S cLu JT 'PetiKS rA&paJuCtbAAj ScJvO# I 1 4 4 Grand S treet Jersey City, NJ 0 7 3 0 2 (2 0 1 ) 5 4 7 -6 4 0 0 w w w .s p p re p .o rg
Unlocking r t t A jU L H ,
Prep has helped me to unlock and build so m any im p o rta n t m em ories th a t I w ill alwa^ rem em ber in m y heart and tell the stories to those w h o I love the m ost. During m y tirr at short Prep, I have made so m any great new friends th a t I share so m uch in com m o w ith and w ill always be there for me. M ost of m y m em ories com e from soccer, bondii w ith everyone during our pre-season cam p. A fte r m aking so m any great m em ories he at Prep in ju st tw o years, I can't w a it to see w h a t these next tw o years at Prep have w a itin g fo r me. A fte r all, w e are ju st a great big fam ily, and the m em ories th a t w e unlock and build to g e th e r w ill never be forg otten. - - Adam Dom inguez, '2 2
This 2020 yearbook is all about building memories, and my choice to go to Prep has been ke to unlocking these memories. I chose to go to high school here because I saw an ideal balan between academics, athletics, and life. In the classroom teachers and classmates have open new doors of learning and ways to view the world. On the court, I have connected with my brothers and learned what it takes to build a team. And finally, I have tried all sorts of new experiences through clubs and service, which I truly value and hold close to my heart. When think of what I value most about high school, it is certainly the power of these experiences an my gratitude to everyone at Grand & Warren that has helped unlock these memories on the way. -- Nicholas Marusic, '22
Saint Peter's Prep has done so m any things like giving me new opportunities, but also m ore im p o rta n tly building new m em ories th a t I w ill always rem em ber. Saint Peter's Prep has opened me up to new experiences th a t I w o u ld n 't have im agined at any othe school. Like playing volleyball here, one o f the best experiences I've had w ith sports. Prep has also allow ed me to build relationships w ith so m any students, team m ates, coaches and teachers. Those relationships w ill be one of the m ost im p o rta n t m emorie th a t I w ill cherish looking back on m y tim e here. - - Joseph Parise, '2 2
fter the Mass for All Saints Day, Dr. Gomez talked about his early days as esident as being "a tapestry of experiences and memories." This phrase sonated with me and drew me closer to the idea of "unlocking the emories", our yearbook theme this year. How can I put to paper the emories and experiences I've had at Prep? As a proud daughter-in-law Joseph Fitzpatrick, '38, Mom of Tom, '07 and Billy, '16, a graduate of a lirfield University myself...there are so many ties to Prep and to the isuit world. When I've told my life story on many Kairos retreats. I've id: "I met the Jesuits early, at birth" (born in Georgetown Hospital, iptized at Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown). I also say: "the Jesuits ved me." Giving me substantial scholarship and work-study help isured that I could receive a Jesuit education that, at the time, was syond the means of my family. Coming to Prep in the fall of 2009, I felt at this was my chance to give back to the Jesuits who had done so uch for me. Little did I know then, I would receive gifts and graces and /e and friendship a thousandfold at Prep. / job in Admissions (best team at Prep!) allows me the time and space convey the goodness of Saint Peter's to countless young men and their nilies. Meeting some of you as early as your sixth grade year and then atching you progress through Prep, literally "boys to men", is the most tisfying aspect of my work. Getting to know your families and seeing air joy at events like Kairos homecomings, sporting events, plays, and ncerts binds my heart to theirs. As the mom of four children, I know w much they love you and want the very best for you. >u and I can both make the statement: "I made my best friends here at ap." I too experience that with the most wonderful colleagues around, ire at Prep, the mission and ethos is commitment, connection and armories. Today's world can sometimes lead us to isolation, but please member that your family is here at 144 Grand. I hope you know that riding God in all things" is real and that you are living proof of that for a. As you become alumni, you belong to a larger family than 2020; u're part of a tradition of Jesuit education that goes back to 1 534, and ' our little corner of the Jesuit world, to 1872. Please remember, you're always a Prep man and we are always here r you. Thank you for all you have done for me and for Prep over the years. God bless you!
M rs . T ris h F itz p a tric k D irector o f M arketing and Public Relations
Most Intelligent
Best V\ rite r
M ike Jiran Kapil Vemia Benjamin Reed
A lex Rivero
Kapil Yerma M ike J Iran
This issue of the Petrean is dedicated to
H o w do w e experience m em ory? In our though ts, conversations, laughter, tears, and relationships, to be sure. But in the m ost granular w ay, w e often experience m em o ry th ro u g h th a t perfect photograph, a great video, clever tw e e t or a rtfu lly com posed Instagram photo. The person at Prep w h ose life w o rk consists o f both unlocking and docu m e n tin g our m em ories is M r. M ichael Jiran, '0 3 , D irector of C om m unications. Mr. Jiran w as a pioneer as a student at Prep, com ing as he did fro m N orth Plainfield, w h ich w as not a to w n from w h ich w e d re w students at th a t tim e. W h ile a student, he w as a w rite r for Paper and Pen, Prep's literary m agazine, and a four-year m em ber o f Petroc, and of the TV studio, w h e re his m oderator w as none other than Mr. Jim D eAngelo, '8 5 .
Michael J. Jiran 1J 4.
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Voted "M o st Inte lligen t" and "Best W rite r" in his yearbook, Mr. Jiran was an excellent student, earning a regular spot on the H onor Roll and being recognized both as a sem ifina list in the N ational M e rit Scholarship Program and by the M cN ally-S innott N ational H onor Society. A fte r graduating fro m N ew York U niversity, he returned to Grand and W arren fo r a stin t w o rkin g in the Prep library. F ollow ing that, he joined the A d va n ce m e n t group, lending his expertise and creativity to Prep's m any special events and taking the helm of Prep M agazine. In recent years, as D irector o f C om m unications, he brings careful stew ardship of our brand, innovation in our m any social m edia channels and p rin t pieces, and d ilig e n t a tte n tio n to spreading the story of Saint Peter's Prep, w h ich has not gone unnoticed here and in the w id e r com m u nity.
■le possessor of an encyclopedic m em ory o f all th in g s Prep, Mr. Jiran can alw ays sum m on a story about ep's history, cast of characters, and deve lop m en t of the cam pus and neighborhood. These stories are slivered w ith his characteristic dry w it and boom ing laugh. A rcane know le dge and Prep trivia are sport to m, and there are fe w on cam pus n o w w h o can m atch his com m a nd of Prep lore. ie job of C om m unications D irector puts Mr. Jiran in co n ta ct w ith virtu a lly everyone on cam pus, and you'd s hard pressed to find a person w h o is m ore helpful, kind, and respected. A colleague said: "He makes /erything better" w ith his good taste and a b ility to fram e our m essage in the m ost im pactful way. John yine, '8 3 , P '1 1 says: "The them e of M ike's senior yearbook w as Pride & Glory. It is fittin g that, fo r so m any jars, his pride has been chronicling the Prep's glory." For all he has done fo r Prep and m eant to Prep, it's ily fittin g th a t w e proudly dedicate the 2 0 2 0 yearbook to Mr. M ichael Jiran, '0 3 , a person w h o has been eating, docum enting, and unlocking Prep m em ories since 1 9 9 9 . - Mrs. Trish Fitzpatrick
“Over the years we've described our m o st passionate and involved m em bers o f the Prep im ily as "bleeding m aroon an d w hite . " W ithout a d o u b t M ike is a p ro u d and m o st deserving m em ber o f tha t pantheon...and we are a ll the b e tte r fo r it . " -Mr. Jim H oran,'7 0 OPENING
h h h h h i
Dr. Michael Gomez, '91 returns to Grand and Warren to serve as Prep's 28th and first lay president. After graduating from Prep, Dr. Gomez had many roles at Prep: a member of the English department, baseball coach, and a member of our Board of Trustees. Dr. Gomez has brought a new set of keys to the halls of Prep to help students and adults unlock the memories they hold.
C o-curriculars give stud en ts the o u tle t th e y need in m any w ays to in te ra ct w ith each o th e r outside of the classroom . N ew frie nd ship s are fo rm e d ; ne w interests are explored; and new ta le n ts are discovered. A ctivitie s outside of the classroom offer students innum erable experiences th a t help shape th e m as Prep m en and men of God.
Back Row: D erm ot Alvidrez, Ellis Reid, Jam es Conti, Charlie Dino, A n d re w Sm ith, Luke M orrison (Vice-President) M iddle Row: Johnnie Brooker, O wen Fletcher, A idan G uarnuccio, Joaquin M atti, V icto r Tyne, M a tt M oreira (Senior Representative), Rishi Bhandari Front Row: Ms. C atherine Eppler (Advisor), Etienne Servaes, Ian Lee, M ichael Lem anowicz, Suvan Bhat (President), A rjun Dhawan
Vox is not only the voice of Prep, but a brotherhood in its own. We have had a very eventful year. Starting in September w ith the Mass of the Holy Spirit we established a great vocal season for all at Prep. Our first big concert took place as we gathered in song to commemorate 9-11 w ith the Choral Festival of Peace at St. Paul's in Jersey City. Next month started off w ith a select group of Vox members traveling to Penn State to perform among the Penn State Glee Club as well as over 200 hundred other male vocalists in Pennsylvania. In November, one of our very own, Maximillian Rueda, performed in the NJAJE All-State Honors Jazz Choir! "I was astounded at the caliber of talent held by each student there and their passion for music; there is nothing like singing some amazing jazz music to your heart's content w ith the best singers in the state!". We ended the decade in December w ith many holiday performances, even a combined concert w ith Saint Peter's University's prestigious choir Scholac. W hat a great experience for all involved! In the second half of the school year Vox had the opportunity to participate in the AllMale Choral Festival at the beginning of February. A t this performance, Vox along w ith Rutgers University's Glee Club, Delbarton, Seton Hall, and Bergen Catholic sang wonderfully separately and together. Lastly Vox w ill get to represent St. Peter's Prep at W alt Disney World in June participating in their vocal workshops and a performance to end the school year. This year has given us many opportunities that we thought we would never have. The seniors will miss the family they have created in Vox.
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Spring Musical
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Students trying French delicacies during Carnival of Cultures.
The Spanish Club at the club fair
Spanish students engaging in the Carnival of Cultures.
The Student Diversity Board.
Students and their chaperons during the Peruvian exchange.
German Exchange students w ith th e ir host.
The Italian Exchange com es to a close. i
Prep students in Berlin.
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French exchange students take a group photo w ith th e ir host.
The Spanish exchange students arrive,
DISTANCING? THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL asked everyone to take intentional actions to avoid passing the coronavirus from person to person. Anyone who didn’t feel well was asked to stay home. In day-to-day life, social distancing meant staying away from places people gather and staying at least six feet from other people. That meant no eating in restaurants, no movies or plays and no attending sports events. For younger kids, it m eant no playgrounds, playdates or sleepovers. For adults, it meant no trips to the gym, salons or restaurants. The CDC also advised that people cancel all non-essential appointm ents, including surgeries or medical procedures that w eren't critical.
First steps • Limited travel out of the country was a firs t step. • Experts suggested selfquarantining for those who had recently traveled or were feeling sick. • New cruise travel was canceled and passengers returning from foreign cruises were quarantined.
■Many companies that offer online learning resources and services, started allowing teachers to use their resources at no charge.
SEVERE MEASURES STATES W ITH HIGH LEVELS of positive COVID-19 tests began issuing shelter-inplace orders. Residents were only allowed to leave their homes for essential tasks such as getting food or seeking m edical help.
• Adobe began making its Creative Cloud software available for students to use at no charge. * Burger King started giving away free kids meals to help make up for children who are not being fed because they are not in school.
■U-Haul offered 30 days of free storage for college students who had to move out of their dorms with little notice. • Many grocery stores began providing senioronly shopping hours so that older citizens could shop with less chance of being exposed to the virus. ■Big box stores, such as Walmart, adjusted store hours so employees could properly clean and sanitize the store and restock the shelves.
■Cosmetics and liquor companies both have alcohol on hand, and some opted to make hand sanitizer at their facilities. • Companies, such as Apple and Facebook, that had extra masks le over from the California wildfires donated them to hospitals.
-Most memorable closure and date
One thing you did at home
Best movie you watched
Most fun you had
Next steps • Schools closed with varying reports of trying to resume later in the spring. Students began online learning. • People who could began working from home and managing their homebound students. • All sports — from Little League to professional — and entertainm ent including Broadway and television shows with a live audience, suspended operation. • States lim ited gatherings — firs t large gatherings, such as conferences, and then even small gatherings of 10 or more people. This effectively closed restaurants causing many to convert to take-out only.
Public figures: • Prince Charles, heir to the British throne • Rand Paul, U.S. senator from Kentucky • Sophie Trudeau, wife of Canadian Prime Minister • Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, actors • Idris Elba, actor • Kristofer Hivju, actor • Daniel Dae Kim, actor • Andy Cohen, actor/host NBA players: • Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell, Utah Jazz • Kevin Durant, Brooklyn Nets • Christian Wood, Detroit Pistons • Marcus Smart, Boston Celtics • Numerous players and staffers from the Brooklyn Nets. Denver Nuggets, Philadelphia 76ers and Los Angeles Lakers organizations AS OF M ARCH 27, 2 0 2 0
Tom Hanks
Sophie Trudeau
Kevin Durant
AS FEARS ROSE over the idea of shelter-in-place orders and quarantine, toilet paper became scarce as consum ers decided to clear shelves of TP, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies. Retailers resorted to lim iting the num ber of packs that could be purchased at one time. We weren’t alone, according to CNN. stores in Australia hired security guards to keep the peace in the TP aisles. TP by the numbers: • About 90 percent of the TP sold in the U.S. is also made in the U.S. • The average person uses about 100 rolls each year. • Approximately 75 percent of the world's population doesn’t use TP. • They do use TP on the International Space Station. • Normal daily production is more than 83 million rolls per day. • In the U.S., packaged TP first became available in 1957. • One company advertised splinterfree TP in 1935.
) D N F S.
JAN. 11-23 • Jan. 11: China confirm s firs t death from coronavirus. • Jan. 13: Thailand reports first confirmed case of virus. • Jan. 15: Japan reports first confirmed case. » F I R S T U .S . C A S E
• Jan. 21: Washington state announces firs t confirmed case in the United States. • Jan. 23: Chinese officials close off Wuhan, China (population of more than 11 million).
FEB. 5 ■More than 3,600 passengers are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, after numerous passengers test positive for the virus. The number of people who tested positive onboard was the largest number of coronavirus cases outside of China to date.
The family of viruses known as the coronaviruses caused sicknesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) and COVID-19, which was firs t identified in Wuhan, China. Symptoms included fever, cough and trouble breathing. Most developed only mild symptoms, but some people, usually those with other medical conditions, developed more severe symptoms, which were sometimes fatal.
' ' ’>1.
DEC. 31-JAN. 7 • Dec. 31: China reports a cluster of pneumonia cases associated with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China. By Jan. 3, the case numbers grow to 44 with 11 severely ill. • Jan. 7: World Health Organization (WHO) officials confirm illness is a new form of coronavirus. Incident Management System is established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
JAN. 30-FEB. 2 • Jan. 30: WHO declares a “ public health emergency of international concern." • Jan. 31: The U.S. declares a public health emergency and establishes restrictive mandatory quarantine guidelines for travelers arriving at major airports. Trump administration suspends entry into the United States by any foreign nationals who had traveled to China in the last 14 days. • Feb. 2: First death outside of China due to the virus is reported in Philippines.
Chinese ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, who worked treating coronavirus victims, dies after contracting the virus. Dr. Li first warned that the cluster of infections could spin out of control, but was forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning. Many hailed him as a hero for ringing early alarms about the virus.
MARCH 6 -8
FEB. 10-14
• Feb. 10: Death toll of 908 in China surpasses the number of individuals killed by a SARS epidemic in 2002-2003. • Feb. 11: WHO names new coronavirus COVID-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019. • Feb. 14: First death in Europe reported in Paris. France. Individual was an 80-year-old Chinese tourist.
FEB. 27 • NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500 Index, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average post their sharpest falls since 2008.
FEB. 2 3 - 2 6 • Feb. 23: A surge of cases reported in Northern Italy leads the Italian government to begin quarantining entire cities. • Feb. 24: Trump administration asks Congress for $1.25 billion for coronavirus response. • Feb. 25: The CDC says that it's inevitable the disease will spread to the U.S and residents should prepare for "severe disruptions." • Feb. 26: Brazilian officials announce firs t Latin America case of COVID-19.
• March 6: South by Southwest, a music, film and interactive media festival planned for March 13-22 in Austin, Texas is canceled to prevent coronavirus spread. The festival, in its 34th year, typically drew a half million people to the city. • March 8: CDC recommends avoiding cruise travel and for older passengers to avoid large gatherings and long plane rides.
FEB. 2 8 - 2 9
• Feb. 28: First case of American coronavirus com m unity spread is found in California. Number of infections in Europe spike. SubSaharan Africa announces its first. • Feb. 29: Governor of the state of Washington declares state of emergency. Travel is banned to specific areas of Italy and South Korea, and all of Iran. First U.S. death is reported in Washington.
• World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic. • In a national televised address, President Donald Trump announces a tem porary ban on travel from Europe. • After being diverted on March 4 from Mexico, the Grand Princess Cruise ship is finally allowed to dock in Oakland, California. Initially 19 crew members had tested positive fo r the virus. All passengers on board are quarantined for at least 14 days.
• NBA suspends season after Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert tests positive for the virus. Additional NBA players test positive in the following days and weeks. » C O L L E G E S S T A R T G O IN G O N L IN E
• Multiple universities across the U.S. announce that they are moving to online teaching.
MARCH 12 • NHL and MLS suspend season. • NCAA cancels all spring and winter sport championships, including the popular “ March Madness” basketball tournament. • MLB cancels spring training and pushes back opening day. • Stock markets suffer the greatest single-day fall since the 1987 stock market crash.
MARCH 16-18
• Numerous other sporting events, including several NASCAR races, the Boston Marathon, the Masters Golf Tournament and several Formula 1 races are postponed or cancelled. • Disneyland and Disney World close. • Delta Airlines announces a 40 percent cut in capacity — the greatest decrease in its history. Poland, Denmark, Slovakia and the Czech Republic close their borders. Ukraine announces it will do the same later. President Trump declares national emergency freeing up $50 billion for emergency relief efforts.
• March 16: McDonalds announces it will be closing all of its in-store operations. Nordstrom announces it will be closing its stores for at least two weeks. • March 17: President Trump invokes the 1950 Defense Production Act to help make up for potential medical supply shortages and deploy two hospital ships as the U.S. battles the coronavirus pandemic. • March 18: Congress passes its second COVID-19 response measure including sick leave provisions and making testing for the virus free.
MARCH 15 • The CDC advises no gathering of 50 or more people, causing many businesses including restaurants to change how they operate. Many restaurants convert to take-out and drive-thru only. » M A L L S C L O S E TO L IM IT C R O W D S
• In many states, bars are ordered to close indefinitely ahead of the St. Patrick’s Day holiday. Nike, Apple, Microsoft and other retail mallbased stores close. • As reported cases in the U.S. passed 4,200, the stock market falls 2,977 points, logging the worst one-day drop in history.
MARCH 19-24 » S H E L T E R - IN - P L A C E O R D E R S 8 E G IN
• March 19: California is first to announce state-wide shelter-inplace mandate. • New York state and Connecticut announce statewide sequesters. Illinois announces shelter in place commencing March 21. • March 24: Stay-at-home orders are mandated in 17 states and in specific areas of 10 additional states by March 24, with more than 167 million people affected.
MARCH 29-31
MARCH 2 6 -2 7
) U .S . S U R P A S S E S C H IN A A N D IT A L Y
■March 26: The total number of worldwide cases passes 500,000. ’ United States becomes the country with the most cases, surpassing China and Italy. ■March 27: U.S. House of Representatives approves $2.2 trillion stimulus package and President Trump signs it into law.
■The International Olympic Committee postpones the 2020 summer games in Tokyo to 2021. • Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Great Smoky Mountain national parks close joining the Statue of Liberty, Yosemite, Rocky Mountains and Alcatraz national parks.
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• March 29: Deaths from the virus in New York State pass 1,200 and a portion of Central Park is turned into a field hospital, as space in regular hospitals runs out. Hospital ship USNS Com fort arrives at Pier 90 in New York Harbor. • March 31: U.S. cases pass 165,000. Deaths worldwide pass 38,000. - Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United State’s leading expert on infectious diseases and member of the White House's coronavirus task force, predicts U.S. deaths at 100,000 to 200,000.
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• U.S. Congress reaches agreement on a historic $2 trillion stimulus package to help jo lt the economy in hopes of keeping it from falling into a recession or depression. Under the plan, individuals who earn $75,000 in adjusted gross income or less would get direct payments of $1,200 each, with married couples earning up to $150,000 receiving $2,400 — and an additional $500 per each child.
MARCH 29 ■U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson releases a report based on communication from unnamed scientists suggesting that China could be under-reporting the number of coronavirus cases "by a factor of 15 to 40 tim es.” • President Trump extends social distancing guidelines through the end of April.
• With more than 55 million U.$. children out of school and the m ajority of schools attem pting to offer education online, massive problem-solving is underway to try to keep the nation's education system running. Beyond the stress on families, the new reality of education has led districts to examine access to internet, equity among students and even privacy issues.
CCMD-19 s I^axt-Otv LA atVh&f* On March 13th, a day that was originally slated for the annual Faculty & Staff Retreat, Dr. Michael Gomez,'91 and Mr. Jim D eA ngelo/85 announced that classes would transition to Distance Learning w ith classes meeting virtuall' starting March 17th. Teachers and staff members spent the day w orking in teams to plan ways to keep students learning during these unprecedented times. The message from that ay was clear: stay connected and bring the Prep Magic w it us w hile we were apart. In m om ents like these, the Peter's team at Prep shines brightly. This page and other pages through out the book are dedicated to the efforts of Distance Learning days.
Ella Clazer *
m ichaelgomez i
Michael Jiran
Sky Friedlan der
Aymee Torres
dalm asan ta na
A lice McNally
Jessica Nordstrom
% Caroline Williams
G erald Cam p bell
Prep's faculty and staff convened for weekly virtual staff meetings.
Classes transitioned to distance learning.
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"And th ro u g h our years w e w ill treasure w ith a jo y beyond m easure the g ifts you have given." The experiences of a thle tics and being part of a Saint Peter's Prep team has b ro u g h t m any joys beyond measure. Sports has alw ays been a part of the cultu re at Prep, and all of the hard w ork, d edication, practices, and gam es or races have allow ed Prep athletes of the past and present to look back fo n d ly at th e ir tim e co m pe tin g under Prep's banner.
/. The teamgets ready for a game. 2. Andy Fenton, 20 stands in tribute. 3. PaulLefkowitz, 22 runs the ball. 4. Zyeiar Miller, 21 with a catch. 5. George Rooks, 21 celebrates on the field. 6. Cody Simon, 20 is congratulatedby his teammates. 7. Colin Elliott, 20 in action. 8. The team celebrates the State Championship at MetLife Stadium. 9. Benjamin Silver, 20 punts. 10. TahjBullock, 2 ! readies apass. / /. Jelani Mason, 20 pushing up the field.
/ one of theirmost dominantseasons ever, Prep Footballfinished 10-1 and -1in the state, and top 25 in the country. The team was led by Division 1 dent, but has a lot ofexciting up-and-comingplayers, too. Pegu/ar season ighhghts includedan away win over rival Bergen Catholic, as well as a hutout versus number 1team in New York at the time Erasmus Hall. In the ost season, the Marauders won the Non-Public Group 4 title -the most restigious in NJ -with a memorable fourth quarter comeback. Withjust two linutes left, a fieldgoal attempt was blocked andPrep scored a touchdown q secure the game, 21-14, energizing the crowds ofMetLife Stadium and utting Prep in the history books.
UN LOCKING THE ^ O U x Jy jo L o t^ JI^ S
/. Johannes Dirx, '2/ checks in with a referee. 2. Justin Chipatecua, 20 rus up the field. 3. GiovanniSotomayor, 20 hustles for aplay. 4. The teamposes before a gam 5. Peter Munkittrick, 20 controls the ball. 6. Alex Novak, 20 prepares a kick. 7. The team celebreates. 8. Anthory Warmuz, 21 controls theplay. 9. Soren Mayendia, 7 leaps over an opponent. 10. The team lines up ready for a match.
"T m F K T rr^
ofeating rivals Kearny in an intense match that won the Hudson County iampionship, Prep soccer hadquite the season this year - including a greatgame at edBullArena. Despite injuries to severalkeyplayers, Prep's soccer squad was able 1step up and win when needed, carving out one ofthe most successfulseasons in 'cent history. LedbyAntonio Callegari with a 26 goalseason, Prep's team was able i rally behind their captain. GoalieAndrew Cherrysays "Prep soccer has createdlife \ngfriendships andhas taught all ofus how to step up for others. "AHoftheplayers in agreeplaying for Prep soccer willbe a time they remember.
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/. The team readies for apractice run. 2. The team works to sync up their timing. 3. An early morningpractice caught at the right time. 4. Coaches look on as the tear, picks up thepace. 5. A four man team races up the river. 6. The boat quickens it pace with no competition in sight. 7. An oar rests in the water ready to race. 8. A gro, readies its position.
'ithout a permanent coach, the odds were against Prep crew going into the II season. The VI (varsity) team still competed in 4 regattas, placing 2nd in e Lynohurst competition. Now, the team looks to build using their new wing facility in the basement of the science building, which is complete with dozen rowing machines and weights. On top of that, Prep rowing now has a manent coach, new boats, and equipment that w illmake for and exciting iring season.
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1. The teemcomes outin an earlylead. 2. Josh Pascale, 22 sets thepace. 3. BrandonSchimmel, 22 runs with ease. 4. Jack Morrison, 22 after arace. 5. Alex Gudaitis finishes strong. 6. PatrickMcCabe, 21 makes alastminutepush. 7. AlexPuhak, 22presses on. 8. Sebastian Pena, 21, Joaquin Matti, 21. Sebastian Colie, 21, andKevin Nally, 21 gathe before arace. 9. Teammembersgettingsome tips from the coach. 10. Coaches discuss the race. 11. Alex Gudaitis, 20 andPatrickMcCabe, 21pose aftera race.
?spite a few injuries at the beginning of the season, Prep cross country has ught back hard to easily win the Jersey City and Hudson County lampionships. Junior Edwin Klanke, 21, has led the way, breaking the bool and county record with a time of 15:19.9. Sophomore Luke Bradley has epped up in a big way this season as an underclassmen. Seniors Tyler srrado (C) and Liam Concancon and Junior BodoLfo Sanchez have helped to it this team in the bestposition yet to win the state title for the first time.
/. TimJimenezlooks to score a Maraudergoal2. PaxArdanzpasses through the defense 3. Brian Mikovitzlines up ashot 4. TeamHuddles Up5. ChristopherMejia returns the ba back tohis team6. CoachMcCoygives Prep WaterPolo apep talk 7. Evan Briggspasses through the defense 8. DaniiKirichenkogoes for a Maraudergoal. 9. Jonathan Duartean Griffin Wagnersave agoal 10. Colin Brancatella shoots on a break-away / /. TeamWarm-Ups
fter back to back winning seasons for the first time in schoolhistory, larauder waterpolo looked stronger than ever. The team was led by a group fexperienced seniors and had many strong underclassmen on defense. They nished the season with a three game win streak including victories over St. enedict's and Pingry. Despite finishing 4th in the Garden State Cup, Prep 'aterpolo had an outstanding year and is already focused on next season.
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focuses onhis free throw. 6. MorkArmstrong, 22 soars over the opponent 7. Will White, 20 drivespast the defense 8. The teamconcentrates on the coachesgameplan. 9. Aiif Bass, 22 dribblespast the opposition 10. Bay Ford, 21 finessespast two competitors 11. MarkArmstrong, 22 floats upfor a bucket
rep basketballfinished this season with one of the strongestperformances in the :ate thanks to their strong seniorleaders as well as emerging younger talent. Ithough the team began unranked, they climbed to # 12 in NJ. They won the ingle BellsJubilee tournament over Christmas break, and continuedfrom there to 'in the HCIAL regularseason with a 13-1 division finish. This led them to the m ty playoffs, where they beat Marist in the final to win the first Hudson County 'hampionship since 2001. AHofthe hard work in the regular season gave the lam a byeplus 2 home state playoffgames. In these sold-outgames, they shut own rivalSeton Hall Prep and then St. Joseph s Regional. Despite falling short in bub/e overtime at the sectionalfinal, Prep basketball's 254 season was both xcidng and well-earned.
/. The team at Li/ov Fencing Academy with Head Coach Abdoulaye Thiam2. Saber Fencer Nick Skabich, '233. Epee Fencers Pius Mwemba, 21 andJason Rowe. 224. Epee FencerJason Rowe, 2 (Top left to bottom right) Saber Fencer Mason Woodard, 20, Epee FencerJon Camaya, 20, Saber Fencer Nick Skabich, 23, Foil FencerAlex Wasden, 20, and Saber FencerAlfred Pacicco, 226. Sa, Fencer Tamer Johnson, 22 7. Foil Fencer Ethan Eig, 218. Saber Fencer Tamer Johnson, 22 (right) fencing an opponent from MKA 9. Jon Camaya, 22 scoring ajump flick on his opponent 10. Foil Fencers Batu Tomruk. 22 andAlex Wasden, 2011. Saber Fencer Nick Skabich, 23
be boy's season ended with the team placing 16th, losing ie round of 16 to the first seed, Ridge. Although it was nfortunate, it was one ofonly three loses that the team xperienced all season. In the State Squad event, Prep's see squadplaced !2th and Prep's saber squadplaced 7th. lontdair High held a freshman/sophomore tournament, Khere Prep took home 5 medals, consisting of2 bronze, 'silver, and a gold.
1. The team poses with their coaches. 2. Cameron Gariin 20 sets up for a strike 3. Dan Silva 22 walks back to pump up his teammates 4. Haul Cortinas 22 showcases his form 5. Matt Cug/iari 21 winding up 6. Jeremy Perez 20 concentrating to his approach 7. Captain Jack Rudolph 21 anchoring his team 8. Coach Sch/itzergiving a pre-match speech to the team 9. Cameron Gariin 20 and Thomas Gingerelli 2 1 watching intently 10. Captain Jack Rudolph 21 getting ready to destroy the pins 11. Hudson County Champion, Blaise Edwards 22 shows us how it's done
lad Coach Carmela Schlltzer led both her Varsity andJ7 teams with winning cords this past season. The Saint Peter's Prep's Varsitybowling team hada wing recordofeight wins andfive loses, andSaint Peter's Prep's JV bowling amhadan undefeatedrecord. Varsity captain Jack Rudolph 21 was the third seedbowler overallandhad the fourth highestgame, score, andaverage of the idson CountySouth Boys Varsity bowlers this season with: 267, 699, and202.8, spectively. At the New YearIndividual Tournament thispast December, both Blaise 1wards 22 andJack Rudolph 2 ! placedin the top sixteen boys bowlers. The \rsity teamplacedsecondIn the Hudson County Championship. The season rappedup with Blaise Edwards 22 taking the title ofKing in the HC/AL King and ueen Tournament in February.
jr wrestlingprogram underwent a lot ofchanges this year. With Mr. Verdireturning >headcoach anda majority ofourstarting lineup graduated, the wrestlers were vsure ofwhat to expect. But due to the excellent leadership ofCoach Verdiand the st of the coaching staff, and the discipline andhard work ofour talented wrestlers, •efought hard. The season definitely hadsome ups anddowns with some upset 'ammatches andinjuries affecting aportion of the starting lineup, but we continued i push and work through it. The team is ready to get back to work andachieve even we next year. A couple of the youngerguys are ready to step up andact as leaders 7 the team, and/ believe next year Prep wrestling is going to continue to rebuild and love in the upwards direction.
1. Prep swimming's 200Medley Relay against PCTi 2. Evan Briggs,23 swimming the 100 butterfly. 3. Coach Imus lays out a strategy for B-lane 400Free Relay. 4. The start of a winning race! 5. C, Sparkgives guidance to Ben Gomez,20 after a race. 6. Captain Gabe 0rbe,20 demolishing the competition! 7. Timothy Jimenez.21 prepares for his 50 free-style. 8. TimothyJimenez, 2 ! is off! 9. M Meet warm-up. 10. Henry Brown,21 during his 50 freestyle. 11. The team comes together led by Coaches Imus, Spark, and Mccoy and senior captains Gabe Orbe, Ben Norris and David Gerges.
ep s swim team finished offan impressive season with a Hudson County \ampionship; a 54 overallrecord andfour swimmers who qualified for the NJSiAA eet ofChampions. Theyentered the season hungry for more and were fueledby a mg core ofreturning swimmers, including Olympic trials qualifier Gabe Orbe. He t the countyrecordin both the 100m and500m freestyle that helped win them the unty championship. Regularseason highlights includedbig wins against Don isco, Delbarton, andPassaic Tech. The group waspoised for a deep run in the stes, but fell short in the quarterfinals in a tiebreaker, placing them at a N J# 13 nking at the end of the season. Nevertheless, they have apromising future filled ith young stars who fought in every meet anda strong sense ofbrotherhood.
/. The Ice Hockey teem celebrates a victory of the season. 2. Senior forwardJames Ryan fires a slap. 3. Senior forward James Ryan handles the. 4. Senior forward Maciej Kowalczykprepares to w the faceoff. 5. Senior forward Mike Canosa is handling the puck. 6. Freshman forward Cory Robinson handles the puck. 7. Senior forwardJames Ryan moves the puck up the ice. 8. The Ice Hockey team looks on. 9. Junior Goalie Aaron Rodriguezprepares for battle. JO. Senior defensive captain James Ashe carries the puck up the ice. f i. Senior forwardJames Ryan celebrates with his teammates.
?Hockey team entered this season with manynew faces. Senior Captains James Ashe iAidan Seborowskisteppedinto the forefront as new leaders. After a tough start, the m reboundedquickly. The Gordon Conference schedulepacked apunch for the young irauders team but they were resilient in their efforts allseason long, as they secured ' victories over Bishop Eustace, andagainst Ocean Township at the Prudential Center. ?Marauders reached the NJSIAA Non-Public Playoffs, where they defeatedPaul Vin ' preliminary roundbefore their season ended with a first-roundloss against Christian ithers Academy They ended the season with a 4-15-3 record, but theprogram is ifident moving forward with the team consistently improving as theyprogressed ough the season.
/. JoeyMorrone, '21 gets the hand off from Samuel Slade, 22.2. JackSipperly 2 ! pushes forward. 3. Chris Anderson, 20 winds up for a throw. 4. Miles Hooper, 20 and Rodolfo Sanchez, 21 in a relay. 5. Edwin Klanke'21 enjoys time between races. 6. Antoine Hurtardo-Barzac, '23 in a relay. 7. JoeyMorrone, 2 ! makes some strides. 8. Alex Schimmel, '23 midstride. 9. Johnnie Brooker, 21, MitchellJackson, 21. and David Mezzina, '20 compete. 10. Miles Hooper, '20, JackSipperly, 21. Rodolfo Sanchez 21. and Tyler Parrado, '20 pose after a race. II. Luqman Gbadamassi, 20 conqul a hurdle.
irauder track andfield finished offanother dominating season with their ninth eightJersey City title as well as their fourth consecutive Hudson County impionship. From the beginning of the season, the squad waspoised to reach their sis and their regular season performance showsjust that. They dominatedin both g distance events like the 3200m as wellas sprint distances like the 400m. On top this, the team excelledin the shuttle hurdle, in which they set a schoolrecord and ays, too. There were some injuries towards the endbut this didn't stop the team mhaving apowerfulpostseason in both groups and the meet ofchampions, dough nationals were canceiedand the outdoor season has been put injeopardy, ire is no doubt that Prep track andfield has what it takes to compete at an elite level.
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The spring sports season was canceled due to the the COVID-l9 pandemic. in an effort to memorialize our returning athletes, allpictures are from the previous schoolyear. Go Prep!
The spring sports season was canceled due to the the COVID-19pandemic. In an effort to memorialize our returning athletes, allpictures are from the previous schoolyear. Go Prep!
The spring sports season was canceled due to the the COW-19 pandemic. In an effort to memorialize our returning athletes, allpictures are from the previous schoolyear. Go Prep!
The spring sports season was canceled due to the the COW-19pandemic. in an effort to memorialize our returning athletes, allpictures are from the previous schoolyear. Go Prep!
The spring sports season was canceled due to the the COVID-l'9 pandemic. In an effort to memorialize our returning athletes, allpictures are from the previous schoolyear. Go Prep!
As N ew Jersey's only Jesuit high school, sp iritu a lity and service are at the core of our m ission. Campus M in is try provides m eaningful retreat and service o p p o rtu n itie s th a t create long-lasting im pact. This, com bined w ith mass and program s like A rrupe W eek, give students the o p p o rtu n ity to re flect and becom e m en fo r others.
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Prep's staff and fa c u lty com e from all w alks of life to form young Prep men. A lth o u g h tim e w ill blur th e lessons ta u g h t in the classroom s, Prep m en w ill look back and rem em ber clearly the m em ories of these m en and w o m e n th a t served Grand and W arren. Through th e ir passion and de dication, the w o m e n and men of Prep unlock the m inds o f fu tu re generations.
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/youA, ^wkJc ajT l\zjo ? Mrs. McElroy: It is radically different. I feel like a first year teacher again! It has been challenging to learn new m ethods but I th in k eventually my classes going fo rw a rd w ill benefit from some new techniques. Mr. Morris: It's the first tim e in 13 years I haven't had to tell som eone to tu ck his shirt in. Seriously, it has brought into sharp vie w w h a t a blessing and positive challenge it is to w a lk w ith our students th ro u g h o u t their schooldays, encouraging them along th e ir ways and challenging them w hen necessary. Mr. W elch: The w o rk I do at Prep is no longer "at Prep!" I've had opportunities to connect w ith students in new ways. The w o rk of exploring scripture and ethics has returned to perhaps a m ore appropriate area, the home. I often find places like the kitchen table w ith fam ily to be a place to encounter God beyond the w alls of a religion classroom . N ow I'm finding th a t even m ore necessary as w e experience the pandem ic. Mrs. Gualario: I learned th a t I do not like social distancing. I miss my office and the equipm ent there and w h a t I have at home. I love the change of scenery. I d o n 't have access to everything I have in m y office. I also find m yself getting distracted at hom e and the interruptions there. Mrs. Randal Social distancing has provided the o p p o rtu n ity for me to com e up w ith unique ways to interact and engage w ith students.
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M a tt M o re ira /2 0 : The unique energies th a t perm eate the building: from peaceful studying in the library to jo king around and devouring food in the com m ons, there are a bunch o f different feelings a person can have as they experience the different atm osphere Prep offers. Ryan W allac e,' 2 1 : 1 miss seeing m y friends and socializing w ith hum ans other than m y fam ily. I miss being able to go out to eat and have free tim e to hang out and ju st talk w ith m y friends. Landon P a ra d in e /2 1 : I miss seeing all of m y friends and teachers everyday. As som e of you m ay know , during lunch, you can alw ays see me in the courtyard playing basketball w ith m y friends. That's another thing th a t I miss a lo t about going to school everyday. Logan E llio t/2 2 : The overall atm osphere. The jo y and brightness fe lt on cam pus and in the people hustling around, everyone w o rkin g hard. The aud itory sounds too. The sounds of people dabbing each other up, greeting teachers, playing basketball in the courtyard, and even the sounds of thank you as the door is constantly being held open fo r others. A n drew S m ith /2 1 : Aside from seeing m y friends on a daily basis, I miss the sense of co m m u n ity and the everyday norm alcy of my day to day routine of going to school and sticking to a schedule. O w en F le tc h e r/2 1 : Seeing my friends - I to o k it for granted.
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Aidan Christm an,'20: M any things: w o rk o u t read books w ith free tim e, play sports w ith my brothers, w a tch movies, w a tch TV. Ian Lee'21: Between studying for m y AP classes and helping my sister w ith her schoolw ork, I have taken up gardening and cultivating m y baby m int plants w h ich I plan to use to make m int lemonade. Daniel C a o /2 0 : 1started learning the m elodica during social distancing since I th o u g h t it w o uld be fun to pick up a new instrum ent w ith m y extra free tim e. Thomas Da Costa Lob o,'21: Though m ost of the tim e I a tte m p t to finish m y w o rk early so I can relax, i.e. w a tch videos and play video games, one hobby w h ich I have taken up is w ritin g m usic - I've always been a m usician, but I never really tried com posing until now. Charles M c C a n n /2 1 : I've been doing schoolw ork, m aking music, and playing video games. I go for bike rides and quick loops around the park on m y skateboard to get some fresh air. I som etim es do yoga w ith m y m om to stretch out and counteract the sedentary lifestyle th a t w e're living right now. Etienne S e rv a e s /2 3 : I have been w a tching Netflix, playing video games, reading, and playing board games w ith m y fam ily. Johnnie B ro o ker/2 1: I've been keeping up w ith m y school w ork, as w ell as play a w h ole lot of video games.
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Ms. W illiams: I miss the interactions w ith colleagues and students. One of m y favorite tim es o f the day is C om m unity Period, having students check in for help or ju st to chat! Mrs. LaBruno: Certainly I miss the presence of the boys and my colleagues - th e ir laughter and th e ir frustrations! I miss selling them pop tarts fo r the mission drive! W hile I can still help them rem otely, and it is satisfying to do so, its ju st not the same. I really m iss the PREP sports!!! Mr. Kuhl: D on't get me w rong, I miss m y students a lot....but I'd be lying if I d id n 't m ention how m uch I am craving som e Legal G rounds rig h t now. M s. Santana: I honestly miss hum an interaction on a daily basis. W h e th e r it's advice to a student, grabbing lunch w ith a colleague, or popping into som eone's office fo r a chat, those m om ents are a key part of my experience at Prep. Mr. Canale: Fried Food, Fresh Cookies, and... STUDENTS, yes, yes h o w could I fo rg e t my students. I miss the op p o rtu n ity to be an ear for those w h o need it. Mrs. Abbondante: I miss seeing everyone. From students to colleagues. There is nothing like being on cam pus at Saint Peter's Prep. M rs. Romano: W h a t I miss most, of course, is people contact. I miss being w ith students and colleagues. I miss the daily routine w h ich tends to be taken fo r granted and w h ich I so m uch w ish to have back.
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Mr. O'Flaherty: Our students m aking an e ffo rt to hold them selves accountable to th e ir w o rk and keeping an open line of com m unication during this d ifficu lt tim e. Mr. Caslowitz: I am inspired w h en I see all the w ays people are supporting and cheering on the brave healthcare w orkers and essential w orkers in places like grocery stores and pharm acies. I am also encouraged to see h o w local governm ents are supporting those in need by providing food. Mr. Prescia: I have been inspired in taking tim e to m ore inten tionally reflect and set aside som e tim e for creative projects. Mr. Comey: M y students and departm ent m em bers are beyond inspiring. I am really grateful for the check-ins th a t they do, the sm iles on the Zoom calls, the laughter w hen som ething inevitably doesn't go right, and h o w w illin g everyone w as to ju st ju m p in feet first and do this. Dr. Williams: I have been inspired to m aintain connections w ith friends, cow orkers, and students. The yoga videos w ere fun to make and helped me to learn how to use YouTube! I'm also inspired by all the other teachers w h o are practicing com passion w ith our students and each other. Ms. McLoghlin: I've loved listening to news segm ents created by my journalists about real-life news they're reporting on from home: w h e th e r its a fam ily gathering, effects of the pandem ic on local restaurant ow ners, or a brother's high score on a video game, it's bee great to hear the students reports.
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M a tt S c h r e ie r /2 0 :1 have stayed connected th ro ugh my phone, social m edia and I have spent a lot of tim e talking to m y friends th ro ugh playing video games. Kevin N a lly /2 1 : I have been inspired to use m y tim e to create and better m yself instead of spending all the free tim e I have looking at a screen. Jonas E a to n /2 1 : I've been m ore inspired to take on tasks around the house, seeing as there is so m uch tim e trapped indoors. Jam es C o n ti/2 0 : This challenging tim e has rem inded me to seize the m om e nt because it can be taken aw ay in a heartbeat. These unprecedented tim es have made me realize how lucky I am to have such a loving and supportive fam ily. A n d rew S m ith /2 1 : Aside from seeing my friends on a daily basis, I miss the sense of com m u nity and the everyday norm alcy of m y day to day routine of going to school and sticking to a schedule. Connor B a n k u ti/2 2 : I have been inspired by the w o n d e rfu l doctors such as Dr. Fauci and people w h o have been taking care of the sick during these unprecedented tim es. I have alw ays w a nte d to becom e a doctor, but after this pandem ic, I have becom e even m ore inspired to becom e a doctor and save lives. Dr. Fauci has inspired me even m ore to becom e a d o cto r and one day, save lives. A lexander W a s d e n /2 0 : I've been inspired to focus m ore on im proving myself, not ju st academ ically.
Ayyu, bwM, LtvSjOiA&oL ~tUjJ> t/^jli(e^u^u^ ~tu*£? Johnnie B ro o k e r/2 1 :1 have been inspired to play the piano. Joaquin M a t t i/2 1 : I have ju st stayed inspired through ju st being able to spend tim e w ith m y fam ily. Also, to ju st stay positive everyday for everything w ill get better soon. Rishi B h andari/23: I've been inspired during this challenging tim e by engaging m yself in d ifferent hobbies and activities at hom e and learning m ore from them . Soren M a y e n d ia /2 1 : I've realized th a t this is a tim e to ju st stop and reflect. Life m oves so fast and som etim es w e fo rg e t the beautiful things in our life. This has helped me appreciate m y life and has also helped me im prove internally. I th in k w e're all going to com e back a lot stronger and more aware of h o w am azing our lives are. Vikram K a d y a n /2 1 : 1have been inspired by a friend of our fam ily, w h o made masks fo r people and gave them out fo r free out of the kindness of th e ir heart. Jerem y P e re z/2 0 : It is a rough tim e th a t everyone is going through but I've been inspired by the OG, Dory the Fish. W e ju st gotta keep on sw im m ing. M a tt M o re ira /2 0 : Lots of tim e at home has inspired me to fo llo w more of m y passions: from brushing up on Portuguese to participating in fitness challenges, I feel this tim e has helped me learn about m yself because I can make m ore tim e for w h a t I enjoy doing.
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<Am l&^h£^ cI mAu ^ ~tf^> cA/iI(ej^LJuj tu J Fr. O'Hare: M aking m ore precise p o w e r p o int presentations th a t lead to clearer videos. Mr. Dougherty: Developing "hands off" service opportunities, virtual prayer opp ortunities, and chances fo r retreat groups to con n e ct over Zoom . W e're also trying to figure out new ways to give students m om ents of prayer and inspiration during the day. Mr. Bouley: I've been spending tim e trying to figure out how to m ake the virtual hang outs I have w ith friends and fam ily really interesting and fun. It can be d iffic u lt to keep facetim e chats interesting, so fig u rin g out how to play gam es or do activities has been fun. Ms. Torres: I learn som ething new and interesting every day. Being open to g ro w th and being w illin g to raise above the challenges social distancing im pose to all of us is not only an im p o rta n t principle of our Ignatian identity, but also an utm o st necessity. Ms. DeChiaro: I have em braced m y creativity by being "stuck" to m y chrom eboo k :), w o rkin g close to m y colleagues, and being curious in order to fu lfill my students expectations. Ms. Santana: W ell, I've definitely learned h o w to th in k outside of the box w h en it com es to fundraising efforts, especially for the Gala w h ich supports financial aid. In addition, on a personal level. I've taken on learning a new language and cooking new recipes!
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Saint Peter's students are pushed to th in k beyond the classroom th ro u g h a com prehensive set of studies th a t span a variety of interests. Prep's fa c u lty and staff challenge students to develop strong critical th inkin g skills and encourage th e m to b etter understand the w o rld . Through th e various experiences in the classroom , Prep students g ro w and u nlock th eir potential.
Mrs. Erica Abbondante
Ms. Katherine Albers
Athletics Assistant
Mr. Juan Artega
Ms. M aysoon A w w ad
Ms. Marisol Albino
Ms. Janet Angerm eyer
Mr. Adam Bouley
Mr. David Burokas, '8 5
Mrs. Diane Casazza, P'95, '97
Mr. Steve Caslowitz
Assistant to the Director of Admissions
Bene Merneti 21
Assistant Dean of Students
Mr. Gerald Campbell-Clark
Mr. Alexander Canale, '0 5
Fr. M a tth e w Cassidy, S.J.
Mr. Christopher Caulfield, '03 English Department Chairperson
Mr. Charles Coccaro
Ms. Cecelia Collins
Mr. Thom as Comey
Assistant to the Deans Bene Merenti 22
Science Department Chairperson
Mr. Jerry Davis
Ms. Christine Davis Director of the Browning Center
Ms. M iryam DeChiaro
Mrs. Emma Coultrap-Bagg
Ms. Belkise Dallam
Mr. Nicholas Dawybida, '1 5
M r. Jam es DeAngelo, '8 5
Alumni Service Corps Volunteer
Principal Bene Merenti 30
Mr. Jam es Dondero
Ms. M ary Durante
Mr. Hugo Elo
Bene Merenti 32
Director of Student Services
Bene Merenti 23
Ms. Catherine Eppler
Ms. Emily Fencik
M r. Russell Fiorella
A s s is ta n t S cien ce D epartm ent Chairperson
Mrs. Trish Fitzpatrick, P'07, '16
M r. M ic h a e l F letch er, P'21
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Ms. Catherine Ford
Ms. Sky Friedlander
Bene Merenti 31
Assistant Librarian
Mr. Robert Furlong
Mr. Frederick Galano, P 22
Mr. Peter Geary, '0 5
Vice Principal for Academics
Director of Financial Aid
A s sis ta n t English D epartm ent Chairperson
Mrs. Ella Glazer
Dr. Michael Gomez, Ed.D., '91
Mrs. Grace Gualario
Bene Merenti 20
Secretary to the Principal Bene Merenti 30
Mr. Kieran Halloran, S.J.
Mr. Richard Hansen III, '0 3 Assistant Director o r Athletics P h y sica l Education D epartm ent Chairperson
M r. Giuseppe Giglio, '87 D irector of Guidance and College Counseling
Mr. Christopher Guzman
Dr. Jeffrey Hartling
Mr. Jam es Hollywood, '6 6
Dr. M ichael Holt, '9 9
Mr. Jam es Horan, '7 0
Mr. Savon Huggins, '11
Vice President for Planning and Principal Giving
Bene Merenti 46
Mr. John Irvine, '8 3 , P '1 1
M r. M ichael Jiran, '0 3
Director of Admissions Bene Merenti 31
Director of Communications
Mr. Anthony Keating,'78, P"10
Mr. M ichael Kelly Assistant Network Administrator
Mr. Kevin Kuhl, "14
Ms. Klim Klim, P '16
M r. Patrick Laguerre Assistant Dean of Student Life
Fine and Performing Arts Department Chairperson
Mrs. Kate Lillis-Magnus
Mr. Joseph Lisella
Mr. Anthony Locricchio, '9 6
Director of Annual Giving
Athletic Trainer
Dean of Student Life
Mrs. Maryphyllis Locricchio.P'95,'96
Mr. Jam es Maglione, '1 5
Mrs. Janice M artineau
Mrs. Diane McCabe
Assistant to the President Bene Merenti 28
Alumni Service Corps Volunteer
G uidance and College Counseling A s sis ta n t
Bene Merenti 28
Mr. Patrick M cCoy
Mrs. M ary Anne McElroy
Bene Merenti 25
Mr. Patrick M cGovern, '9 9
Ms. Jan Merski
Ms. M olly Molino
Mr. Vincent Menafro, '1 5 Alumni Service Corps Volunteer
Assistant Chairperson History and Social Sciences Department
Mrs. Sarah M orissette
Mrs. Grace Morris
Assistant Chairperson Guidance and College Counseling
Mr. Gregory Morrisssey, '0 8
Fr. John Mullin, S.J. Bene Merenti 28
Mr. M ichael Murcia, '0 8 Director of Alumni Relations
Ms. Jessica Nordstrom
Ms. Jessica Norton
Mr. Ryan O'Connell
Assistant Vice President of Finance
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry
Mr. Remi Pastorek
Mrs. Deborah Peko-Lillis, P'10
Mr. Richard Peters, '8 5
Advancement Database Manager
Director of Curriculum and Assessment Bene Merenti 23
Peggy Popp-Murphy, P'08
Mr. Thom as Powers
M r. M ichael Prescia
Assistant to the Director of Operations
Director of Global Initiatives
Mr. Jose Que
Mr. Casey Quinn
Mr. Ryan O'Flaherty
M rs Phadadria Randall Assistant to Campus Minister
Mr. W illiam Reese
Ms. Christine Ricca
Mr. Nathan Riley
Mrs. Siobhan Rios
Ms. Rosalie Romano
Ms. Dalm a Santana
M odern Language D epartm ent Chairperson
Bene Merenti 20
Director of Special Events and Parent Relations
Mr. M a tth e w Scannapieco
Mrs. Carmela Schlitzer
Mr. Brendan Roche
Mrs. Donna Saulys
Mr. Renato Rodrigues, '1 0
Mr. Arvind Saw h, P'01 Bene Merenti 30
Mr. Michael Settembrino, '01
Mrs. M aureen Sheppard
Ms. Boreta Singleton
Mrs. Lisa Siracuse,P'13,'1 6,'1 7
Director of Faculty Formation
Campus Shop
Mr. Carlos Tabora, '87
M r. Rocco Tejada, P '18
Mr. M ichael Skircak, '11
Ms. Erin Stark Mathematics Department Chairperson
Ms. Am yee Torres, P '19
M r. Salvatore Veniero, '0 5
Ms. Robin W alters
Mr. Peter W elch
Bene Merenti 20
Mr. Anthony Verdi, '9 5
Mrs. Elizabeth W alsh
History & Social Sciences Department Chairperson
Advancement Assistant Bene Merenti 34
Bene Merenti 21
: f/
Not Photographed Mr. Kevin Albers. Director of Operations Mr. David Bailey. Director of IT Mr. Dre Bellamy. Operations Mr. Richard Hansen, P '0 3 /0 9 . Director of Athletics Mrs. Terry LaBruno, Educational Assistant Ms. Adrienne McLoghlin, English Ms. Kitty McNally. English Mr. Jake Morris. Dean of Students Mr. Christopher Robinson, Social Worker
Dr. Natalie W illiam s
Ms. Caroline W illiam s
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The Class of 2 0 2 0 w ill certainly be rem em b ered fo r th eir a ccom plish m e nts, both on the field and in the classroom . They have also set an excellent exam ple as th e leaders of th e school. But above all, they have created and defined the Prep experience, and these m em ories w ill last far longer than ju s t the fo ur years of high school.
Don't let your Dreams be a Fantasy. If you can see it, believe in it, and dive.
"Following-through is the only thing ths separates dreamers from people that accomplish great things." Gene Flayde
Kairos; Video Game Club 2,3,4; Art Club 3; Creative Writing Club 4
Robotics Club 1; Crew 2;
Miles Adedjouma
Veer Advaney
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the Good Old Days before you've actually left them" -Andy Bernard, "The Office"
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the da you find out why." - Mark Twain
W H.A.P 1.2,3,4; Basketball 1.2; Track 8 Field 3.4: Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3; Gilbert, WV 3; Bethel, AK 4; Social Justice Team 4; Pax Christi 3.4; National Honors Society 3.4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Kairos 55: Emmaus
Christopher Anderson
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Adventure Club 3; TV Studio 1; Volleyball 1. Kairos 59; Wheeling Immersion Trip 2; Peru Exchange 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4
Mark Apadeer
"I learned working with the negatives can make for better pictures" - Drake, 'FIYFR1 (Source material not appropriate...JM)
Water Polo 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; Kairos 57. 64; Italian Club 2,3,4; Adventure Club 1.2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Spikeball Club 3.4; Big
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Celtic Club 3,4; Kairos 59
Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
Pax Ardanz
James Ashe
Rule number 76. No excuses. Play like a champion" Vince Vaughn.
You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 57; Yoga Club 3,4; Spikeball Club 3,4; Big Brother 3; German Exchange 3;
Video Game Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Smash Club 3, 4; French Club 4;
Andrew Bannon
Jacob Bacha
"I love where we're at, but more importantly I love where we're going and who we're going there with." -Michael Malone
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Kairos 56; Emmaus 299; Emmaus 300; SPPAC 1.2,3.4; CLC 2.3.4; IS Leadership Team 3,4; 201 7 Peruvian Exchange 2 0 1 8 Wheeling, WV Immersion Trip
VOX 1,2; CLC 3; French Club 3; Prep Soles 3,4; Kairos 55; Emmaus 3 00
Bryan Barahona
Dean Baquiran
This went by so fast I couldn't even come up with a good senior quote
Football 1-4; 201 9 STATE CHAMPION; Kairos 59
David Benoit, Jr.
Joseph Basilio
Suvan Bhat
"The beauty is that through disappointment you gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality." -Conan O'Brien
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't-you're right" -Henry Ford
Student Council 1.2.3,4; Petroc 1,2,3,4; Kairos 56; Soccer 1.2,3,4; Track 1,2,3.4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4
Kairos 56
Gordon Biebel
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Joseph Canosa: Mr.Canale because he would probably "accidentally" forget to pack mine. M ichael Charas : Mr. Comey because although he is a good guy, I feel that he would sabotage mine. Justin Chipatecua: Mr. Laguerre because for some odd reason he has it out for me and would pray on my downfall...quite literally. Patrick Corroa: Doctor Hartling because he'll cut my parachute w ith his sea glass. M a th e w Jasinski: Mrs.Quin, I did bad in her AP Bio class
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time." -Howard Stark
"Th-Th-The. Th-Th-The. Th-Th... That's a folks!" - Porky Pig
Baseball 1,2,3; Adventure Club; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3.4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 302 ; FFAD Ambassador 1, Big Brother 3, Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Spanish
Kairos 57; Emmaus 301; Adventure Club 3,4; Yoga Club 3,4; JV Volleybal 1,2;
Exchange 4
Adam Botti
Nicholas Brady
"I've come across enough successful people now to know that the best in whatever walk of life, they're the ones who just work the hardest." - Rory Mcilroy
My uncle Roger says he saw an albinc polar bear once. - Alan Garner
Varsity Golf Captain 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 301; Nation Honors Society; Ignatian Scholar
Basketball 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2; Culinary Club 1,2; Yearbook 4; Kairos 5
Edmund Broderick
Max Burgess
"Sometimes I have to remind myself, that on my worst day I live like somebody on their greatest." -Robert Rihmeek Williams
T H .c h t Soccer 1; Volleyball 3; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Soccer Club 1.2,3,4;
german club 2,3,4; Stock market 1,2,3 Spanish club 2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3,4
Michael Caceres
"When you've got something to prove, there's nothing greater than a challenge."
"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it." - Muhammad Ali
Model UN 2,3; Kairos 58
Soccer 1,2.3. Captain 4; Basketball 1; Indoor Track 2.3; O utdoor Track 1.2.3,4; Freshman Am bassador 1; D iversity Board 3.4; Open House Guide 2: HAP Tutor 1; M edical C lub 3.4; Stock M arket 1,2; Spanish Club 1.2.3,4; Sports C lub 2,3,4 ; Soccer Club 1.2; National Spanish Honor S ociety 2.3.4 ; National Society of H igh School Scholars 3.4; National
Thomas Cahill
Antonio Callegari
"We didn't realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh
"Be grateful in everything you have and you'll be successful in everything you do." - The Notorious Conor McGregor "Mystic Mac"
Lacrosse 3. 4 Fencing 1, 2, 3, 4 Kairos 56, Emmaus 301. VP of Clash of Clans Club 3, 4, Asian Society Club 1, 2, 3, 4, TV Studio Club 1, Petrean 4,
Kairos 56, Kairos 61, Campus Ministry Team, Italian Club 2,3,4; Pax Christie 2,3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Wrestling Manager 2,3,4; Big Brother, Marauder Nation
Joseph Canosa
Jonathan Camaya
How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great.
"The die is cast."-Julius Caesar
Marauder Nation; Hockey 1,3,4; Kairos 58; CMT
Robotics 1, 2, 3, 4; Academic Bowl 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 55; National Honor Society 3, 4; Christian Life Community 2, 3, 4; SPPAC 1, 2, 3, 4; French Honors Society 3, 4;
Daniel Cao
Michael Canosa
League of Legends Club 1, 2, 3.
TT Nicholas Brady: Joe A n drew Carter: ‘ Insert Name Here* Zack Oswald: Stud Muffin M ateo Pereira: "Thanks for # \ " Jerem y Perez: lil_okeefe_47 Christopher Quintas: Mr. I don't w ant to be here A n drew Santana: Santa Claus Pavol Spiska: JEB
"Life is good, and something tells me 01 adventure is just beginning." - Sly Coopi
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
Kairos 55, Emmaus 303
K58; Varisty Soccer 1.2,3,4;
Andrew Carter
Matias Carrion
Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3,4; Super Smash Bros Club 3,4; Kairos 57, Emmaus 300 Gabriel Caruso
Christopher Cerbone
Noah Casco
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." -Tim o Cruz ( Coach Carter)
"I feel like I'm too busy writing history 1 read it" - Kanye West
Baseball 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Italian Club 1.2.3,4; Baseball Club; Yoga Club 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Clash of Clans Club 3; Kairos 57; Emmaus 3 0 0
Ebony Club 2,3,4; Kairos 59; Varisty Football 2,3,4; NJ Football State Champions Team 121 Julian Chandler
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A ndrew Bannon: Mr. Verdi because it would just be Real Steel but worse and we would all have a good time laughing at the subpar acting. David Benoit: Mr.Caulfield; He's still young and athletic, and he's pretty funny so that'll be a funny movie to make. Youness Cheboubi: Coach Que. He gives off a Kevin Hart type vibe, I know it would make for a hilarious movie. Kurt Gray: Mr. Coccaro because you don't mess w ith Mr. Coccaro. Tyler Greene: Mr. Keating
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Liam Concannon: Dr. Holt would be able to use his knowledge of biochemistry to create a whole bunch of useful substances and maybe even a cure. Not to mention that he could outrun all the zombies quite easily. M iles Hooper: Mr. Morris because of his knowledge and persistence A ndrew Robinson: Mr. Canale, he knows about pretty much everything. Jay Post: Mr. Canale, because I've learned almost as much real-world knowledge in one semester in his class as I have in 10 years of Boy Scouts. A n drew W illiam s: Mr. Morris, because he would give them all JUG.
“My goal in life is to not be a Carl."
"Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail."
Greek Club 2; Italian Club 2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2,3,4; Ping Pong Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 56; Big Brother 3,4; Marauder Nation 4; Soccer 1; Volleyball 3,4
Connor Chapman
Michael Charas
If you wanna succeed as bad as you wanna breathe, then you'll be successful.
"Price is what you pay, value is what you get." -Warren Buffett
Basketball 1; Volleyball 2; Kairos 59; National Honor Society Vice President; French Honor Society; French Club 1 2 3 (Vice President) 4; Art Club 3 4
Soccer 1,2,3.4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Wheeling WV Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 56 Andrew Cherry
Youness Cheboubi
Justin Chipatecua
I don't fail tests...tests fail me.
"One thing about your demons they bound to catch up one day. I'd rather see you stand up and face them than run away." - J. Cole
Soccer 1,2,4; Koinonia, Kairos 58, French Club 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Soccer Club 4
Kairos 58; Kairos 61; Spikeball Club 3,4; Adventure club 3,4; Basketball 1; Campus Ministry Team 4; Spanish Club 4. Luke Chmiel
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A ndrew Carter: My favorite place to visit was Bethel Alaska Roddy Hernandez: My favorite place that I visited w ith Prep was the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown. Ethan MacM illan: The top of the W orld Trade Center. Zack Oswald: Las Angeles, CA w ith baseball because the weather is perfect and all of the people were nice. Also because every single field we played at was beautiful. Joseph Rubino: Crew, Cooper River, Boston MA
Smooth seas don't make good sailors.
Mate tre here, prit nje here. ■Albaniar Proverb
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Rugby 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Celtic Club 3.4; Kairos 56,62; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Robotics Club 2,3,4; Programming CIl 2; National Honors Society 3,4; Spanis National Honors Society 3,4 Thomas Christo
Aidan Christman
"The most heroic word in all languages is revolution." - Eugene V. Debs
"There's never enough time to do all th nothing you want." - Calvin from Calvii and Hobbes.
Kairos 56; Emmaus 302; Campus Ministry; Arrupe Week Committee; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; French Exchange 2; Adventure Club 3,4.
Cross Country, Indoor, and Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Robotics 1,2,3,4; Kairo: 58
Gabriel Clement
Liam Concannon
"The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others." Robert Baden-Powell
Student Council 3,4; Ignatian Scholar Leadership Team 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; 3D Printing Club President and Founder 3,4; Stock Market Club 1, Vice President 2,3; Freshman Ambassador 1; National Flonors Society 3,4; Football 1,2,3, State Champions 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3.4; Outdoor Track 1.2.3,4; Kairos 57, Leader 62; Emmaus 301; Bethel, AK Mission Trip 3; Christian Life Community
James Conti
2,3,4; Magis Award 1
Kairos 56; Brother Brother; Ping Pong club 1.2.3,4; Greek Club 3; Op Smile 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse Manager 3,4; Socce 1
Patrick Corrao
Find the fire within yourself, and you may just spark a flame in someone else's heart.
Vox 1,2,3.4; Band 1.2,3.4; Kairos 56; Emmaus 301; Robotics 3,4; Stock Market Club 1;Bowling 1.2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Nutley High School Marching Band 4
Connor Cortese
Matthew Cugliari
Chase a bag, don't worry 'bout what I'm doin' -Blueface
"If you have enemies, good that means you stood up for something." Eminem
Track 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Bethel Immersion Trip 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
French Club 3,4 Video Game Club 4; Kairos 56; Baseball Team: Freshman 1, JV 2.3
Donald Davis Jr.
Marco De Lucia
Michael Davis
"You can't copy anybody and end with anything. If you copy, it means you're working without any real feeling." - Billie Holiday
"But I got bigger fish to fry." -Drake
Kairos 56
Freshman Ambassador 1; Crew 1,2,3; CLC 2.3,4; Italian Club 2,3.4; Italian Exchange 4; Dramatics 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 56; Emmaus 302
Darren Del Sordo
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Declan W eeda: Christmas break because of the Christmas video. Ben Silver: My favorite holiday at prep is Christmas because Ms. Freedlander and Mr. Reese hide objects around the library every period. M arco DeLucia: W hen the sewer main breaks. A n drew Cherry: Halloween. It's always one of the highlights of the year seeing Mr. Arteaga rip the freshman for their costume selections on the approval spreadsheet. Aidan Guarnuccio: My favorite holiday at Prep is Christmas because Prep has a lot of very nice decorations and we get tw o weeks off.
"There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." -Derek Jeter
"I said, 'Are you strong?1They said, Tm strong if you strong11said, 'we strong then.'"- Jameis Winston
Kairos 57; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Asian Club 1; Baseball Club 1; Adventure Club 1,2.3,4
Soccer 1,2; Track 3; Kairos 56; Asian Society Club 1,2,3,4
Joseph DeMarco
Andrew DeLucia
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao Tzu
Koinonia 1; Kairos 55; Emmaus 303; Culinary Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3;4, SPPAC 2;3;4, Asian Society 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Track and Field 1.2,3. Arthur des Clers
Jude Demo
"My high school reunion might be won an appearance, make everybody have 1 go through security clearance." - Aubrey Graham
Kevin Diaz
Kairos 58; Kairos 63; Koinonia 5; Diversity Board 3,4; Varsity Soccer 2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Psychology Club 3; Stock Market Club 1,2; Architecture Club 2; Model UN 4; Soccer Club 1; SPPAC 2.3.4; CLC 4; CMT 4; German National Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Science National Honor Society 4; Global Education Student Board 4
Jackson DiLullo
Kairos 57; Football 1,2; Rugby 4; Sneaker Club 2,3; Improv Club 2,3,4; Spring Musical 3,4; Winter Drama 3; Fashion Show 4; Intramural Androball 3,4;
Alex Gudaitis: Prayer for Generosity Tyler M acanka: Sim Shalom Steven Makino: One Bread, One Body M ichael Novicio: If You Share Your Bread W ith The Hungry Nicholas Paolini: It was "A Place at the Table" A n drew Bannon: Any of them that I can reasonably dance to Patrick Corrao: Take lord and receive Jerem y Perez: Prayer for Generosity duhhhhhh!
Eddie Hernandez: Brenan Maillet and Mr. Prescia Charles Lawal: Owen Doughtery and Mr.Keating Brian Liriano: Darren DelSordo and Mr. Halloran Danny Onorato: Tyler Fearon and Mr. Roche A n drew W illiams: Brian Mikovits, Mr. Kuhl Justin Chipatecua: Joe DeMarco and Mr. Geary Nick W est: Josh Glatman and Mr. Fletcher Josh Glatman: Anyone besides me and Mr. Fletcher
Aidan Doherty
"There is no shame in fear, what matters is how we face it." - Jon Snow
"Sometimes you will never know the value of something, until it becomes a memory."-Dr. Suess
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Marauder Nation Henchmen 4; Celtic Club President 3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 57. Leader 62; German Exchange Program 3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3.4; German Club 1,2.3.4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Big Brother 3,4; Freshmen Ambassador 1
Italian Club 1,2,3.4; Rowing 1,2,3; Koinonia 2; Kairos 56, Leader 61. West Virgina Sen/ice Trip 3; Bethel Alaska Immersion Trip 3; Emmaus 3 02 4; Koinonia 14; Campus Ministry Team 4;
Luke Donofrio
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices you make will shape your life forever." - Chazz Palminteri. A Bronx Tale
"The days are just packed. -Bill Watterson
Dramatics 1,2,3.4; Baseball 1,2,3; Italian Club 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 57; Kairos 60; Emmaus 30 0
Kairos 55; Emmaus 302; Art club 1,2,3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Volleyball 2.3.4; Adrian Dookie
Joseph Doody
When curiosity asks: What's out there? And routine tells you: Does it matter? Exploration says: See for yourself.
"I'm not really scared of a lot of things. I'm scared of possums. And I'm scared of raccoons sometimes, it depends on how big it is - I'm scared of the smaller raccoons because the bigger ones are slower." -Vincent Staples
Kairos 56; Emmaus 300; Adventure Club 1, 2. 3. 4; Art Club 1. 2. 3, 4; MakeSPP 2. 3. 4; Robotics 1; German Exchange 3; Yoga Club 3. 4; SPPAC 2, 3, 4;
Ice Hockey 1; Big Brother 3; Stock Market Club 2,3.4; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Marauder Nation 4; Kairos 56; Emmaus 3 00 Owen Dougherty
Jonas Eaton
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Miles Adedjouma: Going to Video Game club and finding a com m unity where I fit in. M atias Carrion: W inning the county championship for soccer w ith my brothers as a senior. Liam Concannon: When the cross country team qualified for the Meet of Champions for the first time in school history. David Mezzina: Making new friends on the Italian Exchange. Lucas Motir: The 201 8 Fencing State Championship.
Mama told me if you fall, never stay down.
"Some people feel the rain. Others jus get wet." -Robert Zimmerman
K a iro s 5 8 ; E m m aus 3 0 2 : C o n c e rt B and 1 .2 ,3 ,4 : Freshm s A m b a s s a d o r 1: V id e o G am e C lub 1.2; Ice H ockey 2; P h iladelphia Im m e rsio n T rip 2; R ugby 3 ,4 ; C e ltic C lub 3 .4 N a tio n a l H onors S ocie ty 3 ,4 : N atio na l Italian H onors S o c ie | 3 ,4 ; Italian E xchange 4 ; TV S tu d io 4 ; Rock and Blues C lub
Trinity Edwards
Jan Egan
"I've made it this far, and who says I can't go further" - Rob Mendez
"What you do now is more important than what you say. There is only one thing that is credible and that's your actions." -Unknown
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 59; Emmaus 300; Yoga Club 3
Crew 1.2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; National German Honor Society 3,Kairos 57; Emmaus 301
Colin Elliott
Michael Farrell
Sean Emmert
"You can pay for school, but you can't buy class."-Jay Z
"It's not whether you get knocked dowr it’s whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi
Basketball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 55; Stock Market Club 3; Economics Club 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4
Freshman Ambassador 1; Flockey 1,27 Kairos 58; National Honors Society 3,4| Baseball Club 1,2; Aviation Club 4; Italian Club 4 Tyler Fearon
Tm just here so I won't get fined. Marshawn Lynch
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the terrible story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it."-Jordan Belfort
Football 3,4
VOX 1, 3, 4; Flockey 2, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Kairos 54, 59, 64; Emmaus 303
Andrew Fenton
Brendan Finerty
"Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin
Crew 1; Chess Club 2; National French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Koinonia 1 George Flanagan
Kairos 58, Emmaus 302, Flockey 1, 2; Adventure Club 2, 3, 4; Italian Exchange 2019-20, CLC 2019-20 Aidan Foca
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." Franklin D. Roosevelt.
What's the move?
Spanish Club 1, 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Model UN 1. 2, 3; SPPAC 1. 2, 3; Kairos 58; Emmaus 299 , Leader 300 ; National Honor Society Vice President 3, 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3. 4
Football 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3 Ebony Club 3,4; Kairos 57
George Garcia
Cameron Garlin
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Peter W hitehead: My favorite teacher of my whole Prep career is Mr. Canale because he has always known if I was off in some way like sad or mad and would ask what's wrong. Desmond W atkins: Mr Roche is my favorite teacher because he is incredibly interesting and makes learning enjoyable. Byron Shipman: Fr. Cassidy- his class was just very interesting and very enjoyable. Had the most fun and probably learned the most in his class. David Benoit: I don't have one, because there's more than one.
Yes. I'm Egyptian. Yes, I'm white. No. I'm not adopted.
Swim Team 1,2,3,4
David Gerges
Luqman Gbadamassi
"No such thing as a life that's better than yours." -J. Cole
"The good times are all gone So I'm bound for moving on I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way." - Neil Diamonc
Rugby 3,4; Crew 1,2,3: Kairos 57, Leader Kairos 60; Emmaus 302; National Honor Society 3.4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Spanish Exchange 4; Adventure Club Big Brother 3; Newburgh Service Trip 4; Spanish Club 4
Rugby 1.2 Captain 3.4; Rugby 7's 3,4; Bethelharr Farm Trip 3; Bethel Alaska Trip 4; CMT 4; Kairos 5 60; Emmaus 299, 300; Celtic Club 3.4; Fishing Club 2. 3. 4; Stock Market Club 1. 2.3,4; HAP Tut 2,3.4; Football 1,2; Shotput 3
Joshua Glatman
Samuel Gilhawley
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." - Confucius
"So I got that going for me...which is nice."- Bill Murray
Swim Team 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4
Kairos 55; Emmaus 302; Jazz Band 2,3,4; Basketball 1.2; Cross Country 3; Volleyball 3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; National Honors Societv 3,4; French Honors Society 3: French Club 3.4; Bethel, AK Immersion Trip 3
Alexander Gray
Benjamin Gomez
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Bryan Barahona: Long story short, I never chopped a Chromebook again. Adrian Dookie: i threw an em pty water bottle at my friend in math class, and my teacher thought I tried to throw it into the garbage but that I was just a really bad shot. Tyler Macanka: Mr. Comey gave me my first JUG for karate chopping Sal Russo after he tried to steal my bagel. O w en M atts: Was wearing white socks. Thom as Pelliccio: I forgot my name when Mr. Morris asked.
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Daniel Hagan: W hen my good friend, Zack Oswald, fell out of his chair in French and the class erupted in laughter. Salvatore Imbornone: Accidentally spraying myself in the eye w ith hairspray in an attem pt to get ready for a college interview. Justin Chipatecua: Mr. Laguerre because for some odd reason he has it out for me and would pray on my downfall...quite literally. Josh Torres: W hen we had our first day of school assembly and Dr. Gomez shouted out the water polo team and I stood up and said " lets gooooo" in front of all of the students and faculty.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that is why it is called a present." - Master Oogway
"The More I Learn, The More I Realize Flow Much I Don't Know." - Albert Einstein
Kairos 55; Emmaus 302; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Straw Poll Club 3; Freshmen Basketball 1; Junior Varsity Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3; Varsity Volleyball 2 Kurt Gray
Kairos 5 5 : T ennis 2 .3 ,4 : In d o o r T rack 2; E m m a us 3 0 2 : C h ro m e D e p o t 1 .2 .3 : W o rk S tu d y 1.2; V o x 3 ,4 ; S w itc h b o a rd 3 .4 ; CS:AP C lub 1 .2 .3 (V ic e P resident): E bony C lub 1 .2 ,3 Treasurer. 4 V ic e P resident; S panish C lub 1 ,2 .3 .4 ; N atio na l S p a n ish H onors S o c ie ty 3 .4 ; SPPAC 2 ,3 .4 ; M akeSP P 2 .3 .4 ; S neaker C lub 4:
Tyler Greene
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us." -Timo Cruz played by Rick Gonzalez.
"Did you ever think that maybe there is more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good looking?" - Derek Zoolander
Wrestling 1,2,3,4 Captain; Football 1; Marauder of Marauder Nation; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Pax Christi; Kairos 58
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Vox 3,4; Kairos 59; Emmaus 302 Nicolas Gronda
Javier Grillo
"The biggest lesson I learned is... the people in my circle make me who I am." - Sydney McLaughlin
"The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching." -John Wooden
Cross C o u n try 1 .2 ,3 .4 ; In d o o r T rack 2 .3 .4 ; O u td o o r T rack 1 .2 .3 .4 : S ilver M e d a l Latin 1 .2 : SPPAC 2 ,3 ,4 ; A d v e n tu re C lub
S o c c e r 1,2; R ugby 1 .2 ,3 .4 ; E m m a u s 3 0 0 ; Kairos 5 7 ; S to ck
2 .3 .4 ; French C lub 2 .3 .4 : C osta Rica S u m m e r T rip 3:
M a rk e t 4 ; Y oga C lu b 3 .4 ; C e ltic C lu b 3 .4 ; In tra m u ra l Player
W h e e lin g W V Im m e rs io n T rip 3 ; Big B ro th e r 3 ; Latin H o no rs
1 .2 .3 ,4 ; In tra m u ra l C oach 3 .4 ; C am p u s M in s try T e a m 4 :
S o cie ty 3 .4 ; French H o n o rs S o c ie ty 3 ,4 ; N atio na l H onors
Italia n C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; Fre sh m a n A m b a s s a d o r; SPPAC 1 .2 ,3 .4 ;
S o c ie ty 3 .4 ; Peru S u m m e r T rip 4 ; Latin in R om e 4 ; C am p us
S tu d e n t C o u n cil 4 ; B ig B ro th e r
Aidan Guarnuccio
M in is try T e a m 4 ; E uch a ristic M in is te r 4 ; Kairos 5 5 , Leader
Alexander Gudaitis
6 1 ; Em m aus 3 0 0
s e n io r s
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Dean Baquiran: Computer Science Joseph Doody: International Business Andy Fenton: Physical Therapy Alex Gray: History Kurt Gray: Engineering Nick Gronda: Mechanical Engineering Lucca Lerner: Sports Marketing and Management A n drew Prescott: Exercise Science
.... "Success comes in a lot of ways, but it doesr come with money and it doesn't come with fame. It comes from having a meaning in yo| life, doing what you love and being passionate about what you do. That's havin'
"Just Keep Swimming." - Dory
a life of success." - Tim Tebow
Kairos 59; Varsity Soccer 3.4; Chess Club 3,4; Campus Ministry; National Honor Society
Football: 9 . Baseball: 10,11. Lacrosse: 12, Adventure Club: French Club: 10.11,12. Campus Ministry Team: 12, Koinania: 1
Gabriel Guedez
Daniel Hagan
"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionable integrity. W ithout it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
(jp & tJL *'
Freshman Ambassador 1; Bethel Mission Trip 1; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Campus Ministry
Robotics 3,4; Emmaus 300; Fencing 1,2,3; Kairos 55;
Team 4; Spanish Exchange 4; Kairos 59
Cade Harkins
Sidharth Hegde
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go." - Father Elijah
I could let these dream killers kill my sel esteem, or use my arrogance as a stear to power my dreams.- Kanye West
Kairos 56, Led Kairos 61, Jazz Band £f Concert Band (Four Years), Bowling Team (Freshman Year), Adventure Club, Emmaus 302 James Henry
Kairos 57 - Stock Market Club 2,3,4 Spanish Club 2,3,4 - Hebrew Club 4] David Hernandez
"One moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory." -Louis Zamperini
Baseball 1,3,4; Wrestling 4; Kairos 55: Emmaus 301 ; Stock Market Club 2,3; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1.2.3,4; Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Baseball 1,2,3,4
3,4; Freshman Ambassador; HAP Tutor 1,2.3.4
Eduardo Hernandez
Roddy Hernandez
Kyle Hoog
Miles Hooper
"Wheaties, apple pie, and the American Flag. That's the Hunter way." Grandpa Bobby Hunter
"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." -Rocky Balboa
Kairos 5 7 ; E m m a u s 3 0 1 ; Kairos 6 4 4 ; C re w 1 ,2 .3 ; Pax
Crew 1,2,3,4; President of Spanish Club 2.3.4; Prep Forum 3,4; National Honors Society; Spanish National Honors Society; Science National Honors Society; Freshman Crew Camp 3.4; Big Brother;
C hristi 2 ,3 .4 ; Big B ro th e r 3 : G am e o f T h ro n e s C lub 2 .3 : Italian C lu b 2 .3 ,4 ; C am p u s M in is try T e a m 4 ; A d v e n tu re C lub 2 .3 .4 ; 2 0 1 8 Costa Rica S u rfin g T rip 2 : 2 0 1 9 H a b ita t fo r H u m a n ity T rip 3 ; 2 0 1 8 C a m d e n Im m e rs io n T rip 2; SPPAC 1 .2 .3 .4 ;
Kairos 58
S to c k M a rk e t C lub 1,2;
Aidan Hunter
Salvatore Imbornone
ir^'O uipL /ly tiA ,
Chris Anderson: Giving up in the first week of school. Pax Ardanz: The desire of doing absolutely nothing. Daniel Cao: W hy do it now when youc an do it later? M a tt Cugliari: Trying enough to get by but not too much to where effort is put out. Kevin Diaz: A college-threatening illness that includes laziness, little sleep, and crying as symptoms. Jackson DiLullo: The urge to be so lazy, that you get bored of being lazy. Sidharth Hegde: w hat I've been doing for the past 4 months.
"If I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as t remove mountains, but do not have lov< I am nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:2)
"It's a cold world, bundle up." -Hassan Whiteside
Vox; Swim Team 1.2,3.4; SPPAC 1.2,3,4 TV Studio 1.2,3.4; Fr. M ullins CLC 2,3,4; Campu; Ministry Team; Big Brother; National Honor SocietJ Tri-M Honor Society; Italian Honor Society; Emmai 300
Anthony lonta
Demetri loakimidis
No time for regrets.
Kairos 59, Adventure Club 3
Mathew Jasinski
Stephen Jennings Jr.
"Sometimes I have to remind myself, that on my worst day, I live like somebody on their greatest."-Meek Mill
Student Ambassador 1;TV Studio 1,2; Photography Club 1; Art Club 1,2; Sneaker Club 3.4; Indoor Track and Field 1,2; Outdoor Track and Field 1.2; Rugby 3.4; Kairos 58
"Look I get it, if a building's on fire, you've got there. But if a show's on fire don't put that out."-James Corden
V o x 1. 2 . 3 . 4 ; D ra m a tics 1, 2. 3, S ocial M e dia M a n a g e r
B ro th e r 3 : G erm an C lub 2, 3, 4 : C u lin ary C lub 2; Germ an! E xchange 3 ; N ational H o n o r S o c ie ty 3, 4; T ri-M M u s ic Horn S o c ie ty 3 . 4 : G erm an H o n o r S o c ie ty 3; 4
William Johnny
JJ Post: Head to the Commons to engage in intellectual discourse regarding academic topics such as "central" jersey's alleged existence. Sean Emmert: Anything but schoolwork, unless it's due that day. Michael Uy: Pretend to study, but talk w ith friends. Brady Truppner: Relax on Ms. Fenciks couch in her room. Jason Tarantino: Homework or Hang out in the Commons. Bryson Shipman: Spending time w ith friends and doing work. Gabriel Santiago: Participate in some shenanigans in the back of the commons.
Kairos 5 7 : P h iladelphia Im m e rs io n T rip 2: Yoga C lub 3, 4 ; t
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M ax Burgess: Mrs. Epplers Room because I am bad at Anatomy Adrian Dookie: The art room Gabe Guedez: playing chess on my phone Salvatore Imbornone: I like to spend com m unity period in the room where I have class next. TOO MANY STAIRS Ryder Klein: Ms. Fencik's room Jelani Mason: GYM!!! Pavol Spiska: The Pavol cave, the corner of the library w ith all the comics, have spent 25% of my Prep career there.
"Don't let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be."
You have to get to the next level, or you're gonna get stuck where you are for the rest of your life. -Corey Taylor
National Honor Society 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society (President) 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 301; Yoga Club 3,4;
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Kairos 59; West Virginia Immersion Trip; Robotics 3,4; League of Legends Club; 1,2,3 Maciej Kowalczyk
"I hate narcissists." - Tyler Krauth
II dolce far niente.
TV Studio 3,4; Tabletop gaming 2,3.4; Yearbook 1; Videogame club 1; Kairos 56
Culinary Club, Spanish National Honors Society, Spanish Club, Kairos 59
Matthew LaMalfa
Tyler Krauth
Never Stop Never Settle
"It's pretty scary to know how quickly time flies"-James Wan
ebony club 1234
Volleyball 1,2,3.4; Basketball 1,2; Stock Market Club 3.4; French Club 4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 301 Christopher Larkin
u a q
Charles Lawal
s e n io r s
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Gordon Biebel: Buy a 2 0 0 5 wrx sti and invest the rest. Tyler Greene: I would pay off any outstanding debts, and use the remainder to invest in my companies and my portfolio. Daniel Hagan: I would move down to Texas and start a farm. Not only would I be able to build a beautiful house, but also have another way to make money and food. Eduardo Hernandez: Buy a good com puter so I would never have to use a chromebook again. Thomas Navitski: Buy 4 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 gumballs.
"We need to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, work Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn't matte but work is third." -Leslie Knope
Kairos 55; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2; Football 4
Concert Band 1,2,3.4; Spanish Club 1,2,3. SPPAC 2.3,4; Immersion Trip 3; Spanish Exchange 3; National Honor Society 4; Foreign Language Honor Society 4; Kairos %
Austin Lawson-Hogban
Colin Lemke
"Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough." -Elon Musk
Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 59; Ebony Club 2,3,4
Quentin Lemon
Lucca Lerner
Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Cross Country 3,4; Robotics 3,4 MakeSPP 3,4; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Kairos 55; Emmaus 301; Samuel Leonte
Everything I do, smoooth
Nothing in this life every came easy, neither did this.
Spikeball 3,4; French Club 2,3; Baseball Club 1,2; Big Brother 3,4; Baseball Team 1,2; Habitat For Humanities 4
Kairos 56, Emmaus 301; Spanish Exchange 4; Spanish Club 1,2,3.4; Adventures Club 1,2,3,4; Brian Liriano
"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep."-Tywin Lannister
"I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious." -Michael Scott
C re w 1 .2 .3 ; D ive rsity Board 3 .4 ; M a ra u d e r N a tio n H e n c h m e n
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 3.4; Football 1,2; Kairos 55; Emmaus 302 ; National Flonors Society 3,4; German National Honors Society 3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; MakeSPP 3.4; Trading Card Game Club
4 ; A r t C lub 1 .2 .3 .4 ; V isu a l A rts G old M edal; G am e o f T h ro n e s C lub 3 .4 ; Y oga C lub 3 .4 ; C u lin a ry C lub 1.2.3: A d v e n tu re C lub 1 .2 .3 ,4 ; Italian C lub 2 ,3 .4 ; B ig B rother; Fishing C lub 2 ,3 ,4 ; S pike b a ll C lu b 3 .4 ; T V S tu d io 1.2; Clash o f C lans C lub 3 ,4 ; Im p ro v c lu b 2 .3 ,4 ; In tra m u ra ls 1 .2 .3 .4 : E bony C lub 3 ,4 ; Kairos 5 7 ; E m m aus 3 0 1
1,2; National AP Scholar 3,4.
"So I'll just say I love you, which I never said before and let it go at that old friend the rest you may ignore." - Robert Hunter
"It's not how you start that's important, but how you finish." - Jim George
Lacrosse 1; Golf 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club 3. 4; Kairos 59; West Virginia Immersion trip 3
Operation smile 2,3,4; football 1,2;
Tyler Macanka
Brennan Maillet
Liam Maguire
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." - Andy Bernard Quote if last one is taken; "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." - Dr. Dre
"It was nothing like that first time, she was in my math class." Oh wait...
Fencing 9; Indoor Track and Field 10,11 Campus Ministry Team 1 1,12; SPPAC 10.11,12; National Honors Society 11.12; Spanish National Honors
Football, Track, Kairos 59
Society 11,12; Kairos 59; Emmaus 3 03
Jelani Mason
Steven Makino
oL o
s iy p u ,
1 0
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Sam uel Gilhawley: Having a good steady job w ith a consistent partner. M a tth e w La Malfa: Hopefully, laying on a beach counting my money. Liam Maguire: celebrating the 10 year anniversary of me answering these questions. M ateo Pereira: A job in Civil Engineering. M a th e w Jasinski: Hopefully in the FBI. Alejandro Schnettler: I feel like if I told you that, I'd jinx it. Chris Sheppard: I see myself w ith a couple of Oscars, living in a quaint residence living life to the fullest.
"You know a wise man once said nothin' at all."- Drake
"Courage is being scared to death...ancj saddling up anyway."-John Wayne
Stock Market Club 1,2,3.4; Soccer 1,2; Kairos 59, Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Hoboken Connection Tutoring 1,2,3,4; National Honors Society 4
Lacrosse 1,2,3, Captain 4; Kairos 55; Emmaus 301; Adventure Club 1,2,3/ National Honor Society 3,4; Habitat Humanity Newburgh 3; Owen Matts
Joseph Mastandrea
"The secret to success is to do the common thing uncommonly well." - D. Rockefeller Jr.
Italian Club 3,4; Environmental Club A Card Games Club 4
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3
Graziano Mazzella
Jack McGinley
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
"Never be ungrateful." - Gustav Elijah 4
T ty * * " Celtic club 3,4; Kairos 58 Emmaus 303
Liam McGovern
Soccer(Manager)1; Water Polo 2,3,4 Swimming 1,2,3,4;Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Soccer Club 1,2 Christian Mejia
ir j'O u lo L
s iy p tA ,
S e i^
A ndrew Carter: Don't let social anxiety take away your opportunities Youness Cheboubi: Fix your sleep schedule. Michael Davis: Stop being stupid, this place is fun. Aidan Foca: Don't rush anything because somethings take time, patience is important. M aciej Kowalczyk: Be yourself and don't worry about what others think. You'll find a group of people to be friends w ith very soon. Liam Regan: Mr. Morris is more nice than scary.
KJ 2 tA /iy 9 U s o L io L
ir jL jlz ' /v j'O u , t^ je A z , c u tr l\ e jo ? T .
Joseph Canosa: Go on the Italian exchange. Liam Concannon: I wish I w ent on more SPPAC trips. Joseph M astandrea: I wish I tried out for another sport after I got cut from Soccer. Liam Regan: I wish I got more involved in my early years at Prep. Ben Silver: I wish won a state championship... Jk I did that. Brady Truppner: I wish I joined the Robotics team. Nicholas Paolini: Maybe played Volleyball in Sophomore year. Brian Liriano: I wish I did the play or played football.
"If I can't scuba, then what's this all been about? What have I been working toward?" - S6E1 The Office
Environmental Club 3, Chess club 2,3
Hendry Mejia
Daniel Merchel
"WCC, who cares compete." -Coach Caulfield
"You don't have to win it, just don't lose it." - Ray Lewis
Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; indoor track 2.3. captain 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3; Kairos 55; Kairos 60; Italian Club 2,3,4; National
Kairos 5 6 : C am pus M in is try 4 : A rru p e S tu d e n t C o m m itte e 4 ;
Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 . C aptain 4 ; W a te r P olo 1 .2 ,3 , C ap ta in 4 : N a tio n a l H on o rs S o cie ty 3 ,4 ; N a tio n a l S panish H onors S o cie ty 3 ,4 ; Big B ro th e r 3 ; W e s t V irg in ia Im m e rs io n T rip 2;
Honor Society 3,4; Italian Honor Society 3.4
B ethel. A laska Im m e rs io n T rip 3
Brian Mikovits
David Mezzina
Do Whatever It Takes.
if no one comes from the future to stop you is it really a bad decision.
ly V [(p o Ad rS Z “Y V t c r ~ S < >
B aseball 1 ,2 ,3 , C apitan 4 ; Y oga C lub 3 .4 ; K airos 5 5 ; Kairos
Kairos 59. football 1 2 3 4. Ebony Club 12 3 4
6 2 : K oin o n ia 1; K oin o n ia 1 6 : C a m p u s M in is try T ea m 4 ; S tu d e n t C ouncil 2 .3 .4 ; C a m d e n Im m e rsio n T rip 3: Baseball C lub 1 ,2 .3 ,4 ; O p e ra tio n S m ile 2 ,3 ,4 ; Big B ro th e r 3 ,4 : Fre sh m a n A m b a ssa d o r: N a tio n a l H onors S o cie ty: S panish N a tio n a l H onors S o cie ty
Juan Miranda
Matthew Moreira
s e n io r s
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Jam es Conti: Mr. Comey because he taught me the necessity of having confidence in myself. Brendan Finerty: Ms. Eppler inspired me the most as she w ent through similar experiences to me w ith her back issues and still persevering through it all and resuming her life, not letting her pain affect her. Peter Vazquez: Mrs. McLoghlin inspired me most because it was through her class that I discovered screenwriting as the career which I would like to pursue. Christian Yanez: Mr. Quinn, he pushed me harder to study and how to manage my tim e better
Fencing 1,2,3.4, Concert band 1,2,3/ French club, French exchange prograr 1, Kairos 59. Emmaus 301, Big broth* 3, Habitat for Humanity 3 Lucas Motir
Luke Morrison
"Please don't make a joke about your grades for your yearbook quote." -Mom
Be stronger than your strongest excus
Soccer, French Club 2,3,4
Tennis 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Stoc Market Club 1,2,3,4; TV Studio 3; Spanish Exchange 4; Kairos 58.
Peter Munkittrick
Thomas Navitski
"For me giving up is way harder than trying." Kanye West
"Cut corners in gym you'll cut corners life Nestor." -Coach Ofla
Kairos 56; Winter Track 1,2,3; Spring Track 1,2
Brandon Negron
Kairos 59, Emmaus 301, crew 1,2, football 1. rugby 3,4, italian club 3,4
Brendan Nestor
"Despite the constant negative press covfefe." - President Donald J. Trump
"Even if you think you're the best, there's always room for improvement."
Swimming 2,3,4 (captain); Water Polo 3,4; SPP Dramatics Pit 3,4; Strings Club 3,4; French Club 2.3,4; Make SPP 3,4; Stock
Basketball 1,2; Lacrosse 1.2,3,4; Kairos 55
Market Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl 2,3
Benjamin Norris
William Note
"Be somebody. Work hard. Be something more than what you see in the mirror. Let the world be your mirror. Do not let them judge you, because the mirror can not judge. You judge what you see in the mirror."
"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." -Tupac Shakur
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Kairos 57, Kairos 62 Leader; Campus Ministry Team 3.4; Yoga Club President 3.4;
Indoor Track 1,2; French Club 2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Prep Soles 3,4; Asian Society Club 1; Stock Market Club 3; French Exchange 4; Kairos 57
Diversity Board 2,3.4; Big Brother 3.
Alexander Novak
Michael Novicio
"Who is this Julius Caesar? You know I don't follow the NBA!" - Ron Burgundy
Hockey 1,2; Stock Market Club 1.2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Sheehan Scholar; Bethel Immersion Trip 2 01 8 ; Kairos 59,64; Emmaus 303 ; Italian Exchange 2 0 1 9 /2 0 2 0 ;
Connor Obara
Jake Nowak
irJsQ K oLS j
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c c lk m a ?
Tyler Fearon: Spiritual, Rewarding, Successful Nick Gronda: Sorry Mr. Morris Cade Harkins: Sleep anytime possible M iles Hooper: It's a movie Chris Larkin: W ay too fast Quentin Lemon: Brotherhood, adversity, learning Alex Novak: W e had homework? Sam uel O'Flanagan: Once in a lifetime
"It doesn't really matter just where you from, all that really matters is where you're gon' go." - Kid Cudi
Kairos 56; Card Games Club President 3,4; Baseball 1,2,3.4; Football 1; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Peruvian Exchange 4; Big Brother 3 Michael Ohlmuller
Samuel O'Flanagan
"I wanted to give the folks a little sizzle - Lightning McQueen
h & u ify Kairos 57, Emmaus 301, Indoor Track 3, 4 Outdc track 3, 4; Soccer 1: Volleyball 1; Stock Market clj 2. 3, 4; Italian Club 1,2.3,4; Spanish National Honors Society 2, 3; Spanish Exchange 3; Spanit Club 3, 4
Daniel Onorato
Michael O'Neill
You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all.
“Never let the fear of striking out get ii your way" - Babe Ruth
Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; Koinonia; Kairos 55; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4
Baseball: 1.2,3,4 (Captain); Baseball Club: 1,2,3.4; Spanish Club: 3,4; National Honors Society: 4; National Spanish Honors Society: 4; Kairos 55 Raymond Ortiz Jr.
Gabriel Orbe
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M a tt Moreira: Hold the door in the courtyard no matter how awkwardly far your classmate is away. Dem etri loakimidis: You walk on the right side of the stairs up and down. Christian Yanez: Don't change seats in homeroom. Jason Tarantino: Walk efficiently in the halls M ateo Pereira: Always say hi to Jerry whenever you see him. Kurt Gray: Think Ugg, Think Jug Sebastian Garcia: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's commons seat.
(d k tu v ^ c . Adam Botti: Kairos 57 M atias Carrion: The tim er hitting 0 and celebrating the county championship with my family. A n drew Carter: The memory that will always stick w ith me is singing pride and glory for the first tim e at the first mass I ever attended at Prep. Aidan Foca: The memories of my friends and I hanging out during the Italian exchange. Brian Liriano: Hiking w ith Mr. Morrissey and the adventure club up M ount Wright.
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson
"Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail; but those who are able to accept their true nature... they are the strong ones."
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Bowling 1,2,3; Kairos 55; Emmaus 300
Italian Club 2,3,4; Sneaker Club 3,4; Indoor Track and Feild; Kairos 57; Emmaus 300
Zack Oswald
Nicholas Paolini
"Wise men listen and laugh while fools talk." - 50 Cent
"You gon' think about me when I'm gone." - Post Malone
Cross Country 1,2 3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 1,2.3. Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1.2,3. Captain 4; Kairos 56; Card Games Club President 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Spanish National Honors
Prep Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1. 2, 3. 4; Spanish Club 2. 3, 4; Big Brother 3, 4; Kairos 58. Campus Ministry Team 4, National Honor Society 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3.4
Society 3.4; Big Brother 3
Thomas Pelliccio
Tyler Parrado
"Most seniors clock out after midterms and I did...after junior year midterms." - Jeremy Perez'
Water Polo; Track and Field; Spanish Club 1, 2. 3; Kairos 59
Bowling 2,3,4; Kairos 57,62; Emmaus 300
Mateo Pereira
ji l ( tu i& L
Gabe Caruso: To Abdulrehman Haider, I leave my club entrusted to you, please let it grow. Joseph Doody: To Pat Boll, I leave all my acting skills. To Chris Cugliari, I leave my pool pass. Sam Gilhawley: To Luke Gilhawley, I'm leaving you to carry on my legacy at Prep Eduardo Hernandez: To Andres Hernandez '24, I leave my worn out Sperrys Brian Liriano: To Mr. Comey, I leave tom m y and my name forever carved into your podium.
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss
K airos 5 6 : V o lle yb a ll 2 .3 ,4 ; P e troc 1 .2 .3 .4 : T he N ation
Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Water Polo 2. 3; Kairos 58; Emmaus 302
S ta tio n 1 .2 .3 .4 ; C e ltic C lub 3 ,4 : N a tio n al H o n o r S o cie ty 3, Spanish N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 3 .4 ; Prep C o nn ectio n T u to rin g 2 .3 : Freshm an F or a D ay A m b a s s a d o r 1; Peruvit E xchange 2 : W h e e lin g Im m e rs io n T rip 3 : C am p us M inisti Team 4 : S o c c e r M a n a g e r 4:
John Petrosino Jr.
Once you truly don't care of what anyone thinks of you, you have reache a dangerously awesome level of freedom.
S o cce r 1. 2 ; R ugby 3 ; F oo tb a ll 4 ; F reshm an A m b a s s a d o r 1:
Kairos 58
Freshm an D ay o f S ervice 1; K oinonia 2 : W e s t V irg in ia Im m e rsio n 3 ; Spanish C lub 1. 2 , 3. 4 : B aseball C lub 1.2; Y oga C lub P resident 3; E ngin e e rin g C lub 3 ; In tra m u ra l A n d ro b a ll 1. 2, 3 . 4 ; In tra m u ra l A n d ro b a ll C h a m p io n s 4: Kairos 5 8
Alexander Prescott
Oleg Prots
"Existence precedes essence." - Jean-Paul Sartre
"Some nights I wish I could go back ir life. Not to change things, just to feel I couple things twice." - Drake
Dance Club
Deven Quinones
Swimming 2,3,4; Kairos 58; Spanish Club 1,2,3
Dylan Quintana
■ "Now you's can't leave." from The Bronx Tale
"You cannot say Pop and forget the Smoke." - Pop Smoke
C_ nX >&— " 8
Fencing team 1,2,3,4 ; Video game club 3,4 ; Smash club,4; Kairos 55; Emmaus 3 00 Christopher Quintas
Operation Smile 1,2,3.4; Basketball Manager 1; Water Polo 2; Camden Immersion Trip 3; Spanish Exchange 3; Spanish Honors Society 3.4; Big Brother 3.4; Marauder Nation 4;
Liam Regan
Kairos 58
"Our Greatest Glory Is Not In Falling. But Rising Every Time We Fall." - Rocky Balboa
"Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot."
Indoor Track and Field 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track and Field 2, 3, 4; Kairos 58; Spanish Club 1, 2. 3; Sneaker Club 3, 4
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; 3D Printing Club 3.4; Kairos 56
Sergio Restrepo
Jack Riley
"Future me, if you're reading this, find something better to do!" -Drew Robinson
"We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once." -Calvin Coolidge
L rU ^ ~ s Football 1.2,3, State Champions/Captain 4; Ebony Club 1.2,3,4; Kairos 59 Andrew Robinson
Kairos 56; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Architecture Club 1; Card Games Club 4; Big Brother; Cooper Rogan
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Anthony lonta: AP Chemistry because I know Mr. Comey will read this Brandon Negron: Mr. Skircak's programming classes because it got me to enjoy programming on my own. Dylan Quintana: Ms. Schlitzer's Bio class because the classroom had a good vibe and it was very based on independence. JJ Post: AP US History, because I felt Mrs. McElroy always allowed the class to have some tim e for discussing modern times while still covering whatever material was planned for the day.
Nothing worth having comes easy.
"Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. Let your greatness blossom." -Nelson Mandela
Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 4; Kairos 56; Kairos 63; Emmaus 303; Adventure Club 3,4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Campus Ministry Team 4 Gabriel Rothkegel
Cody Ross
"The test of any man lies in action." ~PINDAR
There is little success where there is little laughter." - Andrew Carnegie
Italian Club 2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Crew 1,2.3,4; Track 1
Italian Club 2.3,4; National Italian Honors Society 3.4; Italian Exchange 4; Big Brother Christian Life Community 2,3,4; Crew 1; Rugby 2,3; Kairos 58; Emmaus 303
Salvatore Russo
Joseph Rubino
"Life is like a sandwich, whichever way you flip it, the bread comes first."Anonymous
"One day I'll show my kids this yearboc and they'll look at me in the eyes and say, 'Dad, no one cares'." - Me
Kairos 59; Ice hockey 1.2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1.2.3,4
Volleyball 1.2,3,4; Diversity Board 2.3, Sneaker Club 3,4; Environmental Club Crew 1; Winter Track 4; Kairos 59
James Ryan
Melvin Saldua
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Pax Ardanz: The temperature in the english building classrooms. I have suffered in there. M aciej Kowalczyk: Get better wifi. It always stops working when I need to procrastinate. Joseph M astandrea: Stairs in the MSC building: always crowded between periods. David Mezzina: I would add a skywalk between the tw o buildings so we don't have to walk outside during the snow, or I would make a student parking lot.
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Adam Botti: "Chicos, chicos." - Sra. Torres CJ Cerbone: "So it shall be written so it shall be done" - Mr. Tabora Justin Chipatecua: "Hey man...You gotta go." - Mr. Reece Colin Ellitt: "Figure it out." - Mr. Comey. W henever we asked Mr. Comey a question in AP Chem he would tell us to figure it out w hich was both the most frustrating and helpful thing he did for us. Jonas Eaton: "Close your Chomebooks, take out your book books."- Mr. Bouley Dan Hagan: "Dan I love you like a brother, but you have to stop talking." - Doc Hartling
"He that can have patience can have what he will." -Benjamin Franklin
Came in a 5'9 brown boy, came out a 5'9 brown king.
Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Spanish Honors Society 2,3,4; Kairos 61; Emmaus 303; Swimming 1; Water
C re w 1,2, C a p ta in 3 ,4 : N a tio n a l H o n o r S oc ie ty 3 ,4 ; F rench H o n o r S o c ie ty 3 ,4 ; C am p u s M in is try Team Lea de r 4 ; Kairos 5 6 ; K oin o n ia 2; St. A q u in a s C e n te r Im m e rs io n T rip 3 : F rench C lub 2 .3 ,4 ; A sian S o cie ty 3 ,4 ; Fishing C lub 3 ; H AP T u to r 2:
Polo 2,3; Culinary Club 1; Medical Club 4
Andrew Santana
Freshm an A m b a s s a d o r 1; B asketball 1
Gabriel Joachim Santiago
"By the time a student gets to college, he's spent a decade curating a bewilderingly diverse resume to prepare for a completely unknowable future. Come what may, he's ready-for nothing in particular." -Peter Thiel
We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows?
Kairos 55; Stock Market Club 1.2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Football 1; National German Honor Society 3,4;Freshman Ambassador 1;
Kairos 5 8 , E m m aus 3 0 0 . V id e o G am e C lub (M e m b e r) 1. 2. V id e o G am e C lub (P resident) 3 . 4 . S u p e r S m ash Bros. C lub (P resident) 3, 4 . F en cin g T e a m 1. 2. 3 . 4. B o o k W o rk 1, 2 . 3. 4 . N a tio n a l H o n o r S ocie ty. 3 . 4 , N a tio n a l S panish H o n o r
Peruvian Exchange 2; German Exchange 3
Society. 3 . 4
Alejandro Schnettler
Andrew Schmutter
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller
"It's beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success."- J.Cole
C A vi/ c Varsity Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Captain 4; Big Brother 3
Kairos 57; Kairos 62 Leader; Emmaus 300: Campus Ministry Team; Crew 1,2,3 Baseball 1; Water Polo 4; Yoga Club; Spikeball Club; National Honors Society
Matthew Schreier
Aidan Seborowski
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Dem etri loakimidis: "Jot this down." Ms. Mollino Chris Larkin: "Are you w ith me?"-Mr. Fletcher at the end of every sentence Ethan MacM illan: "Sorry, I was perched in the hallway giving JUGS to underclassmen." - Mr. Peters Liam Regan: "Wooooooaaaaahhh" - Mr. Caulfield Sal Russo: "Close your Chromies, homies." Mrs. McLoghlin Jonathan Thiele: "Cycle Sheet" - Ms. Eppler Sal Imbornone: "I want y'all to let that marinate for a second." -Ms. Kessler
"We have to remember what's importai in life: friends, pancakes, and work. Or pancakes, friends then work. But work has to come third."
"I've always taken pride in relating to the underdog or little guy or gal." - Andrew Yang
( ih p Vox 1,2,3 PR Director 4 Dramatics 2,3 Dramatics Board 4 Crew 1,2 Baseball Club 1,2,3,4 German Exchange 3 Kairos 55 Emmaus 300
Dramatics Club 3,4, Kairos 56, Rugby Club 1.2,3,4
"If anyone ask where I am. I've left the country" - Mike Wheeler
"What is real will prosper." -xxxtentacio
Christopher Sheppard
Kairos 59; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Varsity Basketball 2,3; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
Byron Shipman
Alexey Shulov
'Don't be satisfied by this success; make it double" - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
"Anything's possible. You gotta dream like you never seen obstacles." - J. Coldj
\±x> Football 1,2,3,4; Track & Field 1,2; Diversity Board 1,2,3,4; Hebrew Club 3,4; State Champion Benjamin Silver
Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 3,4; Kairo 59
Cody Simon
"Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with."
Card Games Club 4; Band 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1, 2; Robotics 1
Zubin Sood
Diversity Board 10, 11, 12; Kairos 57; Karios 64; Varsity Soccer 12; Varsity Track 11; Psychology Club 1 1,12; Campus Ministry Team 12 Giovanni Sotomayor
"No one is immune to failure. All have tasted the bitterness of defeat and disappointment. A warrior must not dwell on that failure, but learn from it and continue on." -Grand Admiral Thrawn
"I'd rather be happy being myself than sad trying to please everyone else." - J Cole
^ Varsity Golf 1,2,3,4; Varsity Hockey 3,4; Junior Varsity Hockey 2; Stock Market Club 4 Pavol Spiska
Ebony club 1,2,3,4
Jelani Sweet
Live for more.
"Put something inspirational." - Mom
SPP Rugby 1,2,3,4; Kairos 58
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Celtic Club 3,4; Big Brother 3; French Exchange 4; National French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Kairos 57
Shepard Swift
Jason Tarantino
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A n drew Bannon: The " * 0 " Video Game Club meeting where everyone else left except me and my buddies and we just all hung out playing Smash and Mario. Adrian Dookie: Losing my new jacket in the first week of freshman year. Sam Gilhawley: My most memorable m om ent at Prep was definitely Kairos 57 because it was an amazing retreat and way better than any of us could have expected. Anthony lonta: Dan Cao asking if it's ok to use scissors to connect parts of a car battery.
"Now and then it's good to pause in ou pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - Guillaume Apollinaire
"What defines us is how well we rise after falling." - Conor Mcgregor
Rugby 2.3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Philosophy Club 4; Big Brother 3; National Honors Society 3,4; Bethel Alaska Service
Basketball 4; Kairos 59
Trip; Kairos 55; Emmaus 302
Kevin Tierney
Jonathan Thiele
"Life is not the amount of breaths yot take, it's the moments that take your breath away."
"Work hard till the day you die because nothing is ever given to you. It's your responsibility to earn it." - Luis Tolentino Sr.
y Kairos 58
Baseball 1,2.3,4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 301
Joshua Torres
Luis Tolentino
"Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Campus Ministry Team 4; Vox 1,2.3.4: Diversity Board 3.4; Golf 1.2,3,4; Hockey 1,2.3.4: Big Brother 3: Freshman Ambassador 1; Spanish Club 2.3.4: SPPAC 1,2,3.4: Hockey Club 1: Photography Club 1: Kairos 55: Kairos 60; Emmaus 3 0 3
Brady Truppner
Tyler Tucker
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Joseph DeMarco: Mrs. Eppler. She is kind, funny, and caring. We have bonded the most. Joseph Doody: Mr. Burokas, because he understands more than any teacher I've ever had that learning isn't about good grades. David Gerges: Father Cassidy, he made history very enjoyable yet it was full of information. Chris Larkin: Ms. W illiams because she made history class enjoyable for me, not an easy task. She cares about her students, and she's the only teacher I can remember who came to a volleyball game to watch me play, and I really appreciated that.
"Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." - C.T. Studd
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Lacrosse 1,2; Track 4; Jazz Band 1,2,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; MakeSPPTeam 3,4; Kairos 55; Emmaus 303
League of Legends Club 1,2,3; Robotics Club 2, 3, 4; Kairos 58
Victor Tyne
Michael Uhler
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -Bertrand Russell
"The steps you take don't need to be big. They just need to take you in the right direction."-Jemma Simmons
f lu
SPPAC 1, S ecretary 2 . V P 3 . Pres. 4 : Kairos 5 7 ; E m m a u s 3 0 1 ; C o n ce rt B and 1,2. S e cre ta ry 3. Pres. 4 ; JV V o lle y b a ll 1. C a p ta in 2 , V a rsity 3, 4 ; R o b o tics 2 .3 .4 : T ASSEL 4 ; CLC 2 .3 .4 ; N a tio n a l H onors S o cie ty 3 ,4 ; T ri-M M u sic H o n o r S o c ie ty 3 ,4 : S o cie d a d H on o ra ria H isp a n ica 3 .4
Michael Uy
Nicholas Uy
"To whom much is given, much will be required." (Luke 12:48)
Diversity Board 2,3.4: Vox; Cross Country 1.2,3.4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1; Robotics Club 1.2,3.4; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3.4; Video Game Club 1,2.3,4; Anime Club 1.2; CMT 4; National Honors Society 3,4; Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Tri-M Music Honors Society 3.4; Kairos 57; Emmaus 3 02
"Don't compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday." -Jordan Peterson
Soccer 1,2.3.4; Prep Connection 1.2,3.4; Kairos 58, 64;
John Velasquez
Peter Vazquez
"How you doin'?" - Joey Tribbiani
Radda Radda-Shnitzel
B aseball 1 ,2 .3 , C aptain 4 , H u d so n C o u n ty C h a m p io n 2 , 4 ;
Fencing 1,2,3.4; Kairos 55; Fight Club 1,2,3.4; Billiards Club 1,2,3,4; Yacht Club 1.2.3,4; Billionaire Boys Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 1.2,3,4; Club Penguin 1; Anti Social Social Club 1,2,3,4; Broke
E m m aus 3 0 0 ; S panish N a tio n a l H o n o r S ociety; N a tio n a l H o n o r S ociety; S cience N a tio n a l H o n o r S ociety; S to c k M a rk e t C lu b 1.2; B aseball C lub 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; S neaker C lu b 3 ,4 : Y oga C lub 3; Italian C lub 3 ,4 : C e ltic C lub 3 .4 ; Spanish C lub 3 ,4 ;
Joseph Vuolo
Boys LLC.
Robert Walker
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A ndrew Williams: W hen Mr. Morris dressed up as a Turkey. Nicholas Paolini: We were watching a video in the library and we couldn't stop laughing; in the end we got kicked out, but it was funny. Brendan Nestor: My name was changed from Brendan to Nestor David Hernandez: Sophomore year, I fainted in the commons during com munity period and hit my head really hard on the floor. It was really messed up to laugh in the m om e nt but over tim e it has gotten pretty funny. Tyler Fearon: I had a soda that spilled all over me and had to borrow clothes from Father Azzarto that were too small.
If you look for the light, you will often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you'll ever see.
"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about ha hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It's how much you can take and ke moving forward. That's how winning is don
Fencing Team Varsity 1,2,3,4; Kairos 58; Emmaus 303; Adventure Club 1,2.3.4
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Kairos 56; Emmaus 301; TV Studio 3.4; Baseball Club 2,3,4; Stock Market Clu 2,3 Desmond Watkins
Alexander Wasden
"Only dead fish go with the flow" - Andy Hunt
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judc a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it w live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein
Kiaros 56; Big Brother 3, 4; Ping Pong Club 1; Greek Club 2; Spanish Club 3, 4; Operation Smile 3. 4; Lacrosse 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; National Honors Society 3, 4;
V o x 1. 2 . 3 . 4 ; D ive rsity Board 1, 2 . 3, 4 ; C M T 4 ; M usical; 3, 4 ; W in te r D ram a 2: B reaking B arriers 1, 2 . 3; C u lin ary 0 1, 2 : Y oga C lub 3. 4 ; C eltic C lub 3. 4 ; H e b re w C lub 4: T j S tu d io 1, 2; Im p ro v C lub 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Clash o f Clans C lub 3 j
Spanish National Honors Society 3, 4
Declan Weeda
Kairos 5 7 ; Kairos 6 0 : E m m a us 2 9 9 ; E m m au s 3 0 0
Nicholas West
If nobody comes from the future to stc you, how bad can the decision really b - Bill Murray
Frisbee Club 1,2.3; Car Club 1,2; Spik ball Club 4; Kairos 56
William White
Peter Whitehead
"I'm here to break boundaries, man. That's all. I'm here to be the first so that the people after me don't have to think twice about expressing themselves and being free."-A$AP Rocky
"Little guys can do big things too!" (Junior Asparagus, VeggieTales)
Kairos 55, Sneaker Club during junior and senior year, French Club during junior year
Freshman Basketball Tryout 1(First Cut), Kairos 56, Tree Planting Club 2,3, Freshman Ambassador 1, Lacrosse 1,2,3 Captain 4, Operation Smile 4
Ryan Whitworth
" Flood Fav, Im livin' so lavish, dip the ice in the water like baptist." - Jay Critch
Isaiah Wright
"If you find something fun, then don't let anything stop you."
Kairos 57, Fencing, Concert Band, and Video Game Club all four years. Debate Club Senior Year, Robotics freshmen and sophomore year
Football 1,2,3.4; Kairos 59; Ebony Club
Christian Yanez
Glenn Wright Jr.
N o t P h o to g ra p h e d : Alejandro Leon
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Peter W hitehead: Don't quit. Out of all the things you could do quitting isn't an option, work to the best of your ability. Luis Tolentino: Don't worry too much about going to Prep. Pavol Spiska: Survive Latin! Ben Silver: I know you m ight not think its a cool saying but its prep for life little me. Chris Sheppard: Enjoy the ride, bud. Cause trust me, it's gonna be wild. A n drew Santana: Use your tim e wisely and don't procrastinate your work. M a tt Moreira: Savor every moment, never second guess yourself.
Class of 2020 Future President
1. A n d rew Schmutter 2. A n d rew Bannon 3. Luke M orrison
Future Jesuit
Future Prep Teacher
Future Dean of Students
1. Aidan Guarnuccio
1. A idan Guarnuccio 2. Jan Egan 3. Chris Anderson
1. Chris Andersor 2. Ethan M a c M illa i 3. James Conti
Life of the Party
2. A lex G udaitis 3. Joseph D oody 3. James Conti
Best Musician
Best Hair
Best Company on a Deserted Island
1. Chris Sheppard 2. James Henry 3. Kevin Tierney
1. Joseph Canosa 2. Roddy H ernandez 3. M ichael Canosa
1. Josh G latm an 2. Luqman Gbadamassi 3. Jonas Eaton
Most Athletic
Class Clown
Most Likely to Set a W orld Record
Most Likely to Become Famous
1. Cody Simon 2. Byron Shipman 3. Antonio C allegari
1. A le x Prescott
1. Gabriel Orbe
2. A n d re w Bannon
2. Luqman Gbadamassi
3.Luqman G badam assi
3. Byron Shipman
1. Cody Simon 2. O le g Prots 3. Bryson Shipman
1. Dylan Burrs 2. Andrew Robinson 3. Brian Liriano 4 .Donald Davis 5 .Nick Gronda
Senior Superlatives :uture Mad Scientist
Future Millionaire
Best Nickname
Best Dressed
. Andrew Bannon
1. Andrew Schmutter 2. C o d y Simon 3. Tylet G reene
1. A id a n "F e r b " Christm an 2. Aidan "N ooch" Guarnuccio 3. W illiam "Darby" Johnny
1. W illiam Johnny
Aost Changed Since Freshman Year
Most Intelligent
Most Artistic
Most Likely to Be Late to His Own Wedding
1. James Ashe
1. Anthony lonta
1. Tyler M acanka
1. Tyler Greene
2. Joseph D oody 3. Tyler M acanka
2. V ictor Tyne
2. Jonas Eaton
2. G ra z ia n o M a zze lla
3. Suvan Bhat
3. Julian C handler
3. Javier G rillo
Most Likely to Receive JUG
Most Unaffected by Senioritis
Most Likely to Take O ver the W orld
1. Javier Grillo
1. Anthony lonta
1. Andrew Bannon
2. G ra z ia n o M a z z e lla
2. Daniel Cao
3. H endry M e jia
3. V ictor Tyne
2. M a tt C ugliari 3. Sidharth Hegde
iocial Media Addict
1. N ick W e st 2. Oleg Profs 3. Quentin Lemon
4. Jan Egan
2. G a b rie l Clement 3. M elvin Saldua
2. Benjamin N orris 3. A n d re w Schmutter
Each year at Prep is a chance to m ake n e w friends, experiences, and m em ories. This is particularly im p o rta n t th ro u g h the underclassm en years, w h e n students g ro w as learners and men fo r others. By the end of this experience, students leave w ith valuable lessons and m em ories th a t w ill propel th e m to w a rd s success and selflessness.
Aria Acosta Patrick Adams Riley Adams Calvin Allume Andrew Almeida Michael Ames
Sebastian Andrews-Sanchez Aidan Apito Ricardo Arias Eidan Arriaga Anthony Asante-Danso Robert Auld
Julian Ayala Lucas Baccay Jonathon Balboni Dylan Baquiran Jake Barrera Kenneth Baumann
Vincent Bello Hashim Bennett Rino Bernabe Dejohn Berry Ethan Blackwelder Eli Blumenfeld
Patrick Boll Tomasz Botwicz Andrew Bowling Terence Boyle Chase Bradshaw
1 1 I f
Colin Brancatella Joseph Brandon Johnnie Brooker Henry Brown Kenneth Browne
Tahjamell Bullock William Byington Christopher Cajamarca Connor Caloni Jordan Campbell Nathan Campiche
Joseph Cangiano Michael Caracappa Andre Carcamo Da'Johnn Carter Christalo Castro Nicholas Centrone
Vincent Chirichella Anthony Chrysikos Anthony Cinquina Dorian Clark Masin Cobb Sebastian Colie
Finnian Collier Titus Cooke Sam Cooper Matthew Coronel Thomas Da Costa Lobo Enrique Dager
Jack Daly Nicholas De Pinto Justin DeJesus Gerald DelaCruz Julian DeLemos Ethan Diaz
Johannes Dirx Matthew Dobronsky Brendan Donnelly Myles Dorante Anthony Doren
Gabriel Doria Jonathan Duarte 1 Myles Dubovy Thomas Dwyer I Ethan Eig
Nicholas Escobar p John Fernandez 1 Shane Flannery Owen Fletcher Rashawn Ford Jr. John Galasso
James Gallagher Seshan Ganesan Matthew Gasak Joseph Giattino Nicholas Gilberti Thomas Gingerelli
Jack Glynn i William Gobel h Christopher Green Ryan Ha || Eric Han Felix Heinrich
Sean Herold Thomas Hurley Marcello Hutton Nathaniel Jablonski Mitchell Jackson Jesse Janson
Lawrence Jenkins Timothy Jimenez Vikram Kadyan Ryan Karbowniczak Ryan King Edwin Klanke
Joshua Kover | Shivansh Kumar Kevin Kwah Jake Landsbergis I Aramchan Lee 1
Ian Lee Andrew Lin Dario Lojo Leo London Henry Longo
Reyhan Lopez Dylan Lord Angelo Loscrudato Benny Love Ian Lozano Richard Lugo
Xavier Lusky Max Malanga Lucas Martin Alec Martinez Daniel Martinez Matthew Maruri
Joaquin Matti Soren Mayendia Lukas Mazurczyk Patrick McCabe Robert McCafferty Charles McCann
Matthew McDonough Connor McElroy Barker Tyler McGeehan Ryan Mead King Dax Medina Chike Melie III
Zyeiar Miller Liam Mooney Tristan Moran Joseph Morrone Yash Motwani Teague Mulcahy
Nicholas Musico Pius Mwemba Nicholas Nalbandian Kevin Nally Kevin Nandkumar
Timothy O'Brien Gavin O'Farrell Patrick O'Shea Aidan Osterling Kevin Owens
Matthew Page Landon Paradine Dean Pelliccio Sebastian Pena Dylan Perez Gavin Perry
Daivik Persaud Michael Pestana Sean Rendeiro Ciaran Reynolds Kenneth Reynolds Aaron Rodriguez
George Rooks Patrick Rooney Lucas Rosario-Rodriguez Christopher Rudolph Jack Rudolph Maximillian Rueda
Eduardo Sanchez Rodolfo Sanchez Aaron Saunders John Scheurer Michael Scheurer Max Schwede
Alexander Sciarra David Scobar Jordan Scott Evan Scribner Jack Sipperly Andrew Smith
Tyion Smith Matthew Stewart Sebastian Stile Shazir Sullivan Joshua Sumague
IkerTaboas Jacob Taubman Justin Thomas John Thorburn John Toolen
Christian Torres Dylan Treanor Casey Truppner Gregory Van Sant Jeffrey Van Sant Antonio Villatoro
Ryan Wallace Tracy Ware Jr. Anthony Warmuz Colin Williams Ian Wilson Samuel Yaegashi
Alfonso Zamarra Lorenzo Zamarra
N ot Pictured John Am ato, Serge Beaucejour, Joshua Hopson, Blake Jacey Danil Kirichenko, Joseph Martins, Aidan Monteiro, James Norris Ethan Rodriguez, Alexander Russo-Disia, Frederic Sagna James Slowinski, Rish Sutherland
Mark Abdelmalik Kevin Alcantara Dermot Alvidrez Aarush Amalraj Troy Anderson Don Benjamin Ang
Andrew Antigua Connor Bankuti Julian Barberan Christopher Barila Dane Barnes Alif Bass
Christopher Benkovitz Michael Benkovitz Zachary Bennett Raoul Bernal Matthew Blomgren Thomas Boccassini
Rohan Borges Connor Borrelli Luke Bradley Zachary Brentjens Shay Buckley Nicolas Buendia
Mario Builes Matthew Burgers Jack Burke Thomas Burton Antonio Calderone
Darwin Capani Alex Cascione Joseph Catalanello Agostino Chiaravalloti Philip Chiaviello Nicholas Chipelo
Kacper Chojnowski Peter Cifarelli Elliott Clarke Warren Clarke Noah Colon Gavin Coq
Raul Cortinas Ryan Cotter Dylan Coyle Luke Cruciani Justin Cu Christopher Cugliari
Robert Cunningham Matthew Dagistanli Tyler Dairo Salomon Dau Samuel Dau Joshua David
Conor Denio Matthew DeSopo Irenaeus Diakos Roger Diaz Jason Dibble Charles Dino
Josef Dirx Liam Doherty Adam Dominguez Oliver du Rivage Christopher Duane Blaise Edwards
Marko Eliyashevskiy Logan Elliot Marc Elqumos Ahmed Elshenawy Dylan Espiritu
Anthony Farinhas James Farkas Andrew Fernandez Ulisses Ferraz Aidan Ferreira
Raphael Fiel Enzo Fiore Raymond Fiore John Fischer Prince Fontenette Elvin Fraser
John Freeman Rory Freeman Samuel Galano Daniel Gayed Jack Giattino Aidan Gill
Christopher Gliatto Salvatore Grasso Sidney Greene Joseph Grimaldi Patrick Groo Toti Guarquila
Abdulrehman Haider Daniel Halligan Joseph Henry Oliver Hernandez Simon Hidas Lucas Hjertberg
Ori Itzhak Lucas Jimenez Nelson Jimenez Tamer Johnson Aidan Karpousis Tyler Kay
Brian Kealey Christian Kramer Jakob Ladignon Jacob Landera Ryan Lawler
Christian LeBrun Christian LeCountMcClanahan Fitzroy Ledgister Felix Lettini Andrew Li
Gage Lucken Cyril Maliakal Aidan Mancha Brandon Maniego Lucas Mannello Julian Mariscal
Nicholas Marusic Anthony Mastandrea Nicholas Matos Thomas Matos Tige Mauseth Frank McAndrew
James McClean Maurice McLaughlin William-Paul Medina Marek Mickiewicz Keith Miles Diogo Montalvo
John Morrison Anthony Mouridy Dylan Mulholland Juan Obando Andre Oben John O'Donnell
■ g
Connor O'Flanagan Malcolm Ouattara Alfred Pacicco Gaetan Panepinto Alex Parada Joseph Parise
Daniel Park Joshua Pascale I Christopher Pavia I Chase Pease Nicholas Pelliccio
Andres Pena Diego Pena Erik Perez Julian Perez Matteo Petito Giuseppe Piede
Sebastien Pierre Jeremiah Polanco Christopher Ponczek James Popadick Avery Powell Marc Pretto
Alexander Puhak Devan Quinn Patrick Ragno Jake Rangel Nicholas Rappa Ellis Reid
Cristian Remache Sebastian Remache Jonathan Reverendo William Rial Lucas Riancho Ethan Richards
Nikolas Rocks Lucas Rodriguez Nicholas Rodriguez Bryce Rooks Jason Rowe Benjamin Rubin
Zachary Rubin Gabriel Russo Ryan Rzepinski Jaylan Sanchez Matthew Scepkowski James Scheurer
Brandon Schimmel Jason Schreiber Joshua Schulman Matthew Serrano Gehrig Shannon Nima Sherpa
Daniel Silva Samuel Slade Marcelino Soliman Alexander Sollecito Myles Sorbino Adriann Sotomayor
William Streit Michal Suchcicki Ayush Suri Brian Tarnopolsky Joshua Tauriello Ashish Tejwani
Ryan Thiele Lawrence Toler Batu Tomruk Marcus Torres Jason Towindo Jacob Tse
Joseph Vazquez Ethan Veloso Xavier Verges Antonio Vivero Griffin Wagner Joseph Weiss
Davis Welsh Kevin Whitworth Ty Wholf Alfonso Williams Elijah Wilson Emmett Wilson
Nasir Wimberly Tyler Wong Jahaan Wray Aidan Wright Yariel Zuniga Maximilian Zwiener
Not Pictured Mark Armstrong, Bryan Arredondo, Stephen Bassler Filippo Guido, Russel Hugo, Paul Lefkowitz Jonathan Muller, Thomas Muller, John M wem ba Patrick Puetz, Uri Rozenblit
C(ajs-of2023 •
^ •
Elijah Abraham Dennis Acevedo Benjamin Ackman Deegie Adad Jack Adams Ryan Adams
Akshat Agarwal Giuseppe Aldama Brisco Anderson Bryce Anderson Horace Anderson Vince Anonuevo
Jordan Armour William Arnone Sebastian Arteaga Mema Ayore Ryan Bae Stanislav Benda
Rishi Bhandari Noah Bisrat Fesseha Cole Boyd George Brattole III Evan Briggs Derek Bright
Griffin Burk Charles Burt Ryan Byington Thomas Canela Michael Cangiano
— •
Enzo Capano Oliver Cary Gian Cases Aidan Cataldi Donovan Chavis
Avi Chawdhry Yixiang Chen Nicholas Chiaravalloti Brian Christman Nicholas Connelly Louis Correro
Matthew Corwin Caleb Crawley Thomas Deloy Jonathan Dereka Arjun Dhawan Edward DiBella
Frank DiGiacomo David Dixon Nico Duarte Logan Dunkel Gianni Echeverria Jared Edwards
Amir El Ghazzali Matthew Elder Alan Esteban Michael Fasciano Connor Finerty Mason Fischer
Zack Fischer Xavier Flores Tai Flot Zion Fowler Jett Franqui Kevin Fromfield
Dylan Fuller Connor Gallagher Stephen Gelcich Marco Giglio Isaiah Giles
Luke Gilhawley Jack Gobel Kevin Gomes Declan Good Jake Grullon
Nelson Ha Oliver Harag Richard Harrington Max Hartelius Benjamin Henderson Nicholas Herrmann
Antoine Hurtado-Barzac Anthony Iglesias Jr. Mossimo Infante-Meehan Alejandro Irizarry Eliot Jablonski Ishaan Jain
Trey Jamison Matthew January Beckett Johnson-Walters Theodore Josephson Conor Kagel Sean Kagel
Brian Kelly Luke Kelly Ryan Khin Matthew Kinzler Maxwell Kirk Vipul Kothakonda
Kenneth Kramer Weston Kuhn Jaden Lambert Garrett Lasky Michael Lemanowicz Robert Leon Jr.
Frank Liggio Emilio Lopez Alec Lucken Jalen Maharaja Zac Malanga
Jack Mara Lee Mara Maximilian Marko Benedict Marra Edoardo Martino
Harry Massey IV Teddy McCarthy Robert McClammy Kevin McDonough Aidan McMillan Andrew Medina
Dylan Mejia Daniel Mero James Miceli Henry Michaud Mikai Middleton Dhrona Mohan
Branden Montemayor Jack Moran Leonardo Moura Jack Nilsen Matthew Novak Chialuka Ohadike
Niahl O'Neill Joseph Orecchio Dmitri Panchenko Andrew Parra Matteo Pavan Angelo Pellicci
Ethan Pena Julio Pereira Jr. Gavin Pessoa Giulio Petrocelli Santo Petrocelli Ori Pinn
Luke Piscitelli Richard Pizzuti Brian Pombar Michael Preite Faustino Quiles
Simon Raymond-Abrams William Richardson London Robinson Cory Robinson Jr Joseph Roxas
Isaiah Ruiz Gabriel Russell Owen Sanchez Jakob Sanniola Jamei Schenck Alex Schimmel
Nicholas Schoen Christopher Sciarra Etienne Servaes Michael Shipman Kevin Shull Mason Simmons
Isaiah Simpson Daleandre Singson Landon Sipperly Christopher Skabich Nicholas Skabich Gavin Skowronski
David Slowinski Parker Smith Patrick Springer John Stalknecht Jacob Steg Ethan Suarez
Jon Sumague Sean Swiatek Jones Swift William Sytsma Jackson Tindall Kyle Torrente
Carter Touzalin Chad Trammell Robert Trefurt Jr. Steven Vago Jose Valverde
Brian Van Alstyne Johann Varghese Ayush Varma William Vastine Kaimana Voelkl
Mavin Vongtanaanek Bryce Waliszewski Thomas Weil Quentin Weintraub Tristen Whitworth Felipe Thiago Wiget
Andrew Williams Maurice Williams Kenneth Winkleblech Alexander Zaccardi Nile Zaki
Leonardo Zamarra
lot Pictured Liam Hester leman Hopson vanni Ranaudo
The Petrean Staff Dylan Baquiran Kacper Chojnowski Justin DeJesus Adam Dominguez Salvatore Grasso Aidan Guarnuccio Ian Lozano Joseph Parise James Scheurer Marcelino Soliman William Sytsma Steven Vago
Aidan Guarnuccio Nicholas Marusic Alexander Puhak Jack Rudolph James Scheurer i roy Anderson Dylan Baquiran Joseph Basilio Max Burgess Kevin Nally
• • •
A special thank you to our yearbook representatives: Ellen Stahli, Kristin Czerminski, and Alissa Sweeney. Without their guidance and support this publication would never have been completed. A shout out to Mrs. Trish Fitzpatrick, P' 11/16 for her contributions to this year's book and introduction. A thank you goes to Mr. John lrvine,'83,P' 11, Mr. Jim Horan,'70, and Dr. Michael Gomez,'91 for their help with the dedication. A big thank you goes to Mr. Mike Jiran, who this yearbook was dedicated to, for his quick response to all emails and photographic contributions. Additionally, we would like to thank all of Prep's faculty and staff for their help in light of distance learning this year.
Mr. Michael Jiran,'03 Mr. Mark Wyville,'76,P' 11,' 18 Lifetouch Studios
Mr. Thomas Comey Ms. Jan Merski CLOSING
It is our pride and our Glory Old in song and in story; And w e cherish your name And w e love your fair fame For the Days of long ago; And w e your sons will be loyal To Saint Peter's so royal May your banners still guide us W herever w e go! It is a story of gladness W ith no shadow of sadness: Our years spent with you, Saint Peter's so true, And you hold our hearts' love yet; And through the years w e will treasure W ith a joy beyond measure The gifts you have given W e shall never forget.
The 2 0 2 0 Edition of the Petrean was produced by the Saint Peter's Prep yearbook staff and they apologize for any typographical errors, omissions, or other oversights that may or may not have been printed. In addition, at the tim e of publication complete team data was not available.