Stars are Time Machines (Working title only)

Why: Here, Downunder in Australia, Converse, the Chuck Taylor silhouette and the Chevron Star itself, were adopted by skateboarders almost as quickly as urethane wheels.
Converse is ubiquitous in Australian skateboarding print history. From early DIY zines to our most beloved mainstream publications, the unmistakable tread pattern, toe cap, or even just a tiny star, can be found somewhere amongst the cover or the contents.
What: Exhibition of iconic Australian skateboarding photos featuring Converse on the feet of riders from the 1970s until the 2020s. This wouldn’t be a comprehensive history, just key images from each decade until now. The amount of images would depend on scale of exhibition e.g. Fifty images including any Converse print advertisements published in Australian magazines during this period.
An accompanying zine featuring the content of exhibit would be printed and available at the exhibit and possibly distributed to skate shops that stocked Cons.
The following images are examples of possible content only.