Table of Contents
Introductions and Opening Student Life....................... Athletics Campus Ministry Academics....... Faculty Seniors Underclassmen Index..............
M a n y say that the four years spent in high school are
atmosphere extends beyond the classrooms. I can't express ho
perhaps the most formative years of one's life. I am now certain
many times I've been a p p ro a c h e d by an alumnus or relative of
that Saint Peter's Prep w a s the best p la ce for me to spend those
student walking around the city, or the beach, or even in oth
four years. I w a s very tentative about attending Saint Peter's and I
states w earing a Prep shirt or sweatshirt. It's a wonderful feeling,
hadn't truly considered
makes me feel that I am taken ca re of and respected, simp
at first. But after my visit as a
Freshman for a day, I witnessed the brotherhood and vibrancy that pervaded the school; I knew that I w a s called to be a part of this community. set of challenges.
Prep has becom e a second home to me and I honesl enjoy going to school each day. M y experiences and memori*
As a student of Saint Peter's Prep you are thrust into an entirely new
because I chose Saint Peter's Prep as my high school.
I w as
to take
have shaped w h o I am now and w h o I will becom e. Prep h< rooted me in friendships, in my faith, and in the future. I ha'
transportation, witnessing the PATfd and all its glory. There w ere
m ade lifelong friends in four short years and my faith has grov
many responsibilities I need ed to a c ce p t while attending a high
stronger through the enriching experience of a Jesuit education.
school in an urban setting. These factors and many more are w hat
I look to the future knowing I com e from strong roots as
make Prep so unique. There are numerous excellent high schools
member of the Prep community. As a Senior I have found time
in N e w Jerse y that are aca d em ica lly challenging. Prep is also not
reflect on my experience, and I am proud of every aspect
the only school that sports a competitive athletic program. I have
Saint Peter's Prep; but I have found that the Prep family has he
found that it is the brotherhood itself which makes Prep so special.
the strongest impact on me as a person. M y foundation is Sai
There is definitely something special about being a part of the
Peter's Prep and I look to the challenges that I will face in tF
Prep family, and this community is very diverse. For the first time in
coming years; but I know Prep has prepared me well. I wish
my life I could say I have friends all around the state. Being able
could have given more as thanks now, but I am certain one day
to experience that type of extensive community is very enriching. I
will find the right w a y
have definitely b roadened my horizons at Prep, and the family
indescribable family.
Taking Root
to give
back to this incredible ar
and Branching Out I know by now this m ay sound cliche, but Prep is not a >lace you go to, it's w here you go from. These w ords w ere, of
you ventured into new a re a s and thought of new ideas and did something you never dream ed of doing.
ourse, said back in my freshman ye a r by Fr. G r e g Bo yle of
Honestly, I joined the ye a rb o o k staff this ye a r to make
fom eboy Industries in Los Angeles. Sure, it sounds overused, but
some sort of difference in the school. Four years a g o I never
's very accurate. I know Prep has given me the tools to branch
w ould have thought about joining, let alone writing this today.
ut and be successful in all aspects of life. W h a t do es it mean to
It's all about new experiences and different things and a new
ranch out? For Prep, it means to live the G r a d at G r a d every
w a y of thinking. W h e n our ye a rb o o k lab w a s destroyed from
ngle d a y of your life. It means to be religious, to find G o d in all
Hurricane Sand y, w e w e re devastated. O u r deadlines b ecam e
rings, or to have examined yourself and have a relationship with
closer and closer w hile no work could get done. W e met with
our community. It means to love, to respect the w h ole person
our adviser and the publisher's representative and w e w ere
nd to love your w hole self. It means to be open to growth, to be
a b le to discuss the issues and solve them. O f course the staff
rilling to do new things, to have the co u ra g e to leave your
w a s nervous, but w e never g a v e up. That's w hat branching out
omfort zone. It means to be committed to justice, to do the right
is, using tools w e have learned and using them for the real
ling and shine light on the darkness of life. And of course it
leans to be intellectually competent, to be a w ell rounded
I think my m essage here is to le ave your comfort zone, try
erson w ho has gotten a w ell rounded education. I know you
new things, and experience life the w a y it w a s meant to be
id something at Prep you never w ould have do ne on your own.
experienced. G o from Prep, and use your new tools to branch
you say differently, you're a liar. W h e th e r you liked it or not,
Faculty Introduction The thirteenth chapter of M atth ew 's gospel begins with one o
t .
the better-known parab les of Jesus' ministry, the Parable of the So w er. In it, Jesus describes various experiences of receiving G o d ': w ord and related responses exhibited in the lives of wom en anc men. As w e know from the parab le, the sower goes out and scatter: his seed, and some falls on poor ground and withers. Other seec falls on thorny ground and is strangled, and still other seed falls or shallow ground and is burned up. Yet as the eighth verse remind: us, "Som e seed fell on g o o d soil, w here it produced a crop - d hundred, sixty or thirty times w hat w a s sown." Throughout our lives we
to respond
to hear
G o d 's
w ord
to it. The most variable
part in this is
ourselves. G o d 's w ord is delivered for all to hear; that does nol change. H ow ever, some are a b le to respond more fully than others.
All of this, as p arab le indicates, is b ased on our situations, our
subsided, our Prep students w e re present in full force, read y to
circumstances. The contexts of our lives - our gifts, our parents,
return to one another as brothers. The spirit and energy w a s
our school - are so important in all of this. W e know that G o d
p alp a b le! Prep men learn the w ord of G o d from one another,
does not spare G o d 's generosity; w e are the ones w h o are
they learn how to be "men for others," and they set d e e p roots
either ab le to receive it or not.
from which they branch out into the blessings and challenges
W h a t are some of the things in life that can en ab le us to
of life.
receive G o d 's w ord and to live out of it? W h a t causes some
The Parable of the S o w e r is possibly one of the most
peop le to respond and others to turn the other w a y ? W e at
familiar parab les in the gospel accounts. In it, w e are invited to
Saint Peter's Prep - and in Jesuit schools across the w orld -
hear the w ord of G o d and respond to it. W e are invited to
have been richly blessed. W e have been given a dynam ic
d evelo p our roots so w e can branch out into our world as the
sense of mission and a
purpose that is rooted d e e p ly in
disciples w e are ca lled to be. A Jesuit school like Prep offers
Ignatian spirituality and in the Jesuit tradition. It is because of
so m any different possibilities - from the goals w e set for
this tremendous gift that Prep men are a b le to "branch out."
ourselves, to the teachers and staff w h o com e before us every
For four years, a Prep man develops his roots in the rich soil of
day, to the students w h o are our brothers over the course of
Jesuit education, and it is b ecau se of this that he is a b le to go
four years. Rich soil produces d e e p roots, which then produce
forth from Prep and thrive.
vibrant branches.
Examples of this rich Ignatian soil at G ra n d & W a r re n
The P arab le of the S o w e r concludes with an invitation,
abound. The first lies in the more formalized g oals at which w e
and I offer it to our brothers in the C lass of 2 0 1 3 as they
aim as a Jesuit school and out of which w e form our curriculum
p rep are to leave their alm a mater for co lleg e life. After the
and develop our programs. Every d a y on the W a r re n Street
description of the various levels of ground and the type of
Plaza, a Prep student can see and read the five g oals of a
branches that have been produced, Jesus says to his disciples,
Jesuit education on the maroon banners that d eco rate the
and he says to you today, "W h o e v e r has ears, let them hear."
plaza. I trust that all of our students can recite these g oals at
M y brothers, listen for G o d in the experiences and lessons of
the drop of a hat. A graduate of a Prep is invited to be:
Prep. And then let your d e e p roots produce branches and fruit
"O p e n to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Religious, Loving
a hundred, sixty or thirty times w hat w a s originally sown!
and Committed to Doing Justice." Better know as "The G r a d at G ra d ,"
these goals
provide the Prep student with the
context out of which he can learn to b ecom e himself, to receive the seed of G o d 's w ord in his life, to ultimately a llo w it to plant its roots, and from which he can move forward into the world. A second exam ple of the omni-present nature of our Ignatian heritage at Prep can be seen in the lives of our faculty and staff. As one of our Jesuit documents states, "A school will be Jesuit if the lives of its teachers and staff exemplify and communicate to the students the vision of Ignatius." The Prep faculty and staff are continually being trained and formed in the spirituality of the Jesuits and of Saint Ignatius Loyola. As such, their lives are true exam ples to our students of the kind of peop le they are called to be. The adults at Prep em bod y the spirituality of Saint Ignatius, and thus our students are a b le to experience the fertile soil that is around them - and they are able to branch out to the freedom of life that is calling them. A final exam ple of the presence of our Ignatian mission lies within our students and in the in gifts they are to one another. W h e th e r it is in a chemistry lab, the Prep library, a sports' venue, a student activity room, or retreat house dow n the shore, our students are truly "men for others," and they learn from one another how to "b e " the same. This past year, Super Storm S a n d y bore dow n upon the N e w York - N e w Jersey metropolitan a re a with a force like no other. Saint Peter's Prep bore the brunt of that storm and
suffered a
significant amount of d a m a g e because of it. H o w ever, on our first d a y back at G ra n d & W a rre n , after the w aters had
Dedication Saint Peter's Prep has been blessed with many incredible educators w ho truly care about their students. Any institution w ould boast about having such a caring staff, but I do not think that pride could be more evident anyw here than at Saint Peter's Prep. Prep is, after all, more than just a school; it is a family, and each family member is valuable and deserves recognition. The faculty at Saint Peter's Prep demonstrates unparalleled ca re and interest in the growth of the students, both in- and outside of the classroom. M a n y teachers remain in contact with alumni long after graduation, showing their commitment to their students. Teachers remain at Saint Peter's Prep for most of their careers, because in being a part of the Prep family, they are a b le to see the impact they have had on students even long after those students have left their classroom. A few teachers have even d edicated the greater
part of their lives to
them to guide
generations of students and becom e living parts of the school's legacy.
O n e such teacher w h o has shown years of love, care, and
had a difficult time being p la ce d in the highest Spanish class
dedication to the students of Saint Peter's Prep is M s. A n a
b ecau se I w a s the only one in the class that didn't have some
G a rcia . Seno ra G a rc ia , as her students address her, has taught
type of Spanish heritage or a relative w hose first lang uage w as
all levels of Spanish at Saint Peter's Prep for forty years. As a n y of
Spanish. I will a lw a y s remember my first d a y of class;
ner students would tell you, Sra. G a r c ia is the very embodiment
overw helm ed by the course being taught entirely in Spanish and
bf w hat makes Prep such a special place.
w a s planning to drop the class. Evidently Sra. G a r c ia had asked
I w a s very
Every d a y in her classroom, S en o ra G a r c ia lives out the
me a question, but I did not realize it. I looked her in the eyes
elements of a Jesuit educator; she teachers her students the
and my fa ce turned red. I tried to sp eak but I couldn't. She
immediately understood
a ca d em ic
of social
my situation and
simply stated,
'M r.
Mikovits, I don't a llo w quitters. Don't you quit on me.1 I think that
/alues. Sra. G a r c ia has a passion for teaching, and tries to instill
this attitude is w hat has left the biggest impression on my life, on
p fervor for the Spanish lang uage and culture in her students.
the lives of my classmates, and on Prep as a w hole during her 41
Senior Kevin
years of teaching."
Mikovits explains, "Sra.
justice and
G a r c ia
is an excellent
eacher; one of the best that I have ever had. She uses various
Kevin, like many students, d e e p ly app reciates Sra. G a r c ia 's
different methods in order to produce intellectually competent
sincere commitment to each and every one of her students. Sra.
students that are
G a r c ia
not only prepared to graduate and speak
do es
Spanish at a very high level, but are poised to becom e successful
n the
students w ork for success, a lesson which translates very well to a
drive and
w orld w h ere achievem ents must be earned. Furthermore, Sra.
w orld."
G a r c ia
;ommitment to her students and
is well
instills in them a
Jetermination for success.
Seno ra
G a r c ia
G a r c ia makes her students app re cia te culture through the many
Holding the ongoing struggle for freedom in C u b a close to ler heart due to her heritage and life experiences, Sra. G a r c ia
activities and guests she hosts outside of school hours and with immersion trips to Spain.
las been ab le to share with her students her perspective and
M a n y students return to Prep even years after they have
Je e p affection for her birth country. This background also leads
graduated to express how grateful they are and how much Sra.
>ra. G a rc ia to push each of her students to make the most out of
G a r c ia has helped in their studies and in their lives.
;very opportunity presented
S en o ra G a r c ia m ay le ave the halls of Saint Peter's Prep, her
)eliever in hard work and often demonstrates tough love to her
contributions to the life of the school and to the lives of her
tudents to enco urage them to do their best. Kevin describes one
students will resonate for ye a rs to come. The community of Saint
to them.
G a r c ia
is a
noment with Sra. G a r c ia that sticks with him, "I think w hat has
Peter's Prep is truly blessed to have had Seno ra G a r c ia as a
)een most memorable about Seno ra for me is the w a y that she is
member of its faculty for all these years, and w e are proud to
accepting and open to everyone that she teaches. As for me, I
d ed icate this edition of the Petrean to Seno ra A n a G a rcia .
have a Pope! After Pope Benedict XVI's abdication,
erge M a rio Bergoglio, S.J., has been chosen as Pope, taking the am e Pope Francis as a sign of his commitment to the poor and le earth, which w ere key components of Saint Francis of Assisi's jractices. "Francis" is also perhaps a subtle recognition of the istory of the Jesuits through Saint Francis Xavier.
The n ew H oly
other is both the first Jesuit and the first Latin Am erican Pope. Bergoglio
w as
C ardinal
.rgentina by Pope John Paul II, which is generally an unusual ccurrence for Jesuits. H ow ever, Jo rg e Berg oglio maintained a lear and humble lifestyle as he lived in an apartment, cooking his wn meals, rather than in the archbishop's p a la c e and took public ansportation, rather than a limousine. C ardinal Bergoglio w a s believed to have been the runner a behind Joseph Ratzinger in the last p a p al elections but w a s not n many peop le's minds this time. The Pontiff's commitment to social justice surely convinced the College of C ardinals of his worth. Furthermore, Jo rg e Berg oglio mbodies a respectable dichotomy of conservative and m oderate ewpoints, earning him respect for his intelligence and affection >r the poor. Francis is firm and staunch in his beliefs, defending e poor and speaking out against "rigorous and hypocritical neoericalism." As
a lre a d y
noosing to live in a hotel room instead of the spacious Pap al partment, reflecting his humble nature. Pope Francis has also Dntinued to enco urage evangelizing and the spreading of the hurch to impoverished countries. Francis said to his first general audience at Saint Peter's quare, "Following, accom panying
Christ, remaining with Him
;quires a stepping outside. Stepping outside of ourselves, of a ed and routine w a y of living the faith, of the temptation to ithdraw into pre-established patterns that end up closing our Drizon to the creative action of G o d . " Pope Francis challenges e Church both to move out of its comfort zone and to bring the ntire congregation of the w orld together. As a Jesuit institution, the students of Saint Peter's Prep pray >r and look to Pope Francis as he works tow ard the greater glory ■ G o d . A great inspiration for the youth of the Church, Pope ancis' m essage is one of healing and of hope. Francis em bodies any of the tenets of Jesuit teaching and demonstrates great cmpassion, intelligence, dedication, and faith. M any
Jo rg e
ergoglio's life that show both his liberal and conservative sides, nese stories demonstrate his humanity and firm beliefs. Pope 'ancis is many things-humble, intelligent, passionate, committed, nd faithful-but most importantly he is hope for the Church. Saint eter's Prep w elcom es Pope Francis' g uidance as the healer and ;ader of the C atholic Church.
In late O cto b e r of last year, w e all faced the challenges that Hurricane S a n d y brought with its extreme winds, massive flooding, 3nd extensive dam ag e. Everyone w a s affected, some more than Dthers. M ost of us lost p o w e r for a number of days, homes w e re damaged or flooded, and some lost shore homes completely. In ~ie midst of the d a m a g e to our local communities, w e fa ced yet mother challenge. Prep w a s d am ag ed , forcing the school to 'Jose
M a jo r
dam aged
D 'Keefe Commons and the basements of the M oriarty S c ie n ce Tenter,
H og an
S h allo e
Jassrooms and labs and knocking out many of the school's vital eating and electrical systems. In addition, Keenan Field and the adjacent athletic practice facilities w ere also severely d a m a g e d )y flooding.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Prep's faculty and
taff, the school overcam e the challenges facing it and w a s back p and running at full c a p a c ity by mid-November. Although w e w e re back in school, there w ere still several :hallenges.
trains to
w e re
dow n
navailable, and students w h o relied on N J Transit need ed to find )ther forms of transportation. Som e took circuitous routes on other "ains, while others drove in to school. Likewise, with the scarcity of 'ains, Prep students often found themselves returning home later. Nevertheless, life at Prep continued. Hurricane S a n d y w a s an unprecedented hurricane for the Northeast.
It w a s the second costliest hurricane in the history of
ne United States, second only to Hurricane Katrina. The storm :aused an estimated $ 7 5 billion in d a m a g es and took the lives of ?85 people. S a n d y hit landfall on O cto b e r 2 9 a few miles )utside of Atlantic City. The storm traveled across the Northeast, vreaking havoc as it passed. It caused storm surges in both N e w "ork City and down the shore, effectively flooding low-lying a re a s ear the coast. Due to the flooding, much of Lower M anhattan vas without po w er for days, leaving its residents subject to the :old w eather and flooded streets. Across the Northeast, a total of ;ight million peop le lost power. Despite the w id esp read destruction, w e picked ourselves up lis a collective. N eighb ors helped neighbors as they c le a n ed up ie
streets, throwing out the debris scattered by the storm. In
esponse to the storm, many volunteer organizations have sprung
jp, focused on returning communities to a state of normalcy. For example, Restore the Shore focuses on restoring the b e a ch es of N ew Jersey.
the site of many memories, the shore
■omething very close to the heart of N e w Jerseyans, and restoring f to its former glory remains a top priority. Through fundraising and .ervice projects, Restore the Shore is an exam ple of the efforts of /olunteers repairing the d a m ag es of Sandy. Prep has participated n such efforts, offering many trips dow n the shore to assist the :ause. Prep students have helped clean up the streets of towns 3nd have even helped with the demolition of d a m a g e d homes. Mthough there is still much to be done, w e are resilient, and Marking together, w e will g ro w stronger as a community and as a state.
Guiding Light
There have been m any graduates of Saint Peter's Prep w ho la v e chosen to remain firmly connected to the institution beyon d the inal d a y of classes. M r. Bill Ahearn graduated from Prep in 1975 und returned as a member of the Board of Trustees, serving as chair Doth of the board's Developm ent Committee and of the Annual Fund, n 2 0 1 0 he began his term as the sixth chairm an of the Bo a rd of rustees. W ith great vision and a constant e y e on future investments, v4r. Ahearn w a s a b le to com plete the first phase of Prep's cam pus naster plan, which included the building of the M oriarty S c ie n ce Tenter and O 'K e e fe Commons. O n O cto b e r 23, 2 0 1 2 , following a short illness, M r. Ahearn )assed a w a y , adding to the friends, faculty members, family, and ;ven students that Saint Peter's Prep has lost over the years.
dong with all these others, is d e e p ly missed by the Prep community. Forming bonds with former and current students, M r. Ahearn vas more than just a member of the Bo a rd of Trustees. H e led Kairos etreats, sharing his guidance and offering insights. Furthermore, as a Tranford resident, he w elco m ed incoming students from the Union :ounty area. M r. Ahearn w a s very warm and exhibited a d e e p love for Saint ’eter's Prep. I distinctly recall M r. Ahearn w elcom ing me, a fellow Tranford resident, with a small but meaningful gift, a Saint Peter's ’rep baseball cap, inspiring great hope for my future at Prep. I am ery proud that there have been more students from C ranford and nat M r. Ahearn care d so much for both his town and his alm a mater. Ryan M c G a n n , ' 13, w a s also very close with M r. Ahearn. Ryan :xplains, "M r. Ahearn has been a long time family friend.
H e had
ivited my parents to Prep events long before I w a s even in 8th jrade. I remember being taken to Prep football gam es and going to LXr. Ahearn's tailgate. N o t only w a s he a close friend, but he w a s rlso a main reason for me attending Prep." Bill Ahearn's passing w a s a shock to Ryan M c G a n n , just as it vas for the rest of the Prep community: "I had known about M r. \hearn's illness but I w a s shocked by the news of his passing. W h e n iy parents told me before school one d a y that they w an ted me to .now M r. Ahearn had died so I w asn't shocked at school, I didn't .now how to react. That d a y I met with Fr. Azzarto and w e spoke rbout M r. Ahearn's passing. I learned that his funeral w a s the same la y as the X C county championship. O bviously I w a s torn by this - I vanted to be at the funeral, but Father Azzarto told me that M r. \hearn would rather Prep win the C ounty Cham pionship. I took other's ad vice and ran in the meet. In our post meet speech, Father \zzarto told me that an important Prep man w a s really h a p p y with )ur performance. The meet w a s d ed icated to Bill Ahearn. Beyon d hat I speak for my family in saying that M r. A hearn's a b sen ce is very .hocking and at times I still can't believe it." Ryan also explains how vtr. Ahearn's death affected the community, "If you knew Bill Ahearn /ou knew his life w a s all about Prep. W h e n he b e ca m e the B o a rd 's Resident you would have thought he w a s a full time teacher with all he time he spent at school. H e w a s a lw a y s present. A nyone will tell /ou M r. Ahearn w a s proud of his time at Prep and thankful to the sommunity for making that possible. The memory of M r. Ah earn's life -eminds the Prep community of the commitment that so many p eo p le nave shown to this institution, and challenges us to promote his le g a c y in making Prep a p la ce worthy of that commitment.
checiule U/ka.t '3 tz (2 <ymmunttu
Prep turned over a
leaf this ye a r with its "college-
riented" schedule. After much discussion and meetings with an utside scheduling expert, Prep's administration implemented a 5w schedule which
aims to better acco m m odate
spects of campus life, from a ca d em ics to activities and athletics, le
new schedule has been
udents and
#ro*oi k
huge adjustment for incoming
faculty, especially the Sophom ores, Juniors,
eniors, w ho had to g ro w accustom ed to the drop days, extended asses, and the infamous extended period X-Y D ays - though the achers have done w ell at keeping them interesting.
Creating an
itial uproar in the student community, everyone settled in to the ?w schedule as ye a r
as time passed, the LITURGY OKotlt
umplaints w ere replaced with delight. Several components of the schedule have truly pleased the jdents, one of the more popular being Community Period. The ommunity
useful time
stween second and third period which could be used to do extra :>mework, study for a
test, meet with
eetings, or even "Ball-Out" in the courts. W ith fifty minute classes, ere are few er classes a d a y than previous years but it also lows for more w ork to be done in class. M a n y teachers have langed their curricula to reflect the period ch a n g e and it has had credible results. Teachers have planned longer activities for their jdents without running out of time. The additional class time helps jdents get some extra w ork done in school and spend less time Ding work at home. W ith more productivity in general, students ive a greater chance for a ca d e m ic success as w ell as more rest. Another change is the amount of d ays in a single cycle, nanging from 6 cycle d ays to 8 cycle
d ays shortened the
w b e r of cycles in a marking period. Due to the new scheduling, 9 actual time w hen students leave has also been affected but isn't received many complaints. The school d a y now ends at 5 0 P M , 2 0 minutes later than in previous years. This affected jdents not only at Prep but at home as well, as they had to adjust a slightly different transportation schedule. Finally, there are the X-Y days. Com ing every two cycles, X-Y :iys serve as a chance to steer a w a y from regular instruction. O n
sse days, only 4 classes meet each d a y for extended periods nich last 75 minutes. G ive n this expanded class time, teachers ;plore lessons to teach students in w a y s they could not fit into a D minute time span, such as playing educational games, doing oup projects or w atching a film. N o w that Prep has a more flexible schedule, an environment is been created w here there is less stress and more readiness, hich is essential to a Preparatory school. It is not just a schedule, ep has turned over a new leaf and is revolutionizing their identity, rting all of the aspects of school life into a n ew fram ework has Dne much to change the environment of the school at large, and ese changes shall certainly continue to do much to help Prep udents learn and grow.
Student Life
O n e of the m any aspects of Sain t Peters P re p a ra to ry is its thriving student life community. There is a
m yriad
of opportunities to
b ecom e involved in the community. E v e ryo n e is a m em ber of M a ra u d e r N a tio n , one of the noted athletic fan sections of N e w Jerse y, and w e lco m e d to attend all sporting events to ch ee r on their fellow classmates. The atm osphere is a lw a y s lively a n d it is an excellent w a y to connect with other students. Students also h a ve a cce ss to m any more clubs, sports, a n d activities to further e njoy their time at Saint Peter's Prep. Although a c a d e m ic s a re the focal point of Saint Peter's, it is also important for students to b ecom e involved in the community. W ith clubs ranging from the Anim e
C lub
M e d ic a l
So cie ty,
is a
co-curricular for
virtually e ve ry student. M a n y students take full a d v a n ta g e of the clubs
an d
activities offered,
e la b o ra tes on his activities, " I h a v e been involved in the B a s e b a ll C lub and Stock M a rk e t C lu b since Freshman y e a r a n d French C lub since So p h o m o re ye a r. I h a ve been president of French C lub since Ju n io r y e a r, cre a ted the E c u a d o r Fund my Ju n io r ye a r, and w a s ap p oin ted president of M ission Drive this y e a r. I h a ve p la y e d varsity v o lle yb a ll since S o p h o m o re y e a r a n d am cap ta in this ye a r. I am also on the C am p u s M inistry Team an d h a ve g one on trips such as the Ec u a d o r Immersion Trip, a n d h a v e led 2 So p h o m o re retreats this y e a r." Bill Lavelle has certainly taken on m any leadership positions a n d strives to set an e xam p le for the underclassm en w ishing to e n g a g e them selves in the community. Bill comments on his first y e a r at Prep saying, "b e fo re I re a lly got involved in these things I felt like I w a s in a rut; I w o u ld just go home, do hom ew ork, w atch television, a n d then just re p e a t." Although it is important to focus on a ca d em ics, Prep students a re e n co u ra g e d to b ecom e involved in the student life. Bill d e c id e d to ch a n g e his habits a n d dem onstrated a g rea t transformation. Bill explains, "S in c e I b e ca m e more involved, both lead in g clubs and joining
u nb elievable.
organizations, E ve ry
exp e rie n ce
com p letely
new .
has I
ex periences and been to p la ce s that I never thought possible w hen I w a s ap p lyin g to Prep as an 8th g ra d e r just four y e a rs a g o ." Co-curricular activities a re more than just a fun thing to do; they
dem onstrated,
sh ap e can
Prep le a d
student's to
concludes saying, " M y involvem ent...has totally re sh ap ed my high school c a re e r and I couldn't im agine it being a n y different." Bill, like m any other students, v a lu e their time committed to cocurricuiar activities. S ain t Peter's Prep students a re privileged to h a ve so m any opportunities to branch out in the com m unity a n d students truly valu e offered at Prep.
their participation
in the
m any
The con cert b a n d performs for judges at the H e rita g e M u sic Festival in A nnapolis, M a ry la n d .
Every year, the St. Peter's Prep Band exceeds expectations. This ye a r however, they raised the bar even higher. Almost every member of the band lost his instrument from the
H ow ever,
show ed
w hat
determination and patience can do. The band had to postpone the Christmas C a fe concert to the middle of February; they'd rather p lay Christmas songs in February than have to can cel a concert. The Ja z z Band suffered the same fate, but after only a month of preparation, the "Sodality" Ja z z Band received a standing ovation at the Ash W e d n e s d a y service. The C oncert Band, under the direction of Steve C aslow itz and led by President M a tth e w Connelly, Vice-President M a tth e w Fonti, Secretary Alex Gill, and Treasurer Jon C astaldo, joined the Ja z z band to travel to W ashington, D.C. In W ashington, both bands put on another a w a rd winning performance for judges. N o matter how tough the adversity, these bands show ed they can overcom e.
'esident M a tth e w C o n n elly, 113, directs the nd before their A nn ap o lis p erform an ce.
Long hours of p rep aratio n help b a n d students a c h ie v e their unified sound.
N ic k M a g n o tti, 115, en jo ys his solo at the Ash W e d n e s d a y service.
ie C o n c e rt B a n d an d Ja z z B a n d c e le b ra te ith their a w a rd s in M a ry la n d .
K yle Smith, 115, sets the rhythm a s he plays drums for the Ja z z Band .
‘he "S o d a lity " Ja z z B a n d performs for judges at the H e rita g e M u s ic
N ic k Kaniew ski, 115, a n d V ice President M a tth e w Fonti, 13,
:estival in A nnapolis, M a ry la n d .
p la y their trumpets at the Ash W e d n e s d a y service.
Prep's com petitors rejo ice after winning Silver Ninth at the W o r ld C h o ir G a m e in O h io .
O ne l/o-it OLCt
Vox, a s m a n y p e o p le a re a w a r e , is the Latin w o r d for v o ic e , o n e v o ic e . This is not a m istake b e c a u s e alth o u g h V o x consists of a choru s of v o ic e s, their g o a l is to p ro je c t o n e v o ic e : o n e v o ic e of h o p e - In 2 0 1 2 , w h e n
H u rric a n e S a n d y
struck, V o x lost all of its e q u ip m en t a n d countless hours of album
record ing .
H o w e v e r , th ey w e r e a b le to find a v o ic e of h o p e not o n ly for them selves, but for the sch o o l, a t such a d e s p o n d e n t time. 2 0 1 2 w a s a v e ry p ro d u ctive y e a r for Vox. In the summer, th ey p a rtic ip a te d a n d c a m e b a c k with Silve r at the W o r ld C h o ir G a m e s in O h io . T h e y re le a s e d tw o singles a t C hristm as time a n d held tw o full-length con certs.
The g ro u p is sh o w in g no sign of slo w in g d o w n with a
forthcom ing alb u m a n d com petition at the H e rita g e M u s ic Festival in the spring. V o x will a ls o b e perform ing with the S a in t D om inic A c a d e m y C h o ir at their first e v e r joint co n cert. V o x sh o w s that it p lan s on rem aining faithful to its roots b y b e in g a v o ic e of h o p e a n d am bition.
M e m b e rs of V o x of the end of V o x 's first e v e r retreat.
Vo x m em bers reh earse "This Little Light O f M in e ' o n e last time b efo re com peting.
Getting re a d y to co m p ete at the W o r ld C h o ir
Is a a c A ta y e ro ,
G a m e s at Cincinnati, O h io , V o x po ses for a
Vo x during V o x 's Christm as
1 3, conducting
picture of the full group.
co n cert at Short Hills M a ll.
At the end of the show, the entire cast takes a b o w to a standing ovation.
Kenny, p la y e d b y Ja m e s Ryan, '1 4 , an d M a x , p la y e d b y Bran d o n W e n d t, 113, a rg u e a b ou t w h a t sketches to put in the show , w h ile C a ro l, p la y e d b y C a m ila G a r c ia , S D A 11 3, a n d Val, p la y e d by Jo n C a sta ld o , '1 4 , discuss M c C a rth y is m a n d the blacklist.
Lucas, p la y e d b y M ik e D o m b ro w s k i,' 1 3, learns that Brian, p la y e d b y Jo sh C re sp o , ' 1 3, plans to le a v e to w o rk for M G M .
M a x , p la y e d b y B ra n d o n W e n d t , read s the script for a sketch written b y the writing staff of "The M a x Prince S h o w ," w h ile the writers, p la y e d b y C a m ila G a r c ia S D A , 11 3, M a r c W rig h t, 115, Jo sh C re sp o , 11 3, Jo n C a s ta ld o , 114, Kevin G a lla g h e r, 113, M ik e Dom brow ski, 11 3, an d Ja m e s Ryan, 114, listen with H elen the secretary, p la y e d b y Elle Rose, S D A ’ 13.
N a th a n Lane, ’7 4 , po ses with the cast and c re w . M r. Lane starred in the original B r o a d w a y production of "Laughter".
Dramatics Jl<zuaktet Cdn the. 2 3 td Directed this winter at Prep b y M r. C am pion, N e il Simon's co m e d y "Laughter on the 23rd Floor" takes p la ce in the writing room of "The M a x Prince Sh o w ," w hose star is M ax
p la ye d
W e n d t.
n ew
p layed
M ike
Dombrowski, joins the writing staff, and narrates "Laughter." The com ed y takes p la ce in the 19 5 0 's, and is loosely b ased on N e il Simon's experiences as a writer on . During the 1 9 5 0 's the writers had to d eal with blacklisting and M cCarthyism . Be ca u se of Hurricane Sand y, the cast w a s not being a b le to practice for a prolonged amount of time and lost m any sets. Nevertheless, the cast put on a stellar show. M a x has anger issues, and most 'enny, p la y e d b y Ja m e s Ryan, talks to Lucas,
of the writers have big personalities, giving the show funny characters, situations, and
ie narrator a n d n e w writer, p la y e d b y M ik e
jokes."Laugher" a co m ed y about writing com edy, w a s attended by many peop le in the
)om brow ski, w h ile M ilt a n d Val, p la y e d b y
Prep community, including N a th a n Lane, '74, w h o p la ye d M a x Prince on Bro a d w ay .
^evin G a lla g h e r a n d Jo n C a s ta ld o , write.
Student Council
~Tle (^uldLnq J li(jIt
'esident: Richard Budka, '1 3 xecutive V ice President: M ich a e l Tuites, '1 3 ice President of Com m unications: Kevin Mikovits, '1 3 ice President of Finance: M a tth e w Bernardo, ' 13 ice President of Sch o o l Spirit: A n d re w N e w m a n , '1 3 enior Class Representatives: Ja c k Byram, Christopher Egan, S e a n Falzon, M a tth e w H alchak, Kyle Lupo, and Doug Tortorici jnior C lass Representatives: Daniel Apicella, Christopher Butko, M ic a h Onditti, Jo sep h Popovich, Lucas Voli, and TJ W a r d ophom ore C lass Representatives: Jon C a rlo Dominguez, N ick Doren, Stephen Kellner, Rishi Kumaran, Tommy M c M a n u s , and Anthony S a b ia reshman C lass Representatives: Ja c k Bonnet, M ic h a e l Vinci, Kyle C o u p e, W illia m Fitzpatrick, and W illia m Delaney.
Prep e x c h a n g e students share a moment at St. Peter's S q u a re before hearing Easter S u n d a y M a s s held b y P o p e B en ed ict XVI.
A c c o m p a n ie d b y their Italian hosts, Prep students p ose for a picture in front of the Tem pio d ella C o n c o rd ia .
Italian Exchange Ku&ntjL&tno-, 2
tiresome travel and a 6 hour time difference, w e finally landed ir Palermo
M onday.
It isn't very often that the opportunity presents itself not only to
energized, however, purely because of the excitement that me
travel to a foreign country, but to provide housing for a foreign
us as w e felt Italian soil, many of us for the first time! W h ile ir
student and develop a lifelong bond in the process. For the Italian
Sicily, w e w ere ab le to see all aspects of the "football of the
students at Prep, however, this opportunity com es once every
boot" as some m ay call it, from the ancient temples of Agrigentc
other y e a r thanks to Signora Romano! The Italian Exchange, or the
to the m edieval
"G e m e lla g g io " (meaning "twinning") as it is called by our friends
w aterside city of Cefalu. If w a s much more difficult leaving Sicily
at Centro Educativo Ignaziano (C EI) in Palermo, Sicily, beg an
as there w a s now no specific date that w e w ere promised to see
with the arrival of the Italian students in D ecem ber of 201 1. The
our new brothers and sisters again. Excitement still filled ou
hilltop village of Erice to the north centra
group w a s ab le to explore N e w York City from the feet of the
hearts, however, with the anticipation of seeing the city of Rome
Statue of Liberty to the top of the Empire State Building as w ell as
W e remained in Rome for four days w here w e experienced the
a large part of the metropolitan area. The students from C E I w ere
history that the city contained, including the Coliseum, the forum;
able to go on a guided tour through the United N ations building,
and the Vatican Museums. W e
and they w ere ab le to experience the hustle and bustle during the
although w e did not know it at the time, to sit in attendance at St
w e re also fortunate enough
city's most busy season. After their stay cam e to a sad close, the
Peter's Sq uare as Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his final Easte
students of C E I returned to the w arm er w eather of Palermo and
mass as the Pope. O verall, the Italian Exchange developec
w aited for our arrival near the end of M a rch . The trip to Italy
lifelong, international relationships while providing experience.'
cam e quicker than expected as the excitement heightened d a y by
for students of Prep and C E I that could not have existed withou
day. The group of Seniors, Juniors, and
the program.
Sophom ores met in
N e w a rk Liberty International Airport along with our chaperones Signora Romano and M r. Veniero. After roughly 12 hours of
prep students an d their French hosts p o se for a gro u p shot a to p Prince's
P rep 's e x c h a n g e participants p o se for a photo at the top of the Eiffel
P a la c e in the small yet beautiful country of M o n a c o .
To w er, en jo yin g the stellar v ie w of Paris.
A/ith their French counterparts, Prep students listen intently to their tour
After clim bing m an y flights of stairs, the Prep group enjoys a v ie w of
^uide explaining the history of the Palais d es P a p e s in A vignon.
M a rs e ille a to p the basillica N otre-D am e d e la G a r d e .
French Exchange Quelle, lonne ex.petiencel W h e n the barrier cam e down, w e w e re all am a z ed at how easy Fhe French exchange w a s an am azing experience that I will long
it w a s to communicate and use all the French w e had learned. The
-emember as one of my favorite Prep memories. The exchange,
best part of the trip by far w a s w hen w e w ent to our exchange
:rom the moment our French correspondents arrived at Prep to the
day w e
time of great
d'Azur. This foreign land w a s a p la ce of great adventure for us.
left Paris and
h e ad ed
home, w a s
in the
ca lled
C ote
mmersion and indulgence in the French culture. W h e n our French
W e had the opportunity to truly live the French lifestyle and to get
students first cam e home with us after their long flight, w e all found
a taste of southern France's rich culture. W e all g rew as peop le
ourselves just staring at e ach other silently. All w ords seem ed to
on this trip and cultivated friendships that will hopefully last a
e sca p e us. W e could not think of anything to say. As time w ent
lifetime. The French Exchange not only enhanced our love of the
on, w e each becam e more comfortable with one another and
lan g u ag e and culture, but w a s also a terrific experience, which
beg an to remember all of our French lessons. As one student on
a llo w e d
the exchange said, "The w ords just flow ed from my mouth".
us to d evelo p
strong relationships and
The A c a d e m ic B o w l team poses with their p la q u e after a successful showing in their qualifying match for the N a tio n a l History B o w l.
M e m b e rs of the Sp anish C lu b en jo y a feast of food from Sp a in and Latin A m erican countries at the Festival d e la Cultura H isp an ica.
During a trip to N e w York City, M e m b e rs of the Italian C lu b p ose in
M e m b e rs of the La w S o c ie ty a n d M o c k Trial Team asp ire to b e the law ye rs of tom orrow.
Prep 's best a n d brightest h a v e their a c a d e m ic abilities re co g n iz ed as
they a re w e lc o m e d to th e N a tio n a l H o n o r So ciety.
m '
Bothering during com munity to dissect sh ee p brains, m em bers of the >cience an d M e d ic a l C lu b s c o m e together for a joint g ro u p activity.
P rep 's Engineering C lu b tests the limits of their en gineerin g skills w h ile lo a d in g w e ig h t on a structure m a d e o n ly of b a lsa w o o d .
M em bers of the History C lu b gath er to discuss a n d d e b a te historical ;vents.
The m em bers of the N a tio n a l Sp anish H on o rs S o c ie ty share their talent and ap p recia tio n for the Sp anish lan g u a g e .
^ ^
0- w
M e m b e rs of the C eltic C lu b gath er to ce le b ra te the m any contributions that the Irish h a v e m a d e to A m erican culture.
Pax Christi m em bers serve the community around Prep through projects and ad vo cacy.
S t a g e C r e w crea tes all the sets a n d props used in Prep 's p lays and musicals.
The A sian S o c ie ty com es together to c e le b ra te A sian culture and heritage.
M e m b e rs of the Eb o n y club share an a p p recia tio n for the w a y s in which A frican culture has h elp ed sh a p e the w orld.
The Prep M ic ro b a n k offers micro-loans to help p e o p le in the develop ing w o rld re alize their dream s.
M e m b e rs of the TV Studio enthusiastically re cre a te a sc en e from a classic m ovie poster.
P rep 's Political Ph ilosophy clu b p assio n a tely discuss current political events.
Regularly gathering with visiting guests a n d hosting events, the B a s e b a ll C lu b shares a love for A m e ric a 's favorite pastime.
Taking trips to a p p re c ia te the culturally rich life of N e w Y ork City, the Performing Arts C lu b m em bers share their love of the perform ing arts.
S ' s
Most Lihely
Most Lihely
Most Gifted in art or music
to be in the O lym pics
to succeed
L.A. Smith
Brian T o n er
F u t u r e P r e s id e n t of the United State Ricky B u d k a
A n d y C o n te
<£ M a tt H a ic h a k
R a n d a ll W a l l
D a v id K o n g
Isiah C ru z
D a v id K o n g
C hristian B la u c h
J a i M a lik
D rew C a s e y
Most Lihely
Most Likely
to make you laugh
to be having a good hair d a y Ev a n C a in
Kevin G a lla g h e r
V in ny A d d e o
Ev a n C a in
to be seen together
to becom e business partners
D r e w W a lt h e r &
A le x D u v a &
C h a rlie C a llin a n
R ya n M c G a n n &
Most Lihely
Most Lihely to be kicked out of the library
S te v e M e s s in a
A n d re w N e w m a n
Kevin G a lla g h e r
Most Likely to be called by h nicknam |
Ernie A rm ita g e
T yler S c ia v o
"K u b ie " ( Ja c o b Y a n ic a k )
A n th o n y Ruvo
D a v e S o m e rs
to be asleep right now
M a r io M o w a t t
V in c e W e b e r
O w e n Sirianni
J a i M a lik
to be confused for one another | M ik e W e b e r &
T yler S c h ia v o
B rian G ith e n s
A n d re w N e w m a n
Ernie A rm ita g e
Most Lihely
Ian Smith
Ernie A rm ita g e
2 \
Most Likely
S e a n Purcell
on "Best Dresse Thursdays
Kevin G a lla g h e r
H e c to r P o z a
Most Likely
Best Dressed
Tw eets
J o e M u c c io lo
Most Amusing
(K y le Shivers)
"S w a g g a "
M a tt F re z z a
(S e a n Falzon )
Most Lihely
Most Lihely
to be at J U G review
to be a teacher's p<
B re n d a n M c C a u l e y
Ja s o n U lia n o
A n d re w Walker-Sorin
Tre Bell
J a c k B y ra m
D a m ia n Lu cig n a n o
D a v e S o m e rs
J o e Palasits
M ik e G ia m b a lv o
J o e Palasits
K yle Lupo
Most Lihely
Most Likely
to be found in the chap el
to a c e a class
to be in a movie
Bria n T o n e r
M a tt B e rn a rd o
Most Likely
D rew C a s e y
M a t t C o n n e lly
K yle Lupo
Jo s h C r e s p o
M a t t h e w B isc a ld i
J a i M a lik
K evin G a lla g h e r
Most Likely to be talking right now
to bleed maroon and silver M a tt B isc a ld i
to becom e an ESPN broadcaster
J o e M u c c io lo
N ic k S a n ta M a r i a
Most Lihelij
Most Likely
Most Likely
Pat M u r p h y
Most Likely
to invent something
M a t t H a lc h a k
to becom e a teacher
J o e G ia c c h e tti
M a tt N e w m a n
A n d re w N e w m a n
A le x D u v a
K y le Lupo
M ic h a e l O r o
E v a n C a in
Ernie A rm ita g e
M ic h a e l O r o
A n d r e w G u a rin i
Most Likely
Most Likely
to shock everyone at a reunion A n d r e w G u a rin i
to stay the sam e after graduation
1 C o lin
Most Changed since freshman y e a r
Most Likely to quote a movie in a conversation
M a r e k N ie sio b e d z k i
S ira c u s e
M a t t H a lc h a k
G eneral O z o ch ia w a e z e
A n d y C o n te
M a t t B e rn a r d o
J o e S te v e n so n
Francis R am o s
Isiah C ru z
H e c to r P o z a
Es te b a n Flores
.east Likely
Most Friendly
Most Likely
to sp eak in class
to be absent
to give an am azing hug A n d r e w G u a rin i
Kurt Espiritu
M ic h a e l R o jas
Most Likely 1 Jo e
H e n ry O m
M ik e D o m b ro w sk i
M ik e W e b e r
Liam Kiniery
H a y z le S a n a n g o
Bill La ve lle
A n d r e w G u a rin i
Jo n Losche
teciehertiueet/^ Ms. Toomb @toombraider Some of you guys still need to do your 168 community service hours #getstarted
m - Jk
Mr. Evans @bluemustang
W 1 w
The limit does not exist! #nthdimensionalcalculus
Nurse Sheppard @prepmedic Huh; where is @MarekNiesiobedzki? I haven't seen him all day! #ThislsWeird
Fr. O'Hare @brohare The cuteness of #HelloKitty is just pure evil #goodbyekitty
Mr. Irvine @alwaysHAPpy
JSL -v
Arguing with the intramural ref results in automatic disqualification. #therefisalwaysright Ms. Bleasdale @godsavethequeen
The British are coming! The British are coming! #britishinvasion
Ms. Martineau @coiiegeknowledge 3§ ' '
You MUST submit college decisions to Naviance to walk at graduation #goodluck
Dr. Hartling @deadheaddoctor fe r i
Is that a Jerry Garcia tie? #GodLoveYa
Mr. Caslowitz @dontBflat This song does NOT need more cowbell. #13yearoldjokes f
Mr. Santos @toosmart4some Bates motel show? NAH not feeling it! Rather watch some Spanish novela
Mr. Caulfield @runforyouriife
Ht# &
No. For the last time I'm not related to Holden Caulfield #simmer
Mr. Keating @iAMtheiaw
Guys, just follow up with your assignments for NEXT time! #goodman
Ms. Collins @collinsick Don't call yourself in sick, 1recognize your voice by now #integrityplease
Mr. Campion @sir
4 W4 S m
Finally finished my 353rd college recommendation letter... of the day... #923togo
Mr. Geary @thegreatgeary Tarrying at Gatsby's house... something doesn't seem right #oldsport
Ms. Eppler @nogutsnog!ory The kids are in my room again playing Tupac #whoscomplaining
Mr. Hansen @200andcounting Game against Kearny this week. It'll sure be a barnburner #sarcastictweet
JL 9
Mr. Healy @forevermarchmad @ArianFoster got me 27 points in fantasy football this week! #roadtothering
Fr. Raulli @rau!!itherock Bip bop boop beep bipideebopidieboo! #whyaretheyfilmingme
Mr. Vaznelis @magistervazneiis Good news! The yearbook is only 57 days overdue now! #progress
D e ck e d out in pink for Breast C a n c e r A w a re n e s s M o nth, M a r a u d e r N a tio n p rep a re s to ch e e r on the football team ag ain st Union City. A n d re w N e w m a n , senior henchm an, sh ow s off his fam ous d o g fa ce . P re p a re d to take to take on M a rist in the semifinals, the basketball teai w arm s up w h ile M a r a u d e r N a tio n stands out of the c ro w d re a d y to chee Prep on a n d distract M a rist Free throw shooters.
G ettin g a s loud a s p ossible at "The Barn," M a r a u d e r N a tio n pulls out the Thunder Sticks.
larau d er N a tio n a p p e a rs for the first football g a m e of the 2 0 1 2 season.
W h ile on the journey to the C h am p io n sh ip , basketb all enjoys T o g a night for the fans.
la ra u d e r N a tio n is p um ped up to sh o w Seto n H all w h o the real Prep is.
Marauder Nation >efore another big football game, /larauder Nation circles up to listen intently } their Henchmen: the Newman brothers.
I'*!,!!! m m
i v ij;;; ' r. i* i f t:i )U !‘i|i
Athletics 40
Saint Peter's Prep has a proud tradition of competitive aca d em ics and athletics. Prep has w on many championships and titles through its athletic history and continues to sport an impressive program. M r. Hansen as athletic director says of the athletes, "O u r student-athletes prep are
by exhibiting a
tireless w ork
m odeled
after the
thousands of alumni w h o have b lazed a path on which to follow." The current students represent a
history of success and
dedication. O n e student, Brian Toner, has em bodied the necessary characteristics of a student athlete and has found great success both on the field and in the classroom. Brian elaborates on the obstacles he faces, "Being a student athlete at Prep can be very challenging and takes a lot of discipline, time management, and hard work.
student athlete at Prep is expected to w ork two full time jobs: school and athletics. Finding time to finish w ork can be a struggle, and so can running off of less than six hours of sleep." H ow ever, students find
outweigh such challenges. Brian explains how he participated in the athletic program, "Prep com petes at the highest level in all sports. I have had the privilege to be a b le to be a part of the football program, which is an elite program in the state. I have also been a b le to be a part of the lacrosse program, which is an up and coming program that has recently b ecom e one of N e w Jerse y's elite programs, but still has room to improve. Being a b le to p la y with and against the best players in the state has m ade me b eco m e a better p layer than I w ould have hoped to be at a different school. The level of competition is at the point that there is no choice but to get better every day, lest your spot be taken. This environment of competition
w ork
is conducive
players." Students find success in aca d em ics and athletics through hard work and commitment. Brian Toner maintains excellent grades and performs w ell for his teams on the field by pushing himself and working as hard as possible. Brian further explains his experience, "Although learning values such as hard work, discipline, and time m anagem ent have been beneficial, the most lasting and influential thing to gain from Prep athletics is the c a m a ra d e rie with one's teammates. W in s, championships, and a w a rd s mean a lot, but the truly lasting part of Prep athletics a re the memories of teammates coming together to win games, championships, and aw ards. The sense of commitment has perhaps been the most rew arding part of my decision to com e to Prep. These past four years have been the best of my life and it is mainly due to the experiences I have had being a M a ra u d e r." There is more to the athletic teams than simply winning, as teammates form lasting bonds. The brotherhood found in the halls of the school transcend onto the playing field and athletes find that teammates, not trophies are the root of a successful team. The athletic program of Saint Peter's Prep looks to continue shaping players into diligent students and d e d icated athletes.
C a p ta in Ryan M c G a n n starts to sprint a s he com es onto the straig htaw ay. Vincent D o n a ta c ci sprints to a personal best at H olm del.
Fritz Heinrich begins to lengthen his stride and co m es to a strong finish in the frigid N o v e m b e r morning.
. D avid D eLeon looks to pass som e runner a s he m oves closer to the finish line
Cross Countrn un n Ln tj The cross country team m ade many strides to victory throughout their fall season. In the first meet, the Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity teams swept the Saint Dominic's Invitational, which g a v e them the motivation to keep their heads high for the season. Team records w e re set as the athletes finished faster than a n y previous team had on the Bayo n n e course, and swept the Je rse y City and Hudson County Championships. W ith most of the team returning for another season at Prep next year, there is a guarantee that it will be another great fall as well.
A lex Alberti starts to kick a n d picks off other runners on the straig htaw ay. The Varsity team
stands tall with
M c C a n n and C o a c h
C oach
Burgess holding the
Hudson C o u n ty trophy. Jim m y
Sa u se,
D an
A p ic e lla
Heinrich use the p a c k to their a d v a n ta g e nearing the last fe w hundred yards.
Sen io r C en ter J o e
Stevenson gets a
breather on the
sideline a s he w a tc h e s him team run out the clock.
C o lle g e
C h a rlie
C allin an
elu d es a Union C ity defender. Jo n a th a n Hilliman could...go..all..the..w ay! against Seto n H all Prep in the quarter-finals.
M ik e
R a b a s c a c h a n g e s the p la y at the line again st Union City.
M a ra u d e r N a tio n is Pinked-Out for breast c a n c e r a w a re n e s s.
9/2 T 9/29 ' 10/6
L id d e ll
Strong arm ed M ik e R a b a s c a hands off to the s p e e d y junior Jo n ath an Hillim an in the State Semi-Finals a g ain st Param us C ath o lic.
The varsity p layers stand in respectful silence w hile the N a tio n a l Anthem is p la ye d .
00 00 02 02 03 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 01 02 00 02
9/08:9/10 9 /1 2 j9 /1 5 j9 /1 7 j9 /l9 9/24 9 / 2 6 / 0 / 1 110/3 10/5; 10/6M0/101 Q/t010/13:1Q/15:10/17; 10/21110/23/Q/25nO/27i 11/1C(11/16
JfS sM ftta tti h p i a n y i
issiii>#i!S I H
W ith g re at sp e ed , M ic h a e l G ia m b a lv o , ' 1 3, continues a scorching run past helpless defenders. N ic h o la s C ip ria n o ' 1 3 gathers a loo se ball within the pen alty a re a . A n d re w Rom ero ' 1 3 expertly fends off a d e fe n d e r a s he ra ces up the field. Brian V a le n c ia , ' 14, h e a d s the s o c c e r ball a w a y from an opponent.
Discussing the g a m e plan, D re w W illia m so n , '1 4 , Z a n e B aker, '1 4 , H a y d e n C rio llo , '1 5 , A n d re w
Rom ero, '1 3 , a n d Scott Rogers, '1 5 ,
w a lk unto the field p re p a re d to fa c e another opponent.
(Kdn l/ou Kick KJtF 'he S o c c e r program at Sain t Peter's Prep is a long lasting tradition b eginning in the 1 9 6 0 's w h en there w a s only a club team, slo w the program has e v o lv e d and, with the help of ve ry supportive so c ce r alumni, h as a c h ie v e d g re at success. U n d er the guidance of c o a c h Jo sh Jan tas, '9 5 , assistant c o a c h D re w Buzzio, '0 3 , a n d Ju n io r Varsity c o a c h A d ria n O rysh k evych , the so c ce r program has en jo ye d outstanding seasons. C o a c h Ja n ta s understands the im p o rtan ce of team w o rk a n d strives to bring together he talented p layers on the squad. The Varsity a n d Junior Varsity team s d e p a rt to the P o co n o s in late summer for training a n d developm ent. This sense of commitment a n d d ilig e n ce d o e s not en d a n d continues throughout the seaso n. The 201 2 seaso n w a s b c h a lle n g e for the so c ce r p ro gram with m an y injuries a n d a difficult sched ule. H o w e v e r, the team w a s a b le to ex cel and ;o n clu d e the seaso n with a 16-3-3 record. The team dem onstrated p assion a n d determ ination during a challe n g in g seaso n. The [earn lost a hard fought match to K e a rn y in the final g a m e of the H ud so n C o u n ty Tournam ent. After a successful first round g am e, he team suffered a disappointing loss to D e P a u l C a th o lic in the Sem ifinals of the N J S I A A Tournam ent. D espite a difficult season, he so c ce r team reflected the hard w o rk a n d p assion of the c o a c h in g staff. M ik e G ia m b a lv o , ' 1 3, led the team with 1 5 goals. Through the com b in ed efforts of cap ta in D a n M a h le r, 11 3, a n d g o a lk e e p e r N ic k C ip ria n o , ' 1 3, the team b o as te d a strong defense. After a successful season, the so c ce r pro g ram continues to look fo rw a rd to a strong future.
37 64
1/8 1/10 l/ 1 3 |l/ 1 5 1/17 1/22 1/24 1/29 1/3!
2/7 |2/1 o |2 / 14i2/16 b / 1P;2/2 3;2/28i 3/2
X h-
12/14 12/16 jl2/18 12/20 12/22 1/2
1/3 | 1/6
S e a n Ryan, ' 14, takes an o p en jumper w hile S e a n Cummings, ' 1 3, re ad ies himself for the rebound.
__________ S e a n Cum m ings stares d o w n an o p po n en t befor< tipoff re a d y to le a v e everything he's got on the c o u r
S e a n Ryan, ' 14, g o e s for an o p e n layup, putting up an e a s y tw o points for Prep.
Basketball R a ilj X
This ye a r's basketball season brought many great victories as the Prep basketball team bulldozed its w a y into the N JS IA A Cham pionship, w h ere the team faced the strong and very competitive Seton Hall Prep, ranked eighth in the state. In a nail-biting gam e, the M arau d ers, ranked eleventh, sh ow ed Seton Hall w h o the real Prep w a s and pulled an upset to a d v a n c e and p lay St. Jo sep h High School. Throughout the season, the team faced many adversities and, like every year, must say g o o d b y e and g o o d luck to graduating senior players. The leadership of Trevis W y c h e , point guard, S e a n Cummings, small forward, and guard M a tt H a lch a k will be missed; fortunately, how ever, the M a ra u d e r team is preparing for next y e a r and the rising stars it will bring.
EA N > #
i V
?B E P \
21, i
M ,.
Y o u c a n 't stop him! Trevis W y c h e , ' 1 3, soars o ve r a H udson C a th o lic d efen d er.
\ evis W y c h e , S e a n Cummings, a n d S e a n Ryan w a rm up an d get a d y for a com petitive g am e.
Sain t Peter's University bound Trevis W y c h e , '1 3 , g o e s in for a layu p ag a in st H ud so n C a th o lic.
Aa tty Ice (M a tt H a lch a c k , '1 3 ) flies past a St. Jo e 's d efender.
N ic k M agnotti, 115 concentrates on his roll out.
D an n y Tannelli, '1 3 , strikes fea r into his opponents with his sp e cta cu la r form.
North Je rs e y C o a c h of the Y e a r C a rm e la C a s te lla n o sharing w o rd s ol w isd om with Anthony M a ta ra z z o , ' 14.
Rowling Mo Mind Mef)t IZehino If you ever w alk into C o a c h C astellano 's classroom at Prep, you w ould immediately see th success the bowling team has had this past year. The trophies and plaques are just a sma sample of the talent this ye a r's squad
held. Led by anchor W ill
'13, the tear
accom plished many goals and surpassed many expectations, including winning the Holida Team C h alle n g e and W o o d b r id g e Classic. Danny Tanelli, ' 13, rolled the first perfect gam e fc Prep in over 3 0 years.
Prep becam e the county champions before winning the H C IA
Conference. After the pins w e re reset and the balls stopped rolling, C o a c h Castellano w a named North Jersey C o a c h of the Year, while W ill Blan co w a s nam ed to the first team All-Nort Je rse y Team and 2nd Team All-State. Additionally, W ill Blan co and Danny Tanelli m ade the fir team All-County Team, and Devon G a la n o , ' 13, m ade the second team All-County.
D e vo n G a la n o , ' 13, throwing a rocket d o w n the lane.
T eam m ates N ic k S a n ta M a r ia , ' 1 3, an d M ic a h Onditi, ' 14, w a tch a s pins pile up.
A s he re le ases the ball, W ill B la n co , ' 13, smiles for the ca m e ra .
The Varsity a n d Junior Varsity sq u ads p o se with C o a c h C a s te lla n o and M a n a g e r Ian Griffin, '1 3 .
Fencing J L
/ <yu/at>(&
The Prep fencing program m ade a name for itself this year. Th team finished fifth in the state, marking the first time a team fro Prep has finished in the top ten. The team collected numeroi a c c o la d e s this season, including winning the Tri-County Regul Season Cham pionship and a gold m edal for the foil team at t Cetrulo Tournament. David Kong, '13, w a s named to the St Ledger's All State team. Jarrett Lewis, '14, w a s named to t Seco n d Team All State. This w a s the most successful year t program
has ever seen,
expectations are
rising for tf
program in the coming years.
jts e
D avid Kong, ' 1 3, lunging for a touch in the first foil bout of tt meet again st C o lu m b ia H igh Sch o o l.
Hunter W illiam s-Burrow s, ' 15 , has his foil inspected b efo re his bout.
The Prep Fencing Team huddles clo se to p ra y before their m eet a g ain st C o lu m b ia H igh Sch o o l.
haring his ex p erience, D a vid Kong, ' 1 3, c o a c h e s Hunter W illiam surrows, ' 15, during his bout.
The team celeb ra te s a beautifully ex ecu ted g o a l.
Jo h n Fearon, ' 15, handles the puck with e a se ,
S e a n C ro w le y , ' 1 5, cruises on the ice and
getting in position for another g o at the g o a l.
10 2
w a tch e s for an openinc
1 4
1 10 0
12/1 j 12/5; 12/812/1 1;12/1412/17;12/2 l i t / 4
1/10 1/15 1/18 1/23 1/21 M/23 1/25 2/1
2/6 -2/13 2/1 1 2 /1 6 2/18 2/22 2/27
B ra v e ly standing in the line of fire, g o a lie Scott A n d reas, '1 6 , a d e p tly d efen d s the g o a l. C e le b ra tin g
c ap ta in
R o cky
C o viello ,
' 14,
c o n g ratu lates his team m ate.
e sq u ad em erg es from the tunnel,
a d y to fight their hardest on the ice.
tlmezama TJoutlt, Reasoned {/etetdLni The M a ra u d e r hockey team w elco m ed many n ew faces after graduating tw elve Senior varsity players last year. Although the team lost many, C o a c h G o o d rich did not b ack do w n and again put together one of the toughest schedules in the tri-state area. Aside from playing in the G o rd o n C onference, the best high school hockey conference in N e w Jersey, the team fa ced off against the Portledge School ( N e w York), the Lawrenceville School, and last ye a r's Public A state champion, the Randolph Rams. The squad finished at 7-16-1 in many players' first ca re er varsity season. Despite the youth, the team a d v a n c e d to both the quarterfinals of the G o rd o n C u p and the second round of the Non-Public state tournament for the second straight year. Rocky C oviello, '14, led the team in all scoring categories with 14 goals, 14 assists, and 28 points. S e a n C ro w le y, '15, w a s a close second, netting 12 g oals and collecting 10 assists, w hile Vinny A d d e o , '1 3, registered 13 g oals and five assists. Also emerging on the team w e re Ryen Pezzola, '1 4 , A ugie Burkhardt, '16, John M artucci, '14, and Brendan Smith, '14. The goaltending tandem of Jonathan Labella, '1 5 , and Scott Andreas, '16, sprung into the spotlight, and M a ra u d e r fans should be very excited about the p la y betw een the pipes for the next few years. The hockey program continues to g ro w under C o a c h G o od rich , and next y e a r the team aw aits the challenges of playing the a re a 's best teams. The team will return 18 of 22 varsity players.
C a p ta in Ryan M c G a n n ' 13, nears the end of his leg of a re la y ra c e at N e w B a la n c e A rm ory in N e w York,
Hudson C o u n ty C h am p io n , Eam on D w yer, '14, soars to an impressive 6ft. 4in. at N e w B a la n c e A rm ory in N e w York, N Y . Jo h n A rm w o o d , ' 16, p rep a re s to le a d re la y with a
off his
quick jump a h e a d of the
Barrington Bennett 114, carries the baton for his stretch of a ra c e at N e w B a la n c e A rm ory in N e w York, N Y .
Indoor Trach (^ettina E
on 'Ttaek
Running around and around just doesn't do it justice. Prep's Indoor track program g rew in talent and tallied up the victories. Led by C aptains Randall W a ll, ' 13, and Ryan M c G a n n , ' 13, this group of young stallions p a ra d e d through meets, dominating opponents and setting individual records throughout the season, despite the injuries and hardships that occurred. En route to a Hudson County Cham pionship, St. Peter's Indoor Track set a standard for years to com e with hard-work, dedication, and charisma. Lively in every sense of the w ord, Prep's coaching staff, Jerry M c C a n n , Christopher Caufield, '03, and M ich a e l Burgess constantly energized the athletes, reminding them to keep the tight-knit team atmosphere together not only during relays but also during the individual season.
Vith fierce determination, Demetrius Cross, 11 3, runs his leg of a re la y
Freshm an M ik e M u rp h y jumps to a quick start in his leg of the re la y at the
3c e at N e w B a la n c e A rm ory in N e w York, N Y .
N e w B a la n c e A rm o ry in N e w York, N Y . The re la y team of D e c la n W o lla r d ,
'1 5 , D a vid d e Leon, '1 4 , Jim m y
Sa u s e , '1 4 a n d N a t Sullivan, '1 5 , po ses for a picture after a successful ra c e at the N e w B a la n c e A rm o ry in N e w York, N Y .
Jo n ath o n Ju an , ' 15, p o w erin g through a solid 1 0 0 ya rd Backstroke.
M a tt Ja sk o , '1 4 , swimming a solid 2 0 0
M a tth e w
Jo h n ath o n Little, 113, getting
'1 4 ,
e a d y for a relay. W in sto n Chu, '1 5 , swimming the last 5 0
Freestyle in his 2 0 0 ya rd
Individual M e d le y .
Q tH E M
25 7 68 83 24 76 80 99309 23 53 83 117
DC <
■ 00 111
! M
I | l 1
M• I
M e lin a
W cu /e i
This swim season w a s a very exciting one for Prep They
w on
I 4
w ent in to the state tournament, facing
Catholic, a team they w ere e d g e d out by earlie in the season. In the last event, Prep touched ou
l i t
Bergen and a d v a n c e d
to the State Semifinals
Although losing to Seton Hall, the team w as prouc for being ranked sixteenth in the state. Coach Ryan
a lre a d y
the swim team
Parochial A Cham pionship next year.
Championship. The season got exciting when they
alike are The
Fierce competition as relays head off at a Union City vs. Saint Peter's Swim Meet.
Sophomore Peter Tomljanovic receives advice from his coach, Ryan Heffernan.
Sean Severson, 115, doing the 50 yard Backstroke in his 200 yard Individual Medley.
3e Palasits, 113, lea d in g the team with a strong "A v e " at the start of a swim meet.
Wrestling (^o-Lnq to-the. M at Boasting
acco la d e s,
cam e,
conquered. They finished with 10 wrestlers on the 1st Team All County list and four on the 2nd Team All Country list. The team as a w hole finished 7th in the state rankings with an 18-5 record. H e a d C o a c h Anthony Verdi took home the H C IA L C o a c h of the Year Honors. W ith a record high 9 Prep W restlers in the State Championships in Atlantic City, over half finished in the top 10 in their respective w eight classes. Lead by an astounding cam paign by Senior Jam es Kellner, 113, Prep m ade noise around N e w Jersey once again, establishing themselves as a pow erhouse in
the G a rd e n State. W ith a strong upcoming
class, an emphatic coach, and w hole lot of sw ag g e r and grit, Prep fans can expect the team to duplicate their efforts in the coming years. G o Prep!
C o a c h Verdi a n d the team look on intensely a s o n e of their o w n strives for the win.
A n d re w U llo a, ' 13, scram bles to take d o w n his o p p o n en t for the win.
Ryan Burkert, 115, g o e s for the victory ag ain st his foe on a quick tilt.
Step h en Kellner, successful match.
'1 5 ,
stands proud
w h ile
re co g n iz ed
for hiJ
Early in the match, Ryan Burkert, ' 15, already gains the upper hand over his opponent.
unior Mike Russo, '14, easily dominating an opponent,
Isaiah M cG o w an , ' 15, defends a shot from a furious
s ready to close out the bout and claim victory.
opponent and attempts a take down.
Antonio Velardi, ' 15, warms up as he keeps his eye on the pitcher.
tJUffnt mm M/M' mf>'( ■w.'/h mm WfM
; )}/■ rJHy.lj.'sti.
>’ !1•/rili 114 1 vj&tSEw)} >m v.i 1, ), tt)I/.UJ tf-W1■ ■ /foil vtvfitt. w&bjitlij v 't'/v. 7 -rmn-w-'iN.m <few J * UJ/}iJr;f}ISi, U vV.i/ i Jj, i ■ ;trt/'w.nA, a/i nj-; «/5 ». < #> • >/'*!'<>V//-;/«*: •t /f* >»n ■ R mw ■ _% J i B
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Ryan O ' Connor, ' 13, celebrates the run he just scored.
W ith a look of sh eer determ ination I
A nthony Pacillo, ' 13, gets re a d y to re le a s e the ball.
R e a d y to hit it out of the park, Jo e K o p a c z , ' 15, stares d o w n the pitcher.
Se n io r Ryan O 'C o n n o r w in d s up for the pitch.
Baseball T cO - U C t \Lna
-Q U A
The b aseb all team is a constant threat in the county, with Varsity starting the 2 0 1 3 season 6-0. The team w elco m es back seniors S e a n " S w a g g a " Falzon, M att H alchak, N ic k C lap p sy, Anthony Pacillo, Ryan O 'C o n n o r, M ik e W a ls h e , D rew C a se y, and Brendan "Young C o z " C osg rove. The baseb all team is usually the last team to p lay for Prep in the school year, and a lw a y s le a ve the ye a r on a strong note. The Seniors will be missed, but they are sure to have a ca re e r in baseb all in front of them. Baseb all is a sport w h ere the players must rely on each other to pull out a victory in the end, and Prep has taught them to trust e a c h other and be men for others on the diamond.
Eyes intently fixed to w ard s hom e b a se, A n d re w D 'A v e lla , ' 15, w a its on seco n d .
Eager to win a medal at the coveted Head of the Charles, the Varsity 4-man team pushes forward.
The Junior Varsity 8-man boat soars through the water as they attempt to gain another medal for their team.
The Varsity Double anxiously awaits the sound of the starting gun to signal the beginning of their race.
James Reynolds, ' 13, and Owen Lynskey, ' 13, row in a double at the Head of the Passaic.
Crew it,^(^uaxe
^>inl it The Prep C re w team can be found gliding do w n the rivers of N e w Je rse y during both its fall and winter seasons. Betw een these times, athletes practice in the Erg room and do other forms of core training to be sure they stay in peak condition. Students row on the Passaic river out of Lyndhurst, N e w Jersey, and perform in m any regattas each season. Regattas are all-day events and are usually on weekends. Since c re w is a w ater sport, practice is held in all w eather conditions, regardless of rain, snow, or hail, only stopping for lightning storms. Participants row
in either sw eep ing
or sculling boats - sw eeping
requires one oar, while sculling requires two. Rowers will be put in either an 8 man boat, a 4 man boat, or a two man boat.
The Prep
c re w team continues to g ro w and improve in all categories and enjoyed another successful set of seasons this year.
le varsity eight
Kuczynski, 15,
D an
D e llech ia ie,
'1 5 ,
Fearon, '1 5 , H an k Forsythe, '1 4 , A rle y G ira ld o , '1 4 , K yle Lupo, '1 3 , ia n Tuhy, '1 4 , a n d D e cla n Berutti, '1 4 a n d their co x sw ain PJ W a ls h e , 5,
give it everything they h a v e left during the final 5 0 0 meters of their
kilometer ra c e at the Jesuit Invitational in C a m d e n , N J.
The Varsity 8-man b o a t glid es acro ss the w ater, ro w ing in perfect unison.
re N o v ic e 8-man b o at struggles through their 5 lometer race, during the H e a d of the Passaic.
C o n cen tratin g hard on his form, Ja c k Byram , ' 1 3, lines up for the p a r saving putt. K ieran Purcell, '1 4 , a n d Ja c k Byram discuss their sco res as they w a lk to take their next shot.
S e a n Purcell, '1 3 , w a tc h e s his ball fly d o w n the m iddle of the fa irw a y
W h e n the w eather starts to warm up and flowers begin to bloom, Prep golfers are lacing up their spikes and hitting the links. The team, lead by first y e a r H e a d C o a c h Ryan O 'Flah erty, entered the 2 0 1 3 season with strong returning players and a few newcom ers. The centerpiece of these young golfers is Junior Kieran Purcell, w h o shot seven over 7 8 to qualify for the N JS IA A Tournament of Cham pions by finishing in fifthp la ce at the North Jersey, Non-Public A sectional. H e shot 78 at the T of C
to take second for Non-Public A. The seniors, S e a n
M ic h a e l Rojas, Ja c k Byram, M ik e Vuoncino, and Rob C a p o n e w ere looked up to for g uidance this past season.
Lacrosse £ to The Prep Lacrosse Team started the first months of their spring 201 3 season strong with a 5 and 1 record. Com ing off a thirteen win season in 201 2, this young squad is held to high standards by new co a ch M a r c Brien. The Prep Lacrosse Team started the season with a glorious 9-8 win over long time competitor, Morristown. Though the team suffered a hard fought loss against Cranford in early April, they rallied to beat Ram apo, Randolph, Clark, and C a ld w e ll High schools consecutively. The relatively young team is lead by Senior captains Colin Siracuse, Brian Toner, Kevin Mikovits, and Jo e Burke. This season, the attack-heavy offense is run by Junior Tanner Barbieri, w ho is supplemented on each side by Kevin Mikovits, '13, and Christian Hedengren, ’ 15, an exciting attack unit to watch The defense is anchored by University of Denver-bound captain Colin Siracuse; Sirause brings an invaluable physical presence and sense of leadership to the strong defensive unit. The 201 3 season could potentially be a benchmark cam paign for the program.
G e o r g e G re ll, 116, nets the first of his c a re e r again st C la rk H igh Sch o o l.
C a p tio n C o lin Siracu se, '1 3, contests his R andolph H igh S c h o o l opponent.
Tanner Barbieri, '1 4 , d o d g e s in the team 's 10-7 win o ve r Ran do lp h High.
hristian H ed en g re n , '1 5 , salutes the c ro w d after a leap in g oal again st R a m a p o H igh S c h o o l.
Jo h n M a ra n o , ' 14, w in d s up to throw the discus during p ractice at the throwing circle.
Freshmen B ra n d o n Parrad o , Billy Fitzpatrick, an d Dom inick M a stro d o n a to look to m ake a pass on the track.
Juniors David DeLeon, Fritz Heinrich, Daniel Apicella and Chr Butko lead the distance team into the last lap for the day.
rs line up for a p ra ctice lap at Lincoln Park.
he outdoor track a n d field team takes a >reak from p ractice to p o se for a picture.
Ju n io r D a vid D eLeon co m es to a strong finish during a sp e e d w orkout on the Lincoln Park track. The sprinters smile after finishing their set a n d look fo rw ard to a c o o l d o w n run.
Outdoor Track Jlet'i 'Tale
The track team b e g an their season in M a rc h , lifting and strengthening muscles and joints for the upcoming
season. This w a y e a c h athlete's conditioning can be app lied to every event
during the season. The distance team w orked on the long runs and getting a longer stride, w hile the sprinters focused on their form and speed. Also included a re the field events, such as throwing and jumping, w h ere flexibility is a main focus to lengthen throws and sharpen form to perfection. Every athlete m ade personal bests this year, leading to a truly great season of Prep track. The field w a s d e e p with m any powerhouses, and it w a s no surprise that Prep triumphed in every meet. Although the team is losing a few Seniors at the end of this year, they are looking straight a h e a d to next ye a r's season and striving to becom e one of the top teams in the state.
Kyle Shivers, ' 13, runs on a fast break past Essex Rugby Club players. Starting Varsity Flanker Rob Kufczynski, 113, gains some yards while two defenders close in on him.
Second Year Player Michael Abdon,' 15, tests his speed as he tries tc break aw ay from Dallas Jesuit defenders
Trying to give his team an edge, Senior player Mike Dombrowski, ' 13, runs through Dallas Jesuit players.
ik e Et& tketlo& d This y e a r's M a r a u d e r rugby team w a s excited for yet another seaso n of smash-mouth rugby. B e fo re the seaso n even started, the team h ad to d o som e recruiting. W ith a handful of Freshmen a n d S o p h o m o res e a g e r to learn a n d en jo y the g a m e of rugby, the team w a s re a d y for p ractice. After a short am ount of time p racticing together, the team had a lre a d y started to form a brotherhood. O p e n in g their seaso n again st Stroke Jesuit, a w e ll known team from Texas, the M a ra u d e rs w o rk e d together to attain their first victory. W ith in two d a y s of p laying Stroke, the team then hosted a n d p la y e d another challengin g opponent, D a lla s Jesuit. The team stayed together but unfortunately w a s not a b le to gain another victory. N everth eless, the team g a in e d v a lu a b le e x p e rie n c e for their first y e a r an d Junior varsity players. After these tw o tough trials, the team b e c a m e confident in their c h a n ce s of making another a p p e a r a n c e in the state cham pionship.
:irst year player Brendan Cunningham, ' 16, stiff-arms an opponent while he looks to gain yardage. Senior player Ryan Stickno dives through the air to try and tackle a Dallas Jesuit player.
Four-year player Andrew Newman, ' 13, dodges defenders as he runs towards the try zone.
Sean Marshall, ' 14, strives against the opposition, even with defenders holding him back.
Matt Newman, ' 13, leads an, "Ave," with his fellow teammates before a game.
Sen io r Ja i M a lik g o e s in for the tough shot to w in the point.
M a tt ja s k o , '1 4 , serves a pow erful shot during the C o u n ty Tournam ent.
Tennis o-t/e.
As the w arm w eath er rolls around, Prep players tighten their laces, take out their rackets, and hit the courts. It's Tennis Season, boys. Under the tutelage of C o a c h Padre, the players are divided into two groups, depending on their particular skills and preferences: Singles and Doubles. W ith another successful season led by Senior Ja i M alik, '13, in the Singles division and Juniors C o n o r G o lw a y , ’ 14, and M a tth e w Jasko, 114, in the doubles division, Prep athletes show ed its strength on the tennis court again this year. O n e match after another, the players on Prep's tennis team have served, volleyed and smashed their w a y to recognition and, just like for a n y other Prep sport, now g o into e a c h match with the will, determination, and drive to overtake the competition.
[The powerful d o ub les team of A n d re w C a b re ra , ' 1 3, a n d D re w W a lth e r ,
Ja i M a lik , ' 1 3, e y e s stead ily on the ball, is re a d y to deliver pow erful top
113, co m e out on top in the H ud so n C o u n ty Tournam ent.
spin in o rd er to win the point.
O ffering support for their p eers on the court, p layers w a it for instructions from C o a c h W a sh in g to n .
U n d er C o a c h Kilroy's leadership, tw o sq u ads share an e m b ra ce before a scrim m age a n d wish e a c h other g o o d luck.
C o a c h W a s h in g to n o b serves his p la y e r's serve, re a d y to critique his p erfo rm an ce to help im prove his form.
Poised and re a d y for the serve, the team practices six-on-six.
K in a i <yj\ - Q c e i Starting the season out strong, the Volleyball team really delivers a powerful serve and a spike this year. After starting the season by crushing H C IA L opponent Ferris, the Varsity team beat Bayonne to a d v a n c e their record, while the JV team also w on in three games. The volleyball team set a great team, bumped the city, and spiked Hudson County. These young men brought their talent in every six-onsix gam e and never let their teammates or the ball drop. They kept The Barn rumbling with the passion for success and w ere ab le to pull out the win through some am azing volleys. They tally the season as victorious and keep the glory strong as they knock out all opponents along the w ay.
The whole team fills the gym with activity and excitement during pre-season scrimmages.
Benched players watch their teammates perfect their form on the court.
Campus Ministry .
- s p
te c L d
c j
jjc u
' j J tk
As a Jesuit school, Prep's emphasis on instilling the teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
is most evident in C am pus
understand the concep t of finding G o d in all things thanks to the g uidance of M s. Toomb and M r. Dougherty. The O ffice of C am pus Ministry leads the various retreats and liturgies throughout the year. Furthermore, Christian Life Communities have been established as fora for reflective discussions for students and teachers alike. The C am pus Ministry Team is com posed of students w h o wish to be exam ples of their
representative of the Jesuit ideals. M a tth e w Bernardo, 113, is a Senior on
C am pus
M a tth e w
Ministry Team "W h e n
I first cam e
has to
recognized Prep
its impact. young
w hom
interacted w ere the Seniors. They w e re the members of the C am pus Ministry Team w h o facilitated the Ig N ite Retreat. I recognized the great opportunity that it offers Seniors. As a member of the C am pus Ministry Team you get to interact with students on retreats and are ab le
to b ecom e
in the spiritual asp ect of Jesuit
education. I w an ted to be a part of that as early as my Freshman year. Personally, my Prep experience w ould not have been com plete without becom ing involved with C am pus Ministry." These students a re the truest exam ples of faith in the school community as they prompt the underclassmen to reflect on how to b e better men for others. M a tth e w has taken a d v a n ta g e of just about all of the opportunities offered
M a tth e w
elaborates on his experiences, "I have been very involved with retreats and Christian service through Prep b e cau se of our C am pus Ministry program. I have been on IgN ite, Sophom ore Retreat, Kairos, Emmaus and A M D G . I have lead Emmaus and will soon be leading Kairos. As for service, I have served at a local grammar school, volunteered for a S u b w a y Run, gone to Bethlehem Farm and just this past summer I w ent to Los Angeles, C A on our LA Immersion Trip. I have also volunteered at Restore the Shore events through Prep to help clean up communities devastated by Hurricane S a n d y." The C am pus Ministry department provides very enriching and fulfilling opportunities for students. The retreats are an incredibly reflective time and
the service
trips teach
students the value
of social
M a tth e w explains, " M y favorite part of being a part of the C am pus Ministry Team is being a b le to lead retreats. I cannot think of any better w a y to establish relationships with peers than to attend a retreat with them. Retreats are mediums through which a student is a b le to express his genuine self. Sim ply knowing that you w e re a b le to bring about such an experience for the participants makes all the hard w ork and
preparation worthwhile."
Like m any other students,
C am pus
M a tth e w Ministry
department. Saint Peter's Prep prides itself on its Jesuit identity and how its students g row in the Jesuit ideals.
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Campus Ministry Team
A Jutiutintj the -Heath o-fj the ^TaltkhuL At Prep, spirituality is a daily part of a student's life. The Cam pus Ministry Tean runs masses, retreats, and many other spiritual events for Prep. They lead thr freshmen as Big Brothers on IgNite, and help them through the year. The teari takes pride in leading retreats: Kairos, Emmaus, and the Sophom ore Retreai
M a n y students believe these retreats are am ong the best experiences they hav< during their years at Prep. Also, the team leads prayers each morning. The tean
do es the essential task for a Jesuit school: to spread Christ's m essage of lov< and service.
G a b rie l Alm anza, M a tth e w
Bernardo, M a tth e w
Biscaldi, Richard
Budka, Evan C ain, Robert C a p o n e ,
A n d re w C a se y, N ich o las C lap p sy, M a tth e w Connelly, Brendan C osgrove, M a rk De Leon, Alexander Duva, Christopher Egan, S e a n Falzon, W illia m Foley, Sam uel Gentile, M axim o G ra n o de O ro , Dylan Jansen, W illiam Lavelle, Kyle Lupo, A n d re w M a rk e y, Brendan M c C a u le y , Ryan M c G a n n , M a tth e w M c G o v e rn , Kevin Mikovits, M a rio M ow att, Jo sep h M u ccio lo , Patrick M urphy, A n d re w N e w m a n , M a tth e w N ew m a n , Joseph Nicoletti, Daniel Pimpinelli, FJector Poza, Henrique Ribeiro, N ic h o la s Santa M a ria , Tyler Schiavo, Kevin Sheridan, Kyle Shivers, O w e n Sirianni, Ryan Stickno, Bryan Thomas, Brian Toner, Douglas Tortorici, M ich a e l Troglio, M ich a e l Tuites, M ic h a e l Vuoncino, M ic h a e l W a ls h e , M ic h a e l W e b e r
SUHfttft ClOStO i i m 't
shman Day of Serviq ~Tle.
a. (J.outneu
The d a y of service in which Freshmen participate is their firs experience
becom e acquainted with their classmates as well as with thei Big Brothers. They are introduced to Ignatian spirituality anc w hat makes a Jesuit school, especially Prep, Jesuit. W ith thil introduction in mind, later in the y e a r Freshmen grouped bN homeroom serve for a d a y under the guidance of their Bic Brothers. These service opportunities vary for Freshmen; it cai be giving underprivileged children a fun d a y of play in the courtyard, or helping cook and serve dinner at P ER C to those w h o are hungry and need food. This d a y of service allow: Freshmen to begin to expand their world views and identik social justice issues in the communities around Prep. It is the beginning of their service to others as Prep men.
Sill Fitzpatrick, ' 15, sits down with young boy, chatting and
James Wright, ' 15, helps a boy blowing
sating lunch together on a beautiful day in the courtyard.
bubbles make them even bigger.
Matt Moriarty,115, accompanies two children as they eat their delicious grilled lunch.
^ Retreafanfs accompany their hosts
Christopher Lee, '15, and Brian Rojas, '15, play bingo with the experts at the Harborage Nursing Center in North Bergen.
their bingo game at the Harborag
Preparing for the food service, Sophomores form an assembly line unpacking goods at PERC in Union City.
hows a woman playing ctly place her piece.
poses with a man and befriended during his type at the H a r b o age. PJ W a ls h e ,
'1 5 ,
w o m a n that he la s
Retreatants pack boxes at the Food Bank, which will be sorted in the future and then distributed to those in need.
The Sophomore retreat at Prep is part of the Campus Ministry requirement for all Sophomores. This retreat, which includes an overnight stay at Prep, runs from after school on Friday until Saturday night. O n the first night of their retreat, students give up their time to volunteer and eat at a shelter with underprivileged adults and children.
The d ay is brought to a close
with a speaker who discusses issues of poverty and faith with the students. On the following day, retreatants volunteer at an area food bank to help sort and pack donated food items, and then spend the afternoon visiting with elderly residents at a nursing home.
To bring the retreat to a close,
students attend a mass, and then finish off with a reflection. The events of the retreat are intended to provide Sophomores with an opportunity to both reflect and serve, putting into action Ignatius' philosophy, promoting social justice, and encouraging students to grow spiritually.
As their Kairos co m es to an end, Junior retreatants and Sen io r lead ers together look out at the crashing w a v e s of the o c e a n .
M s. M orissette a n d Sen io r le a d e r S e a n Falzon p o se for a picture after planning for the retreat's next activity.
Kairos offers Juniors the opportunity to take a four-day break from school and the stresses of their daily lives to be closer to G o d as w ell as to their fellow classmates. The retreat's name com es from the G re e k w ord meaning "G o d 's Time." Each Kairos
Cam pus
Sen io r le a d e r M ic h a e l Tuites sets the
members along with several faculty members w ho help to
m ood for Kairos 2 6 a n d w e lc o m e s the
coordinate activities. O v e r the course of four days, Juniors are
group of Juniors to the retreat house.
ab le to reflect on all the aspects of their daily lives, their relationships with each other, and their relationship with G o d . The retreat takes p la ce at the Stella M a ris retreat center in
Itoiros 'Time
Long Branch, N J. The house is ow n ed and operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph of P e a c e who, despite the devastating effects of Hurricane S a n d y continued to graciously w elcom e Prep students this year. The unique environment of the retreat house helps make Kairos even more special. Kairos is w idely heralded as one of the best experiences that students can have during their four years at Prep.
V ■ The participants of Kairos 23 pose for a group picture on the sand at Stella Maris after a very enjoyable retreat.
m M
u m m
Emmaus C^n the T^oad. to (2 ltb t The final retreat ava ila b le to Saint Peter's Prep students is the Emmaus Senior retreat. The Emmai retreat is an unforgettable tradition of Saint Peters Prep, with over 2 0 0 com pleted retreats. The nam is borrow ed from the N e w Testament p assag e of the road to Emmaus, wherein Jesus w alked w i‘ two disciples w h o w e re not a b le to recognize Him. Participants of the retreat discern how and wher Christ w a s present in their lives. W ith profound and thought-provoking talks, the Emmaus retreat is very reflective time for students and a ch an ce to actively examine their high school careers. Dank Pimpinelli, 113, says of his Emmaus experiences, "I m ade relationships during that retreat that I believ will flourish far past Prep. W h e n I led Emmaus 262, I had a very similar experience. This tim* however, it w a s refreshing to w atch as the other leaders and I fostered the same experience that he been created for us." The leaders of Emmaus, like Daniel Pimpinelli, provide a formative experienc which allow s participants to strengthen their relationship with their faith and with others.
M e m b e rs of Em maus 2 6 4 reflect together a n d learn a b o u t their o w n
M e m b e rs of Em maus 2 6 4 begin to w o rk on their banner.
spirituality. D o n o va n
S e p u lv e d a ,
M ic h a e l
A n d re w ,
G uarini,
Jo e s e p
M r. S c a n n a p ie c o an d M s . M orissette re create a C h a rlie 's A n g e ls p o se
M u c c io lo , Chris Eg an , a n d le a d e r Ja k e Blicharz, '0 8 , b onding on the
w hile prep arin g the Em m aus turkey.
Em maus retreat.
The Sen io rs of Em m aus 2 6 2 prou dly d isp lay their b a n n er after a ve ry successful a n d reflective retreat.
D re w M a r k e y a n d L.A. Smith III sh o w their excitem ent on the Em maus retreat. he participants of Em maus 2 6 1 , having com p le te d their retreat, prou dly lisplay the bann er they e a c h h elp ed to create.
In S e a s id e , Jo e M u c c io lo , '1 5 , a n d M a tt B ern ard o , '1 5 , help with the dem olition of a house d a m a g e d
b y H urricane S a n d y .
O n their immersion trip to Bethel, A la sk a over the summer, a group of Juniors p o se with their first catch after subsistence fishing.
Sen io rs volunteering at H o m e b o y Industries in Los A n g e le s cultivate a n d tend to the g a rd e n beds.
Service Trips Rta.neklncf CRut
in AJeect Immersion trips are much more than trips to foreign places. They are chances to make a difference in people's lives. The different trips that students take give them an opportunity to see what life is like in other situations, and the people being served are able to receive the help that they need in order to improve their lives. Students are given the chance to travel to their designated sites in Quito, Ecuador, Los Angeles, California, or Bethel, Alaska, during their summers. Immersion trips are also available to various locations in W est Virginia and with the recent Hurricane Sandy, down the shore. The Prep men see how the impoverished people of these areas live day to day and make ends meet. The goal, when students travel to these destinations, is to not only help improve the lives of those who are served, but also give students a greater perspective on social justice issues around the world and in their own backyard.
ith the W est Virginia Ministry and Advocacy Camp. Juniors Mattjasko and Chris Butko play bingo with a woman from the senior center in Bethel.
Liturgies Rtinefina 1M l&qeile. A s a C a t h o lic s c h o o l, the students, fa c u lty a n d staff o f S a in t P e te r's P re : o fte n g a th e r a s a s c h o o l c o m m u n ity to c e le b r a t e the g o o d n e s s o f tH Lord. T o r e c o g n iz e h o ly d a y s th ro u g h o u t the s c h o o l y e a r , P re p studen a r e c a l l e d to g e th e r to c e l e b r a t e a ll the g o o d and
the g o o d
th e y h a v e e x p e r ie n c e
thin gs th e y m ight s h a r e w ith o th ers. A s th e y re fle c t c
w h a t th e y h a v e d o n e , a n d sm ile for w h a t is to c o m e , th e y re m e m b e r the P re p
is a l w a y s
g u id e d
T h ro u g h o u t the
ye a r,
stu d en ts re m e m b e r that th e s e s c h o o l- w id e m a s s e s a r e a w a y for them t j c o m e c lo s e r to o u r Lord a n d to f o llo w m o re c lo s e ly in H is fo o tstep M a s s e s a r e o n e o f the f e w tim es the en tire P r e p c o m m u n ity c a n c o m t o g e th e r a n d e m b r a c e e a c h o th e rs' p r e s e n c e , a n d a r e o n e o f the g re c
Fr. Reiser, S.J., begins the first mass of the school year, bringing the Prep community together at the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
thin gs that h e lp to re m in d P re p stu dents o f their Je s u it identity.
he Jesuit community of Prep prepares the Holy Gifts it the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
ir. Mullin, S.J., reads a passage from the Gospel according to Matthew.
Fr. Azzarto, S.J., and Fr. Dinneen, S.J., watch on as Fr. Reiser, S.J., raises the Blood of Christ in blessing.
Fr. Reiser, S.J., in his usual eloquent manner, 0 0 tresses the Preo community.
As a project for Pax Christi, Danny Pimpinelli, ' 13, leads the trash audit, learning about how much perfectly good food is thrown away.
Walking down Hogan Hall, students can read about proponents of environmental justice that include some familiar faces from Prep.
Posters throughout Prep contained facts on the environmental issues thd the world faces, informing students as they walked the halls.
In collaboration with Mr. Smith, student artists hung a sculpture made of recycled bottles, keeping in line with the green theme.
At. John Cali, who owns the company which andles Prep's garbage and recycling, asks students n Mr. Galano's class about their recycling habits.
Arrupe Weeh R nvL to-nm ental y.u itice
The objective of Arrupe W e e k is to shed light on the social justice issues of today. This ye a r's Pedro Arrupe Lecture Series focuses on environmental justice, examining the environmental issues facing the world to d ay through the lens of C atholic S o cia l Teaching. Throughout the w eek, speakers com e to Prep to discuss an a rray of real-world environmental issues, most of which directly affect life at Prep. Through their w ork and talks, these p eo p le a d vo ca te for the environment, hoping to create a better future for coming generations. M a n y of the issues presented are local, providing students concrete examples that they can relate to. Students also have many opportunities after school to learn more about being
environmentally conscious. Such trips include gardening work,
giving Prep students first-hand experiences with being green. The w ee k's keynote speaker, concluding a w e e k of learning and reflection, w a s Fr. Joseph C arver, S.J., w h o spoke about his agrarian roots and passion for eco log y.
George Garber, '15, and Peter Tomljanovic, '15, stand in front of the Class of 201 5 to give a speech about how their money helps their Mission Drive location of Quito, Ecuador.
M r. C a s lo w itz sells a student a fe w raffle tickets for a c h a n c e to win Tickets to a Y a n k e e 's g a m e . The four class y e a rs battle it out in a "Ja r W a r s , " w h e re it's not the idents w a it outside M r. Locricchio's office in o rd er to get a
am ount in the jar that matters, but w h a t its m a d e of.
^stband for Dress D o w n Friday. in C a m p b e ll, '1 5 , delivers a sp e e c h to his S o p h o m o re issmates ab o u t the M ission Drive and Q uito, Ecu a d o r. r. Long offers students a spot in a "R a p Battle," w h e re the r y fees and ticket sales will both g o to charity.
Mission Drive Each year, the Prep community com es together during the Lenten season in an attempt to give b ack to those in need.
During this time,
homerooms dream up a plethora of w a y s to raise money for the Mission
Drive, whether it be
selling food such as cookies and
dumplings or offering raffles for various prizes. All of the m oney that com es from the fund-raisers held during this time goes to one of three missions sites: all Freshman and Senior m oney collected g oes to H o m e b o y Industries in Los Angeles; money raised by the Sophom ore class g oes to the W o rk in g Boys Center in Quito, Ecuador; and all the Junior funds go to Bethel, Alaska.
The Mission Drive is meant to
help Prep students focus on giving to those in need while helping to bring about real ch an g e in the world.
d Jn q ta ln Ln cj Jle & d z u lip a n d d su cce i.
Saint Peter's Prep espouses academic excellence, a fundamental component of Jesuit education. The faculty challenge students and strive to instill a passion for learning. Students of Saint Peter's Prep know that academic excellence is not simply received; it is earned. Prep students can, and most often do, flourish through the challenge of time management and the difficulty of new responsibilities. Senior Christopher Egan, president of the National Honors Society, attests that leadership is a virtue of students of Saint Peter's Prep. Prep ingrains such a leadership by providing students with the means to excel.
Chris Egan affirms, "Leadership, fostered by a desire to succeed and the numerous
responsibilities that we have accepted, defines our common character." The academic excellence of Saint Peter's Prepis embodied in its
students. Chris represents the student body in recognizing a
commonacademic success,"With dedication,
passion, natural ability, perseverance, and just the
smallest touch of luck, we have attained numerous honors and accolades."
T h e ro o t o f S a in t P e t e r 's P r e p a r a t o r y is its e x te n s iv e and
s u p p o r tiv e
c o m m u n ity .
C u rre n t
stu d en ts
a re
p ro u d to k n o w that their p e r s o n a l s u c c e s s e s e x h ib it a p a rt o f a no tes,
g re a te r
c o m m u n ity . s o m e th in g
T h e c o n s ta n t I w ill c o n tin u e
S tu d e n ts
tra d itio n . Ju n io r
P re p
g r a d u a t io n a n d
M a tth e w
p a rt
re sp e c t in
for rest
c o m m u n ity
B ro w n
close-knit o th e rs
is life."
th e e x c e l le n c e a c h i e v e d
the c la s s r o o m is s e e n in a ll a s p e c t s o f a stu d e n t's life a t S a in t P e t e r 's P re p .
S tu d e n ts a t S a in t P e te r 's P r e p u n d e rs ta n d th a t striving fo r a c a d e m i c e x c e lle n c e is n o t m e a n t to b e a b u rd e n ; in f a c t it is a p e r s o n a l c h o ic e . Jo n C a r l o D o m in g u e z , '1 5 , n o te s th a t m a n y stu d e n ts in high s c h o o l fe e l the need
im p re s s
o th e rs
co u rs e s
th a t
a r e n 't
th e
Jo n
C a r lo
a p p e a li n g
re m a rk s,
like to think d iffe re n tly , a n d
w ith
p a r tic u la r ly
I c h a lle n g e
m y s e lf in thin gs that I lo v e , e v e n th o u g h it w ill b e m o re w o r k ." E x c e llin g in a n y a r e a is m ost b e n e f ic ia l w h e n a c h ie v e d
fo r
p e rso n a l
g o a ls ,
like J o n
C a r lo ,
stu d en ts c h o o s e c o u r s e s that truly e x c ite them .
A c a d e m ic
e x c e lle n c e
b e g in s
P r e p a s fre s h m e n e n g a g e
e a r ly
S a in t
P e te r 's
in their c la s s e s a n d
le a rn
from their t e a c h e r s . F re s h m a n W i l l D e la n e y c o m m e n ts o n his c h o i c e fo r h ig h s c h o o l, "I c h o s e S a in t P e te r's P re p
it is a
c o lle g e
p re p a ra to ry
s c h o o l.
P r e p w ill h e lp to p r e p a r e m e a c a d e m ic a ll y , s o c ia lly , a n d sp iritu a lly for b o th m y p e r s o n a l a n d p ro fe s s io n a l life." M a n y fre s h m e n r e c o g n iz e that th e y h a v e to ta k e a c t iv e s te p s to a c h i e v e their g o a ls a t P re p ; s u c c e s s is e a rn e d
th ro u g h
d ilig e n t a n d
r e s p o n s ib le w o rk .
W i l l , stu d e n ts a t P r e p w o r k h a r d a n d a c h i e v e s u c c e s s th a t p r e p a r e s them fo r the future.
? T tv for ev er y o n e
QwfiOJJiSt oa$Site a
wookfnot succeedwtsS). Haace
M r. Burokas prompts a
Freshman for the im perative form of the n e w verbs that they a re learning.
M r. V azn elis discusses the uses of infinitives with his S o p h o m o re students during a c a d e m ic support period.
M s. D 'E m ic discusses C a e s a r 's D e B ello G a llic o with her A P Latin students.
As Freshmen, Prep students begin to cultivate a respect for the Classical
Under the guidance
of Ms.
Mr. Burokas, and Mr. Scannapieco, Freshmen learn basic grammatical structures in simple sentences. The second year Latin Mr.
taught and
by Mr.
passages. The students who choose to continue their Latin career strengthen their understanding of the linguistics and begin to translate more complicated narratives and poems in Latin 3 Honors, taught by Mr. Burokas. Ms. D'Emic's A P Latin class is separated into two sections: the study of C aesar and the study of Vergil. Students translate passages from Caesar's "D e Bello G allico " during the first half of the y ear and Vergil's "A eneid " in the second. The Classics Department successfully teaches the true roots of our language in a tangible and understandable w ay. Students learn the derivatives of words while also understanding historical context and culture.
W h a t is your favorite
M r. C a m p io n re ad s D an te 's Inferno with his senior A P Literature class.
English Literature Fine literature has not been lost, as any student will learn after his four years in the English classes that are taught here at Saint Peter's. The Prep English department outlines strong writing and reading skills throughout each student's four years. Students are taught to become independent thinkers and to commit their thoughts to paper in a well thought out and grammatically sound w ay. In their first year, Freshmen are welcomed into different cultures, from M ed ieval Times to Vietnam. W h ile branching out and being exposed to these various different w ays of life, students also strengthen their vocabulary each cycle by learning a variety of new words. In English II, Sophomores study controversial text and extend themselves outside of their comfort zone with classes focusing on various contentious topics. Juniors in their third year at Prep begin British Literature and cover past and present times in G reat Britain. To close out students' education in English, Seniors have their choice of a wide variety of electives during their Senior year. N e w to the English department this ye ar is a writing lab during community period. Students can visit the lab and ask teachers, depending on their schedules, from all grades for help on essays, class assignments, or even studying grammar. Students love this new addition and the aid it has given to them at Prep.
\ student in Sr. M e g M c C a n n 's A P English L a n g u a g e class re ad s o ve r
D an te A ligh ieri's Inferno, o n e of the m an y b o o ks that Sen io rs co ver
>ne of C h a u c e r's m any tales in The C a n terb u ry Tales.
jn M r. C a m p io n 's A P English Literature class
G e a ry
o p hom ore A m erican Literature class.
Fr. Raulli re a d s o ve r p oem s a n d short stories from his C re a tiv e W ritin g class.
W h a t is your number one grammatical pet p e e ve ? Misuse of there, they're, and their. -Ms. Simonson 2
Mixing up you're and your.__________ -Mr. Caulfield Run-on sentences and spelling errors. -Fr. Raulli, S.J.
The d e d ic a te d m em bers of P rep 's S o d a lity Ja z z b and spend their time p racticing with M r. C a s lo w itz a s they p re p a re for their annual Christm as concert.
The Fine Arts (dtzptutLntj
W otid
There is no seed that is more productive than the seed of inspiration; it is a gift that keeps giving as it grows and continues to bear fruit. The fruit that the seed of inspiration bears has the ability to change the world. This is why the Fine Arts teachers at Prep take the task of cultivating the artistic side of their students very seriously. At Prep, the Fine Arts teachers aim to release students’ creativity and help them express their imagination, whether it be through music, with Mr. Caslowitz and Mr. Eleria, or visual media, with Ms. Klim and Mr. Smith. A vital step in the process of creating art of any form is being inspired. The Fine Arts department offers an array
environment in which
students can
find their inspiration.
Prep's Fine Arts Department is not only able to capture the imagination of their students but to drive the students to create art that captures the imagination of our world.
The students of P rep 's Vox choir, w h ich has g ro w n ex p o n en tially in rec y ears, p ra ctice with M r. Eleria.
'Qtiently w orks on his creation.
S e n io r students consult with M s. Klim a s they plan their art projects.
The History Department at Prep believes that understanding the significance of past events w! help solve the problems of today as w e struggle to create a better world for tomorrow. A Freshmen, students begin their study of history by investigating the world's ancient civilization ^
During Sophomore year, students may take A P W o rld History, which challenges students t
analyze the interactions and changes throughout human history. Most students resume their stud
—m of history during Junior year with U S History 1, which covers the period from Columbus to th Progressive Era. U S History 2, the Senior year history course, picks up the narrative of history wit W o rld W a r I and ends with the w a r on terror. Students can also elect to take AP U S History, rigorous course stretched out over Junior and Senior years that challenges students to analyz ^
and interpret the events that have helped shaped our nation today. Senior electives for histor include United States Law, M odern European History, and History of the M iddle East. Historicc
studies at Prep ultimately challenge students to draw upon knowledge of past events in order t< actively shape a better present, branching out to better more responsible men for other;
his le g e n d a ry
M r.
C u n n ee n
)rings his class to the past in his U .S. History II class.
W h a t is the worst 1s. M c E lr o y introduces her Ju n io r U .S. History I class to the xom plishm ents of som e of her favorite w o m e n in history.
movie based on history?
Waterworld -Mr. Oryshkevych Abraham Lincoln, Vampire IHunter -Ms. McElroy Mississippi Burning -Mr. Cunneen
M r. C u n n e e n discusses the historical im plications of W o r ld
W a r II with
his S e n io r class.
W ith o p e n minds, M r.
nnis' students
listen intently in his class.
w a y s playing the d evil's a d v o c a te , M r. C o vie llo , '9 9 , m akes his students nk a b ou t the w o rld from n e w p ersp ectives in his W o r ld C ivilizations class.
R e a d y to lend a hand, M r. C a m p b e ll looks on a s his Juniors w o rk on a problem in their A lg e b ra II class.
M s. Dillane collects w orksheets on p a ra b o lic grap h s from her Freshman Interm ediate A lg e b ra H on o rs class.
Mathematics The Prep Mathematics department prides itself in offering a rigorous curriculum that challenges students to think critically, solving problems step-by-step. The study of mathematics is an essential exercise in developing problem-solving skills and analytical thinking. Prep students begin to delve into the world of mathematics with Algebra
Geom etry
Sophomore year. M ost Juniors take Algebra II & Trigonometry, but the more mathematically inclined choose to take Precalculus. Senior year math courses include Topics in C ollege Mathematics, A P Statistics, A P Calculus, and Calculus Honors. Mathematics, in its entirety, encourages critical thinking and creative problem solving. It challenges individuals to d raw upon past knowledge in order to solve new problems.
M r. H e a ly , '9 9 , introduces the Sen io rs in his To p ics class to p ro b ab ility a n d statistics.
W h a t is your favorite theorem?
Fr. O 'H a r e , S.J., responds to a question ab ou t im ag in ary num bers with a ve ry real answ er.
Extreme value theorem. -Mr. Evans Pythagorean Theorem_________________ -Ms. LaBruno The theorems of “ I didn't know w e had homework, do I have to show all the work, and there's a quiz today?"_______ -Mr. fdollywood
M r. Fletcher po ses ethical dilem m as to his Junior class in an re la tab le a n d often humorous w a y .
Religion The Freshmen entering Prep learn that they will not be losing their religion any tirr soon. They are immediately immersed in the stories of Saint Ignatius, followed by review of the O ld Testament, starting, appropriately, with Genesis. The anecdotal she stories of Dr. Hartling, Mr. G am bone and Mr. M cC arthy help Freshmen students rela to deeper religious concepts. After they w rap up their first year in religion, Sophomoi classes focus on an in-depth view of Catholicism while studying The N e w Testame Gospels of Matthew, M ark, and Luke. The Sophomores learn valuable skills fro Mr. Kilroy, Dr. Scibilia, Ms. Singleton, and Mr. Fletcher on analyzing the Gospels ft their deeper meanings. During their Junior year, students learn about ethics an morality from Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Kilroy, and Ms. Singleton. Juniors analyze real-worl ethical dilemmas and apply what they already know about social justice. Seniors ar free to choose from several electives. Father Azzarto, S.J., teaches his students abo* the significant people throughout history that have shaped modern society in his Sain course. Mr. M cC arthy and his students analyze the Catholic Church in Church an Crisis. Dr. Hartling's students learn about different cultures and religions in his W o rl Religions course. Mr. G a la n o examines religion through a different medium in h Finding G o d in All Films course, based on the Jesuit idea of finding G o d in all thing. Students from various religious and faith backgrounds can enjoy the academ ic an stimulating courses offered by the religion department.
W h o is your favorite saint?
Saint Thomas Aquinas -Mr. Gambone Saint Francis Xavier______________ -Mr. Kilroy
Saint Therese of Lisieux__________ -Mr. G alano
A n d re w D e lle c h ia ie ,' 15, Ian M ich elin , 115, a n d Jo s ia h N g , ' 15 discuss a n d a n a ly z e the D e a d S e a Scrolls in M s . Singleto n's N e w Testam ent class. fr. Scib ilia presents his Junior class, including Ja m e s H o w e ll a n d A nthony lector, with a film portraying certain asp ects of Christian Ethics.
Dr. Hartling talks to his freshman class ab o u t the im pact of G e n e s is on ex e g etical read in g s of the O ld Testament.
Ian Griffin, Ernie Arm itage, M a tth e w M c G o v e r n , a n d A n d re w Romero, 113, build a structure in their environm ental scie n ce class.
A d a m Picard o , ' 15, identifies an elem ent b y
Z a c k C a r le e a n d Barrington Bennett, ' 14, discuss their plan of action in
burning it a n d observing the co lo r of the flame.
A P Chem istry with M r. C a n a le , '0 5 , guiding them in the right direction.
W h a t w as your favorite experiment gone, w rong? The seeds of curiosity are sown as Prep's ever-growing science department challenges the minds of Prep men everyday. D ay after day, month after month,
All I have to say is that its all fun and games until someone puts a dissected frog in your purse.______________________ -Ms. Castellano
Prep's science department teaches students about our modern world through scientific marvels and ideas. Prep's science curriculum offers courses in the three major scientific disciplines, beginning Freshman y e a r with Physics, preparing them for the challenges of Sophomore year Chemistry. The core courses are concluded with Biology during Junior year, though there are a range of Senior electives which each focus on a particular area of study. If students choose to
Designing parachutes for an egg drop, someone used a helium balloon. Instead of slowly bringing the egg down, the balloon carried the egg aw ay__________ -Ms. Zanfardino
pursue the study of Science with greater rigor, there are a range of Honors and A P courses availab le which provide them with an extra challenge and reward them with greater understanding. As a tree's roots are its foundation, the science teachers here at Prep provide a foundation for their students, and Prep serves as the trunk as the students move on, branch out, and spread their knowledge as they move on into the world.
an Griffin, ' 13, explains his earthquake-proof structure to M s . Ep p ler and
Us. C a stellan o .
M s . Z a n fa rd in o discusses real-world ap p lica tio n s with students in her Junior B io lo g y class. Peter
Tom ljanovic
M ic h a e l
Z aw isto w sk i
'1 5 ,
p re p a re for a lab in their H o n o rs Chem istry class. Fire A P Chem istry students o b serve a reaction as
D epartm ent on standby.
the solution heats up on a hot plate.
Guidance 6 College Placemenl M r. Brenkert, S.J., shares an interesting story
-l~l&Lpln(j 5tud.ent6 bza.ncl ou
with his So p h o m o re gro u p g u id a n c e class.
Throughout his four years at Prep, each student receives a great deal < support from the G uid ance and College Placement Department. Th dedicated members of the department work tirelessly to prepare studen for the college experience by ensuring that they get the most out of the time at Prep. In their group guidance classes, underclassmen ar introduced to the tools they will need to be successful as student. Additionally, the counselors serve as a source of support for their studen! and provide assistance in registering for classes. Perhaps mo: importantly, the counselors work with Seniors as they apply to college and aid in their decision process. Stress easily builds up for Seniors, am the C ollege Placement Department works to alleviate the anxiety an*
provide reliable advice to the students. Seniors feel at ease knowing the' have the support of passionate mentors, for the men and women of th< College Placement depart take great pride in helping students branch ou'
W h a t is your top tip for Seniors going off to colleg e?
Vis. M orisefte helps ) a v e M e r c a d o ' 1 3 in lis c o lle g e search.
M s . R o w a n a n d M s . Rubinstein re vie w a So p h o m o re student's cou rse selections.
unravel -Father Mullin, S.J. College is your job for the next four years, so make sure you devote at least 40 hours a week to it. -Ms. Benedict Be yourself, don't try to "fit in" everywhere, and always be thankful. -Father Azzarto, S.J.
C a rry in g on Father B ro w n in g 's le g a cy , M s . B e n e d ict lends a han d a s a student in the Bro w n in g C e n te r w o rks on his p aper. During her busiest time of the ye a r, M s. M a rtin e a u carefully re vie w s a student's transcript. \n ever-present source of support to her jtudents, M s. M o rris c o m p o ses an email.
V ic e President M r. H o ran helps to ensure that Prep continues to thrive an d gro w .
rtr. Irvine review s his c a le n d a r to sch ed u le a
A s the sem ester gets under w a y , V ic e Principal
rospective student's "Freshm an for a D a y " visit.
M s. Durante looks o ve r a cla ss roster.
KA ■ . u. £ c .1 M s . Locricchio p re p a re s a m emo from Father
Reiser, S.J., to the faculty an d staff.
c ¥
f V
U w riU
hr. Jo n Butrym keep s an e y e on the sch o o l's com puter /stem to b e sure that everything is w orking properly.
v'hile rushing through the bustling hallways to and from the VKeefe Commons, some students choose to cut through the 3Cond or third floors of Shalloe Hall. Though on the surface it is uiet and seemingly not as busy as the main hallways, hard work constantly going on behind these doors. W h ile often less visible >the students, these hard working men and women provide the rep community with the steady roots needed to keep everything jnning smoothly. Keeping in contact with alumni, they ensure lat the Prep family remains close and that the school remains a ource of support throughout the life of each alumnus. They also versee donations from many generations of classes to allow rep's legacy to live on. Recently moved to the office space in the /loriarty Science Center, the admissions department helps new tudents start their own roots in the Prep community as well. Also loused in Shalloe, the headquarters for Prep's service to the :ommunity (and a great spot to unwind) is the Campus Ministry )ffice.
All of the hard work that goes on here allows the Prep
:ommunity to stand as a solid trunk for all its members.
M s . D ia n e C a s a z z a sends an em ail to p ro sp ective students.
Mr. Kevin
Ms. Janet
Director of
O p e ra tio n s
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 3
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Y e a rs at Prep: 6
Ms. Rosemary
Mr. Juan
Fr. Anthony
Azzarto, S J .
S c ie n c e
Student Activities,
G u id a n c e ,
Departm ent
Departm ent
Departm ents
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
B en e M erenti 33
Mr. David
Mr. Clayton
Ms. Elizabeth
Bailey, '95
Director of
O p e ra tio n s Staff
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Director of the Brow ning C en ter
Ed u cation al T e ch n o lo g y Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Ms. Erinn
Ms. Ja n e
Mr. G a ry
Bogdanski, '02
Director of
Director of Alumni
Formation Y e a rs at Prep: 1
Y e a rs at Prep: 3 Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Mr. Ben Brenkert, S J .
G u id a n c e , Religion
[A/kat do you believe, ii ike m olt important o f a yo od stu dent? Mr. Brenkert, S.J.: The characteristic of the Prep Grad at Grad and the seeking of the Magis.
Departm ents
Ms. Angermeyer: A strong work ethic Y e a rs at Prep: 3
Mr. David Burokas, '85
C lassics D epartm ent C h a ir Y e a rs at Prep: 1 Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Mr. John
Mr. Alexander
Ms. Barkha
C anale, '05
C ardoz
S c ie n c e
Departm ent
D epartm ent
D a ta b a s e
B en e M erenti 32
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
M anager
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Ms. Alison Carlson
tg m
Mr. Christopher
Ms. Diane
C asazza, '97
C asazza
M o d e rn
C h ie f
La n g u ag e s
A d va n c e m e n t
D epartm ent
O ffic e r
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Mr. Steven
Ms. Carm ela
Mr. Christopher
Caulfield, '03
Fine Arts Departm ent
Y ears at Prep: 1 3
S c ie n c e
D epartm ent
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Mr. Dondero: Assuming responsibility for one's own actions both academic and personal.
Mr. John Caulfield, '71 P'00, '03
Ms. Supple: Compassion. Without compassion any other trait: intelligence, responsibility, leadership, is hollow. Mr. Caslowitz: A good sense of humor.
President of Finance
Ms. M a ry Beth
Ms. Cecelia
Mr. Thomas Com ey
P'OO, '03 Brow ning earning C e r
D e a n s O ffic e
S c ie n c e
Departm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Mr. Jam es Coviello, '99
Ms. N an cy unneen
Director of
Departm ent
D epartm ent
A nnual G ivin g
C h a ir Years at Prep: 13 Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Ms. Catherine
Ms. Yetunde
Mr. Jerry
Rubinstein C a m p u s Sh o p
G u id a n c e
O p e ra tio n s Staff
Departm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Y e a rs at Prep: 1
Mr. Jam es
Mr. Carl
Ms. Elizabeth
DeAngelo, '85
DeLorenzo, '67
B en e M erenti 23
C lassics
D epartm ent
Departm ent
B e n e M eren ti 4 0
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Ms. Suzanne Dillane, P' 16
M a th e m a tics
Fr. O 'Hare, S.J.: Socrates.
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Mr. Oryshkevych: Joseph Stalin -and I would make sure someone tested my food before I ate it.
Fr. Jam es Dinneen, S J .
Faculty C h a p la in
Mr. John Dondero, '66
G u id a n cj^ A Departm ent
of C a m p u s M inistry
Years at Prep: 1 2
B en e M erenti 25
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Sr. Frances
Ms. M a ry
Mr. Gianpaolo
Duncan, O.S.F.
S c ie n c e
V ic e Principal
Fine Arts
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 17
Departm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Mr. Hugo
Ms. Catherine
Mr. G regory
O p e ra tio n s Staff
S c ie n c e
M a th em a tics
Departm ent
Departm ent
Years at Prep: 16
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Ms. M a ry
Ms. Patricia
Mr. M ichael
P'07,'16 O ffic e of
Director of Public
C a m p u s M inistry
Years at Prep: 1 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Ms. Garcia: Santa Teresa de Avila.
Mr. DeLorenzo: Edward Gibbon.
Mr. Smith: Hard to pick just one, so Toussaint L'Ouverture and Dr. Eric Eustace Williams.
Mr. Kennedy: Shakespeare.
Ms. Eppler: Charles Darwin.
Mr. Scannapieco: Does Harry Potter count?
Ms. Catherine
Mr. Robert Furlong
Assistant V ice
D epartm ent
President of
Departm ent
C h air
C h air
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
B en e M erenti 24
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Mr. Frederick
Mr. M ichael
Ms. Ana
G a la n o
G am bone
G arcia
S c ie n c e
Director of Financial Aid,
M o d e rn
Departm ent
Lan gu ages Departm ent
Departm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 3
B en e M erenti 41
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Mr. Peter
Mr. Jo e
Ms. Ella
G eary, '05
Giglio, '87
G lazer
G u id a n c e and
D epartm ent
C o lle g e
S c ie n c e
Co un selin g
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 13
Director of Com puter
Y e a rs at Prep: 3
Ms. N ery
Ms. G ra c e
Mr. Richard
Gom ez
G ualario
Hansen, Sr., P'03, '09
M o d e rn
Assistant to the
Director of
Lan g u ag es
B en e M erenti 23
Ben e M erenti 3 0
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Mr. Richard
W la t ate tie top 5 in Ljout
Hansen III, '03
JJnitant Q ueue o-n AJetltbc: tftii
Physical Education
Mr. Canale: Green Street Hooligans, Independence Day, Cool Runnings, Shooter, Oceans 1 1, Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Mr. Irvine: Gladiator, Shawshank Redemption, Jaws, It's a Wonderful Life, Cinderella M an
Dr. Jeffrey
Mr. Brian
M a th e m a tics
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Physical Trainer
Y e a rs at Prep: 1
Mr. Jam es
Mr. Jam es
Mr. Brian
Hollywood, '66
Horan, '70
M a th e m a tics
V ic e President for
D epartm ent
Planning and
Departm ent
Principal G iv in g Y e a rs at Prep: 10
Y e a rs at Prep: 2 B en e M erenti 3 9
Mr. John
Mr. Paul
Mr. M ichael
Irvine, '83
Jarym ow ycz
Jiran, '03
Director of
S c ie n c e
D epartm ent
B e n e M eren ti 2 4
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Director of C om m unications Y e a rs at Prep: 6
Mr. Anthony
Dr. Richard
Mr. John
Keating, '78
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
B en e M erenti 4 6
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Mr. Morris: Dexter, The Iron Giant, The Return of the King, Elf, Anchorman
Ms. M eg an Klim, P'l 6
Mr. Cuneen: Carl DeLorenzo and the Lost Ark, Horan of Arabia, How Verdi Got His Room Back, Resident Evil VII: The Anthony Verdi Story, The Eve of the Night M r Long: Arrested Development, Breaking Bad, Workaholics, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Lost
Fine Arts Departm ent C h a ir Y e a rs at Prep: 9
Mr. Patrick
Mr. Anthony
M a th e m a tics >
D e a n of Student
D e p artm en t!!
Ed ucation
Ms. Theresa LaBruno
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Ms. Maryphyllis
Mr. M ichael
Ms. Janice
Locricchio, P'95, '96
Assistant to the
Library Assistant
C o lle g e Counseling Assistant
B e n e M eren ti 21
Ms. Diane
Sr. M argaret
Mr. M ichael
M cCabe
M cC ann, S.C.
M cCarthy
Fin ance O ffic e
D epartm ent
Departm ent
Years at Prep: 13
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 10
Ms. M a ry
Ms. Alice
Mr. Christos
Anne M cElroy
M c N a lly
Mergoupis, '04
C lassics
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Y e a rs at Prep: 8
Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Ms. Sarah
dJjj you co-uLct live, any u/lete in tie u/otd, usIk
woulduou liv e ? G u id a n c e D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 1
Mr. Casazza: I was able to visit Barcelona this summer, so that's been my dream location for the past couple of months. Mr. Cunneen: I would live in my lair in a hollowed-out volcano on a tropical island.
Ms. M aria
Mr. John
X/ nrric /Vior i is
Fr. John
G u id a n c e
D ean o f
G u id a n c e
D epartm ent
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 9
Ms. Jessica
Mr. Ryan
Fr. Robert
O 'Flaherty
O 'H are, S J .
F in an ce O ffic e
B en e M erenti 2
H istory
M a th em a tics
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 1
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Mr. Adrian
Ms. Deborah
Mr. Richard
Peters, '85
A d va n c e m e n t
Departm ent
D epartm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
Y e a rs at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 16
Ms. Peggy
M r. Jose
Mr. C asey
Q ue, '99
O p e ra tio n s
M ath em a tics
O ffic e Assistant
Ed u cation
D epartm ent
Departm ent Y e a rs at Pr<=r\ 1
Y e a rs at Prep: 5 Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Fr. Enrico Raulli, S J .
Mr. Dougherty: Legendary.
Mr. Mergoupis: Hellenized.
English Departm ent
Mr. Quinn: Vintage.
Fr. Reiser, S.J.: Creative.
B en e M erenti 31
r. Robert
Ms. Erica
pe is e r f H P
Ms. Rosalie
Assistant to the
M o d e rn
Athletic Director
Lan gu ages Departm ent C h air
Years at Prep: 10
Y e a rs at Prep: 9 Y e a rs at Prep: 13
Ms. Kathleen
Ms. G ina
Ms. Frances
G u id a n c e
S c ie n c e
S p e c ia l Events
Departm ent
D epartm ent
M anager
B en e M erenti 28
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Mr. Victor
Mr. Arvind
Mr. M atthew
Saw h
S c ie n c e
O p e ra tio n s Staff
Classics Departm ent
Departm ent
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
B e n e M erenti 23
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Dr. Dominic
Mr. M ichael
Ms. M aureen
Sc h o o l N u rse
M a th em a tics
D epartm ent
D epartm ent
Years at Prep: 14
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Ms. Brooke
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
W la t w ould you do on yout ideal day ojjy?
Mr. Brenkert, S.J.: I would hike in the Adirondacks. English Departm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Ms. Benedict: I would kayak on a river with Class 3 rapids in W est Virginia, but I need to get there via magic carpet; driving there is deadl
Ms. Boreta
Mr. Nyugen
Fine Arts
M a th em a tics
Departm ent
Departm ent
Departm ent C h a ir
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Y e a rs at Prep: 7
C h a ir
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Ms. Jacquelyn
Mr. Rocco
Ms. M aura
P'91,'01,'06 O p e ra tio n s Staff
Director of C a m p u s Ministry
Registrar Y ears at Prep: 13
Y e a rs at Prep: 4
Ms. Aym ee
Mr. Vytas
Mr. Salvatore
Veniero, '05
Y e a rs at Prep: 1 1
M o d e rn
C las sic s
M o d e rn
Lan g u ag e s
D epartm ent
Lan g u ag es
Departm ent
D epartm ent Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Y e a rs at Prep: 5
Y e a rs at Prep: 2
Mr. Anthony
Ms. Elizabeth
Ms. Jo an
Verdi, '95
W a ls h
A d va n c e m e n t
S c ie n c e
Departm ent
Departm ent
Years at Prep: 1 3
B en e M erenti 28
Y e a rs at Prep: 1
As. M cN ally: I would sleep late, have lunch with Bruce Springsteen, then grab a flight to Ireland (with Bruce of course). Ar. Quinn: I would relive my childhood and play Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. As. Singleton: I would go to the seashore and sit on the beach with a good book. Then I would meet a friend for dinner!
Ar. Morris: Bike alone for six hours in exquisitely beautiful surroundings. Return home to have a wonderful meal with my family. Tell my daughter a story. W atch a great comedy with my wife. ■
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Seniors (2
t (L
Vincenzo A ddeo Swimming 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 22
Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2
"If y o u 're go in g through Hell, keep go in g." W in s to n Churchill
" W e ca n 't c h a n g e the w o rld unless w e c h a n g e ourselves.' B ig g ie Sm alls
M atthew Albern
G abriel Almanza
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Camden Retreoi 2011;
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Crew 3; Spanish Club 3;
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 265; Italian Club 1,2; Big Brother 4; Secret Agent Club 1,2;
Campus Ministry 4; Science Club 4; Kairos 22; Emmaus 265
"Som etim es all you n ee d is 2 0 se co n d s of insane c o u ra g e . Just 2 0 seco n d s of em barrassing b ra ve ry a n d something g re at will co m e of it." Benjam in M e e
"A creative man is motivated b y the desire to a ch ieve , not by the desire to b e a t others." A yn Rand
C U b ts u L
Jeffrey Ancheta
Cameron Antonio
Medical Club 1,3,4 ; M odel U N 4; Asian Society 1,4; Fencing 3
HAP Program 1; Asion Society 1,2,3,4; Patriots of Pr
" O n e lives in the h o p e of b eco m ing a mem ory." A ntonio Porchia
" I'v e failed o ver an d over and o ve a g a in in my life and that is w h y I su c ce e d ." M ic h a e l Jo rd a n
U/kat u
ifout molt memotaltl
Mark De Leon: He once called me “Mark of the Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh m y!”
Vincenzo Addeo; During Freshman year when I was experiencing a bit of an overflow he yelled at me and told me to cut it; I was terrified.
Kevin Mikovits: When he som ehow turned m y dress code JUG into a summary of The Lord o f the Rings.
Bryan Thomas: I was in the courtyard eating lunch and Mr. Morris walked up to me and told me one of his dreams.
Matthew Newman; Mr. Morris asked why I was not wearing dress socks so I told him I wanted to avoid ankle sweat.
Marek Niesiobedzki; When I was in his “New Testament” class and one of the students phone went off and Mr. Morris started rapping to the beat o f the ring tone.
Ernest Armitage Varsity Swimming 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ecuador Mission Trip 3; Lacrosse 1
"Y o u 'v e got red on you." Sh au n in "S h a u n of the D e a d "
"I ain't with the d ra m a you c a n meet my llam a." C n ie f K ee f
l- r ir y v _
Chirag Arya
Isaac Atayero
Honors Pin 1,2,3; Kairos; Notional Honors Society 4; French Honor Society 3,4; Basketball M anager 1,2.3;
Chorus 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3; M odel U N 1,2,3; literama 1,2,3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Petrean 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1; Wrestling 2
Football 1
"Le a d me, fo llo w me, or g et out of my w a y ." G e n e r a l G e o r g e Smith Patton Jr.
"I n o w k n o w that, yes, I am pow erful. I'm m ore pow erful than my mind c a n even digest and understand." Beyo n ce
Joshua Balasa
M arion Bell
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Kairos 20; H.A.P. Class of 2009; H.A.P. Tutor 1; Asian Society 1,2,3,4;
Football; Track; Basketball
TV Studio 4; Volleyball 1,2
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot m ore to life than b ein g really, really, ridiculously g o o d looking, a n d I plan on finding out w h a t that is." Ben Stiller
"T ake a d v a n ta g e of your opportunity." Unkno w n
amueldo Mompoint: The first time I m issed JUG etention freshman year, Mr. Morris later told me, Mr. Mompoint you haven't been On Point!" I chuckled and set the tone.
Ian Flannery: The day he played “Friday" by Rebecca Black over the loudspeaker.
aza Mehdi: The time when Mr. Morris asked me to spell ly last name in JUG review and I forgot how.
Joseph Calandra: The day we talked about the movie “My Cousin Vinny” for half an hour.
latthew Fonti; I'm positive he has called me Fonzarelli on lore than one occasion.
John Byram: Walking into his office for the first time merely to get a transportation form filled out. I have never before and never since experienced such anxiety.
M atthew Bernardo
M atthew Biscaldi
M edical Club 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 1; Photography Club 1; M agis Award 1; Asian Society 1,2,3*,4*; Martial
M arauder Nation 1,2,3; Henchman 4; Kairos 17,25;
Arts Club 3; Patriots of Prep 3 *,4*; Student Council VP of Finance 4; C M T 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Spirit Award 4; Spirit Award Selection Committee 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Pax Chrisfi 3,4; SPP Bookshop 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,
Emmaus 261,263; Volleyball 1, 2; Marauder Radio Network 2,3; Pax Christi 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G 1; HAP Tutor 1; Romero Center Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity Trip 4; Intramurals 1,2,3 Committee 4
Photographer 3,4; Project Title W a v e 3,4; Petroc 4; CLC 3,4; N H S Treasurer 4; Bethlehem Farm, W V 3; LA Immersion Trip 4; Rebuilding Together 1; Emmaus 261, 262; A M D G 1; Kairos 17, 27; Religion Gold M edal 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Political and Philosophy Club 4; Switchboard 2,3,4;
"H a v in g d ream s is w h a t m akes life tolerab le."
"T e a c h me to listen, G o d , to those far from m e - the w h isp er of the hopeless, the p le a of the forgotten, the cry of the ang uish ed ." Jo h n Veltri, S.J.
W illiam Blanco
Christian Blauch
Baseball 1; Bowling 1,2,3,4; Kairos 22; Emmaus 262
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4 ; Kairos 17;
"D o not g o w h e re the path m ay lead , g o instead w h e re there is no path a n d le a v e a trail." Ralph W a l d o Em erson
Enzo Bonelli
"I w o u ld only a g re e that a sym bolic! c lo c k is a s nourishing to the intellect a s a ph oto of o x ygen to a drow ning m a n .' M o o r e a n d G ib b o n s, "W a tc h m e n "
Gianluca Bove Soccer 1,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 17; Big Brother 4
"Som etim es things b e c o m e possible* if w e w a n t them b a d enough." T.S. Eliot
B& ndt Richard Budka Student Council 3, President 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Football 1,2; N H S Vice President 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Eucharistic Minister 4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 263; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity Immersion Trip 4; Forensics Debate 3, 4; Patriots of Prep 3, 4; Political Philosphy Club 3, 4; Pefrean 2; A M D G 1. 4; Spirit Award, 4
"The tw o most important d a y s in your life a re the a a y yo u a re born, a n d the d a y you find out w h y ." M a r k Tw ain
U/flGt 15 ifo u t jjGVOtlU Matt Biscaldi; Doing the railroad at the football playoff game against Seton Hall.
Ryan Finn; Playing tag with Mr. Oryschkevych in Berlin while on the German Exchange. I'll never forget the look on his face.
Mike Giambalvo; Scoring the game winning goal in double overtime against Newton and running over to their fan-base and taunting them followed by Coach Jantas running over kill me.
Varsity Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Varsity Indoor Track 2,3;
Ignatian Scholars leadership Team 2,3,4; Big Brother 4;
Varsity Football 2; Student Council 2; Ignatian Scholar Tutoring Team 3
Golf Team 1,2,3,4; Student Council 4
"Y ou got a dream ... Y o u gotta protect it. P e o p le c a n 't d o somethin' themselves, they w a n n a tell yo u you c a n 't d o it. If yo u w a n t somethin', g o g et it. P e rio d .' W ill Smith
"K n o w le d g e is know ing a tom ato is a fruit; W is d o m is not putting it in a fruit sa la d ." A no n ym o u s
A ndrew Cabrera
Evan Cain
Tennis 1,2,3,4; M edical Club 1; Spanish Club 3,4; Computer Club 3,4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos IE
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Henchman 4; Volleyball 1,2; French Club 2; Intramurals 2,3,4; Magis Award I; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars Tutor 3; HAP Tutor 1,2; N Y Province Leadership Workshop 2; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 18,23; Emmaus 264; A M D G 1; Campus Ministry Team 4
" N e v e r g ive up, G o d g a v e yo u this life b e c a u s e y o u 're strong enough to live it." U n kno w n
"S u c c e s s without honor is an u n seaso n ed dish. It m ay satisfy your hunger, but it w o n 't taste g o o d . Jo e Paterno
Joseph Calandra
John Callinan
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 18; Emmaus 264; Camden
Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Kairos 20; Emmaus 265
Immersion Trip; Italian Exchange
"D o n 't cry b e c a u s e it's over. Sm ile b e c a u s e it h a p p e n e d ." Dr. Seuss
viemotij ftom youl time an Griffin: Planning Mr. Long's new music video in the brary with Mike Troglio... and then getting kicked out o f the brary.
"Lead ership is a matter of having p e o p le look at yo u an d gain co n fid e n ce, seeing h o w you react. If y o u 're in control, they're in control." Tom Landry
at J Brian Rabasca; When the entire football team got food poisoning at camp.
loseph Nicoletti: My favorite m em ory from my time at °rep, by far, is being a part o f Marauder Nation.
Damiano Lucignano: When Mr. Morris announced we got to leave school early for snow and the caf erupted into a rager.
i/lichael Vuoncino: Getting a speeding ticket the first day of senior year.
Ian Flannery: When the pigeons flew into the old caf.
Robert Capone
Christopher Cardenas
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; Art Club 4; Art M edal 3; C M T 4; Kairos 17,27; Emmaus 263, 266; Los Angeles, Camden Immersion Trips, IFTJ 3,4
" C h a n c e has never yet satisfied the h o p e of a suffering p e o p le . The a ct of progress is the attraction that m oves humanity." M a rc u s G a r v e y
Drew Casey
Bernard Chester Jr.
Baseball 1,2,3,4*; M arauder Radio Network 2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Petroc 4;
Fencing 1,2,3,4
National Honors Society 4; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Slock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3.4; Ambassador 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 264; Bethlehem Farm 3; M agis Award 1
"Life is like a box of cho co la tes. You never k n o w w h a t y o u 're g o n n a
?*'■" r um p rorrest, G
"The B ig B a n g T h eo ry : W h e n g e e k y scientists c a n b e main characters in a hit prime-time series, you know there s h o p e for the w orld ." N e il d e G ra s s e Tyson
Brian Cichetti
Nicholas Cipriano
Hockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1; Stock Market Club 3;
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; National Honor
Honors Pin 2; Kairos 22; Emmaus 266; Big brother 4
Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3; C.D.O .M . Retreat
"S o m e p e o p le w a n t if to h appen, som e wish it w o u ld h appen, and others m ake it h ap p e n ." M ic h a e l Jo rd a n
Ivkete doyou tee Ernest Armitage: Probably starting for the Chicago Bulls.
Andrew Newman: In a hut on the beach in the Cayman Islands being a dog and owning a scuba shop.
Evan Cain: Hopefully making a 30 for 30 documentary, or working on my Gambone impersonation.
Danny Pimpinelli: In 10 years I see m yself with a fiance and a jo b that can support a family in tne near-future.
William Lavelle: Employed as FBI agent either in New York City or Washington D.C..
Owen Sirianni: A t a cocktail party, sitting next to 2 Chainz and Emilio Estevez.
M atthew Connelly
Nicholas Clappsy Baseball 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 3,4; Kairos 18;
Band 1,2, Secretary 3, President 4; A M D G 1;
Campus Ministry Team 4
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 263,265; Campus Ministry Team 4; Honor Pin 2; Pax Christ! 4; German Exchange 2; Bowling 2, 3; Stock Market Club 1,2 M arauder Radio Network 4
"I'm an idealist. I d o n't know w h e re I'm go g ° in g, but I'm on my w a y ." an d b u rg
"I hate to lose m ore than I love to w in." Jim m y C o n n o rs
A ndrew Conte
Jon Cordon
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Prep W.I.L.D. 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; C rew 2; Kairos 17
Fencing 1; Volleyball 1; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society 4
"A life lived for art is never a life w a ste d ." M a c k le m o re
"A lw a y s b e yourself, express yourself, h av e faith in yourself, d o not g o out a n d look for a successful personality a n d d u plicate it." B ru ce Lee
Brendan Cosgrove
Nicholas Creer
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 24;
Honors Pin 1,2; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3; Asian Society 4; Cross Country 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1.2; Outdoor Track 1; Kairos 20;
Campus Ministry Team 4; Petroc 3
Camp Kismet 3
"W in n in g isn't everything, but w an tin g to w in is." V in ce Lom bardi
"In the end, it's not the y e a rs in your life that count. It's the life in your y ea rs." A b ra h a m Lincoln
T U cA A t!/
fouttelfi in 1 0 ijQa.15 ? mathan Glatman; On the moon. Literally, I want to be an ;tronaut.
Andrew Conte: Selling paintings on the streets of New York City.
ike Giambalvo; Hopefully as the assistant dean to d istant dean Oryschkevych.
Isaac Atayero: I see myself, hopefully about to get married or engaged with a jo b as a lawyer. In a calm state o f mind, excited for the rest o f m y life to begin.
eclan Cunningham; A successful realtor, dabbling in and up comedy, while travelina the world. Then, ready to ttire early in an island north o f New Zealand.
Gabriel Gonzalez; I see m yself finishing college with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy.
Joshua Crespo
Demetrius Cross
T.V. Studio 3, President 4; Dramatics 4; Drama Club 3; Prep N ew s Anchor 4; Rugby 2; Kairos 22; Asian Society 4
Indoor Track; Volleyball
"Brutus, there's no c a k e or b o u n cy houses here. C assiu s said there w o u ld b e a birthday party." Julius C a e s a r
Donald Cruden
"I c a n a c c e p t failure. Everyo n e fails at something. But I c a n 't a c c e p t not trying." M ic n a e l Jo rd a n
Danny Cruz Jr. Volleyball 2,3,4; Chorus 2,3,4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 264
"If the g o o d d ie young, then I wil live forever." The Air I B reath e
QajulJ I sW L,
Isiah Cruz
Sean Cummings
Law Society/Mock Trial 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars 2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3; Indoor Track 4; National Spanish Honor Society 4; National Honor Society 4;
Kairos 22; Football 1; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 41
Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 1; Kairos 22
"The w ise man d o e s at o n c e w h a t the fool d o e s finally." N ic c o lo M a c h ia v e lli
"Y o u c a n p a y for school but you c a n 't buy class." Jay-Z
J r fL /
U /ko 15 1/011*1 jjGVOtlt Drew Casey; Mr. Burokas: Not only a great Latin teacher and man, his sense o f hum or and fife life stories add so much more to the classroom experience.
Maximo Grano de Oro; Mr. Coviello because he's always around to make you laugh but can always give serious, genuine advice when asked.
Kurt Espiritu; Ms. Eppler is the most kind and generous teacher I have ever met. She knows the struggles of a high school senior and helps us out as much as possible. I know she is always there if I ever need help.
John Byram; That is like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. A real lose-lose scenario.
Mark Farooqi; Mr. Campion accomplished the impossible in somehow making books that I would normally never read interesting and hilarious.
Matthew Halchak; Mr. Dandorph, Mr. Campion, and Mrs. McElroy are all tied. Not only are they unbelievable teachers in their respective subjects, but they teach us about more than the class material.
Declan Cunningham
M ark De Leon
Marauder Nation 1; Kairos 17; Emmaus 262; TV Studio 1,2
A M D G 1; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Comp Kismet 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 262,264; Eucharistic Minister 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Kairos 17,26; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Pax Christi 3,4; Rugby 2
"The c a m e ra is a thing, it is a tool that you h a v e to take out of its box a n d ex p o se to d a n g e r in o rd er to c re a te something. W h a t you c re a te with it has the true value, not the thing itself. It's just a c a m e ra in a box without yo u." Toh K a y 's Father
Trejon Dinkins Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4
"Fall in Love, stay in love, a n d it will d e c id e everything." Fr. P ed ro Arrupe, S.J.
M ichael Dombrowski Football 1; Track and Field 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3.4; Vox 2, M anager 3; Rugby 2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Celtic Club 2, 3,4; Rock 'n Roll Club 2,3; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Patriots of Prep 3, 4; Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 18; Pax Christi 3,4; Los Angeles Immersion Trip; Asian Society 4; N H S 4; Prep Dramatics 4; Big Brother; Emmaus 264
" A successful person lays a foundation with the bricks others throw at them." D avid Brinkley
Edward Duffy Rugby 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 263; Prep W.I.L.D. 4
" W a v e g o o d b y e to the past. Y o u 'v e got yo ur w h o le life to lead ." A ugust Burns Red
A lexander Duva Track 1,2; Crew 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 17,23; Emmaus 265; A M D G 1; Ambassador 1. Student Council Representative 1,2; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4
"A lw a y s d o everything yo u ask of those yo u com m an d.' G e n . G e o r g e S. Patton
"D o n 't s w e a t the petty things and d on't pet the sw e a ty things." G e o r g e C arlin
2<zchet and why? ario Mowatt: Ms. McNally, because I've never had a •ore intelligent, caring, ana interesting teacher in m y life.
Pat W helan; Doc Hartling because of his passion for religion and his fairness to all students.
ames Regan; Mr. Brenkert. He has always been there for te and got me through tough situations. He is a great itener and is always happy to help in any way that he can.
Jai Malik; Mr. Burokas: A true Prep man, he teaches his students about Latin and life with an unbelievably unique, humorous, and invaluable perspective.
rian Toner; Mr. Dandorph. No explanation needed.
Jonathan Glatman; Mr. Cunneen: he is the most enthusiastic and passionate teacher I have had. Every class is entertaining and informative.
Christopher Egan
Kurt Espiritu
Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Emmaus 263,264; German Club 1,2,3,4; German National Honors Society 4;
Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Marauder Notion 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 3,4
Honors Pin 2,3,4; Kairos 17,25; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4, National Honors Society 4, Patriots of Prep 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4
" W e can n o t d o everything at on ce, but w e c a n d o something at o n ce ." C a lvin C o o lid g e
"I en jo y jokes, smiling, an d making p e o p le smile. I m ay b e a little different, but that's O K , w h o w ants to b e normal a n y w a y ? " Tim Duncan
M ichael Esposito
Sean Falzon
Soccer 1; Bowling 4; Stock Market Club 2; literama 3,4;
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3; Student Council 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 264;
Spanish Club 3,4; Art Club 3,4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 265; Habitat for Humanity Delaware 4; Metro Arts 2,3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
Honors Pin 1,2,3,4
National Honor Society 4; Honors Pin 1.2
"E v e ry man dies, but not e v e ry man really lives." W illia m W a l la c e , 'B ra ve h e a rt'
"At the top of M o u n t Olym pus. R e a d y for the w o rld 's gam e, this is my O lym p ics." K a n y e O m a ri W e s t
M ark Farooqi
Jonathan Figueroa
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Kairos 18; Petroc 4; French Exchange 3
Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Patriots of Prep 2,3,4; Kairos 20; Science Club 4
"D o n 't underestim ate the va lu e of d o in g nothing, of just go in g a lo n g, listening to alf the things yo u ca n 't hear, a n d not b o th erin g .' W in n ie the Pooh
"Life is to b e lived, not controlled; a n d humanity is w o n b y continuing to p la y in fa c e of certain d efeat." Ralph Ellison
W h at w ill uou m b William Blanco: I'm going to miss the bond that I have made with students and faculty.
Kevin Mikovits: Chilling out, maxing, and relaxing all cool on the couches in Ms. Toomb’s room.
Jonathan Figueroa; I will miss Mr. Delorenzo standing by my locker all the time, ju s t to make fun of m y hair.
Ryan O'Connor; Matt Zebrowski being an absolute menace at all times.
Kevin Gallagher: The sense o f brotherhood, the sense of community, and Long Afterhours.
Jason Supiee: I will miss the friends I have made here and brotherhood that is Saint Peter's Prep the most. There is nothing that will ever compare to the relationship I have with my brothers and I will never forget them.
Ian Flannery
Esteban Flores
Crew 1,2,3,4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17;
Rugby 1,2; Kairos 22; Political philosophy club 3,4; Computer Club 2,3; Football 1; Crew 2
Emmaus 264
"Hey. They laughed at Louis Armstrong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. N o w he's up there, laughing at them" Chazz Michael Michaels, 'Blades of Glory'
"I was walking along, looking for somebody, and then suddenly I * wasn't anymore.” A. A. Milne
W illiam Foley
M atthew Fonti
M arauder Nation 1,2,3.4; Football 1; Honors Pin 1,2; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3; Kairos 20,25; Emmaus 265; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 4
Concert Band 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Jazz Band 2,3,4, Italian Club 1,2,3 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1; Yearbook Co-Editor-In-Chief 4; Silver Music Award 3;
"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." Groucho Marx
"The only A's I got was their Attention, their Approval, their Admiration, Approbation, ana their Applause. Those were the only A's I wanted, and I got 'em." G eo rg e Carlin
yioit about /-'te p 7 )oug Tortorici: Andrew Newman throwing Kevin Sheridan's coat into the chandelier and Mr. Long having to let it out.
David Kong; I will really miss the community at Prep. As cliche as it is, the school has become a home away from home.
/lichael Tuites; A t Prep it's impossible to walk 5 feet vithout receiving a friendly gesture.
Edward Duffy; My m orning breakfast o f champions: Mountain Dew and a bacon egg and cheese.
Henry Om: The love and comfort the faculty members and
Isiah Cruz; The always energetic faculty and administration and the laughs in the classroom and hallways.
77y Prep brothers have graciously shared with me.
James Forsythe III
Ryan Francis
Crew 2,3; Kairos 22; Emmaus 263; Baseball Club 1,2; History Club 4; M arauder Notion 1,2,3,4; Romero Center Immersion Trip 3
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Stock Market Club 3,4; Patriots of Prep 3; Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Honors Pin 3; W V Advocacy W ork Comp 3
"W hen you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." Thomas Jefferson
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Confucius
Kevin G allagher
Devon G alano
HAP 1,2,3,4; Kairos 22; Emmaus 262; Dramatics 4; Track! CrossCountry 1,2; Volleyball 2; Political Philosophy Club \
Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3; Bowling 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3.4;
Patriots of Prep 3; Big Brother 4
Italian Club 3; Emmaus 266
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." Napoleon Hill
c& ia o ix
"I want the world to be better because I was here.'' W ill Smith
Andrei Genio
Samuel Gentile
M edical Club 3,4; Asian Society 1.2,3,4; Gaming Club 3;
Lacrosse 2,3,4; Hockey M anager 2,3; Campus Ministry
Engineering Club 3
Team 4; Kairos 17,26; Emmaus 261,264; A M D G 1; Honors Pin 3; Notional Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Spirit Award 4#
"W hen one door is closed, do you not know, another is open." Bob Marley
"W a k e up, life does get tough. N o need to stress, it holds you back toe much." Kid Cudi
Afd/ieA. Jack Giacchetti Wrestling 1,2; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society 4; Political Philosophy Club 3,4
SJknew then wka
Drew Casey; I would have gotten even more involved and tried new things. "A man with a watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure." Lee Segall
Paul Arena; I would have been more friendly with my classmates.
Mike Giambalvo; I would have gotten on the librarians' good side at the beginning o f each school year.
M ichael G iam balvo
Brian Githens
Soccer 1,2,3a Stock Market Club 1,2,3 A National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Habitat for Humanity Huntington,
Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3; Kairos 18, Camp Kismet Immersion Trip
W est Virginia 4; Kairos 18; Emmaus 266
"Talk about a dream, try to make it real." Bruce Springsteen
W illiam G lancy Baseball; Soccer; Italian Exchange 3
"7." Trejon Dinkins
Jonathan Glatman C rew 1,2,3; Captain 4; Kairos 18; Honors Pin 2; Camp Kismet 3; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; M ock Trial 1,2,3,4: Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1
"Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me." Reinhold Niebuhr
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." G eorge S. Patton
G abriel G onzalez
M axim o Grano De O ro
Science Club 4; Asian Society 4; Kairos 20; Track and Field 1,2,3,4
Stoge Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 18,24; A M D G I ; Emmaus 262; Campus Ministry Team 4
"Expect anything from anyone; the devil was once an angel." Anonymous
"Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me ana be my friend. " Albert Camus
$ (Xr
7 know now . . . iam Kiniery: I would have been a lot more involved in rep and all it has to offer. That is one o f m y biggest igrets.
Andrew Guarini; I would have procrastinated much less.
abriel Gonzalez; I would worked harder on my cademics to achieve better grades.
Daniel Pimpinelli: I would have made as m any friends in my Freshman year as possible.
rnest Armitage: I would've worn more turtle necks ecause they're more comfortable than a dress shirt, they're farm, and yet you can maintain your athletic ability.
Michael Dombrowski; Don't waste time with an activity that you think you'll eventually like. There's probably something at Prep you'll like a lot more than that activity.
Ian Griffin Fencing 1; Volleyball M anager 2; Bowling M anager/JV 4; Kairos 22; Bethlehem Farm Summer Immersion Trip 3; Emmaus 266
Andrew Guarini HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; Fencing 2,3,4; Hellenic Society 2,3 Compus Shop Volunteer 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; TV Studio Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Video Gam e Club 1,2,3; Low Society 3,4; Switchboard Operator 2,3,4; Prep Bookshop 3,4; Kairos 22; Emmous 263, 264
“Stop lookin' at me, swan!" Billy Madison
“W eakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." Albert Einstein
Christian Guerra
Matthew Halchak
Kairos 22; Science Club
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,41 Student Council 1.2,3,4; National Honors Society 4;| German National Honors Society 3.4; Big Brother 4;| Ignatian Scholars 2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Petrean 4\ German Exchange 2; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos I Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Ambassador 1; Magis Award/ Habitat for Humanity; Silver M edal Physics 1; Silver M e l
"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose so I'd rather die for a cause than live a life that is worthless." Felipe Coronel
Science 3; Spirit Award 4; Fr. Azzarto Award 2
Paul Henry Jr.
Shane Huber
Honors Pin 2,3; Track 4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4
Football 3.4*
"M a y you see your dreams aloud before you see them from a cloud." W a le
"A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep." Unknown
“ Perfection is not attainable, but if w e chase perfection we can catch excellence. " Vince Lombardi
w /ta t w an t happened while you. were c Brian Cichetti; Kairos 22 had the largest effect on me while I was at Prep.
Matthew Connelly: Hurricane Sandy had a tremendous personal effect on me, but it also reminded me o f the brotherhood that we have built at Prep and how unique it is
Samueldo Mompoint: The earthquake in Haiti in 2010 had the biggest effect on not only me but the people in Haiti. The people o f Prep really supported me and I appreciate that.
William Lavelle: The death o f BJ because it showed me what it really means to go to Prep and be a Prep man.
Ian Smith: The births o f m y two nieces.
Marek Niesiobedzki: The event that has impacted me the m ost while at prep was Kairos. It was the biggest eye opener in m y life and has made me a stronqer human being.
Dylan Jansen
Eli Jordan
lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Hockey 2,3; Kairos 17,23; Emmaus 261,263; A M D G 1; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Patriots of Prep 3; Compus Ministry Team 4
“Disappoint everyone, but never disappoint yourself." Anonymous
"If enough of us dream, if a bare thousand of us dream, we can change the world. W e can dream it anew!" "The Sandman"
Shahrose Kahlon
James Kellner Wrestling 1,2,3,4*; Football 1; Ignatian Scholars 2,3: Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; National Honors Society 4; Stock Market Club 3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2; Emmaus; Kairos; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4
"Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither." C.S. Lewis
Liam Kiniery
David Kong
Lacrosse 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 22; Big Brother, 4
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Kairos 22
"The 10000 hour rule is a definite key in success." Malcolm Gladwell
"Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. W e think too much and feel too little." Charlie Chaplin
^tep th ath a d the hiaae5t e ^ e c t
you. ?
'an Finn; Having Mr. Dandorph freshman year. The isons I learned in that class will stay with me for the rest my life.
Marion Bell; Beating Oak Hill in basketball m y freshmen year in Trenton.
atthew Bernardo; Emmaus was a formative experience F me. The stories shared and memories made during that treat have changed how I live m y life and will always be le of my greatest treasures.
Karl Mauer; The event that had the biggest im pact on me was the death o f BJ. I didn't know him personally, but as a whole, it greatly affected Prep.
>hn Paradiso; BJ Giannone's passing. It really imonstrated how precious life is and how strong the Prep immunity is.
Cameron Antonio; Freshmen retreat Ignite: It was the first time we all m et as a freshmen class and the start o f our brotherhood.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
w Michael Kwok
Robert Kufczynski Rugby 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4 ; Honors Pin 1,2; Patriots of Prep 3,4; Health and Fitness 3.4; Celtic Club 2; Italian Club 2
"The worst thing in the world is wasted talent." "A Bronx Tale"
Brian Lallo
Andrew La Rosa Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing 2,3,4; Kairos 22; Emmaus 263
"Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that mountain." Jack Kerouac
Jozef Lampa
Hawkin Latham
Soccer 1,2; Basketball 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; French club 3,4; Kairos 18
Volleyball 1; Basketball 1,3
"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." Gandhi
Hussam Latif Volleyball 1,2,4; Indoor Track 3; Kairos 20
"Our deepest fear is not that we c inadequate. Our deepest fear is t we are powerful beyond measure Marianne Williamson
doyou te
Marek Niesiobedzki. In 10 years I will be working in the USA's embassy o f Poland. "M en are made stronger on realization that the hefpina hand they need is at the end or their own arm." Sidney J. Phillips
James Regan; I see m yself either performing with or representing a band playing at some o f the world's bigget music festivals.
Matthew Fonti:Living in a New England apartment watching a 46 year old Tom Brady lead the Patriots to the 7th Super Bowl victory.
W illiam Lavelle
Harry Lepore
Ecuador Immersion Trip 3; C M T 4; Celtic Club 3,4; Baseboll
Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Kairos 22;
Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; M arauder Nation
Volleyball 1; Honors Pin 1
1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; French Club 2 ,3*,4*; Volleyball 1,2,3,4*; Ecuador Fund 3*;Mission Drive 4 *; N H S Secretary 4; French N H S 3,4; History G old M edal 3; French Gold M edal 2,3; G old Pin 1,2,3,4; C LC 3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 263; A M D G 1; Eucharistic Minister 4
"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide." Tecumseh
Jonathan Little
"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." Spongebob Squarepants
Jonathan Losche
Soccer 1; Lacrosse 1,2; Swimming 1,2,3,4; W ater Polo 4;
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 18;
Kairos 22
German Club 2,3*,4*; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Rugby 2,3,4; Political Philosophy Club 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; M odel U.N. 1,2; German Exchange 2; Patriots of Prep 3, 4
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it." Andrew Jackson
Luis Luciano
Damian Lucignano
Football 1,3; Lacrosse 1,2; Kairos 18; Petroc 4; Stock Market Club 3; Ecuador Immersion Trip; Emmaus
Football 1,2,3,4
"Don't throw in the towel, Throw in a bomb and you'll be alright." Colonel Lui Diamonds
o u lie L J y
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof." "V for Vendetta"
"#yolo" Drake
1 0
nry Om: A tour guide in Greece or Machu Picchu.
Steven Messina: I see m yself working as a Speech Therapist, with a wife ana at least one kid.
an McGann: Successfully working in a financial firm and II running.
Andrew Romero: Playing professional soccer.
son Suplee: I hope to see m yself doing something I like 'ing, such as writing about sports or hosting my own sports ’k radio show. But who knows, I guess I'll have to wait ten ars to find out.
L.A. Smith III: I see m yself having had a successful time at the Olympics in Judo as well as having my own practice healing athletes physically and mentally.
Kyle Lupo
Kevin M adigan
Crew 1.2,3,4; Debate 1,2,3,4; Political Philosophy Club 4; Academic Bowl 2,3,4; C M T 4; Student Council 4; N H S 4;
Football 4
German Honor Society 3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Latin Exam Gold M edal 2,3; National Latin Exam Silver M edal 1; Math Gold M edal 1,2,3; Latin Gold M edal 2,3; German Gold M edal 2; Science G old M edal 2; English Gold M edal 3; English Silver M edal 1; History Silver M edal 1;
"Meatball meatball spaghetti underneath, ravioli ravioli great barrier reef." Spongebob Squarepants
Kairos 18,26; Emmous 264; A M D G 1
"The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work." Thomas A. Edison
Daniel M ahler
Reginald M alaluan
Soccer 1,2,3,4*; Marauder Nation 3,4; Kairos 22;
Honors Pin 1,2,3; Spanish Club 3,4; Medical Club 3.
Medical Club 3; History Club 1,2
National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor S o c iJ
"Inspiration and genius-one and the same." Victor Hugo
"A sound soul dwells within a soul mind, and a sound body." M aka Albarn
Manuel M alcam po
Jai M alik
Big Brother 4; Asian Social Society 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 265; Fencing 1; Bowling 2,3*,4*;
Ambassador 1; Chess Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 11 Italian Club 3; National Honors Society 4; Varsity Fore
Volleyball 1,2,3,4
Debate 3. Vice President 4; Political Philosophy Clus President 3,4; Patriots of Prep 3; Italian National H onl Society 3; Varsity Tennis 1,2,3,4*; Honors Pin 1,2,31
"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." (Tonfucius
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies." Ron Paul
Evan Cain; I'd never play General in handball; he's a wizard.
Sean Falzon; I would have tried different things and I would have strived a little harder. I see now that hard work truly pays off. Anything is possible when you put your mine to it. I really believe that there is nothing I cannot do.
Mark De Leon; I would have joined a CLC group earlier.
Robert Capone; I would have dropped the mixtape soone
Jai Malik; I would have got more than two hours o f sleep per night.
Matthew Newman; I would have done my homework in Mi Furlong's class freshman year.
Alexandre M ariano
A ndrew M arkey Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Morauder Nation 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; German Exchange 2; National German Honor Society 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Camden Retreat; C M T 4; Kairos 18, 27; Emmaus 264, 265; A.M.D.G. 1
"Aspire not to have more, but to be more." Oscar Romero
James M artinez M odel U N 2,3,4; Honors Pin 1.2,3; Indoor Track 1; National Honor Society 4; National Spcnish Honor Society 3; Kairos 18
Karl M auer Student Council 1,2; Freshman Class President, Sophomore Class Vice President; Ignatian Scholar 2,3,4; Big Brother 4; Ignatian Tutor 3; Honors 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Basketball 1,2,3*; W a te r Polo 4 *; Kairos 22; Emmaus 266
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Robert Francis Kennedy
Shane M cC arthy
Brendan M cCauley
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,3,4; literama 1,2
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." Mewtwo
^kat D know now ...
ector Poza; I would not have done anything different, I n happy where I am now and every event in my life lapecl me to the man I am today.
Harsh Patel: I would have communicated more often with all m y teachers. I was a really shy student at first, but then I came to realize that all the teachers are our friends.
arry Lepore; The time goes by fast; I would have lerishea every m oment more.
Hussam Latif: I would have tried a lot harder and would have come to known that if I gave it m y best, I could have been the best.
iwen Sirianni: I would never have gone anywhere else but egal Grounds for breakfast.
Ryan O'Connor: I would have purchased more of Mr. Settem brino’s donuts.
Ryan M cG ann CrossCountry 1,2,3*.4*; Indoor Track 1,2,3*,4*; Outdoor Track 1,2,3*,4*; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 18,26; Eucharistic Minister 4; Petroc 3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Ignatian Scholar Leader 2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4
"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer." Randy Pauscn
Matthew McGovern Rugby 2; Campus Ministry Team 4; W est Virginia Immersi Trip 3; A M D G 1; Kairos 20; Emmaus 267; Honors Pin ^ Patriots of Prep 3; German Club 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,4; Baseball Club 2,3,4
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy
Raza M ehdi
David M ercado
Rugby 2,3,4; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Debate 3.4; Stage Crew 3,4; Political Philosophy 3,4; M ock Trial 3
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4
"Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn." Anonymous
"I see now that the circumstances c one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." Mewtwo
Steven Messina
Neil Meuse
Asian Society; Kairos; Luke 18; Antioch; Emmaus;
Outdoor Track 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Patriots of Prep <
Los Angeles Mission Trip
Stock Market Club 2; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Italian Nationaj Honors Society 3; Kairos 22; Emmaus 267
"W hat hath night to do with sleep?" John Milton
Kevin Mikovits Lacrosse 1,2,3,4*; W ater Polo 3,4; Crew 2; Indoor Track 1; Androball 1,2, MVP 3,4; Ignatian Scholar 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4*; Student Council 3, Vice President of Communications 4; C M T 4; Kairos 18,24, Emmaus 261,262, A M D G 1; National Honors Society; National Spanish Honors Society; Spanish Gold M edal 3; Honors Pin 1,2,3
"Conquer every obstacle, make impossible possible, even when winning's illogical, losing's still far from optionak" Clifford Tip Harris Jr.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." Vince Lombardi
W hat wal youT Cameron Antonio: When Mr. Morris took part in the tug ol war competition against the wrestling team.
James Forsythe: When he started singing in our SAT Pref class.
Henry Om: Talking about UFOs and supernatural events in our Religion class in my sophomore year.
Chad Molesky
Samueldo M om point
Hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse! .2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 263
Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 4; Emmaus 265
"Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy." W a y n e Gretzky
"Keep your head up, so you know where you going. G ood luck with what you do, man. If you like, hate, or don't know me, know that I love y'all. Peace." Sam Mompoint
M a rio M ow att
Joseph M ucciolo
Kairos 18; Kairos 25; A M D G 1; C M T 4; Science Club;
Italian Club 1,2,3,4*; History Club 1,2,3,4*; Asian Society 4;
Nurse Club
Patriots of Prep 3,4; Silver M edal Algebra 1; Honors Pin 1,3; Italian Exchange 3; National Italian Honors Society 3; N H S 4; C M T 4; Kairos 20,23; A M D G 1; Emmaus 263; Spirit Award; Prep N ew s 4; Inspector Ryan Lugo Korfniddlemacher IV 4
"So let me get this straight, wait... I'm the rookie? Nicki Minaj
"And remember, no matter where you ao, there you are." Confucius
Patrick M urphy
A ndrew Newman
Kairos 17; Emmaus 264; A M D G 1; Campus Ministry Team 4; Petroc 4; W a ter Polo 3,4; M arauder Radio Network 2,3,4
M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4*; Rugby 1,2,3,4*; Kairos 17,24; Emmaus 264; A M D G 1; Campus Ministry Team 4; W a te r Polo 3; Petroc 4; Nazareth Farm 3; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 4; Student Council 4*
"To be good is noble; but to show others how to be good is nobler and no trouble." Mark Twain
"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive." Van W ilder
fPatuct, 9%/ipHy-
interaction with
ean Cummings; When he told me I looked like a raggedy iece o f a raggedy muffin.
. A to rrii? Christian Blauch; Cleaning Mr. Morris's fish tank with him after a Saturday Detention.
aul Arena; When he told us he was a breakdancer when e was young.
Alexander Duva; I attem pted to take a photo o f him and his brother hugging each other during SA T class. The results were horrible a n d I'm now too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Would I do it again? Yes. Kodak moment.
lector Poza; I don't rem em ber my first interaction with Mr. hJorris, but the first thing that popped into m y head when I aw him was "I better stay on his good sid e”.
Henrique Ribeiro; When Mr. Morris told me about his dream and how a dog spoke to him about the Giants winning the Superbowl.
Joseph Nicoletti
M atthew Newman
M arauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Vox 2, VP 3,4;
M arauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3;
Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G 1; Kairos 20; Emmaus 26 i Sophomore Retreat Leader 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; CLC 4; Petrt
Outdoor Track 1; Rugby 2,3,4; W ater Polo 3,4; C M T 4; Kairos 17,25; Emmaus 263; A M D G 1; Honors Pin 1,3; French Exchange 3; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity Trip 4; Intramurols 3,4; French Club 2,3
1,2,4; Honors Pin 2,3; National Spanish Honor Society 3; First Honors 2,3,4; Ambassador 1; intramural Club 1,2,3; Committee 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,< HAP Tutor 1,2; Patriots of Prep 3; Celtic Club 1,2;
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it." Andrew Jackson
Italian Club 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2
"If you want to make G od laugh, te him your plans." Mr. Carl DeLorenzo
M arek Niesiobedzki
Ryan O 'Connor
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Swim Team M anager l,2,3;Crew 3;
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 262; Honors Pin 1,J
M edical Club 1,2,3; Big Brother 4; Prep O pera Club 4; Kairos 22; Emmaus
Hockey 1; Big Brother 4
"There are no easy answers' but there are simple answers. W e must have the courage to do what we know is morally right." Ronald Reagan
"Your only limits are the ones you se yourself." Felix Baumgartner
Brian O 'H alloran
Henry Om
Wrestling 1,2,3; Art Club 4; Stock Market Club 3.4
Hellenic Society 1,2,3,4; M agis Award 1; Fencing 2,3; Academic Bowl 1,2; Big Brother 4; National Honor Society 4f Stock Market Club 3,4; HAP Tutor 2,3,4; Emmaus 263; Honor Pin 1,2; M agna Cum laude 2,3; National French Honors Society 4
"Believe you can and you're halfway there." Theodore Roosevelt
"The summit of happiness is reachec when a person is ready to be what he is." Desiderius Erasmus
To the
a \
Jonathan Figueroa; I leave my hair to Mr. Delorenzo, class of 1967.
Kevin Gallagher; I leave m y Batman mask to Bobby Puhak. I request all my assets be transferred into quarters and given to Zeb.
Declan Cunningham; I leave m y “M arauder Parking O nly’’ sign to someone who will stay active in Marauder Nation for more than one year.
Robert Capone; Everything to George Garber, he deserves the world,
Brian Githens; I leave a portion of m y left shoe lace to Tucker Freeman.
Sean Falzon; I, Sean Swagga Falzon, leave my Swag to m y main man Corey Caddie. May you carry out swag throughout the halls o f Prep.
M ichael O ro
M ark Owlasiuk
Fencing*; Computer Club*; Notional Honor Society; Kairos; Emmaus; Stage C rew Spring Musical; Intramurols; Spanish Honor Society 3,4
"You know what a learning experience is? A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you ust did? Don't do that.'" ouglas Adams
(% General O zochiaw aeze
Anthony Pacillo
Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Academic Bowl 3,4; M ock Trial 1;
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17
Outdoor Track 1; Political Philosophy Club 3,4; Video Gam e Club 2,3; National French Honors Society 3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Forensics Debate I; Forensics Speech 3
"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success" Malcolm X
"I woke up in a new Bugatti!" Future
John Paradiso
Joseph Palasits
Soccer 1,2,4; Volleyball 1,2; National Honors Society 4, National Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Latin Silver M edal 3; Political Philosophy Club 3; CLC 3,4; Kairos 18; Petrean 3, Co-Editor-in-Chief 4
"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates
T a in t f t e t e t ' i
S J L e a v e ..
ndrew Newman: I leave RolledSockDownGang to Matt nown
Luis Luciano: Keep the Dungeon alive and make it a great 4 years.
aniel Pimpinelli: I leave m y shirt-sock combos to Kerry oil, class of 2015.
Tyler Schiavo: I leave to Jack Schiavo, '14, my car; take good care o f her, brother.
ndrew Markey: I leave Team Natty to M att Leonard '14
Bill Lavelle: To the underclassmen, I leave the legacy o f the cowboy.
Harsh Patel Indo-Pak Club; Chess Club; M edical Club
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
Daniel Pimpinelli
M edical Club; Chorus; Crew
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi
Guillermo Pineiro
Campus Ministry Team 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; W.I.L.D. Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Environmental Club 1,2; Italian
M edical Society 1,2,3,4; Law Society 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 1,2,VP3,4*; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4;
Club 3,4; Italian Exchange 3; Kairos 20, 27; Emmaus 261,262; A M D G 1; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Fencing 1; Volleyball 1
Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4; Psychology Club 3,4; Campus Shop 2,3; Vox 2,3; Honors Pin 3;
"Don't judge a book by the cover. Every single being in this world is your brother." Matisyahu
Prep Reach 3; Emmaus 267
"...A man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated or respected or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it." Gustavo Fring
Hector Poza
Sean Purcell
Kairos 20; Emmaus 264; A M D G 1; Lacrosse 1,2.3,4; Soccer 1; IndoorTrack 1; Intramurals 3,4; Intramural Dodgeball Champion 3; M aurader Nation 1,3,4; Art Club
Golf 1,2,3,4; German Club 1,2; Celtic Club 1,2
3,4; Health and Fitness Club VP 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; CLC 3,4; Spirit Award 4; Sophomore Retreat Leader 4
"Don't be afraid... You can't always wait for the perfect chance, sometimes you must dare to go from the known to the unknown." Hector Poza
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believinc that it is stupid." Albert Einstein
ti-V -M
U /hat i5 uout jjG votlt Matthew Connelly; Watching Prep Hockey upset Don Bosco last year at the Ice House was unbelievable.
David Kong; That epic snowball fight at Exchange Place two years ago.
Matthew Bernardo; My favorite memory from m y time at Prep would be the Christmas Feast sponsored by the Asian Society. It was a great experience to see faculty, friends, and other students sharing a meal to celebrate Christmas and support Project Title Wave.
Evan Cain; Storming the court at “The Barn” vs. Bosco with Marauder Nation 2010.
Brian Githens; The first night o f conditioning at camp Senior year.
William Foley; Meeting Nathan Lane after the play last year.
David Quesada
Brian Rabasca
Rugby 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3;
Football 1,2,3,4*; Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 1; Kairos 18: Camp Kismet 3; Habitat for Humanity 4
Marauder Nation 3,4; Big Brother 4; Kairos 17; Emmaus 264; Honors Pin 2,3; Ignite 1,4; Football 1; Intramurals 3, 4
"Perfection is not attainable, but if w e chase perfection we can catch excellence." Vince Lombardi
"Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity." W ill Smith
M ichael Rabasca
Faizan Rafi
Football 1,2,3,4*
Student Council 1,2; National Honors Society 4; National French Society 3,4; Honors Pin 2,3,4; French Club 1; Wrestling 2
"Every ending is a new beginning. Anonymous
"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. " Michael Jordan
5 F t u g ju h
'R n ii
Francis Ramos
James Regan
Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Basbeall Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 4;
Swimming 1,2.3; Baseball 1,2,3,4
Video Gam e Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 22; Emmaus 263
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill
"The only thing w e have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt
nem otu jjto m yo u t tim e a t P te jQ ? m at ha n Losche: Going on the German Exchange ophomore year.
Reginald Malaluan; My favorite memory from my time at to the fa fast varsity football game against Prep was Paramus Catholic this year. I genuinely enjoyed the entii entire experience, from going to the~game with friends to watching m y fellow seniors play.
ameron Antonio: When Mr. Morris Announced that we here dismissed from class early because o f the snow and /ery one went crazy in the Commons and Library.
Kyle Lupo: My favorite memories from Prep are the numerous times that proctors mispronounced Jai MaiIk 's name.
evin Mikovits. My trip to Spain with m y Spanish class and hen we “lost” James Quintas for alm ost an hour.
Matthew Newman: Going to West Virginia and jam m ing out to Creedence Clearwater Revival Band with Mr. Long and the squad.
James Reynolds
Henrique Ribeiro
Fencing 1,2,3*.4*; Celric Club 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4;
Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 20, 25; Rugby 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Bowling 4; Emmaus 265
Kairos 20; Emmaus 264; M agis Award; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Nafional Spanish Honors Society 3,4; National Honors Society 4
"Every artist was first an amateur." Ralph W a ld o Emerson
"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad." Brian Gerald O'Driscoll
Luke Rivera
Aaren Rigor
National Honor Society 4; French National Honor Society 3 / Honors Pin 1,2,3; Kairos 20; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1; HAP Tutor 1
Spanish Club 3; Anime Club 3; Video G am e Club 3; Asian Society 3,4; Stage Crew 4
"Only a life lived for others is worth living." Albert Einstein
"I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family -and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually." Frank Sinatra
Christian Roca
Michael Rojas
Soccer 1; Baseball Club 2; Outdoor Track 2,4; Indoor Track 4; Band; 2,3,4; Kairos 22
"I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't." Anonymous
15U O U t
Matt Biscaldi; Mr. O ryshkevych- His passion for the topic that he teaches combined with his ability to relate to his students makes him the best teacher that I've had at Prep.
Michael Dombrowski: Mr. Campion. Not only did I have the pleasure of having him as a teacher, but I had him as a director in m y first ever Prep play. He is always encouraging and is quite the character.
Gabrial Fischer: Mr. Vaznelis, because he made m y year in Latin II a memorable and enjoyable experience, which could have otherwise been unfortunate.
Nick Cipriano: Mr. Santos. He's a teacher beyond the classroom.
Samuel Gentile: Doc Hartling because he is the best story teller I have ever met.
William Blanco: My favorite teacher is Doc Kennedy. He wasn't ju s t a teacher, he showed everyone how to grow in life. He made sure that everyone was prepared for life after graduation with college and so on. I will miss him.
James Roman
A ndrew Romero
W est Virginia C D O M Immersion Trip 12; Kairos 18;
Soccer 1,2,3,4
Fencing 2,3; Art Club 2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Fine Arts Academic Convocation 2
"I know it's easy to imagine but it's easier to just do. See, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?" Scott Mescudi
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." M a e W est
Christopher Ruh
Hayzle Sanango
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Rugby 3.4; Inframurals 1,2,3,4;
M edical Club 3,4; Engineering Club 3; Martial Arts Club 3;
Marauder Notion 1,2,3,4; Baseboll 1
Asian Society 3
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.' James Neil Hollingworth
"This is how w e do it." Andy Samberg
(JlrUAfoflVu iiu ix Krish Sanghavi Indo-Pak Club
Nicholas Santa M aria Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G 1; Kairos 18; Emmaus 261,262; Sophomore Retreat Leader; Eucharistic Minister 4; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Freshman M agis Award; National Honors Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3, President 4; Bowling 3,4; HAP 1,2,3
"W ork like a slave, eat like a king. Papoose
"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success." Elbert Hubbard
te G ch e i G rid w k u ? Ian Flannery; Mr. Keating. He is literally the most upbeat human being alive. It is impossible to be unhappy around the man.
Ian Smith; Mr. Burokas is because he challenges his students and always encourages them to work harder and aim higher.
Matthew McGovern; Mr. DeLorenzo, because he's hilarious and gets his message across to the class in the process.
Steven Messina; Mrs. McElroy is m y favorite teacher. She is both hilarious and highly intelligent; history is one of my favorite subjects, and she knows so m any little interesting tidbits of information that you could never find in a textbook.
Gabriel Gonzalez; My favorite teacher is Ms. Eppler. She interacts with her students in the nicest of ways and is fair.
Christian Roca: Ms. Eppler because o f how she interacts with the students.
Tyler Schiavo Soccer 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Teom 4; Ecuador 3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Petroc 4; Italian Exchonge 3; Italian National Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 18; A M D G 1; Emmaus 265
"I just wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby"
Donovan Sepulveda Emmaus 262,263; Kairos 18; Science Club; Spain Trip
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. Robert Frost
Kevin Sheridan Rugby 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 17, 23; Emmaus 264; LA Immersion Trip; W est Virginia M A W C Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Debate/Forensics Team 3; Celtic Club 3/ Political Philosophy Club 3,4; Patriots of Prep 3,4; Indoor Track 1; Petroc 4; Prep W .I.LD. 4
"I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it." Unknown
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
Kyle Shivers
Colin Siracuse
Football 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2; Marauder Nation 2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G 1;
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4*; W ater Polo 4 *; Honors Pin 1,2; Nafionc Honors Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society 3, 4
Emmaus 265
"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -a desire, a dream, a vision." Muhammad Ali
U /kat w ill
Robert Kufczynski: The sense o f camaraderie with my Prep brothers!
John Callinan; Off-campus eateries, Taylor ham bacon egg and cheeses, turtlenecks, free-period basketball.
Danny Cruz Jr.; The m any friends I have made over the past four years and all the close relationships I have made with Prep Vox members.
Chad Molesky; Getting to see all my Prep brothers every day o f the week and talking to them!
Vincenzo Addeo; Definitely the brotherhood. The friendships I've made over the past four years will last a lifetime.
Gianluca Bove; The bond o f brotherhood and friends
Ow en Sirianni Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Italian Club 2,3; Celtic Club 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Petroc 4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4;
Ian Smith ; Honors Pin 1,2; Basketball M anager 2; Crew 3,^ National Honor Society 4; Kairos 22; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
National Honor Society 4; National Italian Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 20,27; Emmaus 265
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
L.A. Smith
"Believe you can and you're halfway there." Theodore Roosevelt
David Somers
Judo 1Ox National Champion 1,2,3,4; Football 1;
Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3,4; Debate 3,4;
Emmaus 264; Psychology Club 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3
Baseball Club 1,2; Political Philosophy Club 3,4
"All I want to be is better than I was /esterday." L.A. Smith III
"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." "Rocky Balboa"
cD & u m S ,
Joseph Stevenson
Ryan Stickno Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Stage Crew 4; Football 1; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Kairos 17, 24; Emmaus 263; A M D G 1; Campus Ministry Team 4; Honors Pin 1,2,3
"Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy." W a y n e Gretzky
noit about fttejQ ? icholas Clappsy; M y Prep brothers. Having the oportunity to spend each and every day with some o f the sst guys around. Your brothers around you make Prep orth while.
Hector Poza: / will miss everything Prep has to offer. Especially all the retreats that give us the chance to open up and become closer with other members o f the Prep community. I never seen anything like it and I'm truly blessed to experience it.
hakris Vongtanaanek; What I will miss m ost of all are my rep brothers. They are m y family and we will always look lit for each other.
Hussam Latif: Not worrying what I look like coming to school. Knowing that it'll be all guys and no one judges.
amiano Lucignano: / will miss m y friends most.
Matthew Halchak: Definitely m y friends. I know we'll keep in touch but there's nothing like seeing your brothers on a daily basis.
Jason Supplee
Daniel Tanelli
M odel U N 2,3.4; Kairos 17
Kairos 18; Bowling 4; Big Brother 4
"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." Albert Einstein
"Life is short; don't waste time worrying about what people think you. Hold on to the ones that care in the end they'll be the only ones there." Unknown
Q clQ &\/ S u ^ D
Jorge Teixeira Spanish Club 3,4; Psychology Club 3; Engineering Club 3; M edical Club 3; Vox 1,2,3,4; Stage C rew 3,4; Rugby 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Honors Pins 2,3
"Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection." Sheik
Bryan Thomas Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2; Campus Ministry Tear A M D G 1; Emmaus 265; Kairos 26,20; Habitat for Humcf W est Virginia 4; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 3; Fresh m l Ambassador 1; Ignatian Scholars Retreat 3
"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happine; without action." Benjamin Disraeli
fy jc Y lfm b
Brian Toner Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 18, 25; Emmaus 261, 264; Campus Ministry Team 4; Basketball 1; Political Philosophy Club 3,4; A M D G 1
"Saint Peter's Prep is not the place you come to; it is the place you go from." Father Greg Boyle, S.J.
Douglas Tortorici Rugby 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Basketball 1; Honors 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 17,23*; Petrocj Ecuador Immersion Trip 2; W est Virginia Habitat Trip J
"Our passions are like convulsion fits, which, though they make us stronger for a time, leave us the weaker ever after." Alexander Pope
To the undo.xcLa55men Matthew Newman; My incredible bow tie skills to Anthony Ruvo, '15.
Kevin Mikovits; I leave The Circus and The Sauce to Tanner Barbieri ’14.
Liam Kiniery; / leave m y Polo game to Anthony Duran and Ryan Mullins, class o f 2015.
General Ozochiawaeze; To all underclassmen I leave my handball legacy!
Matthew Bernardo; I leave the underclassmen the Pearl Business and a roasted pig.
Sean Purcell; My family legacy to my younger cousin Kieran.
M ichael Troglio
M ichael Tuites
Rugby 2,3,4; Football 1; Kairos 18; Emmaus 264; A M D G 1;
First Honors 1,2,3,4; English Literature Silver M edal 2,3; National Honor Society 4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4;
Campus Ministry Team 4; Sophomore Retreat 4*; Honors 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4
Football 1; Rugby 2,3,4; M odel U N 3,4; Student Council 2,3,Vice President 4; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 17,26; A M D G 1; Emmaus 263
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while you could miss it." Ferris Bueller
"Life is too short to harbor regrets. If you get a chance, take it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it." H. M a cK a y
/% 2 A > d l Jason Uliano
Andrew Ulloa
Baseball 1.2,3,4; Football 1,3
Wrestling 1,2,3,4*; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2,3; M edical Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3; Nazareth Farm 3; National Honor Society 4; Italian National Honor Society 4; Kairos 22; CLC 2,3,4
"Sunny days wouldn't feel special if it wasn't for rain. Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain." 50 Cent
"W here there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:1 8
Jeffrey Veloz
Chakris Vongtanaanek
Honors Pin 1,2,3; Engineering Club 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 1
Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 3; Rugby 2; Gaming Club 2,3; TV Studio Club 1
"Unless you a Zombie!" Anthony Anderson
"I didn't choose the thug life and the thug life didn't choose me; it was more of a mutual agreement." Jeffrey Douglas Veloz
'5D Leave, ..
seph Palasits: I leave the legacy o f water polo and my llection o f Speedos to Ian Maxwell, class o f 2014
Douglas Tortorci: I leave m y white rugby shorts and good looks to M att Brown, class o f 2014.
ian Toner; I leave my external pocket corduroy pants to latever students wish to continue challenging the dress de.
James Roman; I leave the Arbor Bench to generations to come.
ven Sirianni; To Jake Colville, '14, I leave m y fake tan, lites tees, hair spray and uncanny ability to get kicked out the library.
Michael Weber; I leave the Snuggie and bags of skittles in the CM T office to Vincent Weber, '15.
Michael Vuoncino
Andrew Walker-Sorin
Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 20; Emmaus 266; Lacrosse 1,2; W a ter Polo 3,4; Golf 3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; C M T 4; A M D G 1; Habitat for Humanity Trip
Randall W all Indoor Track and Field 3,4*; Outdoor Track and Field 3,4*; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3; Honors Pin 4; Football 1; Ebony Club 1,2; Kairos 22
Michael Walshe Baseball 1,2,3,4; C M T 4; Kairos 17,23; Emmaus 261 A M D G 1; Ignatian Scholar 2,3,4; National Honor Sociei Spanish Honor Society 4; W V M A W , Skidrow Service Trips 1 Honors Pin 1,2,3; Medical Club 1,2; Marauder Nation 1,| C IC 4; Pax Christi 1,3; Stock Market Club 1,2; : Intramural Sports 1,2,3; Forensics 1
"Nothing's impossible, because even the word impossible clearly says 'I’m Possible.'" Audrey Hepburn
Drew W alther Tennis 1,2,3,4
"I'm looking forward to the memories of right now." Drake
Michael W eber Rugby 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 17 Emmaus 263, 266; Football 1; A M D G 1; LA Immersion If Marauder Notion 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3
"Let ao, Life does get tough. N o need to stress, hola you back too much." Kid Cudi
Brandon W endt Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Prep Dramatics 2,3,4; Rugby 3,4
"When the lights shut off and its my turn to settle aown-my main concernpromise that you will sing about me." kendrick Lamar
"The saddest thing in life is waster talent." "A Bronx Tale"
W hatuou mi Mark De Leon: The brotherhood and community. I do no think I will experience anything like this anywhere else anytime soon.
Evan Cain; When everyone stood by the window watchir innocent Freshmen get run over while running to the othe building during a storm.
Jai Malik; Breaking the photocopier countless times the day before the Hamlet research paper was due.
Patrick W helan
Alexander W oldm ichael
Kairos 18; Honor Pin 3; Baseball 1; Crew 2,3;
Science Club; Stock Market Club
Camp Kismet 3
"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." Douglas MacArfhur
"I'm like the fly Malcom X, buy and jeans necessary, Detroit Red cleaned up." Kanye W est
JU lo u (\
Trevis W yche
Kelvin Yang Anime Club 1,2,4; Honors Pin 3
"A chance will come someday if you keep on waiting? How naive! If you don't act yourself, that "someday" won't come!" Lelouch Lamperouge
Jacob Yanicak Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,4; Engineering Club 4; Kairos 22; Handball 1
M atthew Zebrowski Rugby 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 263,265; Italian Club 2,3; Kairos 18; Vox 2,3; Pax Christi 4; C D O M W V ; Culinary Club 3; TV Studio 4; Intramurals 1,2,3, Intramurals Committee 4
"M an is a universe within himself." Bob Marley
"Everything I'm not made me everything I am." Kanye W e s t
% jM s o x r
no5t about f tte p ? rian Cichetti; I will miss the tight-knit com m unity and the ood friends I made the most.
L.A. Smith III; The camaraderie and relationships that I have built over the past four years, which will last for a lifetime.
arsh Patel; I will miss how everyone treated each other ce a brother.
James Roman; My friends, m y favorite teachers, and Legal Grounds.
rendan Cosgrove; The great friendships I have made.
Steven Messina; / will miss ju s t that feeling of brotherhood that is unique to Prep.
Juniors (2Lua of) 2 0 14 Nathaniel Alegria Alberto Alicea Nicholas Angeli Daniel Apicella Julian Arena Austin Armon
Daniel Arroyo Richard Baker Jonathan Bannon Tanner Barbieri Michael Battista Sham ir Bearfield
Frank Beatrice Derik Beckett Barrington Bennett Ryan Berger Declan Berutti Brendan Boardingham
Matthew Brown Samuel Burkhardt Christopher Butko Thomas Calloni Andrew Capobianco Matthew Capobianco
Zachary Carlee M ichael Carlino Colin Carney Gregory Carpenter Devir Carrera Kenneth Carroll
Brady Cashman Jonathan Castaldo Matthew Chu Michael Cirilo Jam es Clark Anthony Colegrove
Thomas Collins Jake Colville Sean Concannon Alm am y Conde Sean Conheeney Robert Cordeiro
John Corea Giorgio Courtis Rocco Coviello Arm ond Cox M ichael Cozine Paolo Crisostomo
M ichael Crowe Peter Cruickshank Daiquan Cutler Zaire Cuttino David de Leon II Jeffrey DeFago
M ichael DeLoughery Ryan Diaz Anthony DiGiacinto M atthew Discala Sean Doherty Vincent Donatacci
Matthew Donofrio Brandon Douglas Eamonn Dwyer Jack Egan C onnor English V ince-Davis Espino
Brian Feeney M ichael Feeney M ichael Fernandes Jesus Ferrer Neil Feste Conor Finn
David Fiume Em m et Flanigan M ichael Florim Charles Forker Henry Forsythe Ciaran Freeman
John Freeman Alex Fresolone Jeffrey Garrigan Conor Gelson Daniel Gerris Bryan Ghobryal
Matthew Giardiello M ateusz Gieldowski Ethan Gilbert Alexander Gill Arley Giraldo Conor Golway
Juan Gomez Joaquim Goncalves Nelson Gonzalez III Patrick Grosso M ikhail Harvey Anthony Hector
Fritz Heinrich Vincent Hess Jonathan Hilliman Andrew Holowienka Jam es Howell Stephen Hudock
Benjamin Hurley M oham ed Jaafar Bret Jablonski M atthew Jasko Victor Jusino Antony Kamel
Patrick Karol Tony Kerbaj John King Richard King Jeffrey Krai Kevin Kuhl
Richard Larkin Anthony Larocco Hassan Latif Daniel Leahy Tyler Lee Matthew Leonard
Jarrett Lewis M ax Leyn Ryan Lillis Kevin Lopes Neil Losordo A ndrew Lotfalla
Gabriel Luzzi Owen Lynskey Brandon Lyons Jason M allonga M atthew M anley John M arano
Jake M arciniak Sean M arshall Steven M artinez John Martucci Carlton M atara Anthony M atarazzo
Andrew Mauro Ian M axwell Stephen McAuliffe Jack M cKivergan Jam es M cM onagle Connor M cNamara
Justin Mercado M alcolm Merritt A ndrew Mescall Cedric Mondjii Tomas Morales Sean M ullman
John N akar Daniel Navarro Jordan Neira M icah Onditi Christian Osorio Jam es Palmeri
Thom as Papas Marc Pardo Harsh Patel Ryen Pezzolla A jani Phillips Joe Popovich
Zachary Power Franklin Prado Christopher Pulmano Kieran Purcell Darell Pusung Jacob Ramos
Kristian Real Kevin Reidy Paul Renzetti Sean Richards Giancarlo Rivera Christopher Roberts
Austin Roche Brandon Rodriguez Harison Rogers Michael Russo Jam es Ryan Sean Ryan
Jam es Sause M ichael Scarpa Jack Schiavo Kyle Schmidt Paul Scully Daniel Segura
Jam es Sheehan jr. Spencer Shickora John Short Andrew Silva Vincenzo Sita Delano Smalls
Brendan Smith Charles Smith Andrew Smythe Benjamin Sobsey M ario Spiniello Andrew Swanson
Jack Szumski M ichael Tanelli Shayron Taylor Abraham Tekle Christopher Thom s-Bauer Jonathan Tice
Kevin To Brian Tuhy Fred Turco Bryan Valencia Paul Vella Brent Verlin
M iguel Vidal Ryan Angelo Villadarez W arren Vincentz Lucas Voli Sean Voltz Justin W alker
Robert W alsh Daniel W ard Thomas W ard Austin W hite Jordan W hitehead Kam eron Williams
Drew W illiamson Christopher W right Perry Zirpoli
Sophomores /5 M ichael Abdon Erik Aborde Joseph Abruzzo Aedan Accardi Christopher Aguilera Sean Ahem
A lexander Aiello Paul Ajayi Peter Ajayi A lexander Alberti Salvatore Alessi Eladham Ali
Michael Allen Yohan Alvarado-Andrew A lejandro Anderson David Anderson Austin A ndrew s-Sanchez Tyler Apito
Gabriel Arevalo M yer Arm strong D om inick Am aldo Trinity Auriemma Robert Banaag M ichael Barrera
Brendan Barry Keillor Beckwith Evan Bernard Alejandro Blanco Kerry Boll Jacob Borsellino
David Bovich Kyle Bowes Tristan Brandt Renaud Bruce Connor Burkert Ryan Burkert
Clark Burnett Corey Caddie Daniel Callaghan John Campbell Ryan Campen Christopher Capparis
Michael Capparis Justin Cardoz Patrick Carney Terence Carroll Luca Casulli Paul Chiurazzi
W inston Chu M ichael Cid Jam es Clark John Collette Nolan Collier Christian Colucci
Peter Conlin Sean Connors Daniel Cooney Brendan Coughlin Nicholas Cozzarelli Kenneth Creer
Hayden Criollo Tim othy Critchlow Sean Crowley Anthony D'Aiuto Andrew D'Avella Anthony Dabb
Jordan Davis N icholas D awybida Julian De La Cruz Andrew Dellechiaie Daniel Dellechiaie W illiam DeM artin
Christopher Dombrowski Jon Carlo Dominguez Alex Donaleski N icholas Doren Brian Doyle Anthony Duran
M ichael Dwyer Tariq Elmetwally Thom as Evans Griffin Faherty John Fearon Andrew Febrillet
Andrew Fennell John Filak M inkah Fitzpatrick Jordan Fox M atthew Frezza Christian Gallardo
George Garber Daniel Garrett Christopher Geissler Joseph Giani Ian Gill Andrew Githens
Carl Emil Gocon Gerard Gomilla Maximillian Grasselino Benjamin Halligan Jam es Handy Daniel Harcourt
Jordan Harris Christian Hedengren Kevin Heras Ryan Hernandez Christian Herrera Grant Hippie
Thomas Howard Patrick Huggins Darnell Hutchins Sebastian Jaliff Dennis James Sean Johnson
Tej Jolly Jonathan Juan Thomas Kaczan Nicholas Kaniewski Stephen Kellner M ichael Kennedy
Siree Kerr Joseph Kopacz Tyler Kovacs Kyle Krutis Christopher Kuczynski Rishi Kumaran
Jonathan LaBella Jack LaBruno Richard Landolfi Christopher Lee Jose Leon Luke Leonard
Brian Liggio Thomas Linkus Henry Locke Emmet Long Patrick Lum Thomas Lyga
Jose Adelfo Maceda Luke M adden Jam es M aglione N icholas Magnotti Patrick M aguire Robert Mahon
G eorge Malki Eric M alvey Joseph M anganello M ichael M arino Jericho M artinez Tyler M artino
W illiam M ason Paolo Matti Austin Matus Dennis M azurkiew icz Christian M cCauley Jam es McGlew
C hristopher M cGovern Isaiah M cGowan M ichael M cKittrick Jayson M cKivergan Thom as M cLaughlin T yler McLucas
Thom as M cM anus Kevin McVeigh Vincent M enafro Jam es M endyk Raul M enendez Richard M essina
Ian M ichelin Steven M illad Vincent M iragliotta N icholas M orchel Dante Muccigrosso R yan Mullins
Flynn Munroe Andrew Napolitano Josiah Ng Anthony Noiplai Andrew Notare John Nulty
Patrick O'Leary Nicolas Oberholtzer Nathaniel Ocot M atthew Oliveira Stephen Oro Edward Oser
W illiam Oser Griffin Otterbein Jose Palomino Alex Patel Lawson Penney Dean Perez
Andrew Petrick Adam Picardo Joseph Ponterdolph A. Reese Quinones Jonathan Racki M anuel Ramirez
Jam es Randall Marc Richards Phillip Richardson Jim m y Rivera Jibrael Robertson Scott Rogers
Brian Rojas Gabriel Russotto Anthony Ruvo Alex Sabatell Anthony Sabia Jason Santos
Emre Saritepe Nicholas Savino Daniel Sblendorio Justin Scherzo Alexander Serpico Sean Severson
Conor Sharp Jerem iah Silva Sonny Simonetti Joseph Siocha M atthew Skircak David Smith
Kyle Smith Robert Smith Nathaniel Soliven M ax Solter Francisco Sorto W illiam Springer
Steven Sprofera Tristian Staniszewski John Stemkowski Sebastian Sterling Daniel Sullivan Bradley Switala
Raphael Talatala Devon Thompson David Tolentino Peter Tomljanovic Steven Trujillo Edward Valencia
Roi Vana Thomas Vander Vliet M ark Vasile Sahil Vaswani Antonio Velardi Shawn Vollaro
Dwon W alker Patrick W alshe V incent W eber T yler W endt Jeffrey W hyte Hunter W illiams-Burrows
Quinn W illiam son Brandon W imbush D eclan W ollard Bennett W ong M arc W right Jayadeep Yalamanchi
Nelson Yang M ichael Zawistowski Ethan Zingalis Benjamin Zinn
Freshmen (2 b u
Allen Abanilla Daniel Acevedo Enric Adillon Anthony Alaimo Juan Alcantara Richard Aldarondo
Jonathan david Alegria M ichael Altrui Kenneth Andrade Scott Andreas Coby Antinoro John Armwood
Vieri Arriaga Joseph Atta Ethan louie Bandales Brian Bartoszek Luke Bedell Jonathan Beltre
John Bonnet Sa'id Boykin Robert Brancatella Noah Brennan Federico Burke Augustus Burkhardt
Christian Butts Gabriel Cabello Jerem iah Cam poverde Quinn Candelaria Alec Carbonell Patrick Carroll
Jack Castaneda Alexander Cautela Nicholas Cerbone M ark Chester David Clancy Francis Coleman
Kevin Connelly Dominic Corrado David Corrao Griffin Corry David Cortinas Vincent Costa
Kyle Coupe T ahir Covin H unter Criollo Brendan Cunningham Vince gerald Dagot Conor Daly
Z achary Davis Griffm Day Christopher Debelak Jerem iah Deguzman W illiam Delaney Stephen Delatorre
Patrick Deleon John Desantis M ichael Dillane Alexandre Dillon Liam Dillon Andrew Doherty
Steven Domenech Brian Dougherty Brian Druciak Dhruv Duggal Daniel Duggan M ario Echevarria
Sherif Elmetwally Joseph Ferrara M atthew Fetherman Brian Fitzhenry W illiam Fitzpatrick Javier Flores
Max Flores-M unoz M ichael Fogle Rom ello Ford Stephen Fowler Jordan Francullo N icholas Furtzaig
Brandon Ganesh Christopher Garcia Samuel Gardner Isaiah Garlin Peter Garrigan Jack Gercich
Christopher Ghatas Nicholas Giardiello W ilfredo Gil III Duran G onzalez Anthony Greco George Grell
Freddie Guacamaya Liam Guam uccio Matthew Hart Eric Hard Matthew Hedden Luka Heinrich
Michael Hester Thomas Hojnacki Kolton Huber Najja Hunter M ark Imus Anthony Infante-M eehan
Jason Irwin Isaiah James Bryant Jaram illo Brendan Kaelin Bishop Kaleb Liam Kealy
Alex Kelly Connor Kirkwood Christopher Kondratowicz Jake Kopacz Tarun Kumar Devon Lalin
Nicholas Latorre Patrick Lavin Anthony Lenardo Evan Lewis Richard Longenecker John Lovito
Michael Lucia Patrick Lynskey Benjamin MacM illan Avram M agnaye Devin M almad Brian M aloney
Theophil Mangold Jam es M archione Brady M arinho Diego M artingale Dom inick Mastrodonato Alec M axwell
Tahgee M cBride M atthew M cllroy Thomas M cIntyre John M cLaughlin Luca M cLaughlin Jiano M edina
Jonathan Mendez Philip M iguel Kevin M illad Anthony Minunni M ichael Mitchell Idris Moise
A ntonio Monahan N icholas Moreno M atthew M oriarty Francis M otolla Brian M uller M ichael Murphy
Liam Nally Christian Near Kyle Necklen G arret Negron Jam es Niland Joshua N unez
Liam O'Donnell Daniel Okoh Alphonso Palacios George Papas A ndrew Pappalardo B randon Parrado
Justin Pena Justin Penik Christopher Picinic Quinn Pierre-Louis Vladyslav Polishchuk Luis Pom ales-Diaz
Brendan Popovich Colin Powers M ichael Pritchard Robert Puhak Ravi Raithatha Pierce Rasmusson
Eddie Reaves Freddie Recio Sean Regan Frank Rinaldi Joseph Rivelli Jam es Robertello
M atthew Rodriguez Anthony Romano Paul Romeo Felipe Rosario III Maximilian Rozano Nicholas Ruibal
Martin Ryan Christian Rylick Derek Sagun W ilson Salgado Dimas Sanchez Ajitesh Sandhu
Trevor Schum acher Jam es Scott Jerem y Sebalos M ichael Simonetti M anav Singh Devin Siracuse
Terence Small Philip Soscia M iles Strickland M ichael Sullivan Sawyer Swanson Patrick Sweeney
i i
Jam es Swetman Elijah Tait Jam es Tanella Kenneth Tarantino Nikesh Teckwani Kirubel Tekle
M ichael Tiem ey M ichael Tomicich Anthony Torres Jonathan Ulloa David VanW inkle Cam eron Vasfailo
Joshua Vega Raymund Viado M ichael Vinci Adrian Voysey Benjamin W arco Sham ar W aterman
Jedidiah W ehner Edward W hitehead Griffin W hitm er Ryan W illiams Robert W isowaty Jam es W right
Joshua Yanicak M axwell Zaslower
A Abanilla, Allen 176 Abdon, Michael 72, 169 Aborde, Erik 169 Abruzzo, Joseph 169 Accardi, Aedan 169 Acevedo, Daniel 176 Addeo, Vincenzo 34, 55, 132, 158 Adillon, Enric 176 Aguilera, Christopher 169 Ahearn, Bill 14,15 Ahern, Sean 169 Aiello, Alexander 169 Aiello, Matthew 132 Ajayi, Paul 169 Ajayi, Peter 169 Alaimo, Anthony 176 Albern, Matthew 132 Albers, Katherine 120 Albers, Kevin 120 Alberti, Alexander 43, 169 Alcantara, Juan 176 Aldarondo, Richard 176 Alegria, Jonathan dovid 176 Alegria, Nathaniel 164 Alessi, Salvatore 169 Ali, Eladham 169 Alicea, Alberto 164 Allen, Michael 170 Almanza, Gabriel 81, 132 Altrui, Michael 176 Alvarado-Andrew, Yohan 170 Ancheta, Jeffrey 132 Anderson, Alejandro 170 Anderson, Anthony 161 Anderson, David 170 Andrade, Kenneth 176 Andreas, Scott 55, 176 Andrew, Newman 151 Andrew, Romero 157 Andrews-Sanchez, Austin 170 Angeli, Nicholas 164 Angelo V, Ryan 169 Angermeyer, Janet 120 Annetta, Rosemary 120 Antinoro, Coby 176 Antonio, Cameron 132, 145, 150, 155 Apicella, Daniel 27, 43, 70, 164 Apito, Tyler 170 Arena, Julian 164 Arena, Paul 133,142,151 Arevalo, Gabriel 170 Armitage, Ernest 34, 35, 114, 133. 136, 143 Armon, Austin 164 Armstrong, Myer 170 Armwood, John 56, 176 Arnaldo, Dominick 170 Arriaga, Vieri 176 Arroyo, Daniel 164 Arteaga, Juan 120 Arya, Chirag 133 Atayero, Isaac 23, 133, 137 Atta, Joseph 176 Auriemma, Trinity 170 Azzarto, Anthony 15, 112, 117, 120
ft Bailey, David 120 Baker, Richard 164 Balasa, Joshua 133 Banaag, Robert 170 Bandales, Ethan louie 176 Bannon, Jonathan 164 Barbieri, Tanner 160, 164 Barrera, Michael 170 Barry, Brendan 170 Bartoszek, Brian 176 Bases, Touching All 63 Battista, Michael 33, 164
Bearfield, Shamir 164 Beotrice, Frank 164 Beckett, Derik 164 Beckwith, Keillor 170 Bedell, Luke 176 Bell, Marion 34, 45, 133, 145 Bellamy, Clayton 120 Beltre, Jonathan 176 Benedict, Elizabeth 1 17, 120, 128 Bennett, Barrinqton 56, 1 14, 164 Berger, Ryan 164 Bernard, Evan 69, 170 Bernardo, Matthew 27, 35, 79, 81,90, 134, 145, 154, 160 Berutti, Declan 65, 164 Biscaldi, Matthew 35, 39, 81, 89, 134, 156 Black, Erinn 120, 129 Blanco, Alejandro 170 Blanco, William 50, 5 1, 134, 140, 156 Blauch, Christian 34, 134, 151 Bleasdale, Jane 36, 120 Boardingham, Brendan 164 Bogdanski, Gary 120 Boll, Kerry 153,170 Bonelli, Enzo 134 Bonnet, Jack 27 Bonnet, John 176 Borsellino, Jacob 170 Bove, Gianluca 134, 158 Bovich, David 170 Bowes, Kyle 170 Boykin, Sa'id 176 Brancatella, Robert 176 Brandt, Tristan 170 Brenkert, Ben 1 16, 120, 128, 139 Brennan, Noah 176 Brian, Toner 160 Bruce, Renaud 170 Budko, Richard 27,34,81, 134 Bueller, Ferris 161 Burgess, Michael 43, 57 Burke, Federico 176 Burke, Joseph 35, 135 Burkert, Connor 170 Burkert, Ryan 60, 61, 170 Burkhardt, Augustus 55, 176 Burkhardt, Samuel 164 Burnett, Clark 32, 170 Burokas, David 100, 101, 121, 138, 139, 157 Butko, Christopher 27, 70, 91, 164 Butrym, Mr. Jon 1 19 Butts, Christian 176 Byram, John 27, 34, 67, 133, 135, 138
c Cabello, Gabriel 176 Cabrera, Andrew 75, 135 Caddie, Corey 152, 170 Cain, Evan 34, 35, 39, 81, 135, 136, 148, 154, 162 Calandra, Joseph 133, 135 Callaghan, Daniel 170 Callinan, John 34, 44, 135, 158 Colloni, Thomas 164 Cameron, Antonio 132 Campbell, Gerald 108,121 Campen, Ryan 170 Campion, John 25,37,102, 121, 138, 156 Campoverde, Jeremiah 176 Canale, Alexander 1 14, 121, 124 Candelaria, Quinn 176 Capobianco, Andrew 164
Capobianco, Matthew 164 Capone, Robert 67, 8 1, 136, 148, 152 Capparis, Christopher 170 Capparis, Michael 170 Carbonell, Alec 176 Cardenas, Christopher 136 Cardoz, Barkha 121 Cardoz, Justin 170 Carlee, Zachary 114, 164 Carlino, Michael 164 Carlson, Alison 110, 111,
121 Carney, Colin 164 Carney, Patrick 170 Carpenter, Gregory 164 Carrera, Devir 164 Carroll, Kenneth 164 Carroll, Patrick 176 Carroll, Terence 170 Casazza, Christopher 121, 126 Casazza, Diane 119, 121 Casey, Andrew 35, 63, 81, 136, 138, 142 Cashman, Brady 29, 164 Caslowitz, Steve 20, 36, 97, 104, 105. 121 Castaldo, Jonathan 20, 24, 25, 164 Castaneda, Jack 176 Castellano, Carmela 50, 51, 115, 121 Casulli, Luca 170 Caulfield, Christopher 37, 57, 103, 121 Caulfield, John 121 Caulfield, M ary Beth 122 Cautela, Alexander 176 Cerbone, Nicholas 176 Chester, Mark 176 Chester Jr., Bernard 110, 136 Chiurazzi, Paul 170 Chu, Matthew 58, 164 Chu, Winston 58, 170 Cichetti, Brian 136, 144, 163 Cid, Michael 170 Cipriano, Nicholas 47, 136, 156 Cirilo, Michael 164 Clancy, David 176 Cloppsy, Nicholas 63, 81, 137, 159 Clark, James 164, 170 Colegrove, Anthony 164 Coleman, Francis 176 Collette, John 170 Collier, Nolan 170 Collins, Cecelia 37, 122 Collins, Thomas 165 Colucci, Christian 170 Colville, Jake 161, 165 Comey, Thomas 122 Concannon, Sean 165 Conde, Almamy 165 Conheeney, Sean 165 Conlin, Peter 171 Connelly, Kevin 177 Connelly, Matthew 20, 21, 35, 81, 89, 137, 144, 154 Connors, Sean 171 Conte, Andrew 34, 35, 137 Cooney, Daniel 171 Cordeiro, Robert 165 Cordon, Jon 137 Corea, John 165 Corrado, Dominic 177 Corrao, David 177 Corry, Griffin 177 Cortinas, David 177 Cosgrove, Brendan 81,137, 163 Costa, Vincent 177 Coughlin, Brendan 171
Coupe, Kyle 27, 177 Courtis, Giorgio 165 Coviello, James 32,107, 122, 138 Coviello, Rocco 55, 165 Covin, Tahir 177 Cox, Armond 165 Coz, Young 63 Cozine, Michael 165 Cozzarelli, Nicholas 171 Creer, Kenneth 171 Creer, Nicholas 137 Crespo, Joshua 24, 25, 35, 138 Criollo, Hayden 47, 171 Criollo, Hunter 177 Crisostomo, Paolo 165 Critchlow, Timothy 171 Cross, Demetrius 29, 57, 138 Crowe, Michoel 165 Crowley, Sean 54,55,171 Cruden, Donald 138 Cruickshank, Peter 165 Cruz, Isiah 34, 35, 138, 141 Cruz Jr., Danny 138, 158 Cummings, Sean 29, 48, 49, 138, 151 Cunneen, Paul 107, 122, 125, 126, 139 Cunningham, Brendan 73, 177 Cunningham, Declan 137, 139, 152 Cunningham, Nancy 122 Cutler, Daiquan 165 Cuttino, Zaire 165
D Da bb, Anthony 171 Dagot, Vince gerald 177 D'Aiuto, Anthony 32, 171 Daly, Conor 177 Daly, Ms. Catherine 122 Daniel, Tanelli 160 Daniels-Rubenstein, Yetunde 117, 122 D'Avella, Andrew 63,171 Davis, Jordan 33, 171 Davis, Zachary 177 Dawybida, Nicholas 171 Day, Griffin 177 DeAngelo, James 122 Debelak, Christopher 177 DeFago, Jeffrey 165 Deguzman, Jeremiah 177 De La Cruz, Julian 171 Delaney, William 27, 99, 177 Delatorre, Stephen 177 DeLeon, David 42, 57, 70, 71, 165 De Leon, Mark 81,132, 139, 148, 162 Deleon, Patrick 177 Dellechiaie, Andrew 32, 113, 171 Dellechiaie, Daniel 65,171 DeLorenzo, Carl 122,123, 125, 140, 152, 157 DeLoughery, Michoel 165 DeMartin, William 171 D'Emic, Elizabeth 101,122 De Oro, Maximo Grano 81, 138, 143 Desantis, John 177 Devon, Galano 142 Diaz, Ryan 165 DiGiacinto, Anthony 165 Dillane, Michael 177 Dillane, Suzanne 108, 122 Dillon, Alexandre 177 Dillon, Liam 177 Dinkins, Trejon 139, 143 Dinneen, James 123 Discala, Matthew 165 Doherty, Andrew 177
Doherty, Sean 165 Dombrowski, Christopher 171 Dombrowski, Michael 24, 25. 35, 72, 139, 143, 156 Domenech, Steven 177 Dominguez, Jon Carlo 8, 27, 99, 110, 171 Donaleski, Alex 171 Donatacci, Vincent 42, 165 Dondero, James 121, 123 Donofrio, Matthew 165 Doren, Nicholas 27, 171 Dougherty, Brian 177 Dougherty, John 79,123, 127 Douglas, Brandon 165 Doyle, Brian 171 Druciak, Brian 177 Duffy, Edward 139, 141 Duggal, Dhruv 177 Duggan, Daniel 177 Duncan, Frances 123 Duran, Anthony 160,171 Durante, M ary 123 Duva, Alexander 34, 35, 81, 139, 151 Dwyer, Eamonn 56, 165 Dwyer, Michael 171
E Echevarria, Mario 177 Egan, Christopher 27, 32, 39,81,88, 98,99, 140 Egan, Jack 165 Eleria, Gianpaolo 23, 105, 123 Elmetwally, Sherif 177 Elmetwally, Tariq 171 Eppler, Catherine 37, 1 15, 123, 138, 157 Espino, Vince-Davis 165 Espiritu, Kurt 35, 138, 140 Esposito, Michael 104,140 Evans, Gregory 36, 109, 123 Evans, Thomas 171
F Faherfy, Griffin 171 Falzon, Sean 27, 34, 81, 86, 140, 148, 152 Farooqi, Mark 29, 138, 140 Fearon, John 54,65,171 Febrillet, Andrew 171 Feeney, Brian 165 Feeney, Michael 165 Fennell, Andrew 171 Fernandes, Michael 165 Ferrara, Joseph 177 Ferrer, Jesus 165 Feste, Neil 165 Fetherman, Matthew 177 Figueroa, Jonathan 140, 152 Filak, John 171 Finn, Conor 165 Finn, M ary 123 Finn, Ryan 134, 141, 145 Fischer, Gabrial 141,156 Fitzhenry, Brian 177 Fitzpatrick, Minkah 171 Fitzpatrick, Trish 123 Fitzpatrick, William 27, 70, 83, 177 Fiume, David 165 Flanigan, Emmet 165 Flannery, Ian 133,135, 141, 157 Fletcher, Michael 112, 123 Flores, Esteban 35, 141 Flores, Javier 177 Flores, Melinda 124 Flores-Munoz, Max 177 Florim, Michael 33,165 Fogle, Michael 177
Foley, William 81, 141 Fonti, Matthew 20, 13 141, 146 Ford, Catherine 124 Ford, Romello 177 Forker, Charles 165 Forsythe, Henry 65, 16 Forsythe, James 142, Fowler, Stephen 177 Fox, Jordan 171 Francis, Ryan 142 Francullo, Jordan 177 Freeman, Ciaran 165 Freeman, John 166 Fresolone, Alex 166 Frezza, Matthew 111 Furlong, Robert 124, Furtzaig, Nicholas 17
G Gabe, Gonzalez 14L Galano, Devon 50, 5 Galano, Frederick 1 1 124 Gallagher, Kevin 25, 140, 142, 152 Gallardo, Christian 1/ Gambone, Michael 1 11 3, 124 Ganesh, Brandon 171 Garber, George 96, 171 Garcia, Ana 8, 110, 124 Garcia, Christopher 1 Gardner, Samuel 176 Garlin, Isaiah 178 Garrett, Daniel 107, 1 Garrigan, Jeffrey 166 Garrigan, Peter 178 Geary, Peter 37, 103 Geissler, Christopher Gelson, Conor 166 Genio, Andrei 142 Gentile, Samuel 81,1 156 Gerald, Brian 156 Gercich, Jack 178 Gerris, Daniel 166 Ghatas, Christopher 1 Ghobryal, Bryan 166 Giacchetti, Jack 35, 1 Giambalvo, Michael f 134, 137, 142, 14 Giani, Joseph 171 Giardiello, Matthew 1 Giardiello, Nicholas 1 Gieldowski, Mateusz Giglio, Joe 124 Gilbert, Ethan 166 Gil III, Wilfredo 178 Gill, Alexander 20,16 Gill, Ian 171 Giraldo, Arley 65, 16< Githens, Andrew 171 Githens, Brian 34,143 154 Glancy, William 143 Glatman, Jonathan 13. 139, 143 Glazer, Ella 124 Gocon, Carl Emil 172 Golway, Conor 75, 1< ! Gomez, Juan 166 Gomez, Nery 111, 12 Gomilla, Gerard 172 Goncalves, Joaquim 1< Gonzalez, Duran 178 Gonzalez, Gabriel 13 143, 157 Gonzalez III, Nelson 1 Grano de oro, Maximo Grasselino, Maximillian Greco, Anthony 178 Grell, George 178 Griffin, Ian 51, 1 14, 1 1 135, 144 Grosso, Patrick 166
maya, Freddie 178 1io, Grace 124 I i, Andrew 35, 143, 4 j iccio, Liam 178 I , Christian 144
11 Ik, Matthew 27, 34, 49,63, 138, 144, 9 1 i , Benjamin 172 ' James 172 i , Richard 37, 41, 44, III, Richard 124 1 t, Daniel 172 Jordan 172 ] atthew 178 l i e 178 ] Jeffrey 36, 112, I I , 125, 139, 156 Mikhail 166 I Irian 37,109,125 1Anthony 113, 166 , Matthew 178 ' ren, Christian 172 I , Fritz 42, 43, 70, Luka 178 ! aul 144 I evin 172 lez, Ryan 172 I Christian 172 icent 166 Michael 178 :t Jonathan 44,45, ,| 3rant 172 i j i, Thomas 178 od, James 108, I I I, 125 j nka, Andrew 166 ames 118, 125 , Thomas 32, 172 ij James 113, 166 I Colton 178 Shane 44, 144 ;;, Stephen 166 , Patrick 172 Najja 178 Benjamin 166 i, Darnell 172
I ark 178 182, 183, 184 Vleehan, Anthony
1 ian 107,125 jhn 36,119,124, 5 ison 178
Mohamed 166 ki, Bret 166 aulfield 121 sbastian 172 Dennis 32, 172 Isaiah 178 Dylan 81, 145 0, Bryant 178 wycz, Paul 125 vlalthew 58,75,91,
6 Aichael 125 ), Sean 172 .j 172 Eli 145 nathan 58, 172 Victor 166
II n, Thomas 172 Brendan 178 1, Shahrose 145
Kaleb, Bishop 178 Kamel, Antony 166
155 Losordo, Neil
Kaniewski, Nicholas 21, 172 Karol, Patrick 166 Kealy, Liam 178 Keating, Anthony 37, 125, 157 Kellner, James 60, 145 Kellner, Stephen 27, 60, 172 Kelly, Alex 178 Kennedy, Michael 172 Kennedy, Richard 123, I 25, 156 Kerbaj, Tony 166 Kerr, Siree 172 Kilroy, John 1 12, 1 13, 125 Kilroy's, Under Coach 76 King, John 166 King, Richard 166 Kiniery, Liam 35, 143, 145, 160 Kirkwood, Connor 178 Klim, Megan 105, 125 Kondratowicz, Christopher 178 Kong, David 34, 52, 53, 141, 145, 154 Kopacz, Jake 178 Kopacz, Joe 63 Kopacz, Joseph 172 Kovacs, Tyler 172 Krai, Jeffrey 166 Krutis, Kyle 172 Kuczynski, Christopher 32, 65, 172 Kufczynski, Robert 72, 146, 158 Kuhl, Kevin 166 Kumar, Tarun 178 Kumaran, Rishi 27, 32, 172 Kwok, Michael 146
Lotfalla, Andrew 167 Lovilo, John 178
L LaBella, Jonathan 55, 172 LaBruno, Jack 172 LaBruno, Theresa 109, 126 Laguerre, Patrick 126 Lalin, Devon 178 Lallo, Brian 146 Lampa, Jozef 146 Landolfi, Richard 172 Larkin, Richard 166 Larocco, Anthony 166 La Rosa, Andrew 146 Latham, Hawkin 146 Latif, Hassan 166 Latif, Hussam 146, 149, 159 Latorre, Nicholas 178 Lavelle, William 19, 29, 35, 81, 136, 144, 147, 153 Lavin, Patrick 178 Leahy, Daniel 166 Lee, Christopher 84, 172 Lee, Tyler 29, 166 Lenardo, Anthony 178 Leon, Jose 172 Leonard, Luke 172 Leonard, Matthew 153, 166 Lepore, Harry 147, 149 Lewis, Evan 178 Lewis, Jarrett 52, 167 Leyn, M ax 167 Liggio, Brian 172 Lillis, Ryan 167 Linkus, Thomas 172 Little, Jonathan 5 8,147 Locke, Henry 172 Locricchio, Anthony 97, 126 Locricchio, Maryphyllis 1 19, 126 Long, Emmet 172 Long, Michael 97, 125, 126, 141, 155 Longenecker, Richard 178 Lopes, Kevin 167 Losche, Jonathan 35, 147,
Lucia, Michael 179 Luciano, Luis 147, 153 Lucignano, Damian 34, 135, 147, 159 Luke, Rivera 156 lum, Patrick 172 Lupo, Kyle 2 7,3 4 ,3 5 ,6 5 , 81, 148, 155 Luzzi, Gabriel 167 Lyga, Thomas 172 Lynskey, Owen 64, 167 Lynskey, Patrick 179 Lyons, Brandon 167
M M aceda, Jose Adelfo 173 MacMillan, Benjamin 179 Madden, Luke 173 Madigan, Kevin 148 Maglione, James 173 Magnaye, Avram 179 Magnotti, Nicholas 21, 50, 173 Maguire, Patrick 173 Mahler, Daniel 47, 148 Mahon, Robert 173 Malaluan, Reginald 148, 155 Malcampo, Manuel 148 Malik, Jai 34, 35, 74. 75, 139, 148, 155, 162 Malki, George 173 Mallonga, Jason 167 Malmad, Devin 179 Maloney, Brian 179 Malvey, Eric 173 Manganello, Joseph 84, 173 Mangold, Theophil 179 Manley, Matthew 167 Marano, John 70, 167 Marchione, James 179 Marciniak, Jake 167 Mariano, Alexandre 149 Marinho, Brady 179 Marino, Michael 173 Markey, Andrew 81, 89, 149, 153 Marshall, Sean 73, 167 Martineau, Janice 36, 1 17, 126 Martinez, James 149 Martinez, Jericho 173 Martinez, Steven 167 Martingale, Diego 179 Martino, Tyler 173 Martucci, John 55, 167 Mason, William 173 Mastrodonato, Dominick 70, 179 Matara, Carlton 167 Matarazzo, Anthony 50, 167 Matti, Paolo 173 Matus, Austin 173 Mauer, Karl 145, 149 Mauro, Andrew 167 Maxwell, Alec 179 Maxwell, Ian 161, 167 Mazurkiewicz, Dennis 173 McAuliffe, Stephen 167 McBride, Tahgee 179 M cCabe, Diane 126 McCann, Sister M eg 103, 126 McCarthy, Michael 112, 126 McCarthy, Shane 149 McCauley, Brendan 34,81, 149 McCauley, Christian 173 McElroy, M ary Anne 107, 126, 138, 157
McGann, Ryan 15, 34, 42, 56, 57,81, 147, 150 M cGlew, James 173 McGovern, Christopher 173 McGovern, Matthew 81, 1 14, 150, 157 M cGowan, Isaiah 61, 173 Mcllroy, Matthew 179 McIntyre, Thomas 179 McKittrick, Michael 173 McKivergan, Jack 167 McKivergan, Jayson 173 McLaughlin, John 179 McLaughlin, Luca 179 McLaughlin, Thomas 173 McLucas, Tyler 173 McManus, Thomas 27, 173 McMonagle, James 167 McNally, Alice 126, 129, 139 McNamara, Connor 167 McVeigh, Kevin 173 Medina, Jiano 179 Mehdi, Raza 32, 133, 150 Menafro, Vincent 173 Mendez, Jonathan 179 Mendyk, James 173 Menendez, Raul 173 Mercado, Dovid 117, 150 Mercado, Justin 167 Merqoupis, Christos 101, 126, 127 Merritt, Malcolm 167 Mescall, Andrew 167 Messina, Richard 173 Messina, Steven 34, 147, 150, 157, 163 Meuse, Neil 150 Michelin, Ian 32, 113, 173 Miguel, Philip 179 Mikovits, Kevin 9 ,2 7 ,8 1 , 132, 140, 150, 155, 160 Millad, Kevin 179 Millad, Steven 173 Minunni, Anthony 179 Miragliotta, Vincent 173 Mitchell, Michael 179 Moise, Idris 179 Molesky, Chad 89, 151, 158 Mompoint, Samueldo 133, 144, 151 Monahan, Antonio 179 Mondjii, Cedric 167 Morales, Tomas 167 Morchel, Nicholas 173 Moreno, Nicholas 179 Moriarty, Matthew 83, 179 Morissette, Sarah 86, 88, 1 17, 126 Morris, John 125, 127, 129, 132, 133, 150, 151 Morris, Maria 117, 127 Motolla, Francis 179 Mowalt, Mario 34, 81, 139, 151 Muccigrosso, Dante 173 Mucciolo, Joseph 34, 35, 81, 88,90, 151 Muller, Brian 179 Mullin, John 117, 127 Mullins, Ryan 160, 173 Mullman, Sean 167 Munroe, Flynn 34, 173 Murphy, Michael 57, 179
N Nakar, John 167 Nally, Liam 179 Napolitano, Andrew 84, 173 Navarro, Daniel 167 Near, Christian 179 Necklen, Kyle 179 Negron, Garret 179
Neira, Jordan 167 Newman, Andrew 27, 34, 35, 38, 39,73 ,81 , 136, 141, 151, 153 Newman, Matthew 29, 35, 39, 73, 81, 132, 148, 152, 155, 160 Ng, Josiah 113,173 Nicoletti, Joseph 39, 81, 135, 152 Niesiobedzki, Marek 35, 132, 144, 146, 152 Niland, James 179 Noiplai, Anthony 173 Norton, Jessica 127 Notare, Andrew 173 Nulty, John 173 Nunez, Joshua 179
o Oberholtzer, Nicolas 174 O'Connor, Ryan 63, 140, 149, 152 Ocot, Nathaniel 174 O'Donnell, Liam 179 O'Flaherty, Mr. Ryan 127 O ’Halloran, Brian 152 O'Hare, Robert 36, 127 Okoh, Daniel 179 O'Leary, Patrick 174 Oliveira, Matthew 174 Om, Henry 35,141,147, 150, 152 Ondili, Micah 27, 51, 167 Oro, Michael 35, 153 Oro, Stephen 174 Oryshkevych, Adrian 47, 107, 122, 127, 134 Oser, Edward 174 Oser, William 174 Osorio, Christian 167 Otterbein, Griffin 174 Owlasiuk, Mark 153 Ozochiawaeze, General 35, 153, 160
P Pacillo, Anthony 63, 153 Palacios, Alphonso 179 Palasits, Joseph 29, 34, 59, 153, 161 Palmeri, Jomes 167 Palomino, Jose 174 Papas, George 179 Papas, Thomas 29, 167 Pappalardo, Andrew 179 Paradiso, John 145,153 Pardo, M arc 167 Parrado, Brandon 179 Patel, Alex 174 Patel, Harsh 149,154,163, 167 Peko-Lillis. Deborah 127 Pena, Justin 180 Penik, Justin 180 Penney, Lawson 174 Perez, Dean 174 Persaud, Andre 154 Peters, Richard 127 Petrick, Andrew 32, 174 Pezzolla, Ryen 55, 167 Phillips, Ajani 167 Phillips, Sidney J. 146 Picardo, Adam 114, 174 Picinic, Christopher 180 Pierre-Louis, Quinn 180 Pimpinelli, Daniel 81, 88, 136, 143, 153, 154 Pineiro, Guillermo 154 Polishchuk, Vladyslav 180 Pomales-Diaz, Luis 180 Ponterdolph, Joseph 174 Pope, Alexander 160 Popovich, Brendan 180 Popovich, Joseph 27, 167 Popp-Murphy, Ms. Peggy 127 Power. Zachary 29, 168 Powers, Colin 180
Poza, Hector 34, 35, 81, 149, 151, 154, 159 Prado, Franklin 168 Pritchard, Michael 180 Puhak, Robert 152, 180 Pulmano, Christopher 168 Purcell, Kieran 67, 168 Purcell, Sean 34, 66, 67, 154, 160 Pusung, Darell 168
Q Que, Jose 127 Quesada, David 155 Quinn, Casey 127, 129 Quinones, A. Reese 174
R Rabasca, Brian 135, 155 Rabasca, Michael 44, 45, 155 Racki, Jonathan 174 Rafi, Faizan 155 Raithatha, Ravi 180 Ramirez, Manuel 174 Ramos, Francis 35, 155 Ramos, Jacob 168 Randall, James 174 Rasmusson, Pierce 180 Raulli, Enrico 37, 127 Real, Kristian 168 Reaves, Eddie 180 Recio, Freddie 180 Regan, Jomes 139, 146, 155 Regan, Sean 180 Reidy, Kevin 168 Reiser, Robert 119, 128 Renzetti, Paul 168 Reynolds, James 64, 156 Ribeiro, Henrique 81, 151, 156 Richards, Marc 174 Richards, Sean 168 Richardson, Phillip 174 Rigor, Aaren 156 Rinaldi, Frank 180 Rivelli, Joseph 180 Rivera, Erica 128 Rivera, Giancarlo 168 Rivera, Jimmy 174 Rivera, Luke 156 Robertello, James 180 Roberts, Christopher 168 Robertson, Jibrael 174 Roca, Christian 156, 157 Roche, Austin 168 Rodriguez, Brandon 168 Rodriguez, Matthew 180 Rogers, Harison 168 Rogers, Scott 47, 174 Rojas, Brian 6 6 ,84 ,17 4 Rojas, Michael 35, 67, 156 Roman, James 157, 161, 163 Romano, Anthony 180 Romano, Rosalie 28, 110, 128 Romeo, Paul 180 Romero, Andrew 47, 1 14, 147, 157 Rosario III, Felipe 180 Rowan, Kathleen 117, 128 Rozano, Maximilian 180 Ruggiero, Gina 128 Ruh, Christopher 157 Ruibal, Nicholas 180 Russo, Michael 61, 168
Russotto, Gobriel 174 Ruvo, Anthony 34, 160, 174 Ryan, James 24,25. 168 Ryan, Martin 180 Ryan, Sean 48,49, 168 Rylick, Christian 180
5 Sabalell, Alex 174 Sabia, Anthony 27, 174 Sogun, Derek 180 Salgado, Wilson 180 Salvo, Frances 128 Sanango, Hayzle 35, 157 Sanchez, Dimas 180 Sandhu, Ajitesh 180 Sanghavi, Krish 157 Santa Maria, Nicholas 38,51,81, 157 Santos, Jason 174 Santos, Victor 36,128, 156 Saritepe, Emre 174 Sause, James 43, 57, 168 Savino, Nicholas 174 Sawh, Arvind 128 Sblendorio, Daniel 174 Scannapieco, Matthew 88, 101, 123, 128 Scarpa, Michael 168 Scherzo, Justin 174 Schiavo, Jock 153, 168 Schiavo, Tyler 34, 81, 153, 158 Schmidt, Kyle 168 Schumacher, Trevor 180 Scianni, Ralph 158 Scibilia, Dominic 112, 113, 128 Scott, James 180 Scully, Paul 168 Sebalos, Jeremy 180 Segura, Daniel 168 Sepulveda, Donovan 88, 158 Serpico, Alexander 174 Settembrino, Michael 128,
149 Severson, Sean 59, 174 Sharp, Conor 174 Sheehan, James 168 Sheppard, Maureen 36, 128 Sheridan, Kevin 81, 141, 158 Shickoro, Spencer 168 Shivers, Kyle 34, 72, 81, 158 Short, John 168 Silva, Andrew 168 Silva, Jeremiah 174 Simonetti, Michael I 80 Simonetli, Sonny 174 Simonson, Brooke 103, 128 Singh, M anav 180 Sinqleton, Boreta 1 12, 129 Siocha, Joseph 174 Siracuse, Colin 35,158 Siracuse, Devin 180 Sirianni, Owen 34, 81, 136, 149, 159, 161 Sito, Vincenzo 168 Skircak, Matthew 174 Small, Terence 180 Smalls, Delano 168 Smith, Brendan 55, 168 Smith, Charles 168 Smith, David 174 Smith, Ian 34, 144, 157, 159 Smith, Kyle 21,175 Smith, Nyugen 32, 104, 105, 123, 129 Smith, Robert 84, 175 Smith III, L.A. 34,89,147, 159, 163 Smythe, Andrew 168 Sobsey, Benjamin 168 Soliven, Nathaniel 175 Solter, Max 175 Somers, David 34, 159 Sorto, Francisco 175 Soscia, Philip 180
Spiniello, Mario 168 Springer, William 175 Sprofera, Steven 175 Staniszewski, Tristian 175 Stark, Erin 129 Stemkowski, John 84, 175 Sterling, Sebastian 175 Stevenson, Joseph 29, 35, 44, 159 Stickno, Ryan 32, 39, 73, 81, 89, 159 Strickland, Miles 180 Sullivan, Daniel 175 Sullivan, Michael 180 Supple, Jacquelyn 1 18, 121, 129 Supplee, Jason 140, 147, 160 Swanson, Andrew 168 Swanson, Sawyer 180 Sweeney, Patrick 180 Swetman, James 181 Switalo, Bradley 175 Szumski, Jack 168
T Tait, Elijah 181 Talatala, Raphael 175 Tanella, James 181 Tanelli, Daniel 50, 160 Tanelli, Michael 168 Tarantino, Kenneth 181 Taylor, Shayron 168 Teckwani, Nikesh 181 Teixeira, Jorge 160 Tejada, Rocco 129 Tekle, Abraham 168 Tekle, Kirubel 181 Thomas, Bryan 81,132, 160 Thompson, Devon 175 Thoms-Bauer, Christopher 168 Tice, Jonathan 168 Tierney, Michael 181 To, Kevin 169 Tolentino, David 84, 175 Tomicich, Michael 181
Tomljanovic, Peter 59, 96, 1 15, 175 Toner, Brian 34, 35, 41, 81, 139, 160, 161 Toomb, Maura 36, 79, 129, 140 Torres, Anthony 181 Torres, Aymee 111, 129 Tortorici, Douglas 27, 81, 141, 160, 161 Troglio, Michael 81, 135, 161 Trujillo, Steven 175 Tuhy, Brian 65, 169 Tuites, Michael 27,81, 86, 88, 141, 161 Turco, Fred 169
u Uliano, Jason 34, 161 Ulloa, Andrew 60, 161 Ulloa, Jonathan 181
V Valencia, Bryan 47, 169 Valencia, Edward 175 Vana, Roi 175 Vander Vliet, Thomas 175 VanWinkle, David 181 Vasfailo, Cameron 181 Vasile, Mark 175 Vaswani, Sahil 175 Vaznelis, Vytas 37, 100, 101, 129, 156 Vega, Joshua 181 Velardi, Antonio 62, 175 Vella, Paul 169 Veloz, Jeffrey 161 Veniero, Salvatore 28, 1 10, 1 1 1, 129 Verdi, Anthony 60, 125, 129 Verlin, Brent 169 Viado, Raymund 181 Vidal, Miguel 105, 169 Villadatez, Ryan angelo 169 Vincentz, Warren 169
Vinci, Michael 27, 181 Voli, Lucas 27, 169 Vollaro, Shown 175 Vollz, Sean 169 Vongtanaanek, Chakris 159, 161 Voysey, Adrian 181 Vuoncino, Michael 67, 81, 135, 162
w Walker, Dwon 175 Walker, Justin 169 Walker-Sorina, Andrew 34, 162 W all, Randall 3 4,57 ,16 2 Walsh, Elizabeth 129 Walsh, Robert 169 Walshe, Michael 81, 162 Walshe, Mike 63 Walshe, Patrick 65, 84, 175 Walther, Drew 34, 74, 75, 162 Warco, Benjamin 181 Ward, Daniel 169 W ard, Thomas 27, 169 Weber, Michael 34, 35, 81, 161, 162 W eber, Vincent 34, 161, 175 Wehner, Jedidiah 181 Wendt, Brandon 24, 25, 162 Wendt, Tyler 175 Whelan, Patrick 139, 163 White, Austin 169 Whitehead, Edward 181 Whitehead, Jordan 169 Whitmer, Griffin 181 Whyte, Jeffrey 175 Williams, Kameron 169 Williams, Ryan 181 Williams-Burrows, Hunter 53, 175 Williamson, Drew 47, 169 Williamson, Quinn 175 Wimbush, Brandon 175
Wisowaty, Robert 181 Woldmichael, Alexonder 163 Wollard, Declan 57, 175 Wong, Bennett 175 Wright, Christopher 169 Wright, Jomes 83,181 Wright, Marc 25, 175 Wyche, Trevis 49, 163
Y Yalamanchi, Jayadeep 175 Yang, Kelvin 163 Yang, Nelson 175 Yanicak, Jacob 34,163 Yanicak, Joshua 181
z Zanfardino, Joan 115, 129 Zaslower, Maxwell 181 Zawistowski, Michael 1 15, 175 Zebrowski, Matthew 39, 140, 163 Zingalis, Ethan 175 Zinn, Benjamin 175 Zirpoli, Perry 169
Petrean Staff O n behalf of the staff of the 201 2-201 3 Petrean, w e w ould like to extend thanks to many members of the Saint Peter's Prep family. W e w ould like to thank M r. Jiran and M r. W y v ille for their generous
M r.
coordinating activities, Fr. Reiser, S.J., for his unending guidance and leadership, and Sra. G a r c ia for her years of service to Saint Peter's Prep. And finally to the w hole Prep community, w e thank you for all of your help, support, and contributions to this school ye a r's edition of the Petrean. In particular w e would like to thank writing contributors Danny Pimpinelli, Z a ch Power, D rew C a se y, M ike Dombrowski, M a lco lm Merritt and Issac Atayero.
The 2012-2013 Petrean staff: Michael Battista, '14, Jack Collette, ' 15, Matthew Fonti, ' 13, Neil Feste, ' 14, CJ Pulmano, '14, John Paradiso, '13, Peter Tomljanovic, '15, Francisco Sorto, ' 15, and William Delaney, ' 16