’03 B.S. Department: Science Classes Taught: Physics Teams Coached: Football Years at Prep: 2 Hometown: North Bergen, NJ
Robert O’Hare, S.J. BA., MA, M.Div., Th.M., M.Ed. Department: Mathematics Classes Taught: Precalculus, AP Calculus, AP Statistics Clubs Moderated: Anime Club, Video FX Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Fairview, NJ
Adrian Oryshkevych B.A., MA. Department: History Classes Taught: US History I, Communist Experiment Clubs Moderated: Eastern Bloc Teams Coached: Soccer Years at Prep: 3 Hometown: Silver Spring, MD
Theresa A. Panzera B.S., M.B.A. Department: Science Classes Taught: Chemistry Clubs Moderated: Academic Bowl Team, National Honor Society Years at Prep: 5 Hometown: Queens, NY
Richard Peters, ’85 BA., MA. Departments: Classical Languages & English (Chair) Classes Taught: Latin I, English II, English IV Years at Prep: 12 Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Enrico Raulli, S.J. B A , MA, MAT. Department: English Classes Taught: Creative Writing I, Creative Writing II Years at Prep: 28
Erica Rivera Athletics Office Manager/ Administrative Assistant Department: Physical Education Years at Prep: 5 Hometown: Bayonne, NJ
Jose Que, ’99, B.S. Department: Physical Education Classes Taught: Physical Education, Health Teams Coached: Football, Baseball Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: North Bergen, NJ
Charles B. Robinson B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Department: Science Classes Taught: Chemistry Years at Prep*. 1 Hometown: New York, NY
BeneMerenti Hometown: Syracuse, NY
Jordan Roldan, ’03 BA , MA Department: Guidance Classes Taught: Junior Group Guidance, Senior Counselor Clubs Moderated: Breaking Barriers, Filipino Society Teams Coached: Volleyball Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Rosalie Romano B.B.A., MA Department: Modem Languages Classes Taught: Italian 1, Italian II, Italian III Honots, AP Italian Clubs Moderated: Italian Club Years at Prep: 9 Hometown: Bayonne, NJ
Faculty: Korfmacher to Romano
K athy R ow an B.S., M A
Y e tu n d e D aniels
D e p a rtm e n t: G u id a n c e
R u b in stein
C lasses T aught:
B A , M.Ed.
F re sh m a n G ro u p
D e p a rtm e n t: G u id a n c e
G u idance, S o p h o m o re
Classes T aught:
C o u n s e lo r
J u n io r G ro u p
C lubs M oderated:
G u id a n c e, S e n io r
D an ce C om m ittee
C o u n s e lo r
Years at P rep: 24
Years a t P rep : 4
Bene Merenti
H o m e to w n :
H o m e to w n :
G e o rg e to w n , G u y an a
Shelly S antos B A , M.L.S. Librarian D e p a rtm e n t: S tu d e n t Affairs Years a t Prep: 1 H o m eto w n : B rooklyn, NY
H o b o k e n , NJ
M att S ca n n a p ie c o , BA. D e p a rtm e n t: Victor S antos
Classical L anguages
B.S., M.S.
Classes T aught:
D e p a rtm e n t: Science
L atin 1, Latin II
C lasses Taught:
C lu b s M o d erated :
B iology
A cadem ic B ow l T eam ,
Years a t P rep: 1
H o m e to w n :
V id eo G am e C lu b
Q u e e n s , NY
Years a t P rep : 1 H o m e to w n : D rex el Hill, PA
Dominic P. Stibilia B A , M.Div. Tti.M., Ph.D. After Prep Director D epartm ent: Religion Classes Taught: Eariy Christian Literature, Christian Ethics, Senior Sem inar in Religion Years at Prep: 10 Hom etow n: Maywood, NJ
Erich Sekel, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;98 B A , M.A.
Michael Settem brino, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;01
A ssistant D irec to r o f
B.S., M.Ed.
B A , M A , M.S.
C a m p u s M inistry
A ssistant C am p u s
Departm ent: Religion
D e p a rtm e n t:
S h o p M anager
Classes Taught:
C a m p u s M inistry
D ep artm en t:
In tro to Religion, Early Christian Literature
Boreta Singleton
Classes T aught:
M athem atics
J u n io r C hristian
Classes T aught:
Clubs M oderated:
Service R eflection
G eom etry,
CLC, Liturgical Choir,
C lubs M oderated:
Algebra II/Trigonom etry
Star Wars/Godzilla Club
Pax C hristi
Years a t P rep: 2
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 2
H o m etow n:
Hom etown:
H o m eto w n :
U n io n City, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Je rse y City, NJ
N yugen E. Sm ith, B.A. D e p a rtm e n t: Fine Arts
E rin Stark, B.A.
Classes T aught:
D e p a rtm e n t:
S o p h o m o re Art,
M athem atics
B e ginning P rocesses,
C lasses Taught:
Sculpture/3-D ,
A lgebra I, Precalculus
D esign & C olor,
C lu b s M o d erated :
C eram ics
E n g in eerin g C lub
C lubs M oderated:
Years a t Prep: 3
A rt C lub
H o m eto w n :
Years a t Prep: 1
C ran fo rd , NJ
H o m etow n: Je rse y City, NJ
Faculty: Rowan to Williams
H ild a D oris S uarez B.S.Ph., M.A. D e p a rtm e n t: Science C lasses T aught: H u m a n Physiology C lu b s M oderated: E n v iro n m en tal C lub, M edical C lub Years at Prep: 2 H o m eto w n : A ibonito, P u e rto Rico
Aymee Tbrres B A , MA Department: Modem Languages Classes Taught: Spanish I Spanish n Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Union City, NJ
Frances Tursi B.S., M.S. Department: Science Classes Taught: Physics Clubs Moderated: Culinary Club, Engineering Club, Science League Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Rockville Centre, NY
Joseph Urbanovich, ’65 BA, M.Ed. Department: Mathematics Classes Taught: Algebra I, Geometry Honors Teams Coached: Baseball Years at Prep: 5 Betu M erenti Hometown: Rutherford, NJ
Vytas Vaznelis, B A Department: Classical Languages Classes Taught: Latin I, Latin II, Greek I Clubs Moderated: Eastern Bloc, Petrean Years at Prep: 1 Hometown: Chicago, IL
Anthony Verdi, '95 BA., MA Department: History Classes Taught: World Civilizations, US Histoty I, Contemporary Issues Teams Coached: Wrestling Years at Prep: 9 Hometown: Little Falls, NJ
Kellen Williams, ’00, BA Department: Mathematics Classes Taught: Geometry, Advanced Algebra Clubs Moderated: Chess Club, Ebony Culture Club Teams Coached: Football Years at Prep: 5 Hometown: Linden, NJ
How has w itnessing th e brotherhood am ong the students in your twenty-eight years at Prep enhanced your personal experience?
ark Twain wrote, “The holy passion of friendship is so sweet ever he can—to stand with his and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last friends, not above them. In class I through a whole lifetime.” I have recalled this quote every frequendy recognize a “comitatus” year for the past twenty-five years when Prep alumni have returned among the students in that they to visit their Alma Mater. They always tell me that they are still “very support each other’s interpreta good and close friends” with their Prep colleagues. In fact, many have tions of the literature. I have also told me that they have remained “better and closer friends with their noticed the students’ willingness Prep peers than they have with their college friends.” This camarade to help one another whenever rie comes from their acknowledgement of each other and each other’s they can. For example, during the works and achievements. The “Grad-at-Grad” exhorts Prep students to dreaded Hamlet research paper in be “intellectually competent and junior year, I have witnessed stu loving.” This idea confirms the dents suggest and provide to their words that are hallmarks of the peers critical references that they themselves have read. In addition, stu Jesuit tradition: magis, cura per dents inform me of their sense of “brotherhood” that they experience on sonalis, which demonstrate the Emmaus, Immersion Trips, and tail-gating barbeques before they cheer their football team to victory. Cervantes writes, “Tell me thy company, concept of “Men for Others.” Reverend Pedro Arrupe de and I will tell thee what thou art.” For twenly-eight years I have witnessed this extraordinary Prep ca fined a “man for others” as one maraderie, and fortunately I too have become a part of it. That is, I who has become “fully human,” both in the natural and the too have become friends with students and alumni. In fact, I am often spiritual sense. That is, a Prep invited to dinner with alumni and am delighted to hear of their suc student, gifted with intelligence cesses in life and how much I have “touched” their lives, and then learn and a conscience, will attempt to how many lives they have “touched.” I hope that the Prep students will be as much value to others as he continue to reflect this tradition of camaraderie which they learned from is to himself. In other words, he John Donne’s “Meditation 17,” “No man is an island, entire of itself; will be willing to help out when man is a piece of the continent.” —Mr. John Campion
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
W ELCOM E TO ... |
W" A f hen the Class of 2009 entered Prep for the first time l / l / as students in September 2005, few if any knew any* t thing about Prep. Sure, some got a “taste” of Prep from the Freshman-for-a-Day Program, the Higher Achieve ment Program, or both, but no one knew of the brotherhood that makes Prep unique. As freshmen, the class was told about the brotherhood that was present at Prep, but no one □ F ir '14M told them how this brotherhood would continue. It turned HKJQRf4KL£ Mi out that by just being in Prep, the classes, the spoils, and co-curricular activities, a sense of brotherhood was born while in the shadow of the upperclassmen. I M, Throughout freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years, many of the members of the Class of B k k 2009 shared the same experiences during their time at Prep. The sharing of these experiences rooted ■ in tradition shaped the brotherhood that has never been stronger. At Prep, there are certain rites of ■ passages that all students go through such as being srv j naive freshmen and receiving JUG. However, there are other experiences that are unique to the Class of 2009 from the classes of Fr. O’Hare, SJ., to the m rm Rugby tournaments and to the Intramurals and all the other clubs created. These traditions unique to the Class of 2009 created the brotherhood without instructions from generations of Prep students who preceded this class. In general, Prep created the foundational traditions that made every member of the Class of 2009 brothers. ¥ As Albert Einstein said, “The school has always been i ;■'* the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next.” Through H the classes taken and the extra-curriculars done, boys ■ were made into men, and those men made into brothers. f -Jonathan Wong, ’09 a n
The C lass o f2 0 0 9 gathers in the gi/m to take a class photo. A fte r having sp en tfo u r years together, these young m en em bark on life beyond G rand and W arren to jo in a new com m unity o f scholars, hlow cver, the graduating seniors w illfo rever be m embers o f Hie Prep brotherhood regardless o f w hat th e fu tu re has in store fo r them .
J u l e n A b io
A n d r e w A r r o s p id e
Chess Club 2; Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2; Football 2, 4; Swimming & Diving 4; Emmaus 237; Kairos VI; Eucharistic Minister; Big Brother; Honors Pin 1, 2
Classics Club 2; French Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Foot ball 4; Tennis 1, 2; Kairos VI; French Exchange 3; Silver Medal for National Latin Exam 1
“You cannot control the w ind, but yo u can ad ju st your sails. ” —Yiddish Proverb
"There can be no glory where there is no danger. 1 -Napoleon Bonaparte
Om h q lJ
P a t r ic k A l b e r s
M ic h a e l V . M . A u t h
Celtic Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Chess Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; Rug by 2, 3, 4; E m m aus 235; K airos IV; Fresh man Ambassador
Book Club 1; IFS 1, President 2 ,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Committee 2, Treasurer 3, 4; Photography Club 2, 3; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Emmaus 237; Kai ros VI; Italian Exchange 3
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. ” —The Serenity Prayer
“I am faster than 80l i o f a ll snakes. ” —Dwight K. Schrute
J o sh u a R en e A lvarez
R obert A vallone
Computer Club 2 ,3,4; Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Video Game Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 237
Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Ice Hockey 1, 2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Eucharistic Minister; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3
"Pain is weakness leaving the body. ” —Tom Sobal
“This world o f ours... must avoid becoming a community o f dreadful fea r and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation o f m utual trust and respect. ” —D wight D. Eisenhower
What will you remember m ost about Prep? Chris Hood:
Bill Foley:
“The unique friends I’ve made.”
“The feeling o f welcome—there wasn’t a hallway I couldn’t walk through to be greeted by a teacher teachc or a friend who wanted me to be there,
Jose LaPiana: “The never ending amount o f stairs and the sense o f community.”
V ic t o r B a d a r a c c o Engineering Club 3, 4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3; Bowling 4; Rugby 2,3,4; Emmaus 233; Kairos VI; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3
Oscar Contreras: N eil Carroll” “Hanging out in D oc Sekel’s room.”
“Every single member o f the Class o f 2009—1 honestly love you all.”
Dan Londono:
Andrew Arrospide:
“The friendships I built. The fact that anywhere I went or between periods there were so many people w ho I’d say ‘H i’ to and w ho had become part o f m y fam ily.”
“Does M ilano’s count?”
Seniors: Abio to Blake
James Murduca: “Ms. McEIroy’s speech two days before we took the SATs.”
“Never look back, never hold back, let your goals, fears, and mistakes make you the bestyou can be. D on't let doubt cloudjudgement, goforth and prevail ” —Original
K enny A ntonio Baez Breaking Barriers 3, 4; Chorus 4; Computer Club 1, 2; Culinary Club 3; Dance Committee 2, 3; Dramatics: Drama 4; Dramatics: Musical 3, 4; Hispanic Society 3; Liturgical Choir 4; Medical Club 2; Senior Prom Committee 4; TV Studio 3; Indoor Track 2; Emmaus 235; National Spanish II Exam Honorable Mention “We don Vstop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. ” —George Bernard Shaw
What will you remember m ost about Prep? O m ar Martinez:
Bryan McTiernan:
“Getting to Prep at 6:55 in the morning everyday, even though I live only twenty minutes away.”
“Mr. McCabe driving the JV Soccer bus like a mad man.”
M ark Doherty:
“My friends, the atmosphere, the diversity,. the pride, and the deans.”
M ohammed Khan: “Free p e r io d s and th e days b e fo r e Barracuda.”
Dan Espinoza: Alex Dellabella: “Italian Exchange, Emmaus, New Orleans Summer Trip, and Kairos.”
“Em m aus, Kairost and the friends made.”
N ick Suarez: Eric Holt: “The crazy ‘ish’ that happened in the old locker room.”
“The unique atm osphere we have at Prep that cannot be compared to any other Diace.”
C hristian J oseph Baranok Celtic Club 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Joy Food 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Outreach/ Pax Christi 1, 2, 3, President 4; Emmaus 232; Kairos IV; Eucharistic Minister; Big Brother
“One o f the things I keep learning is that the secret o f being happy is doing things fo r other people.” —D ick Gregory
E lio Barbera Italian Club 4; Marauder Nation 4; Stock Mar ket Club 4
“I ’m glad to have attended a semester a t Saint Peter’s Preparatoiy School, and I w ill neverfo r get the great tim e I had. ” -O riginal
P aul Beckmann Art Club 1, 4; Engineering Club 1; German Club 1; Em m aus 234; Kairos III; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3 ,4
“L ife is w hat happens to yo u while you're busy m aking other plans. ” —John Lennon
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
What did you do with your free periods? Bryan McTiernan:
Sean Finn:
“Bonded with Ms. Pugach—‘Poogie.’ ’
“More like, *What didn’t I do with my free periods?’ ”
Jay Kowalczyk: “Went to Sekel or H effs office.”
Julen Abio:
Joe Livi:
“W a tch ed Jam es G u tch g iv e fresh shapeups.”
“I started out with homework but the N ew York Times and Newsweek lured me away.”
M att Bender:
A nthony Medina:
“Hung out in the library playing Tetris with Laz Laz aiand messing with Pugach.” with
“Basically they were forty-minute therapy sessions with Lupo and Eddie. Talking about everything and anything.”
“Thought Thought i up ways to torture freshmen.”
Culinary Club 3; Intramurals 4; Italian Club 1,2; JV Math Team 3; Medical Club 4; NHS 4; Petroc 2; Photography Club 1; Seinfeld Club 2; Rugby 3, 4; Swimming & Diving 4; Wrestling 1,2
“Life is not so bad i f you have plenty o f luck, a good physique, and not too much imagination. ” —Christopher Isherwood
Eric Holt:
B e n j a m in B l a n c h f ie l d
L a w r e n c e J . B o v ic h , J r .
Band 3,4; Classics Club 2 ,3,4; Computer Club 1, 2; German Club 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Joy Food 2, 3; Marauder Nation 3, 4; Petroc 3; Rug by 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 233; Kairos V; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3; German Exchange 4; Honors Pin 1, 3
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Dance Committee 1; Dramat ics: Drama 2, 3, 4; Dramatics: Musical: 2, 3, 4; Joy Food/Lyons’ Den 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Model U.N. 2, 3, President 4; Senior Prom Commit tee 4; Indoor Track 4; Lacrosse 1, 2; Outdoor Track 3,4; Emmaus 232; Kairos V; Honors Pin 1,2,3
“In every real m an a child is hidden that wants to play. ” —Friedrich W ilhelm Nietzsche
“/ only regret that I have but one life to give to my country. ” —N athan Hale
J am es B lauvelt Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Classics Club 3, 4; Intramurals 1; JV Math Team 3; Literam a 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Emmaus 236; Kairos V; Eucharistic Minister; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2,3 “Tty not to become a m an o f success, but rather tty to become a m an o f value. ” —Albert Einstein
D a n ie l B o l o s Anime Club 1; Chorus 4; Filipino Society 1, 2, 3; Liturgical Choir 4; Medical Club 2; Out reach 1; Em m aus 234; Em m aus Leader; Big Brother; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3 ,4
“It don ’t m atter 'cause my chinstrap is fresh. ’ —Original
J o s e p h X a v ie r B o r s e l l in o
(>4 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
A n a n d B rahm bhatt Indo-Pak Society 1,2, Secretary 3, Executive Vice Pres ident 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Literama Editor 4; Medical Club 1,2; NHS 4; Petrean Managing Editor 4; Petroc 2, 3, Editor 4; SAT Prep Club Founder and President 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Emmaus 237; Kairos VI; HAPTutor 1, 2,3; Honors Pin 1, 2,3 ‘7 was wrong in my calculation. It’s not always about finding your strengths or avoiding your weaknesses, it’s not even about doing the thingsyou love. Because, you see, when you commit yourselfyou’re done. You become thefruit that does not hangfrom the apple tree, but lies there to simply rot on the ground. ” —Original
J o h n W . B r a t o w ic z , J r . Band 1,2,3,4; Eastern Bloc 4; Hispanic Society/Span ish Club 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Polish Club 2,3; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Baseball 1; Bas ketball 2, 3; Lacrosse 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador ‘7 mean to live my life an obedient man, but obedi ent to God, subservient to the wisdom o fmy ancestors; never to the authority o f political truths arrived at yesterday at the voting booth. That is a program o f sorts, is it not? It is certainly enough to keep Consenutr tives busy, and Liberals at bay. A nd the nation free. —William F. Buckley, Jr.
A lexander Broadbent
K evin Byram
Art Club 1, 2,3,4; IFS 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 1, 2, 3; Video FX 4; Rugby 2, 3, 4; Swimming & Diving 4; Emmaus 235; Kairos IV; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 3
Celtic Club 3, 4; Classics Club 2, 3,4; Basketball 1, 2; Golf 4; Emmaus 239; Kairos VI; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3
“You’re alive. Do something. The directive in life, the m oral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not com plete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act. ” —Barbara H all
“Alrighty then!” —Ace Ventura (Pet Detective)
Sean A lexander Buckley
Benjamin C amargo
Anime Club 3, 4; Environmental Club 4; Italian Club 2, 3, President 4; Literam a 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; RPG Club 1; Star Wars Club 1, 2; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3, President 4; Video FX 4; Video Game Club 2, 3, 4; Fencing 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Emmaus 237; Kairos VI; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Latin Exam Silver Medal
Classics Club 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Em maus 237; Kairos III; Big Brother; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Freshman Ambassa dor; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
“I know not a ll that may be coming, but be it w hat it w ill, I ’ll go to it laughing. ” —Herm an M elville
“Birthdays was the worst days, now we sip champagne when we thirsty. ” —Biggie Smalls
Brendan F rancis C anale
E ric Bujnowski
Celtic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; IFS 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; Mission Drive Committee 1, Vice President 2, President 3, 4; Outreach/ Pax Christi 1, 4; Soul/Joy Food 1, 2; Stage Crew 1, 2, President 3, 4; Rugby 1, 2; Emmaus 234; Kairos V; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 2; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
Art Club President 4; IFS 2, Co-President 3,4; L it erama 3, Editor 4; Soul/foy Food 1, 2, 3; TV Stu dio/Video FX 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Rugby 2,3; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 234; Kairos V; Freshman Ambassador; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3 “/ ca n t imagine running a race with no finish line. Just let me keep my pace and make the most o f my time. ” -Atmosphere
"Nothing great was ever achieved w ithout enthu siasm. ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
What did you do with your free periods?
I an C harles Buzzio Italian Club 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Star W ars/Godzilla Club 4; Stock Market Club 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Emmaus 238; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
Khalil Wilkes:
Bill Foley:
“Had fun with the football players in Coach Hansen’s room.” .
“T hough t about assignm ents due the p e r io d after d o in g th em w ith fiv e minutes left.”
M ark Doherty: “Played Risk with Mitch Kiebus.”
Ben Blanchfield: "It’s a fa r,;jfor for/ter riWajg / dp It*s a fa r, fa r better rest I go to than I have ever known. ” -Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
“Gave Ms. Santos a hard time.”
Jose Izquierdo:
A nand Brahmbhatt: “Tried to figure out when I had a free . period the following day and which homework assignments I could do then because I don’t believe in working at home.”
Josh Zarichnyj: Eric Bujnowski:
“Find the angle where the cameras couldn’t
“Questioned my life and slept.”
Seniors: Blanchfield to Canale
J oseph R ichard C andela
N eil C arroll
Band 1; IFS 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; JV Math Team 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Emmaus 232; Kairos IV; Ital ian Exchange 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
CLC 4; Italian Club 2; Joy Food/Lyons’ Den 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Star W ars/Godzilla Club 4;; Stock Market Club 3; Emmaus 232; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother
“N o problem can w ithstand the assault o f pro longed thinking. ” —Voltaire
“We have the power to make this the best genera tion in the world or make it the last. ” —John F. Kennedy
P atrick Ralph C appiello
M i c h a e l R e x B e l o c u r a C a s io
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Environmental Club 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 3, 4; RPG Club 1; Soul/Joy Food 1, 2, 3; Stock Market Club 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em maus 239; Kairos VI; Metropolitan Plunge Im mersion Trip 3; Freshman Ambassador “When the fig h t begins w ithin itself a m an’s worth something. ” —Robert Browning
Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Filipino Society 3,4; Video Game Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236
“The most im portant thing is not 'W hat should you do? I t’s eW hat do you w ant to do? ” —Anonym ous
k? C R ichard C armody Celtic Club 4; Chess Club 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Baseball 1,2,3; Emmaus 235; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“D on’t be afraid to be great. ” —John Harrington
G erald C astaldo Classics Club 2, 3, Vice President 4; Computer Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; JVMath Team 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; NHS 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3, President 4; Stu dent Council 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em maus 234; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 1,2,3 “W hat is success i f y o u ’re alone a t the top?’ —Original
How are you handling senioritis? Charlie Costello: *Tve been vaccinated.”
jo e Maini: “Steroids are a must.”
Craig Styles: “About that....”
Kenny Baez: “I would tell you, but I don't feel like it.’
M ike Kushnir: “Pretty well, I haven’t done anything since freshman year.**
John Manley: “Senioritis is handling me.”
M uhammad C haudhri Stock Market Club 2,3
C olin O ’Connor: T i l tell you at lunch.”
Lucas Netchert: "‘Learning how to do as little as possible but still get good grades.”
N ick Suarez: “I’m a victim o f it."
Ben Blanchfield: “111 answer this later.”
Seniors: Candela to Conti
‘One can only achieve w hat his m ind perceives. -Anonymous
M ichael A nthony C hlanca Book Club 1; Celtic Club 1, 2, 3; Chess Club 1, 2; Computer Club 1, 2; German Club 2; Italian Club 1, 2; Outreach 1; Stock Market Club 1, 2; Video Game Club 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 237; Kairos VI; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador “We make a living by w hat we get, we make a life by w hat we give. ” —W inston Churchill
How are you handling senioritis? Anthony Medina:
Rashad Davis:
“What is your definition o f handling?’
“I’m answering this and not doing homework... that should answer it.”
Nick Jorgensen: Dave Sambade:
“I can feel it eating away at my motivation to complete—.”
Phil Reynolds:
“By “By carrying carrying aaround a lot o f yearbook papers during the day and by working on those when I should be learning in class.”
“What is this senioritis you speak of—I have never really done work at all.”
Conor Scott:
Bill Foley:
“D o half the work and double the grade grubbing.”
"With a nice cold frappuccino.”
^P licIa g J? CHuvrXX*
Mark Doherty: Anand Brahmbhatt: “You can get used to anything.”
“The same way I handled my Campion papers... by procrastinating.”
T homas C lanci
Stephen M ark C onley
Classics Club 2,3,4; CLC 2; Eastern Bloc 4; French Club 4; IFS 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Polish Club 1, 2, 3; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Mar ket Club 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos VI; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Italian Exchange 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3
Art Club 3,4; German Club 1, 2,3; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em m aus 238; K airos VI; Em m aus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“Some people w ant it to happen, some wish it w ould happen, others make it happen. ” —M ichael fordan
“A ttention a ll o f m y worst critics who were once the best o f friends, you're a ll ju st crows on the power lines." —Craig Owens (Chiodos)
A ndrew J. C olaneri Chess Club 1; Culinary Club 3; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Senior Prom Com mittee 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3.4; Cross Country 2; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos IV; Kairos Leader; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3; HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4 “I have been impressed w ith the urgen<y o f doing Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being w illing is not enough; we must do." —Leonardo da Vinci
D aniel C onnor Celtic Club 1, 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Model U.N. 2, 3; SADD 1; Star Wars Club 1; Stock Market Club 3; Baseball 1; Indoor Track 3, 4; Rugby 4; Emmaus 234; Kairos VI
“Rather than love, than money, than fa ith , than money, than fairness... give me truth.'' —Christopher McCondless (Into the Wild)
L iam J oseph C olford Book Club 1; Celtic Club 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Mis sion Drive Committee 4; Pax Christi 4; Seinfeld Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; SouLJoy Food/Lyons’ Den 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Emmaus 237; Kairos Em maus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3,4; Honors Pin 1 “W ith two-hundred bucks I pass go but oh, life's taken its to ll H ave I won Monopoly to forfeit m y soulf” —Switchfoot
M ichael C onti Band 1, 3, Secretary 4; Computer Club 3, Presi dent 4; NHS 4; Fencing 1; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Emmaus 239; Kairos V; Italian Exchange 3
“Everything is nothing and something is every thing ” —August Bam s Red
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
If you had a million dollars you would... Joe Maini:
Kenny Baez: “Buy the brownie Williams.”
K e v in C r a w f o r d
"Blow up Bayonne.”
Julen Abio: Neil Carroll: “Spread the wealth.”
“Invest it in whatever company Alex Mosa decides to run.”
Chris Fernandez:
Nick Suarez:
“Roll around in it.”
“Have half taken away.”
Bao Ngo:
Pat Egan:
“Buy back the senior lot.”
“Have half the money needed to buy the Golden Cicada.”
Joe Livi: “Invest it, then use it to finance pirate expeditions.”
Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Classics Club 2,3,4; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 2, 3; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Emmaus 238; Kairos IV; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Urban Chal lenge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 2 “Lord, help me be pure, but not yet. ” —St. Augustine
X -
Ricky Hajduk: “Buy a Lamborghini.”
O sc a r J o se C o n tr e r a s Breaking Barriers Founder and President 3, 4; Campus Shop 2, 3; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; Medical Club 2, President 4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 2,3, 4; Emmaus 237; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award “W hat lies behind us and w hat lies before us are tiny matters compared to w hat lies w ithin us. ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
< 7/
C h r is t o p h e r C r u z Football 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 237
“Put up $5 then. ” —Bao Ngo
R obert C ortez
M atthew C utola
Dance Committee 2, 3; Filipino Society 1, 2, 3; Hispanic Society 1, 2,3
Intramurals 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3; Marauder Na tion 1; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3; Rugby 2; Em maus 232; Kairos V
“The only way fo r evil to prevail, is fo r good men to do nothing. ” —Edm und Burke
“It is better to live one day as a lion than < hundred years as a sheep. ” —Italian Proverb
[ - ■ d c fc g te -
C h arles B . C o stello III
R i c h a r d J . C z ir b ik
Eastern Bloc 4; G odzilla Club 1, 2, 3; IndoPak Society 3, 4; NHS 4; Seinfeld Club 1, 2; Star W ars/G odzilla Club President 4; Ukrai nian Club 2, 3; Em m aus 237; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Religion Gold Medal 1
Band 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Computer Club Secretary 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos IV; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3
“More is lost through indecision than wrong de cisions. ” —Tony Soprano
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
“The perfection o f wisdom, and the end o f true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our pro fessions, our am bitions to our capacities, we w ill then be a happy and a virtuous people. " —M ark Twain
G abriel T rinkel D al’M aso
D an C asey D elaon Anime Club 1, 3; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2; Filipi no Society 4; IFS 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 2, 3,4; Photography Club 2; Stock Market Club 3; Video Game Club 2,3; Lacrosse 1,2; Emmaus 232; Kai ros V; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Freshman Ambas sador; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3
Student Council 4; Honors Pin 3
“We few , we happy few . We band o f brothers. For he today that sheds his blood w ith me shall be my brother. ” —W illiam Shakespeare
“I t’s so impossible, that it ju st might happen.” —Paul Paternoster
Emmanuel D elgado
A ndrew D ’Amato
SADD 1; Spanish Club 4; Lacrosse 1,2; Emmaus 234; Kairos VI; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4
Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Bowling 1, 4; Em maus 236; Kairos V; Emmaus Leader; Big Broth er; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Altar Server
“I let go o f a broken heart. I let go o f a broken home. I let go o f m y broken dreams. I let go to the mystery. I believe in the miracle. I believe in the spiritual. I believe in the one above. I believe in the one o f Love. A n d take one step closer to you. I ju st take one step closer to you. Even when I ’m fa llin g down, m y heart says follow through. I take one step closer to you. ” —M ichael Franti
“I f yo u continue to think the way yo u always thought, y o u ’ll continue to get w hatyo u always got. ” —Anonym ous
Rashad M alik D avis
A l e x a n d e r J a m e s D ellabella Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Engineering Club 4; Intramurals 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 3; JV Math Team 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Tailgate Chef 4; Medical Club 1; Ski/Snowboard Club 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2; Em maus 232; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; Italian Ex change 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
Art Club 1, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatics: Musi cal 2, 3, 4; Ebony Culture Club 3, 4; Petroc 4; Swimming & Diving 1; Em m aus 238; Kairos III; Freshman Ambassador; Spirit Award; Jesuit Idol Winner 1, 2
“M an, know thyself ” —A ncient Egyptian Proverb
W esley D avis Band 2, 3, 4; Dance Committee % 2, 3; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Cross Country 3; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Freshman Am bassador; HAP Tutor
‘You can’t build a reputation on w hat y o u ’re going to do. ” —H eniy Ford
If you had a million dollars you would... D an Londono: “Get D oc Kennedy a date with Scarlett.”
Lucas Kozinski: “Get a slide from my room to the pool in my backyard like in the Disney movie
Jose Izquierdo: “Pay for college.”
Blank Check”
John Manley:
Kevin Crawford: “Save the whales!”
“Be rich.” “A m an convinced against his w ill is o f the same opinion still ” —Kanye West
Oscar Contreras; Eric Bujnowski: - “Buy both D oc Sekel and Mr. Campion “Buy a lot o f ‘Easy Mac’ and ‘Pop-tarts’ a Mercedes Benz and build the senior and never leave my room.” lounge with the leftover money. Swetal Patel: “Put it in a safe, place.”
Mark Doherty: “Buy you a house.”
Seniors: Contreras to Dellabella
M ark D oherty Culinary Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Mission Drive Committee 2, Co-President 3, 4; Out door Track 1; Rugby 2, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 239; Kairos V1; Em m aus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Award "Im agination is more im portant than knowl edge. For knowledge is lim ited to a ll we now know and understand, while im agination em braces the entire world, and a ll these ever w ill be to know and understand ” —Albert Einstein
J ohn P atrick D ougherty Football 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos VI
“Dear M itch, i f you're holding this letteryo u al ready know. The house has been boarded up. The doors. The windows. Everything We're a t the Comfort Inn. Room 112. I love you, Frank. ” —W ill Ferrell (Old School: The Movie)
P atrick J oseph E gan German Club 2, 3, President 4; Marauder Nation 1,2, 3,4; NHS 4; Soccer 1 ,2 ,3,4; Emmaus 238; Kairos V; Big Brother; Metropolitan Plunge Im mersion Trip 3; Freshman Ambassador; German Exchange 3; HAP Tbtor 1; Honors Pin 1, 3 “I don’t w ant to be a product o f my environ ment. I w ant my environm ent to be a product o f me. ” —The Departed
W illie E manuele Dramatics: Drama 2, Lead Role 3, 4; Dramatics: Musical 2; Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 1,2,3, 4; Intramurals 1, President 4; Italian Club 2, 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Tailgate Chef 4; Petrean 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 3; Rugby 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 235; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, Tutor of the Year 4; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3 “One thought w on’t make a difference, one per son can change the world. ” —Original
J ohn D oyle
D aniel A. E spinoza
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 2; Soccer 1 ,2 ,3 ,4
Culinary Club 3, 4; Hispanic Society/Spanish; Club 1, 2, 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2; Volleyball 1; Emmaus 236; Kairos V
“Sometimes I think sitting on trains Eveiy stop I get to I ’m clocking that game Everyone’s a winner now we’re m aking thatfam e Bonafide hustler m aking my name” -M .IA .
“Emancipate yourselves from m ental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!n —Bob M arley
Who will you m iss the m ost at Prep? Brendan Canale: “The best attendance lady ever, Collins.”
W illie Emanuele: “The trifecta that is the Department . o f Campus Ministry—Heff, Sekel, and Laracy.”
Rashad Davis: “My cr£w, good friends, all o f my teachers, but most o f all, Dr. Kennedy, Ms. Klim, and Mr. Galano.”
Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2; Emmaus 238; Kairos VI
Lucas Netchert: “My friends and fellow Cross Countrv
Joe Maini: “The people who made me laugh... so everyone except Joe Livi.” Julen Abio: “Scott Paltos, because he was the only person in school that benched more than me.”
M alcolm Farrar
M ike Kushnir: “Brendan Canale.” Josh Zarichnyj: “Christian Rudner, because he is the first man to ever yell at me for just standing in the hallway.”
Seniors: Dohertu to Ganapin
“Our greatest glory is not in ever fa ilin g but raising each tim e we fa ll ” —Confucius
C hristopher F ernandez Eastern Bloc Co-President 4; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 2,4; Mission Drive Committee 2,3,4; Model U.N. 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Soul/ Joy Food 1, 2; Spanish Club 4; Star Wars/Godz illa Club 4; Ukrainian Club 3; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 233; Kairos V; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3, 4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3 “Sometimes yo u need to grab life by the reins and controlyo u r own destiny. ” —O riginal
Sean F inn
W illiam K ee F ong
Celtic Club 3, 4; Eastern Bloc 4; German Club 2, 3,4; IFS 2,3,4; Joy Food/Lyons’ Den 3,4; Maraud er Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Model U.N. Secretary 4; Pax Christi 4; Peteran 3,4; Seinfeld Club 2,3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Im mersion Trip 3; German Exchange 3; HAP Tutor
French Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Na tion 1, 2, 3, 4; Soul/Joy Food 1, 2; Star Wars Club 1; Video Game Club 2; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Emmaus 238; Kairos III; Freshman Ambassador; French Exchange 4
“I f one advances confidently in the direction o f his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he w ill meet w ith a success in common hours. ” —H enry D avid Thoreau
C hristopher J oseph F iume Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Seinfeld Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Soul/Joy Food 1, 2, 3; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 236; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3 “We w ill be performing an array o f gang signs, symbols, dances and ju st generally taking it back to the hood ” —R a jo h n Raeford
“Dream as i f y o u ’ll live forever; live as i f y o u ’ll die tomorrow. ” —James Dean
C onrad E mil F oord Godzilla Club 1, 2, 3; IFS 1, 2,4; Joy Food 2, 3; NHS 4; Petroc 1, 2; Star Wars Club 1; TV Studio 3; Video Game Club 2, 3; Emmaus 234; Kairos VI; Honors Pin 1, 3 “The function o f m an is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use m y time. " —Jack London
W illiam P. F oley IV
D elfin T. G anapin III
Campus Shop 2; French Club 2, 3, President 4; Literam a 3, 4; Marauder Nation 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3, 4; /Vftw 2, 3, 4; Polish Club 1, 2, 3; Seinfeld Club 2, 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Emmaus 233; Kairos IV; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; French Exchange 4
Academic Bowl Team 3, 4; Anime Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Filipino Society 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; RPG Club 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3, 4; Video FX 4; Video Game Club Co-Founder and Co-President 2, 3, 4; Fencing 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos VI; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“7b sit back hoping that some day, some way, someone w ill make things right is to go on feed ing the crocodile, hoping he w ill cutyo u last—but eatyo u he w ill ” —Ronald Reagan
‘7 fin d that the secret to enjoying life comesfrom doing as m any foolish things as possible. " -Arsene Lupin III (“Farewell to Nostradamus”)
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
w hat was your m ost memorable interaction with Mr. Morris?
Ethan G aviria
Joe Maini:
Jo h n Manley:
“When Mr. Morris said dancing in a ‘Speedo’ was a ‘no-no’ during basketball games.”
“When I hugged Mr. Morris and possibly tried to kiss him after winning the senior parking spot.”
Kevin Crawford: “When Mr. Morris commented on my cankles, saying I would make a great hiker.”
Sean Finn: “When I greeted Mr. Morris in the hallway, at which point he decided to refer to me as ‘Finn-burger.’ ”
Alex Dellabella: “When Mr. Morris told me he was psychic.”
Eric Holt: “Mr. Morris serenaded me with Beyonce’s hit ‘All the Single Ladies’... it was beautiful.”
“Sweet isn’t as sweet w ithout the bitter.” -Vanilla Sky
Jose LaPiana: “I walked in and Mr. Morris asked me why I had written on the walls in the library. He kept going with it for five minutes before he said that he was joking.”
S ebastian E duardo G arcia Art Club 4; Campus Shop 2, 3; Chess Club 2; Classics Club 2, 3,4; Italian Club 2, 3,4; JV Math Team 3; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Football 4; Rugby 2; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 237; Latin Sil ver Medal 3; Italian Gold Medal 3 ctWhen things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you re trudging seems uphill, when the fu n d s are low and the debts are high, and you w ant to smile, but you have to sigh, when care is pressing yo u down a bit, rest i f you must, but don’t you quit. ” —Unknown UO'h
Kael E nrique A lonso G il Anime Club 2,3, Vice President 4; Chorus 1,2,3, President 4; Classics Club 2, Dance Committee 1, 2, 3; Hispanic Society 1, 2; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; Liturgical Choir 1, 2, 3,4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Video Game Club 2, 3; Emmaus 235; Altar Server; French Exchange 3 “I knew a liar that blinded my eyes, covered them w ith ribbons... shadows fa ll on yesterday it’s like tim e ju st slips away. ” —Escape the Fate
£ 'J .Q I
Stephen G ardner
D a n ie l F r a n c is c o G o n z a l e z
Celtic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; IFS 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Marauder Nation 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Outreach/ Pax Christi 3, 4; Seinfeld Club 1; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 239; Kairos III; Em m aus Leader; Big Brother
Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 4; Envi ronmental Club Treasurer 4; Hispanic Society/ Spanish Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Medical Club 2,3, Trea surer 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Mar ket Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Indoor Track 3,4; Wrestling 2; Em m aus 235; Kairos V; Freshman Ambas sador; HAP Tutor
“You got to know when to hold them, know when to fo ld them, know when to w alk away, and know when to run. ” —Kenny Rodgers
“A m an’s true intelligence should be judged by his actions and contributions to humanity. ” —Original
Brian J effrey G aven
D aryl X avier G reene, J r.
Environmental Club 4; Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 3, 4; Joy Food 2; Marauder Nation 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 2, 3,4; Ice Hockey 3, 4; Indoor Track 2; Lacrosse 2, 3, Emmaus 239; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1,2
Chorus 4; Culinary Club 3, 4; Dance Commit tee 1, 2, 3; Dramatics: Musical 1, 2, 3, 4; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Filipino Society 4; Intramurals 1,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Liturgical Choir 4; Marauder Nation 3, 4; Model U.N. 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; SADD 2; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; TV Studio 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 238; Kairos VI; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4 “Life is too short to live the same day twice. ” —Charlotte C antilini fMonster-in-Law)
“A place to g o -th a t’s w hat m y mother always instilled in me. You need a place to go. A n d yo u ’re worthless unless you have a place to go. ” —Larry D avid
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
E mmet F itzgerald G regory
R ichard H ajduk
Environmental Club 4; Medical Club 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Wres tling 1, 2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 234
Art Club 4; Celtic Club 3, 4; CLC 4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; Pax Christi 4; Baseball 1; Bowling 1, 2, 3,4; Football 1; Emmaus 232; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; HAP Tutor 1, 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 1, 2
“College? I d id n 't go. I d on't know anyone who d id Bunch o f hippies and cesspool salesman. ” —H enry Wormwood
“The only thing we have to fea r is fea r itself” . —Franklin D. Roosevelt
M ichael G riffin
K evin H andsman
Chorus 3, 4; Environmental Club 4; Joy Food 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 237; Kairos IV; Big Brother
Football 1; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 234; Kairos VI; Honors Pin 1
“The purpose o f life is a life o f purpose. * —Robert Byrnes
“Love is the answer, a t leastfo r most o f the ques tions in my heart. ” —Jack fohnson
M ichael H andy
J ustin G uerra-Sarreal
Wrestling 2, 3,4; Emmaus 239; Kairos I
Anime Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Band 2,3,4; Culinary Club 3, President 4; French Club 4; German Club 3; IFS 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; RPG Club 1; Senior Prom Committee 4; Video Game Club 2 ,3 ,4
“A fter Vm dead V d rather have people ask why I have no monum ent than why I have one. ” —Cato the Elder
“Somefriends bring rain on us, but a truefrien d is more loyal than a brother.” —Proverbs 18
J ames A lexander G utch Ebony Culture Club 1; Marauder Nation 1; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Football 1; Emmaus 239; Kairos V; Freshman Ambassador
What was your most memorable interaction with Mr. Dandorph? Bill Foley:
Josh Alvarez:
“Mr. Thompson confiscated my phone, and Mr. Dandorph wouldn’t give it back to me for a week because I did not take full responsibility for my actions.”
“When I mistakenly touched Mr. Dandorph’s desk in freshman year and he yelled, ‘Get your hands o ff my desk!’ ”
Sushanta Mozumder: Jon Wong: ‘You call it luck, why can't it ju st be Vm blessed.. Vm a trackstar, running through life, chasing m y dreams. ” —50 Cent
“When Mr. Dandorph told me to ‘Get a life.’ ”
“I blamed Mr. Dandorph for my JUG Cut and he gave me another JUG.”
Dave Sambade: Jose Izquicrdo: “I walked down the hall towards ‘The Pit’ and just as I was going to take a sip, I opened the door and saw Mr. Dandorph. It felt as if ten minutes had passed before I tried to leave—but he saw me and I got JUG.”
“When I walked into Mr. Dandorph’s Precal class and heard doo-wop music playing, in the background.”
Swetal Patel: “When Dandorph fenced Scan Buckley.
Seniors: Garcia to Handy
D a n ie l H a n s e n
M ic h a e l H e r e d ia Amnesty International 3; Anime Club 4; Art Club 1; Computer Club 4; Engineering Club 4; Fili pino Society 4; History Club 4; IFS 4; Lyons’ Den 4; Medical Club 3,4; Model U.N. 3,4; Outreach/ Pax Christi 3, 4; Petroc 3, 4; SADD 1, 2; Star W an Club I; Star W an/G odzilla Club 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Video Game Club 4; Rugby 2; Wrestling 2; Emmaus 233; Honors Pin 1
Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3. 4; Environmental Club 4; Stock Market Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 238; Freshman Ambassador
“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. ” —National Lampoon’s Animal House
"W hat we do in life echoes in eternity. ” —M axim us (Gladiator)
K a z im H a s s a n
J o seph R a m o n H er n a n d ez
Art Club 1; Campus Shop 1; Computer Club 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; IFS 1; Stock Market Club 2, 4; Fencing 2, 3,4; Rugby 2; French Exchange 4
Chess Club 1; Hispanic Society 2; Stock Mar ket Club 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Emmaus 235; Kairos V
“H e that w ill not reflect is a ruined man.* —A sian Proverb
“Rights are only those you can stand to defend ” —French Revolution
Jo h n G . H ederm an
E r ic H o l t
Celtic Club 2, 3, 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Ma rauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Basketball 1; Em m aus 233; Kairos VI; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Freshman Ambassa dor; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
Celtic Club 1, 2, 3; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Outreach 1; Senior Prom Committee 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Emmaus 235; Kairos IV; Big Brother; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. ” —H unter S. Thompson
“Here's a confession: Vm in love w ith a man. W hat?A m an nam ed God. Does that make me gay? A m I gay fo r God? You betcha. ” -Always Sunny in Philadelphia
1 What do you se e yourself doing ten years from now? Josh Zarichnyj: “Being a priest.” Craig Styles: “Better question: What do I see myself doing iii one year?” N ick Jorgensen: “Getting a haircut.” D an Londono: “Still hanging out with friends from Prep.” Swetal Patel: “Working on the 2009 Petrean—seriously.”
Seniors: Hansen to Kearney
Joe Maini: “Being the library prefect like any other Prep graduate.”
C h r is t o p h e r H o o d Emmaus 239; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3
Eric Bujnowski: “Looking at the world from behind my camera.” Matt Bender: “Celebrating the tenth anniversary o f you asking me this question.” Bryan McTiernan: “Fighting guerilla warriors in the jungles o f South America with Joe Livi.”
“It is our choices that show w hat we truly are, fa r more than our abilities. “ —J .K Rowling
Aaron Paul D eLuna Ibarrola Anime Club 2; Filipino Society 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; German Club 2, 3; Joy Food 3; Fencing 1, 2, 4; Football 1; Em m aus 235; K ai ros IV; Eucharistic Minister
What do you se e yourself doing ten years from now? Pat Egan: “Still fighting with the library prefects.” C hristian Baranok: “Teaching at Prep.”
C olin O ’Connor: “I don’t even know what I’m doing this weekend.”
Stephen Zolli: “Being in school still.” “Its not because things are difficult that we don’t dare; i t ’s because we don’t dare that things are difficult. ” —Seneca the Younger
Sean Finn: ‘T il probably find myself back here teaching, not because I want to, but because that’s just how it works.” Andrew Colaneri: “Being a teacher.”
J o se A n t o n io Iz q u ie r d o
Chris Hood: “I see myself having a good job, in a relationship, maybe, and enjoying what life gives me.”
M ike Kushnir: “Being a sixth to eighth grade teacher.” Oscar Contreras: “Finishing o ff my residency as a doctor and going to a fellowship for surgery at some great med school... hopefully.”
M atthew K aczm ar
C hess C lub 1, 2, P resident 3, 4; Classics C lub 2, 3, 4; D ance C om m ittee 1, 2; Engineering C lub 1, 2, Vice P resid en t 3, 4; H ispanic Society/Spanish C lub 1, 2, 3, 4; Joy F ood 2, 3; JV M ath Team 3; M arauder N ation 4;
Marauder Nation 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em m aus 235
NHS 4; Petrean 4; Petroc 1, 2; Ski/Snow board C lub 4; Stock M arket C lub 3, 4; Sw im m ing & Diving 1, 2, 3, 4; T ennis 3, 4; Volleyball 1; E m m au s 238; K airos VI; Eu charistic M inister; Big B rother; F reshm an Am bassador; N azareth Farm Im m ersion Trip 3; HAP T utor 1, 2, 3, 4; H o n o rs Pin 1 ,2 ,3 “I d o n 't measure a m an's success by h ow high be climbs,
“It is a mistake to try to look too fa r ahead The chain o f destiny can only be grasped one lin k at a time. ” —W inston Churchill
b u t by how high he bounces when he hits bottom . ” —General George S. Patton
E d d ie P a u l J o h n s o n III
A nthony T hom as Kam eno
Intramurals 1; Basketball 1; Football 1; Emmaus 232; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3
Italian Club 2, 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; La crosse 3; Soccer 1; Emmaus 236; Kairos III; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“In the book o f life, every page has two sides: we hum an beingsf i l l the upper side w ith our plans, hopes, and wishes, but providence writes on the other side, and w hat it ordains is seldom our goal. ” —N isam i
“A second too early or too late and you miss the catch. L ife’s about inches. They’re a ll around us. ” —Any Given Sunday
N ic h o l a s J . J o r g e n s e n
D a v id K e a r n e y
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatics: Musical 3; Ger man Club 4; IFS 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 3; Liturgical Choir 4; Marauder Nation 4; NHS 4; TV Studio 2; Emmaus 235; Kairos III; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; German Gold Medal 3; Honors Pin 2,3 “For longyou live and high you fly /a n d smiles y o u ’ll give and tears y o u ’ll cry / and a ll you touch and a ll you see / is a ll your life w ill ever be. ” —P ink Floyd (“Breathe”)
A lu
Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Rugby 1, 2, 3; Em maus 232; Kairos III; New Orleans Summer Ser vice Trip 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3,4
“To be yourself is a ll that you can do. ’ —Audioslave
fa o n S w i
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Do you have any advice to leave the underclassmen? Craig Styles: “Enjoy your time here while it lasts because it will be over before you know it.”
D an Rivera: “D on’t bother trying to argue with Mr. Morris. You will lose.” Jay Kowalczyk: “Find a teacher’s office to hang out in.”
C olin O ’Connor: “Sleep while you can.”
M att Bender: “Get involved and live your life now. Enjoy your time at Prep, because you only go through it once.”
N e il Patel: “D o not be the sloth.” D an Londono: “Take AP classes—they’re worth the work and you d o n ’t need the extra free time anyway.”
Computer Club 3, 4; Medical Club 3, 4; Stock Market Club 2, 4; Football 2; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3
"When the power o f love overcomes the love o f power the world w ill know peace." -J im i Hendrix
Eric Bujnowski: “Get to know your teachers well—most o f them are pretty interesting people.”
J am es K earns
M oham m ed K han
Celtic Club 1,2; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2, 3,4; Lacrosse 2, 3; Emmaus 234; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4
Chess Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Indoor Track 2
“Courage is not a m an w ith a gun in his hands. It's knowing you re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no m atter what. You rarely w in but sometimes you do. " —A tticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
“Teach us to give and not to count the cost.'' —St. Ignatius o f Loyola
A n d r e w D e a n K elly
Anime Club 2,3,4; RPG Club 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3; Video FX 4; Video Game Club President 2 ,3 ,4 ; Swimming & Diving 1, 2, 3,4
Forensics 4; Godzilla Club 2,3; Indo-Pak Society 2,3; Star Wars Club 1,2,3; Star Wars/Godzilla Club 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2
“Tis no tim e to jest. ” —W illiam Shakespeare
“Surrender is not an option!" —Ambassador John Bolton
W il l i a m T h e o d o r e K e n d e r
M it c h e l l K ie b u s
Band 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; Indo-Pak Society 3, Vice President 4; JV Math Team Outstand ing Achievement 3; NHS 4; Video Game Club 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 237; Kairos V; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; English Silver Medal 2; Math Gold Medal 3; National Merit Commended Student
German Club 1,2,3; IFS 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Ma rauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; Pax Christi 4; Seinfeld Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos V; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3
“D on’t look up, y o u ’ll be jealous. D on't look down, y o u 'll be va in ." —Anonym ous
H a r r is K h a n
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
“To hell w ith reality! I w ant to die in music, not in reason or in prose. People don't deserve the restraint we show by not going into delirium in fro n t o f them. To hell w ith them!" —Louis Ferdinand Celine
P a t r ic k K ie s o w
M ic h a e l K u s h n ir
Band 2, 3; Campus Shop 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club 2; German Club 3, 4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Na tion 2,3,4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1,3,4; Indoor Track 1, 2,3; Rugby 1, 2,3,4; Emmaus 234; K ai ros III; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; German Exchange 3
Culinary Club 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; Soccer 1; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos IV; Big Brother; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3,4; Honors Pin 2 "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steeryourselfin any direc tion you choose. You're on your own. A n d you know w hat you know. You are the guy w ho'll decide where to go. ” —Dr. Seuss
"Hope to redeem one's self, is the ability to renew one's life. ” -O riginal
G regory J. K o h le sJ r.
L. La P iana
Chess Club 1; Dance Committee 1; Mission Drive Committee 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 4; Emmaus 237; Kairos V; Eucharistic Minister; Altar Server; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; NHS 4; Basketball 1; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, Cap tain 4; Em m aus 235; Metropolitan Plunge Im mersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2,3 "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Cham pions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision." —M uham m ad A li
“There are no great lim its to growth because there are no lim its o f hum an intelligence, imagina tion, and wonder." —R onald Reagan
N elso n A u g u stu s L en a h a n
Jay K ow alczyk
Academic Bowl Team 4; Anime Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Art Club 4; Book Club 1; Classics Club 2; Dance Committee 3; Filipino Society 4; G odzilla Club 1, 2, 3; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; RPG Club 1; Star Wars Club 1, 2, 3; Star W ars/Godzilla Club 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 2 ,3,4; Video FX 4; Video Game Club 2, 3, 4; Fencing 2,3,4; Emmaus 232; Kairos VI; Altar Server; Italian Exchange 3
Italian Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; Bowling 4; Volleyball 1, 2; Emmaus 232; Kairos IV
"Be not afraid o f life. Believe that life is worth livin g and yo u r belief w ill help create the fa c t." —H enry James
"Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys!" —Robin W illiam s
Do you have any advice to leave the underclassmen? L u c a s K o z in s k i Italian Club 3; Jazz Band 2, 3, 4; Marauder Na tion 1,2, 3; Ski/Snowboard Club 3,4; Stock Mar ket Club 1,2,3; Swimming & Diving 2; Wrestling It Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador
Om ar Martinez: “Use senior privilege
Mark Lotfalla: “D on’t get caught and you won’t get
James Murduca: “ ‘Pay now because if you wait the price will be much greater. Just do it!’ —Mr.
Eric Holt: “If you have seen or like the movie The Breakfast Clttb, go to Saturday detention.
Dandorph” “A n d someday soon m y friends, this ride w ill come to an end, but we can't ju st get in line again. ” —Tomas K alnoky
Steve Conley: “Get on your teachers’ good sides—easybib. com, sparknotes.com, etc.”
Phil Reynolds: “Get out while you still can.”
Chris Fernandez:
Swetal Patel: “D on’t be a member o f the ‘2:35 Club’ or else you 11 miss out on a big pait o f the
“D on’t sleep in DeLo’s.”
Prep experience.”
Seniors: Kearns to Lenahan
J ia h a o L in
J o s e p h M ic h a e l L o p e r a
A n im e C lu b 4; F re n c h C lu b 4
Intramurals 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1,2; Medical Club 3,4; Stage Crew 1; Foot ball 1; Emmaus 232; Kairos IV
“Continue to expose yourself to new ideas. Trust yo u r instincts and think fo r yourself M ake and, or a t least value it. ” —Sam uel L. Jackson
"I’d rather die a man, than live forever as a ma chine. ” -R obin W illiams (Bicentennial Man)
J o s e p h L iv i
M a rk L otfalla
Joy Food 2, 3; Literam a 3, 4; NHS President 4; Petrean 4; Cross Country 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; In door Track 1, 2, Captain 3,4; Lacrosse 1, 2; Out door Track Captain 3,4; Emmaus 237; Kairos V; Emmaus Leader; Eucharistic Minister; Freshman Ambassador; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immer sion Trip 3, 4; Eagle Scout
Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1; Video Game Club 2, 3,4; Fencing 4; Rugby 1 ,2 ,3 ,4
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not be cause o f the people who are evil, but because o f the people who don Vdo anything about it. ” —Albert Einstein
‘You remember that a ll difficult things come to an end. You focus on the ending, and yo u can take anything. ” —SO I D avid Goggins
D a n ie l L o n d o n o
Stock Market Club 3; Football 1; Ice Hockey 1; Freshman Ambassador
F ren c h C lu b 4; H ispanic Society/Spanish C lu b 1, 2, 3, P resid en t 4; JV M ath T eam 3; NHS S ecretary 4; Sein f e l d C lu b 2, 3, 4; S ociedad H o n o raria H ispanica 3, 4; Stock M arket C lu b 3; S tu d e n t C o u n cil R epresentative 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, C ap tain 4; E m m au s 234; K airos
“Leaders aren’t bom, they are made A n d they are made ju st like anything else, through hard work. A n d that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve our goal or any goal. ” —Vince Lombardi
IV; F resh m an A m bassador; M e tro p o litan P lunge Im m ersio n Trip 3; A ltar Server; S tudy A broad in Spain 4; H o n o rs Pin 1, 2, 3; N ational S panish Exam Finalist “W h a t m atters in life is n o t w h a t happens to y o u bu t w h a t y o u rem em ber a n d h o w y o u rem em ber it. ” —G abriel G arcia M arquez.
r What is the greatest lesson you learned at Prep? N eil Carroll: “I learned that being a man is more than turning eighteen: it is learning compassion, love, and an exercised sense o f wonder.” Jose LaPiana: “ ‘Put a rubber band around your wallet to make it harder to steal/ —Dr. Kennedy”
Steve Conley: “The value o f a dollar.” M oham m ed Khan: “I learned how to handle my own problems and that I am responsible for my own actions and no one can bail me out when it’s my fault.”
D an Rivera: “How to write a research paper without using the internet.”
Oscar Contreras: “There’s always someone going through something thirty times worse than you are so smile—you have it made.”
N eil Patel: “This is AP!”
Anand Brahmbhatt: ‘‘Procrastination works.”
Seniors: Lin to Mantilla
J a m e s V ic t o r L u g o Amnesty International 2, 3; Computer Club 2, 3; Engineering Club 2, 3, 4; Hispanic Society/ Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pro-Life Society 1, 2; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Baseball 1; Football 1, 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Study Abroad in Spain 2 “Shoot fo r the moon. I f you miss, yo u ’ll land among the stars!” —Les Brown
N ic h o l a s L u c ig n a n o
B ook C lu b 1; C am p u s S h o p 2 ,3 ; C lassics C lu b 2 ,3 ,4 ;
What is the greatest lesson you learned at Prep? A lexander Lupo Art C lu b 4; C u lin a ry C lu b 4; In tra m u ra ls 4 ; Italian C lu b 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; O u tre a c h /P a x C h risti 3 , 4; S to c k M ark et C lu b 1, 2; B o w lin g I, 2, 3 ,4 ; R ugby 2;
23 2 ;
Kairos III; Emmaus
L eader; E ucha-
Justin Guerra-Sarreal: “Grades are ‘FAN-TASTIC’—the point of.school is to gain learning experiences and it would be a waste to not take anything in."
ristic M in iste r; B ig B ro th e r; F re s h m a n A m b assa d o r; H o n o r s P in 1, 2 ,3 ; S p irit A w ard
"...the good you do today maybe forgotten tomor row, do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough, give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them any way.... ” —Mother Theresa
J o s e p h M a in i Classics Club President 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 2, 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; NHS 4; Seinfeld Club 2, 3, 4; Stu dent Council Representative 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Indoor Track 2; Volleyball 1, 2, 3; Emmaus 235; Kairos III; Em m aus Leader; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; HAP Tutor 1,2, 3,4; New Orleans Sum mer Service Trip 4; Honors Pin 1, 2,3 “The measure o f who we are is w hat we do well w ith w hat we have.” —Vince Lombardi
T om m y Tanyag: “N o t to underestimate our potential, because we are all destined for som ething great.”
A nthony Medina: “To finish assignments when they are assigned and not procrastinate.” Eric Bujnowski: "It is possible to be smart and cool.” A lex Dellabella: “Pay now, pay later.”
Ben Blanchfield: “Procrastination is horrible.”
Jay Kowalczyk: “To be open—many people will give you great advice.”
Phil Reynolds: “D on’t make fun o f Mr. Hurd.”
Eric Holt: “Library is the fun zone.”
C l iv e M a n g e r e r e Medical Club 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Emmaus 238
“The only way o f fin d in g the lim its o f the pos sible is by going beyond them into the impossible. 1 —A rthur C. Clark
/)7 L »
S ea n M aly
J o h n Jam es M anley
Forensics 3; Liturgical Choir 3; Polish Club 1, 2, 3; Secret Agent Club 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Football 1,2,3; Golf 3 ,4
Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; Pax Christi 4; Stock Market Club 3; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 233; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambas sador; Honors Pin 2
"I go to parties, sometimes u n til four. I t’s hard to leave when yo u can’t fin d the door! Life has been good to me sofa r!” —The Eagles
“Twenty yearsfrom now you w ill be more disap pointed by the things that you d idn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw yourself o ff the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —M ark Twain
L f ' f y ' A n t o n io J o h n M a n e n t e Computer Club 2, 3; Engineering Club 3; Ital ian Club 2
“Disobedience, in the eyes o f anyone who has read history is m an’s original virtue. It is through dis obedience that progress has been made. ” -O scar Wilde
M a r i o M a n t il l a F ren c h C lu b 4; V ideo FX 4;
Emmaus 234; Kairos III
“Live fast, dieyoung, and leave a beautiful look ing corpse. ” —James Dean
t y /ic j j j f j
How do you want to be remembered? Ben Blanchfield: “I am not Mr. Kilroy.”
Chris Fernandez: “As ‘that guy.’ ”
Anime Club Founder and President 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Chorus 2,3 , Vice President 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; C om puter Club 1;
Jose Izquierdo: ' “A statue would be nice.” Mark Doherty: “Perfect Attendance.”
Sushanta Mozumder: “As the guy who injured him self while doing push-ups during French class.”
Culinary Club 3, 4; Dance Comm ittee 2, 3; Filipino Soci- i ety 2; Hispanic Society 2,3 ; Joy Food 2; Liturgical Choir 2,
Julen Abio: “Joe Valenti, Jr.”
offery o u r bodies as livin g sacrifices, holy an d pleasing to
"Therefore, I urgeyou, brothers, in view o f G od’s mercy, to
Chris Meliado: “A scholar-athlete who worked hard and got the job done.”
Joe Maini: “Other than ‘Speedo’ guy.”
Matt Bender: “As a Prep man, part o f something bigger than himself.”
James Murduca: “The random kid w ho was singing in the hallways.”
G od-this is y o u r spiritual act o f worship. D o not conform any longer to the pattern o f this world, but be transformed by the renewing o f y o u r m in d Then y o u w ill be able to test a n d approve w hat God's w ill is-H is good, pleasing an d perfect w ill ” -R om an s 12:1-2
M oses M artinez
R o b e r t W il l i a m M c F a r l a n d
Chess Club 3, 4; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Hispanic Society 1, 2; Marauder Nation 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1; Em maus 234; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; HAP Tutor; Freshman Ambassador
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council Represen tative 4; Football 1; Rugby 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 2, 3
<cYesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, to day is a g ift th a t’s why we call it the present. ” —LiV Wayne
“Beneath the clothes we fin d a man... and be neath the man, we fin d his... nucleus. ” -Jack Black (Nacho Libre)
O mar M artinez
R yan J oseph M cK eary
Amnesty International 3; Computer Club 1; Eastern Bloc 4; Forensics 3, 4; Godzilla Club 4; Model U.N. 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; RPG Club 1; Star Wars Club 1,2,3; Star W ars/Godzilla Club 4; Ukrainian Club 3; Emmaus 238; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2
Culinary Club 4; Intramurals 4; Italian Club 2,3, Copa del Prep Captain 4; Photography Club 2; Ski/Snowboard Club 3, 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3,4; Emmaus 236; Kairos IV; Italian Exchange 4
“You must be the change you w ant to see in the world. ” —M ahatm a Gandhi
"When you lose your ability to laugh, you lose your footing. ” —Ken Kesey
P aul A nthony M artino
Bryan M cT iernan
Italian Club 2, 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2 ,3,4; Emmaus 239
Classics Club 2,3,4; German Club 2 ,3,4; Litur gical Choir 3, Drummer 4; NHS 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 239; Kairos V; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; German Exchange 2; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3, 4; History Gold Medal 1; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award
“Tm gonna stay eighteen forever, so we can stay like this forever. A n d w e’ll never miss a party, ’cause we keep them going constantly. A n d w ill never have to listen, to anyone about anything ’cause it’s a ll been done and it’s a ll been said, we’re the coolest kids and we take what we can get. ” —Brand New
3; NHS 4; Video Game Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1, 2; National Spanish Exam First Place
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
“The unexamined life is not worth living. ” —Socrates
A nthony M edina
J ason M odi
Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Breaking Barriers Treasurer 4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 1; NHS 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3, 4; Stock Market Club 3; Indoor Track 3; Rugby 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em m aus 232; Kairos III; Em m aus Leader; Big Brother; HAP Tutor 2, 3, 4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Art Gold Medal 1; Spirit Award
Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Filipino Society 2, 3, 4; His panic Society/Spanish Club 2, 3,4; Medical Club 4; Model U.N. 1; Seinfeld Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1; Rugby 2, 3, 4; K ai ros VI; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1,3
“For long you live and high yo u fly /A n d smiles y o u ’ll give and tears y o u ’ll ciy /A n d a ll you touch, and a ll yo u see / is a ll yo ur life w ill ever be. ” —P ink Floyd (“Breathe”)
“M istakes are the portals o f discovery. ” —James Joyce
C hristopher M ellado
J ohn Paul M ontemayor Culinary Club 3; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3; Fili pino Society Vice President 2, President 3,4; Literama 3; Medical Club Secretary 3; Petrean 3, 4; Pro-Life Society 2; Stock Market Club 3; Video Game Club 2; Emmaus 239; Kairos VI; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3
Classics Club 2; NHS 4; Baseball 1; Basketball 2; Football 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 238; Kairos IV; Met ropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
“D on’t ever let somebody tell you... you can’t do something... i f you w ant something go get it. Period ” —Christopher Gardner (The Pursuit of Happiness)
“There are only two options regarding commit ment; yo u re either in or y o u ’re out! There’s no such thing as life in-between. ’’ —P at Riley
A ndrew R obert M ernar
D avid A ntonio M oreira
Celtic Club 1, 2, 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, Henchman 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Em m aus 235; K airos III; Em m aus Leader; K airos Leader; Big Brother Freshman Ambassador; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2
Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra murals 1, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2,3,4; Rugby 2, 3,4; Emmaus 236; Kairos VI; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, 4; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1, 2
“We make a living by w hat we get, we make a life by w hat we give. ” —W inston Churchill
“N ever take life seriously, no one comes out alive anyway. ” —Anonym ous
K evin F rancis M euse IFS 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; TV Studio/Video FX 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Em m aus 236; Kairos III; Freshman Ambassador
How do you want to be remembered? Justin Guerra-Sarreal: “As the one who ate the m ost and pillaged others for their leftovers.” C hristian Baranok: “As the person always willing to help.”
Oscar Contreras: “The guy who loved you even if you hated him .” N ick Suarez: “SomeOne who always showed a lot o f . heart.”
Josh Zarichnyj: “The kid with the buttons.” “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. ” —Vince Lom bardi
W illie Emanuele: “Puddles.”
Bryan McTiernan: “W ith a Gotham sandwich named in m y honor.”
Eric Bujnowski: “As the messiest kid named Eric.”
Seniors: Martinez, M. to Moreira
R i c h a r d E d w a r d M o r r i s o n I II Celtic Club 1, 2, 3; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3; Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 234; Kairos IV
“You see the hood's been good to me / ever since I was a lower-case ‘g ,' / but now I'm a big g .‘ The girls see I got the money / a hundred-dollar bill y 'a ll" - M ontellJordan (“This is How We Do It”)
M atthew M ullm an Celtic Club 1,2,3, Co-President 4; Classics Club Vice President 2, Co-President 3, 4; Copa del Prep Commissioner 4; Intramurals 4; Literama 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS Treasurer 4; Pax Christi 4; Petrean 3, 4; Petroc 1, 2, 3, CoEditor-in-Chief 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 234; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award "To fin d yourself, think fo r yourself” —Socrates
A lex a n d er A br a h a m M o sa
J am es V . M urduc a Classics C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; JV M ath Team
Medical Club 4; Model U.N. 3; Stock Market Club 2, 3,4; Student Council 4; Emmaus 234; Kairos VI
3; NHS 4; S ki/Snow board C lub 3, 4; Soul/Joy F ood 1, 2, 3; C ross C o u n try 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; In d o o r Track 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; O u td o o r Track 1, 2, C aptain 3, 4; E m m au s 237; K airos V; F reshm an A m bassador; Met ro p o litan Plunge Im m ersion Trip 3; Italian Exchange 3 “D o n ’t be a fr a id to m a k e mistakes, to stum ble a n d fa ll, 'cause m ost o f the time, the greatest rewards come
"H akuna M atata." —Timone and Pumba (The Lion King)
fr o m do in g the t h in g th a t scare y o u the most. M aybe y o u ’l l g e t everything y o u w ish ed fo r . M a yb e y o u ’l l get m ore th an y o u ever cou ld h ave im agined. ” -C o a c h W hitey D u rh am (O n e Tree Hill)
S ush a n ta M o zu m d er Campus Shop 2; Dance Committee 1; Forensics 1,3,4; French Club 2, Secretary 3; Godzilla Club 2, 3; Indo-Pak Society 2, 3, Secretary 4; Secret Agent Club President 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3, 4; Video FX 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos IV; Fresh man Ambassador; HAP Tutor 2, 3 “You w ill never know the end result o f your ac tions u n tilyou try it. You must be the change in the world you w ant to see. ” —M ahatm a Gandhi
Describe yourself in one word. Gabriel D al’Maso: “Different.”
Rashad Davis: “Rashad.”
Josh Zarichnyj: “Impossible.”
Justin Guerra-Sarreal: “Hungry.”
Chris Hood: “Quiet.”
Om ar Martinez: “Gentleman.”
Lucas Netchert: “Outgoing.”
Ranieri Yllanes: “Passionate.”
Bao Ngo: “Baooooo.”
A lex Yu: “Tenacious.”
Seniors: Morrison to Oliver
M ic h a e l N a d o l n y Classics Club President 2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3, Cap tain 4; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos V; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 3
“Yeah, I play favorites; I play the kids who work the hardest..." —Coach Richard Hansen
Jo h n A . N aughton Celtic Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1, 2,3; Emmaus 235; Kairos IV
"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to live your life pissed o ff a ll the tim e." —American History X
T er r a n c e N elso n
Describe yourself in one word. Julen Abio: “Toogoodlyn.”
John Manley: “DAH.”
Matt Bender: “MattBender.”
Steve Conley: “Brilliant.”
Khalil Wilkes: “Leader.”
M ike Kushnir: “Emo.”
Kevin Crawford: “Shibby.”
Jose LaPiana: “Boring.”
W illie Emanuele: “Indescribable.”
D an Rivera: “Tired.”
Ebony Culture Club 4; Basketball 2,3; Emmaus 239
“Get on m y level, you can ’t get on m y level you w ill need a spaa shuttle or a ladder to forever.’’ —LiV Wayne
L ucas N etchert Celtic Club 1, 2, 4; Joy Food 2, 3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS Vice President 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Ski/ Snowboard Club President 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2; Emmaus 235; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; Altar Server; Spirit Award “M an cannot change the direction o f the wind, but he can adjust his sails to always reach his destination. ” —fam es Dean
C o l i n A r t h u r O ’C o n n o r Band 4; IFS 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Literama 3; Liturgical Choir 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Petroc 4; Student Council Representa tive 1,2, President 3,4; Indoor Track 2; Emmaus 239; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3,4; HAP Tutor 1; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award “This above all: to thine own self be true... ” —Polonius (Hamlet)
Jonathan N g
R i c h a r d O ’C o n n o r
Art Club 3; Computer Club 2; Model U.N. 4; Spanish Club 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Video Game Club 2; Fencing 1, 2; Em m aus 239; Study Abroad in Spain 4
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Soul/Joy Food/Lyons’ Den 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Cross Coun try 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassa dor; Honors Pin 1
“We have nothing to fe a r but fea r itself ” -F ra n klin D. Roosevelt
“You know, this team is like the church, the doors are always open. ” —M ichael Burgess
Bao N go
N y s h ie r O l iv e r
Dance Committee 2; Junior Prom Committee 3; JV Math Team 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 1, 3; Stock Market Club 3; Football 1, 2, 3; Em m aus 239; Freshman Ambassador; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3
Marauder Nation 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1,2, 3,4; Outdoor Track 1 ,2 ,3 ,4
“You only live once, and the way I live once is enough. ” —Frank Sinatra
“It's not where you are from that determines where you are goin in life, it’s your m indset.” -Step Up
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Who w as your greatest teacher at Prep and why? Chris Hood: “Mr. Hollywood because he made math interesting and fun.”
Sean Finn: “Mr. Oryshkevych who taught me the pros and cons o f a communist regime.”
James Murduca: “Mr. Dandorph was my greatest teacher because he taught me lessons to become happy and to find love.”
Eric Bujnowski: “Mr. Distinti because he never gave up on me, no matter how awful I was at Latin.”
Joe Maini: “Dr. Kennedy because two years o f movie talk equals ‘awesomeousity.’ ” T om m y Tanyag: “Dr. Scibilia because he exposed me to new ideas that I would have never thought of.”
N ick Suarez: “Mr. DeLorenzo because he made history interesting and fun for me.” W illie Emanuele: “Ms. Garcia because even though my Spanish has gotten worse, she has taught me life lessons that I will hold onto for years to come.”
Joel O q u en d o
Classics Club Treasurer 2, 3, 4; Fantasy Sports Club Founder and President 2,3,4; History Club 2,3, President 4; Indo-Pak Society Vice President 2, 3, President 4; JV Math Team 2,3; NHS 4; Out reach/Pax Christi 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean Copy Editor 4; Petroc 1, 2, 3; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3,4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3,4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3 “The ultim ate value o f life depends upon aware ness and the power o f contemplation rather than upon mere survival ” —Aristotle
JUt^ yf*, iS t P a u l P aterno ster
Book Club 1; Chess Club 2 ; Hispanic Society/ Spanish Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Marauder Nation 1; Football 1,2 , 3 , 4; Indoor Track 2 , 3 , 4; Outdoor Track 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Emmaus 2 3 5 ; New Orleans Sum mer Service Trip 4; Honors Pin 1, 2 , 3
Classics Club 3; Ebony Culture Club 1,2; French Club 4; Marauder Nation 3,4; Photography Club 1,2; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Football 1; Emmaus 235; Kairos IV; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4
“Leave it a ll out on the fie ld .'' —Anonym ous
“Dream as i f y o u 'll live forever. Live as i f you'll die today." —James Dean
JlJC ody Pannella
A bel N c h u m t h u n g P atto n
Celtic Club 3,4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Soulyjoy Food/Lyons’ Den 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 234; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador
Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3; Soccer 4; Kairos VI
“Life is fu ll o f obstacles; fille d w ith hope and despair, w ith success and failure, but to achieve greatness, one m ust overcome personal barriers and realize a sense o f self-worth." —Original
"I never think o f the fu tu re-it comes soon enough. ” —Albert Einstein
N e il R a s ik P a t e l
P eter P a u lsen
Culinary Club 3; Environmental Club 4; IFS 1,2; Indo-Pak Society 2,3, VP of Entertainment 4; Joy Food 2, 3; Medical Club 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Petrean 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3,4; Star Wars Club 3; Star W ars/Godzilla Club 4; Video FX 4; Rugby 2,3,4; KairosVI; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Latin II Silver Medal; Latin III Gold Medal
French Club 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 3; Marauder Na tion 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Ice Hockey 1, 2; Emmaus 239; Kairos IV; Kai ros Leader; Big Brother
“Be the change you w ant to see in the world." —M ahatm a Gandhi
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
“When the power o f love overcomes the love o f power, the world w ill know peace. ” —J im i Hendrix
S ean P earson
A ndrew Lawrence Rader Art C lu b 1, 2, 3, 4; B reaking B arriers F o u n d e r an d
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos VI
P re sid e n t
4; C h o ru s 1, 2, 3, P re sid e n t 4; C lassics
C lu b 2; C u lin a ry C lu b 3; D ance C o m m ittee 1; D ra m atics: D ram a 4; D ram atics: M usical 1, 2, 3, 4; Fili p in o Society 1; G o d zilla C lu b 1; IFS 3; Italian C lu b 2, 3; J u n io r P ro m C o m m itte e 3; L ite r a m a 4; Liturgical C h o ir 1 , 2 ,3 , P resid en t 4; M arau d er N ation 3 ,4 ; RPG C lu b 1; S e n io r Prom C o m m ittee 4; S oul/Joy F o o d 1,
"Success comes fro m know ing that you did your best to become the bestyo u are capable o f becom ing.” —John Wooden
2; S ta r W ars C lu b 1; TV S tu d io 1; K airos III; K airos Leader; Italian E xchange 3 “Sometimes, y o u h ave to g e t w eak, to realize th a t y o u are strong. ” —O rigin al
Ra’J ohn Raeford
J oseph P erez
Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Culinary Club 3, 4; Dance Committee 3; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 4; Joy Food 3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Rugby 1, 3, 4; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 234; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambas sador; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4
Hispanic Society 3; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3, 4; Fencing 1; Indoor Track 2, 3,4; Emmaus 239
“We are w hat we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ” —A ristotle
“Hundreds leave, a handful stays behind, only one looks back. ” —Delios (300)
J ustin P erez
J ustin R estrepo
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 3; Em m aus 236; K airos V
Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Rugby 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Study Abroad in Spain 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, 4; Honors Pin 2, 3
“D on’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest o f your life like a champion. “ —M uham m ad A li
“A n eye fo r an eye w ill make the whole world blind. " —M ahatm a Gandhi
J ohnny J acob Q uispe Chess Club 3, 4; Computer Club 3; Culinary Club 4; Environmental Club 4; Hispanic Society/ Spanish Club 1,2, 3,4; Marauder Nation 1, 2,3, 4; Medical Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3, 4; Rugby 3,4; Emmaus 233; Kairos V; Freshman Ambassador; HAP TVitor "Do not go where the path m ay lead; go in stead where there is no path and leave a tra il ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Who was your greatest teacher at Prep and why? Oscar Contreras: “Mr. Campion because he doesn’t teach only English—he’s a professor o f life.”
Steve Conley: “Ms. Klim because she was not only our teacher, she was our therapist."
Chris Meliado: “Dr. Kennedy because he made me aware and interested in art, music, and great works o f literature.”
N ick Jorgensen: “Mr. Caslowitz because he opened up the world o f Jazz for me and taught me everything I wanted to know.”
M oham m ed Khan: “Ms. Hwang not because she gave such hard work, but because she helped me learn a lot o f Biology.”
Tom Cianci: “Mr. Campion because he taught me quite a lot inside and outside the classroom.”
Seniors: Oquendo to Restrepo
P hilip R eynolds
D aniel A ngel R ivera
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 232; Kairos III; Eucharistic Minister; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
French Club 3, Secretary 4; RPG Club 1; Em maus 234; Kairos V
"We cannot sacrifice thefu tu re fo r the sake o f the now. ” —Adm . M ike M ullin
“A learned m an is not a m an that knows every thing but a m an who knows where to fin d it.” —Carl DeLorenzo
A ngel A. R eynoso
M ichael J. R odgers
Chess Club 1, 2; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3; Out reach 1, 2; Emmaus 235
Eastern Bloc Copa del Prep Captain 4; Football 1; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3; Kairos III
“Teach us to give and not to count the cost. ” —St. Ignatius o f Loyola
"No tim e fo r love. ” —Dr. Jones
M ichael R icigllano Computer Club 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Em m aus 234; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambassador
G ustavo R odriguez p ..
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2; Medical Club 4; Kairos IV; EMT Volunteer
"People are like stained glass: in the light they all shine w ith beauty but when darkness fa lls only the light w ithin can reveal their true beauty. ” —Anonym ous
“T d rather live than live forever. ” —Ollie Sykes (Bring Me the Horizon) Hk
w hat was the funniest thing that happened during a class? M ike Kushnir: “Mr. Distinti punched the wall and made a hole during a fire drill.”
Josh Zarichnyj: “When Nat Salzman pulled on Mr. Cunneen’s beard before homeroom.”
Craig Styles: “Jason Modi getting assaulted in Mr. Campion’s class.”
Lawrence Bovich: “Liam Hartling has an accident. That’s all I will say out o f courtesy.”
Ricky Hajduk: “In junior year Joe Maini told Mr. Evans that both the Red Sox and the Patriots are terrible. Mr. Evans failed him for the marking period and Joe was never seen in class again.”
Joe Maini: “Mike Nadolny.”
Pat Egan: “Pat C appiello during class.”
Seniors: Reynolds to Santuccio
H enry R odriguez Anime Club 1; Computer Club 1, 4; Forensics 1; French Club 2, 3, 4; Secret Agent Club 4; Em m aus 239
"Thefuture depends on what we do in the present ” —M ahatma Gandhi
J ason R osenberg Academic Bowl Team 3, 4; Anime Club 2, 3; Band 1, 2; Book Club 1; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Culinary Club 3, 4; Dramatics: Drama 3; Dramatics: Musi cal 2; Forensics 1; Literam a 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3; Photography Club 1; Star Wars Club 1; Kairos VI; German Exchange 3 “/ measure my life in coffee spoons. ” -T .S . Eliot
What w as the funniest thing that happened during a class? Ben Blanchfield: “Nick Jorgensen puked on Urbanovich in freshman year.”
T om m y Tanyag: “I got caught with my pants down in Ms. Eaton’s class freshman year.” Charles C ostello: “Ms. Hwang gave us an assignment to made sex-ed pamphlets in Biology.” D an Rivera: “Andrew Colaneri fell asleep in DeLo’s class.”
Sean R yan
Jay Kowalczyk: “In Ms. Glackin’s class, Dylan Solt’s phone went o ff and the ring tone was ‘Sexual Healing.’ ” Eric Bujnowski: “Once I was awoken from a nice nap because I began to suffocate in my own puddle o f drool.”
D avid A. Sambade
Dramatics: Musical 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; M onty Python Club President 2,3; Petroc Editor 3, Managing Editor 4; TV Studio/Video FX 2,3, Presi dent 4; Emmaus 236; K airos^I; Freshman Ambas sador; German Exchange 3; Honors Pin 1,2
“We make a living by w hat we get; we make a life by w hat we give. ” —W inston Churchill
Literama Editor-in-Chief 3,4; NHS 4; Petrean Lay out Editor 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Petroc 1,2; Science League 4; Soccer 1, 2; Emmaus 237; Freshman Ambassador; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Sci ence Gold Medal 3; Spirit Award “The truth is, the science o f Nature has been al ready too long made only a work o f the brain and thefancy: it is now high time that it should return to the plainness and soundness o f observations on material and obvious things. ” —Robert Hooke (Micrographia)
A ndrew Saa
C hristian Sanchez
NHS 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Basketball 1; Football 1; Indoor Track 2; Soccer 3, 4; Kairos IV; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3
Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 3, 4; Intramurals 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3, 4; Stock Market Club 3, 4; Kairos IV; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 2,3
“The price o f success is hard work, dedication to the jo b a t hand, and the determination that whether we w in or lose, we have applied the best o f ourselves to the task a t hand ” —Vince Lombardi
“The price o f success is hard work, dedication to the jo b a t hand, and the determination that whether we w in or lose, we have applied the best o f ourselves to the task a t hand ” —Vince Lombardi
N athaniel Salzman
S a l v a t o r e L l o y d S a n t u c c io III
Academic Bowl Team 3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Filipino Society Treasurer 4; IFS 4; RPG Club 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1, 3,4; Video Game Club 2, 3,4; Fencing 3,4; History Silver Medal 3
Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; Soul/Joy Food 1, 2; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Foot ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 236; Kairos V; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3
“ 'Ifyo u don’t know w hatyo u w ant, * the door m an said, yo u end up w ith a lot you d o n 't/ ” —Fight Club
| ■
Chris Hood: “Mr. DeLorenzo cracking jokes about me because he knew my brother lived around the corner from him.”
“The olderyou get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow . You ju st gotta keep on liv in *m an! L-I-V-I-N!” —D azed and Confused
---------------------A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Class of 2 0 0 9 Wills Josh Zarichnyj leaves his blazer to the entire Prep community because there is absolutely no way he could wear that in college. N eil Patel leaves his last chocolate chocolate muffin in the Pub Room for all to view and honor. Joshua Alvarez leaves one o f his graduation pictures to Ms. McNally, just so that she will never forget him. Christian Baranok leaves his nickname to the first freshman o f the Class o f 2013 who asks, ‘Are you going to finish that.’
N ick Jorgensen leaves his luscious locks to his little brother Evan Jorgensen. John M anley leaves his tender love and affection to Heff. Kevin Crawford leaves Raphael Ortiz his white shoes that were given to him by Mr. Z. Chris Fernandez leaves all his Campion papers to juniors to show them what not to do. Joe M aini leaves his ‘Speedo’ to anyone but Vin Caldas.
C onor Liam Scott Academic Bowl Team 2 ,3 ,4 ; Celtic Club 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Culinary Club 4; Forensics 1, 2, Captain 3, 4 ; French Club 1, 2 ,3 , 4; German Club 4; Indo-Pak Society Treasurer 2 ,3 ,4 ; Joy Food 2; Model U.N. 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Petrean 3 ,4 ; ProLife Society 1, 2; Emmaus 235; Kairos III; Kairos Leader; Freshman Ambassador; HAP Tbtor 1,2; Honors Pin 1 "I knew early on that the smartest thing f o r me to do was to work hard, do the best I can, make wise decisions based upon good information in fron t o f me. A n d then pu t my life, get myself on a path that could be dedicated to G od an d ask H im what I should do next. That w ill be the position I take as long as I am on Earth—that is, seeking the right path that God would have laid out fo r me. ” —Gov. Sarah Palin
R ichard A ndrew Sese Jazz Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Honors Pin 2, 3; National Latin Exam Magna Cum Laude
“Try not to become a m an o f success, but rather become a m an o f value. ” —Albert Einstein
Brian Shields IFS 1,2; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3
“Got no tim e fo r spreadin ' roots, The tim e has come to be gone. A n d to our health we drank a thousand times, It's tim e to ramble on. ” —Led Zeppelin
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
K enneth M . Smith Football 3,4
“N ever regret, only accept the things that you bring to yo u because everything happens fo r a reason. ” —Original
T yrone O. Stamps Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Dance Com mittee 1, 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Dra matics: Musical 2,3,4; Ebony Culture Club 1,2, 3,4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 1, 2, 3, 4; Petroc 1, 2, 3, Co-Editor-in-Chief 4; Senior Prom Commit tee 4; Student Council President 2; Wrestling 1; Em m aus 232; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1, 2; Spirit Award (<W hatyou believe in keeps you going. ” —Anonym ous
Rui W ilfredo Soares, J r.
C raig Styles
Chess Club 2, 3, 4; Engineering Club 2, 3, 4; His panic Society/Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 3,4; Stock Market Club 2; Football 2, 3; Rugby 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Emmaus 238; Kairos V; Urban Challenge Immer sion Trip 3; HAP Tutor 1,2; Honors Pin 1,2,3 “I firm ly believe that any m ans finest hour, the greatest fulfillm ent o f a ll that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on thefield o f battlevictorious. ” —Vince Lombardi
Celtic Club 1,2,3, President 4; IFS 1,2,3, Vice Presi dent 4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Mis sion Drive Committee 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Em maus 234; Kairos III; Emmaus Leader; Kairos Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; New Orleans Summer Ser vice Trip 4; HAP Tutor 1, 2, 3, 4; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Spirit Award; History Silver Medal 1; Science Silver Medal 2; Latin Silver Medal 3; History Gold Medal 3
D aniel Sobsey
N icholas Suarez
Classics Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, CoPresident 4; Marauder Nation 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Seinfeld Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 2, 3,4; Volleyball 3, 4; Em m aus 239; Kairos IV; French Exchange 4; Honors Pin 3
Campus Shop 2, 3; Intramurals 4; Marauder Nation 3, 4; Outreach 3; Photography Club 2; Souljoy Food 1,2; Football 1; Rugby 3, 4; Em maus 233; K airos IV; Camp Loaves and Fishes Immersion Trip 3
“Do not go where the path may lead, go in stead where there is no path and leave a trail. ” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
“D on't worry about w hat happened in the past, you can't change it Look forw ard and be posi tive. You make your future only you. " —Original
D ylan Solt Chess Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Intramurals 4; Italian Club 2, 3; Joy Food 2; Marauder Nation 1, 2, 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Rugby 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Wrestling 1; Emmaus 236; Kairos IV; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Met ropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4 “Up to the age o f twenty-six, he was a man given to the vanities o f the world; and what he enjoyed most was warlike sport, with a great and foolish desire to w in fame. ” S t . Ignatius Loyola
“N on scholae sed vitae discimus. (We learn notfor school butfo r life.)” —Seneca
Class of 2 0 0 9 Wills Charlie C ostello leaves a few words o f wisdom to all incoming freshmen: ‘D o your work or you’ll Fall behind.’
Lawrence Bovich leaves the Model U.N. and award winning resolutions to Jonathan Fernandez.
A nthony M edina leaves his beast status and blazer to Ryan Medina. He also leaves Ryan the title o l ‘Medina.’
Ben Blanchfield leaves seniority in the back row o i Band to Dave Park and Vincent Brinas.
Bill Foley leaves Ms. Knittel his delicate Daedalus wings, hoping that they will be a reminder o f his goals that will soar through the skies.
W illie Emanuele . leaves Dominick Rotondo a check for $20 so that he can get a new haircut.
Steve C onley leaves the Prep Soccer team to Matt Woods.
Anand Bralnnbhatt leaves the SAT Prep Club to any rising senior willing to cope with rejection from juniors.
Seniors: Scott to Suarez
C hristian R obert Subol
O wen Sweeney
Anime Club 2, 3,4; Chess Club 1,4; French Club 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 4; Emmaus 236; French Gold Medal 2
Band 1;Jazz Band 1; NHS 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Ten nis 1, 2, Co-Captain 3; Captain 4; Emmaus 238; Kairos III; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; German Exchange 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; German Gold Medal 2
“So you were bom, and that was a good day. Some day y o u ’ll die, and that is a shame. But somewhere in the between was a life o f which we a ll dream. A n d nothing and no one w ill ever take that away. ” —Streetlight M anifesto
“Logic w ill get you from A to B. Imagination w ill take yo u everywhere. ” -A lbert Einstein
S u ,U s A
Louis Sullivan Academic Bowl Team 1, 2, President 3 ,4 ; Chorus 1, 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatics: Drama 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics: Musical 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir Co-Founder 3, 4; NHS 4; Paper Pen/Literama 1, 3, 4; Petroc Editor 1, 2, Managing Editor 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Video FX 4; Emm aus 238; Kairos IV; Eucharistic Minister; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; English Gold Medal 1 ,2 ,3 ; Ambassador for HOBY “The w oods are lovely, dark a n d deep
Lowell Thomas Lisondra Tanyag Campus Shop 2; Chess Club 1; Computer Club 2, 3; Filipino Society President 3, 4; Hispanic Society 1; Medical Club 4; NHS 4; Stock Market Club 3; Swimming & Diving 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Em m aus 232; Kairos V; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Urban Challenge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
B u t I h ave promises to keep A n d miles to go before I sleep, A n d miles to go before I sleep ”
“To thine own self be true. ” —W illiam Shakespeare
—R obert Frost
Ian Svercauski Classics Club 2,3, Vice President 4; Marauder Na tion 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Outreach/Pax Christi 3, 4; Ski/Snowboard Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Emmaus 236; Eucharistic Minister; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3; Science Silver Medal 1; National Latin III Exam Gold Medal
,rW e’re herefo r good, not a long time. ” —D avid Lam b
Class of 2 0 0 9 Testimonials To: John Bratowicz You made it seem like Lake Hopatcong was only ten minutes away. (Abio) To: Chris Fiume I know'we’ve had our problems with each other, but you really cracked me up a lot o f the times when I was stressed out. I admire the mental strength, and it’s going to be tough without you next year. (Murduca) To: A nthony Marulanda Dude, you’ve been there for me for so long, I just want to say thanks man. (Guerra-Sarreal)
Seniors: Subol to Wong
To: Joel O quendo Thanks for making my years at Prep the best years o f my life. You stuck with me even though I put you in hard situations. You made my years really enjoyable. Thank you. (Alvarez) To: Rashad Davis Thank you for ‘un-awkwardizing’ anything and everything whenever we hung out during a free period or just after school. We always shared huge laughs. (Baez) To: Dave Sambade Even though I know I don’t have to, I want to thank you... for everything.... (Zarichnyj)
J ustin T chao Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Engineering Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Medical Club 2, 3, 4; NHS 4; Outreach/ Pax Christi 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Honors Pin 1, 2; National Latin I Exam Silver Medal
“Our success orfailure is not in the hands o f our leaden. It is in our hands!” —A la n Keyes
D avid T erry Chess Club 1, 2, 3; IFS 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Spanish Club 4; Student Council 3; Football 1; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Glenmary Farm Immersion Trip 3; Study Abroad in Spain 4; Honors Pin 1, 2,3
“The power o f accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don’t have it." —George Bernard Shaw
M axwell T rimm Anime Club 1, 2, 3; IFS 2, 3, 4; RPG Club 1; Rugby 2 ,3 ,4
“N othing w ill be broken i f yo u r house is made o f stone, butyou know as I do it w ill never be a home. ” —Tomas Kalnoky
Class of 2 0 0 9 Testimonials To: Dr. Richard Kennedy I was going through some tough times and you really helped me. Thank you. (Rodgers) To: Mr. A nthony Keating When I was a freshman, I was nervous but you greeted me in homeroom with a friendly smile and a hearty handshake. You really made me feel at home at Prep. Thank you. (Costello) To: Mr. K enneth D andorph Thank you for showing me what is actually important in life. To me, that is one o f the most important lessons I learned at Prep. (Wong)
To: Ms. Julie Groark You helped me through a tough time. You listened to my problems and talked to me when I was struggling in school. You impacted my life more than anyone else. (Mozumder) To: Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych Going to your class everyday helped me to realize my love o f History. (Rivera) To: Mr. Erich Sekel You are more than a faculty member at this school. You’re a guidance counselor, teacher, role model, friend, and brother. I hope that others may see you as I have. (Contreras)
G il V alentin
F r e d e r ic k G r a n t W h e l pl y III
Art Club 1; Chess Club 1; Computer Club 1, 2; Medical Club 2; Emmaus 239
NHS 4; Pax Christi 4; Indoor Track 1; Lacrosse 1,2; Emmaus 232; Kairos IV; Freshman Ambas sador; New Orleans Summer Service Trip 4; Reli gion Silver Medal 2
“Plan fo r you r future, or become a victim o f someone else's. ” —P hil E rli
“A im fo r the sun, fo r even i f your arrow does not reach it w ill go higher than i f you aim edfor anything on yo u r own level ” —Aristole
X & h x tJ t fy fre
J uan C arlos V elasquez Medical Club 4; Soccer 1; Wrestling 1,4; Kairos VI
“The fir st step in wisdom is to question every thing—and one's last step is to come to terms w ith everything. ” —Georg Lichtenberg
/L L s
J ameson V icuna Anime Club 1; Chorus 4; Dramatics: Musical 1, 2,4; Italian Club 2; Liturgical Choir 2; Fencing 3; Em m aus 238; Kairos VI
“Sm ile like yo u mean it. ” -T h e Killers
K halil W ilkes Classics Club 2, 3, 4; Ebony Culture Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Joy Food 2, 3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Marauder Nation 4; Senior Prom Committee 4; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Emmaus 238; Kairos VI; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Re ligion Gold Medal 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3 “Rosa sat so M artin could walk, M artin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran so our children can fly . ” —Anonym ous
[/lJ J U u s i s
J onathan W ong Academic Bowl Team 2; Band 1,2,3, President 4; Classics Club 2; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; JV Math Team 3; NHS 4; Petrean 4; Petroc 1,2,3; Sociedad Hon oraria Hispanica 3, 4; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus 233; Kairos V; Emmaus Leader; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador; Met ropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Music Gold Medal 1; Math Silver Medal 2; Science Silver Medal 2; English Silver Medal 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3 “I was never afraid o f failure, fo r I would sooner fa il than not be among the best. ” —John Keats
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
What are your p ost-graduation plans? Colin O ’Connor:
Moses Martinez:
“I need to catch up on four years o f lost sleep.”
“Go on a cruise with my friends.”
Eric Bujnowski: Joe Livi:
“Europe, wander the Earth, college, soul search, get married, m id -life crisis, and die.”
“Find Bin Laden.”
A le x a n d e r
F. Y u
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2, 3, 4; History Club 2,3; Indo-Pak Society 3,4; JV Math Team 3; NHS 4; Petrean 3, 4; Football 1; Swimming & Diving 1,2,3, Captain 4; Emmaus 233; Kairos III; Naza reth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3
W illie Emanuele: Alex Yu:
“Cancun, anyone?”
“Figure out what I really love to do and find a way to make a living out o f it.1
“Hopefully prepare to be an Army officer, whether it be through West Point or ROTC. Either that or the Coast Guard Academy.”
Lawrence Bovich:
Tom Cianci:
“H oly Cross, ROTC....”
“To travel as much as I can.’1
Delfin Ganapin:
“Great men do as they will; lesser men do as they must. ” -C aleb Carr (The Angel of Darkness)
E v a n Y acker
B r ia n Z a p p u l l a
French Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 4; Marauder Na tion 1; NHS 4; Ski/Snowboard Club 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Ambassador; Metropolitan Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Honors Pin 1, 2,3
French Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Seinfeld Club 3, 4; Stock Market Club 3; Rugby 1, 2, 3, 4; Em maus 232; Kairos VI; Freshman Ambassador; French Exchange 3
(<The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. I t’s you r m ind yo u have to con vince. ” —Vince Lom bardi
“Life wouldn ’t be worth living i f I worried over the fu ture as well as the present. ” —W. Somerset M augham
4 ^ S te ph e n Y a snesk i
J o s h u a M ic h a e l Z a r ic h n y j Academ ic Bowl Team MVP 3, 4; C ulinary C lub 3, 4;
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Classics Club 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Joy Food 2, 3; JV Math Team 3; NHS 4; Polish Club 1; Stage Crew 1, 2, Chief 3, 4; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Em m aus 233; Kairos IV; Honors Pin 1, 2, 3
Eastern Bloc C o-President 4; Forensics 4; G erm an Club 4; Godzilla C lub 2, 3; Indo-Pak Society 3, VP o f Mar keting 4; Literam a 3, Editor 4; M o n ty Python C lub 2, 3; NHS 4; Petrean 3, Associate Editor-in-Chief 4; Petroc 3; Science League 4; S ta r W ars C lub 2, 3; S tar Wars! G odzilla C lub 4; TV S tudio 2; Ukrainian C lub 2 ,3 ; Em m aus 236 ; K airos III; C am p Loaves a n d Fishes Im m er
“When we remember we are a ll mad, the myster ies disappear and life stands explained. ” —M ark Twain
sio n Trip 3; H onors Pin 1 ,3 "Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, a n d everything becomes chaos. I ’m an agent o f chaos. Oh, a n d y o u kn ow the thing about chaos? I t ’s fa ir ! ” -T h e Joker (The Dark Knight)
R a n ie r i Y l l a n e s
S t e ph e n A lbert Z olli
Dance Committee 1; Hispanic Society/Spanish Club 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 4; Junior Prom Com mittee 3; Marauder Nation 4; Senior Prom Com mittee 4; Stock Market Club 4; Indoor Track I; Rugby 3,4; Kairos VI
Marauder Nation 3, 4; Pax Christi 4; Seinfeld Club 3, 4; Football 1, Manager 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 235; Kairos VI
“A m or vincit om nia (Love conquers all). ” —L atin Proverb
!)2 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
“People go in and out o f yo u r life, but you stay constant. So watch outfo r that person first. ” —Original
12009 Senior Class Superlatives JU G A ddict JUG d d ic t Paul M artino Paul B eckm ann A ngel R eynoso
M ost o s t R eliable R f.i.ta rtf. Colin O ’C onnor J o e M aini M ark D oherty
...M ake ake aa SSarcastic a rc a s ticRRemark em ark J o h n H ed erm an M att M ullm an A ndrew Saa
B est est V oice R ashad Davis Ja m es M urduca K enny Baez
C lass Sleeper A ndrew M em ar C hristian Subol Justin G uerra-Sarreal
...B ecome a J esuit Jo s e LaPiana C harlie Costello Lucas N etchert
B est N ickname Christian “M unchies” B aranok Sushanta “Sushi” M ozum der Jo sh u a “C hico” Alvarez
M ost Intelligent Craig Styles Sebastian Garcia Jam es M urduca
M .I.A. (A bsent! O scar C ontreras J u a n V elasquez A nand B rahm bhatt
...B ecome a P rep T eacher Sean Finn C o n o r Scott R icky H ajduk
Best L unch E ater Lucas N etchert Sal Santuccio Chris Fernandez
M ost L ikely to Succeed J o e Livi Colin O ’C onnor J o n W ong
H omeroom D elinouent A ngel Reynoso Paul B eckm ann E than G aviria
...B ecome a P rep C oach G reg Kohles W ill Fong G erald Castaldo
Best H air J ose LaPiana M ike K ushnir A lex L upo
M ost C hanged Since 9™ G rade M ike C hianca Jo s h Zarichnyj N ick Suarez
M essiest Stephen Zolli C onrad Foord W ill R en d er
W orst D ressed J ustin T chao Ja so n M odi A lex Yu
Best D ressed Khalil W ilkes Jo sh Zarichnyj R o b Cortez
M ission D rive H eroes M ark D oherty Chris Fernandez J o n Ng
M ost R andom Sean M aly Eric Bujnowski M oham m ed K han
Best F riends R a jo h n R aeford & D ylan Solt J o e Livi & Law rence Bovich Ju le n A bio & ja m e s G utch
M ost A thletic M ike N adolny N yshier O liver Chris M eliado
M ost H yper Michael R ex Casio Jam eso n V icuna G abe D al’M aso
M ost T alkative Alex M osa G erald Castaldo A lex B roadbent
F riendliest An th o n y M edina N eil Patel D ave T erry
M ost S chool Spirit M att B ender M itch Kiebus Ricky H ajduk
...Be a R evolutionary Sean Maly Neil Carroll O m ar M artinez
Chris H o o d Clive M angerere Gil V alentin
C i.ass C lowns P at Cappiello M ike R odgers K evin C raw ford
Best M usician N ick Jorgensen Steve C onley W esley Davis
G rade G rubber J on W ong Louis Sullivan Sean Ryan
H appiest Bobby M cFarland G us R odriguez J o h n D oyle
M ost U nforgettable M ike N adolny J o e Livi M itch Kiebus
Best A rtist Rich Sese A nthony M edina A lex B roadbent
M ost Involved D ave Sam bade Swetal Patel O scar Contreras
Best P ersonality C hristian Baranok A ndrew D ’A m ato A nand B rahm bhatt
R f.st Sense of H umor R a jo h n R aeford J o e M aini Ju le n A bio
B est A ctor W illie Em anuele D aiyl G reene Ja so n R osenberg
F irst to A rrive. L ast to L eave D ave Sam bade D aryl G reene Jo sh Zarichnyj
Seniors: Yacker to Zolli
Story by Swetal Patel, ’09
r I 1 he Principal’s and President’s Offices undertake the great responsibilities I f upholding the traditions which shape the brotherhood at Prep. Although the school’s founders have long passed, both their vision and their •JL desire for brotherhood are maintained. The Principal’s Office upholds the academic values upon which the Prep brotherhood is built. A majority of the duties fall on Prep’s Principal, Mr. James DeAngelo, ’85, who is assisted by Ms. Grace Gualario. In terms of academ ics and scheduling, much of the responsibility is given to the new Vice Principal, l|s. Mary Durante, who is assisted by Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, the school registrar. Ms. Cecilia Collins serves as a utility woman who dutifully completes any tasks provided to her by the Principal’s Office, in addition to assisting the Office of Campus Ministry. Whereas Mr. DeAngelo concerns himself with running the school in general, Ms. Gualario undertakes a more personal role with the students and teachers who crowd the office. In addition to selling as Mr. DeAngelo’s secretary, Ms. Gualario places the morning announcements in folders and tends to members of the community with a smile on her face. Ms. Durante and Ms. Supple take responsibility for scheduling, monitoring students with academic difficul ties, and ushering in the PowerSchool era to handle attendance, academic records, and electronic scheduling. The President’s Office concerns itself with maintaining the brotherhood primarily by upholding the Jesuit tradi tions upon which the school was founded, with an emphasis on spirituality. Most of these responsibilities, in addition to managing the financial aspects of the school, fall on Prep’s President, Fr. Robert Reiser, SJ., who is assisted by Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95, ’96. Also assisting the President with his various duties is Vice President for Planning and Principal Giving, Mr. James Horan, ’70. While Fr. Reiser has many tasks to complete in his Shalloe Hall office and abroad as a representative for the school, the busy President manages to leave his door open and converse with members of the community. Ms. Locricchio takes on an even greater workload when Fr. Reiser travels, but ensures that all tasks are completed ef ficiently nonetheless. Also seen working busily in Shalloe is Mr. Horan, who creates strategies, and coordinates pro grams and initiatives for all other offices located in Shalloe. Certainly many things have changed since Prep first opened its doors to young men in 1878; the traditions that have been shaping the brotherhood, however, have never faltered. The figureheads of Prep—the administration working in the Principal’s and President’s Offices—are responsible for the traditional foundation that allows the school to function successfully.
Ms. Grace Gualario schedules meet ings f o r M r. Jam es D e Angelo, '85, with first-y ea r teachers to discuss their in dividual experiences thus far.
Fr. Robert Reiser\ S.J., speaks to fresh man Evan Jorgensen in his Shalloe Hall conference room about an upcom ing art show exhibit.
94 Administration: Principal's and President's Offices
Ms. M ary Durante talks to ju nio r Jam es Shovlin about a scheduling conflict M s. Durante, in h er first year as the Vice
Looking over a list of. guests f o r the Presidents Dinner, M s. M aryphyllis locricchio, P'95, '96, ensures that all interested guests have reserved seats fo r the occasion.
Principal, led the school's administration and faculty into a new era o f grade reporting and scheduling by spearheading the PowerSchool campaign at Saint Peter's Prep.
Mr. James Horan, ‘70, as the Vice President f o r Plan ning and Principal tiivin g, reviews architectural ren derings o f fu tu re innovations to P rep's campus and calculates estim ateacosts fo r the project.
M s. Jacquelyn Supple cre ates a list o f students w ho have to pick up an assign m ent fo r a cancelled class. In addition to dealing w ith scheduling and student ac ademic issues, M s. Supple m ust coordinate teacher coverages and student grade reporting.
Taking a break fr o m his busy ule, M r. Jam es DeAngelo, '85, the Prep w ebsite to ensure n ew s bulletin regarding an H ouse has been posted.
sched checks that a O pen
M s. Cecilia Collins, while preparing envelopes fo r M ission Drive collections, verifies that the doors have been unlocked fo r a certain Institutional A dvancem ent gathering later that night w ith sophomore Kevin Cosgrove looking on.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
M r. Daniel Healy, '01, talks to freshm an Ryan M edina about off-cam pus eating privileges f o r underclassmen. M r. Healy, as
Ms. Natasha Rubinstein Jills envelopes with letters
the new Assistant Dean o f Students, is responsible f o r manag
informing prospective students o f their admission to
ing locker assignments, overseeing student-run activities, and enforcing regulations throughout the school.
Saint Peter's Prep. In addition to perform ing clerical works, M s. Rubinstein schedules "Freshman-for-aDay" visits and organizes O pen Houses.
M s. M ary Finn, P'93, '99, compares a list o f absent stu dents to a compiled list ofstudenm who w ere reported absent by their respective parents earlier that day. Ms. Finn assists M r. John Morris in keeping the school functioning properly by completing clerical tasks.
M r .J o h n Irvine, '83, P ’ 11, answers a phone call fro m a prospective
Prep par
ent while looking up ap plication statuses on his computer. M r.
Irvine is
responsible fo r managing all admissions-related oc casions and business. Ms, Maureen Sheppard, R.N., with the assistance o f Marie Steppenbeck, evalu ates the health o f junior Anthony Sabater during the school day. Ms. Sheppard ensured that members o f the Prep community, who were sick or in need o f medical assistance, were attended to quickly and with great care.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Ms. Shelly Santos checks out a book fo r senior Jonathan W ong as Mr. James Coe reviews a list o f students who have not returned overdue books. These two librarians were essential to maintaining a tranquil study environment in the li brary throughout the year.
Story by Anaud Bruhm bhutt, '09
ecoming a man follow ling how to behave like one, and it is a tradition at Prep to help a boy become a young man] is ready to enter the real world. The Office of Student Affairs takes on the role of helpii boys into Prep men for others by the time of their respective graduations, while the Office of ussions chooses the boys that are best fit for this experience. Mr. John Morris, the De }f Students, takes on the relentless task of overseeing the student body and thus helping students b< ^ disciplined men. He works especially hard to ensure that students live up to the high disciplinary that are set at Prep by administering JUG. Mr. Morris is assisted by Ms. Mary Finn, P’93, ’9 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H r a £ ||^ fte n d a n c e Office. Ms. Finn fields calls from parents of absent students each mori and also performs many other secretarial tasks electronically through PowerSchool. Mr. Morris works the Assistant Deans, Mr. Daniel Healy, ’01, and Mr. James Collins. Mr. Healy handles curricul I life by directing student dubs, traditionally a significant part of the Prep experience. Mr. Collins ins serves as a library prefect and an advisor to Mr. Morris. In the Harry Siperstein , Ms. Shelly Santos and Mr. James Coe work as the librarians. They help to maintain an in which students can quietly study, use the internet on computers, and read books or Prep’s new nurse, Ms. Maureen Sheppard, R.N., works in her Mulry Hall records. Moreover, she is available throughout the day to students office to manage all student who do not feel well; she is .ssisted by Ms. Marie Steppenbeck. In his Shalloe Hall office, i . John Irvine, ’83, F l l , works keenly as the Director of Admissions. Mr. Irvine reviews applications e' ry winter and designs a freshman class that is best fit for an environment founded upon tradition. He Iso serves as the Director of the Higher Achievement Program for rising Natasha neduling visits for the “Freshman-for-a-Day” program, and coordinating organizing Open Houses, mailings, among other jobs. For Saint Peter’s Prep to remain a place that so many have grown to know and love, the school’s traditions must be maintained. 'ITie Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Admissions work tirelessly to maintain the Prep that first Opened its doors to students in 1878,
Mr. lames Collins helps junior Timothy
In his newly-created office, Dean o f
M em ar resolve'a printing issue in the
Students.-Mr. John Morris talks to se nior Neil Patel about the new JU G pro
Harry Siperstdu library. Mr. Jam s. Collinn returned to Prep this year as a part-
.. U m
library prefect.
cedures that were implemented at the beginning o f this year
Administration; Student Affair's and Admissions' Offices
Sto ry b y SushauU Mozumder. ’09
p i here are many traditions that shape the Prep brotherhood; am o^B iese traditions are the fashion shows, the Prep Magazine, and the Prep Gala. Although these traditions have grown in popularity, J . people often fail to recognize the work that members of the Office of] Institutional Advancement put into coordinating, producing, and organizing these events and publicql^^^H mbers strive to raise money for scholarships and to operate budgets; essentially they bridge the gap b eti^ ^ H e cost of tuition and the actual cost of educating a student Ms. Francesca Lanning, P’10, the Vice President for Institutional AdvancemJ nt, oversees Prep’s alumni rela tions, fundraising endeavors, and all gazine and weekly e-newsletter. Ms. Lanning is assisted by Ms. Nancy Cunningham, the Assistant to the V ic: President, and Ms. Elizabeth Walsh, who help complete miscellaneous tasks such as mailing letters. M o^Hsr, Ms. Renee Rivera serves as the Database Manager for the Office; she collects all fundraising donations a 9 coordinates their processing. Another essential person in the department is Ms. Ginny Needham-Doj , P’07, the Director of Special Events. Ms. Needham-Doyle is the event coordinator for the Prep Parents As >ociation. Ms. Doyle, Ms. Lan ning, and Mr. Christopher Casazza, ’97, coordinate events including the 144 Q and Gala, Legends of Prep, and the Athletic H all o f Fame. Mr. Casazza serves as the Director of As an alumnus, Mr. Casazza oversees all alumni activity at Prep, including class reunions. He organizes even ts including the Pride and Glory Night and JUG Night. Moreover, manages the annual fund; he also works to keep the brothers of Prep, both current and past, updated >n information such as alumni marriages and deaths. | He only sends evsletter also keeps the Prep website up-to-date by posting articles or blurbs about recent news. Mr. Jiran is the Managing Editor of the Prep Magazine as well. He also takes pictures around Prep for various reasons, including for press releases. In general, all the members of the Office of Institutional Advancement work to further the overall mission of the school. , . - '
Ms. Prance$ca Limning, P'10, discusses an upcoming fundraising event at Prep
G inny
talks to senior A nand Brahmbhatt
With Ms. Nancy CunningltinH.Ms. Lan
about his college plans. Although she
ning and other individuals in this Office
has many eth er mspomiUlities,
are responsible fo r dll external affairs
D oyle chooses to k eep h e r door open to students throughout the day.
events, gatherings, and communications.
98 Administration: Office o f Institutional Advancement
M r. Chrisicrphttr Casazza, '97, discusses upcom ing events u>iih an alumnus.: A s Director o fA lu m n i Relations, Mr. Casa zza is.respon^iile fo r planning n nd organizing even ts to keep the Prep brotherhood alive even after individuals have left M s. Renee Rivera h a k e s a photocopy o f a check, fo r the O ffice o f In stit^^E fc_ A d va n cem en t's records be fo re sending it to tile Finance O ffice to be processed.
C ran^ and Warren,
M s. Elizabeth W a ® /!, acting as an assistant to M s. Francesca L a n n in g l^ ^ ^ B jk lo p e s w ith letters asking fo r donations fr o m plutnni.
M r. M ic h a e l liran, 03, w orks to complete an issue • o f P - M a il, an electronic new sletter that is sent to alumni and to parents o f current students to ensure that recent new s is avail able to individuals who are not at Prep everyday. M s.' . Francesca
M s. N a n cy C unningham takes a mo m en t fro m her busy schedule to pose fo r the camera. M s. Cunningham assists Vice President ta n n in g in or ganizing a m ultitude o f fundraising events throughout the year.
Lam ing, P‘10, edits the Spring Is sue o f the P r e p M a g a z i n e . This publication, w hich is available ' to current and past Prep students and their families, is vital to main taining communications with, all w ho have spent time at Grand arid Warren.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Ms. Catherine Ford review s each academic departm ent’s bud g et so as to ensure that respective spendings do not exceed the pre-alloctited amount.
/Vis. Catherine Ford m akes copies \of m o n th ly reports fo r all o f the departm ents a t Prep I to that each departm en t can have a balanced budgt p w hile M s. Diane M cC abe counts m oney w S m M i i b y students fo r Prep D a y activities.
Mr. Jan Butn/m w orks to ensure I i t the Prep netw ork is functioning properly so that all teachers and stuacademic and extra-curricular reasons.
M r. Robert Nodine, '67, works diligently to ensure that dll finances are appro priately budgeted fo r the current academic year.
Jaime M ullan reviews
documentation o f distrib uted cltecks to Prep-related events and activities, in cluding the Prep dance, to ensure it is accurate.
Mr. Kevin Albers compiles a lis t o f stu dents w ho w ill be participating in the w ork-study program during the sec ond semester so as to make the tuition more affordable fo r Prep parents.
100 A Brotherhood Sha
_________________________________________ ..
Story fry.Conrad Foitr<t, ’09
f I ^he Finance and Technology Offices strive to adjust Prep to the modem age. In times of both economic rise
and downfall, Prep back^^^^^^^^^HH|pm ce Office, which ensures that all departments have a balJfc anced budget. Moreove^Be Office helps students who could not otherwise pay tuition so that they may merge into the Prep brotherho^^^^^^^HK||^ep’s Technology Office has always worked to modernize the educational structure while adjusting Prep’s traditions according to twenty-first century society. Mr. Robert Nodine, ’67, V o v e r s e e s the Prep budget and skillfully allocates funds to department. Office also Aid, Albers Ms. Jaime and start-up money needed fo r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H to the the Jan Butrym serves as the Butrym is also and I/P speakers. the information to the new system was I that accurate records of class With a strong Finance Office, Prep is able to remain an orderly institution wherein students can be financially facilitated while re ceiving a Jesuit education. Moreover, Prep’s Technology Office constantly works to ensure that all students have the ability to grow and prosper by modernizing the execution of Prep traditions.
Mr. Jan Butrym assists Dr. Richard Kennedy with entering grades into the
M r. Daniel Lyons faces a computer which experiences constant network
newly implemented PawerSchool sys tem and instructs him on how to edit WM
errors and Ivhich is therefore unaUe to access the internet in the George Link,
signmertts in the electronic gradeboak
Jr., Com puter Center.
Administration: Finance & Technology Offices 101
" II I f embers of the Facilities and Reception Departments place great em lasis on maintaining an environ| \ / I ment that students call home for four years. The two maintenance cBvs work tirelessly to ensure that ▼ -A . Prep is prepared for all scheduled events and the receptionists work blissfully to welcome all guests. The maintenance staff works to restore cleanliness on the grounds under ff l supervision of the Director of Facilities and Security, Mr. Christian Rudner. Mr. Rudner j^ ln H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f tin te n a n c e staff, outside contrac tors, buildings, and James F. Keenan Field. He also has the responsibility o f^^ W n g the safety of the entire Prep community. During his second year, Mr. Rudner helped Prep become a ^ ^ ^ ftla c e through the installation of doors requiring access cards. After his mid-year departure, Mr. Rudner’s job was temporarily given to Mr. Kevin Albers to ensure that the school remained operational. At various times during the day, Mr. Hugo Elo can be the cafe as a clean place. More over, Mr. Roco Tejeda and Mr. Lincoln Henriquez serve alongside their si^H dsor Mr. Arvind Sawh. During off-hours, Mr. Robert McNeil, the night shift supervisor, works alongsideJj^^^Mal Webb and Mr. John Webb. Workers on the maintenance crews work long hours to clean all the classrooms by sweeping the floors, wash ing the chalkboards, and replacing the waste bags. Moreover, Mr, Oramel ^R hington cleans the gymnasium and locker rooms along with the weight room. Furthermore, Mr. Demetriou^B'owell works to clean all of the classrooms in the English Building in addition to the Siperstein Library. AcrossBie plaza, Mr. Carmelo Ramirez ensures that Burke Hall is in pristine condition. In addition to being welcomed by a clean campus, visitors are also welcom^Bo Prep by the receptionists. Ms. Cecilia Collins, Mr, Pyke Roman, and Sister Thelma Alinson, O.P., ensure that H s task is fulfilled. All three work in the reception office and sign in visitors to further promote campus safety. In addition to serving as a receptionist, Ms. Collins helps in the Principal’s Office and assists Mr, Ryan H effi^n^^^^H ipus Ministry. Mr. Pyke Roman also sorts incoming mail and ensures deliveries to their rightful recipients. Dul^H night-time hours, Sister Thelma fills the receptionist role. Members of the community take pride in the fact that Prep is both a clean and welcoming institution. Constituents of the Facili ties and Reception Departments work to maintain the long-stand ing goal of being clean, safe, and inviting that has now become a part of Prep’s tradition.
Following the A sh W ednesday Prayer
M aintenance supervisor M r. A rvind
Service, Mr. Lincoln Henriquez rolls up a floor tarp with the assistance o f a
Sawh watches i s M r. Roca Tejada a n d M r. Lincoln H enriqu ez w ail to
student, Without the help o f the main tenance staff, school-wide gatherings
load foldable chairs f o r an event that ■tvill be held in the Siperstein Library
would be much more difficult to host,
\ later that night.
102 Administration: Facilities & Reception
■;Mf.' Artrind Saioh m w y s rolled flo o r coverings to a storage
M r. Pyke Rom an reach
the mail to ensure
m o m follow ing the cleanup o f an all-school assembly, Mr. Sa.vih.in addition to helping the m a in tenancestaff in a n y w a y possible, is dfso responsible fo r ensuring that other members o f the s ta ff complete' their assigned duties on time.
D irector o f F a c ilit ie ^ ^ ^ K tu r it y Mr. Christian Rud-
P during his tim e at
M r. Hugo Elo review s the
w ork-$tudy roster in the cafeteria. In addition to managing bath the .caf eteria and the Pope John Paid II Plaza, Mr. Elo often finds time to talk to stu dents w ith w hom he has become acquainted,
M r. Carmelo Ram irez ensures that a classroom on the second flo o r o f Burke Hall is clean so that students arriving the n ext m orning m ay take fu ll advan tage o f their classroom experiences.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 103
here are thousands of athletic programs all over the country, but none can truly compare to the program at Prep. The coaches teach student-athletes about leader ship and teamwork, in addition to allowing the brotherhood to strengthen. A single athlete is bound to fail, but a group of teammates, united together with the same goal, is highly unlikely to falter. Coaches are essential to their teams’ success for obvious reasons. They bring young men together by promoting a special trust through different practices, workouts, and other team activities. While it is the responsibility of the athletes to form a team of brothers, it is much easier to unite with the coaches’ influence. Coaches provide many opportunities for teammates to bond with each other, whether on or off the field. For example, the teams that set aside time for summer camps come back home closer than ever; this development of team dynamics serves the groups well in the long run. The coaches also instill a great sense of pride and tradition in the players. With the understanding of Prep traditions, athletes are motivated to work harder in order to out perform their opponents. This sense of brotherhood that is fostered through daily activities makes the Prep athletic program unique. Furthermore, members of the Prep community do not have to be athletic to share in the family. With Marauder Nation, faculty, and alumni cheering in unison, the sense of family is heightened. Whether at a Friday night football game, a Tuesday night basketball game, or a Saturday morning track meet, students and teachers alike are always present to cheer for the athletes. W This tradition of cultivating a strong sense of family separates Prep from other high schools, and provides a true indicator of how strong the brotherhood is. —Christopher Meliado, ’09 Junior Luke Farley challenges a Regis player to gain possession o f the ball in a Varsity soccer gam e played on James F. K eenan Field during the fall sports sea son. Athletics, although not the only representation o f school spirit, are certainly a cornerstone at Saint Peter's Prep.
Athletics 105
M m u m SCory tfy Joseph UVt^OS, ,.
he Cross Country team had a turbulent but successful season in 2008. The rigorous preseason work outs in addition to the drive that members developed during practices encouraged a spirit of tenacity, which ultimately became the team’s dominant virtue. The seniors, who are Cross Country veterans after experiencing four seasons of tough practices and meets, became team leaders because of their acquired experi ence on the course. Those surviving seniors who attained the leadership positions include Joseph Livi, James Murduca, Lucas Netchert, and Richard O ’Connor. Throughout the entirety of the Cross Country season, the Marauders fought h a r d and were successful in being a strong presence among the increasingly talented field of Hudson County teams. The team began the season well with strong results in the Saint Dominic Academy Invitational, namely a seventh place finish by the Varsity delegation and third place finish by the Junior Varsity. The leadership of senior Captain Joseph Livi, in addition to the guidance and support provided by both Coach Mr. Michael Burgess and Coach Mr. Gerald McCann, helped the team members stay focused, moti vated, and determined for the remainder of the season. The perseverance and great effort from seniors Lucas Netchert and James Murduca, as well as sophomores Kevin Garxigan and Danny Smythe, helped the Varsity team capture second place in four consecutive contested meets—the Jersey City Championship, the HCIAA Championships, the South Hudson Championships, and the HCTCA Championships. The Freshman team was also able to distinguish itself by recording great team finishes, most notably in the HCTCA Championships. With top finishes by freshmen Liam Doherty, Aaron Reaves, and Aakash Shah, the members of the Class of 2012 have made their mark en route to becoming the veterans of an impressive Varsity team in the near future. It is safe to assume that next year will be another successful season for the Cross Country team under the leadership of newly christened captain Timothy Memar, ’10. Moreover, the return of Kevin Ganigan, ’11, and the great support provided by Nick Warner, ’10, will round out the team and ensure that the Marauders run hard and succeed. 2008
C r o ss C o u n t r y S ea so n
P re p 7th P la c e
V a rsity —S a in t D o m in ic A c a d e m y In v ita tio n a l
3rd P la c e
J u n io r V a rsity —S a in t D o m in ic A c a d e m y In v ita tio n a l
2nd P la c e
F re s h m a n —S a in t D o m in ic A c a d e m y In v ita tio n a l
2 1 “ P la c e
S e n io r—B e m ie M a g e e C la ss M e e t
15th P la c e
J u n io r —B e m ie M a g e e C lass M e e t
13th P la c e
S o p h o m o re —B e m ie M a g e e C lass M e e t
4th P la c e
F re s h m a n —B e m ie M a g e e C lass M e e t
6* P la c e
V a rsity —M c Q u a id In v ita tio n a l
15th P lace
V a rsity “A ”—S te w a rt M e m o ria l In v ita tio n a l
3rd P la c e
F re s h m a n “A ”—S te w a rt M e m o ria l In v ita tio n a l
2nd P la c e
V a rs ity -J e r s e y C ity C h a m p io n s h ip
2"d P la c e
V a rsity —H C I A A C h a m p io n sh ip s
2nd P la c e
V arsity —S o u th H u d s o n C h a m p io n sh ip s
2nd P la c e
V arsity —H C T C A C h a m p io n sh ip s
10* P lace
J u n io r V a rsity —H C T C A C h a m p io n sh ip s
1“ P la c e
F re s h m a n “A ”—H C T C A C h a m p io n sh ip s
4th P la c e
F re s h m a n “B ”—H C T C A C h a m p io n s h ip s
11th P la c e
V a rsity —N J C T C C h a m p io n sh ip s
5th P la c e
F r e s h m a n “A ”—N J C T C C h a m p io n s h ip s
14* P lace
F re s h m a n “B ”—N J C T C C h a m p io n sh ip s
15th P lace
V a rsity —N JS IA A P a ro c h ia l A C h a m p io n sh ip s
tains, the Varsity team begins the HCIAA Championships Although the results are a function o f
ntry m mm
106 Athletics: Cross Country
p r
namics. ..
uted tar'm utous workouts throv
At the Bernie M a g ee Class M eet, senior Clive M angerere runs hard f a the fin ish line, in order to etid the race strong and to prevent the two other runners fro m catching and passing'him . A fter struggling through out the first h a lf o f the seasoh, the Varsity team improved and ended t i l l y ea r ,with im pressive fin ish es. in the city and coimty championships.
H ead C o a ch eiM r. Mi~ ch a d Burgess and M r. Gerald M cC an n leave the Varsity runners with a f e w Wards o f encouragem ent before they race f o r the Coun ty Title at the H C T C A G ha m piortship s . During the H C tC A Championships, fresh man Liam Doherty quickly runs up the hill in an attempt to p a s s the H udson Catholic
Haiok in fro n t e f him.
A cluster o f fresh m a n
M arauders lead the 3200-m eter run at the H C TC A Championships en route to the Freshm an “A " team's victory and the ‘ V* tu rn 's respectable fo urth -p la ce finish. T h e Freshman Cross Country team ran well thtaugHoiit the 'season with other notable firiishes, including a second-
place result at the Saint Dom inic A cadem y Invitational and a third-place fin ish at the Stewart M emo rial Invitational
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 107
n &
Junior Ducarmel H yacinths waits patiently fo r the offensive lute to fo r m a running lane during the M arauders' 6 1 -0 rout o f the Bayonne Bees. The Var sity Football team has a tradition o fd o m m a tin g iis city a n d county opponents. ■
Hansen, Sr., revietos form ations and plays With
line during the Kicko ff
Saint Joseph Regional at
Senior running back N yshter O liver breaks away from Ferris de fen d ers on a scoring drive during the Ma rauders' 33-6 'Victory o ver its city opponent.
f f $ A i . t P f # a D i « ^ i « |K u ^ v i ^ a i R f t f s j
is s i 3 A
ThfZOQSVariity Football team-FramU.fi to Right, First Row:Flamery, Ruiz, Perez, AmspidCrBethea, Hyacmthe, Hughes, Allett,Mdur-ItiMmt Ormiston, Garcia, Sanhiccio;Secini.dRow:Martitw;tioi, Cummings,tugorDoughefty,Oquendo, Cruz, Famr,Ferram,MHita,LtincelbttirLescc,Alvurez;ThirdR0w:Broivu,Reyes,CwchesWilkes,Such,Fitzgerald,Locricchio,Hans4n, Sr., Prite, Martino, Himseii III, Motitatiez,Zolli, WalkenFpurthRtm: Grnez, Short, Ddmtlanseii, McLaughlin, Smith, Fox, Crawford, Dolaghan, Perez, Meliado; Fifth Row: Helherington, Royster, Groscli, Huggins, Kohles.NaMiy, Thomas, Oliver, Dobson, Manning Blake, Vesey; Sixth Row: Abio, Pardo, Greene, Cosgrove, Kelley, Pilovsky, Irnris, GrdpsM, Roake, Stickno, Shitpskinsky; Seventh Row: bmpkin, Pearson,-Price, Ortiz, Rial, Carney, Johnson, Longa, Wilkes, Rivas, Wiliens, Kaufman.
108 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Story by KhaJll Wilkes,’09
n the summer of 2005, a group of young men arrived for football camp with a wide range of questions. However, no one ever questioned the importance of football to the Prep Athletic Program and the tradition that stood behind it. During freshman year, team members not only received answers to their initial questions, but also built lasting friendships. Whether through having to do “up-downs” for violating football camp rules, accepting a new teammate mid-season, or hoisting the NJSIAA Non-Public Group IV State Championship trophy in Giants Stadium, that freshman year was like no other. Due to this early success, much Was expected from the Class of 2009 and so much was required. Through countless hours spent in the weight room, doing speed trainings, and doing Coach Paltos’ strong man com petitions, the seniors can take pride in knowing that they worked hard throughout their years at Prep. As a result of this dedication, the Football team has experienced great success in being three-time undefeated County champions, being ranked in the state and the country, having nationally televised games, and having an undefeated record on Prep’s home field. However, the seniors’ football careers at Prep were no fairytale. Athletes of this class especially faced many obstacles and heartaches, which not only formed stronger foot* ball players, but also formed stronger men. This season’s 8-3 record is a disappointment for Prep Football, but the season was not defined by this shortcoming. There are many things that the seniors will reflect upon and hope,could have happened differendy, but there are also many instances upon which the seniors can reflect with a smile. Whether it is junior Keith Cummings’ famous dance, senior Nyshier Oliver’s impersonations of the coaches, Coach Wil kes’ hand shakes, junior Corey Davis’ display in the game against Hoboken, or senior Greg Kohles’ gamewinning interception against Red Bank Catholic in the state quarterfinals, memories from the 2008 season will last forever. The times spent among the Prep brotherhood will forever be cherished by everyone who was fortunate enough to experience them. In the words of Coach Mr. Richard Hansen, Sr„ “It’s all about us and it will forever be about Prep football.” 2008 V
a r s it y
S ea so n T hem
P rep
S a in t J o s e p h R eg io n a l
O u r L a d y o f G o o d C o u n se l, M D
N o rth B erg en
D ic k in so n
U n io n C ity
B ay o n n e
M e m o ria l
H oboken
N JS IA A Q u a rte rs —R e d B an k C ath o lic
N JS IA A S em is—D o n B osco P rep
R ecord: 8 -3
g 'a 'w M i M !
StoFy by R y an M edina, ’ 12
[lie Prep Freshman and Junior Varsity Football seasons were triumphant The teams allow freshmen and sophomOres to display their athletic talents through a prestigious program. Besides increasing ieir knowledge of the game, the underclassmen also learn the value of teamwork, responsibility, and friendship. The two football teams formed families during summer camps and preseason training. The Freshman season began with a win against Saint Joseph Regional. The team continued its success throughout the season and finished the year with a record of 9-1. The Freshman team had many key wins, including shutouts against Bayonne 27-0, Ferris 26-0, and Hoboken 51-0. The Freshman football team also defeated the Passaic County Tech Sophomore Football team 34—14. This was a major accomplishment as Passaic had already bonded together as a team for an additional year. Although the team had a great season, it came up short and lost to Don BoscO Prep by eight points in the final game of the season, This shortcoming will only motivate the freshmen to become stronger, faster, and wiser in the future. The Junior Varsity team also began the season with a victory over against Saint Joseph Regional. More over, the team finished its season with a win against Don Bosco Prep; consequently, the Junior Varsity team finished the year undefeated with a 7-0 record. The team also shutout several teams, including the Union City Sophomores 20-0, Lincoln 54-0, and Don Bosco Prep 2-0. These seasons were very successful. Both the Freshman and Junior Varsity Football teams proved to be viable contenders and the players are sure to improve throughout their Prep football careers. The two teams had strong offensive lines, amazing running backs, phenomenal wide receivers, and stupendous quarterbacks. O n the other side of the ball, the defense was unstoppable. The defensive linemen, lineback ers, and secondary were all immortalized due to their Outstanding performances. The Freshman team has left big shoes to fill next year and the Junior Varsity players have left even bigger shoes to fill, as they will lead the Varsity team to victory next year. The future of the Prep Football Program is bright due to the immense talent of these stars. 2008 J
u n io r
V a r s it y & F r e s h m a n F o o t b a l l S e a s o n s
T hem F resh m an —Saint J o s e p h R egional
J u n io r V arsity—Saint J o se p h R egional
F reshm an—B ergen C atholic
Freshm an—N o rth B ergen
J u n io r V arsity—L en ap e V alley F resh m an —Passaic C o u n ty T e c h J u n io r V arsity (S ophom ore)—U n io n City Freshm an—U n io n City J u n io r V arsity—U n io n City F reshm an—B ayonne J u n io r V arsity—B ayonne F reshm an—M em orial Freshm an—Ferris J u n io r V arsity—Lincoln F reshm an—H o b o k e n J u n io r V arsity—D o n Bosco P rep F reshm an—D o n Bosco Prep
R e c o r d : J u n io r V a r s it y 7 - 0 /
F reshm an 9 -1
110 Athletics: Junior Varsity & Freshman Football
local opponents, the Junto: found m M e competition in Hudson County.
The Junior Varsity defenders swarm the Union City running back and stop, the.piay after a short g a in Bath the. Junior, Varsity and Freshm an Football teams had successful seasons w ith 7 - 0 and 9-2 records, respectively.
The Junior Varsity of足 fen siv e Unemen take their respective stanc-
to receive the simp start the next play.
ing- possession o f the ball, and tackling the ball. carrier during. a practice at James K Keenan Field.
A Brotherhood Sfu
Junior Timothy Gonzalez fights f o r possession with a Regis p layer during a 0-1 less in the season opener. A fter beginning Vie season with a fe w disappointing losses, the M arauders recovered to finish the y ear with a respectable record and a strong run in the county playoffs ,
T he Marauders p res en t a strong defense against Hudson Cath olic Hawks during a hom e gam e at James F. K eenan Field .
Senior goalie Thomas Ciand distributes the bait to a teammate d ur ing
M arauder shut
out against Hudson C a th o lic.T h e : “Hghis out' defense led by the veteran goalie has been the key to the Varsity team's success.
Tlte 2 8 0 8 Varsity Soccer teahi—From h eft to Right, First, Row : Philip Buzzerio, Timothy Gonzalez, Patrick Egan, Justin Fiores, M a ri Zatta, Thom asCiatici, N chum ttwng Patton, D a n iel Bellido, Luke Farley; Second Row: Maxwell M iesem er, Robert Chernez, A ndrew Sat, Andrew Hayes, John Serzan, Stephen Conley, Angelo Addesso, Kevin Cevasco; Third Row: Willy Chicas, Coach Juntas, A m thony Cicchino, Bruan M cTiernan, Matthew W oods, M ark Doherty, M ichael Chianca, Ian Buzzio.
112 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Story by Mark Doherty, ’09
he Prep Varsity Soccer team came out of the gates stumbling, but after some heart-filled motivational speeches and a few extra-long practices, the team caught its stride. Although the team opened the season with a few discouraging losses to Regis and Memorial, it took full advantage of its victories, including shutouts against Marist 8-0, Lincoln 7-0, and Hoboken 7-0. The most competitive games were played during the middle of the season. The Varsity Soccer team had two ties this year, one against High Tech 0-0, and the other against Pope John 1-1, after a shortened overtime period. Senior co-Captain Stephen Conley remarked, “The team this year passed a lot of expectations. Though the end of the season was disappointing, I still believe the season, as a whole, was outstanding.” The shortcoming was a loss in the semifinal round of the Hudson County playoffs. The Marauders played well against Memorial, but simply could not get the ball into the back of the net; die game ended in a 2-1 loss. This season saw the most seniors on the Varsity roster. There were eleven seniors on the team, with Ian Buzzio and Stephen Conley as co-Captains and dedicated athletes such as Patrick Egan and goalie Thomas Cianci holding substantial leadership roles. The season also had a major change to its coaching staff; the Varsity team had a new head coach in Mr. Joshua Jantas, ’95. Coach Jantas was very excited to come back to Prep and coach the team. He remarked, “I was very thank ful for the team to be so open to me the day I began. I think that helped us get though this season as a team. Though we did not win a championship, we still accomplished many of the goals we set early on in the season.” This year was a winning season for the Marauders, finishing with a record of 9-7-2, a fairly successful season for the new head coach. Varsity Soccer is climbing back into the ranks of die Hudson County soccer elite and this season was the first step in that direction. 2008 V
a r s it y
S ea so n T hem
P rep R e g is
M e m o r ia l
F e rris
N o tr e D a m e
M a ris t
D ic k in s o n
W e s tfie ld
P i l l
L in c o ln
H u d s o n C a th o lic
H ig h T e c h
B ayonne
U n io n C ity
P opeJohn
H oboken
N o r th B e rg e n
Q u e en o f P eace
i § |||
H C I A A Q u a r te r s —U n io n C ity
H C I A A S e m is—M e m o r ia l
provides his team loith a fe w words o fe n -
S en ior fo n o a rd Inn Buzzio show s o f f som e fa n c y footw ork as M a rau d er fa n s look on dur
•ment during halftime o f a gam e against
in g the Varsity team 's 5 - 0 victory o v e r H ud
rsity Soccer H ead Coach M r. Josh Jantas,
ids oil Catholic. T he team had a successful n under the guidance o f the rookie coach.
son Catholic. A s co-Captain, Buzzio's o ffense a nd leadership will be m issed n ext season.
e c o r d
: 9 -7 -2
Athletics: Varsity Soccer 113
g f^ E sfg ilig S s g !
Iin £ M
Story by Mn Adrian Oryshkevych and Mr Christopher Caulfield, '03
he Junior Varsity Soccer team had one of its better seasons in recent years, finishing with a record of 11-3. The Marauders competed well against Hudson County rivals, including consecutive victories against North Bergen 4-1 and Memorial 4-2. The team also had strong performances against non-conference opponents, such as Notre Dame 6-2 and Regis 4-0. The Junior Varsity team was led by returning sophomore Captains Alexander Smith, Mark Zatta, Kevin Cunningham, James Sylvester, and Matthew Lopes. Freshmen standouts included Kieran Duffy, Ryan Baird, William Sabbers, and Anthony Gomes. The Marauders continued their exceptional play throughout the Hudson County Tournament, as they ad vanced to the championship game after defeating Bayonne and Dickinson convincingly. In the final, the team was met by North Bergen for the third consecutive year. The two teams played well throughout the game, as the score was tied 1-1 when regulation ended. After a scoreless overtime period, penalty kicks proved to be the team’s Achilles heel as the Marauders lost 3-1. Although the season did not have an ideal ending, the team played exceptionally well and Prep Soccer fans have much to look forward to as these freshmen and sophomores move up to the Varsity level. The formation of the Freshman Soccer team during August 2008 represented a positive step for the future of the Prep Soccer Program. With a large pool of talented athletes to choose from, despite the four standouts qualifying for the Junior Varsity team, the roster was soon filled with skillful freshmen. Practicing more often than competing in games throughout the season could have been a deterrent for most, but not for these valiant young players. After consecutive losses to Becton’s and Bayonne’s Junior Varsity teams to open the season, Prep tied Lyndhurst’sJunior Varsity team with spirited play from all positions. Speed and ball control from the midfield as well as a strong defense allowed Prep to finish with a second tie against Wellington’s Junior Varsity team. The Freshman team improved throughout the season after some hard work and dedication. Ultimately, the rookies in the Prep Soccer Program have demonstrated that they will be a collective force to be reckoned with in the near future.
2008 J
u n io r
V a r s it y & F r e s h m a n S o c c e r S e a s o n s
P rep
T hem
J u n io r V arsity—Regis
J u n io r V arsity—B ayonne
J u n io r V arsity—Ferris
J u n io r V arsity—N o tre D am e
'( M i
J u n io r V arsity—H arriso n
J u n io r V arsity—N o rth B ergen
J u n io r V arsity—M em orial
J u n io r V arsity—D ickinson
J u n io r V arsity—W allington
Ju n io r Varsity—H C IA A Q uarters-B ayonne
Ju n io r Varsity—H C IA A Sem is-D ickinson
1 (P K -1 )
Junior Varsity—HCIAA Finals-North Bergen
1 (P K -3 )
F reshm an—B ecton
F reshm an—B ayonne
F reshm an—L yn d h u rst
F reshm an—B ecton
F reshm an—W ellington
F reshm an—Ferris
u n io r
a r s it y
1 1 -3 /
m K m a m M rn
J u n io r V arsity—M em orial
I ^ ^ S M
J u n io r V arsity—W estfield
KH fSii
m um
F r esh m a n 0 - 4 - 2
114 Athletics: Junior Varsity & Freshman Soccer
iW m w w lM E liS kM'hS.W lS SV iM l H fM tt r e n ta l ^■
Junior goalie M ark Zatta leaps to make an im peccable save during the Jrniior Varsity team's
s r S N S^S,
P ill
Sophomore Kevin Moriarty, junior Mark
2 - 0 shutout against Bayonne as defenders Wil liam Sabbers, '12, and. A lexander Smith, rl l ,
and sophomore Nicholas M u rph y estab strong defense f o r the Junior Varsi during the team's 4-0 victory over Regis in i
look on.
season opener.
D efenders Jam es Sylvester,'1 1 , A inirNassar, '12, and A lexander Smith, '11, help ju nio r goalie M ark Zatta prevent Notre Dam e from scoring during the Junior Varsity team's 6 - 2 victory over the Irish.
The 2008 freshman Soc cer Team-From left to Right, First
Row: Lom
Sulima, Garber; Second Row: Mazo, Benge, Free man, Brodowski; Third Row: Coach Caulfield, Butko, Rothenberg, Hart nett, Lauretta.
H enry Szum ski, '11, and A n th o n y Gomes| '12, advance the ball past midfield during I Junior Varsity game against Bayonne.
ST. PETER'S ST. PETER'S st. p b t h m
T he 2 0 0 8 Ju n io r Varsity Soccer team—From Left to Right, First Row: Kevin Moriarty, Pema Lama, A m ir Nassar, M atthew Lopes, William Sabbers, John M ueller, Timothy M cM anus; Second Row: M ark ZattaI Nicholas M urphy, K evin Cunningham, H en ry Szumski, Jam es Sylvester; Third Row: Coach Oryshkevych, A lexander Smith, Kevin Larkin, A nth o ny Gomes, Ryan Baird, Kieran Duffy.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 115
Sophomore Center Keith Lum pkin goes strong to the basket against a Bay足 onne defender. A rematch o f last year's H C IA A Championship| the game produced a similar result as the Marauders routed the Bees 8 5 -5 0 to be renamed as H udson C ounty's best
Junior Forward Ronald Roberts ju m p s to gain possession o f a loose ball in a gam e against Seton Hall Prep during the Dan Finn Classic. A s part o f an eleven-gam e w inning streak, the M arauders defeated the Pirates 48^43.
116 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
■Story by Alexander Dla&’10
alented, outstanding, and young are only a few positive qualities that have been tagged to the Varsity Basketball team. Many expected the Program to have a sharp turnaround, but its sudden rise to the top was unexpected nonetheless. Coach Mr. Michael Kelly and his staff have overseen a dramatic transfor mation from a .500 team to the #3 ranked team in the state, Over a short three years. The Marauders came out of the gates struggling as they fell to a ranked Plainfield team early in the season. However, the young men showed much maturity in playing hard to complete the regular season undefeated in Hudson County Coviello play. The Marauders entered the counties as the #1 seed, but starters, including Dallas Anglin, ’12, Chase Fluellen, !11, and Ronald Roberts, ’10, were sidelined due to injuries and illnesses. However, Myles Davis, ’11, along with Keith Lumpkin, ’11, Kevin Walker, ’11, John Hladik, MO, and Raphael Ortiz, ’10, led the team to an easy victory over Snyder in the first round. The young team moved on to play Union City in the second round, which turned out to be a highly con tested game. Despite being faced with yet another challenge, the Marauders moved on to play at Saint Peter’s College for the Hudson County Coviello Championship against its rival, Bayonne. The game was practically decided after the first quarter as the Marauders were already leading by double digits and never looked back. The Varsity team not only finished play against the Coviello Division with a record of 17-0 and with a County Championship under its belt, but also with the #1 seed in the Parochial A North State Tournament for the first time since 1959. Prep was granted a bye in the first round and was poised to play DePaul in the second round. Sophomore Myles Davis hit a three-pointer from thirty feet, and he and freshman Dallas Anglin scored on two steals, all in the last thirty seconds, to put the team up by three and effectively end the game. However, the season ended abruptly after being upset by State rival Seton Hall Prep in the next round. With all of its players returning next year, the Marauders will seek to continue the trend by trying to win a State Championship as well as the Tournament of Champions. This season’s success was the result of a con certed team effort; with the entire team intact, the possibilities for next year are even greater.
T hem
P rep
■'arsity Basketball Head Coach Mr. .Welled Kellygoes ver a play for the next possession in a timeout during he HCIAA Finals against Bayonne. Coach Kelly and iis staff have taken a non-contender and fumed the into back-to-back County Chainpions.
Keith L u m p k in /ll, shoots afree throw as Marauder Nation leads the crowd in silence during the Varsity team's win over DePaul. Marauder Nation played a large role in supporting the team with home court ad vantage throughout the county and state playoffs.
S aint M ary ’s
M o n sig n o r B o n n er, P A
59 57
D o n B osco P rep
L incoln
M em o ria l
N o rth B ergen
D ickinson
S eton H all P rep
U n io n C ity
H u d so n C atholic
P in e w o o d P rep , SC
M arist
B ayonne
S n y d er
L incoln
M em o rial
N o rth B ergen
H C IA A Prelim s—S n y d er
H C IA A Sem is—U nio n City
H C IA A Finals—B ayonne
N JS IA A Q u a rte rs—D eP aul
N JS IA A Sem is—S e to n H a ll P rep
2 3 -3
Athletics: Varsity Basketball 117
Story by James NoJan, *12
[ lie Junior Varsity and Freshman Basketball teams silently completed tremendous seasons in the face of adversity. With a record of 14-2, the Junior Varsity team overcame a lack of players on the roster to repeat its success from last year. Also finishing a successful season with a 14—5 record, including a loss in the County Championship, the Freshman team quickly adjusted to the aggressive style of Hudson County bas ketball. Consequently, the two teams proved that Marauder fans have much to look forward to in the future. With only six official players on the roster, the Junior Varsity team often had to bring players down from the Varsity level or up from the Freshman team in order to compete. Despite the seeming lack of team chemistry, the players united under the leadership of Coach Mr. Kenneth Teschlog, ’02. The Junior Varsity team opened the season with a ten-game winning Streak and quickly recovered after its first loss. Many games went down to the wire, including the games against High Tech and North Bergen, ending in 61-57 and 81-79 wins, respec tively. Regardless of the various challenges throughout the season, the Junior Varsity team managed to stand strong and compile the best record in Hudson County. The Freshman team also had its fair share of hardships, opening the season with a record of 1-2 after tough losses to Saint Anthony’s and Hillside. However, the Freshman team persevered by compiling a five-game winrung streak against some of the better Freshman teams in Hudson County. Through tough practices managed by Coach Mr. Daniel Healy, ’01, the freshmen improved as the season progressed. The Freshman team carried its success into the playoffs, with a thrilling 47-43 victory over Hudson Catholic ill the county semifinals. In the championship game, the freshmen fought until the final buzzer, however, the team lost to Bayonne 34-54. Despite this shortcoming, the Freshman team still boasted the better regular season record. From the first day of tryouts to the final practice, the Junior Varsity team had a great season. Similarly, from their first win as high school players to their emotional loss against Bayonne, the freshmen finished the season with high aspirations for the future. : i : 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 J
u n io r
V arsity & F r eshm an B asketball S easons T hem
J u n i o r V a rsity —S a in t M a r y ’s J u n i o r V a rsity —H ig h T e c h F r e s h m a n —S a in t A n th o n y ’s F r e s h m a n —S a in t X a v ie r P r e p F r e s h m a n —H ills id e J u n i o r V a rsity —S n y d e r F r e s h m a n —S n y d e r J u n i o r V a rsity —L in c o ln F r e s h m a n —L in c o ln J u n i o r V a rsity —M e m o r ia l F r e s h m a n —M e m o r ia l J u n i o r V a rsity —N o r th B e r g e n F r e s h m a n —N o r th B e rg e n J u n i o r V a rsity —D ic k in s o n F r e s h m a n —D ic k in s o n J u n i o r V a rsity —U n io n C ity F r e s h m a n —U n io n C ity J u n i o r V a rsity —H u d s o n C a th o lic F r e s h m a n —H u d s o n C a th o lic J u n i o r V a rsity —M a ris t F r e s h m a n —M a ris t J u n i o r V a rsity —B a y o n n e F r e s h m a n —B a y o n n e J u n i o r V a rsity —F erris F r e s h m a n —F erris J u n i o r V a rsity —S n y d e r F r e s h m a n —S iw a e r J u n i o r V a rsity —L in c o ln F r e s h m a n —L in c o ln J u n i o r V a rsity —M e m o r ia l F r e s h m a n —M e m o r ia l J u n i o r V a rsity —N o r th B e rg e n F r e s h m a n —N o r th B e rg e n Freshm an-H C IA A Semis-Hudson Catholic F r e s h m a n —H C I A A F in a ls -B a y o n n e R e c o r d : J u n io r V a r s it y 1 4 - 2 /
F reshm an 1 4 -5
118 Athletics: Junior Varsity & Freshman Basketball
The Junior Varsity defenders provide the first level o f defense at the lop o f the key during a home game
The Junior Varsity Marauder side o f the court and set their defense in
against Dickinson. Having a strong defense has beeii essential to the Junior Varsity team's success
fo r the upcoming Rams possession. As pa game whining streak to open the season
this year and its unprecedented record o f 14-2.
ers defeated their cross-town opp
Junior Alexander Diaz prepares to shoot a free throw during the Junior Varsity team's routing o f Dickinson, Under the guidance o f Head Coach Mr. Kenneth Teschlog, '02, the Junior Varsity team compiled a County best record o f 14-2.
The Freshman de fenders prevent the D ickinson ball carrier fro m shooting a high percentage shot near the p a in t A fter some early season struggles, a solid defense w as the foundation fo r the team's strong finish. A freshm an Marauder is in ike action o f shoot ing a la y-u p during the Freshman team's home victory over the Dick inson Rams.
Freshman Basketball Head Coach Mr. Daniel Healy, '01, speaks to players on various levels o f the Prep Basketball Program about the importance o f teamwork during Family Night, Coach Healy led the Freshman team to an impressive 14 -5 record and an appearance in the H C IAA Finals agamst Bayonne.
’A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 119
Junior S u nny Rnithatlia howls during a match against Bayonne w hile proudly sporting a Prep t-shirt. A first-y ea r bowler, Raithathn has been a key addition to the Varsity team this year.
■nr. ftlH M E D ^
The 2008-2009 Junior Varsity Bowling team— Fonn le ft to Right, First Row: p . Espinoza, i f Zebrowski§ Second Row: R, Benavides, A. D'Amato, C, Baranok. Junior Eric Z eb ro w ski and senior Daniel EsI pinoza observe seniors A ndrew D rA m ato and Jay Kowalczyk bowl strikes in their respec tive tenth fra m es dur ing a m atch against the Bayonne Bees.
Senior Alexander Lupo shows o ff his fin e howling f i r m as ju n io r S u n n y Raithatlia looks on during a VarSiiy match against county rival the Bayonne Bees.
120 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
he Prep Bowling team is a force to be reckoned with in Hudson County as a renowned team that has won multiple championships. Led by Head Coach Mr. Robert Zawistowski, Prep Bowling had impressive seasons this year, and continued its long standing tradition of being victorious. Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams were poised to capture the Hudson County crowns once again. The Class of 2009 stepped up this year, providing five new bowlers on the teams—four on the Junior Varsity team and one on the Varsity. Despite a few necessary adaptations for all the athletes, the addition of these new players enabled Prep Bowling to have great seasons. The Junior Varsity team consisted of sophomore Ronald Benavides, veteran juniors Eric Zebrowski and Anthony Rutkowski, and first-year seniors Daniel Espinoza, Christian Baranok, Andrew D’Amato, and Victor Badaracco. Senior anchor Badaracco helped lead the team to a South Hudson championship, the Junior Varsity team’s third consecutive title. Posting an impressive record after compiling important wins throughout the season helped this year’s Junior Varsity team become one of the better teams in the area. With only one returning bowler, Prep Varsity Bowling had a new face. Junior Cory Benavides and senior Alexander Lupo were called up to the Varsity team this year. Moreover, first-year bowlers Sunny Raithatha, ’10, and Jay Kowalczyk, ’09, filled out the Varsity roster. The integration of these new bowlers into the Varsity team demonstrated a positive quality of Prep’s Athletic Program—the ability to adapt. Four players who were new to bowling on the Varsity level were able to play with true heart and spirit in helping the team have a great season. The Varsity team fell, short of the tide by only a few games, but still had an impressive season nonetheless. The Prep Bowling team had a successful season in that players were able to adapt to changes, develop new skills, and unite to be victorious. Although often unrecognized, the bowlers are athletes in the truest sense; the Varsity team may have appeared to be “down and out” with only a few returning veterans, but the players united to have a triumphant season. 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 V a r sit y & J
h e 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 V a rsity B o w lin g tea m — rom L e ft to R ight, F irst R o w : J a y K oivalcyk, V ictor Badaracco; S e co n d R o w : R ich a rd lajduk, S u n n y R a ith a th a , A le x a n d e r Lupo.
Bowling Head Coach M r. Robert Zaw istow ski and seniors Victor Badaracco, Jay Koxoalczyk, and Richard H njduk look on as senior Alexander Lupo bowls during a match against Bayonne.
December 1“ December 1” December 4th December 4th December 6th December 8* December 8th December 15th December 15* December 18th December 18* December 22'1'1 December 22nd January 5* January 5* January 8* January 8* January 12* January 12* January 15* January 15* January 22n<l January 22"J February 2”1 February 2nd February 5* February 5* February 9* February 9*
u n io r
V a r sit y B o w lin g S ch ed u le s
Varsity—Lincoln Junior Varsity-Lincoln Varsity-Bayonne Junior Varsity-Bayonne Varsity—Bishop Ahr Tournament Vaisity-Dickinson Junior Varsity-Dickinson Vaisity-Position Round Junior Varsity—Position Round Varsity-Hudson Catholic Junior Varsity—Hudson Catholic Varsity-Marist Junior V arsity-Marist Varsity-County Prep Junior Varsity-County Prep Varsity-Ferris Junior Varsity-Ferris Vaisity-Position Round Junior Vaisity-Position Round Varsity-Snyder Junior Varsity-Snyder Varsity-McNair Academic Junior Varsity-McNair Academy Varsity-Position Round Junior Varsity-Position Round Vaisity-Position Round Junior Varsity-Position Round Varsity-HCIAA Championship Junior Varsity-HCIAA Championship
Athletics: Varsity & Junior Varsity Bowling 121
Story by Sean Buckley, ’09
n only its fourth year of existence, the Fencing team is one of the younger varsity teams at Prep. The team is divided into three weapons; Epee, Foil, and Saber, with each group comprised of four fencers. Having to fill the void left by many veteran fencers who graduated last year and having to adjust to a new head coach this year, a new group of fencers were left to rise to the challenge. With new Head Coach Mr. Steven Kaplan, many returning fencers on the team wondered if Prep could finish the season with results comparable to those from last year. Despite being faced with much adversity, the team would not have trouble with involvement as over thirty Prep students joined, most of whom were freshmen. However, the young team had to combat issues on the strip. In addition to the collective lack of experience, many of the schools Prep faced were state-ranked competitors. The nine starters included veterans Sean Buckley, ’09, Matthew Grapstul, ’10, Conner Gleason, ’10, and William Reynolds, ’11, all of whom fenced outside of high school. The team, however, had suffered the loss of nearly every Foil fencer from last year, and was forced to rely upon new starters. The Fencing team managed to defeat West Essex 19-8 in the second meet of the season and competed well against other talented teams such as Bergen County Tech and Saint Benedict’s Prep. However, the young team struggled through the learning process and finished the season with a disappointing record of 1-7. Even with its reliance on new players, the team was able to capture several impressive results on the state level. The Epee team, led by Matthew Grapstul, ’10, Conner Gleason, ’10, and Patrick Tintle, ’11, were ranked seventh overall in the state team event. Sean Buckley, ’09, placed first in the District 3 Individual Tournament, considered the most difficult of the four districts, and qualified for the State Individual Championships. There he placed sec ond overall, and cemented his being named to the lsl Team All-State. Although the team did not have as many matches as in recent years, it managed to prove that Prep was still a team to be feared at the state level. 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 V
a r s it y
e n c in g
P rep
S ea so n Them
G o v e rn o r L iv in g sto n
W e s t E ssex
B erg e n C o u n ty T e c h
S a in t B e n e d ic t’s P re p
D o n B o sc o P re p
7lh P la c e
C e tru lo T o u m a m e n t - E p e e
33"1 P la c e
C e tru lo T o u m a m e n t-F o il
35 th P la c e
C e tru lo T o u m a m e n t- S a b r e
M o n tc la ir
9 th P la c e
D is tr ic ts - E p e e
11* P la c e
D istricts-F o il
6 th P la c e
D istric ts-S a b re
M o rris K nolls
G ill S a in t B e rn a rd
A Montclair fencer and sophomore Patrick Tintle shake hands and congratulate each other after their
1 -7
122 Athletics: Fencing
bout. Despite its cunning nature, fencing is truly a gentleman's sport as demonstrated by the sports manship exhibited by competitors after a duel.
Marauder fencers, including saphomo and senior Nelson Lenahan, observe juni Gleason duel with a Montclair fencer. Th team fell to Montclair's team 4-23, but during the District Championships in the tt
A veteran M arauder fencer, pictured on the right, duels w ith a M ontclair fencer. I n its fo u rth year as a Varsity sport offered at Prep, the Fencing team welcom ed unprecedented involvem ent, especially fro m freshm en.
Coach Mr. Gregory Evans, and fencers, including ju n io r M a t足 thew G m pstul, senior N elson Lenahan, and so'phoniore Jeremy Ho, observe a fellow M arauder duel w ith a \ M ontclair fencer. Veteran Conner Glea足 son, JO, lunges after a M ontclair fen cer in an attem pt to chase his opponent to the edge o f the m at and score an easy touch.
Sophomore Patrick Tintle, pictured on the right, faces o f f against a Montclair fen cer at the beginning o f their bout. D espite the Fencing team's 1 -7 record this year, the team had m any bright spots throughout the settsoti including, a seventh-place fin ish in the Epee weapon at the Cetrulo Tournament, a ninth plitce fin is h ill the Epee w eapon at Districts, a sixth place fin ish in itie Sabre weapon also at Districts, and individual accom plishm ents at other events:
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 123
Freshman Zachary Askrn-Reese positions h im self in prim e scor ing position besides the goal during the M arauders' third and final game in the Christmas Tournam ent at the Ice Vault against A rch bishop Stepinac. M a n y talented underclassmen were developed on the Varsity team to establish team chem istry fo r n ext season.
Varsity Hockey Coaches Mr. Anthony Pasculli and Mr. Joseph Maione, alm gw ith Vincent Senerchin, ’11, LukeZocco, '12, Christopher Savitsky, '10, Robert Avallone, '09, and John Doyle, ’09, observe the team's per formance from the bench. During the Marauders' 4-1 m doni over Arch bishop Stepinac o f New York, junior Nicholas Bilchukskaks towards the puck to gain possession.
I ' 1 1 •'
The 2008-2009 Varsity Ice H ockey team—From Left to Right, First Roto: Zachary Aston-Rcesc, W il liam Simson, John Doyle, James Doyle, Brian Gave it, W illiam Fong, Kyle Robinson, Robert Avallone, N athan Leo, Daniel Perez, M ichael M inervim , John M anley, Patrick Pindar; Second Row: Coach Maione, Coach Pasculli, Stephen Gardner, Christopher Savitsky, Patrick Jdrczewski, Edm und Coxe, A l exander Linkus, Vincent Senerchia, Joseph Giordano, Nicholas Bilchuk, Coach LoBue, Coach M urphy.
124 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
S to ry by W illiam R m g ,’Q9 ' . ' '
he Varsity Hockey team had a solid season despite ending the year with a lackluster record. Since losing the State Championship game to Saint Augustine Prep at the end of the 2006-2007 season, the team has had troubles returning to prominence. This year’s team, despite losing in the first round of the state playoffs to Morristown Beard, still had an impressive season. Finishing the year with a record of 7-14-1, the Marauders were ranked in the middle of their league. The 2008-2009 Varsity Hockey roster featured players who were full of heart. This passion is something that cannot be created, coached, or improved upon in practice. Team members knew that they were not the most talented athletes in the state, but they played as if they were. This attitude allowed the team to play with nothing to lose; consequendy, the Varsity team boasted a respectable record. Every member of the team played until the last whistle was blown, no matter what the score of the game was. This year’s team was hill of new faces as there were nine freshmen on the team, all of whom have the po tential to be All-State players. Thus, the Varsity team became a mix of the old and the new; with nine fresh men and six seniors, the team had to find the right balance of honing advanced skills while also teaching the fundamentals. The new members of the Varsity Hockey team will have to undertake the responsibility of regaining the Marauders’ standing as a force to be reckoned with, as seniors Robert Avallone, John Doyle, William Fong, Brian Gaven, Stephen Gardner, and John Manley end their high school hockey careers. Overall, the Varsity Hockey team had a great season, despite the record. The players held their own in a league dominated by more experienced teams such as Don Bosco Prep, Christian Brothers Academy, and Delbarton Prep. Marauder fans can look forward to the Hockey team’s improvement, as the future of the Program now lies on the shoulders of the talented freshmen. The athletes on the Hockey team showed their true passion for the game, even though they could have been discouraged while facing more experienced teams as part of a tough schedule.
2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 V
a r s it y
I c e H o ck ey S ea so n
P re p
T hem
S e to n H a ll P re p
B erg en C ath o lic
S e to n H a ll P re p
S a in tjo s e p h R eg io n al
G le n R o c k
A rc h b is h o p S tep in ac, N Y
S a in t A u g u stin e P re p
C h ristia n B ro th e rs A c a d e m y
M orristo w n B e a rd
D o n B osco P re p
D e lb a rto n
W yville
iphom erc Edmund Coxe and senior John Doyle | aneuver by afallen Don Bosco defenders and are :rsisten t in attempting ta score. Tlie Varsity M a‘uders were resilientagainst their parochial rim ls forcing a tie during the first o f two m eetinp.
Seniors John Manley and John Doyle attempt to slap the puck pasta DmiBosco defender and into the
S a in t A u g u stin e P re p
8 2
B ishop E u stace
Pope Jo h n
B ish o p E u stace
D o n B osco P re p
B erg en C ath o lic
D e lb a rto n
R e d B an k C ath o lic
C h ristia n B ro th ers A c a d e m y
N JS IA A 1!1 R o u n d —M orristo w n B ea rd
goal during the Marauders' 3 - 3 tie against the Ironmen. Although the'seniors will he missed, the un derclassmen are poised to carry the team next year.
R ecord: 7 -1 4 -1
Athletics: Varsity Ice Hockey 125
S to ry by S alv ato re D iB rlta, I 12
Hollowing back-to-back losing seasons, it seemed as though the Prep Junior Varsity Hockey team had already hit rock bottom and could only improve. Fortunately, this year was the turnaround season that many people in the Prep community hoped for and came to expect With the introduction of new talent to an already skilled group of players, the young men came together as a unit and finished the season with a solid winning record of 14-7. This resurgence was led by a trio of junior captains—Matthew De Marco, Michael Wright, and Kevin Zdanowicz. After weeks of kick-boxing sessions and on-ice practices and scrimmages during the off-season, the team was ready to face its first challenge of the season. The season opener against a strong and fast Delbarton team at As pen Ice was a true struggle that found the Marauders on the short end of a 2-1 decision. The two teams fought hard for three periods as Prep managed to hold Delbarton to only two goals. This defensive stronghold can be attributed to freshman goalie Tyler Kovach, who kept his team within striking distance by stopping twenty-six of Delbarton’s twenty-eight shots on goal. The high level of intensity and strong work ethic demonstrated by the players provided Coaches Thomas McQuillan, ’02, and Brendan Whitford, ’04, with a preview of their lineup’s capabilities and allowed them to set high expectations for the remainder of the season. In addition to Kovach, Robert Miskura, ’12, and Christopher Bolejszo, ’10, served as the goalies for the Junior Varsity squad. Despite the team’s struggles during (he early part of the season, teamwork and effective coaching made the difference as the Marauders rallied with a seven game winning streak to end the year on a high note. Having more skilled players on the roster than usual, the Junior Varsity team was able to achieve an impressive winloss record while always displaying a level of maturity and sportsmanship, and thus, proudly representing Saint Peter’s. Ultimately, after a turnaround season such as this one, it is safe to assume that the sky is the limit for next season as well as for die many years to come.
2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 J
u n io r
V a r s it y I c e H o c k e y S e a s o n T hem D e lb a rto n
J u n io r V arsity “B ”—Fairlaw n S a in t J o s e p h R eg io n al S e to n H a ll P rep D o n B osco P rep N o tre D a m e D e P a u l C ath o lic J u n io r V arsity “B ”—C ra n fo rd D e lb a rto n R am apo J u n io r V arsity “B ”—P e q u a n n o c k S ain t J o s e p h R eg io n al D o n B osco P re p J u n io r V arsity “B ”—G le n R o ck N o rth e rn H ig h la n d s S e to n H a ll P rep M o rristo w n B ea rd M o rristo w n B ea rd R am apo J u n io r V arsity “B ”—C ra n fo rd B ishop E ustace
R eco rd : 1 4 -7
126 Athletics: Junior Varsity Ice Hockey
A Marauder and a Morristown Beard Crimson prepare fo r the referee to drop the puck during a faceoff. The Junior Varsity Hockey team bested the Crimson in consecutive games, 9 - 2 and 7-2.
A Junior Varsity H team player takes a shot on $ during a game against Cranford. The Marauders a the Cougars tied during the season series, i winning the first game and Cranford Hie secon
A Crimson Cougar and a M arauder on the Junior Varsity B ' leam battle fo r possession o f the p u ck during a fa c e o ff A fter a devastating loss to Delbarton in the season opener, the Junior Varsity team recovered w ell by virtue o f two shutouts and finished the season w ith a record o f 14-7.
Junior captains M at thew DeMarco, M i chael Wright, and K evin Zdauow icz lead the Junior Var sity H ockey team in a prayer fo r the strength and will to be victori ous before the start o f a pivotal game. A M orristow n Beard player battles w ith a M arauder to gain possession after the referee drops the puck in iin g a faceoff.
W yville
The 2008-2009 Junior Varsity Ice H ockey team -From L eft to Right, First Row: Salvatore DiBrita, Rob ert M iskura, R yan Norton, Peter Siebel, M ichael Cofone, M ichael Lizza, Samuel Rozano, James Gorfell, Patrick Norton, Ian Thomson, A n d rew Donofrio, Tyler Kovach, Justin Niscia; Second Row: Coach W liitford, M ichael W rig h t M ark EUard, M ichael Geltrude, K evin Zdanowicz, PatrickJarczewski, C o m Stortz, Justin M cM ahon, Christopher Bolejszo, Robert Butko. M attheio DeMarco, Coach McQuillan.
Junior Nicholas W arner and senior Joseph Livi lead the group during a dis tance race at the Jersey C ity Championships. The Varsity Indoor Track team captured fir st place in these Jersey C ity Championships, in addition to the H C IAA Relays, as part o f another successful season.
Freshmen D w ayne Sin gleton and Dashawn Putman clear another set o f hurdles during the Jersey City Cham pionships. The Fresh man Indoor Track team had a successful season, including first place finishes in the Jersey C ity Champion ships and the H C IAA Championships. Freshman Aaron Reaves places fourth in the 1600-meter run at the HCTCA Championship.
Sophomore Sheldon Royster leads his leg o f the 4x200-m eter relay at the NJCTC Championships. The Var sity Relay team has also enjoyed a successful season w ith m any notable finishes, including first place at the NJCTC Relays fo r the 1600-meter Sprint Medley Relay, first place at the H C IAA Relays, and first place at the Bill Reid Invitational fo r the Distance M edley Relay.
128 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Story by Joseph Livi, '09
Hale Marauders had toother invigorating Indoor Track season. Senior Captains Joseph Livi and James Murduca, with the guidance of Head Coach Mr. Michael Burgess and Coaches Mr. Gerald McCann, Mr. Peter Camacho, and Mr. Christopher Caulfield, ’03, led the team to many significant victories. The team’s first victory came early in the season as it captured first place in the HCIAA Relays. Also against Hudson County competition, the team took second place in the HCTCA Championship. Senior James Murduca had a phenomenal season running the 800-meter race, as he was named to the 1st Team All-County, and ran in the Nike Indoor Nationals in Boston, Massachusetts. Alongside him on the 1“ Team All-County and competing at the Nike Indoor Nationals for the 400-meter race was freshman Najee Glass. Glass was also placed on the l sl Team All-American and ranked sixth in the state. As a testament to the state ranking, he holds the New Jersey records in the 400-meter and 600-meter runs. Ironically, Glass set the Prep freshman 400-meter record after being trained by Coach Caulfield, ’03, the previous record holder. Other individuals earned national honors for their performances. Gregory Kohles, ’09, Savon Huggins, ’11, and Sheldon Royster, ’11, earned 2nd Team All-American honors in the 55-meter run. Corey Davis, ’10, Glass, ’12, Huggins, '11, and Royster, ’11, were named to the 2nd Team All-American in the 300-meters. Fur thermore, senior James Murduca’s times in the 800-meters and the 1000-meters placed him in the 2nd Team All-American for the two events. In terms of distance, both Kevin Garrigan, ’11, and Joseph Livi, ’09, earned 3rd Team AU-County honors in the 1600-meter and 3200-meter races. Just as the Marauders performed well individually, the Relay teams enjoyed similar success. The 4x200meter relay squad, consisting of Huggins, ’11, Davis, ’10, Royster, ’11, and Kohles, ’09, was named to the 2nd Team All-American. The 4x400-meter relay of Huggins, ’11, Davis, ’10, Murduca, ’09, and Glass, ’12, also earned 2nd Team All-American honors. The Sprint Medley relay of Glass, ’12, Kohles, ’09, Huggins, ’11, and Murduca, ’09, earned 1st Team All-American honors. For those who had doubts about the Prep Indoor Track Program, this season surely set the record straight.
P rep 1st P la c e
V a rsity —H C I A A R e la y s
8 th P la c e
V a rsity —N J S IA A N o n - P u b l ic R e la y s
1st P la c e
V a r s i ty - J e r s e y C ity C h a m p io n s h ip s
1st P la c e
F r e s h m a n - J e r s e y C ity C h a m p io n s h ip s
1st P la c e
V a rsity —B ill R e i d I n v ite - D is ta n c e M e d le y R e la y
8 th P la c e
F r e s h m a n —N J C T C F r o s h /S o p h C h a m p io n s h ip s
3rd P la c e
S o p h o m o r e —N J C T C F r o s h /S o p h C h a m p io n s h ip s
7 * P la c e
V a rsity —H C I A A C h a m p io n s h ip s
1st P la c e
F r e s h m a n —H C I A A C h a m p io n s h ip s
l sl P la c e
F r e s h m a n /S o p h o m o r e —E d G r a n t In v ite - 5 5 m
l !l P la c e
F r e s h m a n /S o p h o m o r e —E d G r a n t In v ite - 1 6 0 0 m
3 rd P la c e
V a rsity —N f C T C C h a m p io n s h ip s
3rd P la c e
F r e s h m a n —N J C T C C h a m p io n s h ip s -1 6 0 0 m
2nd P la c e
V a rsity —H C T C A C h a m p io n s h ip
2"d P la c e
F r e s h m a n —H C T C A C h a m p io n s h ip
9 th P la c e
V a rsity —N J S IA A C h a m p io n s h ip
2nd P la c e
F r e s h m a n —N fS I A A C h a m p io n s h ip - 4 0 0 m
5 th P la c e or Joel Oquendo displays fas fine form af-
Senior Captain Richard ,0 Connor leads the group
ticking the shot put into the air during the . Oquendo anchored the Varsity Shot
during the WOO-meter run at the NJC1 C Championships. Although the senior captains will be missed
i team as it captured second place hi the wd
us the Marauders took first place overall.
next year, the underclassmen arc poised to
V a rsity —N J C T C R e la y s -1 6 0 0 m S p r in t M e d le y
1st P la c e
4th P la c e
F r e s h m a n —M e e t o f C h a m p io n s - 4 0 0 m F r e s h m a n —E a s te rn S ta te s C h a m p io n s h ip - 4 0 0 m
fftfcf' i/fn
reigns and lead the Marauders to victory.
Athletics: Indoor Track
Story § | Alexander 1 |S '0 0 .1
he Swimming and Diving team’s achievements are often overshadowed by the successes of more popular sports. Despite its under-the-radar status, the team has maintained its dynasty in Hudson County for several decades, with thirty-four County Titles and thirty-nine City Titles. Moreover, the team has dem onstrated its capabilities outside of the county by claiming its seventh consecutive Sectional Tide. Led by Captains Lowell Thomas Tanyag, ’09, Alexander Yu, ’69, and Ryan Gordon, ’10, the Swimming and Diving team remained uncontested in county meets, doubling the scores of its opponents. With the dynasty es tablished, Swimming and Diving Head Coach Mr. Ryan Heffeman was determined to spread the team’s reign. Although the Swimming and Diving team dominated schools, including Piscataway and Oratory Prep, it also suf fered defeats against teams such as Scotch Plains and Bridgewater. Under the guidance of Coach Heffeman, the Marauders moved on with the strength of their key swimmers. Senior Lowell Thomas Tanyag, the most versatile swimmer, placed first in nearly every event he swam. Alexander Yu, ’09, a breaststroke and butterfly specialist, helped rack up power points. Although the senior captains’ talents will be missed next year, many gifted players remain. Ryan Gordon, ’10, scored major points in his freestyle races as he is prepared to anchor the team next year. Sophomore Will Brown, one of the better freestylers in the state, played an important role and is poised to become a leader in the future. Christopher Cannizzaro, ’11, showed his dexterity in the butterfly, freestyle, and individual medley by securing first place in nearly every meet, Freshman Peter Imus provided depth in swimming the individual medley and developing into a skillful hreaststroker. After completing another regular season, Prep defeated Delbarton in the State quarterfinals before losing to Seton Hall Prep in the Semis. Coach Heffeman reflected, “We met many of the goals we set, returned to the second round of the state playoffs, and qualified for the state Meet of Champions in six events. There is a lot of promise in our future and a solid core of younger athletes who are going to lead this team on to do great things.” With a foundation of young swimmers established, Prep will continue to be a powerhouse in Hudson County and a contender in the State Playoffs for years to come. 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 V
a r s it y
S w im m in g & D
iv in g
P rep
S ea so n T hem
P is c a ta w a y
S tra k e J e s u it, T X
D ic k in s o n U n io n C ity O r a to r y P r e p S c o tc h P la in s S a in t B e n e d ic t’s P r e p B ayonne B rid g e w a te r - R a r ita n 1" P la c e
S e c tio n a l F in a ls S a i n t j o s e p h R e g io n a l N J S IA A Q u a r te r s —D e lb a r to n
N J S IA A S e m is—S e to n H a ll P r e p I s'P la c e
J e r s e y C ity C h a m p io n s h ip s
Q u alifie d
H C I A A P re lim s
1“ P la c e
H C I A A F in a ls
130 Athletics: Sw imming &
i l
sSWflSaj Senior tegni anchor and Captain Lou/ell Thi as Tanyag gets o f f to a gopd start o f f the
Junior captain Ryan Gordon em erges from the water to take a gulp o f air before taking another stroke during a m eet against county rival Bayonne, portio n will be entrusted with leading the Marauders to continue the Swim足 m ing and D iving program 's dynasty next year.
Sophomore Christopher Cannizzaro begins his leg o f a relay well by getting a good start o ff the blocks. Cannizzaro is one o f many young and talented swimmers on the Varsity team.
Coach Mr. Frank Gior足 dano, '99, keeps juniors John Zadroga and Kyle Ullis, and sophomore Salvador Ulloa, focused before their respective rac^s during the team's n&ef against Bayonne.
Junior Joseph Buckman, o f the 130-pound weight class, battles with a North Ber gen Bruin as Coach Mr. Jose Que, [99,. observes in the background- The Varsity Wrestling team competed well throughout the season to finish the year with an impressive 2Or-3 record and a first place fin ish in the District 16 Championships.
Freshman Alexander Richardson takes the. position o f the aggres sor during His match against Ryan Monteforte from Cliffside Park The ■Varsity Wrestling team dominated Cliffside Park 69-6 during a regiilar season match. Wrestling Head Coach Mr. Anthony Verdi, '95, congratulates freshman Anthony Pafutni on a job well done after his match against y in MtnmHa- o f NuHey.
Alexander RichardsonI '12, o f the 119-p o u n d weight class, takes the offensive position in his nmtch against R yan M onteforte o f Cliffside Park during the Region 4 Quarterfinals.
Senior Em m et Gregory o f the 145-pound w eight class attem pts to take daw n a N orth Bergen Bruin during the M arauders' im pressive 7 6 -0 hom e victory.
132 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
H I ■
Story by Rui Soares, r09
his Wrestling season has been one that will be cherished forever. With its first twenty win season in Program history. Prep Wrestling has made much progress in a short amount of time. The progress can be attributed to the dedication, desire, and hard work that wrestlers have put into the months leading up to this season. With strong senior leadership and a work ethic that has driven the team throughout the year, this season was truly special. Beginning the season with a thirteen-game winning streak, the Wrestling team displayed the results of its hard work in the off-season to all observers. During the span of the streak, the Wrestling team captured first place in the Newjersey Catholic Schools Tournament in addition to shutting out North Bergen and Sparta 76-0 and 81-0, respectively. The team also had other impressive wins during the streak, dominating Morris Knolls and Cliflside Park 52-9 and 69-6, respectively. After the first loss in the season to Delbarton, to whom the team ultimately lost in the State Semifinals, the Wrestling team finished the season strong with a 7-2 record. Even with the loss to Delbarton in the State Sec tional Semifinals, Prep Wrestling had one of its more productive seasons. Shortly after the team’s untimely loss in the State Playoffs, the Wrestling team remained focused and wresded in die District Championships with a purpose. The Marauders emerged as the District 16 Champions and Coach Mr. Anthony Verdi, ’95, was rec ognized for his efforts as District 16 Coach of the Year. The team’s successes did not go without notice in the state either, as The Star Ledger ranked the Prep Wrestling team among its Top 20 teams. Wrestling can truly be considered the toughest sport of all; consequently, the intense dedication by wrestlers Frank Biafore, '12, Sir Richmond Enriquez, ’ 12, Alexander Richardson, ’12, Francisco Colom, ’12, Joseph Buckman, TO, Frank Pestana, TO, Patrick Cappiello, ’09, Emmet Gregory, ’09, Anthony Pafumi, ’12, Devin Ruiz, ’11, James Fox, ’11, Juan Velasquez, ’09, James Lancelotti, ’11, Kevin Innis, ’10, and Dane Longa, ’11, was necessary to complete the season with an impeccable 20-3 record.
2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 V
a r s it y
W r e s t l in g S e a s o n T hem
P rep C o lts C la ssic
2 nd P la c e 39
W a ll
IS * P la c e
M u s ta n g C la ssic
W est E ssex
H o p a tc o n g
P a rs ip p a n y H ills
M o rris K n o lls
C liflsid e P a rk
R o s e lle P a rk
W a y n e V a lle y
P a s sa ic V a lle y
N o r th B e r g e n
1st P la c e
N e w j e r s e y C a th o lic T o u r n a m e n t
D o n B o sc o P r e p
U n io n C ity
S p a rta
D e lb a r to n
R a n d o lp h
C e d a r G ro v e
H C I A A D u a l F in a ls—K e a m e y
H u d s o n C o u n ty D u a ls —U n io n C ity
S a in t B e n e d ic t’s P r e p
L e n a p e V a lle y
NJSIA A Q u a rte rs-S a in t Jo se p h R egional
N JS IA A Sem is—D e lb arto n
Q u e e n o f P eace
1st P la c e
D istrict 16 C ham p io n sh ip s
R ecord: 2 0 -3
distinctive characteristic of the Prep experience is a result of the emphasis placed on co-curricular activities. The expectation maintains that students are able to develop academic and intellectual skills in the classroom while also acquiring interpersonal and social skills through participation in the numerous activities offered. Shortly after entering Prep, the freshmen are able to learn about the various organizaL tions that they can join during the Freshman Activities Fair. \ Moreover, freshmen are also informed that any activity \ i based upon an interest which is currently not represented M at Prep can be created via a proposal to be approved by M the Student Council. Through co-curricular activities, students are genuinely H I able to amalgamate into the brotherhood. For example, freshmen readily attend meetings and acquaint themselves with people whom the newcomers will be sharing a “home” with for the next four years. Consequently, students have the opportunity to create and then strengthen their friendships that will surely last a lifetime. These bonds formed through co-curricular activities are especially strong in that they are created between M H people with similar interests and passions. Joining the organizations also allows students to unite under the HBBBeI same purpose, whether it is competing against another school or fighting against poverty and AIDS. ■H B After demonstrated dedication to certain activities, upperclassmen members are able to acquire leaderB h ship positions, through which students can leam skills that will prove beneficial in their future endeavors. Organizations also provide members the opportunity to gain a more active understanding of other cultures that exist in the world. This allows Prep students, who are encouraged to be “open to growth,” to experience the traditions of their fellow brothers. Traditions have always played an integral role in shaping life at Prep; accordingly, students fulfill their responsibility of maintaining these tradiW tions by keeping the spirit of co-curricular activities alive, t* —Alexander Lupo, ’09
M em bers o f Video FX, including freshm an Daniel Kelly, ju nior Darren Rivera, and senior Sean Ryan, receive guidance fro m moderator Fr. Robert O'Hare, S.J., during the film in g o f one o f the studio's productions. Video F X like m any other co-curricular activities at Saint Peter's Prep, offers students the opportunity to bond w ith one another as a result o f shared interests or hobbies, and to therefore strengthen the brotherhood.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 135
untue SB
Story byColln'O'Connoi; ’09, and Jose LaPlana, ’09
he Student Council worked towards another successful year with a group of dedicated leaders who did not hesitate to sacrifice their time for the greater good of the Prep community. Due to its commitment, Student Council ran another very successful Walk-a-thon fundraiser and two equally successful “Prep Unplugged” events, at which members of the Prep community shared their musical talents. The Stu dent Council also planned Prep’s first “Amped Up” event, during which larger bands were able to perform. Ultimately, the Student Council ensured that student opinions were heard by the decision-makers through regular meetings with both Principal Mr. James DeAngelo, ’85, and Dean of Students Mr. John Morris. The other student leaders of Prep are the members of the National Honor Society. NHS is an organization encouraging students to become more active leaders in the com munity. The students inducted into the McNally-Sinnott Chapter via Saint Peter’s Prep are perfect examples of what the NHS represents. National Honor Society members are students of scholarship, character, leadership, and service; consequently, all fifty seniors that were inducted at the October ceremony embody these four characteristics. The Prep members can be seen sacrificing their weekends in order to volunteer at Prep events in addition to taking leadership positions in their numerous extra-curricular activities. Al though members must spend a great amount of time developing their character, taking up leadership positions, and participating in community service activities, inductees must also fulfill academic responsibilities and maintain their high grades so as to best represent both the Society and their Alma Mater. With the guidance of moderators Ms. Theresa Panzera and Ms. Sejal Brahmbhatt, future members of the NHS will continue to be the role models of the school by not only being “Men for Others” but also by embodying the four characteristics of the Society.
Seniors Colin O 'Connor and M atthew Bender lead members o f Prep's Student Council in a discussion about "A m ped Up * a new musical event that provides larger bands the opportunity to perform fo r an audience. ‘ -aKif
In preparation fo r an up coming competition, mod erator Ms. Theresa Panzera questions members o f the Academic Bowl Team in a Jeopardy-style format. M odel U.N. President Lawrence Bovich, '09, and Vice President George Acjuila, '10, clarify the rules and regulations o f an official meet to members o f the club. Representatives o f Prep's student body discuss issues with one another while waiting fo r mod erator Mr. A nthony Keating, '78, to arrive.
136 Activities: Student Council & NHS
Together w ith partici pants from Saint Domi nic Academ y, members o f the M odel U.N. compete in a M ini M odel U.N. so as to best prepare fo r ac tual competitions.
A s he reviews Forensics scores w ith juniors M at thew M azzari and Adam G ovemale, Mr. Ryan Grusenski, '03, indicates possible competitions in w hich the team can per fo rm better.
Mr, Matthew Scannapieco quizzes senior Louis Sullivan and sophomore David Lizza with ques\ons from an official N A Q T list at an after-school practice session o f the Academic Bowl Team.
Inductees to the McNally-Sinnott Chapter o f the N ational H onor So ciety pose fo r a picture in Saint Peter's Church follow ing the induction ceremony.
story py Louis ouiiivan, uy, ausnarua oaozumaen uy, ana Lawrence oovicn,
e Academic Bowl Team participates injeopardy-style competitions against other high school teams. The competitions test students’ knowledge ranging from Greek mythology to winners of the Nobel Prize. In part, the successful season can be at tributed to the team’s participation in a Quiz Bowl Camp during the summer of 2008. The Academic Bowl Team was able to place higher in tournaments and even qualify for the National Quiz Bowl Championship. The members practiced three times a week in order to sharpen their knowledge of the subject materials. Competing against other schools once a month on the narrower subject of speech and debate is the Forensics team. The first of two divisions is debate, consisting of three cat egories: Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum consist of a one-on-one or two-on-two debate, respectively; Student Congress participants create a bill to debate before the competition and a student writes a speech supporting or refuting it. The second division of Forensics is speech, which consists of six categories. These groupings vary in that some call for dramatic readings of poetry or scenes of plays while others require a participant to write a speech on his or hers stance regarding issues provided by the judges. Another club congregating with schools for the purpose of solving problems is Model United Nation. Model U.N. aims to stimulate a competitor’s knowledge in the areas of di plomacy, communication, and international awareness. Students compete by participating in selected committees that reflect their counterparts in the actual United Nations. Within these committees, current events or possible realities are examined, and delegates try to create resolutions to solve the problem. Prep’s Model U.N. team has gained a reputation for being essential in making and supporting passing resolutions. Overall, the club repre sents a facet of a Prep man—the ability to inspire people into action for the better. Activities: Academic Bowl Team, Forensics, & Model U.N. 137
A t an after-school meet ing o f Pax Christi, Mr. Erich Sekelf '98, dis cusses the success o f the Thanksgiving Food Drive w ith student members.
President Oscar Contreras, '09, leads a discussion with members o f Breaking Barriers, including seniors K enny Baez, Daryl Greene, and Joseph Borsellino, and moderator Mr. Jordan Roldan, '031 about various injustices that occur at Prep and possible ways in which to stop their occurrence. 1
M embers o f Christian Life C om m unity con verse w ith group leader Mr. Ryan Grusenski, '03, about any chal lenges that th ey m ay be experiencing.
n .n
II v';/: ' /. | • Story by Me Brendan Laraayand Daryl Greene, ’09
istian life Community, better known as CLC, is a society consisting of of six to twelve faculty members and Prep students that meet a few times during the month. Members of CLC meet to pray, reflect, and discuss personal is sues that pertain to life and faith. CLC groups typically gather for service projects, prayer* and open conversations about following Jesus in modem society. Members assist each other with his or her individual journey of faith by living out the values of spirituality, community, and service. Students and faculty members alike help one another to see where and how God is working in someone’s life. The community’s faith manifests itself in service to others, particularly those individuals who are less fortunate through service projects and other activities. Another co-curricular that is propelled by faith and focuses attention on service proj ects is Pax Christi, a Latin phrase meaning “Christ’s Peace.* Formerly known as Out reach, Pax Christi is composed of students and faculty members who make it a goal to improve the quality of life of individuals within the Prep community and beyond. During the Thanksgiving Food Drive, members relied upon the kindness of Prep students for donations, which were distributed to families that would not be able to celebrate the holiday by their own means. The club also sponsored a Video Game Drive in which stu dents could contribute consoles and games that would be donated to children’s hospitals and other sites in Newjersey. Pax Christi coordinator Mr. Erich Sekel, ’98, remarked, “I was overwhelmed by the response from students wanting to help. Over ninety kids have made general attendance regularly.” Members hope the Prep community leams that everyone is not as fortunate as he or she may be, and thus it is good to help others. 138 Activities:
Pax Christi
Members o f Breaking Barriers, including Seniors Jam eson
Ima, President O scar Contreras, A nd rew Rader, Rashad ,K>ts, K en ny Baez, and moderator M r. Frederick Galana talk S to ry by M r R y a n H B ffernan a n d O sc ar C o n tre ra s, O S
'bout injustices in the su rro u n din g com m unity in an attempt wsolve such issues.
rep’s annual Mission Drive is a great tradition aimed at raising awareness of and funds for the global Jesuit Missions. The Mission Drive season is impossible to ignore at Prep thanks to bulletin boards and announcements that are constantly filled with the latest and greatest fundraising activities. The Department of Campus Ministry, in its first year of spearheading the Mission Drive, worked to develop a new direction for the Mission Drive, asking students to think about why Prep is involved in these missions and how students and staff alike can further challenge injustice. Senior Matt Bender remarked, “Under the new leadership of the Campus Ministry Depart ment, Prep’s Mission Drive has changed its focus from indirect assistance to true soli darity with the poor,” This year’s Mission Drive funds will be used to expand Prep’s Christian Service program in order to include international service trips to mission sites worldwide and to support long term relationships with these locations. Just as the Mission Drive Committee seeks to help people abroad, the members of Breaking Barriers attempt to assist their brothers at home. Students of the Class of 2009 wanted to create a haven for those individuals who wish to speak their minds and share their thoughts in a welcoming environment; thus, the club became known as Breaking Barriers. The club’s purpose is to provide an environment in which people can openly express their true feelings. Prep men strive to be “men for and with others;” conse quently, they realize that their duty is to one another. Members of Breaking Barriers understand that bonds can only be formed when there is a mutual sense of love and communication that function as the foundation. Although Breaking Barriers is only in its second year, members truly believe that this foundation has been established for the many generations of Prep men to come. |
M r. Erich Sekel, '98, and stu d en t m em bers o f Pax C hristi plan fu tu re even ts th a t can better the lives o f individuals outside o f Prep's w el com ing environm ent. The M issio n D rive C om m ittee gathers to count m o n ey raised b y the Prep co m m u n ity after a Com m ittee-sponsored Friday dress-down.
g r
Students in Mr. Brendan Laracy’s CLC group gather in the Shalloe Parlor to reflect on difficult experiences that members have had to cope w ith recently. Members o f the Mission Drive Committee gather in Mr. Ryan H effem an's office to count money raised by individual homerooms.
Activities: Mission Drive Committee & Breaking Barriers 139
Story by Joseph Main', *09, and Thomas Tulp, 1 0
the loss of Mr. Stephen Distinti and Mr. Joy Seth Hurd this year, the Classics Club seemed to be ancient history once again. However, with the hard work and planning of seniors Joseph Maini and Matthew Mullman, the club participated in Copa del Prep as the first team to enter without having a moderator or a single meeting during the year. Thus, the club will likely die out next year along with the departure of all the seniors. As a precaution to prevent the club from dying, the leaders have decided to hand over all rights and responsibilities to Mr. Erich Sekel, ’98, and freshman Kofi Boadu. Although it may cease to exist in September, it will always be present in the hearts of champions, warriors, and lovers of the classical languages. On the other hand, the Italian Club has been a mainstay at Prep in allowing stu dents to gain a deeper insight into the Italian culture. Various activities throughout the year include visiting New York City to watch an opera and listening to one of Prep’s very own astoundingly talented opera singer, Dante Carrasco, ’12. The club’s junior president, Thomas Tulp, and the senior president, Sean Buckley, have worked together in order to discover new directions in which to lead the club. In addition, the Italian Club organized una bella festa for Prep’s senior Italian Exchange student, Elio Barbera. Members ensure that homemade tiramisu and espresso are available at all parties the club hosts. The events are also visited by members of the faculty including Mr. John Campion, Ms. Frances Tursi, and Mr. James Coviello, ’99, to name a few. After another successful year for the club, members anticipate that the coming years will be even better for the underclassmen. Grazie tutti! ■
M oderator M r. Adrian O ryshkevych, w ith the assistance o f senior co-Presidents Chris topher Fernandez and Joshua Zarichnyj, cre ates designs fo r Eastern Bloc t-shirts. Mr. Ryan Grusenski, '03, discusses German culture w ith members o f the German Club, including junior Patrick Rabiecki.
140 Activities: Classics Club & Italian Club
W hile celebrating Camivale, members o f the Ital ian Club, including senior President Thomas Cianci, juniors James Porker, Thomas Tulp, and Justin D 'Agostino discuss Ital ian fo o d and movies. Gathering on the cafe stairs fo r a quick meeting, Clas sics Club members listen to President Joseph Maini talk about future events.
Senior Presidents Joshua Zarichnyj and discuss possible restaurant outings loith and ju nio r Robert Niemczyk.
Members o f the Ital ian Club and Fr. John Mullin, S.J., pose fo r a group picture in club moderator Ms. Rosalie Romano's classroom be fo re departing fo r a New York opera house io see
m m bers o f the German Club discuss an upcom ing trip to a restaurant in N ew York C ity w ith moderator Mr. R yan G rusenski, '03, at an after-school meeting.
II Trovatore. Members o f Eastern Bloc Copa del Prep team pose fo r a team shot after their dominant 8-1 victory in the championship against Spanish Club players.
Story by MlRyan Orasenaki, '03, and Chtistopher Firnandaz, ‘09
Recht uni Freiheit... The members of die German Club form an environwhich students that have interest in die German language and cu can share their interest in all things German. This year saw the 20“' Anniversary the fall of the Berlin Wall and with the Arrupe Lecture Series’ focus on the topic of genocide, the German Club was able to raise awareness about the Wall’s significance. The club worked on benefiting the Prep community in other manners as well by hosting two separate Mission Drive video game tournaments, FIFA ’09 and Wii Tennis. Mem bers ako took advantage of Prep’s proximity to New York City by visiting the Museum of Biblical Art, taking a tour of the Tenement Museum, and eating traditional lecker Ger man at “Hallo Berlin.” Overall, the German Club experienced another successful year in educating the Prep community and celebrating German culture. To better represent the cultures of Eastern Europe and to unite the members of the Polish and Ukrainian Clubs along with other students of the region, the Eastern Bloc was formed as Prep’s newest ethnic society. The club’s success can be attributed to the lead ership from officers and dedication from active club members. Members experienced the culture through various media, including taking a trip to New York City in order to experience the culture via cuisine; participants discovered that consuming the traditional meals of a culture is by far the best way to appreciate and understand that culture. The Fastem Bloc also met to watch movies created by those of the heritage. Victory was taken easily in this year’s Copa del Prep tournament, proving the dedication and tactile of the group Members have left the Prep community with a better understanding of the culture that is the Eastern Bloc, J J jw h q u otc.ueem e o c m o n u u u 5 a o k . Activities: German Club & Eastern Bloc 141 V-
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Club moderator M s. M ary A n n e M cElroy plans the next Celtic Club meeting w ith senion President Craig Styles, as club member Sean Ryan, '09, looks on.
Senior co-President Dan iel Sobsey watches as members o f the French Club converse about French culture and enjoy French foods. Members o f the Filipino Society pose fo r a group picture before beginning the day's meeting.
Story by Craig Styles, u9, and D aniel Sobsey, *09
bf Celtic Club, moderated by Ms. Maiy Anne McElroy, has enjoyed another ' year. The student body expressed great interest in the dub this year as Ms. McElroy’s classroom was nearly packed to capacity for every meeting. The Celtic Club continued its traditions of designing t-shirts for all members and showing films, such as Gangs of New York, approximately once a month. Members of the club also brought in homemade Celtic cuisine ranging from Irish soda bread to freshly cooked corned beef and cabbage which was enjoyed during films and meetings in which Celtic culture was discussed. Similar to the Celtic Club’s comprehensive examination of Celtic culture, the French Club appeals to be at the forefront of all French related cultural activities at Prep. Under the leadership of the club’s senior President Bill Foley, the members of the French Club aim to venture into New York City to dine in exotic French restaurants. The success of the club during this school year began with the Freshman Activities Fair, during which a re cord of over fifty new members joined. Moreover, during the Copa del Prep tournament, the highly underrated French Club team reached the semi-finals under the guidance of ju nior head coach Andrew Hayes and with stellar performances from seniors Evan Yacker. William Fong, and Daniel Sobsey. With the second semester on the horizon, the cli made it a goal to host even more events while offering traditional French foods, including croissants and chocolate mousse. The French Club has drawn crowds from varying back grounds and cultures; consequently, the club hopes to expand in the years to come under the leadership of moderator Mr. Frank Giordano, ’99, whose classroom has now become a place where one can experience French culture at Grand and Warren. 142 Activities: Celtic Club & French Club
i Jordan Roldan, V3, co-moderator o f the Filipino Society, s to club President John Paul M ontem ayor, senior Aaron )}q, ju nior Bryan Garsia, and sophom ore Q uang N guyen i upcoming events w ith in th e club.
Story hy Lowell Thomas Taoyag..’09, and John PauIMonIemayoc’09
embers of the Filipino Society welcome Prep students to come and discover what it truly means tp be a “Filipino.” Members engage in conversations concerning values and traditions that they have grown up learning; they also share endless amounts of food, and even attempt to organize events that are open to the entire school. The Filipino Society was founded in 200(3 under the name Filipino (Mabuhay) Club. The club was created to branch off from the former Asian-Pacific Islander Society. After two years, the club took on a new name and became classified as the Filipino Society, Mr. Jordan Roldan, ’03, the current moderator, in concert with senior coPresidents John Paul Montemayor and Lowell Thomas Tanyag, made an aUempt to broaden the society’s horizons with new ideas and new food. The new ideas included fundraising for the Mission Drive and making customized t-shirts for members. The Filipino Society experienced its greatest membership base during the 2008-2009 school year, with members meeting on a weekly basis. Members of the Society welcome anyone interested in attending a meeting; thus, being Filipino is truly optional. Everyone is treated as if he or she is famil; 'aidless of his or her cultural affiliation, because family is the single Filipino’s life. Senior co-President Tanyag remarked, “As am sad to be leaving such a great group of guys, but proud ot wbat we Fgr the years to come, I encourage the rest of Prep’s student body to this wonderful experience.” Members of the Filipino Society hope an many more members of the Prep community will decide to join this worn acuvi As always, Mabuhay ang Lahat.
A t a Celtic Club meeting, Ms. M ary A n n e M cElroy plans w ith club members to show the film G angs o f N e w York at the next meeting. Senior W illiam Foley, coPresident o f the French Club, talks to freshm an A n d rew Callaghan and seniors H enry Rodri guez and Christian Subol about fu tu re events.
Club moderator Mr. Frank Giordano, '99, makes a sandwich while conversing with French Club members Brian Zappulla, '09, and juniors Alexander Yang and M atthew Kaczor. Senior President John Paul M ontem ayor discusses club t-shirts w ith members o f the Filipino Society at an after-school meeting.
Activities: Filipino Society 143
Story by Rashad Davis,’09, and Daniel Londono, ’09
he Ebony Culture Club is devoted to experiencing the culture of those of Afri can descent. Members of the club meet after school when all interested students can learn from each other in a relaxed environment People of various back grounds join the members of the Ebony Culture Club in learning about a culture of society that is often misinterpreted and misunderstood. The club generally meets once a week for discussions, but also partakes in trips to local areas including New York City in order to dine in an Ethiopian restaurant. These excursions have proved to be a valuable and enriching experience for all those involved. During Black History Month, members of the Ebony Culture Club also made a trip to a cinema festival where films such as Hotel Rwanda, The Last King o f Scotland, and The Rosa Parks Story were shown. In essence* the Ebony Culture Club has a mission of educating the Prep community in relaxed media. Likewise, the Spanish Club is yet another ethnic society which emphasizes education via the screening of movies and dining on cuisine, to name a few means. The Spanish Club welcomes Prep students of all backgrounds to immerse themselves in the Hispanic culture by allowing them to explore the culture’s many dimensions. The events hosted by the Spanish Club focus On various traditions that exist within the Spanish-speaking countries, many of which are represented within the Prep student body. Club members regularly participate in activities that include watching Spanish movies after school and making occasional trips to New York City in order to visit exhibitions and The Spanish Cinema at Lincoln Center. Members of the Spanish Club try to maintain an environ ment that allows students to openly express their cultural affiliations while simultane ously exploring the rich and diverse Spanish culture.
Ebony Culture Club Presi dent Daryl Greene, '09, and club moderator Mr. Kellen Williams, '00, talk to members about traveling to a shelter in Jersey City to assist the local AfricanAmerican community. Mr. Michael Lyons, '02, leads a discussion at a lunch-time Lyons' Den meeting as senior Richard O'Connor listens intently.
During an Indo-Pak meeting President Swetal Patel, '09, and Vice President Anand Brahmbhatt, '09, discuss a trip to Rasoi, an Indian restaurant in the Journal Square district o f Jersey City. Spanish Club President Daniel Londono, '09, and Vice President Daniel Gonzalez, '09, refer to a picture as they talk about Spanish architecture.
144 Activities: Ebony Culture Club & Spanish Club
A t nil Ebony Culture Club meeting, senior President Daryl Green eollaborntes w ith other members on t-shirt designs fo r the club.
Ms. Ana Garcia reviews a Spanish newspaper with club President Dan iel Londono, '09, and Vice President Daniel Gonza lez, '09, during a meeting.
fter the Walk-a-thon, Prep students gather on James F. Keenan Field to play a game o f cricket Ionsored by the Indo-Pak Society. Leaders o f the Society strive to partake in events in which Iyone from the Prep com m unity can participate.
During a lunch period, members o f Lyons' Den, including seniors Lucas Netchert, Neil Carroll, Joseph Lopera, Willie Emanuele, and Richard O'Connor, talk to Mr. M ichael Lyons, '02, and Mr. Jordan Roldan, '03.
Story tjy Afiand Btahmbftatt, *09, and Me Michael Lyons, ’0 2 1
■s of the Indo-Pak Society seek to enrich the Prep community’s knowlculture through numerous events and activities. The various activities taking place throughout the year include frequent outings to an asof Indian restaurants. Other activities of equal significance are the screening of films in the room of club moderator Mr. Anthony Keating, ’78, and trips to theNew York City to watch Indo-American fusion movies. Additionally, members of the club schedule occasional cricket matches in the courtyard or at James F. Keenan Field. Lastly, students gather during scheduled meetings to simply talk about the culture and the imminent holidays. There are many ways to experience the Indian culture, and of the Indo-Pak Society help make the information available so that the entire ommunity can embrace it. Lyons’ Den is not an ethnic society; however, it is yet another activity that alr more student-faculiy interaction by dining together. The club was created as a ement for Joy Food, which faded away after the departure of Mr. Joy Seth Hurd, the year, Mr. Michael Lyons, ’02, Mr. Jordan Roldan, ’03, and Mr. Erich Sekel, that they had a shared fifth period free, and they decided to use the time efficiently. Thus, the faculty members decided to have lunch with seniors in the Shalloe I eating food from either the “Gothateria” or other local eateries. Faculty memstudents alike use the period to share their life experiences with one another, is always well spent in that a peaceful atmosphere is provided where those par ticipating individuals can joke with one another and relieve stress. Although the cafeteria is a great place to have lunch, the Lyons’ Den serves as a pleasant change of pace. Activities: Indo-Pak Society & Lyons' Den 145
In the Student Survivor semifinals, H istory Club President Sw etal Patel, '09, poses various trivia questions to representa tives o f two homerooms.
During an after-school Environm ental Club meeting, members, including President Barry, '10, and William Cretinon, '10, are told about an excursion to Liberty State Park Earth D ay b y moderator M s. Hilda Doris Suarez.
Students M ichael Lizza, '12, and Kevin Li, '12, w ork diligently to com plete the Physics I exam during a Science League competition.
Stpry by Ms. Rosemary Annetta, Joshua Barry^IO, and Oscar Contreras. ’09
m i he Newjersey Science League is an organization that allows students with a keen interest in science to test their own knowledge of the discipline. Although the Science League was created specifically for Chemistry students, it later expanded to include exams in Physics, Biology, and Earth Science. Students with more than one year of experience with any science are obligated to take the level two exam, whereas first year science students are permitted to take the level one exam. The top scoring participants are rewarded with both prizes and scholarships. Members of the Environmental Club use their scientific knowledge not to compete, but rather to work for the betterment of the world. Each member of the club makes it a personal goal for himself to work towards reducing pollution, greenhouse gases, and the amount of energy he personally uses. Members firmly believe that individuals should work to protect his or her own world. During the school year, members worked with the Newjersey Audubon Society, making strides towards forming a Prep chapter of the organization. Another club whose members will use their scientific abilities to help others in the future is the Medical Club. The members of the Medical Club believe that the best way to help others is through the medical field. As young men interested in becoming physi cians, pharmacists, or researchers, it is important to understand that their ultimate goal is to live as “Men for Others." The Medical Club hosted a school-wide dress-down day on World AIDS Day during which they distributed over nine-hundred red ribbons. The dress down in concert with the red ribbon allocation helped to increase AIDS awareness and raise funds for the universal fight against AIDS. 146 Activities: Science League, Environmental Club, & Medical Club
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! (impaling Prep's scores to those o f other H udson C ounty schools, vdrnitor M s. Rosem anj A unetta inform s Science League coiri•titors o f their standings in their respective subjects.
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Story by Rui Suarez, *09, and Swetal Patel,’09
embers of the Engineering Club strive to create devices includeing telephones, electiic models, and other items. The Engineering Club allows students who have any sort of interest in pursuing the engineering field to gain a greater insight into the discipline by allowing them to construct objects in a manner that is both exciting and educational. The Engineering Club is led by junior Reece Minerley, who has genuinely dedicated himself to constructing his veiy own devices. Along with the help of other individual members, the club has been veiy effective in helping students gain an understanding of what the field actually encompasses. There are numerous meet ings held throughout the year; this allows any interested students to personally experi ence the field. Also allowing students to experience and understand a field is the History Club. Led by moderator Mr. Paul Cunneen and President Swetal Patel, ’09, the club completed another successful and productive year. The History Club sponsored a mock election for the presidential and congressional elections in November 2008, during which the school body accurately selected Barack Obama to win the presidency and Frank Lautenberg to acquire another term as Newjersey Senator. Club members moved on to run the annual Student Survivor trivia challenge benefiting the Mission Drive; the History Club also sponsored another History Bee competition to finish the year strong. While these larger events were being planned, Mr. Cunneen frequendy screened World War II films in his room. Members of the History Club also worked to continue recording interviews on film of Prep legends; past interviewees include Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, ’67, who has spent forty years at Grand and Warren. With a wide range of activities and a strong member ship backing, the History Club has allowed all interested students to experience history outside of the classroom.
U sing an online sim ula tion to dem onstrate the fu n c tio n s o f a kinem atic chain, m oderator M s. Erin Stark and P resident Reece M in erley, '10, explain to other club m em bers h o w kinem atic pairs are assem bled.
Members o f the Medical Club speak about how certain technological breakthroughs have re sulted in the revision o f old medical processes.
M em bers o f the His tory Club v ie w The Big R ed O ne, a m ovie about W orld W ar II.
Ms. Dale Rosselet, the N ew Jersey Audubon Society's Vice Presidentfo r Education, speaks to senior Brian Zappulla and other students about the importance o f environmental protection.
Activities: Engineering Club & History Club 147
Story by Anthony Medina, *09, and Juecin Guerra-Samal. '09
ith the popularity of the Fine Arts Department ever increasing, the Art Club, moderated by Ms. Megan Klim, provides students the opportunity to learn about and discuss modern art outside the classroom. With ac tivities including trips to museums and collaborative art galleries, students are able to experience firsthand the creativity of other artists in the region. The two student leaders share a love for art and a commitment to the club, which is evident in the club’s latest project. The project—forming a gallery—will be located within Prep itself and will contain student artwork along with other pieces. Thanks to the hard work of Ms. Klim and the club’s members, the Prep community has the opportunity to witness art unfold right before its eyes. Whereas the school itself does not have a home economics program, the Culinary Club exposes the art of cooking to the Prep community. Through the catering of events and the organizing of trips, the club has grown in both size and reputation. Members of the Culinary Club became a typical sight at many of Prep’s own open mic nights, including “Prep Unplugged.” The club has also catered the IgNite retreat, which proved to be a laborious and tiresome task. With the help of its modera tors, Ms. Rosemary Annetta and Ms. Frances Tursi, the Culinary Club was able to expand its culinary horizons through the several trips that the group planned. One such event included a sushi workshop at a local ShopRite through which students were able to learn how to prepare various types of sushi. President Justin GuerraSarreal, ’09, is hopeful that in future years, *“The club, will develop into the first home economics program at Prep.” Until then, die club will continue to cook in order to live up to its name.
Before a Computer Club meeting senior co-Presidents Michael Conti and Richard Czirbik create an agenda as senior Justin Restrepo looks on. Senior A r t Club members Stephen Conley and Lucas Netchert look at a list o f art exhib its online as moderator Ms. Megan Klim cuts paper fo r a student's project.
148 Activities: A rt Club & Culinary Club
Moderator Ms. Rosemary Annetta and senior Presi dent Justin Guerra-Sarreal grill chicken on an outdoor grill during the IgNite re treat, one o f the events that the Culinary Club catered. Members o f the Computer Club, including sopho mores Nicholas Chee and Kevin Mullane, and senior Richard Czirbik work on their respective projects during a meeting.
A t a meeting o f the Freshm an/Sophom ore Stock Marke m e m b e rs, including Blake Shapskinsky, '11, Seamus "11, and A ndrew D m p f r i o / l l , check the stock market online i see i f their virtual shares have increased or decreased.
At a sushi w orkshop in a Hoboken ShopRite, freshm en Kevin Li and Victor Sedlacko learn from Chef J e f f Seligman how to prepare various sushi platters by dipping shrimp in tempura batter.
A rt Club advisor Mr. N yugen Sm ith talks to senior club member Eric Bujnowski about his col lage at a meeting. Members o f the Junior/ Senior Stock M arket Club gather to check their virtual stock accounts.
Story, by Joseph Bernardo, 110, and Michael Conti, ’09
te Stock Market Club allows students to explore the intriguing world o: fects of the outside world on the stock market. Some members lost virtual money along the way but were able to learn priceless lessons; other students who were more successful were able to share their newfound understanding of the market This year, guest speaker George Gurdak made a special visit in order to speak to members about becoming Certified Public Accountants and learning various selling techniques. Thanks to iJ to moderator Ms. Ella Glazer, members of the chib have had the opportr-2'--■K r cunosii 1 „ dvitywhosesuccessisa result of its members’ level of ir puter Club. Computers are one of the more complicated and widely used items in mod ern society. Consequently, the Computer Club at Prep serves many purposes. The back ground of those members of the club varies gready as some students are very experienced with computers while some are not familiar with the machine at all. During club meetings, members congregate and share their personal knowledge of this fascinating and everchanging technology. Members have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the technology that exists around them; thus, they are able to learn information which they cannot attain inside of the classroom. The Computer Club also hosts raffles to raise funds for various purposes, including the Mission Drive. At a typical meeting, there is no set agenda and as a result members have the opportunity to learn from one another.
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Activities: Stock Market Club & Computer Club 149
M em bers o f the Ulti mate Frisbee Club pose f o r a picture in the courtyard after playing an intense game.
Knee H ockey Club members Salvatore DiBrita, '12, and N athan Leo, '12, compete in a Sticks game in the basement o f Burke Hall a t a meeting o f the Knee Hockey Club.
Intramurals referee W il lie Emanuele, '09, watch es as representatives fro m various homerooms compete in the Dodgeball Tournament, w hich was sponsored by Intramu rals s ta ff to raise m oney fo r the M ission Drive.
, Story by. Mr. Michael Lyons, ’02 . and Matthew Mull man, ’09
arly in the school year seniors Willie Emanuele and Ricky Hajduk approached Mr. Michael Lyons, ’02, with an idea that was backed by a large percentage of the ^^ H stu d e n t body—forming an Androball League. After a successful season, the FAPS, led by Captain Willie Emanuele, ’09, were crowned the champions of the inaugural sea son of Androball. The success of the league was due in large part to those students who helped to referee games, create schedules, and organize the teams. As the school year progressed, Intramurals continued and morphed simultaneously, as flag football began in February atJames F. Keenan Field. Because availability of the field was limited in the fall, many Prep students braved the elements and played in the unforgiving northeast winter weather. With the addition of an intramurals committee it appears that Intramurals will continue to strengthen and expand in the near future. Another manifestation of intramurals involving the various ethnic clubs has been a mainstay at Prep for quite some time. Every fall, “The Bam” becomes the venue of Prep’s own brand of indoor soccer, the Copa del Prep. Soccer is not a particularly violent sport; however, the Copa del Prep tournament does not have traditional soccer games. After the games are completed, the blood, sweat, and tears of all the culture clubs at Prep are left on the hardwood, and one team claims victory. Organization of the tournament was taken over by Mr. Brian Healy, ’99, and Matthew Mullman, ’09. Ultimately, the Eastern Bloc team proved victorious with its dominant and overpowering offense. Members of the Prep community packed into the Gym to witness the team’s 8-1 victory over the Spanish Club’s squad. Undoubtedly, the Eastern Bloc’s triumph will be cherished and looked upon as one of its great achievements.
150 Activities: Intramurals & Copa del Prep
© M in s ■amurals moderator M r. M ichnel Lyons, '02, acts as the ref ereefo r a flag football gam e p layed on Jam es F. Keenan Field.
u \i-
Story by Salvatore DlBrita, ‘12>and MnJohn Kllrqy
nee Hockey, also known as Mini-Sticks, is a favorite pastime of traveling hockey players who play the game in hotel hallways and rooms while ^ ^ 2 |> 'a y at tournaments. The fastest game on two knees is now a hockey player’s favorite off-iee activity and the focus of one of the newer clubs at Prep. Knee Hockey is a game that can be played from one-on-one to three-on-three. Equipment includes a foam ball, mini-hockey sticks, and a knee hockey net; a “regulation” knee hockey net measures 30.5” x 23”. In the Prep Knee Hockey Club, three seven-minute periods are played with two-minute intermissions. The idea o f starting a knee hockey club was supported with great anticipation by all the freshmen hockey players, and freshmen Joseph Giordano and Salvatore DiBrita enlisted Mr. Jam es Coviello, ’99, as club moderator and organized the first official meeting of the club. Another club focused on playing an informal sport with a longer history at Prep is the Ultimate Frisbee Club. This club has become a distinct part of Prep’s extra curricular scene. The Ultimate Frisbee Club is known for fun and frivolity, played both in the courtyard and on the field. The pickup games start after school during the warm-weather months, and many students are seen tossing the disc around for hours. Any and all students who wish to participate in the day’s events are more than welcome to. Although some members are also athletes, the club allows all students to get active through a game that is both exciting and fun to play. Due to the leadership of Delfin Ganapin, ’09, and the dedication of Nathaniel Salzman, ’09, the Ultimate Frisbee Club has been very successful in its goals, promoting the game and the enjoyment found in flicking the frisbee around.
Freshman N athan Leo at tem pts to defend his goal fro m an opponent during an after-school meeting o f the Knee H ockey Club. Following the Walk-athon, senior members N athaniel Salzman, A n drew Kelly, N elson Lena han, and Delfin Ganapin gather on JFK Field to play ultim ate frisbee.
Members o f the Ultimate Frisbee Club gather in the courtyard after school to play a quick game o f ultimate frisbee. Senior M atthew Mullman, who organized the Copa del Prep tournament this year, keeps time on a match as seniors David Terry, Joseph Borsellino, and Neil Patel cheer on their teams.
Activities: Knee Hockey Club & Ultimate Frisbee Club 151
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Story by R Anthony Azzarto, S J , and Swetal Patel, '09
any Prep students are passionate about watching, playing, and learning about baseball. As a result of this enthusiasm, a Baseball Fan Club was created with a goal to unite Prep students who share this fervor. Club mem bers engage in various activities, including watching films and visiting sports museums such as the Yogi Berra Museum. In the wake of the spring weather during the second semester, members of the club hope to watch baseball games in Newark, Montclair, and beyond. The club meetings vary from once a week to once a month, and there are always hot dogs and peanuts available. Membership has been limited to freshmen, but the Baseball Fan Club hopes to expand to include students from all class levels. Baseball is an integral part of America’s history and club members hope to gain new insights about the American culture. Members of the Prep community are just as passionate about football, hockey, bas ketball, and even college sports, as they are about baseball. Thus, with an objective to unite these fans throughout the school, the Fantasy Sports Club was founded a short two years ago. The club hosts various fantasy sports games throughout the year, such as Fantasy Football and the MLB Playoffs Bracket Challenge, which are open to all stu dents and homeroom teachers for a nominal entrance fee. Established as a non-profit organization, the Fantasy Sports Club has raised nearly $350 to date for the Mission Drive and Walk-a-thon fundraisers. Moreover, Foimder and President Swetal Patel, ’09, and moderator Mr. Gregory Evans have successfully brought together over one hundred members of the Prep community for healthy competition. With increased participation in the 2009 March Madness Bracket Challenge, the Fantasy Sports Club is sure to expand its horizons and unite even more fans in the future.
Club President Lucas Netchert, '09, distributes t-shirts to S k i/S n o w board Club members. Freshman Kevin Li and sophomore Dimitri Luzgin face one another in a game o f chess as fellow club members Andrew Donofrio, '11, James Werner, '11, and Nathaniel Salzman, '09, watch.
M em bers o f the Baseball Fan Club gather at an after-school meeting to enjoy hotdogs cooked by the club's moderator, Fr. A n th o n y Azzarto, S.J. Moderator Mr. Michael M cCarthy watches intently as junior Zachary Helming and senior Nathaniel Salzman play a game o f chess.
Activities: Baseball Fan Club & Fantasy Sports Club
fo u n d e d the Fantasy Sports H hands FSC posters and student-filled brackets to moderith M r. G regory Evans.
Senior Lucas N etch ert snowboards down a slope at Camelback M ountain in Pennsylva nia during a S k i/S n o w board Club outing.
Club gather to w atch a film Am erica's national sport.
Seniors Robert McFar land and M ichael Auth, and sophomore M ichael Bajuz fill out Fantasy Sport Club brackets in club moderator Mr. Gregory Evans' room after-school before the start o f March Madness.
Storyhy Alexander Ye; ’09rand Lucas Netchert, *09
he Chess Club comprises a group of young intellects who are passionate about the timeless game. Led by Jose Izquierdo, ’09, and Kyle Lillis, ’10, the talent and skill of Prep’s chess players are second to none. The Prep team as a whole has a history of dominating the competition in Jersey City and beyond. The scholarly group of men grabbed first place in the Essex County Chess Competition and swept all the other teams away in the Morris County Regional Chess Championships. Across the river in New York, players such as Moses Martinez, ’09, and James Sylvester, ’11, were able to capture second place in the Battery Park Interstate Chess Meet. With another successful season on record, it is clear that the Chess Club will continue to remain a dominant powerhouse. A resurrected club with a different pace and much shorter history is the Ski/Snowboard Club. With the help and encouragement of Prep’s President, Fr. Robert Reiser, SJ., many dedicated faculty members, chaperones, and interested students, the club was reborn. The founding member, as well as the club’s first president, Lucas Netchert, '09, coordinated the club’s first trip to Pennsylvania’s Camelback Mountain Resort in February 2008. The trip was enjoyable in every respect and its success encouraged members to plan future trips. This year, the club acquired more support and members were able to begin the season with high aspirations. With the help of moderator Mr. Brian Healy, ’99, a greater turnout of interested students, and more spending money, the possibilities were endless. Two trips back to Camelback Mountain were successfully planned and hopes remained high all throughout the season. Although it still has many kinks that need to be, members hope that the Ski/Snowboard Club will continue to solidify its rightful place within the extra curricular scene at Prep. Activities: Chess Oub & Ski/Snmvboard Club 153
S to r y by J o n a th a n W ong, ’0 9
his school year was more than just a fresh start for the Concert and Jazz Bands. After nearly four years, the Concert Band resurrected the practice of holding rehearsals during the school day twice a cycle, in addition to the weekly rehearsal after school. Having rehearsals during the school day eliminated the need for morning rehearsals that took place at 7:30 AM twice a week. In terms of senior band officers for the year, Jonathan Wong served as the President while William Kender served as Vice President. Michael Conti was the band’s secretary and Rich ard Czirbik was the band's treasurer. As always, the Concert Band was lead by Mr. Steven Caslowitz. The Concert Band regularly performs on four different occasions during the school year. First, the band functions as a pep band for Prep football games. Then, during the winter season, both the Concert and Jazz Bands perform at the annual Christmas Concert. In the springtime, the Concert Band performs alongside the Jazz Band once again at the annual Spring Concert Finally, a similar performance is given at a competition in Annapolis, Maryland, where both the Concert and Jazz Bands compete against other high schools across the country. This year, the Jazz Band gave two special performances. The first performance was during the holiday season at Newport Centre Mall in downtown Jersey City for the enjoyment of the mall’s customers. The Jazz Band also performed at a concert along with the Xavier and McQuaid Jazz Bands at Xavier High in New York City. During the concert, students were able to showcase their talents through various means including a thirty-minute solo session, in which a musician performed for the entire audience. The Concert andJazz Bands have made significant contributions to the culture and legacy of Prep.
154 Activities: Concert Band & Jazz Band
Inder the leadership o f co-moderators M r. Ryan Grusenski, nd
Boreta Singletonj the Liturgical Choir practices several
.nigs flint ivill be sung at the Christmas Mass.
S to ry by A n d re w Rader, ’0 9
fter the final bell at the end of the school day, sounds can be heard from all around Prep. Exuberant shouts echo from the courtyard while sighs of Ofrustration flow sleepily through the hallways. The bell at 3 P.M. rings to let everyone know that it is time. Deep down in the basement of Burke Hall, a dif ferent sound can be heard—the sound of voices raised in unison, singing songs in harmony. The school-wide masses have become a time-tested Prep tradition where the com munity gathers to celebrate, reflect, and pray. The Liturgical Choir has also become a vital component of these masses. The Choir is directed by Mr. James Harrold, and consists of Prep students who sing and lead the hundreds of other voices of the Prep community in praising God through psalms. The songs include those that are related to the 2008-2009 Campus Ministry theme, “Open the Eyes of our Hearts,” and psalms that are pertinent to the occasion being celebrated. The Chorus is an award-winning group consisting of gifted singers. This Chorus is directed by Mr. William Richert The Chorus participates in the annual Heritage Music festivals alongside Prep’s Band as they travel to various cities together. The Chorus sings at two main concerts for the Prep community, one during the holiday season in the winter and the other during the spring. In addition, the Chorus is also frequendy invited to sing at a number of elementary and middle schools in the Jersey City community. During the 2008 Christmas season, the Chorus was invited to sing at Newport Centre Mall along with various other local choirs. Rashad Davis, ’09, a three-year veteran, fondly recalls all his memories of the Chorus as “stupendous.”
Band members D avid Park, '10, and James Kuklinski, '10, take turns playing the drums during a practice session. Jazz Band members Nicholas Jorgensen, '09, and Christopher M anley, '12, practice playing their guitars so that they are prepared fo r perform ing at a school-wide mass.
Members o f the Jazz Band's Brass section practice playing the saxophone in harmony w ith one another in preparation fo r an im pending performance. M r. William Richert talks to Chorus mem ber Louis Sullivan, '09, before beginning an after-school practice session.
Activities: Chorus & Liturgical Choir 155
SellimiKMe B S to ry by Willie E m an u e le , ’0 9 , a n d B re n d a n C an ale , '0 9
lot of time and effort is put into the productions here as it is a long process that involves months of work. Dedication is probably the most essential part; every actor is important and without commitment from each of them, the rehearsals are poor and translate into poor shows. This year, Director Mr. John Campion called for a change of pace from a drama to a romantic comedy. A parttime pilot and full-time slap happy boxer by the name of Joe Pendleton was taken early from his body before he was due. He spends the entire play in the body of multi-millionaire Jonathan Farnsworth in hopes that the angel 7013 finds him a new permanent body, while juggling a secret love affair with Bette Logan at the same time. This show was the perfect choice for the cast to perform this year and defi nitely the ideal final production for all the seniors, as they ended their high school careers with a good laugh. Productions would not be complete without the hard work of the Stage Crew. The crew’s responsibilities include everything from designing, building, and per fecting every inch of the stage for the production. Members are also responsible for many other “behind-the-scenes” actions including adjusting the lighting and the sounds of each particular scene. In order to fulfill their duties, members spend their Christmas break working from nine to five in addition to working every day after school cutting, chopping, and painting the stage of the Roy Irving Theater. After the completion of the winter play or spring musical, members of the Stage Crew work diligently to break down the set and store materials for the following year. Congratulations to the cast and crew for a job well done on Heaven Can Wait, it was truly “in die pink!”
Moderator Ms. Janice M artineau show s Junior Prom representatives the invitations that w ill be given to students who pay the deposit. Stage Crew President Brendan Canale, '09, draws a diagram on the board to better il lustrate prop layout so that all members fu lly understand the desired look. Prep men and their respective dates enjoy themselves in the cafeteria at an even t orga nized by the Dance Committee.
156 Activities: Drama & Stage Crew
Seniors Louis Sullivan and W illie Emanuele, and ju nior M atthew M azzari perform in H eaven Can Wait with Katie Scarpa.
Junior D ominick laiizetlotti practices lines w ith Sh a m O'Donnell during an after-school rehearsal in Director Mr. Jo Campion's, classroom. 9 ■’
Is. Janice Martineau, moderator o f the Senior Prom Committee, gathers representatives to m ind them that m oney needs to be collected fro m those seniors w ho plan to attend the Prom.
During an after-school meeting, senior President Tyrone Stamps and mod erator Ms. Kathleen Row an talk to Dance Commit tee members about the success o f the previous dance and about plans fo r the future. M embers o f Prep's Stage Crew meet by the Stage Crew room w ith modera tor Mr. James Coviello, '99, to talk about what progress has been made on set design.
embers of the Dance Committee arrange dances to provide students with a activity that is both fun and safe. Prep students along with high school girls from the area are welcome to these dances. Most of the female atcome from local schools including Saint Dominic Academy, McNair Academic High School, and Ferris High School. Ms. Kathleen Rowan, in concert with the Dance Committee, inform other high schools about the imminent Prep dances through forms of mass messaging including word of mouth, flyers, and Facebook invitations. The music at Prep’s dances is provided by an available DJ. Members of the Committee work in advance to prepare die cafe by arranging it with tables and organizing a coat room. The Dance Committee hosted three dances, marking a successful year contrasted to years past. ' Other committees that work on organizing and preparing memorable nights are the Junior and Senior Prom Committees. Members of the two Committees work throughout the year to ensure that the respective prom nights will be remembered, The Junior Prom is Mgnifirant in that it marks the moment when a young man realizes that he is an adult, and that college and senior year is quickly approaching. For the seniors, Prom marks the end of a student’s high school career on a night when each man is able to dance with his date, spend time with his classmates, and savor the few moments that he will miss as a high school student Members of the Committees have to select themes for the proms and make sure that location is reflective of that respective theme. Ms. Janice Martineau moderates die Committees, working to ensure that all of the technicalities are examined and accounted for before the respective dates of the proms. Activities: Dance Committee, Junior Prom Committee, & Senior Prom Committee 157
President Charles Costello, '09 discusses how the cre ation o f Godzilla impact ed the film industry with other members o f the Star Wars/Godzilla Club.
A t an after-school m eeting in Fr. Robert O 'H are's room, m embers o f the Video Game gather around a television to w atch an intense match betw een tw o players in "Super Brothers Brawl."
M em bers o f the A n im e Club, including seniors Justin Guerra-Sarreal, A n th o n y M arulanda, A n d re w Kelly, and Delfin Ganapin, prepare the television so that th e y can w atch their fa v o rite anim e show s.
r r embers of the Anime Club gather together on a regular basis to watch anime. The active members of the club are always welcoming towards newcomers so that all can enjoy their shared interest together. Members often participate in various other activities including playing sports or video games when they are not discuss ing or watching anime. The club runs under the leadership of Fr. Robert O’Hare, SJ., and senior President Anthony Marulanda, who remarked, “It’s a club where everyone can be themselves, act how they want, have fun, relax, and just enjoy the anime.” Solely focused on watching movies and not deviating from its purpose is the Star Wars/ Godzilla Club, For those who desire to experience the time galactic battles of space and a powerful monster wreaking havoc on people, the Star Wars/Godzilla Club is the right place. The real life Jedi fights and spaceship battles along with the endless movie mara thons and heated arguments make the Star Wars half so exciting. The Godzilla portion allows students to hear bone-chilling screams and witness the destruction of entire cities by the terrifying monster. Moderated by Mr. Frederick Galano, the Star Wars/Godzilla Club follows the Prep tradition by keeping its events and meetings open to the entire Prep community. Instead of watching films during meetings, the Seinfeld Club is focused on watching the comedy from the small screen. Headed by senior co-Presidents Liam Colford and Kenny Slaski, the Seinfeld Club met a number of times to watch and discuss the beloved sitcom. Despite its success, limited funding prevented the purchase of a lifetime supply of Junior Mints for future members of the club. Some critics say Seinfeld is like wine, and it gets bet ter with age. Truer words were never spoken, as it remains a hit at Grand and Warren. 158 Activities: Anime Club, Godzilla/Star Wars Club, & Seinfeld Club
fX members Delfin Ganapin, '09, Nathaniel Salzim n, '09, it Conor McCarthy, '11, review footage from a film ing and work edit ft mb) a final product.
S tory by Michael A uth,’00, Charles Costello, ’0 9 ,and Andrew Kelly, ’09
eaded by seniors Michael Auth and Eric Bujnowski, the Independent Film Society (IFS) has continued to show thought-provoking and edgy indepen dent films for the past six years. This year’s lineup included films such as Memento, a psychological thriller about a man with short-term memory loss, and THX 1138, Director George Lucas’ first feature film about a future in which love is both unknown and illegal. Members of IFS also make periodical trips to New York City in order to watch new releases. Freshman Evan Jorgensen remarked, “IFS rules. They never fail to show a well-made and interesting film.” Whereas IFS concerns itself with watching independent movies, Video FX focuses on making its own indie films about Prep. After filming the successful Walk-a-thon video, Video FX maintained an ambitious schedule to film a Christmas movie, I t ’s a Wonderful Prep, Star Wars: Return of the Jesuits, and Rising Dragon, Crying Kitten. The studio itself has been moved to H-204, under the watchful eye of new moderator Fr. Robert O ’Hare, SJ. When asked about the year’s agenda, Video FX President Sean Ryan, ’09, said that time will be spent “training the new members so we can all be sure the Studio will survive in the years to come.” While Fr. O ’Hare, SJ., oversees filming in H-204, he simultaneously leaves his own room open for the Video Game Club to use. For each one of the meetings, a few video game consoles are set up and members of the Prep community are invited to relieve stress. Whereas the actual number of systems used during any given week var ies, at least one Xbox 360, one PlayStation 3, and one Nintendo Wii are available for use. Ultimately, the Video Game Club provides a venue through which video game players can compete against each other in a friendly environment; consequently, no one goes home unhappy.
M r. Brian H ealy, '99, en thusiastically describes h is fa v o rite scenes fro m the film Pulp Fiction to seniors K evin M euse and M ichael A u th at an IFS meeting.
S ein feld Club members gather in co-moderator Mr. Carl D eLorenzo's room to w atch classic episodes o f the televi sion show.
Members o f the Star W ars/Godzilla Club watch Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back at an after-school meeting. Although they are not watching an anime film , members o f the Anime Club gather to enjoy a different genre o f Japanese film.
Activities: IFS, Video FX, & Video Game Club 159
| S to ry by S e a n R yan, '0 9 , a n d David Sam bade, ’0 9
he Petroc, the school newspaper, celebrated its 65th year in print this year. In honor of The Petroc’s anniversary, the first issue was the first to be printed in color after several years. Instead of employing the traditional method through which two head editors work on each issue, The Petroc adapted; a new process in which two sets of editors alternate each month as the head editors. As usual, The Petroc has covered a variety of topics in its reporting, ranging from articles concerning issues as serious as the economic recession and the historical Presidential election to more light-hearted topics regarding pop-culture and sports. The Petroc continues to reserve sections for News, covering both the daily life at Prep and perti nent national news, Teacher Features, Entertainment, Sports, and Comics. Concerned with creativity more than with reporting, Literama continued success fully in its second year of publication. The literary magazine allows creatively ex pressive students to showcase their finest poems, drawings, short stories, and pho tographs, Literama, advised by both Ms. Erin Knittel and Ms. Julie Groark, was compiled by a small group of editors who decided the contents of the magazine. For much of the year, the Literama staff worked to gather and organize submissions that would be reviewed at editing meetings towards the end of the school year; only one issue was published in May 2009 as a result of this schedule. To compensate for having only one issue, however, Editor-in-Chief David Sambade, ’09, and mod erators Ms. Knittel and Ms. Groark decided to make the magazine longer so as to include a greater variety of student works. Although Sambade, who re-established the magazine under its 1950s title, graduated this year, his successors are sure to find that working on Literama is a rewarding process that provides insight into the minds of creative students.
Editor-in-ChiefDavid Sambade, '09, indicates an error in consistency to Copy Editor Swetal Patel, '09, before sending out completed pages o f the 2009 Petrean. Senior co-Editor-in-Chief Tyrone Stamps talks to Petroc co-moderator Mr. Frederick Galano about the recently published issue and about plans fo r the remainder o f the year.
160 Activities: Petroc & Literama
Literama Editor-in-Chief D avid Sambade, '09, talks to co-moderator M s. Erin Knittel about recent subm issions made to the magazine by m embers o f the Prep community. W hile working in the Student Publications Center after school, members o f The Petrean s ta ff review the proofs fo r several pages.
C onvening before a P etroc s ta ff m eeting in the M ulry Coinpi Lab, the senior co-Editors-in-Chief Tyrone Stam ps and Matth M ullm an discuss w ith co-moderator M r. Frederick Gain no Prep's newspaper. • as
Senior co-Editor-in-Chief Louis Sullivan assigns the articles o f an upcom ing issue to several s ta ff writers o f The Petroc.
reviewing several student-written pieces that were submitted, Literama Editor-in-ChiefDavid '09, types up a short story which was imagined by one o f Prep's more creative students.
A ttem pting to get the best angle possible fo r a pic ture, Associate Editor-in C hief Joshua Zarichnyj, '09, stands on a chair to take a photograph o f sev eral members o f the Prep com m unity fo r the 2009 Petrean.
S to ty
J o s h u a Z a r ic h n y j,’0 9
e yearbook of Saint Peter’s Prep, The Petrean, was published for another suc cessful volume. Chronicling the 2008-2009 school year, the yearbook staff worked what seemed to be endless mornings, nights, weekends, free periods, and even some holidays, to complete die 184-page book and 16-page supplement The 200 pages encompass prominent sporting events, co-curricular meetings, daily student life at Prep, and other significant occurrences worth remembering. At events affiliated with Prep, it was commonplace to see a yearbook member with a camera to capture the moment or paper and pen to record a quote from a willing participant. Under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief David Sambade, ’09, the staff was successful in meeting their first deadline that comprised of the opening and academic sections, which was by no means an easy task. Although the yearbook staff struggled with their next few deadlines, dedication and a strong sense of direction combated the stress and fatigue. Because the lights in the Student Publications Center never seemed to go out as someone was constandy working in the room, the book was completed in a timely fashion. New moderators Mr. Robert Furlong and Mr. Vytas Vaznelis assisted when they could, reviewing spread proofs in preparation for final page submissions and scheduling necessary photo retakes for all members of the Prep community. Like the majority of the staff members, the moderators were a part of the learning process as they were new to moderating die Prep yearbook. Senior David Sambade reflected, “This year was a new experience for the staff; their intentions, hopes, and organization, in addition to two new moderators, resulted in a new and different yearbook that will hopefully allow the Class of 2009 to recall their experiences at Prep.” Activities: Petrean 161
s students progress through their high school careers, young men realize that Saint Peter’s has become their second home. At the comer of Grand and Warren, stu dents emerge as constituents of the ever-growing brotherhood. Whether through a high-five in the hallway, or a ride home with a friend, students gain a new understanding of what it means to be a family. Each academic year begins with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. During this first school-wide gathering, each student makes a contribution by joining the Liturgical Choir in singing or assisting the priests in distributing Communion. At other liturgical events including the Thanksgiving Prayer Service, students leam about their brothers’ vari\ ?) ous religious affiliations. Another spiritual component of student life is the Retreat Program. Beginning with IgNite in freshman ^ year and culminating in Kairos in senior year, the Pro gram provides students the opportunity to bond with God and their fellow classmates. These retreats also ■ ..., allow faculty to enhance their relationships with the students. Thus, the spiritual events help the student o. body bond through faith. Sporting events also present opportunities for stu' ■' •* dents to feel at home. Marauder Nation represents a B single voice under which all students unite. The athletes I are grateful for the cheering section as they feed off the ■ support. These events provide students the opportunity ■ to feel a sensational sense of belonging.
Beginning when students enter the hallowed halls | as freshmen until they leave downtown Jersey City as i graduates, the traditions of Saint Peter’s shape a group of On a Kairos retreat, seniors Patrick Egan, Matthezo Bender, Liam Colford, Bren boys into a brotherhood Whether through dan Canale, and juniors Tim othy M e mof a r young and Kylemen. Robinson serenade retreat leader M r.time-tested R yan H e ffemtraditions an w ith an such originalaspiece as part oor f their act fo r “more KairoEmmaus, through palooza." K airos is one o f several student retreats that allow not only student but recent traditions including Marauder Nation, students are also fa c u lty retreatants to reflect upon their respective life experiences and to form constantly exposed integrated the Prep brother stronger bonds w ith friends and fa m and ily both at home andinto at Prep. hood; consequently, students gain a four-year experience ' that is unique and invaluable. -Joseph Maini, ’09
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
HBBgl m gg
M em bers ofM arauder N ation get a cliance to touch th eH C lA A Coviello C ham pionship trophy after the Varsity Basketball team defeated B aypnne at Saint Peter'p College
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Seniors D avid Moreira, Richard Hajduk, Joseph M aini, and Lu cas N etchert lead M arauder N ation in cheering for the Varsity Basketball team in its State Quarterfinal game against DePaul.
Senior H enchman Brendan Canale is raised by members o f Marauder Nation after it touchdown during the Varsi ty Football team's 3 3 -6 vic tory over the Ferris Bulldogs. Marauder N ation was pres ent a t all Varsity Football home games at Grom Point as well as select road games. M em bers o f M arauder N a tion, including seniors Pat rick Kiesow, Joseph Can dela, Christopher Fernandez, Sean Finn, and Patrick Egan, applaud a long running play during the Varsity Football team's game against Saint Jo seph Regional in the K icko ff Classic al Giants Stadium,
A group o f students show their "P b y painting their chests and posing to I a picture in the Giants Stadium parking lo t. before the Varsity Football team's ; against Saint Joseph Region M arauder N ation honors : sive linem an Khalil W ilkes on “K W ilkes D a y 1 durin
ball team's 61-0 ; smggMf j.h® the fa n s and m aw tending gaittes throughout the |
164/1 Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
S to ry by M a tth e w Bender, ’0 9
I 1 here was much doubt and speculation when the school year began as to how Marauder Nation would sustain itself. The Class of 2008 set a high benchmark and members of the Prep community were unsure as to whether or not the Class of 2009 would be able to continue that trend. This, in addition to the fact that long-time moderator Fr. Michael Hoag, SJ., retired at the end of last year, created a grim oudook for the year. However, senior leaders including Henchmen Christian Baranok, Joseph Maini, Richard Hajduk, Mitchell Kiebus, Brendan Canale, John Manley, Andrew Memar, and Marauder Matthew Bender, carried strong momentum and created a positive atmosphere. The year began with a shaky start as the Varsity Football team opened the season with back-to-back losses. The first was in the annual Kickoff Classic at Giants Stadium against Saint Joseph Regional. The following week, fifty members of Marauder Nation traveled to Olney, Maryland, to support their fellow classmates. Towards the end of the season, Ma rauder Nation attempted something unique in the playoffs, a “Blackout” For the semifinal game at Don Bosco Prep, Marauder fans traveled toRamsey, New Jersey, fully dressed in black and equipped with new “Blackout” t-shirts. The Prep community then went indoors and turned to winter sports. Prep’s Varsity Basketball team was young and exciting. After capturing the HCIAA Coviello title for the second consecutive year, the young team was granted the #1 seed in the State Tournament ensuring home court advantage throughout the playoffs. The two state games against DePaul and Seton Hall Prep drew crowds which packed “The Bam” to capacity. Besides leading the Prep community in cheering for the athletes, Marauder Nation sponsored many other activities. Theme nights were fan favorites with “Beach Night” and “A Night at Abyss” being the most prominent. Student members also worked to ensure that the 5thVolume of Marauder Nation’s weekly newsletter, The Hench man, was printed. New features including the “Senior Spotlight” and “Fan of the Week” complimented revivals from the past such as the “Prep Man of Genius.” Other activities included tailgates preceding each game, which were financed by lunch-time collections. Overall, Marauder Nation ’09 was a success. The commitment and spirit shown by the members resulted in another great year in Marauder Nation’s long and storied history.
M arauder N ation collectively signals fo r a “Q uiet Coyote' during a free throw attem pt by a m em ber o f the Varsity Basketball team in its game against Seton Hall Prep.
Student Life: Marauder Nation 165
Story by Craig Styles, ’09
he Retreat Program at Saint Peter’s has become an integral part in forming the brotherhood during a class’ four years at Prep. Retreats provide students the op portunity to grow closer with their classmates, teachers, and God. The two more active retreat programs are the junior Emmaus Retreat, a tradition for over thirty years, and the senior Kairos Retreat, a newer tradition introduced just last year. Under the guid ance of Mr. Ryan Heffernan, Director of Campus Ministry, and with the assistance of the senior retreat leaders, these two Retreat Programs have been tremendously successful and have left an indelible mark upon those who have participated. The Emmaus Retreat Program provides juniors the opportunity to spend a weekend away from Prep to reflect upon their lives, their relationships with others, and their rela tionships with God. The retreat is facilitated by both adult and senior leaders, with the seniors taking on most of the responsibilities by leading group reflections. Juniors partici pating in the retreat form fraternal bonds with one another through these reflections, free time, and routine activities like cooking. Emmaus also provides an ideal time for students to acquaint themselves with faculty members in a relaxed, candid environment beyond the halls of Prep. Only in its second year of existence at Prep, the Kairos Retreat has seen remarkable growth with two additional retreats added to this school year due to overwhelming inter est expressed by the senior class. Kairos, loosely translated from Greek to “God’s time,” is a four-day retreat which affords seniors with the opportunity to deepen their faith and their relationships with contemporaries and adults. Kairos is led by six adult and six senior leaders who run small group sessions and give personal reflections about their own life experiences within the context of different spiritual and inspirational facets. Senior leaders for the Kairos Retreat are chosen throughout the year from previous retreats, with leaders for the first retreat of the year se lected during their junior year. Ultimately, the Emmaus Retreat Program is one of the more prevalent traditions involved in shaping the profound sense of unity and brotherhood. Although still in its infancy, the Kairos Retreat Program appears to have become a promising tradition rooted in enhancing this established sense of brotherhood here at Grand and Warren.
Junior retreatants Bryan Garsia, Kenan Moriarty, Ryan Smith, James Gardner, and Michael Kahrer gather in a circle to pray fo r the other members o f the Class o f 2010 while on E m m aus 242.
166 Student Life: Emmaus & Kairos Retreats
Performing an act fo r “Kaimpnlooza" on their Kairos retreat, seniors Peter Paulsen, D aniel Gonzalez, and M ichael N adolny bond w ith one another. Cutting pieces o f fe lt cloth, several m embers o f E m m aus 240 w ork on their nam e designs w ill appear f o r their E m m aus Banner, w hich is displayed in the M adonna Chapel upon the retreatants' return.
O n their Kairos retreat, se niors Lowell Thomas Tan yag, Benjamin Blanchfield, and Emmanuel Delgado overlook the Atlantic Ocean during some reflection time. M eaning ' God's time," Kai ros is a chance f o r seniors : to think about and reflect upon G od's presence in their lives.
HI 1 ■
ll ■ j
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O n the E m m aus 240 Re treat senior leaders Colin O 'Connor and Alexander Lupo play their guitars while fe llow leaders N eil Carroll and A n th o n y M ediua and ju nior retreatant M atthew Costello listen.
■ vpi
J r -1 WM "“1 im
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Retreat leader Mr. R ya n H effem an leads members o/E m m aus 241 in a large group discussion. The Emmaus Retreat,t a pro gram in, which a student m a y participate during his junior year, i$ qne o f m any re treats that are designed to bring students and teachers closer to one another.
Senior group leader Moses Martinez asks Kairos retreatant Eric Bujnotcski to light their,group's candle, a group tvkich also in' eludes seniors Daniel Espinvzfi ititd William Kinder, so that they can begin a discussion.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 167
D uring the balloon toss competition, IgN ite retreatant Patrick Norton, '12, catches a balloon filled w ith water. This game pro vides an opportunity fo r freshm en to bond w ith their fellow classmates as they are all relatively new to the community. W hile on a break from the H alf tim e retreat, sophomores M ark Ellurd and Luca Taite spend tim e together w hile taking turns going dow n a slide.
Senior Big
Brother Robert
McFarland converses with fresh m en
danza, Yanni Daniskas, and Jacob Dombroski about the overall Prep experience dur ing the
IgNite retreat, which
. serves as a student orienta tion f o r all incoming Prep freshm en. Members o f . )h e
Class o f
2011 bond as they take turns shooting baskets during their Halftime retreat. This Retreat provides sophomores the op portunity to reflect upon their two years at Prep by examin ing the relationships they have made and their personal and collective accomplishments.
Directing students to stand in a circle so as to help break the ice between new freshm en, senior Big Brother Colin O'Connor ensures that IgNite retreatants begin to fo rm bonds that they will main tain throughout their Prep careers. During the
retreat, senior Big
Brother M ichael Kushnir explains the rules o f the egg drop tournam ent one o f many activities ill which retreatants participate, while senior Matthew Mullm an keeps his group together.
168 A Brotherhood Shafted by Tradition
t o IjMfosdkoxM S to ry by S ean R yan, ’ 11
etreats have become essential to student life at Prep, including the popular Emmaus Retreat and the recently started Kairos Retreat However, before a Prep student is able to embark on the road to Emmaus during his junior year, he participates in two retreats, one during his freshman year and the other during his sophomore year. The IgNite Retreat is mandatory for the freshman class before beginning the school year. It is a fairly new tradition at Prep that began its course in the last academic year thanks to the Campus Ministry Department, who scheduled the retreat to take place during the early months of the 2008-2009 school year. On this Retreat, members of the freshman class were separated ac cording to their respective homerooms and they spent the night at Prep. Most of the students slept on the floor of the Prep gym whereas some others had the fortune of sleeping in the library. The IgNite Retreat provided an opportune time for the incoming class to come together and leam what it essentially means to be Prep men. Students were able to converse with each other and start friendships that will provide the foundation for this freshman class’ brother hood. The most significant aspect of the Retreat, however, is that it allows students to get on the path to becomingjesuit men for others in addition to fulfilling the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation. Moreover, freshmen students, with the help of both faculty and senior leaders alike, reflected on their past experiences and set goals for their careers at Prep and beyond. The next retreat allowing Prep students to reflect further is during the third marking pe riod of sophomore year. Students embark on the day-long retreat with their peers, teachers, and Big Brothers. Those participating in the Halftime Retreat were able to reflect upon the changes they might have undergone as individuals within the Prep community, after having been integrated into the brotherhood just a year ago. In small personalized groups, sophomores were provided the opportunity to contemplate their own expectations for their com ing years at Prep and life in general. Thus, the students were able to come to terms with their plans for how they wish to spend their remaining years at Prep. IgNite and Halftime provide freshmen and sophomores, respec tively, with opportunities to both further themselves and the Prep brotherhood that they have begun to influence. Because these experi ences are available to underclassmen, they are sure to become great leaders of the brotherhood as upperclassmen.
Senior Big Brother Joseph M aini leads a discussion w ith several sophomores about their Prep experience thus fa r during the H alftim e retreat
Student Life: IgNite & Halftone Retreats 169
very year when the Prep community gathers in September, it is reshaped by the influx of incoming freshmen, transfer students, and new faculty. Through participation in athletic teams, co-curricular activities, and retreats, students are acquainted with the tradition of Prep and draw closer together in a brotherhood. An es sential part of this tradition and community life at Prep is prayer. At least once a month throughout the school year, the community gathers for the celebration of the Eucharist or for a Prayer Service. In September, the Mass of the Holy Spirit marked the official beginning of the school year. The inspiration of the Holy Spirit was called down upon teachers, Eucharistic Ministers, the Campus Ministry Team, the administration, and Student Council, as well as the entire staff and student body. The Mass of the Holy Spirit has a special place in the tradition, not only at Prep, but also at Jesuit schools around the world. October brought a celebration of the faith and courage of several seventeenth cen tury Jesuits, known as the North American Martyrs. The Thanksgiving Prayer Service acknowledged the many faiths of the Prep community in November. On December 8th the community celebrated the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The festive celebration of Christmas was preempted by a snow storm and a surprise holiday from school. In January, the Liturgical Choir and Music Ministry from Saint Michael’s College in Ver mont made their way to Prep along with their Director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Brian Cummings, ’82, an Edmundite priest The beginning of Lent was observed with a Service of Read ings and Ashes on Ash Wednesday in February. In March, a new tradition at Prep, the week-long Arrupe Lecture Series began with a mass celebrated by Fr. Ken Gavin, SJ., who is the Direc tor of the Jesuit Refugee Services in the United States. After re turning from Easter break, Prep celebrated its own Easter Mass. Lastly, May brought the celebration of the Ascension Holy Day. Other significant moments were celebrated at Mass includ ing the Junior Class Mass with the blessing and distribution of class rings, and the Baccalaureate Mass for graduating seniors. Throughout the year, Liturgies and Prayer Services have deep ened the tradition of faith and strengthened the sense of brother hood among Prep students.
Led by the Liturgical Choir, members o f the Prep com m unity sing the Opening H ym n at the M ass o f the N orth American M artyrs.
170 Student Life: Liturgies and Prayer Services
Eucltaristic Ministers Thomas Cirinci, ’09, and Aaron Paul lbarrola, '09, offer the gifts o f Communion to members o f the Prep commu n ity at a special Mass celebrated in/ Fr. Brian Cummings, '82. Fr. Brian Cum mings, a Prep graduate o f llte Class, o f M 8 2 ,. gives a h om ily and speaks about how great ah im pact Saint Peter's Prep had upon his o w n personal developm ent.
Senior hucas N etchert reads a Christian prayer at the Thanksgiving Prayer Ser vice. A t this gathering, sev eral members o f the Prep com m unity who are o f vary ing faith s offer prayers fro m their respective religions to celebrate those traditions and scriptures. Jiinior A dam G ovem ale receives ashes fr o m Fr. A n th o n y Azzarto, S.J.I dur ing the A s h W ednesday Prayer Service. This occa sion m arked the beginning o f Lent fo r the Prep cemtiiunity, eh im portant religious Season as it leads tip to Eas ter Sunday.
The Jesuits o f the Prep conwurnty%:iiid#d? ing Fr. James Dineeti, Fr. John Mullin, Fr, Robert Reiser, Fr. Robert O'Hcre, and Fr. A n th o n y Azzarto, and a visiting Jesuit m inister sing in concert with the Liturgical Choir at the M ass o f the H oly Spirit. School President Fr. Robert Reiser, S.J., addresses the members o f the Prep com m unity during the Mass. o f the Hcily Spirit, th is Mass serves as a welcenditg eveht to both new and returning students and faculty.
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 17
Principal Mr. James DeAngelo, '85, converses w ith junior Tlw m as Tulp about the success, o f this year's Walk-a-thon at one o f the m any checkpoints established on the route. This year's Walk-a-thon Carnival provided students toith a rock wall upon w hich they could climb. A s one o f the more popular attractions, the rock w all provided an easy task fo r w eary Prep m en to comple te.
Tw o Prep m e n fa c e o f f in the w restling rin g as other m em bers o f the Prep com m u n ity cheer on their classmates. The W alk-athon is an e v e n t in w hich m a n y stu d en ts create ev erlasting m em ories w ith their frie n d s, teachers, and adm inistrators. Members o f th} Prep commu nity gather to watch a student test his strength on the me chanical bull This attraction, in its first year o f inclusion in the Carnival, w as a poptdar destination fo r Prep students and faculty who had finished walking through Historic D ow ntown Jersey City.
Four Prep men converse with one an
other as they, make tlieir way on the Walk-a-thon route. During the Walk-athon season, m any members o f the Prep student body choose to donate money f o r various ciiuses. Freshm en from Hom eroom 1-B, includ ing Ptmly Saad, Sir Richmond Enriquez, Edwin Cabrera,' and M ichael Ferry, walk on Jersey City's Waterfront walk way xoith M r. Juan Arteaga.
172 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
S to ry by A n a n d B ra h m b h a tt, ’0 9
■ ^ he Walk-a-thon has become a popular tradition and a vital part in acquiring the Prep experience. Students of all class levels are able to participate in the -A. festivities arranged as part of the carnival, shortly after each homeroom walks through downtown Jersey City. “The Walk-a-thon has become my favorite Prep tradi tion because everyone has the opportunity to get together as a community full of inde scribable spirit. Students are able to feel the brotherhood whether it is in the courtyard, the gym, or even the cafeteria, as everyone enjoys the day together,” exclaimed senior Neil Patel. For the third consecutive year, the Student Council was able to successfully organize the event under the guidance of moderator Mr. Anthony Keating, ’78. Members of the Student Council worked diligently to encourage their fellow classmates to be generous with their donations, assuring them that all the money raised will be used to fund great causes. The highlight of the carnival was the “Dunk Tank,” around which students congre gated hoping to see their beloved teachers and administrators fall in the water. There were also games to be played including the American Gladiators style bout in which the Assistant Dean of Students, Mr. Daniel Healy, ’01, fought senior Neil Carroll. Oneof the more valued prizes of any Walk-a-thon is the senior parking space, which was won by a very happy John Manley this year. Furthermore, students were asked to fill out a survey so that the prizes that were raffled off after the Walk-a-thon would accommodate the student body’s general interests. These prizes included a brand new laptop, a Xbox 360, and an iPod. Students were asked to bring in $80 to participate in the walk, and $100 to dress down for an entire school week and earn a raffle ticket. Students led by their fellow classmates on the Student Council worked to make this past year’s Walk-a-thon one that will be re membered for many years to come. The Walk-a-thon was surely a success and junior Student Council members are sure to help organize a Walk-a-thon similar to this year’s. However, no matter who leads the Student Council and what festivities are scheduled for the carnival, always remember to “Walk the Walk.”
M s. A na Garcia leads her homeroom in w alking along the H udson R iver during the Walk-a-thon. This event provides students and fa culty alike w ith the chance to bond w ith one another in a non-academic setting.
Student Life: Walk-a-thon 173
Court')&« aK FooW'
A fter school in Fr. A n thony A zzarto's office, se niors Joshua Alvarez, Joel Oquendo, and Rui Soares talk about their respective experiences at Prep. A s the year comes to a close, it is com mon fo r senior stu dents to speak to various fa c u lty m embers so as to recall great memories.
eople continually establish relationships with those they encounter throughout the course of their respec tive lives. Whether they are teachers who become role models, siblings who provide strength for individuals, or friends who help others through the best and worst of times, these relationships are vital to people’s growth and develop ment as human beings. At Prep, the more important affilia tions students can create during their four years are those with their teachers and their fellow classmates. This sense of family that is created provides students with the opportunities to be themselves and to become “Men for Others” for the rest of their lives. Their respective characters are shaped not only by the teachers who provide guidance and support throughout the academic year, but also by their interactions with other members of the Prep community with whom they share this second home. The constituents of the Prep administration cherish these everlasting bonds that are created because they ultimately help students become the “Men for Others” that they strive to be. Students strengthen their relationships with one another and ultimately strengthen the Prep brotherhood through various activities in which Prep students are allowed to participate. Students solidify their relationships with those whom they have grown accustomed to calling their best friends; they have new 174 Closing
ad Kairos, dui world. These companions work tog practice with teammates so tha H a s a united band of bit created as a result of the 1 Que to further shape individuals into growth so that todividu allenges and
e. These hur ly as members of the Prep comend a helping hand.. Students of nuine sense of concern for those individuies the Prep exp i among a graduating class H been personalized by innumerable icludin g interactions with underclassmen and H iderstanding that the age-old traditions of determination, and genuine concern are le Prep experience is
Mr, Frederick G alm o takes a class period to disctiss with his Religicm 1 f ay Kowiiiczyk, Michael Kushnir, and Ian Svercauski. about tlieir plans fo r their respective -ppst-Prep structor to m any members o f the Class o f2 0 0 9 ,M r, G alm o cherishes the m om ents he has w ith his students as he wSi. : ^ e t l K % 0 t h e r M class m? s
Seniprs D avid M orekn-bnd M atthew Sender speak vrith a rising senior about senior y e a h They inke tim e to review s e i^ m fe ^ e t ie m e s - ’k s Well as the e ^p ec ta tio i^,a iiip riv i leges that cime_ along w ith being a senior, w hile reminisc ing ftbent their mtres at Pfep:. '■
A ft D aniel Healy, '01, bprnks w ith k h fa n n e r G eom etry students, including senior Ra'John Raeford, nboal life after "Prep. D espite taking ■■S'ttfiMliisi- 'Mt- Healif has.fouiid the Unit! to ; ^ ti# g t^ ; :w'iilh students after the fin a l hell has rung, i
jgj Befyre departing fo r home, seniors Rashad Da v is and K enny B aei take tim e after school tn the P ip e }o}m Paul II Plaza to •'tot goodbye to one
1 .
nay. ^fk^m i^tlte'ye^ ep*
proaches,. tim es sp en t betw een students became ' scarce, especially fo r graduating seniors.
Abdur-Rahman, M uhammad 40 A bio J u le n 62, 64, 68, 70, 80, 83, 93 A breu,Joel 34, 111 A ddesso, A ngelo 4 0 ,1 1 2 Adillon, Miquel 34 Agbeyegbe, Omayemi 40 Albanese, John 34 A lbem , Ryan 46 Albers, Kevin 52, 100, 101, 102 Albers, Patrick 62 Alburtus, Connor 40 Alfred, Ryan 40 Alinson, Thelm a 102, 103 A llen, Marcus 40 Aloia, Dennis 34 Aloia, Kevin 34 Alston, Calvin 40 Alvarez, Joshua Rene 62, 73, 88 Ambrosio, John 34 Angermeyer, Janet 15, 52 Anglin, Dallas 34 Annetta, Rosemary 28, 52, 71, 147, 148 Antonio, Chadwick 34 Anzivino, Nicholas 34 Apicella, Matthew 34, 111 Aquila, George 40, 136 Aquino, Benedict 34 Aquino, Brandon 40 Arevalo, Ivan 34 Arias, M enelik 40 Arm anus, Alan 34 Armstrong, John 3, 46 Arrospide, Andrew 62 Arteaga, Arm and 34 Arteaga,Juan 52, 111, 172 Aston-Reese, Zachary 34, 124 Augustine, Mark 46 Auth, M ichael V.M . 62, 153, 159 Avallone, Robert 62, 124, 125 Azzarto, Anthony 19, 52, 152, 171, 174
Barry, Joshua 46, 146 Barry, Justin 46 Bates, Charles 19, 40 Baxter, Campbell 34 Beales, A edan 46 Beck, Curt 40 Beckmann, Paul 63, 93 Belisle, Jean-Michael 40 Bellido, Daniel 46, 112 Benavides, Cory 46, 121 Benavides, Ronald 28, 40, 120, 121 Bender, Matthew 9, 33, 63, 64, 74, 76, 80, 83, 93, 136, 139, 175 Benedict, Elizabeth 52
Benge, Michael 34 Berman, Lori 19, 52 Bernardo, Joseph 46 Berzak, Christian 34, 111 Biafore, Frank 34, 133 Bibera, Emil 34 Bilchuk, Nicholas 46, 124 Binder, Andrea 63 Blake, A nthony 63 Blanchfield, Benjamin 64, 65, 66, 79, 80, 87, 89, 167 Blauvelt, J am e s 64 Bleasdale, Jane 52 Blicharz, Michael 46 Boadu, Kofi 34, 111, 140 Bolejszo, Christopher 46, 127 Bolos, Daniel 64 Bonilla, Flavio 34 Bonilla, Sergio 34 Bonnet, Patrick 34 Borland, W illiam 40 Borsellino, Joseph Xavier 64, 138, 151 Bovich, Mark 40 Bovich, Jr., Lawrence T. 64, 86, 89, 92, 93, 136 Bowers, Chesley 46 Boyarko IV, Nicholas 40 Brabham, Kirk 46 Brachman-Goldstein, Bret 34 Brahmbhatt, A nand 19, 64, 65, 67, 78, 89, 93, 98, 144
Bacchus, Hitesh 34, 111 Badaracco, Victor 62, 121, 175 Baez, Kenny Antonio 63, 66, 68, 93, 138, 139 Baird, Ryan 34, 115 Bajuz, Michael 40, 153 Baldanza, Nicholas 34, 168 Balderacchi, Dale 46 Baranok, Christian Joseph 8, 63, 75, 81, 88, 93, 120, 121 Barbera, Elio 20, 63, 140 Bames, Tifari 40
176 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Bratowicz, Jr., John W. 64, 90 Braugher, Michael 46 Breckheimer, Adrian 34 Brennan, Conor 34 Brinas, Vincent 46, 89 Brito, Christopher 46 Broadbent, Alexander 65, 93 Brodowski, Andrew 34 Brodowski, Thom as 46 Brown, William 40 Bruno, Dominick 46 Buckley, Sean 65, 73, 140 Buckman, Joseph 46, 132, 133 Bujnowski, Eric 65, 69, 74, 76, 79, 81, 84, 87, 92, 93, 149, 159, 167 Bulay, Daniel 34 Bullaro, Robert 46 Bunn, Joseph 40 Burgess, Michael 83, 107 Burokas, David 52 Butko, Robert 34, 127 Butrym,Jan 100, 101 Buzzerio, Philip 46, 112 Buzzio, Ian Charles 65, 112, 113 Byram, Kevin 65 Byrne, Tyler 46
Cabrera, Austin 40 Cabrera, Edwin 34, 172 Calabrese, Jam es 46 Caldas, Vincent 46, 88 Callaghan, Andrew 34, 143 Camargo, Benjamin 65 Campion, John 5, 15, 52, 59, 69, 71, 85, 86, 140, 156 Campomanes, Franz 40 Campos, Jesus 34 Canale, Brendan Francis 33, 65, 70, 156, 164 Candela, Joseph Richard 16, 66, 164 Candela, Kyle 34 Canillas, J oseph 34 Cannarozzo, Anthony 34 Cannarozzo, Michael 34 Cannizzaro, Christopher 40, 131 Cappiello, Patrick Ralph 66, 86, 93, 133 Cardoz, Peter 40 Carmody, Richard 66 Carney, Patrick 34 Carney, Jr., M ichael 40 Carpenter, Christopher 34 Carrasco, Dante 34, 140 Carrillo, William 34 Carroll, Joseph 40 Carroll, N eil 5, 62, 66, 68, 78, 93, 145, 167, 173, 175 Casazza, Christopher 98, 99 Casazza, Diane M. 53 Casio, M ichael R ex Belocura 66, 93 Casio, R ex Gerard 40 Caslowitz, Steven 16, 52, 85, 154 Castaldo, Gerald 66, 93, 175 Castaneda, Miguel 34
Castro, Anthony 40 Caulfield, Chris 53, 115 Cavanagh, Colin 34 Cevasco, Kevin 46, 112 Charriez, Christopher 40 Chaudhri, Muhammad 66 Chee, Andrew 34 Chee, Nicholas 40, 148 C hem ez, Robert 34, 112 Chianca, M ichael Anthony 67, 71, 9 1 112
Chicas, Willy 46, 112, 133 Choe, Abraham 111 Chouza, Alvaro 46 Chowdhury, Alexander 40 Cianci, Thomas 67, 85, 92, 112, 140, Cicchino, Anthony 4 6 ,112 Ciesla, Kevin 34 Clappsy, Eric 34 Clarkin, Joseph 46 Clermont, Robinson 46 Cocciadiferro, Michael 34 Codog, Leo 46 Coe, James 53, 96, 97 Cofone, M ichael 34, 127 Cogott, Alexander 46 Colaneri, Andrew J. 5, 67, 71, 75, 8 ^ ÂŁ Cole, Sean 46 Colford, Liam Joseph 33, 67, 71, 151 Collins, Cecilia 8, 9, 70, 71, 94, 95, Collins, Jam es J. 5, 53, 97 Collins, Thomas 40 Colom, Francisco 34, 133 Colon, Evan 40 Colucci, Dante 34 Conley, Stephen Mark 67, 77, 78, 8J | | 85, 89, 93, 112, 148 Connor, Daniel 67 Constantine, Liam 34 Contey, M ichael 34, 111 Contey, Nicholas 35, 111 Conti, M ichael 67, 148, 154 Contreras, Oscar Jose 62, 68, 69, 75. 78, 81, 85, 93, 138, 139 Convery, Andrew 40
Corbin, Zane 35, 111 Corrado, Nicholas 35, 39 Cortez, Robert 68, 93 Cortinas, Roberto 40 Cosgrove, Kevin 40, 95 Costello, Matthew 46, 167 Costello III, Charles B. 28, 66, 68, i 89, 93, 140, 158 Cotter, Daniel 35 Coviello, James 20, 53, 140, 151, 15 Coxe, Edmund 40, 124, 125 Coyle, Patrick 35, 111 Crawford, Kevin 68, 69, 72, 83, 88,
kyton,Jared 35, 111 ^an, Robert 40 ktinon, W illiam 46, 146 bnmins, Patrick 46 istofolini, Lucas 35
Liz, Christopher 68 uz, Rafael 40 joz, Jr., Alan Saint 46 primings, Brian 170, 171 primings, Keith 46 immings, W illiam 46 pneen, Paul 20, 53, 86, 147 piningham, Jason 41 pningham, Kevin 41, 115 piningham, N ancy 98, 99 pola, Matthew 68 emiawski,Johnatan 35, 111 irbik, Michael 46 Irbik, Richard J. 68, 148, 154 tnola, Evan 46
Vgostino, Justin 46, 140 \m ato, Andrew 69, 93, 120, 121 imic, Elizabeth 12, 53 Jrso, Mario 41 fiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Maso, Gabriel Trinkel 69, 82, 93 jly, Ralph 46, 133 bdorph, Kenneth M. 11, 53, 73, 77, 191 I Iniskas, Yanni 35, 168 I bat, Christopher 35 ) (vis, Alexander 46 jvis, Corey 46 [(vis, Myles 41 I I I I
Ijvis, Rashad Malik 67, 69, 70, 82, 90, I 139, 155 Jjvis, W esley 69, 93 â&#x2013; A rm as, Steven 46 j [Angelo, James 94, 95, 136, 172 j I Castillo, Jerem y 35 Monte, Christopher 35, 133 laon, Dan Casey 69 Igado, Emmanuel 69, 167 fllabella, Alexander Jam es 63, 69, I [79 ! [Lorenzo, Carl S. 5, 20, 53, 84, 86, 0 147, 159 [Lorenzo, Zachary 41 [Marco, Joseph 35, 133 W [Marco, Matthew 127
D eM oya, M ichael 35 DeM uro, Daniel 35 DePaz, Luis 41 Derowski, Joseph 35 D e V oursney, Jam es 35 Diaz, A lexander 46, 117 Diaz, Marc Paolo 46 DiBrita, Salvatore 35, 127, 150, 151 DiCrisci, D avid 46 D iCroce, M ichael 46 Dietz, Christopher 46, 133 D im ino, M ichael 41 Dimitrey, A nthony 35 Dimitrey, Paul 47 D ineen, Jam es 53, 171 D ingcong, Ian 47 Distinti, Stephen 84, 86, 140 D obson, Alfred 47 Doherty, Liam 35, 107 Doherty, Mark 63, 65, 67, 69, 70, 80, 93, 112 Dolaghan, Brendan 47 Dombroski, Jacob 35, 168 D onahue, Ryan 47 Donaway, D aniel 47 D ondero, Jam es 19, 53 Donofrio, Andrew 41, 127, 152 Doran, M ichael 35, 111 Dougherty, John Patrick 70 Dougherty, Peter 15, 47 D oyle, Jam es 35, 124 D oyle, Jo h n 70, 93, 124, 125 Duffy, Kieran 35, 115 Durante, Mary 3, 94, 95 Dwyer, Jonathan B. 27, 53 Dwyer, Seamus 41
Eaton, Bonny 87 Eck, Gary 41 Egan, Patrick Joseph 33, 68, 70, 75, 86, 112, 164 Ehlers, Charles 35, 111 Ellard, Mark 41, 45, 127, 168 Ellett, Christian 47 Elo, H ugo 102, 103 Emanuele, W illie 70, 81, 83, 84, 89, 92, 93, 145, 150, 156 Enriquez, Sir R ichm ond 35, 133, 172 Epps, Ryan 35 Erbach, Tim othy 35
Errico, Matthew 35 Espinoza, Daniel A. 63, 70, 120, 121, 167 Evans, Gregory 23, 54, 86, 123, 152, 153 Evans, Michael 47 Evans, Sean 35
Falcon, D avid 41 Farley, Luke 47, 105, 112 Farrar, Malcolm 70 Feeney, Matthew 47 Feinstein, Joseph 47 Felipe, Erik 47 Fernandez, Christopher 68, 71, 77, 80, 88, 93, 140, 164 Fernandez, Jonathan 47, 89 Fernandez, Jose-Daniel 47
Fernandez, Peter 35, 133 Fernandez, Roger 41 Ferrara, Robert 41 Ferry, M ichael 35, 172 Finn, Mary 96, 97 Finn, Sean 24, 64, 71, 72, 75, 84, 93, 164 Fiume, Christopher Joseph 71, 90 Flanigan, Thom as 35 Flannery, Timothy 47 Fletcher, M ichael 27, 54 Flores, Justin 47, 112 Flores, M elinda 54 Fluellen, Chase 41 Flynn, John 47 Foley, Matthew 41 Foley IV, William P. 62, 65, 67, 71, 73, 89, 142, 143 Fong, William K ee 5, 71, 93, 124, 125, 142 Foord, Conrad Emil 71, 93 Ford, Catherine 100, 101 Forker, James 47, 140 Fournier, Richard 47 Fox,Jam es 41, 133 Franconeri, Brian 35, 111 Freeman, Colin 35 Freeman, Daniel 35 Fuente, Ronald James D e La Fumia, Michael 47 Fuqua, Ardley 47 Furlong, Robert D. 54, 161 Furmanek, Philip 35
Gabot, Kristian 35 Galano, Frederick 54, 70, 139, 158, 160, 175 Galasso, Nicholas 41 Galiszewski, Christopher 41 Gallardo, Travis 111 Ganapin HI, Delfin T. 71, 92, 151, 158, 159 Garber, Alexander 35, 36 Garcia, Sebastian Eduardo 72, 93 Garcia, A naJ. 24, 54, 84, 145 Gardner, Jam es 47 Gardner, Stephen 72, 124, 125 Gamer, Ian 28, 40, 41 Garrigan, Kevin 41 Garsia, Bryan Jason 47 Gaven, Brian Jeffrey 72, 124, 125 Gavin, SJ., Ken 170 Gaviria, Andrew 41 Gaviria, Ethan 72, 93 Geltrude, Michael 36, 127 Generoso, JulyJullian 47 Giacone, M ichael 36, 111 Giannone, William 41 Gil, Kael Enrique Alonso 72 Ginebra, Gabriel 41 Giordano, Frank 24, 54, 131, 142, 143 Giordano, Joseph 36, 124, 151 Giordano, Paul 41 Giraldo, Christian 36 Glackin, A nnie 87 Glass, Najee 36, 111 Glassen, Benjamin 47 Glazer, Ella 54, 149 Gleason, Conner 47, 123 Gomes, Anthony 3 6 ,115 Gomez, Chike 47 Gonzalez, Antonio 2, 36 Gonzalez, Daniel Francisco 72, 144,
Gonzalez, Paul 36 Gonzalez, Timothy 4 7 ,112 Gordon, Brendan 47 Gordon, Ryan 47, 131 Gorrell, James 36, 127 Gorski, Anthony 41 Gotay, Derek 41 Govem ale, Adam 47, 137, 171 Grant, Kevin 41
Index 177
Grapstul, Matthew 47, 123 Grasing, Jam ie 41 Greene, Jr., Daryl Xavier 72, 93, 138, 144 Gregory, Emmet Fitzgerald 73, 132, 133 Griffin, Eric 41 Griffin, Michael 73 Groark, Julie 15, 54, 91, 160 Grosch, Joseph 41, 133 Grosso, Philip 36 Grusenski, Ryan 24, 54, 137, 138, 140, 141, 155 Guadalupe, Kevin 41 Gualario, Grace 94 Guarini, Frankie 36, 133 Guerra-Sarreal, Justin 5, 73, 79, 81, 82, 93, 148, 158 Gutch, Jam es Alexander 64, 73, 93
Haber, Travis 41 Hackler, Geoffrey 47 Hahn, Christopher 36 Hajduk, Richard 68, 73, 86, 93, 121, 150, 164 Ham m ond,Jam eal 36, 111 Handsman, Kevin 73 Handy, Michael 73, 133 Hanna, Marc 47 Hansen, Daniel 74 Hansen, Richard 16, 54, 65, 82, 108 Hansen HI, Richard 55, 108 Hanson, Tyler 36 Harden, Conor 41 Harold, Jr., Eddie 47 Harrigan, T odd 41 Harris, Jeffrey 41 Harrold, J ames 155 Hart, Stephen 41 Hartling, Jeffrey 27, 55 Hartnett, Patrick 36, 39 Hartzell, Matthew 41 Hassan, Kazim 74 Hayes, Andrew 47, 112, 142 Healy, Brian 55, 150, 153, 159 Healy, Conor 41 Healy, Daniel 71, 96, 97, 117, 173, 175 Hector, A ngel 47 H ederm an,John G. 74, 93 H edley IV, William 36, 111 Heffeman, Ryan 8, 33, 55, 102, 130, 139, 167
178 Index
Helming, Zachary 47, 152 Henriquez, Lincoln 102 Henriquez, Nicholas 36 Heredia, Michael 74 Hernandez, Joseph Ramon 74 Hetherington, Michael 41 Heyer, Luke 36 Hladik, John 47 H o, Jerem y 41, 123 Hoffman, Bryan 36 Hollywood, James F. 55, 84 Holowienka, Matthew 41 Holt, Eric 8, 63, 64, 71, 72, 74, 77, 79 H ood, Christopher 62, 74, 75, 82, 84, 87, 93 Horan, James 94, 95 Huggins, Savon 41 Hughes, Khiry 41 Hurd, J o y Seth 79, 140, 145 Hwang, Debra 71, 85, 87 Hyacinthe, Ducarmel 48, 108
Kaczmar, Matthew 75 Kaczor, Matthew 48, 143 Kahle, Ryan 36 Kahrer, Michael 48 Kameno, Anthony Thomas 75 Katzman, Harrison 41 Kaufman, Jay 48 Kaufmann, John 48 Kearney, David 75 Kearney, Gregory 36 Kearns, Conor 41 Keams, Jam es 76 Kearns, Ryan 41 Keating, Anthony E. 20, 55, 91, 136, 145, 173 Kelley, Johnny 48 Kelly, Andrew D ean 76, 151, 158 Kelly, Daniel 36, 135
Ibarrola, Aaron Paul DeLuna 75, 171 Illera, Ruth 24, 55 Imus, Peter 36 Innis, Kevin 48, 133 Irvine, John 41 Irvine, John Mr. 96, 97 Izquierdo, Jose Antonio 65, 69, 73, 75, 80, 153
Jablonski, Eric 41 Jackson, Sequan 48 Jantas, Joshua 112, 113 Jarczewski, Patrick 36, 124, 127 Jasinski, Gabriel 36 Jiran, Michael 98, 99 Johnson, Shaquan 41 Johnson HI, Eddie Paul 75 Joll, Michael 36 Jones, Freddie 36, 111 Jordan, Joseph 41 Jorgensen, Evan 36, 88, 94, 159 Jorgensen, Nicholas J. 5, 24, 67, 74, 75, 85, 87, 88, 93, 155 Joskowitz, Aaron 36 Julian, Matthew 48
Render, William T heodore 76, 93, 154, 167 Kennedy, A lexander 41 Kennedy, Richard 2, 15, 55, 69, 71, 91, 101 Kenny, Eric 36 Kenny, Mark 36 Kerwin, James 41 Khan, A li 36 Khan, Furukh 36 Khan, Harris 76 Khan, Mohammed 63, 71, 76, 78, 85, 93 Khatri, Jigar R. 76 Khawaja, Zaen 48 Khilall, Daniel 36 Khost, Henry 41 Kickey, Jesse 48 Kiebus, Mitchell 65, 76, 93 Kiesow, Patrick 77, 164 Kijne, Jonathan 48 Kilroy, John 2 7 ,5 5 ,8 0 King, Jr., Edward 41 Kitamura, Gabriel 27, 48 Klim, Megan 16, 55, 70, 85, 148 Kluepfel, John 36 Knittel, Erin 12, 55, 89, 160 Kohles, Jr., Gregory J. 77, 93, 109 Kokosinski, Candy 55 Kolodka, Parker 48 Korfmacher, Joseph 56 Kovach, Tyler 23, 36, 127
Kowalczyk,Jay 64, 76, 77, 79, 87, 111 121, 175 Kozinski, Lucas 69, 77 Krai, Jonathan 36 Kuklinski, James 48, 155 K untz,John 48 Kurasz, Michael 48 Kushnir,Jake 48 Kushnir, M ichael 66, 70, 75, 77, 83, I I 93, 168, 175
La Rosa, Zachary 41 LaBarbera, Joseph 48 LaBau, Matthew 42 Lagerstrom, David F. 28, 56 Lama, Pema 16, 36, 115 Lancellotti, James 42, 133 Lanning, Francesca 98, 99 Lanning, Zachary 48, 51 Lanzellotti, Dominick 48, 156 LaPiana, Jose L. 62, 72, 77, 78, 83, Laracy, Brendan 56, 139 Larkin, Kevin 36, 115 Larwa, Alexander 42 Latif, Faisal 48 Lauretta, Giovanni 36 Lavin, Matthew 48 Lavin, M ichael 37 Lawrence, Eric 42 Leadbeater, John 48 Lee, Andrew 48 Lenahan, Nelson Augustus 77, 123, Lenz, Timothy 37 Leo, Nathan 37, 124, 150, 151 Lesce, Daniel 42 Li, Kevin 37, 146, 149, 152
Liccardo, Robert 48 Lillis, Kyle 48, 131, 153 Lin,Jiahao 78 Linkus, Alexander 42, 124 Lioi, Mark 48 Lipyanka, David 48 Livi, Christian 42, 44 Livi, Joseph 64, 68, 70, 74, 78, 92, 9M 106, 128 LiVolsi, Peter 42, 43 Ldzza, David 42, 137 Lizza, Michael 37, 127, 146 Llanos, Daniel 42 LoBue, Daniel 124
fioCasio, Lucas 37,111 Locricchio, Anthony 16, 56 Locricchio, Maryphyllis 94, 95 Lombardi, Carmine 37 Londono, Daniel 62, 69, 74, 76, 78, 144, 145 ijong, A lex 48 Long, Conor 37 jjong, Dennis 37, 111 jxmga, Dane 42 [x>ngo, David 48 Lopera, Joseph M ichael 78, 145 Lopes, Matthew 4 2 ,1 1 5 Jxjpez HI, Enrique 48 Ijjotfalla, Mark 77, 78 Lotfalla, M eenas 37 Lotfalla, Michael 42 Lucignano, Nicholas 78 J u g o , James Victor 78 ■Lumpkin, Jr., Keith 42 pupo, Alexander 79, 93, 120, 121, [35, 167 jusara, Bryan 42 Luzgin, Dimitri 42, 152 jyons, Daniel 101 Lyons, M ichael 56, 144, 145, 150, 151
Jlaini, Joseph 33, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 79, 84, 86, 88, 93, 140, 164 ftlaione, Joseph 124 alaleckis, Arlandas 37 [Malik, Omair 48 ftlallardi, Stephen 48 lllalloy, Conor 37 Ikally, Siddarth 37 Maly, Sean 79, 93 llanente, Antonio John 79 llanente, Vito 48 Mangerere, Clive 79, 93, 107 Aangold, Ethan 37 Aangone, Nicholas 48 ilanley, Christopher 37, 155 Hanley, John James 66, 69, 72, 79, 83, (8, 124, 125, 173 Manning, Tevin 48 Manning, Timothy 42 Mantilla, Mario 79 tfarciniak, Wyatt 37, 111 Marco, Matthew D e 46 karkey, Kyle 37, 111 (larks, Timothy 37, 111 Martineau, Janice 56, 156, 157 Martinez, M oses 80, 92, 153, 167 Martinez, Omar 63, 77, 80, 82, 93 Martinez, Ronald 42 Martino, Paul Anthony 80, 93 Martucci, M ichael 48 Marulanda, Anthony 80, 90, 158 Maruri, Peter 42 Mathers, Christopher 37 Matoke, Brian 37 Matus, Joshua 37
I Mays, Tamarick 37,1 1 1 M azo, Patrick 37 M azo m , Rodolfo 42 Mazzari, Matthew 48, 137, 156 M cC abe, Brian 63 M cCabe, D iane 100, 101 M cCann, Gary 48 M cCann, Gerald 107 McCarthy, C onor 42, 159 McCarthy, Jonathan 49 McCarthy, M ichael 27, 56, 152 McElroy, Mary A nne 56, 62, 142 McFarland, Robert W illiam 2, 31, 80, 93, 153, 168 M cG ee, M ichael 37, 111 M cGovern, Edward 42 M cGovern, Philip 42 McKeary, Ryan Joseph 20, 80
M cM anus, Tim othy 4 2 ,1 1 5 M cM onagle, Peter 37 M cNally, A lice 14, 56, 88 M cNamara, Colin 37 M cNamara, Kieran 49 M cN eil, Robert 102 McNulty, Jack 37 McQuillan, Thom as 127 M cTiem an, Bryan 24, 63, 64, 74, 80, 81, 112, 175 Medina, Anthony 64, 67, 71, 79, 81, 89, 93, 167 Medina, Ryan 37, 89, 96, 111 M eehan, W illiam 42 Meliado, Christopher 80, 81, 85, 93, 105 Menafro, Anthony 2, 37 M enendez, J o el 37 Merentie, Giovani 42 M emar, Andrew Robert 81, 93 M emar, Tim othy 33, 49, 97 M etcalfe, C onnor 49 M euse, Kevin Francis 81, 159 Mielczarek, Jason 42 M iesemer, M axwell 42, 112 Miles, Joseph 37 Milito, Leo 42 Minerley, R eece 49, 147 Minervini, M ichael 42, 124 Miselis, Matthew 37 Miskura, Robert 37, 127 M odi, Jason 81, 86, 93 M oloughney, Vincent 42 M onaco, Martin 37 M onaco, Tyler 111 Montalvan, Elliott 49
Montanez, Angel L. 56 Montanez, Nicholas 42 M ontemayor, John Paul 81, 143 Monti, John-Carlo 49 M oorhead, Richard 37, 111 Moran, Patrick 49 Moreira, David Antonio 81, 164 Moriarty, Kenan 49 Moriarty, Kevin 42, 115 Morris, John 72, 76, 96, 97, 136 Morrison HI, Richard Edward 82 Mosa, A lexander Abraham 20, 68, 82, 93 M oschovas, Matthew 37, 111 Mozumder, Sushanta 73, 80, 82 Mueller, John 37, 115 Mull an, Jaim e 100, 101 M ullane, Kevin 148 Mullin, John 2, 19, 56, 141, 171 Mullins, Robert 42 Mullman, Matthew 82, 93, 140, 150, 151, 168 Murduca, James V. 62, 77, 80, 82, 84, 93 Murphy, Matthew 49, 133 Murphy, Nicholas 42, 115 Murphy, Patrick 124 Murrell, Steffan 42, 44 Musarra, Christopher 49
Nadolny, Michael 71, 82, 86, 93, 167 Nakar, Julian A lexande 49 Napier, Mark 42 N apoleon, Brandon 37, 111 Nassar, Amir 37, 115 Naughton, John A . 82 Nazarenko, Daniel 42 N eedham -Doyle, Ginny 98 Neira, Tyler 37 N elson, Terrance 83 Netchert, Lucas 66, 70, 82, 83, 93, 145, 148, 152, 153, 164, 171 Ng, Jonathan 83, 93 N go, Bao 68, 82, 83 N guyen, Quang 42 N guyen, Ryan 37, 133 Niemczyk, Robert 49, 140 Nieves, A ngel 37 Niscia, Justin 49, 127 N odine, Robert 100, 101 Nolan, James 37
Norton, M ichael 37 Norton, Patrick 37, 127, 168 Norton, Ryan 2, 37, 127 Numan, Mohammad 37 Nunez, Christopher 28, 57, 111 Nyitray, Michael 37
O ’Brien, Connor 37 O ’Brien, Joseph 37 O ’Connor, Colin Arthur 66, 75, 76, 83, 92, 93, 136, 167, 168 O ’Connor, Richard 83, 129, 144, 145 O ’D onnell, Brian 42 O ’D onnell, Terrance 49 O ’Hare, Robert 23, 57, 135, 158, 159, 171 O ’Leary, C onor 42 Oliver, Nyshier 83, 93, 108 Oquendo, Joel 84, 90, 129, 174 Orama, J oseph 42 Ormiston, Dillon 49 Ortiz, Edwin 49 Ortiz, Jason 37 Ortiz, Raphael 49, 88 Oryshkevych, Adrian 56, 84, 91, 115, 140 Oyola, Bryan 42
Padre, Francis 42 Pafumi, Anthony John Page, John 42 Paltos, Scott 70 Panageas, Patrick 42
37, 111, 132, 133
Pannella, Cody 84 Panzera, Theresa A . 57, 136 Pappaceno, Paul 42 Pardasani, Mohnish 37 Pardo, Darren 49 Pardo, Raymond 49 Pardo, Richard 37 Park, David 49, 89, 155 Pasculli, Anthony 124
A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition 179
Patel, N eil Rasik 11, 71, 76, 78, 84, 88, 93, 97, 151, 173 Patel, SwetalJ. 69, 73, 74, 77, 84, 93, 144, 146, 147, 152, 160 Paternoster, Paul 69, 84 Patton, A bel Nchumthung 84, 112 Paulsen, Peter 84, 167 Payne, Douglas 42 Pearson, Sean 85 Pena, Jonathan 49 Perez, Alexander 49 Perez, A ngel 42 Perez, Daniel 37, 42, 124 Perez, Joseph 85 Perez, Justin 85 Pestana, Frank 49, 133 Pestana, John 38 Peters, Richard 57 Philibert, Scott 38 Pilovsky, Anthony 38 Pilovsky, William 49 Pindar, Patrick 49, 124 Pinzon, Giordan 38, 111 Polanin, M ichael 42 Porter, Matthew 49 Prieto, Matthew 38 Purcell, Ryan 49 Putman, Dashawn 38, 111, 128
57, 132 Quintas, James 42 Quispe, Johnny Jacob 85
Rabiecki, Gregory 38 Rabiecki, Patrick 49, 140 Rader, Andrew Lawrence 85, 139, 154 Raeford, R a jo h n 71, 85, 93, 175 Rafi, N om an 42 Raithatha, Sunny 49, 120, 121 Ramdat, Michael 42 Ramirez, Carmelo 102, 103 Ramos,Jonathan 38, 111 Rana, Tyler 38 Rasmusson, Christian 38 Raulli, Enrico 15, 57 Reaves, Aaron 38, 128 Reiser, Robert 94, 153, 171 Reiss, Robert 111 Restrepo, Justin 85, 148 Reyes, Gilberto 38 Reynolds, Philip 67, 77, 79, 86 Reynolds, William 43 Reynoso, Angel A . 86, 93
Rozano, Samuel 38, 127 Ruane, Kevin 43 Rubinstein, Natasha 96, 97 Rubinstein, Yetunde Daniels 19, 58 Rudin, Marcel 38 Rudner, Christian 70, 102, 103 Rufolo, M ichael 43 Ruiz, D evin 43, 133 Rutkowski, Anthony 49, 121 Ryan, Sean 43, 87, 93, 135, 142, 159 Ryan, William 43
Riaz, Essa 49, 50 Riaz, Saad 49 Ricchiuto, Dom inick 38, 111 Ricciardi, Kevin 43 Rice, Joseph 49 Richardson, Alexander 38, 132, 133 Richert, William 154, 155 Ricigliano, M ichael 86 Rinaldi, Anthony 38 Ritter, Blake 38 Rivas, Mark 49 Rivas, Ronaldo 38 Rivera, Adrian 49, 133 Rivera, Daniel A ngel 76, 78, 83, 86, 87 Rivera, Darren 49, 135 Rivera, Erica 57 Rivera, R enee 98, 99 Rivers, D ean 38 Rizzo, Michael 49 Roake, Matthew 49 Roberts, Ronald 49 R obinson, Charles B. 28, 57 R obinson, Kyle 33, 49, 124 Rodgers, Michael J. 16, 86, 93 Rodrigues, Renato 49 Rodriguez, Gustavo 86, 93 Rodriguez, Henry 86, 143 Rogacki, Alexander 38 Rogers, Diovante Aaron 38, 111 Roldan, John 49 Roldan, Jordan 57, 138, 143, 145 Roman, Daniel 38 Roman, Pyke 102, 103 Romano, John Michael 38 Romano, Rosalie 24, 57, 141 Rom eo, Sean 38 Rosado, Jr., Jose 43 Roselle, Edward 111 Rosenberg, Jason 87, 93 Rosso, Christian 43 Rothenberg, Dylan 38 Rotondo, Dominick 43, 89 Rousso, Justin 43 Rowan, Kathleen 58, 157 Roy, Nikko 49 Royster, Sheldon 43, 128
180 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
Saa, Andrew 87, 93, 112 Saad, Pavly 38, 172 Sabater, Anthony 96 Sabater, Philippe 49 Sabbers, William 3 8 ,115 Sachanandani, Krishna 43 Saleem, Hassan 49 Salerno, Michael 38 Salzman, Nathaniel 6, 86, 87, 151, 152, 159 Sambade, D avid A . 67, 73, 87, 90, 93, 160, 161 Samin, Lorenzo 43
Sanchez, Christian 87 Sankat, Christopher 49, 133 Santana, Alejandro 38 Santana, Rickie 49 Santos, Shelly 58, 65, 96, 97 Santos, Victor 58 Santuccio IE, Salvatore Lloyd 87, 93 Sarmiento, Tyler 38 Savitsky, Christopher 49, 124 Sawh, Arvind 102, 103 Scannapieco, Matthew 12, 58, 137 Schaefer, Jr., Eric 49 Schaeffer, Tyler 43 Schmidt, Christian 38, 111 Schreiber, Nicholas 43 Schumann, Stephen 38 Scianni, Angelo 49 Scibilia, D ominic P. 58 Scott, Conor Liam 67, 71, 88, 93 Scott, Joseph 38 Seara, Daniel 49 Sedlacko, Victor 38, 149 Sekel, Erich 58, 62, 69, 91, 138, 139, 140, 145 Selecky, Jerem y 49
Senerchia, Vincent 43, 124 Serkin, Travis 43 Serzan, John 43, 112 Sese, Richard Andrew 88, 93 Settembrino, Michael 23, 58 Shah, Aakash 38 Shapskinsky, Blake 43 Sheppard, Maureen 96, 97 Shields, Brian 88 Short, Daniel 88 Shovlin, James 49, 95 Shutterly, Frederic 38 Siebel III, Peter 43, 127 Simmons, Malik 38 Simone, Matthew D e 46 Simson, William 38, 111, 124 Singleton, Boreta 58, 155
Singleton, Dwayne 38, 111, 128 Siocha, Mark 88 Sisk, M ichael 50 Sisti, Joseph 50 Skircak, Michael 43 Slaski, Kenneth 24, 88, 158 Slaski, Robert 38 Smith, A lexander 43,115 Smith, Andrew 88, 175 Smith, Kenneth M. 89, 109 Smith, N yugen E. 5, 58, 149 Smith, Ryan 50 Smythe, Daniel 43 Soares, Jr., Rui Wilfredo 89, 133, 174lj Sobsey, Daniel 89, 142 Solt, Dylan 8 7 ,8 9 ,9 3 Soscia, Nicholas 43 Spivack, Jonathan 50, 133 Stamps, Tyrone O. 89, 157, 160 Stark, Erin 58, 147 Steppenbeck, Marie 96, 97 Stickno, Alan 50 Stortz, Corin 38, 127 Stoveken, Andrew 43 Stracquatanio, Benjamin 50, 51, 106 H Styles, Craig 66, 74, 76, 86, 89, 93, I'M Suarez, Damian 38 Suarez, Nicholas 63, 66, 68, 71, 81, 8速 89, 93 Subol, Christian Robert 90, 93, 143 I Sukovich, Jeffrey 43 Sulima, Kelvin 38 Sullivan, Derm ot 38 Sullivan, Louis 90, 93, 137, 154, 155, H 156, 161 Sullivan, Sean 38 Summerville, Malik 38, 111 Supple, Jacquelyn 94, 95 Sutton, Ow en 20, 38 Suarez, Hilda Doris 58, 146 Svercauski, Ian 90, 175
Vaznelis, Vytas 12, 59, 161 Vazquez, Nicolas 50 V ega, Jorge 39 Velasquez, Juan Carlos 91, 93, 133 Venditti, Luke 39, 111 Verano, N eil 50 Verdi, A nthony 20, 59, 132 V esey ,J o e 111 V esey, Joseph 43 Vicuna, Jam eson 91, 9 3 ,1 3 9 ,1 5 4 Villarosa, Joseph 39 Villavicencio, Michael 50
Swab, M ichael 43 jSweeney, Owen 90 kylvester, James 43, 115, 153 Bzumski, Henry 43, 115
[lady, Jr., Regidor 43 [Iaglieri, Christopher 50 [faite, Luca 43, 168 ITanyag, Lowell Thom as Lisondra B4, 87, 90, 130, 143, 167 jrarabay, T ony 43 fchao, Justin 90, 93 Tejeda, R oco 102 jrerry, David 90, 93, 151 i jreschlog, Kenneth 117 (Thelma, Sister 102 [Thomas, Denzell 43 [Thomas, Jarid 38 [Thomson, Frank 73 [Thomson, Ian 38, 127 piom ton, Ryan 38 pintle, Patrick 43, 123 Folentino, Kevin 50 [Torres, A ym ee 59 [Torres, Sergio 50 frimm, Maxwell 6, 91 Crowell, Demetrious 102 WTuites, Kevin 50 fully, Liam 43 fulp, Thomas 50, 140, 172 turf an, Brendan 38 Turner, M ichael 38 Tursi, Frances 28, 59, 140, 148
Walker, Kevin 44 Walsh, Elizabeth 98, 99 Walter, Joseph 39 Walter, Kenneth 50 Warner, Nicholas 50, 128
jlllloa, Salvador 43, 131 IJllrich, Ryan 38 fmana, Alexander 38 Irbanovich, Joseph 23, 59, 87 frbina, Kristian-Neil 50
Yacker, Evan 92, 142 Yager, Michael 50 Yang, Alexander 27, 50, 143 Yasneski, Stephen 92 Yearwood, Darius 39 Yllanes, Ranieri 82, 92 Yu, A lexander F. 82, 92, 93
Zadroga,John 50, 131 Zajac, Justin 50 Zan, M ohamm ad 50 Zappulla, Brian 6, 92, 143, 147 Zarichnyj, Joshua Michael 65, 70, 74, 81, 82, 86, 88, 92, 93, 140, 161 Zatta, Mark 44, 112, 115 Zawistowski, Robert 121 Zdanowicz, Kevin 50, 127 Zebrowski, Eric 50, 120, 121
W ashington, Oramel 102 W ebb, Jam al 102 W eb b ,Joh n 102 W eening, Charles 39 W einberg, T heodore 50 W erner, Jam es 44, 152 W helply HI, Frederick Grant 91 Whitford, Brendan 127 Whyatt, Stephon 44 W iggins, Conor 44, 45 W ilkes, Khalil 65, 83, 91, 93, 164 W ilkes, W illiam 108 Wilkins, A nthony 50 William, Andrew 39 W illiams, A lexander 39, 111 W illiams, Kellen 23, 59, 68, 111, 144 Williams, Keon 39, 111 W intem heimer, Dalton 39 W ong, Jonathan 16, 61, 73, 91, 93, 96, 154 W oods, Matthew 50, 89, 112 W ozniak, J oseph 39 Wright, M ichael 50, 127 Wright, Jr., Dw ayne 50 W yville, Graham 44
-jaldelamar, Sean-Paul 43 I f aides, Mario 38 lfalentin, Gil 91, 93 Ifalentinsson, M ichael 50 Ijalero, Cesar 39 ||alon is, John 43
Index 181
0 / 1#I Q Editor-in-Chief
David Sambade
Assoc. Editor-in-Chief
Joshua Zarichnyj
Copy Editor
Swetal Patel Anand Brahmbhatt
Managing Editor
Conor Scott
Managing Editor Administrative Editor Advisor
Mr. Robert Furlong Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
Special Thanks: Richard Sese, ’09, for providing original artwork for the first page of the book; Mr. Mark Wyville, ’76, for providing much-needed photos and advise to the staff; Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, for providing us with class lists and student schedules; Parents of Prep students, for provid ing JV and Freshman sport pictures; Ms. Grace Gualario, for helping us out in any way possible; Mr. Daniel Healy, ’01, for arranging the senior class picture; and to everyone not mentioned here who helped us out. Photographer Bylines chocx2: N eil Patel, *09 Sconor: C onor Scott, ’09 Joker: Joshua Zarichnyj, ’09 SAD: D avid Sam bade, ’09 MJJ: Mr. M ichael Jiran, ’03 FinnS: Sean Finn, ’09 LiVolsiP: Peter LiVolsi, *11 bigfYu: A lexander Y u, ’09 IzquierdoJ: J o se Izquierdo, ’09 GarciaA: Ms. A na Garcia L ondonoD: D aniel L ondono, ’09 Wyville: Mr. Mark W yville, ’76 D L Livi: Father o f Josep h Livi, *09
Allen: Marcus A llen, ’11 AzzartoA: Fr. A nthony Azzarto, S J. Zatta: Family o f Mark Zatta, ’11 M euse: Family o f Kevin M euse, ’09 Dpyle: M other o f John, ’09, and Jam es, ’12, D oyle M cM ahon: Family o f Justin M cM ahon, ’ 11 VerdiA: Mr. A nthony Verdi, ’95 xan2d: A nand Brahmbhatt, ’09 RomanoR: Ms. Rosalie R om ano ReiserR: Fr. Robert Reiser, SJ. ’Scuse: Swetal Patel, ’09 GrantK: Kevin Grant, ’11 TulpT: T hom as T ulp, ’10
‘Welcome to the wall,
It looks like he’s taking something somewhere.
“10-14-2008: N e il F ails D riv in g T e st. FYI: No one cares that you passed the second time!!!” 'Sweet Merciful Cr
“How do you spell ‘paid’... I have it here spelled ‘p-a-y-e-d,’ but spell check is saying I’m wrong.”
“Anand, you’re pregnant?!”
“Looks like we have a Pluto situation.”
“Since I joined this shindig, my nerves have been shot... I flinch at everything.”
“Well, is the blanket nice?” “I swear if he goes for that chair I’ll lunge at him.”
“You know what this tie needs? A neon-yellow band with a black line going through the middle.”
“What’s the theme of our theme?”
“Did you bring your stuff home with me?”
“Was that a dramatic exit or what?”
“I might just throw something at you one of these days.”
“Neil, can you stop fondling my collar?”
182 2009 Petrean Staff Page
The creation of the 2009 Petrean was a long and complicated process; now that it has been com pleted, there are many people that I must thank for making this production possible (and for having made the process run as smoothly as possible.) I must begin by thanking Josh Zarichnyj and Swetal Patel, the Associate Editor-in-Chief and Copy Editor, respectively. Without their tremen dous amount of work and dedication, there is no way in which this book could have been produced in its resulting capacity. Their responses to callings that extended far beyond their assigned duties are, in retrospect, astonishing. I truly appreciate all that you guys did; I am glad with all the moments we spent together and humbled by your tolerance of me. Additionally, I must thank Managing Editors Anand Brahmbhatt and Conor Scott, who ensured that articles, pictures, and other contributions, were submitted on time to allow for effective production of this book. I would also like to thank all members of the Prep faculty and administration, especially: Ms. Rosemary Annetta, Fr. Anthony Azzarto, SJ., Mr. John Campion, Mr. Christopher Caulfield, Mr. Ryan Grusenski, Mr. Ryan Heffeman, Mr. John Kilroy, Mr. Brendan Laracy, Mr. Michael Lyons, Fr. John Mullin, SJ., Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych, and Mr. Jordan Roldan, for contributing articles; Mr. Michael Jiran, Ms. Rosalie Romano, and Mr. Mark Wyville, for contributing pictures; Fr. Robert O’Hare, SJ., for all his help with the senior class photo and moral support; Ms. Cecilia Collins, Ms. Grace Gualario, Mr. Ryan Heffeman, and Ms. Jac quelyn Supple for all their administrative assistance; Ms. Erica Rivera and all sports coaches for their as sistance in completing the Athletics section; and all club moderators for their assistance in completing the Activities section. Certainly, it would have been impossible to take part in the creation of this yearbook without the support and assistance of my Mom and Dad. Thank you for waiting in the car, for taking me to buy dif ferent materials, for waking me up to get to school early on a Saturday moming-I love you a lot. Lastly, I have to thank moderators Mr. Robert Furlong and Mr. Vytas Vaznelis, without whom ed iting tasks and management would have been much more difficult. I appreciate their support in creating a new type of book this year, a book that will hope fully serve as a reminder of four great years spent at Prep as brothers continuing a tradition.
it* A
Thanks, David A. Sambade Editor- in-Chief 12:23 a.m. on M a y 3, 2 0 0 9 in H -2 0 2 A W e a p p r e c ia te d th e firew o rk s...
184 A Brotherhood Shaped by Tradition
C o lo ph o n T h e 2009 P e t r e a n , V o lu m e LXXXVII, w as p r o d u c e d b y t h e y e a r b o o k S a in t P e t er ' s P r e p a r a t o r y S c h o o l in J e r s ey C it y , N ew J ersey , AND WAS PRINTED BY HERFF JONES, IN C ., IN GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. s ta ff a t
T h e a c c o u n t w as s e r v ic e d b y sa les r e p r e s e n t a t iv e E llen St a h l i a n d CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSOCIATE LlNDA M a USS. T h e COVER WAS DESIGNED BY D a v id A. S a m b a d e , J o s h u a M. Z a r ic h n y j , S w eta l J. Pa t e l , a n d C o n o r L. S c o t t , a n d in c o r p o r a t e d c u s t o m e m b o s s e d w il d b o a r g r a in w it h A DEEP BURGUNDY BASE AND PALE GOLD-GOLD SEAL. THE 2009 PETREAN IS S m yth sew n , ro u n d e d a n d b a ck e d . T h e b o o k 's 184 pages a re p rin te d o n B o rd e a u x S p e c ia l 100# , t rip le -c o a t e d e n a m e l p ap er s to c k . O ut OF 184 PAGES, 65 PAGES WERE PRINTED IN THE FOUR-COLOR PROCESS WITH PROCESS SPOT BACKGROUNDS. ALL BODY AND PAGE NUMBERS ARE IN A t 11 B a s k e r v il l e R e g u la r 10 p o in t ; c a p t io n c o p y is A H J Pa l l a d io it a l ic 8 POINT; PHOTO CREDITS AND BYLINES ARE IN A H J BELLOWS 6 POINT; HEAD LINES a re in A H J C h e lte n h a m 3 7 p o in t; d iv id e r t it le s a re in A H J O p u s B o ld 100 p o in t; s e c tio n id s a re in A H J P a lla d io 10 p o in t. L a y o u ts w eRe su b m itte d t o th e p la n t v ia w w w .y e a rb o o k s.b iz. T h e e n tire 2009 P e tre a n w as co m p le te d w ith th e A d o b e In D e s ig n
CS3 p ro g ra m
f o u r s ta n d a rd W in d o w s P C s a n d o n e L a p to p P C ru n n in g W in d o w s
XP in th e P o g g i P u b lic a tio n s C e n te r, H -2 0 2 A . M o s t p h o to g ra p h s w e re ta k e n u s in g th re e C a n o n d ig it a l ca m e ra s o r th e p e rs o n a l cam e ra s o f y e a rb o o k p h o to g ra p h e rs . P ro fe s s io n a l p o r t r a it s w e re p ro v id e d by D a v is S tu d io o f M a m a ro n e k a n d S ta te n Is la n d , N ew Y o rk . P ro fe s s io n a l p h o to g ra p h y w as p ro v id e d by M a rk W y v ille , '7 6 . T h e p re ss ru n f o r th e 2009 P e tre a n w as 1,10 0 co p ie s a t a c o s t o f ap p ro x im a te ly $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 . T h e B o o k w as fin a n c e d e n tire ly by c o n trib u -, t io n s fro m th e s c h o o l. T h e b o o k s w e re d e liv e re d d u rin g th e se c o n d " w eek o f M a y 2009. S p e c ia l th a n k s fro m th e s t a ff t o F r. R o b e rt E. R e is e r, S .J., Jam es C . D e A n g e lo , '8 5 , Jam es H o ra n , '7 0 , G in n y N eedh a m
M a ry F in n , G ra c e G u a la r io , Ja c q u e ly n S upple, M a ry
D u ra n te , C e c ilia C o llin s , R y a n H e ffe rn a n , E ric h S e k e l, '9 8 , M ic h a e l JiH an , '0 3 , D a n ie l H e a ly , ’0 1, C h ris t ia n R u d n e r, Jo h n Irv in e , '8 3 , F r. Jo h n M u llin , S .J., M a ry p h y llis L o c ric c h io , F r. R o b e rt O 'H a re , S.J., M a rk W y v ille , '7 6 , D a n L y o n s, E rin S ta rk , E ric a R iv e ra , a n d a ll c lu b m o d e ra to rs a n d team c o a c h e s.