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Faculty Introduction A m ong the characteristics requisite for an effective teacher is the ability to have a vision for students’ long term learning and success. Its is very easy to get hung up on the day-to-day m inutia w hich make up the content o f the course and, as a result, to lose track o f its context. This distinction betw een content and context is especially im portant w hen considering Saint Peter’s Prep’s guiding tenet o f the cura personalis. A Prep teacher educates a student not simply to learn the content and to earn a good score on a test, but rather to recognize his context and to bring about change to the student’s character itself. Very often, the lessons o f self-discipline, integrity and perseverance count for far m ore than the mastery o f the
material w hich these characteristics have helped to bring about. T he eyes o f o f a Prep teacher m ust be set upon the intelligent, socially conscious, and w ell-rounded individual w ho will step into a classroom or office years dow n the line w ith a “visitor” badge on his shirt, as well as on the nervous and often fallible student today sitting in front o f him. T hough the goal o f each individual lesson may be to convey an understanding o f the content, the end-goal o f a Saint Peter’s Prep education am ounts to som ething m uch larger. As a teacher o f Latin, a subject w hich m any fail to find pertinent in real-w orld applications, I am asked rather often about the applicability o f m y subject m atter. Having been
given m uch tim e — and m any rem inders — to rum inate on this question, the answer again comes to context. T he true benefit o f having studied Latin comes from a student’s learning o f its context: its historical context as a dom inant language during the form ation o f both the Catholic C hurch and the Society o f Jesus, its linguistic context as the ancestor and influencer o f m any o f today’s languages, and its intellectual context as a logical exercise to prepare the skills needed for the inform ation-driven w orld in w hich w e live. T he students w ho find the m ost success and pleasure in studying Latin are those w ho com e to understand its content — the myriad charts and forms — as well as its context. Coincidentally, the same understanding is w hat m ost characterizes the students w ho becom e successful
contributors to the Pctrean staff. Those students w ho are willing to spend countless hours during and after school to assemble and edit the book’s pages do so w ith a clear vision and understanding o f w hat the book will end up representing. T he pictures and articles — their content — will stand as rem inders o f the experiences, friendships and grow th w hich m ark the context o f their tim e at Prep. I have had the pleasure during m y tim e as the m oderator o f the Petrean to get to know m any o f the m ost driven students on campus, and to w ork w ith them as they chronicle their Prep careers. I hope that the content o f these pages, the manifestation o f their tireless effort, preserves the m em ories o f your context here at Prep.
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Editors' Intro
Prior to high school, I was quite hesitant in trying anything new. If som ething did not appeal to me right away, I always thought it was not w orth m y tim e. However, com ing to Prep truly changed that. Prep has so m any sports, clubs, and activities that are welcom ing to all. Since m y Freshman year, I started participating in m any activities, such as the culinary club, French club, Pctrean, am ong several others. I had possessed no interest in learning how to cook or w orking on the yearbook, but after seeing the type o f things students w ere doing, it seemed like a good idea to give it a shot. Even after just one m eeting, I realized that I truly enjoyed the things we did, and have continued to go to as many meetings as possible. In addition to m y ow n grow th, the Prep com m unity has also grown and adapted through the changes it has made over the
years. Adjusting to a new schedule, rebuilding after Hurric; Sandy, and utilizing the chrom ebook in classes were all ms reform ations that Prep took on. This allowed Prep to grow utilizing these adaptations to their advantage by having clm eet during com m unity period and giving out work through chrom ebooks. As the Prep student grows, so does the com m unity. O r tim e at Prep prepares him by opening his eyes to the wondei opportunities that are out there in the world. As a Senior, I hi gotten far m ore involved in the Prep com m unity, and I only w that I had gotten to to this point sooner. Though I'm sure y have heard this so m any times before, it is some o f the best adv that often gets ignored: get involved. Prep has so many unic. opportunities to get involved that will truly make your hi school career a m em orable one. Experience and participate in m any things as possible, because your four years at Prep are o-^ m uch faster than you think.
Before Prep, I was the quiet kid you w ould occasionally see the hallway and never know anything about. This gradually anged throughout m y Prep career, as the school changed my lole life and future for the better. W alking through these llways and talking to m y Prep brothers has made m e feel as if ep were m y second hom e. It took m e at least a year and a half to becom e involved at ep, despite the num ber o f times that Seniors, now alum ni, told e to jum p right in. I was always strictly oriented toward ademics from the beginning o f m y high school career, but ling on Kairos during my Junior year and joining ultim ate sbee club as a captain on the team gave m e the drive I needed becom e m ore involved. It was like a dom ino effect. Joining one activity led m e to in the Campus M inistry Team , R obotics C lub, and the ;trean. Going to Prep matches and games w ith m y friends were emories I will take w ith m e forever. I’ll never forget those om ents after standing up and seeing the players on the field
w hile friends, family, and the almighty M arauder N ation cheered them on. Believe it or not, I never even intended to join Petrean. I came dow n into the M SC basem ent looking for one o f my friends and M r. Vaznelis ended up persuading me w ith his level ninety-nine charisma. N ever did I imagine being the C o-E ditorin -C h ief nor did I ever dream o f being given the opportunity o f w riting the introduction for m y graduating classes yearbook. Prep has led m e on a crazy road w ith m any ups and downs but it has proven to be all w orth it in the end. All o f those early m ornings com ing to school via the lightrail and staying as late as five or six o ’clock w ere all w orth it. All of the experiences I have had in this school w ere unforgettable and I know that as m y Prep career comes to a close they will all becom e stories. A nd all o f the pictures I took for the Petrean will becom e old photographs for the next class o f students to think back at and imagine w hat these days w ere like. B ut right now, none o f this is a story. I’m living it right now.
-H e e le r
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For those w ho have not had the fortune o f having him as a her, you have surely missed out. For years now , he has been to provide challenging religion courses at Prep, varying from N ew Testam ent to Christian Ethics. Challenging, how ever, irdly the right w ord to use w hen referencing his curriculum , luse he does not give hours upon hours o f w ork every night :ests every week. R ather, as a teacher, he works towards doping the m inds o f students, breaking them away from the itual studying and w ork techniques students tend to use to aly get the best grade possible. M ost profoundly, he guides students through form ing their l conclusion on social injustices and ethical issues, through ;rent lenses o f philosophical and theological viewpoints, tiding John R aw l’s T heory o f Injustice and JS Mill's itarianism.
H e forces every student to question themselves and the w orld around them , creating a challenging environm ent that develops the m inds o f students past a textbook level o f intellect. O ne student w rote: “he has asked just as m uch o f him self as he has asked his students for as long as I have know n him .” This student has precisely hit the mark. H e gives and gives to his students, as long as they are willing to receive. H e always goes above and beyond to provide his students w ith the best and m ost unique form o f teaching possible. For his tireless w ork, as well as his un orth o d o x'an d effective teaching style, w e dedicate this year's Petrean to Dr. D om inic Scibilia.
hromebooks W hile its proud 142 year old traditions make up the ndation o f our school's educational programs, Saint Peter’s p prides itself on innovating and keeping up w ith the elopm ents o f the w orld around it. O ne such innovation this r has been the im plem entation o f a 1:1 technology program, -ough this program, the school supplies each student w ith an ■rC hrom ebook for use both on- and off-campus. T he im plem entation o f a 1:1 program has allowed m any :hers to utilize m any versatile w eb-based programs, such as oology and Google Drive, for com m unicatioij during all irs o f the day. By ensuring that each student consistently has ess to a technological device, the 1:1 program has allowed
teachers to hold students m ore accountable for assignments and assess their know ledge o f class materials online. T he technology departm ent at Saint Peter’s Prep has w orked diligently to ensure that the program's rollout w ent as sm oothly as possible. This included the introduction o f oncampus resources to ensure that each student has a functioning C hrom ebook at all times, m aintaining their line o f com m unication w ith teachers. W hile there have been some challenges w ith students sustaining focus throughout the school day, this Prep 1:1 system has certainly given the school a tool w hich serves as a means to enhance each student's learning experience.
D iv e r s it y
5rep for Life efore there was Google and IM DB .. . there was Doc K ennedy.” -A lex Patel, '15 Dr. R ichard Kennedy has been teaching at Prep since 1967, ounting to a career o f 48 years! D uring the first years o f his ture at Prep, the first m an walked on the m oon and feature ns such as T he Graduate and Casino Royale debuted on the ; screen. Dr. K ennedy is widely know n throughout the Prep m m unity for his broad and diverse know ledge on a huge -iety o f subjects. He is a well read man o f literature, arts and ence. It is said that any student w ho takes D r. K ennedy’s class reives a full liberal arts education in one single course.
M ost com m only referred to as “D oc,” he was the first m em ber o f Prep's faculty history to have a PhD . Dr. Kennedy has a photographic m em ory, know ledge o f every inch o f N Y C , and an im m ense love and know ledge o f movies. T hroughout his career, he has put his broad interests to use in teaching many subjects at Prep, including H istory and English. D r. K ennedy has set the bar for other faculty members by his dedication to Prep. H e is truly a Prep m an, encompassing all the qualities that make up the G rad-at-G rad. As he retires this year and his long career draws to a close, Dr. K ennedy will be missed and certainly be rem em bered as a legend o f Prep for m any years to come.
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0 Years of HAP ■! Since 1964, young m en from all across Jersey City and ond have journeyed to Prep in the sum m er betw een their 7th 8th grade years to experience a sum m er like no other. T he ;her Achievem ent Program , colloquially know n as H A P, was ted by M r. John Brow ning, S.J., '46. H e led the program for ty years, and under his w ing took the program to soaring ^hts. H e conducted H A P for boys going into their 8th grade year : to the fact that he believed that boys could be im pacted the st at that age. His aim was to inspire young students to Dgnize their academic potential, and to have tim e to live up to t potential during their high school years. In 1993, Father >wning passed on his role as D irector o f H A P to M r. John
Irvine, '83. T o this day, M r. Irvine strives to maintain H A P just as Father Brow ning had left it. U nder M r. Irvine's tutelage, H A P continues to be one o f the greatest experiences that future Prep students can have. This year, H A P m arked its 50th year o f operation. Part o f HAP's continuous success has been the support garnered by the m oving testim onies given by H A P graduates. A ccording to Chirayu Shah, '17, one o f the thousands o f students that H A P has transform ed, “H A P was one o f the m ost transformative experiences I have ever had in m y life. From the athletic com petitions to the academic aspect, led by my hom eroom teacher, M r. Verdi, I will never forget the bonds I made w ith my friends, m any w hich I hold even to this day.”
IRST Robotics-! This year saw the foundation o f the Technological Terrors, first US FIRST R obotics team in Prep’s history. FIR ST is an anization that holds robotics com petitions all over the w orld, Prep's team 5438 currently has thirty m em bers com prised o f icated Freshm en, Sophom ores, Juniors, and Seniors. In 2012, team president and founder B ennett W ong, sther w ith vice president Kyle Sm ith, started Prep’s robotics p. T he team first made Parallax Sum obots, robots gram m ed to fight each other in a ring. It is from this inning several years ago that the U S FIR ST robotics team se, m entored by M r. Butrym , Fr. O ’Hare, and M s. Bui. T he team was contacted by Eastern M illw ork, Inc., w ho >ressed interest in becom ing a sponsor. T ogether w ith two ntors from Eastern M illw ork and Beyer Blinder Belle, M r. chael M ahal and Ms. A ntonia Botero, the team was assisted ough the engineering process.
In the Pre-season, the team attended various workshops on business, program m ing, fabrication, and m arketing at Stevens Institute o f Technology, Eastern M illw ork, and Beyer Blinder Belle. T he team has earned thousands o f dollars by receiving the N A SA and BAE Systems Grants, and after m onths o f hard w ork and six w eeks o f sleepless nights, a robot was made. T he team w orked w ith only hand tools in a part-tim e math classroom; the challenge this year was to create and program a robot that can stack totes and place them on a scoring platform. At the com petition in M ount O live H igh School, the team won the R ookie All-Star Award, the m ost prestigious award that rookies can receive, along w ith the H ighest R ookie Seed Award. W ith so m any accolades in its short history, Prep's Robotics Team has a bright future ahead o f it.
S tudent Life 20 22 24 26 28 30 34 36 38
Band Vox Dramatics Student Council Exchanges Clubs Senior Superlatives Teachagram Marauder Nation
Mr. Caslowitz conducts the Concert band di Prep's annual Winter Con
Members of Prep's Band put in long hours after school to practice playing together in beautiful harmony.
One Band, One Soun Saint Peter’s Prep C oncert Band and Sodality Jazz Band, being some o f the oldest facets o f Prep’s history, still thrive today under the direction o f M r. Steve Caslowitz. W ith a 2nd place ranking for the C oncert Band and a 1st place ranking for the Jazz Band at the 2014 W orldStrides Heritage Festival in Boston, Prep’s young musicians have been in tip-top shape. C oncert Band is m ost notable for their appearances at football hom e games and annual Christmas masses, while the Jazz Band has had remarkable performances at the Liberty Science C enter for Professional D evelopm ent day and at Prep for an annual Paulus H ook C om m unity holiday gathering. If you could make a new instrument by combining three others, what would it be? Sax, Clarinet, Trum pet; sax and clarinet go well together, and a tru m p e t is just loud. 2 0
-Bennett Wong '15
Flutist, Brian Rojas, '15, patiently waits to dominate his tearjerking solo in Adventum.
The talented Frank Pellegrino, '17, blaring on his trumpet while he plays Prayer.
Seniors of Prep's Pep Band gather inside Caven Point to lift spirits at a football game.
U nder the leadership o f seniors N ick Kaniewski .i N ick M agnotti respectively, the C oncert and z Bands eagerly prepare for their next com petition W illiamsburg and the upcom ing Spring C oncert. T hrough the pow er o f music, these students are t only becom ing fluent in the m ost universal guagc there is, they are also learning w hat it means be dedicated, disciplined, and m ost o f all, a team nnber. That is essentially w hat bands are: teams. It incides w ith music's ability to connect people on a eper level and convey m eaning that w ords can aply not describe. W e learn to rely on each other, aport each other, and share our shortcom ings and ;om plishments. W e are one band, one sound.
After a school liturgy, the members of Vox take a group photo for Prep's “ Maroon Tuesday” event.
Current and past members of Vox come together to sing some Christmas favorites for News 12 New Jersey.
Vox Director, Mr. GP Eleria, decorates Senior members Reese Quinones and Josiah Ng for their first Christmas album photo shoot.
If you could see one technological advancement in the near future, what would you like to see? Short of a molecular “ Star Trekian" transportation system to beam me from place to place, I would love to have a personal mini-helicopter. -Fr. Cassidy, SJ
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Nith One Voice Vox ended the 2013-2014 school year w ith a very ecial performance; one o f the w orld’s best-selling bands, >reigner, collaborated on stage at the Prudential C enter in cwark in front o f thousands o f people. These Prep elites Icompanied the legendary rock band on one o f their ggest hits, 'I W ant to K now W hat Love Is.1 O ver the sum m er, Vox traveled internationally for the st time on the ‘2014 A M D G E uro-T our.' T hey traveled ross the Atlantic to Europe in July o f 2014 to perform d com pete w ith other choirs from around the globe. T he first stop was the Llangollen International Musical steddfod in Llangollen, Wales, w here the group received e Silver/Second Place prize in the Show C hoir category d the B ronze/Third Place prize in the Pop C hoir tegory. Vox also journeyed to Riga, Latvia to participate the 2014 W orld C hoir Games, w here they received a
gold ranking.They also received a silver ranking in the Pop C hoir com petition at this event. U pon their return to America, Vox began production on a new album, following the successful release o f “Suscipc,” their second album , the previous school year. They also appeared on N ew s 12 N ew Jersey’s Christmas special ‘Sounds o f the Season,’ w hich was filmed on the historic stage at the C ount Basie T heatre in R ed Bank, N ew Jersey. Finally, to close off the year, Vox released their first ever LIVE album , featuring recordings from various com petitions and perform ances over the past five years. This school year certainly was a busy one for Prep Vox, in celebration o f their fifth anniversary. They have accom plished m ore than could have possibly been imagined in its short history, and we certainly are excited to see what other adventures are to com e in the future!
Proudly showing off their American pride, Prep Vox marches at the Parade of Nations in Riga, Latvia during their European tour in the summer of 2014.
In traditional Prep fashion, Vox prays together before they perform in their concert
?.■ Dramatics Playing Aroun( T he Dram atic Arts program at Saint Peter’s Prep represents one o f many ways in w hich students can learn how to express themselves on stage through acting, music and dancing. T hrough to the w ork o f Prep's dramatic productions, students are given an outlet for their creativity. U nder the guidance and direction o f M r. Jim D ondero, '66, and M r. Adam Bouley, students get the chance to gain a firsthand appreciation for the perform ing arts. They becom e well-versed in speaking publicly, reading music, and collaborating because o f the theater program.
With all eyes on them, Marc Wright, '15, and Andrew Petrick, '15, both deliver captivating performances.
The cast of Rehearsal for Murder take their final bows after a riveting performance.
It gives students a unique chance com m unicate w ith and understand othc in new ways. Perhaps more than any oth art form, drama provides training in tl very practical aspects o f com m unicatk w hich are so necessary in today's world, it grows to be increasingly centered ( inform ation. Prep understands that academics a not the only im portant thing in forming Prep student; he m ust also be given t. opportunity to have diverse experienc like arts, sports, and service to achieve f goal o f being a w ell-rounded person.
Angrily awaiting the fate of the killer of Monica Welles, Seniors Nick
Savino, Shannon Kelley, Alexa Jacobsen, William Oser, Marc Wright, Daniel Dellachiae, Nick Dawibyda, and Andrew Petrick prepare to interrogate the murderer.
Andrew Petrick, '15, and Sarah Scalia help Will Oser, '15, get ready for the show.
The cast of Rehearsal For Murder show off their less serious side as they get together for a silly group photo.
What surprised you most about Prep's R ehearsal for M u rd er? When stagehand Chirayu Shah, '17, dropped a plate full of glasses. You could hear it from the English building.
25 -Connor Sullivan
Class President: Vice President: Executive Committee:
Clark B u rn e tt '15 Jon Carlo Dominguez, '15 Brendan Coughlin, George Garber Steve Kellner, W ill Oser
nior Representatives: Nolan Collier, Dennis James, Ed Oser, A ntho ny Sabia, Peter Tom ljanovic, Declan W ollard nior Representatives: Brendan C unningham , W ill Fitzpatrick Daniel Okoh, Brendan Popovich, Kenneth Tarantino phomore Representatives: Joe Birdsall, A n d re w Ferrier, Frank Gagliano, Eric Nieves, Hans Schundler, Peter Stokes
Prep students take a picture together in front of one of the pyramids at the Louvre on their visit to Paris.
Prep exchange participants enjoy the beautiful view of Toulon from the top of Mont Faron.
All the members of the French Exchange gather on the stairs of MSC to take a group shot on the last day of the French students' stay in America.
What was the most memorable part of the French exchange? Biking along the beaches of Porquerolles in the south of France. r\ o
-Raphael Talatala, '15
.anguage Exchanges mmersive Education
A m ong the m ost m em orable experiences offered to Prep dents during their four years arc the foreign language exchange jgrams. Alternating pairs o f languages each year, students o f ench, Germ an, Italian, and Spanish are afforded the portunity to host students from their exchange country and to it the country themselves. D uring this past year, students took ft in the French and Italian exchange programs. Although it can be awkward to hold a conversation at first, st students quickly bonded w ith their guests and began to ild lasting friendships. D uring the tim e they w ere staying here, idemoiselle Carlson and Signora R om ano had planned various ivities for their respective groups. From going to the top o f the Em pire State Building, to Iking thirty blocks in the rain to the M useum o f M odern Art, re was barely tim e to rest. W hen it finally came tim e for the
exchange students to leave, everyone was sad and yet looked forward to m eeting again w hen it came tim e for their Prep hosts to visit. Every day o f the overseas visit was jam packed with activities, all o f w hich showed off the amazing culture. Everything was amazing—the scenery, the architecture, and the food. D uring their tim e in France and Italy, the exchange participants had a chance to see m any famous sites, from L’Arc de T riom phe to La T our Eiffel, and from il Colosseo to Piazza di Spagna, they saw it all. Before they knew it, it was tim e to leave, and they said farewell to their new found friends. Overall, the exchange is always a unique experience. N ot only does it enhance students' language skills, but it also teaches m uch about foreign culture. T hough, for many students, the best part is form ing friendships that will last a lifetime.
Members of the Italian Exchange take a break from touring Rome while relaxing on the Spanish Steps.
After an amazing trip together, Prep and Italian participants come together to take a final group picture on the last day in Italy.
The Prep students and chaperones pose in front of the Jesuit seal on their first day of the Italian Exchange.
Breaking Barriers brainstorms innovative ways to raise
Prep's new club, Operation Smile, aim s to help children all
awareness of cyber-bullying.
around the world with cleft lips and cleft palate by providing donations and support.
Prep's Ebony Club meets to plan for their approaching talent
Stage Crew discusses their game plan the day before the play,
show and to design prom otional merchandise.
Rehearsal for Murder.
The Culinary Club gathers and brings together their ingredients
TV Studio poses together in their recording studio as they wrap
for Pancake Tuesday.
up a successful recording of the news for Prep TV.
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The German Club meets to watch a German film to hear the
St. Peter's Performing Arts Club gathers outside Lincoln Center
language in context.
after watching a beautiful performance of The Nutcracker.
Model UN discusses the recent conflicts and border dispute
3D Printing Club gathers around their printer with which they
between Ukraine and Russia.
made a playable string bass and an action figure of Yoda.
The League of Legends Club meets to discuss team line-ups for
Architecture Club thinks of ways to innovate with new and
their upcom ing com petition.
m odern designs for suburban houses.
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I Most Likely to Receive JUG petrearvspprep.org
Most Likely to Take Over a Small Country
1. Isaiah M cG ow an
Future President
2. Tej Jolly
1. Emre Saritepe
3. W illiam DeM artin
Future Jesuit
2. Brendan Coughlin
1. Clark B urnett
3. Steven Sprofera
2. Quinn W illiam son 3. Jon Carlo Dominguez
1. Jon Carlo Domingut 2. V incent M enafro 3. Gabriel Russotto
Future Latin Teacher pctrearvspprepxrg
Most Likefy to Beat Mr. Settembrino in a Pushup Contest
1. Daniel G arrett
2. Nick Kaniewski
| Most Likely to Organize a Peaceful Protest
1. A n th o n y Velardi
3. Raphael Talatala
C A '-.peuean5pjxep.org
Future Millionaire
2. A n th o n y Sabia
1. Quinn W illiam son
3. A ustin M atus
2. Clark B urnett 3. W illiam Oser
. petrean5pprep.0rg
1. Stephen Oro 2. Brandon W im bush 3. Clark Burnett
Best Dressed
1. Raphael Talatala
Biggest Savage
Most Athletic
2. Nicholas Dawybida
1. Emre Saritepe
3. Brandon W im bush
2. Brian Doyle
1. Brandon W im bush
3. A n th o n y Duran
2. M inkah Fitzpatrick 3. Corey Caddie
Best Hair . petiean.spprep.org
1. Brian Liggio 2. A n d re w Petrick & Raphael Talatala 3. Alex Aiello
Teacher’s Pet .petreon.sppreperg
Best Musician 1. Ed Oser
c «
2. Jon Carlo Dominguez
1. PJ W alshe
3. Nick M agno tti &
Most Likely to Become Famous C fl
2. Tom Evans
A n th o n y D 'Aiuto
■ x
3. Brian Rojas & Nick Kaniewski
1. Brandon W im bush
Best Friends - petreaospprep.org
2. M arc W rig h t
1. Pat Carney & Paolo M
3. W illiam Oser
2. Brad Switala & Keilor Beckwith
M "
3. PJ Walshe & Dan Coor
Most Talkative .. petrean.spprep.org
Most Quiet 1 . Ed Oser
Most Sleepy c ft . petrearvspprepxxg
Most Artistic r A vpeTTean.sppreporg
I . Gerard Gomilla
I. Ian Gill . Patrick Lum
1. Joe Siocha 2. Tristan Staniszew ski
2. A n th o n y Duran
1. Nick M orchel
3. Chris Lee
2. Emre Saritepe 3. Thom as Vander Vliet
3. Ed Oser & Phillip Richardson
Biggest Trendsetter petrearvspprep.org
Best Tweets 1. Raphael Talatala
. petre*n.sppreporg
Best Leader petreanjppreporg
Next Member of The Avengers petrean-spprep^org
. Brendan Coughlin . W illiam D eM artin
1. Clark B urnett 2. Jon Carlo Dominguez
2. W illiam Oser
1. Patrick Carney
3. Tej Jolly
2. Jam es M aglione 3. @Facts A b o u t Dan
3. Quinn W illiam so n
. Emre Saritepe
Best Laugh
Funniest .. petrean.spprep.org
Most Intelligent petrearvspprrpxifg
Most Changed Since Freshman Year ■ apetreanspprepprg
George M alki Sal Alessi
1. Clark B urnett 2. Quinn W illiam so n
1. M ichael Cid 2. Jericho M artinez
1. V incen t W eber 2. Jim m y Rivera 3. Stephen Oro
3. Tej Jolly
3. Stephen Oro
Austin M atus
Future Prep Teacher' C ft . petTeanjpprep.org
Most Likely to be on a Reality TV Show C ft
Nicest Smile petrearvspprep.org
>st Ukely to be Late to His Own Wedding petrearvspprepxrg
1. Corey Caddie 2. Brandon W im bush
. Jerem iah Silva
1. The Burkerts 2. W illia m Oser
1. Jim m y Rivera 2. Ryan Campen 3. Jam es M aglione
3. M ichael Cid
3. Rob Banaag
. Tej Jolly . Tristan Staniszewski
I demice Amo pizzam! #edamus
settembrinom I curl more than your test grades. #DoYouEvenLift #Gains mergoupisc
smithn Something iike a halo #artismylife
mergoupisc It's all Greek to me. #ChristosTheGreat
mcelroym #ManCrushMonday #AsYouKnow
morrisg Ball is life. #MsMorris'sRoom ^Buckets #ChefMorris
laguerrep #TransformationTuesday #WeMadelt
donderoj #ThrowbackThursday to when I was a cannibal.
Prep students cheer on fellow football players to a S tl Championship victory over Paramus Catho ■
Marauder Nation Filling Prep with Spirii Led by their esteemed m oderator, M r. Thom as Com ey, M arauder N ation is, in its simplest definition, a way o f life. T he N ation is so m uch m ore than a club; it is a means by w hich Prep students exude spirit and pride for their athletic teams. A Saint Peter’s Prep tradition, this group feeds the on passion, com m itm ent, and brotherhood o f the Prep students. W ith their bodies and faces covered in paint, this band o f brothers stands and chants at nearly every Prep sporting event. This year’s M arauder, Jeff W hyte, has led this greatest fan section in N ew Jersey through a successful fall sports season. Saint Peter’s Prep has had phenom enal football and soccer teams; both m arked w ith m onum ental wins and exquisite efforts, these
Prep teams hold dom inion over county a even state leagues. Possibly the m ost crucial victory for Prc sports w ithin the last few years was the N ew Jcrse State Cham pionship game w on by our Footba team, 34-18 over its rival team, Paramus Catholf M arauder N ation played a m ajor role, being th twelfth m an in M etLife Stadium by showin support for our M arauders. T he N ation has been supportive through Pre team s’ successes and failings. T hrough it all, th year's sports seasons w ere amazing — full c hilarious m om ents and riotous roars froi impassioned Prep students. T hrough the dedication and w ork, the N ation set the bar hid for next year.
Prep's Marauder Nation fills the stands at Caven Point.
Prep parents and students encourage the football players to a memorable state championship victory at Metlife Stadium.
/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f What was the best way Marauder Nation energized the crowd? The tunnel run at Metlife before the ch a m p io n sh ip gam e pum ped everyone up. -Jericho Martinez
athletics 42 44 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76
Cross Country Football Soccer Swimming Water Polo Basketball Bowling Fencing Hockey Indoor Track Wrestling Baseball Crew Golf Lacrosse Outdoor Track Rugby Tennis Volleyball
In the 400 yard freestyle relay, Prep is neck and neck, searching for the win. Prep pulled out the first place spot to sink Bayonne.
Prep's distance team lines up on the block for the 500 yard freestyle against Bayonne. It was a clean sweep at home with a victory of 89-81.
Winston Chu, '15, takes the lead early in the 200 yard individual medley. He will continue his greatness at Carnegie Mellon with his brother.
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Swimming & W ater Polo Making Waves
T he M arauder Swim Team started the season off as the 1 seed in the Star Ledger’s statewide top 20 preview. Througlu the season, the team saw many personal bests and several sch records broken. T he swim team loaded its schedule this y w ith m any state ranked opponents and a few very close me against teams like Pingry and Cherry Hill East. T he te rebounded w ith a huge w in and upset over the Scton Hall Pr ranked several spots ahead in the state rankings. This year’s team w ent further than last year in the st playoffs, crushing D elbarton in a convincing win in the f round o f the state tournam ent and going on to suffer a close 1 to Seton Hall Prep in the quarterfinals. M any individuals, as vj as the record breaking relays, made qualifying times for the M| o f Cham pions. Prep’s newly form ed W ater Polo squad has also put fort, strong show ing in their second season, being led by strong a dedicated Seniors Ed O ser and A nthony D uran. What was the best win for this year's Swimming Team? The best m om ent was our victory over Seton Hall Prep. We had an underw helm ing season going in, while they had a or p p t n n o
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Shayne Simon, '18, rises to score over the outstretched defender. Luke Buckoweic, '17, looks to attack the defense on a fast break.
Basketball Ball is Life This Basketball season for Saint Peter’s Prep Boy’s Basketball team has been one o f many peaks and valleys. C om ing off o f two superb years and m aking it to the State Cham pionship tw o years in a row, expectations w ere high. Being part o f the high points o f the last two years was enjoyable, but this year was one where the leadership o f a captain w ould be com plem ented best by the additions o f a young team mainly comprised o f Sophom ores and Freshman, while only featuring two Seniors on the Varsity Roster. From the start, the team knew that it w ould be a rebuilding process, and hard w ork and dedication w ould be the key to having a successful season. In the game against H udson Catholic,
one o f Prep’s fiercest rivals, the team dis a courageous effort that proved the tea: the potential to conquer anyone in the H ow ever, late in the season, tough lo: Paterson, Kennedy, and Bayonne le team disheartened. Despite this gloom y m ood shad the team, first year head coach, Alex M has done his best to keep the team ’s i waxing and abilities improving. H e c w hat it means to be a M an For O tht realizing some things in this world are than one’s self and by recognizing w inning is not always w hat matters. G off o f a difficult year, the young Basketball team prepares to climb the next season.
Brendan Thiele, '18, shoots a flawless three point shot to close the gap in the score.
Cheyenne Robertson, '15, exploiting a weakness in the opponent's defense, scores another two points for Prep.
Head coach Alex Mirabel encourages the team to keep pushing the tempo and play tough defense.
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What is the best team in the NBA and why? The Golden State W arriors have the best record in the league and play in the highly com petitive Western Conference. They have the best back court duo and are deep in the fro n t court. -Christopher Lonergan, '17
■ ■■■ Flynn Munroe, ‘ 15, warms up for a match against rival Hudson Catholic.
Pat Lum, ‘ 15, celebrates a strike with teammate Matt Rodriguez, '16.
Has anyone bowled a perfect game on Prep's team? No one has bowled a perfect, but we have m ultiple talents th at have come close. 52
-Patrick Lum, '15
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declaiming Glory From the first ball that hit the lanes to irt the season, the 2014-2015 bow ling am knew expectations were high; however, eir goals were even higher. T hey knew that ey needed to w in Division, C ounty, and ictionals. W ith voids to fill for the JV and arsity team, Ms. Castellano had the lenviable job o f building a team prepared succeed. Looking to three-peat as South ivision champions, the Varsity squad ■ought back some key mem bers from last :ar’s team. Co-captains N ick M agnotti, ‘15, and ike M cKittrick, ‘15, were ready to lead the arsity team to the title. T he Varsity team aced second in the South Division and aced third out o f 24 teams in the N ew sar’s Team Cham pionships, as M ike icKittrick, ‘15, w on first team all urnam ent honors. T he JV squad made
noise as well, becom ing cham pions in their own right. T he team w on the South division title and placed third in the Falcon Frcnzec JV T ournam ent, their first ever tournam ent, buoyed by great perform ances by Keillor Beckw ith, ‘15, Jared A m m ugauan, ‘18, and Ed Valencia, ‘15. As the season nears its end, the Varsity team is firing on all cylinders. T he team has sent three representatives into the all-county individual tournam ent. As the county and state tournam ents rapidly approach, the Varsity team will look to recapture the county title after a heartbreaking defeat last year. W ith an unprecedented 13 Seniors leaving, Ms. Castellano will have a relatively young team next year, led by Juniors M atthew R odriguez and Justin Pcnik.
Ms. Castellano prepares the team for their final regular season match.
Mike McKittrick, '15, throws his shot in a league match.
The Fencing team takes a team photo with coaches Dan Bailey-Yavonditte and Michael Settembrino.
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Sabre John Filak, ’ 15, makes a lunge to score the final touch of the bout.
Fencing En Garde!
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T he team once again had another great season in the 2014-2015 year. Finishing 8-5, Prep Fencing faced many highly-ranked teams and always kept even the strongest o f them on their toes by m aintaining close bouts. At Districts, the team was able to achieve second place overall, w hich was a new team record. O n that day, the Foil squad came in first, the Epee squad achieved second, and the Sabre squad received fourth. All weapons advanced to State Squad Finals. This achievem ent was unprecedented for Sabre and Epee. Senior H unter W illiam s-Burrows was able to clinch first place in Foil Individual Districts by defeating second
place Felipe Rosario III, '16. Both o f then however, moved forward to Sta Individuals. T he team also marked a ne m ilestone, as they advanced into tl second round o f the State T ournam er Overall, the team finished ninth in tl State, again claiming a spot in the top ten. In the Freshm an-Sophom o invitational, D alton W alker, '17, achieve first in Sophom ore Sabre and Ben W an '17, achieved second in Sophom ore Epee. T hough the team is losing sever strong Seniors in each weapon class, ne: year they hope to strive for another positi\ record and m ore outstanding tournamei performances.
The Epee Sqaud of Kirubel Tekle, '16, Sean Fitzgibbons, '18, Juan Nieves, '18, Jon Sozer, '17, and Justin Cardoz, '15, take their medals for second place at Districts. Felipe Rosario III, '16, takes a parry and goes for the counterattack signature flick on the back of his opponent.
Starting Fencers Justin Cardoz, ‘ 15, Hunter Williams-Burrows, '15, Isiah Garlin, '16, John Filak, '15, and Dalton Walker, '17, gather for the meet against West Essex.
e team gathers from for a huddle and gets pumped for the booming meet. Hunter Williams-Burrows, '15, lunges, but Felipe Rosario III, '16, parries the attack in the district foil individual final bout for gold.
How has fencing been with the new coach, Dan Bailey-Yavonditte? It's been great. He's skilled in all swords, and he looks like Zach Galifianakis. -John Filak, '15
Seniors pose on Senior Night before playing St. Anthony's of New York. From left to right: Mike Barrera, Mike Zawistowski, Jon Labella, Richard Landolfi, Captain Sean Crowley, Captain Robbie Mahon, Captain
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Tommy Linkus, Brian Doyle, JT Fearon, and Manager Joe Abruzzo.
Sophomore Matt Koziel goes after a loose puck against Delbarton.
Play Ice With Other* T he Saint Peter’s Prep Hockey teat thrived again during the 2014-2015 seasoi C ulm inating w ith playing in the prestigioi G ordon Conference, N ew Jersey’s mo com petitive high school hockey league, Pre Puck ended the regular season w ith a 10-7overall record. T he year had many highlights, as wel T he m ost m em orable was Senior captai Scan Crow ley’s 100th career point on Senic N ight against St. A nthony’s o f N ew Yorl His three goals and one assist helped earn th M arauders a 7-7 tie. T he w ell-rounded team founl contributions from all experience level: Underclassm en w ith breakout seasons wer
What is your favorite hockey team in the NHL and why?
My favorite team in the NHL is the New Jersey Devils, because I grew up going to Devils gam es w ith m y dad and because one of the greatest goalies to ever play hockey played fo r the Devils fo r m any years. -Brendan McEwen, '17
Coaches Greg Morissey, '08, and David Burokas, '85. discuss defensive line changes and strategy.
Prep Puck puts up a strong defense against Bergen Catholic.
Members of the hockey team celebrate after scoring a goal.
Center Sean Crowley, '15, starts a breakaway.
k Gallo, '17, and M att Koziel, '17, as well reshman Ed Seborowski, '18, on defense. Gallo, in his first year on varsity, earned a :ing spot on the first line, scoring 8 goals contributing 15 points. Senior R obbie io n was a leader am ongst the defensem en, ing 3 goals. Tom m y Linkus, '15, also tributcd 7 goals and 8 assists on offense. : dynamic duo o f Augie Burkhardt, '16, Sean Crowley, '15, com bined for 71 its in the regular season. The 2014-2015 season ended a fantastic -year journey for all Prep Seniors, uding goalie John Labclla, '15, w ho was ored as one o f the top goaltenders in the t. T he team also honored Senior manager Abruzzo, '15, w ho earned an All-State : at the managerial position.
Senior Captain William Springer runs the final 55 meter hurdles in the County Championships.
!■Indoor Trac
Running for Lif<
T he m em bers o f the Prep Indoor Track team had their w ork cut out for them at the start o f the season; the seven Seniors w ho graduated last year left big shoes to fill. But the distance runners, throwers, and sprinters took all the adversity and challenges they faced in stride. Even w ith several coaching changes, the athletes were still able to succeed both as a team and individually. Prep’s season began w ith the Catholic Track Conference Relays, held at the w orld-renow ned N ew Y ork Arm ory. T he Varsity 4x800 relay, consisting o f Juniors Brandon Parrado and W ill Delaney, Sophom ore Brandon Rossi, and Senior Declan W ollard, came in a respectable 6th overall. Prep’s other athletes also finished strongly in their events, setting the course for a great season. T he team finished second in the H udson C ounty
Relays, a m eet w hich included highlights such as victc in the Varsity Sprint M edley and Freshman Dista M edley Relay, 4x200, and Shot Put Relay. Prep finished w ith a gold in the Jersey City' Championships. T he H udson C ounty Cham pionships saw many g perform ances from Prep athletes: Brandon Rossi, finished 3rd in the mile, Brandon Parrado, '16, raced 4th-place finish in the tw o-m ile, and Will Springer, jum ped his way to 5th in the 55m hurdles. In addit: Declan W ollard, '15, finished 3rd in the 800m and the 1 4x400 relay reached bronze on the podium . The I n d Track season saw some great performances by seaso upperclassmen and em erging Freshman, showing g potential for another victorious O utdoor season.
Senior captain Declan Wollard warms up for before his next race. Juniors William Delaney and Brandon Parrado compete in the 2 mile in the County Championships. Senior Darnell Hutchins runs the 55 meter hurdles in the County Championships.
Senior Matt Soliven sprints in the daunting 400 meter.
Who has been the biggest contributor this year to the Indoor Track Team? W illiam Springer, team captain, has been a m ajor co n trib u to r to the Indoor Track Team this season. Running three events he had never com peted in before at both the County Relay C ham pionships and City Cham pionships, his efforts put the team in the best place to win against stiff com petition.
,Mr Chrjstopher Cau,fie|di .03
After giving it his all in a tough match, Michael Simonetti, '16, is declared the winner.
Ryan Burkert, '15, breaks down his opponent in a leg lock to remain on top.
In a highly anticipated match up, Alec Kelly, '16, faces off against another state ranked opponent.
Who is your favorite wrestler and why? 60
My favorite pro wrestler is Jordan Burroughs. I like him so much becuase he is a New Jersey native, and his hard work and dedication is very inspiring to me. He never stops wrestling when he is on the mat and is the most explosive and aggressive wrestler by far in the world right now. -Matthew Russo, '17
os restling 3in It to Win It Led by Senior Captains Sonny
monetti, C onnor Burkert, and Ryan trkert, the M arauders once m ore posted impressive wrestling season. After pturing the H udson C ounty am pionship for the 7th tim e in a row, ey headed into the NJSIAA sectional urnam ent as the 2nd seed in arguably the rdest section in the entire country, ther accolades include w inning the acket 4 Cham pionship in M innesota at te Clash and taking hom e the am pionship bracket at the M oorestow n .ials, as well. This year, the M arauders w ere asked a St. Peter’s Prep and Harvard Alum nus
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to be featured in a movie created by USA W restling. W restlers were provided cameras in w hich they docum ented their everyday lives as well as matches and practices. It will allow viewers to experience the hard w ork every w restler goes through daily. This docum entary is predicted to be released some tim e in the fall o f 2015. T he M arauders may be graduating a substantial am ount o f very strong Seniors this year, but there are m any rising experienced wrestlers, such as Alec Kelly, M ichael Sim onetti, and N ick Santos, to nam e a few. T he future is bright for the St. Peter’s Prep w restling team!
Manny Ramirez, '15, adjusts his stance to take a shot at his opponent.
Daniel Sblendorio, '15, engages in an intense hand fight, looking for the dominant position.
Every Game Is Game Sevei Stem m ing off o f Coach Laguerre's career 250th w in, Prep Baseball so far has had a successful season. W ith 22 players, m ost having experience on the Prep field, the Prep team has been able to act as an effective unit. T he group has perform ed exceptionally well, w ith m any senior leaders on the team , including Kyle Bowes, Triston Brandt, Corey Caddie, N ick Camilleri, Dan C ooney, A ndrew D'Avella, N ick D oren, A nthony D uran, Joe Kopacz, M ike M arino, Justin Scherzo, and A ntonio Velardi.
Kyle Bowes, '15, about to deliver a powerful swing in this match against Ferris.
Eli Tait, '15, puts his impressive skills as team manager to use well before the game in the dugout.
O ver the years, Prep's seniors ha been able to pass their experience on to t underclassman, and have served exemplars to the rising players who v take their positions next year. T he team has started off the seas strong w ith a 6-1 record, and hopes continue to do well and hopefully make to the play-offs. Always maintaining positive attitude, all Prep players play w respect, confidence, and honesty. T mem bers o f Prep's baseball team serve examples o f the character and dedicati w hich make Prep students great.
Junior Dylan Connors delivers a powerful pitch hoping to strike out the batter so his team can get up to bat.
Antonio Velardi, '15, follows through on a powerful swing and sends the ball deep into the outfield.
Nick Doren, '15, walks slowly up to the plate in one of the team's first games of the season.
/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What was the funniest thing that happened during practice? Coach Vesey fell on his face while hitting us flyballs d uring practice. -Nick Doren
David Bovich, '15, rows at a practice with Ben Halligan, '15 his coxsw
Seniors David Bovich, John Fearon, Andrew Dellechiaie, and
Merrily Down the Strean
Chris Kuczynski row together as the upperclassmen of the
T he C rew team has been around for years now , each o f which has included spring and fall season. O ver the course o f it short history, however, Prep's rowers havj racked up an impressive series o f accolades. D uring the Spring o f 2013, the Junior 4 w on first place at the SRAA Nationd Cham pionships and the Stotesbury Cu International High School Regatta. In th Spring o f 2014, the lightweight 8+ placc| third at the NJ State Cham pionships, an| qualified for the N ational Championship* Along w ith the lightw eight 8+, the Junior an( Varsity 4+ boats also qualified for Nationals,
What is the funniest thing to ever happen at a rowing event? Jason McKivergan com ing to practice dressed as Coach Canale’s fiancee. 64
-Jack Collette
Underclassmen work together diligently as they experience their first practice.
Members of Junior Varsity 4+ press onward in an important race.
Senior members of Prep's crew team assemble for a group picture.
h the Junior 4+ returning to the podium h the silver medal in both the N ational and tesbury C up regattas. Prep also w on the Passaic R iver C up at Passaic Paver Sprints, beating D on Bosco, irny, Badgewood, Belleville and N utley in rly all events. This year the team set out w ith two new ches and a large novice program that ws promise for future success. W hile the ai has gained a large freshman squad this r, they will lose eight seniors, m ore than f o f w hich will row on the collegiate level ging from division I to division III.
Senior TJ Kaczan uses the wedge to send the ball onto the green.
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Danny Harcourt, '15, eyes down his ball and the hole trying to make the perfect shot.
Driving for Excellence As the snow finally melts and the flowers begin to bloom , the golf season kicks into gear. T here are high hopes for the 2015 Prep golf team. T he team ranked second in the state last year and strives to be a top 10 team again this year. T he three captains this year are Seniors TJ Kaczan from Clark, Paolo M atti from U nion, and D anny H arcourt from Scotch Plains. O ther starters include Seniors Joe Abruzzo from Sum m it and Luke M adden from W est Caldwell.
This year, Coach Ryan O ’Flabu and the team hope to set a record and a couple o f tournam ents. T he tean especially looking forward to defending title at the FD U O pen. Key matches year include rival m atch ups versus 1 Bosco and Bergen Catholic. This year, the team will fight to m it out o f the N o n Public B sectional advance to the T ournam ent o f Champic T he Prep golf team is confident that season will be extraordinary.
Senior Paolo Matti, '15, takes a precise swing and watches his ball soar up onto the green.
Danny Harcourt, '15, travels to the next hole with his caddie.
Paolo Matti, '15, takes another swift and easy shot while on the fairway.
What's your favorite exercise and why? I love putting, because th a t's how the game is won. -Paolo Matti
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B fl Before their match against Oratory Prep, the team gathers to go over a couple of plays.
Jason Coyle effectively keeps the ball away from an attacker.
Christian Hedengren is about to receive a pass and take a shot for a point for Prep.
ggJr ■ nm What team do you most hope to defeat during the season?
Definitely Saint Augustine. -Jack Gregory, '18
Lacrosse slet Gains The Saint Peter’s Prep Lacrosse m aking easy w ork o f schools like O ratory •ogram has grown a lot since its hum ble Prep and M ontville. tginnings in 1999. Building off the As quoted by one o f the team's om entum from last season, the 2014- esteem ed coaches, M r. M orrissey, “O u r )15 program propelled its way into the goals this year include w inning the ason. Led by am bitious seniors W ill Conference C ham pionship and advancing eM artin, Christian H edengren, and to the third round o f state playoffs. randon Popovich, the team is sure to be Furtherm ore, we are using lacrosse as a ithing short o f excellent. vehicle to prom ote accountability, Despite the truncated pre-season fellowship, and integrity.” lining period brought on by the brutal Ld drawn out w inter w eather, the icrosse team had a strong start to their ason. T he team began the year by
Will DeMartin takes a huge swing to get a point against Oratory Prep's goalie.
Lawson Penney cradles the ball as he runs down the field.
After a tackle, Senior Rob Banaag runs the ball passed from
scrum half Michael Abdon, '15, with supports Ian Gill, '15, Tony Noiplai, '15, and Luka Heinrich '16.
Give Blood, Play Rugby T he Saint Peter's Prep R ugby team has continued to run strong and sturdy after another year. Senior captain Michael A bdon strived to strengthen his teammates through his hard w ork and dedication to the team. In the fall, sevens had its best record in the program ’s history, achieving third overall after a string o f successful tournam ents. Prep continues to put on extreme com petitions throughout N ew Jersey. C ontinuing in the Spring Season, the fifteen m an team strives to capture the state cham pionship. T he pack is com posed o f the bulky forwards, headed by Seniors Ian Gill, Trinity Auriem m a, John Filak, Aedan Accardi, and John Stemkowski. T he agile and strong backs are led by M ichael A bdon, R obert Banaag, R enaud Bruce, T ed Carroll and T ony Noiplai. T he A-side Varsity Lineup consists o f stellar third and fourth year players. T he team definitely has a strong presence on the field w ith lethal and intricate plays. T he brotherhood is still resilient, as underclassm en rise to fill the new spots w ith dedication and hard w ork, and the team is sure to have an excellent season as well as a prom ising future.
After a ruck, Senior Michael Abdon attempts to pick up the ball and gain some yards against several opponents.
How difficult is Rugby?
Isn't this w hat the Vikings brought over?
-John Filak
The A-Side Varsity team lines up before Michael Abdon, '15.
Ttre immovab|e Renaud BrucCi , , 5 ct)argK down ,hc fc|d n0,
ea s
letting a single Delbarton member bnng him down.
e earn in
e ve c an .
Renaud Bruce. '15, and Connor McGee, '17, tackle their forward player as the team looks to gain possession.
Frank Coleman- ' 16’ and Patrick Carro11- ' 16' lift RaVmund Viado, '16, during a line out.
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Captain Quinn Williamson, '15, poses for a photo after a match victory.
Tenni ■
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Game, Set, Matcl Tennis, like m any o f Prep’s sports, is a longstanding tradition interw oven in the history o f Prep. T he St. Peter’s Prep tennis team has enjoyed m any successes over the past few years including, but not lim ited to, countless county titles and several victories in various state championships. D uring the 2014 season, Prep held the impressive record o f 17 wins and only one defeat. In addition to a successful season, the team had also w on the H udson County7 league title and managed to reach the semifinals o f the N ew Jersey State Cham pionships.
Leading the accomplished team victory are head coach Rev. John Fen and assistant coach Emily Fencik. W ith i return o f m any o f the team ’s talem players such as R ohan Singh, '17, a Zachary Joskow itz, '17, and capta Q uinn W illiamson, '15, and G; R ussotto, '15, the tennis team aims follow up on their successes yet again t year.
/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What goals does the team have for the season? The team hopes for another successful season and to hopefully capture the state title for tennis. -Ram Thatham, '17
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■ The team huddles to get pumped right before a tough game against our Hudson County rival, Bayonne.
Keillor Beckwith spikes the ball after being set up by fellow senior, Alex Donaleski.
Sean Johnson, '15, serves during a close game against Bayonne.
What was the most memorable thing that happened during practice? Someone got smashed in the face once. It was great. -Brad S w ita la ,'15
Drder on the Court Prep's Volleyball Team will look to enge a State Cham pionship loss that ided in three sets last season. This year’s am is led in its bid for the State hampionship by Senior Captains Keillor ickwith, Alex Donaleski, and Bradley vitala. They are supported by the ■dicatcd Senior group consisting o f Kevin cVeigh, R yan H ernandez, Scan hnson, Stephen O ro, T om m y cM anus, and Dave Smith. This group o f Seniors leads the team rough thick and thin, im proving upon
each other’s strengths. W ith this strong group o f leaders, the team brings out the best in each other, creating a strong sense o f brotherhood and camaraderie. After gathering m uch experience through last year’s playoff run, this year's Prep Volleyball team will hope to get back to the State Cham pionship, w ith a possible rem atch against Southern R egional High School.
Stephen Oro, '15, awaits with team members for the opposing team to serve.
Bradley Switala, '15, delivers a powerful serve that results in an ace for Prep.
Ca m p u s
m in is t r y
80 Campus Ministry Team 82 Freshman Ministry 84 Sophomore Retreat 86 Kairos 88 Emmaus 90 Service Trips 92 Pax Christi 94 Arrupe Week 96 Mission Drive
Joseph Abruzzo, Aedan Accardi, Sean Ahern, Salvatore Alessi, Alejandro Anderson, Tyler Apito, Keillor Beckwith, David Bovich, Clark Burnett, Daniel Callaghan, Ryan Campen, Patrick Carney, Nolan Collier, Peter Conlin, Nicholas Cozzarelli, Kenneth Creer, Tim Critchlow, Sean Crowley, Anthony Dabb, Andrew Dellechiaie, Daniel Dellechiaie, Jon Carlo Dominguez, Anthony Duran, Michael Dwyer, Griffin Faherty, John Fearon, Christian Gallardo, George Garber, Daniel Garrett, Joseph Giani, Ian Gill, Ben Halligan, Darnell Hutchins, Dennis James, Jonathan Juan, Kyle Krutis, Chris Kuczynski, Henry Locke,
w • - jt
Luke Madden, James Maglione, Patrick Maguire, Joseph Manganello, Mike McKittrick, Thomas McLaughlin, Tom m y McManus, Vincent Menafro, Ryan Mullins, Patrick O'Leary, W illiam Oser, Ed Oser, Griffin Otterbein, Manny Ramirez, Jim m y Rivera, Brian Rojas, Gabriel Russotto, Anthony Sabia, Nick Savino, Justin Scherzo, Conor Sharp, David Smith, M att Soliven, W ill Springer, Brad Switala, Peter Tomljanovic, Steven Trujillo, PJ Walshe, Vincent Weber, Declan Wollard, Bennett W ong, Marc W right
Freshman Ministr Ryan Hartnett, '18, helping a young ward from The Nurturing Place swing at a ball during his Freshman Day of Service.
Freshmen For Other*
C om ing into Prep can be a challenging transition, especially as a Freshman. T o facilitate this transition, the Freshm en attend IgNite. IgN ite is an overnight retreat w here Freshm en get to know their hom eroom s and to form bonds that will last them throughout Prep. IgN ite serves to make the incom ing students comfortable w ith both the campus and their brothers and is the first o f many retreats students attend throughout their Prep careers. T hrough the night, Freshm en m eet their 'Big Brothers', upperclassmen w ho will guide these young m en throughout their first two years at Prep. T he upperclassmen introduce activities
to the Freshm en, which serve introduce the Freshm en to the ideas Ignatian spirituality and brotherhood. Freshm en also participate in 'Freshmen Day o f Service', w here tl perform activies that range fr< volunteering at a food shelter, to hostin day o f fun for young children. T introduces the Freshman to the first o f f Grad at Grad values: com m itted to do justice. These adventures are the first m any for Prep students, and they pro these young gentlem en onto their path becom ing 'M en for Others.'
Liam Keegan, '18, blowing bubbles and playing during his Freshman Day of Service.
The members of the Class of 2018 gather outside Moriarty Science Center during IgNite.
Freshmen enjoy themselves while learning teamwork through the water balloon toss activity during IgNite.
What did you like most about IgNite? I liked staying the night at Prep the m ost. -Raymund Viado, '16
Matthew Phillips, Jonathan Garzon, and Jonathan Quinn sper time with the elderly tenants living in St. Ann's Horn
Sophomore Retrea Serving God By Serving Other:
W hat it means to be a “M an for At these various sites, Sophom ores; O thers” is an essential them e taught to all given the chance to work face-to-f Prep students throughout their four years. w ith people w ho need their care ; Becom ing this “M an for O thers” is a goal support, and have a chance to lea w hich each Prep student should strive for - firsthand w hat it means to em body t being selfless and help all those in need. Jesuit ideals w hich they have learned T he Sophom ore R etreat offers m uch about during their time at Prep. students a crucial step in this process, as T he retreat spiritually challent well as a chance to reflect on the students to serve G od by serving o tb experience. T here are num erous and think in depth on their experier opportunities for retreatants to help out, T he retreat gives Sophomores such as by giving out food at a homeless chance to serve on a personal level a shelter, w orking at a food pantry, or prepare themselves for their serv: hanging out with senior citizens at a requirem ent in Junior year. nursing hom e.
Prep Sophomores Jack Burgess, Max McGinley, Jonathan Quinn, Jon Sozer, and Ryan Donaldson work their Can-do Attitude while working at the Prep Food Pantry.
A Sophomore retreat around Thanksgiving ends with a group photo around a festive turkey.
Senior Daniel Dellchiaie assists Sophomore Zach Chmiel in setting up the Prep food pantry.
So up s fa m ily membe
What is the funniest moment in your sophomore year? Mr. Geary pranked us by pretending to assign an im possible research paper over C hristm as break. -Dominic Corrado '16
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God's Time M eaning “G od’s T im e,” Kairos provides Prep Juniors w ith a unique retreat experience w hich never fails to create lasting memories. Students engage in a variety o f spiritual activities centered on reflection and prayer w hich allow them to strengthen their relationships with G od and their fellow Prep brothers. W hen not actively engaged in the Kairos events, retreat m em bers are given free tim e to enjoy life and build friendships doing anything from participating in a com petitive football game to w atching the waves crash on the shores o f the beach. Kairos retreats take place at sites w hich provide the perfect environm ents for
Jack Bonnet, '16, Billy Fitzpatrick, '16, Dave Clancy, '16, Dave Corrao, '16, Patrick Sweeney, '16, Sean Regan, '16, and Brian Dougherty, '16 pose for a picture in their signature Prep turtle necks.
Participants on Kairos 35 stand out on the balcony during free time to see the breathtaking view of the ocean.
relaxation and reflection. They arc led by se mem bers o f the Cam pus M inistry Team and 1 faculty, w ho w ork hard to ensure that reti yield a m eaningful experience for everyone. W hile on Kairos, retreat members are g the opportunity for deeper self-evaluat contem plating the role that God plays in t daily lives. G uided by the retreat leaders, often gain a new and improved outlook on and a renew ed sense o f their faith as they com understand w hat it truly means to be a produc G od’s love. T he short tim e one spends on K; is arguably the m ost m em orable experienc Prep student can participate in during their years at Prep.
At the end of Kairos, Ms. Toomb and the Kairos student leaders, Will Oser, '15, Salvatore Alessi, '15, Riley Conlin, '15, Clark Burnett, '15, Bennett Wong, '15, Justin Scherzo, '15, and George Garber, '15, take a post-Kairos selfie.
On Kairos 34, Matt Rodriguez, '16, Mike Murphy, '16, Joe Abruzzo, '15, Christian Near, '16, Anthony Romano, '16, John McLaughlin, '16 John Lovito, 16, and Jeremiah DeGuzman, '16, take a candid during group activity.
Kairos Retreatants have a Kairos moment during their break next to the fire place.
Kairos 35 takes a final group photo after their last group activity.
/ I f you created a religion, what would it be called? Syncretism - it lets you use more than one religion at the same tim e. -Fr. O’Hare, S.J.
One of the Emmaus 274 small groups, made up of Mr. Wright, Ale Donaleski, Bradley Switala, Anthony Duran, Vincent Weber, anc Jeremiah Silva pausing for a picture on the last day of the retreai
■ ■■ Seniors Michael Cid, Francis Cagigos, Tyler Apito, Ms. Toomb, Darnell Hutchins, and Nick Kaniewski taking a picture during a break on the last day of Emmaus 273.
Emmaus On the Roac Built around the lessons o f the Bible passage about Jesus' disciples on the road to Em m aus,the Emm aus retreat is m eant to help its Senior participants to ciiscover who they arc and w hat road they will choose to follow closer to graduation. As w ith any Prep retreat, the experiences and grow th o f students who have participated in Emmaus is what consistently drives new retrcatants to take the first steps on their own journey. Seeing fellow classmates becom e m uch more conscious about w hat they w ant their future to contain often inspires others to go on the retreat, and inspires retrcatants to continue to live out those values.
What is your favorite Gospel and your favorite book of the Bible?
My favorite Gospel is Luke, and my favorite Bible book is 1 Samuel. -Dr. Hartling
ever insightful Fr. O'Hare taking a picture with the always idsome Brian Rojas after leading a very successful Emmaus.
Clark Burnett and Ms. LaBruno showing their excitement in leading the first Emmaus retreat of the school year.
Emm aus can show one w hat direction they would like to go after graduation and asks participants to reflect on w hether or not they need to change their course. It gives the tools necessary to efficiently handle the m any challenges in life. K nowing that one has people on their road w ith them , one can grow closer w ith friends, and learn to accept that they may sometimes need the assistance o f others. It helps others to recognize that change is necessary to adapt to life, and it is best to always welcome it w hether it be good or bad. David Smith, Justin Scherzo, Aedan Accardi, Dominick Arnaldo, Paul Chiurraz', and Mr. Eleria take a revolutionary photograph on the last day of Emmaus 274.
:X.- Service Tri Go Forth and Serv<
Students at Prep are given num erous chances to be m en for others. O ne o f the greatest opportunities is to go on service trips around the world. This gives them a chance to serve people outside o f their com m unity. They have gone to places as far as Bethel, Alaska and Q uito, Ecuador. T hey have w orked w ith many organizations such as Habitat for H um anity and M inistry o f Advocacy and W orkcam ps, Inc. T hey helped brighten up com m unities by building houses and m aking ramps. Serving in different areas and w ith different people
Michael Fogle, '16, embraces a resident of Skid Row on the Los Angeles Mission Trip.
Prep students help to groom lawns during the Camden service trip to bring light to the community.
experiences for each m em ber. These tri allow students to have a w ider view o f tl w orld because they witness firsthand soc justice issues and the im portance o f servic W hen they com e hom e from tin service, they bring the experience wi, them . T heir com m itm ent to justice dc not stop once they are finished. Mai students have done their ow n volunteerij w hen their trips w ere over, showing othc the true meaning o f being a man for othe.
service group appreciates the landscape and poses overlooking o, Ecuador with one of the children they were helping to serve.
The Prep students on Habitat for Humanity in Wilmington, Delaware take a photo with their fellow workers during the week. The volunteers for the Romero Center in Camden, New Jersey take a quick picture after a group meeting with the staff members at the center.
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If you could be the student of any major religious leader, who would it be? Pope Francis - He seems like a contem porary Pope for a contem porary world. -Riley Horton, ‘ 17
Getting involved early in their Prep careers, Prep students come into the food pantry to do a quick checkup on inventory.
Steven Millad, '15, Chris Dombrowki, '15, and Salvatore Alessi, '15, volunteer for Pax Christi to wrap presents for Prep's annual Christmas Adopt-a-Family program.
John Hester, '17, Peter Stokes, '17, and Tyler Cholankeril, '17, finish wrapping their first presents for the families, and start putting them away.
What was your favorite Ignatian Scholar trip? The Dead Sea Scrolls in Discovery Times Square. It was interesting because it tied into topics we discussed in my 92
Freshman year religion class.
-Declan Wollard
’ax Christi & Ignatian Scholars.)
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lesuit Outreach In Pax Christi, under the guidance o f ector o f Cam pus M inistry and club )derator Ms. T oom b, President Patrick Leary, '15, and Vice President James N iland, >, students seek to establish justice for those in ed in our urban com m unities and in our later global family. W ith the aid o f the ightful reality used by Ignatian Scholars, club embers learn while they w ork outside o f Prep. Being w ell-educated as Christian scholars G od’s creations, Prep students m ust pass on it knowledge to their brothers and sisters, le way this is done is through tutoring. O n ;urdays each m onth, Pax Christi visits ooklyn Jesuit Prep to help M iddle Schoolers
w ith their hom ew ork. D uring that tim e, Prep students get to make the connection not only as Catholic students, but also as m em bers o f a Jesuit com m unity, helping to im prove the conceptual know ledge o f younger students. A nother one o f the biggest parts o f Pax Christi is m aintaining the stock o f our food pantry. Y oung m en selflessly donate food and other supplies to the pantry, conscious o f the hunger and material poverty in our surrounding environm ent, in order to make our intentions succeed. T hinking and caring about the lives o f others is the definition o f w hat it means to be a m an for others at Saint Peter’s Prep. The group comes together to pose for a photo at the Sheehan Scholars Leadership Retreat.
!='.■Arrupe Wee i Every year, the A rrupc w eek com m ittee decides on the topic o f focus for the w eek-long series. This year, the topic o f choice was masculinity. D uring the weeks preceding the Arrupe Lecture Scries, Prep held events to provide supplem ental ideas to the student body. Students were encouraged to think for themselves and form their ow n concepts o f masculinity. These events included a gender studies scavenger hunt, a student panel conducted by LGBT students, Ms. Eppler’s talk on sexual dim orphism in hum ans, and several other guest speakers. Students learned about the perception o f gender, societal constructs for masculinity, and w hat it means to be a man.
Serving as a reminder of the week's theme, Prep's hallways displayed T-Shirts designed by male rape victims and discussions of the portrayal of masculinity in the media.
Four Prep students and One German Exchange student reflect on the viewpoints of masculinity in their culture during an Arrupe Week Lead- Up Event.
W hat Makes a Man D r. M ichael Kim m el, the author
Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Beco M en and a professor o f gender studies at Stc
Brook University, provided the keynote sped explaining his novel to the student body a; lecturing about gender equality. Ultim ately, Prep wants to foster environm ent w here students are motivated talk w ith one another and discover m ore ab( issues that are present w ithin m odern socie Prep hopes that, by educating young m en ab( such issues, they will rise above sock standards for the benefit o f all people.
A student reviews the Arrupe Week reflection questions before attending his homeroom reflection.
Dr. Michael Kimmel reads off a quote from his book, Guyland, during the Keynote Address.
Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., visits Prep to preside over the Arrupe Week Liturgy.
/ What was your favorite Arrupe Week topic and why? Environm ental Justice, because I care for M other Nature as well as our lim ited environm ent. And, if you did not know, it takes 55 gallons of w ater to make 1 cup of coffee.
_John Fj|ak
During the Senior “Assassination" Game, Jon Carlo is mercilessly assassinated by Ryan Mullins in a place of solitude in a time of reflection.
Spencer Winell sells some Fruit by the Foot for homeroom 3B to seniors Ryan Campen and Jimmy Rivera.
Juniors Dhruv Duggal and Zach Davis get some Wa Tacos in Mr. Comey's re
Seniors Anthony Ruvo and Alejandro Anderson sell dress down bracelets during lunch periods.
What is your favorite fundraising event for the Mission Drive?
Jar Wars - even a penny can make a difference. -Steven Millad
ission Drive -!
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he Drive To Serve
T he Mission Drive at Saint Peter’s Prep aims to provide support for several com m unities and projects around the world. To prom ote the M ission Drive, hom eroom s and class years com pete against each other to see w ho can raise the m ost funds for their dcisgnated M ission Sites. Teachers sell baked goods or host special events like raffles to bring in m oney. N otable events in the last few years include ]Ms. LaBruno’s X box O ne raffle. Mrs. M cElroy’s profound ‘W alking T aco’ campaign, and Ms. M cN ally’s stellar cmpanadas. Students enjoy getting involved w ith the m any activities that are offered during
the M ission Drive, and spreading the spirit o f generosity throughout Prep. Students at Prep know that w hatever little they can contribute to the M ission Drive can provide a lot for people w ho are not as fortunate. Each class year o f Prep sends the m oney that they raised during the Mission Drive to a separate cause. T he sites that Prep donates to extend from Bethel, Alaska to H om eboy Industries in Los Angeles, to the W orking Boys C enter in Q uito, Ecuador. T he m oney donated by Prep makes a difference in the com m unities, w hether it is to com bat poverty and gang violence, or to fund programs for underprivileged children.
Mr. Comey takes stock of the day's profits as he sits behind his towering boxes of snacks.
Senior Marc Wright brings in handmade cookies and brownies for all the students to enjoy.
ACADEMICS 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
Classics English Fine Arts History Mathematics Modern Languages Religion Science Guidance and College Counselin Staff and Administration Faculty
Utilizing the new FollettShelf eBook program, Mr. Geary dissects a pivotal scene in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird with his Sophomore class.
Mr. Morrissey assists a student in understanding the lesson on the thematic cores of To Kill A Mockingbird during community Period.
As the year commences, Mr. Bouley teaches his Freshman English Class how to formulate Thesis Statements.
What is the best and worst factor about the Chromebooks?
Best: Accountability for students' learning; Worst: Tendency tow ards distraction. -Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
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Prep's Literary Tradition In the words o f Prep's very ow n
im portance o f literature in understanding r. Scibilia: “W hy do hum an beings write? the w orld in w hich w e live. re write to be understood and to In Freshm an year, students learn about iderstand.” This is the primary focus o f foreign literature, w ith books such as e English D epartm ent at Prep. R om eo and Juliet by W illiam Shakespeare Students are guided throughout their or Sophocle's Theban Plays. In Sophom ore ur years as they develop w riting skills that year, students learn about the great them to com m unicate m ore Am erican literary tradition reading great iectively and to learn about different authors such as Steinbeck and Fitzgerald. In iltures and tim e periods through the Junior year, the focus shifts to the literature ady o f classic literary works. It is the goal o f England from the times o f Anglo-Saxons the English D epartm ent for students to the m odern day. Senior year offers many aduating from Prep to leave as m ore electives such as AP English Literature. T he >mpetent writers and independent lessons taught at Prep will affect and benefit inkers w ho recognize and respect the students' m inds and lives long after Prep.
With the students having done their assignment the night before, Ms. Angermeyer analyzes the literary devices present in The Canterbury Tales.
Mr. Caulfield fields a question about The Three Theban Plays from Noah Andriani, '18, during Community Period.
The Finer Things In Lift T he goal o f holistic education evoked by the phrase C um Personalis at Saint Peter’s Prep is greatly furthered through the Fine Arts D epartm ent. T he ability to look at life from a new angle grants Prep students the opportunity to becom e m en o f a higher quality. T he Fine Arts D epartm ent supplies Prep students w ith thought-provoking displays positioned around the library, music that unites us during school liturgies, and a deeper understanding o f w riting and musical techniques. Because o f these, we are inspired and every school day is made
Putting the finishing touches on his masterpiece. Sophomore Paul Policastro is inspired by life experiences.
During community period, students come together to fine-tune their musical skills in Mr.Caslowitz's Class.
far m ore enjoyable. Creativity at imagination are emphasized through M Klim, the chairwom an, along with M Caslowitz, M r. Eleria, and M r. Smith. T hroughout a Prep student's caret opportunities seem to keep growing as nc options arise, from creating instrument digitally sharing music with the world, ai exposing the w orld to their artwork public places. Prep students arc shaped in fine young m en as they are exposed to tl creativity and individualism that the Fit Arts departm ent has to offer.
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Inspired after a lecture on contemporary art, Ms. Klim's Junior Art Class utilize styles that they learned to begin their Quarter 1 Projects.
After explaining the safe way to use a hacksaw, Mr. Smith demonstrates his tireless desire to incite inspiration in his Introduction to Art Class. After school, Samuel Gardner, '16, unwinds through an emotionally provocative piece.
What is the meaning of life? Last period free on X or Y day. -Dan Cooney
Mr. Keating, '78, discusses the impact of Buddhism on Ch with his Freshman World Civilization cla
Ms. McElroy instructs her history students on the causes of
World War I in Senior AP US History II.
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History A Blast From the Past
The History departm ent at Sain Peter’s Prep enables students to study th past so they can prepare for the future From ancient civilizations to m oden America, the History D epartm ent help students to understand and analyze history T he broad range o f courses teach lesson that will benefit students throughout thei lives. As the philosopher George Santayan once said, “Those w ho cannot learn fron history are doom ed to repeat it.” In W orld Civilizations, Freshmei learn about the great civilizations o f th* past such as T he R om an Empire, Ancienl Egypt, a n d th e Pre-C olum bian perioc Students also learn essential study and note
What was your funniest encounter with Mr. Morris? I caught him jam m in g out on the bass guitar before the w inter concert.
Students observe geography taught by Mr. Roche in Junior Year's US History 1.
Fr. Cassidy, S.J., oversees his hardworking AP History students during a chapter test.
The charismatic Mr. DeLorenzo teaches US History the only way he knows how: with flare and excitement.
taking strategics that help them not only in history, but also in other subjects o f Prep. H igh-perform ing students in W orld Civilizations can opt during Sophom ore year to take AP W orld History, a challenging class w hich gives an in depth and analytical look into advanced topics such as the developm ent and interaction o f cultures, state-building and expansion and conflict. In Junior and Senior years students learn the history o f the US from the PreColum bian period to the present day. Stress is placed on critical thinking and writing skills. In addition to full year courses, students can choose electives provided by the history departm ent, such as U nited States Law or T he Great W ar.
■ ■ ■ ■ Mr. Quinn presents the Rational Zero Test to his Junior PreCalculus Honors class.
Mr. Hollywood, '66, helps a student learn how to solve Two-Step Equations during Community Period.
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"■Mathematic The Numbers Gam
Challenging its students to reason and think critically, the M ath D epartm ent at Prep makes sure that each student is ready for the real world w hen they graduate. Beginning in Freshm an year, students start their Prep m athem atics career w ith Algebra 1, Accelerated Algebra 1, or Interm ediate Algebra H onors; students then learn the concepts o f mathem atics that apply to G eom etry in their Sophom ore year. By Junior year, the M athem atics departm ent has prepared students to m ove on to either Pre-Calculus
or Algebra 2 and Trigonom etry. D uf Senior year, students round out tf education in mathematics while taking Calculus, Calculus H onors, Intro Calculus, Precalculus, or Topics in Coll< M athematics. For students seeking a i challenge, the optional AP Statistics cou is offered. Prep M athem atics is designed to b holistic course o f studies, encompass ideas from Freshman through Senior y e that students will take with them , wh they m ove onto the next steps o f their 1:
Sophomore students of Ms. LaBruno's Geometry Class come to her during Community Period for extra practice.
Reviewing the Algebra method of “ FOILing,” Mr. Coccaro prepares to teach his Junior Algebra 2 and Trigonometry class about functions.
Because learning never takes a holiday, Fr. O'Hare, S.J., explains implicit differentiation to his Seniors in Calculus Fionors on Halloween.
y * /.•
f If you could make one rule at Prep what would it be? Teachers should be able to get JUG. -James Clark
Senora Gomez, with her usual care and patience, teaches her studious Spanish 3 Honors class, enriching their language skills.
Mademoiselle Carlson teaches her French 2 students about French idiomatic expressions.
Signora Romano reviews Italian work with her AP Italian class, extolling her knowledge of Italian culture and language.
What is the funniest reason you got JUG?
I got caught playing the Kim Kardashian Game. 110
-Henry Locke
odern Languages Learning from Around the World! Starting in Sophom ore year, Prep students branch out into arnmg m odern languages. T he M odern Language D epartm ent versifies the students o f St. Peter’s Prep through the classes, abs, and exchange programs w hich all aim to im m erse students various cultures. T hrough the study o f Spanish, French, erman, and Italian languages, students learn how to m m unicate w ith various people from different areas o f the arid and how to experience others' culture. Prep’s exchange programs allow students to truly put w hat ey have learned to good use. T hrough collaboration w ith gh schools from other countries, these programs give students iportunities to delve into the cultural and linguistic essence o f eir languages. Students can visit different countries and explore rious cultural differences.
T he M odern Languages D epartm ent offers opportunities closer to hom e as well; the Spanish and Italian clubs host an expansive array o f culturally relevant activities. They give students a greater understanding o f other countries through the lens o f culture and language. These unique cultures and linguistic tools allow students to experience w hat it means to be better m en for and w ith others. T he M odern Language D epartm ent’s true goal is to improve each student’s ability to think beyond their conventional com prehension and to em brace other cultures. It provides an understanding o f other perspective w hich im prove students’ ability to be m en for others.
Senor Powers looks on with Sophomores Matthew Honig and Thomas Murray as a classmate gives a presentation.
Herr Veniero prepares for class while reviewing a German dialogue with Brendan Murphy, '17.
I ll
Mr. Gambone explains the various social influences on the writing of the Gospels to his Sophomore New Testament Class.
Fulfilling our Spirituality
In following w ith Jesuit education, young m en at Prep arc required to take four years o f religion classes. Thanks to their profound and influential teaching, Fr. Azzarto, S.J., D r. H arding, Dr. Scibilia, M r. G am bone, M r. M cCarthy, Ms. Singleton, Ms. Rice, M r. D ougherty, M r. Galano, and M r. Fletcher and the classes they teach arc sure to leave a mark on the m inds and characters o f each Prep student. Starting during Freshman year, students arc taught Ignatian values and are imm ersed in the teachings o f the O ld Testam ent. Delving deeper during Sophom ore year, students explore the
N ew Testam ent and develop connectid betw een both the H ebrew and Christi Scriptures. Junior year gives students t opportunity to apply their knowledge religion to ethics. Prep students are taut about philosophers from many differt periods o f tim e, from Aristotle Im m anuel Kant. This penultim ate cl provides students the ability to face mo dilemmas and discern proper choices 1 the rest o f their lives. Finally, Senior year allows students take religion into their own hands throu. electives. T hrough all o f these cours< M en are form ed through their individi ideals.
Students in the Senior World Religions class review the readings that they were assigned.
Dr. Scibilia encourages critical thinking as he listens to students having a friendly debate in front of the class.
Mr. Rossi enlightens his Junior Christian Ethics class on various social ethical philosophies.
/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is the funniest class moment you've encountered?
When Mr. Settem brino tried to m ake it look like he was show ing us how to graph a function on the w hite board and he was "p o in tin g ” stuff out, but he was really ju st using it as an excuse to flex and show off his m uscles.
1 1^ -Christian Colucci
1 1 J
In Forensic Science, Mr. Canale examines sketches of a crime scene made by students.
Senior PJ. Walshe, '15, comes to Ms. Epplerfor help on his Enzyme Activity lab report.
In his Freshman Physics class, Mr. Bourg explains his policies on homework and retaking tests.
What is the best excuse to get out of homework?
“ I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school." -Salvatore Alessi
/lind Over Matter! Science is a fundam ental part o f prything. Prep’s Science D epartm ent empts to im bue students w ith a desire d curiosity to com prehend advanced entific topics. Critical thinking jestions, and exciting lab experim ents p to foster students’ understanding o f ysics, chemistry, and biology. Freshman year kicks off w ith physics, : study o f m atter and energy. W hile pshmen begin to adjust to Prep life, they rn about the basic aspects o f science and -. Exploring the basic principles o f the iverse helps Freshm en grow and
understand Prep's expectations. Sophom ores take chem istry to enhance their know ledge o f atoms and the com position o f elem ents. Studying chem istry allows students to explore the basics o f elem ents and the ways o f w hich they react w ith one another. Juniors and Seniors put their skills in physics and chem istry to use in their study o f biology, the study o f the com position o f life. T he Science D epartm ent strives to inspire its students, and to fill them w ith passion to study science further in life.
Diagramming wavelengths and frequencies, Ms.Bui depicts the dynamics of a recently completed lab on waves.
Ms. Castellano fields questions after presenting the agenda for her AP Environmental Science class.
’ : -if?
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Guidanc On the Right Track
A Prep student’s journey through high school can be very stressful. T he Guidance D epartm ent is available for students w henever they seek assistance on any matter. In addition, G roup G uidance is available for all four years to ensure that a Prep student always has a helping hand. Freshm en are guided very diligently as they make the transition from elem entary to high school. Furtherm ore, students are prepared so they can adapt to daily life at Prep and for the rest o f their career as a Prep student. T he G uidance D epartm ent makes sure that Sophom ores have not lost track o f
A constant source of support for countless Prep students and alumni, Fr. Azzarto leads a discussion in his Group Guidance class.
After a very stressful day, Sophomore Chirayu Shah stops by Fr. Mullin's office to discuss his progress in the first Marking Period.
the values and habits they gained in their fi year and that they arc equipped for futi challenges in their Prep career. Junior and Senior years mark a signific; transition in the role o f the Guidar D epartm ent from focusing at one’s stay at Pi to his departure for college. The guidaii counselors w ork late for Juniors and Seniors w rite recom m endations and look o' admission essays. T he Guidance D epartm ent watches o’ every single Prep student to keep him on a p; o f increasing success and helping students throughout their journey.
/ What is the hardest class you have taken at Prep? AP Calculus B.C. It was so hard that sometimes no one showed up. -Steven Oro
Helping to run a Prep event, Mr. Michael Weiners looks over a program with an alumnus.
Mr. Chris Casazza and Frank Pellegrino, '17, carry in gift
baskets and begin to direct the raffle at the Prep Fashion Show.
Mr. Jack Caulfield, Ms. Catherine Ford, Ms. Diane McCabe, and Ms. Jessica Norton of the finance office smile for the camera.
If a teacher at Prep was a superhero or villain, what would he/she be called? Mr. Settembrino; Popeye the Sailorman.
-Sean Johnson
Staff and Administration Behind the Scenes
Although m ost students believe that classrooms arc f tantam ount im portance to the Prep com m unity, there re many other room s that are just as im portant; there /ould be no learning if it was not for the people inside aese rooms. Prep is run by the staff and adm inistration w orking ehind the scenes to m ake it a place to w hich students njoy com ing every day. T he admissions team, led by 4r. John Irvine, ‘83 P ’l l , keeps the halls o f Prep full o f s most im portant asset — its students. Staff m em bers in ae advancem ent, alum ni relations, and finance offices,
located in Shalloc Hall, w ork under the guidance o f Fr. K enneth Boiler, S.J., to make Prep the financially viable and tradition-rooted school that it was founded to be over a century ago. Furtherm ore, they put on a great num ber o f successful events each year. T he academic adm inistration at Prep, led by M r. Jam es D cA ngelo, '85, arc those w ho run and maintain the academic life o f the school, keeping up Prep's reputation for educating m en o f the highest quality. All o f these m en and w om en w ork tirelessly outside o f the classroom to keep life at Prep running smoothly.
Ms. Frances Salvo speaks to Ms. Wong, P'15, about the Prep Fashion Show.
The Admssions Staff, Mr. Irvine, Ms. Casazza, Ms. Fitzpatrick, welcome Mike Wright, '10, into the Prep faculty.
Ms. D'Emic, Fr. Boiler, Ms. McElroy, Mr. DeAngelo, Ms. McNally, and Mr. Innis attend the 144 Grand Gala.
Ms. Katie Albers
Mr. Kevin Albers
Ms. Janet Angermeyer
Director of Operations
English Department
Years at Prep: 5
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 8
Ms. Rosemary Annetta
Mr. Juan Arteaga
Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Science Department
Assisstant Dean of Student Life, English Department
Guidance, Religion Departments
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 9
Bene Merenti 35
Mr. David Bailey, '95
Mr. Clayton Bellamy
M s. E lizabeth B e n e d ic t
Director of Educational Technology
Operations Staff
Director of the Browning Center
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 7
Mr. Seth Bourg
Ms. Jane Bleasdale
Fr. Kenneth Boiler, S.J.
Science Department
Director of Faculty Formation
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 2
■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■■
■■ ■■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■
If you could make the whole school watch one movie or read one book, what would it be and why? 12 Years a Slave, because it is so well done, but also shows a very real,
Boyhood; it tells about growing up, fam ily, and states, “ I thought there
raw depiction of w hat it was like being a slave in the South.
would be m ore .”
-Mr. Adam Bouley
The Iron Giant. For the feels.
M oby Dick - life lessons wrapped in 1000 pages of stories set on a boat. -Mr. Gianpaolo Eleria
-Fr. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Mr. Alexander Canale
Mr. Adam Bouley
Ms. Lisa Bui
Mr. David Burokas, '85
English Department
Science Department
Classics Department
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 9
Mr. Jan Butrym, '01
Mr. Gerald Campbell
Mr. A le x a n d e r C a n a le , '05
Educational Technology
Mathematics Department
Science Department
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 7
Ms. Barkha Cardoz, P'11,'15
Ms. Alison Carlson
Mr. Christopher Casazza, '97
Database Manager for Events
Modern Languages Department
Chief Advancement Oficer
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 9
Ms. Diane Casazza, P'95, '97
Mr. Steven Caslowitz
Fr. M a tth ew C a ssid y , S.J.
Assistant to the Director of Admissions
Fine Arts Department
History Department
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 15
Years at Prep: 1
Ms. Carmela Castellano
Mr. Christopher Caulfield,'03
Mr. John Caulfield, '71, P'OO, '03
Science Department
English Department
Vice President for Finance
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 3
Ms. Mary Beth Caulfield, P'OO, '03
Mr. Charles Coccaro
Ms. Cecelia Collins
Browning Center Assistant
Mathematics Department
Attendance Office
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 17
Mr. Thomas Comey II
Mr. Paul Cunneen
Ms. Nancy Cunningham
Science Department
History Department
Director of Annual Giving
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 15
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Belkise Dallam
Ms. Catherine Daly
Ms. Yetunde DanielsRubinstein
Guidance Department
Campus Shop
Guidance Department
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 6
Mr. Jerry Davis
Mr. James DeAngelo, '85
Mr. Carl DeLorenzo
Operations Staff
History Department
Years at Prep: 3
Bene Merenti 25
Bene Merenti 42
Ms. Elizabeth D'Emic
Ms. Suzanne Dillane, P'16
Mr. James Dondero, '66
Classical Languages Department
Mathematics Department
Guidance Department
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 9
Bene Merenti 27 ■■■■■■
■■■■ ■
Mr. John Dougherty
Sr. Frances Duncan, O.S.F.
Ms. Mary Durante
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Science Department
Vice Principal
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 19
Years at Prep: 10
Mr. Gianpaolo Eleria
Mr. Hugo Elo
Ms. Catherine Eppler
Fine Arts Department
Operations Staff
Science Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 18
Years at Prep: 4
Ms. Mary Finn
Ms. Trish Fitzpatrick, P'07, '16
Mr. Michael Fletcher
Campus Ministry Assistant
Director of Public Relations
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 13
Ms. Melinda Flores
Ms. Catherine Ford
Mr. Robert Furlong
Science Department Chair
Assistant Vice President for Finance
English Department Chair
Years at Prep: 7
Bene Merenti 26
f i could switch places with a co-worker for a day, Mr. Vytas Vaznelis. I've always wanted a beard. -Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
Mr. Scannapieco. Som etim es the beard gets itchy. -Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
■ ■■■ ■ ■■
■ ■■■ ■ mm ■■■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■ ■■■
Years at Prep: m m m
it would be...
Mr. M orris; It w ould cu t down m y hair styling tim e Significantly.
-Ms. Erin„ Salge
Mr. Keating. I w ould love to know w hat it feels like to have such an awesom e range of knowledge on so m any subjects. -Mr. John Morris
Probably Ms. M cElroy to see the am azing class she conducts for
Ms. Eppler so when students confuse us they will finally call me by
AP US History.
the right nam e.
-Ms.Barkha Cardoz
-Ms. Carmella Castellano
Ms. Rosalie Romano
Mr. Gabriel Rossi
Ms. Erinn Salge
Modern Languages Department Chair
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 15
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 3
Ms. Frances Salvo
Mr. Arvind Sawh
Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
Director of Special Events
Operations Staff
Classical Languages Department
Years at Prep: 4
Bene Merenti 25
Years at Prep: 7
Dr. Dominic Scibilia
Mr. Michael Settembrino,‘01
Ms. Maureen Sheppard
Religion Department
Mathematics Department
School Nurse
Years at Prep: 16
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 7
Ms. Brooke Simonson
Ms. Boreta Singleton
Mr. Nyugen Smith
English Department
Religion Department Chair; Campus Ministry
Fine Arts Department
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 7
■ ■■■■
If you could go back to high school, what would you do differently? I would spend less tim e draw ing political cartoons in AP US History. -Ms. Erinn Salge
I would choose to go to Prep! However, then I would have known Mr. Canale sooner... -Mr. Thomas Comey
I would have played a com petitive sport. U nfortunately (or not), I had to work everyday after school to help pay m y way. It was only in
I would join m ore clubs and maybe even play an additional sport. -Mr. John Irvine
college and then fo r the next 15 years th a t m y athletic abilities were put to great use on the rugby pitch.
,Mn John ^ Enjoy the m om e n t instead of being in a rush to get to college! -Ms. Barkha Cardoz
Ms. Erin Stark
Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, P’96, 01,06
Mr. Rocco Tejada
Operations Staff
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 13
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Maura Toomb
Ms. Aym ee Torres-Perez
Mr. Kenneth Trotta
Director of Campus Ministry
Modern Languages Department
Science Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 2
Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
Mr. Salvatore Veniero, '05
Mr. Anthony Verdi, ‘95
Classical Languages Department
Modern Languages Department
History Department Chair
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Elizabeth Walsh
Mr. Michael Wieners, ‘04
Ms. Joan Zanfardino
Advancement Office
Director of Alumni Relations
Science Department
Bene Merenti 30
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 3
Mathematics Department Chair
I'd have tried out for the theater group. I was too guarded and careful in
nestly nothing. -Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
high school. I bet it would have been such a rew arding experience. -Mr. Gianpaolo Eleria
ould dem and th a t m y teachers help me m ore in com prehension and ting skills. My school rocked in instructing us in m ath and w hat was
Way m ore studying, m uch less socializing. -Ms. Janet Angermeyer
in called “ social studies,” but I probably needed to learn m ore about tin g w ith confidence. I w ould also try to learn how to do a lay-up. The I sim ply doesn't respect m y aim . It has had a tendency to go beyond the l (and backboard).
-Fr. Matthew Cassidy, S.J.
Class of 2015
Mr. John Dougherty
Sr. Frances Duncan, O.S.F.
Ms. Mary Durante
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Science Department
Vice Principal
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 19
Years at Prep: 10
Mr. Gianpaolo Eleria
Mr. Hugo Elo
Ms. Catherine Eppler
Fine Arts Department
Operations Staff
Science Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 18
Years at Prep: 4
Ms. Mary Finn
Ms. Trish Fitzpatrick, P'07,'16
Mr. Michael Fletcher
Campus Ministry Assistant
Director of Public Relations
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 14
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 13
Ms. Melinda Flores
Ms. Catherine Ford
Mr. Robert Furlong
Science Department Chair
Assistant Vice President for Finance
English Department Chair
Years at Prep: 7
Bene Merenti 26
Years at Prep: 7
f I could switch places with a co-worker for a day, it would be... Mr. Vytas Vaznelis. I've always wanted a beard. -Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
Mr. Scannapieco. Som etim es the beard gets itchy. -Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
Mr. M orris; It would cu t down m y hair styling tim e significantly.
-Ms. Erinn Salge
Mr. Keating. I would love to know w hat it feels like to have such an awesom e range of knowledge on so m any subjects. -Mr. John Morris
Probably Ms. McElroy to see the am azing class she conducts for
Ms. Eppler so when students confuse us they will finally call me by
AP US History.
the right nam e.
-Ms.Barkha Cardoz
Qarme||a Castellano
Mr. B
i m a M r . F r e d e r i c k M Gaddy, '01G a l a n o G a m b o n e
E n g l i s h D i r e c t o r o D e p a r tm e n tF in a n c ia l A
r . Michael
f R e l i g i o n i d D e p a r t m e n t
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 5
Mr. Peter Geary, '05
Mr. Joe Giglio, '87
Ms. Ella Glazer
English Department
Director of Guidance and College Counseling
Computer Science Department
Years at Prep: 5
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Nery Gomez
Ms. Grace Gualario
Mr. Richard Hansen, P'03, '09
Modern Languages Department
Assistant to the Principal
Director of Athletics
Years at Prep: 7
Bene Merenti 25
Bene Merenti 32
Mr. Richard Hansen III,'03
Dr. Jeffrey Hartling
Mr. Brian Healy, '99
Physical Education Department Chair
Religion Department
Mathematics Department
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 7
What was the best excuse you gave your teacher for forgetting a homework? I never m ade excuses. -Mr. James DeAngelo
I do not rem em ber. -Ms. Nery Gomez
Invisible ink.
My backpack was sprayed by a skunk, you w ou ld n 't w ant that -Mr.John Morris
No excuses, play like a cham pion. -Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
sm ell in the classroom .
-Mr. Alex Can
I was w riting m y English research paper, but then I received an urgent no via a hawk, th a t the Titans were being released from the Underworld. So, as any other good m ortal would do, I jum ped on m y trusty steed with my
I always cam e up w ith elaborate excuses and then ended up paper and rushed tow ards the gates of the Underworld in order to help. Ir
feeling bad and te lling the truth.
-Mr. John Dougherty
the end, his three-headed dog Cerberus ate m y homework. -Mr. Christos Mergoui
Mr. James Hollywood,'66
Mr. James Horan, '70
Mr. Brian Innis
Mathematics Department
Vice President for Planning and Principal Giving
History Department
Years at Prep: 12
Bene Merenti 41
Years at Prep: 4
Mr. John Irvine, '83, P'll
Mr. Michael Jiran, '03
Mr. Anthony Keating, '78
Director of Admissions
Director of Communications
History Department
Bene Merenti 26
Years at Prep: 8
Years at Prep: 10
Mr. Michael Kelly
Dr. Richard Kennedy
Ms. Megan Klim, P'16
Educational Technology
English Department
Fine Arts Department Chair
Years at Prep: 2
Bene Merenti 48
Years at Prep: 11
Mr. Kyle Kutsup
Ms. Theresa LaBruno
Mr. Patrick LaGuerre
Physical Trainer
Mathematics Department
History Department; Assistant Dean
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 4
Mr. Anthony Locricchio, ‘96
Ms. M aryphyllis L o cricch io , P’95, ‘96
Ms. Janice Martineau
Dean of Student Activities
Assistant to the President
College Counseling Assistant
Bene Merenti 23
Bene Merenti 20
Years at Prep: 14
Ms. Diane M cCabe
Mr. Michael McCarthy
Ms. Mary Anne McElroy
Finance Office
Religion Department
History Department
Bene Merenti 23
Years at Prep: 12
Years at Prep: 10
Ms. Alice McNally
Mr. Christos Mergoupis,'04
Fr. Larry Miller
English Department
Classical Languages Department
Campus Ministry
Years at Prep: 10
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 2
Ms. Sarah Morissette
Mr. John Morris
Ms. Maria Morris
Guidance Department
Dean of Students
Guidance Department
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 11
Years at Prep: 4
Mr. Gregory Morrissey, '08
Fr. John Mullin, S.J.
Ms. Jessica Nordstrom
English Department
Guidance Department
Guidance Department
Bene Merenti
Years at Prep: 2 ■ mm
Years at Prep: 2 ■■■■ ■■■■■■
■■■■ ■
What is your biggest student pet-peeve? Pastel pants. Unless you arrived at school by yacht, it's a little
When they use calculators to find out a percentage grade on a quiz. I'm a
pretentious. And if you arrived at school by yacht, w ell...fine, I guess.
big fan of long division.
But I still don't have to like it.
-Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
-Mr. Michael Jiran
Students walking on the w rong side of the stairw ell. Sim ply put, it is
When students make jokes about the Dewey Decim al System ...it's Library
super frustra tin g when you are as short as I a m - trying to navigate
o f Congress classification in here, you guys.
those stairw ells....
-Ms. Sarah Morissette
-Ms. Erinn Salge
Ms. Jessica Norton
Mr. Ryan O'Flaherty
Fr. Robert O'Hare, S.J.
Finance Office
Physical Education Department
Mathematics Department
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 3
Years at Prep: 7
Ms. Deborah Peko-Lillis, P'10
Mr. Richard Peters, '85
Ms. Peggy Popp-Murphy, P'08
Database Manager
English Department
Assistant to the Director of Operations
Years at Prep: 5
Years at Prep: 18
Years at Prep: 7
Mr. Thomas Powers
Mr. Jose Que, '99
Mr. Casey Quinn
Modern Languages Department
Physical Education Department
Mathematics Department
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 3
Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J.
Mr. William Reese
Ms. Cheryl Rice
English Department
Assistant Librarian
Religion Department
Bene Merenti 33
Years at Prep: 1
Years at Prep: 2
Ms. Erica Rivera
Mr. Brendan Roche
Assistant to the Director of Athletics
History Department
Years at Prep: 11
Years at Prep: 1
o out of three students forget to urn borrowed belts.
-Fr. John Muilin, S.J.
ave no student pet-peeves.
-Dr. Dominic Scibilia
ien students ask, ‘‘ Did we have m ew ork last night?” -Fr. Matthew Cassidy, S.J.
Ms. Rosalie Romano
Mr. Gabriel Rossi
Ms. Erinn Salge
Modern Languages Department Chair
Religion Department
Years at Prep: 15
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 3
Ms. Frances Salvo
Mr. Arvind Sawh
Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
Director of Special Events
Operations Staff
Classical Languages Department
Years at Prep: 4
Bene Merenti 25
Years at Prep: 7
Dr. Dominic Scibilia
Mr. Michael Settembrino,‘01
Ms. Maureen Sheppard
Religion Department
Mathematics Department
School Nurse
Years at Prep: 16
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 7
Ms. Brooke Simonson
Ms. Boreta Singleton
Mr. Nyugen Smith
English Department
Religion Department Chair; Campus Ministry
Fine Arts Department
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 7
If you could go back to high school, what would you do differently? I would spend less tim e draw ing political cartoons in AP US History. -Ms. Erinn Salge
I would choose to go to Prep! However, then I would have known Mr. Canale sooner... -Mr. Thomas Comey
I would have played a com petitive sport. U nfortunately (or not), I had to w ork everyday after school to help pay my way. It was only in
I would join m ore clubs and maybe even play an additional sport. -Mr. John Irvine
college and then for the next 15 years th a t m y athletic abilities were put to great use on the rugby pitch.
-Mr. John Morris
Enjoy the m om e n t instead of being in a rush to get to college! -Ms. Barkha Cardoz
Ms. Erin Stark
Ms. Jacquelyn Supple, P’96, 01,06
Mr. Rocco Tejada
Operations Staff
Years at Prep: 9
Years at Prep: 13
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Maura Toomb
Ms. Aym ee Torres-Perez
Mr. Kenneth Trotta
Director of Campus Ministry
Modern Languages Department
Science Department
Years at Prep: 6
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 2
Mr. Vytas Vaznelis
Mr. Salvatore Veniero, '05
Mr. Anthony Verdi, ‘95
Classical Languages Department
Modern Languages Department
History Department Chair
Years at Prep: 7
Years at Prep: 4
Years at Prep: 15
Ms. Elizabeth Walsh
Mr. Michael Wieners, ‘04
Ms. Joan Zanfardino
Advancement Office
Director of Alumni Relations
Science Department
Bene Merenti 30
Years at Prep: 2
Years at Prep: 3
Mathematics Department Chair
I'd have tried out fo r the theater group. I was too guarded and careful in
nestly nothing. -Mr. Matthew Scannapieco
high school. I bet it would have been such a rew arding experience. -Mr. Gianpaolo Eleria
ould dem and th a t m y teachers help me m ore in com prehension and ting skills. My school rocked in in stru ctin g us in m ath and w hat was
Way m ore studying, m uch less socializing. -Ms. Janet Angermeyer
m called “ social studies,” but I probably needed to learn m ore about ting with confidence. I would also try to learn how to do a lay-up. The I sim ply doesn't respect m y aim . It has had a tendency to go beyond the 1 (and backboard).
-Fr. Matthew Cassidy, S.J.
Class of SO15
Michael Abdon
Erik Aborde
■■■ ■
Microbank 2,3, copresident 4; Asian Society 1,2,3, president 4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; CLC 3,4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Concert Band 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2; Student Council 2!
1 1,2,3, captain 4; Wrestling 2,3; Football 1; Asian Club 1.2,3,4
“Som ew here, som ething incredible is waiting to be know n.” -C arl Sag;
“Y o u have no idea how high I can fly.” -M ichael Scott, “ T h e O ffice’
Joseph Abruzzo
■■■ ■
Aedan Accardi Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3; Ffu^by 1,2,3,4; Art Club 2,3, president 4; Kairos 28; AMDG 3; Emmaus 273, Leader 274; Newark Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; HAP Tutor 2; Freshman Ambassador 1
Campus Ministry Team 4; Habitat for Humanity 4; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Hxkey manager 2,3,4; Pax Christi 3,4; Petrean 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Baseball Club 2,3; Model UN 2,3; Football 1; Baseball 1,2,3; Golf 4; Kairos 29,34; Emmaus 276
“ Life is not a m atter o f holding good cards, but som etim es, playing a poor hand well.” -F ortun e C ool
“Y o u order som ething unusual, people will never forget y o u .” -Johnny Dram a, “Entourage”
Sean Ahern
Christopher Aguilera Soccer 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Kairos 33; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4
Football 1; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; Prep Poet Society 4; Pax Christi 1,2,3; I Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 30,37; Emmaus 274,275; AMDG 4; Habitat for Humanity at Wilmingon, DE 4
“ Hum anity is at our best w hen w e throw ourselves passionately into the unknown - in search o f love and discovery.” -C h ristoph er N olan, “ Interstellar”
“ Ifyou laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. That's a heck o f a day. Y o u do that seven dayst w eek, you're going to have something special.” -Jim Valva
Alexander Aiello
Paul Ajayi
National Honor Society 4; French National Honor Society 3,4; National French Exam j Honorable Mention 3; Academic Silver Medal in History 4; Honors Pin 2,3,4; Psycholoa Club 2; Ebony Club 3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
“ Life's better in boardshorts.” -Billabong
“Y o u r dream doesn't have an expiration date. Evei though it may take time and repeats, you should never give up. That's why I bet D r. M artin Luther King had to hit that snooze button like 4 0 times tc try to reach his dream .” -O rigi
) b r
What has been your most memorable encounter with a Dean during your time at Prep? Looking up to see M r. Locricchio in O'Keefe after I punched Sal Alessi in a sensitive area. It was hard explaining it to M r. M orris at J U G review. -M ichael Abdon W hen Chris Capparis and I went to Legal Grounds during com m unity period our Sophom ore year and M r. Oryshkevych walked in and took our IDs and gave them to M r. M orris. W e still got those bacon egg and cheeses though. ■ -K erry Boll
1 3 2 ! ! ! . ,
W atching M r. M orris nodding off on the stairs while waiting for our tour at the Jesuit church on the Italian Exchange. -D avid Bovich I'll never forget that M r. M orris would only approve the Christm as video under one condition - that we include a shot o f him riding through the hallways. O n his bike. (It's always the bike.) -C lark Burnett I waved to M r. M orris at the beginning o f an assembly. Fie did not wave back. I could feel the cold shoulder thirty rows back. -Jody Giani
Dean Laguerre once called m e into his office and proceeded to tell m e that a play I made in a previot baseball game was the m ost “unathletic” looking p he had ever seen in his life. -D an C c T h e time I was in M r. Morris' office and he played O zzy Osbourne's “M r. C row ley.” -Sean Crc T h e first time M r. M orris called me “W olly-W olh was genuinely shocked and didn't even know what say in response. -D eclan W c
Peter Ajayi
Alexander Alberti
Indoor Track and Field 3,4; Outdoor Track and Reid 3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; National HonorScciely4; National Spanish Honor Society; Kairos 33
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Outdoor Track 1,2, manager 3,4; Culinary Club 3,4; Kairos 31
“ Ifyou have no critics y o u ’ll likely have no success.” -M alco lm X
“T o improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” -Winston Churchill
r fk A jr y
Salvatore Alessi
Eladham AN Ebony Club 2,3,4; Art Club 2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3.4; Kairos 33; Italian Club 2,3; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4
OutdoorTrack 1; Kairos 31, leader 35; Emmaus 278; Mcrobank4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Asian Society 2,3,4; CLC 4; First Robotics Team 3.4; Petrean CoChietirvEditor 4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Model UN 3; AM06 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Movie Club 3,4; IgnatianFamily Teach In 4; Gaming Club 1,2; Ultimate Frisbee Club captain 3,4; History Club 3
“ I can't sleep.” -S ir Jam es M atthew Barrie
“Y o u m et m e at a very strange time in m y life.” -Narrator, “Fight Club”
David Anderson
Alejandro Anderson Indoor Track 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2; Soccer 2,3; Outdoor Track 3,4; Band 1,2,3, vice president 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ignatian Family TeacfUn 4; Ecuador Immersion Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity Trip Wilmington, OE 3; Spanish Exchange 4; Engneering Club 2,3,4; MIT IrwenTeam 3,4; Robotics Team 3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society' 4; Kairos 29; Emmaus 276; AMDG 3
Water Polo 2,3,4; Prep Against Ignorance 4
“ I w um bo, you w um bo, he she we wum bo. W u m b o . W um boing. W um bology, the study o f w um bo! It's first grade Spongebob!” -Patrick Star, “ Spongebob Squarepants’
“W h at is the action that becom es possible when your analysis begins to imagine?” -D r. D om inic Scibiha
( ^ x‘ i'chjr ClrAtMAXi'
Tyler Apito
Austin Andrews-Sanchez
Model UN 2; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; Kairos 32; Spanish Club 4; Medical Club 4; League of Legends Club 4; National Honor Society 4
Prep Soccer 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Microbank 2; Ping Pong Club 3,4; Prep Against Igiorance 3,4; Chess Club 2,3; West Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Habitat For Humanity Wilmington, OE 3; Kairos 29,% Emmaus 273,275
“ Procrastination is your body telhng you you need to back off a bit and think m ore about what you arc doing.” -Jam es Altucher
“Just w hen you think you know the answers, I change the questions.” -R o w d y R od d y Piper
Vhat's the best place to hang out during a free period at Prep, and why? tr. Dondero's room ; because o f sleep. -R o b e rt Banaag he table on the third floor o f M oriarty Science Center because that is w here the realest conversations ent down, and a lot o f hard work. This is the area tor e C ool Kids' Club, so if you want to be apart o f this cclusive club, go there during your frees! _ -N ic k Cozzarclli
Jurse's office, because M rs. Sheppard is the nicest urnan being alive, and its cozy in there. -Tristan Brandt
M r. Canale's ro o m ... O nly crew kids would understand. -Joseph Ponterdolph
M rs. Morris's room . T h at place was where the absolute m ost hom ew ork got done. T h e best part? Rarely anyone in there. Like a secret club or something. -Jody Giani
V ox room , w ithout a doubt. M usic and friends make ijfe awesom e.
W h at’s a free period? -C lark B urnett
-Jo n C arlo D om inguez
T h e M office, short for the M rs. M orris Office. She may have shut down our idea for buying a ball pit, but the room still has fun things to do in it. -D an Garrett
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Dominick Arnaldo
Gabriel Arevalo
App Development Club 2,3.4; Spanish Club 3.4; Bowling 3,4; Spanish Exchange 4; Stock Market Club 3; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 274
Crew 2; Kairos 32; Vox 4
“T h e game o fM a o starts n o w .” -Starting player o f Ma
Robert Banaag
Trinity Auriemma Rugby 2,3.4; Culinary Club 3,4; Crew 2; Fencing 2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
Rugby 2,3, captain 4; French Club 3,4; Kairos 32; Emmaus 275
■ “ Only ride with the people you walked with. Only | eat with the people you starved w ith .” -K endrick Lam;
Michael Barrera
Keillor Beckwith
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Stock Market 1,4; Kairos 32; EngneeringClub 1,4
Basketball 1; Football 3; Bowling 4; Volleyball 1,2,3, captain 4; Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; EngneeringClub 1,2,3,4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 274; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Society of Comedic Appreciation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Italian Exchange 4; Intramurals captain 1,2,3,4
“ Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” -M itchell Kapor
X '
Alejandro Blanco Football 1; Rugby' 1,2,3; Medical Club 4; Stage Crew 1,2
“T here are tw o kinds o f pain. Sort o f pain that makes you strong or useless pain, sort o f pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless pain.” -Francis U nderw ood, “ House o f Cards”
If you could change one thing about Prep, what would it be? T he pool, on the top o f the roof, needs some m ore chlorine in it. -R cn a u d B ruce
N othing; I love this place,
Having a senior hangout space.
I would make Flynn M unroe the head football coach.
-R y a n B urkert
-C o n n o r Burkert Have pool passes be sold in the campus shop so freshman stop com ing to us. -D an Garrett
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-Patrick Carney Longer lunch would be nice. -James Clark W e need an auditorium that can accom m odate students during assemblies and performances. -Jon Carlo D om inguez
A delivery service from Milano's to the Com m ons. | -D an Coontf
* wish Brow nstone would cater. -A ndrew Dellechia:
I would change the parking situation. Since it is difficult and costly to park nearby Prep, I hope they go through with the master plan to construct an underground garage, therefore leaving m ore spots td park. -C h ris Geisslc
Kerry Boll
Jacob Borsellino
Water Wo 2,3.4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 2,3,4: Kairos 28; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Petroc 1,2,3.4; Ski Club 1,2,3
Soccer 1,2,3.4; Italian Club 2,3,4
“ N ever let school interfere with your education.” -M ark Tw ain
“W hatever you are, be a good o n e.” -Abraham Lincoln
/3 - iL
David Bovich
B flil BB
Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 275; Prep Food Pantry founder 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; NJCU/Prep Summer Research Progam 3; Habitat for Humanity Wilmington, Delaware 3; National Honor Society 4; Italian Exchange 3; National Italian Horor Society 3,4; Pax ChrisS 3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4
“Hannony, balance, and rhythm. They’re the three things that stay with you your whole life. W ithout them civilization is out ofwhack. And that’s why an oarsman, when he goes out in life, he can fight it, he can handle life. That’s what he gets from rowing.” -Daniel James Brown, “The Boys in die Boat”
Kyle Bowes Baseball 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2; Intramurals 2,3; Kairos 29; Emmaus 276; National Honor Society 4; National Italian Hcncr Society 3,4; Goingto Bat against Breast Cancer 3,4; Petroc 1,2 editor 3,4; Hellenic Society 2 president 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2
“ Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. T hey som ehow already know what you truly want to b ecom e.” -S teveJob s
Tristan Brandt Prep Baseball 1,2,3,4; Prep Basketball 1,2; Kairos 29; Emmaus 276; Baseball Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 4; Italian Club 3
“W h en you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” -R o n ald Reagan
Renaud Bruce Ebony Club 1,2,3, vice president 4; Soccer 1; Wrestling 2,3; Rugby 1,2,3,4
“ If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't, it's amlost certain you won't. You've got to think high to rise. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can.” -Napoleon Hill
\lho is your favorite teacher, and why? iy favorite teacher at Prep would be M r. Smith as he otivated m e, inspired me and always knew how to |ake a class a fun time while doing hard work, frthout him , I would have never thought o f rmpleting m y final art project. -Sean Ahern can go to M rs. M cElroy for literally anything: history dp, college advice, or dealing with issues outside o f hool. Besides being an outstanding history teacher, Irs. M cElroy taught m e even m ore about life. She is a inuinely great person. -K yle Bowes is. Dillane. She knows how to motivate a classroom f students while embodying a m otherly figure. O n e o f je kindest teachers at Prep, but business is business ith her. -N olan Collier
lr. Settembrino. H e is Father Arms. -Chris C olucci
ly favorite teacher would have to be M rs. Zanfardino. ler lively and caring attitude towards her students is ne o f a kind. N o t only is she a fantastic teacher, but Te was a teacher you could talk to if you needed help /ith anything or had a problem. -K en C recr
I have to say that, to this day, M r.K eating is m y favorite teacher. I had him Freshm an year for W orld C iv, and I've been doing a Keating impression since. H e truly is a good m an, and he'll burn you now so you don't get burned later, but don't w orry, he's not mad at you, you're a good m an, as long as you don't pile on. Just follow up! -Sean C row ley M r. D eLorenzo is m y favorite teacher because he is just amazing at w hat he docs, and he is really insightful and has a lot o f wisdom to share. -Jibrael R ob ertson M y favorite teacher is M s. M cElroy, because she scares me too m uch to choose som eone else. -P at Carney M r. Burokas. H e is sartorially on fleek — only one person beats him in the w hole school and that is Raphael Talatala. Also, Burokas has taught m e nearly all the skills I need to succeed in a classroom. H e is hard on us because w hen we grow up, everyone will be hard on us, so it is good that we learn now. -D an Garrett M r. Evans, because o f that amazing beard and the sweet M ustang. -K vle Krutis
Mrs. M cElroy because she could make you laugh while you were trembling in fear. -C h ris Kuczynski M r. Mergoupis. He's ju st straight up awesome. He's been m y Latin teacher twice and m y Greek teacher this year. He's always caring, considerate, smart, funny, and intelligent. -H en ry Locke
Ms. Singleton; she is a saint... A A A A A A A A M EN ! -B rian Rojas
M y favorite teacher is Ms. Garcia, although she left in the end o f the 2 0 1 3 school year. She not only taught me about the Spanish language but she also taught me about how to present myself, having manners, being respectful etc. M s. Garcia really understood the idea o f cura personalis because she wanted us, her students, to be the w hole person. N o t only would she want us to learn the Spanish culture & language but she also wanted us to be the Prep M an for Others because that was our end goal o f being at Prep. -W ill O ser
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Ryan Burkert
Connor Burkert Wrestling 1,2,3, captain 4
Wrestling 12,3, captain 4
“A journey o f a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -L ao-tzu
“W e are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, not an act but a habit.” -A ristof
Corey Caddie
Clark Burnett
Football 1,2,3, captain 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; IndoorTrack 1,2,3; Kairos 31
Filmmaking & Prep Videography 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3, president 4; Ebony Club 1, president 2,3,4; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Petrean 1; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ethics and Technology Co-Teacher 4; Big Brother 3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Quito, Ecuador Service Trip 3; National Honor Society vice president 4; National French Honor Society 3,4; Ignatian Scholars 1,2; Sheehan Scholars 3,4; Kairos 29,35; Emmaus 272,273
“T h e meaning o f life is to give life m eaning.” -U n kn ow
"So, as a filmmaker, I’ve been entrusted with the keys to hum an relations. Film is m y m olotov cocktail, hurled earnestly in a war against apathy, hoping to m ove you in some w ay.” -O riginal
Daniel Callaghan
Nicholas Camilleri
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Water Polo 1; Marine Biology Club president 4: Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29,37; Emmaus 277
Baseball 3,4
“Y o u may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for y o u .” - W alt Disney
“W h en I’m done, I ju st want to know I gave everything I had and did everything I could have possibly done to be successful.” -O rigin
John Campbell
Ryan Campen
■■ ■
Cross Country 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Model UN 2
CLC 1; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 276; AMDG 3; Kairos 31; French Club 2,3,41, Spanish Club 2,3,4; Engneering Club 2; Naional French Honor Society 3,4
“Each generation imagines itself to be m ore intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that com es after it.” -G eorge Orwell
“It is quite certain that in seeing the people who treat us so well despite their own misfortune, we ar< m ore obliged than ever to w ork hard for their happiness.” -M arie Antoinet
j L C /# What was the best or worst new saying this year? Best: “ Club going up, on a Tuesday!” -Paul Ajayi
W orst: “ O d e.”
Best: “What's 9+ 10? 2 1 ”
I'm ju st sad “swag” is gone.
Best: “Y o u know how I rock .” -A dam Ali
-A lex Alberti
-M ichael
W orst: “Aye F am .” -D an Cod
-K eillor Beckwith
“B oots May be W o rn .”
W orst: “Y ou're dirt.” -Jack Campbell
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Best: “ Circle up, gentlem en.” ■
-A nthony Di|
“ Fu ego.” Honestly, just don't, -D an Garrett
-Jody G
■■ ■ ■■
Christopher Capparis Swimming 1,2.3, captain 4; Water Polo 2,3,4; Emmaus 273,274; Kairos 28; Pax Chrisfi 3; French Club 3,4
“W hat Jefferson was saying was, 'Hey! Y o u know w e left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves - pronto - we'll ju st be bogus to o!'”
Michael Capparis Water Polo 1,2,3.4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 3,4; Emmaus 274; Kairos 28
“ I almost nunchucked you, you don't even realize!” -C h azz Reinhold
-Je ff Spicoli
Justin Cardoz 12.
Patrick Carney
Fencing captain 3,4; Jazz Band 1,2; Kairos 28; Emmaus 273; Ping Pong Club 3; Gaming Club 2,3; Italian Exchange 3; Romero Center Summer Service Trip 3
Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29,35; Emmaus 273,274; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Hellenistic Society 4; Engneering Club 2
“ H i, I'm Jo h n Green, and this is Crash C ourse U S H istory.” -J o h n Green
“W ell, you can tell by the way I use m y walk I'm a woman's m an; no tim e to talk.” -T h e B ee Gees
Terence Carroll
Luca Casulli
Rugby 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Emmaus 275; Kairos 28; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; CLC 3,4; Football 1; French Exchange 3; Prep Fashion Show 4
Rugby; League of Legends Club
“Y ou're not dead until the last person that knows you dies.” -D r. Jeffrey Harding
“W h y do today what you can put off until tom orrow ?” -D om inic Casulli
Paul Chiurazzi
Winston Chu
CLC 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; National Italian Honor Society 3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 274,276; Arrupe Team Commitee 4
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Water Polo 1; Kairos 28; Emmaus 273; French Exchange 3
“Life is an im provisation. Y o u have no idea what's going to happen next, and you are m ostly ju st making things up as you go along.” -Stephen C olbert
“Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.” -H o m e r Simpson
T qaJL - G k ixL L & yy --
fhat was the most memorable event that happened during your Prep career? trricane Sandy, that pseudo-half school interim fiod, and feeling like the world was ending. -C lark B urnett W hyte standing up during Sophom ore orientation 1 asking, “Y eah , w hen are we going to get Swedish h back in the cafeteria?” -Justin Cardoz
ishman year. M y wrist was broken and M ichael Cid s helping m e with m y backpack. As w e waited for elevator's doors to close, D r. Kennedy tried to ke it but he got stuck between the door and the II. It remained like that for a very- awkward 4-second iod as we waited for the doors to open so Dr. nnedy could be free once again. -A dam Ali
Jo e M ango dancing for an hour simply because Ms. T o o m b and the rest o f the Im m ersion trip thought it was funny, how ever the people in the other cars didn't find it as hum orous. -T e d Carroll T h e Prep C rew team w on the Stotesbury C up for the first time in our history. -A n drew Dellechiaiea T h e m ost m em orable event at Prep was w hen the Baseball team were unranked in the state, com ing off an opening day loss to Marist. T h en Antonio Velardi, one o f m y best friends, shut out Bergen and I had my first varsity' career hit —a double. T h en we becam e one o f the top ranked teams in the state. -N ic k Cam illcri
In m y sophom ore year, w hen I w on first place with a few other Italian students at the Italian Culture and Language Day at M ontclair State University for our perform ance on “La D olce V ita.” I had never been on a team at Prep, and to be a part o f this and win first place was really som ething special to m e. -N ick Cozzarelli W h en M rs. M cElroy gave us a cautionary speech before Prom . -B e n Halligan
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James Clark
Michael Cid
Chess Club 1; Baseball Club 1,2; Hellenic Society 3; Metro Arts Program 3;
National Spanish Honor Society 3.4; Outdoor Track 2; Baseball Club 1.2; Spanish Exchange 4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 272,273; Intramurals
“ If you're not making som eone else's life better, the you're wasting your time. Y o u r life will becom e better by making other lives b etter.” -W ill Smit
“B e better than T h e Gap.” -R y an Gosling
John Collette
■■ ■
Nolan Collier
Tennis 1; Crew 2,3, captain 4; Pax Christ 1,2; CLC 1; Kairos29;VWMAW3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Hellenic Society 3,4; Petrean 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3.4
Soccer 12,3, captain 4; Hockey 1; Petroc 3,4; CMT 4; Student Council 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 30, leader 36; Emmaus 276
“ I guess you can say its getting pretty serious.” -K ip , “ N apoleon D ynam ite”
“ It's beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success.” - J .C c
Christian Colucci
Peter Conlin Hockey 1; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3; Spanish Club 3; Baseball Club 1,2; Pax Christ 1.2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29,35
Wresting 1,2,3,4
“I feel like I'm too busy writing history to read it.” -Kanye W .
Sean Connors
Daniel Cooney
Water Polo 2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Pax Christ; Kairos 28; Maurader Nation 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Prep W.I.L.D. 2; Petroc 3,4; West Virgnia Immersion Trip 2; History Club 4; Emmaus 275
Baseball 1,2,3, captain 4; Igrratan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Hellenic Society President 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Young Entrepreneurs Club 4; Crew 1,2; Baseball Club l,2,3j Ambassador 1; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Kairos 28: Emmaus 275; Pax Christ 2,3; National Honor Society 4
“ I want to put a ding in the universe.”
“@KristaKimberly, If I get 10k retweets, will you £ to Senior Prom w ith m e?” -© Facts About C
-S teveJob s
A_ What is your favorite class, and why? French. W e have a bunch o f clowns, and Ms. Carlson is m om . -R o b Banaag
Sound Design because I was able to produce music and be creative. -H avden Criollo
A .P. U S History II; It always felt like I was aci learning som ething E V E R Y D A Y in class. M cElroy makes history com e alive. -Justin C;
Latin II w ith M r. Mergoupis. T here are so m any great memories from this class. M r. M has a great sense o f hum or and his m ovie trailer is truly priceless. O h , and we learned some Latin too. -K yle Bowes
AP Literature because o f the cogency. Also because M r. Furlong is a phenomenal freestyle rapper. -P a t Carney
M r. Fletcher's Bioethics class. It made me think, class was the presentation o f a new perspective, a lens to look at the world through. His spontaneit laid back personality transformed the classroom i comfortable place o f self expression. I looked foi to his class everyday, and it was a privilege being al listen to what he had to say on topics ranging global warm ing to assisted suicide. Awesome Inspiring man. -N olan C
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M r. Settembrino's Precalculus class. N o m atter what he's talking about he always relates it back to body building and lifting weights. I kept a tally o f every time he made a gym or body building reference in the back o f m y notebook. In the first semester he made 3 2 6 . -C h ris C olucci
Brendan Coughlin
Nicholas Cozzarelli
Crew 1; Prep WILD. 2,3, president 4; Computer Club 1,2,3; Petrean 3, photographer 4; Campus Ministry Videographer 4
Kairos 30,38; Emmaus 272,273; Italian Club 1,2,3,4: Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2; CMT 4; National Honor Society 4; National Italian Honor Society 3
“ If I have the slightest chance o f achieving m y goal, I will take said chance and push m yself past every single limit I have to know that I gave it m y all and was able to succeed.”
“ M y m ind is the key that sets m e free.” -Harry' Houdini
-O riginal
( 0 ^ Y t 1?
Kenneth Creer
Hayden Criollo
Engneering Club 3,4; Asian Club 3; Medical Club 3; Outdoor Track 1; Kairos 32; Emmaus 276; Campus Ministry' Team 4
Indoor Track 1; OutdoorTrack 1; Soccer 1,2,3
“As we express our gratitude, w e m ust never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by th em .” -Joh n F. Kennedy
“A dream doesn't becom e reality through magic; it takes sweat, determ ination and hard w ork .” -C o lin Powell
Timothy Critchlow Basketball 1; Tennis 2,3; Volleyball 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29, leader 34; National Honor Society 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 4; Honors Pin 1,3
“Y ou're only as good as your last haircut.” -F ra n Lebowitz
‘H ey, have you m et m y friend Steve?” -Sean C rowley ‘B ro .” -T y ler Kovacs
Anthony D'Aiuto Jr.
Sean Crowley
Hockey 1.2,3 captain 4; Kairos 32; Baseball 1; Emmaus; Campus Ministry Team 4.
Andrew D'Avella
Wrestling 1; Fencing 2,3,4; Microbank 2; Ebony Club 2; Spanish Club 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Poets Society vice president 4; T.V. Studio 3,4; Kairos 33; Emmaus 277
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 31
“Som e are born great, som e achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon th em .” -W illiam Shakespeare
“W h en you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.” -E ric Thom as
you could spend one day hanging out with any Prep faculty or staff member, who would it be id what would you do? . Settem brino. I'd make him do legs, because we all pw he never does legs. -C h ris C olucci
M r. Settem brino because I'm actually going to help him get big at the gym. -R ish i Kumaran
ould take M r. Keating to the carnival.
M r. M orris and I would ride our bikes around C entral Park. -Jam es Handy
-P a t Carney . D eLorenzo because he'd literally pay m e not to tg out with him. -H e n ry Locke . Eppler, just so I could play with her dog. -D eclan W ollard
I'd go sky-diving with M r. T ro tta in a heartbeat. T he physics jokes practically make themselves. -N ic k Kaniewski
I would ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge o f Hem dale with M r. Mergoupis. -K yle Bowes I want to go to a B ru ce Springsteen concert with M r. Geary. I am only interested in seeing the tears in his eyes when B ra c e starts playing. -M ichael Cid
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Anthony Dabb
Nicholas Dawybida
■■ ■
Hockey 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Italian Exchange 3; Working Boys' Center Service Trip Ecuador 1; C.D.O.M Service Trip West Virginia 2; Habitat for Humanity Delaware 3: Kairos 28, leader 38; Emmaus 277; National Honor Society 4; Student Leadership Counbl 4; Stock Market Club 4; Prep W.I.L.D 1,2,3 vp 4; Marine Science Club president 3.4; TI:ME - Student Music Technology Expo and Competition 3;
Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club V.P. 3,4; Poet Society president 4; Kairos 33;
“Though m y m om had too many o f her own dreams denied, deferred and destroyed, she instilled in me that I could have dreams. And not just have dreams but had a responsibility to make them reality. M y m om taught me from a very early age that I could do anything I wanted to do.” -Chris Gardner, “The Pursuit ofHappyncss”
“So far as I know we did not set sail to look for things useful but to seek honour and adventures. And here is as great an adventure as I have ever hea of, and here, if w e turn back, no little impeachmen o f all our honours.” -R eep icheep, “T h e Voyage o f the Dawn Treadc
Emmaus 277
Andrew Dellechiaie
Julian De La Cruz Culinary Club 1,3,4; Spanish Club 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
Crew 1,2,3,4; Stcck Market Club 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29, leader 36; Emmaus 276; Philadelphia Service Trip 3; Ecuador Service Trip 4; CLC 4
“Y ou must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself That is the meaning ofinner strength.” -Iroh, “Avatar, The Last Airbender”
“Everyone said to Vincent van Gogh, Y ou can't be a gr painter, you only have one ear.' And you know what ht said? 'I can't hear you.'” -Barry, “Dinner for Schmucl
cA p
William DeMartin
Daniel Dellechiaie Lacrosse 1,2,3,4
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2,3; Kairos 29; Yearbook 3.4; Emmaus 277; Prep Dramatics 4; Kg Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team Leader 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4
“W hen I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. W hen I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -John Lennon
Until IkHdi&M
Jon Carlo Dominguez
Christopher Dombrowski
Vox 1,2,3 Manager, 4; Student Council 1 president, 2,3, vice president 4; Pax Christi 1,1 Dean’s Advisoiy Board 1 ,2 ,3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3, president 4; European Tour 2014; HUMC Research Assistant 3; Delaware Habitat for Humanity Tri| Campus Ministry Team 4; Working Beys' Center Seivice Trip, Ecuador 2; Arrupe Commit National Geographic Alaska Expedition 2; Medical Club 1,2; Prep Reach 1; Mags Awar Ignatian TeacMn 2013,2014; Band 1; Crew 1,2; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 31 AMDG 3; Emmaus 277; Model UN 2; Spring Musical 4
Volleyball 1,2; Kairos 30
“I think people who are different don’t know they're different because they have nothing to else to compare themselves to.” -N onnan Bates
“T h e day the child realizes that all adults are im perfect, he becom es an adolescent; the day he forgives them , he becom es an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becom es w ise.” -Alden Now
In what subject do you expect to major in college, and what do you plan to do with your degree? I honestly don’t know , I imagine m yself being famous before graduating college. -A dam Ali
Theatre. I’m going to Hollyw ood, how is this not known? -M ike C id
I want to be a m usic industry major. I hope to b touring band when I'm older or be a music produc -T o m If I don't end up becom ing a fisherman on an isla
Culinary science. I want to own m y own restaurant where I have total creative freedom. -T rinity Auriem m a
I planto m ajor in success. I plan to
succeed. ^1C South Pacific, -N olan C ollier psychiatrist.
I would
becor -D an Q
I plan to graduate with a D octorate in Physical T h ; ■
| u n I4U
Political Science, and I plan to change the world. because I want to make an im pact on other pel -D an Dellechiaie ^ves by helping them restore their physical abilif want to be there to help and push someone to
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-G erard Gc
Alex Donaleski
Nicholas Doren
Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3,4; Kairos 29; Emmaus 275; Baseball Club 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 3,4;
Baseball 1.2,3,4; Student Council 1,2; Stock Market Club 3,4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 275; National Honor Society 4; National Italian Honor Society 3,4
“Would I rather be feared or loved? Umm...easy, both. I want people to be afraid o f how m uch they love m e” -Michael Scott, “The Office”
“ I think m any of the boundaries that convention has placed upon us are arbitrary, so w e can fiddle with them if w e fancy. Gravity’s hard to dispute, and breathing, but a lot o f things we instinctively obey are a lot o f old tosh .” -R ussel Brand
Brian Doyle
■■■ ■■
Anthony Duran
Hockey 1,2,3,4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 278
Water Polo 2, captain 3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Igiatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Petroc 1,2,3, editor 4; Camp Kismet West Virgnia Immersion Trip 2; Ecuador Immersion Trip 3; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 274; Kairos 29,37; AMDG 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4
‘H ey, you guys ready to let the dogs out?” -A lan G am er
“Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details o f how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.” -E rn est Hemingway
Michael Dwyer
Tariq Elmetwally
Football 1; Baseballl Club 1,2,3,4; Swim Team 2.3,4; Water Polo 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; Kairos
Swimming 2; Water Polo 2; French Club president 4; Kairos 32
“If you're ttying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them ; everybody has had them . B u t obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, o r w ork around it.” -M ich ael Jord an
‘Ifyou're not busy being b o m , you're busy dying.” -B o b Dvlan
Thomas Evans
Griffin Faherty
Concert band 1.2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Ska Band 3.4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1; Italian Club 3; Kairos 28; Marauder Nation henchman 4
Basketball 1; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Kairos 29
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around on ce in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller, “ Ferris Bucllcr's Day O fF ’
“If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything.” -John Wooden
/hat's the story behind your first JUG? vas late to Ms. Flores' freshman physics class because ;re was a line to buy a cookie and you can't not buy a okie. -D an C oon ey vas sniped from across O'Keefe and scolded for m y ippy dress code. -T e d Carroll was the third day o f school, and w e w ere still taking ysics in the H am m er Heritage R o o m , and I had to t to the fourth floor o f the English building for Ms. nonson's class. After running up the stairs, I entered r class about tw o seconds after the bell had finished iging, and M s. Simonson, w ithout missing a beat, d that I have J U G . Savagery. -Flyn n M unroe
I got J U G on m y birthday. -K yle Krutis N E V E R G O T JU G # C A N T T O U C H T H IS -N ic k Kaniewski Saw M r. Oryschkevych from across the C om m o n s, we locked eyes and as he passed by he gave a quick glance to the glutes, saw m y outside pockets, and gave m e J U G accordingly. -Jayson M cKivergan T w o weeks into freshman year, I was drinking an iced tea on the second floor o f the English building. M r. Burokas saw m e and told m e how I was being a bad Freshm an, and then he gave m e a J U G . -Griffin O tterbein
Freshm an year I was late to M r. Caulfield's English class because I w ent too hard in Androball in gym the period before and decided to rush a shower in the locker room . W h en I showed up about five minutes late and explained to him why, he laughed and proceeded to say, “ T h at is absolutely hilarious because you are probably the only kid to ever use those showers, but I have to give you J U G ” . -N olan Collier
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Andrew Febrillet
John Fearon
Kairos 32; Emmaus 275; Hcckey 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; German Club 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; CLC
“O h yeah. Lotta pressure. Y ou gotta rise above it. Y ou gotta harness in the good energy, block out die bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad. Feel the flow Happy. Feel it. It's circular. It's like a carousel. Y ou pay the quarter, you get on the horse, it goes up and down, and A R O U N D . It's circular. Circle, with the music, the flow. All good things.” -Garry Potter, “Happy Gilmore”
Engineering Club 12.3.4; LemeteoftMfT InvenTeam 3; Robotics Club 2,3,4; FIRST Robotics Competition 4; Medical Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 3; Chess Club 1; j National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
“D o not go where die path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emers
John Filak
Andrew Fennell Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1; Outdoor Track and Reid 3; Big Brother 3,4: Engineering Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Kairos 31; Camden Immersion Trip 2;
HAP 1; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Ru^y 2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4; Concert Band 3,4; Kairos 33; Vox Crew 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4
HAPTutor 1; Freshman Ambassador 1
“Then we'll have our battle in the shade.” -D ienckes
“T h e lion doesn't concern himself with the opinio i o f the sheep.” -T yw in Lannister, “ Game o f Throne?
(X ru tb'& u -s’
Jordan Fox
Minkah Fitzpatrick
Football 12,3, captain 4; Wrestling 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Ka 33
“He who hesitates is lost.” -Aristc
4 jL
Matthew Frezza
Christian Gallardo
Italian Club 1; French Club 2,3; Marine Science Club 4; Prep W.I.LD. 12,3,4; Water Polo 1,2; Swimming 1,2,3
Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 2; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Pax Christi 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4
“T im e that you enjoy wasting was not wasted.” -Joh n Lennon
“ N ever look down upon a man unless you're help him get up .” -W alt Fraz
First free or last free? Why? Last Free so you can get hom e right on time for Ellen. -R y a n C am pen
Last free, for sure. I don't have m uch o f a problem waking up at 6 :3 0 A .M . and still being half asleep for my first class, but trying to get hom e at 2 :5 0 amongst the traffic induced by parents picking their children up from the schools around m y house is horrendous. -N ic k Dawybida
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First because I have to take a school bus that only leaves at 3. Secaucus problems. -Jam es Clark
Last free, because it matters m ore how you finish how you start. -Geroge f
W h y not both? *lifted in air, salsa m usic playing in the background* -Jody Giani
Last free, 'cuz Jayadeep got a last free.
First free because I cherish sleep. An extra hour o f sleep can make a huge difference for the rest o f the day. -G erard Gomilla
First, because if I com e hom e early m y m om mak( do stuff. Also, I get to sleep in. -A nthony 1
George Garber
Daniel Garrett
Student Council Representative 4; National Honors Society secretary 3,4; Society of Comedic Appreciation president 3,4; Petroc writer/editor 1,2,3,4; Campus Minister 4; Kairos 35; Rector 4; Big Brother 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4
Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 3,4; Petroc 2; National French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4
“Before I do anything I ask m yself, 'would an idiot do this?' And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.” -D w igh t Schrute, “T h e O ffice’
“Excuses are tools o f the weak and incompetent, used to build monuments to nothingness.” -M r. David Burokas
Christopher Geissler
Joseph Giani
Kairos 29; Emmaus 276; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Gilbert, VW Immersion Trip
Soccer 1; Water Polo 2,3, captain 4; Italian Club 1,2,3; Hockey 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Dead Poets Society 4
“Never skipped class, never had an elevator pass, always went to mass, burned a lot o f gas, one o f the best in my class... I'd probably do it again.” -Original
“M y whole life is a giant mess, and I love it.” -Andy Dwyer, “Parks and Recreation’
Ian Gill
Andrew Githens
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Ru$y 2,3,4; Kairos 33; Emmaus 274; Campus Ministry Team 4
Football 2,3,4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 277; Stock Market Club 3; Nazareth Farm 3
“Screws fall out all the time. T h e world's an im perfect place.” -Joh n B ender, “T h e Breakfast C lu b”
“Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those o f us who do.” -Isaac Asimov
Gerard Gomilla
Carl Emil Gocon Tennis 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; Kairos 33; Emmaus 275; Asian Society 1.2,3,4; French Club 4; National French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4
Wrestling 2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3, treasurer 4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Spanish Exchange 4; Kairos 33; Freshman Ambassador 1; Christian Life Community 3,4; Art Club 1; Basketball Manager 1; Robotics Club 4
“ Ifyo u don't lose, you cannot enjoy the victories. So I have to accept both things.” -R afael Nadal
“T hink o f m e like Y od a, but instead o f being little and green I wear suits and I’m awesome. I’m your bro— I’m B ro d a!” -B arney Stinson, “ H o w I M et Y o u r M other’
1/here do you see yourself in 20 years from this exact moment? St. Lucia, on a spiritual quest trying to find m yself hough I plan on doing that before 2 0 years from now mes. O r hanging out with the A SA P M O B icussing designs for their new gear. -A d am Ali
Sitting at the same laptop typing for the Presidential Inauguration,
my inaugural speech Sitting on m y throne as I usher in a new era o f peace and prosperity for m y people. -B rendan Coughlin -P at Carney Playing soccer professionally.
O n Jim m y Fallon.
-H ayden Criollo
-M ik e Cid arried to my girlfriend, w orking as an athletic trainer the Miami H eat, and a proud father. -Alejandro Blanco
A rem ote island, w ith Jets Cheerleaders, m anaging m y hedge fund from m y house. -D an C oon ey
.iking a break from m y busy jo b as governor o f awaii and soaking up some sun in B ora B ora with m y ulmate. -K yle B ow es
I don’t know what I’m going to cat for breakfast tom orrow . I know I’ll be working towards unity in this world and crafting family ou t o f familiarity, though. -Jo n C arlo D om inguez
Anywhere besides Bayonne, N J. -A n th ony Duran
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Benjamin Halligan
Maximillian Grasselino
Crew 1,2,3,■4; Igiatian Scholars 1,2,3,4, Leadership Team 3,4; National Honor Society National Italian Honor Society 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Celtic Club 3,4; Pax Christi 21 Kairos 29,37; AMDG 3; Emmaus 275; Freshman Ambassador 1; Alaska Field Study 3; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Ecuador Immersion Trip 4; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Merit Commended Student 4
Crew 1; Track and Field 3; Italian Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 4
“ Imm a show you how great I a m .”
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -W inston Church
-M uham m ad Ali
/ / / 7
Daniel Harcourt
James Handy
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Kairos 33
Golf 12,3, cocaptain 4; Hockey 12,3; EngneeringClub 1,2; Sophomore CLC 2; Stock Market Club 1,2, vice president 3,4; Computer Club 2, copresident 3
“W o o o W o o o W o o o Kenny W o o !!!!” - “T h e M ighty D ucks’
“T o o often we underestimate the power o f a touch a smile, a kind w ord, a listening ear, an honest com plim ent, or the smallest act o f caring, all o f w hich have the potential to turn a life around.” -L e o Buscaglia, Ph
Ryan Hernandez
Christian Hedengren Lacrosse 12,3,4
Football 12,3,4; Wrestling 1; Volleyball 12,3,4; Bcwling 4; Emmaus 275
“ Ifyou're going through hell, keep going.” -W in ston Churchill
“Everyone's a stranger until you give 'em a chance, m an.” -D ave Fran
Christian Herrera
Thomas Howard
Robotics Club 4; League of Legends Club 4
Fencing 1.2,3,4; Robotics 4; Big Brother 3,4; Spanish Exchange 4; National Honor Society 4
“T o achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough tim e.” -Leonard Bernstein
“ O n ce you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against y o u .” -G eorge R .R . Mar
Would you have done anything differently with the time you spent at Prep? I still haven't been to a basketball game. And maybe I would have joined a team . T hat would have been m ore outside m y com fort zone than, say, starring in the play. -C lark B urnett
Take Greek and Latin.
Go on the French exchange.
N ope, I have enjoyed even,' second o f it. -C h ris Capparis
-D an Garrett
I would have totally played volleyball. I actually that sport and was sem i-good in it. -W ill
-Sean Johnson
I would have participated in drama; they seem to h good time. -John Stemkc
Low er m y bacon, egg and cheese count. High cholesterol is a thing at this age. -T y ler Kovacs
I would try to spend m ore time in clubs at Prep. T1 is such a variety'. -M ichael Ba
Patrick Huggins Engneering Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing Team 1,2,3,4; Kairos 29; Concert Band 3,4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; FIRST Robotics Team 4; National Honor Society 4; Pax Christi 3; Emmaus 276
“T h e best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service o f others.” -M ah atm a Gandhi
Darnell Hutchins Rugjy 1,2,3; Track 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 273
“If you have the opportunity to play this game called life, you have to appreciate every m om ent. A lot o f people don't appreciate their m om en t until it's passed.” -K anye W est
Sebastian Jaliff
Outdoors Club; Swim Team; Spanish Club; Pax Christi
“ C lane — It's not ju st a lane, it's a lifestyle.” -P rep Sw im m ing
Dennis James Freshman Ambassador 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3 president 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 4; CDOM West Virgnia Immersion Trip 3; AMDG 3: Honors Pin 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,4; Outdoor Track and Field 3; French Club 3; Emmaus 275; Kairos 33, leader 38, Christian Life Community 4; Dean's Advisory Board 3,4; Sophomore Retreat 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; National Society of Higi School Scholars 2,3,4; Student Council class representative 4
“W h at m y m ind can conceive it W IL L achieve.” -O riginal
Sean Johnson
Tej Jolly
Hockey 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3, president 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Intramural Referee 1,2,3,4; Service Trip£cuador 2; Kairos 30; Pope Francis Alive 4; Fantasy Sports Club 3, president 4; Open House Volunteer 2,3; National Honor Society 4; Ping Pong Club 3,4; Marine Science Club 3.4; Gaming Club 2,3; Academic Bovvt Team 1,2,3; Honors Pin 1,2,3; Emmaus 276
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Robotics 3; Ignatian Leadership Team 2,3; Kairos 32
“Y o u , m e, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. B u t it ain’t about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep m oving forward; how m uch you can take and keep m oving forward. That's how winning is done!” -R o c k y Balboa, “ R o c k y ” (P.S. T he chocolate was all for profit.)
“ I'm the smartest, funniest, humblest person I k n ow .” -O riginal
Jonathan Juan
Thomas Kaczan
Swimming 1,2,3, captain 4; Spanish Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Spanish Exchange 4; Aslan Society 3,4; Engneering Club 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 28; AMDG 3; Emmaus 274; Honors Pin 1,2,3; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4
Golf 1,2,3,4
“ Put your future in good hands — your o w n .” -M ark V ictor Hansen
“ I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't w ork that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.” -M ichael C orleone
hat do you think you'll miss most about Prep? e sense o f brotherhood and com m unity that you feel :oon as you walk onto campus. T h at is som ething I 1 never forget. -Sean C onnors ill miss m y friends the m ost. T hey made m y years at P-
-C h ris Dom brow ski
link I'll miss wearing a jacket and tie each day. M y -drobe now consists o f Khakis, dressy button down ts, blazers, and suits. I can tie a tie while still asleep, ! I always have a belt on. I have a feeling I'll be one he better dressed people in college. -N ic k Dawybida
I'll miss the level o f com fort I have w ith all m y teachers. -M att Frezza
I wouldn't miss waking up everyday at 6 :5 0 everyday. I would miss having all the different places to go for lunch. -P at Lum
Besides the brotherhood, school spirit, and caring faculty, I'll definitely miss B acon Egg & Cheeses from Legal Grounds. -G erard Gomilla
T h e brotherhood that you feel every time you walk through the front doors. It's one o f the main reasons that I transferred back to Prep Junior year. It was som ething that I missed in high school so there is no doubt that I would miss it in college. -A dam Melvile
I will miss being able to see m y brothers everyday. -K yle Krutis T h e overall feeling o f walking around the campus -N ic k Kaniewski
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Stephen Kellner
Nicholas Kaniewski
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
Concert Band 1,2, secretary 3, president 4; Jaz Band 1,2,3,4; EngineeringClub 1,2,3,4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; Robotics 4; Christian Life Community 3,4; Igratian Tutoring Team 2,3; Ignatian/Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; French National Honor Society 3; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 32; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 1; Emmaus 273; Dramatics Pit Band 2,3
Kairos; Emmaus 273
“ Fley, have you m et m y friend Sean?”
“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you m ake.” -Paul M cC artn ey, “T h e E n d ”
Michael Kennedy
-O rigi
Joseph Kopacz
Ebony Club 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1; Indoor Track 3; Football 2,3,4
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 29
“ I put a lot o f pressure on myself. I think something's not good enough, and I w on't stop until I feel like I've made it. I'm never satisfied.” -J. C ole
“W e know what we are, but not what w e may be. -W illiam Shakespe
n n k
-^ 4
Kyle Krutis
Tyler Kovacs
Soccer 13,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honors Sodety 3.4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club I Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,41 Campus Ministry 3,4; Mags Speaker 4; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 36; i Emmaus 277
Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 29
“B eing male is a m atter o f birth. Being a man is a m atter o f age. B u t being a gentleman is a m atter o: ch oice.” -V in Die
“ Som e o f the best m om ents in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.” -U n k n ow n
Rishi Kumaran
Christopher Kuczynski
Student Council Representative 1,2; Hellenic Society 3, president 4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Microbank 2,3; French Club 2; Kairos 33
Crew 1,2,3, captain 4; Stage Crew 1,2,3, president 4; Law Society 2,3, president 4; Concert Band 1,2,3; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 30; Italian Exchange 3; Mock Trial 2,3; Chemistry Olympiad 3; National Honor Society 4
“W e choose to go to the m oon in this decade and do the odicr tilings, not because they arc easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best o f our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.” -John F. Kennedy
“People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you w come out ahead o f most people. More importantly, yo will learn. W hen you do something, you might fail. Bt that’s not because you’re a failure. It’s because you have not learnt enough. Do it differendy each time. One da you will do it right. Failure is your friend.” -Jordan Belfort, “T he W o lf o f W all Sti
What's your favorite place to go for lunch around campus, and what do you get? Tom m y's, a Birffalo Chicken W rap.
Milano's and I get a chicken parm. -Andrew N otare
-A lex Serpico
-E d O ser
I like getting sushi from Grand Banks or tacos from Salsarita's, depending on the day. -D an Sullivan
Salsaritas, large beef burrito!
Five Guys. -R o i Vana
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T h e best, m ost convenient, and m ost fairly priced place to grub will forever be Father Azzarto's snack stand. O f all the variety o f foods he has from all over the world, the best thing to make is a PB& J with whatever flavored cookies are in the jar that day. -Steven Millad
M y favorite is Tom m y's and I'd get an AP. -Jayadeep Yalarr Mr. Bagelsworth and the best thing to get is a Cuban sandwich. -Brian I love to go to Komegashi for lunch wdien I hav periods. I normally get the Chicken Teriyaki special. -E d Va Legal Grounds has the 101 -e r, aka the greatest sandwich to grace m y taste buds. -A lex S;
Jack La Bruno
Jonathan LaBella
Kairos 28; Emmaus 275; Baseball Club 12; Medical Club 2; Rugjy 2; Bowling 4; Ultimate Frisbee 4
Hockey 2,3,4; Kairos 33; Petroc 2,3
“T h e m ost certain way to succeed is always to tty ju st one m ore tim e.”
“T h e people I've m et and the places I've been are all what make m e the man I so proudly am .” -K id Cudi
-U n k n o w n
Richard Landolfi
Christopher Lee
Hockey 2,3,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Kairos 32; West Virgnia Immersion Trip 3;
Soccer 1,2.3,4; Lacrosse 1; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos; Emmaus; Society of Comedic Appreciation 1,2,3,4; Gaming Club 2; Immersion Trip 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4
“ I can take it. T h e tougher it gets, the cooler I g e t.” -R ich ard N ixo n
“ If you want to achieve widespread im pact and lasting value, be bold.” -H ow ard Schultz
v Vv
Luke Leonard
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2.3
“Y eah , well, som etim es nothin' can be a real cool hand.” -L u k e, “ C ool Hand Lu ke’
Brian Liggio
Lacrosse 12.3,4: Kairos 3
■gpf , tw f c J k JP L
AAi;? hat teacher would play you in the movie version of your life, and why? . Smith. He's creative enough to get m y crazy vn. H e gets m e. Also, the hair... -C lark B urnett
M r. C om ey, he told m e I rem inded him o f w hen he was younger. -V in cen t Menafro
M r. Campbell because w e both have sweet hair, -A n th ony R uvo
. Coviello and I have a striking similarity' in the way look, especially after a fresh cut. -Jack Campbell
M r. M orris, he looks like me. -Josiah N g
M r. V eniero, because he is m e in roughly twenty years. -Joh n Stemkowski
finitely M r. Settem brino. H e can play m e when I younger since I am so m uch bigger than him now. -M ike Cid
M r. Keating, everybody loves him and he's really smart. -A lex Patel
M r. Burokas because he is sartorially savvy, -R ap h Talatala
. Vaznelis because h e’s basically the M ost Interesting Geary seems like he'd be a pretty good actor and n in the W orld and h e’s got a beard comparable to doesn't look too far off physically... Hansen looks like in’s. I like to think I lead a pretty interesting life, m e but can't act. ; beard, although unlike m e, is the cherry on top. -D anny Plaza -Jon C arlo D om inguez Definitely not M r.
Geary. I'm not that cool. -Joey Ponterdolph
; Harding because he's got a great personality. -Joe Kopacz
M r. Canale, because he has a very dry sense o f hum or, -S can C onnors
C oach Q u e. W e both have Filipino origins, are Pacquiao fans, and w e both occasionally hit the gym. -G erard Gomilla
M r. T ro tta w ell... because we are basically the same auld be M r. Canale, because he blows a lot o f things Mth chemicals. -K yle Krutis
-B rian R ojas
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Henry Locke
Thomas Linkus
French Club 3,4; EngneeringClub 3; Stock Market Club 3; Hellenic Society Club 3,4; French Exchange 3; Big brother 3,4; Kairos 30; Campus Ministiy Team 3,4; Kairos 38
Ice Hockey 1,2,3, captain 4; Volleyball 1; Kairos 32; Emmaus 277; Eucharistic Minister 4; ■;Stock Market Club 1,2; CIC 1; Habitat for Humanity 4
Emmaus 278
“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” -Greek Prov
“T h e re ’s only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything.” -V incent Lombardi
Patrick Lum
Emmet Long Drama Club 3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Gaming Club 1,2,3,4
Bowiing 2, JV captain 3, assistant captain 4; Asian Club 2,3,4; Kairos 32
“ O th er men look up and down, left and right; but m en like us are different. W e are visionaries.” -E o in C olfer, “A irm an’
“Even if m y path is rough, I shall walk it with a smile.” -C h an g Soo H<
Jose Adelfo Maceda
Thomas Lyga
Volleyball 1; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; League of Legends Club 4; Kairos 32
Kairos 32; Emmaus 277; Soccer 1; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; EngneeringClub 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Nazareth Farm 3; Habitat for Humanity 4
“B e the best at what you do and be grateful you have the chance to do it.” -D r. R ichard Kennedy
I “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well noi have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” -J.K. R ow
Luke Madden
James Maglione
Golf 1,2,3,4; Water Polo 3,4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 275; Avesta Drive, West Virgnia 3; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministiy Team 4; National Honor Society 4; CLC 1,4; Microbank 2; IgiaSan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Pax Christi 3: Freshman Ambassador 1; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
Indoor Track 2; Cuiinary Club 3; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; AMDG 3; Kairos 31, leader 34; Emmaus 274, leader 276; Poetry Society 4; Spirit Award 4
“T he road to success is always under construction.” -A rnold Palmer
“W ould I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I w people to be afraid o f how m uch they love m e.” -M ichael Scott, 'The O f
What has been your most memorable encounter with a Dean during your time at Prep? W h en I played rugby M r. Arteaga came to one o f our practices. I'm proud to say I'm one o f the few people to tackle a D ean and not get J U G . -D arnell Hutchins
I nominated M r. M orris for the teachers' edition o f Best Dressed Thursday and he emailed m e back a smiley face. -Jam es Maglione
Having M r. Arteaga hound m e for not bringing him chocolate bars because he was going through a “withdrawal.” -Sean Johnson
M y m ost m emorable encounter with a D ean at Prep was while tutoring H A P , and I tried to body M r. Loccrichio, and it didn't w ork out in m y favor. -Flyn n M unroe
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W hile in Italy, I was wearing an Am erican flag bandana and I asked M r. M orris if w e could take a selfie together and we did. -V incent W eb er
W h en Dean Perez changed his Chrom ebook wal to a very delicious looking hamburger. -Brian Playing soccer with M r. Arteaga on the Sh Scholars Leadership R etreat. T hat man is a rc defense. -M att S I got locked out o f m y locker so I went to se Arteaga to see why som eone had put their lock < locker. H e said he put it on because there was n then he asked if I knew w here my lock was. I T h en he said check your pocket and it was Forever believe M r. Arteaga is a magician. -Griffin O tt
Nicholas Magnotti
Patrick Maguire
Wrestling 1; Baling 2,3, captain 4; Volleyball 2; Outdoor Track and Field 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4;
Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,3; Ru$y 2; E Campus Ministry Team 4; German Club 2,3; Art Club 1; Kairos 31; Emmaus 276
Jazz Band 1,2,3, president 4; French Club 2; Robotics 3,4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 28; Emmaus 273; Arrupe Week Committee 4
“ I ju st like to smile, smiling's m y favorite!” -B ud dy the Elf, “ E l f ’
“W e learned m ore from a three m inute record than w e ever learned in sch ool.” -B ru ce Springsteen, “ N o Surrender’
Suhaam Malik
Robert Mahon Hockey 1,2,3, captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 32
Rugry 3,4; Medical Club 3,4; Culinary Club 3,4
“ I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind o f a big deal.” -R o n Burgundy, “A n ch orm an”
“Y ou 're only given a little spark o f madness. Y o u mustn't lose it.” -R o sa Parks
Eric Malvey
George Malki
Football 1,2.3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; JusticeWorx 2; Kairos 31; Emmaus 277
Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3, vice president 4; Engneering Club 2,3; Kairos 32
“Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But effort. N o man can judge that. Because every day is a new day. Every m oment is a new moment. So, now, you have to go out there, and show them that you are a different man, a different breed...than I was five minutes ago. Because I will never be just average.” -R ay Lewis
“Y o u know , I am so rom antic. Sometimes I think I should ju st m arry myself.” -M ik e W azow ski, “Monsters, Inc.'
Michael Marino
Joseph Manganello
Baseball 1,2,3, captain 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Hellenic Society 2,3; Kairos 28; Emmaus 274;
Lacrosse 1,2,3; Hockey 1,2; Petrcc 3,4; Emmaus 273,274; Kairos 29.36; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4
“Guess what? I have flaws. W hat are diey? O h I dunno, 1 sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me— no, don't sue me. That is opposite the point I'm trying to make.” -Michael Scott, “The Office”
“A t its best, life is com pletely unpredictable.” -C h ristoph er W alken
JT ),
Lyt ?hat's the best place to hang out during a free period at Prep, and why? floor Shalloe, because no one even knows that it -B e n Halligan le table in the M ulry lobby on the first floor. W e call jhe “ students w ho don't attend class” table. It’s a bd place for students to socialize and get w ork done ;he same time. -Sean John son
Morissette's Office: First o f all, she is the boy. so, it's a quiet area to get w ork done, and talk about |wwe aren't ready? to leave for college. -S co tt R ogers
U n d er the stairwell in any building. I like to fight ghouls down there. -B rian R ojas M r. Morris's office, you would be surprised with his m ovie and television culture knowledge. -Jerem iah Silva Ms. Carlson's room , because her presence -P e te r T om ljanovic
duinns K)USC-
-R ich ie Messina
Table n ext to Arrupe C onference R o o m - Looks like a great place to get w ork done, however when you have 10 guys packed around a table, nothing gets done. -B rad Switala Fr. Azzarto's office because it is a place where friendships and bonds are easily7 made. He also supplies everybody with cookies and snacks. -Sonny Simonetti
Jericho Martinez
Tyler Martino
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation henchman 4; Asian Society 3, copresident 4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Band 1,2; CLC 3,4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 278; French Exchange 3; Honor Pin 1,2,3
Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3: National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Soc
“Y o u take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make som eone smile and laugh, you have given the m ost special gift: happiness.” -B rad Garrett
“It ain't about how hard you get hit: It's about how hare you can get hit, and keep moving forward. It's how nuu you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how wanning is done.” -R ock y Balboa, “Rock
Paolo Matti
Austin Matus
Golf 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Kairos 29; Emmaus 276
National Honor Society 4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Ignation Scholars 1,2,3, Rugby 2,3,4; HAP 1
“You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night like the 4th ofjuly.” -Katy Perr\r
“Take som e accountability and raise your expectations.” -Jim W end
Christian McCauley
James McGlew Basketball 1; Lacrosse 3,4; Marauder Nation henchman 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 32
“ I'm thankful.” -M arshawn Lyr
(j/C 'rw m & 'p
Christopher McGovern
Isaiah McGowan
Baseball Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Celtic Club 3,4; Intramurats 3; Kairos 30; Emmaus 274; Newark Urban Plunge Trip 3
Ebony Club 3,4
‘W inners never quit and quitters never w in .” -V ince Lombardi
If you could change one thing about Prep, what would it be? Have pool passes be sold in the campus shop so freshman stop com ing to us. -D an Garrett
School trips,
1 would make Prep a boarding school. This would not only help us prepare for college life away from hom e but also give us the opportunity to know each other even better. -N elson Y ang
1 would make it m andatory for freshman to take a hallway etiquette class, w here they learn to walk only on the right side o f the hallways and stairs. -Jam es Maglione
-Sebastian Jaliff
I wouldn't mind seeing wader hallways for individuals like myself. -Josia Parking lot. There is no place to park in Jersey C it -S co tt R
T h e students should be able to enact change W e really could have used drivers cd, even as a semester elective.
eas^Y-Sonny Simd
-V incent Menafro I would make a rule saying M r. Settembrino allowed to flex during class. -B en
Michael McKittrick Jr.
Jayson McKivergan
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3, Captain 4; Kairos 30; Campus Ministry; Culinary Club 3,4;
Crew 2,3,4; German Exchange 2; Emmaus 276
Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Pax Christ!; Emmaus 277
“ Nearly all the best things that cam e to m e in life have been unexpected, unplanned by m e .” -C a rl Sandburg
■■■■ ■■
Thomas McLaughlin
Thomas McManus
Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1.2,3,4; Ska Band 3,4; Kairos 33,34; Emmaus 275; Volleyball 1
Volleyball 1.2,3.4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Campus Ministry 4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 28; Habitat for Humanity 4; Student Council 2,3; Soccer 1,2; Prep Against Igiorance 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; West Virgnia Aduxacy Work Camps Immersion Trip 3
“T h e inner machinations o f m y m ind are an enigm a.” -P atrick Star, “ Spongebob Squarepants’
“Y o u ease up on that corduroy jacket o f yours.” -P h il W eston , “ Kicking and Screaming’
Kevin McVeigh
Adam Melville
Marauder Nation 1,2,3; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Eng'neering 1, Copresident 2,3; Kairos 30
Swim Team 1; Kairos 30
“ N ever forget what you are, for surely the world will not. M ake it your strength. T h en it can never be your weakness. A rm our yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt y o u .” -G eorge R .R . M artin
“T o o k the g out your waffle all you got left is your ego .” -Childish Gambino
A h * JU s^& u
James Mendyk
Vincent Menafro Bowling 2,3, president 4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Igiatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 273; Kairos 31
Errgneering Club 1,2; Vox 2,3,4; Prep Dramatics 3,4
“W e're so busy watching out for what's ju st ahead o f us that we don't take time to enjoy w here we are.” -C alvin & Hobbes
“Life m oves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around on ce in a while you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller’s Day O ff
Y ttiv Who is your favorite teacher, and why? ks. R om an o. She is able to take a difficult subject like ;alian and teach it in a way that makes you want to -am it for the sake o f learning it, not for getting a good rade. -N ic k Savino
Pater, M r. M ergoupis. I've learned a lot about Latin and life from him , not ju st from his teaching, but also his acting in his m ovie. -M a tt Soliven
M r. Gam bone, he is a class act. His stories are the best, -Justin Scherzo
Ms. Carlson because she's always peppy and happy. -P eter Tom ljanovic M r. V eniero because he looks like m e.
:ather O ’Hare is m y favorite teacher, because not only ; he the smartest person I have ever m et in the fields o f aathematics, philosophy, and physics, but he is also a reat person to go to w hen you are feeling down or yant to talk. H e always has time for you, and never ums down a student looking for help, regardless o f row busy he is. -K vle Smith
-Joh n Stemkowski
Annetta, because she is always friendly, positive, and helpful. -R au l Menendez
M r. Geary' is a teacher that can balance hum or, sarcasm, and class tim e with ease. His class is great, and one can learn easilv from him. -Jason Santos
■ ■ ■■ ■
Richard Messina
Raul Menendez Cross Country 1; Rugby 2,3; Crew 1; Swimming 1
Prepdroid; Kairos; Emmaus; Prep Against Ignorance 3,4; Camp Kismet 2; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
“ It's lack o f faith that makes people afraid o f m eeting challenges, and I believed in myself.” -M uham m ad Ali
“Anything I do, I want to do it well.”
-J- Col
Vincent Miragliotta
Steven Millad Crosscountry 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; Art Club 1,2; Baseball Club 12,3,4; Microbank 1,2,3,4; History Club 1,2,3,4; Arrupe Week Committee 3; Ultimate Frisbee 3,4; CLC 3,4; Bethlehem Farms 2; Sheehan/lgnatian Scholar 1.2,3,4
Culinary Club president 3,4; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1
“ I quote Joh n Lennon, 'I don't believe in Beatles, I ju st believe in m e.'” -Ferris Bueller, “ Ferris Bueller's Day O f f ’
“Y ou're not good. Y o u just know how to hide, how to lie. M e, I don't have that problem. M e, I always tell the truth. Even w hen I lie.” -A1 Pacin
Nicholas Morchel
Ryan Mullins
Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Ru$y 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; French Club 2,3,4; French Exchange 3; Kairos 32,34; Emmaus 276
“ Ifyou can dream it, you can do it.”
“Strive to be your best, but enjoy the journey to get th ere.” -Jay Cutler, “M r. Olympian
-W alt Disney
Flynn Munroe
Andrew Napolitano
Football manager 4; Bowling 3,4; Academic Bowi 3,4; Engineering Club 3,4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; HAP Tutor 1,2,3
Baseball 2.3; Track
“I hated every m inute o f training, but I said, ‘D on’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest o f your life as a cham pion.'” —M uhamm ad A
What was the best or worst new saying this year? W orst: “ Low key.”
Best: “ Habibi.” -Joh n LaBella
Best: “ Fleek.” -R ish i Kumaran
W orst; “R e tw e e t.” “Y o u got a C hrom ebook charger?”
-D anny P
Best: “Brian is the coolest.” -V incent Menafro
-Brian R>
-N ick M agnotti Best: “ O h don't do it
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oh m y G od.” -Flynn M unroe
"H ey , can you share that Google doc?” ■
"B e n Z in n
Best: “Y e e t.” -Tristan Staniszev
g est. “ Savage ” -M ark V a
Anthony Noiplai
Josiah Ng Vox 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 30; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 3; EngneeringClub 1,2; Crew 1; Robotics 4; Sheehan/lgiation Scholar 1,2,3,4
Rugby Team 1,2,3,4
“Anything but average, anything.”
“W alk in like you own it, walk out with it. I don't think it's stealing that w ay.” -O riginal
-U nknow n
Andrew Notare
John Nulty
8aseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Fencing 3; Wrestling 4
Crew 1,2; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Kairos 33; Emmaus 277; Newark Immersion 3
“ It’s not always about how m uch you know, but what you're able to do with what you kn ow .” -O riginal
“{Q uotation R ed acted }” -O riginal
Patrick O'Leary
Matthew Oliveira
Pax Chrisri 1,2,3, president 4; Campus Ministry 4; Ecuador Immersion Tnp 2; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Igiatian Family Teactvln 3,4; Tennis 1,2; Kairos; Emmaus
Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Kairos 33
“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
“ Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that coun ts.” -W inston Churchill
Stephen Oro
Edward Oser
Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4
Swimming 1,2,3, captain 4; Water Polo 2,3,4; Breaking Barriers 2,3, vice president 4; Petroc 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Student Council 1,2,4
“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard w ork, so m ost people don't recognize th em .” -A n n Landers
“Talking is always positive. That's why I talk too much.” -Louis C . K.
(hat was the most memorable event that happened during your Prep career? tring Prep spirit w eek, being able to dunk M r. arris in the dunk tank. -Sean Johnson e last night on my Kairos. T h at whole activity was t first time I felt com pletely open, vulnerable, and :epted during m y time at Prep. -H e n ry Locke alizing what I wanted to do further on in life. -M ike M cK ittrick inning an international gold medal at the 2 0 1 4 orld C hoir Games with V ox. -M a tt Soliven
T h e m ost m em orable event that happened during m y Prep career was being a part o f the football team that w on the State Cham pionship. T o be a part o f that entire experience will be som ething that I will never forget. -F lyn n M unroe B eing in the nation on 9/ 11, as the football team dismantled Bergen Catholic. -G riffin O tterbein
T h e time that I broke m y leg in the C om m ons. It changed m y outlook on life, and it helped further define m e as a person. -E m re Saritepe It would be participating in W est Side Story. In freshman year, I wasn't a part o f any big club. W h en I joined the cast, I gained m any new friends that I still hang ou t w ith today. -E d Valencia
Freshm an year we crow d surfed T o m m y M cM anus in M r. Keating's W orld Civilizations class. -A le x Sabatell
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William Oser
Griffin Otterbein
Big Brother 3,4; Breaking Barriers 1,2, president 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; CLC 1.4; Drama Club 1,4; Emmaus 277,278; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 33,35; Prep Dramatics 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Student Council Executive Board 4
Kairos 28; Water Polo 3.4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Stock Market Club 2.3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4
“People shave their heads all the time.”
“'Immature' is a w ord that boring people use to describe fun people.” -W ill Fern
-Britney Spears
Alex Patel
Jose Palomino 1 1; T.V. Studio 1,2,3; Medical Club 2,3, president 4
Football 1,2,3.4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4
“ Start unknow n, finish unforgettable.” -U n k n ow n
‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible' -Audrey Hepbu
Lawson Penney Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 29
Dean Perez Football; Ebony Club 2,3; Kairos 31
“Just look at the beach, Y A B O Y S !” -Mason Ho
“I'm only here so I w on't get fined.” -M arshawn Lvn
Andrew Petrick
Adam Picardo
Rowing 1,2,3; Stage Crew 1,2,3; Dramatics 3,4; M Club 2,3, president 4: German Exchangs 2; German Club 2,3,4; Big Brother 3
Water Polo 2,3,4; Baseball 4; Chess Club 1; Kairos 31; Emmaus 276; West Virginia Immersion Trip 2
“Y o u r ego can becom e an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death o f your creativity.” -M arina Abram ovic
“W inning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.” -V ince Lomba:
What was your favorite class and why? R obotics because the best way to end senior year is by playing with Legos. -T y le r Apito M r. Coviello's W orld History' A P (sophom ore year), because he m ixed in the perfect am ount o f seriousness, respect and fun in order to make one o f the most productive, yet fun class at Prep. -D anny Harcourt
Bioethics with M r. Fletcher because the class was so open. W e did w hat we had to do but had fun with it. Every' day was filled with surprises. This class was not som ething you dreaded, but rather som ething you wanted to go to. -N ic k Cozzarelli M y favorite class was Creative W riting. T hrough this class I was able to discover a hidden talent o f m ine, w hich is writing. This is som ething I have continued doing since the course ended. -D arnell H utchinson
D o c Scibilia Social Ethics: opened m y eyes tc world around m e. -S co tt R Gym Class because it was the only class I could g A in. -M annv R at
Dystopian literature, because now Ms. Angcrn and I are ready for the apocalypse. -B en
Joseph Ponterdolph
Daniel Plaza Football 3,4; Indoor/Outdoor Track 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3.4; Kairos 33
Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 32; Emmaus 275; Italian Exchange 3; Italian National Honor Society 3; Intramural Football 1.2,3,4; Ping Pong Club 4
“LIV E, Travel, Bless, and D on't be Sorry” -Jack K erouac
“W ou ld I rather be feared or loved? Easy. B oth. I want people to be afraid o f how m uch they love m e .” -M ichael Scott, “T h e Office’
Jonathan Racki
A. Reese Quinones Stage Crew 1; Swimming 2,3,4; Vox 1,2,3,4; Kairos 33
Medical Club 2,3, president 4; Robotics Club 2.3, assistant president 4; Fencing 2,3
“Even when I was down, I treated myself as a star and eventually the world would catch up.” -RuPaul
“Everybody is a genius. B u t if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -A lbert Einstein
James Randall
Manuel Ramirez Wrestling 2.3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 33; Stock Market Club 2,4
Kairos 30; Emmaus 275
“ People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.” -W in n ie the Pooh
“I'm gonna get by when the going gets rough, I'm gonna love life till I'm done growing up, and when I go down, I'mma go down swinging, m y eyes still smiling, and my heart still singing.” -Chance die Rapper
Phillip Richardson
Marc Richards
mumm Football 12,3,4; Kairos 30
Crew 1; Engneering Club 1,4; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 2,4; Ebony Club 3; Fencing 3,4; Emmaus
“ I'm ju st here so I w on't get fined.” -M arshaw n Lynch
“The Problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about die problem. D o you understand?” -Captain Jack Sparrow, “Pirates o f the Carribean”
f you could spend one day hanging out with any Prep faculty or staff member, who would it be and vhat would you do? I would like to spend that one day with M r. Sm ith, and If 1 could spend one day hanging out with any lr. Caslowitz, we would listen to a lot o f Miles Davis. -T h o m as M cLaughlin
robably M r. Locricchio. I'd probably go to the gym pr hours with him. -D anny Sblendorio
we would ju st draw. -P a t L u m M r. Laguerre, and 1 would teach him how to play basketball. -Fran k Sorto Fr. M ullin, because he looks like he knows how to have a good time. -H u n ter-W illiam s Burrow s
Prep faculty m em ber, I would hang out with D octor Hartling, and ju st listen to what he has to say. -Flynn M onroe
I'd spend it with M r. Settem brino and I would spend t|lc j ay playjng video games and watching anirne with him. -E d Valencia
rls. Carlson; watch M ean Girls and eat escargots. -P e te r Tom ljanovic
j w ould go skydiving with M r. M orris (Please be mindful o f your actions in the sky). -N elson Y ang
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Jimmy Rivera
Cheyenn Robertson
Spanish Club 1,2,3.4; Celtic Club 1; Culinary Club 1,3; Campus Ministry 4; Vox 3,4; Prep Dramatics 3,4; CLC 1
“Y o u n g people have a duty to defend their country with weapons o f knowledge.” -P ed ro Albizu Cam pos
‘Y o u know how I ro ck .” -T ad o e, “K now H ow I R o ck
Jibrael Robertson
Scott Rogers
Gaming Club 1; Football 1
Soccer 1,2,3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
“W hoever said the pen is m ightier than the sword obviously never encountered autom atic w eapons.” -D ouglas M acA rthur
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” -John F. Kenned’
Brian Rojas
Gabriel Russotto
Band 1,2,3,4; Indoo'Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 3; Robotics 3,4; MITInventeam 3; Ultimate Frisbee 3,4; Kairos 32; Emmaus 273,274; French Exchange 3; French Club 2.3; National Honor Society 4; Campus Ministiy Team 4
Spanish Club 2 vice president 3,4; Italian Club 1,2; Intramurals 1,2; Soccer 1; Tennis 1,2 captain 3,4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 273; AMDG 3; Ignatian Family Teach In 4; Campus Ministiy Team 4
“Y ou gotta spend-a the m oney to m ake-a the m oney.”
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.” -Lenny Amcric -M o m
-I J \o ■■■
Anthony Ruvo
Alex Sabatell
■■ ■
Water Polo 1,2,3,4; Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2.3,4; Mission Drive 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 28; Emmaus 275
■;TV Studio 2,3, president 4; Student Photographer 3,4;
“I'm pretty sure there's a lot m ore to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.” -D erek Zoolander, “ Z oolander”
“ Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead o f a rock .” -Sigm und F reu ;
In what subject do you expect to major in college, and what do you plan to do with your degree? I hope to major in N ecrom ancy to w ork alongside Fr. O 'H are fighting off the demons on the fifth floor o f Hogan. -B rian Rojas
Sports M anagem ent. I plan to work in the N ew Y ork Giants front office.
Som ething medicine related, I plan to drive a sweet car and make lots o f m oney. And help people to too, guess o, I guess. -A n th ony R uvo
Hotel m anagem ent, and hopefully I’ll ow n a hotel one day. -R aphael Talatala
I expect to major in biomedical engineering. I h that one day I can be able to make prosthetics other devices to help amputees and the disabled. -D evon Thornp
I wish to m ajor in M usic Business and Production in college. I'm not sure if I'll be a publicist or a songwriter, a m arketer or a producer, but I'll be ready for the industry. -Patrick Walshe
I am going to definitely m ajor in Theatre/A cting maybe get"som e type o f degree in Vocals/Singing hope to one day be able to perform in T V /Film 1
mm 156
SSI. m
-Justin Scherzo
1 expect to major in political science and philosoph would like to be a Civil Rights Attorney and t make a transition into politics. -Sonny Simor:
maybe on stage in Broadway productions. -W ill C
Jason Santos
Anthony Sabia
Engneering Club 2,3; Medical Club 3,4; Kairos 33; National Honor Society 4
Football 1,2,3,4; OutdoorTrack and Reid 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Campus Ministry Team 4: Young Entrepreneurs Club 4; Kairos 30, leader 37
“ T h ere are no tw o words in the English language m ore harmful than good jo b .” -T eren ce Fletcher
“'Immature' is a w ord that boring people use to describe fun people.” -W ill Ferrell
Emre Saritepe
Nicholas Savino
Dramatics 3,4; Gaming Club 1,2,3, vice president 4; Movie Club president/founder 4; Pax Christ) 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 273, leader 275
Gaming Club 1; Stock Market Club 3; National Honor Society 4
“Every man's heart one day beats its final beat, his lungs breathe their final breath, and if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body o f others and makes them believe deeper in som ething larger than life, then his essence, his spirit will be im mortalized by the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the m em ory o f those w ho honor him and m ake the running the man did live forever.” -James Brian Hellwig
“T h e essence o f being human is that one does not seek perfection.” -G eorge O rw ell
Justin Scherzo
Daniel Sblendorio
Baseball 3.4; Volleyball 1,2; Bowling 3,4: Kairos 30,35; Emmaus 275; AMDG 3; Newark Immersion Trip; Campus Ministry Team 4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3; Marauder Nation 3,4
Wrestling 2,3,4; Kairos 28; Emmaus
‘I'm here so I don't get fined.”
“ Life's too boring making the right decision all the tim e.” -O riginal
-M arshawn Lvnch
Sean Severson
Alexander Serpico Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Karios 29; Culinary Club 4; Big Brother 3,4
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Italian Club 2,3; National Italian Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Big Brother 3,4; Philadelphia Urban Plunge Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 28; Emmaus 278
“Y o u have to think anyway, so w hy not think big?” -D onald T ru m p
“Y o u m ust strive to find your ow n voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.” -R o b in Williams “Dead Poet Societv’
/Vhat's the story behind your first JUG? tapped another student on the shoulder to make him 3o k the other way, and M r. Long gave m e J U G . -Joh n LaBella
Sen Z inn told m e that he had a plus one elevator pass. Ve went to the top floor to get stopped by Ms. Garcia, found out that he had lied and I was brought all the vay back down JU G e d for taking the elevator and eing late to class. -Joh n Stemkowski
N ever got J U G , I'm amazing -Jim m y Rivera C ellphone w ent off first day o f school and the whole class heard “R in g a D ing D ing D ing dee D ong R in g a D ing D ing D ing D ee D o n g” about three tim es...the w orst part was m y m om butt dialed m e. -B rad Switala
I got pushed by a friend and M r. Healy gave him J U G so he assumed I did som ething w rong and gave m e J U G too. -S teven Trujillo
Freshm an year with M r. Dresdner in Physics. There was a small lab with magnets and I was doing nothing at the time so I grabbed one since my group was not using it. I accidentally dropped it in the hole on the table and it was unrecoverable, like m y perfect JU G record. -Jason Santos
Conor Sharp
Jeremiah Siiva
Tennis 2; Water Polo 3,4; Rugby 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 29,36; Emmaus 276; AMDG 3; West Virginia Immersion Trip; Ecuador Immersion Trip; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; CLC 1,2,3.4; Baseball Club 1; Ping Pong Club 3; German Club 3
Vox 2,4; Gaming Club 2,3,4; League of Legsnds Club 4; Prep Dramatics/Musicals 2,3,4
“I'm so scared right now. I'm just gonna to do what's sensible, I'm gonna file for unemployment. Then I'm gonna try to get a job at Enterprise R ent-A -C ar, because they got an excellent corporate structure and they... they give you the tools to be your own boss.” -Brennan Huff, “Step Brothers"
“H ope for the best, prepare for the worst, and be ready to face any obstacles in betw een.” -A nonym oi
Sonny Simonetti
Joseph Siocha
Wrestling 1,2, Captain 3,4; Vox 3,4; Performing M s Club 2,3,4; CLC 3,4
Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Fencing 3,4; League of Legends Club 4; Ebony' Club 1,2,3; Kairos 29
‘N o R agrets.” -K en ny R ossm ore, “W e're the Millers’
“W hat? School’s over already? B u t I ju st woke up from m y nap.” -O rigin;
Matthew Skircak
David Smith Soccer 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 30; Emmaus 274,275
“W h en the world gets in m y face, I say, 'Have A N ice D ay'.” -B o n jo v
M Lr
Kyle Smith
Robert Smith
Robotics Team captain/co-founder 3,4; Saint Peter's Prep Performing M s Club 2, president 3.4; Medical Club 2,3, vice president 4; Red Cross Blocd Drive Or^nizer 3,4; Concert Band 2,3,4; Jazz Band 2,3,4
Baseball Club 1; Engneering Club 2; Ebony Club 2,3,4
“ I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts o f life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, w hen I cam e to die, discover that I had not lived.” -H e n ry David Thoreau
“ Friendship... is not something you learn in school. B u t if you haven't learned the meaning o f friendship you really haven't learned anything.” -M uham m ad A
Did you prefer Kairos or Emmaus? Why? Kairos because num ber 31 was the only one to do it in three days. L T T . -A lex Alberti Em m aus. I went on it as a Ju n ior and got to know some legends o f the Class o f 2 0 1 4 . Also, as a Senior, I led Em m aus 2 7 3 and got to bring m y boy Francis from Spain with me. -M ik e Cid
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Em m aus. T h e them e o f our last year and retreat at Prep made it an enjoyable tim e, one o f the last major things I will do with the Class o f 2 0 1 5 . -D avid Bovich Em m aus because it was a m ore relaxing format, which allowed us to take a break from all the stresses o f school. -C arl Gocon Kairos because o f the surprises, the food, and the activitcs. -D ennis Jam es
Kairos hit m e first. There's nothing like that experience w here you really see people like r before. And leading Kairos was just as moving. Em m aus was powerful in a different sense. W e already primed for that life-changing-retreat-life being familiar with that allowed us to dive intc experience w ithout hesitation. -C lark B u
H ow dare you try to make me choose between then -James Magli
Max Solter
Nathaniel Soliven Sheehan Scholars 1,2,3,4; Vox 1,2,3, treasurer 4: Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4: Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; CLC 3,4; Microbank 3,4; Performing Arts Club 4; Newark Immersion Trip 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Sophomore Retreat 2, Leader 4; Kairos 28; AMDG 3; Emmaus 273,276
“ I have com plete faith in the continued absurdity o f whatever's going o n .” -Joh n Stewart
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” -R a lp h W aldo Em erson
William Springer
Francisco Sorto
Indoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Outdoor Track 2,3, captain 4: Kairos 28; Emmaus 273; Ecuador Service Trip 2013
Rugby 2,3,4; Bowling 4; Petrean 2,3; Kairos 32
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep m oving forward.” -D r. M artin Luther K in g jr.
“N ever lose your disposition.” -C a rl D elorenzo
Tristian Staniszewski
Steven Sprofera
11,2,3; Basketball 1,2,4; Kairos; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2
Soccer 1,4; Indoor Track 1.2,3.4; Outdcor Track 1,2,3,4
“ If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting w hat you've always gotten. Fo r change to happen you have to make change.” -Anonym ous
‘B etter to fight for som ething than live for nothing.” -G en . G eorge S. Patton
Daniel Sullivan
John Stemkowski
Kairos 29; Emmaus;TV Studio 1,2,3,4; Movie Club 4
Rugby 1,2.3,4; Crew 3; German Club 2,3; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 276
“T w o roads diverged in a w ood and I - I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.” -R o b e rt Frost
“Som ew here in the crow d was at least one potential friend who'd understand the fundamental value o f goofing off. Because if not, how boring would that be?” -A lyson N oel
Vhere do you see yourself in 20 years from this exact moment? i 2 0 years, I hope to see m yself w orking as a doctor in hospital or part o f a medical private practice with :llow doctors! -Paul Ajayi
Placing spinning rims on m y gold jet-sk i, docked in m y Aruba sum m er house, married to a w om an I value m ore than superficially, with no m ore than tw o kids (as I learned in A P Environm ental Science) and living off o f bank interest. O r in a cardboard box.
weeting from m y pool the size o f a football field with s ow n w ater slides and waterfall. -Jam es M aglione
-Jody Giani
lopefully I'm ju st living m y life happily with people I )ve. -R ic h ie Messina
As a pharmacist, hopefully I have a family and one o f my children is a boy w ho can go to Prep soon. -V in cen t M cnafro
C hannel 7 , 3 P .M . slot. -D arnell Hutchinson
Stranded on an island with m y best friend, W ilson. -T hom as M cM anus
Bradley Switala
■■PM ■■
Raphael Talatala
Volleyball 1,2,3, captain 4; Kairos 30, leader 34; Emmaus 274; AMDG 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Camp Kismet Mission Trip 2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3: Engneering Club 1; Bowling 4; Marauder Nation 1.2,3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Italian Exchange 3; Magis Award 1
Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1,2; Prep Disc Captain 3,4; National Honor Society 4; National French Honor Society 3; French Exchange 3; French Club 2,3, president 4; Petrean Cofditor-rnChief 4; Igiatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Student Photographer 3,4
“This was nothing like 'High School M usical'.” -@Fem alepains
“ T im e is precious. W aste it wisely.” -Anonym o
Ahmad Thomas
Devon Thompson Football 1; Water Polo 3,4; Ru^Jy 3,4; Italian Exchange 3; Alaskan Field Study 2; Camp Kismet Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 30; Emmaus 275; Big Brother 3.4; Igiatian Leadership Team 4; HCA Tutoring 3,4
“ D o not take life too seriously. Y o u ’ll never get ou o f it alive.” -E lbert Hubba
David Tolentino
Peter Tomljanovic
Football 1,2,3, captain 4; Kairos 31
Swimming 1,2,3 captain 4; French Club 2,3,4; French Exchange 3; Kairos 28; Emmaus 274; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Petrean 2,3; National Horror Society 4; National French Honor Society 3; AMDG 3; Student Council 2 Executive Board 4
“W o rk hard till the day you die because nothing is ever given to you. It's your responsibility to earn it.” -Luis Tolentino
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." -V ince Lombar
Steven Trujillo
Edward Valencia
Football l,2,3,4;CampusMinistryTeam4;JusticeWorxTrip3; Intramurals 1,2.3.4; Kairos 31,36; Emmaus 277
HAP Tutor 1,2,4; Student Council 1; Gaming Club 1,2,3, president 4; Anime Club 3; Bowling 3, JV captain 4; Stock Market Club 3; TV Studio 3; West Side Story Cast 1; A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Cast 2; HAIR Cast 3; Urinetown Cast National Honor Society 4
“ T h e measure o f w ho w e are is what w e do with what we have.” -V ince Lombardi
“ Shoot for the m oon. Even if you miss, you'll land am ong the stars.” -N orm an Vincent Pea
Would you have done anything differently with the time you spent at Prep? N o . T he time I spent at Prep was an amazing four year journey that I would not trade for anything in the world. So many great m em ories, relationships, and lessons learned. -K yle Bow es I would take honors classes. I definitely could have used those. -Sean C row ley
■■ ■ ■ 160
I should have wrestled, went on the Italian Exchange, and played drums for the band. Those are m y biggest regrets o f high school. -N ic k Cozzarclli
would probably have sold m ore pool passes. -A ndrew Dellech
I wish I was a bit m ore involved in m ore clubs at Prep. T here are so m any, but I could ju st never get m yself to get involved in a club. I highly encourage anyone w ho goes to Prep to join a club. -P aolo M atti
I would have joined the yearbook m uch earlier. -Raphael T al.
1 would not have let m yself get discouraged so easily freshmen year. -Flynn M onroe
W ould've continued to wrestle. I stopped becau wanted to focus on baseball, but I realized I coul done both. -A nthony Ve'
Roi Vana
Thomas VanderVliet
Medical Club 3,4; Prep Against Ignorance 3.4; Ultimate Fnsbee 4; Kairos 32; Emmaus 278
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Engneering Club 4; Marine Science Club 3,4; VWMAW3
“ N ever make your hom e in a place. M ake a hom e for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - m em ory, friends you can trust, love o f learning, and other such things. T hat way it will go with you w herever you jo u rn e y .” -T a d W illiams
“You'll have bad times, but it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to .” -Sean, “ Good W ill H unting’
Mark Vasile CLC 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3
Sahil Vaswani Rugjy 2,3,4; Pax Christ) 1,2,3,4; W.I.L.D. club 1,2,3,4
“W e all have the same am ount o f tim e in the day. It's how w e choose to spend it that decides our future.” -M r. N yugen Smith
I'm out h ere.” -M ike Stud
Antonio Velardi
Shawn Vollaro
Baseball 1.2,3,4; Wrestling 2; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 274
Engneering Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1,2,3; Robotics Club 2,3,4; MIT InvenTeam 3,4; FRC Robotics Team 3,4
“ Confidence, not cockiness. K now ing w ho you are is confidence. Cockiness is know ing w h o you arc and pushing it down everyone's th ro at.” -M ila Kunis
“A day w ithout laughter is a day wasted.” -C harlie Chaplin
(Jy d jjF x cr ~ R ,
Patrick Walshe
Dwon Walker
Crew 1,2,3, captain 4; Vox 1,2,3, vice president 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Bg Brother 3,4; Kairos 3, leader 4; Emmaus 4; Spirit Award 4; National Honors Society treasurer 4; National Spanish Honor Society 4: Hellenic Society 1,2,3,4; Honors Pin 1,2,3,4; Dean's Advisory Board 3; Student Leadership Council 4; Baseball Club 1,2; Mags Award, 1; Silver Medal for Music, 1; Jazz Band 1; Freshman Ambassador 1
Fcotball 2,3,4; Track 2,3
“ It ain't all about the m oney.” -A c e , “ Paid in Full’
“W h ere words fail, music speaks.” -Hans Andersen
/hat do you think you'll miss most about Prep? miss the brotherhood at Prep the m ost. Everyone ,s so chill with one another, even if you don’t know : person. T hat was the best part. -Paul Ajayi probably miss R obotics class. So m uch fun. -R ich ie Messina
now there will com e a tim e w hen I'll miss taking N J ansit ever)- m orning, but today is not that day. -Jam es M aglione
I am going to miss hearing Clark B urnett remind me that there are five m inutes until the start o f class. -Alejandro Anderson I will miss the Class o f 2 0 1 5 all being together the m ost. W e truly are a prom inent family, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the family to go in separate directions, but no m atter w hat, we know w here we cam e from. -N ic k Cozzarelli I will miss everything that happened after school when there were no m ore classes. T here was always talk in class about what we w ere all doing that weekend or after school, and I loved seeing how happy w e all were. -Sal Alessi
I'm going to miss J U G R eview . G et it? -M ike Cid
T h e insanely off-key renditions o f Pride and Glory. I'm still not sure if I'll miss it the m ost or least. -N ic k Kaniewski
Jeffrey Whyte
Vincent Weber
■ ■■
Rugty 1.2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 28; Emmaus 273,274; Christmas Video 2; Ecuador Immersion Trip 2; AMDG 3; Ignatian Family Teach-In 3; Italian Exchange 3; Big Brother 3,4; Metro Arts Summer Program 1; CLC 3,4
Scccer 1; Igiatran Scholar 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation marauder 4; Ka I
“ I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left th em .” -A n dy Bernard, “T h e Office’
“Y o u can't climb the ladder o f success with your hands in your pockets.” -A rnold Schwarzenegj
Quinn Williamson
Hunter Williams-Burrows Fencing 1,2, captain 3,4
Tennis 1,2,3, captain 4; Scccer 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Prep Against Igiorance 3,4; Leadership Team 2,3,4; National Spanish Honor Sociely 4j National Honor Society 4; Kairos; Emmaus
“ I've never been a conceited person or cocky, never felt boastful, but I always had a sense o f self-worth; I always had a real sense o f myself.” -W ill Ferrell
“Y o u know you love m e. X o x o .” -Gossip
Declan Wollard
Brandon Wimbush Ebony Club 3,4; Basketball 1; Football 1,2,3 captain 4; Kairos 33
“ Its nice to be im portant, but m ore im portant to be n ice.” -A nonym ous
Indoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 32,36; Emmaus 274; Nazareth Farm Service Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity Service Trip 4; Student Council 4; Spirit Week Commrttee 3; Dean's Advisory Board 3; French Club 2,11 Engneering Club 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Soccer 1; National Honor Society 4; National French Honor Society 3
“ N o m atter how you get there or w here you end t human beings have this miraculous gift to make th place ho m e.” -C reed Bratton, “T he Offic
Marc Wright
Bennett Wong Freshman Ambassador 1; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track and Field 1,2.3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Admissions Department 2,3.4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; USFIRST Robotics Team president/founder 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Petrean 3; Asian Club 2,3
Vox 1, assistant manager 2, vice president 3. president 4; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Spring Musical 1,2,3,4; Winter Play 2,3,4; Sodality Jazz Band 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 31; Emmaus 274; AMDG 3; Eucharistic Minister 4; j Camden Immersion Trip 2; Uterama 2; Freshman Ambassador 1: Mags Award 1
“ Success always com es when preparation meets opportunity.” -H en ry L. Hartm an
“ H ey, hey, hey! Just think- while you've been gett down and out about the liars and the dirty, dirty cheats o f the world, you could've been gettin' dow to T H IS. SIC K . B E A T .” - T aylor Svl
What teacher would play you in the movie version of your life, and why? M r. Peter Geary. W e have m uch in com m on . W e are equal in height and stature, his deep voice is comparable to m ine, he is quick-w itted, and looks wonderful in plaid. -K yle Bowes Definitely M rs. M cElroy because she is my doppelganger and would put passion into her acting. -P a t Carney
M r. Settem brino. W e are basically the same person except I am better at m ath, and he is better at lifting. -A n th ony D 'Aiuto
M r. Burokas. T he guy is the m ost sartorially elegai man in all o f the W estern Hemisphere. -D an G T here is no mortal capable o f playing m e in a
M r. Smith, because he has seen m e m ature and has Therefore it m ust be Dr. D om inic Scibilia. H e ta been around me all m y years at Prep. m e a111 know ; the man must be immortal. -D ennis Jam es -Jody ( Ms. T oom b , she really captures m y personality. -Janies M aglione
M r‘ T rotta weU ” because we arc basically the Person-Brian 1
Jayadeep Yalamanchi
Nelson Yang
Engineering Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2,3.4; Medical Club 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 3,4
Engneering Club 1,2,3, vice president 4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 3,4; Robotics Club 4; National Honor Society 4; Vox 2; Crew 2; Fencing 2; Volleyball Manager 1; Chess Club 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 33; Emmaus 278
“W hen we hit our lowest point, w e are open to the greatest change.” -A ang, “Avatar: T h e Last A ir B en d er”
“W h en I was young, I admired clever people. N ow that I am old, I admire kind people.” -Abraham Joshua Heschel
fyttjpuLiSf' {fBBB
Michael Zawistowski
Ethan Zingalis
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Hellenistic Society 2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; CLC 1,2,3,4
Swimming 1,2
“ Stop going for the easy buck and start producing som ething with your life. C reate, instead o f living off the buying and selling o f others.” -G ord on Gekko
J. Benjamin Zinn Cross Country 1; Water Polo 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Kairos 2
“ Luck is the residue o f design.” -B ranch R ickey
/hat's your favorite place to go for lunch around campus, and what do you get? ther Azzarto's, Peanut B utter and Jelly. -N ick Camilleri
M y locker for a hom em ade PB and J from M rs. C arney. -P a t C am ey
G otham . I get whatever Julio makes m e. B y the way, Julio is the only legend at Prep that has never set foot in the building. -M ike Cid
icy Calamari ever)' Friday at Milano's. -A nthony Dabb
Milano's for sure. I'm not your typical chicken parm order, I like to switch it up, and w hen I do I love the broccoli, pasta dish w ith cheese and bread. Always satisfies, plus they have good, w elcom ing people there. -C h ris Gcisslcr
Freshman through Ju n ior year it was definitely Five Guys. J U G is what I got. -Jody Giani
le legendary Legal Grounds. G et a T aylor H am Egg C heese on a toasted everything bagel and you're lden. -D a n Callaghan irgulios, pin wheels and a plain slice. -Jayson M cKivergan
bway. According to Brian R ojas I eat too many ;atball marinaras. -R ic h ie Messina
Tom m y's. C hicken Fingers. -T o m M cLaughlin
M y favorite place to go to lunch is Taqueria by the football field. I get a steak burrito and a M exican C oke. -Flynn M onroe
C ity D iner, and I would get a Belgium Waffle topped with ice cream . -T o m m y Linkus
Milano's, and you gotta get a chicken parm. A m ust-do in your Prep career. -D ean Perez
B row nstone D iner. G otta get the pancakes. M uy bien. -D aniel Sblendorio N u m b er five on m y list o f seven greatest places to eat: Five Guys. T h e works. -Sal Alessi
y house. -Q uin n W illiamson ■
Class Allan Abanilla Daniel Acevedo Prince Adablah Enric Adillon Alexander Agbulos Anthony Alaimo
Juan Alcantara Richard Aldarondo Jonathan David Alegria Kenneth Andrade Scott Andreas Marc Vincent Anonuevo
John Armwood Vieri Arriaga Joseph Atta Ethan Louie Bandales Brian Bartoszek Luke Bedell
Taylor Bolshoi John Bonnet Sa'id Boykin Robert Brancatella Noah Brennan Austin Burk
Federico Burke Augustus Burkhardt Johnathon Butler Christian Butts Jeremiah Campoverde Quinn Candelaria
Patrick Carroll Nicholas Cerbone Mark Chester David Clancy Francis Coleman Kevin Connelly
Dylan Connors Dominic Corrado David Corrao Griffin Corry David Cortinas Vincent Costa
Hunter Criollo Brendan Cunningham Vince Gerald Dagot Conor Daly Zachary Davis Jeremiah DeGuzman
William Delaney Patrick Deleon John DeSantis Michael Dillane Alexandre Dillon Liam Dillon
Andrew Doherty Steven Domenech Brian Dougherty Brian Druciak Dhruv Duggal Daniel Duggan
Mario Echevarria Sherif Elmetwally Matthew Fetherman Brian Fitzhenry William Fitzpatrick Michael Fogle
Stephen Fowler Jordan Francullo Nicholas Furtzaig Nigel Gamarra Brandon Ganesh Samuel Gardner
Isaiah Garlin Peter Garrigan Jack Gercich Christopher Ghatas Nicholas Giardiello Duran Gonzalez
Kai Gray Anthony Greco George Grell Freddie Guacamaya Liam Guarnuccio Matthew Hart
Eric Hartl Matthew Hedden Luka Heinrich Michael Hester Thomas Hojnacki Kolton Huber
Mark Imus Bryant Jaramillo Alec Kelly Krishen Khurana Connor Kirkwood Christopher Kondratowicz
Jake Kopacz Devon Lalin Patrick Lavin Anthony Lenardo Richard Longenecker John Lovito
Michael Lucia Jeremiah Lynch Patrick Lynskey Paul Lyskawinski Benjamin MacMillan Avram Magnaye
Devin Malmad Brian Maloney Theophil Mangold James Marchione Brady Marinho Diego Martingale
Dominick Mastrodonato Alec Maxwell Thomas McIntyre John McLaughlin Luca McLaughlin Philip Miguel
Kevin Millad Anthony Minunni Michael Mitchell Nicholas Moreno Matthew Moriarty Francis Mottola
Brian Muller Michael Murphy Liam Nally Christian Near Kyle Necklen Garret Negron
James Niland Liam O'Donnell Daniel Okoh Alphonso Palacios Andrew Pappalardo Brandon Parrado
Justin Pena Justin Penik Christopher Picinic Vladyslav Polishchuk Luis Pomales-Diaz Brendan Popovich
Colin Powers Michael Pritchard Robert Puhak Ravi Raithatha Pierce Rasmusson Eddie Reaves
Freddie Recio Sean Regan Frank Rinaldi Joseph Rivelli James Robertello Matthew Rodriguez
Anthony Romano Felipe Rosario III Maximilian Rozano Nicholas Ruibal Derek Sagun Wilson Salgado
Dimas Sanchez Trevor Schumacher Jeremy Sebalos Michael Simonetti Manav Singh Devin Siracuse
Terence Small Miles Strickland Michael Sullivan Sawyer Swanson Patrick Sweeney James Swetman
Elijah Tait James Tanella Kenneth Tarantino Nikesh Teckwani Kirubel Tekle Jonathan Ulloa
David VanWinkle Cameron Vasfailo Joshua Vega Raymund Viado Michael Vinci Adrian Voysey
Benjamin Warco Shamar Waterman Jedidiah Wehner Edward Whitehead Griffin Whitmer Spencer Winell
Robert Wisowaty James Wright Joshua Yanicak
class of
2017 Damion Abrams Masaki Aerts Nikolas Africa Clarence Aguilera Jonathan Ahn Michael Alberti
Andrew Alfonso Jeryll Ancheta Diego Anderson Christopher Appello Angus Applegarth Gregory Araujo
v .
David Awad Thomas Bertron Jordan Billie Joseph Birdsall Zachary Birdsall David Biron
Jordan Blassingame Ryan Boll Justin Bonner Shawn Borkowski Jan Brentjens Luke Bukowiec
Robert Bulka Ronald Burgers III Jack Burgess Paris Burks Andres Callegari Stuart Callinan
Johannes Calloni Kyle Carlee Liam Carney Michael Castaldo Mauricio Cedillo Robert Chambers
Adam Chester Victor Chirichella Zachary Chmiel Tyler Cholankeril Fahad Choudhary Cameron Clarke
Lucas Coleman Matthew Costello Jason Coyle Anthony Crincoli Paul Cuccinelli William Curtis
Harry Daniels Michael Dardour George Dawoud Alexander De Martino Dylan Deans Michael DeSousa
Vincent DiBella Massimo DiMuzio Peter Dobbs James Dolaghan Ryan Donahue Ryan Donaldson
Trevor Donatacci Ulise Duenas Anthony Elia Youssef Elshenawy Henry Erdman David Espino
Cesar Esteban Dakari Falconer Andrew Ferrier Michael Flanagan Sean Franklin Carter Freeman
Owen Freeman John Gagliano Matthew Gallo Nicholas Gallo Alex Garrett Jonathan Garzon
Francis Geltrude Thomas Girgis Luke Giunta Vincent Guastini Dylan Gudiel Nicholas Gutowski
Thomas Habib Ian Harnett Jihad Harrell Conner Harrigan Joseph Henry Ariel Herrera
Sean Hess John Hester III Quinton Hines Jr. Finn Hodgins Jeffrey Hoens Matthew Honig
Riley Horton Bradford Hotz Alejandro Inayat Declan Intindola Matthew Issac Ryed Jadun
Anthony Jones Zachary Joskowitz Julius Jova Seamus Kane William Karol Kyle Kelly
Michael Kingsley Eric Kirchner Mateusz Koziel Ethan Kuhl John Kuhl Conor Larkin
Michael Larkin Michael Leber Johnathan Lewis Daniel Liggio Dean Lindskog Christopher Lonergan
Theo MacMillan Daniel Manganello Matthew Marrero Jihad Marshall Alton Martin Mitchell Matara
Muhammad Mazhar John McAndrew Matthew McDermott Brendan McEwen Connor McGee Maximillian McGinley
James McGuire Ryan Mendyk Brando Mercado Sean Mikovits Adam Miller Joseph Millroy
Jacob Mirlas Nicholas Molinari Justin Montanez Harley Monteiro Benjamin Mowatt Brendan Murphy
Thomas Murray Luke Natsvlishvili Eric Nieves Liam Nolan Bryan Novak Hunter Novello
Michael Nulty Jake O'Callahan Thomas O'Connor Toritsematse Ogedegbe Shawn O'Leary Kevin O'Mara
Carl-lsaac Opont Anthony Ortega Jordyn Owens Joshua Padovese Gabriel Palma Julien Panepinto
Michael Paradiso Michael Park Frank Pellegrino Samuel Pellot Benjamin Petrula Samuel Phelan
Matthew Phillips James Pike Anthony Pineros Paul Policastro Jorge Portorreal Henry Posso
Thomas Prokop Jonathan Quinn Robert Quintas Sebastian Real Anthony Reyes Ryan Ribeiro
Frank Ricciardelli Thomas Riley Daniel Rivera James Robbins Desmond Roberts Brandon Rossi
Matthew Russo Patrick Ruvo Michael Salameh Guido Salandra Dean Santos Nicholas Santos
Adam Scagliarini Finn Kristian Schuemann Hans Schundler Chirayu Shah John Shea Rohan Singh
Andrew Siracuse Jon Sozer Alijah St. Vil Marc Stacey Cole Stallone Maximilian Steffen
Peter Stokes Michael Strazza Aaron Such Adam Sullivan Connor Sullivan Conor Sullivan
Tyler Switala Christian Tanas Jackson Tennant Matthew Tether Ram Thatham Grant Thieroff
Aidan Thornell Jonathan Thybulle Charles Torres Trevor Towindo Tansi Ukegbu Brendan Vander Vliet
Geroll Andrew Vedar Kevin Vieira John Vinci Ronald Vivenzio Dalton Walker John Walsh
Benjamin Wang Colin Ward Alexander Wedgbury Justin Yannece Brian Zawistowski Michael Zdanowicz
Sicheng Zhong Paul Zirpoli Steven Zuckerman Lyandro Zuniga
Maurice Acuna
class o f 2 0 1 8 Jayson Ademilola Justin Ademilola Peter Agress Luis Aguiar Adetayo Akano Nicholas Albano
Jorge Alicea-Lopez Declan Alvidrez Jared Ammugauan Noah Andriani Gabriel Armena Conrado Arroyo
Markus Bagley Matthew Baldowski Matthew Banasiak Louis Bizien Cameron Blair Dylan Boardingham
Christopher Brady Miles Brancatella Jack Brandon Daniel Brown Malcolm Brunson Noah Byrne
Correl Caddie Marco Califano Jack Callan Adrian Camano Nicholas Cao Jack Carey
Hugh Carroll Nikolas Carter Christopher Caruso Christopher Casiano Keith Castaldo Alejandro Castro
Isaiah Chagas Nicholas Charas Andrew Chiurazzi Brennan Collier Ricardo Colon Jr. Fernando Cordova
John Corrao Michael Cortez Andrew Coyne Matthew Coyne Marc Cozzarelli Abyssinia Crawley
Jared Cruciani John Curran Michael Daly Richard Danielovich Jason Davidoff Andrew de Armas
Vincent Delgado Jonathan DelGreco Nicholas Demetriades Kunj Desai Dante Dias Matthew Dillane
' Philip Donald Robert Donald Dylan Dordevic Richard Doren Ryan Dorneo Kevin Druciak
Matthew Duane Robert Dungan Kenneth Einhorn Brendan Ekwughalu Jordanis Espinal Luis Espinal
Jasiri Evans Kevin Fell Adrian Fernandez Steven Ferrales Tyler Finerty Sean Fitzgibbon
Peter Flores Anthony Franconeri Gavin Freeman Tate Fryczynski John Gaccione Thomas Gannaway
Ryan Gannon Patrick Garrigan Kevin Goines J. Griffin Gonzalez Kennith Gonzalez Matthew Goodman
James Gordon Gerald Graves Krystoffer Green John Gregory Griffin Gudaitis Sebastian Haas
lain Hallenborg John Halligan Aidan Hamilton Thomas Hannan Tyler Hansen Ryan Hartnett
Connor Heaney Owen Heim Marvin Heredia Antonio Hernandez Jared Holzman Malchijah Hoskins
Ray Jasinski Vatche Kafafian Daniel Kamel Brendan Kane Kevin Keegan Liam Keegan
Benjamin Kelly Michael Kelly Richard Kelly Eugene Keohane Nye Key-Armstrong Tyler Kinney
Dennis Kirby Jr. Ryan Kirkwood Andrew Koehnlein Paul Kondratowicz Kevin Kwon Dylan La Bruno
Lynken Lanting Sean Lavin Thomas Lee Chase Lerner Zachary Lewis Jesus Lopez
Victor Lopez Lance Lucarelli Conor Mahon Charles Mainor Jr. Dante Malleo Michael Mangual
Luke Marasigan Matthew Marcano Matthew Marini Daniel Marshall Ralph Mason Joseph Mastrodonato
Joaquin Matamis Andrew Maxwell Durkin McCarthy Rory McGovern William McHugh Cleophus McIntosh
Christian McKoy Ian McLaughlin Seth McLaughlin Aidan McMahon Dominic Meleo Joseph Moceri
Zachary Moeller Dillon Murray Gregory Nacheff Charles Nadrowski Jeremiah Narramore Jethro Ng
Lukas Niemann Juan Nieves David Niland Daniel Nunez Joshua Oakley Michael O'Brien
Chima Ohadike Robert Onoz Andres Orbe Patrick Orth Domanrovil Ovalle Victor Paone IV
Taylor Pappas James Paradiso Manav Parikh Floyd Patterson Jr. Lorenzo Perez Stephen Perez
William Perlman John Piela Jason Pope-Bayne Owen Possick Tyler Powers Andrew Prescott
Jake Ramirez Nicholas Ramirez Ryan Ramos Timothy Reid David Reverendo Joseph Ribaudo
MHm Brian Richards Cairo Richards Michael Richards Xavier Ritter Ian Robson GianLuca Roses
Jarred Rosso Daniel Rowe Brian Ruane Joseph Ruge Paolo Samin Christian Sanducci
Christian Santos Brian Savage Mark Schiavo Keith Schmidt Jared Sebalos Edward Seborowski
Damiano Servidio Adam Seymour Harshal Shah Christopher Shannon Christopher Shaw Liam Shea
Shane Shell Shayne Simon William Slaski George Small Isaiah Smalls Andrew Smith
Brandon Smith Luc Smith Ricardo Sosa Dario Spina Te-Nye St. Bernard William Stevens
Ashon Stewart Joseph Stulec Jared Such Anthony Tejada Gabriel Tejada Max Telemaque
Nikolas Theodoracopoulos Brendan Thiele Patrick Thoms-Bauer Andrew Tobin John Tomei Khadim Toure
Joseph Trombecky Jevon Tull Zachary Uhler Bryan Van Ness Niko Vega Sean Verdi Jr.
Andrew Vespole William Vespole Jason Vicari Robert Vogt Dave Vovor Francis Vuolo
Brendan Walsh Paul Weeks Judah Wehner Justin White William White Daniel Whitehead
Ashton Williams Jared Wilson Marek Wlodarski John Woeckener William Woltmann Morgan Wyville
A Abanilla. Allan 164 Abdon, Michael 72, 73,132 Aborde, Erik 71,132 Abrams, Damion 169 Abruzzo, Joseph 56,57,66,80,87, 132, 184 Accardi, Aedan 72,80,89,132 Acevedo, Daniel 164 Acuna, Maurice 175 Adablah, Prince 164 Ademilola, Jayson 175 Ademilola, Justin 175 Adillon. Enric 164 Aerts, Masaki 169 Africa, Nikolas 169 Agbulos, Alexander 164 Agress, Peter 175 Aguiar, Luis 175 Aguilera, Christopher 46, 47,132 Aguilera, Clarence 169 Ahearn, Sean 71,80,132,135 Ahn, Jonathan 169 Aiello, Alexander 34,132 Ajayi, Paul 132,136,159,161 Ajayi, Peter 133 Akano, Adetayo 175 Alaimo, Anthony 164 Albano, Nicholas 175 Albers, Mr. Kevin 120 Albers, Ms. Katie 120 Alberti, Alexander 43, 133, 136, 158 Alberti, Michael 169 Alcantara, Juan 164 Aldarondo, Richard 164 Alegria, Jonathan David 164 Alessi, Salvatore 35, 68,80,87,92, 114,132,133, 161, 163,184 Alfonso, Andrew 169 Ali, Eladham 133,136,137.140, 143 Alicea-Lopez, Jorge 175 Altucher, James 133 Alvidrez, Declan 175 Americo, Lenny 156 Ammugauan, Jared 53.175 Ancheta, Jeryll 169 Andersen, Hans 161 Anderson, Alejandro 80,96,133,161 Anderson, David 133 Anderson, Diego 169 Andrade, Kenneth 164 Andreas, Scott 164 Andrews-Sanchez, Austin 133 Andriani, Noah 103,175 Angermeyer, Ms. Janet 103.120, 129, 154 Annetta, Ms. Rosemary 120,151 Anonuevo, Marc Vincent 164 Apito, Tyler 80, 88, 133, 154 Appello, Christopher 169 Applegarth, Angus 169 Araujo, Gregory 169 Arevalo, Gabriel 134 Armena, Gabriel 175 Armwood, John 164 Arnaldo, Dominick 89,134 Arriaga, Vied 164 Arroyo, Conrado 175 Arteaga, Mr. Juan 120,148 Atta, Joseph 164 Auriemma, Trinity 72,134,140 Awad. David 169 Azzarto, S.J., Fr. Anthony 120,146, 163
B Bagley, Markus 175 Bailey, Mr. David 120 Baldowski, Matthew 175 Banaag, Robert 35,72,133,134, 138 Banasiak, Matthew 175 Bandales, Ethan Louie 164 8arrera, Michael 56, 134, 144 Bartoszek, Brian 164 Beckwith, Keillor 34, 53, 76.80,134, 136 Bedell. Luke 164 Belfort, Jordan 146 Bellamy, Mr. Clayton 120 Benedict, Ms. Elizabeth 120 Bertron, Thomas 169 Billie, Jordan 169 Birdsall, Joseph 27,169 Birdsall, Zachary 169
Biron, David 169 Bizien, Louis 175 Blair, Cameron 175 Blanco, Alejandro 134,143 Blassingame, Jordan 169 Bleasdale, Ms. Jane 120 Boardingham, Dylan 175 Boll, Kerry 132, 135 Boll, Ryan 169 Boiler, S.J., Fr. Kenneth 119,120 Bolshoi, Taylor 164 Bonner, Justin 169 Bonnet, Jack 86, 164 Borkowski, Shawn 169 Borsellino, Jacob 46, 135 Bouley, Mr. Adam 24,102,120,121 Bourg, Mr. Seth 114 Bovich, David 64,80, 132, 135,158 Bowes, Kyle 62,117,135,138,139, 143, 160, 162 Brady, Christopher 175 Brancatella, Miles 175 Brancatella, Robert 164 Brandon, Jack 175 Brandt, Tristan 62, 133, 135 Brennan, Noah 164 Brentjens, Jan 169 Bruce, Renaud 72, 73,134, 135 Brunson, Malcolm 175 Bueller, Ferris 141, 152 Bui, Ms. Lisa 17 Bukowiec, Luke 50,169 Bulka, Robert 169 Burgers III, Ronald 169 Burgundy, Ron 149 Burk. Austin 164 Burke, Federico 164 Burkert, Connor 61, 134, 136 Burkert, Ryan 60, 61, 134, 136 Burkhardt, Augustus 57, 164 Burks, Paris 169 Burnett, Clark 26, 34. 35, 80, 87, 89, 132,133,136, 137, 144, 147, 158.161 Burokas, Mr. David 57,101,121, 135, 141, 143, 147, 162 Burroughs, Jordan 60 Buscaglia, Leo 144 Butler, Johnathon 164 Butrym, Mr. Jan 17,121 Butts, Christian 164 Byrne, Noah 175
c Caddie, Corey 34, 35, 62, 136 Caddie, Correl 175 Califano, Marco 175 Callaghan. Daniel 80, 136, 163 Callan, Jack 175 Callegari, Andres 169 Callinan, Stuart 169 Calloni, Johannes 169 Camano. Adrian 175 Camilleri, Nicholas 62,136,137, 163 Campbell, Jack 121,136,147 Campbell. Mr. Gerald 121, 147 Campen. Ryan 35, 80, 96,136,142 Campos, Pedro Albizu 156 Campoverde, Jeremiah 164 Canale, Mr. Alexander 64. 114, 120, 121, 124, 128, 133, 147 Candelana, Quinn 164 Cao, Nicholas 175 Capparis, Christopher 132, 137, 144 Capparis, Michael 137 Cardoz, Justin 55, 137, 138 Cardoz, Ms. Barkha 121, 123, 128 Carey, Jack 175 Carlee, Kyle 169 Carlson, Ms. Alison 29, 110, 121, 138,149,151, 155 Carney, Liam 169 Carney, Patrick 34, 35, 80, 134,135, 137,138, 139, 143, 162, 163 Carroll, Hugh 175 Carroll, Patrick 73, 164 Carroll, Ted 72,137, 141 Carter, Nikolas 175 Caruso, Christopher 175 Casazza, Mr. Christopher 118, 121 Casazza, Ms. Diane 119,121 Casiano, Christopher 175 Caslowitz, Mr. Steven 20, 104, 121, 155 Cassidy, Fr. Matthew 107, 121, 127, 129
Castaldo, Keith 175 Castaldo, Michael 169 Castellano, Ms. Carmela 53, 115, 121, 123 Castro, Alejandro 175 Casulli, Dominic 137 Casulli, Luca 137 Caulfield, Mr. Christopher 59,121 Caulfield, Mr. John 103,118.121,
122 Caulfield, Ms. Mary Beth 122 Cedillo, Mauricio 169 Cerbone, Nicholas 164 Chagas, Isaiah 176 Chambers, Robert 169 Charas, Nicholas 176 Chester. Adam 170 Chester, Mark 164 Chirichella, Victor 170 Chiurazzi, Andrew 176 Chiurazzi, Paul 89,137 Chmiel, Zachary 85.170 Cholankeril, Tyler 92,170 Choudhary, Fahad 170,184 Chu, Winston 48.137 Cid, Michael 35,88,136,137,138. 139,140,143, 147, 158, 161, 163 Clancy, David 86,164 Clark, James 109,134.138,142 Clarke, Cameron 170 Coccaro, Mr. Charles 109,122 Coleman, Francis 73,164 Coleman. Lucas 170 Collette, Jack 64,138, 184 Collier, Brennan 176 Collier, Nolan 27, 46.47,80,135. 138,140,141 Collins, Ms. Cecelia 122 Colon Jr., Ricardo 176 Colucci, Christian 113,135,138,139 Comey, Mr. Thomas 38,96,97,122. 128, 147 Conlin, Peter 46,80,138 Conlin, Riley 87 Connelly, Kevin 164 Connors, Dylan 63, 165 Connors, Sean 138, 145,147 Cooney, Daniel 34, 62,63.105, 132, 134, 136, 138,141,143 Cordova, Fernando 176 Corrado, Dominic 85,165,184 Corrao, David 86, 165 Corrao, John 176 Corry, Griffin 165 Cortez, Michael 176 Cortinas, David 165 Costa. Vincent 165 Costello, Matthew 170 Coughlin, Brendan 26, 34. 35. 139, 143, 184 Coyle, Jason 68,170 Coyne, Andrew 176 Coyne, Matthew 176 Cozzarelli, Marc 176 Cozzarelli, Nicholas 80,133, 137, 139, 154, 160, 161 Crawley, Abyssinia 176 Creer, Kenneth 80, 135, 139 Crincoli, Anthony 170 Criollo, Hayden 138,139.143 Criollo, Hunter 165 Critchlow, Timothy 80. 139 Crowley. Sean 56, 57.80,132, 135, 139, 160 Cruciani, Jared 176 Cuccinelli, Paul 170 Cunneen, Mr. Paul 122 Cunningham, Brendan 27,165 Cunningham, Ms. Nancy 122 Curran, John 176 Curtis, William 170 Cutler, Jay 152
D Dabb, Anthony 80,140,163 Dagot, Vince Gerald 165 D'Aiuto Jr., Anthony 34,139,162 Dallam, Ms. Belkise 122 Daly, Conor 165 Daly, Michael 176 Daly, Ms. Catherine 122 Danielovich, Richard 176 Daniels, Harry 170 Daniels-Rubinstein, Ms. Yetunde 122 Dardour. Michael 170
D'Avella, Andrew 62,139 Davidoff, Jason 176 Davis, Mr. Jerry 122 Davis, Zachary 96,165 Dawoud. George 170 Dawybida, Nicholas 25, 34, 140,142, 145 DeAngelo, Mr. James 119,122,124 Deans, Dylan 170 de Armas, Andrew 176 DeGuzman, Jeremiah 87, 165 De La Cruz, Julian 140 Delaney, William 42, 58, 59. 70, 165, 184 Deleon, Patrick 165 Delgado, Vincent 176 DelGreco, Jonathan 176 Dellechiaie, Andrew 64,80, 134,137, 140, 160 Dellechiaie, Daniel 25, 80, 85,140 DeLorenzo. Mr. Carl 107,122,135, 139,159 DeMartin, William 34, 35, 69,140 De Martino. Alexander 170 Demetriades, Nicholas 176 D'Emic, Ms. Elizabeth 36,119,122 Desai, Kunj 176 DeSantis, John 165 DeSousa, Michael 170 Dias, Dante 176 DiBella, Vincent 170 Dillane, Matthew 176 Dillane, Michael 49, 165 Dillane, Ms. Suzanne 122, 135 Dillon, Alexandre 165 Dillon. Liam 165 DiMuzio, Massimo 170 Dobbs, Peter 170 Doherty, Andrew 165 Dolaghan, James 170 Dombrowski, Christopher 92,140, 145 Domenech, Steven 165 Dominguez, Jon Carlo 26, 34, 35, 80, 133, 134,140,143, 147 Donahue, Ryan 170 Donald, Philip 176 Donald, Robert 176 Donaldson, Ryan 85.170 Donaleski, Alex 76, 77,88, 141 Donatacci, Trevor 170 Dondero, Mr. James 24, 37, 122, 133 Dordevic, Dylan 104, 176 Doren, Nicholas 62, 63, 141 Doren, Richard 176 Dorneo, Ftyan 176 Dougherty', Brian 86,165 Dougherty, Mr. John 112, 123,124 Doyle, Brian 34, 56, 141 Druciak, Brian 165,184 Druciak, Kevin 176 Duane. Matthew 176 Duenas, Ulise 170 Duggal, Dhruv 96, 165 Duggan, Daniel 165 Duncan, OSF, Sister Fances 123 Dungan, Robert 176 Duran, Anthony 34, 35, 39, 48, 62, 80, 88, 136,141,143 Durante, Ms. Mary 123 Dwyer, Michael 80, 141
E Echevarria, Mario 165 Einhorn, Kenneth 176 Ekwughalu, Brendan 176 Eleria. Mr. Gianpaolo 22, 89, 104, 120, 123,129 Elia, Anthony 170 Elmetwally, Sherif 165 Elmetwally, Tariq 141 EIo, Mr. Hugo 123 Elshenawy. Youssef 170 Eppler, Ms. Catherine 94, 114, 123, 139 Erdman, Henry 170 Espinal, Jordanis 176 Espinal, Luis 176 Espino, David 170 Esteban, Cesar 170 Evans, Jasiri 176 Evans, Thomas 34, 140, 141
F Faherty, Griffin 46, 80, 141 Falconer, Dakari 170
Fearon, John 56,64,80.142 Febrillet, Andrew 142 Fell, Kevin 176 Fencik, John 74 Fennell, Andrew 142 Fernandez, Adrian 176 Ferrales, Steven 176 Ferrier, Andrew 27.170 Fetherman, Matthew 165 Filak, John 54, 55, 72,95, 142, 184 Finerty, Tyler 176 Finn, Ms. Mary 123 Fitzgibbon, Sean 55,176 Fitzhenry, Brian 165 Fitzpatrick, Minkah 34, 45,70,142 Fitzpatrick, Ms. Trish 119, 123 Fitzpatrick, William 27,42.86,165 Flanagan, Michael 170 Fletcher, Mr. Michael 112,123,154 Fletcher, Terence 157 Flores, Ms. Melinda 123,141 Flores, Peter 177 Fogle, Michael 90, 165 Ford, Ms. Catherine 118,123 Fowler, Stephen 165 Fox, Jordan 142 Franco, Dave 144 Franconeri, Anthony 177 Francullo, Jordan 165 Franklin, Sean 170 Frazier, Walt 142 Freeman, Carter 170 Freeman, Gavin 177 Freeman, Owen 170 Frezza, Matthew 142,145 Fryczynski, Tate 177 Furlong, Mr. Robert 123,138 Furtzaig, Nicholas 165
Gaccione, John 177 Gaddy, Mr. Bhima 124 Gagliano, Frank 27 Gagliano, John 170 Galano, Mr. Frederick 112,124 Gallardo, Christian 80,142 Gallo, Matthew 170 Gallo, Nicholas 57,170 Gamarra, Nigel 165 Gambone, Mr. Michael 112,124,151 Ganesh, Brandon 165 Gannaway, Thomas 177 Gannon, Ryan 177 Garber, George 26,80,87,143 Gardner, Chris 140 Gardner, Samuel 105,165 Garlin, Isaiah 55,165 Garner, Alan 141 Garrett, Alex 170 Garrett, Daniel 34,80,133,134, 135,136,140, 143,144, 150, 162 Garrigan, Patrick 177 Garrigan, Peter 165 Garzon, Jonathan 84,170 Geary, Mr. Peter 85,102,124,139, 147,151,162 Geissler, Christopher 134,143,163 Gekko, Gordon 163 Geltrude, Francis 171 Gercich, Jack 165 Ghatas, Christopher 165 Giani, Jody 132,133,136,142, 159, 162, 163 Giani, Joseph 80, 143 Giardiello, Nicholas 165,184 Giglio, Mr. Joe 124 Gill, Ian 35,72,80,143 Girgis, Thomas 171 Githens, Andrew 143 Giunta, Luke 171 Glazer, Ms. Ella 124 Gocon, Carl Emil 143,158 Goines, Kevin 177 Gomez, Ms. Nery 110,124 Gomilla, Gerard 35, 140. 142, 143, 145, 147 Gonzalez, Duran 70, 71,165 Gonzalez, J. Griffin 177 Gonzalez, Kennith 177 Goodman, Matthew 177 Gordon, James 177 Grasselino. Maximillian 144 Graves, Gerald 177 Gray, Kai 45, 166 Greco, Anthony 166
Green, Krystoffer 177 Gregory, John 177 Grell, George 166 Guacamaya, Freddie 166 Gualario, Ms. Grace 124 Guarnuccio, Liam 166 Guastini, Vincent 171 Gudaitis, Griffin 177 Gudiel, Dylan 171 Gutowski, Nicholas 171
H Haas, Sebastian
Habib, Thomas 171 Hallenborg, lain 177 Halligan, Benjamin 64, 80, 137, 149 Halligan, John 177 Hamilton, Aidan 177 Handy, James 139, 144 Hannan, Thomas 177 Hansen, Mark Victor 145 Hansen, Mr. Richard 45,124 Hansen, Tyler 177 Hansen III, Mr. Richard 124 Harcourt, Daniel 66, 67, 144, 15 Harnett, Ian 171 Harrell, Jihad 171 Harrigan, Conner 171 Hart, Matthew 166 Hartl, Eric 166 Hartling, Dr. Jeffrey 88, 112,124 137,147,155 Hartman, Henry L. 162 Hartnett, Ryan 82,177 Healy, Mr. Brian 124, 157 Heaney, Connor 177 Hedden, Matthew 166 Hedengren, Christian 68, 69,14' Heim, Owen 177 Heinrich, Luka 72, 166 Hellwig, James Brian 157 Henry, Joseph 171 Heredia, Marvin 177 Hernandez, Antonio 177 Hernandez, Ryan 77.144 Herrera, Ariel 171 Herrera, Christian 144 Heschel, Abraham Joshua 163 Hess, Sean 171 Hester, Michael 166 Hester III, John 92,171 Hill, Napoleon 135 Hines Jr., Quinton 171 Ho, Mason 154 Hodgins, Finn 171 Hoens, Jeffrey 171 Hojnacki, Thomas 166 Hollywood, Mr. James 108.125 Holzman, Jared 177 Honig, Matthew 70, 111, 171 Horan, Mr. James 125 Horton, Riley 91,171 Hoskins, Malchijah 177 Holz, Bradford 171 Howard, Thomas 144 Hubbard, Elbert 160 Huber, Kolton 44, 70, 166 Huff, Brennan 158 Huggins, Patrick 145 Hutchins, Darnell 59, 80,88,14: 148 Hutchinson, Darnell 154,159
I Imus, Mark 166 Inayat, Alejandro 171 Innis, Mr. Brian 119.125 Intindola, Declan 171 Irvine, Mr. John 15,119,125,12 Issac, Matthew 171
J Jadun, Ryed 171 Jaliff, Sebastian 145, 150 James, Dennis 27, 80, 145. 158. Jaramillo, Bryant 166 Jasinski, Ray 177 Jiran, Mr. Michael 125,126 Johnson, Sean 76, 77,118,144, 145, 148, 149, 153 Jolly, Tej 34, 35, 145 Jones, Anthony 171 Joskowitz, Zachary 74, 75, 171 Jova, Julius 171 Juan, Jonathan 80, 145
K zan, Thomas 66,145 ifian, Vatche 177 lel, Daniel 177 e, Brendan 177 e, Seamus 171 ewski, Nicholas 21,34,88,117, 139, 141, 145, 146.161,184 >r, Mitchell 134 I, William 171 ing, Mr. Anthony 106, 123, 125, 139, 147 ;an, Kevin 177 an, Liam 83,177 er, Stephen 26, 146 Alec 60,61, 166 Benjamin 177 Kyle 171 Michael 177 Mr. Michael 125 Richard 177 edy, Dr. Richard 13, 125, 137, 148 edy, Michael 146 ane, Eugene 177 umstrong, Nye 177 wa, Krishen 166 .ley, Michael 171 iy, Tyler 177 Jr., Dennis 178 ner, Eric 171 ood, Connor 166 ood, Ryan 178 Ms. Megan 104,125 nlein, Andrew 178 ratowicz, Chnstopher 166, 184 ratowicz, Paul 178 cz, Jake 166 cz, Joseph 62,146, 147 :s, Tyler 139,144.146 I, Mateusz 56,57, 171 ;, Kyle 46.80,135.141,145, 146, 147 rnski, Christopher 64, 80,135, 146 Ethan 171 John 171 sran, Rishi 139,146, 152 ip, Mr. Kyle 125 i, Kevin 178
L lla, Jonathan 56, 57,147,152, 157 uno, Dylan 178 uno,Jack 147 ino, Ms. Theresa 89,125 lerre, Mr. Patrick 37, 62,125, 132,155 , Devon 166 ar, Kendrick 134 olfi, Richard 56, 147 ng, Lynken 178 n, Conor 171 n, Michael 171 i, Patrick 166 i, Sean 178 r, Michael 171 Christopher 35. 46, 47, 147 Thomas 178 rdo, Anthony 166 ard, Luke 147 ar, Chase 178 s, Johnathan 171 s, Zachary 178 o, Brian 34, 147 0, Daniel 171 skog, Dean 171 j s , Thomas 56, 57,148,163 e, Henry 80,110,135,139, 148, 153 cchio, Mr. Anthony 125,132, 148 icchio, Ms. Maryphyllis 125 •rgan, Christopher 51,171 !, Emmet 148 ienecker, Richard 166 !Z, Jesus 178 az, Victor 178 to, John 87,166 irelli, Lance 178 a, Michael 166 1, Patrick 35, 52,145,148, 155 a, Thomas 148 :h, Jeremiah 166 ikey, Patrick 166
Lyskawinski, Paul
M Maceda, Jose Adelfo 148 MacMillan, Benjamin 166 MacMillan, Theo 172 Madden, Luke 66,81, 148 Maglione, James 35, 81, 148, 150, 158,159,161, 162 Magnaye, Avram 166 Magnotti, Nicholas 21, 34, 53,149, 152 Maguire, Patrick 81, 149 Mahon, Conor 178 Mahon, Robert 56, 57, 149 Mainor Jr., Charles 178 Malik, Suhaam 149 Malki, George 35, 142, 149 Malleo. Dante 178 Malmad, Devin 166 Maloney, Brian 166 Malvey, Eric 149 Manganello, Daniel 172 Manganello, Joseph 81,137,149 Mangold, Theophil 166 Mangual, Michael 178 Marasigan, Luke 178 Marcano, Matthew 178 Marchione, James 166 Marinho, Brady 166 Marini, Matthew 178 Marino, Michael 62, 149 Marrero, Matthew 172 Marshall. Daniel 178 Marshall, Jihad 172 Martin, Alton 172 Martineau, Ms. Janice 125 Martinez, Jericho 35, 39, 150 Martingale, Diego 166 Martino, Tyler 150 Mason, Ralph 178 Mastrodonato. Dominick 166 Mastrodonato. Joseph 178 Matamis, Joaquin 178 Matara. Mitchell 172 Matti, Paolo 34, 66, 67, 150, 160, 184 Matus, Austin 34, 35, 150 Maxwell, Alec 166 Maxwell, Andrew 178 Mazhar, Muhammad 172, 184 McAndrew, John 172 McCabe, Ms. Diane 118,126 McCarthy, Durkin 178 McCarthy, Mr. Michael 112,126 McCauley, Christian 150 McDermott, Matthew 172 McElroy, Ms. Mary Anne 37, 97,106, 119,126, 135, 138 McEwen, Brendan 56,172 McGee. Connor 73,172 McGinley, Maximillian 85,172 McGlew, James 150 McGovern, Christopher 150 McGovern, Rory 178 McGowan, Isaiah 34,150 McGuire, James 172 McHugh. William 178 McIntosh, Cleophus 178 McIntyre, Thomas 166 McKittrick Jr, Michael 46, 53,81, 101.151,153, 184 McKivergan, Jayson 64, 141, 151, 163 McKoy, Christian 178 McLaughlin, Ian 178 McLaughlin, John 87, 166 McLaughlin, Luca 166 McLaughlin, Seth 178 McLaughlin, Thomas 81, 151, 155, 163 McMahon, Aidan 178 McManus, Thomas 77,81,151,153, 159 McNally, Ms. Alice 97,119,126 McVeigh, Kevin 77, 151 Meleo, Dominic 178 Melville, Adam 145,151 Menafro. Vincent 34,81,147,150, 151,152,159 Mendyk, James 151 Mendyk, Ryan 172 Menendez, Raul 151,152 Mercado, Brando 172 Mergoupis, Mr. Christos 36,101, 124,126,135, 138, 139, 151
Messina, Richard 149, 152, 159, 161, 163 Miguel, Philip 166 Mikovits, Sean 172 Millad, Kevin 167 Millad, Steven 92, 96, 146. 152.184 Miller. Adam 172 Millroy, Joseph 172 Minunni, Anthony 167 Mirabel, Alex 50,51 Miragliotta, Vincent 152 Mirlas, Jacob 172 Mitchell, Michael 167 Moceri, Joseph 178 Moeller, Zachary 178 Molinari, Nicholas 172 Monroe, Flynn 155, 160, 163 Montanez. Justin 172 Monteiro, Harley 172 Morchel, Nicholas 35, 152 Moreno, Nicholas 167 Moriarty, Matthew 167 Morissette, Ms. Sarah 117, 126 Morris, Mr. John 101, 106, 123, 124, 126,128, 132, 139, 147, 148, 149,153, 155 Morris, Ms. Maria 37, 117,126.133 Morrissey, Mr. Gregory 57, 69, 102, 126 Mottola, Francis 167 Mowatt, Benjamin 172 Muller, Brian 167 Mullins, Ryan 81, 96, 152 Mullin, S.J., Fr. John 126, 127 Munroe, Flynn 52, 134, 141, 148, 152. 153 Murphy, Brendan 111.172 Murphy, Michael 87, 167, 184 Murray, Dillon 178 Murray, Thomas 111, 172
N Nacheff, Gregory 178 Nadal, Rafael 143 Nadrowski, Charles 178 Nally, Liam 167 Napolitano, Andrew 152 Narramore, Jeremiah 178 Natsvlishvili, Luke 172 Near, Christian 87, 167 Necklen, Kyle 167 Negron, Garret 167 Ng, Jethro 178 Ng, Josiah 22, 147, 150, 153 Niemann, Lukas 179 Nieves. Eric 27, 172 Nieves, Juan 55, 179 Niland, David 179 Niland, James 93, 167 Noiplai, Anthony 72,153 Nolan, Christopher 132 Nolan, Liam 172 Nordstrom, Ms. Jessica 126 Norton, Ms, Jessica 118, 126,127 Notare, Andrew 146, 153 Novak, Bryan 172 Novello, Hunter 172 Nowlan, Alden 140 Nulty, John 153 Nulty, Michael 172 Nunez, Daniel 179
0 Oakley, Joshua 179 O'Brien. Michael 179 O'Callahan, Jake 172 O'Connor, Thomas 172 O'Donnell, Liam 167 O'Flaherty, Mr. Ryan 66, 127 Ohadike, Chima 179 O'Hare, S.J., Fr. Robert 127,151 Okoh. Daniel 27,167 O'Leary, Patrick 81, 93,153 O'Leary, Shawn 172 Oliveira, Matthew 153 O'Mara. Kevin 172 Onoz, Robert 179 Opont, CarHsaac 172 Orbe, Andres 179 Oro, Stephen 34,35,77,117,153 Ortega, Anthony 172 Orth, Patrick 179 Oser, Edward 27, 34, 35, 48, 49.81, 146, 153, 184 Oser, William 25,2 6,3 4,3 5,8 1,8 7, 135, 144, 154, 156, 184 Otterbein, Griffin 81, 141, 148, 153,
154 Ovalle, Domanrovil 179 Owens, Jordyn 172
P Padovese, Joshua 172 Palacios, Aiphonso 167 Palma, Gabriel 172 Palmer, Arnold 148 Palomino, Jose 154 Panepinto, Julien 172 Paone IV, Victor 179 Pappalardo, Andrew 167 Pappas, Taylor 179 Paradiso, James 179 Paradiso, Michael 173 Parikh, Manav 179 Park, Michael 173 Parrado, Brandon 42.58, 59, 70, 167 Patel, Alex 13, 147, 154 Patterson Jr., Floyd 179 Peko-Lillis, Ms. Deborah 127 Pellegrino, Frank 21,118.173 Peilot, Samuel 173 Pena, Justin 167 Penik, Justin 53, 167 Penney, Lawson 69, 154 Perez, Dean 154,163 Perez, Lorenzo 179 Perez, Stephen 179 Perlman, William 179 Peters, Mr. Richard 127 Petrick, Andrew 24,25, 34, 154 Petrula, Benjamin 70, 173 Phelan, Samuel 173 Phillips, Matthew 84.173 Picardo, Adam 49, 154 Picinic, Christopher 167 Piela, John 179 Pike, James 47, 173 Pineros, Anthony 173 Plaza, Daniel 147, 152,155 Policastro, Paul 104,173 Polishchuk, Vladyslav 167 Pomales-Diaz, Luis 167 Ponterdolph, Joey 147 Ponterdolph, Joseph 133, 155 Pope-Bayne, Jason 179 Popovich, Brendan 27, 69. 167 Popp-Murphy, Ms. Peggy 127 Portorreal, Jorge 173 Possick. Owen 179 Posso, Henry 173 Potter, Garry 142 Powers, Colin 167 Powers, Mr. Thomas 111, 127 Powers, Tyler 179 Prescott, Andrew 179 Pritchard, Michael 167 Prokop, Thomas 173 Puhak, Robert 167
0 Que, Mr. Jose 127,147 Quinn, Jonathan 84,85,173 Quinn, Mr. Casey 108,127 Quinones, A. Reese 22,155 Quintas, Robert 173
R Racki, Jonathan 155 Raithatha, Ravi 167 Ramirez, Jake 179 Ramirez, Manuel 61,81, 154, 155 Ramirez, Nicholas 179 Ramos, Ryan 179 Randall, James 155 Rasmusson, Pierce 167 Raulli, S.J., Fr. Enrico 127 Real, Sebastian 173 Reaves, Eddie 167 Recio, Freddie 167 Reese, Mr. William 127 Regan, Sean 86,167 Reid, Timothy 179 Reinhold, Chazz 137 Reverendo, David 179 Reyes, Anthony 173 Ribaudo, Joseph 179 Ribeiro, Ryan 173 Ricciardelli, Frank 173 Rice, Ms. Cheryl 112,127 Richards, Brian 179 Richards, Cairo 179 Richards, Marc 155 Richards, Michael 179
Richardson, Phillip 35, 155 Riley, Thomas 173 Rinaldi, Frank 167 Ritter. Xavier 179 Rivelli, Joseph 167 Rivera, Daniel 173 Rivera, Jimmy 35, 81, 96, 156, 157 Rivera, Ms. Erica 127 Robbins, James 173 Robertello. James 167 Roberts, Desmond 173 Robertson, Cheyenn 51, 156 Robertson, Jibrael 135,156 Robson, Ian 179 Roche, Mr. Brendan 107, 127 Rodriguez. Matthew 52, 53,87, 167 Rogers, Scott 46, 47, 149, 150, 154, 156 Rojas, Bnan 2 1.34,81,89,135, 142, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 156, 162, 163, 184 Romano, Anthony 87, 167 Romano. Ms. Rosalie 29, 110, 128. 151 Rosario Hi, Felipe 54, 55, 167 Roses, GianLuca 179 Rossi. Brandon 58. 70, 173 Rossi, Mr. Gabriel 113,128 Rossmore, Kenny 158 Rosso, Jarred 179 Rowe, Daniel 179 Rozano. Maximilian 167 Ruane, Brian 179 Ruge, Joseph 179 Ruibal, Nicholas 167 Russo, Matthew 60, 173 Russotto, Gabriel 34,74,75,81,156 Ruvo, Anthony 96, 142, 147, 156 Ruvo, Patrick 173
Sabatell, Alex 146,153, 156 Sabia, Anthony 27,34,81,157 Sagun, Derek 167 Salameh, Michael 173 Salandra, Guido 173 Salgado, Wilson 167 Salge, Ms. Erinn 123,126,128 Salvo, Ms. Frances 119, 128 Samin, Paolo 179 Sanchez, Dimas 168 Sanducci, Christian 179 Santayana, George 106 Santos, Christian 180 Santos, Dean 173 Santos, Jason 151,157 Santos, Nicholas 61,173 Saritepe, Emre 34, 35,153, 157 Savage. Brian 180 Savino, Nicholas 25,81,151,157 Sawh, Mr. Arvind 128 Sblendorio, Daniel 61, 155, 157,163 Scagliarini, Adam 173 Scannapieco, Mr. Matthew 100, 123, 124,126,128,129 Scherzo, Justin 62, 81,87,89, 151, 156,157 Schiavo, Mark 180 Schmidt, Keith 180 Schuemann, Finn Kristian 173 Schultz, Howard 147 Schumacher, Trevor 168 Schundler, Hans 27,173 Scibilia, Dr. Dominic 9,103, 112, 113,127,128,133,162 Sebalos, Jared 180 Sebalos, Jeremy 168 Seborowski, Edward 57, 180 Serpico, Alexander 146, 157 Servidio, Damiano 180 Settembrino, Mr. Michael 36, 54, 118, 128, 135,139, 150,155, 162 Severson, Sean 157 Seymour, Adam 180 Shah, Chirayu 15, 25,116, 173, 184 Shah, Harshal 180 Shannon, Christopher 180 Sharp, Conor 81,158 Shaw, Christopher 180 Shea,John 173 Shea, Liam 180 Shell, Shane 180 Sheppard. Ms. Maureen 128, 133 Silva, Jeremiah 35, 88, 149, 158 Simon, Shayne 50,180
Simonetti, Michael 60, 61,168 Simonetti, Sonny 149,150, 156,158, 184 Simonson, Ms. Brooke 128,141 Singh, Manav 168 Singh, Rohan 74, 75, 173 Singleton, Ms. Boreta 112,128,135 Siocha. Joseph 35, 158 Siracuse, Andrew 173 Siracuse, Devin 168 Skircak, Matthew 158 Slaski, William 180 Small, George 180 Small, Terence 168 Smalls, Isaiah 180 Smith, Andrew 180 Smith, Brandon 180 Smith, David 77,81,89,158 Smith. Kyle 17, 151,158 Smith. Luc 180 Smith, Mr. Nyugen 104, 105,128, 135, 147,155, 161,162 Smith, Robert 158 Soliven, Matt 59,81, 148,151,153 Soliven, Nathaniel 159 Solter, Max 159 Sorto, Francisco 155,159 Sosa, Ricardo 180 Sozer, Jon 55, 85, 173 Spicoli, Jeff 137 Spina, Dario 180 Springer, William 58,59,70,81,159 Sprofera. Steven 34, 46, 71,159 Stacey, Marc 173 Stallone, Cole 173 Staniszewski, Tristian 35, 152,159 Stark, Ms. Erin 129 St. Bernard, Te-Nye 180 Steffen, Maximilian 173 Stemkowski, John 72, 144, 147,151, 157,159 Stevens, William 180 Stewart, Ashon 180 Stokes, Peter 27, 92, 174 Strazza, Michael 174 Strickland, Miles 168 Stulec, Joseph 180 St. Vil, Alijah 173 Such, Aaron 174 Such, Jared 180 Sullivan, Adam 174 Sullivan, Connor 25,174,184 Sullivan, Conor 174 Sullivan, Daniel 146,159 Sullivan, Michael 168 Supple, Ms. Jacquelyn 129 Swanson, Sawyer 168 Sweeney, Patrick 86.168 Swetman, James 168 Switala, Bradley 34, 76, 77,81,88, 149,157,160 Switala, Tyler 174
T Tait, Elijah 62, 168 Talatala, Raphael 28, 34, 35,44, 135,147,156,160,184 Tanas, Christian 174 Tanella, James 168 Tarantino, Kenneth 27, 168 Teckwani, Nikesh 168 Tejada, Anthony 180 Tejada, Gabriel 180 Tejada, Mr. Rocco 129 Tekle, Kirubel 55, 168 Telemaque, Max 180 Tennant, Jackson 174 Tether, Matthew 174 Thatham, Ram 75,174,184 Theodoracopoulos, Nikolas 180 Thiele, Brendan 51,180 Thieroff, Grant 48, 174 Thomas, Ahmad 160 Thomas, Eric 139 Thompson, Devon 156,160 Thoms-Bauer, Patrick 180 Thornell, Aidan 174 Thybulle, Jonathan 174 Tobin, Andrew 180 Tolentino, David 160 Tolentino, Luis 160
Tomei, John 180 Tomljanovic, Peter 27,81,149, 151.155.160 Toomb, Ms. Maura 87,88.93. 129,137,162 Torres. Charles 174 Torres-Perez, Ms. Aymee 129 Toure, Khadim 180 Towindo, Trevor 174 Trombecky, Joseph 180 Trotta, Mr. Kenneth 129, 139,147, 162 Trujillo, Steven 81, 157,160 Tull, Jevon 180
Uhler, Zachary 180 Ukegbu, Tansi 174 Ulloa, Jonathan 168
V Valencia, Edward 53,146.153, 155.160
Valvano, Jim 132 Vana, Roi 146,161 Vander Vliet, Brendan 161,174 VanderVliet, Thomas 35,161 Van Ness, Bryan 180 VanWinkle, David 168 Vasfailo, Cameron 168 Vasile, Mark 152,161 Vaswani, Sahil 161 Vaznelis, Mr. Vytas 7,100, 102, 123,129,147 Vedar, Geroll Andrew 174 Vega. Joshua 168 Vega, Niko 180 Velardi, Antonio 34, 62, 63,137, 160,161 Veniero, Mr, Salvatore 111,129, 147,151 Verdi, Mr. Anthony 15,129 Verdi Jr., Sean 180 Vespole, Andrew 181 Vespole, William 181
Viado, Raymund 73,83,168 Vicari, Jason 181 Vieira, Kevin 174 Vinci, John 174 Vinci, Michael 168, 184 Vivenzio, Ronald 174 Vogt. Robert 181 Vollaro, Shawn 161 Vovor, Dave 181 Voysey, Adrian 168 Vuolo, Francis 181
Walker, Dalton 54,55, 174 Walker, Dwon 161 Walsh, Brendan 181 Walsh, John 174 Walsh, Ms. Elizabeth 129 Walshe, Patrick 34,81,114,117, 156,161 Wang, Benjamin 54,174 Warco, Benjamin 168 Ward, Colin 174
Petrean Staff Editors-ln-Chief:
Waterman, Shamar 168,184 Wazowski, Mike 149 Weber, Vincent 35, 81, 88, 148, 162 Wedgbury, Alexander 174 Weeks, Paul 181 Wehner, Jedidiah 168 Wehner, Judah 181 Weiners, Mr. Michael 118, 129 Wendler, Jim 150 White, Justin 181 White, William 181 Whitehead, Daniel 181 Whitehead, Edward 168 Whitmer, Griffin 168 Whyte, Jeffrey 38,137, 162 Wieners, Mr. Michael 129 Williams, Ashton 181 Williams, Tad 161 Williams-Burrows, Hunter 54, 55, 162 Williamson, Quinn 34, 35, 74,162,
163 Wilson, Jared 181 Wimbush, Brandon 34, 35, 44, 45,
Yanicak, Joshua 168 Yannece, Justin 174
70,162 Winell, Spencer 96, 168 Wisowaty, Robert 168 Wlodarski, Marek 181 Woeckener, John 181 Wollard, Declan 27, 58. 59, 70, 71,81,92,132,139,162, 184 Woltmann, William 181 Wong, Bennett 17, 20,81,87,162 Wooden, John 141 Wright, James 168 Wright, Marc 24,25,34,81,97,
Zanfardino, Ms. Joan 129,135 Zawistowski, Brian 174 Zawistowski, Michael 56,163 Zdanowicz, Michael 174 Zhong, Sicheng 174 Zingalis, Ethan 163 Zinn, J. Benjamin 150,152,154, 157,163 Zirpoli, Paul 174 Zuckerman, Steven 174 Zuniga, Lyandro 174
106, 162, 184 Wright. Mr. Mike 88,119 Wyville, Morgan 181
Y Yalamanchi, Jayadeep 146,163 Yang, Nelson 150,155,163
Raph Talatala S alvatore A lessi
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