2017 ppa fashion show S u n d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 m ay fa i r fa r m s
F e at u r i n g t h e
r u n w ay
a n d t h e t r i c k y t r ay p r e s e n t e d by Haven Savings Bank and Monica & Gregory Pease, P’19
Saint Peter’s Prep New Jersey’s Jesuit High School Since 1872
Office of the President
November 12, 2017 Dear Friends and Members of the Prep Family, Welcome to our annual PPA Fashion Show, Prepare to Strut! Once again the members of the Prep Parents’ Association have worked diligently and with great creativity to provide us with an enjoyable day. The tricky trays are enticing and the fashions glamourous. We always encourage our students to take pride in themselves and the Prep so I am sure they will step up to the call: Prepare to Strut! Many thanks to the chairs of our Fashion Show Committee, Co-chairs: Kathleen Curran, P’18; Lisa Franconeri, P’18; Denise O’Brien, P’21; Kathy Verdi, P’18 and the many backstage volunteers working under the direction of Ms. Dalma Santana. All have contributed selflessly for the success of our day. We hope you will take many chances and enjoy the event. On behalf of all of us at Grand and Warren, thanks for your support. Sincerely,
Rev. Kenneth J. Boller, S.J. President
144 Grand Street | Jersey City, NJ 07302 | spprep.org www.spprep.org | T: 201-547-6410 | T: 201-547-2308 | F: 201-547-6421 | F: 201-547-6421 | E: president@spprep.org | E: communications@spprep.org
year’s asure to co-chair this ple re ce sin my en be It has ing event ion Show. This amaz Prepare to Strut Fash of so many ion at thout the dedic could not happen wi l. efu at at I am very gr volunteers, and for th during our show takes place It is only fitting that g us the din of Thanksgiving, len the beautiful season e that our ar on how blessed we opportunity to reflect epared, Pr en ared. They have be sons have been Prep d bad days an ys but for the good da not just for college, most d an s, their bright future nship. that that lie ahead in ize cit to long commitment importantly, for a life our young men rk and dedication of Through the hard wo of a unique rtune of being a part we have the great fo that said, please special family. With tradition and a very ep family d company of your Pr enjoy the laughter an mbers are nu k to everyone as the today, and best of luc called!
8 Kathleen Curran, P’1
Today, as the young men of Prep strut thei celebrate the r stuff, we different face s and unique up the Prep co styles that m mmunity. Sim ake ply put, our so be themselves ns are free to in an environm ent that insp to care for an ires students d respect each other’s indivi duality. As I reflect on the special m emories and friendships m lasting y son has mad e over the last I realize that four years, each and that’s wha friend is different in their own way t makes the Pr ep communit Whether atte y so special. nding a retrea t, participatin project, or be g in a service ing part of th e Marauder N events and m ation, all thes any more, crea e te lifelong mem lasting friend ships. ories and This year, as C o-Chair, I had the pleasure twenty-four of of working w these fine yo ith ung men. As question, “W I posed the hat do you lo ve most about Pr answered “th ep?” they all e brotherhoo d and camarad this says it al erie”! For me, l when referr ing to the Prep community. Lady Gaga sa id, “You have to be unique, and shine in and different, your own way .” I hope that embrace your each of you uniqueness an d value the di within each on fferences e of us. Once again, it ’s been an ho nor to co-cha event. I want ir this amazin to thank my g co-chairs and who helped m al l the voluntee ake this day a rs success. Love & Peace,
Lisa Francone ri, P’18
As a new parent welcomed into the Prep family, I am excited to watch my son and his schoolmates Prep aring to Strut through the rest of their lives with the tremendo us foundation they are building here at Saint Peter’s Prep. From the day we came to register our son, the entire O’Brien Family has been inspired by the commitm ent to community at every the Prep event. I am honored to be part of this amazing day. As Saint Ignatius of Loyola said, “Love ought to show itself in deeds more than in wor ds.” I am astonished by the incredible efforts put forth by the committee, staff and volunteers. Their tireless spirit and selfless generosity made this day possible and I am incredibly grateful for all of them. The Prep Brotherhood is a special bond that our son has already began to develop with his class mates that will remain strong not only with our sons, but with our alumni and families. I believe it will last a lifetime! Thank you for your support and participa tion. It has been a true pleasure co-charing this event. Peace and Blessings,
Denise O’Brien, P’21
my ds, ase from se nd frien r a h y p il is m h t a he g Prep f orrowin much truth to t b m I’ ” . So link! ud “Don’t B ep football team ve I am the pro r e P li ear at beloved . It is hard to be his is our last y e tt ds erv two wor a senior and tha d privilege to s ial n f a o r p r o s n a ec mothe en an ho 3 years. Prep is ade e b s a h last ve m Prep. It ir for the s are made. I ha ause our a h c o c c as a memorie a lifetime all be e r e h w , r ates. place ips fo friendsh ates and teamm g ay, in z a m a ights,” s lassm e c e e n m o a “ c y ery sons be ll boys, m kly, so enjoy ev a b t o o f vorite oo quic As my fa k.” It goes by t lin y! “don’t b he Prep journe t f o second ugh,
e and La
Live, Lov
e Verdi, Katherin ife #Prep4L 8 #SPP201 s ht ig E #One
Fashion Show
c o m m i t t e e Kathleen Curran, P’18 Lisa Franconeri, P’18
Denise O’Brien, P’21 Kathy Verdi, P’18 C o - C h a i r s
Kenneth J. Boller, S.J. P r e s i d e n t
James C. DeAngelo, ’85 P r i n c i pa l
Stephen Izzo Dalma Santana Mike Murcia, ’08 Kate Lillis-Magnus Mike Jiran, ’03 Debbie Peko-Lillis, P’10 Liz Walsh
C h i e f
A d va n c e m e n t
O f f i c e r
D i r e c t o r
o f
S p e c i a l
D i r e c t o r
o f
A l u m n i
R e l at i o n s
D i r e c t o r
o f
A n n u a l
G i v i n g
D i r e c t o r
o f
c o m m u n i c at i o n s
D ata b a s e
Ev e n t s
m a n a g e r
A d va n c e m e n t
A s s i s ta n t
V o l u n t e e r s Deborah Alberti, P’15, ’17
Karen Flannery, P’21
Jennifer McGuire, P’17
Ana Prescott, P’18, ’20
Britton Bleakley P’20
Jessica Gannaway, P’18
Michael McGuire, P’17
John Prescott, P’18,’20
Elizabeth Broderick, P’20
Theresa Goratowski P’19
Stacey Miller, P’19
Lori Puhak P’15
Toni Cano P’20
Wanda Grimaldi, P’19
Melissa Moceri, P’18
Aretha Richardson, P’19
MaryEllen Cardaci GP ’21
Pauline Heaney, P’18
Kerry Mooney P’21
Michelle Ricot-Nandkumar, P’21
Ms. Renee Centrone, P’21
Nicole Holley, P’18
Michelle Morano, P’19
Robyn Romano, P’19
Paulette Chappero P’19
Rachele Hurley, P’21
Kim Mullaney P’19
Nicole Rosso, P’18
Anna Chrysikos P’21
Joanne Karbowniczak, P’19, ’21
Margaret Murray, P’18
Angela Scherzo, P’15
Nella Cicchino P’20
Michele Kellner P’19
Kathleen Musico, P’21
Joan Shaw, P’18
Lisa D’Angelico, P’19
Amy Klein, P’20
Kelly Nestor, P’20
Conchita Smith, P’19, ’21
Nancy DeLucia, P’20
Iris Liriano, P’10
Funmi Ohadike, P’18
Dawn Smith, P’18
Terri Demo, P’19, ’20
Jeanne Lovito P’16, 19
Marta Orbe, P’18, ’20
Beth Toolen P’21
Ms. Rhonda DeStefano-Galup, P’19
Tara Lucarelli, P’18
Michelle Orth, P’18
Jackie Torres, P’19, ’21
Lori Ann Macanka, P’20
Mary Ellen Page, P’21
Bernice Vanderpool, P’19
Olivette Diaz, P’19
Heather Maher P’19
Monica Pease, P’19
Mary Vuolo, P’18,’20
Cindy Doherty, P’14, ’16, ’20
Jennifer Mason, P’18
Aishe Pelliccio P’21
Billie West P’20
Linda Doren, P’18
Mellissa McCabe P’21
Kirsten Post, P’20
Zofia Wlodarski, P’18
Lindy Fisher-Vespole, P’18
Lisa Zandee P’21 C u r r e n t
a s
o f
N o v e m b e r
1 ,
2 0 1 7
Save the Date!
Sunday, March 11, 2018 The Venetian | Garfield, N.J. spprep.org/MotherSon
Meet the
M e n
o f
P r e p
Hugh Carroll, ’18
John Curran, ’18
Rich Doren, ’18
A n t h ony Franconeri, ’1 8
Connor Heaney , ’18
Victor Lopez, ’18
Lance Lucarelli, ’18
Ralph Mason, ’18
Joseph Moceri, ’18
D i l l o n M u r r ay, ’ 1 8
Chima Ohadike, ’18
Andres Orbe, ’18
Meet the
M e n
o f
P r e p
P at r i c k O r t h , ’ 1 8
A n d r e w P r e s c o t t, ’ 1 8
J a r r e d R o ss o , ’ 1 8
C h r i s t o p h e r S h aw, ’ 1 8
Grady Smith, ’18
Sean Verdi, ’18
William Vespole, ’18
Frankie Vuolo, ’18
Anthony D’Angelico, ’19
Ethan Diaz, ’19
Gregory Pease, ’19
John Smith, ’19
Meet the
s i s t e r s
o f
P r e p
Our heartfelt thanks to the“Sisters of Prep� who served as models this afternoon.
Christina Alberti
H a l e y M u r r ay
Saint Mary High School
Kent Place School
Caitlin Aristizabal
Gabriella Musico
Saint Dominic Academy
Villa Walsh Academy
Sadia DeCastro
Megan Nestor
Mother Seton Regional High School
Mount Saint Dominic Acadmy
Dionna Lenardo
E m i ly O r t h
Hudson Catholic High School
Ridgefield Park High School
O l i v i a M at t s
Gabriella Pelliccio
Mount Saint Dominic Academy
Bayonne High School
Anabella Moceri
Shea Smith
Mount Saint Mary Academy
Mendham High School
Fa s h i o n S h o w R u n w ay sponsored by
The Saint Peter’s Prep Parents’ Today’s Association runway would fashions likehave to thank been all furnished who have by: donated to today’s event.
580 south Livingston, NJ
Our thanks to today’s sponsors for helping to make our event a success!
R u n way
T r ay
Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pease, P’19
The Saint Peter’sOur Prep thanks Parents’ to today’s Association sponsors would forlike helping to thank to make all who our have eventdonated a success! to today’s event.
sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Michael Honig, P’17,’19
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hutton, P’21
decoration Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95, ’97
sponsors Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19,’21
Jesuit/Faculty Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Adillon, P’12,’16 Mrs. Susanne Bean Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boggiano, P’96,’98 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Carr, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle, P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty, P’15 Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goratowski, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haas, P’18,’19 Mr. and Mrs. Blake Kelley, P’19 Ms. Serafina Kohm
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Marshall, P’14,’18 Ms. Judy de la Rosa and Mr. Marc Matamis, P’18 Ms. Jennifer Odell and Dr. Robert Nossa, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Novicio, ’85, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Post, P’20 Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stevens, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Tierney, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Toolen, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Torres, P’19, ’21 Ms. Anne Caldas and Mr. Mark K. Wyville , ’76, P’11,’18
The Saint Peter’s Prep Parents’ Association would like to thank all who have donated to today’s event. Alfonso’s Pastry Shoppe; River and Rail Cantina Mr. and Mrs. John Amato, P’21 American Museum of Natural History Dr. Dawn Arnold and Mr. Todd Dubovy, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Avallone, P’06,’09 Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J. Be A Life Guard/Mr. Liam P. Tully, ’11 Ms. Anne Caldas & Mr. Mark K. Wyville, ’76, P’11,’18 Dr. Joan Cangiarella and Dr. Steven Marini, P’18 Mr. Dave Carney Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97 Ms. Monique Cavalli-Woltmann P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cerbone, P’16,’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cetera, P’19 Ms. Mary Jo Chagnon-Harkins, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Charas, P’18,’20 Cheesecake Factory Ms. Nella Cicchino, P’20 Class of 2020 Baseball Parents Club Creations Ms. Martha Coacher-Biswanger, P’19 Mr. Chris Cocchi Mr. and Mrs. Dean Colucci, P’12,’15,’19 Costco Wholesale Courtyard by Marriott Newark Downtown Crew Parents Association Crystal Springs Resort Mr. and Ms. Matthew Cugliari, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cunningham, P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Curran, ’88, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D’Angelico, P’19 Ms. Lucy Del Gaudio and Mr. Michael A. Todd, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Del Sol, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DeLucia, P’20 Design Lighting by Marks Ms. Rhonda DeStefano-Galup and Mr. Luis Galup, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Dillane, P’16,’18 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Donofrio, ’81, P’11,’14,’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Doody, ’86, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doren, P’18, ’21
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Emmert, P’20 Entenmann’s Florist Ms. Josefina Estrella, P’21 F. Gerald New Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Fell, P’18 Ms. Josephine Ferrante/Sage & Company Salon Ferraro’s Restaurant and Catering Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16 Mr. Tom Flood/Saint Frances College Floyd Hall Enterprises Fordham University Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Franconeri, P’18 Friends of Prep Garden State Discovery Museum Mr. Andrzej Gasak, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Geller, P’19 Gersch Orthodontics Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gualtieri, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan, P’15,’18 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hansen, P’03,’09 Hartshorn Portraiture Head to Toe Mr. and Ms. Hernandez, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herold, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Cornell J. Hess, P’17,’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoog, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Horan, ’70 Houlihans Houston’s Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hutton, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jasko, P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Jennings Sr., P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jiran, ’03 Ms. Carolyn Johnson, Ed.D./Not So Common Application Service Jon Manos Golf Academy Kearny Shop Rite Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kellner, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kenny
The Saint Peter’s Prep Parents’ Association would like to thank all who have donated to today’s event. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Keohane, ’88, P’18 Kilkenny House Restaurant and Pub Kings Ms. Catherine Landherr-Blinken, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lee, P’18 Lee Sims Chocolate Liberty Science Center Mr. and Mrs. Cristian Liriano, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lojo, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Macanka, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. William MacLaney, P’19 Mrs. Janice A. Martineau Massage Envy Mayo Performing Arts Center Mazzella’s of Mountainside Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McCarthy, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGann, P’13,’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire, P’17 Ms. Ann McHugh, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mead, P’21 Mrs. Andrea Mess-Davis and Mr. Michael Davis, P’20 Ms. Margaret Meyer, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Miller, P’19 Mona Lisa Pizzeria Ristorante Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02 Mr. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. James Muller, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nacheff, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Brien, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Martin O’Flanagan, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill, P’20 Office of Institutional Advancement Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orbe, P’18,’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens, P’21 Paper Mill Playhouse Pastosa Ravioli Perona Farms Perotti’s Quality Meats Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pestana, P’10, ’21
Pin Up Hair Studio Mrs. Jacqueline Pischettola-Ruiz Prep Parents Association Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ragno, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Rey Ramos, P’18 Red Bull New York Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rendeiro, P’21 Rocheny Photography & Framing Mr. and Ms. Douglas Ross, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rowe, P’18 RPM Raceway Mr. and Mrs. John Rudolph, P’21 Ms. Blanche Ryder Saint Peter’s Prep Saint Peter’s Prep Campus Shop Saint Peter’s Prep Class of 2018 Football Parents Saint Peter’s Prep Cross Country Saint Peter’s Prep Freshman Football Saint Peter’s Prep Golf Saint Peter’s Prep Junior Varsity Soccer Saint Peter’s Prep Sophormore and Junior Football Parents Saint Peter’s Prep Swim Team Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity and Junior Varsity Fencing and Fencing Coaches Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity Soccer Parents Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity Volleyball Saint Peter’s Prep Wrestling Saint Peter’s University Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanducci, P’18 Mrs. Lynnette Santin-Lerner and Mr. Alan Lerner, P’20 Savory Spice Mr. Jack Schiavo, ’14 Mr. Mark J. Schiavo, ’18 Mr. Tyler J. Schiavo, ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schreier, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scianlopore Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seborowski, P’18,’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Senerchia, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. James Shivas, P’19
The Saint Peter’s Prep Parents’ Association would like to thank all who have donated to today’s event. Silva Family Ms. Boreta Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Siracuse, P’13,’16,’17 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Slaski, P’09,’12,’18 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19, ’21 Somerset Patriots Baseball Club Mr. and Mrs. Dario Spina, P’18 Stanlaw Fitness Sterling Hill Mining Museum The Farmhouse Store The Wine List of Summit Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Tierney, P’20 Toast Tomahawk Lake Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Torres, P’19, ’21 Towers Electric Turtleback Zoo V’s Day Spa Ms. Josefina Estrella, P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Villatoro, P’21 Ms. Patricia Von Schaumburg, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vuolo, P’18,’20 W by Worth Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitehead, ’88, P’16, ’18,’20
t h a n k s The Saint We Peter’s Parents’grateful Association would like to thank all who have donated today’s event. arePrep sincerely to the following for their support of ourtoevent:
Basket Raffle Runners Donald Davis, ’20 Nicolas Galup, ’19 Vincent Grimaldi, ’19 Thomas Hurley, ’21
Brian Liriano, ’20 Nicholas Musico, ’21 Timothy O’Brien, ’21
Gabriel Orbe, ’20 Alexander Prescott, ’20 Andrew Smith, ’21 Casey Truppner, ’21
Make-up Brooke Calandrillo Laura Mercier – brookecalandrillo.com
Shannon Duffy MakeupByShannon.co – 908-477-5337
D e c o r at i o n s
G i v e a w ay s
Olivette Diaz, P’19 Stacey Miller, P’19 Michelle Morano, P’19
Stonehouse Oven
Go prep! Paul Schaetzle, ’71 List complete as of October 28, 2016
T i e r
T r i c k y T r ay s p o n s o r e d b y and 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pease, P’19
4 T i c k e t s t o t h e A m e r i c a n M u s e u m o f N at u r a l H i s t o ry American Museum of Natural History
$100 William Sonoma Gift Card Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Avallone, P’06,’09
$ 1 0 0 M a d i s o n B a r a n d G r i l l G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Mr. Dave Carney
I ta l i a n D e l i g h t s Ms. Nella Cicchino, P’20
Chef’s Delight Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Curran, ’88, P’18
B e a u t y D ay at H e a d 2 T o e Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D’Angelico, P’19; Head 2 Toe
Through the Grapevine Friends of Prep
P i c n i c E x t r ava g a n z a Ms. Rhonda DeStefano-Galup and Mr. Luis Galup, P’19
L o v e H o p e & Fa i t h A n c h o r C h a r m F. Gerald New Inc.
Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nacheff, P’18
$ 1 0 0 F e r r a r o ’ s R e s ta u r a n t a n d C at e r i n g G i f t C a r d Ferraro’s Restaurant and Catering
F l o y d H a l l E n t e r p r i s e s Fa m i ly F o u r Pa c k Floyd Hall Enterprises
Fordham University Spirit Wear Fordham University
4 G a r d e n S tat e D i s c o v e ry M u s e u m Pa ss e s Garden State Discovery Museum
D i n n e r ’ s o n Us Mr. Andrzej Gasak, P’21
$ 1 2 5 P r e p C a m p u s S h o p G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Keohane, ’88, P’18
T i e r 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036
D ay at T u rt l e b a c k Z o o Mr. and Mrs. James C. Horan, ’70; Turtleback Zoo
Spiral Out of Control Kitchen Craze Mr. and Mrs. Cornell J. Hess, P’17,’19
C h o c o l at e L o v e r ’ s D e l i g h t Lee Sims Chocolate
$100 Gift Card to JR Cigars Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire, P’17
L o v e i s i n t h e HAIR ! Pin Up Hair Studio
S a i n t P e t e r ’ s U n i v e r s i t y S wa g B a g Mrs. Jacqueline Pischettola-Ruiz/Saint Peter’s University
Baker’s Dozen Friends of Prep
Two Tickets to the 2018 "Mom Prom" Office of Institutional Advancement
$100 Shop Rite Gift Card Kearny Shop Rite
Two Tickets for 2018 Red Bull Season Red Bull New York
S ay C h e e s e ! P o rt r a i t S e ss i o n Pa c k a g e Rocheny Photography & Framing
R e a d y ? S e t ? GO ! T w o R a c e V o u c h e r s RPM Raceway
M a r g a r e t, R i ta a n d J o s e : S ay C h e e r s ! Friends of Prep
Wa x O n ! Wa x O f f ! E u r o p e a n Wa x Pa m p e r B a s k e t Ms. Blanche Ryder
S a ss y a n d S p i c y Savory Spice
S t o p W h i n i n g a n d H av e a P i n o t N o i r ! Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jasko, P’14
A h h ! R e l a x at i o n Massage Envy
Vera Bradley Tote Bag Mrs. Janice A. Martineau
$ 1 0 0 W i n e L i s t o f S u m m i t G i f t C e rt i f i c at e The Wine List of Summit
$50 Toast Gift Card Toast
T i e r 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056
$ 1 0 0 W b y W o rt h G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19, ’21/W by Worth
$ 1 0 0 S u p r e m a C a f e G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scianlopore
F o u r U p p e r B o x T i c k e t s t o S o m e r s e t Pat r i o t s Somerset Patriots Baseball Club
T w o Pa ss e s a n d F r e e T o u r s at S t e r l i n g H i l l M i n i n g M u s e u m Sterling Hill Mining Museum
F o u r T i c k e t s t o T o m aw h aw k L a k e Tomahawk Lake Inc.
E at, S l e e p, G o l f ! Jon Manos Golf Academy
2 T i c k e t s t o T h e B i r d l a n d A l l - S ta r s - T h e A rt o f J a z z Mayo Performing Arts Center
$ 5 0 E n t e n m a n n ’ s F l o r i s t G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Entenmann’s Florist
$ 5 0 K i n g s G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Kings
$ 5 0 M a z e l l a’ s o f M o u n ta i n s i d e G i f t C a r d Mazzella’s of Mountainside
$50 Perona Gift Card Perona Farms
T e e i t H i g h , L e t i t F ly G o l f A c c e ss o ry B a s k e t Saint Peter’s Prep Golf Parents
$ 5 0 L u c i a n o ’ s G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Lucianos’ Italian Ristorante and Lounge
Why So Tense? Massage Envy
I t ’ s 5 O ’ C l o c k S o m e w h e r e C o c k ta i l S e t Mr. And Mrs. Kellner, P’77
D at e N i g h t o n t h e T o w n Houlihans; Mona Lisa Pizzeria Ristorante/ Mr. Chris Cocchi
Amazon Echo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rowe, P’18
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas! Friends of Prep
Fa m i ly M o v e N i g h t IN ! Friends of Prep
Pa s ta a n d P o tat o e s Kilkenny House Restaurant and Pub; Pastosa Ravioli
T i e r 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072
G i a n t s NY P r i d e B a s k e t Friends of Prep
GOOO J ET S ! Ta i l g at e B a s k e t Friends of Prep
. . . a n d RELAX The Farmhouse Store
H e a lt h a n d W e l l n e ss B a s k e t Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lojo, P’19
$ 5 0 C h e e s e c a k e fa c t o ry G i f t C a r d Cheesecake Factory
D i n n e r a n d D e ss e rt Alfonso’s Pastry Shoppe; River and Rail Cantina
Gobble Till You Wobble Thanksgiving Basket Friends of Prep
Stew Leonards Gift Set Ms. Mary Jo Chagnon-Harkins, P’20
$25 Costco’s Gift Card Costco Wholesale
$ 2 5 V ’ s D ay S pa G i f t C a r d V’s Day Spa
$ 5 0 H o u s t o n ’ s G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Friends of Prep
D r i n k B e e r . . . S av e Wat e r Towers Electric
Splash! Love your Car, Drive it Clean! Towers Electric
Rock-A-Bye Baby! Towers Electric
O n e G o l f e r at S a i n t P e t e r ’ s P r e p G o l f T o u r n a m e n t Office of Institutional Advancement
Prep runs on Dunkin’ Towers Electric
T w o T i c k e t s t o C l a ss o f 2 0 2 0 & C l a ss o f 2 0 2 1 C h r i s t m a s S e m i 1 0 7 3 Formal (one couple) Saint Peter’s Prep
Team Captains TEAM CAPTAINS Chase Lerner, and & Jack Mark’18 Chester AlecHalligan, Maxwell ’18
Best of luck to the class of 2018:
Billy McHugh, Ashton Williams, Daniel Whitehead, Dante Malleo, Andrew Coyne, ChrisBest Casiano, Halligan, Slaski, Rob Dungan, ofJack Luck toBilly the Class ’16 Chase Lerner Nick Charas, Kevin Fell, Durkin McCarthy, Cruciani, Ryan Ramos, Dante Dias, Top Row -Jared Left to Right Enric Adillon, Mark Chester, Jack Bonnet, ChrisWalsh Maloney, Griffin Corry, Greg Nacheff, and Brendan Ben Warco, Brian Bartozek, Sam Gardner, Alec Maxwell Bottom Row - Left to Right James Niland, Jack Longenecker, Jonathan Alegria, Eddie Whitehead
Saint Peter’s Prep Crew Team
Head Coach: Alex Canale, ’05
T i e r 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
At h l e ta L i f e s t y l e O u t f i t Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18, Mr. Jack Schiavo, ’14, Mr. Mark J. Schiavo, ’18, Mr. Tyler J. Schiavo, ’13
Tickets to the 2018 Senior Prom (For One Couple) Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97, Mrs. Janice Martineau, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh
A l e x i A n d A n i B r a c e l e t s a n d G o f f i n ’ s G i f t C e rt i f i c at e Ms. Monique Cavalli-Woltmann P’18, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doren, P’18, ’21
Saint Peter’s Prep Crest Enamaled Cufflinks Club Creations/Peter Cunningham
N i g h t o n t h e T o w n a n d B r e a k fa s t f o r T w o Courtyard by Marriott Newark Downtown
M i c h a e l K o r s W o m e n ’ s Wat c h Mr. and Ms. Matthew Cugliari, P’20
S a g e a n d C o m pa n y B e a u t y B a s k e t Josephine Ferrante/Sage & Company Salon
K at e S pa d e C a r l i B a g a n d N e d a Wa l l e t Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
$ 3 0 0 o f N o t S o C o m m o n A p p l i c at i o n S e r v i c e C o l l e g e P r e p 2 0 0 9 Services Ms. Carolyn Johnson, Ed.D./Not So Common Application Service
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Nutri Ninja Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kenny
Fa m i ly M e m b e r s h i p at L i b e rt y S c i e n c e C e n t e r Liberty Science Center
A h t l e ta Y o g a O u t f i t Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18, Mr. Jack Schiavo, ’14, Mr. Mark J. Schiavo, ’18, Mr. Tyler J. Schiavo, ’13
H i s Wa g o n F u l l o f F u n Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
Two Tickets to the 2018 Grand Gala Office of Institutional Advancement
T w o T i c k e t s t o “ T h e O u t s i d e r ” at Pa p e r M i l l P l ay h o u s e Paper Mill Playhouse
The Money Tree Saint Peter’s Prep Junior Varsity Soccer
M i c h a e l s K o r s S i lv e r L e x i n g t o n Wat c h Saint Peter’s Prep Junior Varsity Soccer
G e t H e a lt h y f o r V o l l e y b a l l S e a s o n Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity Volleyball
At h l e ta W i n t e r T r a i n i n g O u t f i t Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18, Mr. Jack Schiavo, ’14, Mr. Mark J. Schiavo, ’18, Mr. Tyler J. Schiavo, ’13
T i e r 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
H e r Wa g o n F u l l o f F u n Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
C o a c h C r o ss b o d y B a g Ms. Boreta Singleton
Dom Perignon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Torres, P’19, ’21
VIZIO ® 3 2 ” LED TV Friends of Prep
FitBit Charge 2 Friends of Prep
B u t F i r s t . . . COFFEE ! Friends of Prep
“Field of Dreams” Basket
2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039
Class of 2020 Baseball Parents; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cerbone, P’16,’20; Mr. and Ms. Matthew Cugliari, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Del Sol, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DeLucia, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Doody, ’86, P’20; Mr. and Ms. Hernandez, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoog, P’20; Ms. Catherine Landherr-Blinken, P’20; Mrs. Andrea Mess-Davis and Mr. Michael Davis, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Martin O’Flanagan, P’20; Mrs. Lynnette Santin-Lerner and Mr. Alan Lerner, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schreier, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Tierney, P’20; Ms. Patricia Von Schaumburg, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vuolo, P’18,’20
S PP G e a r G a l o r e Saint Peter’s Prep Campus Shop
P o p e F r a n c i s , B a s e b a l l a s I g n at i a n S p i r i t u a l i t y Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Original Mark Wyville Framed Photo Ms. Anne Caldas & Mr. Mark K. Wyville, ’76, P’11,’18
H i s a n d H e r s V i n e ya r d V i n e s S w e at e r s Dr. Joan Cangiarella and Dr. Steven Marini, P’18
Ding! Dong! The Ring Doorbell Friends of Prep
Z e n A r o m at h e r a p y Friends of Prep
B . Y. O . P. - B r i n g Y o u r O w n P o p c o r n Friends of Prep
I t ’ s BB Q T i m e ! Friends of Prep
W e l c o m e ! I t ’ s a F i r e p i t, t h e S ’ M o r e t h e M e r r i e r ! Friends of Prep
VIZIO ® 3 2 " LED TV Friends of Prep
Two Tickets to the 2018 Junior Prom (For One Couple) Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97, Mrs. Janice Martineau, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh
Google Home Friends of Prep
T i e r 2040 2041 2042 2043
OH ! I t ’ s t h e B l u e B a g ! Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Curran, ’88, P’18
2 T i c k e t s t o t h e 2 0 1 7 PPA C h r i s t m a s Pa rt y Prep Parents Association
G e t F i t, G e t T o n e d , G e t S t r o n g ! Stanlaw Fitness
Home Goods Basket Saint Peter’s Prep Sophomore and Junior Football Players and Parents
Best wishes for a successful fashion show Jack Smith, Jr. (’76) & Conchita Smith John J. Smith, III (’19) Andrew J. Smith (’21)
John J. Smith, Jr. Attorney-at-Law
762 Broadway, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 Telephone: (201) 858-3153 / Fax: (201) 858-7144 Email: Jacksmithjresq@gmail.com Specializing in: Personal Injury • Workers Compensation • Municipal Court Matters Residential/Commercial Real Estate • Wills • Estate Administration
Gallop...don’t trot!
Don’t miss out on early “birdie” pricing! June 18, 2018 | Galloping Hill Golf Course |
Kenilworth, N. J.
$200 per golfer, through December 31! Register at spprep.org/Golf today!
For sponsorship opportunities, or more information, contact Mike Murcia, ’08 at MurciaM@spprep.org or 201-547-6413
r o f us
7 1 0 2 e h t
i r h C A PP
s a stm .|
er 8
emb c e D y, Frida
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s O’K ’ p e r P
mon m o C efe
Featuring Music, Food, Cocktails, Friends, and Fun!
$30 per person before December 1 /$35 per person beginning December 2 There will be a 50/50 and a Christmas Cheer Raffle to get you in the holiday spirit! Tickets and more at spprep.org/PPAChristmasParty
G r a n d 3001
t i e r
K at e S pa d e “ G r o v e S t r e e t ” B a g Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
Michael Kors Shoulder Bag
3002 3003 3004 3005 3006
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cetera, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Colucci, P’12,’15,’19; Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19; Mr. and Mrs. William MacLaney, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pestana, P’10, ’21; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rendeiro, P’21; Ms. Lucy Del Gaudio and Mr. Michael A. Todd, P’19; Saint Peter’s Prep Wrestling
NYCFC B a s k e t Saint Peter’s Prep Cross Country
M a k e y o u S CORE . . . MAC B e a u t y G a l o r e Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity Soccer Parents
"Light Up the Night" Design Lighting by Mark Design Lighting by Marks
T e e T i m e at TPC J a s n a P o l a n a F o u r s o m e Mr. and Mrs. Neil Miller, P’19
T w o S u i t e T i c k e t s f o r 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 R e g u l a r S e a s o n Is l a n d e r s o r 3 0 0 7 Nets game, and Saint Francis College Spirit Basket Mr. Tom Flood/Saint Francis College
3008 3009 3010 3011 3012
4 T i c k e t s t o NY G i a n t s v s . Wa s h i n g t o n , 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 7 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Franconeri, P’18
$ 5 0 0 G i f t C e rt i f i c at e f o r O rt h o d o n t i c C a r e Gersch Orthodontics
PO S E ! H a rt s h o r n P o rt r a i t u r e P h o t o S e ss i o n Hartshorn Portraiture
“Off We Go” Men’s Cruiser Bike Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray, P’18
S a i n t P e t e r ’ s P r e p A l l - S p o rt s B a s k e t Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hansen, P’03,’09; Mr. and Mrs. Sean Verdi, P’18
“ C a u s e w e a r e UNDEFEATED ! ” V i n e ya r d V i n e s S h o p p i n g E x t r ava g a n z a , $ 1 5 0 T r i b e c a G r i l l G i f t C a r d , a n d $ 2 0 0 L e g a l 3 0 1 3 Sea foods Gift Card Saint Peter’s Prep Varsity and Junior Varsity Fencing and Fencing Coaches
K e e p C a l m a n d S h o p ‘ T i l Y o u D r o p at S h o rt H i l l s M a l l
3014 3015 3016 3017
Saint Peter’s Prep Swim Team Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Dillane, P’16,’18, Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Geller, P’19, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gualtieri, P’19, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lee, P’18, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orbe, P’18,’20, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanducci, P’18, Mr. and Mrs. James Shivas, P’19, Mr. and Mrs. Dario Spina, P’18
N i n t e n d o S w i t c h 3 2 GB C o n s o l e G r ay J o y C o n Friends of Prep
A p p l e ® Wat c h S e r i e s 3 Friends of Prep
XB o x 1 H o t W h e e l s B u n d l e Friends of Prep
G r a n d 3018
t i e r
K at e S pa d e H av e n S t r e e t M a x i T o t e Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Siracuse, P’13,’16,’17
2 t i c k e t s t o NY R a n g e r s v s . M i n n e s o ta W i l d , 2 / 2 3 / 1 8 a n d D a n 3 0 1 9 Girardi Autographed Puck Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jiran, ’03
A m e r i c a n R e d C r o ss L i f e g u a r d a n d CPR C l a ss Be A Life Guard/Mr. Liam P. Tully, ’11
Michael Kors Cecilia Saddle Bag
3021 3022
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cetera, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Colucci, P’12,’15,’19; Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19; Mr. and Mrs. William MacLaney, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pestana, P’10, ’21; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rendeiro, P’21; Ms. Lucy Del Gaudio and Mr. Michael A. Todd, P’19; Saint Peter’s Prep Wrestling
“ M ay t h e C o u r s e B e W i t h Y o u ” C ry s ta l S p r i n g s G o l f Pa c k a g e Crystal Springs Resort
R a d i o C i t y M u s i c H a l l C h r i s t m a s S p e c ta c u l a r
3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032
Crew Parents Association: Mr. and Mrs. John Amato, P’21; Dr. Dawn Arnold and Mr. Todd Dubovy, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Charas, P’18,’20; Ms. Martha Coacher-Biswanger, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D’Angelico, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. James J. Donofrio, ’81, P’11,’14,’20; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Emmert, P’20; Ms. Josefina Estrella, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. John Fell, P’18; Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan, P’15,’18; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herold, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Jennings Sr., P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Cristian Liriano, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Macanka, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McCarthy, P’18; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGann, P’13,’19; Ms. Ann McHugh, P’18; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mead, P’21; Ms. Margaret Meyer, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. James Muller, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nacheff, P’18; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Brien, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ragno, P’19; Mr. and Mrs. Rey Ramos, P’18; Mr. and Ms. Douglas Ross, P’20; Mr. and Mrs. John Rudolph, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Slaski, P’09,’12,’18; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19, ’21; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Torres, P’19, ’21; Mr. and Mrs. Jose Villatoro, P’21; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitehead, ’88, P’16, ’18,’20
T w o S AT P r e p C o u r s e Pa c k a g e Mr. John Morris
F l o r a l H o m e D e c o r Pa i n t i n g Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
L u x u ry F r a g r a n c e s f o r H i m a n d H e r Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hutton, P’21
Mixologist’s Dream Come True Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Senerchia, ’81
T w o C u s t o m D r e ss S h i rt s Silva Family
The Best of the Best Amazon Goodies Basket Saint Peter’s Prep Class of 2018 Football Parents
G i f t C a r d E x t r ava g a n z a Saint Peter’s Prep Freshman Football
4 N J D e v i l s C l u b S e at T i c k e t s Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seborowski, P’18,’20
Exclusive Fragrances for Him and Her Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hutton, P’21
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Best wishes to the Prep f a m i ly f o r t h e 2 0 1 7 PPA F a s h i o n s h o w ! Kajsa and Rodney Hutton, P’21 Marcello Hutton, ’21
Best wishes to Max Honig, ’18 and all of today’s Fashion Show participants!
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In Memory of
Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 Past president of the Prep Parents’ Association and longtime fan of the Fashion Show Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
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t h a n k s O u r
t h a n k s t o t h e f o l l o w i n g v o l u n t e e r s , r u n n e r s , a n d
a dd i t i o n a l d o n o r s
V o l u n t e e r s
B a s k e t R a f f l e R u n n e r s
Claire Honig, P’17, ‘19
Thomas Hurley, ‘21
Monica Cuccinelli, P’17
William Woltmann, ‘18
Fanny Lopez, P’18 Victor Lopez, P’18 Anita McCarthy, P’18 Laura Reynolds, P’21 Patrick Sutherland, P’21
D o n o r s
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Adams, P’19, ‘21 Mr. Matthew Anderson, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carey, P’18, ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cooper, P’21 Mrs. Olivia Duarte, P’21 Ms. Mitzy Galis-Menendez and Mr. Gerardo Perez, P’21 George Bollenbach Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goratowski, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heaney, P’18 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Irvine, ‘83, P’11 Mr. Richard Lugo, ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Matts, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Millar, P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mooney, P’21 Revman International Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romano, P’19 Saint Peter’s Prep Class of 2018 Baseball Parents Mr. David S. Sarch, ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheppard, P’20
T i e r 1074 1075 1076
N a u t i c a D o r m R o o m B e d r o o m S e t w i t h V e r a Wa n g T o w e l s Revman International
A i r F ry e r Friends of Prep
V e r a Wa n g T o w e l S e t f o r F o u r Revman International
4 Front Row Tickets to Fordham University Basketball vs. M a n h at ta n ( S u n d ay 1 1 / 2 6 at F o r d h a m ) 1077 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mooney, P'21
1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091
Oh So Comfy! Two Knitted Blankets George Bollenbach Co.
V i n ta g e P r e p T- S h i rt C o l l e c t i o n John Irvine, ’83,P’11
N a u t i c a Q u i lt Revman International
B e lv e d e r e G i f t S e t Mr. David S. Sarch, '03
N a u t i c a D o r m R o o m B e d r o o m S e t w i t h V e r a Wa n g T o w e l s Revman International
V e r a Wa n g T o w e l S e t f o r F o u r Revman International
$ 5 0 G i f t C a r d t o H e a ly ’ s Tav e r n Healy’s Tavern
B e lv e d e r e G i f t S e t Mr. David S. Sarch, '03
V e r a Wa n g T o w e l S e t f o r F o u r Revman International
C u i s i n a rt F o o d P r o c e s s o r Friends of Prep
B e y o u r o w n SU P ERHERO ! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
N a u t i c a D o r m R o o m B e d r o o m S e t w i t h V e r a Wa n g T o w e l s Revman International
W i n e + D i n n e r = WINNER Saint Peter’s Prep Junior Baseball Parents
$ 5 0 P e r o n a Fa r m s B r u n c h Pa c k a g e Perona Farms
T i e r 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049
Off to the Movies We Go! Friends of Prep
I t ’ s A B i r d , I t ’ s A P l a n e , NO ! I t ’ s a D RONE ! Mr. Richard Lugo, '85
C o l l e g e E s s ay 1 0 1 Mr. James C. Horan, ’70
Scotch Gift Set Mr. David S. Sarch, '03
L i f e w i t h y o u i s a lway s a P ICNIC Friends of Prep
P h i l o s o p h y: W h e r e S c i e n c e M e e t s I n s p i r at i o n Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Adams, P'19, '21
G r a n d 3033
t i e r
Humanscale Element Scale and Desk Lamp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romano, P'19
FOORRREEE ! ! ! S k y way G o l f C o u r s e F o u r s o m e ; H yat t H i l l s G o l f T w o s o m e ; F o r e s t H i l l F i e l d C l u b P r i vat e L e s s o n , a n d G o l f 3 0 3 4 Accessories Saint Peter’s Prep Golf Team Families
3035 3036
Hermes Scarf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heaney, P'18
L e t ' s G o Ya n k e e s ! Saint Peter's Prep Class of 2018 Baseball Families
Wishing a blessed Saint Peter’s Prep journey to our son
and his Class of 2019 Junior Brothers A memorable Sophomore Year to our daughter
Ole Miss Class of 2020 And Pride in our future Prep Marauder
CHASE PEASE – Class of 2022 With all of our love, Mom and Dad Monica and Gregory Pease, P’19,’22
BCB Community Bank is proud to support the
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