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018 040 078 098 13C student life
campus ministry
Seniors, in the fall of 2010 you stepped onto the corner of Grand and Warren for the first time as a Prep student. For the past four years, you have evolved from a young, naive freshman to a well-rounded senior. Each class, retreat, immersion trip, club, and sports team you have participated in has given you a new life experience. Experiences you can take with you w herever you go. You all can now walk the halls knowing that you are part of a long standing legacy, established in 1872. You have joined a brotherhood that will stand by your side through thick and thin. During your time at Prep you have encountered numerous anecdotes to define the man we hope you would becom e. You were encouraged to be men for others and strive for the Magis. Additionally, your
teachers and coaches cultivated the characteristics of being confident, conscious, and compassionate. If you never thought it would end, you also encountered the Grad-at-Grad regularly. Before walking across the stage at graduation, Prep expects you to be open to growth, loving, religious, committed to justice, and intellectually competent. This may seem daunting to anyone who does not experience Prep's Jesu it education. However, your class never flinched and has reached many of these goals in numerous ways, from enrolling in challenging classes to becoming influential leaders of your peers. You should be proud of your accomplishments! “Prep is not a place that you go to. It is a place that you com e from.” You may have heard this quotation
numerous times before; however, it seem s most relevant at this point in time. Gentlemen, as you prepare to leave the halls of Prep, there are a few things you should remember. As you move forward, know that you are always welcome to return to your home away from home. The teachers, mentors, and coaches who have supported you through your four years of high school will continue to support you throughout your lives. Saint Peter’s Prep doors will always be open for you. That being said, we have prepared you for the many obstacles and experiences you will encounter in the future. Use the tools we have given you to your advantage. Also, do not forget the expectations we have set for you. You all are destined to do many wonderful things with your future. Always continue to move forward, and set the world on fire.
It is with great difficulty that I write this, as it is yet another reminder that my time at Prep has com e to a close. I would have to say the past four years have been some of the most formative in my life. It is something I find incredibly difficult to describe in words, for there is an aura to Prep that one cannot simply describe, but must experience. I think it's something that we all feel in our time at Prep. It is definitely a feeling that intensifies during senior year, because each day that passes is a day closer to leaving the community and the brotherhood that the senior class has built over the past four years. When I first cam e to Prep, I was focused on excelling academically, something I had been used to focusing on; it was a sort of “academ ic tunnel vision.” But as freshman year went on, it felt different than my old run-of-the-mill middle school. There was an inexplicable enthusiasm among the seniors. Young
alumni would wander the halls greeting teachers and updati them on their experiences in college. Students would hang c in teachers' rooms during a free or Community Period. At Prt there is an unparalleled sense of community between be teachers and students. At no public school would I ever think confide in my teachers or classm ates at the level I have at Pre Everyone is supportive, not only of your academ ic success, fc also of your journey to find yourself. To find the best person yi can be. As time passed on, I grew to realize this, and in retrospecl can say that Prep was a formative time for all of us. Prep givf us not only opportunities to learn lessons in “traditiona classes, but also opportunities to grow as a person. Personally, I em braced the Jesu it ideals on social justii and faith in action. It has led me to a passion for service and
ifluenced the way I have spent my time at Prep. I've grown in ly worldview through retreats, service trips, and in classes. For thers, it is a sports program, a club, art, or music that helped lem grow. It is an education that nurtures not only our minds, at also the spirit within us. We go through a period of □imaginable growth in four years at Prep, and I believe that's hy the idea of “Prep for Life” is so true. But nonetheless we must move forward. A new freshman ass com es in. Freshmen becom e sophom ores. Sophom ores scome juniors. Juniors becom e seniors, and seniors go off to art a new chapter in their lives at college. Now, I do not intend look back at Prep through a rose tinted looking glass. Prep is a irt of life, and there were always highs and lows. But even en, within such an accepting and loving community, there is ways som eone that has been there during the rough patches, streats have helped us better understand ourselves and our irsonal relationships with God. Through thick and thin, we've >me out with lessons learned, and that is what matters. So, life goes on, and it is our choice to take our Prep cperience with us. I cannot look into the future, but what I can y is that I am optimistic for each and every person in the nior class. We all have had passions we've pursued, and it is ) to us to keep at them. It is up to us to remain the Grad-at-Grad id continue to em body its ideals, especially being open to
growth and new experiences. The future is in our hands and new paths are developing. With a strong foundation and base that our time together has created, I believe we will be able to thrive in our new environm ents and continue to grow—we have not been ill prepared. To next year's student body, I encourage you to stay open. It's essential to understanding Prep, and getting the most out of your experience at this school. Cherish your time here because even though certain days may be incredibly frustrating, you’re spending them with a second family at a second home. The only way to take advantage of that is to realize it and contribute to it. To conclude, thank you to the people that have dealt with my badgering over the past few months, whether it was about pictures to be submitted or surveys to be filled out. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I'd like to thank the Petrean staff for their diligence and the time they have put into this publication. I especially would like to thank Mr. Vaznelis for his amazing job as the moderator of this publication. He is integral to this publication, and without his work, organization, and com m unications, we could not have done it ourselves. Finally, I'd like to extend my thanks to the whole Prep community— teachers, staff, faculty, and students alike. Thank you for making the experience of Prep what it is. It's been an incredible ride.
Saint Peter’s Prep has the privilege of saying that it hosts incredible educators and faculty who truly care about the school and its students. Students often hear about the brotherhood among Prep students, but sometimes we forget to look at the faculty’s contributions to this tremendous school community. More often than not, we can find young alumni over their spring or winter break visiting teachers and faculty to update them on their experiences in college and possibly in the workforce. Even as students move forward with their lives, they rem em ber their experiences at Prep thanks to an incredibly caring faculty. The ultimate goal of Prep is to form young men that have the qualities of the Grad at Grad. These qualities are something we grow extrem ely familiar with over our four years and are something we more often than not find ourselves fulfilling.
One of these faculty mem bers has been essential to tt growth in students throughout their Prep careers. She shar her unrelenting passions with students, encourages them grow in spirit, and increases their understanding of the injustic throughout our world. Since joining the Prep community in tl fall of 2009, she has brought a new spirit to religious and servi( life at Prep. As one of her colleagues stated, “Her seeming endless effort and dedication has served to bring new life ar excitem ent to St. Peter’s Campus Ministry program. The numb< of students who apply each year for positions to serve on tt Campus Ministry Team is a testam ent to the great work she h; done in her time at Prep.” Periodically, the Campus Ministi Team has gotten larger (this year being the largest at sixty-foi m em bers), because students have been so impacted by Campi Ministry’s work that, as Seniors, they want to contribute to th program themselves.
In recent years we have seen our sch o o l’s service rograms expand exponentially. Under her office’s guidance nd efforts, Prep now offers eleven separate trips, including trips ) Bethel, Alaska, Los Angeles, Quito, Ecuador, Philadelphia, fewark, West Virginia, Camden, and Delaware. Countless mdents have com e back from these trips with a better nderstanding of what it m eans to truly live as a man for and rith others. Returning from Bethel, Alaska, a student testified, This trip opened up my eyes and heart to the injustices and ves of others around the world and in our own country.” Many young alumni would agree that much of their srmation at Prep cam e through the Office of Campus Ministry, hether through service or retreats. By the time students are sniors, most can say that they participated in not only the landatory Freshman Ignite and Sophomore Retreats, but also le optional Kairos, Emmaus, or both. When participants return om these retreats, they not only talk about how great of an sperience they had, but also about how they grew in their view f their relationships with family, friends, and God. Of course, lese retreats are student led, but it is the Office of Campus [inistry that makes the twenty-three annual retreats possible. re can all agree the hard work of that office has contributed eatly to the way Prep lives out its mission. This faculty mem ber does not limit her presence to simply ie programs of her office. She moderates Pax Christi, the social
justice club at Prep, giving students even more opportunities to participate in various service activities in the local communities around Jerse y City. She also goes with upperclassm en on a trip to Washington, D.C. for the annual Ignatian Family Teach In. On her involvem ent at Saint Peter's, one of her cow orkers joked, “I think she might have built Shalloe, too...” Her amazing commitment to cam pus ministry is apparent as we walk the halls of Prep. Her impact is not limited by the walls of her office or the student lounge, but extends to the hearts and consciousness of Prep students and faculty alike. On behalf of the class of 2014, for the Campus Minister who is not afraid to travel the world sharing her love of social justice with her students or to spend a Sunday listening to retreat talks, we dedicate the 92nd edition of the Petrean to Ms. Maura Toomb.
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Prep is a school of diversity. Our students and faculty come from very diverse and unique towns and cities across New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Despite the ties to our hometowns, attending Prep means being linked to the local Jersey City community as well. For many students at Prep, being so close to the city of New York and being able to marvel at the view of the skyline engenders an early appreciation for attending Prep. Having these ties to the New York City only intensified the sense of tragedy and loss the Prep community felt immediately after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Although we never forget the lives that were lost on
that day, we can never allow ourselves to lose hope. Th recently completed One World Trade Center, mor commonly known as the Freedom Tower, symbolizes thi resilience and willingness to rise, literally out of the ashe like a mythical phoenix, that is so characteristic of ou nation. The Freedom Tower was completed on May 1C 2013 and stands at 1,776 feet, making it the tallest buildin; in the Western Hemisphere and the fourth tallest in th( world. Its towering height symbolizes our strength as z community in overcoming obstacles and rising out o tragedy.
This year, the Saint Peter's Prep Community w elcom es their 27th president, Fr. Kenneth Boiler, S.J.. Entering the Society in 1964, Fr. Boiler has since been improving and managing schools in the New York Province as a teacher, a principal, and a president. Serving as the president of Fordham Prep in the Bronx from 2004 until this past spring, he continues his vocation as a Jesuit at Saint Peters Prep. The Petrean had a chance to sit down with Fr. Boiler and speak with him about his transition to Saint Peter's Prep. Coming from another Jesu it school in the Bronx, he said that the transition was not too challenging navigating around Jersey City was the hardest part for him. In comparison to his prior position, Fr. Boiler states that there are not too many major differences between Saint Peter's and
Fordham Prep. The one difference he did notice, however, w? the general attitude of the students here at Prep: He noticed ho genuinely kind the students have been, and how he is alwa> greeted with a warm welcome. Fr. Boiler also said that th school spirit he has seen at Prep is unlike any other. Th students here really care about their school and take pride i being Marauders. On the subject of involvement, Fr. Boiler sai that everything is an adventure, and he is trying to get into th rhythm of the school. He is very excited about getting to kno^ the students, alumni, and parents of the Prep community. Wit regard to improvements to the school, Fr. Boiler is lookin forward to learning both the strengths and challenges of th school in order to help build a better institution.
While transferring from Prep into a new setting after graduation can be jarring, Mark Doherty, '09, can attest that it's just as hard coming back, but still worth it. When the school said they would be opening up an alumni service opportunity program to help the school, Mr. Doherty jumped at the opportunity, “1 really enjoyed my time at Prep and as a young alum, I thought this was a good opportunity to give back to the school.” This giving back is done in many ways - helping out in intramurals, setting up Freshman-for-a-Day appointments with ambassadors, leading various retreats, and helping at events for new students, Ignatian Scholars, registration, and the yearly Mission Drive. Mr. Doherty's time in service has been an “eye opening” experience for him, seeing the admissions process from a point of view very much different from that of a student.
He also admits that it has been a bit odd coming back Prep and working alongside those who taught him only foi years earlier, rather than just sitting around in Ms. Toom t office. Nonetheless, he still has advice for new students: “G involved; don't wait until it's too late to get involved in clubs And for Seniors, he says, “The phrase 'Prep for Life' isn't just marketing tool. It's sincere; you're going to be friends with the< guys for life, picking up right where you left off at reunions.” Through this program, Mr. Doherty has given bac immensely to the Prep community, leaving us with an eve stronger Alumni Service Corps program for next year. Tf program will grow to include more young alumni and give the! a chance to work in academ ics, campus ministry, or i admissions.
COMMITTED ATHLETE Here at Prep, we are proud of our numerous college committed athletes. We strive for our students to excel in their chosen sports and hope they continue the tradition at their respective universities. This year's senior class has been especially successful. While we cannot list everyone who has committed to a college for athletics, there are a few notable commitments across various sports. Kieran Purcell is going to University of Delaware to play golf. Vic Jusino will play basketball for Pace University and Austin White for High Point University. Jonathan Hilliman will play football in M assachusetts at Boston College. In baseball, T.J. Ward will play at University of Hartford. Among many others, these men have committed an immense amount of time not only to their sports but also to the recruitment process.
T.J. Ward's recruitment process was particular] tumultuous as a result of unexpected circum stances. “It’si huge relief. It’s hopefully finally over. I was worried that I didij have a college to go to,” T.J. said. Despite the uncertainty of tq situation, T.J. kept calm and continued to move forward in n recruitment process. Now, he will play at University Hartford, looking to build upon the program in his next foi years. So to these athletes and all of Prep's student-athletes wh will continue playing in the future, we wish them good luck an hope that they continue to excel and improve in the respective sports.
Juan Gome/
Ajani Phillips
20 Band
24 Dramatics 26 Student Council 28 German Exchange 30 Clubs 34 Senior Superlatives 36 Teacher Tweets 38 Marauder Nation
This year the Prep Band is louder and stronger than ever, having fully recovered from the disaster of Sandy which flooded the instrument storage room. The Band had lost almost everything in the storm, but this devastating loss did not stop them; the Prep Band persevered and performed with what they had. The school year started with the football season. Playing at multiple Prep games was the one and only Prep “Pep” Band. They were there boosting school spirit right alongside the Marauder Nation. The football team ’s endeavor brought them all the way to MetLife Stadium for the state championship. Prep Band was ready to cheer our football team at Metlife Stadium. Alas, the Band was once again silenced by the same rain that had once damaged their instruments. Nevertheless, they were there in num bers among the Nation cheering our football team on. Before we knew it, Christmas season was upon us, which can only mean one thing - the Christmas
Concert. It was gratifying to hear the whole Band perform again as one sound. After the successful concert, the Band played at the Christmas Mass Service, which officially launched the holiday season. What’s next for the Prep Band? In spring, there is the band competition that everyone looks forward to. The Concert and Jazz Band are working and practicing for the Heritage Festival in Boston, M assachusetts this year. They have prepared a selection of playlists that shows off the musicianship, creativity, and talent of Prep’s bands. From the start of this school year, everyone was excited for an uninterrupted year of music. There was no absence of energy at the football games, or in the preparation for the Christmas concert and Christmas mass. There is no stopping Prep band this year. Watch out Heritage Festival, here com es Caz with the Prep Band!
Nick Magnotti, '15, poses with Mr. Caslowitz after having won a personal aw ard for his exceptional musicianship. C oncert and Jazz Band members celebrate with their awards in Washington DC right after the awards cerem ony and dinner dance.
lembers of Prep's Band liven up the day nd perform for their peers a t the annual hristmas Mass service.
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Vox always welcomes new members, including Andrew Holowienka, '14, who sang "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" a t the Christmas Mass.
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Vox sang Christmas songs a t the annual Christmas Cafe Concert in December. They sang some classic Christmas songs, some new songs, and then sang with the Saint Dominic's A cadem y Glee Club.
Singing with the most members Vox has had yet, Vox performs for the Prep comm unity a t the Christmas Cafe Concert in December.
Starting with just five mem bers in the basem ent of Burke Hall, Vox has grown to becom e a huge part of the community at Prep. Vox sings for all types of people in all types of venues. The m em bers of Vox pride them selves on the fact that they raise funds for meaningful causes, such as Josephine's Garden, which is a memorial charity for Josephine Rispoli, a young girl who passed away from cancer. They, of course, perform here in Prep, too, at m asses and at their Spring and Winter Concerts. This summer, Vox will even be touring Europe with their final destination being The World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. People often wonder what it is that draws Vox M embers back day after day. Music is, of course, the glue that brings them together as musicians, but music is not the only reward. You may be asking, “What's so rewarding about spending hours after school in a rehearsal space?” For starters, the songs which Vox sings songs are impactful.
More than any other stimulus, music possesses the ability to conjure up powerful feelings and images. The m em bers of Vox perform while knowing that, in some way, their voices have affected their audience. When Vox is able to evoke emotion, then they know that they have successfully relayed their message. Secondly, nothing beats the adrenaline rush one experiences when on stage. People are motivated to seek out this kind of sensation, and moreover, people love to experience such a sensation with people they love. Making mem ories on stage with their Vox brothers and doing what they love to do is immensely fulfilling, and it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Lastly, the feeling of genuine cam araderie is unbeatable. The m em bers of Prep's Vox are more than just singers; they are brothers.
A Stand, take a stand. Hand in hand, we will stand."
For the sake of greater publicity to go along with the trip to Europe, Vox has a photo shoot in dow ntow n Jersey City with the great background of New York.
Vox sings a t the Christmas mass and performs with some members of the band. arting the year on a high note, Vox sings a t e Mass of the Holy Spirit, a Jesuit tradition and e first of many Prep masses each year.
Senex, Hysterium, Pseudolus, and Lycus, played by Jon Castaldo, '14, Isaac Atayero, '13, Marc Wright, '15, and Nico Oberholtzer, '15, sing "Everybody Ought to Have a Maid," one of the many funny songs in "Forum."
Juror #3 is extremely angry a t the calm and rational Juror #8, and he refuses to a c c e p t th a t there is a reasonable doubt.
Pseudotus gets Hero, played by James Clark, '14, to m eet Philia, and the tw o are in love. Pseudolus plans to send them aw ay together so he can win his freedom. The three sing "Pretty Little Picture," where they picture th a t life together.
The famous captain, Miles Gloriosus, played by James Ryan '14, finally arrives for the courtesan, Philia, and worries Pseudolus. Miles sings the villain song, "Bring Me My Bride," where he sings a b o u t his greatness and goals. Miles' soldiers try to hold back the courtesans.
Trying to prove the defendant guilty by timing the murder and relating it to the other testimonies, Juror #4, played by P< Apicella, '14, re-enacts the killing on Jur #7, played by Jon Castaldo, while the r< of the jury watches.
DRAMATICS Directed in the spring of 2013 by Mr. Dondero, Sondheim's nusical comedy, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the orum” takes place in ancient Rome. Pseudolus, the main haracter and a Roman slave, seeks his freedom, while Hero, his >wner, is in love with the courtesan, Philia, who is to be sold to le Roman captain, Miles Gloriosus by Lycus, the owner of the ouse of ill-repute. A hysterical slave named Hysterium, a dirty Id man named Senex, a wandering old man named Erronius, enex's wife Domina, courtesans, eunuchs, and soldiers round ut the cast. Confused identities, schem es, antics, songs, and ilarity ensue, making “Forum” a hit com edy for all who saw it nd all the actors and crew.
In January 2014, Mr. Dondero and Mr. Bouley directed the suspenseful drama, “Twelve Angry Men” by Reginald Rose. The whole play takes place in a jury room, where the twelve jury m em bers deliberate about a murder trial. The jurors believe it will be a short deliberation, and all they want to do is convict the defendant and leave as quickly as possible. Then, one juror votes “not guilty,” causing an uproar and chaos. They debate the meaning of “reasonable doubt,” the reliability of w itnesses, bigotry, and how jurors bring their personal problem s to the decision. In this hot room, tempers flare, and the twelve jurors reveal their characters and why they vote the way they do.
he Foreman, played by James Ryan, '14, counts he votes, listens to the conversation, and attem pts o maintain order as the jurors argue. The audience ; extremely close to the actors, because this was >resented in the round. A com edy tonight! A t the end of a rehearsal for "Forum," the entire cast sings "C om edy Tonight" and poses.
Jurors #3 and #10, the antagonists played by Andrew Holowienka, '14, and James Clark, '14, confront Juror #8, who tries to convince the jury th a t there is a reasonable doubt. Juror #10 is bigoted and prejudiced against the defendant, and Juror #3 is constantly enraged.
PRESIDENT: Lucas Voli VICE PRESIDENT: Zack Carlee SENIOR REPS:Ciaran Freeman • Ken Carroll *Jc JUNIOR REPS: Erik Aborde • Stephen Kellner • J< SOPHOMORE REPS: Michael Vinci •W ill Delane
lopovich • Daniel Apicella • Chris Butko •T.J.Ward* £arlo Dominguez • Clark Burnett ^rendan Popovich • Billy Fitzpatrick • Jack Bonnet* * not pictured
Upon landing in Germany, the Pre exchange students pose for picture before meeting their hos'
Taking part in an exchange program is a unique and interesting way to create m emories and make new friends. Although having a foreign student living with me had its awkward moments at first, I soon started to recognize and appreciate all of the positive aspects of the exchange program, led by Herr Veniero and Herr Canale. When the German exchange students landed at Newark International Airport last March, a few of us eagerly awaited at the terminal to greet them and bring them back to Prep for our welcome dinner. Thus began the American leg of the exchange. During the German students' stay in America, most of the time was spent getting to know our exchange students while accom panying them on trips to museums, the Empire State Building, and various other sites. Many of the German students, never having been to America, were amazed by the grand scope of it all. Despite freezing tem peratures on some days, all of the students thoroughly enjoyed their stay. When it finally cam e time for them to return home, it seem ed as if the time had flown by too
quickly, and it was hard to see these people, with whom we had grown so close in just over two weeks, depart for home. However, before we knew it we were on our way to Germany. This time, that awkward phase of getting to know each other was replaced by warm reunions. There, we visited cities older than any that exist here in America and saw museums and castles that were utterly amazing. Even day today life there is shockingly different but refreshing. As most of the exchange students lived in quiet villages, I often woke up to the sound of roosters and cows, something I never had much experience with. Even on the Fourth of July, our exchange students made us feel right at home with backyard barbecues and fires. On our last day, my host family prepared a spectacular and unexpected farewell breakfast before we went off to the farewell cerem ony with all of the other exchange students, and this to me was the most powerful moment, realizing that I had found a second home. Even though the exchange was officially over, 1 will always be comforted by the words of my exchange student: “This isn’t the end.”
With their hosts, a group of Prep students walk dow n the streets of Brussels, exploring the beautiful city.
atching chaperones, Mr. C anale and Mr. Veniero, >se for a picture together before the start of the day.
miors M att Manley, Jack Szumski, Ciaran eeman, and Jimmy Palmeri speed dow n the erman countryside in a high speed train.
Senior participants suit up for some w ater skiing.
The German Exchange allowed us to immerse ourselves in a com pletely foreign culture, not only in the language but also in the daily lives of kids our own age living abroad,"
The German Exchange group ends the day right with a night of games after going out to dinner.
Of the many sites the exchange participants visited, the main building of Humboldt University in Berlin was particularly impressive.
After an exciting performance of "M adam e Butterfly" and a backstage tour, the Performing Arts Club takes a group photo.
The Italian Club poses outside of Eataly Caffe in M anhattan after a delicious and filling meal.
Celtic Club poses for a picture before le y w atch an Irish-themed film.
Spanish Club enjoys the many Spanish-speaking cultures of the world, immersing themselves in films, food, and the experiences of guest speakers.
aving just com pleted their first please of PrepTV News, the TV ■udio gathers for a photo.
The French Club gathers to w a tch a French film, immersing themselves in the language and culture.
Baseball Club poses with guest speaker a nd alumnus Michael Lang after discussing his experience with the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Clark Burnett records a scene with Jake Marciniak for the Annual Christmas video by the TV Studio.
Prep's members of the National Honor Society take a group photo. An intense match of chess unfolds in Chess Club.
ie Robotics Club takes a break from com ing p with new designs to take a group photo.
9 Hellenic Society celebrate Greek culture, history and mtributions to modern society with m oderator Mr. Mergoupis.
Members of the Art Club diligently work on their own projects in Ms. Klim's room. Prep Against Ignorance discusses and spread awareness of issues found throughout society.
Members of the Petroc proudly pose on the steps of fhe Eng|ish building.
I ' l l
John King
Chris Butko Ajani Phillips
1 2
Dan Apicella Justin Mercado
Anthony LaRocco Dan Apicella Ciaran Freeman
Smile Joe Popovich
11 2
Nickname ]
2 ■3
1 I 2 3
Dan Navarro Matt Chu
Jake “Beefy” Marciniak Zachary “Zirk” Carlee Barrington “B2” Bennett
1 |2 3
Chris Roberts Chris Butko Austin Roche
1 2 3
Max Leyn
Kristian Real
CJ Pulmano
Ryan Villadarez
Lucas Voli
Alberto Alicea
Nelson G onzalez Barrington Bennett Malcolm M erritt
1 2
Matt Brown
m m
T1 Steve Martinez 12 Kameron W illiams o llff V-
2 m3
Chris Butko
Twitter Feed Max Leyn G iancarlo Rivera Mario Spiniello
)ST Absent
1 2
Ciaran Freeman
Owen Lynskey
■ mm
1 2
Intelligent CJ Pulmano
l l■1 ■
Jon Hilliman
8 0
Austin White
1Z Q ■ 0 §
TJ Ward
BEST Musician
Ciaran Freeman
Daniel Leahy
Michael Cozine
Anthony LaRocco
Jon Castaldo
Alex Gill
George G oncalves
Em m et Flanigan
Devir Carrera
s s\-; >a *'
' 4
p iiii
To Win the Hunger Games
Friendly Max Leyn &
1 G iancarlo Rivera 2
Chris Butko, Dan Apicella & Fritz Heinrich Rocco Coviello & Vinny Sita
1 "I 111 S o /
11 2
3 i
Lucas Voli Ciaran Freeman Joe Popovich
Joe Popovich
Brendan Smith
Lucas Voli
A nthony LaRocco
Steve McAuliffe
Perry Zirpoli
M ichael Fernandes
Jack Schiavo
1 2
o j'^f o
To Be in the CMT Room
Ciaran Freeman
M |b EST
f u tu r e Professional Gamer
Abraham Tekle
David DeLeon
John Nakar
T ucker Freeman
Daiquan Cutler
Vince Espino
Fritz Heinrich
Barrington Bennett
Nathan Alegria
k e o c h e r tw e e l/^ Ms. Glazer @Glazerbeam f
For the last tim e, joining the Stock m arket club w ill not tu rn you into Jordan Belfort
#W olfofG randStreet
Mr. Veniero @dasWunderVonPrep @Fr. Azzarto does St. Paul's closet accept Gucci, Armani, Lacoste, etc?
Mr. Doherty @ DohertynotDougherty This Senior Game is getting out o f h a r ^ ^
Ms. Salge @Salge_jsthenewBlack Please enter your name, date o f birth, and social security number here:
i y >i i
B, a
Mr. Oryshkevych @#quitStalin
Tr J:
https://bloq.tw itter.com /2010/avoid-phishinq-scam s #updateyourspyware
Well on the bright side, at least Mr. Delorenzo's maps m ight become accurate
again. #U n ite d fo rllkra in e
Mr. Settembrino @SettentheBar You donut have a chance o f beating our Mission Drive totals.
Ms. McElroy @fiveordie
0 H
@SettentheBar You taco big game, but we have this in the bag.
Mr. Coviello @WHAPsHappening #STUDY!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Morris @DeanArmstrong I said no congregating in the E Building, not conjugating. Feel free to finish your Latin homework.
Ms. Toomb @ToombRaider Have to pick up my Rugby shirt from the dry cleaners #kairosprep
Fr. Azzarto @PrepAtoZz A large drink: $8. One fo ot-long hot dog: $7.50. Parking: $22. W atching the Dodgers w in the W orld Series? Priceless.
Polar Vortex @Frosty How'd you guys like all those snow days this year? #M akingitSnow
Superstorm Sandy @PerfectStorm @Frosty Pfft, been there, done th at.
Mr. Arteaga ©ArtwoDeanToo Due to the snowy w eather, boots w ill be perm itted in school to m o rrow , May 29.
Mr. Vaznelis @MagisterVaznelis What's this MMXLVIII everyone keeps talking about?
Prep Student Body ©Marauders Good afternoon @Ms. Toom b!
Mr. Dougherty ©DoughertynotDoherty I used to be a campus minister, but then I to o k a cannonball to the knee!
Ms. Eppler ©notCasteiiano Extra credit fo r anyone w ho is w illing to dogsit fo r me this w e eke nd !
Mr. Furlong ©cantbreathewithoutEyre Remember to proofread your emails. #consequences
Mr. DeLorenzo ©uncleDelo Sleeping in my class is about as good an idea as invading Russia in the w inter.
Marauder Nation, in simple words, will give any Prep man the four most exhilarating years of his life. It's more than a club, it’s a lifestyle, one of the best traditions at Prep that is fully dependent upon the heralded, respectful, intellectually competent students of Prep - Prep Men. With bodies and faces covered in paint, the Band of Brothers stands tall and chants until the end at just about every Prep sporting event. Words cannot describe what went down in this year’s Nation. It was headed by “M arauderator” Mr. Thomas Comey; Henchmen Conor Finn, ’14; Ciaran Freeman, ’14; Connor English, ’14; Ben Hurley, ’14; Christopher Thoms-Baurer (CTB), ’14; and Charlie Forker, ‘14; along with Marauder Perry Zirpoli, ’14. This group cam e together to form one of the greatest in the long tradition of Henchmen and Marauders. A large num ber of su ccesses were achieved this year. The guys started the year off strong by leading the Freshmen, class of 2017, in the first “Ave”, “Railroad’', and “We St. Peter's” chants of the year. This carried over to one of the single greatest moments in Marauder Nation history when Rutgers' High Point Solutions Stadium shook and Prep Football broke Eastern Christian Academy's 200 win streak.
The fall season was a blast, with Soccer and Football havir great seasons marked by key wins and heartbreaking losses lifc our not-so-rivaled rivalry with Kearny and a football win versi Bergen Catholic. The Fall ended with our first historic trip to the Stal Championship Game at MetLife since 2009. The loss did m define the season but rather it left everyone with tons ( m emories like standing under the lights in the freezing rain ; MetLife, Will “The Thrill” Hill, of the New York Giants, standin in Marauder Nation, and the legendary Kearny Week T-Shirt Through it all we stood, chanted, smiled, cried, and san “Pride and Glory” together. The year did not end there as c hockey games the opponents were taunted from behind th glass and at basketball games deafening roars could be hear from the Barn. These seasons were amazing and full of theme' games, hilarious memories, and a ridiculous amount of T-Shirti This year's Nation left big shoes to fill.
A strong Marauder Nation comes together in the hundreds to cheer on the football team a t MetLife Stadium.
Even in the freezing rain, Marauder Nation poses and gets pum ped before Prep's biggest g am e of the year against Paramus Catholic.
. l
M arauder Perry Zirpoli and Jonathan Hilliman, '14, em brace after a great victory against Bergen Catholic.
The Prep football team gathers in front of Marauder Nation to sing the alma m ater in unison.
M arauder Nation and Prep Alumnus Will Hill, '08, show their support and g e t loud a t the football semi-finals.
Marauder Nation congratulates the football team as they exit the field.
Crew 66
Go Lacrosse
Cross Coun'
The Junior Varsity and Freshman team captured the South-Hudson Championships in Bayonne park.
The varsity seven get ready to take home the gold as the gun is a b o u t to go off. Last minute stretches and shakeouts g e t out all the jitters before the race.
Jimmy Sause continues to lead the race alongside his team m ate, Fritz Heinrich. In close following are Billy Fitzpatrick and William Delaney.
This season was marked with myriad su ccesses for Prep's cross country team. The team pushed themselves to win titles in Jersey City, South-Hudson, Hudson County, and the State Prep A Division, as well as the Season Opener Championships. Along with these wins cam e som e of the highest placing positions for all of the runners individually. Without a doubt, this was among the most competitive and successful seasons for the Marauders. Captains Fritz Heinrich and Jimmy Sause led the team to such a level that it was named as a “top contending team in the state.” Sadly, this is also the last season in which Coach Mike Burgess participated, marking the end of a long and celebrated career coaching Prep running. The fierce competition within the team made the men work together and to only get better as the season went on. In 2014, the team will lose five key Seniors to graduation; however, as always, there is a solid group of underclassmen ready to carry on the tradition.
Before every meet, The squad takes a quick stride and prays for a great race as they do here, before States.
The Cross Country Team: (From left to right) C oach Mike Burgess, Chris Butko, Fritz Fteinrich, Jimmy Sause, William Delaney, Billy Fitzpatrick, David DeLeon, and co a c h Jerry McCann after winning the County Championships.
Villiam Delaney, Jimmy Sause, Chris Butko, David DeLeon, Fritz leinrich, and Brandon Parrado all receive shirts for their high placings i the M anhattan Invitational along with C oach Jerry McCann.
St. Peter’s Prep Football, The School’s Pride and Joy, reached a pinnacle during the 2013 season. The team saw profound success, both individually and as a team. Among other notable achievem ents, Boston College-bound Jonathan Hilliman set a school record for most rushing yards in a season with 2007. As the wins piled up, the Marauders gained recognition for their amazing offense and gamestopping defense. At one point during the season, they were ranked top 25 in the COUNTRY. (Yes you read that right, country.) St. Peter’s took a one-loss record to the State Championship game at MetLife Stadium in Decem ber for the first time since 2005. Pushing hard through the freezing rain, they played a hard-fought Championship game. Though the game was lost 13-6, the team has set a solid foundation for a run at the title next year.
The Offensive Line defends Jon Hilliman, '14, and creates an opening for him.
Tending to one of his responsibilities as Team Manager, Joe Popovich, '14, rushes w ater to the tired players.
'le unstoppable Jon Hilliman, '14, lows through the opposing defense.
Corey C addie, '15, effortlessly flies up the field.
With C oach Hansen looking on, the Offense lines up and gets ready for the snap.
The Team celebrates after a victory by singing "Pride and Glory."
SOCCER At the start of the 2013 season, Varsity Coach Josh Jantas, ‘95, made the goals for the so ccer program clear: win the league, win the county, and win the state. In 2008, when Jantas first took over as head coach, the Prep team struggled through a 9-7-2 season in which the league, county, and state titles were simply out of reach. By 2013 however, Prep so ccer had emerged as an elite program in New Jersey. The team finished the first 12 games of the season having won 11 times and tied once, as well as having outscored their opponents 53-3. The first major test cam e against a nationally ranked side: St. B enedict’s Prep. Boasting recruits from all over the world, Benedict’s was sure to be a huge challenge. But that day the Prep team made a name for itself, holding Benedicts to only a pair of goals in a hard fought 2-0 loss. The next match proved to be another hiccup in an otherwise fantastic season as the team fell to Memorial 4-3 in an HC1AL league match. This loss threatened the possibility of a league championship and left the title up to one game at the end of the season against fellow title contender and Hudson County heavyweight Kearny High School. Having tied earlier in the
season, both teams fought passionately in search for an HCIAL title. In the pinnacle of the 2013 season, a goal late in the game for Prep proved the decisive moment of the match as the team held on to keep Kearny from scoring and claim the HCIAL title. The team also made it to the county semi finals, losing out once again to a tenacious Memorial team. Prep’s state title hopes also ended at the hands of eventual Non-Public A champions Delbarton to put an end to a highly successful season. Making up the spine of the team were the four senior captains: Ajani Phillips, Bryan Valencia, Juan Gomez, and Rob Cordeiro. Phillips led the team with his goal tally: 21 in total. Meanwhile, Gomez and Valencia injected creativity and playmaking into the team with 29 assists combined. Finally, Cordeiro led Prep’s solid defense—one that conceded only 15 goals over the course of the season. Though not all of Jantas’s goals were completely achieved, this season still proved to be a step in the right direction for a program that was, at one point in the season, ranked as high as n6 in the state. With further guidance from assistant Varsity coach Drew Buzzio, ’03, and Junior Varsity coach Adrian Oryshkevych, the so ccer team ended the season with a convincing 16-4-1 record and an outstanding total of 73 goals. With underclassmen and juniors already playing significant roles in the su ccess of the 2013 season, it is clear that the Prep so ccer program has the potential for even greater su ccess in the future.
SWIMMING The Marauder Swim Team started the season off with a New Jersey seed of 16, and ended at num ber 10. Their season included many wins and personal bests in Hudson County dual meets, along with some top state competitors. Prep had upsets at Ridgewood, Pingry, and Seton Hall Prep. There was a heart-breaking loss to Hillsborough that only made the team more motivated. In the state playoffs, Prep lost a hard-fought m eet to Seton Hall Prep. Many individuals, as well as some relay teams, made Meet of Champions qualifying times, which was a great sign for the team. With its best season yet, the swimmers look forward to make the 201415 season even better.
Prep's relay teams take off in the final event o their huge upset win over Seton Hall
ick Egan swims the ball to make a )al during one of their home games.
WATER POLO As the team began its third season at Prep, and its first year as a varsity sport, the team had high hopes to start the season off on a good note. A disappointing loss to St. Benedict's began the season, but hopes w ere soon picked up after defeating both The Pingry and Canterbury School. After these great wins, the team had tough losses to the Lawrenceville School, the Trinity School, and Friends Central. They finished the season off with a record of 2 4 . On the JV squad, a record of 1-1 was claimed with a close loss to St. Benedict's, but a huge win over the Lawrenceville School. The team hopes to becom e a wellknown com petitor in the state as they plan to pick off highly ranked teams along the way. With a great coaching staff and great group of guys, their potential is endless. Although it is an intense and challenging sport, and one of the newest additions to the sports program at Prep, the Water Polo team has really taken flight and shows great promise in the years to come. The sport is a new expression of brotherhood for these men who leave it all in the pool.
rep's varsity squad goes in for a goal to lead them to a com m anding victory over The Canterbury School.
Max Leyn swims to defend the ball from an incoming opponent. Brian Feeney and Mike Dillane w ait to get back into the gam e while cheering on their team mates.
BASKETBALL Austin Roche skillfully dribbles past a defender and drives to the basket.
The Marauders hit the hardwood running this season with their best team in years. With a stacked starting five, a contributing bench and a strong coaching staff, Saint Peter’s rocketed into a top 10 state ranking. Prep basketball is the em bodiment of commitment. It is a process; you have to work your way to the top. That starts from freshman year and continues on to senior year. Each class year was represented on a varsity squad with high expectations ranging from Freshman Phenom Nathaniel Pierre-Louis to the team ’s leader Austin White, High Point University Commit. The team dominated a majority of their opponents throughout the season and elevated their play for big name teams to garner som e national attention. There were notable wins to be rem em bered as the year bounced along, with the premiere being the 75-61 win over St. Benedict’s at the Barn.
The highest anticipated game of the seasc proved to be one for the ages as people can in droves, filling the gym completely to se their Marauders shine and show the state ju how talented they really were. Prep is losing a host of talented players 1 graduation this year: Vic Jusino, Austin Roch Sean Ryan, Chris Roberts, Jordan Whitehea and Austin White. Next year’s team will se only one mem ber graduate. Despite th potential difficulties of a younger team, this se Prep up to once more build a stacked team. This season in Prep Basketball will not t forgotten, as we have seen Austin White put u 1000 points, a 13-game win streak, and a fa base like never before. Saint Peter’s Pre Basketball is back and in full force.
Kaleb Bishop goes up for the layup against a t the Barn.
Austin White leaps to score an easy bucket for the Marauders.
Kaleb Bishop converses with C oach Decker a b o u t gam e winning strategies.
Freshman phenom Nate PierreLouis focuses for a free throw.
Chris Roberts drops a three in the fa c e of a defender.
Strike for the Magis
Bret Jablonski, '14, focuses his attention on the lane to g e t a strike.
Being num ber one was on the minds of all the m em bers of the Prep bowling team throughout the entire 2013-2014 season. This mindset has led the team to a remarkably successful season. Varsity ended the season with a first place standing in the Hudson County League, and JV ended the season in first place, going undefeated. These feats only scrape the surface of the great potential that the team has. The varsity team led by Bret Jablonski, '14, and Anthony Matarazzo, ’14, has earned the team the title of HCIAL South Division Champions. The com radery which m em bers of the bowling team show for each other was demonstrated throughout the season by the support that each bowler has for the other, both at the lanes and around campus. The achievem ents that the team has earned were all by the advice and support that Coach Castellano gives to the team. She is the linchpin that holds both JV and varsity together.
With intense concentration, Nick Magnotti, '15, fires a t the lanes.
Patrick Lum, '15, Flynn Munroe, '15, Mike McKittrick, '15, and Bret Jablonski, '14, exchange a round o f high-fives.
Showing their strong sense of brotherhood, the bowling team takes part in their pre-gam e ritual.
C oach Evans talks Strategy with varsity fencers Hunter WilliamsBurrows and Felipe Rosario.
Leading into a match, Alex Sabatell receives advice from Mr. Evans and Mr. Settembrino. As a show of good sportsmanship, Hunter Williams-Burrows shakes hands after defeating his opponent.
FENCING The St. Peter's Prep Fencing team finished their season with a bang, ending with a solid 6 4 record. Showing their growing strength, the team placed 8th overall in the district championships, 14th in the Cetrulo tournament, and took 2nd at the Prep States Tournament. The team dominated with individuals as well, with Jarret Lewis, '14, winning the title of State champion for sabre, Justin Cardoz, '15, becoming the champion for epee, and Felipe Rosario, '16, winning the foil tournament. The team also placed 8th overall in districts with Hunter Williams-Burrow, '15, to advance to the individual foil state championships. With a strong group of rising Juniors and Seniors, the team looks forward to another successful season next year.
lohn Filak, C-strip sabre, salutes Ms opponent and prepares to ence.
Justin Cardoz scores a touch against his Montclair opponent.
Augie Burkhardt, '15, puts the puck on net during a 5-2 victory against Bergen Catholic.
Senior forward Rocky Coviello looks tow ard goal from the to p of the key on a power play against St. Augustine.
After a rough loss to Don B osco to end last year’s season, the Prep Hockey team cam e back more experienced than ever. With almost all of the roster returning for the 2013-2014 season, captains Rocky Coviello, ’14, and John Martucci, ’14, led the Marauders with new additions such as forwards Mike Zawistowski, ’15, Jo e Rivelli, '16, Mike Zadanowics, ’17, and Nick Gallo, '17, along side defenseman Matt Gallo, '17. Head Coach Mike Goodrich, assisted by Mr. David Burokas and Mr. Greg Morrissey, sought to have his team contend in the highly regarded Gordon Conference, arguably the best conference in NJSIAA High School Hockey. After opening the season with a loss against Portledge High School of Long Island, Prep Puck won 8 of their next 11 games, including games against rivals Bergen Catholic and Seton Hall Prep. Junior goalie Jon Labella, coming back with a year of varsity experience, was dominant all season. After losing the season opener, Labella won his next 5 starts, including a 10-0 shutout victory against Monsignor Farrell. In addition, this game was highlighted with a hat trick by junior forward Brian Doyle, '15, the first of his Prep career, and goals by Ryen Pezzolla, '14, and Tommy Linkus, '15. In showdowns against Bergen Catholic and Seton Hall, Prep's aggressive play was visible as they roughed out 5-2 and 53 victories. Senior forwards Sam Burkhardt and Brendan Smith led the Marauders to the confidence-building victories. Winger
Augie Burkhardt, ’16, and defenseman JT Fearon, ’15, als< accounted for much of Prep’s offense and tight defensi throughout the season. Despite the season's many highlights, the most memorabk moment of the year was the game against Chatham High Schoo at Yankee Stadium. With two NHL Stadium Series game: played the week before at Yankee Stadium, the Marauders hac the chance to take the ice inside the 50,000 seat stadium Although losing to Chatham 3-2, the team played in a game the;; will rem em ber for the rest of their lives. With the conference playoffs just around the corner, th< Marauders traveled to Wayne to take on the #2 team in th< state in Don Bosco Prep. With memories of Prep's playoff upse over Don B osco just two years ago replaying in many of thei; minds, the team fought to a thrilling 2-1 victory. Beside: rem arkable goaltending by Jon Labella, defensemen Mat Donofrio '14 and Dan Harcourt '15 really stepped up to maintair Prep's lead late in the game. Heading into the Non-Public New Jersey State High Schoo playoffs, certain players like starting center Sean Crowley ’15 and Robbie Mahon ’15 looked hot as the regular season was coming to an end. After receiving a first round bye as the 6th seed, Prep hosted 11th seed St. Jo e ’s of Metuchen. The Marauders put up a good fight, but lost 4-1, ending their season with a 10-8-3 record. Congratulations for a great season and an amazing four years by the seniors.
First line forwards Rocky Coviello, '14, Sean Crowley, '15, and Augie Burkhardt, '15, stand with first line defensemen John Martucci, '14, and JT Fearon, '15. They w atch the Am erican flag during the national anthem before a showdown with Morristown Beard.
Sam Burkhardt, '14, scores against Bergen Catholic to put Prep a h ead and on to a win.
Goalie Jonathon LaBella, '15, walks through a loud M arauder Nation right before he takes the ice against Bergen Catholic.
Seniors Sam Burkhardt and Brendan Smith celebrate a g o -ahead goal against Seton Hall.
Defenseman JT Fearon, '15, looks for the puck during a face -o ff against Delbarton.
INDOOR TRACK Some people may argue that a normal track and field team just runs, jumps, and throws. But here at Prep, we don’t simply compete; we win. We win races, we win meets, but most importantly, we win the hearts of our fans. People simply can ’t get enough of seeing Eamonn Dwyer set the county high jump record while wearing ridiculously tight spandex. Eyes are glued to Barrington Bennett when he jumps over hurdle after hurdle with his fresh, new shape-up hairline. Bystanders gasp in awe as the distance runner’s speed by in short-shorts that even the St. Dorn’s girls wouldn’t wear. However, our unique appearance isn’t the only thing that im presses the public. To start things off, the Varsity 4x800 meters, consisting of Seniors Fritz Heinrich, Chris Butko, Dan Apicella, and Junior Declan Wollard, won the State Championship and set a Non-public state m eet record, beating some of the top teams in the nation. The Freshman 4x800 also had incredible su ccess as Brandon Rossi, Michael Larkin, Matt Honig, and Caesar Esteban broke numerous m eet records. As a team, the Marauders battled for gold in the Hudson County Relays and the Jersey City Championships. Individually, three Seniors earned their way to the prestigious Meet of Champions: Captain Barrington Bennett for his swift performance in the 55m hurdles, Captain Fritz Heinrich for his consistently amazing times in
Senior Chris Butko comes around on the bell lap to give Prep a victory in the 400 meters.
the 1600m, and Chris Butko for his school Indoor Track record in the 800m. Before his season ending injury, Senior Eamonn Dwyer set the school high jump record and tied the Hudson County record with an impressive 6’8 ” (equivalent to jumping over Carmelo Anthony). When he wasn’t in the weight room or checking Instagram, Malcolm Merritt preformed admirably as he consistently achieved personal bests in the shot put. Jim my Sause, who set the school record, and David DeLeon dominated the two-mile using their impressive cross-country endurance, while simultaneously paving the way for underclassm en Brandon Parrado and Billy Fitzpatrick. With legendary coach es Jerry McCann, Chris Caulfield, and Peter Camacho training the Marauders, it is understood why the varsity, junior varsity, and freshman teams were all destined for the great su ccess achieved in these cold months. Luckily, the plethora of accolades gained this season will surely continue in the future considering the exem plary lineup of young athletes who will carry this program for years to come.
Senior Barrington Bennett hurdles into first place during the 55 meters high hurdles.
Sophomores Billy Fitzpatrick and Brandon Parrado along with Freshman Cesar Estaban lead the varsity mile.
Senior Malcolm Merritt looks from the ring a t his last throw in the shot put event.
The record breaking 4x800 relay poses for a photo after the Jersey City Championships. They will go dow n in history as the first team to break eight minutes a t Prep. The relay includes: Daniel Apicella, Declan Wollard, Christopher Butko, and Fritz Heinrich.
Senior Jimmy Sause and Junior Declan Wollard sprint *1 around the turn in the Jersey City Championship.
Weighing in a t 113 lbs., Nick Santos, '17, runs out for his m atch. A victorious Armond Cox, '14, walks off the mat.
Christian Colucci, '15, looks to turn his opponent with an arm bar.
V lead C oach Anthony Verdi and Assistant ^oach Konrad Dudziak w atch a m atch.
Dedication, tenacity, discipline - just a few words that em body what it takes to be a Prep wrestler. After coming off of the stellar and groundbreaking 2013 season, the Prep wrestlers found them selves desiring more su ccess than ever for the upcoming season. Under the excellent leadership of 2014 District 16 Head Coach of the Year Anthony Verdi, '95, the team has established itself as a state and national powerhouse. From the Beast of the East Tournam ent in Delaware to The Clash (High School Duals) in Minnesota, Prep Wrestling has proved itself worthy of national recognition. The team brought home 3 medals from Delaware and finished 8th overall at the prestigious Clash in Rochester, Minnesota. Led by captains Michael Russo, '14, and Sonny Simonetti, '15, the team posted a 20-7 dual m eet record and capped off the regular season ranked 4th in New Jerse y and 25th in the country. Entering the post season, Prep advanced 9 wrestlers to the NJSIAA State Tournam ent in Atlantic City. Veterans Ryan and Connor Burkert, '15, Jordan Fox, '15, Christian Colucci, ’15, Alec Kelly, '16, Armond Cox, '14 and Michael Russo, '14, look to win state titles in their respected weight classes this year, along with first-time qualifiers Manny Ramirez, '15, and Dean Helstowski, '17. With only two Seniors graduating from the starting lineup, the Class of 2015 and talented underclassm en look to lead Prep to its first ever team state championship and #1 ranking in New Jersey next year.
Armond Cox, '14, attempts to return his opponent back down to the mat. Michael Russo, '14, scrambles out of a shot attem pt.
c R EW The crew team can be found practicing out of the boathouse in Lyndhurst, New Jersey on the Passaic River. While proving that the rather young team can complete with older programs, they remain dedicated, sacrificing sleep and many of their w eekends for 7:00 am practice and regattas. Races take place on w eekends and are usually day long events; rowers and their parents leave their hom es as early as 4:00 am (if they are not staying in hotels) and return, exhausted, in the evenings. This dedication is rewarded, however. Last spring, the Marauders sent two boats to the National Championship Regatta and one, the Junior Varsity 4, cam e back with the title of National Champions. Now, as the still young crew team draws more attention to the Marauder name, they are continuing to row hard in pursuit of another title and to solidify their reputation as serious contenders in the rowing community.
The JV Four ecstatically celebrates their victory at the Stotesbury Cup Regatta, the world's oldest and largest high school rowing competition.
The lightweight 8 pulls off the dock during the Head of the Fish in Saratoga.
ie Senior members of Prep's Crew Team: David Fiume, onor Gelson, Zach Power, Justin Mercado, Declan erruti, Brian Tuhy, Michael Crowe, Jacob Ramos, Kyle :hmidt, Greg Carpenter, Ryan Lillis, Michael Scarpa, rley Giraldo, Brandon Lyons, and M att Giardiello.
The varsity four enjoys the crisp fall air during a head race.
ie entirety of the novice and varsity luads take time to pose for a group shot.
Coming off a County Championship i 2013 and finishing with the best record i school history (2 6 4 ), the Marauders look 1 repeat the su ccess they had last year. With 13 new players on the team, tl team will rely on the leadership of Seni< captains T J Ward, Mike Cirilo, and Vinr Sita. Joining them in their final season Prep are Seniors Anthony Colegrov Stephen Hudock, and Mo Jaafar. Ah returning are Juniors Dan Cooney, Mil Marino, Corey Caddie, and Kyle Bowes. The team has started off strong, beatir state ranked Bergen Catholic and winnii the 2nd annual Jesuit Liberty Invitation tournament. Coach Laguerre has done great job with the Prep baseball prograr hoping that with each game they can brir their best and use their incredible skill com e out on top.
AND HE'S SAFE! Nicholas Doren, '15, slides into second.
C oach Laguerre and his team w atch on as Prep secures another win.
■athered a t the pitcher's mound, the larauders are prepped to help ensure leir victory.
Pitcher Joe Kopacz, '15, winds up his pitch in an a tte m p t to strike out the side.
)utrunning a throw, Prep loads ie bases with a single.
Corey C addie, '15, rounds third base and sprints towards home.
Michael Cirilo, '14, and Anthony Colegrove, '14, talk strategy before taking the field.
J Ward, '14, goes through his motions at the plate, preparing to hit a homer.
Andrew Napolitano, '15, warms up before a gam e with some p ra ctice throws.
Kieran Purcell, '14, finishes off a perfect swing, w atching as the ball sails across the fairway.
Ryen Pezzolla, '14, sizes up the next hole, trying to determine the best course of action.
3ran Purcell asks for his driver, as prepares to tee off.
The Marauders Golf Team had one of the best seasons on record last year. They soared to #3 in the Star Ledger Top 20 and finished 3rd in the sectional tournament, one spot shy of clinching a spot in the Tournam ent of Champions. This year, the team is poised for another run at the State Championship. With returners slated for a big year, the team is led by Senior Kieran Purcell and Juniors Paolo Matti, TJ Kaczan, and Danny Harcourt, among other talented returners. In the beginning of the season, the team finished 5th overall in the Garden State Cup against som e of the best competition that New Jerse y has to offer. Then, the Marauders captured 3rd in the Blue Devil Invitational a week later, defeating som e schools that defeated them earlier. Also in this tournament, Kieran Purcell won with the best individual score. The Marauders are excited to make a run at the state title this year, and with the leadership and skill contained within the team a run deep into states is very possible.
Senior Ken Carroll maneuvers around an attacker to bring the ball upfield.
Christian Hedengren, '15, watches from the sideline as Prep tries to keep up their defense.
The Prep offense looks to score a goal despite heavy opposition. Grant Hippie, '15, sets up to ca tch a pass and score.
Senior defenseman Paul Renzetti looks to stop Caldwell's offensive attack.
The Prep starting lineup fa ce the Caldwell team before the start of the game.
hristian Hedengren, '15, looks for an pen man to score an easy goal.
Our season began the day after last season ended. Knocked out in the first round of the playoffs, the Saint Peter’s Prep Lacrosse team vowed to avenge the loss. Our newly elected captains Tanner Barbieri and Mike Carlino lead the training along with the ensem ble of Seniors: Ken Carroll, Giorgio Courtis, Brian Feeney, Paul Renzetti, and Perry Zirpoli. The cam araderie amongst the team was instantaneous, and so was the su ccess. During the fall, the Varsity and JV teams battled hard against opponents from all over the state. During the winter, we sacrificed our Sunday mornings by waking up early to practice and condition. All eyes w ere set on March 1st. Opening the season by crushing Randolph was satisfying, but not as satisfying as our team trip to Florida. All the varsity players packed their bags and flew to Florida to com pete against nationally ranked teams. And we did much more than com pete. By the end of the trip, we all left with the realization that we could play against anyone, anywhere, anytime. However the season did not progress perfectly, as most seasons seldom do. We lost Lawson Penney, George Grell, and Jeff W hyte to injuries extrem ely early in the season. Then we were hit with the flu bug, but we still competed when half our team was either too sick to show up to or showed up but could barely stand. The team never quit on those games, on our coaches, or on the school. But more importantly, we never quit on each other. Every single young man in that locker room gave every ounce of effort he had to help this team win. Everyone contributed, and everyone should be proud of what we were able to do this year.
Juniors Minkah Fitzpatrick and Brandon Wimbush lead the heat in the 100 meter dash.
OUTDOOR TRACK Following the su ccess of the Indoor Season, it was clear that the Outdoor Track Team would be destined for great things. The team has proved to be strong in all areas, whether it be on the track or on the field. Notable perform ances are seen by the 4x800m relay team, Eamon Dwyer in the high jump, Barrington Bennett in the hurdles, and Malcolm Merritt in the shot put. Records continue to be broken by the Varsity team in alm ost every relay and individual event. On the sprint team, Senior Jon Hilliman and Junior Minkah Fitzpatrick have led in the 100m and 200m dashes. They are also accompanied by Sophom ores Kolton Huber
and Duran Gonzales for the 4x100m relay team. The distance team has gained notoriety in its relay teams, primarily the DMR and 4x800m. The 4x800m, consisting of Seniors Chris Butko, Dan Apicella, Fritz Heinrich, and Junior Declan Wollard, gained acceptance to the prestigious Penn Relays. Hoping to further break the school record, they will com pete against teams from all around the world. In the 3200m Jimmy Sause and David de Leon consistently excel. On the field, Eamon Dwyer continues to demolish the high jump record at Penn Relays. Malcolm Merritt leads many young all-stars in the throwing events, proving the depth of the program. It is clear this su ccess will continue for years to come.
Seniors Jimmy Sause and Fritz Heinrich maintain a fast p a ce d miles ahead of the whole county.
Sophomore Will Delaney anc* Senior Jimmy Sause reflect on their race.
Barrington Bennett is seen hurdling in the 1101 Hurdles as he passes opponents with ease.
Sophomores Brandon Parrado and Billy Fitzpatrick jump off to a quick lead in the 800 meter run.
Dan Apicella rushes to the finish line off a strong leg for the 4x800.
Chris Butko pushes into the lead in the 800 Meter race.
The rugby team is alive and well at the start of its second decade at Prep. The New Jersey High School League is entering its third year of existence and with appearances in the state’s two previous championship matches, the team is hungry to capture Prep’s first rugby state title, as well as to becom e the only team in state history to appear in the championship game every year. The team consists of a talented forward pack who are prepared to roll over defenders as well as an athletic back line of upperclassm en. This lethal combination is sure to cause headaches and heartbreaks for any team in their way. Although the team opened up the year
with a hard-fought loss, things straightened out for the varsity squad as they entered mid-season. The program’s A-side is not the only team poised for success, but the Prep B-side is as well. The underclassman team is developing quickly and displays a bright future for Prep rugby. Of the team ’s twelve Seniors, eight are four-year veterans, giving the team unparalleled experience and leadership. The brotherhood amongst this team is sure to help them in their run for a state title. This season will surely be an important one not only for the squad’s Seniors but for all of the program’s past and future players.
Seniors Thomas Morales, Kyle Schmidt and Vinnie Hess tackle an opposing player.
The forward line charges towards the opposing team to clear them off of their fallen player.
Senior Sean Doherty throws a blazing fast line out to fellow ta kin g an unstoppable advance, Senior Colin Carney flattens a Senior Michael Feeney who passes defender. it down Junior A edan A ccardi to g e t it out of the try zone.
Senior M att Brown lets off a kick to prevent the opposing team from coring a try.
Junior Ted Carrol wraps around an opposing player leaving him helpless for Junior Renaud Bruce to deliever the finishing blow.
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Quinn Williamson, '15, takes a breather and talks to Padre ab ou t his form.
Senior Andrew C apobianco winds up for his serve,
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Com pletely focused, Senior Conor Golway hits a forehand with incredible topspin to win the set.
Conor Golway smashes a serve past his opponent to score an ace.
M att Jasko, '14 warms up and practices his forehand,
The Prep tennis team continues to represent Prep athletics on the courts. W hether at Lincoln Park or another venue to play a match, Prep tennis works at making the best team possible. Each m em ber can be seen almost every day of the week either practicing or challenging another school. Led by both Fr. John Fencik and Emily Fencik, the team works hard to ensure a great season and an exceptional group of athletes. It is a small section of Prep athletics, but a proud one. Each match starts off with a loud chant for Prep and to show how each player is out there supporting one another. Each year brings new players and new experiences with different types of styles and talents. Every Senior is reluctant to leave the team after the experience with the small group of Prep men. From the end of winter to the end of the school year, you can see the team out on the courts playing for its betterment, for Prep, and for each other. The small group always has a great time during the season and strong and lasting friendships are made in the process. Senior John King follows through with his stroke.
Ben Hurley, '14, spikes a ball past a failed block, scoring an easy kill.
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Spencer Shickora, '14, prepares to dig the volleyball and set up a spike.
The Prep Volleyball team started off the season strong, winning their first few games against formidable teams. They especially made a statement in their victory over Hudson County rival Bayonne High School in two sets. This year's team is led by Senior Captains Tyler Lee, Shayron Taylor, and Spencer Shickora. With them, the Seniors of the team are Ben Hurley, Jake Marciniak, Charlie Forker, Chris ThomsBauer, Richard Larkin, Daiquan Cutler and Jesu s Ferrer. This group of Seniors would lead the team through thick and thin, improving upon each other's strengths. With this strong group of leaders, the team brings out the best in each other, creating a strong sense of brotherhood and cam araderie. With such close relationships, the team looked to bring their best each game and tournament, looking to win it all. The team was very much alive as they shared their passion and brought their all to the court. P H
Shayron Taylor, '14, winds up for his serve to Union City's volleyball team .
3rep Volleyball scores easily from a strong ;pike against Union City High School.
The squad huddles before the second ________ set to talk strategy.
Seniors Richard Larkin and Shayron Taylor, '14, prepare to return the serve.
Campus Ministry Team
Freshman Day of Service
Sophomore Retreat
Emmaus i
Service Trips
Pax Christi
Arrupe Week
Mission Drive
K E N C A R R O L L -A L M A M Y C O N D E • SE AN C O N H E E N E Y • J O H N
C O R E A • R O C C O C O V IE L L
J A C K E G A N • V I N C E - D A V IS E S P IN O • M IC H A E L F E E N E Y • B R IA N F E E N E Y - M IC H A E L FE R h A L E X G IL L • A R L E Y G IR A L D O
• J O A Q U IM
G O N C A L V E S • N E L S O N G O N Z A L E Z • M il
M E R R IT T - J O E P O P O V IC H • F R A N K L IN
P R A D O • CJ P U L M A N O • K E V I N R E
• M IK E T A N E L L I • B R Y A N
Marauder Perry Zirpoli, '14, teaches the freshmen The Nation's chants on IgNite.
Freshmen on Ignite split into groups to learn a bout each other and perform team -building activities.
Freshmen in Homeroom 1A pose as a group with the children they threw a picnic for with its many fun activities. During his day of service, a freshman sets up the pins so the children can bowl another round.
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first Prep mass outside in the beautiful September weather.
Freshmen work together on a team -building activity during Relgnite.
The transition to Prep can jmetimes be a challenging one, specially as an incoming freshman sing new to downtown Jersey City, 3mmuting, and meeting people from all ver the state. Aimed to make the ansition easier, IgNite is the first retreat ffered at Prep, giving freshmen an pportunity to get to know one another efore the school year starts. On this vernight retreat, freshmen are led by fieir Big Brothers who facilitate activities /hich introduce the principles of gnatian spirituality and help freshmen earn to work with one another. Relgnite furthers the freshm en’s ransition as they reflect on their Prep
experience thus far and how they are entering the Prep community. Led by Big Brothers, it is a day of reflection, team building exercises, and prayer. Along with these retreat experiences, freshm en have a day of service with their homeroom, performing many activities ranging from hosting a day of funactivities children to serving food at a shelter. This day of service introduces freshmen to one the main points of the Grad-at-Grad: “committed to doing ju stice.” Through these experiences, freshm en becom e more acclim ated with reflection and service, starting their journey to becom ing “Prep m en.”
Sophomores listen intently to Mr. Tom Harrigan as he talks ab o u t PERC's mission and its many services.
A group of Prep men play Bingo with the men and women at St. Ann's Home for the Aged in Jersey City.
The weekend before Thanksgiving, a sophomore retreat group appropriately m ade Thanksgiving packages for families including the essentials: a turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc.
After a successful visit to PERC, sophomores pose for a group photo with their senior ieade and teacher, Mr. Caulfield.
The Sophomore Retreat is an experience vhere sophom ores are able to reflect about their ervice, and partake in three different service >pportunities. Sophomore retreats go to PERC in Jnion City, Hoboken Shelter, and St. Ann's Home n Jersey City. Along with these sites, iophomores also distribute food from the ecently established Prep food pantry. They nteract directly with the people they are serving, md spend the night at Prep. The sophom ores earn about poverty and are able to experience it irsthand when working in soup kitchens and in Tie nursing home. They share a meal with those :hey serve allowing for a deeper more personal :onnection. It serves as a bridge, introducing students more fully to two essentials to campus ministry at Prep: service and reflection. It provides a combination of both, giving sophomores opportunities to serve at a more personal level and also to reflect more deeply on social justice issues. It lays the groundwork for students as they tackle the junior service requirements and go on future retreats.
Sophomores a c co m p a n y their elderly hosts in conversation as they play bingo.
Mr. Robert Johnson takes questions from sophomores after his attention-grabbing talk.
Sophomore Retreat
Retreatants form an assembly line, plating food for those being served a t PERC.
The beautiful view of the ocean a t Stella Maris gives retreatants an ideal setting to reflect and pray.
During free time, retreatants relax with a gam e of cards. A junior reflects over a pond at the Loyola Retreat House.
Kairos, coming from the Greek word meaning “God’s Tim e,” offers all Prep men a unique retreat experience during their Junior year. Over the course of the four day retreat, retreatants spend time in reflection, prayer, and many other activities that strengthen their relationships with God and with Prep. Led by senior m embers of the Campus Ministry Team and faculty, the retreat is held at either Stella Maris Retreat Center in Long Branch or in Loyola Retreat House in Morristown. These sites provide the perfect environm ent for students to relax and reflect more deeply. On the Kairos retreat, students have the opportunity for deeper self-examination with their peers and leaders, and a chance to truly contemplate God's role in their lives. Those who have experienced Kairos return home with a new outlook on their faith and deeper bonds with their relationships. It is truly one of the most mem orable experiences a Prep student can have over his four years at Prep.
treatants and leaders from Kairos 28 >se for a group picture as the retreat ■mes to a close a t Loyola Retreat House.
jdents on Kairos 28 make use of some down ie to unwind and play a gam e of football.
The leadership team on Kairos 28 pose together after a successful retreat.
Juniors on Kairos 29 gather in their small groups with their adult and senior leader.
Retreatants on Emmaus 268 take a group photo with their banner.
Taking some time to enjoy God's creation, two seniors journal while sitting in the trees.
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Delbarton's campu$ provides retreatant! the right atmospher for reflection
Students on Emmaus 267 sit together in reflective prayer.
Emmaus 268 retreatants gather together on a beautiful morning around the fountain to start the day off right with morning prayer.
Retreatants work on their individual names to put on the banner.
EMMAUS 'o retreatants journal on the sachers at Delbarton.
As the senior retreat, Emmaus is the conclusion to a student’s retreat experience at Saint Peter’s Prep. Emmaus is a long-standing tradition at Prep ever since its creation in 1977. This year, six retreats were offered, allowing senior participants to join on a journey that hundreds if not thousands of alumni have taken. Based on the New Testam ent passage about the road to Emmaus, the retreat allows seniors to look back at their time at Prep and discern Christ’s presence throughout their lives. Led by peers and teachers alike, the retreat offers students a
chance to not only reflect on their experiences and relationships, but also look forward at how they will live their lives after Prep. Peer and adult leaders share their experiences to encourage reflection and discussion among retreatants. Seniors strengthen bonds with each other, their adult leaders, and God. Once the group returns to Prep, they hang up their banner next to the banner of the first Emmaus decades ago. The banners side by side just go to show that Emmaus is one of the cornerstones of the Prep experience, a retreat that has been held over 270 times since its creation.
After a reflective re tre a t Emmaus 267 proudly poses for a group photo with their banner.
mior leader Ciaran Freeman and M att Manley work igether, gluing everything to make the banner. Reflection is facilitated by the open fields of Delbarton's campus.
Will Springer and Christian Gallardo, '15 learn about vocational skills training a t Quito, helping bake pies.
Students take time to socialize and enjoy the environment o f the places they have traveled so far to serve.
After a great experience touring the Basilica in Quito, students relax and take a break a t the steps to the entrance. ism.
The group hangs out a t the Second Working Boys Center, enjoying the children's company.
s. Toomb and Mr Dougherty hear a ilk from Fr. Greg Boyle, founder of omeboy Industries in Los Angeles, ie of Prep's mission sites.
The old saying “actions speak louder than w ords” rings true at Prep especially through the many service trips that the school offers. Students are able to see other's lives through a different lens when viewing situations firsthand. At the end of their sophom ore year, students are able to fulfill their service hours at various locations ranging from W est Virginia to Camden to Philadelphia. Each trip provides a different experience, giving students opportunities to im m erse them selves in a different environm ent than their used to at home. Participants have an opportunity to see what life is like for those facing various hardships and gain new perspectives on social justice issues and the im portance of service. Each year also has opportunities to serve at one of their designated mission sites. W hether it be in Quito, Ecuador; Los Angeles, California; or Bethel, Alaska, students get to see and participate in the work of the organizations that the Mission Drive supports. They get to m eet the faces behind the great work at each site, giving them a passion for justice and for the site itself. When these students com e home, they not only have a m em orable experience and their service hours finished, but also a com mitm ent to justice and an expanded perspective.
~ie group takes a tour of the Basilica del oto Nacional, posing for a picture on the •airs leading to a spire of the Church. Senior Michael Fernandes gets his hands dirty as he learns the challenges and pleasures of working a garden.
A Jesuit sciiooi should encourage its students never to be satisfied w ith m ere masters', but rather to explore the d eep er h u m an d im en sio n s an d im p licatio n s o f their Seaming. . *«m *lv ftrts&k «> it*
. . . ...........
ra tio n a l A postotaU ' Saint Ignatius o f Loyola and th e Founding o f the Society o f lesus
as you deserve
Service requirem ents at Saint Peter’s Prep are guided by the words of Peter Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., “When the heart is touched by direct experience, the mind may be challenged to change.” Through the many hours spent at local agencies and trips to Camden, W est Virginia, Alaska, Los Angeles, Delaware, and Ecuador, students are able to have direct experience with the poor. After fulfilling their requirem ents many students want to continue working for justice. They are able to do so with our club Pax Christi. Pax Christi organizes various events and activities throughout the year that students are able to participate in.
This year they ran multiple subway runs where students packed bagged lunches and delivered them directly in Union Square and Newark Penn Station. Groups of students also tutored children at Brooklyn Jesu it Prep. Moreover, members of Pax Christi helped organize and execute our first can drive for the new food pantry as well as our annual Adopt-a-Family Christmas present drive. Service to the poor and marginalized is an integral part of our Catholic Jesuit identity. Pax Christi enables us to foster the passion we have grown to have for service and it gives us the opportunity to live the ideals Fr. Pedro Arrupe outlined in his Men For Others speech.
any of Pax Christi's members represented ep a t the 2013 Ignatian Family Teach In.
Members work together to sort cans in Prep's Food Pantry.
Underclassmen of Pax Christi enjoy a dress down day, financially supporting their designated mission si^es'
Mario Spiniello, '14 bonds with Jonathan during a tutoring session a t Brooklyn Jesuit Prep, a Jesuit m iddie school in the Crown Heights area.
Seniors Ciaran Freeman and Brendan Boardingham work together wrapping and sorting gifts for the Christmas Adopt-a-Family.
ax Christi makes some progress shelving food in the new 3od pantry after an incredibly successful food drive.
ARRUPE WEEK Fr. Jeff Putthoff, S.J. discussed the im portance of healing in order to com ba t the social issues surrounding urban violence.
Each year, Prep dedicates an entire week to a social injustice that plagues today’s society as a whole. This y ear’s them e was Urban Violence. The topic of urban violence is extremely important to cover because it often goes unnoticed, especially in the urban areas near Prep. The location of Saint Peter’s Prep allows for its students not to be exposed to the dangers of urban violence and its effects on people, but that does not mean that urban violence and its effects on people should be ignored by Prep students and faculty alike. Throughout the days leading up to Arrupe Week, the theme of Urban Violence becam e much more visible and tangible throughout the school. In honor of murder victims throughout New Jersey, crosses with victim s’ names on them were placed throughout Prep, primarily in the English
Building’s entrance. City profiles were also created and placed around Prep, thus allowing students the opportunity to fully comprehend the statistics behind urban violence in major cities in the United States. Songs that were in correlation with urban violence were also played in between periods throughout the week. To culminate Arrupe Week, many speakers were invited to Prep for breakout presentations. The variety of presentations offered was incredible; presentations ranged from urban violence in popular culture, art, criminal justice, paramedic work, education, and much more. The goal of Arrupe Week is to shed light on this growing problem and to allow students to voice their opinions on the matter. Togethe as a Prep community we can spark changi and help com bat this social injustice.
Students in Mr. DeLorenzo's homeroom discuss their breakout sessions and overall experience of Arrupe Week.
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This year, Prep sponsored the 17th annual Arrupe Lecture Series. The series is a week-long summit exploring justice issues through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. This year, the Arrupe Series went beyond sensationalist headlines and examined violence in American cities as a symptom of poverty, lack of resources, and system ic racial injustice. The summit took place from March 24-28, 2014. The Arrupe Series is named for Pedro Arrupe, S.J., the late superior general of the Jesuits. Arrupe charged the religious order with its modern mission of forming “men and women for and with others.” The summit includes a community mass, a keynote address, break-out sessions, curricular activities, field trips, and service opportunities revolving around the theme of Urban Violence.
Ms. Katie Rosario of Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Boston describes the ways in which mentoring programs can help change the lives of at-risk youths.
. Randy Rey, a New York City Paramedic, scribes they ways in which he encounters )an violence on a daily basis.
Visual reminders around cam pus call students to reflect upon the Arrupe Week them e of Urban Violence.
W h a t Happens
Albert Williams describes the challenges w hich fa ce America's marginalized upon their re-entry to society.
Fr. Jeff Putthoff, S.J., of Hopeworks 'n C am den challenges students to change the questions they ask ab o u t urban violence a t the Arrupe Week Keynote Speech.
One of the most popular parts of the Mission Drive, Mr. Settembrino triumphantly enters with his famous donuts.
Students line up to purchase slice of Ms. Zanfardino ai Ms. Annetta's delicious pi<
John Short, '14 quickly pays for his donut supporting the senior and freshman mission sites in Bethel, Alaska.
Students pay for their dress-down bracelet ahead of time, looking to com e to school the next day in com fortable clothing.
MISSION DRIVE During the season of Lent, in which there is an em phasis on charity, Prep reflects this Lenten spirit by running its annual Mission Drive, w hose goal is to raise as much m oney as possible for those in need. The money raised goes to the poor in various mission sites, such as Bethel, Alaska, the Working Boys' Center in Quito, Ecuador, and Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles. To raise this money, the Mission Drive has a variety of popular events. There are competitions between the class years and hom eroom s to raise the most money. This competition fosters creativity in devising the best and most interesting ways to raise the most money. Every Friday, students and faculty alike can pay to dress down, so people look forward to the Mission Drive. Teach ers sell food and drinks, and various video game tournam ents happen. Homerooms raffle off expensive items, and the winners are announced at the end of Lent. The winning hom eroom s get additional dress down days, so their students get to dress casually before the rest of the school goes to Spring dress code. This motivation helps the Mission Drive get money to help serve those in need. Although the Mission Drive is full of food, dress down, raffles, and fun, its ultimate goal is to help those in need, reflecting Prep's mission as a Jesuit school.
The Video G am e Club enthusiastically hosts a League of Legends tournam ent to raise m oney for the Mission Drive.
ACADEMICS 100 Classics English Fine Arts History IS
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Mathematics Modern Languages Religion
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Science ■Ktjk
G uidance & College Counseling Administration Faculty and Staff
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The Classical Languages Department at Prep prides itself on offering a very thorough analysis of the languages of ancient Greece and Rome. Two years of Latin are required as part of the course of studies for all students. Most students complete their Prep Latin requirem ent during their Freshman and Sophomore years with Latin 1 and Latin 2 respectively. These courses help students gain an overall understanding of Latin syntax and vocabulary. Very determined students can also elect to take Latin 3 Honors, which furthers the study of the language with an introduction to the works of famous Latin poets and writers. Upon completion of Latin 3 Honors, Prep students during their Senior year can elect to take AP Latin: Caesar and Virgil, an intensive course in which students study Virgil’s A e n e id and Caesar’s G allic War while analyzing the styles and devices used by these two prominent Roman figures. Seniors can also elect to take Greek 1, in which students learn to read ancient Attic Greek while learning about Greek culture. Through a study of ancient Greek and Roman languages, the Classics Department helps offer a visceral insight into the cultures of these two civilizations that made immense contributions to W estern culture and government.
Students of the Class of 2017 take careful notes on the process of sentence translation.
Mr. Scannapieco helps one of his Freshman students understand the genitive case. Mr. Mergoupis reviews a Latin passage line by line, guiding his class in translation.
on V°ur b The MERGOUPIS”
Mr. Mergoupis
“Bellerophon, but only if Pegasus is included in the tattoo.”
Mr. Scannapieco
The Seniors of Ms. D'Emic's AP Latin class delve into the literature of such great Roman authors as Vergil and Caesar.
Vaznelis 101
ENGLISH Prep's English Department teaches its students important reading and writing skills. Students learn how to communicate their opinions in powerful, clear, effective, and grammatically correct ways. Additionally, students expand their literary horizons by being exposed to different genres of literature each year. During Freshman year, students read a selection of texts from many varying cultures, from Shakespeare's plays to novels set in Afghanistan. Sophom ores get to know the proud literary tradition of the United States by reading the classic works of American literature by authors such as Lee, Salinger, Steinbeck, and Fitzgerald. During Junior year, students study British literature, ranging from ancient AngloSaxon texts to modern novels.
By studying various literary works, students expand their understanding of what makes good writing, and learn to employ these techniques in their own work. While every English class at Prep focuses primarily on non-fictional writing skills, students can also elect to take Creative Writing, in which students learn to express them selves creatively, writing short stories and fiction, a departure from writing a typical academ ic essay. Finally, Seniors take a variety of electives, in which they can choose the them es of literature that they study. By the time students graduate Prep, they are more intellectually competent, and they are able to demonstrate this com petence by writing and arguing their points both effectively and reasonably.
characters in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Ms. Simonson keeps a close eye on her Freshman English class, ready to give them assistance as they consider their essay prompt.
Mr. Geary shows care and attentic as he teaches his English Hone students a bout American Lituratur
Mr. Bouley answers questions from his Freshmen class a bout The Odyssey.
Mr. Morissey discusses revisions on an English paper with one of his students.
“Write a twenty paragraph essay describing all of the major battles in Alexander the Great. Be sure to include vivid details regarding armor, weapons and strategy.”
Ms. Angermeyer “Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?”
Mr. Peters 'Is this prompt true?”
Mr. Arteaga “In a minimum of 1000 pages, discuss the style of Henry James.”
Dr. Kennedy
* s t ’ ,U K e w n > e e t '? [\ r n o s t \
“I have three: Igor Stravinsky, Michael Jackson and Seth M acFarlane.”
Mr. Eleria
“Yinka Shonibare.”
Mr. Smith “I was already lucky enough to m eet Miles Davis once. He lowered his sunglass when I shook his hand. I was honored.”
Mr. Caslowitz 104
holistic Jesuit education is the idea of Cura Personalis - the focus on the development of the student as a whole person. The Fine Arts department at St. Peter’s Prep strives to fulfill that idea. W hether in music or visual arts, the faculty here encourages their students to think critically about the world through an artistic lens. They challenge students to use their creativity in ways not thought possible. From playing with tesserae and making instruments as Freshm en to writing songs for Prep masses and making art for realworld exhibitions, such as at Legal Grounds, as Seniors students are given the
person. The Fine Arts program provide that opportunity with courses in the man mediums of the visual arts and in musi At Prep, students can paint, sculpt, dra design, sing, write music or play ai instrument. Ms. Klim, the chairwoman of the Fin Arts department, along with Mr. Casowib Mr. Eleria, and Mr. Smith work to ensur that the education students receive here i not simplified down to math equations o English essays but is able to be extend s to our imaginations, so that we car express ourselves and discover the work around us.
Ciaran Freeman, '14, works intently on his Legal Grounds project in Senior Portfolio with Ms. Klim.
Junior Aedian Accardi gets a second opinion on his still life from a classmate.
The tea cups m ade in Sophomore Art are left out on the table so th at the freshly applied paint on the clay can dry.
Mr. Smith walks around his classroom, observing and com m enting on the work of his Freshman students.
Mr. Delorenzo and his Senior U.S. History class discuss the history of Veterans day.
With his Senior class on U.S. Law, Mr. Keating leads a discussion on the Constitution and its articles.
In his Freshman World Civilizations class Mr. Coviello and his students discuss th< migrant people of the ancient world.
. Innis and his Freshman students take search to a new level as they demonstrate man military formations.
c 0 u»d b ® ^ s e n t ,
“Edmund Burke because he understood the responsibilities of a representative in a legislature to stand up for the rights of the minority, no matter how unpopular.”
Ms. McElroy
“JFK (But I wouldn't go to Dallas!)”
Mr. Cunneen ‘Roman Shukhevych.”
Mr. Oryshkevych
The Roman philosopher and orator Cicero once remarked that “To be ignorant of what has occurred before you were born is to remain forever a child.” The History Department at Prep continually stresses this idea - that without knowledge of the past, we are ultimately helpless in facing the issues that afflict humanity today. Historical education at Prep begins in Freshm an year with the World Civilizations course, in which Freshm en learn about the prominent cultures and civilizations including Egypt, China, and Rome. Students during their Sophom ore year can elect to take AP World History and study the com prehensive history of human societies and interactions.
Most students resume their historical studies during their Junior year with United States History 1, which covers American history from the Age of Columbus up until Reconstruction. United States History 2 during Senior year continues the study of American history to the present. Seniors can also choose to take U.S. Government and Politics or one of the many electives, including History of the Middle East, U.S. Law, and The Communist Experiment. Through a very strong historical curriculum, Prep stresses the importance of progress by means of an application of the lessons taught by history.
Mr. Verdi teaches his Junior class about the founding documents of the United States.
Mr. C am pbell helps one of his Junior students with his homework relating to graphs and equations.
Mr. Healy guides his Senior class o they work to review the principles of graphing inequalities.
C om passion
As his Precalculus Honors class listens on intently, Mr. Evans reviews the process of identifying graphs and pairing them with their respective equations.
Mathematics The Math Department at Prep prides itself on its ability to instill in students a valuable skill: how to think critically. In the modern world, math is becom ing more and more important because of how it contributes to the fast-paced developm ents in science and technology. For new technology, people need to know more advanced math and science, and they need to be creative in how they solve problems. For these reasons, the study of mathematics is essential. Prep students begin studying math in Algebra, in which students learn to manipulate num bers and variables to solve equations and problems. In Geometry during their sophom ore year, students learn how math can apply to the real world, and that simple shapes
Is. Stark's Algebra 2 and Igonom etry class learn how to liv e systems of equations. Mr. Settembrino takes time to help Anthony DiGiacinto, '14, with a problem in his homework assignment.
can be more com plicated than they seem at first. In Pre-Calculus and Calculus, the mathematically inclined continue their studious pursuits with more complicated mathematical topics. In Statistics, students learn to analyze data. The extrem e rigor of math classes trains students in problem solving and prepares students for college math for whatever path they choose to follow in college. While math can be a challenging subject, and although not everybody goes on to specifically study math in college, the skills learned in m athematics classes invaluable. The ability to solve problem s and think creatively is critical regardless of the field of study one ch ooses in the future.
The ultimate goal of the Modern Languages department is to not only make students proficient in their chosen foreign language, but to also immerse students in a foreign culture, hoping that they widen their perspectives. It gives students access to a different culture, helping them becom e global citizens familiar with various countries and their unique Prep offers four modern languages of study: French, Italian, Spanish, and German. Students have these options and begin studying their language of choice in Sophomore year. Students are required to take their language for two years and have the option to continue studying their foreign language in Senior year.
In addition to the study of foreign languages in the classroom , Prep offers various exchanges in which students may choose to participate. Collaborating with high schools in other countries, Prep offers exchange programs in French, Italian, and German. The experience of the exchange program gives students the opportunity to practice and vastly improve their speaking skills and to witness firsthand a different culture. The Modern Languages department helps students continue improve their language skills in general and strives to provide gateways to using them in their future endeavors.
Students in Ms. Gomez's AP Spanish class work on an activity in groups.
Henry Locke, '15, ponders his sentence structure before writing a response on his worksheet.
'an9° does « mean?
“B ruschetta ; it s my favorite word because it sounds great, it TASTES great and it is the most mispronounced word here in the United States.... 'brusKetta'”
Ms. Romano “ Vergangenheitsbewaltigung, which m eans coming to terms with the past. ”
Mr. Veniero Mr. Powers calls on his Spanish III students for a response to his thought-provoking question.
“Saudade ; a deep emotional state of nostalgic or deeply m elancholic longing for an absent something or som eone that one loves.”
Ms. Torres
Dr. Hartling teaches Freshmen the ideals and foundations of the Jesuits in their Old Testament class.
Mr. Fletcher introduces the Freshman class to the scholarly interpretation of the Old Testament.
Mr. McCarthy teaches his New Testament class different ways to interpret the Gospels.
Scibilia teaches his Junior iristian Ethics class about the e meaning of being a Man For hers.
In accordance with the true mission of Prep, students are required to take four years of Religion during their four years here. The religion classes offered at Prep strive to help each and every student grow into a young man who understands and em bodies the principles of Jesu it education. As soon as a Prep student walks in the door during his Freshm an year, he is introduced to the teachings of Saint Ignatius. To gain a sense of the context in which Christianity and the principles of Saint Ignatius arose, Freshm an students are first introduced in detail to the texts of the Old Testament. In their second year, the Sophom ores spend their studies immersed in the New Testament, especially focusing on the four Gospels and their meaning for the world today.
Juniors all take Christian Ethics, a course centered on the real-world practice of Catholic morality and the steps that individuals, groups, or nations must take while working towards ethical justice. Finally, in their last year at Prep, Seniors ch oose what elective to take, including: The Saints with Fr. Azzarto, Ignatian Way with Mr. Dougherty, Ecology with Mr. McCarthy, World Religions with Dr. Hartling, Finding God in all Films with Mr. Gambone, and the African American Faith Experience with Ms. Singleton. After taking these various classes during their time at Prep, students, whether Christian or not, are able to apply the knowledge they have learned in their everyday life both during their Prep careers and beyond.
“Love others, learn to forgive, and work for justice.”
Mr. Dougherty “To praise, reverence and serve God by serving your
neighbor ”
Mr. Rossi
“It is a gift. The gospel is not about life after death - it is about how I live life now.”
____________ Dr. Scibilia In Christian Ethics, students look on as Ms. Rice reviews terminology for an upcom ing quiz,
“For m e, the m eaning of life is about being happy and doing w hat God w ants us to do. Being happy d o es not m ean that on e n ev er h as difficulties, but for m e, h appiness is m ore about paying attention to God. As St. Ignatius rem inds us, w hat God w ants for us should c o n n ect d irectly to w hat we w ant for ou rselv e s.”
Ms. Singleton
Men love tc and that i of science. W hether it be learning the differen between Neutrons and Protons in Phys or finding ways to collect evidence al crime scene in Forensics, the Scien department at Prep presents a divei range of subjects which give students t opportunity to be successful in any fi< of science. Finding a balance between fun a learning isn't easy. But the labs in whi students take part throughout their time prep demonstrate many serious scienti properties - gravity, alternate pov\ sources, the anatomy of various creatui - while showing off the creativity of the
Ms. Zanfardino and Marc Richards, '15, discuss lab procedures in Biology class.
Jonathan Tice, Jack McKivergan, Kevin Lopes, and Richard King, '14, study different types of fingerprints and identify them in Mr. Canale's Forensics class.
p to , r xw hV n 0 t ■ “No, I like it here on earth and I have no desire to travel into outer space. Furthermore, I believe that our monetary resources can be better utilized on earth to find cures for a variety of diseases.”
Sr. Frances, OSF
“Absolutely not! I don't want to encounter life off of Earth.”
Ms. Eppler “Only if I could take Schrodinger's cat with me...”
Mr. Comey
vonder he seed talph Waldo Emerson jdents and being extrem ely interesting ;d fun - creating a vessel to protect a ling egg, making a toy car run without ing batteries as the power source, ssections of various creatures, etc. The science classes at Prep imonstrate how dedicated students can : to the world of Science. Their iwavering dedication and curiosity not ily improves their academ ic rformance and understanding, but also pands their interest in the field of ience, opening limitless opportunities r future careers.
A lab group in A dvanced Physics Honors pitches their ideas on forces to Mr. Trotta. Brian Liggio, '15, intently measures the am ount o f titrant he adds from the buret to the beaker in AP Chemistry.
Mr. C anale observes Senior Anthony DiGiacinto, '14, as he works on a lab in Forensics.
Lending a guiding voic Ms. Rubenstein helps Sec Concannon, '14, with his collet application proce
Keeping a watchful eye on a ca d e m ic progress, Ms. Morris looks on with Ms. Martineau over a student's grade records in Powerschool.
Following in the footsteps of Fr. Browning, Ms. Benedict supports students in their a ca d e m ic endeavors.
Ms. Nordstrom of the Freshman G iudance departm ent is reviewing her lesson plans for the cycle to come. Ms. Morris speaks with Daniel Garrett, '15, about how his first marking period went.
Guidance & College Counseling
5 ^
♦he most important e v e r te a m e d a s tu d e n t?
fro m a sx u
The Guidance Department works tirelessly to help students grow and move forward throughout their four years of Prep. During their Freshm an and Sophom ore Years, Guidance Consolers give support to students, talk about becom ing involved in the school, and academ ic habits. Freshman year is a new experience for everyone. As students becom e m em bers of a new and unfamiliar school environm ent and m eet their new teachers and peer, the guidance department helps them becom e accustom ed to daily life at Prep, focusing on the skills that will make them successful students during their time here. During Sophom ore year, students receive new guidance counselors who will stay with them throughout the rest of their Prep career, helping students get ready for the transition to college and life after Prep. During this year, guidance counselors help
©©©©©©©© “To never forget they are learning about life. It is my goal as a counselor to help that selfdiscovery happen in a secure and non-threatening way.”
Mr. Dondero “Sarcasm hurts.”
Ms. Benedict “That everyone has a story and everyone is very spiritual. Students do great things and never boast about them .”
Fr. Azzarto, S.J. “The importance of listening.”
Fr. Mullin, S.J.
Ms. Morissette discusses the im portance of GPAs with her Sophomore group guidance class.
students make the transition from under classm en to upperclassm en. Throughout the year, guidance counselors get students ready for Junior year and continue to teach them study habits and time management. During students' Junior year, the counselors help upperclassm en learn about the college application process. In the latter half of Junior and the first half of their Senior Years, guidance counselors help students find and apply to the college that would be the best fit for them. Counselors provide a guiding hand in the difficult process of preparing and submitting applications, letters of recom mendation, and college essays. The counselors provide invaluable support to students in making it through the challenges of their four years of Prep.
Ms. Diane Casazza, Mr. John Irvine, '83, and Ms. Patricia Fitzpatrick from Admissions take a break and pose for a photo in their office
Ms. Frances Salvo poses with members of Prep's Parent Association.
Ms. Jessica Norton, Mr. Jack Caulfield, Ms. Kate Ford and Ms. Dianne M cC abe work closely together to m anage Prep's financial life.
Mr. Christopher Casazza, '95, and Fr. Kenneth Boiler, S.J„work the raffle tum bler a t Prep's annual Fashion Show.
Mr. Christopher Casazza, '95, works his way around tables to present a gift basket to a raffle winner at the Prep Fashion Show.
In the midst of day-to-day classes, students often overlook the people that keep the school running, working behind-the-scenes around campus. Teachers are only one fundamental com ponent of a Prep education; there are so many other departments and individuals who help keeping Prep running. On the first floor of the Moriarty Science Center is the Admissions Office that organizes “Freshman for a Day” for interested middle schoolers, processes incoming applications, and runs Open Houses. On the first floor of Shalloe, there is the Finance Department that maintains Prep's healthy financial status and establishes a manageable budget. Above them on the second floor is the Technology Department, maintaining the campus' technology and keeping it state of the art. On the third floor of Shalloe is the Advancement Office, which works with the President's Office to plan events that keep alumni involved, especially in financing current Prep students' education. In the Mulry Lobby is the Principal's Office, which manages teachers, academ ics, and the curriculum. Last but not least there is the Operations Staff throughout campus that keeps the campus running, especially involved in the setup for special events. These are the people that work behind the scenes, establishing the foundation for the Prep education which we hold so dear.
G athered in the Hammer Heritage Room, Prep Alumni join Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J., for an Alumni mass.
Principal James DeAngelo, '85, welcomes a parent to the Prep com m unity a t Freshman registration.
Ms.*Katie Albers
Mr. Kevin Albers
Ms. Janet Angerm eyer
Director of Operations
English Department
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 7
Ms. Rosemary Annetta
Mr. Juan A rteaga
Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Science Department
Assistant Dean of Student Life; English Department
Guidance, Religion Departments
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 8
Bene Merenti 34
Mr. David Bailey, '95
Mr. Clayton Bellamy
Ms. Elizabeth Benedict
Director of Educational Technology
Operations Staff
Director of the Browning Center
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 6
Ms. Erinn Black
Ms. Jane Bleasdale
Fr. Kenneth Boiler, S.J.
Director of Faculty Formation
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 1
Mr. A dam Bouley English Department
mp-rnmf i • f
Years at Prep: 1
When you were a student, what was your least favorite subject in school and why? “Chemistry. It seemed like alchemy. I only passed because I could do the math and make the equations balance. My experiments always floundered.”
Fr. O'Hare “Math. Because it's Math.”
Mr. Cunneen
“In high school I disliked chemistry because my teacher was mean. She mad< us afraid of using the Bunsen burner and was nervous to do lab. It wasn't until college that I realized that chem was fun and I could light a match without burning down the school!”
Ms. Zanfardinc
Ms. Lisa Bui
Mr. David Burokas, '85
Mr. Jan Butrym, '01
Science Department
Classical Languages Department Chair
Educational Technology
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 13
Mr. G erald C am pbell
Mr. A lexander C anale, '05
Ms. Barkha Cardoz, P'l 1, '15
Mathematics Department
Science Department
Database Manager for Events
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 3
Ms. Alison Carlson
Mr. Christopher Casazza, '97
Ms. Diane Casazza, P'95, '97
Modern Languages Department
Chief Advancement Officer
Assistant to the Director of Admissions
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 8
Mr. Steven Caslowitz
Ms. C arm ela Castellano
Mr. Christopher Caulfield, '03
Fine Arts Department
Science Department
English Department
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 6
Mr. John Caulfield, 71, P'00, '03 Spanish -1 took 8 years from middle :hool through college and I still can arely order tacos....”
Ms. Morissette Vly least favorite was English poetry, /hy don't they say things in a simple ray? I went on to major in English.”
Fr. Azzarto
“I was never good at math, so it was always my least favorite. 1 would have written extra essays if it meant I didn't have to do math homework!”
Vice President for Finance
Ms. Simonson
Years at Prep: 2
‘Religion; the classes lacked enthusiasm.”
»•* *.< '.•'.•''.••'..•■..i*.•tvvAv.Vv.V**. Mr. G am bone
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Ms. Allison Cloyd
Ms. Cecelia Collins
Assistant Librarian
Attendance Office
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 16
Mr. Thomas Comey II
Mr. James Coviello, '99
Mr. Paul Cunneen
Science Department
History Department Chair
History Department
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 14
Ms. Nancy Cunningham
Ms. Belkise Dallam
Ms. Catherine Daly
Director of Annual Giving
Guidance Department
Campus Shop
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 5
Ms. Yetunde DanielsRubinstein
Mr. Jerry Davis
Mr. James DeAngelo, '85
Operations Staff
Years at Prep: 2
Bene Merenti 24
Ms. M ary Beth Caulfield, P'OO, '03 Browning Center Assistant
Years at Prep:2
Guidance Department
Years at Prep: 5
Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, '67
History Department
^ - .t ,'
s it 1 H
If you were to get JUG, what would it • ■• » • . • , * . . ost likely be for? “Being sarcastic.”
Ms. Collins “For jumping on top of my podium.”
Bene Merenti 41
Mr, Scannapieco
“Leading a student walk-out protesting t dress cod e.”
Dr. Scibilia “Texting Ms. Castellano during class....
“Bad language.”
Ms. Benedict
Ms, Eppler
Ms. Elizabeth*
Ms. Suzanne
Fr. James
D'EmjcDillane, P'16
Dinneen, S.J.
C l a s s i c a l M a t h e m a t i c s L a n g u a g e s D e p a r t m e n t Department
Faculty Chaplain
Years at Prep: 6
years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 13
Mr. James Dondero, '66
Mr. John Dougherty
Sr. Frances Duncan, O.S.F.
Guidance Department
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Science Department
Bene M erenti 26
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 18
Ms. M ary Durante
Mr. G ianpaolo Eleria
Mr. Hugo Elo
Vice Principal
Fine Arts Department
Operations Staff
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 5
Years at Prep: 17
Ms. Catherine Eppler
Mr. Gregory Evans
Ms. Mary Finn
Science Department
Mathematics Department
Campus Ministry Assistant
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 13
Ms. Trish Fitzpatrick, P'07, '16 F?! How about when....Talking in class was a chatty girl. Surprised?!”
Ms. Morissette
“Overdressing on dress down days.”
Director of Public Relations
Mr. Jack Caulfield Years at Prep: 5
listening to music that is too loud.”
Mr. Healy
“Crossing more than three streets to go get lunch.”
Ms. Castellano
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Mr. M ichael Fletcher
Ms. M elinda Flores
Ms. Catherine Ford
Religion Department
Science Department Chair
Assistant Vice President for Finance
Years at Prep: 12
Years at Prep: 6
Bene M erenti 25
Mr. Robert Furlong
Mr. Frederick G alano
Mr. Michael G am bone
English Department Chair
Director of Financial Aid
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 4
Mr. Peter G eary, '05
Mr. Joe Giglio, '87
Ms. Ella Glazer
English Department
Director of Guidance and College Counseling
Computer Science Department
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 14
Ms. Nery G om ez
Ms. G ra ce G ualario
Mr. Richard Hansen, P'03, '09
Modern Languages Department
Assistant to the Principal
Director of Athletics
Years at Prep: 6
Bene M erenti 24
Bene M erenti 31
Mr. Richard Hansen III, '03
Physical Education Department Chair Years at Prep: 6
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you when you were a #. high school student “On a rainy afternoon, 1 fell down the stairs at the Grove Street PATH station. And when I say “fell down” I mean like when Peter Griffin falls down. It felt like 1 must have slipped, somehow flown forward, then dropped straight down, 7 or 8 steps below where 1 started. I drew a pretty good crowd.”
Mr. Jiran
“1 did not get my driver's license until senior year because 1 failed my road tes twice.’
Ms. Durante
“Got caught cutting lunch and got suspended. Yeah really!!! My mom had to go up to school to get me reinstated.”
Ms. Ford
Dr. Jeffrey Hartling
Mr. Brian Healy, '99
Mr. James Hollywood, '66
Religion Department
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 11
Mr. James Horan, '70
Mr. Brian Innis
Mr. John Irvine, '83, P'l 1
Vice President for Planning and Principal Giving
History Department
Director of Admissions
Bene M erenti 40
Years at Prep: 3
Bene Merenti 25
Mr. M ichael Jiran, '03
Mr. Anthony Keating, '78
Mr. M ichael Kelly
Director of Communications
History Department
Educational Technology
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 1
Dr. Richard Kennedy
Ms. M egan Klim, P 'l6
Mr. Kyle Kutsup
English Department
Fine Arts Department Chair
Physical Trainer
Bene M erenti 47
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 1
Ms. Theresa LaBruno split my pants in school during my shman year.”
Mr. Peters became friends with Mr. Canale.”
Mr. Veniero accidentally hit my Latin teacher with a oor. Not recommended.”
Mr. Dougherty I •
“W hen Mr. D andorf serv ed as D ean of Students, he had a p o licy of giving stud ents 1 jug for every finger that tou ch ed his desk. W hen I w as a freshm an waiting to se e Mr. D andorf for the first tim e, a group of sen io rs told m e I had to to u ch his d esk w hen speakin g with him. After Mr. D andorf saw that 1 had p laced both hands flat on his desk, he mv first ten ju jugs. aw arded m e with my g s.”
Mr. Morrissey
Mathematics Department
Years at Prep: 5
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■ itflr. Anthony Locricchio, '96
Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P'95, '96
History Department
Dean of Student Activities
Assistant to the President
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 13
Bene M erenti 22
Ms. Janice Martineau
Ms. Diane M cCabe
Sr. M argaret McCann, S.C.
College Counseling Assistant
Finance Office
English Department
Years at Prep: 19
Bene M erenti 22
Years at Prep: 3
Mr. M ichael M cCarthy
Ms. M ary Anne McElroy
Ms. Alice M cNally
Religion Department
History Department
English Department
Years at Prep: 11
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 9
Mr. Christos Mergoupis, '04
Ms. Sarah Morissette
Mr. John Morris
Classical Languages Department
Guidance Department
Dean of Students
Years at Prep: 5
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 10
Mr. Patrick * LaGuerre
Ms. M aria Morris
Guidance Department
at is your favorite anima and why7
•* • • • • -*• • • • • • “Not what, but who: King Kong-I always wanted to climb the Empire State Building with a girl in my arms.”
Dr. Kennedy Years at Prep: 3
“My cat Rossi, because he gives me headbutts of love..”
Mr, Cunneen
“The Pegasus, because he is bold and m ajestic.”
Mr. Mergoupis “Ferrets, they are extremely friendly and faithful. Fun to play with as they have a real sense of play.”
Fr. O'Hare, S.J.
Mr. Gregory Morrissey, '08
Fr. John Mullin, S.J.
Ms. Jessica Nordstrom
English Department
Guidance Department
Guidance Department
Years at Prep: 1
Bene M erenti 22
Years at Prep: 1
Ms. Jessica Norton
Mr. Christopher O'Brien
Mr. Ryan O'Flaherty
Finance Office
Science Department
Physical Education Department
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 2
Fr. Robert O'Hare, S.J.
Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych
Ms. Deborah Peko-Lillis, P'10
Mathematics Department
History Department; Assistant Dean of Students
Database Manager
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 4
Mr. Richard Peters, '85
Ms. Peggy Popp-Murphy, P'08
English Department
Assistant to the Director of Operations
Years at Prep: 17
Years at Prep: 6
Mr. Thomas Powers
Modern Languages Department Years at Prep: 1
Mr. Jose Que, '99 ’he Fox. My boys Ylvis would be more an happy to explain why!”
Ms. Rivera darmoset, they look like they have a lot : fun.”
Mr, Arteaga
“Wild Canadian geese.”
Mr. G am bone “Penguin, a bird who can't fly but swims., what isn't there to like?”
Physical Education Department Years at Prep: 6
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Ms. Cheryl Rice
Mathematics Department
English Department
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 2
Bene M erenti 32
Years at Prep: 1
Ms. Erica Rivera
Ms. Rosalie Romano
Mr. Gabriel Rossi
Assistant to the Director of Athletics
Modern Languages Department Chair
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 1
Ms. Frances Salvo
Mr. Arvind Sawh
Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
Director of Special Events
Operations Staff
Classical Languages Department
Years at Prep: 3
Bene M erenti 24
Years at Prep: 6
Dr. Dominic Scibilia
Mr. M ichael Settembrino, '01
Ms. Maureen Sheppard
Religion Department
Mathematics Department
School Nurse
Years at Prep: 15
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 6
English Department
If you could star in any play or movie, what role would you play and why? “The Fugitive, due to its parallels with The
Power and the Glory, and I look like
“Anything with Daniel Day-Lewis. Not that I'm obsessed with him, but....”
Harrison Ford in my dreams.”
Dr. Hartling Years at Prep: 3
Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J.
Mr. Casey # Quinn
Ms. Brooke Simonson
“I'd be Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird who wouldn't want Atticus Finch for a father?”
Ms. Supple
Ms. Fitzpatrick “Evy Carnahan from The Mummy - I'd lo^ to be the adventure seeking librarian!”
Ms. Cloyd
Ms. Boreta Singleton
Mr. Nyugen Smith
Religion Department Chair
Fine Arts Department
Mathematics Department Chair
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 8
Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, P'96, f01, '06
Mr. Rocco Tejada
Ms. M aura Toomb
Operations Department
Director of Campus Ministry
Years at Prep: 12
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 5
Ms. A ym ee Torres-Perez
Mr. Kenneth Trotta
Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
Modern Languages Department
Science Department
Classical Languages Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 6
Mr. Salvatore Veniero, '05
Mr. Anthony Verdi, '95
Ms. Elizabeth Walsh
Modern Languages Department
History Department
Advancement Office
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 14
Bene M erenti 29
Mr. M ichael Wieners, '04
Ms. Joan Zanfardino
Director of Alumni Relations
Science Department
veryone knows the answer to ust in case: it rhymes with Barry
H i
Ms. Erin Stark
Mr. Scannapieco mel from The Little Mermaid because e always loved the movie, and really, t girl wouldn't want to be a mermaid incess?”
Ms. Norton
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Years at Prep: 1 # • # • # •
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Years at Prep: 2 • •
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SENIORS C U o f2 0 14
Nathaniel Alegria K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ;A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ; V o x 2 , 3 , 4
“It's not about changing the world; it's about changing someone's world.” -Dani Stein I
Nicholas Angeli F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F r e s h m a n I g n i t e R e t r e a t1 ; A C a l lt o D i s c i p l e s h i p R e t r e a t2
“Overcoming challenges is my nature. It is the creed by which I live.” -Original I
Peter Apicella L a c r o s s e 1 ;V o x1 , 2 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 4 ; E n v i r o n m e n t a lC l u b 4
‘Nothing good is ever easy.” -Vincent Apicella I
A n i m e C l u b 1 ;D r a m a C l u b 2 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 3 , 4 ; A s ia n S o c i e t y 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 3
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmoj to reach out eagerly and withou fear for newer and richer experience.” -Eleanor Roosevc
Daniel Apicella
C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I n d o o r T r a c k a n d F i e l d 1 , 2 , 3 O u t d o o rT r a c k a n d F i e l d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F r e s h m e n A m b a s s a d o r ;K a ir o s2 5 ;A M D G 2 ;N a t i o n a lF l o n c S o c i e t y ;N a t i o n a lS p a n is h F l o n o r sS o c i e t y 3 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;W e s tV i r g i n i a H a b i t a t H u m a n i t y I m m e r s i o n T r i p 4 ;E n g l i s h S il v e rM e d a H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;S p a n is h C l u b 2 ;E u c h a r i s t i c t M i n i s t e r4 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ;S t u d e n tC o u n c i l3 , '
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, adm it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” -Franklin D. Roosevt
Julian Arena
M o d e lU N 1 , 2 ,p r e s i d e n t3 , 4 ;G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 , G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o r sS o c i e t y • I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B e t h l e h e m F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2
“Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incom petence.” -Napoleon Bonaparj
Austin Armon S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;H A P T u t o r1 , 2 ;F r e s h m e n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; N Y P r o v i n c e L e a d e r s h i p W o r k s h o p 1 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; I g n a t i a n S c h o l a rL e a d e r s h i p T e a m 2 , 3 , 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r4 ;S p a n is h C l u b 3 ; I n t r a m u r a lD o d g e b a l lC h a m p i o n 4 ;I g n a t i a n T u t o r2 ;J N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o r S o c ie t y 3 ;A M D G 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 , 2 8 ;E m m a u s2 6 9
“The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school.” -Will Smith I
Daniel Arroyo I n d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 3 ;B a s k e t b a l lF a n C l u b 4 ; K a ir o s2 4 ;C a m d e n I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2
“Life will put many red lights in front of you, but sometimes we must push on the gas and trust God.” -Kendrick Lam
Jonathan Bannon
Tanner Barbieri
C r e w 1 , 2 ;F e n c i n g 2 , 3 , 4
L a c r o s s e 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;P e t r o c 3
“Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.” -Mel Brooks!
“So here's to it, and from it, and to it again, and if you don't do it to it when you get to it, you won't | do it to it, when you get to it again.” -Ballad of the Frogman I
Michael Battista P e t r e a n 2 , 3 ,e d i t o r4 ; B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t4 ; T e n n is1 , 2 ;E m m a u s2 7 2
‘Failure is not an option.” -Gene Kranz, “Apollo 13” !
Frank Beatrice F e n c i n g1 ;R u g b y1 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 ; S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a t2 ;C a m p N e w D a yI m m e r s i o n T r i p 3 ;W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 , 4 ;B igB r o t h e r3 , 4 ; T . V S t u d i o 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 7 0 ; S t .P e t e r 'sP e r f o r m i n g A r t sC l u b ( S P P A C )
“It does not matter where you start; it only matters where you finish.” -Original I
Derik Beckett A f t e rP r e p T u t o r3 ;B a n d 3 , 4 ; H e l l e n i c S o c ie t y 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
‘Well begun is half done.” -Aristotle I
Shamir Bearfield F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Consistency is the key to su ccess.” -Original
What class/subject did you find the most challenging during your time at Prep ? Michael Fernandes: AP World History during sophom ore year was one o f the m ost challenging courses I have taken at Prep. Nonetheless, Mr. Coviello still found a way to m ake the class fun and entertaining. Conor Golway; Id say my m ost challenging class was probably Precalculus Honors during my Junior Year. I probably challenged m yself a little too far taking that class since math isn't my strongest subject by any means, but I did my b est with what I had. Tomas Morales; The m ost challenging class I ever had was
English Honors my freshman year with Mr. Furlong. There was a lot o f work that I was not u sed to, and I was behind everyone else in the s e n s e that I was never in a honors class before. Frank Beatrice: Latin and Algebra, these subjects were simply not my strong suits when I entered prep. These challenging courses helped m e b eco m e a stronger student. Kristian Real: I think that I found Computer Science: Java
Honors class the m ost challenging b eca u se it required m e to use my problem solving skills all the time to try and figure out how to execute different assignments. Also, trie class required m e to rem em ber the different programming methods to help solve the different problem s given.
Barrington Bennett
Ryan Berger
I n d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 ;K a ir o s 2 7 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; B a s k e t b a l lF a n C l u b 4 ;N a t i o n a lF l o n o rS o c i e t y ; N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c i e t y
A c a d e m i c B o w l1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;T V S t u d i o 3 ,V P B a n d 1 , 2 , 3 ,t r e a s u r e r4 ;P e t r o c 3 ,e d i t o r 4 ;G o l f N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 3 ; S t .P e t e r 'sP e r f o r m i n g A r t sC l u b 3 , 4 ; A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;V i d e o G a m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; S o c i e t y o fC o m e d i c A p p r e c i a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 7 (
“Sophisticated ignorance, write my curses in cursive.” -Kanye West I
What is the most unique part of the Prep experience? Sean Doherty: The most unique part o f the prep experience
is that you all walk in a s strangers and leave with kids you'll rem em ber the rest o f your life.
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a do it's too dark to read.” -Groucho Mai
Declan Berutti C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;H i s t o r y C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;I g n a t i a n s c h o l a rT u t o r B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;
“Teamwork makes the dream work.” -John C. Maxwe
Juan Gomez; The way the whole entire community unites as
one in sporting events, m asses, classes, and everything that happens on and off prep campus.
James Sause: I loved my Kairos retreat, it reinforces the
sen se o f community Prep offers.
Owen Lynskey . For m e the most unique part of the prep
experience is the sen se o f brotherhood I feel after spending four years strengthening my relationship with my classm ates.
Conor Golway: I'd say the most unique aspect o f Prep is the
focus on giving back to the community. I have heard o f plenty of other Catholic schools which have a strong spiritual program, but Prep d o es not just settle for prayer. Action, to Prep, is just a s important, and the mixture o f these two traits is what m akes it such a great school.
Brendan Boardinghar I c e H o c k e y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;C a m d e n I m m e r s i o n T r i p H a b i t a tF o rH u m a n i t y D e l a w a r e 4 ;K a i r o s2 7 ,3 3 E m m a u s2 7 2 ;A M D G 2
“When you move like a jellyfish rhythm don't mean nothing you go with the flow you don't stop.’ -Jack Johnso
Brendan Boardingham: The most unique part o f the Prep
experience has to b e the brotherhood betw een the students. When your classm ates can m ake waking up at 6 AM not all that bad, you know that you have something special. Derik Beckett: Being able to go to an institution where compassion, understanding, diversity, and brotherhood is always present. Conor Finn: Community P eriod- What other school has a 50
minute free period in the middle o f every day?
Malcolm J. Merritt: The most unique part o f Prep are the retreats. There are so many friendships built from there it is simply unreal. There is no other feeling like spending a few days with acquaintances and leaving with brothers.
Matthew Brown R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r s3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ,2 9 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ,2 6 A r tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;A r tM a g a z i n e 3 , 4
“Every journey starts with fear.” [-Jake Gyllenha;
Samuel Burkhardt I c e H o c k e y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;A r tC l u b 3 , 4 ; E d i t o ro fT h e M a r a r t e r3 , 4 ;E m m a u s2 7 3 ; W e s tV i r g i n i a M i n i s t r y a n d A d v o c a c y W o r k c a m p s2 ; A s ia n S o c i e t y1 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 ;
“This is the youngest that we’re ever gonna be. This is our time, live in the now.” -Sutter Keely I
Thomas Calloni S w i m m i n g 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 3 , 4
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Christopher Butko C r o s sC o u n t r y 2 , 3 , 4 ;I n d o o r T r a c k 2 , 3 , 4 ;O u t d o o r T r a c k ] 2 , 3 , 4 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r sL e a d e r s h i p T e a m 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; B e t h e lA l a s k a S e r v i c e T r i p 2 ;H a b i t a t f o rH u m a n i t y W e s tV i r g i n i a 3 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t u d e n t C o u n c i l R e p r e s e n t a t i v e 1 , 3 , 4 ;S t u d e n tC o u n c i lV i c e P r e s i d e n t2 ;| C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a i r o s2 4 ,L e a d e r 3 2 ; E m m a u s2 6 7 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ;B i g B r o t h e r 3 , 4 ; H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r sT u t o r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;L a c r o s s e 1 ;S o c c e r1 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o r S o c i e t y 4
“Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was goin'. I never thought it would take me anywhere.” -Tom Hanks, “Forrest Gump” I
Andrew Capobianco S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;T e n n i s2 , 3 , 4 ;F e n c i n g1 ;| B o w l i n g 2 ;D e b a t e 2 ;C o n c e r tB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 ; K a ir o s2 6
“Give me today, for once, the worst throw of your dice. Today I transmute everything into gold.” i -Friedrich Nietesche
ANDR.EVJ Matthew Capobianco| K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 7 0 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ; R u g b y 3 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 ;G e r m a n C l u b 1 , 2 , 3
Zachary Carlee L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 ;W IL D C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 ;S t u d e n tC o u n c i lV i c e P r e s i d e n t4 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ,2 8 ’ ; A M D G 2
“People who think too much before they act don't act too much.” -Jimmy Buffett I
Michael Carlino F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B e t h e lA l a s k a 2 ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y W e s tV i r g i n i a 3 ;K a ir o s2 5 ; E m m a s2 6 9
“Life is all about experiences; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The memories that we've all shared will be cherished forever.” -Original I
Colin Carney R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;W . I . L . D .2 ,p r e s i d e n t3 , 4 ; M a r a u d e rR a d i o N e t w o r k 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;j F a n t a s y S p o r t sC l u b F o u n d e r / P r e s i d e n t4 ; P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; A M D G 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 , 3 0 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ;A r r u p e W e e k | C o m m i t t e e 4 ;IF T J2 0 1 2 ;C a m d e n I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;B e t h e lM is s io n T r i p 3 ; S p a n is h H o n o rS o c ie t y 3 , 4 ;S p i r i tA w a r d 4
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” -John Augustus Shedd I
Gregory Carpenter S o c c e r1 , 2 ;C r e w 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 3 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 7 2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4
Devir Carrera C o n c e r tB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;J a z zB a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 (
“You just can't beat the person who never gives up.” -Babe Ruth I
‘Don't walk away in silence.” -Joy Divisio:
Kenneth Carroll
Brady Cashman
S t u d e n tC o u n c i l1 , 4 ;F r e s h m a n C la s sP r e s i d e n t ; F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ; K a ir o s2 5 ,l e a d e r2 9 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ;A M D G 2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 3 , 4 ; W a t e rP o l o 4
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill I
L i t e r a m a 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;V i d e o G a m e C l u b 1 , 2 ; A n i m e C l u b 3 ;F r e n c h E x c h a n g e 2
‘Bowties are cool.” -Matt Smitl
‘'H A ?
Jonathan Castaldo V o x 2 , V P 3 , 4 ;B a n d 1 , 2 , T r e a s u r e r3 , V P 4 ; P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; W i n t e rD r a m a 3 , 4 ;S p r in g M u s ic a l2 , 3 , 4 ; P e r f o r m i n g A r t sC l u b 3 , 4 ;F r e s h m a n V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 2 ; V o l l e y b a l l1 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 7 1 ; I g n a t i a n F a m i l y T e a c h In 2 0 1 3
“Fugazy, fugasi, it’s a wazi it’s a woozy...it’s fairy dust.” -Mark Hanna, “The Wolf of Wall Street” I
Michael Cirilo B a s e b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ; E m m a u s2 7 1
“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.” -Michael Phelps |
JTUcKcaX (Muhy
Matthew Chu S w i m m i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 7
“If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.” -Taylor Swil
James Clark C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 ;V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 ; V o x 1 ,m a n a g e r 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t 4 ;S p r i n g M u s i c a l2 , 3 , 4 W i n t e rP l a y 4 ;P e r f o r m i n g A r t sC l u b 3 , 4 ; H A P T u t o r1 , 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 7 1 ; L e a d e r s h i p W o r k s h o p 2
“Mischief managed.” -J.K . R o w lim
Anthony Colegrove F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;B a s e b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E t m m a u s2 6 8
Thomas Collins R u g b y1 , 3 , 4 ;F r e n c h C l u b 3 ;A r tC l u b 4 ;K a ir o s2 7
“A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.” -Richard Sherman
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh
Jake Colville
Sean Concannon
S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 5
‘Bara kee click click.”
B a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;V o x 3 , 4 ;F e n c i n g 2 , 3 , 4 ; A n i m e C l u b 2 , 3 , 4
“As Abraham Lincoln once said, as long as your senior quote has the name of a famous person at the end, people will buy it.” -Original
J l oJ (
Almamy Conde F o o t b a l l2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“Everybody’s path to greatness is different - some take the elevator, | some take the escalators, and I have to take the stairs, but I'll get there.” -Unknown
Who was your favorite teacher at Prep and why? Jack McKiveraan: Mr. Com ey b ec a u se h e m ade a
challenging subject like Chemistry s eem really simple and ea sy to understand.
Conor Finn: Doc Scibilia, I have never had a teacher who
challenged m e to think like h e did.
Sean Conheeney Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Pax | Christi 3,4: Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 23,31; Emmaus 267; West Virginia Ministry and Advocacy Workcamp 3; Bethel Mission Trip 3; National Honor Society 4; Italian National Honor Society | 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ignatian Scholar Tutor 2,3,4: Ping Pong Club 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Society for Comedic Appreciation 1,2; Lector at Easter Vigil 3; Fantasy Sports Club 4; Christmas Video Co-Writer 4
“Have the courage to lose control. Have the courage to feel useless. Have the courage to listen. Have the courage to receive. Have the courage to let your heart be broken. Have the courage to feel. Have the courage to fall in love. Have tne courage to get ruined for life. Have the courage to make a friend.” -Father Dean Brackley, S J.
: My favorite teacher at Prep b ec a u s e sh e has; challenged m e and brought out the b est in me. Sean Conheeney: Mr. Furlong, b ec a u se it seem s that his
knowledge o f Literature is limitless.
Benjamin Hurley: Mr. Oryshkevych, b ec a u se he has a passion for what h e teach es ancf knows how to m ake every topic interesting and appealing to his students. Christopher Butko: It's a tie betw een Mrs. McElroy and Mr.
Evans. They truly know the entirety o f their material and will stop at nothing to m ake sure the students understand it as well a s they do. Pure dedication.
Joseph Popovich: S ee, I don't wanna m ake anybody feel
bad. That's like asking a parent who their favorite child is. No comment.
Robert Cordeiro S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“You can't funk wit us.” - Snoop Dogg I
John Corea S t e v e n sE C O E SE n g i n e e r i n g p r o g r a m 4 ;S e a s id S a n d yR e l i e f3 ;H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y W i l m i n g t o n D e l a w a r e 4 ;S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a t2 ;F r e s h m a n D a o fS e r v i c e 1 ;K a ir o s2 4 , 2 8 ;P a x C h r i s t i2 , 3 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 1 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b Y e a r b o o k 1 , 2 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 ,2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4
“I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually. -Frank Sinatr
What was your favorite class or subject at Prep? Owen Lynskey: Art has always b een my favorite subject.
Creating art has taught m e wno I am and has given m e a view into my hopeful future.
Nick Angeli: My favorite class at Prep was Chemistry with
Giorgio Courtis L a c r o s s e 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ;B o w l i n g 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 3 , 4 ;M o d e lU N 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a z a r e t h F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 2 , 3 , 4 ;N e w S a in t s2
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is th story you keep telling yourself a^ to why you can't achieve it.” -Jordan Belforl “The Wolf of Wall Streel
Sister Frances. S he is an amazing teacher. S he helped m e academically and her kindness to m e is something I will always remember. Michael Battista: US History II with Mr. Oryschkevych. The
class topics would jump betw een Civil War battles to on going events that were happening all over the world. The discussions and d ebates we had were som e o f my b est experiences here at Prep.
Rocco Coviello H o c k e y 1 , 2 ,c a p t a i n 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l l1 , 2 ;K a i r o s2 7
Matthew DiScala; English, there is nothing more exciting
than opening a b ook and plunging into a world o f imagination that is impossible to anticipate and ea sy to long for after returning to reality.
Andrew Smythe: My favorite class was Latin 3 b ec a u se I
think Mr. Burokas is a great teacher, Latin is a cool subject, there are many fun readings and activities in class, and the class teaches students to b e more responsible with doing the work on time and efficiently.
“There's a brotherhood between us. And if you're not willing to give up everything, you've already lost." -Navy Seal “Act of Valor
Conor Goiwav . My favorite class at Prep has definitely been
History of the Middle East. Mr. DeLorenzo has m ade m e really want to learn more about events in this highly relevant area in the world, on top of what I have already learned from his class.
Jarrett Lewis; Dr. Scibilia's Christian Ethics class. I learned a
Armond Cox F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;W r e s t l i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 7
lot about the society we live in today and ethics from a Christian perspective. It was one o f the cla sses that actually changed m e a s a person.
Daniel Apicella: English 2 Honors with Mr. Geary. It lit my passion for the subject and prompted m e to expand my knowledge outside o f the classroom. Delano Smalls; Hands down, it's definitely science. Every year I've had a cool teacher, plus all the material is interesting.
“The best way to lie is to tell the truth . . . carefully edited truth.” -Anonymou
Michael Cozine
Paolo Crisostomo
B o w l i n g 1 , 2 ;J a z zB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C o n c e r tB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7
L i t e r a m a 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 ;V o x 4
“I thought it said, 'I'd rather go to lunch.'” -Spencer Shickora I
“Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?” -Unknown I
Michael Crowe
Peter Cruickshank
C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 9
V i d e o G a m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” -Muhammad Ali I
“The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and becom e blind to the arguments against it.” -George Bernard Shaw |
Daiquan Cutler V o x 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E b o n y C l u b 2 ;K a ir o s2 4
“The hotter the heat, the harder the steel. No pressure, no diamonds. We compete. We win.” -Robert Griffin, III
David de Leon II
Zaire Cuttino F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E b o n y C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b ;3 , 4
“But mama I ain't done yet, sit back and watch your son rise, kick back and know your son set.” -J.Cole I
Jeffrey DeFago
C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;In d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 3 , 4 ; B a s k e t b a l lC l u b 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
F o o t b a l l1 ;R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ; H i s t o r y C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 7 0
“Use my mind as a weapon, cause chances are never given they tooken like interceptions.” -Meek Mill I
“You’ve got to learn to survive a defeat. That’s when you develop character.” -Richard M. Nixon I
Michael Deloughery|
Ryan Diaz
V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 ;R u g b y 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 7 2
S w i m m i n g1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;W a t e rP o l o 4 ; C r e w 2 ;K a i r o s2 5
“Live simply so others may simply live.” -Gandhi I
Anthony DiGiacinto C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ,3 3 ; E m m a u s2 6 7 ,2 6 8 ;A M D G 2 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; W r e s t l i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C r e w 2 ;F o o t b a l l1 ; I t a l i a n C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.” -Peter Clemenza, “The Godfather” I
Sean Doherty F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ,L e a d e r2 9 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;G e r m a n C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“I've been around the world twice, talked to everyone once, and I've realized that there isn't anything I can't do; no sky too high, no sea too low.” -United States Navy Seals I
M atthew Donofrio
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” -Woody Alle
M atthew DiScala F o o t b a l l1 ;A r tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;M o d e lU N L i t e r a m a 3
“I'm not good at future planning I don't plan at all. 1 don't know what I’m doing tomorrow. I don' have a day planner and I don’t have a diary. I completely live ir| the now, not in the past, not in the future.” -Heath Ledge
Vincent D onatacc C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l l1 , 2 ;S t u d e n t C o u n c i l1 , 2 ;P r e p M i c r o b a n k 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 5 , 2 8 ; E m m a u s2 6 7 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B e t h e l ,A l a s k a 4
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” -George Adda “When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.” -Steven Wrigl
Brandon Douglas
H o c k e y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;G o l f1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 , 3 0 ;E m m a u s2 6 6 , 2 6 7 ;B e t h e l , A K 3 ;G i l b e r t ,W V 2 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M i c r o b a n k 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;B ig B r o t h e r s3 , 4 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r sT e a m 3 , 4 ;N H S4 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r
V o x 4 ;C L C 4 ;L i t e r a m a 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 ; C u l in a r y C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;A n i m e C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; V i d e o g a m e C l u b 2 , 3 ;K a i r o s2 6
“Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss I
“Goodbye? Oh no, please. Can’t we just go back to page one and start all over again?” -Winnie The Poo
Jack Egan
Eamonn Dwyer
W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;W . I . L . D .1 , 2 ,p r e s i d e n t3 , 4 ; T e n n i s3 , 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r4 ;P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4 ; C e l t i c C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;B e t h e lM is s io n T r i p ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y I m m e r s i o n T r i p
O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I n d o o rT r a c k 2 , 3 , 4 ; B a s k e t b a l l1 ;K a ir o s2 4
“If it ain't that piece of paper, there's som e other cn o ice they're gonna try and m ake for you. You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd wants to do man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the m ore rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-IV-I-N.” David W ooderson, “Dazed and Confused"
“Limits are limiting nothing but temporary tracking points, reach them and create new ones. Godbless.” -Original I
Connor English
Vince-Davis Espino
K a ir o s2 7 ;R u g b y 2 , 3 , 4 ;B igB r o t h e r3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e r N a t i o n H e n c h m a n 4 ;S o c i e t y o fC o m e d i c A p p r e c i a t i o n 2 , 3 , 4 ;E m m a u s2 7 2
K a ir o s2 5 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; T . V .S t u d i o 2 , 3 , 4 ;V i d e o G a m e C l u b ;A n i m e C l u b
“Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” -John Wayne I
“Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.” -Hikigaya Hachiman, I “Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru”
Brian Feeney L a c r o s s e 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;B igB r o t h e r3 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;W a t e rP o l o 3 , 4
“Live every week like it's Shark W eek.” -Tracy Jordan I
Who was your funniest teacher at Prep? Michael Feeney: There are a lot o f funny teachers at Prep -
I think it's something we pride ourselves in - but Mrs. Singleton has got jo k e s like nobody else.
James Sheehan; Mr. DeLorenzo was my funniest teacher at
Prep. Every class h e would go over history lessons with very clever jo k e s and analogies, a s well a s tell us his past experiences in humorous manners. I looked forward to his class everyday just b ec a u se I knew I'd always have a good laugh.
John Corea; Doc Hartling. His stories are always hilarious
Michael Feeney F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i2 , 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 5
and on point.
Matthew Manley; Father Azzarto has the most unique sen se
o f humor out there.
“Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you.” I -Kurt Cobain
Alberto Alicea: In my opinion, the funniest teacher at Prep is
Mr. Settembrino. He tells the funniest jokes. Nick Angeli: Mr. Santos, hands down.
James Ryan; Mr. G am bone always has a funny story that
som ehow related to a profound understanding o f Jesu s, and I always looked forward to his class when I was lucky enough to have him a s a religion teacher sophom ore year. His class tauqht the most without the busy work that other classes have.
Michael Fernandes Baseball 1,2,3; Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 2; Bethel Immersion Trip 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 24, 29: Emmaus 266,267; Big Brother 3,4; Magis Award 1; Spirit Award 3: National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society 4
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond m easure. It is our light, not our darkness that m ost frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.” -Marianne Williamson I
What was the most embarrassing thing you ever got in trouble for on campus? Michael Russo; I got kicked out o f the library for having a
wizard duel with Ryan Diaz. I was Harry Potter and he was Malfoy.
Jesus Ferrer T r a c k a n d F i e l d 1 ;M a r t i a lA r t s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 3 , 4 ;P i n gP o n g C l u b 4 ; J a z zB a n d 1 , 2 ;B a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“No matter who you are or who you becom e, be a good one.” -Origin.
Neil Feste F r e n c h C l u b 2 , 3 ,P r e s i d e n t4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , C r e w 1 , 2 ;C u l in a r y C l u b 2 , 4 ;S c i e n c e C l u b 3 ;I P s y c h o l o g y C l u b 2 , 3 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 ;E n v i r o n m e n t a lC l u b 3 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;C h r i s t i a n L i f e C o m m u n i 1 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 E n g in e e r in g C l u b 3 , 4 H o n o r sP i n 3 ;P e t r e a n 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 6
“There's no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt than with a flood of naked truth. -Frank Underwooc “House of Cardj
John Corea; Getting caught wearing fuzzy socks. Nick Angeli; In myjunior year, Mr. Oryshkevych caught my
friend wrapping training saran wrap around my face a s a joke.
Jake Marciniak: I ate an m&m in the hallway once...alm ost got JUG... pretty reckless if you a sk me. James Howell: Pressing my body against the glass door in
Conor Finn
C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , H e n c h m a n 4 ;K a i r o s2 3 , 3 2 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 , 2 6 9 ; C D O M S e r v i c e T r i p ;B e t h e lI m m e r s i o n T r i p ; P e t r o c 1 , 2 , 3 ,E d i t o r4 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; I n t r a m u r a l s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B i g B r o t h e r s3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , | N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y V i c e P r e s i d e n t4 ;N a t i o n a l S p a n is h H o n o r sS o c i e t y 3 , 4 ;F a n t a s y S p o r t sC l u b P r e s i d e n t4 ;H A P T u t o r1 ;E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r 4 ; A M D G 2
“If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing anything.” -John Woode
John Short; Punching a hole in the wall. r\y
w vhU
Charles Forker: Sleeping in the library - I didn't know there
was another purpose for the library.
Christopher Thoms-Bauer: Mr. Morris once called m e down
to his office for putting raw onions in som eone's b ack pack. It was embarrassing... I felt so bad.
Jeff DeFago: Explaining why I m issed a class due to no toilet paper in the bathroom. Harah Patel: When my phone went off in a class in sophom ore year, and I didn't realize that my b est friend had secretly changed my ringtone to “Dancing Q ueen”by Abba. Awk.
David Fiume K a ir o s2 5 ;M o c k T r i a l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;L a w S o c i e t y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 P o l i t i c a lP h i l o s o p h y C l u b 3 ;C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 ; C r e w M a n a g e r4 ;T e n n i s2 , 3 , 4
“Fear is the path to the dark side Fear leads to anger. Anger lead: to hate. Hate leads to suffering. -Master Yoda “Star Wars
Emmet Flanigan L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;W a t e rP o l o 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;S k iC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;P e t r o c 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 7 2
“Never let school interfere with your education.” -Dr. Keith Stone
Charles Forker F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;H A P T u t o r1 , 2 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ,H e n c h m a n 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ; E m m a u s2 6 7 ,L e a d e r2 6 8 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r 3 , 4 ;S o c i e t y o fC o m e d i c A p p r e c i a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;| V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I n t r a m u r a lS p o r t s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y H u n t i n g t o n ,W V 4 ; C D O M I m m e r s i o n T r i p 3
“Don't sweat petty things and don't pet sweaty things.” -George Carlin I
Ciaran Freeman P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t4 ;M i c r o b a n k d i r e c t o r3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ,H e n c h m a n 4 ;C a m p u s M i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;S t u d e n tC o u n c i l4 ;B e t h e l ,A l a s k a M is s io n T r i p 2 ;H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y ,W e s tV i r g i n i a 3 ;K a ir o s2 3 , 3 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 6 , 2 6 7 ;A M D G 2 ; I g n a t i a n F a m i l y T e a c h I n 2 0 1 2 ,2 0 1 3 ;S p i r i tA w a r d C o m m i t t e e ;A r r u p e W e e k C o m m i t t e e ;A r tG o l d M e d a l2 ;S il v e rM e d a li n A r t1 , 3 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ; B ig B r o t h e r s3 , 4 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3
“Make a future with beauty, with goodness and with truth. Go forward, make noise.” -Pope Francis I
Alexander Fresolone
Michael Florim K a ir o s2 6 ;H A P T u t o r2 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 3
“You can want success all you want, but to get it, you can't falter. You can't slip. You can’t sleep.” -Jay-Z I
Hank Forsythe C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 1 , 2 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ; F e n c i n g1 , 2 ;W r e s t l in g 3 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;E m m a u s
“Atheism is a non-prophet organization.” -George Carlin I
Tucker Freeman F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;O u t d o o rT r a c k 3 , 4 ;W IL D C l u b 4 ; K a ir o s2 5
“I'll tell you what: I'm never eating at Benihana again. I don't care whose birthday it is.” -Donnie Azoff, “The Wolf of Wall Street” I
Jeffrey Garrigan
F o o t b a l l3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
G o l f2 , 3 , 4 ;In d o o rT r a c k 4 ;M o c k T r i a l3 , 4 ; S t u d e n tC o u n c i l4 ;M o d e lU N 2 , 3 ; G e r m a n C l u b 3 , 4 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ; B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“If you ain't first, you're last.” -Ricky Bobby, I “Talladega Nights”
“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's | the size of the fight in the dog.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower I
Conor Gelson Crew 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Celtic Club 2,3, President 4; National Honor Society 4; History Club 2,3, Vice President 4; Microbank Secretary of Investments 3; Kairos 23; Model UN 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3, Vice President 4; Emmaus 271; Alaska Field Study Trip 4; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; CLC 3,4; Big Brother 4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Ultimate Frisbee 4; Intramurals 3
“There is no top. There are always farther heights to reach. If one thought himself at the pinnacle, he would slide back toward mediocrity by that very belief in his su ccess.” -Jascha Heifetz I
Bryan Ghobryal S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 4
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emersd
>yu r t /
M atthew Giardiello S w i m m i n g1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i2 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;N a t i o n a lI t a l i a n H o n o rS o c i e t y 3 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;B igB r o t h e r3 ;C a m p u s M i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;A M D G 2 ;E m m a u s 2 6 7 , 2 6 8
Mateusz GieldowslG e r m a n C l u b 3 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 3
“Yeezy taught me.” “If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.” -Albert Einstein I
Ethan Gilbert C r e w 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r sT u t o r i n g T e a m 1 , 2 , 3 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; P s y c h o l o g y / M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 9
-Kanye We
Alexander Gill C o n c e r tB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;J a z zB a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C e l t i c C l u b 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8
“Work smart, not hard, that's my philosophy.” -Dr. Gregory House M.D. “House’
“If you want any one thing too badly, it's likely to turn out to b ^ a disappointment. The only healthy way to live life is to lear| to like all the little everyday things.” -Lonesome Dot
Arley Giraldo
Conor Golway
B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;P s y c h o l o g y C l u b 1 , 2 ;M e d i c a l C l u b 3 , 4 ;A s ia n S o c i e t y 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 4 ; B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i4 ;N a t i o n a l G e o g r a p h i c G r a n d C a n y o n E x p e d i t i o n 3 ;C a m p N e w D a y C o u n s e l o r3 , 4 ;C r e w 2 , 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 4 ,L e a d e r3 0 ;E m m a u s2 7 1 ; H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ; N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c i e t y 3 , 4
“Hey, you guys ready to let the dogs out?” -Alan Garner, I “The Hangover”
V a r s i t y T e n n i s1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ; G a m i n g C l u b 2 ,p r e s i d e n t3 , 4 ;H A P T u t o r1 , 2 , 3 , ‘ C e l t i c C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2
“Hey. They laughed at Louis Armstrong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. Now he'< up there, laughing at them.” -Chazz Michael Michael; “Blades of Glor>
Juan Gomez S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;S p a n is h C l u b 2 ; I t a l i a n C l u b 2
“Success is no accident. It is hard | work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” -Pele I
Nelson Gonzalez I
Joaquim Goncalvesj M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C h r i s t i a n L i f e C o m m u n i t y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; H e l l e n i c S o c i e t y 1 , 2 ;S p a n is h C l u b 1 , 2 ;S w i m m i n g 2 ; P s y c h o l o g y C l u b 2 , 3 ;F o r e n s i c sS p e e c h & D e b a t e 3 ; P o l i t i c a lP h il o s o p h y 3 ;E n v i r o n m e n t a lC l u b 3 , 4 ; L i t e r a m a 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lS p a n i s h H o n o r S o c i e t y 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;C a m p u s M i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;A M D G 2 0 1 3
“I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.” -Bob Dylan I
Patrick Grosso
F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;W r e s t l i n g 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 ; P a x C h r i s t i4 ;B i g B r o t h e r 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ,l e a d e r2 6 8 ; S p a n is h E x c h a n g e 1 ;A M D G 2 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1
F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;C r e w 2 ;K a ir o s2 7
“Going in one more round when you don’t think you can - that’s what makes all the difference in your life.” -Rocky Balboa, “Rocky” I
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” -Jordan Belfort, I “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Mikhail Harvey C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 ;I n d o o rT r a c k 1 ;O u t d o o rT r a c k 2 , 3 ; S w i m m i n g 2 , 3 , 4 ;W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ; M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 , 4
“1 am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” -Albert Einstein I
Which teacher/staff member would you most trust to pack your parachute before skydiving? David Fiume: Probably Mr. Geary b ec a u se we all know his secret job is working for the Navy Seals. Matthew DiScala: Mrs. Klim, even though sh e would just put
Anthony Hector E b o n y C l u b 2 ;N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 3 , 4
I'm joking.” -Original
a painting o f a parachute in my bag.
Paul Scully; Definitely not Mr. Canale. Brandon Douglas: I would definitely trust Sr. Frances. She's super careful AND she's a nun! So I know that I'll definitely have G od on my side while I'm falling through the sky. Christopher Thoms-Bauer; Mrs. Zanfardino. She's far too
nice to do anything mean, w hereas Mr. Com ey would put rocks in my parachute.
Bryan Ghobryal; Mr. Morris. He would give himself JUG if something went wrong.
Fritz Heinrich
Vincent Hess
C r o s sC o u n t r y 2 , 3 ,C a p t a i n 4 ;In d o o rT r a c k & F i e l d 1 , 2 , 3 ,C a p t a i n 4 ;O u t d o o rT r a c k & F i e l d 2 , 3 , C a p t a i n 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 , 2 9 ; E m m a u s2 6 6 ,2 6 7 ;B ig B r o t h e r3 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o r S o c i e t y 4 ;F r e n c h N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 3 , 4 ; F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;V o l l e y b a l l1 ;M a g is A w a r d 1 ;B e t h e lA l a s k a I m m e r s i o n T r i p 3 ;W e s t V i r g i n i a H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4 ; F r e n c h C l u b 3 ;H o n o rP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;M o d e lU N 1
“The Hess Truck's back and it's better than ever. It's a monster this year. The Hess Truck's here -Hess Compar
“The only good pace is suicide pace, and today's a good day to die.” -Steve Prefontaine I
“A thousand words will not leav so deep an impression as one deed.” -Henrick Isbe
F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 ;W r e s t l i n g 1 , 2 , 3 ;R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; E m m a u s2 6 9
C. ) W r
Jonathan Hilliman F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 I n d o o rT r a c k 2 , 3 O u t d o o r T r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 E b o n y C l u b 1 , 4 K a ir o s2 6
“I don't do things with hopes in having everyone's attention. I just | happen to have everyone's attention when 1 do things.” -Original I
Andrew Holowienk< L i t e r a m a 1 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 3 , 4 ;P r e p U n p l u g g e d 3 I t a l i a n N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 3 , 4 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;P r e p D r a m a t i c s4 ; V o x 4 ;C h r i s t i a n L i f e C o m m u n i t y 4 “Calling so m eb o d y else fat w on’t m ake you any skinnier. Calling so m eo n e stupid d oesn't m ake you any sm arter, and ruining Regina G eorge's life definitely didn't m ake m e any happier. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of y ou .” -Cady Here “Mean Girl
Awefa&vj tJaJkunanJla)
If you had to do a karaoke duet in front of the school, who would you sing with and what song would you sing?
James Howell R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l2 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; P a x C h r i s t i2 , 3
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you car to all the people you can, as Ion as ever you can.” -John Wesk
Alex Gill; I'd definitely sing som e bird songs with Sister Meg.
She really loves skylarks.
Barrington Bennett; I would sing “A Thousand Miles”by
Vanessa Carlton with Malcolm Merritt.
Juan Gomez; Mr Cunneen. “Fergalicious”by Fergie Patrick Karol; Mr. Trotta and I are going to sing ‘‘Rich Girl” by Gwen Stefani. Justin Walker; I would sing Lorde's “Royals” with Nick
Rocco Coviello; I would sing any song by Bruce Springsteen
with Ms. McNally.
Brent Verlin; I would sing “Sw eet Caroline” with Doc
Stephen Hudock B a s e b a l l2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8
“Don't ever let the fear of strikin: out keep you from playing the game.” -Babe Rut
Benjamin Hurley V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ,H e n c h m a n 4 ; K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y D e l a w a r e 4 ;H A P T u t o r1 , 2 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt I
Bret Jablonski A c a d e m i c B o w l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B o w l i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; H A P T u t o r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;G r a n d C a n y o n F i e l d S t u d y 3 ; A l a s k a F i e l d S t u d y 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 7 2 ; B a s e b a l l1
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson I
Victor Jusino
M oham ed Jaafar B a s e b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;
“SoDull.” -Original
M atthew Jasko S w i m m i n g1 , 2 ,c a p t a i n 3 , 4 ;W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 , 4 ; T e n n i s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B . J .G i a n n o n e A w a r d 3 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a l H o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c i e t y 3 , 4 ;| B e t h e lM i s s i o n T r i p 2 ;K a i r o s2 7 ,l e a d e r 3 3 ;A M D G 2 ; E m m a u s2 7 2 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 ;M o c k T r i a l2 ,3 ,4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lL a t i n E x a m G o l d M e d a l1 ;E n g l i s h G o l d M e d a l3 ;H i s t o r y G o l d M e d a l3
“The ones who are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world are the ones who do.” -Steve Jobs I
Antony Kamel
B a s k e t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l l1 ;K a ir o s2 7
I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;T u t o r2 , 3 , 4 ; P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M i c r o b a n k 3 ;K a i r o s2 3 ,l e a d e r 2 8 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;B e t h e lM is s io n T r i p 2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ; H o c k e y M a n a g e r4 ;A M D G 2 ;H o n o r sP i n 2 , 3
“Respect all, fear none, my pride is everything.” -Nasi
“Only a fool stumbles upon what is behind him.” -Ray Lewis I
( <y v—5/ r
Patrick Karol J a z zB a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;C o n c e r tB a n d 2 ;B o w l i n g 2 ; F o r e n s ic s1 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;C e n t e rf o r M ic r o p l a s m a S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g ie sR e s e a r c h P r o j e c t1 ;G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4
“Perfer et obdura; dolor hie tibi proderit olim.” -Ovid I
Tony Kerbaj F e n c i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 ;R u g b y1 ;F r e s h m e n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a l H o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 7 0 ,B l o o d D r i v e C o o r d i n a t o r4 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 3 ; U M D N JP r e M e d i c a lH o n o r sP r o g r a m 2 ; N a t i o n a lS o c ie t y o fH i g h S c h o o lS c h o l a r s2
“Do not go where there the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson I
John King C e l t i c C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t4 ;T e n n i s2 , 3 , 4 ; K a i r o s2 5 , 2 8 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ; C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n tO u t r e a c h M i n i s t r i e s I m m e r s i o n T r i p 3 ;H a b i t a t f o r H u m a n i t y I m m e r s i o n T r i p 4 ; N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;P e t r e a n 2 , 3 , 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r s3
“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” -Oscar Wilde I
Richard King S o c c e r1 ;T r a c k 1 , 2 ;W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 ;K a i r o s2
“Success is not final, failure is r fatal: it is the courage to contin that counts.” -Winston Churcl
'im a r L T m y K
Jeffrey Krai G e r m a n C l u b 3 , 4 ;L i t e r a m a 3 , 4 ; G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4
“It takes a lot of time to be a genius. You have to sit around so much, doing nothing, really.” -Gertrude Stein I
Richard Larkin V o l l e y b a l l3 , 4 ;S o c c e r1 , 2 ;I n d o o rT r a c k 1 ; K a ir o s2 6 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r4 ;N a z a r e t h F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c ie t y 3 , 4 ;I n t r a m u r a l s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3
“In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result.” -James Allen I
Daniel Leahy B a s k e t b a l l1 , 3 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; K a ir o s2 3 , 2 9 ;E m m a u s2 7 3 “T hey bought it. In cred ible! O ne of the w orst p erfo rm an ces of my ca re e r | and they never d oubted it for a seco n d . How could I possibly be ex p e cted to handle sch o o l on a day like this? This is my ninth sick day of the sem ester. It's getting pretty tough com ing up with new illn esse s.” -Ferris Bueller, I “Ferris B ueller's Day Off”
Kevin Kuhl
M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a K a i r o s2 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;B i g B r o t h e r E m m a u s2 6 8 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r sL e a d e r s h i p T e a m I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s T u t o r i n g T e a m 1 , 2 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 G o l d M e d a li n G e r m a n 3 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ;A M D N H S4 ;C a m d e n I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ; G e r m a n N a t i o n a lH o n o r sS o c i e t y 3 ;F r e s h m j A m b a s s a d o r1 ;N a t i o n a lL a t i n E x a m S il v e rM e
“Life's what you make it, so let' make it rock.” -Hannah Monte
Anthony LaRoccc A c a d e m i c B o w l2 , 3 , 4 ;M o d e lU N 3 , 4 ; H i s t o r y C l u b 2 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 7
“Give a man a fish and you fee him for a day, teach a man to f and you feed him for life.” -Anne Rite;
Tyler Lee V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s k e t b a l l1 ;T r a c k 2 , 3 ; F r e n c h C l u b 2 , 3 , 4
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, the you'll be successful.” -Eric Thorr
Jarrett Lewis
M atthew Leonard
F e n c i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4
S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l l1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 6 ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y W e s tV i r g i n i a
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill
“I tell you, bruh, I was looking at insects. They’re trying to survive. They love. They fight. They telling themselves something. We can ’t understand, but one day we will. I’m trying hard to figure it out. I’m there with them.” -Lil BI
Max Leyn
Ryan Lillis
S w i m m i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;W a t e rP o l o 2 , 3 , 4 ; F r e n c h C l u b 2 ;P e t r e a n 2 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;
C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;F e n c i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C e l t i c C l u b 2 , 3 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;G e r m a n C l u b 4 ; K a ir o s2 5
“Wishing your life was like a romantic movie.” -@Justgirlythings I
“We are all connected to each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson I
Kevin Lopes F e n c i n g 2 , 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 4 ;M a r t i a lA r t sC l u b 2
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” -Plato I
If you could have done one thing differently during your time at Prep, what would it be? Brendan Smith; Bought more m ock turtlenecks during my
freshmen year. Those things are going for $80 on the underground Prep market.
James Sheehan; I wish that I was more open to activities
when I was a freshman.
Neil Losordo
Matthew Brown; I would learn how to dunk so I wouldn't
have gotten cut from the freshman basketball team.
B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 4
Barrington Bennett; I regret nothing, so I'd probably spend
more time playing in the courtyard. “And I said we said I said, 'Are you strong?' They said, 'I’m strong if you strong.' I said, 'We strong, then.’” -Jameis Winston I
Matthew Donofrio; I probably wouldn't have worried so much in my first two years... about grades, social stuff, or whatever it may have been. It's not worth it in the long run, and everything worked out anyways. Jonathan Hilliman; Enjoyed it more and worried less.
Andrew Lotfalla N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c ie t y 3 , 4 ; E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 3
“What I do when I see someone pretty is I stare, I smile, then when I get tired, I put the mirror down.” -Anonymous I
What was the least favorite assignment you had to do while at Prep? Alberto Alicea; My least favorite assignment would b e my
Gabriel Luzzi F o o t b a l l1 ;W r e s t l i n g 2 ;C r e w 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 7 E m m a u s2 7 0
‘Are you good?”
Owen Lynskey C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 ;C e l t i c C l u b 1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 f C r e w 2 , 3 , 4 ;A r tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M a r A r t e rM a g a z i n e 3 , 4
“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” -Banl
very first research paper. It was not bad, but it was kind o f major. Patrick Karol; Anything Mr. Canale ever assigned for
Chemistry class.
Julian Arena; Making a tourism video in German 2 with
Ja m es Howell.
James Ryan; Reading “Tess o f the D'Urbervilles” for Sister
Meg's class. Nothing m akes a book exciting and suspenseful like a ten-page description o f a hill. The only su spen se was from the reader wondering if a g ood plot would happen. It didn't.
Michael Russo. D BQ s:( Nelson Gonzalez III; Sophom ore F aceb ook Chem project, I
Brandon Lyons C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;C e l t i c C l u b 3 , 4 ; I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 , 4
“Don't walk in front of me, I ms not follow. Don't walk behind me, 1 may not lead. Walk next 1 me and be my friend.” -Albert Carr
still get em ailed notifications from that project...
Nathaniel Alegria; Rewriting the handbook for JUG.
Jake Marciniak; Writing Rap Songs in Sister Meg's A.P.
English Course - thanks Malcolm Merritt.
Conor Gelson; When I had to do 6 AP Calculus sections... in
one day.
Harsh Patel; Probably the Egg-Drop Apparatus from Physics
class. Mostly b ec a u se our group's failed miserably, and bur egg flew out o f our apparatus like a rocket and landed twenty feet away. RIP Egg-y McGuido.
Lucas Voli; The summer assignment for AP Chemistry. Matthew DiScala; Any assignment that a teacher gave m e
when there was no school the next day.
Jason Mallonga A n i m e C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;J a z zB a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4
“Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy.” -Planktc “Spongebob Squarepan
M atthew Manley H o c k e y 1 , 2 , 3 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 , 2 8 ; E m m a u s2 6 3 ;B e t h e lA l a s k a I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y S e r v i c e T r i p 3 ;Ig n a t i a n F a m i l y | T e a c h In F o rJ u s t i c e 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4 ;C a m p u s M i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ; N a t i o n a lG e r m a n H o n o rS o c ie t y 3 , 4 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;B igB r o t h e r3 , 4 ;H o n o rP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters.” -Dave Matthews I
John Marano K a ir o s2 4 , 2 7 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; E m m a u s2 6 9 ;A r r u p e W e e k C o m m i t t e e 4 ; H A P T u t o r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;T r a c k & F i e l d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M i c r o b a n k 3 , 4
“'I'm bored' is a useless thing to say. You live in a great, big, vast world that you've seen none percent of.” -Louis CKI
Jake Marciniak F o o t b a l l1 ;V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 ; S P P B o o k s h o p 3 , 4 ;H A P T u t o r1 ;B igB r o t h e r3 , 4 ; P a x C h r i s t i4 ;I t a l i a n N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 3 ; I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ; S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a tL e a d e r ;E m m a u s2 6 9 L e a d e r ; A M D G 2 ;I m m e r s i o n T r i p B e t h e l ,A K ;H a b i t a tf o r H u m a n i t y D E ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ; S p i r i tA w a r d 4
“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.” -The Grey |
Steven Martinez
l4 ~
Sean Marshall R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 ;G e r m a n C l u b 3 , 4 ; P r e p W . I . L . D .3 ;K a i r o s2 4
“This is the USA. ‘Characters w elcom e’ is our country’s motto.” -Adam Devine I
John Martucci
S o c c e r1 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6 ,L e a d e r3 0 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;C L C 4
B a s e b a l l1 ;H o c k e y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7
“I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.” -Carl Sandburg I
“If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” -Milton Berle I
Carlton M atara H i s t o r y C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ; C o m p u t e rC l u b 3 ;K a ir o s2 4
“Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better.” -Walt Disney I
Anthony Matarazzo Jr. B o w l i n g1 , 2 , 3 ,c a p t a i n 4 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 ; V o l l e y b a l l1 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Just do you.” -Anthony Matarazzo Sr.
Andrew Mauro N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y p r e s i d e n t4 ; Ig n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; G e r m a n C l u b 4
Ian Maxwell W a t e rP o l o 3 , 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 3 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n H e n c h m a n 4
“The die has been cast.” -Gaius Julius Caesar, “De Vita Caesarum”
“Fugazy, fugasi, it’s a wazi it’s a woozy...it’s fairy dust.” -Mark Hanr “The Wolf of Wall Stree
Stephen McAuliffe
Jack McKivergan
S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 ;F e n c i n g 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ; E m m a u s2 6 9 ;A n i m e C l u b 4
“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.’ -Jack Kerouc
James M cM onagle
Connor McNamarc
K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b ;B e t h e l , A l a s k a ;P a x C h r i s t i
L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;A M D G ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l lc l u b 2 , 3 ; C e l t i c C l u b 1 , 2 ;I n t r a m u r a l s2 , 3 , 4 ;
“To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.” -Mark Twain
“To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to haw the courage to blow past them.” -Picabo Strei
Justin M ercado B a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;R u g b y1 ;C r e w 3 , 4 ;F o r e n s ic s2 ; A n i m e C l u b 4 ;C o m p u t e rC l u b 4 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 , 3 3 ; E m m a u s2 6 9
“With good friends you can't lose.” -Kermit the Frog, “The Muppet Movie” I
Malcolm Merritt F o o t b a l l1 ;I n d o o rT r a c k a n d F i e l d 2 , 3 , 4 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k a n d F i e l d 2 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 7 , 3 1 ; E m m a u s2 6 5 , 2 6 9 ;P e t r e a n 3 , 4 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;F r e n c h C l u b 2 ;P e t r o c
“Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” -Proverbs 29:1
Tomas Morales
Andrew Mescall
R u g b y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 ; E m m a u s2 6 9
G a m i n g C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;A n i m e C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows.” -Unknown |
“I thank whatever gods may be, For my unconquerable soul.” -William Ernest Henley, “Invictus”
John Nakar
Sean Mullman L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 ;L a w S o c ie t y1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M o c k T r i a l1 , 2 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2
K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ;V i d e o G a m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;T . V S t u d i o 3 , 4 ;C L C 4 ; L e a g u e o fL e g e n d sT o u r n a m e n t4
“Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” -John Lennon I
“If I've learned anything from video games, it is that when you meet enemies, it means you are going in the right direction.” -A philosophical gamer I
Daniel Navarro F e n c i n g1 ;D e b a t e 2 , 3 , 4
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you could rename any building at Prep, which building would it be, and what would you name it? Christopher Butko: I would change the library's nam e from
the Siperstein Library to the Salge-Cloyd Silent, Four-Chaired Table Experience.
Christian Osorio K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;R o c k a n d R o l lC l u b 1 , 2 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 4 ;S t a g e C r e w 3
John Marano: I would renam e Moriarty Science Center to
Capobianco Hall in honor o f Matt falling through the wall.
Nathaniel Alegria: I would renam e the English Building the “Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.” -Anonymous I
Horror House.
Shamir Bearfield: The English building. I would call it “The
Workout Building, ”b ec a u se you get a workout while running to class.
Daniel Leahy; Mulry. It should b e called The Palace of
Queen Sheppard.
Jomes Palmeri F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;R u g b y1 , 2 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ; K a ir o s2 6
“We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.” -Ronald Reagan I
fa t* # '
Marc Pardo K a i r o s2 3 ;R u g b y1 , 2
“Wait, we had homework?” -Origir
What was your most memorable encounter with a dean? Anthony Colegrove Mr. Morris making m e and five other
students sit in a room for 20 minutes for throwing snowballs, and then he gave us 5 jugs each
Harsh Patel F e n c i n g1 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ;C u l in a r y C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ; E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; M o d e lU N 2 , 3 , 4 ;P e t r e a n 2 , 3 , 4 ;E n v i r o n m e n t a lC l u b L i t e r a m a 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ; N a t i o n a lS p a n is h H o n o rS o c i e t y 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2
“Life happens wherever you ar whether you make it or not.” -Uncle Ir “Avatar: The Last Airbendt
Drew Williamson; Mr. Morris yelled at m e in my freshman year for going to my house. Michael Battista; Going to s e e Mr. Morris b eca u se som eon e
had put raw onions in my backpack.
James Sause; My freshman year I tossed a garbage bag
across the com mons and into the garbage. When \turned back to the table I was sitting at, Mr. Healy was in the seat next to me. Connor McNamara; When I walked into Mr. Morris' office on
the first day o f freshman year to get a transportation form. Never felt a greater sen se of concern and fear in my entire life
Ryen Pezzolla H o c k e y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;G o l f3 , 4 ;S o c c e r1 ;L a c r o s s e K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ; H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y I m m e r s i o n T r i p
“Play with passion and heart. If you don't carry passion into a sport - or in any job for that matter - you won't succeed.” -Phil Espos
Brandoni Lyons Lyons; I will always rem em ber the talk Mr. Morris gave us b e fore junior prom. Specifically the part when h e told us there will b e no “bumping and/or grinding” on the dance floor. Owen Lynskey; I was in the art studio one day, completely
out o f dress co d e b eca u se I was working with oil paint. My shirt was untucked and I had taken my tie off. Mr. Morris walked in and I felt great knowing that there was nothing h e could do about it.
James Ryan In sophom ore year I was in the Commons
doing homework before a rehearsal, when Mr. Morris brings out a bunch o f frozen R eese's and randomly gave m e one. And it was the b est R eese's cup I've ever had. Brendan Boardingham; I would say when Mr. Morris m anaged to change my nam e to a Dr. S eu ss book. He called me “Boarding-green-eggs-and-ham ”.
Ajani Phillips S o c c e r1 , 2 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“Don't play their game, take the game and make it your own.” -Carl DeLoren:
Joseph Popovich F o o t b a l lM a n a g e r2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6 ,l e a d e r3 1 ; S t u d e n tC o u n c i l2 , 3 ,E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e 4 ; F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 ;H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y W e s tV i r g i n i a 4 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ; S p i r i tA w a r d 4 ;B igB r o t h e r3 ;M a g isA w a r d 1 ; A M D G 2 ;R u g b y1 ;C L C 4
“Put your soul into everything, never back down. That's how you leave a legacy behind.” -B.o.B I
Zachary Power F r e n c h C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;W . I . L . D .2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ; H o c k e y1 , 2 , 3 ;L a c r o s s e ;1 , 2 ;C r o s sC o u n t r y ;1 , 2 ; C r e w 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;F r e n c h N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y ;F r e n c h G o l d M e d a l2 ; F r e n c h E x c h a n g e 2 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3
“Don't try to be better than your competitors, try to be different. There is always going to be som eone smarter than you, but there may not be someone who is more imaginative.” -Byron Wien I
Franklin Prado F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 5 ,l e a d e r3 1 ;C a m p u s M i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Christopher Pulmano| C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 3 ,l e a d e r3 1 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ,l e a d e r2 7 1 ; E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r4 ;A M D G 2 ;M i c r o b a n k 3 , 4 ; B e t h l e h e m F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;P e t r e a n 1 , 2 , 3 , e d i t o r i n c h i e f4 ;M o d e lU N 1 , 2 ,v i c e p r e s i d e n t3 , 4 ; I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F r e n c h N a t i o n a lH o n o r S o c i e t y 3 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;A s ia n S o c i e t y 1 , 2 , 3 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;T h e M a r A R T e r3 , 4 ; S p i r i tA w a r d 4
“No one will hit you harder than life itself. It doesn't matter how you hit back. It’s about how much you can take, and keep fighting, how much you can suffer and keep moving forward. That’s how you win.” -Anderson Silva I
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” -Henry David Thoreau I
Kieran Purcell
Darell Pusung
B a s k e t b a l l1 , 2 ;G o l f1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 ; C e l t i c C l u b 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 7
A s ia n S o c i e t y 3 , 4
“You fake a stomach cramp, and when you're bent over, moaning and wailing, you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid, but | then, so is high school.” -Ferris Bueller I
“I tell you, we are here on Earth to fool around, and don't let anybody tell you different.” -Kurt Vonnegutl
Jacob Ramos C r e w 2 , 3 , 4 ;W r e s t l in g1 , 2 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 2 , 4 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 ; B e t h l e h e m F a r m Im m e r s i o n T r i p 2
“Success is not final, failure is not | fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill I
Kristian Real V o x1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Many leaves, one tree. We're all individuals, but we're still connected.” -Ronin, “Epic”
Kevin Reidy
Paul Renzetti
P a x C h r i s t i2 , 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;M i c r o b a n k 3 ; E n v i r o n m e n t a lC l u b 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ; B e t h e lM is s io n T r i p 2 ;D e l a w a r e H a b i t a tT r i p 3 ;
L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C r o s sC o u n t r y1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 3 ; N a t i o n a lG e o g r a p h i c G r a n d C a n y o n T r i p 2 ; H o n o r sP i n 1
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded.” -Bessie Anderson Stanley I
Sean Richards R u g b y1 ;P a x C h r i s t i2 ;C D O M W e s tV i r g i n i a I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 9
“If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don't appreciate the moment until it's passed.” -Kanye West I
Christopher Roberts B a s k e t b a l l4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6
“Speak softly and carry a big stick.” -Theodore Roosevelt I
“It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?” -Ronald Reaga
Giancarlo Rivera R u g b y 3 , 4 ;M a u r a d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4
“I love a girl that can make me laugh. I am not really a laugh-atthings type of guy and I don't smile and laugh all the time... Bi if a girl can make me laugh... I'rr in love!!!!” -Jesse McCartm
Austin Roche B a s k e t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 3 ; I n t r a m u r a lA n d r o b a l lC h a m p i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , '
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” -James Dea
Brandon Rodriguez
Harison Rogers
C r e w 2 , 3 ;E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 3 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC u b 2 ; K a ir o s2 6
F o o t b a l l1 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 5 ;R u g b y1 , 2 ;E m m a u s
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” -Eleanor Roosevelt!
“Well, maybe we wouldn't sount so bad if some people didn't try to play with big, meaty claws!” -Harok “Spongebob Squarepants
James Ryan
Michael Russo
V o x1 , 2 ,a s s is t a n tm a n a g e r3 , 4 ;D r a m a t i c s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; A c a d e m i c B o w l1 , 2 , 3 ;P e t r e a n 1 ,e d i t o r2 , 3 , 4 ; G a m i n g C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 2 ; T V S t u d i o 1 ;K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 7 0 ;G e r m a n E x c h a n g e 3 ;G e r m a n 1 G o l d M e d a l ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;G e r m a n N a t i o n a lH o n o r S o c ie t y 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lL a t i n E x a m P e r f e c tS c o r e 2
W r e s t l in g1 , 2 ,c a p t a i n 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s ; B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;J a z zB a n d 1 , 2 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ;N a z a r e t h F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 3 ; N a t i o n a lI t a l i a n H o n o rS o c ie t y 3 , 4
“You never got me down, Ray. You hear me, you never got me down.” -Jake LaMotta I
“Always look on the bright side of life.” -’’Monty Python's Life of Brian” I
James Sause
Sean Ryan B a s k e t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r ; B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ,l e a d e r2 7 3
C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 , 3 ,c o c a p t a i n 4 ;I n d o o rT r a c k 1 , 3 , 4 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;W r e s t l i n g 2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 7 1 ;H o n o r sP i n 1 , 3
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson I
“I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.” -Forrest Gump, “Forrest Gump” I
Michael Scarpa C r e w 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r 3 , 4 ;W i l m i n g t o n D e l a w a r e I m m e r s i o n T r i p 3 ; A M D G 2 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 9
“I'm satisfied and proud of the things 1 did - even the bumps and the bruises that I've had on the way. You fall down, you get up, you brush yourself off and you keep going...” -Gucci Mane I
Do you have any weird superstitions for taking tests or quizzes? Kevin Kuhl: I actually take math tests backwards most o f the
Matthew DiScala: I always thought that if I wrote notes for
the test on my hands before class I would pass. Call m e crazy but it would work.
Anthony Matarazzo; When in doubt C it out.
Jack Schiavo F o o t b a l l1 ;C r e w 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a z a r e t h F a r m I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ;H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y 3 ;K a ir o s2 4
Brendan Smith: Netflix the night before and then pray the
day of.
Mario Spiniello; I have to call Andrew Mauro the night before “Dude, stinkin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.” -Jake the Dog, “Adventure Time”
to m ake sure I'm ready.
Jack McKivergan; If you go in expecting to fail a test/quiz no
matter what you won't b e disappointed.
Jake Marciniak; I always place my b ooks under my pillow to
allow the knowledge to sink into my brain while I sleep. (Theory o f osmosis).
Kyle Schmidt
Paul Scully
R u g b y 2 , 3 , 4 ;C r e w 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;B a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ; G e r m a n E x c h a n g e T r i p 3 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ; F e n c i n g 2 ;N a z a r e t h F a r m 2 ;A M D G 2
R u g b y 2 , 3 , 4 ;W . I . L . D .C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a i r o s2 5 ; E m m a u s2 6 9
“We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Which teacher most likely has a superhero alter-ego and what is it? Samuel Burkhardt; Mr. Furlong and his alter-ego Fade
Master Furlong. Weapon o f choice: Superior vocabulary and extensive knowledge o f classical poetry.
“You have no idea how high I can fly.” -Michael Scot “The Office
Daniel Segura B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 2 , 3 ; B a s k e t b a l lC l u b 4
“If you can't find somethin' to liv for you best find somethin' to di« for.” -Tupac Shaki
Harsh Patel: Mrs. McElroy a s the Washington Woman. S he
fights historical ignorance using the magical wooden teeth o f George Washington.
Jason Mallonga; Mr. Arteaga; Buzz Lightyear
James Sheehan F e n c i n g1 , 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 7
Tucker Freeman: Mr. Healy and Mr. Settembrino: Mermaid
Man and Barnacle Boy
Christopher Butko: Mr. Geary a s Darth Fader. Ryan Berger: There's a rumor going around that when Mr. Arteaga isn't teaching Freshman English, he disguises himself as the Assistant Dean o f Students.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerso
John Short: Mr. Morris is definitely Superman. His Kryptonite
is white socks and no dress shoes.
Nathaniel Alegria: Father O'Hare: Celtic Guardian o r a
vampire hunter.
Spencer Shickora V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Shamir Bearfield: Ms. McElroy. I can s e e her dressing up as
Catwoman at night.
Kevin Kuhl: Mr. Evans. Have you seen that man's Blue Mustang? It's his Batmobile.
“There is a road, no simple highway between the dawn and the dark of night, and if you go no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone.” -The Grateful Deac
Tom Collins : Mr. Settembrino. He g o es by the nam e o f
Father Arms and b en ch es the E building on chest days.
^ F f c h c e r G h ia fo r z s
John Short
Andrew Silva
R u g b y 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ; C L C 4
L a c r o s s e 1 ;K a ir o s2 5
“You see, war is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate.” -Marvin Gaye I
“Blessing in disguise, but 1 am not hiding who I am open your eyes, bro.” -Kid Cudil
Vincenzo Sita B a s e b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 3
“Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give... it's about how many you can take, and still keep | moving forward.” -Rocky Balboa, I “Rocky”
Brendan Smith H o c k e y 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 ;K a ir o s2 4 ; E m m a u s2 7 1 ;W e s tV i r g i n i a S e r v ic e T r i p 2
Delano Smalls F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;K a i r o s2 6 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k 2 ;E b o n y C l u b 1 ; C a m d e n I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” -Lance Armstrong I
Charles Smith C r o s sC o u n t r y 2 , 3 ;O u t d o o rT r a c k 2 , 3 ;K a ir o s2 5 ; G e r m a n C l u b 4
“Nowadays everybody wants to talk like they got something to say. But nothing com es out when they move their lips. Just a bunch of gibberish.” -Marshall Bruce Mathers III
“I am the gatekeeper to my own destiny and 1 will have my glory day in the hot sun.” - NachoI
Andrew Smythe
Benjamin Sobsey
C r o s sC o u n t r y 1 , 2 , 3 ;W i n t e rT r a c k 2 ; O u t d o o rT r a c k 1 , 2 ;B a n d 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C L C 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B o w l in g 4 ;F r e n c h C l u b 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 5 ;E m m a u s2 6 8
B o w l i n g ;3 , 4 ;T e n n is3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;E m m a u s2 6 7 ; A M D G 2 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a tL e a d e r4 ;W V H a b i t a tf o rH u m a n i t y T r i p 3
“Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.” -Abraham Lincoln, I “Bill and Ted's Excellent! Adventure”
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.” -Tim Duncan I
[fa r
Mario Spiniello K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 ;B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;A M D G 2 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;E u c h a r i s t i c M i n i s t e r4 ; N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;N a t i o n a lI t a l i a n H o n o r S o c i e t y 3 ;N a t i o n a lL a t i n E x a m G o l d M e d a l2 , 3 ; H o n o r sP i n 1 , 3 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; In t r a m u r a l s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;P a t r i o t so fP r e p 2 , 3 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C L C 4 ;H A P T u t o r1
“Life is like good fish, it's gotta be fresh.” -Dom Mazzetti I
Jack Szumski S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;G e r m a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 5 ;K a ir o s2 5
“I've never played for a draw in my life.” -Sir Alex Ferguson I
Shayron Taylor V o l l e y b a l l2 , 3 , 4 ;S o c c e r1 , 2 ;C h e s sC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; E b o n y C l u b 4 ;I n t r a m u r a lB a s k e t b a l l2 , 3 , 4
“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” -Kevin Durant I
Christopher Thoms-Bauer V o l l e y b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ,H e n c h m a n 4 ; C e l t i c C l u b 3 , 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i3 , 4 ;F r e n c h C l u b 3 ; B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 ;H i s t o r y C l u b 3 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 ;| P a t r i o t so fP r e p 2 , 3 ;H A P T u t o r2 ;In t r a m u r a l s2 , 4 ; B i g B r o t h e r 3 , 4 ;I g n a t i a n F a m i l y T e a c h I n f o r J u s t i c e 3 ; C L C 4 ;K a ir o s2 3 ;E m m a u s2 7 0 ;H a b i t a tf o r H u m a n i t y I m m e r s i o n T r i p 4
“Do everything you need to do to | keep the passion alive and to never forget that it is a privilege to do what you love.” -Martin Brodeur I
Andrew Swanson K a i r o s ;E m m a u s ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ; A M D G 2
“To see the world, things dangerous to come, to see behind walls, to draw closer, tc find each other and to feel. The is the purpose of life.” -Walter Mil “The Secret Life of Walter Mit
Michael Tanelli K a ir o s2 5 ,l e a d e r3 0 ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 0 1 2 I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4
“If you're going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churci
Abraham Tekle F e n c i n g 2 , 3 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 ;F o o t b a l l1 ;G a m i n g C l u b 2 , K a ir o s2 6
“Speed has never killed anyon> Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.” -Jeremy Clarks
Jonathan Tice F e n c i n g1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 6 9 ; P a t r i o t so fP r e p 2 , 3 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 V o x S t a g e C r e w 2 , 3 ;
“Courage is endurance for one moment more...” -Unknown Marine Seco Lieutenant in Vietne
Brian Tuhy
Kevin To
C r e w 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;S w i m m i n g 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7
F o o t b a l l1 ;A n i m e C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 ;T V S t u d i o 3 , 4 ; K a ir o s2 6
“Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts.” -William Gibson I
“The greatest praise I can give you is to not give you any, so that you may not feel satisfied with your achievements and strive to do better.” -My Father I
Bryan Valencia
Fred Turco
S o c c e r2 , 3 , 4 ;B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;P a x C h r i s t i4 ;K a ir o s2 7
B a s k e t b a l l1 ;K a ir o s2 6 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 4
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” -Romans 8:31
“With the dowhop zig-zag jello pops, kids nowadays bee zop Rudy ha ha ha ziggety zaggity puddin.” -Bill Cosby I
Paul Vella H o c k e y 2 ;K a ir o s2 7 ;E m m a u s2 7 2
“You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.” -Wayne Gretzky I
It's 10:21 A.M. on May 10, 2035 -- What do you see yourself doing? Daniel Leahy; Skipping a work meeting in the Nurse's office. Collin Carney. Being 38. Conor Finn; Still attempting to figure out the Prep GPA
Brent Verlin F o r e n s ic s3 ;A c a d e m i c B o w l3 , 4
Ryan Berger; It begins... Lucas Voli; Looking for my yearbook to s e e how I answ ered
this question 21 years prior.
“History repeats itself because nobody was listening the first time.” -Anonymous I
Charles Forker; Waking up in a rush b ec a u se I'm probably
running late for something.
Johnathon Tice; I s e e m yself in the Private Military
Contracting business. They get paid g o o d m oney to just sit in a car and drive. Michael Battista; Still waiting for the Rangers to win the
Stanley Cup.
Miguel Vidal S o c c e r1 , 2 ;E n g i n e e r i n g C l u b 2 , 3 ; S p a n is h C l u b 2 , 3 ;A r tC l u b 3 , 4
“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” -William Shakespeare I
Warren Vincentz B a n d 2 , 3 , 4 ;J a z zB a n d 2 , 3 , 4
Ryan Angelo Villadare M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;A s ia n S o c i e t y 1 , 2 , 3 , p r e s i d e n t4 ;P s y c h o l o g y C l u b 1 , 2 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 3 , B a s e b a l lC l u b 1 , 2 ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 4 ;F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r T e a m 4 ;A M D G 2 ;F r e n c h C l u b 3 ;E b o n y C l u b 3 , H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3 ;F r e n c h N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ,l e a d e r3 1 E m m a u s2 7 1
“Those who dance are considered insane by those wh' cannot hear the music.” -George Carl
Lucas Voli S t u d e n tC o u n c i lp r e s i d e n t2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t4 ;N a t i o H o n o rS o c i e t y 4 ;D e a n 'sA d v i s o r y B o a r d 3 ;B i g B r o t h e r3 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 ,L e a d e r s h i p T e a m 4 ;K a ir o s2 4 l e a d e r3 2 ;A M D G 2 ;M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 : F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r1 ;I t a l i a n H o n o rS o c i e t y “To laugh often and m uch; to win the resp ect of intelligent peop le an the affection of ch ildren...to leave t world a better p lace...to know ever on e life has breathed easier becau: you have lived. This is to have su c c e e d e d .” -Ralph W aldo Emers'
If there were a food fight| in the Commons, what would be your weapon of choice? George Goncalves. Gotham mystery meat.
Sean Voltz L a c r o s s e 1 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a t2 ;K a i r o s2 5 ;G a r d e n C l u b
“I don't want the money. I don't! want the drama. I just want to d my show. I want to have fun again.” -Dave Chappel
Malcolm J. Merritt: Candied Yams. Try getting that out of
your hair.
Jake Marciniak; A bagel... may not b e extremely m essy but
if you get a nice stale one, it could really do som e dam age.
Justin Walker F o o t b a l l2 , 3 , 4 ;S o p h o m o r e R e t r e a t2
Jack Egan. Mayo. Ciaran Freeman; Anything Gluten-free.
Perry Zirpoli; We are in the com mons right? I'll take the
deans' m egaphone.
Daniel Apicella: The Greasy O'Keefe bacon; the residue
would surely trip my foes.
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” -Vince Lomban
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Robert Walsh F o o t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 5 ;C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n tO u t r e a c h M i n i s t r i e sI m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ; H o n o r sP i n 1 , 2 , 3
“To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and nobody wants to follow som eone who doesn't know where he is going.” -Joe Namath I
% M r^
Daniel Ward K a ir o s2 4 ;E m m a u s2 6 8 “T h e truth is I'm a dork. I co lle cte d co m ics. I still love carto on s. I'd rather be at h o m e on a Friday night than out at so m e clu b ... My se n se of hum or is that of a geek. My likes and dislikes are that of a geek. I've m em orized every crap py sci-fi m ovie | there is, but still haven't seen Schind ler's List.” -Nathan Fillion I
Thomas Ward B a s e b a l l1 , 2 , 3 ,C a p t a i n 4 ;B a s k e t b a l l1 ;I g n a t i a n S c h o l a r s1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c ie t y 4 ; S p a n is h N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y ;K a ir o s2 4 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m ;S t u d e n tC o u n c i l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” -Albert Einstein I
Austin White B a s k e t b a l l2 , 3 , 4 ;K a ir o s2 7 ,l e a d e r3 3 ; E m m a u s2 6 7 ;C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;A M D G 2
“I yearn for that living large, but mama I ain't done yet; sit back and watch your son rise, kick back and know yo son set.” -J. Cole, “Wale's 'Beautiful Bliss'”
i j m
Jordan W hitehead
Kameron Williams
B a s k e t b a l l1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;B a s e b a l l1 ; S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 3 ;K a ir o s2 7
B a s k e t b a l l1 ;S t o c k M a r k e tC l u b 2 , 3 ;E b o n y C l u b 4
“Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” -Joshua J. Marine I
“Another day, another blessing, pockets fat, life's precious.” -Juelz Santana I
Drew Williamson S o c c e r1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;M e d i c a lC l u b 1 ;A r tC l u b 2
“Papa don't take no m ess.” -James Brown I
Perry Zirpoli M a r a u d e rN a t i o n 1 , 2 , 3 ,M a r a u d e r4 ;L a c r o s s e 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C a m p u sM i n i s t r y T e a m 4 ;B ig B r o t h e r3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n C l u b 2 , 3 ,p r e s i d e n t4 ;C D O M W V I m m e r s i o n T r i p 2 ; K a ir o s2 6 ,l e a d e r3 1 ;E m m a u s2 6 6 ,l e a d e r2 6 7 ; F r e s h m a n A m b a s s a d o r ;P a x C h r i s t i1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ;I t a l i a n N a t i o n a lH o n o rS o c i e t y ;I t a l i a n E x c h a n g e 2 , 4
“I want to put a ding in the universe.” -Steve Jobs I
Class of 2015 Michael Abdon Erik Aborde Joseph Abruzzo Aedan Accardi Christopher Aguilera Sean Ahern
Alexander Aiello Paul Ajayi Peter Ajayi Alexander Alberti Salvatore Alessi Eladham Ali
Alejandro Anderson David Anderson Austin Andrews-Sanchez Tyler Apito Gabriel Arevalo Dominick Arnaldo
Trinity Auriemma Robert Banaag Michael Barrera Brendan Barry Keillor Beckwith Alejandro Blanco
Kerry Boll Jaco b Borsellino David Bovich Kyle Bowes Tristan Brandt Renaud Bruce
Connor Burkert Ryan Burkert Clark Burnett Corey Caddie Daniel Callaghan Nicholas Camilleri
Joh n Campbell Ryan Campen Christopher Capparis Michael Capparis Justin Cardoz Patrick Carney
T erence Carroll Luca Casulli Paul Chiurazzi Winston Chu Michael Cid Jam es Clark
John Collette Nolan Collier Christian Colucci Peter Conlin Sean Connors Daniel Cooney
Brendan Coughlin Nicholas Cozzarelli Kenneth Creer Hayden Criollo Timothy Critchlow Sean Crowley
Anthony D'Aiuto Andrew D'Avella Anthony Dabb Nicholas Dawybida Julian De La Cruz Andrew Dellechiaie
Daniel Dellechiaie William DeMartin Christopher Dombrowski Jon Carlo Dominguez Alex Donaleski Nicholas Doren
Brian Doyle Anthony Duran Michael Dwyer Tariq Elmetwally Thomas Evans Griffin Faherty
John Fearon Andrew Febrillet Andrew Fennell John Filak Minkah Fitzpatrick Jordan Fox
Matthew Frezza Christian Gallardo George Garber Daniel Garrett Christopher Geissler Joseph Giani
Ian Gill Andrew Githens Carl Emil Gocon Gerard Gomilla Maximillian Grasselino Benjamin Halligan
Jam es Handy Daniel Harcourt Jordan Harris Christian Hedengren Ryan Hernandez Christian Herrera
Grant Hippie Thomas Howard Patrick Huggins Darnell Hutchins Sebastian Jaliff Dennis Jam es
Sean Johnson Tej Jolly Jonathan Juan Thomas Kaczan Nicholas Kaniewski Stephen Kellner
Michael Kennedy Siree Kerr Joseph Kopacz Tyler Kovacs Kyle Krutis Christopher Kuczynski
Rishi Kumaran Jonathan LaBella Jack LaBruno Richard Landolfi Christopher Lee Luke Leonard
Brian Liggio Thom as Linkus Henry Locke Emmet Long Patrick Lum Thomas Lyga
Jo se Adelfo Maceda Luke Madden Jam es Maglione Nicholas Magnotti Patrick Maguire Robert Mahon
Suhaam Malik George Malki Eric Malvey Joseph Manganello M ichael Marino Jerich o Martinez
Tyler Martino William Mason Paolo Matti Austin Matus Christian McCauley Jam es McGlew
Christopher McGovern Isaiah McGowan Michael McKittrick Jayson McKivergan Thomas McLaughlin Tyler McLucas
Thom as McManus Kevin McVeigh Adam Melville Vincent Menafro Jam es Mendyk Raul Menendez
Richard Messina Steven Millad Vincent Miragliotta Nicholas Morchel Ryan Mullins Flynn Munroe
Andrew Napolitano Josiah Ng Anthony Noiplai Andrew Notare John Nulty Patrick O'Leary
Nicolas Oberholtzer Matthew Oliveira Stephen Oro Edward Oser William Oser Griffin Otterbein
Jo se Palomino Alex Patel Lawson Penney Dean Perez Andrew Petrick Adam Picardo
Daniel Plaza Joseph Ponterdolph A. R eese Quinones Jonathan Racki Manuel Ramirez Jam es Randall
Marc Richards Phillip Richardson Jimmy Rivera Cheyenn Robertson Jibrael Robertson Scott Rogers
Brian Rojas Gabriel Russotto Anthony Ruvo Alex Sabatell Anthony Sabia Jason Santos
Emre Saritepe Nicholas Savino Daniel Sblendorio Justin Scherzo Alexander Serpico Sean Severson
Conor Sharp Jerem iah Silva Sonny Simonetti Joseph Siocha Matthew Skircak David Smith
Kyle Smith Robert Smith Nathaniel Soliven Max Solter Francisco Sorto William Springer
Steven Sprofera Tristian Staniszewski John Stemkowski Sebastian Sterling Daniel Sullivan Bradley Switala
Raphael Talatala Ahmad Thom as Devon Thompson David Tolentino Peter Tom ljanovic Steven Trujillo
Edward Valencia Roi Vana Thom as Vander Vliet Mark Vasile Sahil Vaswani Antonio Velardi
Shawn Vollaro Dwon Walker Patrick Walshe V incent W eber Jeffrey Whyte Hunter Williams-Burrows
Quinn Williamson Brandon Wimbush Declan Wollard Bennett Wong Marc Wright Jayadeep Yalamanchi
Nelson Yang Michael Zawistowski Ethan Zingalis Benjamin Zinn
Class of 2016 Allen Abanilla Daniel Acevedo Enric Adillon Anthony Alaimo Juan Alcantara Richard Aldarondo
Jonathan David Alegria Michael Altrui Kenneth Andrade Scott Andreas Marc Vincent Anonuevo John Armwood
Vieri Arriaga Joseph Atta Saad Bajwa Ethan Louie Bandales Brian Bartoszek Luke Bedell
Kaleb Bishop John Bonnet Sa'id Boykin Robert Brancatella Noah Brennan Federico Burke
Augustus Burkhardt Jonathon Butler Christian Butts Gabriel Cabello Jerem iah Campoverde Quinn Candelaria
Patrick Carroll Nicholas Cerbone Mark Chester David Clancy Francis Coleman Kevin Connelly
Dylan Connors Dominic Corrado David Corrao Griffin Corry David Cortinas Vincent Costa
Hunter Criollo Brendan Cunningham Vince Gerald Dagot Conor Daly Zachary Davis Christopher Debelak
Jerem iah DeGuzman William Delaney Stephen DeLaTorre Patrick Deleon John DeSantis Michael Dillane
Alexandre Dillon Liam Dillon Andrew Doherty Steven Domenech Brian Dougherty Brian Druciak
Dhruv Duggal Daniel Duggan Mario Echevarria Sherif Elmetwally Joseph Ferrara Matthew Fetherman
Brian Fitzhenry William Fitzpatrick Javier Flores Michael Fogle Stephen Fowler Jordan Francullo
Nicholas Furtzaig Nigel Gamarra Brandon Ganesh Samuel Gardner Isaiah Garlin Peter Garrigan
Jack Gercich Christopher Ghatas Nicholas Giardiello Duran Gonzalez Kai Gray Anthony Greco
George Grell Freddie Guacamaya Liam Guarnuccio Matthew Hart Eric Hartl Matthew Hedden
Luka Heinrich Michael Hester Thomas Hojnacki Kolton Huber Najja Hunter Mark Imus
Jason Irwin Isaiah Jam es Bryant Jaramillo Alec Kelly Krishen Khurana Connor Kirkwood
Christopher Kondratowicz Jake Kopacz Devon Lalin Patrick Lavin Anthony Lenardo Evan Lewis
Richard Longenecker Josh u a Lovit John Lovito Michael Lucia Patrick Lynskey Benjamin MacMillan
Avram Magnaye Devin Malmad Brian Maloney Theophil Mangold Jam es Marchione Brady Marinho
Diego Martingale Dominick Mastrodonato Alec Maxwell Thom as McIntyre John McLaughlin Luca McLaughlin
Philip Miguel Kevin Millad Anthony Minunni Michael Mitchell Antonio Monahan Nicholas Moreno
Matthew Moriarty Francis Mottola Brian Muller Michael Murphy Liam Nally Christian Near
Kyle Necklen Garret Negron Jam es Niland Liam O'Donnell Daniel Okoh Alphonso Palacios
Andrew Pappalardo Brandon Parrado Justin Pena Justin Penik Christopher Picinic Quinn Pierre-Louis
Vladyslav Polishchuk Luis Pomales-Diaz Brendan Popovich Colin Powers Michael Pritchard Robert Puhak
Ravi Raithatha Pierce Rasmusson Eddie Reaves Freddie Recio Sean Regan Frank Rinaldi
Joseph Rivelli Jam es Robertello Matthew Rodriguez Anthony Romano Felipe Rosario III Maximilian Rozano
Nicholas Ruibal Derek Sagun Wilson Salgado Dimas Sanchez Trevor Schum acher Jerem y Sebalos
Michael Simonetti Amarveer Singh Manav Singh Devin Siracuse Terence Small Philip Soscia
Miles Strickland Michael Sullivan Sawyer Swanson Patrick Sweeney Jam es Swetman Elijah Tait
Jam es Tanella Kenneth Tarantino Nikesh Teckwani Kirubel Tekle Michael Tierney Anthony Torres
Jonathan Ulloa David VanWinkle Cameron Vasfailo Joshu a Vega Raymund Viado Michael Vinci
Adrian Voysey Benjam in Warco Shamar Waterman Jedidiah W ehner Edward Whitehead Griffin Whitmer
Spencer Winell Robert Wisowaty Jam es Wright Josh u a Yanicak
Damion Abrams Masaki Aerts Nikolas Africa Clarence Aguilera Jonathan Ahn Michael Alberti
Andrew Alfonso Jeryll Ancheta Diego Anderson Christopher Appello Angus Applegarth Gregory Araujo
David Awad Thom as Bertron Jordan Billie Joseph Birdsall Zachary Birdsall David Biron
Jordan Blassingame Ryan Boll Justin Bonner Shawm Borkowski Corey Brown Luke Bukowiec
Robert Bulka Ronald Burgers III Jack Burgess Paris Burks Liam Butler Andres Callegari
Stuart Callinan Johannes Calloni Kyle Carlee Liam Carney Michael Castaldo Mauricio Cedillo
Robert Chambers Adam Chester Victor Chirichella Zachary Chmiel Tyler Cholankeril Fahad Choudhary
Cameron Clarke Lucas Coleman Matthew Costello Jason Coyle Anthony Crincoli Paul Cuccinelli
William Curtis Harry Daniels Michael Dardour Alexander De Martino Dylan Deans Michael DeSousa
Vincent DiBella Massimo DiMuzio Peter Dobbs Jam es Dolaghan Ryan Donahue Ryan Donaldson
Trevor Donatacci V incent Doren Ulise Duenas Phillip Dwyer Anthony Elia Youssef Elshenawy
Henry Erdman David Espino Cesar Esteban Andrew Ferrier M ichael Flanagan Sean Franklin
Carter Freeman Owen Freeman John Gagliano David Gallardo Matthew Gallo Nicholas Gallo
Alex Garrett Jonathan Garzon Francis Geltrude Thom as Girgis Luke Giunta Luigi Glover
Vincent Guastini Dylan Gudiel Nicholas Gutowski Thom as Habib lan Harnett Jihad Harrell
Conner Harrigan Zachary Hatiras Dean Helstowski Joseph Henry Ariel Herrera Sean Hess
John Hester III Quinton Hines jr. Kyle Hippie Finn Hodgins Jeffrey Hoens Matthew Honig
Riley Horton Bradford Hotz Zaki Hunter Alejandro Inayat Declan Intindola Matthew Issac
Ryed Jadun Anthony Jon es Zachary Joskowitz Julius Jova Seamus Kane William Karol
Hunter Keene Kyle Kelly Kyle Kenny Michael Kingsley Eric Kirchner Mateusz Koziel
Matthew Krasowski Ethan Kuhl John Kuhl Conor Larkin Michael Larkin Michael Leber
Johnathan Lewis Daniel Liggio Dean Lindskog Christopher Lonergan Theo MacMillan Daniel Manganello
Matthew Marrero Jihad Marshall Alton Martin Mitchell Matara Muhammad Mazhar John McAndrew
Matthew McDermott Brendan McEwen Connor McGee Maximillian McGinley Jam es McGuire Ryan Mendyk
Brando Mercado Sean Mikovits Adam Miller Joseph Millroy Ja co b Mirlas Nicholas Molinari
Harley Monteiro Benjamin Mowatt Brendan Murphy Thom as Murray Luke Natsvlishvili Eric Nieves
Liam Nolan Bryan Novak Hunter Novello Michael Nulty Jake O'Callahan Thom as O'Connor
Shawn O'Leary Kevin O'Mara Toritsem atse Ogedegbe Carl-lsaac Opont Anthony Ortega Jordyn Owens
Josh u a Padovese Gabriel Palma Julien Panepinto Michael Paradiso Michael Park Frank Pellegrino
Samuel Pellot Benjamin Petrula Samuel Phelan Matthew Phillips Nathaniel Pierre-Louis Jam es Pike
Anthony Pineros Gioncarlo Pisano Paul Policastro Jorge Portorreal Henry Posso Thom as Prokop
Jonathan Quinn Robert Quintas Sebastian Real Anthony Reyes Ryan Ribeiro Frank Ricciardelli
Thomas Riley Daniel Rivera Jam es Robbins Desmond Roberts Brandon Rossi Matthew Russo
Patrick Ruvo Michael Salameh Guido Salandra Dean Santos Nicholas Santos Adam Scagliarini
Finn Kristian Schuemann Hans Schundler Chirayu Shah John Shea Dashaun Simmons Rohan Singh
Andrew Siracuse Jon Sozer Alijah St. Vil Marc Stacey Cole Stallone Alec Stancampiano
Maximilian Steffen Peter Stokes Michael Strazza Aaron Such Adam Sullivan Connor Sullivan
Conor Sullivan Tyler Switala Jackson Tennant Matthew Tether Ram Thatham Grant Thieroff
Aidan Thornell Jonathan Thybulle Charles Torres Trevor Towindo Mark Uehlinger Tansi Ukegbu
Brendan Vander Vliet Geroll Andrew Vedar Kevin Vieira John Vinci Ronald Vivenzio Dalton Walker
John Walsh Benjam in Wang Colin Ward Alexander Wedgbury Brendan Wojtczak Justin Yannece
Brian Zawistowski M ichael Zdanowicz Paul Zirpoli Steven Zuckerman Lyandro Zuniga
A Abanilla, Allen 170 Abdon, Michael 164 Aborde, Erik 164 Abrams, Damion 175 Abruzzo, Joseph 164 Accardi, Aedan 73, 105, 164 Acevedo, Daniel 170 Addair, George 140 Adillon, Enric 170 Aerts, Masaki 175 Africa, Nikolas 175 Aguilera, Christopher 164 Aguilera, Clarence 175 Ahern, Sean 164 Ahn, Jonathan 175 Aiello, Alexander 164 Ajayi, Paul 164 Ajayi, Peter 164 Alaimo, Anthony 170 Albers, Ms. Katherine 120 Albers, Mr. Kevin 120 Alberti, Alexander 164 Alberti, Michael 175 Alcantara, Juan 170 Aldarondo, Richard 170 Alegria, Jonathan David 170 Alegria, Nathaniel 35132,150,153158 Alessi, Salvatore 164 Alfonso, Andrew 175 Ali, Eladham 164 Alicea, Alberto Antonio 114132,141,150 Altrui, Michael 170 Ancheta, Jeryll 175 Anderson, Alejandro 164 Anderson, David 164 Anderson, Diego 175 Andrade, Kenneth 170 Andreas, Scott 170 Andrews-Sanchez, Austin 164 Angeli, Nicholas 35132,138141,142146 Angermeyer, Ms. Janet 102.103,120 Annetta, Ms. Rosem ary 9 6 ,1 2 0 Anonuevo, Marc Vincent 170 Anthony, Carmelo 58 Apicella, Daniel 34, 35, 5 8 ,5 9 , 70, 71, 132, 138,162 Apicella, Peter 2 4 ,132 Apicella, Vincent 132 Apito, Tyler 164 Appello, Christopher 175 Applegarth, Angus 175 Araujo, Gregory 175 Arena, Julian 132, 150 Arevalo, Gabriel 164 Armon, Austin 132 Armwood, John 170 Arnaldo, Dominick 164 Arriaga, Vieri 170 Arroyo, Daniel 132 Arteaga, Mr. Juan 103,120,127,158 Atta, Joseph 170 Auriemma, Trinity 164 Awad, David 175 Azzarto, Fr. Anthony 119, 120,141
B Bailey, Mr. David 120 Bajwa, Saad 170 Banaag, Robert 164 Bandales, Ethan Louie 170 Bannon, Jonathan 133 Barbieri, Tanner 35, 69, 133 Barrera, Michael 164 Barry, Brendan 164 Bartoszek, Brian 170 BatBsta, Michael 133,138,154,161 Bearfield, Shamir 133,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 Beatrice, Frank 133 Beckett, Derik 133,134 Beckwith, Keillor 164 Bedell, Luke 170 Belfort Jordan 3 6 ,1 3 8 ,1 4 5 Bellamy, Mr. Clayton 120 Benedict Ms. Elizabeth 116117,120,122 Bennett, Barrington 3 4 ,3 5 , 58, 70, 71,134, 146, 149 Berger, Ryan 134,158, 161 Berle, Milton 151 Berruti, Declan 63 Bertron, Thom as 175 Berutti, Declan 134 Billie, Jordan 175 Birdsall, Joseph 175 Birdsall, Zachary 175 Biron, David 175 Bishop, Kaleb 51, 170 Blanco, Alejandro 164 Blassingame, Jordan 176 Bleasdale, Ms. Jane 120
Boardingham, Brendan 93,134,154 Boll, Kerry 164 Boll, Ryan 176 Boiler, Fr. Kenneth 12, 119,120 Bonner, Justin 176 B onnet John 170 Borkowski, Shawm 176 Borsellino, Jacob 164 Bouley, Mr. Adam 25,103, 120 Bovich, David 164 Bowes, Kyle 6 4,164 Boykin, Sa'id 170 Brancatella, Robert 170 B randt Tristan 164 Brennan, Noah 170 Brown, Corey 176 Brown, Matthew 34,73,134,137,149 Bruce, Renaud 73,164 Bukowiec, Luke 176 Bulka, Robert 176 Bulgers 111, Ronald 176 Burgess, Jack 176 Burke, Federico 170 Burkert Connor 61, 164 Burkert, Ryan 164 Burkhardt, Augustus 5 6 ,5 7 ,1 7 1 Burkhardt Samuel 56,57,125,158 Burks, Paris 176 Burnett Clark 3 2,164 Burokas, Mr. David 56, 121,138 Butko, Christopher 34,35,43,58,59, 70,71,115,135,137,153,158 Butler, Jonathon 171 Butler, Liam 176 Butrym, Mr. Jan 121 Butts, Christian 171
c Cabello, Gabriel 171 Caddie, Corey 45, 64, 65, 164 Callaghan, Daniel 164 Callegari, Andres 176 Callinan, Stuart 176 Calloni, Johannes 176 Calloni, Thom as 135 Camilleri, Nicholas 164 Camilleri, Nick 65 Campbell, John 165 Campbell, Mr. Gerald 108,121 Campen, Ryan 165 Campoverde, Jerem iah 171 Canale, Mr. Alexander 2 8 ,2 9 , 115, 121,125, 145 Candelaria, Quinn 171 Capobianco, Andrew 135 Capobianco, Matthew 135 Capparis, Christopher 165 Capparis, Michael 165 Cardoz, Justin 5 4 ,5 5 , 165 Cardoz, Ms. Barkha 121 Carlee, Kyle 176 Carlee, Zachary 135 Carlino, Michael 69, 135 Carlson, Ms. Alison 121 Carney, Colin 7 3 ,1 1 5 ,1 3 5 , 161 Carney, Liam 176 Carney, Patrick 165 Carpenter, Gregory 6 3 ,1 3 6 Carrera, Devir 3 4,136 Carroll, Kenneth 69, 136 Carroll, Patrick 171 Carroll, Senior Ken 68 Carroll, T erence 165 Casazza, Mr. Christopher 119,121 Casazza, Ms. Diane 118,121 Cashman, Brady 136 Caslowitz, Mr. Steven 21, 104, 121 Castaldo, Jonathan 24, 34, 35, 136 Castaldo, Michael 176 Castellano, Ms. Carmela 52,121,123 Casulli, Luca 165 Caulfield, Mr. Christopher 58,84,121 Caulfield, Mr. John 118, 121, 123 Caulfield, Ms. Mary Beth 122 Cedillo, Mauricio 176 Cerbone, Nicholas 171 Chambers, Robert 176 Chester, Adam 176 Chester, Mark 171 Chirichella, Victor 176 Chiurazzi, Paul 165 Chmiel, Zachary 176 Cholankeril, Tyler 176 Choudhary, Fahad 176 Chu, Matthew 34, 48, 136 Chu, Winston 4 8,165 Cid, Michael 165 Cirilo, Michael 65, 136 Cirilo, Mike 64 Clancy, David 171
Clark, Jam es 2 4 ,2 5 ,3 5 ,1 3 6 ,1 6 5 Clarke, Cameron 176 Cloyd, Ms. Allison 122,128 Colegrove, Anthony 6 4 ,6 5 ,1 3 7 Coleman, Francis 171 Coleman, Lucas 176 Collette, John 165 Collier, Nolan 4 7 ,1 6 5 Collins, Cecelia 122 Collins, Ms. Cecelia 122 Collins, Thom as 137 Collins, Tom 158 Colucci, Christian 60, 61, 165 Colville, Jake 137 Comey, Mr. Thom as 38, 114, 127, 137, 145 Comey, Thom as 122 Concannon, Sean 116,1 1 7 ,1 3 7 Conde, Almamy 137 Conheeney, Sean 137 Conlin, Peter 165 Connelly, Kevin 171 Connors, Dylan 171 Connors, Sean 165 Cooney, Daniel 6 4,165 Cordeiro, Robert 4 6 ,1 3 8 Corea, John 138,141, 142 Corrado, Dominic 171 Corrao, David 171 Corry, Griffin 171 Cortinas, David 171 Costa, Vincent 171 Costello, Matthew 176 Coughlin, Brendan 165 Courtis, Giorgio 69, 138 Coviello, Mr. Jam es 3 6 ,1 0 6 ,1 2 2 , 133 Coviello, Rocco 3 5 ,5 6 ,5 7 ,1 3 8 , 146 Cox, Armond 35, 60, 61, 138 Coyle, Jason 176 Cozine, Michael 34, 139 Cozzarelli, Nicholas 165 Creer, Kenneth 165 Crincoli, Anthony 176 Criollo, Hayden 165 Criollo, Hunter 171 Crisostomo, Paolo 139 Critchlow, Timothy 165 Crowe, Michael 6 3,139 Crowley, Sean 5 6 ,5 7 , 165 Cruickshank, Peter 139 Cuccinelli, Paul 176 Cunneen, Mr. Paul 107,120, 122, 126,146 Cunningham, Brendan 171 Cunningham, Ms. Nancy 122 Cup, Garden State 67 Curtis, William 176 Cutler, Daiquan 35, 76, 139 Cuttino, Zaire 139
D Dabb, Anthony 165 Dagot, Vince Gerald 171 D'Aiuto, Anthony 165 Dallam, Ms. Belkise 122 Daly, Conor 171 Daly, Ms. Catherine 122 Daniels, Harry 176 Daniels-Rubinstein, Ms. Yetunde 122 Dardour, Michael 176 D'Avella, Andrew 165 Davis, Zachary 171 Dawybida, Nicholas 165 DeAngelo, Mr. Jam es 119, 122 Deans, Dylan 176 Debelak, Christopher 171 DeFago, Jeffrey 139, 142 DeGuzman, Jerem iah 171 De La Cruz, Julian 165 Delaney, William 4 2 ,4 3 , 71, 171 DeLaTorre, Stephen 171 DeLeon, David 35, 4 3 ,5 8 , 70, 139, 171 Dellechiaie, Andrew 165 Dellechiaie, Daniel 165 DeLorenzo, Mr. Carl 3 6 ,9 4 ,1 0 6 , 122, 138, 141, 154 Deloughery, Michael 140 DeMartin, William 165 De Martino, Alexander 176 D'Emic, Ms. Elizabeth 123 DeSantis, John 171 DeSousa, Michael 176 Diaz, Ryan 48, 140, 142 DiBella, Vincent 176 DiGiacinto, Anthony 109, 115, 140 Dillane, Michael 49, 171
Dillane, Ms. Suzanne 123 Dillon, Alexandre 171 Dillon, Liam 171 DiMuzio, Massimo 176 Dinneen, Jam es 123 DiScala, Matthew 35, 138, 140, 145,150, 157 Dobbs, Peter 176 Doherty, Andrew 171 Doherty, Mr. Mark 14, 36 Doherty, Sean 73,134, 140 Dolaghan, Jam es 176 Dombrowski, Christopher 165 Domenech, Steven 171 Dominguez, Jon Carlo 165 Donahue, Ryan 176 Donaldson, Ryan 176 Donaleski, Alex 165 Donatacci, T revor 177 Donatacci, Vincent 140 Dondero, Mr. Jam es 25, 117,123 Donofrio, Matthew 56, 140, 149 Doren, Nicholas 64, 165 Doren, Vincent 177 Dougherty, Brian 171 Dougherty, Mr. John 91, 113,123 125 Douglas, Brandon 140, 145 Doyle, Brian 56, 165 Druciak, Brian 171 Duenas, Ulise 177 Duggal, Dhruv 171 Duggan, Daniel 171 Duncan, Sr.Fances 123, 159 Duran, Anthony 165 Durant, Kevin 160 Durante, Ms. Mary 123,124 Dwyer, Eamonn 3 5 ,5 8 , 70, 141 Dwyer, Michael 165 Dwyer, Phillip 177
E Echevarria, Mario 171 Egan, Jack 4 9 ,1 4 1 ,1 6 2 Eleria, Mr. Gianpaolo 104, 123 Elia, Anthony 177 Elmetwally, Sherif 171 Elmetwally, Tariq 165 Elo, Mr. Hugo 123 Elshenawy, Youssef 177 English, Connor 38,141 Eppler, Ms. Catherine 4, 114 122 123 Erdman, Henry 177 Espino, David 177 Espino, Vince-Davis 3 2 ,3 5 , 141 Esposito, Phil 154 Esteban, Cesar 5 8 ,5 9 , 177 Evans, Mr. Gregory 54, 108, 123 137,158 Evans, Thom as 165
F Faherty, Griffin 165 Fearon, John 5 6 ,5 7 , 166 Febrillet, Andrew 166 Feeney, Brian 4 9 ,6 9 ,1 4 1 Feeney, Michael 73, 141 Fennell, Andrew 166 Fernandes, Michael 3 5 ,9 1 , 133 142 Ferrara, Joseph 171 Ferrdr, Jesus 76,142 Ferrier, Andrew 177 Feste, Neil 142 Fetherman, Matthew 171 Filak, John 55, 166 Finn, Conor 38, 134, 137, 142, 161 Finn, Ms. Mary 123 Fitzhenry, Brian 172 Fitzpatrick, Minkah 70, 166 Fitzpatrick, Ms. Trish 118,123,128 Fitzpatrick, William 42,43,58,71,172 Fiume, David 63, 142,145 Flanagan, Michael 177 Flanigan, Em met 3 4 ,1 4 3 Fletcher, Mr. Michael 112,124 Flores, Javier 172 Flores, Ms. Melinda 124 Florim, Michael 143 Fogle, Michael 172 Ford, Ms. Catherine 118, 124 Forker, Charles 38, 76,142, 143 161 Forsythe, Hank 143 Fowler, Stephen 172 Fox, Jordan 6 1 ,1 6 6 Francullo, Jordan 172 Franklin, Sean 177 Freem an, Carter 177 Freem an, Ciaran 29, 34, 35, 38, 89,
9 3 ,1 0 5 ,1 4 3 ,1 6 2 Freem an, Owen 177 Freeman, Tucker 3 5 ,1 4 3 ,1 5 8 Fresolone, A lexander 143 Frezza, Matthew 166 Furlong, Mr. Robert 124, 133, 137, 158 Furtzaig, Nicholas 172
G Gagliano, John 177 Galano, Mr. Frederick 124 Gallardo, Christian 9 0 ,1 6 6 Gallardo, David 177 Gallo, Matthew 5 6 ,1 7 7 Gallo, Nicholas 5 6 ,1 7 7 Gamarra, Nigel 172 Gambone, Michael 113,121,124, 127,141 Ganesh, Brandon 172 Garber, George 166 Gardner, Samuel 172 Garlin, Isaiah 172 Garrett, Alex 177 Garrett, Daniel 116, 166 Garrigan, Jeffrey 143 Garrigan, Peter 172 Garzon, Jonathan 177 Geary, Mr. Peter 102,124,138, 158 Geissler, Christopher 166 Gelson, Conor 6 3 ,1 4 4 ,1 5 0 Geltrude, Francis 177 Gercich, Jack 172 Ghatas, Christopher 172 Ghobryai, Bryan 144, 145 Giani, Joseph 166 Giardiello, Matthew 63, 144 Giardiello, Nicholas 172 Gieldowski, Mateusz 144 Giglio, Mr. Jo e 124 Gilbert Ethan 144 Gill, Alexander 3 4 ,3 5 , 144,146 Gill, Ian 166 Giraldo, Arley 6 3,144 Girgis, Thom as 177 Githens, Andrew 166 Giunta, Luke 177 Glazer, Ms. Ella 36, 124 Glover, Luigi 177 Gocon, Carl Emil 166 Golf Team, The Marauders 67 Golway, Conor 13 3 ,1 3 4 ,1 3 8 ,1 4 4 Gomez, Juan 4 6 ,4 7 ,1 3 4 , 145,146 Gomez, Ms. Nery 124 Gomilla, Gerard 166 Goncalves, George 3 4 ,1 4 5 ,1 6 2 Gonzalez, Duran 7 0,172 Gonzalez 111, Nelson 3 4 ,1 4 5 ,1 5 0 Grasselino, Maximillian 166 Gray, Kai 172 Greco, Anthony 172 Grell, George 69, 172 Grosso, Patrick 145 Guacamaya, Freddie 172 Gualario, Ms. Grace 124 Guarnuccio, Liam 172 Guastini, Vincent 177 Gudiel, Dylan 177 Gutowski, Nicholas 177
H Habib, Thom as 177 Halligan, Benjamin 166 Handy, Jam es 166 Hansen, Mr. Richard 4 5 ,1 2 4 Hansen III, Mr. Richard 124 H arcourt Daniel 5 6 ,1 6 6 H arcourt Dany 67 Harnett, Ian 177 Harrell, Jihad 177 Harrigan, Conner 177 Harris, Jordan 166 Hart, Matthew 172 Hartl, Eric 172 Hartling, Dr. Jeffrey 112, 113, 125, 128, 141 Harvey, Mikhail 145 Hatiras, Zachary 177 Healy, Mr. Brian 108,123, 125, 154,158 Hector, Anthony 145 Hedden, Matthew 172 Hedengren, Christian 68, 69, 166 Heinrich, Fritz 3 5 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,5 8 ,5 9 , 70, 71, 146 Heinrich, Luka 172 Helstowski, Dean 6 1 ,1 7 7 Henry, Joseph 177 Hernandez, Ryan 166 Herrera, Ariel 177
Herrera, Christian 166 Hess, Sean 177 Hess, Vincent 3 5,146 Hester, Michael 172 Hester III, John 177 Hilliman, Jonathan 16,3 4 ,3 9 , 4 5 ,7 0 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 9 Hines, Quinton 177 Hippie, Grant 166 Hippie, Kyle 177 Hodgins, Finn 177 Hoens, Jeffrey 177 Hojnacki, Thomas 172 Hollywood, Mr. Jam es 125 Holowienka, Andrew 22, 23,1 3 5.146 Honig, Matthew 58, 177 Horan, Mr. Jam es 125 Horton, Riley 178 Hotz, Bradford 178 Howard, Thomas 166 Howell, Jam es 142, 146, 150 Huber, Kolton 70,172 Hudock, Stephen 64, 146 Huggins, Patrick 166 Hunter, Najja 172 Hunter, Zaki 178 Hurley, Benjamin 3 8 ,7 6 ,1 3 7 Hutchins, Darnell 166
I Imus, Mark 172 Inayat, Alejandro 178 Innis, Mr. Brian 107, 125 Intindola, Declan 178 Irvine, Mr. John 118, 125 Irwin, Jason 172 Issac, Matthew 178
J Jaafar, Mohamed 64,147 Jablonski, Bret 5 2 ,5 3 ,1 4 7 Jadun, Ryed 178 Jaliff, Sebastian 166 Jam es, Dennis 166 Jam es, Isaiah 172 Jaramillo, Bryant 172 Jasko, Matthew 147 Jiran, Mr. Michael 124,125 Johnson, Sean 166 Jolly, Tej 166 Jones, Anthony 178 Joskowitz, Zachary 178 Jova, Julius 178 Juan, Jonathan 166 Jusino, Victor 16,50, 147
K Kaczan, Thomas 166 Kaczan, TJ 67 Kamel, Antony 147 Kane, Seamus 178 Kaniewski, Nicholas 166 Karol, Patrick 146, 147,150 Karol, William 178 Keating, Mr. Anthony 106, 12 Keene, Hunter 178 Kellner, Stephen 166 Kelly, Alec 61,172 Kelly, Kyle 178 Kelly, Mr. Michael 125 Kennedy, Dr. Richard 103,11 126.146 Kennedy, Michael 166 Kenny, Kyle 178 Kerbaj, Tony 147 Kerr, Siree 166 Khurana, Krishen 172 King, John 3 4,148 King, Richard 114,148 Kingsley, Michael 178 Kirchner, Eric 178 Kirkwood, Connor 172 Klim, Ms. Megan 3 3 ,1 0 4 ,1 0 5 137,145 Kondratowicz, Christopher 1 Kopacz, Jake 172 Kopacz, Joseph 65,166 Kovacs, Tyler 166 Koziel, Mateusz 178 Krai, Jeffrey 148 Krasowski, Matthew 178 Krutis, Kyle 166 Kuczynski, Christopher 166 Kuhl, Ethan 178 Kuhl, John 178 Kuhl, Kevin 148,157, 158 Kumaran, Rishi 167 Kutsup, Mr. Kyle 125
L LaBella, Jonathan 5 6 ,57, 167
runo, Jack 167 runo, Ms. Theresa 125 uerre, Mr. Patrick 64 ,1 2 6 l, Devon 172 lolfi, Richard 167 in, Conor 178 :in, Michael 5 8 ,1 7 8 in, Richard 76, 77,148 xco, Anthony 3 4 ,3 5 ,1 4 8 a, Patrick 172 y, Daniel 3 4 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 1 :r, Michael 178 Christopher 167 Tyler 7 6,148 rdo, Anthony 172 ard, Luke 167 ard, Matthew 149 s, Evan 172 , Jarrett 3 5 ,5 5 ,1 3 8 ,1 4 9 >, Johnathan 178 I Max 3 4 ,3 5 ,4 9 ,1 4 9 ), Brian 115,167 >, Daniel 178 Ryan 63, 149 kog, Dean 178 s, Thomas 56, 167 j, Henry 111,167 :chio, Mr. Anthony 126 cchio, Ms. Maryphyllis 126 'gan, Christopher 178 Emmet 167 meeker, Richard 173 >, Kevin 114, 149 do, Neil 149 la, Andrew 150 Joshua 173 ), John 173 .M ichael 173 Patrick 5 3 ,167 Gabriel 150 Thomas 167 :ey, Owen 34, 134,138, 150, 54 ey, Patrick 173 >, Brandon 63, 150, 154
M ia, Jose Adelfo 167 illan, Benjamin 173 Lilian, Theo 178 en, Luke 167 :pne, Jam es 167 rye, Avram 173 )tti, Nicholas 21, 53, 167 re, Patrick 167 n, Robert 5 6,167 Suhaam 167 George 167 nga, Jason 150, 158 ad, Devin 173 ley, Brian 173 I :y, Eric 167 anello, Daniel 178 anello, Joseph 167 bid, Theophil 173 |:y, Matthew 2 9 ,8 9 ,1 4 1 ,1 5 1 io, John 151,153 lione, Jam es 173 niak, Jake 32, 76,142, 150, 1 )1 ,1 5 7 ,1 6 2 ho, Brady 173 o, Michael 6 4 ,167 ;ro, Matthew 178 iall, Jihad 178 tail, Sean 151 a, Alton 178 teau, Ms. Janice 116, 126 nez, Jericho 167 lez, Steven 34,151 ngale, Diego 173 ,no, Tyler 167 Lcci, John 5 6 ,5 7 ,1 5 1 n, William 167 odonato, Dominick 173 l a , Carlton 151 i a, Mitchell 178 azzo, Anthony 5 2 ,1 5 1 ,1 5 7 Juniors Paolo 67 Paolo 167 S, Austin 167 o, Andrew 152,157 /ell, Alec 173 yell, Ian 152 ar, Muhammad 178 idrew, John 178 lliffe, Stephen 3 5 ,1 5 2 be, Ms. Diane 118, 126 |Jin, Sr. Meg 126 irthy, Mr. Michael 112, 113, 26
McCauley, Christian 167 McDermott, Matthew 178 McElroy, Ms. Mary Anne 36,107, 126. 137,158 McEwen, Brendan 178 McGee, Connor 178 McGinley, Maximillian 178 McGlew, Jam es 167 McGovern, Christopher 167 McGowan, Isaiah 167 McGuire, Jam es 178 McIntyre, Thom as 173 McKittrick, Michael 5 3 ,1 6 7 McKivergan, Jack 114,137,152, 157 McKivergan, Jayson 167 McLaughlin, John 173 McLaughlin, Luca 173 McLaughlin, Thom as 167 McLucas, Tyler 167 McManus, Thom as 167 McMonagle, Jam es 152 McNally, Ms. Alice 126, 146 McNamara, Connor 152, 154 McVeigh, Kevin 167 Melville, Adam 167 Menafro, Vincent 167 Mendyk, Jam es 167 Mendyk, Ryan 178 Menendez, Raul 167 Mercado, Brando 179 Mercado, Justin 34, 6 3,152 Mergoupis. Mr. Christos 33, 101, 126 Merritt. Malcolm 3 4 ,5 8 ,5 9 , 70, 134, 146, 150, 152,162 Mescall, Andrew 153 Messina, Richard 168 Miguel, Philip 173 Mikovits, Sean 179 Millad, Kevin 173 Millad, Steven 168 Miller, Adam 179 Millroy, Joseph 179 Minunni, Anthony 173 Miragliotta, Vincent 168 Mirlas, Jacob 179 Mitchell, Michael 173 Molinari, Nicholas 179 Monahan, Antonio 173 Monteiro, Harley 179 Morales. Tom as 7 3 ,1 3 3 ,1 5 3 Morchel, Nicholas 168 Moreno, Nicholas 173 Moriarty, Matthew 173 Morissette, Ms. Sarah 117,121, 123, 126 Morris, Mr. John 36, 126, 142, 145, 154,158 Morris, Ms. Maria 116, 126 Morrissey, Mr. Gregory 56, 125, 127 Mottola. Francis 173 Mowatt Benjamin 179 Muller, Brian 173 Mullin, Fr. John 127 Mullins, Ryan 168 Mullman, Sean 153 Munroe, Flynn 53, 168 Murphy, Brendan 179 Murphy, Michael 173 Murray, Thom as 179
N Nakar, John 35, 153 Nally, Liam 173 Napolitano, Andrew 65, 168 Natsvlishvili, Luke 179 Navarro, Daniel 34, 153 Near, Christian 173 Necklen, Kyle 173 Negron, Garret 173 Ng, Josiah 168 Nieves, Eric 179 Niland, Jam es 173 Noiplai, Anthony 168 Nolan, Liam 179 Nordstrom, Ms. Jessica 116,127 Norton, Ms. Jessica 118, 127,129 Notare. Andrew 168 Novak, Bryan 179 Novello, Hunter 179 Nulty, John 168 Nulty, Michael 179
o Oberholtzer, Nicolas 24, 168 O'Brien, Mr. Christopher 127 O'Callahan, Jake 179 O'Connor, Thom as 179 O'Donnell, Liam 173
O'Flalierty, Mr. Ryan 127 Ogedegbe, Toritsem atse 179 O'Hare, Fr. Robert 127, 158 Okoh, Daniel 173 O’Leary, Patrick 168 O’Leary, Shawn 179 Oliveira, Matthew 168 O’Mara, Kevin 179 O pont CarMsaac 179 Oro, Stephen 168 Ortega, Anthony 179 Oryshkevych, Mr. Adrian 36, 46, 107, 127, 137, 138, 142 Oser, Edward 48, 168 Oser, William 168 Osorio, Christian 153 Otterbein, Griffin 168 Owens, Jordyn 179
P Padovese, Joshua 179 Palacios, Alphonso 173 Palma, Gabriel 179 Palmeri, Jam es 2 9 ,1 5 4 Palomino, Jo se 168 Panepinto, Julien 179 Pappalardo, Andrew 173 Paradiso, Michael 179 Pardo, Marc 154 Park, Michael 179 Parrado, Brandon 4 3 ,5 8 ,5 9 ,7 1 . 173 Patel, Alex 168 Patel, Harsh 142, 150,154, 158 Peko-Lillis, Ms. Deborah 127 Pellegrino, Frank 179 Pellot Samuel 179 Pena, Justin 173 Penik, Justin 173 Penney, Lawson 6 9 ,1 6 8 Perez, Dean 168 Peters, Mr. Richard 103, 125,127 Petrick, Andrew 168 Petrula, Benjamin 179 Pezzolla, Ryen 56, 6 7 ,1 5 4 Phelan, Samuel 179 Phelps, Michael 136 Phillips, Ajani 34, 4 6 ,4 7 ,1 5 4 Phillips, Matthew 179 Picardo, Adam 168 Picinic, Christopher 173 Pierre-Louis, Nathaniel 5 1 ,1 7 9 Pierre-Louis, Quinn 173 Pike, Jam es 179 Pineros, Anthony 179 Pisano, Gioncarlo 179 Plaza, Daniel 168 Policastro, Paul 179 Polishchuk, Vladyslav 174 Pomales-Diaz, Luis 174 Ponterdolph, Joseph 168 Popovich, Brendan 174 Popovich, Joseph 3 4 ,3 5 ,4 5 ,1 3 7 , 155 Popp-Murphy, Ms. Peggy 127 Portorreal, Jorge 179 Posso, Henry 179 Power, Zachary 63, 155 Powers, Colin 174 Powers, Mr. Thom as 111,127 Prado, Franklin 155 Pritchard, Michael 174 Prokop, Thom as 179 Puhak, Robert 174 Pulmano, CJ 6 ,3 4 ,3 5 ,8 0 ,1 5 5 Purcell, Kieran 16,66, 155 Pusung, Darell 155
Q Que, Mr. Jose 127 Quinn, Jonathan 180 Quinn, Mr. Casey 128 Quinones, A. Reese 168 Quintas, Robert 180
R Racki, Jonathan 168 Raithatha, Ravi 174 Ramirez, Manuel 6 1 ,1 6 8 Ramos, Jacob 63 ,1 5 5 Randall, Jam es 168 Rasmusson, Pierce 174 Raulli, Fr. Enrico 128 Real, Kristian 34, 133,155 Real, Sebastian 180 Reaves, Eddie 174 Recio, Freddie 174 Regan, Sean 174 Reidy, Kevin 156 Renzetti, Paul 68, 69, 156 Reyes, Anthony 180
Ribeiro, Ryan 180 Ricciardelli, Frank 180 Rice, Ms. Cheryl 113,128 Richards, Marc 114,168 Richards, Sean 156 Richardson, Phillip 168 Riley, Thom as 180 Rinaldi, Frank 174 Rivelli, Joseph 5 6,174 Rivera, Daniel 180 Rivera, Giancarlo 3 4 ,3 5 ,1 5 6 Rivera, Jimmy 168 Rivera, Ms. Erica 127,128 Robbins, Jam es 180 Robertello, Jam es 174 Roberts, Christopher 3 4 ,5 0 ,5 1 , 156 Roberts, Desmond 180 Robertson, Cheyenn 168 Robertson, Jibrael 168 Roche, Austin 3 4 ,5 0 ,1 5 6 Rodriguez, Brandon 156 Rodriguez, Matthew 174 Rogers, Harison 156 Rogers, Scott 4 7 ,1 6 8 Rojas, Brian 168 Romano, Anthony 174 Romano, Ms. Rosalie 111, 128 Rosario, Felipe 5 4 ,5 5 ,1 7 4 Rossi, Brandon 58, 180 Rossi, Mr. Gabriel 113,128 Rozano, Maximilian 174 Ruibal, Nicholas 174 Russo, Matthew 180 Russo, Michael 61 ,1 4 2 , 150,157 Russotto, Gabriel 168 Ruvo, Anthony 168 Ruvo, Patrick 180 Ryan, Jam es 2 4 ,2 5 . 35, 141, 150, 157 Ryan, Sean 5 0 ,1 5 7
s Sabateil, Alex 5 4 ,1 6 8 Sabia, Anthony 168 Sagun, Derek 174 Salameh, Michael 180 Salandra, Guido 180 Salgado, Wilson 174 Salge, Ms. Erinn 36, 120 Salvo, Ms. Frances 118,128 Sanchez, Dimas 174 Santos, Dean 180 Santos, Jason 168 Santos, Nicholas 60, 180 Saritepe, Emre 169 Sause, Jam es 4 2 ,4 3 ,5 8 , 59, 70, 71, 134, 154, 157 Savino, Nicholas 169 Sawh, Mr. Arvind 128 Sblendorio, Daniel 169 Scagliarini, Adam 180 Scannapieco, Mr. Matthew 101, 1 2 2 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 9 Scarpa, Michael 63, 157 Scherzo, Justin 169 Schiavo, Jack 3 5 ,1 5 7 Schmidt, Kyle 63, 158 Schuemann, Finn Kristian 180 Schum acher, T revor 174 Schundler, Hans 180 Scibilia, Dr. Dominic 113,122, 128, 137 Scully, Paul 11 5 ,1 4 5 ,1 5 8 Sebalos, Jerem y 174 Segura, Daniel 158 Serpico, Alexander 169 Settembrino, Mr. Michael 3 6 ,5 4 , 9 6 ,1 0 9 ,1 2 8 , 141,158 Severson, Sean 169 Shah, Chirayu 180 Sharp, Conor 169 Shea, John 180 Sheehan, Jam es 141, 149, 158 Sheppard, Ms. Maureen 128,153 Shickora, Spencer 76, 139, 158 Short, John 9 6 ,1 4 2 ,1 5 8 ,1 5 9 Silva, Andrew 159 Silva, Jerem iah 169 Simmons, Dashaun 180 Simonetti, Michael 174 Simonetti, Sonny 61, 169 Simonson, Ms. Brooke 102,121, 128 Singh, A m arveer 174 Singh, Manav 174 Singh, Rohan 180 Singleton, Ms. Boreta 113, 129, ' 141 Siocha, Joseph 169
Siracuse, Andrew 180 Siracuse, Devin 174 Sita, Vincenzo 3 5 ,6 4 , 159 Skircak, Matthew 169 Small, T erence 174 Smalls, Delano 138, 159 Smith, Brendan 3 5 ,5 6 ,5 7 , 149, 157, 159 Smith, Charles 159 Smith, David 169 Smith, Kyle 169 Smith, Mr. Nyugen 104, 105, 129 Smith, Robert 169 Smythe, Andrew 138, 159 Sobsey, Benjamin 159 Soliven, Nathaniel 169 Solter, Max 169 Sorto, Francisco 169 Soscia, Philip 174 Sozer, Jon 180 Spiniello, Mario 3 4 ,9 3 ,1 5 7 , 160 Springer, William 90, 169 Springsteen, Bruce 146 Sprofera, Steven 169 Stacey, Marc 180 Stallone, Cole 180 Stancampiano, Alec 180 Staniszewski, Tristian 169 Stark, Ms. Erin 129 Steffen, Maximilian 180 Stemkowski, John 169 Sterling, Sebastian 169 Stokes, Peter 180 Strazza, Michael 180 Strickland, Miles 174 SL Vil, Alijah 180 Such, Aaron 180 Sullivan, Adam 180 Sullivan, Connor 180 Sullivan, Conor 180 Sullivan, Daniel 169 Sullivan, Michael 174 Supple, Ms. Jacquelyn 128, 129 Swanson, Andrew 160 Swanson, Sawyer 174 Sweeney. Patrick 174 Swetman, Jam es 174 Switala, Bradley 169 Switala, Tyler 180 Szumski, Jack 2 9 ,1 6 0
T Tait, Elijah 174 Talatala, Raphael 169 Tanella, Jam es 174 Tanelli, Michael 160 Tarantino, Kenneth 174 Taylor, Shayron 76, 77, 160 Teckwani, Nikesh 174 Tejada, Mr. R occo 129 Tekle, Abraham 3 5 ,1 6 0 Tekle, Kirubel 174 Tennant, Jackson 180 Tether, Matthew 180 Thatham, Ram 180 Thieroff, Grant 180 Thom as, Ahmad 169 Thom as. Eric 148 Thom pson, Devon 169 Thoms-Bauer, Christopher 38, 76, 14 2 ,1 4 5 ,1 6 0 Thornell, Aidan 181 Thybuile, Jonathan 181 Tice, Jonathan 35, 114,160, 161 Tierney, Michael 174 To, Kevin 161 Tolentino, David 169 Tomljanovic, Peter 169 Toomb, Ms. Maura 1 4 ,3 6 ,9 1 ,1 2 9 Top, Star Ledger 67 Torres, Anthony 174 Torres, Charles 181 Torres, Ms. Aymee 111, 129 Towindo, T revor 181 Trotta, Mr. Kenneth 1 1 5 ,129,146 Trujillo, Steven 169 Tuhy, Brian 63,161 Turco, Fred 161
Vasfailo, Cameron 175 Vasile, Mark 169 Vaswani, Sahil 169 Vaznelis, Mr. Vytas 7 ,1 0 1 ,1 2 9 Vedar, Geroll Andrew 181 Vega, Joshua 175 Velardi, Antonio 169 Vella, Paul 161 Veniero, Mr. Salvatore 2 8 ,2 9 ,3 6 , 111, 125, 129 Verdi, Mr. Anthony 61, 107,129 Verlin, Brent 146,161 Viado, Raymund 175 Vidal, Miguel 162 Vieira, Kevin 181 Villadarez, Ryan Angelo 34 ,1 6 2 Vincentz, Warren 162 Vinci, John 181 Vinci, Michael 175 Vivenzio, Ronald 181 Voli, Lucas 3 4 ,3 5 ,1 5 0 ,1 6 1 ,1 6 2 Vollaro, Shawn 169 Voltz, Sean 162 Voysey, Adrian 175
w Walker, Dalton 181 Walker, Dwon 169 Walker, Justin 146, 162 Walsh, John 181 Walsh, Ms. Elizabeth 129 Walsh, Robert 163 Walshe, Patrick 169 Wang, Benjamin 181 W arco, Benjamin 175 Ward, Thom as 16,34, 64 ,6 5 , 163, 181 Waterman, Shamar 175 Weber, Vincent 169 Wedgbury, Alexander 181 Wehner, Jedidiah 175 White, Austin 1 6 ,3 4 ,5 0 ,5 1 ,1 6 3 Whitehead, Edward 175 Whitehead, Jordan 50, 163 Whitmer, Griffin 175 Whyte, Jeffrey 6 9,169 Wieners, Mr. Michael 129 Williams, Kameron 34, 163 Williams-Burrows, Hunter 54, 55, 169 Williamson, Drew 154,163 Williamson, Quinn 170 Wimbush, Brandon 70, 170 Winell, Spencer 175 Wisowaty, Robert 175 Wojtczak, Brendan 181 Wollard, Declan 5 8 ,5 9 ,7 0 , 170 Wong, Bennett 170 Wright Jam es 175 Wright Marc 2 4,170
Y Yalamanchi, Jayadeep Yang, Nelson 170 Yanicak, Joshua 175 Y annece, Justin 181
z Zanfardino, Ms. Joan 96, 114,120, 129, 145 Zawistowski, Brian 181 Zawistowski, Michael 5 6,170 Zdanowicz, Michael 56,181 Zingalis, Ethan 170 Zinn, Benjamin 170 Zirpoli, Paul 181 Zirpoli, Perry 3 5 ,3 8 ,3 9 6 9 ,8 2 162, 163 Zuckerman, Steven 181 Zuniga, Lyandro 181
u Uehlinger, Mark 181 Ukegbu, Tansi 181 Ulloa, Jonathan 175
V Valencia, Bryan 46, 161 Valencia, Edward 169 Vana, Roi 169 Vander Vliet, Brendan 181 Vander V liet Thom as 169 Van Winkle, David 175
Mr. V y tas V a zn elis M oderator CJ P u lm an o Editor in chief M ic h a e l Battista Head o f Photography Harsh Patel Senior Writer
The 2013-14 Petrean staff would like to thank the following contributors to the yearbook who helped with various aspects to this publication. Thomas Howard Bennett Wong Jeff Krai Perry Zirpoli Jack Szumski Jack Egan Patrick Lum
Michael Russo Arley Giraldo Ciaran Freeman John Stemkowski Michael Fernandes Brian Feeney Ms. Catherine Eppler
Colin Carney Sean Conheeney TJ Ward John King Ken Carroll James Ryan Lucas Voli
Neil Feste Copy Editor M a lc o lm M erritt Senior Writer W illiam D e la n e y Copy Editor
STAFF Peter T o m lja n o v ic Joseph A b ru zzo B ren dan C o u g h lin
We also would like to thank Mr. Michael Jiran and Mr. Mark Wyville for contributing photographs of the many Prep events, and Mr. Locricchio for coordinating student activities. The staff hopes that you enjoy the publication of the 92nd Petrean, into which we have put literally countless hours of work. We hope that the many images and memories collected within these pages serve as a reminder of our Prep experiences for years to come.