Saint Peter's Prep * N e w Jersey's Jesuit H igh School since 1872 144 G rand Street • Jersey City, NJ
Student Life
Campus Ministry 78
One of the benefits of teaching at Prep is that the students are indeed “open to growth”. This makes teaching here a joy. Students are willing to entertain new ideas and positions that they may not have had exposure to in the past Whether in the classroom, on the stage, on the field or in an activity, the students of Prep are willing to risk growth. This makes my job both more enjoyable but also more challenging. Cura Personalis would have me carefully consider what growth I want for my students, and what growth they need. Growth in integrity, compassion, and conscience are the hallmark of a Jesuit institution and take precedence. Obviously, academic growth, in all its areas, especially in my field Mathematics - is to be encouraged. Math presents the student with the challenge of developing a rigorous method of thought that can be
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used outside of the math classroom. It trains the student to think in clean, logical fashion that will serve the student well in his future. Be there are other more elusive areas of growth. Growth in personal lif skills, growth in maturity, and growth in interpersonal skill are but a few'. While the student has the opportunity to be challenged by ne\ ideas in the classroom. It is outside of that venue that they test thos ideals. This is why I moderate activities outside of the classroom. Asid from enjoying the activities themselves, moderating them affords me th« opportunity to engage the students in their personal areas of interest anc growth. Being invited to accompany the student along his paths o interest is a privilege I recognize and appreciate. -Fr. Robert O'Hare, SJ
My experiences on the staff o f the Petrean have undeniably been my most sacred here at Prep. W hether clowning around with Mr. Vaznelis or editing interviews and articles, I regret none o f my time in the Basement o f the M oriarty Science Center. This book would not be possible without the dedication and drive o f the leadership on staff. Michael M urphy, the Head Photographer, for example, consumed m uch o f his free time during the day taking pictures o f other classes and activities around the campus. Beyond his dedication, though, I have come to know many o f the underclassmen like Ram Thatham, Griffin Gudaitis, and Dan Ambrosio on a personal level through their tireless efforts and unwavering dedication. These “gents” are the salt o f the earth, and I am certain that leaving will be all the more difficult because o f them. Prep flaunts a diverse pool o f students from all corners o f New Jersey and from all different walks o f life. Thus, this year,
we opted to do interviews instead o f penning empty articles fc athletic and academic pages. Interviewing, I felt, would be great way to encapsulate the theme o f recognizing unsunl students in our school - a Pueblo de Dios - and could furthe provide insight into the depth and breadth o f the ahead celebrated leaders within the community. As for a teacher dedication, our staff thought that ther was no more thematically fitting a person than Mr. A nthon Keating for this edition. His care for and love o f all student who enter the halls o f Prep establish him as an icon o f th wholesome Jesuit educational tradition o f Saint Peter’s - Cun Personalis. A film b u ff and an enthralling conversationalisl Mr. Keating bores no one. Even while taking pictures o f hin in his classroom or the M oriarty Science Center Lobby, found myself listening intently to his conversations anc lessons. His brand o f teaching appeals to a broad spectrum o Prep students. He inspired me to branch out in the Prep
om m unity and eventually join the staff o f the Yearbook. One o f the most pleasing additions to this Yearbook :xtends back to my Ju n ior Year. After one o f Mr. iettem brino’s PreCalc classes, he pulled me aside and offered he idea o f spotlighting some o f the Prep A lum ni Staff. I mmediately had some thoughts in m ind to execute this plan. Jnfortunately, having been too late to act on it, I resolved to nake this idea o f great priority this year. Prep students will •urely enjoy seeing teachers’ senior portraits. This edition o f the Petrean, the 94th thus far, contains :ales o f teamwork, small acts o f random kindness, comic relief, aassionate leadership, and a four year reflection on our hom e aot built by hands, but by the bonds o f Prep brothers. I extend a trem endous “Thank you” to our staff, our :ontributing writers, and the Prep com m unity. This is your story. This is Prep’s story.
D om inic C o rra d o , '1 6
Good Work, Man Parents often note that Prep students boast a sense of home and brotherhood with their peers. Many believe that it is a natural tendency of Prep men to grow close because of die amount of time they spend with each other, but students know that the community is fostered by the devoted staff They work each day to create well-prepared students, versed in die Jesuit ideals of competence, conscience, and compassion. Prep is so unique because of these committed individuals. They make Prep the remarkable place and the formative experience that all Prepsters know. Known for his unforgettable one-liners, this Prep alumnus of 1978 has a warm and welcoming smile which lives in the hearts of many Prep students as one of the first sights that made them feel that Prep was
their home. He makes each and every student feel accepted anc embraced for his uniqueness. Through his contagious enthusiasm, h< has nurtured a supportive community of hard-working students, willing lifelong learners and reliable men for others. He unequivocally loves what he does and unabashedly cares fo: his students. A lawyer and historian earlier in life, this teacher is Prep’; great fortune. About a decade ago, he decided to give a couple of year; back to the special place where it all began for him, the site of hi; personal formation as a man for others in the institution that served him so well. A proud Prep father, he is a paternal figure at Prep, as well as 2 trusted counselor, a generous mentor, and a dear friend to all students
/ho enter his classroom. His energy is unbelievable; any student o f his is >oth impressed and humored by his desire to help his students absorb he material and be inspired. His knowledge of films nearly equals his 3ve of history. As an upperclassman said, “As a Freshman, I came to his lassroom to simply listen to what he had to say. He was always fueling )ur desire for knowledge in very unconventional ways.” Requiring them to go beyond rote memorization of facts, this infbrgettable teacher develops an appreciation in his students for the novements, ideas, and innovations that have shaped history. He helps freshmen appreciate that we are an integral part o f the great story of the vorld. Rather than a series o f stale dates and events, history, through his yes, is a continuum rolling ever-onward toward a future that is bright vith optimism and also fraught with challenges, which we must prepare xirselves to meet and overcome. He is known to motivate and inspire his students to strive for ;omething greater - the Mags - and never to settle for doing the bare minimum. Artfully using memorable catchphrases and
employing innovative teaching techniques to illustrate the material, he stresses the importance of hard work, reminding students that he will “bum you now so you don’t get burned later.” He encourages his students to focus on the future, to always see the bigger picture, and to be excited about what is yet to come. With a true passion for teaching and a dedication to all of his sons at Prep, he not only teaches history, but he also infuses immensely valuable life lessons. These lessons resonate with his students such that, years later, alumni return to his classroom to speak about why being in his class was such a treasured experience. With hearts full of love and thanks, we dedicate the 94th edition of the Petrean to Prep’s own man for others, Anthony E. Keating.
Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J. As many Prep students know, we lost an im portant member o f the Prep com m unity this year, Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J. He was a Jesuit for more than 50 years, and spent 35 years teaching at Prep. Here, he attended many retreats and served many roles, chiefly among which was his role as Prep's Creative W riting teacher. His classes were characteristically small, with an occupancy o f about five students when there was full attendance. This allowed for students to experience more personal interaction with Fr. Raulli, and to get to know one another and Fr. Raulli himself. His often less structured classroom environm ent encouraged us to listen to others and to be confident when it was our turn to share.
Fr. Raulli not only taught his students how to b better writers, but he also provided a sense o f mora encouragement that no other class had been able to before Prep men would enter his class hoping to learn how tc properly express themselves and their ideas, believing tha writing would be the most direct way to do so. Fortunately, Fr Raulli taught and designed the class to help them tap into thei ideas and em otions and establish them creativity on paper W hile the class was Creative W riting, some daily discussion ranged from political topics to movie reviews to puns, al w ithin a short fifty minutes. M any Prep Juniors and Senior only had a brief semester with him, but the memories will
iurely last far longer. His students will recount the quirky loises he would make as he came into class every day, as well is his sometimes fashionable lateness. He allowed students to )rganize their thoughts and properly express themselves, while it the same time offering the skills needed to be a better writer md person overall. While Fr. Raulli’s career was focused on teaching, he was Iso an avid social activist. In class, he spoke o f his protesting luring the Vietnam W ar with his fellow Jesuits. He also, most ecently, participated in the May Day March, which occurred luring the Occupy Wall Street M ovement. W hether you agree /ith his stances or not, his sense o f doing that which is right is xemplary o f a Jesuit and a true model to look up to. To quote a private interview with Fr. Raulli from earlier his year about why he joined the Jesuits: "I was also influenced
by reading and reflecting on the gospels and his words, 'What does it profit a m an if he gain the whole world and lose his soul.' I... didn't want to come to the end o f my life and discover I had wasted it." The world, not just Prep, will be lacking w ithout the presence o f a m an like Fr. Raulli. The lives he has touched during his time at Prep certainly speak to his strong character and his well-lived life. We can only hope that he is in some place that is just as beautiful as his life was. Rest in peace, Fr. Enrico Raulli, S.J.
Pope Francis' Visit to U.S. Pope Francis has set many precedents since his Papal election; he was the first pope from the American continent, the first pope to address Congress, and the first Jesuit pope in religious history. W hen it was announced that he was going to come to the United States, the school was excited to see him in action. The Pontifex’s stops included New York City, W ashington D.C., and Philadelphia: places in which he gave meaningful speeches about the status o f the world today, discussing topics like hum an rights and climate change. The stage was set for his visit to be a m onum ental and historic one. Pope Francis landed at Andrews Air Force Base in W ashington D.C. on September 22nd, 2015. His arrival was marked by cheering and happy crowds. O n September 23rd, Pope Francis met with President Barack Obam a and held a prayer service. However, the highlight o f his visit to D.C. was on September 24th, when he gave a com pelling speech to a
joint session o f the Congress about the environm ent am America’s role in the world today. After his time in W ashington, Francis arrived in Prep’ neck o f the woods on the 25th o f September. Immediately afte his arrival, he was brought to the United Nations building ii M anhattan to provide another oration. Prep students closel watched in their hom eroom s as Pope Francis gave anothe captivating speech, urging people to stand united in the face c the countless problems that plague us today. The num ber c world leaders present to listen to the Holy Father speak wa impressive. Subsequently, Pope Francis and his motorcad paraded through the droves o f adoring fans assembled i Central Park. Prep raffled off tickets for the opportunity t watch the m otorcade, and so several young Prep me represented the school, traveling with Pope Francis every ste o f the way. The P ontiff could only stay for a day in New Yorl
mt Prep men, imbued with a sense o f pride in their Jesuit ■ducation, were contented with their experience. After a olemn mass in M adison Square Garden, the Pope boarded a light to the city o f brotherly love. Despite the Pope’s departure from the tri-state area, ’rep’s pride in the Jesuit figurehead was still bubbling; Cam pus Ministry chose six students to send on a trip to see the Pope in ’hiladelphia called “2Philly4Francis.” Attendees met countless tudents from Jesuit high schools and universities. As one tudent on the trip remarked, “O n Saturday, we celebrated lass in the m orning and immediately walked down to ndependence Hall where, after several hours o f waiting, Pope rancis passed within 15 feet o f us! We watched as a young girl tting near us received a kiss from his Holiness. Being in his
presence and at such a close distance was a surreal experience.” The students then listened intently to a speech about freedom by Pope Francis at Independence Hall - clearly a symbolic location - and joined together with countless other Catholics in singing the “O ur Father.” O n Sunday, September 27th, students listened to mass proclaimed by the Holy Father before he departed from Philadelphia for Rome. D urkin McCarthy, ‘18, described it as, “beautiful and a great thing to experience, especially as we were surrounded by so m any others that live and share the faith.” Pope Francis had impacted the Catholic faith even before his trip. After his visit to the U nited States, the Argentinian Jesuit impacted the entire world and brought awareness to countless issues that we, as people o f the United States, m ust stand together to solve.
Perkins Athletics Center As a Prep History teacher once said, “this school has the unique ability o f compelling alum ni to want to give back to the com m unity.” Each year, many Prep alum ni make substantial donations to the school, looking to fund scholarships and improvements to classrooms or buildings. These men support the com m unity in colossal ways. In fact, a fine example o f a generous Prep alum nus making an impactful difference occurred just this year with a donation to Prep's Imagine Fund. Football Coach Richard Hansen, P‘03,‘09, has wanted to build an athletic building for the institution for a long time. In late 2015, one Prep man affected a drastic change to the footprint o f the Saint Peter’s Prep campus in Downtown Jersey City, extending Prep’s reach all the way to M arin Boulevard. A Prep alum nus o f 1986, William O. Perkins, with a hefty donation o f 1.5 m illion dollars, helped to realize those plans to
erect the first fully new building for Saint Peter’s Prep sine 1965. O n January 20th, members o f the Prep faculty and staf gathered at the construction site for the groundbreaking o f th Perkins Athletic Center. A ceremony was held at the site o f th center, at which Fr. Kenneth Boiler, S.J. and Mr. Hanse expressed their gratitude through speeches. Perkins graduate in 1986; Prep’s im pact on his life was so great that he returne twenty-nine years after to generously fund a building for th school that made him who he is today. The vision for th Athletics Center was inspired by Mr. Perkins’ own experience as a Prep football player. The large edifice is planned to include state-of-the-a: equipm ent, finely furnished offices, and countless amenitk open to use by every young student who walks through tf halls o f Saint Peter’s Prep. A 5.25 m illion dollar structure, tf Perkins Athletic Center will cover approximately 15,000 squar
eet and will relieve the James F. Keenan, SJ. Field from being he prim ary practicing area for most sports. The building will ontain a num ber o f conference halls and offices, three locker ooms, a designated wrestling practice arena, and a massive weight training facility. This will allow a wealth o f space for tudent-athletes to train for com petition. C onstruction for the >uilding began in January 2016 and will continue through the e ll o f 2016. Prep is not only an institution o f higher academic ducation, but it is also a location o f excellence in physical ducation, through which students learn the m erit o f
sportsm anship and respect for the physical body. Mr. Perkins’ donation is just one o f m any to come through Prep’s doors, but his contribution will likely be responsible for the many hopeful athletic teams and will provide abounding opportunities for exceptional physical im provem ent. The Prep com m unity owes m any future athletic victories to Mr. Perkins and the other alum ni donors who make facilities like this possible. It is Prep’s hope that this new addition will be another step in accom m odating the ever-growing com m unity and cleaving another facet onto the gem that is a Prep education.
22 Dramatics 24 Student Council 26 Language Exchanges 28 Clubs 38 Marauder Nation
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Pueblo de Band Trumpets blare as Thomas Lee'18, and Robert Bulka ' 17, synchronize in a moving melody.
While a typical Prep student may stay after school to catch up on some homework or go hom e right after 6th period ends, I take on the responsibility o f not only working to my fullest potential in the classroom but also in the band room. The hours I have spent learning, practicing, rehearsing, and perform ing music with the band are beyond measure. Nonetheless, I have enjoyed every m inute I have dedicated to music throughout these four years at Saint Peter’s Prep. I see Pueblo de Dios as a rem inder for all o f us to coexist, som ething I can apply to my music life. In a band, each instrum ent serves its purpose in creating music. All o f us listen to one another, ensuring that our volume and tone are balanced and our melodies blend so that during concerts, we sound the best we can. The best we can do is acknowledge our differences and use them to create som ething amazing. The best way I have contributed to the Pueblo de Dios here at Prep is to continue attending band rehearsals, practice my parts at home, and finish my Prep career with a strong perform ance at the spring concert. I have a responsibility to the band just as everyone else in it does. Time managem ent is such an easy thing to neglect, but it has become the most difficult necessity for success in both academics and band. I plan my schoolwork around practices every week so that I don’t begin to fall behind in my classes. Planning ahead definitely should not be taken lightly when participating in activities that require a lot o f time. My interest in music sparked when I was first given the chance to choose an instrum ent in fourth grade. This choice has influenced everything I do, including my participation in the concert band and performances with the band. I knew I would participate in Prep’s bands once I decided to attend Prep. C ontinuing my involvement in music also resulted in my learning how to play guitar and bass. I would highly recomm end anyone to get involved in Prep’s loving com m unity because everyone here is open to anyone else, and being open could have a much greater impact than one may think.
Mr. Caslowifz leads the school band's rehearsal in an after school practice session.
fhe jazz band puts their skills to the test in a live performance. Kn impressive presence at Prep football games, the band axcites the Prep fan section at Caven Point. Mr. Caslowitz happily looks at the crowd after his oand's breathtaking performance.
The cast of "Beauty and the Beast," Prep's spring 2016 musical production, poses for a group photo. Hope Cladwell (Shannon Kelley SDA ' 15), Caldwell Cladwell, (Marc W rig h t115) and Mr. McQueen, (Michael Larkin 117) share a moment as they prepare to sing "Don't Be The Bunny."
Dramatics diversifies me because I have the opportunity to become involved in various productions with vigorous casts and dedicated directors. W ith these experiences, I am granted the privilege to acquire new techniques that help me become a better actor and dancer. The theme o f Pueblo de Dios is a standard that should be pondered by the actors, dancers, and directors as we strive to entertain and inspire the Prep com m unity through our productions. I balance Dramatics with academics by using a specific schedule that I create on Sunday after I return from rehearsal. I glance at the week that lies ahead and based on the letter days that correspond for the days o f that week, I plan what I will do during com m unity period, my free periods, and after school before rehearsal begins. Personally, Dramatics is som ething that I enjoy doing because I feel like I am in a different world, as I experience playing the roles o f various characters and learning how to improve my the “storytelling” o f the characters with both guidance and advice from the directors , the cast and through self-reflection. Dramatics is an activity that means a lot to me and I hope that as I continue my journey at Prep, I can continue to share this activity with the rest o f the com m unity.
Malchijah Hoskins
Attending one of their many rehearsal sessions, the cast of 'Beauty and the Beast" listens to advice from Mr. Bouley. The case of "Urinetown" takes the stage during their spring 2015 performance. Members of the "Poor Ensemble" during "Look at the Sky."
My participation in Prep Dramatics sets me apart from the typical Prep student because Dramatics propels my point o f view into a world o f nuance. I have the opportunity to convey hum an em otions which are as varied as our performances, whether it be in a campy musical with bouncy kick lines and loads o f laughter or a sensational play. Personally, I think Dramatics expresses the fundam ental ideas o f Pueblo de Dios. Every actor contributes to the camaraderie that lives and breathes on and o ff the stage by helping each other memorize lines, refine choreography, and practice songs. Despite all the time I devote to Dramatics, I am able to keep up with academics by using all the little m om ents in my day for studying. This can range from reading books for English on the train, to replacing the music on my daily run with a Spanish audiobook. A com m on m isconception in the world o f theater is that putting on shows require little to no effort at all, but there is actually a lot o f preparation that goes along with a production. W hen most people think o f theater, all ideas begin and end at the stage, but Dram atics is able to transcend the bright lights and sparkly costumes. It serves as an outlet for Prep brothers to be people o f God through their artistic expression.
Executive Board:
President - Michael Dillane Vice President - Shamar Waterman Secretary - Billy Fitzpatrick
Senior R epresentatives: Brendan Cunningham Daniel Okoh Brendan Popovich Kenny Tarantino
Junior R epresentatives: Joseph Birdsall Bobby Chambers Dakari Falconer Alton Martin Hans Schundler Cole Stallone
io ph o m o re R epresentatives: Noah Byrne William Perlman Michael Richards Brian Savage Max Telemaque Joseph Trombecky
Freshm an R epresentatives: Andrew Adablah James Anderson Mason Holland Kyle Hess Diego Perdomo Colby Ruggiero
Prep students take in the beautiful sites of Spain during their visit overseas. Visiting members of the Spanish Exchange take a tour of the famous Statue of Liberty with their Prep host students.
Exchange students diversify themselves because they transcend norm al Prep expectations by learning what life is actually like in a different part o f the world. Their education progresses, and they gain understanding o f the Spanish language more completely, by experiencing the culture firsthand. Every night, I got hom e around 6:30 with my exchange student after showing them all the fun things to do after school. After dinner, I started homework at around 7:30 and worked until I finished every assignment I had due the next day. I lost a lot o f sleep during the time my exchange student was living with me, but I managed to get all o f my school work done. I chose to be a part o f the exchange because I wanted to learn more about Spanish culture. I had never left the U nited States before, and I thought this would definitely be an amazing experience. Pueblo de Dios directly translates to "people o f God." People dedicate whatever they do to God and look out for those in need. They try to make moral and ethical decisions. Personally, I choose to help as many people as possible, whether it has to do with helping a friend study for a test, lending them lunch money, or even helping people in need. I try to donate m oney to good causes, every time my hom eroom is collecting. As a Prep student, I try to look out for others regardless o f the person. *
The Germ an Exchange has diversified me from a typical Prep student because I have now become accustomed to several cultures. W hile I am very familiar with my family's C olom bian and German cultures, I have never felt fully accustomed to them, as American culture has grown strong in my family. Germ any really gave me the opportunity to do unique things from the Germ an culture that resulted in me being more open, especially to other cultures. Pueblo de Dios means for me that we are all children o f God and can rely on the strength and love o f God to empower us for the rest o f our lives. Because o f this, I feel a sense o f unity from the song, especially when the entire school sings it in many assemblies and masses. Even though I am Germ an and am familiar with the culture, I was always fascinated with the country, and wished to get a chance to live there, so I would feel more in touch with my ethnicity. The Germ an Exchange was a terrific way to accomplish this, as with my exchange student both in America and in Germany, we both formed a close friendship that we have kept to this day, and which helped me learn a lot about the Germ an culture. Spending three weeks in Germ any made me feel more familiar with what it means to live as a part o f both urban and rural Germ an culture, through my stays in Dahlem and Berlin.
rep students and teachers with their German exchange artners dine in the famous Hofbrauhaus in Munich. German Exchange and Prep participants stand in front of Ire Rathaus in Munich, famous for its architecture. he participants of the German Exchange pose for a )icture at Exchange Place in front of the N ew York City kyline.
The members of Asian Club take a photo with moderator Fr. Mullin S.J.
The Ebony Club celebrates African-American heritage and history. They pose for a group photo in the cultural "melting pot" that is the Humanities building.
The Francophones of the French Club assemble for a photo before the "Tricolore" flag of France in the French language classroom.
The German Club comes together for a photo in Hr. Veniero's German class nestled in the Humanities building.
The Italian speakers of the Italian Club hold up their Carnevale masks for a group photo with their moderators.
The Spanish Club celebrates Spanish and Latin American culture through various activities and gatherings. They gather for a photo with Mrs. Torres near her classroom.
The numerous scholars of National Honor Society gather in the Moriarty Science Center lobby for a group photo.
The members of the Baseball Club discuss baseball news and history with Fr. Azzarto S.J. every week.
Ms. Schlitzer and Ms. Eppler stand with the young men of Prep's Academic Bowl team to take a photo.
The Anime Club watches various animated movies and T.V. shows from around the world. They gather for a photo with club moderator, Fr. O'Hare.
Members of Breaking Barriers assemble for a group photo with moderators Mr. Giglio and Dr. Bleasdale.
The young men of Prep Forum: Current Events Club discuss the news, life, sports, and politics that affect us all today. They debate on the 2016 Presidental Race in Profe Powers' Spanish classroom.
The nascent League of Legends Club meets each week to discuss strategy.
The Trading Card Game Club gather round the Hearth as they duel using overpowered decks.
The skilled young linguists of the National Spanish Honor Society pose for a group photo in Sra. Gomez's room.
The gamers of Gaming Club take a moment to gather for a group photo before they get back into the action.
The Feminism for Everyone Club discusses the pressing social issues of our time.
The intellectual demagogues of the Philosophy Club gather for a group photo with moderator, Mr. Rossi.
The aspiring businessmen of the Stock Market Club take a break from the stressful rigors of the markets to take a photo.
A sassy Ram Thatham, 117, and M anav Singh, ' 16, pose for a portrait in front of Africa with the moderators of Model UN.
The staff of Prep's newspaper, the Petroc, take a photo during a pleasant dress down day.
The Saint Peter's Prep Performing Arts Club take a photo after watching a show in the city.
Mr. Irvine, Mr. Ryan , and Mr. Jablonski of the Alumni Service Corps continue to participate in the Prep community, even after graduating from these hallowed halls
Jan Butryim Hockey 1,3,3,4; Dance Committee 3; Emmaus Team 4; Open House 1,2; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4; Jr. Prom Committee; Intramurals 1.,2,3,4; Algebra Silver Medal; School Spirit Award 2; NHS
"I don't regret who I am or what I 've done." -Original
Honor Pin 1; Computer Help Desk Operator 1,2,3,4; Network Assistant 3,4; On-Site Technical Support Specialist 1,2,3,4; Web Site Administrator 4
"There are people who don11like capitalism, and people who don't like PCs. But there' s no-one who likes the PC who doesn11like Microsoft." - Bill Gates
H onor P in 1,3,3; S p irit A ward 3; Who’s Who A m ong A m erican H igh School A thletes; NHS; O u tstan d in g F resh m an ; Rev. A n th o n y A zzarto A w ard 3; Fairfield U n iv ersity Book aw ard 3; F re s h m a n A m bassador, Soccer 1,2,3,4; Ind o o r T rack 1,2, Captatn/M VP 3,4; Outdoor T rack 1,2, Captain/M VP 3,4; S p irit A w ard Selection Com m ittee; P e tre a n 1,2,3,4; Pax C hristl 3,4; K ucharlstic M inister; P h o n ath o n 3,4; G erm an E x ch an g e 2; E m m au s 186
"Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. And they're always glad you came. You want to be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You want be where everybody knows your name." - "Cheers" Theme
James DeAngel© Student Council Exec. Committee 4; Emmaus Team 4; Petroc; Gold Medal US History 1; Silver Medal English 3; Eucharistic Minister 4
"Keep smiling - it makes people wonder what you've been up to."
Bowling 1; Football 1,2; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2,3; Latin 2 Silver Medal; Latin 3 Gold Medal; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Petroc Sports Editor; NHS
"It wasn't beginner1s luck."
M r. David Burokas, '85
M r. Jan Butrym, '01
Music subcultures, pond hockey, urban edification, rural decompression, avoidance of popular culture.
Robotics, Tech Support, Programming
"Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum." - Cicero
"The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer." - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, during World War II
M r. Christopher Caulfield, '03 Head Goach Track and Field, Hip-Hop Enthusiast, Bus Driver Extraordinaire
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." -James Baldwin
M r. James DeAngelo, '85
M r. Richard Peters, '85
Cooking with my four-year old daughter, reading e-Books, listening to podcasts, commuting by train and bike
Parenting, Scouting, hiking
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Wisdom is slow and comes but late." -"The Wanderer"
What advice would you give to your Freshman self? David Burokas: Take the path o f a polym ath. Find m ultiple passions and pursue them with zeal. Jan Butrym: Make sure to get good grades, but still have time to have fun. You are only young once. Enjoy it while you can. Richard Peters: You will do your best work if you can relax and be self-reliant.
Christopher Caulfield: Get involved and step out o f your com fort zone. The lessons you learn here will serve you later in
tt| 4 James DeAngelo: Enjoy the com pany o f your classmates and relax: all things will be well.
Future Jesuit 1. Federico Burke
Future Prep Teacher 1. Kenny Tarantino
2. Shamar Waterman
2. Dom Mastrodonato
2. Dominic Corrado
3. Billy Fitzpatrick
3. Justin Penik
3. Justin Penik
Future Dean of Students 1. Frank Coleman
Future CEO 1. Shamar Waterman
2. Scott Andreas
2. Matt Moriarty
2. Kolton Huber
3. Freddie Recio
3. Billy Fitzpatrick
3. Matt Moriarty
Future President 1 • Mike Dillane
Future Millionaire 1 • George Grell
Best Dressed 1. Billy Fitzpatrick
1 • David Clancy
Biggest Trendsetter 1. Quinn Candelaria
2. Quinn Candelaria
2. JT Swetman
2. Scott Andreas
3. Enric Adillon
3. Vieri Arriaga
3. Pawel Lyskawinski
Most Changed Since Freshman Year 1. Sawyer Swanson
Most Intelligent 1. Mike Dillane
2, Chris Maloney
2, Kenny Tarantino
2. Josh Yanicak
3. Raymund Viado
3. Billy Fitzpatrick
3. Liam O'Donnell
Most Serious 1. Matt Moriarty
1 • Mike Murphy
2. Isaiah Garlin
2. Federico Burke
3. Chris Ghatas
3. Alec Maxwell
Most Artistic T. Sam Gardner
r 1. Dom Mastrodonato I 2. Jack Bonnet
3. Sawyer Swanson
Most Likely to be Caught Sleeping. 1. Eddie Reaves
Most Likely to Become Famous 1. Vincent Ged Dagot
Most Likely to Take Over The World 1. Nick Giardiello
2. Sa'id Boykin
2. Brendan Popovich
2. Benjamin MacMillan
3. KJ Gray
3. KJ Gray
3. Dan Duggan
Most Likely to be Late to His Own Wedding 1 • Joe Atta
Best Musician 1. Spencer Winell
Funniest PUNisher 1. Luis Pomales-Diaz
2. Taylor Bolshoi
2. Vincent Ged Dagot
2. Brendan Cunningham
3. Kenny Andrade
3. David Cortinas
3. Kenny Tarantino
Best Nickname 1. James "Obtuse" Tanella
Class Clown 1. Quinn Candelaria
Twitter Addict 1. Frank Coleman
2. Chris "Butters" Kondratowicz
2. Brendan Cunningham
2. Quinn Candelaria
3. Anthony "Big Tony" Romano
3. Frank Coleman
3. Thomas Hojnacki
1 "
Best Company On A Desert Island 1. Quinn Candelaria
Most Likely to Receive JUG 1. Scott Andreas
1. Brendan Popovich
2. Ben Warco
2, Quinn Candelaria
2. Brendan Cunningham
3. KJ Gray
3. Scott Andreas
3. Brendan Cunningham uVVX SI Video Game Champion 1. Joe Atta
Future Mad Scientist p | T. Enric Adi11Mon I
Most Athletic 1 • KJ Gray
2. Dimas Sanchez
2. Dhruv Duggal
2. Kolton Huber
3. Liam O'Donnell
3. Joe Atta
3. Duran Gonzalez
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Pueblo de Marauder Nation
Marauder Nation fills the stands at the game against Bergen Catholic High School. The Prep Band stirs up the crowd at a home football game.
M arauder N ation is unique from other clubs because most clubs meet during school hours, but we only ever meet outside o f school. Anyone can participate regardless o f grade year. We are different from other fan sections as well, showing our support in a way that is consistent with our school’s positive values. In terms o f M arauder N ation, Pueblo de Dios means that by being people o f God, we are people for each other, and we stand in solidarity with the people for whom we cheer. O ne o f my biggest goals as M arauder this year was to make everyone feel welcome, from freshmen to seniors. W hile setting aside time for both M arauder N ation and my school work, I have to prioritize school work first. I m ust make sure that I have equal planning for both. The reason that I chose to be M arauder dates back to Ignite 2012. Andrew Newman came into the C om m ons and taught us the "Ave" chant and P.R.E.P. His energy was so high and he was so passionate about the teams that he was cheering. I really saw myself in him so when we voted for M arauder last May, I was lucky and blessed to be given the chance to inspire my Prep brothers.
Marauder Nation always shows up in force to cheer on heir Prep brothers during football season.
42 44 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 58
Crosscountry Football Soccer Swimming Water Polo Basketball Bowling Fencing Hockey Indoor Track
60 Wrestling 62 Baseball 64 Crew 66 Golf 68 Lacrosse 70 Outdoor Track 72 Rugby 74 Tennis 76 Volleyball
Junior Mick Flanagan turns up while he hits the hill at the County Championships. Freshman Paul Ames made some big strides coming in. The Freshmen are photographed after their big win at Counties. The Varsity Team prays before their race. Delaney, Parrado, and Rossi lead the pack at the Count] Championships.
Pueblo de Cross Countr Brandon Parrado and William Delaney will walk out as two of the greatest runners to ever walk through the doors of Prep. The varsity team begins celebration as they sweep the County title four four straight years; something no other Hudson County team has done in Cross Country.
This sport is different, and a lot o f kids don't realize that. There are no timeouts, no breaks, no substitutions. It is the true sport, that all other sports are derived from. I always try to push the boys to reach for their best and to keep pushing their limits. It is tough on everyone to balance such a mentally and physically draining sport. I try to enjoy the night after practice and relax and do some hom ework in the m orning. It's all about managing your time in the way you choose. Despite a heavy workload, this sport is not one to walk away from. I've always had a love for the sport since I was young. I couldn't wait for practice every day with the camaraderie on the team. Everyone was happy to be there and willing to put their all in for the team.
2015 Season F, JV, V Jersey City & H udson C ounty C ham pions 4 Straight C ounty C ham pionships 6 School Records 1st Meet o f C ham pions berth since 2004
Pueblo de Football The team meets in a huddle to discuss their next offensive play. Johnathan Lewis ' 17, makes a pass, despite St. Joe's players closing in on him.
Prep’s football program has a long history o f excellence and o f creating leaders. This excellence is evident by the many county and state titles that appear in the gym. Pueblo de Dios to me means loving, caring and doing anything for your brothers on the field. Through the good and bad, you have to have your teammates’ backs, and only then will you be able to be successful. O ur actions on the field translate well into school. We hold ourselves to high standards off the field, in order to represent Prep’s legacy. It is natural to help others if they need assistance because on the field it is always about watching out for others. Balancing both academics and athletics is challenging. W hen practice concludes, time management becomes even more crucial. I take advantage o f my time and try to block out all distractions. Being successful on the field and in the classroom is a big goal o f mine, and I work to achieve it. I have been able to build great relationships and meet great people through football, and the principles I have learned in football have helped me in life. I believe that they will continue to aid me in the future.
44 v o lu tio n o f Prep A t
Pictorial Time Lit tcr s Prep h as stood hot is. K now n for her ac, >mimimeni to service- and y rich athletic tradition, as si athletic program has grow n I football, b asketball, baseball a its-level sports. S ince I d/d). Pi ham pionships and 27
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Kolton Huber
If football has done anything for me as a student-athlete over the last few years, it has provided me with a sense o f leadership that no other program at Prep could. M aintaining a strong team throughout the season requires that every person be held accountable for their actions and that people are given the opportunity to apply their unique talents wherever possible. Being a Person o f God has been part o f my life for as long I can remember. My parents have always preached acting in such way, but until I got to Prep I d id n ’t truly know what they meant. Having your team m ates’ backs and being able to look every player in the eyes and know you care about one another is why I play the game. For me, being a part o f Pueblo de Dios isn’t just about serving God, it is about form ing relationships and playing for the person next to you. Playing football is a gift, but having a team who loves one another is a blessing. All students at Prep have a desire to be great, and as a com m unity we are able to come together through sports such as football to celebrate excellence and the blessings we all have been given from God.
Head coach Hansen delivers a speech to his players during a crucial playoff game. Jorge Portorreall, ' 17 inspects his helmet before he goes to battle in the post-season. Kai Gray, ' 16 sprints to victory against Notre Dame HS in the playoff season.
Christopher Kondratowicz, ' 16, discusses tactics with the Prep team. The experienced members of the soccer team are always alert, spotting for any opportunities. Prep Soccer's Christian Arcos, ' 19, is talented on the ground, and in the air! Seniors take a moment to rest and reflect on the first half of their game.
Pueblo de Soccer
Paul Kondratowicz
I feel that being on the soccer team at Prep gives me something to look forward to doing in my free time. Because o f this, I constantly have to work hard inside and outside o f the classroom. Due to my tim e constraints, I need to take my academics to another level in order to succeed. The phrase Pueblo de Dios means that all people should be together as one. The soccer team needs to treat each other with respect and have faith in each other in order to be effective. My feelings play a role on the field as well; I make sure to recognize that the opponent is also a person o f God. Thus, I make sure that I treat them with respect and compassion. The academics at Saint Peter’s are nothing to joke about; they create an environm ent that forces you to learn time management. I find myself unable to waste any time; my free periods are strictly used for homework and studying. I do not have time for partying or any extraneous activities. I began playing soccer at Saint Peter’s because I love soccer. I have played competitively since I was five years old. N ot only does soccer make me a better student but it also makes me more prepared for life after Saint Peter's. It has become a part o f who I am.
The stalwart Chima Ohadike, ' 1 8, wards his Union City opponent off the ball, and runs to victory. James Pike ' 17, dribbles past an opponent in a crucial game for the team.
Pueblo de Swimming & Water Polo
The team gets hyped before the game, thanks to the riveting speech by Griffin Whitmer, ' 16. Prep's Swimming squad discusses tactics before they go to race. Griffin Whitmer, ' 16, motors through the water during a 50 Butterfly.
Swimming makes me different from other typical Prep students because o f the general nature o f swimming. M ost teams have to work together to accomplish their goals. W ith swimming, members m ust focus on many individual achievements that build up towards a com m on goal. I could be the fastest swimmer in the country, but the team would go nowhere if everyone else does not put in the necessary training. In regards to swimming, I find that Pueblo De Dios means to treat everyone equally, as we are all the same under God. No matter how big the gap is between scores, we should be good sports, by winning graciously and losing respectfully. I think my participation in swimming contributes to the Pueblo De Dios at Prep because I hope that by succeeding, we will inspire other small sports to get more attention. I feel like swimming is not as supported by our fellow classmates as other, more popular sports, like Football or Soccer. I balance swimming and academics by prioritizing my schoolwork. Going to practice is im portant, but I am going to school to learn, not to swim. I chose to participate in swimming because I have been on my YMCA swim team for almost 10 years, and I wanted to swim for my school. ^
Water Polo is one o f the lesser-known sports at Prep and in New Jersey. We are one o f 5 teams in the state, so playing for Prep is really a unique experience. W ater Polo combines different skill sets, like swimming, with other abilities that are reserved for dry sports which makes it more difficult for new players. I've enjoyed playing for Prep. W ater Polo practices usually begin at around 5:30, and so members o f the team m ust finish their work early. It keeps me focused on my academics because I have limited time to finish my work. I chose W ater Polo because, at the time, the head coach o f the team was also the swim coach. I have been swimming com petitively since I was seven so I knew that I wanted to swim for Prep and I figured it would be good to meet the coach before swim season. I loved the sport immediately. Although we d id n ’t win m any games, we enjoyed ourselves. I also joined to meet people before school began. In Freshman year, I d id n ’t know any other students so Water Polo helped me meet new people. Overall, playing W ater Polo was one o f the best decisions I ever made.
7 7
The W ater Polo team shows off its defensive prowess when faced with a strong offensive opponent. The Prep W afer Polo team exits the pool to pose for a group photo with its coaches.
Being a Varsity Basketball player diversifies me from a typical Prep student in that it provides me with the opportunity to play a sport that requires a great deal o f training both in season and off season. It requires the utm ost com m itm ent for our team to be successful. Pueblo de Dios, in regards to basketball, means to play for a greater purpose than only oneself. Each time we go out on the court, we are playing for our Prep brothers, our school, and the com m unity at large. Participation in basketball contributes to the representation o f this school through strong athletics and character. It is our job to represent Prep in the best way we possibly can by giving full effort on the court and by being conscious o f the character we exude as Prep student athletes. I balance playing basketball and being com m itted to my academics by making the m ost o f all o f the time in the day, especially com m unity periods. Playing a sport keeps me on task with my work because I know that I cannot leave my assignments to the last m inute. I have to be proactive. I chose to participate in basketball because I played this sport during middle school and even before that. I definitely knew coming to Prep that I wanted to be on the basketball team, so it just seemed natural to participate in a sport that I had been accustomed to for years. Pueblo de Dios meaning people o f God, pushes us to follow God through our words and actions. Outside o f basketball, I contribute to the Pueblo de Dios in my participation on the Cam pus M inistry Team, Student Council, and Student Diversity Leadership Council. My participation in these facets o f student life allow me to serve my Prep brothers and others around me as a “person o f God.” Basketball is a sport that I have always played and wanted to continue at the high school level, which is far more challenging. Basketball made me feel especially closer with my teammates and that translates into the hallways and in the classroom as well. Personally, basketball affects me in that it challenges me to be a leader for my teammates and motivates me to work hard for a purpose larger than myself. One thing I would like people to know is the work ethics o f the basketball team. The only way to be the best players that we can be is by pushing ourselves to our absolute limits. From my participation in this sport, I know for certain that we work very deliberately to be only the best that we can be.
Dylan Knight, 119, demonstrates exceptional ability, even when surrounded by opponents.
Pueblo de Basketball
The Basketball Team cheers on its teammates while on the sidelines. Jorge Portorreal, Shayne Simon, Shamar Waterman and Ryan Omslaer, while playing defense, demonstrate their skill and mental fortitude in the face of adversity. Justin White, ' 18, displays an authoritative and unparalleled skill in the game.
The bowling team is a com m unity unlike any other at Prep. We pride ourselves on being a competitive and cohesive group with great team chemistry. Knowing that each member has your back is an infectious feeling. This m ethod o f participation directly impacts the message Pueblo de Dios; the bowling team finds God by uplifting each other. Each year, the team ’s approach provides inspiration for our members to be the best that they could be. I have an easy time balancing academics with athletics simply because I enjoy the sport that I play. I have always balanced my activities with academics by working really hard during my off-time so I could focus all my attention on the lanes. Then, I am not as intim idated by an im portant test or essay; if I do a day’s work before dismissal, I am not bogged down during bowling practice. While I am the bowling captain, I am also a m em ber o f the Cam pus M inistry Team, the Spirit Award Com mittee, and a num ber o f clubs. My activities, however, are meaningless unless I take pride in what I do and carry myself with class, dignity, and respect. W hen I carry myself with these qualities, I feel that I exemplify Pueblo de Dios here at Prep.
Nick Cocciadiferro, 119, celebrates a turkey with his teammates. Prep Bowling gathers for a huddle and gets pumped for their match against Bayonne. Chris Brady, 118, warms up for a match against Bayonne.
Pueblo de Bowlin Matthew Rodriquez
Bowling is tough. Just hearing people talk about you being that “really good bowler” gives you a new identity around school. You’re not one o f the football or lax guys; you’re someone who is putting their m ental and physical game to the test w ithout contact with another person. Regarding bowling, as a team, we are called to live up to our expectations. From what I understand, “Pueblo de Dios” gives me the feeling that God is calling on us to fulfill what he asks o f us. When thinking about Pueblo de Dios, I believe it is up to all o f us to create a camaraderie that one else could possibly understand. Honestly, I chose bowling for the sake o f just being on the team. I tried out my freshman year and realized exactly what people realize about me now. I said, “Wow, I had no clue bowling could be this intense and hard to practice. I had no idea how serious some people take this.” I went on to practice 5 days a week the sum m er o f Freshman year to make the team Sophomore year. Then, my Ju n io r year, I autom atically started. Last year, I qualified 2nd at State Sectionals to move into State Individuals and finished the season as the H udson C ounty All-State Individual. The com petition is like no other sport. If you gave it a try and stick with it until the first match o f the year, I can promise you that you’ll never want to leave the team. If you saw how big our fan base is, how loud we get, and how close the matches are sometimes, we can get your heart racing in seconds.
Pueblo de Fencin Coach Bailey-Yvonditfe speaks with A strip Dalton Walker, ' 17 after a bout against CBA.
Fencing doesn't diversify me more than any other sport or club offered at Prep. Extracurriculars don’t matter if you can’t pull the grade. Fencing isn’t som ething people often m ention. W henever anyone asks me what sport I play and I tell them fencing, I know that I am in for an interesting conversation. My basic Spanish speaking skills tell me that Pueblo de Dios means “People o f God.” Personally, I see this as a call to servitude to helping others and living a generous and hum ble life. This is som ething I experience on the Fencing team on a regular basis. My teammates and I strive to give each other support and advice when needed and m aintain an image o f integrity for the school wherever we go. Fencing isn’t like other sports where there are tryouts and cuts. Everyone can join and contribute as m uch as they want. I try to give advice to newcomers and ensure that everybody gets their turn to fence. I have noticed that being on the Fencing team has pushed me to include people in conversations at lunch and help kids struggling with work. I try to be a m an for others in my daily life. Even things as small as helping a student pick up their dropped books or helping TV Studio make a prom otional video can really make a difference in someone's day. Having been a part o f the Prep fencing team since 2014, I can say with certainty that I have made a num ber o f friends over the years. These people are some o f the best that I know and they have come to define a large portion o f my Prep experience. Participation on Fencing team has made me more confident in myself and my athletic ability. This team was the first one I joined where I actually felt like a vital member.
Anthony Minunni
Coach BY gives a pep talk before a tough meet against CBA.
Dalton W alker, ' 17, pulls out a close 5-4 win on his way to an individual saber championship berth. Coach BY stands and looks on as his team eeks out another win on their way to a (10-3) finish. The fencing team finished 1st overall at the District tournaments with wins in Epee and foil.
Bryan Van Ness, ' 18, and Nicholas Gallo, ' 17, try to skate past the Seton Hall Prep defense in hopes of putting in a goal.
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Mike Zdanowicz, ' 17, and Matt Koziol, ' 17, celebrate one of Mike's 3 goals against Seton Hall Prep. Matt Koziel, ' 17, skates the puck up the ice for the Marauders.
Pueblo de Hocke
Hockey makes me diverse from other Prep student-athletes who play com m on sports like soccer and basketball. Hockey isn't known by m any people. Both through knowing how to skate and understanding the rules o f the game, playing hockey diversifies me from my peers. Pueblo de Dios to me means acting like a "person o f god" not only because Prep says we should, but because we want to help people. My participation in hockey helps me be a "person o f god" by teaching me team building and leadership skills. It is hard to be a leader, but joining a sports team such as hockey helps you build leadership skills. W hen I first started playing hockey at Prep, I struggled with balancing hockey and academics. I was missing assignments, and not doing as well on quizzes. As the season went on, I began using my free periods and com m unity periods m ore for work, rather than just eating and hanging out. This really helped me get back on track with my assignments, and I could get to sleep on time and be energized for the game or practice the next day. I started playing hockey when I was 3, so I knew that I was going to play hockey at Prep. I was only concerned about my size, when playing against sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
7 The team comes together to celebrate after a hardfought game. Coach Mike Goodrich offers words of advice to help propel the team past Pope John.
Dakari Falconer comes off the banked turn at the N ew York Armory for a spirited 400m at the FHudson County Championships. Robbie W isowaty and Dakari Falconer hurdle their way to the finish line in the 55 meter FJurdles. Matthew Honig shows off his hops in the High Jump.
My sport gives me complete freedom in what I do. W hen I run, I run free and try to forget everything going on in my life. Pueblo de Dios is similar to the brotherhood we experience at Prep; it is a house o f God. Together we work for God and what he wants us to do. I try to rem ind myself o f that everyday as I carry myself through the halls. Academics always come first, then I give my all to my team after school. I chose track because it is not like other sports. There are no time outs. And since I was young, I always wanted to race people and just go fast. It is one o f the better decisions I made at Prep. I have forged friendships with people I would not always talk to. Unforgettable experience.
My sport diversifies me by giving me a group o f friends with a com m on interest to help improve myself do som ething I am passionate about. Pueblo de Dios to me means coming together as a group and experiencing love in all that we do. It goes hand and hand with the saying, "To the Greater Glory o f God." In doing this, you m ust find a balance in all that you do. I try not to procrastinate - major key. All in all, I ended up choosing this sport because I got involved with running in gram m ar school and wanted to continue to improve in high school because o f how m uch love I found in the sport.
jameron Clarke takes flight and soars to new heights in e Long Jump, aiding Prep in the field events. Lill Delaney and Paul Ames start to pick off their ompetitors in the second half of the 3200m. 'uran Gonzalez holds his own against the rest of ludson County's sprinters in the 55m Dash.
Richard Aldarondo, ' 16, kneels on the mat following a hard fought match against Don Bosco Prep. The team assembles around coaches and teammates in the Barn before a rivalry match with Don Bosco Prep.
Wrestling is a sport through which you can and will learn from your mistakes; there is no one else on the mat to own up to the challenge besides you. You can't blame other people for your actions when you are representing your school. I feel that Pueblo de Dios is a call to everyone to be together and share G od’s grace. The same message applies to Wrestling. O ur team is both a com m unity and a family. We come together everyday after school and work together as people o f God angled toward a com m on goal. W hether it is after a win against our rival, the next day during practice, or at 6:15 AM on a bus m entally preparing for a tournam ent, we gear up together and celebrate what everyone has done individually and wholly. Balancing academics and athletics can often be a challenge, but many coaches instill in the m inds o f their wrestlers the idea of “academics before athletics”. Prep’s reputation for bringing people together and caring for the whole person was enticing when I was applying to schools; I had to find out for myself if it bled through to the athletic teams. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. The team is a great one: not determined by the am ount o f wins or losses, but by the people from various backgrounds and experiences that make the team a com m unity and family, just as Prep itself has done.
4atthew Russo, ' 17, prepares to launch an assault gainst his opponent.
Thomas Hojnacki, '16, successfully throws out a membe of Nutley's baseball team. The bench encourages the team to push forward towar a win. Nicholas Cerbone, ' 16, attempts to pick off a runner from Nutley's team during an early season scrimmage.
Looking back to when I first tried out Freshman year, I realize that I have met so many new people through playing Baseball. W hether it was playing new teams or meeting new Prep students who also have an interest in Baseball, the am ount o f great people I’ve met is incredible. I think the sport diversifies me in that I was able to grow with these kids and build character to not only become better baseball players but overall better men. Pueblo de Dios means that I’m going to be able to better the world around me every day o f my life. W hen I think o f being a person o f God, I think o f being a person o f hope. Baseball builds my understanding o f my com m unity, especially H udson County, and it brings me closer to my Prep brothers from whom I learn every day. I think that when we as a team go out there in the field and represent Prep, we do it in the Prep fashion. Thinking o f Pueblo de Dios, Prep Baseball creates a brotherhood between
us that makes us more closer to each other than we’ve ev been before. We know that when we look in each other’s eye we are going to have each other’s backs. It makes us muc better men o f God. Sometimes getting hom e as late as 9 can 1 extremely challenging, especially on a long day o f practice ■ after a long and cold game at Caven Point Field. You real just have to make use o f every free second you have during tl day, whether it’s a free period, com m unity period, or lunch get some work done. It’s really all about making sure yoi priorities are straight and making good use o f your time, chose Baseball because I love to play the game. I loeverything about it. I knew when I chose Prep that it had i outstanding Baseball program. It was a goal o f mine to pi Varsity Baseball for Saint Peter’s Prep ever since I start* looking at high schools. Baseball is always on my mind.
Pueblo de Baseball
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Dylan Connors, ' 16, fires a strike down the middle. Prep spirit shines through the uniforms of the Prep Baseball Squad.
Mr. Laguerre, Head Coach of the Baseball Team, signals to the runner to steal 2nd base.
Pueblo de Crew The Varsity Crew Team, consisting of Coxswain Adillon ' 16 Chester ' 16; Bonnet' 16; Phelan ' 17; W arco ' 16; Maxwell' 16; Nilanc ' 16; Curtis 117; and G ardner' 16, row at the Head of the Charles
Being a rower certainly adds more variety to the routine o f a Prep student you w ouldn't norm ally find. An extremely developed sense o f time managem ent needs to be developed along with a kind o f discipline otherwise unheard o f from athletes. I find it hard to imagine many want to get up early on Saturdays to take the bus or train to practice early in the cold m orning only to get soaked with river water and be plagued by blistered hands. But, it's what we all do to win. Rowers sacrifice a m ultitude o f things to be successful: a social life, sleep, ordinary work habits, eating habits, their hands, etc. Rowing requires being outside one's own com fort zone. You need to get used to things on the fly and be opened to new experiences. It allows me to be m uch more open to growth than I would have been without it. Pueblo De Dios literally means people o f God. Personally, I read it more w ithout a religious context; I see it as people with a purpose. Everyone has a job to do and everyday after school, we all drive up to the Overpeck Creek on the Hackensack River and we go to work. That is our job; we row. It is deep down what we are compelled to do, regardless o f weather, state o f being, fatigue, or other plans - it is simply what we do. Despite, every instinct probably trying to tell you that you
Brian Bartoszek
;hould go home and get warm or go to bed, there is a higher neaning and this is from what this overwhelming dedication ■esults. I feel that by just going through our regular days vithout encumbrance or excuse contributes to our them e here it Prep. We have a purpose and everyday we set out to iccomplish it, set goals, and work to achieve them. I go about ny business each day and do my job, and I think everyone loing what they're supposed to keeps Prep running sm oothly lay to day. It's a somewhat challenging balance to m aintain at imes, but one on which I've learned to not slack off. vlaintaining good grades and rowing requires the m axim um )Otential use o f time. I’ve been blessed to have the kinds o f chedules I have had with as many frees as I typically do; this nakes it much easier. They're necessary to get everything done >n time and meet deadlines. It requires one to look at it as a nuch bigger picture. If I d o n 't get good grades, I can’t row or ttend my dream college, Syracuse University. You sacrifice leep, multitask, get up a little bit earlier, go to bed a little bit ater and use the time in your com m ute for work instead for elaxation because it’s all necessary to keep things flowing well.
The Varsity Team practices out on the water during an early morning practice. The Junior 8 competes in the annual Stotesbury Cup Regatta. The Lightweight Double, containing Brian Bartoszek, ' 16, and Angus Applegarth, 17, rows itself to victory.
Coxswain Enric Adillon, ' 16, leads the Varsity Team, (Mark Chester, ' 16, Jack Bonnet, 116 Sam Phelan, ' 17, Ben W arco, ' 16, Alec Maxwell, 116, James Niland, ' 16, W ill Curtis, ' 17, Sam Gardner, ' 16) to victory.
There wasn't any real drive pushing me towards the sport. I was just looking for som ething to do, for a place here at Prep. It seemed to me as if everyone had found their own sort o f niche in which everyday they would go and work. I felt compelled to try new things until I was satisfied and challenged adequately. Before Prep, I played basketball. It had never dawned on me that Crew would become this im portant to me. In becoming part o f M arauder rowing, I was exposed to much more than another sport. The rowers com prising this team have come to mean a lot to me. They're friends. They're family. They're who you spend long practices on sunny April afternoons, windy rainy practices in September, and blistering cold practices in March with. I wish for all o f them to succeed in their endeavors wherever they takes them - inside and outside o f rowing.
Peter Garrigan, ' 16, visualizes his next few moves on the green. Danny Harcourt, ' 15, begins his sunny day at the golf course with a strategic drive. Paolo Matti, ' 15, discusses strategy with the opponent.
G olf helps me contribute to the com m unity and allows me to be part o f an extremely diverse team. To me, Pueblo De Dios means that no matter what you are doing or where you are going you can still be people o f God and act in a way that He would be proud of. G olf helps people like myself and other seniors to lead and act like people o f God and it also helps underclassmen learn and see how to become a person o f God. I always make my academics top priority, and somehow manage to make time to get out on the green and work the kinks out o f my swing. I have been a pretty avid golfer since I was a kid and always wanted to be part o f a sport at Prep. During the first year, I actually got cut and played Volleyball instead. I was discouraged to say the least, but I knew that I could play a role in making the team better so I did just that. Now I am proud to say that I am the captain o f the squad and am taking a leadership role on the team just as I had hoped.
Sawyer Swanson
Pueblo de Golf fl
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Danny Harcourt, ' 15, tees off during a decisive G olf tournament. Paolo Matti, ' 15, and Pete Garrigan, ' 16, chit-chat with the opposing team's players. Joe Abruzzo, 115, Pete Garrigan, ' 16, Danny Harcourt, 115, Luke Madden, 115, Paolo Matti, 115, and TJ Kaczan, ' 15, pose for a photo on last year's Golf Team.
Pueblo de Lacrosse
Lacrosse diversifies me from a typical Prep students because it is not regarded as one o f the major sports at St. Peter’s Prep. By playing Lacrosse, I have chosen to compete in a sport that does not attract a lot o f attention around school. Pueblo de Dios holds a very special place in my heart, especially after just learning more about this theme during the 2016 Arrupe Series. Moreover, the theme, People o f God (Pueblo de Dios), also plays an integral role in the sport o f Lacrosse - it follows a calling to become a proactive culture o f understanding and acceptance that makes each person feel welcome to play the sport. Lacrosse is not only fostering a com m unity that is beginning to be marked by a rich diversity o f gender, class, sexual orientation, race, and culture, but also making the game more accessible to all walks o f life. I balance Lacrosse with my academics and m aintain a high GPA by placing the utm ost im portance on utilizing my free periods and com m unity periods effectively when in season. D uring Lacrosse season, I spend six days a week playing in both practices and in games. In addition to the time that is required to practice and play a game, I m ust also account for a long com m ute home. Thus, when in season, I often return hom e very late at night. Overall, it is strong work ethic and time m anagement skills that have kept me both sharp on the field and, more im portantly, sharp in the classroom. Growing up as a very active kid, I decided to play a num ber o f sports like Lacrosse. I started playing Lacrosse in 2nd grade and have enjoyed playing the sport ever since. I started playing Lacrosse because it has everything you could ask for in a sport— great athleticism, fluid teamwork, brute strength, natural instincts, team com m unication, and strategic intelligence. Moreover, I was able to excel as a defensive m inded player my Lacrosse career as I plan to play club Lacrosse in college. In the coming years, I will be playing Lacrosse with a bunch o f Division 1 athletes at the club level. Division 1 or Club Lacrosse, it does not really m atter because the Division 1 level never stops, even in club Lacrosse. We will always work hard and have fun while playing the sport we love.
Jason Coyle, 7, and Brendan Popovich, ' 16, close in on and overpower their opponent.
M any students, including some who are on the team, were first introduced to Lacrosse when they came to Prep. Being ambassadors for such a great game is truly an honor. As a team sport, it is impossible for one player to solely im pact the outcome o f a game; instead we rely on each other to collectively lead the team to victory. I believe that Pueblo de Dios is incorporated into our team because o f this selfless team spirit. No m atter what position or skill level, every player on the team matters, whether he is in drill at practice or he is scoring a goal in a big game. This bond is seen both on and o ff the field. We celebrate with each other after big wins and lift each other up after tough losses. The players on this team genuinely care about one another and make me hum bled to be on such a great team. Balancing Lacrosse with academics is no easy task. Staying on top o f your academics at Prep in itself is a challenge, and practices and games every day during the year along with the long com m ute hom e for m any players only makes it more challenging. This is what makes Prep students and specifically Lacrosse players so special. We are able to handle the adversity o f balancing academics with a tight schedule so well. Personally, I have taken my share o f honors and AP courses at my time at Prep; and even though Lacrosse has made these courses slightly more difficult, I have never felt my grades drop because o f Lacrosse. I In my hom etown o f C hatham , Lacrosse is the m ost popular sport. All o f |_____ my friends played and it was the cool sport to be involved with in the spring. I grew up in a baseball house and would play ball with my brother and my dad all the time. A round the start o f middle school, a friend convinced me to sign up and try out. I fell in love with game instantly. The fast paced play o f the game and the physical nature o f the game was very alluring to me. W hen I came to Prep, I was faced with the decision to play baseball or Lacrosse; I chose Lacrosse w ithout hesitation. The rest is history.
After a commanding play, Prep's offense celebrates a hard-fought goal. Griffin Gudaitis, 118, practices during a JV scrimmage. The Varsity Lacrosse team huddles before their game to discuss strategy.
Freshman Thomas Narramore excels beyond the opposing school's runner. Bobby Chambers, 117, accelerates in anticipation of the final sprint. Robbie Wisowaty, ' 16, Duran Gonzalez, ' 16, Sa'id Boykin, ' 16, and Markus Bagley, ' 18, cool down after a long day at the track.
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Pueblo de Outdoor Track W ill Delaney, ' 16, pushes his stamina to the limits. Brendan Parrado, ' 16, struts confidently to his coach.
The O utdoor Track team practices every day o f the week with our meets averaging four to five hours on the weekends. W hile these things may not make me different from other athletes, the feeling o f cheering on teammates or setting a new personal record gives a satisfying feeling that I d o n ’t feel in anything else. Pueblo de Dios means people watching out for one another. I feel O utdoor Track is the m ost diverse team at Prep; there are members from all different walks o f life. Usually by Junior or Senior year, the top runners are all In d o o r/O u td o o r Track specialists, but we have m any members from the Football team, Soccer team, Basketball team, and other spring sports teams like Baseball. This com m unity o f im provem ent contributes to Pueblo de Dios. The hard work o f some runners is truly contagious. Balancing track with academics and my social life is one o f the harder things that I have to do. Normally, I do not get hom e until around 8 PM. After I eat, I put my phone on the other side o f the room and do my hom ework until everything is done, which is norm ally around 10 PM. As for weekends, I can only deal with friends on the Saturdays that I d o n ’t have meets, because Sunday becomes homework day. Track is my greatest relaxant and I would not give it up for anything. I’ve been running track since I was in second grade, but it was never my first choice for a sport. I used to want to play Soccer, but after not making the team, I went to track. Looking back now, there is no way that I would be as happy as I am now. I did not have the skills for soccer. Track Coach Caulfield does not cut anyone from the team, rather it is the runner that cuts himself.
Track taught me the value o f working to exhaustion, always pushing for more, and never settling with what I have. These four years on both track teams made me who I am today and are some o f my best experiences at Prep.
Benji Mowatt, ' 17, evades a tackle to advance the play. The B-side listens to a talk from Michael Lieber, ' 17, before a game.
I think that Rugby makes me different from the average Prep nt because the sport is so different than anything else. M ost guys at Prep that don't play Rugby can’t even name a single position. Most o f them have probably never even seen a game. Just the fact that Prep offers a sport that is exclusive to only a handful o f New Jersey schools automatically increases each team mem bers’ diversity. Pueblo de Dios just means to strive to be the best version o f yourself and helping the people around you do the same for themselves. In Rugby, teamwork and com m unication are so crucial that if you are not constantly talking to and encouraging your teammates to keep pushing, you will not have much success. I believe the coaches do a great job o f making sure that the players are actually having fun. This makes the field a very positive environm ent and allows students to loosen up and talk to different people. In this way, they ensure that everyone pushes each other to become better while having fun at the same time. I try to spend my free time throughout the school day wisely. Knowing that I have practice every day after school leads me to be more conscious o f how I manage my time during frees and com m unity periods. I chose Rugby because I had Mr. Fletcher as a teacher during my Sophom ore year. I really liked Mr. Fletcher and spoke to some o f my friends who played Rugby. They convinced me that, with a background o f contact sports, I'd transition easily into a new one o f the same variety. I was nervous to be the new kid who never played before until I realized that basically no one had an prior experience before Prep.
I believe Rugby makes me a bit different than a regular Prep student. Although Rugby is the fastest growing sports in the United States, not m any people know about it, especially at Prep. This gives me a lot o f pride in being a Prep Rugby player. Pueblo de Dios means com m unity. Besides being a close-knit team, I’d say Rugby, as a whole, is one big com m unity. After matches, host teams would give us food and would stick around to talk to us. Rugby can contribute to the Pueblo de Dios here at Prep by bringing the com m unity atm osphere the sport brings. I chose Rugby because a couple o f my upperclassmen friends approached me as a Freshman to come and join the team. They told me I had the perfect size and would love the sport.
A Delbarton player is slowed down before he is thrown [down. Connor Harrigan, ' 17, throws off a weak tackle before making a break for the try zone. Luka Heinrich, 116, receives medical attention before returning to the field.
The Tennis team unites in prayer and team spirit before a I playoff game on the road to the championship.
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Being a part o f the Tennis team or any club or activity in Prep, for that matter, affords the opportunity for a person to be a part o f something bigger than themselves. It forms bonds and facilitates camaraderie with your classmates and peers. In that way, my participation in Tennis diversifies me from a typical Prep student. The term Pueblo de Dios, people o f God, represents solidarity and unity in the Prep comm unity; however, Prep not only stands with each other as Pueblo de Dios, but also with the countless Central and South Americans who face struggles in their own hom e countries. It is through this duality that the Prep com m unity exemplifies this way o f life. Tennis contributes to Pueblo de Dios by its existence alone. Prep is a school that celebrates and embraces diversity - the same diversity can be seen in the Tennis Team. However, despite our different backgrounds and upbringings, the team stands with each other in victory and defeat and performs as one cohesive unit, not just a handful o f athletes. It is through this brotherhood we share that we live up to the Pueblo de Dios. It is with great difficulty that I balance my academics with participation in the Tennis Team. I accomplish this balance by setting up realistic timetables and schedules for myself, so that I can complete tasks on time and not waste a single minute.
Junior Patrick Ruvo looks proudly upon his handiwork, a I another successful shot. The first doubles pairing for the Saint Peter's Prep Tennis team, Diego Anderson, '17, and Patrick Ruvo, '17, shake: hands with their opponents after a victory.
Pueblo de Tennis
Rohan Singh, ' 17, hits a magisterial forehand shot against his opponent in a critical playoff matchup. Head Coach Padre Fencik talks to Junior Zachary Joskowitz, ' 17, before a playoff game with Ferris. The team takes a break from the action to sneak a peek at assistant coach Fencik's iPhone.
Pueblo de Volleyball Paolo Samin, ' 18, returns to serve in the close game against McNair. Before an early season game, the Prep Volleyball team begins its warm-ups.
Volleyball as a whole has made me a better person because I have learned more about what a team is by w inning and losing. It has shown me what it means to be a leader, especially in my case since I am the only Senior this year. Pueblo de Dios to me signifies a group o f people that have balanced all the aspects o f being part o f Prep as a student and an athlete. I believe Volleyball brings us closer to God because the lessons that I learned during my years on the team helped me become a better man. Over the four years o f playing, I always found it easy to balance academics and Volleyball. O ur coach has always put our education in front o f Volleyball, because he understands that the workload can be a lot and that it is more im portant. Volleyball came into my life in a really spontaneous m anner. I originally wanted to do Track or Rugby, but then a friend told me to play and I thought that it was a good idea as well. Once I started to practice and play more, I enjoyed it. Prior to me playing I had zero experience, but the friends I made helped me learn.
Committed to Doing Justice
Saint Peter’s Prep
SB i
VIHs •
Wilson Salaado . ...
Volleyball is a huge time com m itm ent for me, but it is one that I thoroughly enjoy. Practice that extends from 4:00 to 7:30 everyday makes schoolwork more difficult to complete. I am able to manage my time wisely and efficiently if I use free periods and com m unity periods to my advantage. I get m ost o f my homework done in the m orning and am constantly managing my time to make sure I do not have too m uch homework when I get home. Entering Freshman year, I had no prior experience with Volleyball. I played Baseball as my spring sport and expected to continue my baseball career through my Sophom ore year. However, after talking with my friend, Liam Carney, we both decided that playing Volleyball would be a fun and new experience. Pueblo de Dios means com ing together as a com m unity and working toward a com m on goal, similar to how the Volleyball squad works together to be the best that it can be. I enjoy Volleyball because it has brought a sense o f com m unity to my time here. I find this feeling to be very unique due to the diverse nature o f all the kids on the team.
nior captain, Liam Carney, ' 17, takes flight for his pvastating top spin serve. e Henry sets middle, Parker Omslaer, ' 17, in the home ^me against McNair. ep's Varsity Volleyball team prepares to receive the :rve led by Marc Stacey, ' 17.
Campus Ministry Team
Freshman Service / Ignite
Sophomore Retreat
Service Trips
Pax Christi
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Arrupe Week Mission Drive
Front Row: Mr. Eric Jablonski, '11, Ms. Maura Toomb, Christopher Picinic David Clancy, Cameron Vasfailo, Brendan Cunningham, Francis Mottola Freddie Recio, Luke Bedell, Krishen Khurana, Liam Dillon, Federico Burke Michael Vinci, Michael Fogle, Vincent Costa, Nicholas Moreno Christopher Kondratowicz, Andrew Pappalardo, Juan Alcantra, Francis Coleman Brendan Popovich, James Marchione, Noah Brennan, Jeremiah DeGuzman Duran Gonzalez, John Bonnet, Joshua Yanicak, Brian Maloney, Nikesh Teckwani James Tanella, James Wright, Kevin Connelly, Michael Sullivan, Jake Kopacz Edward Whitehead, James Niland, Alec Maxwell, Terence Small Mr. John Dougherty, Adrian Voysey, Ms. Boreta Singleton, Ms. Mary Finn
Back Row: Trevor Schumacher, John Lovito, Jeremiah Campoverde, Liam O'Donnell,
lonathan Alegria,Anthony Romano, Dominick Mastrodonato, John DeSantis, Steven Domenech, Shamar Waterman, Michael Dillane, William Fitzpatrick, Marc Anonuevo,Brian Dougherty, Robert Brancatella, Pierce Rasmusson, Diego Martingale, Anthony Lenardo, Scott Andreas, Quinn Candelaria, Matthew Moriarty, James Swetman, Sawyer Swanson, Luka Heinrich, Robert Puhak, Kenneth Tarantino, William Delaney, Justin Penik
laNite Retreat Prep's class of 2019 gathers together in the O'Keefi Commons at the start of their IgNite retrea Retreatants enjoy a variety of team building activitie during their IgNite retrea
After a decisive whiffle ball game, Freshmen catch their breath while posing for a picture.
I think that Pueblos de Dios means that we’re all people o f God and that we should all fulfill G od’s will. I just try to be a good person everyday and try to help others because we’re all people o f God. I enjoyed my time on IgNite because it’s supposed to make me closer to God and to experience Prep life more. Even at the start o f the year, I felt closer to my classmates and friends at Prep following the IgNite retreat and spending the entire day with them. We grew as a people. IgNite affected me because I learned how im portant life at Prep was and the role that God played at Prep everyday. I definitely felt closer to God, and I feel G od’s presence every day because I am exposed to people who are people o f God. If I could tell people one thing about the retreat, it would be that it’s just a good experience overall, and you learn a lot about your friends and you feel closer to God and the Prep com m unity.
IgNitees pass the time with a game of "Life Big Brothers pose in the gym after they finish leading a successful retreat. Fr. Boiler, S.J. addresses the retreatants to wrap up IgNite.
Matthew Lee
Nearing the end of their Sophomore Retreat, the Class of 201 8 plays Bingo with the residents at Saint Ann's Home for the Aged. Anthony Romano, '16, leads a discussion on solidarity and what it means to be part of an ever-changing world. During a weekend Prep food pantry, Mr. Jablonski, '11, prepares a bag for a needy family. One day into the Sophomore Retreat, Jake Kopacz, ' 16, provides some statistics on poverty in America.
Pueblo de Sophomore Retreat
To me, Pueblo de Dios means being a unified people under God. O n the Sophom ore Retreat, I saw that people from all walks o f life can be people o f God. It is much clearer to me now that all people from anywhere in the world are Pueblo de Dios. Anyone, regardless o f race, gender, political ideology, sexual orientation, or financial status, should be considered part o f this unified people o f God, and we m ush strive to work towards a better future for everyone. The Sophom ore Retreat made me feel much closer to my friends at Prep, as well as to those I helped.
Mr. Jablonski, '11, addresses the retreatants before the Thanksgiving Food Pantry. Mr. Rossi leads a group of retreatants at the Community FoodBank of N ew Jersey.
Pueblo de Kairos Robert Bulka, ' 17, and Joe Birdsall, 117, pray on the last Kairos retreat held at Stella Maris. Jack Burgess, ' 17, reflects on solitude in his Kairos notebook.
Pueblo de Dios means serving others as a group o f people in the image o f G od’s work. W ith the am ount o f retreats and service trips we have here at Prep, portraying the idea o f “People o f G od” often becomes a part o f our lives. I have been on a mission trip to Los Angeles in which six o f my classmates and I experienced living in a homeless shelter as well as interacting with the community. We served at soup kitchens, distributed clothes and other goods, and talked with other men at the shelter during our free time. Kairos was an experience that I had heard about for a long time; however, no one knew much about it. I chose Kairos because it was said to be a transformative week; I was curious about how I would change, and I knew I would do so while spending time with my classmates. Since we did not have to worry about schoolwork, it felt amazing to just relax for a couple o f days. I think that being around my classmates during an entire four days made me feel closer to them. In your small group, you are able to open up about anything, which definitely improves your relationship with those in it. You may think it is just a week o ff o f school, but it is more o f a spiritual experience than anything else. If you are doubting your relationships with your Prep classmates or with God, that will all change if you attend this retreat. d fe
7 7
Kairos 40 poses for a group photo.
A Kairos retreatant relaxes by the beachside as waves crash onto the rocks before him.
Ms. Toomb poses for a picture with the Kairos senior leaders at the new retreat location. Kairos 40 leaves a message in the sands to commemorate the retreat's completion.
Father Azzarto, S.J., shares his experiences as he leads a small group reflection. Sister Francis, OSF, enjoys the retreat house's grounds with some retreatants.
Pueblo de Emmaus
Pat Carroll ’ 16 serenades his peers while they enjoy some downtime.
To me, Pueblo de Dios is more o f a celebration. W hen we all join together as a com m unity and begin to sing at mass, it feels like I become closer to everyone as we join God in celebration for all o f the gifts He has given us. It makes me feel truly blessed to have bonded with such wonderful people throughout my entire Prep career, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I really just like to put a smile on people when I walk through the halls or attend my classes. W hen I notice that somebody’s having a bad day, I’ll always try to crack jokes or show them a smile. Negativity is a very uncom fortable feeling, especially when I can feel it em itting from one o f my closest friends, so I’ll always try to engage in conversation and brighten up everyone’s m oods to make them feel better about themselves and about their futures. I’m even willing to take the time to talk things out with friends, if it comes to that. Basically, I just want everyone to have a good day, because everyone deserves one. After my previous experiences with Prep retreats such as the LA U rban Plunge, Camden, and Kairos, it seemed like I just had to sign up for Emmaus. It gave me the opportunity to bond with faces both familiar and new to me. I even got to learn some new things about them along the way. I’m norm ally very shy around the people who went on the retreat with me, and the fact that I was able to get over my shyness and talk casually to all o f these guys made me feel like I was doing som ething right. This retreat rem inded me o f how grateful I am to all o f the people I’ve met along my Prep journey, especially those who like to sit with me during lunch or chat with me about video games. These people are some o f the greatest people I’ve ever met and are truly gifts from God. I will never forget the time I spent with them.
Showing off their green thumbs, Prep students harvest a successful crop. A group of seniors take a break from their busy day on a service trip to take a picture. Seniors Garrigan, Sullivan, Lovito, Burkhardt, Moriarty, DeGuzman, Puhak, and Fogle rush to take a posed photo. David Awad ' 17, Kevin Viera ' 17, and Alexander DeMartino ' 17 enjoy a break after many hours of work.
I now have a greater understanding o f my role as a Prep student in the world at large because o f my experiences on the immersion trip. I was opened to a world I had never seen before and truly experienced poverty first hand. Prep has affected my life in many ways, and I am very fortunate for having gone on the trip. The people there were amazing, and like many Prep students, I have found a sense o f brotherhood am ong my peers on the trip. Collectively, we gained a greater appreciation o f money itself and realized that we can devote more o f our funds towards the impoverished. My participation in the im m ersion trip contributes to the Pueblo de Dios here at Prep because I personally realized that I can do m uch more to help the com m unity and people in general. I wanted to try som ething new because prior to the trip, I had never been out o f the country. I thought it would be great experience, and I was right. It was great to have interacted with the people in Ecuador, and I will always remember the experiences I have from there for my entire life.
:AWR! Hans Schundler, ' 17, expresses his enthusiasm or the service trip. 1/Is. Toomb is not entertained. he Ecuador immersion group shows their patriotism on ne Fourth of July in Chile.
Saint Peter's Prep, New Jersey s Jesuit High School
picture for Advocacy day in Washington D.C. Day 1 of the Ignatian Family Teach-In down in Washington D.C. Ms. Singleton joins Billy Fitzpatrick, 16, and Frank Pelligrino,' 17, in wrapping gifts for Adopt-A-Family.
Pueblo de Dios means that every single person in the world is a Person o f God. This theme for our school year embodies what Pax Christi is all about. O ur work has helped to make the world a better place. Through activities like subway runs and BJB tutoring, we make everyone we meet happier. Pax Christi members are the unsung heros at Prep and contribute a lot to the theme o f Pueblo de Dios in our com m unity and in everything we do. It helps us work towards the Magis and teach others about Cura Personalis. I use what I’ve learned from being in Pax Christi in the classroom as well. I try and aide my classmates with concepts we are learning in class and focus on ways to better their understandings o f them. Pax Christi has helped me manage my time. I am able to com bine my efforts with packing sandwiches, advocating for justice, and completing my schoolwork. I d idn’t choose Pax Christi; it chose me. Picture it. I was walking through the halls o f Hogan and I accidentally walked into a meeting o f Pax Christi. The seniors looked at me and I looked at them. They were packing sandwiches and snacks for the homeless in Newark. I was really hungry so I just walked over and tried to take some peanut butter and walk away. Best decision o f my life. They told me that if I was going to take some, I would have to join their club.
Pueblo de Pax Christi Bob Bulka, 117, and Hans Schundler, ' 17, wrapping gifts for Adopt a Family 2015. Ms. Maura Toomb, director of Campus Ministry, taking a picture with the 2015 Ignafian Family Teach-In group.
I think that Pax C hristi allows students to truly experience what it means to go to a Jesuit School and develop a better understanding o f what it means to be “men and women for others.” To me, Pueblo de Dios means that regardless o f race, gender, identity, or social class, we are all people o f God. We are all united in a com m on goal - God. I believe that my participation helps both myself and others better see people that we as a society have dehum anized people. I try to bring a level o f social awareness and responsibility to the other members o f the group. The first step to social change is realizing that the people who need our help are just like us. Initially, Pax C hristi was way out o f my com fort zone, but I tried it nonetheless. I knew that, in small ways, this group of people was making social change. Once I experienced my first subway run, I felt like I was making a difference in the lives o f the people who we were serving. I was contributing not only to the less fortunate people, but also to my own Prep experience.
Father Joseph Sands, SJ. and Mr. Andrew Hanson, S., receive gifts from the Prep community after giving th Arrupe W eek Mas:
In solidarity with the protesters of Fort Benning, Prep recreates a fence with the names of those killed by military violence. —
^ Social justice is the focal point o f Arrupe Week. It's the on dedicated time during the school year when the entire Pre com m unity learns about a social justice issue plaguing the world. Th point is not to relate the problem to Prep; the point is to recognize th problem and try to find solutions to the issue. Em pathy is key hen W ithout it, you become one o f the unwilling individuals that i “forced” to go throughout this week w ithout a care in the world fc very real issues. W ith that being said, I see this year as especiall polarizing. Throughout my Prep career, Arrupe Week was that on time o f the year that seemed so incredibly unique to the rest o f th Prep year, and I mean that in a good way. Social justice, a concept thd is politically divisive, seems to be the undertone to every Pre conversation. Arrupe Week is that one time o f the year when we as com m unity attem pt to understand an issue that plagues a marginalize: group o f individuals in the world. Prior to my Arrupe Wee experiences, all I really knew about “social justice” was that povert and war were bad and that you should always be willing to lend helping hand. Arrupe Week taught me that the only way to solve th; issue is through action - not just through organizations, but from m own hands. It ignited the fire inside o f me to fight against thinjustices o f the world. From environm ental justice to masculinity urban violence to a preferential option for the poor, I now see th world through so many lenses and so many perspectives. From S Peggy’s very privileged position to the perspective o f the little boy sh met, I learned that injustice in the world is m an made - that there is
The Arrupe W eek Committee pose for a picture with Sr. Peggy O 'N eill.
Mr. DeAngelo introduces Sr. Peggy O 'N eill before her Arrupe week keynote speech, where she spoke about spiritual awakenings. Mr. Andrew Hanson, S.J., speaks about his personal experiences in Central America. something intrinsically hum an that causes such problem s to lo t only exist but to persist. I am H ispanic (Ecuadorian and Salvadorian), so Pueblo de Dios originally m eant People o f Cod to me. That was it, but in the context o f this week, the meaning has expanded. Sure, it still means “People o f God,” lut this week allowed me to place the label on a set o f ndividuals - the entire hum an race. I know it sounds cliche.
We are all people o f God, from the poor m an on the corner to the yacht collecting board executive. We all have the duty to help one another; Sr. Peggy said that we are all connected, and that was one o f the m ain lessons I took from her talk. All o f our actions have consequences. Thus, being people o f God means that we have to be conscious o f not only how we act but how we interact with others. Pueblo de Dios means that, like Christ, we want to be people for and with others, not for ourselves. « <
Enjoying one of the Mission Drive dress down days, Mr. Vaznelis sells AirHeads to Andrew Tobin, ' 18, to raise money for the Mission Drive effort. Daniel Duggan, ' 16, marvels at the goodies he may win during the Mission Drive season. Brandon Parrado, '16, makes a banana bread peanut butter sandwich for Jonathan Garzon, 117.
Pueblo de Mission Drive
Vieri Arriaga, ' 16, sells PB&J sandwiches and banana bread during community period for class 4C's Mission Drive.
Enric Adillon, ' 16, looks over the upcoming mission drive events and contemplates which ones to attend.
I am a big fan o f consistency. W hen I was a Prep student, I always noticed that some teachers did the same thing every year for Mission Drive. Likewise, when I became a teacher here at Prep, I aimed to do som ething consistent, raise m oney for a good cause, and provide some enjoym ent for my students. Thus, I created the annual donut sale. I think this is one o f the things that separates me from a typical teacher here at Prep. I am half Ecuadorian so I’m happy that the school recognizes the constant struggle faced by Central Americans through the idea o f standing together and, being a Pueblo de Dios, a people o f God. Though my family has been blessed with safety, m any are not; it is good that the school aims to help them through events like the Mission Drive and Arrupe Week. Life is not the easiest for us; however, it is exponentially harder for countless people around the world. We have to do our part and “balance the scales” to make the world better for all. I think that my contribution towards the Mission Drive helps to accomplish this goal and live up to the ideals o f solidarity espoused in the Pueblo de Dios. I balance said donut sales and teaching pretty well, I feel, because I live up to the m otto o f “work before play, always.” This applies to anything in life, and this is the key to a successful career and life
Seniors David VanWinkle and Luca McLaughlin coordinate class 4A's Mission Drive activity.
Mr. Michael Settembrino, '01
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Classics English Fine Arts History Mathematics Modern Languages Religion Science Guidance and College Counseling Staff and Administration Faculty
I would not be the person that I am right now had it not been for St. Peters; I came to work here at a certain time in my life that was very formative, moving me in a certain direction. I have made trem endously strong friendships here, and the process o f having to open myself up to students and other people in a way that I haven't had to before is very profound for me. Pueblo de Dios sums up what I feel is the purpose for being on this earth, which is to hold each other up in tum ultuous and difficult times. This, in my opinion, is true service to God. O ur school's Jesuit identity helps to enforce those traits which shape ones character. Saint Peter's is a breeding ground for really deep and lasting relationships which offer support in times o f need; people come to Saint Peter's as one person and leave as a completely different person. I try and fail very often to be a person o f God, but I make an attem pt just the same way that St. Peter did.
The Classics Department comes together for a group photo. Mr. Vaznelis helps a student during academic support to improve his knowledge in Latin. Mr. Burokos assists his students in translating a Latin passage.
Pueblo de Classics Ms. D'Emic's AP Latin class reviews their work in translating Caesar's De Bello Gollico.
O ften when people speak about the Prep com m unity, they refer to it as the “Prep family” or the “Prep brotherhood”. For me, the idea o f a Prep family is m uch more literal. I met my wife while teaching at Prep, and through loving and caring for my students, Prep has prepared me for fatherhood. I don't think I will ever be able to pay Prep back for all it has given to me. I try to be the best teacher that I can be. I try to dem onstrate my love for my students as m uch as possible every day. The phrase “Pueblo De Dios” exemplifies the fact that we are all created in the image and likeness o f God. Regardless o f your feelings for certain people, it is necessary to recognize that God loves everyone equally. Prep, being the Jesuit school that it is, is in tune with Pueblo at all times. As a school com m unity, we make a great effort to ensure that students from every sort o f background are able to attend our school and to get the Prep experience. We've practiced the idea o f Pueblo de Dios so m uch every day that we now embody it naturally. Students and teachers alike are treated and respected as equals. This creates a com m unity which strives to live the Jesuit ideals.
Pueblo de English A section of English 3 Honors prepares for a mock trial by creating extenuating circumstances. Mr. Bhima Gaddy lectures his class on the AngloSaxon epic that is Beowulf.
The phrase “Pueblo de Dios” means a lot to me. It carries a personal meaning because I grew up in a Spanish speaking environm ent, and I went to a Jesuit high school and university. Due to the fact that I learned Spanish when I was younger, it seems to be a very simple phrase to me. However, the phrase carries a very strong message. In my opinion, the Prep com m unity defines itself as Pueblo de Dios because we have students that come from many different places who ascribe themselves to diverse religions, ethnicities, and orientations; I enjoy teaching such a wide variety o f students. Pueblo means “com m unity” in Spanish, and that is a very significant theme as it embodies the com m unity that we seek to build.
Mr. Juan Arteaqa
Prep has made me a better teacher in the eight years that I have been here. As teachers, we are asked not only to collaborate with each other, but to also reflect on our practices, and I feel that I have become a stronger teacher through that reflection. The students have also affected me because I really enjoy teaching eager and am bitious students with a desire to learn. I think that I have personally affected Prep in working with Cam pus Ministry, coaching the Track Team, and working diligently as an English teacher. I have affected m any different areas o f Prep through my activity in the various opportunities that it affords. One time in particular I feel the concept o f Pueblo de Dios in my time here was each time I help to lead a Sophom ore Retreat, which I have done practically each year that I have been here. This has given me an idea o f whom we should serve in our country. Similarly, I think that the Prep Food Pantry is also an example o f people com ing together to help those in need. It is not the people we should be affecting in the building, but rather many people outside o f the building that need our help. /
Mr. Caulfield teaches his AP Literature class to a group of Seniors. Mr. Arteaga lays down the law... or at least the mechanics of it to his Junior class. The members of the Prep English Department gather in Ms. Simonson's room to pose for a picture.
Daniel Duggan, ' 16, works on his sculpture for Ms. Klim's Portfolio Art Class. Vox members hone their repertoire for the year. Mr. Smith's Introduction to Art class explores Greek art styles though various pieces of armor.
I think that I have affected Prep by bringing a unique perspective; not only am I an artist and art teacher, but I also act as a voice for students o f color. To me, Pueblo de Dios means a city o f God. Everything that happens in this place is for the greater glory o f God and the people in this city do their best to live by the word o f God. One way that we in the Prep com m unity define ourselves as Pueblo de Dios is through the Magis. God calls us to always be our best, and in Prep's reinforcing o f the Magis, we accentuate what God calls us to be. I have always believed that my art is a gift from God. I always acknowledge privately and publicly that the work that I do is God's work.
Pueblo de Fine Arts Paul Policastro, ' 17, painstakingly puts the final touches on his masterpiece The Fine Arts Department poses for the department pictures for the 2015-2016 school year.
Prep's main mission is creating men for others directly reflects being Pueblo de Dios. I am a part o f a com m unity that holds a different standard in what it means to be a man or woman for others. I do find myself thinking about the world in a different way and not in a self-centered m anner. I bring a different side o f music to what was already in place. I am a very traditional musician where I expect my students to have an understanding o f this subject but in a way where it can be used in their daily life. As being a person o f God, you allow yourself to understand that you have control o f your life, but there is always someone greater guiding you through each day. In this specific context, you learn that you need to be a person for others and truly understand that everything you do has an impact on someone else's life.
In my eleven years at Saint Peter's, I have been able to get a comprehensive understanding o f the great com m unity here. The school emphasizes the im portance o f its com m unity and not simply defining its borders, but rather making it such a special place. In other words, the school works to improve itself by playing an active role in Jersey City and the world around it. We do this through the retreats the school offers, the money that is raises for centers around the world, and the opportunities that the students have in enriching themselves in learning about their place in the world. From my perspective, this is also done by teaching the role history plays in students' lives. As a history teacher, the chances that our students have been afforded have greatly improved me as a teacher, but more im portantly spurs an interest in the history o f the world and how it developed to what it is today. It is because o f this that I am inspired by the com m unity that exists here. WM i
Mr. Anthony Verdi
l/lr. Roche, reading intently, prepares for his W orld Civilizations class next period. Ar. DeLorenzo's Senior United States History class iddresses the general causes of W orld W a r I. r. Cassidy, S.J. reviews trade routes in Islamic States vith a Sophomore.
The phrase Pueblo de Dios means to me that we're all created in God's image and are people o f God. It comes down to respecting one another and our differences. Attitude affects others such that kindness can be reciprocated. If we can all see each other as people and children o f God, then m utual respect can come naturally. This will create a more cohesive com m unity, which we have acquired at Prep. M utual respect is a pervasive theme here. I believe that this is a way that Prep has affected me throughout my time here. The students at Saint Peter's can see the differences in each other and still m aintain respect, which I find to be quite an amazing feat for teenagers. Over my years here, I have had many different levels o f influence. I've been involved in the school through different ways, as a teacher, a coach, and a guide to all o f my students. I hope that I have affected the com m unity positively by being a role model for my students, student-athletes, and for alum ni and parents that want to get involved. The way we all can influence Saint Peter's and the world is through living our lives while holding Pueblo de Dios in our minds. We all should live by example to make the world a better place.
Pueblo de Modern Lanauaaes Prep has given me the opportunity to meet great people and build im portant relationships with students and colleagues. I love com ing to work because I am excited to see my colleagues and students. I experience the French language and culture in a completely different way now. For example, leading the French Exchanges at Prep has allowed me to experience France through the eyes o f my students. I think I have sparked an interest in the French language and culture and helped increase awareness about the rich culture o f the Francophone world. I love the enthusiasm that my students bring to my French class and French club. It really demonstrates their passion for the French culture. I think Pueblo de Dios means being loving and open to new people and experiences. As a language teacher, I greatly value the im portance o f embracing our differences. I was drawn to the French language because o f some o f the things that make it unique. I think Prep is open-minded and values the importance o f embracing new cultures. We are helping create a vision o f ourselves as global citizens, which I think is more and more im portant everyday.
I think Pueblo de Dios should be a rem inder that everyone is made in God's image. Saint Peter's Prep is a school o f diversity - it fosters a com m unity o f all races, religions, and creeds. Because o f this, we should have m utual respect for people o f differing backgrounds, and that is what it means to be Pueblo de Dios. Prep defines itself as Pueblo de Dios in many ways. I personally have seen this as a teacher o f the M odern Languages Departm ent. For example, I can see the cultural diversity within our student body and feel the sense o f brotherhood and friendship, despite the differences it has at face value.
The Modern Languages Department poses together in the Italian classroom. AP Italian students review their essays on immigration, as Edward Whitehead, ' 16, avidly waits to ask a question. Profe Powers instructs his Spanish 2 class in the conjugation of bailor.
Herr Veniero analyzes proper German writing styles. French 3 Honors students learns about French culture and internet vernacular.
Ms. Rice assists a young Colin W ard, '17, in perfecting his essay. Mr. Fletcher educates his Sophomore class on how to succeed in life, not just the classroom.
My relationship with Prep is one o f give and take. Prep has given me the perspective o f love and service to everyone as well as what it means to love everyone. In terms o f what I have given back, I have affected the Prep com m unity with my personality and passion. For me, the phrase Pueblo de Dios means trying to understand and celebrate everyone in the world, especially those who are com m only overlooked by the masses. I think that the Prep com m unity defines itself as Pueblo de Dios through its excess o f generosity and its desire to make the world a better place. I have experienced Pueblo de Dios with the faculty and with my students in the supportive and authentic desire to practice the Gospel everyday. This experience has inspired me to continue to serve others through generosity and authenticity. I have been a person o f God by trying to become the best version o f myself and through recognizing my faults as well as my strengths.
Pueblo de Reliction
You know what they say: “W hen you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you”. After the m any years that I have spent here at Prep, I have developed a sort o f symbiotic relationship with the school. Prep has conditioned me to think about what I say and do before I say and do anything, which has certain benefits. I don't know that if it has affected me as m uch as it has amplified certain religious and educational values that were already present. As to the ways in which I have contributed to Prep's Pueblo de Dios, I think I have extended an element o f hum or and whimsy into a com m unity that is already quite full o f hum or and whimsy.
Sebastian Real, ' 17, observes slides through a microscope.
Everyone is a person o f God; we should treat each person we meet with honor and respect. W hen it is hard to do at times, call yourself to task, and think about why you were so irate and why you did not have more patience. Treat people the same way you would treat God, with reverence, and respect. It also means that we are all brothers and sisters in a school like Prep. We should treat everyone with respect and love. People o f God, Pueblo de Dios simply means that everyone is a person o f God, and deserves to be treated that way. In the classroom, I treat all o f my students with respect. We are all brothers and sisters in the worldwide family o f God, therefore we should treat all with respect and love. The major way we do that is because we stress the fact that there is no toleration for bullying, and we try to make sure it is a safe place for everyone. We work on our justice issues through our im m ersion trips, com m unity service, and the pantry. We do this because we realize that it is our duty to help others because we have been blessed with so much. Wm
Frances Marie Duncan
Saint Peter's has opened me to a whole com m unity o f people that I may have never known, for which I am grateful. W hen I first applied for a teaching position at Prep, I was very anxious, and I was afraid that I may not get the job. I had always wanted to be a teacher, and I am very glad that Prep has given me so many opportunities which I may not have had anywhere else. Science, growing up, has always been my favorite subject. I love creating hypotheses and testing them in a lab setting. My first love will always be the lab, but I am a teacher at heart. I would have never been able to achieve my dream o f being a chemistry teacher if it was not for Prep. Prep defines itself as Pueblo de Dios to me because when I hear the phrase, I think about the larger idea o f the kingdom o f God. The Prep com m unity defines itself as a com m unity o f care; we always desire to help those in need, no m atter how far away they are. We do not want to be better than anyone, because all we want is to help the oppressed. For example, Pope Francis wants major countries to devote more o f their resources in an effort to help the poor. At Prep, we come together as a com m unity with the focus to better the lives o f as many people as we can.
vlembers of the Science Department gather in a science classroom. Duran Gonzalez takes notes in Anatomy and physiology. Students of Ms. Eppler's Anatomy and Physiology class Doint out different parts of their dissected cat.
How has Prep affected me? It hasn't really affected my life that much. I have only spent half my life at Prep, I have met many o f my closest friends through Prep, and I have sent my son to Prep - nothing too significant, but it is noteworthy to some degree. Throughout my years at Prep, I have been a m an o f many hats. As a teacher or coach, I've given some guys im portant lessons that have stuck with them long after their time spent here. The phrase "Pueblo de Dios" reminds me that we are all brothers and sisters in this world, and we ought to treat each other as fellow family members. We are obliged to serve God by looking out for one another. I think that Prep does a good job o f defining itself as a com m unity o f Pueblo de Dios. It goes hand and hand with the phrase cura personalis, which means care for the whole person. We are a diverse com m unity, and at Prep, many religions and people come together.
The term Pueblo de Dios describes who we are and how we are all united together under God as one com m unity. I think everybody in the Prep com m unity works to be a m an or a woman for others. It starts with the way we treat with one another - as I have clearly felt since I first arrived here, Prep is a very welcoming and dynamic com m unity, o f which I am happy to be a part. We have a very generous outreach. We have food pantries, mission drives, trips to Ecuador, and m uch more. So that sense o f being men and women for other makes us part o f Pueblos de Dios. Last year, in the face o f the tragic shootings around the country, we addressed the issue o f racial injustice as a community. Many debates surfaced from this discussion, and a lot o f different perspectives clashed in various ways. The students followed through on the idea o f Pueblo de Dios by respecting other's opinions - they found the need to be compassionate. I think after doing this for many years, I've learned that it is about being present to people, especially in their m om ent o f need, and to listen rather than speak.
I ,find it interesting how peoples' viewpoints change as they grow older. W hen I was a student at Prep, I always believed that what Prep did and offered was all their Jesuit institutions. Now that I am an adult, I have come to understand that there is much m ore to the Jesuits than I had ever learned as a student and feel that there is still so m uch more to learn. In addition, as a member o f the Prep faculty working to mediate the relationship between alum ni and donors and the school, I feel wholly integrated in the mission o f Prep and the Jesuits. This is, after all, the meaning behind this years them e “Pueblo de Dios” - People o f God. W hether student or employee at Prep, we are all called the Jesuit M ission and to service. This dedication to service, although often glorified through im m ersion trips and service retreats in which all those at Prep m ust partake, is m ost prevalent in the daily life o f the students and faculty here at Prep. We uphold the Jesuit mission best by using our God-given talents to better the world or the lives o f those w ithin in. As a com m unity, I believe that we have done just this at Prep.
The Advancement Office smile and look their best while enjoying the view on the roof from the Moriarty Science Center. The members of the Finance Office congregate from a long day at work to take a picture.
Director of Operations
16 Years at Prep
B A , University of Maryland
Katie Albers
Kevin Albers
English Department
jartment Science Depa
9 Years at Prep
10 Yegrs at Prep
M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., Saint Peter's College
M.S., Wilkes University; B.S., Pennsylvania State University
Janet Angermeyer
Rosemary Annetta
Assistant Dean of Student Life, English Department
Guidance, Religion 3ipn Departments
10 Years at Prep
Bene Merenti 3(
M.A., N e w York University; B.A., Scint Joseph's University
M.Th., W oodst
Juan Arteaga
Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Director of Educational Technology
Operations Staff
11 Years at Prep
5 Years at Prep f
B.S., University of Scranton
David Bailey, '95
Clayton Bellamy
Director of the Browning Centei
Science Departmen
8 Years at Prep
2 Years at Prep
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.A.,
Elizabeth Benedict
Director of Faculty Formation
10 Years at Prep
3 Years a
Ph.D., Fordham University; M. Ed., Christ's College; B.A., Saint M ary's University College
|M .[PwM A /oodstockCol B.A. Fordham University
Kenneth Boiler, S J.
S., City College of N e w York; B.A., C
Adam Bouley
Classics Department 10 Years at Prep
M.A., B A , N e w York University
David Burokas, '85
Math Department 4 Years at Prep
M.S., Fordham Univeristy; B.S., Canisius College
|Gerald Campbell
Database M anager for Events 5 Years at Prep '•v|:
B.S., Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai
Barkha Cardoz, P'l 1, '15
Chief Advancement Officer 10 Years at Pr
B A , Saint Peter's College
Mr. |Christopher Casazza, '97 Fine Arts Department 16 Years at Prep
M.A., lj§f$tra University; B.M., N e w England Conservatory of Music
Steven Caslowitz
English Department 8 Years at Prep
M.S., Fordham University; M.A., B.A., Boston College
Christopher Caulfield, '03
Browning Center Assistant 4 Years at Prep
Ms. |M a ry Beth Caulfield
Mathematics Department 2 Years at Prep
B.S., Montclair State University
Charles Coccaro
M r
Science Department
5 Years at Prep
M A , Saint Peter's Univeristy; B.S., N e w Jersey City University
|Thomas Comey II
Director of Annual Giving 16 Years at Prep
Ms. |N ancy Cunningham Campus Shop 7 Years at Prep
Ms. |Catherine Daly Principal Bene
Merenti 26
M A ., Saint Peter's College; B.A., B>
jjames DeAngelo/85
Classical Languages Department 8 Years at Prep
M.A., Fordham University; B.A., Boston College
Elizabeth D'Emic
Assistant Director of Campuis Ministry-'
fniverst M aryland
John Dougherty
Science Department
M.S., Lehigh University; B.A., Elms College
Frances Duncan, O.S,.F
Operations Staff
J.D., Prof. Dipl., M.S., B.A., Fordham University
M ary Durante
Science Department
Catherine Eppler
Fine Arts Department
B.M., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Emily Fencik
rctor of Public Relations
ipus Ministry Assistc
|h Dickinson University; B.A., Fairfield University
Trish Fitzpatrick P'07, '1 6
Religion Departmei
Science Department Chair
13 Years at Prep
Soston Q&llege; B.A., Wheeling Jesuit College
M.A., Sdint Peter's College; B.A., Yale University
Mr. iM ichael Fletcher Bene Merenti
M.Ed., Emmanuel College; B.A., Boston University
Catherine Ford
Robert Furlong
Director of Financial Aid
B.A., Seton Hall University
Frederick G alano
English Department
Director of Guidance and College
B.A., Loyola University Maryland
Peter Geary, '05
Mathematics Department
Joe Giglio, '87
Iddefn Languages Department
M A., University of Salamanca; M.A., University of Havant BA., Kean University
B A , Universidad Central Marta Abreu Las Villas Cuba
Ella Glazer
Nery Gomez
Assistant to the Principal
Director of Athletic
Bene Merenli 26
Bene Merenti BA., N e w Jersey
Grace Gualario
Richard Hansen, P'03,'09
Physical Education Department Chair
M.A., Saint Peter's University;
Richard Hansen III, '03
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., Fairfield Univer:
Brian Healy, '99
Science Department
James Hollywood, '66
Vice President
B.S., Univerity of Maryland; Ph.D., University of Colorado
Michael Holt, '99
James Horan, '70
Brian Innis
Director of Communications 9 Years at Prep
B.A., N e w York University
John Irvine, '83, P'l 1
Michael Jiran, '03
History Department
Educational Technology
11 Years at Prep
3 Years at Prep
J.D., G onzaga University; B.A., Boston Colleg
Anthony Keating, '78
B.S., University of Scranton
Michael Kelly
Fine Arts Department Chair i
Physical Trainer
12 Years at Prep
3 Years ct Prep
M.B.A., Sacred Heart University; B.S., Pennslvania State Univeristy
Kyle Kutsup
Megan Klim, P ' l 6
istant Dean; History Department
ifhematics Departmi
ears at Prep
A., Jacksonville University
Patrick LaGuerre
Theresa LaBruno
Assistant to
Dean of Student Lif<
Sene Merenti
lint Pete's College; B A , The Colioge of N e w Jersey
Anthony Locricchio, '96
Maryphyllis Locricchio, P95/96
Bene Merentii
Janice Martineau
Michael McCarthy
Sene Merenti
Diane M cCabe
8 & k f J.“
History Department 1 Years at Prep
M.A., Saint John's University; B.A., Saint Joseph's College
S? Mr. I Pat McGovern, '99
Ms. |M ary Anne McElroy
English Department 1 Year at Prep
IA., Teacher's College, Columbia University;
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Fordham
| B.A., College of Saint Elizabeth
Ms. |Alice M cN ally
Ms. |Adrienne McLoghlin Campus Ministry
Guidance D e p a r t ^
3 Years at Prep
4 Years at Prec
B A , Fordham University; S.T.P.,
M.Ed., W est C eser Unive
nolic University;
M.Div., Seton Hall University
Ms. I Sarah Morissette
|Larry Miller
Dean of Students
Guidance Depdrtr
12 Years at Prep
5 Years at Prep
M A ., BA., Fordham UniversiF
M.A., Seton Hall Uri|iversiF
Mr. Ijohn Morris
Ms. iM aria Morris
English Department 3 Years at Prep
Guidance Deparfme
fr jit-
B.A., Messiah College
p := » %
Greg Morrissey '08
•24 jlaUr
■ersity Me
M.\T., A.B., BostonGollege
|john Mullin, S J.
Guidance Department 3 Years at Prep
M.Ed., M A., Teachers College, Columbia University; B.A., Villanova University
Ms. Ijessica Nordstrom
Ms. Ijessica Norton Physj&al Educe
B.A., N e w Jersey City University
|Ryan O'Flaherty
Mathematics Department
Database M anager
;8 Years at Prep
6 Years at Prep
Robert O'Hare, S.J
Deborah Peko-Lillis, P' 10
English Department
Assistant to the Director of Operations
19 Years at Prep
M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., Manhanttanville Colli B.A., University of Kentucky; J,D., University of Kentucky College of Law
Richard Peters, '85
Religion Department
Modern Languages Department
1 Year at Prep
im University
Thomas Powers
f Michael Prescia
Physical Education Department
Arts Department
1 8 Years at Prep
>f Chicago; B.A., Bennington College
iter's University
Robert Preston
English Department
Mathematics Department
M.A., Gjbnisius College; M.A.T., B.A., Fordham Uiniversily; B.A.,
town Universit
Woodstock College
Enrico Raulli, S.J
Religion Department
choc! ot Music, Universit
South Carolina;
ihwofe Schoo of Music,
imbus StdfeJJniver:
Mr. IWilliam Reese Assistant
Erica Rivera
M.T.S., Boston College; B.A., Mount Saint M ary' s University
History Department 2 Years at Prep
B.A., Harvard University
I Brendan Roche
Religion Department 3 Years at Prep
im iW® B.A., Loyala University Maryland
I Gabriel Rossi
Director of Special Events 5 Years at Prep
B.S., Saint Peter's College
Ms. I
f ranees
Classical Languages Department Chair 8 Years at Prep
M.A., Saint Peter's University; IM ., Tern
|Matthew Scannapieco
Computer Science Department 1 Year at Prep
B.S., Saint Peter's University
Mr. |Michael Scircak, '1 1 Mathematics Department 8 Years at Prep
M.A., B.S., Saint Peter's College
|Michael Settembrino, '01
Fine Arts Department
lion Department Chair; Campus'Ministry
8 Years at Prep
M .S/Neum ann College; M A , University of Notre Dame B.A., Santa Clara Univeristy
B.A., Seton Hall University
Mr. I Nyugen Smith
Ms. iBoreta Singleton
Mathematics Department Chair
4 Years at Prep
10 Years at Prep
B.A., Douglass College, Rutgers University
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A Dougl Rutgers Universiy
Ms. Ijacquelyn Supple, P96,'01/06
Operations Staff
Director of Campus Ministry
16 Years
7 Years at Prep
Ms. I Erin Stark
M.A., Forljbam University; B.A., Loyola University Maryland
Ms. |M a ura Toomb
iRocco Tejada
Science Department
Modern Languages D<
3 Years at Prep
M.A., N e w Jersey City University; M.S., Universidade de Sao Paulo; B.S., Polytechnic University of Havana ISPJAE
Ms. lAymee Torres
B A , Rutgers College, Rutgers University
Mr. I Kenneth Trotta Modern Languages Department
Classical Languages Department
Years a tfre p
int Pdter's University B.A., Augustana College
B.A., Catholic University
Mr. I Salvatore Veniero, '05
IVytas Vaznelis
ancement Office ene Merenti 31
6 Years
uth Universi
lAnthony Verdi, '95
Michael Wieners, '04
't )
S., N e w York University; B.S., Saint Peter's University
Ms. I Elizabeth Walsh
Pueblo de Class of 2016
W h o is your favorite teacher and w h y? Richard Aldarondo: My favorite teacher was Ms. M cNally because she kept it real and made me keep my pinky promises.
A lla n A b a n illa Asian Society 1,2,3,4; German Club 3; Stock Market 3, Kairos 37; Emmaus 282
"Imagination is a bliss at no cost." -Shing02, "Luv pt.2"
Vieri Arriaga: Mr. Dougherty. Although he never actually taught me, I spent a lot o f time in his office. I was always welcome and allowed to just chill or nap on his couch. Definitely one o f the, if not, funniest guy I've met. He's the reason I say "Hey, how's it goin?" Jeremiah Campoverde: Mr. Coviello because someone with that much energy and enthusiasm should either be a teacher or committed to an asylum.
Enric A d illo n Crev/ 1,2,3,4; Ping Pong Club 2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars
Leadership Team 2,3,4; Science Society President 3,4; Sponish National Honor Society Vice President 3,4;
Q uinn Candelaria: Too many; too many great memories and lessons learned. But to put someone m ost influential, it would be Mr. Peters, my sophom ore and junior English teacher, who truly taught me to write authentically and elegantly.
Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35; Emmaus 281
"All my life, I've always wanted to be somebody, but now I see I should have been more specific." -Lily Tomlin
David Clancy: Mr. Keating, because he is one o f the most uplifting people I have ever been around. It's impossible to be in a bad m ood when in the same room as the man. Brendan Cunningham: Mr. Keating. He was always enthusiastic about what he was talking about. He taught his students things that cannot be taught through any set curriculum.
Ju a n A lc a n ta ra Soccer 1,2,3, Captain 4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 38; Emmaus 283
Michael Dillane: I'd have to go with Mr. Coviello. He could make any boring topic exciting. Sorry, Mom. Samuel Gardner: I do not really have a favorite teacher but my top two would probably be Ms. Klim because she has helped me throughout the years and helped me make my art so much better than it originally was, and Mr. Canale for making me become a better rower throughout my four years here at Prep. Nicholas Giardiello: She's not actually a classroom teacher, but Ms. Dallam because we share a love for Beyonce. Vince Dagot: Ms. Eppler, she goes above and beyond the basic teacher responsibilities to give us fun and memorable learning experiences. Connor Kirkwood: Mr. Megroupis. Why? The guy is a living legend and he is going to find Alexander the Great's tom b one day. Dom inick Mastrodonato: My favorite teacher was Mr. Gambone because he was a very understanding man and always valued what I had to say.
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most o f all, love o f what you are doing or learning to do." -Pele
K en n e th A n d ra d e Track 1,2; Soccer 1,4; Chess 1,2,3,4; Sports Debate Club
"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13■
D a n ie l A c e v e d o
P rince A d a b la h
Soccer 1,2,3, captain 4
Lacrosse 3; Indoor Track 4; Kairos 36; Emmaus 280
"When you want to give up, think o f all the people that would love to see you fail. Prove them wrong." -Alex Morgan
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." -Frederick Douglass
Q }/ n M
A le x a n d e r A g b u lo s K airos 34
A n th o n y A la im o Baseball 1.2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4, Baseball Club 1.2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4; Culinary Club 3,4; Operation Smile 4; Kairos 36; Emmaus 281
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the staircase." -Martin Luther King Jr.
"I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong." -Benjamin Franklin
R ich a rd A ld a ro n d o
J o n a th a n D a v id A le g ria
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Kairos 38; Emmaus 283
Culinary Club 2,3, Vice President 4; Crew 2,3,4; Campus Ministry 4, Kairos 34; Emmaus 281, leader 282
"It's beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success." -J. Cole
"Sometimes you will never know the value o f a moment until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss
S cott A n d re a s
M a rc V in c e n t A n o n u e v o
Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; lacrosse 1,2,3; Stock Market
Asian Society 2.3, Vice President 4; Rugby 2,3,4;
Club 1,2,3; Pax Christi 1,2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1;
Stock Market Club 3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Spanish Club 2,3; Operation Smile 3; National Spanish
Sophomore Retreat Leader 4; Kairos 37; A M D G Retreat 4;
Honor Society 3.4; Head of Human Resources 4; National
Emmaus 281
Honor Society 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35. leader 44; Emmaus 279, leader 280;
"There're no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards." -Ari Gold
"A journey o f a thousand miles begins with a single step." -LaoTzu
V ie ri A rria g a
Jo seph A tta
Fencing 2,3,4; T C G Club Founder/President 4; Kairos 37.
W ater Polo 1; Fencing 2,3,4; Vox 1; Gaming Club 1,2,3,4;
Leader 40; Emmaus 281; League of Legends Club 3.4.
Anime Club 1,2,3,4; League of Legends Club 3,4;
Video Gam e Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4;
TV Studio 4; LA Urban Plunge 1; Camden immersion Trip 2;
German Club 2,3,4; Anime Club 2,3; Culinary Club 4;
Kairos 35; Emmaus 280, leader 281
Christian Life Community 4; Petrean 4; A M D G Retreat 4
"I see now that the circumstances o f one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift o f life that determines who you are." -Mewtwo
"What's important isn't whedrer you can see the future or not. It's the will to make a choice and the strength to seize your destiny." -Shulk, "Xenoblade Chronicles"
Luke B edell Football 1,2,3.4; Lacrosse 1; Outdoor Track 2; Rugby 3,4. French Club 2,3, president 4; Operation Smile 3, assistant secretary 4; Pax Christi 3,4; Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4, H C A j Tutor 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 36, leader 42; Emmaus 280; Big Brother 3; Gilbert, W est Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3; French National Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4;
Freshman Ambassador 1
"The true test o f a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching." -John Wooden
Jo h n B o n n e t
S a'id B o y kin
Freshman Ambassador I; Vox 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3;
Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4
Crew 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Kairos 35, leader 41; To Philly For Francis Pilgrimage 2015; L.A Mission Trip 3
"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive." -Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen
"I will not lose, for even in defeat. There's a valuable lesson learned, so it evens it up for me." -JayZ
N o a h B re n n a n
A u s tin B urk
Bowling 4; Speech and Debate 1; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Football 3,4
Kairos 34, Leader 39; Emmaus 282
"Don't pile on, just follow up!" -Mr. Anthony Keating
u/ ^ L
Ethan Louie B a n d a le s Cross Country 1,2,3.4; Outdoor Track 1; Volleyball 2; Rugby 3; M edical Club 1.2,3, President 4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2; W est Virginia Mission Trip 3; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 36
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me." -Bmce Wayne
W hat was yourfavorite class, andwhy? Vieri Arriaga: M r C unneen's US2 class. Every class is a surprise, you never know what he's gonna do next. He is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. Jeremiah Campoverde: C hristian Ethics with Dr. Scibilia because he helped me see how horrible the world actually is, but also how incredibly powerful we all are.
T a y lo r B o lsh o i Emmaus 286; Sports Debate Club, co-founder 4; Future Business Leaders of America 3,4; Operation SM ILE 3.4 Pox Christi 3,4; Italian Club 3.4; Stock Market 3.4; Wrestling 3; Basketball manager 4
'Well, it's all a matter o f perspective." -James Bond
R o b e rt B ra n c a te lla
Jeremiah DeGuzman: Definitely Calculus H onors with Mr. Settem brino. Now I have a completely new lifting routine thanks to that class. Remember, always warm up with 900 pull ups before benching. Jack Gercich: Creative W riting with Fr. Raulli. I will remem ber that class for the rest o f my life and use the skills he helped me develop for the rest o f my life too. There were only five kids in our class, which made it m uch more personal and fun. We all understood the meanings behind our stories and will always keep Fr. Raulli in our hearts. Pierce Rasmusson: AP W orld History. Mr. Coviello was a great teacher and it was quite the squad. Somehow most o f us ended up with 5's on the AP Exam.
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Golf 2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Ignatian Scholar 1,2; LA Mission Trip 4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Nafcnd Honor Sooeiy 4; Spanish Nafoncl Honor Society 4; Kairos 37; Emmaus 281
"Preparation can only take you so far, after that you've got to take a few leaps o f faith." -Michael Scofield, "Prison Break"
James Robertello: Mr. Fletcher's Bioethics, He's really just such a classic guy and the movie selection was topnotch. 10/10, would recom m end. Jeremy Sebalos: My favorite class at Prep was Mr. Burokas' freshm an Latin class. I learned so m uch about work ethic from him that year as well as keeping up good studying habits which helped me through my tim e at Prep. Joshua Vega: Mr. Comey's honors chemistry because he made science fun for once.
F e d e rico B u rke HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; VcAeybal1,2,3,4; Campus Mnidry Team 1.2,3.4; Ahcr Ser\er 1,2,3; Eucfartsfc Minister 4; Pax CHrisS 1,2,3,4;
Jedidiah Wehner: Mr. Delo has to take the cake with this one. Although I can't catch up on sleep in his class, the stories he tells are pretty awesome.
Christian Ire Ccnmuriy 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Gub 2,3,4; Gincry Gub 2,3; Pope francisAive Sodety 4; Society of Ccmedc Appreciation 1,2;CcnputerOub 1.2; Academic Bowl 1; Fcrerdcs Speech and Debate 1; Our Lody of he W a y Rosary Group 3; HistoryClub 4; Feminism Is Fa Everyone 4; Petean 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3; A M D G Rereat 4; Kairos 35;
Andrew Doherty: Finding God in All Films, because movies are cool.
Emmaus 281, Leader 282; Igncfcn Family Teocbln ForJuSice 2014
'We're the New Romantics. The best people in life are free." -Taylor Swift
Francis Coleman: Mr. DeLorenzo's class. I'm still not completely sure what the subject is, but it's definitely a fun class.
'/c D u c o ' 1-LuTe
What is the story behind your first JUG? Allan Abanilla: I came in late on a W ednesday m orning to Mr. Caulfield's English Class, not knowing that there was no late start.
J o h n a th o n B utler Football 4; Ebony club 2,3; Koiros 38
"Without a struggle, there can be no progress." -Frederick Douglas: I
Steven Domenech: I missed the National Latin Exam, which apparently was a JUGable offense.
Jordan Francullo: There is no story. They've never caught me. I'm the best.
Q u in n C a n d e la ria Football 1; Rugby 1,2,3: Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4| Stock Market Club 2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; CamderH
Sean Regan: W hite socks. It was the hum ble beginning to a long career.
Enric Adillon: I got spotted from across the com m ons with external pockets.
Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 34, Leader 39; Emmaus 279,
Leader 280; A M D G Retreat 4; Spirit Award 4; Vox 1,2,3,41
"If God wanted me to be quiet, he would’ve never showed me what he does." -Tupac Shaku
Brendan Cunningham: I wondered if I would be able to open my Twitter app w ithout looking at my phone under the desk. I opened the Pandora app instead. Luca McLaughlin: Five simple words: "Get out o f the gym."
M a rk C hester Rowing 1,2,3, captain 4; Fencing 1,2; Kairos 35; Emmaus 281
Scott Andreas: I was out o f dresscode at Freshman orientation.
Alexandre Dillon: I took the elevator to French class because I was too lazy to walk up the stairs. Ms. Gomez caught me walking out...
'W inners are not people who never fail, bu people who never quit" -Edwin Louis Cole
Patrick Deleon: I pushed a student into Ms. D'Emic's classroom during a class freshmen year.
Frederico Burke. No one would dare give me JUG.
Mark Imus: I wasn't wearing any socks. I don't know why.
Brandon Ganesh: I accidentally skipped a class because I read my schedule wrong.
Matthew Moriarty: Tom m y M cIntyre and I were in freshman G roup Guidance. He kept putting his foot on my chair, so I finally I snapped at him. We both had to go to Mr. Morris. We haven't really seen eye to eye since that day.
Connor Kirkwood: I climbed the parking garage wall to get into the window so I could open the door for the boys into the garage. Mr. M cCarthy spotted me and gave Mr. M orris my name.
Vince Gerald Dagot: I was walking down the E building stairs with a last free and I took my phone out to text back my dad that I was coming out. Oryshkevych hit me with a snipe from across the map.
C h ris tia n Butts
J e re m ia h C a m p o v e rd e
Cooking Club 2,3; German Club 2,3; Robotics 4;
Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Microbank 2,3,4; Campus Ministry
Ebony Club 3,4; Koiros 35
Team 4; National Honor Society Secretary 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 35, Leader 39; Emmaus 281, leader 282; W V Ministry of Advocacy and Workcamps 2; LA Urban Plunge 3; Ignation Scholars 1,2,3,4;
'Time waits for no man, and Death waits with cold hands." -Earl Sweatshirt
Sheehan Scholars 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection 2,3,4
"Let 'em talk." -Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor
U A X a/ Y
P a tric k C a rro ll
N ic h o la s C e rb o n e
Football I; Track and Field 1,2; Rugby 1,2,3.4; Kairos 34;
Boseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Basketball 1; Karios 34;
Emmaus 279; Philadelphia Retreat
Baseball Club 1,2,3,4
"God bless America." -Irving Berlin
"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." -Derek Jeter
J l
D a v id C la n c y
Francis C o le m a n
Soccer 1,2,4, JV Captain 3; Stock Market Club 1;
Marauder 4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Football I ; Track and Field 2;
Freshman Ambassador 1; Operation Smile Co-founder/
Ice Hockey M anager 3; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4;
Copresident 3,4; Pax Chris* 1.2,3; Campus Minis&y Team 4; National
Operation Smile 3,4; Big Brother 3; Ignafian Family Teach-In
Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
for Justice 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Big Brother 3; Kairos 35, leader 43;
Kairos 34, leader 42; Emmaus 279, leader 280;
Emmaus 278, leader 279,280
A M D G Retreat 4; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3
'You're talking to the rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', W O O , wheelin dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son o f a gun." -Ric Flair
"If I had a nickel for every time I've cried in the back o f an Uber, I would have another pair ofYeezy’s." -Jaden Smith
K e vin C o n n e lly
D y la n C o n n o rs
Kairos 37; Leader 42: Emmaus 282; Baseball 1.2,3,4;
Baseball 4
Pefroc 2,3,4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; CLC 2,3,4; A M D G Retreat 4; National Italian Honor Society 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
"I define passion as extreme emotion." -Mike Krzyzewski
"Beat Navy." -West Point University
D o m in ic C o rra d o
D a v id C o rra o
Petrean 2,3, Editor-In-Chief 4; Kairos 37; National Italian
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 35; Emmaus 281; French Club 2,3:
Honor Society 3,4; Italian Club 1,2; Patriots of Prep 1;
Basketball 1; Operation Smile 3,4
History Club 1,2; M edical Club 2,3; Stock Market Club 3; Fencing 2; Philosophy Club 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Poetry Society 4; 3D Printing Club 3,4; HAP Tutor 1
"I’ll see you in another life, brother.” -Desmond Hume
"I mean I know I'm gon' get got. But I'm gon' get mine more than I get got doe." -Marshawn Lynch
C & rt
D a v id C o rtin a s
V in c e n t C osta
Kairos 36; Emmaus 282; Concert Band 1,2,4, secretary 3;
Fencing l;lgnation Scholars 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,4;
Jazz Band 2,3, president 4; Bowling 4;
German Club 2, Vice President 3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4;
Notional Spanish Honor Society 3,4
History Club 1; Celtic Club 4; SPPAC 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35; A M D G Retreat 4; Emmaus 282
"It's not a question o f can or can't. There are some things in life you just do." -Lightning
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily." -Napoleon Bonaparte
B re n d a n C u n n in g h a m
V in ce G e ra ld D a g o t
Rugby 1,2,3, Captain 4; Football 1,2,3,4;
Volleyball 1; Vox 1,2,3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3, secretary 4;
Campus Ministry Team 4; Student Council 3,4;
National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
Operation Smile Co-Founder/Co- President 3,4 Pax Christi 2,3; Emmaus 281; Kairos 36
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning o f friendship, you really haven't learned anything." -Muhammad Ali
Z a c h a ry D a vis
"I’m ready." -Spongebob Squarepants
Je re m ia h D e G u zm a n
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3;
Ncsord Honor Society 4; National German Honor Scdety 3,4;
Pop Culture Club 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3.4; Kairos 37
Kairos 34; Emmaus 278, leader 279; Campus Ministry
Team 4; Big Brother 3; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity Wilmington 4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Trock 2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4
"The best revenge is massive success." -Frank Sinatra
"When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him. If you listen, he'll tell you how he got there." -Donald Draper
G riffin C o rry C rew 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Microbank 2.3; Kairos 34
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." -Nick Carraway, 'The Great Gatsby"
What advice would you give to your freshman self? Enric Adillon: W ith a little bit o f confidence, you can negotiate the price o f a pool pass down to $10. Scott Andreas: Turtlenecks are the key to success. Patrick Carroll: Do not play games on your laptop in front o f the Deans' office while out o f dress code.
H u n te r C rio llo Soccer 1,3,4; Volleyball 2,3; Kairos 36; Culinary Club 2,3,4; Pax Christi 3,4; M edical Club 1.3,4
"Not with a bang but a whimper." -T.S. Eliot
Francis Coleman: Never let Tom Hojnacki borrow your calculator if you would ever like to see it again. Andrew Doherty: D on't take your tim e in high school for granted. Go to that game. Join that club. Go to that party. Just don't do nothing. Jake Kopacz: I would tell my freshman self that I did in fact get into college. D om inick Mastrodonato: Stay calm and focus on what you're good at.
C o n o r D a ly Baseball 1,2; Christian Life Community 2,3.4
"And I wonder if everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again." -Dave Grohl
Alec Maxwell: D on't be a freshman. Matthew Moriarty: Take more naps. Ideally, you want to be taking about five naps a week. Six or seven and you're really in the money. Michael Murphy: Git gud. V incent Gerald Dagot: C ut your hair. Long on top, short on the sides. Brian Dougherty: O rder custom dry-fit turtlenecks for endurance and performance.
W illia m D e la n e y
James Swetman: Free periods are more fun when you do your hom ework the night before.
Cross Country 1,2.3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Freshman Ambassador 1; M agis Award 1; Swimming 1,2; Student Council 1,2; Petroc 1,2, Editor 3,4; Petrean 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; National French Honor Society 3; Big Brother 3,4; Campus
Kenneth Tarantino: Make the most o f your time with Tommy 2 Scoops before it closes down your Senior year.
Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35, leader 40; Emmaus 281 ; A M D G Retreat 4; National Honor Society 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Christian Life Community 2,3,4
"Someday girl I don't know when, we're gonna get to that place where we really wanna go and we'll walk in the sun, but till then tramps like us, baby we were bom to run." -Bmce Springsteen
Joseph Atta: Be more open to others. There are lots o f awesome people in your new school that will accept you for who you are. It may seem scary at first since it's your first time m aking high school friends, but believe me. It really pays off. David Cortinas: Stay true to myself and let the things in life I can't control happen. O nly worry about the things in my hands which are right in front o f me.
W hat do you thinkyou'll miss most about Prep? Kenneth Tarantino: Waterless urinal facts.
P a trick D eleo n Pop Culture Club Co-President/Co-Founder 4; Kairos 37; I Emmaus 279, Leader 283; Ncfonal Spanish Honor Society 3,4; I Wresting 2,3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Summer Art Program 3
"I love you like Kanye loves Kanye." -Kanye W e i
Liam O'Donnell: Calling Ms. Fencik 'm om ' every time I see her. I get a kick out o f it. Matthew Moriarty: The voice o f the Milanos lady telling me a price for my food that she made up on the spot. Jake Kopacz: The Bayonne-Back-Table, w ithout a doubt.
A le x a n d re D illo n Soccer 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3, Vice President 4; Young Entrepreneurs Club President/Founder 3,4;
D om inic Corrado: Knowing that I could go to any o f my old teachers or see any o f my friends and seek m ental and em otional refuge in their company.
Petroc 1,2,3; Kairos 37; French Exchange 2
Duran Gonzalez: I'll definitely miss dodging JUG in Fr. Azzarto's office every day and hanging with my Prep brothers.
"A wise man can leam more from a foolisl question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." -Bruce Lt
Jeremiah DeGuzman: There isn't one specific thing that I'll miss about Prep. I'll be missing the entire experience. W ould I have had the same Kairos experience at another school? W ould I have made the friends that I have today somewhere else? Absolutely not.
S teven D om enech Health and Fitness Club 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Boseball Club 1,2,3,4; Pox Christi 1,2; Pop Culture Club *
Frederico Burke: I'll miss the Cam pus M inistry office and everyone in it. I felt like I have had a second hom e down there. I'm feeling myself get em otional, be right back. Luis Pomales-Dias: W aking up somewhere on campus and com plaining about how your 30 m inute nap should have been a 40 m inute nap. Francis Coleman: The desks. If you get it in the right position and lean back just far enough, you'll crack your back so pleasantly. It can really make your day. Joseph Atta: I'm probably going to miss the Prep com m unity the most. Both the friends I've met and the teachers I've been honored to have have been some o f the m ost amazing people I've ever interacted with during my four years at Prep. Everyone just felt so lively and upbeat during school hours. W hat I saw in these people each and every day was som ething I m ight not get to experience for a very long time. Some may even call it irreplaceable. It's that charm in the Prep com m unity that I'm going to miss the most.
Kairos 35; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 283
"Don't lose your happiness on the pursuit for more." -Mike Stu
D h ru v D u g g a l Crew 2,3; Videogame Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 2,3,4; German Qub 2,3,4; Karos 37; Emmaus 282; Engineering Gub 1; I Ncfond German Honors Society 3,4; Notional Hona Society 4; Chess Club 1.2,3,4; Sports Debate Club 4; Stock Market Gub 1,2,3,4
"A warrior has two enemies - tiredness and sleep; and two friends also: hard work and caution. Whoever defeats both these enemies and befriends these two friends, becomes invincible." -D ro iii
M ic h a e l D illa n e
Jo h n D eS antis Stock Market Club 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,
Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; W a ter Polo 1,2, Captain 3.4;
president 4; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3; Ignotion Family
Student Council President 4; Pope Francis Alive Society 3,4;
Teach-In For Justice 3; Kairos 36; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Microbank 2,3; National Honors Society Vice President 4;
Emmaus 279. Leader 281
National French Honors Society 3,4; Philly Immersion Trip 3; Big Brothers 3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 38, leader 44; Emmaus 281
"If someone ever asks you to do something for them, do it really bad so you never have to do it again." -Paris Hilton
'W hat counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight- it's the size o f the fight in the dog." -Dwight D. Eisenhower
Liam D illo n
A n d re w D o h e rty
Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Soccer I;
Rugb/ 1,2,3,4; Karos 36; Big Brother 3; German Exchange 3:
Pax Christi 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35,
Fantasy Sports Club Vice Presdienr 2,3,4;
leader 42; Christian Life Community 3,4; Emmaus 280:
German Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
Operation Smile Treasurer 3.4; French Club 3, Treasurer 4; Big Brother 3; Ignatian Family Teach in For Justice 3; Habitat for Humanity M aine 4; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." -Andy Dufresne "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father." -Greg Norm an
B ria n D o u g h e rty
B ria n D ru c ia k Petrean 2,3, Senior Eckx 4; German Gub 2, President 3,4; Nafcoai
Hockey 1,2,3.4; Operation Smile 3,4;
German H co a Sodefy 3,4; Notional Honor Society 4;
Campus Ministry Team 4; M arauder Nation 4
Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Stock Market dub 1,2; Speech and Debcie 1; Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Kairos 35; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Rugb/ 1; Fena'ng 2,3,4; Petroc 1; German Exchange 3; League of Legends Club 3,4; TCG Club Cdbunder 4; Model UN 1,2; Academic Bcwl 1,2; Robotics 3; Philosophy Gub 3
"Stay hungry, stay foolish." -Steve Jobs
"Soccer is also commonly known as football, Canadian baseball, American football, violent jogging, and World War Two." -Proverbs, 'Welcome Night Vale"
( ty l
D a n ie l D u g g a n
M a rio E ch e va rria
Celtic Club 1,2.3, president 4; Kairos 37; Emmaus 282
Culinary Club 2,3, president 4; Spanish Club 3,4; Kairos 37; Crew 3
"Life does not stop and start at your convenience." -Walter Sobchak, "The Big Lebowski"
"Medicine, law, business, engineering: these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love... these are what we stay alive for." -Robin Williams
S h e rif E lm e tw a lly
M a tth e w F ethe rm an
Soccer 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3
Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 1,2; Rugby 3; Kairos 36; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Spanish Club 3; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 3
"Less is more." -Robert Browning
W illia m F itz p a tric k Kairos 35, Leader 40; Emmaus 281; Campus Ministry Teem 4; Basketball 1; Cross Country 1,2, Captain 3; Outdoor Trock 1; Petroc 3, Sports Editor 4; Student Council 1,2.3, secretary 4, French Club 3,4;
'You gotta harness in the good energy, block out die bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad. Feel the flow, Happy. Feel it It's circular. It's like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, it goes up and down, and AROUND. It's circular. Circle, with die music, the flow. All good things." -Gary Potter, "Happy Gilmore"
"Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." -Farrah Gr;
M ic h a e l Fogle Rugby 1,2,3, Captain 4; Football 1; Campus Ministry T ecJ 4; Kairos 35, Leader 40; Emmaus 280; National G erm a l Honor Society 3; Gilbert W est Virginia Advocacy W o r lJ Comp 2; German Club 3
"A true leader has the confldence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decision and the compassion to listen to the needs o f others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality o f his actions and the integrity o f his intent." -General Douglas MacArtlr
Ik J
J o rd a n F ra n c u llo Football 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2; Engineering Club 1,2;
N ic h o la s F u rtza ig Stock Market Oub 2,3; German Cbb 2,3,4; CuLnary Club 3; t
Operation Smile Head of Awareness Chair 3,4;
Fencing 2; 3D Printing Club 3; Marine Biology Club 3,4?
Architecture Club President 3,4; Kairos 36; Emmaus 282
German Exchange 3,4; Chrome Depot 4; Robotics Teanl Technological Terrors 3, Captain 4
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln
'You can't leave footprints in the sands o f time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands o f time?" -Jo Rya
B ra n d o n G a n e sh
S am ue l G a rd n e r
Pop Culture Club 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3;
Crew 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 35;
Spanish Club 2; Culinary Club 2; M edical Club 3
Emmaus 280
'You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight o f die shore." -Christopher Columbus
"When I see people jogging outside, I like to drive very slowly behind them blasting 'Eye o f the Tiger,' just to give them motivation." -Will Ferre
B ria n F itz h e n ry Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2,3,4; Kairos 34
"She was trying join the team I told her wait. Chicken wings and fries we don’t go on dates." -Future
W hat does "Senioritis" mean toyou? Enric Adillon: Senioritis is just a way to justify some overdue procrastination. Jonathan David Alegria: It means slowly "forgetting" Ms. Eppler's homework until graduation.
S te p he n F o w le r Stowe Ski Trip 4 Volleyball 1,2,3; Spanish Exchange 3; Stock Market Club 1,2; Camden Immersion Trip 2:
Scott Andreas: I am already in college so why should I do school work?
Q uinn Candelaria: C om ing into m idterm s in pajamas.
Kairos 36; Emmaus 284
Francis Coleman: I d o n 't really feel like explaining it.
D om in ic Corrado: It's a myth, like the Loch Ness Monster. Prep teachers don't let up and they expect you to m aintain your grades.
N ig e l G a m a rra
Jeremiah DeGuzman: "Senioritis" is a disease that infects kids who are between the ages o f 17 and 18 years old. This disease is untreatable by teachers.
Fencing 2,3; Rugby 3; National Honor Society 4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Pop Culture Club 4; M edical Club 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Spanish Club 3.4; Kairos 36
'Your family is kind o f the only tiring you have in this world. Your friends, your really close friends, they’re with you whether dre times are good, the times are bad. They’ve helped you grow to the person you are." -Julian Edelman
Is a ia h G a rlin Ebony Club 1,2,3.4. Chess Club 1,2, vice president 3,4;
M ichael Dillane: It means waiting until the last m om ent to start your work, and then panicking when you realize you aren't prepared to fail yet. Andrew Doherty: Senioritis is a severe disease that plagues high school students across the globe. I have had my own struggle with this destructive disease since my enrollm ent at Prep. Dhruv Duggal: It is very real and unavoidable. Coffee is a tem porary treatment. Patrick Carroll: Taking a lot o f naps.
Band 2,3,4; The Social Family president & founder 3,4; Fencing 1.2, varsity 3,4
"Men can starve from a lack of self realization as much as they can from a lack ofbread." -Richard Wright
Mark Imus: My four years at prep have been like a bike ride. The start was freshm an orientation and the finish line is graduation. For the past 3.5 years I have gained enough m om entum to finish my ride w ithout peddling. Devin Siracuse: Netflix > Homework.
W here do you imagine yourself in 10years? Allan Abanilla: In JUG D etention for the first time. David Clancy: Retired.
P eter G a rrig a n Golf 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1; Indoor Track 2; Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 34
'You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself ir| any direction you choose." -Dr. Seu;
Patrick Sweeney: Being a savage somewhere. j | _ v' W f Michael Sullivan: I can't even imagine where I will be in one year. Frederico Burke: I imagine myself as a young activist vouching for peace and justice in the world probably in Rome. Francis Coleman: Youngest alum nus ever to receive a Legends o f Prep award.
N ic h o la s G ia rd ie llo Swim Team 1,2,3, captain 4; French Club 3,4; Kairos 341
"I don't want to be a Queen, I want to be the Queen." -Margaery Tyrell, "Game ofThrone
Conor Daly: In 10 years, I'll probably be watching the Bengals lose in the first round o f the playoffs. Andrew Doherty: I imagine myself asking other people the same question. Dhruv Duggal: In 10 years, I see myself destroying the ring o f power at M ount Doom , right after mastering the ways o f the force and reaching the level o f a Super Saiyan.
A n th o n y G re co Kairos 38; Track 2,3,4; Rugby 2,3,4
Sherif Elmetwally: Livin' large. Stephen Fowler: 10 m illion dollars in debt. Anthony M inunni: I don't like to think about the future. There's no point in setting expectations when I don't know what will happen in the com ing years. Matthew Moriarty: Hopefully in an expensive suit with a lot o f people listening to what I have to say.
Liam G u a rn u c c io Soccer I , 2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Kairos 34
Duran Gonzalez: In Medical School under crippling debt.
Emmous 281; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Exchange 2; Eucharislic Minister 4
Pierce Rasmussin: Optimistically? Investm ent banker in NYC. Realistically? Blackjack dealer in Reno. Brian Dougherty: Banjo aficionado; traveling the country playing my banjo with a cool dog and hair like Forrest G um p when he just kept running.
“The difference between try and triumph i a little umph.” -Marvin Phillip
Ja ck G e rcich
C h ris to p h e r G h a ta s
Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Prep W ild 1,2; Kairos 34;
Video G am e Club 1,2,3, President 4; Philosophy Club
Operation Smile 3,4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4
President/Founder 3,4; Anime Club 1,2, Vice President 3, President 4; German Club 2,3,4; National Honors Society 4; National German Honor Society 3; M odel U N 3; Engineering Club 1; Fencing 2,3; Science Society 3; Koiros 37
"Bum your boats." -Mr. Greg Morrissey
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt
D u ra n G o n z a le z
K a i G ra y
Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3; Indoor Track Captain 4;
Football 2,3,4; Ebony Club 3; Sports by Numbers 4,
Outdoor Track 2,3, Captain 4; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Koiros 38
Big Brother 3; M edical Club 3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; C LC 1,2,3,4; Kairos 38; Emmaus 283; National Spanish Honor Society 3; Religion Silver M edal 2; National Latin Exam G old M edal 1; Philadelphia Urban Plunge 3; M arauder Notion 1,2,3,4; Spirit Award 4
"Records are made to be broken." -Terry Vaughn
"Proper preparation prevents poor performance." -Lil Herb
G e o rg e G re ll
F re d d ie G u a c a m a y a
Lacrosse 1,2,3.4. Operation Smile 3,4; Kairos 36;
Soccer 1,2,3, captain 4; Kairos 3
Emmaus 280
"I don't wanna be a product o f my environment, I want my environment to be a product o f me." -Frank Costelo, "The Departed"
M a tth e w H a rt
"Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next." -Will Smith
Eric H a rtl TV Studio 2,3, Vice President 4; MarARTer Art Magazine 1,3, Ecfeor 4;
Swimming 1,2,3. coptain 4; W o le t Polo 2,3, captain 4,
O pen M ic 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3, Vice
Kairos 38
President 4; Stage Crew 3; Petrean 3; Koiros 3; German Club 2,3,4; Video G am e Club 1,2
"The time that we kill keeps us alive." -Rise Against
'W e are only equal in the grave, and in the dark, said a man who's head was halfway eaten by a shark. Now you might ask me why I would continue on like this. I doubt that I would know, I can only make a guess. H alf a mouth may not be much, but it's still half a kiss." -The Residents
M a tth e w H e d d e n
Luka H einrich
Soccer 1; Kairos 37
Rugb/ 1.2,3, Capta'n 4; Fcotbal 1; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Kairos 35,40; Emmaus 280; German National Honors j Society 3; Gilbert W est Virginia Advocacy W ork Comp 2j G erman Club 3; Honors Pin 2,3
'Yeah, well. The Dude abides." -The Dude, "The Big Lebowski"
'You ask me about the past, you ask me about the future, the only way to be happ) is to be living right now." -Yvon Chouinai
T h o m a s H o jn a c k i
K o lto n H u b e r
Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 34;
Football 1,2,3, Caption 4; Track 1,2,3; Kairos 36;
Baseball Club 1,2,3.4
French Club 4; Operation Smile 4
'You got to live and learn and make mistakes, to become a man." -Future
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it -Benjamin Frankl
B ry a n t J a ra m illo
A le c K e lly
Science Society 3; Concert Band 4; Jazz Band 4.
Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 38;
Lacrosse 3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Kairos 37; Emmaus 282
Christian Life Community 1,2,3,4
"Music is tire voice that tells us that the hum an race is greater than it knows." -Napoleon Bonaparte
"I'm not frail... I'm thin boned." -Origin
C L k c - A iM f
C o n n o r K irk w o o d lacrosse 1,2,3,4
C h ris to p h e r K o n d ra to w ic ; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Academic Bowl 1,2, Captain 3,4; German Qub 2,3,4; German Exchange 3; Yearbook Club 3,4; |l Speech and Debate 3; Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; N a tio n J German Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 35, Leader 43; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 281; Camden Immersion Trip 3
"Dl, D3, club, whatever, it doesn't matter, D3 level never stops, we always work hard." -Brantford Winstonworth
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -Saint Francis o f Assi:
M ic h a e l H e ste r
Senior Will and Testament
Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2,4; Rugby 2,3,4; Kairos 38
Jeremiah Campoverde: That grill to Jack Burgess because God knows he likes to get roasted. 'Worrying is stupid, it's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain." -Wiz Khalifa
Scott Andreas: I am leaving my savagery to Brennan Collier. Brian Bartoszek: I leave the C hrom e Depot and every annoying question that comes with the job to my good friend, Charles Torres. Felipe Rosario III: The idea o f family. I would hope that he treats the people he meets at Prep as family and bond with but only other students but the teachers too.
M a rk Im us Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; W a te r Polo 1,2,3, Captcin 4;
Brendan Cunningham: I would give my rooftop pool pass to Jack Dillon.
Camden Immersion Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity Immersion Trip 4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Volleyball 2
"The Glane isn't just a lane it's a lifestyle." -Matt Hart
Brandon Parrado: Perseverance; it's not about how hard you get hit, it's about how m uch you can take, and keep moving forward. Garret Negron: I would like to leave N oah Byrne a sense o f hum or. Luke Bedell: The trait o f am bition. D o what you want to do and pursue your interests. Prep is a great place to explore all o f your known and hidden desires.
K rish e n K h u ra n a Football 2,3,4; Basketball 2; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big BrotFier 3,4
'Wise men listen and laugh, while fools talk." -Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson
David Clancy: I am leaving all o f turtlenecks to John Corrao in the hope that he will continue to wear them everyday. Allan Abanilla: I would give Charles Torres the idea o f having better food com binations because he absolutely has no idea what a com bo is. D aniel Acevedo: To Andres Callegari, never give up and strive to be better every day. W hen you feel like you want to quit and give up, remem ber the reason you are doing it, and push yourself to the limit. #anothaone Jordan Francullo: To always be a step ahead o f everyone; if that means hanging out with an older crowd to learn from them or to finding out your strengths and weaknesses to build o ff for the future.
Jake K opacz Campus Ministry 4; Big BrotFier 3; Baseball 1; Rugby 2,3,4; Kairos 36; Emmaus 279; A M D G Retreat 4. French Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2;
Michael Murphy: To M att Isaac, I leave him with "Git gud." I hope he gits gud, because he needs to.
National French Honor Society 3,4
David Corrao: I would leave my turtle necks to George Small. "I was born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection." -Drake
W illiam Delaney: I leave my table outside o f the Principal's office to those in need o f a quiet place to study in the m orning. Use it when you need to get that homework done in the m orning. Enjoy late start breakfasts from Legal Grounds with your buds.
D e vo n Lalin
W hat has been your most memorable Prep moment?
Hockey 2,3; Koiros 37
Luka Heinrich: Being kicked out o f every single place I try to eat at. James Wright: Definitely Kairos. Such a life-changing experience, and I truly loved being able to open up and listen to other classmates' stories. I would recom m end it to anyone, because it is such a valuable part o f the Prep experience.
R ich a rd L o ng e n e cke r Crew 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Cooking Club 3, Vice President 4; Kairos 35;
Allan Abanilla: W atching the 2014 Football State C ham pionship at MetLife in the pouring rain.
Eric Hartl: Performing electronic noise music in front o f a very disgruntled audience during the Ebony Club Talent Show.
Newark Retreat 3
“Never argue with an idiot They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -Greg Kin,
Kolton Huber: W inning the State C ham pionship my junior year was by far the best Prep m om ent that I have experienced. There is no other feeling that I have ever felt that could match that o f being a state champion. Jeremy Sebalos: My m ost memorable prep m om ent was Day 1 Freshman year walking into Mr. Burokas' den. I was scared beyond belief and on day one he really frightened me and I remember going hom e and contem plating how I was going to pass Latin that year. Anthony Lenardo: W atching Prep football take hom e the hardware last year at Metlife and everyone going wild in the stadium afterwards.
P a trick L ynskey C rew 1.2,3; Ping Pong Club 2,3,4 President, Founder; Pax Christi 4
"The cost o f sanity in this society, is a certain level o f alienation." -Terence McKenn;
Matthew Moriarty: Getting rocked by Mr. Locricchio during a game o f gym androball.
Pawel Lyskawinski: Meeting the first love o f my life.
Anthony M inunni: Pm going to go to a cliche here and say when I went on Kairos. That was a huge personal developm ent for me.
Jedidiah Wehner: M ost memorable m om ent at Prep would have to be being a Big Brother and getting to know the incom ing Freshmen well. Kirubel Tekle: My m ost memorable Prep m om ent is discovering my interest in fencing. James Marchione: Leading Kairos 40
James Niland: There have been so many but it would be a tie between Hurricane Sandy and the state cham pionship.
Alec Kelly: Placing 3rd in the state, and running o ff the mat and hugging Coach Verdi and getting food afterwards.
P a tric k Lavin Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3; Kairos
A n th o n y L e n a rd o Baseball 2; Campus Ministry Team 4; Pax Christi; Stock Market Club; Kairos 37; Leader 40, Emmaus 280
"No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets or no matter how far you fall, you are never out o f tine fight." -Marcus Luttrrell
Jo h n L o vito
"Sensational." -Nayvadius "Future" Wilburn
M ic h a e l Lucia
Pax Christi 2,3,4; Ifcicn Oub 2,3,4; Marauder Ncron 1.2,3,4;
C rew 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2,3;
Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Ping Pong Club 2,3; Freshman
Kairos 34
Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Italian National Honor Society 3; National Honor Society 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G Retreat 4; Kairos 34; Emmaus 281
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss
"Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything o f who do the things no one can imagine." -Alan Turning
P a w e l L y s k a w in s k i
B e n ja m in M a c M illa n
German Club 4; Kairos 38
Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Robotics 3; Stock Market Club 1.2.4; Kairos 37; Emmaus 284
"I am my own experiment I am my own work o f art" -Madonna
"life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid." -John Wayne
A v ra m M a g n a y e
D e vin M a lm a d
Asian Club 1,2
Baseball 1,2
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein
“Wealthy men can’t live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance.” -Aryton Senna
B ria n M a lo n e y
T h e o p h il M a n g o ld
Crew 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Operation
Fencing 2,3,4; Marine Science Club 3, President 4;
Smile 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; C M T 4; Kairos 36; Kairos 41;
Kairos 38; Italian Exchange 2; Vox 1,2
Emmaus 281; LA Immersion Trip 2; Gilbert W est Virginia Advocacy W ork Camp 2; Huntington W V 3
"60% o f die time, it works every time." -Brian Fantana
"When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself" -Jacques Cousteau
B ra d y M a rin h o
D ie g o M a rtin g a le
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basebcll Club 1,2,3,4; Stock McricetOub 1,2;
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2; Kairos 38
Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Basketball 1; Cooking Club 2
'You tried your best and failed miserably. Tire lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson
'You always end up getting involved in things because of, you know, the strange things your life brings you into contact with." -Edward Nortor
A le c M a x w e ll
T h o m as M c In ty re
Crew 1,2,3, Captain 4; Science Society Co-fcunder/Secresary'
Kdros 34; Operation Smile Copresident 3,4; French Gub 3,4;
of Physics 3,4; Bethlehem Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 35; Emmaus 280;
Big Brother 3; National Honor Society 4;
German Club 2,3,4; Engineering Club 1,2; Stock Mcrket CLb 3;
National French Honor Society 3,4; Football 1,2,4;
Campus MinistryTeem 4; Pax Christi 3,4; Prep Ski Trip 1,2,3,4
Lacrosse 1,2,3; Basketball 3
"Everything is a blessing to me." -Akorj
K e vin M illa d Soccer 1; Wrestling 1,2.3,4; Kairos 38
A n th o n y M in u n n i Fencing Team 2,3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 2; TV Studio 2,3, President 4; Stock Market Club 2; History Club 2; Student Council 3; Big Brother 3; Kairos 38: Fashion Show 4; Italian Honor Society 3,4; Notional Honor Society 4, Intromurals 1,2,3,4, Phonathon 4
"I’m Benton Tarentella: the famous independent movie director." -Courage the Cowardly Dog
y y jj)
'You know in nine hundred years o f time and space, I've never met anybody who wasn't important before?" -The Doctor, "Dr. Who"
Ifyou were to become president, what would be your first order of business?
Ja m e s M a rc h io n e Indoor Trock 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos leader 4
"Oh, get a job? Just get a job? W hy don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?!" -Charlie Kelly
M ichael Murphy: N ationalize every m ajor industry and rebuild our crum bling infrastructure. SJ| m, Jm Jsp m \ M ichael Dillane: Like I said on my French m idterm , I would paint the W hite House blue, because white is a boring color.
D o m in ic k M a s tro d o n a to
Brian Bartoszek: At Prep? Boots at student's discretion + hire legal grounds for comm ons. O f the US? I'd go look for that room where they store all the cool stuff from Indiana Jones. You know? The room at the end o f Raiders o f the Lost Ark, which they then visit in Kingdom o f the Crystal Skull, full circle. They have aliens down there.
Cross Country 1.2,3.4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Kairos 37, Poetry Society 3, President 4
"Do you what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Allan Abanilla: Abolish the tyrannical rule o f Mr. Settem brino's don u t empire. W illiam Delaney: Make the weekend a 3-day weekend every week. W ho decided that working 5 days and only resting 2 days is enough?
Luca M c L a u g h lin Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1; Architecture Club 3,4;
Garret Negron: My first order o f business would be to make M organ Freeman speaker o f the house.
Kairos 38
'W ithout darkness sunlight would never be valued." -Original
James Niland: To hire someone else cause I can't run a country! Justin Pena: I would create a bi-partisan act in order to disassociate testing companies and school boards since most standardized testing take up close to h alf o f the time in classrooms through studying. Pawel Lyskawinski: Equal rights and laws regarding hate crimes in Poland.
M ic h a e l M itc h e ll Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4
Brian Druciak: Ban shredded cheese. Make America grate again. "There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." -Derek Jeter
Federico Burke: I would com bine church and state and make our country the new and improved Rom an Empire. — W illiam Fitzpatrick: Have someone paint me as a centaur.
W howas your favorite teacher, andwhy? Alphonso Palacios: Mrs. Annetta because she has been blessing me for two years.
N ic h o la s M o re n o Kairos 35, Leader 43; National Spanish Honor Society 3, President 4; National Honor Society 4; Emmaus 284; Baseball Club 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3
"Loyalty is a two-way street If I'm asking fo: it from you, then you're getting it from me. -Harvey Specte:
Brandon Ganesh: My favorite teacher was Ms. Angermeyer because she was very funny, and she also helped a lot with my writing. D om inick Mastrodonato: My favorite teacher was Mr. Gambone because he was a very understanding m an and always valued what I had to say. Jedidiah Wehner: I would have to say Mr. Caulfield is my favorite teacher. Since freshmen year, I've always felt like I could go to him with anything and he always helped me get back on track when I was out for periods o f time. It helps that he was also with me on Kairos too. Spencer W inell: Doc Scibilia. N o other teacher I've had has been able to create a space like his classroom. It is a space in which discussion can flourish, and thus, a space o f great learning. Robert Wisowaty: My favorite teacher would be Ms. McElroy. The way that she can go from scaring the class worse than Mr. M orris ever could and then to being one o f the friendliest and helpful teachers at Prep has made my two years o f APUSH my favorite classes.
B ria n M u lle r Cross Country 1; Outdoor Track 1,3; Kairos 34
"This is the one time where television reall> fails to capture the true excitement o f a large squirrel predicting the weather." -Phil Connors, "Groundhog Day
C h ristia n N e a r Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Medical Club 3, President 4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Pop Culture Club 4;
Daniel Acevedo: Mr. D ondero because o f the things he has taught me about life and m aking sure I stayed on track with all my school work, especially with college application.
Kairos 34; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; National Honor Society 4
"Christian Near, never far." -Pete Camachc
Jeremiah DeGuzman: My favorite teacher would w ithout a doubt be Mr. Keating. I had him Freshman year for W orld Civ, and his enthusiasm was infectious and it was clear that he wanted the best for his students. #followup W illiam Delaney: Mr. Morrissey is more than a classroom teacher. He is involved in student life for all students if they are his or not. He is in touch with his student side and understands students.
Jam es N ila n d Crew 1,2,3,4; Cross Country !; Freshman For A Day I , Co-moderator 2,3,4; Italian Exchange 2; Pax Christi 1,2,
N icholas Furtzaig: Mr. Settembrino. The Muscle, The Myth, The Legend. He made m ath make a lot m ore sense, and was dedicated to making a very intuitive curriculum. Joseph Atta: Honestly, I can't choose a favorite teacher. I love each and every single teacher I've had and talked to very much. They've been some o f the greatest teachers I've had in years, and I'll never forget the helpfulness and bright personalities they've shown me for the past four years.
Vice President 3; Big Brothers 3,4; C M T 4; LA Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 35; Emmaus 281
'You can't fool me. I listen to public radio?" -Squidward Tentacles, "Spongebob Squarepants"
M a tth e w M o ria rty
F rancis M o tto la
Soccer 1,2, Captain 3,4; Petroc 1,2,3, Editor 4; Ignatian
lacrosse 1,2,3, JV Captain 4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3,
Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4;
JV Captain 4; French Club 2,3,4; Kairos 34, leader 41;
Academic Bowl 2,3,4; Big Brother 3; National Honor
Emmaus 278, Leader 279; Operation Smile Secretory 3,4
Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3, Secretory 4; Kairos 37, Leader 44; Emmaus 281
"Let us be sure that those who come after will say o f us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith." -Ronald Reagan
"There are two ways to do something - the right way, and again." -Unknown
M ic h a e l M u rp h y
Liam N a lly
M odel U N 1,2, Vice President 3,4; Petrean 3,4;
Engineering Club 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4;
French Club 4, Kairos 34, Track and Field 1; Fencing 2;
league Club 4; Science Society 3,4
National Honor Society 4; French National Honor Society 3,4
"Let's make Trenton great again." -Reed Gusciora
"I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful o f clouds." -Mike Tyson
K y le N e c k le n
G a rre t N e g ro n
Baseball Club 1,2,3.4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4;
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Rugby 3,4
Fantasy Sports Club 2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Rugby 3; French Club 2,3; Kairos 35
"Please do not speak to me like I'm diat man from 4 years ago, I'm at a higher place." -Drake
"Do everything you need to do to keep the passion alive and never forget that it is a privilege to do what you love." -Martin Brodeur
Liam O 'D o n n e ll
D a n ie l O k o h
Fencing 1,2,3, Captain 4; League of Legends Club
Basketball 1,2, M anager 4; Track and Field 2,4;
Founder/President 3,4; Vox 4; Gaming Club 1,2,3,4;
Student Council 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3.4,
Art Club 1.2; Leadership Team 2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2;
Nafcnd Hcnors Society4; Nafond Spcrish Horcr Scdety 3,4;
Drama Club 4; Big Brother 3; Compus Ministry Team 4;
Kairos 37; Emmaus 282; TV studio 2
Kairos 34; Emmaus 279
"God must be a painter. W hy else would we have so many colors?" -John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"
"It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life." -Elizabeth Kenny
A lp h o n s o P ala cio s
A n d re w P a p p a la rd o
Kairos 36; Spanish Exchange 3; Soccer 1,2,3;
Track 2; Chess Club 3; Italian Club 3,4; Big Brother 3;
Spanish Club 2,3,4
Kairos 38; Emmaus 282; A M D G Retreat 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; 2Philly4Francis 4
"If today were the last day o f your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?" -Steve Jobs
'Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise o f others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -Steve Job
Justin Pena
Justin P enik
French Club 3,4; Pop Culture Co-president 4; Kairos 35
Football 1; Rugby 2; Bowling 2.3, Captain 4; Sports and Debate Club; Kairos 34, 39; C M T 4; Spirit Award Committee 4
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." -Iggy Pop
V la d y s la v P olish ch u k
"When everything goes without a hitch, where's the challenge, the opportunity to find out what you're made of?" -Shania Twai
Luis P om a le s-D iaz Vox 1; Comic Book Round Table Founder 3,4;
Crew 1; Sheehan Scholar 2,3,4; Naional Honor Society 4
Comic Book Club 4; Spanish Club 4; Culinary Club 3; I M odel U N 3,4; TV Sludio 4; 3D Printing Club Co-founder 3,4; Kairos 36
"Gendemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!" -President Merkin Muffley, "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
"Tho1much is taken, much abides; and the we are not now that strength which in old days; Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper o f heroic hearts; Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." -Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses;
C o lin P o w e rs
M ic h a e l P ritch ard
Baseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4;
Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Football 3;
Stock Market Club 1,2,3
Kairos 37
"Uhh they're what's called a trophy fish so yeah they're pretty big." -Derek, "Stepbrothers"
"The character o f a man is not measured in how he handles his wins but what he does with his failures." -Coach Bill Courtney, "Undefeated1
B ra n d o n P a rra d o Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Spanish Club 1,2,3, H ead of Public Relations 4; Pope Francis Alive 2,3,4; Pop Culture Club 4; Emmaus 280; Kairos 35
"Find what's worth struggling for in life, and don't stop until you get it" -Cristian Soratos
W hat do you planon studying incollege, and what do you hope todo withyour degree? Sa'id Boykin: Business managem ent, I want to expand my Dad's construction company.
C h ris to p h e r Picinic Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Pope Francis Alive Society 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Operation Smile 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 35; Emmaus 284
"He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo." -Narrator, "Anchorman: The Legend o f Ron Burgundy"
B re n d a n P o p o vich
Mario Echevarria: I plan to m ajor in Biomedical engineering when I go to college and with the knowledge that I obtain from that degree I hope to im prove the lives o f amputees by developing prosthetics far m ore advanced than what we have today. K olton Huber: I plan to major in Economics at Penn, and hope to one day work on Wall Street as a financial planer/adviser. Duran Gonzalez: I'd like to major in Biology and become a medical doctor o f some sort one day. Jedidiah Wehner: I plan to go into technology and try and get this Iron M an suit sitting in my closet fully operational. Dhruv Duggal: C om puter Science Bachelors, C om puter Science Masters, and then an MBA and then hopefully start my own business in the field o f C om puter Science.
Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2, Captain 3,4, Campus Ministry Team 4; Student Council 2,3,4; Operation Smile 3, Vice President 4; Kairos 36, Leader 41; Emmaus 280; Big Brother 3; Freshmon Ambassador 1; Italian Club 1; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish
Pierce Rasmusson: Finance. A PG-rated version o f "The W olf o f Wall Street".
Honor Society 3,4; Physical Education Gold M edal 2; Newark Service Trip 3; Christian Life Community 2,3.4; Prep W.I.L.D 1; A M D G Retreat 4
"Heroes get remembered but legends never die." -The Babe, "The Sandlot"
Michael Murphy: History. My degree will either hang nicely on a wall or serve as a stepping stone to the creation of a shadowy organization bent on leaving behind evidence that said organization was behind everything that ever happened in hum an history. Pawel Lyskawinski: Fashion Design. O pen my fashion company.
R o b e rt P u h a k Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 34, Leader 42; Emmaus 278, Leader 279; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Crew 1,2
"What counts is not necessarily the size o f the dog in the fight- it's the size o f the fight in the dog." -Dwight D. Eisenhower
N oah Brennan: My m ajor is mostly going to be in agricultural studies and management. W ith this degree, I would hope to be able to help feed the world. Robert Puhak: You are asking for way too m uch outta me right here. N icholas Furtzaig: I want to m ajor in mechanical engineering. I hope to use it for either aerospace technology or advanced robotic applications.
Ifyou couldtake a full year off, what would you do withyourtime?
R avi R a ith a th a Bowling 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2; Notional Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3; M edical Clt 2; Koiros 38; Sports Debate Club Founder 4; Chess Club
'Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn." -Dral
Brendan Cunningham: I would travel to places that not many can say they have visited. Too many people go to Paris, not enough people visit places like Turkey. Nicholas Furtzaig: I would probably spend that time tinkering around with small engineering and electrical com ponents. Perhaps build a robot or a gadget o f sorts, I have a few in mind.
F re dd ie Recio Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 36; Culinary Club 3,4f French Club 3
D om inick Mastrodonato,: I would travel through Mexico into Central America, all the way down to Peru, making friends and eating great food along the way. Austin Burk: I would go to Australia and eat a ton o f really good food and play with kangaroos.
"If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is whack, maybe you'll love m when I fade to black." -Jay
N oah Brennan: 1 would walk the entirety o f the Appalachian trail. Michael Dillane: I'd like to say I'd travel the world but I'd probably just sit at hom e and do nothing. Enric Adillon: I would find that big farm upstate that my dog went to when I was five. Eric Hard: W ork nonstop on my art and music. Maybe see a concert or two.
Jose ph R ivelli Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 34; Big Brother 3,4
“It is during our darkest moments that wt must focus to see the light.”
Jeremiah Campoverde: I would travel the world and set the world on fire with love and passion and Jesuit values. Gotta keep up St. Iggy's tradition, right? W illiam Fitzpatrick: Definitely travel. I would spend most o f my time in Europe, and then retreat to New Zealand for a few m onths and live o ff the land. I have no idea how to do that but it sounds nice. Christopher Kondratowicz: I would travel the world and learn about world history. Rom an archaeological digs would be cool. I might even join up with Mr. Mergoupis on his noble quest to discover Alexander the Great. Vieri Arriaga: I would probably travel to Japan, experience the culture and try new foods, I've always wanted to go there. I'd probably also try playing the guitar. Dhruv Duggal: I would travel the world and catch up on all o f the sleep I lost.
-A ristot
A n th o n y R o m an o Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary club 2,3,4; Football 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 34; Emmaus 281, Leader 282; Marauder Nation Henchman < Pax Christi
'Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face o f the earth." -Lou Gehri
Pierce R asm usson
E ddie R eaves
Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 36, Leader 39:
Kairos 38; football 1,2,3,4
Emmaus 282: A M D G Retreat 4; Lacrosse 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Pax Christi 3,4; National Honor Society 4
'You fake a stomach cramp, and when you're bent over, moaning and wailing, you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid, but then, so is high school." -Ferris Bueller, "Ferris Bueller's Day O ff'
S ean R egan
F ra n k R in ald i
W ater Polo 1.2,3,4; Kairos 35; Emmaus 281;
Baseball 2, Pox Christi 1,2,3,4; Kairos; Petroc 1,
Swimming 1,2; Rugby 2,4
Culinary Club 2,3; Operation Smile 2,3; Engineering Club 1; Stock Market Club 1,2
"There are no mistakes in life, only lessons." -Robin Sharma
"Me Hoy Minoy." -Doodlebob, "Spongebob Squarepants"
c J y U l ^ mjM
Ja m e s R o b e rte llo
M a tth e w R o d rig u e z
Lacrosse 1; Rugby 2,3,4; Kairos 36
Kairos; Emmaus; Camden Summer Service 3; Bov/ling 2,3,4; Crew 1,2; Vox 1,2,3
"The people I've met, and the places I've been, are all what make me the man I so proudly am." -Kid Cudi, "Ghost"
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.” -Eric Thomas, "The Secret to Success"
F elipe R o sa rio III
M a x im ilia n R o za n o
Fencing 1,2,3,4; M edical Club 3,4
German Club 3,4; Robotics 4; Stock Market 3; Kairos 37
"Sometimes you will never know the value o f a m om ent Until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss
"Laying in the shade; dappled sunlight warms my face; a welcome farewell." -Unknown Japanese Author
N ic h o la s R u iba l
D e re k S agun
Stock Markef Club 1,2,3
M edical Club 2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Kairos 37; Tennis 3,4; Fencing 3; Pax Christi 3,4
"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession o f his own mind may take possession o f anything else to which he is jusdy entided." -Andrew Carnegie
D im as S anchez TV Studio 3,4
"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at al - in which case, you fail by default." -J.K. Rowli]
T re v o r S chum ach er Football Equipment Head M anager 3,4; Golf 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; National Honor Society 4; Notional French Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3; Newark Immersion Trip 3; Ignatian Family Teach-In 3; 1 Kairos 34; Emmaus 279; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Operation Smile 3,4
"But after a while you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who you really are." -Shrek
“Stop thinking, let things happen, and be: the ball." -Ty Webb, "Caddyshac
M ic h a e l S im o n e tti
M a n a v S ingh
Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 38; Pop Culture Club 4
M odel U N 1,2, President 3,4; History Club 1,2,3,4; M edical Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3;
Philosophy Club 3,4; Academic Bowl 4
"Name one genius that ain't crazy." -Kanye West
"Better to fight for something dian live fo nothing." -General George S. Pattc
T erence S m all
M ile s S trickla n d
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3, President 4;
Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 38
Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 36, Leader 39; Emmaus 280, Leader 281; A M D G Retreat 4; Petroc 1,2,3, Editor 4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Big Brother 3; Stock Market Club 1; National French Honor Society 3,4; Habitat for Humanity 4; Prep W.I.L.D 1,2; Blood Drive 1,2,3,4
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who m ind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
'You know it’s real when you are who you think you are." -Drak
W ils o n S a lg a d o Basketball M anager 2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 36; Chess Club 1,2,3,4. Culinary Club 1,2,3, President 4; Engineering Club 1,2; German Club 1.2,3,4; German Exchange 3
"Procrastination is the art o f keeping up with yesterday." -Don Marquis
W hat was the highlight of your Senioryear? Jonathan Ulloa: The highlight o f senior year is getting to know the students and faculty around me. Shamar Waterman: My highlight o f senior year has been attending the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Tampa, Florida. It ultim ately provided me the opportunity to learn about how to best bring a greater experience o f diversity for students at Prep, as well as in my own life.
J e re m y S e b a lo s
Cameron Vasfailo: The leadership roles and enjoying and cherishing the final m om ents o f my prep career.
Rugby 1; German Club 2,3; Emmaus 279; National Honor Society 4; National German Honor Society 3,4
"If you want to launch big ships, you must go to deep water." -Eric Sebalos
M ichael Simonetti: Becoming closer than ever to my friends. Thephil Mangold: Getting to know teachers on a more personal level, and being able to interact with them as young adults. D om inick Mastrodonato: Being in the Laramie Project. I had never put that m uch passion into acting. D aniel Duggan: Getting accepted into all o f the Colleges I applied to.
D e vin S iracuse Lacrosse 1,2 3 4; Water Pob 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club 1,2,3.4; National Honors Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" -General George S. Patton
Andrew Doherty: The state cham pionship semi-final game. M arauder N ation was having a hard time with attendence but it seemed like everyone and their m other was at that game. All to cheer on our school. N o we did not win, but I'll still look back on that night fondly. W illiam Fitzpatrick: Having the chance to lead the final Kairos at Stella Maris with some great people. Kenneth Tarantino: Three words: Pueblo de Dios.
qM o
'ic v v m -
M ic h a e l S u lliv a n Pax Christi 2,3, President 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 35; Emmaus 282
"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest o f places if you look at it right." -Robert Hunter
Justin Pena: The highlight o f my senior year was receiving a B+ for Introductory Calculus. James Niland: I would say all o f it but Emmaus was pretty special. Felipe Rosario III: Doing better than we have my last 3 years at districts for Fencing. D om in ic Corrado: The small m om ents in the Com m ons or the Classroom: spending Free Periods with any num ber o f Prep students, translating De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid harm oniously with the other six kids in class, and burning the m idnight oil to finish essays and Yearbook interviews.
W hat has been your most memorable Prep moment?
S a w y e r S w an so n Golf 2,3 captain 4; Architecture Club 3; Kairos 36; Emmous 280
"I'm not the kind o f person who tries to b< cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual." -Leonardo Dicapr:
Luke Bedell: Football State C ham pionship 2015 . Playing in the rain for a second year, but then pulling it off, was something I will never forget. Andrew Doherty: It has to be when A nthony Infante made the pop sound in the auditorium and was called up to the stage.
Ja m es T a n e lla Hockey 1,2.3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 37; Emmaus 280 Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3;
Daniel Acevedo: It was when Chris Herren came to guest speak about his addiction to heroin and how it almost killed him. He helped not only me, but our com m unity realize how making a poor decision can almost instantaneously ruin our lives.
National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
"H onor If you need it defined, you don't have it" -Ron Swanson, "Parks and Recreatdo
Nikesh Teckwani: Kairos for the first time was so empowering and surreal, full o f surprises. The whole experience made me see people in a completely different way and I found a new appreciation for life. Matthew Hedden: W hen I won best dressed Thursday with a cardigan on.
David Cortinas: O ne memory I will never forget is receiving the silver medal for "Music" during the award assembly at the beginning o f my junior year when it was supposed to go to a senior.
K iru b e l Tekle Fencing Teem 2,3,4; M edical Club 1,2
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." -Mark Twa:
Dom inick Mastrodonato: W inning the Cross-Country County cham pionship Junior year. I had a personal best and afterwards, the team went to get pizza in Bayonne.
Theophil Mangold: Hurricane Sandy. It completely changed Prep for m onths, and it certainly was interesting to experience that as a freshman. Brandon Ganesh: My m ost memorable time at Prep was when we had the water m ain break and we got dismissed first period. Kevin Connelly: Storm ing the court sophom ore year after the basketball team beat St. Benedict's
Nicholas Furtzaig: April, junior year, same day I got my first JUG. Thursday started as a norm al school day, when during C om m unity period, I noticed all the robotics members gathering in the front o f the com m ons looking excited. As pai o f the robotics team, I went to figure out what was going on. The good news: We had just been accepted into the Mid Atlantic Robotics district Cham pionship; the bad news, due tc an emailing error, we had 4 hour notice for a 3 day overnight event. And in that time frame, we managed to inform our parents o f this, get a bus, bring 8 people and 400 lbs o f equipm ent on a 2 and a half hour ride to Lehigh university, setting up and checking in to the com petition in record time; winning an award in the process. That day was a non-stop adrenaline rush.
P a tric k S w e e n e y
Ja m e s S w e tm a n
W a fer Polo I ; Lacrosse 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3;
Football I; Hockey 1,2; Forensics Club 2,3;
Pax Christi 2,3; Kairos; Operation Smile 3,4
Philosophy Club 3,4; Jazz Bond 3, Vice President 4; Band 4; Kairos 37, Leader 43; Emmaus 279; National Honor Society 4; Campus Ministry Team 4
"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." -Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"
K e n n e th T a ra n tin o
N ik e s h T e c k w a n i
Baseball 1,2; Rugby 3,4; Petroc 1,2,3, Editor 4;
Kciros 35, Leader 44; Emmaus 282; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Fantasy Sports Club President 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4;
Sports Debate Club President 4; Big Brother 3,4;
Ignatian Scholars 1,2.34; Big Brother 3,4; Microbank 2,3;
Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Petroc 3,4;
Campus Ministry Team 4; Ccmden Immersion Trip 2;
National Hcocr Society 4; National Spanish Honar Scdety 3,4;
A M D G Retreat 4; Kairos 36, Leader 41; Emmaus 278,
Tennis 1,2; Crew 3; Basketball M anager I; Freshman
Leader 279; National French Honor Society 3,4;
Ambassador 1; A M D G Retreat 4; Stock Market Club 1,2;
National Honor Society 4
Ping Pong Club 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; Pax Christi 2; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4
"So, you're telling me I can say whatever I want and it'll be in the yearbook?" -Original
"I've spent twenty three years on the earth searching for answers 'til one day I realized I had to come up with my own." -Kendrick Lamar
J o n a th a n U llo a
D a v id V a n W in k le
Wrestling I ; History Club 1; M odel U N 1;
Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 36
Culinary Club 1,2,3,4
"I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out." -Anne Frank
C a m e ro n V a s fa ilo
Jo sh u a V e g a
W der Polo 1,2,3,4; S w rrrrrg 3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Bosxebal M croger 1; Campus M in's ty Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Freshrran Ambassadcr 1; French
Cross Country 1; Stock Market Club 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3;
Q jb 3,4; Slock M ake* Qub 1,2,3,4; Pax O risti 3,4; Operation Smie 3,4;
Urban Plunge 3; Kairos 36
W est Vrg'n'o Immersion T ip 3; Habfcit for Hurrcnty 4; Karos 35, leader 40, AM D G Retreat4; Errrrous 282; Ignaian Farril/Teochln 4; Marauder N afco 1,2,3,4
“There comes a tim e in life, w hen you walk away from all the dram a and people w ho create it Surround yourself w ith people w ho make you laugh, forget foe bad, and focus o n foe good. Love foe people w ho treat you rig h t Pray for foe ones w h o don't. Life is too short to be anything b u t happy. Falling dow n is part o f life, getting back u p is living.” Jose N. Harris
"Hmm, a five-letter word for happiness... money." -Mr. Krabs, "SpongeBob SquarePants"
R a ym u n d V ia d o
M ic h a e l V in ci
Rugby 1,2,3, Co-Captain 4; Asian Society 1,2, Secretory 3,
Ignation Scholar Leadership Team 2,3,4; Yearbook 2,3,4
Presidenl 4. Pop Culture Club 4; Emmaus 281; Koiros 34,
Kairos 37, leader 42; Emmous 280; Chess Club 1,2,3,4j
Indoor Track 2; Football 1
Football 1; Volleyball 2,3,4; Campus Ministry 4;
'To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind." -Buddha
"Happiness is the consequence o f person, effort You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it" -Elizabeth Gilb<
\f, lltfu L d
B e n ja m in W a rc o
S h a m a r W a te rm a n Basketbol 1,2, Capta'n 3,4; Concert Bend 1,2,3, Presidenl 4; [
Basketball 1; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 35; Emmous 282
Slock Markef Club 2; French Exchange 2; Ebony Club 1 Koiros 39; National French Honor Society 3,4;
National Honor Society Treosuer 4; Spirit Award 3; Spirit Award Committee 4; Emmaus 279; Campus Ministry Team 4; LA Immersion Trip 4; Studen? Coundl Vce President 4; Student Diversity Leadership Coundl 4 I
'You're never a loser until you quit trying." -Mike Ditka
E d w a rd W h ite h e a d
"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit o f your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enal you to attain the success you seek." -Mario Andre
G riffin W h itm e r
Wrestling M anager 1; Volleyball 1,2; Kairos 34; Crew 3.4;
Swimming 2,3,4; Water Polo 3.4; Pdccfelphb ImmersionTrip 3;[
Emmaus 281; Italian Club 1,2,3,4, Pax Christi 2,3,4-
Huntington V W Habitcf for Humanity 4; Kairos 38; Emmcus 281 ;i
Campus Ministry Team 4; Italian Exchange 2
Italian Exchange 4; Debate Team 2; National Italian Honor Society 3,4
"O f course you can take selfies, that's just a part o f life these days." -Mr. John Morris
R o b e rt W is o w a ty Cross Country 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2,3. Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1.2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 38
"Every man at some point in his life is gonna lose a battle. He's gonna fight and he's gonna lose. But what makes him a man, is that in the midst o f that battle he does not lose himself." -Coach Eric Taylor, "Friday Night Ligh
Jam es W rig h t CrossCountry 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 11 German Club 3,4; Kairos 38; Emmaus 281; Campus Ministry Team 4; Freshman Ambassador 1
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain
'Yeah, I'm a thrill seeker, but crikey, education's the most important thing." -Steve Irwin, "Crocodile H unte
A d ria n V o y s e y Kairos 34, leader 43; Emmaus 280; Basketball 1,2,3; LA Immersion Trip 1, Habitat for Humanity 3; Operation S.M.I.l.E 3,4; Morauder Nation 4; Ignalian Scholar leadership Team 2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4
"I can't tell you what I learned in school, but I could tell you a story or two." -Asher Roth
J e d id ia h W e h n e r
W hat is the story behind your firstJUG? David Clancy: It was during the hurricane Sandy aftermath and I thought we were allowed to dress down, so I came in wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, while every other student at the school was in full dress code. I went through the entire day convincing all o f my teachers to not give me JUG until after last period when Mr. Oryshkevych came o ff the elevator and gave me 3 JUGs. Jeremiah Campoverde: LOL I NEVER GOT JUG
Stock Market Club 1; M edical Club 2,3,4; Asian Society 2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3; Chess Club 3; Big Brother 3; Kairos 34
"life always throws you obstacles, just keep trying to breathe, smile, and move forward!" -Original
S p e n ce r W in e ll
Marc Anonuevo: I remem ber freshm an year, I was walking out of the com m ons talking to Ged about how I witnessed someone get sniped for dress code by Oryshkevych from all the way across the courtyard. As we passed the elevator by Father M ullin's office, Oryshkevych comes out o f nowhere and proceeds to jug me for not wearing a blazer.
N icholas Moreno: As Eric H osm er and the Royals were tearing through the MLB Postseason, I thought to myself, "Eric Hosm er's haircut doesn't look too bad, does it?" and ended up getting his fauxhawk haircut, m uch to the dismay o f Mr. Morris.
Kairos 37, Leader 41; Emmaus 279, leader 282; Campus Ministry Team 4; Concert Band 2,3,4; Sodality Jazz Band 2,3,4; Philosophical Analysis of Politics Club 3,4
"Without music, life would be a mistake." -Friedrich Nietzsche
Luis Pomales-Diaz: My phone went o ff in class accidentally and started playing Sim on and Garfunkel. Loud.
W illiam Fitzpatrick: After winning Cross C ountry Counties sophom ore year, I went to M ilano's with the seniors to celebrate. I enjoyed m y meal and had one foot out the door when Canale sniped me. Meanwhile, Delaney hid under the table and escaped un-JUG-ed.
Jo sh u a Y a n ic a k Chess Club 1,2, President 3,4; History Club Secretary 1.2; Stock Market Club I ; Volleyball 1,2; Kairos 38. Campus Ministry Team 4; HAP Tutor 1.2,3
"I don't remember one thing I learned in school." -Bobby Fischer
Francis Coleman: I took a picture o f Joey Rivelli in the C om m ons. It was a Snapchat. Mr. M orris asked if he could see the picture, which led to a 30 m inute conversation o f me explaining how Snapchat works.
Andrew Pappalardo: The first ever Silent Study in the library. Ms. Salge claimed that she heard my voice talking the entire week, but never saw my face. Then on the last day o f exams I asked Jo h n Armwood for a piece o f paper and Ms. Salge popped up from behind the bookshelf and said: "I finally caught you in the act! Now give me your I.D and leave."
D a m io n A b ra m s M asak i A erts N ik o la s A frica C la re n c e A g u ile ra J o n a th a n A h n M ic h a e l A lb e rti
A n d re w A lfo n s o Je ry ll A n c h e ta D ie g o A n d e rs o n A a s h is h A n d re w C h r is to p h e r A p p e llo A n g u s A p p le g a rth
D a v id A w ad T h o m a s B e rtro n J o r d a n B illie J o s e p h B ird sall Z a c h a ry B ird sall D a v id B iro n
J o r d a n B la ssin g a m e R y an B oll J u s tin B o n n e r S h aw n B o rk o w sk i J a n B re n tje n s L uke B u k o w iec
R o b e rt B u lk a R o n a ld B u rg ers III J a c k B urgess A n d re s C a lle g a ri S tu a rt C a llin a n J o h a n n e s C a llo n i
K yle C a rle e L iam C a rn e y M ic h a e l C a s ta ld o M a u r ic io C e d illo R o b e r t C h a m b e rs A d a m C h e s te r
V ic to r C h iric h e lla Z a c h a ry C h m ie l T y le r C h o la n k e r il F ahad C h o u d h a ry C a m e r o n C la rk e L u cas C o le m a n
M a tth e w C o s te llo J a s o n C o y le A n th o n y C r in c o li P a u l C u c c in e lli W illia m C u r tis H a r r y D a n ie ls
M ic h a e l D a r d o u r G e o rg e D a w o u d A le x a n d e r D e M a r tin o D y la n D e a n s M ic h a e l D eS o u sa V in c e n t D iB ella
M a s s im o D iM u z io P e te r D o b b s R yan D o n a h u e R y a n D o n a ld s o n T re v o r D o n a ta c c i U lise D u e n a s
A n th o n y E lia Y o u ss e f E lsh e n aw y H e n r y E rd m a n D a v id E s p in o C e s a r E s te b a n D a k a ri F a lc o n e r
A n d re w F e rrie r M ic h a e l F la n a g a n C a r te r F re e m a n O w e n F re e m a n J o h n G a g lia n o M a tth e w G a llo
N ic h o la s G a llo A lex G a r r e tt J o n a th a n G a r z o n F ra n c is G e ltru d e T h o m a s G irg is L u k e G iu n ta
R y an G o n z a le z V in c e n t G u a s tin i D y la n G u d ie l N ic h o la s G u to w sk i T h o m a s H a b ib Ia n H a r n e tt
J ih a d H a rre ll C o n n e r H a rrig a n J o s e p h H e n ry A riel H e rre ra S ean H ess J o h n H e s te r III
Q u in to n H in e s J r. F in n H o d g in s Je ffre y H o e n s M a tth e w H o n ig R iley H o r to n B ra d fo rd H o tz
D e c la n I n tin d o la J o h n n ie lo a k im id is M a tth e w Issac R yedJadun M itc h e ll J o n e s Z a c h a ry J o s k o w itz
S eam u s K a n e W illia m K a ro l K yle K elly M ic h a e l K in g sley E ric K irc h n e r M a te u sz K o ziel
E th a n K u h l Jo h n K uhl C o n o r L a rk in M ic h a e l L a rk in M ic h a e l L eber J o h n a th a n Lewis
D a n ie l Liggio D e a n L in d sk o g C h r is to p h e r L o n e rg a n C h r is to p h e r L o p e z T h e o M a c M illa n D a n ie l M a n g a n e llo
M a tth e w M a rre ro J ih a d M a rs h a ll A lto n M a r tin M itc h e ll M a ta ra M u ham m ad M azhar J o h n M c A n d re w
M a tth e w M c D e r m o tt B re n d a n M cE w en C o n n o r M cG ee M a x im illia n M c G in le y J a m e s M c G u ire R yan M en d y k
B ra n d o M e rc a d o S ean M ik o v its A d a m M ille r J o s e p h M illro y J a c o b M irla s N ic h o la s M o lin a ri
J u s t in M o n ta n e z H a rle y M o n te ir o B e n ja m in M o w a tt B ren d a n M u rp h y T h o m a s M u rra y L u k e N a ts v lish v ili
E ric N iev es L ia m N o la n B ry an N o v a k H u n te r N o v e llo M ic h a e l N u lty J a k e O 'C a lla h a n
T h o m a s O 'C o n n o r S h a w n O 'L e a ry K ev in O 'M a r a P a rk e r O m s la e r R y a n O m s la e r A n th o n y O rte g a
Jo rd y n O w ens G a b rie l P alm a J u lie n P a n e p in to M ic h a e l P ark F ra n k P e lle g rin o S a m u e l P ello t
B e n ja m in P e tru la S a m u e l P h e la n M a tth e w P h illip s J a m e s P ike A n th o n y P in e ro s P au l P o lic a s tro
J o rg e P o rto rre a l H e n r y P o sso T h o m a s P ro k o p J o n a th a n Q u in n R o b e rt Q u in ta s S e b a s tia n R eal
an m g A n th o n y Reyes R y an R ib e iro T h o m a s R iley D a n ie l R ivera J a m e s R o b b in s D e s m o n d R o b e rts
B r a n d o n R ossi M a tth e w R u sso P a tric k R u v o M ic h a e l S a la m e h G u id o S a la n d ra A le ja n d ro S a n c h e z
D e a n S a n to s N ic h o la s S a n to s A d a m S cag liarin i F in n k ris tia n S c h u e m a n n H a n s S c h u n d le r C h ira y u S h a h
J o h n S hea R o h a n S in g h A n d re w S irac u se J o n S o zer A lijah St. V il M a rc Stacey
C o le S ta llo n e M a x im ilia n S teffe n P ete r S to k es A a r o n S u ch A d a m S u lliv a n C o n n o r S u lliv a n
C o n o r S u lliv an T y ler S w itala C h r is tia n T a n as Jackson T e n n a n t M a tth e w T e th e r R a m T h a th a m
G r a n t T h ie r o f f A id a n T h o r n e ll J o n a th a n T h y b u lle C h a rle s T o rre s T re v o r T o w in d o T ansi U kegbu
B re n d a n V a n d e r V liet G e ro ll A n d re w V e d a r K ev in V ieira J o h n V in ci R o n a ld V iv e n z io D a lto n W a lk e r
J o h n W a lsh B e n ja m in W a n g C o lin W a rd A le x a n d e r W e d g b u ry J u s t in Y an n ece J o h n Y orey
B ria n Z a w isto w sk i M ic h a e l Z d a n o w ic z S ic h e n g Z h o n g P au l Z ir p o li S tev e n Z u c k e r m a n L y a n d ro Z u n ig a
M a u ric e A c u n a J a y s o n A d e m ilo la J u s tin A d e m ilo la L u is A g u ia r A d e ta y o A k a n o N ic h o la s A lb a n o
J o rg e A licea-L opez D e c la n A lv id re z J a re d A m m u g a u a n N o a h A n d r ia n i G a b rie l A rm e n a C o n r a d o A rro y o
M a rk u s Bagley M a tth e w B ald o w sk i A u s tin B e n n e tt L o u is B iz ien C a m e r o n B la ir D y la n B o a rd in g h a m
C h r is to p h e r B rad y M ile s B ra n c a te lla Jack B ran d o n D a n ie l B ro w n M a lc o lm B ru n s o n N o a h B y rn e
C o rre l C a d d ie M a rc o C a lifa n o A d ria n C a m a n o N ic h o la s C a o J a c k C a re y H u g h C a rro ll
N ik o la s C a rte r C h r is to p h e r C a ru s o C h r is to p h e r C a s ia n o K e ith C a s ta ld o Isa ia h C h ag a s N ic h o la s C h a ra s
A n d re w C h iu r a z z i B r e n n a n C o llie r F e r n a n d o C o rd o v a J o h n C o rrao M ic h a e l C o rte z A n d re w C o y n e
M a tth e w C o y n e M a rc C o z z a re lli J a r e d C r u c ia n i J o h n C u rra n M ic h a e l D a ly J a s o n D a v id o f f
A n d re w d e A rm a s N ic h o la s D e m e tria d e s D a n te D ias M a tth e w D illa n e P h ilip D o n a ld R o b e r t D o n a ld
D y la n D o rd e v ic R ic h a rd D o re n R y an D o r n e o K e v in D r u c ia k M a tth e w D u a n e R o b e rt D u n g a n
K e n n e th E in h o r n B r e n d a n E k w u g h a lu J o r d a n is E sp in a l L uis E sp in a l J a s iri E v an s K ev in Fell
A d r ia n F e rn a n d e z S tev e n F errales T y le r F in e rty S ean F itz G ib b o n P e te r F lo res A n th o n y F ra n c o n e ri
G a v in F re e m a n T a te F ry czy n sk i J o h n G a c c io n e T h o m as G annaw ay R yan G a n n o n P a tric k G a rrig a n
K ev in G o in e s J G riffin G o n z a le z K e n n ith G o n z a le z M a tth e w G o o d m a n Jam es G o rd o n G e ra ld G raves
K ry sto ffe r G re e n J o h n G re g o ry G rif fin G u d a itis S e b a stia n H aas Ia in H a lle n b o rg J o h n H a llig a n
A id a n H a m ilto n T hom as H annan T y le r H a n s e n R y a n H a r tn e t t C o n n o r H eaney O w e n H e im
M a rv in H e re d ia A n to n io H e r n a n d e z J a re d H o lz m a n M a lc h ija h H o s k in s R a y ja s in s k i V a tc h e K a fa fia n
D a n ie l K am e l B re n d a n K a n e K ev in K eeg an L iam K eeg an B e n ja m in K elly M ic h a e l K elly
R ic h a rd K elly Eugene K eohane N y e K e y -A rm stro n g T y ler K in n e y D e n n is K irb y Jr. R y an K irk w o o d
P au l K o n d ra to w ic z K e v in K w o n D y la n La B ru n o L y n k e n L a n tin g S ean L avin T h o m a s Lee
C h a s e L e rn e r Z a c h a ry Lewis V ic to r L o p e z L a n ce L u c arelli C h a rle s J r . M a in o r D a n te M a lle o
M ic h a e l M a n g u a l L u k e M a ra s ig a n M a tth e w M a rc a n o M a tth e w M a r in i D a n ie l M a rs h a ll R a lp h M a s o n
J o s e p h M a s tr o d o n a to J o a q u in M a ta m is A n d re w M ax w ell D u r k in M c C a r th y W illia m M c H u g h C le o p h u s M c I n to s h
C h r is tia n M c K o y S e th M c L a u g h lin A id a n M c M a h o n D o m in ic M ele o Z a m ir M ic k e n s J o s e p h M o c e ri
Z a c h a ry M o e lle r G ib r a n M u h a m m a d D illo n M u r r a y G re g o ry N a c h e f f C h a rle s N a d ro w sk i J e r e m ia h N a r r a m o r e
J e th r o N g J u a n N iev e s D a v id N ila n d D a n ie l N u n e z S pencer N u zm an J o s h u a O a k le y
C h im a O h a d ik e R o b e rt O n o z A n d re s O r b e P a tric k O r th D o m a n r o v il O v a lle T a y lo r P a p p a s
Ja m e s P a ra d iso M a n a v P a rik h F lo y d P a tte rs o n J r. L o re n z o P erez S te p h e n P erez W illia m P e rlm a n
J a s o n P o p e-B ay n e O w e n P o ssic k T y le r P ow ers A n d re w P re s c o tt Ja k e R a m ire z N ic h o la s R a m ire z
R yan R am os D a v id R e v e re n d o J o s e p h R ib a u d o B ria n R ic h a rd s C a iro R ic h a rd s M ic h a e l R ic h a rd s
X avier R itte r Ia n R o b s o n G ia n L u c a R oses J a r re d R osso D a n ie l R ow e B ria n R u a n e
Jo sep h Ruge P a o lo S a m in C h r is tia n S a n d u c c i C h r is tia n S a n to s B ria n Savage M a rk S ch ia v o
K e ith S c h m id t J a re d S eb alo s E d w ard S eb o ro w sk i D a m ia n o S e rv id io A dam Seym our H a rs h a l S h a h
C h r is to p h e r S haw S h a n e S h ell S h a y n e S im o n W illia m Slaski G e o rg e S m all Isaia h S m alls
A n d re w S m ith B r a n d o n S m ith L u c S m ith R ic a rd o S osa D a r io S p in a T e-N y e St. B e rn a rd
W illia m S tev en s A s h o n S tew art Jare d S uch A n th o n y T e jad a G a b rie l T e jad a M a x T e le m a q u e
N ik o la s T h e o d o r a c o p o u lo s B r e n d a n T h ie le P a tric k T h o m s-B a u e r A n d re w T o b in Jo h n T om ei K h a d im T o u re
J o s e p h T ro m b e c k y J e v o n T u ll Z a c h a ry U h le r B ry an V an N ess N ic o V ega S ean V e rd i Jr.
W illia m V esp o le J a s o n V icari R o b e rt V ogt D av e V o v o r F ra n c is V u o lo B re n d a n W a lsh
P au l W eek s Ju d ah W ehner J u s t in W h ite W illia m W h ite D a n ie l W h ite h e a d A s h to n W illia m s
J a re d W ils o n M a re k W lo d a rs k i A ra n W o lla rd W illia m W o ltm a n n M o r g a n W y v ille
A n d re w A d a b la h M a tth e w A d a m s K yle A lejo M o g e n s A le x a n d e r C h r is to p h e r A m a ra l D a n ie l A m b ro s io
P au l A m es J a m e s A n d e rs o n M ic h a e l A p p e llo C h r is tia n A rco s S e b a stia n A rias D a v id A rro y o
A y ir A sa n te A h m a z A th ia s J u s tin ia n A u ro ra B r a n d o n B alatb a t R e n a rd B arnes A n th o n y B arrera
E d w in B a u m g a rtn e r B ryce B elser A id e n B e rtro n N a th a n B lu m e n fe ld T ra c y B ow ers Ia n B ra d sh a w
C h r is to p h e r B re n tje n s J a m e s B risto l L iam B ro w n Ja c o b B ro z o n N a th a n B ry a n t C h a rle s C a m ille ri
H a r o ld C a rte r E v a n C asas D a n ie l C e te ra A n d re w C h a p a r ro J u s t in C h a p a r ro G a b rie l C h av e s
S te p h e n C h o w a n e c L iam C h r is tm a n M ic h a e l C o a c h e r N ic h o la s C o c c ia d ife rro N ic c o lo C o lu c c i Q u i n t o n C o n lin
M a x im ilia n C o n tr e r a s Jack C o rry O r la n d o C o r te z Jr. T h o m a s C o tt e r D o m e n ic o C r in c o li Jam es C ru z
K e v in C u d d ih y C h r is tia n C u n n in g h a m E m m a n u e l D a d u lla A n th o n y D 'A n g e lic o S id d h a r th a D as J a id e n D a v id
P h ilip D e C re sc e M a r k D e l C a s tillo C h r is tia n D e lla R o cc o N ic h o la s D e M a rc o Sean D em o S ta n le y D e n n is
M ic h a e l D e S a n tis T h o m a s D e S a n tis E th a n D ia z J o h n D illo n B ria n D o w n e y Jaden D uncan
R yan E m m a D a m a n i F a lc o n e r M a tth e w F aller C o le F e rra ra T h o m a s F itz h e n ry R o y ce F lo res
B y ro n F lo re s Jr. M a tth e w F o rg e t B e n n e tt F re e m a n N ic o la s G a lu p T im o th y G a rc ia T y rie k G a rc ia
D a v id G a rre lic k N ic h o la s G ay le E th a n G a y n o r M a x im G e lle r T im o th y G e o rg e tti D a n ie l G e ra g h ty
J e ffre y G e rg e r J u lia n G ib s o n A n to n io G ig a n te M ic h a e l G io r d a n o M ile s G o ld A le x a n d ra G o n z a le z
T h a d d e u s G o ra to w s k i J o h n G o rsk i T y ler G o y an es R y a n G ray V in c e n t G r im a ld i P h illip G rim a u d
J a m e s G ru e te r G a rr e tt G u a ltie ri J e re m ia h G u z m a n G riffe n H aas M in a H a n n a P a tric k H a u g h n e y
B ry an H e n n n e s e y K yle H ess M a s o n H o lla n d R e n a to H o n e y w e ll II M ax H o n ig C o u r tn e y H y m e s
W illia m In ce N ic h o la s In ia sh v ili M a tth e w Ita lia n o Jam es Jen sen V e rn o n J o h n s o n P a tric k J o h n s t o n
C hase Jo n es L iam K agel A sa K a h n M a rtin K asilag O w e n K ealey P a tric k K e c n a g h a n
m n W illia m K elley T h o m a s K e lln e r D y la n K n ig h t J u s t in K o ro g lu J a c k K ra m e r C eejay L a rin o
M a tth e w Lee J in L eem A id a n L ezynski E ric L iao M a v e ric k L in d o N ic h o la s L ojo
Sil L opez M a rk L o v ito D e s m o n d L uck R ic h a rd L uzzi Jo h n Lynch D ezm el Lyons
S ean M a c la n e y C h r is tia n M a d la n sa c a y D a n ie l M a h e r N a ji M a lik T y le r M a n c in i N ic h o la s M a n g a n e llo
N ic h o la s M a r in o A n d re w M a r r e r o B ra n d o n M a ru ri K a k u y o n M a ta e h C h r is tia n M a to s M a s o n -W illia m M a to s
M a a sa i M a y n o r B ria n M c D e r m o tt R o b e rt M c D o n o u g h Jam es M cG ann A d o n is M cG ee J o rd a n M cP hee
A le s s a n d ro M e m m o lo J o h n M ern ar Jack M eyer S c o tt M ice li J o h n M illa r A le x a n d e r M ille r
Z a c h a ry M o n te ir o X av ie r M o ra le s M ic h a e l M o r a n o J a m e s M o r ia r ty S a m u e l M u lla n e y T h o m a s M u lle r
H e n r ik M u r e r P a tric k M u r p h y S a h il N a ik T y le r N a ja ra T h o m a s N a rra m o re G u s N a tio n s IV
M a tisse N e ls o n M a r k N ila n d A id a n N o lte A lec N o ss a A le x a n d e r N o v e llo R o m a n O b e n jr.
J u lia n O n g a y Sky O zag ar S tev e n P a n z a rie llo M a rc o s P a ra d a K y ree P a rk e r N ic h o la s P ascarello
P a o lo P asq u ali B ryce P ayne J a m e s P earce G re g o ry Pease D ie g o P e rd o m o J o h n P e ttit
T y P ezz o lla W illia m P ik u s K ris to p h e r P iw ow arczyk C o lin P lu n k e tt M a tth e w P reite S tev e n P ro k o p
S h a s h w a t P u n ja n i J a c o b Q u in o n e s S tev en R acki D o m in ic R a g n o N oah R am adan A n th o n y R ego
J e re m y R e s u rre c c io n A n d re R eyes M ic h a e l R ib e iro A d ria n R ic h a rd s o n W a d e R ic h a rd s o n W illie R ic h a r d s o n III
E d w in R ivera M a rc u s R iv e ra Y azid R ivera T ro y R o b e rts III K h y ree R o b in s o n R o b e r to R o d a s -H e r n d o n
Jo se p h R o m a n o T im o th y R osa C o lb y R u g g ie ro M a tth e w R ussell J a c o b S aavedra E van S a n d e rs
T ris ta n S a rm ie n to G r a n t S a u n d e rs K ie ra n S c a n lo n A n th o n y S carp a R o b e rt S c h e u re r J u s tin S cocco
S am a y S h a m d a sa n i B ra d e n S hivas J o h n S m ith III M a tte o S o lle c ito B iag io S to d u to C h r is to p h e r S tu ltz
D a n ie l S tu s n ic k H a r r is o n Sykes J u lia n T o d d C h r is to p h e r T o lk in J o n a th a n T o rre s R ic h a rd T o rre s Jr.
G a b rie l T ro ja n o w sk i J a c k U m p h r e y III A u g u stu s V a le n te J o s e p h V ega Jr. J a r e d V elo so J o r d a n V ev erk a
L ucas V in ci E th a n W an g -S o E lija h W h ite C h a rle s W illia m s F ra n c is W in d e ls N ic h o la s W o n d o lo w s k i
M a rc u s W o o d a rd E k o w Y an k ey J o s e p h Y ap D e v a n Yee T y ler Y o u n g M a tth e w Z d a n o w ic z
A Abanilla. Allan 148,151 Abrams, Damion 164 Accvcdo, Daniel 1 3 3 ,147,152,160 Acuna, Maurice 170 Adablah, Andrew 2 5,176 Adablah, Prince 133 Adams, Matthew 176 Ademilola, Jayson 170 Ademilola, Justin 170 Adillon, Enric 3 6 ,3 7 ,6 4 .6 5 .9 7 ,1 3 2 , 1 36,139,143,156 Aerts, Masaki 164 Africa, Nikolas 164 Agbulos, Alexander 133 Aguiar, Luis 170 Aguilera, Clarence 164 Alin, Jonathan 164,184 Akano, Adetayo 170 Alaimo, Anthony 133 Albano, Nicholas 170 Albers, Mr. Kevin 120 Albers, Ms. Katherine 120 Alberti, Michael 164 Alcantara, Juan 80,132 Aldarondo, Richard 60 ,1 3 2 .1 3 3 Alegria, Jonathan 8 1 ,1 33,143 Alejo, Kyle 176 Alexander, Mogens 176 Alfonso, Andrew 164 Alicea-Lopez, Jorge 170 Alvidrez. Declan 170.184 Amaral, Christopher 176 Ambrosio, Daniel 6 ,1 7 6 ,1 8 4 Ames. Paul 4 2 ,5 9 .1 7 6 Ammugauan, Jared 53, 170.184 Aneheta, Jeryll 164 Anderson, Diego 7 4,164 Anderson, James 2 5,176 Andrade, Kenneth 37,132 Andreas, Scott 3 6 ,3 7 ,8 1 ,1 3 3 ,1 3 6 , 139,143,147 Andrew, Aashish 164 Andriani, Noah 170 Angermeyer, Ms. Janet 120,152 Annetta. Ms. Rosemary 120.152 Anonuevo. Marc 8 1 ,1 33.163 Appello, Christopher 164 Appello, Michael 176 Applegarth, Angus 6 5.164 Arcos, Christian 176 Arias, Sebastian 176 Armena, Gabriel 170 Arriaga, Vieri 3f>, 9 7 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 4 .1 3 5 . 156 Arroyo, Conrado 170 Arroyo, David 176 Arteaga, Mr. Juan 102,103,120 Asante. Ayir 176 Athias, Ahmaz 176 Atta, Joseph 3 7 ,8 9 ,1 3 4 ,1 3 9 .1 4 0 . 152 Aurora. Justinian 176 A wad, David 90,164 Azzarto, Fr. Anthony 2 9 ,8 8 ,1 2 0 ,1 4 0
B Bagley, Maikus 70, 170 Bailey, Mr. David 120 Balatbat, Brandon 5 7,176 Baldowski, Matthew 170 Bandales, Ethan 135 Bames, Renard 176 Baircra, Anthony 176 Bartoszek, Brian 6 4 ,6 5 ,1 3 4 ,1 4 7 , 151 Baumgartner, Edwin 176 BedelL Luke 8 0 .1 3 4 ,1 4 7 ,1 6 0 Bellamy, Mr. Clayton 120 Belser, Bryce 176 Benedict, Ms. Elizabeth 120 Bennett, Austin 170 Bertron, Aiden 176 Bertron, Thomas 164 Billie, Jordan 164 Birdsall, Joseph 2 4 ,8 6 .1 6 4 Birdsall, Zachary 164 Biron, David 164 Bizicn, Louis 170 Blair, Cameron 170 Blassingame, Jordan 164 Bleasdale. Dr. Jane 3 0,120 Blumenfeld, Nathan 176 Boardingham, Dylan 170 Boll, Ryan 164 Boiler, Fr. Kenneth 14 ,8 3 ,1 1 8 ,1 2 0 Bolshoi, Taylor 37,135 Bonner, Justin 164 Bonnet, John 3 6 ,6 5 ,8 0 ,1 3 4 Borkowski, Shawn 164 Bouley, Mr. Adam 2 3 ,120 Bourg, Mr. Seth 120
Bowers, Tracy 176 Boykin, Sa'id 3 7 ,7 0 ,1 3 4 ,1 5 5 Bradshaw, Ian 176 Brady, Christopher 52 ,1 7 0 Brancatclla, Miles 170 Brancatella, Robert 81 ,8 6 ,1 3 5 Brandon, Jack 170 Brennan, Noah 80,134, 155, 156 Brent jens, Christopher 176 Brentjens, Jan 164 Bristol, James 176 Brown, Daniel 170 Brown, Liam 176 Brozon, Jacob 176 Brunson, Malcolm 170 Bryant, Nathan 176 Bui, Ms. Lisa 121 Bukowiec, Luke 164 Bulka, Robert 1 8 ,8 6 ,9 3 ,1 6 4 Burgers HI, Ronald 164 Burgess, Jack 86 ,1 4 7 ,1 6 4 Burk, Austin 134,156 Burke, Federico 3 6 ,8 0 ,9 2 ,1 3 5 ,1 3 6 , 1 40,144,151,184 Burokas, Mr. David 34,35, 100.121, 135,148 Butler, Johnathon 136 Butrym, Mr. Jan 3 4 ,35,121 Butts, Christian 137 B ym e, Noah 25 ,1 4 7 ,1 7 0
C Caddie, Conrcl 170 Califano, Marco 170 Callegari, Andres 147,164 Callinan, Stuart 164 Calloni, Johannes 164 Camano, Adrian 2 2,170 Camilleri, Charles 176 Campbell, Jerry 121 Campbell, Mr. Gerald 121 Campoverde, Jeremiah 81,9 4 ,1 3 2 , 1 35.13 7 .1 4 7 .1 5 6 .1 6 3 Canale, Mr. Alexander 121,132 Candelaria, Quinn 3 6 ,3 7 ,8 1 ,1 3 2 , 136.143 Cao, Nicholas 170 Cardoz, Ms. Barkha 12 1 Carey, Jack 170 Carlee, Kyle 164 Carlson, Ms. Alison 110,121 Carney, Liam 7 7 ,1 6 4 Carroll, Hugh 170 Carroll, Patrick 8 9 ,1 3 7 ,1 3 9 ,1 4 3 Carter, Harold 176 Carter, Nikolas 170 Caruso, Christopher 170 Casas, Evan 176 Casazza, Mr. Christopher 119,121 Casazza, Ms. Diane 121 Casiano, Christopher 170 Caslowitz, Mr. Steven 19,121 Cassidy, Fr. Matthew 107,121 Castaldo, Keith 170 Castaldo, Michael 21,164 Caulfield, Mr. Christopher 3 4 ,3 5 ,7 1 , 103.121,152 Caulfield, Mr. John 121 Caulfield, Ms. Mary 121 Cedillo, Mauricio 164 Cerbone, Nicholas 62,137 Cetera, Daniel 176 Chagas, Isaiah 2 0 ,1 7 0 Chambers, Robert 2 4 ,7 0 ,1 6 4 Chaparro, Andrew 176 Chaparro, Justin 176 Charas, Nicholas 170 Chaves, Gabriel 176 Chester, Adam 164 Chester, Mark 65,136 Chirichella, Victor 165 Chiurazzi, Andrew 171 Chmiel, Zachary 165 Cholankeril, Tyler 165 Choudhary, Fahad 165 Chowanec, Stephen 176 Christman, Liam 176 Clancy, David 3 6 ,8 0 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 7 ,1 4 4 , 147.163 Clarke, Cameron 59,165 Coacher, Michael 176 Coccaro, Mr. Charles 108,122 Cocciadiferro, Nicholas 5 2,176 Coleman, Francis 3 6 ,3 7 ,3 9 ,8 0 ,1 3 5 , 1 3 7 .1 3 9 .1 4 0 .1 4 3 .1 4 4 .1 6 3 Coleman, Lucas 165 Collier, Brennan 147,171 Collins, Ms. Cecelia 122 Colucci, Niccolo 176 Comey, Mr. Thomas 115,122,135 Conlin, Quinton 176 Connelly, Kevin 8 0 ,1 3 7 ,1 6 0 Connors, Dylan 63,137
Contreras, Maximilian 177 Cordova, Fernando 171 Corrado, Dominic 7 ,3 6 ,1 3 8 .1 4 0 , 143.159.184 Corrao, David 138,147 Corrao.John 147, 171 Corry, Griffin 139 Cony, Jack 177 Cortez, Michael 171 Cortez Jr., Orlando 177 Cortinas, David 1 8 ,3 7 ,1 3 8 ,1 3 9 ,1 6 0 Costa, Vincent 80,138 Costello, Matthew 165 Costelo, Frank 145 Cotter, Thomas 177 Coviello, Mr. James 132,135 Coyle, Jason 68,165 Coyne, Andrew 171 Coyne, Matthew 171 Cozzarelli, Marc 171 Crincoli, Anthony 165 Crincoli, Domenico 177 Criollo, Hunter 139 Cruciani, Jared 171 Cruz, James 177 Cuccinelli, Paul 165 Cuddihy, Kevin 177 Cuneen, Mr. Paul 122 Cunningham, Brendan 2 4 ,3 7 ,8 0 , 1 2 2 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 6 ,1 3 8 ,1 4 7 ,1 5 6 Cunningham, Christian 177 Cunningham, Ms. Nancy 122 Curran, John 171 Curtis, William 65,165
D Dadulla, Emmanuel 177 Dagot, Vincent 2 0 ,3 7 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 6 ,1 3 8 . 139 Dallam, Ms. Belkise 122,132 Daly, Conor 139,144 Daly, Michael 171 Daly, Ms. Catherine 122 D'Angelico, Anthony 177 Daniels, Harry' 165 Dardour, Michael 165 Das, Siddhartha 177 David, Jaiden 177 Davidoff, Jason 171 Davis, Mr. Jerry 122 Davis, Zachary 138 Dawoud, George 165 DeAngelo. Mr. James 3 4 ,3 5 ,9 5 ,1 2 2 Deans, Dylan 165 de Armas, Andrew 171 DcCresce, Philip 177 DeGuzman, Jeremiah 80.1 3 5 ,1 3 8 , 140,143,152 Delaney, William 4 3 ,5 9 .7 1 ,8 1 , 139, 1 4 7 .151.152.184 Del Castillo, Mark 177 Deleon, Patrick 136,140 Della Rocco, Christian 177 DeLorcnzo, Mr. Carl 122,135 DeMarco, Nicholas 177 DeMartino. Alexander 90.165 Demetriades, Nicholas 171 D'Emic, Ms. Elizabeth 100,122,136 Demo, Sean 177 Dennis, Stanley 177 DeSantis, John 81,93,141 DeSantis, Michael 177 DeSantis, Thomas 177 DeSousa, Michael 165 Dias, Dante 171 Diaz, Ethan 177 DiBella, Vincent 165 Dillane, Matthew 171 Dillane, Michael 2 4 ,3 6 ,4 9 ,8 1 ,1 3 2 , 141,143.151, 156 Dillane, Ms. Suzanne 109,122 Dillon, Alexandre 136,140 Dillon, John 177 Dillon. Liam 80,141 DiMuzio, Massimo 165 Dobbs, Peter 165 Doherty, Andrew 135,139, 141,143, 144,159,160 Domcncch, Steven 8 1 ,1 3 6 ,1 4 0 Donald, Philip 171 Donald, Robert 171 Donaldson, Ryan 165 Donatacci, Trevor 165 Dondero, Mr. James 122,152 Dordevic, Dylan 171 Doren, Richard 171 Domeo, Ryan 171 Dougherty. Brian 8 1 ,1 3 9 ,1 4 1 ,1 4 4 Dougherty, Mr. John 8 0 ,1 2 3 ,1 3 2 Downey, Brian 177 Druciak, Brian 141,151.184 Druciak, Kevin 171 Duane, Matthew 171
Duenas, Ulise 165 Duggal, Dhruv 37,1 4 0 .1 4 3 , 144, 155,156 Duggan, Daniel 3 7 ,9 6 ,1 0 4 ,1 4 1 ,1 5 9 Duncan, Jaden 177 Duncan, Sr. ITances 8 8 ,9 6 ,1 1 4 ,1 2 3 Dungan, Robert 171 Durante, Ms. Mary 117,123
E Echevarria, Mario 141,155 Einhom, Kenneth 171 Ekwughalu, Brendan 171 Elia, Anthony 165 Elmetwally, Sherif 142, 144 Elo, Mr. Hugo 123 Elshenawy, Youssef 165 Emma, Ryan 177 Eppler, Ms. Catherine 30, 123.132, 143 Erdman, Heniy 165 Espinal, Joidanis 171 Espinal, Luis 171 Espino, David 165 Esteban, Cesar 165 Evans, Jasiri 171
F Falconer, Dakari 2 4 ,5 8 ,1 6 5 Falconer, Damani 177 Faller, Matthew 177 Fell, Kevin 171 Fernandez, Adrian 171 Females, Steven 171 Ferrara, Cole 177 Ferrier, Andrew' 165 Fcthcnnan, Matthew 142 Finerty, Tyler 171 Finn, Ms. Mary' 80,123 Fischer, Bobby 163 FitzGibbon, Sean 171,184 Fitzhenry, Brian 143 Fitzhenry, Thomas 177 Fitzpatrick, Ms. Trish 123 Fitzpatrick, William 2 4 ,3 6 ,8 1 ,9 2 , 1 2 3 ,1 4 2 ,1 5 1 ,1 5 6 ,1 5 9 ,1 6 3 Flanagan, Michael 165 Fletcher, Mr. Michael 72 ,1 1 2 ,1 2 3 Flores, Ms. Melinda 123 Flores, Peter 171 Flores. Royce 177 Flores Jr., Byron 177 Fogle, Michael 80,142 Ford, Ms. Catherine 123 Forget, Matthew' 177 Fowler, Stephen 143,144 Franconcri, Anthony 171 Francullo, Jordan 136,142,147 Freeman, Bennett 177 Freeman, Carter 165 Freeman, Gavin 171 Freeman. Owen 165 Fryczynski, Tate 171 Furlong, Mr. Robert 123 Fuitzaig, Nicholas 142,152, 155,156, 160
G Gaccione, John 171 Gaddy, Mr. Bhima 102,123 Gagliano, John 165 Galano, Mr. Frederick 123 Gallo, Matthew 165 Gallo, Nicholas 56,165 Galup, Nicolas 20,177 Gamarra, Nigel 143 Gambone, Mr. Michael 132,152 Ganesh, Brandon 136,142,152, 160 Gannaway, Thomas 171 Gannon, Ryan 171 Garcia, Timothy 177 Garcia, Tyriek 177 Gardner, Samuel 3 6 ,6 5 ,1 3 2 ,1 4 2 Garlin, Isaiah 36,143 Ganelick, David 177 Garnett, Alex 165 Garrigan, Patrick 171 Garrigan, Peter 6 6 ,6 7 ,1 4 4 Garzon, Jonathan 96,165 Gayle, Nicholas 177 Gaynor, Ethan 177 Geary', Mr. Peter 124 Geller, Maxim 177 Geltrude, Francis 165 Georgetti, Timothy 177 Geraghty, Daniel 177 Gercich, Jack 135,145 Gerger, Jeffrey 177 Ghatas, Christopher 36,145 Giardiello, Nicholas 3 7 ,4 8 ,1 3 2 ,1 4 4 Gibson, Julian 177 Gigante, Antonio 177 Giglio, Mr. Joe 30, 116,124 Giordano, Michael 177 Girgis, Thomas 165
Giunta. Luke 108.165 Glazer, Ms. Ella 124 Goines, Kevin 172 Gold, Ari 133 Gold, Miles 177 Gomez, Ms. Nery 124,136 Gonzalez, Alexandro 177 Gonzalez, Duran 3 7 ,5 9 ,7 0 ,8 0 ,1 1 5 , 140,144,145,155 Gonzalez. J Griffin 172 Gonzalez, Kennith 172 Gonzalez, Ryan 166 Goodman, Matthew 172 Goratowski.Thaddeus 178 Gordon. James 172 Gorski.John 178 Goyanes, Tyler 178 Graves, Gerald 172 Gray, Kai 3 7 ,4 5 ,1 4 5 Gray, Ryan 178 Greco, Anthony 144 Green, Krystoffer 172 Gregory, John 172 GreU, George 36,145 Grimaldi, Vincent 178 Grimaud, Phillip 178 Grueter, James 178 Guacamaya, Freddie 145 Gualario, Ms. Grace 124 Gualtieri, Garrett 178 Guamuccio, Liam 144 Guastini, Vincent 166 Gudaitis, Griffin 6 .6 9 .9 1 ,1 7 2 ,1 8 4 Gudiel, Dylan 166 Gutowski, Nicholas 166 Guzman, Jeremiah 178
H Haas.Griften 178 Haas, Sebastian 172 Habib, Thomas 166 Hallenborg. Iain 172 Halligan, John 172,184 Hamilton, Aidan 172 Hanna, Mina 178 Hannan, Thomas 172 Hansen, Mr. Richard 14,124 Hansen, Tyler 172 Hamett. Ian 166 Harrell, Jihad 166 Hamigan, Conner 73,166 Hart, Matthew 145.147 Haiti, Eric 145,148,156 Hauling, Mr. Jeffrey 113,124 Hartnett. Ryan 172 Haughney, Patrick 178 Healy, Mr. Brian 124 Heaney. Connor 172 Hedden, Matthew 146,160 Heim, Owen 172 Heinrich, Luka 7 3 ,8 1 ,1 4 6 .1 4 8 Hennesey, Bryan 178 Henry, Joseph 7 7 ,1 6 6 Heredia, Marvin 172 Hernandez, Antonio 172 Herren, Chris 160 Herrera, Ariel 166 Hess, Kyle 25,178 Hess. Sean 166 Hester, Michael 147 Hester in, John 166 Hines Jr., Quinton 166 Hodgins, Finn 166 Hoens, Jeffrey 166 Hojnacki, Thomas 3 7 ,6 2 .1 3 9 ,1 4 6 Holland, Mason 25,178 Hollywood, Mr. James 124 Holt, Dr. Michael 124 Holzman, Jared 172 Honeywell II, Renato 178 Honig. Matthew 5 8,166 Honig, Max 178 Horan, Mr. James 124 Horton. Riley 166 Hoskins, Malchijah 2 3,172 Hotz, Bradford 166 Huber, Kolton 3 6 ,3 7 ,4 5 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 8 , 155 Hymes, Courtney 178
I Imus, Mark 136,143,147 Ince, William 178 Iniashvili, Nicholas 178 Innis, Mr. Brian 124 Intindola, Declan 166,184 Ioakimidis, Johnnie 166 Irvine, Mr. John 33 ,1 1 8 .1 2 5 Issac, Matthew' 147,166 Italiano, Matthew 178
J Jablonski. Mr. Eric 3 3 ,5 3 ,8 0 ,8 4 .8 5 Jadun, Ryed 166 Jaramillo, Bryant 146
Jasinski, Ray 172 Jensen, James 178 Jiran, Mr. Michael 125 Johnson, Vemon 178 Johnston, Patrick 178 Jones, Chase 178 Jones, Mitchell 166 Joskowitz, Zachary' 75,166
K Kafafian, Vatchc 172 Kagcl, Liam 178 Kahn, Asa 178 Kamel, Daniel 172 Kane, Brendan 172 Kane, Seamus 166 Karol, William 166 Kasilag, Martin 178 Kealey, Owen 178 Keating, Mr. Anthony 6 ,9 ,1 2 5 ,1 3 134,152 Keegan, Kevin 172 Keegan, Liam 172 Keenaghan, Patrick 178 Kelley, William 178 Kellner, Thomas 178 Kelly, Alee 146,148 Kelly, Benjamin 172 Kelly, Kyle 166 Kelly, Michael 6 1 ,125,172 Kelly, Richard 172 Keohane, Eugene 172 Key-Armstrong, Nye 172 Khurana, Krishen 80, 147 Kingsley, Michael 166 Kinney, Tyler 172 Kirby Jr., Dennis 172 Kirchner, Eric 166 Kirkwood, Connor 132,136,146 Kirkwood, Ryan 172 Klim, Ms. Megan 125,132 Knight, Dylan 50,178 Kondralowicz, Christopher 37,46.! 146,156 Kondralowicz, Paul 47,172 Kopacz, Jake 8 0 ,8 4 ,1 3 9 ,1 4 0 ,1 4 1 Koroglu, Justin 178 Koziel, Mateusz 56,166 Kramer, Jack 178 Kuhl, Ethan 166 Kuhl, John 166 Kutsup, Mr. Kyle 125 Kwon, Kevin 172
L La Bruno, Dylan 172 LaBruno, Ms. Theresa 109,125 LaGuerre, Mr. Patrick 63, 125 Lalin, Devon 148 Lanting, Lynkcn 172 Larkin, Conor 166 Larkin, Michael 22,166 Lavin, Patrick 149 Lavin, Sean 172 Leber, Michael 72, 166 Lee, Matthew 83,178 Lee, Thomas 18,172 Leem, Jin 178 Lcnaido, Anthony 81,148,149 Lemer, Chase 173 Lewis, Johnathan 44,166 Lewis, Zachary 173 Lezynski, Aidan 178 Liao, Eric 178 Liggio, Daniel 166 Lindo, Maverick 178 Lindskog, Dean 166 Locricchio, Mr. Anthony 125,148 Locricchio, Ms. Maryphyllis 125 Lojo, Nicholas 178 Lonergan, Christopher 166 Longcnccker, Richard 148 Lopez, Christopher 166 Lopez, Sil 178 Lopez, Victor 173 Irovito.John 81,149 Lovito, Mark 178 Lucarclli, Lance 173 Lucia, Michael 149 Luck, Desmond 178 Luttrrell, Marcus 149 Luzzi, Richard 178 Lynch,John 178 Lynskey, Patrick 148 Lyons, Dezmel 178 Lyskaw'inski, Pawcl 36,148,149, 151,155
M Maclaney, Sean 179 MacMillan, Benjamin 37,149 MacMillan, Theo 166 Madden, Luke 67 Madlansacay, Christian 179 Magnaye, Avram 149
Daniel 179 ik, Naji 179 lleo, Dante 173 Imad, Devin 149 loney, Brian 3 6 ,8 0 .1 5 0 icini, Tyler 179 iganello, Nicholas 179 gold, Theophil 150.159,160 igual, Michael 173 ligan, Luke 173 io, Matthew 173 :hione, James 58 ,8 0 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 1 io, Brady 150 Matthew 173 rino, Nicholas 179 r r e r o , Andrew 179 r r e r o , Matthew 167 rshall, Daniel 173 rshall, Jihad 167 Jin, Alton 24,167 ■tineau, Ms. Janice 125 tingalc, Diego 81,150 uri, Brandon 179 >on, Ralph 173 itrodonato, Dominick 36,8 1 ,1 3 2 , 1 3 9 ,1 5 1 ,1 52,156,159,160 itrodonato, Joseph 173 aeh, Kakuyon 179 amis, Joaquin 173 ara, Mitchell 167 os, Christian 179 os, Mason-William 179 twell, Alec 3 6 ,6 5 ,8 0 ,1 3 9 ,1 5 0 :well, Andrew 173 /nor, Maasai 179 -liar, Muhammad 167,184 \ndrew. John 167 Tabe, Ms. Diane 125 L'arthy. Durkin 13.173 :arthy, Mr. Michael 125,136 Jermott. Brian 179 Jermott. Matthew 167 Jonough. Robert 179 ilroy, Ms. Mary Anne 106, 126, ' 152 wen, Brendan 167 Jann, James 179 Jee, Adonis 179 Jee. Connor 167 Jinley, Maximillian 167 jovem, Mr. Pat 126 3uire, James 167 ■lugh, William 173,184 ntosh, Cleophus 173 ntyre, Thomas 136,150 Cenna, Terence 148 Coy, Christian 173 aughlin, Luca 97.136,151 .aughlin, Seth 173 xighlin. Ms. Adrienne 126 Mahon, Aidan 173 ially, Ms. Alice 126,132 3hee,Jordan 179 eo, Dominic 173 nmolo, Alessandro 179 lafro, Vincent 53 tdyk. Ryan 167 cado, Brando 167 igoupis, Mr. Christos 156 mar, John 179 her, Jack 179 Sell, Scott 179 rkens. Zamir 173 tovits. Sean 167 jlad, Kevin 6 1,150 ■ a r , John 179 H e r , Adam 167 Jler, Alexander 179 llroy. Joseph 167 nunni, Anthony 5 4 .1 4 4 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 0 ;las. Jacob 167 Schell, Michael 151 ceri, Joseph 173 Seller, Zachary 173 ilinari, Nicholas 167 intaniv. Justin 167 inteiro. Harley 167 intciro, Zachary 179 irales. Xavier 179 irano. Michael 179 ireno, Nicholas 80,152,163 marty, James 179 Rriarty, Matthew 3 6 ,8 1 ,1 3 6 ,1 3 9 , 140, 144,148. 153 ] mssette, Ms. Sarah 116,126 tnis, Mr. John 126,136,152,162, 163 jrris, Ms. Maria 126 1 arrissey, Mr. Greg 126,145,152 attola, Francis 80,153 jwatt, Benjamin 7 2,167 ahammad, Gibran 173 ullaney, Samuel 20,179
Muller. Brian 152 Muller, Thomas 179 Mullin. Fr. John 2 8 ,1 1 6 ,1 2 6 ,1 6 3 Murer, Henrik 179 Murphy. Brendan 167 Murphv. Michael 6 ,3 6 ,1 3 9 ,1 4 7 , 1 5 1 ,153,155,184 Murphy, Patrick 179 Murray, Dillon 173 Murray. Thomas 167
N Nacheff, Gregory 173 Nadrowski, Charles 173 Naik. Sahil 179 Najara, Tyler 179 Nally, Liam 153 Narramore. Jeremiah 173 Narramore, Thomas 7 0,179 Nash. John 153 Nations IV, Gus 179 Natsvlishvili, Luke 167 Near. Christian 152 Necklen. K yle 153 Negron, Garret 147,151,153 Nelson, Matisse 179 Ng, Jethro 173 Nieves, Eric 167 Nieves, Juan 173 Niland, David 173 Niland, James 6 5 ,8 0 ,1 4 8 ,1 5 1 .1 5 2 , 159 Niland. Mark 179 Nolan, Liam 167 Nolte. Aidan 179 Nordstrom. Ms. Jessica 126 Nossa, Alec 179 Novak, Bryan 167 Novello, Alexander 179 Novello, Hunter 167 Nulty. Michael 167 Nunez, Daniel 173 Nuzman. Spencer 173
o Oakley, Joshua 173 Oben jr., Roman 179 OCallahan. Jake 167 O'Connor, Thomas 167 O'Donnell, Liam 3 6 ,3 7 ,8 1 ,1 4 0 ,1 5 3 O'Flahcrty, Mr. Ryan 126 Ohadike, Chirna 47,173 O'Hare.Fr. Robert 4 ,3 0 ,1 0 8 ,1 2 7 Okoh, Daniel 2 4,153 O'Leary, Shawn 167 O'Mara, Kevin 167 Omslaer, Parker 7 7 ,1 6 7 Omslaer, Ryan 51,167 Ongay, Julian 179 Onoz, Robert 173 Orbe, Andres 173 Ortega, Anthony 167 Orth, Patrick 173 Ovalle. Domanrovil 173 Owens. JonJyn 167 Ozagar. Sky 179
Palacios. Alphonso 152,154 Palma, Gabriel 167 Panepinto, Julien 167 Panzariello. Steven 179 Pappalardo. Andrew 8 0 ,1 54,163 Pappas, Taylor 173 Parada. Marcos 179 Paradiso. James 174 Parikh. Manav 174 Park, Michael 167 Parker, Kyree 179 Parrado. Brandon 4 3 ,5 9 ,7 1 ,9 6 ,1 4 7 , 155 Pascarello, Nicholas 179 Pasquali, Paolo 180 Patterson Jr., Floyd 174 Payne. Bryce 180 Pearce. James 180 Pease. Gregory' 180 Peko-Lillis. Ms. Deborah 127 Pellot. Samuel 167 Pena, Justin 151,154,159 Penik. Justin 3 6 ,5 2 ,8 1 ,1 5 4 Perdomo. Diego 2 5,180 Perez, Lorenzo 174 Perez. Stephen 174 Peters. Mr. Richard 3 4 ,3 5 ,1 2 7 ,1 3 2 Petrula, Benjamin 168 Pettit. John 180 Pezzolla.Ty 180 Phelan. Samuel 65,168 Phillips, Marvin 144 Phillips. Matthew 26,168 Picinic. Christopher 80,155 Pike, James 47,168 Pikus, William 180 Pineros, Anthony 168
Piwowarczyk, Kristopher 180 Plunkett, Colin 180 Policastro, Paul 105,168 Polishchuk, Vladyslav 154 Pomales-Diaz, Luis 37, 140, 154.163 Pope-Bayne, Jason 174 Popovich, Brendan 2 4 ,3 7 ,6 8 ,6 9 ,8 0 , 155 Popp-Murphy, Ms. Peggy 127 Portorreal, Jorge 4 5 ,5 1 .1 6 8 Possick.Owen 174 Posso, Henry 168 Potter, Gary 142 Powers. Colin 63, 154 Pow'ers, Mr. Thomas 111,127 Powers, Tyler 174 Preitc, Matthew 180 Prescia, Mr. Michael 127 Prescott, Andrew 174 Preston, Mr. Robert 127 Pritchard, Michael 154 Prokop. Steven 180 Prokop, D iom as 168 Puhak, Robert 81,155 Punjani, Shaslnvat 180
Q Que, Mr. Jose 127 Quinn, Jonathan 168 Quinn, Mr. Casey 108,127 Quinones, Jacob 180 Quintas, Robert 168
R Racki, Steven 180 Ragno, Dominic 180 Raithatha, Ravi 156 Ramadan, Noah 180 Ramirez, Jake 174 Ramirez, Nicholas 174 Ramos, Ryan 174 Rasmusson, Pierce 8 1 ,1 3 5 ,1 4 4 ,1 5 5 , 157 RauIli.Fr. Enrico 10,1 1 ,1 2 7 ,1 3 5 Real, Sebastian 2 0 ,1 1 4 .1 6 8 Reaves, Eddie 37,157 Recio, Freddie 3 6 ,8 0 ,1 5 6 Reese, Mr. William 127 Regan, Scan 136,157 Rego, Anthony 180 Resurreccion, Jeremy 180 Reverendo, David 174 Reyes, Andre 180 Reyes. Anthony 168 Ribaudo, Joseph 174 Ribeiro, Michael 180 Ribeiro, Ryan 168 Rice, Ms. Cheryl 112,127 Richards, Brian 174 Richards, Cairo 174 Richards, Michael 25, 174 Richardson, Adrian 180 Richardson, Wade 180 Richardson III, W illie 180 Riley, Thomas 168 Rinaldi, Frank 157 Ritter, Xavier 174 Rivelli, Joseph 156,163 Rivera, Daniel 168 Rivera, Edwin 180 Rivera, Marcus 180 Rivera, Ms. Erica 127 Rivera, Yazid 180 Robbins, James 168 Robcrtello, James 7 2 ,1 3 5 ,1 5 7 Roberts. Desmond 168 Roberts m , Troy 180 Robinson, Khyrec 180 Robson, Ian 174 Roche, Mr. Brendan 107,128 Rodas-Hemdon, Roberto 180 Rodriguez, Matthew 5 3 ,157 Romano, Anthony 8 1 ,8 4 ,1 5 6 Romano, Joseph 180 Romano, Ms. Rosalie 128 Rosa, Timothy 180 Rosario III, Felipe 147,157,159 Roses, GianLuca 174 Rossi, Brandon 168 Rossi, Mr. Gabriel 3 2 ,8 5 .1 1 2 ,1 2 8 Rosso. Jarred 174 Roth. Asher 163 Rowe, Daniel 174 Rozano, Maximilian 157 Ruane. Brian 174 Ruge, Joseph 174 Ruggiero, Colby 2 5 ,1 8 0 Ruibal, Nicholas 158 Russell, Matthew 180 Russo, Matthew 6 1,168 Ruvo, Patrick 74, 168 Ryan, Jo 142 Ryan, Mr. Will 33
Saavedra, Jacob 180 Sagun, Derek 158 Salamch, Michael 168 Salandra, Guido 168 Salgado, Wilson 7 6 .1 5 9 Salge, Ms. Erinn 128.163 Salvo, Ms. Frances 128 Samin, Paolo 76, 174 Sanchez, Alejandro 168 Sanchez. Dimas 37.158 Sanders, Evan 180 Sanducci, Christian 174 Santos, Christian 174 Santos, Dean 168 Santos, Nicholas 168 Sarmiento, Tristan 180 Saunders, Grant 180 Savage, Brian 2 5 .1 7 4 Sawh, Mr. Arvind 128 Scagliarini, Adam 168 Scanlon, Kieran 180 Scannapieco, Mr. Matthew 101,128 Scarpa, Anthony 180 Scheurer, Robert 180 Schiavo, Mark 174 Schlitzer, Ms. Carmela 3 0 ,5 3 ,1 2 8 Schmidt, Keith 174 Schuemann, Finn 2 7.168 Schumacher, Trevor 81, 158 Schundlcr, Hans 2 4 .9 1 .9 3 ,1 6 8 Scibilia, Dr. Dominic 128,135,152 Scircak, Michael 128 Scocco, Justin 180 Scofield, Michael 135 Scbalos, Jared 174 Sebalos, Jeremy 135,148,159 Seborowski, Edward 174 Senna, Aryton 149 Servidio, Damiano 174 Settembrino, Mr. Michael 97,128, 135,151,152 Seymour, Adam 174 Shalt, Chirayu 168.184 Shah, Harshal 174 Shamdasani, Samay 180 Sharma, Robin 157 Shaw, Christopher 174 Shea, John 168 Shell, Shane 174 Sheppard, Ms. Maureen 128 Sliivas, Braden 180 Simon, Shayne 4 4 .5 1 ,1 7 4 Simonetti, Michael 158,159 Simonson, Ms. Brooke 103,128 Singh, Manav 3 3.158 Singh, Rohan 75 ,1 6 8 Singleton, Ms. Boreta 8 0 .9 2 ,1 2 9 Siracusc, Andrew 168 Siracuse, Devin 6 8 ,1 4 3 ,1 5 9 Slaski, William 174 Small, George 147.174 Small, Terence 6 8 .8 0 ,1 5 8 Smalls, Isaiah 174 Smith, Andrew 175 Smith, Brandon 175 Smith, Luc 175 Smith, Mr. Nyugen 104,129 Smith m , John ~180 Sollecito, Mattco 180 Sosa, Ricardo 175 Sozer.Jon 168 Spina, Dario 175 Stacey, Marc 7 7,168 Stallone, Cole 2 4 .1 6 8 .1 8 4 Stark, Ms. Erin 108,109,129 St. Bernard, Te-Nye 175 Steffen, Maximilian 168 Stevens, William 175 Stewart, Ashon 175 Stoduto, Biagio 180 Stokes, Peter 168 Strickland, Miles 158 Stud, Mike 140 Stultz, Christopher 180 Stusnick, Daniel 181 St. Vil, Alijah 168 Such, Aaron 168 Such, Jared 175 Sullivan, Adam 168 Sullivan, Connor 168.184 Sullivan, Conor 169 Sullivan, Michael 8 0 ,1 4 4 ,1 5 9 Supple, Ms. Jacquelyn 129 Swanson, Sawyer 3 6 ,6 6 ,8 1 ,1 6 0 Sweeney, Patrick 144,161 Swetman, James 36 ,8 1 . 139,161 Switala, Tyler 169 Sykes, Harrison 181
Tanas, Christian 169 Tanella, James 3 7 .8 0 .1 6 0
Tarantino. Kenneth 2 4 ,3 6 ,3 7 ,8 1 , 139,140,159,161 Teckwani, Nikesh 80,160,161 Tejada, Anthony 175 Tejada. Gabriel 175 Tejada. Mr. Rocco 129 Tekle, Kimbel 148,160 Telemaque, Max 25,175 Tennant. Jackson 169 Tether, Matthew 169 Thatham. Ram 6 ,3 3 ,7 4 ,1 6 9 ,1 8 4 Theodoracopoulos, Nikolas 175 Thiele, Brendan 175 Thieroff, Grant 169 Diom as. Eric 157 Thoms-Bauer, Patrick 175 Thomell, Aidan 169 Thybulle, Jonathan 169 Tobin. Andrew 8 5 ,9 6 ,1 7 5 ,1 8 4 Todd. Julian 181 Tolkin, Christopher 181 Tomei, John 175 Toomb. Ms. Maura 8 0 ,8 7 ,9 1 ,9 3 . 129 Torres, Charles 147,169 Torres, Jonathan 181 Torres, Ms. Aym ec 2 9,129 Torres Jr.. Richard 181 Toure, Khadim 175 Towindo. Trevor 169 Trojanowski. Gabriel 181 Trombecky, Joseph 25,175 Trotta, Mr. Kenneth 129 Tull. Jevon 175 Turning. Alan 149 Tyrell, Margaery 144
162 Wlodarski, Marek 175 Wollaid, Aran 175 Woltmann, William 175 Wondolowski, Nicholas 181 Woodard, Marcus 181 Wright, James 8 0 ,148,162 Wright, Richard 143 Wyville, Morgan 175
Y Yaneece, Justin 169 Yanicak, Joshua 3 6 ,8 0 ,1 6 3 Yankey. Ekow 181 Yannece, Justin 169 Yap, Joseph 181 Yee, Devan 181 Yorey.John 169 Young, Tyler 181
z Zawistowski, Brian 169 Zdanowicz, Matthew 181 Zdanowicz, Michael 56,169 Zhong, Sicheng 169 Zirpoli, Paul 169 Zuckerman, Steven 169 Zuniga, Lyandro 169
u Uhler, Zachary' 175 Ukegbu.Tansi 169 Ulloa, Jonathan 159,161 Umphrey HI, Jack 181
V V alente. Augustus 181 Vander Vliet, Brendan 169 Van Ness, Bryan 56, 175 VanWinklc, David 97,161 Vasfailo, Cameron 80,159,161 Vaughn. T eny 145 Vaznelis, Mr. Vytas 6 ,9 6 ,1 0 0 ,1 2 9 Vedar, Geroll Andrew 169 Vega, Joshua 135,161 V ega,N ico 175 Vega Jr.. Joseph 181 Veloso, Jared 181 Veniero. Mr. Salvatore 110,111,129 Verdi, Mr. Anthony 107,129,148 Verdi Jr.. Sean 175 Vespole. William 175 Veverka, Jordan 181 Viado. Raymund 3 6 ,7 3 ,1 6 2 Vicari, Jason 175 Vieira, Kevin 9 0 ,1 6 9 Vinci, John 169 Vinci, Lucas 181 Vinci. Michael 8 0,162 Vivenzio. Ronald 169 Vogt, Robert 175 Vovor, Dave 175 Voysey. Adrian 80,163 Vuolo, Francis 175
w Walker. Dalton 5 4 ,5 5 ,1 6 9 Wallard. Aaran 175 Walsh, Brendan 175 Walsh. John 169 Walsh. Ms. Elizabeth 129 Wang, Benjamin 169 W ang-So, Ethan 181 Warco. Benjamin 3 7 ,6 5 ,1 6 2 Ward. Colin 112,169 Waterman.Shamar 2 4 ,3 6 ,5 0 ,5 1 ,8 1 . 159. 162 Webb, Ty 158 Wedgbuiy. Alexander 169 Weeks, Paul 175 Wehner, Jedidiah 135,148,152,155, 163 Wehner. Judah 175 White, Elijah 181 White, Justin 51.175 White. William 175 Whitehead. Daniel 175 Whitehead. Edward 80 , 111, 162 Whitmer, Griffin 48,162 Wieners. Mr. Michael 129 Williams, Ashton 175 Williams, Charles 18 1 Wilson, Jared 175 Windels, Francis 181 Winell, Spencer 37 , 152,163 Wisowaty. Robert 58 , 70 , 71 , 152,
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Magister and Moderator Extraordinaire: Mr. "Vaz" Vaznelis Leadership: Editor-In-Chief: Dominic Corrado Head Photographer: Michael Murphy Junior Executive: Ram Thatham Sophomore Executive: Griffin Gudaitis Freshman Executive: Daniel Ambrosio Staff: Federico Burke William Delaney Brian Druciak Connor Sullivan Chirayu Shah Muhammad Mazhar
Contributing: Jonathan Ahn Cole Stallone Declan Alvidrez Jared Ammugauan John Halligan William McHugh Andrew Tobin