MAGAZINE Fall 2009
Grand Plans at Warren
Grander Than Ever “Life Still Grand at Warren,” proclaimed the cover of the inaugural issue of Prep Magazine. It was 1981, and that same year, the Jesuit Secondary Education Association published its Profile of the Graduate of a Jesuit High School at the Time of Graduation. The Grad at Grad, an integral part of the identity of Saint Peter’s Prep and all American Jesuit high schools, defined five essential qualities which Jesuit schools should strive to instill in their students: open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving and committed to doing justice. Life is still “Grand at Warren,” and as we prepare to enter the first phase of our campus master plan, it is poised to become even grander. And as Prep moves to grow as a school in order to continue to serve the students of the 21st century, the first point in Grad at Grad – “Open to Growth” – takes on particular relevance. It was in the spirit of openness to growth that the Prep Magazine team set about developing this latest evolution. According to the JSEA, being open to growth – that is, being true to our Jesuit identity – includes “beginning to seek new experiences, even those that involve some risk,” “continu[ing] to develop a wide range of imaginative sensibilities,” “becoming more flexible and open to other points of view,” and “developing a habit of reflection on experience.” As we set about re-imagining Prep Magazine, we reflected upon many factors, including: the several channels of communication now available between Prep and our alumni, parents and friends; the choices made by some of our fellow Jesuit high schools as they have refreshed their own magazines; and the importance of maintaining, through any changes, the unique spirit and identity that make Prep the great place it has always been. The most important conclusion we reached was that in order to keep the Prep community in touch and up-to-date, we should use all the available tools, and use them as effectively as possible. Every medium has its strengths. For instance, our website ( and our weekly P-Mail electronic newsletter are a timely way to keep the community abreast of day-to-day “goings on at Grand & Warren.” But for sharing great photos of graduation (page 3) and exciting renderings of the improvements coming to Prep’s campus (page 8), or for relaying longer, more involved stories, it’s hard to beat an ink-and-paper magazine. In some cases, it may even be best to use both. That’s why we’ve launched a special Prep Magazine section on the Prep website (, where you’ll find expanded coverage of some of the stories you’ll find inside. And so, as managing editor, let me be the first to welcome you to the new Prep Magazine. All of us at Grand & Warren are proud to call it our own, and I sincerely hope that whether you are a fellow alumnus, a parent, or a friend of Prep, you will be proud to call it yours, too.
Mike Jiran, ’03 Communications Manager
P.S.: In this issue, you will also find our 2009 President’s Report, beginning on page 13. In order to make our fundraising efforts as efficient as possible, while also reducing paper consumption, we have elected to combine a condensed version with Prep Magazine. For a complete listing of gifts during fiscal year 2009, visit
Cover Story 8
A Green Light for a Grand Vision On June 22, Prep’s Board of Trustees approved phase one of a master plan two years in the making, setting in motion an extensive and far-reaching campus-renewal program.
Features 45
Accepting the Challenge Topping the inaugural edition of The 144 Grand Gala was a tall order, but the Gala committee—and many members of the Prep community— rose to the occasion. Volume 20-Number 1 Francesca Lanning, P’10 Editor Michael J. Jiran, ’03 Managing Editor John Irvine, ’83, P’11 Sports Editor John P. Campion Christopher Casazza, ‘97 Ryan Heffernan James C. Horan, ’70 Megan Klim Ginny Needham-Doyle, P’07 Matthew Scannapieco Contributors Mace Duncan Ohleyer Hotplate Design Mark Wyville, ’76, P’11 Photography Joseph Villanella, ’79 CD Graphics Printing
46 Robert E. Reiser, S.J. President James C. DeAngelo, ’85 Principal
Francesca Lanning, P’10 Vice President for Institutional Advancement
144 Grand Student artists show their stuff; Class of ’09 embarks on new journeys; Prepsters take Europe by storm; Service immersion program crosses borders.
Robert W. Nodine, ’67 Vice President for Finance James C. Horan, ’70 Vice President for Planning & Principal Giving John Irvine, ’83, P’11 Director of Admissions Chris Casazza, ’97 Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving Ginny Needham-Doyle, P’07 Director of Special Events Michael J. Jiran, ’03 Communications Manager
Prep Magazine is published by the Office of Advancement at Saint Peter’s Preparatory School, Jersey City, NJ, and is distributed free of charge to Prep alumni, faculty, staff and parents. The offices are located in Shalloe Hall, 144 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ, 07302. Copyright ©2009, Saint Peter’s Prep. All publication rights reserved. Visit Prep on the web at E-mail the Office of Alumni Relations at, or call 201-547-6413. To subscribe to P-Mail, our weekly e-newsletter, e-mail with your name, class year (if applicable) and preferred e-mail address.
Scientific Methods Prep men, past and present, have received a strong foundation in the sciences at Grand & Warren, and the upgraded and expanded facilities to come under the master plan will help ensure that tradition continues.
5 Questions Assistant Dean of Students Dan Healy, ’01 talks about a new role, new student activities, and what the “old” Dan Healy, circa 2001, might have said about it all.
49 Sports Baseball takes final HCIAA title; Former hockey standout is an NHL draft pick; Burgess inducted to HCTCA hall of fame.
52 Alumni Another “par”-fect day at Spring Lake; An alumnus and his company ready for their close-up; Reunion classes mark a milestone.
13 President’s Report With the generous help of alumni, parents and friends, Prep raised more than $4 million in gifts to all funds for fiscal year 2009. This annual listing of donors is our way of saying “Thank you!”
ON THE COVER: Aerial rendering by the architectural firm Beyer Blinder Belle of the master plan for Prep’s campus, to be carried out in phases over the next decade. Phase One was approved by the Board of Trustees in June (see cover story, page 8). Image courtesy BBB.
4 PREP Magazine Fall 2009
New Men, New Journeys As he addressed his classmates and the parents, relatives and friends who packed the
Yanitelli Life Center at Saint Peter’s College on May 31, Charles Costello, ’09 recalled the words of Saint Ignatius: “Bring me the child, and I will give you the man.” He then continued, “Honored guests, teachers, parents, and friends, it is my humble privilege to present to you these 216 men, the men of Prep.” The Class of 2009 became the 131st class of Prep men to make the transition from students to alumni, and the commencement ceremony was, as always, both a time for reflection and a time to look to the future. The graduates will go on to more than 90 of the finest colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. They are ready to take the next step in their transition from a group of boys who wandered nervously into Grand & Warren in 2005, to a group of men who will make their mark in fields ranging from the arts to military service to science and engineering. John Mullin, S.J., the superior of Prep’s Jesuit Community, captured the essence of that transformation in his remarks. He compared the parents and teachers who had shaped the class along the way to a sculptor who turns a simple block of marble into a magnificent
“Be grateful to those who challenged you when you were resistant to the sculptor’s tools,” Fr. Mullin told the graduates. lion.
“Remember with affection those who supported you when the rough surfaces had to be smoothed. Be thankful to those who consoled you when you thought you were too fragile and might break apart under the sculptor’s hand. Above all, trust the often slow but certain work of the spirit within you, as you begin your journey on the way to something unknown, something new.” Once more, a class of Prep men has completed one journey, and embarked upon the next.
LEFT: John Mullin, S.J., superior of Prep’s Jesuit Community, gave the faculty address. ABOVE: Graduate Charles Costello spoke on behalf of the Class of 2009. BELOW LEFT: Prep’s athletic director, Richard Hansen, joined his son Daniel on stage as he received his diploma.
BOTTOM: Graduating members of the Prep Band, including (left to right) Gustavo Rodriguez, Richard Czirbik, and Alexander Yu, played together for the last time during a musical interlude.
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
CONTINUING THE LEGACY The Prep Class of 2009 included no fewer than 20 graduates who were the sons or grandsons of alumni, carrying on a longstanding tradition of Prep legacies. As always, the “dads and grads” met before the ceremony to mark the occasion with a group photo. Pictured, left to right are first row: Patrick Albers, David Sambade, Matthew Bender, Andrew Mernar, Ian Buzzio, Liam Colford, Nelson Lenahan, Lucas Netchert, Joseph Borsellino, Sean Ryan; second row: Michael Holt, ’74, Eric Holt, Patrick Cappiello, Paul Paternoster, Gregory Kohles, Khalil Wilkes, Stephen Zolli, Sean Finn, F. Grant Whelply, Benedict Borsellino, ’78, Joseph Ryan, ’76; third row: Kenneth Albers, ’73, Frederick Paternoster, ’69, Patrick Cappiello, ’80, Avelino Sambade, ’75, Richard Bender, ’74, Edward Alberque, ’59, Robert Mernar, ’72, Marc Buzzio, ’71, Paul Colford, ’71, Albert Zolli, ’80, William Wilkes, ’86, David Finn, ’82, Peter Lenahan, ’77, William Netchert, ’62, Frederick Whelply, ’76, Dennis Forker, ’57, Joseph T. Ryan, ’47.
Among the dads welcoming their sons into the community of Prep alumni were classmates Daniel Fong, ’77 (left, with son William) and Victor Badaracco, ’77 (right, with son Victor, Jr.). The ’77 classmates have kept in touch throughout the years—in fact, Daniel Fong is also the godfather of Victor Badaracco, ’09.
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Called to Discipleship in Ecuador “Love one another as I have loved you,” Jesus commands us in John’s Gospel. He shares this new commandment with the apostles shortly after washing their feet–a profound act rooted in love, an act that had little to do with hygiene and much more to do with discipleship. When Jesus tells them, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet,” he is inviting the apostles into a deeper relationship with God through service. Ten Saint Peter’s Prep students gave life to that passage in June when they traveled to Quito, Ecuador with religion teacher John Kilroy and me to spend two weeks at the Working Boys Center (WBC). The WBC was started in 1964 by John Halligan, S.J., to serve the young boys who earned a few coins a day shining shoes in the streets of Quito. Recognizing that they were missing out on an education–and that their basic health and hygiene needs were uncared for–“Padre Juan,” as Halligan is known, created a school that adapted to the boys’ schedules. In addition to basic skills classes, the center enlisted doctors and dentists for the students. The WBC has grown immensely over the years, spanning three locations in Quito and developing a mission that doesn’t only involve the shoe shining boys. Girls and parents are now included at the center, as well. “I was surprised by the magnitude of the center,” wrote James Kuklinski, ‘10 on the trip’s blog, which was updated daily. The center, which serves some 2,000 people a year, has a full educational program for children from pre-school to high school, offers vocational training to teens and adults, has laundry and bathing facilities, and serves three full meals a day to participants.
by Ryan Heffernan
The twelve of us from Prep served in many ways, becoming teachers and friends to the families at the WBC. Informal soccer games in the play yard and assisting teachers in the classroom provided us the space to serve as Christ calls us to. What we didn’t realize at first, though, was that our Ecuadorian friends were called to discipleship, too.
“These kids made me realize that life’s not all about working and material things, it’s about finding the laughter and joy that is all around but goes unnoticed by many,” explained Kyle Robinson, ‘10. We recalled in our reflections how we were served and loved by the children and families we met.
Our group was also led through a hilltop community where many of Ecuador’s poorest reside. It was challenging to see some six or seven people living on a dirt floor in a one-room home. “Each time I played soccer or helped teach a class, I couldn’t believe that such happy and loving children could live in the small huts and shacks that we saw in the barrios,” said Peter LiVolsi, ‘11. “I will never forget the hope that each Ecuadorian child had despite their terrible living situations.” Hope became a cornerstone of our two week trip. People, who on the surface had little to give, taught us how to live and love authentically. I am excited (and hopeful) for our return to Quito in 2010.
You can read more about our experiences online at
The group stands over a lookout outside the shopping town of Otavalo. The Prep contingent joined the Working Boys Center students for lunch on most days during the trip. Kevin Cevasco, ’10 typically joined his friend, Ali, for lunch. 4
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Thomas Tulp, ’10 and Peter LiVolsi, ’11 prepare a rain ditch for one of the families of the Working Boys Center.
The tireless band of Prep travelers crisscrossed Europe in June, led by faculty members John Campion, James Coviello, ’99 and James Coe, ’04.
Europe à la Campion
by John Campion
While Prep teachers have traditionally been known to go that extra mile for their students, this year three faculty members, James Coviello, ’99 (history), James Coe, ’04
(assistant librarian), and I (English) traveled approximately eight thousand miles as we accompanied recent Prep graduates throughout three European cities. “Buon viaggio,” “Bon voyage,” “Have a great trip” were the words of the parents of thirty five of Prep’s newest graduates. Two days after graduation we boarded British Airways Flight 847 at Newark Airport for our European tour: London, Paris and Rome. For the next fourteen days we would “explore and experience foreign cultures, speak different languages and see the world from a different perspective.”
After our arrival in each city, we had a bus tour of the entire city for approximately three hours. The students were then asked to what sites they wanted to return so that they could become more familiar with them. For example, in London the students returned to Parliament, the London Eye and Westminster Abbey, which Coviello said was “the most impressive site” he saw in London. In addition, I pointed out all the monuments of the authors whom the students studied in English III. In France, the students wanted to see the Eiffel Tower close up. In fact, they climbed the Eiffel Tower on the first night to see Paris, “the city of lights,” and observed the spectacular sparkling lights that light up the tower every hour on the hour. They also visited the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Latin Quarter. In Rome, they returned to the Pantheon, the Vatican—Saint Peter’s Square, the Vatican Museum and the Basilica where they attended Sunday Mass—and to the Piazza Navonna where they met many artists and other students from around the globe. Legend has it that if you cast a coin into the beautiful Trevi Fountain, you are guaranteed to return to Rome. As a result, all the students threw in a coin. Some, myself included, went so far as to throw in all of their pocket change! The brilliant Roman sun which shone every day was, indeed, a reflection of our splendid “Roman Holiday.” The students were most enthusiastic about Rome. In fact, most said that it is, by far, the “best city that we visited.” One student said, “I love it here; I want to move here after college.” Another student commented that the Roman girls are the most beautiful girls that he saw throughout the trip. Another said that Rome has the best food of all the places that we visited. An indication of the success of this trip was reflected in the enthusiasm of the students who said at Newark Airport upon their return, “Mr. Campion, can we have a reunion next year?” Perhaps an even more significant evaluation of its success was the statement of one mother who said, “Thank you, Mr. Campion, for giving me a two week vacation.”
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
“State of the Arts” on Display at Student Exhibit by Megan Klim
Once again, this year’s Student Art Exhibit showcased the talents of Saint Peter’s Prep with a variety of art disciplines. This annual exhibition is a culmination of the school year’s work. It is a great way for the public and the students themselves to revel in the fruits of their hard labor and share it with family and friends.
From ceramics, to self portraits, to still lifes, a diversity of materials and techniques were on display. Perched on the shelves were the incredible chair designs of the Design & Color class. These students created actual small chair objects as well as brochures to accompany their concepts. The Painting class exhibited paintings made with stencils, modeling paste and mixed media on canvases they learned to stretch themselves. Digital photographs also hung on the walls alongside collages and traditional observational work. The pieces demonstrated mastery of art concepts learned with pen and ink drawings and sculptures, as well as personal creativity – from an otter on a beach to abstract designs. Visitors were treated to a wall of architectural renderings that addressed French, art deco and modern themes. This year’s opening reception, which was planned and hosted by the students, was held in May. Students proudly discussed their work with family as faculty members marveled at their students’ successes in the arts. Some pieces were purchased by visitors as a result. As a surprise, several Prep graduates attended who have now completed their first year in college. We plan on making this our yearly reunion for sure! Several students in the class of 2009 will be majoring in art or attending an art college, including the Maryland Institute College of Art, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Virginia Commonwealth University.
Mitchell Kiebus, ’09 (Design & Color), untitled, mixed media.
Ryan Purcell, ’10 (Drawing & Composition), untitled, mixed pastel. 6 Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Luke Farley, ’10 (Painting), Tribute, acrylic on canvas.
Sean Ryan, ’09 (Painting), Rock of Cashel, acrylic on canvas. Ethan Gaviria, ’09 (Painting), Part II (detail), acrylic on canvas.
Ethan Gaviria, ’09 (Design & Color), The Sunday, mixed media.
Eric Bujnowski, ’09 (Design & Color), The Vandal You Can’t Handle, mixed media.
Andrew Rader, ’09 (Portfolio), Figure Study, charcoal on paper.
Andrew Rader, ’09 (Portfolio), Kairos Road, photograph.
Joseph Jordan, ’11 (Sophomore Art), untitled, acrylic on canvas.
A Green Light for a Grand Vision Trustees Approve Phase One of Campus Master Plan; Initial Projects to Begin This Winter Prep’s master planning process—more than two years in the making—notched a significant milestone on June 22 when the board of trustees unanimously approved phase one of the project. The endorsement of the trustees sets in motion an extensive and farreaching campus-renewal program—projected to extend a decade or more—that will include both new construction and the extensive renovation of virtually all existing buildings. “The board’s endorsement of the master plan’s initial phase is not only an exciting moment in the history of Saint Peter’s Prep, but also is an endorsement of the plan’s thoroughness,” stated John V. Caulfield, ’71, board chairman. “Significantly, the proposed phasing of the various projects over many years allows the school to execute projects and phases only when adequate funding is available for each step. This fact ensures that the board is discharging its fiduciary responsibilities, especially regarding such a broad-based master plan, appropriately.”
ways, the experience of the Keys to the Future campaign in the 1990s and the Carpe Diem campaign earlier this decade have provided a solid foundation for this latest major-gifts effort.” The approval of Phase One by the board of trustees includes conservative financial parameters, with transitional work on the church and adjacent spaces scheduled to begin in mid-winter of this academic year. Concurrently, work will continue on the preparation of detailed architectural and construction documents regarding the science building, with construction expected to begin by summer of 2011.
The first phase of the master plan is comprised of two related projects, beginning with the conversion of Saint Peter’s Church, on Grand & Van Vorst streets, into a temporary all-purpose space that will serve primarily as the student cafeteria. This will be followed by an extensive, floor-to-ceiling conversion of Burke Hall (on Warren & York) into a state-of-the-art facility devoted almost exclusively to science. The combined cost of these phase one projects is approximately $9.5 million and will be financed through the new fund created for this purpose, entitled Imagine: The Fund for Saint Peter’s Prep. Growth of the school’s scholarship resources, and a few smaller initiatives, are also being funded through the Imagine Fund. The church building itself—which Prep has owned since 2004— became available for full-time use by Prep this past spring when the Parish of the Resurrection announced that the facility would be closed as part or the broader reorganization of the parish’s member churches. The final parish Mass was celebrated in the church in July. For Prep President Robert E. Reiser, S.J., the early support of the Imagine Fund has provided crucial momentum as the master plan has taken shape over the past two and one-half years. “Especially given the economic climate over the past year or so, I am very gratified that our outreach thus far has yielded enthusiastic support for the master plan, in terms of encouragement and advice, as well as in financial support,” said Fr. Reiser. “It is always a challenge to raise capital funds while also running a successful Annual Fund, but our constituents seem to understand our need to do both. In many
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
The other phases of the master plan include, in sequence, extensive renovations of Mulry Hall and Hogan Hall; a major reconfiguration of Shalloe Hall, the former Jesuit residence; the construction of a large multi-purpose space; construction of a new academic building (along York Street); and the conversion of the upper floors of the Humanities Building (former Freshman Building) into space for nonacademic administrative offices. James C. Horan, ’70, vice president for planning & principal giving, serves as Prep’s internal coordinator of the master planning projects, while also working closely with Fr. Reiser on the major-gifts fundraising that supports the Imagine campaign.
Phase One: A New Campus Entrance…and a Home for Science Education In an effort to bring greater cohesiveness to the pedestrian flow on campus, the extensive renovation of Burke Hall will include a new, focused “main entrance” to the campus, just off the Warren Street Plaza and directly across from the main entrance to the east side of the campus. This new configuration will provide a well-designed focal point for students and visitors alike, while also providing a logical starting point from which to reach any of the current or future buildings that comprise the master plan. The building’s primary function, however, will be to serve as a well-equipped science center that is a vast improvement over the school’s current offerings. For more on the future of science at Prep, see “Scientific Methods,” page 46
“It is very easy to be enthusiastic about this master plan,” Horan noted, reflecting on his four-plus decades at Prep that began with his days as a student in the late 1960s. “For many years now, Prep has been a great school despite its aging physical plant. Fortunately, the projects completed as part of our last two capital campaigns—especially the new library, the Warren Street Plaza, and Keenan Field—have started to close that gap,
This new wave of projects, developed with the input of our professional advisors, our faculty and administration, and other constituent groups, will have a truly transformative effect, enhancing every aspect of campus life, both in and out of the classroom.
while also demonstrating the school’s ability to raise significant capital funds.
“Most gratifying is the fact that Prep’s ‘vital signs,’ especially enrollment and fundraising, have remained strong, despite economic uncertainties. Our Jesuit tradition and academic excellence continue to serve us well, which has encouraged alumni and others to provide a number of early leadership gifts in support of the Imagine Fund. Overall, the master plan is ambitious, but as we hear so often from alumni and others, Prep is worth the effort.” PREP Magazine Fall 2009
COVER STORY PREP’S MASTER PLAN: THE BIG PICTURE In the spring of 2007, when Prep contracted with the architectural firm of Beyer Blinder Belle, one of the first steps in the creation of the master plan was to identify the “key issues” that Prep sought to address as part of this process. Through various meetings and discussions between the school administration and Beyer Blinder Belle, the following goals became the underpinning for the planning work that would lie ahead: Identity Strengthen campus identity in the neighborhood, and create a greater sense of visual and public access. Sense of Place Identify those areas on campus that exemplify and foster a sense of belonging, and create a “center of gravity” for all academic functions. Efficiency of Existing Spaces Maximize space to achieve optimum use, with ability for future growth. Campus Organization and Circulation Reorganize campus circulation to be clearer and more cohesive; identify locations for new buildings that will enhance campus organization and unify existing circulation patterns. Security Limit the number of entry points into buildings on campus. Neighborhood Cohesion Reinforce pedestrian and visual links between the campus and the Paulus Hook neighborhood; identify and remediate “non-welcoming” edges of the campus. Potential Development Sites Identify locations for new development, as appropriate. Sensible Design Preserve the historic nature of the physical plant through the appropriate treatment of existing buildings and a compatible approach to new design. Additionally, all construction will be part of a transition to a campus that is as “green” (environmentally friendly) as possible, including the most efficient use of energy and resources in all facilities.
New Website Page to Document Master Plan’s Progress
For more background on Prep’s master plan, and to follow the plan’s progress,
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
We gratefully acknowledge gifts to Imagine: The Fund for Saint Peter’s Prep, which supports special capital and scholarship initiatives. (Listing includes all designated gifts since the fund’s inception in October 2006) M/M Richard W. Agresta, '70 M/M Brian R. Archer, '86 M/M William J. Bell, '57 M/M Richard J. Bender, '74, P'04,'09 The Estate of James R. Berry, '47 Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J. M/M Roger W. Breslin, Jr., '55 Dr. & Mrs. John L. Butler, '64 M/M Joseph J. Carr, '61 Ms. Tracey Thayer & Mr. Jeffrey Cartwright, P'01,'04 Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P'95,'97 M/M John V. Caulfield, '71, P'00,'03 Mr. Brian J. Colford, '81 Mr. Christopher J. Colford, '73 Mr. Francis X. Colford M/M Paul D. Colford, '71, P'09 The Estate of John J. Connelly Mr. Joseph K. Cooney, '68 The Estate of Marguerite Dolan The Estate of Edwin C. Eastwood The Estate of James Escude, '39 M/M John Formoso, '89 M/M Anthony S. Gargiulo, '46 Dr. Madeline Romeu & Mr. George P. Gurdak, '70, P'03 M/M Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., '47, P'78 M/M Raymond J. Hennessey, '90 M/M Mark D. Hogan, '83 M/M James C. Horan, '70 The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s Prep The Estate of Paul M. Kierney, '66 M/M Brian T. Kloza, P'91,'94,'02 M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, '54
M/M Thomas J. Leane, '65, P'04 Mr. James F.X. Lyness M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., '76, P'11 The Estate of Francis McIntyre Rev. Walter F. Modrys, S.J., '62 M/M Donald P. Moriarty, '48† Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J. M/M Paul K. Napoli, '63, P'90 The Estate of Rev. Maurice L. O'Keefe, '49 M/M William Perkins, '86 M/M Charles F. X. Poggi, '49 The Estate of Edward Prendergast M/M Robert R. Regan, '52 Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. The Estate of William E. Ringle, '56 M/M William L. Robalino, '89 Ms. Linda DeGaeta & Dr. Patrick J. Ryan, '68 Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, '71 M/M Donald W. Schroeder, '87 M/M Matt D. Slootsky, '94 The Frederick J. Snyder, Jr. Foundation The Seth Sprague Foundation Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, '48 M/M William J. Stoutenburgh, '51 M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., '56 The Estate of John J. Walsh, '41 M/M Brendan J. Ward, P'06,'08 M/M Kevin J. Ward, '66 The Estate of Rev. Monsignor Edward F. Wojtycha, ‘30 M/M Nicholas H. Wood, '86 M/M Robert T. Zito, '71
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
With Daniel Healy, ’01, Assistant Dean of Students
After two years as a member of Prep’s math department, Dan Healy, ’01 stepped into a new role as assistant dean of students in the fall of 2008. He has since embarked on a program of solidifying Prep’s already extensive co-curricular life through the expansion and improvement of student activities. During a summer lull, he sat down with Prep Magazine to talk about his first year as assistant dean and his goals for the future. Prep Magazine If someone had told you when you were a senior at Prep that eight years later, you’d be the assistant dean of students, what would you have said? Dan Healy I would first have to laugh at the idea. When I see classmates of mine and tell them what I do now, they instantly smile. I’m very proud to be working at Prep, and I believe the senior year Dan Healy would say the same. PM What has been the greatest challenge so far in your efforts to revamp some of the student activities? DH The most challenging aspect has been creating expectations where they previously did not exist. The goal of my work with activities is to maximize value for our students, our teachers, and the greater Prep community. That often includes an increase in responsibility for all parties involved. Thankfully, everyone has been more than accommodating, but I’m still conscious of the work people need to do. PM Are there any new clubs or activities waiting in the wings for 2009-10? DH Not so much new but hopefully improved; Prep offers a vast array of activities that cover many interests, and we need to focus on attaining more depth in these activities, enriching our students’ experience. My office and the Student Council are always open to new ideas, but we always ask ourselves, “How can this activity make us a better place?” PM If you could step in and moderate any current student activity, what would it be? DH That’s a great question. I actually wish I could step in and participate in a lot of activities, especially the ones I missed out on while I was at Prep – like drama, forensics, or the Petroc or Petrean. I almost subbed in a few intramural Androball games this year, but I had to restrain myself. I wonder if [spring musical director] Jim Dondero needs a 26 year-old male lead with marginal singing talent in his next production.
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
PM You also had a major hand in organizing the Summer Teachers’ Institute. Which group do you find easier to manage – the teachers who participate in the summer institute or Prep students? DH I know this much: I worry a lot less about what students think. Students expect to be instructed; teachers are more inclined to do the instructing. So I find managing students to be a more natural process.
Dear Friends: The author Malcolm Gladwell begins his 2008 bestseller Outliers by asking the question, “Why do some people succeed far more than others?” I think this is an important question, especially as we look back on the challenging year that has passed, a year in which the Saint Peter’s Prep community found success in the midst of very trying economic times. As you will read in this year’s President’s Report, total giving to Prep far exceeded our ambitious expectations. Donations to our two major school funds, the Prep Fund and the Imagine Fund, topped the $4 million mark. The Prep Fund is made up primarily of annual giving and fundraising events, and it supports our annual operating budget and keeps Prep affordable for every family. The Imagine Fund is our recently focused major-gift fundraising effort, and it supports our school’s long term capital and scholarship strategic goals. The Prep and Imagine Funds enable young men from a diversity of backgrounds to succeed in an academically competitive Jesuit high school like Saint Peter’s Prep. As I look back, I find Gladwell’s answer to his all-important question to be very helpful. Success, he maintains, is based on a person’s family and friends, his faith and values, her options and opportunities. As I interact with the many facets of the Prep community, I am consoled by the commitment I see: alumni like those in the Class of 1950 who served as pallbearers at the funeral of one of their classmates; of students like our current seniors who served as ushers at the Jubilee Mass of one of our Bayonne priests; of parents like those who served with their sons in a community service project. Our alumni, parents, teachers, Jesuits, staff and friends are the human answers to the question of why a school like Saint Peter’s Prep continues to succeed. Without a community like ours, we could never be where we are, and we would never be able to face the challenges of the years that are to come. Family, friends, faith, values, options and opportunities spell success for Saint Peter’s Prep. I am sincerely grateful to those who this year have helped us mold young men of competence, conscience and compassion. With your financial support, you have shaped more than 900 Prep men, and in so doing we have found success. On their behalf, thank you! Sincerely yours,
Robert E. Reiser, S.J. President
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
The Donné Society The Donné Society of Saint Peter’s Preparatory School has been established to recognize women and men who have embraced the Jesuit mission of educating young “men for others” in a very special way. Specifically, the Donné Society honors those who have contributed $100,000 or more to the school throughout their lifetimes, and this special recognition is a lasting tribute to their profound generosity. $1,000,000 + The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s Prep M/M Donald P. Moriarty, ‘48† $750,000 - $999,999 The Estate of Robert J. Engel, ‘28 $500,000 -$749,999 M/M Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ‘62 M/M William J. Bell, ‘57 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Braddock, ‘47 The George Link Foundation M/M Charles M. Lizza, ‘74, P’11,’12 The Estate of Rev. Maurice L. O’Keefe, ‘49 M/M Charles F. X. Poggi, ‘49 The Rowe Family Foundation (Dr. & Mrs. John W. Rowe, ‘62) M/M Robert T. Zito, ‘71 $250,000 - $499,999 M/M Brian R. Archer, ‘86 The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association M/M Laurence T. Fell, ‘54 The Estate of Paul M. Kierney, ‘66 M/M Bernard F. Langan, ‘57 M/M Joseph A. McBride, ‘36 † M/M Edmond N. Moriarty † The New York Province of the Society of Jesus The Provident Bank M/M Gerald V. Sheehan, ‘48 The State of New Jersey M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, ‘53, P’93 M/M Francis A. Tedesco, ‘74 M/M Charles J. Trainor, ‘56 $100,000 - $249,999 M/M Paul L. Audet, ‘71 M/M Armen Avanessians M/M Matthew P. Boylan, ‘50† M/M Gerard R. Brill, ‘57 The Brooklyn Prep Fund M/M Edward J. Burke, ‘58 M/M Thomas W. Burke, ‘56 Dr. Vincent P. Butler, Jr., ‘45 Ms. Mary Eckert & Mr. Joseph J. Carr, ‘61 M/M John V. Caulfield, ‘71, P’00,’03 M/M Kevin J. Collins, ‘57 14
Dr. John J. Cunningham, ‘26† M/M Michael J. DeMarco, ‘77 M/M Sam C. DiFeo, ‘32, P’63,’66† M/M Sam X. DiFeo, ‘66 M/M Thomas W. Duncan, ‘60 The Estate of Edwin C. Eastwood, ‘47 Ms. Angela Chang & Mr. John C. Elliott, ‘62 M/M Dennis J. Enright, ‘66, P’92 Ms. Margaret Conway & Mr. Bart Erbach, ‘74, P’12 The Estate of James Escude, ‘39 M/M John J. Finn, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94† M/M Joseph M. Fitzpatrick, ‘42 M/M Thomas M. Flaherty, ‘46† M/M George A. Fleck, ‘68 M/M Richard F. Gronda, ‘59, P’86,’89,’90 Dr. Madeline R. Romeu & Mr. George P. Gurdak, ‘70, P’03 M/M Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ‘47, P’78 The Charles Hayden Foundation M/M Francis J. Heffron, ‘49 M/M John J. Hennessy, ‘56 The Estate of Elizabeth H. Henson M/M Mark D. Hogan, ‘83 The County of Hudson The City of Jersey City The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s College Mr. Vincent Jordan, ‘26 † M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 M/M Edward F. Kosnik, ‘62
M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, ‘54 Mr. Thomas J. Lally, ‘73 M/M Thomas J. Leane, ‘65, P’04 M/M Edward J. Mahoney, ‘48† M/M Andrew J. Markey, ‘48 M/M Thomas P. McGinty, ‘71 The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Charitable Foundation M/M James G. Mortenson, ‘71 The Estate of Ms. Mary Margaret Murray M/M Paul K. Napoli, ‘63, P’90 M/M Hubert J. O’Toole, ‘51 M/M William Perkins, ‘86 M/M Joseph M. Petri, ‘71 The Estate of Joseph F.X. Saunders Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ‘71 The Frederick J. Snyder, Jr. Foundation The Seth Sprague Foundation The Starr Foundation M/M William J. Stoutenburgh, ‘51 The Tedesco Family Foundation M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ‘56 M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08 The Ward Family Fund (M/M John A. Ward, III, ‘63) M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08 M/M John A. Wickens, ‘52 † Deceased New Member
Members of the Donné Society gather for a cocktail reception at the home of Sandra and Charles Lizza, ’74,P’11,’12.
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
PRESIDENT’S REPORT The Heritage Society | 2009 Honor Roll
The Heritage Society
2009 Honor Roll Listing
Throughout its 138-year history, the financial stability of Saint Peter’s Prep has been ensured by the consistent and unwavering support of its many benefactors. In addition to the direct support of the Prep Fund, the Imagine Fund, and special initiatives, this generosity has included bequests and other “planned gifts” from the school’s supporters.
In Gratitude To the Donors of Saint Peter’s Preparatory School.
In recent years, a number of individuals have indicated that they have provided for Prep in their estate plans, thus becoming members of the Prep Heritage Society. The Heritage Society Raymond C. Andrews, M.D., ‘60 Paul L. Audet, ‘71 August W. Barberi, ‘48 John F. Bassi, ‘63 John J. Bergin, ‘50 William Branagan Gerard R. Brill, ‘57 Vincent P. Butler, Jr., M.D., ‘45 Robert B. Cobban, ‘50 Kevin J. Collins, Esq., ‘57 Jacqueline H. Connors, P’81 Joseph K. Cooney, Esq., ‘68 John M. Corcoran, ‘53 James W. Cox, Ph.D., ‘47 John W. Daneri, ‘46 John D. Dow, Ph.D., ‘59 James J. Fallon, ‘47 Ken Feduniewicz, ‘69 James J. Finnerty, Jr., ‘53 Thomas M. Flaherty, ‘46 Thomas J. Fleming, ‘45 Edward J. Grant, ‘43 Donald F. Hagan, ‘50 Jonathan J. Hammer, ‘68 Bernard M. Hartnett, ‘47 Roger A. Hauser, Esq., ‘57 Stephen E. Hendzak, ‘62 William E. Higgins, ‘62 Paul S. Hummel, ‘69 James P. Kelly, Jr., ‘60 Richard A. Kelly, ‘63 Kenneth F. Kunzman, Esq., ‘54 Robert F. Lang, ‘46 Thomas J. Leane, ‘65, P’04 Gertrude T. Mahon Edwin L. Mallette, ‘77 Maria Marnell The McFarland Family
Terence J. McGurn, ‘53 Angela M. McLaughlin John G. McLaughlin Robert J. Meyer, ‘49 Rev. Richard A. Mietzelfeld, Ph.D., ‘42 Thomas G. Minigiello, ‘73 Rev. Michael J. Moran, ‘50 Virginia H. Moriarty Paul K. Napoli, ‘63, P’90 Rev. Msgr. William S. O’Brien, ‘53 Rev. John P. O’Neill Denis J. O’Sullivan, ‘70 Hubert J. O’Toole, ‘51 Joseph A. Pardo, ‘51 Dorothy Pickett, P’00 William P. Pickett, ‘49, P’00 Edward A. Reid, Jr., ‘60 Edward F. Reid, ‘55 William J. Richards, ‘43 Christine A. Ryan Ralph Sarkisian, ‘73 J. Paul Schaetzle, ‘71 Rev. Arthur B. Schute, ‘60 Ronald J. Semple, ‘52 Anne Sinnott Charles J. Steele, Esq., ‘48 Stephen Struk, ‘65, P’91,’95 Richard F. Tambouri, ‘50 Marcel E. Wagner, ‘56 Charles E. Waldron, ‘50 Joseph C. Weiss, Esq., ‘68 Mark S. White, ‘57 George C. Willenborg, D.D.S., ‘51 John J. Wolozen, ‘70 Msgr. Edward F. Wojtycha, ‘30†
The following pages reflect gifts to all funds between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Chairman’s Circle Pride & Glory Members $250,000+ M/M William J. Bell, ‘57 Mrs. Donald P. Moriarty Maroon Seal Members $100,000 - $249,999 M/M Brian R. Archer, ‘86 M/M Charles F. X. Poggi, ‘49 M/M William J. Stoutenburgh, ‘51 1872 Members $50,000 - $99,000 Cento Amici M/M Mark D. Hogan, ‘83 M/M Thomas J. Leane, ‘65, P’04 M/M William Perkins, ‘86 M/M Gerald V. Sheehan, ‘48 The Tedesco Family Foundation M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ‘56 M/M Robert T. Zito, ‘71 Petrean Members $25,000 - $49,000 M/M Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ‘62 M/M Gerard R. Brill, ‘57 The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty M/M Paul K. Napoli, ‘63, P’90 The Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ‘71 The Frederick J. Snyder, Jr. Foundation M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08 President’s Council Ignatian Members $10,000 - $24,999 M/M William J. Ahearn, ‘75, P’01 M/M Mark Armstrong, P’10 Bank of America M/M George T. Beck, ‘51 Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bier, ‘58 The Brooklyn Prep Fund M/M Edward J. Burke, ‘58 M/M Thomas W. Burke, ‘56
M/M Joseph J. Carr, ‘61 M/M Kevin J. Collins, ‘57 M/M Sam X. DiFeo, ‘66 M/M Thomas W. Duncan, ‘60 M/M Dennis J. Enright, ‘66, P’92 The Dan Finn, ‘99 Basketball Classic Mr. Thomas M. Flaherty, ‘46 M/M George A. Fleck, ‘68 M/M Vito J. Germinario, ‘70 The Estate of Elizabeth H. Henson Dr. Denis I. Howe, ‘61 The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s Prep M/M John F. Kelly, Sr., P’04 M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, ‘54 Mr. Thomas J. Lally, ‘73 Mrs. Justin D. Mahon M/M Andrew J. Markey, ‘48 M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ‘76, P’11 The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Charitable Foundation M/M Richard D. Moriarty, ‘62 New Community Corporation M/M Joseph T. O’Donnell, Jr., ‘65 M/M Hubert J. O’Toole, ‘51 Mr. John Pugliese, ‘77 Real Estate Lenders Association, Inc. Ms. Annmarie Rizzo Dr. & Mrs. John W. Rowe, ‘62 Mr. Ralph Sarkisian, ‘73 The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children The Seth Sprague Foundation M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, ‘53, P’93 Trinity Academy M/M Thomas J. Tulp, P’10 M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08 Cornerstone Members $7,500 - $9,999 M/M Glenn Annan-Brady, ‘69 Ms. Rossella Luppi-Aquila & Dr. Ralph Aquila, ‘75, P’06,’11 M/M John V. Caulfield, ‘71, P’00,’03
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ‘72, P’05,’10 M/M Patrick J. Downes, ‘57 M/M John Formoso, ‘89 The Lewis M. Gabbe Foundation, Inc. The E.J. Grassmann Trust M/M Charles M. Lizza, ‘74, P’11,’12 M/M Daniel Park, P’10 M/M Edward F. Reid, ‘55 M/M James G. Rizzo, ‘77, P’10 Ms. Linda DeGaeta & Dr. Patrick J. Ryan, ‘68 The William E. Simon Foundation, Inc. The Joseph F. Stein Foundation, Inc. M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, Jr., ‘93 Regent Members $5,000 - $7,499 M/M Paul L. Audet, ‘71 M/M Stephen Auth, P’06,’09 Dr. Robert M. Carducci, ‘54 Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald & Mr. Michael F. Cocca, ‘56, P’92 M/M John F. Crotty, ‘56 M/M Michael F. Curtin, ‘58 Mr. John J. Cutola, P’87,’01 M/M Vincent B. DiDomenico, Jr., ‘84 Ms. Angela Chang & Mr. John C. Elliott, ‘62 M/M David E. Finn, ‘82, P’08,’09 M/M Thomas P. Finn, ‘87 Mr. James P. Frees, ‘74 M/M Robert P. Groesbeck, ‘57 M/M David M. Heller, ‘53 M/M Kazimierz J. Herchold, ‘64 Mr. Edward Kostrzewa, ‘85 M/M Christopher E. Kundro, ‘82 Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Landry, ‘72 M/M Raymond Latchford, ‘50 M/M Patrick Lee, ‘81 M/M Timothy LiVolsi, P’06,’08,’11 Mr. Thomas E. Lynch, Jr., ‘54 Mr. John Maloney, P’08 Mr. James E. McCahill & Ms. Nora A. Monaghan Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McGovern, Jr., ‘68, P’99,’05 M/M Paul J. McGovern, P’64 Mr. Robert J. Meyer, ‘49 Dr. & Mrs. John R. Middleton, ‘62 M/M Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02 M/M John Mullman, P’09 Nativity Mission Center M/M Richard M. Newton, ‘70 Mr. Joseph A. Pardo, ‘51 16
2009 Honor Roll
M/M John Polanin, Jr., P’11 M/M William L. Robalino, ‘89 M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ‘59 Mr. William Scheurer, ‘86 M/M William P. Scully Dr. & Mrs. Leo J. Spaccavento, ‘69 M/M William J. Sweeney, P’04,’06,’09 M/M John A. Ward, III, ‘63 Mr. John A. Wickens, ‘52 M/M Leo J. Zatta, P’11 Distinguished Members $2,500 - $4,999 M/M Richard W. Agresta, ‘70 Ms. Amy Riel & Dr. George J. Ambrosio, ‘71, P’00,’03 M/M Stanley A. Aslanian, ‘43 Mr. Richard P. Barnitt, ‘56 The Hon. & Mrs. William J. Bate, ‘51, P’84 M/M John Benge, P’12 M/M Carmine Beni, P’06,’08 Mr. John P. Beronio, ‘38 M/M Lawrence Bovich, P’09,’11 Mr. Steven B. Boyd, ‘96 M/M John E. Bradley, ‘71 M/M Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., ‘57 M/M Roger W. Breslin, Jr., ‘55 The Bucher Foundation, Inc. M/M Dan H. Butko, P’12 Dr. & Mrs. John L. Butler, ‘64 Dr. Vincent P. Butler, Jr., ‘45 Mr. Edgar Benjamin A. Cabrera, ‘01 M/M David M. Canale, P’05,’09 Mr. Eduardo L. Canseco, ‘87 Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 M/M Louis E. Cella, ‘50 M/M Nestor Charriez, P’11 Mr. Alec F. Clerihew, ‘57 Mr. Robert B. Cobban, ‘50 The Columbus Citizens Foundation The John Confort Foundation M/M Edward V. Connell, ‘71, P’02 M/M William H. Connolly, Jr., ‘65 Mr. Joseph K. Cooney, ‘68 M/M Patrick J. Costello, P’03,’05 M/M William J. Cozine, ‘55 M/M John J. Curley, ‘66 Mr. Robert W. Dempsey, ‘62 Dr. & Ms. Joseph R. DePasquale, ‘72 Dr. & Mrs. James F. Donohue, ‘61 M/M Robert E. Dorton, ‘50 M/M David M. Dowden, ‘83 Ms. Margaret Conway & Mr. Bart Erbach, ‘74, P’12 Dr. & Mrs. G. Jerry Falcone Mr. Richard Gallo, ‘80 M/M John R. Garbarino, ‘67
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
M/M Anthony S. Gargiulo, ‘46 M/M Richard Garrigan, P’07,’11 Ms. Margaret Laub & Mr. Jack Governale, P’10 Dr. Madeline R. Romeu & Mr. George P. Gurdak, ‘70, P’03 M/M William C. Habert, ‘59 Mr. R. J. Hanley, ‘51 M/M Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ‘47 M/M Steven Hayes, P’10 M/M William F. Kehoe, ‘45 M/M Jeffrey Kellner, ‘85 Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender, P’96,’02,’09 The Hon. George A. Krol, ‘74 Mr. James F. Krumm, ‘43 Mr. Thomas S. Liccardo, ‘80 M/M Dale Livi, P’09,’11 M/M Anthony J. Marchitto, ‘81 Mrs. William P. Maresca M/M Philip R. Martorelli, ‘59 M/M Allan M. McCarthy, ‘58 M/M Sean McFarland, P’07,’09 M/M Thomas P. McGinty, ‘71 Mr. Terence J. McGurn, ‘53 M/M John P. McIntyre, Jr., ‘55 Mr. John C. Meditz M/M George Meliado, P’09 M/M Robert J. Mernar, ‘72, P’ 09,’10 M/M Jeffrey Michals, ‘70 Mr. Michael R. Milano, ‘70 Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Modarelli, ‘59 Rev. John Mullin, S.J. M/M Patrick J. Murphy, P’08 M/M William J. Netchert, ‘62, P’09 New Jersey Seeds, Inc. The New York Province of the Society of Jesus M/M Anthony M. Novello, Jr., ‘93 M/M Rafael Ortiz, P’10 Mr. Joseph Panepinto M/M William P. Pickett, ‘49, P’00 M/M Donald R. Rasmusson, Sr., ‘44, P’72,’75,’79 M/M Philip Reynolds, P’09,’11 M/M Thomas D. Ruane, ‘68 M/M William J. Ruane, ‘73 M/M James F. Ryan, Jr.,’66, P’04 Saint Rose of Lima Newark, NJ Alumni Association Saint Vincent de Paul Foundation, Inc. M/M Christopher Schaeffer, P’11 M/M David Smythe, P’11 M/M Dante A. Sorrenti, ‘76 Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, ‘48 M/M James C. Stokes, ‘62
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Verdon, Jr., ‘57 M/M Kevin J. Ward, ‘66 The Weathertop Foundation M/M Alex Yu, P’09 Members $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. & Mrs. Michael Acanfora, ‘83 M/M Henry J. Aderente, ‘41 Dr. Michael Ahn, ‘86 M/M Edward A. Alberque, Jr., ‘59 M/M Kenneth Albers, Jr., ‘73, P’09 Mr. Kenneth F.X. Albers, P’71,’73 Dr. Anthony T. Annunziato, ‘68 M/M William A. Arata, ‘53 Mrs. Marina N. Arevalo M/M Gregory R. Arnold, ‘70 M/M Stanley V. Baginski, ‘69, P’07 Mr. George C. Barry, ‘74 M/M Joseph F. Basil, Sr. M/M Robert E. Bastan, ‘50 M/M David Bates, P’11 Mr. John P. Bender, ‘68 Mr. Mark P. Bender, ‘71 M/M Richard J. Bender, ‘74, P’04,’09 Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Benedetti, ‘69 M/M John J. Bergin, ‘50 M/M James Bernaiche, P’05 M/M Bernard J. Berry, Jr., ‘63 Ms. Arline Binkowski Mr. Anthony J. Biunno, ‘61 M/M George Blaney, ‘57 M/M Stephen A. Bloom, ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bolger, ‘55 M/M Alexander W. Booth, Jr., ‘62, P’06 M/M Edward J. Borrone, ‘57 Mr. Jeffrey A. Bouquio, ‘98 Mrs. Matthew P. Boylan M/M Eugene C. Boyle, ‘56 M/M James P. Boyle, ‘51 Rev. Msgr. Edward G. Bradley, ‘58 Mr. Vito Brancatella, ‘87 The Brass Rail M/M Vincent F. Brennan, ‘57 M/M Francis P. Briamonte, III, ‘86 M/M Kevin J. Brodbeck, ‘89 M/M Joseph A. Bucci, ‘85 Mr. Keith R. Bucher, ‘90 Mr. Joseph V. Burakevich, ‘56 Mr. Robert D. Burke, ‘53 M/M Philip Buzzerio, P’10 M/M Peter Byram, P’07,’09,’13 Mr. Paul J. Callahan, ‘72 M/M Edmund J. Campbell, ‘58 M/M Peter J. Capizzi, ‘87 M/M Patrick Cappiello, ‘80, P’09 Mrs. Helen R. Carey
PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2009 Honor Roll Mr. Charles T. Carney, ‘52 M/M Timothy Carney, P’08,’12 Mr. Robert J. Carroll, ‘72 Rev. Kevin E. Carter, ‘78 Ms. Tracey Thayer & Mr. Jeffrey Cartwright, P’01,’04 M/M Joseph J. Casazza, Jr., ‘95 Mr. John H. Cassedy, ‘48 M/M Louis F. Castelli, ‘66, P’01 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Caulfield, ‘46, P’73 M/M John A. Cavanagh, Jr., P’07,’12 M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10 Mr. E. Mark Chiappara, ‘84 M/M Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti, ‘90 M/M Frank A. Ciatto, ‘84 M/M Frank R. Ciesla, ‘59 M/M John I. Ciuppa, ‘71, P’00 M/M Joseph A. Cleary, ‘62 M/M Thomas J. Cleary, ‘61 Mr. Louis J. Coccaro Mr. Glenn M. Colacurci, ‘67 Mr. Brian J. Colford, ‘81 M/M Frank Colucci, P’08 Mr. William E. Conrad, ‘71 M/M John D. Conroy, ‘58 Mr. Vincent Conti, ‘96 Mr. Joseph M. Cooney, ‘45, P’68,’76 M/M John J. Corcoran, ‘56 Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ‘81, P’12 M/M John F. Costello, ‘49 M/M Michael E. Cozine, ‘52, P ‘86 M/M Peter Crivelli, ‘82 Mr. Kevin M. Crociani, ‘70 Ms. Maryann Crowe Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. X. Cunningham, ‘58 The Dalio Family Foundation, Inc. M/M Charles P. Daly, ‘48 M/M John M. Daly, P’10 M/M Michael J. Dandorph, ‘86 Mr. John W. Daneri, ‘46 M/M William G. Davis, ‘53 M/M Samuel R. De Luca, Jr., ‘86 M/M William S. Deakyne, Jr., ‘87 Mr. Joseph Del Prete M/M Michael A. Delaney M/M Mark DeMarco, ‘79 M/M Richard F. Denes, P’01 Mr. David Descalzi, ‘72,P’92 M/M James DeSimone, P’10 Mr. Thomas J. Dolan, ‘60 M/M Joseph J. Donnelly, ‘58 Mr. Richard K. Donnelly, ‘63
M/M James J. Donofrio, ‘81, P’11 M/M John P. Doran, ‘55 M/M Thomas P. Dougherty, P’84 M/M James C. Dowden, ‘78 M/M John Doyle, P’09,’12 Mr. Richard J. Doyle, Esq., ‘60 Mr. Vincent G. Drennan, ‘48 M/M F. Gerard Drummond, ‘58, P’94,’97,’99,’08 M/M Leo P. Duffy, ‘46 M/M Brian E. Dugan, ‘58 M/M Charles Dullea, P’07 M/M George J. Duva, ‘64 M/M Thomas M. Eagan, P’04,’07 M/M Robert R. Esti, ‘55 M/M Timothy Evans, P’10 M/M Joseph D. Facchini, ‘98 Mr. James J. Fallon, ‘47 M/M Thomas J. Favia, Jr., ‘77 M/M Edward C. Fedak, ‘65 M/M John T. Feeney, ‘80 Mrs. Joseph G. Feeney, P’74,’76,’78,’80 M/M Robert F. X. Feeney, ‘74 M/M Laurence T. Fell, ‘54 M/M Michael Fernandez, P’09,’10 M/M Anthony Ferraro, P’86 Mr. Peter T. Feury, ‘45 M/M John C. Fink, Jr., ‘52 M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ‘65, P’07 Mr. Donald M. Finn, ‘50 Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Finn, ‘47 M/M James T. Finn, ‘85 M/M John J. Finn III, ‘81 Mrs. John J. Finn, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94 M/M Thomas B. Finn, Sr., ‘58, P’83,’85 M/M Kenneth R. Fitzpatrick, ‘50 M/M Thomas Flanigan, P’12 M/M Richard C. Fleischer, ‘66 M/M Daniel Fong, ‘77, P’09 Mrs. William J. Forrester, P’76,’83 Mr. Jonathan B. Foster-Moore, ‘98 M/M Vincent R. Foullois, ‘58 Rev. Thomas M. Foye, ‘46 Mr. James C. Francesco, ‘90 M/M Peter J. Gallagher, ‘46 M/M Gregory G. Gannon, ‘57 M/M James Gardner, P’10 M/M Edward J. Gargiulo, Jr., ‘89 M/M Peter J. Gargiulo, ‘77 M/M Richard J. Gaven, ‘58 M/M John H. Gavin, ‘58 M/M Frank V. Geremia, ‘58 M/M Michael Giacone, P’12
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Gibney, ‘60 Mr. Robert Gill, ‘89 M/M Thomas E. Gill, ‘77 Mr. Sean V. Glasser, ‘00 Mr. Eugene Gleason, P’10 M/M Gregory Gnall, P’04 The Mark T. Gnecco Scholarship Fund M/M Edward J. Grant, ‘43 M/M Walter J. Greenhalgh, ‘67 M/M Robert Gregory, P’09 Dr. Michael W. Grzelak, ‘65 Ms. Cheryl Ann Ewing & Mr. Raymond F. Grzybowski, ‘64 Mr. James Gutierrez, ‘94 M/M Paul M. Guyet, Sr., ‘57 M/M Donald F. Hagan, ‘50 Mr. Richard E. Hamilton, ‘90 Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ‘68 Mr. James E. Hardiman, ‘47 M/M John T. Harnett, ‘61 M/M Edward A. Hartnett, ‘78, P’08 M/M Mark Hartzell, P’11 M/M Brian E. Haughney, ‘89 M/M Joseph A. Haviland, ‘55 M/M Timothy J. Hawkes, ‘65, P’90,’93 Mr. Greg Haworth & Ms. Mary Burgwinkle M/M James B. Heaney, ‘58 M/M John Hederman, P’09 M/M Raymond J. Hennessey, ‘90 Mr. Raymond A. Hoag, ‘57 M/M James C. Horan, ‘70 M/M Leo J. Hurley, ‘70 M/M Richard K. Hurley, ‘43 Mrs. Madeline Iazzetta, P’77 Immaculate Conception Church M/M Michael J. Izzo, Jr., ‘62 M/M Robert G. Jocham, ‘48 M/M Stephen Jonathan, P’05 M/M Michael T. Kahrer, P’10 M/M Gerald G. Kallman, ‘48 M/M Michael G. Kane, ‘84 Mr. Robert P. Kane, ‘45 Mr. William M. Keegan, ‘34 The Hon. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kelaher, ‘50 M/M John Kelley, P’10 M/M John P. Kelly, ‘62, P ‘85,’91 M/M Michael J. Kennedy, ‘79 Dr. B. Melvin Kiernan, ‘53 Mr. Thomas Kilcoyne, ‘55
Deacon Robert J. Kinsey, ‘51 M/M Edward F. Kosnik, ‘62 M/M Carl J. Kraus, P’05 M/M David M. LaBruno, ‘86 Dr. Robert Lalli, ‘73 M/M Gerald P. Lally, ‘56 M/M Bernard F. Langan, ‘57 M/M Thomas S. Larson, ‘73 Mr. Donald R. Leishman, ‘57 M/M Declan Long, P’12 Mr. John P. Lynch, ‘79 M/M John F. Lyons Mr. John Macintyre, ‘67 Mr. Edward R. Mackiewicz, Esq., ‘69 M/M Joseph E. Makely, ‘54 Ms. Pamela J. Slater & Mr. Peter P. Malecki, ‘66 M/M Kenneth T. Maloney, ‘79 M/M John D. Manna, ‘67 Mr. John P. Mannion, ‘93 M/M Michael S. Mara, ‘98 Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Marczewski, ‘66 M/M Daniel J. Massarelli, ‘49, P ‘77,’80 M/M Frank Massaro, ‘57 M/M Robert J. Maturi, ‘39 M/M Thomas D. Mauriello, ‘79 Mr. William McCahill, ‘64 Mr. R. Donald McCarter, ‘46 M/M Robert E. McCarthy, ‘61 M/M Richard P. McConville, ‘58 Mr. James G. McDermott, ‘86 Mr. Robert A. McGuinness, P’69,’73,’80 M/M Donald C. McLaughlin, ‘58 M/M James A. McLaughlin, Jr., ‘54 M/M Joseph McLaughlin, P’10 M/M Edward McMahon, P’08 M/M Hugh J. McManus, ‘56 M/M Robert A. McNamara, ‘51 Medco Health Solutions Mr. John J. Meehan, ‘61 M/M Thomas J. Meloro, ‘54 Mr. George A. Meluso, ‘60 Dr. Francis J. Meola, ‘58 M/M Francis J. Mertz, ‘54 Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ‘79 M/M John A. Miele, Jr., ‘54 Mr. John P. Miller, ‘64 Ms. Nancy G. Mina Mr. Richard A. Mina, ‘74
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. Richard T. Mina M/M Wolodymyr Mohuchy, ‘58 M/M Anthony Monterisi, ‘74 Monumental Baptist Church M/M James G. Mortenson, ‘71 M/M Timothy J. Mortenson, ‘74 Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William R. Moser, ‘53 M/M Edward M. Mott, ‘55 Mount Carmel Guild of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church M/M Marc E. Mruz, ‘75 M/M James M. Mullin, ‘72 Ms. Alice Lehman & Mr. Frank J. Murphy, Jr., ‘65 M/M Robert A. Murphy, ‘50 M/M Thomas J. Murphy, ‘74 Mr. Thomas J. Murphy, ‘69 M/M William P. Musto, ‘95 Dr. & Mrs. Louis P. Nasif, ‘62 Mr. Frank M. Nicoletti, ‘62 M/M Robert W. Nodine, ‘67 M/M Stephen Nolan, P’12 Mr. Harry D. Norton, ‘38 M/M John J. O’Brien, P’08 M/M David P. Ockay, ‘70, P’05,’07 M/M Daniel J. O’Connor, ‘64 Mr. John F. O’Halloran, ‘62 M/M J. Bradley Ohlmuller, ‘86 M/M Paul M. O’Neil M/M John L. O’Reilly, ‘52 M/M Charles P. Orlowicz, P’04 Mr. Denis J. O’Sullivan, ‘70 Ms. Shawna V. Hudson & Mr. Ralph S. Pantozzi, ‘88 M/M Victor J. Paparazzo, ‘78 M/M Stanley T. Pardo, ‘53 M/M John Pflug, Jr., P’06 M/M Vernal F. Piantanida, ‘55 M/M James A. Pilla, ‘67 M/M Christopher A. Piparo, ‘82 Mr. Peter D. Pizzuto, ‘66 Mr. Stanley R. Plust, ‘69 M/M Michael R. Polcari, ‘65 M/M Robert C. Pollock, Jr., ‘57 M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III, P’08,’10,’12 M/M John Ramazzotto Mrs. John R. Raslowsky, P’79,’82,’86,’87 M/M Robert R. Regan, ‘52 M/M Edward D. Ricchiuto, ‘73 M/M Edward D. Riedlinger, ‘67 18
2009 Honor Roll | ALUMNI
The Emla Rimelspacher Scholarship Fund, Inc. M/M Mark A. Rizzo, ‘72, P’03,’08 Mr. Gregory Roberts, ‘89 The Rockland Country Club Foundation, Inc. M/M Thomas Ruane, P’07,’11 Mr. Edward P. Rumain, ‘58, P’94,’98 Mrs. Joseph J. Ruvane Mr. Robert D. Ryan, ‘52 M/M Robert M. Ryan, Sr., ‘62 M/M Charles A. Sabino, ‘57 Mr. Alfred Sattelberger, ‘66 M/M John E. Savage, ‘57 Mr. Carl Schaefer M/M Thomas A. Schember, ‘55 M/M Thomas M. Schember, ‘79 M/M Donald W. Schroeder, ‘87 Mr. R. Jeffrey Schundler, P’99 M/M Robert C. Schwarze, ‘54 M/M Charles J. Sciarra, ‘87 M/M Paul Sciarra, ‘80 M/M William Scott, P’12 Mr. James J. Seaman, ‘65 M/M Terrence J. Sekel, ‘80 M/M William F. Sexton, ‘66, P’96 Mr. Donald G. Shalhoub, ‘68 Dr. Robert J. Shalhoub, ‘48 Miss Margaret M. Shalloe Mr. Dennis M. Sheridan, ‘68 M/M Michael J. Sherlock, ‘54 Mr. Ihor Shevchuk, ‘80 M/M Matt D. Slootsky, ‘94 Dr. Edward P. Siems, ‘74 M/M John S. Sirotniak, ‘57 M/M Robert Slaski, P’09,’12 Mr. Taras Y. Sochan, ‘78 Ms. Tara McCann & Mr. Brian Spadora, ‘94 Mr. William J. Spataro, ‘57, P’96,’97 Mr. Mark G. Stappenbeck, ‘86 Mr. Leonard Stern M/M Kevin P. Stokes, ‘77 M/M Joseph F. Taglieri, ‘49 M/M George T. Taite, ‘73, P’11 Mr. Richard F. Tambouri, ‘50 M/M Joseph Tintle, P’06,’11 M/M James E. Tuttle, ‘57 M/M Jeffrey J. Uliano, ‘76 Mr. Anthony Venditti & Ms. Paula Wiseman, P’12 M/M Charles F. Voorhees, ‘56
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
M/M Joseph Walsh, P’10 M/M Patrick J. Walsh, Jr., ‘47 M/M Ken D. Walter, ‘81, P’10,’12 Mr. Robert J. Warner, ‘71 Mr. Nicholas G. Warnock, ‘94 M/M Elnardo J. Webster, II, ‘87 Ms. Maryln Sandige & Mr. Henry O. Wefing, Jr., ‘58 Prof. & Mrs. John B. Wefing, ‘60 M/M Joseph C. Weiss, ‘68 Mr. Frederick J. Wethly, ‘50 M/M Bernard A. Whalen, ‘58 Mr. Gregory R. Wieczorek, P’00 M/M Nicholas H. Wood, ‘86 Mr. Christopher Woods & Ms. Teresa Scott-Woods, P’10 Mr. Raymond F. Yannuzzi, ‘66 M/M Thomas R. York, ‘51 M/M Eric Zebrowski, P’10 Capt. & Mrs. William J. Zuberbuhler, ‘58
Alumni Classes of ‘30-’39 Total Giving: $8,250 Participation: 32% Edward F. Wojtycha, ‘30† Louis A. Erhardt, ‘32 William M. Keegan, ‘34 Joseph F. Artusio, Jr., ‘35 James F. Donnelly, ‘35 Joseph M. Arbree, ‘36 Joseph F. Coda, ‘36 James J. Howley, ‘36 Edward R. Brinski, ‘37 John J. Foley, ‘37 John P. Ruane, S.J., ‘37 John J. Satz, ‘37 John P. Beronio, ‘38 Harry E. Hammell, ‘38 John J. McCarthy, ‘38 Harry D. Norton, ‘38 Edward Roemke, ‘38 Henry J. Zenorini, S.J. ‘38 George F. Ganzkow, ‘39 Robert J. Maturi, ‘39 Matthew J. O’Connell, ‘39 Class of 1940 Total Giving: $1,787 Participation: 38% John A. Botti Walter E. Corrigan
William F. Folger Harold E. Judge James F. Mahon John E. McArdle James J. O’Connor Robert E. Pontone, Sr. Class of 1941 Total Giving: $1,875 Participation: 25% Henry J. Aderente John D. Alexander, S.J. John F. Burke, Jr. George J. Couchman William J. Cronin Thomas J. Gallagher Joseph J. O’Dea Eugene J. Steinhilber Class of 1942 Total Giving: $2,075 Participation: 39% Donald F. Alfano † Joseph J. Drennan Joseph M. Fitzpatrick Edwin J. Gilson George J. Keenan Joseph Lynch Stephen A. Mallard James J. McGowan James J. Sheridan Edward J. Winslow Thaddeus F. Zuber Class of 1943 Total Giving: $10,875 Participation: 40% Stanley A. Aslanian Robert J. Bazzini Richard F. Collier John P. Curran John J. Daub, Jr. Vincent C. DeBaun Raymond F. DeTuro Francis X. Feller Edward J. Grant John R. Hanlon James P. Heaney Richard K. Hurley Robert T. Kiley Vincent Krasnica James F. Krumm Joseph A. McDonnell Philip F. McGovern, Sr. William F. McLaughlin
PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALUMNI William T. O’Connor Joseph F. Purcell Paul J. Siwek Anthony F. Turro William F. Wraga Class of 1944 Total Giving: $5,605 Participation: 29% James J. Ard David I. Canavan Gerald E. Devitt Francis X. Dolan Thomas C. Fanning James E. Hurley John V. Kelly Edward A. Marley John J. Massarelli Joseph L. O’Brien Louis J. Parisi Richard A. Phalon Donald R. Rasmusson, Sr. William P. Schomaker Francis H. Walsh Class of 1945 Total Giving: $12,193 Participation: 32% Robert E. Bird Vincent P. Butler, Jr. Joseph M. Cooney Frank G. Cronin Joseph P. Cummins Hugh F. Doherty William F. Eckert Peter T. Feury George A. Finn Thomas J. Fleming Robert P. Kane William F. Kehoe Joseph J. Lemaire George I. McCusker William F. McDonald Ira J. McManus Thomas V. O’Keefe Joseph M. O’Leary Joseph F. Safaryn Richard H. Yanni
Class of 1946 Total Giving: $24,279 Participation: 46% John G. Aslanian Edouard Beaugard Francis L. Biegen Francis X. Boyle† James M. Caulfield John W. Daneri Ralph J. Diverio Leo P. Duffy James J. Fisher Thomas M. Flaherty Thomas M. Foye Peter J. Gallagher Anthony S. Gargiulo Arnold E. Hartleb Joseph L. Hoffmann Joseph A. Kohanski Robert F. Lang R. Donald McCarter Harold T. McGovern John F. McManus John G. McNelis James L. O’Brien Stephen M. Piga Joseph A. Pope, Sr. Thomas E. Potter John P. Ryan Joseph F. Sullivan Francis J. Telkowski William T. Valente Charles M. Waespy Class of 1947 Total Giving: $13,955 Participation: 44% Robert J. Bradley Stephen F. Braun Joseph I. Budnick, IV Ronald J. Carney, Sr. Paul A. Connolly James M. Coolahan William L. Coyle James J. Craffey† James P. Dugan James J. Fallon Edward J. Finn Gerald J. Fitzgerald James C. Gannon John F. Gellene James E. Hardiman Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr.
Timothy J. Horgan Thomas G. Madden Anthony J. Marra Arthur E. Monahan, Jr. George F. Mucci Raymond F. Plunkett Michael A. Prokop Charles E. Rauh William L. Reilly Vincent J. Rinaldi Edward J. Rooney Joseph T. Ryan Jerome G. Stabile Arthur S. Verdesca Patrick J. Walsh, Jr. Class of 1948 Total Giving: $612,755 Participation: 37% August W. Barberi Philip M. Bosco Robert J. Brady John H. Cassedy John E. Conway Joseph A. Corbo Frank J. Coyle, Jr. Charles P. Daly Gerald J. Degnan James J. Degnan Michael A. Digravina Vincent G. Drennan Edward J. Englisby, Jr. Thomas J. Flood John J. Galvin John D. Gillis Thomas P. Green Robert G. Jocham Edward Juchniewicz Gerald G. Kallman Edward W. Luczynski, Jr. Andrew J. Markey Edward J. McDevitt Donald P. Moriarty† Richard E. Murphy H. James Roleke, S.J. John J. Russell William M. Scherzinger† Robert J. Shalhoub Gerald V. Sheehan Francis J. Skladany Charles J. Steele
Class Chairman † Deceased Participation percentages and the Total Giving summary include gifts to all funds.
Class of 1949 Total Giving: $126,625 Participation: 33% Leo F. Ahern Thomas J. Brady Arnold J. Capitanelli, Jr. William J. Carducci, Jr. John F. Costello Vincent R. Duffy John D. Flinn Robert J. Halliwell August A. Hund James P. Langan Edward A. Loniewski Daniel J. Massarelli George R. McAuliffe Charles E. Meyer Robert J. Meyer Frank P. Milone Gerard E. Murphy Norman C. Murtagh Thomas J. Murtha Robert G. O’Brien William P. Pickett Charles F. X. Poggi Joseph A. Rizzi John F. Rochford John J. Royce Robert J. Sadur, Sr. Bernard J. Siebel Joseph F. Taglieri James P. Van Hook Robert C. Walsh, Sr. Stephen A. Yurko Joseph E. Zeller, Jr. Class of 1950 Total Giving: $38,880 Participation: 59% Robert E. Bastan John J. Bergin Matthew P. Boylan† Walter R. Bratton Robert W. Buesser Francis E. Caskey James P. Cassidy Mario J. Catani Louis E. Cella Richard T. Cieciuch, Sr. Robert B. Cobban Paul J. Cunningham Gerald K. Doherty Costantino T. Donato
Robert E. Dorton Raymond V. Downes Michael J. Dunn William Emley John T. English, Jr. Donald M. Finn Kenneth R. Fitzpatrick Donald F. Hagan Richard F. Hering Robert J. Heyer David M. Humm Thomas F. X. Johnson Thomas F. Kelaher Eugene M. Kiely, Jr. George R. Krone Raymond Latchford Robert E. Lisk James H. Lyons Theodore E. Makowski James F. McGeehan Frank J. McMahon Edward H. Merrigan Robert A. Murphy John P. Murtha Walter E. Nolan Thomas J. O’Grady Joseph J. O’Neill Gerard J. Provinzano Robert V. Rack Robert J. Reynik Louis L. Rizzi Edward W. Ryan Vincent J. Saunders Gregory D. Scheuermann Louis A. Sonz James Stock, Sr. James B. Sullivan Richard F. Tambouri Kenneth von Schaumburg Charles E. Waldron Ralph A. Walter Alphonse Warczakowski Frederick J. Wethly Joseph T. Wickens Class of 1951 Total Giving: $143,383 Participation: 39% William J. Bate George T. Beck Sherman J. Bligh James P. Boyle Michael M. Brown
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Donald A. Bulwicz Thomas J. Canty John H. Connolly Francis Cozzarelli William A. Feury Edward J. Glynn John J. Glynn Richard E. Granda R. J. Hanley Frederick G. Haubold William E. Indyk Patrick J. Keenan Robert J. Kinsey Paul E. La Roche Gabriel A. Massaro Robert A. McNamara William A. Muller Michael J. Murphy Theodore J. Natoli Eugene J. Nebelung Hubert J. O’Toole Joseph A. Pardo John P. Rafter William J. Rollins George D. Rooney Richard A. Rutkowski George J. Stauble William J. Stoutenburgh Donald E. Sullivan Patrick J. Washam John B. Wehrlen Benjamin H. Winters John G. Yorey Thomas R. York Leo J. Zatta, Jr. Class of 1952 Total Giving: $19,005 Participation: 44% Charles D. Bathman Leo P. Bergin John J. Burke James R. Burns Raymond F. Cappock Charles T. Carney Michael E. Cozine Robert G. Cregan, S.J.† John J. Danielson Raymond J. Doles John F. Erath John J. Falco Vincent J. Farrell John C. Fink, Jr. Joseph A. Foran 20
John B. Gray, Jr. Eugene M. Graziano Raymond M. Hobin John E. Keating Russell J. Kennedy Frederick W. Kile George C. Lane Richard M. Larkin Vincent Manna Robert P. Moran Albert E. Mullin, Jr. David A. Nicolette Benson J. O’Grady John L. O’Reilly Charles A. Osinski Robert E. Parella Edward S. Purcell, Jr. Robert R. Regan William A. Rickard Conrad L. Romanick Robert D. Ryan Ronald J. Semple George W. Shabet Peter P. Slagus, Jr. Charles E. Starkey Thomas J. Verdon William J. Watters, S.J. Joseph G. Weiss John A. Wickens J. Paul Zanowski Class of 1953 Total Giving: $37,269 Participation: 43% Francis X. Alerine William A. Arata Michael K. Ball Peter B. Boyne William M. Burke Robert D. Burke Walter J. Canzonier Charles M. Collins John M. Corcoran William G. Davis James Deveney James J. Dugan Eugene J. Dussich James J. Finnerty, Jr. John L. Fitzgerald William O. Forster Thomas M. Gaggin John J. Hanlon, III J. Norris Harding Mortimer J. Harvey
ALUMNI Timothy F. Harvey David M. Heller Joseph P. Herlihy Vincent E. Hull B. Melvin Kiernan Thomas J. King Robert T. Mahon David C. Markey James J. McDonough Terence J. McGurn Peter K. Mills Christopher F. Morgan William R. Moser James H. Muller Donald J. Noone William S. O’Brien Stanley T. Pardo Gregory F. Pearson Gerard T. Rauh Richard B. Ruchalski F. P. Scheuermann David L. Schreck Anthony M. Scozzafava George L. Sommers Robert Stahley Thomas J. Sullivan Joseph D. Thomas Louis A. Weber Raymond G. Weeks Ronald A. Witkowski, Sr. Chester J. Zegler Eugene L. Zindel Alfred H. Zywicki Class of 1954 Total Giving: $ 47,742 Participation: 48% Francis X. Bergen John M. Boyle James J. Brady Robert F. Buss James P. Byrne James G. Cairoli Robert M. Carducci Thomas M. Cashman Edward M. Clune James J. Connolly James G. Coyle Victor DeMattia John L. Donnelly William H. Donnelly Laurence T. Fell, Jr. Francis L. Ferrante Robert J. Fiocco
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Michael A. Giglio Peter J. Golas Francis G. Grather Stephen M. Gresdo Thomas D. Kiernan James T. Kontje Kenneth F. Kunzman Donald R. Lee Edward L. Lowicki Thomas E. Lynch, Jr. Joseph E. Makely Nicholas J. Mangelli, Sr. Terence B. Matthews Frank A. McConville Joseph P. McGovern James A. McLaughlin, Jr. John P. McManus Thomas J. Meloro Francis J. Mertz James L. Merz John A. Miele, Jr. Kenneth X. Miles Raymond F. Moran Dennis F. Murphy Raphael Murray Robert J. Orzack John R. Papp Louis Pochettino Raymond J. Porzio David A. Quinn James E. Reilly Robert J. Robertory Daniel C. Robeson Henry J. Rusman Liam J. Ryan Robert C. Schwarze Michael J. Sherlock Frank J. Sofio Robert A. Stefan William A. Tyrka John J. Vill Thomas E. Walsh David M. Williams Donald J. Williamson Class of 1955 Total Giving: $36,710 Participation: 47% Rene J. Ackerman Donald E. Alecci Frank Ashe Raymond D. Aumack Anthony P. Balestrieri Victor F. Banko
John W. Barabas Stephen P. Beiter Thomas F. Bejgrowicz Richard A. Biribin Edward M. Bolger Roger W. Breslin, Jr. John J. Brow Charles P. Candurra John A. Caruccio Joseph F. Cash Howard C. Clutterbuck Charles A. Colombo Patrick D. Conaghan Robert R. Corke Eugene E. Corrigan William J. Cozine Joseph T. Cunnane Harold J. Doherty John P. Doran Anthony F. Dorrzapf, Jr. Vincent J. Doyle Robert R. Esti Kenneth R. Fay Anthony S. Fiedorowicz William D. Finn John R. Fitzhenry Alan G. Fitzpatrick Thomas J. Foley Peter Fordi John M. Golaszewski Robert D. Hampton Joseph A. Haviland Robert E. Hunt Richard G. Keller William J. Kemple Thomas Kilcoyne Louis J. Klein Robert J. Koeppe William R. Lund William A. Macchi Carl L. Mason Andrew J. Matthews John P. McIntyre, Jr. William J. Monahan, Jr. John J. Montague, Jr. Raymond T. Morrissey Edward M. Mott John B. Mullen Patrick J. Nestor John J. Nies, Jr. William J. Novak James P. O’Brien James M. O’Brien
PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALUMNI Francis R. O’Donnell Vernal F. Piantanida Ronald J. Pozzi Edward F. Reid Thomas A. Schember Henry E. Scozzafava Richard M. Shalhoub Thomas J. Shanahan Robert E. Sommerlad Gerard Spendley John R. Sullivan Andrew N. Warwick William F. Welsh E. Norman Wilson Louis A. Zircher Class of 1956 Total Giving: $92,597 Participation: 35% Robert A. Augelli Richard P. Barnitt Stephen T. Barry Charles J. Beirne, S.J. Joseph A. Bonanno Eugene C. Boyle Joseph V. Burakevich Thomas W. Burke Robert N. Caruso Michael F. Cocca Gerard S. Cogan Paul T. Conway John J. Corcoran John F. Crotty Charles M. DeFuccio Paul T. DeVries Vincent R. Driscoll William P. Dunstan, Jr. John J. Fay Frank H. Felice John J. Ferrara Richard J. Gelson Franklin D. Gregory Ralph L. Guenther James E. Hackett William J. Haggerty Emil C. Herkert Michael J. Higgins Thomas A. Hogan Michael D. Hurley Francis C. Iacobelli John Jamba J. Michael Keating, Jr. Terence J. Kennedy
James M. Kiernan John P. Kip Salvatore F. La Forgia Gerald P. Lally James E. McDonald Patrick M. McGrath James J. McKeever Hugh J. McManus Raymond D. Novak John W. O’Mara Thomas W. O’Toole Francis J. Pomper William F. Richardson Pasquale N. Sciancalepore Edward M. Ulicki Richard S. Urso Albert J. Vidovich Charles F. Voorhees Marcel E. Wagner, Jr. John A. Weglinski Gerald A. Yates Class of 1957 Total Giving: $340,798 Participation: 53% John A. Balchunas William J. Bell John W. Black George Blaney William J. Borden Edward J. Borrone Lawrence P. Brady, Jr. Vincent F. Brennan Gerard R. Brill Frederick F. Burns Nicholas A. Cannarozzi Louis A. Cappadona John B. Cassidy Phillip J. Catanzaro Alec F. Clerihew Kevin J. Collins Frank S. Contey Anthony P. Conza Brian E. Daley, S.J. Martin P. Daly Richard Del Boccio Patrick J. Downes Thomas J. Dwyer, Jr. Robert L. Fink Patrick F. Fitzpatrick Gregory G. Gannon William J. Garry Charles M. Glashausser
Robert P. Groesbeck Paul M. Guyet, Sr. William H. Haemmerle Robert S. Harney Theodore J. Heiart Raymond A. Hoag Thomas J. Hogan John R. Hogan Anthony J. Jaswinski Thomas J. Karaty John F. Kropke James N. Kyriazis Bernard F. Langan Donald R. Leishman Frank Massaro John P. McGovern Louis F. Micca George G. Molito Edwin P. Murray James P. O’Connor Ferdinand S. Pieroni Francis P. Piscal Robert C. Pollock, Jr. Raymond M. Ralph Cosimo A. Ricciardi Michael P. Ring Charles A. Sabino John J. Santianna John E. Savage George B. Schadewald Donald W. Schlicher Philip A. Sheeran Michael J. Sheyker Robert J. Sinnott John S. Sirotniak Richard Skinner William J. Spataro John F. Stanton Carl A. Stetz Joseph E. Stevens David M. Stevens Edward W. Strugala James E. Tuttle Joseph W. Unterkofler, Jr. John J. Verdon, Jr. Paul F. Vinger Michael J. Wallace Martin W. Walsh, Jr. Joseph E. Waters Lewis E. Williams
Class Chairman † Deceased Participation percentages and the Total Giving summary include gifts to all funds.
Class of 1958 Total Giving: $84,782 Participation: 67% Anthony V. Alo George W. Armbruster Frederick J. Baran Thomas J. Belton Roger Bernhammer Raymond J. Bielicki Dennis M. Bier Robert Blihar Michael F. Bodner Michael F. Bonifanti Edward G. Bradley Walter A. Braun N. Thomas Brescia Frank Brzenk Leonard Bulfone Edward J. Burke Phillip J. Campana Edmund J. Campbell John J. Charles Edward T. Ciliberti Robert B. Comizzoli David A. Connolly John F. Connors John D. Conroy Richard A. Cosgrove Thomas F. X. Cunningham Michael F. Curtin Charles M. De Santis Joseph V. De Stephan Ralph A. DeSevo J. Michael Doherty Peter J. Donnelly Joseph J. Donnelly F. Gerard Drummond Brian E. Dugan G. Denis Dwyer Edward J. Ellis Michael G. Feehan Cosmo F. Ferrara Robert Filoramo Thomas B. Finn, Sr. John P. Ford Vincent R. Foullois Michael Galvin Thomas E. Garrity Richard J. Gaven John H. Gavin Frank V. Geremia Arthur C. Golubiewski Michael L. Grabler
Vincent A. Grillo Edward L. Hannon Michael W. Hayes James B. Heaney George W. Hicks Michael Joyce Charles V. Juelke Ernie K. Just John M. Katko John R. Kennedy James B. Kozmor William R. Kretzer Leslie Lewandowski Santo LoRicco Joseph P. Machewirth Gregory C. Machler James J. Mack Gerald R. Magliano Allan M. McCarthy Richard P. McConville John P. McHale Walter E. McInerney Donald C. McLaughlin Donald G. Melega Francis J. Meola James T. Messano Wolodymyr Mohuchy Anthony J. Montone, Jr. William J. Morrissey Joseph Muskin Anthony S. Neusch Peter J. Norton Peter J. O’Connor Thomas H. O’Mara Randolph F. Orlowski Alfred J. Paquin John W. Petrozzi George D. Pierro Robert M. Pipchick Roi L. Plasse Thomas R. Reilly John J. Ricci Edward P. Rumain William E. Savage Norman A. Sippel Patrick J. Slattery John J. Szeigis William J. Turnier Joseph G. Urciuoli Henry O. Wefing, Jr. Bernard A. Whalen Edward J. Wilczynski Gary R. Wiley
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT William P. Wittman John E. Zamarra Thomas J. Zidiak William J. Zuberbuhler Class of 1959 Total Giving: $27,537 Participation: 30% Edward A. Alberque, Jr. Matthew Calabro Joseph T. Cassidy Frank R. Ciesla Emanuel J. Comandatore John A. Constance Joseph J. Contreras Arthur J. Coradine John V. Cozzi James P. Crane Michael J. Curry Edward R. DeLaura Frank M. Donato Walter J. Dorgan, Jr. John D. Dow Robert J. Duda Gary C. Eifried Arthur C. Fabian H. Stephen Fletcher Thomas W. Floyd David J. Gallagher Lawrence Gladysz William C. Habert Kenneth R. Hampton David J. Harper Dominick J. Hart James J. Horrigan Daniel J. Hussey Frank X. Ketterer Robert K. Kibbler John M. Korn Charles A. Kouvel Roger J. LaGratta Lawrence W. Levine Gerald F. Manna Philip R. Martorelli John Massaro Mark E. McGovern Michael J. Menditto Robert O. Modarelli Richard J. O’Brien Cornelius F. O’Keefe Michael C. Powanda Joseph M. Rabbia John R. Riordan Michael T. Ruane 22
Joseph P. Russoniello Douglas M. Ryan Robert E. Scully John C. Spadora Richard J. Stomber Lawrence M. Tuzzo Harold Ulrich Ronald J. Vignone Dennis R. Walsh Donald L. Whipple Class of 1960 Total Giving: $24,498 Participation: 33% Nicholas P. Acocella Harold J. Augliera James F. Bald, Jr. James E. Bambrick John J. Behson, Jr. Robert J. Bison John F. Bowman Donald J. Brennan Richard S. Brzenk Robert L. Cerciello William P. Connors Thomas J. Coyle Thomas J. Dolan Richard J. Doyle Thomas W. Duncan John Farina Bishop John W. Flesey Eugene G. Galvin Philip J. Gianfredi Raymond A. Gibney Andrew J. Gonos Thomas J. Jennings Donald J. Keating Robert J. Kelly James P. Kelly, Jr. Lawrence F. X. Kelly John J. Kirkowski Ronald C. Kretkowski Peter J. Lavitola William A. Lindsay James P. Linehan John Maiorana Peter E. McCarren Thomas E. McFeely George A. Meluso Joseph A. Metro Francis X. Mollenhauer Walter R. Mueller Richard D. Murphy Dennis T. O’Brien
ALUMNI Edward T. O’Connor, Jr. Robert F. Peirano Thomas J. Polk Joseph J. Ranieri James N. Richardson Arthur B. Schute Richard Somma John J. Swetits John R. Ubhaus Donald F. Ullmann Anthony J. Verdoni John B. Wefing Class of 1961 Total Giving: $37,717 Participation: 25% Thomas J. Barkalow Michael A. Berkowitz Anthony J. Biunno Dennis J. Boyle† Charles R. Browski George P. Bull Eugene F. Burke Joseph G. Cardiello Joseph J. Carr Thomas J. Cleary Thomas M. Crimmins Thomas F. Curry Wellington J. Davis, Jr. Frank A. DeCicco Joseph A. DeMartino James F. Donohue James P. Dugan George Esser Richard S. Farrell John D. Gawlik John T. Harnett Denis I. Howe Francis H. Koch John J. Koprowski Peter Korn George D. Maraza John J. Maroney Robert E. McCarthy Paul A. McGee Thomas J. McLaughlin John J. Meehan Ernest F. Mezey Thomas K. Monahan Charles H. O’Reilly Michael R. Outwater John A. Ridley Ronald S. Rock Gerard J. Roerty
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Joseph A. Santangelo, Jr. William C. Sinnott Jerome M. Smith Henry P. Troy Class of 1962 Total Giving: $88,081 Participation: 35% Michael R. Agresta Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr. Alexander W. Booth, Jr. Frank M. Cappadona Charles D. Cheek Joseph A. Cleary Jeffrey L. Clutterbuck Edward T. Corrigan Thomas F. Cosgrove Louis A. Cuccaro Anthony J. Del Tufo Robert W. Dempsey Edward T. Devlin George M. Dooris Bernard D. Dugan Dennis A. Dwyer John C. Elliott Ronald D. Gherardi Thomas J. Goger Edward A. Gorski Dennis M. Griffin David J. Healy William E. Higgins Gregory P. Hochstein William G. Holy Denis E. Hruza, Sr. Michael J. Izzo, Jr. Richard W. Jacobs John A. Kakolewski John P. Kelly Michael J. Kennedy Edward F. Kosnik John R. Kutney Joseph V. McCarthy Nicholas J. Micucci John R. Middleton Walter F. Modrys Richard A. Molteni Richard D. Moriarty Daniel F. Murphy Robert J. Myers Louis P. Nasif William J. Netchert Frank M. Nicoletti John F. O’Halloran Ronald J. Palmieri
Joseph P. Parkes, S.J. Gabriel J. Pompeo Stephen F. Riordan John W. Rowe Robert M. Ryan, Sr. Joseph W. Sack Brian V. Sheeran Charles S. Shiverick Joseph J. Silva Richard J. Singler, Jr. Thomas E. Smith Francis X. Spizziri James C. Stokes Francis A. Tedeschi Anthony M. Tonzola Eugene E. Torpey Arthur J. Williams Stanley M. Zaborowski Class of 1963 Total Giving: $59,541 Participation: 20% Joseph C. Armbruster Bernard J. Berry, Jr. Daniel F. Cody, Jr. Thomas B. Curtin Vincent S. DeLorenzo Robert J. Dobis Richard K. Donnelly Frederick W. Ducca John H. Emmons Frank M. Esposito John J. Feehan, Jr. Michael W. Granwehr Edmund C. Heskin, Jr. William H. Hill William J. Keller Richard A. Kelly John J. Kennedy A. Barry LaForgia Stephen I. Lembo Paul R. Lempa Vincent J. McFadden Paul K. Napoli Peter W. Renner Donald A. Riedlinger Dennis J. Santomauro Robert C. Schiebel George F. Schilp, Jr. Mark P. Scully Steven A. Secare Richard S. Skoblar Thomas J. Szott Edwin G. Vroom
PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALUMNI John A. Ward, III Richard F. Westphal Class of 1964 Total Giving: $30,115 Participation: 28% Raymond W. Berberich Bernard C. Brady John L. Butler Anthony J. Calabrese Charles A. Cappiccille James E. Colligan, III Robert J. Diesner James R. Donnelly Thomas J. Dougherty George J. Duva James J. Egan Glenn A. Grieco Andrew J. Guzo James Haemmerle Damian Hansen William M. Hayevy Kazimierz J. Herchold Donald E. Kelly Thomas J. Kelly Thomas F. Kelly William F. Kelly Howard Knapp Peter J. Koch Charles R. Kuzminski Fredrick J. Lau Charles P. Martowlis James Matthews William McCahill John W. McGeough, Jr. Paul J. McGovern Joseph M. McManus Vincent P. McTighe John P. Miller W. C. Mortenson, Jr. Steven R. Murphy Joseph C. Napoli Daniel J. O’Connor Peter J. Orrico Robert W. Richards James J. Roach, Jr. John V. Scott Frank Sorochen Mark A. Sullivan, Jr. Henry A. Terwedow, Jr. Paul A. Truszkowski Joseph F. Wajszczuk John M. Walsh
Gregory O. Williams, Sr. Anthony M. Wisnieski Bruce V. Zeman Class of 1965 Total Giving: $97,275 Participation: 24% John B. Ayres Peter S. Babits John F. Baldovin, S.J. Edward Bongiovanni Michael A. Bronowich Kevin G. Callahan John P. Caravello Thomas J. Chromey Martin J. Conlon William H. Connolly, Jr. Daniel A. Crifo Joseph V. Cullum Ronald D. Demiglio Kenneth Devins Christopher J. Drabik Edward C. Fedak David P. Finn, Sr. Frank J. Fischl, Jr. Philip F. Frezzo Robert J. Genatt Michael W. Grzelak Raymond F. Grzybowski Timothy J. Hawkes Joseph P. Henderson Edward R. Kealy Thomas J. Leane Lincoln L. Manzi David E. McClave Robert E. Morahan Frank J. Murphy, Jr. Wayne D. Nystrom Joseph T. O’Donnell, Jr. Steven T. Pandolfo Michael R. Polcari Gregory C. Riso John M. Rusnak James J. Seaman Richard S. Secare William Sette James P. Van Etten Class of 1966 Total Giving: $50,276 Participation: 37% Anthony Bryk Ronald M. Brzenk Robert M. Buckley
Francis A. Bulzis John F. Casper Louis F. Castelli John J. Curley Edward J. Depascale Sam X. DiFeo Robert B. Donovan Joseph G. Dunn Dennis J. Enright Robert J. Fischer, Jr. Brian G. Fitzpatrick Richard C. Fleischer Robert J. Frees Louis A. Fucito Paul A. Gamarello Stephen Gorbos Robert J. Gormley Eugene T. Gough William T. Hilliard James F. Hollywood, Jr. Frederick J. Jacques, Jr. John J. Janasie Carl H. Kaminski Patrick F. Kane Charles F. Kenny, Jr. Raymond V. Kilkenny Francis X. King Theodore E. Kwiatkowski Joseph P. Lakata Paul P. Lamb Joseph M. Leone Peter P. Malecki V. James Mann Ronald J. Marczewski Joseph A. Maresca Robert J. McGuinness John J. Monahan Cosmo A. Mongiello Patrick J. Montesano Thomas M. Novella Bruce M. Paoloni Peter D. Pizzuto Kenneth J. Quinn Thomas Rindos Dennis F. Rizzo James F. Ryan, Jr. Matthew E. Saccente Alfred Sattelberger Michael I. Scott Stephen V. Sekel William F. Sexton William J. Skorupski George J. Smith
Class Chairman † Deceased Participation percentages and the Total Giving summary include gifts to all funds.
Francis X. Spillane Joseph P. Stancati Gerald P. Tyne Frank M. Vaccarino Kevin J. Ward Stanley F. Wasowski Stephen L. Weigert Raymond F. Yannuzzi Victor T. Zarrilli Robert Zeman Class of 1967 Total Giving: $22,682 Participation: 38% Michael J. Anthony Robert T. Armistead Ernest J. Baker James P. Barton Thomas J. Belton James J. Burke† Frank X. Cardiello John C. Carmody Neil Catapano James F. Clossey Glenn M. Colacurci William D. Cummings Robert M. Datzko Sergio C. DeBari Paul A. Deibel Robert A. Diehl Vincent I. Drobny, Jr. James F. Dronzek John F. Duffy, Jr. Thomas K. Dwyer Robert Fabio Vincent A. Fusco John R. Garbarino Walter J. Greenhalgh Michael P. Gurney Henry J. Hamilton James D. Healy Joseph P. Hearns Gennaro A. Iaccarino Mark J. Iannini Walter S. Jaronski Andrew J. Jaz Theodore J. Kirby Richard J. Kirkeby Paul J. Kulkosky Charles T. Lanktree Edward T. Larkin Lawrence T. Lawler, Jr. Robert A. Lembo
Gregory T. Loftus Thomas C. Longendyke John Macintyre Martin J. Mackin John D. Manna Harold V. McKenna Timothy J. Mercier Gary A. Monteforte Paul A. Mottola Daniel J. Murawinski Dennis A. Murphy Thomas A. Newton Robert W. Nodine James J. O’Connor Daniel J. Osnato Joseph V. Page, Jr. James A. Pilla Thomas M. Podesta Edward D. Riedlinger Gregory E. Riley Albert W. Romano Matthew A. Rooney K. Joseph Vyzas Joseph J. Warzenski Glenn S. Williams Class of 1968 Total Giving: $50,172 Participation: 22% Anthony T. Annunziato Kenneth V. Arestia† Kevin J. Avery George F. Barnes, Jr. Dennis K. Barry John P. Bender Stephen A. Bloom Thomas C. Carola Jack J. Cavari Joseph E. Colford, III Joseph K. Cooney Patrick J. Evans Paul M. Fischer George A. Fleck Paul A. Foddai John F. Garibaldi Michael J. Garito Peter A. Gerbino Robert B. Giovenco Robert F. Glowacky Peter G. Glushko John M. Golashesky Jonathan J. Hammer Matthew J. Jusinski
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Robert M. Kay Daniel P. Kinahan Steven D. La Viola Daniel F. Lally Nicholas G. Matin James A. McCoy Patrick J. McGovern, Jr. Richard T. Michalowski, Jr. Russell Piccoli Gregory P. Polonica Ronald P. Prezioso Thomas D. Ruane Patrick J. Ryan Bernard T. Schumacher David V. Scian Donald G. Shalhoub Dennis M. Sheridan Frank Sokolik Stephen Thomsen John S. Tochko Steven J. Tomaszeski John A. Trosky Joseph C. Weiss Class of 1969 Total Giving: $29,029 Participation: 28% Glenn Annan-Brady Stanley V. Baginski Frank J. Balboa Joseph E. Bannon Robert W. Barkovitz David J. Barry Robert M. Benedetti W. K. Bennett Robert P. Broderick Joseph F. Brower, III Marc Cozzetta Peter M. DePascale Bernard J. Doherty James J. Doolan, Jr. Charles P. Doyle T. J. Elliott Ken Feduniewicz J. C. Forhecz Joseph J. Gallombardo Glenn C. Greten Kevin Hanly Robert D. Heer Edward G. Hinte Edward F. Hrinewski Paul Kokosinski Stephen P. Kozakewich Alfred A. La Gratta 24
John L. Lenahan Louis J. Liberatore Eli F. Lizza Edward R. Mackiewicz Dennis MacMahon Kenneth J. Mahon David M. McGuire Carmine A. Meluso Thomas J. Murphy Martin P. O’Connor Charles J. Olsen, III Fredrick J. Paternoster Stanley R. Plust John J. Pron Richard F. X. Regan Michael K. Sawicz Robert Scher Gregory A. Schneider Leo J. Spaccavento Robert J. Szewczyk Ronald R. Szmerda Vincent J. Tavormina Stephen I. Totaro John T. Waldron Kenneth A. Williams Class of 1970 Total Giving: $53,122 Participation: 24% Richard W. Agresta Anthony Alosco Gregory R. Arnold James T. Bulzis John G. Byram John P. Callahan Ralph C. Citarella, Sr. Kevin M. Crociani August J. Daquila Michael J. Donohue Andrew T. Filak, Jr. George E. Flimlin, Jr. Vito J. Germinario Anthony F. Giordano Gaetano T. Gregory George P. Gurdak James C. Horan Leo J. Hurley Robert J. Kozar Ralph J. Lamparello Lawrence James Lewis Michael L. Lynch James A. McDonald, Jr. William J. McGovern, III John W. Meyers
ALUMNI Jeffrey Michals Michael R. Milano James E. Murphy Michael Nemeth Richard M. Newton David P. Ockay Neil O’Connor Denis J. O’Sullivan Michael Podolak Harvey Rubinstein Brian G. Salisbury Alexander M. Santora Frederick W. Stevens, Jr. Mark D. Swiney John Tryneski Randolph A. Walther E. Peter Wolf Thomas M. Zappia Class of 1971 Total Giving: $160,185 Participation: 32% Michael C. Albers George J. Ambrosio Paul L. Audet Richard J. Baker Peter P. Begans Mark P. Bender Michael J. Besante Michael Blaney Donald E. Blumenfeld Charles A. Booth John E. Bradley Donald G. Brady Thomas J. Butler John R. Cangemi E. Gregory M. Cannarozzi Joseph A. Cascio John V. Caulfield Gerard T. Chiara John I. Ciuppa Paul D. Colford Edward V. Connell Philip Connelly William E. Conrad Rocco Conti Gerard De Man, Jr. Mark X. Diverio John F. Fisher John B. Foley Stanley Hreniuk Joseph J. LaPilusa Edward H. Lennon Patrick T. Lipka
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Alfonse Mannato Michael Masone Gregory V. Mauriello Thomas P. McGinty Kenneth R. Miller James G. Mortenson Douglas W. Noonan S. Andrew Ostapski Stephen Pingree Drew Portfolio Richard J. Reid J. Paul Schaetzle Richard A. Sheils, Jr. John W. Tavormina Joseph A. Vallerini Michael Venditti, Jr. Robert J. Warner Jerry Zakrzewski Robert T. Zito Class of 1972 Total Giving: $29,965 Participation: 20% Michael J. Biondo William L. Bouregy Raymond A. Bucko John Calandriello Paul J. Callahan Jon Cardell Robert J. Carroll Stephen C. Caruana John P. Collins John L. Costello, Jr. John J. Crosby, III Kevin A. Cummings Joseph R. DePasquale David Descalzi Bruce E. Fenske Thomas P. Ferrera John M. Furka John P. Gallagher Kevin M. Glennon Bernard J. Gordon Anthony J. Johnstone Richard J. Kral John V. Laffan Donald W. Landry Dennis J. Larusso John M. McAdam Robert F. Mercier Robert J. Mernar Mark E. Morchel James M. Mullin Gene L. Noce
John J. Reilly Mark A. Rizzo Bruce R. Sabatini Michael A. Tozzi Class of 1973 Total Giving: $36,472 Participation: 25% Kenneth Albers, Jr. Andrew A. Ballerini Robert J. Colacurcio Christopher J. Colford James F. Collins, Jr. James P. Croghan, S.J. William Debiec Paul F. Diverio Thomas R. Emerson Richard D. Forte Carl P. Fuardo John T. Gaddis Loucas George Anthony Gil Alfred J. Gillio John Grant Sigmund S. Grudzinski Thomas R. Jago Mark M. Krautheim Robert Lalli Thomas J. Lally Thomas S. Larson Daniel Lenehan Steven L. Malavarca Anthony W. Marsh George McGowan Michael G. McGuinness Michael T. Meyers David P. Miller Thomas Moore Joseph M. Murray Leonard Pasculli John J. Petrizzo Ralph W. Quaglia Edward D. Ricchiuto Raymond Roginski Anthony L. Romano, Jr. William J. Ruane Ralph Sarkisian Raymond Schultz Stephen M. Smith Kevin R. Sprouls George T. Taite
PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALUMNI Class of 1974 Total Giving: $85,429 Participation: 23% George C. Barry Richard J. Bender William Brandt Patrick F. Callahan, III Robert Calvanico John T. Chester Peter G. Colford Michael S. Cristaldi Mark T. Czarnecki Bart Erbach Andrew Fajvan Robert F. X. Feeney Paul N. Florio James P. Frees Edward K. Hamill Michael B. Holt George W. Ippolito George A. Krol Charles M. Lizza Joseph A. Lizza Paul P. Malecki Joseph P. Marmora, Jr. Richard A. Mina Edmund Mizerek, Jr. Anthony Monterisi Timothy J. Mortenson Thomas J. Murphy Joseph C. O’Connell Dennis C. O’Donnell Raymond P. Reddington Kevin J. Riordan Paul J. Roses Edward P. Siems H. Kevin Stogran Francis A. Tedesco Steven Tochko John A. Tyrrell Bruce Woerner Paul J. Wolf Class of 1975 Total Giving: $23,238 Participation: 16% William J. Ahearn Ralph Aquila Robert Aviles James F. Begans Carlos M. Beltran Joseph T. Calabria Leo F. Campbell Frank A. D’Amelio
Stephen T. Diverio Joseph H. Frank David M. Gaddis Vincent J. Gramuglia Gerald J. Jordan Anthony P. La Rocco William P. Loelius Patrick J. Maloney Gerard P. Maresca Francis J. McGovern Russell P. Morley Marc E. Mruz Jeffrey A. Platania Timothy J. Purcell Robert K. Reddington Steven R. Ricchiuto Avelino Sambade Raymond Schaetzle Richard M. Terek Class of 1976 Total Giving: $23,320 Participation: 14% Steven C. Beach Thomas J. Brophy Joseph J. Caldas Leonard Cannarozzi, Jr. Joseph R. Doren, Jr. Mark S. Fallon Terence M. Feeney Alexander J. Kurasz John P. LaPilusa Timothy H. Mahler James J. McCarthy, Jr. Dennis L. McGill Philip F. McGovern, Jr. Peter D. Mortenson Salvatore A. Moscatello, Jr. Thomas R. Murtha Joseph C. Piperato, Jr. Michael A. Prokop John J. Smith, Jr. Dante A. Sorrenti Jeffrey J. Uliano Frederick G. Whelply Mark K. Wyville Robert J. Zeller Paul Zielinski Class of 1977 Total Giving: $30,009 Participation: 16% Christopher R. Barry John J. Bauer
David P. Caulfield Thomas J. Favia, Jr. Cataldo F. Fazio William M. Filon Daniel Fong Peter J. Gargiulo Thomas E. Gill Jeffrey Kaczka Joseph Liccardo, III John M. Lillis Lawrence J. Mahler Daniel R. Massarelli William E. McCusker Gregory W. McLain Patrick J. McNamara Vincent J. Milazzo William F. Oser, Jr. Stephen J. Piersa Alan S. Pollack John Pugliese Michael J. Rhim James G. Rizzo John A. Rizzo Gerard C. Saponara John C. Schimenti Kevin P. Stokes Elia P. Vanechanos Class of 1978 Total Giving: $10,565 Participation: 21% James E. Addas Steven Alonso Kevin E. Carter Paul Ciesmelewski Hernando Defex William J. Delaney Vincent J. Donatacci James C. Dowden James J. Feeney Thomas J. Foley Edward A. Hartnett Thomas Hyland Anthony E. Keating Joseph M. Lally Christopher L. Mahler Patrick McGrath Joseph F. Mesgleski John M. O’Halloran Joseph Oldakowski Donald M. Onorato, Jr. Victor J. Paparazzo Matthew J. Peterkin
Class Chairman † Deceased Participation percentages and the Total Giving summary include gifts to all funds.
Philip E. Pritzlaff, Jr. David K. Rolek Martin J. Roszkowski Joseph F. Scutellaro, Jr. Taras Y. Sochan Robert Triebe Christopher J. Zegler Class of 1979 Total Giving: $16,700 Participation: 27% John T. Ambrosio Thomas P. Bado Daniel Baumgartner Brian B. Callahan Edward C. Capparelli Kevin M. Cullen Mark DeMarco Paul Erhardt Frank Free, III Edward M. Gaguski Thomas J. Gangemi, III Michael Glennon James F. Hague Greg Herenda Richard G. Kabrt Edward M. Kane Michael J. Kennedy Thomas E. Kilkenny Joseph Kozlowski, Jr. Bruce Lamparello John P. Lynch Timothy J. Mahoney Kenneth T. Maloney Thomas D. Mauriello William A. McCoy Joseph A. Michalik Charles O’Reilly William T. Petrick John R. Raslowsky, II Peter G. Rasmusson John F. Richardson Thomas M. Schember Richard D. Schwartz James Serpico Mario Valenciano Peter A. Vardakis John M. Veltre David Viggiano David Williams
Class of 1980 Total Giving: $17,860 Participation: 26% Michael K. Airey Anthony C. Armagno Patrick Cappiello Sean Clancy Philip M. Czochanski Roger Dumadag Sergio L. Duran John T. Feeney Roberto Gagliardi Richard Gallo Michael J. Giambalvo Ruel D. Holgado James T. Kane, Jr. Christopher P. Kern Richard J. Kist Gregory R. Lallo Thomas S. Liccardo William Lillis Joseph Luppino Joseph A. Massarelli William McDonough Vincent D. McGeehan Daniel Quinn Thor Scherer Paul Sciarra Terrence J. Sekel Louis Senerchia Ihor Shevchuk Paul E. Venino Benjamin J. Williams Thomas Wyville Craig J. Zegler Albert J. Zolli, Jr. Class of 1981 Total Giving: $18,428 Participation: 16% Daniel A. Apruzzese John A. Azzarello Patrick A. Bonner, Jr. Michael B. Botyrius Sam T. Christopher Brian J. Colford Nicholas P. Corrado James J. Donofrio John J. Finn, III Mark Gaddis Terence W. Hayes Christopher S. Lally Richard M. Larkin Patrick Lee
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Gerald T. Madden John K. Maloney Anthony J. Marchitto John J. McNulty Thomas J. Monaco Brian O. Nevins Curt J. Philipczak Thomas W. Richardson Robert A. Schwartz Kenneth D. Walter Class of 1982 Total Giving: $19,606 Participation: 24% Anthony Alaimo Oliver J. Armas Henry J. Borchers, III Maurice Caldarola Charles G. Cresci Peter Crivelli Brian J. Cummings, S.S.E. Vincent T. D’Agostino Nicholas P. DeMarco Marc S. Denny Orlando Esposito David E. Finn, Sr. William S. Floyd Chris Krzak Christopher E. Kundro Kevin M. Larkin Theodore M. Lowicki Edward J. Macchi Michael W. Melnick Richard C. Mulcahy Timothy A. O’Connell Christopher A. Piparo Darrin M. Reznick John F. Roake Mario Sasso, Jr. Leon M. Suty Neil E. Ward Keith Webster Brian P. Winfield Class of 1983 Total Giving: $70,143 Participation: 23% Michael Acanfora Sam F. Barsoum John Cappadoccia Joseph Crivelli Sebastian M. D’Elia Richard E. Dobronsky David M. Dowden 26
Patrick A. Drennan Mark H. Englert Thomas B. Finn, Jr. Angelo R. Giacchi Mark D. Hogan John T. Irvine Paul La Bruno Ismael Maisonet Michael J. McGeehan, III Steven J. McGill John T. McSharry, III Athan M. Mergus Vincent J. Militello Joseph Nicoletti Martin Ramirez Kevin J. Russell Paul A. Rutch William G. Savino Roman A. Sukiennik Thomas N. Tavarone Leonard H. Van Orden Joseph C. Veniero Thomas Ventrone Thomas R. Walters Class of 1984 Total Giving: $13,603 Participation: 17% Anthony Auciello William E. Bate Michael E. Boyle E. Mark Chiappara Frank A. Ciatto John D. DeSimone, Jr. Vincent B. DiDomenico, Jr. Thomas V. Dougherty Paul J. Drennan Ronald A. Filak Michael G. Granelli Charles Huh Michael G. Kane Timothy Lindis Timothy J. McGovern James McKnight Christopher N. Monico Daniel P. Onorato Luke Phillips Mark A. Polemeni Craig S. Richards John T. Ryan Robert X. Scheurer, III Peter M. Serra Albert J. Vargas
ALUMNI Class of 1985 Total Giving: $16,025 Participation: 12% Joseph T. Boccassini Joseph A. Bucci Stephen Carluccio Christopher Cofone James C. DeAngelo Joseph DeMarco James T. Finn Renato J. Giacchi Nelson Gonzalez Scott Hart Stephen J. Hudik Jeffrey Kellner Edward Kostrzewa Richard Lugo Thomas M. Murphy Mukesh Patel Richard Peters Stephen J. Russell James P. Sheehan Class of 1986 Total Giving: $172,372 Participation: 16% Michael Ahn Brian R. Archer Francis R. Betkowski Francis P. Briamonte, III Jeffrey C. Casler Michael J. Dandorph Samuel R. De Luca, Jr. Patrick Dunn Stephen M. Dutkiewicz Christopher Falco Manuel T. Galang, Jr. Ivan S. Gomez Douglas R. Gronda Daniel Hanks David M. LaBruno James G. McDermott Robert J. Mulholland J. Bradley Ohlmuller William Perkins Frederic J. Regenye William Scheurer Thomas W. Schneider Mark G. Stappenbeck Charles Trefurt Scott E. Tuzzo Kenneth von Schaumburg, Jr. Nicholas H. Wood
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Class of 1987 Total Giving: $23,295 Participation: 18% Thomas F. Blunda Patrick D. Bocco Vito Brancatella David A. Bryngil Eduardo L. Canseco Peter J. Capizzi Patrick J. Corcoran Dennis J. Corwin William S. Deakyne, Jr. J. Ernani S. Domingo Michael P. Downey Thomas P. Finn Edward M. Furrer Harry L. Gaibor Michael A. Gifford Joe Giglio Joseph C. Gutierrez Gilbert W. Iles Christopher J. Metcalfe Huerta Johnson Neals Michael E. O’Shaughnessy, Jr. Daniel P. Pietruska, Jr. William T. Price, III Kevin J. Raslowsky Donald W. Schroeder Charles J. Sciarra Mark J. Usarzewicz Joseph M. Valente Elnardo J. Webster, II Thomas J. Zimmermann Class of 1988 Total Giving: $4,669 Participation: 11% David A. Cardino Christopher G. Culhane John DeFilippis David P. Donnelly Michael J. Elson Jeffrey R. Jablonski Eugene J. Keohane Donald P. Lapine Edward Nestor Ralph S. Pantozzi David Penaskovic Richard T. Reczka Walter H. Schneider Peter T. Spadora Richard V. Trilles Michael A. Valente
Class of 1989 Total Giving: $23,123 Participation: 17% Americus P. Abesamis Vincent A. Aniello, Jr. Kevin J. Brodbeck Peter Cammarota Thomas D. Casulli David D’Amore Christopher J. DeCresce Dennis C. Degnan John Formoso Edward J. Gargiulo, Jr. Thomas P. Giblin Robert Gill George J. Goldsworthy Brian E. Haughney Hernan Hernandez Stephen M. Kawalek David Kelly Timothy W. Lau Kevin P. McCann James R. Mielo William J. Myer Michael Parlavecchio William L. Robalino Gregory Roberts Thomas P. Schifano Louis A. Taite Douglas Viggiano Class of 1990 Total Giving: $10,367 Participation: 14% Richard Arricale Peter F. Bonavota Keith R. Bucher Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti Kenneth Ferrante James C. Francesco Richard E. Hamilton Raymond J. Hennessey William Hoffman Charles Iorio Radley R. Macalintal Shannon S. Mariniello Joseph F. Mendez, Jr. Kevin M. Napoli Patrick C. Nestor Kenneth B. Nippes, III Christopher K. Perkins Joseph S. Prusko Michael N. Rusignuolo Michael Stefano
PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALUMNI Class of 1991 Total Giving: $3,302 Participation: 12% Keith E. Adams Sean A. Adams Christopher M. Briamonte Steven P. Brown Daniel D. Duran William G. Dwyer, III Paul S. Evangelista Thomas A. Ferrari, III Loren Hart Joseph M. Kist Brad T. Kloza Marco E. Morais Harry D. Murphy Ryan C. Prendergast James Prieto David C. Rosciszewski Robert P. Salmon Christian Sammarco Michael S. Struk Class of 1992 Total Giving: $2,580 Participation: 11% Frank J. Barletta Michael W. Cardino Mark Decastro Domenico Esposito Matthew A. Fleming Edward M. Giblin Sean K. Hannan David M. Jackman Ketan Jhaveri Thomas J. Kelly Frank S. LoScrudato James T. Martin Brian McCabe Terence J. McHale Richard A. Puleo, Jr. Alexander B. Ragone Michael F. Rems Class of 1993 Total Giving: $16,911 Participation: 13% Craig B. Adams Craig M. Aumack Patrick F. Giblin Sean S. Howe Douglas C. James Paul M. Jordan Michael A. Lynch
John P. Mannion Paul G. Massache Timothy F. McCarthy T. Christian McGreevy Justin D. McKeon Amro G. Mohammed Anthony M. Novello, Jr. David S. Olesky Eric C. Saam Justin M. Skripak Thomas J. Sullivan, Jr. Mark A. Trojan Gregory J. Vierheilig Richard A. Zaszewski Class of 1994 Total Giving: $11,930 Participation: 17% Mark T. Adams Joseph A. Amatrucola Mark P. Amatrucola Anthony J. Arnone Eric F. Bronnenkant Alden B B. Calilap Mark A. Connolly Christopher Conti Paul A. DeGeorge Alex Drummond Keith A. Duncan Scott M. Dutkiewicz Mario D. Favetta Josip Gazic James Gutierrez David E. Haro Michael J. Lapinski Jerome R. Lemanowicz Gabriel Lopez Richard M. Mack John T. Mulewski Matt D. Slootsky Brian L. Spadora Michael P. Sugrue Stephen K. Trynosky Matthew B. Walsh Nicholas G. Warnock Michael V. Zakhar Class of 1995 Total Giving: $4,275 Participation: 9% Harry W. Carpenter Joseph J. Casazza, Jr. Ralph C. Citarella Thomas F. Curtin
Luigi G. D’Addario Dominik J. DiPasquale Matthew B. Klarmann John Kolakowski Paul A. Laracy Mark C. Messenger William P. Musto Joseph W. Sista James A. Souder Victor E. Suthammanont John F. Veltri William J. Woelpper, Jr. Class of 1996 Total Giving: $5,317 Participation: 9% Steven Ahn Brian Beldowicz Steven B. Boyd Peter Camacho Raymund Caparas Vincent Conti Manuel Farinas Anthony T. Kender Shaun Kolmer Fernando Lopez-Diaz Brian Maddox James O’Day Jeffrey Tiffner Class of 1997 Total Giving: $2,710 Participation: 9% James M. Birch Christopher J. Casazza Francis M. Drummond Philip L. Frezzo Thomas P. Gargiulo Victor M. Gonzalez Scott W. Gurian Fernando Quevedo Brian C. Rudzinski Peter A. Russo Alexis Salas Jorge L. Silva David M. Smith Nicholas J. Trentacoste Class of 1998 Total Giving: $10,920 Participation: 17% Timothy J. Andreula Pietro Barberi Christian S. Boggiano Jeffrey A. Bouquio
Class Chairman † Deceased Participation percentages and the Total Giving summary include gifts to all funds.
Andrew J. Brusgard Jaime P. Cepeda Richard J. Colabraro Donald S. Cymbor, Jr. Joseph D. Facchini Anthony P. Fesken Jonathan B. Foster-Moore John J. Friend Gerald P. Iorio Mark L. Kudera Matthew E. Malizia Michael S. Mara Brian J. McKenna Jeffrey M. McPartlan Matthew P. Monteleone Jigar N. Patel Ryan J. Prime Albert A. Rinaldi Darren M. Scher Erich B. Sekel Ryan P. Skripak Michael R. Sunga Michael J. Tully Jay J. Tuminaro Class of 1999 Total Giving: $3,346 Participation: 12% Craig H. Addeo James A. Amadeo Daniel V. Atienza Jack O. Baker Richard J. Bellina Salvatore E. Candela Joseph B. Cossolini Matthew M. Cunningham Nicholas J. Edwards Michael B. Frezzo Joseph R. Garofalo Marko Gazic Michael A. McDonald Patrick J. McGovern, III Matthew J. Moran Brian J. Musto Joseph A. Perez, Jr. Michael A. Santucci Jonathan Tomassi Justin A. Traina Frederick P. Veltri
Class of 2000 Total Giving: $3,415 Participation: 8% Gerard Aro William A. Bedford Edmund Caulfield Marc A. Cevasco Gregory Conti Sean V. Glasser Drew Gurian Sanoop Luke Anthony D. Marinello Timothy D. Mulroy Edward Pickett Giancarlo Sari Matthew Schade Class of 2001 Total Giving: $5,155 Participation: 14% Liam D. Ahearn William R. Bludgus Matthew Brito Johann A. Cabe Edgar Benjamin A. Cabrera Brian M. Castelli Vincent M. Catanese John B. Cossolini Gregory J. Couillou Scott T. Cunningham Matthew R. Denes Shashi K. Dholandas Joseph A. Frezzo Richard Gutierrez Michael A. Hunton Bernard F. Kenny, III Gregory A. LaScola Michael T. Malloy Kenneth C. Santucci Michael Settembrino James T. Supple John B. Talty Anthony J. Territola Jude Anthony C. Tiscornia Class of 2002 Total Giving: $1,580 Participation: 12% Nicholas A. Brady Gregory J. Gargiulo Michael W. Garrigan Nicholas R. Hamilton John J. Hanlon Timothy J. Hearns
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Matthew S. Ingles Mark L. Inocencio Luke B. Kloza Tony J. Martin Christopher A. Mezzina Michael C. Monteleone Kevin C. Mulroy Joseph T. Pacilio Joseph J. Pavlica, Jr. Joseph E. Serzan, III Drew J. Sheeran Kenneth P. Teschlog Anthony M. V. Wolleon Class of 2003 Total Giving: $2,989 Participation: 12% Marc J. Amadeo Joseph C. Baron Ronald R. Cardoso Christopher B. Caulfield Timothy M. Chester Patrick M. Collins Michael R. Couillou Jonathan F. Fernando Colin F. Hanley Michael J. Jiran Michael K. Mahoney Denis McGuire Richard Montalvo Matthew P. Murphy Patrick J. Murphy Mauro G. Raguseo Benjamin J. Reed Gabriel Rohaidy Alexander Santucci David S. Sarch Peter G. Shalhoub Robert M. Simone Stephen P. Spiewak Class of 2004 Total Giving: $595 Participation: 5% Christopher E. Bludgus Matthew Gnall Daniel M. Kiczek Thomas P. Leane Timothy R. Maher Brian P. McGrath Patrick H. Mellea Luke Schade Joseph Territola, Jr. Brendan Whitford 28
Class of 2005 Total Giving: $1,240 Participation: 9% Andrew A. Alfieri Ian J. Bernaiche Alexander D. Canale Kevin E. Chester Kevin A. Cummings Steven G. De Chavez David A. Docherty Thomas R. DuVal Anthony Facciponte Sebastian Fidelus Thomas Kelley-Kemple Francis A. Kenny Carl F. Kraus Michael T. Lampariello Joseph J. McDonald Michael A. McGovern Michael D. Ockay Patrick D. O’Rourke Marcello L. Pacheco Brian F. Serzan Kevin J. Styles Class of 2006 Total Giving: $1,380 Participation: 7% Casey R. Antczak Joseph R. Avallone Michael J. Beni John U. Bowker Martin M. Bowker Thomas D. D’Alessio Kevin P. Dougherty Brian E. Jones Adam J. Kusen T. James LiVolsi, Jr. Stephen J. McDermott Matthew B. Mulroy Michael T. Serzan Peter Spiewak Jonathan P. Treble Paul B. Ward Class of 2007 Total Giving: $880 Participation: 10% Brian M. Bannon Ryan M. Bomba Daniel J. Camargo Kevin P. Capodice Sean Carney Andrew Cevasco
ALUMNI | CURRENT PARENTS Robert C. Cole Marc R. Cortez Paul J. Curmi Daniel P. DeCongelio Theodore J. Doyle Charles H. Dullea David P. Finn Kevin P. Fox Gabriel Gomez Evan R. Hackler Piero S. Iberti Eric T. Morgan John F. Ockay Walter J. Stacey Class of 2008 Total Giving: $695 Participation: 5% Curran Banach Philip C. Beni Sean Dowd Ryan Dowd Peter Drummond John P. DuVal Daniel Librojo Daniel LiVolsi Kevin G. McDermott Daniel B. Tomassi David M. Ward Senior Class Gift Class of 2009 Total Giving: $2,669 Participation: 37% Julen Abio Patrick Albers Joshua R. Alvarez Andrew Arrospide Robert G. Avallone Paul H. Beckmann Matthew R. Bender Benjamin P. Blanchfield James J. Blauvelt Alex Broadbent Eric V. Bujnowski Brendan F. Canale Patrick R. Cappiello Michael Rex B. Casio Gerald F. Castaldo Stephen M. Conley Charles B. Costello, III Kevin A. Crawford Matthew J. Cutola Richard J. Czirbik
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Gabriel Dal’Maso Dan C. Delaon Mark V. Doherty Patrick J. Egan Christopher M. Fernandez William P. Foley, IV William K. Fong Delfin T. Ganapin, III James A. Gutch John G. Hederman Christopher W. Hood Aaron Paul D. Ibarrola Jose A. Izquierdo Nicholas J. Jorgensen Anthony T. Kameno James P. Kearns William T. Kender Patrick C. Kiesow Gregory J. Kohles Lucas A. Kozinski Jose L. LaPiana Joseph L. Livi Joseph M. Maini Antonio J. Manente Mario A. Mantilla Anthony J. Medina Kevin F. Meuse Alexander A. Mosa Sushanta G. Mozumder James V. Murduca Lucas W. Netchert Colin A. O’Connor Richard J. O’Connor, III Neil Patel Nchumthung A. Patton Justin G. Restrepo Philip E. Reynolds Daniel A. Rivera Gustavo D. Rodriguez Sean P. Ryan Andrew J. Saa David A. Sambade Salvatore L. Santuccio Daniel C. Sobsey Craig S. Styles Louis T. Sullivan Owen T. Sweeney Jonathan W. C. Wong Evan J. Yacker Stephen Yasneski Alexander F. Yu Stephen A. Zolli
Current Parents Class of 2009 M/M Julian Abio M/M Kenneth Albers, Jr. M/M Stephen Auth M/M Ralph Avallone Ms. Nancy Barbosa M/M Stephen Beckmann Mr. & Dr. Richard J. Bender Mr. Glen Binder M/M Lawrence Bovich M/M James Bujnowski M/M Peter Byram M/M David M. Canale M/M Vincent Candela M/M Patrick Cappiello Mr. Neil Carroll Ms. Monica Colaneri M/M Paul D. Colford Ms. Mary Jo Conley Mr. Robert Cortez M/M Tom Cutola M/M Edemar Dal’Maso M/M Jay Davis M/M John Doyle Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Egan M/M Michael Fernandez M/M David E. Finn M/M Andrew Foord M/M Freddy G. Garcia M/M Joseph Gardner M/M Robert Gregory M/M Jerry Handsman M/M John Hederman M/M Charles Hood Mr. Scott Irvine & Ms. Karin Kiesow-Irvine Ms. Kathleen Jorgensen Ms. Jo Ann Kameno Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender M/M Gregory Kohles, Sr. M/M Richard Kushnir M/M Dale Livi M/M Maher Lotfalla Ms. Adriana Lugo M/M Sean McFarland M/M Edward McTiernan M/M George Meliado M/M Robert J. Mernar M/M Charles Meuse
PRESIDENT’S REPORT CURRENT PARENTS M/M Desmond Montemayor M/M Suman Mozumder M/M John Mullman M/M William J. Netchert Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick J. Paternoster M/M Raul Perez M/M Johnny Quispe M/M Philip Reynolds Mrs. Judith Rivera M/M Avelino Sambade M/M Francis Scott Mr. Michael W. Shields & Ms. Janet C. Donnelly M/M Robert Slaski M/M Michael Sobsey M/M James Styles M/M Lawrence Sullivan M/M William J. Sweeney M/M John Tchao Ms. Christina Vargas M/M Frederick G. Whelply M/M Wing Wong Mr. Jay Yacker & The Hon. Kimberly Glatt M/M Alex Yu M/M Albert J. Zolli, Jr. Class of 2010 M/M Mark Armstrong M/M Ray Balderacchi M/M Edward Barry M/M Constancio Bernardo M/M Charles Brabham M/M Eusebio Brinas, Jr. M/M Thomas A. Brodowski M/M Philip Buzzerio M/M Dennis J. Byrne M/M Joseph J. Caldas M/M Andrew J. Cevasco M/M Leoncio Codog, Jr. M/M Joseph Crimmins M/M Kevin A. Cummings M/M John M. Daly M/M William Davis M/M James DeSimone M/M David DiCrisci M/M Robert Donahue Mrs. LuAnn Donaway M/M John Dougherty Dr. Thomas Ellett & Ms. Gladys Vallespir Ellett M/M Timothy Evans
M/M William Flannery M/M Charles Forker M/M Ardley Fuqua M/M James Gardner Mr. Eugene Gleason Ms. Madeline Gleason Mr. Jack Governale & Ms. Margaret Laub M/M Kenneth Hackler M/M Steven Hayes Mr. Daniel Helming & Ms. Kathleen Shelby Ms. Adeline Hyacinthe M/M Michael T. Kahrer M/M John Kelley M/M Edward Kickey Mr. Kenji Kitamura & Ms. Angela C. DeSouza M/M James Kuklinski M/M Richard Lanning M/M William Lillis M/M Gregory Longo Ms. Kathleen Matus-Grapstul M/M Steven Mazzari M/M Donald J. McCann Mr. Joseph McLaughlin & Ms. Yolanda Cuomo M/M Daniel P. McNamara M/M Ralph Monti M/M Timothy Moran M/M Michael Murphy M/M William O’Donnell M/M Rafael Ortiz M/M Daniel Park Ms. Nubia Penaranda M/M Kevin T. Purcell M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III M/M James G. Rizzo Dr. & Mrs. Eric Robinson Ms. Deborah Rybicki Dietz M/M Armando Santana M/M Gary Selecky Ms. Sally Shovlin M/M James Sisk M/M Thomas J. Tulp M/M Peter Valentinsson M/M Ramon Verano M/M Mario Villavicencio Mr. Joseph Walsh & Ms. Elizabeth Moriarty-Walsh M/M Kenneth D. Walter Mr. Peter Warner & Ms. Jill Sansone
Mr. Ira Weinberg & Ms. Pamela Miller Mr. Christopher Woods & Ms. Teresa Scott-Woods M/M Scott A. Wright M/M Van Yang M/M Kenneth P. Zajac M/M Robert Zdanowicz M/M Eric Zebrowski Class of 2011 M/M Gennaro Addesso M/M Omayemi G. Agbeyegbe M/M Adrian Alfred Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Aquila M/M David Bates Mr. Curt Beck Ms. Catherine Belisle M/M Deavaul Berry M/M William Borland Ms. Sharon Brown M/M Alex Cabrera M/M Floyd Cardoz M/M Joseph Carroll M/M Nestor Charriez Mr. Thomas Collins & Ms. Kelley Sharkey M/M Daniel Convery M/M Roberto Cortinas M/M Christopher Cosgrove M/M Henry Coxe M/M Christopher Crean Ms. Judith Czachur & Mr. Farook Chowdhury M/M Peter DeLorenzo Mr. Marcos DePaz & Ms. Mayra Cerda-DePaz M/M James J. Donofrio Mr. Jonathan B. Dwyer & Mrs. Margaret Nugent Dwyer M/M Robert Ferrara M/M Thomas Foley M/M Richard Garrigan M/M William Giannone, Jr. M/M Eric Haber M/M Victor Harris M/M Mark Hartzell M/M Edward Ho M/M Raymond Holowienka M/M John T. Irvine M/M Gerard Jablonski M/M Gerald J. Jordan M/M Kevin Kearns M/M Henry Khost
M/M Brian LaBau M/M Valentine Larwa M/M Edward Lawrence M/M Timothy J. LiVolsi, Sr. M/M Charles M. Lizza M/M Lawrence Manning M/M Laurence McCarthy M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr. Ms. Debra McLaughlin M/M Kenneth McManus M/M Vincent Moloughney M/M Richard Murphy, Jr. M/M John Polanin, Jr. M/M Ken Ricciardi M/M Thomas Ruane M/M Mark Rufolo M/M William Ryan M/M Neal Ryan M/M Harish Sachanandani M/M Christopher Schaeffer M/M Louis Senerchia Ms. Rita Shapskinsky M/M Peter Siebel, Jr. M/M David Smythe Mr. Joseph Sukovich M/M Robert E. Swab M/M Mike Szumski M/M George T. Taite M/M Joseph Tintle M/M Ronald Valonis Ms. Anne Caldas & Mr. Mark K. Wyville M/M Leo J. Zatta Class of 2012 M/M Conrad Adillon Ms. Kathleen Aloia M/M John T. Ambrosio M/M Kyle Anglin M/M William Aston-Reese M/M Robert Baird M/M Thomas Baxter M/M John Benge M/M John A. Bonnet Mr. John P. Brennan & Ms. Maureen M. Lyons-Brennan Mr. Roel Bulay & Ms. Connie Alon M/M Dan H. Butko M/M Joseph Cannarozzo M/M Timothy Carney M/M Kevin Carpenter M/M John A. Cavanagh, Jr. M/M Dean Colucci
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado M/M Patrick Coyle, Jr. Ms. Lucy Del Corral M/M Salvatore DiBrita M/M Terrence Doran Ms. Margaret Conway & Mr. Bart Erbach Mr. Brian Freeman & Ms. Lauren McDonough Freeman M/M Darryl Freeman Mr. Glenn Garber & Ms. Clare Begley M/M Daniel Geltrude M/M Michael Giacone Ms. Trina Glass Mr. Neil Goldstein & Ms. Dina Brachman M/M Robert Hartnett M/M Jerry Jarczewski Ms. Judith A. Joll M/M Kevin Kearney M/M Donald Kenny M/M Raymond Kovach M/M Kevin M. Larkin Ms. Carol Lauretta Mr. Michael Lenz & Mrs. Laura Keating M/M Charles M. Lizza M/M Declan Long M/M William Malloy M/M Thomas McGee Mr. Joseph Miles & Ms. Siobhan Stevens-Miles M/M Robert Miskura Ms. Margaret Mary Monaco M/M Scott Mueller M/M Eugene Napoleon M/M Stephen Nolan M/M Michael Norton Mr. Carlos G. Ortiz M/M Alberto Perez M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III M/M Peter G. Rasmusson M/M Stanley Rogacki Mr. Craig Rothenberg & Ms. Diane Hoey Mr. William Sabbers & Ms. MaryJo Insso-Sabbers M/M William Scott M/M James Shutterly M/M Walter Simson, III M/M Richard Stortz M/M Owen Sutton, Sr. 30
CURRENT PARENTS | Past parents
Mr. Eugene Thornton & Ms. Mary Ryan-Thornton M/M Yusuf Turfan M/M Harold Turner M/M Steven Ulrich Mr. Anthony Venditti & Ms. Paula Wiseman M/M Stuart Williams Mr. Thomas Yu & Ms. Anita Lau M/M Matthew Zocco
Past Parents Parents who had a son at Prep during the 2008-09 academic year are listed in the Honor Roll listing and in the Current Parents’ section. If the father is an alumnus, the gift is listed in the Honor Roll listing and in his alumni class listing. M/M Raul Acevedo, P’07 M/M John J. Adams, P’91,’03 M/M Barry W. Adams, P’91,’93,’94 M/M Felix A. Addeo, P’99,’05 M/M John J. Agostini, P’04 Mrs. Elizabeth Agresta, P’62,’70 M/M Michael Ahn, P’86,’96 Mr. Kenneth F.X. Albers, P’71,’73 Mrs. Joseph Amatrucola, P’94 M/M John A. Angermeyer, P’97 Ms. Melissa R. Aranzamendez, P’05 M/M Walter A. Baber, P’97,’99,’02 M/M Carmine C. Bagnuolo, P’04 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker, P’67,’71 M/M John R. Baker, P ‘99 M/M Thomas P. Banach, P’08 M/M John Barbarula, P’06 M/M Frank J. Barletta, P’92 M/M James Bartosiewicz, P’06 M/M Lewis C. Battista, P’02 Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bednarski, P’06 M/M Stanley E. Beldowicz, P’93,’96,’97 M/M Gerry Bellotti, P’88 M/M Carmine Beni, P’06,’08 M/M Robert E. Bennett, P’83 M/M Jerry Bennett, P’06 M/M James Bernaiche, P’05 M/M. Joseph J. Bernero, P’00 Mr. Charles Bilicska, P’95 Mrs. Kathleen Bingham, P’95 M/M David A. Birch, P’97
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
M/M Robert W. Bludgus, P’01,’04 M/M James J. Boland, P’93 Mrs. Grace R. Bonner, P’74 M/M Joseph J. Bonner, P’05 M/M Zenon Boryszewski, P’01,’02 M/M Jeffrey A. Bouquio, P’98 Ms. Diane M. Bove, P’96 M/M Robert Bowker, P’06 M/M Patrick E. Boyle, P’92,’00 Ms. Ruth Anne Braddock, P’06 Mrs. Maria Brancatella, P’85,’87 M/M Patrick J. Brennan, Jr., P’03,’07 M/M Mark John Brenneis, P’08 Mrs. Maria Brito, P’01 Mrs. Karen Brodbeck, P’89 Ms. Katherine Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown, P’01,’05,’07 Ms. Patricia Mongini & Mr. Michael Brunda, P’04 M/M Andrew J. Brusgard, Jr., P’98,’05 M/M Glenn Byrnes, P’08 M/M Alberto Cabrera, P’08 M/M Joseph Calabrese, P’95 M/M Robert W. Caldwell, III, P’05 Mrs. Eleanor A. Callahan, P’70,’72 M/M Rodolfo Camacho, P’93,’96 Mrs. Catherine F. Campen, P’88 Ms. Diana Capetola, P’02,’05 M/M William Capodanno, P’05 M/M Nicholas Capodice, P’07 Mrs. Marie P. Cappadoccia, P’83 Mrs. Maureen E. Caprio, P’99,’01 M/M John J. Carey, P’99 Ms. Santina L. Carpenter, P’95 Ms. Tracey Thayer & Mr. Jeffrey Cartwright, P’01,’04 M/M Robert P. Casani, P’98,’02 Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 Mrs. Cheryl S. Cashman, P’00 M/M Ralph Cassibba, P’99 M/M Dominic Casulli, P’87,’89 Mrs. Edmund J. Caulfield, P’71 Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Chan, P’04 M/M Paul Z. Chmiel, P’90 M/M Stephen J. Chopek, P’92 Mrs. Sam Christopher, P’81 M/M Albert J. Cifelli, P’04 M/M Richard J. Cirminello, P’90 Mrs. Jennie N. Ciuppa, P’71 M/M Joseph Clarke, Sr., P’85 M/M Robert Cole, P’07 M/M Henderson Cole, P’08 Mrs. Joseph E. Colford,
P’68,’71,’73,’74,’81 M/M Frank Colucci, P’08 M/M Biagio Congiu, P’04 Mrs. Richard F. Connors, P’81 M/M Patrick J. Costello, P’03,’05 M/M Mark M. Cronin, P’00 Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94 M/M Michael P. Cunningham, P’99,’01 Mrs. Elizabeth Curtin, P’95 Mr. John J. Cutola, P’87,’01 Mrs. Blanche D’Agostino, P’64 M/M Kenneth Dalton, P’06 M/M Kenneth M. Dandorph, P’86 M/M Walter Danilchick, P’91 M/M Cornelius F. Degnan, P’89,’95 Mrs. Margaret DeMarco, P’77,’79,’82,’85 M/M Richard F. Denes, P’01 Mrs. Helene Dickinson, P’78 M/M Robert Dimler, P’88 M/M Paul DiNardo, P’88 Ms. Connette Dizon, P’06 M/M David Docherty, P’05 M/M Gabriel F. Doria, Sr., P’81,’85 M/M Thomas P. Dougherty, P’84 M/M Martin F. Dowd, P’08 Ms. Maurica J. Doyle, P’97 M/M William J. Doyle, Jr., P’07 M/M Daniel Drozdowski, P’96 Mrs. Joyce A. Dubon, P’86 M/M Barry Dugan, P’82,’84 M/M Charles Dullea, P’07 Mrs. Ruth E. Duncan, P’72,’75,’78 M/M Thomas M. Eagan, P’04,’07 M/M Anthony R. Emma, P’99 M/M Gilberto Estupinan, P’07 M/M Dominick Facchini, P’98,’01 Mrs. Julia S. Fagan, P’81 M/M George F. Faherty, P’72 M/M Frank E. Fallon, P’02,’05 M/M Gerald A. Farley, P’01,’04 M/M Antonio D. Favetta, P’86,’94 M/M Paul Fedors, P’03 Mrs. Joseph G. Feeney, P’74,’76,’78,’80 M/M Anthony Ferraro, P’86 Mrs. Arlene R. Fesken, P’98 M/M Carl M. Figur, P’95 M/M Joseph Figurelli, P’83,’86 Mrs. John J. Finn, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94 M/M Anthony R. Fischetti, P’02 M/M Thomas Fisher, P’97
PRESIDENT’S REPORT PAST PARENTS M/M James G. V. Fitzgerald, P’72 M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07 Mrs. Doris S. Fleming, P’92 M/M Gilberto Florez, P’03 M/M Victor V. Fonseca, P’99 Mrs. William J. Forrester, P’76,’83 Mr. G. Eric Fraser, P’94 Mrs. Antoinette N. Frees, P’74 Ms. Marilyn M. French, P’80 M/M John Frimmel, P’04 M/M H. Joseph Galella, P’08 M/M Carl A. Gargiulo, P’02 M/M Joseph L. Garofalo, P’99 Mrs. Ledis Gazic, P’94,’99 M/M Joseph Gelchion, P’05,’06 M/M Ronald Giamario, P’07 M/M Thomas Giblin, P’89,’92,’93 Mrs. John A. Gibney, P’81 Mrs. Theresa Gifford, P’84,’87 M/M Michael Giordano, P’83 M/M Fulvio Giudici, P’74,’77 M/M Robert Glasser, P’92,’00 M/M Lawrence J. Gleason, P’94,’00 M/M Gregory Gnall, P’04 M/M Barry Gnecco, P’88 M/M Marcelo Gomez, Jr., P’07 M/M Reynaldo S. Gonzales, P’02 M/M Ceferino Gonzalez, P’01 M/M Michael J. Gorman, Jr., P’06 Mrs. George Greeley, P’90,’01 M/M Eugene Grodzki, P’01 M/M Robert J. Grusenski, ‘03 M/M Joseph R. Guarino, P’86,’89,’92 M/M Armando Gutierrez, P’91 M/M Robert B. Haggerty, P’97 M/M John Halecky, P’85 Mr. John J. Hallanan, P’99 Mrs. John F. Hamill, P’69,’71,’73,’74,’79 M/M Edward Hanley, P’03 M/M Andrew W. Hanlon, P’02 M/M Joseph Hannon, P’05 Mrs. Susan Harbace, P’97 M/M Lloyd V. Hart, P’91 M/M Martin Hart, P’86,’95 M/M Michael Harvey, P’89 M/M Theodore Hawrylak, P’82 M/M William C. Hoffman, P’90 M/M Stephen Hogan, P’06 M/M Thomas J. Holt, P’99,’00 Mrs. Annette Horan, P’68,’70 M/M Michael Hudacko, P’04,’06 M/M Stephen Hudacko, P’97
M/M Andrew J. Hunton, P’99,’01 M/M Genesio Iacocca, P’92 Mrs. Madeline Iazzetta, P’77 M/M Frank W. Ilaria, P’98,’99 M/M Mohammad Iqbal, P’08 Mrs. John J. Irvine, P’67,’83 Mrs. Joseph J. Jiran, P’03 M/M Stephen Jonathan, P’05 M/M Richard Jones, P’06 M/M Peter E. Kachel, P’89,’94 Mrs. Michael J. Kane, P’84 M/M Harold J. Kawalek, P’89 M/M Edward M. Keating, P’75,’78,’79 M/M James M. Keating, P’06 M/M John P. Keilp, Sr., P’72,’75 M/M Robert Keller, Jr., P’07 M/M George R. Kelly, P’99 M/M John F. Kelly, Sr., P’04 M/M Joseph T. Kelly, P’92,’04 M/M James Kemple, P’05 M/M Bernard F. Kenny, Jr., P’01,’05 M/M Stephen Kilduff, P’08 Mrs. Francis X. Kinahan, P’62,’68 M/M William F. Kiniery, P’99,’02 M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 Ms. Pamela Koleszar, P’99 M/M Carl J. Kraus, P’05 M/M Peter Kusen, P’06 Mrs. Melinda A. Lally-Jimenez, P’80,’81 Mrs. Eleanor R. Langevin, P’80 M/M Donald G. Lapine, P’88 M/M Gregory A. LaScola, P’01 M/M Francisco B. Latoja, P’01 M/M William J. Lau, P’89 M/M Alan Laverty, P’04 M/M John Leale, P’07 M/M John Leitgeb, P’91 Mrs. Mary M. Lemanowicz, P’94 M/M August T. Lembo, P’04 Ms. Mary Ann Lenehan P ‘73 Mrs. Helga Liccardo, P’77,’80 M/M Joaquim Ligeiro, P’05 Mrs. Martin J. Lillis, P’77,’80 M/M Thomas Llaneza, P’06 M/M Dennis M. Loesch, P’04 Mrs. Lucita L. Lopez, P’88 Ms. Maria Martinez-Villalobos & Mr. Fernando F. Lopez-Diaz, P’96 M/M Cal LoPorto, P’96,’98 Ms. Margaret LoPresti, P’02 Mrs. Geraldine B. Lyons, P’89
M/M Kenneth W. Maddox, P’94,’96 M/M Michael Maiorino, P’05 Mrs. Thomas A. Malloy, P’01,’04 M/M Patrick J. Maloney, P’75 Mr. John Maloney, P’08 Mrs. Joan Mannion, P’82,’86,’93,’94 M/M Thomas Mara, P’98, P’04 Mrs. Kevin J. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99 M/M William McBride, P’05 Mrs. Rita McCabe, P’92 M/M Gerald McDermott, P’96 M/M Kevin McDermott, P’06,’08 M/M Joseph H. McDonald, P’05 The Hon. & Mrs. Dennis L. McGill, Sr., P’76,’83 M/M Mark McGlynn, P’08 M/M Brian McGorty, P’01 Mrs. William J. McGovern, P’70,’72,’75,’78,’83,’84 Mr. Robert A. McGuinness, P’69,’73,’80 Mrs. Patricia K. McKnight, P’91 M/M Edward McMahon, P’08 M/M John J. McNulty, P’81 M/M John P. McPartlan, P’98 M/M Brian F. Meehan, P’03,’05 M/M Henry J. Mellody, P’94 M/M Frederick Mercado, P’08 M/M John Mielo, P’89,’90 M/M Timothy A. Miller, P’01 M/M Roy L. Miller, P’97 M/M Robert Moe, P’95,’99 M/M Zigmont Molesky, P’04 M/M Carlos Montalvo, P’03 M/M Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02 M/M Timothy X. Mooney, P’05 M/M John T. Moran, P’99 M/M Kevin Morrissey, P’08 Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel M. Mulcahy, P’79,’81,’82,’84,’85,’87 M/M Robert J. Mulholland, P’86 M/M Gregory E. Mulroy, P’00,’02,’06 M/M Galicano C. Munar, P’98 Mrs. Donna M. Munoz, P’97 M/M Dennis P. Murphy, P’03 M/M Patrick J. Murphy, P’08 M/M Stephen Murphy, P’08 Mrs. Harry A. Murphy, P’91 M/M Gerard Murphy, P’07 M/M Thomas R. Murtha, P’76,’83
Mrs. George E. Myer, P’89,’94 M/M Robert E. Nadler, P’93,’97 Ms. Joanne L. Suarez, P’00 M/M Robert Nagy, P’95 M/M Anthony M. Napierski, P’81 M/M Robert Nichols, P’04 M/M Richard Nisbet, P’86,’87 M/M Anthony Novello, P’93 M/M John J. O’Brien, P’08 M/M John R. O’Donnell, P’04 Ms. Barbara O’Donnell, P’07 M/M Brian Onieal, P’01,’04,’08 M/M Paul Opsasnick, P’07 Mrs. Susan C. O’Regan, P’79 M/M Charles P. Orlowicz, P’04 Ms. Anne O’Sullivan, P’92 Mrs. E. Lorraine Ozarowski, P’72 M/M Wilson Pacheco, P’05 M/M Gregorio Paciello, P’95 M/M Raul A. Padilla, P’85 M/M Michael J. Palazzoto, P’06 M/M Thomas Palumbo, P’92 M/M Ralph F. Pantozzi, P’88 M/M Jong Sun Park, P’87 M/M Manuel R. Pata, P’05 M/M Joseph J. Pavlica, P’02 Mrs. Angela Peko, P’85 Ms. Raffaella Peluso, P’88 M/M Robert H. Petersen, P’94,’96 M/M John Pflug, Jr., P’06 M/M Raymond Polakoski, P’65,’70 M/M Matthew Power, P’08 M/M Robert Prendergast, P’91 M/M Pat W. Presa, P’75,’86 M/M Gerard Purcell, P’06 Mrs. Sally C. Ragone, P’92,’94,’99 Ms. Vivian Ramos, P’06 Mr. Nelson Ramos, P’06 Mrs. John R. Raslowsky, P’79,’82,’86,’87 M/M Robert Recobs, P’07 Mrs. Kevin Reed, P’96,’06 M/M Jay N. Reed, P’03 Mrs. Arlie M. Reed Thomason, P’90 M/M John J. Reilly, Jr., P’85,’87 M/M Peter Ripkey, P’01 M/M John Rodger, P’02,’04,’08 M/M Ruben Rodriguez, P’87 M/M Gary Rokoszak, Sr., P’08 M/M Armando Roman, P’08 M/M Kenneth Russell, P’94 M/M Vincent A. Russo, P’97 M/M Maurice W. Ryan, P’01
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mrs. Carol Saam, P’93 Mrs. Peter S. Sagisi, P’78 Mrs.Thomas Sakariassen, P’02 M/M Robert J. Salmon, P’91 Mr. Manuel Sambade, P’75,’78 M/M Michael P. Samra, Sr., P’85 M/M Robert SanGiacomo, P’07 M/M Michael Santucci, P’99,’01,’03 M/M Robert Sarch, P’03 Mrs. Marta Sawczuk, P’86 M/M John P. Scanlon, P’93 M/M Martin W. Schade, P’00,’04 Mrs. Joseph C. Schaetzle, P’71,’75 M/M William Schalk, P’97 Mrs. Lillian E. Schmidt, P’81 M/M Peter M. Schmidt, P’06 M/M Walter H. Schneider, P’86,’88 M/M Henry Schroeder, P’84,’90 Mr. R. Jeffrey Schundler, P’99 Mrs. Lorraine Senerchia, P’81 M/M Pasquale Settembrino, P’01 M/M Robert J. Shalhoub, P’01,’03,’05,’08 M/M George T. Sheppard, P’98,’00 M/M James T. Sherry, P’05 M/M Giacomo V. Silvestri, P’98 M/M Robert J. Simone, P’03 M/M Lorenzo Sista, P’95,’96,’00 M/M Raymond J. Skinner, P’91,’95 M/M John J. Skripak, P’93,’98 M/M Michael Slootsky, P’94 M/M Lawrence Smith, P’01,’05 M/M Eileen N. Stevens, P’70 M/M Robert Strack, P’08 M/M Theodore P. Stray, P’80 Mrs. Ann Strohoefer, P’69 M/M Thomas M. Sullivan, Sr., P’80 Mrs. Dorothy M. Sullivan Ms. Carole F. Swanstrom, P’95 M/M Daniel Sweeney, P’01 Mrs. Kathleen Szubiak, P’92 M/M Bernard J. Talty, P’01 M/M Joseph Territola, P’01,’04 M/M Steve V. Thorne, P’01,’06 M/M Vincent Tomassi., P’99,’08 M/M Daniel Treacy, P’89 M/M Jeremy Treble, P’06 M/M Nicholas Trentacoste, P’97 M/M Stephen K. Trynosky, P’94 Mrs. Peter Tuzzo, P’84,’86,’87 M/M Rudolfo Umali, P’86,’87,’89 M/M John J. Urban, Jr., P’86 M/M Louis S. Usarzewicz, Jr., P’87 32
past parents | FRIENDS
M/M Sergio S. Valente, P’88,’92 M/M Joseph Valenti, P’95,’99 M/M Vincent Valentino, Jr., P’01 M/M Thomas Van Note, P’99 M/M Leonard Van Orden, P’83,’87 M/M Adolfo R. Vargas, P’93 M/M Alfonso Veltri, P’95,’99 M/M Ronald Venner, P’95 M/M Peter Verga, P’08 M/M Rene F. Vezina, P’99 M/M Frank Viggiano, P’79,’80,’85,’89,’93 M/M Anthony Villanella, P’79 Mrs. J.P. Vizzacchero, P’96,’00 Ms. Charlotte McLain Wallace, P’06 M/M Robert A. Wallace, P’98 M/M Francis Walsh, P’08 M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08 M/M Joseph G. Watkins, P’01,’05 Mrs. Ercel Webb, P’76,’83,’89 Dr. & Mrs. Elnardo Webster, Sr., P’87 M/M Richard Allen White, P’08 M/M William M. Whitford, P’04,’07 Mr. Gregory R. Wieczorek, P’00 M/M Michael Wile, P’08 M/M Thomas Wilton, P’93 Ms. Diane Wittich, P’08 M/M Walter Wojcik, P’73 M/M Joseph Wurtzbacher, P’07 M/M Albin F. Zaleck, P’89 Mrs. Diana Zaszewski, P’93,’02
Friends Anonymous M/M Michael P. Accardi M/M Michael T. Acevedo Ms. Stephanie Adika & Mr. Adam Brown Mr. Moshe Albillia Mrs. Megan Albritton Mrs. Marina N. Arevalo Ms. Melissa Klein Baer M/M Richard Bailer Mr. Kenneth Ballan Mr. Brian M. Barefoot M/M Joseph F. Basil, Sr. M/M Drew Bauman M/M Paul Becker Mr. William S. Beinecke Mrs. Francis X. Beirne Ms. Elizabeth Allen Benedict
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Mr. Richard Bengloff Mr. Len V. Bentivegna Rev. Thomas G. Benz, S.J. Dr. Lisa Berkowitz-Latella Dr. Thomas A. Berry M/M Neil Best Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J. Ms. Arline Binkowski Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William J. Blankmeyer Ms. Jane Bleasdale & Ms. Ginny Reilly Ms. Mary Bohen M/M Peter K. Bommer Mrs. Marsha Borkowski Dr. Jean A. Boyko Ms. Kate Boyle M/M John T. Boyle M/M Joseph Boyle Ms. Christine Boyle Mr. Richard Brand M/M Henry Brandon The Brass Rail Mr. Peter Brennan M/M Richard Brightly Ms. Barbara Brophy Ms. Judith E. Brophy M/M Thomas Brown Mrs. Joseph A. Bruder M/M Robert M. Bucchieri M/M James E. Buckman Mr. Gary Buell & Ms. Mary Esser Mr. Robert J. Buhr Mr. Jerome Butkus M/M Robert C. Butler M/M John Campion Mr. Kevin Canavan & Ms. Deanne C. DeFuccio Ms. Rosemary Canzano M/M Anthony L. Capawana M/M Anthony Caraballo Mrs. Helen R. Carey M/M James T. Carlin, Jr. M/M Edward J. Carlin M/M Ronald Carlino Ms. Leigh Ann Carr M/M Steven B. Caslowitz M/M Robert Catalanotto M/M Robert Catullo Ms. Mary Anne Cawley Mrs. August S. Cazzola M/M Shawn D. Cepeda M/M John L. Chatellier M/M Edward M. Cimilluca Mrs. Thomas J. Cleary Mr. Louis J. Coccaro M/M Michael J. Conforti
Ms. Mary Conley Ms. Alice Conway Ms. Carol A. Cook Mrs. Vincent G. Buonomo Ms. Phyllis Corrado M/M Grant A. Cos Ms. Gail Cousins Mrs. James J. Craffey M/M James L. Crawford M/M Americo G. Crincoli Ms. Lori Crotty Ms. Maryann Crowe Ms. Maryanne K. Cullum Mr. Thomas G. Curran & Dr. Mary Ann Haggerty Mr. James Curran M/M Frank Curran Mrs. Arthur C. Curran M/M Thomas Curtin Ms. Deborah A. Danscuk Ms. Valerie D’Antonio Mr. Michael D’Aprile M/M Richard W. Deckelmann Mr. Joseph Del Prete Ms. Helen R. Delacey Mr. Michael DeLacey M/M Michael A. Delaney Mr. Donald F. DeMuth Ms. Judith DeStefano-Anen Mrs. John W. Devine M/M Emlio Di Iorio Mr. Anthony M. Dichiara M/M Nicola R. DiDonna M/M Timothy G. Dillane M/M William Donaleski M/M William Donoghue Mr. George J. Donohue M/M John Donovan Mrs. Eileen Doolan Ms. Lisa Doria-Cavuoto M/M Robert W. Duffy Sr. Frances M. Duncan, O.S.F. M/M Frank J. Dupignac, Jr. Ms. Mary Durante M/M William J. Egan, III M/M Barry J. Emswiler Ms. Anne Engelhardt Mrs. Robert J. English M/M Donald L. Erftmier, Jr. M/M Frank Esser M/M Dennis Esser M/M Thomas Esser Ms. Karen N. Fahrenholz Dr. & Mrs. G. Jerry Falcone Mrs. Olga M. Fanok Ms. Janet Fegely M/M Robert L. Fine
PRESIDENT’S REPORT friends M/M Michael J. Fine Ms. Maxine Finkelstein Miss Elizabeth M. Finnerty M/M John P. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Francis X. Flaherty Mr. Michael Flaherty Ms. Carly Fleck Ms. Jacqueline Fleck Ms. Samantha Fleck Ms. Madelyn Fleck Ms. Veronica Fleming Ms. Melinda Flores M/M Nicholas Florio M/M James P. Fogarty M/M James Ford Ms. Lenore C. Ford Dr. Robert P. Forte Mr. Robert Furlong Ms. Marianne Gallagher M/M Stewart Galt Ms. Elizabeth M. Gandolfo Ms. Mary Garafola The Gaudiano and Moleti Families M/M Nicola P. Genchi Mr. Edward M. Giles Ms. Bernadine J. Gilroy Ms. Kathi A. Giordano Ms. Patrice Gjokaj M/M Eliot Glazer M/M Theodore J. Gleser Mr. Herbert Goldman Ms. Margaret S. Gonzalez Mr. David Gonzalez Mrs. Christine Gonzalez Ms. Patricia M. Gray Mr. Douglas Greeley M/M Thomas Greig M/M Gerald A. Hale M/M Joseph P. Haley M/M Patrick Haley Ms. Maryann Hammer Mrs. Hugh H. Hanley Ms. Geraldine Hansen Mr. Greg Haworth & Ms. Mary Burgwinkle Mr. Ryan Heffernan Ms. Katherine C. Heidere M/M Russell H. Helsel Ms. Lois Hilgeman M/M Ronald Hine Mrs. Alan F. Holsey Ms. Deborah Honigstock Ms. Joan Hroncech Ms. Grace Hu Ms. Jacquelyn C. Huelbig M/M Roy E. Huelbig M/M Walter S. Hulse, III
M/M John Hurley Ms. Joan M. Hutchins Ms. Geraldine Ianetti Ms. June Incorvaia Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Inglesby M/M Neil Isaacs M/M Jeffrey P. Jacobsen Mr. John Jobbagy Ms. Patricia A. Johnson M/M Paul B. Judge Ms. Marybeth Kahle Mr. William Kahle M/M Joseph J. Kahle, Sr. M/M Francis Kahle Mr. Richard D. Kahn M/M William S. Kane Dr. & Mrs. Peter Kapsimalis M/M John Kay M/M John J. Kealty, Jr. Mrs. Edward T. Keane Ms. Dorothy Keegan Mr. Brian T. Kelleher M/M Kevin Kelly M/M William Kenny Ms. Nancy Khatri Mr. John Kilroy M/M Walter A. Korfmacher M/M Carl J. Kreitler, Jr. M/M Don Kretz M/M Hank Kushwara M/M Daniel Lacoff M/M Thomas Lally M/M John Lawler M/M Seth Lederman M/M Barry Lefkowitz M/M Joseph Lemaire Ms. Margaret Lisa M/M Peter Lisa Ms. Grace Lisi Mrs. Robert A. Lombardi M/M David E. Long Ms. Nina Q. Long Mr. Frank Lopriore Ms. Albina Loriacono Mr. James F.X. Lyness M/M John F. Lyons M/M William Magner Ms. Catherine M. Magner Mrs. Justin D. Mahon M/M William M. Mancini Mrs. William P. Maresca Ms. Pauline Martinetti Ms. Patricia Mason M/M F. Donald Mason M/M Kenneth S. Mathias M/M Edward Matteo Rev. John J. Mattimore, S.J.
Ms. Diane McCabe Mr. James E. McCahill & Ms. Nora A. Monaghan Mr. James A. McCarthy Mr. Robert L. McCloskey M/M John P. McDermott M/M James T. McIntyre M/M Paul McKillop Mr. James McLaughlin M/M Heath B. McLendon Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon M/M Suzanne McMahon Mr. John F. McNamara M/M Roderick McRae M/M Robert McTaggart Mr. John C. Meditz Mr. Ronald Meinders Mrs. Rita Miggins Ms. Nancy G. Mina Mr. Richard T. Mina Mrs. Edmund J. Mooney M/M Michael M. Mooney Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty Mrs. Donald P. Moriarty Mrs. Martin J. Mulligan Miss Margaret Mullin Rev. John Mullin, S.J. M/M John T. Mullins M/M Robert F. Mulvihill Mrs. William J. Murray M/M Frank V. Mutolo Ms. Angela Nelson Mrs. Joseph M. Nestor Mr. Ian H. Nuttall Ms. Una M. O’Boyle Ms. Dorothy J. O’Brien Ms. Ruth O’Brien M/M Jeffrey O’Hara Ms. Kathleen O’Keefe Ms. Margaret O’Keefe Mrs. James L. O’Keefe M/M James P. O’Mealy M/M Paul M. O’Neil Mr. Joseph Panepinto Mrs. Joseph T. Panucci M/M Carlo R. Pascetta M/M Robert J. Passero Ms. Elaine T. Pearce Ms. Norma Pendleton M/M Frank Pestana M/M Thomas A. Pluta M/M William M. Polk M/M George Puccio Mr. Michael Quattrocchi Ms. Portia Quattrocchi M/M Peter J. Quinn M/M Frank Raczynski
Ms. Dolores Raimondo M/M John Ramazzotto Ms. Bernadette W. Reidy M/M Matthew Reilly Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Mrs. Mary S. Reitter Mrs. Louis J. Rettino M/M James D. Richard Ms. Annmarie Rizzo Ms. Suzanne M. Roach Mr. Pasquale Rocco Mr. Edwin W. Rodriguez M/M Frederick A. Roessle Ms. Marilyn R. Roman M/M William Ronzitti M/M Joel H. Rosenthal Ms. Terese M. Roughe Mr. Louis A. Ruberton, Jr. Ms. Lauren B. Rufino Ms. Adeline B. Rufino Mrs. Richard J. Rush M/M Edward Russell Ms. Debra Rutstein Mrs. Joseph J. Ruvane Mrs. Christopher J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Chester R. Rydwin M/M Dennis J. Saatdjian Mrs. Brice A. Sachs M/M John Saladino M/M Pasquale Saladino Mr. Charles A. Sanzone Ms. Maureen T. Savage Mr. Carl Schaefer M/M Peter P. Schaffer Mrs. William M. Scherzinger Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Schmidt Ms. Lois Schneider Ms. Norene Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Dominic Scibilia M/M William P. Scully M/M Mark Seeberg Ms. Terry Segrot Miss Margaret M. Shalloe M/M Kenneth J. Sheedy Mr. Enrico Siano Ms. Anne Sinnott M/M James Skiff Ms. Nance Slattery Ms. Linda C. Smith M/M Mark A. Spiezio M/M Steve Statz Dr. Leonard Stern & Dr. Joan F. Poll Mr. Leonard Stern Mr. Jeff Stokes Mr. Jeremy Stoler M/M R. Stewart Strawbridge M/M Gerald Sullivan
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Ms. Patricia Sullivan M/M Brian R. Swann Ms. Patricia Taeschler Mr. John S. Tamagni M/M James M. Tanella Mr. Joseph A. Tardo Ms. Evelyn Tartaglia Mr. Donald Teeters & Ms. Mary Ann Ross Mrs. Helen S. Thayer M/M Charles W. Thomas Mrs. Eleanor Tiefenwerth Ms. Mary Tigh TopDown Consulting, Inc. M/M Kevin Tubbs M/M Robert I. Tyger M/M Keith Van Saders Ms. Connie Verducci Mr. & Dr. Anthony F. Vitiello Mrs. William F. Wagner M/M William Walsh M/M Peter J. Walsh, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh M/M Robert A. Ward, Jr. M/M Gregory A. Weiss Ms. Carol Welsh Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr. M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08 M/M William White Ms. Cynthia K. Wigton M/M George B. Wildridge, III Mrs. Susan W. Wiley Mrs. Roberta Wilson Ms. Kaitlin E. Wohlrab M/M William Wolfe M/M Michael Woolley Mrs. Norman R. Wynne M/M Edwin Yanowitz Ms. Sophie Yu & Mr. Elo Zretinski M/M Louis Zachary Ms. Lisa A. Zager Mrs. Charles W. Zegarski Mr. Roger Zerbe M/M Edward W. Zimmerman Mrs. Joseph G. Zucconi
Membership in a particular gift club (e.g., President’s Council) is based on total giving during the fund year, regardless of the fund(s) to which the gifts were directed. Report listings reflect those gifts received between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009.
friends | honorary and memorial gifts
Honorary and Memorial Gifts The following donors made gifts in honor of, or in memory of, a Prep alumnus, parent or friend. Gifts made in direct support of a “Named Scholarship” - in honor of, or in memory of, the individual for whom the scholarship is named - are listed on pages 38-41.
Honorary Gifts In honor of Theresa & Peter Feury’s 55th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. Peter T. Feury, ‘45 In honor of Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
Mrs. Karen Brodbeck, P’89 M/M Peter J. Capizzi, ‘87 M/M John T. Chester, ‘74, P’03,’05 Mr. & Dr. Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti, ‘90 M/M Albert J. Cifelli, P’04 Mr. Philip M. Czochanski, ‘80 Mr. Scott W. Gurian, ‘97 M/M Edward M. Keating, P’75,’78,’79 M/M Eugene J. Keohane, ‘88 M/M Brad T. Kloza, ‘91 Mr. Luke B. Kloza, ‘02 M/M Joseph F. Mendez, Jr., ‘90 M/M Michael J. Palazzoto, P’06 M/M Christopher A. Piparo, ‘82 Mr. Charles A. Sanzone Mr. Walter H. Schneider, ‘88 Mr. Joseph W. Sista, ‘95 In honor of Emily & James Bengloff
Mr. Richard Bengloff In honor of Eugene C. Boyle, ‘56
Ms. Christine Boyle In honor of Vincent Butler, M.D., ‘45’s, 80th Birthday
In honor of Francis X. Canale, Sr.
In honor of Walter B. Koszyk, ‘60
M/M Henry Brandon M/M David M. Canale, P’05,’09 M/M Robert J. Passero
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02
In honor of Michael Cartwright, ‘04
In honor of Alexander Larwa, ‘11
Mrs. Helen S. Thayer
M/M Valentine Larwa, P’11
In honor of Peter Cartwright, ‘01
In honor of Giovanni Lauretta, ‘12
Ms. Carol Lauretta, P’12
In honor of John V. Caulfield, ‘71, P’00,’03
In honor of Thomas J. Leane, ‘65
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 In honor of The Class of 1955
M/M Edward M. Mott, ‘55 In honor of The 30th Anniversary of the Graduation of the Class of 1979
Mr. James Serpico, ‘79 In honor of Vincent Collado, ‘96
Ms. Diane M. Bove, P’96 In honor of John Crotty, ‘56
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 In honor of Donald R. Lee, Jr.
M/M Donald R. Lee, ‘54 In honor of Walter R. Lezynski, ‘42
Mr. George J. Keenan, ‘42 In honor of Earle L. Markey, S.J., ‘49
M/M Joseph E. Zeller, Jr., ‘49, P’76,’86 In honor of Edward Marley, ‘44
Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J.
Mr. Joseph V. Burakevich, ‘56
In honor of William & Maude Mullin
In honor of Kenneth Dardorph, P’86
Rev. John Mullin, S.J.
M/M Francis R. Betkowski, ‘86
In honor of Dillon Ormiston, ‘10
In honor of Shane D’Aprile, ‘02
Mrs. Eleanor Tiefenwerth
Mr. Michael D’Aprile
In honor of William Penaskovic, P’88
In honor of James C. DeAngelo, ‘85
Mr. John Jobbagy Mr. Michael K. Mahoney, ‘03 In honor of Carl DeLorenzo, ‘67
Mr. David Penaskovic, ‘88 In honor of Joseph Riordan, S.J.
M/M John R. Riordan, ‘59
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 Mr. Patrick O’Connell, ‘94
In honor of David Sambade, ‘09
In honor of Hugh Doherty, ‘09
M/M Thomas J. Tulp, P’10
Mr. Joseph M. Cooney, ‘45, P’68,’76 In honor of Manuel Farinas, P’96,’01
Mr. Manuel Farinas, ‘96 In honor of Andrew Filak, P’70,’72,’79,’84
M/M Ronald A. Filak, ‘84
Mr. Manuel Sambade, P’75,’78 In honor of Thomas Tulp, ‘10 In honor of Frank & Angela Viggiano, P’79,’80,’85,’89,’93
Mr. Douglas Viggiano, ‘89 In honor of Robbie Zito Ferraro’s Baptism
M/M Robert T. Zito, ‘71
In honor of Edward Gorski
Mrs. Megan Albritton In honor of Jerry & Agnes Hogan, P’83
M/M Mark D. Hogan, ‘83 In honor of James C. Horan, ‘70
In honor of John Campion
Mr. Joseph M. Cooney, ‘45, P’68,’76 Mr. Anthony Facciponte, ‘05 Mr. Giancarlo Sari, ‘00
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Ms. Patricia Sullivan
Mrs. Helen S. Thayer
Ms. Judith E. Brophy Mrs. Catherine F. Campen, P’88 Mrs. Richard F. Connors, P’81 M/M Frank Curran Miss Elizabeth M. Finnerty M/M Edward A. Marley, ‘44 Mrs. Susan C. O’Regan, P’79 Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald & Mr. Michael F. Cocca, ‘56, P’92
In honor of Kenneth F. Kunzman, ‘54
Memorial Gifts In memory of Donald Ahern, ‘52
M/M Leo F. Ahern, ‘49
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02
In memory of Peter Arabia, S.J.
In honor of Richard Iorio, P’90
In memory of Ernest J. Baker, ‘38, P’67,’71
Mr. Charles Iorio, ‘90 In honor of Blaise M. Jaschko, S.J.
M/M Lawrence W. Levine, ‘59 In honor of James Keenan, S.J.
Dr. Thomas W. Schneider, ‘86 Mrs. Ernest J. Baker, P’67,’71 In memory of Raymond Balduf, S.J.
Ms. Nora Gelperin & Mr. Joseph Giglio, ‘87 M/M William M. Mancini
PRESIDENT’S REPORT honorary and memorial gifts In memory of Eugene Barry, ‘46
Mr. Francis X. Boyle, ‘46 In memory of Richard C. Barry, ‘63
Mr. Christopher R. Barry, ‘77 In memory of Richard S. Barry
M/M Stephen T. Barry, ‘56
Mr. Gennaro A. Iaccarino, ‘67 Ms. Nancy Khatri Lukoil Pan Americas, LLC Ms. Margaret Ribustelli & Mr. Dennis A. Murphy, ‘67 M/M Carlo R. Pascetta Mr. Daniel P. Pietruska, Jr., ‘87 M/M Dennis J. Saatdjian Ms. Terry Segrot M/M Robert A. Wallace, P’98 M/M Joseph J. Warzenski, ‘67 Ms. Sophie Yu & Mr. Elo Zretinski M/M Christopher J. Zegler, ‘78
In memory of Patrick J. Caulfield
In memory of James D. Butler, ‘50
M/M David P. Caulfield, ‘77 In memory of August S. Cazzola, ‘52
Mrs. August S. Cazzola In memory of the Deceased Members of the Class of 1942
In memory of William E. Cummings, P’67,’72,’82
M/M Drew Bauman Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Witkowski, Sr., ‘53, P’82 In memory of Arthur C. Curran, ‘42
M/M Edwin J. Gilson, ‘42
Mrs. Arthur C. Curran
In memory of Thomas J. Cleary, Sr., ‘35
In memory of Salvatore D’Amelio, ‘75
Mrs. Carolyn Cleary M/M Thomas J. Cleary, ‘61
M/M Gerald J. Jordan, ‘75, P’11 In memory of Rudolph De Paul
In memory of William Cochrane
M/M Drew Bauman
M/M William A. Tyrka, ‘54
In memory of James R. DeAngelo, P’85
In memory of Joseph E. Colford, Jr., ‘38
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 In memory of Patrice Decker
M/M Stephen A. Bloom, ‘68
Mrs. Kathleen Bingham, P’95 M/M Dennis J. Byrne, P’02,’10 M/M John Campion M/M Thomas P. Finn, ‘87
The Stuart S. Applebaum Giving Foundation Mrs. Joseph E. Colford, P’68,’71,’73,’74,’81 Dr. Jeanne Pare & Mr. Peter G. Colford, ‘74
In memory of Malcolm Bohrod
In memory of Frank J. Cardiello, ‘77
In memory of Pamela Collins
Ms. Maria A. Ramos & Mr. John A. Rizzo, ‘77
Mr. Gary Buell & Ms. Mary Esser Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 Ms. Mary Anne Cawley M/M Richard W. Deckelmann M/M Frank J. Dupignac, Jr. M/M Dennis Esser M/M Thomas Esser Ms. Elaine T. Pearce
In memory of George Bate
The Hon. & Mrs. William J. Bate, ‘51, P’84 In memory of Raymond K. Bate, ‘56
The Hon. & Mrs. William J. Bate, ‘51, P’84 In memory of Francis X. Beirne, ‘32
Mrs. Francis X. Beirne In memory of Dennis R. Belisle
Ms. Catherine Belisle, P’11 In memory of Stephen E. Bloom, ‘37
M/M Drew Bauman In memory of Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bonner
M/M James Bernaiche, P’05 In memory of Mark J. Bonner, ‘74
Mrs. Grace R. Bonner, P’74 Mr. Raymond Schultz, ‘73 In memory of Frank S. Borkowski, ‘58
Mrs. Marsha Borkowski In memory of Caroline Briamonte
M/M Francis P. Briamonte, III, ‘86 In memory of John E. Browning, S.J., ‘46
M/M George F. Faherty, P’72 M/M Thomas R. Murtha, P’76,’83 In memory of Helen D. Browski
Mr. Charles R. Browski, ‘61 In memory of Matthew Bryngil, P’87
Mr. David A. Bryngil, ‘87 In memory of John J. Buckman, Jr., ‘48
Ms. Patrice Gjokaj M/M Daniel Lacoff M/M Robert McTaggart In memory of Richard M. Bunis
Mrs. William P. Maresca In memory of James J. Burke, ‘67
M/M Michael J. Biondo, ‘72, P’00 Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William J. Blankmeyer M/M Edward J. Carlin M/M Peter J. Donnelly, ‘58 Ms. Karen N. Fahrenholz Mrs. Christine Gonzalez Ms. Grace Hu
M/M Frank Curran In memory of Mary Campion
In memory of Joseph J. Casazza, Sr., P’95,’97
Mr. Christopher J. Casazza, ‘97 Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 M/M Joseph J. Casazza, Jr., ‘95 In memory of Carol-Ann Catanese, P’01
Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick J. Paternoster, ‘69, P’09 Mr. Paul A. Paternoster, ‘09 In memory of Florence V. DePascale
Mr. Peter M. DePascale, ‘69 In memory of John W. Devine, ‘46
Mrs. John W. Devine In memory of Maj. Mayron Didoryk
Lt. Stephen K. Trynosky, ‘94 In memory of Julia DiFeo, P’63,66
M/M James T. Carlin, Jr. In memory of Kevin Donaway, P’10
Mrs. LuAnn Donaway, P’10
M/M Drew Bauman M/M Richard Brightly M/M Robert M. Bucchieri M/M Ronald Carlino M/M Louis F. Castelli, ‘66, P’01 M/M Robert Catalanotto M/M Nicola R. DiDonna M/M Nicholas Florio M/M Carl A. Gargiulo, P’02 M/M Nicola P. Genchi Ms. Geraldine Hansen M/M Ronald Hine Ms. Deborah Honigstock Ms. Jacquelyn C. Huelbig M/M Roy E. Huelbig Ms. Geraldine Ianetti M/M John Kay M/M Hank Kushwara Mrs. Thomas A. Malloy, P’01,’04 M/M Edward Matteo M/M Michael M. Mooney M/M William Ronzitti Mr. Joseph A. Tardo
In memory of Richard F. Connors, ‘47
In memory of John Cullum, ‘22
M/M Richard S. Farrell, ‘61
In memory of Edmund J. Caulfield, ‘37, P’71
M/M Ralph L. Guenther, ‘56
In memory of William J. Farricker, S.J.
Mrs. Edmund J. Caulfield, P’71
Mrs. Richard F. Connors, P’81
In memory of Rizalina & Loreto Dumadag, P’80,’82
In memory of Vincent G. Corcoran
Mr. Roger Dumadag, ‘80
Mrs. Vincent G. Buonomo In memory of James J. Craffey, ‘47
M/M Roger W. Breslin, Jr., ‘55 Mrs. James J. Craffey Dr. Robert P. Forte The Gaudiano & Moleti Families Mr. John F. McNamara Mrs. Mary Reitter TopDown Consulting, Inc. In memory of Robert G. Cregan, S.J., ‘52
Rev. Thomas G. Benz, S.J. M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Mr. Stephen P. Spiewak, ‘03 In memory of John R. Crowe, ‘62
Ms. Maryann Crowe Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94 M/M Henry P. Troy, ‘61
In memory of Joseph & Mary Duncan
Sr. Frances M. Duncan, O.S.F. In memory of Robert J. English, ‘50
Mrs. Robert J. English In memory of Jonathan Epps, ‘05
Mr. Marc J. Amadeo, ‘03 Mr. Steven G. De Chavez, ‘05 M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ‘65, P’07 In memory of Jeanette & Michael Esposito
Mr. Frank M. Esposito, ‘63 In memory of Eileen Fahy
M/M Drew Bauman In memory of Frank Falcicchio, Sr., P’95,’97, ‘99
M/M Giacomo V. Silvestri, P’98 In memory of Edward Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Murphy, ‘51
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
honorary and memorial gifts
In memory of Mildred Feduniewicz
In memory of Alfreda Fromfield
In memory of Jerry Halligan
In memory of James T. Johnson
Mr. Ken Feduniewicz, ‘69
M/M James M. Keating, P’06
Ms. Patricia A. Johnson
In memory of Seton Fell Holt
In memory of Dr. Carl P. & Irene Fuardo, P’73,’78
M/M George F. Faherty, P’72 M/M James E. McDonald, ‘56 Dr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Sabatini, ‘72 In memory of Valerie Alijan Hammer
In memory of Jeffrey Kachel, ‘89
Dr. Robert M. Carducci, ‘54 M/M John L. Donnelly, ‘54 M/M Francis G. Grather, ‘54 M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, ‘54 M/M Nicholas J. Mangelli, Sr., ‘54 Mr. Terence B. Matthews, ‘54, P’81 M/M Frank A. McConville, ‘54 M/M James A. McLaughlin, Jr., ‘54 M/M Thomas J. Meloro, ‘54 M/M Francis J. Mertz, ‘54 M/M John A. Miele, Jr., ‘54 Mr. Liam J. Ryan, ‘54 In memory of Robert D. Fenton
M/M Drew Bauman
M/M Carl P. Fuardo, ‘73 In memory of John & Claire Furka, P’72
M/M John M. Furka, ‘72 In memory of Hilda S. Garcia
Ms. Maria Martinez-Villalobos, P’04 In memory of Thomas Garvey, S.J.
The Weathertop Foundation In memory of John F. Gelson, ‘49
M/M Richard J. Gelson, ‘56 In memory of Dr. Timothy Gerne, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. William F. McDonald, ‘45
In memory of Daniel M. Finn, ‘99
In memory of Daniel Gerry, ‘74
M/M Robert A. Wallace, P’98 Ms. Kaitlin E. Wohlrab
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Roses, ‘74
In memory of John J. Finn, ‘52, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94
Mrs. John J. Finn, III, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94 M/M John J. Finn, III, ‘81 M/M Henry P. Troy, ‘61 In memory of Joseph W. Fitzpatrick, ‘38
M/M William J. Ahearn, ‘75, P’01 Mrs. Helen R. Carey M/M Emlio Di Iorio M/M Paul B. Judge Ms. Dorothy Keegan M/M Walter A. Korfmacher Ms. Terese M. Roughe Ms. Patricia Taeschler In memory of Peter R. Fitzpatrick, ‘50
M/M John P. Fitzpatrick In memory of George Fitzsimmons
M/M Drew Bauman In memory of Francis X. Flaherty, ‘47
Mrs. Francis X. Flaherty In memory of Agnes Finneran Flinn
M/M John D. Flinn, ‘49 In memory of Robert Flynn, S.J.
M/M Robert J. Bradley, ‘47 M/M Thomas J. Flood, ‘48 In memory of Barbara Foddai
Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Foddai, ‘68 In memory of Juan Formoso
Mr. Kenneth Ballan In memory of Emilia Franconeri
Ms. Barbara Brophy 36
In memory of John A. Gibney, Sr., ‘52, P’81
Mrs. John A. Gibney, P’81
Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ‘68
In memory of Vincent F. Johnson, ‘44
M/M John S. Sirotniak, ‘57
In memory of Hugh H. Hanley, ‘41
M/M Peter E. Kachel, P’89,’94 M/M Frank Raczynski
Mrs. Hugh H. Hanley
In memory of Edward T. Kealy
In memory of Frank Hansen, ‘74
D/D Edward R. Kealy, ‘65
Rev. Damian Hansen, ‘64
In memory of Edward T. Keane, ‘53
In memory of Ernest P. Hartnett, S.J., ’23
Mrs. Edward T. Keane
Ms. Mary Tigh
In memory of Joseph M. Keegan, ‘40
In memory of Wasil Hawrylak
Ms. Dorothy Keegan
Mr. John J. Meehan, ‘61
In memory of Nita Kensington
In memory of Joan S. Heaney
Mr. Loucas George, ‘73
Mr. James P. Heaney, ‘43
In memory of Dorothy F. Kilkenny
In memory of Edward J. Heavey, S.J., ‘47
M/M Raymond V. Kilkenny, ‘66
M/M James P. O’Brien, ‘55
In memory of Francis X. Kinahan, Sr., ‘33, P’62,’68
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Herenda
Mrs. Francis X. Kinahan, P’62,’68
Mr. Greg Herenda, ‘79
In memory of Francis X. Kinahan, Jr., ‘62
In memory of Arthur E. Hoag
Mrs. Francis X. Kinahan, P’62,’68
M/M Anthony F. Giordano, ‘70
Mr. Raymond A. Hoag, ‘57
In memory of John P. Lally, ‘76
In memory of Lucia Giudici
In memory of John W. Hobgood, Jr., ‘73
In memory of Francis A. Giordano, ‘40, P’70
M/M Fulvio Giudici, P’74,’77
M/M Ralph W. Quaglia, ‘73
In memory of Edmund P. Gloriande, ‘64
In memory of Alan F. Holsey, ‘42
M/M Grant A. Cos Mrs. Rita Miggins The Sanfordville Sunshine Club
Mrs. Alan F. Holsey
In memory of Gloria Landry, P’72
In memory of Gertrude & James D. Horan, P’70
M/M Robert L. Fine Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Landry, ‘72 M/M Seth Lederman Ms. Angela Nelson Dr. Leonard Stern & Dr. Joan F. Poll
Mr. Robert J. Diesner, ‘64 In memory of Marie Glowacky
Mr. Robert F. Glowacky, ‘68 In memory of Mark T. Gnecco ‘88
M/M Barry Gnecco, P’88 In memory of Catherine Golden
M/M William M. Mancini In memory of Charlotte Grabler
M/M Timothy G. Dillane In memory of Robert T. Granwehr
M/M Michael W. Granwehr, ‘63 In memory of James Grimley
M/M Drew Bauman In memory of Joyce Gurian, P’97,’00
M/M Robert Catullo Mrs. Olga M. Fanok Mr. Drew Gurian, ‘00 Mr. Scott W. Gurian, ‘97 The Teachers Club of Montclair M/M Nicholas Trentacoste, P’97 M/M Nicholas J. Trentacoste, ‘97 In memory of Rose Haemmerle
Mr. James Haemmerle, ‘64
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
M/M James C. Horan, ‘70 In memory of John J. Irvine, P’67,’83
Mrs. Joseph J. Casazza, P’95,’97 Mr. Dennis C. Degnan, ‘89 M/M William Donoghue Mr. Manuel Farinas, ‘96 Ms. Marianne Gallagher The Hawthorne High School Sunshine Club M/M John T. Irvine, ‘83, P’11 M/M Neil Isaacs M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 Ms. Pauline Martinetti M/M F. Donald Mason Ms. Patricia Mason M/M Kenneth S. Mathias Ms. Margaret Ribustelli & Mr. Dennis A. Murphy, ‘67 Mr. Ian H. Nuttall M/M James F. Ryan, Jr.,’66, P’04 Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ‘71 Ms. Rita Shapskinsky, P’11 Ms. Lisa A. Zager Mr. Roger Zerbe
In memory of Stanley A. Larson
M/M Thomas S. Larson, ‘73 In memory of Stephen L. Lembo
M/M Robert A. Lembo, ‘67 In memory of Kenneth P. Lira
Mrs. Marina N. Arevalo Saint Brendan School In memory of Robert A. Lombardi, ‘57
Mrs. Robert A. Lombardi M/M Ferdinand S. Pieroni, ‘57 In memory of Hippolito Lopez
M/M Drew Bauman In memory of John Luppino, P’80
Ms. Anne Engelhardt M/M Dominick Facchini, P’98,’01 M/M Joseph Luppino, ‘80 In memory of Nora F. Maher
Mr. Joseph G. Dunn, ‘66
PRESIDENT’S REPORT honorary and memorial gifts In memory of Jeff Mahon
In memory of William C. Mortenson, ‘34
In memory of Raymond Purcell, S.J.
M/M Robert T. Mahon, ‘53
Mr. Peter D. Mortenson, ‘76
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. O’Connell, ‘39
In memory of Anthony Massarelli
In memory of Lawrence E. Moser, ‘57
In memory of Henry J. Raimondo, ‘65
M/M Daniel J. Massarelli, ‘49, P ‘77,’80 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Massarelli, Jr., ‘77 Mr. Joseph A. Massarelli, ‘80
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William R. Moser, ‘53
Ms. Dolores Raimondo
In memory of Martin J. Mulligan, ‘59
In memory of Lou Rettino, ‘59
Mrs. Martin J. Mulligan
M/M George F. Faherty, P’72
In memory of Dr. Dominic A. Mauriello, P’71,’75,’79
In memory of George & Theresa Mullin
In memory of Peter J. Rinaldi, ‘43
Rev. John Mullin, S.J.
Mr. Vincent J. Rinaldi, ‘47
In memory of Gerald F. Mullin, ‘38
In memory of Paul Roehrenbeck, ‘63
In memory of Greg McCann, ‘52
M/M John J. Kealty, Jr. Miss Margaret Mullin
M/M Albert E. Mullin, Jr., ‘52
In memory of James F. Mullin, ‘94
In memory of Joan McCarthy
Miss Margaret Mullin
Mrs. Ruth E. Duncan, P’72,’75,’78
In memory of Nicholas Mullin
In memory of Robert McDermott
Rev. John Mullin, S.J.
Mr. Thomas R. DuVal, ‘05
In memory of John T. Murphy, ‘30
Ms. Stephanie Adika & Mr. Adam Brown Mr. Jerome Butkus Ms. Maxine Finkelstein Ms. Margaret S. Gonzalez Ms. Katherine C. Heidere M/M Joseph Lemaire M/M Joseph J. Lemaire, ‘45 Mrs. Susan W. Wiley
In memory of Hugh McDonald, ‘69
M/M Thomas J. Murphy, ‘74
M/M Charles J. Olsen, III, ‘69
In memory of Eusevia Rumain, P’94,’98
In memory of Glenn Nadolski, ‘92
Mr. Edward P. Rumain, ‘58, P’94,’98
In memory of John W. McDonald, ‘43
M/M Richard J. Cirminello, P’90
Mrs. Vincent G. Buonomo
In memory of Theresa Ruocco
In memory of Antonia Nesi
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of William J. McGovern, ‘41
M/M Fulvio Giudici, P’74,’77
In memory of Richard J. Rush, ‘47
In memory of Joseph M. Nestor, ‘42
Mrs. Richard J. Rush
Mrs. Joseph M. Nestor
In memory of Christopher J. Ryan, ‘44
In memory of John A. O’Grady
Mrs. Christopher J. Ryan
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Grady, ‘50
In memory of Tejibai Sachanandani
In memory of James L. O’Keefe, ‘47
M/M Harish Sachanandani, P’11
Mrs. James L. O’Keefe
In memory of Brice A. Sachs, ‘46
In memory of Clement C. O’Sullivan, ‘23
Mrs. Brice A. Sachs
Dr. John M. McAdam, ‘72
In memory of Manny Sambade, ‘78
In memory of William & Elsie Outwater
Mr. Michael R. Outwater, ‘61
M/M Avelino Sambade, ‘75, P’09 Mr. Manuel Sambade, P’75,’78
In memory of Joseph T. Panucci, ‘42
In memory of Alice Sarkisian, P’73
M/M Thomas D. Mauriello, ‘79 In memory of Kevin J. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
Mrs. Kevin J. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
Mrs. William J. McGovern, P’70,’72,’75,’78,’83,’84 Dr. & Mrs.Timothy J. McGovern, ‘84 In memory of Sarah A. McGurn
Mr. Terence J. McGurn, ‘53 In memory of Joseph E. McMahon, ‘46
Mrs. Joseph E. McMahon M/M Suzanne McMahon In memory of Joseph M. McNally, ‘50
Mr. Edward M. Furrer, ‘87 In memory of Francis J. McNamara, S.J.
M/M William M. Burke, ‘53
Mrs. Joseph T. Panucci
Mr. Ralph Sarkisian, ‘73
In memory of Robert E. Parks, Jr., ‘72
In memory of Peter Sassone, ‘66
M/M George F. Faherty, P’72 M/M John M. Furka, ‘72
Mr. Alfred Sattelberger, ‘66 In memory of William M. Scherzinger, ‘48
In memory of Regina Paschik
Mrs. William M. Scherzinger
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Martin Schmitt, S.J.
In memory of John J. Pastor
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. O’Connell, ‘39
Mr. Robert J. Mulholland, ‘86
In memory of Paul Schroeder, ‘84
In memory of Beverly Peluso
M/M Henry Schroeder, P’84,’90
M/M Brian McGorty, P’01
In memory of Thomas D. Scott, ‘71
In memory of John Pflug, ‘06
Mr. John V. Scott, ‘64
Mr. Matthew S. Ingles, ‘02
In memory of David Semienick, ‘94
M/M Paul McKillop M/M Kenneth J. Sheedy
In memory of Alfonso Prieto, P’82,’91
Mr. Michael J. Lapinski, ‘94
Mr. James Prieto, ‘91
In memory of William T. Sexton
In memory of Edmond N. Moriarty, ‘46
In memory of Angelina Provinzano
M/M John L. Chatellier
In memory of Augie Meagher, S.J.
M/M George F. Faherty, P’72 In memory of Anna Meehan
Mr. John J. Meehan, ‘61 In memory of Helene Meyer
M/M William J. Ahearn, ‘75, P’01 M/M Michael T. Kahrer, P’10 In memory of Veronica C. Mezey
M/M Ernest F. Mezey, ‘61 In memory of Helen & Patrick Monahan
Mr. Thomas K. Monahan, ‘61 In memory of Robert F. Moran, ‘51
M/M James Skiff
M/M Gerard J. Provinzano, ‘50
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
HONORARY & MEMORIAL GIFTS | gifts to named scholarships
In memory of Francis Shalloe, S.J.
In memory of Gerard T. Walker, ‘31
The Class of 1958 Scholarship
M/M William M. Burke, ‘53 Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald & Mr. Michael F. Cocca, ‘56, P’92 Rev. Thomas M. Foye, ‘46 Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, ‘48 M/M Eugene L. Zindel, ‘53
The Howe Insurance Group Mr. Brian T. Kelleher M/M Brian R. Swann
In memory of Janet & Walter Sheridan
M/M Bernard A. Whalen, ‘58
M/M George W. Armbruster, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bier, ‘58 Mr. Michael F. Bonifanti, ‘58 Rev. Msgr. Edward G. Bradley, ‘58 M/M Frank Brzenk, ‘58 M/M Edward J. Burke, ‘58 Dr. Phillip J. Campana, ‘58 M/M Edmund J. Campbell, ‘58 M/M John D. Conroy, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cosgrove, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. X. Cunningham, ‘58 M/M Michael F. Curtin, ‘58 M/M J. Michael Doherty, ‘58 M/M Joseph J. Donnelly, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Cosmo F. Ferrara, ‘58 M/M Vincent R. Foullois, ‘58 M/M Richard J. Gaven, ‘58 M/M John H. Gavin, ‘58 M/M Frank V. Geremia, ‘58 M/M Michael L. Grabler, ‘58 M/M Michael W. Hayes, ‘58 M/M James B. Heaney, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. George W. Hicks, ‘58 Rev. Michael Joyce, O.F.M. Dr. & Mrs. Ernie K. Just, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. John M. Katko, ‘58 M/M Leslie Lewandowski, ‘58 Mr. Santo LoRicco, ‘58 M/M Gerald R. Magliano, ‘58 M/M Allan M. McCarthy, ‘58 M/M Richard P. McConville, ‘58 M/M John P. McHale, ‘58 M/M Donald C. McLaughlin, ‘58 Dr. Francis J. Meola, ‘58 M/M James T. Messano, ‘58 Mr. Joseph Muskin, ‘58 M/M Peter J. Norton, ‘58 M/M Randolph F. Orlowski, ‘58 M/M Robert M. Pipchick, ‘58 M/M Thomas R. Reilly, ‘58 Mr. Edward P. Rumain, ‘58, P’94,’98 M/M William J. Turnier, ‘58 Ms. Maryln Sandige & Mr. Henry O. Wefing, Jr., ‘58 M/M Bernard A. Whalen, ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Gary R. Wiley, ‘58
Mr. Dennis M. Sheridan, ‘68 In memory of John Sinnott, ‘31
Ms. Anne Sinnott In memory of Marjan Skoblar
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Skoblar, ‘63 In memory of John J. Slattery, ‘26
Ms. Nance Slattery In memory of Edward Snyder
The Frederick J. Snyder, Jr. Foundation In memory of Bernice & Dante H. Sorrenti, P’76
In memory of Rev. Ercel Webb
Mrs. Ercel Webb, P’76,’83,’89 In memory of Aloysius B. Whalen, ‘34 In memory of Ronald H. Wieczorek, ‘60
Mr. Gregory R. Wieczorek, P’00 In memory of David E. Wilson, ‘50
Mrs. Roberta Wilson In memory of Norman R. Wynne, Jr., ‘46
Mrs. Helen Wynne In memory of Michael Yates
M/M Gerald A. Yates, ‘56 In memory of Raymond York. S.J.
In memory of Peter & Helen Spadora
Dr. Phillip J. Campana, ‘58 Mr. Dennis J. Larusso, ‘72 Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, ‘48
M/M John C. Spadora, ‘59, P’88,’94
In memory of G. Zaharian
In memory of Anna Stauble
St. Joseph School
M/M George J. Stauble, ‘51
In memory of Charles W. Zegarski, ‘51
In memory of Elizabeth A. Stefan
Mrs. Charles W. Zegarski
Mr. Robert A. Stefan, ‘54
In memory of Cecilia Zeman
In memory of Angela Sullivan
Mr. Robert Zeman, ‘66
Trinity Academy
In memory of Joseph G. Zucconi
In memory of James Sullivan
Mrs. Joseph G. Zucconi
M/M Dante A. Sorrenti, ‘76
Mr. H. Kevin Stogran, ‘74 Mrs. Dorothy M. Sullivan In memory of Leo Sullivan
Cmdr. Jeffrey C. Casler, ‘86 In memory of James Taffaro, ‘59
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Alosco, ‘70 In memory of Joseph L. Urbanovich
Mr. Louis J. Coccaro In memory of Bernard E. Vierheilig
Mr. Gregory J. Vierheilig, ‘93 In memory of Robert Vignone, ‘65
M/M David E. McClave, ‘65 In memory J. P. Vizzacchero, P’96,’00
Ms. Rosemary Canzano Mrs. J.P. Vizzacchero, P’96,’00 In memory of Pasquale J. Vizzacchero
Mr. William A. Bedford, ‘00 In memory of William F. Wagner, ‘47
Mrs. Marilyn Wagner
Gifts to Named Scholarships The Lawrence & Emma Babbio Scholarship
M/M Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ‘62 The Robert J. Boyko, ‘72 Scholarship
Dr. Jean A. Boyko Breckenridge Avenue Scholarship
M/M Nicholas Rabiecki III, P’08,’10 The Rev. John E. Browning, S.J., ’46 Scholarship
M/M Gaetano T. Gregory, ‘70 M/M John T. Irvine, ‘83, P’11 Mr. Jonathan Tomassi, ‘99 M/M Elnardo J. Webster, II, ‘87 The Jack Casey Scholarship
Ms. Nora Gelperin & Mr. Joseph Giglio, ‘87 Mr. Jonathan Tomassi, ‘99 The Class of 1957 Scholarship
M/M Ferdinand S. Pieroni, ‘57 M/M Charles A. Sabino, ‘57 38
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
The Joseph E. Colford, ‘38 Scholarship
The Stuart S. Applebaum Giving Foundation Mr. Brian J. Colford, ‘81 Mr. Christopher J. Colford, ‘73 Dr. Joseph E. Colford, III, ‘68 M/M Paul D. Colford, ‘71, P’09 Dr. Jeanne Pare & Mr. Peter G. Colford, ‘74 M/M Matthew Reilly
PRESIDENT’S REPORT gifts to named scholarships
Mr. Robert J. Buhr M/M Nicholas Capodice, P’07 M/M Michael J. Conforti Ms. Gail Cousins Ms. Maryanne K. Cullum Ms. Valerie D’Antonio Ms. Janet Fegely M/M James P. Fogarty Ms. Elizabeth M. Gandolfo Ms. Kathi A. Giordano M/M Michael Giordano, P’83 M/M Joseph P. Haley M/M Patrick Haley Ms. Maryann Hammer M/M Joseph Hannon, P’05 M/M Mark D. Hogan, ‘83 M/M John Hurley Ms. Joan M. Hutchins M/M Francis Kahle M/M Joseph J. Kahle, Sr. Ms. Marybeth Kahle Mr. William Kahle M/M Kevin Kelly Ms. Margaret Lisa Ms. Grace Lisi Ms. Albina Loriacono Ms. Catherine M. Magner M/M William Magner M/M John P. McDermott The Meadowlands Associates, Inc. M/M John T. Mullins Ms. Kathleen O’Keefe Ms. Margaret O’Keefe M/M James P. O’Mealy M/M George Puccio Ms. Suzanne M. Roach Mr. Edwin W. Rodriguez Ms. Marilyn R. Roman Ms. Adeline B. Rufino Ms. Lauren B. Rufino M/M Edward Russell M/M John Saladino M/M Pasquale Saladino M/M Thomas Van Note, P’99 Walsh Dodge M/M William Walsh M/M George B. Wildridge, III
The Alfreda Fromfield Scholarship
The Coach Jerry Halligan Scholarship
M/M James M. Keating, P’06 M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08
M/M Stephen T. Barry, ‘56 M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ‘72, P’05,’10 Mr. Jonathan Tomassi, ‘99
The Cregan-Watters Class of ‘52 Scholarship
Rev. Thomas G. Benz, S.J. M/M Eliot Glazer M/M Frederick W. Kile, ‘52 Mr. Edward S. Purcell, Jr., ‘52 The John R. Crowe, ‘62 Scholarship
Mr. Sean A. Adams, ‘91 Ms. Maryann Crowe Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94 M/M Thomas R. York, ‘51 The Julia & Sam DiFeo, ‘32 Scholarship
M/M James T. Carlin, Jr. The Dolan Family Scholarship
Mr. Sean A. Adams, ‘91 The Daniel M. Finn, ‘99 Scholarship
M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ‘72, P’05,’10 Mr. James Curran M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ‘65, P’07 The Dan Finn, ‘99 Basketball Classic M/M Lawrence Manning, P’08,’11 M/M Michael S. Mara, ‘98 M/M Thomas Mara, P’98 M/M William McBride, P’05 M/M Anthony Novello, P’93 Dr. Albert W. Romano, ‘67, P’98 M/M Walter H. Schneider, P’86,’88 Ms. Kaitlin E. Wohlrab The John J. Finn, ‘52 Scholarship
M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ‘65, P’07 The Blanche & George Fleck Scholarship
M/M John T. Boyle Ms. Kate Boyle Mr. Owen Boyle Ms. Carly Fleck M/M George A. Fleck, ‘68 Ms. Jacqueline Fleck Ms. Madelyn Fleck Ms. Samantha Fleck The Rev. Robert Flynn, S.J., & Edmond N. Moriarty, ‘46 Scholarship
The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Charitable Foundation Friends of Jersey City Scholarship
The John Michael Giordano, ‘83 Scholarship
M/M Michael P. Accardi M/M Michael T. Acevedo M/M Frank Ashe, ‘55, P’90 M/M Patrick A. Bonner, Jr., ‘81 Mr. Peter Brennan M/M Thomas Brown
The Jesuit Memorial Scholarship
The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s Prep The Annie & Patrick Keenan Scholarship
Mrs. Francis X. Kinahan, P’62,’68
The James F. Keenan, S.J., Scholarship
M/M Kenneth F.X. Albers, P’71,’73 M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ‘72, P’05,’10 M/M Thomas P. Finn, ‘87 M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 M/M James F. Ryan, Jr.,’66, P’04 M/M John E. Savage, ‘57 The ‘Legends of Prep’ Scholarship
Mr. Thomas G. Curran & Dr. Mary Ann Haggerty M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02 The Justin D. Mahon,’27 Scholarship
Mrs. Justin D. Mahon The Elizabeth Makely Scholarship
M/M Joseph E. Makely, ‘54 The William P. Maresca, ‘50 Scholarship
Mrs. William P. Maresca The John McGovern, ‘80 Scholarship
M/M Francis P. Briamonte, III, ‘86 Mr. Brian B. Callahan, ‘79 M/M William J. Egan, III M/M Terence M. Feeney, ‘76 M/M John T. Irvine, ‘83, P’11 Mr. William McDonough, ‘80 M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ‘76, P’11 M/M Philip F. McGovern, Sr., ‘43, P’76,’80 M/M Jeffrey O’Hara M/M Paul E. Venino, ‘80 M/M David J. Viggiano, ‘79 Mr. & Dr. Anthony F. Vitiello M/M Thomas Wyville, ‘80 M/M Craig J. Zegler, ‘80 The Mary Jane Meehan Scholarship
Dr. Robert M. Carducci, ‘54 The Mertz Family Scholarship
M/M Francis J. Mertz, ‘54 The Donald P. Moriarty, ‘48 Scholarship
M/M Richard Bailer Baltusrol Golf Club Mr. Brian M. Barefoot M/M Paul Becker Mr. William S. Beinecke Ms. Mary Bohen M/M Robert C. Butler Dr. Vincent P. Butler, Jr., ‘45 M/M Anthony L. Capawana M/M Shawn D. Cepeda M/M Edward M. Cimilluca M/M James L. Crawford Ms. Lori Crotty Ms. Helen R. Delacey Mr. Michael DeLacey M/M Michael A. Delaney Mr. Donald F. DeMuth Mr. Anthony M. Dichiara
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. George J. Donohue M/M John Donovan Emerging Sovereign Group, LLC M/M Barry J. Emswiler M/M Thomas J. Fleming, ‘45 Ms. Veronica Fleming Ms. Lenore C. Ford Mr. Edward M. Giles Ms. Bernadine J. Gilroy M/M Theodore J. Gleser M/M Thomas Greig M/M Gerald A. Hale M/M Walter S. Hulse, III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Inglesby The JMR Barker Foundation Mr. Richard D. Kahn Dr. & Mrs. Peter Kapsimalis The Kirkland & Ellis Foundation M/M Carl J. Kreitler, Jr. The Lipper Family Charitable Foundation M/M Charles M. Lizza, ‘74, P’11,’12 Ms. Nina Q. Long Mr. James A. McCarthy Mr. Robert L. McCloskey M/M James T. McIntyre M/M Heath B. McLendon M/M Roderick McRae Ms. Ruth O’Brien M/M Paul M. O’Neil M/M William M. Polk Ms. Portia Quattrocchi Ms. Bernadette W. Reidy Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. M/M Frederick A. Roessle M/M Joel H. Rosenthal Ms. Lois Schneider M/M William P. Scully M/M James Skiff Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, ‘48 M/M R. Stewart Strawbridge The Daniel J. Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation Mr. John S. Tamagni Ms. Evelyn Tartaglia M/M Charles W. Thomas M/M Gregory A. Weiss Ms. Carol Welsh Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Ms. Cynthia K. Wigton M/M Michael Woolley M/M Louis Zachary M/M Edward W. Zimmerman The Mortenson Family Scholarship
The Lewis M. Gabbe Foundation, Inc. The Nodine Family Scholarship
M/M Robert W. Nodine, ‘67 40
M/M Brian McCabe, ‘92 Mr. Joseph A. Perez, Jr., ‘99
M/M Theodore P. Stray, P’80 M/M Gerald Sullivan M/M Robert I. Tyger M/M William White M/M William Wolfe M/M Edwin Yanowitz
The Pickett Family Scholarship
The Restricted Scholarship Fund
The Clement C. O’Sullivan, ‘23 Scholarship
M/M Stephen T. Barry, ‘56 Mr. Jonathan Tomassi, ‘99 The Jerome Pedersen, ‘92 Scholarship
M/M William P. Pickett, ‘49, P’00 The Vera M. & Charles J. Poggi Scholarship
M/M Charles F. X. Poggi, ‘49 The Timothy G. Quille, ‘81 Scholarship
Advantage Marketing Mr. Moshe Albillia M/M Oliver J. Armas, ‘82 M/M John A. Azzarello, ‘81 Ms. Melissa Klein Baer Dr. Lisa Berkowitz-Latella Dr. Thomas A. Berry M/M James E. Buckman Mr. Kevin Canavan & Ms. Deanne C. DeFuccio Ms. Leigh Ann Carr Ms. Carol A. Cook Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ‘81, P’12 Ms. Phyllis Corrado M/M Americo G. Crincoli Designs Alternatives by Kiran, LLC Ms. Judith DeStefano-Anen M/M James J. Donofrio, ‘81, P’11 M/M Gabriel F. Doria, Sr., P’81,’85 Ms. Lisa Doria-Cavuoto M/M Donald L. Erftmier, Jr. M/M Michael J. Fine M/M John J. Finn, III, ‘81 M/M Mark Gaddis, ‘81 Ms. Mary Garafola M/M Russell H. Helsel Ms. Joan Hroncech Interventional Pain Care Associates, LLC M/M Jeffrey P. Jacobsen Mr. Anthony P. La Rocco, ‘75 M/M John Lawler M/M Charles M. Lizza, ‘74, P’11,’12 M/M David E. Long M/M Anthony J. Marchitto, ‘81 Mr. Ronald Meinders M/M Frank V. Mutolo M/M Brian O. Nevins, ‘81 M/M Peter P. Schaffer Mrs. Lorraine Senerchia, P’81 M/M Louis Senerchia, ‘80, P’08,’11 Mr. Enrico Siano Ms. Linda C. Smith M/M Mark A. Spiezio M/M Steve Statz Mr. Jeremy Stoler
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Mrs. Marina N. Arevalo Mr. Len V. Bentivegna Mr. Richard Brand The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association The Bucher Foundation, Inc. Mr. Keith R. Bucher, ‘90 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Caulfield, ‘46, P’73 The Columbus Citizens Foundation The John Confort Foundation The Dalio Family Foundation, Inc. The Dan Finn, ‘99 Basketball Classic Mr. Richard Gallo, ‘80 M/M Vito J. Germinario, ‘70 M/M Michael Giacone, P’12 Mr. Robert Gill, ‘89 M/M Thomas E. Gill, ‘77 The Mark T. Gnecco, ‘88 Scholarship Fund Mr. David Gonzalez Ms. Patricia M. Gray Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ‘68 Immaculate Conception Church Knights of Columbus M/M John Lawler Light Horse Tavern M/M Andrew J. Markey, ‘48 M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ‘76, P’11 M/M James A. McLaughlin, Jr., ‘54 Mr. John C. Meditz Mr. Richard T. Mina Ms. Nancy G. Mina The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Charitable Foundation M/M Richard D. Moriarty, ‘62 Mount Carmel Guild of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Rev. John Mullin, S.J. Nativity Mission Center New Community Corporation New Jersey Seeds, Inc. M/M Robert W. Nodine, ‘67 Ms. Una M. O’Boyle Mr. Joseph Panepinto M/M Peter J. Quinn
PRESIDENT’S REPORT GIFTS TO NAMED SCHOLARSHIPS | FUNDRAISING SUMMARY M/M James D. Richard The Emla Rimelspacher Scholarship Fund, Inc. Rosary Society of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saint Andrew the Apostle School Saint Joseph School Saint Rose of Lima Newark, NJ Alumni Association Saint Vincent de Paul Foundation, Inc. Mr. Carl Schaefer The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children Mr. Leonard Stern M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, Jr., ‘93 Trinity Academy M/M Robert A. Ward, Jr.
2009 Fundraising Summary
The John R. Raslowsky, Sr., Scholarship
Student Walkathon
Fashion Show
Golf Tournament
The Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Scholarship
The 144 Grand Gala
M/M Gerard R. Brill, ‘57
Contingency Fund
Tuition Support
Restricted – Other
Senior Class Gift
M/M Kevin J. Raslowsky, ‘87 Mrs. John R. Raslowsky, P’79,’82,’86,’87
Gifts received between 7/1/2008 – 6/30/09
The Prep Fund Annual Fund (unrestricted) Alumni
$ 1,373,487
$ 1,742,389
The Gerard S. Russoniello, ‘62 Scholarship
M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ‘59 The Thomas E. Sasso, ‘70 Scholarship
M/M Gaetano T. Gregory, ‘70 Real Estate Lenders Association, Inc. The Seth Sprague Scholarship
The Seth Sprague Foundation The Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stoutenburgh, ‘51 Scholarship
M/M William J. Stoutenburgh, ‘51
The Leo S. Sullivan, ‘22 Scholarship
Cmdr. Jeffrey C. Casler, ‘86 The Thomas G. Sullivan, ‘80 Scholarship
The Imagine Fund
Ms. Norene Schneider
Scholarship Funds
The Tedesco Family Scholarship
Capital Projects
The Tedesco Family Foundation
$ 1,587,204
The Union County Scholarship
E.J. Grassmann Trust The Ward Family Scholarship
Carpe Diem
M/M John A. Ward, III, ‘63
The Ercel Webb, P’76,’83,’89 Scholarship
Capital Projects
Monumental Baptist Church Mrs. Ercel Webb, P’76,’83,’89
The Ronald H. Wieczorek, ‘60 Scholarship
$ 4,316,772
Mr. Gregory R. Wieczorek, P’00 The Thomas W. Zito, Sr., Scholarship
Cento Amici M/M Robert T. Zito, ‘71
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Alumni Contributions to All Prep Funds Top 10 Classes with Greater than 100 Members 1957 1986 1971 1951 1965 1956 1962 1974 1958 1983
$ 340,798 $ 172,372 $ 160,185 $ 143,383 $ 97,275 $ 92,597 $ 88,081 $ 85,429 $ 84,782 $ 70,143
Top 5 Classes with Fewer than 100 Members 1948
$ 612,755
$ 126,625
$ 38,880
$ 24,279
$ 13,955
Alumni Percentage of Participation to All Prep Funds Top 10 Classes with Greater than 100 Members 1958
Top 5 Classes with Fewer than 100 Members 1950
Financial summaries reflect those gifts received by June 30, 2009. 42
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Gifts In Kind “13 - The Musical” Academy of the Holy Angels M/M Richard W. Agresta, ‘70 M/M William J. Ahearn, ‘75, P’01 AJ Maxwell’s Steakhouse M/M Edward A. Alberque, Jr., ‘59 Mr. Christiaan Aldoy M/M Donald F. Alfano, ‘42† Anderson Flowers Mr. Vinnie Annunziata Ms. Rossella Luppi-Aquila & Dr. Ralph Aquila, ‘75, P’06,’11 Artistic Photography with Tom Verniero AT&T M/M Ralph Avallone, P’06,’09 M/M James Avillo Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J. Baja Restaurant M/M Michael Baldanza, P’12 Bank of America Barb’s Goodies & Gifts, Inc. The Barclays/PGA TOUR Mr. Frank Basile & Ms. Celeste Holm Ms. Catherine Belisle, P’11 M/M Joseph P. Blauvelt, P’09 Ms. Jane Bleasdale & Ms Ginny Reilly Blimpie Bliss Spa Blue Mercury Bogart Keane Ryan & Hamill, L.L.C. Mr. Saul Bolton Mr. Sal Bonano Mr. Laurence Bove Mrs. Daryl J. Boylan M/M Eugene C. Boyle, ‘56 Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corporation Mr. Vito Brancatella, ‘87 Mr. Martin Breckheimer & Ms. Ayxa Calero Breckheimer, P’12 Mr. Kevin J. Brodbeck, ‘89 M/M John J. Bruno, P’10 Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J., ‘72 Mr. Roel Bulay & Mrs. Connie Alon, P’12 M/M Philip Buzzerio, P’10 M/M Marc Buzzio, ‘71, P’00,’03,’09 M/M Dennis J. Byrne, P’02,’10 M/M Joseph J. Caldas, ‘76, P’10 M/M Michael J. Callahan, P’06,’07 M/M Joseph Camargo, P’07,’09 M/M Floyd Cardoz, P’11 M/M Joseph J. Carr, ‘61
Ms. Tracey Thayer & Mr. Jeffrey Cartwright, P’01,’04 Casa Dante Mr. Christopher J. Casazza, ‘97 M/M Steven B. Caslowitz M/M John V. Caulfield, ‘71, P’00,’03 Central Holidays M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10 Chand Palace Mr. Wayne Chau M/M Gerardo Cianci, P’09 M/M Joseph Clarkin, P’10 M/M Michael Cocciadiferro, P’12 M/M Paul D. Colford, ‘71, P’09 M/M Dean Colucci, P’12 M/M Frank Colucci, P’08 Columbia Bank M/M William H. Connolly, Jr., ‘65 Continental Airlines Mr. Gerry Cooney M/M Henry Coxe, P’11 Ms. Monica Crapis, P’12 M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ‘72, P’05,’10 Custodi Caterers Cynthia Alexander, LLC Mr. Gabriel Dal’Maso, ‘09 Mr. Daniel De LaVeda M/M Daniel DeCongelio, P’07 M/M Arthur J. Delaney, ‘56 M/M Salvatore DiBrita, P’12 M/M Franco DiCroce, P’06,’10 Ms. Rybicki Dietz, P’10 M/M Charles Dombroski, P’12 M/M James J. Donofrio, ‘81, P’11 Mr. Steve Dorfman M/M John Dougherty, P’09,’12 M/M Martin F. Dowd, P’08 M/M William J. Doyle, Jr., P’07 Ms. Mary Durante M/M William J. Dwyer, P’04 M/M Dennis J. Enright, ‘66, P’92 M/M Timothy Evans, P’10 Mr. Cataldo F. Fazio, ‘77 Mr. Rik Feeney M/M Robert Ferrara, P’11 M/M Thomas Flanigan, P’12 M/M William Flannery, P’10 M/M Andrew Foord, P’09 M/M Charles Forker, P’10 Fox News Channel M/M Darryl Freeman, P’08,’12 Mr. Glenn Garber & Ms. Clare Begley, P’12 Mr. James Gardella M/M James Gardner, P’10 M/M Joseph Gardner, P’05,’09 M/M Peter J. Gargiulo, ‘77
M/M Richard Garrigan, P’07,’11 Ms. Beth Geller M/M Joseph Generelli, P’08 M/M William Giannone, Jr., P’11 M/M James Glassen, P’10 M/M Eliot Glazer Goddess Boutique M/M Carl Gonzalez, P’10 M/M John Gorrell, P’12 Grand Banks Café The Grand Chalet The Grand Summit Hotel Ms. Helen Griffin, P’11 Ms. Cynthia Guarini, P’12 Dr. Madeline Romeu & Mr. George P. Gurdak, ‘70, P’03 Mr. James Gutch, P’09 Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ‘68 M/M Richard Hansen, P’03,’09 Mr. Scott Harrison M/M Robert Hart, Jr., P’11 Hartshorn Portraiture M/M Frank Healy, P’11 M/M John Hederman, P’09 Mr. Ryan Heffernan M/M Daniel Helming, P’10 M/M Raymond J. Hennessey, ‘90 M/M Jonathan H. Hetherington, P’08,’11 The Hilton Hotel at Short Hills The Hilton Hotel at Woodbridge M/M James F. Hollywood, Jr., ‘66 M/M Michael B. Holt, ‘74, P ‘04,’09 M/M James C. Horan, ‘70 Hudson News Corporation The Hyatt Regency at Jersey City M/M John T. Irvine, ‘83, P’11 The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s Prep Mrs. Madeline Jiran, P’03 John’s Pizza Ms. Judith A. Joll, P’12 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Julian, P’06 M/M Michael T. Kahrer, P’10 M/M Michael G. Kane, ‘84 Mr. Jason Kang M/M Kevin Kearns, P’11 M/M Michael Kearns, P’09 M/M John Kelley, P’10 Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender, P’96,’02,’09 Kobricks Coffee M/M Brian LaBau, P’11 Ms. Kim Lanflisi M/M Richard Lanning, P’10 Mr. David Lee Lee Sims Chocolate The Lighthorse Tavern Mr. Don Lipeles
M/M David Lipyanka, P’10 The Lisbon II Restaurant M/M Dale Livi, P’09,’11 M/M Timothy LiVolsi, P’06,’08,’11 M/M Charles M. Lizza, ‘74, P’11,’12 Mrs. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96 Ms. Vanessa Lomastro Lorenz Fine Photography Mr. Thorsten Loth Mr. Daniel Lynn Mr. James Macagna Ms. Susan Mallardi, P’10 M/M William Malloy, P’12 M/M Victor H. Maragni, ‘55 M/M Joseph Marciniak, P’12 The Marriott at Boston Copley Place M/M Frank Martineau Mr. Paul G. Massache, ‘93 M/M Donald J. McCann, P’10 Ms. Mary Anne McElroy Ms. Ellen McGuire Mr. Mathew McHugh M/M Donald C. McLaughlin, ‘58 M/M Edward McMahon, P’08 Rev. Thomas F. McManus, S.J. M/M Peter McMonagle, P’12 M/M Edward McTiernan, P’06,’09 Mr. Anthony J. Medina, ‘09 M/M Anthony Menafro, P’12 M/M Robert J. Mernar, ‘72, P’ 09,’10 M/M Charles Meuse, P’09,’13 Mr. Joseph Miles & Ms. Siobhan Stevens-Miles, P’12 M/M Salvatore Milito, P’11 M/M Robert Miskura, P’12 Ms. Christina Morefield Mr. John Morris MSLO Productions, Inc. M/M Thomas Mullane, P’11 M/M John Mullman, P’09 M/M James Murduca, P’09 M/M Dennis P. Murphy, P’03 M/M William Naughton, P’06,’09 M/M William J. Netchert, ‘62, P’09 New Jersey Jackals The Newark Museum No. 165 - Maplewood M/M Robert W. Nodine, ‘67 M/M John J. O’Brien, P’08 O’Connell’s Restaurant M/M Richard O’Connor, P’09,’13 Rev. Thomas V. O’Connor, S.J. M/M Joseph T. O’Donnell, Jr., ‘65 M/M William O’Donnell, P’10 Ms. Jean Oliveira M/M Stephen Ormiston, P’10 Mr. Dino Panopoulos Mr. Anthony Paolercio
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT M/M Daniel Park, P’10 M/M Anthony S. Pastore, P’02 M/M Alberto Perez, P’12 M/M Vernal F. Piantanida, ‘55 M/M John Polanin, Jr., P’11 Mr. Mike Polsky Mr. Domenic F. Proscia M/M Kevin T. Purcell, P’10,’13 M/M Peter G. Rasmusson, ‘79, P’06,’08,’12 M/M Aaron Reaves, P’12 REDKEN 5TH Avenue Ms. Allison Reeves Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Renee Fafard Esthetiques Mrs. Judith Rivera, P’09 Ms. Annmarie Rizzo Mr. Frank Rizzo M/M James G. Rizzo, ‘77, P’10 Mrs. Jennie Rizzo M/M William L. Robalino, ‘89 Mr. Pasquale Rocco M/M Stanley Rogacki, P’12 Mr. Efraim Roman & Ms. Magaly Denis-Roman, P’12 Dr. Rosa Roman M/M Frank Romeo, P’12 Mr. Craig Rothenberg & Mrs. Diane Hoey, P’12 Mr. David Rousso, P’11 M/M James F. Ryan, Jr.,’66, P’04 M/M Neal Ryan, P’11 M/M William Ryan, P’11 M/M Jose Saa, P’09 Saint Peter’s Prep - Auction and Fashion Show Donations Salon Halo
Sam Ash Music Store Sam, The Hot Dog Man Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ‘71 M/M Peter Schreiber, P’11 Mr. Donald W. Schroeder, ‘87 M/M Francis Scott, P’07,’09 M/M Joseph E. Serzan, Jr., P’02,’05,’06,’11 M/M Manish Shah, P’12 M/M Robert J. Shalhoub, P’01,’03,’05,’08 Ms. Rita Shapskinsky, P’11 Br. Edward Sheehy, S.J. Ms. Sally Shovlin, P’10 Ms. Maria Simone Ms. Boreta Singleton Dr. & Mrs. Peter Smith, P’10 M/M Thomas Smith, P’11 M/M David Smythe, P’11 The Somerset Patriots State Theatre of New Jersey STI Travel, USA M/M James Styles, P’05,’09 Mrs. Deirdre D. Sullivan, P’12 M/M Robert J. Sullivan, P’12 M/M Owen Sutton, Sr., P’12 M/M William J. Sweeney, P’04,’06,’09 M/M John Sylvester, P’08,’11 M/M George T. Taite, ‘73, P’11 Ms. Karen Temple Theatrical Davenport Thomas J. Owens, CPA Mr. Neal Thomas M/M Alexander Thomson, P’12 Tiro a Segno of New York Mr. Paolo Torello Viera Trader Joe’s
M/M Philip Tully, P’07,’11 M/M Thomas J. Tulp, P’10 M/M Harold Turner, P’12 Mr. Thomas R. Turner, ‘87 Mr. Michael Tusiani M/M Joseph M. Urbanovich, ‘65, P’00,’04 Utopia Salon & Day Spa Varrelmann’s Bake Shop M/M Angelo Vayas, P’04,’06 Velvet Salon Mr. Anthony Venditti & Ms. Paula Wiseman, P’12 Mr. Matt Von Klemperer M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ‘56 M/M Joseph Walsh, P’10 M/M Peter J. Walsh, Jr. M/M Ken D. Walter, ‘81, P’10,’12 M/M Ira Weinberg, P’07,’10 M/M Paul Werner, P’11 The Westin at Newport Jersey City William H. Sadlier, Inc. M/M Stuart Williams, P’12 Mr. Wing Wong & Ms. Xandra Lau, P’09 J. Winthrop & Company M/M Scott A. Wright, P’10 Ms. Anne Caldas & Mr. Mark K. Wyville, ‘76, P’11 M/M Alex Yu, P’09 M/M Leo J. Zatta, P ‘11 M/M Eric Zebrowski, P’10,’13 M/M. Albert J. Zolli, ‘80, P’06,’09 Zolnier Class Rings † Deceased
The Saint Peter’s Prep Alumni Board presents
Lifetime Achievement Awards Dinner and Ceremony Thursday, October 22, 2009 Mayfair Farms West Orange, New Jersey
John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03 Carl S. DeLorenzo, ’67 James C. Horan, ’70
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Walter B. Koszyk, ’60, P’92 Thomas J. Leane, ’65, P’04 Edward G. McNally
Accepting the Challenge Alumni, parents and friends raise their paddles at The 144 Grand Gala
by Ginny Needham-Doyle, P’07
What do you get when you combine members of the Prep community and a challenge? An overwhelming response! Throw in fabulous auction items, dinner and dancing, and you have The 144 Grand Gala. It would seem that the success of last year’s event might have been hard to beat, but committee co-chair couples Rosalie and Daniel Park, P’10, and Donna and James Rizzo, ‘77, P’10, accepted the challenge, rolled up their sleeves and set out to do just that. Throughout the year there were gift-gathering parties, table captain parties, committee meetings, and training sessions all with one goal in mind: create a truly enjoyable evening that would raise money for the Financial Assistance Program at Prep. The committee amassed an amazing array of gifts, trips, art and photography, sports memorabilia and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. The Silent Auction room was anything but silent as guests excitedly kept watch over their bids. Among the offerings in the Super Silent Auction was dinner at “21” with film legend Celeste Holm, who also attended the Gala.
The Live Auction was truly lively as friends and classmates tried to outbid each other for tickets to Springsteen, a luxury box at the new Yankee Stadium, a day with the New York Knicks, a cruise on the Nile, a trip to the Emerald Isle, or Dinner with the Jesuits, among others. At the conclusion of the Live Auction, Juan Cardenas, ‘05, thanked the attendees for supporting this event. A graduate of the Higher Achievement Program, Juan was the first recipient of The John E. Browning S.J., ‘46 Scholarship, which made his Prep education possible. Following his remarks, the guests once again responded to the challenge and raised their paddles to Fund-A-Scholar, including five who pledged full scholarships. At the end of the evening, after all the bids were tallied, the committee had great cause to celebrate—The 144 Grand Gala surpassed the previous year and raised over $240,000, enabling more young men to accept the challenge of a Prep education.
Clockwise from left:
Juan Cardenas, ‘05, spots the bidders with auctioneer Jeff Stokes, during Fund-a-Scholar; Cathy & Ed King, P’11 proudly display their Barack Obama autographed baseball. The Red Lions kept the dance floor filled, including Joyce & Tim Evans, P’10; PPA President Alex Yu, P’09 and John Sylvester, P’06,’10, congratulate Ralph Avallone, P’06,’09, on his victorious bid.
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Prep currently offers a comprehensive program in the sciences for students in all four years. Expanded and upgraded facilities for science education will ensure Prep’s tradition of providing students with a solid scientific foundation will continue for years to come.
Scientific Methods
by Michael J. Jiran, ’03 / Alumni Profiles by Matthew Scannapieco
Under Phase One of the master plan, new lab and lecture facilities are set to make Prep’s science programs stronger than ever. Over the years, Prep’s science curriculum has kept pace in a changing world, introducing generations of students to the technical and intellectual processes of scientific inquiry. Literally hundreds of Prep men have distinguished themselves in the sciences, from engineering to physics, from medicine to electronics. Seemingly endless academic and professional opportunities in the sciences await today’s students as they set out from Grand & Warren. Some, like the four rising sophomores who spent the summer working with Dr. Jose Lopez, director of the Center for Microplasma Science & Technology at Saint Peter’s College, are taking advantage of those opportunities even sooner. In view of Prep’s strong scientific tradition and aspirations for the future, the school’s 2006 strategic plan underscored the
need to provide science facilities and equipment that truly meet the needs of the talented students and faculty.
While the school has kept pace in computerization and general technology, there is a compelling and quantifiable need to improve and expand the current labs and science classrooms and their equipment, which are currently located on the third floor of Burke Hall and Hogan Hall.
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
With most students taking a third year of science after completing the minimum two, and an ever-expanding offering of Advanced Placement (AP) courses enticing many to take a fourth, the lab spaces now available are straining to keep pace. “Our current limitations include access to water and ventilation. Also, gas is available in only two labs, and partially in a third,” explained Rosemary Annetta, chair of Prep’s science department. “The department currently teaches at least 39 sections of science each day…that means that scheduling lab facilities to allow students extensive lab experience is difficult.”
FEATURE Phase One of the master plan for Prep’s campus addresses this issue head-on. Burke Hall is set to undergo an extensive floor-to-ceiling renovation, and emerge from the process as a dedicated home for science education. The new facilities will include six large laboratories and two additional science classrooms. Outdoor learning spaces planned for the roof will provide further opportunities for expansion. The installation of new skylights as well as new windows roughly twice the size of those currently in place, will greatly increase the amount of natural light available in the building. “This is very exciting for us,” Annetta said. “It will allow us to schedule labs and be able to incorporate more inquiry activities into the curriculum more often.” Several notable alumni in scientific professions are similarly enthusiastic about the opportunities Phase One will provide for science education. Read on to learn more about five of these alumni and their reactions to the planned science facilities.
Prep Man of Science LaWRENCE Babbio, ’62 Larry Babbio,’62 has enjoyed an illustrious career: He earned a B.E. in electrical engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from NYU, and then began his communications career in 1966 with New Jersey Bell Telephone. He later served as vice chairman, president and Chief Operating Officer of Bell Atlantic Corporation, sharing oversight of, and responsibility for, all of the corporation’s business operations. In the early 1960s, Babbio recalls, there were essentially two tracks open to Prep students. One was a Latin/Greek track, filled with language-learning, and the other was a science track. Babbio, who describes himself as more comfortable solving problems than learning languages, chose the science track, and the program proved beneficial, as he enjoyed a smooth transition to the scientific curriculum at Stevens. Reflecting upon the impact of the science program at Prep, Babbio remarked, “It’s important for a couple of reasons: the solutions-driven approach, the logic-driven approach…it's important to see how things really work. Through studying something, you can remember it for a period of time—but when you see something and do something you understand it and remember it much better. Seeing, watching, performing the experiment, all gives you a much better intellectual perspective on the process.”
Prep Man of Science SteveN Tomaszeski, ’68 Steve Tomaszeski,’68 went on to the Naval Academy after graduating from Prep, and was able to travel all over the world while in service of his country in the United States Navy, eventually earning the title of Oceanographer of the Navy. Tomaszeski admits that Prep prepared him for the Naval Academy in ways that were not so evident at first. “Having been in the Navy, we would get people that would come into the service when they were 17 or 18. [At the time] I never appreciated what the Prep was trying to do—take a 13 year old, and discipline the body, mind, and soul into what they felt was right in the Jesuit tradition. If you accept that fact and allow yourself to be educated, it does have a lasting impact on you. Values taught at Prep have lasted a lifetime. It is that something that keeps growing.” He was very pleased to hear of the upcoming Environmental Science elective this fall. “An understanding of the environment we live in is crucial,” he said. “It affects our quality of life.” Ever the oceanographer, Tomaszeski acknowledges the many secrets the seas still hold in store for scientists, and hopes that science will one day be able to unlock them.
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Prep Man of Science Donald Landry, ’72 After graduating from Prep, Don Landry, ’72 went on to major in chemistry at Lafayette College. He graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa—in just three years. He earned a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and a spot at Harvard, where he was accepted into a Nobel laureate’s research group while earning his Ph.D. Landry holds a dozen U.S. patents, and he created the first artificial enzyme to degrade cocaine. Not too long ago, Landry helped Prep with the construction of Chemistry/ Biology labs that were meant to provide a fixed location for the biology and chemistry AP courses. As a new round of upgrades to Prep’s science facilities approaches, he is enthusiastic about the prospects for an expanded curriculum. “[Prep] is poised on a fantastic reinvestment and reinvigoration of science,” he said. “Living in an ever-more technically reliant age, the need for scientific preparation has never been more pressing.” “The idea that someone can take four years of science at Prep and yet be able to touch on other areas that are of enormous current interest is a clear advantage,” he continued. “Beyond social conscience, areas such as environmental science are very likely to provide paths for employment and investigation that will only increase as we grapple with finite resources and constraints those resources place on our environment.”
Prep Man of Science anTHony Annunziato, ’68
Prep Man of Science jOHN dow, ’59
Tony Annunziato,’68 recently
Jack Dow, ’59 went on to do two
completed his 25th year as a professor of biology at Boston College. He received his Ph.D in Biology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, but despite the accolades he has earned and the research he has accomplished, his greatest thrill is still in the classroom, where he instructs and inspires his students on a day-today basis.
notable things at his college of choice, Notre Dame—he played football for the Fighting Irish and he majored in physics. He went on to get his Ph.D in physics at Princeton, but later found himself back in South Bend as the chair of the physics department.
When asked about his decision to major in biology, Annunziato said, “It was a couple of professors in my senior year [at Prep] with an individual tutorial, hands-on lab work that gave me the idea of being a scientist as a career….the teaching style and dedication was critical in bringing you to the place where, if you’re willing to follow the path laid out, you can begin to think like a scientist.” In relation to the science department updates, Annunziato was excited about the chances Prep students will have to learn science within the broader context of Jesuit education. “Places like Prep can make an important contribution by showing that [conflict between science and religion] is wrong. If both are true, they cannot conflict, they have to sit together. That is another place where the expansion of science education needs to occur— science is not taught in a vacuum; it’s taught in a religious context, a philosophical context. It’s enormously important for a society to be able to reconcile their scientific beliefs and religious beliefs.”
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Dow believes in both a strong math and strong English background in order to succeed in life: “If I were telling people what they should do, they should learn their math really well and their English really well, everything else follows… everybody has to become really proficient at it. It’s important for them to realize [that they need] to go out there and do something, and control it. It doesn’t matter what they do, so long as they control it.” Despite having attended schools such as Princeton and Notre Dame, Dow still looks at his years at Grand & Warren as the most impactful and most important ones of his life. Prep “did more for me than anywhere else. Saint Peter’s in those days gave a really good education, and I think it still does.”
Baseball The 2009 baseball program pulled off a rare accomplishment capturing the Hudson County Championship at the varsity, JV and freshman levels. Adding to the novelty of the feat, all three teams defeated Memorial and it marked the last HCIAA championship as a new scheduling format will be in place for 2010. The varsity win also completed Prep’s second “Triple Crown,” following the football and basketball county titles. Saint Peter’s is the only school in the county to ever achieve this, having done it in 2001 as well. The team started off slowly with an 8-7 record, but turned it around at the right time, winning nine out of their last ten games. That streak was bolstered by the steady pitching of junior Marc Hanna of Bloomfield who finished the season with a record of 8-1 including all three of the team’s playoff victories. For his performance, Marc received first team all county and third team all state recognition. Senior left fielder and co-captain, Matthew Kaczmar from Lyndhurst and junior Michael Yager from Kearny earned first team all county honors. It was the second year in a row on first team for Kaczmar who was also a second team all state pick. With sixteen players returning next season and the success of the JV and freshmen, expectations will be high for the baseball team.
ABOVE There’s no better way to end a season than by hoisting a championship trophy. LEFT Marc Hanna’s stellar pitching performance carried Prep through the playoffs.
This should have been the proverbial rebuilding year for Coach Don Guide and the Saint Peter’s
volleyball team. The graduation of multiple all stars whose experience had led the team to the state finals, meant a core of underclassmen with little playing time would be thrown right into the fire.
Alex Perez (#8), Adam Governale (#7) and Mike Blicharz (#15) celebrate with John Armstrong (center) after a winning spike.
A talented group of juniors including Michael Blicharz and Ken Walter of Bayonne, Alexander Perez of North Bergen, Adam Governale of Summit, John Armstrong of Chatham, Parker Kolodka of Verona and Alexander Cogott of Little Falls complemented senior captain Daniel Londono of Bloomfield to form a team that proved hustle and firepower could overcome inexperience. The young squad did well in league play, but their confidence was bolstered by championships in two elite tournaments. The team traveled to Providence, RI and outplayed several top-flight teams from the greater New England area. One week later, they topped Bayonne to capture the Livingston Tournament. After dropping the county final to Bayonne, Prep began the state playoffs as the #4 seed in the North bracket. Wins over state-ranked Bloomfield, Vernon, and Lakeland set up another showdown with the Bayonne Bees. The Marauders eliminated their county rivals, earning a third straight sectional title. A defeat at the hands of Southern Regional in the state championship concluded the team’s 30-13 season. Finishing the year with a Star Ledger ranking of #6 helped outside hitters Kenneth Walter and Parker Kolodka garner third team all state status while setter Michael Blicharz, defensive specialist Alexander Gogott and middle hitter John Armstrong took home first team all county honors. There will be no rebuilding or reloading next season as Coach Guide loses only one starter to graduation.
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Track Coaches often see the promising potential of a freshman,
but have to wait several years to see that promise come to fruition. For track coach Mike Burgess, there was no waiting when it came to the impact of freshman Najee Glass of Woodbridge. Glass established himself as not only one of the fastest on the team, but as one of the fastest in the state. At the prestigious Penn Relays in April, Glass anchored the 4x400 relay team, which included junior Corey Davis of Union, sophomore Savon Huggins of Jackson, and senior James Murduca of Jersey City. While winning a gold medal, the team set a school record of 3:22.9.
Burgess Inducted to Hall of Fame Longtime Prep track coach Michael Burgess was inducted into the Hudson County Track Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame this past spring. Burgess, who has amassed more than 100 championships at Saint Peter’s has coached all three track seasons for more than 20 years.
At the New Jersey Catholic Track Conference Championships, Glass – with a time of 48.53 – broke the New Jersey State record for freshmen in the 400 meter run. It was the second fastest time posted by a freshman in the United States last spring. In May, the Marauders placed two athletes in the same event at the Meet of Champions for the first time in school history. Glass and Huggins both qualified for the 400 while sophomore Sheldon Royster of Woodbridge qualified for the 100 and 200 meters. The 4x400 meter relay team qualified and then broke their month-old Prep record with a time of 3:21.47. The post-season accolades were plentiful and welldeserved for the Prep runners. Glass was a second team all state selection in the 400 meter run; Royster was a second team all state pick for the Non-Public Group and Huggins made third team all state for the Non-Public Group.
Coach Mike Burgess has proudly stated, “Najee Glass is the fastest sprinter I have ever coached at Saint Peter’s.
For a recap of Prep’s winter sports season, visit
Prep Basketball vs. Seton Hall: Credit Where Credit is Due… The Spring 2009 issue of Prep Magazine contained two references to Prep’s basketball team topping Seton Hall Prep for the first time in history last season. Several alumni, notably Anthony Balasso, ’56 and John Keating, ’52, have rightly pointed out that this was incorrect, citing several triumphs over “that other Prep” during the 1950s. Our apologies for the oversight, especially to Prep’s “hardwood heroes” of the past who contributed to those victories during what was truly a golden era for Prep basketball!
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Golf Senior David Moreira’s consistent play throughout the season earned him MVP honors.
Rugby As a sport at Saint Peter’s, rugby has grown from a club, to a team, to its current status as a full-fledged program. Rugby now has 65 players (many of whom have played for four years), a sub-varsity team and a Division Championship in a competitive league. The program has made great strides in a relatively short period of time with athletes who have never played the game before. This year’s 4-1 record – losing only to Xavier 14-12 – was due in large part to graduating stars, Matthew Bender, Neil Patel, Ra’John Raeford, Nicholas Suarez, Joseph Borsellino, Robert McFarland, Dylon Solt, Anthony Medina and David Moreira. This group was part of Prep’s first-ever sevens side entered in the largest sevens tournament in the United States – The New York Sevens Thanksgiving Tournament–where the Marauders beat the host team.
The rainy spring wreaked havoc on this year’s golf schedule. Numerous matches were cancelled because the courses were simply unplayable. Between storms, the team did manage to compete 12 times, going 7-5 with key victories over Scotch Plains and Northern Highlands. Stephen Gardner of Chatham – the lone senior on the squad – was consistently the strongest golfer and qualified for the Individual State Sectional Tournament.
Jonathan Kijne, a junior from Hoboken, was one of several underclassmen who gained valuable experience on the course this year.
Former Hockey Standout Picked in NHL Draft
Former Prep hockey star Kyle Palmieri had a life-long dream fulfilled when the Anaheim Ducks called his name with the 26th overall pick of the NHL draft. An incoming freshman at the University of Notre Dame, Palmieri had been playing in the U.S. Developmental Program where he won a gold medal at both the Four Nations Tournament in November and the Five Nations Tournament in February, scoring a hat trick in the championship game. U.S. Developmental Program coach Ron Rolston commented, “Kyle is a lot of fun to watch because he has vision along with a wicked shot. He very seldom passes up the opportunity to make the right play.” Saint Peter’s coach Joe Maione added, “I have never seen a young man more determined to reach his goals athletically; however, Kyle was always able to balance family, friends and school with his love of hockey.” Kyle Palmieri, pictured here during his last season at Prep, was the 26th overall pick in this year’s NHL draft.
Tennis The Marauders finished the season with a respectable 11-6 record. Four of the losses ended 3-2, meaning the team was literally a few bounces away from an outstanding spring. The highlights of the season were provided by freshman Aakash Shah of West Caldwell and the doubles team of juniors Matthew Mazzari of Montclair and Matthew Julian of Roseland. Shah lost only one match at second singles – a three-set, three-hour marathon. Mazzari and Julian also dropped only one county match and captured the Hudson County Tournament championship at first doubles. Mazzari and Julian received first team all county recognition for their efforts. Shah was a third team selection. The all county doubles team of Matthew Mazzari and Matthew Julian will look to defend their Hudson County Championship in 2010.
A “Glorious” Night for Prep Alumni Nearly 225 alumni came together for the second annual Pride & Glory Night on May 20. The guests represented a broad swath of Prep alumni from the 1940s all the way to 2007, showing once again that the bonds formed at Grand & Warren transcend time and distance. The evening began in Saint Peter’s Church with a Mass celebrated by Tony Azzarto, S.J., alumni chaplain, and continued with cocktails on the Warren Street Plaza and a traditional beefsteak dinner in the Prep cafeteria. During the evening, Prep President Bob Reiser, S.J. recognized the Cepheans, graduates of more than 50 years, and gave a warm welcome to the Class of 1959, who join the ranks of the Cepheans with their golden jubilee this year. After dinner, Chris Casazza, ’97, director of alumni relations and annual giving, presented the Pride & Glory Award to Joe Villanella, ’79. Modeled on the Spirit Award created in 1981 by then-principal John Browning, S.J., ‘46, the Pride & Glory Award is presented to an alumnus who models the ideals of Prep’s mission in service to the community and his alma mater. “When I walk through the halls of Saint Peter’s,” Joe said as he accepted the award, “I remember my time here and I feel a connection to all the men who came before me. Prep is a place that does not live in our head, but in our hearts.”
Left Former president Jim Keenan, S.J. joins Jim Feeney, ’78, Lou Castelli, ’66, P’01, Tom Liccardo, ’80, Peter Gargiulo, ’77 and Joe Liccardo, ’77, P’04,’07. Center Members of the Class of 1958 stand for a traditional round of Pride & Glory. Right Members of the Class of ’79, Mark DeMarco, Pete Vardakis, Joe Michalik, Jack Raslowsky, and Joe Vargas congratulate Joe Villanella after he receives the Pride & Glory Award.
Another “Par-fect” Day Like most of the month of June, Monday the 15th brought North Jersey gray skies with a steady rain and even a dash of hail to keep things interesting. Fortunately for Prep’s dauntless duffers, though, the weather at Spring Lake Golf Club was simply “par-fect” for the 32nd Annual Saint Peter’s Prep – DiFeo Auto Group Golf Tournament. Basking in abundant sunshine and moderate temperatures, the 168 players—comprising alumni, parents and friends of Prep—enjoyed a great day on the links. As always, the two shotgun sessions were followed by dinner and a relaxed awards ceremony. In the club’s freshly renovated clubhouse, Fr. Reiser kicked off the festivities by thanking Sam DiFeo and the DiFeo family for their ongoing support as the Tournament’s Lead Sponsor. The evening continued with Marcel Wagner, ’56 once again serving as MC, as the day’s winners were congratulated and raffle prizes were awarded. If there’s one thing better than a great day of golf, of course, it’s a great day of golf for a great ABOVE: The foursome of Greg Herenda, ’79, Gavin Cummings, cause. And once again, the Saint Peter’s Prep – ’84, David Viggiano, ’79 and Damian Halligan joined more than DiFeo Auto Group Golf Tournament delivered, 160 fellow golfers at Spring Lake. RIGHT: Prep’s golfers climb aboard their carts under clear skies raising nearly $79,000 in support of Prep’s general operating budget. as the afternoon shotgun session begins. 52
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
A Milestone Evening for Eight Prep Classes Saturday, May 9, was a night to remember, as nearly 300 alumni and guests came together to celebrate the Milestone Reunions of the classes of ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, and ’99. The evening began with Mass in Saint Peter’s Church, celebrated by Prep’s Alumni Chaplain, Tony Azzarto, S.J. Alumni then moved on to the gym, which had been transformed into a gala space for cocktails and dinner. This was the first year that all milestone reunions were celebrated on a single evening and the first time that gym had been used as an event space in more than three decades. “I think the last time the gym was used for something like this, was the mother’s club card party in the ’70s,” said John Mullin, S.J., guidance counselor and superior of Prep’s Jesuit Community, who was in attendance.“ Having all these people in the same space was amazing. All the classes coming together, getting to see students I worked with through the years, it was a great atmosphere.” Classes were challenged to bring the most alumni to the reunion and, despite a strong effort by the classes of ’99 and ‘79, the class of ’84, celebrating their 25th Reunion, came out on top with 50 attendees. Their class spirit was rewarded with complimentary “got JUG?” t-shirts.
Top Bill McKay, ’84, Don Howard, ’84, Joe Verdon, ’84 and Emerson Domingo, ’84 flank John Mullin, S.J. during the evening festivities. Below Mike Grannelli, Peter Serra, and Kevin O’Connor of the Class of ‘84 toast their 25th Reunion! Bottom Nearly 300 alumni and spouses came together in Prep’s gym to celebrate their 2009 Milestone Reunions.
Next year will see another first, as the Milestone Reunion for classes ending in “0” and “5” moves to Saturday, June 12, as part of a celebratory Alumni Weekend that also includes Pride & Glory Night on Friday, June 11 and the 33rd Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 14!
For additional photos of the evening’s event visit www.
PREP Magazine Fall 2009
The ’40s
charlie steele, ’48
The ’50s
Charlie Steele, ’48 (right) brings his years of courtroom experience to bear as co-coach of the debate team at Washington Jesuit Academy, a Nativity middle school in the nation’s capital. Here he poses with fellow coach T.J. Tondorf (left) and four student debaters during the Washington Urban Debate League championships in May.
Bob Bradley, ’47 was inducted into the inaugural class of the Athletic Hall of Fame at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, N.Y., where he taught and coached for 46 years.
Charlie Beirne, S.J., ’50, a visiting professor at Fordham’s graduate school of education, received an honorary doctorate from Le Moyne College in Syracuse in May. Carl Stetz, M.D., ’57 was recently recognized for five years of service to “Volunteers in Medicine,” a nonprofit offering care to patients with no insurance who do not qualify for public health coverage. In those years, Carl has seen over 1000 patients under the program. John Massaro, ’59 is now retired as a State University of New York Distinguished Teaching Professor.
The ’60s
John Maiorana, ’60 was elected Mid-Atlantic regional director of Mended Hearts, Inc., a national heart disease support group. Jim Donohue, M.D., ’61 received an Outstanding Clinician Award from the American Thoracic Society in May. During the ATS convention, he served for the fifth time as a “Master Clinician” panelist for a symposium on “Great Cases.”
Mike Masone, ’71 was sworn in as a member of the Bayonne Board of Education this May.
John Baldovin, S.J., ’65, Professor of Historical and Liturgical Theology at Boston College, was presented with the 2009 Catholic Book Award First Prize for his book, Reforming the Liturgy: A Response to the Critics.
Jose Pupo, ’76 was ordained a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Atlanta in February. He sends his thanks to his teachers at Prep, noting that “They planted the seeds in my early years and I am extremely grateful.”
Ken Feduniewicz, ’69 is the owner of Sea Hawk Studio, a freelance comic art firm. Before turning to freelance work 25 years ago, he made good on his Prep yearbook prediction (“Now off to Pratt and Stan Lee!”), graduating from Pratt Institute and then working at Marvel Comics. Rick Paternoster, D.D.S., ’69 is the proud dad of 2009 Prep grad Paul, who is now attending Saint Joseph’s University. He also reports that his daughter, Maura Rose Paternoster, was recently hired as a graphic designer for Victoria’s Secret in Manhattan.
The ’70s
Ralph Lamparello, ’70 was installed as secretary of the New Jersey State Bar Association during a ceremony in May.
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
The ’80s
Timothy O’Connell, ’82 reports that his oldest son, Christopher, will attend Dartmouth College this fall. Mike Downey, ’87 is working on his designation as a Chartered Financial Consultant. His wife, Lynn, is a diplomate of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and their sons Brian and Patrick (Prep classes of 2019 and 2021, respectively!) are thriving at Saint Catherine’s School in Cedar Grove. Americus Abesamis, ’89 is currently acting in Los Angeles, and has appeared in various films, TV shows and commercials. He also competed in the 2008 U.S. Sumo Nationals, and is currently the #3 ranked sumo wrestler in the U.S.
The ’90s
Andrew Dimeo, ’91, who recently earned a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, is a professor of biomedical design at North Carolina State University. In May, his students, along with their counterparts from the University of North Carolina, presented their prototype medical devices developed in conjunction with clinicians in the WakeMed hospital system.
Jeff Hughes, ’02 and collaborator Scott Ethier won the 2009 Richards Rodgers Award for Musical Theater, presented by the American Academy of Arts and Letters, for their biographical musical Rosa Parks. The award will fund a staged reading as part of the play’s development process. A veteran of several Prep Dramatics productions, Jeff is the author of several other plays, including Shore Points and In the Jersey City Moonlight.
Thomas Ferrari, ’91 was promoted to the rank of sergeant in the North Bergen Police Department. He was also recently hired as an adjunct professor at Bergen County Community College.
Wissam Ellameh, ’03 completed basic training at the U.S. Navy’s Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois, and is now stationed at Naval Weapons Station Charleston, in Goose Creek, South Carolina for technical training.
Mark Connolly, ’94 earned his doctorate in education from Seton Hall University during the 2008-09 academic year. A biology teacher for the past 11 years, as well as a HAP science teacher at Prep for the past 14, Mark focused his doctoral research on the integration of technology in schools.
William Villalobos, ’04 graduated from the George Washington University Elliot School of Public Affairs in 2008, and now works for the Department of Justice in Washington.
The ’00s
Edmund Caulfield, ’00 published a paper in the Seton Hall Legislative Journal, on “The Problem with Dual-Office Holding in New Jersey and Potential Recommendations for Further Reforms Post the 2007 DualOffice Holding Ban.” Brian Castelli, ’01, a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army, was deployed to Afghanistan during the first week of July.
Mike Lampariello, ’05 spent a semester in Rome during his fourth year in the Landscape Architecture program at Penn State University. Vin De Pinto ’05 graduated from Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA on May 9. The same day, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. In June, he reported to Quantico, Virginia for six months’ training at The Basic School. Joe Avallone, ’06 spent the Spring 2009 semester studying abroad at Florence University of the Arts in Italy. Paul Curmi, ’07 spent the summer in Ireland, studying at University College Dublin and interning at the Willis Group, an insurance firm.
Joe Vargas, ’79 and his company, MediaMix, usually work behind the scenes, producing topnotch video and audio for an impressive list of clients in the worlds of business, advertising and broadcasting. But this summer, Joe and his brand new production facility in Allendale, New Jersey, were ready for their close-up. Morning Glory, a Paramount Pictures comedy slated for release in 2010, descended upon MediaMix not for help editing the film but rather to shoot the first few scenes of the movie. The film, starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton and Jeff Goldblum, is set in the world of TV news. After scouting about 30 television studios in search of the perfect location for the shoot, the producers chose MediaMix. Not to be outdone by his gleaming new facility, Joe himself also managed to land a small role in the film, playing the director of an earlymorning news program.
Doug Freeman, ’08 completed his Eagle project – coordinating the cleanup and beautification of a parcel of land in North Caldwell – and was honored as an Eagle Scout during a ceremony in May.
BBQ NJ Style
Friends of Prep Legend Lou Parisi, ’44 gathered at the Deal, N.J., home of Vincent DeLorenzo, ’63 for a barbecue. Left to right Mike Ricci, Anthony Verdoni, ’60 (former Prep faculty member), Dennis Barrett, ’63, Lou Parisi, ’44, Joe Black, Vincent DeLorenzo, ’63, Joe Rice, ’63, Steve Secare, ’63 and Carl DeLorenzo, ’67 (current Prep faculty member). PREP Magazine Fall 2009
Msgr. Edward Wojtycha, ’30 John Woods, ’35 Brother of William Woods, ’37 Hugh Hanley, ’41 John McDonald, ’43 Robert Guth, ’44 Francis Boyle, ’46 James Craffey, ’47 Charles P. Daly, ’48 Fr. Edward Heavey, S.J., ’47 Donald Moriarty, ’48 William Scherzinger, ’48 Fr. Robert Halliwell, ’49 James Butler, ’50 Son of Vincent Butler, Sr., 1910 †; Brother of Vincent Butler, Jr., ’45 Dennis Coughlin, ’50 John Campbell, ’57 Lawrence Moser, ’57 Norman Woehrle, ’61 Father of Jacob Woehrle, ’99 Dennis Boyle, ’61 Henry Viti, ’62 John Lally, ’76 Brother of Daniel Lally, ’68, Joseph Lally, ’72 and Thomas Lally, ’73; Nephew of Joseph M. Lally, ‘40 †; Cousin of Gerald Lally, ’56 Timothy G. Quille, ’81 Patrick F. Kane, ’84 Brother of Edward Kane, ’79, James Kane, ’80 and Christopher Kane, ’87 Jonathan C. Epps, ’05
Vita Mutatur Non Tollitur (Life is changed, not ended) | WEDDINGS | BIRTHS | ADOPTIONS Frank Falchicchio, Sr. Grandfather of Frank Falchicchio, ’95, John Falchicchio, ’97 and Joe Falchicchio ’99 Juan Formoso Father of John Formoso, ’89 James A. Galdieri Father of James R. Galdieri, ’77 Christine Groesbeck Wife of Robert Groesbeck, ’57 Theresa Ruocco Mother of Frank Ruocco, ’57; Mother-in-law of Louis Rettino, ’59†
Former Faculty & Staff Fr. John J. Scully, S.J. Former faculty member (1951-1954, 1961-1968) and rector-president (1968-1973) Fr. Joseph Browne, S.J. Former principal (1961-1963)
Family of Faculty & Staff
Pam Collins Wife of retired Assistant Dean of Students James Collins Joseph Hansen Grandfather of Athletic Director Rich Hansen; Great-grandfather of Assistant Athletic Director Rich Hansen, ’03 and Daniel Hansen, ’09 John J. Irvine Father of Director of Admissions John Irvine,’83, and College Placement Assistant Janice Martineau;
Stepfather of Richard Drozd, ’67; Grandfather of John Irvine, ’12 † Deceased
Alumni Weddings
Bobby Wallace, ’98 and Jean Marie Savage, July 10, 2009 Assistant Dean of Students Dan Healy, ’01 and Lindsay Tracey, July 25, 2009 Principal Jim DeAngelo, ’85 and Emily Seelaus, August 8, 2009
History Teacher Anthony Verdi, ’95 and wife Lauren Son Andrew, December 9, 2008 Vito Cammarota, ’94 and wife Michelle Son Chase Nicholas, December 18, 2008 Enero Verano, ’93 and wife Anna Son Joaquin William, February 10, 2009 Brian Mulhern, ’95 and wife Shannon Daughter Cara Jean February 16, 2009 Matt Greeley, ’90 and wife Rebecca Son Emmet Gregory Brendan Mannion, ’94 and wife Mary Daughter Joan Fiona, March 8, 2009 Salvatore Chiaravalotti, ’93 and wife Erin Daughter Lillian Joy, May 21, 2009 Michael Valente, ’88 and wife Tracy Daughter Olivia Joe Facchini, ’99 and wife Kathleen Daughter Clare Carmela, July 4, 2009
Family of Alumni
Roseanne Andreula Mother of Jason Andreula, ‘91 Helen E. Black Grandmother of Greg Bellotti, ’88; Mother-in-Law of Prep Legend and former Athletic Director Gerry Bellotti Clair Burke Mother of John Burke, ’89 Deirdre Elizabeth Brower Edwards Daughter of Joseph Brower, ’69 Dominic de Tommaso Grandfather of Chris Romano, ’98 Joseph J. Del Monte Father of Joseph Del Monte, ’80 56
Fall 2009 PREP Magazine
Prep alumni were well represented at the wedding of Dan Healy, ’01 and Lindsay Tracey. Left to right Jim Wolowitz, ’75, Hank Hamilton, ’67,P’02, Nick Hamilton, ’02, Joe Hussey, ’08, Kevin McGrath, ’01, Assistant Dean (not to mention groom!) Dan Healy, ’01, Rich Hussey, ‘06, Joe Dacchille, ’01, Sean Healy, ’97 (who shared the best man duties with brother Brian), math teacher (and co-best man) Brian Healy, ’99, Pat Smith, ’01, German teacher Ryan Grusenski, ’03, Scott Cunningham, ’01, Principal Jim DeAngelo, ’85, and Prep’s president, (the only non-Prep alumnus pictured), Bob Reiser, S.J. To complete the maroon-tinged guest list, several other Prep faculty members were in attendance, including Alumni Chaplain Tony Azzarto, S.J., who presided at the wedding.
SAVE THE DATE Saturday, April 24, 2010
An evening you won’t want to miss —
The 144 Grand Gala!
2010 Co-chair couples Donna and Jimmy Rizzo, ‘77, P’10 Marianne and Bill Sweeney, P’04,’06,’09 Linda and Tom Tulp, P’10
Saturday, April 24, 2010 6:00 to 11:00 pm The Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
Enjoy an evening of live and silent auctions, cocktails, dinner and dancing to benefit the Financial Assistance Program at Saint Peter’s Prep. Bring your dancing shoes and enjoy the music of
The Rhythm Shop!
For more information on reservations and sponsorship opportunities, or to join The 144 Grand Gala Committee, contact Ginny Needham-Doyle at
“It’s All Relative”: Redux
As it turns out, the Hartnett clan has even stronger ties to Prep than we first realized (“It’s All Relative, Prep Magazine, Spring 2009). During this year’s Pride & Glory Night, Bernie Hartnett, ’47, told our staff he’d be remiss if he didn’t mention a few more relatives who have passed through Grand & Warren over the years. We thought we’d be remiss, too, if we didn’t pass their names along. They are Bernie’s uncle, the late Rev. Francis Sheridan, ’28; brother-in-law (and classmate) Bob Keller, ’47; brother, the late Jude Hartnett, ’58; and son-in-law, Rich Reid, ’71.
Saint Peter’s Preparatory School 144 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 07302
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No 172 Plainfield, NJ 07060
Make a note of it Legends of Prep IX Mayfair Farms, West Orange, New Jersey
Annual Fund Phonathon Siperstein Library
Parents’ Association Fashion Show & Luncheon Mayfair Farms, West Orange, New Jersey
Young Alumni JUG Night Prep Cafeteria
Prep Band Christmas Café Concert Prep Cafeteria
Parents’ Association Christmas Party Prep Cafeteria
Prep Dramatics Production
16-18 22 7:00 p.m. 11 & 12, 17 & 18 6:00 p.m. 22 11:00 a.m. 25 7:30 p.m. 6 2:00 p.m. 11 6:30 p.m. 8-10
Saint Peter’s College
Dramatics Homecoming Saint Peter’s College (after the play)
Family Communion Brunch (with speaker James Martin, S.J.)
28 10:30 a.m.
Prep Cafeteria, following Mass
Looking Ahead
16th Annual McGovern 3-on-3 tournament Prep Memorial Gymnasium
The 144 Grand Gala Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
Alumni Weekend
Prep Admissions Calendar Friday, October 9, 2009 COOP Exam registration deadline Friday, November 6, 2009 COOP Exam in Newark Archdiocese & Paterson Diocese Sunday, November 15, 2009 Application materials due at Prep Monday, November 30, 2009 Financial Aid application due Thursday, January 21, 2010 Admissions decisions mailed Sunday, January 31, 2010 Accepted Students’ Reception 2:00 – 4:00pm Saturday, February 6, 2010 Registration for the Class of 2014
April 17 8:00 a.m. April 24 6:00 p.m. June 11-14
Accepted Students’ Reception 2:00 – 4:00pm
50th Reunion Weekend, Class of 1959
Saturday, February 6, 2010 Registration for the Class of 2014