Saint Peter’s Prep • New Jersey’s Jesuit High School since 1872 144 Grand Street • Jersey City, NJ
It’s Not Just Prep fo r Four Years...It’s Prep fo r Life!
Celebrating the Class of
44 Jeff has been an amazing friend and will never leave in spirit. He is my brother and I love him like one. I am deeply saddened by his passing and I hope that he can find peace in heaven. I have known Jeff since freshman year and it breaks my heart to know that he will not be here for senior year. Jeff cared about people and he told me how all he ever wanted to do was help people. Not many people knew the real Jeff, but I am honored to be one of them. I love you, Jeff, now you can finally rest. -Benjamin Wang ’17 (Right), friend of Jeff
11 Introduction
1. J e ff’s je rse y s hang up in the school gates to rem e m b e r him d u rin g the M ass o f th e Holy S p irit in th e Fall. 2. A p ro m in e n t a rtis t in ad d itio n to being a prolific athlete, som e of Je ff’s p ain tin g s an d d raw ings h ang up in the S iperstein L ib ra ry a t P rep . 3. J e ff’s hockey je rse y is recreated b eautifully th ro u g h flow ers for his fu n e ra l m ass. 4. H ockey sticks, signed by th e C lass of 2017 hang as a m em o rial to Jett' H oens in O ’K eefe C om m ons. 5. T his im age of J e ff sta n d in g w ith his hockey g e a r becam e a sym bol of re m em b era n ce on his p ra y e r card . 6. J e ff’s frien d s an d classm ates sta n d to g eth er a n d offer a to ast to him at th e senior-facultv b re a k fa st using A rizona Ice T ea, Je ff’s fav o rite d rin k . 7. A p ra y e r c a rd rem em b erin g Je ff d u rin g his w ake.
In Loving M em ory of
JEFFREY*P. HOENS April 24,1999 - July 17,2016 i l o y o u s , Jokester, G en u in e. G e n tle m a n
E ffe rv e s c e n t, E m p ath ctic, Earthy F u n , F lam boyant, F irecracker F i s h e r m a n , Physical, Forceful, Feeling
P e r c e p t i v e , Pensive, Peacem ak er, P assio n ate, Paradoxical, Provocative
H i d d e n , H u m orous, H andful O p p o r t u n i s t , Original, O u tsp o k en E n tr e p r e n e u r i a l , E ngineering, E xplorer N i c e , n a tu ralist, noisy S k e p t i c a l , S tu b b o rn , Sea-loving, Soul-searching, S trong, Sibling, Son H IG G IN S a n d B O N N E R EC H O LA KE FU N E R A L HOME
5 8 2 Springfield Avenue Westfield, N J 07030
In Memoriem - Jeff Hoens '17
T T h e hallowed halls of Grand and W arren turn 145 years old this year and The Petrean yearbook celebrates its 95th year of publishing. At the same time, St. P eter’s Prep, is at the forefront of a series of bold, forward-thinking initiatives like the W illiam O. Perkins III, ’86 Athletic Center. W ishing to keep these watershed moments in mind, the senior editors of the book -Chirayu Shah, Connor Sullivan and I- have decided to dedicate th 2016-2017 Petrean to the theme of “Now and Then.” As per our Jesuit heritage, I wanted to reflect back on the pas four years at both Prep and The Petrean. The graduating class of my middle school num bered eight students, among them I was one of two boys. Naturally, when I came to St. P eter’s Prep, I had a huge paradigm shift and to be frank, I had trouble fitting in. Not being one to give up so easily, I decided to join a variety of clubs to try to make a foothold in this new, unknown school community. W hether it was attempting to understand pow er tools in Stage Crew or trying (and failing) at bowling team, no activity really stuck with me during this time. The watershed m om ent of my freshman year was when I joined the Petrean team in the spring. Though work was nearly complete, I felt like I was an integral part of the community there-I finally felt like I belonged at Prep. W ithout any hesitation, I decided to com mit m yself to the club and return again next year. I haven’t looked back since that moment. It has been my pleasure and honor to serve on the yearbook these past four years. There have been great moments, like forming a pseudo yearbook triumvirate with my fellow senio editors, Chirayu Shah and Connor Sullivan. Full disclosure, I believe that we were m uch more efficient and successful than Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. There has been a fair share of sad moments at both yearbook and Prej as well, such as the passing of Jeff Hoens ‘17. However, it is awe-inspiring to see the sheer cam araderie the Prep community shows to overcom e these tough situations. Though we may appreciate new buildings, and accolades at Prep, I believe the thing that makes St. P eter’s Prep truly great is the sense of com munity and brotherhood the student body possesses. W riting this introduction is a bittersweet m om ent for me. W hen I first started at Prep I never expected to be involved in such a rewarding activity such as yearbook. N or did I expect to form such lasting bonds with my peers and teachers. There is a Japanese proverb that goes, “all that begins must end”, unfortunately St. P eter’s Prep does end in four years. However, I firmly believe that a person is nothing but the sum of their memories. I would like to thank the staff of the yearbook, my peers, the teachers , and the faculty at Prep for the great memories we have mad together at Prep, for they have bettered and matured me as a person. I came to Prep as an only child, but now I leave with over 200 brothers. Best,
Ram Thatham
>N A L D
Editor's Introduction
by M rs. Suzanne Dillane, P ’16 P ’18 Each generation will highlight the positive attributes that contribute to the identification of their era. Prep men enjoy comparing their class year’s accolades and achievements to that of their successors. Finding differences adds to the grand illusion of greater or equal success. We have all heard the phrase, “when I was a teenager, I had to.” suggesting that things get easier as time marches on. It is true that as society has changed over the different generations, individuals need to adapt to these changes and the paths traveled by predecessors may be rendered obsolete. However, at Prep, we find that “the more things change the more they stay the same.” During my early years at Prep, I had the experience of learning the Jesuit ideals and traditions, the hallmarks of a Jesuit education. Working with the students, the faculty, staff, and administration strived to form men of competence, conscience and compassion. Time was devoted to becoming intellectuals, advocates for the less fortunate, and seekers of a deeper faith with God. Today’s fast paced world, with constantly new emerging technology, cannot change the ideals that Saint Peter’s is challenging its young men with each day, to find the magis in all aspects of life. The students of today are challenged in the same way even if there is now a light rail to get to Prep. Each member of the class of 2017 has been faced with the task of becoming a better man for himself and those around him. We have united this year “Around the Table,” and learned that each and every one of us has a place where it is safe to grow and learn, to open our hearts and minds by welcoming all to our table. Every student is a Prep brother working side by side to grow as students, teammates, friends, and disciples of Christ to form the next Prep legacy of thinkers and leaders. The classroom, the playing field, and the stage provided each one with the platform to use his own ability and determination to reach great heights. Prep men are motivated by the teachers, coaches, retreat leaders, and peers to work to their potential and beyond to live out the Grad at Grad. As the Class of 2017 awaits their time to walk across the stage to receive their diploma, may you remember the lessons you learned in the halls of Prep and the bonds that you formed within the Prep community that will be with you for life. May you continue to grow and prosper and take comfort in knowing that Prep will always save a place for you around our table.
Faculty Introduction
It. Peter’s Prep is proud to have twenty-nine faculty an d staff members who are graduates of Prep, Congrats to the four below, who are celebrating a Reunion year this year!
S a l v a t o r e D i B r it a J O S tP H GIGLIO PMfHlf eftuf Pt?n 1.3. Edbtor 4; 5tu d^nt
C ouncil
D ance
T re a s u re r
3Ai H.A P. 4s
D ra m a tic s 4,4, fU cqfli*t!*i!l Club
C a rl S. DeLorenzo
.it F<Mrensles 3 A Italian Club L2.3r V tCt?-Preiid«nt 41) tjn m a u i 3i Hal ian Gold \1cd al X Jt H ofW Pin ii
2 1 3 First S tre e t. J e rs e y C ity , N .J.
P re p S pirit A w a rd 4,
[r. Salvatore DiBrita ’12 Mr. Chris Cassaza ’97 :h Year Reunion 20th Year Reunion
H o n o r Pin 1,2.3; Excellence M ed al 3 R eligion M ed al 3: S tu d e n t C ouncil 4 P e tro c 2: D an ce C o m m itte e 3: Mis
Mr. Giuseppe Giglio ’87 Mr. Carl DeLorenzo ’67 30th Year Reunion 50th Year Reunion
At graduation, faculty an d staff members are rew arded the Bene Merenti for twenty years of service to St. Peter’s Prep. Congratulations to this year’s Bene Merenti recipients!
R ichard P eters
WOAftitoO OAJCt ATTCfl SC WOOC »MTO T K LONG h O uR S OT THC t c hahcz » t w r c l c a r e o h a u l s a h o c l a s s r o o m s o r a l l o u st
A Photo of Mr. Hugo Elo an d the M aintenance staff in his first year at Prep
‘M y favorite season is y]J because the a u tu m n colors and sudden chili en e rv ate m e a fte r the sluggishness and oppressive heat o f the sum m er.”
This profile of Mr. Richard Peters ’85 comes from his first year teaching at Prep
Faculty Introduction
A complex place like Prep is able to function because many different people bring together their man> different talents and perspectives in service of a shared vision or goal. W e all work together as we contribute to the Prep community, but from our individual points of view, it’s possible to overlook some of the m ost dedicated people in our midst. As students, when we think of the adults in the Prep com munity, we think first of our teachers, because we see them every day, and they do so much to shape our Prep experience, one period, one letter day, one cycle at a time. W hen we think back on defining m om ents at Prep, m om ents with those teachers will probably be high on the list. But much of what they achieve (and help us to achieve) in the classroom is made possible by the work of Prep’s administrators behind the scenes. Some of them are fam iliar faces, like Fr. Boiler or Mr. Furlong, while others we might know by sight without always remembering their names or appreciating their roles at Prep. As we transition from students to alumni, we take this opportunity to celebrate just one among Prep’s unsung heroes. Since 2010. he has led the A dvancem ent office, which organizes outreach to alumni and parents, while raising more than $2.5 million through events and the Annual Fund each year. This makes it possible for Prep to fulfill its mission of Jesuil education while remaining accessible to students who m ight otherwise not be able to afford this life-changing experience.
SGD Staff Dedication
Students might know him better as “The M an with the Great Stache,” or more recently, the host of Faculty>enior Family Feud. But throughout the year, he and his team host events like the Grand Gala, the M om Prom, the }olf Tournament, and the Fashion Show. To those that know him, he is one of the funniest and m ost intelligent >eople at Grand & W arren, and one of the m ost dedicated.From early in the morning to late in the afternoon and >ften beyond this man is always here. Y ou’ll see him on the third floor of Shalloe working in R aiser’s Edge on his :omputer, talking to his colleagues, or gossiping with Chirayu from 3 to 4. After hours, y o u ’ll see him cooking hot logs for JUG Night, or loading a m oving truck with Fashion Show prizes, or welcom ing another class of Prep men >ack to campus for a reunion. He is always looking for new ways to raise funds and make his alma mater a better dace for hundreds of young men who call it hom e today. He is a man you can always count on, and Prep is better for being able to count on him. It is with great honor md pride that the staff m em ber that the 2017 Petrean is dedicated to our school’s Vice President and Chief Advancement Officer, Mr. Chris Casazza, ‘97.
Staff D edication
fl 8
[FlSH^DiIMIEESfs Suvan Bhat, Kyle H oog, Luke M orrison, Jay Post i O
! ®
James A nderson, Kyle Hess, Diego Perdom o, C olby
Ruggiero, Samay Sham dasani Declan Alvidrez, N oah Byrne, M alchijah H oskins, Brian Savagi D am iano Servidio, M ax Telemaque
11'41 Student Life
iilM nSJlSiSs Joseph Birsall, D akari Falconer, M ichael Larkin, C hirayu Shah H ans Schundler (President), A lton M artin (Vice President), obert Bulka (Secretary) Ms. Rice and Ms. Sim onson
Student Council
The cast of “Is he Dead” by Mark Twain From Left to Right B ottom :M s.Fencik(\V idow s I), K elly B artnett(Cecile Leroux), M aeve M cN allyCullum (M arie Leroux),A drian C am ano’ 18 (Chicago), N icholas R am irez’18 (M illet),M alchijah H oskins’ 18(Dutchy),Joseph D oody ’2 0 (0 ’S haughnessy),C onnor H eaney’ 18(W idow II) ToprTyler Sw itala’17(Charlie),M r.Dondero, Jason Pope-B ayne’18(Bastien), Fernando C ordova’ 18(Papa Louis Leroux)
Below right: Jason Pope-Bayne (Bastien) proposes to Nick Ramirez (Daisy Tillou)
Adrian Camano(Chicago) looks at the paint that is being held by Malchijah Hoskins(Dutchy) and Joseph Doddly(O’Shaughnessy) that will be sold at the estate
Nick Ramirez (Jean-Francois Millet)
Jason Pope-Bayne (Bastien Andre)
Ms.Fencik & Connor Heanly
D aisy T illou looks at the
B astien considers Jean's
(T he W idow s)
flow ers that w as given to
paintings to be w orthless
The widows look with
him by Papa L eroux
to cover his debts
confusion when Daisy talks about how many kids and husbands she has had.
2 (D Student Life
idrian C am ano (C hicago) gives thanks to the laster artist Jean-F rancois M illet
'yler Sw itala(T he K ing o f France) checks to see if lick R am irez (Jean-F rancois M illet) is dead, but ets an interesting surprise
1 got involved with the musicals at Prep my freshman year where I performed in my first high school musical Urinetown. After being apart of the rehearsal process and performing in Urinetown, I knew that I had found my passion and I knew that I would be returning to the musicals every year until I was due to leave Prep. The same thing applies for the plays at Prep. I got involved with the plays at Prep my sophomore year where I performed in my first ever drama production The Laramie Project.I like to think of Prep Dramatics as a family, just like any sports team at Prep is considered a family. We are a group of guys and girls who perform, sing, and act with each other on stage, and just like those who play sports we enjoy what we do every single time we do it. We take the rehearsal process seriously but we also have fun and enjoy the rehearsal process because we know that time will go by quickly and by the time we know it we will be performing our show on Closing Night for the last time ever. Therefore we enjoy the time we have with each other as a cast and use every rehearsal to cover as much as we can.
Adrian Camano’18
The crew and the cast of “Is He Dead?” Prep’s winter comedy 2016, pose for a group photo. Front: Ms.Fencik, Jospeh M astrodonato’18, Nicholas A lbano’18, Nicholas Ram irez’18, Fernando Cordova’18, Tyler Switala’17, Anthony Elia’17, Joseph D oody’20,Jaiden D avid’19 Back: Liam N olan’17, Patrick Thoms-Bauer’18, Malchijah H oskins’18, Maeve McNally-Cullum, Kelly Bartnett, Adrian Cam ano’18, Jason Pope-Bayne’18, Connor H eaney’18
This year the Prep Band is louder and stronger than ever. The school year started with the football season. Playing at multiple Prep games was the one and only Prep “Pep” Band. They were there boosting school spirit right alongside the M arauder Nation. The football team's endeavor brought them all the way to MetLife Stadium for the state championship. Prep Band was ready to cheer our football team at Metlife Stadium. Before we knew it, Christmas season was upon us, which can only mean one thing - the Christmas Concert. It was gratifying to hear the whole Band preform again as one sound. After the successful concert, the Band played at the Christmas Mass Service, which officially launched the holiday season. What's next for Prep Band? From the start of this school year, everyone was excited for an uninterrupted year of music. There was no absence of energy at the football games, or in the preparation for the Christmas concert and Christmas mass. There is no stopping Prep band this year.
As is custom, the Concert Band gives an impromptu performance of the “Hey Song’ the end of the concert
The Band shows their talent along side VOX, during the annual Christmas Concert
!© Student Life
Adrian Camano’18
I have been involved w ith Vox since day one of my freshm an year. I had visited various open houses and every tim e I w ent I would see Vox m em bers jam m ing out as they w ere singing and I thought to m yself “this is the right place for m e” and soon enough I was right. I believe th a t not everything is perfect and everything can be im proved, therefore I ra n for a leadership position my freshm an year going into sophom ore year and then was designated another leadership position my ju n io r year. I look forw ard to w hat next year brings to Vox and I ’m very excited to really take advantage of my last year w ith Vox.
I like to think of P rep Vox as a group of b rothers with our director, Ms. Fencik, being a m other figure to us in a way. If you think ab out we spend a lot of tim e together in betw een rehearsals, retrea ts, perform ances, com petitions, m asses and oth er events. Ju st like I said with Prep D ram atics we are a fam ily, b u t this tim e we are sm aller in size and have no girls at all. W e enjoy singing and sharing re le van t
the talents we w ere given by God every single day w hether it be at P rep or outside of P rep. W e th an k God for the ability to have these talents in the first place as well. As the years keep passing I often think about the fu tu re of Vox and w here we would like it to be in a few years after the Class of 2018 and 2019 leave. The one question I ask to m yself is “ How can Vox be im proved to be m ade better than it already is?”
1. T he French C lub poses w ith the French Flag to show their pride. 2.B aseball C lub discusses baseball new s and history w ith Fr.A zzarto S.J. 3. The dram atics team is responsible for setting up and perform ing plays at St. P eter’s Prep. 4.H ockey C lub is a club that w atches Pro/Prep H ockey H ighlights. 5. The M odel U nited N ations c lu b ’s leadership stands together in front a m ap o f the world.
6. Petroc is Prep’s Student run Newspaper. 7. The Global Oppurtunities foundation is an organization dedicating to raising money to allow diadvantaged students to go on service and exchange trips.
10. Adventure Club is Prep’s mountaineering, skiing, snowboarding and hiking society, led by Mr. Morrissey.
11. Asian Society allows students to express their heritage and learn more about other Asian cultures.
8.Spanish Club celebrate Three Kings Day, an annual Christmas celebration in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries.
9. Breaking Barrier is Prep’s Gay-Striaght Alliance Club
Clubs an d Organizations
1. The WILD Club poses for group photo during a trip to Zion National Park in Utah. 2. Chess Club are ready to show their skills on the chess board. 3. The Francophiles of the French club take a moment to enjoy French cuisine and culture with each other after school.
2§ Student Life
4. Science Society students get to try fun experiment with Mr. Comey during Community Period 5. Academic Bowl team participates in regional competitions on differing academic subjects. Ms.Eppler of the Science Department stands with the team during a group photo.
7.Italian C lub takes a trip to a
9. A rt C lub lets the students
Itlain M useum , to learn m ore
express their inspiration from the
about Italian C ulture.
canvas to the 3D printer.
8. SP PA C poses fo r a group
10. E bony C lub m em bers o f the
photo, w ith th eir m oderator
E bony C lub take questions at one
F r.M ullen S.J, before going on a
o f their m eetings
th eir w ay to see th eir next play.
Clubs an d Organizations
1. French Club -
Senior M ichael Flanagan
celebrates French culture w ith pastries and apple cider.
5. Operation Smile- is a c iu b th a t
funds and aw areness to the com m unity. The organization provides free surgeries for children
2. HAP Program- H A P tutors gather for com m em orative photo on scenic steps o f the
in underdeveloped countries who are bom with cleft lips and cleft palates, a life altering developm ent.
M oriarty Science Center.
3 . VOX
Students- Members of
B ack Row (left to right): Chase Lem er, Ryan R am os, W illiam Slaski, Jared Cruciani. Thom as
“ V ox,” P rep’s choir group, pose for a photo together during a break from their various
Gannaw ay
M atthew M arini, W illiam M cH ugh, Gavin
4. Coach Que-
poses with the
underclassm en m em bers o f his club during a free activities period.
M iddle Row (left to right): M iles Brancatella, Freem an, D aniel Brown, A nthony Pineros, Jack Brandon Front Row (lcft to right): Mr. Ryan O ’C onnell, Ryan D orneo, Thom as Lee, Dario Spina, Daniel Kamel
Student Life
Competence, C onscience? ^ o t t t
6. Ita lia n C lu b - is a club
10. S ta g e C r e w - builds sets and
dedicated to celebrating and
stages for the plays here at Prep
experiencing Italian culture first
(L eft to R ight) L iam N o la n ’ 17, Joseph
hand. H ere, ju n io rs o f the Italian
M astro d o n ato ’18, Patrick T hom s-
C lub take a group photo at E ataly,
B a u e r’ 18, N icholas A lb an o ’ 18, Jaiden
a Italian m arketplace in N ew Y ork
D a v id ’19, M r. B him a G addy, A nthony
E lia ’17
7. Transfer Students -
11 .T h e S o c c e r C lu b - discusses the
congregate to take a photo in the
latest new s in the w orld o f soccer and
M SC lobby.
plays FIFA tournam ents am ong its
8. S to c k M a rk e t- the future
m em bers. M r. C occaro, the m oderator,
executives o f P rep take a photo
and the rest o f the club take a m om ent
tog eth er in M rs. G la ze r’s
to pose for a photo.
m athem atics room .
12. T h e C u r r e n t E v e n ts C lu b - is a
9. T h e P in g P o n g C lu b - is a
club that devotes itself to facilitating
club that allow s students to relax
debate and discussion on various new s
and rew ind during activities
topics that effect the w orld today. The
period by playing table tennis!
m ain goal o f the club is to educate and prepare students for the real w orld and all o f its tribulations. (L eft to R ight) M r. T hom as Pow ers, R onald V ivenzio ’17, R am T hatham ’ 17 and A nthony E lia ’17 (N ot Pictured) M atthew Preite ’ 19 , B enjam in W ang ’17
Clubs an d Organizations
B ottom R ow (from left to right): Frank Pellegrino, D eclan Intindola. P atrick R uvo, Joseph M illroy, Jacob M irlas, M ichael A lberti Top R ow (from left to right): Sean H ess, A idan T hom ell, Jam es M cG uire, Sam uel P ellot, M atthew H onig, Paul C uccinelli 2- A ndrew Prescott ’ 18 bringing up the basket to the lucky w inner. 3- Joe H en ry ’17 arrives in style w hile holding a golden balloon. 4- Som e o f the Seniors posing w ith their dates. 5- All o f the Prep m odels posing w ith the other m odels.
Student Life
!> •
1- T he S enior m odels o f the Fashion Show :
Sam uel Pellot ’ 17 proposing to his date w ith a candy ring. M ichael A lberti ’ 17 bringing the other m odel dow n the runw ay. G ifts from the PPA Raffle - A idan T hom ell ’ 17, D eclan Intindola ’17, M atthew H onig ’ 17, Patrick R uvo ’17, and Sam uel Pellot ’ 17 posing fo r a picture )- T he rest o f the Senior m odels from the Fashion Show : * Bottom R ow (from left to right): Eric N ieves, C hirayu Shah, A ndrew Ferrier, R onald V ivenzio * T op T ow (from left to right): Joseph H enry, C hristopher L onergan, C hristopher L opez, G rant T hieroff,M ichael Leber, D aniel Liggio, K yle Carlee - Jam es M cG uire ’ 17 poses w ith one o f the o ther m odels as they show o ff w ith their m atching blue. 1 - D eclan Intindola ’17 poses w ith one o f the m odels in their stunning m atching red outfits
2016 PPA Fashion Show
□ □ □
Future President
Future Jesuit
1. Hans Schundler
1. Robert Bulka
2. Cole Stallone 3. Alton Martin
2. Daniel Rivera 3. Luke Giunta
Future Prep Teacher
Future Dean of Students
1. Liam Nolan
1. Eric Nieves
2. Robert Bulka 3. Luke Giunta
2. Liam Nolan 3. David Awad
Best Nickname
Future Millionaire
1. Frankie “Muffin” Gagliano
1. Nick Gutowski
2. Andrew “Nose” Alfonso 3. Frank “The Tank” Pellegrino
2. Peter Stokes 3. Jon Garzon
Best Dressed
Best Hair
1. Connor Sullivan
1. Charles Torres
2. Julian Panepinto 3. Nick Gutowski
2. Declan Intindola 3. Anthony Ortega
Biggest Trendsetter
Most Changed Since Freshman Year
1. Alton Martin 2. Joe Henry 3. Frank Geltrude
Most Intelligent
L Ethan Kuhl 2. Sean Hess 3. Jack Burgess
Most Artistic
1. Jon Garzon
1. Paul Zirpoli
2. Theo MacMillan 3. Danny Liggio
2. Robert Quintas 3. Cameron Clarke
Most Likely to be Late To His Own Wedding
Most Likely To Become Famous 1. Michael Larkin
Hans Schundler Desmond Roberts Nick Santos
2. John Lewis 3. Hans Schundler
Most Athletic Joseph Birdsall
1. Zach Birdsall
Jorge Portoreal John Lewis
2. Frank Pellegrino 3. Maurico Cedillo
Funniest PUNisher
Video Game Champion
Ram Thatham
1. Charles Torres
Owen Freeman Andrew Alfonso
2. Harry Daniels 3. James Robbins
Class Clown
Social Media Addict
John Kuhl
1. Adam Scagliarini
David Awad Joe Henry
2. Chris Appello 3. Mike Larkin
Best Company on a Desert Island Steven Zuckerman Alton Martin Harry Daniels
Future Mad Scientist
Ethan Kuhl
1. Theo Macmillan
Eric Nieves Alton Martin
2. Brendan Murphy 3. Grant Theiroff
We are
§)© Student Life
d we are proud, we are lou
Marauder Nation
I jo in e d the team because I loved the gam e o f football. I also jo in e d because I w anted to enhance m y skills as a player and a team m ate. I played football for a long tim e and I w anted to continue playing the sport that I ’ve alw ays enjoyed playing. I had heard great things about Prep football and I thought it w ould be a great w ay for m e to know kids before entering m y freshm an year, and that is w hat happened. I m et a lot o f people w ho I like to consider m y close friends. A fter m y career at Prep, football m eans so m uch m ore than ju st football. I spent 4 years w ith people I will call m y brothers for life and m ade m om ents I w ill cherish forever. M y g reatest m em ory is the rap battles during sum m er cam p w ith KJ G ray and B rendan C unningham . B eing a senior m ade m e m ore relaxed, know ing that I w as the go-to receiver w as a lot o f pressure, but I em braced it and tried to teach all the u nderclassm en how to lead the team .
Jorge Portorreal ’17
Caption 1- Justin A dem ilola ’ 18 throw s up his signature “L ” to M arauder N ation after a sack. Caption 2- Senior Captain, D am ion A bram s ’17, tackling Param us Catholic running back in the State C ham pionship game. Caption 3- Jorge Portorreal ’17 and Billy W oltm ann ’18 celebrating a first down. Caption 4- D akari Falconer ’ 17 running the ball during the critical m om ents o f the State Cham pionship. Caption 5- Joe H enry ’17 approaches the kickoff team in the A m erican Football Show case in D ublin, Ireland. Caption 6- Senior C aptain, John Lewis ’17 handing the ball o ff to Dakari Falconer ’17 to get Prep a first dow n. 7- Johnny Y orey ’ 17 recovers a fumble to change the m om entum o f the gam e.
4}© Athletics
I jo in e d football because o f the high caliber o f com petition St. P e ter’s Prep provides and its ability to send m any o f its players to great colleges and universities. 1 knew com ing into Prep that this is w hat I w anted to do and w as w illing to m ake the sacrifice o f traveling three hours a day to be a part o f it. A s a senior, I w ouldn't trade these past four years for anything. I’ve m ade new brothers that I w ill have fo r the rest o f m y life, gotten into a school that I love, and gained experiences that have shaped m e into the person I am today. I ow e e verything to P rep football and all the great things that it has done for m e. M y greatest m em ory playing football w ould have to be the State Sem i-F inal gam e at B ergen C atholic. W ith it being o ur final year, m y fellow seniors and I put it all out on the line for a berth in the State C h am pionship gam e. W e w ere dom inant throughout and had the m ost fun w e’ve had all season crushing our rival 28-7.
Masaki Aerts ’17
O o O d
I played basketball because I had played m y w hole life, and I really enjoyed the gam e. 1 knew that if I w anted to becom e a better player I w ould have to try out for the team , and that is exactly w hat happened. I m ade the team sophom ore year and I m ade m any new friends that I didn't think I w ould be close w ith. W hen I transferred to Prep sophom ore year, I knew that basketball w as the one thing that I w anted to play. I w as w orried about m eeting new people, but the Prep basketball team w elcom ed m e to the program like I w asn't new . I am very proud to call those people m y brothers. A s a senior it is a fond m em ory o f m ine, not ju st high school, but m y w hole career. B asketball takes up a m ajority o f m y tim e, because o f the long practices and the huge com m itm ent that is needed everyday. I w ill alw ays love the gam e and hope to teach it to m y kids one day. M y greatest m em ory is dunking on people!
M itchell Jones ’17
44 I jo in e d basketball here at Prep because I ’ve been playing basketball for as long as I can rem em ber and I didn't w ant m y career to end in m y freshm en year o f high school. B asketball w as the one thing I w anted to continue to learn and excel in. I thought it w ould be a great w ay fo r m e to m eet new people as w ell as play a sport I have alw ays loved. A s a sophom ore, basketball occupied m y tim e in a good w ay. I feel like m y w inter w ould have been boring and slow if I d idn't have basketball everyday after school. M y greatest m em ory o f this sport w as w hen I w ent 4 for 4 from three pointers and w on the gam e for m y team w hile w e w ere dow n 9 points w ith only 1:30 left in the gam e. T his m om ent m ade m e rem em ber w hy I continued to pursue m y passion for playing basketball.
Patrick Haughney ’19
Caption 1- Ryan O m slaer ’ 17 shooting over Hudson Catholic. Caption 2- The varsity team cheering on their other Prep brothers. Caption 3- The junior varsity squad getting ready for the big gam e ahead of them. Captions 4- Jorge Portorreal ’ 17 crossing the defenders. Captions 5- Shayne Simon ’18 shooting a wide open 3 pointer.
Basketball 4S§)
I jo in ed Prep Soccer because it w as alw ays a dream o f m ine to play for a school. I have had uncles and cousins that played soccer at Prep in the past and they talked very highly o f it. I w as told it w as a very close knit com m unity that was passionate about soccer w hich is w hat I was looking for, and that is w hat I found. I like to call the soccer team m y fam ily aw ay from fam ily. I still rem em ber the first days o f freshm an tryouts m eeting all these kids that I call m y best friends now . It's som ething I looked forw ard to every single year and 1 don't think 1 w ould have enjoyed Prep as m uch if I didn't have this program . I get so excited w hen I think about the W ednesday pick up gam es in the sum m er because it’s the start o f the best tim e o f the year and I will truly m iss it w ith all m y heart.
55 Aidan Thornell ’17
Caption- Patrick Keenaghan ’ 19 celebrates a m agnificent goal against Union City. Caption 2- Kyle Hess ’19 crossing up the defenders to score a goal against the opposing team. Caption 3- Andrew F e rrie r’17 passing a defender from the opposing team. Caption 4- Christian Arcos ’ 19 running down the field to score a m agnificent goal. Caption 5- The varsity team getting ready to play in the county cham pionship game.
I jo in e d the soccer team because I played soccer all o f m y life and I w anted to continue that in high school. I heard a lot o f good things about the team w hen I w as in 7th and 8th grade, so I figured if I w as going to play, 1 w ould w ant to play fo r a good team . B eing a part o f this team as a senior gave m e a real understanding o f w hat brotherhood really is. B eing a part o f a group o f guys that show so m uch heart and com radery really m akes m e appreciate w hat I have here. W e couldn't have brought the county title back hom e if w e d idn't have as m uch passion for this sport and this team as w e do. M y greatest m em ory w ith this team goes back to the su m m er before m y freshm en year. W e w ere at soccer cam p during the pre-season. The last night o f cam p, I learned w hat Prep Soccer really is all about. It w as three hours dedicated to conditioning, w hich w as the m ost I had every done w ith any sports team at that point in m y life. So m any tim es I w anted to ju s t stop and give up, but the w hole night, all m y fellow team m ates kept pushing m e and each other to keep going. By the end o f that night, I discovered w hat a team really is. It w as one o f the best nights o f m y life and I couldn't have asked fo r a b etter group o f guys to spend it w ith.
M ichael Salameh ’17
Crew caught my eye because it was advertised as a very walk-on friendly sport and that was exactly what I was looking for. Everyone on the team seemed to really enjoy crew and I could tell the team atmosphere was great. As a senior now I ’m starting to truly realize all that crew has done for me. W hen I joined the team I was mainly joining just to join a sports team. However, Prep crew has been much more than just a sports team to me. My greatest sports memory is from my Senior fall season. We were lucky enough as a team this year to get an entry into the prestigious Head of the Charles Regatta. Teams from all over the country, and the world, flock to Boston every October in hopes of doing well at this race. This year we won a Varsity 4+ entry and we could not have been more excited. With over 85 boats in our race we knew this was no small task. These boats included Junior National team members, international powerhouses, and many other teams. Despite this intimidation we knew we were up to the challenge. W hile the conditions were less than perfect, we raced down the beautiful Charles river in front of tens of thousand of fans and achieved our goal o f qualifying for next year! It was an incredible experience not only to achieve our goal but also to perform so well in front of so many people.
Captain, Samuel Phelan ’17
44 I jo in e d crew because it w as som ething different. N one o f the other schools I applied to had the sport, so it w as a unique opportunity. I w as nervous com ing into Prep because I d id n ’t know how I w ould m eet kids. B ut crew w as the perfect opportunity for m e to m eet new people and do som ething I enjoyed. C rew has been a constant during m y tim e at Prep for all fo u r years. It is probably the only activity that I have consistently been a part o f throughout m y tim e here. Som e o f m y best friends have com e as a result o f being on the team and I found a love fo r the sport. M y favorite crew m em ory is w hen we attended the H ead o f the C harles R egatta in the fall o f m y senior year. W e w ere able to qualify a boat for next year for the underclassm en and it w as really rew arding to see o ur hard w ork pay off.
David Espino ’17
C aption 1- T he V arsity 8 getting ready to w in their race.
C aption 2- T he Seniors gather to take one last photo as Prep R ow ers.
C aption 3- The V arsity 4 boat row ing dow n the river to begin th eir race.
C aption 4- C aptain, A ngus A pplegarth ’17 stroking the V8 at the H ead o f the Passaic.
I started playing lacrosse because m y favorite cousin played and I w anted to follow in his footsteps. He told m e great things about the program and I thought it w ould be a great idea for m e to try out and m eet new people. I w as nervous for tryouts, but I w orked hard and it payed off, I m ade the freshm an team along w ith som e am azing people. T o m e, this sport gives m e a chance to hang out w ith m y best friends everyday after school. It allow s m e to still be w ith m y friends w ithout having to stress about the school w ork that I need to get done. M y favorite m em ory playing lacrosse w as going to the N avy lacrosse cam p w ith m y friends from Prep. T his w as a great bonding experience that I had w ith the kids because w e learned m ore about each other and we w ere able to enhance ou r skills together. I w ouldn't have w anted to do this cam p with anybody else, but m y Prep brothers.
Patrick Murphy ’19
Caption 1- The Varsity squad cheering on their Pi brothers. Caption 2- Ryan Kirkwood ’18 and Connor Kirkwo T 6 celebrating a m agnificent goal. Caption 3- Nick Gallo ’17 shooting against the opposi team. Caption 4- Varsity squad getting hyped before the 1 gam e ahead of them. Caption 5- Peter Dobbs ’17 making a clutch save agaii Scotch Plains Fanwood.
4KD Athletics
I jo in e d the lacrosse team b ecause I have played m y w hole life and I loved every aspect o f the sport. It has m olded m e into the person I am today. A s a four year varsity athlete for the lacrosse team , this team is very im portant to m e. I have seen a lot o f p rogress and developm ent since m y freshm an year, and I am proud to have been apart o f it. T he greatest m em ory I have o f playing Prep lacrosse is w inning the conference ch am pionship last year. A s a ju n io r, the team 's goal w as to com pete and w in the conference, som ething that hasn't been done since 2 0 1 2 .1 was thrilled w hen this happened because we w ere the first team in a w hile that has achieved this goal. T his m ade m e realize w hy I continue to play this sport annually, because o f the feeling I get w hen som ething great happens.
I joined this sport because prior to com ing to Prep I had played for a couple years and I w anted to advance m y gam e by playing for a com petitive high school team . I w anted to enhance m y skills for golf, and Prep G o lf has helped m e achieve that goal. I have gotten m uch better since freshm an year and I am proud to say that I w as a part o f the program T his sport has been a great w ay for m e to get involved and have a great tim e. Prep G o lf has been an identity for me. W hen kids think o f Prep golf, they think o f m e. W hen I think o f Prep golf, I think o f m e. B asically, m e playing g o lf is alw ays on m y m ind. M y greatest m em ory playing this sport w as playing Freshm an year w ith the Prep greats like Purcell, M atti, H arcourt, and K akhzan. T hese kids really guided m y as an underclassm an to being the leader I am today.
Daniel Manganello ’1 7
© Athletics
44 I started playing G o lf about 2 years before I started H igh School. M y b rother got m e interested in it and he played for P re p ’s g o lf team , so I decided to give it a try. I thought it w ould be a great idea for m e to follow in m y brothers w ays by playing. I have m et m any new people w hile playing and it is one o f m y greatest decisions I have m ade w hile at Prep. As m y second year o f it com es around, there is going to be a lot less nervousness and a lot m ore confidence. E very first shot o f the m atch I h it (w ith the other team w atching), it w as alw ays an aw ful shot. C oach and I alw ays laughed about it w hile he explained to the other team and their coach how I alw ays did that. O ne o f m y biggest goals for the season is to start each m atch w ith a great hit to im press m yself, and the coaches.
11 Ty Pezzola ’19
Caption 1- Coach O ’Flaherty watches his team face off against Bergen Cathoic.
Caption 2- The Varsity team getting ready for the big match ahead o f them.
Caption 3- Ty Pezzola ’ 19 lines up a crucial put against the opposing team.
Caption 4- John Gagliano ’17 teeing off against Bergen Catholic.
Paolo Samin ’18
B efore I w ent to Prep, I alw ays w atched m y brother play in his volleyball gam es w hen he w ent to Prep. I ’ve been playing this sport as long as I can rem em ber. B ut I jo in e d th volleyball team m ainly to follow his footsteps, w hat he accom plished during his years, and to bring back som e hardw are for our school. I knew that w hen he w as on the team , there w as that sense o f brotherhood, so I w as ju st excited to be a part o f that w hen I joined. W e're expected to w in everything this year, so it m eans a lot to m e as a junior. O ur starting lineup is basically m e and all seniors, so I w ant to give those seniors a great final season. T he previous tw o years w ere rebuilding years, and I strongly feel like this year w e have a shot at w inning our first state title. I w ant to w in this for m yself, but also w in this for the previous Prep team s w ho fell short on w inning a state cham pionship. So if we w in, then it will m ean that all o f those years com ing up short has finally ended. M y greatest m em ory has to be w hen I w as selected for the national team . I actually didn't expect to m ake it because o f m y size. But it's been an h onor playing for our country, playing all these great team s around the w orld, and ju st being exposed to different styles o f play. ^
Caption 1- The starting Varsity 6 , Liam Carney ’17, Adam Chester ’17 , Conor Larkin ’17, Joe Henry ’17, Paolo Samin ’17, Frank Geltrude ’17, and Parker Om slaer ’17 getting pum ped up before the game.
Caption 2- Parker O m slaer ’17 spiking it down on the opposing team with a beautiful set by Frank Gentrude ’17.
Caption 3- Liam Carney ’17 delivering a great pass with Joe Henry ’ 17 there to help him out.
Caption 4- Frank Geltrude ’ 17 sending a great set to Conor Larkin ’17 who is getting ready to spike on to the opposing team.
Caption 5- Paolo Samin ’17 doing his traditional jum p serve to the opposing team.
I jo in e d volleyball m y freshm an year because m y brother played volleyball fo r Prep and I w anted to keep it in the fam ily. I used to com e w atch his gam es and I alw ays enjoyed them . I also w anted to do som ething in the o ff season as I still played basketball at the tim e. I didn't know how great o f an experience it w ould be, and I d idn't realize how lucky 1 w ould be to play volleyball for Saint Peter's. The excitem ent, energy, and team w ork that is needed in volleyball is w hat fueled m e to play. It's a big part o f w ho I am now . A lot o f m y friends, classm ates, and fam ily m em bers know m e for being a volleyball player at Prep. T here's a sense o f brotherhood on the court that you ju st can't find in any other sport. I have m et som e o f m y best friends through volleyball, and it's som ething that is extrem ely im portant to m e, and som ething that I take a lot o f pride in. O ne o f m y m ost m em orable m om ents playing w as w hen I w as selected as a captain m y ju n io r year. It m ade m e feel extrem ely honored and hum bled to know that m y team m ates had a lot o f trust in m e and saw m e as a leader. A lso, I'd say beating B ayonne in the state sectional sem ifinal m y ju n io r year w as extrem ely m em orable. It w as a m om ent o f pure greatness, and as a team we w ere able to fig ht through tw o tough gam es and beat a very good B ayonne team together.
Marc Stacey ’17
I have alw ays had a passion fo r rugby, but I jo in e d P re p ’s rugby team fo r purely pragm atic reasons: I w anted to use rugby as cross-training for the football season. So I jo in e d P re p ’s rugby team in an effort to becom e a better team m ate and player. T hanks to m y participation in the team , I im proved these aspects drastically. In addition, I cherish the new friendships I m ade as part o f the rugby team . All things considered, I have to say rugby is a m ore rew arding sport for m e , com pared to football. M y proudest m om ent as a Prep rugby player w ould undoubtedly be the tim e w hen I scored m y first try for the team . It w as the season opener and I w as really nervous. N evertheless, I tried very hard and it payed o ff w ell, I scored m y first try w ith Prep and I hope there are m ore successes to com e.
Scott M iceli ’19
14$ Athletics
44 R ugby has m eant a g reat deal to m e ever since I jo in e d sophom ore year. T he sport not only helps develop you physically but also breeds com m unity w ith yo u r team m ates. M y fondest m em ories o f Prep has to be m y first gam e playing for Prep, I w as very w orried and I w anted to do well. E ach year has been as exciting as the last and I feel that I am alw ays at m y happiest w hen I am m id season. The transition from pupil o f the gam e to becom ing a leader on the team takes tim e but the exam ple set by those w ho cam e before m e m akes it a task that is m uch easier to undertake. T he leadership, confidence, and strength o f will that I have gained through m y years o f rugby will stick w ith m e w ell into m y adult and professional life. I ow e a lot o f w ho I am today to St. P e ter’s R ugby program .
M ichael Leber ’17
C aption 1- The varsity squad holding each other up to earn the victory. Caption 2- Samuel Pellot ’17, tearing through the opposing team's defense. Caption 3- Grant Saunders ’19 getting ready for the big gam e that is com ing ahead. Caption 4- Alton M artin ’ 17 trucking through the defense of the other team C aption 5- Dr. Hartling giving the junior varsity the gam e plan they will bring them to victory. Caption 6- The varsity squad celebrating the win they deserved.
44 W restling w as one o f the m ain reasons w hy I cam e to Prep. M y brother w as a rising senior and captain at the tim e and there w as nothing I w anted m ore than to put on a m aroon and w hite singlet and step onto the m at like him . N ow as a senior and a captain, the Prep w restling team m eans the w orld to m e. D ay in and day out we go through tough tim es together as a team through rigorous practices, cutting w eight, and battling against top ranked team s in the state and country. W e all have each others backs no m atter w hat. It is m uch m ore than a w restling team to m e, it is m y fam ily. M y greatest m em ory as a m em ber o f the w restling team w as m y sophom ore year w hen we traveled to M innesota fo r one o f the toughest tournam ents in the country, T he C lash. W e had the opportunity to com pete against am azing com petition and had such a fun tim e in the freezing w eather.
Matthew Russo ’17
Caption 1- The rest o f the wrestling team cheering on their fellow Prep brothers. Caption 2- The whole team getting ready for the big match ahead of them. Caption 3- Matthew Russo ’ 17 determined to take his opponent down. Caption 4- Thomas Kellner ’19 taking the opposing team down.
I jo in e d the sport o f w restling w hen I w as about 4 years old because m y brother w ho is 5 years older than m e w restled and 1 w anted to follow in his footsteps. W restling is m y life, It taught m e a lot about m y se lf and m y lim its and I ’m going to college on a scholarship to w restle. I w as very happy to know that I will be continuing m y passion for the sport. A s a senior, w restling m ade up a huge part o f m y day. I think o f it a lot because o f how im portant it is to m y life. M y g reatest m em ory I have had w hile w restling for Prep is w hen I got a scholarship w hile w restling at Prep. I realized that I earned this achievem ent because o f all o f the tears and sw eat that I put into the sport.
Nick Santos ’17
I found w ater polo to be unique and I w anted to try som ething new . W ater polo has m ade a huge im pact on m y life, not only physically but m entally. It has helped m e develop leadership skills that will prepare m e for the real w orld. By jo in in g the team I have m anaged to m eet m any new people and to get better at a sport that I enjoy to play. M y greatest m em ory w hile playing w ater polo w as on the bus ride hom e from a gam e w e had in C onnecticut. T he bus ride w as over 2 hours long and we all ju st jo k ed around and had a great tim e w ith the friends that I m ade on the team . T his m om ent m ade m e realize how close I w as w ith m y Prep brothers, we w ere all together and we w ere all having a great tim e.
Joseph Millroy ’17
© Athletics
44 M y greatest w ater polo m em ory fo r m e w ould probably be this year as a w hole. I played JV m y freshm an year and over the preseason o f this year I w as m oved up to varsity. I w orked hard to prove that I belonged to not only be on the team , but to start. A fter a gam e o r tw o, 1 w as the only sophom ore to start on varsity and I grew to be proud o f it. The season in general w as pretty good, w e w orked together pretty w ell. But the reason w hy it w as the greatest m em ory for m e is that I got to experience the im portance o f team w ork, and w orking together. W ith this, it taught m e m ore not to be selfish, because if I becam e selfish in this vital team sport, we w ould not get far. M any values w ere learned in these three m onths, and I w o n ’t forget them .
55 Ceejay Larino ’19
Caption 1- W illiam Vespole ’ 18 shooting past the defenders o f the opposing team.
Caption 2- Christian Sanducci ’ 18 swimm ing past the defense.
Caption 3- M atthew Diliane ’ 18 looking for an open pass.
Caption 4- The Varsity squad having a final m eeting before the gam e begins.
Water Polo
Matthew M cDermott ’17
I cam e into Prep know ing I w anted to play baseball. As a junior, m uch o f m y focus w as on getting recruiting, having a great season, and w inning. I feel like this year is going to be a bit different. Now that I have experienced how fast a varsity season can fly by, playing baseball this year m eans I will soak in every m om ent. I intend to have a senior season I w ill rem em ber for life, w hile succeeding individually and as a team in the process. W hen I played for the freshm an team , I w atched the varsity squad fall to M arist in the county cham pionship. T he next year, w e had another chance, this tim e in the sem ifinals against o f the county tournam ent. W e w ere beating M arist by 1 and they had the bases loaded w ith tw o outs their fourth hitter at bat. A ball that looks like is going to be a single gets hit tow ard the hole. From shortstop, I range to m y right to m ake the play and m ake a throw on the run to get the force out at third to record the last out o f the inning. A s I turned to head back to m y dugout, I saw m y team flood out o f the dugout in celebration. To m ake the biggest play o f m y career at such a young age against a team that we w anted to beat so bad will be som ething I rem em ber for the rest o f m y life.
Caption 1- Dominic M eleo ’18 warm ing up his arm before the game. Caption 2- The Varsity squad celebrating the win they deserved. Caption 3- M atthew M cDerm ott ’17 getting ready for the big gam e ahead of them. Caption 4- The varsity squad cheering on their other Prep brothers.
H© Athletics
I knew I w anted to play baseball for Prep because it w ould be an opportunity to com pete and w ork w ith g reat players in the school and to fu rth er m y se lf as a player. I attended a few o f my brother's gam es as a freshm an three years ago, and I still rem em ber their county title victory. I knew w hen I saw the excitem ent and gravity o f the gam e, Prep baseball w as som ething I w anted to be a part of. A s a sophom ore, I know I have m uch to learn from m y peers and those a few years o ld er than m e, and I love to pick the brains o f those w ith experience, especially in baseball. M y greatest m om ent in m y first year o f playing for Prep baseball m ight seem like a little m om ent to one w atching from the outside, but it m eant a lot to m e. It w as a close league g am e against H udson C atholic. T he b atter hit a hot shot to m y backhand side, and I reached out and gloved it. I bounced up quickly and gave it all I had to get it over to first. I put a good arm on it, but it w ould ask for a clean scoop from m y first basem an. T he first basem an m ade a great play and w e saved the run from scoring. Y et the best part o f the play cam e after the dive and scoop, it w as the praise and hype in the dugout. T hat m om ent I felt the support o f m y team m ates strongly, and it has carried w ith m e until today. T hat captured the balance o f individual and team success in one m om ent.
G dQ
I jo in ed cross country because I w anted to stay in shape for hockey. I ended up loving the sport continued w ith it into track, and never actually tried out fo r hockey. A s a senior, cross country has becom e an escape from the stress o f school w ork. I can leave all o f m y w orries behind w hen I hit the track or the trail and run out all o f the anxiety in me. R unning has rem ained a constant throughout m y tim e at Prep. It keeps m e grounded and focused by helping m e carry over the m entality and w ork ethic o f cross country to other aspects o f m y life. M y greatest m em ory from cross country w as w inning o ur 4th straight H udson C ounty team title m y ju n io r year. W e w ere the m ost prepared and fired up we had ever been for a race as a team . W e all cam e together and ran ourselves to com plete exhaustion, and it rem inds m e constantly o f w hat being a part o f Prep R unning is all about. T he guys and I had never ran faster than we did that day, and I w as extrem ely proud o f the w ork we put into o ur training and the com m itm ent o f the w hole team .
cures cwnrrir
M ichael Flanagan ’17
44 I w as very skeptical about jo in in g the cross country team at first because I didn't run long distance. I decided to give it cross country a shot because I had a passion for running and 1 knew I w anted to get faster and m eet new people. N ow that I ’m a sophom ore finishing o ff a great cross country season, all I hope for is for m y team m ates and I to run even better next year. T he kids on the cross country team really do share a bond that has developed over the w eeks o f practices and various m eets. I guess we think o f Prep C ross C ountry as m ore o f a fam ily than a team . From o ur daily practices at L incoln Park in Jersey City to Sunday L ong R uns an h our aw ay dow n at H olm del Park, m y cross country experience is one that I will alw ays rem em ber.
Samay Shamdasani ’19
Caption 1- Kevin K eegan ’ 18 , M atthew Honig ’17, and Thom as Narramore ’ 19, finish the race strong together. Caption 2- Brandon Rossi ’17 m aking sure he isn't passed by the other teams. Caption 3- Alexander Gudaitis ’20 finishing his first ever cross country race for the Prep team. Caption 4- The Junior Varsity celebrating a win together as a team.
Cross Country
HB«©1 f M I
C aption 1- V arsity R elay celebrating their win. C aption 2- G us N a tio n s’19 finishing his race strong C aption 3- T he Ju n io r V arsity distance relay getting excited fo r their race
44 I jo in ed this sport prim arily because I w itnessed its com petitors from before they w ere the people that inspired m e to continue running. T hey w orked to hard to get to w in their races and becom e great runner. T heir exam ples inspired m e to put m y best effort into m y races and to live up to their legacy. As a sophom ore, indoor track is a great escape from all other sources o f stress, a place w here I can forget it all and ju st run and com pete. W hen I am on the track, I forget about all o f the other problem s going on in m y life and I ju st w orry about the race. I am alw ays determ ined to finish m y race first no m atter what. M y greatest m em ory o f this sport by far w as w hen at m y first o r second practice at the arm ory, I got destroyed by sprinters at full speed because I w as standing idly in the innerm ost lanes o f the track. A fter seeing those kids run that fast, it m ade m e realize how determ ined they were. I knew then that I w anted to be as determ ined as they were.
1 1 Pauk Ames ’19
©4$ Athletics
Caption 1- Jonathan Thybulle ’ 17 getting distance in the long jump. Caption 2- Brandon Parado ’ 16, W illiam Delaney ’20, and M ichael Flanagan ’ 17 finishing the distance race strong
W hen I first got accepted to Prep, I thought that I w ould be playing on the football field. It w asn't until I realized that all 120 pounds o f m e w ould not be suited for the sport, that I realized I needed to find som ething else to do. I picked up track and have been running w ith it ever since. T rack is one o f the few sports that show s you truly get out o f it w hat you put in. It has taught m e a lot about d iscipline and am very fortunate to have been able to participate throughout m y four years. A side from the running, it m eans a lot to have been able to w ork w ith the team and accom plish o ur goals. I get to train w ith som e o f m y best friends everyday and w ould not w ant it any other way. My g reatest m em ory w ould be last years G roup C ham pionships R elay Race. A nchoring the team , I had a lot o f pressure to perform and w as very unsure o f the outcom e. T ogether as a team we w ere able to qualify fo r the NJ M eet o f C ham pions, the first tim e in four years, edging out another team fo r the last spot.
Matthew Honig ’17
Indoor an d Outdoor Track
W hen being accepted into Prep, I noticed they had som e success w ith their sw im m ing program . I decided to give it a try. I first contacted the coach prio r to the beginning o f the season. He told m e everything I needed to know about it, so w hen it w as tim e to start the season, I w as ready. He m ade m e interested in playing w ater polo so I could get in shape before the sw im season started, so I did. I m ade friends there that transferred over to sw im m ing. A s a sophom ore, sw im m ing is a big part o f m y everyday life. Practice is everyday from 5:45-7:15 and about once a w eek, there's a m eet. It is constantly on m y m ind, thinking about technique, tim e com parisons to other schools, and w ays to im prove as a team . E veryday w e train to get better and to m e, it's a source o f m otivation to accom plish goals. B eing on a daily routine lets m e have a schedule and tim e for everything, m aking m e m ore organized. T his essentially leads m e to earn better grades, being disciplined and have very little free tim e to m ess around. So, all in all, it had a big im pact on m e, affecting m e in better w ays. M y greatest m em ory in sw im m ing is probably m y first ever p layoff m eet. It w as last year after the regular season has ended. T he season all in all w as intense and crazy, but the playoffs are com pletely different. Now , I've only been in one p lay o ff m eet, but it was great. T he intensity and electricity to w in w as aw esom e. W e w ound up losing that m eet, being knocked out in the first round, but w e all sw am great tim es and it w as really tight. So far, that’s been the greatest m em ory in Prep sw im m ing for me.
Ceejay Larino ’19
44 I jo in e d the sw im team because I w anted to push m y se lf to continue a sport I had only done for a year prior to Prep. I knew if I w anted to pursue a sport that I enjoyed playing, I w ould have to w ork hard and jo in the team . Sw im m ing, fo r m e, is an opportunity to push m y se lf physically and m entally. T o grow in confidence in m y abilities regardless o f the abilities o f m y com petitor. M y greatest m em ory from Prep sw im m ing w as our state p lay o ff run m y sophom ore year. T he reason I love the sport is because o f that m om ent, it w as the greatest feeling for o ur team to be doing so well and realize how hard w e w orked to get w here we w ere. W e sw am som e really ex citing m eets on our w ay to the state sem ifinal.
11 Zachary Birdsall ’17
Caption 1- Michael Dillane ’ 16 and Thomas Lee ’ 18 diving into a great race. Caption 2- Andrea Orbe ’18 finishing the race strong. Caption 3- Prep swimming getting a great start to the race. Caption 4- M em ber of Prep Swim ming getting a fantastic dive into the race. Caption 5- The junior varsity getting ready for the big race ahead o f them.
u Jared Ammugauan ’18
O ut o f all the w inter sports I could've done, m y parents were shocked that I w anted to do bow ling. I practiced quite often before the season and eventually m ade the JV team m y freshm an year. In m y opinion, choosing to bow l w as one o f the best decisions I ’ve m ade in m y Prep career. I ’ve vastly im proved as a bow ler and developed great chem istry w ith m y team m ates over tim e. B ow ling has affected m e as a Junior, as it gave m e a w hole new persona here at Prep. Just hearing your peers tell you you're a “good b ow ler” or on the C am pus M inistry poster m akes you feel w arm . M any people think that bow ling is a once in a w hile activity to do w ith y our friends and fam ily, but it has prepared m e m entally and physically on and off the lanes. M y greatest m em ory in m y three years o f bow ling, w as w inning State Sectionals at Lodi m y sophom ore year. I heard that C oach Schlitzer, at the tim e, had not w on it in all o f her years as a bow ling coach. In the end, we w on and got the highest team series out o f every school in the bow ling alley. W e qualified for the T ournam ent o f C ham pions in N orth B runsw ick and m y form er team m ate, M atthew R odriguez, and I m ade it to State Individuals. It goes to show you anything can be achieved in bow ling, if you are capable o f the circum stances given to you.
Caption 1- Zack Oswald ’20 playing his first game for Prep. Caption 2- The varsity squad watching their Prep brothers win the game. Caption 3- Jared Am m ugauan ’18 getting ready to get a strike. Caption 4- The varsity squad getting ready for the big game ahead of them.
d© Athletics
I w anted to be involved w ith som ething at Prep but I w as never a very athletic person. I, like m ost people, bow led as a kid and figured it could be som ething fun to be a part of. A fter d iscussing w ith the coach, I thought it w ould be a great w ay for m e to do som ething at Prep. I w ould not be w here I am today w ithout the team and all o f the people w ho are supporting m e. A s a sen io r it is a representation o f how I can com m it to som ething and stick w ith it, w hich w as som ething I n ever really did before com ing to Prep. W inning State Sectionals last y ear w as, w ithout a doubt, m y favorite m om ent. W e perform ed so w ell as a team and the energy w as very high th roughout the day. I realized at that m om ent that all o f the practice that we did payed off.
Cole Stallone ’17
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Before I w ent to S aint P eter’s Prep I had already been playing tennis fo r a few years. T ennis is the one thing I knew I w anted to continue to play at Prep. I heard that they had a great program and by jo in in g the team I knew I w ould m eet great people and becom e a better player. A fter m eeting the coaches, Padre and E m ily, I knew I w ould have to join the team . A s a senior, I have gotten to know all o f o ur team very well. Since we have a sm all team , w e are a tight group and I have enjoyed every m om ent o f m y tennis career at Prep. T he coaches and all o f m y team m ates are alw ays there for support and I couldn't ask for a better team . M y favorite m em ory is either getting M cD onald's after w inning the county cham pionship o r going to O 'H ara's for o ur end o f the season dinner.
Diego Anderson ’17
44 I jo in e d the tennis team because I played it m y w hole life and I th ought that this w ould be a great opportunity to m ake a nam e fo r m y school. G oing out on the court fo r a m atch m eans the w orld to me. A s a senior it is m y turn to show the underclass m en w hat w e are m ade o f and to lead the team to victory. M y greatest m om ent playing Prep tennis m y freshm an year I was playing w ith a senio r and he w as really nice and becam e m y doubles partner. It w as unusual to have a freshm an senior doubles team because we are so far apart in age and w e didn't really know each other. W e w ent on to develop a friendship and a team w hich m ade it into States and w inning counties it w as truly one o f the best experiences during m y career at Prep.
55 Zachary Joskowitz ’17
Caption 1- Rohan Singh ’17 serving against the opponents.
M atthew
determ ined on winning his match.
getting an ace with his amazing serve.
Caption 4- Prep tennis all showing off their serves.
Caption 5- Patrick Ruvo ’17 getting ready to get a ace.
1 11
44 I jo in ed this sport because I w anted to try som ething new. Fencing caught m y attention because I thought sw ordplay is really cool, plus it's the closest I ’ll get to professional lightsaber fighting. I thought it w ould be a great w ay for m e to m eet new kids that I did not know before. W hen I jo in ed the team F reshm an year, I really didn't play m uch o f a role on the team because there w ere a lot o f Seniors on the team . A s a Sophom ore, I have to step up m y gam e because o f the Seniors graduating last year. I w anted to prove to m y team m ates and m y se lf that I deserved a spot on the team for a reason. M y greatest m em ory playing the sport w as participating in m y first tournam ent during Freshm an year. I didn't get very far, as I was still a beginner, but it w as still great experience.
M ichael Morano ’19
Caption 1- Jon Sozer ’ 17 getting ready to win his big match. Caption 2- Sean Fitzgibbon ’ 18 playing defensively so he can later have the advantage on his opponent. Caption 3- Dalton W alker ’17 going in for the huge lunge against the opponent. Caption 4- Byrce Belser ’19 getting his opponent out w ithout being touched.
72 Athletics
SFHlldMd hHw'CKi
I jo in e d fencing because I participated in it before I cam e to this school, so it m ade sense for m e to jo in the school's team . I had som e experience w ith the sport before but I w anted to becom e b etter at it. By jo in in g the team I w as able to m eet new people, and get better at the sport. F o r m e, as a Senior, it m eans finishing w hat I started. I w as a started m y Prep career as a started on the V arsity team , so it seem ed fitting to end it as a m em ber o f the team . M y greatest m em ory o f Prep Fencing is com ing in Second for State Individuals. T his m om ent m ade m e very thrilled to be apart o f a team like this. It m ade m e realize w hy I continue to play the sport, b ecause I love the sensation w hen I w in and w hen I realize that all m y hard w ork has finally payed off.
Dalton Walker ’17
E ver since I w as four, I ’ve been playing hockey, so I jo in e d because I w anted to play at the next level and represent m y high school. It m eans everything, it's the last ride for me and the rest o f the Seniors. W e've played together since freshm en year and w e w ant to m ake the m ost o f it. Probably the greatest m em ory I have o f playing sports in general w as at the Je ff H oens ’17 N ight gam e this past year. Je ff H oens and I w ere close so it w as a very sad m om ent fo r m e w hen I heard the new s about his passing. I w anted to w in the Je ff H oens ’ 17 N ight gam e not for m yself, but for J e ff’s fam ily. The atm osphere, the em otions, the gam e itself w as am azing. It w as a perfect way to honor our fallen brother. R est E asy G eneral.
Aaron Such ’17
44 I jo in e d the sport o f hockey because m y father grew up playing hockey. T he first tim e I stepped on the ice w as the day I fell in love w ith the sport. N ow that I am a Freshm an, hockey is a lot m ore co m petitive at this level. I still love playing and I hope I there is a lot m ore o f it to com e. I have m any great m em ories about hockey but m y favorite m em ory is w hen I w ent to L ake Placid for a hockey tournam ent. It's probably m y favorite m em ory b ecause I got to play on the 1980’s rink w here the U SA w on a gold m edal. L ake Placid has such a strong legacy and to have an opportunity to skate on that ice w as staggering.
M ichael Canosa ’20
Caption 1- Trevor Towindo ’17 getting ready for the big game. Caption 2- Goalie, Nathan Bryant, with a great save. Caption 3-
The defense m aking sure that the
opposing team does not score. Caption 4- Aaron Such skating through the opposing team s defense. Caption 5- The Varsity Squad celebrating their win for the Je ff Hoens ’ 17 Night game.
1. C am pus M inistry T eam
2. F resh m an Service
3. Sophom ore R etreat
4. Kairos
Campus Ministry, the engine to the Prep community, brings the theology and Ignatian values to its staff and students. Your first retreat as a freshman allows you to get to know your peers, and the strong bond formed in retreats such as Kairos, are a product of the Campus Ministry here at St. Peter’s. Organizations and events like the annual Mission Drive & P a x Christi encourage our peers, community, and world to become a better place for all walks of life. Campus Ministry allows students to not only help others, but to reflect and act in their own lives to be a man for others and a man of God.
Campus Ministry
Front Row (from left to right): Joseph M illroy, Colin W ard, Jason Coyle, Thom as M urray, Vieira, Eric K irchner, Jonathan G arzon, Patrick Ruvo, Seam us Kane, Ryan Ribeiro, Peter Stokes. Middle Row (from left to right): Mr. Salvatore D iB rita ’12, Luke G iunta, M ichael Larkin, Larkin, Sean M ikovits , N icholas Gallo, M ichael Nulty, M atthew Gallo, M atthew Russo, D iego Anderson, R obert Quintas, John Shea, C onnor M cGee, D aniel Liggio, R obert Chambers, Back Row (from left to right): Liam Carney, Ethan K uhl, Stuart Callinan, Thom as Riley, Stallone, Christian Tanas, Lyandro Zuniga, A dam Chester, Jordan Billie, Sam uel Pellot, M owatt, Justin Y annece, M atthew M cD erm ott, David Awad.
Campus Ministry
Michael Kingsley, Frank Pellegrino, A nthony Reyes, D aniel M anganello, Francis G eltrude, Kevin Ir. Ryan O ’Connell, M ichael Castaldo, N icholas M olinari, R yan Boll, D aniel R ivera, C onor [is. Phadadria Randall, A ndrew Ferrier, C hristopher L onergan, Hans Schundler, T revor Donatacci, ,ucas Colem an, Mr. John D ougherty, C hirayu Shah, Paul Policastro. Jam Thatham , R obert Bulka, Peter D obbs, A lejandro Sanchez, Eric N ieves, Rohan Singh, Cole Tatthew Honig, C hristopher A ppello, D akari Falconer, M itchell M atara, M itchell Jones, Benjam in
Cam pus Ministry Team
The retreatants receive their crosses after attending Emmaus
The Emmaus retreatants play floor soccer in their free time.
The retreatants get ready to leave for St.Mary Abbe} to get ready to experience Emmaus.
Banner from Emmaus 286 Members of Emmaus 284 share a prayerful moment of reflection.
(D® Campus Ministry
•n the last day before they went on the bus, the dreatants find the time to take a funny photo.
Luke G iunta, Class o f 2017
I feel Em m aus is about m oving on past Prep and holding on to the im portant things and people from our experience at the school. I found Em maus very introspective and it aided me in exam ining my time at Prep and to think seriously about the future. Essentially, Em m aus in helped me com e to terms with a distant and unknown future. However, it reassured me that I will have the know ledge I learned at Prep and the people I cherish to aid me in this journey.
The students do team exercise, to get to know each other on a personal level.
Seniors Connor Larkin, Matthew Tether, and James Robbins entertain their classmates during some free time at the Emmaus Retreat.
K airos 48 T op R ow (Left to R ight): M atthew B aldow ski, M r.Fiorella, D aniel N unez, N oah A ndriani, M itchell M atara, R yan Boll, M aurice A cuna, N ick M olinari, W illiam W oltm ann, D avid V ovor, Joshua O akley, R obert O noz, John G accione, L uis A guiar, T hom as H annan, Patrick T hom s-B auer, D aniel M arshall, K hadim T oure, D aniel R ow e, C harles H allenborg, D ante D ias, Jason D avidoff, M r.Scannapieco, M r.R odrigues, H arshal Shah B ottom R ow (L eft to R ight): D akari Falconer, L iam C arney, M itchael M angual, D aniel Rivera, C hristian M cK oy, Joaquin M atam is, M r.G addy, A ndrew Ferrier, C hris C aruso, C hris Shaw , M ax M cIntosh, D avid R everendo, Peter Flores, M r.O ’C onnell
K airos 45 Top Row (Left to Right) M att M cDermott, Matthew Gallo, Gabriel Tejada, Lynken Lanting. Ian Robson, Christopher Brady, Chris Casiano, Kevin Goines, Jared Am m ugaun, Hugh Carrol, James Gordon, Eugine, Keohane, Griffin Gonzalez, Nick Ramirez, Lance Lucarelli, Shawn Lavin, Cairo Richards, Jarred Rosso, Correl Caddie, Joseph Mastrodonato, Joe M oceri, Andrew Tobin, Kevin Keegan Middle Back (Left to Right) Connor Heany, Andrew Prescott, Griffin Gudidas, Isiah Smalls, Justin Yannece, Pat Garigen, Noah Byrne, Matt Dillane, Charles Nadrowski, Jack Brandon, Paolo Samin Jordan Billie M iddle Front (Left to Right) Jason Coyle, Domanrovil Ovalle, Damiano Servidio, Jared Such, Brendan Theile, Brennan Collier, Ed Sebrowski, Will W hite, Ryan Kirkwood, W ill Vespole, Anthony Reyes Bottom Pat Ruvo, Frank Geltrud, Luke Marisigan
T he K airos C ross shines brightly in the sunlight, to show the beauty that G od has created.
Campus Ministry
Joe Birdsall Class o f 2017
I chose to go on Kairos because 1 had heard great things about it from people who had already gone and I wanted to have that experience myself. Kairos helped me to feel closer to my classm ates and friends by helping me to understand the things that they are experiencing within their personal lives. It helped me to realize that everyone struggles with various issues that others have no idea about, and that all o f us m ust understand this simple truth in order to grow spiritually. Personally, I viewed Kairos as an introspective experience in which I developed a closer relationship with my friends, family, and God. I believe that it truly opened my eyes to the things that others have to go through and helped me to realize and appreciate the blessings that I ’ve been given. I would like others to know that Kairos is an eye-opening retreat in which participants will develop spiritually and grow closer with their classm ates.
Roberto Rodas-Herndon Class of 2019
My sophomore retreat was a unique experience for me. I got to see not only a part of society that is sometimes forgotten, but to listen to people's stories in the soup kitchen that I helped out with in Union City. I was also able to help out the local com munity in our food pantry by packing some groceries for the needy. My sophomore retreat enabled me to realize that a little bit of my help can make a big change in not only one person's life, but to whole cities and families. My peers and I participated in a positive change run by the Campus M inistry that I will not forget.
dM) Cam pus Ministry
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The Sophmore Retreat is an experience where sophomores are able to reflect about their service, and partake in three different service opportunities. Sophomore retreatants go to PERC in Union City and St.A nn’s Home in Jersey City. Along with these sites, Sophomores also distribute food from the food pantry. They interact directly with people that they are serving. They learn about poverty
! and are able to experience it first hand when working in the soup kitchen and the nursing home. They share a meal with those they are serving allowing for a deeper and more personal connection. It provides a combination of both giving Sophomores the opportunity to serve at a more personal level and also to reflect more deeply on social justice issues. It lays the groundwork for students as they tackle their Junior service requirements.
Sophomore Retreat
Joshua Glatman ’20 during his Freshman Service teaches a chil how to hit a wifflebal
A group o f freshm an teaches one o f the kids at the Y ork Street Projects how to shot a basketball.
Ethan Wang-So Class o f 2019
GB© Cam pus Ministry
“During my freshman year, my hom eroom and I went to North A rlington to go play board games and keep the mentally disabled company. Initially, I was not too excited at the idea. Also, I did not have much experience dealing with people with mental disabilities. However, once I got to meet them, my experience changed my views. Seeing the warm smiles on everyone’s face made me feel happy too. W hile the service only lasted a day, I feel we did our best to make their day better. By doing little things to help others, I feel we can becom e Men for Others and make a significant and positive im pact on the w orld.”
A bove: B ig b rother P atrick T hom s-B auer ’18 (far-right) w atches on as his h om eroom w orks on the “ lava w a lk ” during “ R e-Ig n ite.”
Top Right: The IgNites hold out their pins to be blessed R ight: A n drew Schm u tter ’20 T akes a tenous first step on the “ lava w alk” during the “R e-Ignite” retreat for freshm en, w hile A n th on y Ion ta ’20 assists him as hom eroom 1C looks on.
Tyler Krauth Class o f 2020
“Unlike some o f my peers, I did not know anyone at St. P eter’s. So when I came into school during the sum m er for the Ignite retreat, it was my first experience in an unknown com munity. I really enjoyed the experience o f the Ignite retreat because it helped me bond with my fellow freshm en through icebreaker discussions and activities like the egg drop challenge. W hile I am usually shy and keep to myself, I am happy to say that the Ignite retreat helped me get used to Prep and make new friends in this new com m unity.”
Freshmen Service an d Ignite
This year, the annual mission drive to raise money for our sum m er service trips kicked off with the “Million Mile Magis,” sponsored by the crew team. Here, our Jesuit faculty members, Fr. Robert O ’H are, SJ, Fr. Anthony Azzarto, SJ, Fr. M atthew Cassidy, SJ, and Fr. John Muliin, SJ, row for each of the service sites.
®d) Cam pus Ministry
The old saying “action speaks louder tha words” rings true at Prep especially through th many service trips that the school offer; Students are able to see others lives through different lens when viewing situations firsthanc Their trips spanned to various locations rangin from West Virginia to Camden to Philadelphia Each trip provides a different experience, givin, students opportunities to immerse themselves i; a different environment than they are used to a home. Participants have an opportunity to se< what life is like for those facing variou hardships and gain new perspectives on socia justice issues and the importance o service.
Service requirements at St. ’eter’s Prep are guided by the words >f Peter Han Kolvenbach S.J., “When he heart is touched by direct :xperience the mind may be :hallenged to change.” This can be ixperienced through the many hours ;pent at local agencies or service trips o marginalized areas. After fulfilling their equirements many students want to continue working for justice. They ire able to continue this through our Hub Pax Christi. Pax Christi Drganizes various events and activities throughout the year that students are able to participate in. This year they ran multiple
subway runs where students packed subway runs where students packed bagged lunches and delivered them directly to the homeless at Union Square and Newark Penn. Groups of the students tutor children at Brooklyn Jesuit Prep. They also help organize the food in our pantry. Service to the poor and marginalized is an integral part of our Catholic Jesuit identity. Pax Christi helps us to foster the passion of Fr. Pedro Arrupe outlined in his Men For Others speech.
Service Trips an d Pax Christi
Ebro Darden, A m erican radio conversation facilitator, got Prep “fired up” by discussing current affairs and race relations in the U nited States during a Black H istory M onth assem bly. 2. Prep alum nus K eith Cum m ings, ’10 speaks about his experience in The Citadel, a m ilitary academ y in South C arolina and his organization “Stay Low and B uild”. 3. Rashad Davis, ’09 talks about finding oneself and explains his long journey to becom ing a graphic designer and artist. 4. Fr. M ullin S.J delivers a m oving hom ily during a M ass celebrating the Im m aculate Conception.
D® Cam pus Ministry
5. M em bers o f the Junior class observe M ass cerem onies from the rear section o f the St. P eter’s Prep gym. 6. Fr. Tony A zzarto S.J. consecrates bread and wine into the Holy E ucharist during an All Saints Day M ass in N ovem ber.
7. M r. John Irvine, ’83, P 'l l stays focused as he w alks dow n the aisle in M ass carrying wine needed for the Eucharistic cerem onies. 8. Seniors V incent G uastini, R obert Quintas, B enjam in W ang and the parents o f the late Jeff H oens, ’17 stand w ith Je ff’s hockey sticks, w hich w ere signed by the senior class in m em ory o f him , during a blessing at All Saints D ay M ass.
M asses an d Assem blies
Mil Our years spent with you, Saint Peter’s so true, and you hold our hearts’ love yet
C lassics D ept.
Mr. Burokas, Mr. Scannapieco, Ms. Bagg, and M r.Vinzce
M r. M atthew Scannapieco In an increasingly connected and global world, strong communication skills and cultural competence are a necessity. I think the study of any language will help our students obtain those skills, but especially Latin (1 can’t help but be biased!) They learn to become better writers and speakers through the linguistic skills obtained from Latin and they gain a perspective on the culture that helped shape Western society. I hadn’t considered teaching coming out of college. I did however do the ASC (Alumni Service Corps) program at St. Joe’s Prep in Philadelphia. The principal at the time (Mike Gomez) is a graduate of Saint Peter’s Prep (and former faculty member here as well). He saw something in me and encouraged me to become a teacher, and put me in touch with Saint Peter’s about a Latin opening 9 years ago. I am! Above all else I hope they take away a passion to learn (and better yet, a passion to continue learning Latin or anything in the Classics). I also hope that my students realize and accept that mistakes are nothing more than learning opportunities. I would like to see our department be able to offer semesterlong electives focusing on the many other aspects of the classical world. Whether it’s analyzing our political system through the lens of the Romans, or examining the cultural impact of Greek mythology in western society, there is much to learn from the ancient world beyond the study of one of its languages
E n g lish D ep t. T o p R ow (L eft to R ig h t): Mr. Gaddy, Mr. Bouley, Mr. Peters, Ms. M cLoghlin, Mr. M orrissey, Mr. Geary, Mr.
Arteaga B o tto m R ow (L e ft to R ig h t): Ms. Angermeyer, Mr. Reese, Ms. Simonson, Mr. Caulfield, Ms. M cNally
M r. Caulfield I think the English Department helps students to express themselves in the written form. We focus very closely on writing in many different facets throughout our curriculum. When I was a sophomore in college I was lucky enough to land a job as a teacher at The Higher Achievement Program (HAP). This experience really made me fall in love with the profession. I think I always really enjoyed English as a subject, and I happened to be majoring in English at the time, so the choice to follow that path seemed to be obvious. At the end of the day, I really want students to take away the values of respect and responsibility from my class. By reading a variety of stories, novels, and poems from many different authors, I want students to learn that every person has a different way of looking at the world.We have also been trying to add in more opportunities for students to enjoy reading and to read texts from varying perspectives. This is something we hope to continue to work on in the future.
The Fine and Performing Arts Department adds dimension, unique perspective, and personal vision through visual art and performance. The arts put special meaning on why and what we learn about ourselves. It is the culmination of hard work, self exploration, and taking risks. I always remember being aware of when a teacher was really great because of their connection to their students and incessant desire to see people succeed. I think only some people really notice the subtle things great teachers do- and they in turn want to give that back. Teaching is sharing with people, not telling students what you know- but helping students to find their voice in the world, whatever that voice is. That art is not a separate subject that only a few can do; it is a way of thinking and responding to the world. The arts are intertwined in all things that can create change, confusion, inspiration and has the power to elevate our daily lives. More students who believe and trust that the arts have a profound value in everyday living. If they want to pursue their dream , I hope they find the confidence and conviction that they can do whatever they want regardless of what they “should” do. Oh and more storage, an art gallery, a wood shop, a foundry, a spray room for spray paint, and a person who knows how to really work the 3D printer
M r. A nthony V erdi H istory Dept. C h air
W hat the History D epartm ent adds to Prep is obviously teaching the students about history of the world. W e teach the students from the Agricultural Revolution to W orld W ar II. W hat inspired me to becom e a teacher is I was in high school. The teachers that I had, challenged me in all my work. W hat I hope kids take away from my class is that they know what leads to the events that has become so ingrained into the lives o f society.
History 11M
Ms. T heresa L aB runo Seriously,
committed. In the eight years that I have been here, each has offered insights into a better math
professional growth opportunities and have given of their time to help students during all hours of the day sometimes even on weekends! My
Houghton, asked me to teach Algebra and Geometry when she was principal of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Hoboken. I said YES, even though I was not trained or prepared but gave 100% of m yself to my students. I always loved math as a student, but thought I would become a School Psychologist. Certainly,the SERENITY PRAYER.Hopefully, I will inspire them to be passionate about something in their lives. Wishingfully, I hope they
ATTEMPT AT LEARNING ! I would like to see our department grow to include some classroom aides for students who struggle mathematically.
I would like to see our
department help create a Mathematical Tutoring Center for all Athletes at PREP that focuses on helping
all athletes manage their time and
improve their mathematical skills, if needed, before leaving PREP.
A cadem ics
w eek to
m a x im iz e
e f fo rt?
M ath D ep t.
"Front): Ms. Glazer, Fr. O ’Hare, S.J, Ms. Dillane, Ms. LaBruno, Mr. Hollywood ^Back): Mr. Coccaro, Mr. Healy, Mr. Skircak, Ms. Stark, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Cam pbell-Clark
M odern L anguage Dept. Back Row: Mr. Pastorek, Mr. Rodrigues, Mr. Powers, Mr. McGovern, Mr.Veniero Front Row: Ms. Torres, Ms. Gomez, Ms. Romano
Ms. Rom ano The Modern Languages Department offers students opportunities to learn languages, to communicate with other parts of the world, to become “global citizens”, and most importantly to celebrate culture and diversity. I love the Italian language and culture and becoming a teacher simply allowed me the opportunity to share my passion with others on a daily basis. I have always seen myself as selling a product (Italy and Italian) and my students are the “audience” or “customers”. After two or three years of Italian, I hope my students leave Prep wanting to continue their studies in the Italian language at the college level. My wish is to have every student visit Italy at least once in their lifetime in hopes that they will recollect things that they learned in E306. I envision a department that continues to grow by offering more opportunities to leam about language and culture whether that may be with new languages or a more in depth study of those languages that are already offered.
Modern L anguage S®
Dr. Dominic Sciblia Jesuit education is committed to being an education for justice, so one of the things the religion department has consistently done in the history of Prep has been the one place where students have an opportunity to engage in learning what justice is all about and what an education for justice is all about, so that when students graduate we hope that they have started the process of becoming young men who are compassionate and people with a social conscience. I can still see some particularly teachers I had in my freshman year, Mr. Spooner. I can think of the teachers I had in my Junior year, Mr. Bishop, people who saw in me a promise and then helped that promise to grow. I have seen that throughout my educational experience; in college, in graduate school, working on my doctorate. There are all these people, like my mentor Prof. Carrey, who have the ability to see in a student, his promise or her promise, and give the student the opportunity to bring that out, and develop it, and realize it. What specifically draws me to religion? Religion deals with the most essential questions about being human. Our meaning, our purpose, our identity, the way we know things. Religion gives us a chance to explore the most significant relationships in our lives. It has a personal dimension, a social dimension, and a communal dimension; it really helps people to understand who they are and why they are and who they are. What I hope for with my students is a greater understanding of themselves, in my class specifically, the Christian Social Ethics class, and a greater understanding of themselves as members of society.
J e s u s a n d t h e M a rg in a liz ed
that were
Religion D ept.
3ack Row: Mr. Galano, Ms. Kessler, Dr. Hartling, Mr. Prescia, Mr. Fletcher, Fr. Azzarto, S.J. ^ront Row: Dr. Scibilia, Mr. Fiorella, Mr. Rossi, Ms. Rice
Science Dept. Back Row:M r. Poston, Mr. Trotta, Mr. Canale, Mr. Comey, Mr. Bourg, Dr. Holt Front Row:M r. Riley, Ms. Bui, Ms. Schlitzer, Ms. Eppler, Mr. Pamizola Not Pictured:M r. Baltazer
M r. Thom as Comey II I th in k that the S cience D ep artm en t adds a p assio n fo r o u r natural w orld. I think that by stu d y in g natu ral occu rren ces and how our w orld w orks, w e ask o u r students to think critically a b o u t th eir actio n s and the actions o f o thers in the w orld w e share. W e really try to inspire curiosity and a d esire to k now so m ething at its m ost fu n d am en tal level. I can say fo r certain that I ’ve alw ays w an ted to be a teacher. S pecifically, I k new I w anted to be a science teach er during my so p h o m o re y e ar o f high school. I can rem em ber sitting in m y so p h o m o re ch em istry class and ju st being cap tiv a ted by everything. W hen m y teach er, M s. K , tau g h t us how to p redict the am o u n t o f so m eth in g w e w ere m aking in lab. I th o u g h t she w as crazy and . W e w ent back, p e rfo rm e d th e lab, and m y lab p artn er and I cam e w ith in 2% o f o u r p rediction. It blew m y m ind. F rom that m om ent on I w as hooked. I hope m y students und erstan d that it’s okay to question things. S cien ce d o e sn ’t p ro g ress by sim ply a ccep tin g a fact and m o v in g forw ard - it happens by ch alle n g in g w h at you already knew or by ap p ly in g w hat y o u ’ve learned to a new situation and w o n d erin g w hat can happen. I also hope they learn a little chem istry. Ju st a little. I think our d e p artm en t does a great job! If I w ere to add an y th in g , th o u g h , it w ould be to add in m ore lab tim e! W h en y o u ’re really involved in som ething like a lab, the tim e ju s t seem s to go by qu ick er th an a reg u lar class. P lus, w ho d o e sn ’t like the o p p o rtu n ity w ork w ith th e ir hands and potentially blow so m eth in g up.
im a g in e
G u id a n c e D ep t.
Back Row: Ms. Caulifield, Fr. M ullen, Mr. Dondero Middle Row: Ms. M artineau, Ms. M orris, Mr. Giglio Front Row: Ms. Durante, Ms. Nordstrom, Ms. Dallam
BS© A cadem ics
M r. G iuseppe Giglio This department adds the ability to talk to the students about how to apply for college and to be self-sustainable in the real world. The late Fr. Ray Balduf, S.J. was my inspiration to work in college admissions and eventually to return to Prep and take on my role in College Counseling and Guidance. Fr. Balduf was an amazing man who encouraged all Prep students to reach for their college dreams. The college counseling office in those days was on the first floor of Mulry, and Fr. Balduf would stand outside his door and invite guys to meet with the college representatives who came to visit Prep. He had a pastoral approach that made us all feel valued and affirmed.
idarice & C ollege Counseling 1111II
Prep’s Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with Prep's alumni, parents and friends. We keep our community apprised of the goings-on at Grand & Warren and also invite the community to participate in Prep life. The office is responsible for raising nearly $2.5 million in support of Prep's mission. I hope the students know of the support and generosity that comes from the outside community, from alumni and parents, which keeps the school running. Prep students will one day become alumni, and may end up sending their own sons to Saint Peter’s and they will have their opportunity to support future generations of Prep men.
M r. C hris Casazza Chief A dvancem ent Officer
Ms. Debbie Peko-L;
Ms. Dalma Santan;
s. Kate W alsh
M icnael M urcia
Literally, the Admissions Department adds a class of students as well as a dozen transfer students to the school each year. We are also the first contact that many families have with Prep so our responsibility is to share information about St. Peter’s so they can decide if Prep is the best school for their son. I was inspired by some of the great teachers I had at Prep Tony Azzarto, Jack Casey, Charlie Rooney, Carl DeLorenzo, Rich Kennedy, but 1 was really steered toward teaching after 1 began coaching soccer. I hope that every student and family who comes in contact with the Admissions Department walks away with the feeling that we love Prep and that they were treated with kindness. I would love to have an Alumni Service Corps “volunteer” with us each year. Those young men brought so much to the department and they set an amazing example of service for our students.
M r. John Irvine D irector of Admissions
i/ ij' ‘
'. f A :
M r. Caulfield
We are responsible for maintaining the financial books and records for this school. So we provide oversight to make sure that money that has been collected through tuition, money that is raised from fundraising goes to operating the school in a good way throughout the year. So that’s one side of it, the side of maintaining the books and records and insuring that the financial statements are accurate. The other
side is that we are also responsible for tuition billing to families and also for financial aid. Those two things, tuition billing and collection, are really a part of the overall financial oversight that we have. It ties into my background, besides being a graduate, because when I was in college I majored in accounting and I worked in public accounting for the better part of 8 years. I was the chief financial officer of the Make a Wish Foundation of New Jersey. In 2012, Father Reiser contacted me and said ‘We need a new finance director, would you be interested in the jo b ?’ While I loved being at Make a Wish, this place, as you can imagine, is special to me because my dad was a graduate, I am a graduate, my two sons are graduates and I have a lot of nephews that came here too, so it was an easy decision to come back here. What I hope for young men to realize is that while they’re in school and while they’re in class everyday, there is a group of people running everything efficiently, looking for different ways to save money for our school.
F in a n c e D ep t.
Ms. M cCabe, Ms. Norton, Mr. Caulfield, Ms. Ford
Or. M ichael Settembrino Registrar
F r. Ken Boiler, S.J. Many people wonder what the president of the school does. It is relatively clear that the principal deals with teachers, students and parents in most of the matters we think of as school. The president has to be concerned with the short and long term welfare of the school. One of his most important jobs is hiring and supervising the principal. In addition, the vice president for finance, the director of facilities and the officials in charge of fund raising report to the president. Together we make sure that the teachers, coaches and moderators have the resources they need to serve the students well.I entered the Jesuits right after high school. I did not go to a Jesuit school but, from the priests in my parish, I had a desire to be a priest to offer mass for people, from the brothers who taught at my school I had a desire to be part of a religious community and from my experience in school, I had the desire to work in high school. My father went to Fordham Prep and College and always had good things to say about the Jesuits so I thought I would try that. All these years later here I am, a Jesuit priest working at Prep and loving it.Most obviously, the characteristics of the Grad at Grad. I think 1 would add another, Reflective. I ’ve had seniors tell me in their exit interview that they have developed the habit of being reflective as a result of practicing the Examen regularly. If students can begin to grow in these areas, they will have a happy life.I think it is important to model loving kindness and acceptance of each individual. There was a popular wristband a few years ago WWJD. I think He would show G od’s loving kindness and acceptance to all.
H3(§ A cadem ics
BA., University of M aryland
Katie Albers Director of Operations
Science Department
M.B.A, B.S., Saint Peter's College
B.S., Fordham University
Kevin Albers English Department
MA , Rutgers University; B.A., Saint Peter's College
M.Div., Woodstock College; M.S., New York University; BA Fordham University
[Janet Angermeyer
Kenneth Boiler, S.J
Assistant Dean of Students a n d English D epartment
English D epartment
M.A., New York University; B.A., Saint Joseph's University
M.S., City College of New York; BA, Canisius College
lJuan Arteaga G uidance an d College Counseling, Religion Departments
Science D epartment
Bene Meienti 37 M.Th., Woodstock College; M.A., B.A., Fordham University
B.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology
Anthony Azzarto, S.J Director of Educational Technology
Classical Languages Department
B.S., University of Scranton
M.A., B.A., New York University
David Burokas, '85 Educational Technology
B.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology
[Jan Butrym, '01
M athem atics D epartment
M.S., Fordham Univeristy; B.S., Canisius College B.S., Fordham University
Gerald Campbell-Clark Science Department
John Caulfield, '71, POO,'03
Browning Center Assistant
B.S., Loyola University M aryland
Alexander Canale, '05
Mary Beth Caulfield, P'00, '03
Vice President of Giving an d Chief A dvancem ent Officer
M athem atics D epartm ent
B.A., Saint Peter's College
Christopher C asazza, '97
B.S., M ontclair State University
Charles Coccaro
Assistant to the Director of Admissions
Assistant to the Deans
Diane Casazza, P'95, '97
Cecelia Collins
Fine an d Performing Arts D epartm ent
Science D epartm ent Chair
M.A., Hofstra University; B.M., New England Conservatory of Music
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., New Jersey City University
Steven Caslowitz
Thomas Comey II
History Departm ent
M.Th., M.Div., Weston Jesuit School of Theology; M.Phil., Fordham University; B.A., Boston College
M.A., New York Univeristy; B.A., Dartmouth University
Matthew Cassidy, S J English D epartment
M.S., Fordham University; M.A., B.A., Boston College
Christopher Caulfield, '03
Faculty and Staff 3 31)
History Department
Alumni Service Corps, Cam pus Ministy
16 Years at Prep
1 Year a t Prep
M.S., University of Rochester; BA, College of the Holy Cross
B.A., College of New Jersey
Paul Cunneen
Mr. I Sal DiBrita/12
Guidance an d College Counseling Department
History Department
4 Years at Prep
Bene Merenti 43
M.S., Fordham University; BA, LeMoyne College
Belkise Dallam
M.A., Fordham University; B.A., Saint Peter's College
Mr. ICarl DeLorenzo, '67
Cam pus Shop
M athem atics Department
7 Years a t Prep
10 Years a t Prep
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.S., University of Notre Da
| Ms. (Catherine Daly, P'02,'04
Ms. | s uzanne Dillane, P 'l6, '18
Learning Specialist, Browning Center Director
G uidance an d College Counseling Department
1 Year a t Prep
Bene Merenti 29
L.D.T.-C., Caine University; M.A., Monmouth University; BA., Rutgers University- New Brunswick
Christine Davis
M.A., Montclair State University; B.S., Saint Peter's College
Mr. Ijames Dondero,166, P'00
Operations Staff
Director of Cam pus Ministry
5 Years a t Prep
6 Years a t Prep
M.A., Boston College; BA, Loyola University Marylan
Jerry Davis
Mr. |John Dougherty
G uidance an d College Counseling Department
Bene Merenti 27
12 Years a t Prep
M.A, Saint Peter's College; B.A., Boston College
J.D., Prof. Dipl., M.S., B.A., Fordham University
Mr. jjames DeAngelo/85
Mary Durante Operations Staff Bene Merenti 20
Si© A cadem ics
Mr. |Hugo Elo
Science Department
English Departm ent
M.A., Saint Peter’s University; B.S., Randolph-M acon College
B.A., M iddlebury College
Catherine Eppler Religion Department
Director of Financial Aid a n d Religion Department
B.A., Canisius College
B.A., Seton Hall University
Mr. [Russel^ioreila
Frederick Galano
Fine a n d Performing Arts Departm ent
English Departm ent
B.M., University of North Carolina a t Greensboro
M.S.Ed., Fordham University; B.A., Loyola University M aryland
Emily Fencik Director of Marketing an d Public Relations
Director of G uidance a n d College Counselling
M.B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University; B.A., Fairfield University
Trish Fitzpatrick P'07, '16 Religion D epartment
M athem atics Departm ent
M.A., Boston College; B.A., W heeling Jesuit College
B.A., Kean University
Michael Fletcher Assistant Vice President for Finance
Modern L anguages Departm ent
Bene Merenti 28 M.A., University of Salam anca; M.A., University of H avana; B.A., Universidad Central M arta Abreu Las Villas Cuba
Catherine Ford Vice Principal for A cadem ics
M.Ed., Emmanuel College; B.A., Boston University
Robert Furlong
Faculty an d Staff 313
Assistant to the Principal
Assistant Librarian
Bene Merenti 27
M.A., Queens College; B.S., SUNY Purchase
Grace Gualario Director of Athletics Bene Merenti 34 BA, New Jersey City University
Ashley Hoffman Vice President for Planning an d Principal Giving Bene Merenti 43
MA., Fordham University; BA., M arquette University
Richard Hansen, P'03,'09
James Horan, '70
Assistant Director of Athletics an d Physical Education Department Chair
Science D epartment
MA, Saint Peter's University; B.S., St. Peter's College
Ph.D., University of Colorado; B.S., University of M aryland
Richard Hansen III, '03
Michael Holt, '99
Religion Department
History Department
Ph.D., M.A., Catholic University; B.A., College of the Holy Cross
M.A., B.A., Montclair State University
Jeffrey Hartling M athem atics Department
Director of Admissions Bene Merenti 28
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., Fairfield University
B.A., Saint Peter's College
M athem atics Department
Director of Communications
M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology; B.S., Saint Peter's College
B.A., New York University
James Hollywood, '66
Michael Jiran, ’03 History Department
J.D., G onzaga University; BA., Boston College
Anthony Keating, '7 8 ^ 10
Educational Technology
Dean of Student Life
B.S., University of Scranton
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A., The College of New Jersey
Michael Kelly
Anthony Locricchio, '96
Religion Departm ent
Assistant to the President Bene Merenti 25
M.P.S., Loyola University of New Orleans; B.A., University of North Carolina a t Wilmington
Tracy Kessler
Maryphyllis Locricchio, P95,96
Fine a n d Performing Arts D epartm ent Chair
G uidance a n d College Counseling Assistant Bene Merenti 22
M.FA., Cranbook A cadem y of Art; B.FA, The College of New Jersey
Janice Martineau
Physical Trainer
Finance Office Bene Merenti 25
M.B.A., Sacred Heart University; B.S., Pennslvania State University
Diane M cCabe M athem atics D epartment
Fine Arts a n d Performing Arts Department
B.A., Saint Peter's College
Theresa LaBruno Assistant Dean of Students, History Departm ent
Patrick M cCoy History D epartm ent
M.A., Saint John’s University; B.A., Saint Joseph's College B.A., Jacksonville University
Patrick LaGuerre
Mary Anne McElroy
Director of Annual Giving
BA., Saint Peter’s College
Faculty and Staff fl
Modern Languages Department
English D epartment
J.D. Rutgers School of Law - Newark; M.A., B.A., Georgetown University
M.A., St. Peter’s University; B.A., Messiah College
Patrick McGovern, '99
Greg Morrissey, '08
English Department
G uidance D epartment Bene Meienti 25
M.A., Fordham University; B.A., M ichigan State
M.S., Loyala University Maryland; M.Div., Woodstock College; M.S.T., A.B., Boston College
Adrienne McLoghlin English Department
Director of Alumni Relations
M.A., Teacher’s College, Columbia University; B.A., College of Saint Elizabeth
B.A. Saint Peter’s University
Kitty M cNally
Michael Murcia, '08
G uidance an d College Counseling D epartment
G uidance a n d College Counseling Department S
M.Ed., West Chester University; B.A., Saint Joseph’s University
Sarah Morissette
b i
M.Ed., M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University; B.A., Villanova University
Ms. [jessic^Nordstrom
Dean of Students
Finance Office
M.A., B.A., Fordham University
B.A., New Jersey City University
John Morris
Jessica Norton
G uidance an d College Counseling D epartment
Assistant Director of Cam pus Ministry
MA., Seton Hall University; B.A., Fairfield University
M.A., Villanova University; B.A. Fordham University
Maria Morris
Ryan O'Connell Physical Education Department
B.A., New Jersey City University
M athem atics D epartment
Modern L anguages D epartm ent
9 Years at Prep
4 Years a t Prep
M.A., H arvard University; Th. M., M. Div., Weston Jesuit School of Theology; M l., Loyola University; B.A., Fordham University
M.A., Boston College, B.A., Q uinnipiac University
Robert O'Hare, S J.
Thomas Powers
Science D epartment
Religion Departm ent
at Prep
M.A. Hunter College; B.S. Montclair State University
Kenneth Pamiloza
2 Years a t Prep
B.A., Fordham University
Michael Prescia
Modern Languages D epartment
Fine Arts Departm ent
1 Year a t Prep
2 Years a t Prep
M.A. Centenary College of Louisiana B.A. Louisiana State University
B.A., Art Institute of Chicago; B.A., Bennington College
Remi Pastorek A dvancem ent D atabase M anager
Robert Preston Physical Education Departm ent 9 Years a t Prep
7 Years a t Prep M.A., B.S., Saint Peter's University
Deborah Peko-Lillis, P'10 English Departm ent a n d Director of Curriculum an d Assessment
Jose Que, '99 M athem atics Departm ent 5 Years a t Prep
Bene Meienti 20 B.S., Georgetown University M.A., Rutgers University; B.A., M anhanttanville College
Richard Peters, '85
Casey Quinn
Assistant to the Director of O perations
Assistant to Cam pus Ministry
9 Years at Prep
1 Year a t Prep
J.D., University of Kentucky College of Law; BA., University of Kentucky
B.S., Seton Hall University
Peggy Popp-Murphy, P'08
Phadadria Randall
Science Departm ent 1 Year a t Prep M.A., University of Houston; B.A., Baylor University
David Poston
Faculty and Staff 8
Head Librarian
Modern Languages D epartment Chair
M.L..I.S., Rutgers University; M.M., University of South Carolina; B.A., Columbus State University; B.M., Columbus State University
M.A., Middlebury College; M.A., New Jersey City University; B.BA., Pace University
Rosalie Romano Religion Department
Religion Department
M.T.S., Boston College; B.A., Mount Saint Mary's University
BA., Loyola University M aryland
Gabriel Rossi Science Department
Director of Special Events an d Parent Relations
Sc. M., Sc. B., Brown University; M.Ed., St. John’s University
B.A., Rutgers University
Nathan Riley
Dalma Santana
Assistant to the Director of Athletics
Operations Staff Bene Merenti 27
B.A., New Jersey City University
HVAC Cert., Lincoln Technical Institute
Erica Rivera
Arvind Sawh
History Department
Classical Languages D epartment Chair
A.B., Harvard University
M.A., Saint Peter's University; BA.., Temple University
Brendan Roche
Matthew Scannapieco
Bowning Center an d Modern Languages D epartment
Religion D epartment Chair
B.S., Kean University
Renato Rodrigues '10
18 Years a t Prep Ph.D., M arquette University; M.Ed., Seton Hall University; Th.M., Princeton Theological University, M.Div., Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary; B.A., Rutgers University
Dominic Scibilia
Computer Science D epartment
B.S., Saint Peter's University
Michael Scircak, '1 1
Science Departm ent
Modern L anguages Departm ent
B.S., B.A., William Paterson University
M.A., New Jersey City University; M.S., Universidade de Sao Paulo; B.S., Polytechnic University of H avana ISPJAE
Carmela Schlitzer
Aymee Torres, P'l 9 Science a n d Fine a n d Performing Arts Departments
M.A., B.S., Saint Peter's College
Michael Settembrino,
B.A., Rutgers University
Mr. I Kenneth Trotta
School Nurse
Modern L anguages Departm ent
B.S., Montclair State University
B.A., Catholic University
Maureen Sheppard
Salvatore Veniero, '05
English D epartm ent
History D epartm ent Chair
M.A., Teachers' College, Colum bia University; B.A., Santa Clara University
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A., Monmouth University
Brooke Simonson
Anthony Verdi, '95
Director of Faculty Formation
Classical L anguages Departm ent
M.S., N eum ann College; M.A., University of Notre Dame; B.A., Santa Clara University
Ph.D., Boston University; B.A. Loyola University- M aryland
Boreta Singleton
Michael Vincze
M athem atics D epartm ent Chair Bene Merenti 31 M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A., Douglass College, Rutgers University
B.S., New York University; B.S., Saint Peter's University
Elizabeth Walsh
Mr. [ Rocco Tejada, P' 1 8
Faculty a n d Staff SW)
And through the years we will treasur With a joy beyond measure
The gifts you hi We shall i
ive given never forget!
Class of 2017 S l i
If you could take a full year off, what would you do or where would you go? A n d rew A lfanso- S p e n d so m e tim e a s a R o m an ian p o ta to farm er. M ay b e I’d g e t really in to s h e e p h e rd in g or so m eth in g . Trevor D o n a ta c c i-1 w o u ld tra v e l th e U n ited S ta te s g o in g to e a c h s ta d iu m to w a tc h a b a s e b a ll g a m e or fo o tb all gam e.
Nikolas Africa Soccer 1; Basketball 1,2,3; Sports by Numbers 3,4; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 286; Fr. Mullin CLC 3,4; Intramurals
*Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller, Terris Bueller’s Day Off“
Clarence Aguilera Soccer 1,2,3,4; CLC 3,4; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 43; Sports by Numbers 4; Immersion Trip 2
Ian H arnett- S p e n d a y e a r in th e G a la p a g o s isla n d s s tu d y in g an im als. H enry P osso-1 w o u ld go o u t in th e o c e a n a n d ta m e a n o rca
Damion Abrams
Jonathan Ahn
Football 1,2,3, captain 4; wrestling 1; Rugby 4; Deans Advisory Board 2,3; kairos 42; Sports by numbers Club 3,4; Asian Club 3,4; Stocks Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3;
Cross Country 1; Rugby 1; German Club 2,3, President 4; German Exchange 2; German National Honors Society 3,4;
"Beat the odds, Do Numbers and Remain Humble" - Future
Masaki Aerts Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3 President 4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Operation Smile 1,2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 42
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish b y its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." - Albert Einstein
A®® Seniors
"Git! Git! Git! Graa!" - Desiinger
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ' " - Jeremiah 29:11
M ichael Alberti V ideo G am e C lub 1,2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1; Ping Pong C lub 3,4
"If we do not know what we are doing then surely the enem y will not know how to retaliate against us." -Unknown
Andrew Alfonso
C hristopher A ppello
Karios 40; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Vox 2,3; Emmaus 284, Leader 285; Spring Musical 3; National Honor Society 3,4
Italian Club 2,3,4; Petroc 3, Editor 4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 284, Leader 286; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ignatian Teach In 4; Bethel Immersion Trip 3; Indoor Track 1; Cross Country 2; Italian Tutor 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Italian National Honors Society 3,4; Sophomore Retreat Leader 4
"Life is good, and something tells m e our adventure is just beginning." - Sly Cooper
"Through concentration, I can raise and lower m y cholesterol at will' - Dwight Schrute
Jeryll A ncheta
Angus Applegarth
Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 4; Bowling 3; Kairos 44
Water Polo 1; Crew 1,2,3, Captain 4; Car Club 3,4; Kairos 41
"If you're funny, be funny. Funny is intelligence." -Alice McNally
R.l.P Dwayne 2015
Diego Anderson Tennis 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Soccer 1; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Concert Band 1,2,3,VP 4; Sports by Numbers Club 3; Ebony Club 1; Film Appreciation Club 3; Pax Christi 2; Spanish Club 1,2,3; Kairos 40; Campus Ministry Team 4; Habitat for Humanity 4; Big Brother 3,4; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 3,4; CLC 3,4; Spanish Exchange 4; Appalachian Institute Service Trip 3
"A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory" - Louis Zamperini
Aashish Andrew Emmaus 284, Leader 285;
"And I am Aashish" - Original
David Awad Art Club 1,2; Stock Market Club President 3,4; Ultimate Frisbee 1,2; Nazareth Farm Immerison Trip 3; Bethel Alaska Immersion Trip 4; Ignite 1; Fencing 1,2,3; Sophomore Retreat 2; Kairos 39; AMDG 4; Emmaus 285; Big Brother 3; CMT 4
'You have two minutes to submit that," -Friend "What no way." -Me
Jordan Billie Kairos 39; leader 45; Emmaus 285; Vox 2,3,4; Campus Ministry' 4; Robotics Club 2; Ebony Club 4
"I'm going to search for m y star until I find it. It's hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder." - Michael Jackson
Class of 2017 fl§)l
Joseph Birdsall Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Bethel, Immersion Trip 1; EPI Costa Rica Trip 2; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Prep Connection Tutoring 2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4; Kairos 40; Habitat for Humanity 3; Emmaus 284, Leader 285; First Honors 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; English Silver Medal 3; History Silver Medal 3; Latin Silver Medal 3; Spanish Gold Medal 3; Big Brother 3,4
Justin Bonner Cross Country' 1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Kairos 43; Emmaus 287
'When life gives you lemonade, m ake lemons, Life will be all like whaaat." -Phil Dunphy
"Hope is like the Sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind u s ' -Samuel Smiles
Zachary Birdsall
Shawn Borkowski
Swimming 1,2,3 Captain 4; Vox 1,2,3,4; AMDG European Tour 1; Execom 2,3; Water Polo 2,3,4; Musical 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Bethel Immersion Trip 4; Ignatian Family Teach-in 3,4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 285; Music Silver Medal 1; Music Gold Medal 2; Drama Club 2,3,4
Ice Hockey 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 42; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4
"Don't write that Zach, that's a dumb senior quote" -Joe Birdsall
David Biron German Exchange 2/4;Kairos 3;German Club 3/4;Academic Bowl Club 3/4; Progressive Thinkers of Prep 3/4; Emmaus 4
"Why I came here, I know not; where I shall go it is useless to inquire - in the midst of myriads oi the living and the dead worlds, stars, systems, infinity, w hy should I be anxious about an atom?" -Lord Byron
Jan Brentjens Football 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Kairos 41
"What is courage? Let me tell yo what I think it is. An indefinable quality that makes a man put oi that extra something, when it seems there is nothing else to give. I dare you to be better tha. you are. I dare you to be a thoroughbred." -Herb Brooks
Ryan Boll
Luke Bukowiec
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Hockey 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 40, Leader 48; Emmaus 286
Basketball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Lacrosse 1
"Rule #76: No excuses, pla y like a champion"
II©1 Seniors
"I'm 97% sure you don't like me, But I'm 100% sure I don't care." - Leonardo DiCaprio
"J wish there was a w ay to knov you're in the good old days before you've actually left them - A ndy Bernard, The Office
Robert Bulka Student Council Secretary 4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; CMT 4; Kairos 40, Leader 47; National Honor Society 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Bethel Immersion Trip 2; 2Philly4Francis 3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 3,4; Emmaus 283, Leader 284; SPPAC 2,3,4; Band 1,2, Vice-President 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Wild Club 4
"Without love in the dream, it'll never come true." -The Grateful Dead
Ronald Burgers III Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 42; Costa Rica Field Study 2; Italian Exchange Program 3; Wild Club Vice President 4; Global Opportunities Scholarship Team 4; Emmaus 296; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Operation Smile 2,3
"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert Hubbard
Jack Burgess German Club 2,3; Vice President 4; Medical Club 1,2,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Big Brother 3,4; Political Philosophy 3, Secretary 3; Fencing 1,2; Bethel Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 39; Emmaus 286; National Honor Society 3,4; National Work Study Exam Gold Medal & Perfect Paper 2, Silver Medal 1,3; Silver Medal 2; History Silver Medal 2; Mathematics Silver Medal 2
"When you step on the brakes your life is in your foot's hands" -George Carlin
What was your favorite class, and why? Jordan B illie - My favorite class w as sophom ore year chem istry w ith Mr. Comey. He alw ays found a w ay to m ake anything th a t didn’t m ake sense, m ake sense. Tyler Cholankeril - The Saints, because I got th e opportunity to know Fr. Azzarto. Henry Erdman - My favorite class w as Bioethics w ith Mr. Fletcher, because stu d en ts w ere able to openly express and discuss personal perspectives w ith the re st of th e class.
Stuart Callinan Swimming 1,2; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Cooking Club 3; Pax Christi 1,2,3; CLC 3, president 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus; Kairos 41
"We will g et along just fine, though hopefully not too fine, because I am not looking for a ny n ew friends. End speech." -Ron Swanson
Andres C allegari
Johannes Calloni
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Open House Guide 2; Sports by Numbers 2,3,4; Prep Against Ignorance 1,2; Patriots of Prep 1,2; Medical Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3; National Society of High School Scholars 3; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 44; Emmaus 286
Swimming 1; Spanish Club 3,4; NHS 3; Spanish Honors Society 3,4
"If m y mind can conceive it, and m y heart can believe it then I can achieve it." - M uhammad Ali
"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott
Class of 2017 03®
What was your favorite class, and why? M a tth ew Issa c - AP Calculus w ith Mrs. Dillane. Her class fueled my passion for m ath. Benjamin M owatt - Christian Ethics because it helped m e “Stay W oke” and Mr. Rossi is th e man. M atthew Phillips - Program m ing honors because I becam e in terested in th e subject after know ing nothing about program m ing. Ronald Vivenzio - African A m erican Literature w ith Mr. G addy provided a space for g reat discussion about contem porary issues.
M ichael Castaldc Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3, president 4 Vox 2,3,4; CLC 3,4; Operation Smile 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Big Brother Program 3; Camp; Ministry Team 4; Social Justice Team 4; Arrupe Week Planning Committee 4, Philadcphia Urbar Plunge 2; Habitat For Humanity 3; Kairos 39, Emmaus 287.
Tou can catch flies with honey but you can catch more honeyi being fly" -Aristotle
Mauricio Cedillo Kairos 39; Emmaus 284; Medical Club 1,2,3,41 League of Legends club 2,3,4; Spanish club 2,3 j Current Events club 3,4; Art Club 3,4; Photograp Club president 4; Culinary club 3; Asian Society* Wild Club 4
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." -Charles Dickens
Kyle Carlee
Robert Chambers
Architecture Club 2; Academic Bowl Team 3,4; Indoor Track 2; Bowling 3; Gilbert West Virginia Advocacy Work Camp 2; Kairos 40; Big Brother 3; Magis Award 1; National French Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4
Cross Country 1, 2, 3,4; Indoor Track 1,2, 3, 4 Outdoor Track 2, 3; Kairos 41; Campus Ministr Team 4; Big Brother 3; Liturgy Team 4; Volleyb 1; Student Council 3; AMDG Retreat 4; Spanisl Exchange 4; Emmaus 286; West Virginia Immers Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity 4
"What a long, strange trip it's been" -Jerry Garcia
"I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolis enough to face me" -Dwight Schrute, "The Office"
Liam Carney Volleyball 1,2, captain 3, captain 4; Basketball 1,2; CMT 4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2,3; Sports by numbers 2,3; WILD club 2,3,4; Pope Francis Alive Club 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Magis Award Winner 1; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, henchman4; CLC1,2,3,4; Kairos41, leader48: Emmaus 286
There's a few things, about three
things to my account that I need each day. One of them is something to look up to. another is something to look forward to, and another is someone to chase.' - Matthew McConaughey C a rv n .
Adam Chester Kairos 41, Leader 42;Emmaus 286; Volleyball 1, Captain 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Fencing
*It's always good to be underestimated" - Donald Trump
Victor Chirichella Italian Club 2, 3,4; Culinary Club 1, 2; Italian tutor 3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip, 2; Kairos 42; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian Honor Society 3,4; Emmaus 4; Film Club 3,4
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
Cameron Clarke Football 1, 2, 3,4; Track & Field 1 ,2,3,4.
"The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself - the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us., that's where it's at." - Jesse Owens
{ / v U /I v £ l
Zachary Chmiel
Lucas Colem an Debate 1,2; Model UN 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Academic Bowl 3,4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 284; Big Brother 3;
"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?" - George W. Bush
(J h r A
Tyler Cholankeril
Matthew Costello
Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 41; Cross Country 1,2,3; Big Brother 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Spanish Honors Society 3,4
Basketball 1, Sports by the Numbers Club 4, Italian Club 3, Stock Market Club 1,2 Baseball Club 1, 2, 3 CLC, Kairos 39
"I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it wont be boring" ■David Bowie
"It ain't about the money and notoriety it's about the people and m aking a difference in society." - Logic
HM-mt GA Fahad Choudhary Medical Club 1,2,3,4
"It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war." -Unknown
Jason Coyle Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Winter Track 1; Stock Market Clut 1,2,3; Medical Club 3; Ski Trip 3; CLC 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 40; Kairos 45; Emmaus 285
"Life's been good to me so far" - Joe Walsh
Class of 2017 H3)
Anthony Crincoli
M ichael Dardour
Kairos 40; Emmaus 284; Baseball 1; Big Brother 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Italian Tutor 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Sports Debate Club 3; HAP Tutor 1; CLC 3,4
Dungeons and Dragons Club President 4; Robotics Club 2, 3
"We are w hat we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle
Paul Cuccinelli Baseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Football 1; Basketball 1
"Rule 76: No excuses, p la y like a champion" - Vince Vaughn
William Curtis K airos 41; Bethlehem Farm 3; Ping Pong C lub 1,2,3; Crew 1,2,3,4; M arauder N ation 4
“Beneath the clothes, we find a man...and beneath the man, we find his...nucleus.’ -Nacho Libre
"There was once a little boy nam ed Timmy..." - Unknown
George Dawoud M edical club 2,3,4 ; Baseball club 2,3; Trading Card club 2,3,4 Car club 3,4
“It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers“ - J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, ft7)
A lex an d er De M artin Italian Club 1,2, Junior President 3, President 4; Academic Quiz Bowl Team 1,2,3, Co-Captain 4; Cross Country 1,2; Robotics 1, Secretary 2; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Kairos 42; Italian Exchange 3
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And 1 plan on finding out what that is] - Derek Zoolander
d lu f
Harry Daniels Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3, president 4; Dungeons and Dragons Club 4; Breaking Barriers 4
“If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then m ake a change" - Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror
0/W, i l l
SD1) Seniors
Dylan Deans Baseball 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball C lub 1,2,3,4; Stock Mark; C lub 1,2,3,4; Freshm an A mbassador 1; K airos 39
"To be successful, you must be daring, be first and be different" - Ray Kroc
M ichael DeSousa Football 1,2; Rugby 2,3,4; Car Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 3; Kairos 4 1
"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never m eant to die here." - M atthew McConaughey(Interstellar)
M assimo DiMuzio Cross Country’ 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Outdoor Track 4; Italian club 2,3,4; Italian Exchange 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4
"Sometimes you gotta work a little, so you can ball a lot." - Tom Haverford, Parks and Recreation
Peter Dobbs Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; French Club 2, 3,4; Medical Club 3; CMT 4; Kairos 40, Leader 46
"I'm a peacock, you've gotta let me fly" - Detective Terry Hoitz.
Ryan Donaldson
Which teacher inspired you the most and why? Nikolas Africa - Mr. Delorenzo - he genuinely cares for every stu d en t and m akes th e class a lot of fun w ith his humor. Zachary Birdsall - Mr. Eleria - he w as a m entor for m e and helped m e to discover my passion for music. Cameron Clarke - Mr. G addy - he w as som eone I could relate to a lot. M ichael DeSousa - Mrs. Dillane - M ath w as m y least favorite subject until I had her.
Trevor Donatacci Baseball Team 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Pax Christi 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Kairos 3; Emmaus 4.
"A lot of times I find that people who are blessed with the most talent don't ever develop that attitude, and the ones who aren't blessed in that w ay are the most competitive and have the biggest heart." - Tom Brady
Ulise Duenas
Vox 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Kairos 40; Cross Country 1
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to w hat lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Class of 2017 EDI'
Which teacher inspired you the most and why? Chirayu Shah - Mrs. McElroy - she m ade AP US History enjoyable and she cares about each stu d en t individually
Henry Erdman Rugby 1,2; Kairos 41; Film Club President 3
’It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale." - Uncle Iroh, Avatar the Last Airbender
Ryan M endyk - Mrs. Morris b ecause she lets you chill in her office. Dean Santos - A favorite teacher? T h at’s an unfair question - th ere are too m any to choose from. They are all equally im portant and inspiring. M arc S ta c e y - Signora Romano - she tau g h t m e how to speak th e language th a t my gran d p aren ts spoke to m e so well.
Anthony Elia Spring Stage Crew 2,President 3,4; Film Studio 2; Current Events 4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 284, Car Club 4
"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead m ake your work more pleasurable." - President Donald J Trump
Youssef Elshenawy Swimming 1; Art Club 1,2,3,4
"Two years of Latin and the only thing I remember is making fun of our teacher's cat" -Original
David Espino Crew 1,2,3, captain 4; Kairos 43; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2,3,4; Big Brother 3j Appalachian Institute Immersion Trip 3; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Academic Bowl 1,2,3;
"Look I'm athletic. I've gotten several Rec League MVP’s." - David Burd
Cesar Esteban Ignatian Scholars 1, 2, 3,4; Sheehan Scholars 1 2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2; Intramural Football Champions 1; Indoor Track and Field 1; Basebal 1; Baseball club 1; Stock Market Club 2; EnglisI; Gold Medal 2; Advanced Spanish Honors Gold Medal 2; AP Spanish Language Gold Medal 3; Hoboken Catholic Tutoring 2,3; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 42; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3, presider 4; Adventure Club president 4; Ignatian Scholar: Leadership Team 4; Global Opportunities Scholarship Team 4
"When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man." -A Clockwork Orange
Dakari Falconer Football 2,3,4; Indoor and Outdoor Track ! 2,3,4(captain); Band 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry 4; National Hispanic Honor Society; Kairos 43
"If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce." - Radric "Gucci Mane" Davis
Andrew Ferrier Soccer 1, Captain 2 ,3 ,4 ; Baseball 1; Basketball 1; Italian Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Student Council 1,2; Sports By Numbers Club Secretary 3,4; Kairos 42, Leader 48; Emmaus 286; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4
"Humble yourself or God will do it for you" - Original
Matthew Gallo Hockey 1,2, alternate captain 3, captain 4; Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 36, leader 45; Emmaus 287; AMDG retreat 5; Habitat for Humanity Maine 3; Habitat for Humanity Huntington 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Sports by Numbers 3; Stock Market Club 2, 3; Latin Tutor 2; Freshman Ambassador 1: Pax Christi 1; Ignatian Scholars 1,2, 3,41 2,3,4; Indoor and Outdoor Track 2,3,4(captain); Band 2,3,4; Student Council 3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry 4; National Hispanic Honor Society;Kairos 43
"Rain drop" -Migos
M ichael F lanagan Cross Country 1,2,3. Captain 4; Indoor track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Rugby 1; French Club 2,3, President 4; National Honors Society 3,4; French National Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 41; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Tutor 2,3,4
"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards." -Shane Patton.
Owen Freeman Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Rugby 1,3; Kairos 44
"No I don't eat dragon 'cause it's not a meal for peasants, it's a meal for kings, and I'm sort of a common man. But they don't eat us, it's a misconception. They actually eat gold and treasure. That's why they're always sitting o n a big pile of it" - Charlie Kelly 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'
John G agliano Golf 3,4; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Co-president of the Science Society 4; 2016 Intramural Androball Finalist and Runner-up
'You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams
N icholas Gallo Hockey 1,2; alternate captain 3, captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Sheehan Scholars 1,2,3,4; Kairos 39; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 287; Habitat for Humanity Huntington 4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; AMDG retreat 5; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Stock Market Club 2,3; Pax Christi 1; Sports by Numbers 3
"Drop top" - Migos
Alex Garrett Freshman retreat 1; Sophomore retreat 2; Immersion trip 3; Kairos 40; Robotics club 3,4; Political Philosophy club 2; ChromeDepot 3,4
“Real men don't wear short sleeves." - Mr. Morris
Jonathan Garzon Kairos 39; Emmaus 286; Political Philosophy Club 2, vice president 3; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Melee Club 4; Medical Club 2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Pope Francis Alive 2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Film Appreciation Club 3,4; Ebony Club 4; Ignatian Scholar Tutoring Team 3; Prep Connection Tutoring 2,3,4; National Honor Society vice president 4; National Spanish Honor Society vice president 4; 3D Printing Club 2,3; Soccer Club 4; Science Society 4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Arrupe Week Planning Committee 4
Either you think or else others have to think for you and take power from you. pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Class of 2017 ADD
Francis Geltrude
Vincent Guastini
Soccer 1,2,3,4; K airos 41, Leader 45; V olleyball 1,2,3,4; Vox 1,2,3,4; Cam pus M inistry Team 4; Big B rother 3,4; Italian E xchange 3; Em m aus 286; Bethel Im m ersion Trip 2; Habitat for H um anity 3; A M D G Retreat 4
Wrestling 4; Fencing 2; Football 1; Rugby 1, 2, 3 4; Pax Cristi 1,2; Culinary Club 3; Kairos 39; Big Bods Club 1,2,3,4
The will to win is important but the will to prepare is vital" -Joe Paterno
Thomas Girgis
"A 2.6 GPA doesn't mean you ca n ’t do great things in your lin brother" - Jeff Hoens. ‘17
Dylan Gudiel
Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4
"Never do your best" -Mr. Canale
Luke Giunta Cross Country 1; Swimming 2,3, Manager 4; Water Polo 2,3,4; Rugby 1,2; Pax Christi 1,2,3, Leader 4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Big Brother 3; Ignatian Family Teach In 3,4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 284, 285; Campus Ministry Team 4: Mission Drive Homeroom Leader 3; Arrupe Week Committee 4; Arrupe Leadership Conference 3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Italian Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; National Italian Honor Society 3,4; Italian Poetry Recital William Paterson University 3; Ignatian Solidarity Sleepout 1,3; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Intramurals 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; AMDG 5
Nicholas Gutowsl Model UN 1,2,3,4; Kairos 41; History Club 1, President 2,3,4 SPPAC 1,2 President 3,4; Emmaus 285
"If you are not criticized, you m ay not be doing much" - Donald Rumsfeld
"Sufferings have a meaning only if you improve."
-Viktor Frankl
Ryan Gonzalez
Thomas Habib Car Club 3,4 President; Elite Melee Society 3
League of Legends club 3,4; Art club 3,4; Spanish club 3,4; Science club 3
"It matters not w hat someone is born, but what they grow to be." - J.K. Rowling (Albus Dumbledore)
S4J© Seniors
"Greatness ain't about cake." - David Burd
Ian Harnett Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl 2,3,4; German Exchange 2; Kairos 44; German National Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4
'You can't always get what you w ant but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need" - Mick dagger
Joaquin Harrell Football 1; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Kairos; Emmaus 283, Leader 286
"Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard" -KD
Conner Harrigan Football 1; Appalachian Institute Immersion Trip 3; Grand Canyon Trip 3; Kairos 42; Rugby 2,3,4
"Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn't mean they're lost forever." - Charles Xavier
Senior “Will and Testament” Ryan G onzalez-1 w ould leave all of my notes from all classes to m y younger brothers, M atth ew and Gabriel Gonzalez. I w ould hope th a t th ey w ould use them to give th em an ad v an tag e in class and alw ays be ah ead of their gam e. Cole Stallone- To Nicholas Cocciadiferro: I leave to you th e trait of irrepressible passion. I hope th a t you find w h at you love an d pursue it to its fullest extent. You have b een a g reat friend to m e and I w ish you everlasting joy in your life. M ichael Kingsley- To Jo sep h Moceri, the idea of u n d erstan d in g th a t w orking hard now will pay off later.
Ariel Herrera Football 1; Medical Club 2,3, Manager 4; Philosophy Club 4; Kairos 44
“2K stay cheating me." -Any NBA 2K Player
Joseph Henry Soccer 1,2; Football 3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Sports By Numbers Founder & President 2,3,4; Prep Against Ignorance Secretary 2, President 3,4; Ebony Club Secretary 9; Italian Club 1,2; English Gold Medal 1; Italian Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 40; Student Council 1,2; Founder of Yelly Fam 4; Bethel Immersion Trip 1; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Petrean 4
"If you ain't been a part of it, at least you got to witness." - Drake - Yelly Fam
Sean Hess Baseball 1,2,3,4; Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Stock Market Club 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; CLC 3,4; Intramurals 1, Champion 2,3,4; Kairos 42; Emmaus 285
Y ea h m y vision is to get it while I'm living, I keep winning" - Marcus Stroman
Class of 2017 24511
What was the story behind your first JUG? M asaki Aerts- R oughhousing in the stairw ell my freshm en year.
Finn Hodgins Football 1, Baseball 1,2,3,4
"Everything happens for a reason" - Unknown
Nikolas A frica-1 accidentally skipped a class b ecause I th o u g h I h ad a free. Liam Carney- Me and Tom Murray w ere on our w ay to Five Guys w h en w e saw Mr. Geary on th e phone looking dow n th e street at us. He noticed Tom b u t w e th o u g h t w e w ere in th e clear b ecau se Mr. Geary is a cool guy. Then about an hour later Tom gets an email for us to go see him. Sure enough w e both got 3 JUGs.
Vincent Guastini- X avier Posso and I w ere slap boxing in th e hallw ays and Mr. G am bone yelled at us.
John Hester III
Matthew Honig Cross Country 1,2,3, captain 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; Kairo 39; Big Brother 2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4: Urban Plunge 2; Freshman Ambassador 1; Intramural Football Champions 1; EPI Conservation Trip 3; Bethel Immersion 4; National Honor Society 3,4;
"I'm quite illiterate, but I read a Ion -H o ld e n Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye)
Riley Horton Cross Country' 1,2,3, captain 4; Academic Bow captain 2,3,4; Robotics 2,3, captain 4; Model l| 1,2,3; Adventure Club 4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 2 'Some believe it is only great power that c hold evil in check, but that is not what I h found. It is the small everyday deeds o | ordinary folk that keep the darkness at b Small acts of kindness and love. Why Bill Baggins? Perhaps because I am afraid, a he gives me courage.'
-Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien) The Hobbit
J$ k rX
Quinton Hines Jr. Basketball 1; Indoor Track 2, 4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Kairos 43
"Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen at a n y moment. It is imperative to live life according to your plan only. Do not let anyone tell y o u h o w to live your life, because when you look back on your life fifty years from now, you should be able to honestly say you have no regrets." - Original
Bradford Hotz Ice Hockey 1,4; Kairos 39; National Honor Soc 3,4; French National Honor Society 3,4; SPPA 2,3,4
“Never tell me the odds"Han Solo
D eclan Intindola Model UN 1,2,3,4 Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4, History Club 1,2,3,4, Student Advancement Ambassador 1,2,3,4 Kairos41, Bethlehem Farm 3, Big Brother 3,4 Photographer 4
7 would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in a ny city on earth." - Steve McQueen
Mitchell Jones Basketball 3, Football 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 44; Emmaus 4
"We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools." -MLK
Ioannis Ioakimidis
Zachary Joskowitz Tennis 1,2,3,4, Soccer 1,2,3,4, culinary club 2,3 Kairos 43 Emmaus 286
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
Matthew Issac Volleyball 1; Fencing 1, 2, 3; N ational G erm an H onor Society 3,4; C hess Club 2, 3, 4; R obotics 3 ,4 ; K airos 44; H ap T utor 1,2; Freshm an A m bassador 1; G erm an Club 2, 3, 4; Stock M arket Club 1, 2, 3; Engineering Club 1
"Just because you are a character doesn’t mean you have character" Winston Wolfe, "Pulp Fiction’
Ryed Jadun
I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact. - Elon Musk
Seam us Kane Campus Ministry Team 4; CLC 4; Kairos 41
"History began on July 4th, 1776. Everything before that was a mistake." - Ron Swanson
William Karol
Medical Club, 2,3,4, Vice President; Robotics Club, 2,3; Dungeons and Dragons Club. 4; German Club, 3,4; Academic Bowl, 3; Ultimate Frisbee Club, 2; Philosophy Club, 2,3,4.
Band 1, 2, 3 German Club 2, 3,4
7 did it! I beat Sportacus! (does a maniacal dance)" - Robbie Rotten
"Carthago delenda est" -Cato
Class of 2017 245®
Kyle Kelly
Ethan Kuhl Rugby 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 285; Baseball Club 1,2,3; Culinary Clu 1,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; A.M.D.G 4; French Club 2,3,4; Marauder Natio 1,2,3 henchmen 4; West Virginia Immersion Tri 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Christian Life Community 2„4; Big Brother 3; Operation Smil 2,3
"It took us three days to make that potato salad, THREE DAYS - Spongebob Squarepants y ,k $ L In
M ichael Kingsley Lacrosse 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Emmaus 285; Kairos 40; W.I.L.D. Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Latin Tutor 2; Prep Against Ignorance 1,2, Vice President 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4
John Kuhl Ice hockey 2,3,4 ; G olf 2
'You hate to see it." - John Kuhl
"Spend a little more time trying to m ake something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people..." -The Breakfast Club
In i
Eric Kirchner Soccer 1,2, JV Captain 3,4: Robotics 2,3,4; Pax Christie 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl 3,4; Kairos 43, 49 (Leader); Emmaus 287; German Exchange 2; Newark Immersion Trip 3; National Honors Society President 3,4; Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; Hoboken Catholic Tutoring 3,4
“Strength is the product of struggle, you must do what others don’t to achieve what other won't’ - Henry Rollins
Conor Larkin Soccer 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 40; Habitat Service trip 3; Car Club 3,4; Campus Ministry 4
'W henever I'm sad, I stop beinc. sad and be awesome instead' - Barney Stinson, How I Met Yoi Mother
v e /t-
Mateusz Koziel Hockey 1,2, alternate captain 3, captain 4; Sheehan Scholars 1,2,3,4; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3; Appalachiai Institute 2; Sports by Numbers 3; Prep Connection 3; Kairos 44; Emmaus 288
"I'm just bout that action boss" -Marshawn Lynch
H4MJ Seniors
M ichael Larkin Track 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2; Cross Country l j Vox 1,2, VP 3, President 4 ; Dramatics 2,3,4; d VP 3,4 ; Global Opportunities Scholarship 4 ; Kj 39, Kairos 46 ; Emmaus 284 ; Student Council CMT 4 ; Bethel AK 3
' Run with your heart and your legs will follow. “ - Mimi Frank
M ichael Leber Rugby 2,3,4; Progressive Thinkers of Prep Founder, Chancellor; 3,4 Kairos 41; Stock Market Club 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2; Football 1,2
"Not m any folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent." - Barack Obama
What advice would you give your freshman self? Christopher Lonergan - Invest in turtlenecks and cardigans. Ethan Kuhl - G et on Mr. M orris’s good side. Please. Save yourself.
Johnathan Lewis Football 1,2,3,4, Basketball Manager 1 ,2, Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4, Ebony Club 2, 3,4, Asian Society 1
" I m ake black history everyday, I don't need a month" - Kanye West
Luke Giunta - Get involved at soon as possible. To see God and friendliness in all people no m atter how cold or shy they can be at first. Sean Hess - Take ad v an tag e of everyday, four years goes by fast. Paul Policastro - Do th a t college stuff ASAP!
Daniel Liggio Academic Bowl 3,4; Ski Trip 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1.2,3,4; Kairos 40, Habitat for Humanity Service Trip 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; Bowling 3
"Now let's say you and I go toe to toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor." -Charlie Kelly
C hristopher L onergan Basketball 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1; Lacrosse 1; German Club 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Sports By Numbers 3,4; Political Philosophy 2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 44; National Honors Society 3,4
"I'm the one who knocks" - Walter White
(% *) /C
D ean Lindskog Ultimate Frisbee 1,2 ; Kairos 43; Italian National Honors Society 3
"Great Moments are born from great opportunities" - Herb Brooks
Christopher Lopez Basketball 3; Medical Club 3,4 ;Kairos 44
"Treat others how you want to be treated." - Unknown
Class of 2017 1%
What advice would you give your freshman self?
Matthew Marrer< Football 1; Kairos 41
“It doesn't really matter just w h you from, all that really matter: where you 're gon' go." -Kid Cudi
Ronald Burgers - Don’t fall asleep on the train and m iss your stop.
Frank Geltrude - Even th o u g h th ere m ay be hardships, m ake sure to savor every m om ent. Ryan Gonzalez - 1 should have transferred to Prep sooner.
Jihad Marshall Football 1; Kairos 42; Ebony Club 1,2,3
“If you keep looking back you'r-. gonna trip going forward" - Gucci Mane
Declan Intindola - Start taking photos earlier. Sam Pellot - M ake friends so they could tell you w here Mr. Morris is, so you don’t get JUG. Theo M acM illan
3-D Printing Club President 2,3,4; Hoboken STEM Teacher 3,4; Robotics 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholar Leadership Team 2,3,4; National Honors Society 3,4 French National Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 43
Football 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1 Student Council 3,4; Vice President 4; Kairos Big Brother 3; Camden Immersion 2; West Virl Immersion 3; Medical Club 3
“Don’t disrespect the caterpill and rave about the butterfly - Dwayne Michael Carter Jr
"Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt
Mitchell Matarc
D aniel M an g an ello
Kairos 42; Soccer Varsity Manager 4; French Club 3; Sports by Numbers Club 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; Kairos 48, leader; Emmaus 287; National Frenc; Honor Society 3,4; Campus Ministry 4;
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2 Captain 3,4; Newspaper 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry' Team 4; Kairos 41, 47; Emmaus 286
"The idea of ‘talking white/ a lot of peop grew up around that, just the idea that if speak with proper diction and come off educated that it’s not black and that if! actually anti-black and should be considt only something that white people would c Chance The Rapper
“They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." -Wilt Chamberlain
E4KI Seniors
Alton Martin
M u h a m m a d M azh ar Medical Club 1,2.3,4; Yearbook 2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 2,3; Kairos 40; Political Philosophy 2, president 3, president 4; German Club 2,3,4; Adventure Club 4, Asian Society Club 2,3; Current Events Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Model UN 1,2,3: Forensics 1,2, president 3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Breaking Barriers 1,2,3; Mock Trial 2,3,4
"What do you mean m y 75 can't be curved to a 90?" -Jackson Tennant
Connor McGee Rugby 1,2,3, Captain 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 285; Bethel Immersion Trip 3; Habitat for Humanity 4; Soccer 1
"Oh get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on m y job helmet, and squeeze down onto a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!" - Charlie Kelly
HJltwtJ[l John McAndrew Football 1,2.3.4 Track 1,2,3,4 Kairos 42
"The World Is Yours" - Scarface
M axim illian McGinley Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 41; Emmaus 284, Leader 285; Italian Exchange Program 3; Art Club 2,3,4; Arrupe Week Poster Creator 3; Medical Club 3,4; Dungeons and Dragons Club 4; Fencing 1; National Honor Society 3,4
"Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check but that is not what I have fo u n d . It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." -Gandalf the Grey
Matthew McDermott Baseball 1, 2, captain 3, 4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 2, 3 ,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Deans Advisory Board 1,2; Bethel Immersion Trip 1, Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 39, leader 45; Emmaus 285; Campus Ministry Team 4; Christian Life Community 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2; Baseball club 1, 2, 3 ,4; Freshman Ambassador; 1, Big Brother 3, 4; Spirit Award 4
"If size mattered, the elephant would be king of the jungle." -Rickson Grade
Brendan McEwen
ft Z'JjipJLkjj
Jam es McGuire Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 41; Band 2,3,4; Ski Trip 2; Tutor 2; Spanish Exchange 3; Advocacy Work camp 3; Big Brother 3,4
I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started b y a mouse. - Walt Disney
Ryan Mendyk U ltim ate Frisbee 1,2; Crew 2; K airos 44; Em m aus 288
"I thank god for m y life, and for the stars and strips, m ay freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died, and the ones that gave their lives so we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love." - la c Brown Band
Class of 2017
Brando Mercado
Jacob Mirlas
Bethel Immersion Trip 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Rugby 1,2; Kairos 42; Prep Connection 3; Pax Christi 1,2,3; Spanish Club 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4
Basketball 1; Freshmen Football 1; Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2; Kairos 41; Emmaus 287
7 never quit working. I work in the dark cause work is light. I tell my work all my problems because it never gives answers I have already it never edits without me. Doesn't call me names. I give my work ctway, because it doesn't cost me much. In fact I'm indebted. I work hard since life is hard. Death is a soft place, it can wait. But work ain't love. And love ain't work For sure." - Frank Ocean
Sean Mikovits Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 ; Water Polo l,2,3,Captain 4; Swimming 1; Kairos 40,46: Emmaus 283. 284; Campus Ministry 4; National Honors Society 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Bethel, Alaska Immersion Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity Huntington, West Virginia 3
"How you do anything is how you do everything." -T. Harv Eker
Adam Miller G olf 2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 2,3,4; Kairos 39; H abitat for H um anity 4; A ppalachian Im m ersion Trip 2; U ltimate Frisbee 1 "Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Dylan Thomas
Joseph Millroy Water Polo 1,2,3, captain 4; Rugby 2,3,4; Indoor Track 2; Kairos 41; Emmaus 285; AMDG Rctrea 4; Bethel Immersion Trip 4; CMT 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Big Brother 3,4; CLC 4
"Shake...." -Ricky Bobby
"... and bake." -Cal Naughton Jr
Nicholas Molinar Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; K airos 41, Leader 48; Em m aus 285; Freshm an Ambassador; D ean ’s Advisory Board 3; Pax Christi 1, 2, 3; Cam pus M inistry 4;
'You are remembered for the rules you break" -General Douglas Macarthur
Justin Montanez W restling 2,3,4
"They're robots Morty! It's okay ft shoot them! They're just robots!" - Rick and Morty
Harley Monteiro Football Team 1,2,3,4
"I'm here so 1 don't get fined" - Marshawn Lynch
Benjamin Mowatt Football 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholar l,2,3,4;Creator of Film Appreciation Club 3,4;Rugby 2,4;Track l,3,4;Ebony Club l,2;Breaking Barriers 3,4;Current Events Club 3,4; CMT Team 4;Kairos 44;Leader of Kairos 47;Emmaus 288; Mr. Dondero's Couch Club 4;
"Black excellence, truly yours Kanye West* - Benji Mowatt
If you were to become president, what would be your first order of business? M ichael Dardour- Bring back th e original Kinder Egg. Christopher Lopez- Visit A rea 51 to see w h a ts in there.
Brendan Murphy Model UN 1,2,3,4; Robotics 2,3,4; Celtic Club 3
Eric N ieves-1 cant an sw er this question, as I will m ost likely be a politician, and this m ay com e back to bite me. Rohan Singh- M ake Mrs. McElroy my Vice P resident
"There is no great genius without some touch of madness." -Aristotle
Thomas Murray Kairos 40, leader 49; Emmaus 285; Pax Christi 1,2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Bethel Immersion Trip 1; Camden Immersion Trip 2; Rugby 1; Basketball Manager 1; Lacrosse 2; Intramurals 1,2,3(Champion),4; AMDG 5; Wild Club 2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Medical Club 3
"All I can do is be me... Whoever that is" -Bob Dylan
Luke Natsvlishvili Robotics Team 2,3,4; Debate Team 1,2,3,4; Tutoring 2,3,4; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3, president 4; Crew 1, Volleyball 1, Kairos 39, Bethlehem Farm 3, Urban Immersion 2
"Take your jacket off, Luke" - Mr. Burokas in every class
Peter Stokes- Building a w all around D elbarton and m aking th em pay for it.
Eric Nieves Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 Intramural football champion 3 Kairos 40 Emmaus 285 Adventure Club Vice President 4 W.I.L.D Club 1,2,3 Big Brother 3 Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4 Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4 Sophomore Retreat 2, leader 4 Campus Ministry Team 4 Stock Market Club 1,2,3 Student Council 9,10 Marauder Nation Henchmen 4 National Spanish Honors Society 3,4 Global Opportunities Scholarship Co-Founder 4
“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family." - Don Corleone
Liam Nolan Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1, president 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3, president 4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 284; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Band 1,2, Officer 3,4; Big Brother 3,4
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it's not the end. - John Lennon
Class of 2017 341®
In what subject do you plan to major in college? Damion Abrams - A ccounting and M arketing. Clarence A guilera - N ursing Justin Bonner - Sports M arketing Chirayu Shah - M arketing and Finance M atthew Costello - Com m unications Massimo DiMuzio - M echanical Engineering Ethan Kuhl - Culinary A rts Jonathan Lewis - Physical Therapy M atthew Marrero - Criminal Justice Connor McGee - 1 have no clue w h atsoever Anthony Pineros - Biology Michael Park - Psychology Jon Sozer - N euroscience Paul Zirpoli - Fine A rts
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Basketball M anager 2,3,4; M arauder N ation 1,2,3 H enchm an 4; K airos 41; Em maus 286; Big Brother 3,4; R ockport H abitat for H um anity 3; M organtow n Habitat for H um anity 4; Freshm an A m bassador 1
"How Would I Describe Myself? Thre< Words. Hard-working. Alpha Male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable: - Dwight Schrute, The Office
Jake O’Callahar V olleyball 1, Philosophy Club 3,4, Stocl M arket Club 1,2, Kairos 43
7 can't tell you how m any hot dogs I’v e eaten in m y life." - Shia LaBeouf
Bryan Novak
Thomas O’Conno
Basketball 1,2,3; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; M arauder N ation 1,2,3,4; C LC 2,3; Big B rother 3,4; N ational H onor Society 3,4; Spanish H onor Society 3,4; Science Society 4; Freshm an A m bassador 1; Em m aus 285; Spanish Exchange 3; W V M inistry and A dvocacy W orkcam ps 2
B aseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4: Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1, cham pion 2,3,4; Freshm an A m bassador 1 A ppalachian Institute Im m ersion Trip 3; B Brother Program 3,4; Kairos 39
"No such thing as a life that's better than yours' -J. Cole
7 plan to eat with the p eo p le. starved with" - Logic
Hunter Novello
Shawn O’Leary
H ockey 1,: Robotics Team 1, Head o f Program m ing, H ead D river 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Stock m arket club 1, 2.
Video G am e C lub 1,2, V ice President 3
7 guess you could call it a “failure", but I prefer the term "learning experience -Mark W atney (The Martian)
Hi® Seniors
M ichael Nulty
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" -George Carlin
Kevin O’Mara
Gabriel Palma
Hockey 1,2; Ultimate Frisbee 1; Baseball Club 1; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 44; Bowling 4; Emmaus 288
Football 1; Wrestling 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Emmaus 284; Kairos 44; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Patriots of Prep 2; Freshman Ambassador; Open House Guide 2
'You will have failures in you life, but it is w hat you do during those valleys that will determine the heights of your peaks." - Rahm Emanuel
Do w hat others won't so you can live like others want - Tai Lopez
Parker Omslaer Basketball 3,4; Volleyball 3,4
Julien Panepinto Robotics 2,3; Indoor Track 1; Emmaus 285
time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -Steve Jobs
Y our
"In Russia, we ride bears." -Timofey Mozgov
Ryan Omslaer
M ichael Park
Basketball 3,4
German Exchange 2; Secretary of Medical Club 3; Kairos 43; President of Medical Club 4
"Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's w ay to say nobody's perfect" - Shaquille O'Neal
Anthony Ortega Asian Society 2,3,4; Car Club 3,4; Model UN 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Breaking Barriers 4; Medical Club; Boys club 4; 4; Kairos 44; Emmaus 288;
"The things that make me different are the things that m ake me" -Winnie the Pooh
Frank Pellegrino Kairos 40, leader 49; Emmaus 285; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Concert Band 1-3, president 4; Jazz Band 1-4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Bethel Immersion Trip 2; Ignatian Family Teach-In For Justice 3; Water Polo 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; AMDG 5; National Honor Society 3,4; W.I.L.D Club 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ignatian Scholars’ Tutoring Team 3; Magis Award 1; Spirit Award 4; Music Gold Medal I; Music Silver Medal 2; Sheehan Scholar 14; Debate Team 1; Medical Club 2,3; Stock Market Club 2
"Well. urn actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot.. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know. 1 don't know if we'll have enough time." -Frank Bicard
Class of 2017 SiS
Samuel Pellot
Jam es Pike
Rugby 2,3, captain 4; Hispanic culture club 2,3,4; Kairos 41; Emmaus 239; Student Ambassador 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4
Soccer 2,3, captain 4
gotta learn to drive with the fear. There ain't nothin' more frightenin' than drivin' with a live c o u g a r in th e c a r. If you're calm, that wonderous big cat will be calm too. But if you're scared, that beautiful death m achine will do what God made it to do, namely, eat you with o smile on its face." - Reese Bobby T o u 'v e
"Circle got smaller, vision got larger~ - Anonymous
Benjamin Petrula
Anthony Pineros
Football 1,2,3, captain 4; Track & Field 1,2,3; Kairos 42
Vox 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4 ; Outdoor Trac; 3,4; Robotics 3 ;Spanish Club 2,3,4 ; Operatioi| Smile 2,3,4 ; Medical Club 2,3,4
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard
"Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners." - Unknown
5 Paul Policastro
Samuel Phelan Crew 1,2,3, captain 4; Science Society 3, President 4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 41; Prep Connection 2,3
"Live every week like it's Shark Week‘ - Tracey Jordan
Matthew Phillips Culinary Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Current Events Club 2,3,4; Car Club 3,4, Founder; Kairos 42; Spanish Exchange 3
I rather be feared or loved ? Easy... both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott
"W ould
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3 president 4; 3d printing club 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team; Mus Forum Club 4; Kairos 43; Emmaus 284
don't love people. I love Camaros, Zeppelin, and French Fries- In that order." -Steven Hyde, That 70's Show
Jorge Portorreal Basketball 1, Captain 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3, Capta 4; Sports By Numbers 3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Full Time Savage 1,2,3,4
"Don’t blame me. I'm just a p r o d u c t o f w h a t made me" -G
Henry Posso Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 41
Thomas Prokop Kairos 43
"A ny
amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese." - Dennis Reynolds
Jonathan Quinn Vox 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Spanish Club 3, Kairos 39, Emmaus 284, Urban Plunge Immersion Trip 2,
'T h e y
misunderestimated me" -George W. Bush
Robert Quintas
In what subject do you plan to major in college? Ram Thatham- C om puter Engineering Riley Horton- E ngineering Tyler Switala- Film and Television Sean Hess- Sports M edicine Hunter Novello- Science degree and a B usiness degree Trevor Towindo- Kinesiology Ryan Mendyk- N ursing Benjamin Petrula- Finance or Business M anagem ent M atthew Phillips- C om puter Science Nicholas Gutoski- Foreign Affairs M aximillian McGinly- Biology Andrew Ferrier- Econom ics and E ntrepreneurship
Sebastian Real VOX 1,2,3,4; Kairos 3; Emmaus 4
"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Anthony Reyes
Ignatian Scholars 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Cross Country 3,4; National Honor Societ) 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 43; Kairos 47 Leader; Emmaus 287
Kairos 39; Emmaus 285; Kairos 45 Retreat Leader; Ebony Club 3,4; Operation Smile 3, Track 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip
*Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
"Well m aybe we wouldn't sound so bad if some people didn't play with ...Big Meaty Claws" -Spongebob episode "Band Geeks'
Class of 2017 Si®
Where do you im agine yourself in 10 years? Paul Policastro-1 d o n ’t have 2027 vision. Daniel L iggio-1 will be in m y second year of residency and will have b eg u n paying off my stu d en t loans.
Daniel Rivera Spanish C lub 1,2 president 3,4; Indoor Track and Field 1,2,3,4; O utdoor Track an Field 1,2,3,4; A lter Serving 3,4; Fr. M ullin CLC 3,4; Cam pus M inistry Team 4; Kairp 39 3; Em m aus 284 4; K airos 48 4; Philadelphia Im m ersion Trip 2; O ur Lady the W ay Rosary G roup with Mr. G ambon 2; Big Brothers 3;
“Just take it easy, man." - Myself
Alton M artin-1 see myself living in Boston w orking for ESPN. Jam es Robbins Benjain Petrula- Playing in th e NFL Sean O’Leary- In debt. Trevor Towindo- Either playing hockey, or training aspiring hockey players, hopefully w ith my ow n com pany.
Ryan Ribeiro
Desmond Robert:
Crew 1,2; Petroc 3,4; Baseball Club 3; Stock Market Club 2; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 286; Spanish Honors Society 3,4
Rugby 2; Outdoor Track 3,4; Indoor Track 4; Vi! Club 4; Finance Club 2;
*Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever." -Shane Falco, (The Replacements)
Thomas Riley
Brandon Rossi
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 2,3,4; Bowling 3,4; Kairos 41; Spanish Exchange 3; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 287
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3 •] Captain 4
“Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." - Sherlock Holmes
S141 Seniors
"If opportunity doesn't knoc build a door" - Milton Berle
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" - Steve Prefontaine
Matthew Russo
Alejandro Sanchez
W restling 1,2,3,4 C aptain 3,4; M arauder 4; Cam pus M inistry Team 4; B ethlehem Farm im m ersion trip 3; M organtow n H abitat for H um anity 4; K airos 39, 49; Em m aus 287; CLC 1,2,3,4; Italian C lub 1,2,3,4; G am e o f Thrones Club 4; C hess Club 1,3; Freshm an A m bassador 1
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 42; Emmaus 286; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; Father Mullin CLC 3,4; Campus Ministry' Team 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Medical Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals Champion 1,2, 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; National Spanish Honors Society 3,4
“Beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man, w e find his... nucleus." ■Nacho Libre
“Create a life you don't need a vacation from"
- Anonymous
Patrick Ruvo
Dean Santos
Varsity Tennis 1,2,3, captain 4; Spanish Club 2,3; Kairos 40; Leader of Kairos 45; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Global Opportunities Scholarship 4; Spanish Exchange 3; Sports by Numbers Club 3,4
Emmaus 285; Kairos 43; Medical Club 1, 2, 3,4 Co-Vice President; Philosophy Club 2,3, 4; 3-D Printing Club 2 secretary, 3 secretary, 4 secretary; Stock Market Club 1; McNally-Sinnott Chapter of the National Honor Society 3, 4; Current Events Club 2, 3,4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3,4: Academic Bowl Club 3.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius
cD& jCu Y L
M ichael Salam eh Soccer 1,2,3.4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Vox 1,2,3,4;
7 don't feel pressure. I spent July 9th. 06 sleeping and playing playstation. In the evening, I won the World Cup.' -Andrea Pirlo
Guido Salandra Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
"One man. Honcho" - Migos
Nicholas Santos Wrestling 1,2 wrestling captain 3,4; Kairos 44: Big brother 3,4
“Plato was the smartest man who ever lived. He said its okay to lie if it truly benefits the cause of the people. [He] called it the noble lie" -Bubbles, trailer park boys
Adam Scagliarini Football 1. 2, 3,4; Kairos 42
7 wish there was a way to know you're in the good o ld d a y s before you've actually left them. -Andrew Bernard" -Adam Scagliarini
Class of 2017 E
What does “senioritis” m ean to you? Henry Erdman- Senioritis m eans skipping days only if I d o n ’t have Honors Calculus w ith Mrs. Dillane.
Tyler Switala TV studio; Musical/Dramatics 4; Video game club: Anime club; Improv club; Bowling
'Life moves pretty fast.If you don't sn and look around once in awhile, yc could miss it". - Ferris Bueller
M atthew McDermott- Sleeping in Mrs. M orris’s office every chance I g et John Yorey- Senioritis m eans th a t you are finally able to let go of stress and appreciate high school for w h a t it really is...Fun Jason Coyle- Getting home at 3:45, going to sleep at 4, waking up at 5, eating at 5:15, playing NHL and watching “The Sopranos” until 1. Starting homework at 7:45 the next morning.
Connor Sullivan Breaking Barriers 2, President 3, co-president 4; Yearbook 2,3, Editor 4; Kairos 43;
"To love
another person is to see the face of God," -Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
Conor Sullivan Baseball Club 1,2,3,4: Kairos 39
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." -Arthur Ashe
Si© Seniors
Christian Tanas Football: 2,3; Crew:2,3,4; Kairos: 42, Leader 4' Italian Exchange: 3; Emmaus: 286
"We will have so much winning if I c elected that you m ay get bored wi. winning." - Donald Trump
Jackson Tennan Soccer 1, 2, 3,4; Kairos 42; Emmaus 286, leai 287, Outdoor Track 1; Smash Club 3,4; Soccf Club 3, 4; Big Brother 3; Stock Market Club 2l Pax Christi 1, 2,3; German Club 2, 3
"Anything is a toy if you play with -Andy Dwyer, Parks and i? e c re a fic j
Matthew Tether Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 ; Football 1; Culinary club 2, 3'j Stock market club 2, 3; Model UN 3,4; Stage Crew 3, VP(spring) 4
"If patience is a virtue, then why da procrastination get such a bad rep -Anonymous
Ram Thatham Tennis 1,2, 3,4; Yearbook 1, 2, 3, Co-Editor-InChief 4 ; Model UN 1, 2, Vice-President 3, President 4; Prep Forum Founder and President 2, 3,4; Fencing 2; National Honor Society 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 41; Emmaus 288; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Soccer Discussion Club Vice-President 3, 4; Robotics 4; Vox 3, 4; Stage Crew 1, 2; Science Society 2; Video Game Club 1; Admissions Ambassador 1;
"No one would actually quote themselves, right?" - Ram Thatham
Charles Torres Chrome Depot 2,3,4; Big Bods Club 3,4; Intelligent Minds Club 4; Elite Melee Society* 3,4; 3; The Men of Prep 2; Boys Club 2,3,4; Dance Club 1; Ping Pong Club 2; Emmaus 287
"Strap on that there jammy pack, and get a grip on your soul" - Papa Gener (Boys Club, Boys Club, Ya ya Boys Club)
Trevor Towindo Hockey 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Kairos 43; French Club 3,4: Ignatian Scholars; NHS
“Confidence isn't about being sure what you know. If so, you'd never be confident enough. It's about being confident in what you can learn." ■Peter Russo
Aidan Thornell Soccer 1,2,3,4 Captain 4; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1,2; Asian Club 1,2,3,4: Culinary Club 2,3; Sports by Numbers Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Fr. Mullin CLC 3.4; Kairos 41; Emmaus 286
"I take a lot of naps, but I stay woke." -Original
Jonathan Thybulle
Brendan Vander Vliet Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4
"Without a struggle, there can be no progress" - Frederick Douglass
Geroll Vedar
Baseball 1,2 T rack& F ieldl,2,3,4 K arios 42
Soccer 1; Asian Club 1,2,3,4; Car Club 3,4; Kairos 43; Emmaus 287
"Everything happens for a reason"
"I Just Wonder Why in the World You Would Make Me Suffer. But Now in the End I Understand That it Made Me Tougher"
- A nonym ous
- Logic
Class of 2017 31®
Kevin Vieira Ultimate Frisbee 1,2; Soccer Club Founder/President 3,4; Baseball Club 1 ,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2; Car Club 3; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Grand Canyon Trip 4; Gettysburg Trip 3; Ignatian Family Teach-In For Justice 2016; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Sophomore Retreat Leader 4; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Christian Life Community 4; AMDG Retreat 4; Kairos 39; Emmaus 287 "We should make the most of life, enjoy it, because that's the w ay it is." - Cristiano Ronaldo
John Vinci Wild Club 4: Kairos 39: SPPAC 2,3,4
isn't a fairy tale, it's not a bunch of jumping rope... It's complicated." - Ron Burgundy
Ronald Vivenzio Crew 1,2,3; German Club 2,3,4; Model United Nations Club 1,2,3 President 4; Prep Forum CoPresident 3, Co-President 4; German Exchange 4; Kairos 40
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 41; i Emmaus 285, leader 287; Marauder Nation 1,2,3 Henchman 4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Trip 1,2
"A n d I'd just like to say from the bottom of m y heart, I'd like to take this chance to apologize... to absolutely nobody." - Conor McGregor
Benjamin Wang Fencing 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Prep Fort Co-President 2,3,4; Kairos 44; German Club 2,M Flight Club 3,4; Big Bods Club 3; Model UN 3§ Intelligent Minds Club 2,3,4; Old Skool Hip Hi Club 2, VP 3,4; Culinary Club, Cheese Lord 3, Wild Club 4; Boys Club, Secretary 3,4; Art Clul Photography Club 4; 3,4; Yiddish Cli Co-Founder; History Club 3
"If danger was a beautiful woman, would marry her," -Flapjack The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Colin Ward Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Pax Cristi 2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4; CLC 4; Rockporf Habitat For Humanity 3; Basketball 1; Kairos 39 46; Emmaus 285
"A true m an never dies." -Kamina
‘Stay Hungry. Stay foolish." -Steve Jobs
Dalton Walker
Alexander Wedgbui
Fencing 1, captain 2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Ultimate Frisbee 1, Spanish Club 3,4; Boys Club 3,4 Dance Club 2,3; Big Bod Club 3,4; 3, president 4; Flight Club 3,4; 3D Printing Club 3,4; Medical Club 4; Breaking Barriers 4: Old-Skool Hip Hop Club 3,4; Soccer Club 4; Car Club 3,4; Anti Social Social Club 2,3,4; Ping Pong Club 2,3; Intramural 1,2,3,4; Kairos 43, Emmaus 288
"The inner machinations of m y mind are an enigma" - Patrick Star
Hd® Seniors
John Walsh
Crosscountry 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4;; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Kairos 40; Emmaus 28| Band 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Academic Bowl 3,4
"Those who do not remember ti past are condemned to repeal - George S antayana
Justin Y annece
Sicheng Zhong
Baseball 1,2,3.4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Montclair State Italian Speech and Language Competition 2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Big Brother 3; Concert Band 3,4; Kairos 41, leader 45; Emmaus 275; Campus Ministry Team 4
Robotics Club 2; Breaking Barriers Club 2,3,4; Feminist Club 3,4, co-founder; German Club 2, 3,4; Asian Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; Kairos 39
"When the dreams your dreamin' come to you, when the work you p ut in is realized, let yourself feel the pride but, always stay humble and kind." - Tim McGraw
John Yorey Football 3,4
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Paul Zirpoli Art Club 2, 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Boys Club 4, Secretary; Kairos 44
"What we do in life... echoes in eternity" - Gladiator
"I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know I'm doing it really, really well." - A n d y Dwyer
Brian Zawistowski
Steven Zuckerman
Crew 1,2; Philosophy Club 4.
"Hit m y palace, stroke m y cactus" -Travis Scott
Hockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Stockmarket Club 2;
'You don't come to Sundance for the snow, you come for the heat." - Ari Gold
M ichael Zdanowicz
Lyandro Zuniga
Hockey 1,2,3, captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Habitat for Humanity Maine 3; Young Americans for Freedom 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Patriots of Prep 2;
A rt Club 4, Football 1; Cam pus M inistry 4; K airos 39,46; Em m aus 285; A M D G 4; A ppalachia Im m ersion Trip 2; C ar Club 3,4; Soccer Club 4;
"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon." -Ronald Reagan
"The Blacker the Berry, the Sweeter the Juice" -Tupac
Class of 2017 a©H
(gCa Maurice Acuna Jayson Ademilola Justin Ademilola Luis Aguiar Adetayo Akano Nicholas Albano
Jorge Alicea-Lopez Declan Alvidrez Jared Ammugauan Noah Andriani Gabriel Armena Conrado Arroyo
Markus Bagley Matthew Baldowski Austin Bennett Louis Bizien Cameron Blair Dylan Boardingham
Christopher Brady Miles Brancatella Jack Brandon Daniel Brown Noah Byrne Correl Caddie
Marco Califano Adrian Camano Nicholas Cao Jack Carey Hugh Carroll Nikolas Carter
Christopher Caruso Christopher Casiano Keith Castaldo Isaiah Chagas Nicholas Charas Andrew Chiurazzi
S d i Underclassm en
Brennan Collier Samir Cooper Fernando Cordova John Corrao Michael Cortez Andrew Coyne
Matthew Coyne Marc Cozzarelli Jared Cruciani John Curran Michael Daly Jason Davidoff
Andrew de Armas Nicholas Demetriades Dante Dias Matthew Dillane Philip Donald Robert Donald
Dylan Dordevic Richard Doren Ryan Domeo Kevin Druciak Matthew Duane Robert Dungan
Kenneth Einhom Brendan Ekwughalu Jordanis Espinal Luis Espinal Jasiri Evans Kevin Fell
Adrian Fernandez Steven Ferrales Tyler Finerty Sean Fitzgibbon Peter Flores Anthony Franconeri
Gavin Freeman Tate Fryczynski John Gaccione Thomas Gannaway Ryan Gannon Patrick Garrigan
Class of 2018 3®©
gCa Dylan Abanilla Andrew Adablah Matthew Adams Kyle Alejo Mogens Alexander Christopher Amaral
Daniel Ambrosio Paul Ames James Anderson Michael Appello Christian Arcos Sebastian Arias
David Arroyo Ayir Asante Justinian Aurora Brandon Balatbat Renard Barnes Anthony Barrera
Edwin Baumgartner Bryce Belser Nathan Blumenfeld Tracy Bowers Ian Bradshaw Christopher Brentjens
James Bristol Liam Brown Jacob Brozon Nathan Bryant Charles Camilleri Harold Carter
Evan Casas Daniel Cetera Andrew Chaparro Justin Chaparro Stephen Chowanec Liam Christman
Ed© Underclassm en
Michael Coacher Nicholas Cocciadiferro Niccolo Colucci Quinton Conlin Maximilian Contreras Orlando Cortez Jr.
Thomas Cotter Domenico Crincoli James Cruz Christian Cunningham Emmanuel Dadulla Anthony D’Angelico
Jaiden David Philip DeCresce Mark Del Castillo Christian Della Rocco Nicholas DeMarco Sean Demo
Stanley Dennis Michael DeSantis Thomas DeSantis Ethan Diaz John Dillon Brian Downey
Ryan Emma Damani Falconer Matthew Faller Cole Ferrara Peter Fila Thomas Fitzhenry
Royce Flores Byron Flores Jr. Matthew Forget Bennett Freeman Nicolas Galup Timothy Garcia
Tyriek Garcia David Garrelick Nicholas Gayle Ethan Gaynor Maxim Geller Timothy Georgetti
Class of 2019 3HD
Jeffrey Gerger Julian Gibson Antonio Gigante Michael Giordano Miles Gold Alexandra Gonzalez
Thaddeus Goratowski John Gorski Tyler Goyanes Ryan Gray Vincent Grimaldi Phillip Grimaud
James Grueter Garrett Gualtieri Jeremiah Guzman Griffen Haas Mina Hanna Patrick Haughney
Kyle Hess Mason Holland Max Honig Courtney Hymes William Ince Nicholas Iniashvili
Matthew Italiano James Jensen Vernon Johnson Patrick Johnston Chase Jones Liam Kagel
Asa Kahn Jake Karbowniczak Martin Kasilag Owen Kealey Patrick Keenaghan William Kelley
B^d) Underclassm en
Thomas Kellner Dylan Knight Justin Koroglu Jack Kramer Ceejay Larino Matthew Lee
Jin Leem Camil Lewis Aidan Lezynski Eric Liao Maverick Lindo Nicholas Lojo
Mark Lovito Desmond Luck Richard Luzzi-Liggins John Lynch Dezmel Lyons Sean Maclaney
m n
Christian Madlansacay Daniel Maher Naji Malik Nicholas Manganello Nicholas Marino Andrew Marrero
Brandon Maruri Kakuyon Mataeh Christian Matos Mason-William Matos Maasai Maynor Robert McDonough
James McGann Adonis McGee Jordan McPhee Alessandro Memmolo John M emar Jack Meyer
Scott Miceli John Millar Alexander Miller Xavier Morales Michael Morano James Moriarty
Class of 2019 E^E
Samuel Mullaney Thomas Muller Henrik Murer Patrick Murphy Sahil Naik Tyler Najara
Thomas Narramore Gus Nations IV Matisse Nelson Mark Niland Aidan Nolte Alec Nossa
Alexander Novello Roman Oben Jr. Phiip Okoh Julian Ongay Sky Ozagar Marcos Parada
Kyree Parker Nicholas Pascarello Paolo Pasquali Bryce Payne James Pearce Gregory Pease
Diego Perdomo John Pettit Ty Pezzolla William Pikus Kristopher Piwowarczyk Colin Plunkett
Hudson Poreda Matthew Preite Steven Prokop Shashwat Punjani Jacob Quinones Steven Racki
R72 Underclassm en
Dominic Ragno Noah Ramadan Anthony Rego Jeremy Resurreccion Andre Reyes Michael Ribeiro
Adrian Richardson Wade Richardson Willie Richardson III Edwin Rivera Marcus Rivera Troy Roberts III
Khyree Robinson Roberto Rodas-Hemdon Joseph Romano Timothy Rosa Colby Ruggiero Matthew Russell
Jacob Saavedra Evan Sanders Tristan Sarmiento Grant Saunders Kieran Scanlon Anthony Scarpa
Robert Scheurer Justin Scocco Samay Shamdasani Braden Shivas John Smith III Matteo Sollecito
Biagio Stoduto Christopher Stultz Daniel Stusnick Harrison Sykes Julian Todd Christopher Tolkin
Jonathan Torres Richard Torres Jr. Gabriel Trojanowski Jack Umphrey III Augustus Valente Jared Veloso
Class of 2019 m
Jordan Veverka Lucas Vinci Ethan Wang-So Paul Weeks Elijah White Charles Williams
Francis Windels Nicholas Wondolowski Marcus Woodard Ekow Yankey Joseph Yap Devan Yee
Tyler Young Matthew Zdanowicz
SDQ Underclassm en
Veer Advaney Christopher Anderson Mark Apadeer Pax Ardanz James Ashe Adam Aziz
Jacob Bacha Andrew Bannon Dean Baquiran Bryan Barahona Joseph Basilio David Benoit Jr.
Suvan Bhat Gordon Biebel Adam Botti Nicholas Brady Edmund Broderick Max Burgess
Dylan Burrs Jaden Caban Michael Caceres Thomas Cahill Antonio Callegari Jonathan Camaya
Michael Canosa Daniel Cao Matias Carrion Andrew Carter Gabriel Caruso Noah Casco
Christopher Cerbone Julian Chandler Connor Chapman Michael Charas William Charvala Youness Cheboubi
C lasses of 2019 & 2020 11
Andrew Cherry Justin Chipatecua Luke Chmiel Aidan Christman Thomas Christo Gabriel Clement
Liam Concannon James Conti Patrick Corrao Diego Crespo Matthew Cugliari Michael Davis
Donald Davis Jr. Marco De Lucia Matthew Del Sol Darren Del Sordo Andrew Delucia Joseph Demarco
Jude Demo Arthur Des Clers Patrick Devlin Kevin Diaz Dominic Dilullo Jackson Dilullo
Aidan Doherty Luke Donofrio Joseph Doody Adrian Dookie Owen Dougherty Jonas Eaton
Trinity Edwards Jan Egan Colin Elliott Sean Emmert Jack Engdall Michael Farrell
Underclassm en
Quamek Fearon Tyler Fearon Andrew Fenton Brendan Finerty George Flanagan Aidan Foca
Michael Frontera George Garcia Cameron Garlin Luqman Gbadamassi David Gbadamosi David Gerges
Samuel Gilhawley Joshua Glatman Benjamin Gomez Jordan Gomez Gabriel Gonzalez Matthew Gonzalez
Carlos Goyburu Jr. Alexander Gray Kurt Gray Justin Green Tyler Greene Javier Grillo
Nicolas Gronda Aidan Guamuccio Alexander Gudaitis Daniel Hagan Cade Harkins Sidharth Hegde
Joseph Held James Henry Eduardo Hernandez Roddy Hernandez Kyle Hoog Miles Hooper
James Hunt Aidan Hunter Salvatore Imbornone Demetri Ioakimidis Anthony Ionta David Jachimski
Class of 2020 111
Stephen Jennings Jr. William Johnny Roderick Kelly Ryder Klein Maciej Kowalczyk Tyler Krauth
Jake Lacy Matthew Lamalfa Christopher Larkin Charles Lawal Austin Lawson-Hogban Colin Lemke
Quentin Lemon Nasyr Leonard Samuel Leonte Lucca Lemer Brian Liriano Janos Lukacs
Tyler MacAnka Ethan MacMillan Liam Maguire Brennan Maillet Steven Makino Joseph Mastandrea
Owen Matts Graziano Mazzella Jack McGinley Liam McGovern Garret McNellis Christian Mejia
Hendry Mejia Daniel Merchel David Mezzina Brian Mikovits Juan Miranda Matthew Moreira
Underclassm en
Luke Morrison Shane Morse Lucas Motir Peter Munkittrick Keith Mutunga Thomas Navitski
Brandon Negron Brendan Nestor Benjamin Norris William Note Alexander Novak Michael Novicio
Jake Nowak Connor Obara Samuel O'Flanagan Michael Ohlmuller Michael O'Neill Daniel Onorato
Gabriel Orbe Raymond Ortiz Jr. Zack Oswald Nicholas Paolini Tyler Parrado Thomas Pelliccio
Mateo Pereira John Petrosino Jr. Jay Post Alexander Prescott Oleg Prots Roman Purcell
Deven Quinones Dylan Quintana Christopher Quintas Liam Regan Sergio Restrepo Jack Riley
Andrew Robinson Cooper Rogan Cody Ross Gabriel Rothkegel Joseph Rubino Salvatore Russo
Class of 2020 11
James Ryan Sean Ryan Melvin Saldua Andrew Santana Gabriel Santiago Andrew Schmutter
Alejandro Schnettler Matthew Schreier Aidan Seborowski Yashodher Sharma Christopher Sheppard Bryson Shipman
Byron Shipman Alexey Shulov Marcello Silva Benjamin Silver Cody Simon Zubin Sood
Giovanni Sotomayor Pavol Spiska Jelani Sweet Shepard Swift Jason Tarantino Jonathan Thiele
Kevin Tierney Luis Tolentino Brady Truppner Tyler Tucker Victor Tyne Michael Uhler
Michael Uy Nicholas Uy Peter Vazquez John Velasquez Joseph Vuolo Robert Walker
S©® Underclassm en
Jacob Walsh Christopher Warren Jr. Alexander Wasden Desmond Watkins Declan Weeda Nicholas West
William White Peter Whitehead David Wiggins Andrew Williams Mason Woodard Glenn Wright Jr.
Christian Yanez
Class of 2020 2©2
ra m u s; A Abanilla, Dylan 168 Abrams, Damion 35,40, 130, 150 Acuna, Maurice 82, 162 Adablah, Andrew 168 Adams, Matthew 168 Ademilola. Jayson 162 Adcmilola, Justin 40, 162 Advaney, Veer 175 Aerts. Masaki 41, 130 Africa, Nikolas 130, 137, 142 Aguiar, Luis 82, 162 Aguilera, Clarence 130, 150 Ahn, Jonathan 130 Akano, Adetayo 162 Albano, Nicholas 19, 31, 162 Albers, Katherine 118 Albers. Kevin 118 Alberti, Michael 32, 33, 130 Alejo, Kyle 168 Alexander, Mogens 168 Alfonso, Andrew 35, 131 Ali, Muhammad 133 Alicea-Lopez, Jorge 162 Alvidrez, Declan 14, 162 Amaral, Christopher 168 Ambrosio, Daniel 100, 168, 184 Ames, Paul 64, 168 Ammugauan, Jared 68,82,162 Ancheta, Jeryll 131 Anderson, Christopher 175 Anderson, Diego 70,71,78, 131 Anderson, James 14,168 Andre, Bastien 18 Andrew, Aashish 131 Andriani, Noah 82, 162 Angermeyer, Janet 96, 118 Apadeer, Mark 175 Appello, Chris 35 Appello. Christopher 78,131 Appello, Michael 168 Applegarth, Angus 47,131 Arcos, Christian 44.168 Ardanz, Pax 175 Arias, Sebastian 168 Arlington, North 86 Armena, Gabriel 162 Arroyo, Conrado 162 Arroyo, David 168 Arteaga, Juan 96,118 Asante, Ayir 168 Ashe, Arthur 158 Ashe, James 175 Aurelius, Marcus 155 Aurora, Justinian 168 Awad, David 34, 35, 78, 131 Aziz, Adam 175 Azzarto, Fr. Anthony 88, 91, 107, 113,118,133
H) Bacha. Jacob 175 Bagley, Markus 162 Bailey, David 118 Balatbat, Brandon 168 Balboa, Rocky 157 Baldowski, Matthew 82, 162 Balduf, Fr. Ray 111 Baltazer, Mr. 108 Bannon, Andrew 175 Baquiran. Dean 175 Barahona, Bryan 175 Barnes, Rcnard 168 Barrera, Anthony 168 Bartnett, Kelly 18,19 Basilio, Joseph 175 Baumgartner, Edwin 168 Bellamy, Clayton 118 Belser, Bryce 72,168 Bennett, Austin 162 Benoit Jr., David 175 Bhat, Suvan 14. 175 Biebel, Gordon 175 Billie, Jordan 78, 82,131.133 Birdsall, Joseph 15, 35, 83, 132 Birdsall, Zachary 35, 67, 132, 137 Biron, David 132 Bizien, Louis 162 Blair, Cameron 162 Blumenfeld, Nathan 100, 168 Boardingham, Dylan 162 Bobby, Reese 152 Bobby, Ricky 148 Boll, Ryan 78,82,132 Boiler, Fr. Kenneth 10, 116, 118 Bonner, Justin 132, 150 Borkowski. Shawn 132 Botti, Adam 175 Bouley, Adam 96. 118 Bourg, Seth 108,118
Bowers, Tracy 168 Bradshaw, Ian 168 Brady, Christopher 82,162 Brady, Nicholas 175 Brancatella, Miles 30, 162 Brandon, Jack 30,82, 162 Brcntjens, Christopher 168 Brentjens, Jan 132 Bring. Michael 149 Bristol, James 168 Broderick, Edmund 175 Brown, Daniel 30, 162 Brown, Liam 168 Brozon,Jacob 168 Bryant, Nathan 75, 168 Bui, Lisa 108,118 Bukowiec, Luke 132 Bulka, Robert 15, 34,78, 133 Burd, David 138,140 Burgers III, Ronald 133, 146 Burgess, Jack 34,133 Burgess, Max 175 Burgundy, Ron 160 Burokas, David 94, 118, 149 Burrs, Dylan 175 Butrym, Jan 118 Byrne, Noah 14, 82, 162
© Caban,Jaden 175 Caceres, Michael 175 Caddie. Corrcl 82,162 Cahill, Thomas 175 Califano, Marco 162 Callegari, Andres 133 Callegari, Antonio 175 Callinan, Stuart 78, 133 Calloni, Johannes 133 Camano, Adrian 18, 19, 23, 162 Camaya, Jonathan 175 Camillcri, Charles 168 Camp, Work 134 Campbell-Clark, Gerald 103,119 Canale, Alexander 108, 119, 140 Canosa, Michael 75,175 Cao, Daniel 175 Cao. Nicholas 162 Carey, Jack 162 Carlee, Kyle 33,134 Carlin, George 133,150 Camey, Liam 52,78,82, 134, 157 Carrion, Matias 175 Carroll, Hugh 82,162 Carter, Andrew 175 Carter, Harold 168 Carter, Nikolas 162 Caruso, Chris 82 Caruso, Christopher 162 Caruso, Gabriel 175 Casas, Evan 168 Casazza, Christopher 9, 11, 112, 119 Casazza, Diane 119 Casco, Noah 175 Casey,Jack 113 Casiano, Christopher 82, 162 Caslowitz, Steven 99,119 Cassidy, Fr. Matthew 88, 100, 119 Castaldo, Keith 162 Castaldo, Michael 78, 134 Caulfield, Christopher 96, 97, 114, 119 Caulfield, John 114, 119 Caulfield, Mary 110, 119 Cedillo, Mauricio 35, 134 Center, Moriarty 30 Cerbone, Christopher 175 Cetera, Daniel 168 Chagas, Isaiah 162 Chambers, Robert 78, 134 Chandler, Julian 175 Chaparro, Andrew 168 Chaparro, Justin 168 Chapman, Connor 175 Charas, Michael 175 Charas, Nicholas 162 Charvala, William 175 Cheboubi, Youness 175 Cherry, Andrew 176 Chester, Adam 52, 78, 134 Chipatecua, Justin 176 Chirichella, Victor 135 Chiurazzi, Andrew 162 Chmiel, Luke 176 Chmiel, Zachary 135 Cholankeril, Tyler 133,135 Choudhary, Fahad 135 Chowanec. Stephen 168 Christman, Aidan 176 Christman, Liam 168 Christo, Thomas 176 Clarke. Cameron 34, 135, 137 Clement, Gabriel 176 Coacher, Michael 169 Coccaro, Charles 31, 103, 119 Cocciadiferro, Nicholas 169 Coleman, Lucas 78, 135 Collier, Brennan 82,163 Collins. Cecelia 119 Colucci, Niccolo 169
Comey II, Thomas 28, 108, 109, 119,133 Concannon, Liam 176 Conlin, Quinton 169 Conti, James 176 Contreras, Maximilian 169 Cooper, Samir 163 Cooper, Sly 131 Cordova, Fernando 18, 19,163 Corrao. John 163 Corrao, Patrick 176 Cortez, Michael 163 Cortez Jr., Orlando 169 Costello, Matthew 135, 150 Cotter, Thomas 169 Coultrap-Bagg, Emma 94, 119 Coyle. Jason 49,78, 82, 135, 158 Coyne, Andrew 163 Coyne, Matthew 163 Cozzarelli, Marc 163 Crespo, Diego 176 Crincoli, Anthony 136 Crincoli, Domenico 169 Cruciani, Jared 30, 163 Cruz, James 169 Cuccinelli, Paul 32, 136 Cugliari, Matthew 176 Cunneen, Paul 100, 120 Cunningham, Brendan 40 Cunningham, Christian 169 Curran, John 163 Curtis, William 136
Durante, Mary 110, 120
Eaton, Jonas 176 Edwards, Trinity 176 Egan, Jan 176 Einliom, Kenneth 163 Ekwughalu, Brendan 163 Elia, Anthony 19,31,138 Elliott, Colin 176 Elo, Hugo 9, 120 Elshenawy, Yousscf 35,138 Emma, Ryan 169 Emmert, Sean 176 Engdall,Jack 176 Eppler, Catherine 108,121 Erdman, Henry 133,138 Espinal, Jordanis 163 Espinal, Luis 163 Espino, David 47, 138 Esteban, Cesar 138 Evans, Jasiri 163
IF Falconer, Dakari 15,40,78,82, 138 Falconer, Damani 169 Faller, Matthew 169 Farrell, Michael 176 Fearon, Quamek 177 Fearon, Tyler 177 Fell, Kevin 163 Fencik, Emily 23,99,121,157 Fenton, Andrew 177 Fernandez, Adrian 163 Ferrates, Steven 163 Ferrara, Cole 169 Ferrier, Andrew 33,44,78, 82, 139, 153 Fila, Peter 169 Finerty, Brendan 177 Finerty, Tyler 163 Fiorella, Russell 107,121 Fitzgibbon, Sean 72,163 Fitzhenry, Thomas 169 Fitzpatrick, Trish 121 Flanagan, George 177 Flanagan, Michael 62, 65, 139 Fletcher, Michael 107,121,133 Flores, Peter 82, 163 Flores, Royce 169 Flores Jr., Byron 169 Foca, Aidan 177 Ford, Catherine 114,121 Forget, Matthew 169 Franconeri, Anthony 163 Freeman, Bennett 169 Freeman, Gavin 30, 163 Freeman, Owen 35, 139 Frontera, Michael 177 Fryczynski, Tate 163 Furlong, Robert 10, 117, 121
Dadulla. Emmanuel 169 Dallam. Belkise 110, 120 Daly, Catherine 120 Daly, Michael 163 D'Angelico, Anthony 169 Daniels, Harry 35, 136 Dardour. Michael 136 David, Jaiden 19, 31, 169 Davidoff, Jason 82, 163 Davis, Christine 120 Davis, Jerry 120 Davis, Michael 176 Davis, Rashad 90 Davis Jr.. Donald 176 Dawoud, George 136 DeAngelo, James 117,120 Deans. Dylan 136 de Armas, Andrew 163 DeCresce, Philip 169 Delaney, William 65 Del Castillo, Mark 169 Della Rocco, Christian 169 DeLorenzo, Carl 9. 100, 113, 120, 137 Del Sol, Matthew 176 Del Sordo, Darren 176 Delucia, Andrew 176 De Lucia, Marco 176 Demarco, Joseph 176 DeMarco, Nicholas 169 De Martino, Alexander 136 Demetriades, Nicholas 163 © Demo. Jude 176 Gaccione, John 82,163 Demo, Sean 169 Gaddy, Bhima 31, 96, 121, 134, Dennis, Stanley 169 137 DeSantis, Michael 169 Gagliano, John 34, 51, 139 DeSantis, Thomas 169 Galano, Frederick 107, 121 Des Clers, Arthur 176 Gallo, Matthew 78, 82, 139 Desousa, Michael 137 Gallo, Nicholas 48, 78, 139 Devlin, Patrick 176 Galup, Nicolas 169 Dias, Dante 82, 163 Gannaway, Thomas 30,163 Diaz, Ethan 169 Gannon, Ryan 163 Diaz, Kevin 176 Garcia, George 177 DiBrita. Salvatore 9, 78, 120 Garcia, Jerry 134 DiCaprio, Leonardo 132 Garcia, Timothy 169 Dickens, Charles 134 Garcia, Tyriek 169 Dillane, Matt 82 Garigen, Pat 82 Dillane, Matthew 59,71,163 Garlin, Cameron 177 Dillane. Michael 67 Garrelick, David 169 Dillane, Suzanne 8,103,120,134, Garrett, Alex 139 137,158 Garrigan, Patrick 163 Dillon, John 169 Garzon, Jonathan 34,78,139 Dilullo, Dominic 176 Gayle, Nicholas 169 Dilullo. Jackson 176 Gaynor, Ethan 169 DiMuzio, Massimo 137, 150 Gbadamassi, Luqntan 177 Dobbs, Peter 48, 78, 137 Gbadamosi, David 177 Doddly, Joseph 18 Geary, Peter 96, 121, 142 Doherty, Aidan 176 Geller, Maxim 100, 169 Donald, Philip 163 Geltrude, Francis 34, 52, 78, 82, Donald, Robert 163 140, 146 Donaldson, Ryan 137 Georgetti, Timothy 169 Donatacci, Trevor 78, 130, 137 Gerger, Jeffrey 170 Dondero, James 110,120 Gerges, David 177 Donofrio, Luke 176 Gibson, Julian 170 Doody, Joseph 18, 19.176 Gigante, Antonio 170 Dookie, Adrian 176 Giglio, Joe 9,110,111,121 Dordevic, Dylan 163 Gilhawley, Samuel 177 Doren, Richard 163 Giordano, Michael 170 Domeo, Ryan 30. 163 Girgis, Thomas 140 Dougherty. John 78,120 Giunta, Luke 34,78, 81, 140, 145 Dougherty, Owen 176 Glatman, Joshua 86,177 Downey, Brian 169 Glazer, Ella 31,103,121 Druciak, Kevin 163 Goines, Kevin 82, 164 Duane, Matthew 163 Gold, Miles 170 Duenas. Ulises 137 Gomez, Benjamin 177 Dungan, Robert 163
Gomez, Jordan 177 Gomez, Mike 95 Gomez, Nery 104, 121 Gonzalez, Alexandra 170 Gonzalez, Gabriel 141,177 Gonzalez, J Griffin 82, 164 Gonzalez, Kennith 164 Gonzalez. Matthew 177 Gonzalez, Ryan 140,141,146 Goodman, Matthew 164 Goratowski, Thaddeus 170 Gordon, James 82, 164 Gorski, John 170 Goyanes, Tyler 170 Goyburu Jr., Carlos 177 Grade, Rickson 147 Graves, Gerald 164 Gray, Alexander 177 Gray, KJ 40 Gray, Kurt 177 Gray, Ryan 170 Green, Justin 177 Green, Krystoffer 164 Greene, Tyler 177 Gregory, John 164 Gregory', John (Jack) 164 Grillo, Javier 177 Grimaldi. Vincent 170 Grimaud, Phillip 170 Gronda, Nicolas 177 Grueter, James 170 Gualario, Grace 122 Gualtieri, Garrett 170 Guamuccio, Aidan 177 Guastini, Vincent 91, 140 Gudaitis, Alexander 63,177 Gudaitis, Griffin 82, 164 Gudiel, Dylan 140 Gutowski, Nicholas 34, 140, 153 Guzman, Jeremiah 170
GO Haas, Griffen 170 Haas, Sebastian 164 Habib, Thomas 140 Hagan, Daniel 177 Hallenborg, Iain 82, 164 Halligan, John 164 Hamilton, Aidan 164 Hanna, Mina 170 Hannan, Thomas 82,164 Hansen, Richard 117,122 Hansen, Tyler 164 Hansen III. Richard 122 Harkins, Cade 177 Harnett. Ian 141 Harrell, Jihad 141 Harrell, Joaquin 141 Harrigan, Conner 141 Hartling, Jeffrey 55, 107,122 Hartnett. Ryan 164 Haughney, Patrick 43, 170 Haverford, Tom 137 Healy. Brian 103, 122 Heaney, Connor 18, 19, 82. 164 Hegde, Sidharth 177 Heim, Owen 164 Held. Joseph 177 Henry, James 177 Henry, Joseph 32, 33, 34,35.40, 52, 141, 184 Heredia, Marvin 164 Hernandez, Antonio 164 Hernandez, Eduardo 177 Hernandez, Roddy 177 Herrera, Ariel 141 Hess, Kyle 14. 44, 61, 170 Hess, Sean 32, 34, 141, 145 Hester III, John 142 Hines Jr.. Quinton 142 Hodgins, Finn 142 Hoens, Jeffrey 2,6,74.75,91, 140,184 Hoffman, Ashley 122 Holland, Mason 170 Holly wood, James 103, 122 Holt, Michael 108, 122 Holzman, Jared 164 Honig, Matthew 32,33,63,65, 78,142 Honig, Max 170,184 Hoog, Kyle 14, 177 Hooper, Miles 177 Horan, James 116,122 Horton, Riley 142, 153 Hoskins, Malchijah 14, 18, 19. 164 Hotz. Bradford 142 Hunt, James 177 Hunter, Aidan 177 Hyde, Steven 152 Hymes, Courtney 170
n Imbomone, Salvatore 177 Ince, William 170 Iniashvili, Nicholas 170 Innis, Brian 100, 122 Intindola, Declan 32, 33, 34, 143,
146, 184 Ioakimidis, Demetri 177 Ioakimidis, Ioannis 143 Ionta, Anthony 87, 177 Irvine, John 91,113,122 Issac, Matthew 134, 143 Italiano, Matthew 170
J Jachimski, David 177 Jadun, Ryed 143 Jasinski, Ray 164 Jennings Jr., Stephen 178 Jensen, James 170 Jiran, Michael 112, 122, 184 Johnny, William 178 Johnson, Vernon 170 Johnston, Patrick 170 Jones, Chase 170 Jones, Mitchell 41,42,78, 1 [ Jordan, Tracey 152 Joskowitz, Zachary 71,143
IK Kafafian, Vatche 164 Kagel, Liam 170 Kahn, Asa 170 Kamel, Daniel 30, 164 Kane, Brendan 164 Kane, Seamus 78, 143 Karbowniczak, Jake 170 Karol, William 143 Kasilag, Martin 170 Kcalcy, Owen 170 Keating, Anthony 100, 122 1 Keegan, Kevin 63, 82, 164 Keegan, Liam 164 Kecnaghan, Patrick 44, 170, I Kelley, William 170 Kellner, Thomas 56,171 Kelly, Benjamin 164 Kelly, Charlie 139, 145, 147 Kelly, Kyle 144 Kelly, Michael 123,164 Kelly, Richard 164 Kelly, Roderick 178 Kennedy, Rich 113 Keohanc, Eugene 164 Kessler, Tracy 107,123 Kingsley, Michael 78, 144 Kington, Miles 156 Kinney, Tyler 164 Kirby Jr., Dennis 164 Kirchner, Eric 78, 144 Kirkwood, Connor 48 Kirkwood, Ryan 48,82,164 Klein, Ryder 178 Klim, Megan 98,99,123 Knight, Dylan 171 Kondratowicz, Paul 164 Koroglu, Justin 171 Kowalczyk, Maclej 178 Koziel, Mateusz 144 Kramer, Jack 171 Kraulh, Tyler 87,178, 184 Kuhl, Ethan 34,35,78, 144, 150 Kuhl, John 35, 144 Kutsup, Kyle 123 Kwon, Kevin 164 il La Bruno, Dylan 164 LaBruno, Theresa 102, 103, i Lacy,Jake 178 LaGuerre, Patrick 100,123 Lamalfa, Matthew 178 Lanting, Lynken 82,164 Larino, Ceejay 59,66,171 f Larkin, Christopher 178 Larkin, Conor 52,78,81, 14^ Larkin, Michael 15,35,78, 1 Larkin, Mike 35 Lavin, Sean 82, 164 Lawal, Charles 178 Lawson-Hogban, Austin 178 Leber, Michael 33,55,145 Lee, Matthew 171 Lee, Thomas 30, 67, 164 Leem.Jin 171 Lemke, Colin 178 Lemon, Quentin 178 Leonard, Nasyr 178 Leonte, Samuel 178 Lemer, Chase 30 Lemer, David 164 Lemer, Lucca 178 Lewis, Camil 171 Lewis, John 35,40 Lewis, Jonathan 145,150 Lewis, Zachary 165 Lezynski, Aidan 171 Liao, Eric 171 Liggio, Daniel 33, 34, 78, 145 154 Lillis-Magnus, Kate 112, 123 Lindo, Maverick 171 Lindskog, Dean 145 Liriano, Brian 178
:chio, Anthony 123 cchio, Maryphyllis 123 Nicholas 171 gan, Christopher 33,78, 145 :, Christopher 33,145 :, Tai 151 ;, Victor 165 j, Mark 171 elli, Lance 82, 165 .George 157 Desmond 171 s, Janos 178 Liggins, Richard 171 John 171 Dezmel 171
nka, Tyler 178 ney, Sean 171 illan, Ethan 178 illan, Theo 34, 35, 146 nsacay, Christian 171 re, Liam 178 Daniel 171 , Brennan 178 Jr., Charles 165 i, Steven 178 Naji 171 i, Dante 165 nello, Daniel 50, 78, 146 nello, Nicholas 171 al, Michael 82, 165 an, Jack 157 gan, Luke 165 10, Matthew 165 Matthew 30, 165 .Nicholas 171 »an, Luke 82 o, Andrew 171 0, Matthew 146,150 ill, Daniel 82,165 ill, Jihad 146 .Alton 15,34,35,55,146, 4 eau, Janice 110,123 Brandon 171 Ralph 165 donato, Joseph 19,31,82, ■5, 178 1, Kakuyon 171 lis, Joaquin 82, 165 .Mitchell 78,82,146 Christian 171 Mason-William 171 Owen 178 11, Andrew 165 ir, Maasai 171 r, Muhammad 147 11a, Graziano 178 rew, John 147 re, Diane 114, 123 thy, Durkin 165. y, Patrick 99, 123 ■mott, Matthew 60,78, 82, 17,158 nough, Robert 171 oy, Mary Anne 100, 123, 38 en, Brendan 147 nn, James 171 e, Adonis 171 e, Connor 78, 147, 150 lley. Jack 178 rley, Maximillian 147,153 nagle, Richard 156 vem, Liam 178 vem, Patrick 104,124 ire, James 32,33,147 gh, William 30, 165 osh, Cleophus 82,165 y, Christian 82,165 ughlin, Seth 165 ghlin, Adrienne 96, 124 ihon, Aidan 165 illy, Alice 96,124,131 Uy-Cullum, Maeve 18, 19 llis. Garret 178 ee,Jordan 171 , Christian 178 , Hendry 178 i, Dominic 60, 165 nolo, Alessandro 171 yk, Ryan 138,147 ldo, Brando 148 tel, Daniel 178 ar, John 171 r, Jack 171 ina, David 178 i, Scott 54,171 ens, Zamir 165 vits, Brian 178 vits, Sean 78, 148 r, John 171 r, Adam 148 r, Alexander 148,171 t, Jean-Francois 18,19 oy, Joseph 32, 58,78, 148 ida, Juan 178 s, Jacob 32, 148 :ri. Joseph 82,165
Moeller, Zachary' 165 Molinari, Nicholas 78, 82, 148 Montanez. Justin 148 Monteiro. Harley 148 Morales, Xavier 171 Morano, Michael 72,171 Moreira, Matthew 178 Moriarty, James 171 Morissette, Sarah 124 Morris, John 117, 124, 139, 146 Morris, Maria 110, 124, 138 Morrissey, Greg 27, 96,124 Morse, Shane 179 Motir, Lucas 179 Mowatt, Benjamin 78,134,149 Mozgov, Timofey 151 Muhammad, Gibran 165 Mullancy. Samuel 172 Muller, Thomas 172 Mullin, Fr. John 88, 90, 110, 124 Munkittrick, Peter 179 Murcia, Michael 112,124 Murer, Henrik 172 Murphy, Brendan 35, 149 Murphy, Patrick 48, 172 Murray, Dillon 165 Murray, Thomas 78,149 Murray, Tom 142 Mutunga, Keith 179
Nacheff. Gregory 165 Nadrowski, Charles 82, 165 Naik, Sahil 172 Najara, Tyler 172 Narramore, Jeremiah 165 Narramore, Thomas 63,100,172 Nations IV, Gus 64,172 Natsvlishvili, Luke 149 Naughton Jr, Cal 148 Navitski, Thomas 179 Negron, Brandon 179 Nelson, Matisse 172 Nestor, Brendan 179 Ng, Jethro 165 Nieves, Eric 33,34,35,78,149 Nieves, Juan 165 Niland. David 165 Niland, Mark 172 Nolan, Liam 19,31,34,149 Nolte, Aidan 172 Nordstrom, Jessica 110,124 Norris, Benjamin 179 Norton, Jessica 114,124 Nossa, Alec 172 Note, William 179 Novak, Alexander 179 Novak, Bryan 150 Novello. Alexander 172 Novello, Hunter 150 Novicio, Michael 179 Nowak. Jake 179 Nulty, Michael 78, 150 Nunez, Daniel 82,165
Oakley, Joshua 82, 165 Obara, Connor 179 Oben Jr., Roman 172 O’Callahan, Jake 150 Ocean, Frank 148 O'Connell, Ryan 30, 78, 124 O'Connor, Thomas 150 O'Flaherty. Ryan 51,124 OTlanagan, Samuel 179 Ohadike, Chima 165 O'Hare, Fr. Robert 88, 103, 125 Ohlmuller, Michael 179 Okoh, Philip 172 O'Leary, Shawn 150, 154 O'Mara, Kevin 151 Omslaer, Parker 52,151 Omslaer, Ryan 43,151 O'Neill, Michael 179 Ongay, Julian 172 Onorato, Daniel 179 Onoz, Robert 82, 165 Orbe. Andres 67, 165 Orbe, Gabriel 179 Ortega, Anthony 34, 151 Orth, Patrick 165 Ortiz Jr., Raymond 179 Oswald. Zack 68,179 Ovalle, Domanrovil 82,165 Ozagar. Sky 172
IP Palma, Gabriel 151 Pamiloza, Kenneth 108, 125 Panepinto, Julien 34,151 Paolini, Nicholas 179 Paper, Perfect 133 Parada. Marcos 172 Paradiso, James 165 Parado. Brandon 65 Parikh. Manav 165 Park, Michael 150,151 Parker. Kyree 172 Parrado. Tyler 179
Pascarello, Nicholas 172 Pasquali, Paolo 172 Pastorek, Remi 104, 125 Patton, Shane 139 Payne, Bryce 172 Pearce, James 172 Pease, Gregory 172 Peko-Lillis, Deborah 112,125 Pellegrino, Frank 32, 35,78, 151 Pelliccio, Thomas 179 Pellot. Samuel 32, 33,55, 78, 146. 152 Perdomo, Diego 14, 172 Pereira, Mateo 179 Perez, Lorenzo 165 Perez, Stephen 166 Perlman, William 166 Petrosino Jr., John 179 Petrula. Benjamin 152,153 Pettit, John 172 Pezzolla, Ty 51,172 Phelan, Samuel 46, 152 Phillips, Matthew 134, 152, 153 Pike. James 152 Pikus, William 172 Pineros, Anthony 30, 150, 152 Piwowarczyk, Kristopher 172 Plunkett, Colin 172 Policastro, Paul 78, 145, 152, 154 Pope-Bayne, Jason 18, 19, 166 Popp-Murphy, Peggy 125 Poreda, Hudson 172 Portorrcal, Jorge 35,40, 43, 152 Possick, Owen 166 Posso. Henry' 130,153 Post, Jay 14, 179 Poston, David 108,125 Powers, Thomas 31,104,125 Powers, Tyler 166 Prefontaine, Steve 154 Preite, Matthew 31, 172 Prcscia. Michael 107, 125 Prescott, Alexander 179 Prescott, Andrew 32, 82, 166 Preston. Robert 99, 125 Prokop, Steven 172 Prokop, Thomas 153 Prots, Oleg 179 Punjani, Shashwat 172 Purcell, Roman 179
© Que, Jose 30,125 Quinn, Casey 103,125 Quinn, Jonathan 153,157 Quinones, Deven 179 Quinones, Jacob 172 Quintana, Dylan 179 Quintas, Christopher 179 Quintas, Robert 34,78, 91, 153
IS Racki, Steven 172 Ragno, Dominic 173 Ramadan, Noah 173 Ramirez, Nicholas 18, 19, 82, 166 Ramos, Ryan 30,166 Randall, Phadadria 78, 125 Real, Sebastian 153 Rebeiro, Ryan 154 Reese, William 96, 126 Regan, Liam 179 Rego, Anthony 173 Reiser, Father 114 Rcstrepo, Sergio 179 Resurreccion, Jeremy 173 Reverendo, David 82, 166 Reyes, Andre 173 Reyes, Anthony 78, 82, 153 Reynolds, Dennis 153 Ribaudo,Joseph 166 Ribeiro, Michael 173 Ribeiro, Ryan 78,154 Ricard, Frank 151 Rice, Cheryl 15,107,126 Richards, Brian 166 Richards, Cairo 82, 166 Richards, Michael 166 Richardson, Adrian 173 Richardson. Wade 173 Richardson III, Willie 173 Riley, Jack 179 Riley, Nathan 108, 126 Riley, Thomas 78,154 Ritter, Xavier 166 Rivera, Daniel 34,78, 82, 154 Rivera, Edwin 173 Rivera, Erica 126 Rivera, Marcus 173 Robbins, James 35,81,154 Roberts, Desmond 35, 154 Roberts III, Troy 173 Robinson, Andrew 179 Robinson, Khyree 173 Robson, Ian 82, 166 Roche, Brendan 100, 126, 184 Rodas-Hemdon, Roberto 84.173, 184 Rodrigues, Renato 104, 126
Rodriguez, Matthew 68 Rogan, Cooper 179 Rollins, Henry 144 Romano, Joseph 173 Romano, Rosalie 104, 105,126, 138 Rooney, Charlie 113 Rosa, Timothy 173 Roses, GianLuca 166 Ross, Cody 179 Rossi, Brandon 63,154 Rossi, Gabriel 107, 126,134 Rosso, Jarred 82, 166 Rothkegel, Gabriel 179 Rowe, Daniel 82, 166 Ruane, Brian 166 Rubino, Joseph 179 Ruge, Joseph 166 Ruggiero, Colby 14, 173 Russell, Matthew 173 Russo, Matthew 56,78, 155 Russo, Peter 159 Russo, Salvatore 179 Ruvo, Patrick 32,33,71,78,82, 155 Ryan, James 180 Ryan, Sean 180
Saavedra, Jacob 173 Salameh, Michael 45, 155 Salandra, Guido 155 Saldua, Melvin 180 Samin, Paolo 52,82,166 Sanchez, Alejandro 78, 155 Sanders, Evan 173 Sanducci, Christian 59, 166 Santana, Andrew 180 Santana, Dalma 112, 126 Santiago, Gabriel 180 Santos, Christian 166 Santos, Dean 138, 155 Santos, Nicholas 35,57,155 Sarmiento, Tristan 173 Saunders, Grant 55, 173 Savage, Brian 14, 166 Sawh, Arvind 126 Scagliarini, Adam 35, 155 Scanlon, Kieran 173 Scannapieco, Matthew 94,95,126 Scarpa, Anthony 173 Scheurer, Robert 173 Schiavo, Mark 166 Schlitzer, Carmela 68,108,127 Schmidt, Keith 166 Schmuttcr, Andrew 87, 180 Schncttler, Alejandro 180 Schreier, Matthew 180 Schuemann, Finn 156 Schundler, Hans 15,34.35,78, 156 Scibilia, Dominic 106, 107, 126 Scircak, Michael 126 Scocco, Justin 173 Scott, Travis 161 Sebalos, Jared 166 Seborowski, Aidan 180 Seborowski, Edward 82, 166 Servidio, Damiano 14, 82, 166 Settembrino, Michael 116,127 Seymour, Adam 166 Shah, Chirayu 6, 15, 33, 78, 138, 150, 156, 184 Shah, Harshal 82, 166 Shamdasani. Samay 14,63,100, 173 Sharma, Yashodher 180 Shaw, Christopher 82, 166 Shea, John 78,156 Shell, Shane 166 Sheppard, Christopher 180 Sheppard, Maureen 117, 127 Shipman, Bryson 180 Shipman, Byron 180 Shivas, Braden 173 Shulov, Alexey 180 Silva, Marcello 180 Silver, Benjamin 180 Simon, Cody 180 Simon, Shayne 43, 166 Simonson, Brooke 15.96,127 Singh, Rohan 71,78,149,156 Singleton, Boreta 116, 127 Siracuse, Andrew 156 Skircak, Michael 103 Slaski, William 30. 166 Small, George 166 Smalls, Isaiah 82, 167 Smiles, Samuel 132 Smith, Andrew 167 Smith, Brandon 167 Smith, Grady 167 Smith, Luc 167 Smith III, John 173 Sollecito, Matteo 173 Sood, Zubin 180 Sosa, Ricardo 167 Sotomayor, Giovanni 180 Sozer, Jon 72, 150. 156 Spina, Dario 30.167
Spiska, Pavol 180 Stacey, Marc 53, 138,157 Stallone, Cole 34,69,78,157 Stark, Erin 103,127 St. Bernard, Te-Nye 167 Steffen, Maximilian 157 Stevens, William 167 Stewart, Ashon 167 Stoduto, Biagio 173 Stokes, Peter 34, 78, 149,157 Stroman, Marcus 141 Study Exam, National 133 Stultz, Christopher 173 Stusnick, Daniel 173 St. Vil, Alijah 156 Such, Aaron 74,75, 157 Such, Jared 82,167 Sullivan. Adam 157 Sullivan, Connor 6, 34, 158, 184 Sullivan, Conor 158 Sweet, Jelani 180 Swift, Shepard 180 Switala. Tyler 18,19,153,158 Sykes, Harrison 173
Tanas, Christian 78,158 Tarantino, Jason 180 Tejada, Anthony 167 Tejada, Gabriel 82, 167 Tejada, Rocco 127 Telemaque, Max 14, 167 Tennant, Jackson 147,158 Tether, Matthew 81,158 Thatham. Ram 6, 31, 35, 78, 153, 159, 184 Theile, Brendan 82 Theiroff, Grant 35 Theodoracopoulos, Nikolas 167 Thiele, Brendan 167 Thiele. Jonathan 180 Thieroff, Grant 33, 159 Thomas, Dylan 148 Thoms-Bauer, Patrick 19, 31, 82, 87, 167, 184 Thornell, Aidan 32, 33, 44, 159 Thybulle, Jonathan 65, 159 Tierney, Kevin 180 Tobin, Andrew 82, 167 Todd, Julian 173 Tolentino, Luis 180 Tolkin, Christopher 173 Tomei, John 167 Torres, Aymee 104,127 Torres, Charles 34, 35, 159 Torres. Jonathan 173 Torres Jr., Richard 173 Toure, Khadim 82, 167 Towindo. Trevor 75,153,154, 159 Trojanowski, Gabriel 173 Trombecky. Joseph 167 Trotta, Kenneth 108,127 Truppner, Brady 180 Tucker, Tyler 180 Tull, Jevon 167 Tyne, Victor 180
Wang, Benjamin 2,31,91,160 Wang-So, Ethan 86,174,184 Ward, Colin 78,160 Warren Jr., Christopher 181 Wasden, Alexander 181 Watkins, Desmond 181 Watney, Mark 150 Wedgbury, Alexander 160 Weeda, Declan 181 Week, Shark 152 Weeks, Paul 174 Wehner, Judah 167 West, Nicholas 181 White, Elijah 174 White, Justin 167 White, William 82, 167, 181 Whitehead, Daniel 167 Whitehead, Peter 181 Wiggins, David 181 Williams, Andrew 181 Williams, Ashton 167 Williams, Charles 174 Wilson, Jared 167 Windels, Francis 174 Wlodarski, Marek 167 Woltmann, William 40, 82, 167 Wondolowski, Nicholas 174 Woodard, Marcus 174 Woodard, Mason 181 Wright Jr., Glenn 181 Wyville, Mark 184 Wyville, Morgan 167
¥ Yanez, Christian 181 Yankey, Ekow 174 Yannece, Justin 78,82,161 Yap, Joseph 174 Yee, Devan 174 Yorey, John 40,161 Young, Tyler 174
Zamperini, Lxiuis 131 Zawistowski, Brian 161 Zdanowicz, Matthew 174 Zdanowicz, Michael 161 Zhong, Sicheng 161 Zirpoli, Paul 34, 150, 161 Zuckerman, Steven 35, 161 Zuniga, Lyandro 78, 161
i Uhler, Michael 180 Uhler, Zachary 167 Umphrey III, Jack 173 Uy, Michael 180 Uy, Nicholas 180
Valente, Augustus 173 Vander Vliet. Brendan 159 Van Ness, Bryan 167 Vazquez, Peter 180 Vedar, Gcroll 159 Vega, Nico 167 Velasquez, John 180 Veloso, Jared 173 Veniero, Salvatore 127 Verdi, Anthony 100, 101, 127 Verdi Jr., Scan 167 Vespole, William 59, 82, 167 Veverka, Jordan 174 Vicari, Jason 167 Vieira, Kevin 78, 160 Vinci, John 160 Vinci, Lucas 174 Vincze, Michael 127 Vivenzio. Ronald 31, 33, 134, 157, 160 Vovor, David 82, 167 Vuolo, Francis 167 Vuolo, Joseph 180
w Walker, Dalton 72,73,160 Walker, Robert 180 Walsh. Brendan 167 Walsh, Elizabeth 127 Walsh. Jacob 181 Walsh, Joe 135 Walsh, John 160 Walsh, Kate 112
Mr. Brendan “Cincinnatus” Roche Chirayu Shah ’17, Connor Sullivan ’17, Ram Thatham ’17 ■M M i®
Patrick Thom s-Bauer
if^lFSF: Max Honig, Patrick Keenaghan, Roberto Rodas-Hemdon, Tyler Krauth, Joseph Henry, Ethan W ang-So, Daniel Ambrosio iSFHSC^lLi flS^EMiS f i : Mr. Michael Jiran’03 for his photos of Prep; Mr. Mark W yville ’76 for his current photos of Prep life and photos from when he was a student; Declan Intindola ’17 for his photos of M arauder Nation; and for our Reps, from H erff Jones Yearbooks The 95th Petrean was made possible by the B.J. Giannone ’ 11 M edia Center
We dedicate this yearbook to our classmate and brother, Jeff Hoens ’17. We miss you Jeff! m