2021 Petrean

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2021 S A IN T P E TE R 'S PREP 1 44 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 0 7 3 0 2 (2 0 1 ) 5 4 7 - 6 4 0 0 www.spprep.org


DR. MICHAEL GOMEZ, '91 When Mr. Comey asked me to share a reflection on the past year at Prep, I realized the story of this year really begins in March of 2020, when the day-to-day experience of life at Grand & Warren was upended seemingly overnight. I thought one way to tell that story would be to share some excerpts from talks, letters, and videos I have shared with various groups within the Prep community. Some you might have heard or read before, and others might be new to you. I know this doesn't cover everything that happened since March 13, 2020, but I hope it paints a picture of this time at Prep...at least from my point of view. Thanks to my Prep brothers and sisters for walking this road with me. Faculty and Staff Meeting March 13, 2 0 2 0

"Good morning. I love you." That is the first thing I said to you at the start of our year together. It's exciting to say that and to start a year filled with joy and hope and new beginnings. But to be honest, it's more important to say that when we have challenges, anxieties, and the unknown staring at us...with no exact playbook in our toolkit. But what we do have in the toolkit is the belief that our number one responsibility is to love our students, and we can't do that effectively unless we love each other. So at this moment in time, how do we love and care for our students and you and your family? We are going to close school for a minimum of two weeks. So here's what that looks like and here's what we will do now. Video to Prep Students and Families April 8, 2 0 2 0

But right now epicenter is a scary word. The challenge is new and frightening at times, but it's also familiar. Within the past 20 years, we found ourselves at the epicenter on 9/11 and again during Superstorm Sandy. Now, as then, we will find the light. We're going to rely on our faith and pray and pray, but we also know we have to rely on each other and work and work. And while the days feel dark at times, we know that love, and its powerful light, is the true "epicenter." I know that the action rises and falls between the global struggle to meet this challenge and the quiet moments at home with our families and alone with our thoughts. The resolution is not yet clear, but there will be one, and there will be a next chapter. And I know that Prep will someday look back at this chapter in its history, and we will be proud of the way we wrote it, came through it together, turned the page, and with our metaphoric pen in hand, we said, what's next? Incoming Freshman Parent Meeting May 7, 2 0 2 0

When I look ahead to the 2020-21 academic year, I am focused on three questions: How do we keep our students and faculty and staff safe from the virus? How do we best educate and form the minds, hearts, and souls of our young men under several possible scenarios? How do we continue to be fiscally responsible? Letter to the Prep Community June 12, 2 0 2 0

As a Prep alumnus, my values were shaped right here at 144, and I know so many of us always look to Prep as the source of "the banners that guide us." One of the most important "banners" is that all who enter the doors of Grand and Warren are called to be men and women for and with others. Racism is diametrically opposed to that call that originated with Rev. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. That is true whatever form racism may take.


jperclassman Virtual Orientation ;ptember 9, 2 0 2 0

e are called to see our home with new eyes clear eyes, courageous eyes, careful eyes. Your education and rmation at Saint Peter's Prep is at a time when people are suffering from division, in a nation grasping for sace, grasping for ways to heal, grasping for ways to move forward, grasping for togetherness and unity...This year II have many challenges. One of them is being in a familiar place where we have been successful, but we are now ked to do a lot of unfamiliar things in order to be successful. We are in a familiar place, but we can't do all our miliar things. If we act the same in this familiar place, we w ill fail. We have to learn things, but we have to unlearn ings as well. We have to learn how to stop doing some things we like to do. culty and Staff Meeting >vember 11, 2 0 2 0

t me begin by saying that I recognize that our tension grows as COVID numbers in NJ and our country rise. I know are are a lot of other things that are giving us tension: these masks, physical distance, a student seeing his teacher person once a week, the habit now of checking your phone to see what the daily COVID numbers are...being nflicted about how to spend Thanksgiving, having dialogue about whether or not students or teachers or staff ould come in person to our school at all, worrying about powering up heat lamps for our outdoor tent, and too any zoom meetings. And some will call this the new normal in schools. I refuse to do that because that maybe plies that all these things are here to stay. I'd rather call it today's normal. But I don't think any of this overrides mmitment and love and faith. Please know how grateful I am that you have shared that everyday mmitment and love and faith. I am so so grateful. I told you on my first day that I will always be in awe of the ;ulty and staff of Saint Peter's Prep. That doesn't change. ieo to Prep Students nuary 6, 2021

now there is a wide range of emotions concerning what occurred at the Capitol todayincluding shock, sadness, ir, and anger. These are opposite the feelings you likely experienced just a few days agoon January 1stas we ?re turning the page on 2020. This violent assault on the Capitol disrupted the important work of our government, d it put elected men and women, civil servants, and others in danger. I keep thinking about the picture I saw online the evacuated Senate Chamber today displayed prominently is the phrase e pluribus unum. W hat happened earlier lay is the opposite of that phrase. culty and Staff Meeting arch 1 ,2 0 2 1

vid has done too much damage for us to just show up in September and say we are back to normal. We need a ferent type of orientation for next year. One way to think about that is possibly inviting students to return for the d of this year. It would be great to finish strong w ith our seniors. It would be awesome. But we could also be nking about using this return time as momentum leading to September. It )uld lay the foundation for the full return next fall. If we return this school ar, it would be like the beginning of a 5-month orientation to get us ready September. tter to Prep Parents ay 1 1 ,2 0 2 1

e had a terrific Senior Mass with Fr. O'Hare, a student-led jazz concert on a Plaza, and an outdoor dinner for our student council members and their nilies. Spring sports are in full swing, our retreat program has resumed th Kairos 64, and the last Class of 2021 Spirit Awards were presented at j Senior-Faculty Brunch. :ontinued on page 184.




Dear M em bers of the Class of 2 0 2 1 , This yearbook gives all of us the o p p o rtu n ity to reflect on the fo u r years you spent at Prep, and how much g ro w th and developm ent you experienced during your tim e at Grand and W arren. Both inside and outside of the classroom , you w e re co n tin u a lly challenged to g ro w and learn and becom e the men th a t God created you to be. I hope th a t the Profile o f the Graduate and G rad uation the Grad-at-Grad-is not ju st a collection of w ords, but a m easure of w h o you are. Only you can answ er h o w you have internalized and made your ow n the m ission of Prep and of Jesuit education. Challenged as it w as by the COVID-19 pandem ic, I am nonetheless co n fid e n t th a t your tim e as a Prep student still afforded you o p p o rtu n itie s to becom e in telle ctua lly com petent, open to grow th, religious, loving and c o m m itte d to doing justice. H o w have you lived them o u t over the past four years? H ow have you acted and reacted w h e n faced w ith challenge, o pp ortun ity, failure and even success? W hen Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., of H om eboy Industries, one o f our sum m er im m ersion trip sites in Los Angeles, delivered the A rrupe keynote address several years ago, he said som ething th a t resonated very strongly w ith so m any o f us: th a t Prep is not a place you go to, but rather a place you com e from , form ed by the experiences you had during the tim e th a t you w e re a student here. M y sincere hope fo r each one of you, men of the Class of 2 0 2 1 , is th a t every person you m eet in the future can com e aw ay from th e ir experience w ith you and kn o w th a t you not only have a Prep diplom a, but a Prep education. Thank you fo r these past fo u r years. The gifts you have given, w e shall never forget. W ishing you all God's blessings, Jim DeAngelo, '8 5




J j, Thom as Com ey


W e w o u ld all agree th a t since the M arch o f 2 0 2 0 our w o rld is different. This sudden shift in our lives has caused a lot of mixed em otion s and w e co m m o n ly feel a sense of loss fo r the w ay things w ere. W e long for the days w h en th in g s w e re "norm al" and w e could be to g e th e r at our chosen hom e, Saint Peter's Prep. From an outsider's perspective. Prep is a school. W e teach math, science, Italian, sculpture, and D ystopian Literature. W e have accom plished sports program s and talen ted artists. W e d o n 't appear to be any d iffe re n t than the school d ow n the block, unless you look deeper inside the w alls and at the people. Prep is a very special place and I th in k th a t w e each love it for our ow n reasons. M aybe w e've m et those lifelong friends w h o challenge us to be the best people w e can be. M aybe you to o k a class th a t you d id n 't th in k you w o u ld enjoy but w o u n d up m aking a friend or fin d in g a new passion. Perhaps Prep encouraged you to try a new sport or jo ine d a club to expand your horizons. Maybe a retreat opened your eyes and helped you appreciate w h o you are. You can feel h o w d iffe re n t Prep is w h e n you w a lk the halls and get to say hello to your friend w ith a fist bum p or an elb o w tap. You can see it in the w a y a senior teaches a freshm an w h a t it means to be a man fo r others. By the relationships th a t teachers and students form . The drive th a t our coaches and stage directors im p a rt to th e ir students. Its alm ost as if the w alls are alive w ith w h a t m akes Prep so m agical.

M S C 216

These m om ents aren't apparent to som eone passing by. They are the pieces of our history and our com m u nity. These pieces com e to g e th e r to create an incredibly intricate mosaic. W hen you take the tim e to Zoom In to these pieces you can see th a t they are them selves beautiful. These sm all m om ents have helped me reflect on w h a t m akes Prep the special place th a t it is. The relationships w e fo rm here are genuine and build us up into w h o w e are truly m eant to be. It tru ly is Prep fo r life.


"Throughout the years, m y brothers and I have had the privilege to be coached, m entored, and w o rk alongside Coach Rich Hansen. His dedication to Prep and his athletes is inspirational and infectious. Coach Hansen's sacrifices have m eant so m uch to me and my fam ily. Being able to teach and coach at Prep is a small w a y to continue Coach Hansen's legacy of the M arauder trad ition ." -Jose Que, '9 9 (brothers Vincent, '9 3 , Paul, '9 5 , and A dam , '0 5 )


RICHARD HANSEN The 2 0 2 0 -2 0 2 1 school year has been unlike any other in recent m em ory. W hile C ovid-19 and unrest surrounding social and political issues have dom inated the national headlines, Prep's co m m u n ity also experienced a shift not seen in over 30 years. This cam e w ith the new s th a t Coach Rich Hansen, P '0 3 , '0 9 , w o u ld be retiring from the helm as Head Football Coach and delving deeper into his other role as A th le tic D irector. His decorated legacy w ith Prep Football includes 38 tota l seasons on staff and 33 seasons as head fo o tb a ll coach - 22 w ith 8 or m ore w ins, 5 State Cham pionships, and 23 co u n ty or division titles. He holds the d istinction of Prep's alltim e w in n in g e s t fo o tb a ll coach w ith a career record of 273-77-1 and has placed countless players across every division and league of college football. Students, teachers, and alum ni all revel at Prep's representation on sport netw o rks on Saturday and Sunday afternoons in the fall because of w h a t Coach Hansen has been able to build over the last 33 years. M ore im p o rta n tly than all of this, how ever, is the m entorsh ip coach has provided to the thousands of young men w h o have w a lked the halls of Grand and W arren over his tenure. As 1 9 9 2 graduate and cu rre nt freshm an fo o tb a ll coach M ark DeCastro w ro te , "Coach Hansen has been a life saver fo r me. He ta u g h t me h o w to be a responsible young man. I learned how to channel m y em otion s in order to overcom e any obstacle." M ost iconic m ay be Coach Hansen's stoic expression and ageless physique ("H ow does he STILL look the same?!?" is a very com m o n phrase spoken by returning visitors of all ages). One w o u ld be hard pressed to p in p o in t the corre ct year of pictures fro m new spaper clippings over the last tw o decades as Coach postures w ith arms crossed on the field displaying a neutral facial expression, eyes guarded by dark sunglasses, and tanned, bulging forearm and bicep m uscles rem iniscent of the M arauder statue at the entry to the H um anities Building. All students have experienced Coach Hansen's presence around the school grounds. Father Jim F. Kennan, SJ field, the Perkins A th le tic Center, the gym, w e ig h t room s, baseball fields, courts, tracks, and pools. Prep's fo o tb a ll field w ill look a bit diffe re n t next fall, but one can safely assum e Coach Hansen w ill rem ain the staple im age of Prep A th le tics w e have all g ro w n to know , love and appreciate. W e dedicate this 2 02 1 school yearbook to him and recognize all o f his accom plishm ents and the consistent, cham pionship-standard he has instilled in the Prep athletic program s.


THE DEATH OF GEORGE FLOYD, a 46-year-old Black man in Minneapolis, set o ff a summer of unrest and clashes between protesters and police. A fter a convenience store employee called 911 to say Floyd passed a counterfeit $20 bill, police detained him w ith an officer kneeling on his neck for more than eight minutes as Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe. Floyd died as a result. "SAY THEIR NAMES" became a rallying cry as protesters took to the streets beginning in late May. A series of Black deaths at the hands of police sparked demonstrations across the nation. A BROADER MOVEMENT, Black Lives Matter, and an examination of systematic racism in America emerged from the death of George Floyd. Demonstrators toppled statues of Confederate figures, NASCAR banned any display of the Confederate flag and Asheville (NC) City Council voted in support of com munity reparations for Black Asheville. Brands like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's and sports teams such as the Washington Redskins took steps to change their names. IN THE MIDST OF THE BLM MOVEMENT, Georgia Representative John Lewis died of pancreatic cancer in midJuly. Lewis, the son of sharecroppers, was the last surviving speaker from the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Before his funeral and burial in Atlanta, he was honored in Selma, Alabama, where he grew up.

E N TER TA IN IN G RELEASES IN TR O D UCING A DIFFERENT VIBE, Taylor Swift dropped a surprise record "Folklore" in July, her eighth studio album. Driven by piano and guitar, the songs are more mellow than her previous work. Selling tw o million copies in the first week, it set a Guinness World Record for the biggest opening day for an album by a female artist on Spotify. QUEEN BEY M ADE NEW S with the release of "Black is King" on July 31. Beyonce's musical film and visual album got its inspiration from "The Lion King: The Gift," an album she recorded after voicing Nala in Disney's remake. "Black is King" focuses on a young African king who is cast out as a baby and returns to reclaim his throne as an adult.





ALTHOUGH THE ATLANTIC HURRICANE SEASON didn't start until June 1. tw o named tropical storms developed in May, brushing the Carolina coasts. The first hurricane of the season, Hanna, hit Padre Island, Texas, July 25, followed by Isaias which hugged the coasts of Florida and Georgia before making landfall in North Carolina. EXTREME HEAT ALONG THE W E ST COAST created a ripe environment for wildfires that spanned from Washington through California and into Arizona. Fires started in Washington in April, continuing through the summer. In Oregon, fires caused Portland to have the worst air quality on earth. California had its largest w ildfire season in history, burning more that four million acres and destroying more than 9 ,0 0 0 structures.

ANYONE H U N G R Y ? M O S T S U M M E R SPORTS were effectively ended by COVID-19. The French Open and Kentucky Derby both moved to September and baseball season was shortened. But Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest, a Fourth of July tradition, endured. Joey Chestnut won for the 13th time, downing 75 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Miki Sudo captured the women's prize, eating 48.5.

ONE BIG BUG W ILD FIR E S, RECORD HEAT, TORNADOES — then came the murder hornets, making their first appearance in the Pacific Northwest in the spring and spotted elsewhere through the summer. The Asian giant hornet, which can grow to tw o inches, kills up to 50 people in Japan each year and poses a threat to honeybees. Researchers hoped to eradicate them before they become established.


THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE participated in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge, closing it down, on July 25. The march condemned the use of federal troops to curb protesters in Portland, Oregon. Demonstrations, mostly peaceful, in support of Black Lives M atter and justice for George Floyd and others continued throughout the summer in cities across the country.

SPACEX, A PRIVATE SPACE CO M PANY founded by Elon Musk, launched tw o NASA astronauts into space on its Falcon 9 rocket on May 30. This marked the first time NASA launched its own astronauts in nearly a decade. Since 2011. US astronauts had been sent into space on Russian rockets. While Falcon 9 returned to earth. Crew Dragon carried Bob Behnken and Doug Hurly to the International Space Station where they were scheduled to spend several months.


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Saint Petersj’rep

From a visitor's perspective, life on a high school cam pus can seem overw h elm in g. Students and teachers are m oving th ro u g h o u t the halls and there is alw ays som ething going on. To the untrained eye, it is chaos. To our co m m u n ity w e can appreciate these m om ents. All it takes is the tim e to sit back and zoom in on the a ctivity and life around us.


m ain tain 6' social distancmg.




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COUNCIL Class of 2023 Representatives:

Sebastian Arteaga Rishi Bhandari Teddy McCarthy Etienne Servaes Class of 2022 Representatives:

Dermot Alvidrez Connor Bankuti Charlie Dino Lucas Hjertberg Ellis Reid Class of 2021 Representatives:

Owen Fletcher Ian Lee Rich Lugo Pat McCabe Andrew Smith Vice President:

Joaquim M atti President:

Johnnie Brooker


The 2020- 2021 Student Council was a team that defeated the odds from the very beginning. From the get-go, these men got to work starting all the w ay back in August. Poised and determined they constantly worked their tails off amidst a global pandemic. Led by Student Council President Johnnie Brooker, Vice President 1 , ' * and Moderator Ms. 09383678 Eppler, the full Council was a force to be reckoned w ith. They have accomplished so much on and offcampus. From helping small businesses to building a close-knit community incorporating the entire school, and working to provide our seniors w ith privileges that were stripped away. That is just the beginning. It is noted that representing and being at the forefront of the school encompasses many day-to-day tasks that they have to carry out every single day. Although this was a chaotic year, the Council adopted and embraced the challenge that came their way. Meeting once, every week, w ith a heavy course load plus extracurriculars, our leaders made progressive change and progress in the school. -Johnnie Brooker


The seniors put in extra rehearsals to record an original piece of music composed specifically for them by Chase Bradshaw. The group performed the piece live in the courtyard on Warren to a group of very happy seniors who gathered to celebrate their last day on campus.



As has been the case for most students this year, opportunities to perform and even rehearse together in person were nearly impossible. Still, Prep members of the Concert and Jazz Bands found time to get together on line via Zoom and review music and prepare virtual W inter and Spring Concerts. Students had as much fun as possible and brought some joy to the Prep community through their video performances. It was a particularly hard day of work, but a fun adventure recording the Jazz Band live in the O'Keefe Common one Sunday. The group looks forward to making music again in person next year!



Vox this year had to adapt to a unique setting in the performing arts. From face shields, to masks, to enhanced ventilation, the group made it work! We were able to lead in the singing of all school wide masses, perform in a virtual and in person W inter and Spring Concert, and participate in virtual choirs at St. Peter's University and the JSN Global Colloquium. On top of being the voice of Prep, we were a light in a dim world. Vox is home to many students, faculty, and staff current and past. While we could not be at every event and sing much in person, the voice of Prep never faltered. We just needed to find a new w ay and we did. We wish the best of luck and congratulations to our Vox Senior Members: Nicholas DePinto, Xavier Lusky, Max Rueda, Andrew Smith, Christopher Rudolph, Bobby McCafferty, and Patrick Boll! They w ill truly be missed. - Miss Fencik



nuR D eneo

In Order of Ai


D o n Z o lid is

Andres Pena '22 Louis Correro '23 Marko Eliyashevskiy '22 Charles Burt '23 Lyeba Jadun '22 (St. Dorn) Dylan Perez '21 Gabriella Perez '23 (S t. Dom) Patrick Boll '21 Logan E llio t '22 Derm ot A lvid re z '22 Kira Burke '21 (Brookside) Nicholas Matos '22


WINTER DRAMAS The year 2020-21 w ill be remembered as a year of "firsts" and Prep Dramatics was no exception. An industry for the creation of plays presented virtually arose and, for the W inter Drama, Prep’s actors made their first attempts at this new art form. Three plays were presented, "A Bowl of Soup", "A Mystery Murdered", and "10 Ways To Survive Life In Quarantine" live each night January 8th and 9th of 2021. "A Bowl of Soup" is a series of monologues through which the actor recalls the importance of a specific meal in their lives helping them remember and survive tragic and difficult events w ith bittersweet results. "A Mystery Murdered" is a comedy that found actors caught up in the presentation of a murder mystery that all goes wrong! "10 Ways to Survive Life In Quarantine" offered vignettes of people suggesting activities that would make life in quarantine more tolerable and fun! The W inter Drama was produced and directed by Mr. James Dondero '66, w ith assistance from Ms. Robin Walters. Ms. Sky Friedlander served as the Technical Assistant. One of the highlights of the experience involved an email from the playwright, Kendra Thomas, of "A Bowl of Soup" who attended a performance virtually and commented: "Please w ill you let your theatre teacher know w hat a wonderful job the students did on the show! I especially enjoyed how each of them had their own unique take on their monologue. I believed their characters, and they were so fun to watch."


CAST OF EDGES: Chris Rudolph W ill Kunga Cyril M aliakal Gianna Scalcione Pat Boll A ndrew Smith M illie Nieves Lauren Updyke Dylan Perez M ax Rueda Halle Lipton Alyssa Fuentes Gianna Scalcione Nick M atos

SPRING MUSICAL The Edge of Creativity:

Mr. Adam Bouley, Director When Ms. Fencik and I started planning for this year's spring musical, we wanted to make sure that w hat we experienced last year, when our production of Into the Woods was cancelled after its first performance, did not happen again. So, this year we decided to produce a remote musical production, meaning a production that was completely done over Zoom at the cast members' homes. Rehearsals, learning music, choreography, audio recording, filming, etc. would happen completely in a tiny virtual box miles away from one another. However, producing a fully remote musical, something neither of us had any experience doing, did not leave us w ith many show options. After considering the limited list of choices, we chose Edges because we found the music catchy and thought the concept of a song cycle would be the easiest first remote show to produce. But over time, I found its themes completely in sync w ith our current Covid, lockdown, virtual, new normal. At its core. Edges is about the uneasiness and fear we face anytime we encounter a transition or a major decision. Whether we are debating finally saying 'I love you' to a partner, pursuing a dream, dealing w ith a loss, or contemplating leaving, the fear of the repercussions our decisions create and the unknown that w ill be unveiled, oftentimes pin us in place. To make a move is far scarier than to just maintain the status quo. The fear of what's still unknown about Covid-19 has forced many of us and our institutions to resort to the safest option, to continue our lives virtually. But these virtual settings are exhausting to maintain and leave us feeling disconnected from the social world. The same is true of the characters in Edges, who long to make meaningful connections, but can't seem to get past the "mask" of expectations that allow them to do that. Edges, although written in a time when Facebook was the only social media giant, provides us w ith a timely lesson: to take solace in the beauty of the things we often take for granted, like breathing.



M A N Y SPORTS STOPPED M ARCH 12 and by early July, it looked like there would be no college football when the Ivy League ruled out playing all fall sports. Other conferences soon followed suit. But then, more and more schools reversed course, beginning limited seasons and playing to empty or limitedcapacity stadiums. Seasons continued to be plagued by players testing positive, forcing games to be rescheduled or canceled. IN AN EFFORT TO RESUM E the NBA season, the league invited the top 22 teams at the time of suspended play on March 11 to the ESPN Sports Complex at W alt Disney World in Orlando. The league created a protective bubble, severely limiting the players' exposure to anything or anyone outside the bubble. Teams arrived July 7 w ith play resuming July 30. Eight regular games determined which 16 teams progressed to post-season playoffs. In the end. the Los Angeles Lakers triumphed over the Miami Heat in the best of seven series, winning it all on Oct. 11. LeBron James won his fourth MVP. the only player to win MVP honors w ith three different teams.


ALTHOUGH THE FIRST U.S. CASE of COVID-19 was diagnosed in January, the country didn't begin shutting down until March when the W orld Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic. Sports halted, schools and all nonessential businesses closed as states began crafting plans for stay-at-home orders to curb the spread. ESPECIALLY SUSEPTIBLE TO CORONAVIRUS, the elderly and those w ith health issues stayed isolated for months. Friends and relatives were forced to visit them from outside their windows. COVID patients in hospitals died alone, unable to have contact w ith their loved ones. STATES SET UP TESTING CENTERS where people waited for hours as lines of cars stretched for miles. The respiratory disease spread through droplets in the air w ith symptoms including fever, cough and sore throat. A fter taking the nasal swab test, people sometimes waited for weeks for results and labs were overwhelmed.

SUMMER HEATS UP EXPERTS W A R N E D about crowds during summer holidays, but high temperatures drove people to beaches. After the Fourth of July, cases spiked and the U.S. death toll hit 50.00 0 . Though the U.S. had only four percent of the world population, it had more than 20 percent of COVID cases, prompting Europe to ban travelers from the U.S. beginning in July. Some states imposed their own travel restrictions, requiring quarantines.



MEDICAL PERSONNEL became heroes, working long hours as their hospitals exceeded capacity. Large cities like New York resorted to tem porary field hospitals to handle the overload. Though the numbers subsided in the summer, by the end of October, 23 0,00 0 had died in the U.S. At least 31 states set their one-day infection records in October, reporting a new case every 1.3 seconds during the last week of the month. THROUGHOUT MAY and early June, most states began a gradual, phased reopening after cases peaked in April. First came more essential services, then salons reopened. Restaurants reopened w ith limited capacity, and bars and gyms followed later. M ost cities and states stressed social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands as preventatives, but local requirements varied widely.


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RACE FOR A VA C C IN E DUBBED OPERATION W A R P SPEED, the race for a vaccine involved nearly 3 0 companies. By late summer, several potential vaccines had entered preliminary trials, but three major companies stopped their trials in early October due to adverse reactions in volunteers. W ithin the month, all were back on track. Although President Trump had talked of having a vaccine by November, medical experts predicted it would be at least early 2021 before one passed all the FDA trials, and it would take months before it became widely available to the general population.

M O S T SCHOO L YEARS ended in March 2020, and controversy swirled about whether schools should reopen in the fall. Plans varied from state to state, ranging from inperson instruction to virtual learning to a blend of both. Teachers tailored methods to accommodate, presenting to empty classrooms in many cases. Students who attended in person wore masks in socially distanced classrooms and endured quarantines as classmates tested positive for the virus.



Creativity is key when solving any type of problem. The annual fashion show has become a staple for the Advancement Department at Prep and COVID was not about to put a halt to such a well attended and fun event. As the models showed off the latest fashion trends, including masks and thermometers, safety and fashion became synonymous. The gentlemen looked handsome and the young women glowed as they took to the runway in what w ill surely be a fashion show to remember. Through the work of Ms. Dalma Santana and a trove of parent volunteers, the event was one of the most memorable ones in Prep history. The event proves that Prep w ill continue to create connections for a lifetime.

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TA K IN G THE TITLE THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS won their first World Series in 32 years on Oct. 20, beating the Tampa Bay Rays 8-3 in Game 6. The 60-game regular season was the shortest in history due to the pandemic, but it led to the longest post-season on record w ith 16 teams competing. LA shortstop Corey Seager was named World Series MVP. Game 6 set a record for the most strikeouts, and the Dodgers used seven pitchers —the most ever used by a winning team in a nine-inning clincher.

IN THE MUSIC WORLD, singer/songwriter Eric Church was named A rtist of the Year at the Country Music Awards, and the American Music Awards bestowed the same honor on Taylor Swift. When the Grammy nominations were announced, Beyonc6 set a record w ith nine, w hile Swift, Roddy Ricch and Dua Lipa garnered six nominations each. “JEOPARDY!" HOST ALEX TREBEK, who announced his diagnosis of stage 4 pancreatic cancer in March 2019, died Nov. 8 at the age of 80. He taped his final appearance as host on Oct. 29. Trebek hosted the TV show for 37 seasons. Ken Jennings, the highest money winner in game show history, served as the first of several interim hosts while the network sought a new permanent host. October also marked the deaths of rocker Eddie Van Halen and Scottish actor Sean Connery, the original James Bond.


NATURAL DISASTERS CO NTINUED to make news through the fall. California was plagued by wildfires since early spring. The Glass Fire burned through Napa and Sonoma counties, destroying 67,484 acres, including a number of vineyards, and forcing the evacuation of at least 6 8 ,0 0 0 residents before the blaze was fully contained on Oct. 20. The coast of Louisiana took yet another hit as Hurricane Zeta made landfall as a Category 2 late in October. The 2 0 2 0 hurricane season saw a record-breaking 3 0 named storms, including six major hurricanes. An average season had 12 named storms and three major hurricanes. Twelve of the storms in 2 0 2 0 made landfall in the continental United States. The season marked only the second time in history that the Greek alphabet had to be used to name storms.










THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION took place on Nov. 3, and voters turned out in record numbers. The results were close enough that several states could not be called. On Nov. 7. Joe Biden reached the required number of 270 electoral votes and became the president-elect. He and vice president­ elect Kamala Harris addressed the nation that night.


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NO FANS LOOKED ON as Dustin Johnson won the Masters golf tournament w ith the lowest score in the history of the tournament. Pandemic concerns created a one-of-a-kind Masters: No spectators, no ropes and only one guest for each player. Johnson finished 20-under at 268 w ith only four bogeys in 72 holes, another record. Tiger Woods, the defending champion, helped him put on his green jacket. THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME welcomed a new group of inductees on Nov. 7. Honorees included The Doobie Brothers (pictured), Depeche Mode, W hitney Houston, Nine Inch Nails, The Notorious B.I.G. and T. Rex. The ceremony was broadcast on HBO after the live ceremony, scheduled for May 2, was cancelled due to the pandemic.

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PRESIDENT T R U M P sent a tweet on Oct. 2 announcing he had tested positive for COVID-19. He was hospitalized later that day at Walter Reed National M ilitary Medical Center following a dip in his oxygen levels. He returned to the W hite House three days later after receiving an experimental drug cocktail. The First Lady and son, Barron, also tested positive and quarantined at the W hite House.


W IT H THE DEATH of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in September. President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy. Democrats argued that the position should not be filled before the presidential election, but on Oct. 26, Barrett was confirmed w ith a 52-48 vote in the Republican-led Senate. The vote marked the first in modern times w ith no support from the m inority party. Barrett, who once clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia, was a professor at the University of Notre Dame Law School for 15 years before her appointment to the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017.


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Legends Never Die

M a d e For You R ecently Played Favorite Songs Album s Eternal A take

A rtists Stations Videos

O livia Rodrigo drivers license


Whole Lotta Red

(+ )

New Playlist


PLAYLIST William Kunga

Kevin Nally

Cybele's Reverie by Stereolab

Still Beating by Mac Demarco

Still Beating M a c D e M a rc o


Gerald DelaCruz

Patrick McCabe

Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting

Alicia Keys

by Elton John

Joaquin Matti Black Balloon by The Goo Goo Dolls

T a n g o I n T he

Matthew Maruri Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac




IIM LATE SEPTEMBER, the COVID-19 Memorial Project installed 2 0 ,0 0 0 small flags on the National Mall to commemorate those who had died from the pandemic. At that point, predictions of 2 4 0 ,0 0 0 future deaths seemed impossible. But on Feb. 22, the U.S. surpassed 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 deaths. President Biden and wife Jill, along with other officials, marked the grim milestone with a candle-lighting ceremony and a moment of silence. Biden also ordered flags at federal buildings flown at half-staff for five days.



CO VID-19 IM PACTED tourism in multiple ways. Broadway went dark in March 2020. In September, the closures were extended until 2021, then later pushed to May 30. The eight Smithsonian museums in Washington, D.C. also closed in March. The museums reopened in July and closed again just before Thanksgiving. Both Disney World in Florida and Disneyland in California shut down in March. Disney laid off 2 8 ,0 0 0 workers in September and another 3 2 ,0 0 0 in November. Although Disney World reopened to limited numbers in July, Disneyland remained closed a year later.


TO KEEP UP W ITH the demand for vaccines, states created super sites, opening sports arenas and convention centers to handle the load. Communities created drive-thru vaccination sites like this one in Arizona. By early March, more than 16 percent of the U.S. population had received one dose and more than 8 percent had been fully vaccinated. Demand for the vaccine continued to outnumber available doses, creating frustration for those trying to schedule appointments.

R e m o v e Y o u r J a c ke t Roll U p Y o u r S leeves

AS EARLY AS APRIL 2020, the CDC recommended face masks to curb the spread of COVID-19. Each state issued its own requirements, and as many as 35 states mandated masks at some point. A fter peaking in January 2021, the pandemic began to ebb w ith the introduction of vaccines. Masks were still required in 30 states at the end of February. THE FDA GRANTED emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 11. Just three days later, the first U.S. vaccine was administered. One week later, Moderna received EUA, and their first vaccine given Dec. 22. Both early vaccines required tw o doses several weeks apart for highest efficacy. Health care and frontline workers, and people older than 75 received vaccine priority. A third vaccine, by Johnson & Johnson, which required only one dose and less extreme storage temperatures, was approved Feb. 27.

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BRINGING A LITTLE LEVITY to the time of COVID. the citizens of New Orleans created "Yardi Gras' as a way to maintain the spirit of Mardi Gras. Parades and more were cancelled, so many families decorated their homes, some w ith the help of professional float artists w ho were tem porarily out of w ork because of the pandemic. According to the mayor — because it's a religious holiday — "Mardi Gras was not cancelled, just different."




EXPERTS W A RNED against gatherings during the holidays to avoid a spike in COVID cases. Shopping mall Santas greeted children from behind face shields and plexiglass. Families shared holiday meals via Zoom. Despite the warnings and precautions, January became the deadliest month in the U.S. for the pandemic. Total deaths surpassed soldier fatalities in WWII. In addition, variants of the virus were identified in three states on Jan. 4. By the one-year anniversary of the first U.S. case on Jan. 20, more 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 Americans had died from the virus.

FROM ATHLETES TO SPECTATORS, the pandemic continued to affect sports. Some high schools moved their football seasons to spring. Major sporting events like college bowl games and Super Bowl LV were played w ith limited fans. The World Series, held at the 40,300-seat capacity Globe Life Park, allowed only 10,550 fans and filled many of the lower empty seats w ith cardboard cutouts.



OR O U T ? IN JANUARY 2 0 2 1, the CDC said it was safe for schools to open but controversy continued. Educational plans varied from school to school, district to district and state to state. Plans ranged from in-person instruction — with masks, social distancing and barriers — to remote learning from home, or a hybrid combination of both. Some schools offered both in-person and virtual options and let students and parents decide, while others offered alternate-day plans. Experts, teachers and parents agreed in-person instruction benefitted students the most. By late winter, there were discussions about offering summer classes in some areas.










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In a year of lim ited fan attendance, pared postseasons, and C ovid-19 protocols. Prep athletics contin ued th e ir usual dom inance. The M arauders w o rke d hard th ro u g h quarantine and cam e ready to com pete. Together, Prep's student-athletes w o re m aroon and silver w ith pride across 19 diffe re n t sports.


The reigning state cham pions posted a dom inant season as usual, with many

widely-anticipated matchups and rivalry games. More than ever, Marauder football depended on its stalwart defensive unit, led by seasoned upperclassmen, to keep teams at bay. Quarterback Tajh Bullock threw for alm ost 9 00 yards and 53 completions, and had plenty of options on both the rushing side and receiving end.

The 2020 season also marked the end of an era, as legendary Coach Rich Hansen announced his retirement after over three decades in charge of the program. Despite the absence of any playoffs this year, his final squad was characteristically energetic and dynamic, and continued Prep Football's strong tradition of hard work.


They crushed other strong non-public programs including rival Don Bosco, St. Joseph (Mont.), and Paramus Catholic. Although a two week virus related shutdown brought the team to a halt about a month into the season, they rallied in two close losses to finish the year 4-2.


Marauder soccer w as one of the first team s to get back into action after a nearly 6 month pandemic-induced pause from all official Prep sports. They were no disappointm ent posting a strong winning season (10-6) with a 3rd place finish in Hudson County (7-3). Their talent spanned all grades but they were notably led by a strong class of seniors, including leading scorer Anthony W arm uz, Johannes Dirx, Jair Arriaga, Iker Taboas, and John Galasso. Sophomore Jon Dereka and freshm an Andy Mayorga also had an immediate impact, and ju n ior goalies Connor Bankuti and Tommy Burton combined for 49 saves.

Their energetic style of play carried into the postseason, where they beat Newark Academy and St. Joseph (Met) before coming up short in the group final. Despite the unpredictable nature of their 2020 season, Prep soccer stayed strong and reminded fans why they're still a top program in the state.


Saint Peter's Prep Crew had a strong return following the cancellation of the Spring season. With an entirely brand new coaching staff, coaches and rowers alike were eager to get to work. Despite many cancellations of Fall season races,

the team w as still able to scrim m age against competitive local programs finishing favorably am ongst the field.

The crew has made great progressions in leadership, setting the foundation for the future of the team while also building towards future success, as they enter their muchanticipated Spring season.

CROSS COUNTRY Despite the uncertainties going into the 2 0 2 0 season the team managed to overcome all of the challenges and had one of the best seasons in school history. The team started off strong by breaking the school course record in the first meet of the season with a time of 15:48. Led by senior Rodolfo Sanchez they were able to hold on to the Hudson County title for the fourth consecutive year. They went on to take home the Non-Public North A Sectional Title for the first time in school history.

Unable to have spectators at the meets their hard work and determination paid off as the team finished the season with a rank of 15th in the state. Even with all of the hardships due to the pandemic the team will go down as one of the best cross country teams in Prep history.


Eager to avenge last season's double OT loss in the state sectional final game, Prep Basketball came back in full force this year and posted a near undefeated season. The reigning Hudson County cham ps w ent 10-1 and were a com m anding force from start to finish. Their average win margin w as over 27 points thanks to balanced team w ork and a deep roster. The Marauders were led by their tough guard play, which provided scoring as well as ball movement, averaging 11 assists.

The team w as limited to ju st 11 games because of the shortened pandemic season, but still had many memorable moments. They knocked off #7 ranked Montclair Immaculate in overtime and logged a dom inant win over Shore conference powerhouse Marlboro, all on their way to finishing #5 in New Jersey.



In a year filled with uncertainty, the Prep Fencing

Team took to the strip with vigor and confidence. Since 2017, the Marauders have appeared in every playoff round while advancing to three championship meets. While Covid-19 created a void of championships this season, Prep showed up and gave it a titlewinning effort. Relying on Senior epee and saber fencers and the dominating foil squad, who won 30 out of 36 bouts, the Marauders concluded the season with a record of 3 and 1.

This season also marked the end of seniors and four-year team veterans Pius Mwemba, Ethan Eig, Alec Martinez, Davik Persaud, Alexander Sciarra and Nathaniel Jablonski's Prep fencing careers.


BOWLING Although the team experienced a shortened practice and match schedule the team went undefeated during the regular season. They placed first in the Hudson County Interscholastic Athlethic League South Division. On February 5th Junior Blaise Edwards achieved his first 300 game, the fourth perfect game in school history.


WRESTLING Marauder wrestling put up a near undefeated

record this year at 7-1, with all of their wins conning by 10 points or more. After a delayed start to the season, expectations were high for the squad, and they delivered across the board. The team had extensive conditioning and practices in preparation for their mid-March start. They were fueled by five returning state qualifiers who were hungry for more. Highlights included dominant wins over all Hudson county competition as well as victories over tough programs like Pope John XXIII Regional High School.

Experience was centered in the lower weight classes, which gave the younger guys the chance to emerge as contenders in the higher weight classes. Prep wrestling sent two wrestlers to the state championships with senior Sean Rendeiro placing fourth.



The St. Peter's Prep sw im season came to a close on March 27, 2021, and it w as a season to remember. Records were broken, tough opponents were beaten and although the season was shortened brotherhoods were formed. Seniors Timmy Jimenez and Henry Brown, Juniors Kevin W hitworth and Sophomore David Slowinski set not one, but tw o school records in the relays. The group sw am a 1:26.88 in the 2 00 free relay and a 3:11.75 in the 4 0 0 free relay. Kevin W hitworth set an individual school record for the 100 freestyle, with an astounding time of 46.50.

The freshmen brought tons of new talent to the table and the upperclassmen once again showed their quality and proved they were more than worthy of swimming for the team.


The loss of many key seniors and a modified pandemic schedule presented a challenge for Prep puck, but they were able to stick through it and have a strong team

building year. Despite the usual strength of their Gordon Conference Schedule, they managed to knock oft top tier times, including an impressive 4-2 upset over No. 13 St. Joseph's (Mont.). The group w as led ny experience seniors but also had a number of sophomores and juniors who brought energy, especially in the attacking zone. They were also constantly on the road - playing twice as many away games as home games, but still fought every match to the last minute.



INDOOR TRACK In an indoor track and field season unlike any other, athletes practiced outside during the frigid winter months. In lieu of a season, The Hudson County Track Coaches Association organized "polar bear" meets during March. Despite a short season the following athletes were named to the All Hudson County Teams: First Team All County: Owen Fletcher (shot put), Edwin Klanke (8 0 0 Meters), Alex Schimmel (1 6 0 0 & 3 2 0 0 Meters). Second Team All County: Rodolfo Sanchez (8 0 0 Meters), Brandon Schimmel (1 6 0 0 & 3 2 0 0 Meters) and Third Team All County: Jack Sipperly (8 0 0 Meters)

All-C nunty Recognition for H udson C ounty


Individual C ham pions at Jersey City

2021 W inter Season

C ham pionships

Shot Put First Team All County - Owen Fletcher Honorable Mention - Nicholas Chipelo Honorable Mention - Mason Simmons

Fitzroy Ledgister 100 Meters Joey Morrone-110 Hurdles, 200 &400 Meters Edwin Klanke- 800 Meters Alex Schimmel-1600, 3200 Landers Green-Triple Jump Erik Perez- Discus

800 Meters First Team All County - Edwin Klanke Second Team All County - Rodolfo Sanchez Third Team All County - Jack Sipperly Honorable Mention - Patrick McCabe 1600 Meters First Team All County - Alex Schimmel Second Team All County - Brandon Schimmel Honorable Mention - Patrick McCabe 3200 Meters First Team All County - Alex Schimmel Second Team All County - Brandon Schimmel Honorable Mention - Richard Harrington Honorable Mention - Tarran Mohan


VOLLEYBALL The St. Peter's Prep volleyball team had an impressive

county season, winning a county title for the second time in a row. An adversity-filled season with impressive wins and more importantly learning experiences. The loss of a season last year fueled a team with ambition and motivation coming into the 2020-2021 school year. As of this m om ent Aidan Apito (Senior) leads the team with a whopping 156 kills and Timothy Jimenez (Senior) leads the team in blocking (32 blocks) and assists (3 2 0 assists).

An astounding performance from Andrew Fernandez (Junior) as he leads the team with 147 digs! T. PETER’S VOLLEI

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With a final county record of 7-2 and total record of 13-7, the St. Peter's Prep volleyball team exits another very successful season determined to continue the legacy of defending the title of County Champions into the following years



The St. Peter's Prep baseball team has enjoyed another successful season with a 13-8 record. The Marauders have played state powers, Don Bosco, Pope John, St. Joe's (Montvale) and Millburn High School. The team has been led by seniors Ryan King, Ian Wilson, Owen Fletcher and Connor McElroy Barker. Prep finished the regular season with a 7-2 league record which earned them the third seed in the league tournament. Prep is primed and ready to capture a League Tournament Championship.

LACROSSE Despite Covid-19 hardships this season, Prep

Lacrosse never lost its spirit. The program this year w as led by captains JD Farkas, Colin Williams, Colin Brancatella and seniors Andrew Bowling, Kenny Browne, Liam Mooney, Pat Rooney, Matt McDonough, with Coach Morrissey returning for his 8th year in the program. Competing in the competitive W aterman Conference, the offense w as led by Farkas and W illiams at the midfield with a strong attack presence from Dylan Coyle, while the defense w as led by Colin Brancatella and Tommy Burton.

The team is excited to play in state playoffs in June!

The team celebrated some great achievements this season as w ell such as Colin Williams committing to play lacrosse at Dickinson College and many underclassmen filling some key roles including freshmen Henry Walker as the starting goalie, transfer Kenny Ferris as a close defensemen, sophomore Matteo Pavan as a close defensemen, and sophomore transfer, Jude Sargent at attack.


This year's tennis team took a great return from their last season in 2019. With only tw o starting players returning in Captains Anthony Chrysikos and Anthony Mouridy, it w as anyone's game. While there were some injuries and changes in the line up at the beginning, our tw o doubles team s really went for it. The freshmen duo Jack Brossaeu and Jeremy Kamber and the Junior/Senior combo of Gerald Delacruz and Emmett Wilson really racked up the majority of w ins for the team.

The singles players led by Captain Anthony Chrysikos took some turns at the beginning, but Andrew Li and Vipul Kothakonda stepped it up complete the top seven for this year. The team went undefeated in the county regular season and are looking for a repeat win for the county title.

AFTER THE TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 31-9, in Super Bowl LV on Feb. 7 General Manager Jason Licht handed the Lombardi Trophy to winning quarterback Tom Brady. In his seventh Super Bowl win, Brady was named the game's MVP. The game also marked the first tim e a woman, Sarah Thomas, officiated a Super Bowl game. MARCH MADNESS protocols for player safety included testing, distancing and less travel. W ith the entire tournament played in the Indianapolis area, teams remained onsite between rounds. The Big 10 tournament was also played there, so Illinois — conference champions and No. 1 seed in the M idwest Region — and other Big 10 squads arrived ahead of other teams. DRIVING FOR FRONT ROW MOTORSPORTS, Michael McDowell won the Daytona 500 in one of the biggest surprise upsets in the race's history. A 100-1 underdog going into the race, McDowell chalked up his first career NASCAR Cup Series win. A nearly six-hour rain delay resulted in the lowest viewership in the race's 63-year history. GOLF GREAT TIGER WOODS suffered multiple serious leg and ankle injuries after a single-car rollover accident on Feb. 23. Surgeons stabilized his right leg by inserting a rod into his tibia. Screws and pins stabilized his ankle. The accident meant he would miss the Masters in April.

A W A R D W IN N E R S IN THE TELEVISIO N CATEGORY at the bi-coastal Golden Globes, "The Crown" came away with top honors, winning the Best Drama television series. In addition, Josh O'Connor (as Prince Charles) and Emma Corrin (as Princess Diana) won the Best Actor and Actress in a Drama awards, respectively. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler played host to the Feb. 28 show. AT THE G R A M M Y S , Megan Thee Stallion won Best New Artist and Best Rap Song and Rap Performance for "Savage Remix." Beyonce's four Grammys brought her to 28 total, making her the female artist w ith the most Grammys ever. Taylor Swift won Album of the Year for "Folklore" and Billie Eilish's "Everything I Wanted" took Record of the Year honors.


W IN N IN G A RECORD sixth W orld Cup title, this one in the super combined on Feb. 15 in Italy, alpine skier Mikaela Shiffrin became the first skier, man or woman, to w in gold medals at five straight W orld Cups. On Mar. 6 in Slovakia, she claimed her 45th W orld Cup slalom victory. She began skiing at the age of tw o in her parents' driveway and made her World Cup debut at 15. She had the second most wins of all tim e for a female alpine skier.

ACCELERATING VACCINATIONS PU R CHASING ANO THER 1 0 0 M ILLIO N DOSES of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine meant more than enough supply to vaccinate the entire U.S. population. On March 10, President Joe Biden declared all adults w ould be eligible for the vaccine by May 1.

A N O T H E R A C Q U IT T A L IN HIS SECOND IM P E A C H M E N T TRIAL on charges of inciting the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol Building, the Senate voted 57-43 to acquit former President Donald Trump on Feb. 12. Trump is the only president to be impeached twice, and also the only to be acquitted twice. Accompanied by first lady Melania Trump, he spoke briefly after learning of the acquittal.





IN M ID-FEBRUARY, a w inter storm swept over one third of the country, hitting Texas especially hard. At its peak, 4.3 million were w ith o u t power in the state. Pipes froze and burst, prompting water shortages and boil warnings in many communities including Houston. As the storm barreled across the country, parts of Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado posted wind chills as low as -5 0 degrees. Just a month later. W inter Storm Xylia smashed snowfall records, dumping more than 2 feet — and in some cases as much as 4 feet — of snow across Colorado, W yoming and western Nebraska. Roads were closed and flights cancelled there, while severe weather in the form of drenching rains and damaging winds plagued areas further south and east.

LANDING NASA'S ROBOTIC ROVER Perseverance landed on the surface of Mars on Feb. 18. A seven-minute delay in radio signals meant NASA engineers had no communication w ith the rover immediately prior to the landing. It took Perseverance nearly seven months to reach Mars. The main mission was to search for signs of ancient microbial life. On Mar. 4, the rover took its first drive, covering 21.3 feet, allowing engineers to check out and calibrate systems and instruments.








M a c i n t o s h HD

The cam pus o f a Jesuit high school is inspire by the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola - a spirit th a t invites tra n sfo rm a tio n and generosity. The spiritual life of the school requires one to zoom in on th e ir gifts, talents, and skills and asks them to bring them to the fo re fro n t o f w h o they are. To really em brace w h o they are and live a life dedicated to God.




CAMPUS MINISTRY TEAM: Seniors, what has the campus ministry team help you discover about yourself? What about the world around you? MATTHEW PAGE: This year Campus Ministry and the retreats I participated in during my four years at Prep have taught me to appreciate the good fortunes, because some people are not able to have those good experiences. RYAN KARBOWNICZAK: CMT has helped me discover and expand upon my own capacities for serving my community and communities around me. It has helped me better understand the struggles of said communities and the importance of serving them. Owen Fletcher

ANDREW SMITH: Organizations like the CMT have shown me that service is made possible through teamwork and commitment. What we have been able to accomplish this year has been a light in a very dark time. It has taught me that, regardless of our own situation, there is always a place and a time to lend a helping hand. OWEN FLETCHER: CMT has taught me that we are all more interconnected than we realize. No one is so foreign or different that they don't share our common humanity. NATHANIEL JABLONSKI: Campus Ministry has been an important part of my Prep career. It's allowed me to continue to growing in my faith by actively participating in events that have a direct impact on the community. Additionally, the Jesuit teachings combined with service have opened my eyes to the struggles of others while introducing ways to proactively make their lives better.


To: Everyone message

Breakout Rooms


A rru p e Series 2021 P u b li c H e a l t h D u r in g COVID Office o f C a m p u s M in i s t r y

Saint Peter’s Prep


A rru p e Series 2021 Pu b li c H e a l t h D u r in g COVID Office o f C a m p u s M i n i s t r y

PRAYER, SERVICE & SOCIAL JUSTICE Hallmarks of a Jesuit Education During the pandemic, gathering as a school community and taking part in service activities became a challenge. The community gathering that was traditional at Prep also joined the virtual world. The members of the Campus Ministry Department as well as the young men who compose the Campus Ministry Team took to creative ways to ensure that the spiritual needs of students were met. Prayer services turned virtual, service took place 6 ft. apart, and some of our partner organizations opened up for on-site service. The prayers and blessings that took place in a "normal" school year continued. A pandemic would not stop the amazing ways that the CMT animate the mission and identify of Saint Peter's Prep.


Kairos is a staple of the Prep experience. Countless young men have made this journey alongside th e ir peers and adult leaders. As the COVID19 pandemic changed the face of the w orld, Kairos had to adapt and m eet th is challenge. Kairos 6 4 w as an experience of God and of meaning. The retreatants attended one v irtual night and tw o days in person at the Archdiocese Youth Retreat Center in Kearny, NJ from A pril 30 - M ay 2. The experience w as different, but the s pirit of Kairos w as alive in the individuals w ho made the retreat. It w as more im portant than ever to zoom into the sp irit of Kairos.









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The w o m e n and men w h o make up the faculty, staff, and adm in istra tion at Prep each have th e ir role to play. From the labs to the offices, each person co n trib u te s to the Prep experience. It is only w hen w e zoom in th a t w e can truly appreciate the individual personalities, gifts, and talents of these incred ibly dedicated people.


Zoom M eeting ID:



'{ Emmet Long

A dam Bouley


Jaim ee Laurie

Janet Angerm eyer

Christine Ricca


Christopher Caulfield


Stop Video


Manage Participants


Speaker View

Kaitlyn Giroux

MS. AWrtad ]


Share Screen



Zoom Meeting ID:

Sra. Aymee Torres : Students not show ing them selves on cam era during Zoom m eetings. Mr.Alex Canale: em ails w ith o u t salutations Mr. Jerry Cambell-Clark: N ot checking your answ ers before su b m ittin g w o rk Ms. Caroline Williams: Asking to go to the bathroom w ith in the first tw o m inutes of class Mr. John Dougherty: com plaining about Latin Mrs. Belkise Dallam: w earing turtlenecks

| j W h a t is som ething you w ish you could m ake a JUG-able offense?

Ms. Janet Angermeyer: Chris Caulfield. He does the w o rk of ten and never loses his com posure. A coper par

excellence! Ms. Boreta Singleton: I th in k Dre is really superm an! He has the pow er of bilocation - he's everywhere! Mr. Kevin Kuhl: Dr. Holt: superhum an speed, stam ina and smarts. Mrs. Sarah Morissette: Ms. Friedlander - 100% superhero, this year highlights there isn't anything she can't

do. Creativity and kindness are her superpow ers. Mr. John lrvine:Mr. Keating's super pow er is the ability to recall, w ith great precision, details from any movie

R W h a t colleague do you th in k is secretly a su p e rh e ro /villa in , and w h a t w o u ld th e ir super pow ers be? #

Ms. Mary Durante: You are the reason th a t Prep is the w a y it is. Ms. Janet Angermeyer: I asked the students if they knew w h o Sigm und Freud was. One of them said: "W asn't

he the one th a t got bit by his tig e r in Vegas? Mr. John Dougherty: "It's a great day to have a day." - O wen Fletcher Mr. John Irvine: W hen asked if he w as nervous sitting in fro n t of five adm inistrators, C onnot Bankuti replied, "W hy w o u ld I be nervous? You are all m y friends." Ms. Christine Ricca: M acbeth is pretty lit.

^ W h a t is your favorite Prep student quote?

la Mute

Stop Video




Manage Participants


Speaker View

Mr. Tom Comey: Thanksgiving, I love the Interfaith Prayer Service! Mrs. Diane Casazza: Christm as - everyone is so happy. Ms. Catherine Eppler: Ugly Christm as S w eater Day! Ms. Jessica Norton: H allow een - the candy and the costum es are fun! Mr. Remi Pastorek: M ardi Gras! I alw ays get a king cake fo r m y students. It's so m uch fun! Ms. Caroline Williams: Does Easter Break count?

§5 W hat's your favorite holiday at Prep and why? #

Fr. Robert O'Hare: Dream great dream s and w o rk to m ake them a reality. Mr. Fred Galano: You w ill alw ays have a hom e at Prep. Ms. Dalma Santana: Take a m inute to breathe and take it in! Mrs. Carmela Schlitzer: Never give up! Mr. James DeAngelo: A lw ays be open to m eeting n e w people w h e re ve r you go. Ms. Miryam DeChiaro: Every m o m e n t is an o p p o rtu n ity to learn fro m everyone around you.

^ W hat's one piece of advice do you w a n t to give our graduating seniors?

Ms. Christine Davis: S chitt's Creek Mrs. Mary Anne McElroy: The Crow n Mrs. Diane McCabe: Crim inal M inds - all 15 seasons! Ms. Jan Merski: Cobra Kai Mr. Adam Bouley: Bridgerton Mr. Nick Dawybida: The M andolorian!

Best m o vie /T V sh o w you w a tch e d during quarantine?

sa Share Screen


Breakout Rooms


Zoom M eeting ID:


Anthony Verdi

Patrick laguerre g p p

Brendan Roche

Mary Anne McElroy

' Bill Giuliano

Caroline Hutchinson


Carmela Schlitzer

Stop Video


Manage Participants

Speaker View

Peter Welch

| Boreta Singleton

M Fletcher

Russell Fiorella

Jeffrey Hartling

Kieran Halloran, SJ

| Michael Prescia (he/him/his)

ick Galanol



Share Screen


Breakout Rooms

f/ John Dougherty

Zoom Meeting ID:

Mr. JoseQue: Exercise and board gam es w ith the fam ily. Mr. Tom Comey: Virtual gam e nights w ith the science departm ent! Mrs. Carmela Schlitzer: Spent tim e w ith m y new born daughter Ms. Katherine Albers: I started a garden. Mr. Michael Jiran: Some people found them selves w ith m ore free tim e, but I found I ju st did m y regular

routine a lot slow er and ended up w ith less. Oops.

jg H ow did you pass the tim e during quarantine?

Mr. Renato Rodrigues: A n ything th a t involves Coldplay Mrs. Christine Davis: Andra Day "Rise Up" Mr. Greg Morrissey: "Old Pine" Ben H oward Ms. Emily Fencik: "W ay A w ay" from Yellow card Mr. Will Reese: "C o untdow n" by Beyonce Mr. Michael Allocca: Bob M arley "R edem ption Song"


Best song on your com m u te playlist?

Mr. Joseph Lisella: M etLife Stadium Mr. Patrick McGovern: Taipei, Taiwan Ms. Emma Bagg: C hinatow n on Prep Day Mr. Sal Veniero: The Eifel region of Germ any Mr. James DeAngelo: Berlin, M achu Picchu Mrs. Ella Glazer: NY Stock Exchange

g W hat's your favorite place th a t you have visited w ith Prep?

\g / M ute


/N Stop Video


JL Manage Participants


Speaker View

Fr. John Mullin: Sociable, com passionate, and generous Mr. Adam Bouley: Your cam era's off Mr. Jose Que: Gritty, com passionate, tru s tw o rth y Ms. Sarah Morissette: Resilient, kind, rem arkable Mr. Chris Caulfield: Polite, responsible, resilient Mr. Chris Robinson: Tenacious, in telligent, m ature

In 3 w ords, describe the Class o f 202 1

Ms. Caroline Williams: D on't ju dge people fo r h o w tirin g it is to w a lk up the E Building stairs. It's real. Mrs. Phadaria Randall: D on't stare into the fish b o w l Mr. Adam Bouley: Saying "thank you" w h en class is over Mr. John Dougherty: D o n't feed the W arren S treet pigeons Mr. James Horan: Treat others the w a y you w o u ld like to be treated. Mrs. Deborah Peko-Lillis: M en for others

1 W h a t is the m ost im p o rta n t unspoken rule at Prep?

Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh: W e w ill get th ro u g h this. Dr. Jeffrey Hartling: W e w ill be w earing masks in public fro m N ovem ber th ro u g h M arch. Mr. Will Reese: I th in k at first people w ill travel all over the place, but then w e 'll ado pt som e of the habits w e've developed during quarantine - cooking m ore, rem ote m eetings,buying less, living m ore sustainably. Mr. Alex Canale: People on the M oon! Mr. Joe Giglio: Green Energy! M ost of us w ill drive cars w ith o u t com bustio n engines.


W hat's one prediction you have fo r the rest o f the decade?


• ••


Share Screen



Breakout Rooms


Zoom M eeting ID:




Stop Video


Manage Participants


Zoom Meeting ID:

Mr. Kevin Kuhl: Please stay six feet aw ay from me! Mr. Renato Rodrigues: You m ust Quarantine! Mr. Nick Dawybida: I c o u ld n 't find the zoom link. Mr. Greg Morrissey: Turn your cam era on! Ms. Sky Friedlander: I w o u ld love to never shout "SOCIAL DISTANCE" across the library a g a in .:) Mr. James DeAngelo: You're m uted! 9

W hat's a saying th a t you hope stays in 202 1 ?


Mr. Chris Caulfield: "U ltra Black" - Nas Mr. Jerry Campbell-Clark: "Dream in Colour" - Franc M oody Mrs. Christine Davis: Chris Stapleton - "S tarting Over" Ms. Boreta Singleton: "Rain on M e" Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga Mr. Kevin Kuhl: "No Dream " by Jeff Rosenstock Ms. Amyee Torres: Nubya Garcia - "Source"

Best s o n g /a lb u m of the past year?

Alec Martinez: A n a to m y and Physiology because I g o t to dissect an anim al. It w as alw ays m y high school

dream. Brendan Donnelly: Physics Honors in ju n io r year because fo r the firs t tim e ever, I enjoyed learning about

science. Joaquin Matti: Literature: The Pursuit of Purpose, ju st a very deep class. King Medina: M y favorite class w as Forensic Science because I g o t to do som e of the m ost fun and crazy

projects and experim ents th a t I actually really enjoyed and still talk about.


W h a t class w as your favorite and why?


M ute



Stop Video



JL Manage Participants

h i Polling

Adrew Almeida: "I d o n 't make sense I m ake dolla bills" - Mr. Tabora Ian Wilson: "A lrig h t fells let's get chopping." - Mr. Keating Jack Glynn: Stop using social media; if you have som ethin g to say, w rite it d o w n because you can always

burn it and no one w ill know ." -Mrs. M cElroy JackToolen: "Figure it out." - Ms. Eppler in AP Bio Tahjamell Bullock: "W hat's going on mane?" - Mr. Jerry Davis

Aria Acosta: Outer Banks Colin Brancatella: Game of Thrones Finnian Collier: The O ffice Michael Ames: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Pius Mwemba: All Am erican Rashawn Ford: Power

Nicholas Musico : D on't take the elevator! Michael Scheurer: Hold the door for people. Patrick Rooney: You d o n 't talk on the train in the m orning. Richard Lugo: No ju d g in g others at all. Timothy Jimenez: A ndroball is full contact. Tristan Moran: Be open to g ro w th and be kind to others no m a tte r w h o they are. 9

W h a t is the m ost im p o rta n t unspoken rule at Prep?


~ Share Screen






Breakout Rooms


As w e zoom in on the w om en and m en w h o dedicate th e ir gifts and talen ts Saint Peter's Prep, w e begin to see the faith and love th a t th e y infuse into th e ir w ork. Together, they m ake up a team of professionals w h o w a n t nothing but the best fo r the men w h o pass th ro u g h the doors at Grand & W arren.

Mrs. Erica Abbondante

Ms. Salw a Abdelhamid

Athletics Assistant

Ms. Katherine Albers Receptionist

Mr. Michael Allocca

Ms. Janet A ngerm eyer

Ms. Maysoon A w w a d

Mr. David Burokas, '8 5

Mr. Gerald Campbell-Clark

Mr. Alexander Canale, '0 5


Mrs. Diane Casazza, P'95, '97 Assistant to the Director of Admissions

Mr. Christopher Caulfield, '03

M r. Charles Coccaro

English Department Chairperson

Ms. Cecelia Collins Assistant to the Deans Bene Merenti 23

Mr. Thomas Comey

Mrs. Emma Coultrap-Bagg

Ms. Belkise Dallam

Mr. Jerry Davis

Ms. Christine Davis

Mr. Nicholas Dawybida, '1 5

Mr. Jam es DeAngelo, '8 5

Ms. M iryam DeChiaro

Director of the Browning Center

Principal Bene Merenti 31

Mrs. Terry LaBruno was a beloved member of the Prep community. Her energy, passion for math, and larger than life personality were everywhere around Prep's halls and sports arenas. Mrs. LaBruno had one of the biggest hearts and deepest capacities for love that Prep has ever known. We remember her life for all the unspoken ways she showed her love to us. She was the epitome of a woman for others. Always willing to give everything to a student in need or stay hours after the end of a school day to make sure that her students got that day's topic. Her love of athletics would inspire those around her to cheer harder and be that extra player on the field. She radiated love and acceptance. We dedicate the Faculty & Staff Section of this yearbook to her. We pray that the women and men of Prep embody the spirit of Mrs. LaBruno. "Lord, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference."

Mr. Brad D exter

Mr. Jam es Dondero

Mr. John Dougherty

Ms. M ary Durante

Bene Merenti 33

Director of Campus Ministry

Director of Student Services

Mr. Hugo Elo

Ms. Catherine Eppler

Ms. Emily Fencik

Bene M erenti 2 4

Assistant Science Department Chairperson

Mrs. Trish Fitzpatrick, P'07, '16

M r. M ic h a e l F letch er, P'21

Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Ms. Sky Friedlander

Mr. Robert Furlong

Assistant Librarian & School Media Specialist

Vice Principal for Academics

Frederick Galano, P 22 Director of Financial Aid

Mr. Peter Geary, '0 5

Mr. Giuseppe Giglio, '8 7

Mrs. Ella Glazer

Assistant English Department Chairperson

Director of Guidance and College Counseling

Bene M e re n ti 21

Mrs. Grace Gualario

Mr. Christopher Guzman

Mr. Kieran Halloran, S.J.

Mr. Jam es Hollywood, '6 6

Dr. M ichael Holt, '9 9

Secretary to the Principal Bene Merenti 31

Mr. Richard Hansen III, '0 3

Dr. Jeffrey Hartling

Assistant Director or Athletics Physical Education Department Chairperson

can remember back to my in te rvie w at Prep; I w a s lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit dow n w ith Janet Angerm eyer fo r lunch. >omething th a t w ill alw ays stick w ith me is ho w w elcom ed she made me feel even after only m eeting me about five m inutes before lunch. Since hat day, there have been so m any w onderful conversations in the fa c u lty room, during departm ent m eetings, or ju st an average day in a lassroom or hallw ay. W hen I th in k about all the w ond e rfu l gifts Janet has given Prep, I often th in k about the consistent care she brought to her itudents on a daily basis. Her handouts w ere second to none! She w anted to give her students every opportunity to understand the concepts she vas teaching, and w hen Schoology and Canvas arrived on the scene, she made sure to provide her students w ith resources on those platform s, iach and every year, she consistently w orked w ith colleagues to ensure she w a s reaching her students in the best possible w ays. W hen I lecame departm ent chair, I quickly realized th a t Janet w a s one of the m ost dependable people I w o u ld have the pleasure to w o rk w ith . She :onsistently found a w a y to finish grade review s w e ll ahead of deadlines, som ething th a t I w ill never take fo r granted! Janet's retirem ent is littersw eet fo r me because I am so happy th a t she w ill be able to enjoy this next chapter of her life, but I know I w ill miss her kind and caring lature w ith students and colleagues alike, her GREAT stories, and m ost of all her friendship. - Mr. Christopher Caulfield,'03, English Department Chairperson

Mr. A n th o n y Keating,'78, P"10

M r. Jam es Horan, '7 0

Mr. John Irvine, '83 , P '1 1

Mr. M ichael Jiran, '0 3

Vice President for Planning and Principal Giving

Director of Admissions Bene Merenti 32

Director of Communications

Mr. M ichael Kelly Assistant Network Administrator

Ms. Klim Klim, P'1 6 Fine and Performing Arts Department Chairperson

Mr. Kevin Kuhl, '1 4

Ms. Jam iee Laurie

Mrs. Kate Lillis-Magnus

Mr. Joseph Lisella

Mr. Anthony Locricchio, '96

Director of Annual Giving

Athletic Trainer

Dean of Student Life

Bene Merenti 47



. Maryphyllis Locricchio,P'95,'96

Mr. Joseph M adonna

Assistant to the President Bene Merenti 29

Mrs. Janice M artineau Guidance and College Counseling Assistant

Ms. Sam antha M artinezA lleg re tta

Bene Merenti 26

M r. Patrick M cCoy

Mrs. M ary Anne McElroy

M r. Patrick McGovern, '9 9

Assistant Chairperson History and Social Sciences Department

Mr. Vincent M enafro, '1 5

Ms. Jan Merski

Ms. M olly Molino

Mrs. Sarah M orissette Assistant Chairperson Guidance and College Counseling

Cecelia Collins has been a fixture as students entered and exited Prep each day for decades. If you ever came in late, ducked out early, desperately tried to navigate some disciplinary rule without digging yourself a deeper grave, or you were just out to enjoy one of Preps numerous sporting events, you could not have done so without interacting with Ms. Collins. Cecelia has been a source of information, friend, and confidant to thousands of students as they passed through these halls. In the years since being a student Cecelia has been a fantastic colleague and friend. She is always the first face I see in the building each morning and the first person to greet me by name at a prep social gathering. Undoubtedly that personal greeting is an experience so many have had that reminds them they still belong to the Prep family. You will always be part of our Prep family Cecelia, all our best in the next adventure!

-Alex Canale '05 and Brendan Canale '09

Mrs. Grace Morris

Ms. Jessica Nordstrom

Mr. Gregory Morrissey, '0 8

Ms. Jessica Norton

Fr. John Mullin, S.J.

Mr. M ichael Murcia, '0 8

Bene Merenti 29

Director of Alumni Relations

Mr. Ryan O'Flaherty

Assistant Vice President of Finance

Mr. Remi Pastorek

Mrs. Deborah Peko-Lillis, P'10

Mr. Richard Peters, '8 5

Ms. Virginia Piccolo

Advancement Database Manager

Director of Curriculum and Assessment Bene Merenti 24

Vice President of Finance


Mr. Thom as Powers

M r. M ichael Prescia

Mr. Loual Puliafito

Director of Global Initiatives

Mr. Casey Quinn

Ms. Christine Ricca

M r. Nathan Riley

M rs Phadadria Randall

Mr. W illiam Reese

Assistant Director of Campus Ministry


M r. Brendan Roche

Mr. Renato Rodrigues, '1 0

Mrs. Janice Martineau comes from a dedicated Prep family. Although she was a graduate of Saint Michael's High School in Union City, her brothers graduated from Prep and she has devoted much of her life to supporting Prep in so many ways. Including her father, Mr. John Irvine Sr., Janice has been present at countless, sporting events, social events, and has been serving the students of Saint Peter's for more that 25 years. Many, if not all, Prep students come to know her and work with her through their college search. Her tireless dedication to Prep's students never waivers. Her presence within the guidance suite will be missed. She has truly been a "Woman For Others" and has made Prep her home. We all wish you nothing but the best in your retirement, Mrs. Martineau! Thank you for all you've done for countless generations of Prep men. -Mr. Jim Dondero,'66,P'01

Ms. Rosalie Romano

Ms. Dalm a Santana

Modern Language Department Chairperson

Bene Merenti 21

Director of Special Events and Parent Relations

Mrs. Carmela Schlitzer

Mr. M ichael Settem brino, '01

Mrs. M aureen Sheppard



Mrs. Lisa S iracuse,P '13,'16,'17

Campus Shop

Mr. M ichael Skircak, '11

Mrs. Donna Saulys

Mr. Arvind Saw h, P'01 Bene Merenti 31

Ms. Erin Stark


Mr. Carlos Tabora, '87

Mathematics Department Chairperson

On behalf of the student body, as Student Council President, I would like to extend my immense gratitude towards all of the teachers, faculty, staff and administration at Prep! Thank you for your hard work, dedication and tenacity to come into school every single day during a global pandemic. It was very bold and audacious but that displayed your love and passion for this school. I am forever grateful for the life lessons that I have learned here. One thing that I picked up on this journey of life is that we are all teachers in our own right. Personally, even though I came to Prep as a student to learn, one thing I hope you all obtained from me was to always be great ON PURPOSE! -Johnnie Brooker, Student Class President ’21



Ms. Am yee Torres, P '19

Mr. Salvatore V e n ie ro ,'0 5

Mr. Anthony V e rd i,'9 5 History & Social Sciences Department Chairperson

Bene Merenti 22

Ms. Robin W alters

Mr. Peter W elch

Dr. Natalie W illiam s

N o t P h o t o g ra p h e d Mr. David Bailey. Director of IT Mr. Dre Bellamy, Operations Ms. Kaitlyn Giroux. English Mr. Bill Giuliano, History Mr. Richard Hansen. P'03,'09, Director of Athletics Ms. Kaprice James, Athletic Trainer Ms. Kitty McNally, English Mr. Jake Morris. Dean of Students Mr. Oliver Nyshier, Browning Center Ms. Otu Manye, Science Mr. Christopher Robinson, Social Worker

Ms. Caroline W illiam s

This year has been one like no other and unfortunately took everyone by surprise. I w ant to thank you on b eh alf o f the students for the tim e, w ork, effort and dedication you have put into m aking this year run as sm oothly as possible in the m idst o f the pandem ic. Y ou have show n incredible perseverance and resilience to be able to adapt to teaching, w orking and operating in an an unprecedented fashion, and doing it w ithout skipping a beat. It truly m eans a lot to be ab lot to be able to return to school and have in-person interactions w ith our peers once again. This could not be possible w ithout you all. U ltim ately, w ith everything that has happened, our school, faculty, and coaches have m ade the m ost out o f this situation and it show s w hat it really m eans to be part o f the Prep C om m unity. -Ellis R eid, S tudent C lass President ’22

zoomeD in

From the first fo o t on cam pus to the w a lk across the stage at graduation, the sm aller m om ents of a Prep m an's developm ent are w h a t is m ost im portant. Yes, w e can appreciate the overall developm ent, but it is only w hen w e take the tim e to sit back and Zoom in on these experiences can w e appreciate w h a t Prep m eans to us.



V______ /



FRESHMEN C/ass o f

Ethan Acosta Brian Alm eida Charles Anderson Thomas Apelizan Tim othy Apelizan Joseph Asiain

Alexander Ayala Alp Ayata Noah Baccay Sahmad Bailey Ryan Balouma Nicolas Bambrick-Santoyo

Gerrit Bankuti Christopher Barbosa Nicolas Barbosa Rocco Barone Jun Best Nikhil Bettua

Ryan Bienkowski Joshua Bitton Ernesto Bonilla Sebastian Bonomo M axwell Bortman Jack Brosseau

Peter Bruk Jack Bruton Tyler Cahn Tristan Callow Ventura Cambeiro Enmaneul Cantillo


John Carey Henry Cary Sim on Celiberti-Byam Adrian Cervera A dler Cleghorn James Cornell

Christian Costanzo Liam Culligan Meikhi Cuttino John Daly Sivin Damodar Marvell Davis

Jelani Deguenon Alexis Delgado III A lexander Delosreyes Lima Riccardo DePaoli Tyler DeRocco Brenden Devine

Jesse Diaco Christopher D iam brosio Harrison Diambrosio A n d re w Diaz Gabriel D owling Robert Durr Michael Egan Fady Elqumos Lorenzo Enright Jacob Escobar Kobi Ezeokoli W illiam Farkas

Robindra Farnum Keshon Fason Aidan Fojas A n d re w Fonticoba Finnegan Freeman Jonathan Fuller

Gavin Galfo M arcelo Garcia Francis Garrett Tim othy Garrity Thomas Gaughan Patrick Geoghegan


John Gerety Daniel Ghingo Alexander Giattino A nthony Gibbs Conleth Gorham Julian Grillo

Sam Grube Michael Guasconi Joseph Haines Jack Halligan Anson Hart Jack Heidenry

A ndrew Herman Aiden Hernandez Andres Hernandez Nehemiah Hernandez A ndrew Herrera Jack Holmberg

Sean Howe Demitri Huet Zayd Isa James Jacobi Alexander Jakubowicz Lucas Johnson

Jacob Jones Gabriel Jorge Jerem y Kamber Jack Kappock John Kearns Owen Kelly

Alexander Kim Chasen Kirk Daniel Kramer Max Kulawiak Cooper LaFond Dante Lamantea

Luigi Lancellotti Brady Landsbergis Jalen Lane Philip Langhart Michael Lawler Samchan Lee


A n th o n y Leppin Arcangelo Lettini Dom enick Lettini Del Lindsay Nelson Lindsay Joshua Liu

Steven Lizama Gianluca Logan Bryson Lopez M a tth e w Luciani Zachary Luongo Xavier Mack

Aidan Maione Darnel Mangan Jr. Aston M artin M artin M artinetti Alan Marusic A ndy Mayorga

Leo McCartin Aarav Mehta-Patel Luca Mendoza Evan M erkov Seijan Messner Xavier Miles

Ryan M iqueli A dam Misyak Dave M odo Hassan Moore Macai M oore Pranay M oorjani


Brian M oreno Ocean M ulholland Justin Navarro John Neri M athias Nicholls Jack Nichols

A n d re w Norris Lucas Novero Benjam in Novosyolok Colin O'Brien Luke O'Brien Kieran O'Connor


Bryan Ouattara W illiam Park Joseph Petrecca A nthony Pizzuti Roame Poindexter Isaiah Polanco

Francis Prekop Nitin Raj Adithya Rajesh Dallas Reece Jaiden Reid Marcus Respicio

Cam'Ron Richardson Peter Riley Noah Roberts Ivan Rocks Liam Rocks Julian Rodriguez

Riley Rodriguez Connor Rogers Adrian Rojas Lucas Rosado Rafael Rothkegel Michael Russo-Alesi

Colin Rutledge Gavin Rutledge Joseph Salameh A nthony Sanchez Christian Santana W illiam Santom auro

Chad Christian Santos Eric Saunders Luke Schreiber George Streit Ravi Struck Jack Sullivan

Jae Sung Christopher Surrusco Lokesh Sutherland Philip Szczechowicz Nofer Tadros Jake Talarico


A n th o n y Tedesco Lucas Tekle W illiam Todd Eric Tonne Samuel Tornabene Marcus Tung

Thomas Tuohy Declan Tynan M a tth e w Uy Nicholas Valente Arias Velez Elias Verardi

Jack W addleton Brendan W adley Henry W alker Loghan W eeda Sasha W illiam s Noah W illingham

Sean W indels Kai W ong Sim on Yanez Fabio Yepez Mark Yershov Jake Yohn

zoomeD in

N o t P hoto gra phed : Jared A m ador Ethan Asante-Danso Alexander Chernicoff Aiden Corage Ryan Divan Gavin Gatchalian Jaydon George Cole Holland Hakim Hussein Tomas Kaldas

Colin McCaghey Nicolai Mendoza Pape-Racine Ndiaye Braeden Perez Elie Riancho Daniel Santos Gabriel Santos M ichael Sapp Zachary Scheim an Zachary Schneider

zoomeD in

JWu SOPHOMORES Class o f 2 0 2 3 Elijah Abraham Dennis Acevedo Benjamin Ackm an Deegie Adad Jack Adam s Ryan Adam s

Akshat Agarw al Giuseppe Aldam a Brisco Anderson Bryce Anderson Horace Anderson Vince A nonuevo

Jordan A rm our W illiam Arnone Sebastian Arteaga Mem a Ayore Ryan Bae W illiam Barksdale

Paolo Francis Bautista Stanislav Benda Rishi Bhandari Noah Bisrat Fesseha Cole Boyd George Brattole III

Evan Briggs Derek Bright Griffin Burk Charles Burt Ryan Byington Thomas Canela


Michael Cangiano Enzo Capano Oliver Cary Gian Cases Aidan Cataldi Donovan Chavis

Avi C hawdhry Yixiang Chen Nicholas Chiaravalloti Brian Christman Nicholas Connelly Louis Correro

M a tth e w Corwin Caleb Crawley Thomas Deloy Jonathan Dereka A rjun Dhawan Edward DiBella

Frank DiGiacomo David Dixon Nico Duarte Logan Dunkel Gianni Echeverria Jared Edwards

A m ir El Ghazzali M a tth e w Elder Alan Esteban M ichael Fasciano C onnor Finerty Mason Fischer

Zack Fischer Xavier Flores Tai Flot Zion Fowler Je tt Franqui Kevin Fromfield

Dylan Fuller Connor Gallagher Stephen Gelcich M arco Giglio Isaiah Giles Luke Gilhawley


Jack Gobel Kevin Gomes Declan Good Jake Grullon Nelson Ha Oliver Harag

Richard Harrington Max Hartelius Benjamin Henderson Nicholas Herrmann Antoine HurtadoBarzac A nthony Iglesias Jr.

Mossim o InfanteMeehan Alejandro Irizarry Eliot Jablonski Ishaan Jain Trey Jamison M a tthew January

Beckett JohnsonW alters Theodore Josephson Conor Kagel Sean Kagel Brian Kelly Luke Kelly Ryan Khin M a tth ew Kinzler M axwell Kirk Vipul Kothakonda Kenneth Kramer W eston Kuhn

Jaden Lambert Garrett Lasky Michael Lem anowicz Robert Leon Jr. Frank Liggio Emilio Lopez

Alec Lucken Jalen Maharaja Zac Malanga Jack Mara Lee Mara M axim ilian Marko


Benedict Marra Edoardo Martino Harry Massey IV Teddy McCarthy Robert M cC lam m y Kevin M cD onough

Aidan M cM illan A n d re w Medina Dylan Mejia Daniel Mero James M iceli Henry M ichaud

Mikai M iddleton Dhrona Mohan Branden M ontem ayor Jack Moran Leonardo Moura Jack Nilsen

M a tth e w Novak Chialuka Ohadike Niahl O'Neill Joseph Orecchio Dm itri Panchenko A n d re w Parra

M atteo Pavan A ngelo Pellicci Ethan Pena Julio Pereira Jr. Gavin Pessoa Giulio Petrocelli

Santo Petrocelli Ori Pinn Luke Piscitelli Richard Pizzuti Brian Pombar Samuel Porch

M ichael Preite Faustino Quiles Sim on RaymondAbram s W illiam Richardson London Robinson Cory Robinson Jr.


Joseph Roxas Isaiah Ruiz Gabriel Russell Owen Sanchez Jakob Sanniola Jude Sargent

Jamei Schenck Alex Schim m el Nicholas Schoen Christopher Sciarra Etienne Servaes Michael Shipman

Kevin Shull Mason Sim m ons Isaiah Simpson Daleandre Singson Landon Sipperly Christopher Skabich

Nicholas Skabich Gavin Skowronski David Slowinski Parker Smith Patrick Springer John Stalknecht

Jacob Steg Ethan Suarez Jon Sumague Sean Swiatek Jones S w ift W illiam Sytsma

Jackson Tindall Kyle Torrente Carter Touzalin Chad Tramm ell Robert Trefurt Jr. Jacob Turingan

Steven Vago Jose Valverde Brian Van Alstyne Johann Varghese Ayush Varma W illiam Vastine


Kaimana Voelkl Mavin Vongtanaanek Bryce W aliszewski Thomas W eil Quentin W eintraub Tristen W h itw o rth

Felipe Thiago W iget A n d re w W illiam s M aurice W illiam s Kenneth W inkleblech A lexander Zaccardi Nile Zaki

Leonardo Zamarra Gianluca Zurlo

N ot P hotograph ed: A m er Awad Logan Barnes Jacob Bhimdass Dawson Bleifeld Alessandro Bonetti Jefferson Castillo Liam Hester Coleman Hopson Eric King Robert Long Kevin Rozario


zoomeD in


C/ass of 2 0 2 2 Mark Abdelm alik Kevin Alcantara D erm ot Alvidrez Aarush Amalraj Troy Anderson Don Benjamin Ang

A n dre w A ntigua Connor Bankuti Julian Barberan Christopher Barila Dane Barnes A lif Bass

Christopher Benkovitz Michael Benkovitz Zachary Bennett Raoul Bernal M atthew Blomgren Thomas Boccassini

Rohan Borges Connor Borrelli Luke Bradley Zachary Brentjens Shay Buckley Nicolas Buendia

M ario Builes M a tthe w Burgers Jack Burke Thomas Burton A ntonio Calderone Darwin Capani


Alex Cascione Joseph Catalanello A gostino Chiaravalloti Philip Chiaviello Nicholas Chipelo Kacper Chojnowski

Peter Cifarelli Elliott Clarke W arren Clarke Noah Colon Gavin Coq Raul Cortinas

Ryan Cotter Dylan Coyle Luke Cruciani Justin Cu Christopher Cugliari Robert C unningham

M a tth e w Dagistanli Tyler Dairo Salomon Dau Samuel Dau Joshua David Conor Denio

M a tth e w DeSopo Irenaeus Diakos Roger Diaz Jason Dibble Charles Dino Josef Dirx

Liam Doherty A dam D om inguez Oliver du Rivage Christopher Duane Blaise Edwards Marko Eliyashevskiy

Logan Elliot M arc Elqumos A hm ed Elshenawy Dylan Espiritu A n th o n y Farinhas James Farkas

A ndrew Fernandez Ulisses Ferraz Aidan Ferreira Kenneth Ferris Raphael Fiel Enzo Fiore

Raymond Fiore John Fischer Francis Lewis Flores Prince Fontenette Elvin Fraser John Freeman

Rory Freeman Samuel Galano Daniel Gayed Jack Giattino Aidan Gill Christopher Gliatto

Salvatore Grasso Sidney Greene Joseph Grimaldi Patrick Groo Toti Guarquila Abdulrehm an Haider

Daniel Halligan Joseph Henry Oliver Hernandez Simon Hidas Lucas Hjertberg Ori Itzhak

Lucas Jimenez Nelson Jimenez Tamer Johnson Aidan Karpousis Tyler Kay Brian Kealey

Christian Kramer Jakob Ladignon Jacob Landera Ryan Lawler Christian LeBrun Christian LeCountMcClanahan

Fitzroy Ledgister Felix Lettini A n d re w Li Jason Love Gage Lucken Cyril Maliakal

Aidan Mancha Cory Mangerere Brandon M aniego Lucas M annello Julian Mariscal Nicholas Marusic

A n th o n y Mastandrea Nicholas Matos Thomas Matos Tige Mauseth Frank M cA ndrew James McClean

M aurice M cLaughlin W illiam-Paul Medina Marek M ickiew icz Keith Miles Diogo M ontalvo John M orrison

A n th o n y M ouridy Dylan Mulholland Juan Obando Andre Oben John O'Donnell C onnor O'Flanagan

M alcolm Ouattara Alfred Pacicco Gaetan Panepinto Alex Parada Joseph Parise Daniel Park

Joshua Pascale C hristopher Pavia Chase Pease Nicholas Pelliccio Andres Pena Diego Pena

Erik Perez Julian Perez M atteo Petito Zane Phillips Giuseppe Piede Sebastien Pierre

Jerem iah Polanco C hristopher Ponczek James Popadick Avery Powell Marc Pretto A lexander Puhak

Devan Quinn Patrick Ragno Jake Rangel Nicholas Rappa Ellis Reid Cristian Remache

Sebastian Remache Jonathan Reverendo W illiam Rial Lucas Riancho Ethan Richards Nikolas Rocks

Lucas Rodriguez Nicholas Rodriguez Bryce Rooks Jason Rowe Benjamin Rubin Zachary Rubin

Gabriel Russo Ryan Rzepinski Jaylan Sanchez M atthew Scepkowski James Scheurer Brandon Schim m el

Jason Schreiber Joshua Schulm an M a tthew Serrano Gehrig Shannon Nima Sherpa Daniel Silva

Samuel Slade M arcelino Soliman A lexander Sollecito Myles Sorbino Adriann Sotom ayor W illiam Streit

M ichal Suchcicki Ayush Suri Brian Tarnopolsky Joshua Tauriello Ashish Tejwani Ryan Thiele

Lawrence Toler Batu Tom ruk Marcus Torres Jason Tow indo Jacob Tse Joseph Vazquez

Ethan Veloso Xavier Verges A n to n io Vivero Griffin W agner Joseph Weiss Davis W elsh

Kevin W h itw o rth Ty W h o lf A lfonso W illiam s Elijah W ilson Em m ett W ilson Nasir W im berly

Tyler W ong Jahaan W ray Aidan W rig h t Aleksandar Zonic Yariel Zuniga M axim ilian Zw iener

N ot P ho tographe d: Mark Arm strong Bryan Arredondo Stephen Bassler Marc-Francis Belza Shawn Bhimdass Logan Gallivan Landers Green

Filippo Guido Russell Hugo Edward Kelleher Paul Lefkowitz Tyler Lingham Stan M odo Jonathan M uller

John M w em ba Eliezer Natera Uri Rozenblit Kenneth Soares Charles W esley

The w a lk across stage at graduation sym bolizes the beginning o f a Prep m an's jo u rn e y fo rw a rd . The Class of 2 0 2 1 has a lot to be proud of and they have d e fin ite ly left th e ir m ark on 1 4 4 Grand Street. The new est alum ni need only take a look at one another and recall the m om ents they've shared - take the tim e to zoom in on the bonds m ade w ith th e ir brothers.

F 2021

Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly w hat I'm doing." -Tony Stark

"I've learned from the bad times anc was humbled by the good."




Fencing 1,2; Video Game Club 1.2,3,4; Super Smash Bros Club 2,3,4; H.A.P Tutor 1.2

Patrick Adams

Aria Acosta

"There's so much PC police. There's so much, 'You can't do this, you can't do that.' W e're the exact opposite." Dave Portnoy

Kairos 61; lacrosse

Football 1.2.3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Rugby 1

Riley Adams

Calvin Allume

"Yesterday is history, tom orrow is a mystery, and today is a giftthat's why they call it they present." -Master Oogway

There are many things in this world that are perfectly im perfect." Original

J /4 . f t j c

Football 1, 2, 3, 4. Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4. Kairos 63.

Andrew Almeida vj/



Mi Stop Video

Crew 2; Gaming Club 3

John Amato A




Manage Participants


"I'd rather die before I come in last." Lil Uzi Vert

"I'm both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are" -Greg HOUSE

ld)G\sl\ ojO S <h\l\<^'h Kairos 63; W ork Study 3, Stock Market Club 2,3; Ebony Club 3; Asian Society 3; W restling 1,2,3,4

Prep for LIFE Club 3,4; Kairos 63; Track and Field 2,3,4, Campus Ministry Team

Sebastian Andrews-Sanchez

Michael Ames

Aidan Apito

"W hether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are rig h t." - Henry Ford

The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.

Varsity Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Kairos 60; French Club 2,3; Ping Pong Club 1

Soccer 1,2,3,4, Spanish club 1,2,3,4 Brazilian exchange.3 Indoor track,2

Ricardo Arias


Yes...my name does start w ith an E

Soccer 2,3,4; Kairos 62; Campus Ministry Global Immersion Trip- Ecuador 2; Campus Ministry Team 4

Anthony Asante-Danso

Eidan Arriaga

"Today I will do w hat other's won't, so tom orrow I can accomplish what other's can't" - Jerry Rice

Think Positive, Test Negative


Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 63; Baseball Club 1,2

Football 1,2,3 W restling 2,3,4

Julian Ayala

Robert Auld

Share Screen


'A Record

-----Breakout Rooms


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. Barack Obama

Never Minimize your achievements because even the smallest mountain climbed is still conquered.

J r ,


^ cr ! Concert Band 1,2,3; Robotics 2,3,4; Kairos 61

I ^ O

Kairos 60; D&D Club 1,2.3,4; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Smash Cli 2; W inter drama 3; Peru trip 1; Model UN Club 1; Ski Trip 2,4

Jonathon Balboni

Lucas Baccay

"Doth Mother know you weareth her drapes?" Tony Stark ~The Avengers

'Ravioli, ravioli, give me the diplomioli."

Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4; Captain 4; Kairo 64; Big Brother 3; Robotics 1,2; Bethlehem Farms Immersion Trip 3 Freshman Ambassador 1; HAP Tuto 1,2; Architecture Club 1

Yearbook Club 3

Dylan Baquiran

Jake Barrera

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." - Jerry Garcia

Volleyball 2,3,4; Kairos 60; Patterson Habitat For Humanity

Kenneth Baumann

I Mute


Serge Beaucejour

a Stop Video

JL Invite

JL Manage Participants

tall Polling

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it's a thing to be achieved. -William Jennings Bryan

Kairos 63, Sleep out w ith the Covenant house.

Hashim Bennett

Vincent Bello "No matter how you get here or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home." -Creed Bratton

Bowling 2,3 Super Smash Bros. Club 2,3 Video Game Club 2,3

Dejohn Berry

Rino Bernabe

"It izz w hat it izz"

"W hat's next?" - President Josiah Bartlet

Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Card games club.

Rugby 1,2.3.4; MakeSPP 1,2.3.4; Hebrew Club 2,3,4; Kairos 52; Ecuador Campus Ministry Immersion Trip 2; Fencing 1,2; SPPAC 1,2,3.4

Eli Blumenfeld

Ethan Blackwelder

"Love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire"- Viktor Frankl

"You should have never doubted me. The pain and the struggle follow me".

Lacrosse 1,2; Dramatics 3,4; Dramatics Board 4; Vox 4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; Kairos 6 0

Varsity Soccer

Andrea Bonetti

Patrick Boll

H ^

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9 Chat



Breakout Rooms



Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten. and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money" - Native American Proverb

Tomasz Botwicz


Ignatian Scholar 1 , 2; Sheehan Scho lar 3 . 4; St. Peter's Prep Performing Arts C lub 1, 2 (Secretary). 3 (Vice President). 4 (President); Prep Connection Tutoring 1 . 2 , (STEM Assistant). 3 (STEM Director); N ew Jerse y Scholars Program 3; M akeSPP 2 (Finance and Operations), 4 (Director of Event); A cad em ic Bowl 1, 2. 3 (Varsity Team ); National Honors Society 3 , 4; Scien ce National Honors Society 3 , 4 ; Spanish National Honors Society 3. 4: T A S S E L Cam bodia 3 , 4 (Teacher); Eurochallenge 1. 2 ; FED C hallenge 4 : C L C 2 , 3 , 4: I Aviation Club 1 , 2 (Vice President); A dventure Club 1, 2, 3: Model UN 4; Hebrew Club 1. 2 , 3 , 4 ; Engineering C lub 2. 3: Kairos 6 2 ; Nazareth Farm Im mersion Trip 3 ; Peruvian Exchange 3; Lake Placid Trip 2 , 3 ; plot 4.

"The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything"-Theodore Roosevelt

A .

Andrew Bowling

"... and remember, the belly of the whale is laden w ith great men." Charles Bukowski

If you w ant to look good in front of thousands, you have to out work thousands in front of nobody- Damian Lillard


Rugby 1,2,3,4: Hebrew Club 2,3,4; Celtic Club 2,3; Engineering Club 2; NHS 4

Terence Boyle

Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3.4; Lacrosse 1,2.3,4; Stot Market Club 1.2.3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Celtic C 2,3,4; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 3; Kairos National Flonor Society 3,4; French Flonor Sock 3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Marauder Natio' Flenchman 4

Chase Bradshaw

Jazz Band 1.2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Ro & Blues Club 2,3,4; Hebrew Club 2,3 Psychology Club 1,2; French Club 2,3, Kairos 60; Taiwan Trip 2 0 1 8 ; Wheelin WV Immersion Trip 201 9, Campus Ministry Team

~ 1 "W ith all due respect, you got no idea w hat it's like to be number one" (Tony "Skip" Soprano


Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. - Vince Lombardi

1 ^ '"

Lacrosse 1,2,3, (Captain) 4; W ater Polo 1,2,3; Kairos 61; Philadelphia Immersion Trip; Spanish Club; Stock Market Club

Colin Brancatella

i Mute


Mi Stop Video

Kairos 62;French Club 2,3,4;Campus Ministry Global Immersion Trip- Ecudac 2; Prep Hockey 1,2,3,4

Joseph Brandon_______


Jta Invite

JL Manage Participants

Sill Polling

I shut down the school more than Covid did". - Johnnie Brooker III

Johnnie Brooker

Student Council 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3.4; Diversity Board 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Campus Minstry Team 4; CLC 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Cross Country 1,2,3; Pax Christi 3; Kairos 61; Emmaus 3 0 2

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

Swim m ing Captain; Varsity Swimming 1,2,3,4; Kairos 60; National Honor Society 4; 2 0 1 9 German Exchange; German Club 2,3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Robotics 3,4

Henry Brown

"The world is yours. Love always" love you pop'pop. -UnoDosOut #FreeMeek

"Your W ill To Succeed W ill Push You For Life."- Kenneth Browne

As-xurvic Basketball 1; Track & Field 3; Football 1,2.3,4

Kairos 62, Operation Smile (President); 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club; 1,2,3,4;

Tahjamell Bullock

Kenneth Browne

"The journey is more im portant than the destination"

"Do W hat Excites!"- Kelly Wakasa

Adventure Club 1,2,3, President 4; Kairos 63; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Browning Center 1,2,3,4

Football 3, Kairos 62, Robotics 3

Christopher Cajamarca

William Byington

This that exquiseversacemulet Jordan Campbell

"W hen you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra

Baseball Club 1-3; Hebrew Club 2-4; History Club 2; Spanish Club 3-4; Environmental Club 3; Historical Conversation Club 4; Business Club 4; Koinonia; Newark Immersion Trip; National Honors Society 4; Science National Honors Society 4; Spanish Honor Society 4;

Connor Calonic



Breakout Rooms

• • •

W Chat

Jordan Campbell ■■ ■■

v k Share Screen

Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2; Ebony Club 2,3,4


8 flj|§

Jack Rudolph: I spent the m ost tim e in the C om m ons because I kn o w I'll d e fin itely find som e of m y friends. Jacob Taubman: The lounge or Mr. M urcia's office King Medina: Usually in Ms. Dallam 's office Nicholas Gliberti: MSC H allway w as the location to be at since day 1! Rino Bernabe: A lw ays the Com m ons. Food is easily accessible and a bathroom nearby. Samuel Yaegashi: D efinitely the Com m ons. Everything's there: friends, food, outlets, TVs.

W here did you spend the m ost tim e during c o m m u n ity /fre e periods?

Sam Cooper: In N ew York, w o rkin g as a business leader. Andrea Bonnetti: Playing Futbol in Europe Connor Caloni: I see m yself w o rkin g in the sports business field. Connor McElroy Barker: W ashington DC, w o rkin g fo r the gove rn m en t Daivik Persaud: Los Angeles 2 0 2 8 O lym pics Jack Daly: Som ew here in the car industry w o rkin g on developing vehicles for the futu re

P W here do you see yourself in 10 years?

Gerald DelaCruz: Latin class w o n 't stop you from w in n in g cham pionships Ian Lee: D on't ever ju m p fo r a ball in androball against a fo o tb a ll player - avoid the broken elbow ! Jake Barrera: D on't blink! Four years w e n t by too fast. Johannes Dirx: Pay attention! Jordan Campbell: Keep grinding, it's all going to pay o ff soon! Joseph Morrone: A ctually put e ffo rt into your school w ork, it w ill be w o rth it!

W h a t w o u ld you say to your freshm an self? #

M ute

Stop Video



b ll

Manage Participants


Dylan Treanor: Honors Physics w ith Mr. Com ey because he's a really good person w h o loves his job. Eduardo Sanchez: A n a to m y & Physiology, I found m y love fo r the field of m edicine and really enjoyed it. Jake Landsbergis: Video P roduction because w e g o t to m ake a m ovie and it w as really fun. Jonathon Balboni: Art, it's ju s t b u ilt different. Joseph Martins: G eom etry w ith Mrs. LaBruno, she w as great to be around. Lucas Baccay: Program m ing classes - it's w h a t m ade me pick C om puter Science as m y m ajor.


W hat class w as your favorite and why?

Dylan Treanor: Mr. Pastorek because he alw ays com es into class w ith a good m ood excited to teach us. Joseph Cangiano: Mr. Peters has inspired me to be the record fo r "m ost JUGs given in a day." Kenneth Browne: Ms. M cN ally - her co n fid e n t and stra ig h t fo rw a rd attitude. MaxRueda: Mr. Geary - he is passionate about his subject m aterial. Nicholas De Pinto: Mr. Cam pbell because he vie w ed his success as a teacher w ith h o w w e ll his students did. Nicholas Escobar: Mr. Keating because o f his positive attitu de.

W h a t teacher inspires you the m ost and why?

Jordan Scott: I w ish I had auditioned fo r a play. Kevin Nally: I w ish I had gone on m ore trips. Matthew Coronel. Played d iffe re n t sports since m y lifestyle w o u ld be different. Alexander Sciarra: Took advantage of the Cam pus M in istry Lounge m ore. Christopher Rudolph: Join the A d venture Club or travel abroad. Colin Brancatella: W orked harder and made closer friends.

9 W h a t is one thing you w ish you did w h ile you w e re at Prep?

■ 1 ~^ Share Screen

9W Chat

® .L W Record

a s

Breakout Rooms


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 It's not w hat you do it's what you do w ith what's been done w ith the way others w ant to be treated by what you choose to do with the things we've done for each other."

Master has given Nathan a high school diploma, Nathan is freeeeeeee!!!

'{Jbbepfi fa /L g u x /ifr Rugby 2,3,4; Video Game Club 2

Nathan Campiche

Rock and Blues Club 2,3; Kairos 63

Joseph Cangiano

I can do all things through God who strengthens me.



doubted myself when I was losing, thankful for not giving up -lil durk


Kairos 6 0

Michael Caracappa

Ebony Club 3,4; Basketball 1,2

Da'Johnn Carter

Although the caterpillar and the butterfly are completely different, they are one and the same.

"Be grateful w ith everything you have and you will be successful in everything you do." - The Notorious Conor McGregor

Kairos 64; Diversity Board 2,3,4

Christalo Castro

i Mute


Mi Stop Video

Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Medical Club 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1

Nicholas Centrone

Xa Invite

JL Manage Participants

hit Polling

"Don't aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference."

"As much as it might look like, to someone else, that I'm successful, I never feel like I'm anywhere. The further I go, I still feel equally further from my eventual goal. Because as I grow, I get more goals. I'm never content. - J. Cole


Vincent Chirichella

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move" - Douglas Adams

Basketball 1; Tennis 2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Sheehan Retreat 1; Kairos 60; French National Flonors Society 2,3,4; National Flonors Society 4; Nazareth Farms Service Retreat 3

Soccer 1,2,3; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 62; Peru Exchange Program 3; Economics Club 2,3,4; W heeling W est Virginia Service Trip 3; Engineering Club 2,3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4

Anthony Cinquina

"The seconds you dwell in the past is the seconds you wasted on your future.""

The universie is too big for you to w orry about how other people see you

Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4

Football, Kairos 63

Masin Cobb

Dorian Clark

Full house on my hands - the cards I was dealt - Three K's, tw o A's in Amerikkka - Jo-Vaughn Virginie Scott

"Love the Life you live. Live the Life you love"-Bob Marley

Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3,4; Chess Club (President 3,4) 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1.2,3.4; Ecuador Immersion Trip 2; Bethlehem Farm 3

Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 62: Baseball 1

Finnian Collier

Sebastian Colie • Chat

• • •



Share Screen

Soccer 1; Baseball 2; Kairos 61; Baseball Club 1,2; Italian Club 2,3; Immersion Trip Sophomore Summer (not sure how to put that into the correct format.

More life.

Anthony Chrysikos

M l


En Record

Breakout Rooms



Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is w hy I succeed." Michael Jordan

I haven't yet met a freshman that didn't believe me when I told him there was a pool on the roof

'p M 'v Varsity Golf 1,2,3,4; Varsity Hockey 4; JV Hockey 1,2,3; Freshman Soccer 1; Kairos 63;

Baseball 1,2,3; Baseball Club 1,2,3 French Club 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip

Sam Cooper "Sometimes you have to fall in order to grow, hurt in order to know, lose in order to gain, because the greatest parts of life are learned through lessons. At the end of the day the playing field is always level for those who want to make their mark. Change only comes through effort."

"But there is also, I like to think or say, some madness there." - Svante Paabo

Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Vox 1,2,3; Academic Bowl 1,2,3; Chess Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; Directed Study Tutoring 4; Prep Immersion Summer 2019

Kairos 6 4 Soccer 3,4 Volleyball 1,2,3,4 Bowling 3,4 Band 2,3,4 Video Game Club 1,2 Intramurals 1,2,3.4

Matthew Coronel

Thomas Da Costa Lobo

Gotta work for w hat you want...

H '



"I have no idols. I admire work, dedication, and competence." Ayrton Senna

f v

/'tV c O c( D J Y l o Kairos 61; Baseball 1,2,3; senior grit n wit; senior BBQ

Enrique Dager A


Jack Daly

Mi Stop Video


Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club CoPresident 3.4; National Honor Society 4; Science National Honor Society 4; German Club 2,3; Engineering Club 2,3; Celtic Club 2.3

Xa Invite

fall Manage Participants


"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." —

Trust yourself before you decide to trust others

C.S. Lewis

M dw lad C. Qe fin to

Vox 2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3: Adventure Club 4

Nicholas De Pinto

Kairos 6 0 ; Yearbook Club 3

Justin DeJesus

'Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears." John McCain

M en's Varsity Tenn is 1. 2 . 3 , T eam Captain 4; French C lub 2. Secretary 3 . President 4: Sneaker Club 2, 3 : Prep So cce r Club 3 ; Baseball Club 1 . 2 . 3 . 4: Intramurals 1 . 2 . 3 . 4: Stock Market Club 3 .4 ; Model United Nations (UN) 1; T V Studio 1. 2 . 3 : Fantasy Sports Club 2. 3 : Young B usiness Leaders of A m erica (YBLA) 1 , 2 . 3 ; Econom ics C lub 2, 3 : History C lub 2. 3: Improv C lub 2 , 3; S P P A C 3 ; Breaking Barriers 1 . 2. 4: Sp anish Club 2 . 3 : Debate C lub 3. 4: C ulinary C lub 3 . 4 ; Film Club 3, 4 ; Creative W riting Club 3 ; 3 D Printing C lub 3

Gerald DelaCruz

"The things I once imagined would be my greatest achievements were only the first steps toward a future I can only begin to fathom." - Jace Beleren

Swim m ing 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Medical Club 3,4

Julian DeLemos

I know people say the more the merrier but honestly, tw o dimensions are better than three

"I'm alive, and I w ant to keep living" Diego Maradona

Swim m ing 1,2.3.4; Anim e Club 1,2,3; League of Legends Club 1,2; Video Game Club 1,2; Band 1,2; Vox 2

Going to Manhattan and seeing a play sophomore year.

Johannes Dirx

Ethan Diaz

"Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless" - Gary Vanyerchuck

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Engineering Club 3,4 Stock Market Club 2,3,4 Spanish Club 2,3

Baseball Club 1,2; Ping Pong Club 1,2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Fantasy Sports Club 3

Matthew Dobronsky



Breakout Rooms

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Share Screen

9 Chat

■■ ■■


Brendan Donnelly



Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you cannot get more time." -Original

Don't forget to land on both feet.

Stock market club 2; pax Christi 3; Kairos 60

Kairos 62, soccer, adventure club

Anthony Doren

Myles Dorante

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters." - Grand Master Yoda

The only things we truly own in life are experiences and momenta in time

W ater polo 1,2,3 ; Hockey 1,2,3 ; Rugt 1,2,3 ; Adventure club 1,2,3,4 ;Spanis Heritage Club 3,4

Saint Peter's Prep Tv Studio 3,4; Prep Ice Hockey 1,2,3

Gabriel Doria

Jonathan Duarte

"I love a good nap. Sometimes it's the only thing getting me out of bed in the morning." - George Contanza

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"


CMT 4; Kairos 6 0

German Club 1,2,3,4 Pro-Life Club 3,4 Stock Market Club 3,4 Celtic Club 2,3,^ Rugby 1,2,3,4 Kairos 62

Myles Dubovy

% M ute


h o y M

Thomas Dwyer

Mi Stop Video


la Invite



Manage Participants


"Bob Ross always said that there are no mistakes, but I guess he forgot about me."

am w hat I am.

U j'S W '

Fencing 1,2,3,4; Crew 1,2; Hebrew Club 2,3.4; Academic Bowl 1,2,3.4; TASSEL 3,4; Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; National Honors Society 3,4: Spanish National Honors Society 3,4; Science National Honors Society 4; Ecuador Mission Trip 2

Basketball 1

Nicholas Escobar

Ethan Eig

"Never rat on your friends, and always keep your m outh shut." -Jimmy Conway

Fear is like fire. It can cook for you, it can heat your house. Or it can burn it down. - Cus D'Amato

Football 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Baseball club 1; Stock Market Club 2; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; CBL 1,2,3,4; Kairos 61

Basketball 1; Track and Field 3; Baseball Club 1; Adventure Club 2


John Fernandez

Shane Flannery

If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit." - Michael Jordan

"The highest com plim ent that you can pay me is to say that I w ork hard every day, that I never dog it."

Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 (C); Kairos 60; Jazz Band 1. 2: Baseball Club 1, 2; Hebrew Club 2, 3, 4; Celtic Club 3; Student Council 3. 4; Global Initiatives 3. 4; Big Brother 3, 4; CMT 4; NHS 3. 4; SNHS 3, 4: SHH 3. 4; Ski Trip 4

Rashawn Ford Jr.

Owen Fletcher

" School is im portant but sports are importanter"

"High school is a lot like toilet paper, you only miss it when it's gone" Anonymous

Stock Market Club 2,3; Kairos 62, Asian Society 4; Spanish Club 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; West Virginia Junior Immersion Trip; National Science Honors Society 3,4; Senior Ski Trip 4; CLC 2.3.4




• • •

Share Screen


James Gallagher ■■ ■■

John Galasso

Ice hockey 1,2,3,4

Breakout Rooms


Blake Jacey: I'm done Christian Torres: Last m inute w o rk like you've never seen before Christopher Green: Senioritis is staying hom e so you can take a nap betw een your first and second class Danil Kirichenko: Senioritis can be described in tw o w ords. Those w o rds are Danny Kirichenko Edwin Klanke: The point of no return in your Prep career Felix Heinrich: You ju st sit there and then you...

Describe Senioritis.

Gabriel Doria: G etting o ff the train and seeing the W TC across the w ater. Greg Van Sant: M aking the freshm an baseball and th a t unlocking m ore friendships than I im agine Johnnie Brooker: Being in the fan section at M e t Life w h en w e w o n. It w as SICK! Leo London: W hen som eone's chair broke at mass, I laughed so hard I started tearing up Patrick Boll: The once in a lifetim e perform ance of Into the W oods the day before COVID Tyler McGeehan: Com ing to school in a cheerleader uniform

H W h a t is your m ost m em orable m om e nt at Prep?

Soren Mayendia: Mr. Comey because he ta u g h t me h o w to th in k for m yself. He has also helped me

personally. Tristan Moran: Mr. Kuhl because he is a good teacher w h ile not m aking it boring. I genuinely enjoyed his

class and learned w e ll from him, and he w as fun to be around. Tyion Smith: Ms. Dallam because she's ju s t everything I w ish a teacher w o u ld be. Anthony Warmuz: Ms. M cN ally because everytim e I had th a t class I learned som ething new about life Eidan Arriaga: M y favorite teacher is Mr. Tabora because he made m ath class as entertaining as possible

® W ho is your favorite teacher and why?



Mi Stop Video


la Invite

X Manage Participants



Hang Longo: Chem istry Ian Wilson: Naval A rch ite ctu re Jack Sipperly: Biom edical Engineering John Amato: Game Design and P rogram m ing Julian Ayala: M usic Production Justin Thomas: Entrepreneurship, M arketing, and Business. m


W h a t do you plan on studying in college?


IVIatt Maruri: Father Cassidy listening to and studying NBA Y oungboy's Slim e M e n ta lity in our US H istory 1

class in Junior Year. Michael Ames: I and over a dozen other people bo u g h t 3 0 0 M cN uggets, b o u g h t in a couple jugs of Powerade, cookies and had a thanksgivin g meal in the E building basem ent the day before thanksgiving break. Rish Sutherland: W hen Herr V. yelled at me and Joey and after class w e fell d o w n the stairs laughing Jack Glynn: I fell asleep in Mr. Riley's Biology Honors class; to w ake me up, he had the w h o le class start

clapping and I w as so lost.

Ethan Blackwelder: I w o re 1 w h ite sock. Jack Rudolph: As a freshm an I th o u g h t you could leave cam pus to get food and I le ft before m y lunch Landon Paradine: I had a m ilkshake in Mr. Tabora's m ath class freshm an year Lorenzo Zamarra: I had sneakers on in the hallw ay because I w as a sophom ore w h o th o u g h t he w as above

the law Lukas Mazurczyk: I to o k a piece of m y frie n d 's chicken w h ile he w as g etting m ustard. Learned m y lesson but

the chicken w as scrum ptious.

Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 I can trust the next chapter of my life because I know the author.

"Money trees is the perfect place for shade and that's just how I feel." Kendrick Lamar

Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Frenc Club 1,2,3; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Tasse 4; Fencing 2; Hebrew Club 2,3; Kairos 6C Ecuador Immersion Trip 2; Appalachian Institute Immersion Trip 3;

Basketball 1,2; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Volleyball 3; French Club 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2;

Seshan Ganesan


M atthew Gasak

You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.

"I need a room full of mirrors so I could be surrounded by winners" Kanye West

ampus Ministry Global Immersion Trip icuador 2, Taiwan Religious Immersior ’rip - 1, NHS 4. SPPAC 1,2,3,4 Hebrev\ Club, 2,3,4

Joseph Giattino

Nicholas Gilberti

If you w ant to talk, I'm going to let you talk. Because, now, I know everything I know, and I know everything you know.

Thomas Gingerelli

§ Mute


■< Stop Video


la Invite


Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 4; Soccer 1, 2. 3; CLC 2, 3, 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 61; Nazareth Farm Summer Retreat 3; Yoga Club 3; French Club 2. 3; Adventure Club 3, 4; Prep Surf 3, 4; Ski Trip 3. 4; French Exchange 3; National French Honor Society

Manage Participants

fall Polling

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth

How's the weather down there?


" Jo Z &





Kairos 63; Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Super Smash Bros. Club 2,3,4; Fencing 1; Baseball Club 1

Basketball 1,2,3 ; Baseball 1; Baseball Club 1,2 ; Tennis 3 ; Peru Exchange Program 1

Christopher Green

William Gobel

"I was born not knowing and have had only a little tim e to change that here and there." - Richard Feynman

Things end but memories last forever

T Z ycuvH a'

Ryan Ha

Prep Concert band 1, 2, 3, 4; Stock Market Club 1, 2; Video game club 1, 2, 3; SSBU Club 1, 2, 3; HAP tutor 1. 2; Saint Peter's Prep Performing Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman for a Day Ambassador

Cross Country 1,2; MakeSPP 1.2,3,4; Swim m ing 2,3; SPPAC 1,2,3; Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4; TASSEL 3.4; Robotics 1.2.3

Eric Han

"I don't fight. I'm a pescatarian"- Felix Heinrich 20 21

Cooking club 1, 2; French Club 1.2,3,4; Yoga Club 3; Peruvian Exchange, W est Virginia Service Trip, French Exchange; Kairos 61; Rugby 1; Crew 2,3,4; Captain 4

Sean Herold

Felix Heinrich

I'm going to subm it one and not even tell you w hat it is

W hat's good scoob

/d i Kairos 73

Football 1,2,3.4 Track 2 Kairos 61

Marcello Hutton

Thomas Hurley

u c! Share Screen



Breakout Rooms


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 Our time at Prep is like skiing on a powder day. We look back with pride at the tracks that we've made and look forward to the untouched field of opportunity that lies ahead.

"We talkin' about practice" - Allen Iverson

Science National H onor Society 12; National H onor Society 11. 12;

Jazz Band 3,4; Varsity Hockey 3; Rock and Blues Club 3,4;

Global Education Student Board 11. 12; German Exchange 10; Higher Achievem ent Program Tutor 9. 10, 11; Freshman For A Day M en tor 9. 10, 11, 12; Big Brother 11; Campus M in istry 12; A dventure C lub 9. 10. 11 , 12; Aviation C lub 9, 10, 11. 12; C eltic Club 9. 10. 11; H ebrew

Nathaniel Jablonski

Club 9. 10. 11, 12; Law Society 9. 12; D iversity Board 10. 11. 12; Fencing Team 9, 10. 11. 12: Fencing Team Manager 11. 12; Saber Squad Captain 12: Prep Tour Guide 1 1 ,1 2 . Prep A lta r Server 9. 10. 11. 12; CLC; Kairos 6 2 .

Blake Jacey "It’s easy to stand out amongst ever/da1 people and be a big fish in a small pond, is a much more difficult task when you a a wolf surrounded by wolves." - David Goggins

4 * 2 --------

Hassan Jackson

Mitchell Jackson

"Well, that was fast."

"Being lazy is disrespectful to those who believe in you."

W ater Polo 1 . 2. 3 . Captain 4 ; Basketball 1 ; Sw im m ing 3 . Captain 4: Volleyball 1. 2 . Captain 3 & 4; Freshm en Am bassador 1; Spanish Club 2, 3. 4; Diversity Board 2 3 . 4; Big Brother 3 ; Scien ce National Honor Society 3. 4 Spanish National Honor Society Secretary 4: National Honor Society 4; Brazilian Exchange 3 ; Ecuador Im mersion Trip 3; Kairos 6 0

Diversity Board 2,3,4; Track and Field 1,2,3; Big Brother 3,4; Kairos 63; Emmaus 3 0 2

Lawrence Jenkins A


Mi Stop Video

Outdoor Track 1.2,3.4; Indoor Track 2.3.4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3.4; Student Diversif Board 2.3.4; Science and Medicine Club CoPresident 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; French National Honor Society 3.4: Science National Honor Society 3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 60

Timothy Jimenez A




Manage Participants


"The child w ho is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its w a rm th ."-A frica n Proverb

I've made a huge mistake.


Stock Market Club 4

Robotics Team 1,2,3,4; Tassel Club 3.4; MakeSPP 3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3.4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club 2.3; Kairos 61

Vikram Kadyan

Brandon Johnson

"Great leaders facilitate a culture of trust. W ithout trust, there is no collective purpose and without purpose, there is no pathway to success."- Mike King (My father)

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to clim b a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

'O p , o

Kairos 60; Varsity Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Smash Bros. Club 2.3; Spikeball Club 3; National Spanish Honors Society 3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team

Ryan Karbowniczak

n /

Baseball team 1,2,3,4; Freshman Ambassador; Campus Ministry Team; Kairos 62; Big Brother Program

Ryan King

"I am the table"-Jam es Hetfield

"Led the beast to the cliff, one more step and a long way down. The morning sun fills the void, now you see there never was a point"-The Growlers

W ater Polo 1,2,3; Swim m ing 1,2; Hebrew Club 2,3; Aviation Club 3; Koinonia 2; Father Azzarto Fan Club 1; SPPAC 1,2,3

Cross Country 1,2.3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Eurochallenge 1,2; Economics Club 1,2,3; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1

Edwin Klanke

Danil Kirichenko W hen The Doctor Says You Have 5 9 .5 6 Seconds To Live (Satisfying Pressure W ashing) - Copper Creek Cuts

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor" -Elon Musk


Robotics 1,2,3,4; MakeSPP 2,3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl;

Hebrew Club 2,3,4; Hebrew Club Co­ leader 3,4; SPPAC 2,3,4; Rugby 2,3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 63

Shivansh Kumar

Joshua Kover < 8^


Share Screen




Breakout Rooms

• • •



Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "Today, I will wear my w hite buttondown" -Mitski, "A Burning Hill"

"D on't tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon" Paul Brandt

Spring Musical 4; Art Club 4; Film Club 4

sneaker club 3; spike ball club 3; Spanish club 3

"Time stays long enough for anyone w ho will use it." - Leonardo Da Vinci

"Do w hat you can, w ith what you have, where you are." - Teddy Roosevelt

William Kunga

Aramchan Lee

Soccer 1,2,3,4; Track 2; Diversity Board 3,4; Saint Peter's Performing Arts Club 1,2,3,4; Christian Life Community 2,3,4; Science National Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Sheehan Summer Retreat 1; Koinonia Retreat 2; Engineering club 2,3; Asian Society 3.4; Prep Connection 1.2,3

Ian Lee

Thank you

"No. you're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes" Kanye West

Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1.2; SPPAC 1,3; Philly Immersion Trip 3; NHS 3,4; SNHS 3.4

Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Karios 52

Andrew Lin A


Stuco 1.2,3,4; NJGSS Rep 3: XC 1,2,3.4; Indot Track 1,2; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Medical Club 3.4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Robotics 1,2,3.4; Academic Bowl 1,2.3,4; Spirit Aware Committee 4; Twilight Imperium Club 4; NHS * SNHS 4; Kairos 61

Dario Lojo

Mi Stop Video


X a Invite

J lL Manage Participants

ta ll Polling

"I may have gone too far in a few places." - George Lucas

Ca plane pour moi- Plastic Bertrand


O ’

Kairos 63

Henry Longo

Leo London

Dungeons and Dragons Club 1,2, President 3,4: Diversity Board 3,4: Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3: Library Board 4: Breaking Barriers 3,4; Chrome Depot 3; National Honor Society: Science National Honor Society; Academic Bowl 3,4; Video Game Club 1,2,3; Robotics 3: HAP 1.2,3

"Ad astra per apera"

Live life to the fullest!

U u jL p tn

Kairos 63; Soccer 1,2,3,4; French National Honor Society 4; Peruvian Exchange 2; Brazilian Exchange 3; French Club 2,3,4;

Reyhan Lopez

I did rugby and a W est Virginia retreat my junior year.

Dylan Lord

don't get mad, I get money.

Kairos 6 0 - Baseball Club 1,2 - Koinonia

Track and Field 1,2; Yearbook 3; Video Game Club 1,2,3; Kairos 62

Ian Lozano

Benny Love

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"- Norman Vincent Peale

Education is important, but having huge biceps is im portanter- Rich Lugo

* Chat



Xavier Lusky • • •

Share Screen

Vox 1,2,3,4; Sppac 1,2,3,; Anime Club 1,2,3; Video Game Club 2,3; CLC 1,2,3,4; Prep Connections 1.2,3

■■ ■■

Richard Lugo

Student Council 1,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Pax Christi 3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; The Marauder (Marauder Nation 4); Competition Comm ittee 4; Senior Spirit Committee 4; Club Com mittee 4

Breakout Rooms



The distinctive mission of the University of California, Berkeley, is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing long-term societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge.

Sebastian Colie

Marquette University is a Catholic, Jesuit university dedicated to serving God by serving our students and contributing to the advancement of knowledge. Our mission, therefore, is the search for truth, the discovery and sharing of knowledge, the fostering of personal and professional excellence, the promotion of a life of faith, and the development of leadership expressed in service to others. All this we pursue for the greater glory of God and the common benefit of the human community.

Johnnie Brooker

The primary purpose of the University of Wisconsin-Madison is to provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and studf can discover, examine critically, preserve and transmit the knowledge, wisdom and values will help ensure the survival of this and futuri generations and improve the quality of life fo The university seeks to help students to deve understanding and appreciation for the comp cultural and physical worlds in which they liv to realize their highest potential of intellectua physical and human development.

Sam Cooper, Dario Lojo, Jacob Taubn & Lorenzo Zamarra

The core mission of The University of San Francisco is to promote learning in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. The university offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional students the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as persons and professionals, and the values and sensitivity necessary to be men and women for others.

Lukas Mazurczyk

As Arizona's land-grant university, we are driven to do great things, it’s our passion to transform the lives of our student Wildcats and to solve some of the biggest challenges facing our state and the world. But what makes us unique is how we do it. We live our purpose, mission and values every day. And we do this in one of the most incredible places on Earth.

Tyler McGeehan

A nationally ranked comprehensive research university with eight degreegranting schools, Southern Methodist University is a distinguished center for teaching and research located near the heart of Dallas.

Colin Brancatella

The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future. George Rooks

The Pennsylvania State University is a multi-campus, land-grant, public research university that educates students from around the world and supports individuals and communities

through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service. Henry Brown, Andre Carcamo, Enrique Oager, Gerald DelaCruz, Nicholas Gilberti, Ryan Mead, Sebastian Stile, & Ryan Wallace

Founded in 1898, Northeastern is a global, experiential, research university built on a tradition of engagement with the world, creating a distinctive approach to education and research.

The University of Chicago is a worldclass institution of higher education. Its mission is to produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory, and public policy. Ethan Eig

Joseph Brandon, Shivansh Kumar, & Kevin Owens

Founded in 1955, Covenant College is a Christian liberal arts college located on Lookout Mountain, Georgia. They exist to explore and express the preeminence of Jesus Christ in all things by preparing young believers for a life of service and God-honoring vocation.

Titus Cooke

Florida Institute of Technology's mission is to provide high-quality education to a culturally diverse student body in order to prepare students for entering the global workforce, seeking highereducation opportunities and serving within their communities.

Thomas Gingerelli

"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But is ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"


Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Adventure Clutl 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Kairos 61; Nazareth Farms

Max Malanga

I w ent to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any tim e1. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.

That's That




Rugby 1,2

Alec Martinez

Lucas Martin

'Every man dies, not every man really lives."

-A c lj

We've made many memories, now let's go make the future.

fl - M l



W restling 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 1; Koinonia

Daniel Martinez

Stock Market Club 2,3; Student Sleep Out for Covenant House NJ

Joseph Martins "Empezamos de abajo, ahora somos ricos. Pero nunca olvido de donde salf. y donde fue que mi primer tema escribf." ~ Bad Bunny

"'Vert1is, like, straight to the top, like a vertical leap." - Lil Uzi Vert

Student Council 3 ,4 (Vice President 4); Kairos 6 1 ; Italian Clu! 2 ,3 .4 ; C am p u s Ministry Team 4; A sian Society Secretary 2 .3 .4 ; Golf 1 ,2 .3 ,4 ; Cross Country 1.2 .3 ,4 : Indoor Track 2; W est Virginia Im mersion Trip 3; Diversity Board 3 .4 ; Mental Health Com m ittee 3 .4 ; Big Brother 3; Freshm an for a Day A m bassador 1; C L C 2 .3 .4 ; Clubs Com m ittee 4; Sm all Business Com m ittee 4: Adventure Club 2 ,3 .4 ; Opera Club 2 .3 .4 ; Yoga Club 3 : National Honor Society 4 ; Senior Spirit Com m ittee 4 ; Stock Market Club 2: Program m ing Club 2

Drama Club 1; Spanish Club 2,3; Kairos 62

M atthew Maruri vj;



Kairos 61; Spanish Honors Society 4; Cre' 1,2,3; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Rugby 3,4; Conce Band 1,2,3,4; Hebrew Club 2,3,4; Spanis Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Adventure Club 1,2.3.4

Mi Stop Video

Joaquin Matti A

Xa Invite

£ Manage Participants

Bill Polling

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." - Robin W illiams

"As I open my eyes, realizing I changed. Not the same deranged child stuck up in the game." - Biggie Smalls

SPP Soccer 2,3,4; Kairos 62; Diversity Board 3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4

W eightlifting Club 1,2; Soccer Club 1,2,3,4; Varsity Tennis 1,2

Soren Mayendia

Lukas Mazurczyk "The difference between the master and the novice is the master has failed more than the novice has tried." -Anonym ous


i / A-


"You ain't running w ith the apes yet, apex at the Empire State neck" -Joey BadaSS

\ \ \ /

i \ ^

Kairos 6 1 ; Cross Country 1 .2 .3 .4 : Indoor Track 1 .2 .3 .4 : Lacrosse 1 ,2 : Outdoor Track 3 ,4 : Eco no m ic So ciety 1 ,2 .3 .4 : Model UN 1,3 ,4 : A cad em ic Bowl 1 .2 .3 ,4 : Student Council Representative 1,2 ,4 : National Scien ce Honor So ciety 3 .4 : National Honor Society 4 : Board G am e C lub 4: S P P A C 1 ,2 .3 ,4 ; C am p u s M inistry Team 4:

Patrick McCabe

Swim m ing 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Kairos 63

Charles McCann

U: ■

Robert McCafferty

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ~A.A. Milne

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. Robert Herrick

C rew 2 ,3 , Captain 4; Diversity Board 3 ,4 ; Global Student Initiative Board 3 ,4 ; M arauder Nation 4; Model UN 1 .2 . 3 C o President 4; A sian So ciety 2 C o-Secretary 3 ,4 ; Big Brother 3 .4 ; Scien ce National Honor So ciety 4; V o x 4 ; Breaking Barriers 3 ,4 ; S P P A C 2 .3 .4 : Sp anish Club 1 ,2 .3 .4 ; Spanish Exchange 3; Kairos 6 3 : W orking Boys Center, Ecuador 2; Rom ero Center, NJ 3 ; Volleyball 1 ; Freshm an A m bassado r 1 ;

Spanish Club President 4.; Spanish Club 1,2,3.4,; Soccer team 1,; Waterpolo team 3,4.; French Club 3.4.; Petroc 4,; Lacrosse Team 3.4,; Adventure Club 1,2,3,4,; Adventure Club Director of Diversity 4,; National Honors Society 4.; National Society of High School Scholars

M atthew McDonough

"Livin for a Livin"

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday." - W innie The Pooh

Kairos 63; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1.2

Tyler McGeehan

Connor McElroy Barker


a Record

Breakout Rooms

• • •


■■ ■■

M ^ Share Screen



End M ee tmc,


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "Maybe the truth doesn't rhyme" -Joni Mitchell

live now, reflect later

Diversity Board 2,3,4

Culinary Club 1,2,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 63, Emmaus 3 0 2

Ryan Mead

King Dax Medina

Chike Melie III

Zyeiar Miller "Some people say life is like a party. I say it's a lot more like a kickback. It's not about the quantity of people you have. It's about the quality of the people who show up." Jimmy Tatro

"The best part about being slept on is seeing the surprise look on people's faces when they realized they messed up by counting you out."

on* Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 61

Kairos 63; Adventure Club 3,4; Varsity Soccer 4

Liam Mooney

I Mute


Tristan Moran

MM Stop Video


I es Invite

JL Manage Participants

tall Polling

W inners win

Track and Field 1,2,3,4

Joseph Morrone

Baseball 1,2,3,4 ; Football 1,2; Kairos 63; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3; Ebony Club 3,4;

Teague Mulcahy

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

"Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart." -Drake

r J J J - J jJ

"KV, § f

11 f

W est Virginia immersion trip to Bethlehem farms; Varsity Football

Nicholas Musico

Pius Mwemba

. 0 'US 5 u c a X -

i I r p f f n ih f \

Volleyball 1,2,3.4; Fencing 1,2,3,4; Kairos 60; Koinonia 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Big Brother 3,4; French Club 2,3; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Sneaker Club 2,3; Spikeball Club 2.3; Taiwan Cultural Heritage Trip 2; Operation Smile 2,3

"Failure is not the end. It is a necessary part of the path."

"Take it slowly, brother, let it go" Mac Demarco

Kairos 62, W ater Polo 1,2,3

Kairos 62; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Adventure Club 1,2,3; Petrean 3,4

Kevin Nally

Nicholas Nalbandian Hmmm During my time at Prep, my perceptive broadened, my confidence increased, but most importantly my SIDEBURNS GREW!! (just not the hair on my chin)

/ $ J // fm


National Plonor Society; Robotics 1, 2, 3; Anim e Club

Kevin Nandkumar



• • •

9 Chat


H ^ Share Screen

James Norris

Breakout Rooms




Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 Dreams are for dreamers. Goals are for achievers

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe" Donald J. Trump

Kairos 61; Aviation Club 1; Italian Club 2,3,4; Celtic Club 3; Right for Life 3,4; Campus Ministry 4

Basketball 1,2,3,captain 4 Celtic clut 2,3 Kairos 6 0 Rugby 4 Campus ministry 4

Timothy O'Brien

Gavin O'Farrell

Kairos 62 Video Game Club 2 Stock Market Club 4

Patrick O'Shea

Aidan Osterling

"First, you must learn to pull an oar. Only then can you take the helm." Frank Underwood

"If you look good, you feel good. If you fee good, you play good. If you play good, the’ pay good." Deion Sanders

Crew 1,2,3,4; Asian Society President 2,3,4; Kairos 61; CLC 3,4; Taiwan 1; Peru 2

Nation Station 1,2,3; Baseball Club 1,2.3,4; Celtic Club 3; Campus Ministry 4; Varsity Baseball Manager 2,3,4; Kairos 63; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Spanish NHS, Science NHS, NSHSS

Kevin Owens vj;

M ute


Matthew Page W N

Stop Video





J L Manage Participants

h li Polling

"GG Boys.

Thank you




(^<1.O UX j O. M J 'S / 'J L / '



Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 62; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3; Adventure Club 3.4; French Club 2.3,4

Landon Paradine

Dean Pelliccio

"A little nonsense now and then relished by the wisest of men." - W illy W onka

A wise man once said nothing at all Drake

Cross Country 1,2,3.4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Card Games Club 3.4; Kairos 61

Crew 1,2,3; Track and Field 1; Dramatics Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; TV Studio 2,3,4; SPPAC 3.4; Kairos 63. Kairos 6 4

Sebastian Pena

Dylan Perez

"I may sink, but I'll be damned if I strike." - John Paul Jones

Forget the numbers, forget the rankings. Be the best that you can be, and everything will follow.

Aviation Club 1,2,3,4; Plockey 1,2,3;

Kairos 60, Mock Trial 1&2, Fencing 2 /3 /4

Gavin Perry

Daivik Persaud

"W ould I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I w ant people to be afraid of how much they love me."- Michael Scott

W restling 1,2.3.4; Kairos 6 0

Michael Pestana 9 Share Screen




Austin Pinnock • •• Breakout Rooms


157 mm

Alexander Russo-Disla: Mr. Quinn is defin itely a secret super villain using Prep as a cover. His pow ers are the

ability to take people dow n using calculate know ledge and m ind co n tro llin g people using his dad jokes. Anthony Chrysikos: Mr. M orris' superpow er w o u ld be the a b ility to get every question right on the SAT. Dylan Treanor: Mr. Canale has the pow er to give o u t JUGs. Gavin O'Farrell: Mr. Caulfield has super speed. Matt McDonough: Dr. W illiam s should be a superhero. She has the ability to unify a group of people tow ards

a cause in a tough situation. J W h a t teacher do you th in k is secretly a su p e rh e ro /villa in and w h a t w o u ld th e ir pow ers be?

MaxRueda: I can see m yself playing Dr. H olt starring in a Dark Com edy M urder M ystery, ju st seems like a

perfect m atch. He w o u ld be the sarcastic genius detective th a t has the case already solved. Owen Fletcher: Mr. Geary - ju st im agine a flannel-clad action m ovie star fig h tin g fo r the greater glory. Patrick Rooney: Mr. Rodrigues because I w o u ld get to be a w e a th e r man. Seshan Ganesan: Mr. Com ey because he is one of the funniest teachers I have ever had. Thomas Da Costa Lobo: Mr. Burokas - 1feel as though his personality fits w e ll enough th a t any role th a t is give

to him w o u ld com e naturally and he can basically m ake any to p ic seem interesting. W h a t teacher w o u ld you w a n t to play in a m ovie and why?

Thomas Hurley: Chew ing w ith your m outh open. Timothy O'Brien: Giving tests. Tracy Ware Jr.: Turtlenecks Tristan Moran: W earing any dull colors. Aaron Saunders: Not stopping to greet me. Andrew Lin: W alking against the curre nt on the staircases.

1 If you w ere Mr. M orris for a day, w h a t w o u ld you m ake a JUG-able offense?

® M ute


m m *

Stop Video


Manage Participants

3rendan Donnelly: "If you share your bread w ith the hungry" I d o n 't kn o w the title, but it is m y favorite. Dylan Perez: Prayer fo r G enerosity :innian Collier: One Bread, One Body lack Glynn: Your Light W ill Shine lack Rudolph: I've always been partial to Lam b o f God, it is short but nice. levin Nandkumar: I am not sure of the title, but m y favorite song at mass is "H o w Beautiful"

lonathan Duarte: Christm as because w e can see the film the Prep students made. ’atrick Boll: Thanksgiivng because there is a 25% chance o f Mr. M orris w e aring a Turkey costum e to school tircardo Arias: Arrupe w e ek because I enjoy hearing the speakers. taron Rodriguez: H allow een because o f all the outrageous costum es th a t students and teachers wear. tlec Martinez: Easter because Spring Break!!!!! Christopher Cajamarca: Christm as because w e leave the cam pus on a good note and everyone is so happy.

\ndrew Almeida: Kairos is d efin itely up there. \ndrew Smith: M achu Picchu in Peru John Scheurer: Legal Grounds Joshua Kover: I really enjoyed the SPPAC events. M adam B utterfly w as a lot o f fun. Nathaniel Jablonski: Berlin, Cologne, and Schleiden Patrick O'Shea: Going to C hinatow n on Prep Day during m y sophom ore year at Prep

Share Screen



Breakout Rooms



Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "I like people that enjoy life, 'cause I do the same." - Lil Wayne

Thomas Plitt

Sean Rendeiro "When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It's when they are forgotten." - Dr. Hiriluk

Wrestling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Marauder Nation 4; National Honor Society 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Science Honor Society 4: Big Brother 3

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I I jm



F U p X Kairos 61, W ater polo 2 3 4, Rugby 3 4, Lacrosse 1 2,

Ciaran Reynolds

Dungeons and Dragons Club 1,2,3,4; Aviation Club 1,2,3; Creative W riting Club 3; Kairos 61

Kenneth Reynolds

Glad I can finally celebrate my graduation to mark the end of 12 years of school only to enter my 1 3th year in September

Zavier Robertson \g/



Mi Stop Video


£ a Invite

& Manage Participants

ta ll Polling

"Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Buy a Legal Grounds Sandwich W hich Is Basically The Same Thing"

Hockey 1,2,3.4; French Club 2,3,4; Model UN 4; Psychology Club 4; Stock Markert Club 1,2,3; Club 4; Philosophy Society 4; Kairos 61

Aaron Rodriguez

Ethan Rodriguez

"Is Mayonnaise an Instrument" Patrick Star

"Only if we understand, we will care. Only if we care, we will help.Only if w e help we shall be saved"- Jane


Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3; Adventure Club 1,2,3 President 4, Browning Center 1,2 President 3,4; Karios 60; W heeling W est Virginia, Peru 201 9; CLC 3.4

George Rooks

Patrick Rooney

"Despite everything, it's still you." Toby Fox

Christopher Rudolph

Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind

Kairos 61; Crew 1 .2 ,3 ; VOX 2, 3. 4; Prep Dramatics 2, 3. Leadership Board 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Science National Honor Society 4; TASSEL 4; CLC 2, 3, 4; HAP Tutor 2; Super Smash Brothers Club 2, 3

"A bit of madness is key To give us new colors to see." - Justin Hurwitz

Bowling 1,2,3.4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 2,3; Video Game Club 1,2,3; HAP Tutor 1.2,3; Hebrew Club 2,3; Karios 52

Jack Rudolph


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

A Vo x 1.2 ,3 .4 ; Concert Band 1 .2 . V P 3 . Pres. 4 ; Jazz Band 2 .3 . V P 4; Prep Dram atics 2 .3 . Dram atics Assistant 4: Improv Club 2 .3 ; S P P A C 1.2 .3 .4 ; Robotics C lub 1 .2 .3 : M akeSPP 4; T A S S E L 3 .4 ; Germ an C lub 2 .3 : Germ an Exchange 2 : A nim e Club 1 .2 ,3 ; Big Brother 3 H A P Tutor 1; C am pu s M inistry Team 4; C L C 2 ,3 .4 ; Ignatian Scho lars Leadership T eam 3 .4 ; National Honors Society 3 .4 ; National Scien ce Honors Society 3 .4 ; Tri-M M usic Honors So ciety 3 ,4 : Freshm an M agis A w ard 1; Spirit A w ard Selection Com m ittee 4 ; Tennis 1.2 .3 .4 ;


r \

Kairos 61; Fencing 1,2; Tabletop RPG 3; Boardgames Club 4

Alexander Russo-Disla

161 Share Screen



Breakout Rooms


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "What's the fun in walking the road alone when you can make friends along the way" - Eduardo Sanchez

In the path, there is truth.

Track and Field 1,2,3; Cross Country 1; Stock Market Club 4; French Club 4; Robotics 2; Kairos 62

Cross Country 1,2,3, Captain 4; Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Economics 1,2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Kairos 61

Rodolfo Sanchez

This is where the fun begins. - Anakin Skywalker

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time, nothing else matters" -Dominic Toretto

Diversity Board 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 : C am p u s Ministry Team 1 2 ; Virtual Sleep Out Leader 1 1 : Ignite Leader 1 1 : Kairos 6 4 ; Ebony Club 1 0 , 1 1 ; Ebony Club Executive Board 1 2 : Student A m bassador 1 0 , 1 1 . 1 2 ; Aviation C lub 1 1 , 1 2 : Bethlaham Farm, W est Virgina Service Trip 1 1 ; Varsity Sw im m ing 1 0 ,1 1 , 1 2 : W ater Polo 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 ;

John Scheurer

Aaron Saunders

"And my dogs been itchin, itchin in the kitchen once agian" -Noel Gallagher

And my tim e is a piece of wax, falling on a termite, who choking on the splinters. "Loser" Beck

Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 62; Hebrew Club 3,4; Asian Society 3; Rock and Blues Club 3,4; Celtic Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 2,3

Fencing 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4 Kairos 62

Michael Scheurer vj/

M ute


Football 1. 2, 3, 4; Pro-Life Club 3, 4; Celtic Club 2, 3, 4; 3D Printing Club 3 Kairos 62; German Exchange 2

Mi Stop Video

Alexander Sciarra A




Manage Participants


"The only way to deal w ith an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."- Albert Camus

W hat you do when no one is watching is w hat separates champions from everybody else '

Football 1,2,3,4; Football Captain 4; Ice Hockey 1, 2; W restling 3; Lacrosse 1; Stock Market Club 1,2; Ignatian Scholar; National Honors Society 4

French Club-234; Soccer-12 3 4 ;

Jordan Scott

Evan Scribner

"Growing up sucks. People aren't nearly as eager to know w hat my favorite dinosaur is." -50cent


JV Soccer 1,2; Varsity Cross Country 3,4; Varsity Track 2,3,4; Kairos 61

Jack Sipperly

James Slowinski

"Is that even legal?"



Dram atics 1 ,2 ,3 , President 4 : Crew 1 ,2 ,3 , Captain 4 ; Vox 1,2 ,3 ,4 : Italian C lub 1 ,2 .3 . President 4; Diversity Board 2 .3 .4 : Student Council 3 .4 : C am p u s Ministry Team 4: Breaking Barriers 1.2 ,3 ,4 : C L C 2 .3 .4 : S P P A C 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 : Big Brother 3 ; Freshm an A m bassado r 1; National Honor Society 3 .4 ; Scien ce National Honor So ciety 3 .4 : Tri-M M usic Honor So ciety 3 ,4 : Peruvian Exhange 2 ; Gilbert, W V 3 ; Italian Exchange 3 : Kairos 6 2

Andrew Smith

Diversity Board 3,4 ; Ebony Club 2,3,4

Tyion Smith "The only person who can sympathize with you and understand you, is you. So, be good to yourself." - Misato Katsuragi and Rei Ayanami, Neon Genesis Evangelion

Hold on while I overthink this quote

Kairos 62; Campus Ministry Global Immersion Trip - Ecuador 2; National Honor Society 4; Asian Society 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Sheehan Scholar

Bowling 2,3,4

Sebastian Stile

Matthew Stewart

HM Share Screen


“ Chat


Breakout Rooms

••• More

Zoom Meeting ID:


Joshua Sumague

Sha'Zir Sullivan

"Balenci', Balenci1, Balenci', Balenci', Balenci' Balenci1, Balenci', Balenci', Balenci', Balenci' Balenci', Balenci', Balenci', Balenci', Balenci'" - Lil Uzi Vert

"Do w hat makes you happy, 'cause in the end, who's there? You." - Tyler, The Creator


Soccer 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Spanish Club 3,4; Kairos 62; National Honor Society 4; Spanish Honor Society;

Rish Sutherland "Most people are slowed down by the perception of themselves. If you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything. I was taught I can do everything." Kanye West

Sometimes I push the door close button on people running towards the elevator. I just need my own elevator sometimes. My sanctuary. - Kanye West

Diversity Board 2,3.4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Marauder Nation 4; Senior Spirit Committee 4; National Honor Society 4: Spanish Honor Society 4; Rugby 2,3; Campus Ministry Global Immersion Trip- Ecuador 2; Kairos 61; Spirit Award 4

The Ebony Club 1.2,3,4 Football 1, 2 Kairos 62 Appalachian Institute Immersion Trip

Jacob Taubman A


Mi Stop Video

Justin Thomas A

i(9 Invite

JL Manage Participants

fall Polling

"No matter how you get there or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift of making that place their home." - Creed Bratton

Adventure Club 1,2,3,4; Ski Trip 1,2,3,4; Gilbert Immersion Trip 3; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1.2; Ignite Retreat Leader/Big Brother 3; NHS Vice President 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Prep Connection Tutor 2,3; Kairos 63

John Thorburn

"All in all I learned a lesson from it though, you never see it coming you just get to see it go" - Drake

Kairos 61; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 2; Adventure Club 1,2,3.4; Basketball Team 2: Volleyball Team; 1,2,3; Spanish Club 2,3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Vice President Spanish National Honors Society 4; Science National Honors Society 4

John Toolen

"Challenges are w hat make life interesting and overcoming them is w hat makes life meaningful." - Joshua J. Marine

Crew 1,2,3, Captain 4; Spanish Club 1,2,3, President 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 60: National Honor Society 4; Science National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; CLC 2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2; Italian Club 3,4; Adventure Club 4; Sleep Out 2,3; Freshman Ambassador; Big Brother

Christian Torres

Live life, Love life. Look good doin' it

Kairos 60, National Honor Society, French Honor Society, and participated in the French Club during his sophomore, junior, and senior year.

Dylan Treanor

"Change is easy. Improvement is far more difficult." Ferdinand Porsche

"Never let your head down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way."

Ice Hockey 1,2,3,Captain4; Golf 2,3,4; Aviation Club 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club 2,3,4; Robotics Team 3,4; Campus M inistry Team 4;

Baseball 1.2,3.4 Kairos 3

Gregory Van Sant

Casey Truppner

"You will never influence the w orld by trying to be like it." -Travis Scott

11 /


Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Kairos 61; Baseball Club 1,2.3

Antonio Villatoro

Jeffrey Van Sant

m Share Screen







Breakout Rooms


Zoom Meeting ID:

SENIORS CLASS OF 2021 "Nobody's Perfect. But we can pretend I came pretty close right?"

"If you ain't first, you're last." -Reese Bobby (From Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby)

Kairos 62; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Flockey 1,2,3.4; Baseball Club 2,3.4; Model UN 1; French Club 2,3,4; National Flonors Society 4; French National Flonors Society 4; SPPAC 1

Ryan Wallace

Tracy Ware Jr.

"Never goin' back. Never goin1back. No, you can't make me." - SZA

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." Bill Gates

Student Council (President - 1 1 th grade. Project Manage 10 th grade. Treasurer - 9th grade). Quiz Club (Vice Preside in 9th and 10 th grade). Debate Club (Vice President in 9i and 10 th grade). 4-H C lub (9th and 10 th grade), and C h d (9th and 10 th grade).

Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 63

Anthony Warmuz

Phii-Jay Whyte

"W ould I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I w ant people to be afraid of how much they love me." Michael Scott

W ould you do it for a Scooby Snack?

Baseball 1.2,3.4; Kairos 61; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Baseball Club 1,2.3.4 Co-President 3,4; Stock Market Club 3.4; Ebony Club 4; French Club 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4

Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 61

Colin Williams

§ M ute


Kairos 60; Freshman Ambassador 1; Vox 1,2,3. Breaking Barriers 1,2 President 3.4; Diversity Board 2.3,4 (PR Manager); SPPac 1,2,3.4; Fren Club 1; National French Honors Society 3,4; Tri-; Music Honors Society 3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3; Improv Club 2; Camden Immersion 3

Ian Wilson

Mi Stop Video






Manage Participants


"And the tim e w ill come when you see. W e're all one and life flows on w ithin you and w ith ou t you." - George Harrison, "W ithin You W ithout You"

"See kids, I told you I was good looking in high school"

Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Hebrew Club 2,3,4; Baseball

Rugby 2,3 Italian Club 3

Samuel Yaegashi

Alfonso Zamarra

"Some things I have to keep to myself" - Zion Williamson

Soccer 1.2; Kairos 61

Lorenzo Zamarra

Ia Share Screen




ss Record

Breakout Rooms


Class of 2021 Future President

Future Jesuit

Future Prep Teacher

Future Dean of Students

1. Johnnie Brooker 2. Ryan Ha 3. Patrick M cC abe

1. O w e n Fletcher 2. Nathaniel Jablonski 3. Joaquin Matti

1. O w e n Fletcher 2. Nathaniel Jablonski 3. Johnnie Brooker

1. Lucas RosarioRodriguez 2. Nathaniel Jablonski 3. Ian Lee

Best Musician

Best Hair

Best Company in a Zoom Breakout Room

Life of the Party

1. Chase Bradshaw 2. Max Rueda 3. Andrew Smith & Joshua Sumaque

1. Chase Bradshaw 2. Pat Boll 3. London Paradine

1. Richard Lugo 2. Gerald DelaCruz 3. Vikram Kadyan

1. Richard Lugo 2. Ryan Ha 3. Johnnie Brooker

Most Athletic

Class Clown

Future Broadway Star

Most Likely to Become Famous

l.T a h ja m e ll Bullock 2. Timothy Jimenez 3. Rashawn Ford

1. Connor McElroy Barker 2. Danil Kirichenko 3. Richard Lugo

1. A n d re w Smith 2. Patrick Boll 3. Dylan Perez

1. Tahjamell Bullock 2. Johnnie Brooker 3. George Rooks & Tyion Smith


Senior Superlatives Future Mad Scientist

Future Millionaire

1. Tomasz Botwicz 2. Chase Bradshaw 3. Ryan Ha

1. Anthony AsanteDanso 2. Eric Han 3. Jacob Taubman

Most Changed Since Freshman Year

Best Nickname

1. Ryan "Karbow " Karboniczak 2. Joaquin "Jo" Matti Michael "Peesh" Pestana

Best Dressed

1. Lawrence Jenkins 2. Chase Bradshaw 3. M a x Rueda

Most Intelligent

Most Artistic

1. Eric Han

1. Chase Bradshaw

2. Ian Lee 3. Aramchan Lee &

2. Lawrence Jenkins 3. Tristan M oran &

Thomas Da Costa Lobo

Ethan Diaz

iocial Media Obsessed

Most Likely to Receive JUG

Best Zoom

Most Likely to Take O ver the W orld

1. D avid Scobar 2. Leo London & Dylan Lord

1. Jonathan Balboni 2. Tomasz Botwicz 3. Ryan Ha

1. Dylan Lord 2. Brendan Donnelly 3. Ryan King

1. Andrew Smith

1. Danil Kirichenko

2. Johnnie Brooker

2. Anthony Doren

3. Alfonzo Zamarra & Robert M cCafferty

3. Ethan Blackwelder & M atthew Coronel

1. M a tth e w Coronel 2. Leo London 3. Charles McCann


Freshmen Year

Sophomore Year

»1«T PiltB'



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Junior Year 1 9 - ’2 0

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Pandemic or not, I can confidently say that I would not be who I am today without my Prep experience. I know that is true for every one of you here. Prep...has formed us into the men seated before our families right now. Each and every one of us has found a place and a purpose at Grand & Warren, amongst a brotherhood unlike any other. Passion, service, and community seep through the foundation of this school. There is no place like it. This is our home. -A n d r e w Sm ith, '21 S tudent Speaker f o r th e Class o f 2021

C ongratulations S Farewell


Pride & Glory: Then, now, always...The "always" is what it has always been about. The Prep experience does not just help define the person you are, but it motivates you to constantly refine the person you will be for the rest of your life. And I hope as you continue this lifelong refinement...that you make a great discovery: that holy boldness and sacred madness that stirs your soul to love and dream...that creates an unstoppable dream inside of you. —Dr. M icha el A. Gomez, Ed.D., '91 P resid en t

I B Saint Peter s Prep *58/

New Jersey’s Jesuit High School Since 1872

Working in admissions and financial aid, I am in a unique position where I get to work with both parents and students. I remember the beginning of your journey. I had the pleasure of meeting you and your parents and you allowed me the privilege of walking with you, of hearing your stories. Just listening to how you came to be at Prep, your struggles and victories, your trust and care for me, and for Prep has left me grateful and inspired. — Mr. F red Galano, P ’2 2 M em ber o fth e R eligion D epartm ent, D irector o fF in a n cia l Aid, F aculty Speaker f o r th e Class o f 2021


Baccalaureate Mass Closing Reflection May 16, 2021

But none of that happens unless you are open to growth, like Peter with a great desire to not just learn but to learn more, a desire to not just live a faith-filled life, but a desire to have a soul-filled life with boundless faith, a desire to not just be strong in mind and heart and body, but a desire to have the confidence to be someone's rock. And of course, humble enough to ask questions like, "Can you help me?" "Will you walk the road with me?" and "Can you forgive me?"...You are becoming a man, a good man, and in a few days a Prep grad, who can and must change the world. I expect nothing less from you. Love you. Let's go Prep.

Congratulations, Prep. The historic 2020-2021 school year was a successful one. Thank you to everyone in the Prep com munity who made it possible - especially our Operations Staff. We are so thankful for you! AMDG.


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