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Lifetime L o o k back at your Prep experience Acknowledge all the times you had ^Setting this young world on fire, Thinking about and working for n experience
jL a s t a Lifetime themes this yearbook, illustrating the life which each of you T o rg e d in Prep history forever, £ s to perpetua T h a t our community thrives forever; Tt is our Prep, our Pride, and our G lory, A /o d e le d after Saint Peter's example and jEnriched in the Jesuit tradition. Jeremy Resurreccion, Edito
T a b le o f C ontents Student Life
That Captures a Lifetime Prep has always been a place that has been held in high regard for me. Growing up in Hoboken, I have known many Prep men in my lifetime and each and every one I have known has always talked about Prep with a reverence and fondness. Frankly, it seemed like a mythical place. As an outsider looking in, I could not fully understand the depth of what Prep was until I made the decision to join the Prep community two years ago. On my very first day, I could remember feeling this sense of nervousness that I would somehow let down all of those Prep men and the students in front of me. As I walked into the first faculty meeting of the school year, I was happy to see two of my own high school teachers: Mrs. LaBruno and Mr. Laguerre. As I talked with them it dawned on me that although you leave high school the lessons you learned never leave you. High school is a very formative experience - one of the most formative we ever experience in our lives. O ver the four years go by we grow physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally into young adults that are ready to take on the world. Seeing Mrs. LaBruno reminded me to recite the Serenity Prayer when times were tough. I even tried to hide from Mr. Laguerre because I couldn't think of an excuse to get out of gym class for the day (Sorry, Mr. L, gym wasn't and still isn't my thing). As your Prep journey continues on, take it all with you, the good and the bad. Each and every day you spend here shapes you into the man you are on your w ay to becoming. W hen you look back at your high school years I can only hope you remember Prep with the same high regard as the thousands of Prep men that have come before you. Over the past two years I have learned the pow er of what Prep has to offer giving you the opportunities to grow and change. It has made me a better person just as it has done for each and every one of you. The experiences, memories and lessons learned that each and every one of us has here will last a lifetime. In closing here are some final words of wisdom - be kind, be generous and trust the process. You never know what can happen in the future, you just may find yourself working with the person that gave you all of those JUGs! Prep for life!
Mrs. Siobhan Rios, Science Department
T a b le o f C ontents cademics
Rising Underclassmen Pages 1 62
W hen Prep alumni reflect back on their time at G rand and W arren, they can't alw ays recall specific lessons or readings from their numerous classes. However, they are usually quick to recall teachers who have left a long-lasting mark on them. The theme of this year's Petrean is "Lasts a Lifetime" and w hile many members of our community em body this idea, Mrs. Terry LaBruno, w ho has called Prep home for the last 10 years, captures this concept with her w hole being. She has dedicated herself to Prep's mission from the start. She can be found in her classroom from early morning and until late in the day, helping her students succeed and push themselves to be the best version of w ho they are. Mrs. LaBruno believes in her students and because of her influence they believe in themselves. She is also well-known for the nicknames she gives everyone, and for her spontaneous nature, which is infused with warmth and enthusiasm. As an avid fan of Prep athletics, she spends countless hours in the stands and on fields, cheering for her students in both victory and defeat. Through her endless commitment to the young men of Prep, she is an exam ple of how to live a life in service of others. Her passion for teaching, her family, her students, and her colleagues radiate through everything she does. And as a bonus, the Prep community has come to know and love her husband, M r. Joe LaBruno. Thank you, Mrs. LaBruno, for showing the Saint Peter's Prep Community w hat it means to live a life of generous service and how to care for our Prep brothers and sisters. You are truly a w om an for others and the impact you have had on us w ill last a lifetime.
The newly renovated Mulry Hall stands as a powerful conclusion to the 12-year journey of the Imagine: The Fund fo r S ain t P eter’s Prep program. Built on the hard work and generosity of the Prep's community, the over 100-year-old building sports a modern style that still offers functionality through classroom, office , and study spaces. With a lifetime of turning dreams into reality, the Prep community is ready to meet the needs of the its current student and faculty body while envisioning the future.
Renovating Mulry Hah
Alumni Connections The Saint Peter's Prep community extends beyond the short four-year career of a Prep student. Jesuit education is a lifelong experience of learning, reflection, and loving. Alumni continue to strengthen their bonds and form new ones, all while staying connected to the Prep by contributing to the education of the students of today and tomorrow.
Fourth Row: James Anderson, James Conti, Diego Perdomo Third Row: Matthew Moreira, Kyle Hess, Luke Morrison, Victor Tyne, Sam ay Shamdasani Second Row: Ellis Reid, Suvan Bhat, Patrick McCabe, Jordan Scott, Charles Dino Front Row: Ian Lee, Mason Holland, Colby Ruggiero, Johnnie Rrooker, Aidan Mancha, Connor Bankuti
Prep Dramatics/Performing Arts has been a staple of student life since its inception in 1 872. Both student performers and the stage crew put a lot of their time and energy to ensure not only that the production is successful, but also to continue Prep's theatrical tradition with the same timeless enthusiasm and love that has captivated the Prep community for generations. This winter's drama was a production of Richard Greenberg's 2 002 play Take M e Out, a work that explores societal issues in the context of American Baseball. This spring's musical was a production of Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables, a work about the June Revolution in France during the country's revolutionary 19th century.
Music is a profound, mysterious, and divine form of communication; Ludwig van Beethoven once referred to music as "the language of God." Like Prep Dramatics, the Prep Band is one of the school's oldest traditions, and countless generations of Prep students have engaged in the study and performance of musical scores and masterpieces. The Band, along with Vox, also provide music for school liturgies, open houses, and other events. On these pages are photographs of the annual Christmas Concert. This performance is the culmination of continual study and practice, and it showcases the diverse talents, skills, and creativity of the studet body while also highlighting the festival mood of the Christmas season. , r X ™ ; "
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Vox Saint Peter's Prep Choir Most Prep students will regard Vox as the choir that sings at mass. And there is much truth to this - but Vox is much more than just a choir. Vox, for many members, is the backbone of their Prep experience. Offering students with a platform to channel their talents, Vox has continually been the unifying voice of Saint Peter's Prep, carrying the influence of the Prep community in performances both within the State of New Jersey and to other states in the Northeast. Most notably, this past December Vox opened for the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall! W ithin the Prep Community, Vox has brought together a group of gentlemen that collectively contribute to a shared musical experience. With this, many students within the program choose to participate in the other Performing Arts programs at Prep, such as Concert Band and Prep Dramatics. Ultimately, Vox offers all Prep students with the opportunity to share their passion for music, while also providing its members with a sense of community.
The Tech Terrors Robotics Team
Clubs that Last a Lifetime
Art & Media
Anime Club
Art Club * \
Comic Book Club Pl rocTi
Nation Station/TV Studio
The Student NewsDODet ot Saint Peters Prep
l#{ AT Mttr- NEWS SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT Opinion: Borrowed Ctwri are Bogus for tJ.S. Soc<er
Opinion: Why Take Latin? This Dead Language Can Change Your Life
i j r r T...P
“I think Art an d M edia clubs last a lifetime because th ey adapt and change to the times. M y experiences in the Petroc a n d TV Studio clubs were m em orable because I wrote about m a n y different subjects and film ed various livestream s, liturgies, an d other videos fo r Prep. From writing about the h istory o f Jersey C ity to film in g the annual Christm as Video, these clubs dem onstrate th at th ey last a lifetime. ”
lubs that Last a Lifetime
Activities & Sports
Culinary Club
Adventure Club
Academic Bowl
Baseball Club
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Engineering Club
“I think th at A ctivity a n d Sports clubs last a lifetim e because th ey pertain to universal a n d enjoyable interests. In m y experience startin g and running Ultim ate Frisbee Club, / realized m a n y people a lrea d y shared m y passion fo r the gam e a n d also m a n y newcom ers were able to enjoy this new interest. I have so m a n y great m em ories from this club, an d I know th at m a n y more w ill enjoy the club in y e a rs to com e.99 STUDENT LIFE
Ping Pong Club
Video Game Club
Table Top Gaming Club
Trading Card/D&D Club
“Gaming clubs last a lifetim e because people alw ays w an t to have fun. I know I can alw ays p la y g a m e s with m y frien d s an d enjoy board gam es in Tabletop Gaming Club, M agic gam es in Trading Card Game Club, an d others. The gam es we p la y are universal a n d enjoyed all over the world, a n d I can bond with people o f a ll backgrounds. ”
Hubs that Last a Lifetime
iputer Scie
Participating in a school club can be a rew arding experience. Saint P eter’s Prep offers m a n y clubs p erta in in g to a w ide range o f interests an d hobbies. N ew clubs are sta rted every year, dem onstrating both the growth o f a n d the d iversity o f this Jesuit institution. Each club a dds to the vibran cy o f stu den t life a t Prep, creating m em ories th at last a lifetime.
W e are loud, we are proud, we are
Prep's Fashion Show
Foreign Exchange Programs The 2 0 1 8 Italian Exchange Program poses after visiting various churches and monuments that are important to the Sicilian culture.
Daniel Stusnick ' 19 and O w en Dougherty '2 0 pose with their exchange students in the fields after a hard d a y of w ork in the field.
The Italian Exchange thanking a generous vendor for giving them free samples o f special Sicilian food and drinks.
The 2 0 1 9 Spanish Exchange getting a tour of Time Square in N e w York City.
The 2 0 1 8 French Exchange Program posing with their exchange students after touring the sights in France.
Saint Peter's Prep Students welcom ing the 201 8 Peru exchange students and getting them ready for their time at Prep.
M r. M cG o ve rn welcom ing the Peruvian Exchange students at a welcom ing ceremony at Prep.
. DeAngelo and M r. C anale's science class w elcom e Eugenio N oce ra , a member o f the 2 0 1 8 Italian Exchange o decided to return to Prep and d ecided to spend the first semester with the Prep community.
MakeSPP Learn. Make. Innovate. MakeSPP is Prep's annual engineering and entrepreneurship conference — a "h a c k a th o n ". Hackathons are in n o va tio n com petitions hosted at high schools and college campuses w o rld w id e . Founded in 2 0 1 8 to encourage STEM and com puter science education, MakeSPP w a s hosted at Saint Peter's Prep on M a y 26th, 2 0 1 8 and A p ril 6th, 2 0 19. MakeSPP b ro u g h t to g e th e r 110 in n o va tive high school students fo r a d a y o f le arning, m aking, and sharing. O ve r the course o f the day, students turned th e ir ideas into re ality, w o rk in g to ge the r in sm all teams to create a unique project. In tro d u cto ry w o rksh o p s on several d iffe re n t technologies including W e b D evelopm ent, A p p D evelopm ent, and M achine Learning a llo w e d beg in n e r m akers to get started. MakeSPP also invited several CEOs, founders, so ftw a re engineers, product m anagers, and college students as m entors to guide the participants. A t the end o f the d a y, a g rou p o f judges a w a rd e d prizes fo r the best projects, w hich included SocialEyes, a to ol to an a lyze a user's Tw itter handle fo r a n y p o te n tia lly offensive content th e y m ight post and M apper-m an, a ro b o t th a t a u tonom ously maps and plots a room using an A rd u in o and ultrasonic sensors. MakeSPP w a s even fe atu red on the U.S. D epartm ent o f State o fficial b log fo r several projects in vo lvin g d ip lo m a cy visualization.
MakeSPP Organizing Team
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M a xim G eller, Eli Blum enfeld, Dr. H olt, S am ay Sham dasani Sam Leonte, Tomasz Botwicz, Ben N o rris, Jonas Eaton, Ethan M a cM illa n Liam Concannon, Suvan Bhat, S hashw at Punjani, Thomas N a rra m o re , N ath a n Blum enfeld N o t pictured: V icto r Tyne, Shivansh K um ar, Daniel A m b ro sio, Tyler G reene, O w e n K ealey
1. First Round of College Commitments Seniors Jerem iah Guzman, Kyle Hess, and Jack K ram er received the First commitment offers from universities. 2. New Chrome Depot Kakuyon M ateah works at the newly-renovated Chrome Depot. 3. First Round of Spirit Awards Seniors Adrian Richardson, Max Honig, Timothy Georgetti, Jaiden David, and Tyler N ajara received the first Spirit Awards at the annual Thanksgiving prayer service. 4. Annual Mother-Son Dance More than 800 Prep mothers and sons attended the annual “Mom Prom ,” a dance that honors the mothers of Prep students. 5. Victory at MSU’s Italian Language and Culture Day Italian students at Prep achieve a well-earned victory in an Italian competition at M ontclair State University. 6. Strong Indoor Track Performance at Bullis Champion Speed Invitational Indoor Track Athletes Joey M orrone, Richard Luzzi-Liggins, Gus Nation IV and Ayir Assante achieved the fastest 4x200m relay times in New York.
7. G reat Ignatian Challenge Achievement The Prep community managed to raise over 16,000 pounds of food for the annual Jesuit Thanksgiving food drive, and the Dean of Students donned a festive outfit to celebrate. 8. Blood Drive Students contribute to seasonal, nationwide blood drives organized by The American Red Cross. 9. C areer Days Students attend a C areer Day presentation featuring Prep photographer M ark Wyville 76. 10. Student Council Exchange with Saint Dominic Academy M embers of P rep’s Student Council met, toured, and discussed with members of Saint Dominic Academy’s Student Council. 11. Germ an Trip to Goethe-Institut Germ an Club members visited an exhibit featuring German inventions at the Goethe-Institut in M anhattan. 12. B undt Cakes in Calculus Students in the AP Calculus BC class learned more about volume and the washer method through traditional bundt cakes.
It is our p rid e an d our glory, old in song a n d in story. ” The com m itm ent o f a S ain t P eter’s *rep athlete is a dedication to them selves a n d the school. The practices, games, matches, aces, and meets dem onstrate the prom ise th at these athletes have m ade to Prep. As these oung men compete, their h ard w ork builds character th at last a lifetime.
The St. Peter's Prep football team's record was 7-4 this season and finished as the # 4 ranked team in their division. The team fell short of reaching the Non-Public, Group 4 finals. They were eliminated in the semifinals by Saint Joseph Regional in Montvale. Being one of the top teams in the nation and having countless players committed to schools such as: Navy, Lehigh, W ake Forest, and Duke, this team was filled with talent and potential.
1. Ayir Asante ' 19 celebrates as he scores a Touchdown 2. The defensive squad conning off the field 3. Ayir Asante ’ 19 hyping the crowd up 4. Anthony Summey ' 19 rushing bast the opposing team
6. Maasai M a y n o r' 19 being lifted as a celebration 7. Andrew Marrero ' 19 celebrates with the crowd
Prep fo o ty had quite a successful season this year by finishing at the top o f the HCIAL-Red conference. The team w a s also a b le to adva nce the state quarterfinal. Kyle Hess (pictured below ) says that, "O n e of the most talented groups I've been a part of, but more im portantly it w as our team chemistry and closeness that brought us success." The season w a s quite a success.
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1. Team huddle before the game 2. Mafias Carrion '2 0 celebrating after a goal 3. Patrick Keenaghan '1 9 celebrating with his team after a goal 4. Kyle Hess '1 9 chasing down a ball 5. Kyle Hess, Matias Carrion, and Antonio Callegari celebrate after Prep scores a goal in incredible fashion 6. The Seniors celebrating final time together
Crew R O W IN G THAT LASTS A LIFETIME The Saint Peter's Prep crew team had an exciting fall season with many moments to remember. For one, the new change in coaches provided a unique addition to the team. The rowers were under new management for the first time in program history. Needless to say, the season turned out great. The athletes went to a plethora of locations to showcase their talents in races such as the famous Head of the Charles. After a hard few months of winter training following the fall season, the Prep crew team displayed the hard work in the Spring as they competed in the Stotesbury Cup, and medaling in several other events.
2. Senior Thomas Muller commanding Senior Michael Coacher.
4. Rowers
vctiPQLi 5. Rowers hasten their strides to victory. 6. Rowers make great progress through the river in the midst of a sunrise. 7. Rowers practice a drill,
“The crew team has in stilled values th at have helped m e grow n ot o n ly as a rower, but as a person. ” -Tristan Sarm iento ’19
Our best yet
The cross c o u n try te a m b o a s te d an a m a z in g 2 0 1 8 season. A fte r finishing on to p in b o th the Je rse y C ity a n d H u d so n C o u n ty c h a m p io n s h ip s a lo n g w ith a fo rm id a b le p e rfo rm a n c e in the M e e t o f C h a m p io n s , it is c le a r this team a c c o m p lis h e d a lo t this se a so n .
1. Varsity runners line up tor the Nike Northeast Regionals 2. Tyler Parrado '2 0 3.(Left to right) Liam Concannon '20, Samay Shamdasani' 19, Liam Christman ' 19, Paul Ames ' 19, Alex Gudaitis '20, Tyler Parrado '20, and Edwin Klanke '21 pose. 4. Edwin Klanke '21 5. Paul Ames ' 19 6. Liam Christman ' 19
Water Polo SHOTS THAT LAST A LIFETIME Our water polo team c their first winning record team battled injuries t production from sophom the season down at the fought game to state #1 match up with Penningtoi
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i. 1. Garrett G ualiteri' 19 saving a goal 2.
The 201 8 team posing for a team photo
3. The varsity team huddling up during halftime 4. Jack Kramer' 19 winding up to score ,
5. Marcos Poreda 19 L preparing to shoot his shot j! .
6. Ceejay Larino '1 9 getting ready to shoot 7. The team listening to coach during a time out 8. Griffen Haas' 19 i happy with his pas
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2011 20H 2018
The St. Peter's basketball team has com e off a run to the Hudson county cham pionship gam e and a sectional semifinal loss at Rutgers. Senior Jack Pettit and Junior W ill W h ite under C o ach M ira b e l have gu id ed the young M a ra u d ers to a 11-4 start with a notable w in over city rival Hudson C atholic and a great start to county play.
The M a ra u d e rs hope to return to St. Peter's
University and win a county cham pionship as w ell as return to Rutgers to avenge their loss in the sectional semifinal gam e last season. The team w ants to bring b a ck the Hudson C ounty Title.
1. The team gathers around Coach Mirabel to get ready for the game 2. W ill White '2 0 locking down his opponent on defense 3. Mike Farrell '23 putting the ball pack up 4. Mark Armstrong '23 dribbling up the court 5. Jack Pettit' 19 dribbling the ball up 6. Courtney Hymes '1 9 not letting the opponent get past him
LUNGES THAT LAST A LIFETIME The Saint Peter's Prep fencing team has continued their success over the league, suffering only a single close loss in the regular season over the past three years. After losing several fencers from last year, the team has managed to stay dominant and reach the N ew Jersey State Playoffs yet again. They look to retain their State Championship Title for the third straight year.
D e s p ite suffering tw o losses to a d ivisio n rival, the S aint Peter's P rep b o w lin g te a m has c o n tin u e d their d o m in a n c e o v e r H u d s o n C o u n ty , finishing w ith an 8 -2 re c o rd . A fter g ra d u a tin g a trio o f seniors last y e a r, the te a m has turned to w a rd s Z a c k O s w a ld '2 0 , N ic h o la s C o c c ia d iffe r o 119,
1. The Varsity team posing for one final photo together 2. W illie Richardson '1 9 warming before the big match 3. Zach Oswald '2 0 celebrating after a strike 4. Martin Kasilag ' 19 getting ready to win his match 5. Number 1 manager in the state doing his job A Nicholas Cocciadiferro ' 19 sweeping the ^^ ^c o m p e titio n away
PINS THAT LAST A LIFETIME Prep Wrestling started the year off 7-0 with a successful trip down to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They continued to dominate the state with only a few losses towards the end of the season. Overall, finishing the season at 19-5. They competed for states.
“Classy, spirited, and tough; that is the kind of team we are and it shows every time we step up on the block. ” -Maxim Geller, ’19 56
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1. The Prep Swim Team getting ready for a big meet 2. Few of the members enjoying the win 3. Gabriel Orbe '2 0 swimming past the opponents 4. Timothy Jimenez '21 diving into action 5. Nicholas Wondolowsi ' 19 diving into his relay 6. Keiran Scanlon ' 19 races a head of the competition
SHIFTS THAT LAST A LIFETIME Saint Peter's Prep Fiockey faced a difficult scFiedule for their 201 8-19 campaign and posted a respectable 1 1-1 1 record The boys put up impressive wins versus the state's best programs, including victories over Bergen Catholic, Seton Hall, and Saint Joseph Montvale. The team consisted of a large group of seniors who put all their heart and effort into the program for the past four years. This year's hockey team will always be remembered for their camaraderie and commitment to each other which they demonstrated every time they stepped on the ice.
1. Daniel M a h e r' 19 leading the team for their big game. 2. Team huddle before the game 3. James Ashe '2 0 checks an opponent 4. Daniel M a h e r' 19 and the defenders are ready 5. Michael Canosa'20 confronts an opponent
7. Brandon Balabat '19
“Strides to Strive ” -Jared Veloso
Indoor Track & Field This y e a r, In d o o r T ra c k T e a m is e x p e rie n c e d o n e o f their be st se a so n s to d a te . H ig h Ju m p e r A d o n is M c G e e a n d T h ro w e r R om an O b e n Jr. p la c e d a m o n g the to p five in e a c h o f their re s p e c tiv e events w ith A d o n is as # 1 in the S tate a n d RJ a t n u m b e r 4 . W h ile the sa m e c a n b e s a id fo r the 4 x 2 0 0 a n d 4 x 8 0 0 re la ys, th e y a re b o th ra n k e d to p five in the state as w e ll as w ith in the to p thirty in the n a tio n .P re p T ra ck is on p a c e to s e n d a th le te s to this y e a r's N a tio n a ls a g a in .
1. The Indoor I rack I earn cheering on their teammates as they watch them run 2. Gus N ations '1 9 passing the com petition in his event 3. The shot put team celebrating their big win after their big throws 4. Roman O be n '1 9 getting ready fo r his throw 5. Richard Luzzi ' 1 9 leaving the
competition behind him 6. Jared Veloso ' 1 9 passing the competition in the hurdles
ACES THAT LAST A LIFETIME Volleyball is yet another one of Saint Peter's dominant sports programs. All the players have a strong bond with each other and share the common goal of winning a championship. The boys push themselves to their limits, doing that extra drill or practicing that extra hour. Every time they fall, they get right back up. They are always ready to battle for the next point. The team embodies the spirit of Saint Peter's which is determination and resilience. Prep Volly will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
1. Aidan Apito/21 and Kurt Gray,'2 0 talk about the game 2. The bench watches in anticipation 3.
Mason M atos'19,
M ax Honig' 19, Luke Morrison'20 line up before a match 4. Melvin Saldua,'20, Chris Larkin,'20, and Maverick Lindo' 19 pose 5. Prep competes during a match 6. Mason Matos
7. The team cheers on their from the sidelines 8.Mason M atos'19 & Luke Morrison,' 2 0 ^ ^
The team during training
The team warms up for opening week
Jeremiah Guzman ' 19 after a hit
Sean Demo ' 19 waits in the outfield
5. Jack K ra m e r/1 9 and W ill K elley,'19 look on as their teammates prepare for a game 6. Andrew Chaparro,' 19 talks about their recent win
FACE-OFFS THAT LAST A LIFETIME The lacrosse team comes into the season with only winning on their minds. Under the leadership of seniors, Liam Kagel, and Christian Della Rocco, the Marauders look forward to a season full of victories and goals. The boys are looking to do damage in the state playoffs and hopefully, bring home a state championship. The team is full of a bunch of hungry seniors eager to leave their mark. Memories of a championship will certainly last a lifetime.
I . Christian Della Rocco' 19 dodges an opposing defender 2. Pre game warmups 3. Robert M cD onough'19 carries the ball up the field 4. Tracy Bowers' 19 gets in his winning mentality 5. The lacrosse team huddles 6. Liam Brown' 19 transforms into a brick wall
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DRIVES THAT LAST A LIFETIM G o lf is a h isto ric a n d s to rie d s p o rt just like S a in t Peter's Prep. The te a m is c o m p ris e d o f h ig h ly skille d g o lfe rs w h o h a ve a s p e c ia l ta le n t like no oth e r. This y e a r, seniors, Ty P e z z o lla a n d N ic h o la s M a n g a n e llo , lo o k to le a d the M a r a u d e r s to a n o th e r successful se a so n . S te p p in g o n to the co u rs e e a c h d a y , the g o lf te a m w ill try th e ir h a rd e s t to b rin g b a c k a c h a m p io n s h ip fo r the s c h o o l.
L o m u n u D r o G G ric K
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swing. 3. Tw o Prep golfers w atch the swings of theii opponents. 4. M atthe w Preite '1 9 prepares his swing. 5. Joaquin M atti '21 analyzes the course. ^ ^ 6 . G o lf team poses for a picture.
TRIES THAT LAST A LIFETIME Perhaps one of the toughest and most grueling sports out there, rugby asks a lot out of anyone who plays the game. However, Saint Peter's boys fear nothing and embrace the challenge head-on. The Prep Rugby team has seen rapid development in recent years, as many students have joined the program ready to take on the task. The most defining characteristic of the rugby team is their undying passion not only for the game but for their school. The boys take pride in playing with Saint Peter's across their chest, and it shows.
1.Bryson Shipman '20 takes down his opponent. 2.The rugby team celebrates a victory. 3. Domenico Crincoli '19 dodges his opponent. 4. Aidan Guarnuccio '20 receives a pass. 5. Jin Leem 19 H concentrates on a pass in the midst of a struggle. 6. The rugby team takes out the opposing runner. 7. Jacob Quinones' 19 looks to pass the ball. 8. Coach Michael Fletcher addresses the team.
Prep Tennis has a lw a y s b e e n a s ta p le as o n e o r H u d so n C o u n ty 's finest team s. For the 2 0 1 9 se a so n , it is no different. The p la y e rs a re lo o k in g stro n g a n d r e a d y fo r a c h a m p io n s h ip . F our-year p la y e r a n d c a p ta in , C h ristian C u n n in g h a m , lo o k s to further e sta b lish him self as o n e o f the b e st tennis p la y e rs Prep has e v e r seen. T here is no limit to w h a t this te a m c a n a c c o m p lis h , a n d the future o f the p ro g ra m is in g o o d h a n d s, as m a n y u n d e rc la s s m e n h a v e a lre a d y s h o w n their e x tra o rd in a ry c a p a b ilitie s . Prep Tennis w ill b e a fo rc e to b e re c k o n e d w ith fo r y e a rs to c o m e .
KITIVE ENVIRONMENT IN rLINE, AND CHARACTER Of tud en t a t h l e t e s a n d
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The Campus M in istry D epartm en t anim ates the m ission o f S ain t P ete r’s Prep in a w a y that asks students to fin d God in a ll things a n d reach out to those in m ost need. The retreat an d service program s have students encounter the best in them selves an d others to bring out their true se lf
The Camnus M in istry Team
Tsspmm 1989 STATE CHAMPIONS N.J. « 4 U S A E A S T HEC.IO N U 2
Kairos A M OM ENT IN A LIFcii/v\t
Po i n t
the world on CAMPUS MINISTRY
Learning As one w alks the halls o f S a in t P ete r’s, there is alw a ys som ething going on. The academ ic faculty engage their students with a style o f learning th at captivates a n d challenges the young men o f Prep to be global citizens. T hey learn to think critically about the w orld and their role in it. ACADEMICS
Classical Languages
Computer Science
Fine & Performing Arts
Guidance & College Counseling
History & Social Sciences
odern Languages
Health & Physical Education
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Browning Center & Library
Finance & Administration
Admissions & Advancement
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The adm inistration, fa cu lty a n d sta ff o f S a in t P ete r’s Prep have com m itted them selves to he ideals o f Jesuit education. Through their example, the you n g men o f Prep develop a iense o f reflection th at leads to a pa ssio n a te com m itm ent to lifelong learning an d service. The stan dard set b y these men a n d wom en fo r an d with others last a lifetime.
Assistant to the Director of Athletics
Director of
B A, New Jersey City University
B.S., University of Sen
ial Technolo<
Erica Abbondante
‘rations Stai
B.A., University of Maryland
Katie Albers
Director of Operations
M.B.A., B.S., Saint Peter's College
M.Div., Wood; B.A. Fordham
Kevin Albers
Kenneth Boiler, S.J
English Department
English Dep<
M.A., Rutgers University;
College; M.S., New York University;
of New York; B.A., Canisius
iJanet Angermeyer
Assistant Dean of Students and English Dej
Classical Langui
M.A., New York University; B.A., Saint Joseph's University
lJuan Arteaga
David Burokas, '85
Guidance and College Counseling, Religion Departments Bene Merenti 39
Educational Technology
M.Th., Woodstock College; M.A., B.A., Fordham University
ite of Technology
Anthony Azzarto, SJ
Mathematics Departmei
M.S., Fordham Univeri
Gerald Campbell-Clark
lanisius College
MScience Department
Mathematics Department
10 Years at Prep
5 Years at Prep
M. Ed., Saint Peter’s University; B.S., Loyola University Maryland
B.S., Montclair State University
Alexander Canale, '05
Charles Coccaro
Assistant to the 1
Assistant to the Deans
13 Years at Prep
Bene Meienti 21
Diane Casazza, P95, 97
Cecelia Collins
Fine and Performing Arts Department
nee Department Chair
20 Years at Prep
8 Years at Prep
M.A., Hofstra University; B.M., New England Conservatory of Music
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., New Jersey City Unive
Steven Caslowitz
History Department 5 Years at Prep
M.Th., M.Div., Weston Jesuit School of Theology; M.Phil., Fordham University; B A , Boston College
Mr. iThomas Come lassical Languages Department ar at Prep
.A., New York Univeristy; B A , Dartmouth University
Matthew Cassidy, SJ.
English Department
tistory Department
11 Years at Prep
19 Years at Prep
M.S., Fordham University; M.A., B A , Boston College
M.S., University of Rochester; BA., College of the Holy Cross
Caulfield, '03
Vice President for Finance
Paul Cunneen
dance an d College Counseling Department
7 Years at Prep Ar B.S., Fordham University
Mr. Ijohn Caulfield, '71, P'00, '03 crowning denier 7 Years at Prep
Mary Beth Caulfield, P'00, '03
Years at Prep M.S., Fordham University; BA, LeMoyne College Belkise Dallam
Campus Shop
Director of Campus Ministry
9 Years at Prep
8 Years at Prep
M A , Boston College; BA, Loyola University Marylc
Ms. [Catherine Daly, P'02/04 V
Mr. |John Dougherty
Learning Specialist, Browning Center Director
Director of Student Services
3 Years at Prep
14 Years at Prep
L.D.T.-C., Kean University; M.A.T., Monmouth University; B A, The University of Georgia
jpa)., Prof. Dipl., M.S., B A, Fordham University
Ms. |M ary Durante
Ms. I Christine Davis
1 Operations Staff
Operations Staff
Bene Men
7 Years at Prep
WW \V ' fr
Jerry Davis
Science De
Bene Merenti 29
8 Years at
M A , Saint Peter's Colleg
, Bost
Mr. jjames DeAngelo/85 Mathematics Department 12 Years at Prep
M A , Saint Peter's College; B.S., Univi
Ms. |Suzanne Dillane, P'16, '1 Guidance and College Counseling Departmen Bene Meienti 31
M A , Montclair State University; B.S., Saint Peter's College
James Dondero, 166, P'OO
M.Ed., Saint Peter’s College H i'- ?
Ms. [Catherine Eppler Fine and Per [orming Arts Department 4 Years at Prep
1— B.M., University o
Ms. [Emily Fencik Religion Department 3 Years at Prep
B.A., Canisius College
Russell Fiorella Director of Marketing and Public Relations 9 Years at Prep
M.BA., Fairleigh University
1 14
;on Univer:
Trish Fitzpatrick P'07. '1 6
Religion Department
Mathematics Department 19 Years at Prep
j§ f * B.A., Kean University
Michael Fletcher
Assistant Vice President for Finance
Bene Meienti 30
|1 Modern Languages Department 12 Years at Prep M.A., University of Salamanca; M.A., University of Havana; B.A., Universidad Central Marta Abreu Las Villas Cuba
Catherine Ford
Nerv Gomez
Vice Principal for Academics
ant to the Principal
I I Years at Prep
Bene Meienti 29
M.Ed., Emmanuel Col ege; B.A., Boston University
Grace Gualario Director of Athletics Bene Merenti 36
rs at Prep
I B.A., New Jersey City University
Mr. I Richard Hansen, P'03,'09
Bhima Gaddv, '01 Director of Financial Aid and Religion Department 14 Years at Prep
Assistant Director of Athletics and Physical Education Department Chair
■ 6 Years at Prep fniversity
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., St. Peter's College
Frederick Galano
Richard Hansen
English Department
Religion Department
9 Years at Prep
14 Years at Prep
M.S., Fordh< Maryland
liversity; B.A., Loyola University
Ph.D., M.A., Catholic University; B.A., College of the Holy Cross
Director of Guidance and College Counselling 8 Years at Prep
B.A., College of the Holy Cross
Giuseooe Gialio, '87
A D M IN IS T R A T IO N , F A C U L T Y & S T A F F
Science Department 2 Years at Prep B.S Stevens Institute of Technology; M.A. St. Peter’s College; M.Ed from Saint Peter’s University
Siobhan Rios History Department
Science Department at Prep B.S., College of St Elizabeth; M.S., Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Donna Saulvs Classical Lan
epartment Chair
5 Years at Prep
A.B., Harvard University
Brendan Roche
Saint Peter's University; B.A., Temple Umve
Matthew Scannapieco Science Department
Bowning Center and Modern Languages Departmen
8 Years at Prep
3 Years at Prep B.S., BA., William Paterson University B.S., Kean University
Renato Rodriaues '10 Modern Languages Department Chair 19 Years at Prep
M.A, Middlebury College; M.A., New Jersey City University; B.B.A., Pace University
Rosalie Romano Director of Special Events and Parent Relations 3 Years at Prep
B.A., Rutgers University
Dalma Santana
MA, Saint Peter’s University Carmela Schlitzer Registrar 12 Years at P
M.A., B.S., Saint Pete
Michael Settembrino, ’01 School Nurse 11 Years at Prep
B.S.. Montclair State
Maureen Sheppard
Operations Staff
English Department
Bene Meienti 29
8 Years at Prep
HVAC Cert., Lincoln Technical Institute
M.A., Teachers' College, Columbia Universi B.A., Santa Clara University
Brooke Simonson Director of Faculty
M.S., Neumann College; MA., University Dame; BA., Santa Clara University
v . M Boreta Sinaleton
Computer Science Department
History Department Chair 19 Years at Prep
B.S., Saint Peter's Uni
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A., Monmouth University
Michael Skircak. '1 1
Anthony Verdi, '95
Mathematics D<
Advancement Office
13 Years at Prep
Bene Meienti 33
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A, Douglass College, Rutgers University
B.S., New York University; B.S., Saint Peter's University
llm _____________________
Erin Stark
Elizabeth Walsh
Mathematics Department
Guidance Department
2 Years at Prep
1 Year at Prep
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology
M.A. Fordham University; B.A. University of Maryland Baltimore County
Carlos Tabora
Robin Walters
Operations Staff
Religion Department
19 Years at Prep
1 Years at Prep
# /
illanova University; B.A., Fordham University
Peter Welch
Rocco Teiada, P' 18 I Modern Languages Department 10 Years at Prep
B.A., University of Pennsylvania
MAS New Jersey City University; M.S., Universidade de Sao Paulo; B.S., Polytechnic University of Havana ISPJAE
Avmee Torres, P 19
Caroline Williams
ence and Fine and Performing Arts Departments
Religion Department
Wjf rs at Prep
ears at Prep
.A. Berry College; M.T.S. Vanderbilt Divinity School; Ph.D. Drew University
.A., Rutgers University
Natalie Williams
Kenneth Trotta Modern Languages Department 8 Years at Prep
B.A., Catholic University
Salvatore Veniero, ’05
rotherhood The saying “Prep fo r L ife99can not tru ly be understood until the fin a l m om ents a t Grand and Warren. The feeling o f being a p a r t o f the P rep Brotherhood is know ing th at it is there for yo u r lifetime. The Class o f 2 0 1 9 is a class th at stuck together no m atter w h at an d they exemplify the true mean o f Prep Brotherhood.
"Boots Permissible" -John Morris
Edwin Baum gartner
Football 9; Volleyball 9; Rugby 11,12; Karios 52; Emmaus 294, 295; Stock Market club 9,10,1 1,12; Model UN 9,10,1 1; Adventure Club 10,1 1,12; Baseball Club 9,10; Prep Weight Lifting Association 10,1 1; Italian Club 1 1; Art Club 9,1 1,12
Fencing Team 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl 3,4; Model UN 4; Kairos 53 Bryce Belser "While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing." - Uncle Iroh
"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
Rugby 3,4; Robotics 2,3,4; MakeSPP 3,4; Euro Challenge 1,2; Fed Challenge 3,4; Hebrew Club 4; Programming Club 3,4; Economics Club 2,3,4; Kairos 52.
Ping Pong Club 3,4; Kairos 5
N athan Blumenfeld
Hum berto Belvis II "Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending."
"The Sun attends to the raisins, now that all of the wine is drunk." Ian C. Bradshaw, Gent.
Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 53; Ebony Club 3,4
Performing Arts Club 3, 4
Tracy Bowers
Ian Bradshaw "Life's been good to me so far..." -Joe Walsh
"They don't think it be how it is but it do." - Oscar Gamble
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Prep Connection Tutoring 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; Petrean 2,3,4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 296; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1 >
Kairos 51; Emmaus 298
Christopher Brentjens
James Bristol
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the
"You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat eight." - Yogi Berra
room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
ibony Club 3,4; Programming Hub 4; Track & Field 3,4; Iross Country 4
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 51
Christopher Brooks 'I find that the harder I work, he more luck I seem to have." Thomas Jefferson
Liam Brown "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma." - Patrick Star
occer 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Prep C onnection utoring 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion
Kiros 54, prep puck
rip 2; Big Brother 3; Spanish Exchange 3; pirit A w a rd 3; Ignatian Leadership Team ,4; N atio n a l H onors Society 3 ,4 ; Spanish lonors Society 3 ,4 ; Spirit A w a rd iommiftee 4; C M T 4; Kairos 5 1 , 5 9 , mmaus 2 9 8
Jacob Brozon
'It's my lucky day, laotie."
N athan Bryant "There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas." - Susan Cain
It Band 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 51, Leader 58; Emmaus 294, Leader 295; National Honor Society 4; Tri-M Music Honor Society 4
Zhiming Cai
Charles Camilleri
W h a t teacher w ould you not w a n t to pack your parachute before you w en t skydiving? W hy? 'Mr. Canale because he would put a fake parachute in ust to have a good laugh." -Steve Prokop
"Doc. Hartling because there have been times that we have had rugby practice and he has forgotten the balls..." -Domenico Crincoli
'Brian Innis, He gets side tracked." -Harrold Carter 'M r. Verdi because he would jokingly replace the Darachute with a used napkin." - Joseph Yap 'M r. Veniero because if he struggles to pack it, he going o yell in German which is scary." - W a d e Richardson
"Dr. Hartling - might get distracted by telling an unrelated story and mess up. " - Ethan Wang-So "M r. Coccaro because he just forgets things." - Daniel Cetera
-----------------I V W h at's your favorite Kahoot name? "Uno"- Ayir Asante
"loading..." - Michael DeSantis
"W arriors blew a 3-1 lead..." - Christian Matos
"Kahooters" Niccolo Colucci
"BigDebo" - Damani Falconer
"Paolo is better than A" - Paolo Pasquali
"JellyJP" - John Bartholomew Pettit IV
"M r. Canale JUG" - Thomas Muller
"Discount daVinci" - Lucas Vinci
"Pat The Punter" - John Dillon
"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks."-Winston Churchill
"Smooth seas don't make good sailors, jump ship and head for failure, find yourself a tragedy, slowly
Kairos 53; Baseball Club 1,2,3
Track and Field, Kairos, Emmaus, Ultimate Frisbee club
lose your sanity." - Ben Barlow
Evan Casas
H arold Carter
"There m ay be people w ho have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for a nyone to w o rk harder than you do and I believe that." - Derek Jeter
Baseball 1,2,3, C aptain 4; Soccer 1,2; Kairos 5 2 ; Emmaus 2 9 5 ; G ilbert, W V
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Italian Exchange 3; Summer Immersion 2; Ping Pong Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; FBLA 2,3,4; Lab Assistant 4; Italian Club 2,3,4;
Daniel Cetera
Immersion Trip 3; N atio n a l Honors Society 3 ,4 ; Spanish N atio n a l Honors Society 3,4. Big Brother 3; Freshman A m bassador 1; CLC 3 ,4 ; Pax Christi 2 ,3 ,4 ; O peration Smi 3 ,4 ; Ping Pong C lub 2, 3, 4; YBLA 3,4;
A n d rew Chaparro "Just Do It." - Nike
Architecture C lub 1,2; Stock M a rket Club
"Can't forget that I'm golden, can't forget where I'm going."
Football 4 ; Soccer 1,2; Kairos 5 2 ; Emmaus 2 9 5 ; LA Mission Trip 3; N atio n a l H onor Society 3 ,4 ; Big Brother 3;
Kairos 54
Freshman Am bassador 1; CLC 3 ,4 ; Pax Christi 2 ,3 ,4 ; O p e ra tion Smile 3,4; Architecture C lub 1,2; Ping Pong C lub 1,2; Stock M a rket C lub 1
Justin Chaparro
Stephen Chowanec
'We learned more from a hree minute record than we sver learned in school." Bruce Springsteen
>oss Country 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; ndoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; German Club 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club !, 4; Kairos 51
Liam Christman
Crew 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 3,4; FBLA Club 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 52; Emmaus 2 87; Big Brother 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Bowling M anager 4; CLC 2,3,4;
You know what they say: Fool ne once, strike one, but fool ne twice... strike three." Michael Scott
"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party." - Cal Naughton, Jr
Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling Captain 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
Kairos 54, Wrestling (4 years)
Nicholas Cocciadiferro If you wake up at 1 pm every day ou have break. Then you waste lore than half of your break. So, hit ie ground running men!" -Anthony Seating '78
M ichael Coacher
Niccolo Colucci "If you ain't first, you're last." Ricky Bobby
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2; Kairos 53; Stock Market Club 3,4
>occer 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 1, 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; (airos 51, Led 57; Emmaus >96; Quinton Conlin
M axim ilian Contreras
W h a t teacher w ould you w a n t to co-star in an action movie with? W hy? Mr Geary, his deep voice is fit for an action movie star." Aidan Nolte
"M r. Comey because he thinks he is funnier than me." - Marcos Parada
Mr. Kuhl, because he's cool." - Dominic Ragno
"M r. Innis because it's Mr. Innis." - Martin Kasilag
Mr. Comey cause he's awesome and has the perfect mix f seriousness and humor for a movie." Gabriel Trojanowski
"M r. Que. Have you seen him wearing sunglasses? He looks like the Terminator. " - M axim ilian Contreras
Mr. Rodrigues, he can tell me the weather." - Liam Kagel
"M r.M orrisey, because he would find the deeper meaning of the movie." - Tristan Sarmiento S E N IO R S A
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." Andre Gide
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." Charles Dickens
O -A s -
O rlan do Cortez, Jr.
Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1 ; Football 3,4 ; Stock Market Club 3,4 ; Spanish Club 1,2 ; Freshman Ambassador 1 ; Culinary Club 1; Psychology Club 4; Kairos 53
Thomas Cotter
others, but never of yo
"Business is always personal. It's the most personal thing in the world." - Michael scott
Ebony Club 2,3,4;Football 1,2,3,4; Karios 53;
Golf; Lacrosse; Soccer; Architecture Club; Big Brother
Nicholas M ang an ello
N aji M a lik
A n drew M a rre ro
Baseball 1,2,3,4 ; Basketball
"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." -Niccolo Machiavelli
"Make your parents proud, your enemies jealous, and then_ you can say you made it." -The Weeknd
Football 1,2,3,Captain 4, Baseball 1, Wrestling 1,2, Kairos 53, National Honor Society
Kairos 50; Rugby 2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish 2,3,4 Brandon M aruri "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already, full." - Henry Kissinger
77 Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; Stock Market Club 1; Adventure Club 2,3,4; Model JN 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 53
Robert McDonough
Crew 1,2,4 ; Rugby 2; Diversity Board 3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; CMT 4; CLC 2,3,4; French Exchange 3; Peru Exchange 3; Kairos 56; Emmaus 29
James M cG ann
Kairos 54 ; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Sneaker club 4
Kairos 53; Football 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4
Jordan McPhee
Adonis M cG ee 'When you want something, 41 the universe conspires in Helping you to achieve it." Paulo Coelho
National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Student Diversity Board 2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc Newspaper 1,2,3; Pax Christi H,2,3,4; Prep Connection Tutoring 1,2,3,4;
Track 1 ,2 ;, Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Adventure
Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 50;
Humanity(Patterson) 3 ,4 ; Kairos 5 2 ;
immaus 2 9 5 ; Track and Field 1,2; Cross Country 2; Crew 1
"S occer 1; In d o or Track 1, 2 ,3 ; O u td o o r C lub 4; Stock M a rk e t C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ping Pong C lub 1,2,3; H ap Tutor 1;H a b ita t fo r Emmaus 2 9 7
Alessandro M em m olo
John M e rn a r
The story of the first time you got JUG. I came into school with a design on the side of my head ind I tried to fill it in with a Sharpie marker." Maximilian Contreras
"I thought I had a free, walked to my class that I thought was "next". I looked in, and saw my class was in there, I walked in with a scared blank face trying to tell Mr. Roche, but everyone just started clapping randomly for
I walked out of Mr. Trotta's classroom wearing my Mr. 'rotta sweatshirt, when Mr. Canale caught me." Nicholas Gallup
me." - Ty Pezzolla
'Can't relate!" - M ichael Appello
"I had on a blazer and I had both button buttoned up. Mr. Arteaga told me that the button was a design and not to be buttoned. I didn't have a belt on so he jug me." - W ade Richardson
"FEAR has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours." - Zig Ziglar
"I'd like to take this chance to apologize... to absolutely nobody." - Conor McGregor
Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 51
Hockey 1,2,3,4; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip
Anthony Rego
Dominic Ragno
"And nothin' lasts forever, least we got these memories." -J. Cole
"Suffer the winter's cold wind, for it bears aloft next summer's seeds." - Thorald Gray-Mane
3 D-Printing Club 1; Academic Bowl 1; Asian Society 1, 2; Chess 1, 2; Culinary Club 1;
Cross Country 1; Prep Forum 3,4
League of Legends Club 1, 2, 3, 4; PAX Christi 1, 2; Petrean 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief); Petroc 2, 3, 4;
Photography Club 1; SPPAC 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshmen Ambassador 1; M A G IS A w ard Recipient 1; N ational Honor Society 3, 4; Sophomore Retreat 2; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; W heeling Immersion Trip 2
Andre Reyes "We believe the light guides us to happiness, but it's within the darkness where we find our true guiding flame."
Michael Ribeiro
W a d e Richardson
Freshman Ambassador 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 3; Business Club 3; Kairos 53; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4
President Dramatics Board 3,4; Breaking barriers President 3,4; Cmt member 4; Culinary club 2,3; Kairos 55 leader; Vox 1,2,3,4; Lol club 2,3 Stage manager (musical) 3
Adrian Richardson
"'Lord, we know who we are Yet we know not what we may be1So maybe I'm the one or maybe I'm crazy."
"Moisturize, 50 times each side, Pomade, 100 times each side, bag up, rag up, repeat." - My recipe
Ebony Club 1,2, 3, 4; TV Studio 4
Bowling 1,2,3,4; Track junior 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; K53
W illie Richardson III
'We learned more from a hree minute record than we ;ver learned in school." Bruce Springsteen
Iross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; ndoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; German Club 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club !, 4; Kairos 51
Liam Christman
Crew 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 3,4; FBLA Club 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 52; Emmaus 2 8 7 ; Big Brother 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Bowling M anager 4; CLC 2,3,4;
You know what they say: Fool ne once, strike one, but fool ne twice... strike three." Michael Scott
"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party." - Cal Naughton, Jr
Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling Captain 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
Kairos 54, Wrestling (4 years)
M ichael Coacher
Niccolo Colucci
Nicholas Cocciadiferro "If you ain't first, you're last." Ricky Bobby
If you wake up at 1 pm every day ou have break. Then you waste lore than half of your break. So, hit ie ground running men!" -Anthony Seating '78
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2; Kairos 53; Stock Market Club 3,4
joccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 1, 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; (airos 51, Led 57; Emmaus >96;
M axim ilian Contreras
Quinton Conlin
W h a t teacher w ould you w a n t to co-star in an action movie with? W hy? M r Geary, his deep voice is fit for an action movie star." Aidan Nolte
"M r. Comey because he thinks he is funnier than me." - Marcos Parada
Mr. Kuhl, because he's cool." - Dominic Ragno
"M r. Innis because it's Mr. Innis." - Martin Kasilag
Mr. Comey cause he's awesome and has the perfect mix >f seriousness and humor for a movie."
"M r. Que. Have you seen him wearing sunglasses? He looks like the Terminator. " - M axim ilian Contreras
Gabriel Trojanowski "M r.M orrisey, because he would find the deeper meaning Mr. Rodrigues, he can tell me the weather." - Liam Kagel
of the movie." - Tristan Sarmiento
O rlan do Cortez, Jr.
"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." Andre Gide
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of time:
Ebony Club 1,2,3,4 ; Baseball 1 ; Football 3,4 ; Stock Market Club 3,4 ; Spanish Club 1,2 ; Freshman Ambassador 1 ; Culinary Club 1; Psychology Club 4; Kairos 53
Baseball 1,2,3,4 ; Basketball 1/2
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, il was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." Charles Dickens
Thomas Cotter
"And for that reason, I'm out." -Mark Cuban
Domenico Crincoli
Rugby 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 297; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; CLC 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Sports Debate club 1; Bowling Manager 4
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Football Managerial Staff 3,4; Kairos 50; Ping Pong Club 1,2 James Cruz
"It's only when we have experienced rocky waters when we can appreciate the calm seas." - Unknown
"I like to be quite and just chill." - Post Malone
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 295; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3 Christian Cunningham
Anthony D'Angelico
Emmanuel Dadulla
Track and Field 2,3,4; Kairos 50, Leader 55; Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G Retreat 4; Big Brother 3; French Club 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Immersion trip 3; Pax Christi 2,3,4;
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Stephen King
"Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left and some people have to be left so you can be right."
Christian Life Club 2,3,4 ; Greek Club 2,3,4 ; Italian Club 3,4 ; Kairos 52 ; Italian Exchange Program 3 ; Kairos 56 ; Crew 1,2,3,4 ; Emmaus 2 9 7 ; Campus Ministry Team 4 ;
Vox 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Prep Dramatics 3,4; Kairos 53; Emmaus 299 Jaiden David
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by svading it today."
"Sometimes me thinks 'What is a friend?1And then me say, 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with." - Cookie Monster
!airos 54; Sophomore retreat; lockey 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2; Track nd Field 3,4; Baseball 1
Indoor and Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Vox 4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 295 Philip DeCresce
M a rk Del Castillo "The greatest oppo rtu n ity in the w o rld is
'I'm an addict. I'm addicted to success. Thankfully, there's no ehab for success." Lil Wayne
found here to d a y W e a lre a d y know w ha t yesterday has g o t fo r us. It's a lre a d y gone. Tom orrow , too fa r a w a y. W h a t a bo u t right n o w !" - Ray Lewis
y C flfO
Hockey: 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse: 2,3,4; Stock Market Club: 1; Hockey Club: 3; Kairos 50
Emmaus 296; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4;
Nicholas DeM arco
Christian Della Rocco
'Me and Jesus are cool. I'm :ool with all the Gods. Gods "ecognize Gods." Conor McGregor
"Get your money up not your funny up."
Football; Ebony Club
Kairos 51; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Trip 3
Stanley Dennis
Sean Demo W h a t teacher w ould survive in a zom bie apocalypse? W hy? Mr. Caulfield because he can outrun everything." Alexander Novello
Mr. Burokas because he is prepared for the collapse of he government." - Henrik Murer
"M r. Fiorella, he can put a lot in a backpack." - Nick Lojo "Father Cassidy. Did you see that beard he grew in Ghana? He can live off the land." - Paul Ames
Mr.Canale , hes got experience." - Jordan McPhee
"M rs. McElroy because she knows everything and can be ruthless." - Timothy Georgetti
Mr. Innis because he lives by the YouTube channel, Yimitive Technology." - M ichael Ribeiro
"D oc Hartling because he has been accumulating potatoes and chickens for years." - Ulises Rodriguez
—— m m m m
David G arrelick
"McCabe's Law: Nobody has to do anything." - Charles McCabe
"It's not stupid if it works." - Richard Watterson
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection 2,3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3; Wheeling, W V Immersion Trip 3; Costa Rica Trip 3; Kairos 51; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4.
Kairos 54; Assistant Rector for Kairos 55; Fencing Team 3,4; President of the German Club; Campus Ministry Team; Emmaus 298; Model UN 3,4; Newark Immersion Trip 201 7; League of Legends Club 1; TV Studio
Nicholas G ayle
"W ould I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they
"The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon." - Paulo Coelho
love me." - Michael Gary Scott
Ethan G aynor
Kairos 5 1 ,5 7 ; Emmaus 294, 2 95; Ping Pong Club Leader 4; Tennis 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 2; Prep Connection Tutorer 3,4; CLC 2,3,4; YBLA 3,4
2 , 3,4
M a x im G eller
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Economics Society 1,2,3,4; EuroChallenge 1,2; Fed Challenge 3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." - Gandhi
goes to his heart" - Nelson Mandela
Soccer 1,2; Stock M a rke t C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; C ampus M inistry 4; Big Brother 3; SPPAC
MMA Club; Track & Field, Food Bank; Homeless Shelter.
1 ,2,3,4; Kairos 5 1 ; Pax Christi 2 ,3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l H onors Society 4 ; Spanish N a tio n a l H onors Society 3 ,4 ; Spanish Exchange 3; Peruvian Exchange 2; Prep
Timothy Georgetti
C onnection Tutoring 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Emmaus 2 9 7 ; YBLA 3,4
Jeffrey G erger
P jjjy y u ^
Julian Gibson
M ichael G iordano
'We learned more from a hree minute record than we 3ver learned in school." Bruce Springsteen
Iross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; ndoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; German Club 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club !, 4; Kairos 51
Liam Christman
Crew 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 3,4; FBLA Club 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 52; Emmaus 2 8 7 ; Big Brother 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Bowling M anager 4; CLC 2,3,4;
You know what they say: Fool ne once, strike one, but fool ne twice... strike three." Michael Scott
"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party." - Cal Naughton, Jr
Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling Captain 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
Kairos 54, Wrestling (4 years)
Nicholas Cocciadiferro If you wake up at 1 pm every day ou have break. Then you waste lore than half of your break. So, hit ie ground running men!" -Anthony feating '78
M ichael Coacher
Niccolo Colucci "If you ain't first, you're last." Ricky Bobby
^ Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2; Kairos 53; Stock M arket Club 3,4
>occer 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 1, 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; (airos 5 1, Led 57; Emmaus >96;
M axim ilian Contreras
Quinton Conlin
W h a t teacher w ould you w a n t to co-star in an action movie with? W hy? M r Geary, his deep voice is fit for an action movie star." Aidan Nolte
"M r. Comey because he thinks he is funnier than me." - Marcos Parada
Mr. Kuhl, because he's cool." - Dominic Ragno
"M r. Innis because it's Mr. Innis." - Martin Kasilag
Mr. Comey cause he's awesome and has the perfect mix "M r. Que. Have you seen him wearing sunglasses? He >f seriousness and humor for a movie." looks like the Terminator. " - M aximilian Contreras Gabriel Trojanowski "M r.M orrisey, because he would find the deeper meaning Mr. Rodrigues, he can tell me the weather." - Liam Kagel
of the movie." - Tristan Sarmiento
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it
"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." Andre Gide
was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter o f despair." Charles Dickens
O rlando Cortez, Jr.
Ebony Club 1,2,3,4 ; Baseball 1 ; Football 3,4 ; Stock Market Club 3,4 ; Spanish Club 1,2 ; Freshman Ambassador 1 ; Culinary Club 1; Psychology Club 4; Kairos 53
Baseball 1,2,3,4 ; Basketball 1,2
Thomas Cotter
"And for that reason, I'm out." -Mark Cuban
Domenico Crincoli
Rugby 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 297; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; CLC 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Sports Debate Club 1; Bowling Manager 4
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Football Managerial Staff 3,4; Kairos 50; Ping Pong Club 1,2 James Cruz
"It's only when we have experienced rocky waters when we can appreciate the calm seas." - Unknown
"I like to be quite and just chill." - Post Malone
Anthony D'Angelico
Track and Field 2,3,4; Kairos 50, Leader 55; Campus Ministry Team 4; A M D G Retreat 4; Big Brother 3; French Club 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Immersion trip 3;
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 295; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3 Emmanuel Dadulla
Christian Cunningham
Pax Christi 2,3,4,
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Stephen King
"Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left and some people have to be left so you can be right."
Christian Life Club 2,3,4 ; Greek Club 2,3,4 ; Italian Club 3,4 ; Kairos 52 ; Italian Exchange Program 3 ; Kairos 56 ; Crew 1,2,3,4 ; Emmaus 2 9 7 ; Campus Ministry Team 4 ;
Vox 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Prep Dramatics 3,4; Kairos 53; Emmaus 299 Jaiden David
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
"Sometimes me thinks 'What is a friend?' And then me say, 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with." - Cookie Monster
kairos 54; Sophomore retreat; lockey 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2; Track nd Field 3,4; Baseball 1
Indoor and Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Vox 4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 295 Philip DeCresce
'I'm an addict. I'm addicted to success. Thankfully, there's no ehab for success." Lil Wayne
M a rk Del Castillo "The greatest o pp o rtu n ity in the w o rld is found here to d a y W e a lre a d y know w h a t yesterday has g o t fo r us. It's a lre a d y gone. Tom orrow , to o fa r a w a y. W h a t a bo u t right n o w !" - Ray Lewis
A J *' Hockey: 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse: 2,3,4; Stock Market Club: 1; Hockey Club: 3; Kairos 50
Emmaus 296; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4;
Christian Della Rocco
Nicholas DeM arco
'Me and Jesus are cool. I'm cool with all the Gods. Gods 'ecognize Gods." Conor McGregor
"Get your money up not your funny up."
Kairos 51; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Trip 3
Football; Ebony Club
Stanley Dennis
Sean Demo W h a t teacher w ould survive in a zom bie apocalypse? W hy? 'M r. Caulfield because he can outrun everything." Alexander Novello 'M r. Burokas because he is prepared for the collapse of he government." - Henrik Murer
"M r. Fiorella, he can put a lot in a backpack." - Nick Lojo "Father Cassidy. Did you see that beard he grew in Ghana? He can live off the land." - Paul Ames
'M r.Canale , hes got experience." - Jordan McPhee
"Mrs. McElroy because she knows everything and can be ruthless." - Timothy Georgetti
'M r. Innis because he lives by the YouTube channel, Primitive Technology." - Michael Ribeiro
"D oc Hartling because he has been accumulating potatoes and chickens for years." - Ulises Rodriguez
W h at's your favorite place that you have visited with Prep?
"Stonybrook retreat center, NY" - Harry Carter
j "Costa Rica Trip" - Aidan Lezynski
"Lima, Peru with the creative writing course." - Griffen Haas
"W ashington DC" - Courtney Hymes "M ila no 's" - Daniel M aher
"Yogi Berra stadium with Father Azzarto." - Jack Kramer "Six Flags" - Evan Casas "Legal Grounds" - Jared Veloso "Barcelona, Spain" - G regory Pease "Italy" - M a x Honig — "School is very hard." - Toy K
Kairos 50; Rugby 1,2,3,
Michael DeSantis
Thomas DeSantis Search "U +l F44C" into Google Images.
"With the game on the line. I want the ball in my hands." - Eli Manning
—Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; W ater Polo 1,2,3,4; Kairos 5 1, Leader 57; Emmaus 296; Adventure Club 1,2,3,President 4; Operation Smile 1,2,3,President 4
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Ethan Diaz
Christopher Dunkin
John "Jack" Dillon "Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." -Margaret Mead
"Don't worry when you are no recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition."
Kairos 50; Emmaus 299; Model UN; Prep Basketball
Prep Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 52; Indoor Track 2; Italian Club 3,4 Ryan Emma
"Imagine if I studied."
Varsity Football/ Captain 2,3,4; Kairos 53; Ebony 2, 3, 4
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 54; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Baseball Club 1,2; YBLA 2,3. D am ani Falconer
Cole Ferrara
"This guy cares." - Coach such
Jazz Band 1, 2, 3, 4; C oncert Band 1, 2; Dram atics 4 ; Cross C ountry 1 ,2,3; In d o or
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Rugby 1,2; Tv Studio 1,2;
Track 2; O u td o o r Track 1,2; Kairos 5 2 ; HAP Tutor 2; Beginning Instrumental Lessons 1; Spanish C lub 2, 3, 4; Psychology C lub 4; A rt C lub 4 ; Fashion Show 4; N a tio n a l Spanish H on o r Society 3 ,4 ; Spanish Exchange 3;
Thomas Fitzhenry
M a g is A w a rd 1; Tri-M M usic H on o r Society 4
Royce Flores
"Sonny and my father always said that when I get older I would understand. W ell, I finally did. I learned something from these two men. I learned to give love and get love unconditionally. You just have to accept people for w hat they are, and I learned the greatest gift of all." - Calogero Anello, A Bronx Tale
T K c C ttlU u r
Football 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; Kairos 54 ; Full Time Bailer 1,2,3,4 M a tth ew Forget
Byron Flores, Jr. "W e must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and
"You can have it your way at Burger King, not at St. Peter's Prep." -Mr. Morris
high courage." - Teddy Roosevelt
Wrestling 3,4; Rugby 1,2; N ewark Immersion Trip; Kairos 53; Koinania ; Emmaus 2 98; Campus Ministry Team 4; Pax Christi W rapping Party 2,3,4;
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Rugby 2,3; VOX 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 53; Emmaus 298 Nicolas G alup
Timothy G arcia
"It's not stupid if it works." - Richard Watterson
"McCabe's Law: Nobody has to do anything." - Charles McCabe
David G arrelick
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection 2,3; Stock Market Club 2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3; Wheeling, WV Immersion Trip 3; Costa Rica Trip 3; Kairos 51; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4.
Nicholas G ayle
"The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon." - Paulo Coelho
"W ould I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Gary Scott
Ethan G ayno r
Kairos 5 1 ,5 7 ; Emmaus 294, 295; Ping Pong Club Leader 4; Tennis 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 2; Prep Connection Tutorer 3,4; CLC 2,3,4; YBLA 3,4
Kairos 54; Assistant Rector for Kairos 55; Fencing Team 3,4; President of the German Club; Campus Ministry Team; Emmaus 298; Model UN 3,4; Newark Immersion Trip 201 7; League of Legends Club 1; TV Studio 2,3,4
M a x im G eller
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Economics Society 1,2,3,4; EuroChallenge 1,2; Fed Challenge 3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." - Gandhi
goes to his heart" - Nelson Mandela
Soccer 1,2; Stock M a rket C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; C ampus M inistry 4; Big Brother 3; SPPAC
MM A Club; Track & Field, Food Bank; Homeless Shelter.
1 ,2,3,4; Kairos 5 1 ; Pax Christi 2 ,3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l H onors Society 4 ; Spanish N a tio n a l H onors Society 3 ,4 ; Spanish Exchange 3; Peruvian Exchange 2; Prep
Timothy Georgetti
Julian Gibson
C onnection Tutoring 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Emmaus 2 9 7 ; YBLA 3,4
Jeffrey G erger
M ichael G iordano
"Graduating High School is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse."
Ultimate Frisbee Club 1, 2, 3; Crew 1; Tennis 2, 3
Prep Soccer 1; Spanish Club 1,2,3-Even-Planner,4-President; National Spanish Honors Society 4-Secretary Miles G old
"The pursuit of knowledge is a journey with no destination. [. . .] This world we live in is not for, or of, any one individual-and neither is knowledge." - Susanna Grotoff, Octopath Traveler
A lexandro G onzalez "Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." -John F. Kennedy
Kairos 50; Emmaus 297; Tabietop Gaming Club 2, 3, 4; Vox 1, 2, 3, 4; Saint Peter's Performing Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Dungeons and Dragons Club 2, 3, 4; Academic Bowl 1, 2, 3, 4; Robotics
1( 2
TV Studio 1; Table Top Gaming Club 2,3; Kairos 53
John Gorski
Thaddeus G oratow ski
"Juice is temporary, but the sauce last forever." -Anonymous
"I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you." -Robin Williams
Kairos 52; Emmaus 295; W ater Polo 2,3,4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Future Business Leaders of
Karios 50; Emmaus 2 99; Video Production 2 3 4 ; Robotics 1234; Stage Crew 12 34; Yearbook 34; W heeling West Virginia Service trip 201 7; La Immersion Trip 2018
America 3,4; Law Society 3
Ryan G ra y
Vincent G rim aldi
W h a t's your favorite holiday at Prep and w hy? 'Christmas, I really like the decorations." - Alec Nossa
"Election day because we still get to learn." - Liam Kagel
'Halloween because I love to see everyone dress up." Andrew M arrero
"Christmas. I love the spirit and decorations Prep has."
"Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer Service as we get to hear about the diverse cultures Prep represents." - Samay Shamdasani
Ceejay Larino
"Lent because we get tons of dress down days."
"W hichever one has the longest break." - W illie Richardson
-Jaiden David
W h at's your favorite song at Mass? "Prayer for Generosity" - Christopher Brooks
"Dearest Lord" - Julian Todd
"M y favorite song at mass is actually the Drake song that
"Here at this table" - M ina Amir Hanna
is stuck in my head throughout the entirety." - Cole Ferrara "Sim Shalom" - Nathan Bryant "Pueblo De Dios" - Garrett Gualtieri "Prayer for Generosity. It gets the adrenaline PUMPING." "O ne Bread, One Body" - Humberto Belvis
- Patrick Keenaghan
"The Prep Theme Song" - Julian O ngay
"Pueblo De Dios" - Matthew Italiano
"I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." -Michael Scott
James G rueter
G arrett Gualtieri
Volleyball 1,2,3,4; W ater Polo 2,3,4; Swimming 1,2; Italian Club 2,3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 53; Emmaus 296; Kairos 57; Italian Exchange 3
"Cover my ears from knowledge of people who did not contribute to none of this
Baseball 1; Varsity Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Indoor Track & Field 4; Kairos 52 Jeremiah G uzm an
Campus Ministry Team; Kairos 5 1; Architecture club 2,3
Griffen Haas " M y brethren, count it all joy when you fall
"I've learned a thing or two about a thing or two."
into various trials, know ing that the testing o f yo ur faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect w ork, that you m ay be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
Baseball C lub 1 ,2,3; Football M a n a g e r
Football, Basketball, Architecture Club, Engineering Club, Kairos 53, Campus Ministry Team
1,2; H ead M a n a g e r 3,4; W restling M a n a g e r 1; M e d ic a l C lub 2 ,3 ; French C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; PAX Christi 1,2,3; Freshman Am bassador 1; Big Brother 3; Designed Baseball W ebsite 1,2; Kairos 5 4 ; Emmaus 299
M ina Hanna
Patrick Haughney
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"If I'm not the best to do it, might as well leave it to the rest to do it."
Jeremiah 29:1 1
Student Council 1,2,3,4; M agis A w ard 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team
Student Council 1,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; VOX 2,3,4; Track and Field 2,3,4; Diversity Board 3,4
3, 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(C); Buzzio Family Aw ard 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4(C); Stock M arket Club 3,4; Kairos 51; Pax Christi 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos Leader 5 7 ; Food Critic Club 4; Intramural Champion 1, 2; Big Brother 3, 4; HAP Tutor 2; National Honors Society 4; Spanish National Honors Society 3, 4; NSE 2, 3; NLE 2
"Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn." -Charles De Mar in Better Off Dead
M ason Holland
Kyle Hess "Follow your heart. Don't follow what you've been told you're supposed to do." - Jermaine Cole
kW vy,
V olleyball 1,2,3, C aptain 4; C rew 1; Yearbook 2 ,3 ,4 ; LA Immersion Trip; N a tio n a l H on o r
Basketball: 1,2,3,4 ; Football: 1,2,4 ; Ebony Club: 1,2,3,4 ; Kairos 53
Society; M a ra u d e r N atio n Photographer; Campus M inistry Team; Kairos 5 0 ; Kairos Leader 5 6 ; Emmaus 2 9 5 ; Emmaus 2 9 6 Leader; Big Brother 3; Freshman Am bassador; Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; HAP Tutor 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Exchange 3; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Spirit A w a rd W in ne r
"Oh, Kinsmen! We must meet the common foe; though far outnumbered let us show us brave." - Claude McKay
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
Courtney Hymes
M a x Honig
Ebony Club 3,4; Kairos 52,
Nicholas Iniashvili
W illiam Ince Student-Faculty Doppelgangers "M atthew Preite and Brendan Roche" - Andre Reyes
"James Mcgann and Mr. G eary" - Jacob Quinones
"Alessandro Memmolo and Senora Torres"
"M r. M cC oy and Ethan G aynor" - N iccolo Colucci
- Anthony Rego "M atthew Preite and Mr. Roche" - Christian Cunningham "Ryan O 'flaherty and M ichael G iordano" - Byron Flores Jr "N ick Lojo and Mr. Coccaro" - Colby Ruggiero "Charles Camilleri and M r Scannapieco" -Jacob Saavedra
"Liam Christman and Mr. Caulfield" - Paul Ames
"I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi
"I'm a stay at home son." - Alan Garner
w ou ld tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis w as a Dark Lord o f the Sith, so p ow erful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the m idichlorians to create life" The Tragedy o f Darth Plagueis the W ise
Kairos 54, Robotics 1,2,3,4, Spring Musical 1,2,4, D&D Club 2,3, Co Pres(4) Trading Card Club 1,2,3 pres(4)
Kairos 54 ; Emmaus 299; Varsity Hockey 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 4 James Jensen
M atth ew Italiano "Maybe someday we could become friends. Friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of
"Adversity introduces a man to himself" - Albert Einstein
Hemdale." - Brennan Huff
Swimming 1,2,3,4 ; Water Polo 3,4 ; Kairos 50 ; Emmaus 299. . Chase Jones
Patrick Johnston
Football 1,2,3,Captain 4; Kairos 53; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society; National Spanish Honor Society
"If you stop at general math, you're only going to make general math money." - Snoop Dogg
"Life is short. Enjoy the ride."
Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; K51
Asian Society Club 1,4; Culinary Club 4;
Liam Kagel
Asa Kahn "I'm gonna go stand outside. If anyone asks, I'm outstanding." -Original
(0 0 V W . Bowling 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3, President 4; Stock Market Club 2,4; Dondero's Office 2,3,4; HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Chess Club 1; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297
M artin Kasilag
Stock Market Club 1; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Chrome Depot 2,3,4; Kairos 54; Ice Hockey 1,3 O w en Kealey
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller
"If you don't do wild things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old." -Unknown
y .'y M x t-C T Soccer 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Kairos 5 1 , lea d e r 5 6 ;
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Young Business Leaders of America Club 3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3; Big Brother 3,4; Peru Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity 3; Kairos 50
Emmaus 2 9 9 ; Petroc 2 ,3 ,4 ; Petrean 2 ,3 ,4 ; Campus M inistry Team 4; Big Brother 3; Freshman Am bassador 1; Philadelphia Immersion 3; Los Angeles Immersion 4; N atio n a l H onor Society 3 ,4 ; Young Business Leaders o f Am erica 3 ,4
W illiam Kelley
Patrick Keenaghan "It's been magical, but I'm done." - Khloe Kardashian
"I don't wanna be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me." - Frank Costelo, "The Departed"
bcnrvol£_ M odel UN 9,10,1 1,12; Adventure Club 10,11,12; Architecture Club 10,1 1,12; Baseball Club 9.10.1 1,12; Current Events Club 10; Car Club 9 ,1 0 ,1 1 ; Film Appreciation Club 10; Intermurals 9.10.1 1; Lacrosse 10, 1 1; M M A Club 10;
Varsity Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 299; Stock Market Club 1
Photography Club 1 1; Sports by Numbers Club 10; Stock M arket Club 9,10,1 1,12; Ultimate Frisbee
Thomas Kellner
Club 10,11; Fantasy Sports Club 1 2; Environmental Club 1 2; History Club 11,12
Justin Koroglu
"W hat you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle, and giving 1 10 percent all the time."
"I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious."- Michael Scott
-Don Zimmer
Ignatian S cholar 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Sw im m ing 1,2,3,
W ater Polo 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; M arauder Nation Henchman 4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 297; Student Ambassador 1; Urban Plunge Los Angeles 3;
C aptain 4; W a te r Polo 1 ,2,3, C ap ta in 4; Kairos 5 2 ; Emmaus 2 9 7 ; K oinonia Leader 4; A M D G Retreat 4; N a tio n a l H onor Society 3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l Spanish H on o r Society 3 ,4 ; Baseball C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Stock M a rk e t C lub 2 ,3 ; YBLA 3 ,4 ; CLC 4 ; Campus
Jack Kram er
M inistry Team 4; Big Brother 3 ,4 ; Spanish
b<chan^e^_Freshman>Am bassadoM __iii_ >i
Ceejay Larino
W h a t is your most m em orable moment at Prep? "Kairos" - Aidan Lezynski "Missing my first train home." - Alec Nossa
"Running to M arauder Nation with the flag on Senior Night, when we played Paramus Catholic at Caven." - Byron Flores Jr
"W inning the baseball County Championship against
"Discovering I could nap in the student lounge."
Bayonne." - Andrew Chaparro
- Emmanuel Dadulla
"G oing to Italy with the Italian Exchange Program." -Anthony D'Angelico
"Playing on the best intramural and roball team." - Griffen FJaas
W h o is your favorite teacher and why? Mrs. M cN ally. N o one better. - Alexandro G onzalez
"M r. Comey because he is the coolest." - Evan Casas
Father Cassidy because he has a good balance of "Mrs. Labruno because she is an absolute legend. No teaching and giving us work, and relaxing" - Colin Plunkett other w ay to put it." - Garrett Gualtieri Mr. Innis because he is the only teacher that can connect wilderness survival and the Roman Golden Age." - Daniel Cetera "Ms. Dillane because she's the perfect depiction of a mother." Ethan Diaz
"Ms. McElroy, she makes boring information interesting" -John Dillon "M r. Campbell- overall great guy and allowed test corrections." - M ichael Riberio
"I believe that everything happens for a
"Find your balance. God said it's my talent" - Travis Scott
reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things g o w rong so that you appreciate them when they're right, . and sometimes g oo d things fall a pa rt so better things can fall together." - M arilyn M o n ro e
/ Kairos 5 0 ; Emmaus 2 9 5 ; In d o or Track 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; O u td o o r Track 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Stock M a rket C lub 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection 1,2,3,4; Robotics C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l H onor Society 3 ,4 ; A cadem ic Bowl 3,4; Eucharistic M inister 4
Jin Leem
M a tth ew Lee "I didn't come here to play school." -Cardale Jones
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; YBLA VP 3,4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 295; CLC 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Prep Connection Tutor 2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Big Brother 3; Stock Market Club 1
"Go beyond! Plus ultra!" -Kohei Horikoshi
((fU y C ;
Aidan Lezynski
Ying Lin
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Yellowstone Trip 2; Costa Rica Trip 3; Operation Smile 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Koinonia 8&9 Leader; Hockey 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3; CLC 4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 296
Robotics Club 2,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; Vox 3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297 Eric Liao
"I'd rather be happy being myself than sad trying to please everyone else." -J. Cole
"When it rains, look for rainbows. When its dark look for stars."
League of Legends Club; Art Club; Anime Club; Video Game Club; Smash Club
Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Campus Ministry Team 3, 4; Kairos 53; Emmaus 297;
M averick Lindo
"The best revenge is massive success." -Frank Sinatra
"I'm gonna want the milk steak, boiled over hard, and a side of your finest jelly beans, raw." - Charlie Kelly
/1/soM ^Soccer 1, Rugby 1, Football 2, Tennis 2, SoundCloud Rapper 2,3, PingPong Club 2,3,4, Petroc 2,3,4 Kairos 51, Emmaus 295, YBLA President 3,4, National Honors Society 3,4, Spanish National Honors Society 3,4
Nicholas Lojo "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Fencing 2,3,4; Italian Exchange 3; TV Studio 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 52; Emmaus 299; Kairos 59 Leader
M a rk Lovito
"Get your clout up."
Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1; Indoor Track 3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 2,3, Captain 4; LA Mission Trip 3; Ebony Club 4; Finesser 1,2,3,4.
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Breaking Barriers 2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Kairos 54 Desmond Luck 'Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to he future with confidence."
Richard Luzzi-Liggins "W hen I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty dangerous." - Baker M ayfield
Pope John Paul II
Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Kairos 55; Emmaus 297
Rugby 2,3,4 ; Stock Market Club 1; History Club 2,3,4; Kairos 53
Sean MacLaney
John Lynch "Anyone can win a fight when the odds are easy! It's when the going's tough, when there seems to be no chance-that's when it counts."
"The pool does not exist."
/V \y . Fencing 1, 2, 3, 4; Track and Field 2, 3, 4;
Varsity Hockey Goalie, Vice President of TV Studio, Head sports broadcaster Big Brother, CMT member, K54, Emmaus 298
Robotics 2, 3, 4; SPPAC 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Campus M inistry Team 4; N atio n a l Honors Society 4; French H onors Society 4; Vox 1; TV Studio 1, 2; Kairos 5 0 ; Emmaus 2 9 7
Christian M a d lan sacay
Daniel M a h e r
"Lower your expectations of others, but never of yourself."
"Business is always personal. It's the most personal thing in the world." - Michael scott
Ebony Club 2,3,4;Football 1,2,3,4; Karios 53;
Golf; Lacrosse; Soccer; Architecture Club; Big Brother
Nicholas M ang an ello
N aji M a lik
"Make your parents proud, your enemies jealous, and then you can say you made it." -The Weeknd
"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." -Niccolo Machiavelli
H t-
Q /Y \d t£ jts < /
Kairos 50; Rugby 2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish 2,3,4
Football 1,2,3,Captain 4, Baseball 1, Wrestling 1,2, Kairos 53, National Honor Society Brandon M aruri
A nd rew M a rrero "Just Keep Swingin." - Melissa Walker
"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." - Henry Kissinger
Programming Club; Rugby; Jazz Band
Fencing 1,2,3,4; Kairos 54; Emmaus 295; Campus Ministry team 4; Big Brother 3;
Kakuyon M ataeh
Christian Matos "Happiness can only exist in happiness."
Basketball 2; Track and Field 3; V olle yb all 2, C aptain 3, 4; Campus M inistry Team 4; CLC 4 ; Big Brother 3, 4; Freshman For a D ay A m bassador 1; O p e n House Representative 1, 3; Los Angeles Summer Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 5 2 , Kairos 5 6 Leader; French Exchange 3; French Club 3, 4; N atio n a l H onors Society 3, 4 ;
M ason-W illiam M citO S
N a tio n a l French H onors Society 3, 4
M a a sa i M a y n o r
7 1 7 .acrosse 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; Stock Market Club 1; 'Xdventure Club 2,3,4; Model JN 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Big brother 3,4; Kairos 53
Robert McDonough
Crew 1,2,4 ; Rugby 2; Diversity Board 3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; CMT 4; CLC 2,3,4; French Exchange 3; Peru Exchange 3; Kairos 56; Emmaus 29
James M cG ann
Kairos 54 ; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Sneaker club 4
Kairos 53; Football 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4
Jordan McPhee
Adonis M cG ee 'When you want something, all the universe conspires in nelping you to achieve it." Paulo Coelho
National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Student Diversity Board 2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc Newspaper 1,2,3; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection Tutoring 1,2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 50;
"S occe r 1; In d o or Track 1, 2 ,3 ; O u td o o r Track 1 ,2 ;, Italian C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Adventure C lub 4; Stock M a rk e t C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ping Pong C lub 1 ,2,3; H ap Tutor l;H a b ita tfo r Humanity(Patterson) 3 ,4 ; Kairos 5 2 ;
immaus 29 5 ; Track and Field 1,2; Cross
Country2; Crewi
Alessandro M em m olo
Emmaus 2 9 7
John M e rn a r
The story of the first time you got JUG. I came into school with a design on the side of my head ind I tried to fill it in with a Sharpie marker." Maximilian Contreras I walked out of Mr. Trotta's classroom wearing my Mr. rotta sweatshirt, when Mr. Canale caught me." Nicholas Gallup 'Can't relate!" - Michael Appello
"I thought I had a free, walked to my class that I thought was "next". I looked in, and saw my class was in there, I walked in with a scared blank face trying to tell Mr. Roche, but everyone just started clapping randomly for me." - Ty Pezzolla "I had on a blazer and I had both button buttoned up. Mr. Arteaga told me that the button was a design and not to be buttoned. I didn't have a belt on so he jug me." -W a d e Richardson
W h a t is the funniest thing that happened to you at Prep? "For jug redemption, I was given tasks by Mr. Morris, and one of them was to get his dry cleaning from the dry cleaners next to Lisbon. W ell, when I walked in and asked for his clothes the lady said, 'W o w what a good son you are, picking up your dads clothes for him.'" - Matthew Italiano "I knocked over 10 graduated cylinders in chemistry before our midterm." - John M ernar
"W hen I dressed up as McLovin for Halloween and everyone would know me as McLovin from that day on." -Alessandro Memmolo "Getting stuck in an elevator with Mike Giordano and Marcos Parada for half an hour." - Andrew Marrero '"Your class is not cancelled, the previous e-mail was sent by mistake' -Mr. Settembrino" - Diego Perdomo
"I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of
"Forsan et haec dim meminisse iuvabit" [And perhaps one day, it will be pleasing to remember these things] -Vergil, The Aenied
an honest man." -George Washingtoi
Crew 1,2,3; TV Studio 1; Big Brother 3; Young Business Leaders of America 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 295
Jack M e y e r
Hockey 1,2; Crew 1, 2, 3 4; Spanish Exchange 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 51 ; Kairos 56 Leader; Emmaus 295
John M illar "All a man can hope for during his lifetime is to set an example and when he is dead, to be an inspiration for history." -William McKinley
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1; Kairos 50; Emmaus 299; Big Brother 3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4
A lexan d er M iller
X avier M orales "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." -Neil Peart
"No, Mr. Morris, I'm not from Sherlock Holmes." - Original
Kairos 54; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Fencing; 1, 2, 3
Video Game Club 1,2; Breaking Barriers 3,4; Fencing 3,4; Kairos 50
M ichael M o ran o
Spanish Club 3,4; TV Studio 2,3,4; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Diversity Board 3,4; CMT 4; eucharistic minister 4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1; Crew 2,3; Newark immersion trip; Kairos 53; Emmaus 295
James M o riarty
"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the w ay." - Michael Scott
Crew 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; Italian Exchange 3; Kairos 53; Emmaus 297
Kairos 51, 55; Student Council 3; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4 Henrik M urer
Thomas M uller "semper ubi sub ubi"
"I really do play cricket!!!!" -Sahil Naik
Model UN 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Fantasy Sports Club 4;
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 298
Sahil N a ik
Patrick M urp h y "Sometimes I push the door close button on people running towards the elevator. I just need my own elevator sometimes. M y sanctuary." - Kanye
"You can't buy vision, and you can't buy aesthetic." -Travis Scott
K jv w f y i/ l/ Kairos 51; Stock Market Club 1; Baseball Club 1; TV Studio (Nation Station) 3,4 ; Intramurals 2,3; Outdoor Track and Field 3,4 ; W ork Study Team 2,3, Supervisor 4
Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 297; Jazz band 2, 3, 4; MakeSPP 3, 4 Thomas N arram o re
Tyler N a ja ra W h a t do you plan on studying in college?
'I plan on majoring in Finance." - Adonis Mcgee
"Sports management" - Hudson Poreda
'Books" - Andrew Adablah
"Finance" - Jacob Brozon
'Computer Science" - Christopher Brooks
"International Business" - James Anderson
'Physical Therapy" - Ethan G aynor
"H ow to become wealthy." - James Cruz
"Following the Nations legacy and becoming a lawyer. "
"Chemical Engineering" - Matteo Sollecito
Gus Nations IV
"Paint your world with bold colors."
"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave."- Slider
1fY\/aJia&jL TVjlILwstv. Indoor Track and Field 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; O u td o o r Track and Field 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4; Kairos 5 0 ; Chess C lub 1, 2, 3, President 4; Stock M a rket C lub 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Browning Center 1, 2, 3, C aptain 4 ; Philadelphia
Gus Nations IV
Immersion Trip
Matisse Nelson
"Oh, you know what? Next week's no good for me... The Jonas Brothers are in town. But any week after that,
"Anything's possible, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLEEEEEE!I!"- Kevin Garnett
it's totally fine." -Alan Garner
Crew 1, 2, 3; Petroc 1, 2, 3, 4; CMT 4; Diversity Board 2, 3, 4; Kairos 51, 56; Ebony Club 3, 4; Urban Immersion Trip 2; SDLC 4; Swimming 1
Kairos 54; Emmaus 299; Hap Tutor 9; Hockey 1,2,3; Model UN 3; Los Angeles Immersion Trip 3 M a rk Niland
Baseball 2,3,4; Kairos 52; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4 Aidan Nolte
"What?" -Richard M. Nixon
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie the Pooh
Kairos 50; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Model United Nations 1,2,3,4; CMT 4
Kairos 54, Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4, Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4, Big Brother, Italian Club 2, 3, 4
Alec Nossa
A le xa n d e r Novello "Not everyone that works hard gets rewarded but everyone who gets rewarded has worked hard."
"I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me." -Ron Burgundy
Track and Field 4
Roman O ben, Jr.
Philip Okoh
You don't say that!" Brennan Huff
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." -Winston Churchill
baseball 1,2; French Exchange; Kairos 53; Emmaus 296
Big Brother 3; Water Polo 4; Handsome l , 2,3,4; Kairos 50 Julian O n g a y
"Can't Finesse a Finesser" -Lil Durk
Sky O z a g a r "Finesse your way to success!"
------Football 1; Basketball Management 1; Rugby 1; Football Management 3,4; Stock Market Club 1; Baseball Club 1,3,4; Young Business Leaders of America 3,4; Kairos 53
Waterpolo l , 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 295 Steven Panzariello
M arcos Parada "Everybody Love Everybody' -Jackie Moon
& =- 10
Ignite Retreat l ; Track & Field 2; Sohpomore Retreat 2; Kairos 54; SPP Football 1,2,3,4 Kyree Parker
M arauder Nation 4; Crew l ,2,3; Kairos 52; Emmaus 297, Intramurals l , 2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3; Italian Club 4; Stock M arket Club 1
Paolo Pasquali
W h e re did you spend the most time during community period? 'In the lounge sleeping." - Ahmaz Athias
"Mrs. Dillane's classroom because Calc Honors was a struggle this year."- Domenico Crincoli
'Legal Grounds" - Christian Arcos 'M r. Comey's room" - Charles Williams
"M s. Dallam's Room, Ms. Fencik's room, and Ms. Randall's room" -Jaiden David
'Freshman for a Day Room" - Colby Ruggiero
"Ms. Romano's room"-James Anderson
"Gym" - Damani Falconer
"Sometimes homework, mostly sleep." - W illie Richardson
W h a t do you do during your free periods? "Study and do homework or spend time with friends." - Marcos W oodard "A solid mix of food trucks, naps in the lounge, and working in the library." - Nathan Blumenfield
"To be honest I either go to Browing Center and do work or I just go on my computer and just go on Youtube and just chill out O r I'll take a legendary prep nap." - Troy Roberts
"Its N ap Central in the lounge." - Patrick Keenaghan
"W atch rugby highlights and pretend like I am doing work." - Domenico Crincoli
"Think about the meaning of life." - Samay Shamdasani
"W atch Fortnite highlights" - Charles Camilleri
Concert Band 1,2,3,4 Jazz band 1,2,3,4
Video Game club 1, 2; Breaking Barriers Club 3, 4; Psychology Club 4; Sophomore Summer Immersion trip; Kairos 53
Bryce Payne
James Pearce 3 my shoes and walk a something that you can't -Migos
G rego ry Pease
Kairos 54; Emmaus 299; CLC 1,2,3,4; Hoboken Catholic Tutoring 3,4; Basketball 1; SPPAC 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Spanish Exchange 4; Big Brother 3, 4
"You're a man now, Spongebob, and it's about time you started acting like one." - Patrick
Diego Perdomo I wmmtmmmammmmmmmmmtmammmt— —
John Pettit
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2; Ping Pong Club 2,3,4; Adventure Club 2,3; Ultimate Frisbee Club 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 295
—— —— —■
"I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." -Vincent Van Gogh
"If it matters to you, you'll find a way."
French Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 4; Baseball Club 2,3; Career Day Club 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4
Kairos 54; Ice Flockey; Golf
Ty Pezzolla t i l l *
"How could I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"- Ferris Bueller
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan
Indoor Track 1,2; Crew 4; Prep Forum 3,4
W illiam Pikus
Kairos 54; Hockey 2,4; Soccer manager 4; Hockey Club 2,3; French Club 3,3
J m c a
Kairos 52; Emmaus 2 97; Artechture Club President 2,3; Food Critic Club President 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2; Adventure Club 3
Prep Forum 1,2,3,4; K51
Hudson Poreda "The more you seek the uncomfortable, the more you will become comfortable." - Connor McGregor
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 2; Pax Christi 2; Stock Market Club 2,3; CLC 2,3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 54, leader 59; AM DG Retreat 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 299;
Colin Plunkett
M a tth ew Preite "The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur." -Elon Musk
Robotics 1, 2, 3, 4 C aptain; C oncert Band 1, 2, 3, 4 President; MakeSPP CoO rg a n iz e r 3, 4 ; Cross C ountry 1, 2, 3, 4; Ultimate Frisbee C lub C o-C aptain 2, 3, 4; Engineering C lub 4 Co-Leader; A cadem ic
Steven Prokop
Bowl 1, 2; Kairos 5 0
Shashwat Punjani
"Uno Mas"
"I'm pretty tired...l think I'll go home now." - Forrest Gump
Henchman 4; Spanish Exchange 3; Rugby 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1; Crew 1, 2; Adventure Club 2, 3, 4; Baseball Club 1,2, 3, 4; CLC 2, 3 ,4 ; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 52; Emmaus 297
Indoor Track; Adventure Club; Medical Club; Kairos 54; Prep Connection Tutor; Sheehan Freshman Retreat Jacob Quinones
Steven Racki
"FEAR has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours." - Zig Ziglar
"I'd like to take this chance to apologize... to absolutely nobody." - Conor McGregor
Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 51
Hockey 1,2,3,4; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip
Anthony Rego
Dominic Ragno
"And nothin' lasts forever, least we got these memories." -J. Cole
"Suffer the winter's cold wind, for it bears aloft next summer's seeds." -Thorald Gray-Mane
a*. 3 D-Printing Club 1; Academ ic Bowl 1; Asian Society 1, 2; Chess 1, 2; Culinary Club 1; League of Legends Club 1, 2, 3, 4; PAX Christi 1, 2; Petrean 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief); Pelroc 2, 3, 4;
Jerem y Resurreccion
Cross Country 1; Prep Forum 3,4
Photography Club 1; SPPAC 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshmen Ambassador t ; M AG IS Aw ard Recipient 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Sophomore Retreat 2; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; W heeling Immersion Trip 2
"We believe the light guides us to happiness, but it's within the darkness where we find our true guiding flame."
Michael Ribeiro
W a d e Richardson
Freshman Ambassador 1; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 3; Business Club 3; Kairos 53; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4
President Dramatics Board 3,4; Breaking barriers President 3,4; Cmt member 4; Culinary club 2,3; Kairos 55 leader; Vox 1,2,3,4; Lol club 2,3 Stage manager (musical) 3
A drian Richardson
"'Lord, we know who we are Yet we know not what we may be1So maybe I'm the one or maybe I'm crazy."
"Moisturize, 50 times each side, Pomade, 100 times each side, bag up, rag up, repeat." - My recipe
Ebony Club 1,2, 3, 4; TV Studio 4
Bowling 1,2,3,4; Track junior 3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; K53
W illie Richardson III
"For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Basketball 1; Indoor Track 3,4 ; Outdoor Track 3,4; Ebony Club 1,4 Edwin Rivera "Stack Ya Bread Flllld"
Troy Roberts "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." - Unknown
Kairos 53; Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Culinary Club 3;
C rew 1,2,3, C aptain 4; the Petrean 2 ,3 ,4 ; Ignatian Leadership Team Tutoring 2 ,3 ,4 ; School Advancem ent Assistant 2 ,3 ,4 ; Big Brother 3; Kairos 5 3 ; Emmaus; French N a tio n a l H onors Society 3; N a tio n a l
Khyree Robinson
H onors Society 4 ; Eucharistic M inister 4; Cam pus M inistry Team Leader 4
Roberto Rodas-Herndon
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." Dr. Seuss
/\ja r r ^ w r
Football 1,2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4, President 3,4; Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Prep Connection Tutoring 2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4; SPPAC
Varsity Soccer 3,4; French Club 4
1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Pax Christi 2,3,4; O peration Smile 3,4; YBLA 3,4; Kairos 52;
Ulises Rodriguez
Eucharistic Minister 4, Los Angeles Immersion Trip 4; N ational Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4
Joseph Romano
W h a t w ould you do with a million dollars? W hy? 'Stash 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in the bank. Place 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 in multiple different stock and investment opportunities. Play with the ast 10 0 ,0 0 0 ." - Ayir Asante 'Invest in stocks" - Christian Cunningham "A million dollars goes a long way, so I would definitely save it until I think of the right w ay to spend it all." • Ethan G aynor
"G o to the casino. High risk high reward." -Jacob Quinones "Spend it on stuff I don't need and run out of it in a week" -James Anderson "Donate to Prep." - Jin Leem "Pay off my parents debt and then invest." - Jordan McPhee
W h ere do you see yourself in 10 years? "Famous rap star." - Ahmaz Athias
"I see myself being 10 years older so 2 7." - Martin Kasilag
"Deep in college debt while living in my parents' basement." - Alessandro Memmolo "Hopefully writing books and loving my art." -Anthony D'Angelico
"W orking in suburb or urban setting with a steady paycheck. I would have like to traveled by then to a good amount of places. M aybe settling down 4 or 5 years after that. " - Michael Coacher
"Swimming in my pool filled with money."- Colby Ruggiero "I plan to run my own Pharmacy." - Stephen Chowanec
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
"Show me the money." -Jerry Maguire
r v n - w jw j TV studio 1,2,3,4 Rugby 2,3,4 Lacrosse 1 Hockey 1,3 Kairos 51
Student C ouncil 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; O p e ra tion Smile 1,2,3,4; M e d ica l C lub 1,2,3; Big Brother 3,4; Stock M a rket C lub 1,2; M a ra u d e r N atio n 4; Campus M inistry Team 4 ; Kairos 5 2 ; Kairos 5 8 ; Emmaus 2 9 6
M a tth ew Russell
Colby Ruggiero
"You know what's funnier than 24...25!" -Spongebob
"If no one comes back from the future to stop you, how bad of a decision can it really be?"
Campus Ministry Team; Big Brother; Petroc 1,2; Prep Connection Tutoring 3,4; Adventure club 3,4; Kairos 51; Emmaus 296
Jacob S aavedra
Tristan Sarmiento "M y life feels like a test I didn't study for."
Crew 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 51; Wheeling Jesuit Immersion Trip 3; Spanish Foreign Exchange 3; Newburgh Habitat for Humanity 4; National Honors Society 4; Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Big Brother 3; Game of Thrones Club 2,3.
"The ceiling is the roof." - Michael Jordan
/■ jk * Rugby 1,2; TV Studio 1,2,3,4; President of the Prep Gainz Associaon (PGA) 2,3; Kairos 52; Campus ministry 4; G rant Saunders
d ^ /U .
Varsity Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 52; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1 Kieran Scanlon
...... "What I learned in boating school is..." -Spongebob Squarepants
"So, you're telling me that anything I write down is going in the yearbook? Cool, I guess."
Kairos 53, History Club President; Italian Club 2,3,4; Adventure Club 3,4
Football 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2; Kairos 52
Anthony Scarpa
Robert Scheurer "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." - Steve Jobs
MakeSPP 3, 4 ; Program m ing C lub 3, 4; Cross C ountry 1, 2, 3, 4 ; In d o or Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; O u td o o r Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student
Football 1,2,3,4
C ouncil 1, 2, 4; Ultimate Frisbee C lub 2, 3, 4 ; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3, 4 ; N a tio n a l H on o r Society 3, 4; Cam pus M inistry Team 4 ; Kairos 5 1 ; AMDG 7
S am ay Shamdasani
Justin Scocco "Yes my name is actually John Smith and no I don't know where Pocahontas is." -THE John Smith III
'So I can write anything here and it'll be in the yearbook." ■Michael Cocciadiferro
Football 1,2; Wrestling 1,2; CLC 2,3,4; Career Club President 3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Kairos 52
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Kairos 50
Braden Shivas
John Smith III
W h a t class w as your favorite and w hy? "M r. Comey's Chemistry class. It was mind provoking and 'Macroeconomics because we learned about real life fun." - M ichael Coacher icenarios and about decisions we need to make with our noney." - Sean Demo 'Empires to Nations because the mix of Mr. Innis and all friends was great." - Sky O zagar
'APUSH, Mrs. McElroy was great and made history very nteresting." - Tim Garcia
"English 3 Honors because of Mr. Peters" - N aji M alik "Sound Design I sophomore year. I discovered a new passion and fell in love with making music." - Richard Luzzi-Liggins "AP W orld, Fr. Cassidy is the goat. Also, history is cool I guess." - Xavier Morales
M atteo Sollecito
"Take up one idea. M ake that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part o f your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. You have to literally want to breathe as bad as you want to succeed. This is the w a y to success- Swami Vivekananda/Eric Thomas
"Stay patient and trust your journey." -Unknown
Kairos 51; Prep Soccer and Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball County Champ 3,4; Baseball State Champ 4; Hudson County soccer League Champ 4
Kairos 50; Emmaus 295; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Robotics,3; Italian Honor Society 2,3,4; W ild Club 2,3; Operation Smile 1,2
Biagio Stoduto
Kairos 51, Operation Smile 2.3.4, Stock Market Club, Daniel Stusnick
Anthony Summey "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything." - Unknown
Harrison Sykes
Tennis 2,3,4; Bethlehem Farms West Virginia 2; President of Fantasy Sports Club 4; Stock Market Club 1,2; The Petroc 2; Open House Volunteer 1,2,3;
Wrestling (captain); Kairos 54; Emmaus 299
Julian Todd
"Humble enough to prepare, confident enough to perform." - Tom Coughlin
Kairos 52, Emmaus 298, Soccer 1,2,3,4, Mini Model UN 3, Operation Smile 4 Christopher Tolkin
Jonathan Torres
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." -Jimmy Johnson
"Just follow up!" - Mr. Keating
< a iro s 5 1 ; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball
Ignation Scholar 1,2,3,4; Kairos 53
Club 1,2,3; Baseball C lub President 4; Zampus M inistry Team 4 ; Big Brother 3 ,4 ; National H onor Society 3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l Spanish H onor Society 3 ,4 ; First H onors 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; YBLA C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; O p e ra tion SMILE Club 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; SPPAC 1,2,3,4;
Richard Torres, Jr.
G abriel Trojanowski
'Life is 10% what happens to /ou and 90% how you react o it." -Unknown
"Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy." -Plankton
Hockey 1,2,3,4 Rugby 3,4 Kairos 54, Emmaus 299
Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field 1,2, 3, 4; TV Studio 1; Asian Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 297; Campus Ministry Team
Augustus V alente 'The farther backward you :an look, the farther forward /ou can see." Winston Churchill
"N o knees, but I'm still climbing." - Orignal
Sowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Asian Society 4; Environmental Club 4; German Club 4
Rugby 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 4; Prep Forum 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2; Kairos 53
Jared Veloso
Lucas Vinci
Jordan V everka If you could change one thing about Prep, w h a t w ould it be and why? I would make Prep's parking lot larger so that seniors an have a place to park instead of paying for the larage or trying to find street parking. " Alexander M iller
"M ila no 's should be the official caterer of Saint Peter's Prep." - Domenico Crincoli
Eating lunch in the library should be allow ed." Aidan Lezynski
"I would widen the space between the Commons and Shalloe Hall. I don't think this one needs an explanation."
"N othing, it's pretty lit." - Harry Carter
-John M illar Make the Prep field one yard longer." Christian Cunningham
"I would take aw ay Saturday detention because I don't like going to it."- Stephen Chowanec
■MMM W h a t is your favorite Prep teacher quote/phrase/saying? Stanley Dennis: "Let's tease this out." - Mr. G addy Tristan Sarmiento: "N ever do your best." - Mr.Canale
Paolo Pasquali: "G od Love Ya" - Doc Hartling Maximilian Contreras: "W ho's making the brownies?" - Father Azzarto"
| Ryan Gray: "You can't listen to music in my class. You can listen to the sound of knowledge."- Mr. Morrissey Kyle Hess: "G o man Go. Hit the ground running. Money in the bank." - Mr. Keating Nick W ondolowski: "Boom Boom Flavae Powa" - Mr. Tabora
Evan Casas: "He shoots... HE SCORES!!!" - Mr. Roche
"We came into a broken world. And we're the cleanup crew." -Kanye West
P j\ Cross Country 1,2; Indoor/Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Petrean 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Ethan W ang-So
Paul W eeks
Football 1,2; Tutoring 1,2; SPPAC 1,2,3; Wild Club 3,4; Peruvian Host 4; Kairos 53; Rugby 4,5; Stock Market Club 5
Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 53; Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4
Elijah W hite
Francis W indels
Charles W illiam s "Always pass on what you have learned." - Yoda
"Well, well, well, how the turntables." - Michael Scott
Crew 1;Hockey l;Track & Field 1,2,3; Kairos 52; German Exchange 2, 4; LA Mission trip 2; Big Brother 3, German Club 12
Swimming 1,2,3 Captain 4; Water Polo 1,2,3,4; Kairos 54; Emmaus 294; French Club 2,3,4; Operation Smile 2,3,4; 1 Nicholas W ondolow ski
"Through your highest highs and lowest lows, the road continues and the story still goes."
"Consistency is key." - Original
Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 53; H Marcus W o o d a rd 'Happiness can be found, sven in the darkest of times, if Dne only remembers to turn on he light." -Albus Dumbledore
Ekow Yankey "I guess you can say it's true to save the best for last... " -Original
Kairos 5 0 ; Emmaus 2 9 5 ; Big Brother 3; N e w a rk Immersion Trip 2; V olle yb all
Prep Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4
1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Italian Club 2 ,3 ,4 ; Adventure C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; O peration Smile 3 ,4 ; Psychology C lub 3,4; M o d e l U N 4; Fantasy Sports C lub 4; Programming C lub 4 ; Ebony C lub 2
Joseph Y ap
M a tth e w Zdanow icz
W h a t is the most im portant unspoken rule at Prep? If you are out of dresscode and see a dean, Mr. Peters, r Mr. Canale, quickly turn around and go in the other irection." - Alex M iller Get to legal grounds as early as possible." - Dan M aher Don't brag about first or last free." - Harold Carter Look out for each other because Prep forms a rotherhood." - Henrik Murer
"D on't try to argue with Mr. Reese or Ms. Hoffman." -Jack M eyer "W ake someone up if they're asleep in the lounge." -Jaiden David "If you have an elevator pass with a +1, help your boys out." - Martin Kasilag "W hen you think Ugg think JUG." - John Pettit
Class of 2019 Future Jesuit
Future President
Future Prep Teacher
Future D e a n o f Students
1. James A nderson 2. John M illar 3. Mason Holland
1. M a tth e w Forget 2. Timothy Georgetti 3. Kyle Hess
Best Musician
Best Hair
1. Robert Scheurer 2. Thaddeus Goratowski 3. Anthony Barrera Best C o m p a n y on a
1. John M illa r 2. Kyle Hess 3. Mason Matos
Life of the Part;
D eserted Island
1. K akuyon M ateah 2. Quinton Conlin 3. Michael Appello
C h ris to p h e r A m a r a l
2. Ian Bradshaw 3. Julian Todd
1. Julian O n g a y 2. Thomas Fitzhenry 3. Ty Pezzolla
Most Athletic
Class Clown
Most Likely to Set a W o rld Record
1. A y ir Asante 2. Kyle Hess 3. Maasai Maynor
1. Julian O n g a y
1. Richard Luzzi-Liggins
2. Roberto Rodas-Herndon
2. Gus Nations IV 3. Justinian Aurora
3.Mason Holland
1. James Cruz 2. Julian Ongay 3. Thomas Kellner
Most Likely to Become Famous
1. Kyle Hess 2. Maasai Maynor 3. Ethan Diaz
Senior Superlatives :uture M a d Scientist
I . Vincent G rim a ld i 2. James Jensen L Thaddeus Goratowski
S am ay Sham dasani
1. James "Smooch" Cruz
2. Owen Kealey 3. Kyle Hess
2. Anthony "Sal" Barrera 3. Damani "Deebo" Falconer
1. Ian Bradshaw 2. Royce Flores 3. M ax Honig
Most Artistic
Most Likely to Be Late to His O w n W edding
Most Changed Since Freshman Y ear
1. M ason H olland 2. Philip DeCresce 3. Justinian Aurora
Social M e d ia Addict
1. Tyler N a ja ra 2. Troy Roberts 3. Richard Luzzi-Liggins
Best Dressed
Future Millionaire
Thaddeus G oratow ski
2. Maxim Geller 3. James Anderson
1. Evan Casas 2. William Ince 3. Michael Appello
M ost Likely to Receive JUG
M ost Unaffected by Senioritis
1. Julian G ibson 2. Marcos Parada 3. Ekow Yankey
1. Thaddeus G oratow ski
2. Jeremy Resurreccion 3. James Anderson
1. S hashw at Punjani 2. Julian Gibson 3. W ade Richardson Most Likely to Take O ve r the W orld
1. James Jensen 2. Vincent Grimaldi 3. Eric Liao
Tie gift o f a Jesuit education is one th at m a y take m a n y y e a rs to come to fruition. The tudents enter as boys an d leave as yo u n g men who are com petent, com passionated , an d o f ound conscience. The growth o f these stu den ts is seen y e a r b y y e a r - fro m learning to be a
tan fo r others to living a life o f selfless service.
Class o f 2020 M iles Adedjoum a Veer Advaney Christopher Anderson Mark Apadeer Pax Ardanz Jam es Ashe
Adam Aziz Jacob Bacha Andrew Bannon Dean Baquiran Bryan Barahona Joseph Basilio
David Benoit Jr. Suvan Bhat Gordon Biebel Adam Botti Nicholas Brady Edmund Broderick
Max Burgess Dylan Burrs M ichael Caceres Thomas Cahill Antonio Callegari Jonathan Camay a
Joseph Canosa Michael Canosa Daniel Cao M atias Carrion Andrew Carter Gabriel Caruso
Noah Casco Christopher Cerbone Julian Chandler Connor Chapman M ichael Charas
Youness Cheboubi Andrew Cherry Justin Chipatecua Luke Chmiel Aidan Christman Thomas Christo
Gabriel Clement Liam Concannon Jam es Conti Patrick Corrao Connor Cortese Matthew Cugliari
M ichael Davis Donald Davis Jr. Marco De Lucia Darren Del Sordo Andrew DeLucia Joseph DeM arco
Jude Demo Arthur des Clers Kevin Diaz Jackson DiLullo Aidan Doherty Luke Donofrio
Joseph Doody Adrian Dookie Owen Dougherty Jonas Eaton Trinity Edwards Jan Egan
Colin Elliott Sean Emmert M ichael Farrell Quamek Fearon T yler Fearon Andrew Fenton
Brendan Finerty George Flanagan Aidan Foca George Garcia Cameron Garlin
Luqman Gbadamassi David Gerges Samuel Gilhawley Joshua Glatman Benjamin Gomez Gabriel Gonzalez
Matthew Gonzalez Alexander Gray Kurt Gray Tyler Greene Javier Grillo Nicolas Gronda
Aidan Guam uccio Alexander Gudaitis Gabriel Guedez Daniel Hagan Cade Harkins Sidharth Hegde
Jam es Henry David Hernandez Eduardo Hernandez Roddy Hernandez Kyle Hoog M iles Hooper
Aidan Hunter Salvatore Im bomone Demetri Ioakimidis Anthony Ionta Mathew Jasinski Stephen Jennings Jr.
W illiam Johnny Ryder Klein Joseph Knox M acie Kowalczyk Tyler Krauth M atthew Lamalfa
Christopher Larkin Charles Lawal Austin Lawson-Hogban Colin Lemke Quentin Lemon
Alejandro Leon Samuel Leonte Lucca L em er Brian Liriano Tyler M acanka Ethan MacMillan
Liam Maguire Brennan M aillet Steven Makino Jelani M ason Joseph M astandrea Owen Matts
Graziano M azzella Jack McGinley Liam M cGovern Liam M cGregor Christian Mejia Hendry Mejia
Daniel Merchel David M ezzina Brian Mikovits Juan Miranda Matthew Moreira Luke Morrison
Lucas M otir Peter M unkittrick Thomas Navitski Brandon Negron Brendan Nestor Benjamin Norris
W illiam Note Alexander Novak M ichael Novicio Jake Nowak Connor Obara Samuel O ’Llanagan
Michael Ohlm uller M ichael O'Neill Daniel Onorato Gabriel Orbe Raym ond Ortiz Jr.
Zack Oswald Nicholas Paolini Tyler Parrado Thomas Pelliccio Mateo Pereira Jeremy Perez
n John Petrosino Jr. Jay Post Alexander Prescott Oleg Prots Deven Quinones Dylan Quintana
Christopher Quintas Liam Regan Sergio Restrepo Jack Riley Andrew Robinson Cooper Rogan
Cody Ross Gabriel Rothkegel Joseph Rubino Salvatore Russo Jam es Ryan M elvin Saldua
Andrew Santana Gabriel Joachim Santiago Andrew Schm utter Alejandro Schnettler M atthew Schreier Aidan Seborowski
Christopher Sheppard Bryson Shipman Byron Shipman Alexey Shulov Benjamin Silver Cody Simon
Zubin Sood Giovanni Sotomayor Pavol Spiska Jelani Sweet Shepard Swift
Jason Tarantino Jonathan Thiele Kevin Tierney Luis Tolentino Joshua Torres Brady Truppner
Tyler Tucker Victor Tyne M ichael Uhler M ichael Uy Nicholas Uy Peter Vazquez
John V elasquez Joseph Vuolo Robert W alker Alexander W asden Desm ond W atkins
Declan W eeda Nicholas W est W illiam White Peter W hitehead
Isaiah W right Glenn W right Jr.
Christian Yanez
Class o f 2021
Aria Acosta Patrick Adams Riley Adams Noah Adedjoum a Calvin Allume Andrew Almeida
John Amato III Michael Ames Sebastian Andrews-Sanchez Aidan Apito Ricardo Arias Eidan Arriaga
Anthony Asante-Danso Robert Auld Julian Ayala Lucas Baccay Jonathon Balboni Dylan Baquiran
Francesco Barone Jake Barrera Kenneth Baumann Serge Beaucejour Vincent Bello Rino Bemabe
Dejohn Berry Ethan Blackwelder Kai Blair Eli Blumenfeld Patrick Boll Tomek Botwicz
Andrew Bowling Terence Boyle Chase Bradshaw Colin Brancatella Joseph Brandon 1
Johnnie Brooker Henry Brown Kenneth Browne Zachary Bucher Tahjam ell Bullock W illiam Byington
Connor Caloni Nathaniel Camiscioli Jordan Campbell Ivathan Campiche Joseph Cangiano Michael Caracappa
Andre Carcamo Da'johnn Carter Christalo Castro Nicholas Centrone Vincent Chirichella Anthony Chrysikos
Anthony Cinquina Dorian Clark M asin Cobb M ason Cohen Sebastian Colie Egan Collier
Finnian Collier Titus Cooke Sam Cooper M atthew Coronel Thomas Da Costa Lobo Donovan Da Silva
Enrique Dager Jack Daly N icholas De Pinto Justin DeJesus Gerald DelaCruz Julian DeLemos
Ryan Della Rocco Ethan Diaz Johannes Dirx A lexander Disla M atthew Dobronsky
Brendan Donnelly Myles Dorante Anthony Doren Gabriel Doria Jonathan Duarte Myles Dubovy
Thomas Dwyer Ethan Eig Nicholas Escobar John Fernandez Shane Flannery Owen Fletcher
Connor Flood Rashaw n Ford, Jr. John Galasso Jam es G allagher Seshan Ganesan Matthew Gasak
Joseph Giattino N icholas Gilberti Thom as Gingerelli Jack Glynn William Gobel Joshua Graves
Christopher Green Ryan Ha Eric Han Felix Heinrich Sean Herold Thomas Hurley
Marcello Hutton Nathaniel Jablonski M itchell Jackson Jesse Janson Lawrence Jenkins Timothy Jim enez
Vikram Kadyan Ryan Karbowniczak Ryan King Danil Kirichenko Edwin Klanke
Joshua Kover Shivansh Kumar Kevin Kwah Jake Landsbergis Joseph Laurenza Aramchan Lee
Ian Lee Andrew Lin Dario Lojo Leo London Henry Longo Reyhan Lopez
Dylan Lord Angelo Loscrudato Benny Love Ian Lozano Richard Lugo X avier Lusky
Max M alanga Lucas Martin Alec M artinez Daniel M artinez Joseph Martins Matthew Maruri
Joaquin Matti Soren M ayendia Lukas M azurczyk Patrick M cCabe Robert M cCafferty Charles McCann
M atthew McDonough Connor McElroy Barker Tyler McGeehan Ryan M ead King Dax Medina Chike M elie HI
Z yeiar M iller Aidan M onteiro Liam M ooney Tristan M oran Joseph M orrone
Teague Mulcahy Callum Murray Nicholas Musico Pius Mw emba Nicholas Nalbandian Kevin Nally
Kevin Nandkum ar Lazaro Negrin James Norris Timothy O'Brien Gavin O'Farrell Patrick O'Shea
Aidan Osterling Kevin Owens Matthew Page Landon Paradine Dean Pelliccio Sebastian Pena
Dylan Perez Gavin Perry Daivik Persaud Michael Pestana Sean Rendeiro Ryan Repka
Ciaran Reynolds Kenneth Reynolds Aaron Rodriguez George Rooks Patrick Rooney Lucas Rosario-Rodriguez
Christopher Rudolph Jack Rudolph M axim illian Rueda Frederic Sagna Eduardo Sanchez Rodolfo Sanchez
Aaron Saunders John Scheurer Michael Scheurer Max Schwede A lexander Sciarra David Scobar
Jordan Scott Evan Scribner Jack Sipperly A ndrew Smith Tyion Smith Tighe Steineke
M atthew Stewart Sebastian Stile Sha'Zir Sullivan Joshua Sumague Rish Sutherland Iker Taboas
Jacob Taubman Justin Thomas John Thorbum John Toolen Christian Torres Dylan Treanor
Casey Truppner G regory Van Sant Jeffrey Van Sant Antonio Villatoro Ryan W allace Tracy Ware, Jr.
Anthony W armuz Colin W illiams Ian W ilson Samuel Yaegashi Alfonso Zamarra Lorenzo Zam arra
Class o f 2022 M ark Abdelmalik Kevin Alcantara Dermot Alvidrez Aarush Amalraj Troy Anderson Don Ang
Andrew Antigua M ark Armstrong Connor Bankuti Julian Barberan Christopher Barila Dane Barnes
A lif Bass Stephen Bassler Christopher Benkovitz M ichael Benkovitz Zachary Bennett Raoul Bernal
M atthew Blomgren Thomas Boccassini Rohan Borges Connor Borrelli Esquire Boyce Luke Bradley
Zachary Brentjens A lexander Brown Shay Buckley Nicolas Buendia M atthew Burgers Jack Burke
Thomas Burton Antonio Calderone Darwin Capani Alex Cascione Agostino Chiaravalloti
Philip Chiaviello Nicholas Chipelo Kacper Chojnowski Peter Cifarelli E lliot Clarke W arren Clarke
Noah Colon Gavin Coq Raul Cortinas Ryan Cotter Dylan Coyle Luke Cruciani
Justin Cu Christopher Cugliari Robert Cunningham M atthew Dagistanli T yler Dairo Salom on Dau
Samuel Dau Joshua David Conor Denio M atthew DeSopo Irenaeus Diakos Roger Diaz
Jason Dibble Charles Dino Josef Dirx Liam Doherty Adam Dom inguez Oliver du Rivage
Christopher Duane Blaise Edwards M arko Eliyashevskiy Logan Elliot M arc Elqumos Dylan Espiritu
Anthony Farinhas Jam es Farkas Andrew Fernandez Aidan Ferreira Raphael Fiel
Enzo Fiore Raymond Fiore John Fischer Prince Fontenette Elvin Fraser John Freeman
Rory Freeman Samuel Galano Daniel Gayed Jack Giattino Aidan Gill Christopher Gliatto
Salvatore Grasso Joseph Grimaldi Patrick Groo Toti Guarquila Filippo Guido Abdulrehm an Haider
Daniel Halligan Joseph Henry O liver Hernandez Simon Hidas Lucas Hjertberg Justin Hong
Russell Hugo Ori Itzhak Lucas Jimenez Nelson Jimenez Tam er Johnson Tyler Kay
Brian Kealey Ethan Kielb Christian K ram er Jakob Ladignon Jacob Landera Ryan Lawler
Andrew Li Gage Lucken Cyril Maliaka! Aidan Mancha Brandon Maniego Lucas M annello
Julian Mariscal Nicholas M arusic Anthony M astandrea Nicholas Matos Thomas Matos Tige M auseth
Konstantinos Mavrikidis Frank McAndrew James McClean M aurice McLaughlin Nickolas Medina W illiam -Paul Medina
Marek M ickiewicz Keith Miles Diogo Montalvo Christian Morrison Anthony Mouridy Dylan M ulholland
Jonathan Muller Matthew M uller John Mwemba Juan Obando Andre' Oben Anthony O'Brien
John O'Donnell Connor O'Flanagan M alcolm Ouattara Alfred Pacicco Gaetan Panepinto Alex Parada
Joseph Parise Daniel Park Joshua Pascale Christopher Pavia Chase Pease
Nicholas Peiticcio ‘ Andres Pena Diego Pena Erik Perez Sephton Person-Perkir.s M atteo Petito
Giuseppe Piede Sebastien Pierre Jerem iah Polanco Christopher Ponczek Jam es Popadick Avery Powell
Marc Pretto Alexander Puhak Devan Quinn Patrick Ragno Shivam Rajwani Jake Rangel
Nicholas Rappa Ellis Reid Cristian Remache Sebastian Remache Jonathan Reverendo William Rial
Lucas Riancho Ethan Richards Jadon Robinson Nikolas Rocks Lucas Rodriguez Nicholas Rodriguez
Bryce Rooks Jason Rowe Benjam in Rubin Zachary Rubin Gabriel Russo Ryan Rzepinski
Jordan-River Samuel Jaylan Sanchez Matthew Scepkowski James Scheurer Brandon Schimmel
Jason Schrt iber Joshua Schulman Matthew Serran,. John Severance Gehrig Shannon Nima Sherpa
Daniel Silva Samuel Slade M arcelino Soliman Alexander Sollecito Myles Sorbino Adriann Sotomayor
Russ StaRosa William Streit Michal Suchcicki Brian Tamopolsky Joshua Tauriello Ashish Tejwani
Ryan Thiele Peter Tolkin Batu Tomruk M arcus Torres Jason Towindo Jacob Tse
Joseph Vazquez Ethan Veloso Antonio Vivero Griffin W agner Reagan W allace Joseph Weiss
Davis Welsh Kevin Whitworth Alfonso W illiams Elijah Wilson Emmett W ilson Nasir Wimberly
Kyle W oltmann Tyler W ong Aidan W right Yariel Zuniga M axim ilian Zwiener
Photographs provided by M r. M ichael Jiran,'03 M r. M ark W yville, '7 6 , P 'l 1 / 1 8
Jeremy Resurrecion Editors and Contributors
James Bristol Jack Dillon Garrett Gualtieri M ax Honig Patrick Keenaghan Roberto Rodas-Herndon Ethan Wang-So Adviser
Mr. Thomas Comey
Jan Butrym was a man who would seek out the happiness in others because it brought him joy to see you smile, to know he helped or to make your day easier by solving one of your problems. Jan was a selfless individual to a fault. He would drop what he was doing to help a fellow Prepster in need no matter what. He had a loving heart and cared for the members of our community deeply. His willingness and sacrifice to help no matter how hard or daunting a task, Jan was always there with a smile and the insight to solve our technology problems. He was a true man for others. I ll miss our talks about "good ole M urphy", his explanations about how "in theory it should work", or the simple responses of "it is what it is" when something was going wrong. Jan put his heart and soul in all he did for Prep, his family and his friends. Jan has left an imprint on Prep that can never be erased. This chapter may have come to a close but his spirit will live on. Erica A b b o n d a n te o n b e h a lf o f frie n d s a n d c o lle a g u e s
Mr. Butrym was possibly one of the most important members of the Prep faculty and staff. Thanks to his help, students had working Chromebooks, functioning WiFi, new tech installed in classrooms, and much more. W e here at the Chrome Depot are grateful to have gotten to know him over these past years working alongside him, and above all have learned what a true Prep man is like. A true Prep man stays after school to help teachers setup their Chromebooks; a true Prep man will stop what he is doing to walk to the other side of the building and help a librarian with the digital catalog; a true Prep man will stay after school to help a student with a broken Chromebook screen. Although the years will wane and his death may fade from memory, we will never forget what type of man he was - a true Prep man. O w e n K e a le y , 19, K a k u y o n M a ta e h , 19, a n d T yle r G r e e n e / 2 0 on b e h a lf o f the C h ro m e D e p o t
In M e m o r y o f M r. Jan B u try m /0 1 Eternal rest g ra n t unto him , O L o r d a n d let p e r p e tu a l light shine upo n him. M a y his soul a n d a ll the souls o f the faithful d e p a r te d [ through the m ercy o f G o d I rest in p e a c e . Amen.